#launchpad-reviews 2009-09-14 * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge || reviewing: - || queue: [] * danilos changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge || reviewing: - || queue: [danilo] <danilos> henninge, a lovely branch for you in the queue * henninge already loves it ... <danilos> henninge, still waiting for MP to hit LP though <danilos> henninge, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad/bug-408718/+merge/11682 <danilos> henninge, btw, I couldn't see what you said with /me, it seems it's a bug in xchat <henninge> not important <henninge> danilos: can you never see it? like here: * henninge thinks maybe its danilo and not xchat thats broken ... <danilos> henninge, exactly right there <adeuring> henninge: could you please review this mp: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/hwdb-submissions-with-udev-data/+merge/11683 ? <henninge> danilos: so is it a bug in my xchat or yours. <henninge> adeuring: sure, put it in the queue, please. <danilos> henninge, mine, it's probably a translations bug <adeuring> henninge: thanks! <henninge> I see * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge || reviewing: - || queue: [danilo, adeuring] <danilos> henninge, I've seen it before, a bad translation on messages with no c-format flag (or someone just cuts off %s) <henninge> mp page has a double title ... * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge || reviewing: danilo || queue: [adeuring] * intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: danilo || queue: [adeuring] <danilos> henninge, heh, no wonder it's a translations bug, just look at msgids: https://pastebin.canonical.com/22063/ <henninge> what in the world ... * danilos tests the non working version <danilo_> ok, it doesn't <henninge_> danilo_: doesn't what? <danilo_> henninge: don't worry, I am testing the bug in xchat-gnome; I'll move that to some other place, sorry :) <allenap> intellectronica: Fancy a pretty trivial ui conversion review? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/ui-convert-bugtarget-x-3.0-bug-427755/+merge/11685 <intellectronica> allenap: sure <intellectronica> allenap: which pages should i look at? <allenap> intellectronica: Doh, I forgot to put that in. Sorry. I'll add a comment and ping you back. <henninge_> danilo_: I do not see where the query is executed a second time after being aborted. Why return an empty result set? <danilos> henninge: I don't want to execute it a second time <danilos> henninge: as the cover letter explains, this is an optimization we can do without <danilos> henninge: if it fails, just do not do super-fast-imports but process that one pofile slowly <danilos> henninge: which brings up a good point: I should reset the statement_timeout to default after the query :) <henninge> danilos: I must be missing some understanding of how superfast imports work ... <danilos> henninge, you might, but it's quite simple <danilos> henninge, basically, what they do is: fetch the entire pofile into ExistingPOFileInDatabase... if an identical message is already imported, don't run updateTranslation on it, and just skip over it <danilos> henninge, by disabling them in this way, it will be much slower when it happens, because updateTranslation will be called on each of the messages; however, updateTranslation is able to cope with identical messages anyway, so no harm done <danilos> henninge, and, if this keeps happening once a month on every file, no big deal either <henninge> danilos: so the rows fetched by _fetchDBRows are used for the check of what's already there <danilos> henninge, if we have time, we can log the query plan later this week (so stub has something to look at when it happens again) <danilos> henninge, exactly <allenap> intellectronica: I've added a comment. In most cases there's not a lot to see, except to see that it's sane. <henninge> danilos: ok, got it. <danilos> henninge, in essence, this is avoiding what is most likely a PG bug (the query that caused DB disk space to be eated returned ~1500 rows) <danilos> s/eated/eaten <intellectronica> allenap: sure, i just want to load the page, really, since we've seen in previous conversions that stuff got broken which wasn't covered by tests <intellectronica> allenap: thanks for adding the info * intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: danilo, allenap || queue: [adeuring] * danilos changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: danilo, allenap || queue: [adeuring, danilo] <henninge> danilos: review sent. <henninge> danilos: forgot to sign it ... <danilos> henninge, about EmptyResultSet, note that this is SelectResults (from SQLObject emulation layer), so I went with the simplest thing possible (I don't know if there's EmptySelectResults emulation in Storm) <danilos> henninge, also, since this will set the statement_timeout to 5 minutes only for this run of the script (which should not be longer than 10 minutes), I won't touch that in order to keep the patch as simple as possible <henninge> danilos: I have used it lately, I think ... <danilos> henninge, with SQLObject code? <henninge> not sure ... <danilos> henninge, i.e. are you certain it has fetchall()? <henninge> danilos: no, I am not. <danilos> henninge, so, http://paste.ubuntu.com/270800/ <henninge> danilos: I see. Too bad. <henninge> danilos: leave it as it is, then. <danilos> henninge, well, the alternative is to port the query to Storm, but I ain't doing that to re-enable poimport :) <henninge> no! <henninge> just get that done quickly ... ;) <beuno> intellectronica, care to take an easy-peasy review from me? <intellectronica> beuno: sure, let me just finish allenap's first <beuno> sure * intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: danilo, allenap || queue: [adeuring, danilo, beuno] <beuno> intellectronica, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~beuno/launchpad/margin-tweaks/+merge/11689 <jtv> beuno, are you back already? Hope you enjoyed it! Just ran into your colon-lleno-de-galletitas translation while showing LP to a friend. <jtv> henninge, intellectronica: can I chuck a tiny little branch onto your queue? <beuno> jtv, I am, although I will be off again wed-fri :) <jtv> beuno: good for you! * jtv prepares to see "ui designer did not run from wed to sun" emails on the list <intellectronica> jtv: sure, add yourself to the queue. i'm just finishing allenap's and then there's a patchli from beuno and by then i'm sure one of us can pick up yours * jtv changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: danilo, allenap || queue: [adeuring, danilo, beuno, jtv] <jtv> intellectronica: thanks... patchli? I like that... been to Switzerland recently? <intellectronica> jtv: no, it's been too long. i miss the cheese <jtv> intellectronica: of the country's 3 main exports—clocks, cheese & banking—this is the only one with holes. <intellectronica> huh :) <intellectronica> allenap: r=me ui=me. let's take care of those two XXXs and please, give me back that sane human-readable formatting <allenap> intellectronica: Thanks :) * intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: danilo, beuno || queue: [adeuring, danilo, jtv] * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: adeuring, beuno || queue: [danilo, jtv] <intellectronica> beuno: r=me * intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: adeuring, jtv || queue: [danilo] <intellectronica> jtv: 429272 ? <beuno> intellectronica, thanks. Do you know how sending through EC2 works now that it's part of the tree? <intellectronica> beuno: i didn't even know it's part of the tree. i use the same command i've always been using <jtv> intellectronica: yup <beuno> will do the same then <jtv> wooowww... a cloud just started falling down here <jtv> diagonally <intellectronica> jtv: can you give me some sample URLs to look at? <jtv> intellectronica: whoops yes, of course. Try 1) https://translations.launchpad.{dev,net}/+imports <jtv> 2) /~intellectronica/+imports <jtv> 3) uh... <jtv> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/colon-full-of-cookie/trunk/+pots/colon-full-of-cookie/de/+filter?person=barry <jtv> vs local example: <jtv> https://translations.launchpad.dev/alsa-utils/trunk/+pots/alsa-utils/es/+filter?person=carlos <danilos> intellectronica, thanks for skipping on my review request :( <intellectronica> omg, i never saw this project before, bizarre <intellectronica> danilos: you requested a review from me? <danilos> intellectronica, not from you, I've put it in the queue <danilos> intellectronica, for either of the two OCRs to pick it up (if it was only one person, I'd probably ping you, but with two?) <intellectronica> danilos: sorry, allenap, beuno and jtv personally asked me for a review and i took on their reviews in the order i promised them <intellectronica> danilos: in the future i recommend pinging as many people as you can. try to sound desperate and blonde. it helps <danilos> intellectronica, ok, I'll make a note to self to be much more "aggressive" in the future <intellectronica> but i'll also follow the queue more closely <danilos> intellectronica, thank you <henninge> adeuring: do you care to quickly explain to me where the files in your branch are used? I have no clue about what hwdb about. <henninge> I may have a guess, but ... <adeuring> henninge: the schema is used in l/c/l/scripts/hwdbsubmissions.py <henninge> adeuring: what does it do? <adeuring> henninge: it is used to ensure that data submitted by the HWDB client has "sane" data <adeuring> henninge: so that the processing script can make some aussptions that some data exists <henninge> adeuring: got your headset ready? <henninge> ;-) <adeuring> henninge: yes <intellectronica> jtv: r=me ui=me good stuff <jtv> intellectronica: thx * intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: adeuring, danilo || queue: [] <intellectronica> jtv: i wonder how we can discover more pages like this. the test suite is unlikely to help, because it tests for the presence of the first title, not the absence of the second <jtv> intellectronica: we could have an automatic pagetest for double/omitted h1s I guess <intellectronica> danilos: 428440 ? <intellectronica> yeah, maybe that's something we should. there will be more pages like this <danilos> intellectronica, yep <intellectronica> let's talk to barry when he gets in <intellectronica> danilos: please add a comment between the condition and the then-clause of the if statement to distinguish them <danilos> intellectronica, sure <intellectronica> danilos: the indentation on line 27/28 is a bit off <stub> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stub/launchpad/kill-harder/+merge/11517 <intellectronica> danilos: other than that it's all nice and good and r=me * intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: adeuring, - || queue: [] <danilos> intellectronica, I don't see the problem with the indentation, what do you mean? (this is the default emacs python-mode does, and I never had complaints about it) <danilos> intellectronica, thanks for the review! <intellectronica> danilos: can't you see the the selves don't align? <danilos> intellectronica, they do for me (both on MP page and in my editor) <intellectronica> danilos: best is if you break immediately after the parenthesis <intellectronica> danilos: really?! <danilos> intellectronica, yeah <intellectronica> danilos: wow, looking with a text editor it indeed looks fine, but not in the mp. strange <intellectronica> maybe a chromium-related bug or something <danilos> intellectronica, perhaps some font issue then? <intellectronica> stub: so, is that a branch you want reviewed, or you were just testing your keyboard? <stub> That is a branch I'd like reviewed <intellectronica> danilos: yeah, but still, it's fixed-width, what could possibly go wrong * intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: adeuring, stub || queue: [] <danilos> intellectronica, I've seen "fixed-width" fonts which aren't really (a slight mistake in metrics, and...) * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: -, stub || queue: [] <henninge> intellectronica: wow, you are quick ... ;-) <intellectronica> yeah, looks just fine in FF too <intellectronica> henninge: yeah, the trick is to only accept very small patches <intellectronica> stub: in line 117 it will be easier to read if you don't rely on coercion of the empty list to false and instead check for length <intellectronica> stub: what's the deal with the unspecified slice? is that your way of saying you want to clone the list so that you can modify it while iterating over the existing copy? <stub> yes - copy to be explicit I'm not modifying the source list. * stub fixes line 117 <intellectronica> stub: cool. r=me <stub> ta :-) * stub adds a comment that pids is getting mutated. * henninge lunches <adeuring> henninge: could you do a follow-up review of my previous MP: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/hwdb-submissions-with-udev-data-2/+merge/11691 ? <henninge> yes, put it in the queue, I have something else to finish first. * intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: -, - || queue: [] <henninge> intellectronica: do you know of any random behavior of extract_text when used in a doc test (as opposed to pagetest)? <henninge> intellectronica: Ursinha observed that <intellectronica> no, what's the random behaviour? <intellectronica> and what's the input? <henninge> Ursinha: ^ * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: -, stub || queue: [adeuring] <henninge> intellectronica: oh no, sorry. that is a pagetest <henninge> intellectronica: http://paste.ubuntu.com/270891/ <henninge> Ursinha: how does it fail? * sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: -, stub || queue: [adeuring, sinzui, sinzui] <henninge> intellectronica: She said she needed lines 11 to 19 to get it to work. <henninge> intellectronica: but i just tried it without those lines and it works just fine. <intellectronica> what's the point of that complicated setup? can you not simply import extract_text? <intellectronica> heh, i should have asked about a million dollar <intellectronica> so what is it that doesn't work? <henninge> Ursinha: how did you come to know about this setup anyway? I didn't even know that was needed. <henninge> intellectronica: She seems to be no responding atm. <henninge> not * intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: -, - || queue: [adeuring, sinzui, sinzui] * intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: -, sinzui || queue: [adeuring, sinzui] * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: adeuring, sinzui || queue: [sinzui] <Ursinha> henninge, bad connection, sorry <Ursinha> I said, I saw that in page-helpers.txt * Ursinha checks the name of the file <Ursinha> henninge, actually that file didn't tell me to do that, but I tried to use it without importing stuff and it didn't work, so I looked in that file to see where did it come from <henninge> Ursinha: but extract_text is used all over Launchpad page tests so it should work. <henninge> Ursinha: how did it fail exactly? <bac> hey barry would you have time to do a 2nd UI review on some mailling list pages? i've got pretty screenshots! <Ursinha> henninge, it said it couldn't find it <henninge> Ursinha: have you tried it again, just now? <Ursinha> henninge, running this moment <henninge> Ursinha: without the setup? <Ursinha> henninge, yes <Ursinha> henninge, and about the random behaviour, wasn <barry> bac: i would! my stack is a bit deep right now, but i'm starting to pop items. sign me up <Ursinha> wasn't'just with extract_text, but in simple output text, as I mentioned that happened with whitespaces it wanted me to put <Ursinha> henninge, now it ran without errors <bac> barry: i'll look around. maybe post-vacation, wonderfully refreshed beuno has a spare moment for a UI review. if not i'll hound you later. <henninge> Ursinha: ok, I'd say that was some confusion. <henninge> Ursinha: are you aware why it is better to use extract_text? <Ursinha> henninge, I don't think so <beuno> bac, I can take it! <henninge> henninge: First: If some-one decides in the future to put a link on one word in the test, you'd have to add extra ... for the test to pass. <henninge> with extract text, extra html is just filtered out. <henninge> Ursinha: ^ <bac> beuno: intellectronica has already done a first UI review, so you're just mentoring: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-421986-team-list-pages/+merge/11672 <Ursinha> henninge, right <Ursinha> indeed <henninge> Ursinha: Second: If the test fails it outputs *all* text that is saw instead. <Ursinha> hmm <henninge> Ursinha: with html this can be *a lot* of text. <henninge> that makes reading the failure output of the text very, very hard. <henninge> I had that once ... <henninge> Ursinha: but with extract_text that html will get filtered out, too. * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: adeuring, sinzui || queue: [sinzui] <intellectronica> sinzui: i find the quoted "codename" in a column header a bit funny <sinzui> intellectronica: it is consistent <intellectronica> sinzui: really? where else does it appear? <intellectronica> beuno: what do you think of it? <Ursinha> henninge, http://paste.ubuntu.com/270911/ <sinzui> We show the "codename" in quotes on several pages, series +index, +series, <henninge> Ursinha: wonderful! <Ursinha> henninge, :) <henninge> Ursinha: saves me some typing I was just doing ... ;-) <henninge> Ursinha: r=me <beuno> intellectronica, I'm not crazy about it, although it is consistent, and I can't think of a much better way of doing it off the bat <Ursinha> henninge, many thanks <intellectronica> sinzui: i'd say we can remove the quotes, or just call the thing 'Version name'. i'm curious to hear what beuno and other people think about this <intellectronica> when i saw it, i thought the version is called 'codename', and it made it hard to understand what's going on. if it wasn't quoted it would have been better <beuno> intellectronica, is there a screenshot to look at? <intellectronica> these quotes are a literary device indicating irony, or other cases where the obvious meaning is not the correct parsing. i don't think it should be used in user interface much <intellectronica> beuno: let me prepare one for you <abentley> sinzui: It would be nice not to show the quotes when there's no codename. <intellectronica> beuno: https://devpad.canonical.com/~tom/version-codename-screenshot.png <adeuring> henninge: I'll leave quite soon -- if you have questions about my branch, can you ask them via mail? <sinzui> beuno: https://edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/3.1 <beuno> I don't feel the quotes are needed in the column header <sinzui> ^ abentley I do not see quotes being used <intellectronica> sinzui: in https://launchpad.dev/firefox/trunk/+milestones the table is screwed. there's one th missing, it seems <henninge> adeuring: I will, np. * sinzui looks <abentley> sinzui: Neither do I. Perhaps that's been fixed. <sinzui> abentley: the phantom quotes that appeared a few months ago was an ajax issue <intellectronica> sinzui: other than that ui=me <intellectronica> sinzui: and r=me as well <sinzui> I see the series column is missing. <beuno> bac, ball is in your court <bac> beuno: thanks! * bac looks <Ursinha> henninge, the test suite run caused my notebook to freeze again <henninge> Ursinha: wow <henninge> Ursinha: Really the full suite or just this one page test? <Ursinha> henninge, it happens about 50% times I run it <Ursinha> henninge, I did bin/test -vvt lp.translations.* <henninge> Ursinha: interesting ... <henninge> Ursinha: what about running it in EC2? <Ursinha> henninge, that's ok, I just do that before submitting <henninge> Ursinha: ? <Ursinha> I mean, I run the translations tests <henninge> Ursinha: That must be a more general problem, though ... * danilos changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: adeuring, sinzui || queue: [sinzui, danilo] <Ursinha> henninge, I think so, will try to do more research on it later <henninge> Ursinha: yeah, run it through ec2test for now ... <danilos> henninge, intellectronica, abentley: another branch in the queue, when you feel like it, I'd be more than happy to have it reviewed :) * bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: adeuring, sinzui || queue: [sinzui, danilo, bigjools (1 line change!)] <abentley> intellectronica: Which sinzui are you reviewing? <Ursinha> henninge, yeah... the freezing tests aren't stopping me to land my branch, I just wanted to report <intellectronica> abentley: the one i claimed :) * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: adeuring, sinzui, sinzui || queue: [danilo, bigjools (1 line change!)] <abentley> sinzui: In lib/lp/registry/templates/product-distros.pt, you have "distrribution-series" instead of "distribution-series". <sinzui> yuck <barry> henninge, intellectronica, abentley do any of you have time for a 178 line review? <abentley> barry: Sure. * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: adeuring, sinzui, sinzui || queue: [danilo, bigjools (1 line change!), barry] <barry> abentley: awesome, thanks. will mp it now * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: adeuring, sinzui, bigjools || queue: [danilo, barry] * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: adeuring, sinzui, danilo || queue: [barry] <henninge> bigjools: now you even got two reviews for one line ;-) * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: sinzui, danilo || queue: [barry] <bigjools> henninge: I feel lucky <intellectronica> sinzui, beuno: so, any decision on the "codename"? <sinzui> I believe we remove quotes, we never show it is quotes <sinzui> s/is/in/ <intellectronica> sinzui: i'm not sure i understand. you're going to remove the quotes from the column header? * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: sinzui, - || queue: [barry] <sinzui> I am removing it form the column header <sinzui> beuno: I don't feel the quotes are needed in the column header <sinzui> ^ beuno has spoken <sinzui> sorry, that quote does not look like a quote, but it is a quote <barry> abentley: mp sent <abentley> barry: Did you specify me as a reviewer? <barry> abentley: i did <abentley> barry: Okay, I'll review it when I get the email. <barry> abentley: thanks. it should be easy <bac> beuno: re: your question about breadcrumbs... the url https://launchpad.dev/~testing-spanish-team/+invitation/hwdb-team only has as single breadcrumb for the testing-spanish-team. the rest of the traversal does not generate any. if the breadcrumb list only has one element they are not displayed. * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: sinzui, barry || queue: [] <bac> beuno: so that's the explanation of the current behavior. what do you think the breadcrumb for that URL should be? <beuno> bac, good question <beuno> I'm in a call, waiting to go into another call <beuno> so I'd say land it for now :) <bac> ok, i'll answer in the MP. we can revisit as necessary. <abentley> barry: You know that you can run lint anytime, right? <barry> abentley: i always remember that after bzr send tells me there are lint problems ;) <abentley> barry: Ah, okay. <barry> abentley: if we didn't have so many fp's i'd say bzr send should barf if there are lint problems <abentley> barry: I know the feeling. Does your comment somewhat mean "I wish lint showed up earlier in the email"? <bac> beuno: when you get a chance, please update your vote on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-421986-team-list-pages/+merge/11672 <sinzui> barry: when you landed you title branch, did you write tests that verified titles like `+series : Mozilla Firefox`? <beuno> bac, sure. As soon as I get DNS back <barry> abentley: that would partly help because i wouldn't spend so much time writing the cover letter if i know i had lint to pick. maybe also it could print the lint problems and then ask to continue or abort? <barry> sinzui: there are a billion tests for that. every story prints browser.title. <abentley> barry: We could do that on the commandline, sure. I think we'd have to display the lint, so folks would know if it was fp's. <sinzui> barry: okay, I will not let this block me form landing branches <barry> sinzui: fixing all those is what took so damn long for that branch <barry> abentley: +1 * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: sinzui, - || queue: [] * bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: sinzui, - || queue: [bigjools] <bigjools> got a complicated-ish one when LP sees my MP mail, I'll be around to guide you through it whoever can look at it <barry> abentley: thanks! <abentley> barry: np * sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: sinzui, - || queue: [bigjools, sinzui] <intellectronica> abentley: if it's ok with you i'm going off call. it's getting late and i still want to do some hacking this evening <intellectronica> i'll take that to be the good old silent affirmative * intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: abentley || reviewing: sinzui, - || queue: [bigjools, sinzui] <cprov> abentley: would you have time for another review ? <abentley> cprov: I expect so. <cprov> abentley: okay, thanks -> https://code.launchpad.net/~cprov/launchpad/bug-417159-build-ui-tweaks/+merge/11703 * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: abentley || reviewing: - || queue: [bigjools, sinzui] * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: abentley || reviewing: - || queue: [bigjools, sinzui, cprov] * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: abentley || reviewing: bigjools || queue: [sinzui, cprov] <abentley> bigjools: Could you please document the parameters of newBinaryPublication and newSourcePublication? <bigjools> abentley: yep <bigjools> I have to run out for a bit, I'll be back in an hour <abentley> bigjools: Why does newBinaryPublication ignore the status parameter? <abentley> bigjools: (newSourcePublication too) <cprov> abentley: ignoring the status seems to be the right thing to do, publishing records should always be created as PENDING. 'status' shouldn't be an argument. <abentley> cprov: That sounds fine to me. <cprov> abentley: callsites that need a different status should update the record explicitly (only needed by tests, IIRC) <abentley> cprov: It looks like you're duplicating the functionality of canonical.launchpad.scripts.tests.run_script. If possible, use run_script instead. <cprov> abentley: I've not checked the diff, but yes, run_script() should be used instead of local subprocess call. <abentley> cprov: I meant bigjools. <abentley> bigjools: It looks like you're duplicating the functionality of canonical.launchpad.scripts.tests.run_script. If possible, use run_script instead. <cprov> abentley: no worries, it wasn't an offense ;) * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: abentley || reviewing: sinzui || queue: [cprov] * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: abentley || reviewing: cprov || queue: [] * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: abentley || reviewing: - || queue: [] <abentley> cprov: I've approved the code. Whether you think it needs UI review is up to you. <cprov> abentley: thank you. <cprov> abentley: I will go with ui=rs, probably, unless beuno has time ... * sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: abentley || reviewing: - || queue: [sinzui] <sinzui> beuno: I need a UI review as well as a code review for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/source-package-ui/+merge/11718 <beuno> sinzui, sure <beuno> no h1? <sinzui> hmm <beuno> in general, it's nice <sinzui> your right. there is no onw <beuno> what is alsa-utils-blah? <beuno> binary? diff? <beuno> deb? * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: abentley || reviewing: sinzui || queue: [] <sinzui> OMG <sinzui> beuno: the <h1> would be: alsa-utils <beuno> also, empty relationships are kinda sucky <beuno> Urgency: Low Urgency <beuno> can we drop the extra urgency? <beuno> branch, can we have a bzr icon for "trunk"? <sinzui> beuno: I really do not know the answers to these questions. No one on my teams knows sourcepackages. And we have no time to do real design <beuno> ok, I'll just throw it out there <beuno> you do whatever you can :) <beuno> edit icon next to the project instead of "change upstream link"? <sinzui> beuno: That would be an error <sinzui> beuno: Having looked at the link, I think you mean Branch, which is actually a productseries <beuno> sinzui, yes <beuno> sinzui, ui=me is yours <beuno> I'll take whatever you manage to change <sinzui> beuno: I don't think I can drop the redundant Urgency, it is in the Enum <beuno> sinzui, I suspected as much <sinzui> beuno: Should I really put a bzr icon next to a product series...maybe I should change the label to say series <abentley> sinzui: "The HTML page title" seems ambiguous to me. It could be an HTML fragment which is a page title, or it could be the text to use in the HTML title element. <sinzui> abentley: yes, it is now ambiguous since barry's branch <sinzui> abentley: it is still required though. (I reported a bu) <sinzui> g <abentley> sinzui: No, I mean that the docstring is ambiguous. <sinzui> abentley: oh yes, that was true when I started the branch <beuno> sinzui, change the label <sinzui> abentley: It was designed to be <title> <sinzui> beuno: NO the page will fail. barry did not remove the page_title requirement <abentley> sinzui: All the instances of that docstring are in code that you added. <barry> that is a bug <sinzui> abentley: I'll remove them <barry> i may get to fixing that today, but we'll see <abentley> sinzui: Okay. <sinzui> abentley: I am making them simple attrs <sinzui> page_title = 'Upstream links' <sinzui> which I hope will become the breadcrumb when salgado gets his branch finished <abentley> sinzui: Makes sense. I did wonder why they were properties. <sinzui> They use to put the object's displayname in them but that disappears yetsterday <sinzui> beuno: story I was not saying no to your suggestion to change the label. I am bad at juggling conversations. I changed Branch => Series * danilos changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: abentley || reviewing: sinzui || queue: [danilo] <danilos> abentley, another UI branch up if you've got time * sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: abentley || reviewing: || queue: [danilo] <abentley> danilo: sure. * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: abentley || reviewing: danilo || queue: [] <abentley> danilo: Where? <danilos> abentley, waiting for MP to show up <abentley> danilos: Okay <danilos> abentley, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad/bug-429414/+merge/11729 <danilos> abentley, apparently, my last branch got some test breakages (my local copy didn't have the latest code by barry when I did a full test), so this one fixes a few of the failing tests from that branch as well <danilos> abentley, mostly page titles <abentley> danilos: Cool. <abentley> danilos: r=me <danilos> abentley, thanks <abentley> danilos: np <barry> sinzui, beuno wanna take a quick look at the new ~team/+invitations page? <sinzui> barry: sure <barry> sinzui: http://people.canonical.com/~barry/invite.png and http://people.canonical.com/~barry/noinvites.png <sinzui> barry: what do you think about the edit icon in the last column <barry> sinzui: i don't like it much. that's the way the page currently is, and i couldn't think of anything brilliant to put there. have any ideas? <sinzui> no <barry> yeah. that's why i left it that way ;) <sinzui> I presume the edit is the accept/decline edit page <barry> yep * sinzui looks for bugs users may have reported <sinzui> barry: our 15 minutes are up, and no user has reported an issue about it. The page fine <barry> sinzui: fab, thanks * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: abentley || reviewing: -|| queue: [] <bac> beuno: since we can ui=rs for mechanical changes can we also seek a single UI review from a non-beuno if we want a second pair of eyes? the full mentored UI review is a killer for simple changes. * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: -|| queue: [] <bac> sinzui: would you have time to do a code review on my branch? <sinzui> I do <bac> cool. i'll add you to the MP <Ursinha> hi sinzui <sinzui> Hi Ursinha <Ursinha> (wrong channel :) <bac> sinzui: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-429455-team-pages/+merge/11739 <bac> hi Ursinha <Ursinha> hi bac <bac> sinzui: i'm going to step out for a bit and will answer when i return. <bac> sinzui: thanks for the comments #launchpad-reviews 2009-09-15 <barry> bac: hi, you're on call tomorrow? <bac> barry: indeed i am <mwhudson> thumper: want to look at another simple ec2test branch? <stub> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stub/launchpad/pending-db-changes/+merge/11756 , one line change. Diff at https://pastebin.canonical.com/22095/ <mwhudson> stub: why is the diff in the merge proposal so bogus? <stub> mwhudson: Cause I targetted the wrong branch. Redoing the proposal now. <mwhudson> stub: ah ok <stub> mwhudson: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stub/launchpad/pending-db-changes/+merge/11757 should be better :) <mwhudson> stub: approved <stub> mwhudson: Ta. Some magic ec2test incantation you want me to use to submit it? <mwhudson> stub: yeah, tell me your aws id? <mwhudson> stub: and grab bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/launchpad/cache-the-download-cache <mwhudson> stub: by "aws id" i mean the 12 digit numeric one <stub> Merge it in or do I need a seperate branch? <mwhudson> stub: separate would be best <stub> 3409-8351-9589 <stub> Got that branch * mwhudson slaps elastifox around a bit <mwhudson> stub: ok, can you run ../cache-the-download-cache/utilities/ec2test.py --headless -s ... (or whatever options you usually use) in your branches dir? <mwhudson> stub: it should say "Using machine image version 16" <stub> Yup. Its booting the image now. <mwhudson> cool <mwhudson> if you're running --headless it should let go much quicker <stub> ../cache-the-download-cache/utilities/ec2test.py --headless --email=stuart.bishop@canonical.com --ignore-download-cache-changes -b launchpad=db-devel -s '[r=mwhudson][ui=none][bug=429306] replication_lag() returns an interval, not an integer' <mwhudson> let me know if it falls over in a heap :) <mwhudson> hm <mwhudson> stub: did you see my questions? <mwhudson> let me know if it falls over in a heap :) <mwhudson> stub: has it detached yet? <mwhudson> stub: er, your change just got merged into db-devel <mwhudson> stub: did you have an ec2test already running against you pending-db-changes branch? <stub> num <stub> nup <stub> didn't see <stub> it has detached now <stub> db-devel was the target. No I didn't have another ec2test run. <stub> Ahh... the merge was my fault. <stub> I'd sent off an earlier revision of that branch to pqm, and it took forever to land. <stub> So the tests are still running <mwhudson> stub: cool thanks <sinzui> I believe I have fix for the failing tests. <mwhudson> oh god there are still failures :( <mwhudson> sinzui: want me to review the fix? <sinzui> mwhudson: once I confirm it <sinzui> mwhudson: The problems are intermingled in my own branch that I was testing <mwhudson> sinzui: cool, i'm not going anywhere for a while... <sinzui> I toppled a view, but most of the errors are the one I understood danilo-afk was fixing <sinzui> mwhudson: Can you take a look at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/271344/ <mwhudson> sinzui: i'm happy to rs=me that <mwhudson> sinzui: i don't really know all the details, but i trust you do :) <sinzui> mwhudson: if I submit with a preemptive testfix, will it be picked up automatically now? <mwhudson> sinzui: yes <noodles775> gmb: will you have time to look at a pretty straight-forward 400 line code review? <gmb> noodles775: I'll take a look, sure. <noodles775> gmb: thanks, the MP should arrive in a few seconds. <noodles775> gmb: here 'tis: https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/429263-no-value-option/+merge/11768 <gmb> noodles775: Awesome, thanks. Will look in a sec. <gmb> Ah, good old Zope. PEP 8 was something that happened to other people, wasn't it? <noodles775> lol <gmb> noodles775: r=me; looks good. <noodles775> gmb: great, thanks! <jtv> hey stub! interested in reviewing a not-trivial-but-not-widespread fix for a problem that just popped up in the translations auto-approver? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/bug-429811 <stub> jtv: IMasterStore(POTemplate) is a better spelling - it should be rare to need the IStoreSelector now. <stub> (line 73) <jtv> stub: ah yes, thanks, I'd forgotten about that <stub> jtv: You sure you want to start spitting warnings if you have more than 2 results? Perhaps you forgot a [:2] to the query, limiting it to a maximum of two rows returned. <jtv> stub: yes, I think I'm sure. Unfortunately there is still a case where you can validly have more results, and while I _could_ fold that in by sorting on a boolean, I don't think it's worth the complexity. <stub> Your better off spitting out your warning explicitly in that case, rather than the 'bad programmer' errors hopefully emitted by shortlist. <stub> I see we already cope sometimes, in that we proceed if there is only one preferred match, no matter now many results returned. <jtv> right, and that's worth a warning. This way I'm sure all the problem cases emit some kind of warning. <jtv> Ahh wait, it's coming back to me now. <stub> Just IIRC shortlist uses Python warn, rather than a nice log message <jtv> A double match should be a rare occurrence, and is worth a warning. A more-than-double match is downright "weird" and if the numbers get too big, mean that my approach may need the kind of query limit that you suggest, and in that case there'll be a shortlist warning. <stub> So do shortlist(100) or something, and 'if len(foo) > 2: log.warn('Weird number of matches %d') <jtv> How would that help? <stub> You won't need some sort of test ensuring the Python warning framework warning is actually emitted correctly by your script in this case. <stub> The shortlist warning is more a backup. <stub> Its to catch developer errors, where the developer assumed the length is bounded to a sane number of results but it isn't really. <jtv> Well if the shortlist warning doesn't get through, we'll still start seeing more and more of these warnings you see here. <jtv> The shortlist warning would be an additional reminder that if there's been a big shift in what kind of numbers we expect here, it may be worth updating the code. <stub> Sure. So the shortlist warning is redundant. You know this case can happen, and you handle it, so why emit noise if it does happen <jtv> I think that's appropriate. <jtv> How about I just jack up the expected size on the shortlist? <stub> I don't. It is to catch developer errors. It spits out a warning to untested channels, possibly at an arbitrary point in the output stream. <stub> Sure. <stub> Everything else I didn't mention looks good :) <jtv> Thanks. Now about the store selector... Is there no IDefaultStore? <stub> IStore(POWhatever) <stub> That gives you the default store. <jtv> great * jtv runs tests <jtv> tests pass <jtv> no lint <jtv> stub: for the shortlist I just removed the explicit expected-size argument, so the code really just says "this shouldn't be a long list, and if it is, consider re-balancing the code." <jtv> That okay with you? <stub> Sounds good. <jtv> Thanks. And how's the coffee? :) <stub> Great :-) <stub> Maybe John won't get his delivery ;) <jtv> lol <jtv> Robin has a grinder, so I've been enjoying it myself * cprov changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: -|| queue: [cprov] <bac> gmb are you on call today? <bac> i'll be on in 15 minutes. * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call bac: - || reviewing: -|| queue: [cprov] <bac> hi cprov <cprov> bac: hi there <bac> cprov: is this the one you've queued up? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cprov/launchpad/bug-421364-build-publishing-status/+merge/11751 <cprov> bac: yes, that's it * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call bac: - || reviewing: -cprov|| queue: [-] <bac> i'll get right on it <cprov> bac: thank you. <bac> cprov: your branch has a merge conflict * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call bac: - || reviewing: cprov|| queue: [-] <cprov> bac: uhm, sorry, let me fix it, one sec <bac> cprov: np. lots of branches hitting fast and furious <BjornT> bac: hi. i have two branches ready for review. one is on +activereviews already, and one should appear there soon <bac> BjornT: ok * BjornT changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call bac: - || reviewing: cprov|| queue: [BjornT, BjornT] <cprov> bac: conflict fixed, branch pushed. <bac> thanks cprov <bac> cprov: i'm wrapping yours up. need to be afk for a few minutes. brb * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call bac: - || reviewing: BjornT || queue: [BjornT] * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call bac: - || reviewing: BjornT || queue: [BjornT] * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call bac || reviewing: BjornT || queue: [BjornT] <barry> bac: hiya! up for a review this fine morning? <bac> barry: throw it on the pile <barry> bac super! <bac> hey BjornT could you fix the conflicts in your windmill branch and repush please? * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call bac || reviewing: BjornT || queue: [BjornT, barry] <BjornT> bac: sure * sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call bac || reviewing: BjornT || queue: [BjornT, barry, sinzui] <BjornT> bac: done. i'll resolve the conflicts in the other branch as well; turned out my RF copy was old <BjornT> bac: both branches are clean now <bac> thanks BjornT <bac> BjornT: when i try to merge your windmill branch r9244 into RF r9446 i still get two conflicts <BjornT> bac: well, i guess i should push up the new revision as well :) done <bac> BjornT: that magically worked! <adeuring> bac: can I add an MP to the queue? <bac> adeuring: sure <adeuring> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/hwdb-parse-submission-udev-node/+merge/11783 <adeuring> bac: thanks! <bac> adeuring: please add me to the MP * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call bac || reviewing: BjornT || queue: [BjornT, barry, sinzui, adeuring] <bac> sinzui: did i have a ui=sinzui on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-429455-team-pages/+merge/11739 ? <sinzui> yes <bac> sinzui: thanks * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call bac || reviewing: BjornT || queue: [barry, sinzui, adeuring] <bac> hi BjornT <bac> BjornT: in test.in you say "the option probably wasn't specified". why the uncertainty? <BjornT> bac: i'm on a call now <bac> BjornT: ok, i'm here all day. :) <adeuring> bac: can I add another small branch to your queue? <bac> adeuring: sure <adeuring> bac: thanks! <adeuring> beuno: may I ask you for a small ui review: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/bug-430054-hassprints-sprints.pt-lp3-layout/+merge/11795 ? <beuno> adeuring, sure <adeuring> beuno: thanks! <beuno> adeuring, done <adeuring> beuno: wowm, that was fast ! <beuno> adeuring, the 3.0 train is now going at 400 km/h <adeuring> beuno: ;) * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call bac || reviewing: barry || queue: [sinzui, adeuring] <bac> beuno: that 3.0 train isn't Amtrak... <bac> just ask barry <barry> let's hope not. otherwise 3.0 will be 50% over time and have backed up toilets for half the ride. but at least you won't be mid-air suspended in a flimsy aluminum tube breathing other people's swine flu for 1/10th the time <BjornT> bac: i'm back now. so, there's some uncertainty, since it might be that the user specified the real default value (as specified in zope.testing.testrunner.options) <bac> BjornT: i sent the review and asked for more info <BjornT> bac: for example, if someone did bin/test --tests_pattern=^tests$, we would replace that with our --tests-pattern default. i'd say it's a minor issue <bac> BjornT: ok <bac> BjornT: that might warrant a small explanation in the comment. seeing stuff like "probably" makes people nervous. <BjornT> bac: yeah, i guess :) <BjornT> bac: as for the other review. what's your use case for building on the current default options. what are you trying to do? <bac> BjornT: unsure. i'm just noting you're changing the behavior <BjornT> bac: indeed. but i haven't come up with any feasible use cases for the current behaviour. <jtv> bac: got one for you, and the next OCR I guess is myself. :) can I chuck it on the queue? <bac> jtv: yes. <jtv> bac: thanks * jtv changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: barry || queue: [sinzui, adeuring, jtv] <bigjools> abentley: did my review response look ok? if so can you approve it please :) <abentley> bigjools: So far, I haven't received an email, but I'll go find it. <bac> sinzui: review done. thanks. * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: barry || queue: [adeuring, jtv] * sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: barry || queue: [adeuring, jtv,sinzui] <sinzui> bac: I just sent another one <bac> one step forward... <bigjools> abentley: it doesn't list you as a review, that's why... <bigjools> abentley: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/launchpad/ppa-copy-to-main-bug-426163/+merge/11705 <bac> sinzui: could you mark the MP approved: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-429455-team-pages/+merge/11739 <sinzui> done <abentley> bigjools: r=me <bigjools> abentley: cheers <BjornT> bac: could you take another look at lp:~bjornt/launchpad/bug-429375? i've addressed your comments <bac> BjornT: ok <adeuring> bac: can I add another small MP? <bac> adeuring: sure <adeuring> bac: thanks! <bac> barry: after the merge TeamInvitationView has two label properties <bac> barry: and two page_titles <bac> :( <barry> bac: dang. let me work on that <beuno> adeuring, why is there an edit page to delete something? <beuno> refering to http://people.canonical.com/~adeuring/spec-branch.png <adeuring> beuno: I have no idea... As I wrote in the MP, there was also a button "update" on that page. Perhaps it had some time ago some field that could be edited <beuno> I've heard rumours from flacoste that anything in blueprints is ui=rs, but I don't know how true that is <beuno> adeuring, how much work would it be to change it to reflect reality? (eg, rename it to "delete") <adeuring> beuno: should be easy. Give me a few minutes... <flacoste> beuno: blueprints UI reviews are rs= <barry> bac: fix pushed <bac> thanks <adeuring> flacoste, beuno: OK, will rs=... further brnaches ;) <beuno> adeuring, the second bext iluminati player in Canonical has spoken <beuno> s/bext/best <beuno> adeuring, I'm still happy to help out if you need me <adeuring> beuno: the heading is changed <adeuring> screenshot uploaed (old URL) <beuno> adeuring, thanks <beuno> land! <adeuring> beuno: I'm waiting for the code reiview... Brad has a lot to do today... * adeuring notices that the heading is still nonsensical ("Delete specification nranch summary")... * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: bjornt || queue: [adeuring, adeuring,jtv,sinzui, adeuring] <bac> BjornT: done * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: adeuring || queue: [adeuring,jtv,sinzui, adeuring] <bac> adeuring: the diff for this MP is messed up: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/hwdb-parse-submission-udev-node/+merge/11783 <bac> adeuring: never mind, i generated a new one <adeuring> bac: OK, was going to paste-bin one... <leonardr> gary_poster: i have to leave for dinner in 1/2 hour, no way i'm getting through that queue. are you interested in reviewing https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/wadllib/optional-field? <gary_poster> leonardr: looking now <leonardr> look at bug 430152, working on a merge proposal now <mup> Bug #430152: Multipart representation creation crashes when an "optional" field has no value specified <wadllib:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/430152> <gary_poster> ok <gary_poster> leonardr: yes * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: adeuring || queue: [jtv,sinzui, adeuring] <leonardr> gary, i just pushed another branch that updates version.txt <gary_poster> leonardr: <gary_poster> ok <bac> adeuring: another done <adeuring> bac: thanks! * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: <lunch> || queue: [jtv,sinzui, adeuring] <gary_poster> leonardr: r=gary. I'd have used self as the missing flag, rather than creating a "missing" object for this because it looks like it is part of a loop that might be run a lot. However, that may be completely unnecessary, and the "missing" name makes the usage clear. <gary_poster> leonardr: about to run out for lunch <leonardr> gary: ok. fwiw, 'missing' is defined outside the loop <gary_poster> leonardr: I saw that, but this method is not called as part of a loop (for each tag or something?) <leonardr> gary: no, it's called when you want to invoke the operation <gary_poster> leonardr: ...from lazr.restful's perspective, every time? or is this a one time parsing? (Again, really just curious.) <gary_poster> (one-time parsing for the process) <leonardr> gary: every time, because it's processing the values you provided when you invoked it <gary_poster> leonardr: oh. ok. thanks. <gary_poster> have a nice evening. <leonardr> thanks * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: sinzui || queue: [jtv, adeuring] <noodles775_> bac: It's fine if you don't get to it, but can I put one on the queue even though I won't be around for question? * deryck changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: sinzui || queue: [jtv, adeuring, deryck] <noodles775_> bac: https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/429353-site-message-to-footer/+merge/11813 * noodles775_ changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: sinzui || queue: [jtv, adeuring, deryck, noodles] <bac> noodles775_: ok <noodles775_> Thanks. * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: adeuring || queue: [jtv, deryck, noodles] <bac> sinzui: are you doing a ui=rs for your oath branch? <sinzui> hmm <sinzui> bac: I am for blueprints (all blueprints are rd) <sinzui> bac: I am for blueprints (all blueprints are rs) <bac> sinzui: but what about the oath branch? if you aren't getting a UI review i'll mark the MP as approved <sinzui> bac: sorry. I am on a call <sinzui> Yes I want to two UI reviews. <salgado> sinzui, my branch converting person-index.pt is up for (code/UI) grabs. the diff has around 1000 lines, can you take it? <sinzui> salgado: yes. I would love to stop <sinzui> salgado: yes. I would love to stop coding for the day * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: jtv || queue: [deryck, noodles] <bac> adeuring: review done <adeuring> bac: thanks! <salgado> thanks sinzui! <sinzui> barry: rockstar: Can either/both of you take a look at the pictures for my branch. The work was mechanical https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/person-review-oath/+merge/11801 * sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: jtv || queue: [deryck, noodles,sinzui] <barry> sinzui: sure <barry> sinzui: although, you don't need a ui review for mechanical changes <sinzui> barry: correct, but there was something wired in these pages... <barry> sinzui: give me the urls and i'll look <sinzui> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/person-review-oath/+merge/11801/comments/30656/+reply <sinzui> ^ I think you want to read this to understand that IAccount is not traversable, so it does not get tabs <sinzui> barry: ^ <barry> sinzui: hmm. why does it follow that if IAccount is not traversable, the page gets no app tabs? <sinzui> barry: We gave LOSAs a hack to manage user accounts...this is outside of launchpad. To make tabs we need to made a facet menu and a canonical URL. We will never make the later <barry> sinzui: that makes better sense :) ui=barry* <sinzui> thanks <rockstar> barry, thanks for getting to that. I'm trying to get lots of stuff done. <barry> rockstar: no worries <barry> bac: shite. another text conflict found :( <sinzui> salgado: ping <salgado> sinzui, pong <sinzui> salgado: I like the treatment of links (related projects ...) <sinzui> salgado: can we add a link for the owner to mange is oauth-tokens to it <salgado> sinzui, on the heading slot? <sinzui> salgado: I was thinking of adding the link to the list that has Related projects and PPA packages <salgado> right, that's in the heading slot <salgado> I can do that <sinzui> salgado: nothing should use the heading-slot. maybe I misunderstand you. I am sure you know the list <sinzui> salgado: this is the bug I was thinking of https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/316731 <mup> Bug #316731: provide a link to the +oauth-tokens page on users page <api> <feature> <ui> <Launchpad Registry:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/316731> <salgado> sinzui, team-index.pt (and now person-index.pt) are filling the heading slot with these links <sinzui> I see <sinzui> salgado: barry's work deprecated the slot. I think we need to move them. <sinzui> salgado: they can move before the first <div class="yui-g"> like the distro and product page <salgado> <div <salgado> class="description" <salgado> tal:condition="context/homepage_content" <salgado> tal:content="structure context/homepage_content/fmt:text-to-html" <salgado> sinzui, that's in the heading slot too. should it be moved to the 'main' slot? <sinzui> yep <sinzui> I saw that. The markup will look a lot like the distro and product page after the move <bac> sinzui: you have two branches on +activreviews. which would you like me to review? <sinzui> both <bac> er, first? <sinzui> do the blueprint first * sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: jtv || queue: [deryck, noodles,sinzui,sinzui] * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: sinzui || queue: [deryck, noodles,sinzui] <bac> sinzui: i'm letting you jump b/c deryck's is super long (but easy) and the others are absentee <sinzui> bac: blueprint changes are auto ui=rs so I think it will be quick <bac> sinzui: thanks for the screenshots <sinzui> bac I should have take before examples so that you could see the overlaping text I was seeing. <bac> sinzui: before captures are handy for the reviewer and as reference for me when i'm working, so i got into the habit of doing them for all pages <bac> sinzui: i know you didn't touch it, but at line 109 the use of the plural "them" to mean "the person whose gender we don't know" is grating. could you have a go at rewording that? <sinzui> I can <sinzui> bac: I need to pick my children up. I'll be back in 30 minutes <bac> ok <bac> sinzui: the branch for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/person-blueprint-templates/+merge/11753 has already landed? <salgado> sinzui, I've updated both templates to not fill the heading slot * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: sinzui || queue: [deryck, noodles, sinzui, henninge] <henninge> bac: I added a branch of mechanical 3.0 changes if that is ok? <bac> henninge: ok * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: deryck || queue: [noodles, henninge] <sinzui> bac: It has? * sinzui looks <bac> sinzui: yeah, it landed just before i approved it... <sinzui> bac: I see. My test fix has not... <bac> sinzui: you've been landing so much stuff, perhaps your fingers just typed it while you weren't looking <sinzui> bac: I am sorry, I sent the wrong window off to PQM <sinzui> and my text change was not in it of course <bac> sinzui: no worries. it's approved anyway <bac> sinzui: perhaps you can bundle it up elsewhere... <sinzui> My test re-enable branch comes to mind. <henninge> bac: thanks. I have to go to sleep now, so please email any questions. * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: deryck || queue: [noodles, henninge, <ask before adding any more>] <bac> henninge: will do <henninge> cheers <sinzui> salgado: I do not think you add person-portlet-involvement.pt to the tree <salgado> sinzui, I didn't. I renamed portlet-details to portlet-involvement and later removed it <salgado> does the diff say I added that? <sinzui> salgado:config says it does not exist <sinzui> salgado: I cannot start the server <salgado> sinzui, oh, right, I forgot to remove it from zcml <salgado> sinzui, please merge/push again and it will work <bac> hi deryck <deryck> hi bac <bac> deryck: in bug 427928 you said anecdotal evidence said no one used mentorship. did you run a query to confirm that? i'm just curious. <mup> Bug #427928: Templates for mentoring should be removed in 3.0 conversion <Launchpad Bugs:In Progress by deryck> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/427928> <deryck> bac, no, I didn't. See flacoste's recent stats on the bug page redesign which do confirm this. <bac> ok <bac> deryck: i'm unclear how complete this removal aims to be. I see BugTaskView still extends CanBeMentoredView <deryck> bac, it's not meant to be complete at all. it's just to remove links to the feature and templates. the least possible to do that. <deryck> bac, still a long diff to do that, though :) <bac> deryck: sure. do we have a bug to get rid of the rest of the cruft? i'd hate for 'out of sight, out of mind' to mean that we don't clean up completely <deryck> bac, no, not yet. but flacoste and kfogel are tracking the idea with stats and an upcoming blog post. So if all that turns out as expected, a bug will be filed at that point. <bac> deryck: ok <bac> deryck: will you swear on bear bryant's hat that you'll run this through ec2test? <deryck> bac, yeah, but since I'm an Auburn guy, that doesn't gain you much ;) <deryck> bac, but I don't commit without ec2test. <bac> fair enough <bac> deryck: i recall seeing auburn play once. cotton bowl, 1986 <deryck> bac, probably not a bad year for Auburn then, IIRC. <bac> deryck: cold and icy. 1st and goal on about the five and they ran bo jackson up the middle four times into a brick wall. <deryck> heh <deryck> bac, ah, the good ol' days ;) <bac> deryck: for auburn and a&m <bac> deryck: the branch looks good. r=bac * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: bac || reviewing: noodles || queue: [henninge, <ask before adding any more>] <deryck> bac, thanks <kfogel> bac: posted that blog post, btw <bac> kfogel: which? <kfogel> http://blog.launchpad.net/general/removing-mentoring <kfogel> bac: the one deryck was mentioning <bac> kfogel: ah, right. thanks <kfogel> bac: by the way, I had tried to put an image into that post (see http://www.red-bean.com/kfogel/canonical/mentoring-button.png) but couldn't get it to show up. <kfogel> bac: any idea how to do that? I uploaded it twice; I was looking at the HTML codes, and they seemed reasonable to me. But it was never visible. <bac> kfogel: i don't. mrevell would be the answer man * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: [-] * bac calls it a day #launchpad-reviews 2009-09-16 <stub> Simple review needed: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stub/launchpad/opstats/+merge/11774 <mwhudson> stub: don't we already have code for telling a robot apart from a browser? <mwhudson> stub: the oops reports make this distinction somehow or other... <stub> mwhudson: The oops reports use a list of known robots. I was thinking that for the losas use case, it is better to have false negatives (requests from unknown browsers ignored) than false positives (requests from robots counted because they are unknown) <mwhudson> stub: ok, fair enough <stub> I toyed with parsing one of the databases (the oops reports just uses values scraped from our web logs), but it seemed overkill. <mwhudson> yeah, looks good enough for a first cut <mwhudson> stub: reviewed <stub> ta <BjornT> stub: what about api scripts? shouldn't they be treated as browsers as well? <jtv> henninge-bbl: the comment you ported over from pagetitles.py to the POFileTranslateView label property does not, in actuality, make sense. Might as well drop it. <jtv> henninge-bbl: Also, in menu-pages.txt, afaics the nav link from the +details page back to the +details page seems to be linkified now... is that right? <stub> BjornT: That would be up to the losas I guess. They requested this for their monitoring. I suspect not, as I think the goal is to filter out the noise that can be generated from automation like robots and scripts etc. <BjornT> stub: the api is used by real application as well, though, so if the api doesn't work, it has a direct effect to users. but sure, it's up to the losas to decide, it depends on what exactly they intend to measure * danilos changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: [danilo, danilo] * danilos changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: [danilo, danilo, danilo] <danilos> allenap, jtv: three lovely UI branches for your enjoyment on +activereviews * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: [danilo, danilo, danilo, adeuring] * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: [danilo, danilo, danilo, adeuring, noodles] * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: [danilo, danilo, danilo, adeuring] * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: [danilo, danilo, danilo, adeuring, noodles, adeuring] * allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: allenap || reviewing: [danilo, danilo, danilo, adeuring, noodles, adeuring] <intellectronica> allenap: you're back <allenap> intellectronica: Yes! Thanks for passing on my message. <intellectronica> allenap: can you review my patch before danilo danilo and danilo? i expect preferential treatment because we're team mates <intellectronica> also it's a one-liner <noodles775> lol <allenap> intellectronica: Of course. <intellectronica> allenap: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/271996/ <intellectronica> allenap: this is for turning ubuntu +filebug off on edge * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: allenap || reviewing: [danilo, danilo, danilo, adeuring, adeuring] <allenap> intellectronica: r=me and soon Ubuntu will be bug free, at least in the same way that Windows and MacOSX are bug free. <intellectronica> ha ha <intellectronica> allenap: thanks * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: allenap || reviewing: [danilo, danilo, danilo, adeuring, adeuring, adeuring] <barry> allenap: looks like you have a pretty full plate today <allenap> barry: Yeah :) And I've hardly even started. <barry> ouch ;) <barry> s'okay. i'll harass sinzui when he wakes up :) <allenap> barry: Cool, okay, thanks for that. Once I get into the flow it'll go okay, so maybe I'll get to you if sinzui isn't able to help. <barry> allenap: cool, thanks. i'll put myself on the queue just in case * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: allenap || reviewing: [danilo, danilo, danilo, adeuring, adeuring, adeuring, barry] * allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: allenap || reviewing: lunch || queue: [danilo, danilo, danilo, adeuring, adeuring, adeuring, barry] <danilos> intellectronica, hehe, btw, we are all teammates :) <intellectronica> danilos: i'm sorry, which department exactly are you? <danilos> intellectronica, dammit, the office right below you! <intellectronica> :) <danilos> intellectronica, second floor, where it says "soft launching pads" <intellectronica> oh right, i remember, i always go there to get my pink 83B5 forms <danilos> there you go :) we've got all stuff pink in here! <adeuring> allenap: can I add another review (like the other, a trivial layout conversion)? <beuno> bigjools, want to review: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~beuno/launchpad/bug-423105/+merge/11871 <beuno> I'm not really here though <bigjools> beuno: r=me <allenap> adeuring: Sure, please put it on the end. I may not get to it today though. <beuno> bigjools, thanks * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: allenap || reviewing: lunch || queue: [danilo, danilo, danilo, adeuring, adeuring, adeuring, barry, adeuring] <cprov> eew, the review queue is scary ... <danilos> cprov, then just add to it <cprov> danilos: right, why not ? * cprov changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: allenap || reviewing: lunch || queue: [danilo, danilo, danilo, adeuring, adeuring, adeuring, barry, adeuring, cprov] <danilos> allenap, also, I'll try to get henninge to review one of my branches (430455), so if I do, I'll get it out of the queue <allenap> danilos: Thanks :) * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: allenap || reviewing: lunch || queue: [danilo, danilo, adeuring, adeuring, adeuring, barry, adeuring, cprov] <barry> sinzui: would you have time to review a branch for me? allenap has a full dance card <sinzui> I can <danilos> allenap, btw, blueprints branch is mostly removing templates and replacing them with generic-edit <allenap> danilos: Yep, I'm just approving it now. <danilos> sinzui, btw, I wanted to ask you about some thing... I've also migrated sprint-edit.pt to generic-edit.pt, but it used to have an old contextmenu with "Change branding" link; should I keep that template as is if you want to have "Change branding" link only once you are already on "Change details" form? <barry> sinzui: thanks: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~barry/launchpad/430068-person/+merge/11832 <danilos> allenap, cool, thanks <sinzui> danilos: I changed a few context menus into navigation menus. I agree that is slow <sinzui> danilos The change branding should be in the global action menu after Change details. <danilos> sinzui, right, I am wondering if it was intentional that the object-branding.txt pagetest was doing getLink('Change details').click() and immediately after getLink('Change branding').click() <danilos> sinzui, with my conversion, I've removed the first getLink because 'Change branding' is available on the sprint page as well, is that fine? <sinzui> danilos ah. that is because of the old design. and that hack we kept in place so that we could change pages before the index pages are complete <danilos> sinzui, ok, cool, then I'll be removing 12 blueprints templates shortly <sinzui> danilos: registry has a similar problem. Lots of tests will break when we fix person +edit. We need the +index to land first with all the new links in it. <danilos> sinzui, right * allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: allenap || reviewing: danilo || queue: [adeuring, adeuring, adeuring, barry, adeuring, cprov] <noodles775> Hi bac - sorry, I had to update that branch you reviewed yesterday. Do you think you'll get time to look at the incremental? <bac> noodles775: yes. i've got a standup, then the reviewers meeting, then a 11EDT call. i'll try to squeeze it in the cracks <noodles775> Thanks bac! * allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: allenap || reviewing: - || queue: [adeuring, adeuring, adeuring, barry, adeuring, cprov] * EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: allenap, Edwin || reviewing: - || queue: [adeuring, adeuring, adeuring, barry, adeuring, cprov] <leonardr> gary, whenever you have time, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/lazr.restful/new-version/+merge/11882 and then https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/lazr.restfulclient/new-restful/+merge/11881 <gary_poster> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/lazr.restful/new-version/+merge/11882 : do you think we ought to have migration instructions, or is that unnecessary? <leonardr> gary: old services will still work, so no migration necessary <leonardr> i could be persuaded to write something about how to use the new stuff <gary_poster> leonardr: heh. how long would such usage instructions be, on a guess? <leonardr> gary: i'd do it by rewriting lazr/restful/example/wsgi/README.txt <leonardr> it'd end up a little shorter than it is now <leonardr> take me a couple hours to write <gary_poster> leonardr: that feels appropriate to me. WDYT? <leonardr> sure, i'll finish off the day with that. can i have a provisional r=gary if that's stipulated? <gary_poster> yes, done. I'll mark it as such and move on. <sinzui> salgado: I have one question. The picture show the IRC nicks wrapping together. I was going to suggest making each nick a <dd>, but I see in your diff that they are <div>. Was the picture made before you switch to a <div>? <leonardr> all right <gary_poster> leonardr: one other question here actually. is this change appropriate for a 0.9.6 (bugfix)or a 0.10.0 (feature)? This feels like a 0.10.0 to me. <salgado> sinzui, what do you mean by wrapping together? in the shot they are rendered inside <div>s <sinzui> ah! <salgado> sinzui, IRC nicks are rendered like "nick on network" * sinzui drinks more coffee. <salgado> it will look better with nicks that don't have spaces <sinzui> salgado: If we change each nick to be a <dd> they will get a few pixels of whitespace between them. Your decision. r=me. start landing this <salgado> thanks sinzui. I'll see how that looks <gary_poster> leonardr: also approved the other one <leonardr> great * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: allenap, Edwin || reviewing: - || queue: [adeuring, adeuring, adeuring, barry, adeuring, cprov, adeuring] <adeuring> allenap, EdwinGrubbs: could one of you take a look at one of my MPs (all boring conversions of blueprint templates...) <EdwinGrubbs> adeuring: sure <adeuring> EdwinGrubbs: thanks! <allenap> adeuring: Sorry I haven't started on yours yet. * allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: Edwin || reviewing: - || queue: [adeuring, adeuring, adeuring, barry, adeuring, cprov, adeuring] <adeuring> allenap: np. Must be a terribla day for you... * EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: Edwin || reviewing: adeuring || queue: [adeuring, adeuring, barry, adeuring, cprov, adeuring] <allenap> adeuring: It's not terrible, but I have many things on the go at the same time :( <bac> ni noodles775 <noodles775> hi bac <bac> noodles775: i was just about to have a look at your changes when i talked to sinzui and he mentioned bug 430784 <mup> Bug #430784: The launchpad branding in the base-layout footer should be linked <story-ui-3> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/430784> <bac> noodles775: is there anyway you could include that in your current branch? <bac> noodles775: btw, that bug says footer but i don't think it's correct <noodles775> bac: Sure - but from the jml's email to lp-dev, he's already got an MP there for it? <bac> noodles775: ah, i didn't see that yet * bac looks <noodles775> ok. <bac> noodles775: right you are <bac> noodles775: nm, then <bac> noodles775: in the ==Launchpad Edge== test you say "each page will" but one of the criteria you mentioned was not being locationless. shouldn't that part of the narrative mention the locationless exclusion? <bac> noodles775: gah, i see it is the next section <noodles775> :) great. <bac> noodles775: still i think s/each page will/most pages will and then later show why locationless is the exception <noodles775> bac: yep, I agree. <noodles775> (the current narrative reflects the fact that I only came across the locationless exception after writing it :/ ). <bac> noodles775: the new changes look good. thanks <noodles775> bac: great! Ta. <sinzui> barry: r=me <bac> sinzui: noodles775 pointed out that jml already has an approved MP for bug 430784 <mup> Bug #430784: The launchpad branding in the base-layout footer should be linked <story-ui-3> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/430784> <sinzui> rock <bac> EdwinGrubbs: may i add to your growing queue? it's a pretty straightforward fix to +review-licenses * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: Edwin || reviewing: adeuring || queue: [adeuring, adeuring, barry, adeuring, cprov, adeuring,bac] <EdwinGrubbs> bac: sure, I have no idea how many of the items are tiny so I may or may not get to it. <bac> EdwinGrubbs: np. <barry> EdwinGrubbs: before you review my branch, check with sinzui <EdwinGrubbs> barry: did you ask him to review it, also? <barry> EdwinGrubbs: yes <sinzui> barry: I reviewed your code of conduct branch <barry> sinzui: thanks! * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: Edwin || reviewing: adeuring || queue: [adeuring, adeuring, adeuring, cprov, adeuring,bac] <EdwinGrubbs> barry, sinzui: If I'm reviewing a template conversion, and the view class is used by several different urls, should I recommend that they create a subclass so they can implement appropriate page_title and label attributes, or should the developer just use the heading slot to speed things along? <sinzui> EdwinGrubbs: That is what I have done in all cases. I believe other have created views from mixins <barry> EdwinGrubbs: it would be better to refactor mega view classes, use a mixin or a subclass, probably in that order <barry> EdwinGrubbs: it is better not to use the heading slot <sinzui> EdwinGrubbs: The only reason to subclass is if two pages that make titles use it. It is fine for 200 portlets to share a view that make a single page <EdwinGrubbs> sinzui, barry: cool, I just wasn't sure how urgent the rubberstamping was, but I like the cleaner solution. <sinzui> EdwinGrubbs: subclassing is pretty trivial. I am sure you can always suggest that <salgado> sinzui, the link to +related-software is no longer present on person-index.pt, so there's no way to get to that page. is it ok if I put it together with the ones we have before the first yui portlets? <sinzui> Oh. Please do <EdwinGrubbs> salgado: to prepare for your page title fix, should the View.page_title="Foo Bar" or View.page_title="Foo Bar: %s" % self.context.displayname <danilos-afk> EdwinGrubbs, I'd say just "Foo Bar" if context.displayname is in breadcrumbs before that <danilos-afk> EdwinGrubbs, this should not override the entire page_title <EdwinGrubbs> salgado: ^^^^ <salgado> EdwinGrubbs, ? <EdwinGrubbs> salgado: sorry, I forgot that you probably don't see the relavent info, since you were disconnected. <EdwinGrubbs> salgado: to prepare for your page title fix, should the View.page_title="Foo Bar" or View.page_title="Foo Bar: %s" % self.context.displayname <salgado> EdwinGrubbs, whatever you'd do if not preparing for this fix. there's really nothing we should be doing in preparation for it <salgado> just like before, though, it's a good idea to move stuff from pagetitles.py into the view classes <EdwinGrubbs> salgado: Currently, the page I'm reviewing shows "+documentation : Kubuntu". I would normally change the page_title to "Current documentation: %s" % self.context.displayname however, it sounded like that would yield "Current documentation : Kubuntu : Kubuntu" <salgado> EdwinGrubbs, I'd say don't change the page_title there, as the rules for the title are not yet finished and may change really soon <EdwinGrubbs> salgado: ok, so I should just live with "+documentation: Kubuntu". <salgado> yes, that will change when my branch lands <rockstar> Holy shit. Is the queue really this long? <rockstar> abentley, ping <abentley> rockstar: pong <rockstar> abentley, given the length of the current review queue, could you do a review for me? <abentley> rockstar: quid pro quo, clarise <rockstar> abentley, I'm assuming that's a reference to Silence of the Lambs, but it's meaning is unknown to me. <abentley> rockstar: I will review yours if you review mine. <rockstar> abentley, that's a deal. <abentley> rockstar: Okay, could you review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/preview-on-create/+merge/11906 please? <abentley> rockstar: what would you like me to review? <rockstar> abentley, cool. I'll send mine out and request you review it. I have to upload these screenshots still. <abentley> rockstar: Sure thing. <EdwinGrubbs> bac: it doesn't look like you are testing that all six date fields can be passed in as date objects. It also seems like you could test all six in a single forReview() call and still have it match the bzr project. <bac> EdwinGrubbs: i did not test all six, just a representative. i reasoned this regresssion was unlikely to occur again <bac> EdwinGrubbs: but i can add it if you feel it is useful and will be happy to do so <EdwinGrubbs> bac: if this can be done without bloating the test with multiple forReview() calls, I think it would be a good idea, even though it is rediculously unlikely. <bac> EdwinGrubbs: ok. i'll just create a very early and very late date object and pass as the other fields. working on it now. <bac> EdwinGrubbs: your suggested fix plus the lint changes: http://people.canonical.com/~bac/bug-430748-team-mailinglist/ <bac> er, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/272333/ <EdwinGrubbs> bac: r=me <bac> EdwinGrubbs: cool, thanks <bac> EdwinGrubbs: if you'll mark the MP i'll send it off to ec2 for landing: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-396585-review-license/+merge/11897 <EdwinGrubbs> bac: done <bac> schweet <EdwinGrubbs> sinzui: did you already review barry's branch? <barry> EdwinGrubbs: yes. it landed <sinzui> EdwinGrubbs: Not the one he just added for UI <EdwinGrubbs> cprov-afk: I'm starting to review your branch. Are you around? <rockstar> abentley, having troubles with bzr send. It's trying to bundle 358 revisions, which this branch definitely doesn't have. Chasing now. * EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: Edwin || reviewing: cprov || queue: [] <abentley> rockstar: roger <bac> EdwinGrubbs: can i add a single template conversion branch? it's only 56 lines. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-430748-team-mailinglist/+merge/11924 <EdwinGrubbs> bac: sure * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: Edwin || reviewing: cprov || queue: [bac] <gary_poster> EdwinGrubbs: I have a branch of almost-entirely mechanical template changes. May I add that to your queue? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/launchpad-templates/+merge/11930 <gary_poster> (launchpad 3.0 stuff) <EdwinGrubbs> gary_poster: sure <gary_poster> thank you * gary_poster changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: Edwin || reviewing: cprov || queue: [bac, gary] <rockstar> abentley, so we're creating a review diff AND a preview diff on creation now? <abentley> rockstar: correct. On phone. <rockstar> abentley, okay. Ignore my questions then until you have bandwidth to answer them. <rockstar> Why don't we just get rid of the review diff altogether then, and just use the preview diff? Generating two diffs might not be too big of a deal, I guess. <rockstar> Or maybe that's the plan for another branch. <barry> EdwinGrubbs: do you have room on your queue for a 514 line branch? <EdwinGrubbs> barry: I doubt it, but I could always finish it up tomorrow if that's ok. <barry> EdwinGrubbs: don't worry about it. we have a lot of folks on ocr tomorrow. i'll be up early gettin' on the queue * EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: Edwin || reviewing: bac || queue: [gary] <barry> sinzui: are you up for doing a review tonight? <sinzui> barry: I can when I get back from a school meeting at 9:00 <rockstar> abentley, did you see my questions above? <barry> sinzui: cool. if it looks good i'll land it first thing in the morning: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~barry/launchpad/430065-person/+merge/11935 <abentley> rockstar: Only the first one. <bac> barry, sinzui: i can do that review now <barry> bac: that would be great! <abentley> rockstar: We were continuing to generate the review diff to be cautious. <abentley> rockstar: We will disable review diff generation, but possibly not until after 3.0 <rockstar> abentley, okay. r=me <abentley> rockstar: thanks. <bac> EdwinGrubbs: i realize i forgot to remove the page title from pagetitles.py. i've done so now. <bac> barry: review down. sinzui i see you claimed it too. hope you don't mind... <barry> bac thanks! bac, sinzui i requested sinzui's review, but he doesn't have to do it now <bac> thanks EdwinGrubbs * EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: Edwin || reviewing: gary || queue: [] <bac> EdwinGrubbs: that zcml issue confuses me. why does it currently work? <EdwinGrubbs> bac: because of something either added to the __init__.py or to the importer when sinzui started migrating stuff, so that he wouldn't have to fix every last import by hand that the script wouldn't fix for him. <bac> EdwinGrubbs: right <bac> EdwinGrubbs: we should start turning those off to find the stragglers <EdwinGrubbs> yep <bac> but not tonight. :) #launchpad-reviews 2009-09-17 * sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: Edwin || reviewing: gary || queue: [sinzui] * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: noodles775 || reviewing: adeuring || queue: [sinzui] * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: noodles775 || reviewing: sinzui || queue: [] <jtv1> henninge_: again you've got a label property with a docstring saying that it returns a page. <henninge_> oops <henninge> aargh!! <henninge> I just pushed 'q' in 'less' to loose the output from the test run .... <henninge> :( <henninge> but it was only one failed test (I think) <jtv1> henninge: another thing... you've got the nav links inline in the template. Since this is a set of common links, isn't it better to move them out to a template of their own? <henninge> jtv1: how do you mean <henninge> jtv: this is the way it's done on pofile-translate, too (which has landed) so I will most likely not change that now. <jtv> henninge: I see. Probably something we'll want to fix later though. <henninge> jtv: oh, oh, now I get it ... <henninge> ;-) <henninge> You mean common between pofile-translate and tm-translate? Move them to a macro, basically. <henninge> I'd still like to postpone that as a clean-up for later since I am redoing those pages anyway. <jtv> henninge: Fine with me, as long as you're aware of it. <henninge> jtv: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/431249 <mup> Bug #431249: Put navigation links in a seperate template/macro. <Launchpad Translations:Triaged by henninge> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/431249> <jtv> henninge: perfect, thanks <henninge> jtv: official mp coming your way! <jtv> henninge: you sent the MPs after me? Dude, that's harsh. <henninge> jtv: yup, I'd so anything to keep you on your toes ... ;-) * jtv has his toes nicely up on the couch, thank you <henninge> ;-) <henninge> jtv: oh, I forgot to take a stab at pagetitles.py. Funny I didn't get a complaint ... <jtv> Easy to forget an optional removal. :) Nothing automatically complains when you don't do that, because plenty of pages still share views so that it becomes hard to produce the right title from there. <henninge> pagetitles.py just got shorter ... <jtv> +1 <jtv> henninge: r=jtv, kind but optional request for xx-pofile-details.txt to "print" its title instead of dumping it with quotes and all. Otherwise, enjoy your birthday! * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: noodles775-afk || reviewing: sinzui || queue: [] * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: noodles775-afk || reviewing: - || queue: [] * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: noodles775 || reviewing: - || queue: [] <noodles775> If there's anyone able to do a ui review of the following, please let me know: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/429353-site-message-to-footer/+merge/11813 * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: noodles775 || reviewing: - || queue: [noodles775] <noodles775> A really simple code-review if anyone is available: https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/429551-view-package-details-link/+merge/11961 <salgado> sinzui, http://paste.ubuntu.com/272777/ are the changes I had to do to my person-three-o branch to make sure the page still works when LP is in read-only mode <sinzui> salgado: I expected that you would need to define master or slave. Just switching to Storm is the answer? <salgado> sinzui, yes -- we just need to use the store that is currently in use. when we use the SQLObject compatibility layer, it forces the use of the master store <sinzui> oh. I must remember that <sinzui> r=me <salgado> sinzui, thanks! <BjornT> noodles775: got time for a small and simple review? <noodles775> BjornT: of course :) <BjornT> noodles775: cool. the mp should appear in lp soon... <noodles775> Great. <BjornT> noodles775: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bjornt/launchpad/bug-430813/+merge/11967 * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: noodles775 || reviewing: BjornT || queue: [noodles775] <noodles775> BjornT: is it expected that when I now run `make jscheck` that lots (perhaps all? it's still going) non-js testcases are run? <BjornT> noodles775: no. did you grab the branch, or simply apply the patch? <noodles775> BjornT: I merged the branch. <BjornT> noodles775: you probably have an old version of bin/test. remove bin/buildout, run 'make', and then try again <noodles775> BjornT: ah, ok. Doing so now. <sinzui> barry: take a look at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/milestone-design-oops/+merge/11946 <barry> noodles775: hiya! i'm going to have a really simple one for you; 41 lines * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: noodles775 || reviewing: BjornT || queue: [noodles775,barry] <noodles775> barry: great! You wouldn't be able to look at a ui-review or two would you? <barry> noodles775: i could do some ui reviews <noodles775> barry: or if rockstar will be on OCR, I can wait for him instead... <barry> sinzui: the difference there is the full-page-width sections <barry> noodles775: cool, either way <sinzui> yes...and the fact you cannot see there is an empty sidebar for the IProject <barry> sinzui: very nice. ui=me* <sinzui> thanks barry <noodles775> barry: yeah, I'll need two ui-reviews anyway, so if you could take a look at the 3 screenshots in my last comment at: <noodles775> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/429353-site-message-to-footer/+merge/11813 <noodles775> ... that would be wonderful. <barry> noodles775: sure thing <barry> noodles775: i almost completely love it :) <noodles775> heh... but? <barry> noodles775: question: if you disable redirects, would the green link chang e to "Enable edge redirects"? <barry> noodles775: question: when you click on the minty green "Disable" link, do you get an overlay (confirmation window?) or does it just happen? <barry> noodles775: on http://people.canonical.com/~michaeln/tmp/site-msg-footer-on-3.0-narrow.png is there any way to avoid the icky wrapping? <barry> noodles775: EOT <noodles775> barry: 1. no - currently that'll still be done via the lp.net root page - but would be good to do (at first I thought it wouldn't be useful to have it on edge, but perhaps it would.) <noodles775> barry: 2. No overlay, still the ugly alert box that you see currently (I didn't change any of the actual workings as part of this - just moving the site_message and adding the link). <noodles775> barry: 3. I couldn't find one - I created that image to show the worst-case scenario, any suggestions? <barry> noodles775: 1. could you file a bug on that? i think it would be really cool to be able to enable/disable easily from the footer (clearly out of scope for this branch) <barry> noodles775: 2. i wonder then if the link should be minty green. isn't that a meme for "inline edit or overlay window coming"? or it could be my monitor doesn't see the green quite right <noodles775> barry: it'd be easy to add - I'll check, if it's a 10min I'l just do it now. otherwise yes. <barry> noodles775: awesome <barry> noodles775: 3. if possible, in the worst case scenario, put the whole "Disable edge redirect" right aligned on the following line (i.e. visually on the same line as the search box) <barry> noodles775: other than that, it looks fantastic <noodles775> barry: 2. aiui the green is for any js action (ie. usually link that doesn't actually go somewhere) <noodles775> barry: 3. I don't see how I can do that - i've used a yuigrid, but i've no way of knowing whether the text will wrap? <barry> noodles775: you're right <barry> noodles775: cool. it's not a big deal <noodles775> OK, thanks barry! <barry> noodles775: ui=me* and thanks! <barry> noodles775: https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/launchpad/431859-wikinames/+merge/11972 <noodles775> barry: yep, merging now... * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: noodles775 || reviewing: barry || queue: [noodles775] <barry> noodles775: btw, re: ~cprov/+archive/ppa. i think you've done it exactly the right way. currently IEditableContextTitle can only handle the watermark heading as you've seen. i think you've found a good reason to fill the heading slot. might be worth an email to the list and/or some text in the wiki <noodles775> barry: great, thanks for that. <barry> np <noodles775> I'll update the wiki. <barry> great, thaks <barry> thanks even <noodles775> barry: review sent. <barry> noodles775: thanks <noodles775> barry: feel free to say no, but I've one other branch that just adds an in-context link, ready with screenshot, at https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/429551-view-package-details-link/+merge/11961 <noodles775> needing ui review too. <barry> noodles775: np. i need to go afk for a few minutes, but i'll look when i'm back <noodles775> Thanks. <barry> noodles775: ui=me* <noodles775> Thanks barry. BTW: could you add that to those two MP's? <barry> oops, right * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: - || queue: [] * rockstar changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: rockstar || reviewing: - || queue: [] <gary_poster> EdwinGrubbs: I have two views that share the same view class but have different templates. I'm trying to figure out the right way to do the "label" attribute for these. <gary_poster> An obvious approach is to subclass the view class and make another one for the second view, only overriding the label. <gary_poster> I don't love that because I seem to have some got desire to not make another class just to change a label, but maybe that's silly. Do you have any recommendations? <gary_poster> s/got/gut/ <intellectronica> gary_poster: property with a conditional return? not very elegant, but less code than subclassing <EdwinGrubbs> gary_poster: I know it seems silly, but it seems to be the price we pay to put it in the view instead of in the template. <gary_poster> intellectronica: right, thought of that too, but then the conditional return is based on the request url which feels fragile (what if the url is changed in the zcml? then everything still works except the label no longer knows to switch) <gary_poster> EdwinGrubbs: ok thanks <intellectronica> gary_poster: don't you have something like a context you can examine? if you have to look at the request url then it indeed feels wrong <gary_poster> intellectronica: context is the same for both (a token)--oh...hm, I could maybe look at the LoginTokenType constant, assuming I can get to that somehow. Will investigate, thanks! <gary_poster> yes, self.context.tokentype <abentley> rockstar: Could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/comment-free-for-all/+merge/11987 ? <gary_poster> EdwinGrubbs: I tried to remove the information in pagetitles.py as you requested. I added the label attribute. Now when I try to go to the page I see this: AssertionError: No .page_title or pagetitles.py found for /home/gary/launchpad/lp-branches/launchpad-templates/lib/canonical/launchpad/zcml/../templates/logintoken-resetpassword.pt <gary_poster> EdwinGrubbs: does that mean that I need to add a page_title too? <gary_poster> (presumably the same value) <gary_poster> oh <gary_poster> I see @property for page_title in the example <EdwinGrubbs> gary_poster: Let's ask salgado. He may be in the process of working on a branch that eliminates the need to add a page_title attribute, but will use it if it's there. <EdwinGrubbs> salgado-lunch: ^^^? * rockstar changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: rockstar || reviewing: abentley || queue: [] <gary_poster> EdwinGrubbs: If you mean that breadcrumb branch, I just did a pre-review of it. It still uses page_title. I asked him on the channel he asked for a prereview how label and page_title should interact <gary_poster> (but he's at lunch) <rockstar> abentley, is isMergable used anywhere else? <abentley> rockstar: Yes. For example, it's used to prevent requesting further reviews. <EdwinGrubbs> gary_poster: I thought page_title became optional, but maybe it alternates between setting the last breadcrumb and the entire title based on override_title_breadcrumbs. <gary_poster> EdwinGrubbs: maybe so. I'm not really sure what the story is. I'll add a @property as shown in the example on the UI page for now. <rockstar> abentley, ah, okay. <rockstar> abentley, there were no tests that you had to change? Or have you not run the whole test suite yet? <abentley> rockstar: Haven't run the whole suite yet. <rockstar> abentley, okay. <abentley> rockstar: Gotta meet a friend for lunch in a few minutes. I can ping you when I get back. <rockstar> abentley, I think I'm just about done. * rockstar changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: rockstar || reviewing: - || queue: [] <salgado-lunch> EdwinGrubbs, gary_poster, my branch still expects to find a .page_title in views (or an entry in pagetitles.py). we might be able/want to combine label and page_title in the future, but for now all pages still have to provide a title <gary_poster> salgado: ok thank you * salgado changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: rockstar || reviewing: - || queue: [salgado] <salgado> rockstar, can you take mine? it's not trivial but I'll be around to answer any questions you might have <rockstar> salgado, I can. Link? <salgado> rockstar, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~salgado/launchpad/breadcrumbs-for-leafs/+merge/11985 * rockstar changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: rockstar || reviewing: salgado || queue: [] * cprov changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: rockstar, cprov || reviewing: salgado || queue: [] <deryck> rockstar or cprov -- I've got a template delete and mechanical change branch for review, if one of you can look. * deryck changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: rockstar, cprov || reviewing: salgado || queue: [deryck] <cprov> deryck: I can <deryck> cprov, thanks! https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~deryck/launchpad/remove-bugs-templates-in-lp-431916/+merge/11992 * cprov changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: rockstar, cprov || reviewing: salgado, deryck || queue: [] <cprov> deryck: looks good, one question though, what did you have to consider when setting override_title_breadcrumbs ? <cprov> deryck: why is it not ok to let the breadcrumb set the weirdo (reversed nav path) title ? <rockstar> salgado, you have a few XXX comments without bugs referenced. <deryck> cprov, the title was something like "+subscribe : Bugs in Foo : Foo", so if I waited for upcoming changes to the +foo part, I could make it something like "Subcribe : Bugs in Foo : Foo" and I just thought the label of "Subscribe to Bugs in Foo" was better for the page and the page title. <kfogel> cprov: can I send you a quick-n-easy one (https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kfogel/launchpad/add-ldu-externally-copyrighted-scripts/, just adds some scripts from lp-dev-utils). <kfogel> ? <cprov> kfogel: yes <kfogel> cprov: done -- https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kfogel/launchpad/add-ldu-externally-copyrighted-scripts/+merge/11995 <deryck> cprov, but I'm record not liking the reverse breadcrumbs for most bug pages like this. :) <salgado> rockstar, yeah, I've agreed with gary_poster that the one on line 54 should be a regular comment, but I'm happy to file bugs for the others <cprov> deryck: yes, that's what I thought ... if the default pagetitle was better we wouldn't have to override it. is anyone still working on it ? <rockstar> salgado, okay. <deryck> cprov, no. We'll have to do it the way I've done it if we want page_title in the <title> for now and we'll revisit after we get 3.0 done. <cprov> deryck: cool, fair enough, r=me. I will have to do the same in one of my branches. <deryck> cprov, cool. thanks! (And I know, we have several bug pages we need to revisit now, but I don't think we have time. So reversed breadcrumbs will abound. <cprov> kfogel: I never had a chance to use the migration script, but you change looks good, thanks for adding it to the tree. * cprov changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: rockstar, cprov || reviewing: salgado, - || queue: [] <rockstar> salgado, I'm pretty happy with this branch. If you file bugs for those XXX comments, please land it. <rockstar> salgado, I've always wondered how the breadcrumbs worked. <salgado> rockstar, there's actually just one XXX that will be left there -- the other will be removed <salgado> rockstar, I'll file the bug, though. thanks a lot for the review <rockstar> salgado, ah yes, you're right. <kfogel> cprov: thx * rockstar changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: rockstar, cprov || reviewing: -, - || queue: [] * rockstar goes to lunch <bac> sinzui: you still on your call? <sinzui> yep <bac> sinzui: ok, i'll just add you to the MP <bac> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-432026-person-edit/+merge/11999 <kfogel> cprov: in the queue now, thank you. <kfogel> (I mean the PQM queue.) <cprov> kfogel: cool, thank you. <barry> rockstar, cprov either of you have time for a lazr-js related (though not specifically lazr-js) branch? 68 lines; all ui (demo, no test)? <cprov> barry: ehe, the no-test part is interesting ... I can. <barry> cprov: cool. see what you think ;) <barry> cprov: writing the mp now... <gary_poster> EdwinGrubbs: did you notice the review reply? <EdwinGrubbs> gary_poster: oh, no. Looking at it now. <gary_poster> EdwinGrubbs: thank you <EdwinGrubbs> gary_poster: r=me <gary_poster> Thanks Edwin. <barry> cprov: mp sent. i'll paste the url when lp processes it <cprov> barry: k <barry> cprov: https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/launchpad/413793-inline/+merge/12002 <cprov> barry: I'm on it <barry> cprov: thanks man <cprov> barry: it looks good ... so, '9em' == 'magic value', huh ? <barry> cprov: yep :) <cprov> barry: I don't mind really, since it can be fixed in the callsite <barry> cprov: that was a happy revelation :) <salgado> cprov, can you review http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/273054/ for me? it fixes https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/429194 by simply removing code <mup> Bug #429194: Breadcrumbs shouldn't have icons in them <Launchpad Foundations:In Progress by salgado> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/429194> * barry was so glad not to have to diddle around in lazr-js <salgado> cprov, actually, that's the wrong diff <salgado> cprov, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/273056/ is the correct one <cprov> salgado: okay <barry> cprov: rock. thanks <cprov> salgado: so, no icons in breadcrumb anymore ? <cprov> barry: you are welcome. <salgado> cprov, yep, no more <cprov> salgado: okay, you did a pre-impl call , right ? <salgado> cprov, no. why should I? <cprov> just for avoiding surprises so close to the 3.0 release ;) <cprov> if you are sure not one is expecting it to work, it's okay <rockstar> cprov, I'm back from lunch, so you're free to shirk your reviewer responsibilities to me if you'd like. :) <salgado> cprov, well, the surprise are the icons showing up when nobody was expecting them. and it was beuno who filed the bug and assigned it to me <cprov> rockstar: cool, thanks <cprov> salgado: oh, great! that's what I wanted to hear. r=me <EdwinGrubbs> sinzui: the http://launchpad.net/rdf page seems completely worthless. <sinzui> EdwinGrubbs: that page is awe inspiring <sinzui> The link is broken too <sinzui> EdwinGrubbs: does anything link to it? Can we remove it? <EdwinGrubbs> sinzui: I'll check <salgado> thanks cprov <cprov> salgado: np <cprov> sinzui: can you take a quick looks at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cprov/launchpad/bug-412715-registration-info-in-base-layout/+merge/11874, it's ready to land. * sinzui looks <cprov> rockstar: actually, you have a very good timing, I have 2 branches for you. <cprov> rockstar: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cprov/launchpad/bug-430336-builder-status/+merge/11980 <cprov> err, the other MP is arriving ... slowly <bac> sinzui: when you get a chance can you have a look at my MP? i'm going to be out for a bit. <sinzui> bac: I sent my reply. r=me + a few suggestions <bac> sinzui: really? i just looked... * bac looks again. <sinzui> I really did just do it <bac> ah so you did. thanks! * rockstar changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: rockstar, cprov || reviewing: cprov, - || queue: [] <cprov> rockstar: the other one is https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cprov/launchpad/bug-422965-archive-permission-api/+merge/12006 * rockstar changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: rockstar, cprov || reviewing: cprov, - || queue: [cprov] * cprov changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: rockstar || reviewing: cprov, - || queue: [cprov] <cprov> rockstar: thank you. <sinzui> cprov: the images I was show place the registration information above the line, on the same line as the application buttons * sinzui looks for image <sinzui> cprov: This is the image beuno showed me: https://devpad.canonical.com/~beuno/LP_new_design_Bugs_v3.1.png <sinzui> ^ Since we know the app buttons are a fixed size, we are pretty certain that they will not collide with the registration info <cprov> sinzui: yes, that's why I remember too <cprov> sinzui: but since the application bar doesn't always refer to the context I though it would be strange to put the context registering information there <sinzui> cprov: You have a good argument <sinzui> oh <cprov> sinzui: do you think we should wait martin and discuss this properly ? <sinzui> No. He can file a bug. <cprov> right, moving the slot isn't hard. <sinzui> cprov: I was going to say to remove the italics, but since I think your point is valid, I think the italics are helpful <sinzui> I'm glad we talked. I think you should land this as is. We can fix this next week if Martin can solve the context question <cprov> yes, it seemed to be necessary to distinguish it from the page label <cprov> sinzui: cool, will land and talk to martin next week. <gary_poster> EdwinGrubbs: if I have a template that does not currently have a class, I need to add one for the label, right? There's no exception? <gary_poster> a view class I mean <cprov> sinzui: thanks for your comments, it's on ec2. <EdwinGrubbs> gary_poster: I don't think there is any exception for the page_title, but you should be able to put the <h1> in the "heading" slot. Check with sinzui. <cprov-afk> rockstar: I will be back later to address your comments. <gary_poster> ok sinzui wdyt? I was just proceeding to make a view class. It will have a label and page_titlle and that's it <sinzui> gary_poster: is this a root object? <gary_poster> yeah, /+graohics <gary_poster> graphics <rockstar> cprov-afk, sounds good. <sinzui> you can same time by defining a label and forcing it to be the title...it wont get bradcrumbs * sinzui looks to the secret property <sinzui> gary_poster: you can use override_title_breadcrumbs=True on the view to make the label the authoritative title <sinzui> gary_poster: I did not know that page existed until I scanned the uncompleted work yeterday <gary_poster> sinzui: :-) is "override_title_breadcrumbs=True" any better than "label = page_title = 'my label and title'" for some reason? <barry> sinzui: ping <sinzui> gary_poster: In this case no. page_title has been demoted to mean the last part of the bread crumb. <sinzui> Hi barry <barry> gary_poster: yes, only because we're not changing any of this until after 3.0 :) <barry> gary_poster: just to have some stability. after 3.0 we should refine the rules a bit <barry> sinzui: hi * gary_poster is confused :-) <sinzui> listen to baryy <sinzui> barry <gary_poster> ok <sinzui> gary_poster: listen to barry. He knows what we are going to change <gary_poster> thank you, all <barry> sinzui: so, i can either work on bug 403606 or bug 429663 or some templates <mup> Bug #403606: ExpatError errors should be handled to not generate the OOPSes <oops> <Launchpad Registry:Triaged by barry> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/403606> <mup> Bug #429663: ~team/+invitation/team does not have breadcrumbs <Launchpad Registry:Triaged by barry> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/429663> <barry> sinzui: its back to school night tonight, so i have about an hour before i have to disappear <sinzui> barry: I think you have a better chance of completing the breadcrumb <barry> sinzui: any blueprint mechanicals perhaps? <sinzui> barry: yes, I do not know the wiki page at the moment * barry looks <barry> sinzui: there are 19 unconverted blueprint pages. why don't i take a few of those? <sinzui> please do <barry> coolio <barry> sinzui: i'm guessing there are no bugs for those yet <sinzui> no, flacoste left us to create the bugs. I have gotten a lot of bug mail form blueprints this week since I am subscribed <barry> sinzui: no worries. i'll file bugs as i go <flacoste> barry: first thing you could do is finish up abel's branch <barry> flacoste: oh? what's that one? <flacoste> barry: he's sick today and edwin made a review <flacoste> asking for some fix-ups <flacoste> he might not be in tomorrow to finish this up <flacoste> so it's worth finishing and landing <barry> flacoste: do you have a url handy? otherwise i could search for it <flacoste> barry: lp:~adeuring/launchpad/bug-430590-specificationgoal-setgoals.pt-3.0-layout <flacoste> barry: lp:~adeuring/launchpad/bug-430558-specificationtarget-documentation.pt-3.0-layout * barry looks <flacoste> barry: lp:~adeuring/launchpad/bug-430610-sprint-settopics.pt-3.0-layout <flacoste> barry: lp:~adeuring/launchpad/bug-430663-sprint-register.pt-3.0.-layout <flacoste> barry: and lp:~adeuring/launchpad/bug-430739-sprintspecification-decide.pt-3.0-layout <barry> flacoste: ah. blueprint branches <flacoste> see the associated merge proposal <barry> flacoste: k <flacoste> thanks <gary_poster> barry, sinzui: override_title_breadcrumbs=True *forces* use of the page_title. False is the default. I continue to be confused (and wantd to jfdi by setting label to page_title ad move on) <gary_poster> am I missing something? <barry> gary_poster: yes :) <gary_poster> kewl <barry> gary_poster: so, right *now* the rule is that page_title is the last component of the breadcrumb, label is the H1/H2, and to completely override the reverse-breadcrumb-in-<title> you need to set the override_title_breadcrumbs=True <barry> gary_poster: what we've talked about (after 3.0!) is that label would become the last component in the breadcrumb, and setting page_title would do the override <barry> gary_poster: but we did not want to change the rules yet again so close to the cut off <gary_poster> I set it to False, and the page rendered. I guess it inherited a True somewhere. So is that OK? <barry> gary_poster: it should default to False in LaunchpadView <gary_poster> (override_title_breadcrumbs I mean) <barry> gary_poster: is your view inheriting from LV? <gary_poster> barry: sorry for taking so long, but I wasted some time today not being careful, so was trying to double check. So first, I was wrong: False fails also. It had worked because I had set page_title to label in a fit of pique. When I removed that, it gave "AssertionError: No .page_title or pagetitles.py" just like with the original view class: <gary_poster> class LaunchpadGraphics(LaunchpadView): <gary_poster> label = 'Overview of Launchpad graphics and icons' <gary_poster> override_title_breadcrumbs = True <barry> gary_poster: ah, i didn't realize you were hitting the assertion <gary_poster> So, the above class is what I have now, and what I thought I was supposed to use, and breaks. <barry> (sorry, i probably didn't read the scrollback far enough) <barry> gary_poster: you basically hit that assertion when you have no pagetitles.py entry (and you shouldn't :) and no +hierarchy adapter can be found for your view <gary_poster> no, it was all theoretical when I asked--I was asking if I really needed a view class just to set a label (answer: yes) <gary_poster> right <barry> gary_poster: currently, yes <gary_poster> I removed the value from pagetitles.py <barry> gary_poster: great! pagetitles.py should die <gary_poster> barry: So, what should I do? :-) <barry> gary_poster: let's skype. it'll be quicker <gary_poster> ok <barry`> EdwinGrubbs: ping <EdwinGrubbs> barry`: hi <barry`> EdwinGrubbs: hi. i've finished abel's bug 430558 branch. would you like to review it? <mup> Bug #430558: convert specificationtarget-documentation.pt to 3.0 layout <Launchpad Blueprints:In Progress by barry> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/430558> <barry`> EdwinGrubbs: one caveat. it's back to school night and i will be leaving in about 5 minutes. when i get back i'm going to try to update his other branches, but i'll try to get friday's ocr to do the reviews of those <EdwinGrubbs> barry`: sure, I'll review it. <barry`> EdwinGrubbs: thanks. mp is on its way <barry`> EdwinGrubbs: thanks. mp is on its way. it should show up soon and it should be pretty straightforward. i'll check back in a few hours <gary_poster> EdwinGrubbs: I am flailing. I've forgotten the secret place to find out the users and passwords to use in dev. sample data has accounts but I don't see passwords and "test" only works for no-priv. Where do I look for these values again? <EdwinGrubbs> gary_poster: isn't it the accountpassword table? <gary_poster> EdwinGrubbs: ah yes, thanks. <EdwinGrubbs> barry`: did you remove the entry in pagetitles.py for that page? <gary_poster> EdwinGrubbs: would you be willing to review my new template branch (three templates): https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/launchpad-templates-2/+merge/12012 ? <EdwinGrubbs> gary_poster: sure <gary_poster> thank you very much * rockstar changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: - || queue: [] <EdwinGrubbs> gary_poster: what is +storeblob useful for? <wgrant> It's used by apport, Ubuntu's bug reporting tool. <gary_poster> wgrant: thank you, I would have had no idea. EdwinGrubbs ^^^ #launchpad-reviews 2009-09-18 <EdwinGrubbs> wgrant: thanks. I guess it can go away if bug 315358 is ever completed. <mup> Bug #315358: Expose the storeblob service in API <api> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/315358> <wgrant> EdwinGrubbs: Mmmmm, possibly. <wgrant> EdwinGrubbs: But the API is awkward right now. <wgrant> EdwinGrubbs: apport has broken once or twice in the past when field names changed on that page. I think there's a test for that now, but best to just check that manually.. <EdwinGrubbs> wgrant: we're just changing the template which defines the header. So it would be hard to imagine how it could break. <wgrant> EdwinGrubbs: That sounds safe, yes. * jml changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: jml || reviewing: - || queue: [] <thumper> jml: you on call? <jml> thumper, yes. <thumper> jml: bug 407643 <mup> Bug #407643: CodeImportNewView confusing after form changes <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:In Progress by thumper> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/407643> <thumper> jml: take a look at the attached image <thumper> jml: the fix is all in the page template <thumper> branch is pushed <thumper> I'm awaiting the scan <thumper> I'd be tempted to rs it myself <thumper> it is very simple <thumper> no test changes needed <thumper> it just indents the fields <jml> thumper, the screenshot looks fine to me. <jml> thumper, I'd still like to have a poke at the code <thumper> jml: it is closer to what it used to be <thumper> jml: I've proposed for merging with you as reviewer <jml> thumper, thansk. <jml> mwhudson, I've replied to your review * jml changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: jml || reviewing: [sinzui] || queue: [] <mwhudson> jml: woo <jml> sinzui, you too. * jml changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: jml || reviewing: [] || queue: [] <mwhudson> jml: replied <jml> mwhudson, thanks. * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: jml || reviewing: [] || queue: [noodles] * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: [] || queue: [noodles] <noodles775> I'm guessing jml has finished reviewing for the day :) <jml> I has. <allenap> noodles775: Fancy a incredibly trivial one-line review? <allenap> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/rocketfuel-get-overwrite/+merge/12038 <noodles775> allenap: sure - I'd ask for a swap but mine's 500 lines :/ <allenap> noodles775: Heh :) <allenap> noodles775: The diff is going to take a while, so here's one I prepared earlier: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/273315/ <noodles775> Cool. * noodles775 reads the emails. <noodles775> allenap: so your branch will result in *all* branches updated including the overwrite flag right? Are there any side-effects or dangers in doing this? <allenap> noodles775: If someone has edited one of their sourcecode branches it will be clobbered. <allenap> noodles775: But people - including me - shouldn't really be making a habit of that, because if I forget to revert I might get strange behaviour in other branches. <noodles775> allenap: ah, so update_branches() is only ever called in update_sourcecode() - right. <noodles775> Yep. <allenap> noodles775: Yep, I think so. <noodles775> Yep, it is (currently). <noodles775> allenap: r=me sent. <allenap> noodles775: Thanks! <noodles775> np. <wgrant> jml: Did you get around to the update-sourcecode fixes, or should I do it now I've time? <noodles775> adeuring: are you available for reviews today? * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: [] || queue: [noodles, noodles] <adeuring> noodles775: i'm afraid that i would produce quite some nonsense today: have th fl <adeuring> thre flu <noodles775> adeuring: np! Hope you get better soon! <adeuring> noodles775: thanks! <jml> wgrant, I didn't get around to it. <wgrant> jml: OK, thanks. I'll do it tomorrow. * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: [] || queue: [noodles, noodles, noodles] * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [] || queue: [noodles, noodles, noodles] <barry> looks like it might be noodles for breakfast?! <noodles775> heh, barry, could you pls look at this one first: <noodles775> https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/432416-binary-pkg-index-oops/+merge/12051 <noodles775> it's the most urgent of my three (and related to one you ui-reviewed for me yesterday). <barry> noodles775: sure thing <noodles775> Thanks! <noodles775> barry: I'm just going to take a break for 20 mins. <barry> noodles775: no worries <BjornT> barry: i have a branch that needs reviewing as well. it's non-urgent, but also really simple (all it does is to add a test) * BjornT changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [] || queue: [noodles, noodles, noodles, BjornT] <barry> BjornT: cool. salgado should be joining me here today, but i think abel is still out <salgado> barry, I don't think I'll be able to join you, sorry. I've got 171 tests failing on my breadcrumbs branch <barry> salgado: double :( <barry> salgado: good luck! * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [noodles] || queue: [noodles, noodles, BjornT] <noodles775> I'm back barry if you have any questions etc. <barry> k <gmb> noodles775: Do you have the time to give me a UI review? <noodles775> gmb: yep, add me as a ui-reviewer - I'll try to look at it in the next hour. <gmb> noodles775: Awesome, thanks. <noodles775> henninge: it's looking great! I've just merged so I can take a quick look at the issues you identified. <henninge> noodles775: thanks. I am currently adding icons to the "What's Launchpad" list. <abentley> barry: I can has review? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/restyle-subscriptions/+merge/12008 <noodles775> henninge: so you can left-align the stats simply by removing the text-align: center from #homepage-stats in style.css. <henninge> noodles775: it is meant to left-align with the left edge of the search field. <henninge> at least that's what the mock-up looks like but I am not sure Martin did that on purpose. <noodles775> henninge: and it does doesn't it? (I'm juts disabling the rule and it seems to do exactly that?) <noodles775> or did I misunderstand? <henninge> I am trying now .. ;) <henninge> wow, it (almost) works! <henninge> still have to adjust the width. <henninge> noodles775: I tried a few things this morning but this must be a combination I missed ... ;-) <noodles775> henninge: aha. Also the 'Take the tour' is pointing to +newteam for some reason. <henninge> oops, copy-and-paste ... <barry> abentley: put it on the list! <henninge> noodles775: wait, which one? <abentley> barry: Okay. I always ask first. Should I not do that? <henninge> there are two, one left, one right. * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [noodles] || queue: [noodles, noodles, BjornT, abentley] <henninge> ah, got it, noodles775 <barry> abentley: as the day wears on, it's gets better to ask :) <barry> (or as the queue grows) <EdwinGrubbs> barry: can you review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~edwin-grubbs/launchpad/featured-projects-ui-3/+merge/12053 <barry> EdwinGrubbs: you can put it on the queue, but it's going to be a while. * EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [noodles] || queue: [noodles, noodles, BjornT, abentley, Edwin] <noodles775> henninge: and the un-clickable login/logout/user is because the #locationbar seems to have a calculated height of 0px... still trying to find out why. Explicitly setting it to 1em gets around it, but better to find the real cause. <henninge> noodles775: oh, wgrant pointed me to a bug about it! <henninge> noodles775: Bug #429247 <mup> Bug #429247: Locationless <h1>s block login/out widgets <story-ui-3> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/429247> <noodles775> henninge: great, I just updated it with that info. <noodles775> Thanks! <jtv> Who broke our front page? <jtv> noodles775? <noodles775> jtv: probably - if it's looking for isBetaUser then yes :/... * noodles775 looks <noodles775> jtv: huh? what's the problem that you're seeing? <jtv> noodles775: something it uses obviously tries isBetaUser, yes <noodles775> jtv: barry is reviewing a fix for that now... but I don't see it on the front page... ah, the translations front page. <jtv> I guess that page got the application tabs through means other than the way your check expected <jtv> Yes. <noodles775> jtv: More likely your view does not inherit from LPView... checking now. <jtv> It's more than just our front page, actually. :/ <noodles775> jtv: it's any view that does not inherit from LPView... <noodles775> jtv: I wrongly assumed that all non-locationless pages in LP inherit from LPView - but there are *heaps* of old views that don't. I should have checked... sorry. <jtv> I figured. And the pages apparently get their application tabs through means other than what the check expected <noodles775> jtv: the fix is simple, hopefully I can land it soon. <jtv> Maybe worth updating those views as well, sometime after release. <jtv> Should I file bugs? <noodles775> jtv: no, the fix is a general one... <jtv> I meant about making views inherit from LaunchpadView. But that too may be best done automatically and centrally. <noodles775> jtv: oh, perhaps. But yes, as a general bug, I've got a list here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/273421/ <jtv> noodles775: cool... if/when we really want to do something about it, I guess we could correlate that list of class names to stuff we find in zcml. <rockstar> barry, if your queue still looks like this after I get these two branches landed, I'd be happy to help out. <barry> rockstar: awesome, thanks <barry> noodles775: first review sent * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [noodles] || queue: [noodles, BjornT, abentley, Edwin] <noodles775> Thanks barry. <barry> noodles775: see what you think of my proposed alternative <noodles775> barry: I'll give it a try... one tic. <henninge> noodles775: I quite like setting locationbar to 1.5em... <noodles775> henninge: great, it fixes the issue, so might be a good solution in and of itself. <henninge> noodles775: it looks good on all pages, I always thought they had too little space at the top. <henninge> 1em is enough, though. * EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [noodles] || queue: [noodles, BjornT, abentley, Edwin, Edwin] <intellectronica> barry: can i bother you for a quick ui review? martin has already given a thumbs up for a previous version, so this is just a last check before i can land <intellectronica> barry: https://devpad.canonical.com/~tom/bugs-homepage-redesign-final.png <noodles775> gmb: sorry, I'm not going to be able to get to that ui review before I run... you might be best adding barry and popping it on the queue (retrospectively) ;D <gmb> noodles775: Righto, thanks anyway. <gmb> barry: Is that okay with you ^^? <henninge> noodles775: I pushed a new version. <intellectronica> gmb: i can ui review <gmb> intellectronica: Good point. I was going to swap with your for code review anyway. <intellectronica> gmb: yes indeed :) <henninge> noodles775: if you are fine with it, I'll leave it as it is now (except for upodating the blog posts). <gmb> intellectronica: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gmb/launchpad/bugtask-index-conversion/+merge/12054, if you would. I still need to fix some tests before you review the code changes; I'll let you know when I'm done. <barry> i'm happy to do quick ui reviews between code reviews if there are screenshots <intellectronica> gmb: ditto (still doing tests before i can submit for code reviews) <gmb> intellectronica: RIght. <gmb> intellectronica: Oh, one point: I know I still need an icon for the Convert to question action; that's my next job. <intellectronica> gmb: and ditto, if you have a screenshot i can ui review now quickly <gmb> intellectronica: https://devpad.canonical.com/~gbinns/screenshot.png <intellectronica> gmb: a smiley will do ;) <barry> gmb: i can do a ui review. paste the screenshot url <gmb> Now now, no fighting please... <barry> intellectronica: what am i looking for? the design of the whole page or specific parts of it? <intellectronica> barry: both. the general concept martin already reviewed, but i just want a last check that everything looks sane <intellectronica> gmb: looks very nice. it will be _very_ cool if we could get the description/comments/postbox aligned. is it unrealistic given the time, though? <barry> intellectronica: i love certain this about it. the fact taht you can change the supervisor and contact right there (are they inline edits?) and the wonderful human friendly breadcrumbs <intellectronica> gmb: the remove cve link should be on the next line <gmb> intellectronica: I've played with it and so far have had no joy. Unless you can think of something off the top of your head that might work... <gmb> intellectronica: Argh. Missed that. Thanks. <barry> intellectronica: the only thing that looks weird to me is the tag cloud. i vaguely feel like it should be left-aligned or justified, but if that's difficult it needn't hold up the branch <intellectronica> barry: they're not inline, and you could change them from that page in 2.0 (but i guess if you noticed now it means that my plan to make the links more discoverable worked) <barry> intellectronica: definitely <intellectronica> barry: i like the idea of justifying! do you happen to know the css for doing that? <intellectronica> gmb: b.t.w if you can't come up with an icon for converting to question i think you can use (+) <gmb> intellectronica: Right, that was my fallback plan. <barry> intellectronica: i think: style="text-align: justify;" <gmb> intellectronica: I'm filing a lot of small tweaks under "fix it later" <noodles775> barry: your idea works well and is much cleaner... doing an incremental now. <barry> noodles775: rawk <deryck> intellectronica, gmb -- for description to stretch out and line up to the side bar on a bug page requires a bug fix from me to the widget, which I can't get today. But comments could line up to side bar like the table, I would think. <barry> intellectronica: if that looks good, ui=me* (but i'm also happy to look at it again if you're not sure) <intellectronica> gmb: the alignment of the main area, especially now that the cves are there, is pretty ugly. but i guess it's quite a lot of work to fix that now <barry> gmb: did you have a ui you wanted me to look at? <gmb> deryck: But that then goes against all the other pages' layouts (where commetns are quite compact) <gmb> barry: An extra set of eyes is always helpful; feel free. <deryck> gmb, ah, ok. I didn't realize we had a rule/pattern for that. If comments are fixed, I could make the widget adjust to the comments pretty easily. <deryck> fixed is easy, fluid, not so much <barry> gmb: did you have to fill the heading slot to get the editable h1? <intellectronica> barry: that was such a good idea. refresh and see <gmb> deryck: Right. So, under main_side, the boardComments isn't fixed width... I think it just has a big right margin. <barry> intellectronica: beautiful, thanks! <gmb> barry: Yes. <intellectronica> barry: thank you <deryck> gmb, hmmm, ok, so that may be hard then, too, if that comments are fluid. <intellectronica> barry: b.t.w i'm going to interpret your ui* and martin's review from yesterday as ui-approved <gmb> intellectronica, deryck, barry: I just have to step out for a minute (*must* post some documents today and I've forgotten)... I'll address any comments when I return. <noodles775> jtv: mthaddon updated the configs temporarily on edge so that your pages won't oops. <deryck> gmb, cool <jtv> noodles775: acknowledged with thanks <mrevell> henninge: ping <henninge> mrevell: here <mrevell> Hi henninge, I'm just looking at your mock-up. <henninge> mrevell: its not a mock-up <henninge> it's a screenshot of my page. <henninge> s/page/branch/ <mrevell> sorry, yes <henninge> mrevell: just saying, the design work (Martin) and the coding (Me) is mostly done, I am just wondering about content and wording now. <henninge> mrevell: and I need the blogposts that will ve released next week ;-) <henninge> be <mrevell> henninge: It may be too late to change but I think this design gives far too much prominence to the "latest blog posts" and not enough to getting started. If I take a look at, say, GitHub's home page I fe <mrevell> henninge: You need next week's blog posts? Surely it's taking a live feed, isn't it? <henninge> mrevell: no, it's not ... <henninge> mrevell: these are just copied from the current page which were hard-coded, too. <barry> gmb: could you do me a favor? <barry> gmb: file a bug on the fact that you had to override the heading slot to do that? i'd like to fix that post-3.0 <henninge> mrevell: If I had a function I could call to get the blogposts, I could easily put them on the page <mrevell> henninge: That's a damn shame: we're just giving "what's new" a fancy new, and inaccurate, name. I think it really must not be "Latest blog posts" as that will very quickly become inaccurate. We'll continue to make blog posts between releases. <henninge> but coding the polling now seems work <barry> gmb: other comments: the "link to CVE/Remove CVE links. why are both visible? and if they need to be, why aren't they on separate lines? <henninge> mrevell: yes, I was wondering about that. So we stick with "What's new" for now until we get the polling coded. <mrevell> henninge: If that's how it has to be, I guess so. <barry> gmb: shouldn't "Convert to question" have an icon of some sort? it stands out as odd without it <mrevell> henninge: And I'll get that list of blog posts to you, in that case. <henninge> mrevell: please <barry> gmb: i wonder if the elements in the left-ish portlet under the bug summaries shouldn't be as wide as the bug summaries? <barry> gmb: EOT <barry> noodles775: which branch of yours am i reviewing next? <mrevell> henninge: So, wrt to the design, I'm not sure what to suggest. I liked the initial mock-up but now I see actually coded up I think it lacks the punch we need for our home page. Perhaps the problem is that each section seems to have equal emphasis because the headlines and body text in each segment has the same font size. On the "not logged in" version I'd suggest that the "Launchpad is a..." section should probably have a subtle <mrevell> background and larger headline * sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [noodles] || queue: [noodles, BjornT, abentley, Edwin, Edwin, sinzui] <henninge> mrevell: ok, kfogel suggested something like that, too. * barry will just pick one <mrevell> henninge: For the logged in version, I feel like we should give more prominence to "Getting started" than to "What's new". perhaps swap them? <henninge> mrevell: It would be easiest to swap the columns. <henninge> not just one portlet. <noodles775> barry: either is fine, if you want an easy one, the sprint templates (they're probably more urgent I'd guess). <barry> noodles775: i'll take sprint-index-and-attend <mrevell> henninge: I think that would work well. <mrevell> henninge: henninge: And this is perhaps for another time but I like the fact that GitHub has a "Recently updated repositories" section on its home page. I wonder if we could do something similar. <noodles775> barry: I have to run now, so feel free to prioritise the last one as you see fit :) <barry> noodles775: gotcha <noodles775> barry: btw, did you see the diff I just sent for the first one? <henninge> mrevell: I am sure the code guys could give us that data. * noodles775 is about to run ec2test, and will do so to land if you're happy with it. <henninge> mrevell: I mean, live, through some function call. <mrevell> henninge: Well, I was thinking not so much just code but maybe something more universal. I'll add that as a comment on the bug, as it's probably not possible to do right now :) <barry> noodles775: looks fine. i'll update the mp. my comment about those closing braces is that we're /not/ consistent so either way is probably fine for your branch ;) <noodles775> barry: great, thanks! <henninge> mrevell: oh, latest bug, branch, question, etc ... ? <henninge> mrevell: yes, but not now. ;) <mrevell> henninge: Yeah, too much work for right now :) <mrevell> henninge: So, as for text... <mrevell> henninge: minor quibble: I think "Read the user guide" works better than "Read the manual", but I'm easy if it doesn't fit. <henninge> should <mrevell> henninge: Going back to the design, I wonder if we should better emphasise the search box. Take a look at github.com and sourceforge.net and you'll see that the eye's immediately drawn there, whereas I find it easy to skip over ours. <henninge> mrevell: yes, both have them graphically enhanced and placed top-left. <henninge> mrevell: maybe the centering is a bad idea. <barry> noodles775: ping <mrevell> henninge: I don't mind the centering, but I think the graphical enhancement works. At the moment, our home page looks a bit like the poor cousin of our two main rivals. <noodles775> barry: yep? <barry> noodles775: this page doesn't look quite right: http://people.canonical.com/~michaeln/tmp/sprint-index-after.png <barry> noodles775: you've got an h1 above the app tabs and no heading above the breadcrumbs <mrevell> henninge: Our home page is quite text heavy, which is fine, but I think we need to throw in some more clues to show people where to look. <noodles775> barry: yes, I meant to mention that in the MP, sorry... <mrevell> henninge: I'm not sure, though, that we'll get all that fixed in time for 3.0 <noodles775> barry: afaics, the breadcrumbs should not be appearing according to the heading rules? * bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [noodles] || queue: [noodles, BjornT, abentley, Edwin, Edwin, sinzui, bigjools] * bigjools sees the queue and cries <henninge> mrevell: we won't. <barry> sigh <noodles775> barry: not sure what you got, but: <noodles775> <noodles775> barry: yes, I meant to mention that in the MP, sorry... <henninge> mrevell: even adding a background takes some work to look good and not cheap. <noodles775> <noodles775> barry: afaics, the breadcrumbs should not be appearing according to the heading rules? <mrevell> henninge: Right <henninge> i just tried and ... <barry> noodles775: this should be a root context index view, so i think that's right. there should be no breadcrumbs <mrevell> henninge: I think we should probably spend some more time looking at the design of the page and maybe involve our friends in the User Experience and Design team at Canonical. <henninge> reminded me of earlier years of the web <mrevell> henninge: but that's for another day, obviously <henninge> mrevell: so the question is: go with this now or leave the old home page in place (minus old navigation). <noodles775> barry: yep. Any other questions before I run out the door? :) <barry> noodles775: that's it for the ui. everything else looks great. i'll mention this in my comments <noodles775> barry: btw, I'm assuming that's a bug in the heading stuff, or is there something I can do about it? <noodles775> barry: ok, great, thanks! <mrevell> henninge: Hmm, big question! I like the direction of beuno's mock-up but actually seeing it in screenshots I prefer what we have now. I am not, though, in any position to make that decision alone haha <barry> noodles775: that's an interesting question! this hasn't come up before. you might ping salgado about that (it's a +hierarchy adapter issue). if he doesn't have an ideas off the top of his let, i'll try to think about it <henninge> mrevell: well, who is? <mrevell> henninge: At a guess, flacoste <henninge> mrevell: he just saw it and said it was fine ... ;-) <mrevell> henninge: In which case, I'll shut up <mrevell> :) <henninge> ;) <mrevell> henninge: I think, though, that after the release we should revisit the home page. I'll post to the list with some idea of what I'm thinking about. <henninge> mrevell: but please remember that blog post list. When do you think I can have it? <mrevell> henninge: I'll send something over now. <henninge> cool <gmb> barry: So, in order: 1) Yes, I'll file that now; 2) They both have to be visible because you can both add and remove CVEs (if there's no CVE linked the 'Remove' link disappears. The separate lines thing is now fixed; 3) Yes, Convert to question needs an icon - that's my next job after fixing test failures; 4) Er... I don't think I understand what you mean by "left-ish portlet" <barry> gmb: 1-3) cool; 4) "left-ish portal" means the bug description and everything below that. see how there's a lot of vertical whitespace below the summaries and in between the description/comments and the right portal? that's what i think should be collapsed <gmb> barry: I agree; that looks ugly. I haven't (yet) found a way to fix it though. I'll keep trying, but in the interests of getting at least *something* landed before PQM closes, would you be okay with me filing a bug and fixing it later (assuming there isn't a cheap fix to be had now). <intellectronica> gmb: guess what, i also just realised that i need to override the page title. how? <barry> gmb: yes. ask sinzui though. he did something related (added some css to stretch things the full page width). if he can't help come up with something simple, file the bug and land it <barry> gmb: er, well, by land it i mean ui=me* :) <sinzui> barry: gmb and I have talked. My tricks did not help with his real problems <barry> sinzui: k. gmb file that bug <barry> gmb: is this bugtask-index-conversion? <intellectronica> gmb: did you find out how to override the page title? <intellectronica> barry: maybe you know? ^^^ <gmb> intellectronica: Yes <gmb> intellectronica: Add a page_title property to your view <henninge> mrevell: the column swapping is not as easy as I thouhgt it was so I am sorry but we'll have to postpone that, too... <gmb> Remove the pagetitles entry <mrevell> henninge: okay <intellectronica> gmb: lovely, thanks <sinzui> gmb: barry: I think the problem requires a very invasive redesign of the base-layout. If we can remove the heading-slot. Then we can make a simple slot that is for content before the sidebar. <gmb> intellectronica: And then add override_title_breadcrumbs = True to your view class. <intellectronica> oh ok <gmb> intellectronica: That last bit stumped me :) <barry> sinzui: i would love to remove the heading slot. but yeah, post-30 :) <barry> intellectronica: i hope you don't need to override the whole <title> though <gmb> barry: Thanks. <barry> intellectronica: do you just need to make it human readable? <intellectronica> barry: i'm not sure what you mean by human readable. it changed from what it used to be to 'something : something' <barry> intellectronica: right. human readable means, no +foo thingies <intellectronica> the override_title_breadcrumbs = True trick worked, so i'm satisfied <barry> intellectronica: isn't the reverse breadcrumbs what you want? <intellectronica> barry: no, because the title is a bit more verbose than the breadcrumbs <barry> intellectronica: hmm. screenshot? <abentley> rockstar: why aren't edit_whiteboard and edit_import @enabled_with_permission? <intellectronica> barry: breadcrumbs is 'Bugs in firefox'. page title should be (and is now) 'Bugs in Mozilla Firefox' <rockstar> abentley, ah, they probably should be as well. <rockstar> abentley, edit_whiteboard doesn't need to be, since, if it's an import branch, anyone can write on the whiteboard (thus the problem with whiteboards) <bac> barry: can i add a 35 line branch to your queue? <abentley> rockstar: Do you really want to put lolspeak in lib/lp/code/browser/configure.zcml ? <rockstar> abentley, where? <barry> intellectronica: is that the full title or just the last component? because salgado's branch is/will make it so you only need to specify page_title w/o the override. but if the <title> is now what you want, then go for it. we might need to re-address this later <bac> sinzui: you have two minutes to do the review for bug 432163? <mup> Bug #432163: Team page Join link thinks it is a download button <trivial> <ui> <Launchpad Registry:In Progress by bac> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/432163> <sinzui> bac: yes <barry> bac: you can add it, but we'll see ;) <bac> sinzui: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-432163-join-link/+merge/12064 <abentley> rockstar: "<!-- NEW STUFFS GOES HERES -->" near line 369 <bac> barry: nm, sinzui is going to take it. <rockstar> abentley, ah, yea, I need to remove that now. <rockstar> abentley, and the LOLSPEAK was unintentional. :) <intellectronica> barry: yeah, the <title> is now what i want, so i won't worry about it until salgado lands his branch <barry> bac, intellectronica: coolio <sinzui> bac: r=me <bac> sinzui: thanks <barry> okay, i'm going back to code review now, so no ui reviews for a bit :) <rockstar> Is PQM closing today or Monday? <abentley> rockstar: It it current behaviour to hide merges for import branches? <rockstar> abentley, no. <abentley> rockstar: Were you aware that some projects are deliberately using merges on vcs-import branches to do code review of the upstream branches? <henninge> mrevell: #homepage-whatslaunchpad ul <henninge> mrevell: I increased the font sizes on the headings and for the "What's Launchpad" section. <rockstar> abentley, oh wait. The behavior is that you can propose merges into vcs-imports, but you can't propose vcs-imports for merging. <rockstar> Er, it's supposed to be. I got a little overzealous. <henninge> mrevell: http://people.canonical.com/~henninge/screenshots/launchpad-homepage-3.png <abentley> rockstar: Okay, please fix. <rockstar> abentley, okay. Please note that on the review. <bac> sinzui: i'm going to piggyback bug 432427 with the other. it was a one line change <mup> Bug #432427: Person's Code participation arrow is blueprint-coloured <trivial> <Launchpad Registry:Triaged by bac> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/432427> <abentley> rockstar: What would you think about moving registrant below review team? It seems like rarely-used information. <rockstar> abentley, well, technically, it should go away. <sinzui> bac: +1 <abentley> rockstar: Onto a "wow, you're nitpicky" page? <rockstar> abentley, no, there was supposed to be a slot to put that info i.n <abentley> rockstar: I don't understand. <rockstar> abentley, well, "registered by" is SUPPOSED to go up in the right floating next to the title. However, I don't think the slot exists. <abentley> rockstar: I see. <abentley> rockstar: Should the import URL of an import branch be displayed similarly to the mirror url of a mirror branch? <rockstar> abentley, I thought about it, but I decided against it because import branches don't have just urls (like in the case of CVS). <abentley> rockstar: Okay. Maybe in the future we can display import data in the same place, whether it's a URL or a URL + branchname combo. <rockstar> abentley, yeah. <mrevell> henninge: Looks good. I'm just trying to come up with summaries for these blog posts for you <henninge> mrevell: yeah, make'm good. They don't have to be that short and concise anymore, remember? ;-) <abentley> rockstar: in branch-management.pt, why do you have this nested tal:condition at the top? <abentley> rockstar: Isn't there a way to render a Link as HTML directly? <rockstar> abentley, what do you mean? <abentley> I mean not <a id="codebrowse-link" class="sprite info" tal:attributes="href link/url" tal:content="link/text" >Browse this branch</a> <abentley> rockstar: Maybe <a tal:replace=link/fmt:link> or something? <rockstar> abentley, ah, well, I would normally do that, but I need them rendered the way they are now when I attach javascript to them. <abentley> rockstar: In order to customize the id? <rockstar> abentley, basically, we don't have an API to give the link an id. *groan* <abentley> rockstar: This is a DRY violation, so we should fix it. <abentley> rockstar: Not necessarily in this branch, though. <barry> noodles775: i think i fixed sprint-index. i'll include the diff in my review <rockstar> abentley, yeah, the problem is known. <abentley> rockstar: in branch-management.pt, why do you have this nested tal:condition at the top? * rockstar looks <rockstar> abentley, I think that was a result of moving stuff around. I'll remove the first condition. <rockstar> abentley, please note that in the review. <abentley> rockstar: Cool * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [] || queue: [noodles, BjornT, abentley, Edwin, Edwin, sinzui, bigjools] * barry -> lunch, then more reviews <abentley> rockstar: r=me, subject to the changes we agreed on. <rockstar> abentley, great. Thanks a lot. The next Sunday we're in Dunedin, dinner's on me. <gmb> intellectronica: How are your test fixes looking? I've got a few more to go, but most of them are just little changes due to bits of the page being moved or restyled, so you can pretty much take a look whenever you like. <intellectronica> gmb: exactly the same. how about we both create MPs and exchange reviews at 1800? <gmb> intellectronica: Works for me. <gmb> intellectronica: I'm going to go grab some food before I review your branch; ping me with the MP link and I'll take a look in half an hour or so. Mine's at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gmb/launchpad/bugtask-index-conversion/+merge/12075. <intellectronica> gmb: i also have to go away for a bit, to eat and call my family (it's the evening of the jewish new year and they'll take me off the will if i don't call). on the positive side i am in the middle of fixing the last broken test, so i should have the complete fing for you when you come back * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [noodles] || queue: [BjornT, abentley, Edwin, Edwin, sinzui, bigjools] * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [] || queue: [noodles, BjornT, abentley, Edwin, Edwin, sinzui, bigjools] <barry> actually: noodles775, BjornT, abentley, EdwinGrubbs, sinzui, bigjools because there are so many reviews on the queue, i'll prioritize to those for folks who are around. in that order, who's waiting on a review? <abentley> barry: I'm around. <barry> abentley: cool. let's give a minute or so to noodles775 and BjornT and if they don't respond i'll start on yours <BjornT> barry: i'm kind of around, but the review is non-urgent * sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [] || queue: [noodles, BjornT, abentley, Edwin, Edwin, bigjools] <barry> BjornT: thanks <sinzui> barry: Mine is not important today * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [abentley] || queue: [noodles, BjornT, Edwin, Edwin, bigjools] <barry> sinzui: cool <abentley> BjornT: Thanks. <barry> abentley: just to be sure, we're talking your restyle-subscriptions branch? <abentley> barry: Yes. <barry> cool <EdwinGrubbs> barry: I'm around <barry> EdwinGrubbs: okay, i'll do yours after i finish abentley's <barry> abentley: are there mp's in sample data? <abentley> barry: I don't think so. <barry> abentley: ok <barry> abentley: ui-wise i have one minor quibble, but i don't think it's introduced by your branch (it shows up in the branch subscribers too) <abentley> barry: oh? <barry> abentley: [mail-icon] to all changes: doesn't sit right for me <barry> i think i'd like to see the word 'email' in addition to the mail-icon <barry> abentley: but if you didn't introduce that, i won't push it <barry> (and you might disagree anyway :) <abentley> barry: Not introduced by me. <barry> abentley: cool. i'll mention it but leave it at that. it's a beuno question anyway <abentley> barry: I figured the icon was meant to represent "email subscribers" <barry> abentley: other than that, you have two headings, so that'll need to be fixed <barry> abentley: well, actually that's not in your change either <abentley> barry: rockstar is working on a general overhaul of that page. <barry> abentley: r=me, ui=me for your branch. bonus points if you can get rid of that double header on branch merge proposal pages <barry> abentley: fab <barry> nm then! :) * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [edwin] || queue: [noodles, BjornT, Edwin, bigjools] <barry> EdwinGrubbs: which one do you want me to take first? <EdwinGrubbs> barry: it doesn't matter. <barry> EdwinGrubbs: cool. rdf-index-ui-3? <EdwinGrubbs> sure * salgado changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [edwin] || queue: [noodles, BjornT, Edwin, bigjools] <barry> salgado: yay! you fixed the test failures? <salgado> barry, yep, they were all mechanical, so it didn't take thaaat long <barry> salgado: been there :) <salgado> barry, I'll take noodles775's; that ok with you? <barry> salgado: yep, thanks * EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [edwin] || queue: [noodles, BjornT, Edwin, bigjools, Edwin] <barry> EdwinGrubbs: rdf branch r=me * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [edwin] || queue: [noodles, BjornT, bigjools, Edwin] <EdwinGrubbs> barry: thanks, btw, I added another mp to the list <barry> EdwinGrubbs: cool. i'll do bug 430663 now <mup> Bug #430663: convert sprint-register.pt to 3.0 layout <Launchpad Blueprints:In Progress by adeuring> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/430663> * EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [edwin] || queue: [noodles, BjornT, bigjools, Edwin, Edwin] * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [edwin] || queue: [noodles, BjornT, bigjools, Edwin, Edwin, henninge (LP 3.0 home page!)] * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [edwin] || queue: [noodles, BjornT, bigjools, Edwin, henninge (LP 3.0 home page!)] <barry> EdwinGrubbs: minor comments on bug 430663 branch. should be easy to <barry> fix. review sent <mup> Bug #430663: convert sprint-register.pt to 3.0 layout <Launchpad Blueprints:In Progress by edwin-grubbs> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/430663> <henninge> barry, salgado: I appended my branch with the new LP home page. It's just shy of 800 lines, sorry ;-). I am currently running late for my own birthday party so I hope you are able to approve without asking many questions (in email). ;) <henninge> I will be back during the (my) night to land it. <henninge> barry, salgado: Please? (I think I forgot that.:) <barry> henninge: happy birthday! <henninge> Thank you very very much! <salgado> henninge, I'll try hard to get to it, but all branches today seem to be rather long. <barry> henninge: rs=me if you blow out all the candles with one puff :) <salgado> henninge, and happy birthday, btw! :) <bigjools> barry: I iz here, belatedly <henninge> barry: actually, I almost did that yesterday (it was yesterday) <barry> henninge: :) <henninge> but they weren't 40 candles .. ;) <barry> bigjools: cool. we're getting to 'em <bigjools> rockin <barry> EdwinGrubbs: another review sent * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [edwin] || queue: [noodles, BjornT, bigjools, henninge (LP 3.0 home page!)] * salgado changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [edwin] || queue: [BjornT, bigjools, henninge (LP 3.0 home page!)] * salgado changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [edwin] || queue: [bigjools, henninge (LP 3.0 home page!)] <salgado> bigjools, do you need a UI review of your trivial-ui branch? <bac> sinzui: would you have time to look at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-422334-contact-team/+merge/12089 <bigjools> salgado: probably, it has some stuff other than rs= heading changes <sinzui> ye <bigjools> albeit trivial <EdwinGrubbs> barry: I can't figure out why the SprintAttendanceRegisterView doesn't have an error when I remove the page_title, but FeaturedProjectsView needs it. Your review comments seemed to anticipate this. <sinzui> bac: r=me <bac> sinzui: thanks <sinzui> bac I had forgotten there was a macro. That was nice clean work <bac> thx <barry> EdwinGrubbs: it's because FPV is a "top level" view that doesn't have a +hierarchy (i.e. breadcrumb) adapter, so it can't find a default <title>. SARV has a +hierarchy adapter, thus breadcrumbs, thus default <title> <EdwinGrubbs> aha * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [] || queue: [bigjools, henninge (LP 3.0 home page!)] <barry> EdwinGrubbs: one more down <salgado> barry, would you mind doing UI reviews for bigjools and henninge and I review the code? <barry> salgado: it's a deal! * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [henninge[ui],-] || queue: [bigjools, henninge (LP 3.0 home page!)] <bigjools> thanks barry <deryck> barry, salgado -- I've got a branch for review. Can I get in line? :) <barry> deryck: yep, and i can do it after i do bigjools ui review. <salgado> deryck, sure! * deryck changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [henninge[ui],-] || queue: [bigjools, henninge (LP 3.0 home page!), deryck] <deryck> cool, thanks, guys. <deryck> it's here when one of you is available -- https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~deryck/launchpad/milestone-portlet-links-385719/+merge/12092 * EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [henninge[ui],-] || queue: [bigjools, henninge (LP 3.0 home page!), deryck, Edwin] <rockstar> abentley, ping <abentley> rockstar: pong <EdwinGrubbs> barry, salgado: I have another mp but I'll be afk for about 30 mins. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~edwin-grubbs/launchpad/bug-430590-specificationgoal-setgoals.pt-3.0-layout/+merge/12095 <barry> k <rockstar> abentley, can you do one more review for me today? It's not very big, and very mechanical. <barry> bigjools, salgado am i ui-reviewing trivial-ui branch? <abentley> rockstar: okay <bigjools> barry: please <barry> bigjools: do you have screenshots by any chance? <bigjools> just make sure I got the heading stuff right! <bigjools> barry: I don't put I put URLs in the MP for you <barry> bigjools: k <bigjools> s/put I/but I/ <bigjools> it's late, I need some beer <bigjools> barry: there's no major changes, just a few small things lumped into one branch <barry> bigjools: cool <barry> bigjools: the demo urls say dogfood, but i figured them out <bigjools> oops <barry> bigjools: one of the pages has busted headings, the rest look fine <barry> bigjools: https://launchpad.dev/~cprov/+archive/ppa/+packages <barry> bigjools: do you need a screen shot? <bigjools> ah I didn't fix that one <bigjools> I can check here, one mo <barry> k <bigjools> barry: ok what's bustifuct? :) <barry> bigjools: the Packages in "PPA for Celso Providelo" heading shoudl be above the breadcrumbs, not below it <bigjools> okay <bigjools> easy <barry> bigjools: should be, yeah. i'll ui approve it with that caveat <bigjools> barry: splendid, thanks * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [deryck,-] || queue: [bigjools, henninge (LP 3.0 home page!), deryck, Edwin] * salgado changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [deryck,-] || queue: [bigjools, henninge (LP 3.0 home page!), deryck, Edwin, noodles(https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/409187-trivial-ui-fixes-for-p3a-access/+merge/12035)] <abentley> rockstar: Could you give me a ui review of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/restyle-subscriptions/+merge/12008 please? * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [deryck,-] || queue: [bigjools, henninge (LP 3.0 home page!), Edwin, noodles(https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/409187-trivial-ui-fixes-for-p3a-access/+merge/12035)] <bigjools> barry: I can't remember how to fix the ugly +blah breadcrumb ... <rockstar> abentley, done. <abentley> rockstar: Thanks. <rockstar> abentley, got a review coming your way. <barry> bigjools: i don't remember if salgado's branch has landed yet or not. i think you set page_title to the last path component and do /not/ set title_override_breadcrumbs. salgado can you confirm? <barry> deryck: review sent * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [-,-] || queue: [bigjools, henninge (LP 3.0 home page!), Edwin, noodles(https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/409187-trivial-ui-fixes-for-p3a-access/+merge/12035)] <deryck> barry, cool, thanks <bigjools> barry: yeah I have page_title implemented but no change to the crumbs. I guess I'll wait <salgado> barry, bigjools, there's no need to do anything to have that fixed. it will be fixed once my branch lands. it's on PQM now <barry> salgado: fantastic <barry> okay, i need a detox :) back in a bit. <bigjools> ossum <deryck> barry, serieses was there before me ;) I was being lazy. :) <bigjools> oh and thanks for the code review salgado <salgado> bigjools, np. do you have another branch for review or can I remove yours from the queue? * salgado changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry,salgado || reviewing: [-,henninge] || queue: [Edwin, noodles(https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/409187-trivial-ui-fixes-for-p3a-access/+merge/12035)] <bigjools> salgado: I only had one, it's not been taken out of the queue <bigjools> now it has :) <abentley> rockstar: it looks like the diff includes salgado's work. Is that right? <rockstar> abentley, yeah, because I merged in the middle of it. I think salgado's work has probably landed in devel by now. <salgado> it hasn't because there's a shipit branch playing on PQM now <rockstar> abentley, I tried to go into the future where prerequisite branches are supported in Launchpad, but I got to the 3.0 release and decided it's a future I'd rather not see coming. :) <abentley> rockstar: It would be nice to diff against salgado's branch, then. <rockstar> abentley, coming up. <abentley> rockstar: Your diff also seems to include *my* work-- adding SELECT, INSERT on public.previewdiff <rockstar> salgado, was your branch against db-devel? <salgado> rockstar, yep <rockstar> abentley, alright, I'm going to re-propose against db-devel. *groan* <rockstar> abentley, re-proposed against db-devel, attached a diff of just my work. <abentley> rockstar: You mean, in addition to the bzr send diff? <rockstar> abentley, no, I didn't send this time. I just created it through the web ui. <abentley> rockstar: What's with pageheading in lib/lp/answers/browser/questiontarget.py ? <rockstar> abentley, what do you mean? <rockstar> The original var was name pageheading. I don't believe it's used anymore. I'll rip it out and see what breaks. <abentley> rockstar: I'm surprised it's not deleted. <abentley> rockstar: You're frequently doing pageheading = page_title <rockstar> abentley, yeah, like I said, I'll delete them, see what breaks. <gary_poster> EdwinGrubbs: OK, if you are still willing, MP is up: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/launchpad-templates-3/+merge/12101 . <abentley> rockstar: The i18n Message class is why it says "FAQs for $displayname" ? <rockstar> abentley, yeah, because the title is actually a Message, and apparently whatever is generating the title and breadcrumbs doesn't understand that. <rockstar> So it's not making the substitutions correctly. * salgado changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [-] || queue: [Edwin, noodles(https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/409187-trivial-ui-fixes-for-p3a-access/+merge/12035)] <abentley> What are the high-bit characters in lib/lp/answers/stories/question-answers-vhost.txt? Culy quotes? <salgado> barry, my head is hurting quite a bit, so I'll stop doing reviews. I'll do them on Monday (or during the weekend if nobody beats me to them) <abentley> rockstar: ^^ <rockstar> abentley, I'm not entirely sure, but the original test had the actual characters where I changed them to reprs where I could. <barry> salgado: looks like there's just to more on the queue. hope you feel better and have a good weekend * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [Edwin] || queue: [noodles(https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/409187-trivial-ui-fixes-for-p3a-access/+merge/12035)] <abentley> rockstar: Could you please make the imports in lib/lp/registry/browser/person.py that you changed alphabetical? <rockstar> abentley, sure. <rockstar> abentley, also, it seems that there is no permission check currently on "Edit import or review source" WTF? <abentley> rockstar: Didn't I point that out in the last review? <rockstar> abentley, no, I mean that the current code in devel has no checks either. Like, no check to make sure you're vcs-imports or anything. <rockstar> Odd. <abentley> rockstar: Yeah, I certainly observed that in the last review. <abentley> rockstar: So, do you think pageheading can die? <rockstar> abentley, does that mean anyone can review imports now? <rockstar> abentley, I think it can. <kfogel> Anyone can review a quick and easy one? <kfogel> barry or EdwinGrubbs: easy one: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kfogel/launchpad/cc-script-update-reference/+merge/12102 <abentley> rockstar: I don't think so. I think it means that people who can't review imports are still given the link, and then it dies when they actually perform the review. <barry> kfogel: if EdwinGrubbs can't do it, but it on the list. i might have a few more in me today <kfogel> barry, EdwinGrubbs: somewhat urgent, as the community-contributions cron update is broken without this (filing a bug on the larger issue now, but this change contains something that happens to work around the bug coincidentally) * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [Edwin] || queue: [kfogel, noodles(https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/409187-trivial-ui-fixes-for-p3a-access/+merge/12035)] <rockstar> abentley, eep. <barry> kfogel: i'll do it when i'm done with this one <kfogel> barry: thank you <abentley> rockstar: Anyhow, I was serious about adding enabled_with_permission, and when you've done that, it'll be good. <rockstar> abentley, and edit_whiteboard does need launchpad.AnyPerson as well. I can't believe we haven't gotten more spam through whiteboards. <rockstar> abentley, that was an acknowledgement that I was making the change to edit_import as well. <abentley> rockstar: okay, r=me with the pageheading removed and the imports resorted. <rockstar> abentley, great, thanks so much! <rockstar> abentley, shall we have our standup so you can have your weekend? <abentley> rockstar: you bet * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [noodles[ui]] || queue: [kfogel, noodles(https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/409187-trivial-ui-fixes-for-p3a-access/+merge/12035)] * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [kfogel] || queue: [] <rockstar> barry, can I have a UI review for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rockstar/launchpad/branch-index-redesign/+merge/12061 * EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [kfogel] || queue: [Edwin] <rockstar> There's pictureses and everything. <EdwinGrubbs> barry: I've added another branch to the queue if you have time. <EdwinGrubbs> gary_poster: I'm starting on your review now. <gary_poster> Thank you EdwinGrubbs * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [kfogel] || queue: [Edwin,rockstar] <rockstar> EdwinGrubbs, if you have time, you might be able to do the UI review as well for me, please? <rockstar> ...or sinzui? <EdwinGrubbs> rockstar: I can do it after gary's <rockstar> EdwinGrubbs, cool, thanks. <barry> EdwinGrubbs: don't do kfogel 's; i just approved it <EdwinGrubbs> ok * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [Edwin] || queue: [Edwin,rockstar] * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [rockstar] || queue: [Edwin,rockstar] <barry> actually, i'll do rockstar's ui review and then EdwinGrubbs's code review <rockstar> barry, fank you. <barry> rockstar: when you say "into unittests" another successful strategy we've taken in registry is to move lots of tests into view tests, which can still be doctests <barry> rockstar: then actual pagetests are used just for workflow/navigation <rockstar> barry, yeah, that's actually what I'm planning on doing. <barry> rockstar: awesome <rockstar> barry, and the vigor to do such a thing is still in me. We'll see what happens this weekend. <barry> :) <barry> rockstar: the second screenshot is funky. is there any way not to wrap that h1 heading with the branch url? <rockstar> barry, not with that extra slot, although I expect that extra slot is in the wrong place. <rockstar> (but I don't think that's an issue to be addressed in this branch) <barry> rockstar: agreed. can you please file a bug on that? i'd like to fix that post 3.0. other than that, your two screenshots like good <rockstar> barry, yay! Thanks. I'll file that bug before it lands. <barry> rockstar: thanks! * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [edwin] || queue: [] <EdwinGrubbs> gary_poster: What url is HWDBFingerprintSetView used for? * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: barry || reviewing: [] || queue: [] * barry changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: [] || queue: [] <barry> folks, that's it for me. i can't eat any more no matter how wafer-thin <gary_poster> I'm not sure--as I said, I was unable to test that. It is selected in a navigation class. I'll find it for you <gary_poster> EdwinGrubbs: look in lib/canonical/launchpad/browser/hwdb.py . Look at the HWDBApplicationNavigation class. Look at the traverse_hwdb_fingerprint method <gary_poster> EdwinGrubbs: That's kinda te extent of my knowledge. :-/ <gary_poster> the <gary_poster> EdwinGrubbs: will be afk for dinner but will check back <EdwinGrubbs> that's fine <EdwinGrubbs> sinzui: if a page is just used as a macro, it doesn't need a page_title, right? I'm wondering why some exist in pagetitles.py to begin with. <sinzui> EdwinGrubbs: I am sure you have found a mistake <sinzui> EdwinGrubbs: The page must have a @@main_template/master by accident, which means it needs a pagetitle, but if it is never used as a page, that can be removed <EdwinGrubbs> rockstar: I'm starting on the ui review of your branch-index-redesign branch. <rockstar> EdwinGrubbs, great, thanks. #launchpad-reviews 2009-09-19 <rockstar> Anyone want to take a really mechanical branch? <rockstar> sinzui, maybe you're still around? ^^ <sinzui> yes <rockstar> sinzui, alright, running tests now, will send it your way. <sinzui> okay. Thanks <rockstar> sinzui, proposal sent. <sinzui> I will watch for it <sinzui> rockstar: r=me Good to land as it is. <wgrant> Any reviewers around for a fix for bug #432832? <mup> Bug #432832: update-sourcecode broken for people without access to shipit and c-i-p <Launchpad Foundations:In Progress by wgrant> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/432832> <rockstar> wgrant, hi <rockstar> wgrant, where's you patch? <wgrant> rockstar: Pushing. Give me a moment. <wgrant> Slooow push. <wgrant> ... and I of course stuffed up the MP. <wgrant> rockstar: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-432832/+merge/12109 <rockstar> wgrant, you know you can just send the bundle, right? <wgrant> rockstar: That relies on me having email set up properly. <wgrant> I've never actually used bzr-send before. <wgrant> I probably should work out how to do it. <rockstar> wgrant, if you plan on submitting patches as regularly as you have been, I suggest you learn to. :) <rockstar> If there are holes in our documentation, feel free to bug me and I'll fix them. <rockstar> wgrant, how have you tested this? <wgrant> rockstar: lamalex installed LP with a very similar patch, and I ran rocketfuel-get with it on both existing and new installations. I haven't tested how it goes with shipit and c-i-p available, of course. <rockstar> wgrant, how can I test it, since I have both available? <wgrant> rockstar: Run 'utilities/update-sourcecode ../../lp-sourcedeps' to verify it works on an existing one. Then maybe uncommit a revision or two from a branch, remove another branch, run it again, and verify that they're all up to date. <wgrant> You should not see any errors, since you have access to shipit and c-i-p. <rockstar> I never knew about this script. <wgrant> rockstar: rf-get, so by extension rf-setup, use it. <wgrant> However it was just rewritten. <rockstar> wgrant, ah, okay. I eventually wrote my own script because my folder layout was different, and rf-setup/rf-get only supported one installation location. <wgrant> rockstar: By overriding the LP_PROJECT_ROOT envvar I'm able to have it working on three different installations. <rockstar> wgrant, yeah, it used to not support that. <rockstar> Also, AIUI, it still doesn't support separate branches and trees. <wgrant> Probably not. <wgrant> I don't normally use it either, but that's because it was terribly slow. <wgrant> Now it only takes a couple of minutes. <wgrant> rockstar: Thanks. Can you land that for me? <rockstar> wgrant, yeah. I'll have to figure out how to do that. <wgrant> utilities/ec2test.py --headless -s "[r=rockstar][ui=none] fix update-sourcecode in the case that optional branches are inaccessible" lp:~wgrant/launchpad/bug-432832 --email=me@williamgrant.id.au <wgrant> Maybe throw a ' (wgrant)' just after the '[ui=none]'. <wgrant> Some people do, some people don't. <rockstar> Yea, I'm not sure I need to run that through ec2test. <wgrant> True. <rockstar> I don't see a direct way of doing it with bzr-pqm, so off to ec2 it went. <wgrant> OK, thanks. <wgrant> I'll leave the big rocketfuel-setup breakage (bug #432830) to somebody more qualified. <mup> Bug #432830: rocketfuel-setup does not work <Launchpad Foundations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/432830> <rockstar> Man, I currently have your ec2 runs going. My wife is going to think I'm buying crap on Amazon again. <rockstar> s/your/four/ <wgrant> Heh. <rockstar> wgrant, I killed the ec2 instance and figured out how to just pqm submit it. <wgrant> rockstar: Great, thanks! <rockstar> wgrant, thanks for your patch. <bac> henninge: could i trouble you for a trivial review? it's about a four line change. <bac> if not i'll rs it <henninge> bac: sure, bring it on <gary_poster> henninge, btw happy late bday :-) <henninge> gary_poster: thank you ;-) <bac> henninge: MP sent. waiting for it to show up <bac> hi gary_poster. do you know about http://www.sparkcon.com/ ? it sounds fun but i've never been -- all the way in raleigh... <gary_poster> bac: lol, no, looks cool! <bac> henninge: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/import_error/+merge/12115 * henninge looks <bac> gary_poster: some friends of mine started it a few years ago. it's really grown huge. <gary_poster> bac: wow, cool! I wish there were a better "keep track of the actually cool events in the triangle" feed. The ones I've seen don't include the stuff I want to see. ;-) until the most exciting thing I knew about this weekend was a greek festival. ;-) <gary_poster> until now I mean <bac> gary_poster: yeah, i'm thinking i may have to break my 'no raleigh' rule today and wander down there <henninge> bac: are you keeping the commented-out import for documentation purposes? Is that common practice so that people know what it means? <bac> henninge: no, it was an oversight. i'll remove it <henninge> bac: ok, r=me then ;-) <bac> henninge: danke <henninge> bitte! <bac> hi abentley <abentley> bac: Happily, this is only a problem with the test, and yes, I caused it. <bac> abentley: great. if you can get a fix in rs=bac it would be great! <abentley> bac: Will do. #launchpad-reviews 2009-09-20 <gary_poster> bac or anyone else around for an r or rs to disable the spurious test failure? <gary_poster> flacoste, jml, mwhudson ^^^ ? <gary_poster> jfdi-ing it... <jml> gary_poster, I can do a post-hoc review <gary_poster> jml thank you. <gary_poster> jml: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/274444/ and https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/433323 <mup> Bug #433323: test_proponent_is_stored causes a spurious test failure <spurious-test-failure> <Launchpad Registry:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/433323> <jml> gary_poster, changing the test name to disabled_test_foo is more common, I think. <jml> but no big deal <gary_poster> jml: oh, ok. I can change it--you caught me just as I was signing my gpg key :-) <jml> gary_poster, that'd be good, thanks. <jml> makes for easier greppage <jml> gary_poster, also, thanks for demonstrating that it is spurious (rather than actually broken code) on the bug report. <gary_poster> cool. (bah, I don't have privs to see https://launchpad.canonical.com/PolicyandProcess/XXXPolicy which is the current link from https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/PolicyandProcess) <jml> also, man, that test does way too much <jml> and shouldn't be doing cleanup after assertions that way <jml> but not relevant to this patch. <jml> gary_poster, there's a public XXX policy on the real wiki :) <jml> gary_poster, https://dev.launchpad.net/XXXPolicy <jml> gary_poster, See also https://dev.launchpad.net/SpuriousFailures <gary_poster> jml: a thing of beauty, thanks. I tend to go to https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/PolicyandProcess still. I updated with those. Would be nice if there were an dev.launchpad.net equivalent--or is there? /me looks <gary_poster> nope <gary_poster> amusingly, https://dev.launchpad.net/PolicyAndProcess/ReleaseManagerRotation , but not the parent <jml> gary_poster, there's https://dev.launchpad.net/StyleGuides <gary_poster> hm, but spurious test failure policy does not fit easily under the title of "style guide"... <gary_poster> jml: new diff (entire, not incremental) is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/274445/ . r=you? <gary_poster> putting an rs=barry <gary_poster> thank you jml! talk to you later <jml> gary_poster, np. <jml> gary_poster, thanks for patching it. <bac> gary_poster: thanks <wgrant> Anybody have time to review a tiny tiny fix? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-433385/+merge/12134 <gmb> wgrant: I'll take a look in a few minutes. <wgrant> gmb: Thanks muchly. <gmb> wgrant: Urgh... removeSecurityProxy(). I'm not happy about that, but the alternative is to write an "inEmailAddress(str)" method for IEmailAddress and that seems like an awful lot of work for this little change. <gmb> wgrant: r=me, though... it's pointless going round the houses on this one. <gmb> wgrant: Want me to ec2 and land that for you? Should make it in before PQM closes for 3.0 unless a test breaks. <wgrant> gmb: rSP is already used in that view for a similar purpose, so I thought it should be OK. <wgrant> gmb: Thanks. Please do. <gmb> wgrant: Ah, right. Fair enough then. I didn't look too hard at the rest of the view :) <gmb> wgrant: I'll fire it off now. <gmb> wgrant: Running. I'll let you know if it breaks. <wgrant> gmb: Thanks. #launchpad-reviews 2010-09-20 <mwhudson> lifeless: reviewed <lifeless> mwhudson: thanks <lifeless> mwhudson: feedback on my feedback? <mwhudson> lifeless: ok <lifeless> mwhudson: there was a question there :P <lifeless> mwhudson: for inlining the matcher <mwhudson> lifeless: typing it up now, sorry :) <lifeless> ah de nada <lifeless> I thought you were saying 'ok do it go ahead' <mwhudson> it was just meant to be a generic acknowledgement, though it was unclear <mwhudson> anwyay, typed up now <lifeless> thanks <mwhudson> a review for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/launchpad/move-some-code-vocabularies/+merge/35974 woudl be nice <lifeless> done <lifeless> mwhudson: ^ <mwhudson> lifeless: thanks! <jtv> Anyone up for a really simple review? mwhudson maybe? <jtv> https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/bug-643240/+merge/35984 <lifeless> done <jtv> thanks! <jtv> That was fast <lifeless> de nada * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge || Reviewing: - || queue: [bryceharrington] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge || Reviewing: bryceharrington || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge || Reviewing: bryceharrington || queue: [nooles775] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <gmb> henninge, Good afternoon. Can I add a branch to your queue? <noodles775> Hi henninge, when you've time, could you review an incremental for an approved MP? I've linked to a diff from the last comment at: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/635005-difference-details-2/+merge/35640 <henninge> gmb: sure, please do <henninge> noodles775: I'd happy to do so but who is that 'nooles' guy? <henninge> ;-) <noodles775> woops :) * gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge || Reviewing: bryceharrington || queue: [noodles775, gmb] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <gmb> noodles775, Fixed that for you :) <noodles775> Ta. <henninge> sleeping people will have to wait ... ;) * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge || Reviewing: noodles775 || queue: [noodles775, gmb, bryceharrington] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge || Reviewing: noodles775 || queue: [gmb, bryceharrington] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <henninge> noodles775: Why is the marker interface not defined in interfaces? <noodles775> henninge: I'd put it there in the browser module because its only used for displaying comments, but right, that's probably an old habit. <noodles775> henninge: actually, hangon... <noodles775> henninge: because that's where the code guys had them - I didn't create ICodeReviewNewRevisions (also only used for display). <noodles775> I assume they had them there for that reason (see the comment for ICodeReviewNewRevisions in the diff) <henninge> noodles775: I see. <henninge> noodles775: I don't pretend to fully understand all effects of your change but what makes the attibutes move from the view to view.comment? <noodles775> henninge: that's not part of that diff - which is why it would be hard to understand. That was why a test failed :) <henninge> noodles775: ah! <noodles775> I'll just find the relevant lines of the MP diff... <noodles775> So from line 72ff on the MP diff, a bunch of attributes are moved from the view to the CodeReviewDisplayComment object. <noodles775> which caused the test failure because the templates were using the view :) <noodles775> henninge: sorry, I need to run out the door in a few mins for lunch... are there any other thoughts/questions that you've got? <henninge> noodles775: thanks, I understand <henninge> noodles775: no, I'll approve now. I didn't find anything ... ;) r=me <noodles775> Thanks henninge * henninge runs to lunch, too <henninge> np * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge || Reviewing: lunch || queue: [gmb, bryceharrington] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge || Reviewing: lunch || queue: [gmb, bryceharrington, sinzui] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge || Reviewing: lunch || queue: [gmb, bryceharrington, sinzui, sinzui] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <deryck> sinzui and salgado. Hi! bdmurray wasn't sure how to proceed, so I commented on his +subscriptions work that you guys reviewed. If either of you could look and see if you agree with me, I'd appreciate it. <deryck> Just to help move him forward again. <sinzui> I was waiting for salgado to respond. I think your proposed path is in line with my suggestions <sinzui> I really hate the so-called story test though <salgado> deryck, sinzui, just saw it here, will reply <deryck> yeah, I agree. I think it's premature at this point. <deryck> Maybe he should just do view unit tests until we have a complete user story. <deryck> sinzui, what do you think of that? ^^ * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge || Reviewing: gmb || queue: [bryceharrington, sinzui, sinzui] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge, abentley || Reviewing: gmb, - || queue: [bryceharrington, sinzui, sinzui] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <abentley> bryceh, you should also request a DB review if you introduce a db patch. <abentley> bryceh, around? * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge, abentley || Reviewing: gmb, sinzui || queue: [bryceharrington, sinzui] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge, abentley || Reviewing: gmb, sinzui || queue: [bryceharrington] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <bac> henninge, abentley: a trivial one: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-637102/+merge/36028 * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge, abentley || Reviewing: gmb, sinzui || queue: [bryceharrington,bac] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <abentley> sinzui, would it make sense to extract your monkeypatch of XMLRPCRunner.get_mailing_list_api_proxy to a Context Manager? <sinzui> abentley, I do not understand your suggestion, but I welcome a graceful way to choose the proxy. <sinzui> ah, mailman is not running with zopisms so my favorite hack or registering something in the testrunners config will not work <sinzui> abentley, If you can help me factor out the monkey patch, I will be delighted <abentley> sinzui, am writing up example. <sinzui> thanks! <abentley> sinzui, something like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/497078/ <abentley> sinzui, it would be possible to generalize this to other mokeypatches. <sinzui> abentley, I love this <abentley> sinzui, great. <abentley> s/addContext/useContext <sinzui> notes <sinzui> noted <sinzui> I am do excited to have solved the mailman monkeypatch test strategy. No more anxiety when I hear mailman is broken <abentley> sinzui, for paranoia, it could make sense to check that self.mailing_list.getReviewableMessages().count() == 0 before you make any changes. <sinzui> abentley, I can add that. I have a lot of confidence since the team is new in each case, and I am only testing one message each time, that if that fails, then teardown failed <abentley> sinzui, okay. <abentley> sinzui, r=me <sinzui> thanks. I will integrate the changes shortly * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: abentley || Reviewing: sinzui || queue: [bryceharrington,bac] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge, abentley || Reviewing: gmb, - || queue: [bryceharrington,bac] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <henninge> gmb: approved. Sorry, I should have looked at it sooner as it was really niece and smooth reviewing ... ;-) * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: abentley || Reviewing: - || queue: [bryceharrington,bac] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <gmb> henninge, No worries, and thanks. <abentley> bac, r=me * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: henninge, abentley || Reviewing: gmb, - || queue: [bryceharrington] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: abentley || Reviewing: - || queue: [bryceharrington] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <gmb> rockstar, Did you have chance to look at my lazr-js branch yet? <bac> thanks abentley-lunch <gmb> (Realising of course that Monday has just started for you... :)) <bryceh> abentley-lunch, yep? <leonardr> sinzui: i landed the branch you reviewed for me a few days back, and then immediately discovered that the requirements have changed so as to render the branch moot. can you help me a) review a branch that reverts the change i just made, and b) help me construct that branch in the first place? <sinzui> :( <sinzui> leonardr, do you want bzr command to do a reverse merge? <leonardr> sinzui: exactly <leonardr> i just tried bzr merge -r 11577..11578 and it ran, but i haven't checked if it's right yet <leonardr> no, that didn't work <sinzui> you will need --merge3, but let me look locally * sinzui pulls tip <leonardr> sinzui, my revision is 11578 <leonardr> in case that wasn't clear <sinzui> bzr cdiff -r 11578..11577 | less -R <leonardr> yes, that looks like it will undo my change <sinzui> then... <sinzui> bzr merge --merge3 -r 11578..11577 <abentley-lunch> leonardr, you need to specify the branch, unless you want 11578/11577 to be interpreted relative to the branch you normally merge from. <abentley-lunch> leonardr, so "bzr merge --merge3 -r 11578..11577 ." <abentley-lunch> leonardr, though --merge3 is the default, so you only need it if you've overridden the default. <leonardr> abentley-lunch: i think i've got it... <abentley> bryceh, since this branch is proposed to land in db-devel, it's unlikely that the db patches would be shown if they were already in db-devel. <abentley> bryceh, perhaps they hadn't landed at the time you proposed the merge? <rockstar> gmb, I did look at it enough to realize it needs more of my attention than I could give to it at the time. <rockstar> gmb, I'll have it finished when you get up tomorrow, is that good? <abentley> bryceh, I think the new style is to define permissions in terms of interfaces. Did you consider that option? <leonardr> sinzui: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpad/revert-oauth-aware-website/+merge/36038 <bdmurray> abentley: Could I get https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/launchpad/api-export-bug-activity/+merge/35897 added to the queue? <abentley> bdmurray, sure. <abentley> bryceh, OCR is meant to be interactive. Please ping me when you are up for an interactive review. * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: abentley || Reviewing: bdmurray || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <abentley> bdmurray, what is a BugField? <bdmurray> abentley: double checking <bdmurray> abentley: its a field that allows one to enter a bug number so maybe its unnecessary <abentley> bdmurray, I would expect IBugActivity.bug to be a reference to the bug, but it sounds like it's actually an int? <bdmurray> abentley: yes, an int, the bug number, is correct <abentley> bdmurray, ISTM that specifying it as an Int will be clearer, and since users don't edit BugActivity, we won't lose any functionality. <bdmurray> abentley: right, that makes sense to me <abentley> bdmurray, classes should have blank lines between their entries, e.g. export_as_webservice_entry(), datechanged, etc. <abentley> bdmurray, the description of message is copy-pasted. <bdmurray> abentley: could you elaborate on both of those points? <abentley> bdmurray, I am generalizing from the PEP8 requirement "Method definitions inside a class are separated by a single blank line." <bdmurray> abentley: I meant I don't see where the error is <abentley> bdmurray, lines 33, 78, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 100 <bdmurray> abentley: hmm, there are not blank lines in IBug from interfaces/bug.py nor in IBugTask from interfaces/bugtask.py <abentley> bdmurray, that may be so. <sinzui> leonardr, I think the MP is for the wrong branch. I see your work and the work of others. Maybe you meant to merge into devel? <leonardr> sinzui, thanks, i was trying to figure out what was the problem <sinzui> just delete the mp and be sure to choose /devel (launchpad's default is db-devel) <leonardr> sinzui: try https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpad/revert-oauth-aware-website/+merge/36040 * sinzui waits for diff <abentley> bdmurray, it's possible that there's some skew in team styles here. It's also possible that those files are not good examples, because they were created a long time ago. <bdmurray> abentley: okay <sinzui> leonardr, r=me <leonardr> sinzui: think i should ec2 test or is that overkill? <sinzui> leonardr, I would ec2 to cover the small case where someone made a change on top of your changes <leonardr> sinzui, ok <abentley> bdmurray, I can't see anything definitive in our style guide. https://dev.launchpad.net/PythonStyleGuide The 10-line example under Properties hints at it. <abentley> bdmurray, for the copy/paste, "message" is described as "The related property of the bug that changed." which is not accurate. <bdmurray> abentley: do you have an idea for a more accurate description? I couldn't find anything describing the field. <abentley> bdmurray, sorry, I don't know what the field is used for. <abentley> I think the test at line 154 is not useful. It would not catch a case where bug activity were exposed as /bug_activity, for example. <bdmurray> abentley: deryck and I've discussed the description some and have something better <abentley> bdmurray, great. <abentley> bdmurray, ping me when you've pushed your changes. * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: abentley || Reviewing: - || queue: [bdmurray] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <rockstar> abentley, here's a really little one. <rockstar> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rockstar/launchpad/not-logged-in-recipes/+merge/36049 <abentley> rockstar, don't introduce shout_at_engineer. Use removeSecurityProxy if the usage is legit, or an XXX if there's a fix needed. <rockstar> abentley, ah, hadn't seen that. <abentley> rockstar, you can also use getViewBrowser instead of canonical_url/logout/setupBrowser. <rockstar> abentley, no, I can't. getViewBrowser logs me in. <abentley> rockstar, okay, let's fix getViewBrowser, then. <gmb> rockstar, That works for me, thanks. <rockstar> abentley, getViewBrowser's login stuff goes pretty deep... <abentley> rockstar, can't we just add a no_login parameter and call setupBrowser instead of getUserBrowser? <rockstar> abentley, yup, that's what I'm doing. <abentley> rockstar, cool. <rockstar> abentley, updated (and removed the other instance of setupBrowser in another test) https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rockstar/launchpad/not-logged-in-recipes/+merge/36049 <abentley> rockstar, r=me. <rockstar> abentley, yay. <gary_poster> abentley: quick one, maybe (and if it's not, maybe we should ignore the branch for now, because it was a flyby): https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/bug643715/+merge/36060 <bdmurray> abentley: I've pushed an updated branch leaving bug as a BugField as that is a link to the bug report and Int returns a dictionary of all the bug properties <abentley> bdmurray, I'll have a look in a minute. <abentley> gary_poster, your patch is treating revnos as if they were revision-ids. It will fail to do an update if the definition of the revno has changed. <gary_poster> abentley: agreed, but when would that happen for this use case <abentley> gary_poster, if someone uncommits a revision. <gary_poster> ew, didn't know you could do that with a public branch but I guess that makes sense within the model <gary_poster> ok, that's a shame, but if that's a reasonable concern then we should just drop it. thanks for the look abentley <abentley> gary_poster, np. <abentley> gary_poster, I think you also may not have accounted for the possibility that the branch has changed. Also, it appears that your test will give false negatives if "revision" is not a revno. <abentley> bdmurray, I notice that you're still using BugField rather than Int. Rationale? <bdmurray> leaving bug as a BugField as that is a link to the bug report and Int returns a dictionary of all the bug properties <abentley> bdmurray, so bug is a reference to the bug, not an Int? <bdmurray> abentley: yes, afaict <abentley> bdmurray, okay. "Int returns a dictionary of all the bug properties" means that when you use it via the WS, you get a dict? <bdmurray> abentley: yes, when exported it as an Int I was seeing bug properties like latest_patch_uploaded in a dictionary. <abentley> bdmurray, r=me. <bdmurray> abentley: great, thanks! * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: abentley || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews #launchpad-reviews 2010-09-21 <stub> lifeless: You might be interested in reviewing https://code.edge.https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stub/launchpad/cronscripts/+merge/36005 -- cronscript oops stuff we discussed and some delinting noise. <lifeless> what was LibrarianFormatter for ? <stub> lifeless: Instead of spitting out exceptions to stderr, it stored them in the Librarian and spat out a URL. For a while some of the batch jobs where insanely noisy and this made them slightly more readable. <lifeless> kk <lifeless> CrashScript has huge vertical whitespace <lifeless> could you compact it a little? <stub> k <lifeless> I only ask cause I couldn't really read it without my eyes rolling back in their sockets <thumper> lifeless: there is also https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~thumper/launchpad/branch-distro-set-old-mature/+merge/36095 if you'd like to approve another trivial branch <lifeless> line 30, the extra vws weirds me <lifeless> up to you <thumper> lifeless: are you vws phobic? * wgrant likes LibrarianFormatter. <wgrant> It's handy until Soyuz gets fixed. <lifeless> thumper: no, but it often makes things harder to read <lifeless> thumper: my rule of thumb is that if I need vws I need a new function <lifeless> thumper: but its a shallow thing - I don't fundamentally care; I'll make it look how I prefer when I touch something, but really, anything goes. <thumper> :) <stub> wgrant: I can leave it if it is useful. I didn't think anyone liked it any more. <wgrant> stub: It's still useful for people to see it in Soyuz upload logs. <wgrant> Since Soyuz can be a bit harsh sometimes. <stub> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/641103 <_mup_> Bug #641103: LibrarianFormatter should die <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/641103> <thumper> mwhudson: interested in the branch-distro script change to avoid the scan/ <thumper> ? <thumper> mwhudson: it is surprisingly small <mwhudson> thumper: sure * thumper gets it ready * thumper sighs <thumper> other test failures <thumper> due to my groovey new code <thumper> which now assumes real database data <mwhudson> heh <mwhudson> there are some rather extreme fakes in the tests for branch-distro iirc * thumper is rerunning the tests * thumper forgot -v <thumper> it is snowing again <mwhudson> ! <mwhudson> very pleasant day in wellington today <thumper> w00t <thumper> all passing again <thumper> mwhudson: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~thumper/launchpad/branch-distro-avoid-scan/+merge/36103 <thumper> mwhudson: I'm going to help with dinner, feel free to leave comments, and I'll look later <mwhudson> thumper: ok * StevenK changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [StevenK] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [StevenK, noodles775] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb || Reviewing: - || queue: [StevenK, noodles775] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb || Reviewing: noodles775 || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <bryceh> On call: gmb || Reviewing: noodles775 || queue: [bryceharrington] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * bryceh changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb || Reviewing: noodles775 || queue: [bryceharrington] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <noodles775> Thanks gmb <gmb> noodles775, r=me; one change needed and one slight refactoring requested. <noodles775> Thanks gmb, I'll take a look. * gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb || Reviewing: bryceh || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <gmb> bryceh, lp-617679-code, right? <noodles775> gmb: with makeLaunchpadService(), why not just put it in TestCaseWithFactory? (ie. is there a reason why I should have to think about a separate subclass etc. when adding an API test?) <gmb> noodles775, Well, if you added a WebServiceTestCase, you could also set its layer to AppServiceLayer by default. Other than that, though, there's no reason not to just put it in *WithFactory. <lifeless> gmb: why do you need a WebServiceTestCase <gmb> lifeless, You don't. It would save people from having to re-do what noodles775 did in one of his test cases for the webservice, but it was just an idea. As noodles775 said, might as well add his makeLaunchpadService() method to TestCaseWithFactory,. <lifeless> I haven't seen the code, but unless it also uses factory methods, why not just have it standalone ? <gmb> That would also work. noodles775, can you confirm that that's doable? <noodles775> It does use factory.makePerson currently. <noodles775> But sure, it could go in lp.testing._webservice.py <lifeless> if its using factory.makePerson it should be on the factory <gmb> D'OH. <gmb> I blame lack of caffeine for my not spotting the blindingly obvious. * gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <gmb> noodles775, So, as has been said, that method should be on the factory, not on some other TestCase. <noodles775> Yep, I'll move it to the factory. <gmb> Cool. * gmb grabs a drink; bbiab * gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb || Reviewing: thumper || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb || Reviewing: lunch || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * mars changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb, mars || Reviewing: lunch, Ursinha || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb, mars || Reviewing: -, Ursinha || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <gmb> Morning mars <mars> Morning gmb! <gmb> mars, I have one for your queue. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gmb/launchpad/bug-644346/+merge/36143 * gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb, mars || Reviewing: -, Ursinha || queue: [gmb] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <gmb> Nice and small. <mars> gmb, thanks * jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb, mars || Reviewing: -, Ursinha || queue: [gmb, jcsackett] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <jcsackett> hello, mars and gmb. <jcsackett> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/launchpad/series-need-usage-attributes-643902/+merge/36145 could use a review, when you have time. <gmb> jcsackett, I'll take a look shorly. <gmb> *shortly <mars> jcsackett, I have two in the queue before that <mars> thanks gmb <jcsackett> gmb, thanks. :-) * gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb, mars || Reviewing: jcsackett, Ursinha || queue: [gmb] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * gmb grabs a drink first <gmb> jcsackett, On line 177 you say "# If translations_usage is set for the Product, respect it" but then you reference self.distribution.translations_usage. I'm assuming you need to s/Product/Distribution in the comment. <jcsackett> gmb: you're correct. making the change. <gmb> Same on line 241 <gmb> jcsackett, You need to add some comments or docstrings to the start of your tests explaining what they test (you should phrase this as a statement of expected behaviour, e.g. "The frobnob goes boing." rather than "Test that the frobnob goes boing." <gmb> Other than that, r=me. * gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: gmb, mars || Reviewing: -, Ursinha || queue: [gmb] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <jcsackett> gmb: you got it; i'll make those changes. <jcsackett> thanks a lot! <abentley> rockstar, could you review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/incremental-diff-driveby/+merge/36156 please? <rockstar> abentley, sure. <abentley> rockstar, thanks. <rockstar> abentley, is any of that lint legitimate? <abentley> rockstar, I don't think so, but I'm open to other opinions. <rockstar> abentley, it looks like the first one, line 715 of ./lib/lp/code/interfaces/branchmergeproposal.py, might be. * gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: mars || Reviewing: -, Ursinha || queue: [gmb] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <abentley> rockstar, AFAICT, there are two blank lines above notify_modified. <rockstar> abentley, yeah, I looked. WTF. <abentley> rockstar, I think it's because the comment is there, but if that's the reason, it should say "found 0". <henninge> danilos: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~henninge/launchpad/recife-poimport/+merge/36165 <danilos> henninge, thanks, can you please find someone else as a reviewer if you are in a hurry to get some rest because I am chasing that nasty bug you filed :) <henninge> danilos: ok <henninge> danilos: that is a good excuse ;-) <henninge> unfortunately it's oversized * gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: mars || Reviewing: Ursinha || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: mars || Reviewing: Ursinha || queue: [sinzui] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <sinzui> mars I added a large branch to your queue. While most the the branch are deletes, It still looks scary. I can get EdwinGrubbs or bac to do it tomorrow if you do not have time <mars> sinzui, I'll take it * mars changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: mars || Reviewing: sinzui || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <mars> deryck[lunch], ping when you return * mars changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: mars || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <deryck> hi mars <mars> hi deryck <mars> deryck, I have a review here from mbp where he asks for a careful review and some advice on testing his mail handling code. <mars> deryck, I was wondering if someone on your team would have knowledge in that domain that could help Martin out? <mars> deryck, it is some work he did on the DKIM code: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad/dkim/+merge/35985 <deryck> mars, perhaps gmb or allenap. But the code team should have some expertise there, too. abentley wrote BaseMailer, I believe. <mars> deryck, great. thank you for the help <deryck> np * mars changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: mars || Reviewing: - || queue: [jml] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * mars changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: mars || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <mars> StevenK, I am going to save jml's review for you. It moves code, so no need to balk at the line-count :) * mars changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: mars || Reviewing: - || queue: [jml] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * mars changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: mars || Reviewing: - || queue: [[open],jml] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * mars changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: mars || Reviewing: - || queue: [jml] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <abentley> rockstar, could you please review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/safe-delete-recipe-build/+merge/36195 ? I think you'll like it. <rockstar> abentley, sure. <abentley> rockstar, how about this? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/upload-failure-email-log/+merge/36205 <abentley> rockstar, mercy buckups. <rockstar> abentley, no problem. Thanks for fixing that. <mwhudson> thumper: sorry for not reviewing branch-distro-avoid-scan yesterday, i don't know how i managed to forget about it <thumper> mwhudson: np, it isn't super urgent <thumper> not critical that is <abentley> thumper, incremental diff screenshot: http://people.canonical.com/~abentley/Screenshot-5.png <thumper> abentley: do we record the (from, to) revno pairs/ <thumper> abentley: it'd be nice to see a heading on that block <thumper> perhaps saying something like "Incremental diff from revno 123 - 130" <thumper> maybe <abentley> thumper, no, we don't record revnos. We record the revisions. <thumper> yay, another reason for the branch revision table <thumper> abentley: skype? <abentley> thumper, sure. <thumper> abentley: no headphones * mars changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews #launchpad-reviews 2010-09-22 * jtv changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: jtv || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <jtv> thumper: you're probably eod, but if not… care to review? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/bug-643345/+merge/36258 <jtv> Anyone else who could review for me? stub? <jtv> jml maybe? <jtv> gmb, you perhaps? <jtv> allenap then? <jtv> StevenK? <StevenK> jtv: I can look, but I can only give you code* <jtv> StevenK: theoretically that would slow down the final review, but it's not a very long branch so might as well. <jtv> did noodles775 just join us? <noodles775> Join you for what? ;) Morning! <jtv> morning! <jtv> I'm shopping around for a reviewer for a CP branch… StevenK could do it, but will need a mentor to approve his review. <jtv> It's this branch: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/bug-643345/+merge/36258 <noodles775> Sure. <jtv> \o/ <noodles775> jtv: maybe you could help me too? I've got an ec2 test failure email, but the tests pass locally, and the version of db-devel that was most recently merged also went through buildbot fine (r9808: https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lucid_db_lp/builds/237) <jtv> noodles775: happy to return the favour <noodles775> I've stared at it a bit yesterday, but would love a second pair of eyes? * jtv looks <noodles775> Thanks, I'll forward the failure email. <jtv> noodles775: I know the feeling—I could do with a new pair of eyes myself. <noodles775> The email has the branch that you should be able to make and test locally. Thanks jtv <StevenK> noodles775: jtv's MP doesn't have any obvious gotchas that I can see. <noodles775> Thanks StevenK <jtv> noodles775: wow, that's not a very informative failure is it? <noodles775> jtv: no, and it's not just one... there's also 2 windmill errors (which also pass locally, at least did for me). <jtv> Yes, I'm looking at them <jtv> noodles775: the test failure (as opposed to the 2 errors) looks familiar <noodles775> I thought so too, but couldn't see any evidence of it on buildbot. <jtv> we had something like that recently… I think StevenK investigated but the problem was elusive <jtv> IIRC the test had just been converted from using getLatestOops (or something along those lines) to self.oopses (or something along those lines) when that happened. <noodles775> StevenK: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/498260/ <noodles775> ? <noodles775> jtv: did it also fail only on ec2 test and not on db-devel? (that would explain why I can't see it on the recent buildbot runs). <noodles775> jtv: And if that's the case, can you confirm for me that all 3 tests pass for you locally on that branch, and I'll submit it? <StevenK> Funny you should mention that: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/44/testReport/lp.services.job.tests.test_runner/TestJobRunner/test_runAll_mails_oopses/ <jtv> noodles775: the former is something StevenK can answer better, and the latter is something I'm about to try <noodles775> StevenK: Ah! So it's not just my branch! So why is it failing ec2 test and hudson, but not db-devel? <StevenK> noodles775: To be completly honest, I'm not sure <StevenK> But I am happy that hudson has a test failure that is useful and reproducable <noodles775> Different versions of oops-tools? <jtv> could that make a difference to the running of the tests? <jtv> I thought that was all post-facto processing, not related to actual generation of oopses. <jtv> noodles775: the "failure" one passes for me… trying the "error" ones. <noodles775> Thanks. <jtv> StevenK: found any nits to pick yet? :) <noodles775> jtv: only things I've thought so far are: <noodles775> 1) It wasn't obvious to me without reading the code below that committer_string isn't an actual commit string provided (somehow) by the committer. Not sure if there's a better name, or maybe its just me. <noodles775> 2) In getBzrCommitterID you're using self.committer.preferredemail, even though abentley's change of the related bug title seems to indicate this is wrong? <noodles775> (but I don't know the background) <jtv> noodles775: the first of those errored windmill tests passed for me, but the second crashed firefox. (I'm on maverick beta) <noodles775> So am I... that's interesting though, I'd not run them together, always separately. <jtv> noodles775: I'd be happy to come up with a better name for 1. As for 2, that falls under the "laying groundwork" part—there must be better fixes, but for now I just want the failures out of the way. <jtv> noodles775: I'm running the tests separately as well. <noodles775> Yes, but (regarding 2) couldn't you just remove that elif for the moment to get the failures out of the way? <thumper> jtv: reviewed <noodles775> jtv: Ah, another thought... I wonder if the windmill failures are related to the FF version. <jtv> noodles775: well AIUI it's wrong _because_ it's not guaranteed to be present. <jtv> Not inherently wrong otherwise that I know of—people on that end made a deliberate decision to use email addresses, and I don't want to controvert them wholesale. <jtv> thumper: thanks! I also have noodles775 looking at it just now <thumper> jtv: ok <noodles775> Ah, I'll just add my review so far as a comment FTR - I didn't realise thumper was/had looked at it. <thumper> noodles775: that's fine <jtv> thumper: but very happy to have your view on it <thumper> I didn't read all the comments after jtv pinged <jtv> there were too many :) <jtv> noodles775: the branch puller test leaves a branch locked, but otherwise its test passes for me. <noodles775> jtv: so one windmill test errored for you... which one was it? test_pofile_new_translation_autoselect ? <jtv> yes * noodles775 runs it locally <jtv> and once Firefox gets involved, I'm not even willing to guess at the moving parts and variables that come into play… <jtv> thumper: pushed changes for your review <jtv> (moving on to noodles' review) <jtv> noodles775: pushed changes for your review <thumper> ack <jtv> noodles775: just pushed another tiny, tiny thing I missed in renaming that parameter. Nothing you wouldn't expect. <noodles775> Yep, looking now. <jtv> dankeschön <noodles775> jtv: committer_id is much clearer, thanks. And test_pofile_new_translation_autoselect still passes fine for me locally. <jtv> noodles775: maverick or lucid? <noodles775> maverick <jtv> same here :( <jtv> may be a plugin <jtv> phone call… <noodles775> jtv, StevenK: the oops error just appeared on buildbot, so that one seems spurious. <jtv> :/ <StevenK> Oooh, so it is real <noodles775> Real in the sense that it happens sometimes even on buildbot, yes. <jtv> noodles775: by the way, sorry about the double-review hassle; I was knocking on doors and moving on when I got no reply. Are things to your satisfaction now? <noodles775> jtv: no problem! Yep - I only reviewed the code as per my comment, but I'm happy with that (after your variable change). <jtv> noodles775: thanks—then I'll land on devel <jml> *sigh* <jml> no one reviewed my branch yesterday <jtv> jml: as it happens, I'm OCR. Putting out some fires today, which is why I haven't gotten around to the backlog, but I could do it now. <jml> jtv, that'd be great, thanks. <jml> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpad/buildd-slavescanner-bustage/+merge/36187 * jtv changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: jtv || Reviewing: jml || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <jtv> jml: you're turning into a Hindu god. <jml> jtv, oh? <jtv> Lots of creative destruction and, evidently, more than the normal quota of hands to type with. <jtv> jml: who is "we" in this narrative by the way? <jtv> Royal "we"? <jml> jtv, bigjools & I <jml> jtv, and Shiva <jtv> jml: …and this is why the comma is a bad way to indicate that you're addressing someone directly in IRC. :) <jml> jtv, I hate it the comma autocomplete <jml> jtv, but xchat doesn't give me a control to change it <jtv> ah! there are clients that do that? <jtv> a mild bowel discomfort be upon them <jtv> jml: diff line 41 is weird: "Similarly, but" <jml> jtv, oh yeah. I guess "But" will do <jtv> jml: I'm unable to find the connection between the narrative and the test there, but that's probably just me. If you assume me they match, that's good enough for me—as long as I get you to expend some thought on the matter. <jml> jtv, they do match. the broader narrative is about checking the deb lines. <jtv> jml: I believe you blindly. <jml> jtv, I don't think archive-dependencies.txt is a well-written document, and would rather (one day) move all of those to unit tests. <jtv> I'm glad you're making the effort. <jtv> jml: diff line 698 would read even better IMHO if you switched conditions around to read "... and not ..." <jml> jtv, good call <jtv> jml: also, I see some XXX comments that lack date, name, and bug reference. <jml> jtv, yeah, I'll quickly review those now. <jtv> thanks <jtv> jml: a bit scary that the OkSlave previously did almost nothing but then suddenly Popen'ed in resume()… <jml> jtv, yes, it is. <jml> jtv, lots of this stuff is scary <jml> jtv, maybe in a branch today or tomorrow we'll actually kill all of those mocks and do the mocking at the xmlrpclib layer. <jtv> that sounds like a cool idea… so much of it is no-brainer replication anyway. <jml> exactly <jtv> The call log is quite close to what FakeMethod does, even. <jml> yeah, but we are selective about what we append <jml> the whole thing is really close to niemeyer's mocker * jtv sobs quietly into a handkerchief, then composes himself <jml> which I'm not sure why we don't use. <jtv> Not in this branch though! <jtv> But yes, if that fits, by all means do it. <jtv> Ah, a meaningful docstring on a test case. The astrologists always said it would happen, but I didn't expect to see it in my lifetime. <jml> jtv, fwiw, Michael Foord, who was recently hired by Canonical, also has a popular mocking library :) <jtv> TMTM <jml> something like that :) <jtv> jml: why does TestBinaryBuildPackageBehavior.setUp invoke its super, create a factory, and log in? Doesn't TestCaseWithFactory provide all that? <jml> jtv, TCWF does indeed provide all of that, but we are subclassing Twisted's TestCase, since we need the Deferred support <jml> jtv, and multi inheritance for TestCases is a nightmare. <jtv> jml: I only see it being derived from unittest.TestCase. <jml> jtv, "from twisted.trial import unittest" <jtv> that is obscene <jml> jtv, we all make mistakes in our youth that we later come to regret <jml> jtv, one of mine was calling the main trial module 'unittest' <jtv> jml: was it legal in the country you grew up in? <jtv> ah wait, I'm thinking of drugs there. <jtv> Different mistake. <jml> jtv, yes, but socially frowned upon. <jtv> Good, good. <jtv> How about, in this special case, importing twisted and qualifying as twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase? <jml> jtv, well, we often do "from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase as TrialTestCase"... <jtv> that'd work too <jml> jtv, but I didn't do that here because it adds TrialTestCase to the test suite <jml> (also my fault) <jtv> Can you "from twisted.trial import unittest as twisted_unittest"? <jml> jtv, yeah, I'll do something like that. <jtv> Thanks. I sorely need a break; brb <jml> np <jtv> jml: back from break… have you considered taking twisted out of the test altogether? <jml> jtv, no. <jtv> the obvious follow-up: would it be worth considering? <jtv> I did that in one of the slave tests. <jml> jtv, ok, sorry, what I meant was that I considered and rejected it... <jtv> I forget how, sadly. <jtv> Ah :) <jml> jtv, we're changing the BuilderSlave to have a Twisted API <jml> jtv, so that the buildmaster can be properly written <jml> jtv, that API change is going to bubble up and affect all of the *Behavior objects <jtv> ah <jtv> And, I suppose, make it far too risky to try and hack your way out of twisted just for the purpose of this test. <jml> jtv, that's pretty much what's driving this work <jml> jtv, indeed. <jml> jtv, we *might* be able to do something tricky later on <jml> jtv, but until things are stabilized, I'd rather not. <jtv> But Knuth's Law. Got it. <jml> Yes. That one :) <jml> (as an example, lp.codehosting.vfs has code that works with either a synchronous xmlrpc client or an asynchronous one). <jtv> In ll. 984—992 of the diff, would it perhaps be clearer to use a list comprehension, perhaps even without the nested function definition? <jtv> expected = [ <jtv> ['cacheFile', 'sendFileToSlave', ('ensurepresent', url, '', '')] <jtv> for url in [chroot.http_url] + extra_urls] <jtv> Oh, you're extending, not appending. <jml> jtv, I'm open for ideas on making that code clearer. <jml> jtv, I had to switch to Haskell mode to be mentally capable of solving the problem <jtv> Good start. <jtv> jml: personally, I've come off the idea of building these great clever assertion methods in tests. I do like the general approach, but find it better to return something I can compare in a single comparison directly in the test. <jtv> Makes failures much easier to deal with. <jml> jtv, certainly that would be nice <jml> jtv, the current API we're testing is a bit of a blunt instrument. I can't think of anything less bad than the assertion we have now. <jtv> jml: I think this might be clearer… http://paste.ubuntu.com/498340/ <jml> jtv, you mean, a) change the function to a list comp; b) change the assertion method into a helper that builds the object to compare against? <jtv> jml: exactly <jml> ok. I'm willing to give that a try. <jtv> (Of course not all of the function will fit into a list comprehension, but forming a list would be the obvious core of it) <jtv> jml: I'd also extract the dict into a variable, which will break down the structure a bit and also allow the contents to follow our syntax guidelines. <jml> how do they break from our syntax guidelines? <jtv> syntax guidelines say dictionary = { <jtv> 'item1': 1, <jtv> 'item2': 2, <jtv> } <jml> oh right. <jtv> ahhh, looking at the calls, I see why you have the assertion method. It must be fun debugging this stuff. <jml> jtv, the test failures are relatively easy to grok. <jtv> btw I guess twisted tests are expected to return a deferred, or watchumacallit? <jml> jtv, but, well, big fat APIs that do a lot of stuff are always hard to test. <jml> jtv, yes, they are <jml> jtv, full story: if a trial test returns a deferred, trial will wait for that deferred to fire before moving on to the next test. <jml> jtv, that facility is necessary when dealing w/ async code <jtv> jml: that sort of suggests itself… but makes the naming similarity to unittest all the more unfortunate <jml> jtv, in most ways it's quite similar to unittest <jtv> It's good to follow the same patterns, but awkward to have a different call model in such a close semblance of unittest <jtv> jml: in ll. 1073—1077 of the diff, it may be easier to construct the expected error string outside of the assertion. <jtv> I wish these tests could be shorter, but see no very reasonable way to do it. <jml> sure. <jml> me neither. <jml> I'm hoping that as we push deeper into this stuff something will present itself <jtv> You could extract the chroot-setting part into a helper. Bit ugly with the commit in the middle (why not transaction.commit, by the way?) but would extract some unhelpful text from the tests. <jtv> I suspect the setup of builder and slave could also be extracted. <jml> maybe. <jml> their construction is parametrized differently in different tests, so I'm a little bit wary of prematurely refactoring. <jml> not transaction.commit() because zopeless. <jml> maybe that doesn't matter these days <jtv> I don't think it does <jml> In that case, layer.txn ought to be hidden. <jtv> I'm not sure but I think layer.txn == transaction <jtv> jml: the archive and the build are parameterized differently, but the builder and slave..? <jml> jtv, parametrized by the archive, arch series, virtualized or not. <jtv> jml: of course there's nothing stopping a helper from accepting similar pameters <jml> yeah. <jml> but then when we add a new test we'll probably need to change the helper <jtv> it's you call though; the question is how relevant it is to the test <jml> I'd like to leave it for now. <jml> where are we at more generally w/ the review? bigjools is doing some stuff that I'd like to stick my nose into. <jtv> jml: I think we're through most of the code you added; after that I'll make one more brief pass to look for lost coverage but I don't expect to find anything. <jml> jtv, cool. thanks. <jtv> jml: I suppose the bit in lines 63—99 is really just unnecessarily duplicating Librarian work? <jtv> jml: I'm saturated, so not much use for me to look through this further. I'll have to trust that the coverage matches, or if not, that (1) people will be afraid to touch the code anyway or (2) any failures will cause widespread panic and so will be instantly fixed and tested in a modern way. <jml> jtv, understood <jtv> jml: got a revision for me? I'm EOD'ing as far as all else is concerned. <jml> jtv, the 63-99 is already tested in buildmaster/model/tests/test_builder.py <jml> jtv, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/498363/ <jtv> thanks <jml> jtv, I had to keep the assert helper because the cookie is only created after startJob is called. <jtv> jml: understood, I think… still think you've made an improvement there. <jml> jtv, thanks. <jtv> Brings the interesting part of a failure one level closer to where the reader looks for it. <jtv> In the traceback, I mean. <jml> yeah. <jtv> jml: I've approved. <jtv> On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <jtv> I meant… * jtv changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <jml> jtv, thanks. <jtv> np <deryck> adeuring, hi, can I get a review from you? (he says, picking a bugs guy at random.) <adeuring> deryck: sure <deryck> adeuring, thanks! https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~deryck/launchpad/displayname-private-team-oops-634847/+merge/36199 * sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [sinzui] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [sinzui, jcsackett] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <jcsackett> MP for me: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/launchpad/unknown-blueprints-service-597738-2/+merge/36242 <adeuring> deryck: r=me <deryck> adeuring, awesome, thanks! <mars> StevenK, still online? <StevenK> mars: I am <mars> StevenK, heya, did you get to any of the reviews that I left in the queue last night? <StevenK> mars: You know, I forgot I was OCR today. :-( <mars> StevenK, no problem, everyone does that from time to time <mars> StevenK, if you would like, there are two reviews in the channel queue, and one in +activereviews. But I realize it is late there, well past your EOD <StevenK> mars: Yup, I don't think I can think straight enough :-) <mars> StevenK, next week then. leonardr might be OCR, but we can do the same thing again, and save up some reviews for you. There are usually a few at the end of the day here <mars> so it doesn't impact the developers if leonardr and I save them for you <sinzui> EdwinGrubbs, ping <EdwinGrubbs> sinzui: hi <sinzui> EdwinGrubbs, can you review the two sql scripts that Chex and I tested on staging yesterday to clean up deactivated/merged user data? We need another engineer to agree they are sane: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/498514/ and http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/498518/ <sinzui> EdwinGrubbs, Staging ran fine, and the UI looked great after we ran them <EdwinGrubbs> sinzui: wouldn't it be a good idea to check whether Person.merged is not null instead of just trusting the name? <sinzui> Edwin I think that would be a good idea <EdwinGrubbs> sinzui: I don't see any other issues. However, it would be nice if a backup of those tables could be taken just in case some user needs to be reverted however unlikely that is. <sinzui> EdwinGrubbs, since we tested on staging. without any issues. I think I should revise the script, maybe combine the deactivated/merged rule so that it is one script. Then test it on staging next week with fresh data <EdwinGrubbs> sinzui: will removing the team memberships have an adverse affect on the non-human user ~katie, who is suspended and a celebrity in the code. <sinzui> Oh :( I bet it will <sinzui> I need to think about that <sinzui> Edwin do you think is it safe to remove suspended users from the invited and proposed states, but ignore those that are members? I think it is better to leave some cruft behind and run the parts we trust to work <rockstar> abentley, could I get a review of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rockstar/launchpad/build-farm-job-constraint/+merge/36219 <rockstar> (I was asked to leave it for StevenK so that he could get review experience, but he didn't touch it yesterday) <abentley> rockstar, r=me <rockstar> abentley, thanks. <deryck> adeuring, hi. So a couple minor thoughts about your branch.... <deryck> adeuring, do you really need "We&#8217;ve" in place of the plain "We've" in HTML? <adeuring> deryck: I simply copied that from the regular error page <adeuring> but I can change it to a simple "'" * EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: EdwinGrubbs || Reviewing: - || queue: [sinzui, jcsackett] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <deryck> adeuring, yeah, let's do that. Unless there's some compelling reason to encode that character. <deryck> adeuring, and then I tend to prefer using ellipses to hide more of that error mesaage in the page test. In case the template changes it doesn't make the test fragile. <deryck> adeuring, but that's up to you. Otherwise, r=me. <adeuring> deryck: right using more "..." makes sense <adeuring> deryck: and thanks! <deryck> adeuring, np <deryck> thanks for the fix. <leonardr> EdwinGrubbs, who can do a ui review? i haven't needed one since we instituted the process, but i need one now <EdwinGrubbs> leonardr: I can do it, but I'm not graduated, so you will have to get two reviews. noodles has graduated, and he is oncall tomorrow morning. <leonardr> ok, cool <leonardr> i'll get something ready <abentley> EdwinGrubbs, could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/fix-groupby/+merge/36360 ? <EdwinGrubbs> abentley: sure, I'll let you jump the queue since the branch is so small. <abentley> EdwinGrubbs, thanks. <jcsackett> EdwinGrubbs: realized i posted this before you came on call: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/launchpad/unknown-blueprints-service-597738-2/+merge/36242; it's the MP i already put myself in the queue for, when you have time. <EdwinGrubbs> jcsackett: I should get to that in about an hour. <jcsackett> EdwinGrubbs: fantastic. thanks. :-) <leonardr> edwingrubbs: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpad/rename-grant-permissions/+merge/36363 <leonardr> if you can't get to it, no big deal <EdwinGrubbs> we'll see <EdwinGrubbs> abentley: r=me <abentley> EdwinGrubbs, thanks. * EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: EdwinGrubbs || Reviewing: sinzui || queue: [jcsackett, leonardr] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <rockstar> abentley, could you take a look at: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rockstar/launchpad/recipe-too-new/+merge/36379 <abentley> rockstar, you need to do monkeypatches in a try/finally block; otherwise, they can leak. <abentley> rockstar, or you could use a with statement. <abentley> rockstar, the with statement gives you a little code reuse. <rockstar> abentley, so, you're suggesting creating a contextmanager that does the monkey patch? <abentley> rockstar, yeah, I think that's the cleanest way. <rockstar> abentley, okay. <abentley> r=me with that change. <EdwinGrubbs> sinzui: review sent <rockstar> abentley, where should that context manager live? lp.code.testing doesn't exist, but that makes the most sense. <abentley> rockstar, we use lp.code.tests.helpers for that kind of thing. <rockstar> Ah, even better. <sinzui> thanks edwin <rockstar> abentley, a cursory review of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~rockstar/launchpad/recipe-too-new/revision/11608 please? <abentley> rockstar, you should do the assignment to RecipeParser.NEWEST_VERSION before the try. The only thing in the try should be the yield. <rockstar> abentley, really? Is there some extra logic in the context manager then? <abentley> rockstar, in this case, it doesn't matter, because the teardown doesn't require the setup to have succeeded. <rockstar> abentley, ah, okay. <abentley> rockstar, no. This is true of all try/finally blocks. <rockstar> abentley, yeah, I hadn't really thought that through. <EdwinGrubbs> jcsackett: r=me <jcsackett> EdwinGrubbs: thanks. <EdwinGrubbs> leonardr: review sent * EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: EdwinGrubbs || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <leonardr> edwin, thanks * EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews #launchpad-reviews 2010-09-23 <wallyworld_> any on-call reviewers around? <mwhudson> wallyworld_: i only play one on tv <mwhudson> wallyworld_: link me up? <wallyworld_> :-) here it comes... <wallyworld_> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/launchpad/recursive-branch-resolution-failure/+merge/36403 <wallyworld_> thhanks in advance <mwhudson> wallyworld_: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/56281944/Screenshot-1.png is pretty funny :-) <wallyworld_> yes, except if it was your code that introduced the behaviour :-/ <mwhudson> wallyworld_: do you think you can change the name of the 'url' variable in redirect_branch ? <mwhudson> wallyworld_: perhaps to referer or http_referer ? <wallyworld_> sure. how about "mary"? <wallyworld_> :-) <wallyworld_> ok. <wallyworld_> that's a better name for sure <mwhudson> well, meaningless *might* be better than confusing.... <mwhudson> otherwise fine * mwhudson goes to do the clicky clicky <wallyworld_> cool. thanks. <wallyworld_> mwhudson: btw, tim let the url variable name through the first time around :-) <mwhudson> hm, really redirectSubTree(None) should explode <wallyworld_> yeah, on firefox and chrome it does <mwhudson> i mean serverside <wallyworld_> not sure, haven't looked into that code path <mwhudson> it's clearly a programming mistake <mwhudson> wallyworld_: it seems like it redirects to +branch/None :) <wallyworld_> yes, it does, and then it comes back into the redirect method and so on <wallyworld_> chrome/firefox after a while complain hat the target url can never be reached <mwhudson> right <wallyworld_> not sure what i did but it took me lots of stuffing around to even be able to get the screenshot attached to the bug report to show up <wallyworld_> so i just looked at the code and guess the problem <mwhudson> what i am saying is that calling redirectSubtree(None) should raise, say, AssertionError <wallyworld_> ack. <mwhudson> which would result in an OOPS <wallyworld_> +1 <mwhudson> i guess i can file that as a bug <wallyworld_> want me to do a drive by? <wallyworld_> on second thoughts, too much other stuff could potential be affected <mwhudson> wallyworld_: not really <wallyworld_> best to do a new bug <wallyworld_> mwhudson: i'll fix the variable and land it. thanks for the review <mwhudson> wallyworld_: np <mwhudson> wallyworld_: i filed https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/645751 btw <_mup_> Bug #645751: Navigation.redirectSubTree(None) should OOPS <Launchpad Foundations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/645751> <wallyworld_> mwhudson: thanks. i looked at the variable name and it should not be called http_referer. it is actually the target url that will be redirected to. how about then "target_url" <wallyworld_> it is just initially set to the refer <wallyworld_> i can add a comment in the code if you like as well <mwhudson> oh <wallyworld_> just to make it explicitly clear <mwhudson> maybe then a comment to say that the only way it can be None is if the resolution failed _and_ there was no referrer? <mwhudson> by the "is None" check <wallyworld_> yes, ok. i think the main thing missing was some code comments to explain things <wallyworld_> i mentioned stuff in the merge proposal but not the code <wallyworld_> mwhudson: ping? <mwhudson> wallyworld_: hi <wallyworld_> there was a code path that i missed out <wallyworld_> if the branch was private, it could still redirect to a None url <wallyworld_> i fixed the code and added a new unit test <wallyworld_> can you please take a quick look? <mwhudson> wallyworld_: ok <wallyworld_> thks <mwhudson> wallyworld_: have you pushed the branch? <wallyworld_> yep. lp may be having a little snooze <mwhudson> wallyworld_: i bet the fact that bazaar.launchpad.net:22 has fallen over is stopping you <wallyworld_> bugger <mwhudson> wallyworld_: it's back now <wallyworld_> ack <wallyworld_> mwhudson: pushed this time. i didn't notice the error last time. <mwhudson> wallyworld_: looks fine <wallyworld_> excellent. thanks! * mwhudson goes for the bus * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: noodles775 || Reviewing: sinzui || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <jml> can I get a quick review for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpad/better-slave-mock/+merge/36417 <noodles775> Sure * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: noodles775 || Reviewing: jml || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <jml> noodles775, thanks. <noodles775> jml: all good, r=me <jml> noodles775, <jml> noodles775, cheers. <lifeless> noodles775: hi <noodles775> Hi lifeless <lifeless> noodles775: could you please try reenabling that test. <lifeless> it was fixed, on devel, I'm positive. <noodles775> jml: did you get to check the rev of devel when your branch failed ec2? <jml> noodles775, no, I didn't. <jml> noodles775, no one gave the revno of the threatened fix, and things are pretty hectic around here <lifeless> there is a subtle problem in oops with getLastOopsReport; that test didn't need to use it, and my branch which is landed fixed that. <lifeless> I know it fixed it because it was landed *with* a branch suffering the problem. <noodles775> jml: if you can forward your ec2 failure email, I'll happily chase it up. <noodles775> lifeless: sure, I'm happy to re-enable it, I just want to check the revs. Which rev was your fix? <lifeless> dunno, I just know I got the 'its merged' mail. <jml> noodles775, http://paste.ubuntu.com/497557/ ; http://paste.ubuntu.com/497555/ <lifeless> 11597 <noodles775> Great, re-enabling now... thanks jml, lifeless <leonardr> noodles775, yesterday i got a ui review from edwin. i'm making his suggested changes, and then i'd like to put my branch in the queue for a ui/code review from you <noodles775> leonardr: sure - one of us will take a look (I think allenap will be around too). <leonardr> thanks <noodles775> leonardr: actually, if you mean the rename-grant-permissions branch, I think lifeless was keen to have a lot more discussion on the dev list about it? (See comments on the MP). <leonardr> indeed, i was looking right at it <noodles775> Great. <noodles775> leonardr: the need for discussion about those changes came up earlier today on irc (lp-dev) - you can find it in the irclogs (search for your mp url) in case it's useful. * noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: allenap || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <bac> hi allenap, i have a branch that is super-sized with a diff of 1432 lines. can you review it? <allenap> bac: Yeah, sure. I'm just having a look at jam's branch right now, deciding if I should take it on. * allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: allenap || Reviewing: jam || queue: [bac] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <bac> allenap: ok, thanks. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-643538-code/+merge/36377 * allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: allenap || Reviewing: bac || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <allenap> bac: I get conflicts merging into devel. <bac> allenap: oh, sorry. let me fix that <allenap> bac: It's fairly trivial I think. <allenap> bac: It merges cleanly into the very latest devel. Sorry, I last pulled it a few hours ago. <bac> allenap: really? i got conflicts. <bac> i've merged and am pushing it up now <allenap> bac: Weird! <bac> allenap: just pushed r 11528 <noodles775> salgado: Hi! I was going to ask henninge - but he's not available. Are you up for a pre-lim. UI review? <noodles775> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/644328-blacklist-ui/+merge/36442 <salgado> noodles775, sure! <noodles775> Thanks salgado <james_w> noodles775: very nice <noodles775> Thanks james_w :) <james_w> noodles775: that's all for real? <noodles775> james_w: yep - you can run it with the instructions on the MP. But there's still lots missing (like the actual generation of the diffs etc.). <salgado> noodles775, what does blacklisting do here? <james_w> noodles775: that's great <james_w> noodles775: thanks for your work on this <noodles775> james_w: np - I'm enjoying the UI work :) <noodles775> salgado: it allows you to hide differences that you don't care about in your derived distroseries. * noodles775 checks to see if the LEP has a better description. <noodles775> salgado: see the section 'Marking a package as blacklisted/ignored in the thread at: https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/msg04536.html <salgado> oh, that clarifies things. I was going to ask what's the difference between blacklisted and ignored (which is what I see in one of the mockups) <salgado> noodles775, so, when you blacklist all versions of something, they show up at +missingpackages? <noodles775> salgado: no - missing packages is just for packages that are in the parent series, but not the derived. You will see the blacklisted items on this same page, but only when you select the checkbox in the filter options ('include blacklisted packages' on the mock, not yet implemented). <noodles775> bug 641290 <_mup_> Bug #641290: Add search for DistroSeriesDifferences <derivation> <Soyuz:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/641290> <salgado> noodles775, this may not be pertinent, but have you thought about what the "This difference has been blacklisted ..." text will look like for blacklisted packages when the search allows them to be shown? <noodles775> salgado: Yes, a little. Part of the reason for graying them out and using that text was that it would/should be consistent with results when searching. Can you see a situation or reason why it would need to be different? <salgado> noodles775, I like the graying out because it makes it easy to see everything that was changed at a glance and maybe undo, but the text (as well as the links) is a bit too verbose (IMHO) and don't allow switching between all different states, so I was thinking of using 3 radio buttons there. "Blacklisted: (*) No, ( ) This version, ( ) All versions" <salgado> but that's more like a nice-to-have thing, not that important <noodles775> salgado: that actually sounds a bit like what I'd proposed on the mockup (a single 'Add to blacklist' that would then give you those options), but henninge convinced me on a previous MP that it was a bit too much... hangon, I'll find the discussion. <salgado> well, except that the radio buttons allow you to see all the possible states without having to click anything <salgado> just like the links do <salgado> but sure, maybe he'll be able to convince me as well. :) <noodles775> salgado: ok - if you search for blacklist at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/distro-series-difference-browser2/+merge/34739 you'll see a bit of background. <noodles775> salgado: but I think your radio button option you mention could work too... Also, if you've got suggestions for making the text less verbose while still being easy to understand, let me know :) <noodles775> s/you/that you/ <salgado> what I like about the radio button is that you see all the options without having to click anything and there's no repetition <salgado> the downside is that you need vertical real estate, but you seem to have plenty of that <salgado> as for the text of the link, the only thing I can think of is something like "Blacklist: _this version_ or _all versions_" <salgado> but I don't quite like that as it seems to suggest you need to blacklist something * benji changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: allenap || Reviewing: bac || queue: [benji] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <benji> my MP is at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~benji/launchpad/wadl-refactoring/+merge/36452; should be a quick one <noodles775> salgado: Yeah. RE the radio buttons, I was going to say that it would require two clicks (ie select/submit), but it doesn't of course... we could do the api update when an option is selected quite easily. And that would mean no need for 'Undo'. I like it more and more :) <salgado> indeed, I hadn't thought about the undo <abentley> EdwinGrubbs, I had to tweak my branch slightly since you reviewed it. Do you mind taking another look? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/fix-groupby/+merge/36360 <salgado> noodles775, I think that's the only suggestion I have. shall I paste our chat there for future reference? <noodles775> salgado: yeah, that'd be great, thanks. <salgado> noodles775, np. glad you liked my suggestion. :) <noodles775> I do indeed! <salgado> noodles775, if I can make another suggestion (this one not UI related), you could do a 'make newsampledata' after running http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/494656/ and merge just those changes to make it easier to play with that page on lp.dev in the future. :) <noodles775> salgado: you'd prefer that? I thought we wanted to get rid of sample data (maintaining it etc.), and we can make it a one-liner to add the demo data? <salgado> noodles775, we want to get rid of the test sample data. if you run that script and run 'make sampledata', you'll be modifying just the demo data. :) <salgado> they're separate <salgado> when you run 'make sampledata', the changes done to launchpad_dev end up in the demo data and the ones done to launchpad_ftest end up in the test sample data <noodles775> Yep - makes sense..., but currently that flag adds a feature flag too, do you think that's valid for the sample data? I'd think the dev server should have the same features as production by default? <noodles775> s/that flag/that script/ <salgado> that's a good question. I'd be in favour of enabling everything in .dev, but I can see why that may not be desired <bac> allenap: have time for another, very straightforward one? or are you sick of me? <bac> allenap: it is for bug 644550 <_mup_> Bug #644550: Robots can index blueprints when it is not used <bridging-the-gap> <Launchpad Blueprints:In Progress by bac> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/644550> * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: allenap || Reviewing: bac || queue: [benji, bac] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <allenap> bac: Yeah. I'm nearly finished on your first branch, so sure. <bac> allenap: thanks. <allenap> Unless benji's is *huge* :) <bac> allenap: but, alas, i must step out, so feel free to skip if you have questions. <benji> nah, my branch is small and in fact all the code has been through review once before <allenap> Cool. <allenap> bac: No worries. * allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: allenap || Reviewing: benji || queue: [bac] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: allenap || Reviewing: benji || queue: [bac, jcsackett] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <jcsackett> allenap: MP for code review is here: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/launchpad/unknown-translations-service-643545-0/+merge/36464 <allenap> jcsackett: I'm probably not going to get to it today, sorry :-/ <jcsackett> allenap: that's fine. i'll find someone else then. just saw you in the on call section. :-) * jcsackett has yet to figure out when people's days end. <allenap> jcsackett: Cool. I would do it, but I'm near my EOD. <jcsackett> i gathered. as i said, no worries, allenap. have a good evening. :-) <allenap> You too :) * allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: allenap || Reviewing: bac || queue: [jcsackett] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <allenap> bac: I'll be back online in ~3 hours. I can review your branch then if someone else hasn't gotten there first. * allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [bac, jcsackett] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <jcsackett> anyone available for a code review? <jcsackett> nm. i'll ping again in a few. <bac> allenap: thanks for the review! <bac> hey rockstar, you reviewing today? <rockstar> FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU... <rockstar> bac, yes * rockstar hangs head in shame * rockstar changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: - || queue: [bac, jcsackett] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <bac> :) * rockstar changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: rockstar || Reviewing: jcsackett || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <rockstar> bac, your review got done? <bac> rockstar: one did, one didn't <bac> the one that needs doing is pretty trivial <rockstar> bac, okay. Lemme do jcsackett's really quick, and then I'll do yours. <bac> no rush * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: rockstar || Reviewing: jcsackett || queue: [bac] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <rockstar> jcsackett|lunch, thanks for PEP8ing tales.py <rockstar> jcsackett|lunch, so configure_translations and configure_blueprints head to the same URL? That doesn't make much sense to me. <EdwinGrubbs> abentley: I'll look at it now. <rockstar> jcsackett|lunch, why did you remove the Copyright header in lib/lp/translations/tests/test_hastranslationtemplates.py <EdwinGrubbs> abentley: that looks good <EdwinGrubbs> abentley: r=me still <abentley> EdwinGrubbs, thanks. <jsackett> rockstar: copyright notice was a goof, corrected. <jsackett> configure_blueprints and configure_translations are both links to edit, which is the place to set up both of those fields. configure_blueprints was added in the unknown-blueprints branch so that the template could be relatively consistent; the same intent and method was borrowed for this branch with configure_translations. <jsackett> (this is for the distribution, on product they point to different spots). <jsackett> rockstar ^ <rockstar> jsackett, okay. <rockstar> jsackett, I think this looks good. Thanks for the patch. <jsackett> rockstar: thanks for the review. :-) <leonardr> rockstar, trivial review coming up for you <rockstar> leonardr, ack * rockstar changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: rockstar || Reviewing: leonardr || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <leonardr> rockstar: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/lazr.restful/remove-26ism/+merge/36493 <rockstar> leonardr, great. I'll take a look when I'm off the phone. <jsackett> salgado: ping <salgado> hi jsackett <jsackett> hi, salgado. sinzui has once again directed me to you for round one of ui review on an MP <jsackett> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/launchpad/unknown-translations-service-643545-0/+merge/36464 <jsackett> (this time there's sample data that shows the setup :-P) <jsackett> if you could take a look at it sometime in the near future, salgado, i would appreciate it. no super rush--i'm not looking to land it today. <bac> thanks rockstar <salgado> jsackett, oh, sample data is cool, thanks. I may not get to it today, but in the worst case I'll review it tomorrow <jsackett> salgado: sounds good. thanks! <salgado> dev sample data is cool, I mean <jsackett> salgado: yes. the testing kind is somewhat irritating. :) <salgado> jsackett, you're being kind. but I guess you put it that way because you haven't been here for too long so they haven't caused you that much pain. ;) <jsackett> heheh. * rockstar changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || Reviewing: || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews #launchpad-reviews 2010-09-24 <poolie> mwhudson: (i'm here now) <mwhudson> poolie: ah yes, probably better <mwhudson> poolie: nope looks great <mwhudson> you need me to land it? <mwhudson> poolie: can you add a commit message? <poolie> sure <poolie> do i need any special formats or boilerplate or is that added automatically? <mwhudson> poolie: i need to scoot out in about 5 minutes, so if you can do that quickly i can fire up ec2 land before i go <mwhudson> poolie: no, ec2 land adds the boilerplate <poolie> done <mwhudson> poolie: thanks, launching ec2 land now <poolie> thanks <poolie> i guess i should work out how to do that myself * mwhudson afk * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring || Reviewing: || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <allenap> .eaw <allenap> Oops. <jtv> adeuring: got one for you! https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/bug-645925/+merge/36540 <adeuring> jtv: sure, I'll look <jtv> thanks * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring || Reviewing: jtv || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <adeuring> jtv: you are changing the permissions for lp-main, brnachscanner and fiera, but you test only the permission for branchscanner. what about the other two users? Do we need these changes, are existing tests / real world code breaking without the extended permissions, or should we add tests? <jtv> adeuring: lp-main is just on general principle (for UI we want to add, manual db maintenance etc). The fiera change was just for a bit of extra robustness in case the exact interaction between the ORM and the db changes. <jtv> I originally had a test that tested against several db users, but ended up culling the ones that weren't directly relevant because I felt it turned the whole db access model into too much of a guessing game. <jtv> But some kind of SELECT check before doing an INSERT, or an INSERT later becoming an INSERT/SELECT/UPDATE is quite natural. <adeuring> erm, I think its not the tests that make it a guessing game, I think ;) <jtv> That's right, but the tests should also reflect what goes on. <jtv> Not "err it's probably one of these, I'll just test against all of them." <adeuring> hm, yes... OK, so r=me <jtv> Thanks! <jtv> Believe me, I didn't _feel_ like limiting it to 1 db user. :) I just felt that it was one giant copout until I did—not really better than just giving everyone permission or using the write group. * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <noodles775> salgado: hi! is someone meant to mentor your ui review from yesterday? If so, I'd be keen for them to do it before I switch to use the radio buttons etc. <salgado> noodles775, yes, sinzui is my mentor <sinzui> I will do it shortly <noodles775> Great, thanks guys. * sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring || Reviewing: - || queue: [sinzui, sinzui] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring || Reviewing: sinzui || queue: [sinzui] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring, bac || Reviewing: sinzui || queue: [sinzui] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <bac> good morning adeuring * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring, bac || Reviewing: sinzui, sinzui || queue: [-] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <noodles775> Thanks sinzui - I'll update to the radio buttons now. <adeuring> morning bac * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring, bac || Reviewing: - || queue: [sinzui] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <adeuring> sinzui: r=me <sinzui> thanks <bac> hi salgado, can you do a UI review for me, por favor? <salgado> bac, claro! <bac> bueno! https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-643538-code/+merge/36377 <bac> mrevell: do you have time today to do a text review? <mrevell> Yes bac, certainly. I have a call at the top of the hour. I'll do it after that. <bac> mrevell: ok, thanks <allenap> adeuring, bac: Mind if I push a branch into the fifo? <adeuring> allenap: I'll look <bac> allenap: not at all <allenap> adeuring: Thanks. <bac> sinzui: what branch do you need to have reviewed? i don't see it on +activereviews <sinzui> the one I asked jtv to review earlier this week * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring, bac || Reviewing: -, sinzui || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <bac> sinzui: found it! MP-hide-n-seek makes it interesting <abentley> bac, how was it hidden? <bac> abentley: he had assigned it to jtv, so it didn't show up under "Requested reviews I can do" <abentley> bac, adeuring: could you please review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/unauthorized-email/+merge/36504? <abentley> bac, ah. Stale data, then. Dunno how that could be fixed. Obviously he can reassign it to you or one of your teams. <adeuring> abentley: I just started a review for Gavin... <bac> abentley: or he could paste the URL when requesting a review. no biggie, i've located it. <bac> abentley: please add to queue * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring, bac || Reviewing: allenap, sinzui || queue: [abentley] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <adeuring> allenap: there is a somewhat terse XXX in 218 of the diff. could you exand it either into a "standards comopliant" XX or remove it? otherwise, a nice refactoring, r=me <allenap> adeuring: Sure, and thanks :) * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring, bac || Reviewing: abentley, sinzui || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <adeuring> abentley: r=me * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring, bac || Reviewing: -, sinzui || queue: [abentley] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <abentley> adeuring, thanks. <bac> hi sinzui, i'm looking at test_product_change_owner_changes_entry_importer and am confused <sinzui> bac: yes? <bac> sinzui: it doesn't seem to test what it claims, as i read it <bac> the final assert tests that the entry importer is still the old_owner <bac> i expected it to be the new owner <jcsackett> i just got subscribed to the cdo mailing list...anyone know what that's about? <jcsackett> sorry, wrong channel for that question. * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: adeuring, bac || Reviewing: -, abentley || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <salgado> bac, so, to see your changes I need to create a new project and, change the uses_code thing to all different states and check what the project's code page looks like? <salgado> the mp doesn't clearly say what was changed... <bac> salgado: yes. did you see the screenshots? sorry for the unclear MP <salgado> no, I didn't <bac> salgado: did i forget to put them? looks... <salgado> I was looking just at the description, which I got by email * salgado checks the mp on the web UI <bac> salgado, mrevell: please see the first comment on the MP <salgado> bac, they're there <bac> sorry that if forgot to include it in the original text <salgado> it's fine; I should've looked at the web UI as well <mrevell> Hi Brad <mrevell> bac, For the first screenshot, I have a couple of questions: <mrevell> 1. I feel the text looks a little tough to get into. Is there a technical reason, or would you otherwise object to, using a bullet list to present the options? <bac> mrevell: there is no reason. the text is basically the same as it used to be. improvements encouraged. <mrevell> Thanks bac, I'll suggest some in the comment on the review, in that case. <mrevell> I have no second question, it seems. At least not for screenshot 0. <bac> ok <sinzui> bac: I have no idea how I screwed up the test/code. The test is not running because the attr assignment is independent of the subscriber event. I want to show them connected so I need to refactor the whole testcase to ensure the all events are complete before I do the assertion <bac> sinzui: that makes sense <bac> mars: ping <mars> Hi bac <bac> hi mars, i'm looking at your branch for the py2.5 checker. <mars> ok <bac> mars: what do you think of lifeless' suggestions? <mars> to trash it? :) <bac> mars: no <bac> not to trash it but to add it to 'make check' <bac> and to answer the question about lucid builders <mars> It could be done <bac> mars: you don't sound enthusiastic <mars> I would a) make it a stand-alone script; call that script from lint; call that script from 'make check'; add Py2.5 to the lucid builders <bac> mars: yes, i agree that would cover it <sinzui> bac: I am screwed. setting a field attr does not implicitly call notify with the ObjectModifiedEvent. I either need to restore the getter-setter for owner or I discover a wrapper that does what I expect <mars> bac, so what to do about the MP status - rejected, I guess? <mars> to be superceded at a later date <mars> bac, I'll update it <bac> mars: i'd mark it 'needs fixing' * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || Reviewing: abentley || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <mars> that is a good idea <bac> i'll do it <bac> mars: are you implying it'll be a while before you get to it? <mars> bac, I don't know when I get to it again, so yes, I am implying that <mars> could be Monday <mars> could be... infinitely longer than Monday <bac> mars: i disagree with lifeless on the 'wouldn't bother' part. i'd say land what you have now...and commit to the changes outlined above in the near future. <bac> mars: there are some devs that regularly run make lint <mars> bac, good point <bac> mars: so i leave it up to you. land now with a big XXX or defer. <mars> ok, I will do it that way, and add a comment about the follow-up <bac> ok, great * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || Reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <bac> jcsackett: is your unknown-translations ready to land? can i mark it 'approved'? <jcsackett> there's still some debate going on with it, i believe. <jcsackett> oh, no, nevermind, sinzui marked it as cool too. <jcsackett> yes, go ahead. <jcsackett> bac^ * jcsackett needs to keep better track of his email. <benji> bac: I'm not sure what the procedure is on this: I have a branch which allenap reviewed yesterday and included a few comments, one of which he said was required to fix before landing, but marked his comment "Needs fixing". <benji> so my question is: should I get it re-reviewed before landing, or just mark it "Approved" myself? <benji> (https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~benji/launchpad/wadl-refactoring/+merge/36452 is the MP in question) <bac> benji: generally "needs fixing" means it should be looked at again before landing <bac> benji: the alternative is for a reviewer to suggest some (generally trivial) changes but mark it 'approved' the first go round. <benji> bac: in that case: tag, you're it <bac> benji: gladly <bac> hey benji <bac> 284 self.assertIsInstance(matcher.match("foo"), DoesNotContain) <bac> can you swap those so it is expected, actual <bac> import _pythonpath # not lint, actually needed <benji> sure <bac> Capitalize and add a period to the comment so that it is a complete sentence <bac> 20from lp.testing.matchers import ( <bac> 21 StartsWith, <bac> 22 Contains, <bac> 23 ) <bac> alphamotize * bac hmm i guess i should add these to the MP <benji> bac: actually, assertIsInstance won't work like that; it's defined as taking (obj, class) <bac> benji: ok, nm then. :) <benji> the other two changes are made and as soon as the tests finish will be pushed <bac> benji: i snuck in a third... :) <bac> but i'm done <benji> k :) <sinzui> bac: I have a fix for my branch. I am unhappy with it. I now have a good understanding why fields do not notify change events. <bac> sinzui: well if you're unhappy with it, i'm unhappy with it. <sinzui> I will clean up my work and explain my sour victory <bac> ok * bryceh changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || Reviewing: - || queue: [bryceh] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <jcsackett> bac, got time for another in the queue? <jcsackett> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/launchpad/private-team-to-private-team-519306/+merge/36589 <jcsackett> (it's quite small) * jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || Reviewing: - || queue: [bryceh, jcsackett] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <bac> jcsackett: sure <jcsackett> thanks, bac. <bac> jcsackett: how about using httplib.BAD_REQUEST instead of a magic number, albeit a universally recognized magic number? * sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || Reviewing: - || queue: [bryceh, jcsackett, sinzui] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <sinzui> bac: I put myself back in the queue for a re-review <bac> sinzui: ok <jcsackett> in the webservice_error(), bac? i'd be good with that. <bac> jcsackett: yeah. well, s/400/.../ in your files <jcsackett> dig. i can certainly do that. <bac> jcsackett: r=bac <bac> with three little requests <jcsackett> all good ones, bac. i'll take care of it. thanks! <bac> hey bryceh i didn't see you'd snuck a review into the queue. pinging the reviewer will get you a faster response. <bac> jcsackett: do you have another or was it just the one? <jcsackett> that's it. * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || Reviewing: bryceh || queue: [sinzui] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <bryceh> bac, sorry, you'd sounded busy * bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || Reviewing: sinzui || queue: [-] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews <bac> sinzui: originally you expected the notify to just happen automatically when the attribute changed and that's just not how it works? <sinzui> bac: there is no notification. none, nada <bac> sinzui: but that is because you/we misunderstood the mechanism or is something busted? <sinzui> I misunderstood <bac> ok. i encounter the notify mechanism so infrequently that i don't have a good grasp of it <sinzui> I was mislead by the existing subscriber to product change events. I assumed that since there was one and I could see no explicit calls for it, that field did the notify for us <sinzui> I should delete the pretend subscriber <bac> i think the change you have now is very good. i've noted two requests in the MP * sinzui makes changes <bdmurray> sinzui: my +subscriptions has been updated and is ready for a rereview - https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/launchpad/limited-subscriptions-page/+merge/35177 * sinzui looks <sinzui> bdmurray, I just had a very bad experience as sample person. I looked as my +subscriptions and decided to remove the blackhole one. <sinzui> bdmurray, https://bugs.launchpad.dev/ubuntu/hoary/+bug/2/+subscribe does not let me unsubscribe, and cancel takes me to a page I have not seen :( <bdmurray> sinzui: looking into it thanks <bdmurray> sinzui: okay, I can see the unsubscribe issue you've described but cancel works for me <sinzui> I think you watned to use checkboxes, https://bugs.launchpad.dev/jokosher/+bug/14/+subscribe is also wrong <_mup_> Bug #14: There is no link to the bugtrackers config page <Launchpad Bugs:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/14> <sinzui> no cancel is also broken on that page, I see the bug page instead of the +subscriptions page <bdmurray> and I pushed revision 11483 right? <bdmurray> sinzui: so bug 2 shouldn't have shown up in the result set as sample person is not a direct subscriber of that bug. I've fixed the query in the view. <sinzui> bdmurray, I think the issue is that I am seeing radio button, but the widget should be checkboxes. <bdmurray> sinzui: I'm not sure how this is related to the work I've done. I've only added ReturnToReferrerMixin to the +subscribe page <sinzui> no, you added it to a base class, I see in the MP class PersonSubscriptionsView(BugTaskSearchListingView): <sinzui> you did no write a story, and that is why it is surprising that this is broken. Let me attempt to write a real story and we can set the bar for minimum functionality
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-us-ca 2011-05-30 <akk> Congrats DarkwingDuck, kubuntu council! <MarkDude> He is the terror that flaps in the KDE <sn9> launchpad.net mcquack <DarkwingDuck> Thank you akk <sn9> i can't believe i never noticed the launchpad.net connection <MarkDude> sn9, you up for phonecall at 9:30? <MarkDude> Set up a gobby or sumthin' <sn9> why 9:30? * MarkDude will be busy with CFp for Ohio Linux Fest tomorrow <MarkDude> And busy most of the rest of week <sn9> what about the next hour? <MarkDude> Dinner * MarkDude just had 1st IRC meeting for Oregon Team <MarkDude> And needs to get agenda items to send to list <MarkDude> They are requesting some books from Oreilly, and need to get info to ML to meet Wed deadline <ziavulhaq> hai <sn9> hello <ziavulhaq> How are you sir <sn9> ok <Eureka> wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/OneiricRelease edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/NattyRelease edited #ubuntu-us-ca 2011-05-31 <Eureka> wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/Current edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/11June19 edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Menu edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam edited <Eureka> wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/11May22 edited <Eureka> wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/11May22 edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings edited #ubuntu-us-ca 2011-06-01 <kdub> DarkwingDuck: ever check out horton plaza coffeehouses? i was going to put together a June UH today, i think <iheartubuntu> Markdude - does Partimus have a SoCal connection at all? My biz has like 6 computers we want ot give away... I think four of them are 386 and two are early 486. Not sure if these are something Partimus would be interested in <pleia2> we only take pentium 4s and above <iheartubuntu> OK - Does Partimus have anything down in LA area or similar NPO? <pleia2> for things that old you probably want to look into a computer recycling place <akk> There was a booth at SCALE for a partimus-like group in LA. <pleia2> http://www.komputers4rkids.com/ is down there <nhaines> iheartubuntu: I may be interested in a computer with a 386 processor. <akk> Was that computers4kids? <nhaines> akk: yes. <akk> ah, a k <nhaines> akk: and an r :) <akk> ah, indeed <iheartubuntu> I do not know the condition of them (what peripherals, etc) <nhaines> Just a heads-up for Ubuntu members in here. The Ubuntu monospace font is pretty tasty. <iheartubuntu> I should probably fire them up <philipballew> about how old are they? <nhaines> philipballew: 15-20 years old. <iheartubuntu> Nathan, I'll see exactly what I got and let u know <nhaines> iheartubuntu: thanks. <iheartubuntu> my first computer I bought as a teen from my paper route money was a 386... I think I paid $1400 for it! <akk> It's really hard to get school groups to take computers that old. Even though they'd work fine with ubuntu and a lightweight window manager. <nhaines> akk: not a 386! <pleia2> I think even a 486 would be pushing it <akk> wait, it's the group that's 15-20 years, not the computers? <seidos> computers <nhaines> akk: my first PC in 1992 was a 33MHz 386SX with 2MB RAM and an 80GB harddrive. <iheartubuntu> Ive got an old Gateway laptop 486 with Ubuntu 9.04 on it... works AWESOME... very fast... too bad the screen cracked <pleia2> a lot of educational software these days requires java and flash, so even our p4s with 512M ram are a bit slow, we're going with 1G ram now <nhaines> From the description (386 and 486), I extrapolated the computers' age. <akk> Yeah, that would be a little old for ubuntu ... that would be in the days of the first redhats and slackwares. <pleia2> and partimus doesn't have a recycling component, so if we get hardware we can't use we're responsible for disposal (which costs us time/money) <nhaines> akk: you can get slackware running on a 386 with 6MB of RAM, but it's not super speedy. :) <akk> Most schools turn up their noses at anything older than a P4 <MarkDude> iheartubuntu, there is a computer for kids place <akk> (ironic since some of the P3 machines were actually better than P4s, but let's not let logic get in the way of standards) <MarkDude> I talked ot them - I will find their info later <nhaines> K4RK says that selling a computer with a CRT (instead of an LCD) is nearly impossible. <iheartubuntu> pleia2 - my city and local cities have free electronic recycling days once a year, and many private schools and churches accept old computers since they can get paid for recycling the comps <pleia2> MarkDude: I already linked to it ;) <MarkDude> P3 is only useful in a few countries to the south <akk> I have a friend in LA who just gave away a bunch of CRTs (nice ones, 20") to kids. <MarkDude> Many of those places sent their ewaste to 3rd world countries <pleia2> heh, we don't accept crts either <iheartubuntu> our first flatscreen monitor passed away the other day <akk> The local school wouldn't take anything, but he found a guy who put him in touch with families that couldn't afford decent computers. <seidos> MarkDude: is that where they have people cook the components to try to get the traces of gold out? <MarkDude> People that dont have machines are ok with CRT <MarkDude> and worse seidos <MarkDude> ban.org has pictures <philipballew> wipe your hd!!! <MarkDude> and lists responsible people <seidos> i saw a documentary on sundance channel <akk> CRTs still give better images than LCDs. I know people who still use them for that reason (graphics people who can't afford the professional LCDs). <seidos> acid vats <sn9> MarkDude: speaking of partimus, i may be available today only <iheartubuntu> just picked up a LG LCD monitor.... id much rather have that than a CRT <iheartubuntu> super crisp screen <akk> I switched to LCD because they're easier on my eyes, and I'm prone to migraines. <iheartubuntu> me too <akk> But I miss the better color of the CRT. <philipballew> i need to find a deal on a monitor somewhere. the one i have been using is a bog box one.... wonder where to get one <iheartubuntu> I still get migraines though... just dont have to look at the CRT lines anymore <akk> me too, iheartubuntu ...sadly <seidos> sunglasses help me sometimes <iheartubuntu> i notice less headaches now that ive switched beers <iheartubuntu> :) <iheartubuntu> if thats possible <akk> I had to quit using computers last night and go do something else, felt a migraine coming on from too much screen tiem. <akk> time <seidos> drink up! * seidos hands out kool-aid <iheartubuntu> the last few years i have drank mostly hefeweizen style beers... and always get raging headaches... ive switched to Spaten... Oktoberfest or Optimator and do not get the headaches anymore <iheartubuntu> my migraines usually come from too much of focusing on one thing like the computer <seidos> i switched to coke <akk> I stopped drinking beer entirely ... and alas, good stuff like guiness gives me headaches a lot faster than watery stuff <iheartubuntu> i just switched to sugar sweetened pepsi (from coke) <iheartubuntu> if only i could get off the soft drink fix entirely <philipballew> Tea FTW!!! <iheartubuntu> FTW? <iheartubuntu> for the world! <philipballew> for the win!!! <seidos> philipballew: haha <nhaines> I had a great Spaten Optimator Monday night. <nhaines> Warsteiner Dunkel is also pretty good. <nhaines> But my favorite is probably the Aventinus doppelbach. <iheartubuntu> i really like the spaten.... very crisp and clean, no aftertaste <nhaines> Franziskaner doppelbach is a close second. ;) <iheartubuntu> i just had a belgian beer... the name started with an "M" <iheartubuntu> i dont recall <iheartubuntu> pretty good <nhaines> I've been tending towards Spaten Dunkel in the evenings lately. <seidos> i had a great green tea the other night, i let it steep until it is room temperature, then i drink it <iheartubuntu> laptop that is pedal powered (afghanistan)... http://krisdedecker.typepad.com/.a/6a00e0099229e8883301538ea49bcc970b-500wi <philipballew> ^ the cure for American obesity <iheartubuntu> ha! <iheartubuntu> i like how they painted the desk/crank setup to match the laptop <seidos> coal or solar is probably the only option in afghanistan, both of which are probably impossible to build without awesome schematics <seidos> i wonder who built it <akk> I loved the original OLPC design with the hand-crank -- I'd love to have a non-AC way to charge my laptop. <pleia2> there is a company that ended up releasing the hand-crank addons (they were given out in the goodie bag at the OLPCSF Summit last yer) <pleia2> but even my netbook is 2x the power usages of an OLPC, so I couldn't charge it with it <seidos> what's the power consumption of an OLPC? <seidos> my notebook is 45W <pleia2> 15 <akk> 45W! For a laptop?!! <pleia2> my netbook is 30 <seidos> that's max <akk> oh, well, how often does it use that? <iheartubuntu> hook it up to a bike, ride all day, use the laptop at night :) <iheartubuntu> id bet a netbook is even less, no? <seidos> probably never <akk> I think my vaio runs about 10-15 most of the time, and it's old and has a spinning disk. <seidos> did you use a kill-a-watt to measure it? <pleia2> well, I'm just talking what is in the small print on the power adapters :) <akk> yes <pleia2> I don't know what they use for real, presumably much much less <akk> alas, the kill-a-watt is at home and I'm not, so I can't verify that right now. <akk> oh, power adaptors are always rated for way more than computers actually use. <seidos> i wonder what a 486 would use. the power supplies were like 230W if i recall <akk> You can't buy a desktop power supply under 200W, but a decent intel-based desktop probably uses under 45W most of the time, max of maybe 80W. <akk> And the 200W ones are getting hard to find, a lot of people are using 400W or 600W <akk> which are very inefficient when operating in the range where actual computers run. It's crazy. <seidos> 45W, about the power use of a midrange tungsten lightbulb <seidos> not too bad <pleia2> my last desktop had an 680W PSU, but that's because I thought it would be cool to use a giant server for my desktop, it required that much (and it was loud!) <pleia2> I was able to pile in the harddrives though, that was neat <seidos> i think mine had a 300W <akk> Desktop-sized hard drives use a surprising amount of power. <seidos> not bad if it can be put to good use... <seidos> that's the tricky part <iheartubuntu> does anyone remember which release removed the flash files from saving off in the tmp directory? <seidos> not really, i would guess 10.04 though <iheartubuntu> thats what im thinking too <iheartubuntu> i have some videos i want to download from a site i subscribed to (no not that kind). its a investment site and i dont know how long the videos will be up and i dont know when i'll have time to watch them. so i want to store them. <seidos> i want to access my webcam using cli tools <iheartubuntu> i supposed i could clear my cache in chrome and look for the files easily that way... up until now the thousands of things stored in the cache directory have made it impossible to find tmp videos anymore <seidos> i read this, http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/Webcam-HOWTO/ <seidos> now i have to study it <seidos> it really doesn't seem like it has what i need <akk> Access how? snapshots, or tell it to stop/start recording video? <akk> I know how to do snapshots from the cli, but haven't done video. <seidos> likely, store it as a video file <iheartubuntu> access video from IP or something? <seidos> upload it to youtube <iheartubuntu> as basic as it is, i have our webcam at work recording with cheese <akk> All the commandline stuff I've found has been either single snapshots, or running a streaming server. <seidos> cheese is hit and miss <seidos> i tried compiling the newest version, failed <akk> I've had good luck with cheese (I just used the one in the repo, didn't compile it) but it's interactive, not commandline. <seidos> hmmm, then maybe it isn't possible <seidos> i thought access to the webcam was possible through "simpler" tools <seidos> i just want to record, i don't care if i can see myself <seidos> i'll search this page for "record" though <akk> I think it's probably possible, just haven't found out how. <akk> Whatever cheese is doing under the hood to talk to the camera certainly could be done without a UI. <seidos> here's something: streamer -q -c /dev/video0 -f rgb24 -r 3 -t 00:30:00 -o /home/jhs/outfile.avi <seidos> i don't appear to have that binary <iheartubuntu> nathan, i'll get back to you later today or tomorrow on the comps i have <kdub> some devices you can just cat /dev/video0 <kdub> my hauppauge pvr250 was like that, it was nice <sn9> that's an mpeg-only device, though <seidos> invalid argument <kdub> sn9: yeah, true. if its a raw video device though, it could be possible to pipe it through ffmpeg and cpu encode on the fly <kdub> depends how the driver for the device is written i guess <sn9> there is a standard interface <seidos> i tried compiling xawtv, it didn't work...moving on <sn9> v4l-dvb <akk> Why do you have to compile any of these, instead of apt-getting them? <akk> Are you leaving ubuntu and switching to gentoo? :) <seidos> trying different distros <sn9> i did that. i came back. <seidos> i did it, came back, and now i'm doing it again <akk> I finally have debian going on the laptop! The secret was that it needed pm-suspend --quirk-dpms-on to sleep. <akk> Ubuntu figures out the quirks automatically. <akk> But debian is about 30% more power efficient on a laptop. <seidos> i should probably do Debian next <seidos> i tried installing it once, but couldn't get wireless working then <rww> akk: power-efficient because of lower CPU usage? <akk> rww: Because of the power management regression in recent kernels. I think it's not putting devices to sleep, but no one seems to know exactly. <rww> ah, I vaguely heard about that. <akk> It's a huge difference. And something in natty makes it even worse, so even when I suspend, the laptop doesn't fully suspend <akk> and will use up its battery in about 6 hours, not much better than it does when it's actually running. <nhaines> akk: maybe linux 3.0 will fix that! <akk> I can hope! :) <nhaines> I don't think it will (necessarily) but it was fun to say Linux 3.0. :) <akk> I don't think they've found the problem yet, though it would be nice to think there was some substantial change that motivated the version bump.' <nhaines> Mostly that there aren't substatial changes anymore and it's been a decade since 2.0. <nhaines> Or another decade since it began. Something like that. :) <kdub> linus said specifically in the email, no big changes :P #ubuntu-us-ca 2011-06-02 <philipballew> would anyone know of a irc channel for linux audio? <MarkDude> philipballew, troubleshooting or recording? <MarkDude> For making music with it #opensourcemusicians <philipballew> troubleshooting. my speakers wont engage when unplugging the headphones. i have used that one when i record myself playing the drums however <MarkDude> Sry <philipballew> its all good. i'll somehow figure it out <MarkDude> http://thereifixedit.failblog.org/2011/06/01/white-trash-repairs-linux-controlled-plant-waterer/ <MarkDude> Linux controlled plant waterer <akk> Oh wow -- I've been wanting to do that for a long time. <akk> This looks like not a useful howto. <rww> oh hey, a sheevaplug <akk> yeah, it's actually a pretty good use for a plug <akk> well, except that it's near-impossible to get them to control hardware <akk> I was going to do mine with an arduino, but hadn't figured out how to control the water yet (some kind of electrically controlled valve) <MarkDude> For those of you that may have missed the UpScale talks at Scale- you should see the start of this video >> http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/12946739 <MarkDude> nhaines, speaks on respect, FOSS and other good stuff. <MarkDude> You are a very eloquent speaker Nathan :) I was too busy getting ready for my talk to enjoy your words. #ubuntu-us-ca 2011-06-03 <erichammond> Using Natty I've turned off "Window Decoration" as I use key combinations to do window moving/resizing/close/etc. I'm almost completely happy, but would like to have a very thin border around my windows (no title bar). Is there a decoration option/theme for this? <dave92082> greetings all <erichammond> 'lo dave92082 <dave92082> new around these parts... <dave92082> just wondering how active the San Diego people are <dave92082> i guess not much :) <pleia2> dave92082: I think people are mostly still at work :) <pleia2> we have a few san diego folks <dave92082> I figured with having Qualcomm here and all we (San Diego) would have an active group <pleia2> they had an event in april, and I sent some disks down to DarkwingDuck recently <pleia2> so I'm sure they'll be doing more stuff soon :) <dave92082> cool <The_Letter_M> Hello All <The_Letter_M> How is everyone today? <The_Letter_M> Hello all <The_Letter_M> Hello <pleia2> evening <The_Letter_M> How are you tonight? <pleia2> good, you? <The_Letter_M> I'm good <The_Letter_M> recently switch from Ubuntu to Fedora 15 and then back to Kubuntu <The_Letter_M> Now I have a weird issue <The_Letter_M> I installed the proprietary Nvidia driver and have since rebooted. Now when I go to "Additional Drivers" it says "the driver is activated but not in use". How do I force Kubuntu to use it? <The_Letter_M> Any ideas on how to fix this? <The_Letter_M> Hmm <The_Letter_M> I do lsmod and it shows Nvidia instead of novou (however it's spelled) <The_Letter_M> I take it that means I'm good * pleia2 isn't all that familiar with kubuntu <pleia2> but yeah, that should mean you're fine <The_Letter_M> If my system is locking up on shutdown, where would I find the logs? <pleia2> probably syslog or dmesg, but it depends on where it's locking up (after the logging daemons are shut down? no longs) <pleia2> s/longs/logs <The_Letter_M> How do I enable the ACPI Log? <iheartubuntu> are there any added benefits (such as speed) for using the nvidia drivers? my computer is running fine right now and im not planning on playing any 3D games. any detriments for using the base setup? <pleia2> if it's fine, I wouldn't mess with it :) <akk> I think the drivers are for 3d games and maybe high-def fullscreen video. <pleia2> I usually only enable the proprietary drivers when something is wrong/missing from my experience <pleia2> (the open source broadcom driver works for my wifi card, but range is terrible and it disconnects frequently, so I had to install the other one) <iheartubuntu> so i would be fine doing inkscape, gimp, etc even without the nvidia drivers <pleia2> probably <rww> yes <akk> None of those should need the proprietary drivers. <iheartubuntu> good good. thinks seem faster without them :) <nhaines> Well, that was exciting. The building just got evacuated, then they sounded the all clear and now we're back. <pleia2> happy friday :) <nhaines> pleia2: thanks! :) <nuboon2age> I'm thinking i'll postpone the Ubuntu Hour: Palo Alto to another date since no one has signed up for it jtatum , pleia2, aaditya , crashsystems1 , crashsystems <nuboon2age> MarkDude: how was The Maker Faire. Sorry I missed it. <pleia2> yikes, canceling with only 3 hour notice? <pleia2> we really want to avoid canceling on such short notice :( <nuboon2age> postponing pleia2, but i don't know anyone who's coming. <nuboon2age> besides me. <pleia2> not everyone can use loco directory for registration, and a lot of folks work and don't check channel before coming down <nuboon2age> i'm willing to still do it, but there've been several times where i did solo efforts and you know how unfun that is pleia2 #ubuntu-us-ca 2011-06-04 <pleia2> it's not unfun, I've run hours where only I showed up, I use the opportunity to work on things :) <nuboon2age> i'm just a few blocks away right now pleia2 <pleia2> but if you really must cancel, please send a mail to the list and delete the loco directory entry <pleia2> (I still don't think it's a good idea to cancel with such short notice though) <nuboon2age> well it'd make a difference to me if say jtatum said he was coming. <nuboon2age> i haven't seen aaditya in months <nuboon2age> crashsystems: how about you? Can you make it tonight? <nuboon2age> since i'm in the area i could still do it, but basically i have to wait here a long way from home till then pleia2 <pleia2> nuboon2age: that's the responsibility one takes on when they plan an event <pleia2> if you can't do it, maybe find someone else to coordinate the palo alto hours? <nuboon2age> pleia2: this one isn't as established as the Mountain View or even SJ one so i disagree that it would be a big deal to postpone it. Pretty much people only come when I promote it and i haven't had an opportunity to this time. <pleia2> nuboon2age: I'd really rather not have us be known for canceling hours at last minute, it reflects poorly on the team :( <nuboon2age> i was hoping sburto would coordinate it, but that hasn't paned out. i'm still looking for a coordinator. <pleia2> perhaps we should not do the palo alto one until we do have someone who can commit to coming, regardless of people signing up? <nuboon2age> maybe pleia2, but i'm not worried about it. it'll continue to bump along until someone takes it under their wing. it'll happen sometime soon pleia2 <pleia2> well, we really can't make a habit of canceling at last minute <pleia2> it'll hurt attendance at all our events if people don't feel we are reliable <pleia2> (and yes, one "I showed up and no one was there" is more than enough to cause someone never to come to anythingagain) <nuboon2age> no worries pleia2 , its all good. i haven't made up my mind yet. :-) <pleia2> ok <nuboon2age> you're an awesome Ubuntu leader pleia2 -- i totally admire you. :-) * pleia2 hugs nuboon2age <pleia2> I know we're all on the same side :) <nuboon2age> nuboon2age: hugs pleia2 :-) <seidos> i better delete the LA ubuntu hour then from the page <seidos> and send out an email <seidos> i think i'm looking for something a little less formal <pleia2> less formal than showing up? <pleia2> I'd think that is the absolute lowest bar for any event, formal or not <seidos> less formal than fixed dates and times. <pleia2> you can just plan them as you go, you don't have to say every $x at $foo <pleia2> (that's just the strategy that tends to work best) <pleia2> but if you can't you can't, better to have some than none :) <seidos> there is also the political issue of me not using ubuntu on my notebook, and the technical issue of my notebook not being very portable right now <pleia2> not sure how that's political, but no one said you have to plan events either, if you're not happy with ubuntu right now you don't need to promote it <Eureka> wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UbuntuHours edited <pleia2> no need to find other excuses <seidos> happy with ubuntu? i'm totally happy with ubuntu, why wouldn't i be? <pleia2> most of us are volunteers, we do planning as we can and feel inclined too :) <seidos> i've been around long enough to know this much <seidos> no worries <nuboon2age> okay i'll be there for Ubuntu Hour: Palo Alto 7pm Tandoori Oven pleia2 , jtatum , jyo , Yasumoto , YokoZar , itnet7 , crashsystems , crashsystems1 <nuboon2age> aaditya: <nuboon2age> signing off this computer now... <aaditya> Hey nuboon2age. <nuboon2age> hey aaditya , will you be there? <aaditya> not tonight. I'd love to, but got other stuff going on. <aaditya> I'll try to make it there next time though. <nuboon2age> okay so Ubuntu Hour: San Jose, next Thursday? could you RSVP please aaditya amigo? <aaditya> sure, as soon as my plans are confirmed <aaditya> I'll possibly be out of town at that time. <nuboon2age> okay well if not then please come to Ubuntu Hour: MV. Its been literally months since we've had the pleasure of your presence amigo, aaditya <nuboon2age> signing off now... <aaditya> alright, see you. <nUboon2Age> Ubuntu Hour: Palo Alto @ Tandoori Oven on California Ave is in the house! jtatun, crashsystems, crashsystems1 <nUboon2Age> ^^^ nigelb, broder, jiboumans, jyo , outofjungle, ryaxnb,philipballew, rbarot_, pleia2 <rww> nigelb lives in Asia ;P <nigelb> yeah :D <nhaines> Are those the people who are there or are you just ping spamming? <nigelb> I just hang out in the cool loco team's channels :) <MarkDude> nigelb, well this is Cali, so by default- it has to be pretty *awesome* <MarkDude> Land of Milk and Honey <nigelb> You mean Beer and computers? ;) <pleia2> yes, that <pleia2> (actually, we're more of a wine state) <seidos> there's a restaurant near here that's called "milk and honey" <nUboon2Age> well y'all can join me virtually and in Ubuntu spirit. ;-) <rww> vegan organic wine <seidos> i can't verify this, but i suspect it is a Hebrew establishment * pleia2 orders up some virtual tikka masala <pleia2> real me is at home recovering from a cold :) <sn9> apparently tikka masala is more british than indian <nUboon2Age> iwow haveny heard nary a pleasant word out of nhaines (notice my sly "ping spam" there) since he and his fuhrer were ejected from power. nothing nice to say anymore nhaines??? <pleia2> sn9: yep <pleia2> but potatoes are from the americas and often associated with the irish, tomatoes too and italians <sn9> nUboon2Age sounds a tad annoyed <nUboon2Age> sn9 he he <nUboon2Age> sn9 have you started a Sac Ubuntu Hour yet? <sn9> philipballew has <rww> I don't think that using terms like "fuhrer" to refer to people is in line with the Code of Conduct, nUboon2Age. <sn9> apparently there was one today, but it slipped my mind <sn9> rww++ <sn9> godwin's law is fail, regardless <nUboon2Age> rww probably not. but then how about "ping spam" pah!! <sn9> well, it _was_ spam, and it _did_ ping people <rww> nUboon2Age: Criticizing your unorthodox use of highlighting is rather different from comparing someone to Hitler. <nUboon2Age> nhaines likes to snipe. rww. its good to call hom on his obnoxiousness IMO <rww> nUboon2Age: I doubt that nhaines "likes to snipe", any more than you "like to blow complaints out of proportion". <nUboon2Age> anyway we've both made our points rww so lets move on, shall we? <sn9> sometimes irc blows _anything_ out of proportion <rww> I'm not happy with your comparison and would like at least that you not use it again and preferably that you apologize for it. <nUboon2Age> rww i hear you. ill consider it <sn9> moving on... <nUboon2Age> moving on <sn9> moving on? <nUboon2Age> markdude how was the Maker Faire? * pleia2 sighs at the wiki <rww> pleia2: What's up? * seidos puts on a smoking jacket and lounges <pleia2> rww: typical timeouts and errors, very much looking forward to them completing the upgrade :) <nUboon2Age> speaking more pleasant things, i see in the paper that right at this moment n Woodside thre's a Peace & Love Festival. We should do a Peace, Love &Linux event sometime <nUboon2Age> i know our Lindepedence friends would be into that. ;-) <seidos> nUboon2Age: that sounds pretty cool <seidos> even though i have no idea what it would involve <nUboon2Age> markdude would be into it i bet. ;-) <nUboon2Age> outofjungle maybe too. ;-) * MarkDude would be down with it * outofjungle too <MarkDude> My penguin suit and a peace symbol necklace <outofjungle> what am i getting into? <sn9> gnu/linux may be good for peace&love, but it's versatile enough to be equally suitable for war&ennui <nUboon2Age> a pinguin suit outofjungle <nUboon2Age> ;-) <outofjungle> i'm down <sn9> outofjungle has seen the suit, at a geeknic <outofjungle> yeah, i have... MarkDude chasing birds in the suit <sn9> yes, outofjungle was there <nUboon2Age> i'm @ Ubuntu Hour: Palo Alto and i was just saying it'd be fun to have a Peace Love & Linux event. outofjungle <seidos> i think antipathy is the opposite of love <seidos> or perhaps hate <seidos> i wonder if jim carrey will end up in a penguin suit at the end of this new movie he's in <outofjungle> nUboon2Age: I guess im missing a fun ubuntu hour. whats the word on the next geeknic? <nUboon2Age> oh great question for pleia2 and markdude! outofjungle <pleia2> markdude was in #geeknic the other day asking about access to posting, so hopefully he's got plans ;) <sn9> seidos: why must contrast be limited to opposites? <seidos> i heard the opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation :o <rww> seidos: hehe <seidos> sn9: it needn't be <sn9> that's why i said something different <Eureka> wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/TeamReports/Current edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/TeamReports/11/May edited <nUboon2Age> kinda depends what kinda peace one means i think seidos. <outofjungle> pleia2: thanks, i did not know that #geeknic existed. now, i'm in :) <seidos> nUboon2Age: right on <nUboon2Age> there's the "peace" of death and destruction (plenty available in war) and then the creative peace of GanJesus, Gandhi and MLK, Dalai Lama <nUboon2Age> s/GanJ/J <seidos> that may be peace in a loosely relativistic sense <sn9> ganja-sus? <seidos> yah-weh, odale <seidos> it really depends on factors, such as what happens after death, and what happens after killing someone <seidos> both are efforts in futility, i'm not about to find out if i can help it <nUboon2Age> yes, i just meant the silence on this earthly plane after death, destruction and war <seidos> i meant *empirically* find out <seidos> i kind of see what you are saying <nUboon2Age> and how that contrasts with peace of nonviolence and creativity. Linux is Free and nonviolent and peaceful IMO <seidos> i dunno, Torvalds' wife is like a tai boxing champion i heard <seidos> but, generally, i suspect you're right <seidos> i fear bombs more than muy thai <nUboon2Age> well consensual competition is a LOT different from coercice force IMO seidos <nUboon2Age> coercive <seidos> certainly agreed <seidos> or even force just for cheap thrills <seidos> probably the worst kind of violence <nUboon2Age> ie. sadism and sociopathy <seidos> yeah, psychopathy <seidos> i have heard talk that the world is run by psychopaths <seidos> but there are degrees to it according to the wiki article <seidos> nUboon2Age: do you follow rms' political feeds? <nUboon2Age> yes i think Bush, Cheney, Gadafi, and Sadam Hussien are all prime examples of psychopaths. <seidos> mad men <seidos> Stalin is probably the example i would use, but it's like psychopaths vying to survive against other psychopaths <seidos> or at least, that's the perception <nUboon2Age> i recently watched an excellent movie that made this point in spades: Lion in Winter with Patrick Stewart, Glenn Close etc. re: English king and Queen imposing their psychopathy on everyone around them - "colateral damage" to peasants <seidos> Patrick Stewart, i love that guy <seidos> i should see if i can get a hold of it <seidos> i've been watching House M.D. <seidos> and going back to watching Voyager <seidos> i think i may like Kate Mulgrew better than Patrick Stewart these days <nUboon2Age> thing about psycho/sociopaths is they are without conscience so they literally don't care about others, esp. "little people" in tye way <seidos> they only care about themselves <nUboon2Age> i can't beleve we have no Star Trek franchise series being created now. :-( <nUboon2Age> it'd be incredibly sad if it passed when Rodenberry passed. Didn''t we all get the Rodenberry vision of a collaborative future forhumynity? <seidos> i got that, the problem is the blood, sweat, and tears <seidos> probably isn't even so bad, just needed some vision when i was a kid, and access to valuable information <nUboon2Age> of creating new Trek series you mean? <seidos> no, i was thinking of making the technology a reality <seidos> but yeah, i suppose a new Trek series works <seidos> not easy to film it <seidos> write it <seidos> special effects <nUboon2Age> on Ubuntu news Andrew came by UH:PA and reports the learning curve n Ubuntu is too steep for him and he's moving to Mac. To be fair he's had to g <seidos> that's...odd <seidos> well, i guess it's true to a degree <seidos> maybe he wanted to create music <seidos> garage band just worked when i had a mac <crashsystems> My mom, who lives on the other side of the country (Florida), just got a new thinkpad yesterday. I easily walked her through installing Ubuntu and setting everything up, and she was surprised how easy everything was. <nUboon2Age> deal w a grad student comp sci sociopath who was cracking and messing with his computer so its not completely an Ubuntu problem. <seidos> what's your mother's background crashsystems ? <crashsystems> Not a computer person. Just got her PHD in educational psychology. <seidos> mmm hmm <seidos> my mom rejected ubuntu <seidos> or, rather, open office <crashsystems> thats understandable <nUboon2Age> good night all. i'm out. hope to intro my mom.to Ubuntu l later this year. 75 years old. smart but struggles w a Mac(!!!???!!!) <pleia2> good night nUboon2Age <seidos> night nUboon2Age, God speed <nUboon2Age> btw a friend is struggling w mail app in Open Office. ill have to research the prob. later. nite pleai2 <pleia2> finally got our new branding sleeves, logos and flyers into bzr: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-california <Eureka> wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/CDSleeves edited | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Logo edited #ubuntu-us-ca 2011-06-05 <The_Letter_M> Hello <sn9> hi <The_Letter_M> How is everyone today? <The_Letter_M> I have a question <The_Letter_M> I have a nettop (as in Atom processor w/ no CDROM or Floppy drive) running Kubuntu, I need to flash the BIOS. Is there a way to do it directly from Kubuntu, or is there a good way I can do it from a USB stick? <seidos> i flashed a bios from a bootable cd, not a usb stick The_Letter_M <The_Letter_M> Did you use like a BartPE boot CD? <seidos> so, i guess it depends on whether your bios manufacturer has a tool that lets you create a usb stick with the update tool on it? <seidos> The_Letter_M: no, there was a tool to burn a cd <seidos> i think it was an iso, sorry, it was awhile ago that i did it <The_Letter_M> oh <seidos> it must have been an iso, if there is an iso on your bios manufacturer's website, you can use "dd" to copy it to usb stick <seidos> dd if=isofile-path of=/dev/sd? * ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: Welcome to the Ubuntu California Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Webpage: http://ubuntu-california.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: Sunday, June 5th, 7:00pm PDT | This channel is publicly logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic <Eureka> wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/11June5 edited #ubuntu-us-ca 2012-05-29 <erichammond> What was the per diem from Canonical for (sponsored) UDS? <philipballew> 32 dinner iirc <philipballew> erichammond, <philipballew> - PER DIEM: <philipballew> Dinner - 32USD <philipballew> Lunch - 19USD; Lunches will be paid for centrally from Monday to Friday. <philipballew> Please note that the per diem is not claimable when food is pre-arranged. <erichammond> Thanks. I couldn't find it in any of my emails. <philipballew> the subject to the email is MPORTANT: UDS Q, Oakland 7-11 May - Final details <philipballew> it has the pdf there as well <philipballew_> For my UDS food reimbursement, should I put the dates in American or European format? <DonkeyHotei> surely the form shows what format to use <philipballew_> not on it, maybe in the email. #ubuntu-us-ca 2012-05-30 <epikvision> hello guys <epikvision> I've been able to start a group called Ubuntu for students. <epikvision> on fb <epikvision> and I'm seeing really powerful resistance. <epikvision> and opposition. <epikvision> we have almost 200 members in there, and it's starting to daunt me. <DonkeyHotei> what kind of opposition? <epikvision> ok, here's the story <epikvision> ever since I returned from UDS (it was splendid.) <scientes> epikvision, yes it was ;) <epikvision> I want to change my high school <epikvision> from windows xp to linux (ubuntu) <epikvision> for a few weeks, this idea was relatively obscure <scientes> I've fought with the paid microsoft shills before, it ain't easy <scientes> but go on <epikvision> ahh, a survivor, I see <scientes> epikvision, join us in #techrights <epikvision> ok, i'll continue <epikvision> oh ok <epikvision> scientes, I'm trying to get into tech rights but to no avial <epikvision> is it in freenode? <scientes> yes <scientes> well anyways go on <scientes> what hapened to the story....damn <epikvision> https://www.facebook.com/groups/jhms.ubuntu/ <epikvision> anyone supportive of pushing linux for a high school in Los Angeles? please join! <scientes> http://mozillamemes.tumblr.com/post/24022507361 <scientes> MarkDude, so what about those books? <scientes> I really need a good C book ;) <MarkDude> Give me a bit. I will be at home today <scientes> cool <MarkDude> I am working under assumption the triumvirate is cool with getting books. <MarkDude> Do we have a wiki page for it?> <MarkDude> I figure we put NorCal on there <MarkDude> Give So Cal a few days, and got from there <MarkDude> go * MarkDude has a call or two to make <bkerensa> lol #ubuntu-us-ca 2012-05-31 <MarkDude> Nothing like waking up to see your name in ITworld article <pleia2> MarkDude: good news, I hope :) <MarkDude> Wow Zonker retweeted the message about my account <MarkDude> Well <MarkDude> Ubuntu may not mind, I just got an email from Fedora leadership <MarkDude> Asking me to clarify that I was not represneting them <MarkDude> Brian Proffitt ‏@TheTechScribe <MarkDude> OSCON Nonprofit Pavilion deals with limited space http://ow.ly/bgYHw <- Fedora, Ubuntu on waiting list <MarkDude> woke up to that <pleia2> ah <pleia2> admittedly, OSCON is quite the preaching-to-choir event anyway :) in the coming months I'm going to keep an eye out for other events I should be aiming at <pleia2> space in the non-profit section could be better used to promote projects and non-profit orgs that people haven't heard about and wish to learn about <MarkDude> Sure maybe <MarkDude> Well 1st- Fedora is not a non-profit <MarkDude> But Fedora writes much of Linux <MarkDude> Ubuntu promotes Linux like no other <scientes> hahaha <scientes> MarkDude, ooo link to article? <scientes> oh i see it <scientes> I don't like how ubuntu and fedora are differing so much in core packages now <MarkDude> I understand <MarkDude> I was thinking I personally would not mind if the 2 Distros shared a community Linux table <scientes> well the reasons for their departing are very real and serious ones <MarkDude> Agreed <scientes> both made sound technical choices for their actions <MarkDude> But focusing on the differences, can be distracting <MarkDude> As opposed to the common issies <scientes> like: will ubuntu also use fedora's UEFI shim? and sign their kernel's and turn off all the functionality that RH is going to be turning off in signed kernels? <scientes> http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/12368.html <scientes> btw: signed kernels will NOT run virtualbox, with NOT run nvida drivers or other 3rd-party crap drivers, and more <scientes> and ubuntu has been putting reliance on nvidia + catalyst proprietary, unlike RH/fedora <philipballew_> this sounds disappointing... <MarkDude> Well much of it is sad <MarkDude> Part of the reason I used UDS to look for issues in common <MarkDude> And am trying to get Juju - in Fedora repos <MarkDude> And would like ideas for the other way around <MarkDude> Dont forget tho- RH is NOT Fedora <MarkDude> Just as Canonical is NOT the Ubuntu Community <MarkDude> :D <MarkDude> Minus a few legal issues, Fedora is in charge of its own destiny <scientes> MarkDude, ok sorry <MarkDude> No problem <scientes> philipballew, yes, the UFI stuff is quite disappointing <scientes> *UEFI <scientes> its a giant mess * MarkDude was just told to clarify a few details- and that my opinions are not that of Fedora :) <scientes> its non-driver parts has more code than the non-driver part of the linux kernl <MarkDude> Or any other FOSS projects I am associated with <MarkDude> Well the driver thing <MarkDude> It comes down to fundamental differences between the two <scientes> well UEFI is a mess for everyone <MarkDude> Ubuntu is more functional <MarkDude> easier to use- due in great part to drivers <scientes> errrrrr <MarkDude> Fedora takes a stance like RMS - to keep its focus on FREE things <scientes> that is certainly your own opinion, and one that fedora doesn't share AFAIK <scientes> its even in their tagline: FREEDOM <MarkDude> Actually most - in Fedora know Ubuntu is easier to use <scientes> and i have to agree with them there, and even Linus Torvalds, who RMS isn't that big of a fan of, is on the same grounds here <MarkDude> Thats actually parrt of the core- the Foundations <scientes> even if his reasons against propritary drivers are largely on practical grounds, rather than philosophical <MarkDude> Friends , Features, Freedoms, First <MarkDude> Well, would you tell a vegetarian to eat meet? <MarkDude> meat <scientes> and red-hat has been doing the big funding of nouveau and radeon <scientes> and i give them alot of credit there <MarkDude> Agreed <MarkDude> nouveau used to suck :D <scientes> now we just need VA-API support <scientes> well nouveau still sucks on my card <scientes> it was just rewritten <scientes> so I have my hopes up :D <MarkDude> Yep <MarkDude> I think much of this can be compared to dietary restrictions <MarkDude> Fedora is like a vegan <MarkDude> Ubuntu is an omnivore <MarkDude> One that puts weight on being green <MarkDude> Its not like Ubuntu does not have a value system, they certainly have a valid one <MarkDude> They stay true to what they believe <MarkDude> If you sorta keep this in mind, it keeps the *trying to convert thing* to a minimum <MarkDude> Fedora need not eat meat, and Ubuntu is not evil for doing so :D <scientes> I don't neccicarily want to impose my beliefs on others <scientes> generally not a wise course of action ;) <MarkDude> Agreed :D <MarkDude> The common area to follow my comparison, is that both dont want un-needed suffering <MarkDude> Even tho Ubuntu eats meat, there is a caring there <MarkDude> This area has a fair amount to agree on. <scientes> and happily broadcom came around to the world of the free <scientes> *thnkfully <MarkDude> And others may warm to this idea <MarkDude> By Ubuntu pushing the limits of drivers, and Fedora staying clear, its a carrot and stick <MarkDude> Both are valid <MarkDude> and awesome I might add :D <MarkDude> Nothing like working on a draft of my response to an article in which I am mentioned. * MarkDude never had goal of being known as *the dude in the Penguin Suit*, an agitator, or a supporter of a cartoon hotodg. Sometimes destiny picks us tho, we do not pick it :D * MarkDude is an asshat, just to clarify <scientes> "the meatiest release ever" <MarkDude> lol <MarkDude> Damn, I need to respond to this, and also go back to the Fedora naming issues- STILL being talked about. <philipballew> Now I wonder if I should still go to oscon <philipballew> good luck responding MarkDude <MarkDude> YES <MarkDude> go there * MarkDude has never planned on not going <MarkDude> Even the account I created said - I will be there <philipballew_> If there is not a Ubuntu booth, then its a lot of money to get in iirc <MarkDude> Go to CLS the weekend before <MarkDude> Nope <MarkDude> there are free expo passes <philipballew_> hum, there is still a chance a Ubuntu booth will pop up <philipballew_> odd that Mark Shuttleworth is keynoting yet no Ubuntu booth <MarkDude> They will get a booth * MarkDude will bet money on it <MarkDude> They know I will grandstand <philipballew_> well If they do, I will be there. <bkerensa> philipballew: even if we get a booth they are only giving out two passes for booth holders this year <bkerensa> although their is a free expo pass for all dot orgs... just use "FREEORG" <philipballew_> Yeah, I stll have other ways to ger in <philipballew_> bkerensa, no worries. <MarkDude> Well - there has been extra RH budget money set aside to pay for Fedora there. Since they are NOT a non-profit. I dont think I could use the free pass option <MarkDude> That I understand and take no issue with. Fedora is willing to pay <MarkDude> Ubuntu should not- due to it being a charity <bkerensa> philipballew: I am almost certain that they will not give out anything except a free expo pass <bkerensa> unless your a speaker, have a booth or know someone at O'Reilly <scientes> ubuntu is a charity? <scientes> even though ubuntu != canonical i didn't think it was non-profit <bkerensa> scientes: Canonical is a corporation <bkerensa> scientes: Ubuntu is a Community <scientes> or at least 501(c)3 non-profit <scientes> which is usually what ppl mean when they say non-profit in the US <bkerensa> scientes: You dont have to be a 501(c)3 non profit to get a dot org booth * MarkDude is paid for already <scientes> http://humblebundle.com/ <scientes> Average Windows: $6.50 <scientes> Average Mac: $8.53 <scientes> Average Linux: .... <scientes> **$11.35** <bkerensa> philipballew: u around? <philipballew_> bkerensa, yeah <bkerensa> philipballew: I got the answer I needed :D <philipballew_> nice! what exactly did they say? <philipballew_> bkerensa, <bkerensa> phi <bkerensa> philipballew: yeah? <philipballew_> what exactly did they say? <MarkDude> bkerensa, wow * MarkDude did not know you were older than me <MarkDude> Woulda bet some money you were younger <bkerensa> MarkDude: what? How am I older than you <bkerensa> >.< * bkerensa is not old <MarkDude> Your page says you were born in 1963 <bkerensa> WTF * MarkDude would guess you maybe meant 1973? <MarkDude> Its ok Grandpa, let's tell these damn kids to get off of our lawn <bkerensa> wow fixed <MarkDude> Make sure you are wearign bathrobe while saying so <MarkDude> lol <MarkDude> Figured that mighta slipped by <MarkDude> No more Grandpa Ben, I will have to stick with calling you Uncle Ben <MarkDude> Wow, so you had to put 4 digits for your Bday, and you blew it on TWO of them? :P <philipballew_> bkerensa, I bet your an AARP member as well? * MarkDude heard he not only dyes the hair on his head, he also does his eyebrows <MarkDude> They are TOO uniform <philipballew_> MarkDude, sooner or later he might have to consider an elderly care living facility. <MarkDude> True. But it wont be too bad <MarkDude> He is able to get free stuff rather easily. He will get some free depends, and maybe viagra <MarkDude> :D <philipballew_> he can review them like he does regularly :) #ubuntu-us-ca 2012-06-01 <raevol> is facebook getting DDoSed or do the computer gods just hate me today <pleia2> I'm not having problems, but comments I've seen elsewhere on the internets do seem to indicate they're having some trouble <raevol> whew. that makes me feel better <raevol> i spent all day at work trying to get my NIC on my work computer to function <raevol> no success <raevol> facebook is lagging so hard I can't close facebook tabs... <MarkDude> philipballew, I tagged you in a pic on FB nfrom UDS <MarkDude> the official pics * pleia2 tagged jyo <pleia2> lookin bored! <MarkDude> Yep a few more pics in tehre to be tagged <raevol> facebook completely inaccessible now <philipballew> wheres the photo officially located? <pleia2> philipballew: http://www.pixoulphotography.com/ * MarkDude would have been shocked if there was a pic of me in group photo- and blue shirt was visible <pleia2> http://photos.pixoulphotography.com/Events/UDS-Quantal-Quetzal/23155798_KrM3PW has the gallery <akk> Wow, finding anyone in the group pic is not easy! <MarkDude> There are fb pics <MarkDude> The pics cant be tagged, until approved <DonkeyHotei> people all over irc are complaining that fb is down <philipballew> I am next to jono <philipballew> up for me DonkeyHotei <DonkeyHotei> i am prone to hyperbole <akk> I think I found pleia2, haven't found myself yet and I even know where I was standing. <pleia2> I'm in the back left <DonkeyHotei> by "people all over irc" i mean one person in this channel and one other person in a completely unrelated channel (in the boston area) <pleia2> not easy to see really <akk> Ah, yes, there's philipballew -- he and pleia2 both have hands in front of their faces (in the pic I'm looking at). <philipballew> jono's are iirc * akk tries one without hands <philipballew> those are better imo <gua> hah wow, dustin kirkland was right behind me <philipballew_> sounds scary <gua> philipballew_: speaking of stalking, i think i spy a certain someone in this photo: http://photos.pixoulphotography.com/Events/UDS-Quantal-Quetzal/23155798_KrM3PW#!i=1865964211&k=tW922WT&lb=1&s=A <gua> can't hide anywhere, not at uds <philipballew_> gua, I bet its fun to be a uds photographer * MarkDude thinks the few pics he took there were fun to take. Being a pro would make it more fun, IMHO <akk> I love how facebook says "Mark has tagged two photos of you" and includes a link to the first one, and no way to find the second one. <akk> Such a great UI, can't imagine why the stock isn't soaring. <pleia2> lol <pleia2> I never could grok facebook, I mostly stay away from it for fear I'll click on something and spam all my friends <akk> heh, yeah <akk> I like being able to connect with non-techies I'd never hear from otherwise <akk> but I wish all those people would go to a site that actually works, instead :) <pleia2> yeah, I use it for my family mostly <MarkDude> Yep <MarkDude> Its great for tech outliers <MarkDude> to sorta get them involved. The other day FB locked me out of an event I created- WHILE it was happening <akk> It kills me how non-techies gravitate toward these things like facebook and forums that I can't figure out how to use. How do they manage to use them? <MarkDude> I could not add any updates or comment to TELL folks where to meet at Carnaval <akk> lovely! * MarkDude just wishes he had some granular control, dont tell me what I want to see, let me create some filters <MarkDude> First would be *ville <MarkDude> Eff all of that <MarkDude> Sry for swearing, I had to spend a few days blocking apps, just so I could make my feed readable <akk> Agreed, email me everything (or offer an RSS feed or whatever) and let me filter. <akk> Showing me some randomly chosen selection of stuff in a random order, mixing in some old stuff I've already seen, just makes me decide it's not worth the effort. <akk> MarkDude, you were talking earlier about mjg's post about what fedora is doing re secure boot -- has Ubuntu decided what they're doing yet? <MarkDude> Im not sure, RH paying MS money is a bit odd- * MarkDude is going to have to read up on it. I expect some more questions on this at events <akk> Yeah, infuriating (I'm infuriated at MS, not RH). <MarkDude> Yep, bad precedent <MarkDude> RH is really defensive, most choices they make are about avoiding lawsuits <MarkDude> As long as it avoids being sued, its generally ok :D * MarkDude 's opinions are his own, not that of any projects he is involved with <akk> I don't have a problem with RH doing what they need to do -- I'm not sure there is any good solution for distro vendors. <MarkDude> I agree <akk> mjg does a good job of outlining the problem and why they chose this solution. <akk> (as usual -- he's always very reasonable) <MarkDude> Fedora will have money to cover the costs, as will RH <MarkDude> The idea of all the other Distros not being able to do so- bugs me on a deep level <akk> Yep. <akk> At least it sounds like people who are clueful will be able to change the BIOS to turn off signing. <akk> So users of Gentoo, Arch, Debian etc. (the techie distros) should be fine. * scientes is bugged by UEFI in general <akk> And Puppy is okay for a while, it's not for new hardware anyway. <scientes> akk, umm no gentoo cannot possibly participate <MarkDude> Intel is making efforts with CoreBoot <scientes> cause this requires central signing off all kernel and bootloader code <scientes> MarkDude, errrrrr, they have attacked coreboot in the past <akk> scientes: Anyone who's knowledgeable enough to install gentoo is techie enough to get into BIOS menus and turn off the signing. <scientes> amd has been doing MUCH better than intel on coreboot <MarkDude> Wont that make some of this moot? At least for the hardware they are making open? <scientes> the big companies developing coreboot are AMD and Google <scientes> (they want to use it for the chromebook) <MarkDude> Well all of this crap may be sorted in court <MarkDude> in a few years <MarkDude> <sigh> <scientes> cause its not just about getting signing <scientes> will fedora have two differn't kernels? <scientes> in order to set these complicated policies? <DonkeyHotei> google beat oracle <MarkDude> YAY for Oracle beatdowns <akk> The chromebook boot is even weirder than UEFI, as far as booting other OSes. <scientes> or will it require selinux on the UEFI secureboot kernel in order to force this? with embedded rules inside the kernel? <scientes> akk, indeed, but they have been pushing coreboot so that FOSS can do what it wants regarding boot <akk> And more restrictive -- they have the same signing requirement but you can't turn it off. <MarkDude> Hmmmm <scientes> akk, there is documented root for chrome books <scientes> its just that you get a REALLY ugly boot screen, that cant be turned off, when in root mode <akk> scientes: You can install another distro that uses their signed kernel. You can't install a distro that needs a different kernel, or build your own kernel. <MarkDude> History tells me that akk is right, altho this will soon start to get over my head <akk> I'm actually quoting from d -- he has chromebooks (dual-boot but with google's signed kernel), I don't. <DonkeyHotei> signed coreboot? whiskey tango foxtrot <scientes> akk, also they are changing the kernel, cause the kernel allow alot of stuff via user-space (root user) that gives direct access to hardware, like user-mode-setting with X <scientes> akk, oh well then you might be right * scientes does not like chromeos at all <scientes> but i the same time im not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater---Google's work on coreboot is awesome <scientes> AFAIK <scientes> DonkeyHotei, i don't think the coreboot is signed, just everything after it <akk> d says: in theory, you could build your own kenrel (for a chromebook) and sign it ... but in practice, nobody's actually managed it. <akk> (mostly because not many have bothered to try) <scientes> its like most of googles code: http://food.sndimg.com/img/recipes/22/78/2/large/picrIZyXg.jpg <philipballew_> our own epicvision has run into problems getting people to like ubuntu http://epikvision.blogspot.com/2012/05/quell-flames-shift-gears-educate-b4.html <DonkeyHotei> scientes: if the coreboot doesn't need anything signed, then signing doesn't matter <scientes> DonkeyHotei, im just saying that i think coreboot is first, and whatever is first doesn't have anything to watch the watcher <DonkeyHotei> exactly <gua> i don't see why microsoft needs to be involved in the signing, just have verisign do it <scientes> gua, they don't have the mozilla root certs installed <scientes> its not about WHO you are talking to, its about not permitting anything that can lead to arbitrary code execution <scientes> in kernel mode <scientes> but thats not really what it is about <gua> lots of people have a general distrust of MS though. tons of articles around about 'distros having to pay MS' <scientes> its really about enabling state malware to be installed <gua> beholden to MS isn't something people are aching to be exactly <scientes> gua, well, the pci signing is limited to only one signature, so you are going to have microsoft's key installed to boot a computer with UEFI secure boot <gua> scientes: yeah, being able to have multiple signatures would be one of the first things to change <gua> in UEFI 2.0 <scientes> gua, no, no UEFI+1 <gua> although i wonder how much last-minute changes can go in <scientes> just coreboot <gua> eh <scientes> UEFI needs to die <scientes> gua, and you have no ideahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2aq5M3Q76U <gua> are mfrs going to go with coreboot? <scientes> the signing format is so much a siemese twim to windows, that the signing format has "WIN" in the binary <scientes> its just moving the windows code signing system into a place where it can subvert linux and freedom <gua> scientes: http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/12368.html <scientes> ...even more <scientes> gua, yes i read <gua> is what i'm referring to <scientes> that talk i linked to is the same person who writes that blog <gua> yeah, i think i've watched that talk <gua> is mark shuttleworth in the group picture? i can't seem to find him <philipballew_> I did not see him * MarkDude got a mention for Partimus http://www.itworld.com/node/279368 <MarkDude> Altho , maybe not what they were hoping for <pleia2> MarkDude: I wish you wouldn't drag us into this :( <MarkDude> I did not <MarkDude> B Proffit listed Partimus as a Linux Distro * MarkDude has also made very clear- opinions are his own <akk> "free Expo passes (a coveted OSCON perk)"? For some reason I thought expo passes were free (I know passes to talks very much aren't). <akk> It's too bad -- the dotcom area is always by far the most interesting of the OSCON expo hall. <bkerensa> akk: Expo Passes used to be free they started charging for them this year <bkerensa> akk: you mean the dot org? :P <akk> oops, yeah, dot org, duh <pleia2> I am hoping this makes it more interesting, no fedora and ubuntu booths means there are two booths which may be used by dotorgs you've never heard of and may be interesting :) <pleia2> there is limited space, I think the big distros can do a favor to little guys by stepping aside from time to time <MarkDude> Rumor has it both tables will be there for the Distros <bkerensa> lol <bkerensa> MarkDude: where do you come up with this? :P <MarkDude> Possibly involving the 2 sharing a booth <bkerensa> Im sure things would have been fine either way :) <MarkDude> Cue the odd Couple them song <MarkDude> theme <pleia2> it's not that odd, I really don't see this division between the ubuntu and fedora communities that you always go on about <pleia2> I work with plenty of fedora folks <MarkDude> <sarcasm font> implied <bkerensa> yeah and I let you take a photo with me :P <bkerensa> :D * MarkDude made that suggestion <MarkDude> We are all on the same Penguin Team * bkerensa has a Redhat notebook somewhere <bkerensa> anyways moving on <bkerensa> How is the weather in California? <MarkDude> pleia2, thats not fair- I was waering the Friends sticker at UDS for a real reason <MarkDude> Perfect bkerensa thats why we pay so much to live here <bkerensa> heh <MarkDude> Thats cool - you pay a fair amount to support the bike freaks <bkerensa> its 73 and overcast here :D <MarkDude> Yay- freak bikes <bkerensa> MarkDude: We have more bicyclists and runners than any other city ;) <pleia2> MarkDude: I'm sorry if you feel that way, but jokes don't come across well in IRC and I work very hard to break down barriers between communities, you do often make comments about Fedora vs Ubuntu which feels like it undermines that <bkerensa> And thats my cue to go run errands <pleia2> bkerensa: they are cleaning the windows in my building today, have to keep windows closed during this nice weather! stuffy in here :) <bkerensa> :D * MarkDude 's Linux is a cult - directly addresses that <bkerensa> I really do have to go run errands :P seeya guys enjoy the sun <pleia2> see you <MarkDude> The enemy is Apple <pleia2> why do we need an enemy? :) <MarkDude> If there is an enemy that is <MarkDude> :D <pleia2> I thought you california people were all peace-loving! <MarkDude> Mostly <pleia2> hehe <akk> ha, you should see bay area people fight for parking spaces <MarkDude> For what its worth- Im still known as the Ubuntu Guy- in Fedora by many. I am given a hard time for liking Ubuntu so much <pleia2> at least they don't shoot each other over them (there are some things I don't miss about Philly :)) <MarkDude> the jokes are the same <MarkDude> Taking me too serious is not advised, sarcasm font is implied unless other wise stated <pleia2> http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Neighbors-Shoot-Each-Other-Over-Parking-Spot-125402973.html <pleia2> ah fun <pleia2> MarkDude: fair enough * MarkDude is Man Of La Mancha- chasing windwills and such <MarkDude> :D * MarkDude wants to go to FOSScon, heard there are Masters degrees in profanity there <pleia2> (amusingly, the parking spot incident I was thinking about was a different one, in 2006 or so, nice to see things don't change) <akk> ouch <akk> And in truth, I don't see much fighting over parking spots here (but OTOH I'm not in SF or Berkeley). <pleia2> mostly here in SF I just see people driving without paying attention (so they cut people off, don't let people in, block intersections) <pleia2> but I think that's mostly tourists driving and being lost * MarkDude has seen old ladies flip the bird over parking spots inSF <raevol> so <raevol> when you have pidgin open with the buddy list and conversation window <raevol> and you alt+tab to show desktop, so both windows get minimized <raevol> you can't get the buddy list to restore without completely closing the conversation window <raevol> :( <akk> We get plenty of that down here, people driving while texting or talking on phones so not paying attention. <pleia2> philly did a funny texting while walking april fools joke <pleia2> the mayor proposed a texting section of the sidewalk, they did a video, during which the mayor was speaking and someone texting kept wandering by oblivious and interrupting the segment :) <akk> haha <akk> I saw two people almost walk into each other in Portland, both fixated on gmaps or something on their phones. :) #ubuntu-us-ca 2012-06-03 <pleia2> sending out the meeting reminder for this evening reminded me that I was recently out with my fiance's colleagues and they kept going on about what "bi-weekly" meant <pleia2> ...even after googling for the answer and discovering that it could either mean twice a week or every other week <pleia2> it was funny for the first 10 minutes, then "ok seriously, stop" :) <grantbow> lol <pleia2> hey grantbow! <pleia2> was nice to see you yesterday :) <grantbow> u2! <grantbow> I did some edits on that doc and have much of an email drafted <pleia2> great <pleia2> I've been drafting a more personal blog post in my head about what it's feeling like to develop partimus past infancy <grantbow> :-) <pleia2> might get it out after the foundation center class on wednesday <grantbow> I think after the class you will realize just how much in infancy we are <grantbow> amazingly <pleia2> yeah, I expect so <grantbow> I hope others can join us <grantbow> if anyone here is interested in nonprofit "Grant Writing" http://grantspace.org/Classroom/Training-Calendar/San-Francisco/Proposal-Writing-Basics-2012-06-06-San-Francisco-CA <grantbow> our 8 years and strong programs" done on a shoestring position us very strongly for funding <MarkDude> True <grantbow> "programs" <grantbow> hiya MarkDude <MarkDude> Hey there * MarkDude is catching up on backlog.Wants to set up a time soon for working on the laptops. <MarkDude> And asking for more laptops <MarkDude> We can get some money from taking non-working hardware to ECS <grantbow> the 20 from intuit or others? <MarkDude> Yep <pleia2> we have to close the loop with james and christian on them, I don't know where the are at the moment and what james wants to do install-wise (use old imaging server to just toss 10.04 on, go to 12.04?) * MarkDude spoke with Christian on weekend <pleia2> james has been starting to look into 12.04 * grantbow tried :-) <grantbow> yeah <MarkDude> Whatever you folks decide is great. WHats the burnin or testing work like <grantbow> I haven't tested memory footprint on identical hardware yet * MarkDude is gonna ask the board for title *geek at large* :) <pleia2> well, first there is the hardware analysis and makings ure they're all the same <grantbow> maybe we should look at xubuntu ;-) <pleia2> xubuntu \o/ <pleia2> unity is cool, but xfce may make more sense giving where we are coming from on this <grantbow> before 10.04 partimus did some deployments of xubuntu <pleia2> yeah, I remember running into a few over the years :) <pleia2> 12.04 is a xubuntu lts for 3 years, so it certainly is an option <MarkDude> We could always use Sax Coffee for doing some installs. Plus, this area of Coco County has more donations we can get <grantbow> MarkDude: the 20 from intuit or others? * MarkDude wants to get others. MORE <MarkDude> MOAR laptops <grantbow> I haven't heard if Christian has received them yet <MarkDude> There are some teachers at the schools that might need machines too <MarkDude> Not yet, from what he said <grantbow> k <pleia2> MarkDude: that's a bit far for us to to drag an imaging server :\ and is there really space to set up a network there? * MarkDude should be able to get at least one RH machine donated. <grantbow> not really <pleia2> we probably want to stick to downtown SF since most of our volunteers and schools are in SF <MarkDude> Ubuntu running on a former RH machine soulds great <MarkDude> Thats what I assumed <grantbow> however if imaging servers can be deployed with juju... :-O <MarkDude> I figure we may end up doing a DVLUG meeting there. <pleia2> grantbow: haha, still need to bring lots of physical hardware to a coffee shop and set up a network, even if we can deploy them on the fly :) <grantbow> pleia2: yeah <MarkDude> The owners are willing to have laptops given to them to hold for us <grantbow> MarkDude: we'll see. How much do you want to volunteer for dvlug? <dragon> grantbow: `aws deploy ubuntu 12.04 amd64` :P <grantbow> dragon: +1 <MarkDude> The idea of a small box of donation waiting for us sounds great <pleia2> we don't really have trouble finding space in SF, so I don't think making everyone drive out of the city makes a lot of sense :\ * MarkDude has decided that focusing on laptops is sumthin I am able to maintain <dragon> MarkDude: schedule permitting, count me in for installs! <dragon> as long as it's a party, I'm in. <MarkDude> Avoiding spreading myself to thin, by focusing on some of my strongpoints <pleia2> installs are really just plug system into network, pxeboot, make sure it installs :) * MarkDude learned a fair amount from Free Geek and their laptop program <pleia2> (and fix anything that goes wrong along the way, bad hardware, etc) <MarkDude> Hardware. Thats a strongpoint of mine. Software, not so much <dragon> That PXE boot part has always excited me. Never got it to work at home. <grantbow> volunteer role - ubuntu installer :-) <pleia2> the install server has an image that sets all defaults, installs packages we need and all that <pleia2> the ones we have are still built for 10.04, but they work quite well <dragon> Install server needs to be the DHCP too, though. <MarkDude> Free Geek was doing work on deploying 12.04 <pleia2> on the CACS network it was also the main server for the lab, so did DHCP as well as squid, dansguardian and all the stuff needed to run the network <pleia2> MarkDude: james howard is working on 12.04 for us <dragon> That'll make it easier to setup. <MarkDude> I should put James in toiuch with Vagrant from FG <pleia2> dragon: yeah, it works really well :) <MarkDude> So when will the Unity or XFCE thing be sorted? <dragon> It'll be nice to have a ready-to-go image of a PXE server setup. (unless we've already got one) <pleia2> MarkDude: we don't really have an ETA <MarkDude> Fair enough. <pleia2> dragon: the ones we have are built for 10.04 <dragon> pleia2: Can't they emit just any image? <pleia2> so still usable if we stick to 10.04, and we can for now, but we'll see how the 12.04 research goes * MarkDude will work on formal letter to the board. I know that we have some high specs for laptops needed * MarkDude thinks that P3's should not be used at the schools. BUT, those are decnt enough for giving to volunteers * dragon reads up a little more on PXE boot. <pleia2> dragon: not really, config files change, as do package names, so a lot of little things need to be looked after when we go to try to ship with a much newer version <grantbow> dragon: school lab in a box https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zs4_G-hvTDho1K9lP4Nrcz3BqPdw7gIczESu5f7V114/edit <pleia2> particularly in this case since we're going from gtk2 and gnome2 to gtk3 and unity, also the java packages are all changed, so all our customizations and default apps need to be reviewed <MarkDude> Free Geek gets volunteers by giving hardware- more so stuff they dont sell. A big portion of their costs are covered by a few selcet items being sold - some in their store, more via online sales <grantbow> dragon: what's your gmail? <dragon> grantbow: aadityabhatia <dragon> grantbow: I have read access. <grantbow> if you want to edit it let me know <dragon> will do <MarkDude> When in doubt- always give dragon full access <MarkDude> :D <MarkDude> Oh, Christian and I are gonna go to the Community Manager Breakfast in SF * MarkDude figures there are some great CMs there, and he will be able to get some more peers for helping in the mission :) <dragon> document looks good <MarkDude> Its like a secret Cabal type group. You have to be invited. <dragon> it'll be fun to upgrade to 12.04. <MarkDude> Christian will have the secret handshake <grantbow> http://t.co/GlS3S1Bk cool * MarkDude would prefer we not use Unity. But only offers that opinion. * MarkDude will be more than happy if we do go that route. <MarkDude> Im happy with *the grown-ups deciding* :D <dragon> What's the team's opinion on Gnome 3? <MarkDude> lol <pleia2> gnome-shell isn't supported in the LTS, so it's not really an option for us <dragon> Oh. * MarkDude thinks Gnome 3 sucks slightly less than Unity, but KDE is the real winner in all of this * MarkDude is predicting KDE has good things in store. <dragon> Perhaps that's why Gnome didn't load after I upgraded. (I didn't have time to figure, so powered off and moved on.) <dragon> MarkDude: too much eye candy could be blindening. :P <pleia2> dragon: well it should work :) <MarkDude> However it gets sorted, Im cool with it. KDE does not require you use ALL the widgets <grantbow> MarkDude: have you met Evan yet, the organizer of that meetup? <MarkDude> Yes- <pleia2> it's just not in main, so support for it isn't guarenteed to extend for the whole LTS perioud * MarkDude has gone a few times * dragon reverted his main machine to gnome-fallback, a partially upgraded version of gnome 2. That's on 11.04. <MarkDude> Evan rocks. <grantbow> cool <pleia2> MarkDude: our machines aren't powerful enough for KDE <dragon> s/11.04/11.10/ <pleia2> it's really either Ubuntu or Xubuntu here <MarkDude> The group also has Sarah Manley, Jenna Langer, and some other names you may know <dragon> pleia2: fair enough. Works for personal use, but not a selling point. <pleia2> dragon: yep :) <MarkDude> pleia2, just let me know. MarkDude has no horse in this race. Happy to take orders here :) <pleia2> anyway, back to work and adventures for me, I'll be around this evening for our 7pm meeting <MarkDude> Cool <pleia2> MarkDude: yep, we'll let you know :) <grantbow> dnsmasq is the other D I was trying to think of yesterday!!! * MarkDude wants to bring up the idea of having a picnic co-sponsered by Ubuntu Cali and local Fedora folks. <MarkDude> Unless that might be a hassle, in which case I am tottally fine with just droppping the idea <pleia2> er, isn't that what a geeknic is? * MarkDude already has sponsorships maybe lined up. Money from non-distros <grantbow> money sometimes has strings <MarkDude> Yes pleia2 - I am really focused on commonalities <MarkDude> Money wont be taken if there are strings <akk> unless the strings are attached to festive balloons <MarkDude> Sponsors would be able to give SWAG or shirts with their logo <grantbow> akk +1 <MarkDude> No talks, or anything <MarkDude> Give us the money, ALL you get is a THANK YOU :) <akk> and people wearing your shirts around advertising your company/distro <MarkDude> If this seems like a hassle, it can be tabled in order to keep it copacetic <MarkDude> With Linux Picnic being a nogo- I think we can put together a smaller event. <akk> Linux picnic is dead? <dragon> I think so. * MarkDude is not really sure we need to have wifi at picnics- lol <akk> Did something bad happen last year? <MarkDude> akk - yes <grantbow> "it's not dead yet!" <grantbow> -- Monty Python <MarkDude> A true open Source project <dragon> akk: no, it's just a tad quiet, like before a tsunami. <MarkDude> its dead, no its not. Maybe it is <MarkDude> :D <pleia2> akk: as far as I know there just weren't volunteers this year, no one reserved the park or stepped up to lead it <akk> Wifi at picnics is way cool, in a completely unnecessary gilding-the-lily kind of way. <dragon> Yeah, they said the only reason to have wif was to be geeky. <MarkDude> its life notwithstanding- people can volunteer for tasks like that. <pleia2> (as I'm sure dragon can agree, it's a lot of work :)) <dragon> It's not very useful anymore, given how we all are forced to pay for data plans with our smartphones. <MarkDude> I figure we need to work on our Frisbee skills as a group - more importatly lol <dragon> pleia2: +1 <akk> dragon: forced? somehow I get by without one. <dragon> akk: Lucky you! AT&T? <akk> We finally got a mifi a few months ago, but haven't used it very much so far. * MarkDude is hooked on data plans, Dropbox and syncing of pics and videos is such a time saver <akk> Been using the cr48 with its free 100M plan and can't seem to use that up, so don't have to dip into the prepaid mifi. <MarkDude> akk, maybe you need to start posting pics of cats, in order to use more data. You know- the IMPORTANT stuff XD <MarkDude> The internets always need MOAR catpics <akk> MarkDude: Yes, there's definitely a need for more cat pictures on the internet. :) <MarkDude> +infinity * MarkDude now has people seeking him out to take pics of tehir cats, and add meme-like quotes * akk has gotten some good snake pictures lately, but there seems to be oddly little demand for those <MarkDude> Now is the time for our evil plans.... etc * MarkDude is interested in snake pics <akk> It's a good spring for snakes -- seeing them everywhere I go hiking. (harmless ones, not rattlesnakes) <MarkDude> Even rattle snakes are not bad <akk> Rattlesnakes are cool as long as I see them in time to keep my distance. * MarkDude makes sure to make lots of noise - rattlers are nice and get out of your way when you do that <akk> Well, thumping, anyway ... they can't hear noise in general, no ears. <MarkDude> Yep, loud steps <akk> I've seen a few who were pretty laid-back and didn't move when I stamped, though. <MarkDude> and kick the weeds <MarkDude> Actually been forever since I seen one up close <akk> I see them maybe once a year, a lot less often than other snakes. <akk> And I've never seen one (in the wild) angry, rattling or coiling ... they're always just sunning themselves. <DonkeyHotei> reptiles are cold-blooded, so they have to <MarkDude> G is cold-blooded also. The 2nd choice for a nickname for him was the iceman <MarkDude> Since he has icewater running thru his veins <MarkDude> :D <MarkDude> DMFG works better tho, IMHO <DonkeyHotei> d'oh-mfg? <MarkDude> Dangerous MFing G <MarkDude> in the hizzouse <DonkeyHotei> sorry to say this: i'm not him, but if i were, i would probably have punched you by now for all the grantbow this and grantbow that <scientes> .................... <MarkDude> Sn9, like I stated earlier, he has icewater running in his veins <MarkDude> Ask the who's who in FOSS, and most will agree on the DMFG title <DonkeyHotei> i'm just glad it's not me <MarkDude> scientes, I am friends with both DonkeyHotei and grantbow . Its in good humor <scientes> ok, just making sure <MarkDude> DonkeyHotei, is one of the few that says, MarkDude is saying crazy shit? I can out do him <scientes> seemed to be getting alittle off-toic ;) <MarkDude> He does well at it <scientes> even for a social channel :D <MarkDude> scientes, fair enough. I just hope that people dont take me serious when I am participating in tomfoolery <scientes> jkjkjk <MarkDude> :D <DonkeyHotei> scientes: technically, #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic is supposed to be the social channel, but it is fail <MarkDude> Maybe if there were more folks that idled in #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic <MarkDude> Not really DonkeyHotei <scientes> DonkeyHotei, that is too much <MarkDude> We have had some FOSS discussions in there <MarkDude> The CoC still applies there, but we have more wiggle room to talk there <DonkeyHotei> of most of the related channels i can think of, this one tends to be the most social * MarkDude likes talking about Fedora fails in there. There are numerous to talk about. Its not logged, thats good for talking freely about how to learn from fails <DonkeyHotei> at one point, i stayed in #ubuntu-us-fl for a while, and they're far more social than this channel <MarkDude> Yep - they are very social <MarkDude> Fedora's India channel is the most formal channel I idle in <MarkDude> It is practice there to preface EVERY sentence with the persons nick <MarkDude> When they have meetings, you can only speak after you type a ! <MarkDude> and are called on * MarkDude thinks that Cali Team has the best meetings. The flow works really well, and others could learn from it :) <scientes> MarkDude, holy moley <scientes> re: india <scientes> i've never seen formal IRC, i can hardly imagine it <MarkDude> Yep. There is a clear line dividing people there- usually at age 35 <MarkDude> under they are more loose <MarkDude> Over, I always use folks titles when speaking to them <scientes> well thats just good practice <akk> In India, you mean? <akk> I don't really see that here -- CA is pretty informal at all ages. <scientes> sir <scientes> sir <DonkeyHotei> i don't feel comfortable around people who are that loose <scientes> what is your problem sir <scientes> sir <DonkeyHotei> i'm very asocial by nature and it takes a lot of energy and effort to dabble in socialization <MarkDude> You sirs and madams are correct <philipballew> Best tool to completely wipe someones hd so it can never be seen again? <scientes_> philipballew, dban <philipballew> alright. seems good enough scientes <MarkDude> dban.org <MarkDude> set it to level 7 I think for complete wipe <MarkDude> altho 3 passes apears to be decent <philipballew> yeah, got a core 2 laptop from a insurance agent. I can have it if I wipe it. <MarkDude> philipballew, for peace of mind- you can send link to them <MarkDude> It really helps professional folks feel safe with it <MarkDude> Even the folks in Canada that use the Royal Canadian MP version to wipe <MarkDude> Free Geek Vancouver does that <philipballew> Free Geek Auburn is about to as well <MarkDude> Hmmm, are they on the FG startup list? <philipballew> no, I have yet to do anything with this group I created 15 seconds ago. :) <MarkDude> Fair enough <MarkDude> grantbow, here is what I was talking about on Fri <MarkDude> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe's_law <MarkDude> Does anybody know what channel does the LocoCouncil idle in ? <MarkDude> They only use U-meeting I guess. and are not in same channel otherwise? <pleia2> MarkDude: #ubuntu-locoteams <MarkDude> perfect pleia2 <MarkDude> ty MarkDude has to make sure that folks know that I was the person behind the Twitter account <MarkDude> Cleaning up messes and such :) #ubuntu-us-ca 2013-05-27 * grantbow changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: Welcome to the Ubuntu California Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Website: http://ubuntu-california.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: June 2nd | This channel is publicly logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic <Torikun> yo <grantbow> Torikun: hi there <Torikun> yo how ya bddn #ubuntu-us-ca 2013-05-28 * MarkDude is helping Ubuntu Oregon Team to award a pass they were given. We are using random.org to draw the number. Hoping to have at least one extra Ubuntu person NOT in drawing able to watch it - this afternoon <MarkDude> openness <MarkDude> philipballew, will monitor drawing this afternoon :) <philipballew> apparently I am monitoring the drawing. <MarkDude> Looks that way philipballew <MarkDude> With everyone in the drawing from Oregon- I want to make sure if a leader wins- its on the up and up- and picked live - with impartial trusted people <MarkDude> philipballew= Jesus= Buddha= Big Lebowski <MarkDude> <slight overstatement> <philipballew> I tried San Fransisco tap water today, and could taste the chemicals. <akk> SJ water is apparently very clean, but it's loaded with chlorine. <philipballew> akk, yeah, I am not used to this, so as soon as I tried to drink it my throat got really dry, and I think it's from the chlorine or something. <pleia2> philipballew: huh, where are you staying? <pleia2> (I still filter it, but ours is quite good even right out of the tap) <philipballew> pleia2, some guys floor in the mission near Noisebridge. <philipballew> not sure what the deal is, but I pored it out, and went to macdonalds to get water from the soda fountain. <pleia2> philipballew: maybe just bad pipes in the house? soda fountain is probably tap water too <philipballew> pleia2, your changing my view of the world here! <pleia2> ah, maybe mcdonalds does filter their soda fountain water <akk> I kind of doubt it. <pleia2> akk: I did too, but found http://howlermunkey.hubpages.com/hub/Why-does-Diet-Coke-taste-better-at-Mcdonalds <darthrobot`> Title: [Why does fountain Diet Coke taste better at Mcdonalds?] <philipballew> In-N-Out does <MarkDude> philipballew, is there any project or group of folks *unwilling* to let you crash on their floor? <philipballew> MarkDude, None that I have found yet <pleia2> (and a couple other supporting documents of similar legitimacy :)) * MarkDude is not aware of any. Fedora people at OSCON were happy to let you use some space- you mean that dude with Jesus sandals <pleia2> anyway, could also just be that tap water taste varies throughout the city <akk> Cool, pleia2 (on the filtering). Assuming it's true. :) * philipballew looks FABULOUS in the Jesus sandals. <akk> But I'm going with pleia2's first diagnosis of pipes. Those make a big difference. <philipballew> the mission is a older part of town right? <philipballew> at least from the looks of it, it seems that way. <pleia2> not sure about older, but it's more poorly maintained (not as wealthy part of the city) <philipballew> ah, i see. That makes sense. <philipballew> I have a flight early out of sfo tomorrow, so I'm gonna see how much sleep I can get sitting in an airport terminal tonight. Maybe the water there will be good. <pleia2> philipballew: we can do a tap water experiment, swing by later and I'll give you some non-filtered water <philipballew> pleia2, Sounds like a plan to me! <pleia2> (I am quite busy today, but I can take 20 minutes to say hello if you want to pop over :)) <pleia2> would be nice to see you! <philipballew> pleia2, sure! when would a good time be? <philipballew> I am free all day * philipballew loves seeing pleia2 <pleia2> philipballew: could do lunch around 1:30 <philipballew> I can do that. Want me to just pop up into your apartment for lunch or somewhere else? <pleia2> here is good, plenty of lunch places around <pleia2> just txt me when you arrive and I'll come down <philipballew> alright, perfect! <pleia2> (feel free to browse as you walk down new montgomery, I eat here every day, you can choose :)) <philipballew> pleia2, alright, that sounds great. :) <akk> Hmph. The spellchecker on Ringtail has neither pangolin nor ringtail in it. <bkerensa> heh #ubuntu-us-ca 2013-05-29 <Torikun> Anyone play mine craft?. I made my own MineCraft server vpn.linux-toys.com come join =) <pleia2> good morning <Torikun> morning <bkerensa> top of the morning <raevol> mo' nin #ubuntu-us-ca 2013-05-30 <bkerensa> MarkDude: Ping <nhaines> Good work guys: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 <darthrobot> Title: [Bug #1 (liberation) “Microsoft has a majority market share” : Bugs : Ubuntu] * pleia2 toasts <MarkDude> Nice post, he makes a good point :) <raevol> :D <raevol> i agree with Mark but i also agree with this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1/comments/1862 <darthrobot> Title: [Comment #1862 : Bug #1 (liberation) : Bugs : Ubuntu] #ubuntu-us-ca 2013-05-31 <bkerensa> pleia2: you about? <pleia2> si <pleia2> causing trouble and taking names! <bkerensa> lol <Torikun> sudo su - znc -c znc <Torikun> Join us for Mincraft: linux-toys.com <MarkDude> minecraft later- my nephew is addicted to it <akk> not me, too much robot programming I need to do, and soldering <GNUdru> Announcement: LibrePlanet Hour: Palo Alto, tonight 7-8pm http://www.meetup.com/LibrePlanetBay/ <darthrobot> Title: [LibrePlanet Bay (Sunnyvale, CA) - Meetup] <GNUdru> #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic <pleia2> thanks, I'll mention it on twitter :) <pleia2> want to mail the list? (hundreds of people there, just dozens here) <GNUdru> ty Lyz <GNUdru> i'll try and get it done <pleia2> GNUdru: do you have a location for folks who don't use meetup? <GNUdru> yes, its at the Printer's Inc cafe on California Ave in Palo Alto <pleia2> cool, thanks :) <pleia2> ok, all dented, tweeted, fbed http://identi.ca/notice/101149096 https://twitter.com/ubuntu_us_ca/status/340553842959728640 https://www.facebook.com/ubuntu.california/posts/10151454887278174 <darthrobot> Title: [Ubuntu California LoCo Team (ubuntucalifornia)'s status on Friday, 31-May-13 19:42:16 UTC - Identi.ca] <darthrobot> Title: [Twitter / ubuntu_us_ca: Join us! LibrePlanet Hour: ...] <darthrobot> Title: [Join us! LibrePlanet Hour: Palo Alto,... - Ubuntu California Local Community Team | Facebook] <GNUdru> cool! <GNUdru> email away <pleia2> \o/ <GNUdru> (like bombs away but nonviolent) :-) <pleia2> hehe <pleia2> I stick close to home on friday nights, but I would like to come down to another mt view one some time <akk> We haven't had a MV UH in a long time. <GNUdru> yeah i agree. Friday nights are date night for me, but fortunately my gf is up for this sort of thing <GNUdru> i think originally there was someone for whom Friday nights worked. Eventually there will be a new coordinator and they can do what they like. Actually there are two people who showed some interest already <GNUdru> Thursdays have been rough for me and i'm not sure what's up with jtatum. I haven't heard from him for months now <GNUdru> he's the coordinator for that one <akk> Why don't services like CUPS start automatically on raring? I always have to start it with service cups start. <akk> I have /etc/init.d/cups and /etc/init/cups.conf <akk> apache2 too, I also have to start that <Torikun> chkconfig cups on <akk> chkconfig works now? Wow, that would be nice. <akk> (it's not installed, but I can install it if it's thought to work) <akk> The program 'chkconfig' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: apt-get install chkconfig <akk> apt-get install chkconfig: Package chkconfig is not available, but is referred to by another package. <akk> Torikun: chkconfig doesn't appear to be in the raring repos. <Torikun> waht distro <akk> ringtail <Torikun> oh never heard of it <pleia2> Torikun: it's the codename for ubuntu 13.04 <akk> The current Ubuntu release? Raring Ringtail? <pleia2> I haven't upgraded my desktop to 13.04 yet (should fire up my laptops and see what they're doing, but I use xubuntu on those too) #ubuntu-us-ca 2013-06-02 <pleia2> good morning <akk> moin <pleia2> akk: beautiful weekend! anything exciting on the agenda today? :) <akk> Some organizing/planning for robotics workshop in the morning, probably a hike in the afternoon. <akk> How about you? It sure is a nice day. <pleia2> akk: not really, have a lot of boring grown-up stuff to do, might try to convince MJ to do it on the roof deck though <akk> An excuse to be outside would be good, even if you have to do boring stuff there. <pleia2> MarkDude/izdubar any picnics on the horizon? <MarkDude> Yes <MarkDude> June 16th <MarkDude> Vasona lake park <pleia2> \o/ <MarkDude> :) <pleia2> we've done one there before, right? <pleia2> down near netflix <pleia2> MarkDude: let me know when you have an announcement together and I'll pass it around <MarkDude> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Geeknic_Fedora_Pi_Release_Party <darthrobot> Title: [Geeknic Fedora Pi Release Party - FedoraProject] <MarkDude> Yep <MarkDude> I list your pics on there <MarkDude> Gonna have Geeknic.org post tonight <MarkDude> Better to not have to share that wiki's link <MarkDude> It has water nearby <MarkDude> So that always makes it cooler, even if you dont go in. Just thinking about it as an option helps me <pleia2> we're all friends :) as long as a "Fedora geeknic" welcomes Ubuntu folks I'm all in <MarkDude> True story <MarkDude> And as far as Pi things go- there is only Debian and Arch <MarkDude> Fedora Pi install option is sumthin' I will promote more when they change the name <pleia2> yeah, I was going to say I didn't realize fedora was working on one * pleia2 has raspbian on hers <MarkDude> Its a gay pejorative in Russian <MarkDude> ooops. They are looking for other names * MarkDude loves XMBC <MarkDude> Raspbian WORKS <pleia2> wait, what is? <pleia2> raspbian? * MarkDude points out that most these Fedora people are NOT using Fedora- its rasbian <MarkDude> just recently- they compiled for armv6 <MarkDude> :P <MarkDude> Oh- Pidora <pleia2> oh :( <MarkDude> Neat name, and then folks from Seneca College went uh oh <pleia2> just found an article about it, oops <MarkDude> A few folks were embarrassed, its hard to check words in every language <MarkDude> And Seneca is a college in NY I think <pleia2> ontario, canada <pleia2> http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/Pidora_Russian <darthrobot> Title: [Pidora Russian - Open Source@Seneca] <MarkDude> They Do fedora's arm and Pi stuff, and apparently dont have any Russian speakers :D <pleia2> at least they're working on fixing it :) <MarkDude> lol- me and my California-centric- *its somewhere on the east cast <MarkDude> coast <pleia2> anyway, good call on "Fedora Pi" ;) <MarkDude> Ontario is not even on the coast <MarkDude> lol- thanks * MarkDude is all about having a sense of humor- but common sense was the way to go here <MarkDude> They even registerede a freenode channel * MarkDude is like - so I send non-Russians here? And do we have a channel; for Russian? <MarkDude> I want to do a geeknic near Oakland or Sf next month * MarkDude cancelled Walnut Creek Geeknic due to possible heat. Just went to a geek picnic (mostly video gamers and board games) in Contra Costa <MarkDude> It was 100+ and folks were dying <pleia2> july is getting busy for me <MarkDude> Walnut Creek is for March or Fall <pleia2> yeah <MarkDude> July is July- I KNOW <pleia2> you going to oscon? <MarkDude> Not sure <pleia2> it bumps up against a wedding in boston I'm attending, so no go for me * MarkDude just decuded not to go to Fedoras gathering FLOCK <MarkDude> Mostly due to it being in South Carolina <pleia2> heh <akk> Santa Cruz might also be good for midsummer geeknics. <MarkDude> In Sept. Im thinking of more focus West Coast <pleia2> yeah, we could invite the feltonlug folks :) <MarkDude> Yep- Lindependence folks can help there <pleia2> re: santa cruz <MarkDude> Thats sorta why we went Vasona- we did it in 2010 I think, and its near SC <MarkDude> August may be a civs poll to vote on location <akk> Alcatraz. :) <MarkDude> lol <akk> or Angel Island <MarkDude> Lets get on a boat <MarkDude> Im ona boat! <MarkDude> ZNC server- i was loggged in twice #ubuntu-us-ca 2014-05-27 <DonkeyHotei> pleia2: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-i386.iso is corrupt on the mirror and won't install. pass it on <darthrobot> Content type: [application/x-iso9660-image] Size: [1017118720] <nhaines> Is it? <DonkeyHotei> yep <nhaines> It was fine on 17 April. <nhaines> What do you mean by "on the mirror?" Ubuntu has hundreds. * ianorlin thinks there was a mirror with skynet in its name <DonkeyHotei> sha256sum for the iso matches but the md5sum.txt entry for ./casper/filesystem.squashfs doesn't, and while installing, there is a zlib error reading squashfs <DonkeyHotei> and by on the mirror i mean at the above url <DonkeyHotei> nhaines: ^ <nhaines> Not sure that counts as a mirror. Well, I'll test it, and I'll try and see if I can figure out who handles this. If pleia2 doesn't show up first. <DonkeyHotei> now doing a netinstall instead in the meantime <nhaines> Sounds like a good start. <nhaines> DonkeyHotei: did you md5sum your disc? <DonkeyHotei> i sha256sum'd it <nhaines> The install media you created? <DonkeyHotei> i did not create install media, this was on flash <ianorlin> might be bug in startupdisk creator <nhaines> Any medium prepared to boot from to install Ubuntu is install media. <DonkeyHotei> the ubuntu startup disc creator refused to take the iso because of the md5sum mismatch, so i used unetbootin, and upon trying to install, it found the mismatched file corrupt <ianorlin> try a torrent download? <DonkeyHotei> *disk <nhaines> Then something's wrong, because I did it several times over the weekend. <nhaines> Do a zsync download. It should be very quick. <DonkeyHotei> ianorlin: the sha256sum for the iso matched <DonkeyHotei> but the sha256sum matched <nhaines> check the md5sum. <DonkeyHotei> of the iso? <nhaines> For a start, yes. <DonkeyHotei> matches <nhaines> I'm about 2/3rds through an install at the moment. <nhaines> I'm almost certain we did a 32-bit install Saturday but I wasn't the one assisting. <ianorlin> yeah there was defintely someone with a 32 bit there <nhaines> ianorlin: two, but I think only one did an install. <ianorlin> yeah the other one had already installed mint with cinnamon and wanted something for vector graphics installed <ianorlin> also why did mint remove the mark all updates in synaptic <nhaines> Dunno. Mint does some really weird (and in my opinion dubious) things in terms of updates. <nhaines> Well, my i386 install is just cleaning up packages now. <nhaines> DonkeyHotei: congrats! You discovered you have a bad flash drive. <rww> because they think not all Ubuntu updates are reliable <nhaines> rww: too bad the the result turns out to be "well, guess no one can have updates then!" <rww> it's all very silly <rww> i mean, they're right, but the alternative is worse <DonkeyHotei> nhaines: the iso has a corrupt file <nhaines> I haven't seen updates be *that* unreliable. But yeah, they take a sub-optimal situation and make it worse. * rww hums and downloads the x86 iso to mount it and test this <DonkeyHotei> i'm md5sum'ing it now <nhaines> Install finished successfully with no errors. <nhaines> I'm going to start md5summing ./casper/filesystem.squashfs <DonkeyHotei> odd, it matched <DonkeyHotei> are flash problems that consistent? i tried this over and over <nhaines> They can be. The main symptom is that they're unpredictable. <nhaines> Or as I sometimes would explain to customers on the phone, "You're asking a potentially damaged device whether or not it is damaged." <nhaines> Yup, my copy's md5sum matches too. <nhaines> pleia2: emergency is cancelled. :) <DonkeyHotei> now try the usb startup disk creator <nhaines> I did on Saturday. Worked great. <DonkeyHotei> with that iso? <nhaines> Sold the resultant, working USB stick for $20. \o/ <nhaines> Yup, same file, same computer. <DonkeyHotei> well, now i know my most capacious flash drive is faulty <nhaines> DonkeyHotei: all things considered, it's one of the better ways to find out. <DonkeyHotei> good thing i didn't actually buy it, was one of those trade show things <nhaines> Oh, *those* go all the time. <DonkeyHotei> probably from arm tech con in 2012 <nhaines> Typically they are made in China for as little money as possible. <DonkeyHotei> i once had a 128MB one die completely, probably a loose connection <nhaines> My awesome and cute orange Ubuntu USB drive I got at SCALE from jcastro three years back died within hours. <pleia2> ah, corrupt usb fun :) <DonkeyHotei> there was a gtk netinstaller for a while, what happened to that? <rww> the framebuffer one? Debian still has it, in the boot menu thing <DonkeyHotei> no, it looked like the normal installer <nhaines> I like the text installer. It makes me nostalgic. <DonkeyHotei> i know, but progress marches on <rww> nhaines: did you deliberately share that photo of meat with me? i got a notification about it <rww> instead of normal posts which just show up <nhaines> rww: no, Google probably just thinks I'm really important. <rww> ah <rww> i imagined you sitting there giggling. "muhahahaha, this picture involves meat, i will share it with rww because he is vegetarian" <rww> it was amusing, i'm going to pretend it happened <nhaines> I didn't know or care. :) <nhaines> Although G+ did add the "cooking" hashtag. <rww> also, i already told you to stop pretending to be jono ;( <nhaines> bahaha <nhaines> Well, this isn't really the smoking kind of barbecue he does. <nhaines> pleia2: so the good news is that Canonical is ready to wire me pizza money for the installfest. <nhaines> But the bad news is that my bank doesn't accept international wire transfers. :P <rww> did that report on use of community funds ever get released <rww> jono was all "this week!" and then quit <nhaines> Nope. And jono is probably preoccupied. <rww> lol <nhaines> rww: sounds like tomorrow's OMGUbuntu headline. <rww> headcannon: jono quit because he found out sabdfl has been using the community fund to buy bitcoins <nhaines> UBUNTU COMMUNITY MANAGER QUITS OVER FUNDS MISAPPROPRIATION <nhaines> Article: "These things are totally unrelated and probalby a coincidence. Here's a little about both." <nhaines> rww: I sold a thumbdrive for bitcoin and the price went up. <DonkeyHotei> banks that do accept international wire transfers typically charge around $35 to receive them <nhaines> That's fine. My bank doesn't charge anything. <rww> lol <rww> nhaines: how much is it? <rww> oh wait actually nvm, my bank fees <rww> i was gonna send it to you as bitcoins :P <nhaines> lol <nhaines> 0.03824 BTC was $20, now $21.41. <nhaines> Which coincidentally wipes out the transaction fee for the one I sold via credit card. <MarkDude> Amazing Community Manager needed in #SF @1Deg cool nonprofit tech startup http://fb.me/2iQp22tHm <darthrobot> [R: www.1deg.org] Title: [Join Us | One Degree] <DonkeyHotei> MarkDude: are you applying? <MarkDude> Spanish requirement- otherwise I would have done so <MarkDude> Really cool group tho. Once they get their hire- I would like to work with them on projects #ubuntu-us-ca 2014-05-28 <nhaines> pleia2: I have detailed numbers for the Ubuntu DVDs now. I'm not sure if you want a breakdown or just a remaining count at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/TrustyRelease <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Projects/TrustyRelease - Ubuntu Wiki] <raevol> https://openmw.org/2014/openmw-0-30-0-released/ !! :D <darthrobot> Title: [OpenMW 0.30.0 Released | OpenMW, Open source Elderscrolls III: Morrowind reimplementation, Morrowind remake, Morrowind remade,] <nhaines> Which, we have 50 desktop and 4 server discs remaining, with 5 desktop discs earmarked for the request we discussed in email way back. <nhaines> raevol: it's looking pretty good. <raevol> :D <nhaines> I really should work on Skyrim some more. But KSP is so tempting. :) <pleia2> nhaines: thanks! I'll update with my numbers in a bit #ubuntu-us-ca 2014-05-29 <Roguehorse> Good morning! <maria_> employment center says resume must be in doc, .docx, .txt or .pdf. How do I achieve this? <DonkeyHotei> print to pdf <DonkeyHotei> print to pdf <jono> nhaines, hey man <jono> thanks for such an incredibly kind voicemail <jono> sorry I missed the call, I was on my last call <jono> I am now officially done <grantbow> grats! <pleia2> funding report went out today: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2014/05/29/community-donations-funding-report/ <darthrobot> Title: [Community Donations Funding Report] <nhaines> Okay, this made me lol: http://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/26rzts/nope_had_absolutely_no_idea_this_could_happen/chu3yfw?context=2 <darthrobot> Title: [wesha comments on Nope, had absolutely no idea this could happen. They were completely firm on the date. And why didn't they warn us?] <nhaines> jono: hey, thanks! I'm glad you got the voicemail and thanks so much! I hope you got a laugh. :) <nhaines> pleia2: ooh, that's nifty. Very interesting report. <pleia2> I made him ask permission to post names, and now we've added wording on the page making it clear to folks that their name would be shared in the report <pleia2> but yes, muy interesting! <nhaines> Yay! <nhaines> Yeah, TIL I should be a lot more ambitious with my event plans. <nhaines> Oh well, that just means I'll have to think harder for cool stuff to do. :) #ubuntu-us-ca 2014-05-30 <jono> nhaines, I did LOL at the lapdog bit :-) <jono> pleia2, yeah sorry for such a delay on the report <jono> jono bacon, much delay, wow <Roguehorse> That is a cool report, nice work, I'm impressed to see it done in Google Docs <nhaines> jono: I guess that's one thing you won't miss. :) <pleia2> jono: no worries :) <jono> nhaines, pleia2 :-) <nhaines> For the benefit of others, during the voicemail I said something to the effect of "Mark Shuttleworth must be so sad to see you go. I mean, it's just so hard to find good lapdogs these days." <pleia2> tsk :) <nhaines> jono: I'm really enjoying Bad Voltage. So while I haven't heard today's episode yet (I have a three-podcast backlog at the moment) I'm going to continue looking forward to that. <nhaines> It will surely satisfy my Bacon quota. <jono> nhaines, awesome :-) <ianorlin> I can use pdflatex to make my resume in pdf or use the export button in libreoffice <nhaines> ianorlin: Do both and see which looks better. <nhaines> Thanks for your help during the installfest, btw. I think I got the last of the photos in this afternoon, so I'm going to do a write up tonight. <ianorlin> pdflatex one looks better <nhaines> Well there you go then. <nhaines> Some day I'm going to sit down and learn latex. <rww> pleia2: that is amazing. thank you :) <DonkeyHotei> wha? something amazing? <rww> DonkeyHotei: 23:29:35 < pleia2> funding report went out today: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2014/05/29/community-donations-funding-report/ <darthrobot> Title: [Community Donations Funding Report] <DonkeyHotei> ah <Roguehorse> Good Morning #ubuntu-us-ca 2014-05-31 <nhaines> Roguehorse: good morning! <Roguehorse> LOL! Not quite morning anymore is it : ) <nhaines> No, but it *does* adequately illustrate the nature of IRC. :) <akk> Good $curtime! <Roguehorse> seems that way doesn't it; still getting used to the flow of IRC <nhaines> IRC: More immediate than email; much lazier than SMS. <nhaines> I've been using it for 20 years. You get used to it eventually. :) <Roguehorse> true, it's often odd to think back through the years how my communication types have changed as well as societies <Roguehorse> I've only been involved for a few months : ) <Roguehorse> MOst of the people around me are "average" tech users, Facebook, Skype, etc.. Mostly just Facebook <nhaines> Perfect Ubuntu candidates, though. :) <nhaines> But that's fine. Everyone starts somewhere and everyone eventually finds something awesome they want to learn more of. :) <Roguehorse> I wish, all in the house are pro-Microsoft ('cept me : )) <nhaines> There's nothing wrong with Windows, but nothing extraordinary either. Maybe backwards-compatibility. They pour a lot of effort into that very successfully. <Roguehorse> I switched to Ubuntu with Karmic...did a few years of openSUSE..now back on Kubuntu <Roguehorse> Nothing wrong with it's development (other than the obvious flaws) I just get tired of people trying to "force" me into using it <nhaines> Excellent. :) <Roguehorse> The same goes for Apple.. awsome hardware and the software is nice too, but then I'm locked in <nhaines> Lucid was really nice. Precise really solid. I'm thrilled with trusty. <Roguehorse> I don't like being locked in <Roguehorse> I'm enjoying Trusty too...except for this glitch I have with the plasma desktop. But that's a KDE issue I believe <nhaines> Apple hardware is all right. The industrial design is stunning! But the markup is also stunning, unfortunately. ;) <Roguehorse> Well, supposedly all the "bells and whistles" are what one is paying for <Roguehorse> I have never owned any Apple product..even though my cousin has worked there 25+ years <Roguehorse> I hit him up for a job opp once, what a mistake that was.. LOL <nhaines> I worked with them a lot during college. I remember when OS X first came out I opened up a terminal and told my boss "this is the best interface an Apple has had in 25 years," haha. <Roguehorse> : ) <Roguehorse> I think they put out pretty good eye candy honestly <nhaines> Yup, it all looks very pretty. <nhaines> I think Ubuntu looks very clean. The phone interface is certainly stunning. <Roguehorse> I got Snow Leopard running in a VM once via Empire EFI.. it was interesting * ianorlin tihnks lxde +compton looks pretty <Roguehorse> Ubuntu and many of the derivitives do a very nice job....good quality dev going into most of the products <Roguehorse> I saw the phone during the release party, it is very nice, and yes, clean <nhaines> The phone interface feels good to use. <Roguehorse> ianorlin: I've tried a few of the other desktops..such as LXDE..I still seem to come back to KDE <Roguehorse> I may get one once my contract runs up..I just picked up this Android Razor not long ago though so I have a ways to go * ianorlin knows of a derivitive of lubuntu that has a fake unity session but it doesn't have dash but uses much less memory <Roguehorse> Define "Fake Unity" ? <Roguehorse> When Thomas Jefferson wrote "All men are created equal" what do you think he meant? - history class ... I think it was a loaded question <nhaines> Roguehorse: means looks like Unity but isn't actually running Unity. :) <akk> Sure. Obviously it's debatable whether he included slaves, or women. <nhaines> akk: that's because by "men" he meant "people". <akk> nhaines: but "people" didn't actually include those people I mentioned. <nhaines> akk: probably not. <Roguehorse> nhaines: Ok, thanks : ) <Roguehorse> It really seemed to "only" include white English people <nhaines> I *really* have to stop watching Kitchen Nightmares while I'm eating. <Roguehorse> LOL! - for sure <Roguehorse> I have a 4yr old son so my TV gets very limited to mostly channel 123 (whatever that is) <akk> My TV gets ... the signal from the DVD player. <nhaines> Make him watch Cosmos on Sundays. <nhaines> I'm watching on Hulu Plus right now. <Roguehorse> My wife controls it at night - and she likes 19 kids and counting or house hunters mostly <Roguehorse> I watch Netflix sometimes in the morning if I can get away with it <Roguehorse> I've been watching Arrow - pretty cool show * ianorlin is watching hockey <Roguehorse> I've started playing over at code.he.net too - I think I want to build on what they started <Roguehorse> I lost interest in sports a long time ago <nhaines> Creating is invigorating. :) <akk> Doing things is more fun than watching other people do things. <Roguehorse> I agree - many people have told me I need to get involved in a "project" meaning codeing rather than just writing stuff on my own <akk> Or, as Ursula K. LeGuin wrote once, "sports are neat to do but dull to talk about". <nhaines> akk: +1 <Roguehorse> I like what they started and want to continue to develop it <Roguehorse> akk: +1 <nhaines> Roguehorse: well, collaboration is a really good way to get started and learn best practices. :) <Roguehorse> I agree, I've just had a hard time finding the right team+project that motivated me <Roguehorse> I thought I would find some people at the university, but most of those people didn't really care about dev - they just wanted to get the work done and get out <nhaines> There's a nice catharsis in that too. :) <Roguehorse> I've had people throw their projects and ideas at me but not many of them I found interesting <nhaines> Well, that's the difference between schoolwork and ownership of a project. :) <nhaines> Or investment in, maybe. <Roguehorse> agreed, I didn't meet any students like me with a desire to create or take ownership of a project <Roguehorse> My biggest problem is I dabble in too much instead of digging into a few things <akk> That's sad. I remember lots of late-night hack sessions in school, completely unrelated to any classes. <nhaines> Nah, that's a good way to get a sense for stuff. You just have to graduate to digging in. :) <Roguehorse> akk: Lucky for you! You found a good group. <akk> Yeah -- there were pretty good geeky groups in the schools I went to. <akk> Learned a lot, not from classes but from hanging around just trying things <Roguehorse> also take into account I'm 44 and not 24 anymore : ) <akk> or coming up with hacks to get around ridiculous quotas on student accounts -- <nhaines> akk: 640K should be enough disk space for anyone. <akk> much later, I find myself wondering if they set the ridiculous quotas to see who'd find ways around them. <ianorlin> the sad tihng is I got really into linux right after I graduated UCLA <Roguehorse> nhaines: LOL! Right : ) <akk> nhaines: It was way lower than that at one school. You really couldn't keep email around (unless you had a workaround). <nhaines> akk: that's what POP3 was made for. :) <akk> I don't think POP existed then. <akk> (our mail came to us UPHILL! BOTH WAYS! IN THE SNOW! :) <nhaines> UUCP? :) <akk> yeah, we did have that. <Roguehorse> akk: ROTFLMAO!! <ianorlin> imap is nice now if you have multiple machines or dual boot <akk> What we ended up doing was forming a group of friends where we'd all tar our files together and put them in one person's homedir <Roguehorse> I still just use imap <akk> and that person would be over quota the next morning <akk> then the next day someone else would do it. <akk> (and the day's over-quota person would borrow an account from somebody else). <Roguehorse> Well, since I'm an online student it's different <akk> At another school we found a much more clever way. <Roguehorse> akk: You really had to go through hurdles! <Roguehorse> Good problem solving skill development though <akk> You can write a C program that opens a file in write mode, seeks a huge amount forward (like, more than the whole filesystem's size) then writes a single byte and closes it. <Roguehorse> If it's not a challenge, we don't learn <akk> What you get is a file with a "hole" in it <akk> but if you ls it, it will appear to be so big <akk> that when the quota system runs, it overflows and turns negative :) <akk> You just have to du your homedir and figure out how much negative it has to go, then calculate the right amount to seek, and do that every evening. <akk> I learned a lot about filesystems from that. <ianorlin> why wouldn't usage size be shown as unsigned? <Roguehorse> akk: I guess you would! Necessity is definitely the mother of invention <akk> (well, not filesytems as in kernel code, but as in inodes and such) <nhaines> Okay, that made me lol. <akk> ianorlin: Yes, it should have been unsigned, but that wasn't how they wrote the program. <akk> This was before BSD with built-in filesystem quotas, so it was just a program somebody had written that ran once a day. <akk> I think it was ... 4.1? and quotas came in with 4.2? but I might be off-by-one. <Roguehorse> back in "the-day" I think it was easier to find work-arounds to homebrews <akk> Looks like it's finally dark enough to test my raspi no-ir camera setup ... <Roguehorse> now we have decades of bug fixes that prevent much of those old/fun jobs <Roguehorse> I heard someone say that some programs that are old enough have had bugs found 60+ years later <ianorlin> finding bugs is fun though <Roguehorse> One of the guys in our LUG picked up a b-black at the makers fair <akk> 60! That would be an old program. <akk> Beaglebones are much nicer than RPis, reall. <akk> +y <Roguehorse> I wish I could remember which one it was but it was the length of time that stuck with me. <Roguehorse> akk: Yeah, he was talking about doing one of those combo-supercomputer things maybe <Roguehorse> what are those called again? <ianorlin> clusters? <akk> Cluster sounds right. <Roguehorse> well yes, but there's another term..darnit! <akk> Okay, this is not promising -- I put a glass of hot water in front of the camera and the photo still shows nothing. <Roguehorse> Beowulf <Roguehorse> akk: Gotta love that bug fixing : ) <akk> Hmm, apparently you have to have a pretty serious IR illuminator too. <akk> I have one on order but it hasn't arrived yet. <akk> So much for finding out what those big cat-looking tracks in the yard were tonight. * akk goes to turn the pi off and turn the hot water into cocoa <Roguehorse> plan B: executed <nhaines> Beowulf? <nhaines> Hwæt! wē Gār-Dena in ġeār-dagum, þēod-cyninga, þrym ġefrūnon, hū ðā æþelingas ellen fremedon. <Roguehorse> nhaines: I Think so.... <Roguehorse> is that Danish? <nhaines> It's English. Or more accurately, englisc. <Roguehorse> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beowulf_cluster <darthrobot> Title: [Beowulf cluster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia] <Roguehorse> : ) <Roguehorse> Seems like a relatively popular project these days <akk> A beowulf cluster out of slow things like beaglebones or pis seems like ... well, I guess I've built plenty of silly pointless things too, I shouldn't criticize. <akk> Since building it is the point, not getting a practical useful thing out of it. <nhaines> Roguehorse: it's the first sentence in the Old English poem Beowulf. <Roguehorse> kind of like the guy who did the Star Wars movie in the terminal mode? <nhaines> Tolkien translates it as: "Lo! the glory of the kings of the people of the Spear-Danes in days of old we have heard tell, how those princes did deeds of valour." <akk> yes! That was hilarious. <Roguehorse> nhaines: Ah! I think I read that freshman year in high school <akk> Leia with the @ for hair. * akk hides from pleia2 <Roguehorse> LOL! : ) <nhaines> Roguehorse: the poem is not very practical to translate into poetic modern English. I've only started Tolkien's prose translation but it is imminently readable. <Roguehorse> imminently? <nhaines> typo for eminently. <Roguehorse> gotcha <Roguehorse> I have this guy who contacted me out of the blue and wants to give a presentation at the June EBLUG meeting <nhaines> Ooh, congrats! <Roguehorse> should I prepare a backup presentation if he doesn't show? I have never met this guy before <Roguehorse> nhaines: thanks <nhaines> It's always good to have a backup presentation. I have about three or four I can give at any time. <akk> +1 <Roguehorse> which really doesn't mean much since I've only been involved since Sept <Roguehorse> hmm - Good thought <nhaines> The secret to getting involved is simply to get involved. <Roguehorse> Seems like <nhaines> As I've said to phone tech and new public speaker alike: you only have to *fake* like you're confident. The audience can't tell the difference. <nhaines> And the best thing is, there's only so many times you can pretend to be confident giving a presentation before you're not faking it anymore. <akk> A backup presentation doesn't have to be super polished, but maybe have some interesting tips to share, or something like that. <akk> And of course, contact the speaker a couple of days before and confirm. <Roguehorse> oh for sure! <Roguehorse> I haven't been through the last minute "drop-out" yet but I know it's coming sooner or later - it's inevitable <Roguehorse> I have a presentation ready to go just in case <nhaines> There you go then. ;0 <nhaines> :) <Roguehorse> I should probably build a few for good measure <nhaines> "Untrustworthy meta keys" wouldn't just make an awesome name for a band. It's also my chief complaint with this wireless keyboard. :P <Roguehorse> : ( <Roguehorse> I've been using this Logitech K800 for a few years now and I like it - hasn't let me down yet <Roguehorse> I like the LED key feature as my desk is next to the bed and sometimes I have to work in low-lighting while others are sleeping <nhaines> Shift almost always works, but sometimes Ctrl and Alt don't. And since I have Right Alt mapped to Compose, it's doubly annoying. <Roguehorse> and the keys are quieter than other models <Roguehorse> nhaines: That would drive me nuts <nhaines> Roguehorse: it's just barely reliable enough to keep me from throwing it against the wall. <Roguehorse> can you re-build it? <nhaines> I don't have the technology. <Roguehorse> make it stronger, faster better like Steve Rogers? <Roguehorse> it was a shot <nhaines> I'm not convinced it's a mechanical problem. :) <Roguehorse> no 6M keyboard then - so much for that series : ( <Roguehorse> ?? Ahh <nhaines> I really want a nice mechanical switch keyboard but I prefer the ergonomic ones so I'm probably out of luck. <Roguehorse> Yeah - no dice there * ianorlin is actually thinking of building a desktop <Roguehorse> I looked at those Lyz shared the link about that can have the custom Ubuntu meta key <nhaines> ianorlin: you'll need some nice wood, a table saw, and a miter box. <Roguehorse> They're cool - but no backlighting like I need and I'm sure the "clicking" is insane <Roguehorse> nhaines: : ) - good catch <Roguehorse> I have the old "Jerker" from Ikea <Roguehorse> I love this desk! <Roguehorse> ianorlin: Yes, I'm still a desktop user myself <Roguehorse> although I need to invest in a new mid tower <Roguehorse> I thought it would be cool to have a "gamer" case with LED's back in 2009 - now not so much <Roguehorse> my hands get cold from the front fans and my wife complains at night when I'm up late <Roguehorse> someone suggested switch out the fans but that would almost cost me as much as just getting a new case <akk> I like quiet machines. It irritates me when my fan comes on. <Roguehorse> this thing I have has 4 fans and the one on top is almost 6" - believe it or not it's pretty quiet still after all these years <Roguehorse> I have not had to replace a fan yet <Roguehorse> I think it's an Antec 6002 or something like that <Roguehorse> Antec 9002 <Roguehorse> ianorlin: If you're going to build one - unless you're going to get totally crazy in pushing it gaming - stay conventional with the case. my .02 <nhaines> Skeleton case for the win: http://www.maximumpc.com/files/imagecache/futureus_imagegallery_fullsize/gallery/img142.png <darthrobot> Content type: [image/png] Size: [822404] <nhaines> Alternative: Spider case: http://cdn-static.zdnet.com/i/story/61/19/001735/lian-li-pc-t1r-case.jpg <darthrobot> Content type: [image/jpeg] Size: [34752] <Roguehorse> That's great if you don't have pets or kids : ) <Roguehorse> at my house that would be dead in less than 24hrs <Roguehorse> excuse me - unless you have a really safe place to keep it <Roguehorse> brb - dinner is being served (Chinese take-out) YAY!! * ianorlin too <nhaines> Tonight I had Subway. <DonkeyHotei> subway was the place to go when scale was at the westin * ianorlin has a subway within walking distance of my house <nhaines> DonkeyHotei: yup, closest and most western food. <Roguehorse> I should eat Subway more and Jack In The Box less : ) <Roguehorse> I can throw a rock from my house and hit JB though <Roguehorse> darthrobot: speaking of images - have you ever played with webp? <darthrobot> Roguehorse: Error: "speaking" is not a valid command. <Roguehorse> How can that be - I don't have an iPhone? <DonkeyHotei_> R2Pi2: seen DonkeyHotei <DonkeyHotei_> Eureka: seen DonkeyHotei <Eureka> DonkeyHotei_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) * DonkeyHotei is watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t77ormPX-RA <darthrobot> Title: [The Sacramento Press Club Presents The California Secretary of State Debate - YouTube] <Roguehorse> what's a press club? <DonkeyHotei> we're having an election on tuesday <Roguehorse> Who's we? <DonkeyHotei> this state <DonkeyHotei> this is a state-based channel, you know <Roguehorse> : ) I guess it's obvious I don't follow politics <Roguehorse> That's true <Roguehorse> Oh - the web page says June 3 <Roguehorse> http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/statewide-elections/2014-primary/ <darthrobot> Title: [June 3, 2014, Statewide Direct Primary Election - Elections & Voter Information - California Secretary of State] <Roguehorse> The percentage of voters who registered with no party preference has gone from 20.17% four years ago to 21.16% today, an increase of about 325,000 voters, the report said. <Roguehorse> That's interesting <DonkeyHotei> i am registered with no party affiliation <Roguehorse> seems to be the more popular stance these days <Roguehorse> Do you do vote by mail? <DonkeyHotei> yes <DonkeyHotei> and i'm a pollworker in the election <ianorlin> why do I want these parts for a pc build http://pcpartpicker.com/p/6RQprH <darthrobot> Title: [Intel Core i5-4460, Cooler Master N200 - System Build - PCPartPicker] <Roguehorse> Oh? I remember as a kid some people would hold polls at their house - now I think it has to be a public place doesn't it? <ianorlin> there is one in a garage still by my house <DonkeyHotei> my precinct is a residential garage <Roguehorse> WOW! I have not seen one of those in a while. Seems the last couple of years has been at some local school. <Roguehorse> ianorlin: Is that a list you just put together for a desktop? <ianorlin> yes <Roguehorse> similar to what I have now - the sockets have changed though. Mine is 1156 and now they are at 1155 <Roguehorse> p55m-ud4 <ianorlin> no now they are 1150 <Roguehorse> the one you picked is - scroll down to Gigabyte <Roguehorse> 16G of RAM is a lot - you planning on a lot of VM? <ianorlin> yes <Roguehorse> that will do it then : ) <Roguehorse> I have 8 now but can go 16 - just don't have the money and I'm not hurting so ... <ianorlin> 1150 is actaully the newest socket though <Roguehorse> ah! <Roguehorse> how does the SSD and spinner work together? <Roguehorse> I have "zero" experience with SSD yet <ianorlin> I plan to have / on ssd and /home on hdd <Roguehorse> ok..I get it <ianorlin> so fast boots and launch of programs and more space for data <Roguehorse> I have a single 350G HDD and a 2TB Fantom eSATA drive * ianorlin has 320 G HDD and 1tb usb3 hard drive connected to laptop <Roguehorse> so almost the same thing - pretty close <Roguehorse> I don't see a listing for gPU <ianorlin> yeah I don't really do much gaming and the intel integrated works for most things I do <Roguehorse> I understand - I have an Nvidia 9800GT and it works but sometimes it's hit and miss with the open source drivers <ianorlin> it doesn't do any better for 2d accelartion for price really either <Roguehorse> you think 380 watt supply will be enough? I've never mesured my actual consumption <ianorlin> pcpartpicker says without graphics card it will only use 187 watts <Roguehorse> one of these days I should measure resouirce usage when running VMs but I had a hard time getting good video play on a KVM machine <Roguehorse> I'm guessing that really had to do with the drivers though - obviously not the PS <Roguehorse> That seems like a cool site giving all that feedback - I bought all my parts from Fry's based on a budget and some research <Roguehorse> http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Core_i5/Intel-Core%20i5-760%20BV80605001908AN%20(BX80605I5760).html - my older i5 <darthrobot> [404] Title: [Page not found] <nhaines> Well that's portentious. <Roguehorse> looks like the 1156 socket got killed in 2011 <Roguehorse> DS Cube Black Edition Silent Cube - this looks like a nice case but I can't tell how to access the drive bays? <Roguehorse> http://pcpartpicker.com/part/antec-case-vsk3000 - I like this case too - no fans in the front or light to annoy the wife when I'm up late and she's sleeping <darthrobot> Title: [Antec VSK-3000 MicroATX Mid Tower Case (VSK-3000) - PCPartPicker] <Roguehorse> holy cow! 11pm - I'm out - Goodnight : ) <Roguehorse> Good Morning <pleia2> good morning <pleia2> if anyone wants to pitch in, we're always look for folks to help us write summaries for the ubuntu weekly newsletter https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AdKZelXU8Y2LZGNrcHRkYmhfODlkODNxNnRnZA&hl=en <darthrobot> [R: docs.google.com] Title: [Ubuntu Weekly News Prep Page for Issue 370 - Google Docs] <pleia2> we have editors to clean up summaries if you're concerned, so don't be shy :) #ubuntu-us-ca 2014-06-01 <jsheldon> Interesting, I had no idea there was an ubuntu california team. <rww> yep :) <jsheldon> sounds neat! :) <jsheldon> I mean, I use ubuntu and i'm in california. <jsheldon> So the combination seems interesting <jsheldon> intersection, i mean. <rww> good time to find it; we have a meeting in this channel schedule for tomorrow at 7PM, so there will be more people around then :D <jsheldon> Cool - I can try to be around, but I might be on a plane. <rww> ah, okays. The meeting logs will be on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/14June01 after the fact, too :) <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/14June01 - Ubuntu Wiki] <Roguehorse> Good Morning <pleia2> morning <ianorlin> hi pleia2 <pleia2> ianorlin: how are you this lovely sunday? <ianorlin> trying out rxvt-unicode-256 color for the first time since qterminal isn't working in my lxqt vm <pleia2> aha :) <Roguehorse> Hey * Roguehorse should be back later - have homework to get through #ubuntu-us-ca 2015-05-25 <jani_> Hi! <ianorlyn> hi jani_ <jani_> im completely new in this cahnnel :) <jani_> hi ianorlyn <ianorlyn> yay new faces <jani_> is there any company for ubuntu in california, or just a free team? <ianorlyn> there are companies that use it at least one that sells with preinstalled <ianorlyn> I actually have seen a few small shops that say they do repairs on ubuntu computers but they are smaller <jani_> That's great! :) and how about ubuntu in america? -cos in California there are a lots of other os companies, Apple, or Microsoft <ianorlyn> I know google uses some version internally <jani_> wow <ianorlyn> A lot of local vendors that rent out virtual personal servers offer ubuntu as an option <jani_> sounds good :) <ianorlyn> I actually do a lot of testing for lubuntu but I have a different motherboard than one used by system76 who do sell ocmputers with ubuntu preinstalled <jani_> In Hungary in my town there are a lots of Ubuntu pc-s, Cos nobody can afford Mac, or Microsoft. The Salary is so low, in here a Microsoft Windows can be a full month salary! or 80% <DonkeyHotei> but system76 is not based in california <ianorlyn> I know it is not <ianorlyn> that is only because I talked to ian at Scale in feburary and they said they don't offer vt-d on their desktops <DonkeyHotei> we do have zareason though, which is, and they talk to each other a lot <ianorlyn> I didn't get to talk to people from zareason who is based <ianorlyn> I have seen ads for a place called current build but those seem a little low end <DonkeyHotei> zareason has had booths at scale before <ianorlyn> one thing is they don't offer intel graphics and 1080p screen on a laptop though <DonkeyHotei> in fact, earl walked by me once and in passing slapped an ubuntu key sticker straight on my windows key, and it's still on <DonkeyHotei> at scale <jani_> In Hungary laptops and PC is not a lots of money, but Softwares are :( <jani_> You can build a full game compatible strong pc by the price of the Windows 8 .( <ianorlyn> actually the other bad thing about commercial stuff like windows is it is hard to report a bug to them and get it fixed <jani_> Yeah i know, and updates can be goes wrong :D <ianorlyn> I really don't like windows update I like apt-get much more and that has been around for a while <jani_> yeah i know, in home i completely use ubuntu all the machines <jani_> but in work i have to use win :( <jani_> ianorlyn where do you live? <pleia2> welcome jani_ <jani_> hi pleia2 :) <jani_> u are from the sun shiny california? :) <pleia2> I live here, that's why I'm in this channel ;) <DonkeyHotei> iirc you actually joined the channel even before you moved out here <pleia2> yep, I had different reasons then <pleia2> now I'm here because I live here <DonkeyHotei> i wouldn't want to live anywhere else <DonkeyHotei> but i might take a trip to philly in the fall <ianorlyn> Torrance it is near LA but a little bit south and west <jani_> i love LA <DonkeyHotei> lala land <DonkeyHotei> i call it that sometimes <DonkeyHotei> there's much about los angeles that i don't like <jani_> i currently live in Hungary, but i want to live in CA, but not really easy to move there fo non us citizens <DonkeyHotei> but los angelenos are just as californian as us here <ianorlyn> yeah public transport in LA isn't good <jani_> its not a pwoblem if u have a car :) <ianorlyn> but traffic is bad <jani_> i have a favourite series wich played in LA <ianorlyn> I don't like the 405 <DonkeyHotei> traditionally, in LA everyone either drives or has someone who can driver them <DonkeyHotei> *drive them <jani_> yeah <jani_> i dont have a clue how to move LA from Europe :D <ianorlyn> which means I end up driving my parents places <DonkeyHotei> your parents don't drive? <ianorlyn> my mom did but gave it up after a crazy storing of buying a bmw running away from people she thought were chasing her <ianorlyn> and my dad has recently had cataracts and eye problems <DonkeyHotei> my mom still drove for a while after cataract surgery on both eyes <DonkeyHotei> she has since given it up <jani_> how about works in CA? i heard from a friend its hard to find a job there <DonkeyHotei> it can be <ianorlyn> I am horrible at that <DonkeyHotei> but many parts of the country are much worse <jani_> how worse is that? <ianorlyn> I really find it frustrating how they expect you to be working to find a job <DonkeyHotei> here in san francisco there are more and more tech jobs so the requirements become less stringent <jani_> ianorlyn why is it frustrating? <jani_> DonkeyHotei yeah cos the apple is very near :) <DonkeyHotei> there's a lot more than just apple <ianorlyn> jani_: long personal story with I am bad at interviews <DonkeyHotei> yes, unfortunately for you they actually care about facial expression, body language, and speech qualities <jani_> im not bad, but in my location there is very hard to find a job, cos there is no new job. And i u get a job, you will earn maximum $420 a month or under <DonkeyHotei> but the cost of living is lower, no? <jani_> no <DonkeyHotei> you're in the european union <jani_> i sad it before if u buy a windows 8 its full your salary, or 80% <jani_> yeah and i hate it <jani_> i earn $521 in a month and there is nothing remains after the end of the month <jani_> and im an IT <jani_> i cant imagine the workers, and builders who earns under $300 / month <jani_> so i will live in ca if i can <jani_> but its so hard, it takes ages to move there <DonkeyHotei> for jobs we hope to give priority to those already here, since more people = fewer jobs left <jani_> yeah i knwo <jani_> *know <jani_> its true <ianorlyn> yay screenshots http://brendanperrine.com/screenshotgal/ <darthrobot> Title: [screenshot gallery] <DonkeyHotei> cute URL <ianorlyn> although I actually use a program called lazygal to make these and is pretty easy to use <ianorlyn> although most people use flickr or something similar <DonkeyHotei> imgur seems popular <ianorlyn> yes that too #ubuntu-us-ca 2015-05-28 <ianorlyn> hmm packages.ubuntu.com has actually never had armhf on it #ubuntu-us-ca 2015-05-29 <Roguehorse> man, it's quiet the last two days <czajkowski> Aloha :) <pleia2> o/ czajkowski <czajkowski> so there is a conference we're putting on next week in the Levi's stadium <czajkowski> it's open to all and there is a free code to use to get a ticket <pleia2> we == couchbase? <czajkowski> https://twitter.com/couchbase/status/604365392816005121 <darthrobot> Title: [Couchbase on Twitter: "Nike, PayPal, Motorola & Blizzard share ideas on building gender diverse teams. Register FREE: code CBC15 http://t.co/oKof6YeFfH #CBConnect"] <czajkowski> yes we as in couchbase <czajkowski> sorry trying to find the code :) <czajkowski> tuessday is workshops <czajkowski> and wed & thursday nice selection of talks to go to <czajkowski> http://www.cvent.com/events/couchbase-connect-15/agenda-b7744ca960364b75aba41de42cbef19e.aspx?page=agenda <darthrobot> Title: [Couchbase Connect 15 - Agenda | Online Registration by Cvent] <pleia2> thanks for letting us know :) <czajkowski> thanks Lyz for letting me share <czajkowski> also Levi's stadium is meant to be a big thing :) <czajkowski> news to me :D <pleia2> it's the new football stadium in santa clara, very popular american football team plays there ;) <czajkowski> aye looks very large <czajkowski> pleia2: is it ok to idle in here in case folks have questions ? <pleia2> sure, you live here like 10% of the time anyway ;) <czajkowski> heh true #ubuntu-us-ca 2016-05-30 <nhaines> Sorry, I've been sick this week. <nhaines> I'll peek in in an hour, and if no one's around for the meeting for the first five minutes, I'll just cancel it. <nhaines> This is the reminder that if you have something important to say, the FIRST place it should show up is the mailing list. Then the meeting. <nhaines> And, of course, if you plan to bring something up for discussion at the meeting, it should be via the agenda, so others know. Because nothing's actionable unless it's been on the agenda for at least 48 hours. <lynorian> not sure I can make it either my dad is thinking he needs dinner and got 3 hours of sleep <lynorian> I am not sure anyone would want to take actions on my discions now <nhaines> All right, well, we'll see how things go. <nhaines> Anyone here for the meeting? <DonkeyHotei> o/ <nhaines> DonkeyHotei: do you have any business to bring up? <DonkeyHotei> not really <nhaines> I'll wait another couple minutes but it looks like we're just going to be free to enjoy the rest of our holiday (except for me because I'm working). <nhaines> Alrighty, doesn't look like we have an agenda or an audience, so I'm cancelling the meeting. Enjoy the rest of your Memorial Day. * ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: Welcome to the Ubuntu California Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Website: http://ubuntu-california.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: Sunday, June 12th, at 7:00pm PDT (UTC -7:00) This channel is logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic <tenshinoneko> awww i missed the meeting :'( <nhaines> tenshinoneko: there was no agenda and so the meeting was canceled. <nhaines> But there's always next time! <tenshinoneko> nhaines: usually what's on the agenda when there's one? =3 <nhaines> tenshinoneko: It's been a quiet year, but mainly updates on possible new events, and if there are any decisions that need a formal decision, the discussion moves from the mailling list to the meeting for a vote. <tenshinoneko> nhaines: oh i'm not part of the mailing list, how can i add meself? <DonkeyHotei> tenshinoneko: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-ca <darthrobot> Title: [Ubuntu-us-ca Info Page] <tenshinoneko> thank you =) just subscribed #ubuntu-us-ca 2017-05-29 <nhaines> pleia2: yay for letsencrypt! <nhaines> Okay, meeting time! <nhaines> #startmeeting <darthrobot> Meeting started Mon May 29 02:02:26 2017 UTC. The chair is nhaines. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. <darthrobot> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired <nhaines> Thank you for joining us for the May 28th Ubuntu California meeting! <nhaines> Tonight's agenda can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/17May28 <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/17May28 - Ubuntu Wiki] <nhaines> #topic Upcoming events <nhaines> Is there anything to look forward to in June? <dax> end of the school year <nhaines> That can be one thing! <nhaines> My friends' kids got out of school last week, but the one I'm affected by is still in school until the 23rd! <nhaines> Well, with school ending and summer starting, it's a great time to plan get togethers once vacations and all that settle down, so keep that in mind. <nhaines> #topic Announcements <nhaines> Our vote to amend the LoCo's leadership document has concluded, and the results are available here: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-california/+poll/2017-leadership-amendment <darthrobot> Title: [Ratification of the 2017 leadership document amendment : “Ubuntu California” team] <dax> a shocking result <nhaines> The amendments are thus ratified by a vote of 8 to 1, and will be encorporated in the leadership document after the meeting, available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Leadership <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Leadership - Ubuntu Wiki] <nhaines> We can always improve things further, so anyone should feel welcome to bring up any suggestions on the mailing list. <nhaines> Are there any other announements for this meeting? <nhaines> Okay, with the new leadership document in place, I'll work with lynorian and pleia2 to organize a new call for nominations so we can get our election process started up again. <nhaines> Oh! Announcement: the Ubuntu 17.10 Free Culture Showcase is going to run from June 1st to June 30th, so if you're a photographer, start thinking about nice Ubuntu background images. :) <nhaines> Details can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFreeCultureShowcase and that will be updated on the 1st, along with an announcement on planet.ubuntu.com. <darthrobot> Title: [UbuntuFreeCultureShowcase - Ubuntu Wiki] <nhaines> #topic Agenda <nhaines> There is no agenda for this meeting. <nhaines> #topic Other business <nhaines> Is there any other business before we end the meeting? <nhaines> Okay, our next meeting is scheduled for June 11th. I'll be traveling that night and won't be able to make it, so I'll see you all in a month! <nhaines> #endmeeting <darthrobot> Meeting ended Mon May 29 02:14:55 2017 UTC. <darthrobot> Minutes: http://ihas.5cat.com/~darthrobot/ubuntu-us-ca/2017/ubuntu-us-ca.2017-05-29-02.02.moin.txt * ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: Website: https://ubuntu-california.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: Sunday, June 11th, at 7:00pm PDT (UTC -7:00) This channel is logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic #ubuntu-us-ca 2017-05-30 <pleia2> all ssl and dns things have been sorted with our domains :) #ubuntu-us-ca 2017-05-31 <nhaines> $8 gets my Ubuntu book plus some really fantastic Apress Linux books, and helps charity too: https://www.humblebundle.com/books/linux-book-bundle <darthrobot> Error opening URL: [Errno 8] _ssl.c:510: EOF occurred in violation of protocol <lynorian> yay humble bundle book bundles #ubuntu-us-ca 2018-05-31 <glenn> I have never used this before <pleia2> welcome glenn <glenn> Thank you <glenn> I've been using Mint, I'm thinking of changing to Ubuntu. <pleia2> I'm a long time user of Xubuntu myself <pleia2> but with Ubuntu going back to Gnome shell, a lot of people are giving it another chance <glenn> I'm not familiar with Xubuntu, is it different from regular Ubuntu? <pleia2> yeah, it uses the Xfce desktop manager instead of Unity or Gnome <glenn> I've been using Gnome in Mint, I haven't tried anything else. I've used Mint for a few years tho, mostly for news, mail and that sort of thing. * pleia2 nods <pleia2> I've been using Xfce for... almost 14 years <glenn> I'm thinking I'd kind of like to learn a little command line info. <glenn> When I first started using a computer the OS was DOS 2.1, and it wouldn't do a lot. There were no word processors or such, but it was good with math problems. <glenn> Well gotta go. Bye. #ubuntu-us-ca 2018-06-01 <hangar18> does anyone know how long it takes for a new username to take effect across all of the ubuntu/openid sites? #ubuntu-us-ca 2020-05-27 <dons2060> anyone know why caffee-cuda wasn't in focal?
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#lubuntu 2010-10-11 <Kurdistan> nobody awake? <Vulto> Does anybody here participate of the translations ? <Vulto> I mean, of lxde itself <Vulto> <hope that's not off-topic: <Vulto> :) <stephen_> Hey, how do you look at the hard disk in lubuntu? <stephen_> Its usually under the Places menu in Ubuntu, but I can't find it in Lubuntu. <stephen_> anybody out there? <stringarray> I installed lubuntu in an older laptop dual boot with win XP, but grub never appears, XP boots directly, partitions are there, how do I get grub to work? <stringarray> aha! the /boot partition was not created <phillw> stringarray: that would be a documented case of grub and XP not getting along. <phillw> !grub2 | stringarray <ubot5> stringarray: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 <stringarray> maybe the installation is not completing, I'm installing from a usb stick, the progress bar reaches 15% and the laptop turns off, will try again tomorrow <phillw> okies stringarray do let us know how you get on, as we'd hate a final stable release to be broken. * phillw waves to to Tir_Eoghan <Tir_Eoghan> greetings phil <Tir_Eoghan> wait, the final 10.10 is released, how did I miss that <Glapo> Hey, I have lubuntu 10.04 on a laptop and if I plug in a second monitor how would I enable it to mirror mode? <Glapo> Hey, anyone know how to change your video driver? <phillw> hyperair: will you sit still :p <hyperair> sorry, ran out of battery =p <phillw> it happens to all of us !! <hyperair> what happens? <phillw> batteries running out, that's why piglet is plugged in 24/7 <phillw> phillw@piglet:~$ <bioterror> how cute name for a computer ;) <phillw> bioterror: I loved the film babe, with the sheep herding piglet.... yeah, so I'm daft. <floating> question about installing grub2 <floating> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows <floating> there is a mention 'replace /dev/sda with location you want to install GRUB on.' ... I don't exactly understand where I want to install it. A bit earlier there is a mention that 'Note the designation for the disk /dev/sda which you will be using later,' but nothing else <bioterror> you should install it to the MBR of the hard rive <floating> for me, my linux ext4 with / mount point is at /dev/sda5 .. should I use that when I run sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/0d104aff-ec8c-44c8-b811-92b993823444 /dev/sda5 <- like that <bioterror> drive <bioterror> just /dev/sda <floating> ok <bioterror> some can correct if I'm wrong <bioterror> but I've installed my grub to /dev/sda and I ve a dual booting laptop at home (my worklaptop) <floating> it would make sense, since in the example he finds the linux at /dev/sda2 and then runs /dev/sda <bioterror> yes <floating> okay.. I could re-install grub2, but it did not find my windows partition <Kurdistan> lubuntu-bang bang <bioterror> I read "lubuntu gang bang" :D <Kurdistan> haha bioterror :P <szczur> naughty bioterror :> <Kurdistan> lubuntu is so quik all other buntus seems old <bioterror> :-) <bioterror> they should remove the mouse logo from xfce and give it to lxde ;) <Kurdistan> bioterror :P lubuntu-spark <Kurdistan> xubuntu is okey but not fast like lubuntu <Kurdistan> in mine opinion same boot-time as ubuntu <Kurdistan> guys the new filesystem btrfs is it much faster and better then ext4 <Kurdistan> ? <bioterror> oracle :o <Kurdistan> bioterror :P you mean it will never bee good or alive? <bioterror> hard to say <bioterror> I've seen that rats are fleeing from the sinking ship ;) <bioterror> Sun Microsystems was opensource-minded corporation, Oracle is not <Kurdistan> bioterror oracle cares about money <bioterror> yeah <floating> Ok. I got my booting issue solved now. lubuntu10.10 does not come with os-prober installed, and when running update-grub (or update-grub2) the grub-mkconfig responsible does not find windows XP since it uses os-prober. So I installed os-prober on my lubuntu and ran update-grub and I got it back <Kurdistan> floating you could also try startupmanager <Kurdistan> good that you solved your issue <floating> ya^^ <mark76> I found out why PCManFM wasn't drawing the desktop properly <Kurdistan> to be honest I use lubuntu lucid and its lts <Kurdistan> dont need to hurry up <Kurdistan> I have tried both ubuntu and lubuntu maverick <Kurdistan> It is not faster <Kurdistan> so I stick with lucid <mark76> Fair enough <Kurdistan> :) when ubuntu comes with gnome 3.0 I will give it a try <mark76> That seems to be a long way off <Kurdistan> yeah half year :P <Kurdistan> I survive <mark76> Possibly Querulous Quagga <Kurdistan> who knows if lubuntu keeps the good work I will stick with lubuntu <mark76> Knowing the glacial pace of Gnome development <mark76> The new theme is pretty nice <Kurdistan> in lubuntu or ubuntu? <mark76> Lubuntu <mark76> Lots of blue <Kurdistan> yeah and the old one to :P <mark76> Did it have a theme before Maverick? I can't say I noticed <Kurdistan> yes it is almost the same <mark76> Got a picture? <Kurdistan> ubuntus new font is really good <mark76> It is <Kurdistan> ubuntu is over all really eyecandy <mark76> Yeah, it's getting to be quite nice looking <Kurdistan> mark76 you can see old picture of lubuntu in distrowatch <Kurdistan> the installation is much nicer with maverick <mark76> They changed the menu icon for a start <Kurdistan> yes <mark76> It's a circle with the pointy thing in it now <Kurdistan> I think when 11.04 comes out they will only place gnome 3.0 and some minor changes <bioterror> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/97/GNOME_Shell.png doenst look that good <Kurdistan> I hope the speed improves and btrfs become default <mark76> Also... Lubuntu Maverick has its own openbox theme. Rather than just using the Clearlooks one <mark76> LXDE needs a weather applet. For us Brits <Kurdistan> lxde needs to improve applets overall <Kurdistan> some of them looks terrible <mark76> Do me a favour, Kurdistan. Go to the /etc/xdg/lxsession folder and tell me what's in yours <jumpingclear> Anyone having problems with Maverick? I have tried installing twice from usb and cd. Runs perfectly as live from both but when installed to hd there are lots of problems. Menu is empty of all programs, only Run and Logout entries and Run doesn't work. I can open pcmanfm and then open lxterminal. When I try connecting to wireless network manager quickly flashes up the screen to enter my password and then closes it. Don't understand why it runs as <jumpingclear> live but not installed. MD5sum was fine and cd passed checking. <mark76> So far the only problem I've had is with terminals. But that was solved <Kurdistan> lubuntu and lubuntu netbook <mark76> Ah. So you don't have an LXDE folder then <Kurdistan> mark76 you mean me? <Kurdistan> jumpingclear :) stick with lucid <mark76> I guess that only happens if you install Lubuntu as an alternative desktop <Kurdistan> perfect :P ten <Kurdistan> mark76 I have lubuntu as my default desktop <mark76> They removed the My Documents launcher in 10.10 you know <Kurdistan> yesterday I tried maverick out gnome/lxde and went back to lucid :) <mark76> Did you notice there was no icon on the desktop? <Kurdistan> mark76 I see <Kurdistan> mark76 didnt remenber then I hate have icons on the desktop <Kurdistan> like clean one better :) <Kurdistan> I wonder if I had sdd hd, lubuntu would start so fast that :) I can not even see the splash logo <Kurdistan> I am poor student <mark76> I like to have the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop in Xfce as the panel applet is pathetically tiny at small panel sizes <Kurdistan> xubuntu have good things to <Kurdistan> many xcfce things are really good <Kurdistan> there applet is nice overall <Kurdistan> but xubuntu is not light like lubuntu and fast <Kurdistan> that becuase xubuntu have more things in startup <Kurdistan> sudo sysv-rc-conf <<<<--- then this does not work under xubuntu <mark76> True <Kurdistan> yesterday I tried xubuntu, lubuntu and ubuntu <Kurdistan> only xubuntu that didnt let me use it after installation <mark76> I wonder why that was? <Kurdistan> bum is good but that command line you can do much more <Kurdistan> no clue <Kurdistan> sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf <<--- if you want to install <Kurdistan> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89491 <mark76> Kartix? <Kurdistan> kartix? <Kurdistan> I always use that tool <Kurdistan> :) but If you want to use it remenber how it was default <Kurdistan> write down some where <Kurdistan> when I used ubuntu used that one to tweak <mark76> Okay <Kurdistan> ubuntu become much faster <Kurdistan> lubuntu is fast default and with some few tweaks it fly <Kurdistan> lm-sensors is preinstalled in ubuntu <Kurdistan> not in lubuntu <Kurdistan> it is important to know what unmarke <mark76> I'm going to make lunch <mark76> BBL :-) <Kurdistan> :) do that. which you nice meal. <mark76> I'm not so much into tweaking <mark76> Bye for now <Kurdistan> :) ok bye <|friTTe|> i need someones opinion =) might skip my Ubu 10.04 from my main desktop and go with Lubu any toughts? im not using any of these fancy gfx stuff <leszek> hi <|friTTe|> leszek, hi =) <Kurdistan> hey guys <|friTTe|> hey <Kurdistan> lubuntu-bang-bang-bomb <leszek> encoding a new lubuntu screencast right now ;) <leszek> its about upgrading lubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 <Kurdistan> :) leszek nice <Kurdistan> http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/ <Kurdistan> take a look leszek <Kurdistan> you can make screencast about how to get normal/default splash after installation closed drivers <Kurdistan> somebody here testing the new filesystem? <leszek> Kurdistan: without reading the articel isn't that just simply adding vga=794 to the bootprompt which should fix the splash thing ? <leszek> *article <Kurdistan> :) maybee it does <Kurdistan> becuase when I install nvidia proprietar drivers <Kurdistan> it looks like hell/ugly <Kurdistan> were do you put vga=794 <Kurdistan> ? <leszek> Kurdistan: at the end of the default grub boot entry <leszek> nomodeset needs to be there too I guess for disabling nouveau <leszek> or modeset=0 <leszek> updating the initrd.lz is necessary also , but I guess its a little bit simpler than your tutorial <Kurdistan> lezek what should be update in initrd.lz? <leszek> only the nomodeset / modeset=0 <leszek> to disable nouveau <Kurdistan> http://paste.ubuntu.com/510882/ <Kurdistan> you mean like that? <Kurdistan> leszek thats not mine tutorial :) <leszek> ah I thought so <leszek> bb <Kurdistan> brb <Kurdistan> lezcek it didnt work for me <Kurdistan> fritte jag såg din tråd på ubuntu.se <mark76> Hey nothingspecial <mark76> And |friTTel| <mark76> No. Don't like this font <Kurdistan> mark76 which one? <mark76> Ubiquity BRK <Kurdistan> oki <mark76> I'm trying out Mozilla's answer to Pidgin <Kurdistan> whats the name of mozillas answer to pidgin? <mark76> Instantbird <Kurdistan> I am not big fun of pidgin to be honest <mark76> I like to try new things :) <Kurdistan> nice mark76 <Kurdistan> is it good? <mark76> It has no tray icon <Kurdistan> lol <mark76> Going to check see if there's a plugin <Kurdistan> I like emesene <Kurdistan> I dont use facebook <Kurdistan> etc <mark76> Too much of a one-trick pony <Kurdistan> :) I only use hotmail/msn <Kurdistan> mark76 why do you use lubuntu? <mark76> Because I'd get bored if I only had one DE <Kurdistan> If you ask me: I like ubuntu and I want my OS have big repo like ubuntu have. Then it is fast, light and stable. <mark76> Choice is good <Kurdistan> :) one day when I am bored and have alot of time I will try out arch or archbang. Buntu works good on this laptop. But rolling release is the thing. <mark76> That's up to you <Kurdistan> :) yeah linux is freedom <Kurdistan> I remenber when I used windows bunch of things to do <Kurdistan> defrag <Kurdistan> antivirus scan <Kurdistan> etc <Kurdistan> slow computer <Kurdistan> pirate life :) <Kurdistan> now with linux I am green and windows free <Kurdistan> :) I have learned more about my computer under ubuntu <Kurdistan> I dont play games on my laptop and was really tired of vista <mark76> That's cool :) <Kurdistan> cool or not but it was the best step <Kurdistan> most of the problems was hardware fauler or my stupidness <Kurdistan> ubuntu is user friendly and goes to the right direction <Kurdistan> will be OS for everybody not only geeks <Kurdistan> or people tired of mainstream os <mark76> Aye <mark76> BRB <Gjivan> Hey, Has anyone gotten intel8xx drivers working? <Gjivan> I am currenlty using vesa and I need to get an external miontor working. <Kurdistan> I guys something is really wrong with bootchart <Kurdistan> my laptop have never been faster <Kurdistan> the time I get does not match with my clock <Kurdistan> some bug? <zebastianortis> is it safe for me to upgrade through the upgrade manager? <zebastianortis> btw how do i check what version of lubuntu i have <Kurdistan> system profiler and benchmarker <friTTe|> omg got Xchat,chromium,ps3mediaserver up and running and using 250mb ram <Kurdistan> :) <Glapo72> nice! <Glapo72> i just solved my intel driver problem <Kurdistan> thats the good thing with lubuntu :) <Glapo72> on my laptop now i have an external monitor running <Glapo72> Lubuntu is awesome! <friTTe|> only thing i dont get to work is dualmonitor <Glapo72> Esepecially when you run a 5 year old laptop with a celeron m and i8xx haha <friTTe|> got the current nvidia driver now so im good for now <Glapo72> Oh nice <friTTe|> will use the monitor for my netbook <Glapo72> haha <Glapo72> What are you running lubuntu on? <Glapo72> dont ignore me :( <Kurdistan> fritte did you look to the link I gave you? <friTTe|> nope <friTTe|> on my other computer <friTTe|> i will check it later, need to grab some food now <Kurdistan> now my splash looks awesome <friTTe|> mine does too <friTTe|> =) <Kurdistan> bootchart <<<--- does not like lubuntu <Kurdistan> dont show correct time <friTTe|> hm ok <Kurdistan> it is more then 30-35 sec slower then ubuntu <Kurdistan> eat my short <zebastianortis> how do i get wine in lubuntu <Kurdistan> I know it is atleast with tweaks and all that 8-10 sec faster at least <Kurdistan> zebastianortis go to synaptic and type wine <zebastianortis> i heard www.freedomainradio.com was the ubuntu of philosophy <zebastianortis> synaptic package manager? <Kurdistan> yes <zebastianortis> thanks kurdi <Kurdistan> or you can use the terminal with sudo apt-get install whateveryouwant :) <Kurdistan> zebastianortis are you new ubuntu user? <zebastianortis> why do you ask? <zebastianortis> are you a new freedomainradio listener? <zebastianortis> i met jonathan riddell myself <Kurdistan> I recommend you install software center <zebastianortis> in england <zebastianortis> in 2005 <zebastianortis> software center? <Kurdistan> yes, much easier way of installing things <Kurdistan> and in 10.10 it has improved <zebastianortis> 10.10? <zebastianortis> wait i think i have 10.04 <zebastianortis> how do i get ten ten <Kurdistan> :) you can make dist-upgrade or burn the livecd/use usb-stick <zebastianortis> will dist-upgrade keep my files intact <zebastianortis> like they were my girlfriend <Glapo72> Oh Kurdistan were you making a joke earlier haha <Kurdistan> zebastianortis are you joking? <zebastianortis> no, it's a legitimate question <zebastianortis> will dist-upgrade leave all my files untouched <Kurdistan> visit lubuntu.net and you can see screencast how to upgrade from 10.04 <Glapo72> So Kurdistan is there a problem with your distro? <Kurdistan> Glapo72 who the hell are you? <Glapo72> Just asking a question my aplogies <Kurdistan> http://lubuntu.net/blog/lubuntu-screencast-upgrade-lubuntu-1004-1010 <<<---- zebastianortis <zebastianortis> i am grateful kurdistan <Kurdistan> np zebastianortis <Kurdistan> :) fritte du har två konton vilken är du inne med nu <Kurdistan> :) <Glapo72> By the way Kurdistan I was making a reference to your comments earlier you made about your bootchart <Kurdistan> Glapo72, I see sorry then. <|friTTe|> Kurdistan, det här <|friTTe|> men drar o käkar nu <|friTTe|> =) <|friTTe|> bbl <Kurdistan> smaklig måltid vännen <Glapo72> No problem well have a good day! <zebastianortis> jeg forstår litt norsk <|friTTe|> hehe nice <zebastianortis> og lit dansk også <Kurdistan> Glapo72, I dont if it is any bootchart bug or something but the time is not correct what so ever <zebastianortis> fordi jeg er fra costa rica <zebastianortis> san jose costa rica <|friTTe|> not swedish? <|friTTe|> =) <zebastianortis> no...you know, they are.... <gue> is jupiter or eee-control to preferd? or wich program are you suppose to use nowdays? (Eeepc 901) <Kurdistan> gue you have netbook? <gue> yes, Asus 901 <Kurdistan> :) cool. I have never used one or had one. <Kurdistan> hope somebody else knows :) <Kurdistan> ubuntu have made big efforts on netbook <Kurdistan> almost forgott about normal desktops :) <zebastianortis> who owns desktops anymore <gue> yeah, I have used many both since yesterday with 10.10 I felt a little lost now and. yeah, I don't really feel like messing up 2 os on 2 days.. crashed my jolicloud yesterday.. <Kurdistan> girls/guys I am leaving. Have nice evening/morning or what so ever :) bye <gue> thank you anyway! <r3make> nice... lubuntu not working after upgrade :/ <Kurdistan> :) back on track <r3make> my cursor is not visible after upgrading, any ideas whats going wrong? <zebastianortis> help <zebastianortis> i just got this while upgrading to 10.10 <zebastianortis> One or more running instances of xscreensaver or xlockmore have been detected on this system. Because of incompatible library changes, the upgrade of the GNU libc library will leave you unable to authenticate to these programs. You should arrange for these programs to be restarted or stopped before continuing this upgrade, to avoid locking your users out of their current sessions. <Kurdistan> zebastianortis I think its np <Kurdistan> you can unable repo and ppa after upgrading <zebastianortis> i just clicked on forward <zebastianortis> veldig bra <zebastianortis> takk <Kurdistan> I mean inable <Kurdistan> kempe bra :P <Kurdistan> zebastianortis <Kurdistan> you do the upgrade from terminal <Kurdistan> or update manager? <zebastianortis> update manager <Kurdistan> I see. becuase it is not default on lubuntu 10.04 <Kurdistan> thats why I asked <zebastianortis> explain please <Kurdistan> what to explain, you must have installed it after fresh installation <Kurdistan> from synaptic or terminal <mark76> Hey Kurdistan <Kurdistan> mark76 wb <Kurdistan> how was the meal :)? <mark76> It was very tasty, thanks :) <Kurdistan> nice that you injoyed it :) <zebastianortis> Kurdistan <zebastianortis> http://freedomainradio.com/BOARD/forums/t/27730.aspx <Kurdistan> lol zebastianortis <Kurdistan> bigbrother debian, the kid in the block lubuntu and the mother ubuntu makes perfect 10 :) <mark76> But that's only 3 <Kurdistan> :) I forgott the devilish cousin kubuntu and the sister xubuntu <mark76> Heh <Kurdistan> then we have uncle green linuxmint <Kurdistan> then we have wannabe lubuntu, peppermint :P confused <Kurdistan> haha <mark76> And let's not forget the late fluxbuntu <Kurdistan> is there fluxbuntu <Kurdistan> haha <mark76> There was <mark76> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluxbuntu <mark76> Last release was 2 years ago <Kurdistan> okey, cool. <Kurdistan> I hope lubuntu will keep on <Kurdistan> If not I will send my lawyers <Kurdistan> :P <Kurdistan> or use :P archbang ur debian lxde <zebastianortis> thus far ive liked lubuntu the most <zebastianortis> and ive tried all <Kurdistan> enough talking about others. we can use the off-topic section. my bad. <zebastianortis> cant stand kde's use of resources <Kurdistan> zebastianortis which one have you tried <zebastianortis> all <zebastianortis> it's lubuntu and gnome for me <Kurdistan> yeah cool, jesus walks? := <zebastianortis> jesus walks? <Kurdistan> okey you mean the buntu family <Kurdistan> I thought you mean all big linux distro out there <Kurdistan> I have never used or tried kubuntu/kde <Kurdistan> its to bloated <zebastianortis> tis <Kurdistan> I must go to bad guys/girls and all you between :) <Kurdistan> bye #lubuntu 2010-10-12 <phillw> !topic | phillw <ubot5> phillw, please see my private message <phillw> !lxterminal | phillw <ubot5> phillw, please see my private message <phillw> oooh, that's pretty darn cool <giampiero> Hello <phillw> hiyas giampiero <giampiero> I have a problem with both Aqualung and Gnome Mplayer, is it the place to ask? <phillw> giampiero: depends on the problem, I'll help if I can. <giampiero> Aqualung crackles when a song is played. I tried to re-install, but it didn't work. Any suggestions? <phillw> giampiero: I've seen it mentioned in passing through the forum areas, let me have a look for you to see if there is a resolution. I'll be a couple of minutes. <phillw> giampiero: cannot really see anything of note, can you tell me which version of lubuntu and also aqualung you are using. <giampiero> Lubuntu 10.10 Aqualung 0.9 <phillw> giampiero: I'll ask on the mailing list, there has been no reports of problems. 10.10 is new so there may be an issue with Aqualung, are you familiar with installing software? <giampiero> I think so <phillw> Some of us use deadbeef for audio, it's not in the official repos so we cannot include it. https://launchpad.net/~alexey-smirnov/+archive/deadbeef <phillw> it's a pretty mean little audio player. <giampiero> Thank you, i'll give it a try <zebastianortis> where do i regulate the brightness of the monitor in lubuntu <zebastianortis> cant seem to find it <zebastianortis> theres no power management in my preferences menu <Mossyfunk1> how do I get non free stuff like flash player to work with lubuntu? can't find any restricted extras package and the direct install from adobe as never worked for me <bioterror> sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree <bioterror> if I remember right <bioterror> you can try to complete the flash<tab> ;) <bioterror> or was it flashplugin-nonfree <bioterror> apt-cache search nonfree <bioterror> :-) <bioterror> flashplugin-nonfree - Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package) <bioterror> says my Linux Mint <Mossyfunk1> awesome ty bioterror <bioterror> np, mate :-) <bioterror> you might also want to deinstall openjdk and use sun-java6-jre sun-java6-bin sun-java6-plugin <bioterror> oh, clock is already that much <bioterror> should I go or should I stay <Mossyfunk1> too many clocks! <bioterror> Mossyfunk1, how's the spring in australia? <Mossyfunk1> depends where you are <Mossyfunk1> beautiful mostly =) <bioterror> I bet <bioterror> I've got a dream to visit your wonderland, but it's so far away <Mossyfunk1> I'm sure I would have much more fun in the garden today than inside attempting to undo these horror screws in my HP laptop <bioterror> 13500km :-) <Mossyfunk1> you in europe? <bioterror> yeah <Mossyfunk1> ahhh cool <Mossyfunk1> hehe i got a dream to visit yours tbh <bioterror> well, we don't have kengurus, koalas and the the most akward animal of them all: Platypus <Mossyfunk1> haha <Mossyfunk1> I see em every day nearly <Mossyfunk1> we have kangaroos in our front yard grazing <bioterror> oh <Mossyfunk1> but I live very close to bush <bioterror> and I've seen videos about blue ringed octopus too! <Mossyfunk1> yeah haha <Mossyfunk1> we got some dangerous ones <bioterror> yeah <bioterror> your desert is full of dangerous snakes and scorpios :- <bioterror> :-) <Mossyfunk1> this country is heady WAY too conservative for my liking <Mossyfunk1> the liberals are none too liberal, and labour are all coset neocons haha <bioterror> might be, becouse you're technically british :D <Mossyfunk1> I'm coming from english/french and irish migrangts <Mossyfunk1> why would they make the screws so whacky? wtf. <bioterror> :) <Mossyfunk1> can't even get the cd drive out <Mossyfunk1> bastards trying to lock people in * phillw please use #lubuntu-offtopic for general chat <Mossyfunk1> and I BET when I reach the cpu theres like 5mm thick of goop on the cpu making it overheat <Mossyfunk1> oops <Mossyfunk1> srry phillw forgot <bioterror> phillw, oh, sorry :) * phillw it's not a problem, but makes it more difficult for people searching the logs :) <bioterror> I didnt expect phill could be up this early ;) <bioterror> Mossyfunk1, the flash is working now? <phillw> bioterror: I am a lurker (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lurker) <Mossyfunk1> nope... didn't work <bioterror> should work if you restart your browser <bioterror> gotta hit the train station <bioterror> laters <phillw> tc bioterror <Mossyfunk1> seeya <semitones_tea> is there a 10.10 lubuntu? <phillw> semitones_tea: yes <phillw> head down to 'get lubuntu' at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu please use a torrent. <phillw> wb semitones_cereal <semitones_cereal> :) was i _cereal before once? <phillw> !topic | semitones_cereal <ubot5> semitones_cereal: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic <semitones_cereal> what does wb mean? <semitones_cereal> welcome back right> <phillw> yep <semitones_cereal> oh i see, 10.10 is in the topic lol woops <phillw> is no problem, I am one of the documentors for the lubuntu, so I do I do try to keep it all up to date :) <semitones_cereal> cool :) one problem i notice with ubuntu <semitones_cereal> is google searches usually return old out of date documentation and forum archives <phillw> that's a google problem, we do have people within the community working like heck to keep our pages updated, I got that annoyed I hosted a class room and did all the notes for http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=119 <semitones_cereal> kk <dan__> Hello =D <Mossyfunk1> thats betta =) <Mossyfunk1> How can I make the quicksearch work in synaptic gui? <j_lundberg> does it need apt-xapian-index installed? <Mossyfunk1> no idea <Mossyfunk1> i'll install it <Mossyfunk1> Whats a good media manager like Amarok for LXDE? <j_lundberg> I like the standard ubuntus rhythmbox, but don't know your needs <Mossyfunk1> well fixed a friends laptop and decided to replace vista while I was at it >_> <Mossyfunk1> he not great with computers just points and clicks just need a itunes replacement for ipod (not iphone and doesn't need store or any of that crap) <Mossyfunk1> while remaining with the lightweightawesomeness that is lubuntu <j_lundberg> rhytmbox isn't super lightweight but should have pretty good ipod support <j_lundberg> if you install it with -- <j_lundberg> no-install-recommends its a bit smaller <Mossyfunk1> you get your name from office space? <j_lundberg> real name :) <Mossyfunk1> ahh ok <Mossyfunk1> thought I remembered it from a movie <Mossyfunk1> Rhythmbox seems pretty good for what he needs <Mossyfunk1> How can I make it so when I plug in a storage device I get an icon on the desktop for it? <j_lundberg> don't know how to get desktop icons from automount <Mossyfunk1> =( <Mossyfunk1> Is there any difference between upgrade to 10.10 and fresh install? I like stuff to be clean >_> <j_lundberg> it is often a question of keeping old configurations, sometimes you want this sometimes you don't <Mossyfunk1> hmmm I think I want a clean install <tlir> ello <buffcns2> is lubuntu a lighter windows manager than normal ubunut's gnome? <szczur> yeah, much lighter <buffcns2> oh ok, better than xubuntu too? <bioterror> depends <bioterror> lubuntu is about decission <bioterror> decissions <buffcns2> I'm all for that <bioterror> things are done differently and tools might be a little more from stone age, but you get your things done and you have speed <buffcns2> is ubuntu much different from ubuntu with lxde window manager installed? <bioterror> yes <bioterror> lubuntu comes without gnome packages <buffcns2> ok <bioterror> gnome = heavy <bioterror> :) <buffcns2> but even if it's not loaded? <buffcns2> does lubuntu use it's ownder graphical login manager or gdm? <buffcns2> *own <bioterror> should use lxdm <buffcns2> ok, might just take a peak at lxde first <buffcns2> be back soon....... hopefully <buffcns2> back <buffcns2> does lubuntu have lighter applications for web/email? <bioterror> yes <bioterror> firefox -> chromium <bioterror> thunderbird/evince -> sylpheed <buffcns2> I think I have a new love <bioterror> hope that love lasts <buffcns2> I normaly use evolution in gnome <bioterror> ahhh yes, s/evince/evolution/ ;) <bioterror> cant remember all applications that starts with E <bioterror> envice was for the pdf <bioterror> and actually, lubuntu uses it too <buffcns2> ok so lubuntu packages the lighter apps as well? <bioterror> yes <bioterror> you dont have to have that newest and fastest computer with dual fysical cpus which both has 8 cores ;) <buffcns2> so this old socket 478 celeron 2.8Ghz with 1.5Ghz cpu will be like lightning <bioterror> I bet it will be <buffcns2> *1.5Gb ram rather <buffcns2> I like the sound of that <gendoikari1> hi everybody, ive got a fast question that the wiki doesnt anwser clearly <buffcns2> one more qestion bioterror , default or lightweither irc client installed? <bioterror> buffcns2, I use ssh to my virtual server and I use weechat ;) <gendoikari1> is libxml2 the standard xml parser used by lubuntu? <buffcns2> that's ok, i know my way arround irssi too <gendoikari1> nobody knows? <bioterror> I have to raise hands up and say I dunno <buffcns2> I'm new in here <gendoikari1> mmm im going to write a simple configurator for lubuntu shortcuts, and i want to use as many standard lubuntu library as possibile <gendoikari1> as it said in development tips <bioterror> you could ask about that from the mailing list, gendoikari1 <gendoikari1> i think i'll do it <bioterror> there's alot of knowledge too <thorlap> wubi : no install for lubuntu 10.10 <madpenguin> Hi, how do I upgrade my system to 10.10 from 10.04? <madpenguin> i have several bugs with 10.04 <hyperair> run sudo do-release-upgrade -d <madpenguin> that's all? <phillw> cheers hyperair, I've been waiting for that CLI string. * phillw goes and updates wiki <madpenguin> is that like 'dist-upgrade?' <hyperair> madpenguin: trust me when i say you won't be saying "that's all?" after you're done. <hyperair> it's a more complete form <hyperair> it does wahtever update-manager usually does, but in the command line <madpenguin> oh <madpenguin> is it safe to that in lubuntu? <madpenguin> because 10.10 is released, right? <bioterror> yes <bioterror> it should be ;) <phillw> madpenguin: yes it is safe. <madpenguin> ok <madpenguin> i copy pasted the sudo command given so i'll try it after i've chatted ;) <madpenguin> i'm used to dist-upgrade so it looks peculiar to me <madpenguin> I have an abiword bug ... is there any knowledge on that one? <madpenguin> it might get fixed by the kernel upgrade? <hyperair> dist-upgrade is the imperfect solution that may not completely clean up afterward <madpenguin> or when the other packages upgrade <madpenguin> hyperair, oh, okay <hyperair> i'm not sure what this cleanup entices, but i'm told that it'd bad. <madpenguin> i don't know either <madpenguin> i notice a few nuisance bugs but the abiword was really annoying * hyperair doesn't use abiword <madpenguin> since I can't copy anything to abiword unless it's unformatted <hyperair> i've been told that it's gotten very much better since the last time i've tried. <madpenguin> hyperair, i just use it for temp. tasks * hyperair uses ooo writer <madpenguin> when i try to copy something via paste only, it crashes <madpenguin> ooo writer is openoffice? <madpenguin> actually, i do, too, normally... I should install it <madpenguin> it's not there in default install but that's fine... i know what to do <madpenguin> i haven't been using lately but when i need a word processor, i usually use that <madpenguin> when i run sudo do-release-upgrade -d, is there anything i need to know? <madpenguin> will I be asked to input anything? * bioterror is waiting for Libre Office <phillw> hyperair: can you just proof read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#Have%2010.04%20and%20want%2010.10? <madpenguin> bioterror, yeah, that's the new one, right? they have to change their name <bioterror> madpenguin, openoffice developers didnt like oracle, made a fork <hyperair> phillw: nope. not yet. <bioterror> and canonical, novell and red hat is behind them now too <hyperair> phillw: see, i've been running do-release-upgrade since this afternoon. <hyperair> phillw: it's now 2326 <hyperair> i started running it at around 2pm i think <hyperair> 10 hours and it's still not done. wtf >_> <hyperair> screw dpkg and its useless fsyncs <hyperair> i have btrfs! i don't need those damn fsyncs <madpenguin> bioterror, oh, i see <madpenguin> as long as the quality doesn't go down, right? <phillw> hyperair: should I take that posting down for the CLI ? <hyperair> phillw: what? <madpenguin> phillw, when does it ask you if you want to upgrade?? <phillw> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#Have%2010.04%20and%20want%2010.10? <hyperair> phillw: do-release-upgrade -d? yeah sure. <madpenguin> oh, the update manager... <hyperair> phillw: actually do-release-upgrade is good enough. <madpenguin> but, better to do it via CLI, right? via terminal console, correct? <hyperair> phillw: my mirror's outdated or something so for some reason it needs -d <phillw> I'm running ubuntu 9.10 as my dongle refuses to work with 10.04 and 10.10, it's a real PITA <hyperair> -d is for development releases. <hyperair> phillw: ouch. <hyperair> phillw: have you filed a bug? <madpenguin> what dongle do you have, phillw? <phillw> yes, and it's a very lonely unloved bug that I've bounced several times. <madpenguin> usb one? * phillw is part of the bug squad, to really rub it in :'( <hyperair> phillw: which bug? did you poke the right people? <madpenguin> I was using one for my desktop...but, it's wireless g... with zd1211b chipset... works <madpenguin> i read that the only wireless n chipsets working is broadcom or ralink...hard to believe <madpenguin> those two are among the worse wireless chipsets in linux <madpenguin> can't say how many posts I've seen in any linux-based forum with wireless discussions of ppl owning those chipsets! <madpenguin> comments? suggestions? :) <phillw> hyperair: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/529794?comments=all <ubot5> Launchpad bug 529794 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Lucid 10.04 Alpha3 network-manager 0.8 fails to connect on boot Huawei E172 3G USB modem (affected: 4, heat: 22)" [Undecided,Incomplete] <hyperair> hmm <phillw> gee, that ubot is fast :) <hyperair> heh <hyperair> phillw: have you poked cyphermox? <phillw> I don't know cyphermox <phillw> I could get it running with the dev kernel in 10.04 of ubuntu, but it wouldnot work with lubuntu 10.04; it's really annoying :( <jumpingclear> Are the instructions on the wiki for a minimal install still valid for 10.10? ie do we still need to add the lubuntu-desktop ppa and use the --no-install-recommends option? <gilir> jumpingclear, just skip the lubuntu-desktop ppa, the rest should be valid <jumpingclear> gilir, thanks. Also is there a list of what is included in lubuntu-desktop-base? I assume it is lubuntu-desktop minus apps? I have had major problems with standard iso and selecting an encrypted home so I am trying the minimal route. <giampiero> Hello, how can I get SoundJuicer to rep cd tracks into mp3? <gilir> jumpingclear, you only have lubuntu-desktop or lubuntu-core <gilir> lubuntu-desktop have the complete list here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Applications <gilir> lubuntu-core is only the files manager, window manager, the panel and the session manager <giampiero> Hello, how can I get SoundJuicer to rip cd tracks into mp3? Can anybody help? <jumpingclear> Sorry, my mistake, I meant lubuntu-core. I don't use many of the lubuntu defaults so would rather add my own but am not sure what lubuntu-core leaves out. <jumpingclear> OK I will install lubuntu-core and then try apt-get lubuntu-desktop and see what is left <sulumar> Hi, i just switched to lubuntu, finding out that gnome was far too havy for 512 MBRam, and wanted to know if there are any recomendations on what to do next <bioterror> you mean like drop some daemons? <sulumar> id rather not touch the deamons, never know when im going to need them <bioterror> I usually unmark all the bluetooths and stuff like that which I'm not going to use <sulumar> usefull <sulumar> i thought more like extend the desktop funktionality by ie installing some applets well if there are any usefull for lxde <nolatux> Hello! <nolatux> Hello! <jumpingclear> has anyone got lubuntu 10.10 to work with an encrypted home directory? Worked well with 10.04 but doesn't seem to access the encrypted directory with 10.10 <gilir> jumpingclear, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxdm/+bug/635698 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 635698 in lxdm (Ubuntu) "encrypted home-folder not unlocked when login (affected: 2, heat: 10)" [High,In progress] * phillw you got to love the ubot :) <zebastianortis> how can i make a text file that only i(root) can open? <zebastianortis> anyone here can help me <zebastianortis> i want to make a journal <bioterror> sudo nano file <bioterror> or you can use alt+f2 and type "gksudo leafpad" <bioterror> or what ever is the desired text editor <zebastianortis> i just opened the terminal, typed gksudo leafpad file saved as and was able to click and open it without it asking me for my password, fail? <jumpingclear> gilir, thanks, I should have checked launchpad for bugs. Took me a while to realise the problems I was having were due to the encrypted home. <zebastianortis> i meant a file that only i can open and that will ask me for the root pw everytime <zebastianortis> theres a folder i made for my journal, whereon only root has access and which i want pcmanfm to popup a prompt upon clicking <zebastianortis> a password prompt <zebastianortis> much like when you open synaptic it doesnt just say access denied but prompts for password <Arthur_D> hi everyone. Would it be too much of a pain to use Lubuntu on a Pentium (100 MHz or thereabouts) 24mb RAM system? <Arthur_D> I know it's under the minimum requirements, but I wondered if anyone had used it below that <phillw> hiyas Arthur_D 24MB would most likely below what even lubuntu can manage. <Arthur_D> alrighty <phillw> there is DSL and puppy linux that you may want to try #lubuntu 2010-10-13 <Arthur_D> I have successfully used DSL liveCD <Arthur_D> but unfortunately DSL project is dead <phillw> DSL and puppy are the only ones I can think of for that RAM <Arthur_D> okay, thanks anyway :) <phillw> if you search for "puppy linux" I think that project is still going <Arthur_D> yeah, looking through their pages. Trying to find minimum sys requirements <Arthur_D> problem is, I need to use a boot floppy in order to access the CDrom <Arthur_D> DSL had that, but their partition manager wouldn't let me resize the Windows 95 partition <Arthur_D> I realize I might have to give dual-booting up though. It's hard to find projects where I can use floppies nowadays * phillw sorry was away, but I 'think' that http://www.pendrivelinux.com/ covers floppy disks. <Arthur_D> thanks, will look at that (their site is really unprofessional, not a good sign) <phillw> Arthur_D: that site is an excellent resource, their instructions can be trusted. <Arthur_D> okay, I just hate the ads everywhere, thanks for the affirmation <phillw> Arthur_D: have a look at the resulst at http://www.pendrivelinux.com/search/floppy That may help you out. <Arthur_D> thanks a lot phillw for your kind help :) <phillw> all I can say is everyone I've asked to use that site has respsonded that it worked. Please let me know how you get on with a floppy install. <Arthur_D> problem is, all the instructions seems to be aimed at using floppy to boot from USB. I need to use floppy to boot from CD <szczur> Arthur_D, http://cutecomputer.wordpress.com/2006/10/10/boot-cdrom-through-grub/ < you can try this <szczur> it seems that this is the case :) <szczur> ahh, not exactly <szczur> nevermind <szczur> forget about it :) <Arthur_D> okay, thanks for trying anyway :) <Arthur_D> I got a tip from a guy over at #puppylinux that seems to be worth trying <Arthur_D> will need to try it later though, as I need to sleep soon ;) <szczur> you can try this > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy <szczur> and then add cdrom entry from previous site i linked in :) <Arthur_D> hm, unfortunately my main computer doesn't have a floppy drive <Arthur_D> maybe I can get hold of one though <Arthur_D> good night folks, and thanks for all the help :) <dan__> I have installed fresh 10.10 and when update manager tries to update packages it fails. First time on python-something, this time on "run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/nvidia-common 2.6.35-22-generic /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-22-generic" <dan__> nvidia-common? there no nvidia components in this laptop.... intel onboard video <dan__> is it trying to install the wrong kernel package? <dan__> and the python-something failed last time <phillw> !topic <ubot5> Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic * phillw changed the topic of #lubuntu to: 10.10 for Lubuntu has been released, please use the torrent at http://people.ubuntu.com/~gilir/lubuntu-10.10.iso.torrent. Documentation can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu <zebastianortis> let me put it this way, i recently upgrouded to 10.10 from 10.04 and now when i plug in the logitech 8 jack into the headphone thingy there's no sound, the laptop keeps playing it from its own internal mic, how do i fix this <zebastianortis> how do i make nautilus my default file manager on lubuntu? <kieths> hello? <kieths> Anybody familiar with Lubuntu run on a Pendrive with persistence enabled? I've lost sudo, and need to enter a nn-existant 'Recovery Mode' to repair it... <kieths> #ubuntu <Guest33604> anyone <sulumar> Good Morning <bioterror> hi <Mossyfunk> hello sulumar <Mossyfunk> hello bioterror <bioterror> morning <Mossyfunk> Does anyone know how to make an inserted medium show up as an icon on the desktop? <bioterror> does it show in pcmanfm? <bioterror> in file manager <Mossyfunk> yeah <Mossyfunk> just trying to make things as easy as possible for the laptop owner <bioterror> you're doing some pre-installations?-) <Mossyfunk> just one <bioterror> I hope it's a hot chick with nice body ;) <Mossyfunk> hehe nah just a good mate <Mossyfunk> just setting rythmbox for his ipod, and XP in a VM in case he needs it. just want the plug and play to show on desktop and i'm happy <Mossyfunk> come back phill =( <bioterror> :D <bioterror> why I dont have a usb stick in my shoulder bag <bioterror> I could boot something usefull instead of this windows xp :-) <Mossyfunk> hehe <Mossyfunk> you need XP? <bioterror> customers laptop <bioterror> I can access AD and stuff like that <Mossyfunk> ahhh <Mossyfunk> you work in pc repair? <Mossyfunk> whats AD? <bioterror> active directory <bioterror> Mossyfunk, I used to repair sun microsystems x86 based servers, but after oracle purchased Sun, I havent had any jobs regarding that ;) <Mossyfunk> oh wow <bioterror> even tho, I have done some Dell certificates and I'm qualified to service dell's, but havent serviced any dell servers <bioterror> now days I'm more like a local it support guy ;) <bioterror> but I enjoyd that Sun Microsystems service <bioterror> it was fun and challenging as long as it lasted, and the guys at finlands office were awesome <Mossyfunk> sounds it <Mossyfunk> i should really get some certs under my belt <Mossyfunk> i'm good with computers <Mossyfunk> started a course in IT years ago but had to leave before too much brain leaked out my ears <Mossyfunk> <<<<knows a little more than the level he started at lol <bioterror> :) <Mossyfunk> but right now i owe the tech college like $1400 lol <Mossyfunk> which i'm not paying <bioterror> hmmm <Mossyfunk> bloody job network was supposed to pay for the course, i did everything i was supposed to do and they didn't pay <bioterror> in my country education is free <bioterror> :-) <Mossyfunk> even short courses? <bioterror> it depends, but yeah <Mossyfunk> where are you from? <bioterror> finland <Mossyfunk> ahh cool <Mossyfunk> we get university on a loan scheme... you start paying it off in tax when you earn a certain amount <Mossyfunk> if you never earn enough, you never pay <bioterror> :D <Mossyfunk> how do i make shortcuts to programs on the desktop? <bioterror> ahhh <bioterror> it's a drag n drop thing <bioterror> you can do in terminal "find / |grep .desktop <bioterror> and you'll find the files you can drop to desktop <bioterror> hard to remember where those files are located <bioterror> or you can just cp those to ~/Desktop <Mossyfunk> so cp /usr/share/whatever .desktop ~/Desktop? <Mossyfunk> I thought lubuntu was supposed to be user friendly <sulumar> it is <sulumar> look it even allows you to be used if you compleetly crash your graphical interface <Mossyfunk> lol sulumar <Mossyfunk> ok idiot friendly then <sulumar> your lauthing but try that with Windows <Mossyfunk> indeed <Mossyfunk> i am not THAT new to linux <bioterror> nothing beats console with framebuffer ;) <Mossyfunk> but i'm setting this up for a low knowledge average windows user <sulumar> never got that working bioterror <sulumar> than use a dock, its easyer <Mossyfunk> thats true <Mossyfunk> how do I find out what version of GCC? <Mossyfunk> VMWare player is whining about not finding GCC 4.4.5 <sulumar> trying to install vmware tools <sulumar> ?? <Mossyfunk> no just trying to run it in the frst place <bioterror> dpkg -l gcc <Mossyfunk> No packages found matching gcc. <Mossyfunk> weird <sulumar> not really <bioterror> apt-cache show gcc <bioterror> you dont need developement software by default ;) <sulumar> gcc being te C compiler its not needed <bioterror> debian lenny has gcc 4.3.2 <Mossyfunk> well it was working fine on 10.04 <Mossyfunk> so lubuntu 10.04 must have had it <sulumar> dont know, never used 10.04 in lubuntu <Mossyfunk> well the application says it wants gcc 4.4.5 and i can install 4.4 or 4.5 <bioterror> :) <Mossyfunk> which one should I go for? <Mossyfunk> 4.4 or 4.5? <bioterror> I would go for the 4.5 <Mossyfunk> ok =)\ <Mossyfunk> If i install a package, and it installs dependencies.... how do I getb synaptic to remove those dependencies along with the package? I tried marking the package for complete removal but only that one was selected <bioterror> hmmm <bioterror> if those packages arent needed anymore, sudo apt-get autoremove <bioterror> should get rid of them <Mossyfunk> well that would do the trick..... but assume i'm the owner of this laptop and i do things in the gui <bioterror> well <bioterror> !lxterminal <ubot5> The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal <bioterror> VERY POWERFUL! <Mossyfunk> from the wiki Lubuntu is targeted at "normal" PC users running on low-spec hardware. Such users may not know how to use command line tools, and in most cases they just don't have enough resources for all the bells and whistles of the "full-featured" mainstream distributions." <Mossyfunk> yes "I" know how to use the CLI <bioterror> somehow I dont see lubuntu as a noobie distro :-) <Mossyfunk> then the wiki is BS <bioterror> well, the tools are still new, you know <Mossyfunk> beause EVERY piece of literature on this distro and there aint much says lightweight and user friendly <Mossyfunk> true <Mossyfunk> gah maybe XFCE would be better <Mossyfunk> but I do like LXDE <bioterror> :-) <Mossyfunk> very clean and fast <bioterror> lubuntu looks so sleek <Mossyfunk> but thats the damn issue..., its not for me lol <Mossyfunk> ok well fuck it i'll pun on gnome and be done with it <Mossyfunk> but thats really lame <Mossyfunk> laters <bioterror> should I use less terminal and more GUI tools?-) <daira> Hello all, i have a problem with x settings. the resolution shown is 1600x1200 although the max and native res of my monitor is 1200x800. xrandr shows all resolutions up to 1600x1200 where only 1200x800 has 60hz beside, others have 0hz. i also cant find xorg.conf in /etc/X11 <bioterror> by default there's no xorg.conf <daira> also the bottom and the right of my screen is missing, because of bigger resolution <bioterror> you have to make one by running Xorg -configure <bioterror> and then copy that file to /etc/X11/ <daira> i tried that, but with sudo X -configure /home/daira/xorg.conf.new and i got blank screen <daira> after i did sudo Xorg -configure <bioterror> hmmm <daira> it seems that unichrome driver doesnt work <daira> can i change to vesa somehow_ <daira> just to check <bioterror> it's Xorg -config /path/to/your/config <bioterror> -configure makes you a config -file <daira> oh <daira> yes I used -config <daira> i just checked in tty <bioterror> okay <daira> seems like my monitor cant be automatically set up <daira> how can i do it manually <bioterror> with xorg.conf :-) <daira> http://paste.ubuntu.com/512247/ <daira> this is display from lshw <daira> what is text program in lubuntu? <daira> to open xorg.conf.new from terminal <sulumar> try nano$ <sulumar> nano <daira> what is one with gui <daira> so that i can copy my new xorg <daira> as i cant see my bottom toolbar <daira> so i dont know what i have :) <daira> leafpad <bioterror> alt+f2 <bioterror> then you can trype: gksudo leafpad <bioterror> and you have opened leafpad with root permissions <daira> i found allready thx :) <daira> here is my newly created xorg, can you please check on that as i have low understanding of X? <daira> http://paste.ubuntu.com/512249/ <daira> here is my x log <daira> http://paste.ubuntu.com/512250/ <daira> around 125 line there is something fishy <sulumar> thats what you created with configure <daira> i know, but it doesnt work <bioterror> you have a laptop or desktop? <daira> so the question is how can i manually configure it to use either vesa driver or to put correct parameters to work with my monitor <daira> laptop <bioterror> what kind of laptop? <daira> fujitsu siemens, dont know much about it because it is not mine <daira> i can paste you the lshw if it will help <bioterror> you can look below it and see a model <bioterror> that's what I'm interested <daira> amilo pro v2055 <daira> i can see your point now, i googled the model and it turned out with the same problem on forums * phillw yawns and stretches... hiyas bioterror :) <bioterror> hi <bioterror> daira, I'm reading something, just a moment * phillw sends bioterror to make his home wiki page. <bioterror> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6825844&postcount=19 <bioterror> there's a xorg.conf for you and you should also install xserver-xorg-video-openchrom <daira> ok thank you <daira> i will try this <phillw> kansasn00b is quite safe to follow the instructions from, one of the good guys on the forums. <bioterror> I hate when things go dirty with the Xorg ;) * phillw sends a cookie to bioterror, well dug out :D <bioterror> tomorrow I will take my Windows 7 training exam-book with me to work and maybe a usb stick <bioterror> daira, did it do the trick?-) * bioterror is excited <daira> bioterror, sry i had a phonecall. i will do it right now <bioterror> np <bioterror> I have to say that the ace of penguins game package in lubuntu reminds me of the 90's <phillw> bioterror: we needed something low on resource usage :) <bioterror> phillw, do you like mahjong?-) * phillw doesn't play games. <bioterror> sure :-) <bioterror> I play only when it's dark and no one sees <phillw> (never has the time, with being on 10 channels) <phillw> So, bioterror, would you make a wiki page up? (Or I can make you a template so you can edit it). <phillw> pokes |friTTe| <bioterror> xmahjongg and with a xmahjongg --tileset name --layout name --background name etc etc <bioterror> it looks good <bioterror> wiki, me :o <bioterror> I did once in my work maintenance a wike page, it was okay until one guy got editing rights and he ruined it :D <phillw> yeah, a bit about you, such as |friTTe| has set up. * phillw is a wiki admin, I can reverse changes :D <daira> Hello, it didnt work <bioterror> hmmm <daira> i will paste the log now <bioterror> is that file named xorg.conf and not xorg.conf.new?-) <bioterror> gotta ask <daira> i did x -config to a xorg file from the net <daira> from tty <bioterror> ahh <daira> before that i did service lxdm stop <bioterror> correct o mundo <daira> and unichrome was allready installed <daira> openchrome <bioterror> as I have some back ground with real unixes, I sometimes use runlevels. in linux you can use runlevel 3 (init 3) to shutdown X, and get it back on with run level 5 (init 5) <bioterror> daira, I expected that <daira> : ) <bioterror> daira, can you please copy that xorg.conf file to /etc/X11 <bioterror> and reboot? <daira> sure <bioterror> if it could help <daira> but one question <bioterror> you can always delete it or something like <bioterror> or! <bioterror> if you have one which is working you can always do /etc/X11/$ cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak <daira> i have no xorg that is working : ) <bioterror> okay <bioterror> it's a good thing that we have a fresh intallation, right? <daira> yes <bioterror> if everyting goes wrong, we can always go to back square #1 and reinstall :D <daira> i can also connect to irc from terminal <daira> what whas that irc client <bioterror> irssi? <daira> great <daira> cya <daira> : ) <daira> Hello <bioterror> it was fast <daira> It almost works :D <daira> i have few pixels at the bottom of the screen scrambled <daira> i will upload screenshot now <bioterror> hahaha <daira> how to printscreen <daira> here <daira> here :) <bioterror> alt+f2 <bioterror> and you can type "scrot screenshot.png" <bioterror> without "" <bioterror> and it will makde a screenshot.png in your ~/ <daira> great <bioterror> if you dont find one, you have to apt-get install scrot <daira> http://bayimg.com/JApCkAacn <daira> it didnt catch the scrambled bottom <phillw> You can hold the Fn key down and press the PrtSc key, that will take a screen shot and put it in your ~home directory. <daira> also i cant go down with my mouse <bioterror> looks fine to me :D <daira> to scrambled area <daira> it is around 1.5 siye of toolbar <daira> size <bioterror> but hey, we're almost there! <daira> sure : ) <daira> i could take photo but i have no camera : ) <bioterror> not even in your phone?-) <daira> no <daira> i had no phone until yesterday <daira> i got one from friend <daira> just to have it <daira> : ) <daira> some old junk <daira> all margins seems ok, mouse cannot go beyond <daira> except the bottom one <bioterror> I just read that samsung is make a new galaxy model with full qwerty and it's hitting stores for the x-mas <bioterror> is making <phillw> !flood <ubot5> For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. <daira> i will hardly spend any $$ ever on any phone : ) <daira> sry phillw, not used to irc : ) <phillw> daira: it's okay, just be aware that the bot may get upset ;) <phillw> if you want to chat and chill out, please use #lubuntu-offtopic <daira> bioterror, some ideas how to solve this? <bioterror> daira, I'm thinking <bioterror> :-) <bioterror> but you're not alone with your problem <daira> somethimes this bottom area shows this top (what is it called) area of a window but doubled <daira> like XChat: daira @ Ubuntu Servers ... of Xchat <daira> also i have a problem with audio, it hears well from notebook speakers but when i connect the external amp trough lineout port i hear nothing <daira> actually i cannot say it hears well because the sound is really bad, but i think that it is because of speakers <bioterror> I just got a new mug of coffee <bioterror> doping my brains out and continuing with your problem <bioterror> :-) <daira> : ) <daira> i found the problem <daira> the resoultion is set to 1280x768 <bioterror> yes <bioterror> :-) <daira> not to 1200x800 :D <bioterror> in the config file?-) <daira> i went to display settings <bioterror> you got it to 1200x800 @60Hz or automatic? <daira> it is on 1280x768 <daira> i have no option for 1200x800 <daira> i should enter that manually i think <daira> into xorg <bioterror> yes <bioterror> and I gave the xorg.conf with correct settings with the post 19 <daira> i am using this xorg right now <bioterror> okay <daira> the one from the link you gave me <bioterror> just a moment <bioterror> ctrl and + mark <bioterror> does it change something? <daira> no <bioterror> Modes "1280x768@60" "1280x720@60" "800x600@60" "1280x800@60" "800x600@56" <daira> but i have to use shift for + mark <daira> i can see that also in xorg.conf but i cannot choose it from gui <daira> "Virtual 1280 768" what is this <bioterror> that comes from the amiga times <bioterror> virtual desktop size or something like that <bioterror> remove those modes and put only 1200x800 <bioterror> and restart the X <daira> should i remove virtual also : ) <bioterror> yeah <bioterror> leave just 1200x800 <bioterror> let's see if that works <daira> what is shortcut to restart x <daira> ? <daira> CTRL ALT BACKSPACE? <bioterror> if it works <bioterror> I've seen comments that it doesnt work <bioterror> try it out <daira> i will reboot <daira> just to wait my download to finish <bioterror> :D <bioterror> there goes nothing ;) <daira> hey, now it is like before i believe <daira> 1600x200 <daira> 1200 <bioterror> ? :D <daira> what is terminal command to check resolution?\ <daira> xrandr outputs that i am using 1600x1200 @ 0 hz : ) <bioterror> what :D <daira> haha <bioterror> *double facepalm* :D <daira> seems like i should remove more things from xorg than just modes <bioterror> can you pastebin? <bioterror> I would like to see it <daira> xorg? <daira> http://paste.ubuntu.com/512306/ <bioterror> okay <bioterror> there's different kind of resolutions <daira> ... <bioterror> I have no idea about those sync rates <daira> i remember some website where it calculated syncrates for you <bioterror> hey <bioterror> hey hey hey! <bioterror> back to square #1 <bioterror> okay <bioterror> http://pastebin.org/166294 try that one <daira> ok <bioterror> "crosses fingers" <daira> hello <daira> still 1600 x 1200 <daira> and xorg is empty now when i opened it <bioterror> cant be <bioterror> it just cant be <daira> i will try again <bioterror> if you mean /etc/X11/xorg.conf <daira> what is happening : ) <daira> even the txt i download from pastebin is empty <daira> yes, it is empty <daira> with nano also <bioterror> i m p o s s i b l e <bioterror> okay <bioterror> I'm gathering myself <bioterror> let's open terminal <daira> i had to shutdown by holding power button <bioterror> hey <bioterror> open terminal <daira> did it <bioterror> let's do it like this <bioterror> sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf <bioterror> and paste that stuff <bioterror> Wed14:27 <bioterror> http://pastebin.org/166294 try that one <daira> 0 lines <bioterror> and close it with ctrl+x <bioterror> press y as yes <bioterror> and press then enter <bioterror> and can you cofirm with "$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf" <bioterror> that there's not that stuff <daira> ok <bioterror> you can paste with your mouses middle button (3) <bioterror> if you dont have three buttons, you can emulate it by pressy both buttons at the same time <daira> what does cat do? <bioterror> it shows that file <bioterror> nothing more, nothing "less" ;) <daira> it just shows nothing <bioterror> how <bioterror> you just added stuff in there? :D <bioterror> let's try it this way alt+f2 to open the "run prompt" <bioterror> gksudo leafpad /etc/X11/xorg.conf <bioterror> paste that pastebin what I gave to you <bioterror> and save it <daira> ok <bioterror> by pressing ctrl+s <daira> just a minute <bioterror> gksudo should ask the permission to run as root <daira> i did <bioterror> if we now do in terminal cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf <bioterror> does it show us something? <daira> shows xorg <daira> full <bioterror> does it now have those parameters in side it? :D <daira> yes :D <bioterror> how about reboot or something <bioterror> and wonder if it's empty again <daira> ok <daira> how can i reboot from terminal? <bioterror> :D <bioterror> sudo reboot <daira> hello <bioterror> gimme some good news <daira> I am using irrsi now <daira> : ) <daira> screen scrambled <daira> on 1200x800 <daira> I wonder if 1200x800 is the real resolution for this monitor <daira> if 1280x768 worked partially <bioterror> you can try 1280x800 <daira> yes <daira> i think that should do the trick <bioterror> we have got nothing to lose <daira> i will go to tty2 and edit it in nano <daira> what exactly should i edit? <bioterror> the line with "virtual 1200 800" <bioterror> change it to 1280 <bioterror> I think <daira> i did <daira> lemme try : ) <daira> WHOILA <daira> it works : ) <bioterror> \o/ <daira> thank you bioterror <bioterror> np <bioterror> so, you had a problem with sounds. HAHAHAHA : <bioterror> :D <daira> yes : ) <bioterror> I have 55 minutes of my workday left <bioterror> what shall we do now <bioterror> 4th mug of coffee, maybe?-) <daira> i will google it first : ) <bioterror> daira, I bet it's a little satisfying when you small things like that to work <daira> i just love the fact that when i configure the notebook with linux they never call me again, it allways works <daira> so it's worth the trouble : ) <daira> it would be good to paste correct xorg.conf to forums maybe <phillw> pop it onto http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=332 to help others. <bioterror> daira, I had a problem with Dell D600 regarding suspend/resume. when I solved my problem, my son broke the DC adapter on the motherboard :-) <daira> :D <bioterror> I enjoyed a working suspend/resume for a 5 days <bioterror> and I had that problem for like 4 months <daira> i found this for my audio problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/76784 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 76784 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "Audio-output error in Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo Pro V2055 (affected: 0, heat: 2)" [Undecided,Invalid] <daira> how to enter sound configuration on lubuntu? <bioterror> oookay <bioterror> daira, amixer -q set "Duplicate Front" mute <bioterror> put that in your terminal <daira> still not working <bioterror> you dont hear anything at all? <daira> no <daira> only on speakers <daira> seems like it is old problem, but i havent found any solution to it <bioterror> usb soundcard, hahaha <daira> no way : ) <bioterror> daira, http://www.prash-babu.com/2008/02/sound-problems-in-ubuntu-gutsy-710.html :D <daira> i found the solution <daira> just now <bioterror> you got it working <daira> must try it <daira> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/184314/comments/49 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 184314 in linux (Ubuntu) "Headphone jack does not work in NC1502 (affected: 1, heat: 7)" [Medium,Triaged] <daira> now, how to find out what alsadriver version am i using? <bioterror> $ dpkg -l alsa-base <bioterror> ii alsa-base ALSA driver configuration files <daira> thx <daira> seems like i have the latest alsa driver <bioterror> you really got yourself a laptop with issues <daira> although this is vt17xx card and mine is vt23xx <daira> if i have the same driver version and i manually compile it, will it override previous driver? <bioterror> you can try it ;) <daira> : ) <daira> i got some errors in "make" <bioterror> :D <bioterror> errors are bad, warning are okay <daira> http://paste.ubuntu.com/512361/ <bioterror> well, my work day is done and I'm about to hit the train station and head to my home <daira> heh, thx for help <bioterror> hope the leafs are off the tracks so that the train is not late like 40 minutes or something like and the train goes all the way to my home station <daira> should i try to compile it <bioterror> we have had somekind of problems today <daira> and gl with your train : ) <bioterror> aahhhh <bioterror> you're compiling a whole kernel <bioterror> daaamn <daira> omg : ) <bioterror> if I got it right? <bioterror> or something like <daira> no <daira> just alsa driver i believe <bioterror> or what was it doing in the kernel folder :D <daira> dunno <bioterror> hahaha <bioterror> okay <daira> i will ask this in ubuntu irc, now that you are going home : ) <bioterror> thanks for the confidence ;) <kosaidpo> hello guys <kosaidpo> is it possible to install a gaia theme on lubuntu <kosaidpo> cus icudnt at all <kosaidpo> if so can someone tell me how please <OlMightyGreek> hi <OlMightyGreek> is there a 64bit version of lubuntu? <bioterror> not yet, but do you have over 3GB of RAM?-) <OlMightyGreek> yes <OlMightyGreek> 4gb <bioterror> it depends on the kernel configuration if sees it all <bioterror> 4GB is the limit on 32bit system <daira> is there a way for aqualung not to open another instance when i click another song from the file manager <phillw> bioterror: if they want a 64Bit version, they need to use minimal install and put the 64bit kernel on. <eee701FTW> I want to remove some applications from my fresh install of lubuntu 10.10. However, it wants to remove lubuntu-desktop as well in every case. <eee701FTW> how do I remove, say, chromium without removing lubuntu-desktop too? <phillw> eee701FTW: the desktop package is a meta package and be removed <eee701FTW> Okay, thanks. Just appeared to be a bad idea at a glance. <eee701FTW> prob solved. <eee701FTW> cya <phillw> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/RemoveLubuntuDesktop <b0mz> Hi guys, i want to get lubuntu on an USB with unetbootin.. I dont see lubuntu on the distro list, does it work if i choose ubuntu or xubuntu but with the lubuntu.iso file? =/ <phillw> b0mz: unetbootin will put it on if you have the iso file on your computer. lubuntu is not 'adopoted' yet. <phillw> b0mz: please use the torrents, the servers are getting hammered !!!!! <b0mz> phillw: ok, so i can choose ubuntu then? phillw im downloading it from an swedish server :) <phillw> you would need to download the lubuntu iso, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#Get%20Lubuntu and then tell unetbootin to use that iso to create the usb. <b0mz> phillw: yes i know, but lubuntu doesnt exist in unetbootin list.. my question was if it doesnt matter if i choose ubuntu or xubuntu from that list * phillw thinks the secondary server is quiet if you need a direct download. That's my server area and they haven't shouted at me... yet :P <b0mz> :) <phillw> b0mz: if you have the lubuntu iso, then you can tell unebootin to use a local iso. <phillw> *unetbootin* <b0mz> aight now i see that, sorry... my mistake <phillw> b0mz: there is no need to apologise while you are learning :) <b0mz> thanks ;) <camster> hello! just installed lubuntu. i was running a webcam on cheese and recording video just fine under ubuntu 10.04. cheese loads in lubuntu but recording video fails. is there anything i can do to get it to work? thx <camster> i switched to lubuntu as its faster on this cheap computer <camster> cheese does see the webcam in lubuntu, but attempting to record video does not work <phillw> camster: I'm sorry, I'm not really up to speed on multimedia stuff, if you head over to http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=334 and have a read of what they have, if you need to ask a question, use the lubuntu tag. <camster> ok thanks <sepplmaster> hey to all! i am looking for a backup solution, like deja dup for lubuntu but i do not want to use nautilus. can anyone help me? <phillw> sepplmaster: depends if you like cli or gui? <phillw> (command line or grphics) <phillw> *graphics) <bioterror> I've heard only good about rsync <phillw> okies, give me one moment and I'll dig a couple of links out for you to look at. * phillw here's one I wrote earlier :D http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=25#p27 <sepplmaster1> phillw: excuse me, but i was afk. well graphics would be better <phillw> sepplmaster: use either CloneZilla or Pybackpack. <phillw> both are excellent Graphical systems. <sepplmaster> phillw: i have heared about pybackpack, and will try it. i was not sure wether it depends on nautilus. clone zilla is only for entire partitions so it is not my favourite. <phillw> pybackpack is good for normal backups, I use clonezilla for disk backups. <sepplmaster> phillw: the forum entry looks interesting, marked it as a favourite, will try pybackpack now. <phillw> there are some others around, but I only have experience of them two. you can ask in #ubuntu-beginners to ask what others recommend. <sepplmaster> phillw: i chose #lubuntu because i thought you will know about the problems with nautilus dependencies but good idea. i will try! thank you for now. <phillw> just let them know that you don't want gnome and are using lubuntu. But pybackpack is pretty lean and mean. <phillw> sepplmaster: you can "/join #lubuntu-offtopic" if you want, we don't bite :) <aaq> any one out there, one who cares? <bioterror> me <bioterror> what's your problem? <aaq> well after i installed lubuntu <aaq> and uodated <aaq> it deleted win7 boot <bioterror> okay <bioterror> this is though one <aaq> 3rd time :( <bioterror> well <bioterror> I'm trying to gather myself up <bioterror> and we can try to do it <bioterror> okay! ;) <bioterror> have you used terminal? <bioterror> is it weird for you? <aaq> not motch <aaq> its like matrix <bioterror> but you know how to use nano?-) <aaq> nano? <aaq> sry <aaq> but does this happend with ubuntu to? <phillw> !grub2 | aaq <ubot5> aaq: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 <phillw> aaq: if you just want to re-install the windows boot loader and loose the ubuntu area, you can do that, else sometimes a re-install of grub2 will settle things down for you. <aaq> i want lubuntu and win. <bioterror> well <aaq> so i guess i have to look into grub <phillw> aaq: give me one moment <bioterror> we could edit the /boot/grub/grub.cfg <bioterror> we only need to dig out your windows partition (which is /dev/sda1 for sure) and the UUID for it <phillw> aaq: have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1014708 <kosaidpo> hello guys <kosaidpo> im wondein how ican install gaia theme they look cool and wanna install one but i see no way to <kosaidpo> can someone please tell me how <phillw> aaq I have more detailed instructions for if that does not work, but get the win boot loader back on & make sure win7 is happy, then put grub2 back on. <aaq> ok. thanks <kosaidpo> phillw: hello : D <kosaidpo> have you ever tried gaia them on lubuntu ? <phillw> hiyas kosaidpo yes, I saw your question earlier, but I'm not a 'themes' person, you may be better asking on the mailing list, unless one of the people who know how to do it are in. <phillw> I do have a forum posting of it, so can always try to find that. <kosaidpo> phillw: okies thnaks mych other then that hows you <phillw> kosaidpo: /join #lubuntu-offtopic <kosaidpo> /join #lubuntu-offtopic <kosaidpo> hihi <kosaidpo> idk why icant get on it <kosaidpo> ahh the lil space : ) <aaq> well now i just need to know how to get acess to lubuntu to fix grub ^^ <bioterror> sounds like livecd and chroot <bioterror> !chroot <ubot5> A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot <phillw> aaq: do you have a cd with (l)ubuntu on it? <aaq> usb <phillw> but you can boot from it? <aaq> yes <phillw> one moment .... <phillw> aaq: you will be able to use http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=35 just be really careful with device names !!!! <aaq> ok ill try <aaq> thanks' <phillw> aaq: if it is just a grub issue, have a read of http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5 <aaq> yes and no i think <phillw> aaq: try http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5 first, I don't really think it is a kernel issue; as I doubt you have deleted that. <aaq> but this make ma head hurt <phillw> "When a good Grub2 becomes a poorly Grub2" is the section you want <mark76> When good Grubs go bad <phillw> aaq: it makes your head hurt? Just imagine how much it hurt my head when I wrote it !!!! <aaq> :) <aaq> well i know nothing of this <aaq> just looking forward to my girlfrind is going to fix hers <phillw> aaq: just so as you know, http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=57#p81 <phillw> my instructions are checked out before I post them on my forum or onto the lubuntu wiki area. <aaq> well i have reinstalled win and lubunto 2 times so i dont care if it goes to hell. i just want to find i way to get it working even if that mean reinstalling <aaq> but i guess someone it working his ass off over this? its not only me? <phillw> 10.10 is fairly recent, let me have a look and see if it is having issues with Win7 <aaq> but i installed 10.10 <aaq> and it was some linux image update and then it failed <phillw> is okay, I'm just asking Mr Grub :) <phillw> aaq: then you will need to use http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=35 to get a replacement kernel. Again, be really careful of device names. <phillw> aaq: there are no reported issues from thousands of users with 10.10 and Win7. Can I suggest that you check the install cd passes the self test. <aaq> hmm <phillw> if you're on usb, then you need to manually check the iso download on both your computer and the usb stick <aaq> well it did work until i updated <aaq> so i had both win7 and lubuntu 10.10 <phillw> I'm guesssing there was a file corruption as you downloaded the updates. <aaq> maybe but it happend 3 times :) <aaq> should i dl updates while installing? <phillw> no, do not do the updates. get the system up and stable first. <phillw> aaq: ensure you do https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/CheckCD to the iso file you're using to make the usb stick with. <aaq> kk <head_victim> Is there anywhere that has differences between Lubuntu and a mini iso with lxde over the top? <head_victim> Google is only showing me something from 2009 <phillw> head_victim: I'm not sure, but you now have two options to install lubuntu via the mini-iso <phillw> standard and cut-down <head_victim> I was curious because I have a Lubuntu 10.10 in a VM from the Beta and I have a 10.04 that was originally gnome with lxde installed over the top and they look very different. * phillw has just realised has missed a page on the wiki :'( <phillw> head_victim: if you have gnome with it, you will have a legacy of gnome on it. <bioterror> !removing gnome <bioterror> :D <head_victim> I'm thinking simply using Lubuntu will just be "easier" <phillw> you can rid your system of gnome <phillw> head_victim: and a lot faster :) <bioterror> I have to remember that ubuntu mini iso is for the 64bit installation <head_victim> phillw: so lubuntu is quicker than mini iso + lxde? <phillw> lxde and lubuntu work very closely together, so you will get a system that works well together. <head_victim> Ok. I'm hoping the scroll wheel flicking through all my open windows will be gone when I install it properly as opposed to in a vm. It's painful with a free scrolling mouse <phillw> head_victim: I can only repeat what others say, and that is that they love lubuntu. <head_victim> My 2.4 celeron is starting to really chug with gnome and xfce wasn't really much different. <phillw> lxde is smaller than xubuntu, "A Pentium II or Celeron system with 128 MiB of RAM is probably a bottom-line configuration that may yield slow yet usable system with Lubuntu." and we know it works on such systems. <head_victim> Yeah I was pretty happy with it in the vm. It may just save me buying a new pc if I'm lucky. <phillw> head_victim: I do see people pop on here thanking the team for breathing life into an older computer. <kosaidpo> peace out guys <head_victim> It's coupled with a quad core sitting beside it with synergy so I don't NEED another powerhouse, I just use this for irc, amsn & skype. It's nice while gaming to have a whole second PC sitting there with other things going. I never thought dual head was a good solution when you can have dual PCs. <phillw> head_victim: if it meets the minimum spec, you'll be very pleasantly suprised. lubuntu is very gentle on resources and RAM <head_victim> RAM is cheap and so easy to expand. The CPU has been my bottleneck for ages. <phillw> gnome is an eater of CPU, lxde is not. <szczur> head_victim, about this mini.iso + lxde vs lubuntu. if you will add lubuntu ppa to the mini.iso based system there will be no difference except the gtk theme and so on <szczur> you can install lubuntu and then disable unneded daemons <aaq> @phillw now i got both win7 and lubuntu up and running. so now its just to never update lubuntu? <meetingology> aaq: Error: "phillw" is not a valid command. <head_victim> szczur: so not a huge performance difference? <szczur> bluetooth for example if you don't use it <szczur> head_victim, not really <head_victim> szczur, fair enough I'll stick with Lubuntu install then, just a little easier. <szczur> but if you want only your software (for example you use gedit and not leafpad) you can use mini.iso <szczur> and install everything manually <szczur> this will save you a couple of megabytes :) <head_victim> Yeah, I'm still working on getting chromium to do everything I want but it's getting there. <phillw> aaq: I'd leave it be, if it is working. I'm still asking for you. <head_victim> I have 80gb for / so I think I'm safe :) <szczur> ohh, so there's no problem i think :) <szczur> another advantage is that you know what you have on your system and that you have only software you want. but it's more time consuming that installing ready to use lubuntu <head_victim> Anyone been able to get the program "mail-notification" working? Everytime I try to add a mailbox it aborts with a small list of gtk and glib errors. <head_victim> szczur, yeah that's handy but looking at Lubuntu it doesn't seem to dump a bunch of stuff needlessly anyway <szczur> that's true * phillw waves to szczur <szczur> what are the specs of PC you're trying to put Lubuntu on? <szczur> hi phillw :) <szczur> and high five goes to bioterror <szczur> as well gilir <bioterror> *5* <head_victim> 2.4 celeron, 3gb ram 7600gs video card 80gb / and 500gb /home <szczur> O_o <szczur> whoa :) <phillw> szczur: /join #lubuntu-offtopic <head_victim> The CPU is really killing me and making me want to buy a new PC. Lubuntu is my effort to save buying a new pc. <szczur> ireplace celeron with pentium <szczur> 12kB of L2 cache is overkill <szczur> 128* <head_victim> Is this error something easily fixed or is it hinting that the program requires a gnome install? http://www.lubuntu.pastebin.com/V21EHX4q <szczur> head_victim, i'd ask you to post it in bugzilla and/or ubuntu forums <phillw> head_victim: we do not use evolution in lubuntu <szczur> this would help us squash the bug and fix the problem <head_victim> phillw yeah it's not only for evolution mailboxes <head_victim> szczur no dramas, I wasn't sure if it was just a "it's dependant on gnome" thing or not. <szczur> maybe, the problems is that lxpanel doesn't work in the same way as gnome panel is, I think <szczur> -, <head_victim> Ah fair enough I know enough about things to get me into trouble <head_victim> Not much more :) <szczur> head_victim, try gnubiff > http://gnubiff.sourceforge.net/ <szczur> don't know if it will work but it doesn't need GNOME to work <szczur> maybe it is worth to try <head_victim> szczur, setting it up now <head_victim> I found a little script on the forum that sort of does what I want <kieths> Question regarding customizing a USB Pendrive 'live' version... <phillw> ask away kieths <kieths> Installating with 'persistence' develops problems after perhaps 30~50 boots (suspect writing too much to the USB / SD card). Goal is to customized once, write once, then only read, as in 'livecd' but using an SD / USB pendrive <kieths> Problems developed include incorrect sudoers mode, and corrupted file. Correctable (using Ubuntu to mount casper, etc.), but bothersome. <kieths> Prefer to mount (something) to modify the core list of file one time, then save to USB and only read. <phillw> kieths: select no area for persistance, else 'burn' the usb as a CD - it would mean you have no memory for what you do on the computer. It's more likely that you need a usb stick that meets speedboost requirements. <kieths> Hmmm... Currently using a 4GB Class 10 SD (EeePC supports boot to SD). Currently doing a persistence of 3GB. Killed Google Chrome, added Firefox, a couple other aps, scripts, and replaced teh built in network drivers. Needless to say, there's some extra space needed for these mods. But I don't want it 'auto-modding' and breaking the work done (it's corrupting mods, I suspect due to writing too often). <phillw> kieths: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/tomarcher/archive/2006/06/02/615199.aspx should point you in the correct direction, I have one that I use for ubuntu / lubuntu usb installs. <phillw> I also have one from Canonical store which is also working perfectly. <kieths> Tok a quick glance. Will read in detail this afternoon. <kieths> Thinking I need to pre-modify an ISO to add in dependencies, etc before blasting to SD/USB. That make any sense? <kieths> For the corrupted files / wrong mode issue, I was able to mount my Lubuntu SD card using Ubuntu 10.04 (full install), and using root, correct the corrupted problems, temporarily. Building the bootable SD takes perhaps 2 hours. Glitching takes seconds if something goes wrong. If only I could clone it once I get it right. <phillw> kieths: yup it does, you may want to take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-6509.html or possibly look at remastersys via http://www.ubuntugeek.com/creating-custom-ubuntu-live-cd-with-remastersys.html <head_victim> kieths, I've run persistent usb installs on standard (even cheap) usb drives before for months. <head_victim> Tried it with a different SD card? <phillw> kieths: soz for the gaps, I have to and dig the links up !!!! <phillw> *to go and* <kieths> Not yet. Copied the linx, will sincerely read and research. Got the one Class 10 4GB. Got a ton of 1GB cards. If I could create a custom card - as in no Google Chrome wasting space, no wrong drivers, only the stuff I need, it may fit to 1 GB. THEN, if I could CLONE the SD card to backup the effort...amazing solution. <head_victim> Good luck getting down to 1gb :) <kieths> The 1GB is too small for any kind of persistence, though. Wouldn't matter. A thumb drive is perfect for copying out any data. <phillw> kieths: you can use minimal install, then the minimal lubuntu install. <kieths> I can install Ubuntu 10.04 LTS in a 1GB SD card. Lubuntu should fit easily. <phillw> and No, I have not yet written up the full instructions yet :p <kieths> Lubuntu is good stuff. I have a serious problem with Google Chrome, though. <phillw> lubuntu is, from memory, about 540MB atm, so should happily fit on a SD card. <kieths> Yes, definately. * phillw is getting used to it. I have to use Ffox for some of my web-dev stuff; but chromium is becomming a really good browser. <kieths> I truly believe that missing Google Chrome, it could hold FF and choice other aps/scripts under the 1 GB mark. * phillw is biased as I also know the guy who deals with the *buntu / Chromium bugs really quickly; he's a star. <kieths> Chrome is crashing on me seriously. It finally gave up, and no longer runs under the USB install. Can't figure which dependency glitched. Installed FF, killed teh G-C shortcuts. FF works much better, and has much more add-on support. <kieths> Chrome is lighter weight, but no running one all the websites I visit. <phillw> kieths: please file a bug report. Fabian cannot get it investigated unless it is reported. If you prefer, just email what information you have on it over phillw@phillw.net and I will ensure he gets to know about it. "Bugs that are not reported will only be fixed by accident" <kieths> Is there an effort to make a module-picker for building customized Lubuntu (similar to the Slax concept)? <phillw> kieths: there is a difference between Chrome and Chromium, which have you been using? <kieths> Default in Lubuntu 10.04. It doesn't run, so I can't open it and read it to tell you. <phillw> well, if you're running 10.04 you are long way out of date. you may well find that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#Have%2010.04%20and%20want%2010.10? sorts out your problems <kieths> I tried to use it when I first flashed. It worked. Booted perhaps 20+ times, then one day is simply would run Google at all. Click, pause like it's opening, then.... nothing. Pulled in FF via GZ file on USB, installed smooth, problem resolved (for me at the time). <phillw> I really think it is a hardware issue, either the SD card / USB stick. <kieths> There is, and will constantly be minor and major version updates. I'm trying to make an SD card that...works. I can change OS's for each release, but it will take a bout 2 hours of customizing each time. It's like your alarm clock - there's a new version of firmware that adds 12 new 'bells'. As long as it wakes me in the morning.... <phillw> 10.10 of lubuntu will be here untill 11.04 :) <kieths> Wish for a familiar browser that has all the add-ons I use daily - forecastfox, fasterfox, and various others. Never liked the Google colors or feel, and it crashing permanently gave me another excuse to not use that. <kieths> OK.. will pull down 10.10 <kieths> ...IF it uses Firefox. <phillw> no, you can do it via the mini-iso and have no browser at all. The reason we use chromium is that is less resource hungry than Ffox. <kieths> Serious note, thanks, phillw, for the links. Will research, and hopefully find input to better the SD situation. Will also buy a second card for comparison. <kieths> Agreed.. Google is smaller footprint and resource wise. It just kills my morning weather forecasts (bottom bar - not a website), the international times (Foxclocks, again bottom bar), and several others. I'll pay the bandwidth and resources, even if using an older 900 MHz box, for the conveniences. <kieths> Familiar wins over quick to crash <stlsaint> phillw: sup, i added lubuntu to autojoin but moved to other lappy so i had to readd :D <kieths> Got to run for a bit. Thanks again Phillw, for your advice and assistance. <phillw> stlsaint: lol, you may want to pop onto #lubuntu-offtopic once in a while, we relax in there <bioterror> :D <head_victim> szczur, I've been able to get that gnubiff configured pretty well actually thanks for the pointer #lubuntu 2010-10-14 <szczur> head_victim, no problem :) <szczur> happy_user_count++ <aaq> well i am off. ill come back and ask when i can update ;). thanks for the help <stlsaint> phillw: hey where you folks need most help at? <head_victim> I'm getting a "Xsession" unable to launch "gnome-session" error on first boot from a 10.10 install <szczur> head_victim, sudo apt-get install gnome-session-bin <szczur> did you install system from the lubuntu cd or by mini.iso <szczur> ? <head_victim> lubuntu cd <szczur> weird that it wants gnome session at all <head_victim> The only non standard thing I did was keep my old /home <szczur> do you have XSession file in you r home directory? <szczur> .XSession <head_victim> Ah crap forgot that, hang on rebooting back to prompt <head_victim> I should be able to just rm -rf /home/user/.XSession and it should auto generate again? <szczur> i think <szczur> i would make a backup of it <head_victim> I have backups already ;) <szczur> ok <head_victim> Nah there wasn't any, just an .Xauthority <szczur> hmm <szczur> try to install gnome-session-bin <head_victim> Ok, will have to drop to networking prompt <cciinico> hello, got a question. has any one got tint2 to work? <szczur> what is tint2? <szczur> :) <cciinico> :/ <head_victim> http://catlingmindswipe.blogspot.com/2010/03/lubuntu-start-up-with-blinds-down.htm <stlsaint> yea what is tint2? <szczur> cciinico, just a question, maybe i can help then :) <szczur> head_victim, blogger doesn't exist <cciinico> http://code.google.com/p/tint2/ <szczur> hmmm, looks nice <cciinico> its a panel basicly, im trying to covert some stuff from crushbang <cciinico> on to lubuntu <cciinico> the only thing i like about this distro is its openbox <cciinico> which is nice and simply easy to apply the configs * szczur is downloading the svn :) <szczur> yayz <szczur> they're using cmake <szczur> nice thing, easy to compile <cciinico> im new to linux but understand must of what im doing just thought some ppl would have already tried to mess with it * szczur tries to install it :) <szczur> cciinico, yest it is working :) <szczur> but, the problem is that it don't have program menu like lxpanel have <szczur> it only shows running procesess <szczur> you would need to configure openbox to modify the menu to be able to run programs <szczur> if you want i can show you screenshots of running tint2 on my PC right now :) <head_victim> szczur, ok found the problem. I was trying to auto login <head_victim> And it had defaulted to the wrong option. <szczur> head_victim, you could say that you want to autologin :) <szczur> /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf <head_victim> As soon as I removed the autologin from/etc/xdg/Lubuntu/..... it presented a login screen where I changed the option from "Default" to Lubuntu and it worked <head_victim> http://www.catlingmindswipe.blogspot.com/2010/03/lubuntu-start-up-with-blinds-down.htm <cciinico> szczur: how woud u go about doing so? <head_victim> That's where I got my inspiration. No idea why it happened though <phillw> head_victim: that page does not exist, could you re post it for me, please. <head_victim> http://www.catlingmindswipe.blogspot.com/2010/03/lubuntu-start-up-with-blinds-down.html <head_victim> sorry I lost the "l" :/ <szczur> cciinico, http://szczur.ath.cx/tint.png <phillw> head_victim: is that with the 10.10 release? <szczur> head_v, ok, glad you found the solution <cciinico> damn it... <phillw> !language | cciinico <ubot5> cciinico: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. <head_victim> phillw: yes, worth a bug report? <phillw> cciinico: we're much more relaxed in #lubuntu-offtopic as it is not logged :) <phillw> head_victim: yeah, if you would please. <phillw> I'm not sure if that area is back up yet, it was shut for maintentance earlier. If you can not file it there, give as much information as you can to phillw@phillw.net and I'll file it. <head_victim> phillw: I'll link in here when it's up just to make sure I logged enough detail <phillw> it could well be back up now, I was on it a couple of hours ago. <head_victim> Yeah just working on getting the install up and running with synergy, etc so I can use it instead of this VM <phillw> if you'd post the bug report number here, although myself and others should auto receive it. <head_victim> Will do <phillw> head_victim: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ReportingBugs <phillw> Thanks for taking the time to raise the issue, it's appreciated. <head_victim> Hey if it helps me in the long run I'd be crazy not to. <phillw> head_victim: If you're interested in lubuntu, you may want to pop over to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved we're a really small team and always appreciate an extra pair of eyes. <head_victim> I've already had a quick look <head_victim> Willing to do what I can when I can but yeah, I'm not what you'd call a "guru" <phillw> head_victim: you have PM <head_victim> As do you ;) <head_victim> Question any idea where Lubuntu locates the counterpart to xdm's xdm/Xsetup, xdm/Xstartup and xdm/Xsession? <stlsaint> head_victim: no idea ;) <head_victim> Found them ;) <stlsaint> head_victim: aye <head_victim> /etc/lxdm/.... <head_victim> The names are slightly different but I still get the desired effects <stlsaint> head_victim: what were you trying to do? <head_victim> I am slowly coming to the realisation that I understand more than I thought. <head_victim> Autostarting synergy <stlsaint> ooh ok <head_victim> Nice to have it working before login <stlsaint> oh yea you will always know more than you think, just takes a little *thinking* ;) <head_victim> Ended up quite a few mlocates later I struck it <head_victim> Just now my terminal history is full of "mlocate slightlydifferentstring" <head_victim> Will go log that bug now <head_victim> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-meta/+bug/660260 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 660260 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Xsession unable to boot after fresh install Maverick (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] <head_victim> Sorry if it's not great, let me know anything else you need to help out <keith2> So, wondering if lubuntu can be used on an old Compaq 500Mhz with 512MB RAM <mikedep333> hey, I just installed lubuntu on a test 128MB RAM virtual machine via the mini/minimal iso, and synaptic gets password errors when I attempt to launch it from the start menu <mikedep333> I can run: sudo synaptic fine <mikedep333> here's how I installed it: <mikedep333> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/MinimalInstall <mikedep333> I would like to report a bug, but I don't know which package to report on <mikedep333> I am testing out a 256MB desktop/graphical install right now, it is still installing <head_victim> mikedep333: I'm in the middle of updating the VM I use otherwise I'd boot up and see if I could reproduce <mikedep333> head_victim: gotcha <mikedep333> head_victim: I'll be around for a while <head_victim> I hit enter about 10 seconds before you posted <head_victim> Ok give it a couple of minutes see if I can get mine to boot with 128 only. <mikedep333> is the installer supposed to take forever to load (and take even longer to get past the first step) when you only have 256MB? <mikedep333> free -m reports that about half my ram is in cache/buffer anyway (waiting for 2nd menu to load) <head_victim> Yeah, 256 is not much to work with <head_victim> Ok trying to boot now <head_victim> It's funny allocating 128mb to a vm when you have 10gb in the host <head_victim> It's surprisingly snappy..... <head_victim> Worked fine for me mate <head_victim> What sort of error did you get? <head_victim> Upload a snapshot? <phillw> mikedep333: with that little RAM, you really should consider the minimal install method <mikedep333> head_victim: you're referring to loading synaptic under lubuntu 10.10 with 128MB of RAM when you installed from the graphical installer? <head_victim> mikedep333: yep <head_victim> It's using 70mb for me now <mikedep333> ok <mikedep333> let me see if the graphically installed version can load synaptic for me <head_victim> I did install it with over 1gb there to use but I have just booted it now with 128 and it still opened ok <mikedep333> yeah <mikedep333> it looks like the entire gksu program does not work on my mini/minimal installed machine <phillw> mikedep333: have a read through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/MinimalInstall <mikedep333> phillw: yes, I followed that guide <mikedep333> the only thing I did wrong was enable automatic updates during the installer <head_victim> That will just make it last longer and use more space, can't imagine it causing an error unless the cd you installed from was corrupt * phillw ::sighs:: I did day to leave it 'OFF' :\ <head_victim> Oh it does make a difference? <mikedep333> again, I installed using the minimal/mini iso <mikedep333> that was only a 12MB iso <mikedep333> it downloaded all the packages over the 'net <mikedep333> I presume it did an MD5sum check or similar on them <phillw> head_victim: yeah, it can really slow down the dkpg bit and you can run out of RAM <head_victim> phillw: ah k I have some old P3 laptops that I use mini's on exclusively <phillw> the devs helped me write that set of instructions up, along with some other good people from the lubuntu and ubuntu community. For the moment, it's the best we have until the team can make a seperate minimal install cd <phillw> which is on the 'To Do' list. <head_victim> I'm just surprised it even runs on 128 <phillw> head_victim: it's very lean, exceedlingly keen and... well just really good :D <head_victim> Yeah I was kinda over "lean" installs when xfce really didn't do a lot of performance so I wasn't expecting much from lxde either but it's been a nice surprise. <mikedep333> ok, my lubuntu-desktop.iso install load synaptic fine <mikedep333> I'll take a screenshot on the mini iso isntalled lubun tu <head_victim> Might be an issue with corruption if it was installed when it was trying to find some swap space <mikedep333> head_victim: the minimal system is supposed to be fine with only 128MB of RAM <mikedep333> but if you'd like, I'll reinstall with 384 (via the minimal iso) <head_victim> Maybe reinstall without doing the updates and see if it does make a difference <phillw> mikedep333: do check the iso download https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/CheckCD it will save you so much grief <phillw> btw, head_victim have a good gander at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp to get to know where stuff is. If you find something missing / outdated please scream at me :) <mikedep333> phillw: yes, I get the same md5sum: Ubuntu 10.10 "Maverick Meerkat" Minimal CD 12.7MB (MD5: 02abb1a71bde21a1335e9368dad529ca, <mikedep333> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD <phillw> I'm a bit stuck then, mikedep333 I know the minimal instructions do work :( <phillw> we've spent quite a lot of time on them. <mikedep333> http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/6458/lubuntusynapticerror.png <mikedep333> phillw: I'll install it again, with 384MB <head_victim> mikedep333: oh so it's not an error error it's just a this is the wrong password. That is really odd <phillw> mikedep333: it will install on 128MB fine, I'm really stuck as to why you are having a problem. <head_victim> Well if it's just once it hasn't worked I'd always say have a second attempt. <mikedep333> yeah <mikedep333> bugs are reproduceable <phillw> mikedep333: 10.10 is just out, I can give you the links to 10.04 if it does seem to be a 10.10 bug. <mikedep333> ok * phillw has them on my server :D <head_victim> I don't think my local mirror would host them unless it gets official status <head_victim> I thought about pestering them <phillw> head_victim: iWeb are dead cool with me being the secondary server for lubuntu <head_victim> My local mirror has a 10gbps link ;) <head_victim> Local as in in the country <head_victim> For Australian's anything in Australia is as good as you're going to get as local. <phillw> head_victim: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw#Web_Hosting we're setting up a ubuntu server on that beast :) <head_victim> I thought about setting up some webspace here but decided it was too much work for not really having a reason for it <phillw> head_victim: with derrick having set up http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=26 I don't think it is worth it; I do not know if you know the UBT overlord, bohdi, but he is the one who is going to harden a specific ubuntu server section on Derrick's system. <head_victim> Nah don't know bohdi off the top of my head <head_victim> But sounds like a good idea <phillw> head_victim: we just call him boss, it's easier :) <head_victim> Hah fair enough then <mikedep333> woot, my gateway's squid web proxy makes downloading packages really fast <mikedep333> head_victim, phillw: yes. I did a disc check on the xubuntu 10.10 alternate i386 installer. I then installed a command line only system from that. I then followed the steps on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/MinimalInstall, and once I am at the LXDE/lubuntu desktop, gsku alwys tells me I have the wrong password <mikedep333> this did not happen with the lubuntu-desktop iso <mikedep333> and this was with 384MB of RAM <mikedep333> for both installations <phillw> mikedep333: why are you using xubuntu? mini-iso installs no desktop at all. <mikedep333> phillw: not knowing that my web cache was working, I didn't want to put any unneeded strain on us.archive.ubuntu.com. It's going really slow because of the release. By using the alternate installer to install a CLI system, it has a lot of packages on CD rather than getting them from us.archive.ubuntu.com. <mikedep333> Note that mini.iso does not know of any other US mirrors <XP1> anyone here? i have lubuntu 10.10 but it doesn't shutdown. the HDD turns off but computer remains on the screen where it says killing process blah blah blah <bioterror> sounds weird <XP1> i added apm power_off=1 to /etc/modules which worked in 10.04 but doesn't work in 10.10 <bioterror> happens alot? <XP1> i reinstalled <bioterror> you seem to have complicated hardware ;) <XP1> :O it's an old Pentium III computer <bioterror> apm is older than acpi <bioterror> and thinngs are done nowdays with hal if i remember right <bioterror> someone could correct me if im wrong <bioterror> have you built that machine from scratch or is it a market pc? <XP1> i got it from someone. it's a whitebox, no brand <bioterror> you added that apm poweroff on first boot? <XP1> i only added it to /etc/modules <bioterror> youve tried without it? <XP1> yeah <bioterror> and it hangs too? <XP1> yeah, it shows a brown Ubuntu 10.10 screen <bioterror> maybe we should dig some logs <bioterror> but im kinda powerless atm, ircing from train station with my phone :D <XP1> i see <bioterror> hope ill se you still in here when i reach my work <bioterror> this sounds challenging enough :D <XP1> when will that be? <bioterror> about an hour <XP1> ok <bioterror> unless someone else wants to help you out <bioterror> hey <bioterror> can you restart it without a problem <XP1> restart works fine with or without apm power_off=1 <bioterror> or is it shutdown and restart problem, <XP1> just shutdown problem <Mossyfunk> wtf? installer is telling me that 55GB partition is too small for JFS O_o? <bioterror> :D <Mossyfunk> hey bioterror =) <bioterror> HI <bioterror> xp1, so you need to press power button for like 5seconds <Mossyfunk> Is there any reason why one would want a journaled filesystem for /boot? <XP1> pressing < 1 sec works when it is on the hanging part <Mossyfunk> lol i googled >_> <bioterror> mossy, what does it say? <Mossyfunk> So if you have /boot on a non journaled filesystem then you are likely to lose data from that partition in case opf a crash.... whereas if /boot is on a journaled filesystem, like ext3 it can recover <bioterror> yes <bioterror> usually i have /boot included on / <Mossyfunk> Yeah I have previously just had / and swap partitions but I was looking into setting up an old box as a server and ended up with 12 partitions lol <Mossyfunk> so I decided to have /boot, /, /home and swap <Mossyfunk> and use JFS <bioterror> why jfs? <Mossyfunk> I just chose JFS for the hell of it <Mossyfunk> aND BECAUSE WHAT i READ IT'S FAST <Mossyfunk> srry caps <Mossyfunk> why not jfs? <bioterror> you seen comparisons? <bioterror> and it beats shit out of ext4 <bioterror> ? <Mossyfunk> don't know how old what I am reading is but "JFS currently uses the least CPU resources of any GNU/Linux filesystem. Very fast at formatting, mounting and fsck's, and very good all-around performance" <bioterror> okay <bioterror> just got to work <bioterror> it really took an hour <XP1> ok <bioterror> xp1, we could try to see if "shutdown -h now" works for you <bioterror> I was thinking about that while traveling to my work <bioterror> close everything on your desktop <bioterror> and say in terminal "sudo shutdown -h now" <bioterror> I would like to know, if it freezes <bioterror> running lubuntu down should take something like 30 seconds <XP1> it still freezes <bioterror> you have init scripts on the screen? <bioterror> like it's shutting down processes <bioterror> or do you have lubuntu -screen? <XP1> some text are jumbled together. it is on a brown Ubuntu 10.10 screen <bioterror> can you press alt+f1 <bioterror> to switch to tty <XP1> after i restart lubuntu? <bioterror> when it's stuck <XP1> alt+f1 doesn't do anything <bioterror> okay <XP1> keyboard lights don't respond either <bioterror> so it's technically shutdown <bioterror> but doesnt know that it should power off <XP1> yeah, fan is still running and with the screen still on <bioterror> if you press esc <bioterror> does something happen? <XP1> nothing, the keyboard seems to be off <bioterror> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2260791&postcount=10 <bioterror> you should try to add that acpi=off apm=power_off too <bioterror> you can do it on boot <bioterror> when you're on grub, edit the boot parameters <bioterror> add to the end acpi=off apm=power_off <XP1> ok <bioterror> no answer <bioterror> ;) <XP1> sorry, took awhile. it didn't work :/ <buffcns2> Greetings to all, does lubuntu 10.10 have a similar install option to install support for mp3 codec, flash etc like the new ubuntu 10.10? <bioterror> haha <bioterror> didnt have time to say about restricted extras <XP1> bioterror , this worked for boot params: acpi=off acpi=power_off acpi=force lapic apm=power_off <XP1> :) * XP1 slaps XP1 around a bit with a large trout <bioterror> !help <ubot5> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) <bioterror> !commands <ubot5> The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal <bioterror> !lubuntu-desktop <bioterror> !lubuntu <ubot5> lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu <bioterror> !install <ubot5> Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate <head_victim> bioterror: thanks for the list email. It was one of the few things frustrating me that I was going to have to look up over the next week or so <bioterror> what? <bioterror> ahhh that pcmanfm <head_victim> The gvfs-backend <bioterror> yeah <head_victim> It wasn't even 1mb install either with dependencies <bioterror> yes <bioterror> and still I think important feature ;) <bioterror> something really useful <head_victim> Very <head_victim> If it was going to be 100mb of stuff you might um an arr over it but for only 1mb. Unless there is a reason we're not aware of. <bioterror> nobody's perfect, I bet someone just forgot to add it <Mossyfunk> Should I just ignore the installer telling me 120mb /boot is too small? or is it bitching for a good reason? <bioterror> well <bioterror> you can put 200MB <bioterror> and see if it's better <bioterror> if you're having a lot of kernels at the same time, it takes a lot of hdd space <Mossyfunk> 120mb should be plenty though unl;ess I plan on having 80 kernel images stashed no? <bioterror> 107M boot/ <Mossyfunk> ic <Mossyfunk> ty <Mossyfunk> =) <bioterror> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4037888 2010-04-16 14:32 vmlinuz-2.6.32-21-generic <bioterror> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4037792 2010-06-04 01:53 vmlinuz-2.6.32-22-generic <bioterror> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4045536 2010-06-11 14:28 vmlinuz-2.6.32-23-generic <bioterror> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4050848 2010-09-16 21:24 vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic <bioterror> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4050912 2010-09-18 02:31 vmlinuz-2.6.32-25-generic <bioterror> not that many kernels in there <Mossyfunk> whats taking uyp so much space? <bioterror> generic kernels are huge <Mossyfunk> ahhh makes sense <bioterror> yeah, there's so much support for different hardware <Mossyfunk> considering /home on a seperate drive what do you think is a realistic size for a / partition on a desktop with a SHITLOAD of software installed? <bioterror> it depends <bioterror> you're doing /boot and / and /home on a different partitions? <head_victim> Depends on what sort of software, I've had problems filling 10gb for / on most of my pc's at home <Mossyfunk> yep <bioterror> then 10GB should be enough <bioterror> and rest for the /home <Mossyfunk> head_victim, really? <Mossyfunk> well I dont exactly have space constraints hehe <Mossyfunk> thanks <head_victim> Yeah me neither, the smallest / I have is 80gb <head_victim> It's just got heaps spare "just in case" but my /home 's are 500gb to 2 tb so I'm not hard up for space <bioterror> shall we continue on offtopic? <MoLE_> evening all. anyone feel like helping me get mounting samba shares going in pcmanfm? <MoLE_> nice to see you here head_victim <bioterror> yes <bioterror> sudo apt-get install gvfs-backend <bioterror> and open new filemanager <MoLE_> thanks bioterror <bioterror> backends <MoLE_> I was wondering if that was the correct method. <bioterror> I emailed about that to the list today, that it is missing from the iso package <MoLE_> brilliant +1 for that bug <head_victim> Evening MoLE_ , glad I'm not the only one missing gvfs <bioterror> maybe we get it for the 11.04 :-) * bioterror hides * <bioterror> :D <MoLE_> geez sounds like a simple fix, so I hope not <bioterror> it is <MoLE_> bioterror, head_victim >> awesome fix btw, works just like in nautilus now <MoLE_> now I can stream star trek from my server .... :) <Mossyfunk> woo <head_victim> Hah the important things in life <Mossyfunk> love the epic theme song to enterprise HAHA <head_victim> bioterror: on that note is there anyway of getting the mount points to show up in the top left bar (with desktop, trash, applications, etc) like in nautilus? <Mossyfunk> this would be handy * MoLE_ was given entire ds9 collection for birthday :D <bioterror> hmmm <bioterror> gotta check those at home <bioterror> im at work <head_victim> I just added them to the bookmarks <bioterror> yes <bioterror> it should work <Mossyfunk> Fresh install of 10.10 kernel updates failed <Mossyfunk> http://pastebin.com/uDpWdu7j <bioterror> mossy, run apt-get dist-upgrade from terminal <Mossyfunk> wouldn't the update manager install the same upgraded packages? <Mossyfunk> whats the difference? update manager updates the current versions but dist-upgrade upgrades to new package versions? <bioterror> try it out <bioterror> worked for me <Mossyfunk> yeah it worked <Mossyfunk> just wondering why the other one failed <bioterror> dunno, but dont be afraid of the power of command line! <Mossyfunk> hehe no way <Mossyfunk> I just like to know why something does what it does <Mossyfunk> otherwise I kinda freak out lol <bioterror> haha <bioterror> hard to say <bioterror> that glib-error is mystical on boot <Keith_> I have an older Compaq 500 Mhz 512MB RAM 80GB HDD. I've installed Xubuntu but it seems to be using up too many resources. Someone suggested I try Lubuntu. When I burned a CD and tried though, it says I lack 'cmov' and to try another kernel. Any suggestions? <phillw> Keith_: have you run the self test on the cd? <Keith_> I have not <Keith_> I'll do that <phillw> would be a good thing to check, in case of a file corruption. <bioterror> quick googling said that the problem is in the kernel or something <phillw> bioterror: it's odd, as when I asked on ufbt, they are not seeing reports on the forum area. I guess it is possible, but I'd expect the support forum to go into melt-down if there was a kernel problem in the new 10.10 <bioterror> hahahaha <bioterror> I know what's the problem <bioterror> his CPU is i585 and the kernel is for the i686 <phillw> ahhh.... he's going to have to use the mini-iso, then <phillw> I do recall this discussion about dropping support for pre i686 and was totally opposed to it. <bioterror> :-) <bioterror> I think he's using celeron or something <mikedep333> hey guys, I need an honest opinion. The museum I volunteer for has a pentium3 system with 128MB of RAM. I believe it has plenty of HDD space for swap. I'm pretty sure no graphics will be taking up RAM. Should I install lubuntu 10.10 on it (from the minimal installer) or something else like puppy linux? <mikedep333> it's hard for me to judge lubuntu 10.10 with 128MB RAM on a VM because it stores parts of the HDD image, like the swap space, in the host's RAM <phillw> mikedep333: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#Intended%20Audience <mikedep333> yeah <mikedep333> I'm thinking puppy will run faster but will be less usable <mikedep333> a variety of linux noobs will be using the computer <bioterror> it's like americans and british people says tomato <bioterror> you should consider using the mini-iso and fetch lubuntu-desktop <bioterror> that's what I would do <phillw> mikedep333: lubuntu's reason for existance is for older, lower spec computers. you get a good system that is up to date but is very frugal on resources. <phillw> with 128MB ram, you cannot use the standard installation CD, ubiquity needs more than that to run. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/MinimalInstall <mikedep333> phillw: yes, I ran through the minimal install 2 times last night. I was discussing that with you. <mikedep333> one time because the VM 128MB <mikedep333> *the VM had 128MB <phillw> the mini-iso should work with 128MB <mikedep333> phillw: I believe the alternate installer requires only 64MB <mikedep333> one other thing. You guys should strongly considering using midori once it has more compatibility <mikedep333> midori is the very lightweight web browser that still using webkit and ns plugins (eg, flash) <mikedep333> it can access yotuube for example <mikedep333> I believe it is GTK <mikedep333> there's a PPA <phillw> mikedep333: chromium supports html5, and you can access youtube if you take part in http://www.youtube.com/html5 <mikedep333> phillw: oh, right. I remember that <mikedep333> I mentioned midori because I believe it takes up less RAM and CPU time. <bioterror> this discussion seems to be a little offtop and as my sith lord usually suggests, should we move to the #lubuntu-offtopic ;) <phillw> !lxterminal | Mossyfunk <ubot5> Mossyfunk: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal <phillw> !grub2 | Mossyfunk <ubot5> Mossyfunk: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 <Mossyfunk> !sudo | Mossyfunk <ubot5> Mossyfunk, please see my private message <head_victim> !ask | phillw <ubot5> phillw: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) <Mohan_chml> head_victim: LOL <head_victim> Sorry, had to be done <bioterror> Mossyfunk, http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel_x25e_filesystems&num=1 some fact for you regarding JFS <phillw> head_victim: Mossyfunk had not heard of a ubot, I was just demonstrating what sort of thing it can do. <head_victim> phillw: yeah I keep forgetting more and more about what I used to know about it <mikedep333> hey guys. My (GNOME) Ubuntu system is stuck during the (graphical) upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 <mikedep333> I would like to report a bug on that <mikedep333> how should I do that? <mikedep333> I mean <mikedep333> what package? <mikedep333> or special instructions? <mikedep333> is there a log I should attach? <bioterror> ditch the gui <bioterror> hahaha <bioterror> hi <bioterror> do the upgrade from terminal <bioterror> !upgrade <ubot5> For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade <mikedep333> bioterror: yeah, but I want to report a bug <bioterror> launchpad <bioterror> its the place <mikedep333> yes <mikedep333> but what package do I report it on? <mikedep333> sorry, don't know why I got disconnected that time <Benkinooby> hi, sorry for asking this question in this channel, but how can i remove all the lubuntu-desktop stuff from my ubuntu 10.04? removing the lubuntu-desktop packes isn't enough <phillw> Benkinooby: I don't have a full list of what to remove yet, sorry. <mikedep333> Benkinooby: maybe the computer janitor will offer to remove the rest of the lubuntu-desktop <mikedep333> you can try removing every package beginning with "lubuntu". You can try remove the "lxde" metapackage. Also, you can remove every package beginning with "lx" (I'm pretty sure of that, that there are no non-lxde packages beginning with lx.) <mikedep333> I think the computer janitor offers to remove all the packages that are something like "installed but no longer required" <mikedep333> apt-get bugs you about that <mikedep333> when you go to install anything <mikedep333> or upgrade anything * phillw it has been done :) <phillw> he's such a really nice guy, but I'll kill him later for not telling me that he'd done it. <phillw> Benkinooby: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome <phillw> he's one of the forum staff, so his instructions are 100% safe to use. <Benkinooby> phillw, ah, good ol' psychocats ;) i once helped me a lot but i forgot about it ;) <phillw> his pure lxde one is incorrect, I'll go tell him. I know it was on his list of things to do. <Benkinooby> phillw, mikedep333 i used 'sudo aptitude' removed all packages the lubuntu-desktop package depends on and then resolved dependency problems (e.g. packages that belong to gnome and lxde) <phillw> he's a really good guy. <phillw> the psychocats method would have probably been easier :) <mikedep333> Benkinooby: ok, let me know how that works. Let me know if it removed all the lubuntu-desktop specific packages, or at least a good # of them. <Benkinooby> phillw, psychocat only spakes about xubuntu wich is not lubuntu <phillw> Benkinooby: look at http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php under 'Playing around' section on the left <Benkinooby> phillw, removed 40 packages <Benkinooby> kept 40 packages, because the partly belong to gnome, or because i like them (chromium) <phillw> Benkinooby: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9843196&postcount=411 <Benkinooby> mikedep333, i prefer aptitude, becuase it usually manages packages far better than apt-get and also keeps a log of them <Benkinooby> phillw, psychocats packages to be removed are very similar to mine. maybe his method is a bit faster, because he removes everything, and installs gnome later on, while i take a look at all "problematic" packages separately (arund 15 packages) <Benkinooby> phillw, mikedep333 thank you for your patience, time and efforts * phillw waves to hyperair <hyperair> I FOUND THE STUB TO MY WATCH STRAP'S STICK * hyperair bounces around the room in glee <phillw> !topic | bioterror <ubot5> bioterror: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic <bioterror> hey! <bioterror> I'm writing an email! <bioterror> and you're disturbing me ;D <phillw> bioterror: "(15:26:25) ChanServ: (notice) [#lubuntu] Welcome to lubuntu,|| Logs of this channel are available on irclogs.ubuntu.com || Use of this channel implies acceptance of the terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService || For general chat, use #lubuntu-offtopic" * phillw waves to gilir <gilir> hi phillw <|friTTe|> \\o <|friTTe|> double hi <ninji> Hey anyone here knowledgeable about Lubuntu being a tad slow, and boot up(Lubuntu splash is missing, disabled it from grub) being equally slow as well. After it does what seems to be standard linux loading it shuts off the video signal forcing me to turn my monitor on and off to get it back. Then it stays on a black screen(no blinking cursor) for at least 2-3 minutes. Performance in Lubuntu seems to be a bit stuttered as well. I a <ninji> with windows 7 but Grub is on a separate drive. <ninji> It does this from LIVE cd as well as being installed. Does the same kind of shut screen off deal checking the CD from the live disc as well <|friTTe|> no idea what it can be, but sounds strange <bioterror> hmmm <|friTTe|> it can be slow when using Live usb, but what youre describing sounds strange <ninji> Yea, or running from CD the actual desktop can be a little sluggish but right now I have it installed <bioterror> ninji, what kind of computer do you have? <ninji> Core i7 920, 6gb PC1600 DDR3, x58 intel chipset EVGA mobo, Geforce GTX295, Linux is on second partition of a WD raptor, no swap. <bioterror> you've built that machine from scratch? <ninji> yea <ninji> I don't have any problems with Windows, but this is the first time installing Linux on this specific machine <|friTTe|> looks like a monstermachine <|friTTe|> seems strange about it beeing sluggish <ninji> Yea, something is going on and the system is not being verbose about it. In that brief no splash loadup I didn't see any problems, perhaps when its on black screen before login there may be something happening <bioterror> you have the nvidia drivers installed? <|friTTe|> yeah, i have a flatscreen to this older computer with onboard gfx, it wont let me see bios or boot options <|friTTe|> the screen goes to blinking light energysaving mode <|friTTe|> so might be something there when you dont see <ninji> I installed them earlier but they don't seem to fix the problems, nor do they fix the bootup problems. They do introduce a nasty DPI glitch though, which using the startx DPI switch doesn't seem to fix <bioterror> ninji, and BTW <|friTTe|> hm ok <bioterror> you should use mini iso <bioterror> and install lubuntu-desktop <bioterror> becouse you have 64bit system and alot RAM <ninji> hmm thats what I was thinking <bioterror> !minimalcd <ubot5> The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD <ninji> I was just being a bit lazy and seeing if the problem was wide spread <|friTTe|> then you will end up with a really light install <bioterror> !lubuntu-desktop <ninji> Yea, really I am installing Lubuntu to test it out and configure it <|friTTe|> sounds good :) <ninji> I plan on making a music server box with it that is extremely minimal <|friTTe|> i like Lubu, gettting tired of all these fancy gfx and such <bioterror> I saw some suggestions that you should use 64bit drivers <ninji> yea i'll go ahead and load that mini-iso, I have it downloaded already on my windows partition <bioterror> hope you grabbed the 64bit version ;) <|friTTe|> yeah, and pop by and let us know if all went well :) <ninji> Yea, I am not a big fan of the fancy interface either, unless they do something different to change the GUI in such radical ways. I <bioterror> !install ninji <bioterror> !install <ubot5> Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate <ninji> Win7 GUI is all bloat, I hate it <|friTTe|> yeah <ninji> Thanks for the help guys <|friTTe|> i been using Gnome on my main comp, but now i got Lubu on all machines <|friTTe|> the speed is great <|friTTe|> No problem ninji hope you get it up and running <bioterror> just a moment <bioterror> I'll find you the spell <|friTTe|> O_o <ninji> i'll come back later, might be a few hours though. <ninji> spelling of what? <|friTTe|> bioterror, no spells and magic now =) <|friTTe|> think it might be the terminalcommands for Lubuntu minimal <|friTTe|> during install to get the desktop up and running, its really light once installed..tweaking afterwards is fun <bioterror> sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends lubuntu-desktop <bioterror> that's what they usually suggests <ninji> roger that, its the same as in the wiki? <|friTTe|> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/MinimalInstall <|friTTe|> theres the guide i followed <bioterror> yeah <|friTTe|> im to slow <|friTTe|> hehe <bioterror> you got it <|friTTe|> well good luck ninji <ninji> alright guys let me get out of here I needa go find some dinner <bioterror> hope you get your system running <ninji> ha only luck I need is to make sure <bioterror> :D <bioterror> SKILLZ! <bioterror> MAD SKILLZ! <ninji> the partitioner doesn't nuke my previous system by mistake <bioterror> install over it :D <ninji> yea, its fine if it does <ninji> I have all my stuff on a separate drive anyway <ninji> but its a pain in the butt <|friTTe|> thats good <ninji> Seee I fell for the vista ultimate scam <ninji> so I am not using a Win7 proper, can't install off that CD, takes double the time to install win7 <|friTTe|> i never left Xp <ninji> I had a DX10 video card ;) but <ninji> now that steam is on mac OS, opengl might see a resugence <ninji> which is good for linux <ninji> anyway I am out ;) ciao <|friTTe|> ciao #lubuntu 2010-10-15 <zxy_64-2> hi, i have latest lubuntu beta installed and updated. I have intel i810 gfx card. Video plays with stops if i dont use nomodeset kernel option. No i want to enable XV for video. How to do that? <szczur> run Gnome Mplayer <szczur> then select Edit > Preferences > Video output > XV <zxy_64-2> it doesn't work <zxy_64-2> i did: mplayer somevideo.wmv -vo xv <zxy_64-2> and it just plays sound. If i use sdl then it shows video too <zxy_64-2> seems like X vesa driver is the only one that works good enough for video playing and with X11 or sdl <zxy_64-2> xv malfunctions <ninji> Well now it loads fast, though probably is a bit too minimal to the point that I can't get my nvidia drivers to install. Package "binutils" <zxy_64-2> how can i set up some cool screensavers in lubuntu <|friTTe|> Screensavers menu <|friTTe|> and if you want you can use Synaptic and search for Xscreensaver <|friTTe|> got some packages there =) <zxy_64-2> oh, thx <|friTTe|> some are called extras, <|friTTe|> but theres a explanation if you mark a package <|friTTe|> there are actually some nice ones, im using the Matrix code on this machine hehe <Mossyfunk> How do I find out which video driver is being used? <head_victim> Mossyfunk: not sure the best way but I know it does exist in /var/log/Xorg.0/log amongst other things <Mossyfunk> ahh cool thanks man <head_victim> No worries mate <Mossyfunk> its surporisingly enough named "RADEON" <Mossyfunk> I can't find "lubuntu-control-center" as mentioned in a screencast. do I need to add a repo? After fresh install of 10.10 updates were failing but dist-upgrade seemed to fixn and update stuff <kieth> Question: Lubuntu 10.0, installed to Pendrive using Universal USB Installer. Persistence isn't working (set at 3gb). Anyone else have this problem? <kieth> 10.10, sorry <bioterror> kieth, haha, I made yesterday some testings <bioterror> and <GhidorahLaptop> I just tried the lubuntu live 10.10, and I am really liking it. :-) <bioterror> good <GhidorahLaptop> it runs very well on this computer, and i was quite surprised with chromium <bioterror> GhidorahLaptop, still satisfied?-) <GhidorahLaptop> yes <bioterror> :-) <GhidorahLaptop> it is very fast on here, despite only having 512 mb of ram <GhidorahLaptop> i have actually never used chromium before, until tonight <bioterror> GhidorahLaptop, you should install adthawrth or adblock <bioterror> I'm a adthwarth user <bioterror> blocks ads <GhidorahLaptop> i will check it out <GhidorahLaptop> i had adblock plus on firefox <GhidorahLaptop> i will have to figure out how to install plugins on chromium <GhidorahLaptop> ok, i found extensions <bioterror> chrome://extensions <bioterror> ;) <GhidorahLaptop> would you recommend adthwart over adblock? <GhidorahLaptop> i have only ever used adblock <bioterror> you can try out both, which you like more <GhidorahLaptop> i am glad that i installed <bioterror> yeah, lubuntu breaths new life to older hardware <GhidorahLaptop> i had ubuntu on it before, but i wanted something different <bioterror> you might wanna join #ubuntu-offtopic <bioterror> sorry <bioterror> #lubuntu-offtopic <bioterror> it's a channel where we chat all kind of things, this is mainly for the help <GhidorahLaptop> ok <ninji> hey anyone around? <bioterror> I am <ninji> Yea, I found this patch https://bugtrack.alsa-project.org/alsa-bug/view.php?id=5147 <ninji> I wouldn't know where to begin on how to apply it <ninji> It supposedly modifies ctatc.c, but I couldn't even find that file on my system to edit it <ninji> http://www.pixelmonkey.org/2007/03/18/dv2000-alsa-patches I tried following those directions, but all I did was break alsa completely. <bioterror> !share <bioterror> !networkshare <bioterror> !network <ubot5> Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs <ninji> any ideas? <bioterror> hmmm <bioterror> so you're having problems with sounds? <ninji> Yea, its only out of the spdif output. Or rather through bit-perfect output <ninji> it plays in mono <ninji> well <ninji> worst than mono <ninji> it plays out of a single channel, rather than both. <bioterror> :D <bioterror> back in the 70's <bioterror> or something <ninji> Its the "IEC958" Digital Audio output <bioterror> gramophone <ninji> gramophone, I am a bit young for that <bioterror> :D <bioterror> but let's think about your problem more <GhidorahLaptop> when i try to watch the chromium screencast which is a mp4 video, my chromium is missing a plugin. What do I need to install to fix that? <ninji> lost my chat bar <ninji> anyway if I could make a working Alsa compile with that patch the problem should be fixed. It might already be fixed in 1.23, but it seems lubuntu is 1.22 <bioterror> running 10.10 and <bioterror> Source: alsa-driver <bioterror> Version: 1.0.23+dfsg-1ubuntu4 <ninji> according to the package manager I am running <ninji> I am using that 64-bit mini-iso <ninji> Is it not updated to 10.10? <bioterror> oukey <bioterror> he quitted <bioterror> didnt have time to paste package <ninji> ? <ninji> That guy? <bioterror> yeah <bioterror> people come and go <ninji> Maybe he had same bug as me ;) <ninji> I lost chat bar a second ago since I am not using a real irc client <bioterror> ahh <bioterror> you guys should use xchat or something <ninji> Too lazy <ninji> I might later if I come back more <bioterror> hmm <bioterror> still wondering your sound problem <ninji> Well according to others, it has much to do with releasing the resource. <ninji> + /* Clear both chans */ + dao->ops->clear_left_input(dao); + dao->ops->clear_right_input(dao); <ninji> that is part of the patch which proves this <ninji> Not completely sure though, been a while since I have even used linux, even with its increased simplicitiy the backend workings are a bit alien to me atm <bioterror> http://joeb454.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1336235 <bioterror> gotta keep googling <ninji> I'll try it, but I am getting sound. Just out of one earphone(or speaker). <ninji> yea the mixer gives me a pretty alsamixer gui <bioterror> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/358118 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 358118 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "ALSA SPDIF IEC958 output no longer bit perfect (regression) (affected: 0, heat: 9)" [Medium,Triaged] <ninji> well then, seems like I got a bit of bad luck with that one <ninji> though <bioterror> basicly you're not alone with problems <ninji> it explains why the output is not bit-perfect, but still doesn't explain channel imbalance which is an xfi issue <ninji> Yea, hmm I wanted to test this out but seems like i'll have to wait a while. Lets assume an update comes out for Alsa, how would I update to it with lubuntu? <ninji> especialyl since my synaptec is 1.0.22 and yours is 1.0.23 <ninji> doesn't seem like its proper <bioterror> I'm running 32bit <bioterror> hmm <bioterror> let's have a look <bioterror> yeah <bioterror> my linux mint 9 machine says Version: <ninji> but your lubuntu is 1.0.23? <bioterror> yes <ninji> hmm, looking for a repository I could maybe add to sources that will upgrade my alsa <bioterror> my ex coworker had hp dv laptop <bioterror> and he always had some problems running ubuntus, but nothing with SuSe <bioterror> and I was always configuring it for him <bioterror> and once he askd if I would like to have bottle of something <bioterror> and he offered redwine, but I said i'm a whiskey person more <bioterror> and ofcourse I got the cheppeast and bad testing bottle :D <ninji> ha <bioterror> it was disgusting even with the coke :D <ninji> Yea I always have problems with Linux <ninji> because my hardware is not necessarily matched for it. <ninji> I am pretty sure with a USB transport on a Intel Atom box I won't have nearly as much trouble as I am with this one <bioterror> I havent had any problems with my INTEL D945GLF2 <ninji> Yea thats what I figure <bioterror> but that sounds thing, it's a challenge <ninji> only for this machine <bioterror> :D <Octavio> O you are here ninji :) <ninji> but if alsa is not bit-perfect in its current build I would have no control over that <ninji> yep I am ;) <Octavio> lol i have like 2 months without entering this channel, so busy with college <ninji> but this xfi channel imbalance, theres a fix out there I just need to get it patched into alsa. <ninji> I don't think I am a ninji you know <GhidorahLaptop> when i try to open a video, i get this: Failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - but, the video still runs. I want to get rid of the error, but i do not know what to do * Octavio googling.... define:ninji <ninji> What video player are you using Ghidorah? <bioterror> GhidorahLaptop, http://vsingleton.blogspot.com/2010/02/failed-to-open-vdpau-backend.html <GhidorahLaptop> gnome mplayer <ninji> yea try that blog <GhidorahLaptop> ok thanks <GhidorahLaptop> solved <bioterror> hmmm <bioterror> wish I could help you ninji <GhidorahLaptop> now i need to find out why chromium cant play embedded mp4 videos such as the lubuntu screencast about chromium <bioterror> but I have to raise my hands up <Octavio> Well guys is 3:23 am here in Sonora(Mexico). I hope we call talk more tomorrow. : ) See you all. <bioterror> GhidorahLaptop, sudo apt-get install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra && killall chromium-browser <bioterror> :D <ninji> thats fine i <ninji> i'll figure something out <ninji> ciao man <ninji> @octavio <meetingology> ninji: Error: "octavio" is not a valid command. <bioterror> :) <ninji> bah forgot IRC commands started with @ usually <bioterror> nope, ! or . ;) <Octavio> ^_ - <bioterror> @help <meetingology> bioterror: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. <bioterror> @plugins <meetingology> bioterror: Error: "plugins" is not a valid command. <bioterror> @list plugins <meetingology> bioterror: Error: 'plugins' is not a valid plugin. <ninji> alright I am going to try updating alsa without any patch, going to be a while and will probably go to bed <ninji> so night ;) <GhidorahLaptop> bioterror, that is already installed <bioterror> GhidorahLaptop, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-nonfree ;) <GhidorahLaptop> no luck with that either :-/ <|friTTe|> morning my brothers from another mother <Octavio> Well I'm leaving now, see you soon guys :)- <GhidorahLaptop> would chromium-codecs-ffmpeg get the mp4 playing? <GhidorahLaptop> i have extra, and nonfree, but it still wont play <bioterror> it should be intalled by defaul <bioterror> t <bioterror> you can check it out too <bioterror> if it's not <GhidorahLaptop> i installed it, and it removed extra, and nonfree, and still wont play <bioterror> cant understand <GhidorahLaptop> i dont eithe <GhidorahLaptop> r <GhidorahLaptop> the only format i am having trouble playing is .mp4 <bioterror> yeah, and it should be supported <bioterror> :D <bioterror> can you share the file with me? <bioterror> is it on a webpage <bioterror> that I can leech it <GhidorahLaptop> http://lubuntu.net/node/25 <bioterror> just a moment <bioterror> using pendrive and installing citrix icaclient <|friTTe|> wont play for me either <bioterror> http://a48.video2.blip.tv/6840003728296/Llelectronics-LubuntuWebbrowser237.mp4?bri=9.1&brs=4228 <GhidorahLaptop> that link works <GhidorahLaptop> i have a question about when starting up lubuntu. right before it gets to the logon screen, there is a quick screen with some sort of error, but i can't read it in time. do you know of it? <bioterror> GLib-something? <GhidorahLaptop> yeah <bioterror> I get the same :D <Mossyfunk> same here <Mossyfunk> hey bioterror <bioterror> hi <bioterror> hmmm <bioterror> I have nothing in logs about that <Mossyfunk> 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// <Mossyfunk> srry <GhidorahLaptop> no sounds working on pidgin <bioterror> booted twice and didnt see it <GhidorahLaptop> (07:21:03) gstreamer: Resource not found. is what i get in pidgin debug window when i try to preview a sound on pidgin <bioterror> GhidorahLaptop, cannot help you with that one <slow-motion> i can't find the lubuntu-control-center from the video on lubuntu.net <slow-motion> where is it? <|friTTe|> i think that a.deb file you will have to download <|friTTe|> i dont have it either <slow-motion> https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa < ok, i found a ppa for it <|friTTe|> yeah there it is <|friTTe|> hmm hehe id ditn have that Ppa =) <|friTTe|> well i do now <slow-motion> it ist most of the settings menu together in one tool. but it looks like a nice to have thing <|friTTe|> yeah, but it looks really nice <|friTTe|> easy to find all the stuff <slow-motion> yes <slow-motion> i tried lubuntu on my laptop, switched to xubuntu because i was more familar with it and now back to lubuntu, because xubuntu looked to "heavy" for my taste <slow-motion> gotta go now <|friTTe|> sure <head_victim> So to get the "proper" lubuntu experience the PPA is pretty much required? <head_victim> From what I read it was only really for testing, is that not the case? <leszek> hi <head_victim> Hello leszek <head_victim> Wish me luck, my VM for lubuntu is going to natty as we speak <leszek> :) <mrandrzejak> is it possible to install the Ubuntu Software Center in Lubuntu? <szczur> yes, without problems <szczur> sudo apt-get install software-center <mrandrzejak> bingo! thanks <szczur> or use synaptic to do that <Guest63195> Where do we go to suggest changes to the GRUB used by Lubuntu? <leszek> kieths: you can subscribe the mailinglist, but basically I guess you go to Ubuntu as Lubuntu uses the ubuntu grub <GhidorahLaptop> is there any fix for this GLib WARNING getpwuid_r failed due to unknown user id 0? it occurs right before the login screen. <kieths> The splash (using live Pendrive) show Lubuntu, then a cropped off Lubuntu graphic at the bottom of the screen.... <kieths> And when exiting (shutdown), it says to remove the cd, then hit enter.... Don't want that on my SD/ USB installation. Wasn't there in 10.04. Regression on 10.10 <kieths> Guessing the Logo / splash screen with the menu and all is GRUB (probably a graphic artwork gone awry). <kieths> The Shutdown asking for ENTER, can't guess when that's coded. <GhidorahLaptop> wooot, just figured out what was wrong with my sound in pidgin. <leszek> kieths: that has both nothing to do with grub <kieths> Very good. With what part does it deal? <leszek> kieths: for getting away the eject message try to add the boot option : "noeject noprompt" <leszek> this should supress the message <leszek> the splash during booting is created using plymouth <kieths> hmmmm... Using the shortcut (lower right corner), clicking Shutdown. I'm guessing I'd need to find a way to modify the GUI's link? <leszek> kieths: no I mean the bootoption in grub <kieths> Plymouth. That's a point in the right direction, thanks. Will chase down the artwork designer on Plymouth. <kieths> Might be able to modify the graphic screen if I can identify which file it is. <leszek> kieths: the artwork is alright <leszek> its no artwork problem <kieths> It says lubuntu, (1/3 down from top), then lubuntu at the bottom, slightly cropped off. <kieths> It's that hazy blue-white - -- a graphic, not text <kieths> Perhaps its just not justified to full screen, and instead is tiling.. <leszek> kieths: you are talking about the bootsplash that also shows the animated dots while booting ? <kieths> before. selection menu background <leszek> ah ok, then its the syslinux graphics I guess. Did you create the live usb stick with usb-creator ? <kieths> universal usb installer <leszek> I don't know this one but I highly guess that this universal usb installer did something wrong <kieths> looks same as when blasted to cd... <kieths> worked on 10.04 <kieths> also, no 'remove cd / press enter' prompt on 10.04, but there is on 10.10. <kieths> ....both, as default <leszek> I cannot reproduce this here with the lubuntu live cd (the graphics look like this: http://yfrog.com/2cbildschirmfoto1scp <leszek> kieths: the prompt to 'remove cd and press enter' is there since ubuntu 5.04 :P <leszek> as I said before it can be deactivated by adding "noprompt noeject" to the bootoptions <kieths> I see historical 'fixes' and refs to it. Assuming the universal USB Installer did something to remove it for 10.04 during USB install (MUCH MUCH preferred!!!), but didn't do so on 10.10 <leszek> yeah it added noeject to the bootoptions in 10.04 I guess <kieths> bootoptions.... will search to find whereabouts, assuming preferences or similar.. <kieths> makes perfect sense - and makes even more sense when its not a cd! <leszek> kieths: no those boot options are those ones you can type in by pressing f6 here: http://img84.imageshack.us/i/bildschirmfoto1sc.png/ <leszek> I guess universal usb installer is using syslinux so there you might simply add those options in the syslinux.cfg file on your usb stick <kieths> then.... select each time? no good. Using the installatoin as a fast in, fast out one trick pony, running a script. Don't want click here, there options in the way.. <kieths> Wikll look into that - compare 10.04 vs 10.10 USB files <leszek> as I said you can edit the syslinux.cfg and add the option there right after quiet splash <kieths> good stuff...and thank you very very for the direction... <leszek> :) <kieths> Dropped the timeout to 1 sec, auto-select first option. Inside Lubuntu, added a startup script to auto-delete the Install to hdd shortcut which auto-adds itself each boot. <kieths> Made a 'real-feel' OS. Google bombed (persistence enabled, so it's persistantly dead), so added my preferred browser, Firefox. * phillw waves to leszek :) <leszek> :) <czz> my remaining battery percentage is stuck at "estimating". <czz> any know fixes? <czz> known* <bioterror> ur battery is okay? <czz> seems to be <leszek> czz: I think its a known bug , see the release announcement of ubuntu <leszek> no fix avaiable I guess <czz> far enough, thanks <manfredrasta> hi all <bioterror> howdy <manfredrasta> anybody knows a good way to download videos like from youtube? <|friTTe|> \\O <bioterror> yes <bioterror> youtube-dl - download videos from youtube <manfredrasta> gooD! <|friTTe|> clipgrab * phillw uses a plugin for firefox <|friTTe|> clipgrab is awesome, can choose resolution and all too <manfredrasta> i dont use firefox <bioterror> manfredrasta, apt-cache show youtube-dl <bioterror> shows you the information <manfredrasta> i use chromium <manfredrasta> and for any flash video? not only youtube? <phillw> manfredrasta: so do I the vast majority of the time, there are some web developers tools still only on Ffox, although the chromium team are making astounding progress. <manfredrasta> phillw, ok, and that plug in for firefox? <bioterror> manfredrasta, http://rtmpdump.mplayerhq.hu/ <manfredrasta> phillw, also have ff <manfredrasta> hi? <phillw> manfredrasta: http://www.downloadhelper.net/ <manfredrasta> phillw, ok <phillw> Ahh, well cool :D http://chrispederick.com/work/web-developer/ is now available for Chrome/Chromium :) <phillw> I know he was working on it. <manfredrasta> phillw, ill try that <phillw> manfredrasta: It's the only real reason I still use Ffox, as it links up for testing my accessibilty for my coding. <manfredrasta> phillw, nothing to do with my problem :) <manfredrasta> phillw, i thought it was a download plugin for chromium <phillw> no, that plug in just for people who write web sites <manfredrasta> phillw, i write web sites :) <phillw> the one bioterror gave you would probably be better for downloading stuff. <manfredrasta> phillw, what do you mean? <phillw> well, it is available now in chromium, which means I do not need both browsers running :) <manfredrasta> phillw, ok <manfredrasta> phillw, ill try with ff <manfredrasta> phillw, its not a problem <phillw> manfredrasta: I write to http://mgjuddltd.co.uk/conformance.php standards <manfredrasta> phillw, what is that page¿ <phillw> the culmination of two months of testing and re-writing :) <phillw> I was so close the AAA, the guys who push for it gave me loads of help. <phillw> I'd have settled for AA, but they said I could achieve AAA <manfredrasta> phillw, i dont understand what do you mean by AA or AAA <phillw> There are 3 grades for web accessibilty, know a 1, 2 3 and also as A, AA, and AAA, with 3 and AAA being the highest. <phillw> manfredrasta: http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=32 charts my progress. <manfredrasta> phillw, and once i have an .flv file? <manfredrasta> phillw, how can i wach it? <phillw> the player in lubuntu should be able to play it <manfredrasta> phillw, ok. ill tell you :) <manfredrasta> phillw, it works <manfredrasta> thank you <phillw> you're welcome. <GhidorahLaptop> i really like lubuntu, but unfortunately, i have a habit of making a mess of installations, so i will have to reinstall tonight <phillw> GhidorahLaptop: if you're one who likes messsing and breaking things, you may want to make a sperate /home partition so your personal data is safe. <GhidorahLaptop> the only problem i had that i really know of was that pidgin wasn't playing sounds, but i got that solved <GhidorahLaptop> i am really impressed with chromium <GhidorahLaptop> what would be a good size for the / partition ? <phillw> the / partition only needs to be couple of GB. <czz> what makes lubuntu so appealing? <czz> and how does it use less resources? <phillw> czz: It's small, lean and keen. the use of lxde instead of gnome / xfce means it has a lower over head. Also the programmes that have been chosen are very carefully chosen to be the lowest over head possible, yet be functional. <phillw> czz: there's a joke that if we want a programme adding to the list, it must use no disk space, and no RAM or CPU time when it runs ;) #lubuntu 2010-10-16 <czz> it's a lot smoother than ubuntu netbook remix <|friTTe|> =) <|friTTe|> and you can still configurate it so it looks the way you want <|friTTe|> and still its fast <czz> chromium seems to want all my cpu while on youtube <phillw> czz: are you using flash? <bioterror> I'm not suprised <bioterror> flash eats a lot of cpu <phillw> you can sign up for the html5 trial with you-tube, http://www.youtube.com/html5 <czz> yes, im using flash. <phillw> czz: try the html5 testing out and see how you get on. html5 will eventually phase out flash. <czz> about a 25-30% improvement <czz> pretty solid for beta <phillw> I know some people have found it does make a pretty decent improvement, but html5 is still in its own beta stage, so do not expect miracles, video playing is quite cpu intensive :) <czz> im trying to uninstall some programs without getting rid of the taskbar <czz> it demands that i remove the lubuntu-taskbar if i want to continue <victoria> help i just installed lubuntu from scratch and the wireless card is not working <victoria> i have a laptop compaq presario cq40-324la <Mossyfunk> victoria, did you choose during the installation to install the third party software package? <victoria> not as far as i can remember <victoria> i didnt no <Mossyfunk> ahh... it says during installation that it is needed for some wireless hardware. <victoria> what do i do then? reinstall? <Mossyfunk> no <Mossyfunk> sorry is it 10.04 or 10.10 <Mossyfunk> ? <victoria> 10.10 <Mossyfunk> there should be a package names "lubuntu-restricted-extras" <Mossyfunk> it contains all the third party software to play flash and mp3 and such <victoria> ok <victoria> synaptic? <Mossyfunk> yes <Mossyfunk> I see there are 2 packages, lubuntu-restricted-extras and lubuntu-restricted-addons <Mossyfunk> I myself don't have any wireless hardware so this is far as I can advise you <victoria> ok <victoria> thankyou <victoria> how do you make a shortcut <victoria> on the desktop <victoria> like a launcher <victoria> for firefox and chromium <Mossyfunk> I am currently trying to work that one out myself =D <victoria> oh ok <victoria> let me know <Mossyfunk> sure thing =) <Mossyfunk> welcome to lubuntu irc =) <victoria> takk <bioterror> hmm <head_victim> Shortcuts on the desktop should be as easy as right click and create launcher? <victoria> i didnt see that option <bioterror> actually <bioterror> drag n drop <head_victim> Hmm it's not there. Sorry for that <head_victim> But chromium and pcmanfm are both on the taskbar by default <bioterror> okay <bioterror> start your file browser <bioterror> and head to the /usr/share/applications <bioterror> and drang n drop your desired application to the desktop <bioterror> it should work <bioterror> if it doesnt <bioterror> then "copy & paste" ;) <Mossyfunk> woop tyvm bioterror <bioterror> yes, copy and paste works better <Mossyfunk> thats the folder I was looking for =)\ <bioterror> gotta remember it <victoria> i cant find the usr share apps folder <bioterror> it's applications <victoria> it said permission denied <victoria> error moving file <Mossyfunk> hmmmm weird it worked for me <bioterror> dont move <bioterror> copy <victoria> worked <bioterror> yeah <bioterror> there you go ;) <Mossyfunk> Anyone else get the start menu skin sticking on left panel after its closed? <Mossyfunk> I set up a panel on the left of the screen* <bioterror> I built my router/firewall on Lubuntu 10.04 <bioterror> :D <bioterror> it took me a whole night, hahaha <bioterror> mrs. bioterror is sooooo going to rip her me apart <bioterror> -her :D <bioterror> but my system is faaast <victoria> ok i am going to reboot now to see if the lunbuntu extras will solve the wifi problem <bioterror> :-) <Mossyfunk> ATI site tells me their legacy drivers will only work on linux distrobutions pre Feb 09 <victoria> didnt work <bioterror> ofcourse it did not <bioterror> :-) <bioterror> you should first find out which wlan chipset you have <bioterror> it could help us alot <bioterror> maybe in terminal "dmesg |grep wlan" <bioterror> without "" <victoria> it didnt give me any output <victoria> just the prompt again <bioterror> okay <bioterror> your kernel cant recognize the wlan <victoria> but it does on the other one <victoria> i mean, i guess it must, because it works fine on it <victoria> i installed wicd and it works fine on it <victoria> i tried downloading the drivers from the preferences menu but they both gave errors <bioterror> wha other one? <victoria> i have a laptop of the same model <victoria> i upgraded from 10.04 lubuntu to 10.10 <victoria> and it works fine <victoria> the wireless <bioterror> and that one is 10.04? <victoria> this one i installed 10.10 from scratch just now <bioterror> okay <victoria> listen i dont believe in fairy dust <victoria> but i am here <bioterror> :-) <bioterror> I'm trying to help you out <bioterror> just a moment <victoria> i know, i put my pants the same way everyone else does <victoria> one leg at a time <victoria> so no worries <victoria> hmm <victoria> i went to the preferences drivers tab again and it says broadcom sta driver is installed and currently used <victoria> the atenna does seem to be on <victoria> but theres no detection of wireless networks <bioterror> seems to be weird <bioterror> but I have to say that I'm really tired, it's 06:49 and I haven wake up 24 hours ago <victoria> bioterror, <head_victim> victoria: some people are reporting that it only seems to work when connected to the internet when installing http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1485247 <victoria> http://pastebin.com/4jdSstdE <head_victim> victoria: and there is also someone who has created a little diagnostic script apparently to help out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1499289 <victoria> head_victim, so which do you recomend i do <head_victim> I'd start with the diagnostic <head_victim> Depends on how much you have put into setting it all up, if it's still a fresh install mightn't hurt to reinstall with the ethernet connected if that's only going to be a 5 minute thing. <victoria> ok i will try that instead <victoria> brb <OLD> Hey <bioterror> hi <OLD> I am in process of installing lubuntu <bioterror> yes <OLD> I notice a chroium icon (blue and white icon) is that the defaut brower installed with it? <bioterror> yes <OLD> sweet <bioterror> indeed <OLD> its chromium and not chrome? <bioterror> yes, it's chromium <bioterror> chrome is blue, red yellow or what was it <OLD> chrome is blue yellow red <OLD> chromium is light blue, dark blue white <bioterror> chrome is almost same, but without sending logs about your activity and without bundled flashplayer <bioterror> feel free to surf ;) <OLD> which I can intall with ubuntu extras right? <bioterror> with the fastest browser you can get <bioterror> yes <bioterror> I assume you tapped those check boxes in the beginning of installation <bioterror> I did so <bioterror> :-) <OLD> oh thats what that is lol <OLD> I would have done the comand in terminal non the less <OLD> how much sace does a total clean install take? <OLD> ts installing as we speak <Mossyfunk> How do I get a rundows of used space on partitions from CLI? <Mossyfunk> *rundown <Mossyfunk> disk manager shows capacity but nopt available space <Mossyfunk> *disk utility <Mossyfunk> /dev/sda2 23G 1.9G 20G 9% / <Mossyfunk> 1.9GB for fresh install of 10.10 <MonthOLDpickle> thanks thats light! <Mossyfunk> indeed <MonthOLDpickle> its taking forever =( <Mossyfunk> I installed from usb drive ZOOM! =) <MonthOLDpickle> mine is from usb <MonthOLDpickle> no cd drive on this lol <MonthOLDpickle> woo done <bioterror> CD is so 80's <MonthOLDpickle> lol its a dell mini 9 <bioterror> I'm using Dell Latitude D420 <bioterror> and my docking bay is 30km away from ;) <MonthOLDpickle> docking bay as in kb, mouse external monitor on it? <MonthOLDpickle> Also I don't need to do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras? <bioterror> lubuntu-restricted-extras <bioterror> you can install that one <Mossyfunk> whats the difference between lubuntu-restricted-extras and lubuntu-restricted-addons? <bioterror> lubuntu tries to dodge gnome packages ;) <MonthOLDpickle> so that is the difference? <MonthOLDpickle> between extras and addons? <bioterror> well <bioterror> I havent done dpkg -L for both of those packages <bioterror> but lubuntu is suggested to use with lubuntu <bioterror> let's have a look <bioterror> lubuntu <bioterror> Depends: lubuntu-restricted-addons <bioterror> Recommends: ttf-mscorefonts-installer, unrar, libavcodec-extra-52, libmp4v2-0 <bioterror> Filename: pool/universe/u/ubuntu-restricted-extras/lubuntu-restricted-extras_42_i386.deb <bioterror> and the ubuntu <bioterror> Recommends: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse, ttf-mscorefonts-installer, unrar, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse, libavcodec-extra-52, libmp4v2-0 <bioterror> Filename: pool/multiverse/u/ubuntu-restricted-extras/ubuntu-restricted-extras_42_i386.deb <MonthOLDpickle> oh hummm <MonthOLDpickle> Do I even need to do extras and addons? <MonthOLDpickle> Also everytime I boot up and my card auto connects I have to use a keyring? <Mossyfunk> only if you plan to use proprietry software ie play mp3's or watch youtube videos <bioterror> MonthOLDpickle, edit the connection and tap the Available for all users <MonthOLDpickle> youtube works in chromium already <bioterror> then it doesnt ask for the keyring anymore <bioterror> and connects automatically (if you have tapped that checkbox too, by default it should be tapped) <MonthOLDpickle> I want to instll bot sentry for pidgin <MonthOLDpickle> how do I search in terminal <bioterror> search what <MonthOLDpickle> bot sentrtry <bioterror> apt-get packages or files on your filesystem <MonthOLDpickle> don't know exact full name <bioterror> apt-cache search pidgin |grep sentry <MonthOLDpickle> thanks <bioterror> np <bioterror> apt-cache > synaptic ;) <bioterror> and you can do a search like this <bioterror> apt-cache search pidgin |more <bioterror> apt-cache show pidgin-bot-sentry <bioterror> hi hyperair <hyperair> bioterror: hello. <MonthOLDpickle> Hey <MonthOLDpickle> I just noticed hitting the power button does nothing on the laptop but I just turned the laptop off <bioterror> :D <bioterror> but now I have to flee <bioterror> laters ;) <|friTTe|> \O/ <head_victim> This is the second Lubuntu install that has tried to log me into a "Default" but only works when you change that session to "Lubuntu" <Mossyfunk> weird <head_victim> At least I didn't make it auto login like I did on my first one. Made it harder to find the error. <Mossyfunk> How do I generate a new openPGP key in lubuntu? the launchpad.net instructions assume you are using gnome <Mossyfunk> well.. ubuntu-desktop <head_victim> Should be the same? <|friTTe|> its just the text editor that differs <|friTTe|> gedit in gnome and leafpad in lxde <Mossyfunk> The easiest way to generate a new OpenPGP key in Ubuntu is to use the Passwords and Encryption Keys tool. <Mossyfunk> Step 1: Open Applications > Accessories > Passwords and Encryption Keys. <Mossyfunk> Step 2: Select File > New, select PGP Key and then follow the on-screen instructions. <Mossyfunk> Now you'll see your new key listed in the Passwords and Encryption Keys tool. <|friTTe|> Mossyfunk, i know i struggled when i signed that one <|friTTe|> oh <|friTTe|> yeah <|friTTe|> hmm well we better try to sort that out, i dont know tbh <head_victim> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto <Mossyfunk> heh yeah was just reading through that <Mossyfunk> I seem to have this part of my brain broken where I don't see something right in front of me until I ask someone else lol <|friTTe|> i know the feeling =) <Mossyfunk> head_victim, |friTTe|, ty <Mossyfunk> =) <Mossyfunk> <3 <head_victim> Mossyfunk: it's what we're here for :) <|friTTe|> :) <kosaidpo> hello guys <kosaidpo> any recommendation for a light rss reader ? <bioterror> if you replace your sylpheed with clawsmail you can install claws-mail-feeds-reader <head_victim> Hmm there is a RSS extension for Chrome, looking to see if it works for Chromium <kosaidpo> bioterror: hi well infact im lookin for some client specific to rss only you kno <kosaidpo> noo i mean adesktop client you got <kosaidpo> it does i use it <|friTTe|> use google reader <kosaidpo> well i wanna get a client so if i dont have the net i can still read <|friTTe|> ook <|friTTe|> kosaidpo, http://www.rss-specifications.com/rss-reader-linux.htm <|friTTe|> theres some diff ones <kosaidpo> |friTTe|: thanks : ) <|friTTe|> ive been using Liferea couple of times. that one is pretty nice <|friTTe|> http://liferea.sourceforge.net/ <|friTTe|> i like thtat one, nice looking layout <kosaidpo> is it light ?? <|friTTe|> gtk/gnome <|friTTe|> i had gnome when i tried it but <|friTTe|> dont seem to be heavy <kosaidpo> yeh i saw gnome thats why i asked ill give it a try ? <kosaidpo> btw guys <|friTTe|> yeah <kosaidpo> anyone here using hotot ?? it doesnt support list yet or only me idk from to get it <|friTTe|> check out what dependencies it wanna install <kosaidpo> yehh <|friTTe|> some wanna add gnome stuff <|friTTe|> no havent tried it <|friTTe|> switched on my android from seesmic to tweetdeck <|friTTe|> gonna check out some alts for my desktop <kosaidpo> welli find hotot way col and light then tweetdeck tho <kosaidpo> tweetteck too much unusfull options <|friTTe|> ok <|friTTe|> works good with Lubuntu? <|friTTe|> hootot <kosaidpo> frit yesss <kosaidpo> is very cool with my memory ram <|friTTe|> alright =D will check it out then <kosaidpo> im kinda sure you ll adopt it <Mossyfunk> should I trust apt-get telling me that packages such as reiserfsprogs rdate python-webkit localechooser-data <Mossyfunk> ecryptfs-utils are no longer needed? why the hell are they there on a clean install if they are not needed? and why would I remove filesystem tools? <bioterror> yes <kosaidpo1> hello <kosaidpo1> guys i dl lifearea now so is there any way to link it with my google reader ?? <kosaidpo1> or like configure chomuim to subscribe me but using lifearea ? <Mossyfunk> Is there a way to setup sylpheed to automatically decrypt pgp encrypted emails? <Mossyfunk> or do I need to export to file and dfo it manually <Mossyfunk> I seemingly can set it to automatically encrypt emails I send so I should be able to set it to do the reverse no? <CrackerJackz> is anyone around? <bioterror> yep <Mossyfunk> Hey CrackerJackz =) <CrackerJackz> Mossyfunk, i have an old computer that has a 300 mhz processor, 128 mb of ram, and a 6 GB hard drive <CrackerJackz> i'm looking for a linux distrabution that's right for me <bioterror> if you can boot lubuntu 10.10 with your computer, you've found the correct one <CrackerJackz> bioterror, well i'm just concerned about the hard drive space <bioterror> Lubuntu takes 1.8GB with fresh installation <Mossyfunk> "Minimum requirements for lubuntu are comparable to Pentium II or Celeron systems with a 128 Mb RAM configuration, which may yield a slow yet usable system with lubuntu." <CrackerJackz> bioterror, even after updates only 1.8gb? <bioterror> yes <CrackerJackz> can you think of anything that might be better than lubuntu for my scenerio? <bioterror> well <CrackerJackz> i was thinking dsl maybe <bioterror> after lubuntu comes Salix OS, which is based on Slackware <CrackerJackz> and slackware is similar to debian i think <CrackerJackz> it uses apt-get for package management right? <bioterror> it's i486 optimized and also has a LXDE version of it <bioterror> it uses slapt-get <CrackerJackz> about how much space does slackware take up? <bioterror> but ubuntu can provide alot more programs <bioterror> hmmm <CrackerJackz> well the computer is only going to be used for checking email, watching youtube videos, listening to music <bioterror> it's almost the same <bioterror> 6GB is enough <bioterror> but you should go with the lubuntu, and think salix as a plan b <CrackerJackz> how hard do you think it would be to get thi cisco aironet 350 series wireless adapter to work with it? <bioterror> I gotta hit the shower, my daughter is yelling at me :d <bioterror> laters <CrackerJackz> bioterror, okay. thank you for your advice <Mossyfunk> later bioterror =) <Mossyfunk> CrackerJackz, I am a newbie can't help much sorry <CrackerJackz> Mossyfunk, that's okay <Mossyfunk> lubuntu is ultra fast on my P4 though compared to other distros <CrackerJackz> Mossyfunk, i have gentoo on the computer i'm using now.. <CrackerJackz> but i have this old computer that has a pentium 2 processor, 128 mb of ram and 6gb of hard drive space <bioterror> gentoo, you should be advanced user then <bioterror> ;) <bioterror> even I dislike the gentoo installation from scratch <Mossyfunk> I gave it a go, but figured "whats the bloody point" and installed lubuntu =) <Mossyfunk> I will follow LFS book in the future to learn but for now I'm happy here <CrackerJackz> bioterror, i'm still learning actually <CrackerJackz> gentoo was my very first distro <CrackerJackz> ubuntu my second <CrackerJackz> actually i take that back <CrackerJackz> when i was 13 i installed mandrake on a computer of mine <CrackerJackz> but never knew how to work it <bioterror> did you install gentoo with chrooting and stuff like that? or did you use installer/livecd? <CrackerJackz> didnt know how to open up any of my files or anything <CrackerJackz> so i just said screw it <CrackerJackz> stopped using it <CrackerJackz> couldnt even get it on the internet <CrackerJackz> then when i was like 18.. 19 years old <CrackerJackz> i met someone and they started teaching me about linux <CrackerJackz> they had me install gentoo lol <CrackerJackz> bioterror, i used the live cd <CrackerJackz> first gentoo install my friend installed for me <CrackerJackz> from several states away <CrackerJackz> he had me setup ssh <CrackerJackz> and screen <CrackerJackz> and he ssh'd in <bioterror> yes <CrackerJackz> and ran screen on my computer so that i could see what he was doing <CrackerJackz> it was pretty cool actually <bioterror> but you missed the educational part of it ;) <CrackerJackz> i've installed gentoo on other computrs since then though <CrackerJackz> i will admit it is a bit of a pain in the ass to compile your own kernel from source if you don't know what you're doing <CrackerJackz> theres no way i coulda installed gentoo by my self the first time.. i knew absolutely nothing about linux <CrackerJackz> other than it was an operating system <bioterror> but hey <bioterror> if we wanna chat about this more, you should join #lubuntu-offtopic <bioterror> this is for the helping ;) <CrackerJackz> okay <pip_> I've upgraded to 10.10 cos my live cd kept crashing, now I only have 1 theme. Help <bioterror> 1 theme <bioterror> you mean the default lubuntu theme? <pip_> 1 theme, clearlooks <pip_> I'd like the new pretty default one <bioterror> you should get it <pip_> it's been a bit of a nightmare, not being able to clean install <bioterror> hmmm <bioterror> what if you say <bioterror> sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends lubuntu-desktop <bioterror> we could start with this one <pip_> aha, i'll give it a go <pip_> already newest version <pip_> its a bit weird I did an upgrde a day or so ago, which gave me the new theme <bioterror> okay <pip_> then i borked the system & had to reinstall 10.04 & upgrade again <MonthOLDpickle> Hey guys <MonthOLDpickle> On wireless I go to edit to make the keyring not pop up I don't see a "enable for all users" <MonthOLDpickle> hey what do I add for bluetooth? gnome-bluetooth or bkluez ones? <bioterror> try to avoid gnome ;) <bioterror> that's what I think in the first place <MOP> sorry experimenting <MOP> so for bluetooth support on lubuntu what would I add? <MOP> Or do I do the extras and addons and that gets it? <MonthOLDpickle> just trying to get my bluetooth working <MonthOLDpickle> all I find is info on ubuntu and how to pair phone with lubuntu <MonthOLDpickle> I got blueman installed... <MonthOLDpickle> All I fidn is ubuntu raawwwrrrrr <pip_> it's early days for this distro yet, I think <MonthOLDpickle> restarting <MonthOLDpickle> w000t <MonthOLDpickle> decision estimated guessing works! <MonthOLDpickle> except the icon goes away when you disable it -.- <MonthOLDpickle> thats going to be annoying lol! <pip_> I guess I can live with only one theme <pip_> everything works <pip_> even if i cant find the new control centre in synaptic :-) <pip_> ttfn guys <mark76> Pip pip <MonthOLDpickle> I use a bluetooth mouse <MonthOLDpickle> every now and than I dsiable to save battery <MonthOLDpickle> I disable the bluetooth to save battery and sometimes turn it back on to use a mouse <MonthOLDpickle> I sho0uldn't need to restart everytime -.p <slow-motion> after stopping the film and pressing play on youtube the film starts to "hang" but the sound continous <slow-motion> has someone an idea how to solve that? <bioterror> maybe something wrong with the flash * bioterror is waiting for the html5 <slow-motion> i set the space used for buffer in the flash settings to 10mb. at the moment it seemed to be the solution <phillw> slow-motion: try using the html5 trial on you-tube instead of flash. <phillw> slow-motion: http://www.youtube.com/html5 <slow-motion> yes i know that site <slow-motion> html5 produces wrong colours with chromium 8.0.556.0 (62835) <phillw> slow-motion: is that the stable, or daily build? <MonthOLDpickle> fffffffffffffffffff <MonthOLDpickle> I am going to reinstall lol <MonthOLDpickle> trying to get the bluetooth manager to stay on even with bt is turned off <MonthOLDpickle> installed kubuntu and ubuntu stuff <MonthOLDpickle> -.- <czz> sometime when i reboot my computer, my networking devices doesn't pick up eth01 <czz> and i have to reboot to correct this issue <MonthOLDpickle> how do you get flash drives to mount ? <phillw> MonthOLDpickle: pcmanfm should automount them <slow-motion> phillw the daily <phillw> slow-motion: i'd suggest filing a bug against it, the guy who chases up chromium bugs is a star and you will get a reply. <phillw> he can have a bug fix out within 24 hours. <slow-motion> the flash is dropping frames <MonthOLDpickle> so yea <MonthOLDpickle> bluetooth only turns on rebooting <MonthOLDpickle> AND non of the usb drives are seen <MonthOLDpickle> fml <phillw> MonthOLDpickle: I've never had a problem with pcmanfm and flash drives... So I'm a bit puzzled :\ <MonthOLDpickle> disk part sees it but I tried formatting it and no fat32 option <MonthOLDpickle> rapiid pulling out and outting it made it pop up <MonthOLDpickle> just need to figure out bluetooth <slow-motion> phillw the video i play with mplayer has the same problems <phillw> chances are it is still in flash format. <Kurdistan> Hey girls :) <bioterror> sorry to dissapoint you but... ;) <Kurdistan> haha bioterror how are you? hur går det med svenskan? <bioterror> går mycket bra, tack. <Kurdistan> haha du äger. <bioterror> jag mår bra. <Kurdistan> härligt. :) <bioterror> du? <Kurdistan> jag mår bra om några timmar. ifall resultaten blir som jag hoppas. :) <phillw> Kurdistan: /join #lubuntu-offtopic <|friTTe|> Kurdistan, vika resultat? <|friTTe|> *vilka <kosaidpo> hello guys <phillw> hiyas kosaidpo <kosaidpo> phillw: hows you and your lubuntu mine is cool : ) <phillw> kosaidpo: I'm still running 9.10 ubuntu, as I have no broadband here :'( Still waiting it to be put in <kosaidpo> as in u dont have net on this pc i read earlier abt an app that you cud use to dl updates <phillw> I can run lubuntu, but none of the family after the early release of 9.10 will work with my 3G device <kosaidpo> to update a pc with no net <phillw> kosaidpo: no, I would have no internet at all. No email, no IRC etc. <kosaidpo> phillw: sorry i didnt get you you mean ur device doesnt work with other ten 9.10 ?? <phillw> indeed, and then not if you do kernel update. <phillw> I've had to turn off all updates. <phillw> I will not know for 4 weeks if I am staying at this pub, so cannot order broadband. <kosaidpo> ohh thats so not good <bioterror> 9.10 is still going to be supported for a while <bioterror> no problems! ;) <phillw> it is, but it's not lubuntu :( <bioterror> haha <kosaidpo> phillw: so i guess you runnin slowly : ) you cant catch us im happy with my lubuntu again <kosaidpo> :D <phillw> kosaidpo: I have 2GB of RAM, so my laptop runs quite well ;) <phillw> I just prefer lubuntu, I do not have LAMP server or anything on this installation. <kosaidpo> Ohh dude i tho ur were complainin Haaha so you can ride it well then <kosaidpo> well since i discovred lubntu i get sticked with it <phillw> kosaidpo: /join #lubuntu-offtopic <kosaidpo> ohh i tho i added to auto-join te lst time <kosaidpo> /join #lubuntu-offtopic <bioterror> that was fast <Kurdistan> guys lubuntu system monitor is crap, to be honest. I prefer gnomes system monitor. <bioterror> you're so demanding! <Kurdistan> :P yes thats me, but the good thing with lubuntu it is minimalistic. <Kurdistan> I can make my own :) lubuntu <bioterror> gordon ramsay always says 'less is more' <Kurdistan> bioterror, I only say what I think. Nobody is worsing to do like me or think like I think <bioterror> you mean the task manager? <Kurdistan> bioterror yes <bioterror> ha <bioterror> sudo apt-get install htop <bioterror> :-) <bioterror> sudo apt-get install bmon <Kurdistan> what is htop and bmon? <bioterror> htop for processes, bmon for bandwith <Kurdistan> okey. thats like applet? <bioterror> software for console/terminal <Kurdistan> lol, my bad, htop is like command line top? <bioterror> yeah <bioterror> but "better" <Kurdistan> is it? <Kurdistan> cool I will try <bioterror> oh yeah <Kurdistan> it does not work. thats wierd. <bioterror> how so? <bioterror> http://ricecows.org/hhhtop.png <Kurdistan> bioterror no clue it does not start up <bioterror> if you say in terminal "htop" <bioterror> what does it say? <Kurdistan> then it comes up <bioterror> as it should ;) <Kurdistan> Okey then it is like top <Kurdistan> I thougt it is a tool like lubuntus task manager or gnome system monitor <bioterror> it's a tool! <bioterror> ;) <bioterror> if you decide to use server or something, it's really handy to use from ssh <Kurdistan> yeah it is cool but I prefer gnome system monitor <Kurdistan> and htop is better then lubuntus taskmanager <Kurdistan> lubuntu will :) be better with time. <Kurdistan> bioterror thx any way it is handy tool <bioterror> and looks good if you have as many cpu's as I have ;) <Kurdistan> I have 2 processor <Kurdistan> my laptop is bang-fast, solid stable and light. :) <Kurdistan> lubuntu-fast+light=true <Kurdistan> lubuntu+fast+light+tweak_it=kurdistans laptop <Kurdistan> :) <Kurdistan> bioterror does bootchart works for you under lubuntu? <bioterror> you mean GRUB? <Kurdistan> the time I get from bootchart is wrong <Kurdistan> bootchart is a tool that takes upstart time/boot time <bioterror> ahhh <Kurdistan> you get picture :) with result etc <bioterror> havent tried <kosaidpo> guys i got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/514643/ when i try to launch blogtk <Kurdistan> bioterror iits cool tool <bioterror> kosaidpo, apt-cache search gtkhtml <Kurdistan> bioterror=guru :) <kosaidpo> bioterror: got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/514645/ <Kurdistan> bioterror :) I take back, htop is really goddie <bioterror> kosaidpo, Depends: python, python-central (>= 0.6.11), python-gtk2 (>= 1.19.13-3), python-gnome2 (>= 1.19.13-3), python-glade2 (>= 1.19.13-3) <bioterror> it doesnt say that it would need gtkhtml2 <Kurdistan> bioterror how can I look when I remove appz <bioterror> look what? <Kurdistan> if I want to remove the depends thing to <Kurdistan> like gnome system monitor <bioterror> you want to remove the dependencys which you got with the gnome system monitor? <bioterror> you want that listing? <Kurdistan> yes <Kurdistan> exactly <kosaidpo> bioterror: is it to me ? <bioterror> sudo apt-cache show <package> |more <bioterror> ahh <bioterror> you dont need sudo <bioterror> but it doesnt matter either <Kurdistan> bioterror the command line was to me? <bioterror> Kurdistan, yes <kosaidpo> bioterror: im sorry but ididnt get what you said <bioterror> kosaidpo, something wrong with that blogging software if it complains about that <bioterror> kosaidpo, you can email your error message: Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com> <bioterror> they can possible helpo you out <kosaidpo> bioterror: infact i did try this app a long time agao n got this error and its still the same till now ican say <kosaidpo> its not maintained anymor i guess <bioterror> hmmm <bioterror> I'm trying that out <bioterror> https://bugs.launchpad.net/blogtk/+bug/593456 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 593456 in BloGTK "BlogGTK won't start (affected: 2, heat: 2)" [Undecided,Won't fix] <Kurdistan> bioterror thx <kosaidpo> bioterror: is there a fix for it ? <bioterror> no ppa for the maverick <bioterror> kosaidpo, but you're running 10.04, you can enjoy working blogtk <Kurdistan> apt-get build-dep <<<--- is the same? <kosaidpo> bioterror: no im runnin 10.10 <bioterror> you have to wait till the developer upgrades <JoeMaverickSett> kosaidpo: yeah, that ppa is for lucid. i forgot to mention. :/ <kosaidpo> too bad then : ( <kosaidpo> ill try to find another one <JoeMaverickSett> kosaidpo: yeah, that would be your best chance. <kosaidpo> yeah <Kurdistan> bioterror thx for the command, veery handy :) <Kurdistan> I really like htop. :) damn good tool * phillw loves ppa-purge :D <phillw> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Developers#ppa-purge <Kurdistan> have nice evening you all. <kosaidpo> qtm suck balls really hard <kosaidpo> guys any recommendation for a blog client ? <JoeMaverickSett> kosaidpo: derivel? <JoeMaverickSett> kosaidpo: *Drivel <kosaidpo> yeh but its too simple no tags i guess or anythin many features are not in it <kosaidpo> i test it along time ago to <syst3m> can anyone help me with an installation on an older computer? <JoeMaverickSett> kosaidpo: then i got no idea. :/ <kosaidpo> JoeMaverickSett: hihi thanks a lot : ) <phillw> syst3m: what are the specifications of the computer ? <syst3m> phillw: intel celeron processer 2.40 GHZ and i think 256 mb ram <kosaidpo> guys peace out <kosaidpo> have fun <phillw> syst3m: do you have an ethernet connection with it? <phillw> syst3m: my IRC client is pretty basic, please reply in here; thanks. <syst3m> phillw: kinda, got an old router working as a receiver, so it works as if its wired <syst3m> phillw: and sry bout that, dont really no my way around irc that well <phillw> syst3m: at 256MB you *can* use the standard install CD, it will just take a while, you may find it faster to use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/MinimalInstall <syst3m> phillw: I have been trying the standard CD and most times i cant even get the installation menu to show up. and the one time it looked like it was working i got a partition error <bioterror> you cant double click? <bioterror> or wha <phillw> syst3m: try with the minimal method, also do check the CD has burned okay. <phillw> syst3m: else you're on hiding to nothing, trying to install from a 'bad' CD <syst3m> phillw: will do. about the mini cd, does it matter that it was created in april? well it still get 10.10? <phillw> syst3m: let me just check <phillw> syst3m: my bad, I missed that one; give me a few minutes. <phillw> syst3m: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ is the maverick one.... drat I missed one on the wiki area :( <syst3m> phillw: no problem, at least i know what to use now. * phillw links updated <syst3m> phillw: Im trying the the mini cd now, and after selecting comand-line install its just sitting the <phillw> press enter again, it may take a few seconds to respond. <phillw> those are my 10.04 instructions, I may need to re-write them for 10.10 but I am not expecting any major change on how the mini-iso works :\ <syst3m> when i press enter (first time), some barely readable green texts pops up at the top, the menu still visable <syst3m> after a while it disappeared and everything was frozen <phillw> that sounds like a graphics problem, else the cd is corrupt. <phillw> you're not trying to use 64bit on your computer? <syst3m> i think its a graphic issue, and no <syst3m> im using 32bit <phillw> http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/linux <phillw> I haven't got a 10.10 boot cd for mini iso downloaded and tested on my computer. <phillw> As I have no ethernet here, I cannot re-test the instructions with 10.10. You may want to try http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ once lubuntu 10.04 is on, you can upgrade to 10.10 anyways. <syst3m> i just went into advance options and tried comand-line expert on the mini <phillw> and I know the 10.04 method works fine :) <syst3m> it opened, should i try that? <phillw> syst3m: give it a go, I have not had chance to test it as I'm on a 3G device and you need ethernet for the mini-iso #lubuntu 2010-10-17 <syst3m> Im at the "download installer componets" part, what should i select if anything? <phillw> syst3m: I wish I could answer, I never saw that question when I wrote up the 10.04 instructions <phillw> my guess would be no. <phillw> what you're after is just the # prompt <syst3m> huh? <phillw> syst3m: you want the computer to just boot into a command line environment, what are the options that it gives you installer components? <phillw> ethernet is needed <syst3m> oh never mind about that part, im trying to guess my way thru at this point <syst3m> and using your guide where i can <syst3m> phillw: you there? I have another mini cd issue <phillw> yeah, still lurking, just doing some back office stuff <syst3m> i got to the part were i entered "sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends lubuntu-desktop" <syst3m> and my monitor is now not receiving a signal <syst3m> everything up to that point was ok tho <MonthOLDpickle> hey <MonthOLDpickle> whats the extras command? <MonthOLDpickle> is it lubuntu-restricted-extras? <phillw> syst3m: I have never come accross that issue, sorry :( <phillw> MonthOLDpickle: "* A new meta-package (lubuntu-restricted-extras) is available to <phillw> install restricted packages for Lubuntu (such as flash, java and extra <phillw> codecs for chromium)" <MonthOLDpickle> figured I just install it <MonthOLDpickle> just when I did an apt-cache search for it nothing popped up <phillw> syst3m: my best guess is that it is driver issue, which can be altered when grub boots <syst3m> seems to be working again <phillw> syst3m: well, you're making progress :) <syst3m> i was about to give up and try from the beginning and when i hit the power button it came back <phillw> syst3m: I hope you're taking notes :) <MonthOLDpickle> so should I install extras and addons? <phillw> depends if you want them. <MonthOLDpickle> be nice I could find the list on intrawebz <MonthOLDpickle> like bluetooth <MonthOLDpickle> I am about to install bluez and bluetooth support but I can never turn it off during one session <phillw> MonthOLDpickle: I saw about bluetooth earlier, I don't use it. You would probably be better off asking on the mailing list; but I do not think bluetooth is a priority for the lubuntu project. Else we will end up with an install the same size and resource usage as normal ubuntu. <syst3m> phillw: it kinda worked, but sound options were grayed out and network wasnt showing up <syst3m> phillw: tryed to update via Synapatic Package Manager but it wouldnt except my password <MonthOLDpickle> whats this mailing list? I also notice hitting power doesn't bring up the shutting off options <phillw> the network not showing up is covered at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/MinimalInstall <phillw> MonthOLDpickle: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved <syst3m> phillw: what about my password not being accepted? <phillw> I'm going to assume you messed up what you typed in and what you assumed you typed in. (CAPS lock can be a real bitch). <phillw> anyways good people, it is 02:11 here and I'm off to bed. I'll catch up with stuff later on today once I've had some sleep. <syst3m> thanks for the help <MonthOLDpickle> how do you do a bug report on the site? <head_victim> As in a bug with the website or going to the website to file a bug? <head_victim> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ReportingBugs that is the generic page that should be able to assist. <head_victim> http://lubuntu.net/blog/lubuntu-screencast-report-bugs is a screencast if you find that easier. <MonthOLDpickle> flash frickin lags on this <MonthOLDpickle> anyway to increase mem use for it <MonthOLDpickle> shoot have to go <MonthOLDpickle> hey I can't get into the sound mixer how do I? Right click icon the option is greyed out <bioterror> hmm <bioterror> I'm running 10.04 now <bioterror> and there's nothing mixer thingies in right click on that o))) -icon ) <MonthOLDpickle> was able to last os install and I am on 10.10 <MonthOLDpickle> shouldn't be too different <MonthOLDpickle> http://i54.tinypic.com/2w65vyx.png <JoeMaverickSett> i tried it when you said that, i'm also having the same problem. :/ <JoeMaverickSett> they are greyed out. <MonthOLDpickle> bah humbug <MonthOLDpickle> what is the different between lubuntu and xubuntu? <JoeMaverickSett> lubuntu uses lightweight X11 Desktop Environment and xubuntu uses xfce desktop environment. <JoeMaverickSett> lightweight X11 Desktop Environment = lxde <JoeMaverickSett> does that answer your question? :) <MonthOLDpickle> on google i5t says An official version of Ubuntu Linux that uses the XFCE desktop environment. Designed for low-specification computers. <MonthOLDpickle> but looks just like ubuntu <bioterror> well <MonthOLDpickle> I like lubuntu but things are too weird like sound control worked than I messed up the os reinstall it and now it doesn't and BT support is not a priority <bioterror> thunar still sucks <JoeMaverickSett> bioterror: that's offtopic. :P <MonthOLDpickle> I just want something that works out of the box like ubuntu desktop did <MonthOLDpickle> bgut looks like lubuntu <bioterror> JoeMaverickSett, compared to pcmanfm it lacks alot of features, +1 for lubuntu ;) <JoeMaverickSett> well, MonthOLDpickle, they may look alike but the desktop environment is different. :0 <MonthOLDpickle> yea <MonthOLDpickle> I had to images.google.com it to see <MonthOLDpickle> the site isn <MonthOLDpickle> t very infomative to me <MonthOLDpickle> kubuntu site that is <MonthOLDpickle> don't get me wrong <MonthOLDpickle> I am loving lubuntu <MonthOLDpickle> just sound won't fix now and bt is...frinicky <JoeMaverickSett> MonthOLDpickle: the longer you use it the more you will come to love it. ;) <MonthOLDpickle> except i want sound <MonthOLDpickle> and if i need to use bt later after turning it off to save battery i have to reboot <bioterror> MonthOLDpickle, if you press left mouse button <bioterror> does it show you the slider bar? <MonthOLDpickle> its on max <MonthOLDpickle> touchpad <MonthOLDpickle> bt is off i have to reboot to use the mouse <MonthOLDpickle> ah there is a fedora lxde spin <MonthOLDpickle> wonder if its any different wise <MonthOLDpickle> I do not imagine so <MonthOLDpickle> its either reinstall lubuntu til my sound mixer works again or tryin somethin else <bioterror> OpenSuse has one <MonthOLDpickle> so lubuntu is basically ubuntu with lxde? <bioterror> if you're interested <pip> well, I solved my themes problem. I was looking in the wrong place!!!!! <pip> that's saved me a reinstal <Kalidarn> if i wanted to upgrade to lubuntu a kubuntu VM would this be as simple as "apt-get install lubunut-desktop"? <Kalidarn> i did that but got a non-functioning desktop <Kalidarn> no applications etc <Kalidarn> run dialog would crash <phillw> Kalidarn: never done on a VM, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp#Install%20Lubuntu%20from%20Ubuntu%20or%20any%20Ubuntu%20flavors <Kalidarn> i decided not to use lubuntu it was quicker and more lightweight to use twm for what i wanted to test :P <kosaidpo> hello guys <kosaidpo> phillw: that htacces worked but i cudnt get on even i type in the right psw so weird any idea why ? <kosaidpo> hello <bioterror> hi <mark76> Hey there <bioterror> hi <mark76> ho <phillw> welcome mark76 <mark76> Thanks <mark76> So what's new in Lubuland? #lubuntu 2011-10-10 <fuse-oss> suddenly i am a lubuntu user <fuse-oss> why did it put me at the top <fuse-oss> oh alphabetic <ridz16> I'm excited <ridz16> about the upcoming lubuntu 10.10 which is to be release today 10/10, but it's still not on the lubuntu.net website ? <Unit193> Well, it's 11.10 for the year.month <ridz16> woops I misread. <ridz16> thought its gonna be 11.10 lol <micahg> the release is on the 13th <Unit193> Yeah, was about to say that when he left :/ <meway> Wut ever happend to nautilus? <meway> its like fman or something like that? <Unit193> Nautilus is the default file manager for Gnome, I don't know what happened to it, but Lubuntu uses PCManFM * wxl yawns <wxl> so let me get this straight: on 11.10 is going to be released on thursday (https://lists.launchpad.net/lubuntu-desktop/msg04945.html) but it's coming out 11/10 (http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/10/10/%23lubuntu.html around 05:05) too? which? what? <bioterror> take it easy <bioterror> it will come when it comes during that day ;) * wxl stops hyperventilating <wxl> and my that you mean some? <wxl> thurs ≠ 11/10 (which is ambiguous really.. is it october 11 or november 10th? neither are thurs, tho) <bioterror> hi bodhi <bogdan> hello everone <wxl> yo <bogdan> can anyone tell me if this happened to you: when you start chromium, the x server(or lxde) crashes and restarts <bogdan> and I'm left at the login screen again <bioterror> look for /var/log/Xorg.0.log <bogdan> it seems that the lxde daemon seg-faulted <bogdan> Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting <bogdan> Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support <bogdan> at http://wiki.x.org <bogdan> for help. <silverlightning> hi <silverlightning> someone stole my nick, I'm silverarrow too <silverlightning> anyone trying the latest daily ? <silverlightning> it crashes here <silverlightning> I mean last fridays <silverlightning> maybe todays would be better? <silverlightning> someone stole my nick <silverlightning> I shall snatch alias just to be even <tzvi|laptop> any ideas why after i login my screens (2 ATI) go black? <silverlightning> hi <tzvi|laptop> hi <silverlightning> hmm, newly installed? <tzvi|laptop> nope <tzvi|laptop> one moment to the next <silverlightning> odd <silverlightning> then it is not driver issues <tzvi|laptop> dont think so <silverlightning> some graphic cards can be horror in linux <silverlightning> sorting out drivers I mean <tzvi|laptop> yeah <tzvi|laptop> ive used this card before w/o issues <silverlightning> then it must be something else <tzvi|laptop> i tried apt-get install lxde --reinstall <tzvi|laptop> negative <tzvi|laptop> tried turning off one monitor also negative <tzvi|laptop> what logs can i check? <tzvi|laptop> any idea <silverlightning> eller <silverlightning> or try this <silverlightning> sudo service lxdm restart <tzvi|laptop> no luck <tzvi|laptop> im looking at xorg.0.log but i dont understand it :( <tzvi|laptop> http://pastebin.com/eW7bAp44 if someone can take a look it would be greatly appreciated <silverlightning> I had major issus with radeon 200M something <silverlightning> I'm sorry, I'm not clever enough for it <rodvil> Hello, I'm looking for some help. Its my first time here <bogdan> sudo aticonfig --initial <bogdan> and reboot <bogdan> tvzi <silverlightning> hi rodvil <bogdan> sorry <bogdan> according to your logs this will not work <bogdan> try this: sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle <rodvil> I'm having trouble with my wireless. I have a static IP internet and I just bought a simple D-Link router. I set up the wireless but my computer can't see the network. Another pc with windows can see it without problems <bogdan> and apt-get install build-essential <bogdan> actually install the build-essential first <tzvi> bogdan: you talking to me? <bogdan> yes <tzvi> Great thanks <silverlightning> rodvil, hmm, have you tried restarting your router? <bogdan> tzvi <rodvil> yes, several times <silverlightning> rodvil, the very simple first <silverlightning> ; ) <silverlightning> hmm <tzvi> bogdan: <bogdan> also I think you might need to install linux-headers-generic <rodvil> also restarting computer, changing network name and some other simple things that might work :) <silverlightning> does it detect any networks? <bogdan> ? <rodvil> yes, a lot of networks here in the building, but not mine <tzvi> Got it thanx bogdan <silverlightning> like, if you get any networks listed in lubuntu? <bogdan> please let me know if this worked <silverlightning> hmm <bogdan> you can test without restarting: sudo rmmod glx <rodvil> I though it was from the router or network settings, but I tried now with a windows pc and it just worked perfectly <bogdan> then sudo modprobe fglrx <bogdan> sudo service lxdm restart <silverlightning> wpa, wpa2 settings <tzvi> bogdan: just left the office. But I will be back later and ill let you know <bogdan> k <rodvil> not sure about that one. its a preset key with 8 letters. I will try to identify that with the router <silverlightning> hmm, those letters are from your internetprovider, like on a sticker? <rodvil> nope, I set them <silverlightning> hmm, most routers can do all encrytions <rodvil> In the router admin area it just says its using wap/wap2. so I'm not sure which <bogdan> @ rodvil : please post the output of: lspci|grep -i network <meetingology> bogdan: Error: "rodvil" is not a valid command. <bogdan> rodvil : please post the output of: lspci|grep -i network <silverlightning> which wifi card do you have rovil? <silverlightning> rodvil * sorry <rodvil> 02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01) <rodvil> this is the output for that command <silverlightning> broadcom have issus in buntus! <bogdan> yeah, it shows your wireless network card <bogdan> not all of them <bogdan> can you connect to other wireless networks? <silverlightning> it is driver, as long as other networks are detected, I cannot see drivers being the problem <rodvil> yes, first time having problems. I have this netbook for about 3 months only <bogdan> can you please post the result of: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep <your_network_name> <bogdan> ? <silverlightning> broadcom usually works after first reboot, when the restricted drivers are added <silverlightning> they need to be activated <bogdan> yeah, but this way we can determine in the network broadcasts its ssid :) <rodvil> wlan0 Interface doesn't support scanning. <phillw> and when you enable them, it usually knocks to sound off, you just need to turn te sound back on :) <bogdan> :) <bogdan> i had a laptop with broadcom wireless (ath9k) and worked fine <rodvil> (why can't hardware makers just support linux!!!!) <bogdan> what laptop do you have? <silverlightning> rodvil, it is easily activated often <bogdan> is the card disabled by a software switch (fn+f1) or something like that? <bogdan> ? <rodvil_> sorry, I had a power problem <bogdan> is the card disabled by a software switch (fn+f1) or something like that? <rodvil_> This is a asus eeepc 1015PN <bogdan> the one with extended battery life? <rodvil_> I have had some troubles specially with video because it uses the new hibrid video drive <bogdan> i thing that you might need to use wpa (not wpa2) as wireless security <rodvil_> it has a softare switch at f2 key <bogdan> had some issues with one of my colleague's eeepc <rodvil_> and how do I change the security to wpa? <bogdan> you basically have 2options: compile a custom module to support wpa2, or change to wpa <phillw> rodvil_: your model is listed on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks Which is a handy place to start :) <bogdan> in your wireless security section <bogdan> on your router's setup page <bogdan> usuallu <bogdan> usually* <silverlightning> no, wpa2 should be supported <KM0201> bogdan: did it output exactly what you put above.. 02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01) you didn't miss a "lp-py" in there? <KM0201> it's not a wpa vs wpa2 issue <bogdan> it might be worth a shot <bogdan> to change to wpa <KM0201> no <KM0201> if you're gonna change it to anything... turn security off <wxl> seems ridiculous <KM0201> (temporarily of course).. and see if it connects w/o security <wxl> yeah i agree with that logic <rodvil_> I think I tried already turning security off before and didn't work <silverlightning> no, it can be encryption issues, but, it is password only, not affecting network detection <rodvil_> I can try it again <bogdan> yeah, are you sure you did not check some ssid broadcast disable setting? <wxl> you did reboot after drive install right? <bogdan> ssid broadcasting should be on <rodvil_> which drive install? I rebooted many times since setting the network <wxl> aw nevermind, i'm confused <wxl> that's what i get for getting in half way into a conversation <silverlightning> rodvil_, but you have activated drivers? you have to do it maually from a function in menu <rodvil_> ok, this is the status of the nework now: Wireless enable; Auto channel selection enable; WMM enable; hidden wireless not enable; security mode wpa/wpa2 <silverlightning> hard ware something, a green ikon like an internal networks card <wxl> silverlightning: isn't that the "additional drivers" thing? <rodvil_> but I can see all these other wireless networks, what driver are you talking about? <bogdan> can you see the wireless network npw? <bogdan> now* <silverlightning> wxl, yes, maybe, I am not in lubuntu right now, and my memory is short term on some stuff lol <wxl> can you try to connect directly? (use the "connect to hidden network" option) <rodvil_> no, that is still the rpoblem. I can't see only my network, and a windows machine can see and connect to it <KM0201> rodvil_: menu/system tools/additional drivers, see if you see a broadcom driver there that is "activated" <wxl> silverlightning: just making sure we're on the same page :D <KM0201> rodvil_: is your SSID broadcasting? if not, try broadcasting it and see if you can connect. <rodvil_> yes, broadcom driver is active <bogdan> he just said that the hidden wireless setting in his router is not enabled <rodvil_> (by the way... thanks for the help, I really appreciate it!) <KM0201> well that doesnt make any sense... <wxl> some systems (windows does this if i remember correctly), if they are familiar with a hidden ssid, will show it all the time <wxl> so it makes it look not hidden when it is <rodvil_> I also tried before to make it hidden and trying to connect to it without success <silverlightning> hmm <wxl> did you try to connect to it as if it were hidden? <rodvil_> I can try that one now <rodvil_> but the windows machine that I tried now was the first time connecting to it without problems <wxl> i know <wxl> that's kind of what i was saying-- might not be surprising <silverlightning> I need to reboot <wxl> (have we looked in dmesg for driver messages already?) <rodvil_> Trying to connect to hidden without it being hidden doesnt work also <rodvil_> wxl: i don't think I did that dmesg thing <bogdan> dmesg|grep -i error <bogdan> dmesg|egrep '(bcm|ath)' <rodvil_> oh, I just remember... I think that when I started the router the first time I could see the network. it was only after I set the connection to the static IP and the new network id that I couldn't see it anymore. I didn't try to connect to the reset version of the wireless though <wxl> might be interesting to reset the router and see what happens <wxl> oh <wxl> maybe dns cache issue? <bogdan> can you please remove the old network from the network manager wireless list? <rodvil_> [ 17.903121] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro <rodvil_> [ 27.779230] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=0 <wxl> pastebin it <wxl> (i assume there's more) :D <bogdan> it has at most 2 lines <bogdan> the ones with bcm or atheros <rodvil_> that was it for the first command, now the second: <rodvil_> [ 1.390316] device-mapper: multipath: version 1.2.0 loaded <rodvil_> [ 1.390325] device-mapper: multipath round-robin: version 1.0.0 loaded <bogdan> sudo modprobe -l|egrep '(bcm|ath)' <wxl> i say flush your dns cache: /etc/rc.d/init.d/nscd restart <wxl> first remove the old network as bogdan said tho <rodvil_> I removed now the old nets <wxl> have you tried to ping your router? <bogdan> he does not see the network <rodvil_> kernel/drivers/net/phy/bcm63xx.ko <rodvil_> kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath5k/ath5k.ko <rodvil_> kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ath9k.ko <rodvil_> kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ath9k_hw.ko <rodvil_> kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ath9k_common.ko <rodvil_> kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ath9k_htc.ko <rodvil_> kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ar9170/ar9170usb.ko <rodvil_> kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/carl9170/carl9170.ko <bogdan> pinging the router with no connection... <rodvil_> kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath.ko <rodvil_> kernel/drivers/input/mouse/bcm5974.ko <rodvil_> kernel/drivers/media/dvb/frontends/bcm3510.ko <rodvil_> kernel/drivers/md/multipath.ko <rodvil_> kernel/drivers/staging/bcm/bcm_wimax.ko <wxl> oh right :D <rodvil_> kernel/drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.ko <rodvil_> kernel/drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.ko <rodvil_> kernel/net/can/can-bcm.ko <rodvil_> that was for this: sudo modprobe -l|egrep '(bcm|ath)' <rodvil_> no, didn't tried <wxl> well there's always the etnernet <bogdan> :) <rodvil_> I'm connected to the router but on a cable connection <wxl> so that's kind of dumb tho <wxl> harumph that's just weird <rodvil_> so... should I flush the dns cache and restart? <bogdan> can you do a : sudo wlan0 scan |grep <your_network_name> again? <john_rambo> howw to configure Abiword to check spellings ? ATM its not <rodvil_> sudo: wlan0: command not found <bogdan> sudo iwlis wlan0 scan|grep network_name <bogdan> iwlist <bogdan> sorry <bogdan> :) <bogdan> sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep SSID <bogdan> just like this <rodvil_> wlan0 Interface doesn't support scanning. <bogdan> ... <bogdan> shoud at least let you scan <bogdan> try without sudo <rodvil_> same result <bogdan> lsmod|egrep '(ath|bcm)' <bogdan> ? <phillw> john_rambo: http://www.abisource.com/help/en-US/interface/menutools.html <silverarrow> hi <wxl> nmap anyone? :D <Guest48840> I have major problems with package manager? <wxl> Guest48840: which one? <bogdan> why? he is not connected to the wireless network <Guest48840> can it be fixed? I am in 11.10 <bogdan> how can he use nmap? <Guest48840> package manager crashes, I get no updates in updatemanager <wxl> bogdan: by that same logic, how could he scan? <wxl> i'm sort of thinking it's an issue with the card <bogdan> me too <rodvil_> lsmod|egrep '(ath|bcm)' just gives nothing <wxl> but then he does see other networks <wxl> rodvil_: can you connect to any of those other networks? any open? <rodvil_> rodvil@mini-asus:~$ lsmod|egrep '(ath|bcm)' <rodvil_> rodvil@mini-asus:~$ lsmod|egre^C'(ath|bcm)' <bogdan> sudo ifconfig wlan0 up <rodvil_> no open ones <Guest48840> hmm <bogdan> or ifconfig without any other parameters shows wlan0? <Guest48840> how do I identify? <rodvil_> but I usually can connect without problems to other nets <bogdan> Guest48840 try: sudo apt-get install -f (in a terminal) <Guest48840> I was silverlightning a few minutes ago <bogdan> oh <wxl> if it's not a card issue it's a driver issue <rodvil_> rodvil@mini-asus:~$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 up <rodvil_> wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device <bogdan> :) <bogdan> ok <Guest48840> no packages available? <Guest48840> hmm <john_rambo> phillw, I checked, there is no spellings submenu in the tools menu at my end <bogdan> run: gksu jockey-gtk <rodvil_> I feel helpless! :( <Guest48840> I thought there would be loads of updates for 11.10? <bogdan> and tell us what you see <phillw> john_rambo: it may require installing <Guest48840> and package manager crashes on launch <bogdan> Guest48840 try to launch update-manager from a terminal <bogdan> an tell us what error appear there <john_rambo> phillw, I tried ...which package ? <phillw> john_rambo: try http://en.kioskea.net/faq/11811-abiword-enable-grammar-checking <rodvil_> It looks for additional drivers and then I see the broadcom sta wireless driver that is activated <Guest48840> bogan, I did the command you posted in terminal <Guest48840> must have a bad install? <Guest48840> I am booted in lubuntu now <bogdan> what error did appear when the update-manager crashed? <bogdan> rodvil_ it says that the driver is active? <john_rambo> phillw, Thas already selected <Guest48840> a crash report <bogdan> did you upgrade? <Guest48840> I didn't post it, it was already posted <Guest48840> no, i did an install from last fridays daily <bogdan> oh <Guest48840> odd really <Guest48840> not very clever of me <phillw> and, more to the point, which version of 11.10 are you using? At this stage, you should really be on the RC version, not the daily build. <Guest48840> I didn't expect this type of bug <bogdan> rodvil_ try to disable and enable the driver <bogdan> and reboot <Guest48840> phillw: RC? <rodvil_> ok <bogdan> Guest48840: sudo apt-get install -f <Guest48840> ok, where do I find it? <Guest48840> I did that one bogdan <bogdan> or sudo apt-get install aptitude <bogdan> and sudo aptitude install -f <bogdan> i find aptitude to work better <bogdan> or sudo dpkg-reconfigure update-manager <bogdan> or sudo aptitude reinstall update-manager <phillw> Guest48840: Release Client... they are at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/ and all seem to re-building, so be patient :) <bogdan> release candidate you mean <john_rambo> phillw, Done ....installed pacage aspell ..Thanks <Guest48840> thanks phillw <phillw> bogdan: yup... it's been a long few days :P <bogdan> about that, i really need to get some sleep. <bogdan> cheers! <rodvil_> I'm restarting to see if something happened! <rodvil_> thanks for the help so far <Guest48840> phillw: I might be better of installing the final launched version <Guest48840> updates are comming <phillw> Guest48840: allow the RC to settle, they are rebuilding as we speak, once done they will be final release wit a couple of updates. <wxl> aw poo no ppc rc <wxl> no matter the installer's prolly still borked <wxl> i just want to see a 11.10 ppc mini.iso and i'm good <Guest48840> I still have package manager crash, never happened before <phillw> wxl: once the dust settles, the team will throw together a method for ppc <silverlightning> it seems I need to change nick manually, after login <rodvil> I'm back and I still can't connect to my wireless network. just reset the router and reconfigured the whole thing. can't still see my network! <silverlightning> very unusual <KM0201> rodvil: did you see if you could connect w/o any security? (even though i don't think this is a security issue) <rodvil> now there is no security and I still can't see the network <KM0201> rodvil: but you can see others, correct? <rodvil> yes, correct <KM0201> any chance one of them is open? <rodvil> nope all closed <rodvil> I see 19 wireless nets!!!! <KM0201> rodvil: what version of ubuntu are you using? <rodvil> lubuntu 10.04 <rodvil> 11.04 <rodvil> sorry <KM0201> 32/64? <wxl> rodvil: uname -a <silverlightning> I have had this trouble in Vista, I ended up buying a new router <rodvil> I already tried with another router brand before. I didn't dig so deaply because I thought it was a brand problem <silverlightning> I was continuously disconnected for some weird reason, only on one computer <rodvil> I think it is the internet provider static IP or something <silverlightning> now I have that problem on a mach <wxl> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1424280&page=2 this thread is interesting <rodvil> rodvil@mini-asus:~$ uname -a <rodvil> Linux mini-asus 2.6.38-11-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 12 21:18:14 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux <KM0201> rodvil: no... the router handles all that <wxl> one person fixed it by a total reinstall <KM0201> so you're using 32bit. <rodvil> yes.. is there a 64bit lubuntu? <wxl> another removes bcmwl-kernel-source and installs b43-fwcutter and firmware-b43-lpphy-installer <wxl> what driver were you using again? <rodvil> the additional broadcom sta driver <KM0201> wxl: he doesnnt have a lp-phy device, so.. that's pointless <KM0201> as for b43.. it doesn't seem that device is supported by b43.. <rodvil> I can connect to other networks, I can connect to the router by cable. it has to be something specific from this specific wireless network! <KM0201> if b43 supports that device, then i would try to manually install it <wxl> yeah just googling here <rodvil> what is b43? <KM0201> rodvil: a driver <wxl> as far as i can tell the sta is the official driver <KM0201> yeah. <KM0201> some devices will work w/ both, but the 4313, is not listed as working w/ the b43. <wxl> have we tried removing and reinstalling the driver? maybe download directly from broadcom <rodvil> I tried before to remove and then reinstall <KM0201> wxl: don't think so... he tried the restricted driver, and he can see networks, so.. in theory, he should be able to see his network <rodvil> didn't reboot in between though <wxl> yeah rebooting is in general a good idea <rodvil> I feel I just found a little tiny blackhole of improbability! <KM0201> rodvil: well, remove driver, reboot, activate driver, and reboot, see what happens <rodvil> I reboot after reinstalling and not between removing and reinstalling <rodvil> ok... going for that one now. <KM0201> rodvil: wel, the fact it is seeing other networks, suggests it is working fine... it's clearly something in your router settings <wxl> there's a patch for >2.6.37 <KM0201> (it would seem anyway) <wxl> wonder if it's already applied.. <rodvil> KM0201: I also think so <wxl> KM0201: i think it's curious that he's only seeing closed networks. if it were me, i'd go to the library or a coffee shop where i KNOW there's an open network and see what happens <wxl> but i would do that after the remove, reboot, reinstall, rebooot <KM0201> wxl: exactly my thinking <rodvil> I really think there is only close nets here. I usually see open nets without problem <rodvil> rebooting now! <KM0201> wxl: i'm starting to think he's full of it.. <wxl> hah <KM0201> or he's not telling us everything (for whatever reason) <wxl> what would be the point to that, though? <wxl> just to fuck with the lubuntu guys? <KM0201> wxl: trolls love to do that <wxl> i mean seriously, who cares? <wxl> yeah i guess <KM0201> well, not just lubuntu, they do it in linux channels all the time, show up w/ some ridiculous problem that *nobody* else has... and 3-4 people spend hours trouble shooting it, then they juts disappear, and never come back. <wxl> huh, weird <silverarrow> never heard of that? <wxl> i tend to come in and out as needed so i guess that's not something i've seen <KM0201> not saying thats definitely the prob... but.. this one sure strikes me as weird <wxl> i hear you <KM0201> how long have you guys been using linux? <KM0201> silverarrow: i know you've not been that long, but.. hang out in the large channels (like #ubuntu) some time.. and you'll see it. <silverarrow> I have been using it on and off for a few years <KM0201> when you have experience, it's easy to spot. <silverarrow> but lately a lot, the last year or so <wxl> it's been a darn long while <KM0201> do you just not hang out in support channels much? <wxl> exactly <silverarrow> I haven't been in irc until fairly recently <KM0201> wel, obviously, that would be a pre-requisite requirement..lol <KM0201> ah, see.. i've been hanging ut on IRC since around fedora 4. <rodvil> im back, didnt work <KM0201> rodvil: what exactly does lspci say (the entire line) about your wireless device.. <silverarrow> I registered with silverlightning some time ago, can't remember anymore <rodvil> 01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications AR8132 Fast Ethernet (rev c0) <rodvil> 02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01) <rodvil> KM0201: is this the ones you want <KM0201> yes, thank you <wxl> disappeared. work <KM0201> no <rodvil> any other ideas? <KM0201> rodvil: something isn't right. <KM0201> rodvil: what kind of router do you have? <rodvil> d-link dir-600 <wxl> to answer your question, KM0201 i started playing with freebsd around 20 years ago and not too long after that was flirting with redhat and slackware <KM0201> gotcha. <wxl> ah, the frustrating days of rolling your own kernels.. i almost kind of miss it <KM0201> not me <wxl> :) <wxl> *ALMOST* <wxl> i'll be honest, i had a hell of a time getting slackware to work on an old thinkpad <wxl> ubuntu really turned things around for me <wxl> and lubuntu just made it perfect :D <KM0201> yeah, first distro i got to work "100%" was fedora 5. but i had 3 and 4, working almost 100% <KM0201> so they were acceptable <wxl> back in those days i was using dialup <wxl> went through a lot of trouble to get the modem working <wxl> finally succeeded but no such luck on the sound <wxl> had a bit of a love affair with os x <KM0201> lol <KM0201> those were the days <rodvil> my previous machine was working great for 2 years with different distros. this new one is killing me! <wxl> i'd try a reinstall rodvil <KM0201> rodvil: i'm working on someone elses problem right now, then i'm gonna try to figure your issue out. <KM0201> i still think it's a router setting <wxl> anywho os x just made me pine for freebsd <wxl> i dual-booted our cursed windows desktop with qimo for my daughter <rodvil> I'm heading to bed now. Will you be on around this time tomorrow? <wxl> found myself using it a lot <KM0201> rodvil: probably <KM0201> rodvil: where are you located? <wxl> rodvil: i'd really suggest you go find an open network in a public place and try it out. if it works, you know your problem is the router. if it doesn't, then it's the driver or the card. <rodvil> Im living in Sweden now <rodvil> I never had any trouble connecting to open nets <wxl> the question is do you now <wxl> answer that question clearly <wxl> if you know the answer is yes <wxl> then you know the problem is the router <wxl> in which case you should join #dlink (j/k there's no such channel but suffice it to say #lubuntu ain't the place) <rodvil> the problem is the connection between router and my lubuntu, I would say <wxl> then get an air filter ;) <rodvil> I'll try to connect tomorrow to a new net <KM0201> rodvil: i don't think so at all. <KM0201> rodvil: ok, try to connect to another network tomorrow, and let us know. <rodvil> but if a window pc connects to the router then it cant be a router problem <wxl> #1 rule to trouble shooting-- remove all variables no matter how stupid <wxl> all = as many as possible <rodvil> yes... I agree. I'm just realy frustrated with this one! <wxl> hey dude, i feel ya <wxl> i spent like a week trying to get 11.10 on my powerbook <wxl> i cannot begin to tell you the trouble i went through <wxl> in the end i decided to just wait for a more stable version to come out <wxl> but i think i managed to get some clarity along the way <rodvil> I have trouble with my video because of the new hibrid drive and bumblebee and so, but thats new technology. I kind of understand. But this black hole of nonsense!!! <wxl> i found out what the problem was <rodvil> :) <wxl> anywho, see you tomorrow <rodvil> see you... and thanks * phillw please head off to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/ go and hug one.... please? <silverarrow> hi hyperair <hyperair> hi silverarrow <silverarrow> I opened phillw's link <phillw> silverarrow: I do ensure that they are good links & I did tell you to wait for the re-spin to ensure you had the best version, <phillw> hyperair: as you will have seen, lubuntu <> ubuntu core at 11.10, they really did not help themselves on that. <silverarrow> yes, and my trouble was the daily from friday <hyperair> phillw: i dunno, somehow i get the feeling negotiations must have broken down somewhere, because there seems to be quite some bad blood between lubuntu and the irc council. <silverarrow> help themselves ? * silverarrow fetches ilks for blood cleansing <hyperair> phillw: on the other hand, i really don't think i'm getting the full picture here. <phillw> hyperair: there is most likely bad blood between me and crr / cww - he is not a council member. <hyperair> anyway, i think i'll talk to elky or someone sometime to get a clear picture on this before replying on that thread. <phillw> hyperair: every time I've had a knock back, I've <hyperair> phillw: speaking from personal experience, you've got a habit of treating things as black-and-white and not accepting anything in between, no offence meant. <hyperair> phillw: which is mainly why i'd like to hear their side of the story first. <phillw> hyperair: indeed. when you are raised in a ghetto, you learn wo to fight for. <hyperair> phillw: there's something called a compromise. <hyperair> phillw: if you force everyone into a me vs you situation, things don't turn out prettily. #lubuntu 2011-10-11 <bodhizazen> 'lo lubuntu <hyperair> 'lo bodhizazen * hyperair → class. <phillw> hyperair: i have not done, It is a mistake I accept the invite ubuntu-irc-council onto our channels, I regret it deeply. <wxl> aw foo just when i was hoping for a netboot ppc, nada <phillw> wb hyperair <hyperair> hi phillw <phillw> wxl: keep your self contained... it is theortically possible, but a lot of people are going to hate me :) <phillw> hiyas hyperair you have email <hyperair> phillw: yeah i noticed. * hyperair wonders who the blanked out quote is from <Unit193> Heh, easy <Unit193> Can you remove the Council if you decide it's not the best thing? <Unit193> mind = blown? <hyperair> ? <hyperair> phillw: you have /query messages. <silverarrow> is there a good hack for old XP still available ? <silverarrow> like minimal version ? <silverarrow> or regular <draioch> wha u mean like miminal xp <draioch> been using that for years http://www.litepc.com/xplite.html <draioch> cause u want revert easyily to full blown version <silverarrow> draioch, and I can do updates ? <Lithos84> Hello! Is there a way to start Lubuntu without the panel? <wxl> thx for the ppc plug phillw :D <ridz16> according to the article found @ http://lifehacker.com/5844150/browser-speed-tests-firefox-7-chrome-14-internet-explorer-9-and-more opera uses less memory than chrome... and I wanted to suggest that to lubuntu.net but I couldn't find any forum. <Unit193> The chances of Lubuntu switching to a browser that isn't even in the repos, is basically nothing :P <ridz16> I've use chrome/ium for awhile now since it was created but its lagging behind, I hope we can have it as default for 11.10 <Unit193> And as 11.10 is released in a few days, way too late anyway :) <ridz16> :O when is the release of 11.10? <ridz16> wait i think i remember seeing a countdown <Unit193> 13th <ridz16> cool <ridz16> ya i think it was this site but it shows error now http://thisisthecountdown.com/ <Unit193> s/cool/Awesome/ <ridz16> i put lubuntu on a 4 Gb usb thumbdrive and is what i use at office, just in case there's a keylogger on the win7 os. lols safety precautions <pecco> hi... i just installed new lubuntu and he dont ask for root password... just - create a new user...... what ist the default root password? please help <micahg> pecco: Ubuntu doesn't have a root user with a password by default, just an admin user <john_rambo> Does Sylpheed had new mail sound notification feature ? <john_rambo> I didnt find it <john_rambo> *has <wxl> woo hoo i got 11.10 installed <bioterror> \o/ <wxl> ns <wxl> /etc/hosts was the key to getting around the choose-mirror problem <wxl> there's other hurdles to bound over but they're way smaller <wxl> it's WAAAY faster <wxl> processer scaling doesn't seem to be an issue <wxl> jockey is going to have its ass kicked, tho <wxl> ah i should be patient and upgrade first <wxl> grr repos aren't behaving <bioterror> choose another ;) <wxl> yeah true true <wxl> so much is working so much better <wxl> oh i am gleeful <wxl> all better <wxl> gotta figure out what's up with my sound tho <bioterror> run alsamixer and check volume levels and if there's something muted (MM) <wxl> hm <wxl> sound card "soundbylayout?" i think not <wxl> oh nevermind <wxl> hah <wxl> pcm was down and i was trying to play a wav <bioterror> ;) <wxl> hm processor was running hot again <wxl> ok i'm gonna load mac on linux and get to bed <wxl> woot too excited.. staying up late :D <leszek> hi <silverlightning> tons of bugs in the release candidate <M0hi> release candidate? <silverlightning> I mean, 11.10 testing <silverlightning> since last night three have been detected <silverlightning> do you know if this is an updated dowload site ? http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/ <silverlightning> continuously updated I mean ? <silverlightning> hi T44 <silverlightning> bioterror? * silverlightning wonders if bioterror is much like anthrax * silverlightning puts on protective suit and gloves <tzvi> bogdan <Pupuser-1> hi <silverarrow> hi <silverarrow> anyone booted in the latest 11.10 version? <silverarrow> I am on the page bioterror posted last night <silverarrow> http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/ <silverarrow> noone? <silverarrow> hi bodhi <shelly> I have a Kodak EasyShare that works fine in ubuntu, but not in lubuntu; what do you suppose I'm missing? <silverarrow> not sure, should work relaly <silverarrow> shelly, have you tried the default picture manager in lubuntu? <shelly> silverarrow, not sure. What was that? I just isntalled camera.app but I'm wondering if I need a reboot; I missed what was going by in the terminal <shelly> brb <silverarrow> does any of the lubuntu builders hang around here? <silverarrow> lubuntu comes of as the most stable reliable of the lighter distros, <silverarrow> much the same as the main <shelly> silverarrow, ok, that didn't work <silverarrow> I see <silverarrow> what are you trying to do really? <silverarrow> download photos to laptop? <silverarrow> or edit? <shelly> PC. Trying to get them off of an old kodak easyshare on shelly's computer. She's a recovering xp user. I have the camera dumping ok to my laptop (regular ubuntu) but it won't show up when I plug in the usb to this lubuntu pc <shelly> I'm sure it's something dumb... <shelly> lsusb gives me Bus 004 Device 003: ID 040a:05a7 Kodak Co. Digital Camera <silverarrow> hmm, it should really <silverarrow> you sort of drag on drop folders in filemanager? <silverarrow> or direct from camera? <silverarrow> I have been rather lucky with cameras, it was detected and managed by default <silverarrow> kodak too, <shelly> it doesn't get mounted anywhere. I was hoping it would show up in /media, then we could drag it and whatever. This is why I personally stopped buying all Kodak products... <silverarrow> I'm not in lubuntu now, but have you seen in hidden too <silverarrow> under mount <silverarrow> that would be one above root I think <silverarrow> problem is usb not getting detected <silverarrow> ? <silverarrow> hmm, ls usb shows the camera <silverarrow> sorry, a bit slow <silverarrow> shelly, it is probably there some where <silverarrow> there is a new release today I think, of 11.10 <silverarrow> just a few minutes ago <silverlightning> latest lubuntu iso is not available? <silverarrow> shelly, any progress? * wxl yawns * wxl is trying to caffinate sufficiently to make up for the lack of sleep due to the late night success and subsequent excitement in installing ocelot on the powerbook <silverlightning> hi <silverlightning> I just installed todays oneric <silverlightning> it seems to work <silverlightning> at least package manager and update manager doesn't crash <silverlightning> how dependent is lubuntu of swap? <silverlightning> what packages would conflict with the mplayer-gecko setup? <silverlightning> I installed restricted packages, as only thing extra in lubuntu <silverlightning> from packge manager <silverlightning> nobody really knows do they <silverlightning> daft <silverlightning> hi <silverlightning> does anyone know what plugins work to stream online tv? <bioterror> windows 7 <silverlightning> well yes <silverlightning> I am however trying to make mplayer-gecko work too <silverlightning> and it really should <bioterror> you've asked these same questions every day for the last month ;) <silverlightning> I have <silverlightning> but now I have a fresh lubuntu install <silverlightning> I no reason to wait for next <silverlightning> was it the lubuntu extras that did it in? <silverlightning> the mplayer gecko combo? <silverlightning> or am I missing a plugin? <silverlightning> ¡@£$!"#¤ <silverlightning> I am willing to pay for someone taking a look at my gecko-mplayer issue <bioterror> you should point us a webpage with that stream <bioterror> or do you have to pay for that stream? <silverlightning> no it is free <silverlightning> http://www.nrk.no/nett-tv/direkte/nrk1/ <silverlightning> just before I deleted 11.04 it was working <bioterror> are you using chromium or firefox? <silverlightning> and I really had not done anything in particular <silverlightning> chromium <silverlightning> In puppylinux I can stream fine in either Opera, Chromium, or Firefox, <silverlightning> with mplayer-gecko <silverlightning> you dowload browser from a package manager there too <silverlightning> comes with no browser, <bioterror> hmm <silverlightning> I was surprised when it suddenly worked again <silverlightning> I have downloaded restricted packages only this time <silverlightning> two restricted plugins, and something else <silverlightning> tons of stuff <silverlightning> I know vlc mozilla will mess up mplayer gecko combination <silverlightning> are there any other known conflicting stuff ? <silverlightning> unfortunately I didn't try stream before I added restricted in package manager <silverlightning> would be great to make everything work in lubuntu <silverlightning> puppy is so flimsy <silverlightning> trouble is I have no idea how to go about it <bioterror> ha <bioterror> on my desktop computer it loads with gecko <bioterror> but stops right after <bioterror> and now I'm off to bed <silverlightning> exactly what i get <silverlightning> have a good night <silverlightning> sleep tight <bioterror> http://www.nrk.no/nett-tv/klipp/55320/ this worked for example <bioterror> http://www.nrk.no/nett-tv/klipp/792869/ no problems with this neither <silverlightning> hm, ja funker her ogs <silverlightning> works here too <silverlightning> rart <silverlightning> weird <silverlightning> sorry, I am on two channels <silverlightning> get languages mixed up <silverlightning> but even more strange <silverlightning> I can boot puppy linux right now, and it would work <silverlightning> all, live, all the archived shows <silverlightning> I am in norway, should be no blockage <silverlightning> ??? !!! <bioterror> but now, good night <silverlightning> goon night <silverlightning> I have a troll in my computer <silverlightning> messing stuff up <silverlightning> anyone here? <silverlightning> do this plugin come with default or with extra packages ? port25.technet.com/videos/downloads/wmpfirefoxplugin.exe. <silverlightning> or there might be some know conflicts? <silverlightning> http://port25.technet.com/videos/downloads/wmpfirefoxplugin.exe <Ibis> Hey guys, does Ubuntu software center installs Gnome too by any chance? <silverlightning> is it all right to install medibuntu in lubuntu? <Lithos84> sliverlightning: It is all right :) <silverlightning> I manage to mess up <silverlightning> major <silverlightning> @£$!"#¤ <meetingology> silverlightning: Error: "£$!"#¤" is not a valid command. <silverlightning> how observant <KM0201> silverlightning: http://samiux.blogspot.com/2011/05/howto-moonlight-on-ubuntu-1104.html <silverlightning> hi <silverlightning> thanks <silverlightning> it is working now <KM0201> np <silverlightning> miraculosuly <silverlightning> not sure what is working really, but it is streaming : ) <KM0201> what's so miraculous about it? <KM0201> lol <silverlightning> it should have worked with the restricteds really <silverlightning> not that it did <KM0201> yeah, it should have. <silverlightning> it streams, now, and I the setting for windows media player, and not silverlight/monlight ? <silverlightning> however, i did get moonlight too <silverlightning> frantic plugin hunt <silverlightning> lol <silverlightning> KM0201: where are you? <silverlightning> I'm in Norway <KM0201> indpls, IN (US) <silverlightning> oh far away then <silverlightning> http://www.nrk.no/nett-tv/direkte/nrk1/ <silverlightning> I'm not sure if you can make it stream where you are <silverlightning> they add all kinds of blocks these days <silverlightning> freedom is not common on earth <KM0201> yeah, doesn't look like it, i hit play and it says connecting, then "stopped" <KM0201> wait, now its working <silverlightning> stopped is what I got too <silverlightning> and I have a norwegian ip <silverlightning> not sure really, I am in norway at lest lol <KM0201> well, it worked for a second <KM0201> now it stopped again <silverlightning> my trouble too <silverlightning> however, something changed it <silverlightning> it works <KM0201> yeah, i'm over it <KM0201> :0 <silverlightning> there is a setting on top of the page, where you can choose wm player or silverlight <silverlightning> never mind, it's not interesting for people in us <silverlightning> ; ) <silverlightning> thanks again <silverlightning> you have more TV than you ever get to watch I suspect <KM0201> yup #lubuntu 2011-10-12 <silverlightning> however i have no sound <silverlightning> on system at all? <silverlightning> I have been in alsamixer and all parameters are on top <silverlightning> some are 00 some are MM <silverlightning> ? <silverlightning> this is a newly installed 11.10 <silverlightning> today <KM0201> hmm <silverlightning> I could make a picture <KM0201> you can try adjusting all the volume meters up on alsamixer <KM0201> see if that helps <KM0201> if that doesn't help, find your sound device by typing lspci in a terminal <silverlightning> http://imagebin.org/178584 <silverlightning> all parameters are up in alsamixer <silverlightning> I mean meters <KM0201> ok <KM0201> lspci <silverlightning> http://imagebin.org/178585 <silverlightning> not sure if that made any sense ? <KM0201> ok <KM0201> sudo apt-get install pulseaudio pavucontrol <silverlightning> in buntus it usually has worked by default, with simple alsamixer adjusting <KM0201> well, all i can tell you, is my problem is resolved w/ pulseaudio (have the same problem when i first install) <silverlightning> maybe I need a restart? <KM0201> after you install pulseaudio you will, but.. you an try restarting and see if that fixes it before installing pulseaudio (but i wouldn't get your hopes up) <silverlightning> hmm <silverlightning> is this a bug thing+ <silverlightning> ? <silverlightning> brb reboot <KM0201> no <silverlightning> no? <silverlightning> oh yes <KM0201> pulse audio apparently isn't installed by default w/ lubuntu (in favor of alsamixer) <silverlightning> maybe just audio card issues <KM0201> you can reboot, but its not a bug. <KM0201> just reboot, and when that doesn't fix the problem, install pulseaudio <silverlightning> alsamixer has always worked though <KM0201> well, you are using the beta,.. <silverlightning> no sound <silverlightning> I think trouble is the MM <Ibis> How can I install Ubuntu software center in Lubuntu? <silverlightning> I usually have most of them on 00 <Ibis> And I have a friend who is having issues using WIFI in Medion Laptop -.- <silverlightning> ibis, package manager is not enough? <KM0201> Ibis: its in synaptic.. search for "software center".. i think its called "ubuntusoftwarecenter" not sure though <silverlightning> no sound at all <Ibis> silverlightning: It's not for me, It's to "easy-mode" some things for a linux newbie. <silverlightning> oh, sound is on <silverlightning> !! <Ibis> I prefer installing things with apt-get. <KM0201> Ibis: sudo apt-get install software-center i just checked, its there <silverlightning> well, terminal works <Ibis> Sweet KM0201. <KM0201> Ibis: my point was, use synaptic to find the package.. it's a lot easier to search w/ synaptic, than apt <Ibis> Okay. <Ibis> Gawd, this is really dumb for me to mention anything of my friend's issue. It's basically an "IT DONT WORK" sorta thing -.- Which isn't helping. <KM0201> whats wrong? <Ibis> He for some reason can not get onto the internet with his laptop. Via, wifi. <KM0201> whats his wifi device? <KM0201> i'm gonna guess broadcom or ralink <Ibis> That's what I'm trying to get out of him, but he logged off. <Ibis> He's all frustrated with no internet. <KM0201> i can imagine, but just saying "it won't work" wont' help <silverlightning> broadcom needs activation of additional drivers, <silverlightning> at least often <KM0201> silverlightning: sometimes <silverlightning> and reboot lol <Ibis> He doesn't even know his computer module. <Ibis> Model. <silverlightning> ralink usually work straight away <Ibis> Only that it says Medion. <KM0201> well, just tell hin to type lspci in a terminal, find the wireless line, and tell us what it says <silverlightning> should be a sticker under? <silverlightning> or something written some where <KM0201> silverlightning: depends, some ralinks work fine, others, are a pain. <silverlightning> I see <silverlightning> I might have been lucky then <silverlightning> though I have a usb dongle not working at all, have no idea what chip is <Ibis> I asked for that, I get no good feedback. <KM0201> then don't worry about it.. you can't help him if he won't help you <silverlightning> after hours of driver search, I went out and bought a new wireless <silverlightning> much easier <Ibis> Oh well, too bad, now he's going back to windows. At least one other friend is staying on linux. <silverlightning> lol <silverlightning> buntus happily exist alongside windows <silverlightning> often at least <silverlightning> there are some incompatibilities popping up now and then <wxl> why do links get highlighted in lxterminal but they're not clickable or rather they can be clicked but nothing happens? <silverlightning> oh have you marked off and pressed tab? <wxl> hah say what? :D <silverlightning> that one is stricky until you figure it out <silverlightning> but really very simple <Ibis> I know right!? I've actually tried to click, nothing ever happens. <silverlightning> mark of with mouse <silverlightning> then press tab <wxl> so mouse-over you mean silverlightning ? <silverlightning> the arrow key up in left corner <wxl> wtf <wxl> what arrow key? :D <wxl> OH <silverlightning> yes, just highlight the "OK" or "accept" or what ever, then tab <wxl> wait i think i get it now <silverlightning> old fashion tab <wxl> nope don't get it <wxl> i'm dumb <wxl> pisses me off tho <silverlightning> http://www.sxc.hu/pic/m/o/om/omironia/394281_tab_key.jpg <wxl> if only i could click on that :D <silverlightning> very simple <silverlightning> what? <silverlightning> you know what tab is? <wxl> uh <wxl> yes <wxl> so that doesn't really work <silverlightning> it is a key (one single) with two arrows pointing in two directions <wxl> i know what the tab key is silly <silverlightning> lol <silverlightning> sorry <wxl> but i don't have a clue what that has to do with hyperlinks <silverlightning> hey, what are you doing in terminal? <wxl> ssh'ing to a server and running bitlbee+irssi in it <silverlightning> hmm <silverlightning> nothing regular works? <wxl> well if by regular you mean click on the link, no <silverlightning> not tab, not enter, not y? <wxl> ok let's say you want me to go to http://google.com <wxl> i mouse over it <wxl> it gets highlighted <wxl> i get the little finder pointer <wxl> i click <wxl> nothing <silverlightning> hmm <silverlightning> can you middle click? <wxl> hm not so easily with a touchpad <silverlightning> of not double click <silverlightning> you know, right and left click at ones <wxl> right opens context menu <silverlightning> old terminals had to be maneuvered like that <wxl> left does nothing <silverlightning> hmm <silverlightning> but both at the same time <wxl> don't have a middle <silverlightning> right AND left <wxl> hmmmmm not sure that will be super easy because i touch-click to right click <wxl> yeah i can't imagine how to do that <silverlightning> highlight, then press two mousepad buttons simultaneously <wxl> ii only have one button <wxl> i touch-click to right click <silverlightning> I see <silverlightning> hm <wxl> ah ha <wxl> got it <wxl> ctrl-left click <silverlightning> stuck in terminal <wxl> should have known <wxl> thank god <silverlightning> lol <silverlightning> you really have to get inventive when you are on alternative hardware <silverlightning> there's usually a way about it <wxl> NO SHIT <:D <silverlightning> ; ) <wxl> well what's funny is it's not half as bad as when, a good decade or so ago, i tried to get slackware on a thinkpad <wxl> back then only the brave and stupid bothered with linux and laptops from what i could gather :O <wxl> frankly i'm pretty darn happy with the way my powerbook is running ocelot <silverlightning> I am rather happy with the latest 11.10 issue <silverlightning> last friday's was a mess <silverlightning> or maybe my install <wxl> for whatever reason natty was funky. very very very very very slow. <wxl> possibly <silverlightning> I think it was a but, I read others had the same issues, in crash reports <wxl> my iso is pretty old (30 sept i think) <silverlightning> a bug* <wxl> but now it's all updated and upgraded and everything <wxl> seems to me that the installer is where the real issues are <silverlightning> very slow, then something is woring <silverlightning> like driver, or hard ware issues <wxl> i still would like to figure out some sort of flash solution but that's a ppc problem, not lubuntu <wxl> yeah, i think it was processor scaling <wxl> first it ran really hot and i managed to calm it down, but i think that just made it all draggy <wxl> out of the box, ocelot is perfect <wxl> what were your problems? <silverlightning> do you have firefox <silverlightning> ? <wxl> yep <silverlightning> it has a great addon, flash replacer <silverlightning> or flash video replacer <wxl> currently on 7.0.1 <wxl> oh? <silverlightning> plays youtube, and some flash streams, <silverlightning> and no adobe flash <silverlightning> and then there's html5 <wxl> i'm using gnash right now <silverlightning> I mean as alternative to flash <silverlightning> gnash works fine? <wxl> it's .. um .. well .. somewhat functional <wxl> i wonder if i can get compiz going on this bad boy :D <wxl> (kind of kidding.. it's antithetical to the very purpose of having lubuntu) <silverlightning> you might <wxl> what do you use for email? <silverlightning> so far only pidgin <silverlightning> or direct in browser <wxl> i have too many email accounts for that <silverlightning> I haven't configed anything yet <silverlightning> I installed 11.10 today <wxl> i'm tempted to just run thunderbird but the thought of something more lightweight is attractive <silverlightning> had major issues with mplayer gecko <silverlightning> and tured out to be a silly setting <silverlightning> like hours of fuzz <silverlightning> very true <silverlightning> default is sylfeed <silverlightning> some like it a lot <wxl> i spent DAYS trying to get that installer going because it was trying to download from "mirror" instead of "ports.ubuntu.com" <wxl> eventually figured out doing a little creative editing in /etc/hosts could clean it up <wxl> as for sylpheed, it seems tolerable but it doesn't have like a unified inbox if you know what i mea <wxl> +n <silverlightning> hmm, not sure <silverlightning> seamonkey might have an email client <silverlightning> if I remember correctly <wxl> yeah it does <wxl> basically thunderbird more or less <wxl> hahahahah <silverlightning> I see <silverlightning> claws? <wxl> apparently it's the same as claws mail <wxl> it has the same "about" at least :D <wxl> http://www.claws-mail.org/faq/index.php/General_Information#What_are_the_differences_between_Claws_Mail_and_Sylpheed.3F <silverlightning> I find what we like depends very much on habit <wxl> yep <silverlightning> just give it a go for three weeks and your can happily live with it <silverlightning> wonder what opera has <wxl> yeah i think you're right <wxl> i'll just set it up and see where i get annoyed <wxl> or rather if <silverlightning> thought, it is worth trying different stuff <wxl> i might end up using thunderbird+muttator just because i like the vim-ish keybindings <silverlightning> one thing missing in sylpheed, it doesn't have spell check I think unless it has been added lately <silverlightning> there use to be something called pine <silverlightning> or alpine <silverlightning> hmm <wxl> doesn't bother me none <wxl> yeah it's particularly frustrating to deal with when moving messages to folders in gmail imap <silverlightning> thunderbird isn't bad, as long as you don't get lag on your pad <silverlightning> I am a bit slow to use new functions, and sort of need sometime to figure out how to go about stuff <silverlightning> I was hoping there was skype in pidgin, but doesn't look like it <wxl> yeah nope <wxl> skype sucks <wxl> if you don't care about communicating specifically through skype, there are some nice voip apps <silverlightning> voip? <wxl> voice over internet protocol <silverlightning> I mostly on skype because some I know are <wxl> yeah just have them switch :D <wxl> (i know that doesn't work) <silverlightning> lol <silverlightning> needs a workaround <silverlightning> I figuring how to apt-get youtube dl <silverlightning> I use to have it <silverlightning> but it's not in package manager <wxl> do u just use skype for chat? <wxl> like not voice? <silverlightning> yes, mostly chat <silverlightning> voice has happened <wxl> i think there's skype support in bitlbee now but that's a whole different ball of way <wxl> wax <silverlightning> I see <silverlightning> I usually end up with something <silverlightning> either msn or skype <silverlightning> would be nice to have everything in pigin <wxl> agreed <wxl> that's why i like bitlbee <silverlightning> I think skype would have been added to pidgin if they allowed it <wxl> but instead of being irc in im it's im in irc * silverlightning googeling bitlbee <wxl> i love it but i'll warn you-- i'm very comfortable with the command line and living in text mode <silverlightning> terminal horror <silverlightning> lol <wxl> heh <silverlightning> I am no good with terminal <wxl> i ran finch (the ncurses version of pidgin) for a good long while <silverlightning> I find a guide some where; copy, paste, see what happens <wxl> what' nice about it especially in im is i can have it running on an always-on server and use tmux (like screen if you know what that is) to always be on even when afk and not use resources on it <wxl> careful with that or you'll end up with a frankenmachine <silverlightning> I often do <wxl> heheheh <silverlightning> a new install is sometimes only remedy <silverlightning> they often last until next issue though <silverlightning> I'm not that difficult with my os really <silverlightning> however I do install a lot of junk to get medias to work, like streams, tv, restricted <silverlightning> I still haven't checked if DVD works <wxl> python is runniing all super hot all of a sudden <wxl> weird <silverlightning> you need a parcel tongue <wxl> hah <silverlightning> there is that guy <silverlightning> I'm off to bed <wxl> night man <wxl> be well <silverlightning> see you anther day ; ) <silverlightning> you too <silverlightning> I shall deal with DVD tomorrow <KM0201> what's wrong w/ DVD? <silverlightning> ok, testing one <silverlightning> my head is mush <silverlightning> KM0201: gnome reluctently reads <silverlightning> never finishes loading <KM0201> did you install libdvdcss? <silverlightning> oh, and it works <silverlightning> !! <silverlightning> must hve <silverlightning> even menus work <silverlightning> must have been the medibuntu stuff <PsyCl0ne> Hi all <PsyCl0ne> Guys I have a netbook (Acer D02553). Last week I got Lubuntu installed on it, also installed the restricted extras so I could watch youtube videos but now I can not adjust my volume... If I click the speaker icon in my task bar it says that no audio devices were found or that there are dependancies missing from gstreamer. But if I sudo apt-get check GStreamer it checks out. what am I doing wrong?? <M0hi> Hi PsyCl0ne <PsyCl0ne> Sorry M0hi <M0hi> Lubuntu 11.10 ? <Unit193> Check alsamixer too <bodhizazen> does your flash video have it's own volume control ? <PsyCl0ne> Sorry Im at work atm... Vidoes do have volume if I connect external speakers <PsyCl0ne> and alsa mixer? and correct this is the latest Lubuntu <PsyCl0ne> alasmixer does see my sound card and I can adjust volume from in there <PsyCl0ne> Although, how would I get that widget working again? <PsyCl0ne> Actually scrap that I previously had sound, now I have none at all <PsyCl0ne> If anyone is still here is there a possibility that the flash installer could have uninstalled something that is needed for Lubuntu sound? <bodhizazen> I doubt it PsyCl0ne <bodhizazen> I am not familiar enough with the apps lubuntu uses <bodhizazen> but flash is a single lib <PsyCl0ne> Well its more the restricted extras <bodhizazen> /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so <PsyCl0ne> I dont know what thats supposed to be exactly... <PsyCl0ne> Im still kind of new to linux... <wxl> https://www.xkcd.com/963/ <PsyCl0ne> hey guys if I run sudo /sbin/alsa reload I get this output http://pastebin.com/1JU5Euw5 what have I dont to my system lol <munikar> hi, when will Lubuntu 11.10 will be officially released? i heard 9 october but no so <munikar> ? <munikar> what is the MININUM ram requirement of lubuntu? will it run smoothly in 256 Mb RAM? <Unit193> PsyCl0ne: You said it had problems detecting your device, what does sudo aplay -l output? That's a terminal command <Unit193> munikar: It will be out the 13th <munikar> that means tomorrow! can't wait to install it <munikar> by the way, will it run smoothly in 256 Mb RAM? <Unit193> Depends on how much swap and CPU <munikar> i have a intel motherboard and 2.4 GHz processor <munikar> what's "swap"? <JohnDoe_71Rus> swap memory on hard disk <Unit193> I would think it'd work in that case <munikar> how to create swap memory? can u tell me in brief? <Unit193> It's done during the install <munikar> during install by CD or by HD? <Unit193> If you're on Lubuntu now, you should already have swap <munikar> no, i'm using win xp. just decided to change into Lubuntu. (Other distros won't work, not even xubuntu) <Unit193> When you install Lubuntu, the installer will make it for you <munikar> can we change the size of that swap file? <Unit193> You could. Are you going ro keep XP too? <munikar> nah............never <munikar> its goodbye to windows from me forever :) <Unit193> Great! If you happen to mess up, nothing wrong :D <JohnDoe_71Rus> munikar: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=669059&seqNum=2 lubuntu similar <Unit193> Heh, 2007 :P <munikar> Unit193: it's about ubuntu, is lubuntu the same way too? <Unit193> munikar: As JohnDoe_71Rus said, only a few things have changed in the installer <JohnDoe_71Rus> yes. just ansver installer <Unit193> Ubuntu and Lubuntu use the exact same installer <munikar> ok :) <munikar> isn't there an alternative installer for Lubuntu? :( <Unit193> There will be if you wait a few days :P <munikar> there ain't for Lubuntu 11.04 as fas as i know <PsyCl0ne> Would anyone happen to still be around this early in the morning? <systemclient> Can I publish a virtual appliance that I made with lubuntu publicly? <KM0201> i don't see why not <systemclient> KM0201: I was wondering about the Ubuntu brand maybe <systemclient> other than that, everythign should be free, as I see it <KM0201> what do you mean?.. <KM0201> oh yeah, exactly <KM0201> the ubuntu brand--- that could be an issue. <systemclient> that is why I am asking <KM0201> but.. it shouldn't be an issue to just share a lubuntu virtual appliance <systemclient> I mean I did change the standard package selection … but it is all out of the ubuntu repo <KM0201> look at how many people rewrite Ubuntu into their own little distro. <KM0201> it shouldn't be an issue.. think about it, that's how Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, FluxBuntu, etc.. all came about. <systemclient> right, but they have different names, technically <andantino> anyone tried out 11.10 yet <M-n-M> is it morning anywhere? <andantino> noon here <M-n-M> its 9 pm here :) <M-n-M> can't wait to use Lubuntu 11.10 <andantino> i was just asking if anyone has tried the beta <andantino> i think you could download it now <andantino> you just have to keep running your updates <M-n-M> beta are beta, final is final :) <M-n-M> no, i'm going to do a fresh install in my old desktop which has xp <andantino> if im not mistaken all you have to do is update beta when it is released and you should be good <M-n-M> when updating from beta, how much will i have to download? <andantino> no idea <M-n-M> that's why <andantino> might as well wait for the release i guess <andantino> its tomorrow <andantino> isnt it? <M-n-M> yup <andantino> im running the ubuntu beta now <M-n-M> i have ubuntu 11.04 in my laptop, i'm going to install lubuntu in my old desktop with 256mb RAM :) <andantino> i have lubuntu on an old pc <andantino> works like a charm <M-n-M> hope so... <andantino> mine has 512 mb ram though <andantino> someone added ram for me one time years ago <ahma> Works fine with 256ram <andantino> lubuntu is an awesome distro <M-n-M> yea <ahma> Just install using alternate or minimal install <andantino> im considering putting it on my moms laptop even though its new <M-n-M> lot better than that over-featured Ubuntu <andantino> i have become accustomed to both gnome3 and unity now <andantino> but <M-n-M> i'll put ubuntu 11.10 in my laptop and Lubuntu in my desktop :) <andantino> there is still part of me that thinks there should be a taskbar down there <M-n-M> the hidden menubar of Unity is cool, saves space <ahma> M-n-M: use alternate or minimal install <andantino> yeah i have no problem with unity or gnome3 either <M-n-M> yup, i'm going to do exactly that <andantino> but im thinking a taskbar is more intuitive for my mom <ahma> Adantino: gnome :) <M-n-M> i tried to install xubuntu in my old pc through Live CD. lol my RAM could take it... <andantino> and i like lxde better than xfce <M-n-M> Gnome3 and Unity are pretty much the same, i guess <andantino> i actually prefer gnome3 <M-n-M> yeah, xfce is hung in the middle of lightweight and heavyweight <andantino> to show all open apps you just press the super key in gnome3 <M-n-M> lxde is the pure lightweight, for old computers and for faster computing <M-n-M> what's the "SUPER KEY" ? <andantino> windows key <M-n-M> to show all open apps, you just throw your mouse to the left.. :) <andantino> in unity you press super - w <M-n-M> in UNITY <andantino> no <andantino> you mean on the dock in ubuntu? <M-n-M> no!! ? <M-n-M> its called the launcher <M-n-M> not dock <M-n-M> just wondering, can we use lxde in Ubuntu as well? <andantino> you can download it <andantino> but i have had trouble with it <andantino> are you on ubuntu now M-n-M? <M-n-M> no, i'm using that old desktop with xp <andantino> ah <andantino> when you use it later <M-n-M> why, did u want me to do sth? <andantino> press windows key with 'w' <M-n-M> okz <andantino> and you will see the window switcher <andantino> whatever its called <M-n-M> what about Alt+Tab <andantino> not sure <andantino> does that do the same thing? <M-n-M> i always swith apps in Ubuntu using alt + tab :/ <andantino> windows key - w zooms out and shows all open apps on work space <andantino> smaller versions of each window on the screen <andantino> then you can just click the one you want to switch to <M-n-M> oh, don't need to use that i think <ahma> Alt+tab best imo <M-n-M> yup <andantino> i never use that. i will have to try that later <andantino> i think lubuntu would be a good option for my mom's laptop <andantino> even though she has more than enough resources <M-n-M> why? <andantino> well first off, i dont think she needs anything fancy <andantino> she does not do much <andantino> and secondly <andantino> i think she would just find the taskbar more intuitive <ahma> Ofc it is, just do some "set up" so she would't start hating "that lubuntu thing" ;) <andantino> but maybe not <andantino> right now i have her using fedora with gnome 3 <andantino> but she only goes on firefox <andantino> fedora was the only option because ubuntu had problems with certain mousepads <andantino> touchpads rather <M-n-M> i have never used fedora. how's it? <andantino> its pretty good <ahma> I did not like it <andantino> but <M-n-M> but? <andantino> you really have to fix things <andantino> at first <M-n-M> what do you mean? <andantino> part of it is gnome3 <andantino> but also it has some weird default settings on its own <andantino> for instance by default in fedora <haemogoblin> hey there <andantino> touchpad tapping is not enabled <andantino> in gnome3 gui the mouse settings allow you to change that <ahma> There was no options to customize in default and community support is minor <andantino> in lxde and xfce <haemogoblin> Does anyone know how do add desktop icons in Lubuntu? i've done it before but i can't for the life of me remember how <M-n-M> i think gnome 3 is made for screen touch devices <andantino> in fedora lxde and xfce tapping is not enabled and the gui provides no tool <andantino> to enable it <andantino> you can only increase speed <andantino> so you have to create a file in xorg.conf <haemogoblin> i'd be greatful if someone could point me in the right direction :) As not being able to work out how i did it before is really annoying <M-n-M> time to sleep :) <andantino> but after you get fedora configured well enough <andantino> its pretty good <andantino> haemoglobin <andantino> just right click the app in your launcher menu <andantino> and add to desktop <haemogoblin> what about if i'm wanting to add network?? <haemogoblin> every time i want to access the network i have to click on the file manager and then click on go. <tzhuang> hello lubuntu users <haemogoblin> is there not a way to put a network icon on the desktop or even the taskbar? <andantino> i think it should be in the taskbar <tzhuang> i was thinking of switching to lubuntu for 11.10 <ahma> It should be in taskbar by default <andantino> i cant remember, i havent even touched my lubuntu machine for while <tzhuang> will there be a noticeable speed increase from ubuntu->lubuntu? <haemogoblin> hmm no i dont have one <haemogoblin> i just have filemanager <andantino> lubuntu is much faster <andantino> much lighter i should say <haemogoblin> i like lubuntu, but lord the interface is sooooo cut down from ubuntu <ahma> Tzhuang, depends about your machine <tzhuang> hang on lemme check my specs <andantino> thats weird hemoglobin it should be in there <haemogoblin> nope <haemogoblin> i installed from the Alternative-install iso <haemogoblin> could that be the reason? <andantino> maybe <ahma> No <andantino> have you googled it to see if others have had similar problems? <haemogoblin> i seem to recall on a previous install of lubuntu i just clicked a tick box <haemogoblin> and it enabled the trashcan ect to appear on the desktop <haemogoblin> but at the moment my desktop it totally blank <andantino> you only have file manager now? <andantino> no other icons? <tzhuang> hmm i have 2G of RAM <tzhuang> and a dual core cpu at 1.6GHz each <tzhuang> i think my computer used mostly for the browser, vlc player, music player, and gnucash <tzhuang> that's about it <ahma> No dramatical increase I think <ahma> Ubuntu should run fine with those <andantino> i bet startup would be faster <tzhuang> hmmm <haemogoblin> you think ubuntu would be have on a 1.6ghz intel duo? <tzhuang> well im a minimalist when it comes to these things <tzhuang> if start up will be faster i think i might switch to lubuntu <andantino> i think you will notice certain things are much faster <ahma> Then lubuntu :) <tzhuang> that sounds good <tzhuang> only thing is <tzhuang> will lunbuntu play nice with my /home partition <haemogoblin> So long as your not going to miss the conforts of ubuntu <tzhuang> which comforts are those >__> <haemogoblin> Well for a start it's a bit more cut down in my opinion <haemogoblin> I've discovering things like Network icons and just short cuts in general are not availible <andantino> i had an acer with 3gb ram and amd dual core, cant remember the speed <haemogoblin> to navigating the OS is laborious <andantino> and i noticed a difference between ubuntu and lubuntu <ahma> Icons cant be drawd to panels etc. <andantino> i have never had that issue here though haemoglobin <ahma> Me neither <haemogoblin> Well if you can tell me how to make the trashcan appear i'd be greatful <tzhuang> the community here on irc seems better than the the one on ubuntu lol <andantino> in fact because there is less on the system, i dont think i have noticed any bugs with lubuntu <tzhuang> o pssht i never even use the trashcan. everything goes striaght to obliteration <tzhuang> loool <andantino> nothing i remember anyways <haemogoblin> i'm just a bit annoyed with constantly having to go via the filemanager when i need to get somewhere <andantino> and i think lxde actually looks pretty sharp <ahma> Haemogoblin, open folders and it should be in menu left <tzhuang> 11.10 is scheduled release tmr same time as ubuntu? <andantino> especially with lubuntu's default panel <haemogoblin> open folderS? <haemogoblin> you mean filemanager? <ahma> Like homefolder <haemogoblin> thats my filemanager <andantino> your app launcher menu thing <haemogoblin> one sec <andantino> if you find network <andantino> just right click and add to desktop <andantino> but there is something weird there, because it definitely should be in your systray thingy <haemogoblin> want to run that past me one more time <haemogoblin> on my system tray i have <andantino> it should be on the right side <andantino> over by the clock <haemogoblin> filemanager, chrome, iconify all windows <haemogoblin> ok <haemogoblin> i've got it open <andantino> do you have stuff on the right side? <haemogoblin> Yes <haemogoblin> sound <haemogoblin> clock <haemogoblin> and power icon <andantino> thats where it should be <haemogoblin> for shutting down <andantino> right click on the panel itself haemoglobin <haemogoblin> will i find it under the add/remove panel window? <andantino> in an empty place <andantino> panel preferences <haemogoblin> yep <haemogoblin> i'm there now <haemogoblin> panel prefs <andantino> anything for adding icons <andantino> or <andantino> maybe its not panel preferences <andantino> right click on panel again <andantino> and is there anything for adding stuff to panel <andantino> i could go on my lubuntu pc <andantino> ill do just that....brb with exact instructions <andantino> unless you figure it out first <haemogoblin> i've been at it over and hour <haemogoblin> an hour <haemogoblin> and had no luck <haemogoblin> i've not got a clue what i'm doing wrong <haemogoblin> i KNOW i had it working before <haemogoblin> but i reinstalled <andantino> hmmm <andantino> weird i figured out how to delete items from the systray <andantino> there should be a way to reset the panel <tzhuang> 11.10 is scheduled release tmr same time as ubuntu? <haemogoblin> well i've been through all the panel plugins and nothing <haemogoblin> i cant seem to add icons to my desktop <andantino> i would think so tzhuang <andantino> lubuntu is now officially part of the ubuntu family with this release <andantino> you will find out tomorrow <andantino> to add items to the desktop <andantino> you use your launcher menu <andantino> navigate to the program you want <andantino> like you would when you want to use it, but right click on it and select add to desktop <haemogoblin> ok <haemogoblin> i know this <andantino> but it does not work <haemogoblin> bare with me <andantino> ? <haemogoblin> open your filemanager <haemogoblin> on the menu click GO <haemogoblin> Network Drives <haemogoblin> I want a short cut for Network drives <haemogoblin> on the desktop <andantino> have you tried right clicking on it? <haemogoblin> it's not an icon it's a menu option <haemogoblin> if you try on your lubuntu you will see what i mean <andantino> ok one sec <haemogoblin> on the left panel of the filemanager window <haemogoblin> i have <haemogoblin> my user, desktop, rubbish, Applications <andantino> im not talking about file manager <andantino> do you not have like a start menu? <haemogoblin> yes i do <andantino> can you find your network in there? <haemogoblin> nope <andantino> ok one sec <andantino> really though <andantino> i think you should reinstall <KM0201> you want it on your desktop? <haemogoblin> yes <KM0201> that shouldn't be that difficult. <KM0201> hold on <andantino> you never had a network icon in your systray <andantino> even after install? <haemogoblin> i hade one before <haemogoblin> but i had to reinstall <haemogoblin> and since then <andantino> are you using the beta? <KM0201> oh, you want a network icon in your system try <andantino> well he just wants a network icon somewhere <KM0201> wait, i'm confused. <andantino> that should be there by default <haemogoblin> i like one on the system tray or the desktop <KM0201> ok. <andantino> i think something is screwed up with his install <haemogoblin> just so i can skip the whole, taskbar/filemanager/go/ <KM0201> andantino: and you currently don't haveone on the taskbar, right? <andantino> i do <haemogoblin> i dont <haemogoblin> :) <andantino> he never had one <KM0201> ok <KM0201> i take it lubuntu gets online normally? <andantino> which seems kinda strange <haemogoblin> i installed the alternate iso and upgraded to 10.04 <KM0201> lubuntu didn't have a verssion prior to 10.04 <haemogoblin> i used the alternative-iso as originally i was using a 4gb microdrive <haemogoblin> i mean 11.04 <haemogoblin> sorry <KM0201> ok <KM0201> what did you upgrade? 10.10? <haemogoblin> one sec <KM0201> if you didn't upgrade from 10.10, to 11.04.. thent hat could be some of the problem, even w/ the alt cd as the upgrade source, you cannot skip releases (unless going LTS to LTS) <andantino> if its not too much of a hassle <andantino> i would just download and reinstall <haemogoblin> i think i will <andantino> KM, if i install the beta all i would need to do is update and upgrade <haemogoblin> that is the one thing i didn't do <KM0201> andantino: i'm not suggesting install the beta <andantino> and it will upgrade me to 11.10 when it is released ya <haemogoblin> when i installed the alt iso <haemogoblin> i didn't update it <andantino> no i know, im asking personally <haemogoblin> i just let it upgrade <KM0201> yes, if you install the beta, and keep it up to date, when the final release hits, you'll have "final" <haemogoblin> perhaps thats the difference <haemogoblin> maybe thats why i'm missing menu options <andantino> im considering putting it on my moms lappy <haemogoblin> i might download the full iso and see how i get on <andantino> yeah those things should be there by default haemoglobin <haemogoblin> thanks <haemogoblin> i'll do that tonight <haemogoblin> i didn't think lubuntu was THAT different to ubuntu <haemogoblin> which is what was throwing me <andantino> well, i have never had problems with it here <andantino> i think maybe when you reinstall everything should be a bit rosier for you <andantino> though i gotta admit i rarely touch this computer <haemogoblin> I just built this one <haemogoblin> i've made a sort of vintage looking mini ITX system <andantino> i like a lot of lubuntu's included software <haemogoblin> looks like a mini Altair 8800 <andantino> not that its hard to change in ubuntu <andantino> but there is much less of it and i prefer pidgin to empathy <andantino> i prefer abiword to libreoffice <andantino> KM, 11.10 will be released tomorrow, ya? <wxl> morning kids <KM0201> andantino: id assume so <wxl> haemogoblin: what's the specs on that miniITX box? <KM0201> andantino: but the odds of Lubuntu 11.10 being released tomorrow, seems far fetched <andantino> ah <andantino> have you tried the beta? <wxl> i'm planning on doing a miniITX NAS <wxl> using it for other things too, e.g. icecast <tzhuang> sry im like hopping back and forth to the keyboard <tzhuang> andantino: thanks a lot for your help <KM0201> wxl: i'm running ubuntu server on my NAS <KM0201> it's easy <wxl> sweet <andantino> no problem <KM0201> mine is basic.. FTP, Torrent, Samba, Mediatomb, Firefly <andantino> did you install it already tzhunag? <andantino> tzhuang* <wxl> i really wanted an asus hummingbird mboard but it seems they're gone <KM0201> hmm <KM0201> mine's just on an old PC i had <KM0201> well, old "semi-rebuilt" PC <wxl> yeah i could do that <wxl> my wife wouldn't let me ;) <wxl> i actually have a machine that's perfect for that <wxl> i think it would be fun to build a miniITX box <KM0201> not the fastest thing on the planet, but slapped a couple 1tb drives in there, and it's awesome as a home server <KM0201> why mini-itx? <wxl> small <KM0201> i see <wxl> run it headless on the bookshelf <wxl> means wife doesn't complain <KM0201> well, headless... that goes w/o saying <wxl> sure, sure <KM0201> although.. you'll probably need some sort of display temporarily (along w/ an optical drive) till you get the OS installed and set up <wxl> so does ubuntu server offer a desktop environment by default <wxl> yeah and that's no prob <KM0201> no <wxl> oh that's good! <KM0201> its totally command line.. managed by SSH from a client machine <wxl> exactly my thinking <KM0201> i practiced w/ Vbox, before fully implementing it onto my server <KM0201> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811112265 <wxl> the think that's nice about that asus hummingbird is it offers BIOS LEVEL remote access <KM0201> really? <KM0201> thats impressive <wxl> http://www.asus.com/Server_Workstation/Server_Motherboards/Hummingbird/ <wxl> i just can't find any anywhere <KM0201> that looks expensive <wxl> yeah it'snot the cheapest thing around <wxl> i'm of the mindset tho you get what you pay for <KM0201> yeah, but.. for me, thats overkill for my home server <KM0201> all i need is a few sataports, wakeonlan, and thats about it <wxl> raid's important to me <wxl> wake on lan <wxl> watchdog timer <KM0201> i use raid1 (software)... i considered getting a raid controller, but changed my mind. <wxl> why for? <KM0201> honestly, cuz i had the software raid working fine, no reasn to mess with it. <KM0201> i've got my 1tb drives mirroring just fine, i've got the actual OS installed on an old 80gig 2.5in hard drive i had... <KM0201> overkill on space.. but.. meh, i don't care <wxl> i've not had the experience with software raid but concerns i've read about reliability have me worried <KM0201> software raid is very dependable. <KM0201> another issue you'd want to consider, if you bought a motherboard that obscure, is if ubuntu(assuming you used ubuntu server) woudl 100% support it <wxl> yep, good point <andantino> anyone know if 11.10 will have an official 64 bit release? <wxl> it does have general linux support <wxl> i'm sure 11.10 will have everything eventually <wxl> in the near term, i don't think we'll see it or ppc for that matter (my gripe) <KM0201> well, PPC ubuntu's are a community project.. i don't think they ar eofficially suppoted by canonical any longer <wxl> they're always offering ppcs in daily which is encouraging <wxl> i've seen seasons where that was too much to ask <KM0201> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ <KM0201> yea <KM0201> Is Ubuntu supported on PowerPC? <KM0201> Ubuntu 6.10 was the last officially supported PowerPC version of Ubuntu. Future versions will be community supported. This was announced on the mailing list. <wxl> i'm running ocelot on a powerbook :D <KM0201> but it's an intel isn't it? <wxl> ubuntu wikis are RIDDLED with outdated info <wxl> nope <wxl> g4 <KM0201> hmm, <KM0201> interesting <KM0201> like i said though, i don't think it's an official ubuntu port <KM0201> could be wrong though. <wxl> used one of the dalies and it's wonderful <wxl> way faster than leopard (os x) was <haemogoblin> back <wxl> sounds like ppc isn't being totally swept under the table: http://v.gd/9EOhTW <haemogoblin> hey just a thought, but i read online someone mentioning openbox <haemogoblin> and that it doesn't support desktop icons <haemogoblin> could this have any bearing on what i'm having trouble with? <haemogoblin> Yay i found how to do it! <haemogoblin> :D <silverlightning> hi <silverlightning> hi <bodhi_zazen> 'lo silverlightning <silverlightning> ; ) <silverlightning> my oneric is still working <silverlightning> I miss all kinds of plugins stil <silverlightning> anyone clever with plugins? <silverlightning> what is running here http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=23173131 <silverlightning> ? <silverlightning> for live events on the web <silverlightning> hi KM0201 <silverlightning> just the right guy <KM0201> uh oh <silverlightning> ; ) <silverlightning> are you in lubuntu now? <KM0201> yes <silverlightning> can you test this one for me http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=23173131 <silverlightning> I am missing a plugin and can't figure out which? <KM0201> works for me.. they're talking about money. <KM0201> horrible audio though <KM0201> sounds like a tatoo gun is in the background <KM0201> lol <KM0201> silverlightning: it seems to need flash... (thats what i'm using to play it..) do you have flash <silverlightning> I don't have flash? <silverlightning> hmm <silverlightning> package manager? <KM0201> i don't know, do you have flash? <KM0201> thats what i'm using to play it, and ti works. <KM0201> can you view youtube videos? <silverlightning> it is probably so, I miss flash <KM0201> well, then install flash <silverlightning> I usually get flash very fast <silverlightning> like first thing I install <silverlightning> this time I went straight for html5 <silverlightning> hmm, It seems some flash packages are installed ? <wxl> are we all on firefox? <KM0201> no way <KM0201> Chrome <wxl> you too silverlightning ? <KM0201> or Chromium... whatever <silverlightning> I am in chromium, <silverlightning> but I might get ff <silverlightning> because of the plugin <KM0201> why? flash works fine w/ chromium <silverlightning> but doesn't have flash video replacer ; ) <KM0201> i have no idea what that is, so... ok <KM0201> if i could get totem to adjust brightness, i'd be thrilled <KM0201> but i can't find an equalizer on it anywhere <negueba> how can i watch 720p utube videos on totem??? <silverlightning> a clever plugin KM0201 <silverlightning> no totem here <silverlightning> mplayer is much nicer on this system <wxl> i thought chrome was the natural default for lubuntu but every time i've installed i've gotten firefox. maybe there's no ppc version <wxl> admittedly i'd miss vimperator <silverlightning> really weird, only chromium here <silverlightning> the last two 11.04 and 10 <KM0201> wxl: thats probably what it is.. strange though (i always get chromium) <wxl> yeah that's what it is <wxl> ppc <wxl> just loaded up my intel vm and it's got chromium <KM0201> yeah, makes sense i guess <KM0201> i'm trying to find a good icon to shortcut my NAS.. <KM0201> not realy coming up w/ one though <silverlightning> back in a while <silverlightning> hi again <silverlightning> now it says I need to update flash player? <KM0201> well, what version of flash are you using? <silverlightning> i just installed flash player? <silverlightning> hmm, hard to tell <silverlightning> adobe flash is not listed as app <KM0201> type "about:plugins" in the URL of chrome, and hit enter <silverlightning> with tongue out+ <silverlightning> ? <Gene> hey guys, is the lubuntu 'minimal diskspace' iso a 'live cd' ? <KM0201> minimal disk space?... <wxl> Gene: minimal INSTALL is not <silverlightning> I really should have all plugins <wxl> and i think that those are synonymous <KM0201> Gene: minimal install, is a command line only OS... <Gene> yeah, claims to be the same thing except using a different installer and requireing less disk <wxl> oh right it is a live cd i forgot <wxl> but true, it is cli only <silverlightning> I think regular lubuntu needs 4 point something GB to install <KM0201> hmm, neer heard of that one <Gene> I have a friend with a toshiba laptop, and a counterfeit windows, looking for something light to put in for him. <Gene> looking for something he could 'try out' before we actually install <wxl> Gene: if you want light and graphical, go lubuntu <silverlightning> lubuntu might be ideal Gene <wxl> if you want to try it out, just make a dvd out of the standard desktop <bioterror> make USB pendrive <wxl> or a usb key if his bios supports it <bioterror> if you hardware supports usb <bioterror> it's faster <silverlightning> regular lubuntu would boot fine into live cd? regardless of disk space? <Gene> not sure if his does or not <wxl> one way to find out-- look at the bios settings <Gene> yeah, he ( and his comp) aren't here at the moment <wxl> i had a near-full hard drive that i ran the live cd on silverlightning <JohnDoe_71Rus> silverlightning: try add cannonical partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin <Gene> just trying to find something to burn to disk to be prepared <wxl> Gene: then i'd just make a live dvd <silverlightning> Gene, have you tipped him about irc? pigin is default in latest lubuntu <Gene> is it? good <silverlightning> yes, I like it <Gene> he's 77, an artist, and relatively computer illiterate (so far) <wxl> cool good job gene <Gene> i'm getting ready to educate him <silverlightning> gene, do you have specs for the toshiba? <Gene> not right off hand, like i said, not here <wxl> is it a desktop or laptop? <silverlightning> JohnDoe_71Rus: I think I have, <Gene> laptop <wxl> know what windows he's running? <Gene> somewhere around 1.6 ghz, and a bit less than 1 gig of memory <silverlightning> JohnDoe_71Rus: unusual issue this time <wxl> ok well that's telling <Gene> counterfeit xp <wxl> my guess is it will work <wxl> ..with usb <KM0201> i think i got my desktop how i want it now, i'm happy...lol http://imagebin.org/178658 <silverlightning> lubuntu is very easy transition from xp <KM0201> silverlightning: thats ridiculous <silverlightning> nice dekstop <haemogoblin> xp / lubuntu lol <silverlightning> I must have messed up somewhere <KM0201> messed up what? <silverlightning> butus are so easy <silverlightning> my flash or related plugin <KM0201> ubuntu's are easy, but there is a very steep learning curve when coming from windows, to linux <KM0201> and telling people it's an "easy transition" is just simply a lie. <KM0201> most of us have been "Window'd" since we were in first grade. <haemogoblin> KM0201: how did you get that nas icon? <KM0201> haemogoblin: i downloaded it..lol <haemogoblin> oh do tell <silverlightning> yes, you do have to go through the fickely restricted stuff, unless you are lucky with restricted packages and everything works <Gene> no transition for him, just learning curve, he's pretty illiterate <KM0201> Gene: then he's perfect. <haemogoblin> i've not been able to get any icons on the desktop <Gene> hopefully <haemogoblin> and thats exactly what i was after <haemogoblin> :D <silverlightning> KM0201: true, me too. It was all windows <silverlightning> and the odd mac <KM0201> haemogoblin: well, the way *I* did it.... (there's other ways of course <KM0201> go to menu/accessories/file manage <haemogoblin> there <KM0201> and right click file manager in the menu, and choose 'add to desktop" <KM0201> (sorry, right click it in the menu) <silverlightning> seriously, I have never had issues with flash before <KM0201> that will add it to the desktop <silverlightning> ever <silverlightning> well, at least only cpu heavy <KM0201> then, right click the new icon on your desktop, and choose "Leafpad" <haemogoblin> one sec <haemogoblin> i'm catching up with you <haemogoblin> :P <KM0201> no pro <KM0201> *b <silverlightning> I had a medibuntu page last night <haemogoblin> ok i'm there <wxl> anyone had a lot of experience with themeing? i've tried to get a couple from box looks or whatever it is going but no such luck <haemogoblin> leafpad is open <KM0201> haemogoblin: ok, did you open it in leafpad.. <KM0201> ok.. <haemogoblin> Yes <KM0201> now.. most of that stuff in there, is totally irrelevant, but... <KM0201> but.. first... at the very top, you'll see "Icon"... download an icon to your computer, and put the path to that icon there. (for instance, mine is /home/username/icons/icon.png) <silverlightning> what about gnash? <KM0201> then "Name" this is the actual name of the icon on the desktop... change that from "file-manager" to whatever you want... I choose "NAS" obviously <wxl> running my vm with 256mb of ram and it's really not too bad.. especially given i've got the cpu throttled back to max at 70% usage (in the vm) <KM0201> haemogoblin: got that so far? <wxl> as far as i know the flash options are adobe, gnash, lightspark, and swfdec silverlightning <haemogoblin> well i'm going to skip the icon bit <silverlightning> wxl: you mean choose default themes in dekstop manager+ <KM0201> haemogoblin: thats fine <haemogoblin> i've changed the name to NAS <KM0201> ok <silverlightning> sort of look and feel+ <silverlightning> ? <KM0201> haemogoblin: now, scroll to the very bottom <haemogoblin> rgr, done <wxl> i haven't had much luck with any but i'm on ppc <KM0201> and like 3-4 lines up, you'll see "Exec=pcmanfm ..." <haemogoblin> yep <wxl> and yeah, you're right silverlightning .. there's an option to install a new theme that i can never get to work <KM0201> make that.. "Exec=pcmanfm /path/to/NAS".. so for me.. it was.. "Exec=pcmanfm smb://" <silverlightning> wxl, I seem only to have trouble with live audio transmission, "need to update adobe" <silverlightning> daft issues <KM0201> obviously, that is assuming you're using samba. <KM0201> on your server <haemogoblin> could i use the address network:/// <KM0201> um... you can try. <haemogoblin> just to give me the top of the network? <silverlightning> what is my nick really? <silverlightning> here it says silverarrow? <KM0201> it won't hurt to try <KM0201> then after that, save the text file <KM0201> and then double click the icon, and see if it opens where you want it. <haemogoblin> KM0201: you are the man! <haemogoblin> :) <KM0201> ;) <haemogoblin> worked like a charm! <haemogoblin> thank you <haemogoblin> that is just great <wxl> that should be in a wiki somewhere <KM0201> you can creat ecustom ones, but.. i generally find that finding one to to modify, is easier <wxl> makes complete and total sense but is definitely not obvious <KM0201> wxl: i think it is in the faq (how to add .desktop files) <haemogoblin> where is a good place to find an icon online? <wxl> oh ok <KM0201> haemogoblin: i just did a google image search for that one.. since my server runs ubuntu, i put in something like "Ubuntu network icon" or something like that <haemogoblin> i've been looking all over and i've not had much luck finding anything in regards to desktop icons and lubuntu <wxl> you could look on box looks or deviant art <silverlightning> I do have flash plugin installer, <silverlightning> KM0201: I discovered why I was having trouble with streaming tv <KM0201> why is that? <haemogoblin> just downloading some icons now :) <haemogoblin> cheers man <silverlightning> KM0201: apparently this old laptop doesn't handle highest resolution <silverlightning> and aborts <KM0201> hmm <wxl> frankly i like the clean desktop <KM0201> wxl: so do i <wxl> i only like to have on the desktop what i am currently working on <KM0201> but i do like my NAS linked on my desktop, cuz i access it a good bit <wxl> that was something i hated about windows <silverlightning> I set it on medium and it runs fine, probably bogs up graphic card? <KM0201> hmm <wxl> why don't you stick it in your fstab to automount? <KM0201> wxl: it does auto mount <KM0201> but then i still have to constantly open file manager, etc. <wxl> bind a key to open it ;) <KM0201> i put a shortcut in pcmanfm... and i just didn't care for it there, so i wanted it on the desktop <KM0201> wxl: honestly, you'll probably think i'm a nut, i HATE keyboard shortcuts <KM0201> i always hav <wxl> i don't think you're a nut <KM0201> lol <wxl> but that's the total opposite of me <wxl> i'm one of those oddballs that actually understands why ratpoison exists <wxl> although that's an extreme i don't take it to <wxl> here's a question i have <wxl> i've had a bunch of problems trying to get my hidden wifi to connect on start up <haemogoblin> just got some nice icons <haemogoblin> :D <wxl> what's stranger is that when i try to connect to a hidden network it just sits and spins <haemogoblin> going to try adding it now <wxl> so i have to go into connections and delete it and start over <wxl> wtf? <KM0201> hmm, i have no idea on that one <haemogoblin> nice <haemogoblin> Cheers man that worked! <silverlightning> how do I check for flash player version? <KM0201> silverlightning: about:plugins in the URL bar of chrome <haemogoblin> KM0201: would you mind if i put this little trick up on my blog? i'll credit your name <haemogoblin> just i have spent all of today trying to work this out <KM0201> haemogoblin: yeah, learning how Lxde handles desktop shortcuts, but its not bad. <haemogoblin> and you've solved it in 5 minutes <KM0201> haemogoblin: lol, of course man <KM0201> haemogoblin: lol, had i known you had that problem, i could have told you, i figured out how to do that months ago when i had this issue..lol <haemogoblin> well i'll upload it to my blog at some point <silverlightning> KM0201: adobe or flash not listed? <KM0201> haemogoblin: obviously... if you want to create a shortcut to something other than a file browser, you'll have to modify it a little bit. <haemogoblin> keep an eye on here http://bytemyvdu.wordpress.com/ <silverlightning> though, it shows as installed in package manager? <haemogoblin> yeah for right now, all i needed was a network shortcut and a computer shortcut <haemogoblin> :D <KM0201> haemogoblin: then how you did that, will work perfectly. it actually works perfect for anything you want to view w/ pcmanfm <KM0201> silverlightning: look at the very top.. http://imagebin.org/178665 <KM0201> Gene: i meant to ask you, do you have solid linux experience... so this newb will have someone to rely on for help? <Gene> tried using : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/CheckISO_CD to check the md5, doesn't work. help? <wxl> i agree <wxl> and you need to make sure update-manager is set up, Gene <Gene> using ubuntu 10.10 <wxl> what do you mean, doesn't work? wrong md5? <silverlightning> http://imagebin.org/178666 * KM0201 never checks md5's.. * silverlightning always does * wxl rarely does either, unless there's issues <Gene> doesn't show the cd on the desktop, even though it's there <KM0201> wxl: if there's issues, i burn another cd...lol, if there's issues again, i download the ISO from another source and burn again <wxl> heh <silverlightning> mostly after two months of use, my puppy linux cd gave "check sum error" on boot <KM0201> checking the md5, is about number 9 on the list of things i check for that sort of thing. <wxl> i don't like puppy <silverlightning> KM0201: what is it with my plugins? <KM0201> i've honestly never had a properly burned *buntu cd fail me <wxl> that whole thing about checking teh md5 on the CD with dd is like.. uhhhhh... a little OCD <KM0201> silverlightning: honestly, i have no idea. <wxl> and it takes bloody FOREVER <haemogoblin> which is better firefox or chrome in lubuntu? <KM0201> silverlightning: disable html5 on youtube, and see if you can watch youtube w/ flash <Gene> ok, thanks anyway <wxl> haemogoblin: there are those that would argue for both <haemogoblin> hmm if this was my windows system it would be firefox <haemogoblin> for my <haemogoblin> me <wxl> chrome is a little lighter <haemogoblin> ah <wxl> anyone tried arora? <wxl> (i do prefer webkit) <haemogoblin> well i'm using an intel duo 1.6ghz <KM0201> i like them both, but.. i figure pretty soon, google is gonna take over the world, might as well get in line now. <KM0201> lol <silverlightning> KM0201: smart <haemogoblin> haha <wxl> doesn't f'in matter then haemogoblin :) <haemogoblin> i choose lubuntu as it's a mini itx with 512mb ram <haemogoblin> So i wanted something light <KM0201> i have both on my system, but very rarely use firefox.. oddly enough, i have opera to.. why i don't know, but i do. <wxl> i'm running lubuntu on a vm with 256 and chrome seems good <haemogoblin> i seem to spend a lot of time running apps from the terminal <wxl> i personally find firefox a little memory happy <wxl> but there are plugins you can get to deal with that <wxl> haemogoblin: USE ELINKS :D <haemogoblin> elinks? <haemogoblin> what is that? <wxl> i want to hear about your miniitx system btw <haemogoblin> i'm using IRSSI at the moment <haemogoblin> this one i'm on now? <wxl> elinks is an awesome cli brwoser <KM0201> isn't elinks a text browser? <haemogoblin> ooh sounds good <wxl> yeppers, but if you like the terminal, there you go <haemogoblin> i'll have a look at that <KM0201> i tried it... it's a little to minimal for me <silverlightning> missing plugin? <wxl> if you want minimal graphics try dillo <haemogoblin> well ok <KM0201> silverlightning: there you go, you don't have flash installed <wxl> if you need all the bells and whistles and shit, do chrome <silverlightning> I do <silverlightning> weird <KM0201> silverlightning: lol, if it's telling you "missing plugin"... when you go to youtube, you don't <silverlightning> ...once more to package manager <haemogoblin> i was looking at the old Altair/Mits systems from the late 70's and i thought how cool they looked <KM0201> or you're using a really old version <KM0201> silverlightning: hold on a second <KM0201> close package manager <silverlightning> ok <haemogoblin> As i had a spare mini itx board sitting around <KM0201> silverlightning: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/ <wxl> who has a spare mini itx board lying around? i'm moving in with you, dude <haemogoblin> i built it into a box with a front panel with LEDS and switches <KM0201> silverlightning: go there, choose your version of ubuntu, and download the .deb <wxl> you built your own box? <wxl> like the enclosure? <KM0201> silverlightning: actually, wait <KM0201> don't do that <haemogoblin> No i found a case very similair to the old Altair cases <wxl> cool <wxl> you got pics of this thing somewhere? <haemogoblin> i didn't want to work on metal, cutting out the holes for stuff <haemogoblin> it would have been murder <haemogoblin> luckily this is plastic <silverlightning> KM0201: ? tar.gz, rpm, YUM? <haemogoblin> it's sitting here, flashing it's LEDS as me <haemogoblin> :P <wxl> i got a buddy into cnc.. that would be fun.. but those mini itx boxes (the fanless ones) ROCK <KM0201> silverlightning: hold on, i thought they had a .deb package <KM0201> trying to figure out where it goes... download th e.tar file <haemogoblin> one sec, i will find pics <wxl> kewl <silverlightning> I should be able to get latest adobe via terminal really <haemogoblin> i had to build my own regulator for the front panel, as the 5v and 12v feed from the itx psu was to much <silverlightning> backports are enabled in betas <KM0201> silverlightning: well, something isn't computing for you if youve failed to install it numerous times <KM0201> silverlightning: did you download the tar file? <silverlightning> no <KM0201> lol, ok <silverlightning> not yet at least <haemogoblin> http://bytemyvdu.wordpress.com/2011/10/01/heaven-im-in-blinkie-heaven/ <haemogoblin> Ok this isn't the latest picture * KM0201 remembers his teacher telling him about "leading horses to water..." <silverlightning> yes, but you said wait <haemogoblin> but it's a movie file showing the front panel working <wxl> cool. can't wait to finally get my nas built. i told my mother in law to get me an amazon.com gift cert so i can start getting some of the pieces (like the enclosure) i need <KM0201> silverlightning: well, then download it. <wxl> i also need a new router, unfortunately <wxl> i didn't realize i don't have gig ethernet on it :''''( <haemogoblin> what was that terminal web browser?? <haemogoblin> i'm going to go download it <haemogoblin> :D <KM0201> you mean that browser that is totally unusable in 2011? ;) elinks <wxl> elinks <haemogoblin> YES :D <haemogoblin> Woohoo <haemogoblin> hi ho hi ho...it's off to download i go <wxl> oh i forgot about w3m <wxl> it's a fork that's a little bit nicer <haemogoblin> I'm alreadying using Alpine to get my email <haemogoblin> ;) <wxl> https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/W3m <wxl> look at that screenshot <wxl> inline images :D <KM0201> haemogoblin: do you keep media on your NAS? (movies, etc..) to watch from there? if you do, you might wanna check out xbmc it's awesome <haemogoblin> I do and i do <haemogoblin> :D <wxl> haemogoblin: if you're hardcore about text, use irssi and bitlbee for im/irc <haemogoblin> started out with it on my old Xbox some years ago <KM0201> oh ok. <wxl> heck i use it for twitter, identi.ca, facebook <haemogoblin> and now got my dad using it on his AppleTV <haemogoblin> :P <KM0201> man, i tried irssi... i'm just not l33t enough for that... i like at least a "little bit" of a GUI.. <haemogoblin> i'm using IRSSI right now <wxl> for irc a gui is pointless but htat's my opinion <haemogoblin> i love the thing <bioterror> oh you youngsters, when I started to irc, we had only ircII, EPIC and BitchX ;) <bioterror> and ScrollZ <haemogoblin> i have my terminal old skool green text <mark76> Why do I get a pop up about an encrypted page when I click that link? <KM0201> wxl: i agree.. it is... but.. i'm usualy on 3 servers and about 10-12 channels.. it's just so easy to just click on them when i see them highlight <KM0201> lol <wxl> yeah now add bitlbee to it and you'll never need pidgin/finch again <wxl> bioterror: oh you're young. when i started we only had ircII :D <wxl> mark76: i use http-everywhere in firefox <haemogoblin> bitlbee <wxl> sorry https <haemogoblin> might have a look at that <bioterror> I would rather keep im clients off from irc clients <KM0201> that i agree w/ <wxl> KM0201: this is the joy of linux-- different strokes for different folks <bioterror> you can use multiplexers like screen or tmux <KM0201> wxl: absolutely... <wxl> i luuuuv tmux <bioterror> and run finch or centerim for IM networks <silverlightning> really daft about flash player <silverlightning> o <wxl> i will admit alpine with gmail imap is annoying <haemogoblin> Elinks is AWESOME!! <KM0201> silverlightning: i have tried to help you... you won't listen <wxl> :) <wxl> play with that for a while and then try w3m haemogoblin <haemogoblin> I've surfing my blog with it <bioterror> wxl, I like cone more <haemogoblin> hahaha <haemogoblin> screen text <wxl> cone? <haemogoblin> green text i mean <KM0201> haemogoblin: lol, you're a glutton for punishment <wxl> link me bioterror <silverlightning> KM0201: sorry, I do listen, but hesitate a bit about direct download from adobe site <haemogoblin> w3m <bioterror> wxl, apt-cache show cone <KM0201> silverlightning: then i don't know what to tell you <wxl> oh well duh <haemogoblin> w3m? <haemogoblin> what is that <KM0201> another text browser <wxl> w3m is elinks+ -- it can do inline images <KM0201> you didn't really think linux would only have 1 text browser did you? <silverlightning> KM0201: it's all right, I'm just trying to detect where I have messed up <haemogoblin> Well i was struggling with the bloody icons, so i dont assume anything now! <silverlightning> bioterror, I figured out why tv stream didn't work <haemogoblin> Well i was struggling with the bloody icons, so i dont assume anything now!:P <KM0201> silverlightning: my first thought, would be adding that totally unecessary medibuntu repository, but i told you that yesterday <haemogoblin> what was that im program <silverlightning> KM0201: might very well be it. I thought I had plugin / codeks trouble <haemogoblin> i'll go add it now <wxl> thanks for the tip bioterror i'll check into it <KM0201> silverlightning: all iknow, is i don't have medibuntu, and every site you've linked me to, works just fine... <silverlightning> KM0201: to get all the mess cleaned up, new install I suspect <KM0201> now that i don't know, flash should be easy, you can uninstall al lthat crap you installed w/ medibuntu, then use lubuntu-restricted-extras and restricted-addons to add flash, etc <KM0201> to your system <KM0201> and you should be fine <haemogoblin> KM0201: what was that im app you suggested? <KM0201> thats all i installed, and honestly, i never run into online media i can't play, unless ever so rarely, i hit a silver light site <KM0201> for?.. instant messaging? Pidgin <wxl> finch or centerim haemogoblin <wxl> finch is better tho imho <haemogoblin> someone suggested a text/terminal app <KM0201> yeah, if you're wanting a true command line thing.. finch is probably what you want <wxl> it's basically textpidgin <wxl> i mean it IS text pidgin <silverlightning> KM0201: this usually works here to, but not with this install <wxl> (thus the name) <silverlightning> I need a brake <KM0201> silverlightning: i don't know, like i said, i can lead you to water, but i'm not gonna drown you. <wxl> what kind, silverlightning ? disc? hydraulic? <bioterror> is finch fixed in ubuntu now <silverlightning> lol <bioterror> that it wont pull all X11 packages <silverlightning> break <haemogoblin> just installing finch and w3m now <haemogoblin> :D <haemogoblin> this should be fun <haemogoblin> :D <haemogoblin> btw control-alt-f1 put you in terminal right? <haemogoblin> How the heck do you exit out of it? <wxl> ctrl-alt-f7 <KM0201> um... .f7 <KM0201> woops <wxl> that technically is virtual terminal <KM0201> console.. <wxl> ctrl-alt-t is terminal <wxl> (lxterminal) <KM0201> for some reason, lxterminal always screws up my dual screens <KM0201> have no idea why <KM0201> so i had to install gnome-terminal <wxl> ew <KM0201> it's just a terminal, i don't care <haemogoblin> the reason i ask is because i did a really stupid thing ealeir.. i was saw the control-alt-f1 thing..Though "ooh cool" pressed it and realised i didn't know how to get out. <haemogoblin> Had to reset the damn machine <haemogoblin> DOH!! <KM0201> haemogoblin: lol, if you had kept pressing (f2, f3, f4, etc.. ) you'd have gotten new consoles, till you hit 7, then you'd have been back at your desktop <haemogoblin> right let me just try that <haemogoblin> brb <haemogoblin> WOOOHOO <haemogoblin> i'm back <KM0201> lol <haemogoblin> well that was exciting <haemogoblin> God i'm easily pleased <haemogoblin> :P <wxl> :) <haemogoblin> maybe tomorrow i'll find a penny, who knows <wxl> and some abc gum <haemogoblin> :) <haemogoblin> i thought w3m showed images? <wxl> it should <haemogoblin> its not showing anything on google <haemogoblin> :/ <haemogoblin> nope <haemogoblin> just had a play and it's not showing anything <haemogoblin> hmm <wxl> working on it <haemogoblin> ok <wxl> ohhhhhh <wxl> there's probably another w3m package compiled with image support <wxl> my bad <wxl> sorry i actually prefer bells and whistles and use firefox * wxl ain't totally cli-only <wxl> http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/w3m <wxl> see that it recommends w3m-img <wxl> make sure you have that <haemogoblin> one sec <haemogoblin> :) <haemogoblin> thanks <wxl> btw i linked this last night but did you guys see the latest xkcd? http://xkcd.com/963/ <wxl> THAT made me laugh <wxl> should change that to /usr/share/applications :D <KM0201> lmao <KM0201> thats pretty funny <wxl> right? i love xkcd <wxl> this is a favorite that would make sense to most irssi users regardless of bitlbee experience http://www.bitlbee.org/img/comic_3.0.png <KM0201> http://xkcd.com/958/ <wxl> hehehe <haemogoblin> apparently people are having trouble getting w3m to work showing images <wxl> the one on the >c neutrinos was funny <haemogoblin> you need to install rxvt <wxl> wow that's lame <haemogoblin> what is rxvt? <wxl> another terminal <wxl> slimmed down xterm <haemogoblin> i thought so <bioterror> urxvt > * <haemogoblin> ahh <haemogoblin> i have discovered something else <haemogoblin> virtual terminal? ctr-alt-f1 <haemogoblin> if i try w3m through there, it works <wxl> weird <wxl> extremely weird <wxl> that's unexpected <haemogoblin> so something about using the terminal through the GUI, throws it out <haemogoblin> :S <wxl> well at least you have a new project now :D <haemogoblin> yeah <haemogoblin> i just dont know how to quit w3m <wxl> try u try ctrl-c? <KM0201-NAS> ok, i'll try irssi <KM0201-NAS> lol <haemogoblin> nope <haemogoblin> it didn't work <haemogoblin> :D <KM0201> if you're in more than one channel, how do you switch in irssi? <wxl> ctrl-x KM0201 but i don't remember if that's something i set up or not <KM0201-NAS> oh ait, i seee... alt+1,2 ,3.." <haemogoblin> brb <wxl> i have so tweaked my config it's not even funny <haemogoblin> :D <wxl> even *I* don't remember how to do it <wxl> haemogoblin: press q <KM0201> someone say my name here as a test <wxl> KM0201: <KM0201-NAS> hmm, it seems the channel #s change colors when someone says your name (which is fine) <KM0201> KM0201 <wxl> i've tweaked it so that it offers a bell too <KM0201> KM0201-NAS: test <KM0201-NAS> hmm <KM0201-NAS> now did you do that? <KM0201-NAS> cuz i have xchat set up for an audible alert as well <wxl> /set bell_beeps ON <MnM> hello, i need step-by-step guide of how to move my /home folder to another partition........... any good links (i've googled some but i can't understand them) <wxl> make sure HILIGHT is included in /set bell_beep_msg_level (run it once to see how it's set up) <KM0201> KM0201-NAS: test <KM0201> KM0201-NAS: test <KM0201> hmm, i don't hear anything <KM0201> or do i need to restart irssi? <wxl> might be you doing it <wxl> KM0201-NAS <wxl> oh he left <KM0201> yeah, hold on <KM0201> was restarting irssi, to see if that was the issue <wxl> (i ignore quits and joins.. too much bullshit) <KM0201> hehe <KM0201> KM0201-NAS: test <KM0201> hmm, no didn't hear anything out of xchat <wxl> KM0201-NAS: now? <KM0201> no <KM0201> you know what <wxl> that's weird <KM0201> i just thought of why this is. <wxl> ? <KM0201> i'm SSH'd into my server. <wxl> ah ha <KM0201> if i had speakers on my server, the sound is probably local <wxl> turn the volume up on the NAS ;D <KM0201> lol <KM0201> eh, i'll figure that one out later <wxl> you on lxterminal ssh'ing? <wxl> cuz if you are open prefs and click audible bell <wxl> might have been obvious but...... ;) <KM0201> naa, i'm using gnome-terminal <KM0201> and terminal bell is enabled <KM0201> lxterminal causes unusual behavior on my desktop <wxl> you said that * wxl ain't paying attention <wxl> 'tis odd, that <KM0201> wxl: http://imagebin.org/178677 <KM0201> it only happens on my PC (which is dual screens).. but when ever i open a terminal <KM0201> it opens up a huge black blotch in the upper left of the left monitor <haemogoblin> i can't seem to quit w3m from the virtual terminal <KM0201> if i drag windows over it like you would in "paint"... they disappear. <haemogoblin> :/ <wxl> Q haemogoblin <KM0201> yup <haemogoblin> just Q <haemogoblin> not shift? <haemogoblin> ctr-q <wxl> no shit <wxl> just q <wxl> just the ltter q <haemogoblin> lol <haemogoblin> ok <KM0201> lol <wxl> nothing else <KM0201> absolutely nothing else <KM0201> just Q <haemogoblin> cheers that works <KM0201> not alt q, not shift q, not tab Q, insert q, end q, home q, page down q <haemogoblin> is there an reason why my virtual terminal isn't filling the screen? <KM0201> anyway, wxl did you see that screenshot of my prob? <wxl> hahahahahha whwat about qq? <KM0201> lol <wxl> sorry KM0201 waiting on chrome to load <wxl> 256mb ram does have its faults <KM0201> it only happens on my dual screen PC.. the "single display PC".. and a laptop, it works fine <KM0201> so the pc, i just use gnome-terminal <KM0201> yeah th image is kinda huge <KM0201> i thnk its 2700x1200 or something <haemogoblin> virtual terminal is taking up only a quarter of the top left of the screen and the rest is just black <wxl> oh and i forget that i'm running in a vm and that vm is limited to 70% processor and i have TONS of stuff on my actual desktop not tomention the os here is windows which we all know is freaking BLOATWARE <wxl> try clear haemogoblin ? <KM0201> lol <haemogoblin> WinBlows <KM0201> when are you gonna install lubuntu as a dual boot? <wxl> work computer <wxl> not my choice <KM0201> meh, good point <wxl> the vm is there so i can feel some level of sanity :D <haemogoblin> tried it just now <KM0201> tried what <haemogoblin> using the clear command <KM0201> oh yeah, it's useful <haemogoblin> the prompt starts at the top of the screen <haemogoblin> but say i do a DIR <KM0201> what do you mean? <wxl> KM0201: his tty/virtual terminal is only filling a portion of his screen <KM0201> oh <KM0201> i have no idea on that one <haemogoblin> yes <KM0201> i don't use TTY that ofte <haemogoblin> correct <wxl> btw KM0201 that image is weird <wxl> i'm not much of a tty user either <haemogoblin> oh well i'll google it <wxl> if i'm gonna go that route i'll just not have a desktop environement <haemogoblin> see if i can find a solution <haemogoblin> well tbh i wouldn't mind being able to boot in to the prompt occasionally <haemogoblin> so i can go on irssi and alpine without need of the gui <wxl> haemogoblin: you should remember you do have others <KM0201> wxl: yeah, like i said, i tonly happens when i open lxterminal, on my dual screen machine <wxl> you have tty1-6 <wxl> KM0201: have you dropped that on the lxde folks? <KM0201> wxl: naa <wxl> you might want to <haemogoblin> ttyl-6? <wxl> tty 1-6 <KM0201> it's done it for as long as i've used lxde (at least 6-7mo).. it's nt a huge deal, like i said, i just use gnome-terminal. <wxl> meaning you have more than one <KM0201> wxl: i imagine others have had that problem. i can't imagine i'm the only one <wxl> try ctrl-alt-f1,2,3,4,5,6 <haemogoblin> ooh <wxl> yeah well i think for lubuntu to really do its job well it should have shit like that figured out <KM0201> wxl: well, it doesn't do it on my other PC, or on my laptop. <KM0201> so... i can only assume it's something to do w/ my dual screens <wxl> with dual monitors tho? <wxl> yeah see that's what i'm saying <wxl> and i will tell you dual monitor setups are pretty common place among the linux users i know <KM0201> yeahm they are <wxl> is there something like gnome-system-monitor we could be using to watch memory usage? <haemogoblin> i wish there was a way to throttle back this system fan <haemogoblin> it's giving me a headache <KM0201> wxl: task manager... menu/system tools <KM0201> there's also a panel applet. <wxl> haemogoblin: probably is but not necessarily without detrimental circumstances <haemogoblin> yeah <wxl> there's a panel applet for memory? <KM0201> yes. <wxl> i found the one for cpu <haemogoblin> i've ordered a new silent fan <haemogoblin> hoping it will fix it <haemogoblin> I have to mini itx boards <haemogoblin> Epia m10000 <bioterror> wxl, free -m <wxl> yeah there's all that <wxl> i was hoping for something visual <haemogoblin> and the MSI fuzzy thats inside this machine <wxl> like the cpu panel applet <wxl> what's the name of the memory applet? <bioterror> wxl, take LSD and say free -m in terminal :D <KM0201> hmm, ther was one, i guess its gone now <KM0201> i remember it specifically <bioterror> htop shows nice bars and what ever you want <bioterror> but it just doesnt tell you the "truth" <wxl> htop yeah <wxl> forgot about that <wxl> but what do you mean about the truth? <wxl> doesn't show root processes? <bioterror> compare it to free -m, and you will see <haemogoblin> i'm i better doing a search for ttyl or virtual terminal if i'm looking for a fix for the screen size issue? <wxl> tty or "virtual terminal" <haemogoblin> thanks <haemogoblin> :D <bioterror> what screen size issues? <wxl> bioterror: after playing with w3m his tty only filled up a fraction of the screen <bioterror> oh well, w3m is horrible if you compare it to elinks <wxl> oh? <wxl> i thought it was just elinks with extra shit <haemogoblin> bioterror: in virtual terminal <haemogoblin> the text of the terminal only uses about a quarter of the entire screen <haemogoblin> it's like having a console window open in the GUI and having the space to the right and bottom just empty <haemogoblin> i dont know if it's meant to look like that <haemogoblin> i would have thought a full screen terminal would take up, the fullscreen :/ <haemogoblin> so i'm doing a search <KM0201> bioterror: do you know of an app that will view pictures on a UPNP server? <bioterror> xbmc for example? <KM0201> well, xbmc is a bit overkill for just pics <wxl> can't scrot take a screenshot of your tty session? <bioterror> isnt upnp overkill for pics ;) <bioterror> wxl, no it cannot <bioterror> scrot is a x11 program <KM0201> well, thats a good point <wxl> aw that's a bummer <bioterror> you can use snapscreenshot <KM0201> snapscreenshot? <bioterror> yes <KM0201> not in the repos. <bioterror> http://ricecows.org/snap.png from my desktop computer <KM0201> hmm, i dont' think thats gonna do what i want <KM0201> basically (similar to rhythmbox)... i want to enable a service, open up some graphics app, and it detect the share. <bioterror> use samba and what ever you want? <bioterror> or nfs <KM0201> yeah, i think samba is gonna be the only solution <haemogoblin> brb <KM0201> back in a bit folks, later <haemogoblin> hey <haemogoblin> back <haemogoblin> :) <haemogoblin> anyone know how to disable overscan? <haemogoblin> my desktop has suddenly started stretching itself :/ <haemogoblin> so the taskbar vanishes off screen <haemogoblin> anyone around? <wxl> here but i can't help you with that problem aforementioned <wxl> neither of them to be frank <haemogoblin> what the stretched screen? <haemogoblin> it's weird <haemogoblin> i rebooted <haemogoblin> and not the left side of the screen is off screen <haemogoblin> it's there when i boot in to the gui, but then the screen flickers <haemogoblin> and suddenly it all shifts <bioterror> laptop or desktop computer? <haemogoblin> desktop <haemogoblin> i dont know if i've installed something <haemogoblin> but i'm really worried now <haemogoblin> i dont want to reinstall <bioterror> make a xorg.conf with forced resolution? <haemogoblin> i've had to reposition the taskbar down the right of the screen just to i can get to the menu's <haemogoblin> if i put it along the bottom it goes off screen <haemogoblin> So all i have is the clock ect <bioterror> it's 1am and I made today ~12h workday <bioterror> so I dont have much patience to guide <haemogoblin> oh well reinstall i guess <haemogoblin> :( <bioterror> stop lxdm <bioterror> sudo Xorg -configure <bioterror> sudo mv org.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf <bioterror> and add <bioterror> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Workarounds#Screen_resolution_is_wrong.2C_no_matter_what_I_do.21.21 <bioterror> there's some information <bioterror> so much for the help <haemogoblin> i fixed it <haemogoblin> i reinstalled xorg <haemogoblin> :) <haemogoblin> thanks for the help tho <haemogoblin> just wanted to come on and thank you, now i'm of to bed <haemogoblin> laters <silverlightning> hi <silverlightning> I reinstalled lubuntu <silverlightning> made a mess of packages <silverlightning> but now I have no sound <silverlightning> I have checked Alsamixer <silverlightning> all parameters are on full <bioterror> and nothing is muted? <silverlightning> several of them are MM and a few 00 <silverlightning> I cannot change the setting <silverlightning> I have tried highlighting and press tab or enter <silverlightning> I always have so daft problems <silverlightning> everything is checked, stuff is on <bioterror> M changes them muted or not-muted <silverlightning> I have beep when bios boot <silverlightning> aha <wxl> beep != sound <bioterror> meep meep <bioterror> remember to alsactl -f save, when you have it fixed <bioterror> with SUDO POWERS! <silverlightning> thanks <silverlightning> !! <silverlightning> ; ) <silverlightning> working <silverlightning> hmm <silverlightning> anyone clever with terminal and apt-get? <wxl> shhh the baby's sleeping #lubuntu 2011-10-13 <czz> launch party time? :) <KM0201> czz: i dont think lubuntu 11.10 will be out for at least a few days.. maybe i'm wrong, ive not even saw a release candidate posted <czz> KM0201, It should be out tomorrow.... <Unit193> Should be out the 13th at some point <Unit193> If you want a party, #ubuntu-release-party <KM0201> oh i thought phillw said the other day it would probably be like the 15th or so.. <KM0201> it's not uncommon for xubuntu to be a few days late, so i just figured lubuntu would run the same course <Unit193> It's all on the Ubuntu build system though <czz> Any devs in here? :) <Unit193> He's been idle for a few days <mannish> will Lubuntu also be released today? or will it take more days? <bioterror> october 13th <mannish> today :) <jono> hey all <jono> is there any core devs here? <jono> we need someone to sign off on the release ISO for 11.10 <Unit193> Only one I know has a few days idle time <karol_> you can write on launchpad <bioterror> gilir usually comes when it's ~20:00 his local time <Unit193> About 13 here :P <rghvdberg> hi <rghvdberg> just trying out lubuntu (11.10) <rghvdberg> question: how-to enable ALT-F2 -> 'Run' dialog ? <ahma> When comes the official 11.10? <Unit193> Sometime today (the 13th) <IAmNotThatGuy> wb hyperair * hyperair meows <IAmNotThatGuy> So, Whats up in Malaysia for the release? <IAmNotThatGuy> hyperair: also you saw pcman recently? ? <hyperair> IAmNotThatGuy: nah, i didn't. <hyperair> IAmNotThatGuy: and i'm in singapore. <hyperair> IAmNotThatGuy: my birthday is upcoming, so i'll be heading back home to malaysia though * IAmNotThatGuy has some memory loss /ignore that <hyperair> lol <IAmNotThatGuy> I am planning to work on lxde environment in a month. My course for the development is kinda over <IAmNotThatGuy> hyperair: date? <hyperair> IAmNotThatGuy: 15th <IAmNotThatGuy> Great <IAmNotThatGuy> hyperair: you are working on Banshee related bugs these days? <hyperair> IAmNotThatGuy: yes and no. * IAmNotThatGuy is confused now <hyperair> lol <XLubuntu> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/11.10/release is this official, the "Beta" has been removed <JohnDoe_71Rus> XLubuntu: http://thisisthefinalcountdown.com/#ubuntu this say 5 hours <IAmNotThatGuy> XLubuntu: The links to which they are pointing might be wrong. It will always be better to downlaod once the announcement is made. <IAmNotThatGuy> I mean the download repos <XLubuntu> lol, i've been waiting for whole long day !!!!:( <IAmNotThatGuy> Please wait until we get an official announcement =) <XLubuntu> its already night here :) <ahma> Lubuntu.net seems to be down? <IAmNotThatGuy> XLubuntu: I Understand. But patience will always be a good option <mark76> Where does PCManFM store its desktop preferences? <ahma> Or is it just my weak 384kb mobile internet? <mark76> Found em <nicocool84> lubuntu.net has been down for a while, hasn't it ? <XLubuntu> nicocool84: lubuntu.net is working here :| <nicocool84> xlubuntu: oh you're right, it just is extremely slow <KM0201> allt he *buntus are gonna be slow the next few days, w/ heavy, heavy traffic looking for the new ISO's. <KM0201> happens every release <bioterror> use the torment <KM0201> yup. <bioterror> unless it's full of hit n run type of users <KM0201> i usually try to seed it for about 4-5 days. <bioterror> I try to see above ratio of 50 :D <bioterror> seed <KM0201> before i go to bed, i set the torrent to seed at full speed, then if i'm on the PC, i seed around 10-15k, otherwise, it just thrashes my connection <bioterror> I dont have any better use for the bw <bioterror> it can be throttled to use 400 out of 500kb/s <bioterror> and ssh wont be laggy <silverlightning> hi <KM0201> true <dr-lee> hi <tzhuang> hey guys <tzhuang> is 11.10 out yet? <silverlightning> yes I think it should be out today <lxku> its already out for 30 minutes :D <dr-lee> the questions is: is lubuntu 11.10 allready out ;) <silverlightning> I am in mondays version of lubuntu <silverlightning> perhaps it was tuesdays <lxku> yes, it is out <silverlightning> I suspect bugs to be found still, but updates usually fixes it <tzhuang> ah its out! <tzhuang> where can i get it = = <tzhuang> google isn't helping me =( <amjjawad> get lubuntu isn't updated yet <dr-lee> lubuntu 11.10 distribution release is out ? <amjjawad> i'm not sure :( <tzhuang> hmmm lxku said it's been out for 30 minutes <tzhuang> but he left D: <tzhuang> qq <tzhuang> anyone else here have a clue? <amjjawad> Ubuntu is out <dr-lee> i wasnt sure he was talking about lubuntu....thought he was talking about ubuntu <amjjawad> check their website <dr-lee> i know...thanks <amjjawad> Lubuntu still I guess <amjjawad> I'm refreshing the pages every few mins :D <amjjawad> Please guys ... if you download Lubuntu, use torrent and keep seeding <amjjawad> :) <dr-lee> i will do it tonight <amjjawad> GOOD :D <dr-lee> or i will get it iwth unetbootin usb install <amjjawad> Julien didn't make the annoucement yet <amjjawad> I prefer torrent <dr-lee> i am not using ptopical discs anymore <dr-lee> i like torrent for linux iso downloads too <amjjawad> USB is faster <amjjawad> and I came to know that when booting from USB, the problem with the live session is not there <dr-lee> i ve heardt that torrent download is secure becauase there is a corrupted file check with torrent <amjjawad> I mean when u hit try lubuntu, it works ONLY from LiveUSB <dr-lee> so no further checksum checking needed <dr-lee> you cant burn it ? <amjjawad> Yes, I heard that too. I mean read it. However, checking md5sum shouldn't take more than 1min <amjjawad> LiveUSB = use UNetbootin :) <dr-lee> yeah <amjjawad> I can't wait :D <dr-lee> but checkin mD5 is only a good idea when you do veryfaying the ckescum file first <amjjawad> better safe than sorry <dr-lee> you need to ferify the authenciuty of the checksum file <dr-lee> yeah <amjjawad> I always advise to check it first <silverlightning> always nice to have it verified <dr-lee> there was an attack on kernel.org !!! <amjjawad> yes, always nice indeed <dr-lee> you ve heardt about that ? <amjjawad> really? from who? <dr-lee> i guess from cia <amjjawad> what? <silverlightning> if it doesn't come out right, you at least have an inkling about weird troubles <amjjawad> why is that? <dr-lee> yes <dr-lee> they hacked kernel.org <dr-lee> but no problomo <dr-lee> thanks to git everything is decentralized :) <amjjawad> idk really <dr-lee> fucking lamers - fuck you all ;) <dr-lee> even i am on linux i am very concerned about security <amjjawad> let's keep the f word out :) <dr-lee> sorry <amjjawad> it's ok <amjjawad> well, why to worry? <dr-lee> but you are right <dr-lee> dont worry <amjjawad> if u know what u r doing, don't be worry <amjjawad> I mean download from terminal or synaptic <amjjawad> don't go to weird websites, etc <dr-lee> as i said, thanks git everything is so decentralized that no cia and no other secret service can attack the linux and opensource world <amjjawad> hahahahaha <dr-lee> ;) <amjjawad> if they want to attack, they will ;) <amjjawad> if u r in the safe side, don't worry <dr-lee> then they have to change all downloaded git repros <dr-lee> many thousands to millions git pulls <dr-lee> and then they have to hack it <amjjawad> COME ON Julien ... can't wait :D <dr-lee> hehehe <amjjawad> don't worry about hacking :D <dr-lee> i am allways a lil paranoid <amjjawad> hahahahah <amjjawad> not more than me ;) <amjjawad> but I don't pay attention to these stuff <dr-lee> like any other serious linux guy ;) <amjjawad> Like any other serious "windows" guy :P <dr-lee> no, the windows guys arent concerned <dr-lee> like sony user lol <amjjawad> hahahaha <dr-lee> sony was attacked yesterday again hahahaha <amjjawad> ops <dr-lee> yep <amjjawad> well, I'm a poor guy with two old PCs :P <dr-lee> i am using old pcs too <amjjawad> how old? <dr-lee> q9950 ....intel quad 4 x 3 ghz and 12 mb cache...maybe 4 years old <dr-lee> and a 4 years old dual core intel laptop <amjjawad> I'm having P4 with 512RAM and 2G RAM the othre one <amjjawad> mine r 6 years I guess <dr-lee> no problem..... <dr-lee> :) <amjjawad> but really who cares? with Linux, I find it fast :D <amjjawad> we have a loptop here, HP core i5 with Win7 <amjjawad> IT IS SO SLOW ... :/ <ahma> Newest lubuntu not out yet? <amjjawad> If it's mine, I would format and install Linux <amjjawad> ahma, let me check :) <dr-lee> ;) <dr-lee> have to clean my rooms <dr-lee> c u in 2 hours ;) <amjjawad> ok <amjjawad> cya <ahma> Im now loading ubuntu via torrent, cant find lubuntu yet <amjjawad> yep, I guess it's not there yet <ahma> Im going to do clean install from cd to newer and to old laptop so I download both <amjjawad> just make sure to use torrent as much as u can <amjjawad> keep seeding :D <amjjawad> looks like the website is down or am I the only one? <ahma> I kinda hit and run because I do a clean install to that old laptop wich is downloading too <czz> lubuntu site is crawling <amjjawad> it's down I guess <amjjawad> I'm checking now again <silverlightning> anyone in the oneric? <silverlightning> I was suspecting a few updates yesterday and last night <silverlightning> I have none in update manager? <czz> not seeing 11.10 on the site <silverlightning> should I worry about it? <silverlightning> it should be launched <czz> They give a date, but never a time. :) <silverlightning> I have the isobuild from a few days ago <silverlightning> like moday or tuesday <silverlightning> true <silverlightning> I am very happy with 11.10 <ahma> Ubuntu is out, lubuntu not yet <silverlightning> it has all the tiny stuff I missed in 04 lol <silverlightning> I see <silverlightning> I hope the last daily builds will update nicely <silverlightning> I haven't had it confirmed by the experts yet <silverlightning> even on newer systems lubuntu has a few advantages <silverlightning> depending on hardware <amjjawad> I'm out too ... CYA all :) <czz> i should download ubuntu via torrent to help seed :_ <czz> my new connection can def. handle it <wxl> wow looks like i misssed the visit from the tin foil hat club <czz> ? <wxl> 13:Oct:11|06:51 < dr-lee:#lubuntu> there was an attack on kernel.org !!! <wxl> 13:Oct:11|06:51 < amjjawad:#lubuntu> yes, always nice indeed <wxl> 13:Oct:11|06:51 < dr-lee:#lubuntu> you ve heardt about that ? <wxl> 13:Oct:11|06:51 < amjjawad:#lubuntu> really? from who? <wxl> 13:Oct:11|06:51 < dr-lee:#lubuntu> i guess from cia <wxl> the man is after our kernels. <dr-lee> hehehe <wxl> :) <dr-lee> its not a secret <dr-lee> some one tried to hack kernel.org <wxl> THAT i believe <dr-lee> and the only institution that would do such thing is the cia <dr-lee> or another secret service <dr-lee> look, the united states of america do have access to all closed soft and hardware <dr-lee> that was invented or produced in the united states <dr-lee> this is us law <dr-lee> the only systems they dont have access to is linux based systems <dr-lee> so, it is quite important for the united states to have military, politcal, finacial and technical control - thats the only way they think they can defend their freedom <dr-lee> so, they had to hack the linux kernel, which they couldnt because its not stored or controlled by one central instance <dr-lee> i am quite stupid, but i really cant imagine why any one else would try to hack the linux kernel <dr-lee> @wxl yes, i really would like to wrap myself in gold foil and wear a gold foil hat....just to get some protection against eletronic waves (electro smog) and radiation from space (neutrinos) <meetingology> dr-lee: Error: "wxl" is not a valid command. <dr-lee> hehehe <dr-lee> i am quite astonished that wxl knew i would like to weak tin foil hats hehehehe <dr-lee> wear <wxl> lubuntu.net is down? <IAmNotThatGuy> wxl, slow. Yes <IAmNotThatGuy> phillw, Ping Gilir <wxl> maybe there's somewhere else i can fnid a hq lubuntu logo, IAmNotThatGuy ? <KM0201> google images? <wxl> bah ok <wxl> pulls up a bunch of shitty ubuntu crap <KM0201> hmm <wxl> at least if i look for large <IAmNotThatGuy> You wont be finding the best. I forgot the developer's name <IAmNotThatGuy> Lemme find him <wxl> largest i find is 300x300 :/ <wxl> i wanna lubuntu sticker <KM0201> hmm <wxl> like http://www.unixstickers.com/kubuntu_linux_os_sticker <wxl> oh there is one now <KM0201> hmm, i don't know if there's Lubuntu ones available yet <wxl> nevermind :D <KM0201> link? <wxl> http://www.unixstickers.com/lubuntu_linux_sticker?filter_name=lubuntu <wxl> it's on a mac, too! <KM0201> lol <wxl> i'm intent on making an lubuntu-on-apple sticker <KM0201> I've been thinking of putting one of these on my NAS... http://www.thinkgeek.com/homeoffice/stickers/5b43/ <KM0201> i like that "Linux Inside" one <wxl> so we does lubuntu use plymouth instead of lxdm for a session manager? make it consistent with ubuntu? <wxl> heh, yep <bioterror> what? <bioterror> plymouth = plymouth, LXDM = desktop manager <wxl> oops <wxl> sorry autopilot there <wxl> lxsession <KM0201> has the lubuntu 11.10 final ISO been uploaded yet? <bioterror> http://fi.releases.ubuntu.com/ doesnt look good <czz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Announcement/11.10 <bioterror> cdimage.ubuntu.com is really jammed <bioterror> I bet Lonestar has something to do with that <KM0201> i'm trying to find a Lubuntu image <KM0201> none of those links have lubuntu <KM0201> oh, i found it now. <KM0201> dang, no peers on the i386 torrent <Kutakizukari> I just upgraded from lubuntu 11.04 to 11.10 and now the WIFI BCM4318 to connect to the internet is not working. I only have a Verizon Hotspot to connect to the internet with but I have Win7 that can get files. How do I get the Wifi working again on Compaq presario V2000? <KM0201> 4318... did that use B43 or STA? (i'm trying to look now, but.. ubuntu's sites are crawling) <Kutakizukari> B43 <KM0201> http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/wl_apsta- <KM0201> download that <KM0201> http://mirror2.openwrt.org/sources/broadcom-wl- <KM0201> and that <KM0201> after you download them, put them in your home folder on Ubuntu (i'm assuming you're on 7 right now. <KM0201> once those files are in your home folder <KM0201> run these 3 commands in a terminal individually.... <KM0201> tar xfvj broadcom-wl- <KM0201> sudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta- <KM0201> sudo b43-fwcutter --unsupported -w /lib/firmware broadcom-wl- <KM0201> (might be easiest to copy those to a text file, as you're bound to screw up if yout ry typing them) <KM0201> once that is done... go to additional drivers under menu/system tools, and activate the b43 driver, then restart <KM0201> and you should have wireless <Kutakizukari> KM0201: Will try, thank you for the help! <KM0201> no problem.... couple key things. <KM0201> 1... make sure those two files that you downloaded <KM0201> are in your home folder (unless you know how to CD w/ the terminal, etc.. i wrote that lie you were a newb) <KM0201> it's pretty easy to do though <czz> dling 11.10 :) <czz> Need to backup before <Kutakizukari> KM0201: And we have WIFI, again thank you for the help! <Kutakizukari> Lubuntu Rules!!!! lol <KM0201> Kutakizukari: no problem <JohnDoe_71Rus> czz: wait some weeks :) <KM0201> i love lubuntu <Kutakizukari> KM0201: Yeah running it on a Compaq Presario V2000, much faster than any other OS I have tried on it. <KM0201> yeah, on something that old, i imagine so. <gilir> if people have difficulties to download the ISOs, there is a mirror available in France : http://lubuntu.lafibre.info/11.10/ <bioterror> gilir, congratulations for a few years hard work ;) <bioterror> gilir, now it really happened <KM0201> a few years huh? <KM0201> didn't think lubuntu had been around quite that long <gilir> bioterror, it's a success for everyone in the team :) <KM0201> gilir: were yout he one who started lubuntu?.. if so, out of curiosity, what prompted you to do it? <gilir> KM0201, not started, but I was involved early <gilir> KM0201, and my main goal was to have an OS for my eeePC 701 :) <KM0201> i see <jorgechp> Hi, is lubuntu 11.10 relased yet? <KM0201> yes <KM0201> the ubuntu sites are just really really slow right now due to traffic <KM0201> use the torrents <Unit193> And seed for others <KM0201> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/11.10/release/lubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent --- that's the 32bit torrent if you want it <KM0201> well yeah, that should go w/o saying <jorgechp> Unit193: of course ;) <jorgechp> KM0201: ok, thanks <adam61> hi, wondering if anyone knows why i can't get sound from my browsers.. thanks <adam61> no sound from either chrome or firefox.. mp3s work fine <bioterror> can you get sound from media player for example? <adam61> hi bioterror, yes that's fine, it's just my browsers <bioterror> I really really cannot figure it out <adam61> that's ok, thanks anyways <czz> adam61, what browser? <adam61> hi czz, firefox and chrome <adam61> neither has any sound <czz> adam61, You have the latest flash installed? <KM0201> sudo service vsftpd stop <adam61> yes, i have tried installing every version of flash i could find <KM0201> lol, woops <czz> adam61, What version do you have installed now? <haemogoblin> evening <haemogoblin> KM0201: Hows it going mate <KM0201> haemogoblin: just about done upgrading my server to 11.10 <adam61> czz, i haven't tried anything for a few months now, can't remember where to go to check that <KM0201> i'll probably do my desktop tonight <haemogoblin> Cool <KM0201> well, i didn't really upgrade, i clean installed <haemogoblin> My new fan arrived today, just installed it and the machine is SOO much quieter <KM0201> but.. its just about done <haemogoblin> Before it was headache inducing :P <czz> adam61, http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/155/tn_15507.html <czz> scroll to the bottom and in the gray box you'll see your version installed. <adam61> k thanks <bioterror> adam61, does your browsers play mp3's for example? <bioterror> or is it just flash? <adam61> no there's no sound at all from the browsers <bioterror> that's just really weird :) <KM0201> hmm do you have pavucontrol installed? <KM0201> if so.. start a nice, long youtube video, and open pavucontrol, and see if by chance your browsers volume si all the way down <adam61> czz, this is the version it says i have 11,0,1,152 <adam61> bioterror, ya it's frustrating being without sound for months lol <czz> have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling? <adam61> czz, ya i tried that soo many times, with all my flash installers and also browsers, i tried chomium, everything <adam61> i gave up and haven't tried anything now for about four months <adam61> i'm pretty much a novice with linux though <adam61> is there a way to set your sound mixer to play certain applications and not others? how would i locate this <czz> KM0201, Anyone on that torrent? <KM0201> not at the moment, i'm upgrading my server, soon as i get it up,i'll start seeding again <adam61> czz, do u know if i'm on the best channel to ask about this? is there a better one, like should i try #ubuntu, or a beginner one? <czz> adam61, try #ubuntu <adam61> ok thanks i'll give it a try <KM0201> it sounds like a settings issue somewhere, because sound is working other thant he browsers <KM0201> thats why i suggested pavucontrol <bioterror> adam61, everything is in alsamixer maxed out and unmuted? <haemogoblin> my update manager is telling me ubuntu 11.10 is availible.. <haemogoblin> but i'm using lubuntu <haemogoblin> :/ <KM0201> well, it always does that i think <haemogoblin> Will it tell me when there is a lubuntu update? <KM0201> honestly, i dunno <haemogoblin> lol <KM0201> i don't ever upgrade, always clean install <KM0201> lol <haemogoblin> thats just ODD <KM0201> eh, i got screwed by an MS upgrade a long, long, long time ago. <haemogoblin> install Lubuntu but update to ubuntu! <KM0201> since then, i just always clean install an OS (even though ubuntu will probably be upgraded just fine) <KM0201> well, no its really not odd, because lubuntu, uses ubuntu repositories <KM0201> , etc. <KM0201> so it sees an upgrade now. <bkerensa> someone should show me some screenshots of lubuntu 11.10 when they get a chance <bkerensa> I wanna see it <bkerensa> :D <adam61> bioterror, sorry didn't see your post till now; everything in alsamixer is unmuted and maxed except the mic. <haemogoblin> Yes but if i did the upgrade <haemogoblin> would i be booting in to ubuntu or lubuntu after the upgrade? <haemogoblin> got me a bit confuzzled <adam61> KM0201, what is pavucontrol? should i do sudo service vsftpd stop? <KM0201> adam61: no, that was an accident on my part (vsftpd)... i should have been typing in a shell for my server <Kurdistan> congrats the lubuntu team for there release. <KM0201> pavucontrol, is a volume adjuster for pulse audio... i've generally found when i'm having weird sound behaviors, i can track it down using it. <adam61> oh ok haa <Kurdistan> pavucontrol is for controlling pulseuadio <KM0201> right <adam61> pulseaudio isn't in Lubuntu though is it? i thought they did away with that <KM0201> (i'm of course assuming he has pulse audio installed) <KM0201> adam61: i always install it. <haemogoblin> i did notice in lubuntu there's no real audio control panel <Kurdistan> I am pulseaudio fan also. <KM0201> not totally necessary of course, but.. my laptop always acts weird using alsa.. once i install/configure pulse audio, it works flawlessly <Kurdistan> if you ever use external mic with only alsa, without pulseaudio it is difficult to get it work. <adam61> i had big problems with conflicts between pulseaudio and my tascam interface, so that's a major reason i'm using Lubuntu, is because it's default doesn't use pulseaudio, or so i understand it <KM0201> Kurdistan: yup <adam61> ya i need alsa <Kurdistan> KM0201: remember that pulseaudio is like frontend for alsa <KM0201> eh.. .i'm not so sure about that, but.. ok. <KM0201> hmm <KM0201> issue 1 w/ server..lol <KM0201> well, hold on, might have been a repository issue. <KM0201> hmm, firefly isn't in ubuntu server edition <adam61> anyone have any ideas about why i can't get sound from my browsers? <Kurdistan> adam61: you have pcm disabled <silverlightning> what kind of skype should I get <silverlightning> ? <Kurdistan> or on zero <Kurdistan> adam61: open terminal. copy/paste: alsamixer <Kurdistan> you will see pcm <Kurdistan> put it on the highest <adam61> Kurdistan, hi thanks, i'll try that <KM0201> who on earth renamed mt-daapd to forked-daapd lol <silverlightning> is skype still used? <Kurdistan> adam61: you can install gnome alsa mixer. <Kurdistan> it is gui for alsamixer <Kurdistan> easier <silverlightning> I used to have this tiny app for skype <KM0201> silverlightning: why wouldn't it be? <Kurdistan> silverlightning: yeah skype works. <silverlightning> all I find in package manager is a pidgin plugin, that requires skype app to run <adam61> Kurdistan, it says pcm was at 100 already <haemogoblin> Hey guys, what package to i need to install to get java working? <Kurdistan> silverlightning: only install skype. <Kurdistan> adam61 still does not work? <silverlightning> haemogoblin: I think it comes with the two restricted packages in manager <Kurdistan> is it flash that do not work? <adam61> it was already set at 100, so i didn't change anything and it still doesn't work <silverlightning> Kurdistan: you did it from the Skype homepage+ <Kurdistan> adam61: do you have hdmi? <haemogoblin> do you happen to know the name of them? <Kurdistan> silverlightning: I do not use lubuntu/ubuntu. <Kurdistan> but there should be in the repos if you activate <haemogoblin> i'm installing openjdk atm <adam61> Kurdistan, it's more than flash, it's everything associated with the browsers. i don't think i have hdmi - i don't see it in alsamixer <silverlightning> I think I have repos activated for restricted and third party software even <silverlightning> haemogoblin: I search for #lubuntu#, and they are easily found then <silverlightning> well, lubuntu not the ## <Kurdistan> adam61: lspci | grep -i audio <haemogoblin> thanks <haemogoblin> i forgot to enable restricted sources <haemogoblin> DOH! <silverlightning> lol <silverlightning> a classic <adam61> Kurdistan: 00:10.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2) <Kurdistan> adam61: yes you have hdmi <adam61> k is that good? <Kurdistan> adam61: :P joking. you have exactly same spec like me. <adam61> cool <adam61> do you have an idea as to what my issue is? <Kurdistan> adam61: did it work before you installed pulseaudio? <haemogoblin> silverlightning: i can't seem to see restricted repo's <haemogoblin> :/ <Kurdistan> adam61: I have never had any sound problem with linux in my 2 years if it <haemogoblin> oh wait..think i might have cracked it :D <adam61> Kurdistan: i don't believe that i did intall pulseaudio; i think i did have sound at one point almost a year ago when i first got linux, but it caused crashes etc then just stopped working <silverlightning> http://imagebin.org/178858 <adam61> Kurdistan: thanks for your help, this is taking up waaaaaaay too much time and is way too frustrating for me to handle. i'm gonna go drink. <adam61> thanks again <silverlightning> haemogoblin: oh good, I found them straight away, <Kurdistan> adam61: test install pulseaudio. <Kurdistan> adam61: pavucontrol <silverlightning> haemogoblin: there are only two restricted packages in synaptic, and it is the best way to add all this stuff <silverlightning> medibuntu mess stuff up <silverlightning> I learned it the hard way <haemogoblin> Is there any quick way of finding out the cpu temp? <haemogoblin> i just installed a new fan and was wondering what temperature the machines running at <silverlightning> haemogoblin: system profiler and benchmark <haemogoblin> cheers mate! <silverlightning> sensors are usually detected <wxl> there's a temp panel app haemogoblin <haemogoblin> nothing is appreaing in the sensor section :S <silverlightning> yes I have had that happen to me too <silverlightning> mostly on old computers <haemogoblin> This is a mini itx board <silverlightning> it does appear sometimes thought, a bit odd really <haemogoblin> it could just be the new fan i bought <silverlightning> new laptops usually have several sensors detected <haemogoblin> :S <silverlightning> it might be a driver thing <haemogoblin> temperature plugin comes up with NA <haemogoblin> so i'm guessing it's just a glitch <haemogoblin> silverlightning: Hey thanks, adding those restricted addon's did it <haemogoblin> not the temp... <haemogoblin> but got java running <haemogoblin> :D <haemogoblin> Now i can minecraft!! woohoo! <wxl> oh gawd <wxl> so'k, i couldn't live without ltris <silverlightning> haemogoblin: keep check the temp sensors in system profiler now and then still <silverlightning> haemogoblin: it does kick in after a while, might be drivers or something that doesn't probe correctly <haemogoblin> I'll keep an eye on it <silverlightning> are you in oneric? <silverlightning> any skype at all in package manager? <silverlightning> anyone clever with apt-get in package manager? <KM0201> silverlightening amazes me <KM0201> he won't download a package from skype.com but he uses some jacked up repository like medibuntu w/o question...lol <wxl> hahahha <wxl> holy hell i'm so thankful we use ubuntu for our server <wxl> cuz this piece of malware my co-worker has is a doozy <wxl> (windows of course) <KM0201> lol <wxl> it's actually an amalgamation of viruses, rootkits, trojans, etc. etc. etc. <wxl> and naturally it's hacked the HELL out of the registry <wxl> i HATE the registry <wxl> worst configuration system idea EVER <KM0201> mant his is irritating me <silverlightning> hi <wxl> KM0201: off topic conversations? :D <silverlightning> are you in lubuntu KM0201? <KM0201> wxl: lol, no.. i'm trying to get rhythmbox to see my mediatomb share, and it's just not co-operating.. trust me, my ignore button works well... (i use it at work all the time).. off topic doesn't bother me <KM0201> silverlightning: yes, of course <silverlightning> I am looking for skype in package manager, and only find plugins that need skype to be relevant <KM0201> silverlightning: you won't find it <wxl> heh <silverlightning> oh <silverlightning> it might be added? <KM0201> no, i twont <wxl> heck no <wxl> it's the most non-free thing ever <wxl> it's like anti-free <KM0201> those are just old packages most likely <wxl> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype <silverlightning> I don't care much, just need it <KM0201> silverlightning: if you want skype, download the deb from skype.com <silverlightning> anyone good with compiling <wxl> tho i disagree with their suggestions and recommend jitsi as a general voip option <KM0201> what do you need to compile? <silverlightning> I know of a package for debian based puppy linux <KM0201> a package for what? <wxl> then it's likely a deb <wxl> in which case you just run dpkg on it <KM0201> silverlightning: you have an amazing ability to ask a question, that doesn't make any sense... if you want skype, go to skype.com, and download th e.deb file.. why on earth would you try using a package for puppy? they have ubuntu packages on their site <silverlightning> good <wxl> here's how to install https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware#Installing_downloaded_packages <KM0201> it's almost as easy as an .exe <wxl> hah <silverlightning> it's just I noticed this puppy where ubuntu repositories can be activated and packages downloaded <wxl> and most likely with less viruses ;) * KM0201 sighs <wxl> KM0201: breathe in <wxl> KM0201: breathe out * silverlightning looks sharply at KM0201 <wxl> let's break it down, silverlightning <wxl> 1. go to that first link <wxl> 2. follow the instructions <wxl> 3. if it's not obvious how to install, use the second link <wxl> 4. use skype <wxl> 5. love you, bye <KM0201> silverlightning: i'm just trying to grasp this... skype.com has ubuntu packages, yet you're asking how to download a puppy package, and use it on ubuntu. <silverlightning> you just said that, ok ok <wxl> KM0201: btw no experience with mediatomb but have you confirmed that upnp is working? <wxl> i.e. can the box connect to another upnp share <KM0201> wxl: affirmative, i can play my music through xbmc via mediatomb. <wxl> and can another box connect to the mediatomb <wxl> ? <silverlightning> skype turns up in software center <wxl> ah, it's rhythmbox <KM0201> yeah, its a rhythmbox issue <silverlightning> but that is Ubuntu <wxl> just follow the instructions, dude * phillw asks what the above has to do with lubuntu support? <KM0201> what? <wxl> phillw: silverlightning wants skype to work in lubuntu <KM0201> wxl: i figure if he wanted details, he would have asked. <wxl> well that and we gave it all to him <KM0201> i'm talking about phillw <phillw> wxl: if you want skype, you use the standard repo for it? <wxl> oh heh <wxl> phillw: i don't, and it's not in the standard repos, but there are instructions on how to acquire it which were given to the person asking <phillw> if you do not, then no one on support can elp you, as you have non-standard install. <KM0201> honestly, i don't think anyone can support him anyway <phillw> wxl: and then the user comes back in asking for support - for something that is not supported? ... do you see the Catch 22? <KM0201> lol <wxl> phillw: what should you say instead? sorry, there's no hope for you? <wxl> i think frankly support is given to use at your own risk <wxl> if you're going to dictate absolutely what can and cannot be used, you've just become another microsoft * KM0201 agrees <phillw> wxl / KM0201 have you not seen that on the synaptic part? "Sure, use this, but do not ask any of the *buntu Family for support".... Go ask the people who wrote it. <phillw> That is very different to "you cannot use it" <KM0201> phillw: of course i have... this isn't my first rodeo <KM0201> but i also have common sense on the matter <phillw> anyways, IFK - take care :) <KM0201> he wasn't asking how to use skype, he was asking how to install skype <Unit193> Enable partner repo, install Skype <KM0201> apparently, telling someone that is not supported <wxl> he certainly wasn't saying he was having problems with skype <KM0201> with this kind of response, maybe he should have <wxl> kinda hostile frankly <KM0201> some people are that way naturally * wxl shrugs <KM0201> ha, got it working. <KM0201> pain in the freaking neck though <KM0201> how do you get pcmanfm to show thumbnails? <Unit193> Edit > Preferences > Display <wxl> did u look in edit > pref > display -- at the max size? <wxl> maybe it's too low <KM0201> i thinkt hats the prob <KM0201> adjusting now <KM0201> hmm, no that didn't work either <wxl> i assume they're pngs? <KM0201> well, i was wanting thumbnails for videos <KM0201> pictures is working <wxl> ohhhh <KM0201> sorry, should've been more clear <wxl> looks like not possible in current pcmanfm <wxl> possible plans for the future <KM0201> thats what i kinda figured <KM0201> didn'tthink i was missing anything <KM0201> just hadn't thought about it till now. <wxl> doesn't even look like they have concrete plans for the future http://wiki.lxde.org/en/PCManFM_Roadmap <KM0201> yeah, i'm over it <KM0201> its not a huge deal <KM0201> if it was that big of a deal, i'd install Thunar <KM0201> well after getting through the initial daap silliness, my server seems ok now <wxl> btw looks like it could use a feature req http://sourceforge.net/search/?group_id=156956&type_of_search=artifact&group_artifact_id=801864&limit=25&q=video+thumbnail <wxl> http://v.gd/jFKDlN better <wxl> anywho <KM0201> i like how that bug says.. "pcmanfm does not remmber generated thumbnaisl for the picture, *HE* redraw them anew each time <KM0201> lol <KM0201> i'm glad pcmanfm is male... as tempermental as it can be, i was thinking female <wxl> heh <KM0201> ok, i'm now seeding the 32bit ISO. <wxl> yey <KM0201> i've got it throttled a bit right now, when i go to bed, i'll crank it up. <wxl> i dented/tweeted about the new release and how to get it going in ppc :D <amjjawad> Please guys keep seeding <KM0201> if you're on a slow connection, it doesn't matter how much seeding is done #lubuntu 2011-10-14 <semitones> so are there official lubuntu torrents now? <Unit193> semitones: Sure are <Unit193> Check the download link in the topic <semitones> aawsome <silverlightning> it is really nice <silverlightning> the new 11.10 I mean <dw-> i got a Ubuntu 11.10 upgrade message on Lubuntu oh noes <dw-> Do not upgrade <dw-> ;) <dw-> does this mean Lubuntu wont send me updates <dw-> my little aspireone wouldnt do well with Ubuntu, sadly :) <Unit193> It's fine, don't worry about it <dw-> cool beans <Unit193> ...I suppose you could take that wrong. The update should give you Lubuntu 11.10 <KM0201> Unit193: i don't know if you guys can do anything about that, but there's been confusion over that a couple of times in the channel today <KM0201> i don't know if xubuntu and kubuntu do the same thing.. they may well. <Unit193> I think X does <wxl> how to get verbose boot? <KM0201> umm. <wxl> just splash? not quiet splash? <wxl> debug nosplash? <KM0201> i was thinking you could edit /etc/default/grub <wxl> chicken chicken? <Unit193> Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions <wxl> yeah right it's the settings <wxl> thx Unit193 <KM0201> i think i figured it out, lemme test it in vbox <Unit193> This too if you didn't see it http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt <wxl> seems like debug <wxl> not sure about the splash/nosplash <KM0201> i think i got it, hang on * wxl taps fingers <KM0201> it's still booting, lol sorry <wxl> :) <KM0201> maybe i screwed something up, who knwos...lol <KM0201> weird, now the machine won't boot. <wxl> well we know what it's not <wxl> what did you use? <KM0201> "quiet splash"... thats whats on my desktop, and it works fine. <wxl> well that's not verbose and what i had <KM0201> right <KM0201> hold lemme fix this real quick <KM0201> well this sucks. <wxl> sorry :( <KM0201> oh its ok. <wxl> have a snapshot? <KM0201> no, i booted recovery, and went to edit grub, and it says its a read only file system. <KM0201> lol <wxl> uhhh <KM0201> never had that happen before <KM0201> i guess i can chroot it from a live cd <wxl> heh fun <KM0201> well, that's what i'm gonna have to do, looks like <KM0201> man, this is taking a while (had to update my source list..lol) <wxl> ew <KM0201> yeah, no kidding <KM0201> consider ubuntu's servers are slow as molasses right now. <KM0201> lol <KM0201> i'll get it fixed before midnight..lol <wxl> i promise never to ask questions :D <KM0201> naa, its ok. <wxl> i know <KM0201> lol jackass <wxl> i'm trying out ibm java <KM0201> strange you can't edit grub from rescue mode <KM0201> that seems almost silly <wxl> indeed <KM0201> let me call Mark and talk to him about that <wxl> hehehe <wxl> bbl <KM0201> oh come on, i'm about to figure it out. <KM0201> lol <KM0201> thats ok, i'll tell you when you get back <wxl> hehe <hector> Hello, anyone can help me to update lubuntu 11.04 to 11.10? <Octatron> System - Administration - Update Manager, should show up as a button near the top <Octatron> If it doesn't goto the settings button on update manager, flick over to the updates tab and click the bottom drop down box and select "normal releases" close and ok all that stuff and repeat the above process <hector> i did that but it say's that it's going to update to ubuntu 11.10 it seems a little rare to me, this is the reason why im asking <hector> thanks a lot for your answer, i will do it :D <Octatron> Rare? isn't that what you were looking to do? It is a longer process then just receiving normal updates so have the internet on and about 2 hours free <Octatron> no worries ;) <hector> yeah, because it says ubuntu no lubuntu, but may be its because lubuntu is based on ubuntu <hector> thanks again :D <Octatron> Ahh yes, I think it should work.. Even if it is Ubuntu you can always install lubuntu-desktop afterwards <Rezwanur> is it possible to update 11.04 to 11.10 through update manager? <Rezwanur> Octatron, should I "tick" Pre-realeased update? <Rezwanur> there are four options on update menue <Octatron> Rezwanur: ignore those, go right to the bottom where it has "release upgrade" drop down the box and select "Normal Release" then close and ok out of all of that. when you go back to update manager it should show up <Rezwanur> Octatron, I got it. thank you so much :) <Wesss> hi all, does anybody know what happened to lubuntu.net ?? since 11.10 release i just forwarded to ubuntu domain. What happened to all those helpful videos and screencasts? <wxl> i think that's officialness :D <Wesss> pitty. their were such a good videos for a newbee like me <Unit193> No, that's called DDoS :P <wxl> oh, must be the CIA again :/ <Unit193> Release day = DDoS on anything Ubuntu <wxl> it's not that it fails, it redirects <Unit193> A redirect was put on it, yes <wxl> http://lubuntu.net/X goes to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LubuntuX <wxl> so http://lubuntu.net/news which used to have the videos Wesss is referring to now goes to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntunews <Wesss> yes and all of those screencasts are gone <Wesss> wxl : in the new page i get a message that the page does not exist yet <wxl> rright it doesn't <wxl> and won't <wxl> Wesss: here's the creator's youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/llelectronics <Wesss> thanks- looks like all the videos are there <Wesss> and even more <wxl> hard to dig through but yes <Wesss> hope these screencast comes back to lubuntu. it was a great help for newbees. actuallt it was the main reason i chose lubuntu was these easy to access and understand support <Wesss> thanks for the link wxl <Rezwanur> that's useful. thanks wxl <wxl> np <wxl> Wesss: you should post a suggestion to the mailingg list <Wesss> unfortunatly i do not member of the mailing list- where can i apply? <Wesss> should be on ubuntu site (lubuntu section) ? <wxl> look at the bottom here https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop <wxl> become a team member and you'll have the option of joining <Wesss> found it. tnx <wxl> no lubuntu forum yet huh? <Unit193> It has a tag/section of the main <wxl> makes sense, i guess xubuntu don't have one <fitus> hello everyone <wxl> hey <fitus> hey I just upgradeded and i lost the sound <fitus> this is the error i get <fitus> Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them with the "Sound Preferences" under the System Preferences menu. <wxl> hm that's new and fun <fitus> I don't seem to find that option under system preferences <wxl> give me the results of aplay -l <fitus> List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** <fitus> card 0: SI7012 [SiS SI7012], device 0: Intel ICH [SiS SI7012] <fitus> Subdevices: 1/1 <fitus> Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 <fitus> jesus@lubuntu:~$ <wxl> ok that's good <fitus> is it? <wxl> well it's not bad :D <fitus> never had any problem until now <wxl> 1s <fitus> the upgrade went smooth, no errors until i restarted and didn't saw the volume icon on the deskbar <fitus> am all ears :) <wxl> well yeah that's the problem <wxl> streaming this fab station over here would love to have you hear it while you wait but uhh yeah <fitus> hahaha I bet he would <wxl> you are trying to play, yes? <fitus> yes <fitus> well i have no sound at all <fitus> is anyone here that could help me to get my sound back? <wxl> do pulseaudio --check <fitus> get this <fitus> E: [pulseaudio] core-util.c: Home directory /home/jesus not ours. <wxl> oh ho <wxl> your ~ encypted? <fitus> not that i know <wxl> hm <wxl> try ls -al on ~ <fitus> today it asked me if i wanted to upgrade to the new version, i said yes <wxl> well without the on <wxl> i'm speaking commandlineglish <fitus> ok <fitus> everything is own by me <wxl> k... <wxl> what are perms/ownership on ~/.dmrc? <fitus> let me see <fitus> I don't have that <fitus> don't have dmrc <wxl> you didn't forget the . did you? <fitus> nope <wxl> gr <wxl> fitus: i think i'm at a loss. not to pull a microsoft response on you but i would suggest a reboot and see what happens <cjs> On a standard Ubuntu 11.10 install, I added the lubuntu-desktop package, set the default display manager to lxdm, and rebooted. Now I get a nice blue background with wavy lines, but no login window. Thoughts? <cjs> Wow, lubuntu isn't exactly parsimonious with disk space. <cjs> How much space does a standard install use? Am I just bloated up to 5GB due to having installed the lubuntu-desktop package on top of a regular Ubuntu install? <head_victim> cjs: you are not going to get as much of the resource benefit of using Lubuntu if you've already installed ubuntu first, especially with regards to hard drive space. <cjs> Ok, no big deal anyway. <cjs> So my big question: I want to get rid of the file manager and replace the window manager with fvwm. With GNOME, I add another file in /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions with my preferred config. With lxsession-edit, I notice the advanced options includes a "Window Manager" setting. I guess I could just change that, but is there a way to have different startups with different configurations, like GNOME? <cjs> Well, just changing the wm to fvwm works.... <wxl> cjs make a copy of /etc/xdg/Lubuntu (obviously underr a different name) in /etc/xdg and edit as you wish <wxl> your entries will show up at the login scrreen <wxl> along with some other bizarre things that don't actually appear to be there from what i can tell (e.g. kde/openbox-- eww!) <cjs> So, /etc/xdg is, in general, for what? <wxl> different window managers <cjs> BTW, I'm using gde at the moment; lxde doesn't come up with a window. <wxl> default is a "lubuntu," a "lubuntu-netbook" and an "lxde" <cjs> Ok, xo /etc/xdg is used only for the lxde session manager? <cjs> s/xo/so/ <wxl> well xdg is free desktop so no <cjs> And it's clearly not just window managers, since I see lxsession and pcmanfm subdirs there, too. <wxl> uhhh poo <wxl> in lx-session is where i was referring to <wxl> sorry <wxl> if you use a different session manager it should asumedly have another directory in there <cjs> I want to use lxsession, But I want to use fvwm as my window manager, and not have a file manager. <wxl> i thought you said you wanted more than one wm? <cjs> Up to now I've been doing this under the gnome session manager. <wxl> ew <leshaste> is it possible to upgrade from ubuntu lts to lubuntu? <cjs> wxl: You mean, "Ewww, gnome?" If so, yeah. Thus my presence here. :-) <wxl> right right cjs :D <cjs> (It bends me over and does terrible things to me with every new Ubuntu release.) <cjs> But anyway, I did things somewhat differently when using gnome, and perhaps this is the source of my confusion. <wxl> unity is shit <wxl> there i said it <M0hi> cjs: It always will be great to change often and learn =]. It will become easy for people who likes to learn and use, rather than for people who like to use and learn <cjs> There i would add a /usr/share/xsessions/fvwm-gnome-session.desktop file with "gnome-session --session=fvwm-gnome", which would add an "Fvwm GNOME" entry to the gdm session selection dropdown. <cjs> M0hi: I have learned far more than I ever wanted to know about this. :-) <M0hi> (: <cjs> Now, I notice that I also have, since I installed the lubuntu-desktop package, new entries there for Lubuntu, Lubuntu-Netbook, LCDE, etc. So I assume that part kinda stays the same, right? <wxl> you could mess with those <cjs> (Presumably the [non-working for me] lxdm display manager would also use these data.) <wxl> or add to them <wxl> so yr prob is lxdm don't work? <cjs> wxl: That's one problem, though not my primary one at the moment. <cjs> Ah, so the /usr/bin/startlubuntu* files are shell scripts with things like "exec /usr/bin/lxsession -s Lubuntu -e LXDE" and "exec /usr/bin/lxsession -s Lubuntu-Netbook -e LXDE" in them. <cjs> I am guessing that those correspond to the /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lbuntu etc. directories. <cjs> It seems odd that they would use different but nearly identical startup scripts for Lubuntu and Lubuntu-Netbook, rather than just pass a parameter to one common script. <cjs> That would also save me from making yet another copy that will not change with Ubuntu upgrades. <cjs> Hm. Unless I get clever with sed. <wxl> i hear ya * M0hi is marking those ideas <wxl> however i'm about ready to pass out <wxl> nighty night <cjs> So, wxl, you were saying I should make a copy of /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu under a different name? How were you proposing I use the copy? <wxl> ok last thing <M0hi> night wxl <wxl> cjs: yes, edit it to point at your window manager of choice <cjs> wxl: 'night. Thanks for your help! <wxl> love you bye :D <cjs> yes, but how do I then use it instead of the standard one? <cjs> I presume with another shell script, the way I described, but would love to hear of a better way. <cjs> M0hi: Are you a dev on this, BTW? <cjs> Ah, this will work.... <M0hi> cjs: I prefer keeping a copy in the same location with a suffix added (like _prev) to all the files, so that it always will be easy to bring back ;) <M0hi> cjs: I just finished the learning. Gonna contribute for the Next release (hopefully if my office gives time :| ) <cjs> M0hi: Well, with my gnome setup I never modified any of the original files. I just added a new one. So the "Fvwm GNOME" selection was an addition to the various other GNOME sessions, rather than a replacement. <cjs> I wonder what happens if I use lxpanel under Gnome? <M0hi> Lemme go throught he logs to understand about the issue you have <M0hi> We do not have a structure of different startups. Also, if Ubuntu is installed in first place, the benifits will not be much as Jered was mentioning <M0hi> err!! typo in name <cjs> Oh! It works! <cjs> The only real issue is that I don't get the button for logout/suspend/hibernate, etc. Which is a big problem since due to a bug I can't do that from the command line. <M0hi> We have a note about that issue. I'm not sure who is working on it now <M0hi> Have you ever tried writng an X session script? <cjs> Really? For using lxpanel under Gnome? <cjs> Yes, I used to use those all the time, back in the '90s before I eventually switched to using a session manager. <cjs> (That I still use fvwm should be a clue as to how old I am. :-)) <cjs> (And that's my fourth WM, too.) <M0hi> ah! <cjs> Hm. Is there any way to get the clock to deal with a vertical panel that's not wide enough for horizontal text? Perhaps by turning it sideways? <cjs> This stuff is pretty nice, BTW. You seem to have all the stuff that Gnome occasionally puts in and then takes out again with the next release. <cjs> I guess I can put in two digital clocks, one above the other, and have one displaying hours and one minutes. :-) <cjs> Hm. Maybe it's just a bit too wonky. And I am fed up with Gnome anyway.... <cjs> Ya, argh., the "no command line suspend" (broken pmi command) is still in Ubuntu 11.10. You'd think with a whole release cycle they could fix that. <M0hi> he he. Sorry was helping in another channel <M0hi> Where he was timed out :/ <cjs> So, any thoughts on why lxdm might be failing to come up with a login window? <cjs> I'd really like to try it. <M0hi> cjs: startup Scripts might be the issue. they might be starting the other dependancies * M0hi is not in his machine. So, can't test anything and tell :[ <cjs> Do you have any specific ideas on how to debug this? <M0hi> look at the startup scripts running and compare with the dependancy of lxde. Hope something will be missing there <cjs> How do I look at the startup scripts running? <cjs> (I'm not quite getting what you mean, here.) <cjs> I gotta run. I might be back in a few hours. <M0hi> ah! check /var/log/syslog <M0hi> sorry for the delay in response <grifo74> hello i update my lubuntu to 11.10 and system crash, anyone have the same problem? <grifo74> i think now i need to istall all system again <M0hi> grifo74: you upgraded from 11.04 ? <grifo74> yes <grifo74> after two hous in update the system crash and off <M0hi> After w hours of completion of the upgrade, did your machine crash while running normally? <M0hi> s/w hours/2 hours* <grifo74> yes i update then restart the system and stay in comad line. <grifo74> it´s time to install all again <M0hi> So, now you are getting just the blank screen and no boot menu ? <grifo74> :-) i dont go desist <grifo74> i just like to now if anyone have the same problem <M0hi> Till now, I didn't see any reports like that grifo74 <grifo74> ok i go make a new clean system and then i remaster <leshaste> is it possible to upgrade from ubuntu lts to lubuntu? <JohnDoe_71Rus> leshaste: think beter wait 12.04 lts. or try clear install + backup home <M0hi> leshaste: You cannot Jump from one version to another if you have other releases in the middle. So, Clean install is what I will suggest <leshaste> it more moving from normal ubuntu to lubuntu that I was asking about <leshaste> JohnDoe_71Rus, ^^ <leshaste> my question is whether you can upgrade from normal ubuntu to lubuntu <JohnDoe_71Rus> leshaste: some like this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall <JohnDoe_71Rus> remove all to minimal <leshaste> sorry I don't understasnd. that page just tells you how to do a minimal install doesn't it? <leshaste> http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde looks more promising <leshaste> but that page only has removal instructions <leshaste> where do you install LXDE desktop ? <KM0201> i'm pretty sure you can just sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop <KM0201> then remove ubuntu-desktop <JohnDoe_71Rus> try remove ubuntu-standard ubuntu-desktop. save ubuntu-minimal. then sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends lubuntu-desktop ? <KM0201> probably be easier to clean install though <KM0201> i don't really see the big deal of using no-install-recommends... i never do, but.. thats personal opinion <leshaste> ok.. does that also install a browser? <KM0201> yes, chromium <leshaste> ah ok <leshaste> thanks <leshaste> I'll wait until I am on oneiric first :)# <leshaste> and then try it <leshaste> how do you "save ubuntu-minimal"? <JohnDoe_71Rus> leshaste: don t remove it <leshaste> ah :) <leshaste> I assume firefox still works in lxde? <leshaste> I like the add-ons <JohnDoe_71Rus> you can install your favorite programs <leshaste> k <Dogwar1984> how can i restore my panel to defult <cjs> Dogwar1984: Possibly remove .config/lxpanel (or whatever it is--look around in there), log out, and log in again? <Dogwar1984> dame i forgot thet thx <cjs> \ <Dogwar1984> problem my usb end harddrivers dont mount after update to 11 10 <Dogwar1984> Cant mount any device help <cjs> Well, explaining what you're doing, what the expected result is, and what the actual result is would help. <Dogwar1984> i am just try plug in mu usb hdd end it dont mount it <Dogwar1984> happend after i upde from 11.04 to 11. 10 lubuntu <cjs> Ah, the auto-mount thing. I can't help with that, sorry; I don't use it. <Dogwar1984> thx any way <silverlightning> is there old style bookman for libre office? <butterbrot> Hi, this morning, I did a dist upgrade, but now, there is no power management applet any more. Also, there is no chance to add it with the "desktop session settings". Where can I find it? <butterbrot> Now I use Lubuntu 11.10 <silverarrow> a tricky one <bioterror> butterbrot, xfce4-power-management-applet or what wras it <bioterror> was it <bioterror> tab complete it <butterbrot> bioterror: no, it is the gnome-power-manager and the gnome-power-statistics. both is installed and I reinstalled gnome-power-manager ,... I can also launch gnome-power-statistics, but there is no possibility to integrate it in the panel,.... but now, I will try to install the xfce4-power-management-applet <bioterror> what? <bioterror> lubuntu moved to xfce4-power-manager on 11.10 <bioterror> I remember so ;) <butterbrot> bioterror:ohh, okay, it is already not installed on my notebook,...I will instal it, but thanks for helping :-) <bioterror> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Applications <bioterror> Power manager : xfce4-power-manager <silverarrow> are there extra fonts for libre office? <silverarrow> there are xfce4 components in lubuntu? <silverarrow> I thought that was kubuntu <butterbrot> bioterror: thank's a lot, it works with xfce4-power-manager ;-) <butterbrot> you rescued my afternoon :-) <bioterror> np ;) <bioterror> !gksu <ubot5> If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) <butterbrot> bye <saml> hey, I have ubuntu 11.10, how can I convert it to lubuntu? <dtchen> e.g., install lubuntu-desktop <andantino> how is 11.10? <wxl> ok what did i miss? <Idroy_> hi <wxl> yo <KM0201> o/ <Idroy_> Could you guys use someone who makes artwork? I'm pretty active in the Ubuntu-NL community, I made almost all their launchpad team logos and the official Ubuntu-NL logo... <Idroy_> What do I need to do to get involved? :) <bodhi_zazen> Idroy_: post it to gnome look ? <bodhi_zazen> see also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork <Idroy_> Well, on your wiki-page it says you need contributions in the artwork area (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved), so that's why I asked about it. <bodhi_zazen> Not my wiki page =) <bodhi_zazen> I am a transient here <bodhi_zazen> I just cause trouble <wxl> http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=437 <wxl> there <wxl> have fun <Idroy_> bodhi_zazen, that wiki page is from the "real" Ubuntu, not from Lubuntu (I know Lubuntu is a derivative of Ubuntu) <IAmNotThatGuy> Idroy_, you want to get involved with Lubuntu team? <Idroy_> Yep :) <IAmNotThatGuy> From now, for Lubuntu team also, work will be done by the artwork team <Idroy_> The artwork team of Ubuntu? <IAmNotThatGuy> Yes <bioterror> you missed your chance ;) <bioterror> you can probably join that team? <Idroy_> Hmmm, that <Idroy_> 's not a bad idea* <bioterror> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art <Idroy_> Thank you <Idroy_> I'll contact the owner of that team. :) <saml> is there a way to convert ubuntu to lubuntu? <bioterror> yes <bioterror> sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends <bioterror> !purelxdm | saml <bioterror> !purelxde | saml <ubot5> saml: If you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde » <saml> thanks <saml> gnome unity really slows down <wxl> ohhhhh nice <Unit193> Needs to be updated for Oneiric... <wxl> unity is stupid <bioterror> Unit193, update it! <Unit193> bioterror: Can't, it's his site :P <saml> i'm using 11.10, will that work bioterror ? <saml> or can i just install lubuntu-desktop? <bioterror> hmmm <saml> just incase something doesn't work.. and i have a fall back option <Unit193> saml: For the most part, it will work fine <saml> or if i can just drop to text console instead of gdm.. then i can just start openbox <saml> using startx <wxl> who is psychocats? not necessarily a lubunter right? <saml> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text" <saml> and update-grub.. and make sure text is passed to kernel option <bioterror> hmmm <saml> still gdm comes up <bioterror> oh you guys have too much energy <bioterror> just drop into console <bioterror> tty1 for example <bioterror> and sudo service gdm stop <saml> oh <bioterror> sudo apt-get purge gnome\* <bioterror> it will remove lots of packages :D <Unit193> bioterror: dpkg-reconfigure lxdm <bioterror> and then sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends <Lubunter> Hi all!!! <Lubunter> Who here? <Unit193> 11.10 uses recommends <bioterror> Lubunter, about 54 plus you <wxl> hah <wxl> daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang <Unit193> ChanServ doesn't count though... <Lubunter> mabe its all bots? <wxl> warning: you've been chowned <wxl> could be <wxl> maybe you, too <Lubunter> i have quastion <wxl> bots don't usually have those <wxl> you're a strange bot <Lubunter> Why does not work the website Lubuntu.net? <wxl> because lubuntu ain't separate from canonical no more <wxl> lubuntu.net now redirects to the ubuntu wiki that relates to lubuntu <wxl> where you should find all future info residing at <wxl> if you're looking for the videos, you can still find them on youtube <silverlightning> social ladder climbing <Unit193> Because the release would bring too much load to that server, it wouldn't have been able to handle it <Lubunter> it is forever? <Lubunter> or temporarily? <Lubunter> Where can I find pictures hawto, articles, news and comments, which were lubuntu.net? <Lubunter> Where there is a copy of the site? <Lubunter> wxl, u moder? <Unit193> Sounds to me like it will be back "... and by the way the server is not down, there are just tons of hits. I think the lubuntu.net site should be moved to a cloud service so we can cope with the demand every time a new version gets released." <saml> hey, how can I swap caps lock and right ctrl > <saml> ? <saml> do I use xmodmap? <lifelessraptor> I need some help getting xserver to work properly. <saml> how can I start networking from recovery shell? <saml> i did apt-get remove bunch of ubuntu packages... and i can't boot anymore <silverarrow> hmm <saml> i followed from the web page somewhere.. <silverarrow> apt-get lxde? <saml> my network isn't up <saml> i'm on recovery kernel <saml> ifconfig displays nothing <saml> i booted to recovery kernel.. <saml> i tried start networking <saml> ifup eth0 <silverarrow> it is possible, but I am afraid I am no good with terminal <saml> ... i don't know how ubuntu works <wxl> well if you killed a bunch of fundamental networking packages you have a problem regardless of whether or not you know the commands <wxl> i'd do ifconfig eth0 up <wxl> might check /etc/network/interfaces <wxl> you should have an /etc/hosts <wxl> check for /etc/resolv.conf <wxl> http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialNetworking.html may help <wxl> any luck saml <saml> wxl: ifconfig eth0 up brought it up <wxl> kewl <saml> trying to figure out how to get ip .. dhcpclient? <bioterror> dhclient eth0 <wxl> better now saml ? <laumonier> hi what is the name of the original wifi manager? it looks like network-manager but i dont find the packet <andantino> how is the new lubuntu? <wxl> loooooooooooooooooooovely <wxl> however the new ubtuntu sucks :D <KM0201> it's not to bad (tried it in vbox)... i still hate unity, my opinion of that hasn't changed <bioterror> laumonier, nm-applet <wxl> KM0201: i think that's my major problem.. and one i find nearly impossible to reconcile <andantino> i prefer gnome shell to unity <KM0201> wxl: yeah... i miss gnome. <KM0201> andantino: gnome shell was crazy buggy for me.. so i opted not to go that route. <laumonier> ty if i install wicd instead will it be in applet in my bottom bar? <andantino> the first time i tried gnome shell <andantino> well i installed fedora 15, and then i got rid of it right away <andantino> i hated it <bioterror> laumonier, yes it will if you start wicd-gtk or what was it <wxl> supposedly, laumonier but not sure <wxl> there you go <KM0201> andantino: why, did you not like gnome 3 <laumonier> ok ill try <KM0201> ? <andantino> but i like it now <bioterror> laumonier, add that to your startup in lxde <KM0201> andantino: if you like RH releases, you outta check out fedora's LXDE release, very slick. <andantino> mmmm well its certainly unconventional <andantino> im using fedora kde now <andantino> i like it alot <KM0201> ugh kde... <KM0201> if i had to use KDE< i'd just use Windows... thank heavens for choice. <andantino> it seems to run pretty well <wxl> i second that notion <wxl> a friend is just in love with kde and has been forever * wxl barfs <KM0201> i don't get the appeal of it... i always hear, "it's like windows".. i honestly don't see how people get there, unless you compare a K menu to "Start".. in that case, LXDE is like windows <andantino> but yeah, gnome3 was just to unconventional for me at first <andantino> you have to give it time <KM0201> and frankly, if it was "like windows" that would be a big negative IMO... <bioterror> KM0201, lxde is like windows, you have that "start menu" in the left down corner of your screen <bioterror> and systray in right corner <KM0201> bioterror: lol <andantino> fedora kde seems to run pretty well <KM0201> bioterror: i refuse to make that comparison <andantino> but it needed a lot of tweaking <bioterror> I dont <laumonier> when i try apt-get remove nm-applet it doesnt work any clue??thx <KM0201> be back in a few. <bioterror> laumonier, why you want to get rid of gnome-network-manager? <laumonier> wicd is better <wxl> i might go get wicd <bioterror> honestly I dont see much difference <bioterror> with laptop I see nm-applet better, as I can use mobile phone as my internet source <bioterror> makes it easier, with desktop computers neither one is needed ;) <laumonier> ive got savage deconection with network manager besides with wicd there is more option to set wifi <wxl> well i might give it a shot because i've had trouble automatically connecting to my hidden ssid <wxl> supposedly installing wicd should remove network manager <laumonier> nop <wxl> wweird <wxl> try removing network-manager <wxl> look through synaptic if you have to <laumonier> yeah i will <wxl> also apt-cache search "network manager" <wxl> hm i got wicd-gtk but how do i get the applet to work? <wxl> hm maybe a reboot is in order <wxl> yep had to reboot <saml> yay, i'm on lxde! <saml> how can I execute some stuff during startup? like swapping ctrl and caps lock... and xrandr <wxl> /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart <bioterror> I would not make it global <wxl> assuming there are multiple users... <bioterror> even if there arent <wxl> why for? <bioterror> you can do it without being root <wxl> there's a certain logic to that <bioterror> and if that file somehow gets updated, it will be reverted then <wxl> THAT'S a darn good point <bioterror> unlike something you do from your home <wxl> where's local? <wxl> ~/.config/autostart <wxl> right? <bioterror> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#How_I_can_autostart_a_program_when_logging_in_to_Desktop <bioterror> another way is to edit ~/.config/openbox/autostart.sh and add to the bottom of that file "command &" <KM0201> anybody using lightdm w/ login screen w/ lubuntu? <wxl> thx <KM0201> i wanna try it, but it caused me so many problems when i tried it w/ 11.04.. i'm ambivalent. <KM0201> it'd be nice if my dad didn't gripe about typing a username anymore. <wxl> oooooh wow html <wxl> i'd be happy to give that a shot <KM0201> wgat> <KM0201> give what a shot? <wxl> lightdm <KM0201> oh, i just installed it in vbox, was just wondering if i should anticipate probs. <KM0201> lol <wxl> ah <wxl> well that's what i was planning on so i'll leave it to you :D <KM0201> lol <bioterror> I would like to know how much lines of code ubuntu team has added to lightdm <bioterror> and if it's as light as it was ½ year ago ;) <KM0201> bioterror: you already know the answer tot hat <Unit193> bioterror: No kidding, they broke it a little for the rest of us too <KM0201> indeed <KM0201> well, it's installed, and now i'm rebooting, so... we shall see <bioterror> rebooting? :) <KM0201> i installed the virtualbox graphics driver to <bioterror> okay <KM0201> wow, something went terribly wrong <KM0201> lol <KM0201> well, hold on, i think it's starting now. <wxl> hahah <KM0201> it was flashing blue/black/blue/black/blue/black for quite some time, now, in like font size 85, i see "starting".. and it seems stopped there <wxl> i've had that problem in virtualbox before <wxl> last time i tried a virtual terminal <KM0201> first for me <KM0201> and i use vbox a lot <KM0201> well, let me rephrase, i've had it flash weird stuff on boot up a bit <KM0201> but not like that <KM0201> i hate grub being hidden by default <KM0201> what is it to show grub again... right shift? <wxl> agreed <KM0201> whats the keyboard shortcut to unhide grub?.. i thought ti was right shift, but.. i don't think thats it <KM0201> left shift <KM0201> how come when you boot recovery mode, it doesn't let you edit grub anymore"? <KM0201> thats kinda stupid... it says its a read only filesystem * wxl shrugs <wxl> come to think of it why would i want to change my dm? lxdm seems good enough <KM0201> no no, i just want to change the login screen <KM0201> lxdm is fine <wxl> same difference <wxl> lxdm starts lxde & openbox <KM0201> dude, that is one of my pet-peeves1 <wxl> i mean if it's all look and feel you can theme lxdm <wxl> of course i haven't played with how much <KM0201> well, its just the login screen... lubuntu doesn't have one that allows you to "click" a username... <KM0201> and i'm sick of istening to my dad gripe about typing his username <KM0201> ok, got it to boot. <wxl> OH <wxl> that makes sense <wxl> he wants a mac :) <KM0201> no, not really <KM0201> when his computer had Gnome, i usually just set the login screen to the one that you could "click".. a username <KM0201> his PC is bordering on ancient, so it won't handle unity, thus lxde... but.. the login screen is frustrating <KM0201> and it's shared w/ mys ister, and of course, she wants privacy <wxl> thus autologin don't work <KM0201> exactly <wxl> i see your dilemma <wxl> have you tried any others besides lightdm? <KM0201> no. <KM0201> i don't know of any others <wxl> cdm <wxl> just kidding <wxl> (c=console) <KM0201> that'd e hilarious. <KM0201> i'd never hear the end of that one <wxl> with slim you can set a default user that is automatically selected and it just sits on the password field <wxl> so that would even save a click <wxl> it's in the repos <KM0201> hhmm <KM0201> slim, never heard of it <wxl> might just apt-cache search "display manager" <KM0201> hmm, i'm gonna try slim... <KM0201> it says it's "fully configurable".. so we'll see.. :) <wxl> tee hee <wxl> manual is well detailed <wxl> from my cursory glance at it <wxl> not overly confusing <KM0201> i'll take a gander at it. <KM0201> thanks for the suggestion, i'd never heard of slim <wxl> np <wxl> well i never bothered to really look before <wxl> i can't take much credit. i just ran through the list on wikipedia :D <KM0201> lol <KM0201> cheater <wxl> teehee <KM0201> jeez, repos ar estill slow <KM0201> lots of upgrading going on <KM0201> ok, rebooting, lets see if this one bricks <KM0201> well, it worked, now to try and configure it <KM0201> well, maye not <KM0201> it just froze up <KM0201> lol <wxl> :/ <wxl> wtf <wxl> where did it freeze? <KM0201> right after login <wxl> interesting <wxl> my guess is you probably need to configure ahead of time <wxl> before the reboot <wxl> but what do i know, i just search wikipedia :D <KM0201> well, it configures upon installing <wxl> (supposedly) <KM0201> i just wanted to see how much it could be configured <KM0201> well, i'll do some looking at it. <KM0201> brb <wxl> k gotta go <wxl> let me know how it goes #lubuntu 2011-10-15 <KM0201> well, partial success <austin> hello <austin> would anyone mind helping me? <Guest13605> hello? <masaharustin> hello, would someone mind helping me? <masaharustin> what is the lubuntu netbook desktop? <Unit193> It's just another view of things, try it to find out <masaharustin> what? <masaharustin> oh nvm, i was asking because i could not log into it <Unit193> Odd, I'll try it next VBox install <masaharustin> the only desktops i can log into are default, lxde, lubuntu, and openbox (just freezes up) <tzhuang> anyone here use QQ chat? <tzhuang> or rahter anyone have it working in lubuntu? <Unit193> Pidgin should support it <tzhuang> hmmm i can't seem to find it in the accounts selection <tzhuang> for the pidgin that comes bundled with lubuntu 11.10 anyway <Unit193> It's listed as supported, but I have never used QQ :P Take a look at http://code.google.com/p/libqq-pidgin/ <Unit193> tzhuang: "Note: Kopete, old versions of Pidgin, and any other client whose QQ support is based on libpurple no longer supports QQ as of May 2011" <tzhuang> Unit193: doh, thanks a lot for your help <KM0201> whats QQ? <Unit193> KM0201: China talk network <KM0201> oh ok <wxl> KM0201: did u get it worrking? <KM0201> wxl: sort of <wxl> how so? <KM0201> i ended up install GDM, which works fine (even if a bit bloated) <KM0201> only problem is, i can't figure out how to configure it... and when it loads up, it's just a black screen, w/ a window to choose a username <KM0201> which.. in reality, is fine... i'd just like it to be a "little" better.. if i could just make that background blue, or some color other than black, it'd be gold <KM0201> i'll look into it more tomorrow. <KM0201> got tired of dealing w/ it <wxl> theming howto: http://slim.berlios.de/themes_howto.php <wxl> config is /us/etc/slim.conf <KM0201> hmm, i'll check that out. <wxl> values are here http://slim.berlios.de/manual.php <bodhizazen> slim is very very easy to theme <KM0201> yeah, but does it allow you to click a username? <wxl> what i was thinking was make dad the auto use <wxl> that way it automatically selects his name <KM0201> oh i see <wxl> all he has to do is enter password <KM0201> that may work <wxl> since sis don't care, she can click to login as different user <bodhizazen> I do not think slim will do that <bodhizazen> If you have multiple users, personally I would use gdm, switch users is very handy <bodhizazen> you can configure slim to auto login <KM0201> bodhizazen: yeah, i got that working, like i said, i just can't figure out how to configure the background on gdm from lxde <wxl> he doesn't want auto login <KM0201> i don't want auto login <wxl> he wantss it to be REALLY EASY for one user <KM0201> exactly <wxl> but still require an authenticated login <bodhizazen> oic, slim will do that <KM0201> yea... i'll figure somethng out. <bodhizazen> the config file is well commented =) <KM0201> GDM works, if i figure out how to make it just *a little* better, the black background is a bit much, if i could just change it to a blue, or something, it'd b efine, but even the black will work, if necessary <bodhizazen> default_user your_father <bodhizazen> auto_login no <wxl> weren't you also looking for something a bit more lightweight or did i misunderstand? <KM0201> yes, i was <wxl> there ya go <wxl> anywho, when you feel up to it, it will do what you want <KM0201> yeah <KM0201> just don't understand why lightdm seems to work so well with unity/ubuntu, but bricks lxdm <KM0201> *lubuntu <wxl> that is strange <wxl> should check the logs for errors <wxl> might be some bugs up in there <KM0201> i'm sure. <wxl> i'd also fine tooth comb that config file <KM0201> just seemds odd, that it seems to work flawlessly w/ the other ubuntu flavors, just not lubuntu <wxl> http://lubuntublog.blogspot.com/2011/07/lightdm-on-lubuntu.html interesting <KM0201> and he says it works, unusual <bodhizazen> what is your problem with lightdm , what do you mean "it bricks" ? <KM0201> bodhizazen: soon as i install it, my virtual install fails to boot (i had the same problem on actual installs, in 11.04)... i reboot to recovery, reconfigure to use lxdm, and all works perfectly <bodhizazen> at what point in the boot process does it hang ? <KM0201> unfortunately, i'm not sure on that <wxl> and what were the symptoms again? <bodhizazen> edit your kernel line and remove quiet and splash <KM0201> it just stops booting, black screen.. thats it. <Unit193> What exactly do you install? Just lightdm? <KM0201> yeah <bodhizazen> install openssh server and ssh in from a second box and look at the logs <Unit193> Ah! You need a greeter too! <KM0201> like? <wxl> wtf is a greeter? <bodhizazen> a greeter is one of those folks outside Walmart ... <Unit193> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM <Unit193> bodhizazen: Heh +@ <Unit193> 1 <KM0201> i'll try it and see hat happens <KM0201> it'll be a couple minuts though <Unit193> lightdm --test-mode <IAmNotThatGuy> lightdm-gtk-greete <IAmNotThatGuy> lightdm-gtk-greeter <Unit193> bodhizazen: You happen to know resource usage comparison of slim, lightdm, and LXDM? <IAmNotThatGuy> thats the package name in the repo <KM0201> why is that not installed by default as a dependency <wxl> is lightdm the only dm that requires a greeter? <Unit193> I'm not sure if GDM installs a basic one or not <bodhizazen> Unit193, no, I have not found the login managers to be all *that* heavy on resources, but if I need to squeeze more performance out of an old machine, I disable them and then log in and startx <wxl> bodhizazen: there is one alternative <KM0201> bodhizazen: you're trying to make my dad kill me by suggesting that..lol <wxl> which will make KM0201 laugh <wxl> and that's CDM: console display manager :D <KM0201> lol <wxl> which is about as cute as an idea as ratpoison <KM0201> well, lets face it, it works <KM0201> flawlessly <bodhizazen> lol <KM0201> but.. sighs.. not for him. <wxl> yep and you know what to expect from the gui ;) <KM0201> yeah, hopefully i can get lightdm working properly <KM0201> i've not saw that testing repo yet <KM0201> but that testing repo is for natty. <KM0201> but i guess i can just install all those packages from the normal ubuntu repos. <KM0201> linux though, is the perfect OS for them. <KM0201> i was clearing viruses/malware off of that pC weekly, cuz they were just to dense and clicking on links in random emails, pop ups, etc <KM0201> now, i just ssh in once a week, update, and thats that <Unit193> Try not to get too offtopic though <KM0201> Unit193: wxl bodhizazen when i try to reconfigure lightdm, i get this error... http://pastebin.com/zv2upusu <KM0201> looks like it says its missing something called dpkg-maint? <KM0201> pastebin.com/a2qFZ7RH <KM0201> http://pastebin.com/a2qFZ7RH <KM0201> thats the winner right there <KM0201> now the question is, why doesn't lightdm call for that when it installs.. that would strike me as a bug. <KM0201> lemme see if thats the prob, i just installed it <KM0201> hmm, nope <KM0201> still getting that error when i try to reconfigure, only now when i "test".. i get a black window bouncing all over the place <KM0201> lets see what happenson reboot <KM0201> is anybody listening, or am i talking to myself? <KM0201> wxl: ? Unit193 ? bodhizazen ? <wxl> sorry <wxl> working on it <KM0201> no prob <KM0201> i thought i had it w/ that error, installed that xephyr package, but still crayz, i'm gonna try to ssh in and look at the logs <wxl> did u get the greeter? <KM0201> no <KM0201> screen just flashes <wxl> it is necessary <wxl> did you remove gdm? <KM0201> oh,i mean yes, it installed <wxl> ok <KM0201> i meant, i'm not getting the screen where i can choose a login name <KM0201> yes, gdm is removed <KM0201> wxl: where would the log for this be? <wxl> is there a ~/.dmrc? <wxl> well of course /var/log/syslog for general <KM0201> yeah <wxl> more specifically..... <KM0201> no, i don't see a /.drmc (under my home) <wxl> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/809890 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 809890 in lightdm (Ubuntu Oneiric) "lightdm-example-gtk-greeter crashed with SIGSEGV in __strcmp_ssse3()" [Medium,Fix released] <wxl> ^^^ talks about the problem being related to .dmrc <KM0201> the problem is, i never get to the screen that lets me choose "other" <wxl> /var/log/lightdm <wxl> makes sense :D <KM0201> lightdm.log, is empty <wxl> i meant /var/log/lightdm/ <KM0201> yeah, i know <KM0201> and it's empty <wxl> hmm <wxl> it's not loading the greeter is what it seems <KM0201> thats what it seems <wxl> huh there's a webkit greeter out there <KM0201> don't think thats related <wxl> there should be an /etc/init/lightdm.conf? <KM0201> yup, there is <wxl> wuz the contents? <KM0201> um, hang on <wxl> it's weird lightdm.log isn't there <wxl> THAT suggests lightdm isn't starting period <KM0201> well, lightdm.log is there.. it's just empty <wxl> de facto the same <KM0201> u say so... http://pastebin.com/8DKb6MXm <wxl> no i mean empty is effectively the same as not there <KM0201> oh ok, gotcha <wxl> oh i give up :D <KM0201> hold, log is full now <KM0201> i had to SSH in to get something <KM0201> how do i pastebin the contents of a file?... since nano sucks for this. <wxl> uhh i forgot the command for that <wxl> and nano???? ewwww <KM0201> well, if vi will let me select all/copy/paste into a pastebin, then that will work <KM0201> but i don't think it will (i've just used nano so long, i like it) <wxl> if you can do xterm mouse you can <wxl> visual mode <wxl> pastebinit is the command <wxl> so you could cat /some/log | pastebinit <KM0201> how do you exit vi? <wxl> ZZ to save or :q! to quit <wxl> assuming you escape first <KM0201> i got it. <wxl> you have to be in command mode not insert mode <KM0201> http://paste.ubuntu.com/708378/ <KM0201> thats lightdm.log <wxl> do you have other logs in there? <KM0201> i believe there's an x-log <KM0201> lemme check it <wxl> check out line 38 <wxl> go check the permissions <wxl> oh wait that doesn't make sense <wxl> that's not a permissions issue <KM0201> here's the x-0.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/708381/ <KM0201> also under lightdm <KM0201> looks like it's saying the problem is the "vboxvideo" module? <wxl> 3222 is trying to load unity greeter <KM0201> i saw that <KM0201> think i should uninstall that? <wxl> maybe <wxl> i wish it was clear how to set the greeter of choice <KM0201> yea <KM0201> i just set the greetter to lxdm, so i can remove unity greeter <wxl> http://bobthegnome.blogspot.com/2010/07/lightdm.html <KM0201> hmm <wxl> but yeah it seem that vbox i messing with you too <KM0201> but.. <KM0201> like i said, on 11.04, i got the exact same behavior, on an actual install <wxl> i know what youre thinking <KM0201> ? <wxl> that <KM0201> lol <KM0201> am ithat predictable? <wxl> hehehe <KM0201> man, this is frustrating <KM0201> that repo 404'd <wxl> that and that's your xorg log <wxl> that vbox fail should be on ANY variation of x <wxl> ugh <wxl> man dude i wnat to help you like crazy but i just don't know <wxl> can i suggest slim? :D <KM0201> lol <KM0201> i might try slim <KM0201> well, i'm gonna hit the rack, tired <KM0201> thanks for your help <wxl> i'm kinda with ya on that one <KM0201> lol <wxl> sorry we didn't accomplish much :D <KM0201> talk to you tomorrow. <wxl> sounds good <wxl> night <danmartin> ciao <laumonier> ive got some freeze with windows in lubuntu especialy when i have a select menu . am i the only one with this problem? <dlirit> is there a way to move to lubuntu from an already installed ubuntu 11.04? <ploppel> hello! I want to deinstall lubuntu, can someone please help me? <ploppel> I thought it would be enough to erase the folder on C: but there isn't any ... <dlirit> oh nm, I see it on the wiki <dlirit> I'm on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/UpgradeToLubuntu and seeing there's only instructions to upgrade from 10.X and not 11.X <dlirit> I guess they would be the same, unless someone can corect me <dlirit> *correct <alvin47> how can I reenable wireless, because I have wattOS previously on my netbook then I installed lubuntu 11.10 by upgrade, now wireless does not work anymore <alvin47> how can I reenable wireless, because I have wattOS previously on my netbook then I installed lubuntu 11.10 by upgrade, now wireless does not work anymore <alvin47> anyone up here? <alvin47> how can I reenable wireless, because I have wattOS previously on my netbook then I installed lubuntu 11.10 by upgrade, now wireless does not work anymore <phillw> dlirit: hi, I've just checked https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/UpgradeToLubuntu and it does say "For 10.10 and later", 11.10 is 'later' :) <dlirit> weird though <dlirit> I just ran the apt-get update and install (with --no-install-recommends) and I only got packages to install, none is removed... <dlirit> so I should run http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxdenatty ? <dlirit> can I run those commands from purelxdenatty site AFTER the upgrade to lubuntu-desktop? <hulaka> Got lubuntu 11.10. When right-click on desktop I accidently changed the menu that shows up. Now it's some OpenBox menu - how to change it back? <arturo> help buffer <hulaka> By the way - why in almost every software fonts look so small and ugly? Same with some websites - though on ceratin fonts look smaller, on other bigger <hulaka> On Ubuntu it all looked ok ... now using Lubuntu 11.10 and it just looks different ... and worse <arturo> window splitv <hulaka> ? <hosoka> hello all <hosoka> if one could help me out to use lxdm for autologin purpose. Currently running Lubuntu 10.10 <silverlightning> There is a way to get autologin back <hosoka> i found a docu of this but was not able to activate it <silverlightning> hosoka, did you choose autologin during install ? <hosoka> I had used gdm next to it but now I would like to use the lxdm instead. <hosoka> there was no option for that with my alternative cd installation. <silverlightning> I'm with you <hosoka> is there a way afterwards ? <silverlightning> hmm, a bit tricky <hosoka> I know that there is a lxdm config file <hosoka> but once I entered my username at the autologin= <hosoka> it mentioned to me that I am not able to save the file <hosoka> silverlightning: the autologin during install is where you are installing Ubuntu from CD. I remember this one :-) <silverlightning> I usually disable login at all <silverlightning> i mean enable autologin, <hulaka> By the way - why in almost every software fonts look so small and ugly? Same with some websites - though on ceratin fonts look smaller, on other bigger <silverlightning> you mean windows manager? <hulaka> I mean that on software (like Libreoffice) fonts look bad, smaller and worse than on Ubuntu <hulaka> using Lubuntu 11.10 /64bit now <hulaka> not everywhere ... on some software, on some websites <silverlightning> I don't notice much change? <silverlightning> I know it differs on some hardware <hulaka> http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/3286/screem3o.png <silverlightning> maybe it's the windows manager or gui? <hulaka> screenshot, though it doesn't fully show what's exactly wrong <hosoka> i have found the lxdm.conf file <hosoka> but how to change the autologin in this file and safe it back. <silverlightning> to me xchat always looks like that <hosoka> is there a way to change the lxdm.conf file <silverlightning> probably, but I don't dare give any suggestions <hulaka> what about libre? eh I don't know, maybe it's just how lubuntu looks <hulaka> though, I don't understand why fonts on same sites, on same browser look different on Lubuntu & Ubuntu <silverlightning> I have libre office, and right now pigin <hulaka> does it look the same as in screenshot? <silverlightning> yes pretty much <hulaka> heh ok <silverlightning> I am in lubuntu right now too <silverlightning> I have Ubuntu 11.10 on a different laptop, but I could not detect much difference in word processor <hulaka> >.> <silverlightning> At least probably thought it was because of better graphics and resolution? <hulaka> maybe <hulaka> two more question though, nothing serious now: <silverlightning> hulaka, would lxde be that different from gnome unity? <silverlightning> on printing it is exactly the same <hulaka> It's not THAT different, it's small differences <silverlightning> I see <hulaka> but they're pissing me off <silverlightning> lol <silverlightning> it is on the same computer? <hulaka> Yes <hulaka> Whatever though <hulaka> I doubt someone will help me with this <hulaka> My linux set up is always wrong in this or other way <hulaka> Guess Im used to that <hulaka> Other thing: Right-clicked on the desktop & accidently I switched something <hulaka> Now in stead of normal menu that pops up when right clicking on desktop <hulaka> I got OpenBox menu <hulaka> know how to change it back? <silverlightning> major messing <silverlightning> rightclick again? <silverlightning> desktop preferences ? <hulaka> no desktop preferences <hulaka> got ObConf <hulaka> which is OpenBox Configuration Menager <hulaka> got "Restart" which kinda refresh desktop or whatever <hulaka> got "Reconfigure" which doesn't do anything (seenable ...) <hulaka> got "Exit" that basically turn offs the panel <hulaka> and blocks right click and what not (restarting PC helped) <hulaka> there's also Terminal emulator & Web Browser <hulaka> which works how the name suggests <hulaka> and also some simple desktop switcher <hulaka> but no desktop preferences <hulaka> I mean ... this doesn't look like major messing <hulaka> especially since it was easily (accidently) done <hulaka> but can't change it for shit <NRWlion> evening folks <hulaka> hello ... <hulaka> any idea how change menu that pops up when right clicking on desktop? <hulaka> I accidently changed it and now have some OpenBox menu <silverlightning> I get lxde preferences when I right click <silverlightning> as option <silverlightning> settings in open box config manager? <hulaka> well there are some settings <hulaka> but nothing that could change the right click menu <hulaka> jesus ... isn't there some "set default" button for desktop <hulaka> linux can be hella problematic ... <silverlightning> jesus usually doesn't help with computer issues <hulaka> i doubt he helps with any issues <hulaka> it just stupid mistake I made and I don't understand how it can't be undone <hulaka> stupid right-click menu ... I mean ... come ooon <silverlightning> sorry I'm not good with this <silverlightning> there is a lxde channel <silverlightning> there are usually a few here that are good with lubuntu <hulaka> how it's called? <KM0201> hulaka: did you check that box "show menus provided by window managers when desktop is clicked"? (sorry, i'm late) <silverlightning> #lxde <hulaka> KM - probably <hulaka> Don't remember well <hulaka> can it be undone? <hulaka> that's how it looks: http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/7176/screen5p.png <silverlightning> ...you are where no man has been before <hulaka> lool <hulaka> what do you even talk bout <hulaka> it was so easily made <hulaka> oh, why I didn't check the internet for what KM wrote <hulaka> people been there <hulaka> though, now we'll see if there's a solution ... <thegladiator> how do I remove the desktop icon's shadow ? <silverlightning> lol <silverlightning> the gladiator, probably settings under preferances <hulaka> pcmanfm --desktop-pref <hulaka> + terminal <hulaka> solved :) <silverlightning> great <silverlightning> very clever of you <silverlightning> thegladiator: menu-preferences. open box config? <silverlightning> hulaka: how did it happen in the first place? <thegladiator> how do I remove the lwhere i menu pref <hulaka> well, it's probably connected with my research of small fonts problem <hulaka> probably thought that checking that box will change anything <hulaka> or indeed did it accidently <hulaka> I don't know, doesn't matter <silverlightning> these things happen <silverlightning> I usually mess up in terminal <silverlightning> I all kinds of weird issues after following a guide some where <silverlightning> or any of the suggestions you get here lol <hulaka> well, linux set up is always problematic for me <hulaka> something is always wrong <hulaka> especially since i have a lil paranoia <hulaka> and i want everything to be set ok <hulaka> so when something is wrong I go crazy :P <Xapian> Hi all! <Xapian> Why does not work the website lubuntu.net? <Xapian> who here? <Xapian> :( <Xapian> help please <Xapian> or i go on Windows :P <KM0201> that's a pretty ignorant way to try and get help... lol, threatening to go to windows <hulaka> Any idea why some fonts in Lubuntu 11.10 (mostly in some software & some websites) look smaller & ugly? Libreoffice looks just terrible <KM0201> look fine to me <hulaka> >.< <hulaka> I don't know ... so small, basically something wrong with it too cause even when I write something in Libre <hulaka> with some usual size <hulaka> it looks bad <hulaka> not clean or however you call it <hulaka> any idea? Or maybe a suggestions how to set fonts in settings or what not <tzhuang> hello. does anyone know whats a permanent way to map caps lock in lubuntu <tzhuang> google search gets me to xmodmap but it resets after boot <dmorfin> how do we edit menus under 11.10? I tried using alacarte (like I used to) and it complains about gnome-panel not being installed... I went to install that, and it said it would conflicted with 151 packages.. <KM0201> alacarte has never worked under lxde. you edit menus by edtinga configuration file <KM0201> i think its in the FAQ... <KM0201> !faq <ubot5> A list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com <KM0201> hmm, thats not it <KM0201> hold on <dmorfin> alacarte worked for me until yesterday ;) <KM0201> with LXDE? <KM0201> that would reallys urprise me <dmorfin> yes <KM0201> hmm <dmorfin> then when I upgraded to 11.10, it decided that gnome-panel invalidates the world of packages (things like qt, virtualbox, vlc, etc) <dmorfin> I should say, I'm running with Menu configured for my panel, and alacarte lets you edit that <dmorfin> it didn't let me edit the desktop menu <kylpo> I haven't found a change log for lubuntu 11.10. Anyone have a link or able to tell me some changes? <tzhuang> who's the lubuntu guru here? <Unit193> !ask <ubot5> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience <Unit193> tzhuang: You get QQ working? <dmorfin> anybody know if lxmenuedit is available in some package? <tzhuang> !ask <tzhuang> Unit193: naw =P i went to do other stuff <tzhuang> Unit193: i just obliterated all of my harddrive reinsatlling winxp and lubuntu <tzhuang> Unit193: so there's a lot of housekeeping to do. one thing keeps popping up after the next <tzhuang> Unit193: like i'll want to edit my bashrc but then i realized my caps kep wasnt mapped to my ESC anymore <tzhuang> Unit193: so then i went to do that and then my backup files were on my windows partition so i was looking into automount <tzhuang> Unit193: well you get the picture <tzhuang> why does sylpheed freeze up when it's grabbing mail. i'd like to use it over tbird because it's integrated <trakinas> hey guys! <trakinas> my network applet has vanished after an update. how to fix that? <KM0201> have yout ried restarting? <tzhuang> does lubuntu support minimize to tray for tbird? <trakinas> KM0201: in fact, is not me. is my sister. I hate to give her support over telephone. I don't have any idea if she has reseted it. I dont have any idea how her screen shows up to her. all I know is that she cant connect to the internet. <KM0201> hmm <trakinas> *s/reseted/restarted/rg <KM0201> well, i'd first start by asking her to restart <trakinas> KM0201: she said it has vanished before today - so it means she has already turned it on and off. <tzhuang> does lubuntu support minimize to tray for tbird? #lubuntu 2011-10-16 <trakinas> is there a mway to connect to the internet without the nm try icon? <lcb> hi. do you know how can i add an application as 'autostart'? Just add a symlink to home/user/.config/autostart ? <lcb> yes. tested and works <tzhuang> does anyone have scim working with googlepinying here? <tzhuang> i installed scim according to these instructions http://code.google.com/p/scim-googlepinyin/ <tzhuang> but i can't seem to be able to input chinse <trakinas> tzhuang: I dont. cant help you. sorry! <trakinas> why booting lubuntu on VirtualBox is so slow? Have I missed anything? <tzhuang> how can you minimize tbird to tray in lubuntu <trakinas> tzhuang: I think you need to install a plugin for that <tzhuang> trakinas: any idea what plugin? <tiox> Sound has me confused. I was under the impression I could have sound from headphones only come out of headphones, but it seems this is not the case if I use alsamixer. <tiox> Am I stuck with this issue, or is there a way to fix the audio so when I plug a set of headphones, in, the speakers shut off and the headphones are the only devices accepting input? <trakinas> tzhuang: i think there is one called AllTray, where you can put any program on the systray <trakinas> see if you find it on synaptic <tzhuang> trakinas: i see it <tzhuang> trakinas: but it doesn't list LXDE as supported D: <trakinas> tzhuang: well, you can try it. <tzhuang> trakinas: hmm have you tried it? <tzhuang> trakinas: rebooting brb <trakinas> tiox: I really can't help you. In general, when I plug a phone, there is no sound from the speakers. <trakinas> tiox: and I never really played around with "phone"/"mixer" output <tiox> Any answer is as good as no answer I guess. <penguinnerd> So, anybody know what's up with lubuntu.net? It's redirecting me to the ubuntu wiki entry. <penguinnerd> Is anybody around? <phillw> penguinnerd: yes there is some one about <penguinnerd> Oh, hello. <penguinnerd> So, do you know what's going on with lubuntu.net? <penguinnerd> It redirects me to the ubuntu wiki. <phillw> penguinnerd: the server for lubuntu.net was overloaded, so it was re-directed to the lubuntu area on the Canonical servers (which are also under immense strain) <penguinnerd> Oh. That was my theory, but I wasn't sure. Thanks much. <phillw> I'm just trying to arrange back up server band width for lubuntu.net <l33_> hi <sagaci> hi <hulaka> Is there some way to make desktop icons smaller? [Lubuntu 11.10] <l33_> wouldnt be opensource if you couldnt ;) <hulaka> Well I realise that ... but HOW you do it <stlsaint> hulaka: hrm, should have options via open box menu <hulaka> No, OpenBox has no settings considering desktop icons <l33_> you have to make your own desktop/icon theme <l33_> but dont ask me how, i dont know that <hulaka> >.< <l33_> sorry <hulaka> damn, linux is always so problematic for me <l33_> it seems to be problematic, but in the ende its easier as any other operating system i guess <hulaka> exactly <l33_> be happy, you can change the desktop theme <hulaka> then maybe you have an idea why some fonts on some software look so damn small? <l33_> i dont know how, but there are some articles in the net on how to make you own icon theme for ubuntu <l33_> no, havent noticed that here, that some fonts are small <l33_> i had this problem years ago with windows xp <hulaka> Libreoffice looks really shitty, fonts are so tiny, especially navigator panel <l33_> there the problem was, that i had a small screen resolution <l33_> so, everything needed to be small to fit into the screen <l33_> looking now at libre office <l33_> here its normal size in libre office ( icons and fonts) <l33_> you can optimize the toolbar of libre office <hulaka> I have 1280x1024 resolution, don't know if it's "small" <hulaka> how? <l33_> its allright <l33_> in the toolbar click on customize <hulaka> I don't see how that's helpful <hulaka> But basically it's not just Libre <hulaka> It's some certain software <hulaka> Even certain websites <hulaka> while other are ok <hulaka> and system fonts (like in system menu) are ok <hulaka> >.< <l33_> first, as it is opensource, i would guess you can change everything <l33_> on ubuntu, some configurations arent stored in text files, most are stored in nomral textfiles <l33_> so editing them shouldnt be the problem <hulaka> yes well, but by default it all should be ok <hulaka> before I had Ubuntu 11.04 and it was all right <l33_> here, i am usin lastes lubuntu, an di dont see a difference concerning the size of fonts and icons compared to other operating systems <hulaka> then I don't know what's wrong ... <l33_> i really dont know <l33_> are you using an nvidia graphics card? <hulaka> yes <l33_> are you using the drivers that were installed with lubuntu or do you use nvidia drivers( from nvidia homepage) <l33_> here, really, with lubuntu 11.10 everything is as normal: no small icons <l33_> so, i guess, it has something to do with how lubuntu is configured on your system <hulaka> Icons are ok <l33_> maybe, as a test, just change easily the desktop theme <hulaka> Fonts are too small on some software <hulaka> simple as that <hulaka> It's 64 bit though ... maybe something is not the best supported yet <hulaka> I don't know <l33_> k <l33_> ok <l33_> i do have a workaround for you <l33_> go ro libre office <l33_> to <l33_> then menu tools go to options <l33_> then under view there you can change the scaling <l33_> try 130 % <l33_> and i think i do have a even better work around for you <l33_> just change the screen resolution <l33_> under lubuntu start menu go to display settings <l33_> and change the resolution to a lower value <hulaka> it's not the case ... <l33_> these work-arounds are working here and helping getting bigger icons and fonts on lubunt 11.10 amd64 <hulaka> eh <l33_> mmm <hulaka> yea well, but like I'm saying there problem only with SOME stuff <hulaka> changing resolution changes everything <hulaka> so the stuff that actually was allright, isn't when changing resolution <l33_> okay, i guess libre office is still running with java <hulaka> scaling - well, it also makes everything bigger <hulaka> and basically libreoffice fonts also look ... disorted or something <hulaka> they're not clean <hulaka> so even if I change scaling - it's looks bad <hulaka> jesus ... maybe I'm just too demanding <hulaka> and that's the main problem xD <l33_> you can try to use the opensource nvidia drivers that comes with lubuntu <l33_> i dont know how small some icons or fonts are <l33_> but you can easily change them <l33_> i dont know how, but you really should find out easily <l33_> have to go now <l33_> c ya laters ;) <hulaka> peace <l33_> ;) <l33_> good luck <hulaka> is there some way to take a screenshot in lubuntu? <hulaka> [besides "scrot" command in terminal] <hulaka> could someone help me? <ardian> Hi is there any battery widget or something ? <ahma> I came here to thank devs. Like newest lubuntu more than ubuntu. =) Even I have Intel i3 and 4GB ram. <silverlightning> I like lubuntu too <silverlightning> ahma: sometimes Ubuntu behaves very sluggish for no known reason, I suspect driver trouble if specs are with in the 2 GHz zpu and 2GB ram <ahma> It is faster to use imo (read: functionality) <silverlightning> oh yes, at least right away. I suppose it depends on what you get used to <silverlightning> I initially went for lubuntu because I had a laptop with minimal specs that I wanted to keep alive <ahma> Yes <silverlightning> it seems ubuntu is best with dual core 2GHz and up <ahma> Me 2 (256ram) <silverlightning> lubuntu runs on 700MHz, <silverlightning> or even less <silverlightning> 700 is what I have on the old one <ahma> But lubuntu seems to be just a bit faster with 4GB ram laptop too <silverlightning> yes, I installed 11.04 on both computers, even though the new handles ubuntu fine <silverlightning> I really need the old laptop to run fine <silverlightning> I can't buy a new one right now <silverlightning> I really don't need a new one either, silly to give the old one up when it works fine <silverlightning> it is fun to make an old laptop run again too <ahma> I must say that my other (old laptop) computer does not run fine with lubuntu, but enough fine to surf internet etc. <silverlightning> I see <silverlightning> what specs do you have? <silverlightning> I have a really old laptop, with new hard drive, and some new ram, which I got cheaply on ebay <silverlightning> I bought 1GB ram, but I suppose 512MB is the beneficial peek on this laptop <ahma> 1400MHZ Pentium, 240MB ram <silverlightning> and lubuntu runs fine with everything, except flash is a bit jerky, but there are ways about it <silverlightning> oh, your computer would be like new with 1 or 2 GB ram <silverlightning> promise <silverlightning> it really should run fine with everything, <ahma> Nah, it runs enough fine. And newer know when motherboard or anything else will be dead <ahma> Never* <silverlightning> what model do you have ahma? <silverlightning> your computer should be faster than mine, noticeably <ahma> Fujitsu Siemens pro amilo V2000 <silverlightning> hey, my laptop was new in 2001, it is a handme down lol <ahma> Maybe it runs, but I think it does not run 'fine' <silverlightning> mother boards can last a looooooooooooong time, <ahma> Yes,but HP G62 seems to run. "Fine" <silverlightning> for me fine is; boots reasonably quickly, runs with no hangups or issues, applications launches reasonably quickly too <silverlightning> you are right, there are no guarantees with old hardware, but in my experience, minor fixes and repairs have been worth it. <silverlightning> Hps are very solid in my experience <ahma> When I need specs, I use newer laptop. Only sometimes using that old one. <silverlightning> I have noticed buntu and lubuntu run lighter and faster on systems with less specs than others, which is odd <silverlightning> This old packard bell has lasted for ever, and the main reason why I still have it is it has rescued me many times. it still runs fine <silverlightning> ahma: does your hard drive come out fine in system profiler and benchmark? <silverlightning> or, no disk utility I mean <ahma> Some things are missing <silverlightning> old computer can't compare to new cpu's and hd graphics <silverlightning> but your cpu is pretty up to standard still <silverlightning> ram is not <ahma> Yes I know <silverlightning> have you ran htop? <silverlightning> in terminal <ahma> Sometimes <silverlightning> what does it show? <ahma> Can't remember <silverlightning> run it then ; ) <silverlightning> and make a screen shot <ahma> With this Samsung Galaxy S? <ahma> XD I'm using phone right now <silverlightning> http://imagebin.org/179314 <ahma> Love that Fujitsu Siemens at panel <silverlightning> lol <silverlightning> I was checking what kind of computer and ram it would take <silverlightning> it should be easy and low price <silverlightning> but if you really don't use the laptop much at all <silverlightning> I haven't done much alterations after install <silverlightning> only added a few applications <silverlightning> a bit odd memory is that low? <silverlightning> this laptop with 700MHz exceeds 250MB in jumps with launch of anything, but hardly ever exceeds much above 300-350 <silverlightning> ahma, I think your old system would utilize 512MH RAM much the same way, even more <silverlightning> have your laptop been looted for ram at one point? <silverlightning> this laptop is my lubuntu/linux test and try <silverlightning> I work on a Vista computer 2.7GHz processor, and 3GB RAM, it is much the same as this old computer with regards to speed. <silverlightning> Windows 7 is better on the same system <silverlightning> I haven't noticed much improvement in 64 bit computers when it comes to regular applications I use <Ibis> Anyone having issues installing Lubuntu 11.10 from a CD by any chance? <Ibis> I can not run lubuntu and see LIVE desktop. It drops to shell after it fails to load it's GUI. <silverlightning> I installed 11.10 from cd <silverlightning> it booted fine in two different laptops <silverlightning> ibis, I have had that in Ubuntu, some gaphic cards have problems with drivers, and boot up to a black screen after the first bootup menue choices <manuee> hi all, first time installing lubuntu here i have a problem <manuee> i fresh boot it after installing, and I dont see anythinng, just a black screen no mouse nor anything <manuee> as if x didnt start or somethign <silverlightning> no signs of grub or anything? <manuee> nope <manuee> i boot, see the typical bios stuf, then black <manuee> i can alt f1 and login fine <silverlightning> something went wrong with install <manuee> argh <manuee> i dont see any weird messages on restarting lxdm <silverlightning> hmm, but what <manuee> on the X log i see no screens found <silverlightning> in a terminal like environment ? <manuee> thats proabbly why... strange because using the llive cd i could see everything working fine <manuee> yeah in the terminal runing sudo tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log <manuee> (im an ubuntu user for some years) <manuee> just on this laptop im sick of it being sluguish =) <silverlightning> lubuntu usually behaves much like ubuntu for me, but better on some hardware <silverlightning> lubuntu is considerably lighter and faster <manuee> thats what im hoping <silverlightning> manuee: , you verified file checksum, on download, and disk health before install? <manuee> nanoing the x log file i see Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module! <silverlightning> ah, driver issue? <manuee> looks like nvidia drivers arent working for some reason yeh <manuee> crap <manuee> i didnt silverlightning nope <silverlightning> but very odd they worked in live cd? <Ibis> silverlightning: I didn't have this problem in lubuntu 11.04 :S I'll get lts then, It doesn't need to be new or fancy. I use this as a computer rescue disk. <manuee> yeh it worked fine <silverlightning> when I have had graphic driver issues, I could not get to live cd <manuee> dunno if it was using them or what but it was working <manuee> yeh same here <silverlightning> do you still have the download file, and location of dowload ? <silverlightning> would be easy to get the md5 sum checked <silverlightning> Ibis, then it should not be video card driver problem <silverlightning> I'm not sure what changes they have made with driver packages, <manuee> i stil have the dl file yeh <manuee> i believe i chose NL to dl from <manuee> no wait <silverlightning> if you can get to the md5 sum, it should be listed on the down load site <manuee> i downloaded the torrent silverlightning <manuee> http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/11.10/release/lubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent <silverlightning> then you probably have a folder or note with the check sum <silverlightning> ooh, direct download link <manuee> i used the torrent from this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu <silverlightning> you did get iso only, or additional info? <manuee> no md5 there <manuee> iso only <SAKKED> SUP? <SAKKED> how can i install lubuntu with WUBI? <silverlightning> regular 32 bit? <silverlightning> or 64? <SAKKED> 64 <silverlightning> sorry, I mean manuee <manuee> i think i should try reinstalling nvidia <manuee> 32bit <silverlightning> wubi? <silverlightning> which might be tricky, and you shouldn't have to really <SAKKED> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wubi_(Ubuntu_installer) <SAKKED> i DLed lubuntu image <SAKKED> and it has wubi <SAKKED> o.o <silverlightning> manuee, check you dowload folder <manuee> yeh only the iso image there silverlightning <silverlightning> SAKKED: isn't that just default installation in CD? <silverlightning> as opposed to the alternative with out, for very minimal specs <silverlightning> darn <silverlightning> menuee, anyhow, if you run disk health check, in install menue, it is enought <silverlightning> manuee, I have had quirks on install, and after a second attempt it has worked fine <manuee> thanks silverlightning <manuee> ill try that if reinstalling nvidia doesnt work <silverlightning> if it comes out right, the disk is fine at least <silverlightning> there are often some really clever guys here <silverlightning> at least one or one and a half <manuee> heheh =) <manuee> i might try installing the drivers from the nvidia page <manuee> when i had ubuntu on this machine thats what i had runing <manuee> cant remember i fthey were necessary though <manuee> it was on 10.04 though who knows <silverlightning> which really should be the same driver in lubuntu <manuee> realy? <manuee> cool <Ibis> silverlightning: It's even affecting a great computer my friend uses. No problem running regular Ubuntu from USB. But running lubuntu from CD is .... ... .. . . -.- <silverlightning> hmm, Ibis you ran the disk health function at boot up? <silverlightning> in cd I mean <silverlightning> if it comes out all right, I'll bet it is graphic driver issues <silverlightning> but since ubuntu works, I don't see why it should be,hmm <Ibis> silverlightning: Two perfect downloads actually. Although there is a chance of slight messups. I didn't run check sum. I did downloaded ONCE each on two different operating systems. Two different paths. And two different folders/directory. <Ibis> I could at least run a checksum today while I still can. <Ibis> Am I the only one with this issue? <silverlightning> I don't think check sum matters, as longs as health check comes out fine <silverlightning> not sure Ibis, manuee have something related, but might be different still <silverlightning> in the ubuntu room, some have had simillar install issues <leszek> hi <willcooke> howdy folks. Trying out lubuntu 11.10 in place of xubuntu for my mythtv frontend. I'm trying to map the power key on my remote (keycode 142) to s3 suspend the box. On XFCE I would map this through the keyboard settings tool. Is there an equivalent? <silverlightning> open box config? <willcooke> silverlightning, not that I can find <silverlightning> hmm <willcooke> I expect there is a nice generic way of mapping xevents to scripts, but my Google foo is weak <SAKKED> If i install with wubi its not same installation as default desktop <SAKKED> wubi installs it into windows <SAKKED> theres no option for lubuntu <SAKKED> when i run wubi <SAKKED> Ubuntu Xubuntu Kubuntu and mythubuntu <SAKKED> are options <SAKKED> and im talking about Lubuntu DVD :D <SAKKED> *CD <manuee> yay i has lubuntu runing properly <manuee> silverlightning, purging nvidia* and reinstalling nvidia-common worked for me <silverlightning> great <manuee> i had 173 installed <silverlightning> either some mess up during install, or it doesn't work with all nvida cards <manuee> i now have version current <manuee> yeh <manuee> i wont touch it now just in case <silverlightning> I had something similar with a radeon driver once <manuee> need to get this laptop ready for tomorrow work <silverlightning> lots that needs attention ? <silverlightning> with me it's rather simple I need full office, printer and web to work and I am pretty much set <manuee> yeh i need lamp stack, and vpn config runing <silverlightning> I suppose you have to fix vpn at work, where there is any <silverlightning> vpn worked straight away for me luckily <silverlightning> just minor settings <silverlightning> these days it is nice with social medias to run efficient, and all the flash, java, streams to work is a must <silverlightning> I need a break <SAKKED> hey guys?!? <SAKKED> any1 installed thru wubi? <silverlightning> it is very dormant here, you might find someone clever with wubi in the ubuntu channel, it should be much the same <silverlightning> or just check in now and then SAKKED <SAKKED> or maybe i should make normal Lubuntu install <SAKKED> cause looks like wubi doesnt suppot lubuntu <silverlightning> I see <manuee> ungh phpmyadmin is not in the repos? <manuee> cant be <manuee> ow wait let me refresh <KM0201> it should be <KM0201> i remember installing it a long time ago. <Ibis> manuee: You'll need to add some sourced. Then apt-get update <Ibis> Sources* <manuee> yeh thnx i had changed my default mirror... <manuee> and needed to update indeed <silverlightning> has anyone got around to use Gnome player? <silverlightning> I have a small issue; when i change screen size to larger, frame gets larger, but picture inside stay the same <silverlightning> If I right click on picture, and choose "full screen" it works, but sort of separately from the rest <silverlightning> a bit odd <silverlightning> now mplayer runs in black, sound but no picture <silverlightning> hmm <silverlightning> hi mark76 <silverlightning> are you in lubuntu? <mark76> Hi ho silverlightning <silverlightning> have you used mplayer lately? <mark76> I'm not at the moment. Why? <mark76> No <silverlightning> I open mplayer, it runs some times, with picture, sometimes only audio <mark76> Hang on <silverlightning> I can right click in a black mpayer screen, withing the window, and choose "full screen", picture appears <silverlightning> is this gui trouble? or just mplayer? <mark76> Apparently Mplayer doesn't like .mov files <silverlightning> oh I see <silverlightning> this was a tv download, from a torrent <silverlightning> just to test the new lubuntu <mark76> Which file extension? <silverlightning> they all end with .avi? <mark76> Have you tried them in another media player? <silverlightning> no, only the default one <silverlightning> I can send folder to a external storage, and test in vlc <mark76> Well I don't have any .avi files <silverlightning> I'm trying to keep this laptop rather minimal with apps <silverlightning> I see <silverlightning> properties show avi video <silverlightning> the other computer would be xp I have available now <silverlightning> mplayer is good isn't it? <silverlightning> I haven't found any better really, just different, <silverlightning> vlc was nice too, but not developers doesn't seem to like it much <silverlightning> I did however lol <mark76> Yeah, mplayer's okay. Though I tend to use xine mire <mark76> more <silverlightning> mark76: do you ever send folders in irc? <silverlightning> or data <mark76> No <silverlightning> I might try xine again <silverlightning> I see <silverlightning> I just noticed this plugin in pidgin <bioterror> DCC requires ports opened <mark76> I don't think you can send files in irc <mark76> No, apparently you can <silverlightning> it works <mark76> I do know you can't send them in xmpp <silverlightning> you have a dog <silverlightning> I used to <mark76> Not mine <mark76> My friend's <silverlightning> : ) <silverlightning> is it an mplayer issue or a lxde issue? <mark76> I wish my nose wasn't so stuffed all the time <mark76> No idea. Send me a small .avi file <mark76> Just a minute or so <silverlightning> not sure I know how to <mark76> Right click on my name in this window and choose Send File from the menu <silverlightning> do you get anything on your end? <mark76> Nope <silverlightning> are you in pigin? <mark76> Yep <silverlightning> you might have to mark of in the plugin setting <silverlightning> not sure <silverlightning> http://imagebin.org/179335 <mark76> Do it again <silverlightning> now I ended up with two <mark76> Oh? <silverlightning> not sure how to start it? <mark76> Start what? <bioterror> Sun20:49 <bioterror> DCC requires ports opened <silverlightning> you know, the action where you are sent a "accept data transfer" thing <silverlightning> mark just sent me a picture <silverlightning> works one way at least <mark76> Ah right <silverlightning> I'm afraid I don't know how to set port open <silverlightning> it shows open in torrent client <silverlightning> not sure in pigin <silverlightning> pidgin <silverlightning> never mind <mark76> Search me <mark76> Apparently I can send them but I can't receive <bioterror> that's becouse of NAT? <silverlightning> or I can receive but not send? <mark76> Maybe <mark76> Send me something bodhizazen <mark76> Sorry <mark76> bioterror: <bodhizazen> LOL * bodhizazen sends mark76 some popcorn <bioterror> mmmm <SAKKED> whats the difference between alternate and desktop? <bioterror> SAKKED, alternate is a text based installer <mark76> Alternate is SOOOO 90s :p <bodhizazen> alternate is for install only, has a more robust installer <bioterror> alternate works ;) <bodhizazen> and a few more options (encryption) <bodhizazen> desktop runs "live" desktop and installs as well <SAKKED> ;DD <SAKKED> i want to install lubuntu to my old laptop <bodhizazen> OK <SAKKED> and im going to use only lubuntu <SAKKED> not windows <mark76> Hmmm <SAKKED> so ? <SAKKED> alternate or dektop? <bodhizazen> don't let us hold you back =) <bodhizazen> either SAKKED <SAKKED> ok <bodhizazen> if you have to ask, I would say desktop <KM0201> if your machine will work w/ the desktop (ie, it's not very old/low on ram) use the desktop CD <mark76> Have you attempted to send me a file bioterror? <KM0201> the alt cd isn't hard, but it can be intimidating if you've never used it before. <bioterror> mark76, yes I have <SAKKED> that laptop have 512mb ram and 2.4GHZ processor <mark76> And I received no notification that a file was being offered <bodhizazen> if lubuntu does not work for you, try slitaz or tinycore <mark76> So, it must be at my end <bioterror> hahaha <bioterror> I would not suggest tinycore <SAKKED> which one shuold i use? <bodhizazen> why not ? <bodhizazen> SAKKED, lubuntu first, slitaz second <SAKKED> wat <SAKKED> i mean alternate install or dekstop? <SAKKED> desktop <bodhizazen> either SAKKED <silverlightning> I can send to a user in a different channel <mark76> Well I've no idea why I can't receive files in irc <silverlightning> go to plugin <silverlightning> mark off for the top one <mark76> Which one? There are millions of them <silverlightning> only 18 <mark76> You're going to have to be more specific <mark76> Try it now <silverlightning> accept out transfer or something like that <mark76> I'm still not getting it <mark76> Yikes <mark76> You couldn't find a smaller one!? <silverlightning> sorry, only size <mark76> Damn <silverlightning> tv show <mark76> That's going to take hours <silverlightning> only half it seems <silverlightning> or 20 min <mark76> We'll see <mark76> 1:32 <wxl> dang remind me never to install another network manager. that was a pain in the brain <tarvid> lubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso brings up the install language selection screen <tarvid> select english <tarvid> down arrow to install <tarvid> flashing cursor in the upper left corner <tarvid> what to do? <silverlightning> move cursor to down arrow? <mark76> 12% uploaded <silverlightning> or is mouse acting up? <mark76> Downloaded <KM0201> it's probably still loading, if all he sees is a cursor in the upper right <tarvid> cursor in upper left gone, now blank screen <wxl> is there a reason people suggest editing keybindings in lubuntu-rc.xml rather than using xbindkeys? <tarvid> lubuntu-11.10-alternate-i386.iso says Undefined video mode number:314 and then lays there dead <wxl> use expert install mode and check the correct video mode maybe <tarvid> never get that far <wxl> nonono <wxl> at boot <tarvid> how does one do that? <silverlightning> 1/4 transfered <tarvid> ISOLINUX starts, then message <wxl> tarvid: restart and watch for the boot menu that says something about hitting install or expert install or something or other <wxl> use expert install <wxl> it will automatically assume install if you do nothing <tarvid> Now have a Lubuntu splash screen, maybe I should let it go for an hour or two <mark76> 32% <tarvid> Old Dell 2400 1.7Ghz, 1GB RAM <silverlightning> should run anything fine, lubuntu windows 7 <tarvid> b;ue and white dots keep advancing <mark76> 41% <mark76> 57% <mark76> Anything except Ubuntu 11:10, silverlightning :p <bioterror> ubuntu 11:10, is that a new part in bible? :) <silverlightning> what? <mark76> 71% <wxl> hah <mark76> You need a full gig to run 11:10 <wxl> it's right after revelations <wxl> a full gig??? <wxl> wow that's huge <wxl> (compared to the 20 or so windows 7 wants) <silverlightning> full gig? <mark76> I only have 1 gigabyte of memory. Than a quarter of that goes to graphics :( <mark76> 85% <wxl> oh you meant memory <wxl> hh <mark76> Yes <mark76> 91% <silverlightning> you think you could benefit from 2GB? <silverlightning> which really should be a easy upgrade <mark76> Okay. I tried playing that file you sent me in mplayer and all I get is the soundtrack <wxl> memory is always a great upgrade imho <mark76> Works fine in Xine <bioterror> someone can come and pickup 4GB of 1333MHz DDR3 for a 15 euros ;) <silverlightning> nice <silverlightning> mark76, try right click in mplayer window, then choose full screen <silverlightning> are you in xine mark76? <mark76> Yes <mark76> Where's the full screen option? <silverlightning> it's in mplayer <mark76> I can't see it <silverlightning> it's odd, this comes from a torrent with tons of recommendations <silverlightning> ok withing the black mplayer window, running with audio, right click, then full screen <silverlightning> and works on the xp laptop <silverlightning> in vlc <mark76> I don't have that option in my version <silverlightning> what? are we in the same lubuntu? <mark76> Mplayer should be the same in all desktops <mark76> Send me a screenshot of your mplayer menu <gazra> Hello, can someone please help me? I¿m trying to install lubuntu 10.10 with dual-boot on a computer that has W7 already. I have tried everything and it just doens't work, I'm wondering if there is an error in the installation images. <mark76> Nope, it doesn't work <mark76> Useless piece of cr*p <mark76> I'd use XIne if I were you <mark76> Xine works fine <gazra> Ups I meant Lubuntu 11.10 <silverlightning> I can't make it take pic <silverlightning> weird <silverlightning> too much with film running? <gazra> Anyone could please give me any clue, I have read a lot of howtos and followed several, it doesn't work <gazra> I even tried to manually change the boot flag and install the boot manager in the partition of Linux, and I get missing operating System <gazra> No one? <silverlightning> mark76: daft really, I cannot make screen shot with mplayer open, but I am just right clicking in mplayer window <silverlightning> gazra, you choose only / for flagging, not /boot <silverlightning> lubuntu does the rest usually <silverlightning> gazra, you did try to boot the live cd, and reinstall boot with the boot repair stuff. There is a guide that show how to install the app from terminal in live cd, to fix it <mark76> It's probably a bug silverlightning <silverlightning> might get fixed then <silverlightning> wonder if it is mplayer or lxcde <gazra> silverlightning, I have tried to reinstall the whole thing from scratch, with no success <mark76> It's mplayer <silverlightning> or windows manger, I can never tell the difference <silverlightning> I see <gazra> silverlightning, can you send me the link for the how to install the app from Terminal in Live CD? <silverlightning> oh, maybe wait <silverlightning> http://mybookmarks.ro/desktop-ubuntu/boot-repair-fix-ubuntu-boot-issues-after-installing-another-os-or-faulty-grub-upgrade/ <silverlightning> this is the best bootloader fuction, <silverlightning> there was another ubuntu help guide, but i can't find it <silverlightning> but it is the same bootloader, and the one recommended for lubuntu <silverlightning> gazra: after terminal install it will appear in the menu <silverlightning> with a wrench icon like the picture there <silverlightning> fount it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair <silverlightning> that is the official guide I think <silverlightning> and the one that worked for me <SAKKED> had to DL alternate because i have only 650mb disc :D <SAKKED> is it hard to install from alternate cd? <silverlightning> not sure <silverlightning> I think I installed with the 592MB image, just regular install <RaitoYagami> Somebody help me, how I configure the bluetooth device? <bioterror> !bluetooth <ubot5> For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup <RaitoYagami> I don't know how to access it. I followed this instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup <RaitoYagami> How I insert the applet indicator bluetooth? <tarvid> Now I get login timed out after 60 seconds. <SAKKED> soon i haz lubuntu <Ibis> SAKKED: Did it worked out? <SAKKED> no <SAKKED> i just burned it to DVD <SAKKED> =) <bioterror> :) <bioterror> I have tinycore on a DVD somewhere :D <bioterror> burn 30MB image to 4GB disc <phillw> SAKKED: if your computer has ethernet connection, you can always use the minimal install route. It downloads just enough to kick ubuntu into terminal mode, then you add Lubuntu from the internet. <trakinas> hi guys. I have no apps on my Desktop Session Settings <trakinas> how do I add them there? I guess this is blocking my network manager from starting <trakinas> brb... #lubuntu 2012-10-08 <Gosy> hm <Dice-Man> hi people <IboS> hi <IboS> i have a problem with conky on lubuntu <IboS> it doesn't launch <IboS> it doesn't show anything <IboS> i launch conky <IboS> it says conky:desktop window (number) is subwindows of root window (number) <kanliot> since lubuntu doesn't use compositing, you need a special conky config <cristian_c> Hi <cristian_c> I'm looking for the lubuntu developers mailing list <cristian_c> but I don't find it :( <JohnDoe_71Rus> launchpad ubuntu team is not they? <JohnDoe_71Rus> sorry lubuntu <cristian_c> JohnDoe_71Rus, I was told to write to their mailing list :) <cristian_c> JohnDoe_71Rus, but I don't know what mailing list the launchpad lubuntu team uses <Gosy> howdy y'all <KJDHS> Hello, can i get some help here ? :) i accidentally deleted my desktop folder <kanliot> How did you delete it <KJDHS> in my home user foler <KJDHS> folder* <kanliot> was it file manager <KJDHS> no, just "Desktop" <kanliot> was it moved to trashcan <KJDHS> and now everything on the actual desktop appears in my user folder <kanliot> in pcmanfm? <KJDHS> yes but i emptied the trashcan <kanliot> is your problem recreating a "Desktop" folder <KJDHS> the file manager is working <kanliot> or something with pcmanfm <KJDHS> yes, exactly <KJDHS> recreating the "desktop" folder is the problem <kanliot> just create a "Desktop" folder in your home folder <kanliot> mind the capital letter <KJDHS> it doesn't work properly, it appears on the desktop aswel, and everything i create on the desktop appears along side with it <KJDHS> on the user folder <kanliot> are you sure you created the folder correctly? <kanliot> logouty and login to restart pcmanfm <kanliot> or just restart it if you know how <KJDHS> pcmanfm the file manager is working great <kanliot> you need to restart the program that shows files on the desktop. no? <KJDHS> no, the problem is that...now if i create a shortcut on my desktop, it appears the shortcut on my user folder instead in the "desktop" folder <kanliot> i need you to restart the pcmanfm desktop <KJDHS> and if i create in my user folder, a folder named "Desktop" then it appears that too on my actual Desktop <kanliot> ^ <KJDHS> how do i restart pcmanfm desktop ? :) <kanliot> logout is easy <KJDHS> i did that already, it did not work <kanliot> hold on i will delete my dekstop folder <KJDHS> ok.. <kanliot> does it give you a "specified directory is invalid" error? <KJDHS> no <KJDHS> my user folder now is acting just like the desktop folder which i deleted <KJDHS> i had "specified directory is invalid" errors about the shortcuts i had on desktop, since they were deleted <Zephyrus1> test <kanliot> please edit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs <kanliot> the first XDG_ line <kanliot> is that too technical? <kanliot> brb <KJDHS> ok <KJDHS> brb <KJDHS> i am back, kanliot...the problem is fixed, if you want to know how let me know <kanliot> hhow <KJDHS> open up a lxterminal <KJDHS> write in it gedit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs <KJDHS> modifiy the first line into this <KJDHS> XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME/Desktop" <KJDHS> just write at the end after the slash Desktop <KJDHS> save it <KJDHS> and then create a desktop folder in your user folder, it will appear aswel for the moment on your desktop <KJDHS> restart your pc <KJDHS> and yuou are done, it will disappear from your desktop <KJDHS> you* <kanliot> k <kanliot> i put some instructions on the pcmanfm wiki page <KJDHS> well...i'm glad that it's alright now.. <KJDHS> thanks for the help <kanliot> you're welcome <KJDHS> bye kanliot <bennypr0fane> hello, I have dialogs popping up out of proportion, too large so the buttons are off the screen. How can I make these smaller? <bennypr0fane> there is one in Opera browser for activating Opera Link. the dialog for this has its buttons ("next, "cancel") at the bottom, but i can't see them <kanliot> you can drag with window with alt+mouse button <bennypr0fane> ha, cool! <Zephyrus1> Hello <Zephyrus1> I've got a question <kanliot> hi <kanliot> i knew that <bennypr0fane> hi Zephyrus1, go ahead <Zephyrus1> :D <Zephyrus1> i reinstalled lubuntu yesterday <Zephyrus1> and now instead of the grub loader <bennypr0fane> maybe I can resize windows with a key combo? <Zephyrus1> i always get a page where i can choose from what to boot <Zephyrus1> and one of them is 'ubuntu' and the others hdd usb etc <Zephyrus1> and i cant boot from there <Zephyrus1> i have to choose hdd first <Zephyrus1> which doesn't work <Zephyrus1> and then esc <Zephyrus1> and then it boots <kanliot> grub 1.99? <Zephyrus1> im not sure <kanliot> fixing grub can be easy <kanliot> but it's hard to understand <kanliot> well hard for me anyhow <Zephyrus1> how can i make a screen shot <bennypr0fane> grub doesn't usually give you the choice of a boot MEDIUM <Zephyrus1> i know <Zephyrus1> its not the grub screen <Zephyrus1> it looks like bios <Zephyrus1> but its not biossettings <bennypr0fane> Zephyrus1 id on't think you can make a screenshot before booting <bennypr0fane> you'd have to take a photo <Zephyrus1> yes i mean of the current screen <kanliot> use a camera <Zephyrus1> ill just copypaste <Zephyrus1> sudo grub-install /dev/sda <Zephyrus1> [sudo] password for user: <Zephyrus1> BootCurrent: 0010 <Zephyrus1> Timeout: 0 seconds <Zephyrus1> BootOrder: 000D,000B,0007,0008,0009,000A,000E,000C,0006 <bennypr0fane> use pastebin.com <Zephyrus1> there i went <bennypr0fane> kanliot you know about key combos and how to set them? <Zephyrus1> sry i was thrown out because of spam ^^ <bennypr0fane> Zeph use pastebin.com <Zephyrus1> k <bennypr0fane> spammer! <bennypr0fane> :-P <bennypr0fane> kidding <kanliot> bennypr0fane, i put it on the wiki <Zephyrus1> http://pastebin.com/ATwQg7TG <kanliot> if you could test the wiki for me i'd be thankful <Zephyrus1> so you can see it lists drives and cd etc <kanliot> or i can just tell you <kanliot> up to you <Zephyrus1> and then at the bottom: ubuntu <Zephyrus1> and ill guess ill quickly make a photo from the boot screen <Zephyrus1> so ll be gone for another few minutes <bennypr0fane> the lubuntu wiki? just give me a link <kanliot> should be on google search <kanliot> i'm not playing with you, i want to see if you can find it <kanliot> like i said i'll give you the info <kanliot> if you can find it, then the wiki is ok... <bennypr0fane> ok <bennypr0fane> I'll try "lubuntu key combos" <kanliot> naa search for lubuntu wiki <bennypr0fane> of course that gets me to the wiki <bennypr0fane> why shouldn't it? <bennypr0fane> is that the whole test or did you want to check sht else? <bennypr0fane> *sth. else <kanliot> can you find the keyboard stuff on the lubuntu wiki? <bennypr0fane> it's the 2nd link in Googl and 1st in Duckduckgo <bennypr0fane> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Keyboard <kanliot> anyhow you have the option of editing the openbox config, doing xbindkeys, or by using obkey <bennypr0fane> clicked throug the headlines <kanliot> ok <bennypr0fane> it's cool <bennypr0fane> not every wiki you can actually find a topic that way <bennypr0fane> so well done <bennypr0fane> i think I did xbindkeys yesterday i found it confusing <bennypr0fane> whats obkey? <kanliot> it's a simple utility that let's you bind keys <bennypr0fane> ah, it's right there in the wiki <Zephyrus1> hello again <Zephyrus1> so this is odd <bennypr0fane> preferences>keybd inup <bennypr0fane> *>keybd input methods? <Zephyrus1> I actually have ubuntu as an option in my biossetup <kanliot> obkey? <bennypr0fane> that gets me to ibus service <Zephyrus1> *bootoption <kanliot> sorry i'm newb at grub2 <kanliot> #ubuntu or forums... <bennypr0fane> no, obkey not installed, i think <Zephyrus1> yeah i 'fixed' it <Zephyrus1> http://imgur.com/geWt6 <kanliot> no input methods not what you want <Zephyrus1> by moving it under the hd option <kanliot> :) <kanliot> good Zephyrus1 <Zephyrus1> so now it just loads grub normally instead <bennypr0fane> Zeph but what happened to your grub? <bennypr0fane> aha <Zephyrus1> its not the grub making problems <Zephyrus1> i think its due to ubuntu being a device option in my bios <Zephyrus1> and when thats choosen as the first boot option <Zephyrus1> i get this error <kanliot> i don't even know why ubuntuy is there <kanliot> do you have a flash drive inserted? <Zephyrus1> http://imgur.com/Y6ayT <Zephyrus1> no, not anymore, but i used usb to install lubuntu <bennypr0fane> this is weird <kanliot> i thought i knew bios <kanliot> but i evidently do not <bennypr0fane> it means that bios must think ubuntu is a medium/device <Zephyrus1> and you can't really google efficiently for: 'ubuntu in bios boot devices' <bennypr0fane> so the solution is you just don't choose that to boot, but your hdd? <kanliot> nope <Zephyrus1> yes <Zephyrus1> i put it at top <Zephyrus1> and it just goes to the grubscreen <bennypr0fane> kanliot lxkeymap is not it either, is it? then where is this xbindkeys? <silverarrow> usb boot can be a bit fickely <bennypr0fane> "fickely"? :-D <bennypr0fane> is it cli? <Zephyrus1> apparently it has something to do with EFI <silverarrow> yeah, biosetting, getting the iso correctly on the flash, .... <kanliot> try obkey, then editing openbox by hand <kanliot> then xbindkeys <kanliot> in order of difficulty <bennypr0fane> aha <bennypr0fane> ok <kanliot> although someone will come in here and say xbindkeys is easier <kanliot> i know it <Zephyrus1> iwell ty anyways, it's working now ;) <bennypr0fane> good <Zephyrus1> goodbye <bennypr0fane> you should e-mail Canonical <Zephyrus1> me? <bennypr0fane> yeah <Zephyrus1> Ok <bennypr0fane> tell em the UEFI secure boot problem is solved <bennypr0fane> you just let Bios boot right to Ubuntu! <bennypr0fane> :-D <Zephyrus1> haxx <Zephyrus1> :P <Zephyrus1> im just ignoring the problem, i know <Zephyrus1> ^^ <bennypr0fane> have a good day! <Zephyrus1> you too <bennypr0fane> obkey can't find ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml file <bennypr0fane> is that supposed to be there? should i create it? <kanliot> nope <kanliot> it's a file called lubuntu something.xml <kanliot> lubuntu-rc.xml <bennypr0fane> obkey lets me edit that? <kanliot> i donno <bennypr0fane> I mean is lubuntu-rc.xml supposed to be there already, or do I need to create it? <kanliot> should be there <kanliot> must be there <bennypr0fane> where exactly? <kanliot> ~/.config/openbox <kanliot> in that directory <bennypr0fane> http://pastebin.com/YKLaTqmv <bennypr0fane> I'm sortry, I don't know what the ~ means in front of the / <kanliot> it means home dir <kanliot> you see it in your bash prompt <kanliot> actually it works with obkey ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml <bennypr0fane> yay! <kanliot> i'm making wiki edits as you make progress :) <kanliot> about 4 edits so far <bennypr0fane> cool <kanliot> yup <bennypr0fane> i *dded * keybind now <bennypr0fane> result * key (first letter of *lph*bet) resizes the *ctive window! <bennypr0fane> trying to undo this now... <bennypr0fane> ok got rid of that <bennypr0fane> apparently if you press "add new sibling keybind", its' assigned the a-key by default, and takes effect if you don't change it <bennypr0fane> I want to assign "resize active window" to Shift+Pagedown <kanliot> should be ok <kanliot> there's a resize function <bennypr0fane> not working <bennypr0fane> it does nothing <kanliot> you probably didn't do openbox --reconfigure <kanliot> after saving <bennypr0fane> did not <bennypr0fane> where is that <bennypr0fane> oh in the terminal <kanliot> yup <kanliot> man openbox <bennypr0fane> still nothing <bennypr0fane> save, close obkey, openbox --reconfigure, no effect <bennypr0fane> what's with the "edge" setting in top right? what's it refer to? <kanliot> yeah was looking at that <bennypr0fane> *top right of obkey <kanliot> snack time <bennypr0fane> I think the obkey guys should add the info about doing openbox --reconfigure afterwards <bennypr0fane> yeah, good call <kanliot> yeah well i didn't see any obkey docs at all <kanliot> can't complain if they don't exist <kanliot> http://openbox.org/wiki/Help:Actions#Resize <kanliot> openbox actually has fine dox <cowmix> I asked this last night so sorry for the repeat but does anyone know how to prevent Lubuntu desktop from loading on boot up? <bioterror> and I told to use "text" on grubs kernel line <bioterror> and I think so did holstein too <cowmix> bioterror: Yeah, i wish that worked.. I'll figure it out and post back <bioterror> why it would not work? <bioterror> after the "ro" you add "text" without "" <bioterror> probably there's quiet too <cowmix> for some odd reason no matter what I do, it boots into X. <cowmix> I'm going to reinstall and start fresh <bioterror> it will not boot into X if you use this "text" <bioterror> you can try it first from grub <___Dice-Man___> kanliot: ping ? <IboS> kanliot: hey <IboS> kanliot: i've read your message can be more precise about this special config of conky in lubuntu ? <pmatulis> i don't get thumbnails showing up in the file manager (pcmanfm) for .MOV files. anybody have a clue? using 12.10 if it matters <wxl> pmatulis: know where i can find one? <pmatulis> wxl: find one what? <wxl> a .mov <pmatulis> wxl: sure, 'touch test.mov', no? <wxl> not sure that will work <wxl> might read headers, metadata, etc. to determine thumbnails <pmatulis> ha, prolly. dunno then. maybe google and d/l a small one <pmatulis> let me check <wxl> pmatulis: and when you say thumbnails you mean that it appears as a video file or thumbnails meaning it appears as a screenshot? <wxl> (to be clear) <bioterror> probably becouse of filesize <bioterror> grow the thumbnail filesize for local files <wxl> cuz i do see a video-specific thumbnail <wxl> s/thumbnail/icon/ <pmatulis> bioterror: i have a 600 kB file but it does not show <wxl> pmatulis: you still haven't answered my question <pibarnas> have you checked tumbler? <pmatulis> wxl: getting there. it shows a generic icon (roll of video film) <wxl> pmatulis: and that's not what you want? <pmatulis> wxl: but it plays (in vlc) <wxl> it appears on my end that's all you get :) <pmatulis> wxl: well in straight ubuntu i got a thumbnail. first frame? <wxl> lubuntu != ubuntu <wxl> pcmanfm != nautilus <wxl> need i go on? <pmatulis> wxl: really? wow. lubuntu is not ubuntu? <pmatulis> wxl: i'd rather have a more technical reason <pmatulis> wxl: if you would oblige <pmatulis> wxl: and it's logical. how does one choose what video to play? <wxl> well, #1 you need to realize that what you want to have or what you think should be isn't necessarily what is <wxl> for example, many people think lubuntu's choice of mail client is atrocious <pmatulis> wxl: yeah i zap that thing pretty quick <wxl> i don't know that video thumbnailing is supported to be frank <pmatulis> if not having a directory full of identical icons and nonsensical filenames is considered a feature request then if we had a technical reason maybe it can be brought in eventually <pmatulis> wxl: but thanks for confirming that there is nothing borked on my end <wxl> yeps <wxl> there's little things missing here and there <wxl> a bug report will go a long way in ensuring that we get them all taken care of <pmatulis> wxl: will submit <wxl> file it against pcmanfm if not obvious <wxl> i'll confirm it <pmatulis> k <Unit193> wxl: Main tracker is on SF.net. <wxl> true enough, i'll take care of sticking upstream on there, Unit193 <wxl> or erp <wxl> good point, yeah both would be good… <pmatulis> wxl: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcmanfm/+bug/1064089 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1064089 in pcmanfm (Ubuntu) "Thumbnails for .MOV files are not available" [Wishlist,New] <wxl> pmatulis: thx it'll pop up in my inbox anywho ;) <pmatulis> wxl: y/w bro <pmatulis> wow, i hate the fact that you can open 2 firefox windows but they both close when you shut one down <redderhs> pmatulis: that doesn't happen to me.. <pmatulis> redderhs: what release? <redderhs> 15.01: mozilla firefox for ubuntu canoncial - 1.0 <pmatulis> redderhs: i mean lubuntu release <redderhs> 12.04 <redderhs> x64 <pmatulis> redderhs: k, 12.10 here. i wonder if i should open a bug <pmatulis> it's definitly a bad thing <redderhs> use 12.04 its the long term support.. <pmatulis> so? <redderhs> for the most part the build is very stable and i have very little to complain about <pmatulis> lts on the destkop is retarted IMO <pmatulis> in the enterprise it makes sense <redderhs> think of it as stable and svn <jude0> Any idea why running xinit with sudo blows up user's home directory requiring re-chmod/grp ing to fix? Has anyone else tried sudo xinit to a remote x server and had issues? I was connecting to a raspberry pi originally but it also seemed not to work to other linux systems. Bug? <pmatulis> redderhs: what is svn again? <jude0> subversion <pmatulis> redderhs: so how does that relate to LTS again? <redderhs> subversion <redderhs> thats the way i see it <redderhs> lts is stable usually <jude0> @pmatulis if you are talking to me, i have not had issues with xinit on other debians <pmatulis> redderhs: how does subversion releate to an LTS release? <redderhs> its my own personal opinion. <pmatulis> redderhs: alrigthy #lubuntu 2012-10-09 <wallynuts> hello I'm a bit of noob still and my computer just stopped booting after I took the battery out while it was sleeping. Now it hangs during startup, right after starting NPT server. it does give the ok at the end of the line - so I think that is ok. I can get a term on another TTY and I can startx on vt8. If any one as some help or advice it would be great <bioterror> wallynuts, if you can log into to a tty, I would suggest to examine Xorg.0.log <wallynuts> nothing in Xorg.0.log is jumping out at me but I'm not sure what i'm looking for <bioterror> errors <wallynuts> They would be marked EE right? if so I don't have any in the log file, but I did startX on another tty <bioterror> yes, should be EE <wallynuts> It doesn't seem to be an X problem I can load X <_mak> There is a way to add more than 1 timezone to the default clock? <_mak> The suggestion given in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/CustomizingTheClock does not fit me.. <Cliperex> please help. lubntu 12.10 , laptop nc6220 usb sockets stoped working. all of them. at first pen drives used to be recogniesd for a minute then disapeared, then not shown at all , now even usb mouse is not identified. <Cliperex> soory 12.04 <Cliperex> not 120.10 <Cliperex> not 12.10 <Cliperex> i googled this for a few hours , tried few sugestions , bit i need some one who know his way around this thing <Cliperex> anything ? <Cliperex> sorry for the spelling. its there a utility or command that reset thre usb connections some how ? <Cliperex> soi am a linux rookie *kill me now * :-) but i need somthing , g i v e m e s o m e t h i n g <bioterror> reboot and if it doesnt get fixed, hit your laptopt against corner of the table <Cliperex> reboot doesnt work. <Cliperex> yea it an old laptop but i need it to work <pmatulis> Cliperex: you might have m/b trouble <bioterror> are you 100% sure it's not hardware related? <bioterror> must be close to 6 to 7 years old laptop? <Cliperex> no i am not sure . it an onld machine , ofcourse somthing could be wrong with it. but why dont i get an error note of any kind ? <pmatulis> Cliperex: and it was working fine or it never worked fine (with 12.04)? <holstein> i agree with the hardware suggestion... i would try a few live CD's real quick, then you can at least no that its not lubuntu <Cliperex> fresh install just two days before. everything is fine besides heat. usualy around 60 degrees celsiuse but on rest about 50. can go around 90-100 very bussy ( clean fan - new heatsing compound. i saw on some forum it coulld be power timeout for the usb pen drive to stop working. how can i disable power down for usb sockets <holstein> Cliperex: i would try a live CD or 2... i nor most other folks i know of need to set that on a lubuntu system <Cliperex> in windows i can enable/diable usb sockets/hub in the control panel. is there an aequivalnet thing on ubuntu/lubuntu ? i will cosider live cd <holstein> Cliperex: if the vendor has written such a thing for linux, the lubuntu will support it <pmatulis> Cliperex: finally, check your kernel logs (/var/log/kern.log) <pmatulis> when you lose your usb ports <pmatulis> jude0: no, i'm not talking to you <Cliperex> <pmatulis> thankyou. you are thekning. " hub 1-0:1.0: over-current condition on port 2. uhci hcd 0000:00:1d.0: HC died; cleanup <Cliperex> i steal have shortcut somwhere i dont know where <Cliperex> still <holstein> if it were my box, i would make sure all upgrade were applied... i would try and troubleshoot and rule out hardware issues.. i would try different kernels (with different drivers) in case its a hardware support issue.. i typically find live CD's the easiest/quickest way to do that <holstein> if i had a USB "hub" plugged in, i would remove that... i would try with just the usb mouse.. use it, test... then test a few sticks. <Cliperex> no usb devices connected at all. the shortcut is inside the laptop. i need to disconnect the socket somhow <holstein> Cliperex: i wouldnt worry much about messages if all is working.. i would test a usb device.. the mouse <Cliperex> all is Not working. Usb devices are dead/ <holstein> Cliperex: we can assume the devices are fine.. the question is, is the usb hardware on the machine bad? or is it hardware support in the kernel that is lacking <Cliperex> but now i have the log to sea so i can get feedback, wich is somthing, which is what i needed/ <Cliperex> its an old machine with reletive new kernel. the chances are , device fales/ <holstein> Cliperex: maybe try a live cd based on ubuntu 10.04... something more of that "era" <Cliperex> thnks all, will test. bbl <Osmodivs> Hello. Is there a way to change my location in Lubuntu so it knows I am in my town and NOT in New York? <Osmodivs> Hello. Is there a way to change my location in Lubuntu so it knows I am in my town and NOT in New York? <Unit193> That is generally only used for time, doesn't matter if it is technically where you live. <Unit193> (I don't like there either, but that is our TZ city) <Osmodivs> Well, I am -1 hour from New York <Unit193> In that case, sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata <kanliot> <Unit193> In that case, sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata <kanliot> gonna add that to the wiki <Unit193> kanliot: May be some sort of GUI way, but don't know it (or need to) <fluitfries> hi all <fluitfries> is there a way to set windows "sticky" to their workspace, such that when i use the window switcher from my taskbar, it moves my view to that window's workspace? <IboS> hello <kanliot> hi <kanliot> fluitfries, it sounds like you want lxpanel to control workspaces <IboS> how do i add a program at startup ? <fluitfries> yea, that sounds right. is there a setting in lxpanel for that? <kanliot> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Boot_Install_Login#How_I_can_autostart_a_program_when_logging_into_Desktop <kanliot> you might be able to tell openbox to change workspaces when you activate a window <kanliot> but i'm not sure theres a better way <fluitfries> looked in my taskbar settings and the panel settings but didn't see anything <wxl> hey ya'll where is the config file that lxsession-edit works with? <fluitfries> i'll check openbox settings <kanliot> wxl you might have to look at the source code <wxl> blah <fluitfries> nothing there either <fluitfries> hmmm <kanliot> try the openbox wiki <IboS> kanliot: what if my programm is a command line ? <fluitfries> wait, is lxpanel default or do i need to add it? <kanliot> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Boot_Install_Login#Alternative_method <kanliot> it's the bottom panel, lxpanel <IboS> kanliot: can i add a .desktop file for conky ? <IboS> sorry for all these questions :) <kanliot> i would do the alternative method, a bit quicker for me <kanliot> and also grab a conky config for lubuntu <kanliot> and np with all the questions this is the channel 4 it <IboS> then i should add conky -d to my autostart file <kanliot> http://fauzimh.wordpress.com/2012/02/22/lubuntu-little-tweaks-1/ <kanliot> try that config let me know if it works <bioterror> what the heck is this Boot Install Login <kanliot> i moved stuff off the Guides page into categorized pages <IboS> thanks kanliot <IboS> it works <IboS> i used the alternative method <fluitfries> seems like maybe tint2 as a replacement for lxpanel, will do what i want with the windows... but i hate to deviate much from stock ubuntu <fluitfries> also i know i can hand-code the window behavior to specific workspaces, but that's not what i'm seeking either. <fluitfries> stock *lubuntu <fluitfries> well, one setting i wanted on was "show windows from all desktops" in the taskbar's settings. <fluitfries> lol, ok that's the official solution. <fluitfries> kanliot, you were right after all. turning on the above setting moves you to the workspace where you've assigned that window when you click it from lxpanel. thanks for the help. :) <fluitfries> my next question is: does lubuntu ship with anything to record a screen capture by default? <fluitfries> a video. <kanliot> try recordmydesktop or kazam <fluitfries> k tks <fluitfries> lol, kazam crashes can't connect to pulse audio server <kanliot> damn <fluitfries> also listed in lubuntu software center so i'd hope it would work, i'll keep messin <coder27> Hello. I've just installed lubuntu 12.04. The system is equipped with NVidia card and it is connected to the HD TV. Fonts are unreadable. xdpyinfo says the DPI is 54x54. Xorg.conf is almost empty. Please help <cristian_c> Hi <cristian_c> I was told to subscribe the lubuntu developers mailing list <cristian_c> but I don't find it :( <cristian_c> Do you know something? :) <kanliot> fluitfries, please confirm this bug 1064575 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1064575 in kazam (Ubuntu) "kazam crashes on lubuntu w/o pulseaudio" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1064575 <kanliot> it's a pain to login to launchpad tell me if you need help <kanliot> you've been in chat for 60 mins, already got you reporting stuff ;) <fluitfries> lol :) do i post a comment, is that what you mean? <kanliot> nope just click, "this affects me" <kanliot> this bug affects me <fluitfries> k <fluitfries> one sec <fluitfries> done, it took me that long to remember which email i used to reg with launchpad forever ago :P <kanliot> yeah now we wait a few months for a fix <fluitfries> whee <kanliot> did you try recordmydesktop <kanliot> pretty easy to use from command line <fluitfries> nah, i gave up. the whim has passed. :) <kanliot> ya <IboS> fluitfries: there is a gtk virson of recordmydeskto #lubuntu 2012-10-10 <kevin> new to lubunta and cant get a dvd to play...any advice? <lubuntupc> Hey guys <bennylb> Is there anyway of making paid apps available in lubuntu software centre? <bennylb> Another way of putting it. Is there any way of enabling paid apps in lubuntu software center? <fluitfries> what file managers are ppl using other than pcmanfm? <holstein> fluitfries: i usually use nautilus, thunar, or mc :) <fluitfries> i always try mc but it slows me down, i'm not cool enough :P <holstein> hehe... its not my go-to file manager, thats for sure <SofS> is there an open bug for lightdm cancel button? now it cant return from a wrong username <SofS> is there an open bug for lightdm cancel button on lubuntu 12.04? 1.2.1-0ubuntu1.1 cant return from a wrong username <kanliot> if i had to guess, i'd say no <kanliot> do have to reboot or something? <SofS> restarting the service works <SofS> but you have to have sudo rights for that <kanliot> so it might be logical that this could affect every lightdm box? <SofS> probably, only tested myself the one on lubuntu tough, on several different machines <kanliot> if you like i can confirm the bug before you file <kanliot> but it sounds like you've already confirmed <SofS> if you could confirm it would be nice, by the way, only tested amd64 <kanliot> i need more instructions <SofS> at the login manager type a wrong username and try to return, the cancel button should be there for that <kanliot> so logout first <kanliot> wrong un <kanliot> then what about return? <kanliot> return key? <SofS> cancel <kanliot> so there's a cancel button? <SofS> yes, the point is that it is not working <SofS> actually, maybe you can try with a correct username <kanliot> what is it supposed to do <SofS> so you can log back without having to reset it in case of a positive <kanliot> what is the cancel button supposed to do <kanliot> i'm trying to follow your instructions on 12.10 <SofS> cancel the current login attempt <SofS> I am on 12.04 <kanliot> ok <kanliot> on 12.10, i press cancel <kanliot> and it says login <kanliot> again <SofS> so you can change the username? <SofS> if yes they must have fixed it but that was not backported to 12.04 <kanliot> fglrx crashed when i logged out <kanliot> i can confirm the bug <kanliot> but it doesn't seem serious <kanliot> you just click "other accout" and try again <IboS> kanliot: ping ? are you on ? <kanliot> hi ibos <IboS> i've a problem with the sound not that the sound is muted it works perfectly but i cannot configure it <IboS> i cliked on the sound icon of the panel <IboS> it says install a programm like alsamixer or pavucontrol <kanliot> like the sound icon crashed since pulseaudio <IboS> i installed pavucontrol <IboS> aww <IboS> well i installed pavucontrol but it doesn't work i make follow the message of error <kanliot> install pavumixer run that <kanliot> wait i'm wrong <kanliot> pavuconrol is right <IboS> pavucontrol say unable to connect to pulseaudio <IboS> the most bizzare is that i have sound <IboS> can listen to file easily <IboS> *a <kanliot> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1780726 <kanliot> that thread has you iinstall stuff <kanliot> try that <IboS> kanliot: pm <kanliot> ibos did you isntall that extra pulseaudio stuff <kanliot> better to do support here <IboS> heu you mean extra codecs ? <kanliot> always a chance someone who knows will come in this channel <IboS> proprietary ? <kanliot> it had a list of stuff to install <IboS> the thing called fluendo mp3 ? <kanliot> do that and reboot <kanliot> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1780726 <IboS> ok i'm doing that <IboS> wil get you in touch <IboS> will <IboS> kanliot: i've too reboot ? <IboS> *to <kanliot> ya <kanliot> unless you know how to restart every pulse thing <IboS> okay let's reboot <IboS> see you in seconds <IboS> hum well <IboS> it only shows up the audio controller of my graphic card <IboS> not the internal <kanliot> but that last error is fixed? <IboS> yes <IboS> in fact i've two audio devices <IboS> one from intel motherboard <IboS> one from the graphic card <kanliot> gimme 10 mins i need to start dinner <IboS> np <kanliot> actually dinner and lawn mowing <IboS> kanliot: when your are free hilight me #lubuntu 2012-10-11 <kanliot> sup ibos <cristian_c> Hi <cristian_c> I was told to subscribe to the lubuntu developers mailing list <cristian_c> but I don't find it <cristian_c> Does anyone know it? <wxl> it's basically lubuntu-qa, chalcedony <wxl> oops <wxl> cristian_c: <cristian_c> ok, I look immediately <wxl> it's on launchpad <cristian_c> wxl, thanks for the answer :) <wxl> np <wxl> you joining the dev group? <cristian_c> No, I've posted this: https://answers.launchpad.net/lubuntu-default-settings/+question/206269 <cristian_c> lubuntu-qa@lists.launchpad.net <cristian_c> Policy: You must be a team member to subscribe to the team mailing list. <wxl> oh right <wxl> so try becoming a member <cristian_c> https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-qa/+join <cristian_c> Since this is a moderated team, one of its administrators will have to approve your membership before you actually become a member. <cristian_c> :) <wxl> exactly <wxl> now you get to exercise patience <cristian_c> Your request to join Lubuntu-QA is awaiting approval. , Your mailing list subscription is awaiting approval. <cristian_c> wxl, ok, thanks for the info :) <bioterror> Fira, fix your connection <Fira> yeah... <Fira> it's silly ZNC join flooding on startup <Fira> this is silly, i can't even update it to last git which supposedly fixes this, because nearly all ports are blocked outgoing on the node <Fira> :( <bioterror> move to screen + weechat <bioterror> or tmux + weechat ;) <igor__> Testing <phi-scribe> 123 <akls> gs ate 100 mb of memory. Why? https://dl.dropbox.com/u/71236259/2012-10-11-164504_548x53_scrot.png <bioterror> and gs is? <akls> ghostscript <akls> how can I fix it besides just killing it? <bioterror> probably something has use for it <bioterror> kill it! ;D <akls> now if I reboot... <akls> it's there again : < <akls> removed my printer from "Printing" and now it's fixed <akls> alright, thanks, bye :D <bioterror> :D <bioterror> next time you can use lsof <bioterror> for example <toscho> hi <toscho> my autostart still doesn't work properly <toscho> i have added "&" to the end of the lines in ~/.config/lxsession/lubuntu/autostart, but the lines aren't processed properly <hubert_> hey, guys, what kind of login screen does lubuntu use? <zleap> not sure as I did a install lubuntu desktop so i still ahve the one that came with ubuntu <zleap> however i think it uses the same colour scheme, as lubuntu as in blue <hubert_> okay, i've made wrong question.. I am in tty now, i have installed ubuntu mini (no x), i installed lubuntu-desktop, but now i need to run it, but idk how, what command shall i use. <pmatulis> hubert_: reboot <pmatulis> hubert_: or try 'sudo lightdm' <viniciusarq> anybody there? <wxl> viniciusarq: nope, we're hiding. <pmatulis> there are 72 people in this channel <viniciusarq> lol <viniciusarq> just have some fun <wxl> … <viniciusarq> i'm having some trouble with torrent in my lubuntu <viniciusarq> could u help me? <wxl> no one knows if they can help you if they don't know the problem, viniciusarq <wxl> no need for pleasantries; just get to the point and we'll see what we can do <viniciusarq> sure.. sorry.. i'm having some instability in any torrent client tried <viniciusarq> at my other pc with win7 it's everything ok <wxl> you'll need to be more specific <viniciusarq> i've opened my router's doors 6881-6889 <viniciusarq> "transmission" tells me that the door is open, but i'm getting only 70-80kbps <viniciusarq> 70-80kb/s sorry <viniciusarq> from my 1200-1300 kb/s normally <wxl> you use μtorrent on the win7 machine? <viniciusarq> yes <wxl> well that's no fun <wxl> can't use either on the other machine <wxl> but you have tried other clients on the linux box/ <viniciusarq> yeah <viniciusarq> deluge / transmission <wxl> are you comparing the exact same torrent? <viniciusarq> yeah <viniciusarq> full speed in utorrent in linux 80kb/s <wxl> did you check encryption, max connections, speed limits? <viniciusarq> encrytion and speed limits yeah let me see max connections <viniciusarq> not working yet <viniciusarq> do i need to open something in firewall? <viniciusarq> i mean firewall in lubuntu <wxl> if it's open it's open <wxl> you can double check here http://canyouseeme.org/ <wxl> you should also see https://trac.transmissionbt.com/wiki/SlowSpeeds <kanliot> transmission has problems with upnp routers, usually you want to setup up port forwarding manuallly <viniciusarq> door 6881 open by canuseeme <wxl> like i said, if it's open it's open <viniciusarq> that's really strange <wxl> so are clowns. <wxl> you should head over to #transmission and see what those nice chaps say. i'd love to hear the results, viniciusarq <wxl> OOoOooOoOoooo i didn't realize there was a curses interface https://github.com/fagga/transmission-remote-cli <redderhs> I'm getting the same speeds via transmission / deluge / utorrent. <wxl> redderhs: across different operating systems? <redderhs> yup <wxl> that appears to be the issue here <redderhs> He could also try running utorrent via wine <viniciusarq> actually it seems that when i opened the doors my speed slow down a lot... <redderhs> see if that makes any difference. <redderhs> he/she <wxl> oh <wxl> i thought of something <wxl> your isp may be throttling those ports <wxl> if your router supports upnp (despite what kanliot said) give that a shot. if no luck still, try some totally off the wall port number. <redderhs> yeah its not too good to use the torrent standardized ports from what i've read <redderhs> best to use your own port number off the top of your head. <wxl> that's been my experience in general <wxl> personally i've had good luck with upnp on transmission on os x but haven't used it in linux <redderhs> deluge runs good on lubuntu for me. transmission is also a good client but lacks some functionality uTorrent users may have come to expect <redderhs> i keep both installed. <wxl> ooh cool zenith is still floating about <wxl> have you guys seen that movie? <wxl> soo good <wxl> http://www.legittorrents.info/index.php?page=torrent-details&id=5aa6a160a7470b00e4b3d0ee824333fb7c934ca7 <wxl> http://www.publicdomaintorrents.info/nshowcat.html?category=horror <redderhs> the movies public domain? <wxl> yeah <redderhs> interesting <wxl> a boy and is dog is public domain now wow * wxl moves to #lubuntu-offtopic <viniciusarq> i'll try utorrent for linux <viniciusarq> tried to turn upnp off in transmission lets see <viniciusarq> hey <viniciusarq> has anyone experienced internet slowdown with downloads in torrent? <wxl> we have people on here who have had the exact opposite problem as you have, which suggests you have a problem with yuor connection or how your using transmission or something else viniciusarq <wxl> another way of putting it: this is not a lubuntu problem, per se. you may get better help from people who you can guarantee use transmission on a daily basis <wxl> for that you should join #transmission <wxl> there are 106 people there to help you out <wxl> ok? <zleap> transmission is a file sharing programme right ? <wxl> it's a p2p client, specifically in that it handles torrents <zleap> ok <viniciusarq> i was going to ask if u suggest me to try changing network-manager to wicd <wxl> i'd call that a definitive no, viniciusarq <wxl> i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy <wxl> i don't care what people say, wicd sucks <viniciusarq> wxl, that's why i came here! tks anyway <wxl> viniciusarq: if you want help setting it up, i can tell you how <wxl> but i don't think it will solve your problem <wxl> and in my experience it might create some new ones <vinicius_arq> wxl, sorry <vinicius_arq> wxl, torrent you mean? <wxl> vinicius_arq: i don't understand your question. you asked abotu problems with torrent. i suggested #transmission. then you were wondering if wicd might help. i said no. you said that's why you came. i said i'd be happy to help you with it, but i think it will create more problems than it will solve. this is not specific to torrents, but in general. <vinicius_arq> wxl, i'm almost getting crazy about that i'm sorry... the most strange thing is that now i'm connected by eth and it is normal and stable, download and connection by itself <wxl> you're saying your problem disappeared vinicius_arq ? <vinicius_arq> wxl, i'm starting to think about my router configuration... <vinicius_arq> wxl, connected by cable yes <vinicius_arq> wifi continues the same problem <wxl> vinicius_arq: wifi is much more inconsistent than ethernet <redderhs> interference + distance can also come into play. <vinicius_arq> wxl, i know but if i run win7 in the same pc at the same place and distance from the router it gets full speed, and do not gets instable... <wxl> still i'm not surprised <vinicius_arq> i think i'll have to accept that lol <redderhs> While i'm not an expert at such a resolution towards the issue, i would say it could help if you find out your specific chipset you're using for wlan and to search that on google like "chipset ubuntu" with other keywords <redderhs> to maybe find someone whom has the same issue you do.. that may give you a lead on some possible options <vinicius_arq> redderhs, i'm going to do that.. tks for all <redderhs> Good luck <vinicius_arq> tks <Osmodivs> Hello. So I was backimg up my stuff to another HDD, y selected all my files and cut them, and then paste them to the other HDD, it only paste it half of the files before running out of space, NOW, I don't have the rest of the files in my original HDD, it is as they just disapeared. How do I recover my files? <redderhs> Osmodivs: Hi, I too recently had a similar issue; where my file names were too long when I cut and pasted them. Since the filenames were too long they were not moved and i lost some. I brought this up in the offtopic chat and a fellow user stated but dont quote him/her, that it could be a bug. <redderhs> Please wait till someone else can give you further details on the true answer to your question. <redderhs> For the record, I was using 12.04 x64 <redderhs> Also, if it helps at all, I have been successful as a work around, using copy + paste. <redderhs> Although I have not tried this in conjunction with the issue aforementioned; I have had success in the past recovering files with Windows software on Windows 7 using recuva. The idea just popped in my mind now that possibly one of these alternative software(s) may assist you in a resolution. http://alternativeto.net/software/recuva/ <Osmodivs> redderhs: Well, I guess i could use PhotoRec in Lubuntu... <redderhs> To me, from the descriptions i've read, that sounds like a good choice <Osmodivs> redderhs: But the point is, this is one HELLAVA' bug, I tell you what. <redderhs> oh yes, i agree. <redderhs> imo, it shouldn't exist either, should be top on the list to get fixed asap for the author to have his/her software taken seriously. <wxl> i'm getting in here at the end of the convo but ya'll are making bug reports and not just complaining, right? XD <redderhs> I'm gonna check now to see if said issue is listed as a bug report. wxl: to the pcmanfm dudes webpages or would you recommend posting in both lubuntu and pcmans pages? <wxl> redderhs: i think it is. there is at least something similar. i haven't watched it carefully. i would first put a bug on sourceforge and then link the trcaker there to a bug on launchpad <wxl> if your'e not sure there's another bug, jhust make a new one and it'll get duped when it's triaged <redderhs> aye captain. <wxl> danke <Osmodivs> Uh... How do I report this? <wxl> Osmodivs: sounds like redderhs is already on it so it will simply be a matter of confirming it when he's got it up <wxl> if not <wxl> !bug <ubottu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. <holstein> Osmodivs: i always just do copy for that reason.. or use grsync .. its arguably a bug though <holstein> i do copy and delete the others after i see that they have gone <Osmodivs> There is not even a Ctrl-Z option for this mistake <Osmodivs> Now all I am getting from PhotoRec is pictures from my browser's cache.. <Osmodivs> oh my... <holstein> grsync is an rsync gui that allows you to "try" it before you do it... im assuming it might catch those errors like that <Unit193> rsync has -n, --dry-run perform a trial run with no changes made <holstein> Unit193: it'll give that "out of space" warning, correct? <holstein> Osmodivs: i would say, bug or not, if thats the only copy of the data you have, and its mission critical, i wouldnt trust that to a copy/paste or a click and drag scenario <wxl> i agree and disagree holstein <Osmodivs> holstein: Well, too late for the advice :( <wxl> i think it's unsafe to assume that most people will go for the "safest" scenario but instead will do what's easiest <Osmodivs> I had 30GB+ of info there <Osmodivs> and now it is gone <Unit193> Tried testdisk? <Osmodivs> Yeah, Photorec is onlly recovering files from my Browser's cahe <Osmodivs> If there was only an option to search for folders <holstein> i dont have the skill to fix the "issue" though wxl, so i can only suggest doing arguably proper methods on the user side <holstein> wxl: if you think we should fix the copy/paste or ask for it to be fixed to "crash" more elegantly, or check the space before copying... i can aggree with that <Unit193> holstein: Yeah, pcmanfm has no error checking. File name incorrect for NTFS? I'll tell you after "moving" it. <holstein> i remember queing up something to copy to a USB stick last week and i noticed it wasnt going to fit... i wasnt given a warning.. but i lost data like that in windows XP once, and stopped doing "move" <wxl> holstein: let's put it to you this way. i use rm. i don't delete. i don't send stuff to trash. i certainly prefer lower-level because i know i can trust it more. i just don't think we can expect that from the average user. and when something messes up, telling them to do something different when it's too late is like adding insult to injury :) <wxl> holstein: so realy you and i agree with one another. i'm just feeling bad for poor Osmodivs :) <holstein> yup.. likewise <holstein> when the exact thing happened to me, i decided not to do move anymore <holstein> i forget if i got the data back... <wxl> i move a lot (in terminal). i just make sure i know what i'm doing before i hit enter <Osmodivs> Well, they should warn us noobs about that, I would not expect such a bad bug in such a OS <wxl> Osmodivs: on the other hand, where would we warn you? <wxl> an intelligent place would be in the release notes <redderhs> submitted report <wxl> but you won't necessarily find that before the problem happens <wxl> redderhs: where? <redderhs> launchapd <wxl> bug number? <redderhs> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcmanfm/+bug/1065760 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1065760 in pcmanfm (Ubuntu) "when cut and pasting, file name exceeded in location to new directory, file disappears from original location; completely gone." [Undecided,New] <Osmodivs> ubuntu-bug linux? <Osmodivs> Or what software, manager? <wxl> Osmodivs: just go to that link and confirm it (right under the title) <wxl> you'll need a login if you don't already have one <Osmodivs> Oh, I have one <redderhs> I just created one =P <wxl> Osmodivs: give me the result of "apt-cache policy pcmanfm" <redderhs> the results are in my log, but it's best if you run it yourself to confirm that you had the issue on the same version as I. <wxl> duh sorry <wxl> nevermind <redderhs> oh <redderhs> i thought you were wxl @_@ <wxl> ohhhh <redderhs> 0.9.10-0ubuntu2 <wxl> HAHAHAH you make me laugh redderhs <redderhs> adsoijfaoisd <redderhs> you know what i mean <wxl> fixed in version 1 http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3565792&group_id=156956&atid=801864 <wxl> 1.01 i shoudl say <wxl> which is available in quantal <wxl> SO <wxl> time to upgrade :) * redderhs upgrades <redderhs> kinda surprise Update Manager didn't do that automatically. <redderhs> unless it's not in repo yet <wxl> it's not <wxl> i think ti's got a week left <redderhs> eh, ill just wait for the repo to add it. <wxl> i'd tell you to add lubuntu-dev or lubuntu-daily repos but afaik 1.01 is quantal-only meaning you'll break crap if you try to install in precise <redderhs> heh, yeah, not doing that =P <pmatulis> can anyone confirm that, on 12.10, if 2 instances of firefox are running, that closing one will also close the other one? #lubuntu 2012-10-12 <Ascavasaion> When I click on hard disks in PCManFM and it mounts them, it mounts the one fine with access for me, and the other I do not have permissions for. HOw do I fix that so that I do not have to /media/chown username hardsiskname ? <Ascavasaion> When I click on hard disks in PCManFM and it mounts them, it mounts the one fine with access for me, and the other I do not have permissions for. HOw do I fix that so that I do not have to /media/chown username hardsiskname ? <n2i> Hi all! <n2i> I've one VGA monitor <n2i> How to set multi screen? <n2i> Not only an external monitor <Mr---> lxappearance giving me this error when trying to create a theme <Mr---> does not appear to be a valid Openbox theme directory <Mr---> "does not appear to be a valid Openbox theme directory" <Ascavasaion> In the file manager there are a list of other hard disks, not the booting partition. I have a 20Gb an a 60Gb. Then you click on them they are mounted by the file manager. Problem I have is that 20Gb mounts with fulla ccess to me, but 60Gb does not. I have to go into a terminal and issue /media/sudo chown username 60Gb and then it gives me access, Any help please? <Guest54997> when i start synaptic it autoexits and i get this output in terminal: core dumped <Guest54997> problem with synaptic auto exits when launch. Terminal output: Core dumped <IboS> kanliot: ping ? <IboS> well i have two sound card in my pc <IboS> one from my graphic card and the other from my motherboard <IboS> in pavucontrol only the graphic card one show up <IboS> not the motherboard one <IboS> is there a way to solve this ? <IboS> the both cards are detected by lspci | grep -i audio <IboS> how bizzare <IboS> mixxx recognize both <kanliot> ibos, you should stay with pulseaudio <kanliot> there's plenty of stuff to help you with your 2 sound outtputs <kanliot> and pulseaudio <steven> Is anyone there? <steven> Hello? <steven> People of da internet I come to steal your lolcats! <Unit193> !ask <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience <steven> I am using LXDE with Xfwm4. What is the most lightweight way to bind hotkeys to terminal commands? <Unit193> Xfwm should have a GUI configurator, or there is a file you can edit at .config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfwm4.xml <kanliot> steven also #lubuntu-offtopic although we are few in there <Unit193> Unless he's asking for support, which he was. <Steven__> Alright, I tried to add "<property name="&lt;PrtScn" type="string" value="xfce4-screenshooter --f"/>" to xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml. However, I don't know if that is the right syntax or if I can execute terminal commands through it at all. <NUCLEARWINTER> sounds so difficult <NUCLEARWINTER> we in lubuntu land have this scrot already binded to printscreen in lubuntu-rc.xml ;) <Steven__> Where is lubuntu-rc.xml located? <Steven__> I am using lubuntu just not openbox... <DrunkOnAbsinthe_> Does anyone know if the purchase version of Fluendo DVD player works well with Lubuntu? #lubuntu 2012-10-13 <dudefang> Hey. Anyone here tried Lubuntu 12.04 on a Dell Latitude D800? <pmatulis> nope <IboS> dudefang: nope <IboS> dudefang: you can open the way ! <tty007> hi, i get on a powermac where is Lubuntu 12.04 install an l1 cache eror. Can anyone tell me what there is wrong maybe? <holstein> tty007: i would probably just try an earlier version... but first i would verifiy the sum <holstein> !md5 <ubottu> To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows <tty007> no i have it already installed but the message in kernel log appears when i try to startx sorry <holstein> tty007: i would try safe graphics mode <holstein> tty007: put an xorg.conf in place with the vesa driver specified <tty007> hm y i tried it with vesa driver <holstein> tty007: and? no change? how about from the live cd? are you sure its not bad memory or hard drive? <tty007> hm graphics card is an ati radeon 9000 RV 250 <tty007> mh i dont sure but i dont know how i can check memory on powermac <holstein> tty007: theres no memtest on the live CD? <tty007> y no change <tty007> i dont think so <holstein> tty007: i would confirm that <tty007> or maybe i try on yaboot prompt memtest <tty007> ok ty <BWMerlin> I have installed keepass2 under mono fine <BWMerlin> and it is working well <BWMerlin> but I cannot get my plugin to show up in keepass <kanliot> BWMerlin, what's the lubuntu question? <BWMerlin> It runs on lubuntu <BWMerlin> yeah not really lubuntu related by needed help so thought someone here might be able to <kanliot> feel free to ask <kanliot> but i dont know what a keepass plugin is <BWMerlin> the plugin in this case allows my passwords to be transferred from keepass to firefox and back again so I can get logged into a website <BWMerlin> just wondering how I go about troubleshooting my keepass is not finding it listed <kanliot> no idea if it's the ff plugin or keypass <BWMerlin> Well as I open keepass up and go view plugins I want to start there <BWMerlin> why can keepass not find the keepass plugin <BWMerlin> then i can worry about whether or not the two programmes can talk to each other <NUCLEARWINTER> actually program like keepass is not that useful. you could write up all your passwords to a piece of paper if you just use 4 or more digits pincode in front or behind of the passcode <NUCLEARWINTER> that way your password would still be really secure, but it would be even easier to remember <BWMerlin> I have made some progress <BWMerlin> it seem that under linux the keepass plugin I won't does work so I have to use two .dll files instead which I am <BWMerlin> so that problem is taken care of <BWMerlin> next thing is to get firefox to talk to keepass <BWMerlin> WOOT!! complete and utter win <BWMerlin> the problem was when I downloaded the required files from github they did not download correct <BWMerlin> downloaded the project as a zip, extracted what I needed and replaced the files I had with the new ones <BWMerlin> keepass now see the plugin and firefox can talk to keepass <BWMerlin> all is well <kanliot> nice <abc> whats irc channel for talking about 12.10? It was something like ubuntu-next but im not sure <Unit193> #ubuntu+1 <ryan_moore> hey everyone. i just installed lubuntu 12.04 on my dell d800 and i'm having some trouble. all my icons are fuzzy and i'm trying to get an nvidia driver thatll support my Ti4200 <ryan_moore> any help'd be much obliged <ryan_moore> anyone had luck with the X SWAP PPA and nvidia-current with an older nvidia card under 12.04? <a_b0y> how to you set extended display? thanks <alp> Hey, how can i disable the annoying update-manager popup at startup? <alp> I use synaptic for updates. <gomiboy> alp: one way is to execute lxsession-edit and uncheck 'Update Notifier' <MashDog> Trying to install lubuntu 12.04 from usb for first time on 7year old Dell Inspiron 1300. System hangs each time at the 'checking hardware' screen. Any suggestions to get past this? <kanliot> how much ram <kanliot> how far do you get into the desktop installer <kanliot> you said checking hardware not sure if that's past the "do something else" screen <MashDog> it gets past choosing time zone and downloading language packs - probably about 50% of install at least <kanliot> how much ram? <MashDog> 2GB <MashDog> just trying XP :( <kanliot> that's plenty of ram <kanliot> expecially for a pc 7 years old <kanliot> please double-check the ram <kanliot> then you might check your hardware <kanliot> video card compatibility and then cpu overheating <MashDog> ok - I seem to recall upgrading the ram a while back - but will double check <kanliot> there's a ram test when you boot <kanliot> the livecd <kanliot> you have intel GMA 900 graphics on that <MashDog> yep 2039M <kanliot> i don't have an answer, but i encourage you to stay in this channel <kanliot> or ask in #ubuntu or the forum <MashDog> thanks - will keep plugging away <jmarsden> MashDog: Try some boot parameters that could help... I'd try (one at a time!) noacpi, nomodeset, or i915.modeset=0 <MashDog> noacpi: looking promising! <MashDog> has got past 'detecting hardware' this time <jmarsden> MashDog: Good. You may find that leads to other inconveniences, such as not being able to control CPU fans or low battery life etc, but at least it (hopefully) gets you a working installation. <jmarsden> I don't have GMA900 hardware here, but I think that if i195.modeset=0 works on your setup that could be the lowest impact workaround for you. Try all three and see which one you like :) <MashDog> thanks - your advice is appreciated <jmarsden> MashDog: You're welcome. #lubuntu 2012-10-14 <pmatulis> Wowzers! i just discovered that I have both pcmanfm and nautilus installed. did i drag that in manually or is this the default? <hash__> ok so im having trouble installing lubuntu thru the gui install is there a way that i can install thru termainal <pmatulis> hash__: there should be an alternate cd <hash__> idk it was the torrent from the lubuntu site <pmatulis> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Alternate_ISO <hash__> ah i found the alternate iso <hash__> thanks <pmatulis> hash__: yw <phiscribe> you dragged nautilus in pmatulis <pmatulis> phiscribe: ok, need to find how... <pmatulis> dunno, i just removed it and nothing else was impacted. strange <pmatulis> k, finally got this one in: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1066432 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1066432 in firefox (Ubuntu) "[Lubuntu 12.10] Multiple instances of Firefox are closed if just one is closed" [Undecided,New] <kanliot> pmatulis, you should file that bug upstream <kanliot> firefox has a nice bug tracker <kanliot> and chromium behaves the same way <kanliot> which raises a question <pmatulis> kanliot: it doesn't happen in ubuntu so i figured it was lubuntu-centric <kanliot> i didn't know that <Random833> Will the cpufreq panel applet be fixed in 12.10? <Random833> [I have a kludged fix that just calls system("gksudo cpufreq-set...), if it's not] <kanliot> please report the bug <Random833> well, I assumed it had already been reported, since there are posts on forums for like forever <Random833> but ok <wxl> Random833: forums != Launchpad <Random833> ok, i reported the bug <wxl> thank you <Random833> but just so you know, the _reason_ I asked "is it fixed in 12.10" was so I don't make an idiot of myself by reporting a bug that's already fixed <Random833> so it's on you if it is <wxl> i ask you who the bigger idiot is: <wxl> 1. the guy that reports a bug that's already reported <wxl> 2. the guy that doesn't report a bug because he assumes it's already reported <wxl> as a general rule, i say report the bug <wxl> it will get duped when triaged and no one will create a fuss <tweak-daddy> I have the Lubuntu OS with LXDE installed, which has two apparently identical desktops by default. If possible, I would like to have two different desktop designs. If that is possible, where can I find instructions on getting some different themes and altering one of these desktops? <tweak-daddy> and when I say altering the desktops, I mean simply changing the wallpaper and existing window colors or styles, not adding new elements. <PN1> hi, i've uploaded a new media player to Ubunto Software Center 2 day ago but my status is panding review. <PN1> anyone knows what is it taking so long? <head_victim> PN1: I assume you've followed the instructions - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Submissions <head_victim> PN1: and if you're still not sure of the process https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard has a good list of how to contact the relevant people if you have any concerns or questions. <PN1> head_victim: I followed the instruction. I uploaded without the source code, maybe that's the problem? <h_boyz> Aiuto x Configurare xorg su vecchio nb <h_boyz> Ff <h_boyz> Aiuto x configurare xorg su vecchio nb <h_boyz> Già tentato con canali convenzionali <h_boyz> Nessuno disponibile? <tweak-daddy> what is the difference between "mark for removal" and "mark for complete removal" in Synaptic? <tweak-daddy> does the former just uninstall it from loading into the OS but leave it on disk so that one can reinstall it if the effect is undesirable? <tweak-daddy> appears as if i can gain a lot of space by uninstalling all these Thai and Punjabi fonts. <tweak-daddy> I think it unlikely that I should need them anytime soon. Doubtful that I should come across a Punjabi woman in the forseeable future. <head_victim> tweak-daddy: I believe complete removal also removes any configurations and saved files associated with the program. <head_victim> Double check that, but I think that's the difference. <tweak-daddy> well that makes sense, head_victim. no need for the config files, i suppose, and removing them adds a bit more space too. <Gius> Hi <Gius> qualcuno è italiano ?? <Gius> avrei bisogno d'aiuto... <GuyFawkes> Hey guys <GuyFawkes> Why would Minecraft not be working? <GuyFawkes> It's giving an error about LWJGL <GuyFawkes> Jussi <GuyFawkes> Can you help me with getting Minecraft working? <tweak-daddy> i wonder whether there is any advisory-like program for analysing the Lubuntu OS installation in terms of its security, which would then make suggestions for improving the settings or configuration? <tweak-daddy> i am reading an Ubuntu document stating that the default firewall program is ufw, which is disabled initially. Since I do want a firewall on this PC, I am going to enable it. Will it alert me when connection attempts are made so that I can set up the rules ad hoc, or would I be required to set them up proactively for the specific set of rules I want? <tweak-daddy> did all of that text make it through or where did it cut off if not? <Unit193> tweak-daddy: It made it, if you ended with "proactively for the specific set of rules I want?" <Unit193> !ufw <ubottu> Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist. <Unit193> There is also gufw, pretty sure at least. <tweak-daddy> yes, it ended there, Unit193. thanks. <Unit193> I'd try the links, I've only used iptables rather than UFW. <tweak-daddy> i will look at the links. there is a gufw program too. i'm looking at syntax and procedures of both. <Unit193> (Well, used it once, but it was very little) <tweak-daddy> so you set up the ip tables. the first link in fact was the document I was looking at, but i am still wondering about the alerts though. <Unit193> There is a log file. <tweak-daddy> i'll have to dig a little deeper with a link on that page too to get my little answer now. <tweak-daddy> yes, i was looking at the documentation about the logging capabilities, which are pretty much indespensible. there appears to be a program called nulog, which provides a web interface to netfilter logs. i am going to take a look at that. have you used it or something else if not? <Unit193> I tail a few logs , and remember that grep is my friend. Log files in /var/log/ <polix> Hi there, I got a quection: why is Firefox not standard browser on Lubuntu? <polix> hi WildTux <bennypr0fane> Hello, I have it seems a problem with my fstab. I have a data partition mounted in fstab but it seems I cannot write downloads to it. Dropbox is on that partition and it does sync <bennypr0fane> here's my fstab: http://pastebin.com/vhPCmSsi <bennypr0fane> and blkid: http://pastebin.com/uF5t7Yey <bennypr0fane> ...the reason I suspect there is a problem in fstab is that I get a permission denied error for the downloads <bennypr0fane> also, I can't copy local files to that partition. but then how is Dropbox granted permission? <holstein> !chown | bennypr0fane <ubottu> bennypr0fane: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions <holstein> i have usually just mounted things to a directory and chowned... im sure there is a better way... i have done this both manually and with fstab <holstein> looks like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive#Automatic_Mount_At_Boot iirc <bennypr0fane> holstein: if my user owns this partition with read/write permissions, it should work, right? <bennypr0fane> how do you explain that Dropbox can write to it <holstein> bennypr0fane: it should, im not convinced either dropbox can <holstein> i would just keep troubleshooting and it literally wont hurt to try mounting it to a directory with the expected permissions <holstein> could be that the dropbox directory got chowned during installl somehow.. i remember it asking for a password for something "admistrative" <bennypr0fane> Dropbox *can* write to it on my computer, otherwise it would give an error msg "folder not found", which it does on other distros where I was trying to put Dropbox on a partition not mounted in fstab <holstein> bennypr0fane: we dont need to split hairs.. we an just stick to the facts... you dont have right permissions on something and chown is a good place to start <bennypr0fane> I wasn't asked for a pwd during install <bennypr0fane> ok <holstein> bennypr0fane: i have been... i could be remembering an older installer... or mis-remembering <bennypr0fane> but my point is if I already own the partition, there's not much else I can do about it, is there? <holstein> bennypr0fane: i would just look at the directory and make sure it has the expected permissions... make sure you can write to it <holstein> bennypr0fane: you can confirm the permissions... if you "own" it, and you cant write to it, i would start troubleshooting after confirming, and running a sudo chown command <bennypr0fane> how do I confirm the permissions? <holstein> bennypr0fane: i would just look.. even in a file manager.. but it wont hurt to chown it, following those commands i linked for adding a hard drive <bennypr0fane> I right-clicked in file manager, >properties>permissions: owner is my user, owner has read/write permission <bennypr0fane> ok <holstein> sudo chown -R USERNAME:USERNAME /media/mynewdrive for example <bennypr0fane> do you know what exaclty the -R argument means? <holstein> -R, --recursive operate on files and directories recursively <holstein> bennypr0fane: thats from man chown ^^ <bennypr0fane> I've been meaning to find those man pages <bennypr0fane> they should all be on my system right? <holstein> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions#Recursive_Permission_Changes <holstein> bennypr0fane: you can type in a terminal... "man chown" <bennypr0fane> how do you look somnething up in man? <bennypr0fane> ok like I thought <bennypr0fane> last time I did that it went wrnog though <bennypr0fane> I wanted to look up the man for rename <holstein> it?... its a terminal. as normal user.. it can only go so wrong <bennypr0fane> and typed "man rename" #lubuntu 2013-10-07 <Hundred> i'll probably try it out but won't use it because its not a long term release <methodize> would anyone know why my screen resolution (1680x1050) is fine when i boot and install from the live cd, but after the install i remove the cd and boot up for the first time and the resolution isn't listed in preferences>monitor settings. the max is 1024x768 <ianorlin> which version? <methodize> 13.04 <methodize> I've tried adding it manually, would it have anything to do with me editing the grub loader from "quiet splash" to "nomodeset"?" <jarnos> When you setup sync in a new computer in Chromium browser and you have already done that for another computer, wouldn't you expect the same sync settings to be used by default with the other computer? I just accidentally uploaded my passwords to Google.. <andreiiar> Hallo. <andreiiar> I can't decide on one thing. I have a 16GB flash I want lubuntu on it. I installed it normaly but whenver I went to a new computer I had problems with booting it up. I formated the usb dongle and tryed to install it with universal usb installer but I can only make 4GB persistence space <andreiiar> What is there to do? <healhter> Hey I just asked the question in ubuntu too. I have an Lubuntu 13.04 system running on a GIGABYTE T1028 with an swapped HDD. Everything works except that my #/' key and my greater/lesser key produce the same keycode <phillw> AndrewLee: my guess is that grub is not installed / poingtin to your usb device. <phillw> *pointing* <phillw> AndrewLee: sorry... <phillw> was meant for s.o. else <Noskcaj> Does blueman open at startup on lubuntu? If so, you might want to disable it, it uses 40mb of RAM just to be on standby <phillw> Noskcaj: only /usr/sbin/bluetoothd daemon is autostart <Noskcaj> ok. because whatever xubuntu has by default was using way too much RAM <ElixirVitae> Hello! <ElixirVitae> So, 12.04 is supported till this month. <ElixirVitae> Question is; <ElixirVitae> What if I netinstall ubuntu and add lubuntu meta-package <Noskcaj> ElixirVitae, The same stuff is suported either way. It might be worth updating to 13.04 <ElixirVitae> Would it not be the same/close as having lubuntu? <ElixirVitae> I kinda want to stay with a LTS. <ElixirVitae> Till next LTS, which is in about 7 months. <ElixirVitae> By support, what do you mean? <ElixirVitae> Won't I be able to get new versions as they are introduced if I stay with precise? <phillw> ElixirVitae: 12.04 is an LTS, it does not go EoL next month, however 12.04 is not an lts for lubuntu. As such it receives security updates only. <phillw> and core applications! <ElixirVitae> The thing is, won't I get my newest firefox, whether I am on lubuntu or ubuntu+lubuntu-meta-packages? <phillw> ElixirVitae: you won't get firefox from the 12.04 repo for lubuntu IIRC. <ElixirVitae> But am I not requesting packages from ubuntu repos when I am on ubuntu, whether I request lubuntu-meta-packages or not? <phillw> firefox is not in the lubuntu meta? It's chromium. <phillw> ElixirVitae: head over to http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-firefox-20-in-ubuntu-13-04-ubuntu-12-10-ubuntu-12-04-linux-mint-14-and-linux-mint-13-by-ppa/ for how to grab the latest firefox. <ElixirVitae> phillw, I am getting "latest" firefox via ubuntu repos already. <ElixirVitae> I am wondering whether it would change if I were to turn my OS into lubuntu one, even if on the outside. <ElixirVitae> And, for that matter, I'd like to not resort to PPAs, and stick with official ones. <phillw> ElixirVitae: If you run the 13.10 lubuntu, you will get firefox. <Unit193> Firefox is in the repos, you can install it in raring very easily... <ElixirVitae> I don't want to run 13.10. I want to continue running 12.04 ubuntu. <Unit193> Just know that it's not an officially supported LTS in terms of Lubuntu, so any security issues in LXDE or Lubuntu applications won't be fixed, nor will any updates come for those components. <phillw> ElixirVitae: I don't think that adding lubuntu meta will alter your repos that ubuntu has (i.e. all your ubuntu packages will still be there). <ElixirVitae> Unit193, does "lubuntu applications" come from ubuntu repos or not? <ElixirVitae> If so, are they not patched beyond security updates? <Unit193> ElixirVitae: Of course, it has to for being official. They wouldn't be since it's not an LTS or officially supported anymore. Firefox isn't Lubuntu, chromium also isn't maintained by lubuntu but is included. LX* applications, LSC, and others are though. <ElixirVitae> Hmm, this clears up the issue a bit. <ElixirVitae> Thanks, phillw, Unit193. <ElixirVitae> Have a tea: http://i.imgur.com/1yyiL.gif <Unit193> 14.04 will be the first planned LTS. #lubuntu 2013-10-08 <semitones> hello :) <semitones> whenever I login, I get prompted for my password to connect to any wireless network <semitones> is there a way to not have to type in a password? <semitones> gparted is crashed :( <lino> updatas not working <Soop> Cannot connect to internet. network connections registers that I have an Ethernet cable plugged in but will not connect. <mapps> .j #xubuntu <andreiiar> Hello. This is dog! <metodize> Hello, is there a possible way around using 'nomodeset' to get my screen to work after an install? It's keeping radeon drivers from loading, according to my Xorg.0.log, by disabling KMS. Any ideas? <metodize> I've tried the fglrx drivers, but they require me to downgrade my xorg files and i would rather not go down that way . <semitones> how do you take a screenshot? prt sc key doesn't work? <bioterror> you dont get a screenshot into your ~/ ? <semitones> oh :/ <semitones> I thought it would capture it to the clipboard <semitones> thanks, i had no idea <methodize> Hello, when i run lubuntu via livecd the radeon drivers are used and i get full resolution but vesa drivers are used after install because i use 'nomodeset' as a workaround to the black screen on boot issue. i have an ati hd 4650. <phillw> methodize: one of the craziest things is, is that we can ship things on the liveCD and not be allowed to install them :( Have a read of http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=334 if the questions not answered in the sticky, do ask on there and please, please do keep us updated via our mailing list. <methodize> phillw, ok thanks ill have a look. <methodize> phillw, i have the driver installed but the disabling of KMS with nomodeset forces vesa drivers as default. <phillw> methodize: as I'm really lucky in that all my computers 'just work out of the box'. I am not an expert for when they do not. that is why I advise people to go onto the various areas that specialise in "it doesn't work out of the box".... <phillw> methodize: Well, apart from the usual broadcom WiFi, which I do not actually count as a bug... Just a narrow minded company...... :-/ <mozybonz> sorry <methodize> phillw: i see, alrighty then, ill keep searching, <phillw> methodize: get it logged onto that forum! You will not be the 1st person... they are the specialists :) #lubuntu 2013-10-09 <R0b0t1> Hi, I have a dualscreen setup, and I have like, two nested desktops <R0b0t1> If I try to set background, the screens will set their backgrounds, but there is a middle portion which seems to be another desktop <R0b0t1> it actually behaves differently, as in, if I set show menus provided by WM <qingluo> hi all, i'm using lubuntu with lxde. a script need to be placed in /etc/xdg/lxsesstion/Lubuntu/autostart,as below: <qingluo> @lxterminal --geometry=115x26 -e startupwork.sh <qingluo> and startupwork.sh will mount some devices. but i dont wanna get pcmanfm to notice me device mounted with a window.so i set auto_mount to 0 in /home/linaro/.config/pcmanfm/lubuntu/pcmanfm.conf,it works when i run startupwork.sh by myself. while it doesnt work when it auto run from autostart file. how can i do? <R0b0t1> Hi, I've got a weird issue with nested desktops. <semitones> hello! <semitones> whenever i login, I get a "system policy prevents changing wireless networks" message or similar. What can I do to login to wifi networks without having to put in my password? <holstein> semitones: well, you can always just authenticate each time.. but let me find the link i used.. <semitones> holstein, thanks! It's more a ease-of-use improvement... no other OS I use asks for a password before connecting to wifi <holstein> well, its no "improvement" at all.. its a change <holstein> semitones: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6214179/ is what i did, though, i cant find my original source <semitones> it makes it easier for me to use, so I consider it an improvement. But there are cases where it might be better to ask the password before connecting to wifi, so I see what you mean, i think? <holstein> semitones: consider it what you like, but its no improvement, friend.. its a preference <holstein> semitones: the above change is the way i chagne that.. i suggest to the developers of a few distros about how to change that, and why i think its more "proper".. but, its no improvment.. its a change <holstein> semitones: i just did it on this machine, because i hadnt gotten around to changing it yet :) <semitones> lol :) yeah that's true. It's just a change, but it's what works best for me. <andreiiar> Hello. I fire this in one go. I want a portable lubuntu on my usb stick 16GB. Problem is persistence is max 4gb with the install tools. I tried to install normally but I had problems switching from my laptop to a normal screen monitor. I fixed the resolution problem but it started not working on other computers after 2 days. Is there some script to detect my hardware at every boot like persitence <andreiiar> installs does? <phillw> andreiiar: you could partition up the 8 GB as ext4 and then have it automounted via fstab and call it "docs" or "my stuff" to store all 'your stuff' in ? <melodie> hi <phillw> hi melodie <melodie> hello phillw! <melodie> how are you? :) <phillw> I'm well, getting prepped for tomorrow :) <melodie> prepared? <phillw> yes. <melodie> I am being doing special tests with zram in my ubuntu openbox remix updated, in virtualbox, and I have already uploaded a series of screenshots <melodie> phillw I don't know yet how to deal with the blueprint place, you will need to explain that to me as soon as possible <melodie> not now though :) <phillw> melodie: I updated bug 1235525 <ubottu> bug 1235525 in linux (Ubuntu Saucy) "error on sudo parted -l" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1235525 <melodie> phillw yes? I have not followed that one bug, just saw a mail about it on the ml <phillw> melodie: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1235525/comments/11 <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 1235525 in linux (Ubuntu Saucy) "error on sudo parted -l" [Medium,Confirmed] <melodie> phillw ok, "parted -l" man: <melodie> -l, --list <melodie> lists partition layout on all block devices <melodie> I see <melodie> of course it's only a block device <phillw> so, it is a phantom bug, parted is doing exactly as it should. <phillw> it could never partition up a zram area! <melodie> lol <melodie> phillw … <melodie> rotfl! <melodie> it's not a bug. (me nods). it's a feature ! :D <phillw> indeed... it just dawned on me when I was thinking of something else... <melodie> :'-D <phillw> I just hope Joe also accepts it was a case of not being able to see the forest for the trees. <melodie> :) <melodie> phillw https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1235525/comments/12 <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 1235525 in linux (Ubuntu Saucy) "error on sudo parted -l" [Medium,Confirmed] <melodie> good night <mapps> hi guys - im trying to booty off a live cd on an old machine..tried lubuntu so far and it just goes to a command prompt..i guess some issue with the gfx drivers? <Unit193> Try adding nomodeset to the boot options. <Unit193> !nomodeset <ubottu> A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter <mapps> aha <mapps> Thanks pal <Unit193> Sure. <mapps> i dont get a black screen but it goes to command could be same? <mapps> damn annoying <Unit193> You should try running startlubuntu there, or sudo service lightdm start <mapps> one more thing..it wouldnt make a difference using lubuntu or xubuntu/ubuntu would it? i assume all would be same due to gfx issue <mapps> aha will try everything..thanks <mapps> ah just stops on a blinking cursor afters service lightdm start #lubuntu 2013-10-10 <R0b0t1> Hi how do I automate the swapping of capslock and escape <R0b0t1> I can set it as an option but it does not persist <R0b0t1> I know how to add an autorun entry, but, what command should I look for? <ianorlin> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Keyboard this help any <Micky> Hi all <Micky> I have a problem with Lubuntu 12.04 <Micky> It try to start but halt during loading Apache web server <Micky> it isn't locked because I'm able to interact with it by keyboard <Micky> what could be ? <leszek> hi <gnarh> Hello everybody. I've got a strange audio-related problem. All sound I record with my mic is "stretched" in length to about twice the duration. As a result when I record my voice it sounds awfully deep. Also when I record 10 seconds of audio I get 20 seconds of audio file. I suspect there is something wrong with the sampling rate but I have no real idea as where to start. This is the first time I tried lubuntu (12.04.3 LTS). I've been using ubu <holstein> gnarh: i would look at what you are using to track it, and what you are tracking to (wav, mp3, ogg) and what you are playing back as <holstein> i would record a simple ogg, and play it back with something like vlc <wxl> for that matter, use arecord <holstein> its not likely that the "mic" is stretched, but more likely, the file playback or creation <wxl> if a record works, it's a problem with the settings in whatever software you're using <wxl> try arecord --duration=10 <wxl> you can then use soxi (doesn't come with lubuntu standard) to check the duration <gnarh> holstein, wxl: I just downloaded an audio file. It plays nicely with mplayer. I can hear all incoming audio (like from skype) just fine. I recorded a bit with audacity and the pitch and time shifting only takes place when I record something. I try arecord in a bit. <holstein> gnarh: its more likely the way you are using audacity to create a file, or playback <gnarh> holstein: Perhaps. The same problem occurs in skype, too. <holstein> gnarh: you said "i can hear all incoming aduio fine (like from skype)" which made me think there is not problem with it <holstein> gnarh: what is the problem with skype? <gnarh> I did the test call. I can hear the voice from the lady just fine. But when I hear my voice transmitted back its all deep and slow. Slower then I actually spoke. <holstein> gnarh: what audio device? <gnarh> holstein: It's the default setup <holstein> gnarh: sure.. with what hardware? <gnarh> lspci says: Multimedia audio controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] IXP SB400 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02) <gnarh> holstein: lshw says: (in addition to the above) Width: 32 bits <gnarh> clock: 66MHz <gnarh> capabilties: bus_master cap_list <gnarh> configuration: driver=snd_atiixp latency=64 mingnt=2 <gnarh> Ressources: irq:17 memory:fe02a000-fe02a0ff <holstein> gnarh: what would i do? i would load up either a fresh user, or a few live CD's and test <holstein> i would try and leave it as generic as possible.. i would want 16bit <knome> any lubuntu testers around? :) <wxl> knome: been there, done that, bought the t-shirt <gnarh> thanks holstein. I try with a new user or a live cd. when I use arecord --duration=10 test.wav it records for about 7 seconds (I used a stopwatch) and then I end up with a file that is 10 seconds long. <wxl> gnarh: you don't have pulseaudio running do you? <Unit193> knome: Want me to !ask you? <knome> Unit193, please. <phillw> knome: present :) <knome> we need somebody to test if https://launchpad.net/~micahg/+archive/patch-test/+packages works for you in saucy <knome> eg. doesn't break anything <wxl> ew xfce * wxl runs away <knome> yeah, that's a productive attitude <phillw> knome: he was jesting! <wxl> /set humour on <Unit193> knome: It doesn't have the full stack yet. <phillw> knome: do you want it dropping into an updated saucy? <knome> Unit193, no. <gnarh> wxl: I didn't start it manually. It's the default set up. unfortunately I can't pipe, because the keyboard doesn't fature the key. But a quick browse through ps -ax revealed nothing pulse related. <wxl> gnarh: which version of audacity are you using? and assumedly you downloaded skype the skype website itself? <gnarh> Version: 2.0.0-1ubuntu0.1 <gnarh> I downloaded skype via the canonical partners repo. its <phillw> knome: I'll be back at 22:00 UTC, hopefully the RC's should all be available by then and I'll be updating my ISO's. If you'd like it dropping into my 13.10 VM to test, give me a ping as to what you need checking and I'll do some testing for you. Regards, Phill. <gnarh> wxl: stand by a minute. i'll start a guest session and try arecord from there; as holstein suggested. <knome> phillw, basically test that anything using it doesn't break (apt-cache rdepends libfce4ui-1-0) <gnarh> wxl, holstein: It's the same. I did arecord --duration=20. The recording stopped after 13 seconds. But the file played back with aplay exactly 20 seconds. <wxl> gnarh: irrelevant. the question is to check audacity and skype <holstein> gnarh: sounds like its going to be hardwrae related.. i would record something forcing 16bit <Unit193> phillw: Should be just the power manager and xfce4-notifyd that need checked. <Unit193> (Little notification bubbles.) <gnarh> wxl: What do you want me to look for in particular? holstein: would a "arecord -f cd" suffice or do I need to do something in specific in order to do that? * ianorlin wonders what would happen if you played the file on another computer if there is one avialable <wxl> gnarh: holstein was suggesting you get into livecd/guest and check audacity/skype <wxl> ianorlin: i'm pretty sure the issue isn't playback or even native recording <phillw> Unit193: knome okies, I'm just zsyning up the DE amd64 ISO. <ianorlin> ok <gnarh> ianorlin: I also played back a file I downloaded. It was just fine. <gnarh> wxl: Oh; that's what he meant. Okay. I compare the standard settings. <wxl> gnarh: do the exact process over <holstein> gnarh: i would literally test ever angle of this til i get a file that is the correct/expected size/pitch <wxl> off to lunch * wxl hands the baton to holstein <gnarh> thanks wxl for your help. Enjoy your meal <gnarh> holstein: so far the settings of audacity seem the same as they are in the guest account. <gnarh> Perhaps it's useful to try a different audio hardware? <gnarh> holstein: I tried a few other devices in the settings of audacity and one of them worked. I switched from "default: MIc0" to "<device> (hw 0,0)". Something similar works with skype. <gnarh> Thank you so much for your effort. And my best regards to wxl. <phillw> Unit193: I've looked at https://launchpad.net/~micahg/+archive/patch-test/+packages but cannot find the ppa name that I need to add via https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/PPA_Testing#How_to_Install_a_ppa_.28aka_Adding.29 which is the only way I'm familiar with. <Unit193> micahg/patch-test <knome> right. <knome> :) <ampw> netflix working on lubuntu? <wxl> !netflix <ubottu> If you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop <wxl> ↑ ampw <wxl> use at your own risk <ampw> thx brah will do <wxl> word, homes <ampw> word <ampw> wxl are you on lubuntu atm? <wxl> ampw: nope. kubuntu at work. <ampw> wxl: oh very nice, i like that distro too. Its light as well i think <ampw> i really like lubuntu but the bugs for me are ridiculous <wxl> ampw: meh, kinda sorta. it's not lubuntu. <wxl> ampw: EVERYTHING is buggy. i judge things more on how useful they are and how good the support is. my experience with lubuntu is the support is fabulous. except Unit193. he's a big meany. * wxl starts rumours <ampw> wxl: he must be cray yo, what do you mean useful? <Unit193> >_> <ampw> hi unit193 <wxl> ampw: i like lubuntu because it IS lightweight unlike other distros that claim to be. yet it is not so lightweight that you can't do anything with it. i run a very funky lubuntu at home that's essentially an audio workstation. i use repos from kxstudio and related projects. so the end result is BIG but the reason why it works is because the base OS (lubuntu) doesn't take up much space. <wxl> ampw: and i'll drive home the point again that support here is really, really good. there's lots of very friendly, knowledgeable people around. i'm lying about Unit193. he's one of the good guys. <Unit193> Eh, so-so at best. ;) <wxl> ampw: heck, i even use lxterminal in kubuntu :) <ampw> i see! #lubuntu 2013-10-11 <gnome-power93> How do I completely disable the laptop lid functions so it "does nothing" when the lid is closed? <gnome-power93> Using Lubuntu 10.04 and I can't see a "do nothing" option in the power manager. <holstein> !10.04 <ubottu> Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details. <gnome-power93> OK, lets reshape this question.... <holstein> gnome-power93: sometimes, it can be a bad idea, since air gets pulled in from the keyboard.. i currently have a machine that the lid closes on and it doesnt sleep <phillw> gnome-power93: 10.04 was not even an adopted system into the canonical family <gnome-power93> How do I use gconftool to enable "do nothing" when lid is closed? <holstein> gnome-power93: i didnt.. i just chose it in a supported version of ubuntu <holstein> gnome-power93: you can always try a supported version live, and see if it fits your needs, and has the features you seek <gnome-power93> it's a real pain to install because this tablet has no cd and won't boot from usb, so i really want to stick with 10.04 which is already installed <holstein> gnome-power93: you can.. but, the support for it has ended.. so, you'll need to support it on your own <phillw> gnome-power93: how did you manage to get it installed in the 1st case? <gnome-power93> phillw: using a lot of trickery with sd card, ide adapter, usb ports and 2 PCs ;- ) <gnome-power93> It's working fine now, just need to disable the lid so I can access tablet mode <gnome-power93> I found this command: <gnome-power93> gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/gnome-power-manager/buttons/lid_ac "nothing" <gnome-power93> I modded the code slightly so hope it works... testing... <gnome-power93> awesome..it works on AC <phillw> gnome-power93: as holstein said, do have a look as to if it will support the new version. If it can support 13.10 which is now in Release Candidate testing you have a very good chance of catching the next LTS. If your machine can only support the elder chip sets, we do keep the download there, but cannot support it. <gnome-power> Hey, i'm back <gnome-power> I managed to enable "do nothing" when lid is closed. Works fine now. <gnome-power> the gconftool did the trick. I'm also using "onboard" for on-screen keyboard in tablet mode. <R0b0t1`> Hi, I have this issue where I have like nested desktops <holstein> R0b0t1`: you have a screenshot? or a picture? <R0b0t1`> sec <R0b0t1`> holstein: http://i.imgur.com/KuNThRK.jpg <R0b0t1`> note my mouse is trying to draw past that <R0b0t1`> I can't select on the area outside of that, either <holstein> i would just reset.. try using arandr <R0b0t1`> I did <holstein> try going to one monitor and get things "normal", then go from there with arandr <holstein> R0b0t1`: you did what? <R0b0t1`> ah, fixed <phillw> R0b0t1`: ànd how did you fix it? <R0b0t1`> phillw, set to one screen with arandr. Which is funny, because I did pretty much the same thing earlier, but to no benefit <phillw> R0b0t1`: multi screens are somewhat of a dark art. I had no issues with lxrandr on my presentation, but installed arandr JIC. As with things in linux... try a couple of variants out and then you will stick with the one that does everything you need.... until it doesn't :D <R0b0t1`> Mhmm <R0b0t1`> :p <phillw> having a plan 'B' is always good. sometimes you need the external device to be connected when you boot up, other times you do not... <andreiiar> Hello. I have live disk and want to skip the startupmenu as I dont ever want to install and alwyas use english. How do I do that? <rcman> so.. for this stuff .. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Touchpad_Synaptics <rcman> what is the correct way to turn RBCornerButton off? <jared> Just upgraded my Lubuntu VM to 13.10 - shiny. <phillw> jared: it's nice, isn't it :) #lubuntu 2013-10-12 <newLubuntu> Salut <newLubuntu> jHello I'm new in Lubuntu. When I'm doing apt-get irssi for example It doesn't find the package. I guess I need to change my sources or something else ? <Myrtti> sudo apt-get install irssi? <Unit193> It'd be sudo apt-get install irssi and if it doesn't find it, then most likely it's an sudo apt-get update you need. <newLubuntu> in my question I said that I'm doing apt-get install :D <newLubuntu> I will try apt-get update thanks <newLubuntu> Ah yes it's working ^^ <pAt_> you didn't newLubuntu, read your question again ;) <newLubuntu> ah yes I didn't write install ^^ <pjotr> Hello, I have a question about the merging of translations for Lubuntu Saucy. <pjotr> The Dutch translations for the Ubiquity slideshow of Lubuntu Saucy, aren't complete yet in today's daily build. Although I completed them some weeks ago on Launchpad. <pjotr> Will they be merged before the final edition of Saucy? <pjotr> Unit193: maybe you can shed some light on this? <Unit193> pjotr: There was an upload just "yesterday", you informed knome and he found the right person. This should have fixed it for both that and Lubuntu. <Unit193> 10-12 doesn't have it <Unit193> ? <Unit193> Yeah, there are no builds for today, I'd check back soon when http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/20131012/ fills up. <pjotr> Unit193: OK, thanks.... I downloaded the Lubuntu daily build an hour ago, and indeed it's the build of yesterday.... <pjotr> I'll try today's builds of both Lubuntu and Xubuntu, as soon as they are available <Unit193> You'll be able to simply rsync or zsync them up, then. <pjotr> Another thing: I can't find the place where I can translate lxsession-default-apps <pjotr> It's not upstream at LXDE (where I am a translator as well), nor at Launchpad <pjotr> Do you know where I can translate it? <Unit193> Are you sure you can? <pjotr> Unit193: what do you mean? <Unit193> It's part of the lxsession source. <pjotr> Well, it's not translatable upstream. lxsession is fully translated into Dutch: http://pootle.lxde.org/nl/ <pjotr> Weird that the strings for lxsession-default-apps don't show up there.... * Unit193 doesn't know, only knows English so translations escape him. <pjotr> :P <Unit193> (Xubuntu daily is up, Lubuntu to follow.) <pjotr> I gave the link just to show the 100 % status.... :-) <pjotr> Maybe I should contact the LXDE devs about lxsession-default-apps? <Unit193> I have no idea. <pjotr> About the daily builds: thanks. I'll try them today and will report back both here and at xubuntu-dev <melodie> hello <melodie> does someone have in mind how much space disk is required to install lubuntu saucy testing? <melodie> here it says how much ram but not how much disk space: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/saucy/beta-1/ <holstein> melodie: i would want 5gb's or so, to test what im interested in testing <melodie> hi holstein ! <melodie> thanks <holstein> melodie: what are you dealing with? space-wise? <melodie> would you also happen to know how long the lubuntu saucy version is meant to last? <holstein> melodie: AFAIK, they follow the normal support cycles.. 9 months support <melodie> I am partitioning to make space for lubuntu in a 37 GB hard drive where there is already a Debian, an Ubuntu Openbox Remix and all were on primary partitions (and the swap partition and one home partition... ) <melodie> 9 months is not much <melodie> when will there be a LTS for Lubuntu? <holstein> melodie: you are always welcome to, and encouraged to support it as long as you like <holstein> melodie: lubuntu *is* ubuntu, though, they have not had an official LTS for a while.. i read that 14.04 lubuntu is planned to be an LTS <melodie> it's not as simple, if we want new versions for pcmanfm, lxpanel, or else, we would need to rely on ppa if they exist <holstein> melodie: you can always build what you want <melodie> oh oh ! 14.04 \o/ <melodie> holstein yes, but I'm not keen on packaging and there are other things I take care of :) <holstein> melodie: then, a non-rolling release distro like all the ubuntu's are may not fit your needs <melodie> it's not for my needs, I am an archlinux user, I contribute to Ubuntu because I prefer installing ubuntu to non tech user's machines <melodie> well, I happen once a while to reboot to ubuntu for my needs, but seldom : only when archlinux has broken my printing abilities, and until it is fixed ;) <holstein> melodie: then, you know that it will meet the needs of those users.. you would install an LTS release for them <holstein> xubuntu 12.04 is LTS.. ubuntu 12.04 is LTS, and you can add lxde and end up with bascially lubuntu. <melodie> yes, but I did a mistake for two or three of them, installed the lubuntu 12.04 thinking it was an LTS, and learned later it was not <melodie> yes you can, however the trick is in the version for the main programs : lxappearance, pcmanfm, and so on... <melodie> holstein are you a developer? <holstein> melodie: there is no trick.. the versions, like with all ubuntu's are "frozen".. if you need a newer version, you use a PPA as you mentioned, or add what you need manually <melodie> yes sure :) <holstein> melodie: the "feature" of non-rolling releases is that the versions dont change <holstein> melodie: if you prefer a differnt model, that is fine, but you cant have both <melodie> replace "trick" by "the point is" and you get the idea I was willing to express <holstein> melodie: i am not a code contributor <melodie> earlier in the year it has been told about a rolling release ubuntu project on the dev mailing lists, I'm looking forward to see this come up <melodie> ok <melodie> I have installed htop in the Live USB Lubuntu Saucy testing and when I launch it from the menus, it only starts the lxterminal console <melodie> I don't understand why, I checked the htop.desktop file and it is correct <pjotr> Unit193: the translation of the Ubiquity slideshow in both Lubuntu and Xubuntu has been fixed in today's daily builds. I just checked it. :-) <Unit193> Yeppers. <plusEV> Hi guys, I am missing sound on Lubuntu 13.04 <plusEV> Can anyone help with that? <melodie> plusEV what did you try so far? <plusEV> melodie: not much. configured my system but not the sound. This is a new install. <melodie> then what about starting to install what is missing? <melodie> alsa-oss if you want to use alsa, and some gstreamer codecs <melodie> and fluendo-mp3 ... <phillw> one of the easiest things to install is the lubuntu-restricted-extras package. That has a lot of the stuff we cannot ship on the default ISO <plusEV> I juste read on google I might be using sound through my hdmi <plusEV> I will try that fix first <phillw> I've had it reported that the 'easy' way is not working for some, so either use LSC of the command line at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats <plusEV> will try a reboot <melodie> phillw hi! <melodie> while I'm here, how do people restart alsa when they don't use pa and need to restart the sound daemon or whatever replaces it? <phillw> hi melodie I have been follwing the emails :) <melodie> oh great! <melodie> :) <melodie> I have started uploading some screenshots <melodie> for two dfi <thehodapp> test <melodie> no for three different installs yet <melodie> hi thehodapp what do you test? <phillw> melodie, I have no problems with alsa, however If you'd like to have a read through, I found this ... http://forums.bodhilinux.com/index.php?/topic/3800-solved-how-does-a-user-restart-alsa-without-rebooting/ <melodie> ok phillw thanks <melodie> it must be "sudo alsa force-reload" <phillw> melodie, I only found a link with highly sort [SOLVED] tag, it is for you to read it :P <melodie> I have seen the one above command in your link and also in an "askquesionsubuntu" forum thread not so long ago in fact <melodie> phillw may I ask you a question? <melodie> I mean are you still around and a little available? <phillw> melodie, I'm always lurking some where.. If you do get a reply, try out the contacts at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw :) <melodie> aha <phillw> *do NOT get* <melodie> phillw you have pointed me to the blueprint place for the one lubuntu which is about to spread out <phillw> I gave you the one for zram <melodie> for the concern I have with zram and sysctl.conf wouldn't it be more interesting to head up to the blueprint place for 14.04 ? <phillw> that is why there is a blueprint :) <melodie> I'm not yet sure about how zram and the swappiness may interfere one with the other <melodie> what I know for sure is that in a quite strong machine p4 dual core 2.8 Ghz and 3 GB ram it was lagging, which should not, but it was not lagging anymore a lot after reconfiguring sysctl.conf and adding the swappiness values <phillw> melodie, nor do I... I'm just a tester. I'd never looked at zram before the bug arose. I knew lubuntu had used a particular config file; but that was all. <melodie> I am not sure how I have to use this place: is that as <melodie> can you help me to get started with this blueprint place ? <melodie> do I need to use the email as in a mailing list? <phillw> melodie, if you head over to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/lubuntu-brainstorming/+spec/zram-config and sign on, you will see my comment and be able to update comments on the white board area. <melodie> I look immediatly <melodie> I see: "Whiteboard <melodie> Hello Melodie" <melodie> do I need to click to "Edit whiteboard" ? <phillw> yup ! So now add your findings using the edit :) <melodie> ok thank you <melodie> :) <melodie> now I'll install virtualbox in Lubuntu Saucy just installed and if I can get it, I'll install again, but with very little RAM available <phillw> I'm still a learner for that area. Our Head of Dev set it up so that people could make proposals for 14.04 and them not get lost in the fog of emails. One idea == one blueprint. <melodie> yes <melodie> I can understand that <melodie> I am thinking how I can tweak the zram setup from within a live, it's quite easy <melodie> I can do my changes and then from there just restart the zram-config service <melodie> but for the swappiness that would be another story, I have no idea if I can have it changed on the fly <melodie> here are the screenshots I've taken so far: http://meets.free.fr/Downloads/LubuntuSaucyTesting <phillw> melodie, the idea behind a whiteboard, is that things can be discussed; and wiped clean as the converstation goes. Only when completed can it become a blueprint :) <phillw> Rather than delete things, they just need marking as "tried this and it didn't work" etc. This stops people running the same tests over again :) <melodie> phillw yes, I can understand <melodie> now I can test, I have all the tools I need to test separately each item <melodie> the command line I was looking for is an echo 'value' to /proc/sys/vm/swappiness (as root) <phillw> melodie, excellent, I look forward to the comments on there :) <melodie> ^^ <phillw> melodie, for that, you will have to ask the 'clever' people :) <melodie> I always ask the clever people when in need. <phillw> melodie, for zram... I'm not one of them! Nor am i for many other areas! <phillw> melodie, you can always accept it :D <melodie> phillw it's quite late here and I also had to solve an issue for the linuxvillage website management <melodie> http://linuxvillage.org <melodie> now I want to install lubuntu saucy to virtualbox into lubuntu saucy :D <melodie> for zram, once I wondered why it was still in the staging directory <phillw> melodie, I'm still on the hunt for a WP savvy person. <melodie> so I went to the compcache ml <melodie> phillw I'm your person <melodie> what do you need? <melodie> well if I'm not saavy enough I will tell you <melodie> come to #linuxvillage to talk about it? <phillw> melodie, http://ubuntugnome.org/ needs the page updating, but from what I read, it is a static home page that cannot be easily updated. I'm hoping you know other wise. <melodie> it's not a static page <melodie> it's not even configured as a home page, the website is configured as a blog, not as a content management with a static home page <melodie> you need to update the engine <phillw> which engine? <melodie> for this you do a copy of the whole content by ftp or by a cpanel if any, then a full backup of the database in a compressed / archived shape (in phpmyadmin you need to select the advanced mode to get to it) <melodie> the wordpress content management system <melodie> do I continue explaining? <phillw> melodie, would you /j #ubuntu-gnome it is that team who need the help. <melodie> then you do a full backup from within the admin board to get a xml file <melodie> the team is welcome at #linuxvillage <melodie> I'm not going to spread now <melodie> or you can point to hte codex and forums for them <phillw> okies, I'll just hope their admin for the WP gets well soon, I've done as much as I can and whilst being an admin I have no experience of WP :( <melodie> believe me: all it takes is backup everything, then there are mainly three files to keep : that's to say one directory and two files <melodie> you keep the wp-content, the .htaccess and the wp-config.php <melodie> once all is backed up you will remove all the rest in the remote website <melodie> and once done you upload the new content: <melodie> don't mistake, be inside the wordpress directory before starting the upload <melodie> because you must replace the wp-admin and the wp-includes and re-upload the other files <melodie> before removing you can de activate all plugins <melodie> you will re activate them once the job done <phillw> melodie, I've contacted the TL for ubuntu-gnome. That is as much as I can do. <melodie> there is one trick I use: <melodie> in the wordpress directory content which I will upload <melodie> I always remove the readme and in the wp-admin the install.php <melodie> TL ? who is TL ? <melodie> team leader? <phillw> melodie, I do not even know where the area is hosted. Remember one thing.... I'm a tester, not a dev :D darkxst is the TL (Team Leader) and is currently AFK (Away From Keyboard) <melodie> phillw <melodie> $ ping ubuntugnome.org <melodie> 64 bytes from citrusnobilis.canonical.com ( <melodie> you have part of the answer <melodie> now a "whois" should tell you the rest <phillw> melodie, if it is part of canonical.com then it is set up by the IS people, your suggestion would need a support ticket raising. So, I'll leave the answer to darkxst to follow up. All I agreed to do was to try and update http://ubuntugnome.org/ :D <melodie> do you have the ftp access? <melodie> and the access to the admin board? <melodie> you need both to do a good job <phillw> not to canonical.com :) <phillw> melodie, this is what I see in the AP http://imagebin.org/273534 <melodie> ok, first go to the menu "Tools" on the left <melodie> and do an export <phillw> done <melodie> full export, authors pages posts.. <melodie> ok <melodie> keep it aside in a special "BackupUbuntuGnome" directory <phillw> I selected Choose what to export <phillw> All content <melodie> after that don't deactivate the plugins at once <melodie> yes, this is right <melodie> after that don't deactivate the plugins at once <melodie> but start the ftp client and login to the website by ftp <phillw> give me 5 mins... <melodie> you need to have the access to the files <phillw> i need a nicotine enhancement :) <melodie> arrrrght <melodie> berk, bad for your happiness! <phillw> melodie, start what ftp client? <melodie> do you have one installed? If not what about Filezilla? <melodie> do you have the identifiers for the connexion? <melodie> you need a login and a password to access with the ftp protocol <melodie> and the adress of the ftp of course <phillw> melodie, funny you should say that, just installing it. Do remember that I'm running a clean install of 13.10 on my hardware and have not yet installed all the tools that I usually have :) <phillw> melodie, so, login and password for the site, please? <melodie> how would I know? <melodie> this is a secret hold only by the administrator <phillw> makes two of us... and I doubt canonical are going to give it me! <melodie> ask the one who asked you to take care of the update <melodie> you see, you have part of the backup only <melodie> if you happen to update the website from within the admin board and screws it, you will have no mean to restore it <phillw> So, from what you say; it is not possible for any admin to update the page at http://ubuntugnome.org/ which is rather odd, as Ali managed to do it. <melodie> this is not an update <melodie> this is an edition <melodie> yes, you can edit <melodie> go to : <melodie> Posts <melodie> and look for the post you want to change <melodie> tell the people administrating this website that it needs to be updated! <melodie> the version is 3.5.2 and the latest available is 3.6.x <phillw> melodie, and, you, are a star! http://ubuntugnome.org/ (please proof read it! ) <melodie> so you have been able to edit the post? <phillw> have a look :D <melodie> I have, but I had not read formerly, just looked vaguely at the page <melodie> what about a wordpress of your's to put the hand in it? <melodie> http://phillw.wordpress.com is waiting for you! <phillw> melodie, I have http://phillw.net/ I do not blog, and still have my legacy forum area. I've enough to keep up with everyone else! <melodie> http://phillw.net/isos/ <melodie> humm <melodie> I have not added a new post since some time on my wordpress blog: http://meylodie.wordpress.com/ <melodie> testing lubuntu saucy zsynced tonight in a vbox in lubuntu testing installed just before, <melodie> I could not even do a simple apt-get update with the vbox setup with 256 mb ram <melodie> it got stucked <melodie> I have rebooted with 386 Mb ram and now installed htop inside #lubuntu 2013-10-13 <phillw> melodie, for the RC's we no longer use virtual machines. The push now is to check the installer on as many different pieces of hard ware as possible. <phillw> melodie, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Overview/TheStages <melodie> I can't test on machines with low ram because I don't have any low ram machine anymore <phillw> melodie, then test installer to death! there are several scenarios for each of our ISO's; each has a set of tests. it is the installer we are now testing; lubuntu works. <melodie> yes phillw I test the installer and add comments in a text file, and make screenshots <phillw> melodie, it needs installing onto hard disk, and then check it can re-install side-by-side etc. I have all this to look forward to on Monday when I get back home :) <melodie> and then check it can re-install side-by-side ? what does that mean? <melodie> I have installed to hard disk <melodie> all the pics of the install time are here: <melodie> http://meets.free.fr/Downloads/LubuntuSaucyTesting/lubuntu/ <melodie> I have described the machine in my posts on the mailing list today <phillw> melodie, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/305/builds/55588/testcases <melodie> if the swappiness is not under control (the default in the system is 60 and for vfs_cache_pressure the default is 100) then it swaps like a mad program <phillw> all of these test cases must be run <melodie> I am using a 32bits iso <melodie> for the real install I can fill only the manual partitionning <melodie> I have a Debian install and a Ubuntu Openbox install in the same hard drive <phillw> melodie, we have zram under control. you have been advised for the blueprint for 14.04 LTS. No changes will be made at this point for zram unless it were to become a critical bug that stopped the actual installation of lubuntu (or any other flavour) <melodie> for the install in vbox I'm doing, I want to bring serious clues to my previous statements regarding swappiness and zram, be it for the one coming or for the next <melodie> I test both separately because it might not be related <phillw> melodie, which part of "we are not using virtual machines" for RC have you not read :D <melodie> I have read <melodie> I just don't have many machines in which I can test <phillw> then stop using them :) <melodie> so I have installed previously in a real T30 <melodie> now I installed to a real P4 Dell <melodie> I have reported for both in the mailing list <melodie> well at least my findings <melodie> I can report to your test case for 32bits but not for 64bits because I always used 32bits iso <melodie> and I can report only about manual partitionning because I am a multibootist: I have only machines with several distros in them <melodie> <phillw> melodie, which part of "we are not using virtual machines" for RC have you not read :D // I want to find out how it behaves on low ram regarding swappiness and I can't change 1 GB on the T30 for 256MB ram or 386 MB ram because I don't have the hardware for that <melodie> I am a very small contributor, and even if I regret it, I also wish to test what I am most interested in while in the energy of testing. <phillw> melodie, create up a extended partiton and point the installer to use it. I use virtual volumes for my testing, but at this point I do use the standard partition system to install the RC onto. <melodie> on the Dell P4 I have installed to an extended partition <melodie> is that ok for you? <phillw> melodie, the issues of zram / swappiness are not important for 13.10. what is important is "does 13.10 install onto actual machines (not VM's)" <melodie> I have prepared space from 4 partitions which were primary. I have deleted the swap partition and resized the others, then moved them to the left, then did an extended, in which I redid a swap partition and the last one an ext4 for Lubuntu <melodie> I have updated and installed virtualbox : I am happy to say vbox works well in Lubuntu Saucy! <phillw> melodie, then find the best test case that you can run; and run it! <melodie> the boot loader has setup itself to allow me to boot to lubuntu, to Debian and to ubuntu openbox <melodie> yes, you pointed me to the 64bits <melodie> Testcases for Lubuntu Desktop amd64 in Saucy Daily <melodie> where is the 32bits please? <phillw> I've had 13.10 running on my hardware since alpha 1. I've now to scrub my backup partition and tell 13.10 installer to use it. <melodie> where is the 32bits test case? <phillw> melodie, the sources, and test cases are help on the tracker http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/305/builds <phillw> *held* <melodie> are help? o_o <melodie> oh ok :) <melodie> http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/305/builds/55590/testcases // Ok <phillw> Ohhh... small hairy spherical objects... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1220165 <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 1220165 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Error informing the kernel about modificatons" [High,Confirmed] <melodie> phillw here is a test case for you! http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/305/builds/55590/testcases/1302/results <melodie> hope you like it <melodie> http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/305/builds/55590/testcases/1302/results <melodie> it didn't like my first submit because I wrote "none" instead of "0" <melodie> now it's ok <melodie> phillw maybe tomorrow evening I could retry installing the final to the T30 on top of the former one <melodie> it will still be with manual partitionning, I can't afford to remove the other installs <phillw> melodie, the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1220165 is a potentially critical bug. I had a sneaky feeling it would come back and bite. Do keep an eye on it when you do the install. <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 1220165 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Error informing the kernel about modificatons" [High,Confirmed] <melodie> phillw but that's powerpc <melodie> "When installing the desktop powerpc image, the installer comes up with an error message:" <melodie> this is a hardware which is different from usual PC's <melodie> at least I never met with this so far (and I alway press escape to see the scrolling of the messages of the boot, because I want to see if there are errors or warnings) <melodie> so be it at boot time or during install I would have noticed any unusual message <phillw> melodie, they are apple machines <melodie> yes I know that <melodie> good night <Etha> hey i have a problem with changing my brightness <Etha> im running lubuntu on a samsung nc110 netbook <Etha> i have looked online and tried every solution i could find <Etha> when i press "fn + up/down" i get a brightness change indicator window that pops up <Etha> and the brightness bar graphic slides left and right, but my screen stays the same brightness <Etha> can anyone help me with this? <IAmNotThatGuy> Etha, your laptop model ? <IAmNotThatGuy> Aww sorry.. Missed that... gimme a minute <Etha> my laptop model is NC110 <Etha> its a samsung netbook :) <IAmNotThatGuy> It seems like the solution is the same which I applied for my HP... But not sure whether it will work or not. Do you see the boot menu every time you restart ? <IAmNotThatGuy> If yes, I want you to edit the Ubuntu 13.04 * by pressing "E" and replace quiet splash with acpi_backlight=vendor <IAmNotThatGuy> Etha, can you just try that and get back? <Etha> uhh yeah when I boot i see a menu with boot options <Etha> im not sure i understand what you mean by editing ubuntu 13.04 <IAmNotThatGuy> Ok... So, you click enter in the first option I believe.. Then, click E by keeping the first option selected <Etha> alright i think im in the right place <Etha> i cant see "quiet splash" though <IAmNotThatGuy> Ok.. you have the line vmlinuz ? <IAmNotThatGuy> I think it is the last line or the one before it with UUID and other details <Etha> my last line is initrd, and the one before that is <Etha> fi <Etha> linux <IAmNotThatGuy> Okay.,.. do you see something like /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-29-generic-pae root=UUID=b1834d50-6d96-4c36-9e52-05cfbeeab5c6 ro ? <Etha> no sorry, maybe i should do a reinstall first, the other sollutions ive tried might have messed some things up <IAmNotThatGuy> ah no <IAmNotThatGuy> wait... <IAmNotThatGuy> check whether http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1967074&s=dfa95e8321005aaed5ef03c8c68d2cb5&p=11882705#post11882705 helps <IAmNotThatGuy> keep the re-installing as the laast option. try available solutions in the internet <Etha> oh ive already started :/ <Etha> its no biggy, i only just installed it anyway <Etha> im dual booting win7 <IAmNotThatGuy> ok <Etha> hey it worked! <Etha> i replaced the line with the one you said <IAmNotThatGuy> nice <Etha> brightness controls work perfectly now <Etha> thanks man :3 <IAmNotThatGuy> now, you have to set it by defauly <IAmNotThatGuy> default* or else you have to edit everytime you login <IAmNotThatGuy> follow #9 in the link thAt I sent earlier <Etha> alright ill give that a go <IAmNotThatGuy> okies :] <Etha> I followed it but it doesn't seem to work <Etha> grub has been edited correctly but the brightness controls don't function <IAmNotThatGuy> Aww <IAmNotThatGuy> try to view the grub again and check whether it is reflected during boot <Etha> but it definately works when i edit the line in boot <Etha> alright <Etha> when editing grub should i replace quietsplash instead? <Etha> because the post i followed said to add acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=vendor to annother line <Etha> leaving quietsplash alone <IAmNotThatGuy> oh... I usually remove it ;D <IAmNotThatGuy> brb <Etha> oh damn <Etha> i tried replacing quiet splash <Etha> now my keyboard doesnt work <Etha> wait, fixed it! <ianorlin> how? <Etha> just had to remove the entire quiet splash line all together <pjotr> Hello, I noticed a bug in Lubuntu Saucy: power manager isn't started automatically on my laptop. I checked the settings in lxsession-default-apps, and the command setting for power manager is wrong: it's "auto", whereas it should be "xfce4-power-manager". Is this bug known already? <Soul-Sing> auto brightness etc.? <Soul-Sing> is the 'prog'/application in the Autostart" list? <pjotr> Well, xfce4-power-manager simply doesn't run by default. Only when you launch it yourself, for example from the menu (Preferences - Power Manager), you get the battery icon in your system tray that shows the remaining power in your laptop's battery. <Unit193> pjotr: OnlyShowIn=XFCE; of course it doesn't autostart in LXDE. <pjotr> you can add it yourself to the startup applications, by correcting the wrong entry in lxsession-default-apps. <Soul-Sing> yeah <Unit193> /etc/xdg/autostart/xfce4-power-manager.desktop <pjotr> Unit193: thisnis clearly a bug, as we have no battery icon now by default. <pjotr> thisnis = this is <pjotr> fixing this bug is easy: simply set the right command in lxsession-default-apps..... A simple settings change, and side effects are highly unlikely. Can the devs repair this before launch? <Unit193> Erm, what makes you think it's in there? <pjotr> Unit193: well, of course it's in /etc/xdg/autostart, but it can be tweaked by means of lxsession-default-apps. The means is immaterial to me; it's the result that counts... :-) <pjotr> Of course changing OnlyShownIn=XFCE in the desktop config file is probably the most straightforward way of fixing it.... <jarnos> I have pulseaudio running in 13.04. Is it by default? <krabador> hi, i neet to delete lxpanel <krabador> or to leave it to at startup <krabador> how can i do? <krabador> hi, i delete the line @lxterminal on /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart <krabador> but ive the lxterminal the sAME <bioterror> you did it wrong <bioterror> cd .config <bioterror> rm -rf lxpanel <bioterror> and restart your X session <bioterror> it's under your ~/ <bioterror> sorry <bioterror> lxterminal :D <bioterror> I read lxpanel <bioterror> as you mentioned first <krabador> lxpanel <krabador> sorry i was wrong <krabador> i mean lx panel <krabador> i don't want lxpanel on my lxde lubuntu session <krabador> i've delete the line @lxpanel, but i've the same <krabador> i delete the line @lxpanel on /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart but nothing <bioterror> that should be the correct way, I think <krabador> bioterror, the line on /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart ? <krabador> i leave the @lxpanel line, but i've it on startup <bioterror> you remove the @lxpanel <krabador> bioterror, i removed it , but nothing <bioterror> my autostart is empty :( <krabador> bioterror, it's lxpanel the panel on lubuntu , or some xfce stuff ? <melodie> hi <bioterror> I gotta tomorrow check where's the startup's nowdays <melodie> does anyone here have experience with test cases ? <melodie> http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/305/builds/55590/testcases/1301/results <melodie> is the test cases finished? or is it still ok for the time being? <melodie> http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/305/builds/55590/testcases/1301/results <melodie> what is "auto-resize" ? <melodie> is it when we install besides others for example? <melodie> humm it seems so <R0b0t1> Hi, I figured out the error that creates two desktops <R0b0t1> running arandr on setup seems to lag the launch of lxde enough that if I hit the keybinding for the "run command" shortcut two desktops are created <melodie> you had "Desktop" and switched to your language? <R0b0t1> s/setup/startup/ <R0b0t1> If I simply wait longer only one desktop will launch, or rather, trying to do the run shortcut won't launch another <krabador> please <krabador> i need to remove lxpanel from autostart <krabador> i removed the line @lxpanel on /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart but nothing <krabador> what can i do? <melodie> hi <melodie> why do you want it not to be started? <melodie> krabador I look if I find some desktop files elsewhere <melodie> or you can also do: <melodie> sudo updatedb && locate lxpanel.desktop <melodie> else: <melodie> what about lxsession-edit ? <krabador> melodie, where i can find lxsession-edit? <melodie> that would be: <melodie> menu > preferences > <melodie> Default applications for LXSession <krabador> sudo updatedb && locate lxpanel.desktop will rebuild lxpanel desktop later the line deleted on autostart file? <melodie> no <krabador> ok, it search in the database the file <melodie> sudo updatedb rebuilds the database containing the list and place of files in the system and locate seeks for the file in argument in the whole hard drive <melodie> don't bother I have looked and it's not there <krabador> can i set a line on autostart <krabador> to run lxpanel and kill ? <melodie> what about uninstalling lxpanel? <krabador> melodie, ok <krabador> how can i do? <melodie> is it the first time you are using GNU/Linux - and or Lubuntu ? <krabador> melodie, apt-get autoremove --purge lxpanel <krabador> not <melodie> yes, why not? <melodie> I guess you can use that command line <melodie> or Synaptic <melodie> the command line with sudo in front of the line <krabador> melodie, with apt-get autoremove --purge lxpanel it want to remove lubuntu-core <krabador> isn't too much? <melodie> if lubuntu-core is an empty package there is no problem <melodie> are there other packages which are at risk of being removed? <krabador> melodie, i'm in lubuntu , sure that lubuntu-core may be an empty package? <krabador> melodie, lubuntu-core* lubuntu-desktop* lxpanel* lxpanel-indicator-applet-plugin* <melodie> if it does not pull away anything else, then it means it is a meta-package <krabador> that's the packages that it want remove <melodie> lxpanel-indicator-applet-plugin* : you can't use the plugin if you don't have the panel <melodie> lubuntu-desktop* : meta package does not pull anything else <melodie> lubuntu-core* : same, you can remove it does not pull anything else <krabador> ok, i can go ? <melodie> how will you access to your menus then? <krabador> i've cairo dock <melodie> and that's enough? <krabador> yes <melodie> ok, I don't know cairo docks <krabador> the rest i'll do with terminale <melodie> you can go! <krabador> terminal <melodie> would you like to try a spin (non official) built with openbox and not all of lxde ? <krabador> i'm trying lubuntu, and for now i'm happy <melodie> :) <krabador> because canonical way to give stable packages <krabador> and fix them for the distro <melodie> I am experimenting building almost standalone openbox in Ubuntu 12.04 to make it even lighter and easier to switch components, all relying on the official ubuntu package management of course <melodie> I have been working on it and had it tested since several months, just some cosmetics seem to need fixes <melodie> for now I am testing Lubuntu Saucy to help the final testing before it comes out <krabador> melodie, great <krabador> melodie, do you think you'll mantain "openbuntu" project? <melodie> yes of course <melodie> have you found it? <melodie> I have tried to move my install to 13.04 but there were many things not available anymore, such as virtualbox and some other packages which I didn't find for that version and that bugged me (and it's maintained 9 months only so that is kind of short) <melodie> so I reverted back to 12.04, and I am waiting for Saucy to try again, and perhaps I'll push up to 14.04 to make a new one... depending on how 13.10 will be <melodie> krabador ? <krabador> melodie, not <krabador> i haven't found it <melodie> you can find some spins of Ubuntu and Debian at http://linuxvillage.org :) <melodie> and descriptions in the forum <krabador> hehee french people ! <krabador> melodie, are you french? <melodie> some are French, some from Quebec, Belgium and a bunch of others are English speaking people from many places <melodie> krabador I am French and American <melodie> what about you? <krabador> a french in the usa, or an american in france? <krabador> i'm italian <melodie> I have two nationalities but I am mainly french <krabador> great, a friend of mine have two nationalities like you, italian and american <melodie> great! <krabador> his father is from Detroit <melodie> indeed! <melodie> mine is from NY state <melodie> however he used to live in Germany <melodie> where are you from in Italy? <krabador> je suis aussi hereux parlant franC <krabador> francais <krabador> mais je ne le parle pas de l'école <krabador> et j'ai peur de le parler très mal * melodie invites krabador to #linuxvillage <blackdog> hey all. is there an approved way of upgrading to saucy? <blackdog> i keep getting: "2013-10-14 10:23:03,115 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'The package 'unity' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.' <blackdog> which is extra-aggravating because i'm not using unity and don't care at all what happens to it. <Unit193> 1. Saucy isn't officially released yet. 2. Do you, or did you ever have unity or ubuntu-desktop? 3. Do you now have lubuntu-desktop and/or lubuntu-core installed? <blackdog> Unit193: i have lubuntu-desktop and lubuntu-core installed. unity is also installed, but i've tried do-release-upgrade -d with and without it <blackdog> (and yeah, i know it's not released yet. there are some features from the newer kernel i want, and was hoping not to have to install a custom one.) #lubuntu 2014-10-06 <leszek> hi <akis> hi all. i am running on an old pc with mendocino-celeron on it the minimal lubuntu edition with basic applications. Is the "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade" enough to get and install manually all the necessary security updates through terminal? <JohnDoe_71Rus> yes <JohnDoe_71Rus> you can try https://wiki.debian.org/Aptitude?action=show&redirect=aptitude <akis> i am asking because i run those 2 commands and there is nothing available to upgrade although those days on my other fully installed systems (xubuntu & lubuntu) i got some updates of the base system. <JohnDoe_71Rus> do you have internet connection? <akis> sure <JohnDoe_71Rus> lubuntu version? <akis> 14.04 <JohnDoe_71Rus> check /etc/apt/sources.list <akis> it updates normally from server but it doesnt upgrade and i dont know if it is normal. maybe it havent to upgrade aything because it s a minimal install ? <JohnDoe_71Rus> check security section /etc/apt/sources.list. then you install OS, you can download updates automaticaly <akis> i prefer to update manually to save ram mem <JohnDoe_71Rus> cat /etc/lsb-release - Ubuntu 14.0.1 ДЕС <JohnDoe_71Rus> *LTS <JohnDoe_71Rus> 14.04.1 <akis> 14.04.1 is already installed. i installed my system last week. but since then i got some updates on my other pc's where i havent minimal systems and i have enabled the auto updates <akis> hi all. i am running since last week on an old pc with mendocino ­celeron on it, the minimal lubuntu 14.04.1 edition with basic only applications. Is the "apt-­get update" and "apt­-get upgrade" commands enough to get and install manually all the necessary security updates through terminal? <testdr> akis: yes - but in LXDE there is a gui-button to run update. <akis> testdr: i didn't install the updater application to save ram memory (extra low on 192mb only) and i have chosen to update manually through terminal. i am asking if these commands i found googling for a while are right, because although my system is up for a week now and i saw that on my other systems (on other machines) which are also running full editions of lubuntu & xubuntu 14.04.1 i got some auto base system updates, in this minimal lubuntu <akis> system i got no update. is it normal? <akis> i mean i got no update although i am giving both these commands on terminal. <testdr> akis: what is the output of both commands - pls. use the pastebin to upload the text and provide the link/url to it <akis> i am not now on this machine but the output of "apt-get update" is the usual list of repos accessed from the system and the output of "apt-get upgrade" is 0 updated 0 installed. Does these commands and specially the 2nd one should give the option of install base system's updates too or just for the applications' packages? <testdr> akis: then - if you did not notice any errors - the message ist your paket-lists are updated and there are no new updates for your installed pakets available. <testdr> akis: when did you do the last updates? <testdr> akis: maybe you have automatical update enabled? And therefore you did not notice the last run? <akis> this is my opinion too. today i asked for an update and returned me 0 updates. when i installed mini.iso i took the option for a manual update and then i installed minimal lubuntu and i haven't installed updater application. <testdr> akis: check version of kernel - it should be 3.13.0-36 <testdr> akis: uname -a <holstein> akis: if you have the latest packages, you wont see updates <akis> i will when i will be on the machine. but as i finished the insallation last Friday i think that i have the last one. maybe there is nothing to be updated. my other systems got some updates maybe because they have the full version of distros <holstein> akis: run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and share errors in a pastebin <holstein> akis: just check.. no need to assume <akis> holstein: i found here some very useful advises. http://askubuntu.com/questions/194651/why-use-apt-get-upgrade-instead-of-apt-get-dist-upgrade. <holstein> akis: dist-upgrade is what i suggest <holstein> akis: this will ensure that you get *all* updates.. <akis> holstein: ok my friend. i can report that ifinished with the minimal installation on my old pc (mendocino-celeron @400 mhz ) we talked about it last week. do you remember our recent chat? <akis> dist-upgrade gave me also 0 zero to all <holstein> akis: dist-upgrade nor upgrade *check* for updatees <holstein> akis: so, the results for checking for packages will and should be the same regardless of what package manager you are using <testdr> akis: for your other machines getting updates in the last few dates - you only have seen what was updated and you only can know whether those update-pakets are used on your problem-computer. <holstein> not all packages get updates.. <holstein> and if you have PPA's on the other machines, the PPA maintainers may push out updates as they please <testdr> as far as i know, there was no new kernel-update in last days and then it could be there are no updates <akis> holstein: i know that. but i got on my other machines some base system's updates that's why i am wondering. no extra PPA's. From what we are chating here i think everything is ok but i wanted a confirmation. <holstein> akis: sure.. confirm as stated above. share errors <ianorlin> it also depends when they were last updated <akis> testdr: yesterday i received on my xubuntu 14.04.1 a small base system update (auto enabled) <holstein> akis: they are different bases.. please use the commands above, and paste errors <testdr> akis: could be - depends when you did your last updates - and this is all looking into a black hole if you dont give more specs. like the current running kernel-version on those machines <holstein> you will need to have access to the actual hardware, and error messages.. <akis> holstein: i am not on the minimal lubuntu machine now. but i got no errors. just 0 to all updates and installed packages. <holstein> akis: when you are near the hardware, run the commands above.. <holstein> akis: otherwise, there is little to do but speculate.. nothing you have stated makes me think you have any problem at all <akis> sudo apt-get update && time sudo apt-get dist-upgrade are OK? what "time" means? <ianorlin> time tells you how long the command takes to run <ianorlin> not the time it was completed <holstein> i might look at my sources as well.. <akis> so "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" is enough for a manual update and installation? <holstein> if you are online, and accessing official sources.. thats all there is to it <holstein> akis: not "update and installation". its a way to use the package managment too "apt" to update the packages on your system.. packages may be installed as needed for dependencies, but that is not an "install" command <akis> ok i understand what you mean. <akis> thank you dear friends for your advises and for your time today. i have to go now. have a nice day. bye. <tertu> so i'm trying to connect to a samba printer <tertu> but it's not a printer per se <tertu> it's a print station frontend <tertu> which seems to be confusing the New Printer thing because i think it's trying to figure out what kind of printer it is and failing, in any case it does not work * ianorlin unfotanely doesn't use samba <tertu> gonna put it in #ubuntu as well <rww> !crossposting <ubottu> Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support. <tertu> ah <tertu> okay <tertu> makes sense <tertu> turns out I was missing smbclient. <tertu> thanks! <tertu> and i will remember not to crosspost in the future. <forthewin> who's got the oldest computer here? <forthewin> 1998 chinese laptop here <acecipher> Hi, I'm having trouble connecting to my wifi network with a wifi usb adapter. I can get the device to work and see networks, but it won't connect, and appearantly has some trouble getting the passwords through. I tried to mess around with wpa_supplicant.conf, but appearantly that can't find my wlan0 device. <forthewin> acecipher: open up terminal and type iwlist scanning <acecipher> Yeah, it can see my network. <acecipher> Cell 03 - Address: C4:3D:C7:A4:41:7C <acecipher> ESSID:"Steaksauce" <forthewin> when that happened to me i rebooted and it was working <acecipher> Hmmmm :/ <acecipher> Let me try rebooting then. <acecipher> xP And he left... <acecipher> Still having that problem. <ianorlin> which wifi adapeter are you using? <ianorlin> does it show up in lsusb? <acecipher> Bus 002 Device 003: ID 050d:615a Belkin Components F7D4101 / F9L1101 802.11abgn Wireless Adapter [Broadcom BCM4323] <acecipher> ...SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT <acecipher> I know what's wrong now. <wxl> !language | acecipher <ubottu> acecipher: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList <acecipher> (maybe) <ianorlin> it is broadcom usb which makes it hard to work <acecipher> xP <acecipher> Would linksys likely be a better choice? <ianorlin> it matters what the chipset is <acecipher> Hmmmmmmm <acecipher> xP <ravious> looking for a new router? <acecipher> Well, I might just try to move the current one into my room, if my roomates agree (they're gone until tuesday). <ravious> Ubiquiti AirRouter is amazing. <acecipher> Well, I'm also the most computer-savvy one (though one roomate is generally good, being a postdoc researcher and all) <ravious> enterprise features, reliability, hardware, at consumer prices. <acecipher> I will consider this, but really, I'm not looking for much. I prefer Ethernet. <ravious> *nods* Thats cool. Even for wired, you wont find anything else (at least for now) that can sling packets like this ting. <ravious> <--- ubnt.com fanboy for sure lol <ravious> I just wish they would release their 48 port managed switches >.< <ianorlin> he wants usb adapter that works for usb #lubuntu 2014-10-07 <ianorlin> wxl any reason why there are no x86 dialies today on tracker? <testerer> Does Lubuntu work with streamup.com ?? It's telling my I have to update flash player although I already installed the most recent libflashplayer.so in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins <bjrohan> Hello, on my lubuntu desktop, I don't see the open applications in the tray, how do I get then to apear? <acecipher> Uhhhh. you can see the tray though right? <bjrohan> Yes, with the clock, wifi connection, etc <acecipher> Try right clicking on your clock, and do add/remove panel items. Add in a menu. <bjrohan> That works,m what am I looking to add? <bjrohan> I have Menu, Dir Menu, Inicator applets, Digital clock, Sys tray and Desktop number <bjrohan> for the current panel applets <bjrohan> I have a menu, which shows the list of available programs, I am looking to have the current open applications show on the tray <acecipher> Ohhhh <acecipher> That would be... Task bar. <acecipher> You want to add that. <bjrohan> acecipher: that worked, thank you <Ascavasaion> When I close my laptop's display the laptop goes into hibernation. How do I get it to come back out of hibernation? <testdr> Ascavasaion: check the settings of your laptop powersettings - maybe your hardware is not full or only with some acpi-quirks/tricks supported - there are different suspend settings <Ascavasaion> testdr: In the CMOS? <testdr> Ascavasaion: in lxde --> menu --> settings --> powerconfigurations <Ascavasaion> there is no option like that. Have looked in xfce4-power-manager 1.2.0 setting, nothing there that I can see. <LinusTourvaldsII> i had recently burned lubuntu 14 04 1 to a dvd i wrote on it with a sharpie...729.8 mb...was just told it is under 700 mb? <LinusTourvaldsII> oh i se ewhat i did it says in my downloads 712704kb <ianorlin> it still fits on a cd barely #lubuntu 2014-10-08 <LinusTourvaldsII> for sec ithought over 700000kb meant over 700mb and made mistake insayin so <LinusTourvaldsII> i even used a dvd when i burnd it my mistake <LinusTourvaldsII> damn and i had cd's too <CatalystNZ> I'm having a nightmare getting x11vnc to start automatically when my machine is booted. I have the box automatically logging on, but I can't get it to load x11vnc. I've tried using /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart, and adding a "@x11vnc -display :0", but it doesn't work <CatalystNZ> I can ssh in after boot and just run that same line, and vnc server starts ok <CatalystNZ> any ideas? I think I'm about to esplode <ravious> I had a problem with vnc also.. I just switched to teamviewer. <CatalystNZ> were you able to get it to automatically start up? <ravious> yeah <ravious> well.. teamviewer.. not vnc <CatalystNZ> yea, I got ya <CatalystNZ> meh, I'll stick with vnc or xrdp <CatalystNZ> thanks anyway <CatalystNZ> screw this, going to install a different distro. :X <absk007> how to migrate from my current installation of lubuntu to another with all the s/w and configs? <holstein> absk007: backup your s/w and configes <absk007> holstein, i want to do it in easy way <holstein> i suggest, the /home with the .hidden configs.. and *not* backing up the software like that <holstein> you can use synaptic to generate a script or a list of packages <holstein> but, i would just get your data, and configs, and fresh install.. then, see what software you are missing. you will likely find you have "cruft" that you dont actually need/want <absk007> holstein, wow! any more advice? <holstein> absk007: i am describing an easy way.. also, this way will be a proper backup for you, as well.. the hard drive you are running there will fail, so make a proper backup that will work for you "migration", and that will also serve as a backup <absk007> holstein, i've slow internet connection. So i'm backing up apt archive using aptoncd and restore it in the other one and copy the .config files from /home and then will copy the sources list and generate package list. And i don't have any stray bogus pkgs. <holstein> do what you like <holstein> i choose not to do that.. and i suggest not doing that, since you were asking how to do it, and implied you didnt know how.. <holstein> you can copy what you like.. you can clone the entire OS <ravious> or image the whole drive <holstein> linux kernel is modular, so you should be able to literally clone the OS with clonezilla or however you want <holstein> yup ^ image <absk007> holstein, no. I just meant Thank You. <holstein> absk007: sure.. and i just meant what i said, as well..and also, you are welcome <absk007> holstein, do you happen 2 know how the multimedia keys combined with the function keys in my lappy work in lubuntu? <absk007> holstein, only the function keys are working. Not the multimedia keys. <holstein> absk007: no. i know that nothing about lubuntu is preventing those keys from working.. but, your machine is your machine.. and you will need to support linux on your own, since the manucturer doesnt <absk007> holstein, My Laptop: ASUS EeePC 1215B <holstein> absk007: what do i do? i just load up live CD's and see how things work.. i'll try arguably heavier DE's and see how things work, and note what is making things work <holstein> i'll try xubuntu, and main ubuntu.. and make a note of whatever packages are supporting the functionality i want/need, and implement that in lubuntu, if possible <absk007> holstein, e.g. the Touchpad off key doesn't work <absk007> holstein, which pkg should i install? <holstein> absk007: *all* the eeepc's i have "just-work" out of the box.. though, i have never tried turning the touchpad off that way <holstein> absk007: the pkg you install will be the one you discover you need by troubleshooting as i described <absk007> holstein, then how do you off the touchpad. It's annoying me! <holstein> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts <holstein> absk007: there are many ways to disable the touchpad <holstein> http://askubuntu.com/questions/65951/how-to-disable-the-touchpad for example <absk007> holstein, please suggest the quickest way <holstein> depends on what hardware you have <holstein> absk007: the "quickest" way would be for asus to support linux, and make it work for you, easily <holstein> otherwise, it'll be a matter of reading and learning.. <holstein> might be a quick way to do it in the bios.. <absk007> holstein, by quickest way, I mean the quickest way i can toggle it off and on <holstein> absk007: sure.. and the quickest, still, would be for asus to provide you support for linux for that switch that you want to be using <holstein> absk007: otherwise, refer to the links i gave, and decide what is easiest <absk007> holstein, the command line is easy but i've 2 bind a global shortcut <holstein> absk007: sounds great.. <absk007> holstein, how to bind global shortcuts in lubuntu? <holstein> absk007: many ways.. the GUI.. openbox config.. <holstein> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Keyboard#Keyboard_shortcuts outlines how i would do it.. i found it by searching "lubuntu keyboard shorcuts" <absk007> in that link, there is Laptop Function Shortcuts <absk007> Many laptops have function (Fn) keys which you can hold down to access more functions on the laptop's keyboard. A list of these functions should be available from the manufacturer of the laptop. <holstein> right.. thats what i suggested <absk007> this works in Ubuntu but not in lubuntu <holstein> think of it this way.. you are not promised any linux support at all for that machine <absk007> which pkg makes it work? <holstein> absk007: sure. thats why i suggested looking at ubuntu, and see what pkg makes what you need happen <holstein> absk007: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaptopSpecialKeys <absk007> holstein, i get only "PNP0C14:00 000000d2 00000000" as output for the touchpad disable key. <absk007> holstein, but for volume up key, i get "button/volumeup VOLUP 00000080 00000000 K <absk007> PNP0C14:00 000000d2 00000000 <absk007> " <holstein> absk007: i promise you, i, nor no one in this particular channel will be able to parse that, and help specifically.. only generally <holstein> you can try #ubuntu or a mailing list.. <holstein> otherwise, just follow the link i gave, and see about how to implement.. try an ubuntu live CD <absk007> holstein, what's a mailing list? <holstein> absk007: a mailing list is another avenue of support you can consider <holstein> !support <ubottu> The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com <absk007> holstein, how to use synaptic to create a download script? <absk007> holstein, how to use synaptic to create a pkg list? <holstein> absk007: as i said, i dont do that, friend.. im not intertesting in creating that list. though, its in the menu <holstein> dpkg -l > installed_apps <holstein> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-890233.html is a good read on the subject, regardless <absk007> holstein, thanks. <holstein> https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+question/241416 as well <calamari> hi <calamari> after 10 minutes of idle mouse and keyboard, the HDMI to my screen shuts off, which is particularly annoying while watching youtube videos. interestingly, if I watch a video using mplayer, it stays on. any idea how I can keep my screen on? <calamari> (I'm running Lubuntu 12.04) <ianorlin> 12.04 isn't lts for lubuntu <ianorlin> 14.04 is <calamari> it's the same repo <calamari> I have considered playing a long video on mute with mplayer in a loop, maybe thats the best I can do <calamari> seems crazy that I can't control this tho <calamari> fixed it <ianorlin> how? <calamari> why does it matter, 12.04 is obsolete ;) <calamari> solution #2 on this page http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/98921/display-shuts-down-while-watching-a-movie-after-10-minutes-no-matter-the-setting <calamari> I'm pretty sure it was the xset -dpms that did it <ravious> Changing the settings in "Light Locker Settings" did nothing? <ianorlin> he was on 12.04 <calamari> I don't even really know what you'd call my distro at this point.. I forget which *buntu I even started with.. but I've had at least unity, kde, trinity and lxde/openbox on here :) oh, and parts of mate, hehe <calamari> 12.04 was a fresh install tho.. before that I had upgraded all the way from warty <ianorlin> my first full time install was raring <calamari> I'll get around to 14.04 eventually.. I like to wait a while so that all the ppas I use have a chance to catch up <akis> hi all. is there any way to completely unistall adobe flash-plugin from my system deleting every file or left over? <calamari> akis: you can purge the package, but that will only remove known configuration files. other junk it creates might still persist <Synth> Hi <Guest45046> Anybody here <Guest45046> ? <synthaxe> How can I create a bootable win 7 usb on a lubuntu system/ <ravious> use virtualbox? <synthaxe> Hello <synthaxe> I need help in installing Canon Printer Drivers for Lubuntu <synthaxe> Anyone? <ravious> What problem are you having? <synthaxe> Got it to work now by enabling CUPS <synthaxe> Now I need to setup my lubuntu to run Adobe Photoshop via Wine <ravious> good luck with that. <ravious> older versions seem to work okay.. but I couldnt get cs6 to work at all.. had to run a vm windows when I need it. <synthaxe> Wow im having a really hard time installing wine -_- <ravious> sudo apt-get install wine <synthaxe> hmmm <synthaxe> one sec <synthaxe> i need to print a jpeg <synthaxe> and the default image viewer doesnt seem to let me do it <synthaxe> btw im completely new to this <synthaxe> just installed lubuntu <ravious> hm.. <ravious> I guess it doesnt have a print option <ravious> oh the image magic viewer does <synthaxe> well lubuntu software sucks <ravious> Its ment really to be just a very light base. <synthaxe> Can you suggest any good VMs? <ravious> I use virtualbox <synthaxe> i can't install it D: <ravious> why not? <synthaxe> how do i add the repository? <ravious> should already have it <ravious> sudo apt-get install virtualbox-dkms <ravious> that'll get everything you need. <synthaxe> unable to loacte package it says <synthaxe> D: <ravious> hm.. <synthaxe> now correct me if im wrong, but lubuntu = ubuntu except for the GUI correct? <ravious> I believe so <ravious> I think the repositories should be the same.. <ravious> I installed it just a few days ago and it loaded from the repo <ravious> you could try opening synaptic and search for virtualbox just to see if anythings listed. <synthaxe> uhh <synthaxe> it says now that its a broken package <ravious> not sure <synthaxe> sec let me try downloading it from oracales site <synthaxe> hmmm <synthaxe> fuck i keep getting the broken packages error on terminal <ravious> have you tried sudo apt-get update <synthaxe> yes <synthaxe> tried that <synthaxe> ugh still getting new errors everytimee <MissionTIC> salut <MissionTIC> J'ai installé Lubuntu sur un portable HPPavillon G7 <MissionTIC> J'aiun souci de "Audio" </Pas de son> <MissionTIC> et un souci video pour YouTube </au bout de 30sec c'est le black> <synthaxe> Ok im kinda frustrated now -_- <synthaxe> Anyway I can create a bootable Win7 flashdrive in lubuntu? <JohnDoe_71Rus> synthaxe: dd if=/w7.iso of=/dev/sdx <JohnDoe_71Rus> then http://ms-sys.sourceforge.net/ ms-sys -7 /dev/sdb <JohnDoe_71Rus> http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ <synthaxe> why can't i install anything using terminal <synthaxe> been getting error packagaes all damn day -_- <synthaxe> I would love to learn all this for linux, but right now I really need photoshop <hateball> !fr | MissionTIC <ubottu> MissionTIC: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. <MissionTIC> oh sorry guys <ravious> anyone know how to get F11 to stop fullscreening applications? <kyuga> Hi all, I've installed lubuntu via ubuntu-server install and apt-get install lubuntu-desktop - but most of my Fn keys are not working (for example keyboard backlight brightness) - They do work with a normal ubuntu-desktop install (from the desktop .iso) - Is this something related to ubuntu-server grub config I need to change, or a missing package? <kyuga> I do have acpi-support/acpid installed <kyuga> Could someone pastebin their /boot/grub/grub.cfg for me? <mail6543210> Hi, I've encounter a problem installing lubuntu 14.04.1. After installing, the font of lxterminal isn't monospace. It use system's "monospace 12" font, which is actually "DejaVu Sans", while in Ubuntu it is "Ubuntu Mono". How to solve this problem? <holstein> mail6543210: just set the font in the terminal you are using.. or use the terminal you prefer, such as the one main ubuntu uses <holstein> it'll be the exact same package, since lubuntu is ubuntu, and uses the same sources.. <holstein> i really like using terminator, and these days, i just install it into whatever im using <mail6543210> I mean, how to configure it? And, is that a bug? <holstein> mail6543210: i dont see it as a bug that the font is not set a particular way <holstein> mail6543210: there is a menu that should allow you to set it to whatever font you like.. if the font is not installed, you can get the fonts from the repos <mail6543210> I guess it's some kind of mis-configuring, because there're other monospace font ships w/ lubuntu, but the system default chooses a wrong one... <holstein> !bug <ubottu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. <holstein> you should be able to set the font to what you prefer it to be <patarr> anyone here have pidgin notifications working in lubuntu? <brett__> hi what package is the mouse icon rendering in and how would i reset it because my cursor is stretched <helpoo> when i try to connect through vpn i get this this message "Unlock keyring 'Default An application wants access to the keyring 'Default' but it is locked" I am using Lubuntu , please help me I have no Idea how to fix that ! <helpoo> ANY help ?? <ravious> Is it asking for a password to unlock the keyring? <testdr> helpoo: start for information "seahorse" and check the stored keys - normaly it is the password of your user (as long you did not change it without notification of the keyring-manager (seahorse)) <helpoo> fixed !! thanks :) <testdr> helpoo: i dont know if it is a bug or a good idea not to open the keyring with the user-login, because one will notice that any program wants to read the stored passwords <ianorlin> if you dd'ed an iso to a usb is there a way to get the iso file back off that usb ? would I select a file ending in .iso to transfer it from. Or is it safer If I still hav access to the computer to just transfer it from that computer <ianorlin> although I have seen places offering to sell usb drives with iso on them and don't really know how you would back them up <Jordan_U> ianorlin: It's possible to get the iso back using dd, but you'd want to know the size of the original iso as dding the USB drive will get you a file as large as the flash drive, with everything past the end of the iso being useless. <Jordan_U> ianorlin: It's much easier to just transfer the original iso file if you have it, and either way it's a good idea to double check the md5sum when you're done. <ianorlin> ah that is a good reason not to dd it off the usb stick #lubuntu 2014-10-09 <jozefk> Is it possible to intall Lubuntu on Intel Mac in the way that it will be the only one OS on it? No OS X at all. And if yes, would all hardware work fine or I would have problems? <Sachiru> @jozefk: Google says https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromMacOSX <Sachiru> And: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation#Single-Boot:_Ubuntu_Only <Sachiru> Lubuntu is just Ubuntu with LXDE, so the instructions there apply <Sachiru> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacPro <jozefk> thanks <jozefk> I will go through those links <jozefk> it seems for my mac I should go for Lucid https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-5/Lucid <jozefk> what is very weird is that it says that wireless will not work and that the driver should be installed with apt-get intall <jozefk> who did they imagine you will get the Internet connection from for that? :D <jozefk> how* <bong1> the latest version of chrome crashes on lubuntu 14.04. #lubuntu 2014-10-10 <SilverLion> aloha pAt_ <pAt_> moin SilverLion <guest1877> hi.. i have a computer with lubuntu 14.04 on it, and for some reason it keeps crashing.. that is to say, it gets slow, and then the mouse cursor arrow gets stuck in one place on the screen, and the mouse is able to be moved around but the arrow is in one place <wxl> guest1877: what machine? what's running? if you look at the task manager, what's eating up your memory and/or cpu? <wxl> guest1877: also check to see what your disk space is like. <guest1877> wxl, thanks <guest1877> i will check that next <guest1877> it tends to happen when i am using the web browser <wxl> guest1877: which browser? and what resource does it affect/ * genii guesses Firefox+Flash <wxl> probably :) <guest1877> it has happenned both with firefox and chrome <wxl> some memory might fix up the issue <wxl> how much ram you have? <guest1877> it first happened when i went to my routers page in firefox <guest1877> 1gb ram <wxl> that should be a fairly decent amount. are you running anything else? <guest1877> wxl, what do you mean? <guest1877> program wise? <wxl> guest1877: what other programs are running? <guest1877> oh ok... well, the problem first happened after a fresh install on lubuntu-14.04. i just openned firefox up and went to my router's ip, and it happenned. i decided to re download the iso and i made a new live usb, and did another fresh install... <guest1877> after which, it started happenning again, but this time i have running cairo dock, and using google chrome as the browser.. <guest1877> i will go on there and try to re create the problem <guest1877> is there a way that i can give you the output? <wxl> !pastebin | guest1877 <ubottu> guest1877: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. <guest1877> wxl, i meant, how can i get the output, so i can give you the paste <wxl> guest1877: just provide the link here after pastebining it <guest1877> wxl, that is not what i mean... what i am asking is, how can i obtain the output <guest1877> will dmesg suffice? <guest1877> i want to be able to have in text what happenned so that you or someone who knows more about this stuff can help me fix it and maybe tell me why its happenning <wxl> guest1877: syslog and dmesg is good if there are errors, but my guess is you're having resources depleted <wxl> you can try ps aux | head -1; ps aux | sort -rn +2 | head -10 and ps aux | head -1; ps aux | sort -rn +3 | head <acecipher> Hi, how can I get a monitor configuration that doesn't mirror my screen on all my displays? <silverlion> acecipher, install arandr and put the screens next to each other ;) then you exit clone mode <acecipher> Ah, arnandr is the module. Cool <wxl> silverlion: will it work without arandr? <acecipher> And the three are all next to one another. If only the middle one was shorter xP <wxl> like could you use xrandr itself? <acecipher> lxrandr doesn't have any options for it <acecipher> Hmmm now my vga isn't showing up. <acecipher> Or like, it says the monitor is active <acecipher> Okay so arandr shuts down my VGA for some reason whenever I apply things. <acecipher> It still shows up as an active monitor in xrandr though. <acecipher> Hmmmm <acecipher> They all have to be the same size vertically it seems <acecipher> Which os... bleh <acecipher> But two screens works without the VGA at full sizes. <acecipher> Or well, without either VGA or DVI. <acecipher> Well I have it working now.~ #lubuntu 2014-10-11 <AlexPortable> Lubuntu 14.04 LTS is 3 or 5 years? <holstein> AlexPortable: lubuntu specific, 3years <holstein> AlexPortable: lubuntu *is* ubuntu, and main ubuntu is supported for 5 years, so the repos will be up and core patches and kernel updates etc will be in the repos for 5 years <holstein> for lxde and lubuntu specific, you can expect those for the promised 3 years <AlexPortable> ok thanks <pac_> Hi. Im having problems mounting to a windows share after latest updates,, any ideas anyone? <pac_> from fstab <talsamon> hello, I have noticed surprisingly , that I have ext2 filesystem, could it is the default filesystem on lubuntu ?? or what going wrong with the install <ianorlin> talsamon did you choose something else in the menu of the installer? <ianorlin> I think modern version of lubuntu have ext4 as the filesystem <ianorlin> I am not really sure how to change it without reinstalling for the root partition <ianorlin> talsamon: do you have a backup of everything <phillw> talsamon: there is no *need* to move from ext2, http://www.ghacks.net/2010/08/11/convert-ext23-to-ext4/ has a pretty good unbiased opinion of it. <talsamon> thank phillw <talsamon> ianorlin, i have installed this three weeks ago, I yesterday in the fstab ext2, it' not very much on the system <talsamon> I have seen it yesterday... <phillw> talsamon: I moved from ext3 to ext4 with no issues. But the rule is that you must take a backup! Having a backup means that the upgrade will go well :) <talsamon> ;-)) <talsamon> phillw, worked, now I have "ext4" - thanks <phillw> talsamon: it is a pleasure to assist :) <talsamon> phillw, is it a "trick" or is it really converted <phillw> talsamon: it is not a trick. <talsamon> okay <phillw> talsamon: try this... <phillw> df -T | awk '{print $1,$2,$NF}' | grep "^/dev" <phillw> talsamon: ext 4? <talsamon> phillw, --> /dev/sda1 ext4 /boot <phillw> talsamon: you are on ext :) linux does not lie <talsamon> I hope so - fine ;-)) <phillw> talsamon: ext4 ^^ <phillw> talsamon: you can go through all of http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2011/04/identify-file-system-type/ if you wish, but you are now on ext4 :) <oops_my_bad> whats the best way to change a tar.gz for chrome os for vbox? want to use a flash drive. <oops_my_bad> or atleast a good place to start. thank you. #lubuntu 2014-10-12 <vual> hey guys i tried to install LXLE on i686 and it wont let me it tells me to get right version for my CPU, but i can only find 64b and 32b i cant find i686 ??? any tips ?? <ianorlin> the 32 bit is for i686 and LXLE isn't supported here <vual> oh this is lubuntu ? <vual> cause LXLE is better then lubuntu i just assumed it overtook lubuntu <vual> thanks for your help anyway you rude cunt :) <absk007> how to backup sources list & key certs? <Zenfu31> hi can anyone give me a url for setting up compiz on Lubuntu 14.04.1 desktop <Zenfu31> is this thing on??? <ikonia> Zenfu31: it is <Zenfu31> okay, i see that lubuntu uses openbox <Zenfu31> i'm essentially looking to try the desktop cube <Zenfu31> but have no idea on how to go about it <Zenfu31> k, just found it <Zenfu31> under preferences <Zenfu31> okay, any help on remote desktop connection in lubuntu 14.04.1 ? <sheena1> when i try to run desktop preferences, i got a "Desktop manager is not active" error. i did some googling and attempted to reinstall pcmanfm, as that seemed to be a common solution. Now, pcmanfm doesn't run, I get the same popup error when I try to run it from gui or terminal. all i wanted to do was fix my suspend time out, and now i've broken things even more :( <testdr> sheena1: create a new user, - name it "test" and set password. Then logout and do a login with the new username and check if the desktop is broken there too. If its ok for the new user, then your usersettings are broken (misconfigured). <sheena1> ok. <sheena1> when i try to use user settings GUI, it is unresponsive when i click "add". is there a command line way to do this? <sheena1> testdr: when i open it with sudo users-admin, it just hangs and doesnt finish opening <testdr> sheena1: yes - shure there is - but it looks like you have more broken. You are shure you did a default installation of LUbunut-14.04? Do you have the install-system(live-system on CD/USB) to check the live-version? <sheena1> i did the default install. it worked fine half an hour ago, until i reinstalled pcman <testdr> sheena1: did you do a logout? And what is with the guest-user-account? Can you use this on login? <sheena1> i will reboot and beright back <sheena1> testdr: um, now things are really broken <sheena1> i have no taskbar, eveything is different/weird, ... <sheena1> the only way to open stuff is to right click my desktop to open a terminal emulator <testdr> sheena1: you are using 2 computers? One for this irc-channel? <sheena1> on the plus side, pcmanfm will oepn now! <sheena1> nope, i used the terminl to run pidgin, which is how i use IRC <testdr> sheena1: ok - same computer - if you have not already stored a lot (it was a new installation?), then you can in a terminal move your local config out of way - then logout (NOT reboot) and login again <sheena1> it was a clean install, but several months ago <sheena1> my home directory is separate <sheena1> im nto sure about the config? <sheena1> running lxpanel in terminal makes my panel come back <testdr> sheena1: any backups? Or can you now swith to the guest-user-account? <testdr> shwitch <testdr> switch <sheena1> when i went into the guest account, it was the same.. no panel, etc <testdr> sheena1: broken! Could be from no more space to other things. Have run the updates? Last time? <sheena1> no space? like, hard drive space? <sheena1> i just did update yeah <testdr> yep <testdr> when was the last update? <sheena1> 28gb free on my home partition, says disks <sheena1> 16gb free on my OS partition (root) <sheena1> maybe yesterday? im not sure <testdr> you can do following, you switch to terminal with hotkey strg+alt+F1 and login there, thats no graphics and make a: sudo apt-get update <testdr> sheena1: you may do it in the xterm <sheena1> its running <sheena1> i will not paste the output ;) <sheena1> it is done <sheena1> Fetched 838 kB in 8s (98.9 kB/s) <sheena1> Reading package lists... Done <sheena1> home@home:~$ <testdr> its getting new paket-databases <testdr> sheena1: did you see same parts downloaded? <sheena1> same parts? <testdr> some <sheena1> yeah. i just ran a sudo apt-get update a few minutes ago, though <sheena1> when i was reinstalling pcman and everything broke :( <testdr> did you run: sudo apt-get upgrade <sheena1> not yet <sheena1> i will do that now <testdr> apt-get update only gets the databases up-to-date -- it installs no pakets or updates those <sheena1> ok <sheena1> its installing now i thnk <sheena1> sorry. i have been using ubuntu for a few years now, but there are still things i dont fully understand <testdr> sheena1: you should see the downloading (traffic) and what it does for installing <sheena1> yep. i see it <sheena1> what should i dowhen its finished? <sheena1> log out? reboot? neither? <testdr> sheena1: did it install a new kernel? Only this is normaly the reason for a reboot. <sheena1> i am not sure how to tell <testdr> you should try now if the tool in the menu: system configuration --> User+Groups is working <sheena1> oh if it did, it will ask me to reboot, right? <sheena1> it is now preparing and unpacking <sheena1> soon it will be done <testdr> most times yes - but not allways <sheena1> i dont see any mention of kernel in the list of stuff it is installing <testdr> sheena1: you should be able to create a new user-account to get a clean user-setting and if this is working, then its possible to fix your primary-account <sheena1> it is still unpacking <sheena1> must have many things to install.. means i havent done this in a while maybe? oops <testdr> thats what i suspect - and is different what you told <sheena1> i see that :( <sheena1> i did not mean to lie to you! <sheena1> it seems stuck maybe <sheena1> oh no, its going now <testdr> i did not say this - computers are always the fault <sheena1> heh yes. blame the machine :) <sheena1> it never minds if you blame it. i did drop it hard on the floor a couple of days ago also, and ran some hard drive diagnostics, but that should not cause the software to work strangely i think <testdr> sheena1: did you never use synaptic (gui-tool) for updates and paket-installs? <sheena1> ok it is done <sheena1> i use the software updater gui. it comes up sometimes and i click "install" but im notsure if it is synaptic or not <testdr> thats not <sheena1> i have both User Accounts and Users and Groups now <testdr> running? <sheena1> i want users and groups? <sheena1> in useres and groups, it opens but when i click add, stil nothing happens <sheena1> manage groups opens a dialogue, but add and advanced settings do not <testdr> mmh -- maybe wait - maybe you do a logout and login and everything may work. --- <sheena1> in user accounts, there is no response and an "unlock" buttont hat does nothing <sheena1> ok i will log out <sheena1> lol <sheena1> "log out command is not set" <sheena1> how do i do this in command line? <testdr> in commandline, in terminal enter: logout <testdr> or exit <sheena1> that just closes the terminal <sheena1> it hink <sheena1> To end all user processes and be sent back to the login screen, you can use:kill -9 -1 <sheena1> i could do that? <testdr> sheena1: your gui-taskbar-icon for logout is not there? <sheena1> it is, but it pops up with the error "log out command is not set" <sheena1> i never log out, so maybe this is not a new problem. i dont think i have ever logged out since i installed, i just reboot if i need to. <sheena1> testdr: i am not sure what to do next <sheena1> i will try the kill -9 command? <testdr> sheena1: in a terminal(xterm) enter to kill running LXDE-session: killall --SIGKILL lxsession <sheena1> that gives me a manual type page for killalll <testdr> sheena1: my keyboard - only one "-" <sheena1> home@home:~$ killall -SIGKILL lxsession <sheena1> lxsession: no process found <testdr> sheena1: you have LUbuntu? Without lxsession to start the Desktop? Or -- how you get it started? <sheena1> im sorry i dont know :( <sheena1> i have lubuntu, yes <sheena1> it usually just works? i turn it on and it works! <testdr> check in terminal if there is lxsession running: ps xa | grep session <sheena1> home@home:~$ ps xa | grep session <sheena1> 2138 ? Sl 0:00 lightdm --session-child 12 27 <sheena1> 2210 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session /usr/bin/im-launch /usr/bin/openbox-session <sheena1> 2213 ? S 0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session /usr/bin/im-launch /usr/bin/openbox-session <sheena1> 2214 ? Ss 0:00 //bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session <sheena1> 2269 ? Sl 0:00 /usr/lib/at-spi2-core/at-spi2-registryd --use-gnome-session <sheena1> 15705 pts/7 S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto session <testdr> sheena1: you have no default LUbuntu -- you have mixed with gnome-session <sheena1> oh . how did that happen? can i fix it? is that the problem? <testdr> sheena1: i dont know -- if you are right about using LUbuntu-14.04, you can do an: sudo apt-get install lxde-common <sheena1> what is the comand to print out what OS i have installed etc? <testdr> uname -a <testdr> and: lsb_release -a <sheena1> home@home:~$ lsb_release -a <sheena1> No LSB modules are available. <sheena1> Distributor ID: Ubuntu <sheena1> Description: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS <sheena1> Release: 14.04 <sheena1> Codename: trusty <testdr> sheena1: dont paste multiple lines into irc -- use the pastebin and provide the link to the uploaded text (http://paste.ubuntu.com" <sheena1> sorry. do you want me to pastebin that output for you? <testdr> no - could read enough <sheena1> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/14.04.1/release/lubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-i386.iso this is the file i used to install <sheena1> i made a live usb and used that <sheena1> so i dont know what happened? <sheena1> i did try to make shotwell work and installed some gnome things, maybe that broke something? <testdr> thats ok - but --ahaaa <sheena1> i dont want to do a clean install again if i dont have to :( <sheena1> that was months ago, the shotwell thing, and it worked ok after that? <testdr> you did install gnome - and pulled in parts of the gnome-desktop for your user-account. <sheena1> ok <sheena1> is it fixable? <sheena1> and will fixing it fix all the stuff that is wrong, or only some? <testdr> your user-account-mixed settings is not easy to fix. -- First there is the gnome-session running instead of lxsession. But i wonder if its the same for the guest-account and if so i dont know what everything else may be installed from gnome and taking over the command <sheena1> is a clean install going to fix it? <sheena1> i can dot hat if it is the best way <testdr> if your user-data is saved -- mailsettings, etc. then a clean new install would be the best and quickest thing and then you can install your saved user-date back -- but take care about .config in your home-directory, there may be some gnome-settings and this should be first not used. <sheena1> can i just rename .config to .config-broken and then do a clean install? <testdr> and for the future - create always a second user-account to do software tests or mixing the desktop-settings. <sheena1> thank you. i will try to do that next time. i never know what might break things :( <testdr> no -- if you will rename it - then you first should try to reboot and check if things work better -- you need a real backup if you do a fresh install <sheena1> real backup.. even though home directory is separate? <sheena1> i will rename it now and reboot, see what happens? <testdr> sheena1: i dont know if you have it really separate. People do a new install and overwrite whole disk and then even a not touched partition is gone. <sheena1> i have done installs with home separate befor <sheena1> i can show you if i can list my paritions? <sheena1> i know i must do it inside the installer carefully so it does nto overwrite /home <testdr> sheena1: you can do a install only to the root-partition and dont touch other partitions - but some people are to quick and press the button to do the full-install <testdr> sheena1: you understand? You have to read carefully and know the datasettings of your harddisk <sheena1> yes i understand. i have done this before several times <testdr> ok - then a fresh install is done in less than 1 hour (quick hardware only around 20-30 minutes). <sheena1> ok. should i try the rename .config first? <testdr> thats less than the time we used here <testdr> yes - thats quicker - and you know this is put aside with a different name <sheena1> ok. i will do that and then reboot and see what happens? <sheena1> sudo mv /home/home/.config /home/home/.config-broken ? <testdr> yes <sheena1> not mvdir? <testdr> no - its only a rename <sheena1> ok <sheena1> ok i rebooted <sheena1> no panel opened <sheena1> i right clicked desktop to open terminal, and ran pidgin, so i cando the same for my panel and check what works? <sheena1> users? <sheena1> this time lxpanel opened a different panel <sheena1> with my colour settings <sheena1> software updater opened and wants me to update 'Ubuntu base' <sheena1> looks like a kernel update <sheena1> testdr: are you here? <testdr> too late <testdr> re <sheena1> i missed some msgs <testdr> not much - was afk <sheena1> i made a new user through command line but now when i boot up, it does not even ask me which user i want <testdr> did you activate auto-login? <sheena1> i dont think so? if i did, it was an accident <sheena1> this morning, it would always ask me <sheena1> and now it does not <testdr> and you are logged in as this user? New or old one? <sheena1> home <sheena1> i cannot log in as new one <sheena1> i dont know how? <sheena1> if it does not ask me when i restart, i dont know how else to do it <sheena1> logout through GUI does not work <testdr> sounds like the login-manager is gone <sheena1> all gone :( <testdr> then its really the quickest way to do a fresh clean install from your live-usb-version <sheena1> throw it out and get a new pc ? <sheena1> ok <sheena1> i will find my usb stick <sheena1> i hope! <sheena1> is it bad to make a new one from this broken computer if i cannot find it? <sheena1> and there are now some things in .config again. should i rename it again before i install? <testdr> no - only the download has to work - with some kind of browser or wget -- but without an usb-stick? <sheena1> i have the iso file already on my laptop <sheena1> from before <sheena1> and i have many usb <sheena1> just not sure i have the boot one i made still <sheena1> i might have lost it or overwritten it <testdr> sheena1: then plug in a usable usb and identify its device -- maybe its /dev/sdb and do a dd if=isoimage of=/dev/sdb <kanzure> confirm it's /dev/sdb before dd <testdr> sheena1: if you have 2 harddisks it may be /dev/sdc <sheena1> i think i fount it <sheena1> it has .disk and boot nad casper.. etc <sheena1> seems like the right onw <sheena1> can i check it before i install from it? <testdr> the dd-command is: --- then its probably your lost live-version <sheena1> and kanzure, can i access this from my android phone so i can stay in the room while im doing my reinstall? <kanzure> androchat <testdr> sheena1: you check it with reboot and select boot from this usb-drive (maybe you have to press F11 .. F12 or F2 at boot-time) <sheena1> ok bye for now! <kanzure> or androirc, rather. <sheena> Is it working? <sheena> Kanzure am i in the rigt place? <sheena> My wifi card isnt opening. <sheena> Seriously? <sheena1> testdr: i have reinstalled. how can i check that everything is back to nromal? <testdr> check the lookout - working tool - like user-config, openbox-config etc. <sheena1> open bo confg opens <sheena1> user config works, i made a test account! <sheena1> how can i change my system suspend settings? maybe i should get help with that before i break all the things agin! <testdr> first do an update - suspend-settings like suspend-to-ram for an laptop? Thats part of powerconfiguration <testdr> check the tools in config and system-settings are working - there should be the tool for the power-settings <triplc> hi all <triplc> howto change colors of lxterminal ? <triplc> or it is only background & foreground color can be changed ? <triplc> no customized color scheme ? #lubuntu 2015-10-05 <coobra> ;D <utu8o> i accidently xkilled the lxpanel how do i get it back? thanks <utu8o> so does anyone know?? <bioterror> utu8o, lxpanelctl restart <utu8o> bioterror, how do i open the terminal? <utu8o> there is no start menu too <bioterror> how about super (windows) + t <utu8o> nope <utu8o> do any f keys open it? <bioterror> technically alt + f2 should be launcher <utu8o> nope <bioterror> logout and log back in <bioterror> save your work <utu8o> is there a way to restart the whole computer <utu8o> yeah how would i do that <bioterror> back in the days ctrl + alt + backspace would have killed the X <bioterror> but now days it's turned of by default <utu8o> so i guess the only way is to shut off the power? lol <Mathisen> ctrl + alt + F1 <Mathisen> f7 to go back to x <i386> Where is the battery widget in my laptop? ;S <holstein> i386: should be, in the system tray.. <ignacio> holstein➤ but I can't see it <ignacio> i mean, ts not there #lubuntu 2015-10-06 <NewMC> hi all, please confirm rm -r command would permanently remove directories? <genii> That's correct <NewMC> so /media/name (where name is user account) should only remove directories recursively under and including that directory? Or is it more robust than what I'm thinking. <NewMC> sorry: sudo rm -r /media/name <iynque> /media/name and everything inside it would be deleted, yes. <ianorlin> NewMC: yes but keep in mind you will want to know who has it mounted that media <NewMC> here's what I have, Android system with /data/linuxroot where I unpacked Lubuntu14.04 .tar image <NewMC> i flashed linux kernel in system recovery and booted to Lubuntu without issue, everything was working except it was not reading microSD <NewMC> this was supposed to be a known issue within the Ubuntu image and instructions to fix were sudo rm -r /media/tf101 (tf101 is the device but also user account that existed on image) <NewMC> this wiped my microSD and also did something within Android system <NewMC> I'm trying to figure out why it went beyond /media/tf101 <NewMC> thanks for answering my questions, have a good night. <genii> The first possibility that comes to mind is that things underneath of that directory were symlinked someplace else in the filesystem <iynque> rm -r shouldn’t ever ollow symlinks… AFAIK <iynque> follow* <jarnos> Someone is happy with Lubuntu's video playback. Vsync works apparently. http://askubuntu.com/a/647350/21005 <pitiye> can any one teach me how to increase screen brightness in Lubuntu 15.04 ? <leszek> pitiye: aren't the proper media keys on the keyboard working for you ? <pitiye> leszek: no <leszek> pitiye: there is a way to do this, if the driver and display support it via terminal and the xrandr command <leszek> pitiye: can you execute xrandr -q | grep -i "connected" to see the name of your connected output <leszek> it should be something like: "LVDS1 connected 1366x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 344mm x 194mm" the output name is then LVDS1 in this example <leszek> then you can put that output in the following command <leszek> xrandr --output LVDS1 --brightness 0.1337 <leszek> adapt output to your devices output and brightness to the brightness you want <leszek> brightness range is from 0 to 1 <pitiye> xrandr --output LVDS1 --brightness 1.0 <pitiye> i used this <leszek> did it work ? <pitiye> but still not bright as earlier <leszek> then maybe the brightness control is not detected at all by the kernel <leszek> do you have a file /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness ? <pitiye> leszek: do i have to reinstall vga drivers ? <leszek> pitiye: do you have any proprietary installed ? <leszek> or why reinstall ? <pitiye> leszek: this is dual vga with intel and nvidia cards <pitiye> right now only intel is used <leszek> ah the nightmare and the reason why linus torvalds gave nvidia the middle finger :P <pitiye> :)))) <leszek> do you have nvidia card disabled in the bios then when only intel is in use ? <pitiye> leszek: no its not disabled <pitiye> i will disable it and let u know <pitiye> brb <undecim> When I hit my calculator button, I get logged out. What gives? <undecim> It's on a compaq laptop... The calculator button is right next to the left Ctrl on an extra column... And it takes me straight to the login screen whenever I breath on it <DWSR> Hey all, I want to remove lubuntu-desktop and all packages it depends on. <genii> DWSR: Remove the metapackage, then use sudo apt-get autoremove --purge <DWSR> genii: Removes nothing. I have removed both lubuntu-desktop and lubuntu-core <ianorlin> undecim: I think that is a bug in 14.04 <ianorlin> if you change ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml to not launch lxsession-defualt calculator and launch glaculator it will work around it <genii> DWSR: Alternately, but perhaps somewhat dangerous: sudo apt-get remove $(apt-cache depends lubuntu-desktop | grep "Depends" |cut -d' ' -f4 ) <DWSR> Do I need to reboot after that? <genii> I'd recommend it, yes <DWSR> It took quite a while to turn off, holy. #lubuntu 2015-10-07 <julius86> Hi ! I've just got a big problem with Lubuntu. I did a lot of updates yesterday (except the kernel) and, today, I cant connect with LDM ! <julius86> It just come back on the screen of LDM whatever I do. Even if the password is fine <julius86> I just have no idea how to solve this. There are no error messages either... <julius86> ok... I've just found the problem. no more disk space :) <Sardo_Numpsa> Hi. I want to install Lubuntu on my laptop but last time I tried I could not boot due to some complication due to EUFI and gave up. <Sardo_Numpsa> Any advice on how I can avoid these kinds of problems? <Sardo_Numpsa> This time <christo_m> hello i cant seem to find the power management settings <christo_m> to disable suspend and power off #lubuntu 2015-10-08 <raz_-> Any particular recommended post-install tool to install a bunch of apps? I see PostInstallerF, "Ubuntu After Install" and "Ubuntu Tweak" <Haali> lubu15.04/ Links,intructions,kudos, for creating bootable live usb iso with custom packages (added chrome/chromium and some kde stuff, wine, libre office) <Chicken_Wrap> Hello. <redwolf> hello Chicken_Wrap <Chicken_Wrap> How are you? <redwolf> nice! how are you? <Chicken_Wrap> Just fine, thanks. <redwolf> :) <tachibana> halp <Chicken_Wrap> What is it, tachibana? <tachibana> how do I find an lubuntu theme with a cool minimal hardware monitor, quick launch bar, and that keeps the lubuntu button in place? <tachibana> most I look at on popular theming websites are ugly and are not the minimal norm you always see in desktop threads :/ <Chicken_Wrap> So you're looking for an LXDE theme? <tachibana> hey im munching on a chicken wrap right meow <tachibana> buffalo bacon flavor <tachibana> wrapped in a pretzel <Chicken_Wrap> I pray you enjoy your wrap. <Chicken_Wrap> I could really go for one right now. <tachibana> its not doing buffalo flavor any justice at all <tachibana> honestly <Chicken_Wrap> Oh. I thought that'd be the best part. :( <tachibana> its not spicy the sauce isnt yummy enough <tachibana> it just tastes like a mutant pretzel wrap <Chicken_Wrap> That's depressing. <Chicken_Wrap> My mouth was watering until you dropped that bomb on me. <tachibana> now im munching chicken dumplings <tachibana> that's a warp right <tsimonq2> -win 5 <tsimonq2> gosh darnit <tachibana> ? <tachibana> Pastebin.com is under heavy load right now :( <ianorlin> there are other pastebins <tachibana> u lie <tachibana> that would be such a waist of bandwidth bro <ianorlin> !info gist <ubottu> gist (source: gist): Upload gists to gist.github.com. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3.0-1 (vivid), package size 13 kB, installed size 87 kB <ianorlin> !info pastebinit <ubottu> pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4-4 (vivid), package size 14 kB, installed size 164 kB #lubuntu 2015-10-09 <noiesmo> hi all have just installed lubuntu minimal and have add most of what im after but would like when i plug in external usb drive that a icon appears on desktop that i can view through file manager and also unmount via right click <stanreg> Openbox: I'm trying to install an Openbox theme, but rather than having the files packaged in an .obt, they're all separated. Is there still a way to install 'em? #lubuntu 2015-10-10 <redwolf> o/ #lubuntu 2015-10-11 <tachibana> i need an easy gui program to switch my lxde theme around <tachibana> conky is neat for quick performance meters that aren't totally cringe <tsimonq2> tachibana: Openbox Configuration Manager is good <tsimonq2> under Preferences in the menu <tachibana> all openbox config seems to do is change panels one by one <tachibana> and there is like like hundreds of panels if im not mistaken <tsimonq2> no no no, there are themes and several GUI tweaks and such <tachibana> does everyone make a 1000 line universal theme changing script <tsimonq2> not that I am aware of <tsimonq2> Ipenbox Configuration Manager is ufficent for me <tsimonq2> *sufficent <tsimonq2> *Openbox <tachibana> well ill try again <tachibana> maybe your right <tsimonq2> tachibana: What are you trying to do? <tachibana> im just trying to get any general ricing theme going that is half-beautiful, maybe with quicklaunch and for sure performance hardware monitopring <tachibana> right now im downloading a 4 piece mac os replica <tachibana> but i dont think im going to be satisfied at all with it <tsimonq2> have you looked through the various themes? <tachibana> yeah most come off ugly too me <tachibana> even the top rated and most viewed <tsimonq2> and if you are looking for a more Mac OS X Linux experience, to be frank, Elementary OS is based off of Ubuntu and looks very similar <tsimonq2> to Mac OS X that is <tachibana> the windows and mac replicas are knid of neat, none seem to change the start menu to a better application finding layout and give search functionability <tsimonq2> tachibana: But would that be what you are looking for? <tachibana> elementary os screenshots look pretty moderately good <tachibana> the hardware requirements are similar to lxde right <tsimonq2> I am not aware of that, I just noticed what you were looking for and I gave you an answer :) <tsimonq2> but I will look :) <tachibana> hey thanks =} <tsimonq2> it has similar system recommendations, but Lubuntu is designed to be very lightweight <tsimonq2> tachibana: but Elementary OS has System Requirements of 512MB of RAM and a 1GHz processor as well as 15GB of disk space <tsimonq2> tachibana: so you should be fine, as you probably have a modern computer <tachibana> i do not, you dont have to look for me fella <tsimonq2> tachibana: can I be of further assistance, or do you have what you need? <tachibana> ill search themes on my own <tsimonq2> ok :) <tsimonq2> do you need anything else? <tachibana> im loving the lxde experience despite it being very bumpy <tsimonq2> tachibana: just to let you know, we are going to switch to LXQt soon <tsimonq2> tachibana: it is LXDE with Qt as far as I heard <tachibana> qt is a cool gui <tachibana> i dont know the differences between the current <tachibana> despite possibly licensing <tachibana> ? <tsimonq2> I don't know the specifics <tsimonq2> but I know we plan on moving over by the release of 16.10 <tsimonq2> that is the plan <tsimonq2> tachibana: if you need anything else, let me know, otherwise, have a good night :) <tachibana> tsimonq2, well i change the theme in openbox theme manager and the taskbar is still white and ugly and not the one in the screenshots <tachibana> then i go to into taskebar preferences and the color is set to load from the desktop theme.. that doesnt make sense <tsimonq2> and you tried the obvious, such as looking for a save button, double-clicking, etc.? <tachibana> yeah <tsimonq2> to be honest, I am not good with this. if you lurk here for the next couple of days, someone else might be able to help you. I apologise <tsimonq2> have a good afternoon/night <tachibana> okay much thanks though <tsimonq2> you are welcome :) <tachibana> if anyone else is lurking, if I change it to a physical color the taskbar changes immediately <imthenachoman> hey guys. i can't seem to find the images...where can i get lubuntu 14.04 LTS? and will it let me install core? <restore> Hi all <restore> i want to restore the lubuntu-desktop <restore> how can i do it? <imthenachoman> hey guys. i did an lubuntu core/minimal install. now i am booted in. is there anyway to get to the full desktop install? <imthenachoman> any reason gnome-system-tools would already be installed but system-config-users is not available? <krytarik> imthenachoman: For reference: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/security-karmic-replace-gst <tsimonq2> imthenachoman: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop <imthenachoman> krytarik: thanks! <imthenachoman> tsimonq2: thanks! <tsimonq2> imthenachoman: no problem ;) <iynque> Any ideas why my syslog is being spammed with “systemd starting session ### of user <user>” over and over again: http://cl.ly/dUnM/Screen%20Shot%202015-10-11%20at%201.04.17%20PM.png <iynque> Google isn’t being very helpful <iynque> I just moved from 14.04 to 15.04 by format/installing and using the same /home/ (on a separate disk), if that’s important. <iynque> Hmmm… I noticed the message was appearing every 8 seconds. On my Mac, I had GeekTool running `ssh andy@eeePC8G.local 'tail /var/log/syslog && date’` (to show it on my Mac’s desktop, as in that screenshot I linked) every 8 seconds. Stopping that stopped the messages in syslog :D <iynque> This wasn’t a problem in 14.04. Any ideas what I can do to keep the log tail on my Mac but NOT spam my syslog with those messages? <iynque> I normally only run the `ssh andy@eeePC8G.local 'tail /var/log/syslog && date’` command every 45 seconds, so it wouldn’t normally be a big deal. …but I’d rather not see those lines in the log. #lubuntu 2016-10-10 <tbnbuddha> hi. is there an easy solution to use the windows key to open the bottom left menu? <poopBot> wtf is this alternate download whats difrence vs normal <leszek> poopBot: alternative iso you mean ? Usually it comes without a live session just a text based debian installer <poopBot> oh <poopBot> i want live installer <poopBot> xD <Frankxjr83> hi all <Frankxjr83> tatally newbie here <Frankxjr83> totally <Guest95053> Just installed Lubuntu (in place of Mint XFCE) last weekend. Strange thing...I have two monitors and the POST, Lubuntu splash, etc., display on both monitors, but as soon as Login screen appears, second monitor turns off. <lynorian> guest is this a desktop where it is permanantly setup that way? <Guest95053> yes, it is <Guest95053> xrand on shows one (default) monitor <lynorian> well you can monitor settings from the prefrences menu and then save your settings <lynorian> lxrandr is a nicer frontend <Guest95053> OK, but still there is only the one default monitor shown there. <Guest95053> Can't seem to find a way to utilize both monitors after login. <Guest95053> BTW, I'm using a Nvidia FX-5200 AGP card. Thus my reasons for installing 14.04 <lynorian> Guest95053, with what driver <lynorian> I am pretty sure FX-5200 would not have nvidia drivers anymore but noveau should work or is there a regression I do not know about <Guest95053> I have not tested with default driver, only with 173.xx Nvidia driver. Maybe I need to try default. <Guest95053> "noveau" is what I was calling default. I'll give it a try, but nvidia drivers are still in the older kernel that 14.04 uses, just not in 16.04. <wxl> Guest95053: you should grep around in /var/log/{dmesg,syslog,Xorg.*.log} and look for any errors <lynorian> Guest95053, I think I had a pci version of your card and noveau works with it but that is not the case with something much newer like say a gtx 960 where there might be a really big performance difference and firmware barriers for noveau developers <LuMint> lynorian: fx 5200 should have nvidia-173 drivers. <LuMint> lynorian: nouveau works terribly with it. Regular crashes, no video playback. <Argh_> Hello, I am getting an error when attempting to play MP3's. states error opening file and says no such file or directory but when it is plugged into a windows machine it works fine in winamp. Using audacious music player <wxl> Argh_: so this is a USB? did you mount it? <Argh_> I am presuming it is mounted because I can see the songs etc on it. <Argh_> and it shows on the desktop <Argh_> it is usb <Argh_> I also copied it to a hard drive <wxl> and so you can navigate with audacious to the location on the usb? <Argh_> yes <wxl> sounds mounted to me <Argh_> :) <wxl> have you tried running it a terminal? <wxl> like `audacious /path/to/location` <Argh_> not sure how to find out the location to be able to put it in terminal <wxl> could probably copy paste from pcmanfm to lxterminal <Argh_> file:///media/metal/930c1555-4032-48f5-99c8-ed6262f01a7f/%5CUsers%5CGAMER%5CDesktop%5CCollection%20Music%5CMusic%20FIles%5CAsia%20-%20Heat%20Of%20The%20Moment.mp3 <Argh_> is that the path? <wxl> something seems strange there <Argh_> new to linux so.. what can I say LOL <wxl> the backslashes are probably not helping <Argh_> I copied that out of audacious list that shows the songs <wxl> in most linux shells \ is an escape character <Argh_> what about / slashes <wxl> not escape characters, but they are supposed to indicate a change in folder <wxl> i'd just change them to underscores. can't go wrong. or just rename that whole big blob to something.mp3 <Argh_> oh man. wonder if I will need ot do that to all files <wxl> probably wise <Argh_> there are over 1000 songs <wxl> https://scottlinux.com/2011/04/24/batch-rename-files-with-rename/ <wxl> easy in linux world <Argh_> one of the problems I am having is if I double click on the file it automatically opens audacous <Argh_> oh love typos <wxl> that's what it's supposed to do <Argh_> well I wanted to edit just one to see if that is the issue. <Argh_> $ rename 'y/ /_/' * is to replace the spaces with underscores so would I use $ rename 'y///_/'* ? <Argh_> The next question would be how do I only do it to the mp3 file? <Argh_> not sure if it helps but the song I posted is Heat of the Moment by Asia <wxl> oh yeah i can see that <wxl> but that's not the filename <Argh_> oh. I guess I am confused then hehe <Argh_> so what I showed you is just the location correct? <wxl> \Users\GAMER\Desktop\Collection Music\Music FIles\Asia - Heat Of The Moment.mp3 <wxl> THAT is the filename <wxl> not the location <wxl> the problem is those backslashes <Argh_> did you see the rename command I posted? Will that work? <Argh_> oh wait. the link I read showed how to rename it. <wxl> you want to do `rename 's/\\/_/' /path/to/file` <wxl> remember \ is an escape character <Argh_> not sure what you mean by escape character <wxl> so in order to use an UNescaped \ you need to escape it \\ <wxl> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_character <wxl> windows has them too as you can see <Argh_> ok so this just stays read this don't do anything with it because if it isn't escaped it will use it as a command? <Argh_> *says read this <wxl> you in the terminal? <Argh_> I am <wxl> type this: <wxl> echo \/ <wxl> what does it give you back? \/ or something else? <Argh_> / <wxl> right <wxl> now try: <wxl> echo \\/ <Argh_> ok I get \/ <Argh_> ah so echo means to show? <Argh_> with the / <wxl> that's because instead of trying to escape the next character, the \ is escaped, i.e. it prints the actual \ <Argh_> oh sorry \ <wxl> echo can be useful for such things <Argh_> ok <wxl> for example you can show the value of variables <wxl> echo $SHELL <wxl> for example <wxl> there's other magic it can do <Argh_> I get /bin/bash <wxl> yup, which is everyone's DEFAULT shell <Argh_> OH ok <wxl> so now you know a little more :) <Argh_> I do :) <Argh_> lovin it! <wxl> SO, to rename your file: you want to do `rename 's/\\/_/' /path/to/file` <Argh_> so how do I find the path to the file? <Argh_> because what you showed me before was just the name <wxl> yep you kind of already did this <wxl> let's start by going to the folder that contains the file <wxl> do: <wxl> cd /media/metal/930c1555-4032-48f5-99c8-ed6262f01a7f <wxl> now if you want to see a list of all the files in that folder, do: <wxl> ls <Argh_> cd for change directory <wxl> yup :) <Argh_> ls means list? <wxl> more or less yes <Argh_> so there are three colors, white blue and red <Argh_> red look to be zip files <wxl> yep <wxl> blue is folders <wxl> white is files <wxl> there's also tab completition available <wxl> so if you do: <wxl> rename 's/\\/_/' \\Users <wxl> and then hit TAB <wxl> it should either fill in the rest <wxl> OR <wxl> if it does nothing, it measns there are multiple matches <wxl> if you hit TAB again it will show them all <wxl> you can also use asterisks as wildcards <wxl> you can also use quotes to get rid of having to deal with escapes <wxl> so you could do: <Argh_> it didn't do anything <wxl> rename 's/\\/_/' *"Asia - Heat Of The Moment.mp3" <Argh_> this is cool btw I am loving it <wxl> :) <wxl> you might like linuxpadawan.net, as an aside. free linux mentoring <Argh_> hitting tab didn't change anything from what I can see <wxl> you can CTRL-C to get out of a command you're working on <Argh_> copied pasted and bookmarked :) <Argh_> ok so I did a ctrl c <Argh_> now I copied and pasted the command you gave me but it didn't seem to do anything <Argh_> with the tab anyway <wxl> it should return nothing if it worked <Argh_> oh <Argh_> how do i find out if it worked? just open the file again? <wxl> you can ls <was_Argh> not sure what happened, wasn't able to type anything <was_Argh> I noticed that the folder used to be called "all MP3's" now it is showing up as a file called "all.m3u8" <was_Argh> did I loose you wxl? <tsimonq2> was_Argh: he's at work and sometimes gets called off <tsimonq2> was_Argh: if you stick around, he'll be back soon ;) <was_Argh> ok thank you :) <wxl> was_Argh: ok, i'm going to teach you some magic. first install pastebinit by doing `sudo apt -y install pastebinit` and enter your password when asked <was_Argh> OK installing :) <was_Argh> ok done <wxl> cd back to where you were when you did the rename, if you happened to move around <wxl> oh and one more package just to make things really fun <wxl> `sudo apt -y install xclip` <was_Argh> ok done <was_Argh> what is CTCP VERSION? <wxl> that was me checking what irc client you were using <was_Argh> ah ok <wxl> because if you have the right one, i can make this magic even more magic :) <was_Argh> schweet! <wxl> but here's what we're going to do, all in one line: <was_Argh> ok both isntalled <wxl> 1. get a recursive directory listing <was_Argh> *installed <wxl> 2. submit the directory listing to paste.ubuntu.com <was_Argh> what is that? <wxl> 3. copy the URL to the clipboard <wxl> and then you can just paste it here <wxl> then i'll be able to see what you see <was_Argh> ok <was_Argh> how do I get a recursive directlry? <wxl> the directory listing is what you get from `ls` <was_Argh> good lord typo heaven <wxl> recursive means it will drill down into all the folders <wxl> we're going to use a magic linux thing called pipes <wxl> a pipe takes the output of the previous command gives it to the next one <wxl> so: <wxl> ls -alR * | pastebinit | xclip <wxl> then you should just be able to come back to irc and hit SHIFT-INSERT to paste it <was_Argh> ok ls: cannot open irectory 'lost+found' permission denied <wxl> what does `pwd` return? <was_Argh> file:///media/metal/930c1555-4032-48f5-99c8-ed6262f01a7f/%5CUsers%5CGAMER%5CDesktop%5CCollection%20Music%5CMusic%20FIles%5CBlondie%20-%20Call%20Me%281%29.mp3 <was_Argh> um. that isn't right LOL <wxl> cd /media/metal/930c1555-4032-48f5-99c8-ed6262f01a7f <wxl> then do the thole thing again <wxl> if there's a lost+found in there, that's just annoying <was_Argh> ok what I copied showed up when I hit pwd <wxl> you mean the permission denied? <wxl> or you mean /media/metal/930c1555-4032-48f5-99c8-ed6262f01a7f ? <was_Argh> ya it does have the lost+found <was_Argh> yes <wxl> which yes? :) <was_Argh> LOL sorry, good point <was_Argh> ok when I did pwd it showed /media/metal/930c1555-4032-48f5-99c8-ed6262f01a7f <wxl> ok so that's good <wxl> sooo let's do this differently then <was_Argh> ok <wxl> ok i think this will work <wxl> find . -not -name "lost+found" | pastebinit | xclip <was_Argh> permission denied <wxl> did it leave you anything on the clipboard though? <wxl> try shift-insert <was_Argh> find . -not -name "lost+found" | pastebinit | xclip <wxl> baaaah <was_Argh> lol <wxl> oh hell let's just at least get the basic listing <wxl> ls -al | pastebinit | xclip <was_Argh> ok <wxl> i KNOW that will work <was_Argh> so you want me to shift insert here right? <wxl> yup <was_Argh> ls -al | pastebinit | xclip <wxl> >:( <was_Argh> do I need to activate or start those programs I installed? <wxl> no <wxl> well enough of my dumb magic i guess <wxl> just do ls -al | pastebinit and copy and paste the url here :) <wxl> oh <wxl> hahah <wxl> i forgot <wxl> ls -al | pastebinit | xclip -selection clipboard <was_Argh> ? <wxl> THAT will do it <was_Argh> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23305242/ <was_Argh> HAH! <wxl> don't make yourself crazy but there are three clipboards in linux <was_Argh> REALLY? <was_Argh> thats cool <wxl> heh yup <wxl> ok if you look at that URL you'll notice all the lines that start with "d" are directories <was_Argh> ok <wxl> it looks like "all.m3u8" always has been a file, so I don't think that's your directory <wxl> i think it's actually the line right above it: "All College" <was_Argh> it used to be a folder called all mp3's <was_Argh> 74 is pictures of my 74 plymouth :) <wxl> heheheh <wxl> well <wxl> you could search for such a folder <was_Argh> how? <wxl> find . -type d -iname "all mp3*" <wxl> that looks only for directories (-type d) and does a case insensitive (thus -iname rather than -name) search <wxl> . refers to your current directory, i.e. $PWD (the `pwd` command will give you that too) <was_Argh> in terminal? <wxl> yup <was_Argh> what is up with the permission denied? <wxl> that's probably just complaining about lost+found, no? <was_Argh> ya <wxl> yeha don't worry about that <was_Argh> I just opened another terminal and did it but it didn't show anything <wxl> that means it didn't find it <was_Argh> ok <wxl> why don't you `cd "All College"` (or `cd All\ College`) and `ls` in there if you see if you see your files <wxl> i could also see "100ANDRO" potentially being the place, too <wxl> (it might contain the all mp3's folder) <was_Argh> from terminal it is showing my college transcripts etc <wxl> ok so cd back with either `cd -` (which will take you to the last folder you were in) or `cd ..` which will take you up one folder in the hierarchy <wxl> then you can try 100ANDRO <was_Argh> wont' let me into 100ANDRO <wxl> drwx------ 3 metal metal 4096 Oct 9 20:23 100ANDRO <was_Argh> oh didn't see the last directions <wxl> ^^^ this means that the owner can read, write, and execute the directory <wxl> drwx------ 3 metal metal 4096 Oct 9 20:23 100ANDRO <wxl> ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ this tells who the owner and their group is <wxl> i.e. you should have every ability to get into it :) <was_Argh> ah ok <wxl> unless you're not "metal" (`whoami` will let you know) <was_Argh> I don't see the "3" though must the metal@metal <wxl> you can see the three here http://paste.ubuntu.com/23305242/ <wxl> the three is the number of links <was_Argh> and that is just the list for my brothers sportster I am working on and my nook books I can't get into lol <was_Argh> number of links? <wxl> that's a longer more arcane subject. read more here if you want: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/103114/what-do-the-fields-in-ls-al-output-mean#103118 <wxl> anywho <was_Argh> hehe <wxl> so 100ANDRO doesn't have your mp3s <was_Argh> nope <wxl> and frankly i don't even see the mp3 you originally came in here talking about <was_Argh> when I click on theall.m3u8 file it shows all the mp3's I had on the hard drive. its a laptop hard drive in an external case <was_Argh> I wonder if windows nuked it. <wxl> that m3u8 is probably a playlist <was_Argh> oh man... <was_Argh> that would make sense. guess I will need to reburn all the cd's/music I have. argh <wxl> ouch <wxl> brb <was_Argh> ya.. sniff sniff. k <wxl> back <wxl> did your windows drive die, was_Argh ? <wxl> you could also look to see if there are any mp3s left with `find . -type f -iname "*.mp3"` (f for file btw) <was_Argh> no I just used it as a backup <wxl> it's maybe possible it's still around <wxl> ? or did you overwrite the drive? <was_Argh> don't think I overwrote the drive. It did find mp3's but they were ringtones LOL #lubuntu 2016-10-11 <pleasehelpme> Hello everyone. I bought a webcam with microphone, it attaches just fine to the top of my monitor, but the sound is so damn low I'm starting to suffer an aphonia because I have to SHOUT to be heared. Mic dB gain 100% (+12dB) is not enough. So I thought of editing ~/.asoundrc to software boost the mic. Someone said it should be easy with alsa plugins. Easy my ass. 8 hours and I still haven't managed to have a sound input that, w <Shawn|i7-Q720M> howdy <Shawn|i7-Q720M> is Lubuntu's SLIP protocol support good? <tsimonq2> Shawn|i7-Q720M: same as Ubuntu's, so I'd suggest asking in #ubuntu <Shawn|i7-Q720M> okay <elementaru> hey <elementaru> did a distupgrade to 16.04, and now the Lubuntu start icon not showing. anyone experienced that? <tholmes160> hi folks -- will lubuntu support virtualbox? <tholmes160> also, how hard is it to get the wm configured to provide an easily usable environment in lubuntu <joedoe47> yeah lubuntu just werks in virtualbox. The WM is already useable but like if you mean to configure it to for eg. snap window borders like in windows 7... that may take a little googlging. <joedoe47> but usually configuring the WM in lubuntu is easy. <tholmes160> kool, Im using lubuntu as the host and it'll be winxp for the guest <tholmes160> I hope <joedoe47> neato c: <tholmes160> :) <joedoe47> good luck with your project dude. <tholmes160> thanks <tholmes160> hope it will work -- ive been running it on kubuntu for a while, so hopefully it will translate and give me some speed improviement <joedoe47> uuuh, well it might. lxde uses less GPU things to render and lxde also starts up a lot less processes to do things. You should be able to dedicate more resources to your VM... but probably not enough to like for eg. play vidda games in the VM (or at least the super fast 3d ones) <tholmes160> joedoe47: not planning to play games, but only to run some small database applications <joedoe47> oh, shoot, you know what your doing then. You fiiine. c: <tholmes160> LOL -- ya -- to a point <shawn|P4> howdy, did I do this right? http://hastebin.com/agoquvarit.sql #lubuntu 2016-10-12 <Shawn|i7-Q720M> can someone help me please? <Shawn|i7-Q720M> I finished doing this tutorial for lubuntu http://homecircuits.eu/blog/lubuntu-installing-vnc-server/ <Shawn|i7-Q720M> and its refusing my connection <Shawn|i7-Q720M> has lubuntu's /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart path changed? <Shawn|i7-Q720M> when I go to that file.. its completely empty <Shawn|i7-Q720M> in either /LXDE/ or /Lubuntu/ <Shawn|i7-Q720M> I thought lubuntu would be the easiest to make a wifi connected server box, with VNC <Shawn|i7-Q720M> I figured it out, I keep seeing GDBus Error org freedesktop PolicyKit1 Error Failed on the VNC session, but I saw Policykit Authentication agent was already unchecked #lubuntu 2016-10-13 <hawkings> https://www.amazon.com/Holocaust-Hoax-Exposed-Victor-Thorn/dp/1467506389 <Vad3r> so 16.10 is out, is LXQt being used now? <tsimonq2> Vad3r: nope, we postponed it <Vad3r> tsimonq2, ?! <Vad3r> why? :( <tsimonq2> Vad3r: we had a few problems, most of which should be solved by now, so hope for 17.04. :) <Vad3r> how long for 17.04? <tsimonq2> Vad3r: 6 months <tsimonq2> sorry :( <Vad3r> oh, damn. <Vad3r> anyway, off to install 16.10 :) <Vad3r> why release 16.10 when it's broke? <Vad3r> ethernet doesn't work. updating doesn't work. NOTHING WORKS! device not managed. sigh. <Vad3r> I thought you test these releases? <Monster> hi <vad3r> yeah, so, 16.10 is broke. I installed it > Internet wouldn't work. Ethernet was plugged in. kept telling me about device not managed. <vad3r> I plugged in a wireless usb and connected to the Internet, nothing would update. <vad3r> backports etc was ticked. still couldn't update. checked the server uk and then tried main; still wouldn't work. <taholmes160> howdy all -- nice job on lubuntu 16.04LTS <taholmes160> night all <norbydroid_> Is there a was to remove packages without it sayin it needs to remove lubuntu desktop and break the system? <wxl> norbydroid_: lubuntu-desktop is just an index file. you can safely remove it. nothing will break. <wxl> argh <norbydroid_> okay. Thank ya. Didn't know. <wxl> np, norbydroid_ nevermind the arghing btw. that was meant to be directed elsewhere :) <norbydroid_> Gotcha. <norbydroid_> When I was tryin to remove files via synaptic it kept sayin it wanted to remove files and the system would break. I swapped to usin the terminal and apt-get purge. No issues. <wxl> yeah sometimes GUI tools try to interpret things for you ;) <norbydroid_> I am settin up a system for doin a specific task and removin all unecessary items I don't want. <wxl> norbydroid_: you also might look into the lubuntu-core package. you can just install the mini.iso and then add that. <norbydroid_> Hmmm Thank ya kindly I shal check that out. * Unit193 changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Lubuntu Docs: http://tinyurl.com/LubuntuHelp | Lubuntu 16.10 is out: http://tinyurl.com/GetLubuntu | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | About: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu | Offtopic: #lubuntu-offtopic | QA/Development: #lubuntu-devel #lubuntu 2016-10-14 <janat08> how do i install this DE on top of ubuntu without the netbook version or vanilla one <tsimonq2> janat08: sudo apt install lubuntu-core <janat08> is there a suggestion (or a place for those) to making it easier for people to explore the flavours <janat08_> lol yea, so i got a bunch of trash along with lubuntu <janat08_> lubuntu-core <Kamilion> http://puu.sh/rIfVk/701a2d80b8.jpg Little boxes, stuck in boxes, little boxes made of ticky tacky, little boxes on the host box, little boxes all the same, there's a pink one and a blue one and a green one and a yellow one and they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look... just the sameee.... <tsimonq2> ...?!? <Kamilion> theme song to a once popular television show <tsimonq2> oh <xsmltx> Hi, tell me please, which one is more lightweight Lubuntu-Core 16.10 Yakkety Yak or 16.04 Xenial Xerus Considering the dependencies http://packages.ubuntu.com/yakkety/lubuntu-core / http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/lubuntu-core <lt> When I try to upgrade from a perfectly working Lubuntu 16.04, I get "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of lubuntu-desktop:^M <lt> an error about missing gnome dependencies for lubuntu-desktop <lt> gnome-software, language-selector-gnome, software-properties-gtk & one other are missing. <lt> I read the release notes & saw nothing mentioned. Have I done something wrong? <lt> (Looks like a lxqt transition glitch to me). <lt> Please advise & thank you in advance. <leszek> lt: lxqt transition ? There is no lxqt transition <leszek> lt: did you run apt-get update again to see if it fixes the issue ? <lt> Thank you. I can, I always use a scratch disk for a first upgrade <lt> but I never quite trust an upgrade which is not "clean". <lt> Perhaps I should have said "lxqt work in progress". I looked into running the beta of that (do I have the acronym right) <lt> but there was no upgrade path. <leszek> yeah 16.10 is still using lxde for some reason. Maybe because the new lxqt release didn't make it in ubuntu <lt> I just tried "apt-get upgrade", which exited, suggesting "apt-get -f install" (-f for fix) <lt> The second apt-get wanted to make a bunch of changes, which looked scary. <lt> As an existence proof, has anybody done an upgrade to Lubuntu 16.10 rather than an ISO install? <norbydroid_> I ran lusb to see if the USB 3 card I installed was seen by linux and I don't se it. Is there anything I can do to get it usable? <norbydroid_> I have a USB stick in the USB 2 slot (the USB stick unfortunately is USB 3) and it is so slow it will take years to xfer files. <norbydroid_> A reboot with the stick installed shows it, but the PC I think is crap because the xfer speed is atrocious. <lt> fEdithCavell#13 <lee1> I have a question about an older machine i'm using Aspire 4520, it has a Nvidia GeForce 7000 in it. I'm currently having problems booting back into the OS. I'm getting a black screen with a blinking cursor. It was working before. I'm using 16.04 64bit <LuMint> lee1: do you use nvidia173? <LuMint> lee1: what happens if you do ctrl alt f1? <lee1> LuMint let me try <lee1> No the tty is also messed up. I have to edit grub and put in nomodeset <LuMint> lee1: that's what I was going to suggest <lee1> The kernel i'm using is 4.4.0-43 <lee1> When I use the nomodeset in the 4.4.0-43 it doesn't want to load it stops at the black screen with the cursor blinking. I'm going to select the -31 kernel and try. <lee1> LuMint: Well it's loading with nomodeset in the kernel 4.4.0-31 <LuMint> nice <lee1> the nvidia driver that it wants me to use is 304.131 <LuMint> it should be okay <LuMint> forget about 173, i thought your card was older <lee1> It says i'm using it. i'm going to switch back to Nouveau driver and restart then try to reload the nvidia drivers. But my problem I wasn't getting sound. I believe it happend after I ran some updates and the kernel updated <swift110> hey LuMint <LuMint> swift110: hi <swift110> how r u <LuMint> fine, and you? <swift110> great LuMint what ya up to <LuMint> going to take a nap <LuMint> :) <V7> Do you know how to change nvidia resolution to the correct one if there is no correct one <sodomy> Has Lubuntu 16.10 been officially released yet? Or is it still in testing? <wxl> !isitout | sodomy <ubottu> sodomy: It's Out!!! See - http://www.ubuntu.com/download <tsimonq2> sodomy: http://lubuntu.me/yakkety-released/ <sodomy> Thanks chaps. #lubuntu 2016-10-15 <xsmltx> Hi, tell me please is there any way to use Lubuntu-core minimal to recognize a touch screen tablet? Thank you. <tsimonq2> xsmltx: I don't know if it can be done, please send an email to lubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com and we can help you out. :) <xsmltx> Thank ypu <xsmltx> Thank ypu <xsmltx> Thank you tsimonq2, excuse me... <tsimonq2> it's fine ;) <xsmltx> tsimonq2, tell me please mag <tsimonq2> huh? <xsmltx> tsimonq2, tell me please maybe you know If I can use on Lubuntu-core minimal Virtual box? <xsmltx> My apologizes again, it's very dark in here... <lynorian> xsmltx, virtualbox won't help with the touch screen tablet drivers <tsimonq2> xsmltx: if you install Ubuntu Server, then install the lubuntu-core package, you should be good to go <xsmltx> I would like to be as neat-light-fast-minimal as possible please... :) <xsmltx> lynorian, tell me please I will can't use virtualbox on a touch screen table ? <lynorian> you can use virtualbox <lynorian> or if lubuntu is the base you can also use virt-manager <xsmltx> tsimonq2, than it means I can't use virtualbox or any other virtual machine on lubuntu-core minimal ? <tsimonq2> I'll let you get this lynorian :) <xsmltx> Oh, ok lynorian, than try virt-manager instead of virtualbox ? <lynorian> I think either will work but virt-manager will work if lubuntu is the base what are you running as a guest <xsmltx> And it will work for sure virt-manager on a Lububutu-core minimal pleas and tell me please, do you know what I have to do that the Lubuntu-core minimal recognize the touch screen, or still ask on lubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com ? <lynorian> although virtualizatoin like this means lots of ram use <xsmltx> Yes, the tablet has 4 GB, that's why at least the host to be as minimal as possible... <xsmltx> I should still ask on lubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com about the touch screen, is it right ? <lynorian> yeah virtualbox or virt-manager on 4GB of space will not really work <xsmltx> Even if I will virtualize also only for example Kali Linux light ? <xsmltx> And the host will be with Lubuntu-core minimal ? <lynorian> xsmltx, Well I would get the same pacakages as in kali and then put them on lubuntu minimal <lynorian> or maybe even just a window manager <xsmltx> lynorian, if it would be possible I would like to use those packages if it could be possible in a virtual environment, it could be Lubuntu or Kali... <xsmltx> Do I can use virtualbox from openbox? <lynorian> yes not sure you will have enough free space <xsmltx> Be right back.. <HickorySmokedBac> What's wrong with lubuntu's links? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu <HickorySmokedBac> The requested URL /lubuntu/releases/xenial/release/lubuntu-16.10-desktop-amd64.iso was not found on this server. <ornj> how do I get startx to do all the same stuffs lightdm do? <ornj> or: what do I need to put in .xinitrc (?) to make it work like lightdm/do what I need? <Lisaevb> The German people have been systematically vilified because they dared to stand up to the world banking cabal in their own country. See this book: "The Myth of German Villainy" by Benton Bradberry. On YT be sure to check out ALL WARS ARE BANKERS' WARS. <ornj> lol ok dude <Lisaevb> ornj, SORRY MOM, I was WRONG about the "HOLOCAUST" - Monika Schaefer, Green Party Politician: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0_BZphQ7Qo <ioria> lubuntu 16.10 i386 fails to install grub on mbr /dev/sda if offline ? anyone knows ? <joedoe47_> ioria: that means your drive must have been disconnected while it was writing to the master boot record, are you sure the connections to the drive are secure? <joedoe47_> it might have wiggled out, otherwise it might be a bug with the installer. <joedoe47_> or the hardware could be failing too. <ioria> joedoe47_, thanx, i tried 3 times, an offline installation ( without eth cable connected) and it fails ... the forth time i connected the cable and selected 'istall updates? and it worked <joedoe47_> oh it might be a bug somewhere then:? <ioria> joedoe47_, i did the usb stick (md5sum confirmed) either with rufus and linupendrive (uui) <ioria> joedoe47_, i also checked the media for defects <joedoe47_> well I generally trust sha256 of sha512 for sums, md5 is sort of simplistic for my paranoid needs... but uh that is why I say its a bug <ioria> joedoe47_, i see yes, maybe a bug (idk) .... i wonder if anyone else experienced the same issue <joedoe47_> I have before with 14.04, its probably the installer itself or one of the packages. Its no biggie. You might be able to try an offline install again in like a few weeks and it will be fixed. c: <ioria> joedoe47_, right. thanks <happycamper> hi guys <happycamper> is it worth updating from 16.04 i heard 16.10 is not LTS. untill when is 16.04 supported? help pls im not good with google :P <krakyk89> hi there <krakyk89> just wanted to ask <krakyk89> I have a messed up compaq presario <krakyk89> 1 gb ram, core2duo t6400 2ghz <krakyk89> and 250 gigs of hdd <krakyk89> can i use it for compiling and executing c programs <krakyk89> ? <gde33> hi <gde33> when i do sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers or sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa it says "Fout: heeft enkele softwarebron als argument" <gde33> whihc translates to error: single software source as argument <gde33> I'm trying to get the sis video thing working on 14.04.5 <gde33> oh ic I typed it from a website like apt-add but it should be add-apt <gde33> now it says "cannot add ppa: ' ppa:xorg.edgers/ppa' please check that the ppa name or format is correct. <Unit193> The exact command should be sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa and as the page says, you shouldn't be using hwe with it. <gde33> Unit193: thanks, what does hwe mean? <Unit193> Hardware enablement stack. <wxl_> !hwe | gde33 <ubottu> gde33: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack <Unit193> wxl_: You've got a tail. <gde33> let me explain the issue first, I have some ancient acer travelmate 2310 that has a SiS M661MX video adapter <gde33> when I ran the live usb it seemed reasonable, the resolution was not very high but ok <gde33> now, after install it is 640 <gde33> I read some of the sis video things have been fixed in 14.04 even with hardware acceleration <gde33> just not this one <MrFahrenheit> has anyone seen this problem: I install a fresh lubuntu 16.04, install libreoffice, and the main menu is all jumbled up and squished together <MrFahrenheit> https://i.imgur.com/aELF5mx.png <MrFahrenheit> all other applications look fine, and changing the theme fixes it, until I start the application again <MrFahrenheit> this is what is should look like https://i.imgur.com/JQudHL0.png <ornj> yeah <ornj> with serbian/croatian it's hard to tell the difference :P <MrFahrenheit> same happens in english, I just forgot to change it before taking the screenshot <ornj> i mean, is Datotekalzmijeni one word or six? <ornj> :P <MrFahrenheit> check the second screenshot :P <ornj> i figured it out midway between typing it <ornj> which is why that "l" looked short <ornj> "датотека" is a cool word and makes sense <ornj> is this maybe more of an LXDE problem? <MrFahrenheit> no idea <ornj> me neither :P <ornj> just suggesting you might have luck asking in that chan as well <newnoob> so quiet here <wxl> newnoob: as the topic said, go to #lubuntu-offtopic if you want to chat. otherwise, support only happens as needed. need something? <ornj> how do I get startx to do all the same stuffs lightdm do? <ornj> or: what do I need to put in .xinitrc (?) to make it work like lightdm/do what I need? <xsmltx> Hi, tell me please which system emulator is more recommendable for using Lubuntu-core minimal under it please? <gde33> +++++++++++++ <gde33> cat sorry <ornj> haha <gde33> best was when he held down delete and deleted all my torrents <gde33> but technical queestions, right... why do live usb sticks give me great OS's with wifi and high resolution but the actual install wont? <wxl> ornj: http://askubuntu.com/questions/391489/cant-use-startx-with-lxde#391495 <wxl> xsmltx: you want to run lubuntu-core in a virtual machine? <xsmltx> wxl, yes please... <wxl> gde33: grab additional drivers and you should be good to go. if you want more specific help, we need more specific information. <wxl> xsmltx: you can run it in any virtual machine. i like kvm as it's basically built into the default kernel. <wxl> xsmltx: of course, if you have a windows host, that's not very helpful. virtualbox works everywhere. <xsmltx> Thank you very much wxl, I will have more questions soon.. I appreciate <wxl> xsmltx: no problem. <ornj> wxl>> but, surely, "exec startlxde" alone isn't enough to replicate what lightdm does...? <ornj> like, is there some file I can peek into to see what-all lightdm is doing? <ornj> to replicate in the .xinitrc ? <wxl> ornj: basically what lightdm does, after login, is start up an lxsession. that session includes everything necessary to start lxpanel, openbox, pcmanfm, etc. <wxl> ornj: if you're trying to replicate what lxsession does, that's a whole different story. <Unit193> You may have to export DESKTOP_SESSION=lubuntu and export XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=lubuntu <ornj> can i... start up an lxsession with startx ? * ornj only a little lost <wxl> that's what the answer was about <ornj> wxl>> so startlxde starts up an lxsession. <wxl> ornj: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/en/man1/startlxde.1.html <ornj> <3 * ornj tips his hat to wxl <wxl> ornj: here's an older version of startlxde http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/wily/lxde-common/wily/view/head:/startlxde.in <wxl> so now you know what it does :) <ornj> so if I `sudo apt-get install xorg-xinit' and add `exec startlxde' to the .xinitrc, that should be enough to replicate the behaviour I want? <wxl> seems like it <wxl> never done it myself so good luck :) <ornj> AH-HA :D <ornj> haha thx <ornj> i guess worse comes to worse i uncomment + start over <wxl> yuup <wxl> you could run it all in a virtual machine, too <wxl> in order to test it out <ornj> gotta get me one of those <suitefoot29> please tell me how to remove lxde+lubuntu, after installing mate on a lubuntu system <wxl> suitefoot29: i'd check with the mate folks, technically, but removing lubuntu-desktop/core should do the trick. <suitefoot29> it didnt work <suitefoot29> i removed another app and lubuntu-desktop was removed oto <suitefoot29> but nothing else <wxl> then i'd go through the entire list of apps and remove them one at a time <suitefoot29> ... <wxl> what i can tell you is that a normal install of lubuntu is a matter of installing lubuntu-desktop, basically <wxl> if you remove that, it should remove everything except ubuntu-core <suitefoot29> how about this <wxl> however, i have no idea what you did to yours, nor what the implication of installing mate is <Unit193> wxl: Not how metas/tasks work.. <suitefoot29> i will go "apt-get install --reinstall lubuntu-desktop" <suitefoot29> get list <suitefoot29> then apt-get remove those things <suitefoot29> ?? <suitefoot29> ther is no implication <wxl> seems plausible <suitefoot29> i just have mate now with lightdm <suitefoot29> ok <suitefoot29> i will do it now <suitefoot29> that doesnt work bec it removes core things too <suitefoot29> son of b <wxl> why don't you just do a fresh install of mate, re-using your old /home? <suitefoot29> i dont have time for that <wxl> but you have time to muck around with removing individual packages? <suitefoot29> no, that was ur suggestion <gde33> wxl: I'm trying different oses atm but if you have an idea how to get SiS M661MX video working (acer travelmate 2310) in 1024 resolution rather than 640 I'm all ears. (The live usb works in 1024) <wxl> gde33: need the pci id. <suitefoot29> gde33: what is the graphic chip in it <gde33> I thought that was the sism661mx <gde33> where shall I find further information? <wxl> gde33: lspci -nnk | grep -A 3 VGA <gde33> k <suitefoot29> if it's via, it may only work with debian 7 <suitefoot29> i have a laptop like that and anything deb/ubuntu after that wont render <suitefoot29> deb 7 lxde, supported to 2018 <gde33> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 66/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter [1039:6330] Subsystem:Acer Incorporated [ALI] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter [1025:008] Kernel modules:sisfb <wxl> gde33: here's sisfb's docs which may be useful https://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/fb/sisfb.txt <wxl> what version of lubuntu, gde33? (lsb_release -a) <suitefoot29> gde33: that's via. only debian 7 live will work on it. nothing later, in terms of graphic support resolution <gde33> wxl: currently non, which should I try next? <suitefoot29> i tried deb 8 and ubuntu and arch on it <suitefoot29> u can try lxde <gde33> suitefoot29: great, yes I was trying lxle but it fails <suitefoot29> the live one off usb, to see if it boots up properly <suitefoot29> or u can install regular one <gde33> the live versions of lubuntu and lxle work just fine <suitefoot29> good job <gde33> with the right resolution <wxl> then grabbing the new drivers should solve the problem <gde33> wxl: just running update and upgrade didn't work, should I perhaps skip the propriatary stuff? <suitefoot29> should <wxl> gde33: not that <wxl> http://askubuntu.com/questions/47506/how-do-i-install-additional-drivers <gde33> I tried finding new drivers from the software center > ppa page via some short cut, would that boil down to the same check? <wxl> nope <wxl> a ppa is, generally, an unsupported mechanism of obtaining software <gde33> ill remake the lubuntu usb, will take a bit <ornj> might I want startlubuntu instead of startlxde ? <wxl> don't believe so <wxl> in precise there was a startlubuntu <ornj> ok <ornj> so startlxde shoudl include all lubuntu theming, etc.? <wxl> not since <wxl> *should* <wxl> but again, you're a bit on your own with the whole thing <ornj> grazie, signiore <ornj> haha great <wxl> well it's just a bit outside of the norm <wxl> i've never done this before and i doubt anyone else has <wxl> it's not like it's one of the goals of the lubuntu project :) <lynorian> Yeah I have never really set this up myself either <ornj> disabling a dm is that uncommon? <ornj> is that what we're referring to? <wxl> yes <lynorian> yes <ornj> oh <ornj> :/ * ornj weird nerd <gde33> lol this is going so fast! I'm already running the installer now :P <gde33> everything imaginable went wrong <gde33> I make an ubuntu 16 live usb which was aweful, the ui doesn't work in 640 resolution at all, no wifi, no way to do driver updates <gde33> now I'm back to installing lubuntu <gde33> wxl: aditional drivers in the latest ubuntu brings up software & updates <gde33> wxl: same in lubuntu #lubuntu 2016-10-16 <gde33> I tried running grub with video=sisfb:mode:1024x768x32,mem:4096,rate:60 <gde33> I put 60 in stead of 70 because I felt creative, should I try agin? <gde33> it didn't seem to do anything <wor8s> Scott Roberts - Who's to Blame for the Anti-White Agenda? - Radio 3Fourteen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-UGi9jy8eE Scott Roberts has been behind several YouTube channels, releasing around 2000 videos, addressing the agenda of organized elites. Many of his videos have been taken down by YT administration. <tsimonq2> wor8s: please leave this channel <wor8s> tsimonq2, Nah. <wor8s> tsimonq2, I use Lubuntu and I'll stay here in the support channel. <tsimonq2> wor8s: Ok, then please keep offtopic items to #Lubuntu-offtopic <elky> it's the anti-semite spammer <wor8s> Globalization is Talmudic Jihad. It is the implementation of tikkun olam, a dark and sinister Jewish concept at the heart of Communism, Christianity, and all forms of universalism. Tikkun olam is loosely, a plan to blend all the peoples of the planet into one amorphous helot class. While the Jews, who have scrupulously and assiduously kept themselves "pure", plan to rule over this slave society as an "enlightened" aristocracy. <tsimonq2> elky: I saw something like it but I was unsure. I even did a /whois to confirm. <elky> krytarik: he's klined, no need to keep the ban, he'll be on a new ip within the hour anyway <krytarik> elky: Thanks. <krytarik> (Was set to auto-expire in a day anyway.) <elky> ah i'll keep that in mind next time <gde33> I tried adding various kernel options until it eventually gave a kernal panic, then I errased all options from the grub boot menu which gave 1024 resolution <gde33> then I did sudo pcmanfm /etc/default/grub and removed the options there <gde33> now I'm back on 640 resolution <gde33> how is the boot menu editor different from etc/default/grub ? <gde33> it says "terminal lxsession-default-terminal isn't known consider report it to libfm developers" when I try open grub with pcmanfm <gde33> it seems to work fine but is this the correct file to edit? <viju> Hi, I installed lxde but it won't show on the list of desktop environments <viju> I am using ubuntu 16.04 <gde33> I'm able to get the right resolution by adding garbage to the grub file and removing it after failing to boot <Eny> Hello? <Eny> Anyone around? <tsimonq2> !ask | Eny <ubottu> Eny: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience <tsimonq2> :) <Eny> After last update to 4.4.0 -43 system doesnt load. Selecting recovery ode in grub gives me vfs unable to mount root fs on unknown block 0,0. With caps lock and scroll lock blinking. Previous version 4.4.0 -36 loads properly <tsimonq2> Eny: Maybe hop in #ubuntu? This doesn't seem to be a Lubuntu-specific issue. <Eny> I asked there too. Posted here because i thought it might be specific. Thank you. #lubuntu 2017-10-09 <pozk1> hello <anonnn> Hello, how much ram actually this lubuntu needs with/without gui? #lubuntu 2017-10-10 <dg_> hi <dg_> I have one question about lubuntu. What is the name of program/app which can clean the ram memory after leaving/turn off lubuntu. I know on 100% that such program/app is in tails. <dg_> Is there anybody good:) to help me? some answer? <dg_> I will be glad for any suggestion. <dg_> To amdmin and lubuntu developer..I think it should be built in lubuntu install package for <zagiell> Hi, I'm thinking to intsall Lubuntu. I would want to use it with the arduino IDE. Does anyone have experience with Lubuntu and arduino IDE??? <JohnDoe_71Rus> yes. it work fine <JohnDoe_71Rus> even alwinnwer A20 cubieboard (ARM) <zagiell> Will I be able to get help with my mistakes as I'm just a begginer in linux and arduino? <JohnDoe_71Rus> is i remember, just downloaв and extract Arduino IDE from arduino.cc <JohnDoe_71Rus> I've got to go <zagiell> OkeyDokey thanks <Barry_> how do I install lumbuntu #lubuntu 2017-10-11 <fishcooker> what's the copy paste tool clipboard for with full integration with terminal recommended on lubuntu env? #lubuntu 2017-10-12 <matt___> how much space is required for lubuntu <AcerLaptopUser> hello <lowriter> libreoffice writer crashes with Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:23:18: not a number <leszek> lowriter: tried choosing a different gtk theme? <leszek> does it fix the crash. If not then the "warning" is not the cause for the crash <Lucky__> hi <Lucky__> hi <lowriter> leszek: i changed the theme and it still crashes. I'm using Lubuntu <lucky-rahat> hi <lucky-rahat> i want to install server lubuntu <lucky-rahat> lubuntu on server machine hardware <lucky-rahat> exit <lowriter> leszek: the not so funny thing is everything works(Calc, draw, math) except for writer <leszek> uff then even more I doubt that it is a theming issue. So the warning has nothing to do with it <leszek> lowriter: have you checked the live system already? Does it work there? <lowriter> leszek: it does not come with the live system. the live system had abiword only and even that was flickering when it opens <lowriter> https://askubuntu.com/questions/808850/why-are-abiword-documents-flickering-since-the-upgrade-to-lubuntu-16 <leszek> you know you can install lo on the live system aswell to see. You can also try removing all lo settings from your home folder to see if it works <lowriter> i'll try removing all lo settings in the home folder and see what happens <lowriter> leszek: writer is still crashing after removing the lo config in the home folder <lowriter> Adwaita theme keeps showing up in google searches. <leszek> lowriter: then like I said change the theme <lowriter> leszek: i changed the icon theme but no dice. I have the adwaita-icon-theme but that is not full . I'll install adwaita-icon-theme-full and see if it helps <leszek> hmm... good idea <lowriter> hmm, synaptic wants to remove lubuntu;-core, -default-sessions, -desktop... <leszek> not good <lowriter> leszek: LO->tools->Option->Advanced disable 'use a java runtime environment' worked <leszek> oh interesting <leszek> so java is the culprit <murii_> Where do I have to put my alias in order to have it saved for the next session? <agaida> murii_: it depends on your used shell and your knowledge <murii_> agaida, bash.rc did the job <agaida> not the best of all ideas - in bashrc should be the lines: <agaida> if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then <agaida> . ~/.bash_aliases <agaida> fi <agaida> so i would suggest to place aliases in .bash_aliases <qswz> when is 17.10 coming out? <wxl> !artful | qswz <ubottu> qswz: Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) will be the 27th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released in October 2017. Discussion in #ubuntu+1 <wxl> also: <wxl> !release <ubottu> Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases <wxl> according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark/ReleaseSchedule the official date is the 19th <qswz> wxl: thanks <wxl> np <pmatulis> i would like to swap my Esc and CapsLock keys. this is purported to work but does not: `setxkbmap -option caps:swapescape` . any idea? i'm on Xenial #lubuntu 2017-10-13 <jchee> how can i disable tap to click in lubuntu? I've used synclient to disable but tap to click is still annoying me: http://lpaste.net/359208 <terfysgwr> Aw buddy come back, I had an answer! <pmatulis> anyone got an answer to my question? <nader> hi everybody <nader> is the proposed download suitable for a live installation? thanks <sushi22> hi! someone over here? #lubuntu 2017-10-14 <theliber> hello there <theliber> i was wondering what would be the minimum disk space required for lubuntu <theliber> will it work with 10GB partition? <theliber> anyone? <theliber> ? <LioneLL> yes #lubuntu 2017-10-15 <bryanfrommacau> hi <bryanfrommacau> quick question....How do I connect to a projector or tv in lubuntu? <bryanfrommacau> Nevermind, I figured out how to manually turn it on through display settings, but... <bryanfrommacau> Is there a shortcut? <bryanfrommacau> I cannot configure my second monitor (my tv) to display correctly in lubuntu <defenderoffreedo> hey, anyone here? <defenderoffreedo> i wanted to know if we can map certain key of keyboard to another key <defenderoffreedo> the problem is the spacebar key of my laptop is broken <defenderoffreedo> so i wanted to remap the "right click" key to the spacebar <defenderoffreedo> i have been doing that on windows but couldn't find a way on lubuntu <defenderoffreedo> anyone have any idea? <defenderoffreedo> ? <bryanfrommacau> I'm here but don't know <bryanfrommacau> I"m sure there's a way <bryanfrommacau> Maybe autokey? <bryanfrommacau> hi <bryanfrommacau> my screen goes past the edge of the monitor - about the width of one mouse pointer #lubuntu 2018-10-09 <lubot> marneu was added by: marneu <lubot> <marneu> so seeing as trojita is set to be added to Lubuntu 18.10, i decided to try it out again (via wxl's testy-testy, in a VM), but i encountered the same bug i saw when i tried compiling it myself: plain text mails get displayed with one character per line. i have no idea what's the issue, this time the entire setup is as default as can get <lubot> (Lubuntu 18.10, Breeze theme etc). Has anyone else seen this issue? FWIW, when I tried Trojita in Manjaro, I did not have this issue. ... https://i.imgur.com/KoSVEqv.png <lubot> <marneu> I might actually file a bug report for this, but I'm not really sure where. <lubot> <marneu> Didn't see any reference to this issue in Trojita's issue tracker, either. <lubot> <tsimonq2> Please repeat that in the Lubuntu Development group. <lubot> <marneu> sure! <lubot> <tsimonq2> Thanks :) #lubuntu 2018-10-11 <lubot> Hakimamunra was added by: Hakimamunra #lubuntu 2018-10-12 <lubot> LenCole was added by: LenCole <lubot> <TheWendyPower> @Hakimamunra [<reply to image>], Welcome to the group! <lubot> <TheWendyPower> @LenCole [<reply to image>], Welcome! <saptech> hello all <saptech> I've installed lubuntu about a couple of weeks ago. so far it's working great <saptech> looking at my alias I see this Alert alias setup, what does it suppose to do? <saptech> https://bpaste.net/show/c841a1a22454 <saptech> I didn't include it <lubot> <marneu> It displays a notification (if libnotify-bin is installed, by default it's not there). Pretty cool, actually: If you enter a command, a semicolon and alert in a terminal, the notification displays the preceding commands. <lubot> <marneu> (Photo, 1280x720) https://i.imgur.com/KXNejB5.jpg alert-alias <saptech> ok, thanks <saptech> sounds fun <saptech> :) <saptech> thanks for the example <lubot> <marneu> Your welcome! I didn't actually know about this before, so I've learned something as well C: <lubot> <marneu> *You're #lubuntu 2018-10-13 <lubot> Wafficus was added by: Wafficus <lubot> <Wafficus> Need help with wireless card on Acer aspire 3690 <tsimonq2> !bcm4318 <tsimonq2> !broadcom <ubottu> Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx <lubot> <tsimonq2> @Wafficus ^ <lubot> <Wafficus> Yeah found that earlier. Gonna have to use a flash drive to use the installer <lubot> <Wafficus> Thanks <qwefytuoityty> audacious update encoder mp3 to lame 3.100 #lubuntu 2018-10-14 <KoRn3> anyone else having issues with keyboard shortcuts working intermittently?... sometimes works after a reboot, sometimes not <system16> hi <system16> im trying to setup pptp (plz dont ask why) vpn connection. it keeps saying that vpn service quit unexpectedly <system16> commands that i ran : <system16> sudo apt-get install pptp-linux <system16> sudo apt-get install network-manager-pptp network-manager-pptp-gnome <system16> all ran just fine <system16> Client: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7400 @ 2.80GHz (1.60GHz) • Memory: Physical: 2.9 GiB Total (2.0 GiB Free) Swap: 337.9 MiB Total (337.9 MiB Free) • Storage: 4.6 GB / 12.8 GB (8.2 GB Free) • VGA: NVIDIA Corporation G96 [GeForce 9400 GT] @ Intel Corporation 82G33/G31/P35/P31 Express DRAM Controller • Uptime: 59m 7s <system16> btw this OS is on a usb drive <ilyaigpetrov> system16: are there any vpn-related logs given out by `tail /var/log/syslog`? <system16> let me see <system16> yes <system16> its saying : <ilyaigpetrov> hide all personal info before posting if there are any <system16> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/G3kHfBBRmh/ <system16> it asked me my gateway and i gave my routers ip <system16> is this wrong ? <ilyaigpetrov> not sure, I would do the same <system16> did you read it ? what does it say ? <ilyaigpetrov> system16: I'm not experienced, but `Could not open control connection to` says it couldn't connect to the ip <ilyaigpetrov> system16: you may get more lines of logs by `tail -n 100 /var/log/syslog` or you may use `less /var/log/syslog` <ilyaigpetrov> system16: your problem is not directly related to lubuntu so you may try more populated channels, I guess ubuntu fits here though it may differ in packages preinstalled <lubot> <marneu> How do I start kubuntu-driver-manager? 'sudo kubuntu-driver-manager' doesn't work, and there doesn't seem to be menu entry, either. <lubot> <tsimonq2> Fwd from acheronuk: Exec=kcmshell5 kcm_driver_manager <lubot> <marneu> Nope. "kcm_driver_manager: command not found" ... I just installed the package "kubuntu-driver-manager", I guess there are additional dependencies that I need to install? <lubot> <marneu> Ah, the command for the commandline is "kcmshell5 kcm_driver_manager", and it was indeed missing "kde-cli-tools". <lubot> <marneu> Thanks! <lubot> <tsimonq2> No worries 👍 #lubuntu 2019-10-07 <ktt___> Hello all. Lubuntu 19.10 beta (downloaded today) and VirtualBox 5 (as in Lubuntu 18.04): has someone managed to install the 19.10 beta into a virtual machine? <ktt___> In my experiments, the installation has now crashed twice and the virtual machine has just "aborted". <ktt___> 4096 MB memory, 4 cores, 40 GB disk. <tomreyn> !ubuntu+1 <ubottu> Eoan Ermine is the codename for Ubuntu 19.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 <tomreyn> i wouldn't recommend using virtualbox as packaged in ubuntu, though, better use kvm-qemu or upstreams' virtualbox packages. <tomreyn> there are numerous bugs in 5.x <ktt___> Ok, so it seems. On Windows, virtualbox 6.0, the installation went through pretty much fine. Now I'm installing Vbox 6.0 to Linux and testing there. <treekeko> snap installs dont work, how come? <lubot> <teward001> unless you've installed snapd you can't run snaps <lubot> <teward001> I don't think Lubuntu ships `snapd` by default <treekeko> app gets installed but wont run <lubot> <teward001> and you've tried to run it? <treekeko> wont run <treekeko> this output: <treekeko> /snap/jdownloader/7/wrapper: 3: /snap/jdownloader/7/wrapper: /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/bin/java: not found <treekeko> 2019/10/07 20:01:34.539984 cmd_linux.go:85: cannot open snapd info file "/snap/core/current/usr/lib/snapd/info": open /snap/core/current/usr/lib/snapd/info: permission denied <treekeko> (now - after installing snapd - i get the second one) <treekeko> snapd = snappy-debug ? <lubot> <teward001> no <lubot> <teward001> snapd is the thing that runs snaps <lubot> <teward001> you weren't precise with your issue earlier <lubot> <teward001> > /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/bin/java: not found < that's your issue with your jdownloader snap <lubot> <teward001> it needs Java available/installed and you don't have it installed <treekeko> because i installed snappy-debug but then it said snapd was installed <lubot> <teward001> you don't need snappy-debug. <lubot> <teward001> but you DO need Java installed <lubot> <teward001> which you don't seem to have installed based on that error <treekeko> so what is everything i must do now? <treekeko> now i only get the second one: 2019/10/07 20:01:34.539984 cmd_linux.go:85: cannot open snapd info file "/snap/core/current/usr/lib/snapd/info": open /snap/core/current/usr/lib/snapd/info: permission denied <treekeko> but i didnt install java <treekeko> what does this mean? <treekeko> is the java package called "java" <treekeko> ? <treekeko> so if i understood correctly i must first install java and then snapd, right? <lubot> <teward001> you already have snapd installed <lubot> <teward001> you need Java <treekeko> i think snaps should be made easier, they should work right away, i tried 4 or 5 and none worked right away... <lubot> <teward001> not all snaps are made the same <lubot> <teward001> nor does Lubuntu or Ubuntu have any control over them directly 😜 <lubot> <teward001> you can attempt to install default-jre to see if that works <lubot> <teward001> but it might not with that version of JDownloader in the snap <treekeko> it might not? <treekeko> so how to do it? <lubot> <teward001> very hard to explain to a non-developer - but under the hood it may use Java things that're too old or too new depending on what's installed. <lubot> <teward001> try and install default-jre and see if it works <lubot> <teward001> if it still doesn't work/run then you'll have to contact the developers of that snap itself and get assistance from them <lubot> <teward001> because it could be a problem with the snap itself <treekeko> what about that wrapper thing, what does that mean? <lubot> <teward001> that's the program that is inside the snap being run. Its error was actually stating this: /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/bin/java: not found <lubot> <teward001> which is why I said you don't have Java installed/available <treekeko> ok i'll try with default-jre <treekeko> thanks <treekeko> should i uninstall snappy-debug? <lubot> <teward001> yes <treekeko> what's the command to remove snap? <lubot> <teward001> `sudo apt remove snappy-debug` <lubot> <teward001> you don't need to remove snapd or the JDownloader snap necessarily though <treekeko> when you install snaps from the software center there's that permissions button... nothing needs to be done there? <treekeko> i havent touched it <tomreyn> no i dont think you need to change it <treekeko> ok thanks <tomreyn> those two options should be fine there by default https://i.imgur.com/o8sDwzp.png <treekeko> ok <tomreyn> but indeed this is not so useful: <tomreyn> x@x:~$ /snap/bin/jdownloader <tomreyn> Segmentation fault (core dumped) <treekeko> i dont understand <treekeko> im beginner <tomreyn> it crashed on a default ubuntu installation <treekeko> i tried many snaps and none work <tomreyn> then i suggest you draw your own conclusions from that <treekeko> snap sucks :) <lubot> <teward001> or those snaps are built for newer OSes or other libraries and software that are not available for your system. Or those specific snaps are just poor. <lubot> <teward001> ... or Lubuntu and Snaps just don't get along <lubot> <teward001> which is @tsimonq2's viewpoint on the subject <treekeko> life was easier before (snaps) <treekeko> also i dont understand why some software is only available as snaps <treekeko> some has both options, but some only snaps <treekeko> we need lubuntu to be easy if we want it to conquer the world :) <treekeko> this stuff is too complicated for most people <treekeko> including me <treekeko> :) <treekeko> we just need it to press the button and work right away, like everything was before <lubot> <HMollerCl> snaps supposedly are made for simplicity for the developer. \me don't like snaps so can't help, consumes to much resources. <treekeko> ok im going, thanks all #lubuntu 2019-10-08 <c|oneman> lxpanel is freaking shit compared to the Win98 start menu <c|oneman> where’s “open file location” and other useful right-click menus? <guiverc> c|oneman, please mind the language... <guiverc> c|oneman, i really have no idea what you're asking. right click menu's vary on what application is running, openbox if wallpaper, pcmanfm if file manager, etc options can be disabled; so if disabled/changed fewer, or more may show.. <c|oneman> I mean the “start menu” , this is complaint I have with all Desktop Environments. I can’t do enough with the application shortcuts <c|oneman> I guess it’s just “open file location” no in Windows 10, they mangled it there too... <guiverc> LXDE is pretty much on life-support (by raspberry pi folks); it was replaced with LXQt for Lubuntu; LXDE used the old GTK+2 toolkit from long-ago (gnome2), thus little effort went into it. It wasn't until 18.10 that the switch to LXQt was finally made (using Qt5 toolkit) <c|oneman> would you say it’s time to quit lubuntu on 32-bit? <guiverc> I have Lubuntu on a t43 (old thinkpad), which is supported until 2021-April. I also tried later Lubuntu 18.10/19.04 on it & it was nice; alas x86 support is best with 18.04; 2021-April is still awhile into the future. <guiverc> ^ 18.04 LTS (from 2018-April with 3 years = 2021-April; 5 years applies only to Ubuntu with gnome) <Sealronis> hello <Sealronis> i need an advice <Sealronis> i have a pc, that has 1gb ram and i installed lubuntu 19 there, it is slow and lagging. I tryed to change memory swapping number from 60 to 90 or 100 but that helped only a little to none. That computer has 64-bit architecture and i installed 64 bit lubuntu there, but now im thinking i could try 32 bit and maybe older version. Some people say that <Sealronis> they have run lubuntu on 128-256mb ram, so with correct configuration and maybe older version i should be able to run it on 1gb too <Sealronis> On my main PC i also have this bug where lubuntu starts loading, number of ( OK ) colored text lines go and stops on ( OK ) GNOME Desktop loaded, i assume its because i installed another display manager - lightDM i think its name was and gdm3 and the original one and they must be conflicting, so i guess i need to reinstall new lubuntu. <Sealronis> But the pressing problem is with the 1gb ram computer in about an hour or two i need to install new OS on that pc, so people can use it. Its a public computer. <diogenes_> Sealronis, you can install whatever minimal system you want but, as soon as you open firefox, your ram is dead, ff takes 1Gb+ memory, so with 2Gb ram, you should use a different browser like dilla, epiphany. <Sealronis> asdas <Sealronis> diogenes_, How can i install and use older system version? When i do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade will it install OS to the newest version and slow my pc down again? <Sealronis> I should have started sentence with "Thanks!":( <Sealronis> :) <diogenes_> Sealronis, it will update the current system only. <diogenes_> !upgrade <diogenes_> err <ubottu> For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade <Sealronis> Thats great! <Sealronis> Are older versions supported by Ubuntu repositories still? Can i get newest versions of the apps and use them in say lubuntu 10.0 as well as in lubuntu 19.0? <diogenes_> searnope. <Sealronis> ? <diogenes_> Sealronis, nope, lubuntu is 3 years support. <Sealronis> how do i use older system then ? <diogenes_> you can use it but you can't update, no security, nothing. <Sealronis> if i want libre office, chromium or as you said some other browser, gimp - can i use those? <Sealronis> on 10.0 <Sealronis> i dont know what is security and you said i can update it will update only my system <diogenes_> only the older versions. <Sealronis> oh older versions... <Sealronis> how do i know if they will be good enough> <Sealronis> can i make them on public pc and know that they will work properly on all sites people need to go? <Sealronis65> Asd <Sealronis65> Asd <Sealronis65> Trying <Sealronis> Miccheck <Sealronis> Now should be good <Sealronis> Ok i will try 16.04 version which browsers you recommend you said? <diogenes_> dillo, epiphany. <Sealronis> Thanks!! <belmari> belmari <tomreyn> yes that's you #lubuntu 2019-10-09 <eamonn> Hello there! I was just going to upgrade to the latest Lubuntu and realized that 19.10 is in beta anyway... <eamonn> Anything I should know before jumping into testing? Is there some pre-beta-testing Readme I should check out? <lubot> * HMollerCl just use the system and see if bugs appear <eamonn> Ok, thanks, will do! <wxl> eamonn: also head over to #lubuntu-devel where all the fun development/testing discussion happens <lubot> <HMollerCl> Read the release notes of the beta <wxl> see also https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/testing/ <xrandr2> Hmm...got a lubuntu install to work :) * xrandr2 does a happy dance <n-iCe> :D <xrandr2> I just wish this laptop monitor had a higher screen resolution. I like the 1920x1280 resolution :) <Mead> it is amazing how laptop manufactures keep putting sub 1080p screens in laptops these days. Was looking for laptops the other day, sooo many 17inch 1600X900 laptops #lubuntu 2019-10-10 <xrandr> I'd even take that.....my laptop is 1376 x something <tMH> hiya everyone <tMH> I am planning to install fresh ubuntu version on lowcost machine (old one, with P3 cpu), I've tried to install 18.04-alternative, but for some reason gfx32 (or how it spelled) did not load. <tMH> I unpacked one by one those distro isos: lubuntu-16.04.1-alternate-amd64.iso, lubuntu-16.04.1-alternate-i386.iso, lubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso, lubuntu-18.04-alternate-amd64.iso, lubuntu-18.04-alternate-i386.iso - all they have tens of missed files - I've check md5sum inside... <tMH> only one disto has no problems - lubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-i386.iso <tMH> iso files were dloaded from https://lubuntu.net/downloads/ <guiverc2> P3 as in pentium-III (3)? Lubuntu 16.04 LTS is EOL; flavors only come with 3 years of supported life; 2016.April + 3 years = 2019.April EOL. <tMH> even http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/16.04/release/lubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-i386.iso <tMH> guiverc2: can you tell why there are md5sum errors (missed files) in those isos ? <tMH> when I try to load one of them - loading is failed because gfx*.c32 file is not found! <tMH> I did read about "tab, choose live or install" - that's nice, but install starts in text mode... <tomreyn> tMH: end of live (EOL) is when something is no lonfger supported. try 18.04.3 <guiverc2> there shouldn't be md5sum errors in the files; I've downloaded & never had issues (I tend to download from more local mirror, but grab md5sum/sha256sum from main site) <tMH> tomreyn - both of 18.04 has missing files in their isos... <guiverc2> I also don't expand the ISO, just write to my install media. (usually thumb-drive & install from that) <tMH> ok, wait here, I'll check out 18.04 386/amd64 versions and paste what I've met by md5sum testings. <guiverc2> (expand as in the write will expand ISO to boot, but I don't manually expand it prior to write) <tomreyn> i guess if you're saying that the 18.04.3 iso's you have verified to have downloaded AND written to the boot media with the correct checksums, cannot verify the md5sum of some components when you do the live media test, then thats's probably worth reporting a bug if there's no such report, yet <tomreyn> but it also shouldn't pose any issues if you verified the iso was proerly written to the installer storage <tMH> amd64 md5sum test errors: https://justpaste.it/48u3g <tomreyn> how do you run these tests? <tomreyn> unpack the iso, then md5sum --check <MD5SUM ? <tomreyn> tMH: the lubuntu website is the one in the topic, not the one you seem to have downloaded from. <guiverc2> If I run the `md5sum lubuntu-18.04.1-desktop-i386.iso` i get "7b0a543da70aafe476796f536842d408 lubuntu-18.04.1-desktop-i386.iso" which matches perfectly the value in the MD5SUMS file http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/18.04/release/MD5SUMS <guiverc2> (likewise the amd64 file) <tMH> tomreyn - yes, unpack the iso and run md5sum over md5sum.txt <tMH> inside unpacked folder, of course <tomreyn> so tMH is referring to the MD5SUMS over single files contained in the ISOs <tMH> https://justpaste.it/48u3g <tMH> reload the paste, I wrote new md5sum errors there. <tomreyn> whats the checksums on those isos you tested? do they match what's given on lubuntu.ME and cdimage.ubuntu.com ? <tMH> tomreyn - once again - I unpack .iso file and check md5sum.txt file inside by md5sum. results you can see on justpaste.it I posted earlier. <tMH> the reason I decided to check the content of those isos is because usb is not loading as it supposed - in gfx mode. <tomreyn> tMH: i understand what you're doing. you're testing *some* ISO files' contained files against the contained MD5SUMs <tMH> it stops by "gfx*.c32" not found. <tMH> tomreyn - yes. <tMH> tomreyn - not some - but those are listed in md5sum.txt file <tomreyn> but you're not understanding this part: there i no use in testing random ISO files. only test those official ISOs please <tMH> tomreyn - give me the link of "official iso", please, I check it right after. <tomreyn> as i said, the lubuntu website is given on the channel topic <tMH> of the "official iso" even. <tomreyn> it's lubuntu.ME <tomreyn> cdimage.ubuntu.com also works <tMH> tomreyn - not lubuntu.net ? <tMH> ok, cdimage. <tMH> tomreyn - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/18.04/release/lubuntu-18.04-alternate-i386.iso <tMH> ok ? <tMH> this one ? <tomreyn> yes this is an official one. though the current release is probably 18.04.3 <tMH> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/18.04/release/lubuntu-18.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso <tMH> then this one <tomreyn> looks good <tMH> ok, let me get it and check the md5sum.txt inside <guiverc2> tMH, lubuntu.net is NOT related to Lubuntu/Ubuntu; if you're unsure what is, ask ubuntu.com (ie. https://www.ubuntu.com/download/flavours) and do NOT ask google - it'll send you wrong. <tMH> guiverc2 - hm. <tMH> guiverc2 - ok, ok, I am using ubuntu.com to get lubuntu isos <tMH> now <guiverc2> (ubuntu.com will send you where tomreyn already said to go) <tMH> 18 seconds dl ETA <tMH> 5, 4.. <tMH> btw <tMH> I noticed that if iso contains large squashfs file - there are NO md5sum errors. <tMH> but if iso does not have such file - it contain md5sum <tMH> this 18.04.03 has squashfs file, but I'll check it anyway <tMH> ok, no errors at all <tMH> but let me check out prev version 18.04-alt <tMH> from ubuntu.com <tMH> this one: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/18.04/release/lubuntu-18.04-alternate-i386.iso <tMH> same thing: https://justpaste.it/48u3g (reload the page to get new paste) <tMH> any ideas ? <tomreyn> <tomreyn> i guess if you're saying that the 18.04.3 iso's you have verified to have downloaded AND written to the boot media with the correct checksums, cannot verify the md5sum of some components when you do the live media test, then thats's probably worth reporting a bug if there's no such report, yet <tMH> btw, can someone tell me what is the difference between desktop and alternative versions ? <tMH> as I see there is no alt 18.04.03 version at all.. <guiverc2> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Alternate_ISO reports alternative are for low-ram machines ; but no longer used <tMH> guiverc2 - please tell me - does it mean that lubuntu is always for lowcost machines, no matter - desktop version of alternative version is used ? <tMH> is always targeted to lowcost/old machines <guiverc2> this will be more up-to-date on alterate - https://lubuntu.me/alternate-insta/ (ie. installer is different) <guiverc2> Lubuntu historically concentrated on low-end; but that's not a CORE item anymore -- https://lubuntu.me/taking-a-new-direction/ <guiverc2> "Therefore, our main focus is shifting from providing a distribution for old hardware to a functional yet modular distribution focused on getting out of the way and letting users use their computer." <tMH> guiverc2 - btw, P3 and 512mb ram - what distro can you recommend in this case ? <tMH> ubuntu related, of course. <tMH> but might be debian one:) <tomreyn> i just loop mounted lubuntu-18.04-alternate-i386.iso and ran md5sum --check <md5sum.txt | grep -v 'OK$' and got no output <guiverc2> I won't go off-topic here... but P3 is unsupported in many browsers, in loads of software which requires CPU to have functions that don't exist in P3 <tMH> guiverc2 - might me v16? or 12 ? <guiverc2> even debian requires i686 (they just call it i386 as does Ubuntu) <tomreyn> ... the same with md5sum --quiet --strict --check <md5sum.txt <tMH> earlier I did upgrade 16.04 xubuntu to 18.04.03 and got a problem with geforce 6200 - no resolution except 1024x768 can be used... tried to compile nvidia drivers, got no success - get info that kernel stuff is messed up so nvidia drivers are messing up with it - too... <tMH> that is why I deciced to install all-new fresh system... <tMH> get=got <guiverc2> the base of Ubuntu systems (be it xubuntu, lubuntu) is the same... the major difference is GUI/desktop over that Ubuntu base. <tMH> 18.04 is heavy weight, as I noticed... even if I run firefox with _two_ tabs - the system load goes up to 100% .... <tomreyn> tMH: the files you state are missing are present for me <tMH> tomreyn - really ? <tMH> tomreyn - where do you unpack that iso - windows, linux ? <tomreyn> <tomreyn> i just loop mounted lubuntu-18.04-alternate-i386.iso and ran md5sum --check <md5sum.txt | grep -v 'OK$' and got no output <tMH> and what program do you use to unpack them ? <tomreyn> <tomreyn> ... the same with md5sum --quiet --strict --check <md5sum.txt <tMH> tomreyn - hm.... <tomreyn> just read what i wrote ;) <tMH> should I write that .iso from linux, then ? <tMH> pretty strange. I use ultraiso - as always did... <tMH> got no problem until this day... <tomreyn> use any software that's not broken, i guess <tMH> ok, I dloaded lubuntu-18.04-alternate-i386.iso once again. <tomreyn> why? use checksumming <tMH> ok, I'll run linux mint now , get that iso into.. and try to mount it. <tMH> just tell me command how to mount .iso, PLEASE:) <tMH> or let me find this info <tomreyn> sudo losetup --verbose --find lubuntu-18.04-alternate-i386.iso; losetup --all; sudo mount /dev/loopXXX /mnt/; cd /mnt; sudo md5sum --quiet --strict --check <md5sum.txt <tMH> uploading 18.04.03-desktop both files, and 18.04-alt both files. <tomreyn> you're uploading what where why? <tMH> tomreyn - iso files to linux box <tMH> done <tomreyn> that's fine with me then ;) <tomreyn> i won't personally support linux mint, though <tMH> tomreyn - very interesting... <tomreyn> that i dont support linux mint? i would not have thought so. <tMH> [2019-10-10][16:34]{tmh@rd2}[20] /mnt/iso>md5sum -c md5sum.txt | grep FAILED <tMH> [2019-10-10][16:34]{tmh@rd2}[21] /mnt/iso> <tMH> tomreyn - I have no questions about linux mint, just about lubuntu... <tomreyn> great. <tomreyn> then you came to the right place <tMH> nice to know ;) <tomreyn> there's more placed listed on the channel topic, though <tomreyn> *placeS <tMH> tomreyn - might be those isos have some cross-linked files ? <tMH> very strange thing... <tomreyn> i don't know what "cross-linked files" are, and even if i would, i probably don't know any more about those ISOs than you do <tMH> comparing mounted folders/files with unpacked ones... <tMH> ok, I'll install version 16 then.. <tMH> at least it worked OK with my nvidia card, and wasn't THAT slow. <tomreyn> but end of life <tomreyn> you'll run a system with exploitable security vulnerabilities, wont be able to get support with this installation here. <tMH> tomreyn - anyway , the host is located on local network with no access from outside it, so fsck it, let it work ;) <tMH> btw, I know about archive.ubuntu.com <tMH> some support after official support end exists <tMH> ok, I 'mixed up' what was mount with what was unpacked into usb flash <tMH> md5sum on windows shows no errors. <tMH> let me run it now!;) <tMH> tomreyn - with squashfs big file everything is loading ok:) <tomreyn> i'm glad you worked it out <tMH> tomreyn - btw, do you know default root password for lubuntu v16 ? <tMH> I want to mount some disk in live mode I loaded. <tMH> disk/partitions <tMH> ah, sudo passwd.. <tomreyn> also, "unsupported" means "unsupported" <seacucumber> hi! <dnz_> hi all, can someone help me? i 'm using my desktop with 1024x768 resolution. <wxl> !ask <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience <dnz_> in past there was xorg.conf file. now ubuntu doesn't use it. and i don't know the way to increase resolution <wxl> dnz_: ubuntu or lubuntu? <dnz_> lubuntu <wxl> what version? <dnz_> 19.04 stable <wxl> you should just be able to use the monitor settings <dnz_> i have intel graphics card <wxl> if for some reason, it doesn't expose all the options, you've probably got some funky monitor that doesn't behave right, in which case, you can use the xorg.conf (which, yes, is still a thing) or xrandr in an autostart <dnz_> i am trying xrandr but nothing changes <wxl> so the monitor settings doesn't show you additional resolutions? <dnz_> no highest is 1024 768 <wxl> here's how xrandr works: <wxl> https://askubuntu.com/questions/377937/how-to-set-a-custom-resolution <wxl> here's a discussion of using xorg.conf: <wxl> https://askubuntu.com/questions/74808/how-do-i-force-a-resolution-of-1024x768 <dnz_> cl1p.net/tfxwdfrzbx <wxl> that's nice and empty <dnz_> https://pastecode.xyz/view/131cb867 <dnz_> how can i add 1280x1024 res. <genii> dnz_: Creating and enabling a new resolution using xrandr is the best method <dnz_> genii, how? i'm not so good with comands <genii> dnz_: If you read the xrandr webpage wxl linked to, it has the instructions step by step <dnz_> hallelujah <dnz_> thanx a lot <akemhp> Hey, does LUbuntu works well with dual screen especially on TV via HDMI? Can i choose between extended display or mirrored? <wxl> akemhp: with the latest version you will get the best support. don't use 18.04. <akemhp> wxl, ok, yeah i got 19.04 in a virtual machine to test it actually. <lubot> <HMollerCl> @akemhp [<akemhp> Hey, does LUbuntu works well with dual screen especially on TV via HDMI …], yes <akemhp> Ok, cool. <akemhp> Thanks. <lubot> <HMollerCl> only that wallpapers assume one big screen when extended in >18.04 <lubot> <HMollerCl> I've done a script to solve it in case you need it <lubot> <HMollerCl> https://code.launchpad.net/~hmollercl/stitchwp/+git/stitchwp #lubuntu 2019-10-11 <lubuntu_> So far the new release does not break my workflow and LXQt looks 10x better than LDXE. 5/5 will install when released! <acsmor> hello <acsmor> anyone here? <btesters> the lubuntu 18.04 in live mode is asking a login and password that i can't findo in documentation <diogenes_> btesters, user should be lubuntu and no password, hit enter. <btesters> thanks so much <btesters> it's a amazing os <diogenes_> did it work? <btesters> i did a logout, after restart, did not ask me <donofrio> what is the text install package (ubiquity-installer?) gui installer locking up my session or at least it seems to be.... <guiverc> donofrio, ubiquity is a graphical installer; I'm used to hearing the textual installer referred to as debian-installer (but I don't know it's correct name) <guiverc> donofrio, it could be https://packages.ubuntu.com/disco/debian-installer-launcher but I have no experience with installer packaging sorrry <tomreyn> mini.iso and the alternative server installer use the debian installer <tomreyn> (which is text based, as is the default server installer) <donofrio> well I have a live installer dvd session but the gtk doesn't like the video or something....so I wanted to start a small terminal window and apt-get install that debian-installer and see if it works..... <HanSolow> hi #lubuntu 2019-10-12 <exit70> hi, just installed lubuntu eoan recently. wonder is there still a key combination for "half screen"? IIRC, in 18.04, Super + arrow key works. <krytarik> exit70: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T59 - I'm reading this currently, you might as well. <exit70> looks relevant, thx! <krytarik> That is also to indicate that you could easily reimplement it for your own use. <exit70> if i am reading correctly, Super key cannot be used in openbox keybind any more? <The_LoudSpeaker> Yup! The super key bindings, if placed in openbox, interfere with those of lxqt. So no that cannot be used. But if you want tilling shortcuts you can set them like ctrl-alt-pgdn, etc. Just make sure you don't conflict with any of those in lxqt <The_LoudSpeaker> But that's a pretty dirty hack we had for tilling, i'd recommend a different window manager like kw instead of openbox. #lubuntu 2019-10-13 <eipip1e0> currently there is date/time displayed at tray, how to enable it? <eipip1e0> latest version <eipip1e0> *there is*there is no* <wxl> latest lts or regular versiokn? <Guest79850> hello where are you from? <onyx> I need help I can't get gimp to work it keeps crashing every time I try to edit an image <onyx> I tried uninstalling purging it and still it crashes <lubot> <HMollerCl> onyx that sounds more like a gimp problem than a lubuntu one. Anyway run it from a commandline with verbose (if available) yo get better understanding of why is crashing
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-br-sc 2013-12-30 <chouga> Boa tarde a todos! #ubuntu-br-sc 2014-01-02 <chouga> Boa tarde a todos! <chouga> Quem quiser aprender um pouco mais de desenvolvimento Web, de maneira gratuita, pode acessar este canal do YouTube muito bom comandado por Gustavo Guanabara(http://www.guanabara.info/). <chouga> https://www.youtube.com/user/cursosemvideo/videos #ubuntu-br-sc 2014-01-03 <chouga> Boa noite a todos! #ubuntu-br-sc 2014-01-04 <chouga> Boa tarde a todos! <rssolivei> salve #ubuntu-br-sc 2014-01-05 <Jow_jr> E ai, alguem logado? <KurtKraut> Jow_jr, er... sim. <Jow_jr> estou com uma dúvida em virtualização debian <Jow_jr> com interfaces de rede diferentes #ubuntu-br-sc 2014-12-30 <fabio> boa tarde <fabio> preciso de ajuda <fabio> pacotes instalados possuem dependecias nao resolvidas #ubuntu-br-sc 2015-01-01 <ADFENO> Olá pessoal, só vim desejar um feliz ano novo e ficar por aqui um pouco.
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-africa 2015-04-27 <Kilos> hi philipballew all boot by you? <Kilos> good <philipballew> Kilos, yeah. All seems good. just up late working on homework for college. <Kilos> good <philipballew> Kilos, how abut yourself? <Kilos> im fine too ty. <Kilos> hmm... <Kilos> hi qwebirc2013 <Kilos> welcome to ubuntu-africa <Kilos> elacheche_anis good morning <Kilos> ai! <elacheche> mornign Kilos <elacheche> spotty_, help <spotty_> elacheche: I can help you with: administrative functions, bot accounts and permissions, debugging me, looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff. <spotty_> Ask me "help me with ..." for more details. <Kilos> hehe <elacheche> spotty_, help me with delivering messages <spotty_> elacheche: I use the following features for delivering messages: memo, remind and summon <spotty_> Ask me "how do I use ..." for more details. <elacheche> how do I read a message -_- <Kilos> spotty_ how do i use delivering messages <spotty_> Kilos: I'm afraid I don't know what you are asking about. Ask "what can you do" to browse my features. <Kilos> spotty_ what can i do with delivering messages <spotty_> Kilos: Not a clue, sorry <Kilos> grrr <Kilos> elacheche what do you want to do <Kilos> spotty_ what can you do woth delivering messages <spotty_> Kilos: I'm afraid I have no idea <Kilos> grrr <Kilos> elacheche use tell nick message <elacheche> actually someone used that command to send me a message x) I need to read it x) <Kilos> then it should ping you and give the message <Kilos> check if if didnt open a pm <Kilos> just say yes <elacheche> he's trolling me x) <Kilos> wb <Kilos> who is trolling you? <elacheche> spotty_, x) <spotty_> elacheche: Excuse me? <Kilos> no man <Kilos> when you log in you should get the message that someone left you a message do you want to read it <Kilos> just say yes <elacheche> ok <Kilos> spotty_ tell neo31 Its about time you showed you face here again sir <spotty_> Kilos: Sure, I'll tell Neo31 on freenode <elacheche> utn is in the list now → https://aful.org/gul/liste#afrique <Kilos> ok <Kilos> in all those lugs must be many ubuntu users that can join us <Kilos> someone came here from the sites irc engine <Kilos> when i greeted in english he left <Kilos> sigh <Kilos> anyone that joins with a qwebirc nick is using the sites embedded irc tool <Kilos> hi pipedream <Kilos> welcome to ubuntu-africa <Kilos> pipedream hi <pipedream> Kilos: hi <Kilos> QA hi <QA> hello <Kilos> elacheche QA is here, she will log our meetings and make you coffee <elacheche> QA make me coffee :D <QA> elacheche: What? <elacheche> QA, help <QA> elacheche: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff. <QA> Ask me "help me with ..." for more details. <Kilos> QA coffee on * QA flips the salt-timer <Kilos> elacheche you type in QA coffee please <elacheche> QA, coffee please <QA> elacheche: Okay <Kilos> QA start meeting <QA> Kilos: Just do it yourself <Kilos> ai! <Kilos> inetpro will need to chair <QA> Coffee's ready for Kilos and elacheche! <Kilos> QA thanks <QA> Kilos: my pleasure <inetpro> uh <inetpro> Kilos: not so quick man <Kilos> still a while before first meeting * inetpro still needs to do some work in order to make it do proper logging etal <Kilos> you have time <inetpro> thank you kindly <Kilos> my pleasure <Kilos> hehe <Kilos> i think neo still has 2 weeks on his project * QA itching to make coffee <Kilos> QA coffee on * QA flips the salt-timer <QA> Coffee's ready for Kilos! <Kilos> QA ty <QA> Only a pleasure Kilos <elacheche_anis> Kilos, <elacheche_anis> You're here? <lunapersa> hi elacheche_anis <elacheche_anis> Kilos, please welcome lunapersa.. My beloved fiancee and the 1st Tunisian Girl as an Ubuntu Member :) <lunapersa> :) <Kilos> lunapersa welcome to ubuntu-africa <elacheche_anis> lunapersa, say hi to Kilos #ubuntu-za member, ubuntu member and the initiator of #ubuntu-africa <lunapersa> Hi Kilos <Kilos> very nice to have a lady join us <elacheche_anis> Kilos, you should tell melodie about this special event x) she was looking for ladies too x) <Kilos> yes i will. i dont know why she is so late tonight <Kilos> i will go look for her <Kilos> she seems offline all over atm. but make this your favourite channel lunapersa and you will meet her <Kilos> she speaks french too <lunapersa> ok <elacheche_anis> :) <Kilos> well done elacheche_anis <elacheche_anis> :D <Kilos> melodie wb and speak to lunapersa <lunapersa> hi melodie <Kilos> she can speak french too i think <lunapersa> oui <lunapersa> Je parle aussi le français <Kilos> she is most likely saying hi all over <elacheche_anis> Hello melodie :) please welcome lunapersa.. My beloved fiancee and the 1st Tunisian Girl as an Ubuntu Member :) <elacheche_anis> :D <lunapersa> elacheche_anis, :p <elacheche_anis> :D <Kilos> be patient, she will arrive <Kilos> hehe <lunapersa> :D <melodie> hi! <melodie> salut lunapersa elacheche hello here Kilos <lunapersa> Salut melodie :) <melodie> Kilos this is for your Bento: http://pastebin.fr/39413 <melodie> enjoy! <Kilos> ty melodie <melodie> and I have had a post from my older tester on this style of Openbox remix, he says it works a treat! <melodie> I show you: <Kilos> i will install them tomorrow <Kilos> you arrive at bed time <melodie> http://forum.linuxvillage.org/index.php/topic,701.msg4046.html#msg4046 <Kilos> naughty girl <melodie> Kilos copy the list <melodie> it'll be gone tomorrow <Kilos> ok <Kilos> melodie what will be gone tomorrow. the pastebin link only hey <melodie> the content too <melodie> just copy the content to your favorite text editor <Kilos> the content of the pastebin or the other link too #ubuntu-africa 2015-04-28 <Kilos> hi philipballew nice to see you here <philipballew> Kilos, how goes it? <Kilos> good ty and you? just getting cold here <philipballew> Kilos, I see. Its about 20 C here currently in this part of America <philipballew> I keep reading bad things happening in South Africa lately. Hope all is not as bad as I hear. <Kilos> philipballew lovely, we are down to 10°c at night already but days reach 25 <Kilos> its mainly groups of hooligans that mainly want to steal <philipballew> Kilos, Same is actually happening here today. <Kilos> the cover of being xenophobia is mainly a fancy name to cover thieving thugs <philipballew> Assholes Kilos ... <Kilos> i think the whole world has hassles when thugs gang up <Kilos> also the media blows things out of proportion always <philipballew> Today we had peaceful protests about race tensions break out into looting. You might see it on the news sooner or later. <Kilos> you in the states hey? <philipballew> Kilos, California <Kilos> some of our top guys work there now <philipballew> what company? <philipballew> I live on the California Mexico Border <Kilos> haha i read an article about za IT peeps making their mark in the world but they add they all drink a lot of coffee <Kilos> our guys are in silicon valley <philipballew> Kilos, yeah. I need to head up that way more often. <philipballew> I am either going to move there to find a job when I graduate, or get a job working remote and move to Mexicpo <philipballew> Mexico <philipballew> because living in America is way to much money. <Kilos> ah good luck <philipballew> Kilos, thanks man, I'm gonna need it. <Kilos> hi elacheche hows things <elacheche> Hi Kilos.. not that good, just ok <Kilos> i htink melodie will be away for a few days, she is giving a course to some mali peeps soon she said , i dont know if that started today <Kilos> why not that good? what did you break <elacheche> almost break my and my brother's legs 5 min ago x( <Kilos> wow how? <Kilos> car accident? <elacheche> Solo accident.. The front brake in my scooter hangs in actif mod while we're riding the scooter.. <Kilos> ouch <Kilos> be careful man <Kilos> most likely the shoes are worn out <elacheche> x) Now I'll try to fix it by myself (after work) as the front wheel won't turn because of the brakes <Kilos> normally when the brake shoes wear too much then it goes over the point of return and locks up <Kilos> normally turning the wheel backwards releases them <Kilos> but they will keep locking till you replace the shoes <elacheche> I'll try that.. thx :) <Kilos> there should also be a cable from the handles to the wheel that fastens onto an arm, hit the arm with a rock in reversing doesnt help <Kilos> unles it hasa hydraulic breaks of course <elacheche> I think that they are hydraulic, I'll try play with the screw.. <Kilos> if there is no cable then im sure the shoes are worn past their limit <lin_> Hey guys <lin_> Try loading http://ke.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-backports/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages <lin_> I'm getting access denied :-( <Kilos> where lin? <Kilos> oh <lin_> Yes <Kilos> try another mirror <lin_> Stuck on upgrading packages <lin_> lol <Kilos> maybe upgrading or broken <Kilos> stickyboy fixit <stickyboy> lol <stickyboy> Man, Symmetria's storage prolly derped again. <stickyboy> I'm fixing my own storage problems! Grrrrr. <stickyboy> "Welcome to Nairobi, BTW your servers fucking died while you were in Addis" <Kilos> is that symmetrias <stickyboy> :P <Kilos> ill try get him <Kilos> QA is http://ke.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-backports/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages down <Kilos> even the bot is battling to check <Kilos> wb SDCDev Jacques_Stry <Jacques_Stry> TY Kilos - Eskom left us in the dark, on generator <Kilos> oh my <Kilos> you in ptown hey <Jacques_Stry> Yes Rtb, but from eskom site they say no Load Shedding active so must be something else <Kilos> ai! <Kilos> power sub station kicked the bucket or someone hit a pole <SDCDev> ty Kilos :) Morning <Kilos> spotty_ is http://ke.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-backports/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages down <Kilos> ya must be down <Kilos> spotty_ ping http://ke.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-backports/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages <spotty_> Kilos: Error: unknown host http://ke.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-backports/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages <elacheche> Kilos, check your inbox <Kilos> ok <Kilos> cool ty for that so thats on the thursday night at our midnight <elacheche> yep.. <Kilos> ty for the reminder. another one on the day will be appreciated too <elacheche> Sure! <melodie> hi <Kilos> hi melodie <Kilos> very busy atm excuse me for a bit please <melodie> Kilos sure. I've sent a mail back to you <Kilos> ty <Kilos> im not fast like you youngsters <melodie> Kilos I'm as old as you are <Kilos> nono <melodie> uou just need to practice tuxtype :D <melodie> sisi <Kilos> 11 years short <melodie> aha ! <melodie> :o) <Kilos> :D <melodie> you know tuxtype? <melodie> ;D <Kilos> nope <melodie> it's fun and you practice typing <melodie> it's for children, but adults do well with it too <Kilos> lol melodie i will try that maybe tomorrow. we are having our monthly meeting tonight and our chairs are stuck at work <Kilos> i cant type like normal peeps, i use 2 fingers and have to see where the keys are <Kilos> hehe <melodie> 2 fingers ? <melodie> do you have 10 of them? <Kilos> they are old man and dont bend like young peeps or women <Kilos> stiff from years of manual work <melodie> if you do, I suggest you do the first 3 levels of klavaro to get you started <melodie> I also train with Klavaro once a while, incredible program! <Kilos> i will loom yes ty <melodie> and both are in the repos <melodie> have you received my mail about the sound bell.ogg ? <Kilos> but i have tried a few typing courses and hands are too stiff <Kilos> look <melodie> try harder! :D <melodie> don't give up, ever! :D <Kilos> lol you so cheeky with old peeps <melodie> you aren't old <Kilos> i do well with 2 fingers <melodie> there aren't old people on irc <Kilos> im in no rush <melodie> ,-) <melodie> ;D <Kilos> we have one guy 8 years older than me <melodie> neither am <melodie> I <melodie> just you said you aren't as fast as the young <melodie> but some young have not learned to use the keyboard either <Kilos> no i know some that do 160 words a min <melodie> and now I'm typing with a really hard one <melodie> I don't <Kilos> the guy that does the server for kenya is one <melodie> I just don't need to watch my fingers while typing, just what I write, and well that the practice with Klavaro <Kilos> types like a rocket <melodie> the practice with Tuxtype is to rest from Klavaro <Kilos> i go get gates <melodie> ok <Kilos> back <Kilos> melodie you just want to make me work more <melodie> Kilos I have worked for you and I'm waiting to know if the bell.ogg screenshot helps you? <Kilos> lol so cheeky <Kilos> oh yes girl i know setting xchat and hexchat and konversation well ty <Kilos> ive been using ubuntu since 9.04 <melodie> Kilos but you would want the .ogg to be in the system? that was your point? <melodie> I have seen "oga" files <Kilos> but doing it that way gives me a lous sshhhh kinda of sound <melodie> not sure what format and container that is exactly <Kilos> bell.ogg must be a loud bloep <melodie> Kilos look better the screenshot I have put some marks <melodie> it is a loud blop if you set it up the way I show with the red arrows : I have written an explanation too <Kilos> i did <Kilos> but ill try again <Kilos> but not now <Kilos> trying to find a chair for tonights meeting <Kilos> guys are busy at work still <melodie> ok <Kilos> when is your course <melodie> just a question, which light music player do you use? <Kilos> vlc <melodie> whicy course? <melodie> this isn't light <melodie> you need something lighter <melodie> a very simple one <Kilos> i dont play much music <melodie> there is a ppa for deadbeef, or you could install audacious <melodie> you will play bell.ogg with xchat and an external music player, but a light one that runs fast ! <melodie> this is how it works fine here. <melodie> else it does what you say, a strange noise <Kilos> thats an online player <Kilos> oh i also use mplayer <melodie> it needs the console to start <melodie> unless you use gmplayer or so <melodie> but once again, a light one is very very tiny and small on footprint <Kilos> i can do that <Kilos> but no online stuff that eat my data <melodie> right <melodie> I have kept the screenshot light and at same time not too small, so you can see the details. it's about 125kb <Kilos> i have to go eat girl <Kilos> wbb <Kilos> i can see it great ty <melodie> :) <melodie> ok <Kilos> tummy full now need to rest <Kilos> i even said night on #phillw <Kilos> can do many noisy channels when we have a meeting <Kilos> cant <Kilos> hmm... <superfly> Kilos: where is Maaz? <Kilos> lemme see <superfly> oh, no wonder, wrong channel! <Kilos> you in wrong channel superfly <Kilos> haha <superfly> Kilos: ek's te vinnig vir jou <Kilos> ek sien so <melodie> hi superfly <superfly> hi melodie <superfly> bonjour :-) (although that's all the French I know) <melodie> bonjour, comment ça va ? (How are you?) <superfly> -_- still sick, on day 4 of my migraine <melodie> superfly where does it come from? <superfly> melodie: I think I have influenza <Kilos> melodie you want to join our monthly meeting <Kilos> #ubuntu-za <melodie> Kilos is it very verbose? <Kilos> whats verbose <superfly> Kilos: you are verbose. you talk a lot <Kilos> hee hee <melodie> superfly you can get cured faster if you use "magnesium" (chlorure de magnésium) <superfly> melodie: yes, I'm taking magnesium :-) <melodie> superfly I bet you don't have much appetite? <melodie> you can eat light, chicken soup, fruit juices (not at same time though :D ) <superfly> yeah, on Sunday I wasn't hungry <Kilos> arnaim good and you <melodie> Kilos how is the meeting going? <Kilos> just closing melodie <melodie> ok <melodie> I can ask a question there now then <Kilos> yes <Kilos> lol #ubuntu-africa 2015-04-29 <Kilos> morning africa <Kilos> wb Neo31 <Neo31> hi Kilos :) <Neo31> i got ur message by spotty_ <Neo31> wasn't so clear <Neo31> what's up about that translation? <Kilos> i cant even remember that <Kilos> oh that was long ago <Kilos> nm its sorted ty <Neo31> 2 days ago <Neo31> good <Kilos> hows you project going <Neo31> it's live now <Neo31> still have a lot of issues to fix <Neo31> one to two weeks <Kilos> good <Neo31> depending on the client <Kilos> whew <Neo31> hopefully not more than than <Kilos> lets hope so <Neo31> I have to move on very soon <Kilos> to where? <Neo31> off of this project <Kilos> ah <Neo31> it has to end <Kilos> yes i agree <Kilos> the odd bit of support now and again is ok <Neo31> you know the client can always keep asking for more <Neo31> but i need to close this at least <Kilos> they alwasy want more <Neo31> and in the next months we can do maintenance and changes <Neo31> hhh <Neo31> anyway <Neo31> how r u doing ? <Neo31> what's up ? <Kilos> same old but we finding new countries for here now and again and the new site gets some visitors <Kilos> you seen the new site hey? <Kilos> Neo31 http://ubuntu-africa.info <Kilos> refresh a few times and watch scenery changed <Kilos> and the cc sees no infringements and canonical hasnt answered so all seems good <Neo31> sweet <Neo31> now it's a website :) <Neo31> we have the basic pages there already :) <Neo31> and a good front page :) <Neo31> thx Kilos <Neo31> :) <Kilos> yeah i think its all there but we have some improvement to add still <Kilos> only time holds things back <Kilos> you like it so far <Kilos> ? <Kilos> the irc link in join us come straight here too <Kilos> and the mailing list link works <Kilos> QA wish <QA> I wish all you geek types a very successful day #ubuntu-africa 2015-04-30 <Kilos> morning africa <Kilos> QA hi <QA> howsit <Kilos> QA greet <QA> Hello everyone here, I am your Python bot. To use me type QA help and see my functions :D <elacheche> GM :) <Kilos> hi elacheche <elacheche> hi :) <Kilos> elacheche lots of work for you guys that speak french contacting https://aful.org/gul/liste#afrique <Kilos> and pulling the ubuntu peeps to here, and other linux users too if they like <Kilos> enrol your fiance to help :D <elacheche> hahahaha :D OK :) I'll make a plan for that :) <Kilos> cool ty. we need to start planning our first meeting too <Kilos> the bot ccan do meetings and logs etc too <Kilos> and records minutes and so on <R0ok_> QA: hello bot <QA> hey <R0ok_> QA: it's alive! so what are you made of ? <QA> R0ok_: Got it <R0ok_> QA: are you opensource ? <QA> R0ok_: What? <R0ok_> QA: where is your code ? <QA> R0ok_: Erk, dunno <Kilos> R0ok_ qa was written by the za guys <R0ok_> Kilos: nice, so is the code opensource ? <Kilos> look for the source in the ubuntu ibid package <R0ok_> I'd like to add some of that functionality to our nairobi-bot in #nairobilug <R0ok_> Kilos: oook, thanx <Kilos> yw <R0ok_> Kilos: i think i got it: https://github.com/ibid/ibid <Kilos> our maintainer has been stolen by silicon valley <Kilos> yes thats it <R0ok_> Kilos: so is the bot running from some heroku instance ? <Kilos> it is running from ec2 atm <Kilos> there is an ibid channel where the ibid team is <Kilos> irc://autumn.cpt.za.atrum.org <Kilos> then you join #ibid <R0ok_> Kilos: thanx dude <Kilos> yw <elacheche> Time to go.. have a good weekend <Kilos> you too elacheche <Kilos> we are here all the time <elacheche> I know :) :D <Kilos> hi orfix <orfix> Hi Kilos, hello everyone <Kilos> those that arent asleep already are weekend off <Kilos> orfix have you seen our new site? <Kilos> http://ubuntu-africa.info <orfix> nop checking it out right now <Kilos> hit refrewsh quite a few times and see <Kilos> refresh <Kilos> and you can join us at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-africa <Kilos> and the mailing list is i the join us section #ubuntu-africa 2015-05-01 <Kilos> QA hi <QA> afternoon <Kilos> QA hi <QA> hoe lyk it <Kilos> QA hi <QA> good morning <Kilos> thats better <Kilos> hi philipballew all good there? <Kilos> morning everybody <philipballew> Kilos, all good in the hood man. <Kilos> lol <Kilos> hi orfix ive forgotten again where you are #ubuntu-africa 2015-05-02 <Kilos> morning africa <elacheche_anis> Morning \o/ <Kilos> o/ #ubuntu-africa 2015-05-03 <Kilos> morning africa * QA going down for a kernel update.. wbb in a jiffy <Kilos> QA wb <QA> Kilos: What? <Kilos> QA wb <QA> Thank you so much Kilos my good friend #ubuntu-africa 2016-05-02 <foli> hi, this is just a test of for ubuntu RT#28463 <Kilos> hi foli <foli> o/ Kilos <Kilos> welcome to ubuntu-africa <Kilos> thanks alot for the bot <foli> Kilos: you are welcome, the logs should show up here http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/05/02/ <Kilos> thanks so much foli <foli> also see terms section of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots <Kilos> will do <Kilos> wbb <Kilos> QA coffee on * QA starts grinding coffee <QA> Coffee's ready for Kilos! <Kilos> QA ty <QA> Only a pleasure Kilos <Kilos> helloooo africa <Kilos> bunch of late sleepers <Kilos> QA logs is <reply> http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/05/02/ <QA> Kilos: One learns a new thing every day <Kilos> QA bots is <reply> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots <QA> Kilos: One learns a new thing every day <Kilos> QA forecast pretoria <QA> Kilos: Monday: Clear. High: 24° C., Monday Night: Clear. Low: 10° C., Tuesday: Clear. High: 26° C., Tuesday Night: Clear. Low: 8° C., Wednesday: Clear. High: 24° C., Wednesday Night: Clear. Low: 7° C., Thursday: Clear. High: 23° C., Thursday Night: Clear. Low: 8° C., Friday: Clear. High: 25° C., Friday Night: Clear. Low: 9° C., Saturday: Clear. <QA> High: 23° C., Saturday Night: Clear. Low: 8° C., Sunday: Chance of Rain. High: 22° C., … <pavlushka> Congrats Kilos for getting the logging bot, :) <Kilos> ty still got to read the terms and stuff <pavlushka> Kilos, it works, yea.. http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/05/02/%23ubuntu-africa.txt <Kilos> yeah but i dont see africa in http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/05/02/ <Kilos> maybe i need new glasses <Kilos> i should have asked for a bot a year ago <pavlushka> Kilos, can you see it now? <Kilos> yes ty <Kilos> had to refresh <pavlushka> thumbs up! <Kilos> i do stupid things often <Kilos> hi acetakwas we are officially logged now <pavlushka> that is so pavlushka of you, :p <Kilos> hahaha <Kilos> thank you again foli bot is working great <Kilos> :D * Kilos changed the topic of #ubuntu-africa to: Welcome to #ubuntu-africa. This channel is logged @ http://irclogs.ubuntu.com| Website: http://ubuntu-africa.info | https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-africa | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AfricanTeams | Next meeting: 27 July 2016 18:30 GMT Agenda: http://is.gd/i0QrUs <acetakwas> Kilos:: Aah! :) That's some good news! <elacheche> Hey! <Kilos> hi elacheche <elacheche> wassup Kilos ! <Kilos> not much lad, hows things there? <elacheche> busy busy busy Kilos :) <Kilos> chesedo when you have time can you give me a link to the agenda page you used please <Kilos> no rush, i just want to add it to the topic <Kilos> oh and see we have a logbot now too chesedo elacheche <Kilos> ai! <Kilos> missed him <Kilos> hi Benno-007 all good there? <Benno-007> yes <Kilos> superfly when must i ping you? <Kilos> hehe <Kilos> evening , hope all well there <superfly> hi <Kilos> loganaden was it you that wanted to use etherpad? <Kilos> oh that other guy, he is approved now. ask him to join us here <Kilos> https://launchpad.net/~pirabarlen-cheenaramen <Kilos> cyrilb you well? <Kilos> ohi alphad <Kilos> and cbj <cyrilb> Kilos: I'm good <Kilos> hi CraigZim <CraigZim> Hi Kilos I'm Back <CraigZim> How was meeting? <Kilos> very few peeps CraigZim but ok <Kilos> i see the mail to your loco <Kilos> strange request isnt it <Kilos> QA logs <QA> http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/05/02/ <Kilos> CraigZim ^^ <Kilos> get up to date <Kilos> na3il couldnt make it because of studies and exams so chesedo chaired <CraigZim> Sorry KIlos dinner called :) <Kilos> np <foli> Kilos: you are welcome! <Kilos> im hzappy <Kilos> happy <foli> and btw, the logs url will change as it includes the date <Kilos> cool ty <Kilos> oh btw <Kilos> you are at canonical hey <Kilos> foli <foli> yes, I'm one of the admins <Kilos> is canonical still supplying locos with 16.04 <Kilos> in stick form this time <Kilos> we dont know where to order from <foli> Kilos: no, I don't think so, that was ship-it or something like that <Kilos> even after that we could still oder dvds <Kilos> order <Kilos> could you just ask for me please? <foli> I'm still new enough I wouldn't now for sure, possibly best to ask in #ubuntu <Kilos> ok thanks again #ubuntu-africa 2016-05-03 <Kilos> helloooo africa <chesedo> hi all and Kilos <Kilos> hi chesedo <chesedo> the agenda that i used - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AfricanTeams/Meetings/20160127 <Kilos> i have to put an agenda in the topic bar <Kilos> everything else is up to date and fly will sort a proper email address for us when he has time <chesedo> Kilos: do you know how to create a new one? <Kilos> nope <Kilos> too much running around in head <chesedo> lol, ok will do... <chesedo> Kilos: i created one based on Jan's here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AfricanTeams/Meetings/20160727 <Kilos> thanks alot chesedo <Kilos> we also have a log bot <Kilos> so logs working from yesterday <Kilos> QA shorten https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AfricanTeams/Meetings/20160727 <QA> Kilos: The tubes are clogged! <Kilos> ai! * Kilos changed the topic of #ubuntu-africa to: Welcome to #ubuntu-africa. This channel is logged @ http://irclogs.ubuntu.com| Website: http://ubuntu-africa.info | https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-africa | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AfricanTeams | Next meeting: 27 July 2016 18:30 GMT Agenda: http://is.gd/wngDEz <chesedo> hmm, interesting <chesedo> hi josuebrunel <superfly> Kilos: start a meeting <Kilos> QA start meeting * QA gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles <Kilos> so whats up today <Kilos> QA end meeting <QA> Meeting Ended <QA> Minutes available at json: http://meetings.ubuntu-africa.info/freenode-%23ubuntu-africa/2016-05-03-10-30-00.json :: txt: http://meetings.ubuntu-africa.info/freenode-%23ubuntu-africa/2016-05-03-10-30-00.txt :: html: http://meetings.ubuntu-africa.info/freenode-%23ubuntu-africa/2016-05-03-10-30-00.html <Kilos> yay ty superfly that works fine <Kilos> one day we just need to upgrade her so she doesnt burp anymore and where she says cracks his knuckles change his to hers <Kilos> QA are you female <QA> But of course Kilos Only females know everything <Kilos> good girl <theShirbiny> evening everyone #ubuntu-africa 2016-05-05 <theShirbiny> GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING EVERYONE <CraigZim> Morning All <Kilos> helloooo africa <Kilos> hi Na3iL hows things there <Na3iL> Hiyas Kilos I am alive! fine thanks :D what about you? <Na3iL> How a <Na3iL> How was the meeting last time? <Kilos> few attended but went ok i suppose <Na3iL> That's cool, I read the log I saw it in the ML <Na3iL> I am very sorry cause I wasn't available to be there <Kilos> its fine lad life happens <Kilos> and chesedo is always backup chair for us <Na3iL> Cool :D <chesedo> Hi Na3iL <Kilos> you making the next one hey? <Na3iL> Sure Kilos <Na3iL> Hutas chesedo <Na3iL> how are you mate ;à <Na3iL> :) <chesedo> great ty, and self? <Na3iL> Great as well :D ty <melodie> hi <melodie> comment ça va ? <melodie> ok gn #ubuntu-africa 2016-05-06 <Kilos> helloooo africa <Kilos> hi pavlushka <pavlushka> Hello Kilos ! <pavlushka> How are you? <Kilos> ok ty and you? <pavlushka> ok thank you! #ubuntu-africa 2016-05-07 <Kilos> sleep well africa #ubuntu-africa 2016-05-08 <Kilos> helloooo africa <melodie> hi <melodie> Kilos !!! <melodie> I have to "see" you! <melodie> bonjour tout le monde <Kilos> hi melodie <Kilos> how are you? <melodie> Kilos you might have the so missing Burkina Faso in your lists in a near future! <melodie> this is what I've come to tell you <Kilos> oh my what is happening <melodie> do you have someone in your team who can translate for you? <melodie> from French <Kilos> yes but not today only tomorrow <melodie> well in Toulouse, one hour drive from my home, we have a 4 days Fablabs festival <melodie> yes, no hurry <melodie> you know what Fablabs are, don't you? <Kilos> nope <Kilos> i am just an irc cruiser trying to revive locos that have become inactive <melodie> There are places meant to unleach the people's creativity, and help each other create projects using open source tools <Kilos> ok <melodie> <Kilos> i am just an irc cruiser trying to revive locos that have become inactive || and you can also inspire the creation of new ones, don't you? <Kilos> yes i try <melodie> Well at Ougadougou, they have created a whole building using the ancesters methods of the nubien vault <melodie> to make the Fablab inside <Kilos> cool <melodie> they asked money to the crowd at Kisskissbank and received over 7000 euros to make it <Kilos> great <melodie> now the initiator of the project is at the Fablabs festival in Toulouse, and one of the members of my newly created LUG in my area is a friend of his, and will bring him along in our very 1st grand opening meeting inauguration in 2 weeks ! <melodie> and the guy who initiates this fablab is also a Linux user! \o> <melodie> \o/ ! <Kilos> yay <melodie> so I'll tell him about your african network and ask him to reach to you and join in! <melodie> That's not all <Kilos> wonderrful ty <melodie> no problem my greatest pleasure :D <melodie> and it's not all <Kilos> you have been a busy lady <Kilos> tell more <melodie> it's probably very hot in your place lately? <Kilos> nope winter is coming fast <melodie> omg <Kilos> what? <Kilos> northern hemisphere is getting summer now <melodie> in Burkina Faso there is also a guy who I know who leads a Spirulina farm, he just returned from there (I've seen him at his home neaby mine, with his wife) and they have 46°C there now. <Kilos> oh my <melodie> I asked him how he bears it, he told me he didn't. then asked him how natives bear it, he sayd, litterally "they don't. They die. Just they don't know what they are dying from" <Kilos> 46°c is hot <melodie> now I see this guy who creates the fablab at Ouagadougou and his co-creators have knowledge about the Nubien vault construction method ( see http://www.lavoutenubienne.org/en ) and this is very important for all countries where it's very hot, because it's ecologic, very strong, and keeps the temperature low when it's hot, and higher when it's cold! <melodie> so when my friend says "they die", he talks about hundreds of people dying and the rest around are helpless :-[ <Kilos> yes <melodie> this is where I can give it a hinch : I'll make them both contact each other. My friend has his spirulina farm not far from Ouagadougu, and they have to meat and work together to share their respective knowledge! <Kilos> that link is very slow <melodie> yes, it can be, it's far from you <Kilos> the answer to most problems is in working together <melodie> do you want me to send you the pdf of the Ouagadougou project by mail? Or is there someone in your organisation who you would want me to send it? (someone with more bandwidth credits) <melodie> Kilos and connecting the relevant people in that purpose <Kilos> how big is it melodie <melodie> you know my dear, I'm myself searching for a lasting solution to earn my living, while doing what I love, which is helping finding solutions to issues. And I am aging too, so I'd better find it fast. <melodie> let me check <melodie> it's 1,6 Mio, (1 703 466 octets) <melodie> 7 pages, textes and pictures <Kilos> what is that in megabytes <melodie> This is about 1.7 MB <melodie> almost <Kilos> thats fine love <melodie> so I send it to you by mail? <Kilos> you can mail it to me <melodie> ok I do that right away <Kilos> ty <melodie> please give me your mail address again, my mail client can't find it <Kilos> hehe im much older than you <urbanslug> haha <melodie> Kilos you might be, however I don't want to be stopped by age. Only society will (which in France would make me a pre-retired, which I refuse to be!) <Kilos> do you see it in pm melodie <Kilos> https://framadrop.org/r/keFdj79tAs#kEOzQwyj66NM5iC7kMKzXc1pneuTu+AlTEKAh555v8U= <Kilos> for the french speaking african peeps <Kilos> hi MarwenDo <MarwenDo> hi Kilos <MarwenDo> how are doing ? <Kilos> good ty and you <Kilos> https://framadrop.org/r/keFdj79tAs#kEOzQwyj66NM5iC7kMKzXc1pneuTu+AlTEKAh555v8U= <MarwenDo> i'm fine :) <Kilos> getting hotter by you guys now <Kilos> we are going into winter <melodie> Kilos tell them what it is : a Fablab being created in Burkina Faso, where no LUG is yet known! And the guy who is creating it is in France now, in Toulouse where there is an international Fablab Festival lasting 4 days! And this guy IS a Linux user! <melodie> so all you guys download that file! :D <melodie> and spread it around in all Africa! Yeah! \o/ ! <Kilos> MarwenDo melodie is working to make things better for people in africa <MarwenDo> great :) <melodie> Kilos that's to say everywhere, because all have something to teach to others. Such as this Nubian Vault construction technique which is referred to in the pdf document, I've read about it before, and it's just the utmost best thing to know in any country where mud can be used for this purpose. <Kilos> yes <melodie> you can stop after the word "better". ;-) <melodie> "melodie is working to make things better" :D <Kilos> haha <Kilos> you have mud in france as well <melodie> always have <Kilos> hee hee <melodie> yes, in most places <melodie> some have mostly stones and rocs, so they build with stones and rocks, other places have wood, then they use wood <Kilos> i remember from watching old war movies <melodie> aha ! <melodie> I'm still writing that mail to you <Kilos> no rush girl im not going anywhere <melodie> how do you say "inauguration" in English? Is that the same word? <Kilos> QA spell inauguration <QA> Kilos: Yup, that's a word all right <Kilos> hha yes same in english melodie <melodie> Kilos thanks my friend. <Kilos> anytime <melodie> wb MarwenDo <MarwenDo> hi melodie <melodie> :) <melodie> which country do you live in? <MarwenDo> I'm from Tunisia :D <MarwenDo> you ? <melodie> south France <MarwenDo> nice to meet you <melodie> South West that is <melodie> nice to meet you too <melodie> I'm wondering if the "no phased updates" thing that it spreading around the web as a feature actually exists and works, I have set it up on one of my machines and I'm not sure I see a difference, and in man apt.conf and in the file "/usr/share/doc/apt/examples/configure-index.gz" which is talked about in the man (man apt.conf) I don't see a clue about it? Here are the posts about phased updates: <melodie> http://askubuntu.com/questions/369722/update-manager-does-not-show-all-updates <melodie> http://www.murraytwins.com/blog/?p=127 <melodie> someone has any idea about it? <Kilos> hi CraigZim <Kilos> hows things there <Kilos> melodie those links were for 13.10 i dont think that is valid anymore <melodie> those links where "starting from 13.10" which means we don't know if they are, or not, valid anymore. :) <melodie> it's possible that the docs and man were never updated either. <Kilos> the guys on phills channel should know <CraigZim> Hi Kilos sorry been busy. things here deteriorating <CraigZim> cash had to get <Kilos> everywhere lad <Kilos> the whole world is upside down <CraigZim> no cash money no notes avail money in bank <Kilos> oh my <Kilos> CraigZim how are you guys surviving <CraigZim> still carrying on,we always seem to find a way :) <Kilos> whew <Kilos> night africa, rest well #ubuntu-africa 2017-05-02 <elacheche> Kilos: Morning! <Kilos> hi elacheche hows things? <elacheche> Just, FYI, you DID NOT re-apply for the membership board position, you sent that email to the wrong ML <Kilos> i replied saying i will be available if not enough new applicants <Kilos> oh my <Kilos> ok where must i go <elacheche> You should send that the Membershipt Board ML, not ubuntu-africa ML <elacheche> :) <Kilos> lol <Kilos> oh my <Kilos> lemme try sort that <Kilos> ok that should be sorted now. ty elacheche <elacheche> :) #ubuntu-africa 2017-05-03 <loganaden> hoi <chris30> zipper, hi #ubuntu-africa 2017-05-07 <theShirbiny> Good morning, anyone know where elacheche is?
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-ci-eng 2014-09-08 <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 232 building (started: 20140908 02:05) === <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 23 building (started: 20140908 03:05) === <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 232 DONE (finished: 20140908 03:45) === <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/232.changes === <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 23 DONE (finished: 20140908 04:15) === <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/23.changes === * robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Ping robru if any citrain jenkins jobs have unexpected results. <Saviq> trainguards, can I please have a reconf on silo 19 <Saviq> added qtmir-gles there <robru> Saviq: I'm not here, but ok ;-) <Saviq> robru, yeah, you should *not* be here <Mirv> hmm :) <robru> Mirv: ah, you're here. ok I got this one but I'm really not here ;-) <Mirv> robru: when you're not really here, you should really really not be here :) <robru> Mirv: who are you talking to? I don't see anybody here. <Mirv> exactly <bzoltan> Mirv: have you heard anything about how to (a) disable the edges intro and (b) how to unlock the screen remotely? <Mirv> bzoltan: a) like, other than phablet-config edges-intro --disable? b) maybe see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/touch/view/head:/utils/host/reboot-and-unlock.sh <bzoltan> Mirv: the `phablet-config edges-intro --disable` does not do the job, so yes a working solution would be cool <Mirv> ok, I'll keep my ears open <bzoltan> Mirv: for the unlucking ... WOW, if that works then I am saved :) <Mirv> bzoltan: for a), it's nowadays apparently as simple as... adb shell "sudo dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.Accounts /org/freedesktop/Accounts/User32011 org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set string:com.canonical.unity.AccountsService string:demo-edges variant:boolean:false" <Mirv> ;) <Mirv> (from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/touch/revision/287) <brendand> bzoltan, hello - do you have results from you tests for silo 12 landing? <bzoltan> brendand: that is the 28.08 lanidng for RTM, right? <brendand> bzoltan, https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu-rtm/landing-012 <bzoltan> brendand: geez, that is an archaeological finding :) I have flipped the tested switch last week. I still have the logs. Do you need me to check something? <brendand> bzoltan, no i just want to have the logs for comparison <Mirv> robru: "AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'isdigit'" https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-007-1-build/25/console <bzoltan> Mirv: Do you know what does this mean: $ adb shell "gdbus call --session --dest com.canonical.UnityGreeter --object-path / --method com.canonical.UnityGreeter.HideGreeter && echo Greeter unlocked" <bzoltan> Error connecting: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY <seb128> bzoltan, that it can't connect to the session bus I guess <seb128> bzoltan, try to adb shell; su - phablet; <command> <tvoss> bzoltan, running as root? <bzoltan> seb128: tvoss: with new adbd all my commands are run as phablet. but I can try to force <ogra_> bzoltan, thats a bug with cgroups that mterry works on since a few days <Mirv> bzoltan: I wonder if that one hasn't been updated to the new world similar to the provisioning <seb128> bzoltan, could be that the env is wrong/doesn't include the dbus session <ogra_> the env is definitely wrong, you need the sudo wrapper, but even then it wont work <ogra_> logind doesnbt hand out proper sessions due to the cgroups issue <seb128> ogra_, hasn't the cgroup bug fixed by desrt/slangasek in systemd-s on friday? <seb128> "debian/patches/0001-cgmanager-stop-doing-async-calls.patch: <seb128> cgmanager: stop doing async calls; fixes a race condition on login. <seb128> Thanks to Ryan Lortie <desrt@desrt.ca>. Closes LP: #1365095." <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1365095 in systemd-shim (Ubuntu-rtm 14.09) "Greeter not asking for pin code in image 11 (krillin)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1365095 <ogra_> dunno, i have seen mterry and hallyn discuss into the (european) nige <seb128> k <seb128> I though that was ^ <ogra_> *nite <seb128> but maybe there is another issue still <ogra_> well, you definitely still need the sudo wrapper <Mirv> dbarth: the syncing seems broken in yet new other way, I'll help your silo manually in a bit <ogra_> adb shell <command> doesnt have the full env <bzoltan> Mirv: seb128: ogra_: when I manually adb shell in and execute the command then the screen get unlocked <seb128> bzoltan, what ogra_ said <bzoltan> seb128: I just have read... so ogra_, what is the trick? <ogra_> (i have been looking into that over the weekend, might be i can fix it in adbd) <ogra_> bzoltan, wrap the gdbus command in "sudo -u phablet -i" as usual <bzoltan> ogra_: OK, I try that <pete-woods> (apologies for the spam, I edited the description) <bzoltan> ogra_: works now, thank you <davmor2> Morning all <seb128> dbarth, ^ no no no for that rtm settings silo <seb128> dbarth, we have settings in sile 015 and are trying to land that to rtm for a week, don't hijack it with your version <seb128> Mirv, ^ <Mirv> seb128: noted <seb128> https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu-rtm/landing-015/+packages <seb128> get that to land first please <seb128> that should be good, just need qa verification <Mirv> will do that <seb128> thanks <seb128> should we clear 007 out meanwhile to avoid errorS? <seb128> it's going to need to be rebased on top of what is 015 anyway <Mirv> yeah, I'll clear it too, the current build has no use <seb128> or well, is that a sync of current utopic u-s-s? <seb128> because then that would be fine, but it would required a new round of testing, so we should still land 015 which has been tested already <Mirv> ogra_: meeting? <ogra_> Mirv, i wish i could, firefox doesnt let me :P <brendand> seb128, hey - silo 15 seems to have issues <seb128> brendand, shrug <seb128> brendand, which ones? <brendand> seb128, wizard crashes, and sim cards can no longer be unlocked <brendand> at least. still more testing to do <seb128> brendand, settings have nothing to do with sim unlock <seb128> are you supposed you tested settings only? <Mirv> (running with watch_only since it had wrong status) <brendand> seb128, i have only upgraded the system-settings packages <seb128> brendand, the way we work is a bit weird btw, that update fixes at least 15 bugs and some important rtm ones, and we block on those fix on one potential issue <seb128> block those fixes on* <seb128> brendand, that "can't unlock sim" looks like it could be the systemd issue fixed in friday <seb128> brendand, anyway, as said, settings don't do sim unlock, so if you found a bug it's not with settings <seb128> brendand, it's more likely a random one which is already there in the image <brendand> seb128, it works before installing the packages <seb128> brendand, that shouldn't count as a settings blocker <seb128> you got lucky <brendand> seb128, several times <seb128> it might work on another try who knows <seb128> you got lucky several times <seb128> what I can tell you <brendand> seb128, alternatively - you're wrong <seb128> brendand, settings don't have sim unlock code, they are not involved in that <seb128> shrug <seb128> k, I give up, do whatever you want with settings <Mirv> actually we can't do any ubuntu-system-settings rtm landing because any new sync from utopic silo would include the landing-rtm-015 silo changes anyhow, so any QA signoff will depend on the rtm-015 changes being testably regression free. <Mirv> dbarth: ^ so your location settings landing might take some time to reach rtm until the previous u-s-s rtm landing is agreed by QA <seb128> Mirv, brendand has issues with settings anyway, so it looks like it's not ready to land <seb128> brendand, btw having a bug report of those specifics issue would help <brendand> seb128, i'm just going to confirm (again) what's going on <dbarth> Mirv: ok, noted <pete-woods> thanks for the allocation :) <Mirv> pete-woods: you're welcome :) we just had 0 silos free so I didn't do that earlier. <pete-woods> Mirv: have you seen weird build failures like this before? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/184302130/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-amd64.libusermetrics_1.1.1%2B14.10.20140908-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz <pete-woods> my diff for this change is totally insignificant (just adds the X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack: yes line) <Mirv> pete-woods: ogra_: that problem pete is seeing is because of that not-done-by-me qtxmlpatterns upload. we probably need to revert it. <ogra_> Mirv, ouch ... <Mirv> pete-woods: thanks for letting us know, we just noticed in the meeting that a new qtxmlpatterns had been uploaded by mitya57. I assumed it was ok since we hadn't had error reports, but now we did <Mirv> nothing wrong with the new upstream version otherwise, but Qt is just very strict about numbers... <pete-woods> no problem :) <Mirv> I pinged him on #ubuntu-devel now, there's either a revert option or faking the module version option <pete-woods> well I'll just be happy to build my package :) will follow along to see when it's resolved <brendand> seb128, so the bug is reproducible by installing the silo and then resetting the device <brendand> seb128, on utopic it's not reproducible - at least not on mako <seb128> brendand, can you describe "the bug" <brendand> seb128, i'll file it <seb128> thanks <jodh> Morning - can someone help me get upstart 1.13.2-0ubuntu1 into the rtm branch? <brendand> seb128, until then, when you click on the unlock button, indicator-network just seems to reload itself <seb128> brendand, k, your are speaking about the SIM unlock on boot? <seb128> brendand, that doesn't make much sense to me, settings are not running at this point and none of their code is used by unity8, the code involved should be unity8 and indicator only <seb128> brendand, I hope somebody figure it out though <brendand> seb128, it doesn't seem to happen if the wizard doesn't run, so maybe that leaves something in a bad state <seb128> brendand, that would be and is more likely than having settings involved <jodh> Mirv: Hi - could you add a "sync: ubuntu,utopic,upstart" to the CI spreadsheet? I don't have write access and we need the latest utopic upstart in Touch for the "UAL with CGroups" landing (line 4 in the s'sheet) <Mirv> jodh: sure, but add where exactly? line 4 is the utopic landing <Mirv> jodh: or do you mean add a new upstart rtm landing for syncing from utopic? <Mirv> yes, I think you mean that <jodh> Mirv: yes, a sync of the latest upstart in utopic which is a pre-requisite for line 4 actually working :) <ogra_> bzoltan, with my latest android-tools upload the sudo wrapping shouldnt be necessary anymore (once it landed in all images) <ogra_> (it wont do any harm either to keep it though) <Mirv> jodh: ok it will shortly start building at https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu-rtm/landing-007/+packages . line 63 on the spreadsheet. <jodh> Mirv: thanks very much! <ogra_> Saviq, are you landing https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/new-adbd/+merge/233684 somewhere ? <Saviq> ogra_, yeah, silo 19 <Saviq> ogra_, but need to fix a sh$tload of ap tests that assumed there's no password <ogra_> Saviq, see above ... adbd should be fixed now ... while it wont do harm it also shouldnt be absolutely necessary anymore <robru> Mirv: erk, looking <Saviq> ogra_, yeah, k <ogra_> Saviq, (might make sense to verify it though ... but i think it shoudl "just work") <Saviq> ogra_, kk <robru> Mirv: looks like you freed the offending silo. I'm happy to blame sil for this, amazingly this bug is not in a part of the code that I've been hacking on ;-) if you see that again, try freeing the silo and then reassigning it, sil made some changes to the silo config format, silos that were assigned prior to friday may be incompatible with code that sil <robru> landed on friday. <ogra_> ogra@styx:~/Devel/branches/phablet-tools$ adb shell "gdbus call --session --dest com.canonical.UnityGreeter --object-path / --method com.canonical.UnityGreeter.HideGreeter && echo Greeter unlocked" <ogra_> () <ogra_> Greeter unlocked <ogra_> ogra@styx:~/Devel/branches/phablet-tools$ <ogra_> yay !!! <ogra_> GGRRR did anyone elses krillin touchscreen get super sensitive in the recent images <ogra_> i cant even scroll in news weballs without having it open unwanted links all the time <ogra_> *webapps <ogra_> this is unusable ! <popey> ogra_: ooh, i noticed that at teh weekend. have you got a bug for it? <ogra_> funnily there is no issue in the G+ app ... but in all news apps i tried <popey> yeah, same <ogra_> popey, nope, only noticed it on sat and thought my display was to dirty or something <popey> heh, ok, I'll confirm if you bug it. <popey> guessing oxide? <ogra_> but it persists (and feels like it got worse, though probably i'm just easier to annoy now) <ogra_> popey, we didnt have oxide updates in rtm <ogra_> i think ... * ogra_ checks <ogra_> i assume its the device tarball <ogra_> http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/21.changes thats all that landed on the weekend <brendand> seb128, here's a twist <brendand> seb128, i can reproduce it in utopic without the silo installed... but only on krillin :/ <seb128> brendand, utopic already has the changes though, no need of a silo <Mirv> robru: thanks for looking! a sync specifying a package worked, but then we postponed the whole landing. good to know, that workaround, makes sense that there was a format change. <brendand> seb128, well yes - i suppose that statement is a bit redundant <brendand> seb128, but i've tested the same thing on both krillin and mako with utopic and it only fails on krillin <seb128> brendand, k, fun <ogra_> yay <ogra_> gra@styx:~/Devel/branches/phablet-tools$ adb shell "gdbus call --session --dest com.canonical.UnityGreeter --object-path / --method com.canonical.UnityGreeter.HideGreeter && echo Greeter unlocked" <ogra_> () <ogra_> Greeter unlocked <ogra_> ogra@styx:~/Devel/branches/phablet-tools$ <ogra_> works on rtm fine as well :) <Saviq> cihelp, this jobs looks stuck, 'innit http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-mako/4375/console ? <Saviq> so do the next two ones... /me worried that's what plars reported about devices getting stuck :| <ogra_> what devices are these ? makos ? <ogra_> (on krillin there was a udev rule from the device tarball that broke a shipped rule for adbd, which made the devices come up as offline, fixed on sat. devices that booted with the broken image might go stuck ... this is krillin only though) <psivaa> Saviq: ogra_: these devices are not offline. could be some other issue <ogra_> yeah, not that then <ogra_> its only krillin utopic anyway, mako and rtm should be fine <davmor2> Mirv: for some reason RTM silo 008 says it doesn't need QA sign off. Yes it does and looking at the description there is more than one fix so it is all lies. Also the telephony service isn't building <bzoltan> ogra_: have you guys hit this bug with the CI testing -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/gallery-app/+bug/1363190 It is a silent killer. You will not even notice that the flashing fails... <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1363190 in gallery-app "Gallery APP autopilot tests pollutes the file system" [Undecided,New] <psivaa> Saviq: ogra_: so http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-mako/4375/console is not stuck, but it took a bit of time at one stage. they are progressing now <ogra_> yay <ogra_> good to know <Saviq> psivaa, oh ok thanks <Saviq> oof <Mirv> davmor2: bfiller has written there ": these are isolated bug fixes don't need QA signoff". and I've written that telephony-service failed to build <Mirv> probably because of some media related landing missing from rtm <davmor2> Mirv: my concern is that we were told all rtm silos needed QA approval and now we see one that says it doesn't need it, so now we are wondering how many of these things are getting through <Mirv> davmor2: the policy was that isolated bug fixes can go in without QA approval, but that 90% of landings would need the approval. better defining what's an isolated bug fix would help. <davmor2> Mirv: okay I'll chase it up with jfunk latter <Mirv> davmor2: see line 58/59 for another example. I think I haven't seen others lately. <Saviq> trainguards, I can get silo for line 29 please <Mirv> Saviq: with pleasure. how's the utopic silo testing looking? <Saviq> Mirv, had to fix a lot of autopilot because of the adb change (we didn't support pinlocked tests until now) <Saviq> Mirv, so that's building now <Saviq> or built actualy <Saviq> +l <Saviq> so am testing now <Mirv> Saviq: ok, cool <ogra_> Mirv, do you have anything pending for a new image ? i would like to trigger a build (that should hopefully help with screen unlocking in the lab) <Mirv> ogra_: feel free to fire, I'm not holding my breathe on anything specifically <ogra_> heh, ok <ogra_> triggered <asac> Mirv: see -touch for your help <asac> mterry: so i think we might wnt to move the systemd-shimd source packag efrom utopic in the system-setting silo? <asac> mterry: do we also need li8ghtdm? <mterry> asac, no <asac> mterry: no for putting it into the same silo? <asac> think would help if it really fixes the problem that the system-settings silo bounced <ogra_> woudl be good if someone who has the issue could confirm that first though <ogra_> (that systemd-shim actually fixes the SIM unlocking) <asac> right <asac> davmor2 is at lunch <asac> but given that mterry fixed the same issue <asac> i am sure it does <ogra_> before you pile up more stuff in that poor silo <asac> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd-shim/+bug/1365095 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1365095 in systemd-shim (Ubuntu-rtm 14.09) "Greeter not asking for pin code in image 11 (krillin)" [Undecided,New] <asac> ogra_: that silo currently onlyhas system-settings <ogra_> asac, with a bunch of MPs though <mterry> asac, well... I am not sure that they are the same root problem yet <asac> right, but if those depend on this one then they should go in together to avoid duping QA <asac> mterry: ok. let us know <asac> Mirv is chcecking whty the shim silo didnt ubild <asac> Mirv: uscan warning: In watchfile /tmp/tmp6IdJ2a, reading webpage http://people.gnome.org/~desrt/ failed: 500 Can't connect to people.gnome.org:80 (timeout) <asac> hmm. it cant find the orig it seem <ogra_> yeah, that cant work <asac> s <asac> guess it should come from ubuntu archive <asac> mabye that thing was stuck in proposed?: <ogra_> no <ogra_> i saw it enter the utopic image <asac> ogra_: when? before the silo failed? <ogra_> must be in the utopic archive proper <Mirv> asac: if you say -touch, then I discuss at -touch :) I copied it now manually. <ogra_> asac, yes <asac> Mirv: thanks <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 233 building (started: 20140908 12:35) === <asac> Mirv: yeah, i just thought as we continued we might wanna go back here. sorry <asac> for me its one tab away though :P <asac> hehe <asac> right next door <ogra_> asac, 7-3 was an upload, didnt go though silos in utopic <ogra_> (systemd-shim 7-3 that is ) <asac> ogra_: sure, but could have been stuck in proposed when wee tried the silo for rtm <asac> https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-016-1-build/6/console <asac> ogra_: it was siloed for rtm after <asac> but anyway, we got it in now :) <ogra_> asac, silo buildds behave slightly different to distro builders ... * ogra_ got bitten by that on the weekend with android-tools too <asac> ogra_: its not in the buildds <asac> its before... check the log <asac> but doesnt matter now :) * asac still believes that the silo build was attempted when it was still in proposed and the jenkins doesnt take source origs from proposed <cjwatson> is the theory here that the silo might have built against a package from -proposed? <ogra_> asac's theory is, yeah <cjwatson> that would be anomalous as silos are not normally configured to build against -proposed <ogra_> i think the copy-package would have copied the orig.tar.gz in any case <cjwatson> copy-package does not concern itself with such details :) but the publisher would republish that when it runs <cjwatson> if bzr-builddeb is relying on the .orig.tar.gz being in the archive already, then it may have to wait a publisher cycle <asac> no ... i said that the silo upload through the jenkins job might have been tried when the package wasnt in proper archive yet <asac> hence we get the weird "cannot download orig tarball" failyure <asac> https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-016-1-build/6/console <asac> but *shrug* <cjwatson> IMO the problem there is that the version is wrong <ogra_> asac, the "silo upload" is a manual script call ... <cjwatson> This isn't a package that has its upstream maintained by ci-train, so surely it should be 7-3~rtm or similar, not 7~rtm-3 <ogra_> which essentially does something similar to a dput ... which in turn i would expect to have uploaded the orig tarball * asac desnt know and leaves it to the smart folks <cjwatson> I seem to remember somebody mentioning that bug/misfeature/whatever here recently <ogra_> yeah, i think lukasz was looking into that on friday <cjwatson> we could just do a source copy instead though, right? <asac> yeah i see the version now <asac> defiitely bogus <cjwatson> unless this is a cherry-pick <asac> cjwatson: Mirv alreadu uploaded manually to the silo now <cjwatson> ok <asac> i think the ci train source copy feature is what failed here initially <asac> but guess the version mangling is really bogus still there <cjwatson> if it's doing version mangling it's not a copy ... :) <asac> yeah <asac> so i am not sure :) <cjwatson> have to admit I haven't used the sync feature yet; for ubuntu/landing-003 / ubuntu-rtm/landing-003 I just used copy-package since I could <Mirv> I did copy-package now <asac> hard to remember who did what there ... thought they used the sync: feature <asac> Mirv: will the silo status figure that it got fixed? <asac> i mean here: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?distro=ubuntu-rtm&q= <ogra_> if it was a dput it will ... with the next watch_only build <ogra_> (which you can only do after the packages have built ... be patient :) ) <asac> heh <cjwatson> you can do it a bit before and it'll wait <Mirv> asac: yes, it just requires watch_only build that can't be done right away. it's now running. <asac> cool. thx * ogra_ thinks the last android-tools fix is the grossest hack he has ever done ... bt it makes things work <ogra_> Sep 8 14:50:32 ubuntu-phablet sudo: phablet : TTY=pts/38 ; PWD=/home/phablet ; USER=phablet ; COMMAND=/bin/bash -c /bin/bash -cl env <ogra_> (thats the log output of "adb shell env" <ogra_> ) <ogra_> (see the COMMAND) ... <boiko> rsalveti: hi, is the QMediaPlayer's audio role stuff already in RTM (or close to land at least)? telephony-service is failing to build on the RTM silo <boiko> rsalveti: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/184207757/buildlog_ubuntu-rtm-14.09-amd64.telephony-service_0.1%2B14.10.20140905~rtm-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz <jibel> boiko, it's in silo 11. I'm testing it. <boiko> jibel: ah, nice! <john-mcaleely> hi. I have a new device tarball I'd be interested in publishing today, if possible <john-mcaleely> is someone able to give it a QA pass? <boiko> Mirv: would it work if after rsalveti's silo 11 is landed, I trigger a rebuild of telephony-service? I didn't know there was code in telephony-service not landed on RTM yet <john-mcaleely> ogra_, ^ (as person running the landing meetings...) <ogra_> john-mcaleely, perhaps davmor2 <ogra_> depends how swamped he is ... looks like he is alone <john-mcaleely> davmor2, something you could do today? (brendand did the honours on friday) <john-mcaleely> ogra_, understood <rsalveti> boiko: yeah, would work after a rebuild <rsalveti> boiko: didn't yet land because silo 11 is still to be tested <davmor2> john-mcaleely: Yeap I can do that, currently looking at a silo so I could do with it not conflicting with that. Any idea on when you would like to land it <rsalveti> from my experience it takes a few days for the rtm stuff to be signed <john-mcaleely> davmor2, it is worth doing, if I can land it before cob (~6pm) UK today <john-mcaleely> davmor2, otherwise, it can wait <boiko> rsalveti: ok, I'll just leave my silo sitting there waiting, would you mind giving me a heads up once silo 11 lands? <rsalveti> boiko: sure <boiko> rsalveti: thanks <john-mcaleely> davmor2, http://people.canonical.com/~jhm/barajas/device_krillin-20140908-d8c11f3.tar.xz <john-mcaleely> davmor2, simply download, and use --device-tarball with your favourite ubuntu-device-flash command to test <davmor2> john-mcaleely: no worries I'll give it a go asap <john-mcaleely> davmor2, I'll ping you in a bit and see if I get lucky on your capacity :-) <cyphermox> Mirv: hey <cyphermox> Mirv: I'm seeing mtp as landed in the spreadsheet, and no longer in any silo, but apparently not in ubuntu-rtm <asac> ogra_: Mirv: how are the landings for the rtm proposed blockers going? <asac> i think all but one had an MP according to sils mail on friday <ogra_> let me check his list <asac> ogra_: its the four bugs i cut and forwarded to ue-leads with you CCed <asac> as you were appopinted the driver <ogra_> nobody told me :P <asac> ** Sometimes input breaks and only edges are responsive <asac> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1295623 => Merge requests present -> It should land soon, it's next in the unity8 queue. <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1295623 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Sometimes input breaks and only edges are responsive" [Critical,In progress] <asac> ** Seekbar tests are skiped only on nexus 4 and 5 <asac> ogra_: it was in the mail by sil <asac> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1359040 => Merge requests present -> Is this really a blocker? Comment needed. <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1359040 in mediaplayer-app "Seekbar tests are skiped only on nexus 4 and 5" [High,In progress] <ogra_> asac, yes, i see it <asac> ogra_: so please ensure we dont pick up too risky landings while we try to get that <asac> e.g. push back on crazy folks :) <ogra_> the seekbar stuff is really ignorable <asac> Saviq: when is landing of bug 1295623 scheduled? <ubot5> bug 1295623 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Sometimes input breaks and only edges are responsive" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1295623 <ogra_> but yeah, fix wouldnt hurt (four tests that should be skipped arent ... we tend to simply ignore their results ... purely cosmetic) <Saviq> asac, am testing now <ogra_> this one is definitely important <Saviq> asac, unless you mean the bug itself, then it landed around the time we started doing the phone ;) <asac> 15:40 < ogra_> the seekbar stuff is really ignorable <asac> 15:41 < asac> Saviq: when is landing of bug 1295623 scheduled? <ubot5> bug 1295623 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Sometimes input breaks and only edges are responsive" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1295623 <asac> 15:41 < asac> ogra_: wll, we have an MP for that i read <asac> 15:41 < asac> so why not get it in and get it off our worry list <ogra_> asac, no idea why it is on that at all <jibel> rsalveti, I tested silo 11, ran the testplan of pulseaudio and tried music player/mediaplayer/webbrowser with alarms and alert (incoming calls, incoming messages). All works fine, is there anything else to verify? <asac> ogra_: wll, we have an MP for that i read <asac> so why not get it in and get it off our worry list <rsalveti> jibel: nops, that's it <asac> 15:44 < asac> ogra_: well, sure that QA didnt like it and wants to get this resurrected <asac> ogra_: well, sure that QA didnt like it and wants to get this resurrected <asac> damn flaky connection <asac> oops :) * asac doesnt understand when irssi reposts stuff after disconnect and when not <ogra_> asac, answered your mail <ogra_> i didnt get tthat i was explicitly CCed ... evo just showed it in the thread <asac> ogra_: anyway, i think that one is wihtelistable if we have the unity part <mterry> asac, phew had some laptop troubles -- in case you are still wondering, looks like the systemd-shim fix solves the SIM PIN problem <tedg> robru, So I deleted the status on line 50, but I'm not sure if that was the right thing to do :-) It's fixed. <ogra_> mterry, right, it simply didnt land in rtm yet <mterry> ogra_, sure... Though note that the bug can still be reproduced on the latest utopic images until the next spin <ogra_> mterry, already spinning ;) <mterry> ogra_, and there was some question on whether the bugs were the same root cause <ogra_> mterry, with an adbd fois for your un lock issue too btw ;) <ogra_> *fix <mterry> ogra_, why don't we just land the unity8 branch? <asac> mterry: nice one <mterry> ogra_, that's been approved for like a week <asac> davmor2: can you do a joint tesating of 015 and 016? <asac> davmor2: seems they going in together will fix the SIM PIN problem <asac> davmor2: and that will then clear the path for location landing <asac> thanks! <Mirv> boiko: yes, but please ask someone with ppa rights to trigger the rebuilds in there directly <asac> jibel: ^ <Mirv>  <davmor2> asac: right okay so I'll actually need 016 to finish building then I can <asac> davmor2: wait ... finish? <ogra_> mterry, it hasnt been approved <asac> davmor2: its just dashboard brokenness <asac> davmor2: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu-rtm/landing-016/+packages <ogra_> mterry, i just commented on it a few mins ago <asac> they are buitl!! <boiko> Mirv: ah because the sync: thing is broken already, right? <asac> Mirv: ^ seems the dashboard didnt pick up that we directly uplaoded <asac> Mirv: ignore... seems it did <asac> davmor2: so all seems ready <Mirv> cyphermox: hmm, maybe some publishing went wrong because of the cu2d code refactoring <ogra_> mterry, seems it was merged with a giant other change that isnt 100% ready <davmor2> asac: ah package built now yeap no worries <cyphermox> Mirv: should I just do the copy? <Mirv> boiko: yes, the sync is no more there <boiko> Mirv: ok, got it, thanks <asac> mterry: Saviq: maybe we cna cherry land this input fix? <Mirv> asac: regarding blockers, the big qtmir/unity8 landing is still being prepared by Saviq. mediaplayer-app blocker fix is approved to land. <asac> anyway, will not micro manage those :) ... lets hope we get the input landed <asac> Mirv: cool. you think qtmir/unity8 is realisitc today/early-tomorrow? <mterry> ogra_, woah... someone took it and made lp:~unity-team/unity8/new-adbd which is enormous... <Saviq> asac, I replied already <Saviq> <Saviq> asac, am testing now <asac> ah <asac> thanks <asac> yeah had reconnects here <asac> sorry <jibel> rsalveti, music doesn't stop when music player is closed, but I think that's an existing bug. <rsalveti> jibel: yeah <Saviq> mterry, yeah, what we forgot about is the adb change also made it that there's always a password.. <Mirv> cyphermox: it'd probably need qa signoff so another silo. can you sort it out with robru? I need to flee <mterry> ogra_, you just went ahead and added an automatic "sudo -u phablet -i"?! I asked for that and you said no :-( <cyphermox> there was already a signoff <cyphermox> robru: ^^ <mterry> Saviq, I thought our autopilot ran with a lightdm mock though? <Mirv> are there any other trainguards about before robert in 2h? I can't stay longer than this 10h today alas :( <Saviq> mterry, remember what our lightdm mock is these days? ;P <mterry> Saviq, no I mean the real mocks, the ones we use for qmluitests and such <Saviq> mterry, nope <Saviq> mterry, we only did the LD_PRELOAD thing, which doesn't seem to work any more <Saviq> mterry, if you can fix it better, feel free <mterry> Saviq, well -- depends on whether we feel running autopilot via mocked lightdm is a "real" test or not <mterry> Saviq, we'd need LD_PRELOAD and QML_PLUGIN_PATH <mterry> Saviq, for just the lightdm plugin <Saviq> mterry, yeah, let's go with my approach for now (I used the dbus unlock call) <Saviq> mterry, and if we decide we want it different is when we'll have a look at this again <ogra_> mterry, i said i wouldnt know if i can get it to work (we tried multipe times before) <ogra_> mterry, i got it to work now though <mterry> ogra_, \o/ <ogra_> mterry, with a gross gross hack though :) <ogra_> but it works at least <mterry> Saviq, gotcha, that's fine. I just had remembered us using the mocks for AP so I didn't even consider having to fix them past the unlock-device script <davmor2> asac, Saviq: so it looks like the no keyboard on initial boot is in place still but more important on reboot you get no unity8 dash just a black screen with the loading animation. <Saviq> davmor2, bug #1362619 <mterry> The keyboard on initial boot bug isn't fixed? /me scratches head <ubot5> bug 1362619 in unity-scopes-api (Ubuntu RTM) "unity8-dash hangs in scopes backend" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1362619 <Saviq> davmor2, and I don't think the keyboard fix from mterry landed <davmor2> mterry: this is before the silo <mterry> ah <ogra_> mterry, "adb shell env" output in auth.log : Sep 8 14:50:32 ubuntu-phablet sudo: phablet : TTY=pts/38 ; PWD=/home/phablet ; USER=phablet ; COMMAND=/bin/bash -c /bin/bash -cl env <ogra_> mterry, like inception ;) shell in shell in sudo ... <mterry> ogra_, heh <Mirv> dbarth: mp approvals... ^ <davmor2> mterry: need a fresh install system was getting messy and I wanted clean results <Saviq> mterry, TBH we shouldn't be using any mocks in ap tests if possible, the lockscreen tests should probably be moved to QML ones anyway <dbarth> Mirv: yup, spotted :/ <mterry> Saviq, well in theory I agree, but handling unlocking via system password is tricky. Not sure the dbus unlock is much cleaner than a mock, but at least it's using real code <asac> davmor2: in silo or in general? <asac> davmor2: i had this problem of no dash loading on krillin this morning <asac> but also a couple days ago <asac> rebooting fixed it <davmor2> asac: rebooting indeed does fix it <mterry> Saviq, it'd be nice if there was a clean way for the unity8 AP test to be passed the system password <mterry> *phablet password <asac> davmor2: right. but i saw it for a week or so from time to time on krilin... never on n4 <Saviq> mterry, well, we should have integration tests that actually test setting/unsetting the password, locking/unlocking the shell, but I don't think unlocking with pin/pass should happen every time... <asac> i mean.. getting an animation like starting an app forever * asac thought a few times it would be great if he could kill the dash just like an app :) <asac> through the right edge animnation <mterry> Saviq, well yeah -- ideally we could set / unset the password via the AP test :) <Saviq> mterry, which would not be a unity8 ap test, but a high-level platform one <Saviq> mterry, but yeah, with the adb change right now there's no way to test unsetting the pass, as that will lock you out of the phone ;) <mterry> Saviq, eh, only high level because of the password thing. Everything else would likely be local to unity8. But sure, however we get it done <ogra_> asac, "restart unity8-dash" in the terminal app works fine <Saviq> mterry, unless you waited for the adb connection again, as the test really happens on the phone still <ogra_> asac, generally it shouldnt hang or crash indeed :) <asac> ogra_: yeah, but its tempting to just shoot it in teh right edge aninmation if it doesnt accept input anymore :) <asac> ogra_: hehe... true <asac> but then most apps shouldnt need to be killed either <asac> but we allow it anyways <asac> like phone, mesasging etc. <ogra_> they hog memory <ogra_> even if they dont run <asac> not with lifecycle <ogra_> sure they do <asac> lifecycle with swap them out if there is not enough mem <ogra_> a sigstopped app wont free its ram <asac> it first is sigstopped <ogra_> only once it gets OOM killed it will <asac> then it gets serialized and killed <asac> right <asac> so in general there shouldnt be a need to kill them <asac> only to fix dysfunctional apps <asac> thats hte only valid use case we have in theory forl killing imo <ogra_> not really <asac> why not really? <ogra_> i wouldnt want to have to scroll through the list of apps i have started since i got the new phone <asac> ogra_: ok thats a user experiennce challenge then <asac> could be sorted by least recently used <asac> hehe <ogra_> if you make them unremovable in the edge swipe things will pile up and the edge switpe will become less useful <asac> kind of true i guess <asac> think maybe after not using them for like 2 days they could get hidden <asac> or only last 10 apps shown <asac> hehe <ogra_> that might actually work <ogra_> until that arm64 phone with 4GB ram comes out and you want to have 20 to stay open :) <asac> but guess the "kill because app is buggy" isstill a valid use case especially since we have random 3rd party apps in store <ogra_> yeah <asac> but that use case also exist for dash :) <asac> hehe <ogra_> which it shouldnt though <ogra_> system stuff needs to be rock solid <asac> well it shouldnt for any of our key apps <asac> like phone and messaing <ogra_> and shell :) <asac> terminal? <ogra_> lol <asac> ah the shell <ogra_> well, that needs more love first <asac> indicators and friends <ogra_> right <ogra_> not terminal-app <ogra_> currently close to unusable on krillin ... * ogra_ goes back to hack on pam before the standup * asac goes coffee <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 233 DONE (finished: 20140908 14:15) === <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/233.changes === <ogra_> whee, exciting ... <cyphermox> rhuddie: hey <cyphermox> rhuddie: do you agree we can close https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/1273629 ? <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1273629 in bluez (Ubuntu) "HSP fails on Ubuntu Touch [Bluetooth headset does not work]" [Critical,Fix committed] <rhuddie> cyphermox, Hi, yes, I think that one can be closed <cyphermox> rhuddie: thanks :) <brendand> seb128, mterry - do we know when/how systemd-shim is going to land in RTM? <rhuddie> cyphermox, I also checked on the Vivaldi speaker and updated that bug report <cyphermox> rhuddie: for the Altavoz Vivaldi speaker, would you be able to gather some extra information for me, assuming you have it <seb128> brendand, I don't <davmor2> brendand: looking at it now <cyphermox> ahah, great minds think alike! <mterry> brendand, ogra_ and asac were looking at it above. I think very soon <rhuddie> cyphermox, sure thing <cyphermox> let me refresh, I didn't see your update I think <rhuddie> cyphermox, no prob. Let me know if you need any more info on it. I have a big box of devices sat here :) <cyphermox> rhuddie: indeed I missed the update, that's all; but the hcitool output doesn't contain what I expect <cyphermox> rhuddie: I'll get you a package to test <rhuddie> cyphermox, thanks <asac> brendand: davmor2 is testing that together with the systemd-shim <asac> er system-settings silo 015 ans 016 <asac> mterry: seb128: are landing the wizard crash in utopic already? i think we will soon need to pull that into rtm <asac> guess the 015 silo will actually have the same crash <seb128> asac, not sure if kenvandine plans a landing today, we can probably do one <asac> kenvandine: can you do that? <asac> at best now :)... we need that to land a crash free system-settings in rtm <asac> for HERE and all the good fixes that are in ss <kenvandine> asac, been trying... it failed qa verification again... <kenvandine> the biggest issue is the wizard crashing, along with the location service <kenvandine> which i suspect was introduced with the HERE stuff <kenvandine> the wizard crashing didn't seem obvious to me, it looks like the wizard finishes... but it leaves crash files <asac> kenvandine: wait :) <kenvandine> for the location service and ubuntu-system-settings-wizard <asac> kenvandine: talking about utopic <asac> kenvandine: the rtm landing we have now understood... it was missing shim <kenvandine> oh... the HERE stuff is in utopic-proposed <asac> and also we need this crash there <seb128> kenvandine, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntu-system-settings/wizard-crash/+merge/233589 <seb128> kenvandine, that should fix the crash in the wizard <kenvandine> great <asac> right <kenvandine> so we need to land that :) <asac> so once we have that in we can also add that to system-settings <asac> and HERE silo <kenvandine> seb128, brendand also said he had trouble with the cellular panel <asac> kenvandine: exactly :) <kenvandine> which didn't change... and it works fine for me :) <seb128> kenvandine, I've 2 trivial changes waiting review if you want to include that as well <asac> kenvandine: isnt that the SIM PIN problem? <asac> hats the systemd-shim that is in 016 <kenvandine> asac, yes... but it worked for me :) <seb128> kenvandine, there is a SIM unlock issues, but mterry thinks it's the systemd issue as asac just said <asac> kenvandine: it worked on utopic because systemd-shim is in there <kenvandine> ok... i thought that too <asac> but not in rtm <kenvandine> but i tried it on rtm 30 minutes after brendand failed it and it all worked <asac> mterry confirmed that the systemd-shim fixes taht in rtm (which bounced you rlanding) <kenvandine> woot <seb128> ;-) <asac> kenvandine: do you have a locked SIM? <asac> you need that to reproduce <brendand> kenvandine, did you try on mako or krillin? <seb128> that bug is random one <kenvandine> asac, no... but i know the pin for my ATT sim <seb128> it's not consistent <kenvandine> and can unlock/lock/changepin <kenvandine> brendand, both... <asac> if its not locked it isnt showing the problem according to bug <asac> locked aka you need to enter sim pin to make it work <kenvandine> asac, but what if i lock it? <kenvandine> that worked <asac> kenvandine: not sure what that means <asac> you need to have it in locked state <asac> then wipe user data <kenvandine> asac, in settings, you can lock the pin <asac> and boot <kenvandine> on the sim <mterry> kenvandine, and you have to be on krillin I believe <asac> maybe that too * asac doesnt know <asac> anyway, we think we have that under control. just need the crash fix in utopic <asac> so we can clear it all into rtm <kenvandine> cool <brendand> kenvandine, i saw other problems in the cellular panel, but the silo is in davmor2's hands now so i trust that if what i saw was a real bug he'll find it <kenvandine> i desparately want to land rtm :) <brendand> kenvandine, so if davmor2 passes it you're ok <asac> kenvandine: thanks. let us know when its in utopic later today so w can finish the rest <kenvandine> brendand, weird... all the cellular panel features worked for me... and the landing to rtm doesn't include any changes to cellular <kenvandine> asac, will do <balloons> fginther, any thoughts on what might be wrong with this job? s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/ubuntu-calculator-app-autolanding/35/ I thought it was something within jenkins, but s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/ubuntu-calculator-app-autolanding/34 seemed to run fine . . . <fginther> balloons, I'll be able to take a peek in about an hour <balloons> ty <kenvandine> whoops <kenvandine> asac, seb128: no available silos :) <kenvandine> thostr_, pmcgowan: can we free silo 15 (apneditor)? It's not ready to land and I need a silo to land the settings fix that we hope will clear the way for an rtm landing <pmcgowan> kenvandine, i vote yes, Wellark is working with mpt on agreeing design <kenvandine> it's outdated anyway :) <asac> Mirv: ^^ can you clear silo if wellark is fine? * plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: plars | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Ping robru if any citrain jenkins jobs have unexpected results. <pete-woods> trainguards: hi guys. could someone re-trigger the builds in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-017/+packages <pete-woods> the broken dependency seems to have made it into distro now :) <cjwatson> pete-woods: done <cyphermox> asac: I thought Mirv had left, I can clear silos if confirm the silo? <cjwatson> jibel: could ubuntu-rtm/landing-003 (spreadsheet line 46) make its way onto the QA trello board, please? the important change is re-enabling signature checking - so making sure that ordinary app installation from the store still works, and also that sideloading apps onto a device from the SDK still works (which broke the last time we did this, and we believe we've fixed). note that the latter requires the qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu ... <cjwatson> ... from ubuntu/landing-003, which is landing in utopic at the moment <cjwatson> jibel: this is moderately urgent as (a) it's one of the current blockers in landing team mails, (b) ubuntu/landing-003 was published a little prematurely and these two were meant to be in sync <Wellark> pmcgowan, kenvandine, asac ? <kenvandine> Wellark, i freed silo 15 with the apneditor <pete-woods> cjwatson: thanks! <Wellark> kenvandine: ack. <Wellark> kenvandine: I will ping thostr_ when I've done the fixes from the design review. <jibel> cjwatson, done <kenvandine> Wellark, thx <Wellark> kenvandine: need to revert the OptionSelectors :( <Wellark> they look way better than the ListItem.ItemSelector <cjwatson> jibel: thanks <Wellark> but it's better to suck consistently ;) <john-mcaleely> davmor2, how was my luck at a QA pass? will we be discussing results when the landing team meet in half an hour? <kenvandine> Wellark, consistency is best :) <davmor2> john-mcaleely: having issue fighting sim pin locks on rtm currently <kenvandine> Wellark, i wish the OptionSelector had a better style <john-mcaleely> davmor2, ok, thanks :-) <kenvandine> davmor2, oh? in system-settings? <kenvandine> oh right.. we think that was because of the systemd-shim problem <davmor2> kenvandine: Yeah I have the systemd-shim installed I think let me double check that and try again <davmor2> kenvandine: the silo with the fix in I should say <kenvandine> davmor2, oh... rtm silo 1 is interesting <kenvandine> davmor2, looks like a fix for a regression in ofono that prevented entering pin <davmor2> kenvandine: the other issue is that sim unlock constantly tells you there are 3 attapts left <kenvandine> davmor2, is that in system-settings? <kenvandine> or the shell? <davmor2> kenvandine: everywhere <kenvandine> ok, that could be related to the fix in silo 1 <davmor2> kenvandine: leading me to lock my phone <kenvandine> which i never even saw that regression <davmor2> sim even <kenvandine> ugh <bzoltan> asac: are you around? <bzoltan> asac: I wonder if it would be possible to set up group highlights for this channel. For example we define and "sdk tools dependency" group with the "click, android tools, emulator, phablet-tools, QtCreator" and the CI train would ping the sdk-tools-deps when any of the dependencies put in a silo for landing. <bzoltan> pmcgowan: ^ <fginther> balloons, I'm a little confused by that one too <balloons> fginther, so the merge redoes the tests, but afaict the autolanding never gets past setup right? <cjwatson> bzoltan: hm, does your IRC client not have suitable highlighting facilities? <fginther> balloons, right, the setup failed during phablet-config writable-image <cjwatson> /hilight -channels #ubuntu-ci-eng -regexp Silos:.*click <cjwatson> or whatever <fginther> balloons, which it had successfully executed a few commands earlier <fginther> and is working in the next 2 test runs <bzoltan> cjwatson: I have :) But I would love to see something formal in place. So to make sure that certain information reaches the defined parties. <cjwatson> I dunno, I'm a big fan of decentralisation for this kind of thing :) <bzoltan> cjwatson: as the dude who's butt is kicked when something goes wrong with the SDK tools I do love centralization :D <balloons> fginther, so is it possible something in the merge is causing it? Seemingly the answer is no, but since they work on other mp's... <bzoltan> cjwatson: My dream would be actually to have an SDK signature flag in the CI sheet for all projects what can cause regression in the SDK. The same way I could imagine that all projects with dependencies would benefit from such policy. <fginther> balloons, no no no, this is during the generic setup of the device. Completely unrelated to the MP. It's possible there are some lingering setup and timing issues that need to be resolved after the adb user change <balloons> fginther, it's just odd that it worked for the others. That's actually the third try for that mp <balloons> autolanding 32 and 33 are also autoland attempts <cjwatson> bzoltan: I think what I'm saying is that you're in a better place to know what you need to pay attention to from your experience, and it seems like an odd choice to want to put that information somewhere where it's harder for you to update <cjwatson> regressions> this is what autopkgtests are meant to be for :) <bzoltan> cjwatson: what I am thinking about is an information pushing instead of pulling. <cjwatson> they're exactly meant as a way to assert things about the behaviour of your dependencies <bzoltan> cjwatson: can autopkgtests test emulator creation, deployment, chroot creating and usage, app launcher features from the QtC? <cjwatson> all this business with highlighting people to do manual testing isn't very scalable <cjwatson> it's all software, I don't see why not <cjwatson> (though nested VMs may become an issue) <bzoltan> cjwatson: yeps... exactly <cjwatson> all I'm saying is that figuring out how to ask more people to do manual testing on things isn't a very forward-looking approach <bzoltan> cjwatson: With that one I agree. I am not suggesting more manual tests. <bzoltan> cjwatson: I am thinking about how to make sure that projects get informed about the upcoming changes of their dependencies. <cjwatson> bzoltan: might be something to ask the CI Airline people about, rather than bodging more stuff into the spreadsheet <cjwatson> some kind of subscription approach <bzoltan> cjwatson: might sound childish, but in my past it proved to be working. Like making mandatory to walk to the owner of a project what depends on your project and have a handshake. Not more.. <balloons> fginther, so I guess I can just leave it in your hands then and you can get it passing? <bzoltan> cjwatson: I know the CI sheet is heavy already. <fginther> balloons, yes, there is one thing that I can tweak and then see how it goes after that. Am I ok to re-approve that MP? <balloons> fginther, yes <cjwatson> bzoltan: I suspect those were smaller projects than Ubuntu though :) <bzoltan> cjwatson: That is how Maemo/Meego used to work. That was not very small :) <cjwatson> bzoltan: considerably smaller than Ubuntu <cjwatson> certainly in terms of the platform's dependency graph <bzoltan> cjwatson: from that point, no doubt <ogra_> meego cloud, meego server and meego desktop were surely rare occurences ;) <asac> bzoltan: i would suggest to wait till sil is back and see if there are aliases to also include in the pings <bzoltan> cjwatson: the point is that making dependency lines to meet and shake hands at agreed milestones is something what i have seen working and it was improving stability <bzoltan> ogra_: by then Qt was an internal project :) <cjwatson> bzoltan: yeah, I'm just familiar with the dependency graphs above some of the things I maintain, and I fear having to talk to 100 people any time I change anything :P <cjwatson> so anything like that probably needs to be non-blocking most of the time <bzoltan> cjwatson: that is why I am suggesting an automatic step, if that is possible. If not, then just ignore me :) I am daydreaming too often <cjwatson> bzoltan: right, that's why I'm suggesting talking to the airline folks as they're better-placed to do things that aren't horrible ongoing  :)bodges <cjwatson> err rearrange the end of that to make sense <bzoltan> cjwatson: Yes, I will do so. Thanks for your input. <kenvandine> asac, i tested utopic silo 15 on both utopic-proposed and on my krillin with rtm + silo 1 and silo 16 (ofono and shim) <kenvandine> asac, no more crash in the wizard... but there is still a crash file left by _usr_bin_ubuntu-location-serviced <kenvandine> sim lock/unlock also worked in settings, and i verified i could unlock a locked sim from the shell after reboot <asac> kenvandine: locationserviced is not a regression afaik <kenvandine> ok <kenvandine> good <asac> so its fine and we can tackle it after imo <popey> who maintains the 7digital scope? <kenvandine> asac, so syncing the landing will also pull in the location settings which is line 20 <kenvandine> asac, which requires a manual step for trust-store for testing <kenvandine> asac, should i change rtm silo 15 from a utopic sync to sync from the current utopic landing? <kenvandine> the end result will be the same <asac> davmor2: ^^ fine with thsi? <kenvandine> i'll copy dbarth's comment over to the other line with instructions to manually start that <kenvandine> or rather a link to the bug it works around :) <asac> davmor2: he is talking about getting system-settings that has the ziward crash into the silo 15 for one sign off <asac> davmor2: alternatively we could first clear that 015 silo with the crash whitelisted given that we have it in the pipe and then just land that fix after <kenvandine> davmor2, since the location access stuff landed already in utopic, it'll pull that in regardless <asac> kenvandine: wait for davmor2 ... he is testing those silos right now <davmor2> asac: let me have a quick think about it while I test shouldn't take too long. <asac> davmor2: thanks <asac> kenvandine: just continue on your utopic silo for now :) <asac> e.g. get that fixed, landed etc. <kenvandine> i like option 2 :) <asac> davmor will ome back <kenvandine> asac, landed already <kenvandine> just not merged back <sergiusens> popey: someone in thostr_'s team, pete-woods would be a wild guess <popey> sergiusens: ta <kenvandine> davmor2, note i tested the utopic silo on krillin rtm and it was all good for me <Mirv> back to check, is there anything urgent? robert should be here as soon as his morning meeting ends. <pete-woods> popey: you need to speak to facundobatista I think <popey> pete-woods: ok <Mirv> robru: note the cyphermox's missing mtp package, it needs to be hunted. possibly a case of "publish returns success but does not actually publish anything"? I've gotten into habit of double checking rtm publishings on what they I actually did <robru> Mirv: yep, there absolutely was (and may still be) a bug where rtm publishings report success without actually doing anything. <robru> cyphermox: ^ <Mirv> robru: and that ^ a watch_only build seems to fail after sync build, the configuration seems empty. I've resolved such cases by adding the package names manually instead of using sync:N, after the build, reconfiguring, and building with watch_only after that. <robru> Mirv: yep, the sync:N logic isn't implemented very well. unfortunately I'm drowning in fixing up basic code quality of citrain, it's hard for me to even look at large bugs like that. <Mirv> so basically nothing trainguards can't workaround, but the workarounds need to be applied every time <Mirv> robru: yes, I don't think it should be tackled now, but sync works for syncing the sources, then manually reconfiguring + building with watch_only should work for now. <Mirv> for users of the train it should all be transparent, we just have some more clicking to do than optimal :) <robru> Mirv: "requiring more clicking than is optimal" is the core ethos of citrain. <balloons> ogra_, if you don't mind: https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/phablet-tools/remove-python2-support/+merge/233754. I fixed the bug nik90_ mentioned on g+ the other day by just removing python2 <tedg> robru, In silo 11 I think I fixed the approval, but the dashboard is still showing an issue. <tedg> robru, Is that a manual thing? <cjwatson> tedg: the dashboard is showing the result of the last publish attempt <tedg> Ah, okay. <robru> tedg: yeah, the MP looks good, just need to run the publish job again. I'm on it <tedg> robru, Can you please publish silo 11? <tedg> Thanks! <ogra_> balloons, i assume we dont have anyone running these tests on older images at home ? <davmor2> asac, kenvandine: so I don't think that the wizard crash is the last of the blockers. So let me try and get settings, sim unlock and location landed, if it is just the wizard crash we can whitelist, if it isn't there will still be 3 free silos in about 20minutes that you can add the new fix too, hope that makes sense <robru> cjwatson: ah, that silo has a NEW source package, can you review it? or should I just publish it to the real NEW queue? ;-) <cjwatson> robru: NEW source? easier for us to review that in the real queue <cjwatson> it's only new binaries that need pre-review <kenvandine> davmor2, ok, do you know what the other blockers are? <balloons> ogra_, I think that is a very fair assessment. Some of the testsuites even require python3 now <ogra_> balloons, ACK then ... not sure when i can land it though, i'm a bit swamped in developer mode fixes <asac> davmor2: cool. yeah, lets get the big pile pushed and then get the crash fix in right after <asac> davmor2: the crash fix we can put into the HERE silo then <asac> so we can land those together <robru> cjwatson: ok i'll publish it for real then, thanks <asac> we could already built it there <ogra_> sergiusens, second pair of eyes for: https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/phablet-tools/remove-python2-support/+merge/233754 ? <sergiusens> ogra_: why not <robru> cjwatson: do you remember if there's some kind of whitelist before citrain is able to sync a NEW source into utopic? I remember it used to be that way on the old daily_release system (pre-citrain), but I can't remember if it's still like that. anyway let me know if you don't see indicator-datetime show up in NEW shortly. <davmor2> asac, kenvandine: oh sure if you can build it in the here silo go for it I thought it needed targeting against 15 which seems to be fixing stuff already so didn't want that having to be re-tested <ogra_> sergiusens, dunno, you tell me :) <cjwatson> robru: not afaik, I think the only reason this whole preNEW idea exists is because otherwise it used to block a whole stack <sergiusens> ogra_: already added needs fixing ;-) <kenvandine> davmor2, i think asac meant if we can, land silo 15 <ogra_> oh <kenvandine> then we'll push the crash fix in the HERE silo <asac> kenvandine: right. think you can already push the fix into the HERE silo <robru> Mirv: any reason you didn't get packaging ack for silo 2? I see you published it but it's just sitting there requiring ACK <robru> seems a simple diff <asac> so its ready for davmor to get on right after signing off the current silo thatjust has teh wizard <asac> if he doesnt trust us he could also take a sneak preview then :) <cjwatson> robru: IMO preNEWing of source packages is an obsolete concept; just having code review of the packaging should be good enough <robru> cjwatson: ahh makes sense, yeah I'm glad we don't have stacks anymore ;-) <cjwatson> robru: indicator-display in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+queue now <robru> cjwatson: anyway I looked over the packaging, seems sane to me <kenvandine> asac, how do i add it to the HERE silo? that's a sync:10 <robru> cjwatson: thanks! <kenvandine> asac, can i add an additional sync? <asac> err <asac> robru: ^^ can you help kenvandine ? <robru> kenvandine: no. no you can't do that. <asac> robru: he wants to sync from archive now i think <asac> into the HERE silo <asac> I THINK <asac> :) <kenvandine> well... i was thinking from utopic silo 15 <kenvandine> it's in utopic-proposed <kenvandine> not release <asac> kenvandine: isnt that in the archive now? <asac> right <asac> but will soon be <asac> robru: let us know what options we have :) <kenvandine> settings takes longer than most to publish <asac> or rather let kenvandine know <robru> kenvandine: you can't have multiple sync:s, but you can list additional source packages and copy-package them directly. and then reconfigure the silo and WATCH_ONLY build... <kenvandine> i think the autopkgtests <robru> queuebot: yay! ;-) <kenvandine> robru, oh... i could do a copy package then :) <robru> kenvandine: copy-package ALL THE THINGS <bzoltan1> robru: I am still testing the UITK in silo10 for Ubuntu. The QtCreator MRs have no Silo. Do you think it would be OK to use the silo10 for QtCreator plugins too? <bzoltan1> robru: because I see that it is hard to get silo today :) <robru> bzoltan1: yes there are currently none available. feel free to merge your requests and then I can reconfig the silo for you. <kenvandine> robru, i don't have upload rights to the ppa <kenvandine> copy-package --from=~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/landing-015 --suite=utopic --to=~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu-rtm/landing-004 --to-suite=14.09 -b ubuntu-system-settings <kenvandine> robru, ^^ <asac> kenvandine: are u core-dev? <kenvandine> yes <kenvandine> but i guess that isn't good enough for the ppa <asac> i can add you to the uploaders for that ppa then <kenvandine> asac, cool <asac> without any alignement <asac> one sec <asac> done <asac> kenvandine: just dont misuse :) <asac> you can now <kenvandine> ok, copied :) <cjwatson> I think it would be possible to give ubuntu-core-dev an upload ACL on the ci-train-ppa-service PPAs without making them a member of the team and causing everyone to get loads of build failure mails <cjwatson> though it would have to be done individually for each PPA <robru> cjwatson: why is everybody afraid of the build failure mailvalanche? don't people have mail filters? ;-) <cjwatson> it's rude to impose that on a big team * plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Ping robru if any citrain jenkins jobs have unexpected results. <tedg> robru, So desrt said that he should have the systemd-shim patch we need for cgroups by tomorrow morning, which makes me want to try the UAL cgroups landing tomorrow afternoon. <tedg> robru, How does that work from the "expected amount of chaos" perspective? <tedg> robru, Are there are big landings you're expecting? <asac> 19:16 < davmor2> asac, ogra_, robru: also I'm happy with 001, 015 and 016 combination, but they will all need to land in the same image or they will break stuff between them. <asac> robru: ^^ <asac> thanks! <asac> all push, then image, then we go for HERE silo :) <ogra_> asac, we're talking about rtm silos, right ? <asac> yeah <asac> robru: ^^ <asac> see above <asac> :) <asac> ogra_: dont you know how to publish? <ogra_> asac, i sure do <asac> ok ... well i will not suggest anything that would not be normal as i am sure then something bad will happedn :) <ogra_> asac, 001 cant land <asac> why? <ogra_> according to the dashboard it hasnt been signed off or even tested <ogra_> http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?distro=ubuntu-rtm&q= <asac> davmor2: davmor posted above that he signed it off <asac> err <asac> ogra_: ^^ <ogra_> asac, i think awe_ just said it misses top approbval in one MP <bzoltan1> robru: the silo10 is ready for reconf <ogra_> asac, which means it will block <awe_> ogra_, asac, it's *not* ready <asac> rsalveti: can you check out the MP for 001 <awe_> which is why it's not top-approved <ogra_> awe_, thanks ... thought so <awe_> regressions found and bugs filed on Fri, I will update the MP shortly <rsalveti> asac: check #phablet :-) <asac> k <asac> shorly meaning? <asac> :) <asac> hehe * asac will go for dinner and check back later <asac> this is a key part to get system settings in and also HERE <asac> etc. <asac> many thing are depending on this <asac> so no pressure <asac> hehe <asac> rsalveti: ^ <asac> cu <awe_> asac, sure...but we can't land things that are obviously broken * asac checks out for 2h <asac> just make it so that its not more broken than the current situation :) <asac> so no regressions <asac> hehe <asac> anyway 2h gone <asac> will check then <asac> we could go and just do the fix enter pin part <ogra_> we could just fix everything and land all silos a day before release, sure <asac> right, but i am suggestint the opposite ... just cherry pick the sim enter one if the other part is the problem <asac> split up landings <asac> hehe <asac> anyway, think its under control for the next couple hours <ogra_> asac, sure <Mirv> robru: no, just ran out of time <ogra_> plars, looks like we're missing a device for the 233 utopic-proposed tests ? <ogra_> wow, filemanager is as bad in utopic as it is in rtm <ogra_> and we seem to have the same 9 failures in unity8 <ogra_> in both images <Mirv> while here, I'll try fixing boiko's landing before going towards sleep, now that the media landing happened. <boiko> Mirv: please let me know if you need anything from my side <Mirv> boiko: looking good, it should be ready for testing once the build job reports so (it's running watch_only build on the triggered rebuilds) <Mirv> and amd64 already succeeded <boiko> nice! * boiko flashes the phone with the rtm image again for testing <plars> ogra_: good catch! I restarted one earlier but there's a 3rd one that needed it. It's running now <plars> ogra_: and the security fix seems to work locally, merging it now <plars> jdstrand: ^ <ogra_> plars, yay <ogra_> overall that looks really good ! <jdstrand> nice, thanks! <ogra_> these security issues once again show how moot the percentages are :P <robru> tedg: i dunno, it's all chaos, as long as we build images in between the big ones I'm happy <balloons> sergiusens, replied back. I would rather keep the changes separate as phablet-click-test-setup has some other issues as well and may take more time to land <robru> bzoltan: sorry for the delay, was having breakfast. done: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/1866/console <sergiusens> balloons: as this change requires a ci run of every test I don't think it will be fast enough anyways; I'd rather do the full run once only. <tedg> robru, K, do you know when other big ones are? <sergiusens> balloons: unless you take care of the actual landing; then it's fine <balloons> sergiusens, fair enough, fair enough.. I'll drop the second MP and roll the changes into the one that is open <robru> tedg: sorry no, just published rtm1 and rtm15, will build an image once they land <ogra_> robru, 001 was definitely not ready <ogra_> and according to davmor2 there wwere three silos that need to go together <ogra_> (001 being one of them= <ogra_> ) <cyphermox> robru: Mirv: so what's your suggested course of action for mtp; should I copy it in rtm, should something else be done? <robru> ogra_: yeah, on davmor2's approval I published them... <ogra_> robru, if you scroll 50 lines up you see the conversation about this <robru> ogra_: ah sorry I just read the ping itself not the whole scrollback. <ogra_> robru, that was blocked by the owner of silo 001 <ogra_> and the MP sholdnt be landeable at all <ogra_> it was not top approved <ogra_> how could you publish that ? <robru> ogra_: yeah, how could I publish that?? maybe because rtm syncs don't deal with MPs, they do source package copies from other silos and/or archives. <ralsina_> robru: can I get a silo for row 67? I see you're running low, so I have no problem with "not today" :-) <robru> ogra_: seriously rtm1 doesn't have an MP. <ogra_> ouch, right <ogra_> robru, well, it has a corresponding utopic silo thats blocked <robru> ogra_: ok, well, fix it in utopic and we'll re-sync it to RTM I guess. <robru> awesome. <bzoltan> robru: thank you <robru> bzoltan: you're welcome! <robru> ralsina_: eh, can you be fast? <ralsina_> robru: well, it has to go to rtm but I can get the utopic stuff done in 45' or so <ogra_> robru, except that everyghing will be broken now in rtm til that is fixed (by tomorrow i was just toold) <robru> ralsina_: ok cool <robru> ogra_: well, here we are. <ogra_> yeah, bad ... <robru> ogra_: perhaps we'll be saved by that bug that makes rtm silos report publication without actually having been published properly. <tedg> robru, Oh, I think I just merged and cleaned 11 before the rtm silo was made. <tedg> robru, Did I screw that up? <robru> tedg: yes but no worries, we can just sync from utopic rather than the silo, no worries. <charles> grumble <tedg> robru, Okay, so I just need to put the package name there? <robru> tedg: on the rtm row, additional sources column should read 'sync:ubuntu,utopic your package names here' <charles> tedg, commit message added <robru> ralsina_: you got 12 ^ <ralsina_> robru: thx! <robru> ralsina_: you're welcome! <tedg> robru, K, updated line 51 <tedg> robru, Can I get silo 11 for line 53 ? <tedg> It should make everyone else build faster :-) <robru> tedg: sure, once it finishes freeing (sloooow) <robru> it's a race, let's see if silo 6 or 11 frees faster ;-) <tedg> Heh, go! <awe_> robru, can you help me clear up some confusion re: the ofono silos? Apparently I've been told that silo-001 has landed, although the "Testing pass? Image #" hadn't been recorded? <tedg> charles, Thanks, think we're good. <robru> awe_: right, so what happened was that davmor2 said it was tested, so I published it <awe_> robru, right... we need to figure out some way for there to be coordination between QA and the lander <awe_> I will keep this in mind for the next landing <robru> awe_: well somehow davmor2 got it in his head that it was his job to be testing silo 1. he probably got that idea by reading from the dashboard that silo 1 was tested and ready for QA signoff (or maybe somebody told him that, I dunno). anyway there are systems in place for communicating this stuff, we just need to use them. <kenvandine> robru, well he got into a situation where he had sim locking problems, because of the shim landing... <kenvandine> and added silo 1 to try to get out of it, because of the description on the silo <kenvandine> robru, he wasn't intending to test it when he did... but he hit a problem that seemed related <robru> greyback: Saviq: please approve your MPs https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-019-2-publish/11/console <Saviq> robru, oop <Saviq> kgunn, can you https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/qtmir/gles-sync/+merge/233650 <greyback> Saviq: done <Saviq> greyback, and I can't reproduce your issue with the sudo pwd :/ <greyback> Saviq: ok I'll approve it as it unblocks stuff <Saviq> greyback, yeah, it's definitely better than before... <greyback> slow internet is slow <Saviq> robru, done, sorries <Saviq> kgunn, unping <greyback> Saviq: robru: ok all should be approved <awe_> robru, can we just publish silo-018, and then merge? We'll handle the reported regressions in a subsequent landing. <robru> awe_: sounds good to me! <ogra_> awe_, robru, it would probably also be nice to have a new blocker bug for this and have it mentioned in the landing mail <ogra_> since that image we're trying to build is planned to go to the customer for QA <robru> tedg: ok you got silo 6 <awe_> ogra_, have we promoted an rtm image yet? <tedg> robru, Great, thanks! <robru> tedg: you're welcome! <ogra_> awe_, no, but the landing robru just did closes one of the blocker bugs <awe_> ogra_, rtm14 tag added to the new bug <robru> ogra_: oh, I fixed something? yyaaaaaaayyyyy! <ogra_> awe_, so it would be promoted without having a new one <awe_> ogra_, you mean a block-promotion bug? Note sure how this is indicated <awe_> ogra_, I added rtm14 to the new bug and it's Critical <ogra_> awe_, we just need a bug for the issue and robru needs to add it to the blocker list <awe_> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+bug/1366231 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1366231 in ofono (Ubuntu) "[krillin] When FlightMode disabled ConnectionManager interface isn't restored" [Critical,In progress] <ogra_> awe_, so give the bug number to robru and he should put it in the blocker list of the landing mail <ogra_> (not sure where else) <awe_> ogra_, how does the merge happen now? Do I just top-approve the MP? <ogra_> awe_, yeah, and someone needs to publish the silo after tthat <ogra_> that should then auto-merge <davmor2> awe_: I was testing the shim that helped fix the sim card lock issue but the rtm branch meant you could type in any number and it would say it was wrong including the right number, So without your fix from silo 001 it was impossible to test and land the other fixes that were needed so we could unblock the location fixes <ogra_> robru, you landed 016 too, right ? <davmor2> awe_: In general a pig of a day that needed 3 silos landing in order to test 1 <ogra_> davmor2, right, but ofiono wasnt even remotely ready ... <robru> ogra_: no, somebody else did before I even saw it. it was already merged & cleaned before I even got the ping to publish it. <ogra_> robru, ok <davmor2> ogra_: Why are we landing stuff in silos that isn't ready? Surely that is what trunk is for, Then you request the silo when it is ready to land? <ogra_> davmor2, both silos get assigned at the same time ... not sure why 001 had content before ofono landed in utopic though ... it shouldnt <davmor2> ogra_: I think it might of been filled directly <awe_> davmor2, I care about and do most of my testing on rtm <ogra_> davmor2, right, still, the rtm silo should only be filled once the utopic one landed <awe_> davmor2, and I don't like landing things in either place with regressions <ogra_> davmor2, by the rule nothing should be in the rtm silo before that <awe_> anyways, let's try and keep more in sync with landings... this kinda slipped thru our own processes <ogra_> not sure why it did here <awe_> ogra_, no not true <tedg> robru, Can I get an rtm silo for line 52 please? <awe_> silos can be done in parallele <davmor2> awe_: Indeed and that is why I thought it was safe <awe_> davmor2, well... the utopic MP hadn't been approved, and neither utopic nor rtm silos had a testing pass set to "yes" w/image # <davmor2> awe_: I figured it just needed to wait for you to come on and test it against rtm but had already landed in utopic and so was safe. But to be fair is did fix the sim unlock issue I had landed in <awe_> anyways, what's done is done <ogra_> awe_, they shouldnt <robru> tedg: ok you got rtm16 <tedg> robru, Great, thank you! <ogra_> awe_, the plan is that you get an rtm silo reserved when you get your utopic silo <ogra_> awe_, but only fill it once utopic landed <awe_> ogra, marked the MP as top-approved; looks like someone already clicked publish for utopic <awe_> does the merge happen automagically? <ogra_> hmm, dunno <ogra_> i know that sil added a check that blocks promotion if an MP isnt top approved <ogra_> i dont get how that could get published at all * davmor2 blames the shell script, in the python script, in the perl script, in the javascript, in the ether <brendand> robru, hey - is there any code around in citrain that can update the spreadsheet? preferring python <ralsina_> robru: silo 12 ready to publish, if you can start a copy to rtm, I'm done with it <robru> brendand: no, it doesn't work that way. you have to write JS code in the spreadsheet that polls your other thing and updates itself. you can't push data into the spreadsheet without triggering horrible revert explosions (it doesn't scale and then google solves this by throwing away hours worth of work at a time) <robru> brendand: but don't write any code in the spreadsheet because that particular code base has no version control, no unit tests, and no review process. we just live-edit production. it's a total clusterfuck that i'd like to see shrink, not grow. <brendand> robru, ah i was worried about swearing but well, you've set the precedent now <brendand> so i say, poo <robru> ralsina_: ok you're building in silo 17: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-017-1-build/4/console <ralsina_> robru: ack <brendand> robru, so where should i put my code then? <robru> brendand: you just... don't. I dunno. you're trying to make the trello board update the spreadsheet status right? <brendand> robru, yup <robru> brendand: yeah I'm not sure what to tell you. citrain wasn't designed for this level of web-service integration hooks. we're not github. this isn't web2.0. This is a pile of shitty python scripts and a spreadsheet. it's a miracle that any of it works, and it's a delicate balance. <robru> brendand: the dashboard and queuebot only work because they are read-only things that poll the spreadsheet, they don't put anything into the spreadsheet <brendand> robru, no worries - i can tell anyone who asks it's just not feasible right now <brendand> robru, i'll focus on the things i can do with read-only <davmor2> robru: hahahaha nice I'm glad to see you rank your fellow team-mate coding skills so highly ;) <ralsina_> robru: silo rtm-17 job says SUCCESS but the packages are not in the silo <davmor2> robru: I'm with you though sometime I'm amazed the bandaids are still stuck on :) <robru> ralsina_: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu-rtm/landing-017 looks fine to me? <ralsina_> robru: ha, it's there now. I'm impatient I guess :-) <robru> ralsina_: no worries <robru> tedg: your'e building in rtm1: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-001-1-build/45/console <tedg> robru, How does that work with rtm 1 and 2 ? <tedg> robru, 1 should pick up 2's changes since we built them in utopic in order. <tedg> robru, Should we just kill rtm2? Or let QA test them in order? <robru> tedg: oh I didn't notice the duplication there. yeah I guess just skip right to the newest one, if they were released to utopic in order then rtm1 should contain everything in rtm2. no point wasting QA's time with two very similar landings. <robru> tedg: make sure you test rtm1 in in rtm ;-) <robru> before sending to QA <tedg> robru, Cool, on it. <ralsina_> robru: can you publish silo 12 please? <robru> ralsina_: it was already, but merging it for you now <ralsina_> robru: oh, thx <robru> ralsina_: you're welcome! * robru -> lunch <alecu> hi trainguards! Dobey and I are working on some bugfixes for pay-ui, because gatox is on vacation. Now we got a new click for pay-ui that we'd like to submit to the store. I know that gatox usually asks fginther to upload those packages... but is there any other thing that we should keep in mind? <fginther> alecu, there is a review utility that that app store reviewers use, make sure that passes <fginther> alecu, at the moment I can't find what this called <fginther> alecu, I think this is it: https://code.launchpad.net/~click-reviewers/click-reviewers-tools/trunk <alecu> great, I'll check with that too <alecu> seems to be already packaged as click-reviewers-tools <alecu> but doesn't seem to be up-to-date. <robru> alecu: yeah just get the trunk of that <alecu> robru: fginther: trunk gives two errors, but I think that should be expected from pay-ui, since it runs unconfined and it has a special hook: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8293383/ <alecu> popey: do you know about that? ^ <robru> alecu: seems reasonable, i'd say go for the upload and let popey sort it out ;-) <alecu> great. fginther, robru, where should I upload the click package? <robru> alecu: not sure. only a tight cabal has the password to upload core apps. ping popey <alecu> ok, I've sent mail about that to popey and francis. <tedg> robru, Can I please get a silo for line 60? <robru> tedg: silo 9! <tedg> robru, Great, thank you! <robru> tedg: you're welcome! <popey> alecu: if fginther uploads it, I'll approve pay-ui <asac> robru: all going fwell? <robru> asac: yep, fixing up citrain piece by piece <robru> asac: publishings coming alnog as well <asac> robru: citrain busted? what did you do :)? <balloons> robru, once you are done playing with the citrain :-), can you give a quick peek at the autopilot packaging changes I have in my MP and approve/deny? It's just adding a couple depends https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/autopilot/fix-1328600/+merge/227399 <asac> robru: anyway. i will be out today. wonder how close we got in elimiating our big blockers today on rtm <asac> but will check the mail tomorrow <asac> so we can continue on that mission <robru> balloons: lgtm, but I'd prefer if you could sort the dependency list. Please run 'wrap-and-sort -a -t' in the source tree root and then re-add the comment in debian/control that that'll discard <asac> promotable == rtm branch <robru> asac: yeah, from what I gathered, I published a regression but I fixed another, we'll have to wait for QA to get the next image to know for sure <asac> good luck. if you need any support or so, slangasek is probably around for a while longer; otherwise text me :) <asac> robru: published a regression? <asac> hmm. with QA sign off? <asac> no wayt o back out? <asac> well, i will let you figure and hope we can resurrect that tomorrow to promotable state at least <robru> asac: yeah, no worries, upstream is on it <asac> for backouts etc. steve can probably help if you want to get that out <robru> thanks <asac> robru: right, but remember that that will take days usually <asac> :) <asac> upstream fixing someting quick is rare <asac> hehe <asac> backout is usually better <asac> cu <balloons> robru, command run. what do you mean by 're-add the comment in debian/control that that'll discard'? <robru> balloons: running wrap-and-sort discards comments in debian/control, which you should have one if you follow the citrain packaging guidelines. check your diff. if you see a comment block deleted from debian/control, copy&paste it back in there <balloons> robru, ahh.. k, no comments in the debian/control :-) <balloons> robru, if you can add your 'OK' to the MP I'd appreciate it <robru> balloons: oh sorry, sure <robru> balloons: ah that wrap-and-sort was noisier than I'd expected ;-) <balloons> robru, yes, veebers said the same thing ;-) But it's done <balloons> I thought it would just inline my changes <veebers> I'm blaming you for that robru ;-) <dobey> robru: hi. any idea why something would be on the "Archive" page of the spreadsheet, but not actually in ubuntu-rtm? <robru> dobey: probably something exploded. it's happening. if you notice it, just make a new request and I can take care of it <dobey> robru: ok <dobey> alecu: ^^ <robru> veebers: blame away! I love sorted debian/controls ;-) <alecu> dobey: ouch :P We better take a close look at the latest landings. <alecu> robru: is that fixed if we do a new landing + srccopy? <dobey> i guess it would be <dobey> if just asking for a srccopy again would fix it, anyway <robru> alecu: yep, any new landings that go through utopic will contain previous releases from trunk by definition, so everything that gets released to rtm will by definition contain all previous releases, even if the previous release never made it to rtm <dobey> and we need to do a new landing for ubuntuone-credentials at least (once my branch is approved), so maybe we should just do that <dobey> alecu: do we need to do a unity-scope-click landing? <robru> bfiller: please approve your MPs. https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-020-2-publish/2/console also I have no idea why you have MPs in an rtm landing, that makes no sense to me <robru> brb folks, gotta get dinner started <fginther> alecu, are you still around? <slangasek> robru: do you need help with a revert for whatever this regression is you mentioned above? <robru> slangasek: I don't think so. upstream said they'd have a fix by morning. if not, europeans can look at reverting it. I'm not in a great position to know what the image quality is currently like, currently I'm knee-deep in citrain internals <robru> slangasek: the thing is, the regression I published fixes a different blocker. so if we revert it, from what I understand, we don't actually get ahead there. so I think we should just wait for upstream to fix that regression and enjoy the other blocker that got fixed. <slangasek> robru: ok; so the regression and the fix weren't in unrelated uploads, and a clean revert doesn't get us anywhere - thanks for confirming <robru> slangasek: you're welcome! #ubuntu-ci-eng 2014-09-09 <bfiller> robru: hmn, no idea <kenvandine> bfiller, rogue robots proposing branches? :-D <bfiller> robru: those MR's have already been merged from the ubuntu release <robru> bfiller: great <robru> bfiller: did you test it in rtm? <bfiller> robru: yes I tested the click package in both ubuntu and rtm <bfiller> works fine <kenvandine> it's pretty amazing... the here location service stuff is working really well on my mako! <kenvandine> totally not working on my krillin... <kenvandine> but... it gets a location amazingly fast on mako :-D <kenvandine> and it's nice to see the apps listed on location access in system-settings :) <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: Not sure if you're around, but the uitk silo appears to introduce at least six new test failures in ubuntu-system-settings. :( <kenvandine> ToyKeeper, that makes me sad :( <kenvandine> ToyKeeper, bug i'm am really thankful you are catching them :) <kenvandine> s/bug/but <ToyKeeper> ... should have found it earlier, but it sounded like brendand had another issue blocking it so I was waiting on him. <jdstrand> hmmm <robru> jdstrand: citrain woes? I broke everything, working on it though <jdstrand> robru: I needed to copy in a new version of apparmor to utopic silo 014 <jdstrand> ok <jdstrand> yeah I tried a reconfigure, had an error so I did a prepare. the prepare had an import error <jdstrand> so, I leave you to it <jdstrand> I'll* <jdstrand> (this was utopic silo 014 if you wanted something to look at) <robru> jdstrand: nope I got it, thanks <jdstrand> cool. I'll keep an eye out here for when things are fixed again <jdstrand> thanks <robru> jdstrand: ok it should be working right now, please try again ;-) <jdstrand> oh, that was fast :) <robru> jdstrand: yeah it was a silly mistake, fixed it easily ;-) <jdstrand> ok, the reconfigure worked <kgunn> robru: hesitant to ask you in the midst of ci-woes, but any ideas or help on stuck unity8 migration? silo19 <jdstrand> robru: all seems fine, thanks! <robru> jdstrand: you're welcome! <robru> kgunn: not sure, retrying the adt runs for you <robru> (apparently I can do that...) <kgunn> thanks... <robru> kgunn: but otherwise you should ping an #ubuntu-release person for -proposed migration issues, like infinity or cjwatson <kgunn> i see in ubuntu-release some discussion about it...and it being complex and may need a <kgunn> a pitti to look at it <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 234 building (started: 20140909 02:05) === <robru> https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/deploy-citrain/250/console God. Fucking. Damnit. <robru> I want that hour of my life back. <robru> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/cupstream2distro/revision/721#citrain/manual/jenkins-templates/prepare-silo-manual.xml.tmpl <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 24 building (started: 20140909 03:05) === <bzoltan> robru: are you still around? <bzoltan> I do not get what the problem is here: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-010-1-build/52/console <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 234 DONE (finished: 20140909 03:50) === <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/234.changes === <Mirv> bzoltan: the gles upload probably gets rejected for some reason or another. as you can see, ppa doesn't have it despite multiple builds <bzoltan> Mirv: I see that. What i do not see is why it happens <bzoltan> Mirv: "Some source packages were never published in the ppa" No shit, Sherlock ... that is a new package I just added to the sheet. <bzoltan> Mirv: and the QtC pugin package gets rejected too in the same PPA. <Mirv> I don't see anything wrong with the mp :( <bzoltan> Mirv: Me neither. Maybe a reconf helps <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 24 DONE (finished: 20140909 04:20) === <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/24.changes === <bzoltan> Mirv: the good thing is that I managed to pull off the test plan for the UITK. It is all good. All the tests are at east as green as the RTM is. Only the camera app is freezing, but that is not UITK related. <bzoltan> Mirv: and the other proble is that the cick+qtc-plugin-ubuntu is blocked http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html <bzoltan> Mirv: and so that blocks the next landing :( <bzoltan> Mirv: What the hack? "dpkg-source: error: cannot fstat file ./ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles_1.1.1239+14.10.20140908.orig.tar.gz: No such file or directory" <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: Not sure if you saw it earlier, but the uitk silo appears to introduce at least half a dozen new test failures into ubuntu-system-settings. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I have logs from the 128 AP tests of the ubuntu_system_settings. Al OK <bzoltan> All <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: I got 6-7 failures out of 128. The base image was 122/122 pass. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I was running during my night against the image #233 <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: here are the logs -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8296368/ <ToyKeeper> The base image I used was krillin rtm 23. I don't really care much what the results were on a non-krillin non-rtm image. <ToyKeeper> At least, for a rtm landing anyway. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I have run 17 times the ubuntu_system_settings tests during the last 7 days. Never seen a single faiure. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I can take a look. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: do you have the logs? <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: Yes, I just pastebinned it... looks like it exceeded the scrollback though, so I'd need to re-run to get anything before the beginning of the log. https://pastebin.canonical.com/116558/ <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: The lanidg process of the UITK is that first I test the silo against the Ubuntu image. If that is OK then we land on Ubuntu. After that I test the RTM sio against the latest RTM image. So double testing... now I am working with the Ubuntu image. <Mirv> bzoltan: right, that migration needs resolving first. I tried reconfiguring the new silo but I think it's probably something else. very weird errors. <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: FWIW, on two successive test runs, I got 6 failures the first time, 7 failures the second. What changed between was I moved a bunch of stuff out of ~/ on my notebook, since the first logs seemed to include a 'cd ; echo *' and I wanted to rule out weird file names as a cause of errors. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: What image do you test agains? <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: Latest krillin rtm image, whatever it is. Today it was #23. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: The first few faiures are "autopilot.exceptions.StateNotFoundError: Object not found with name '*' and properties {'objectName': 'dialpadSounds'}." That is a classic flakiness <ToyKeeper> I saw some other failures, but those were all present in the base image too. Only ubuntu-system-settings changed after adding the silo, though I didn't make it all the way through all the components so there could be others. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: who is developing the AP tests for that app? <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: Flakiness? Not sure who wrote those bits of code. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: Few question ... have you checked the version of the UITK before and after adding the silo? Was the ~phablet/autopilot/ubuntuuitoolkit diectory removed? <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: In any case, it seemed curious that 6 tests were added and 6-7 tests failed. <ToyKeeper> At the moment I don't have the silo installed. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I do not know what causes the problem there :( But the logs do not point to the UITK <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: In any case, I add the PPA, disable all other package sources, apt-get dist-upgrade, re-add the basic package sources, then run the autopilot tests. In this case it failed to run at all the first time due to a gpg error, but after overriding that I was able to get test results. <ToyKeeper> (overriding == manually apt-get install the two packages apt complained about, then re-run phablet-test-run) <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I do not like to run apt-get dist-upgrade because it brings other packages too <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: That's why I disable all other package sources first... so that it can *only* get packages from the silo. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I see <ToyKeeper> It seems like there are probably process differences to explain the different test results... but I'm not sure what the process differences are. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I am struggling a lot with the AP tests.. and when I say a lot I do mean it :) let me show how I do it. <ToyKeeper> For me, I flash fresh and wipe, then manually get online via nmcli, install the silo as described earlier, reboot, then go through the welcome wizard, set a time zone, disable automatic updates, reboot to work around the current OSK bug, then remount / rw and start on the AP tests. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8296476/ `./uitk_test_plan.sh -c -p ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/landing-010 -f system_settings` <ToyKeeper> Er, re-adding regular package sources before starting on the AP tests since otherwise they can't even install. And sometimes I have to manually install a couple packages from the silo first to work around missing gpg keys. <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: I do not have uitk_test_plan.sh... I have only https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/ui-toolkit <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: That script is in the UITK source tree tests/ and this version is in the actual release candidate. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: that script executes the UITK tesp plan. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: It is a lot help ... <ToyKeeper> If the test plan is a shell script, the documentation needs to point to that instead of what it says now. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I need to update the test plan <ToyKeeper> QA is executing the test plan in the wiki, because that's what's linked to from the landing spreadsheet. <ToyKeeper> If the test plan is wrong, it's kind of an automatic fail. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: That script is a new development. I made it to make my life less miserable. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I do not think QA would ever run my script :) <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: that script is for local validation <ToyKeeper> I was very tempted to make a script like that earlier today, since uitk tests are almost entirely automated anyway. <ToyKeeper> I'm happy to see there is one, but we need to get you and QA testing the same things or we'll end up with failed landings like today. <ToyKeeper> I'm of the opinion that anything which can be automated should be. <Mirv> hmmh <Mirv> robru: I've a weird problem where even after manual prepare-silo reconfig (https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/1897/console) watch_only build gives nothing (https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-020-1-build/5/console). not sure if it could be related to your latest batch of changes. <bzoltan> mvo_: the cick and qtc plugin landing is stuck. Do you know how to make it move? <bzoltan> mvo_: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html -> autopkgtest for click Regression <robru> bzoltan: that looks like a failure to upload, id guess you should rebuild but it seems that hadn't worked for you. Not sure what else to try. Can Mirv do a manual upload for you? <robru> I mean the one you pinged me about <bzoltan> robru: I have tried all combination of rebuilds... it seems that the silo is busted <robru> bzoltan: I'm afk but Mirv should be able to free and reassign <Mirv> robru: I think manual upload might be the only option, or indeed freeing and reassigning <Mirv> robru: that gallery-app rtm-020 silo is really weird <robru> Mirv: yeah i have no idea what happened there. If it's a problem just free it and resynchronize utopic <robru> Brb <Mirv> I'll do that <Mirv> or hmm, I could take someone to simply publish it manually <mvo_> bzoltan: yeah, we are waiting for the ubuntu-rtm QA verification <mvo_> bzoltan: the click/packagekit changes need to land there as well <mvo_> bzoltan: I should have waited with the publishing to -proposed even until it lands in ubuntu-rtm, but I made a mistake here <Mirv> bzoltan: ok I was able to upload the -gles package there manually now. the qtcreator plugin will succeed once the previous landing has properly finished. <bzoltan> mvo_: Is not that regression mark a problem? <mvo_> bzoltan: that too, there is also a explicit bugreport to prevent it from leaving utopic-proposed <mvo_> bzoltan: I look at the test failure right now <bzoltan> mvo_: thanks. I totally forget about that landing. Because it actually blocks the next landing. <Mirv> mvo_: is the click transition also breaking the unity8 migration to release pocket? http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html - regressions in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/unity-scope-click <Mirv> mvo_: hmm, is the rtm 003 really going forward since it's not marked as having been tested by upstream? ie is it on QA team's radar? <Mirv> it was not even marked as "Ready", but I changed that to Yes now that it had a silo and had built already <mvo_> Mirv: oh? well I tested it yesterday and it should be good on utopic <mvo_> Mirv: its waiting for QA for the ubuntu-rtm landing <mvo_> Mirv: or am I missing something? <Mirv> mvo_: the line 39 says "Packages built", it's not "QA needs to sign off" <Mirv> mvo_: there's no "Testing pass?" set to "Yes" together with the rtm image number it was tested by upstream <Mirv> so upstream tests first, only after that QA will start testing <mvo_> Mirv: sorry for that, let me fix it <mvo_> Mirv: I did test this in the line before for the normal ubuntu utopic archive, pardon my ignorance about the workflow, I will retest this with the ubuntu-rtm channel image now (that is correct?) <Mirv> mvo_: ok! yes, the rtm landing should be tested separately on the rtm image, and even noticing that apt-add-repository doesn't work correctly (unless it got fixed) so you need to edit sources.list manually to add that rtm-003 silo <mvo_> Mirv: thanks, download is now running <Mirv> cjwatson: if you don't mind, we've a very problematic silo and would need ./copy-package -d ubuntu-rtm -s 14.09 --ppa=ci-train-ppa-service --ppa-name=landing-020 --to-primary --to-distribution=ubuntu-rtm --to-suite=14.09-proposed gallery-app <Mirv> cjwatson: it's cosmetics mostly, since it's not installed from archives anyhow and is already in the store, but just so I can mark that problematic rtm silo as "done" at some point. <Mirv> the silo just doesn't want to recognize there's something in it... <didrocks> cihelp: ps-trusty-desktop-amd64-1 is down, can you turn it back up, please? <Mirv> thanks mvo! <Mirv> brendand: we'd have rtm-003 (signature checking etc) as a priority one landing to QA, since it's blocking next landings in both utopic and rtm (interestingly) <Mirv> since the utopic + rtm landings need to go hand in hand, and now the utopic landing is stuck in proposed and probably also the reason why unity8 is in utopic proposed still <brendand> Mirv, i guess that's my next port of call then <vila> didrocks: there is a migration going on from the lab to the cloud and given the number of ps-* slaves offline I suspect they are involved. You want to check with ev/fginther (I've been in vacations then ill so I don't know the details) <didrocks> vila: he told me that for now we keep that machine until the migration is complete <didrocks> vila: and he rebooted it yesterday as well, due to the same issue <didrocks> so, if you can reboot it, that would be appreciated so that the daily tests can run :) <vila> didrocks: urgh, ok, let me see if those beasts are documented * didrocks crosses fingers :) <didrocks> vila: it's a vm AFAIK <Mirv> brendand: that's a bit what I was thinking, thanks :) <brendand> except my krillin is not charged - hmmm. * brendand waits a few minutes <vila> didrocks: the server is running but I can't connect via ssh (no credentials for me there), do you know where the VM is hosted ? <didrocks> vila: I guess on the same that the i386, I can connect on that one, but unsure how to know where the host is? <vila> hehe <didrocks> vila: the IP of the i386 vm is, if that can help <vila> no idea <didrocks> vila: s-jenkins is the jenkins connected to it <vila> that was my guess, I'm there and searching <didrocks> vila: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/computer/ps-trusty-desktop-amd64-1/ <vila> didrocks: that doesn't tell us much does it ? <vila> didrocks: that's where the vm connect to but it can be anywhere <didrocks> yeah… <vila> no /var/lib/libvirt on s-jenkins, probably not there <didrocks> vila: ssh naartjie /usr/bin/sudo virsh snapshot-revert ps-trusty-desktop-amd64-1 1410056823 <didrocks> naartjie maybe? <didrocks> vila: it's back online, calling the snapshot revert virsh command <vila> didrocks: looks more promising <didrocks> vila: so yeah, it's up now thanks to that, don't bother more! Thanks for looking :) <vila> ack <brendand> ogra_`, what's the new option i need to specify to get developer mode enabled after flashing? <brendand> ogra_`, apart from --developer-mode of course <ogra_`> pren--password= <ogra_`> err <ogra_`> brendand, --password= ... with a password supplied <ogra_`> robru, no landing mail ? <Mirv> I more or less know the situation, but maybe robru will write a belated landing mail in his morning :) <ogra_`> Mirv, yeah, its not for me, i have some followers on G+ that read my re-post of them every day though <ogra_`> whats that dirt on my nick ? <ogra_> wiped away :) <Mirv> :) <ogra_> pete-woods, hmm, did you do the seed meger yourself ? <ogra_> *merge <ogra_> (the commit message looks like ...) <pete-woods> ogra_: I have no idea how I'd even do that <ogra_> funny ... * ogra_ just wanted to merge but notices that someone else did already ... and bzr log only has your name <ogra_> (whoever did it forgot to re-generate the metapackage) <ogra_> Saviq, whats up with https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/new-adbd/+merge/233684 ? greyback set it to "needs fixing" at 19:30 with some serious error message and 30min later he set it to approved without explanation <Saviq> ogra_, the error was only for our run-on-device script, so no impact on anything <Saviq> ogra_, it's currently stuck in proposed due to oxide-qt fiasco <Saviq> dbarth_, you around? <ogra_> Saviq, ah, ok <dbarth_> Saviq: yes <Saviq> dbarth_, we have a problem with the oxide-qt 1.2 landing, they got stuck in proposed because oxide-qt is 1.2~, which is lower than 1.2 <dbarth_> uh <Saviq> dbarth_, is there an actual oxide-qt 1.2 coming somewhere, or should the dependencies be >= 1.2~? <Mirv> Saviq: I thought unity8 is stuck because of the click landings in -proposed? <Saviq> Mirv, no, it's because ↑ <dbarth_> Saviq: we should adjust dependencies <dbarth_> or rather <dbarth_> 1.2 official should be in 1-2 weeks max. <Mirv> Saviq: ok, just looking at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html autopkgtests failed for unity-scope-click and qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu, but do those fail because of oxide and not click? <dbarth_> i don't have the schedule in mind, but we get a stable evey 6 weeks; and we just branched off 1.3 so 1.2 should be declared stable official soon <Saviq> Mirv, that's what jibel_ found, yes <Mirv> ok <dbarth_> that won't help fo today, so the easiest is to adjust deps i think <Saviq> dbarth_, yeah, Mirv, can you please upload webbrowser-app and ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts with the deps adjusted? <Mirv> I'll help with silos when just told so <dbarth_> do you want me to upload a new set of packages to fix that? <davmor2> tvoss, thostr_: RTM silo004 we are finally able to test it. I wanted to know though how quick should I get a fix? With it in place though location service stops crashing, but trust store is still crashing <tvoss> davmor2, sorry, gimme 10 to context switch <Saviq> Mirv, I thought you could upload directly to proposed to not wait for silo? <Mirv> Saviq: no, I can't. in two weeks possibly for some packages. <Mirv> and Qt I can upload <thostr_> davmor2: that tvoss to answer. however, I'm wondering whether the packages can - after successful testing - be published or just manually as we did with utopic. lool? <Saviq> Mirv, oh ok, can dbarth_ use the same silo then? can it be un-published? <dbarth_> ok, so i just rebuild in silo 2 and ping you back once done <dbarth_> Mirv: i'll double check deps with you in a minute <dbarth_> Saviq: actually there is an oxide-qt-1.2! <dbarth_> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages <dbarth_> we prepared it last friday and i thought this was the one stuck <popey> Mirv: when you get a moment could you push http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/terminal-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.terminal_0.5.141_armhf.click to the store? <dbarth_> so the webbrowse-app dependency is correct <popey> Mirv: also http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/filemanager-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.filemanager_0.3.275_armhf.click please <Saviq> dbarth_, when will it reach proposed at least then? <Saviq> dbarth_, because until it's in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oxide-qt, stuff's broken <Saviq> dbarth_, so you know the fallout, even unity8 is blocked in proposed currently <brendand> mvo_, hello - i am testing silo 3 <Saviq> dbarth_, because UITK and click scope tests can't run due to the unsatisfiable dependency <Saviq> and that's what unity8 is gated on <dbarth_> Saviq: let me ask for the proposed copy; either its that, or a larger revert for silo 2, because the silo does *not* work with the older oxide build <brendand> seb128, i'm hitting some problems with the reset device option on image 24 (which has the updated system settings) <Mirv> Saviq: sorry still in meeting. same silo can probably be used in this case. <brendand> seb128, i recall kenvandine mentioned last week that he saw the same thing (before landing it) <seb128> brendand, what sort of reset? <seb128> brendand, the factory reset? <brendand> seb128, yeah erase and reset everything <davmor2> seb128: reset launcher is that meant to clear off any pinned apps if so it doesn't <dbarth_> Saviq: who has permissions to binary copy stuff to -proposed? <brendand> seb128, after pressing the button nothing happens <seb128> brendand, no idea about that, I never tried it and didn't work on it <seb128> davmor2, it's meant to reset the launcher as the title suggest <dbarth_> Saviq: from a test pov, i have checked that new build of oxide with webbrowser + core webapps, so it's good to go <seb128> davmor2, it only apply after restart, the dialog tell you about that no? <brendand> seb128, ok. is there anyone else around who might know about it or i suppose i need to wait for kenvandine? <seb128> brendand, jgdx but he might not be on yet <davmor2> seb128: no just a push button that says reset launcher there is no text anywhere <Saviq> dbarth_, archive admins at the moment probably, the correct thing to do would be to dput it in a silo (even the same silo as the webbrowser and settings) <davmor2> seb128: oh no it thows up a popup <Saviq> dbarth_, that Mirv can help you with (right Mirv?) <davmor2> that didn't happen before <Mirv> Saviq: dbarth_: no I can't, you'll need a core-dev to copy to archives <brendand> cjwatson, is mvo_ around today? <seb128> davmor2, :-) <Mirv> like ogra_ (in the same meeting) <seb128> brendand, he is, he said he had to be away from some minutes, a bit earlier on #distro <Mirv> brendand: he was in the morning <davmor2> seb128: by before I mean like 2 minutes ago when I tried it <Mirv> where I got him to test the rtm silo <seb128> davmor2, weird, I can't confirm that, wfm <davmor2> seb128: might just of been a glitch <seb128> could be <Mirv> dbarth_: can you reiterate to ogra_ what needs to be copied from where to utopic-proposed to fix oxide, and why doe it fix that? <Mirv> I understood so far as some apps depend on oxide (>=1.2), while it should be (>=1.2~) <Mirv> and that problem blocks unity8 from migrating among else <dbarth_> Mirv: no, i got i wrong initially; i thought the new oxide upload was stuck in proposed, but actually it's not there yet <dbarth_> Mirv: silo 2 rquires that 1.2 oxide, not the previous ~bzr releases <dbarth_> ogra_: so jdstrand uploaded that new build to the security proposed ppa on friday in prep for that landing <ogra_> so we just have to wait ? <Mirv> popey: filemanager and terminal done <dbarth_> ogra_: the oxide-qt-1.2 in the security proposed ppa should be migrated to utopic proposed now, to unblock silo 2 <ogra_> well, i guess we need someone from the security team for that copy, right ? <dbarth_> ogra_: we can wait for jdstrand to double check, yes <ogra_> ok <ogra_> Saviq, we have quite some errors in unity8 tests on both images, is someone looking into that ? <Saviq> ogra_, silo 19 <ogra_> ok <Saviq> ogra_, adb fallout, or rather password-required fallout <ogra_> Saviq, cant be ... rtm has the same errors and still the old adb <Saviq> we didn't support password-protected unity8 tests <Saviq> ogra_, but it's probably flashed with passwords now <ogra_> utopic has 12 failures, rtm 9 <ogra_> i dont think rtm is yet ... * ogra_ chacks <ogra_> *checks <Saviq> ogra_, in any case, utopic silo 19, rtm silo 10, tested yesterday with 100% success rate <Saviq> it'd be in already if not for the oxide-qt problem <ogra_> export IMAGE_OPT=--device=krillin --developer-mode --channel=ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed --wipe <ogra_> not with --password yet <ogra_> so it shouldnt behave any different than before yet <davmor2> asac: rtm silo 004 is granted <asac> ogra_: Mirv: ^ * ogra_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS yes, i see it :)| QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Ping robru if any citrain jenkins jobs have unexpected results. <ogra_> oops * ogra_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Ping robru if any citrain jenkins jobs have unexpected results. <ogra_> yes i see it ... silly focus <ogra_> publishing <ogra_> why is thostr_ suddenly owning all the HERE stuff ? :) <thostr_> ogra_: it's lool!!! ;) <ogra_> haha <ogra_> i thought so :) <ogra_> he just doesnt want to be held responsible if it fails <ogra_> ugh <ogra_> Mirv, any ide what that means ? (rtm 004) ^^^ <ogra_> *idea <ogra_> does it check against utopic instead of rtm <brendand> mvo_, cjwatson - after installing silo 3 packages won't install from the store <ogra_> lool, ! <ogra_> lool, you messed up the version ! <ogra_> 0.1+14.10.20140829~rtm-0ubuntu1~usilo10~1 (Newer version available) <ogra_> asac, that will need a re-upload or some such <ogra_> with proper versioning <Saviq> Mirv, did you finish your meeting? could we add source-only oxide-qt to utopic silo 2, or how do we do this? <kalikiana> Mirv: the ubuntu-rtm/landing-008 seems to work nicely <bzoltan> ogra_: Mirv tried to figure out already but we still do not know what is wrong with the silo10, it does not accept any packages. Would you please take a look at it? <kalikiana> Mirv: I disabled network to see that the cache actually works <Saviq> kalikiana, I think you mean utopic silo 8? <Saviq> not rtm <Mirv> ogra_: probably justlacking watch_only build * Mirv runs <ogra_> Mirv, with that versioning ? <Mirv> Saviq: can you please give exact instructions what needs to be done? copy/upload what from where to where? <asac> ogra_: hmm <asac> ogra_: whats the problem with that version? <Mirv> Saviq: I can oxide-qt to silo2 nd reconfigure <bzoltan> mvo_: is there any news about the click+qtc plugin landing? <asac> ogra_: will it break the world if we pump it in like that? <ogra_> the last bit with tildes i think <Mirv> ogra_: hmm, let's see <ogra_> right, let Mirv do his magic ... <asac> ogra_: what does it mean? <asac> i ma not sure <asac> lool: ^^ <Mirv> ogra_: it probably needs to be changed to be manually configured. the sync process is really botched up. but it just needs a few extra clicks. <Saviq> Mirv, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+sourcepub/4393535/+listing-archive-extra to utopic silo 2 please <asac> ogra_: can you reupload withright version? <ogra_> asac, but that would mean re-testing too, no ? <asac> ogra_: so what can we do? <ogra_> lets see if Mirv can somehow massage it through <asac> thanks <asac> i think that would be best <ogra_> if not, yes, we might need to re-uplaod <ogra_> the questio then is, do we need re-signoff from QA or do we just trust the rebuild <mvo_> bzoltan: ubuntu-rtm is verified by me now, so the next step is QA <asac> ogra_: i think just doing a quick smoke run to see that it is not completely busted is fine if its source identical <ogra_> k <ogra_> yeah, i doubt it would introduce any issues <Saviq> dbarth_, ok, so Mirv will upload oxide-qt from your PPA to silo 2, it could probably use some testing to confirm and will need to be published again <Mirv> mvo_: brendand has some issues to represent, or potential issues <mvo_> brendand: did you install click, packagekit, packagekit-tools ? i.e. all the stuff from the silo? <mvo_> brendand: the updated packagekit/packagekit-tools is crucial <brendand> mvo_, yes - i have everything i'm sure. i can double check <mvo_> Mirv: aha, just saw it, thanks! <mvo_> brendand: could you please kill packagekitd too? or reboot? <brendand> mvo_, several times :) <mvo_> brendand: :( * Mirv starts copy-pasting higlights to emacs... I'll respond to each at some point :) <Mirv> Saviq: srccopy fine? <Saviq> Mirv, yeah <bzoltan> mvo_: is not that "regression" https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Utopic/view/AutoPkgTest/job/utopic-adt-click/lastBuild a problem? <cjwatson> Mirv: are you sure you don't want the -b option for that copy from ubuntu-rtm/landing-020? <mvo_> brendand: so if all the packages from the ppa are installed, the output of /usr/lib/packagekit/packagekitd -v would be nice, ie. start that on a terminal and then run a install via the store. but I can also try to reproduce it again, I was using ubuntu-rtm/devel-proposed image #30 for my tests. do you have the same <Mirv> cjwatson: no, sorry, -b yes please :) <cjwatson> bzoltan: yes it is a problem, that's one reason this is blocked <mvo_> bzoltan: yes, sorry, this issue is fixed with a branch I prepared <Mirv> Saviq: dbarth_ oxide copied to landing-002 <brendand> mvo_, i have the latest image for krillin <Saviq> Mirv, thanks a bunch <bzoltan> cjwatson: mvo_: OK, I just want to make sure that the process is not stalled. I have an other set of MP in queue already. <Mirv> asac: ogra_: HERE published <cjwatson> Mirv: done, using new preferred syntax: copy-package --from=~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu-rtm/landing-020 -s 14.09 --to=ubuntu-rtm --to-suite=14.09-proposed -b gallery-app <mvo_> brendand: I only have a n4, so not sure if/what the differences are, but it should not matter, unless there is no debsig-verify installed or something like this <Mirv> cjwatson: oh! thanks for that, good toknow that syntax <Mirv> kalikiana: so no regressions in location related apps, but the bug is fixed? <Saviq> Mirv, I've added oxide-qt to the sources, can you please reconfigure silo 2? <brendand> mvo_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8298378/ <dbarth_> Mirv: ok; do you need something more to unblock that landing at this stage? <ogra_> Mirv, yay <asac> Mirv: yay :) * asac waits for a new image <asac> ogra_: Mirv: how are our regressions going on rtm? <asac> i think unity made it with the input fix? <mvo_> brendand: uh, thats confusing, hold on a sec, let me try that on my n4 - there are no changes in this area at all. and thanks for the pastebin :) <Mirv> dbarth_: hmm, I think se Tested to No and retest after oxide has built? <Mirv> asac: unity8 is stuck in proposed because of this oxide problem being resolved with dbarth_ and ogra_ <Mirv> and Saviq <Mirv> asac: otherwise it would be resolved, and we could move to publishing it to rtm <dbarth_> Mirv: ok, i can redo some smoke testing yes <asac> Mirv: ok. thanks <asac> Mirv: do we know if there are any other bad regressions taht slipped into rtm? <Mirv> Saviq: done and running watch_only build <asac> ogra_: when was last rtm image kicked? <asac> i didnt get a notifcation for ages here <kalikiana> Mirv: basically that means osm touch - all the others are web apps <Mirv> asac: davmor2 is of the general opinion that let's see after the current blockers are fixed, whether there's something hiding behind those fixes. currently no big marked-as-blockers. <cjwatson> brendand: packagekitd must be run as root <cjwatson> mvo_: ^- <Mirv> kalikiana: right <asac> Mirv: hidden behind which? <asac> behind the input prblem? <asac> but yeah. lets see <ogra_> asac, by cron, tonight <ogra_> around 5am european time <mvo_> brendand: what cjwatson said, sorry that I did not mention the sudo - I'm keen to learn what it outputs :) <brendand> cjwatson, mvo_ - this is more helpful - http://paste.ubuntu.com/8298416/ <brendand> oh it failed because it's not signed :) <brendand> i guess that's supposed to happen :P <mvo_> brendand: it needs a new debsig-verify <Mirv> asac: yes, let's see after the fixes are in <mvo_> brendand: thanks! let me update the landing, it needs 0.10ubuntu2 from utopic <brendand> mvo_, no problem <Mirv> kalikiana: which image you used to run the tests? latest from this morning? <cjwatson> mvo_: aha, good catch, I'll copy that in now <kalikiana> Mirv: ah damn, I didn't update since yesterday :-/ <kalikiana> I thought I had <mvo_> cjwatson: oh, thanks! thats even better, I was about to trigger a build with jenkins <cjwatson> yeah don't do that <Mirv> kalikiana: not a problem, but did you use utopic image anyhow? if you apt dist-upgraded from PPA you essentially got the latest image too.. <kalikiana> Mirv: I only installed the ppa packages as we do usually in the uitk <kalikiana> I'm using ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed <cjwatson> mvo_: guess we'll want to land the click fix before re-QAing though <cjwatson> mvo_: um you need to be more careful than that about ubuntu/landing-003 <Mirv> kalikiana: ah, but that's a utopic landing, so it should be tested on utopic too <mvo_> cjwatson: oh, what did I do wrong? <cjwatson> mvo_: we need to first merge in wherever the commit is that "released" click 0.4.32, then merge your branch, then try again <cjwatson> mvo_: I was in the middle of trying to sort that ... <kalikiana> Mirv: please tell me exactly how you would prefer me to test <cjwatson> ah, the branch is called lp:~ps-jenkins/click/ubuntu-utopic-proposed now <mvo_> cjwatson: ok, I will leave my hands from jenkins for now then <mvo_> cjwatson: aha, thanks, that is good to know <mvo_> cjwatson: so it will be 0.4.32 too? not <ogra_> asac, i didnt get any notification either btw ... not sure if there is something wrong, but i expect to have at least one more rtm image during the day (more likely two) so we can check it <cjwatson> mvo_: no, it will be <cjwatson> mvo_: argh, I think your force rebuild has busted things <cjwatson> oh, maybe not ... qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu is still at least in the PPA <cjwatson> let's see <lool> ogra_: hey, the version was just temporary <mvo_> cjwatson: I just used "ignore steps", did not force-rebuild (fortunately you stopped me before) <lool> I think I had copied the source version verbatim already <ogra_> lool, to late now <lool> so the older version didn't matter <ogra_> lool, seems Mirv managed to push it through <ogra_> looks a bit ugly though <ogra_> :) * psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: psivaa | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Ping robru if any citrain jenkins jobs have unexpected results. <lool> the only thing there was to push was ubuntu-system-settings and indicator-location <ogra_> lool, why was it in the silo then ? <lool> ogra_: it had to :-( first, because there was a package in NEW and second because of the meta changes <lool> ogra_: because it was sitting in NEW <lool> at the time <cjwatson> mvo_: once lp:click/devel has been updated as described above, the thing to do is just a new build specifying "click" in the box for the list of source packages, and no other options <ogra_> ah <cjwatson> mvo_: (which I've just done) <lool> there was really nothing crazy here; just the minimum I had to workaround to get it pulled when testing the silos <ogra_> lool, next time just put that info in the comments column on the spreadsheet <mvo_> cjwatson: thanks, the PACKAGES_TO_REBUILD on top? I will remember that <lool> ogra_: fair enough; I've described this at length here, but should have documented in the spreadshhet <brendand> ogra_, where's the krillin dashboard again? (i should really bookmark it) <mvo_> (hopefully ) <cjwatson> mvo_: yep <ogra_> lool, yeah, not everyone is around and not everyone reads all backlog :) <cjwatson> mvo_: (only necessary because this is a landing of multiple packages) * mvo_ nods <cjwatson> mvo_: I've copied the source to the ubuntu-rtm silo as well, so it can build in parallel <mvo_> cjwatson: cool, once its build I will re-test on my n4 <Mirv> kalikiana: sorry for the delay again. so, flash --channel=ubuntu-touch/utopic-proposed , add the PPA with apt-add-repository, apt dist-upgrade (should be fine, but you could also list the qtlocation binary packages by hand), test <Mirv> "usilo10" :) <ogra_> haha <Mirv> we should have named the distro usilo instead of ubuntu-rtm <ogra_> lol <davmor2> asac: I've been thinking about the emergency number? Is there a way we can add a test number that is dialable? I'm assuming that there is a list or db of numbers that are dialable in emergency mode. We could then ring a land line number to test that the feature works <ogra_> Mirv, then we could have a "wheat" release and a "corn" one :) <asac> davmor2: well. this is not only software <asac> davmor2: its also the provider that allows you to call a numer without sim <asac> davmor2: not sure if there is a test number for providers <asac> that is also whitelisted <lool> Mirv, ogra_: I hav to upload meta in rtm to drop the hardcoded dep <ogra_> lool, there is one other change in the seeds, please pick that up alongside <ogra_> davmor2, i think the numbers come from your SIM and are hardcoded ... <davmor2> ogra_: :( <davmor2> ogra_: hang on it can't we are on about the test with no sim to emergency services <ogra_> (or from the network, not sure ... but we dont have any influence) <lool> ogra_, Mirv: 1.184 copied over <ogra_> davmor2, ask tony once he is up ... he could probably hack some intercepting test stuff in there that mangles the number or so <ogra_> oh, i see, didrocks uploaded it already <ogra_> great <davmor2> ogra_: yeah I will <Mirv> mvo_: cjwatson: are you handling also the click (re)publishing? <cjwatson> yes <cjwatson> the train is wrong, that hasn't been retested <Saviq> dbarth_, fwiw it could make sense to make oxide-qt "Architecture: i386 amd64 armhf" to not waste other arches builders' time <Mirv> ok, marking it so <cjwatson> done for ubuntu-rtm too <Saviq> oh wow, it's a 5h build time for armhf ;( <cjwatson> Saviq: don't optimise for other arches' builder time please <Saviq> cjwatson, ok <cjwatson> Saviq: well, unless that's genuinely intrinsically never going to build elsewhere, which seems like a poor long-term assumption <cjwatson> Saviq: it fails quickly enough on the other arches so isn't really a problem, and generally we'd rather have failures visible <Saviq> cjwatson, ok understood <cjwatson> brendand: ubuntu-rtm/landing-003 hasn't been dev-tested unless mvo_ is even quicker than usual, but if you happen to have a bit of time then it should be ready ... <cjwatson> (again) <brendand> cjwatson, sure i can check that it fixes the problem i saw and then continue with the rest of the testing <mvo_> cjwatson: I did a quick test already with debsig-verify 0.10ubuntu2 on ubuntu-rtm and ro filesystem I can install clicks again (couldn't with 0.10) <mvo_> brendand: ---^ <cjwatson> see "even quicker than usual" <mvo_> but of course, given my failure to spot the initial error a proper QA person needs to test this :) <dbarth_> Saviq: it's almost a faq but i stick to what cjwatson says <mvo_> cjwatson: :) <Saviq> dbarth_, yeah, makes sense <cjwatson> the only other arch with slow builders now is arm64, and we'll probably want oxide-qt for that in the not too distant future <ogra_> cant be slow, there is a 64 in the name :P <ogra_> psivaa, i just looked at krillin utopic ... seems there is also a device missing <psivaa> ogra_: i missed that combi. let me take a look <ogra_> yeah, me too ... just struck me to take a look at that :) <zbenjamin> ogra_: is there a problem with the current image? i get a reconnect loop after i enabled developer mode <ogra_> zbenjamin, hmm, weird, dbarth_ reports the same ... i cant reproduce it at all here <psivaa> ogra_: the device was available, it failed in this step: <psivaa> hablet-config writable-image <psivaa> error: protocol fault (no status) <psivaa> error: device not found <ogra_> psivaa, gah <psivaa> ogra_: rerunning it whilst watching :) <ogra_> thanks <ogra_> seems some people see adb disconnects ... <ogra_> could be the same ... <ogra_> (why cant i reproduce that, damned) <psivaa> yea, looks like the same <zbenjamin> ogra_: is it possible that by not wiping the device that problems could come up? <ogra_> zbenjamin, well, what worked in 232 should still work <ogra_> or 233 <zbenjamin> i did not upgrade since last week <ogra_> hmm <zbenjamin> i wonder how i do the wipe now , with that reconnect problem <ogra_> from recovery * zbenjamin does a bootstrap <ogra_> or that, yeah <brendand> ogra_, i suppose there's a known problem with pull-lp-source? <ogra_> brendand, on rtm, yes <ogra_> it doesnt know about the distro <brendand> ogra_, ah ok - so how can we run click tests? <ogra_> with phablet-tools, as usual <ogra_> it was adjusted for this <brendand> ogra_, ah probably i need to update phablet-tools again then <brendand> i'm getting a different error now - odd <brendand> IndexError from resource.py <ogra_> zbenjamin, would you mind downgrading your install to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/android-tools/4.2.2+git20130218-3ubuntu31/+build/6326142/+files/android-tools-adbd_4.2.2%2Bgit20130218-3ubuntu31_armhf.deb ? <ogra_> zbenjamin, call pahblet-shell once to get your key copied (that should work even with conection dropping), then adb shell "android-gadget-service enable ssh" and from there you should be able to install the package via ssh <ogra_> i cant reproduce it at all here :( <zbenjamin> ogra_: i probably would if the keyboard on the login screen would come up <ogra_> zbenjamin, oh, old bug, reboot <ogra_> the wizard doesnt properly restart the OSK after it ran <ogra_> on a new boot all should be fine <ogra_> zbenjamin, so you are seeing that issue before you have a password set up ? <ogra_> (or a pin) <zbenjamin> ogra_: no i did set up a pw in the wizard <ogra_> ok <davmor2> ogra_: on 24 I have a working keyboard on first boot <ogra_> zbenjamin, if you could somehow capture /var/log/upstart/android-tools-adbd.log that would also be helpful i think <davmor2> ogra_: there is however an issue triggering the sim unlock <ogra_> davmor2, funny, i didnt have any issue aftet OTA here today <davmor2> ogra_: this is a fresh install <ogra_> davmor2, yeah, there seems to be some difference here <Mirv> bzoltan: https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/landing_05.09/+merge/233459 not approved <kalikiana> Mirv: updated result: all works fine with unicorns and rainbows and even without ever turning on the network the cache works <kalikiana> which is reaaaally nice :-D <Mirv> kalikiana: thanks for the testing!! <zbenjamin> ogra_: phablet-shell does not work, can i somehow enable SSH from the terminal on the device? <kalikiana> ogra_: unlock the phone first <kalikiana> er <kalikiana> sorry <kalikiana> zbenjamin: unlock the phone first <zbenjamin> kalikiana: developer mode is on, but my adbd does not work <kalikiana> zbenjamin: and you did unlock? <zbenjamin> kalikiana: yes <kalikiana> here I get "Connection closed" if it's locked - otherwise phablet-shell is fine <zbenjamin> kalikiana: do you have the reconnect loop too? <kalikiana> no adb is all fine <kalikiana> adb shell doesn't even seem to mind the screen lock <kalikiana> (maybe that is by design?) <ogra_> zbenjamin, android-gadget-service enable ssh ... <ogra_> (in terminal-app) <zbenjamin> ogra_: i have a gazillion "stdin: is not a tty" in the log file <ogra_> zbenjamin, but you need your key on the device <ogra_> zbenjamin, thats fine <ogra_> (shouldnt cause issues) <ogra_> anything else in there ? <zbenjamin> i just have the small terminal on the phone, didn't see anything else <ogra_> zbenjamin, well, if you have the terminal you can also use passwd to set a password ;) <zbenjamin> ogra_: no, i just tail -f the file but i only get this line <ogra_> kalikiana, thats just not there yet :) <ogra_> zbenjamin, right, but that message is harmless <zbenjamin> ogra_: i have a pw set but i have no key, and pw connection is disabled it seems <ogra_> i was hoping for some more usefull errors alongisde <ogra_> yeah, it is <ogra_> on security req. <zbenjamin> ogra_: can i somehow get on the filesystem from bootloader or recovery? <ogra_> zbenjamin, pretty tricky on mako ... you need to create a mountpoint and loop mount the rootf img file <ogra_> *rootfs <ogra_> kalikiana, are you on 234 too ? * ogra_ wonders why some people see it and others dont <zbenjamin> ogra_: what is the command for the mount? <lool> cjwatson: hmm I don't get how this is possible: <lool> ubuntu-location-provider-here | 0.1+14.10.20140829~rtm-0ubuntu1~usilo10~1 | ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed/universe | source, amd64, armhf, i386 <lool> ubuntu-location-provider-here | 0.1+14.10.20140829-0ubuntu1 | utopic/universe | source, amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, powerpc, ppc64el <lool> ubuntu-location-provider-here | 0.1+14.10.20140829-0ubuntu1 | ubuntu-rtm/14.09/universe | source, amd64, armhf, i386 <kalikiana> ogra_: 26 <lool> cjwatson: isn't 0.1+14.10.20140829~rtm-0ubuntu1~usilo10~1 a smaller version than 0.1+14.10.20140829-0ubuntu1? <kalikiana> don't ask me how the numbers map - it's the latest image from a few minutes ago <lool> cjwatson: should that not be refused from 14.09-proposed? <ogra_> kalikiana, ah, so you are on krillin and zbenjamin is on mako <kalikiana> yes <kalikiana> but the images are the same, right? <kalikiana> except for the drivers <ogra_> yeah <ogra_> well, its far more than "drivers", but the rootfs is identical * ogra_ sighs about not having a spare device to do a proper bootstrap install <kalikiana> ogra_: I can flash a mako <kalikiana> just I don't always update both since it's kinda time consuming <ogra_> kalikiana, that would be massively helpful (if you can capture some data) <lool> ogra_: there are a bunch of issues migrating touch-meta around :-( <ogra_> lool, hmm ? <kalikiana> sure <lool> ogra_: in utopic, it's held by the click-scope tests being uninstallable <lool> ogra_: and in rtm, the langpacks are missing <ogra_> lool, you just did dput it directly to rtm, right ? <davmor2> ogra_: well you aren't using flo for anything important right ;) <lool> ogra_: to 14.09-proposed <lool> ogra_: I've copy-package-d it <ogra_> davmor2, no, but i dont care about flo either much ... the issue seems to be really mako specific <lool> see http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/ubuntu-rtm/update_excuses.html <ogra_> lool, do a binary copy ... we dont have desktop-next in rtm <Mirv> I need to afk for 1-2 hours, but I'll be back to check what's needed before robert is up <lool> ogra_: not sure why that'd help; the issue isn't with the new binaries; it's with proposed migration <cjwatson> lool: copies are allowed to go backwards; direct uploads aren't <ogra_> lool, the issue is with desktop-next and the SDK <ogra_> neither is in rtm <cjwatson> lool: this is occasionally actually useful :) <lool> cjwatson: can we kick it from -proposed? <cjwatson> lool: sure <lool> cjwatson: that'd be helpful for provider-here <lool> ogra_: I understand, but I dont know how we're supposed to force it in <ogra_> by directly copying it to rtm instead of -proposed <cjwatson> no! <ogra_> iirc we did that the last times <cjwatson> do not ever do that! <lool> cjwatson: ^ perhaps you know; ubuntu-touch-meta can't migrate from 14.09-proposed due to broken deps <lool> (apparently) <ogra_> lool, again, these are not broken deps but completely unavailable stacks in rtm <ogra_> and ignorable ... <lool> ogra_: generally I feel we should not copy binaries to RTM; and I dont think we can copy to 14.09 anyway <cjwatson> lool: IMO we should fork ubuntu-touch-meta for ubuntu-rtm and drop those binaries <ogra_> hmpf <cjwatson> lool: ubuntu-location-provider-here/0.1+14.10.20140829~rtm-0ubuntu1~usilo10~1 removed; https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/+source/ubuntu-location-provider-here/+publishinghistory <lool> thanks <ogra_> cjwatson, cant we just set up a general pass-through for it in rtm proposed migration instead <ogra_> rather than having to keep to metas in sync <ogra_> *two <cjwatson> ogra_: while I could override it, that runs the risk of it allowing other things to break <cjwatson> ogra_: do you take responsibility for that? <popey> Mirv: could you please upload http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/calendar-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.calendar_0.4.440_all.click ? <ogra_> cjwatson, for a general pass-thrugh and possible fallout ? ... what could that fallout be ? <ogra_> (and yes, if it isnt to heavyweight) <cjwatson> ogra_: proposed-migration might decide to trade off some other uninstallable you actually care about if it happens to make ubuntu-desktop-next or ubuntu-sdk installable somehow <ogra_> well, i should see them in the image changes <cjwatson> 14.09 seems to have a fair few uninstallables already :-/ <ogra_> so yeah, go ahead <ogra_> they would be removed/added then and should become visible in the manifest diff <cjwatson> only if they show up on images <ogra_> well, for rtm we dont really care if they dont ... people using the SDK get sdk-libs from utopic <cjwatson> heh, I don't actually have a hints branch for RTM yet <cjwatson> guess I'd better create one <lool> cjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8299266/ ? <cjwatson> lool: that's what I'd do, but it appears that ogra_ disagrees <lool> cjwatson: didn't update meta map; seems to be fine to keep it; I assume we keep the seeds and germinate output from utopic <cjwatson> shouldn't matter very deeply for metapackages <ogra_> lool, i really dont want to have to keep two distinct metas in sync all the time <lool> ogra_: the thing is that meta contains desktop-next and sdk which we haven't copied to 14.09 <lool> ogra_: so we could split these in utopic <ogra_> since not everyone uploading to ubuntu might notify us etc <lool> but that's painful too <cjwatson> lool: well, I agreed above to force those uninstallables <cjwatson> so let's just do that and move on <ogra_> yeah <lool> cjwatson: so ignore just ubuntu-sdk and ubuntu-touch-desktop-next? fine with me <ogra_> neither of them are any relevant for rtm <lool> cjwatson: ah and that's when you realized you needed a dedicated branch because you dont want to ignore them on utopic-proposed migration; ok <ogra_> we should file a bug to solve this properly for next rtm ;) * cprov changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: cprov | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Ping robru if any citrain jenkins jobs have unexpected results. <ogra_> cjwatson, why would a binary copy be so bad btw ? the package version as well as its deps would be indentical anyway, no ? <cjwatson> ogra_: I don't have a problem with binary copies of ubuntu-touch-meta <ogra_> or would that confuse any archive tools ? <cjwatson> that was lool :) <cjwatson> lool: right <cjwatson> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/hints-ubuntu-rtm/revision/1 <ogra_> <ogra_> by directly copying it to rtm instead of -proposed <ogra_> <cjwatson> no! <ogra_> <ogra_> iirc we did that the last times <ogra_> <cjwatson> do not ever do that! <ogra_> i was referring to that reaction :) <cjwatson> ogra_: where did you get from that that I'm objecting to a binary copy? :) <cjwatson> ogra_: my objection is to directly copying to 14.09, bypassing -proposed <ogra_> ah <ogra_> sorry, mis-read my own sentence :) <cjwatson> heh <lool> cjwatson: seems it's safer to default to not copying binaries; would you suggest most of the time we can opt to copy the binaries? <lool> sounds error-prone to me <ogra_> well, for meta it doesnt make any difference <lool> I guess proposed migration woudl catch error if deps/shlibs are right <cjwatson> lool: well, I had this conversation with sil but it was while I was at debconf so was pretty on and off the net <ogra_> utopic and rtm will be 100% identical <cjwatson> lool: IMO proposed-migration should catch any significant problems and silo QA will catch the rest, so binaryful copies should generally be safe <cjwatson> and would be less confusion over different binaries with same version * orwell.freenode.net changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: psivaa | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Ping robru if any citrain jenkins jobs have unexpected results. <lool> ok; I'll try to default to that then <cjwatson> lool: but apparently landing team folks disagreed, or else I misremember what I said to sil <ogra_> we have binaries with same versions all over the place for all initially synced stuff anyway <ogra_> at least if it didnt get updated in utopic <jdstrand> dbarth_, ogra_: hey, I'm here. what do you need me to do? * ogra_ thinks thats a moot point <lool> ogra_: when we branched the archive, we knew they were built right <cjwatson> ogra_: all the initially-synced stuff was copied with binaries <ogra_> jdstrand, i think it was solved differently ... <cjwatson> ogra_: and copied from utopic, not from utopic-proposed, so should all have been fully built <ogra_> cjwatson, right, i just mean the version argument doesnt really matter <cjwatson> afaik the only different-binary-same-version cases are things uploaded/copied after the branch <lool> ogra_: now imagine we update a base lib in utopic and dont bump shlibs right, or there's some other hidden behavior/ABI change (same for any dep really), it works in utopic and we copy it over where it doesn't work with old lib <lool> it's a bug in our deps, but we might only discover it too late <lool> tests should catch it, but we dont test everything <cjwatson> lool: personally I don't think that's worth the effort of worrying about <ogra_> lool, oh, indeed, i agree we shouldnt binary copy libs that could have rdeps :) <lool> cjwatson: I heard you; just explaining the potential issue to ogra_ <ogra_> but thats very unlikely to happen anyway <lool> well cjwatson argues that almost all the time it should be ok <lool> anyway <ogra_> we didnt have many packages that bypassed the silos ... and definitely not a lib among them <cjwatson> right, my general opinion is that spending hours of build time on low-probability events is a misallocation of resources, but whatever <kalikiana> ogra_: hm something's odd with the unlock setting, didn't have any lock on that one, tried to input, now it asks me for something it didn't actually save O_o <kalikiana> can I reset it? <ogra_> kalikiana, hmm, that sounds like another mterry bug ... (developer mode has nothing to do with passwords, apart from the fact that it shecks if one exists) <ogra_> *checks <mterry> ogra_, I missed the question? <ogra_> <kalikiana> ogra_: hm something's odd with the unlock setting, didn't have any lock on that one, tried to input, now it asks me for something it didn't actually save O_o <ogra_> <kalikiana> can I reset it? <ogra_> mterry, ^^ <davmor2> mterry: with all the new things that have landed in RTM we now have the issue that appear in utopic where you get the Hello login prompt for password rather than pin and number pad :( <ogra_> davmor2, does that happen on a flash without --developer-mode and --password ? <mterry> davmor2, bug 1363405, has an MP <ubot5> bug 1363405 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Setting a PIN can result in a passphrase instead" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1363405 <mterry> ogra_, yeah separately, I'm wondering if the wizard shouldn't show some warning on the password page if you already have a password set <davmor2> mterry: I thought it might be covered already from utopic so yay \o/ <ogra_> davmor2, if so that would be the bug that mterry pointed to ... if it happens with these options in u-d-f then there is a u-d-f bug <ogra_> (we need to somehow set the mode which doesnt happen yet) <davmor2> ogra_: I didn't have --password only --developer-mode <ogra_> mterry, i really wonder how we should do that btw ... we wont have any dbus from recovery * ogra_ will wait for sergiusens and discuss with him if he has any idea <mterry> ogra_, ah interesting <mterry> ogra_, you can edit the /var/lib/AccountsService/users/phablet file <mterry> (or some such path like that) <ogra_> ah, perfect <mterry> ogra_, it's just a keyfile, should be easy to pipe some text into <ogra_> right <davmor2> ogra_: the other bug is the sim lock pin keyboard not appearing on first boot, if you reboot it acts as expected, so I'm assuming it might be a similar issue to the main keyboard not appearing, but for the number pad. <ogra_> we will need detection logic too ... or a switch for --password-mode or so <ogra_> davmor2, yeah, smells like it <mterry> ogra_, yeah, but the number of developers that put in a 4-digit PIN but actually want a passphrase has to be small <mterry> ogra_, but might as well allow a switch I suppose <mterry> ogra_, though design was talking about allowing a 4-8 digit PIN. but anyway <ogra_> mterry, i personally expect to get a numberpad when doing something like --password=0000 <ogra_> and currently it would just give you a password prompt by default <ogra_> i think <mterry> ogra_, right -- I think autodetection could work just fine <ogra_> mterry, oh, on the booted image later you mean ? <ogra_> that would indeed be more awesome than adding a hack to recovery <mterry> ogra_, no I had meant in recovery but was just brainstorming <ogra_> ah, yeah <ogra_> well, lets see if sergiusens has an idea once he gets up <mterry> ogra_, for us to do it on booted image later, we'd need to keep password in plaintext on disk <ogra_> oh, right ... nota good idea <sergiusens> ogra_: mterry wrt to password and recovery, I only did exactly what I was told to <sergiusens> I don't mind plain text in recovery <ogra_> sergiusens, yes, and thats fine <sergiusens> it's a ci tool <sergiusens> if you use, you probably can care less about your password <ogra_> sergiusens, but the password mode for the UI doesnt get set the way we do it today <ogra_> we need an idea how to set it alongside <sergiusens> mterry: ogra_ if we drop a plaintext file somewhere, will the wizard be able to pick it up? <ogra_> sergiusens, as much as you call it a CI tool, you wont prevent people from using the switches :) <sergiusens> ogra_: fine, but I'll add a note saying that the password is going to be saved in plain text <mterry> sergiusens, ogra_: I'd rather we keep the developer hacks in the developer tools <sergiusens> ogra_: and just don't promote it! <ogra_> sergiusens, thats what i thought too, but it sounds hackish ... having an upstart lxc-android-boot hook that checks for it and sets the right dbus call <sergiusens> ogra_: mterry if you look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/goget-ubuntu-touch/+bug/1365990 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1365990 in goget-ubuntu-touch (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-emulator create needs --developer-mode and --password options" [High,Confirmed] <sergiusens> I would just say we need "developer mode" inhibit switch and forget about this problem <kalikiana> ogra_: mterry so… I can't even flash anymore since adb doesn't work… and I don't know whatever password may have been set <sergiusens> as in --developer-mode from u-d-f makes adb enabled always, pasword or no password <ogra_> kalikiana, flash from recovery (and use --device= there) <ogra_> sergiusens, i agree that we should just set a default PW in the emulator <ogra_> sergiusens, there is an upstart job that checks for the PW and disables it ... with a start on starting android-tools-adbd stanza <mterry> kalikiana, so you tried to set a password, it failed to, but now you have a password anyway and you aren't sure what it is? <ogra_> sergiusens, it = adbd <kalikiana> mterry: it complained the passwords didn't match, I had to cancel, next attempt it asks for the "existing passphrase" <kalikiana> btw I treid to add a PIN <mterry> kalikiana, aha! You are hitting bug 1366814 it sounds like -- someone else reported that phrase "didn't match" <ubot5> bug 1366814 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Configure lock pin or passphrase initially fails after upgrade to 229" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1366814 <mterry> kalikiana, I haven't been able to reproduce <kalikiana> mterry: mmmm just noticed the PIN I set and "did not work" actually works as a passphrase at the lock now * kalikiana confused <mterry> kalikiana, ah... then you must be experiencing the fixed (but not released) bug 1363405 <cjwatson> lool,ogra_: ubuntu-touch-meta/1.184 should be migrating soonish <ubot5> bug 1363405 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Setting a PIN can result in a passphrase instead" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1363405 <ogra_> cjwatson, great ... i just need to clearify some device tarball stuff, please dont kick an image or anything yet <lool> cjwatson: thansk <lool> I see valid candidate, great <cjwatson> ogra_: wasn't planning to, enjoy <cjwatson> mvo__,brendand: any luck with click testing? <kalikiana> mterry: seems to work now, I disabled and re-entered the PIN and it works normally <brendand> cjwatson, mostly. i had a strange problem with running some click package autopilot tests, which i doubt has anything to do with the silo. just retesting and then i'll sign it off if everything is well <mterry> kalikiana, yup, I believe it based on the way that bug works <kalikiana> mterry: cool, thanks a lot! <ogra_> kalikiana, what about adb ? do you see the reconnects ? <cjwatson> brendand: great, thanks <ogra_> now that your system is set up properly <cjwatson> [lunchtime, off out for an hour or so] <kalikiana> ogra_: adb shell, phablet-shell work fine… no loop <ogra_> lol <ogra_> heisenbug <kalikiana> anything in particular I could try that would help? <ogra_> i wish i knew whats going on for the people that see it <ogra_> kalikiana, no, i think my mako is in the same state as yours <ogra_> so that one i can reproduce ... <john-mcaleely> ogra_, per your request, new device image pushed <ogra_> yay <brendand> mvo__, can you set the 'Tested' column for silo 3? I won't sign it off until it's in the 'Needs QA sign-off' state <dbarth_> jdstrand: we copid the oxide binary to silo 2 <dbarth_> i think we're good at this stage, but i still need to finish smoke testing <jdstrand> ok, cool <mvo__> brendand: done <mvo__> brendand: thanks a bunch for your testing <brendand> ogra_, ah didn't #24 get systemd-shim? <ogra_> rtm or utopic ? <ogra_> brendand, yeah, rtm 24 did <brendand> hmmm <brendand> why does sim unlock still be borked....? <ogra_> brendand, why ? any issues with that ? <ogra_> brendand, thats because robru landed unapproved stuff last night ... there should have been a new blocker bug for it in the landing mail (which wasnt sent) <zbenjamin> ogra_: weird i managed to create the .ssh/authorized_keys file but i still get access denied(publickey) <ogra_> zbenjamin, and you still have the loop too ? <zbenjamin> yes <brendand> ogra_, oh <ogra_> brendand, at least i assume thats thereason <ogra_> we know that some breakage slipped through <brendand> ogra_, could be. once that's sorted out we'll see <ogra_> john-mcaleely, looks like #25 is done, happy OTAing :) <john-mcaleely> ogra_, thank you! <ogra_> well, thank *you* :) <ogra_> cjwatson, wjat is the trick to get rmadison output for rtm btw ? * ogra_ just wanted to check for -meta and noticed he doesnt know how :P <davmor2> ogra_: well it's like checking for -dev only not ;) <davmor2> kenvandine: hey dude did you fix the keyboard appearing after the wizard on first boot? <kenvandine> davmor2, not me personally, but yes that should be fixed <kenvandine> davmor2, for rtm, that was probably part of the sync in silo 15 you tested yesterday <kenvandine> which included lots of fixes :) <davmor2> kenvandine: it is however the sim unlock number pad now isn't appearing after first boot :) <Mirv> popey: calendar uploaded <kenvandine> davmor2, where? in the shell or in settings? <kenvandine> davmor2, i guess it must be shell <davmor2> kenvandine: shell as it is the unlock request <camako> landing-019 <kenvandine> davmor2, that doesn't use the OSK <kenvandine> it's a dialpad thing <davmor2> kenvandine: it's the dialpad thing <brendand> kenvandine, i just flashed 24 which has the new system-settings <Mirv> cjwatson: mvo__: how are the click landings? <brendand> kenvandine, good news - the keyboard does work now <kenvandine> davmor2, so if that isn't showing, it is a different bug <brendand> kenvandine, bad news, sim unlock is broken <kenvandine> since it's not the osk <kenvandine> brendand, good... is there a "but" ? <kenvandine> brendand, is there a changelog for image 24? <brendand> kenvandine, from what ogra_ told me the systemd-shim change landed, but there might have been some mistake with an ofono landing that broke it again <davmor2> brendand: reboot and try again I think this is what I've just been talking about <kenvandine> there was some regressions that got published by mistake, in ofono <jdstrand> so, I am looking at rtm silo 002. is the process I test it, then I update 'Testing pass' accordingly, then QA comes along and marks 'QA Signoff needed' to 'Granted' and then it lands? <kenvandine> brendand, what sim unlock? talking about from in the shell? <brendand> kenvandine, same thing as i reported yesterday <ogra_> jdstrand, yeah, like magic <mvo__> Mirv: it seems like all looks good now, so unless I miss something we can publish - cjwatson anything else that I might have overlooked before hitting publish for the click/sdk landing <brendand> kenvandine, clicking on the button from indicator-network <kenvandine> ok... that isn't related to system-settings <jdstrand> ogra_: do I need to coordinate with QA or they are monitoring it? <davmor2> brendand: yes and nothing appears right? <kenvandine> brendand, probably the same thing davmor2 just noted <Mirv> mvo__: ok, let's wait for ack from him still <davmor2> brendand: reboot it works, I think it has a similar issue to the keyboard that after the first boot the wizard still owns the keypad for the sim unlock <kenvandine> davmor2, can't be that... <kenvandine> davmor2, that unlock isn't using the keyboard <kenvandine> mterry, ^^^ what could keep the dialpad from showing to unlock the pin after first boot? <brendand> davmor2, well yesterday it was supposedly to do with systemd-shim <brendand> davmor2, but that got updated with a 'fix' so i was told <kenvandine> brendand, that shim problem caused many things to fail... <kenvandine> but that is fixed * kenvandine updates to image 25 <mterry> kenvandine, davmor2, is this when you press the "Unlock SIM" button nothing happens? <mterry> that was supposed to be fixed by the shim yes <davmor2> mterry: yes <brendand> mterry, yes in image #24 <davmor2> mterry: if I reboot though it works fine <kenvandine> mterry, i tested that yesterday, but not right after the wizard <brendand> mterry, actually #25 too <kenvandine> i locked the pin after first boot... and rebooted <kenvandine> not locked the pin then rebooted into the wizard to test <mterry> brendand, and those have version 7-3 for systemd-shim? <kenvandine> i'll test that scenario now once 25 finishes installing <popey> Mirv: thanks <brendand> mterry, yes i do <kenvandine> doesn't sound like systemd-shim since it works after a reboot <davmor2> mterry: ditto http://paste.ubuntu.com/8299904/ <kenvandine> does regular pin unlock from the greeter work? <kenvandine> i think that's basically the same UI... not sure if it's the same code though :) <mterry> kenvandine, yeah... but that was a race so I could believe timing would matter. But I guess not by that point in the boot process <kenvandine> but i doubt any of that uses malit <davmor2> kenvandine: no it only displays the password line mterry has an mp for that already though <kenvandine> mterry, sounds like it's only failing after the wizard run <mterry> kenvandine, yeah that's not maliit <kenvandine> mterry, i've reproduced it... after the wizard run clicking unlocking sim in indicator-network just seems to do nothing <kenvandine> mterry, this is all i have in the indicator-network.log <kenvandine> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8299938/ <kenvandine> a timeout <mterry> kenvandine, the indicator exits on a dbus timeout? <kenvandine> i don't think so <kenvandine> it was still running <mterry> kenvandine, I reproduced the bug yesterday after the wizard, upgraded my shim package, rebooted and didn't get it and declared victory. :-/ Didn't re-enable wizard because didn't realize that was part of it <mterry> kenvandine, ah OK, I saw "terminate called" <kenvandine> not sure what the wizard could have to do with it <kenvandine> yeah... not a good error message :) <kenvandine> and indeed unlock works after another reboot <davmor2> kenvandine: the wizzard takes the control of the keypad when you setup the pin initially, I don't know if it releases it. <kenvandine> doesn't sound like that could be it... it looks like it can't talk to ofono ? <mterry> davmor2, but this isn't a keyboard thing -- those PIN screens aren't using maliit <davmor2> mterry: indeed, and the keyboard now works fine with the fix in place. Which is what made me wonder if it was a similar issue for the keypad tool? As that code wouldn't be effected by the fix to the keyboard right? <mterry> davmor2, I don't know what this issue is yet, but it's not likely to be that same cause <mterry> davmor2, is there a bug yet? <davmor2> mterry: I haven't written one yet, brendand did you? <brendand> davmor2, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1366745, but mterry duped it <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1365095 in systemd-shim (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1366745 Greeter not asking for pin code in image 11 (krillin)" [High,Fix released] <mterry> brendand, ah yes after my test that didn't realize the wizard was crucial to reproducing <mterry> brendand, can undup <mterry> Only happens on krillin too... Just like the shim issue. Man, what's the deal with krillin <brendand> mterry, well if it's a timing issue <brendand> mterry, krillin is a bit slower <brendand> i think <kenvandine> mterry, any hints at where the bug is? ofono? indicator-network? <davmor2> mterry: it hates you ;) <mterry> kenvandine, "instead nothing happens for a bit and then the indicator seems to reload" -- sounds like the indicator did crash <kenvandine> mterry, i just ran list-modems a few times after the wizard run and before trying to unlock <kenvandine> looks fine... <brendand> mterry, i thought so too but there is nothing in /var/crash <mterry> humph <mterry> kenvandine, I'd start with the indicator but could be anywhere <kenvandine> mterry, i think you're right <kenvandine> looking at the process time on the network indicator <kenvandine> it has been runing 4 minutes shorter than my device has been up <kenvandine> but not crash file <kenvandine> note the longer delay is because i was running list-modems commands in between the wizard and trying to unlock <davmor2> mterry: setup wizard crash, mtp crash, and network indicator here, That could of been from stabbing the button multiple times it seemed to refresh the indicator then http://paste.ubuntu.com/8300029/ <kenvandine> took a couple minutes <davmor2> kenvandine: ^ <kenvandine> bingo.. you have a crash file for the indicator :) <kenvandine> is the wizard crash file current? <kenvandine> or maybe from yesterday when we knew it was crashing? <davmor2> kenvandine: fresh install <kenvandine> so it was wiped? <davmor2> kenvandine: yeap <kenvandine> ok... what version of ubuntu-system-settings? <kenvandine> oh... the wizard crash fix isn't in the image yet <kenvandine> it's in the archive though <davmor2> kenvandine: indeed <kenvandine> i don't have the crash for that because i have the fixed version from the silo installed :) <kenvandine> i also don't have a crash file for indicator-network though... and still seeing the unlock problem <kenvandine> davmor2, so link your indicator crash from errors.ubuntu.com to the bug report please <davmor2> kenvandine: if you want the indicator crash just keep hitting the sim unlock button <davmor2> kenvandine: eventually you'll see the indicator restart <kenvandine> davmor2, i know mine restarted... but no crash file <brendand> davmor2, can you play music from the scope on #25? <kenvandine> https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/4aba9212-3824-11e4-9fdb-fa163e4ccdf2 <kenvandine> i bet that's it <mterry> kenvandine, should we assign to indicator people? * fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: fginther | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Ping robru if any citrain jenkins jobs have unexpected results. <kenvandine> mterry, i think so... seems like a safe assumption <kenvandine> mterry, davmor2: ok... scratch all of that <kenvandine> i just did a dist-upgrade without any silos enabled <kenvandine> and i can no longer reproduce it <kenvandine> maybe it was all triggered by the wizard crashing? <kenvandine> my dist-upgrade included: <mterry> kenvandine, the report did note that it started happening with an upgraded USS <kenvandine> indicator-location libsystemsettings1 qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-syncmonitor0.1 sync-monitor sync-monitor-uoa ubuntu-sdk-libs ubuntu-system-settings <kenvandine> ubuntu-system-settings-wizard <kenvandine> which included the fix for the wizard crash <mterry> kenvandine, I don't know why the crash would trigger that behavior on the indicator side thoug <cjwatson> ogra_: just use rmadison, it works automatically <kenvandine> maybe the session was in some weird state? * kenvandine tries again <cjwatson> mvo__: should be fine, go ahead and publish <ogra_> cjwatson, bah, i swear it didnt when i tried last week <kenvandine> mterry, any chance after the wizard runs something restarts the indicator upstart job? <Mirv> mvo__: I'm trying to do that ^ <cjwatson> ogra_: that's because I only fixed that on Thursday afternoon :) <mterry> kenvandine, we do do something like that, but I didn't think it was in the post-crash code, let me check <kenvandine> mterry, when it wasn't working, i noticed the upstart log file didn't exist even though the service process was running.. <kenvandine> and it got created when i opened the indicator <ogra_> cjwatson, lol, ok :) <ogra_> anyway, looks like we could have another RTM image now ... * ogra_ starts a build <kenvandine> mterry, but now i that is working, i see the upstart log file is there and being written too right after the shell starts <mterry> kenvandine, yeah we do that in the cleanup job: "initctl emit indicator-services-end" but that's pre-crash <davmor2> jhodapp: you about yet dude I'm blaming you for this completely ;) <kenvandine> mterry, so i'm confident the wizard crash fix fixed this <ogra_> oops <kenvandine> davmor2, ^^ <mterry> kenvandine, yay...? <ogra_> new artwork on nusakan <jhodapp> davmor2, I'm innocent! <ogra_> jhodapp, nobody belives you ! <kenvandine> mterry, davmor2: i've gone through the wizard 3 times and works fine after :) <mterry> kenvandine, was there a bug for that wizard crash? (for dup purposes) <jhodapp> :) <jhodapp> davmor2, what's up? <ogra_> rtm build triggered <davmor2> jhodapp: ha blagged now I know you're here ;) in scope if you click on play in music nothing it happening <jhodapp> davmor2, url-dispatcher broken? <ahayzen_> davmor2, which image? <kenvandine> mterry, not sure if there was a bug, do you know davmor2? <davmor2> jhodapp: however if I click on the play button in the scope it works fine, and if I open the music player and play music it is fine <davmor2> ahayzen_: 24/25 <mterry> kenvandine, no doesn't seem to be one (none listed in MP at least) <davmor2> jhodapp: hmm could be let's have a look and see if there is a crash <kenvandine> ok... i'm happy all seems good :) <kenvandine> just need a new rtm image :-D <jhodapp> davmor2, yeah that's not anything my code is in charge of handling <davmor2> jhodapp: okay in that case for a change it might not be your fault ;) <jhodapp> told yah! :) <jhodapp> haha <kenvandine> mterry, i'll work on getting your branches in a landing today <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 26 building (started: 20140909 14:15) === <mvo__> Mirv: hm, not known in space or time always sounds bad :/ <Mirv> mvo__: yes, but give it time, I think the reason to worry is that if it's like that after 30 mins :) <ahayzen_> davmor2, so your saying if the music-app is closed nothing happens, but if it is open then it works? or have i missunderstood? <mvo__> Mirv: heh :) <Mirv> mvo__: seems appearing now <mterry> kenvandine, thank you! (by just syncing utopic, right?) <kenvandine> mterry, you're recent MPs <kenvandine> not in utopic yet <mterry> kenvandine, ah I see! Yes, thanks <kenvandine> np... thanks for the fixes <mterry> kenvandine, that password setting page has been a bear <kenvandine> yeah <mterry> all sorts of corner cases <kenvandine> seems in good shape now though :) <davmor2> ahayzen_: so if I hit the play in music from the scope nothing happens, if I open music and select the track in music it plays, So I think jhodapp hit the nail on the head and it is the url-handler at fault <kenvandine> takes a few iterations :) <mterry> kenvandine, you shut your jinxing mouth :) <kenvandine> haha * kenvandine zips it <Mirv> mvo__: was it correct that qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu did not get republished, ie the current one stuck in proposed was fine and utopic only needed the new click? <ahayzen_> davmor2, hmmm i'm on devel-proposed and i was writing url-dispatcher tests last night for music and it was working then <ahayzen_> davmor2, on #234 i just did 'Play in music app' on an album in the scope and it worked <Mirv> mvo__: to answer to myself, yes it seems correct, the same version is already in utopic-proposed <ahayzen_> davmor2, and playing a single track works as well so maybe it is just rtm that is broken? <Mirv> so now we just cross fingers that everything gets fixed by those uploads <mvo__> Mirv: yes, thats correct, only click needed the update <Mirv> except, hmm, the problems coming from the oxide problem... <mvo__> Mirv: yeah, my fingers are crossed too <davmor2> ahayzen_: could be <ahayzen_> davmor2, do any of the other url-handler calls work for other apps? <kenvandine> davmor2, hey... btw you were testing the location stuff yesterday <davmor2> kenvandine: I was <kenvandine> it wasn't working for me on krillin, but works GREAT on mako <kenvandine> did it work for you on krillin? <davmor2> kenvandine: it worked fine on krillin for me <davmor2> kenvandine: 20-30 secs to get a fix <kenvandine> it seemed faster than that for me on mako <kenvandine> but it never gets a fix on krillin... * kenvandine tries again with all the updates <ogra_> still doesnt work on mako for me :( <ogra_> nor on krillin <davmor2> ogra_: you need to leave the concrete bunker and see daylight ;) <ogra_> i only get "no location found" in here maps all the time <ogra_> davmor2, i thought it should work indoors too ! <kenvandine> davmor2, i tested it with a sim in slot 2 and a sim in both slots... not just a sim in the first slot... i wonder if there's any chance that confuses it? <ogra_> i also dont get any trust store questions for any app <kenvandine> ogra_, i didn't at first... <ogra_> is that because i confirmed them in tsh past already ? <kenvandine> rebooting fixed that <kenvandine> which seemed odd <davmor2> ogra_: you haven't got silo 004 yet though right so you won't have the fix yet <kenvandine> still no location fix.. <ogra_> kenvandine, i havent gotten any since several images <ogra_> no matter how often i reboot <ogra_> davmor2, my mako has utopic <kenvandine> davmor2, silo 4 landed <ogra_> that should have all bits and pieces, no ? <kenvandine> so was in my updates <davmor2> kenvandine: image 26 that is building now <kenvandine> my mako was utopic-proposed, worked there <kenvandine> davmor2, yeah... anyway i have all those packages that landed in silo 4 <kenvandine> i don't see how to debug this... <davmor2> kenvandine: :( <ogra_> tvoss, am i supposed to get any trust store popups at all ? <kenvandine> i even tried outside with gps enabled * ogra_ hasnt seen any in his -proposed install in two weeks or so <tvoss> ogra_, n4? <ogra_> tvoss, yep <tvoss> ogra_, known bug, working on it <ogra_> N4 utopic-proposed <ogra_> ok <ogra_> tvoss, the conversation of the others sounded like it would be an ogra-issue :) <ogra_> since it seems to work for them <davmor2> ogra_: open setting, click on security and then on location is here maps listed if it is that'll be why you don't see trust requests <tvoss> ogra_, well, it is racy. Might well work for others <kenvandine> tvoss, what logs should i look at to get an idea why location isn't working on my krillin? <kenvandine> tvoss, i do see the app listed in location access in settings, and is enabled <ogra_> davmor2, only camer and mic ... both greyed out showing 0 <kenvandine> so sounds like it should be trusted <tvoss> kenvandine, syslog and you can add a GLOG_v=100 to the upstart job for the location service, which then gives you quite some logs in /var/log/ubuntu-location-service <kenvandine> ok <ogra_> oh, wait <davmor2> ogra_: that's other apps not location <kenvandine> ogra_, location access <ogra_> there is a new item in system-settings :P <kenvandine> not other apps <kenvandine> yeah :) <ogra_> confusing <davmor2> ogra_: hahaha <davmor2> ogra_: in location is here maps listed? <ogra_> still ... apps just tell me there is no location service available <ogra_> davmor2, indeed <ogra_> osmtouch, gmaps and here <davmor2> ogra_: so that is why you don't see trust popups then they are already trusted :) <ogra_> do i need a SIM ? <ogra_> my mako doesnt have one <kenvandine> E0908 17:07:32.856950 3970 skeleton.cpp:177] Error creating session: Client lacks permissions to access the service with the given criteria <kenvandine> tvoss, ^^ is that a problem? <tvoss> kenvandine, yeah ... that's basically a denial <tvoss> kenvandine, mind checking ps -ef | grep trust <tvoss> kenvandine, n4? <kenvandine> krillin <kenvandine> actually... those logs are from yesterday :) <kenvandine> maybe i need to restart more than ubuntu-location-service <rhuddie> does anyone know about using phablet-click-test-setup (from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing#Running_Click_tests). I keep getting this error: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8300260/ <kenvandine> tvoss, all the logs in /var/log/ubuntu-location-service/ are dated yesterday... but i've rebooted my phone a bunch of times today... <ogra_> davmor2, ha ! <ogra_> works now ... i actually had t go in the garden even though i'm sitting next to a giant window <kenvandine> phablet 3617 1762 0 10:06 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/trust-stored-skeleton --remote-agent DBusRemoteAgent --bus=system --local-agent MirAgent --trusted-mir-socket=/var/run/user/32011/mir_socket_trusted --for-service UbuntuLocationService --store-bus session <kenvandine> tvoss, ^^ <tvoss> kenvandine, okay, that looks good * kenvandine rebooted with GLOG _v set <tvoss> kenvandine, thank you <kenvandine> I0909 10:35:48.042486 3485 ofono_nm_connectivity_manager.cpp:171] Exception while creating connected radio cell: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "GetProperties" with signature "" on interface "org.ofono.NetworkRegistration" doesn't exist <kenvandine> tvoss, ^^ <kenvandine> tvoss, so right now i have a sim in slot 2 <kenvandine> and nothing in slot 1 <tvoss> kenvandine, hmmm, that exception is gracefully handled, though <davmor2> ogra_: told you you need to leave the concrete bunker and get into the sunlight ;) <tvoss> ogra_, mind wanna check that the window is not only painted on the wall!? :) <ogra_> davmor2, then i need to travle ... no sunlight here <kenvandine> tvoss, ok <ogra_> (thats why i had the balls to go outside without being molten :P ) <davmor2> ogra_: if you can see there is sunlight :P <kenvandine> tvoss, wow... lots of logging now that the HERE app is trying to get a fix :) <brendand> ogra_, i seem to not be the only one who has hit a problem running click tests, rhuddie got the same error <tvoss> kenvandine, yup :) GLOG_v=100 is like "log the world" <brendand> ogra_, could it be anything related to the developer-mode changes? <tvoss> kenvandine, still got an item on my list to allow for enabling it at runtime <ogra_> brendand, perhaps ... though the smoke tests run fine <kenvandine> tvoss, ok... no fix and only logs are written to the INFO file <ogra_> brendand, you are on utopic, right ? <kenvandine> tvoss, should i pastebinit? <tvoss> kenvandine, please, yes <ogra_> brendand, rtm didnt have the dev mode changes <ogra_> (yet) <brendand> ogra_, could that upset phablet-tools? <ogra_> shoudlnt <ogra_> sergiusens, do you see any possible issue with using the new phablet tools with old adb mode ? i think everything is backwards compatible <brendand> ogra_, sergiusens - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8300260/ is what we're seeing <tedg> Are there any traingaurds right now, or are we waiting for robru to finish breakfast? <tedg> Also, qagaurds <cjwatson> ogra_,sergiusens: hm, speaking of phablet-tools, don't we need to make click-buddy's provision mode use pkcon --allow-untrusted now <ogra_> tedg, cyphermox_ should be able to help you <cjwatson> ? <cjwatson> mvo__: cc ^? <cjwatson> ^- <tedg> ogra_, Ah, cool. <tedg> cyphermox_, Can I get an rtm silo for line 55 please? <ogra_> cjwatson, did that land in any rtm image yet ? <tedg> cyphermox_, And can you please publish line 54? <cjwatson> ogra_: it's on its way, not actually in an image yet <ogra_> well, then we should indeed land the phablet-tools fix alongside <cjwatson> sorry I only just noticed this <bzoltan> ogra_: I have heard from zbenjamin that some devs have problems with the SDK. <ogra_> bzoltan, yeah, you have a hardcoded "adb root" in one of your scripts <bzoltan> ogra_: nopez <mvo__> ogra_: is that lp:phablet-tools ? let me check <sergiusens> cjwatson: yeah, I need to add that <ogra_> bzoltan, that needs to go (alongside with a change in adbd to ignore that call) <Mirv> FYI we're still completely out of RTM silos, but QA has 5 silos under testing <ogra_> bzoltan, ? <ogra_> bzoltan, i have the paste hre <sergiusens> ogra_: brendand if you are on rtm you need to specify --distro and --series <bzoltan> ogra_: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/trunk/revision/251 <ogra_> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8300137/ <bzoltan> ogra_: what version of the qtc plugin? <ogra_> bzoltan, no idea, ask dbarth_ or zbenjamin :) <ogra_> bzoltan, they both had the issue <bzoltan> ogra_: that is the old version <mvo__> cjwatson, ogra_: sorry I was not aware of this script lp:~mvo/phablet-tools/pkcon-allow-untrusted <bzoltan> ogra_: they both should upgrade :) <ogra_> bzoltan, ah, good to knwo <ogra_> bzoltan, anyway it exposed a bug in adbd, zbenjamin helped a lot to find it :) <bzoltan> ogra_: cool :) <brendand> sergiusens, ah ok <tedg> Mirv, I have two rtm silos that can be free'd with QA sign off :-) <dbarth_> bzoltan: wassup? <brendand> tedg, indicator-display? <tedg> brendand, Yes, and indicator-datetime <sergiusens> brendand: there isn't any reliable auto magic hints we can use on the image yet, or it would of been automatic <brendand> tedg, what's indicator-display meant to do? <brendand> tedg, it doesn't seem to add any new indicator <Mirv> tedg: yeah, the 016 of them is being tested by... right, brendan <sergiusens> brendand: this is one of the pains of the ~rtm renaming, would of been mostly transparent otherwise <bzoltan> dbarth_: I have heard that you have problem with the adbd <tedg> brendand, So an indicator on the panel when rotation lock is enabled. <tedg> brendand, Show <bzoltan> dbarth_: what version of qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu do you have installed? <tedg> brendand, Look at the test plan, it talks about how to enable rotation lock, it doesn't work in system settings right now. <dbarth_> bzoltan: ah, indeed <dbarth_> bzoltan: on #ubuntu-touch maybe <brendand> tedg, thanks * ogra_ wonders why the bot didnt pick up the running build <brendand> pete-woods, jamesh - i'm testing the scopes silo <brendand> pete-woods, jamesh - it seems to break playback from the scope <pete-woods> brendand: sorry, which silo? I didn't realise I had any <ogra_> sergiusens, there is another phablet tools MP we need from pitti, i would like to get it into the same silo if possible <brendand> pete-woods, silo 14 in RTM <brendand> pete-woods, jamesh and Satoris are also mentioned as landers <pete-woods> brendand: it breaks the little preview widgets? <brendand> pete-woods, yeah the play button <pete-woods> brendand: is it broken for grooveshark / 7digital / local music / everything? <brendand> pete-woods, i haven't checked the remote stuff <brendand> pete-woods, i'm otp right now but as soon as i'm done we can talk through it <pete-woods> okay <pete-woods> brendand: I have the same. local music previews seem to be broken <brendand> pete-woods, i hate to say it, but it seems like the test plan wasn't followed :/ <pete-woods> brendand: seems like it. unfortunately I'm just the guy pushing the "tested" button <Mirv> could a core-dev ack Unity team's SRU micro version bump? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-005-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_unity_7.2.3+14.04.20140826-0ubuntu1.diff <pete-woods> I guess I should be less trusting.. <sergiusens> ogra_: I'm in no hurry <sergiusens> let it be queued <sergiusens> ogra_: it's not in the spreadsheet though... <ogra_> sergiusens, can i add it to your line ? <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 26 DONE (finished: 20140909 15:30) === <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/26.changes === <sergiusens> ogra_: depends, if it's qa like and requires too much testing, I don't want to land it <sergiusens> ogra_: this one requires like zero testing <ogra_> https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/phablet-tools/network/+merge/231761 <sergiusens> ogra_: as in, if affects phablet-click-test-setup or phablet-test-run I don't want it <sergiusens> ogra_: as the testplan for those takes 6 to 8 hours <ogra_> i think it doesnt require more than storing/restoring the network config once to test <ogra_> its a change to phablet-config ... not for any test setup stuff <sergiusens> ogra_: if it's properly reviewed/tested, I'll add ;-) <ogra_> sergiusens, i tested and pitt did too <cyphermox_> tedg: you should finish testing on your landings first... <tedg> cyphermox_, Which one? The rtm ones are tested. <cyphermox_> tedg: my bad, I wasn't up to date <cyphermox_> tedg: there are no rtm silos available right now, you'll get one as soon as possible * Mirv sees rsalveti battling with Train awesomeness <rsalveti> Mirv: lool: do you know what happened with silo 4 (rtm)? <rsalveti> https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu-rtm/landing-004 <rsalveti> two packages seems to be outdated comparing to the archive version of the same packages <rsalveti> and publishing seems to be waiting for them to be available in the destination, but that will for sure fail <tedg> cyphermox_, Cool, thanks! <Mirv> rsalveti: lool: it got QA approved and published, but something is amiss, you're right. ubuntu-touch-meta already got another update, so the ubuntu-location-provider-here is the question mark. <rsalveti> the version string in there is a bit confusing <cjwatson> I had to remove ubuntu-location-provider-here from 14.09-proposed because the version copied in there was older than that already in 14.09 <cjwatson> see scrollback from a few hours ago ... <cjwatson> needs a build with a newer version number :) <Mirv> rsalveti: it seems the ubuntu-location-provider-here already in rtm is identical to the tried-to-be-published one, except the funny (and lower) version number <Mirv> the HERE landing was a bit manual operation in both utopic and 14.09 <rsalveti> Mirv: yeah <Mirv> so from what I see it's all ok except that the silo is wrong status <rsalveti> lool: can you confirm that? <rsalveti> if so, we can probably clean that silo <Mirv> rsalveti: so, your 011 publishing... <rsalveti> Mirv: what's up? <Mirv> rsalveti: it failed. possibly because of robru's continous code cleanup, the sync publishing is quite bollocks at the moment, often. <rsalveti> argh, just noticed =\ <Mirv> rsalveti: my trick has been to change the sync:N to package name, reconfigure, build with watch_only and then publish <rsalveti> right <rsalveti> let me try that <lool> Mirv: I think we can flush it now <lool> Mirv: I had copied touch-meta and location-provider-here from ubuntu to ubuntu-rtm already <lool> Mirv: touch-meta publishing was actually not needed BTW, but I should have noted that in the comments -- not just the changelog <rsalveti> Mirv: it seems I can't reconfigure the rtm silo for some weird reason <Mirv> lool: ok, thanks <rsalveti> got the link, but went nowhere <Mirv> rsalveti: I do the "real" reconfigure via prepare-silo always <Mirv> with the request ID <rsalveti> hm, ok <ogra_> lool, Mirv, it all landed http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/26.changes <ogra_> flush away :) <rsalveti> Mirv: same thing, jenkins ignored me <lool> we should get a pull chain image to flush silos <lool> like in world of goo <ogra_> heh <rsalveti> Oops! <Mirv> rsalveti: jenkins just started totally ignoring my actions too... <rsalveti> when trying to log-in <rsalveti> seems jenkins is busted <ogra_> rsalveti, thats by design i thought <rsalveti> seems to be more broken than the usual <rsalveti> vanguard? fginther I guess <rsalveti> it seems ci-train.ubuntu.com is not behaving properly <rsalveti> can't log-in anymore <rsalveti> IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device <ogra_> lovely <rsalveti> Mirv: fginther: Ursinha: ^ <rsalveti> that seems to be why <fginther> yuck <Ursinha> oops <rsalveti> https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/1924/console <Ursinha> rsalveti: citrain is trainguards, but let me have a look <ogra_> i have some TB spare space on my desktop machine, you can NFS mount it ;) <Ursinha> ogra_: lol <rsalveti> Ursinha: thought infra stuff like that was more for vanguard <Ursinha> robru: halp <fginther> rsalveti, Ursinha, we've run into this before. We may have some control over this without going to IS <Ursinha> fginther: what is that? <fginther> Ursinha, the last time this happened, the disk was full of defunct pbuilder chroots, we can remove those if that is the case <fginther> but the problems appear to run deeper then that :-(, I can't even login <Ursinha> fginther: what machine is that <fginther> https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/ <rsalveti> Ursinha: http://community.sephora.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/116046i2AF73FFDE6096D06/image-size/original?v=mpbl-1&px=-1 <Ursinha> LOL <fginther> Ursinha, despite the ugly stack trace, I was able to login and run some test jobs. Looks like several defunct chroots are still there: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/fginther-test/15/console <Ursinha> fginther: I like the way you cheated jenkins <fginther> Ursinha, anything over a day old under /var/cache/pbuilder/build can be removed <Ursinha> fginther: can we create a job to remove them or we need IS help? <Ursinha> I can't seem to be able to login to that machine <fginther> Ursinha, I think the jenkins user has sufficient rights to clean things up, let me check on that <ogra_> brendand, meeting ? <ogra_> popey, and you ? (or do you just skip the evening meetings) <Ursinha> fginther: am I supposed to be able to login to that machine with my regular user? or you're talking about logging into jenkins? <fginther> Ursinha, I login to the jenkins UI <fginther> we don't have ssh access <Ursinha> fginther: ah, the UI, not the machine :) <Mirv> Ursinha: rsalveti: jenkins started working again for me <Ursinha> Mirv: I just saw a new job here <Ursinha> fginther: did you remove the chroots already? <fginther> Ursinha, not yet, there's a job created to do it, but it needed a little work <fginther> pbuilder-clean * Ursinha changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: Ursinha | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Ping robru if any citrain jenkins jobs have unexpected results. <fginther> Ursinha, running it now <fginther> rsalveti, can you please retry that job? <Mirv> rsalveti: I did already for you, seems to work <rsalveti> fginther: Mirv: will retry <Ursinha> that would be my next question, Mirv, fginther, can we just retry such jobs manually or should we use citrain tools for that? <ev> can someone explain to me why silos.previous exists? <Mirv> rsalveti: fginther: so, the retries worked. <ev> why it needs this backup <Mirv> robru: ^ see ev's question, you might have better idea than I do <Mirv> Ursinha: the citrain tools are just wrappers around running the jobs <ev> we already do daily backups of /var/lib/jenkins, so I'm confused as to why we'd have an extra layer of backups <Mirv> so with the same parameters it should work <Mirv> something weird with rtm 008 still though, retrying again <Mirv> and the queuebot seems gone <brendand> tedg, so the rotation lock is not supposed to work at all right now - this landing purely provides the indicator? <tedg> brendand, Correct <tedg> brendand, The indicator is supposed to work, but not rotation lock itself. :-) <brendand> tedg, would be kind of good if the indicator closes after unsetting the lock <brendand> tedg, otherwise you get thrown to the location indicator - it's a bit jarring <tedg> brendand, Yes, I think there needs to be some design back and forth there, but bug fixes vs. feature. Trying to get the feature in (with FFe of course). <tedg> brendand, I imagine it'll get refined. <brendand> tedg, ok seems fine then <brendand> tedg, -datetime next <tedg> brendand, Woot! Thanks! <brendand> robru, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1366745 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1366745 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Unlock SIM fails with latest ubuntu-system-settings installed" [High,New] <kenvandine> brendand, that should be in image 26 <brendand> kenvandine, did it land already? <kenvandine> yes <kenvandine> it was in the HERE silo <kenvandine> 4 i think <Mirv> rsalveti: the train is a really train wreck atm, I'll salvage the rtm-008 still for publishing and then I'll let robru take over <kenvandine> brendand, yes, it landed with rtm silo 4 this morning <brendand> kenvandine, ok. that's confusing - but we'll see i guess <kenvandine> where can i find changes for rtm images? <Mirv> note to self: do no trust any "sync:N" <brendand> kenvandine, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/ <kenvandine> brendand, thanks! <brendand> kenvandine, the build number corresponds to krillin <kenvandine> ubuntu-system-settings-wizard from 0.3+14.10.20140904.2~rtm-0ubuntu1 to 0.3+14.10.20140908-0ubuntu1 <brendand> kenvandine, you asked earlier and i forgot to reply :/ <kenvandine> brendand, that had the fix <brendand> kenvandine, ok good <rsalveti> Mirv: thanks <brendand> tedg, datetime looks good <brendand> tedg, how do i test the fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/1350544 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1350544 in Indicator Date and Time "Some translations are not loaded" [High,In progress] <Mirv> rsalveti: 008 published, although spreadsheet seems broken <awe_> robru, it's come to my attention that the ofono rtm silo never actually published yesterday, so no we're out of sync between utopic & rtm <Mirv> robru: the jenkins problem probably broke spreadsheet updating somehow <awe_> please advise on how we can fix this <Mirv> robru: I get "SyntaxError: Empty JSON strings" when trying to refreshSilosStatus <rsalveti> Mirv: great, thanks! * Mirv changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: Ursinha | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Spreadsheet updating broken, use Silo Dashboard! Ping robru if any citrain jenkins jobs have unexpected results. <robru> Mirv: ugh, what now?? OK i need to eat breakfast but I'll look at it soon <Mirv> robru: yeah, no idea. jenkins now works, but the connection between spreadsheet and jenkins does not. <Mirv> robru: have a fun day, I know I had... <Mirv> the spreadsheet updating worked 1h ago, and broke at the same point we noticed jenkins had run out of space <awe_> robru, did you seem my question re: ofono/rtm? <boiko> Mirv: is the jenkins out of space problem fixed already? (I have a silo that needs building) <Mirv> boiko: that's fixed, only jenkins <-> spreadsheet updating is broken <Mirv> so use http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?q= as much as possible <boiko> Mirv: so I can trigger a build already? (silo 008) <Mirv> boiko: should be <boiko> Mirv: thanks, let me try * Mirv redirects further questions towards Robert, I really need to start preparing for sleeping activities :) <robru> awe_: well, fix whatever regression you had found, then do a new landing for both utopic and rtm <robru> Mirv: thanks for staying so late, I'm not feeling well today and only just starting to wake up <ogra_> robru, so did you find out why we have landings vanishing <awe_> robru, dude...the silo for utopic landed, the silo for rtm didn't land <awe_> so now we're out of sync <robru> ogra_: I have a hunch but haven't been able to confirm it yet. <Mirv> robru: no problem, take care <awe_> I have no idea how to fix this <robru> awe_: dude, I just told you, if you do a new landing to both, it'll be back in sync. <robru> awe_: considering that the last release had some big regression that everybody was mad at me for publishing, i think it's good that it didn't get into rtm. so no real point to sync the distros, just fix the problem and make a new release. <ogra_> robru, but you are aware that this was part of the location landing and due to it not landing there might be issues in location ? <awe_> first, the big regression was marked invalid this morning, and now we're out of sync <awe_> robru, if a new landing is the only way to get things back in sync <awe_> then c'est la vie <awe_> if we'd had better communication between the lander (me), QA (davmor2) and CI, we wouldn't be in this position <robru> ogra_: awe_: so what do you guys want? do you want the utopic version in rtm? we can make a sync silo for that, it's easy. but we just finished having a landing meeting where people were saying "wow, it's so lucky that that bug stopped this awful package from making it into rtm" <awe_> robru, we were mad that it was published because the testing pass hadn't been approved, nor had the MR <ogra_> robru, i didnt say we're lucky <ogra_> robru, i said we might have been lucky to not have to have another regression bug, i hve no clue about the impact on the landing it had to get in with <awe_> robru, I'm surprised as we discussed the regression and how it had been marked invalid during out standup <awe_> needless to say, all I want now is for utopic and rtm to be in sync; if it requires a silo, then so be it. <sergiusens> copy-package and done <infinity> cjwatson: What's the process (or do we have one) for syncing back from utopic to RTM for things that we know don't break ABI and don't need rebuilds? Should I JFDI and copy? <infinity> cjwatson: (Specifically thinking of glibc and its recent security updates, as prompted by the security team) <awe_> cjwatson, is it possible to create sbuild chroots based on rtm? <robru> awe_: yeah there is a large failure of communication here. I have no idea why you want to put your broken package in rtm. how far away are you from a real fix that we can just land in both? <awe_> robru, didn't I just say, it's *not* broken????? <ogra_> infinity, technically it needs to go through a silo and QA signoff ... with the exception of meta and langpacks (not sure who could decide on an exception for glibc security fixes) <robru> awe_: what are you talking about? everybody was mad at me for publishing such a broken package, and then everybody breathed a sigh of relief when they saw it didn't really publish at all <awe_> https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/ofono/lp1363413/+merge/233434 <awe_> the merge proposal has the original testing details <awe_> the critical regression was: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+bug/1366231 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1366231 in ofono (Ubuntu) "[krillin] When FlightMode disabled ConnectionManager interface isn't restored" [Critical,Invalid] <infinity> ogra_: So, rebuilding it would be a silly waste of time, I assume one can just do a copy-with-binaries to a silo PPA and then land? <robru> awe_: https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/ofono/lp1363413/+merge/233434/comments/570911 so I'm proposing that you fix that critical bug, and come back with a totally new landing. don't be bothered by the fact that they're out of sync, a new landing will re-sync thme <awe_> and again, it was found to be Invalid earlier today <ogra_> infinity, i'll leave the binary decision to colin :) <robru> ogra_: is it ok with you if we sync ofono from utopic to rtm? <ogra_> robru, ask QA, not me ... with me thats indeed ok (not a binary sync indeed) <robru> ogra_: isn't that the whole problem? davmor2 toldme to sync it prematurely <infinity> If it's not a binary sync, it's not a sync. Please tell me we're not doing source syncs with the same version numbers. :/ <robru> infinity: get out of here with your debian terminology, we're too good for that crap! This. Is. Sparta! <robru> I mean, This. Is. CI Train! <infinity> robru: "sync" is Ubuntu terminology. :P <robru> infinity: anyway the people who birthed citrain invented all new terminology. sync doesn't mean what you think it means <infinity> *sigh* <infinity> Why? :( <infinity> And what does it mean, then? <robru> infinity: I don't know why, just like I don't know why citrain does half of the things that it does. But sync means something like "get the source package, mangle it's version number for rtm, upload to RTM PPA, pray that somebody bothers to test it, then publish." <robru> and pray that it gets anywhere <infinity> Kay. The "mangle the version numbers" part of that implies "backport", not "sync", but whatever. I guess learning distro terminology when people work on the distro is hard. :P <robru> infinity: I don't work on the distro, I work on ci train ;-) <infinity> ... <robru> infinity: I know, it's a mess. <infinity> "I don't work on Linux, I work on the SCSI subsystem." <davmor2> ogra_, robru: so if this it the version blessed by awe_ then by all means sync it to a silo I can run quick tests on it and then land it. <robru> davmor2: ok <robru> davmor2: ogra_ awe_: what packages are affected? just ofono? <infinity> Anyhow, I have to go play cat chauffeur. <awe_> robru, correct, just ofono <davmor2> robru: there was only ofono in the silo but that isn't to say that is all that was meant to be in there by the sound of it <robru> awe_: what's going on in silo rtm19? there's an ofono there <awe_> I have *no* idea <awe_> rsalveti, did you create this ^^ <awe_> robru, looks like Mirv created it to fix the missed landing from yesterday <robru> awe_: davmor2: ok silo rtm19 has the utopic version of ofono in it, and it even already says QA:granted, so that can just be published whenever anybody feels like it <awe_> ok <robru> well, I mean, maybe a double-check is in order then I'll publish it <awe_> yes, I will do so <davmor2> robru: yeah I'll hit it in a minute <brendand> tedg, an answer appreciated about verifying the bug - then i can sign silo 001 off hopefully <rsalveti> I have nothing to do with rtm19 :-) <Saviq> dbarth_, what's the status of the oxide-qt landing? <robru> rsalveti: your name is on it! <rsalveti> robru: haha, I created the utopic one <rsalveti> the rest was just automatic <bfiller> robru: any idea while silo 12 for ubuntu not showing up correctly in the webview? line 56 on sheet <robru> bfiller: uh <robru> bfiller: yeah because http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain/ubuntu/landing-012 got truncated somehow <robru> oh it's truncated in the backend, too <robru> bfiller: I guess only a reconfigure can save it <bfiller> robru: I will reconfigure it <robru> bfiller: no no <robru> bfiller: needs super admin reconfigure <bfiller> ok <robru> bfiller: ok, silo 12 should be ready for a fresh build here. <bfiller> robru: thank you <robru> bfiller: you're welcome! <robru> tvoss: around? your silo utopic 4 got itself into an inconsistent state somehow, I need to nuke it <tvoss> robru, how would that work? <tvoss> robru, how would that happen? <robru> tvoss: not sure how it got this way, but the silo state file is just missing, which means citrain doesn't have a clue what's going on there (also if you check the dashboard, silo 4 is blank). I can nuke it and reassign and it should work <robru> tvoss: we had ENOSPACE issues this morning, so I guess the files got truncated as a side effect <tvoss> robru, ack, let's do it then <robru> tvoss: ok silo 4 is ready for a fresh build if you wanna kick it off <tvoss> robru, still nothing in the silo for me <robru> tvoss: dashboard should update soon <tvoss> robru, ack <robru> tvoss: looks good to me <balloons> plars, are the devices being run with a pin set now? <robru> queuebot: haha, welcome back! <balloons> I'm asking because the failures in terminal and file manager are quite clearly due to PAM, which only appears if a pin or password is set <ogra_> balloons, indeed, we have to, else adb wont work <balloons> ogra_, I knew that was going to happen, I just didn't think you landed it yet <balloons> I wanted to be prepared, heh <ogra_> balloons, it is only in utopic <ogra_> not in rtm <balloons> OHH, gotcha <balloons> that makes sense <ogra_> (but due tomorrow) <balloons> lol <plars> balloons: do you mean the libcogl one we set as a test a while back? <plars> balloons: or are you talking about something else? <plars> balloons: oh, sorry I'm catching up <plars> balloons: yes, we certainly set the password on devices now. Otherwise we have no adb <balloons> plars, yea, I'm all covered ;-) I didn't think that landed yet.. and indeed it hasn't in rtm, but has in utopic <plars> balloons: yes, but it should go into rtm soon enough <balloons> yep, so anyways, we'll update tests accordingly to account for this <balloons> I just wanted to do it BEFORE those changes landed not after <davmor2> ogra_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/url-dispatcher/+bug/1367400 can't launch local music from the scope I'm assuming url dispatcher is to blame after chatting to jhodapp <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1367400 in URL Dispatcher "url dispatcher doesn't seem to be triggering music to play in the music app." [Undecided,New] <ogra_> davmor2, blocker ? <davmor2> ogra_: certainly annoying and user facing and a regression so yes. <jhodapp> I agree <ogra_> davmor2, can you tag it the right way ? <ogra_> so it lands on sils list <davmor2> ogra_: sure let me figure it out <ogra_> thx <jhodapp> davmor2, did you assign it to tedg? <davmor2> jhodapp: no feel free though <jhodapp> done <awe_> davmor2, sanity check of ofono silo looks good on my end. Did you get a chance to kick the tires? <awe_> if so, I'll click publish and cross my fingers <davmor2> awe_: rebooting now <awe_> k <davmor2> ogra_: let me know if that shows up please <ogra_> davmor2, will do * robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: Ursinha | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is sick, please ping cyphermox or rsalveti for landings. <davmor2> ogra_: yay it did ;) <ogra_> awesome ! <tedg> davmor2, Are there any recoverable errors from that? <davmor2> tedg: I can have a look in a bit just reflashed to get the ofono stuff tested quickly <tedg> brendand, You can't really unfortunately, it's an issue between LP and the package. It's before it gets on the device. <tedg> davmor2, Okay, they should be still there if you didn't wipe. <dbarth_> Saviq: not been able to smoke test things this afternoon btween meetings and dev. mode; re-trying now <Saviq> dbarth_, I'll set it to not tested then <brendand> tedg, so what's the effect? the string should be translatable now? <davmor2> tedg: I always wipe, it gives me a clean image to test against <Saviq> dbarth_, FWIW it only built like an hour and a half ago... it takes 5½h to build on armhf... <Saviq> ok finished 3h ago <Saviq> still <tedg> brendand, Not translatable, that the character when imported into launchpad should be readable in the webui. <davmor2> brendand, ogra_: confirming what kenvandine spotted that his fix which is in image 26 fixes the sim unlock issue on first boot <kenvandine> davmor2, thx <ogra_> yay <ogra_> so no extra blocker for that one ... good :) <davmor2> ogra_: also I think the location blocker can be killed now <dbarth_> Saviq: uh, i thought this was a binary copy in that case <dbarth_> Saviq: building oxide indeed takes a looong time <ogra_> davmor2, great ... sad that none f the changelogs did auto-close it though :) <ogra_> davmor2, i'll mark it fix released when assembling the mail later <Saviq> dbarth_, yeah, not safe, silo ppas use proposed and stuff, I don't think they'd like bincopy to archive from a PPA other than the silos <davmor2> tedg: so I just repeated the test on this fresh install where will any issues show up? .cache/url-dispatcher or elsewhere <tedg> davmor2, /var/crash <tedg> davmor2, They should show up as recoverable errors. <davmor2> tedg: nope I only see trust-store-skeleton and unity8 <tedg> davmor2, Hmm, that's odd. <lool> trainguards, the testplan proposed for silo 6 RTM wasn't working and needs to be updated (completely unrelated to the changes), can we keep the silo for a bit longer while we update the testplan (tomorrow UTC morning I guess) <tedg> Not sure they're getting to URL dispatcher then. <davmor2> tedg: ouch that could be much worse then <tedg> davmor2, Yeah, let me look into it some. <tedg> davmor2, This is off an image, right? <davmor2> tedg: thanks <tedg> davmor2, Or do I need a silo? <davmor2> tedg: no image 25/26 <tedg> davmor2, Same on utopic? <davmor2> tedg: I don't have a utopic device currently both on rtm <tedg> davmor2, Okay, I'll switch mine over to be sure. <cyphermox_> robru: around? <pmcgowan> is anyone messing with launchpad team membership? <pmcgowan> I seem to have lost my powers <awe_> davmor2, can I publish? <davmor2> pmcgowan: are you logged in, I discovered that if there is a db update you are logged out sometimes <pmcgowan> seb128, you know anything? I cant manage system settings anymore <pmcgowan> davmor2, yes logged in <seb128> pmcgowan, did you expire from any team? <pmcgowan> seb128, no email I saw <pmcgowan> let me check junk <davmor2> pmcgowan: click on you personal tab and see if you have all team memberships <pmcgowan> lp keeps timing out <dbarth_> Saviq: ok, works as expected; i think we can re-try to land silo 2 now <pmcgowan> one of those days <davmor2> awe_: sim unlock is working consistently, sim selection works, second sim seems more stable (no guarantee on that ), sms works, calls in an out work <awe_> it's exactly what we landed in utopic <awe_> just needed a sanity check <awe_> and it was fully tested yesterday by me, the landing just vanished <pmcgowan> seb128, which team is bug maintainer or whatever for system settings? <awe_> so I think we're good to go <davmor2> awe_: yeap it is looking good here <seb128> pmcgowan, you triage the ubuntu package bugs right? <pmcgowan> seb128, right <davmor2> awe_: I see no crashes <dbarth_> seb128: did silo 15 land to get my location stuff next? <awe_> davmor2, ok... then I'll go ahead an publish <pmcgowan> seb128, but suddenly I cant set importance and assignment <awe_> your bug-control membership probably expired <seb128> pmcgowan, can you check if you are in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol ? <awe_> ;) <pmcgowan> seb128, trying, p not answering my partiticpation <seb128> just open this page <seb128> it should write your status <seb128> it write that here " You are an indirect member of this team: " <pmcgowan> seb128, says I am not a member <seb128> there you go <davmor2> Right I'm outta here night all <pmcgowan> seb128, how'd that happen I wonder <seb128> pmcgowan, get mhall119 or bdmurray to add you back <kenvandine> seb128, can you test silo 14? <seb128> pmcgowan, default membership expire after 1 year I think <seb128> kenvandine, sure <kenvandine> seb128, specifically updates, with the system-image-dbus problem i'm seeing, i want someone else to verify :) <seb128> pmcgowan, you should have received emails about the expiration though ... do you ignore launchpad emails? ;-) <pmcgowan> seb128, uh oh <pmcgowan> ;) <pmcgowan> I may have a filter thats a tad too aggressive <mhall119> pmcgowan: what do you need adding to? <seb128> hehe <pmcgowan> lol <pmcgowan> mhall119, ubuntu-bug-control <seb128> ~ubuntu-bugcontrol he means <robru> cyphermox_: nah I'm off sick <pmcgowan> yeah that <robru> lool: feel free to keep it <cyphermox_> robru: who's looking after things? should I pay more attention to the landings? <mhall119> pmcgowan: what's your LP id? <pmcgowan> seb128, thanks, I will make a NEW filter for those <robru> cyphermox_: yeah if you don't mind, sorry i should have pinged you <pmcgowan> mhall119, pat-mcgowan <seb128> pmcgowan, yw! did you find the emails? <cyphermox_> robru: depends if there was someone from your team or something already meant to be handling this <pmcgowan> seb128, yes, sigh <mhall119> pmcgowan: added you <pmcgowan> mhall119, ty <mhall119> np <seb128> pmcgowan, well, at least it explains the issue ;-) <pmcgowan> indeed <robru> cyphermox_: it should be in a reasonable state, ping me if anything really horrible comes up (like tracebacks in the logs) <cyphermox_> ack <barry> robru: i guess i can help with landings, if i can remember how to do it and can muddle through whatever new rules there are for rtm <robru> barry: haha, best bet is just let other people tell you what to do. <barry> robru: i am a good monkey, as you know <cyphermox_> barry: we can look at things <barry> cyphermox_: cool, thanks. do ping me if you need a hand <dbarth_> hey guys, so i re-verified silo 2 now <cyphermox_> yeah <dbarth_> with the included oxide-qt packags to fix the dep problem * fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: fginther | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is sick, please ping cyphermox or rsalveti for landings. <cyphermox_> ok <dbarth_> you should be able to clean th situation there, to let unity8 and Saviq land his work <cyphermox_> omg <cyphermox_> davmor2: still around? <jdstrand> elopio, ToyKeeper: fyi, rtm silo 002 is ready for QA signoff <cyphermox_> dbarth_: so what did you change, basically just copying oxide-qt to the silo, re-testing? <dbarth_> cyphermox_: yes <dbarth_> cyphermox_: to resolve the dependency in webbrowser-app <cyphermox_> no code changes? <dbarth_> nope <dbarth_> just smoke testing once oxide was part of the silo <cyphermox_> ok <dbarth_> i did a clean flash to r234, devmode <dbarth_> then apt-add-repo <cyphermox_> right <cyphermox_> so oxide-qt is already in utopic, it's just that u-s-s-o-a is blocked because of architectures for which oxide-qt isn't available, and webbrowser-app regressed a test because of oxide, and probably needs that test to be re-run <dbarth_> cyphermox_: oxide-qt 1.2~bzr was in utopic this morning, not 1.2 final <dbarth_> cyphermox_: this is what i understood blockd the whole landing <cyphermox_> yes <cyphermox_> just a minute :) <dbarth_> nw <tedg> davmor2, https://bugs.launchpad.net/url-dispatcher/+bug/1367400/comments/2 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1367400 in URL Dispatcher "url dispatcher doesn't seem to be triggering music to play in the music app." [Critical,New] <tedg> davmor2, What did I do different there? <elopio> jdstrand: I hope ToyKeeper can take that one. I'll check back later if it's still pending. <elopio> tedg: davmor2 is gone for today. <cyphermox_> dbarth_: what is ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts using oxide-qt for? does it totally fail if oxide-qt is unavailable? <jdstrand> elopio, ToyKeeper: ack, I'll be stepping away for a bit, but read backscroll. <cyphermox_> dbarth_: I think the depends should be adjusted to not require oxide-qt on powerpc/ppc64/arm64, where it's not available. <tedg> elopio, Ah, okay. I'll just mark it "incomplete" then. <dbarth_> cyphermox_: it's using its webview and captures cookies <cyphermox_> so very crippling? ;) <dbarth_> cyphermox_: the cookie API changed between oxide 1.2~bzr, and 1.2 final <dbarth_> cyphermox_: yes, that's why they are in the same silo <cyphermox_> hm <cyphermox_> the thing is, oxide-qt never built on these arches, or at least 1.2~bzr doesn't seem to have <dbarth_> cyphermox_: but i checked that use case as well, ie create an account, enable the webapp, and autologin in twitter <dbarth_> yeah! <cyphermox_> so the depends was added? <dbarth_> hmm, not sure for ussoa <dbarth_> cyphermox_: yes, it was added as well: <dbarth_> + liboxideqt-qmlplugin (>= 1.2.0), <cyphermox_> I see that <cyphermox_> yuck <cyphermox_> so it seems to me like the correct fix would be to limit which architectures ussoa builds on, but it's kind of awkward to do while it's half-landed as far as citrain is concerned <cyphermox_> rsalveti: awe_: btw, I would like to land your ofono landing as requested, but the spreadsheet line isn't set to testing pass; could you adjust that if it really was tested and good? <dbarth_> long thread, but cjwatson essentially recommends not to put any arch-specific constraints here <cyphermox_> rsalveti: ^since you can confirm, this was requested by awe_ <cyphermox_> oh <cyphermox_> dbarth_: could you point me to the thread? <dbarth_> cyphermox_: scroll back to this morning here, between Saviq and cjwatson <rsalveti> cyphermox_: awe_ was testing that one, let's wait his feedback <dbarth_> but the qustion was raised on a couple of occasions already <cyphermox_> rsalveti: well, he asked me a few minutes ago before leaving to the gym <cyphermox_> rsalveti: but the spreadsheet state doesn't match :) <cyphermox_> dbarth_: ok, let me read it and get it back up to speed on this, to really understand what to do <Saviq> dbarth_, thanks, cyphermox_, it's basically about publishing oxide-qt from silo 2 and once in proposed retrying the failed adt runs for ussoa, unity-scope-click etc. <cyphermox_> yes <balloons> plars, re: fm and terminal failures. Are we ok with letting those ride for the moment as they are only on utopic? <plars> balloons: that's a question for sil2100, but iirc they are also failing on rtm <plars> yeah, there's quite a few failures on rtm for them also. Either way, I'd suggest looking at those <cyphermox_> dbarth_: Saviq: as I understand it, cjwatson was fine with uninstallables for this kind of case. I hope I'm reading this right <balloons> plars, can you provide a complete link? I see very small runs for those on rtm <balloons> plars, mm.. touch-stable I guess has the full runs <Saviq> cyphermox_, you mean that on some arches you won't be able to install? I believe so, that was the case before already <cyphermox_> yes <Saviq> cyphermox_, our discussion was really about whether packages that only build on certain arches should be limited, and Colin said that shouldn't be the case except when it's known that it will basically never be possible to build, otherwise we want the failures to be visible <Saviq> cyphermox_, as for uninstallables, it's probably best to make such a dependency optional if at all possible <cyphermox_> yeah <cyphermox_> Saviq: this case doesn't seem to be <cyphermox_> tedg: charles: I'm looking into the failure above <charles> cyphermox_, ty <cyphermox_> dbarth_: Saviq: I asked on #u-release to have the proper steps taken, but it seems like there is nothing needed at the citrain level <cyphermox_> once things transition from proposed it will get cleared up <Saviq> cyphermox_, one thing at least is needed, is to publish oxide-qt, is it in proposed already? <cyphermox_> it's already in the archive <Saviq> ah <Saviq> cyphermox_, then yeah, adt just needs reruns then <cyphermox_> yes, and ussoa forced in <Saviq> right <cyphermox_> as per my last messages in #ubuntu-release <tedg> cyphermox_, Sorry, confused, which one? <infinity> Saviq: The simple way to satisfy both the "don't build on arches where it can't install" and "make the failure visible" cases are to build-dep on the thing you depend on. <cyphermox_> rtm silo 1 <Saviq> infinity, right, makes sense <infinity> ie: if ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts had a build-dep on liboxideqt-qmlplugin, it would dep-wait on all those arches instead of building a useless binary. <tedg> cyphermox_, Ah, I see. Thanks! <infinity> cyphermox_ / Saviq: You can read the above as "no, I won't force in ussoa and raise the uninstallable count". <cyphermox_> I did read it that way <cyphermox_> I was just thinking "why didn't I think of it" <Saviq> infinity, well, the count is already there <balloons> plars, right.. since pin/pass is set on phones, rtm is affected too. I don't see an open bug for it, I will file one if you confirm there isn't one <cyphermox_> now, the problem is also how to fix this in citrain with the least amount of pain <cyphermox_> ie. on a half-done landing <Saviq> infinity, that situation is already there in the archive, I'd say we need a bug against ussoa instead <infinity> Saviq: Err, no. <infinity> Saviq: The "situation" is in proposed, which is exactly what proposed is there for. TO prevent the situation migrating to release. <infinity> Saviq: "It's broken in proposed, may as well call it a wash" would be ignoring the whole point of porposed. :P <Saviq> infinity, ah, I thought that was just a bumped dep, not a completely new one <infinity> Saviq: It's a new dep. <Saviq> infinity, no no, I thought it wasn't a new dep <Saviq> right <cyphermox_> itś a new dep * Saviq wonders if it was just a missing dep before, i.e. it didn't work anyway... <infinity> Whee, and it has rdeps too, of course. <infinity> So glad we keep picking technologies that aren't actually ported. <dbarth_> cyphermox_: ok, so i guess all good for today <dbarth_> see you <cyphermox_> dbarth_: sorry, just trying to pick this up and piece the information back together <Saviq> infinity, could you upload a fixed packaging version to proposed directly and we'll resync trunks as needed? <infinity> Saviq: I could, but I'm taking a sick day and not actually home. <cyphermox_> Saviq: I can do that, it was mostly just a matter of figuring out *what* to do <Saviq> infinity, ah sorry, take care then <infinity> I wonder how painful it would be to port oxide to the 3 arches where it's FTBFS. <Saviq> infinity, it was missing "gyp" which IIUC is some google built-time tool thingy <infinity> Saviq: No, no, gyp isn't missing, it's just missing platform definitions. <Spads> also a racial slur <infinity> That bit is easy, what's not is that it might explode later. :P <Saviq> infinity, right <Saviq> Spads, ;) <infinity> I could probably convince IBM to fix it on ppc/ppc64el, but not sure who I'd talk into fixing arm64. <infinity> And arm64 is something we should really deeply care about, since phones are going that route. <infinity> We won't be armhf forever. <Saviq> +1 <infinity> cyphermox_: That'll still need some archive admin massaging once it stops building on those arches, so give me a ping when it's all built and stuck. <cyphermox_> ok <cyphermox_> thanks <Saviq> cyphermox_, ok, so to resolve this I believe we need just a bit of packaging changes (build-dep on liboxideq-qmlplugin) and the rdep infinity mentioned * cyphermox_ stabs iwldvm <Saviq> cyphermox_, so I'd vote for uploading a fixed version directly and we'll handle the resync tomorrow <cyphermox_> brb; I first need to fix my wifi if I want to be ableto upload anything at all <Saviq> sure <infinity> It would probably be nice to make ubuntuone-credentials build-dep on ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts to give the same hackish workaround. <infinity> All the other rdeps are arch:all and thus not a big deal. <infinity> Argh. <infinity> cyphermox_: Hold the phone. <cyphermox_> aye <infinity> cyphermox_: The second level of rdeps has a ton of arch-specific stuff. :/ <cyphermox_> where are you looking so that I can look at the same place? <infinity> cyphermox_: reverse-depends ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts, and then drill down. <infinity> So, removing this will break severl other bits (singon stuff, sync-monitor, etc) <infinity> OOI, why was the new dep needed? :P <infinity> Still not happy about forcing it in, mind you. But not keen on rebuilding the whole rdep stack just to perpetuate the build-dep hacks and remove a bunch more binaries. <cyphermox_> I can file a bug about how damanged the situation is <infinity> "Use new Oxide cookie API" <infinity> Oh. <infinity> Are we pulling in a whole web rendering engine just for cookies? :) <cyphermox_> why not? :) <cjwatson> infinity: there's no reason why we can't do a binaryful copy into a silo. citrain doesn't support it but you can do copy-package -b. <cjwatson> infinity: people seem to be paranoid and want rebuilds for some reason but if anyone thinks that's reasonable for glibc I will be happy to challenge them to explain why <cjwatson> awe_: fiddly I'm afraid because you have to do amusing things to debootstrap - for the time being it's probably best to grab the one linked from https://api.launchpad.net/devel/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/amd64 or similar <infinity> cjwatson: So, thoughts on ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts? <infinity> cjwatson: New dep on oxide makes it uninstallable on 3 arches, the naive fix would be to build-dep on oxide and stop building it,but that has rdep fallout that cascades anyway, so we either propagate the same hack to N packages, where N is approaching 10, or just force the count up. :/ <cyphermox_> jhodapp: could you check what's up with your package in rtm silo 5? <cjwatson> infinity: Ugh. Might be worth sucking it up for now; online-accounts is always tricky <infinity> cjwatson: I'm leaning to the latter for now, after evangelising the former. <cjwatson> I suspect it will need something more involved <cjwatson> infinity: You'll want both force and force-hint IIRC <infinity> cjwatson: Well, what it really wants is oxide ported (or, hey, Canonical stopping this "it exists on an arch and a half, sweet, let's standardise on it" trend), but meh. <cjwatson> Agreed <infinity> cjwatson: And yeah, I know I *can* do a binary copy to a silo (well, since I'm in a group that can upload to them anyway), I was just arguing with people who seem rebuild happy. ;) <infinity> cjwatson: And I think when I initially asked "how do we do this", I was assuming a copy straight to RTM, bypassing CI. <cjwatson> I think you should ignore the rebuild bit and JFDI. Going through a silo for QA is sane; rebuilding glibc because the copied binaries might depend on some incompatible ABI (in, er, what exactly?) isn't. <cjwatson> It would be helpful for reduction in later panic if you could get QA signoff on the silo though. <balloons> plars, I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-terminal-app/+bug/1367453, just fyi for the failures <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1367453 in Ubuntu Terminal App "Security dialog causes tests to fail" [Critical,Confirmed] <cjwatson> Otherwise we'll spend ages with people wanting to ascribe whatever's broken tomorrow to glibc ... <plars> balloons: ack <Saviq> infinity, so, FWIW, the dependency is not new (except it is new in debian/control), online accounts actually render web pages to log into services <Saviq> infinity, so it basically should've been there already months ago, and now only bumped to use the new API calls <cjwatson> qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu autopkgtest worked on retry; should clear some things out, including ubuntu/landing-003 <cjwatson> Retrying unity-scope-click autopkgtest too on the off-chance <infinity> cjwatson: Heh. Well, I'll dance through the paperwork and hoops tomorrow for glibc, then. <cjwatson> unity-scope-click passed too. * fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is sick, please ping cyphermox or rsalveti for landings. * cjwatson squints at citrain <cjwatson> In what sense is ubuntu-rtm/landing-001 "All packages are in destination"? <cjwatson> The PPA has 13.10.0+14.10.20140908.1~rtm-0ubuntu1, but no sign of that in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/+source/indicator-datetime/+publishinghistory <cjwatson> robru,cyphermox_,rsalveti: I'm probably not the first to notice this, but don't believe citrain's lies for merge-and-cleanliness of sync silos <cjwatson> tedg: cc ^- <cyphermox_> yeah, it happened to me before <cyphermox_> it´s early enough that it´ s easier to fix <infinity> cyphermox_: For better or worse, ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts is migrated now. <cyphermox_> infinity: thanks <robru> cjwatson: yeah i know, it fails on sync silos when the package names are implicit (eg sync:n silos). The other symptom of this issue is the lack of package names appearing in the dashboard. I was hoping to fix it bit I'm sick :-( <cjwatson> robru: ok, just wanted to make sure you knew about it, thanks, GWS <cyphermox_> cjwatson: so I guess it´s time to copy-package <cjwatson> ah yes, it's tested <cyphermox_> how can I specify ubuntu-rtm proposed? <cjwatson> $ copy-package --from=~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu-rtm/landing-001 --from-suite=14.09 --to=ubuntu-rtm --to-suite=14.09-proposed -b indicator-datetime <cyphermox_> ah! <cjwatson> I have it queued up here if you want ... <cyphermox_> feel free <cjwatson> done <cyphermox_> I'm trying to follow a discrete math class :) <cjwatson> you'll have to watch rmadison or something for when it's actually M&Cable <cyphermox_> sure <cjwatson> or I guess https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/+source/indicator-datetime/+publishinghistory <cjwatson> damn that hit Published quick :) <cjwatson> (in -proposed) <cyphermox_> woo <cjwatson> ok, published for real in 14.09 now; ubuntu-rtm runs quickly when it feels like it <cjwatson> cleaning <cyphermox_> ah, yeah you want to tick the ignore project checkbox <cjwatson> had to ... that <cyphermox_> dah <cyphermox_> hmm, means I'll go merge the branch in manually <cjwatson> there's no 14.09 branch anyway <cjwatson> which is reasonable since it's a sync <cyphermox_> oh, true <cjwatson> well, except a pseudo-sync with a different version number, but anyway <cyphermox_> ah, I meant to ask about this <cyphermox_> why are these syncs with ~rtm- ..., a version number lower than what's in utopic? <cjwatson> I haven't the faintest idea <cyphermox_> ah, I thought it was somehow done on purpose, for some reason I didn't think of <cjwatson> well, I mean in general it's probably to reduce the incidence of different binaries with the same version number <cjwatson> but I don't think I agree with the practice of rebuilding <cjwatson> lower than utopic will be because these are morally sort of backports - we want utopic to supersede eventually <cyphermox_> I was really expecting ubuntu -> ubuntu-rtm transitioning to work much the same as debian -> ubuntu <cjwatson> the problem with that is that we're going to want to bulk-copy utopic (or v) over the top for the next time round <cjwatson> we might have a problem with mismatching binaries with the same version when we get there <cyphermox_> ok <cjwatson> anyway, tired, ICBW, night <cyphermox_> good night, and thanks again! <cyphermox_> lies <Saviq> cyphermox_, thanks! <cyphermox_> Saviq: np <ToyKeeper> Is it a known, expected thing that 'phablet-click-test-setup' by itself fails on a rtm image? (fails while trying to get a unity8 package from LP) <cyphermox_> what's the error message? <cyphermox_> I guess it could well not work <ToyKeeper> cyphermox_: pull-lp-source: Error: Failed to download: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/unity8_8.00+14.10.20140903.1~rtm-0ubuntu1.dsc: 404 Not Found <cyphermox_> yeah, that's broken alright <cjwatson> --distribution=ubuntu-rtm <cjwatson> oh and probably --series=14.09 <cyphermox_> cjwatson: are those parameters that can be passed to phablet-click-test-setup? <ToyKeeper> Nope. <cyphermox_> ToyKeeper: update your phablet-tools maybe? <cyphermox_> seems to be in lp:phablet-tools <ToyKeeper> cyphermox_: *facepalm* ... thanks. :) <ToyKeeper> ... and now it's failing on UITK. I get the feeling I might need to bug bzoltan about this though. <ToyKeeper> (because I think I found the reason why he's getting different test results than QA) #ubuntu-ci-eng 2014-09-10 <cyphermox_> awe: disregard messages you may see here, the publication is in progress <cyphermox_> ofono publication, that is <cyphermox_> lies <cyphermox_> awe_: had to manually copy the pacakge, it looks like it was borked again, I'll watch the publication <cyphermox_> it's in proposed now <cyphermox_> brb <awe_> thanks cyphermox_ <jdstrand> infinity: wrt eglibc-- you are core-dev and only features have to get QA signoff. if this is a bugfix update and you are happy with the changes, then I think we could just copy it. that said, if you want, I can work with the landing team tomorrow to get an rtm silo for it, and I can install it on my phone and comment in the spreadsheet <jdstrand> infinity: as you said before, we could just copy the binaries into said silo, then I could test. otherwise, we can wait for cjwatson to come online and make the call to avoid the silo or not <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: Not sure when you'll be around, but I've been following up on UITK. I'll have some adjustments for the test plan, most likely. Also I'm a little confused why phablet-click-test-setup fails on UITK. <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: There was a reasonably good response about extending CI tools for personal use, though also a bit of confusion about the actual goal. <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 235 building (started: 20140910 02:05) === <infinity> jdstrand: Colin didn't have an obvious opinion on silo versus not, but agreed that copying the binaries is the only sane thing (whether to PPA or straight to RTM) <infinity> jdstrand: If you want to do the silo paperwork, go nuts and ask for an empty one, some of us (like me) have the powers to copy directly to them, so I can do that if you have one assigned. :P <jdstrand> infinity: I kept saying eglibc. of course I meant glibc <infinity> jdstrand: Hard habit to break. :) <jdstrand> indeed <jdstrand> infinity: so, ubuntu-rtm has 2.19-4ubuntu2 and utopic 2.19-10ubuntu1 <jdstrand> infinity: you are comfortable with the -5 - -10 changes? <jdstrand> as in, there isn't anything there that should affect ubuntu-rtm/14.09? * jdstrand realizes he can just grab said binaries from the archive and put them on his phone * jdstrand does so <jdstrand> infinity: I'd rather not do an rtm only patch, but want your explicit opinion. I've installed the binaries on my rtm phone <jdstrand> oh heh, phablet-shell just *might* work a bit better if I plug in my phone <jhodapp> cyphermox_, what's wrong with it? <infinity> jdstrand: I have zero issues with those changes going into RTM. <jdstrand> ok <infinity> jdstrand: Most don't affect ARM one way or the other, some are small packaging nits, etc. <jdstrand> I rebooted with it and it all seems good. let me use my phone for a bit and I'll coordinate with you tomorrow. thanks! <infinity> jdstrand: The only real change-change is dropping some manpages (which we need a manpages merge for, now that I think about it), but I doubt anyone gives a damn about a few missing manpages on a phone if we forget to also copy over the manpages merge for the takeover. <jdstrand> infinity: no, they won't. man isn't even on the phone :) <infinity> jdstrand: Right, which is one of the reasons we're trying to drop manpages and move them to the manpages package. :P <jdstrand> $ man man <jdstrand> -bash: man: command not found <jdstrand> ah <infinity> jdstrand: Well, not phone specifically, but just that people with libc installed really shouldn't expect bloaty docs with it. <infinity> jdstrand: That, and we're sick of maintaining them. ;) <jdstrand> infinity: k, so you and I can handle this. we'll speak on it here so everyone knows what is happening, but I fuly expect us to do the binaries pocket copy tomorrow <infinity> jdstrand: Works for me. * jdstrand happens to like those docs, but I also have man installed :) <infinity> jdstrand: Right, proper unixy people and developers have manpages and manpages-dev installed, so you get all the goodness. * jdstrand nods <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 27 building (started: 20140910 03:05) === <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: sounds good. The actual goal would be to validate regularly core components, like Qt, UITK, Unity, etc <bzoltan> Is the phablet-click-test-setup expected to work with the rtm image #31? Or is there a trick to make it work? <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 235 DONE (finished: 20140910 03:50) === <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/235.changes === <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: how the phablet-click-test-setup fails on UITK? For me the relevance of the UITK pulled down by this tool is zero. The first thing I do is to remove the ~phabet/autopilot/ubuntuuitoolkit <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: but yet again, these tools need black magic. For example you can not set up the cick tests if you have a silo added to the sources. <Mirv> robru: spreadsheet seems fixed now? <Mirv> or at least it has updated since yesterday <Mirv> ok about ~everyone should be happy again with silos <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: The click setup failure didn't provide a very useful error; am planning to go back and find out more later. <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 27 DONE (finished: 20140910 04:20) === <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/27.changes === <Mirv> well, almost... <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: check if you have the silo PPA enabled. that could be a troublemaker <ToyKeeper> Yes, I have the silo PPA enabled. It didn't seem to be an issue. <bzoltan> Mirv: I git this from the silo3 "2014-09-10 04:40:03,595 WARNING A version (3.1.1+14.10.20140908-0ubuntu1) is available at the destination archive for that component but is not in the destination branch which is still at 3.1.1+14.10.20140903.3-0ubuntu1. You need to ensure that your version contains the fix in the destination or you can force rebuild to bypass the check." <bzoltan> Mirv: forced rebuild seems to help... but that is not very logical <Mirv> hmm, bzoltan disappeared <robru> Mirv: yeah, ENOSPACE truncated some silos which broke spreadsheet updating and also queuebot. Fixed it early in my shift. Should be fine now but still syncs escape me. <Mirv> robru: excellent, thanks! where/how did you fix it? <Mirv> the spreadsheet was a bit messed up again otherwise too - id:s disappearing, id:s on wrong rows (!). managed to fix them all by comparing with landed packages and the dashboard <Mirv> that's however "usual" <Mirv> robru: oh, you might maybe have access to some server too? I remember some hunting for truncated files in the past. <robru> Yeah in the Jenkins there's a job called cyphermox-test, you can edit it to do arbitrary shell execution on the server, so you have to poke around a bit. There were two files named config that were zero length and causing json parsing errors. I nuked the whole silos and reassigned, then it was good <Mirv> ha, of course, the good ol' cyphermox-test ;) <robru> Mirv: saved my butt so many times ;-) <robru> Mirv: OK I'm in bed with a high fever, good luck today. <Mirv> robru: uh oh :( rest well <brendand> Mirv, looks like you get the next landing by virtue of being present <Mirv> brendand: :D it's more kalikiana really regarding details and testing, but he should be around too <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: To get things running, I had to strip out all the flash/install bits and reduce/modify the auto-rebooting. Plus manual setup beforehand, using bits from the silo and rtm instead of source and non-rtm feeds. It's still only so-so though, with a lot of tests failing completely. <ToyKeeper> I'm not sure if anyone can pick it up from here or if it needs me to keep pushing on it... but I will need to get back to regular silo testing in the morning. <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: I think I'll let it run overnight though, in hopes that the latest changes I made will help. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: i would not suggest to modify that script so radically ... there is a good reason for each line there. I burned my hand with UITK validation several times ... rebooting is good, regardless who says what. I have seen tests failing because they were run in a specific order. Some apps or tests just do not quit in a clear way ... <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: also, the install bits are necessary ... all the packages I listed will be needed by some app tests. <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: The flash/install bits have to be removed or disabled before I can even get a valid test result. <ToyKeeper> Setting up the SUT and running the tests are two logically independent steps. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: just do not give the -c parameter and it will not cflash <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: Sorry my ignorance :) but what is SUT? <ToyKeeper> System Under Test <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: Sound scientific :) what is that? <ToyKeeper> Heh, it's exactly what it says it is... but without reusing the same words, it's the device+config on which the tests will be run. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I put the commissioning steps in my script because they take time and I run that script mostly by night .. daytime I do not use the -c <ToyKeeper> I provision the device with scripts too, but they're separated from the scripts used for testing. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: It is a separated function in my tool too. But the UITK test plan starts with provisioning. <ToyKeeper> Almost every test plan starts with provisioning. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: but it is not relevant. You do not need to remove the code.. just do not use the -c and that is it. <ToyKeeper> I didn't remove it, just made sure it wouldn't execute. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: not giving the -c makes it very sure :) <ToyKeeper> I initially tried to disable all the rebooting too, but found that a lot of tests wouldn't even run when executed in sequence. <ToyKeeper> Some of the other failures I'm not totally sure about. Like the gallery test works for a while then completely barfs when it tries to manipulate the image database. <ToyKeeper> In any case, I just wiped it and am getting it ready for an overnight run. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: yeps, that is why I reboot all the time .. I rather waste 1-2 minutes on each reboot than 4-6 hours on a blocked nightly test <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: also the camera tests just hang .. i put it last in the sequence for that reason. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: also importan, that click test setup will fail if you have added the PPA aready ... so first flash, then click setup and only after that add the PPA <ToyKeeper> BTW, if you start with a debian-packaged test instead of a click app, I don't think it needs the manual package installation before the tests start. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: and be careful with the apt-get upgrade ... it might bring unwanted packages <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I do not trust the tests... I trust apt-get install <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: if the device looses the network (seen that) during the tests then the missing packages can screw up the tests... so I play safe and install all the AP packages first. <ToyKeeper> The tests keep their dependencies up to date by necessity; the test harness can easily get its deps out of date. It's the wrong place to put that information. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I keep my eye on the deps. I trust my eyes.. i do not trust the tests. And as I said I realized that offline tests are safer. <ToyKeeper> Oh, er, also... I had to update the click setup for rtm: phablet-click-test-setup --distribution=ubuntu-rtm --series=14.09 <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: Coool. that is what i was looking for! Thank you a lot. <ToyKeeper> I think it had been pulling regular ubuntu bits instead of rtm bits, which invalidated all the test results. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: yeps... you saved my day :) <ToyKeeper> But I can't get that to work on UITK. It seems to work on everything else though. <ToyKeeper> "Fetching ubuntu-ui-toolkit - into /tmp/tmppIkYZ1" ... "IndexError: list index out of range" <ToyKeeper> This bit fails: get_source_package_tests(package['source'], version, test_dir) <ToyKeeper> For now, I'm working around it by catching and printing the exception instead of bailing. <brendand> ToyKeeper, someone else can take over - it's pretty late for you, no? <ToyKeeper> brendand: Yes, it's pretty late... I'm heading to bed as soon as I start this test. It'll take like 6 hours to finish anyway. <ToyKeeper> The provisioning is ... a bit uncertain though, so that's manual for now. <brendand> ToyKeeper, did you ever try ci teams provision.sh? <ToyKeeper> brendand: The idea right now is to get bzoltan and QA testing the same bits using the same process, so the test results can be compared. <ToyKeeper> Some part of the process is producing different test results, and I've been investigating why. <bzoltan> brendand: ToyKeeper: A side question :) Why do you want to run exactly the same tests I have run like 6 times? Should not the QA validation mean some manual sanity test? <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: disable the music tests if you want to sleep :D <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: QA should be doing the manual bits, not the AP bits... but UITK has only AP bits. And more importantly, developers and QA need to have the same set of tests. <ToyKeeper> The test plan for a project is (or should be) the one and only plan in use. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: Running the same AP tests on a totally different RTM image is as pointless as using different test tools ... <brendand> bzoltan, have you provided us your results yet? <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: we have two blocked UITK landing in the RTM queue ... you will not get the same results for 28.08 UITK on #31 as I got on #22 . <ToyKeeper> Maybe the image gets bumped between publishing a silo and landing it... in which case it's kind of important to re-test before landing to make sure it still works. <bzoltan> brendand: I have hundreds of logs on my machine... when I flip the "tested" switch on the CI sheet it means that I have run the UITK test plan and I have the same or less failures as on the CI dash. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: it sounds very redundant to me <brendand> bzoltan, if you could zip up the xml files and link them somewhere that would be great <bzoltan> brendand: i do not do xml files <brendand> bzoltan, you don't keep any sort of verbose output from autopilot? <ToyKeeper> brendand: The logs are saved, just not in XML. <ToyKeeper> It's custom. <bzoltan> brendand: do you guys really want me to send you the test results of the previous UITK landing form the last week? They are kind of otdated by now <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: not custom, I use the standard tool... <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: phablet-test-run <brendand> bzoltan, i would actually <ToyKeeper> Well, the test tool is standard, the logging is custom. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: the xml is custom :) and it is not good for local tests <bzoltan> brendand: I have hundreds of files all very verbose <brendand> bzoltan, the format is not that important, what's import is that there is a detailed log that has the results of all the tests and the output of any failed ones <brendand> bzoltan, like we got on the ci dashboard <bzoltan> brendand: ToyKeeper: but to be honest, i would prefer to focus on the 05.09 RTM validation instead of digging up ancient test results on ancient image <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: It would indeed be very helpful to have the test logs for each new silo available. <brendand> bzoltan, you shouldn't have to 'dig them up' <brendand> bzoltan, they should be somewhere you can just give us the link to and we never need to ask again <brendand> bzoltan, like people.canonical.com <bzoltan> brendand: ToyKeeper: Earlier I used to pastebin all the logs .. but nobody seemed to care :) People simple beleived when I said that it is tested. <brendand> bzoltan, it really should be way easier just to tar them up and scp them to people.canonical.com <brendand> bzoltan, store them by version or whatever and just give us (or anyone else who asks) a link to the root directory <ToyKeeper> Well, sort of. We're kind of hoping that each silo will have a link for a test plan (including tests for changes made / bugs fixed in the silo) and a link for the test logs. <ToyKeeper> Okay, maybe I made the reboot timings a bit slow... but it at least appears to be working now. Almost time to sleep. <bzoltan> brendand: sure i can do that <bzoltan> brendand: But keep in mind that we have no tools for doing these.. .so I need to invent my own :) <bzoltan> brendand: It is all happening, but slowly ... and to be honest, the changing platform does not make my job easier :) <brendand> bzoltan, i think you might be missing something then - phablet-test-run should definitely be able to provide some kind of detailed log, you then just copy that off the device <brendand> bzoltan, if a test fails, where do you look to get a clue as to why? <ToyKeeper> brendand: The script saves the output of phablet-test-run to a file. <ToyKeeper> The full test result is a directory of these logs, with test names and time stamps. <brendand> ToyKeeper, that's just stdout though isn't it? <ToyKeeper> It's the terminal output, not the full log from the device. <brendand> there should be something that has the traceback if the test fails <brendand> ToyKeeper, do you have the output of bzoltan's script? can you scp it somewhere? <ToyKeeper> brendand: I see tracebacks in the logs. <ToyKeeper> ... and the only results I have so far are somewhat ... broken. I'm attempting to get a valid result overnight. <ToyKeeper> brendand: If you want to investigate, it's all linked from the test plan in the wiki. But you'd be starting from scratch and it could take a while to get things functioning. <brendand> <sad face> <ToyKeeper> Once I get things working I'll add the steps to the test plan. <ToyKeeper> For now though, sleep. :) <bzoltan> brendand: Sorry, I was not clear. I am running phablet-test-run with full logs... as it runs that way by default. And I have millions of lines of logs of each test run. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: just please do not modify the UITK test plan without me :) After all, it is my job to run those tests... <bzoltan> brendand: so.. let's clarify few things :) I am running the app tests with phablet-test-run and log the full output to a file. It has all the traceback what we needed so far. Is there something more than that on the device after the phabelt-test-run is done? <brendand> bzoltan, in my experience the output of phablet-test-run is not verbose enough, but maybe you did something a bit different. until i see the logs i can't really judge <bzoltan> brendand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8307160/ this is an example... the output of the reminder app tests <brendand> bzoltan, okay that seems fine <brendand> bzoltan, all of those uploaded to people.canonical.com would be perfect <bzoltan> brendand: hmmm... nice that AP puts there the file listing :D :D :D Please ignore the inappropriate words :D <brendand> Mirv, i hope this silo didn't break location <brendand> Mirv, i thought it was meant to be working in RTM right now? <asac> lool: bq phone crashes after wizard <asac> did we not add mterries fix? <Saviq> can someone delete lp:~ps-jenkins/unity8/ubuntu-utopic-proposed ? it's got bad tags <Saviq> trainguards ↑? <seb128> Saviq hates tags ;-) <Saviq> seb128, I do, I hate bzr for being stupid about them, too <seb128> Saviq, what's the issue with tags? I don't even notice they exist... <Mirv> brendand: kalikiana reported at least that everything worked great with it <seb128> can't you just not care/ignore the buggy ones? <Saviq> seb128, no <Saviq> NO <Saviq> NOOO <Mirv> kalikiana: see brendand's questions about locationing ^ <seb128> by principle? <Saviq> seb128, yeah, more than anything else <brendand> Mirv, just trying with the stock image now <Mirv> Saviq: we don't have rights to ~ps-jenkins <brendand> Mirv, i noted that he tested on mako <seb128> Saviq, k, so you decide to create issues for yourself...? <Saviq> seb128, it just makes me cry a little <Saviq> seb128, no, bzr + lp created it for me by making them viral <Mirv> brendand: on the other hand, the actual positioning we have happens way below Qt, so I think it couldn't break it <seb128> Saviq, is that a bzr bug? <seb128> or launchpad? <asac> lool: also osmtouch tells me no GPS availalble on krillin even after accepting terms <asac> lool: thought this was only on N4 a race? <brendand> asac, so it might be broken anyway? <Saviq> seb128, unlikely, it's just how tags work in bzr (and in lp when you're under the same project) <ogra_> asac, i think tvoss and lool found other issues last night <Saviq> seb128, basically we got the tags from lp:unity when we were under lp:unity/8.0 <asac> ogra_: for the wizard crash? <ogra_> (which i mentioned in the landing mail) <ogra_> asac, no, with the service startup <seb128> Saviq, I see, anyway sorry for asking, I was trying to understand if that cause practical issues since I didn't see much problems due to them (out of the fact that they shouldn't be there/buggy) <Saviq> seb128, so that was hundreds of tags that did not make sense in unity8's history <asac> brendand: wouldnt say so without knowing more... besides the wizard crashing it currently behaves like the N4 did a few days before <asac> have to wait for tvoss and lool and mandel tell me wats the situation on krillin <Mirv> brendand: the kalikiana's code change was in a map view component regarding where to save the offline tile cache to, not the actual positioning component. <Saviq> seb128, so one practical problem is that bzr craps out when trying to talk remotely to that branch in a few cases, complaining about missing revisions <Saviq> seb128, the other is just not being able to look through them easily <Saviq> seb128, but yes, mostly it's OCD <seb128> Saviq, thanks for explaining <Saviq> Mirv, do you know who does have access to it? <Mirv> Saviq: fginther mostly I think. at least his SSH key is mentioned at https://launchpad.net/~ps-jenkins <Saviq> Mirv, cool, thanks <brendand> asac, lool - at least for me it doesn't work here on krillin <brendand> asac, lool - i thought everyone was testing on krillin? <brendand> Mirv, i'll ask kalikiana more about his change <asac> brendand: well it was on utopic first so i tested it on my N4 that runs utopic ... need to wait for lool to tell us what the state is... we had a race wrt service startup though before <asac> soif its just that you need to run one command to make it work <asac> brendand: /var/log/upstart/ubuntu-espoo-service.log should show the coordinates you are at <brendand> asac, i get a position in there <brendand> asac, so why can't maps app use it? <kalikiana> Mirv: brendand the only change was the path to the tile cache - I saw that new packages were implicitly added that weren't there before related to positioning, I don't know who is in charge of these. for me positioning <kalikiana> +works fine <jodh> Mirv: hi - I've now tested the upstart packages from https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu-rtm/landing-007/+packages on a device. Is that sufficient to mark the first level of testing as done (line 36 on spreadsheet)? <pete-woods> trainguards: hi folks. could I get silo 9 reconfigured (had to fix someone's branch who is on holiday) - https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-009-0-reconfigure/build?delay=0sec <Mirv> jodh: well, there'd need to be a written testplan for the landing (like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/TestPlans/libusermetrics) so that the QA people know what to execute for their signoff <Mirv> jodh: otherwise yes <Mirv> pete-woods: done <pete-woods> Mirv: thanks! :) <pete-woods> I do like how unity8 comes out with a shades wearing emoticon every time the bot talks about it <brendand> Saviq, unity8 crashes when pressing 'Play in music app' for a track on the SD card <brendand> Saviq, can i install some symbols etc to get a good trace for you? <brendand> Saviq, it's a BadURL error, where does that come from? <brendand> Saviq, is it from url-dispatcher or elsewhere <brendand> ? <cjwatson> bzoltan: landing-003, "not in the destination branch"> something is definitely weird there. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/trunk/revision/255 has the substantive changes from 3.1.1+14.10.20140908-0ubuntu1, but not the changelog entry. Is there something else fighting with citrain to land changes on that branch? <cjwatson> bzoltan: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-003-3-merge-clean/9/console says "Pushed up to revision 255", so I don't understand why the changelog would be missing ... <Saviq> brendand, yeah, that's url-dispatcher, but if u8 crashes when you try and open it, that will be a platform-api / qtubuntu bug <cjwatson> bzoltan: the proper way to resolve this for now is probably to grab the source package for the current version in the archive, and manually apply the changes in debian/changelog to your trunk branch. but it's strange that it ended up this way <Saviq> brendand, even when url-d craps out, it should never bring down the calling app.. <Saviq> brendand, as for symbols, best just use apport-cli to upload the crash to lp and let it retrace <cjwatson> bzoltan: (it would probably be a good idea to sort this out while your silo is still in the "Silo ready to build packages" state according to the dashboard ...) <jodh> Mirv: I've created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/TestPlans/upstart - could you add that to the spread-sheet and arrange for that to be actioned? <Mirv> jodh: thanks! ok, I'll mark the landing as tested. which rtm image # you used where you added the new upstart? <Mirv> jodh: and did you test on mako or krillin? <thostr_> Mirv: if we have some spare silos can I get one for testing purposes? <thostr_> Mirv: it's line 55 <Mirv> thostr_: current situation is good, I'll assign it <thostr_> Mirv: great, thanks! <brendand> ogra_, ah i might have been wrong about citrain - it appears to use some scheme of pinning packages, then updating with '-o Dir::Etc::SourceList=/dev/null' <brendand> ogra_, i suppose that does the trick * vila changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: vila | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is sick, please ping cyphermox or rsalveti for landings. <Mirv> dbarth: hey! regarding the RTM landing of silo 017, I made the pre-emptive move 5 hours ago that I copied oxide-qt over to that silo too, similar to what I did in utopic. was that a right thing to do? <Mirv> dbarth: the silo should be ready for testing in around 30 mins now, since the ARM build has had its 5 hours to build :) <Mirv> and it's building the .deb:s already in there <Mirv> dbarth: note that it's also properly "1.2.0", no ~:s in there - I never directly learned what were the dependency problems, but I understood that the oxide's version needs to be that final 1.2.0 and that's what it is <ogra_> brendand, yeah, sounds like <brendand> Mirv, do you want me to finish with silo 15 or is there anything more urgent <Mirv> brendand: given the assumed unity8 landing dependency on the oxide one, feel free to continue on that one <dbarth> Mirv: yeah, i read on the silo <dbarth> Mirv: ok, i'll ask mardy who as an rtm phone for testing <dbarth> Mirv: yes, the dependency is fine, and that's the right version; thanks for taking care of that <Mirv> dbarth: ok, thanks for confirming! <brendand> kalikiana, how can i check your change worked? <brendand> kalikiana, any place i can check? <kalikiana> brendand: use OSMTouch <kalikiana> tile caching will retain maps even if you have no network <kalikiana> positioning has not changed - not by me anyway - and it works fine <brendand> kalikiana, ok seems good <brendand> who's next? <brendand> pete-woods, any progress on a fix for silo 14? <pete-woods> brendand: see the landing request on line 56 <brendand> pete-woods, ok - tests, check :) <brendand> pete-woods, waiting for the RTM silo to be updated really though <brendand> pete-woods, and did anything happen with the results spreadsheet/document? <pete-woods> brendand: not yet <pete-woods> I'll set up a sheet when we do the actual test <brendand> pete-woods, you don't strictly have to do it for the utopic silo - if you only do it once make sure it is for the RTM landing <brendand> pete-woods, otherwise i won't sign it off <pete-woods> brendand: I'm not really sure how the RTM testing works. I've never done any, yet an RTM request magically appears underneath everything I land to utopic <brendand> pete-woods, so i'm not sure how the RTM landing exactly gets created either, but when it is, the Testing pass column (column K) will be set to No <pete-woods> brendand: sure. but I've never set it to true. <brendand> pete-woods, that first needs to be set to yes, with the image number you tested against and now the results as well <brendand> pete-woods, somebody has though :) maybe Satoris or jamesh <pete-woods> brendand: those guys don't have write access to the sheet <brendand> pete-woods, this is starting to worry me :) <brendand> Mirv, can i test silo 2 with apparmor in it? <Mirv> brendand: sure, ogra thought it's important so it's probably a good choice <ogra_> brendand, Mirv well, i said that when i thought that it might fix the security test issues ... but psivaa trashed my dreams there ... the failures are also in utopic <Mirv> ogra_: :( <ogra_> but nontheless its a security feature indeed <Mirv> brendand: ok, then it doesn't matter probably too much which one you choose <ogra_> so independently of teeh failures, get it in <Mirv> FIFO sounds like a good method for choosing <psivaa> ogra_: Mirv: brendand: the security failure is due to signature failure in some *_armhf.click package installation. i remember popey mentioning about click package and signature in one conversation, but missed the context of it :). could be related <ogra_> psivaa, yes, cjwatson and mvo_ landed this <ogra_> i guess the test might need adjustment <pete-woods> trainguards: going to have to ask again for silo 9 to be reconfigured (https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-009-0-reconfigure/build?delay=0sec) fixing holiday people's branches again :) <Mirv> psivaa: the click signature changes are now in both utopic and rtm as of yesterday <Mirv> pete-woods: :) <psivaa> Mirv: ogra_: ack. so we should ping security team then? <psivaa> to adjust the test that is <ogra_> psivaa, right <cjwatson> psivaa: where's this failure? <psivaa> cjwatson: it's the security test suite in smoke: http://dashboard.ubuntu-ci:8080/smokeng/utopic/touch_stable/krillin/27:20140910:20140908-d8c11f3/411/security/128529/ <cjwatson> psivaa: do you know where the source code for that test lives? <psivaa> cjwatson: just a sec pls <cjwatson> (it's not in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu itself) <psivaa> cjwatson: lp:qa-regression-testing/tests is the one i get from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/touch/view/head:/tests/security/setup.sh <cjwatson> thanks <mvo_> cjwatson: let me know if you want me to fix this, but it probably really straightforward <cjwatson> psivaa: do you know if that's a private branch? <cjwatson> I don't seem to be able to see it here <cjwatson> mvo_: I should be able to handle it if I can find the code to modify :) <psivaa> cjwatson: i dont think so: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/qa-regression-testing/master/files/head:/tests/ <mvo_> cjwatson: ok :) I wonder if I should send a mail to ubuntu-phone so that people are aware of the change <cjwatson> psivaa: doesn't that bzr export line mean "the branch called lp:qa-regression-testing/tests" (i.e. the focus branch of the "tests" series of the "qa-regression-testing" project), rather than the "tests" subdirectory of lp:qa-regression-testing? <cjwatson> psivaa: oh, but I see the script in question now, so maybe the syntax is just ambiguous :-/ <cjwatson> bzr fail <psivaa> cjwatson: i'm not really sure about that, but we do 'bzr export' subdirectories somewhere else too, not the series. mostly where utah runlist comes in <pete-woods> Mirv: before I start thrashing around in this silo, does the ci machinery perform the merges in the order that is specified in the sheet? / does it try and understand the dependencies the MRs / is it pseudo-random (alphabetical?) <Mirv> pete-woods: you could direct those fine questions to someone who understands ci machinery ;) I'd guess it's the order in which they are listed, not considering the LP meta-data on dependencies. you can check the build job's log to see in which order they're tried. <pete-woods> Mirv: looks like it's what you said. this just confirms I was being stupid :) <pete-woods> my branch was the problem <bzoltan> Mirv: do you know if the new adbd policy is landed on the RTM image or not? It seems that it still adb shells in # <Mirv> bzoltan: it is. but if you flash with --developer-mode, you get root. <Mirv> otherwise you need sudo <bzoltan> Mirv: I doubt <bzoltan> Mirv: i have flashed --developer-mode and it shelled me to $ <Mirv> and without developer mode you need a password set, otherwise you can't adb in <bzoltan> Mirv: the ` phablet-config writable-image` does not even work on RTM image <bzoltan> Mirv: i know that, that is OK <Mirv> bzoltan: I'm not sure what part of the new adbd policy you talk about, but ogra is your best bet in knowing whether utopic & rtm currently match each other <ogra_> they dont <ogra_> rtm is still as it always was, no changes there <bzoltan> ogra_: how I suppose to validate RTM silo? <bzoltan> ogra_: `phablet-config writable-image` does not work <ogra_> bzoltan, how about you ask soomeone who does that every day ? <bzoltan> ogra_: who would that be? <ogra_> everyone from QA in here ? <Mirv> for example brendand <ogra_> obviously they can test the silos, else we wouldnt land anything ;) <ogra_> bzoltan, whats the effect you see ? <ogra_> rtm definitely has the right backends for phablet-config writable-image <bzoltan> ogra_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8308814/ <ogra_> shouldnt behave any differently to utopic in that regard (just that adbd runs as root) <ogra_> bzoltan, that doesnt even remotely look like an issue in phablet-config :) <bzoltan> ogra_: it does not do the job :) and that is enough problem for me <ogra_> bzoltan, can yoou run phablet-network --skip-setup manually ? <ogra_> i wonder why it would fail, it doesnt here <bzoltan> ogra_: it hangs <ogra_> it tries to ping launchpad ... is your network working ? <bzoltan> ogra_: :) what do you think? :D <ogra_> (it will likely eventally time out and return 127 :) ) <bzoltan> ogra_: there is no network on the device <ogra_> well, how do you expect it to add a PPA then ? <ogra_> it needs to be able to reach LP <bzoltan> ogra_: well.... maybe an error? <ogra_> bzoltan, please file a whichlist bug against phablet-tools to provide a better error message if there is no network <ogra_> to fix your issue, just enable networking with phablet-network before running writable-image <davmor2> bzoltan: flash it, run throught the wizard (setting up wifi etc), then when the phone is logged in, I then run phablet-config writable-image no issues here and I do it 4+ times a day <ogra_> davmor2, right, but you set up networking in the wizard <davmor2> ogra_: yes <bzoltan> ogra_: that is what I will do. Thanks a lot. <ogra_> ... which you could also do with phablet-network if desired <bzoltan> davmor2: I try to do things from a script <davmor2> bzoltan: ah fair enough. <bzoltan> ogra_: davmor2: my problem was simple that my device lost the network... during the provisioning <jdstrand> cjwatson: it is lp:qa-regression-testing, in the tests/ subdirectory. I'm guessing you figured that out. feel free to ping me with questions <cjwatson> jdstrand: yup, I'll have a branch for you after lunch <jdstrand> cjwatson: thanks. note click-apparmor which is next to apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu will likely need the same fix, but I can do that by examining your fix for apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu <cjwatson> Yeah, I already found that :) <jdstrand> I thought it might catch your eye :) <jdstrand> cjwatson: fyi, for testing the fix on desktop, see point 3 of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlans/AppArmor#Desktop_only <jdstrand> cjwatson: for testing the fix on touch, see point 3 in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlans/AppArmor#Touch_only <cjwatson> jdstrand: can I beg for help on that? I *cough* haven't upgraded to utopic yet <jdstrand> cjwatson: either is fine (you shouldn't have to do both) <jdstrand> absolutely <cjwatson> anyway, branch is pushing, going out for some fresh air, will get back to you after lunch <jdstrand> ah, right, your lunch is at a different time than mine :) <jdstrand> cjwatson: enjoy your meal and air :) <bzoltan> zbenjamin: would you be able to test the silo3 qtc plugin? <bzoltan> zbenjamin: My device is testing RTM UITK <tedg> davmor2, So the music on the SD card is known and in progress. I marked it as a dup. <jdstrand> cjwatson: https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/qa-regression-testing/click-install-untrusted: "This branch has not been pushed to yet." <davmor2> tedg: ah awesome <davmor2> tedg: sorry about that I'd forgotten that the music was on sd <ahayzen> tedg, ah it was because it is outside of ~/Music <ahayzen> tedg, FYI we support music:///path/to/file as a protocol which may be of use? <davmor2> ahayzen: yes we figured it out this morning <tedg> ahayzen, Yes, so the music scope is moving to that. In progress. <tedg> ahayzen, bug 1340952 <ubot5> bug 1340952 in url-dispatcher (Ubuntu) "Video and Music scopes should provide non-file:/// based URIs" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1340952 <ahayzen> tedg, cool :) should i detail in the bug that we support music:/// as i don't see if mentioned there? <ahayzen> *it <tedg> ahayzen, Sure, but I think it's not mentioned because it already worked :-) <ahayzen> tedg, :) i'll mention it so it is clear <ahayzen> tedg, ah yes i see you using it in one of the merge proposals awesome :) <balloons> plars, popey mentioned https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/1367654. This is a simple fix; https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-test-cases/fix-1367654/+merge/234113 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1367654 in Ubuntu Calendar App "autopilot tests failing mako 235 ImportError: No module named 'address_book_service_testability'" [Undecided,Confirmed] <plars> balloons: ah, more dependencies? <plars> balloons: looks like it depends on address-book-service-dummy even <balloons> plars, yep :-) <plars> balloons: thanks, I'll get that merged right away * vila changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is sick, please ping cyphermox or rsalveti for landings. * Ursinha changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: Ursinha | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is sick, please ping cyphermox or rsalveti for landings. <sergiusens> trainguards, why 43 for sergiusens * sergiusens didn't fill in any entry in the sheet... <sergiusens> ah, seems merge and clean is broken! <ogra_> yeah, everything is flaky <ogra_> a little <sergiusens> instead of transitioning from Published to Landed; it went to Unassigned <ogra_> sergiusens, did you pull in pittis MP already ? <sergiusens> ogra_: no; I haven't even reviewed that <sergiusens> I just wanted to land the no brainer MP <ogra_> sergiusens, i tested and top approved it <ogra_> ok <ogra_> oh, that was the click buddy thing, riight <ogra_> yeah, better land that ... :) <ogra_> tvoss, lost interest ? <ogra_> :) * ogra_ wonders why the bot didnt mention cyphermox_ <tvoss> ogra_, nope, it was only meant for testing, the network manager version has been uploaded to the archive by cyphermox right now <ogra_> tvoss, ah, i just never had seen this message ... curious :) <cyphermox_> moo? <cyphermox_> ah, it's because it mentions the lander in the spreadsheet <cyphermox_> only tvoss' name was there <ogra_> ah <tvoss> ogra_, :) <ogra_> when i opened it yours was there as well ... good timing i guess :) <cyphermox_> I uploaded the package directly since the version was messed up in the PPA anyway <ogra_> yeah <cyphermox_> ogra_: you may have been looking at a different entry <ogra_> last line <cyphermox_> I was just adding that one :) <ogra_> ah * ogra_ twiddles thumbs waiting for lxc-android-config 0.201 in the archive ... <cyphermox_> ogra_: now just to wait for nm to finish building and publishing and I'll be able to set the silo ready and get this rtm landing done :) <ogra_> cyphermox_, same for me ... 0.210 is the last utopic upload ... then i need a sync into my rtm silo and can land <ogra_> err <ogra_> 201 <ogra_> developer mode, here we come :) <cyphermox_> woo! <ogra_> silly emulator ... stole me day ... <Mirv> sergiusens: I think there was this earlier phablet-tools landing, now in <sergiusens> Mirv: that just landed 3 minutes ago! <Mirv> sergiusens: yes, so now you have a silo for the new landing :) <sergiusens> the MP in http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?q=sergiusens has merged <Mirv> oh, right it's already in <sergiusens> Mirv: no, the spreadsheet broke, it's supposed to be marked Landed <Mirv> sergiusens: welcome to the world of Google docs <elopio> rvr: are you taking care of the location silo? <sergiusens> Mirv: merge and clean silo must of done that <Mirv> sergiusens: already done? <Mirv> https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/phablet-tools/trunk 306 <rvr> elopio: Yes <Mirv> sergiusens: yes, I did it, just too many silos to remember it all <elopio> rvr: ok, thanks. Let me know if you need a hand. <rvr> elopio: I left a comment in trello <sergiusens> Mirv: see ^ <Mirv> sergiusens: funny. well, ignoring that, I marked it as Landed manually. the only way to fix it would be to search prepare-silo jobs for the landing id, and it's not really worth it. disappearing id:s happen every day in the sheet unfortunately <Mirv> psivaa: assigning! :) <psivaa> Mirv: thanks :) <ogra_> cyphermox_, (or Mirv) cuold one of you sync the latest lxc-adnroid-config and andrpid-tools from utopic into rtm silo 13 ? <ogra_> geez, bad typing today <jdstrand> cjwatson: ok, seems it just took a really long time. I have everything I need to test <cjwatson> jdstrand: yeah, big branch, slow ADSL <cyphermox_> sure, I will. Mirv ^ <cjwatson> jdstrand: I'll just write the MP now <cjwatson> jdstrand: https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/qa-regression-testing/click-install-untrusted/+merge/234132 <cyphermox_> ogra_: done <ogra_> merci ! <Mirv> cyphermox_: thanks. I'm kind of off, but monitoring since sil2100 is off still todaay <brendand> jdstrand, still 4 tests fail with cjwatsons changes <cyphermox_> oh my <cjwatson> oh? <cyphermox_> I hope robru will be ok later * plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: plars | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is sick, please ping cyphermox or rsalveti for landings <Mirv> cyphermox_: landing-009 would need packaging acks https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-009-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_unity-scopes-api_0.6.5+14.10.20140910.1-0ubuntu1.diff + https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-009-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_unity-scopes-shell_0.5.4+14.10.20140910.1-0ubuntu1.diff <jdstrand> brendand: what is failing? <jdstrand> brendand: and what are you testing on? <brendand> jdstrand, the click-apparmor tests <brendand> jdstrand, on krillin with your silo <jdstrand> brendand: can you paste the output? <ogra_> cyphermox_, hmpf, i think i made a mess ... * fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: plars | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is sick, please ping cyphermox or rsalveti for landings. CI Lab jenkins services are down due to storage issue <davmor2> kenvandine: hey dude, online accounts on first account creation always exits back to settings app who would be responsible for that? <kenvandine> davmor2, i guess mardy <jdstrand> brendand: did you see my request for test output? <brendand> jdstrand, yeah, just getting it now <jdstrand> thanks <brendand> jdstrand, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8310311/ <brendand> is pastebinit really not available? <jdstrand> brendand: you ran click-apparmor as root. don't run it with sudo <jdstrand> brendand: the same goes for apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu <jdstrand> brendand: is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlans/AppArmor#Touch_only unclear? (not being an ass, I want to make sure it is clear for people) <jdstrand> I can add a test for root actually <jdstrand> let me do that <brendand> jdstrand, not really - but i ran it non-root and it complained about permissions ? <brendand> jdstrand, i'll double check that <jdstrand> brendand: please run it as non-root and give me the paste if there are failures <brendand> jdstrand, sure i'll run it all again <ogra_> cyphermox_, could you reconfigure rtm-13 for me ? <cyphermox_> ogra_: sure * ogra_ hugs cyphermox_ <davmor2> ogra_: user visible should appear on the issue page hopefully https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/+bug/1367804 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1367804 in ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "initial account after creation transfers back to the settings app" [High,New] <jdstrand> brendand: fyi, I committed changes to fail if click-apparmor and apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu are run as root <ogra_> davmor2, thanks ! <jdstrand> brendand: no need to pull those in and invalidate your test run. just fyi <brendand> jdstrand, yeah looks like everything is ok now <jdstrand> cool <cyphermox_> ogra_: why are you reconfiguring? <Mirv> if coredevs around ready for packaging checking/acking, both https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-002-2-publish/26/ and https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-009-2-publish/16/ would need checking <ogra_> cyphermox_, because lxc-android-config wasnt in that silo originally <ogra_> cyphermox_, so a watch only build falls over telling me i need to reconfigure <cyphermox_> yep, just reran the watch build now too <cyphermox_> thar <cyphermox_> ogra_: you should be good to test <ogra_> cyphermox_, you rock ! <cyphermox_> Mirv: looking <jdstrand> infinity: so, the glibc in utopic to fix the security vulnerability works fine on rtm. based on that and your feedback, I will copy the binaries to ubuntu-rtm (note to landers: this is a bug fix uploaded by core-dev to fix a security issue. there are some packaging updates that do not affect touch) <jdstrand> infinity: 97 packages successfully copied. <cyphermox_> dobey: Mirv: for ubuntuone-credentials, what happens if applications used the old Token constructor? <ogra_> robru, meeting ? <cyphermox_> Mirv: silo 9 looks fine <Mirv> thanks. I was wondering about the Token one too. <cyphermox_> Mirv: I know the answer, but I'd like to hear it from dobey :) * plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: plars | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is sick, please ping cyphermox or rsalveti for landings. CI Lab jenkins services are coming back up - was down due to storage issue <jdstrand> cjwatson: are the various -proposed tests being run on ubuntu-rtm and if so, is there a different report for rtm than http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html? <cyphermox_> robru: poke. still sick? <cjwatson> jdstrand: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/ubuntu-rtm/ <jdstrand> cool, thanks! <cjwatson> jdstrand: I don't think autopkgtests are hooked up yet though <jdstrand> ok <cjwatson> should probably get on that ... not fatal though <brendand> jdstrand, how long do these apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu tests take? <brendand> jdstrand, they've been running for probably 45 minutes now <jdstrand> brendand: a long time. they should be almost done <brendand> jdstrand, two failures <jdstrand> brendand: can you paste them? <jdstrand> brendand: or paste all the output if easier <brendand> jdstrand, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8310762/ <jdstrand> that is weird <jdstrand> brendand: can you give me a tarball of 'tar -xcvf /tmp/jdstrand.tar.gz /etc/apparmor.d/ /usr/share/apparmor /var/lib/apparmor' <jdstrand> those tests pass on emulator and mako and there is no reason they should fail on krillin unless someone changed the policy <brendand> jdstrand, that command isn't valid? <jdstrand> brendand: I wonder if there is a race condition. does /home/phablet/.config/unity-scopes/com.example.confined-basic_confined-basic/settings.ini exist? the test creates the file if it doesn't exist and immediately runs the check. I wonder if it wasn't flushed to disk <brendand> jdstrand, doesn't appear to be there <brendand> ah it is <brendand> but is empty <jdstrand> brendand: whoops: I meant -zcvf <jdstrand> empty is fine <jdstrand> I bet if you ran the test again, it would pass <jdstrand> brendand: is the disk full? <brendand> jdstrand, don't think so <brendand> jdstrand, only about 3gig used <brendand> jdstrand, can i rerun an individual test? <brendand> don't want to rerun the whole thing <jdstrand> right <jdstrand> not as conveniently as you'd like, but let me get you a command <jdstrand> brendand: I'd like to see 'sudo tar -zcvf /tmp/jdstrand.tar.gz /etc/apparmor.d/ /usr/share/apparmor /var/lib/apparmor' first <jdstrand> brendand: oh, did you run these as root first? <brendand> jdstrand, hmm - yeah i would have <ogra_> root .... so last century ... <jdstrand> brendand: can I have the full output from the tests? <jdstrand> brendand: actually, nm. what is the output of: ls -l /home/phablet/.config/unity-scopes/com.example.confined-basic_confined-basic/settings.ini <jdstrand> brendand: also, the output of ls -l /home/phablet/.local/share/unity-scopes/leaf-net/com.example.confined-basic/test.rw <jdstrand> brendand: and ls -ld /home/phablet/.local/share/unity-scopes/leaf-net/com.example.confined-basic/ <jdstrand> brendand: and ls -ld <jdstrand> /home/phablet/.local/share/unity-scopes/leaf-net/ <jdstrand> let me give you a paste <dobey> cyphermox_: nothing. the old ctor didn't go away <dobey> cyphermox_: so they will continue working just fine <cyphermox_> oh, indeed, it was duplicated in symbols <dobey> cyphermox_: and the new ctor is only used internally. anything using the old ctor just won't have valid updated or created times <dobey> cyphermox_: right. i just replaced a duplicate there :) <cyphermox_> Mirv: ack for dobey's silo 2. <Mirv> cyphermox_: okie. sleep in 1h, I can still watch if something to be published before that. <cyphermox_> nah, I can publish things too, so feel free to leave <Mirv> that ken's landing ^ needed the full "new normal" treatment for publish to work - prepare-silo reconfig, build watch_only.. <cyphermox_> yes <Mirv> oh, that is, changing the sync:N to manual list of packages in the silo, _then_ prepare-silo reconfig <Mirv> if you do prepare-silo reconfig with sync:N silo that is borken, it'll remove the packages <Mirv> that can also be salvaged by binary copying a deleted package into the ppa itself. all the things CI train teaches you.. :) <cyphermox_> Mirv no worries <cyphermox_> actually <cyphermox_> since you're saying you'd still be around for an hour <cyphermox_> I only had a little bit of leftovers for lunch; I'd go grab something, and I would be back in 15-20 minutes <Mirv> cyphermox_: sure, I'll glance every now and then <jdstrand> infinity: fyi, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/ubuntu-rtm/update_excuses.html <jdstrand> glibc-doc/i386 unsatisfiable Depends: glibc-doc-reference (>= 2.18) <cyphermox_> Mirv: I'm back <Mirv> ok, good night then! <brendand> jdstrand, apologies - i got dragged away from my laptop and now i seem to have err, misplaced the output <brendand> jdstrand, i have the log tar file though <brendand> jdstrand, here it is: http://people.canonical.com/~brendan-donegan/jdstrand.tar.gz <jdstrand> brendand: hey, can you give me the output from these commands: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8310923/ <brendand> jdstrand, i'm just running the test again <jdstrand> brendand: after a reflash? <brendand> jdstrand, no - but i suppose i should have <brendand> jdstrand, should i reflash, run it from scratch and report back in an hour? <jdstrand> brendand: yes. I don't expect a change to the results otherwise. so, either reflash or give me that output <jdstrand> brendand: reflash is best <cyphermox_> tedg: just checking, you're aware there seems to be issues with dbus-test-runner autopkgtest right? http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#dbus-test-runner <tedg> cyphermox_, Yeah, I haven't been able to get it to run locally :-/ <tedg> cyphermox_, Not sure why the tests pass during the package build but not during autotest. <tedg> autopkgtest <robru> cyphermox_: ogra_ I'm still sick :-( <cyphermox_> robru: ack * plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is sick, please ping cyphermox or rsalveti for landings. <bfiller> robru: can I get silos for line 61 and 67 when you have a chance <cyphermox_> tedg: have you been running it in the same kind of autopkgtest chroot? <cyphermox_> bfiller: looking <tedg> cyphermox_, Been trying the qemu thing, but it can't install X <cyphermox_> qemu thing? <tedg> cyphermox_, http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/auto-pkg-test.html#executing-the-test <tedg> cyphermox_, Those 2 paragraphs are all I know about autopkgtest :-) <cyphermox_> ah, yeah that looks about right <cyphermox_> tedg: do you know which test is failing then? or what kind of issue it is? <tedg> cyphermox_, Not really, it seems to be a timeout of some kind. <tedg> cyphermox_, But what's weird is that it runs on pkg build as well, and fine there. <cyphermox_> I guess <brendand> jamesh, around? <ogra_> robru, get well ! (go sleep) <bfiller> cyphermox_: I need a reconfig on silo 8, we added another package <cyphermox_> sure <cyphermox_> bfiller: what line is that? <bfiller> cyphermox_: line 44 <ralsina_> cyphermox_: can I get a silo for row 64? <cyphermox_> yes <cyphermox_> ralsina_: I'll assign as soon as things are landed in utopic <ralsina_> cyphermox_: cool, thx * fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: fginther | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is sick, please ping cyphermox or rsalveti for landings. <infinity> jdstrand: Thanks for the copy and, uhm, how can glibc-doc-reference not be in rtm? <infinity> cjwatson: What crack is the rtm britney smoking? <infinity> cjwatson: Oh, hrm, according to rmadison, britney's not wrong, glibc-doc-reference isn't in rtm, but why? It should have been in the initial copy set, surely. <infinity> wgrant: ^ <cjwatson> infinity: Yeah, I think that was my fault in the copy script, not wgrant's - I didn't follow the chain from extras <cjwatson> So I missed out on runtime deps of binaries that are delivered by sources we wanted to copy for other reasons, but which were not themselves in the main germination <cjwatson> infinity: I'd just force it and we can see about doing better next time <infinity> cjwatson: Or we could just copy g-d-r and make it happy? <cjwatson> infinity: We could, but there are lots of other things in the same boat. <infinity> cjwatson: :/ <infinity> cjwatson: That's not actually comforting. <infinity> cjwatson: But okay. Can force, where's the hints branch? <cjwatson> I know. But. <cjwatson> lp:~ubuntu-release/britney/hints-ubuntu-rtm - you'll want both force and force-hint, see r1 <infinity> cjwatson: Ta, committed. <infinity> cjwatson: Same permissions on the britney instance as ubuntu, I assume (ie: I don't need to go adding myself for it to pick up the adconrad hint?) <cjwatson> Should be <cjwatson> Yep, you have permissions <cjwatson> snakefruit:~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/britney-rtm.conf <jdstrand> brendand: did everything go ok? <brendand> jdstrand, just getting the tests started again - they seemed to take an age to branch from bzr <jdstrand> brendand: oh, hrmm. I just adb push them as per the test plan <jdstrand> cd qa-regression-testing <jdstrand> adb push ./test /tmp/tests <jdstrand> then use adb to start the tests <ToyKeeper> So, UITK in rtm/012 was *really* close to passing... looks like it broke a camera app test for the flash. The other ~1000 or so test results were the same or better than the base. Good enough? <brendand> jdstrand, if it comes out clean i'll sign it off <jdstrand> ok, thanks <brendand> ToyKeeper, how did it break it? is it something camera-app has to adjust to maybe? <ToyKeeper> I'm not sure. It's another rabbit hole I'm not sure I should dive into since other silos are waiting. <cyphermox_> ^ ignore this <brendand> jdstrand, congrats - you're all clear <ralsina> cyphermox_: can I get the silo for row 64 now? The utopic migration is done. <cyphermox_> I guess so <ralsina> thanks cyphermox_! <cyphermox_> let me hit build and I'll check that things behave <ralsina> I already hit it <cyphermox_> oh well :) <ralsina> seems to be going well so far <cyphermox_> wow yuck <cyphermox_> oh well, now I get to get it done right <cyphermox_> ralsina: I'll copy the packages to the ppa; that will work properly <cyphermox_> you can disregard the build bit <ralsina> cyphermox_: ack <ralsina> yeah, that failed rather spectacularly <jdstrand> brendand: woohoo! thanks :) #ubuntu-ci-eng 2014-09-11 <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 236 building (started: 20140911 02:05) === * fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is sick, please ping cyphermox or rsalveti for landings. <AlbertA2> cihelp: were are hitting an issue with the mir autolander <AlbertA2> cihelp: /runscript: line 10: mk-build-deps: command not found <AlbertA2> cihelp: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-clang-utopic-amd64-build/1717/console <fginther> AlbertA2, looking <AlbertA2> fginther: ack <fginther> AlbertA2, I've made a change to fix this and am retesting. I enabled some new build slaves today and it appears they aren't properly setup for these jobs yet. I've reconfigured them to run only on the old hardware until I can fix the missing dependencies <fginther> AlbertA2, This applies to the mir-android-utopic-i386-build job as well <AlbertA2> fginther: ok thanks! <fginther> AlbertA2, sorry for the inconvenience, I'll add these jobs to my test set for the next round of slave updates <AlbertA2> fginther: np <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 30 building (started: 20140911 03:05) === <Mirv> mornings <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 236 DONE (finished: 20140911 03:50) === <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/236.changes === <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I git might nightly tests with the RTM image -> http://people.canonical.com/~bzoltan/ap-2014_09_10-19_29_44/ Check the ap-2014_09_10-19_29_44.MAIN-LOGS.tests for the summary. I think it has the same failures as th stock image without the release candidat UITK. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: it was on RTM image #32 <bzoltan> Mirv: I have two RTM silos waiting for QA signature... the first one I tested on #22 and the second on #32 <Mirv> bzoltan: ok. it'd be useful to get the utopic release published first. <bzoltan> Mirv: that one is a clear case after I have now top approved the MRs <Mirv> bzoltan: ok, thanks. I'll try publishing it then. <Mirv> not that QA would look at the second rtm landing anyhow before the first one is done, of course.. <bzoltan> Mirv: thank you. I will bug the QA folks to take the RTM UITK in queue. <bzoltan> Mirv: I do not see any point of releasing the first one to be honest. Or of course it is OK to releas it and in 5 seconds later release the second one. The first one can even cause killer regression because the second will fix it :D One think would be total waste of that ... re-validatinng both <bzoltan> Mirv: I think the UITK is the only project what does this level of pre-release testing -> http://people.canonical.com/~bzoltan/ap-2014_09_10-19_29_44/ <Mirv> bzoltan: that's indeed probable.. <Mirv> cyphermox_: just so you know, your upstart publishing did not publish anything, another "new normal" for CI Train. you need to watch that there's that rsync generated, otherwise you'll need to go to build watch_only and possibly reconfigure dance. <Mirv> robru: ^ so that's another example of how rtm landings don't land. <Mirv> I know to watch for it, but not necessarily all people doing publishing <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: Do you have the camera app tests enabled? Everything looked good except for a new failure on the camera app. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: the camera app tests have not even started <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: Okay, just wondering because it looked like it didn't run. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I hav attempted to run the camera app tests 50+ times this week. It hangs or does not even start. So I removed it from the test lists. It should not block the UITK <Mirv> looks like ToyKeeper has conquered the mountain of validating UITK release <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: http://people.canonical.com/~bzoltan/ap-2014_09_10-19_29_44/ap-2014_09_10-19_29_44-camera_app-1.tests as you see <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: I haven't had issues getting the camera tests to run, but it was 1/12 failed pre-silo and 2/12 post-silo. <Mirv> and mtp too, and I get to do the so-called "train dance" again it seems <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: Mirv: But I am still on the opinion that the QA validation should not repeat what I do . <ToyKeeper> I then tested that part of the camera's functions manually and it seems fine so I passed it anyway. <Mirv> it's a secretive ritual where packages get published with a ceremony of jobs <Mirv> which vary from case to case <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: The reason UITK was delayed was because the test results didn't match, so I investigated why. I found out that what you were running was very different than the test plan given to QA, which makes it an automatic fail. But instead of failing it, I tried to resolve the issue. Still working on that, actually. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: keep in mind that I am testing 20+ apps ... 800+ test cases. Flakiness and instability of apps causes surprises all the time. If any random app's random test would bock the UITK then we stil would be on the 0.000011 version :) <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: No, I have run exactly the test plan. <ToyKeeper> I found some pretty significant differences, big enough to invalidate the results. Like installing bits from the wrong package feed. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: the test plan was to run the AP tests for a list of apps ... the test plan does not define for any test plan how the tests are run <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: what bits and what package feed? <Mirv> please ignore the train comments. mtp was ~easy, the uitk needs bigger weapons <ToyKeeper> The click setup was pulling files from the non-rtm feed, then testing them on a rtm image, producing meaningless results. <bzoltan> Mirv: :) OK <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: that is a phablet-click-test-setup bug ... <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: this is not the first time that a phable tool bites the SDK <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I wish to have a test plan and QA validation for the phablet tools ... I cook from what is given to me. <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: You might want to talk with jfunk or perhaps asac about the intended role for QA in the landing process. The idea isn't for developers to test some parts and QA to test the other parts. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: But I got your point. The 05.09 landing I have validated with the right click setup. <ToyKeeper> The reason for traincon 0 (and the similar rtm landing process) was because people weren't even running the tests, or didn't understand what needed to happen, so QA got involved to fix the process issues and help get everyone on the same page. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: You do awesome job to secure the quality. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: fixing the problems I would start releasing proper tools what the devs should use to validate their MRs <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: I hear there is an effort in progress to run the CI tools against every MP so it'll have those results before landing. <ToyKeeper> Not quite the "make CI work for individual use on local devices" I had in mind, but still good. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I am running the tests 24/7. In the last 24 hours I have 5 tims the ful UITK test plan. But unreliable test tools and flaky AP tests can indeed show strange results. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: But devs are expected to run tests locally <ToyKeeper> I'm hoping the tools will also be made robust for personal use. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: We had talked about it with the QA team on the last sprint. I have proposed to require the same quality standards from the phablet tools as we require from the apps and other components. <ToyKeeper> QA has had a lot less time for tooling lately though, due to the need to check each silo. :( <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: for example I did not know that phablet-click-test-setup does not work on the RTM image with the default parameters as it works on the ubuntu image. <ToyKeeper> A lot of rtm infrastructure was put together in a hurry, I'm not surprised the auto-detection didn't get implemented. <robru> Mirv: can you elaborate on this "new normal"? I thought the issue was that it reports successful migration immediately, and then you unsuspectingly free the silo before it is really copied. I'm not aware of any issues where it fails to publish even if you just give it time before freeing. <robru> Aren't we expecting sil back today? Shouldn't he be on by now? <robru> Mirv: Ooooooooooh, just saw your email, thanks for that <Mirv> robru: you're welcome :) <Mirv> those are the usual cases <Mirv> sil2100 should be around today, but he usually is around in about 30min - 1h from now <robru> Ah OK <sil2100> o/ <robru> sil2100: Heyo <robru> sil2100: welcome back, i hope you had a restful week ;-) <Mirv> sil2100: welcome back! <Mirv> dbarth: shall we get the testing done for rtm silo 017 today? since it's blocking that already (upstream) tested unity8 landing from going to QA signoff phase <dbarth> Mirv: hi <dbarth> Mirv: i need to ask someone else with an rtm installed; hold on <sil2100> robru: hey! You feeling better now? <robru> sil2100: yeah but just barely, thanks <robru> sil2100: I didn't get as much done with the train as I'd wanted, but I fixed some stuff and I got some tests in. Please skim over my recent commits when you get a break from the landing craziness <sil2100> robru: thanks, will do! Did you manage to do the big args-to-env change? <robru> sil2100: that was the first thing I accomplished ;-) so happy to see that code gone! <Mirv> dbarth: thanks <ogra_> hmm <ogra_> something got seriously out of sync ... <ogra_> rtm images failed <robru> sil2100: you won't recognize the deploy script ;-) just wish I had been healthy enough to make those kinds of changes everywhere <ogra_> seems ubuntu-touch is uninstallable in rtm <robru> sil2100: OK, bedtime for me, good luck today! <sil2100> robru: no worries, let me take a look - we'll have time to do that next week still <sil2100> robru: goodnight! :) <sil2100> ogra_: oh, does it say why? <ogra_> well, apt is as informative as ever :P <ogra_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8316717/ <brendand> bzoltan, i see you have another silo ready - i would *really* appreciate those logs for the tests you ran - please <bzoltan> brendand: as we agreed yesterday: http://people.canonical.com/~bzoltan/ap-2014_09_10-19_29_44/ <Spads> 5.8G ./var/lib/jenkins/silos/ubuntu-rtm/landing-017 <Spads> That's a lot for this system <brendand> bzoltan, great! keep doing that :) <brendand> bzoltan, as a reward i will test your silo :) <bzoltan> brendand: I will do that from now. Thanks for testing the silo. if you need any help please shoot. <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: Quick question... silo rtm/landing-009 says it was tested on rtm image 32, but image 30 is still building. How did that happen? <brendand> ToyKeeper, mako probably <brendand> bzoltan, we really do prefer you test on krillin if possible, but if not mako is acceptable <bzoltan> brendand: I would happily test on krilling if I would have one. It is coming as I have heard. <Mirv> Spads: it's Oxide in there at the moment.. <brendand> bzoltan, you could add a reference to that location on the test plan <Spads> Mirv: is it going to go out any time soon? <brendand> bzoltan, fair enough then - no problem <Spads> and yeah: 3.6G ./var/lib/jenkins/silos/ubuntu-rtm/landing-017/build/oxide-qt <Mirv> Spads: as soon as possible we hope, but upstream tests it today and then QA needs to test and sign it off <Spads> I only ask because it makes the backups unusually large as well, and that builds up over a week <Spads> but if this is the normal operating size of things for ci-train, maybe the backup policy needs to be revisited <ToyKeeper> brendand: If you prefer, I could start the UITK tests running before I go to bed. I still have everything open and set up from last time. <ToyKeeper> brendand: If not, you might want to look at this for some possibly-helpful changes: lp:~toykeeper/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/test-plan-qa-changes <brendand> ToyKeeper, if you're confident there won't be any hiccups, sure <ToyKeeper> brendand: No, not really confident. There are a *lot* of test failures each time, and many of them change with each test run. It's difficult to get silo-vs-baseimage results which can be compared. <brendand> ToyKeeper, i may as well do it then <brendand> ToyKeeper, should that script just run unattended? <Mirv> ogra_: it looks like rsyslog from last night's landing is stuck in rtm proposed <ogra_> Mirv, gah <ogra_> thanks for spotting that <brendand> ToyKeeper, where does it install the silo? <ogra_> did we have a new UITK ? <ToyKeeper> brendand: Bottom section of this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/ui-toolkit <ogra_> seems that dropped 200 tests <Mirv> ogra_: in rtm, only after the image build <ogra_> Mirv, right, i'm looking at 235 <ogra_> which had it before <ogra_> bzoltan, http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/mako/235:20140910:20140903.1/10335/ubuntuuitoolkit/ <ogra_> Total tests: 27 <ogra_> i assume that should be one or the other test more <ToyKeeper> brendand: The provisioning for UITK tests is a little more complicated than other projects, and some things need to happen in a different order. <bzoltan> ogra_: yeah, a few more ... like 270+ more <ogra_> heh, thought so <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: brendand: for the UITK testing I would recommend the script in the UITK project. <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: Indeed. Just not necessarily the provisioning / commissioning parts. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I would say that especially that one <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: the most important is to remove the UITK tests from the ~phablet/autopilot/ <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: so that you actually test with the release candidate and not with the archive AP tests <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: also, the gallery-app bug can still cause surprises .. so removing the cache could save a day <brendand> ToyKeeper, see ogra_ 's comment - did you notice that? <bzoltan> brendand: ToyKeeper: but the killer of all automatic provisioning is this one -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/+source/base-files/+bug/1361213 <ubot5`> Ubuntu bug 1361213 in software-properties (Ubuntu RTM) "add-apt-repository doesn't work" [High,New] <brendand> bzoltan, you don't need to tell me - look at the reporter :/ <bzoltan> brendand: I know :) <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: That add-repo bug is trivial to work around. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: Good to know :) <brendand> ToyKeeper, yeah it's not difficult but still annoying <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: would you please share :) <ToyKeeper> echo URL > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/foo.list ; apt-get update <sil2100> ogra_: no UITK release in #235, I wonder why we only got 27 tests there <ogra_> Mirv, so i wonder if we could just sync dbconfig-common from utopic, that should release rsyslog <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: ehh.. I though there is a real one :) That one I know <ToyKeeper> echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ci-train-ppa-service/landing-$silo_number/ubuntu-rtm 14.09 main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rtm-"$silo_number".list <ogra_> brendand, davmor2, seen bug 1367916 ? <ubot5`> bug 1367916 in messaging-app "Phone freezes when trying to active the dialer app from the messaging menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1367916 <psivaa> ogra_: brendand : Mirv: sorry dint read all the backlogs, but do you see issues seen in flashing devices with utopic-proposed both krillin and mako (rtm -29 and utopic-236? <ogra_> psivaa, i did an OTA ... whats your issue ? <brendand> ogra_, can't say i have, but i'll check <brendand> ogra_, what i did see though is that something broke trust-store location prompts <ogra_> again ?!? <ogra_> geez <ToyKeeper> Okay, updated the wiki page for UITK test plan, fixed two things I missed while writing it. <brendand> ogra_, this time on krillin <brendand> ogra_, before it was only mako <ogra_> oh, i thought it was there on krillin too <ogra_> at least during the tests <brendand> ogra_, depends on the issue we're talking about <psivaa> ogra_: this was fresh flashing with --wipe, we have 6 devices out during flashing <psivaa> ogra_: 3 krillins and 3 makos <brendand> ogra_, i'm talking about the one we found when we promoted the last mako image <ogra_> psivaa, damn <psivaa> ogra_: yea, curious if someone try locally and send out an email if it's confirmed? <vila> psivaa: only 6 ? nagios seems to report far more than 6 no ? Including flo <brendand> psivaa, flashing utopic? <ogra_> brendand, yeah <sil2100> Are there problems with flashing utopic? <psivaa> vila: i haven't crawled my way upto flo yet <brendand> haven't tried that recently <psivaa> brendand: yes <brendand> psivaa, mako too? <psivaa> brendand: yes <psivaa> brendand: both krillin (with image-29) and mako (with image 236) <sil2100> psivaa: flo and manta are ok? <psivaa> sil2100: i haven't yet checked them, but vila reports they are down too <psivaa> sil2100: and welcome back <sil2100> psivaa: thanks :) <sil2100> The UITK run for #235 looks strange <brendand> sil2100, there was a landing <brendand> ToyKeeper, still here? <ToyKeeper> brendand: Yes, briefly. <sil2100> brendand: I checked the changelog and commitlog for #235 and there was nothing <sil2100> brendand: at least not directly touching UITK <brendand> sil2100, oh so it didn't land there? <brendand> ToyKeeper, when did you pass uitk? <sil2100> brendand: we're talking about utopic here <sil2100> Not RTM <ToyKeeper> brendand: After the image started building. But I didn't see that there was another UITK silo until afterward. <ogra_> psivaa, bah, doesnt boot <brendand> sil2100, oh i see <ogra_> psivaa, sitting at the google logo <brendand> sil2100, well i wipe my hands of your utopic :) <psivaa> ogra_: right, i think that's the issue that we are seeing. 14 devices with upstream merger jobs too <ogra_> damn <Mirv> ogra_: dbconfig-common? utopic has a version of it from 2011 <davmor2> ogra_: yes I can reproduce that bug, The number is being added to the emergency dialer which is why it looks like it is frozen, if you exit the emergency dialer and log in the number is in the dialer in the real session and works as expected <ogra_> Mirv, well, rmadison doesnt think it is in rtm ... and rsyslog-mysql|-psql depends on it <Mirv> ogra_: right, it doesn't exist _at all_ in rtm <ogra_> davmor2, sound like i heard that before, is that an old bug ? <Mirv> so hmm I guess that'd be it <ogra_> right <ogra_> just pull it in and we should be good <davmor2> ogra_: not that I'm aware of <ogra_> k * ToyKeeper -> sleep <ogra_> psivaa, it booted now ... butu it took very very long <ogra_> psivaa, hmpf, i fear thats my fault ... the emulator fix seems to turn off adb on boot <psivaa> ogra_: ack, that means we have a fix on the way :) <bzoltan> ogra_: how to turn the developer mode on with the #236? <ogra_> bzoltan, see above ... there is a bug <ogra_> bzoltan, test with 235 <brendand> Mirv is the first outsider to comment on our trello board! <brendand> davmor2, we need to give him a prize <Mirv> a prize \o/ <ev> sil2100: do you see any problems in excluding the silos/ directory from backups of the train? We can easily re-create their contents, correct? <ev> trying to get out of this disk space hole <davmor2> brendand: he gets to keep his cat we stop sil2100 steeling it <bzoltan> ogra_: I just flashed 236 :( <bzoltan> ogra_: is there a way to enable adbd in the treminal app? <ogra_> brendand, sure <Mirv> davmor2: thanks for the protection :) <ogra_> andr<doubletap> enable adb <ogra_> ;) <bzoltan> anything simpler? :) <ogra_> you could try a hammer ... but i wont promise success :) <bzoltan> ogra_: ohhh... I just tried. It broke my device. :D <asac> ubuntu-device-flash doesnt work for us anymore :) <asac> ubuntu-device-flash --channel=devel-proposed with a mako connected <asac> but guess tvoss asked elsewhere already <asac> so /me will wait for his answer <brendand> ogra_, i can't repro that bug in RTM <brendand> asac, yes it's broken <ogra_> brendand, which bug ? <asac> brendand: broken? <asac> how come? <brendand> ogra_, the messaging app one <asac> who broke? <ogra_> brendand, ah <brendand> asac, i'll let them confess :) <asac> hehe <asac> well. how ? <asac> upload of ubuntu-device-flash? <asac> or server busted? <brendand> asac, adb not being started <brendand> adbd <asac> dev mode? <ogra_> asac, looks like a system-image server issue if you ask me <ogra_> brendand, unrelated <brendand> ogra_, really? <ogra_> yes <ogra_> oh, wait, probably not <asac> are you on it? <brendand> ogra_, i didn't see all the details of asacs issue <ogra_> brendand, i got tvoss' details <asac> sudo ubuntu-device-flash --channel=ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed <asac> 2014/09/11 10:47:11 Expecting the device to expose an adb interface... <asac> 2014/09/11 10:47:11 Device is |/bin/bash: /root/.bash_profile: Permission denied <asac> mako| <asac> 2014/09/11 10:47:11 Device /bin/bash: /root/.bash_profile: Permission denied <asac> mako not found on server https://system-image.ubuntu.com channel ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed <asac> thast what i see <bzoltan> I see the same <ogra_> right, the last message confused me <asac> surely a follow up from the stuff before <asac> or at least very likely <ogra_> then its the last lxc-android-config landing <ogra_> i see whats wrong and have a fix, <asac> thx <asac> does this affect ability to upgrade? <asac> for thos taht have something installed? <ogra_> not OTA, no <asac> ok <asac> so just newcomers cannot flash <asac> and infrastructure <ogra_> and u-d-f will work from reciovery <ogra_> asac, right, i'm aware since 30min <vila> ogra_: so this explains all (almost, 14 at least and counting ;) the devices in the infra being busted ? <vila> ogra_: with image #236 that is <ogra_> vila, yes, see the backlog and my conversation with psivaa <bzoltan> ogra_: I could boot to recovery and now i am fahsing 235 with bootstrap <ogra_> bzoltan, yeah, that will work fine <ogra_> (as well as just enabling adb with the above command in the terminal) <bzoltan> ogra_: ... and the hummer <ogra_> lol <bzoltan> that works always ... I was told today by my 5yo <Mirv> tvoss: non-approved https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/dbus-cpp/fix-int64-signature/+merge/232511 <tvoss> Mirv, done, and sorry <Mirv> thostr_: note line 32 is not marked as Ready?, should it be? (rtm fix apparmor settings) <Mirv> tvoss: why does libmedia-hub-common2.symbols only have one symbol while the common1 had many? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-004-2-publish/12/artifact/packaging_changes_media-hub_2.0.0+14.10.20140910.2-0ubuntu1.diff <tvoss> Mirv, I added a symbols.map to prevent weak stl symbols bleeding into the exposed set of symbols <tvoss> Mirv, we are doing that for almost all projects now, media-hub is one of the remaining ones <Mirv> tvoss: oh, stopping bleeding is good indeed <Mirv> sil2100: there's a need for MOTU here https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-004-2-publish/ <Mirv> my motu meeting is in 1.5 weeks ;) <sil2100> Mirv: looking :) <sil2100> Mirv: well, there's no way you won't become a MOTU ;) So it's just a matter of time <brendand> sil2100, can you help me out with a couple of silos? <Mirv> sil2100: hehe <sil2100> Mirv: looks good, although it's really fishy that the symbols-count for the -common library fell down so much ;) But I guess since it builds, then it has to mean everything is OK <sil2100> Mirv: so a +1 <sil2100> brendand: what's up? <brendand> sil2100, i tested silo 14 earlier this week and found an issue <brendand> sil2100, the lander prepared a fix which they already landed in utopic <brendand> sil2100, that fix is in silo 15 now <brendand> sil2100, but it fixes a bug that only exists in silo 14 <brendand> sil2100, is that ok, or is it going to cause issues? <brendand> maybe i need to test and land them together? <thostr_> Mirv: line 32 is ready... seems I overlooked it <sil2100> cjwatson: hey! If I would like a new package in ubuntu-rtm which is available in ubuntu, can I simply publish it to ubuntu-rtm? <sil2100> cjwatson: or do we need something else to make sure ubuntu-rtm recognizes it? <sil2100> brendand: let me read up, one moment :) <sil2100> brendand: so, in other words... there are two rtm silos with the same component, right? 14 and 15? <Mirv> sil2100: thanks! yes I checked the symbols with thomas <Mirv> thostr_: ok, thanks! <sil2100> brendand: since because you say that the packages that are in silo 15 are already in utopic, what we can do is simply rebuild unity-scope-mediascanner in silo 14 <sil2100> brendand: then silo 14 will have everything that you need <sil2100> brendand: since it will have the 2 other packages for itself + the latest of the latest from silo 15 <brendand> sil2100, yeah i would rather have everything in one place <brendand> pete-woods, ^ <sil2100> brendand: oh, I see it's no longer a sync silo <sil2100> brendand: ok, let me get everything you need into one silo anyway :) <pete-woods> brendand: okay, so what do you need me to do? <pete-woods> am I rebuilding the mediascanner silo? <brendand> pete-woods, i don't *think* you need to do anything <brendand> pete-woods, just waiting for those test results <sil2100> pete-woods: no worries, I'm handling everything :) <sil2100> pete-woods: I'm making sure that everything is in silo 14 that's needed <dbarth> Mirv: for silo 17 testing, either i need to wait for alex-abreu later today, or maybe i can stand by during the qa signoff to speed that up? <sil2100> ev: hmm, from first thought it might be ok, but let me double check something in a moment <pete-woods> :) <ev> okay <popey> Mirv: could you please upload http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/sudoku-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/com.ubuntu.sudoku_1.1.282_all.click to the store? <sil2100> cjwatson: for now I'll try using a silo to sync it up <popey> Mirv: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/weather-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.weather_1.1.365_all.click also please <Mirv> dbarth: what do you mean by stand by? maybe you could negotiate whether QA would be ready to start testing the silo without your approval, or that you would mark it as "tested" (the utopic equivlent was) to get it progressing? <Mirv> popey: noted. my click-toolbelt just decided python doesn't have datetime module, so might need some time <popey> oof <dbarth> Mirv: have QA start testing to confim the silo; quicker easier, it's a set of bug fixes <Mirv> dbarth: right. please talk to brendand davmor2 about that (this is about silo 017) <dbarth> let me know who gets started on that and i can just help drive the test in a hangout <Mirv> dbarth: they have currently it and silo 010 on hold until 017 would be marked as ready for signoff testing <dbarth> ok clear <seb128> dbarth, could you look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-facebook-app/+bug/1367704 to check if it's assigned to the right component (it's a bug from jane) <ubot5`> Ubuntu bug 1367704 in Ubuntu Facebook App "Facebook account not recognised by Facebook webapp" [Undecided,New] <dbarth> seb128: it's not; but ok, taking care of it <seb128> dbarth, thanks <cjwatson> sil2100: you can just copy it, sure <cjwatson> sil2100: context? <cjwatson> sil2100: is this rsyslog? * psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: psivaa | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is sick, please ping cyphermox or rsalveti for landings. <ogra_> cjwatson, yeah <ogra_> it broke image builds today <davmor2> dbarth: we can't touch silos till they are listed for QA sign off <cjwatson> sil2100: using a silo for this is pointless - we should either force it, or else just do a direct binary copy into 14.09-proposed * ogra_ would do the latter <brendand> pete-woods, i think silo 14 should be retested <cjwatson> sil2100: why did you rebuild this package? <cjwatson> sil2100: seriously, let's stop doing pointless source-only copies when we just want to get the dependencies satisfied <dbarth> davmor2: i marked it test pass but left the #, does that help? <dbarth> apparently the queuebot noticed ;) <davmor2> dbarth: we'll find out in a second thanks <dbarth> ok, let me know if you want to open a hg; it's a quick test (apart from your own test round) <brendand> 17 is ready now <jamesh> davmor2, brendand: I posted an update on https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1367400 about the bug in launching music-app for music on the SD card: in short, the fix to switch to music:/// has not made it to ubuntu-rtm yet <ubot5`> Ubuntu bug 1340952 in url-dispatcher (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1367400 Video and Music scopes should provide non-file:/// based URIs" [High,In progress] <brendand> jamesh, is it in silo 14? <sil2100> cjwatson: can you just do a direct binary copy then? <jamesh> brendand: doesn't look like it. <brendand> jamesh, oh ok <sil2100> cjwatson: it's a package from main so I have no power over it besides through a silo <jamesh> brendand: was blocked waiting for QA approval for a landing to utopic, which looks like it has completed now <brendand> pete-woods, jamesh - so can we agree that you'll rerun the localmediascopes test plan for silo 14 and record the results somewhere? <sil2100> cjwatson: I can do a binary copy to the silo and then release, but yeah... <cjwatson> sil2100: done <cjwatson> $ copy-package --from=ubuntu --from-suite=utopic --to=ubuntu-rtm --to-suite=14.09-proposed -b dbconfig-common <sil2100> cjwatson: thanks! <sil2100> cjwatson: well, in theory I can't do that for a main package, right? <cjwatson> indeed <sil2100> cjwatson: or can I? <cjwatson> I don't believe you'll be able to <cjwatson> bug: sil2100 is not core-dev :) <sil2100> ;p <cjwatson> even if you need to use a silo, though, please just binary-copy from ubuntu for this kind of thing <cjwatson> the reversioning and rebuilding gains us nothing, and potentially even introduces issues (e.g. if somebody has a >= dependency on the latest version of the thing we're copying) <cjwatson> the source of this issue was a bug in the original ubuntu-rtm copying script <cjwatson> I followed through dependencies on everything we actually needed, of course; but I didn't follow dependencies of other binaries built by the same source as binaries we actually needed <sil2100> ACK o/ <cjwatson> I think at this point it is probably too hard to safely fix in bulk for 14.09, and we should just deal with it as it comes up <sil2100> Right <sil2100> Yeah, I'll do binary-copies in such cases, I'll also inform other people from the landing team to do the same thing in cases of missing deps <cjwatson> bad morning for me to be late in, I guess :-/ <cjwatson> I've previously forced proposed-migration to ignore a few things like this <cjwatson> but it's probably better to chase the copies, now that I've thought about it a bit <brendand> pete-woods, i've set 'Testing pass' back to No. please do retest silo 14 and provide the results, then set it back to Yes <cjwatson> well, except that chasing the copies for ubuntu-desktop-next/ubuntu-sdk would take ages; for that one it's probably still better to force, as a matter of pragmatism <pete-woods> brendand: okay, will have james re-run the tests.. <Mirv> popey: ok... sudoku and weather uploaded. yesterday's python2.7 update broke it, I had to downgrade. <popey> Mirv: thank you! <popey> Mirv: sorry, one more http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/reminders-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.reminders_0.5.248_armhf.click please <jamesh> brendand: from above, RTM silo 14 does contain the required fixes. I was looking at the wrong page of the dashboard <sil2100> cjwatson: btw. do we have a madison.cgi for ubuntu-rtm? <brendand> jamesh, the required fix for the RTM blocker right? i.e. 'Play in music app' is broken for songs on the SD card <jamesh> brendand: correct. <brendand> jamesh, ok, i wasn't expecting it would <brendand> jamesh, if a test in the test plan fails because of it, just note the bug as the reason why <cjwatson> sil2100: just the normal one - use rmadison <brendand> jamesh, and one should :) <cjwatson> sil2100: (I fixed that last Thursday) <brendand> jamesh, so if not then maybe you need another test :) <ev> sil2100: thoughts on those backups? <sil2100> cjwatson: ah! Indeed, I see ubuntu-rtm :D <sil2100> ev: taking a look at that now <jamesh> brendand: I guess so. At the moment, I wrote most of the test plan but none of my devices have an SD card <brendand> jamesh, oh i see <ev> sil2100: thanks <brendand> jamesh, every team should really have someone with a krillin to test landings. that doesn't seem to be the case at the moment <jamesh> brendand: once we've got mediaplayer-app updated to accept video: URIs and the videos scope updated to match, the special cases for the file:///home/*/Music in the URL dispatcher can be removed <brendand> jamesh, might be worth it to add the test anyway with a note like 'mark this test as skipped if you do not have a device with an SD card' <asac> screen not going off automatically is a known regression/blocker? <jamesh> brendand: at that point, there should be no difference between music in the home directory and on the SD card: they'll either both work or both fail * asac had that on utopic yesterday and today on rtm <cjwatson> sil2100: I think dbconfig-common is probably actually published, but the archive-reports business that (as a side-effect) updates rmadison's view of the world is being slow - it'll catch up by itself before I can do anything about it, but I'm going to look into some of the current perf problems there <cjwatson> sil2100: yep, it shows as published now, so I expect you can kick an image build <sil2100> ogra_: can you kick a new RTM build then? <sil2100> cjwatson: thanks :) <cjwatson> can't you? should be on iso.qa <sil2100> It's on iso already? <sil2100> Last week it still wasn't <cjwatson> has been for a while <cjwatson> I thouht <cjwatson> +g <ogra_> asac, i saw someone mention it on one ML <ogra_> but not sure there is even a bug for it <ogra_> it seems to be very random <cjwatson> anyway I get http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/321/builds linked from the front page <ogra_> (i have seen it too before) <ogra_> sil2100, on it <ogra_> cjwatson, no products there yet <cjwatson> oh, "no build available". hmm. <ogra_> there is a section <ogra_> but stgraber need to add some content for us :) <asac> ogra_: who would usually right person to talk about what info to extract when i get to that point again? <cjwatson> right, ok, can be done manually then :) <asac> is that powerd? or rather unity? <ogra_> i pinged him about that during debconf ... he had no time and we both forgot again <ogra_> asac, krillin ? <asac> both <sil2100> ogra_: thanks :) <asac> first on n4 yesterday <asac> today on krillin <asac> think its all same same <ogra_> asac, krillin has a very specific kernel fix <ogra_> i have never seen it on mako here <asac> right. i had it yesterday for hours on mako <ogra_> i think since the kernel change got in i see it on krillin ... but really rarely ... every third or second day once <ogra_> asac, so yeah, file a bug, that points more towards powerd then <asac> ogra_: who owns tpowerd? doesnt help to file a bug if i cannot extract any info i am sure... folks will say they cannot reproduce <asac> so next time i see i want to talk what to extract to help debugging <brendand> sil2100, where can i see the version of X package in proposed for RTM? <cjwatson> brendand: rmadison <package> <ogra_> asac, well, phonedations ... kind of ... i think <brendand> cjwatson, rmadison of course <cjwatson> brendand: or https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/+source/<sourcepackage>/+publishinghistory <sil2100> brendand: right, rmadison and check the ubuntu-rtm/14.09 version <asac> ogra_: ok so ChickenCutlass :) <asac> will just go through him next time * asac leaves ogra alone who surely has more important things to fix like image not flashing :) <asac> lol <ogra_> asac, twiddling thumbs waiting for the publisher is my main job currently :P <ogra_> fixes are uploaded <sil2100> ogra_: ;) <cjwatson> ogra_: waiting for which packages? <sil2100> ogra_: fixes or reverts? <ogra_> cjwatson, android-tools <asac> ogra_: can you extend the testplan for that component so we test upgrading nmext time? <ogra_> sil2100, fixes ... the adb not starting was a dumb quoting issue in an upstart script (' vs ") <asac> not sure how to do, but thats the key to avoid these in future i am sure <asac> think its about adding that you flash another time after first try <cjwatson> ogra_: right, so you're currently waiting for proposed-migration and then the publisher, but yeah :) <ogra_> asac, both packages will get QA testing in silo 13 today, so yes, there will be a test plan attached we can re-use later <ogra_> (for rtm) <ogra_> asac, the prob is that you can not easily test android-tools on krillin at all ... thanks to the device tarball bind mounting upstart jobs over the originals <asac> ok <ogra_> we need to drop that habit :P <asac> well. think that needs to be tackled or at least started <asac> maybe its a tooling problem that we can improve without having to kill that habit short term <ogra_> upstart jobs need to be fixed in the package, not by overlaying with a device specific hack <ogra_> (this is ok during porting, but part of the porting work should be to get the fixes merged in the actual packages :) ) <sil2100> ev: ok, so... the ~/silos directory has the complete state of the backend for the CI Train, so it actually has all the config files and project files without which we can't build or publish things properly <sil2100> ev: when are the backups made? <ev> daily <sil2100> ev: where do we have the backups stored? <ev> sil2100: we're going to move them to Swift <ev> sil2100: is there a pattern under silos we could exclude? <ev> some of the build dirs, perhaps? <bzoltan> brendand: ToyKeeper mentioned that she had trouble with the phablet-click-test-setup --distribution=ubuntu-rtm --series=14.09 <brendand> bzoltan, oh i didn't hear about that <bzoltan> brendand: I just got it crashing <brendand> bzoltan, btw i just confirmed a bug in your new silo <brendand> bzoltan, i'll check if it's in utopic and file a bug <brendand> oh crap - i can't flash utopic <brendand> ogra_, can i flash utopic yet? <ogra_> brendand, nope, still waiting for one package ... then 1.5h build time <ogra_> (for the image) <cjwatson> it's waiting for autopkgtests <brendand> bzoltan, so something breaks dialer-app <sil2100> ev: let me think... <brendand> bzoltan, when you drag up the recent calls list it messes the ui up <sil2100> ev: for sure we can get rid of the build-area/ directory inside <brendand> bzoltan, like this: http://people.canonical.com/~brendan-donegan/recent.png <cjwatson> which are done, actually, so should work on the next pass <brendand> bzoltan, it's not in the silo ToyKeeper just landed, but the new one <sil2100> ev: the ubuntu/ directory should be removable as well <brendand> bzoltan, i assure you i only upgraded uitk, nothing else <brendand> bzoltan, the AP tests for dialer-app did not fail, so are not adequate to catch this <bzoltan> brendand: we have the standup right now ... could you please join <bzoltan> brendand: Mumble - orange room <ev> sil2100: thanks <sil2100> ev: the most important things in the silo directories are: the config file, *.project* files and the bzr source directories <brendand> bzoltan, actually i'm just going on my lunch breal <brendand> break <brendand> bzoltan, and i don't have mumble set up anyway <Mirv> popey: reminders done too <brendand> haven't since 2012 * popey hugs Mirv <bzoltan> brendand: :D * Mirv thinks fresh air would sound good <brendand> Mirv, is the air quite fresh in Finland in September? <brendand> Mirv, or still warm? <Mirv> brendand: usually a bit "fresher", now +20'C <brendand> Mirv, well that's no shirt weather here in GB <bzoltan> Mirv: we need you on the standup <bzoltan> brendand: it is possible that the UITK in the silo9 is not thr right one <bzoltan> brendand: the point here in Finland is that when you talk about 20'C then you have to put the + sign :) <popey> psivaa: getting core dumps in music app... <popey> psivaa: related... /tmp/hudson8910191033881077787.sh: line 81: 10540 Aborted (core dumped) qmlscene /tmp/main.qml <popey> psivaa: seems strange given the music app main file isn't called main.qml... so wondering where that is coming from? <psivaa> popey: looking <sil2100> brendand: hey, you done with silos for now? <brendand> bzoltan, you mean not the one you tested? <brendand> sil2100, semi done. bzoltan will confirm if i'm testing the right uitk or not <brendand> sil2100, but i also have to have lunch now <brendand> sil2100, did you want me to check something out? i can take care of it when i come back online <sil2100> brendand: no worries - after you're done, could I interest you in some autopilot investigations? ;) <bzoltan> brendand: I am afraid that the UITK on the silo is missing a fix what landed on Ubuntu Utopic <bzoltan> sil2100: brendand: so something might be very wrong <bzoltan> brendand: Note that I have just learned today from ToyKeeper that the phablet-click-test-setup in default uses the Utopic tests and not the RTM tests.... <bzoltan> brendand: so, let's rewind <ogra_> ah, android-tools moved on a bit :) <sil2100> bzoltan: if this was a sync from ubuntu to ubuntu-rtm, then everything from UITK from ubuntu should be in that silo - but maybe you're missing some dependencies that are required? <sil2100> bzoltan: and yeah, our tool seem not to be completely ready for RTM handling... <brendand> bzoltan, well i leave it up to you to provide a silo that is tested and ready for landing in RTM. let me know when that's the case <bzoltan> sil2100: I am afraid that the RTM silo was synced with the Ubuntu Silo before it still got a fix <bzoltan> brendand: OK, but for that I would need a functioning phablet-click-test-setup :( <bzoltan> brendand: but better be safe and check twice and hurry and make a mistake <brendand-afk> sil2100, just tell me the details and i will look at it after an hour <sil2100> bzoltan: let me check how the silo is configured, maybe all we need is just press 'build' <bzoltan> sil2100: that is what I hope <sil2100> bzoltan: hm, it seems to be up-to-date to what's in utopic! <popey> why was there no image 30 for krillin built last night? <popey> 29 is latest, and that's yesterday, right? <ogra_> popey, archive screwup <popey> ah okay <ogra_> rtm you mean, right ? <popey> yes <popey> thanks <bzoltan> sil2100: zsombi just checked on Utopic image and the problem is not there <ogra_> should pop out of the builder soon <ogra_> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/ubuntu-touch ... rootfs is already done ... <psivaa> popey: the actual cause appears to be a transient error: 'Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.'. when running 'jack_control start' <psivaa> for the failure in that is <popey> hmm <psivaa> there were some xorg, x11 related packages upgraded <popey> ah okay <ahayzen> popey, so does that mean it is 'no us' ? but something in the platform? <popey> yes, not your fault <popey> .... this time.... <ahayzen> lol <psivaa> popey: yes <popey> ☻ <psivaa> popey: i say this transient because the next job with the same parameters succeeded. please ping us if you see this again <ahayzen> whats pulling down jack_control? or does that get pulled with part of pulse/gst? <popey> ok thank you! <popey> yeah, that's odd, i wouldn't have expected to see jack at all <ahayzen> psivaa, it seems to be randomly happening...over the past day or so i would say we've had it ~3-4 times and if we rerun it then usually passes <psivaa> ahayzen: hmm, yes seeing the same reason here: <psivaa> let me dig in a bit more <ahayzen> psivaa, thanks <pete-woods> brendand-afk: we have started compiling the sheet you asked for here: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheets/d/17FjOXaT-OsTnuSPnyv7kzEfubJadTaEjDO1gSAjRNCM/edit#gid=0 <davmor2> thostr_: grooveshark scope has no album art any more is this a known issue? <bzoltan> brendand-afk: sil2100: Mirv: I am blocked with the RTM validation of the UITK -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8318350/ <ogra_> cjwatson, gah, my ssh connection to nusakan has dropped, do i need to re-run without --live ? seems while the rtm rootfs has built it didnt get published <cjwatson> ogra_: did you run it in screen? <ogra_> indeed not :P <cjwatson> get into the habit :) <ogra_> heh, yeah <cjwatson> ogra_: I expect you will need to rerun without --live, yes <ogra_> ok <cjwatson> it doesn't appear to be running now <ogra_> i build directly on nusakan so raraely nowadays that i dropped the habit ... i used to use screen <psivaa> ahayzen: popey: still no concrete idea why 'jack_control start' fails intermittently this way. something underneath is racy. i'd talk to fginther to about it <cjwatson> I have a local "s" command that I basically always use when connecting to DC machines, so I don't forget <cjwatson> #! /bin/sh <cjwatson> exec ssh -t "$1" screen -ARD <ogra_> bah, stale lock <ogra_> lockfile: Sorry, giving up on "/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/etc/.lock-build-image-set-ubuntu-touch-ubuntu-rtm-14.09-daily-preinstalled" <ogra_> Another image set is already building! <cjwatson> wait one moment then <ogra_> k <ahayzen> psivaa, thanks for looking into it <ogra_> hmpf ... and the iso tracker forgot all my checkmarks ... i get all images listed and it doesnt keep it when i uncheck the checkboxes ... weird <cjwatson> ogra_: ok, try again <ogra_> cjwatson, yep, better * cjwatson -> lunch <cjwatson> btw I've hopefully sped up the proposed-migration cycle a bit by filtering out some junk from http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/utopic_probs.html which was taking ages to analyse <ogra_> yay <ogra_> thanks <cjwatson> still needs work but it should help <Mirv> sil2100: just so you know, I triple-checked that yes the uitk rtm landing seems intact and identical to utopic archive version, so whatever problem comes from something else than the uitk being wrong version. <Mirv> (identical, but rebuilt) * psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is sick, please ping cyphermox or rsalveti for landings. <ogra_> sil2100, could you sync ubuntus latest lxc-android-config and android-tools into rtm silo 13 ? (or Mirv if you feel like) <sil2100> Mirv: so just as I expected, thanks! <sil2100> ogra_: I'm in the middle of consumption but let me take a look at that :) <thostr_> davmor2: not known... just wondering why 7digital still has... <davmor2> thostr_: I'll write up a bug for it then <thostr_> davmor2: thanks <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 237 building (started: 20140911 12:10) === <ogra_> there we go * ogra_ hugs sil2100 <thostr_> davmor2: just check, album art seems to work for us <thostr_> davmor2: the issue is, that we switched from lastfm to 7digital for album art retrival * sil2100 hugs ogra_ <davmor2> thostr_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-scope-grooveshark/+bug/1368198 I see it on rtm for krillin and mako <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1368198 in Unity Grooveshark Scope "Grooveshark is not showing any album art" [Undecided,New] <davmor2> thostr_: it might be that there is a scope update that you have that I don't <thostr_> and 7digital does not provide such a rich album art db <ogra_> sil2100, hmm, the custom tarballs cause the same prob we have with the krillin device ones ... i guess we need to make sure to also have the cusom guys coordinate their tarball pushes with us <sil2100> ogra_: who's responsible for those? <ogra_> sil2100, i guess cwayne <ogra_> or at least he should knwo if he isnt <davmor2> thostr_: just added another screenshot to the bug, that shows a search for bat out of hell 7d shows it grooveshark doesn't <brendand> pete-woods, that's useful information, but what i was hoping for was a list of the test cases in each plan with the heading 'test,tester,result,comments' <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 30 DONE (finished: 20140911 12:30) === <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/30.changes === <brendand> pete-woods, we're sort of looking for explicit confirmation that each test was run and passed <ogra_> langpacks galore <ogra_> asac, btw, i can confirm your "screen doesnt shut off" bug on krillin now <pete-woods> brendand: so you want us to enumerate each test in the wiki page, and write "tested" next to it in the spreadsheet? <Ursinha> morning <pete-woods> because that's pretty much what will happen <brendand> pete-woods, 'pass/fail/skipped' <brendand> pete-woods, if skipped, comment why <pete-woods> surely skipped would not be acceptable? <asac> ogra_: ok ... is there new image with the fixed android tools already? <brendand> pete-woods, normally it wouldn't yes - but i there might be some cases <asac> h i see that image build is in progress <asac> 237 ... /me will wait <ogra_> asac, see above ... 237 is building since 15min <brendand> pete-woods, at least we'd know it was skipped for X reason, not that someone just chose not to run it <brendand> pete-woods, if doing this really feels like a lot of overhead then please let us know, but we're kind of trying to get better traceability into this process. you're being used as a guinea pig <pete-woods> it's quite a lot of overhead, yes <pete-woods> now you've added this second part <brendand> pete-woods, really? initially perhaps <pete-woods> because someone has to go through the wiki page, and turn it into a form to fill in <pete-woods> every time they run the test <brendand> pete-woods, you can do as little as copy it into a text file <brendand> pete-woods, and append notes to each line <pete-woods> if you want a tick list for running the steps, we need something better than a wiki page manually transformed into a form <thostr_> brendand: I can see where you come from, but I'm wondering if that really improves testing <thostr_> brendand: since somebody who doesn't test properly can just tick off all tests <thostr_> brendand: wouldn't it be sufficient as first step to add two more columns to ci sheet if necessary <thostr_> brendand: that would be a) name of tester and b) comments about the test <brendand> thostr_, device tested on too <thostr_> brendand: sure <thostr_> brendand: but let's not overdue it, otherwise I feel that people will just ignore it and put in random stuff if at all <brendand> thostr_, pete-woods - to be honest i really don't see how, if the tests are actually being stepped through, that it's so much overhead just to write the outcome next to it. it can even be handy for the tester to see which tests they have run already <thostr_> brendand: it's the little heres and theres that add up <dbarth> will we get another round of images today / tomorrow? <brendand> thostr_, you do realise this requirement was provoked by the fact that whoever ran the test plan for this silo very obviously did *not* run all the tests on the test plan <thostr_> brendand: I'm fully aware of this, therefore my comments <thostr_> brendand: what we (I) need to fix is the attitude of individuals <sergiusens> sorry for meddling, but sloppy testing can't be prevented; people that don't have a "testing" mindset generally miss a lot of things <thostr_> brendand: adding more buerocracy won't help <thostr_> sergiusens: +1 <brendand> sergiusens, but the problem is right now we have so little ability to trace what actually happened and try and improve things <brendand> thostr_, i really don't feel it's bureaucracy - transparency is what we're aiming for <pete-woods> yes, but relying upon a "sloppy tester" to provide the information about whether he was sloppy or now seems flawed <brendand> thostr_, pete-woods - we should be able to distinguish between a case where someone has been sloppy and one where someone made a mistake or misunderstood something * fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is sick, please ping cyphermox or rsalveti for landings. Latest flash update hung all makos on s-jenkins. <brendand> thostr_, pete-woods - can either of you actually tell me why this happened? is it because the test plan wasn't run full stop, or another reason? <thostr_> brendand: yes, which is because of sloppy testing <thostr_> brendand: the very same guy would have ticked all tested ok boxes <brendand> thostr_, i will add that what you suggested is definitely an improvement <thostr_> brendand: good. and as said, the rest is up to me to fix <ev> sil2100: 1:47 PM <Spads> ev: ./var/lib/jenkins/citrain-preprod_old <ev> ^ can we kill that? <Spads> sil2100: hi! <Spads> it's dated 5 September <brendand> sergiusens, slopppy anything usually comes down to part of a process being difficult to understand or otherwise flawed <sil2100> ev: yes, I guess this is some backup from the past <brendand> sergiusens, e.g. ambigious test cases <sil2100> Spads, ev: so feel free to wipe this one out <Spads> cooool <brendand> sergiusens, it's not that common actually for people to make mistakes just because <sergiusens> brendand: everyone makes mistakes; test plans that are manual will always have human error; be it sloppy or not <brendand> sergiusens, heck even automated tests do :) <brendand> sergiusens, human error all over the shop <sergiusens> brendand: it would be nice to have something to tick when testing; but it would be another manual thing to do (even the setup for it) <sergiusens> brendand: I guess what I'm saying is; no one would complain if it gets 'autocreated' on silo assignment and I just have to tick things (which I do visually while reading from the wiki plans anyways) <brendand> sergiusens, ok for now we won't require that level of detail - let's see if the additional information that thostr_ suggested gives us all the information we need <sergiusens> brendand: it could be free form now, heck I do that <brendand> sergiusens, do you provide testing notes with your silos? <sergiusens> brendand: I just add something into the comments saying I only tested certain surface areas as the MPs don't cover other isolated components <sergiusens> brendand: if I have a special comment on why or what, yes <davmor2> dbarth: hit a snag, can you add the ppa, open reminders, click on create account and then try and add an evernote account, for me I get the reauthorise popup I click on yes and online accounts crashes <davmor2> dbarth: _usr_bin_online-accounts-ui.32011.crash which has gone to errors.ubuntu.com <dbarth> davmor2: i've seen this one <dbarth> davmor2: ah no, not *that* particular one <brendand> sil2100, is this something we can add to the spreadsheet - tester name, device tested on, test comments <dbarth> hmm <brendand> sil2100, they might fit in other fields already i guess <sil2100> brendand: regarding lander testing? <brendand> sil2100, we could change the 'Testing pass' format to 'Yes (30) - brendand, krillin' <pete-woods> it'd be better with separate fields for the data <brendand> sil2100, comments could go in comments, but that's kind of overloaded right now <brendand> pete-woods, i agree - if it doesn't cause any issues adding new fields <sil2100> brendand: the device name would make sense - as for the tester, we usually assume it's one of the landers doing it <sil2100> So not sure if that's required <brendand> sil2100, there can be several landers though <brendand> sil2100, we already had this case that it wasn't immediately apparent who did the testing <brendand> sil2100, so i would really like to add that <pete-woods> sil2100: I think brendand is looking for there to be a log of who ran the tests (as opposed to who filled in the sheet), so we can educate "sloppy" testers <brendand> sil2100, that way i don't need to waste my, and another persons time, we can talk to the person directly <brendand> pete-woods, not even always sloppy <brendand> pete-woods, sometimes people are working with broken tools, poorly defined test cases etc <pete-woods> sure, I understand that <brendand> in fact there's a perfect example from yesterday where recording the result of each test would have prevented a mix up in landing an apparmor silo <sil2100> brendand: makes sense <tedg> brendand, I have an assana ticket to add that to ci train, so the test cases get listed there. <tedg> Sorry, ci airline <brendand> tedg, ah the airline <tedg> brendand, Big task there is pulling the test items out of the branches and putting them in the ticket. <tedg> So, I think the most important thing today is getting a common format for the tests. <tedg> Though, that discussion leads to flame wars more quickly than I realized :-) <brendand> tedg, oh i was just talking to balloons about this last night <brendand> tedg, oh you don't need to tell me that <brendand> something for D.C. i think <tedg> brendand, And honestly, I *really* don't care about the format. I just want it to be documented and have a tool to verify I'm doing it right :-) <dbarth> davmor2: could not reproduce on utopic <dbarth> davmor2: do you have a pointer to that crash file? is that https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/a6d442cbf6ce43f0fe5feaf8ee61106574d3991b ? <brendand> bzoltan, so what's up with that silo? <brendand> bzoltan, will i get to retest it any time soon (today)? <davmor2> dbarth: let me try and figure it out for you <tedg> So is it safe to upgrade my mako to the latest image? <tedg> I'm a bit confused by the message of all the devices being down in the lab. <ogra_> tedg, OTA is fine, fresh flash isnt <ogra_> (you might need to re-enable developer mode via the UI though) <tedg> ogra_, K, thanks! <ogra_> tedg, anouther 30min and there is a fixed image (oi hope) <tedg> Oh, that's better :-) <ogra_> be my guineapig ;) <tedg> Haha, you may want a guineapig with a faster internet connection ;-) * ogra_ wonders if rtm 30 will ever finish its apparmor run :( <ogra_> this is so awful :( <ogra_> 3min apparmor and counting ... <bzoltan> brendand: We confirmed that the RTM silo has the same UITK what was released to Utopic <brendand> bzoltan, i still can't install utopic to confirm i see the bug there. were any of your team able to check? <bzoltan> brendand: I am struggling with setting up my device ... <bzoltan> brendand: zsombi said that the problem is not there on Utopic <brendand> bzoltan, i'd like to verify that myself - but it could be that dialer-app was updated to compensate for the change <zsombi> bzoltan: brendand: at least not with the image I've tested with... <bzoltan> brendand: sounds complicated <bzoltan> brendand: the boot time just tripled for my device <jdstrand> ogra_: I've been thinking about how to ship cache files either as part of the click or as a separate download in the upgrade process. obviously not for rtm, but I think there is something there <jdstrand> I'll bring it up with my team post-rtm <jdstrand> (we've always said we could do that, and the work we did this cycle would support that) <jdstrand> that should help developers who upgrade to the latest all the time <ogra_> jdstrand, but when apparmor gets updated we'll have to re-generate again <ogra_> which will re-introduce the issue <jdstrand> ogra_: what I am thinking about takes that into account <ogra_> oh, cool <ogra_> yeah, thne that might work indeed <jdstrand> cjwatson: so, rsyslog is stuck: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/ubuntu-rtm/update_excuses.html <jdstrand> rsyslog-mysql/armhf unsatisfiable Depends: dbconfig-common <jdstrand> oh heh <jdstrand> cjwatson: nm, looks like someone noticed it :) <jdstrand> I needed to refresh the page :) <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 237 DONE (finished: 20140911 13:50) === <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/237.changes === <sil2100> \o/ <ogra_> well <ogra_> dont party to early <sil2100> _o_ <ogra_> sil2100, hmm, somehow android-tools didnt end up in rtm 13 <ogra_> oh ! <ogra_> my mako refuses to OTA * ogra_ looks for charger to get that working ... nice, we have a battery check now :) * ogra_ was just heavily shocked to find the same bug ... to then notice ther version isnt the latest ... phew <ogra_> ok, adb comes up in 237 ... no issues <ogra_> tedg, safe to upgrade <sil2100> davmor2: are you taking care of the unity8 silo? <ogra_> hmm <ogra_> mterry, i dont get asked for the existing pin when switching to swipe in 237 (utopic) <davmor2> sil2100: I was I just hit issues in online accounts and the edges fix doesn't seem to of fixed anything <mterry> ogra_, that can happen if you've recently changed password -- cached policykit authentication <ogra_> (settung pin and pw finally works as wexpected though :) ) <sil2100> davmor2: oh? <sil2100> davmor2: damn <ogra_> mterry, uh, i thought pk cant cache <ogra_> mterry, that has always been the complaint from gksudo fans :) <sil2100> davmor2: btw. do you remember if the edges bug appeared on normal ubuntu as well? <davmor2> sil2100: never checked <sil2100> davmor2: since I wonder how they were fixing it, and since they mentioned it's fixed in ubuntu now I wondered if it was reproducible there as well <mterry> ogra_, it can if you set the policy type to something like auth_admin_keep <sil2100> davmor2: anyway, did you make sure you have all the packages from the silo installed? <ogra_> ah, good to know <davmor2> I'm double checking that now but it's hard to tell <brendand> ogra_, how do i recover my mako now? shouldn't power+volup boot in fastboot mode? <davmor2> bregma: power + vol up + vol down <ogra_> dunno, might be power+vol-dn or power and both vol buttons * ogra_ hast had to do that in ages <davmor2> brendand: even ^ <ogra_> sil2100, do i need to dput android-tools to rtm silo 13 ? <sil2100> ogra_: let me check <sil2100> ogra_: is 4.2.2+git20130218-3ubuntu33 not up-to-date enough? <ogra_> sil2100, no <ogra_> thats the broken version <sil2100> ogra_: btw. is it a problem if the lxc-android-config has ~rtm appended to the version number? <ogra_> not for me :) <sil2100> ogra_: so, I can press the build button and it will fetch android-tools from ubuntu and build it, but... it will append that ~rtm bit (which I guess is not wanted every-time) <ogra_> i dont really care <ogra_> the next version will surely be higher anyway <sil2100> ogra_: ok, let me press <sil2100> Yeah, that's the point actually <ogra_> ubuntu33 needs to go and get bruned <ogra_> (that was a 4 line upstart job change ... but somehow a wrong quilt patch ended up in the same upload ... ) <sil2100> ogra_: ok, I think I need to handle this better... anyway, could I ask you to dput the 0ubuntu34 version to the PPA? <sil2100> ogra_: since I see that the ~rtm addition can be troublesome here <ogra_> heh, sure, np <sil2100> ogra_: I must add a flag 'dont add the ~rtm' to the build job :| <sil2100> Since for packages that we build using CI Train it makes sense <ogra_> what makes it troublesome ? <sil2100> But for others, well, my heuristics don't do the right job <ogra_> ah, beacuse for the +git and stuff in the version ? <sil2100> ogra_: yeah, you only increment the ubuntu versioning with each release here, while the sync code tries to out-smart everyone and append ~rtm to the upstream version <sil2100> Which was not bumped for a while <sil2100> (as it assumes it's bumped with every release) <sil2100> Well, something I have plans to improve ;p <ogra_> yeah <ogra_> and likely wont be for another looong while :) <ogra_> in fact we should fork it to udbd <ogra_> :) <ogra_> instead of adbd <sil2100> hehe <ogra_> there is not much left of the original code :) <bzoltan> ogra_: what could be the reason for the extreme long boot time? I am still on #235 <ogra_> bzoltan, apparmor upgrade <bzoltan> ogra_: What should I do? <ogra_> it regenerates all profiles ... and does that before the screen is initialized <ogra_> so it sits on the bootloader screen til it finished <bzoltan> ogra_: In the last 2-3 hours I simple could not flash and set up for testing my mako ... random reboots, boot times like 5-10 minutes, random failing network setup ... <ogra_> i dont see that here <ogra_> i saw a 5min boot after upgrading to 237 ... but thats expected <ogra_> (and only happens on very first boot after OTA or flashing) <bzoltan> ogra_: 5 minutes? good to know ... <ogra_> well, or 3.5, i didnt stopwatch it :) <ogra_> it takes very long <bzoltan> ogra_: ohh, it does <ogra_> but you only get that when there were new apparmor bits usually <bzoltan> ogra_: I am flashing my device like 20+ times a day <ogra_> well, as jdstrand said above ... there are plans to improve that <jdstrand> bzoltan: does that device have a ton of apps on it or just the default ones? <bzoltan> jdstrand: just the default <jdstrand> right, it won't take terribly long for just the default apps <bzoltan> jdstrand: All I do is flash and set up for testing ... but today was a bad bad day <jdstrand> sounds like today was not apparmor-- it won't take 2-3 hours :) <bzoltan> jdstrand: it takes ages ... 3-5 minutes + random reboots + netwok config does not work + click test setup does not work + whatever <jdstrand> also, with default apps, we use precompiled policy <jdstrand> yeah, that sounds no good <brendand> agh what's wrong with my mako <bzoltan> brendand: welcome to the club, dude * jdstrand refrains from updating his mako <brendand> bzoltan, it seems dead <jdstrand> bzoltan: curious, are you on the rtm branch? <bzoltan> brendand: boostrap might help .. thatis what I am doing right now ... <brendand> bzoltan, mine is just dead <bzoltan> jdstrand: no, on Utopic.. on RTM there are more problems <bzoltan> brendand: like bricked? <jdstrand> huh. mako on rtm has been 'ok' for me (annoying not responding to touch after being in my pocket bug notwithstanding). I think that may be fixed now <ogra_> brendand, how dead ? <ogra_> mine is just fine after OTA to 237 * tedg is fearfully flashing 237 <sil2100> brendand: don't scare us <bzoltan> sil2100: I am straggling with my mako and with the tools all day. Not kidding... a wasted day <sil2100> bzoltan: on 237 or 235? * tedg is now paranoid, is the ubuntu logo spinning slower than before? <ogra_> tedg, come on, have a little trust in my :) <ogra_> *me <bzoltan> sil2100: 237 is in the queue <sil2100> davmor2: did you get any info from Saviq on the edges bug-fix? <davmor2> sil2100: no I was in a meeting * Saviq never got pubg <Saviq> pung <tedg> 237 flashed and works for me. Scopes, music, etc. <tedg> mako <bzoltan> sil2100: but it is a combination of problems ... 235 become super slow to boot <tedg> ogra_, ^ <ogra_> tedg, adn ? <ogra_> err <ogra_> adb <sil2100> Saviq: so, davmor2 reported that the qtmir landing doesn't seem to fix the input bug <sil2100> Saviq: for ubuntu-rtm <tedg> ogra_, Yeah, got a shell as phablet <Saviq> sil2100, it fixes one part of it <sil2100> bzoltan: ugh <sil2100> Saviq: oh, so it's not a complete fix then? <Saviq> sil2100, davmor2, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1295623/comments/21 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1295623 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Sometimes input breaks and only edges are responsive" [Critical,In progress] <tedg> Cool, and 237 has the versions of systemd-shim and upstart that I need. * tedg does a happy dance. <ogra_> tedg, awesome ! <dobey> anyone have a good suggestion to test on rtm without having a device without rtm, and without reflashing and killing what i'm currently working on, on a device? can not the test plan and qa signoff be a single step process? <brendand> dobey, you mean can QA run the tests for you? <dobey> brendand: right, is there an exact need for me to run the test plan and tick "yes" in that column on the spreadsheet before QA does the exact same thing? <ogra_> tedg, does "adb shell env" give you upstart and dbus addresses too ? <ogra_> thats the main purpose of the fix <tedg> ogra_, Yes: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8319459/ <ogra_> \o/ <ogra_> no more "sudo -u phablet -i" in scripts from now on :) <tedg> Heh, I'm still not over automatically typing "phablet" into the sudo prompt though. <sil2100> davmor2: once you're around, could you comment if what you see in the silo is what is expected as per the comment Saviq made? ^ <davmor2> sil2100, Saviq: I'm just reading it now, so I have hit both I think. I dragged up the additional scopes and got hit by it there where the scopes screen I couldn't do any thing with at all, the other was by the test case of holding the browser icon on the apps scope while dragging out the launcher and opening the app there too <Saviq> davmor2, if you could not do anything at all (not even laucher or right edge), that sounds like either unity8 was hanging / crashing <dobey> brendand: does that make sense? <Saviq> davmor2, do you have steps to repro the dash overview issue? * Ursinha changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: Ursinha | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is sick, please ping cyphermox or rsalveti for landings. Latest flash update hung all makos on s-jenkins. <sil2100> brendand: do you know if we had any exploratory dogfooding made in the last few days on krillin? <davmor2> Saviq: no I was just running various tests for the silo and that is part of unity8 so it is tested <brendand> dobey, really it is the development teams responsibility to make sure their silo is tested. QA just provides a final verification. this may include running the test plan as well as additional testing <davmor2> Saviq: I'm currently reflashing to ensure I got everything installed from the silos and then I'll be retesting so I'll keep an eye out for it and any crashers <brendand> dobey, you present something to us that you believe is of sufficient quality to land, and we attempt to prove otherwise <Saviq> davmor2, k thanks <brendand> dobey, do you have an issue with being able to run the tests? <brendand> dobey, overloaded device resources maybe (by what you've been saying) <cjwatson> dobey: is it runnable in the emulator? <cjwatson> at least minimally <dobey> brendand: yes, i don't have rtm on my mako, and i'm working on something else so i'd rather avoid flashing it at the moment. <dobey> cjwatson: probably, but i don't have an emulator set up and not quite sure how to at this point. <ogra_> bzoltan1, gah, the spreadheet cheated me (i edited one line above your line 25 and after "enter" it jumped into your field) i might have set your "testing pass" wrongly now <brendand> dobey, can someone else test? <dobey> brendand: that's what i'm asking :) <brendand> dobey, apart from us :) <ogra_> davmor2, have fun with silo 13 ;) <cjwatson> dobey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Emulator <cjwatson> armhf is dog slow, --arch=i386 was at least somewhat reasonably fast last I tried <davmor2> ogra_: not touching it I'm having enough fun with 10 and 17 <ogra_> heh, k <dobey> yeah, i did armhf once a long long time ago, and it was completely unusable for me <dobey> would be neat if --arch=amd64 worked... <davmor2> dobey: you want to ditch those crappy low powered machines you have for work and buy a beast it works really slowly then instead of not at all ;) <dobey> davmor2: if a core i7 with 16 GB RAM is "low powered" then something is seriously wrong with the world <brendand> dobey, --arch=i386 will still work on amd64 <davmor2> dobey: that was my point ;) <brendand> dobey, to some degree of 'work' <dobey> brendand: sure <dobey> ooh. 14MB/s from the image server. nice <bzoltan> ogra_: you accidentally flipped that tested switch just 3 minutes after the silo actually passed the tests. You have magic power. Do you want to join the SDK team? :D <ogra_> lol <brendand> bzoltan, zsombi - bad luck - i have the bug in utopic too. you are getting booged :P <brendand> bzoltan, dunno how zsombi didn't see it <sil2100> brendand: what's up? <dobey> ok, emulator is not working so great. mouse clicking doesn't work so great, and typing correctly in the emulator is pretty well impossible :-/ <sil2100> davmor2: so, what's the state of QA sign-off of the unity8 silo? Is it really broken and -1? <brendand> sil2100, you wanted me to do something earlier right? i never heard from you :) <sil2100> brendand: yeah, wanted to have some test results for 237 first through, but it seems to proceed slowly - anyway, did we have any exploratory testing for krillin images this week? <bzoltan> brendand: have you removed the ~phablet/autopilot/ubuntuuitoolkit ? <brendand> sil2100, i've only been on silos, davmor2 would know better <sil2100> davmor2: pong <brendand> bzoltan, it's nothing to do with autopilot <brendand> bzoltan, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1368295 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1368295 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "latest UI toolkit causes visual glitch in Recent tab of dialer-app" [Undecided,New] <davmor2> sil2100: nothing yet <sil2100> davmor2: did you do any exploratory tests this week? <brendand> bzoltan, i haven't run any AP tests * robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: Ursinha | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Latest flash update hung all makos on s-jenkins. <bfiller> sil2100: if I want to just sync a package from ubuntu to ubuntu-rtm, how do I enter that in the sheet? <davmor2> sil2100: no as there was no image to consider. <brendand> bzoltan, although i found it because of the dialer-app AP tests <bzoltan> brendand: ohh ... in that case you caught me :) thanks for the bug <sil2100> davmor2: I thought we're doing exploratory testing per-image, at least per selected images every now and then :) <bzoltan> brendand: why on earth it did not show on my tests -> http://people.canonical.com/~bzoltan/ap-2014_09_10-19_29_44/ap-2014_09_10-19_29_44-dialer_app-1.tests <davmor2> sil2100: om26er_ has been testing image on mako from utopic and rtm while everyone else has been concentrating on silos <brendand> bzoltan, the dialer-app tests aren't that complete <sil2100> Ok <sil2100> om26er_: hey! <brendand> bzoltan, there is no test to check that <bzoltan> brendand: okey.. good to know <brendand> bzoltan, i only noticed it because i watched the test run <sil2100> om26er_: how does the ubuntu-rtm situation look like for mako? <bzoltan> brendand: ahh.. watching the tests? That is so 80's * sil2100 hopes for it to be at least some approximation of how things look <brendand> bzoltan, should i deliberately look away :P <davmor2> sil2100: broken I can tell you that ;) <bzoltan> brendand: :D depends on your wallpaper <brendand> bzoltan, but the version in the silo is right and i can continue testing? <sil2100> davmor2: but but..! <sil2100> davmor2: it can't be THAT broken, right? <bzoltan> brendand: yes, that is confirmed ... the silo has exactly the same as Utopic <davmor2> sil2100: don't make me list the ways we get told off for spamming the channels :P <brendand> bzoltan, so i'll finish testing and see if there are any more issues. you may as well fix them all at once <om26er_> sil2100, davmor2 i am testing utopic today <davmor2> om26er_: how was rtm yesterday then? <bzoltan> brendand: if you see the same problem with the clock and the messaging app then it is a clear UITK bug, if not than the app does something funny <om26er_> davmor2, the manual plan succeeded <om26er_> davmor2, it was fine <brendand> bzoltan, i don't agree with that <brendand> bzoltan, they are not going to be using the same code <bzoltan> brendand: we fix it regardless of anything <brendand> bzoltan, even if slightly similar <brendand> bzoltan, well the fix may be in dialer-app, but your silo caused the regression so you need to investigate <bzoltan> bzoltan: No question about that. <brendand> bzoltan, messaging and clock seem fine <bzoltan> brendand: Good to know. <bzoltan> brendand: i do not promise fix over night, but tomorrow it will be nailed down <bfiller> sil2100: can I have a silo for line 57 when you have a chance please? <sil2100> bfiller: hey! Sure, one moment, let me see if it's possible <alecu> hi trainguards: both installation of new apps and uninstallation seem to be broken on #237 <alecu> is that known? <sil2100> bfiller: oh, but you already seem to have a sync silo for ubuntu-keyboard <bfiller> sil2100: I didn't see it, which one? <sil2100> bfiller: I see silo 11 is already assigned with ubuntu-keyboard and syncing from ubuntu/utopic <brendand> alecu, what error do you get? <bfiller> sil2100: ah ok <bfiller> sil2100: does the sync silo need to get rebuilt if the original silo was reconfigured with additional MR's or does that happen automatically? I just want to make sure what's in the sync silo matches what was released in the ubuntu silo yesterday <alecu> brendand: no error during uninstallation, and the error cannot be seen on installations; I'm enabling debugging now to see if I get some more info <bfiller> sil2100: nm, it looks correct <sil2100> bfiller: it's targetting ubuntu now, so if you press build (and mention 'ubuntu-keyboard') then you'll double-check if it's up-to-date there <brendand> alecu, yeah i confirm that on utopic. unfortunate <ogra_> sil2100, i'll be a minute late <ogra_> (or two) <alecu> trainguards, I think pkcon is broken in image #237, was there any landing for click? (not the scope, but click itself) <alecu> cjwatson: mvo_ ^ <alecu> phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/.cache/upstart$ pkcon -p remove "com.ubuntu.developer.webapps.webapp-amazon;1.0.9;all;local:click" <alecu> Failed to contact PackageKit: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.PackageKit: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Activation of org.freedesktop.PackageKit timed out <cjwatson> click was landed recently-ish but the packagekit plugin wasn't changed <cjwatson> packagekit was changed in rtm at the same time to add an option to packagekit; but that upload had been in devel-proposed for a while <alecu> it's the same when trying to install any click: <cjwatson> the click change was in 235 <cjwatson> alecu: what log file would I expect to see this in when installing from the scope? <alecu> cjwatson: it should be in .cache/upstart/scope-registry.log, but it seems to only be logged after setting the click scope to debugging mode via an env var. <Mirv> bzoltan: MP:s not approved https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-003-2-publish/17/console <alecu> cjwatson: anyway, it's easy to see by running the commands via phablet-shell <cjwatson> alecu: yeah, does udm leave the downloaded click packages anywhere? <cjwatson> so I don't have to scrabble about for one <alecu> cjwatson: since pkcon is returning zero, udm is deleting the files; I'll send some clicks your way <alecu> cjwatson: but you can also see it when trying to uninstall: <alecu> cjwatson: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8320061/ <cjwatson> right. this doesn't really feel like click breakage, I suspect something wrong with packagekit/policykit/something, but what ... <alecu> sounds reasonable <cjwatson> stricter permissions somewhere? <cjwatson> wondering if it could be fallout from the developer mode stuff <Mirv> sil2100: hey. consider running https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-003-2-publish/build?delay=0sec forced, after checking that yes indeed the landing seems to be already in rtm, somehow weirdly still in the dashboard but not in the spreadsheet <cjwatson> guess I could strace dbus and see what it's doing <cjwatson> it's executing packagekitd, at least <cjwatson> which dies quickly <alecu> cjwatson: when doing a dbus call like this, dbus activation will start the process and then wait for it to expose the dbus interface that's being called. <cjwatson> yeah I know <alecu> so, it must die before exposing the interface, because I don't see packagekitd running <cjwatson> 6512 16:23:32.190353 write(1, "Failed to load the backend: opening module aptcc failed : /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/packagekit-backend/libpk_backend_aptcc.so: undefined symbol: forkpty", 155) = 155 <cjwatson> That's novel <sergiusens> can I get a silo for line 54? <cjwatson> libpk_backend_aptcc.so doesn't link against libutil <alecu> should I assign the bug to packagekit? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/1368246 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1368246 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "Installation of Apps not functioning" [Critical,Invalid] <cjwatson> yes please, I'm still investigating but the missing linkage is a smoking gun <cjwatson> the question is how it ever worked <cjwatson> alecu: do you have a confirmed image number where it previously worked? <alecu> cjwatson: I think it worked on #236; I can reflash and check <cjwatson> alecu: would be useful to know, thanks. I'll fix it in parallel though <dbarth> seb128: ping? qq did you unblock the uss location silo btw? i see it is still mentioned as "after silo 15" or so <seb128> dbarth, yeah, not sure but I think those changes landed in rtm, since we synced u-s-s from utopic <dbarth> so the line can be killed? <dbarth> i'll double the bug is gone while testing something else <dbarth> double check <seb128> yes, I think so <AlbertA2> jibel: on ubuntu-rtm/landing-001 QA testing.... automated CI testing has already ran...no need to worry about that... <cjwatson> alecu: building a candidate fix on the porter box now <alecu> great <jibel> AlbertA2, are the results published somewhere? <AlbertA2> kgunn: camako: ^ <camako> AlbertA, if you go to the build page, you can find the build artifacts.. CI testing should be one of them <cjwatson> alecu: any luck? <AlbertA2> camako: ok <AlbertA2> jibel: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/184437882/buildlog_ubuntu-rtm-14.09-armhf.mir_0.7.1%2B14.10.20140909.1~rtm-0ubuntu1_UPLOADING.txt.gz <dobey> alecu, cjwatson: i can definitely confirm that pkcon install-local worked on 235 on mako, since i did it plenty (but it did require me to do --allow-untrusted) <cjwatson> the latter's expected now, yes <alecu> cjwatson: it's dog slow to download images here... still 75% of 236. <cjwatson> I think apt innocently dropped -lutil for some other reason and this exposed a latent packagekit bug <AlbertA2> jibel: and for ubuntu-rtm/landing-005, to answer the question posted - the fix touches code that is also used in krillin hence why it must be tested for krillin too... <cjwatson> but I'm trying to find the actual change to make sure <cjwatson> got it, http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/apt/apt.git/commit/?id=223ae57d468fdcac451209a095047a07a5698212 <cjwatson> no longer references openpty so the linker drops the -lutil linkage <cjwatson> makes sense now <bzoltan> ogra_: nice ... phablet-network says "Error: No Wi-Fi device found." <dbarth> seb128: image 33 contains the fixes; i'll suppress the line now <cjwatson> alecu: fix uploaded. doesn't affect rtm since it has an older apt. <cjwatson> have to run to dinner now <cjwatson> thanks for the heads-up <cjwatson> also https://github.com/hughsie/PackageKit/pull/11 <alecu> great, thanks! <alecu> btw, probably no longer needed, but I just confirmed that 236 was broken <cjwatson> alecu: right, the apt change landed in 236 <fginther> robru, are you online today? <robru> fginther: I am, what's up? <cjwatson> sil2100,robru: heads-up for the above conversation between alecu and me; doesn't affect RTM; I suggest building a new devel-proposed image once "rmadison -s utopic packagekit" says 0.8.17-4ubuntu3 <lool> Hey trainguards; we've fixed the main issue with the positioning engine for location-service; would like to land the changes now; it's probably location-service branch + lxc-android-config upload <lool> in utopic for now <lool> May I take row 57? <sil2100> robru: ^ ? :) <robru> hey hey <lool> sil2100: for native pkgs, am I supposed to use regular version numbers in silo, and the source + bins get copied to Ubuntu <lool> I've listed stuff on line 57; waiting for silo <davmor2> sil2100: hey so dbarth has managed to reproduce the bug and it looks like there is a temporary work around we can use for evernote account creation. So I am going to let dbarth file the bug as I'm sure he can add more detail and then carry on testing silos 10 and 17 <davmor2> and see if we can't get them landed <dbarth> +1 bug filed <dbarth> and nice catch davmor2, legendary bug-finding-fu :) <ogra_> yeah ... long term he will own launchpad :) <ogra_> karma: 3986231590856103856 <davmor2> ogra_: haha <lool> robru: is that enough to assign a silo? <lool> heya, if you have a minute, lp:~phablet/ubuntu-location-provider-here/trunk didn't autoland the last MP; I merged it by hand, would you know what's preventing this? <sil2100> lool: robru will be your guide, but in overall it's usually tricky when native packages are related - usually it's best to use a rule of the thumb: if you see that the given package doesn't impact RTM much and is safe to do a bin copy, then a binary copy should be fine <sil2100> robru: btw. I'm merging some fixes to the sync thing - if you notice any additional issues, please feel free to revert that <davmor2> ogra_: actually my karma stays around 1650-1700 because I mostly just file bugs you don't get much karma for find them only fixing them :D <lool> sil2100: okay; thanks! <robru> sil2100: ok <robru> lool: one sec <robru> lool: why does it say "WIP" under merge proposals? <lool> robru: we will submit an updated merge proposal (I have one here, but I'm not 100% sure it's the one we want to send) <lool> robru: should I leave this empty until we have the final one? (in an hour or so) <robru> lool: It's not clear to me what you're trying to accomplish with this landing request. why would I give you a silo with no MPs? it's certainly not valid to write 'WIP' in the MP field. <lool> robru: I'd like to land lxc-android-config there, then let thomas list his mp <robru> lool: also, what's the deal with lxc? you said sync: but the landing is for utopic. That makes no sense. sync means "sync from utopic to rtm". so sync only makes sense in the context of an rtm silo <robru> ok <lool> ok; I thought was for sync out of the silo into archive <lool> and had to be listed when you were uploading sources <robru> lool: you have to list sources when you're uploading sources. The 'sync:' syntax is just for RTM. <robru> lool: so I fixed your request and got you silo 2. you can upload lxc in there now <lool> robru: yup, understood now <robru> sil2100: hey what happened with your latest branch on cu2d? <robru> sil2100: like, it merged with test failures. <robru> hmmm <sil2100> robru: uh? <sil2100> robru: strange, I didn't touch that places at all <sil2100> robru: as you can see it's nothing in my branch <Ursinha> sometimes tests fail because of unintended side effects :) (I don't know what is the case here) <robru> sil2100: what I can see is that you changed the build job xml template, which I happen to have a test against (I wrote a test that confirms the new string.format templating works, and it happens to check the exact results of loading build.xml.tmpl, which your commit changes the result of ;-) <robru> sil2100: not sure how that managed to land on trunk, working with Ursinha to prevent that from happening again, but also I'm changing that test to just check for the important bits of build.xml without being so flaky about unimportant changes there <bfiller> robru: silo 15 can be published again, all MR's are now approved <robru> bfiller: ok published, you're now building in rtm12 https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-012-1-build/12/console <bfiller> robru: ty <sil2100> robru: it landed? <robru> sil2100: yeah your branch is in trunk <sil2100> robru: that's confusing - https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro/cu2d-syncfixes/+merge/234346 <- says it's not merged yet <tvoss> sil2100, hey :) welcome back <tvoss> sil2100, got a question for line 9 in the spreadsheet <Ursinha> sil2100: that branch was changed from Merged to Needs Review, I think (if that's what you're using to infer that) <sil2100> tvoss: hey! <sil2100> Ursinha: that might be the case here, strange thing as the autolander said it failed as well ;) <sil2100> tvoss: what's up? <robru> sil2100: yeah, so what happened was that you probably marked the branch approved, so the -autolanding job came in and said "oh, it's approved, lets merge that to trunk, ok now that it's merged I'll run the tests again just to be safe. ooops, test failure! reject! needs fixing!" but it's in trunk already... <tvoss> sil2100, so line 8 landed in utopic, have a hard time making sense of line 9 <Ursinha> sil2100: apparently that's not considering the test result to proceed with the merging, we're working on it <robru> sil2100: anyway don't worry about your code branch, I have some other refactoring going on, I merged it into the work I'm doing. <Ursinha> well, fginther mostly as he's the man who knows the stuff, I watch and learn <sil2100> tvoss: it seems it's failing to build, hmm <sil2100> Ursinha, robru: thanks ;) <robru> sil2100: you're welcome! <tvoss> sil2100, ah, got it <sergiusens> robru: hey, I have a line request since 8am and I don't see lack of silos being an issue <sergiusens> and now I also added line 59 <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I finally managed to provision my mako for RTM testing. It was everything but easy. No I started to run the tests, but I already see that tests crash without much reason and without any result <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: Sorry, I'm missing a little context. Didn't you already have a mako set up for that? The one which tested UITK on image mako-rtm 32? <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: we agreed with brendand to run the tests again, because we have found a visual problem what was not discovered by the AP tests. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1368295 <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: and so i started to provision my device and it failed big time... <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: it is not going to be a joyride ... something is wrong <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: I heard about the dialer-app bug, but what's wrong with provisioning? Did mako's feed hit a bump today? <ToyKeeper> I've gotten a little out of touch since I spend all my time on krillin these days. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: the dialer app thing is a minor problem, we will fix it tomorrow <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: My mako is just unstabe, or the tools are unstable...no idea <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: as start the boot time went up to 6 minutes from 1, as second the phablet-network is unreliable or the network service is unreliable. phablet-network fails or the device does not connect to the wlan after reboot <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: it reboots randomly for hack knows what reason... <ToyKeeper> Oh, hmm. I've never used phablet-network. Seemed irrelevant since I'm not using network-manager. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: One Ubuntu release (236) had no adb support <ToyKeeper> No adb is definitely a big problem. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: phablet-network could be important if you script the process <ToyKeeper> bzoltan: No, no need: adb shell nmcli d wifi connect APNAME password APPASSWD iface wlan0 <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: Well... that is something I will not ever put in a script :) for obvious reasons ... <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: but it is a good fallback solution <ToyKeeper> Just put the private details in ~/.private/wap_info or something, and source it in the script. No need to publish the details on launchpad. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I make this script for the whole SDK team... it should be simple. I expect the phablet-network to work. It is a tool from the ubuntu archive. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: but that is not the only troublemaker ... more scary that AP tests simple crash <ToyKeeper> I've been trying to use NetworkManager for almost a decade, and have never gotten it to function reliably on a notebook, so I use something else. phablet-network is a neat idea, but it relies on NM so I can't use it. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I am using nm for almost 3 years without problem. I am lucky :) But I am not sure that the problem here is the nm ... the wlan0 interface just disappears sometimes from the device <ToyKeeper> That would definitely be an issue. <sil2100> o/ <ToyKeeper> As for tests failing, I found that several test suites had high failures rates... 49/51 failed on unity8, 7/7 failed on calendar_app, 17/17 failed on music_app, 13-29/41 failed on gallery_app. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: It is soon 11pm here, so I give it up for today... <ToyKeeper> online_accounts_ui didn't even run (found 0 tests). <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: not failing .. _crashing_ <ToyKeeper> In any case, it sounds like I should avoid updating mako for a while, since I'm not actively involved in fixing whatever just failed. <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: LOL ... my mako has a wlan12 interface <slangasek> can anybody explain to me what I'm doing wrong here?: <slangasek> ~ ~/bin/ubuntu-emulator create --arch=i386 --channel=ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09 rtm <slangasek> Failed to locate latest image information <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: brendand: I stop the RTM silo9 UITK validation. I give it an 8 hours rest and try again in the morning :) <bfiller> robru: need silos for line 55 and 60 when you have time <robru> bfiller: line 55 is missing target distro (column H) <bfiller> robru: fixed <bzoltan> slangasek: are you sure that there is an i386 build of the RTM? <robru> bfiller: thanks. hm, seems there are 0 rtm silos available... i'll see if I can free one up <slangasek> bzoltan: well, apparently there isn't - the channel exists and is empty! <slangasek> bzoltan: thanks, I was just about to check that <bzoltan> slangasek: it would be cool to have an RTM emulator <robru> bfiller: you got utopic10 at least <bfiller> robru: thanks, silo 11 and 12 in rtm are good to be published <slangasek> bzoltan: yes, I would say it should have been a baseline requirement ;) <slangasek> let me fix that <bzoltan> slangasek: :) go for it <slangasek> oh, it's because I wasn't using -proposed and we don't have any promoted images yet :( <robru> brendand: ToyKeeper: mandel: what's going on with silo rtm-6? it's been awaiting signoff since august 29th... would be nice to get that either approved or rejected so we can reclaim the silo. <robru> elopio: ^ <elopio> robru: last comment from rvr: According to mandel, this was working with previous images, but something else must be changed that prevents the location-service to work as expected. They are looking into that and will ping us when ready. <elopio> I'm not sure if the process is to wait for the developer, or to reject it so the silo can be reused. <brendand> robru, august 29th? <brendand> robru, it wasn't set to QA sign-off until tuesday <robru> brendand: well the packages in the ppa were built on the 29th. <robru> elopio: not a hard rule there... we're out of silos so I'm looking for ones to free. don't want to screw them if they're actively working on it, it just happened to look very stale an inactive based on simple heuristics... <elopio> robru: that comment is from this morning, so I would hope mandel to get back to us tomorrow. It would be nice if he can keep the silo, but if you need it I guess he'll also understand. <brendand> robru, you probably want to ask mandel why it took him a week and a half to test it <cjwatson> can I build a new devel-proposed image so that click package installation works again? <cjwatson> or are we just going to wait for cron? <brendand> robru, 18 has been sitting around since the beginning of the week as well <brendand> robru, and 3 seems to be having some trouble <Saviq> fginther, hey, could you please delete https://code.launchpad.net/~ps-jenkins/unity8/ubuntu-utopic-proposed <robru> brendand: wait what's happening in 3? was it published? <Saviq> fginther, or at least run http://people.canonical.com/~msawicz/unity8/strip-u8-tags.py on it <brendand> robru, it was signed off <brendand> or maybe not <robru> brendand: signed off or not, rtm has what's in that silo! ;-) <robru> freeing it... <brendand> robru, i suppose it was classed as 'bugfix only' <fginther> Saviq, I can delete that <Saviq> fginther, I know you can, you're the only one ;) <fginther> Saviq, done <Saviq> fginther, thans <Saviq> k * Saviq needs to get used to using more force <cjwatson> ok, I guess nobody really objects; image build requested, will run shortly <robru> Warning: I am about to deploy a massive overhaul to ci train. It may shoot deadly beams into your eyes and then explode, so get your safety goggles ready. <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 238 building (started: 20140911 20:25) === <robru> bfiller: you got silo rtm3 for your font sync, and congrats on being the 2000th landing in citrain ;-) https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/2000/console <kenvandine> robru, did you break the spreadsheet? <kenvandine> :-D <kenvandine> column C is broken <robru> kenvandine: yeah I broke something... <kenvandine> ok, i need to reconfigure... but the train got angry <robru> kenvandine: actually I think the spreadsheet might have just crapped on itself... I was only tinkering with jenkins <kenvandine> damn spreadsheets :) <kenvandine> seb128, ^^^ that'll hold up getting that other fix in there <seb128> kenvandine, k <robru> bfiller: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-ancient-fonts-symbola this package name you're trying to sync doesn't seem to exist <robru> kenvandine: ok sorry was putting out a different fire. what's up with your thing? <robru> kenvandine: which row / silo? <kenvandine> robru, row 61 <kenvandine> it's building in silo 4 <kenvandine> it won't let me reconfigure it because the spreadsheet doesn't know it's in a silo <kenvandine> robru, and scrolling up i see some older ones with no status that are already checked as tests passed and qa verified <kenvandine> probably already landed, but no status <robru> hm <kenvandine> robru, thanks, can i reconfigure now? <robru> kenvandine: already did ;-) <kenvandine> thx :) <kenvandine> robru, did you kick a new build? * kenvandine will if not <robru> kenvandine: oh, nope <kenvandine> ok, good <kenvandine> i'm doing it <robru> kenvandine: which ones in the spreadsheet did you say looked like they'd been landed but had wrong status? <robru> found a couple in silos missing their status, wasn't sure what landed. <kenvandine> robru, 41 <kenvandine> shows testing passed... <kenvandine> so must have been built <kenvandine> line 33 too <kenvandine> oh... you're finding them :) <ralsina> trainguards, I swear line 43 has already landed :-) <kenvandine> ralsina, QA even tested it <ralsina> yep :-) <kenvandine> ralsina, robru: so it was in a silo at least <ralsina> it was in rtm-8 <ralsina> [17:34:48] [queuebot] Silos: ubuntu-rtm/landing-008 (ralsina) Landed. Cleaning silo. (account-polld, ubuntu-push) <ralsina> that's 30 minutes ago <robru> yeah the spreadsheet is messed, sigh <ToyKeeper> robru: Er, what? Silo rtm-6 is that old? I see an archived card for it which was marked as "pass" on Aug 26, then a new card for the same silo number which was created today. <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 238 DONE (finished: 20140911 22:05) === <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/238.changes === <robru> ToyKeeper: yup it's just been sitting there since the 29th as far as I can see <ToyKeeper> robru: The latest status I see on the card is from a few hours ago. "Victor wrote: According to mandel, this was working with previous images, but something else must be changed that prevents the location-service to work as expected. They are looking into that and will ping us when ready." <ToyKeeper> robru: I see this in the IRC log, which I think is when the card got created: 2014-09-08 08:37:56 -queuebot trainguards, ubuntu-rtm/landing-006: Packages built. Testing pass. QA needs to sign off. <ToyKeeper> Before that, the previous event was at 2014-08-29 06:45:04 <ToyKeeper> I'm guessing the 08-29 event probably got missed by the auto-card-creator (was buggy at the time) and not noticed by any humans (who thought the bot was functional). <robru> hmm <ToyKeeper> In any case, it got lots of attention today and is apparently waiting on upstream fixes. <robru> ToyKeeper: no worries now, three other silos freed up, so no pressure to free that one. just curious that it's been around so long <ToyKeeper> I don't really know the story; this is just what I could dig up. <robru> ToyKeeper: no worries, thanks #ubuntu-ci-eng 2014-09-12 <sergiusens> robru: hey, you around? <sergiusens> robru: I would to get some silos for bug fixes going <sergiusens> and line 47 <robru> sergiusens: hah, just caught me <sergiusens> yay :) <robru> sergiusens: just line 47? <sergiusens> robru: and 53 <robru> oh 53 <robru> ah <sergiusens> both <sergiusens> robru: 47 is just desktop <sergiusens> both are bug fixes <robru> sergiusens: ok you got silos 1 and 12 <sergiusens> robru: thanks <robru> sergiusens: you're welcome! <ToyKeeper> D'oh. Couldn't get to the "Never auto-update! Ever!" setting fast enough to keep it from downloading the update and asking me to reboot. <sergiusens> robru: so for nuntium, after setting testing pass and before clearing the silo we should need to source copy, right? <robru> sergiusens: ehhhhhhhhhhhh <robru> sergiusens: what makes you think you need a source copy? <robru> sergiusens: anyway I pre-filled your spreadsheet row with the magic sync rune that works more reliably than the simple one that everybody is struggling with, so basically you just need to hit build on the RTM silo before hitting clean on the utopic silo (but after you do the publish on the utopic silo) and you should be fine. <robru> anyway, I'm out. goodnight! <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 239 building (started: 20140912 02:05) === <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 32 building (started: 20140912 03:05) === <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 239 DONE (finished: 20140912 03:50) === <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/239.changes === <sergiusens> robru: can you get the rtm silo ready for nuntium? <sergiusens> robru: testing pass marked for the utopic one <sergiusens> or Mirv, if you become avail, can you get nuntium setup for rtm before nuntium/utopic vanishes from the ppa :-) <Mirv> morning! <Mirv> sergiusens: sure <sergiusens> Mirv: thanks, and it is the morning, correct, 1AM :-P <Mirv> sergiusens: haha :) <Mirv> a fresh 7am <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 32 DONE (finished: 20140912 04:20) === <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/32.changes === <tvoss> good morning <tvoss> trainguards, could someone check why network-manager is stuck in proposed? <Mirv> tvoss: hmm <Mirv> tvoss: it claims autopkg test fail http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Utopic/view/AutoPkgTest/job/utopic-adt-network-manager/lastBuild/? <Mirv> but it succeeded on amd64, so makes me think it should be retried on i386 <tvoss> Mirv, yup, cyphermox mentioned something along those lines <Mirv> tvoss: what is slightly unclear to me is who can rerun those jobs or if they're automatically retried. I'd ping pitti but he's not online <tvoss> Mirv, also: silo 7 does not hold packages anymore, although it still says so in the dashboard <tvoss> @retry: yeah, the autopackage test setup is somewhat opaque to me, too <Mirv> tvoss: interesting, once again some messup. what about getting that network-manager to rtm? <Mirv> I see there's line 40 for rtm network-manager landing with different description <tvoss> Mirv, not sure, just talking to pitti in #ubuntu-touch <tvoss> Mirv, seems like the network manager version actually regresses the kill switch on i386 <Mirv> ah he's there <tvoss> Mirv, yup * Mirv does the Mir landing dance in 5 moves <tvoss> sil2100, ping <brendand> psivaa, can i get a link to the krillin dashboard again? <sil2100> tvoss: pong <popey> brendand: http://dashboard.ubuntu-ci:8080/smokeng/ ? <tvoss> sil2100, pm <sil2100> I love deleting local branches by accident, sigh <brendand> ogra_, be prepared for questions about testing your silo <ogra_> brendand, i totally am :) both packages are really hard to install even <ogra_> i hope i did describe it well enough but definitely expect questions <popey> davmor2: do you have the bug handy where the first two letters of keyboard input are upper case? <davmor2> popey: no I can dig it out after <popey> seems fixed <davmor2> popey: it only happens on fisrt search <popey> used to happen all the time for me <bzoltan> brendand: I managed to fix the test environment and now I am in the middle of testing again the rtm-silo9 on #33 <brendand> bzoltan, ok - i have to drop that one for now and get ogra_'s silo signed off <bzoltan> brendand: sure <brendand> bzoltan, did you get the fix landed in utopic for that bug? <bzoltan> brendand: not yet, but we know what the problem is. <bzoltan> brendand: I will keep you posted <Mirv> psivaa: bye! <brendand> sil2100, i was initially very sceptical when i heard the words 'exception for isolated bugfixes' :) <sil2100> hah ;) <psivaa> Mirv: I had to take a break and wasn't sure if the meeting would still go on when i am back :) <brendand> sil2100, there has to be some concrete definition of that <brendand> ogra_, so i do not actually install the silo, just follow your instructions, right? <ogra_> right, the install would fail <ogra_> brendand, note that the lxc-android config install might need the full package name ... the wildcard in the instructions might not work <brendand> ogra_, $ adb shell android-gadget-service ssh enable <brendand> android-gadget-service failed: ssh is unknown <ogra_> other way round <ogra_> enable ssh <ogra_> did i write "ssh enable" ? <brendand> ogra_, yes :) <ogra_> oops, sorry <brendand> ogra_, copy paste, both dumb and smart :) <brendand> ogra_, right .deb file? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/184531943/android-tools-adbd_4.2.2%2Bgit20130218-3ubuntu34_armhf.deb <ogra_> yep <brendand> ogra_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8325926/ <ogra_> brendand, you didnt follow the instructions :) <ogra_> on krillin you need to unmount /etc/init/android-tools-adbd.conf first * ogra_ thought he wrote that, are there instructions missing in the comments <brendand> ogra_, you mean: phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ sudo umount /etc/init/android-tools-adbd.conf <ogra_> yeah <brendand> ogra_, it's there in the list of commands i ran <brendand> ogra_, try again i guess? <ogra_> yeah <brendand> ogra_, well it says it's not mounted so i guess that worked <tvoss> sil2100, ping <brendand> which doesn't make much sense - now i see the error <ogra_> i explicitly copy/pasted the log of me doing it (at least after line 10), so i would expect it to work <brendand> ogra_, not sure, it says it's not mounted, so what other reason could produce that error? <ogra_> oh <ogra_> did you remouont the rootfs rw yet ? <davmor2> Saviq: is it me or is there a more noticable lag on drawing the icons in scopes <brendand> ogra_, yes i did <brendand> ogra_, $ sudo mount -o remount,rw / <ogra_> hmm, then it shouldnt complain <ogra_> that makes no sense ... if the job is unmounted it cant be busy <davmor2> Saviq: if you open the apps scope and scroll it down to the bottom of the page and then straight back to the top again the whole top page is is visibly blank for maybe 1/2 a second <ogra_> brendand, did you get anywhere yet ? <brendand> ogra_, nope - i don't really know where to go next except to start again. sure you didn't forget anything? <ogra_> i copy pasted the complete process from the terminal i ran it in <ogra_> it looks like your unmounting didnt work <ogra_> (were there any errors when you did unmount ? ) <brendand> ogra_, if it didn't work, why do i get an error to say that it's not mounted when i run it again? <brendand> ogra_, $ sudo umount /etc/init/android-tools-adbd.conf <brendand> umount: /etc/init/android-tools-adbd.conf: not mounted <ogra_> i dont know but the error you get when installing clearly points towards not bein able to write it bceause it is still moounted <ogra_> mount |grep adbd <ogra_> is it still listed there ? <brendand> ogra_, nope <ogra_> how weird <ogra_> try sudo umount -l /etc/init/android-tools-adbd.conf <ogra_> and then try the install again <brendand> we don't even have man in rtm :/ <ogra_> we dont have it in the image at all <brendand> ogra_, the result is the same <ogra_> well, then try the hard way <ogra_> sudo dpkg -x /path/to/deb / <ogra_> that should work in any case <cjwatson> brendand: man-db is in the distribution, just not in the image <brendand> ogra_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8326120/ <ogra_> effectively you only need the new binary and the udev rule ... nothing in the maintainer scripts has ever changed * ogra_ sighs <ogra_> the file is 100% definitvely not unmounted <brendand> it's not mounted but it's not unmounted :) <brendand> it's somewhere in between <ogra_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8326125/ <ogra_> i still have the un-edited original terminal output here <ogra_> hmm <ogra_> i indeed did remount / rw before unmounting it ... <ogra_> reboot and try to change that order <ogra_> hmm <ogra_> i didnt mean he should reboot his PC <ogra_> brendand, i didnt mean the PC :) <brendand> yes, i wrote 'shutdown now -r' in the wrong terminal. laugh if you wish <ogra_> why dont you just type reboot ? :) <ogra_> (which just calls this line) <sil2100> You want brendand to reboot his PC even faster and more frequently?! <ogra_> haha <ogra_> asac, so did someone file a bug yet about the krillin screen not shutting off ? * ogra_ sees it all the time now <ogra_> sil2100, that smells like another blocker <sil2100> Not shutting off? Like, never? <ogra_> right <ogra_> try it ... on rtm ... switch it on and leave it sit <sil2100> Now since when that's happening? Since I remember a bug about not being able to wake up <asac> ogra_: i didnt find out :/ <asac> sil2100: yes never... but N4 has the same <asac> just this morning again... after i got calendar notification N4 stayed on <asac> for 1h <brendand> ogra_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8326189/ <brendand> ogra_, i'm not sure why the first 3 commands are on the same line <ogra_> sil2100, i noticed it after one device tarball bump, but i dont remember which ... for me it was also not happening all teh time first <asac> ogra_: <asac> ogra_: if you can find it there then we have it somewhat on radar at least :) <asac> dont worry, takes like 1 minmute to load <ogra_> brendand, sigh ... can you perhaps just try the same way as for lxc-android-config ? there that file is definitely not mounted <ogra_> asac, i have it open somewhere already <asac> ogra_: can you give me the bug? it doesnt show up here, but it should <ogra_> if i find one <ogra_> i mean i have the list open <ogra_> :) <asac> ogra_: you said you have it open somewhere :) <asac> ah <asac> where would i file one against? * ogra_ twiddles thumbs after hoitting reload <ogra_> asac, seems krillin specific <ogra_> and device tarball specific <asac> no <asac> i see it on n4 <asac> :) <ogra_> oh <asac> after calendar notification <ogra_> powerd <asac> it stays on <asac> forevfer <ogra_> ah <asac> at least it did this morning <ogra_> on krillin i simply dont see it auto suspend at all * asac waits for next calendar notification <asac> hmm <ogra_> in rtm that is <asac> ogra_: trying <asac> ogra_: how long is the timeout usually?> <ogra_> 1min i think <asac> ok it dimmed <ogra_> hmm <asac> but is still on <ogra_> i have set mine to 3 ... <asac> after 30 secs i think <asac> now its off <asac> so it surely doesnt happen all times <brendand> ogra_, now my krillin is offline, what did i do to it? <ogra_> which used to work fine, but not anymore <ogra_> brendand, passwd/pin is set ? <asac> ok that was just with lock scrfeen onl... now i unlocked it and look at dash <asac> lets see if it happens there too * asac will send himself a sms next <ogra_> tell you something nice then :) <sil2100> asac, ogra_: let's make sure davmor2 tests this additionally during his exploratory testing today <asac> yeah <ogra_> yep <asac> i am testing a bit too <asac> sms woke up screen, displayed notification <ogra_> i'm not sure if it is because i changed the timeout <brendand> ogra_, nope <ogra_> brendand, set it :) <sil2100> davmor2: how's the silo testing going? <asac> ogra_: not easy to repro <brendand> ogra_, sorry - mean i did set it and nothing changed <asac> ogra_: also notification from sms makes it go sleep after <ogra_> brendand, then toggle dev-mode on in the settings ... the logic to handle this is in lxc-android config <ogra_> (which you presumably didnt install yet) <asac> i will try to remember to not push the power off button today <asac> s i can see this <davmor2> sil2100: ah sorry miles away testing, yes so far so good, what this that I'm additionally testing in exploratory? <davmor2> reading scrollback <asac> davmor2: its about screens not going off sometimes <asac> but i cannot reproduce it anymore, so not sure if its just memory that feels close <ogra_> asac, there was an indicator-power landing tonight <ogra_> that might have fixed it <asac> do i have that on rtm and devel? <davmor2> asac: I'll keep an eye out for it but I've not seen anything like <ogra_> yes <asac> right <ogra_> it has to land in devel first ... <asac> dont put too much effort. we migth want to work screen off test into our long running milestone testplans maybe <ogra_> and it landed in image 30 in rtm <asac> ah then i have it i guess <asac> let me see <ogra_> you should be on 32 if you updated this morning <asac> ogra_: yeah 32 <asac> cool. <asac> so lets just stay aware to spot this issue if its still there <ogra_> brendand, did you get anywhere yet ? <brendand> ogra_, i started from scratch and the pastebin instructions still don't work - even with the mount and umount commands swapped <brendand> ogra_, trying lxc-android-config <ogra_> try if you can get adbd installed the same way perhaps (i never tried, but theoretically it should work) <brendand> ugh why is adb reboot recovery not responding? <ogra_> these packages are sadly a pain to install <ogra_> well, is adb devices listing it ? <brendand> yes <ogra_> as online ? <ogra_> worst case just use ssh: "sudo reboot -f recovery" <ogra_> upstart knows how to do that too ;) <ogra_> the half installed adbd might get you in a broken adb state ... <brendand> yeah probably <brendand> ogra_, i have to change 'adb shell mount -o loop /data/system.img /mnt' right? <ogra_> yeah <ogra_> one sec i'm trying to do the same here <brendand> ogra_, i think it's just mount /system <brendand> ogra_, this is for Powerd on krillin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8224550/ <ogra_> ~ # mkdir /mnt <ogra_> ~ # mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p6 /mnt <ogra_> thats on krillin <ogra_> oh, but yeah, yours is way more elegant <ogra_> i didnt know that /system is in fstab :) <ogra_> (in recovery) <brendand> # adb shell chroot /mnt /usr/bin/env PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin dpkg -i <package>? <brendand> after that <brendand> agh <brendand> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8326371/ <ogra_> sigh <brendand> ogra_, got it, i think <ogra_> i got it too :) <brendand> ogra_, touch /etc/init.d/android-tools-adbd? <ogra_> heh, nope, more complex ... by creating /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d <ogra_> #!/bin/sh <ogra_> exit 101 <ogra_> ... <ogra_> and making it executable <ogra_> (all inside the chroot) <brendand> ogra_, i just followed http://paste.ubuntu.com/8224550/ and replaced the name as appropriate <brendand> ogra_, i hope we have the same result <brendand> ogra_, at least dpkg claims it's installed <brendand> ogra_, now the same with lxc-android-config right? <ogra_> right, all that counts is the adbd binary and the udev rule <ogra_> bith should end up in the right places that way <ogra_> *both <brendand> ogra_, should i double check? <ogra_> nah, i guess you are fine * sil2100 goes off to lunch <sil2100> o/ <ogra_> and yes, now the same with lxc-android-config <ogra_> of which you want two upstart jobs ... /etc/init/force-adb.conf and /etc/init/force-mtp.conf <ogra_> (both are new files, so should cause any dpkg issues) <ogra_> *should not <davmor2> Saviq: so I think I know why it looks like the scopes overview page is showing the breakage, If you click slightly below the three main scopes and then keep your finger in contact with the screen you can't interact with the scopes so it looks like it has frozen <Mirv> mvo_: hey! since you've been involved with this release even though the packaging changes are not from you, could you ack/nack the debian/ parts of https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-003-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu_3.1.1+14.10.20140912.1-0ubuntu1.diff ? <Mirv> (in the role of a core-dev that must ack packaging changes) <bzoltan> mvo_: the change is to introduce two new dependencies. the emulator and the reviewer tools <mvo_> Mirv: sure, give me a sec <bzoltan> mvo_: Mirv: hold on please <davmor2> sil2100: okay I'm pretty happy with unity 8 so I'm going to release the Lions^WBears^Wsilos... silos is the word I was after <mvo_> bzoltan: can I haz my updated https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/lp1366791-deploy-finished in there too please? <bzoltan> mvo_: that is why I said "hold on" :D <mvo_> bzoltan: \o/ <brendand> ogra_, is this all fine? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8326516/ <ogra_> looks very good, yeah <mvo_> Mirv: fwiw, the debian change look fine <Mirv> mvo_: thanks! but apparently we need a rebuild.. <davmor2> sil2100, Mirv, ogra_: ^^ <Mirv> davmor2: o_O <mvo_> yes <Mirv> the 17 needs that reconfigure now * Mirv does that <ogra_> davmor2, \o/ <davmor2> Mirv: no idea <brendand> ogra_, ok - the hard part done - i hope! <brendand> ogra_, not for the testing <ogra_> yeah <Mirv> davmor2: doing the needed dances <brendand> s/not/now <brendand> well, after i come back <brendand> sil2100, did you get my email? <ogra_> brendand, note that you tested it since over a week already in utopic ;) <ogra_> (functionality wise ) <brendand> ogra_, well yes (sort of) * ogra_ tries out the new emulator <davmor2> ogra_: awwww bless you think we still have utopic devices :P <ogra_> haha <Mirv> davmor2: after these landings everything will be _perfect_! <Mirv> oh, + the second unity8 fix upcoming... <davmor2> Mirv: no <davmor2> Mirv: they will however be better. <Mirv> indeed <Mirv> I'm quite eager to use rtm for a day after that second unity8 fix lands later * Mirv reports necessary rituals done <Mirv> except that the job keeps on runnin' <davmor2> Mirv: I don't believe you ;) * Mirv reports extra special dance needed <ogra_> did you videotape it so others can learn it at least ? <Mirv> ogra_: just combine A + B + C from my e-mail and do everything :) <ogra_> lol <Mirv> \o/ <Mirv> soon there should be a bot message too <Mirv> we'll see sil2100's fixes in effect only for new silo syncs <sil2100> Mirv: is all ok with 17 and 10? :) <sil2100> Everything done? Everything released? :D <sil2100> Can we 'ship it'? ;D <bzoltan> ToyKeeper: I have updated the wiki with some typical use cases and some extra info -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/ui-toolkit Also I have tuned the test plan script and pushed to the staging -> lp:ubuntu-ui-toolkit/staging It has now bulletproof provision function. The code is a bit better looking. But my objective was to make it robust and reliable, not prettiness. I am running the tests for silo9 with that script <Mirv> sil2100: ship it! <Mirv> :) <Mirv> sil2100: last parts just migrated <davmor2> sil2100, Mirv, ogra_: right what's happening now are we spinning up another image? <ogra_> davmor2, i was hoping that we have the new adbd in by now as well :/ <ogra_> to get the images on par ... wrt smoketesting <ogra_> but seems that will still take a while <davmor2> yeah no brendand <sil2100> Did brendand EOD already? <davmor2> sil2100: yeap <sil2100> He didn't manage to +1 the silo..? <ogra_> sil2100, it took him hours to get the packages installed <ogra_> sil2100, he said he'd return to test if i understood the above right * Ursinha changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Latest flash update hung all makos on s-jenkins. <bzoltan> Mirv: for some reason the qtc plugin got blocked in the proposed pocket. looks like a qemu hickup -> https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-adt-qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/247/consoleFull <sil2100> ogra_: do you know when he'll be back? <cjwatson> bzoltan: not a qemu hiccup, but maybe some other kind of hiccup <sil2100> jibel is waiting for the new image as well <ogra_> sil2100, well, i dont know more than the backlog has <jibel> bzoltan, "test dependencies are unsatisfiable" doesn't sound qemu <ogra_> sil2100, so lets build one <sil2100> And I guess for dogfooding #33 might be a good idea <jibel> bzoltan, I'll have a look <sil2100> Let me check if we don't need anything else <bzoltan> jibel: Ahh.. I should have read the previous line too. I wonder what that could be. Thanks for your help. * bzoltan is ashamed... and should learn English <cjwatson> it's a genuine problem, tracking <cjwatson> oh, it's because the dependency on ubuntu-emulator is only satisfiable on amd64 with multiarch <cjwatson> and the autopkgtest runner doesn't have multiarch enabled <cjwatson> not clear what the correct answer is <cjwatson> bzoltan: perhaps it would be sensible to demote ubuntu-emulator from Depends to Recommends? <cjwatson> the hard dependency will require some interesting work in proposed-migration too <cjwatson> (which is doable, but it's another roadblock) <bzoltan> cjwatson: hmm.. i was just asked to put it there :) I can move to Recommends <cjwatson> right, I know, I even drive-by-reviewed that and it didn't occur to me that this problem would arise <cjwatson> I think Recommends would still satisfy the request, since they are installed by default in most user situations <bzoltan> cjwatson: OK, I push the change and rebuild the silo3. Thanks. <cjwatson> cheers <Mirv> bzoltan: maybe this time we'll set the "Tested?" to "No" too before the new build is ready :) <cjwatson> (actually, re my comment above about requiring work in proposed-migration, it seems that I did that work a while back) <bzoltan> Mirv: how true :D <Mirv> bzoltan: so, set it back to Yes then when it's ready <sil2100> hah ;) <asac> ogra_: so the custom tarball we should handle like the device tarball for rtm channels <asac> ogra_: gets produced by jenkins at location A <asac> and then after it passes testing gates LT copies it to locaiton B <asac> where the image server picks it up <asac> sil2100: ^ <asac> thanks <asac> landing team helps organize testing gate with testplan etc. and qa sign off for rtm etc. <sil2100> asac: that makes sense, we would need to bring that up with cwayne <asac> sil2100: told him in barajas channel <sil2100> I thought it was simply discussed that it will be automatically done <asac> sil2100: can you check that we do that for device and for custom? <asac> just keep an eye on it <asac> sil2100: yeah thats a no go :) <asac> needs at least same confidence as the other landings <sil2100> asac: sure, let me get in contact with Julien about that as well so that we have someone from the US timezone allocated for this <sil2100> asac: so, is the automatic cronjob disabled now? <asac> sil2100: yeeah, but after the call in a few minutes <asac> sil2100: dunno <asac> we should disable for sure <asac> ogra_: ^ <asac> anyway, call now :) <asac> sil2100: cu there in two <sil2100> asac: ;) <ogra_> asac, you want to do extra QA for custom ? <ogra_> right, for that you need to intercept between jenkins and coyping to B <asac> same same as device <asac> yes <asac> all the same is easiest <jibel> bzoltan, ubuntu-emulator is not installable on autopkgtest/amd64 VMs, probably because it needs i386 packages. Digging further. <jibel> bzoltan, and this dependency is new on latest qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu <cjwatson> jibel: see above, already handled :) <ogra_> asac, "easiest" ... * ogra_ doesnt even know if we have a way to easily inject a new custom tarball for testing <cwayne> lol <jibel> cjwatson, ah, thanks :) multiarch support in adt VMS remains. <cjwatson> I kind of feel Recommends is slightly more correct anyhow * cwayne hasnt done this in awhile, to request a silo do i just add a row to the spreadsheet? <rsalveti> cwayne: yes <bzoltan> cjwatson: It is a borderline case ... because the i386 click chroots have rather important role in the SDK, and when the developer select an i386 Kit for an ubuntu touch app then the only possible target is the emulator. <cjwatson> bzoltan: Right, but Recommends are installed by default in typical installations <cwayne> rsalveti: k thanks, wanted to make sure <bzoltan> cjwatson: true <sil2100> ogra_: ok, let's kick a new image <sil2100> ogra_: no use waiting for brendand <ogra_> go for it <ogra_> yeah :/ <sil2100> ogra_: is it possible now through the tracker? <ogra_> oh, rtm you want <ogra_> no, indeed <sil2100> ogra_: yeah :) *bows to ogra_* <ogra_> unless stgraber silently added it <sil2100> ogra_: can you do the honour..? <ogra_> triggered <sil2100> ogra_: thanks \o/ <ogra_> asac, FYI my krillin screen is on since 10:00 <ogra_> err <ogra_> 16:00 <ogra_> where i got a calendar notification <asac> ogra_: ok so triggered by calendar notiication? <asac> davmor2: ^^ <ogra_> asac, yeah, seems like <asac> sil2100: how far are we fromm a promotion? <sil2100> asac: we still need to wait a bit for that, the image of interest is building right now <sil2100> ogra_: btw. why didn't the bot notify of the image being built? <ogra_> sil2100, hmm, probably because it is offline <davmor2> that would do it :D <sil2100> My <tab> button seems to lie to me sometimes <sil2100> ogra_: right! Could you resurrect the poor lad/lass? <ogra_> already done <davmor2> sil2100: no it always says tab it's a sticker :P <ogra_> it will autostart in a few <sil2100> davmor2: anyway, once you see #33, please explore it ;) <sil2100> om26er: ping <davmor2> sil2100: yeap will do <sil2100> Thanks! <sil2100> davmor2: btw. so, did the unity8 landing improve the lock-up situation? <ogra_> sil2100, so i wonder if brendand will actually show up again today :/ <ogra_> i would reall really like this landed before the weekend * sil2100 sighs <sil2100> I would that as well <sil2100> *like <sil2100> ogra_: if not, we might need to get someone else signing it off in the meantime <ogra_> sil2100, it took brendan ~2h to even get the packages installed <ogra_> not sure if davmor2 (or someone else) would be any faster <sil2100> ogra_: ToyKeeper might be able to handle that <ogra_> k <sil2100> Ok, time to do a round of trainduty <om26er> sil2100, pong <asac> davmor2: how does the latest rtm image look like? <davmor2> asac: I'm waiting on image 33 to start testing it for promotion, I don't think it finished building yet <asac> davmor2: ok so you say that 33 might be promotable? <asac> davmor2: i assume we expect this to be the best image for a while? <asac> regardless of whether it makes promotion or not? <ogra_> dont talk about stuff that hasnt even built :) <asac> bah <asac> how bad was #32? <asac> sil2100: ? <asac> was #32 close to promotion? <sil2100> Well... not super bad I would say, but it still had some of the blockers we wanted to get rid of <davmor2> asac: so yes 33 has a bunch of blocker fixes so in theory if everything is good with it we can consider it for promotion <asac> nice one <asac> olli: ^^ <asac> olli: guess lets wait what comes out and then decide <asac> (out of testing) <davmor2> asac: won't be till almost EOD for me 21:00-22:00 utc by the end of the test run. <ogra_> asac, for promotion we might need stgraber btw ... i'm not sure copy-package (the backend tool) works with empty target channels <ogra_> (i'll ask him about it when i come out of my evening meetings) <ogra_> ok, sounds like that is supposed to work fine <asac> ogra_: ok. maybe check that he is there up front :) <asac> davmor2: thanks <ogra_> i already asked in #ubuntu-release :) <asac> i think for our purposee we just need to know if 33 is the best image ever :) <ogra_> he will be around <ogra_> looks like the 33 rootfs is done already <davmor2> asac: Trusty 201 was the best image ever is it gold ;) <asac> lol <ogra_> lets just promote that then !! <davmor2> ogra_: haha <cyphermox_> awe: requesting silo for urfkill ^ <asac> davmor2: trusty didnt have krillin though <ogra_> asac, details :P <davmor2> asac: you can't have great images and device support, you have to pick one or the other ;) <brendand> ogra_, your silo should have a decision before the landing meeting, testing shouldn't take that long * ogra_ hugs brendand <ogra_> dude ! i was anxious you wouldnt return <davmor2> brendand: hey dude welcome back <brendand> ogra_, why? did i say i was going into the wild where bears live? <ogra_> well, you said you would go on testing "when you return" <davmor2> brendand: no swamp and crocodile iirc <ogra_> how would i know if thats not next tuesday after your vacation ;) <brendand> ambuiguity ftw <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 33 DONE (finished: 20140912 15:35) === <brendand> sic <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/33.changes === <davmor2> \o/ <sil2100> \o/ <ogra_> asac, ^^^^^ have fun <sil2100> davmor2: go tear it apart! <bfiller> sil2100: silo 18 can be republish, MR's are approved now <ogra_> new mir, new unity and new wbbrowser <sil2100> Oh, brendand is back \o/ * brendand is feeling very loved <davmor2> sil2100: I can't no notification that there is a new image :P <ogra_> oh, and new settings app * davmor2 awaits a ping <cwayne> davmor2: ping <ogra_> davmor2, ping * davmor2 makes a stabbing list of everyone who said ping <cwayne> davmor2: ping <cwayne> might as well be on there twice <davmor2> cwayne: hahaha <camako> RTM silo 1 says "packages built"... The ppa page says "currently building" ?? <cjwatson> davmor2: you need my annoying IRC answerphone message, clearly :) <camako> That is : info on <camako> http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?distro=ubuntu-rtm&q=alf <camako> is conflicting with info on <camako> https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu-rtm/landing-001 <davmor2> sil2100, ogra_: should I of had a notification that image 33 is ready yet? <imgbot> davmor2, ping <sil2100> davmor2: I think so? <sil2100> ogra_: ^ ? <ogra_> no idea, ask the push notification guys <ogra_> i usually have a notification in the mornings <ogra_> not sure how long it takes to propagate to you <davmor2> Chipaca: ^ <Chipaca> davmor2: hello hello <davmor2> Chipaca: Where's my image ping <imgbot> davmor2, ping <Chipaca> davmor2: from when? <ogra_> 5 min ago <Chipaca> imgbot: don't be needy <davmor2> Chipaca: about 7 minutes ago <Chipaca> verterok: is the image cronjob working? <kgunn> sil2100: hey quick one...we're doing some landing training on our team and discussing rtm sync etc <verterok> Chipaca: should be, let me double check <asac> ogra_: awesome <kgunn> sil2100: this wiki seems a little out of date ? <kgunn> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain/RTMLandingApproaches <kgunn> or am i wrong * asac pushes buttons to get the freshness <kgunn> ? <ogra_> kgunn, i heard the whole process was re-discussed 1h ao <ogra_> agoi <asac> not really <ogra_> bah <asac> we discussed piloting new optimizations <ogra_> this new kbd annoys the hell out of me <asac> with phonedations team <ogra_> oh <sil2100> kgunn: let me check <ogra_> i didnt know that was team specific <kgunn> ogra_: in my defense, my internet was _hating_ me during that meeting <asac> nothing was decided <kgunn> i dropped like 12 times <ogra_> ah, <asac> we agreed to pilot something that ricardo suggested to see how that goes <kgunn> damn internet <verterok> Chipaca: last run was 30min ago <asac> also since tools dont support that we need to bring that up as we go as part of the pilot <Chipaca> verterok: runs once every how much? <asac> so in general all stays the same for now <sil2100> kgunn: anyway, currently it is more or less up to date, with the silo-synchronization being the default way of landing <sil2100> kgunn: I will modify it a bit to include the few new additions, but more or less the workflow stays the same <asac> maybe we can schedule a weekly "doc refresh" effort <asac> wherew we go through what we have and do the incremental tweaks that have happened? <kgunn> sil2100: right, i think i was jumping gun on dual sync <asac> guess should be like 30 minutes at most once a week if we do that every week <asac> just a suggestion <verterok> Chipaca: 5 * * * * :) <sil2100> kgunn: well, dual sync might be reconsidered now if we switch to the new approach, but for now we left it alone (since it wouldn't do all that we wanted) <Chipaca> davmor2: ogra_: so you guys need to chillax a bit <Chipaca> davmor2: ogra_: :) <ogra_> Chipaca, what ? 5 min ?!? geez ... so delay ... <Chipaca> ogra_: no, no <Chipaca> ogra_: not */5. 5. <davmor2> 5 hours <Chipaca> nope <Chipaca> dude <Chipaca> man 5 crontab <ogra_> ugh <Chipaca> right now. go. read. i'll wait. <ogra_> could we make that a bit more frequent ? <Chipaca> verterok: are you sure we didn't want */5? :) <Chipaca> ogra_: AFAIR it wasn't that trivial nor fast, so maybe we can't <ogra_> ah <asac> so good news is that latest image boots :) <asac> and i have no bad news yet <asac> hehe <verterok> Chipaca: was trying to avoid hammering the system-image server, but can increase it a bit <Chipaca> verterok: maybe run it with run-one just in case it's too slow? <verterok> Chipaca: and run it */5 ? <ogra_> verterok, do you run anything *on* the server ? <Chipaca> yah <ogra_> it should really cope with a fe million requests if you only poll something <verterok> ogra_: the script pull the indexes and build the push notifications <ogra_> verterok, an that runs on the server ? <verterok> ogra_: yes (not the system-image server) <ogra_> thats what i mean <Chipaca> it's just static files, right? <ogra_> if you only query html you can do as many requests as you want, it wont harm the server <Chipaca> we couldn't "hammer" that with a python script on a single computer even if we tried :) <ogra_> (or s/html/json/) <verterok> ok, let's change it then <Chipaca> i mean, i lost track ages ago, but a 200mhz machine could serve 1M static pages/s <brendand> ogra_, i should be able to use adb if the phone is locked? <ogra_> brendand, yes, that bit isnt existing yet <davmor2> Chipaca: it's a shame there is no push service from the image server to the push server :) <ogra_> next iteration :) <Chipaca> davmor2: I know. <verterok> Chipaca: yes, it should. will ask webops to do their juju magic and update the cronjob config <ogra_> brendand, since we have no concept how to work around it for testing etc <Chipaca> verterok: you probably want some kind of lockfile (or run-one) tho, for your own sanity <verterok> Chipaca: that implies a charm upgrade which will not be possible on a Friday <verterok> Chipaca: so, let the bargain begin * Chipaca washes his hands <verterok> Chipaca: */20 ? <Chipaca> ogra_: davmor2: ^? <dbarth> hi trainguards, line 51 is ready for a silo now <ogra_> 20mins is fine yeah <Chipaca> verterok: and update the charm sometime in the future? <verterok> ogra_, davmor2: we can work on the */5 + run-once next week <verterok> Chipaca: ^ yes <sil2100> dbarth: hey! Let me take a look if we have a free one after the meeting <verterok> ogra_, davmor2, Chipaca: just got remember about a issue with increasing the interval to 5min. we might get partial data due to rsync delays <asac> lool: tvoss: i assume we dont expect 33 to have working GPS? <tvoss> asac, gps yes, agps -> no <asac> haha <asac> tvoss: ok. the landing is stuck somewhere or still in the baking? <davmor2> verterok: hourly is fine for me I just wanted to know when, as it happens I didin't have enough time to wait <lool> asac: waiting for NM to get out of proposed <tvoss> lool, why do we need nm? <lool> asac: pinged cyphermox minutes ago, and he said it's in progress, working locally <lool> tvoss: I thought this is what the updated location-service silo was waiting for <verterok> davmor2: k, I think we can do that. will check the rsync stuff. <tvoss> lool, nope <asac> a kingdom for coordination :P <asac> lol <lool> tvoss: ah so we can just land our stuff now? <tvoss> lool, it's only silo 2 that needs landing <tvoss> lool, sure, the nm request came in with high urgency in the morning, that's why I put it in a silo :9 <tvoss> lool, see pm <asac> ok.. well. guess this wont make todays cut then. lets hope monday i get rtm proposed update with this stuff working <asac> that would make my week :) <dbarth> sil2100: thanks sir; let me know <popey> bah, browser locked up * popey sees a reboot in his future <lool> trainguards, would you be so kind to flush / kill row 9 (rtm silo 6): it was mandel's original location-service landing <lool> it's superseded <sil2100> lool: o/ Doing that once our meeting is over <lool> thanks <popey> wtf, walked away, browser exploded <ogra_> popey, rtm ? <elopio> sil2100: https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/1368855 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1368855 in Ubuntu Music App "all autopilot tests are failing on RTM image" [Undecided,New] <elopio> that's what's happening. I don't know what's causing it. <popey> ogra_: laptop <ogra_> popey, pfft <popey> indeed, we don't care about that :þ <ogra_> thats the channel next door ... with all the french people in it <sil2100> dbarth: which line was that? <sil2100> Since 51 doesn't seem to be the right one ;) <brendand> ogra_, signing you off <brendand> ogra_, any fallout is now officially *your* fault <sil2100> hah ;) <brendand> ogra_, this time i mean it :) * ogra_ hugs brendand <bzoltan> brendand: we got that dialer ugliness. The UITK will be fixed on Monday, because it is timp's code and he knows the best the solution. But it is possible to prevent the problem in the app.Theris is a possibility for late page-activation, that's what it causes the issue in Dialer: somehow the content gets too early not when the page gets active. Renato will fix the app to fetch the page content only when it gets active. <brendand> bzoltan, ok hopefully we can get it landed on monday then <bzoltan> brendand: Monday is sure <ogra_> sil2100, will we one day get to a point where i dont always have to click twice in jenkins ? <dbarth> sil2100: uh, that's 43 now <sil2100> ogra_: heh, happens to me too, not sure what's up with SSO loosing login information in jenkins <sil2100> dbarth: ACK ;) <bzoltan> brendand: ToyKeeper: ogra_: have you experienced that the ` phablet-click-test-setup --distribution=ubuntu-rtm --series=14.09` fails to download the click tests? (mako #34) <sil2100> dbarth: silo assigned o/ <dbarth> ty <ogra_> wow, i even got proper mails for them ... when did that get fixed <ogra_> sil2100, firing off another rtm build <ogra_> (if you dont mind) <ogra_> plars, ^^ <ogra_> (triggered) <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 34 building (started: 20140912 17:30) === <popey> what crack is in this one? <ogra_> developer mode <ogra_> finally in sync with utopic <plars> ack <popey> nice <sil2100> \o/ <sil2100> ogra_: thanks! <ogra_> :) <davmor2> sil2100, asac: might of found an issue with flight mode, I'll dig into after though. <cwayne> ogra_: so you ready for the flood of emails/pings of WHAT HAPPENED TO MY ADB IT DOESNT WORK ANYMORE then? :P <cwayne> sil2100: can i get a silo for line 53 by any chance? :) <ogra_> cwayne, i had that flood the last week already in utopic :) <sil2100> cwayne: ah, robru is not around today - ok, let me just finish up something and I'll move onto assigning a silo for you :) <ogra_> i'm at least wekkk trained <ogra_> *well <cwayne> ogra_: ha, true :) <tedg> sil2100, Can I please get a silo for line 55? <alecu> tedg: try pinging trainguards, there might be somebody else on duty <tedg> trainguards, Can I please get a silo for line 55? <sil2100> tedg: please wait one moment :) <cwayne> sil2100: thank you :) <sil2100> cwayne, tedg: silos assigned o/ <tedg> sil2100, Thanks! <charles> tedg, fixing <charles> tedg, fixed <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 34 DONE (finished: 20140912 18:55) === <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/34.changes === <cwayne> do i have to build if i have sync:12, or will it eventually do it automagically? <sil2100> cwayne: once you press the build button on the sync silo it will try fetching packages from the source silo and rebuilding them <cwayne> sil2100: i tried that and it complained about no MP;s ^ * cprov changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: cprov | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Latest flash update hung all makos on s-jenkins. <sil2100> cwayne: did you build the ubuntu silo already? <sil2100> Ah you did <sil2100> cwayne: then do a whole build first <sil2100> cwayne: CI Train might be a bit confused here <sil2100> cwayne: just press build with no build parameters <davmor2> sil2100, asac: I am happy to report that it looks like the issue with with unity8 locking up seems to be partially repaired. I can no longer trigger it by accident. I have found 3 new issues but I would say that they are only user visible. I'm going to dig into the flight mode issue I hit earlier and see if is reproducible <sil2100> :D <sil2100> : D <davmor2> sil2100: the flight mode issue would be a blocker if it is reproducible <ogra_> davmor2, sil2100, all webapps are broken in #34 <sil2100> davmor2: ^ ? <davmor2> sil2100: I'm on 33 <sil2100> Ah, right, confused ;) <sil2100> wth <ogra_> sil2100, davmor2, open any webapp from the store and tap i.e. an article ... everything opens in the browser <ogra_> instead of inside the app <davmor2> sil2100: they work fine here, if they are broken on 34 the only thing that landed was ogra's stuff so I'd blame ogra ;) <sil2100> http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/34.changes <- huh <charles> tedg, will test RSN <sil2100> Yeah <ogra_> sil2100, no idea if that was the case on 33, i skipped 33 <ogra_> hmm, i found two installed ones where it works fine ... and it works also fine in the BBC app <ogra_> but all apps i generally use show that behavior after the upgrade <ogra_> dbarth_, did the container format change in any way ? all links in my apps seem to be treated as external ones <davmor2> ogra_: here on 33, ebay, facebook, twitter, gmail and amazon all open in container not browser <ogra_> davmor2, i'm talking about apps from the store <ogra_> try n-tv.de, heise.de, golem.de <ogra_> they all worked before the upgrade <ogra_> davmor2, or to try a non german one, imdb <davmor2> ogra_: google + is fine <ogra_> yes <ogra_> the handfull preinstalled ones seems fine <ogra_> but for me not a single of my daily apps is usable <davmor2> ogra_: G+ not gmail <ogra_> yes, G+ is fine <davmor2> ogra_: yes that is a from the store app <ogra_> i know <ogra_> still <ogra_> try imdb <ogra_> it worked before the upgrade <ogra_> most of my apps behave like that <davmor2> sil2100: see said it was ogra_ 's fault <sil2100> Shame on you ogra_ <sil2100> Anyway, I'd like someone else to confirm <ogra_> *sniff* <sil2100> ToyKeeper: hey, are you around? <ToyKeeper> sil2100: Yes, just about to have a meeting though. What's up? <sil2100> ToyKeeper: once you finish your meeting, could you maybe spare a cycle, install #34 on krillin and check if you can reproduce the webapp issues that ogra_ is seeing? ^ <ToyKeeper> D'oh, I apparently flashed too soon and got 33. <ToyKeeper> sil2100: Yes, I think I can do that. <sil2100> davmor2: anyway, I remove the location-service trust-prompt bug from the blockers, as this specific issue is fixed <davmor2> ogra_: imdb on 33 http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/imdb.png <sil2100> davmor2: if location still has issues then it would be awesome if you could fill in/find a new bug ;) <ogra_> davmor2, and if you tap on anything ? <ogra_> it doesnt open the browser for you ? <ogra_> ToyKeeper, no, try on 33 <ToyKeeper> D'oh, already flashing 34. <ogra_> we got a new browser there <davmor2> ogra_: oh wow yes but not on g+ <ogra_> davmor2, right ... but in many other webapps <ogra_> i think the webapp-container pattern matching changed or some such <ogra_> or got more strict or some such <davmor2> dbarth_: ^ <ogra_> davmor2, but good that you could confirm on 33 ... so i dont have to find out how adb can break webapps :) <davmor2> ogra_: I still blame you :P <ogra_> heh <davmor2> ogra_: so popey's bbc news app works so I wonder if it just the ones that your script built? Maybe they need the toolkit updating maybe? <ogra_> davmor2, i doubt that, we didnt have any framework change <ToyKeeper> Okay... what still needs testing? <davmor2> ogra_: your imdb does it default to m.? if not that might be the issue <ogra_> yes, it defaults to m. <davmor2> ogra_: one for the web apps team then <ogra_> right <ogra_> makes the phone unusable for me on the weekend :( <davmor2> I still blame you though ogra_ don't think you get off that lightly ;) <ogra_> ToyKeeper, i thik davmor2 confirmed the issue <ogra_> davmor2, well, i'll play around with the container options on the WE then <davmor2> ToyKeeper: install imdb, open the app and click on anything does it open in the container or in the browser <davmor2> Right I'm off catch you Monday guys <brendand> robru, sil2100 - so it might be we need to promote the Trello board a bit more <brendand> robru, sil2100 - can you manage to add a link to the dashboard and/or spreadsheet? <sil2100> brendand: I think I added it to the spreadsheet once, let me check <sil2100> brendand: anyway, what's up? <brendand> sil2100, at least awe_ didn't know about it, so probably others don't too. and it's only fair that transparency works both ways <jdstrand> sil2100: hey, so I have a bug fix upload that I direct uploaded to utopic-proposed (ie, no silo). I'd like to have a silo for rtm (so I can do a source copy for rtm binaries) <jdstrand> sil2100: is there some special stuff I need to do in the spreadsheet to indicate that? <jdstrand> sil2100: (note, all I need is an rtm silo assignment, I don't think I need help getting packages in the ppa) <jdstrand> actually, I might. I'll wait for your response <ogra_> jdstrand, i usually do the same process ... once you haveteh PPA assigned just dput to it <jdstrand> right <ogra_> rtm needs some tweak in dput.cf <jdstrand> I think I did that * jdstrand checks <jdstrand> yes <jdstrand> mostly I'm wondering how to notate in the spreadsheet <ogra_> right, then its just like any landing before <jdstrand> if there is something special I should do <ogra_> noe that you want it for rtm <ogra_> *note <jdstrand> ok <ogra_> there is a column for that <sil2100> jdstrand: hey! One moment <sil2100> jdstrand: ok, I think all you need then is an RTM silo then <sil2100> jdstrand: what package was that? I need to list it there <jdstrand> sil2100: I'm updating line row 60. just rtm, just apparmor <jdstrand> sil2100: ok, I think row 60 is all that is needed? <sil2100> jdstrand: let me assign that in 5 minutes <tedg> sil2100, Can we please get an rtm silo for line 56? <jdstrand> sil2100: that's fine, it isn't critical. I am just preparing this so I am ready to coordinate with cwayne on some /custom stuff he wants to test <sil2100> tedg: we assigned one for you already <tedg> sil2100, Ah, cool! <sil2100> tedg: you can build safely now :) <sil2100> Ok guys, I need to EOD now <sil2100> See you on Monday! <tedg> trainguards, let's just deallocate silo6 <tedg> I've spent almost a day on that, and it's not important enough to spend that much time, much less more. * cprov changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Latest flash update hung all makos on s-jenkins. <jdstrand> ogra_: can you show me a snippet of your .dput.cf? <jdstrand> I had something for direct uploads. I'm close for silo uploads, but figure you have something snazzy I can steal <ogra_> jdstrand, i dynamically changed the ppa section up to now <ogra_> #incoming = ~%(ppa)s/ubuntu <ogra_> incoming = ~%(ppa)s <ogra_> that way <ogra_> and then upload like: dput ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu-rtm/landing-XXX blah.changes <cjwatson> jdstrand: due to William Grant, this is a general stanza that lets you upload to anything: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8329915/ <cjwatson> then you can do lp:ubuntu, lp:ubuntu-rtm, lp:~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/landing-XXX, etc. <cjwatson> the ppa stanza is fixed in trusty-proposed / utopic <jdstrand> ah, you showed me that before, but I didn't grok it <jdstrand> awesome, thanks guys :) <cjwatson> let me just quickly verify dput-ng in trusty-proposed so that I can release that SRU ... * jdstrand is on utopic of course :) <cjwatson> oh, well, the ppa section should work unchanged for you then <jdstrand> cool, thanks again :) * cjwatson releases that dput and dput-ng to trusty-updates #ubuntu-ci-eng 2014-09-13 <imgbot> === trainguards: IMAGE 240 building (started: 20140913 02:05) === <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 36 building (started: 20140913 03:05) === <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 36 DONE (finished: 20140913 04:20) === <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/36.changes === <slangasek> I'm confused by this output; it doesn't look like a test failure, but some kind of otto test framework failure? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-utopic/2917/console #ubuntu-ci-eng 2014-09-14 <ToyKeeper> D'oh. 'adb wait-for-device' doesn't work any more. :( <ToyKeeper> Actually, I suppose it's just that adb as a whole doesn't work any more. :( <ToyKeeper> (until logging in and activating developer mode, which kind of invalidates tests when I need to have a silo installed at setup wizard time) <ToyKeeper> Maybe I missed a mailing list post. <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 38 building (started: 20140914 03:05) === <imgbot> === trainguards: RTM IMAGE 38 DONE (finished: 20140914 04:25) === <imgbot> === changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/38.changes === <ogra_> ToyKeeper, you want --developer-mode and --password= for ubuntu-device-flash, then it will let you in on boot <ToyKeeper> Ah, okay. I didn't have the --password= bit. :) <nik90> ogra_: how do I do the developer mode stuff for the emulator? <nik90> ogra_: I enabled it in the emulator image, but it still is recognized by qtcreator. <nik90> s/is/isn't <ogra_> nik90, --developer-mode iirc it sets the default password to 0000 ... also make sure ot use the latest devel-proposed, that has all the fixes <ogra_> rtm doesnt yet <nik90> ogra_: I did that, although the latest emulator devel-proposed is 237 while on phone it is 239 <ogra_> plars, manta should work again in devel-proposed, i also added the lightdm bits so you should be able to drop teh workarounds, note that due to some weird issue neither mako nor krillin are buillt at all though <ogra_> nik90, thats expected, numbers are not related to each other at all anymore <nik90> ogra_: ok, then I am not sure what's wrong. Atm the emulator opens up. I got to the system-settings-app and confirm that the developer mode is enabled. After which I also notice that I need to enter 0000 to unlock the emulator. However qtcreator still says that the emulator is loading and not detecting that it has been loaded. <nik90> ogra_: funny thing is I was sticking to devel images until this developer mode stuff settled down a bit. But then I think the click package updated and now I cannot run apps on the devel emulator as well. <nik90> ogra_: so kinda forced to run on phone which isn't ideal for 3rd party app devs who don't have a phone #ubuntu-ci-eng 2015-09-07 <Mirv> anpok_: it seems you got it uploaded by robert. let me run a watch_only build on the silo to get the status right, someone has erronously clicked on that silo. <Mirv> anpok_: except that it's not compatible with the mir it seems? <anpok_> Mirv: ok I need to take a look <anpok_> Mirv: oh yes .. becaue vivid uses an older mir release before the deprecated api was removed. Will fix and come back. <Mirv> anpok_: ok <anpok_> Mirv: had to re-add the patches from the 0.14 landing, can you use the link I sent you? <anpok_> I cannot upload it on my own. <Mirv> anpok_: morphis: uploading all things :) <anpok_> Mirv: thx <morphis> Mirv: great <popey> cihelp: any reason https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/ubuntu-filemanager-app/add-click-deps/+merge/270287 isn't being picked up by jenkins? <popey> it seemed to work on 29th Aug.. <Mirv> cyphermox: a main package with packaging changes would need publishing https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-035-2-publish/17/ <psivaa> popey: this has now been picked up, right? https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/ubuntu-filemanager-app/add-click-deps/+merge/270287 <popey> psivaa: yes, it seems to, thanks! <psivaa> np <pete-woods> kyrofa: hey. was starting to type up that mailing list post about not being able to flash my mediatek devices <pete-woods> kyrofa: these are my logs http://paste.ubuntu.com/12307383/ <pete-woods> wondered if there was anything from your machine I could add, to try and avoid turning it into a anti-MacBook thread <slangasek> michi: I saw that your single tree packaging changes are now marked as "merged"; does that mean you got another core dev to review the packaging changes and they've now landed in the archive? <robru> slangasek: the silo isn't published https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/295 <robru> slangasek: also archive version seems old <robru> slangasek: if you're around can you ack & publish https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-040-1-build/53/artifact/ubuntu-settings-components_packaging_changes.diff/*view*/ ? ;-) <slangasek> robru: can you give me the link to what it is that needs published? this isn't exactly discoverable from the jenkins url you gave me <slangasek> robru: is https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/309 the one? <slangasek> right, that seems to be the one; publishing <robru> slangasek: oh sorry, it's discoverable if you truncate the url and change "1-build" to "2-publish" ;-) <cjwatson> robru: I must remember that excuse for LP <michi> slangasek: Yes, I got someone else to review it, but it’s only gone into our devel branch. <michi> It’s not in the archives. <michi> slangasek: Pawel was going to put together another MR (identical) that targets trunk. <robru> cjwatson: well it's obvious to /me/, cmon get with the program here <robru> I suppose i could change the diff generation to include a link to the publish job. <slangasek> robru: or you could provide a link to the landing instead of to the diff :) <robru> slangasek: but then it wouldn't be clear where to get the diff from <robru> either way you're hunting <slangasek> robru: follow the 'build' link, click on the latest build, look at the artifacts...? that's much more intuitive than playing url regexp bingo <robru> slangasek: in some cases the diff is on the publish job, if you recall we had that issue where a silo was "built" but certain manual sources hadn't been built and thus had no diffs. the publish job regenerates all diffs before publishing to get around that <robru> "hadn't been built" of course meaning "nobody thought to run the jenkins build job" <robru> slangasek: also super confusing is that the jenkins job lists the artifacts only for the most successful run, so when I click publish and it fails, and you go to the publish job, the artifacts it shows are not at all for the thing I'm trying to publish but for whatever was previously published from that silo <robru> jenkins is really a mess ere <robru> here <robru> slangasek: when I get to replacing jenkins I'll have to make a point of developing a silo summary page that includes the "built-ness" of individual packages rather than the whole silo, and offers all "artifacts" in one place, regardless of whether they're build artifacts or publish artifacts, or whether the job was successful or not <michi> robru: ping <robru> michi: pong <michi> Hi, thanks for getting back! <robru> michi: it is a holiday but I'm around for a bit <michi> I’d like to build a branch in a silo, but in debug mode. Is that possible? <robru> michi: what do you mean by debug mode? <robru> michi: you mean you want the ddebs? <michi> A debug build instead of a release build <michi> The silo builds the cmake project with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release, I believe. <michi> I’d like debug instead. <robru> michi: what? the silo absolutely has no knowledge of cmake. <michi> OK, yes... <robru> michi: if your debian/rules is setting that variable, just push a commit that sets it to somethng else <michi> So, what debian magic do I need to perform to end up with packages built in debug mode? <michi> I’m not setting anything in rules. <michi> I guess my real question is: what do I need to change in rules to get the build setting I need? <michi> I still don’t know anywhere near enough about debian :( <robru> michi: like "override_dh_build: make CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug" or something then <robru> michi: what silo? <michi> OK, cook, thank you! <michi> 27 <robru> michi: replace "make" with whatever is actually necessary to build, so probably "cmake" or somethng <michi> OK, I’ll have a tinker, thanks! <robru> michi: you're welcome. you might also try exporting the variable at the top here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~michihenning/unity-scopes-api/abi-compliance/view/head:/debian/rules <michi> Will try, thanks! <robru> michi: what's your goal though? to have a package where the symbols aren't stripped out? because that happens deep in the debian tooling, probably not something that cmake can control <michi> OK, I’m abusing the silo :) <michi> I need to generate ABI baselines for all architectures. <michi> I don’t have all the machines I would need to do it locally. <robru> michi: that I have no idea about <michi> So, the plan is to use the silo to generate all the ABI baselines. <michi> Then I can pull the debs, pull the ABI files out them, and check them into the source tree. <michi> But that only works if the lib is built in debug mode. <robru> michi: that sounds like something that would work assuming that the *.install files know to include these ABI files in the final build. <michi> It’s all about automating the ABI compliance checks so they run every time we build/test on Jenkins and a silo. <michi> Yes, that’s the plan. <michi> It’s all just a temporary setup so I can get the files generated for each architecture. <michi> Once I have them, I can just throw the branch and the silo away <robru> michi: ok sounds like you know what to try then. I'm gone in about an hour so if you have any questions better to ask sooner than later <michi> OK, cool, thanks! <robru> michi: you're welcome #ubuntu-ci-eng 2015-09-08 <abeato> Mirv, would it be possible to publish silo 35 ? <Mirv> abeato: I tried yesterday, but I don't have rights. I also pinged cyphermox so he could publish it, but it didn't happen. we need a core-dev to publish it since it's a main package with packaging changes. <Mirv> I'm not sure about anyone at this hour who's available <abeato> Mirv, hmm, got it, maybe Laney a bit later <Mirv> right, he for example <Mirv> the new system is that not only verbal 'ack' is needed, the publisher needs to be a core dev himself if there are packaging chagnes <abeato> Mirv, understood. Btw, do you know if there has been any wily image re-spin for the phone recently? I have not seen updates for one week or so <Mirv> abeato: it was mentioned yesterday there's a problem with those, but I'm not aware of any update yet. <abeato> I see, thanks <anpok> Mirv: hm the builder on 21 couldnt verify my signature.. <Mirv> anpok: it's usually something else, let's see <Mirv> anpok: if you mean the current error report, it's from yesterday's build job when amd64 failed to build <Mirv> updating the status now <Mirv> anpok: for some reason, it still has failed to build on powerpc and ppc64el https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-021/+packages citing No package 'mirclient' found <Mirv> anpok: you've removed the following: <Mirv> -ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), amd64 arm64 armhf i386)) <Mirv> - DEB_CONFIGURE_FLAGS_shared += --enable-mir-backend <Mirv> -endif <Mirv> according to diff at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/216566135/gtk%2B3.0_3.14.15-0ubuntu1_3.14.15-0ubuntu2.diff.gz <Mirv> which could explain it, ie it shouldn't try building mir backend on powerpc <Mirv> HTH <anpok> hum we have mirclient in the phone overlay <anpok> for ppc and ppc64 <ogra_> in preparation for the ppc64 phones ;) <anpok> yes they will come! <ogra_> right after the sparc ones :) <anpok> yes both ibm and oracle just wait for the right moment to ship their phones <ogra_> yeah, its all in the drawer already ... the new mainframe is also just a cabinet full of phones, they just didnt tell anyone <anpok> yes little watson and little sherlock <anpok> a phone and tablet <ogra_> hehe <ogra_> but seriously, we seem to have to care for arm64 soon <ogra_> seeing the mailing list ... <anpok> uh my fault.. the control file is still wrong <anpok> Mirv: could you update with the new stuff from chinstrap? <anpok> oh <anpok> not yet <anpok> ok now <Mirv> anpok: url would help:) <Mirv> anpok: ok found <Mirv> anpok: it can't be the same version though, you can't overwrite old packages in PPA <Mirv> anpok: ok I repacked it <anpok> thx <Laney> anpok: erm, how did that happen? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gtk/ubuntugtk3vivid-overlay/view/head:/debian/control <Laney> Mirv: ack what? <Mirv> Laney: publish 035 media-hub which has a packaging change https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-035-2-publish/17/ <Mirv> src in main nowadays <Laney> ok <Laney> Mirv: it iz done <anpok> Laney: o_O <Laney> and now http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gtk/ubuntugtk3vivid-overlay/view/head:/debian/libgtk-3-0.symbols#L265 <Laney> I think you should diff against this branch <Mirv> thanks! <doko> whoever uploaded libertine ... are you aware that it is not migrating to -release because proot is not available on powerpc and ppc64el? <Mirv> bregma: ^ libertine not migrating <alf_> cihelp: Hi! mir-mediumtests-runner-mako has started failing today with packaging/archive related problems. Could you please take a look? (example https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-mediumtests-runner-mako/6533/console) <doko> Mirv, bregma: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libertine/+bug/1493296 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1493296 in libertine (Ubuntu Wily) "unfulfilled proot dependency on powerpc and ppc64el" [High,Confirmed] <psivaa> alf_: looking <Laney> anpok: it is done, enjoy <rvr> morphis: Where is tools_update-system-img.sh located? <rvr> morphis: Found it <rvr> morphis: Another question. The test plan only shows instructions to test in mako. Would it be possible to test in krillin or arale? <morphis> rvr: you mean for https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/319? <rvr> morphis: Yes <morphis> That only updates the kernels for mako and flo <morphis> krillin and arale are not ready yet <morphis> and as long as the kernel isn't updated for both the test plan doesn't work on them <rvr> morphis: I see <nerochiaro> cihelp: seems like this MR is having some infrastructure problems: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-vivid-mako/3313/console <psivaa> nerochiaro: yea, looking at a similar problem <nerochiaro> psivaa: ok, thanks. will you re-run the job on that MR when done, then ? <psivaa> nerochiaro: ack <Saviq> davmor2, do we need to do anything to get a silo on your guys's radar, or do you just monitor the QA Ready set of requests/ <Saviq> +Shift <davmor2> Saviq: it's all handled on the bileto system we have a bot that creates the tickets from there <davmor2> Saviq: the bit that says QA required I think you flip to Ready for QA and then the ticket is created if everything else is correct. <Saviq> davmor2, ok, so it didn't <jdstrand> jibel: hey, regarding ota6 slowness. I have an arale and was seeing these issues (not so much the dialer, but unresponsiveness, etc) <Saviq> davmor2, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/285 <jdstrand> jibel: I saw http://people.canonical.com/~lzemczak/landing-team/ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/115.commitlog's qtdeclarative-opensource-src (5.4.1-1ubuntu10) which talked about memory leaks. since I was seeing the browser go white, I was thinking that maybe it was getting OOMd <Saviq> and there's 3 cards for 317 now... <jdstrand> jibel: so I went from stable to rc-proposed and the phone is usable again. I did this on Saturday, so before the last two images <jdstrand> jibel: it is important to note that I have no idea what the actual problem was, but rc-proposed from friday is a significant improvement over stable. I don't know if it will help the people on the list either of course <jdstrand> significant improvement for *me* that is <davmor2> Saviq: just asked jibel about that <jibel> Saviq, kgunn seems the bot went mad on bzoltan's landing request. I'll have a look. <kgunn> jibel: thanks <alf_> psivaa: Hi! I noticed that all packaging failures were on mako-08, and all passes were not on mako-08. That's suspicious... perhaps mako-08 needs a reflash? <alf_> psivaa: (this is regarding mir-mediumtests-runner-mako job failures) <psivaa> alf_: yes, mako-08 and mako-12 are giving similar troubles. having to flash them before running the tests <alf_> psivaa: thanks <bzoltan> jibel: did I do something wrong? <bzoltan> jibel: I have top approved that MR <jibel> bzoltan, you did nothing wrong, the bot keep crashing on your request and stopped adding cards, I'll have a look <jibel> bzoltan, the trello bot <jibel> jdstrand, crash reporting is one of the reason of the slowness but likely not the only one. OOM might be another. In previous OTA the phone didn't boot at all when there were lot of crash files. <jdstrand> jibel: yeah, I was following the thread. so there is fixing how we crash report and also fixing what is crashing :) all I can say is that something in rc-proposed is better for me <kgunn> jibel: hmmm...silo 14 still not listed on the qa trello <jibel> kgunn, bot is still broken <jibel> kgunn, actually it's exploding on silo 14 :) <jibel> ah double \n <jibel> fixed <davmor2> jibel: blame Saviq it works for me <jibel> davmor2, actually I blame robru for moving from a nice data structure to free text <davmor2> jibel: but blaming Saviq is far more fun he just kinda goes meh <jibel> kgunn, silo 14 is on the board https://trello.com/c/diqsa4vu/2273-285-ubuntu-landing-014-unity-system-compositor-unity-api-unity8-qtmir-mir-mzanetti-saviq-bregma <mzanetti> ta :) <psivaa> alf_: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-mediumtests-runner-mako/6535/consoleText appears to have gone passed the flashing issues and seeing some legit failures <psivaa> nerochiaro: https://code.launchpad.net/~uriboni/webbrowser-app/topsite-previews/+merge/269771 also has some test failures unrelated to the infrastructure <psivaa> https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-vivid-mako/3324/ <rvr> morphis: There is a problem with silo 19. The device type is still a computer. <rvr> kenvandine: If back, check silo 9 card <kenvandine> rvr, i'm here, i can't reproduce it on my mako <kenvandine> going to try on my arale soon <kenvandine> rvr, however, if that's happening it's mostly likely a bug in ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts <kenvandine> all that button does is switch to that plugin <kenvandine> might be a race with going back and forth there <rvr> mardy: ^ What do you think? <rvr> mardy: https://trello.com/c/6gNZ80NI/2250-293-ubuntu-landing-009-ubuntu-system-settings-ken-vandine <kenvandine> i'd be surprised if it was device specific, but i've tried many times on my mako and couldn't repro it <mardy> rvr: you mean that the Accounts item disappears? <kenvandine> says it becomes unresponsive too <kenvandine> mardy, this landing just adds a button to switch to the accounts plugin <mardy> kenvandine: could it be that there's a memory leak? <kenvandine> possible <mardy> kenvandine: that could explain why it's device specific :-) <mardy> rvr: you could check the memory usage, whether it's growing <rvr> mardy: The page appears blank <rvr> mardy: Just the title, but no content <rvr> mardy: And cannot go back <kenvandine> ok, i did repro it on my arale <kenvandine> pretty easily <bregma> fginther, the recent CI setup for our Libertine project doesn't seem to work, have we done something wrong (we changed the development target branch in the project to the one targeted by CI)? <kenvandine> mardy, it does the same thing the about plugin does to take you to the updates page <mardy> rvr, kenvandine: can either of you pleae write me a quick mail with the relevant links? I'll have a look at it tomorrow <kenvandine> mardy, sure <kenvandine> sent <fginther> bregma, it looks like the branch alias changed and there is no longer a lp:libertine/devel. This just requires a change to job configuration to look at lp:libertine instead. <bregma> fginther, I figured as much <morphis> rvr: that is fine, the other silo which fixes that isn't landed yet <morphis> rvr: see https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/296 <morphis> rvr: sorry, was confused .. <morphis> rvr: can you describe more what you see? <morphis> rvr: and please do a ps axu | grep bluetoothd on your device <fginther> bregma, ci is now watching lp:libertine. <bregma> fginther, thanks, we'll test it at the next opportunity <rvr> morphis: The type of the (bluetooth) device is not a phone, but a computer. And apparently the silo changed that. <rvr> morphis: When I see mako with another device via Bluetooth, it stills shows the icon of a computer, not a phone. #ubuntu-ci-eng 2015-09-09 <veebers> robru: hey, you around perchance? <robru> veebers: maybe, what's up? <veebers> robru: awesome :-) Hey, I'm trying to remember from ages, canonical/ubuntu has CDNs setup for the likes of Angular etc. right? I'm wondering where to find that info <veebers> robru: I'm hoping there is bootstrap all setup and ready to consume <robru> veebers: i think you're right but i don't remember the answer. If you read the source of requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com it'll show where it's sourcing angular from <veebers> robru: coolio, cheers :-) <robru> veebers: as i recall if you need to add to it you have to commit to lp:ubuntu-assets but branching it is 15GBs so it's quite the chore to download <Mirv> mornings <veebers> robru: yeah, that rings a bell :-P I'm hoping the have a generic CDN. If not there are others to use initially <robru> veebers: yeah. Good luck <robru> Mirv: goodnight ;-) <veebers> robru: heh cheers <Mirv> robru: a good choice! :) <morphis> robru: there seems to be a problem with the comment function in the citrain dashboard; clicking the comment button doesn't show the comment as being added directly which lead me to add one twice (see https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/270) <robru> morphis: I'm not sure how that could be, it refreshes the page after posting a comment which should load the new comment. There used to be a race condition there but i remember fixing it. <morphis> it didn't happen here <robru> morphis: can you file a bug against lp:bileto? The button should dim after clicking it, i implemented that for the save button, forgot to connect it to the comment button <morphis> and I could open the comment box again and the same text was still in there <morphis> robru: sure <robru> morphis: when in doubt reload the page <morphis> yeah :) <anpok_> trainguards: I tested 21 and it works as expected, and fails where it should fail.. Am I allowed to fill out and build the publish jenkins job? <Mirv> anpok_: no, you can just mark it as ready for publishing, which currently is the status "Publish without QA". it will then show up in our radar. the status namings will be clarified a bit once there's some consensus on which kind of wordings make sense. <Mirv> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain/LandingProcess#The_QA_Signoff_Status_field <anpok_> Mirv: ah ok .. got confused thought there was a single sign-off button <morphis> rvr: basically the issue was that the device class was stored in /var/lib/bluetooth/<mac>/config and had a higher priority than the one coming from /etc/bluetooth/touch.conf <morphis> so migrating to something else was impossible <rvr> morphis: Oh, I see <morphis> however that doesn't happen in all situations <rvr> morphis: Cool, now it shows as mobile <morphis> rvr: great! <morphis> rvr: what does not pass with "BLUETOOTH DISCOVERABILITY (RADIO): FAIL."? <rvr> morphis: I'll fix that. It took a while for the device to be unlisted. <morphis> rvr: ok <rvr> morphis: Approving silo 19 <morphis> rvr: thanks! <Mirv> nice to have lxc-android-config now in the train! <popey> cihelp: is there some reason this won't merge? https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/notes-app/fix-non-starting/+merge/270425 (I realise it failed ci, but I marked it merged, shouldn't it CI autoland?) <psivaa> popey: you'd probably mark it as 'Approved' not 'Merged' <popey> oh <popey> psivaa: it was already approved but didn't merge <psivaa> popey: ok, i dont see any autolanding jobs for notes-app ? <psivaa> was this requested? <popey> hm <popey> psivaa: this is an old app, should have been autolanding forever? <popey> i see jenkins was previously building it fine http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/notes-app-click/ <popey> stopped back in july. Did something break? <psivaa> The last change in https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/notes-app/trunk was in July <popey> right, and I made a change yesterday <psivaa> popey: I can not figure how they were landing before, but there is no 'generic-land' job tied to any of the notes-app jobs at present. <psivaa> http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/notes-app-click gets only triggered when there is a landing to lp:notes-app <psivaa> which hasn't happened for your change <psivaa> I'll ask how this was landing before when fginther comes online <popey> k, thanks <kenvandine> mardy, any luck with the problem we found in silo 9? <Mirv> jhodapp: bug #1493851 is now the "early warning" requested. I've backported "what went into Qt 5.6" to our Qt 5.5 packages so therefore the bug is filed now. <ubot5> bug 1493851 in media-hub (Ubuntu) "Port to upstreamed versions of QML Playlist and Audio Role" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1493851 <Mirv> jhodapp: fix the bug description / packages as needed <jhodapp> Mirv, what do you mean? <Mirv> jhodapp: you mentioned that something is slightly different in those patches compared to our overlay version, needing changes, and that you need an early warning? <jhodapp> Mirv, oh, actually I believe I mentioned that to you because of the audio role patches...they were modified and the list of possible audio roles are different from what we have vs what actually landed for 5.6 <Mirv> jhodapp: ah, so it was audio roles only, ok. <jhodapp> Mirv, yeah, qtubuntu-media should fail to compile with 5.6 installed <anpok_> cihelp: we need help with one of our CI jobs: mir-android-vivid-i386-build, we would need another package installed prior to executing <Mirv> jhodapp: can you quickly change the bug so that it reflects the correct package(s) affected etc? <jhodapp> sure <Mirv> thanks <fginther> anpok_, which package? <anpok_> fginther: didnt expect you... multistrap - I did extend the cross compile script to also pull packages from stable-phone ppa. <fginther> anpok_, ack, we'll get it updated <oSoMoN> trainguards: I added a branch to silo 21, so it needs a reconfigure, I don’t remember whether I can do that myself? <anpok_> fginther: thx <fginther> psivaa, popey, autolanding for lp:notes-app has been handled by the ci-train since Jan 2014 (had to do some bzr repo digging to find that) <psivaa> fginther: ohh, ack, thanks for the information. <Mirv> oSoMoN: you can, just click assign <oSoMoN> Mirv, ah, thanks <mardy> kenvandine: no, sorry, I couldn't spend much time on it <mardy> kenvandine: do you see anything suspicious in the logs when that happens? <kenvandine> mardy, i'll look <kenvandine> mardy, nothing logged <kenvandine> this time though it took several tries to reproduce it <kenvandine> several actually means 6 or 7 times <kenvandine> yesterday it was reliably the 3rd time <mardy> kenvandine: I couldn't try your branch, but I tried the "about this phone"->updates step which you said being similar, and I didn't reproduce it <kenvandine> mardy, yeah, we can't reproduce it with the updates page <kenvandine> only with online-accounts <mardy> kenvandine: and you see an empty accounts page, at some point? <kenvandine> yeah <mardy> kenvandine: with no title even? <kenvandine> and non-responsive <kenvandine> no, there is a title <kenvandine> <Accounts <kenvandine> < being the back action <kenvandine> which doesn't respond <kenvandine> no items in the list <mardy> kenvandine: can you check with top, whether it's doing something? <kenvandine> i suspect that page never loads <kenvandine> nope, idle <mardy> kenvandine: or maybe it's frozen because it crashed and apport is collecting logs? <kenvandine> i don't have any crash files since last week <kenvandine> nothing from settings either <popey> fgimenez: psivaa okay, thanks. <fgimenez> popey, probably for fginther ^ :) <popey> duh, yes. <kenvandine> mardy, rvr: it's racy <mardy> kenvandine: tell me more :-) <rvr> kenvandine: mardy: The first time I saw the issue, it was the second time I opened the page <kenvandine> mardy, if the first time i switch to accounts, i wait 10 seconds or so <kenvandine> before backing out <kenvandine> i can't reproduce it anymore <rvr> But I needed around four tries the next time <kenvandine> but if the first time i switch i back out quickly <kenvandine> i can reproduce it <kenvandine> so the first time the panel loads, it seems to need enough time to finish <kenvandine> or something <mardy> kenvandine: can you try again, but from the System Settings main page? I mean, opening Accounts from there and going back <mardy> a few times <kenvandine> mardy, i did, it doesn't seem to behave the same <kenvandine> not sure why <mardy> kenvandine: in line 67 here: https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/security-ui-tweaks/+merge/268625, can you try adding a second parameter: <mardy> kenvandine: {plugin: upPlugin, pluginManager: pluginManager} <kenvandine> sure <mardy> kenvandine: well, actually it shouldn't make a difference <mardy> it might, though :-) <kenvandine> mardy, well... that did seem to work <kenvandine> mardy, i can't seem to reproduce it with that <mardy> kenvandine: it's beyond comprehension, I'm afraid :-) <mardy> kenvandine: the online accounts page is not using those variables, but the ItemPage base class is <mardy> kenvandine: however, it's using the "plugin" only in its "title" property, which Online Accounts overrides; so I'm a bit surprised that it makes a difference <kenvandine> rvr, i'm adding that fix to the silo <rvr> kenvandine: Cool <kenvandine> jgdx, can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-system-settings/app_permissions_online_accounts/+merge/270548 <rvr> ping me when ready and I'll recheck it <kenvandine> mardy, it's even weirder that no matter how hard i try, i can't repro it on mako <kenvandine> mardy, or if you could review it <kenvandine> mardy, i also renamed the variables to make more sense for online-accounts <mardy> kenvandine: +1 <kenvandine> mardy, thanks! <kenvandine> rvr, silo 9 rebuilt with that branch <rvr> kenvandine: Thanks. <Laney> do I have to assign again after editing the list of MPs? * Laney screams <robru> Laney: yes, but not for much longer, I'm working on that. is that all that's wrng? <fginther> anpok, any idea what is going on here? http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/mir-android-vivid-i386-build-test/47/console? multistrap is installed as a i386 package early on, but it can't be found when the cross-compile-chroot runs <robru> kenvandine: mterry: whoever's around, can I get a packaging ack & publish for https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-010-2-publish/79/ <anpok> fginther: ah no it is working correctly <anpok> my fault <anpok> somehow <anpok> because I added multistrap to the build dependencies, and there is no multistrap inside the armhf archive on ports.ubuntu.com it fails now. <robru> kenvandine: mterry: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-014-2-publish/118/ also this one please <kenvandine> robru, looking <robru> kenvandine: thanks <anpok> fginther: pushing a fix - should work then <anpok> thx <fginther> anpok, thx, retesting <kenvandine> robru, published <robru> kenvandine: great, thanks <kenvandine> np <fginther> anpok, Thanks, that fixed works. The job has been updated now to add the necessary dependencies and your MP has been restarted. <Laney> robru: I was screaming at the multiple failures :) <Laney> not your fault <robru> ah #ubuntu-ci-eng 2015-09-10 <Mirv> mornings <oSoMoN> ubuntu-qa: good morning, is there an ETA for silo 23 validation? <mzanetti> trainguards, in bileto I can't find the link to the adt results if something is hanging in the proposed pocket, can you point me to it? <robru> mzanetti: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html <mzanetti> robru, good morning <mzanetti> robru, in the dashboard, the link would directly bring me to the packages I'm trying to land. can we have that back in bileto? <robru> mzanetti: yeah, please file a bug about this in lp:bileto <robru> (1am here, I'll get to it tomorrow) <Mirv> mzanetti: true, that would be useful <mzanetti> Mirv, hey, looking at unity8/qtmir adt logs but don't really understand what's going wrong. bootest has some issue. have you seen this before? <jibel> oSoMoN, likely today <oSoMoN> jibel, cool, thanks! <Mirv> mzanetti: I don't know what's the current status of boottests, they have had non landing related problems in the past. but seeing that the latest unity8 job was started by francis manually, at least they have been looking at it. let's ping ci_help if they can understand about the boottests more. all I see is that adt-run was Killed in the log. <mzanetti> ah ok... so you would agree that it rather looks like a system failure than some real regression in the branches we're trying to land? <Mirv> ogra_: it seems there was some action on wily image side this morning? (I see 20150910.changes, although empty) <Mirv> mzanetti: I'd say there's no reason to assume there's something wrong in the landing before we know more. <Mirv> mzanetti: and probably highly likely it's a system failure <mzanetti> ok :) <Mirv> oh, I didn't ping cihelp. now I did :) unity8/qtmir boottest failures. <psivaa> Mirv: now, you have :) <Laney> is it okay to upload livecd-rootfs and lxc-android-config to wily and then spin an image? <Laney> or is there some better way to QA changes to this? <Mirv> Laney: ogra_ knows a trick to test at least the latter, but not sure about livecd-rootfs. note that lxc-android-config just joined the train, so landing via MP preferable. <Mirv> and hmm the previous landing is stuck in proposed similar to unity8/qtmir <Laney> good old boottest <oSoMoN> ogra_, or anyone familiar with how touch images are built, it looks like oxide 1.8.4 from the overlay PPA takes precedence over oxide 1.9.1 that is in the -security and -updates pockets, how can we ensure that the images get the latest version? Does this require a seed update, or copying oxide to the overlay PPA? <oSoMoN> (note that we should wait for oxide 1.9.2 to be out in any case, as 1.9.1 has a critical issue that breaks all webapps) <Mirv> oSoMoN: you will need to land to overlay PPA. overlay PPA "always wins", so that a normal 15.04 update can't break touch image. only packages that are not in overlay PPA at all get automatic updates from 15.04. <Mirv> oSoMoN: so in this case for example webapps didn't get broken :) <Mirv> oSoMoN: QA will also want to verify it normally <oSoMoN> Mirv, ok, thanks <Mirv> heh, right, that needs fixing <Mirv> finally, done <mzanetti> Mirv, do you know whom to ping about the boottest issue? <mzanetti> oh... I just see you (accidentally) did already :) <Mirv> mzanetti: my best guess would be fginther since he was poking the jobs yesterday <Laney> do you mean lxc-android-config? <Mirv> I guess he means unity8/qtmir boottest failures <mzanetti> Laney, sorry, missed that, yes. I mean unity8/qtmir boottest <pstolowski> robru, hey, what's the issue with silo 10? is it just upload permission problem now? <jibel> fginther, do you know why http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Wily/view/BootTest/job/wily-boottest-apport/19/ fails <jibel> cihelp ^ <rvr> kenvandine: Approving silo 9 <kenvandine> rvr, thx <fginther> jibel, looking <rvr> oSoMoN: bzoltan: In silo 23 (ui-toolkit), there is also a modification to webbrowser-app, anything special to check? <oSoMoN> rvr, only that context menus work as expected (they are dismissed when clicking an action), and that autopilot tests all pass <rvr> 1. The webbrowser-app failures were all caused by the the direct usage of AbstarctButton object type from the AP tests. <rvr> The https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/webbrowser-app/UCAbstractButton/+merge/270369 patch fixed it and the browser.sh/browser.logs provides the extra tests. <rvr> Nice <jhodapp> davmor2, is there a delay between marking something as ready for QA in bileto until it shows up in the QA Trello board? <jibel> jhodapp, 10 minutes max <jibel> jhodapp, which ticket? <jhodapp> jibel, ok, I just marked silo 55 as ready for QA <jhodapp> jibel, I want to make sure whomever ends up testing it speaks with me first before testing it...there's some specifics they need to know about first <robru> jhodapp: that's what the Test Plan field is for ;-) <jhodapp> robru, yes indeed, but there's more to it than that for this one :) <jibel> jhodapp, you can add a comment in bileto, most of the time the person doing the verification reads it :) <jhodapp> yeah I did, but I insist, they really need to speak with me <pstolowski> robru, hello, have you seen my earlier query? <robru> pstolowski: no, what? <rvr> mzanetti: The "reboot" button in the power dialog is now grey instead of green. Do you know who can confirm that's intended and not a regression? <pstolowski> robru, what's the issue with silo 10? is it just upload permission problem now? all good with packaging? <fginther> Mirv, robru, in case anybody asks, the devices used for boottest have gone into a bad state and need to be manually recovered. A handful of recent tests failed because if the device problems and will be retested once the devices are working again. Let us know if there are any packages that need priority. <robru> fginther: thanks <robru> pstolowski: it needs packaging ack * fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train trouble? ping trainguards | CI problems? ping cihelp | Train: http://bit.ly/1hGZsfS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: OTA-6 final freeze in effect, but the vivid-overlay landing gates opened. sil2100 away, small trainguard gap between EEST & RDT (robru daylight saving time) timezones, boottest devices have fallen over - test failures will be retried <robru> kenvandine: if you're around can you ack & publish this one? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-010-2-publish/79/ thx <pstolowski> robru, k, thanks <robru> you're welcome <kenvandine> robru, looking <robru> thanks <kenvandine> -Package: libunity-scopes1.0 <kenvandine> +Package: libunity-scopes3 <kenvandine> with no replaces/conflicts for libunity-scopes1.0 <kenvandine> which exists in wily <kenvandine> not sure about that <bzoltan> rvr: oSoMoN: the AP tests I have copied to the usual place .. all good <kenvandine> is that package in the overlay? <rvr> bzoltan: Great <rvr> kenvandine: Yesterday I approved a unity-scopes-api silo <kenvandine> so the libunity-scopes1.0 binary is in the overlay ppa? <kenvandine> ah, no it isn't <mzanetti> rvr, that's intended. there was a bug that the old one was looking like a "tricolor", so design took out some colors <rvr> mzanetti: Cool, thanks! <kenvandine> robru, it's a nack from me <kenvandine> robru, there needs to be a replaces/conflicts for the binaries that landed in wily that aren't built anymore <robru> kenvandine: ok, thanks <kenvandine> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scopes-api/1.0.1+15.10.20150826-0ubuntu1 <kenvandine> there are a few binaries in wily that aren't in this package <rvr> oSoMoN: The font size of the context menu looks small in arale <pstolowski> kenvandine, hey, can you give an example? do you mean e.g. libunity-scopes-qt0.1 vs libunity-scopes-qt0.2_1.0.1 ? <rvr> bzoltan: oSoMoN: Approving silo 23 <robru> bregma: uh? why doesn't 41 need QA? it's dual <bregma> it's also not used in any image <robru> hm <robru> ok <robru> kenvandine: here's a simpler one if you can please ;-) https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-041-2-publish/12/ <robru> kenvandine: and another one? ;-) https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-023-2-publish/39/ <bzoltan> wow robru is not authorized? <robru> bzoltan: new rules <robru> I am powerless <bzoltan> rvr: cool, thank you <bzoltan> robru: I told you to be nice and kind :) <robru> bzoltan: I can only upload if there's no packaging diff, "not authorized" is the new "packaging changes need manual ack" <bzoltan> robru: I see... we need a jedi for that <robru> bzoltan: yes. I pinged kenvandine but he's a bit swamped I'm sure <rvr> jgdx: Silo 15 has a merge proposal which needs review <jgdx> rvr, which one? <jgdx> on my list all of them are approved <rvr> jgdx: https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/allow-insecure-hotspot/+merge/269671 <rvr> jgdx: But I see it was already approved <fginther> Saviq, anpok, does the unity8 currently in proposed-migration require mir updates? The unity8 boottest is failing because the shell doesn't come up (but it is possible to adb shell in). It does work installing everything from the -proposed pocket <kenvandine> robru, sure, i'll look <bzoltan> kenvandine: thank you! <kenvandine> robru, ^^ what's that exception? <robru> kenvandine: uh <robru> kenvandine: can you try it again? that shouldn't happen <kenvandine> exceptions should never happen :) <robru> kenvandine: I just did a rollout, maybe you caught something halfway <kenvandine> robru, boom <bzoltan> robru: kenvandine: thank you boys :) good job <robru> kenvandine: oh, well the test plan field is empty in bileto ;-) <robru> odd, that error should be printed nicer than that <kenvandine> bzoltan, np <robru> hang on a second guys, disk issue <kenvandine> robru, well i acked the packaging changes... let me know if you need me to publish it later <robru> kenvandine: yeah I will <kenvandine> thx <robru> kenvandine: ok can you publish now? <robru> bfiller: sorry, in the middle of a rollout, hold off for a sec and retry a bit later <bfiller> robru: ok <robru> bfiller: ok I retried it: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-046-1-build/71/consoleFull <robru> hopefully that one works <pmcgowan> jibel, is someone grabbing silo 55? very anxious for that one <kenvandine> robru, i can try <robru> kenvandine: it should work now <kenvandine> robru, seems to be working <robru> kenvandine: seems to be stalled, oh god what have i done <robru> kenvandine: it's stuck at "writing packagelist", which should be done in microseconds, it literaly just writes a short text file. the fact that it's been running for over 4 minutes is horrifying <robru> kenvandine: can you cancel it and try again <robru> hopefully that's just some kind of fluke, because I didn't really change that part of the code... also if there was a bug there it should just raise an exception, I can't imagine why it would block like that <robru> kenvandine: can you publish with DEBUG checked? <robru> kenvandine: or apparently it's fine <robru> kenvandine: nm about retrying, thanks for your patience <awe_> robru, when you get a chance could you take a peek at the latest build failure for ofono? <awe_> https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/338 <robru> awe_: bash: ./debian/rules: Permission denied <awe_> yea, trying to figure out how that happened <awe_> the permissions didn't get changed <awe_> they're the same in the trunk branch and mp <robru> awe_: I just branched your branch and the debian/rules file is not executable. I don't know how it happened but you're going to want to chmod 755 it <awe_> that said, the executable bit isn't set, so maybe an update on the builder side caused this to get caught? <awe_> ok, will update it <awe_> maybe it got changed in the last update <robru> awe_: I dunno, if it worked before without being set executable that's a fluke, debian/rules is expected to be executable <awe_> ack <awe_> thanks <robru> awe_: you're welcome <bzoltan> robru: would you be so kind to assist thesilo35's landing? <robru> bzoltan: you're trying to merge it before it's landed? <bzoltan> robru: :D yes <robru> bzoltan: generally that's not recommended but if you want to do that you need to check FORCE to skip the version check <bzoltan> robru: actually i would prefer to properly land it first <robru> bzoltan: so what's stopping you from landing properly? <bzoltan> robru: "bzoltan is missing the Job/Build permission" <robru> bzoltan: on what job? <bzoltan> robru: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-035-2-publish/build <robru> bzoltan: So what you're really trying to say is that you want me to publish the silo? <bzoltan> robru: Yes :) Sorry for confusing <robru> bzoltan: ok, we'll see if I can <robru> bzoltan: ok, should be good to go then <awe_> robru, ofono failed again... this time it's a single unit test failing on wily for 5/6 arches; I can't reproduce the failure using a wily sbuild. Is there any way to get at other build artifacts in a PPA ( eg. the file test-suite.log )? <robru> awe_: uh, I don't have any special access to the PPA, but if there's a file generated in the source tree at source-package-build-time I might be able to fetch it from jenkins. <robru> awe_: what's the file called? <awe_> test-suite.log <robru> awe_: in the source root? <awe_> nah, it's generated during the binary build <awe_> this is gonna be a fun one ot find <awe_> s/ot/to/ <robru> awe_: yeah you'd have to change your packaging to include that file in a deb to be able to get it from the PPA then. or maybe ping a launchpad person to poke at that <awe_> k, thanks <robru> awe_: you're welcome <bzoltan> robru: thank you .. there were so many automatization recently :) that i almost thought that I can trigger a publishing process and then the trainguards just need to ack it :) <robru> bzoltan: that may happen one day soon... it's all coming together <robru> kenvandine: another packaging ack pls? ^ ;-) <kenvandine> robru, looking <robru> thanks <kenvandine> robru, done <robru> kenvandine: great, thanks <kgunn> trainguards unity8 seems stuck in proposed still from silo14, is that still being worked...see bootest retry but manually aborted <robru> fginther: ^^ boottest love? <fginther> kgunn, I posted a question about unity8 to Saviq and anpok earlier. Tested by itself, the UI does not come up when testing unity8. It does work when the rest of silo 14 is added. Is that expected and will these all migrate together? <kgunn> fginther: yes, all of silo14 needed to go together <fginther> kgunn, thanks, I'll get them unblocked then <kgunn> fginther: thank you! <kgunn> oh and yeah Saviq is on vacation <jhodapp> robru, is it possible to have a silo depend on another for building - e.g. silo A has a package that silo B needs as a prereq to build, but it's not appropriate to put the MRs for B into A <robru> jhodapp: it may be possible with manual futzing but I'd have to check into that. Why aren't the MPs appropriate in the same silo? Sure sounds like it should all be in the same silo if it depends on the other to even build. <jhodapp> robru, well they only depend on each other because the version number got bumped because of an interface change <jhodapp> robru, but that's the only relationship they have, they definitely belong in separate landings <robru> jhodapp: what makes you think they are definitely separate? There isn't a limit on how big a silo can be. <robru> Hah <jhodapp> robru, because one silo has a scope of fixing MPRIS only which is what bumped the version number, and the other has nothing to do with MPRIS <jhodapp> could they technically land together, sure, but functionally it'd be inappropriate <robru> jhodapp: so the thing is, I can add PPA dependencies the way you describe, but it's quite a manual thing, it's not something you can define in the request. <robru> jhodapp: and then it becomes super important for me to remember to undo that change when you're done <jhodapp> robru, yeah not a huge deal and I know it's a niche circumstance, but was curious enough to ask :) <jhodapp> as soon as silo 55 lands this is a non-issue <robru> jhodapp: so generally it's gonna be a lot easier (for me, heh) if you just put them in the same silo, or land one and wait for it to complete before building the second <jhodapp> robru, I blame davmor2 ;p <jhodapp> he needs to hurry up and test silo 55 <robru> ah, qa ;-) <robru> jhodapp: oh, I suppose an easier thing would be to just copy the necessary packages from the original silo into the new silo, and then delete them later before publishing <robru> then I don't have to remember to undo PPA changes. <robru> jhodapp: lemme know if you want me to do that, what packages from what silo to what silo #ubuntu-ci-eng 2015-09-11 <Mirv> morning <robru> Mirv: heya. I rolled out some big train changes today, had some hiccups but it mostly seems fine. There's a major performance regression in the publish and merge jobs, it scared me at first but it seems to be working at least. I'll investigate that tomorrow. I'll be up for a couple more hours, please ping me if anything horrible explodes and I'll take a look <Mirv> robru: ok! sounds manageable. <Mirv> robru: ^ a publishing went just fine at least <robru> Mirv: cool <Mirv> robru: I'm getting https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/6125/console after the first assigning failed <Mirv> it's not really assigned <Mirv> not sure if this is a new bug or if it's the first time I forgot first to add the test plan before trying to assign a silo.. <Mirv> but it feels like some bit gets incorrectly set ie the check for test plan setting is done too late or the changes are not resetted when it's noticed that a test plan is missing and assigning should be aborted <Mirv> with debug https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/6126/console <Mirv> I left now the https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/332 alone for debugging and created a new request which assigned fine. <Mirv> robru: interesting, the plot thickens. assigning the new silo warned that the package is already in "silo 014" - which is nowhere to be seen. so the 332 assigning-aborting-on-no-testplan really did something half the way. <Mirv> robru: anyway, no worries for the moment, but it's a bit borken at the moment. <robru> Mirv: oh hrm just saw this now <robru> Mirv: can you file a bug? With the debug log <robru> Mirv: there wouldn't be anything "half way" on the Jenkins side, assignment is determined by a single file, so technically the silo assigned. The bug is just that it didn't say the siloname in bileto <robru> Mirv: interesting chicken and egg, the object enforcing those field requirements only loads after the assignment is made. Not sure if i should just suppress the checks at assignment time or perhaps catch the error and delete the assignment file... <Mirv> robru: I'm filing a bug, ok <robru> Mirv: tomorrow I'll focus on bug fixing, too scary to make big changes on a Friday before vacation ;-) <Mirv> robru: ok :) bug #1494628 for your tomorrow then. have a great holiday! <ubot5> bug 1494628 in Bileto "Silo configured "half way" after an error about lack of test plan" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1494628 <robru> Mirv: thanks <Mirv> jibel: joining? <ogra_> Mirv, i dont think your search includes the right things ... try https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bugs?field.tag=hotfix6 <Mirv> ogra_: oh! I thought https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1491566 would be on that list but seems not <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1491566 in Canonical System Image "Shell not responsive after an incoming SMS" [Critical,Confirmed] <nerochiaro> cihelp: hi, any idea why pretty much all the tests fail on this MR when they were successful before ? it could really be a mistake in the code, but they seem to run fine locally: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-vivid-mako/3357/ <psivaa> nerochiaro: do you have a link for the passing job for me? <nerochiaro> psivaa: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-builder-vivid-armhf/4041/ <Mirv> robru: go. to. sleep. I know you're there! <Mirv> and thanks for the fix :) <robru> Mirv: no I'm not here you're imaginging it <robru> Mirv: you're welcome. <robru> Mirv: it should appear in production in 20 minutes. I tested it in staging so I'm confident nothing will explode. <psivaa> nerochiaro: Isn't a different job, one is running on mako and the other is on a cyclops node? <nerochiaro> psivaa: let me find the link to the right one, sorry <nerochiaro> psivaa: this should be the passing one on mako http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-vivid-mako/3303 sorry for the noise <psivaa> nerochiaro: np, thanks for the link, let me take a look <morphis> Mirv: don't remember well, was there something more to change for a component to get it build with MPs in a silo? <Mirv> morphis: more than what? <morphis> bluez wasn't handled with MPs yet <morphis> I changed that and now ready to use MPs and want to test that with citrain <Mirv> morphis: so the first requirement is that there's an upstream project for it on LP, but Bluez is not developed by Ubuntu or on LP <morphis> so I was just wondering if there is anything more than adding a MP to the request <morphis> Mirv: https://code.launchpad.net/~bluetooth/bluez/vivid-phone-overlay <morphis> that should be the baseline <Mirv> morphis: it seems https://launchpad.net/bluez is registered though <Mirv> morphis: I think that since it's reserved for upstream's usage and not us, we can't take it (and we don't have permissions to do so) <morphis> Mirv: and what is with lp:~bluetooth/bluez/vivid-phone-overlay when I created MPs against that one? <morphis> Mirv: ofono does that similar: see https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/338 <Mirv> morphis: we can check what happens if we add ci-train-bot to ~bluetooth <Mirv> morphis: right, sounds good! <Mirv> morphis: so, since you're an admin, please add ci-train-bot to https://launchpad.net/~bluetooth/+members <morphis> dlne <morphis> s/dlne/done/ <Mirv> morphis: and then you can try to add https://code.launchpad.net/~bluetooth/bluez/mer-patches/+merge/270782 to landing <morphis> I need a new silo for that and can't reuse one with a manually upload package, right? <Mirv> morphis: if you also added https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/InlinePackaging .bzr-builddb to it <Mirv> morphis: you can reuse, just remove it from the manual upload packages and add the MP <morphis> ok <morphis> let me try that <morphis> Mirv: ok, looks like I need to get rid of all the quilt patches etc <Mirv> morphis: hmm, right. <psivaa> nerochiaro: so a rerun also is seeing the same failures, i see _usr_bin_webbrowser-app.32011.crash inside the device <psivaa> also _usr_bin_gdb.0.crash <nerochiaro> psivaa: ok, let me investigate that <psivaa> nerochiaro: ack <Mirv> jibel: FYI I've documented a total hang I've experience with OTA-5 and OTA-6 at bug #1494692 now that I got it again <ubot5> bug 1494692 in mir (Ubuntu) "Total hang of the krillin with a graphics artifact" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1494692 <Mirv> unfortunately not possible to adb in during the hang so not possible to trace any process or such <jibel> Mirv, you cannot even ssh? <Mirv> jibel: so ssh would be enabled by default when developer mode is enabled? that actually counters my trust in using the dev mode, the 4-digit pin-code is not really nice enough if there's a wide open ssh running.. <Mirv> (on a personal phone) <davmor2> Mirv: no device has to be unlocked again <Mirv> davmor2: do you mean ssh port is open when the device has screen on / not in lock screen, otherwise closed? <davmor2> Mirv: only works via phablet-shell you have to enable ssh otherwise <davmor2> Mirv: and only over cable <jibel> after I used phablet-shell once and it copied my keys to the phone, I can ssh to the phone locked or unlocked. I don't remember I did anything else. <Mirv> davmor2: right, but that needs adb too? <davmor2> Mirv: no that uses ssh, but should be block the same as adb iirc <Mirv> davmor2: uses ssh, but it requires adb to forward the ssh port in the first place etc? <davmor2> Mirv: so if the screen isn't unlocked there is no connection, I could be wrong on that though <Mirv> hmm, it starts to be a bit too open for my taste to enable that one <jibel> davmor2, you can ssh even with the screen locked, don't you? <jibel> and dev mode on <Mirv> I wonder how it manages it so that the ssh is not available otherwise than via the cable <davmor2> jibel: no <jibel> davmor2, why can I do it then? <davmor2> jibel: did you enable it? <jibel> davmor2, I enabled developer mode and used phablet-shell once. <Mirv> reading https://sturmflut.github.io/ubuntu/touch/2015/05/08/hacking-ubuntu-touch-part-5-adb-shell-vs-phablet-shell/ it'd sound like the ssh still usess an active adb connection for the forwarding <jibel> Mirv, sorry but I'm currently connected to 2 phones over ssh and there is no cable between the laptop and the phones :) <Mirv> jibel: ok, hmm <ogra_> cables are so last century <Mirv> so I guess the adb forward is nothing something that "uses" adb constantly, just sets ports up <davmor2> Mirv: the ssh uses keys <jibel> ogra_, especially on arale which is not recognized on usb <ogra_> yup :) <Mirv> anyway, I'm sure someone else should find the symptoms of my total hangs familiar <Mirv> if no-one else gets them, it might be even a hw fault <jibel> Mirv, after you rebooted is there any interesting event in syslog at the same time than the hang? <ogra_> Mirv, android-gadget-service enable ssh <ogra_> that gives you the non adb ssh <jibel> Mirv, davmor2 phablet-shell enables non adb ssh and copies the ssh key <Mirv> jibel: not really sure... attached syslog snippet from the time to he bug <Mirv> there are a few things that sound like interesting, but have happened also before the hang and nothing unique during the 12:48 when the hang happened <Mirv> well actually, there is mali_timeline_sync_fence_create() fail! <Mirv> that might be it <Mirv> jibel: thanks, I believe that might be a good indicator here <jibel> Mirv, np, you did all the work. <pmcgowan> what do I need to do to have update to a newer package version from a silo? its not showing as a candidate <pmcgowan> Mirv, ^^ <pmcgowan> jibel, ^^ <Mirv> pmcgowan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LandingTeam/SiloTestingGuidelines#Install_silos_with_overlay_PPA_enabled <- nowadays the instruction there is correct. add a silo.pref file <jibel> pmcgowan, you have to pin the silo higher than the overlay ppa <Mirv> just change the silo number from the example <Mirv> apt upgrade behavior changes immediately after the file is created <jibel> pmcgowan, either use citrain tool but it'll upgrade everything in the silo, if you want to do it manually add something like <jibel> Package: * <jibel> Pin: release o=LP-PPA-ci-train-ppa-service-landing-048 <jibel> Pin-Priority: 1002 <pmcgowan> thanks guys I knew something changed a while back <jibel> to /etc/apt/preferences.d/extra-ppas.pref <pmcgowan> citrain always fails for me <Mirv> phablet-tools-citrain package version needs to be either from wily or the vivid-overlay (20150519-0ubuntu1) <pmcgowan> Mirv, hmm really? why isnt that package in the sdk tools ppa <pmcgowan> all dev packages should be in sdk-team <pmcgowan> bzoltan, ^^ <Mirv> pmcgowan: right, good point. it seems it's there for vivid, but the trusty version is too old. <Mirv> the SDK PPA's vivid version is 15.04.20150722-0ubuntu1 <pmcgowan> the vivid version is old as well <Mirv> let's try to building it for trusty tooo <Mirv> it's from July, the pinning was added in May and is visible in its changelog so it does have it <pmcgowan> ok <pmcgowan> but lets keep it in sync, not sure what we have to do but this keeps happening <Mirv> right <pmcgowan> phablet-tools in general not up to date in the ppa <Mirv> we'll update it for vivid+trusty to the latest <Mirv> ok vivid is the latest (same contents as wily, newer date). trying to compile for trusty. <Mirv> bzoltan: I uploaded 1.1+15.10.20150519-0ubuntu1~trusty1 to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/+archive/ubuntu/testing/ - let's copy SDK Release PPA after testing it for a while (made an AP for myself) <bzoltan> Mirv: pmcgowan: it is about staging those packages... I am testing those packages and usually I wait for big landings to test the whole chain before copying over. We were burned so many times by these tools. <bzoltan> pmcgowan : Mirv: the phablet tools are build from their trunk by a recipe in the Dev Tools PPA <pmcgowan> bzoltan, what do we need to do to ensure sdk ppa always has latest phablet tools <bzoltan> pmcgowan: If you want to to an automatic landing of the phablet-tools on each and every developers machine whenever the lp:phablet-tools trunk is updated then it should have a test plan and it should be tested from a landing silo and/or a staging repository just as any other component what is landed. <bzoltan> pmcgowan: Without it there will be a sometimes not so comfortable gap between the lp:phablet-tools trunk and the SDK PPA <pmcgowan> bzoltan, I just want it fixed of course <bzoltan> pmcgowan: everybody wants quick release ... but when a non tested component burns developers then we suffer. <pmcgowan> bzoltan, so i agree, lets control it but lets actually get the update <bzoltan> pmcgowan: +1 i am checking the lp project and the staging ppa right now <Laney> Mirv: how do I train something to the overlay ppa that is already in wily? <Laney> an empty commit or something? <bzoltan> Mirv: where the phablet-tools is coming from actually? I see this https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/phablet-tools/trunk no recent update <Laney> can I use sync source for this? * Laney is bold <anpok> cihelp: is our mir ci job mir-clang-vivid-amd64 using the stable-phone overlay? * Laney got it wrong <fginther> anpok, no, it does not <Laney> ok I don't know how to do this :) <Laney> robru: he;lp <anpok> fginther: i just realized that also mir-mediumtests-builder-vivid-armhf needs the ppa to successfully build <anpok> https://code.launchpad.net/~andreas-pokorny/mir/libinput-platform/+merge/270313 this is the MP I am trying to get built <anpok> which relies on a libinput version only in vivid+overlay <anpok> hm maybe I should try getting it through a SRU? <Mirv> bzoltan: there's no development since May, it's the correct trunk <fginther> anpok, that might be best. In the past, I thought the goal was to keep mir buildable w/o the overlay PPA, but I could be wrong. This is entirely up to the mir team. <Mirv> Laney: either a new no-op dual landing or a vivid only landing with the sync-from-wily feature (examples in wiki) <Mirv> no-op eg an empty MP <Laney> Mirv: I'm trying to sync <anpok> fginther: I will discuss in a few minutes.. I thought since we are currently targeting vivid+overlay and wily adding the PPA is the right way to go. <Mirv> bzoltan: trusty phablet-tools hadn't been updated for ages, I think that was the only omission <Laney> but I got a KeyError, help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) <Laney> https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/344 <Laney> there are two normal uploads (dput, already there) and one which could be synced <Laney> that's lxc-android-config <Mirv> Laney: sorry, I'm off already and doing this on my Bq and it seems our Bileto is not very optimized yet for our browser. please check the syntax from wiki, sync:ubuntu,wily lxc-android-config or some such * Mirv goes back to eating pizza <Laney> Mirv: ok I'm waiting for someone else <Mirv> robert should be here in 1h or so <Laney> I think I used the syntax the wiki says <Laney> but I don't know if it supports only syncing some things <Laney> enjoy pizza <Mirv> robru: bileto should work on Ubuntu phone :) <balloons_> ping cihelp. Can I get utopic jobs disabled on ubuntu-docviewer-app-reboot-ci and ubuntu-docviewer-app-reboot-ci-autolanding? <josepht> balloons_: I'll take care of that for you <anpok> fginther: ok discussed with mir team - we only target vivid+overlay and wily <anpok> so we want those jobs to include the stable phone ppa <fginther> anpok, will do. Should have this finished today. <fginther> anpok, do you have an MP that depends on this work? <anpok> yes <anpok> https://code.launchpad.net/~andreas-pokorny/mir/libinput-platform/+merge/270313 <robru> Laney: "sync:" is spreadsheet talk, you don't need to specify "sync:" in the sync field, it's redundant. <robru> Laney: does the wiki still say to put in "sync:"? I thought i got rid of that <Laney> robru: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain/LandingProcess#Syncing_from_and_to_the_Stable_Overlay_PPA <robru> Laney: fixed, try building. <Laney> robru: can I say to just sync one thing? <Laney> like if I put it in the packages to rebuild field <robru> Laney: yes, "PACKAGES_TO_REBUILD" is a misnomer, it means "act upon only these packages" <Laney> I guess it existed before syncs were a thing <robru> yes <Laney> alright, this seems to be doing thing which is good thing <Laney> thanks! <robru> Laney: you're welcome <Laney> hm <Laney> it didn't use a different version <Laney> oh no lies <josepht> balloons_: this is done! * balloons_ looks <balloons_> k, trying a build to check <robru> kenvandine: hey, you around? <kenvandine> robru, yeah, what's up? <robru> kenvandine: can you run this job for me? https://ci-train.staging.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-004-2-publish/parambuild/?IGNORE_VERSIONDESTINATION=true&DEBUG=true&ACK_PACKAGING=true (don't worry, staging area doesn't have permission to do anything) <robru> I'm debugging some train stuff <kenvandine> ok <kenvandine> 404 error <robru> kenvandine: ugh, sorry, log in & then go to the link <robru> kenvandine: log in at https://ci-train.staging.ubuntu.com <robru> kenvandine: and make sure your teams are checked <robru> it won't 404 after you log in <kenvandine> https://ci-train.staging.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-004-2-publish/6/console <robru> thanks! <kenvandine> np <robru> ok, I gotta run to the doctor, should be back in 2 hours or so! <robru> kenvandine: can I get a packaging ACK? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-029-2-publish/42/ (and if you do publish, please enable DEBUG) <Trevinho> robru: what's up with AP legacy? <robru> Trevinho: I tried to publish your silo but I can't because there's packaging changes <Trevinho> robru: mh, I just applied a patch that in debian/patches with no sense right now... <Trevinho> I could even put it back where it was, but I don't see the reasen <Trevinho> reason* <robru> Trevinho: do you or do you not want your silo published right now? * kenvandine is looking at it <Trevinho> robru: well, if we can... <Trevinho> kenvandine: thanks <robru> Trevinho: ok but did you just say you were still working on it? Because "Publish without QA" means "publish now" <Trevinho> robru: no, I wansn't working on it.. it was ready to publish to me <Trevinho> robru: in case you need it to be changed, I could, but I'd prefer not <robru> Trevinho: well ken has the right to refuse your packaging if he finds a mistake. but I don't personally care. <Trevinho> I see... I've noticed the debian changelog entry for the patch is wrong though <robru> Trevinho: I didn't really understand what you said about applying a patch that doesn't make sense. so the silo in it's current state has a patch that doesn't make sense, but isn't worth removing? <robru> that seems like a weird thing to want to publish <Trevinho> robru: no, maybe I've not been clear. there was a debian/patch that it didn't make sense to be there as downstream patch. So I've just applied it upstream. <robru> Trevinho: oh, well that's good then <kenvandine> it's fine <robru> Trevinho: thanks for clarifying <Trevinho> yeah, sorry... I thought it was clear by diffs but maybe not :) <robru> kenvandine: please publish with DEBUG, I need DEBUG on to profile the performance of the job <kenvandine> done with debug :) <Trevinho> yay <robru> kenvandine: thanks <kenvandine> 2015-09-11 18:32:36,303 ERROR https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/autopilot/badwindow-errors-protect-legacy/+merge/268995 <kenvandine> 2015-09-11 18:32:36,304 ERROR Some merges have unbuilt revisions. <kenvandine> ugh <kenvandine> Trevinho, silo needs a rebuild <Trevinho> ouch <Trevinho> I thought I had <kenvandine> make sure you list autopilot in the list of packages to rebuild <kenvandine> that's the only one that needs a rebuild <Trevinho> yeah, I've done that... I thought I had done this morning even, but maybe I added something else. :/ <robru> bah <kenvandine> give me a shout when it needs to be published <Trevinho> k, thanks <robru> kenvandine: due to the publish failure I didn't get the info I needed from that debug log, please also set DEBUG next time you publish too <kenvandine> robru, will do <robru> kenvandine: thanks <Trevinho> kenvandine: ah... might that be because the approved revision is an old one? <kenvandine> i don't think so <kenvandine> looks like the revision built in the silo doesn't match the latest in that one branch <Trevinho> ok, ok.. that's fine.. It's rebuilding now, it should take few minutes <Trevinho> kenvandine: ^ <kenvandine> publishing with debug https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-029-2-publish/44/console <kenvandine> robru, ^^ <robru> kenvandine: thanks a bunch <kenvandine> np <oSoMoN> trainguards: hey, I need help with silo 35, the train refuses to do a source copy from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages because of the custom version, can you do a manual source copy? <oSoMoN> (detailed failure: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-035-1-build/48/console) <robru> oSoMoN: sure one sec <robru> oSoMoN: wait, you want a source copy? not a binary copy? <oSoMoN> robru, yes, because oxide-qt links against libmedia-hub, and there are ABI changes in the version in the overlay PPA <robru> oSoMoN: good to know <robru> oSoMoN: just to confirm you want 1.9.2-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 copied? <robru> of oxide-qt <oSoMoN> robru, correct <robru> ok <oSoMoN> I don’t mind if the train adds a custom suffix to the version number <robru> oSoMoN: manual PPA copy like this won't change the version number. <oSoMoN> ok, even better then :) <robru> oSoMoN: please change your request to a manual source (drop the sync request) and do a WATCH_ONLY build. <oSoMoN> launched: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-035-1-build/49/console <robru> oSoMoN: great, thanks. <oSoMoN> robru, thanks for your help <robru> oSoMoN: you're welcome <jdstrand> oSoMoN: I'm not sure it is even better-- having two differently built and linked packages with the same version number may be an issue long term. not saying we should block this upload, but food for thought <robru> jdstrand: "it's just the overlay PPA". this rebuilt thing won't be in ubuntu archive. <jdstrand> sure <robru> jdstrand: but generally I agree with the premise that two different builds with same version number is bad. <jdstrand> it just adds an additional qualifying question <jdstrand> "what version are you running? oh, and on what system?" <jdstrand> anyway, not trying to block, just stating a preference <robru> jdstrand: well, apt-cache policy will show where it's from, which will answer the question as well <jdstrand> maybe-- that would depend on the ordering of sources.list if -security and the overlay were enabled in sources.list <robru> jdstrand: yes, overlay ppa shows up in sources.list on the phones. it's also pinned higher than everything else, so policy reports that that's where packages come from <oSoMoN> jdstrand, good point #ubuntu-ci-eng 2016-09-12 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Preparing packages <robru> cjwatson: ah, I'm just noticing the new UI for adding bugs to MPs, nice work. -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Pending binary packages (vivid/phablet-tools, xenial/phablet-tools). Successfully built (yakkety/phablet-tools) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1476 Failed to build (yakkety/bino, yakkety/libqglviewer, yakkety/ovito, yakkety/sleepyhead, yakkety/vite). Needs rebuild due to burned version number (yakkety/itksnap, yakkety/openscad, yakkety/sdrangelove, yakkety/tulip). Release pocket (yakkety/marble, yakkety/okteta). Successfully built (yakkety/goldencheetah, yakkety/mudlet, yakkety/qwtplot3d, yakkety/yade) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1476 Failed to build (yakkety/bino, yakkety/ovito, yakkety/sleepyhead, yakkety/vite). Needs rebuild due to burned version number (yakkety/itksnap, yakkety/openscad, yakkety/sdrangelove, yakkety/tulip). Release pocket (yakkety/marble, yakkety/okteta). Successfully built (yakkety/goldencheetah, yakkety/libqglviewer, yakkety/mudlet, yakkety/qwtplot3d, yakkety/yade) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Failed to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src). Ready to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Pending binary packages (yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src). Ready to build (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Ready to build (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1929 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1929 Publish failed: Packaging diff requires ACK <pete-woods> anyone happy to give me a packaging ACK? <pete-woods> it's making the changes asked for in the package's MIR (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libusermetrics/+bug/1612259) <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1612259 in libusermetrics (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libusermetrics" [Undecided,Fix committed] <pete-woods> so pretty sure they are good -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1929 Successfully built <pete-woods> trainguards: any of you guys allowed to do this? <pete-woods> ^ -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1931 Generating diffs <Mirv> pete-woods: done! <pete-woods> Mirv: much appreciated! :) <Mirv> no problem -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1929 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1931 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1927 QA Signoff: Failed -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1929 Proposed pocket (yakkety/libusermetrics). Release pocket (vivid/libusermetrics, xenial/libusermetrics) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Currently building (vivid/mir, xenial/mir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/mir, yakkety/qtmir-gles). Failed to build (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Currently building (yakkety/mir). Failed to build (vivid/mir, vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/mir, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src). Ready to build (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1888 QA Signoff: Ready -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Currently building (vivid/mir, yakkety/mir). Failed to build (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/mir, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Successfully built <Mirv> jibel: what about the language pack updates? I see 20160909 packages were landed in stable overlay. is it ok for stable-snapshot to be kept at 20160902? -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- zhangew401, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1930 QA Signoff: Approved -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Currently building (yakkety/mir). Failed to build (vivid/mir, vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/mir, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Pending binary packages (vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/webbrowser-app). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build <ChrisTownsend> jibel: You guys are failing https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1927 even though it makes things better and has no regressions? -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Currently building (yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src). Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src). Ready to build (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles) <ChrisTownsend> jibel: I need to drop off for a while, so I'll follow up when I'm back online. <jibel> vigo, ^ <vigo> jibel, ack <vigo> ChrisTownsend, I pinged kevandine before failing it but he wasn't available I think -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1909 Abandoning ticket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1934 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1934 Pending binary packages <jibel> vigo, I meant what you found is a regression or not? <jibel> vigo, with the silo installed <jibel> is the situation better or worse? <vigo> jibel, a little better but keeps failing between X apps -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src). Pending binary packages (yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src). Ready to build (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles) <ChrisTownsend> jibel: Ok, back <vigo> it might work the first time between gedit and office, but it will fail eventually <ChrisTownsend> Oh, I see you're discussing. <ChrisTownsend> vigo: So, in the failure scenario, and you closing the X apps and restarting, or just copy the same text and pasting, or copying new text and pasting? <ChrisTownsend> * are you <ChrisTownsend> vigo: I had much different results copy & pasting between X apps with the silo than without the silo. <ChrisTownsend> vigo: So I'm trying to understand your *exact* scenario as it's a little vague to me. <vigo> ChrisTownsend, with silo installed is better, sure <ChrisTownsend> vigo: But if I read your card comments correctly, 4 out of 5 previous failure scenarios are now fixed? <ChrisTownsend> vigo: So I'm of the opinion there is no regression and it makes it better. <ChrisTownsend> vigo: So how does it fail? <vigo> ChrisTownsend, it fails for example between Gedit and LibreOffice that test case, I'll check it again <vigo> it might work the first attemp, but seems like if you repeat it some times it stops working <ChrisTownsend> vigo: By repeat, do you mean, you copy new text in gedit and paste that to LO, or you are just trying to paste the same text to LO, or something else? <vigo> ChrisTownsend, copy new text in gedit and paste that to LO that did not work my 2nd and 3rt attemp <vigo> and also vice versa <ChrisTownsend> vigo: Ok, I'll try it <vigo> if you close both x apps and restart <ChrisTownsend> vigo: Ok, so closing them, and restarting them seems to be the trigger? <vigo> ChrisTownsend, nope, let me paste you a test case <ChrisTownsend> vigo: Ok, thanks <ChrisTownsend> vigo: But my whole point is hat this works better than before and no new regressions have occurred, so why is the silo failed? <vigo> ChrisTownsend, yeah is defenitely better I though that was a regression <vigo> my mistake -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1895 Dependency wait (yakkety/address-book-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/location-service, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/location-service, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/location-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Dependency wait (yakkety/address-book-app). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/libqofono, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/ubuntu-touch-meta, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/libqofono, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-touch-meta, yakkety/libqofono, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/ubuntu-touch-meta) <ChrisTownsend> vigo: No worries, just wanted to set this straight. <ChrisTownsend> vigo: However, please let me know your exact failure scenario. I've yet to reproduce it trying what I think you are doing. <vigo> ChrisTownsend, https://pastebin.canonical.com/165277/ <vigo> this is what I did between them <ChrisTownsend> vigo: Ok, thanks, I will try it. <kenvandine> ChrisTownsend, i reproduced that <kenvandine> it' <kenvandine> it's pasting what i had in the previous paste buffer <kenvandine> not the latest paste -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865 Dependency wait (yakkety/indicator-network). Successfully built (vivid/indicator-network, xenial/indicator-network) <ChrisTownsend> kenvandine: Hmm, I could not reproduce that. <ChrisTownsend> kenvandine: I'll try again after rebooting my frieza. <kenvandine> ChrisTownsend, however... if i select text in a native app and copy it <kenvandine> it works <kenvandine> it pastes the proper text from the native app into gedit and LO fine -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1866 Chroot problem (yakkety/indicator-transfer-buteo). Dependency wait (yakkety/sync-monitor). Failed to build (vivid/indicator-transfer-buteo, xenial/indicator-transfer-buteo, yakkety/address-book-app). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas, vivid/libqofono, vivid/mediaplayer-app, vivid/sync-monitor, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/gsettings <ChrisTownsend> vigo: Or you in windowed mode when doing this? <ChrisTownsend> vigo: *Are you <kenvandine> i just did it in windowed mode <ChrisTownsend> kenvandine: Ok. I'll try again. <kenvandine> so it's weird <vigo> ChrisTownsend, yes windowed forgot to mention that <kenvandine> once i copied again from a native app and pasted in gedit <ChrisTownsend> Ok, I'm in windowed mode too. <kenvandine> i typed new text into gedit <kenvandine> copied it <kenvandine> and pasted in LO fine <kenvandine> the right text <kenvandine> now i've copied 3 times between LO and gedit and it works perfectly <ChrisTownsend> Well, I'm still of the opinion this silo is much better than what we currently have even if there are a few rough edges. <kenvandine> for me it was only the 2nd text i copied that didn't work <kenvandine> it's definately an improvement <kenvandine> now 7 times in a row it works <kenvandine> i just hit the failure once there <kenvandine> not sure what's up with that <kenvandine> i guess the copy failed once <kenvandine> it's not the paste failing <kenvandine> copy wasn't updating the stack <kenvandine> ChrisTownsend, what's interesting is once the stack got updated by copying from a native app -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg seb128 pitti laney, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 Dependency wait (yakkety/indicator-bluetooth, yakkety/indicator-keyboard, yakkety/indicator-network, yakkety/indicator-power, yakkety/indicator-sound). Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/indicator-session). Failed to build (yakkety/indicator-display). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/indicator-datetime). Successfully built (yakkety/hud, yakket <kenvandine> it seemed to fix everything <ChrisTownsend> kenvandine: Well, it seems there is still a bug in there. I'm just having a hard time reproducing it. But my frieza keeps acting up when I connect a BT mouse:( <dobey> err <dobey> what's up with bileto? <vigo> kenvandine, I'll land it ;) <kenvandine> vigo, thx <ChrisTownsend> vigo: Thanks -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine renato boiko tiagosh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1774 Dependency wait (yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-service, vivid/history-service, vivid/libphonenumber, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/address-book-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/libphonenumber, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/address-book-service, yakkety/history-servi <ChrisTownsend> kenvandine: Ok, I think I just saw it. <dobey> sigh -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1895 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/address-book-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/location-service, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/location-service, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/location-service) <dobey> i guess robru broke the URLs or something -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/address-book-app). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/libqofono, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/ubuntu-touch-meta, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/libqofono, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-touch-meta, yakkety/libqofono, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/ubuntu-touch-meta) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1866 Chroot problem (yakkety/indicator-transfer-buteo). Failed to build (vivid/indicator-transfer-buteo, xenial/indicator-transfer-buteo, yakkety/address-book-app). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas, vivid/libqofono, vivid/mediaplayer-app, vivid/sync-monitor, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas, xenial/libqofono, -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg seb128 pitti laney, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 Dependency wait (yakkety/indicator-bluetooth, yakkety/indicator-keyboard, yakkety/indicator-power, yakkety/indicator-sound). Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/indicator-session). Failed to build (yakkety/indicator-display). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/indicator-datetime). Successfully built (yakkety/hud, yakkety/indicator-application, ya -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1934 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1927 QA Signoff: Approved -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1927 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1927 Publish failed: Packaging diff requires ACK <jibel> Mirv, can you copy silos 1927 and 1930 to the satble-snapshot <jibel> ? -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1927 Publishing packages <Elleo> 22 <Elleo> oops -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- zhangew401, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1930 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- zhangew401, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1930 Publish failed: Bad merges -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- zhangew401, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1930 Publishing packages <Mirv> jibel: yes -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src). Ready to build (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1927 Proposed pocket (yakkety/libertine). Release pocket (vivid/libertine, xenial/libertine) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- zhangew401, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1930 Proposed pocket (yakkety/usensord). Release pocket (vivid/usensord, xenial/usensord) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build (vivid/mir, vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/mir, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/mir) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865 Publishing packages <jhodapp> vigo, ping -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865 Publish failed: Packaging diff requires ACK <vigo> jhodapp, hey <jhodapp> vigo, just curious if you saw my comment on the media-hub/mediaplayer-app silo card on the trello board? <jhodapp> vigo, there's really no possible way that this landing introduced any regressions <vigo> jhodapp, I was reading :) <vigo> I'm testing without silo <jhodapp> ok <jhodapp> vigo, if you do see any regressions it would be because something in the base system changed <vigo> jhodapp, ack <jhodapp> vigo, thanks <vigo> jhodapp, I think I just hit some edge cases in desktop mode <vigo> jhodapp, do you know if is 3gp supported? <vigo> I guess it isn't -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Preparing packages <jibel> slangasek, hi, could you build new rc images for all the devices? <jhodapp> vigo, what test plan are you following? -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865 Successfully built <vigo> jhodapp, jibel told me to stop this silo, we must discuss how to handle snap before getting into testing -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1929 Release pocket <vigo> it is back to Ready for testing lane <jhodapp> vigo, yeah that's a great discussion to have...I asked davmor2 last week and he mentioned that there isn't really much of a plan quite yet <vigo> jhodapp, that's it <vigo> :) <jibel> jhodapp, sorry for the confusion, it's the first snap verification and the process is not very well defined yet <jibel> we'll come back to it asap <jhodapp> jibel, no problem, happy to wait for a clearer process as it'll become a much more common thing from our team and other teams going forward <jhodapp> jibel, if I can help in the discussion let me know <jibel> jhodapp, thanks, I will <robru> dobey: what issue are you seeing? -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/address-book-app). Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/libqofono, vivid/ubuntu-touch-meta, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/libqofono, xenial/ubuntu-touch-meta, yakkety/libqofono, yakkety/ubuntu-touch <robru> dobey: I did change the URLs for excuses files but I don't see how that would affect you since the URLs are just recorded in the tickets -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/address-book-app). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/libqofono, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/ubuntu-touch-meta, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/libqofono, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-touch-meta, yakkety/libqofono, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/ubuntu-touch-meta) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, vivid/unity8, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity-system-compositor, xenia -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- zhangew401, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1930 Release pocket <dobey> robru: /#/user/dobey no longer works <robru> dobey: oh sorry, it's https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/active?landers=dobey now <dobey> robru: maybe add redirects when you change URLs? my browser history is useless now. also parts of the page still point to old URLs <robru> dobey: will do. what links are broken? I thought I got them all. <dobey> robru: "Lander IRC Nicks" still points to /#/user/$foo -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/address-book-app). Pending binary packages (xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/libqofono, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/ubuntu-touch-meta, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/libqofono, xenial/ubuntu-touch-meta, yakkety/libqofono, yakkety/ubuntu-touch <dobey> robru: i also noticed that the 404 page seems pretty broken when i go to /#/user/dobey, showing me as logged out, log in doesn't work, and shows "0 active" and such <robru> hmm -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/address-book-app). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/libqofono, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/ubuntu-touch-meta, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/libqofono, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-touch-meta, yakkety/libqofono, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/ubuntu-touch-meta) <robru> faenil: I updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/phablet-tools/+bug/1621924, can you take another look please? <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1621924 in Phablet Tools "Bileto device-upgrade reboots device even when no packages could be installed" [Undecided,New] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1927 Release pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1895 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/address-book-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/location-service, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/location-service, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/location-service, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ssweeny tvoss vicamo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1922 Failed to build (xenial/location-service). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/location-service). Successfully built (vivid/location-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tvoss morphis, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1623 QA Signoff: Required <faenil> robru: eod already <faenil> robru: btw, what if it downloads but fails to install? <robru> noooooooooooooooooooooo <robru> faenil: patches welcome <faenil> that should still be a failure <faenil> robru: what do you mean :D that's what the bug is about :D <faenil> don't reboot when you shouldn't :D <robru> faenil: seriously I don't know how parseable the output from apt is, I don't think what you're asking for is really possible with shell scripts <faenil> robru: ok <pmcgowan> robru, can you check the exit code from the apt command and look for success <robru> pmcgowan: not sure, I would be surprised if the exit code survived through all the layers of sudo and adb shell <pmcgowan> maybe not <robru> pmcgowan: faenil the script is already 'set -e' so if apt failures aren't aborting the script I don't think there's much we can do -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1895 QA Signoff: Required -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- fboucault, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1536 QA Signoff: Required <faenil> robru: alright <faenil> pmcgowan: apt will return success even in cases where I'd expect failure, iirc -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ssweeny tvoss vicamo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1922 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ssweeny tvoss vicamo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1922 yakkety/location-service: Failed to merge https://code.launchpad.net/~vicamo/location-service/gps-arm64 <robru> faenil: pmcgowan: true, '0 packages upgraded' is an apt success but we want to consider that a failure. <robru> but even still, I'm pretty sure adb is eating the exit code anyway <faenil> I wouldn't expect "failure" there, but yeah, we agree <robru> faenil: ok I have an idea, just need to cobble it togehter <faenil> robru: cool -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ssweeny tvoss vicamo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1922 Failed to build (xenial/location-service). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/location-service). Successfully built (vivid/location-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Pending binary packages (vivid/address-book-app, xenial/address-book-app, yakkety/address-book-app). Successfully built (vivid/libqofono, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/ubuntu-touch-meta, xenial/libqofono, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-touch-meta, yakkety/libqofono, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/ubuntu-touch-meta) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/phablet-tools). Successfully built (vivid/phablet-tools, xenial/phablet-tools) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Elleo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1826 QA Signoff: Ready -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/address-book-app). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/libqofono, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/ubuntu-touch-meta, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/libqofono, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-touch-meta, yakkety/libqofono, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/ubuntu-touch-meta) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Currently building (yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch). Failed to build (vivid/ubuntu-app-launch, xenial/ubuntu-app-launch). Pending binary packages (vivid/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scope-click, yakkety/unity-scope-click) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Failed to build (vivid/ubuntu-app-launch, xenial/ubuntu-app-launch, yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scope-click, yakkety/unity-scope-click) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ssweeny tvoss vicamo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1922 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (vivid/history-service, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (vivid/messaging-app) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ssweeny tvoss vicamo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1922 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1935 Pending binary packages (vivid/calendar-app, xenial/calendar-app, yakkety/calendar-app). Ready to build (vivid/indicator-datetime, xenial/indicator-datetime, yakkety/indicator-datetime) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ssweeny tvoss vicamo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1922 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (vivid/history-service, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/messaging-app) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1935 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1935 Failed to build (yakkety/indicator-datetime). Pending binary packages (vivid/calendar-app, vivid/indicator-datetime, xenial/calendar-app, xenial/indicator-datetime, yakkety/calendar-app) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1935 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1935 Failed to build (vivid/indicator-datetime). Pending binary packages (xenial/indicator-datetime, yakkety/indicator-datetime). Successfully built (vivid/calendar-app, xenial/calendar-app, yakkety/calendar-app) #ubuntu-ci-eng 2016-09-13 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1935 Failed to build (vivid/indicator-datetime). Successfully built (vivid/calendar-app, xenial/calendar-app, xenial/indicator-datetime, yakkety/calendar-app, yakkety/indicator-datetime) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1935 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1935 Abandoning ticket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bfiller artmello, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1936 QA Signoff: Approved <slangasek> jibel: hi - sorry, I was out today; I can look at building rc images now -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1937 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1937 QA Signoff: Required -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1937 QA Signoff: N/A -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/unity8). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, vivid/unity8, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity-system-compositor, xenial/unity -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Bad merges (yakkety/mcloud). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/account-plugins, yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/mcloud, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/keeper, xenial/mcloud, xenial/net-cpp, xenial/signon-plugin-oau -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Failed to understand "https://code.launchpad.net/~gary-wzl77/mcloud/enable_tests/+merge/302679". Is it a merge? <robru> Somebody do an SRU, the PPAs don't dep on the overlay PPA anymore -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx jibel, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1915 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx jibel, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1915 Publish failed: Packaging diff requires ACK <jibel> Mirv, morning, can you review and ack this diff ^ it adds arm64 to the list of arch in the build deps <Mirv> jibel: ok <Mirv> and morning -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx jibel, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1915 Publishing packages <robru> faenil: please test the script now, it's smarter about when to reboot -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/address-book-app, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/libqofono, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/ubuntu-touch-meta, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/libqofono, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-touch-meta, yakkety/libqofono, yakkety/ubuntu-touch-meta) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/unity8). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, vivid/unity8, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/ubuntu-sy -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx jibel, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1915 Proposed pocket (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Release pocket (vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings) <jibel> ogra_, morning, slangasek triggered builds of rc last night, there are images for krillin and vegeta but nothing for frieza and cooler (http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/rc/bq-aquaris-pd.en/frieza/) can you have a look please? -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1843 Proposed pocket (xenial/bamf, xenial/unity). Updates pocket (xenial/compiz) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/unity8). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, vivid/unity8, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/ubuntu-sy -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Currently building (vivid/mir, yakkety/mir). Failed to build (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/mir, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Pending binary packages (vivid/unity8, xenial/unity8, yakkety/unity8). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/ubu -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Failed to build (vivid/mcloud, xenial/mcloud). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/account-plugins, yakkety/keeper, yakkety/mcloud). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/keeper, xenial/net-cpp, xenial/signon-plugi -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- gary-wzl77, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1938 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Pending binary packages (vivid/unity8, xenial/unity8). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/ubuntu-system-setti -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Failed to build (vivid/mcloud, xenial/mcloud, yakkety/mcloud). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/account-plugins, yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/keeper, xenial/net-cpp, xenial/signon-plugi -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Preparing packages <jibel> ogra_, can you help with rc images for frieza and cooler? <ogra_> jibel, i dont know ... <jibel> ogra_, slangasek triggered image builds yesterday, there are builds for krillin and vegeta but nothing for the tablets <jibel> ogra_, sorry but you're the only member of cdimage online that I know could deal with phone images <ogra_> should they come from the same build or is that a specific project ? <ogra_> (i see -pd there) <jibel> not sure <jibel> there is this doc https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LandingTeam/Procedures but it doesn't mention anything about the projects <jibel> there is nothing in meizu.en either <jibel> nothing = no new image -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, vivid/unity8, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity-syste -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- gary-wzl77, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1938 Preparing packages <ogra_> jibel, hmm ... i definitely see vivid build on cdimage from tonight ... but ... i also think promoting rc is some manual process <ogra_> on the system-image server <jibel> ogra_, why would there be krillin and vegeta and ubuntu and nothing else ? <ogra_> jibel, because bq-aquaris-pd.en is not bq-aquaris.en <ogra_> looks like steve promoted one but not the other manually from rc-proposed to rc <ogra_> i cant find the docs for system image promotion and channel copying :( <jibel> ogra_, I mean if promoting to rc is manual there won't be anything in rc? <ogra_> you said steve promoted something <jibel> ogra_, no he triggered a build <ogra_> rc has always been a manual channel copy in the past <ogra_> if that changed then i dont know aboout it <jibel> ogra_, okay, lets wait until he is online <ogra_> and for a manual copy you need to give the full paths .... like: $copy_cmd ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en ubuntu-touch/rc/bq-aquaris.en <ogra_> i assume he did that but didnt do the same for -pd -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/account-plugins, yakkety/keeper). Pending binary packages (vivid/mcloud, xenial/mcloud, yakkety/mcloud). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/keeper, xenial/net-cpp, xenial/sign -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/account-plugins, yakkety/keeper). Pending binary packages (vivid/mcloud). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/keeper, xenial/mcloud, xenial/net-cpp, xenial/signon-plugin-oauth2 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- gary-wzl77, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1938 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/account-plugins, yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/mcloud, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/keeper, xenial/mcloud, xenial/net-cpp, xenial/signon-plugin-oauth2, xenial/storage-framework -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Currently building (vivid/mir, yakkety/mir). Failed to build (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/mir, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- gary-wzl77, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1938 Pending binary packages (yakkety/net-cpp). Successfully built (vivid/net-cpp, xenial/net-cpp) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Chroot problem (xenial/keeper). Currently building (vivid/keeper). Failed to build (yakkety/keeper) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src). Ready to build (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- gary-wzl77, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1938 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src). Ready to build (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles) <xavigarcia> trainguards, ping <Mirv> xavigarcia: pong <xavigarcia> Mirv: hi... I'm trying to build silo 1939, but I get a chroot error <cjwatson> Let me see. <cjwatson> xavigarcia: That's a transient thing that happens occasionally. I've retried it. <xavigarcia> cjwatson: cool, anyway I was going to ask if you could copy the binary packages from silo 68 <Mirv> xavigarcia: you're welcome ;) <Mirv> xavigarcia: I can do that <xavigarcia> Mirv: cool <xavigarcia> Mirv: I think I only need the binaries from silo 68... <xavigarcia> Mirv: thanks! <Mirv> xavigarcia: they are now copied <xavigarcia> Mirv: great! thanks a lot! -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Currently building (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src). Failed to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src). Ready to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Failed to build (vivid/keeper). Pending binary packages (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/keeper, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1675 Bad merges (yakkety/unity8). Failed to build (xenial/unity8). Successfully built (vivid/unity8) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Currently building (vivid/keeper). Failed to build (xenial/keeper, yakkety/keeper). Pending binary packages (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx jibel, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1915 Release pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/address-book-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/libqofono, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/ubuntu-touch-meta, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/libqofono, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-touch-meta, yakkety/libqofono, yakkety/ubu -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Failed to build (vivid/keeper, xenial/keeper, yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) <xavigarcia> Mirv: hi, I get an error waiting for the binaries in silo 68 when building silo 1939... -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, vivid/unity8, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity-system-composit <Mirv> xavigarcia_lunch: I see more like test errors? https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-1939/+packages <Mirv> Test #7: tar-creator-test ......................***Failed 0.21 sec <Mirv> 8 - keeper-tar-create-test (Failed) <Mirv> 9 - helpers-test (Failed) <Mirv> xavigarcia_lunch: s390x has dependency missing but it's not really an error since keeper never built on s390x anyway (in yakkety) <Mirv> xavigarcia_lunch: as you're on lunch, I'll retry all of the build in case there are flaky tests, but the tests should really be made more reliable regardless -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Failed to build (vivid/keeper, xenial/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Failed to build (vivid/keeper). Pending binary packages (xenial/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1888 QA Signoff: Approved * Mirv gone, will check back in 2h -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Failed to build (vivid/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/keeper, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1940 Preparing packages <boiko> trainguards: can someone please copy the source packages from this ppa to silo 1940: https://launchpad.net/~boiko/+archive/ubuntu/tpqt/ ? -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/account-polld). Successfully built (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) <xavigarcia> Mirv: Oh, I didn't see the error in the tests... thanks -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Preparing packages <kenvandine> jibel, unity8 autopkgtests are failing for xenial and yakkety for 1774 <kenvandine> jibel, vivid passes <kenvandine> and i can't imagine the failures have anything to do with libphonenumber and deps <kenvandine> jibel, we really need to get this landed to fix ftbfs stuff blocking the protobuf3 transition in yakkety <kenvandine> jibel, could you please get ticket 1774 into the QA queue? <jibel> kenvandine, please find someone to fix unity8 <jibel> Saviq, ^ <kenvandine> Saviq, ^^ again :) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1940 Ready to build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Currently building (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Failed to build (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) <kenvandine> Saviq, it's a huge time sink for us... -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Ready to build (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles) <kenvandine> Saviq, i'm sure it's not easy to fix, but it really adds significant cost to all of our landings <kenvandine> Saviq, i just heard you had a branch that should improve that... and speed it up <kenvandine> lets get that landed! -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1895 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/address-book-app, yakkety/location-service, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/location-service, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/location-service, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Currently building (vivid/keeper). Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Failed to build (xenial/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Currently building (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Failed to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld, vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go, yakkety/account-polld). Successfully built (yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1866 Chroot problem (yakkety/indicator-transfer-buteo). Failed to build (vivid/indicator-transfer-buteo, xenial/indicator-transfer-buteo). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/address-book-app). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas, vivid/libqofono, vivid/mediaplayer-app, vivid/sync-monitor, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/gsettings-ubun -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Preparing packages <Saviq> kenvandine, jibel, our current silo has 10 different test stability fixes and speeds things up twofold in our CI - we've heard you <kenvandine> Saviq, exciting :) <kenvandine> jibel, would you mind waving my silo through? https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1774 <Saviq> I can't promise that's 100% of the flaky tests now but we're trying <kenvandine> Saviq, how close is it to landing? <Saviq> kenvandine, should be QA-worthy later today <kenvandine> great <Saviq> kenvandine, in that particular case you can blame Mirv because it's Qt 5.6 that was put through into proposed without fixing the two unity8 issues it uncovered (and yeah I wanted to land those long ago, just $reasons) <Saviq> should've probably landed that alone <jibel> kenvandine, I'd rather land saviq's silo first? <Saviq> actually I think I asked Mirv to upload that fix... ah yeah but then we didn't land it in trunk? <kenvandine> jibel, i've been getting nagged for weeks to get this libphonenumber update landed... it's holding up the protobuf3 transition in yakkety <kenvandine> we <Saviq> kenvandine, and yakkety seems to be dependency issue of some kind, that's new to me <kenvandine> we've finally gotten all the other issues resolved in the packages that depend on it so we can land it <Saviq> kenvandine, it does mention a lot of phonenumber in the dep resolution in https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-yakkety-ci-train-ppa-service-landing-1774/yakkety/amd64/u/unity8/20160912_211743@/log.gz -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Preparing packages <kenvandine> Saviq, that might be because it's not buildable in yakkety atm <kenvandine> it's breaking lots of things <kenvandine> and my silo should fix that <kenvandine> jibel, ^^ -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Pending binary packages (vivid/address-book-app, xenial/address-book-app, yakkety/address-book-app). Successfully built (vivid/libqofono, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/ubuntu-touch-meta, xenial/libqofono, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-touch-meta, yakkety/libqofono, yakkety/ubuntu-touch-meta) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Failed to build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Currently building (vivid/keeper). Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Failed to build (xenial/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings: Failed to merge https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-system-settings/suggest_aethercast -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1839 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/libindicator). Successfully built (yakkety/unity) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine renato boiko tiagosh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1774 QA Signoff: Ready <boiko> trainguards: nevermind my previous request, kenvandine is helping me with that -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg seb128 pitti laney, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 Dependency wait (yakkety/indicator-bluetooth, yakkety/indicator-keyboard, yakkety/indicator-power, yakkety/indicator-sound). Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/indicator-session). Failed to build (yakkety/indicator-display). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/indicator-datetime, yakkety/libindicator). Successfully built (yakkety/hud, yakkety/ind -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Pending binary packages (xenial/address-book-app, yakkety/address-book-app). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/libqofono, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/ubuntu-touch-meta, xenial/libqofono, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-touch-meta, yakkety/libqofono, yakkety/ubuntu-touch-meta) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Successfully built (vivid/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/libqofono, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/ubuntu-touch-meta, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/libqofono, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-touch-meta, yakkety/address-book-app, yakkety/libqofono, yakkety/ubuntu-touch-meta) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1940 Currently building (vivid/telepathy-qt). Failed to build (xenial/telepathy-qt, yakkety/telepathy-qt) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Failed to build (vivid/keeper, xenial/keeper, yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/account-polld). Pending binary packages (vivid/account-polld). Successfully built (yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Pending binary packages (vivid/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scope-click, yakkety/unity-scope-click). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scopes-api, vivid/unity-scopes-shell, xenial/unity-scopes-api, xenial/unity-scopes-shell, yakkety/unity-scopes-api, yakkety/unity-scopes-shell) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1839 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1940 Failed to build (xenial/telepathy-qt, yakkety/telepathy-qt). Pending binary packages (vivid/telepathy-qt) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/account-polld). Successfully built (vivid/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build <Mirv> Saviq: so the U8 with color test fixes is now landing? I've been holding off landing qtdeclarative to yakkety for that. <Saviq> Mirv, "now" <Saviq> but yes, I've it in a silo that I want to give to QA asap -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 yakkety/qtmir: Failed to commit https://code.launchpad.net/~andreas-pokorny/qtmir/controlMirCursor-and-more. You must supply either a Commit Message on your MP, or a custom debian/changelog entry -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1940 Diff missing (vivid/telepathy-qt). Failed to build (xenial/telepathy-qt, yakkety/telepathy-qt) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1839 Pending binary packages (yakkety/libindicator). Successfully built (yakkety/unity) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/libqofono, vivid/ubuntu-touch-meta, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/libqofono, xenial/ubuntu-touch-meta, yakkety/address-book-app, yakkety/libqofono, yakkety/ubuntu-touch-meta) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1839 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1839 Publish failed: Pending binary packages <slangasek> jibel, ogra_: so the reason there's no frieza or cooler is because ubuntu-touch/rc/ubuntu doesn't have the declaration for how to find device files for these for importing. I can copy it from ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu and it should auto-import now <slangasek> seems it should be part of the setup of a new device to always duplicate that <ogra_> slangasek, ah, i thought rc was always manual copy <slangasek> ogra_: except when we do snapshot builds, like this <ogra_> ah, ok -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pitti, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1941 Preparing packages <jibel> slangasek, is it the same issue with meizu* <jibel> ? <slangasek> jibel: quite probably; I don't see meizu listed for rc/ubuntu either <slangasek> but I also see a delta between the prod deployment and the branch, grr hang on while I sort this out -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build <Trevinho> seb128: packages should be publishable now <seb128> Trevinho, clicked again let's see -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1839 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Pending binary packages (xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/libqofono, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/ubuntu-touch-meta, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/libqofono, xenial/ubuntu-touch-meta, yakkety/address-book-app, yakkety/libqofono, yakkety/ubuntu-touch-meta) <seb128> Trevinho, worked <Trevinho> yay! -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Failed to build (xenial/keeper). Pending binary packages (vivid/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1942 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pitti, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1941 Failed to build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pitti, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1941 Generating diffs <slangasek> jibel: can you please give me the exact list of devices you want to see updated snapshot images for in the rc channel? <jibel> slangasek, bq-aquaris.en/{krillin, vegetahd} <- already done , bq-aquaris-pd.en/{frieza,cooler}, meizu-pd.en/turbo, meizu-pd.zh/turbo, meizu.en/arale, meizu.zh/arale, ubuntu/{arale,cooler,frieza,turbo} <jibel> that should all <slangasek> jibel: and is it an error if any other devices get updated? <jibel> slangasek, no <jibel> slangasek, most important are bq and meizu -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1942 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1839 Proposed pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/webbrowser-app). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Pending binary packages (vivid/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework). Uploading build (xenial/keeper) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pitti, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1941 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Pending binary packages (vivid/keeper, xenial/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) <slangasek> jibel: ok, still working on this; I'm actually unclear at this point why bq-aquaris-pd.en didn't already update, it looks properly declared to me <jibel> slangasek, ok, just keep me updated when it updates, so we can proceed with next step -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1944 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/keeper, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/keeper, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1942 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pitti, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1941 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Pending binary packages (vivid/keeper, xenial/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1943 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1944 Pending binary packages <tedg> robru: So for ticket https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1944 for some reason one of the branches' commit messages didn't show up in the changelog. <robru> tedg: looking <tedg> robru: Specifically this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/ubuntu-app-launch/snappy-backend/+merge/302027 <tedg> robru: Oh, wait, it's on 730... <tedg> robru: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_39a8dbb93caf4ec889f8a1b7f69885db/bileto-1944/2016-09-13_16:54:42/vivid_ubuntu-app-launch_packaging_changes.diff <robru> tedg: yeah, look at that branch you say is missing. it specifically adds it's own changelog entry, which for some reason even within that branch isn't even the newest entry. if you supply your own changelog, bileto specifically stops from adding a duplicate one <robru> tedg: I recommend dropping your debian/changelog changes from that branch and rebuilding <tedg> robru: Yeah, not sure how that got in, removing it. <robru> faenil: did you get a chance to try that new script? -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Currently building (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Failed to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1944 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/keeper, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/keeper, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1943 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Failed to build (vivid/ubuntu-app-launch, xenial/ubuntu-app-launch). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scope-click, yakkety/unity-scope-click) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1944 xenial/ubuntu-app-launch: Failed to download DSC file https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay/+files/ubuntu-app-launch_0.9+16.04.20160902-0ubuntu1.dsc -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- gary-wzl77, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1938 QA Signoff: Ready <faenil> robru: nope, sorry :/ <robru> faenil: please do, I have some other work that's blocked waiting for that <faenil> robru: oh :| why is it blocked? <faenil> nvm, I'll try it now then (I'm EOD already) <robru> faenil: the fix for your bug is bundled with other fixes I need for other issues <faenil> ok <robru> faenil: thanks, should just take a moment to run it and confirm it only reboots when it should <faenil> robru: sure, I just need a silo that is not published yet :) <robru> faenil: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/active?qa_signoff=Ready there's a lot ;-) <faenil> robru: and a proper test would include testing without network, without packages, with 0 upgrade...etc <faenil> but ok, I'll try your test <robru> faenil: if you install the same silo twice, it should just not reboot the second time. the test for whether to boot doesn't rely on parsing the output of apt so it'll make the same decision regardless of why apt failed <robru> faenil: also please paste me a log from when you run the script, even if it works. I was testing it locally but then I bricked my phone so I wasn't actually able to test it all the way to the end myself -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1839 Proposed pocket (yakkety/unity). Release pocket (yakkety/libindicator) <robru> (bricked phone for unrelated reasons, lol. not that my changes to the script will brick your phone) <faenil> robru: done! -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/unity8). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, vivid/unity8, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity-system-c <robru> faenil: so it looks good then? should I release it? <faenil> robru: I should have probably mentioned that we need some informative text as well...maybe you want a separate bug for that? Something that at least suggests having a look at the output because something went wrong, otherwise one has to understand that from the fact that it didn't reboot...and that's not obvious :) <faenil> robru: well, yeah, from those tests the result was as expected, minus the error message <faenil> :) <robru> faenil: ok, I'll give it a quick notification of why it is or isn't rebooting then release it, thanks! <slangasek> jibel: bq-aquaris-pd.en/{frieza,cooler} are updated now by an unfortunately roundabout path <slangasek> still checking the others <faenil> robru: yeah, something that really stands out and provides as much context as possible, or at least tells you to have alook at the log. <faenil> robru: my main usecase in this case would be my colleagues in design team (I'm a developer but working in design team). Not everyone has a technical background, and if one does not see a clear sign that something went wrong, they'll just think the silo that the engineer sent them is broken or the new design is not implemented or something across those lines. <robru> faenil: ok, I'll put in a big error <faenil> robru: I've seen that happening pleeeeeeenty of times, just because citrain was rebooting device when it shouldn't have, and of course they expected that meant the install succeeded :) <faenil> robru: great, cheers mate <robru> faenil: you're welcome! goodnight! <slangasek> ubuntu-touch/rc/meizu-pd.{en,zh} turbo done; meizu.{en,zh}/arale done; rc/ubuntu/* done <slangasek> jibel: ^^ <faenil> robru: good night sir! <jibel> slangasek, excellent, thanks! -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Preparing packages <slangasek> jibel: so I don't know exactly what caused this to not pick up the new versions correctly the first time; we didn't have the settings that would have copied the device tarballs from rc/ubuntu into other rc channels, but those other channels still had other rules which /should have/ done the job AIUI. I'll keep studying this to understand what caused the delays, so that if there's another respin <slangasek> it can go more smoothly <jibel> slangasek, it should be the last unless bq finds something we didn't <slangasek> ok, unfortunately that limits my options to debug ;) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1946 Preparing packages <jibel> and the delta looks correct, one less option to respin :) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1943 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1947 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1944 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity8, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/unity8, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/unity8). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/unity-api, xenial -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 xenial/qtmir: Failed to download DSC file https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay/+files/qtmir_0.4.8+16.04.20160906-0ubuntu1.dsc -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1940 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Currently building (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src). Failed to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Pending binary packages (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- larryprice, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1945 Failed to build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1946 Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntuone-credentials, xenial/ubuntuone-credentials). Uploading build (yakkety/ubuntuone-credentials) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1947 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pitti, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1941 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pitti, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1941 Publish failed: Bad merges -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Currently building (vivid/qtmir, xenial/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir). Failed to build (vivid/mir, xenial/mir, yakkety/mir). Pending binary packages (vivid/qtmir-gles). Uploading build (xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pitti, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1941 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Failed to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Pending binary packages (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1946 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build (vivid/mir, xenial/mir, yakkety/mir). Pending binary packages (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles). Uploading build (xenial/qtmir) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1940 Diff missing -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pitti, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1941 Proposed pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1943 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1944 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1940 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1946 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1947 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/unity8). Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity8, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/unity8, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-c -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build (vivid/mir, xenial/mir, yakkety/mir). Pending binary packages (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1940 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Publish failed: Bad merges -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1946 Pending binary packages (yakkety/ubuntuone-credentials). Successfully built (vivid/ubuntuone-credentials, xenial/ubuntuone-credentials) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1947 Pending binary packages (xenial/libertine, yakkety/libertine). Successfully built (vivid/libertine) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/unity8). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, vivid/unity8, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity-system-compositor, xenial/unity -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Proposed pocket (yakkety/phablet-tools). Release pocket (vivid/phablet-tools, xenial/phablet-tools) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pitti, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1941 Merging branches -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Diff missing (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Pending binary packages (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1946 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1947 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- robru, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1932 Release pocket <robru> yay -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build (vivid/mir, xenial/mir, yakkety/mir). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Diff missing -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Diff missing (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Pending binary packages (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1839 Release pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Pending binary packages (vivid/unity8, xenial/unity8, yakkety/unity8). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity-system-compositor, yakket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Diff missing -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1703 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1703 Publish failed: Packaging diff requires ACK <michi> robru: who can ACK this? ^ <robru> michi: any core dev <michi> Rober Ancell already set the QA to approved. <michi> What needs to be done for the AC? <michi> ACK? <robru> michi: the core dev is the one who needs to click publish <michi> Ah, I see. Cool, thanks! <robru> michi: you're welcome -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1703 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1703 Proposed pocket (yakkety/persistent-cache-cpp, yakkety/thumbnailer). Release pocket (vivid/persistent-cache-cpp, vivid/thumbnailer, xenial/persistent-cache-cpp, xenial/thumbnailer) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/unity8). Pending binary packages (vivid/unity8, xenial/unity8). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/unity-api, xen -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/unity8). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, vivid/unity8, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity-system-compositor, xenial/unity #ubuntu-ci-eng 2016-09-14 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1703 Proposed pocket (yakkety/thumbnailer). Release pocket (vivid/persistent-cache-cpp, vivid/thumbnailer, xenial/persistent-cache-cpp, xenial/thumbnailer, yakkety/persistent-cache-cpp) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1944 QA Signoff: Ready -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Pending binary packages (vivid/unity8, xenial/unity8, yakkety/unity8). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity-system-compositor, yakket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Pending binary packages (vivid/unity8, xenial/unity8). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity-system-compositor, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1940 QA Signoff: Ready -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build (vivid/mir, xenial/mir). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/mir). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Pending binary packages (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld). Successfully built (yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1888 Proposed pocket (yakkety/mediascanner2). Ready to build (xenial/apparmor, yakkety/apparmor). Release pocket (vivid/apparmor, vivid/mediascanner2, xenial/mediascanner2) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1880 QA Signoff: Approved -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Successfully built (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Currently building (vivid/unity-scopes-api). Failed to build (xenial/unity-scopes-api). Pending binary packages (yakkety/unity-scopes-api). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scope-click, vivid/unity-scopes-shell, xenial/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scopes-shell, yakkety/unity-scope-click, yakkety/unity-scopes-shell) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Pending binary packages (yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go). Successfully built (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Failed to build (xenial/unity-scopes-api). Pending binary packages (vivid/unity-scopes-api, yakkety/unity-scopes-api). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scope-click, vivid/unity-scopes-shell, xenial/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scopes-shell, yakkety/unity-scope-click, yakkety/unity-scopes-shell) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1880 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Preparing packages <jibel> ogra_, there is no new touch image this morning, can you check if cron has been reenabled after slangasek intervention yesterday? -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Elleo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1826 QA Signoff: Approved -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1880 Proposed pocket (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Release pocket (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) <ogra_> cdimage@nusakan:~$ crontab -l |grep touch <ogra_> 03 2 * * 2-6 DIST=vivid EXTRA_PPAS=ci-train-ppa-service/stable-phone-overlay:1001 for-project ubuntu-touch cron.daily-preinstalled --live <ogra_> 04 2 * * 2-6 DIST=xenial EXTRA_PPAS=ci-train-ppa-service/stable-phone-overlay:1001 for-project ubuntu-touch cron.daily-preinstalled --live <ogra_> 06 2 * * * for-project ubuntu-touch cron.daily-preinstalled --live <ogra_> jibel, ^^^ <ogra_> looks all ok <ogra_> i dont see any build failures either <ogra_> hmm <ogra_> oh <ogra_> cdimage@nusakan:~$ crontab -l |grep import <ogra_> # System image imports <ogra_> #*/5 * * * * TMPDIR=/srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/tmp /srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/bin/import-images <ogra_> yeah, the importer was still off ... fixing now <ogra_> next run should pick the stuff up -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Successfully built (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Pending binary packages (vivid/unity-scopes-api, xenial/unity-scopes-api, yakkety/unity-scopes-api). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scope-click, vivid/unity-scopes-shell, xenial/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scopes-shell, yakkety/unity-scope-click, yakkety/unity-scopes-shell) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cjwatson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1878 QA Signoff: Approved -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cjwatson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1878 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 yakkety/unity-scope-click: Failed to download DSC file https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-073/+files/unity-scope-click_0.1.1+16.10.20160913-0ubuntu1.dsc <xavigarcia> trainguards, ping <Mirv> xavigarcia: o/ <xavigarcia> Mirv: hi! I'm trying to build silo 1939..it builds fine expect for s390 on yakketti <xavigarcia> Mirv: It has a dependency issue <xavigarcia> Mirv: so... Should I wait for this to be fixed or can I go ahead and try to land it? <Mirv> xavigarcia: right, this is a special case as keeper is a new package, so train status does not have history to compare to so it complains https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 - but, for a new package it is actually "ok" to not have s390x built, as it never had it. so you could go ahead with landing. we have missing deps on s390x so it's understandable your package doesn't build there <Mirv> either. <xavigarcia> Mirv: cool, I will go ahead, then... Thanks! -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cjwatson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1878 Proposed pocket (yakkety/click). Release pocket (vivid/click, xenial/click) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Failed to build (xenial/unity-scopes-shell). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scope-click, vivid/unity-scopes-api, xenial/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scopes-api, yakkety/unity-scope-click, yakkety/unity-scopes-api). Uploading build (vivid/unity-scopes-shell, yakkety/unity-scopes-shell) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/account-plugins, yakkety/keeper, yakkety/mcloud). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/mcloud, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/keeper, xenial/mcloud, xenial/net-cpp, xenial/signon-plugin-oauth2, xenial/s -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go). Successfully built (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1940 QA Signoff: Approved -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1949 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1949 Ready to build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1888 Ready to build (xenial/apparmor, yakkety/apparmor). Release pocket (vivid/apparmor, vivid/mediascanner2, xenial/mediascanner2, yakkety/mediascanner2) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox cpaelzer, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1931 Abandoning ticket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 QA Signoff: Ready -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (vivid/history-service, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/telepathy-ofono). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/messaging-app) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Currently building (yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go). Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go, yakkety/account-polld). Uploading build (vivid/account-polld) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Preparing packages <Saviq> Mirv, what did you do! I'm never getting my silo results ;P http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running <Mirv> Saviq: donate more infra :) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Ready to build (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles). Uploading build (yakkety/qttools-opensource-src) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Currently building (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app). Failed to build (vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Currently building (yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go). Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go, yakkety/account-polld). Pending binary packages (vivid/account-polld) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1888 Merging branches -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Failed to build (xenial/unity-scopes-shell). Pending binary packages (vivid/unity-scopes-shell, yakkety/unity-scopes-shell). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scope-click, vivid/unity-scopes-api, xenial/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scopes-api, yakkety/unity-scope-click, yakkety/unity-scopes-api) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox cpaelzer, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1950 Ready to build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Pending binary packages (yakkety/qttools-opensource-src). Ready to build (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1940 Publish failed: boiko not authorized to upload telepathy-qt <boiko> trainguards: can someone please publish silo 1940? I don't have permissions to publish it -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Preparing packages <Mirv> boiko: happening now -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1940 Publishing packages <boiko> Mirv: thanks! :) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Ready to build (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1943 Bad merges (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1843 Updates pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go, yakkety/account-polld). Pending binary packages (yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go). Successfully built (vivid/account-polld) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Currently building (xenial/unity-scopes-shell, yakkety/unity-scopes-shell). Failed to build (vivid/unity-scopes-shell). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scope-click, vivid/unity-scopes-api, xenial/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scopes-api, yakkety/unity-scope-click, yakkety/unity-scopes-api) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1951 Failed to build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- morphis, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1952 No packages are being considered! If you are preparing sources manually, please upload them to the PPA now -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Currently building (vivid/unity-system-compositor). Failed to build (vivid/mir, xenial/mir, xenial/unity-system-compositor). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/mir). Pending binary packages (yakkety/unity-system-compositor). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1940 Proposed pocket (yakkety/telepathy-qt). Release pocket (vivid/telepathy-qt, xenial/telepathy-qt) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Failed to build (vivid/unity-scopes-shell). Pending binary packages (xenial/unity-scopes-shell, yakkety/unity-scopes-shell). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scope-click, vivid/unity-scopes-api, xenial/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scopes-api, yakkety/unity-scope-click, yakkety/unity-scopes-api) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build (vivid/mir, xenial/mir, xenial/unity-system-compositor). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/mir). Pending binary packages (vivid/unity-system-compositor, yakkety/unity-system-compositor). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Elleo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1677 QA Signoff: Approved -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox cpaelzer, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1950 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1886 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1886 yakkety/url-dispatcher: Failed to merge https://code.launchpad.net/~larryprice/url-dispatcher/appid-with-dots -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Pending binary packages (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld). Successfully built (yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox cpaelzer, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1950 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1886 Ready to build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Elleo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1677 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Currently building (yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src). Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtpim-opensource-src). Pending binary packages (yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource- -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox cpaelzer, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1950 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- gary-wzl77, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1938 QA Signoff: Approved -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Elleo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1677 Proposed pocket (yakkety/ubuntu-download-manager). Release pocket (vivid/ubuntu-download-manager, xenial/ubuntu-download-manager) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Currently building (yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src). Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src, yakkety/qtpim-opensource-src). Pending binary packages (yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource- -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Successfully built (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Pending binary packages (vivid/unity-scopes-shell, xenial/unity-scopes-shell, yakkety/unity-scopes-shell). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scope-click, vivid/unity-scopes-api, xenial/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scopes-api, yakkety/unity-scope-click, yakkety/unity-scopes-api) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox cpaelzer, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1950 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- morphis, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1952 Diff missing -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build (vivid/mir, xenial/mir, xenial/unity-system-compositor). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/mir). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/unity-system-compositor, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles, yakkety/unity-system-compositor) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Currently building (yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src). Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src, yakkety/qtpim-opensource-src). Pending binary packages (yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource- -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Pending binary packages (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld). Successfully built (yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox cpaelzer, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1950 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- morphis, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1952 Pending binary packages <slangasek> ogra_, jibel: yeah, sorry, knew I'd failed to re-enable the importer as soon as I read your question :/ <ogra_> no worries :) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Successfully built (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1947 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- morphis, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1952 Diff missing -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Currently building (yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src). Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src, yakkety/qtpim-opensource-src). Ready to build (yakk -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1947 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Failed to build (yakkety/unity-scope-click). Pending binary packages (vivid/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scope-click). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scopes-api, vivid/unity-scopes-shell, xenial/unity-scopes-api, xenial/unity-scopes-shell, yakkety/unity-scopes-api, yakkety/unity-scopes-shell) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src, yakkety/qtpim-opensource-src). Ready to build (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative- -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1947 Pending binary packages (yakkety/libertine). Successfully built (vivid/libertine, xenial/libertine) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- larryprice, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1945 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src, yakkety/qtpim-opensource-src). Pending binary packages (yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src). Ready to build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Pending binary packages (vivid/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scope-click, yakkety/unity-scope-click). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scopes-api, vivid/unity-scopes-shell, xenial/unity-scopes-api, xenial/unity-scopes-shell, yakkety/unity-scopes-api, yakkety/unity-scopes-shell) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- larryprice, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1945 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1947 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src, yakkety/qtpim-opensource-src). Ready to build (yakkety/qtbase-opensource -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- larryprice, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1945 Pending binary packages <dobey> hmm <dobey> why is ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts no longer on s390x on yakkety? <dobey> gah <dobey> mardy: ? -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- larryprice, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1945 Successfully built <boiko> trainguards: the excuses page for yakkety shows a regression for telepathy-qt, but seems to be an infrastructure failure, is there a way to trigger a rebuild? <robru> boiko: which one? <boiko> robru: armhf, https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-yakkety/yakkety/armhf/t/telepathy-logger-qt/20160914_175412@/log.gz <robru> boiko: which excuses page? <boiko> robru: opened the link from here: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/yakkety/update_excuses.html#telepathy-qt <boiko> robru: the one above ^ <robru> boiko: yeah you just need a core dev to click on the recycle button there -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1953 Cancelled build (xenial/content-hub). Successfully built (vivid/content-hub, yakkety/content-hub) <kenvandine> boiko, i can do that <kenvandine> boiko, done <kenvandine> robru, i just trying to install a silo with bileto and it tried to add an apt source for landing-1953 but the ppa name is actually just 1953 <robru> kenvandine: your script is old <robru> kenvandine: I just put out an update that updates it to use the ticket name. and also an email announcing this <kenvandine> i think i updated yesterday :) <kenvandine> i'm behind on email :) <kenvandine> thx <robru> kenvandine: you're welcome <boiko> kenvandine: thanks :) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1953 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1953 Pending binary packages (xenial/content-hub). Successfully built (vivid/content-hub, yakkety/content-hub) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Currently building (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles). Failed to build (vivid/mir, xenial/mir, xenial/unity-system-compositor). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/mir). Successfully built (vivid/unity-system-compositor, yakkety/unity-system-compositor). Uploading build (xenial/qtmir-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Currently building (vivid/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir). Failed to build (vivid/mir, xenial/mir, xenial/unity-system-compositor). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/mir). Pending binary packages (vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir-gles). Successfully built (vivid/unity-system-compositor, yakkety/unity-system-compositor) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1953 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build (vivid/mir, xenial/mir, xenial/unity-system-compositor). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/mir). Pending binary packages (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles). Successfully built (vivid/unity-system-compositor, yakkety/unity-system-compositor) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Elleo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1677 Release pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1919 Diff missing (xenial/oxide-qt). Pending binary packages (vivid/oxide-qt). Ready to build (yakkety/oxide-qt) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build (vivid/mir, xenial/mir, xenial/unity-system-compositor). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/mir). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/unity-system-compositor, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles, yakkety/unity-system-compositor) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1919 Diff missing (vivid/oxide-qt). Pending binary packages (xenial/oxide-qt). Ready to build (yakkety/oxide-qt) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Currently building (vivid/messaging-app, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service). Failed to build (xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (vivid/history-service, xenial/telepathy-ofono). Uploading build (xenial/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1919 Diff missing (vivid/oxide-qt, xenial/oxide-qt). Ready to build (yakkety/oxide-qt) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telephony-service). Successfully built (xenial/telepathy-ofono) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service) #ubuntu-ci-eng 2016-09-15 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1794 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1750 Abandoning ticket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- charles, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1473 Abandoning ticket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1814 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1794 Ready to build (vivid/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, vivid/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles, xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles). Successfully built (yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1814 Bad merges (yakkety/unity-scopes-api). Ready to build (vivid/zeromq3, vivid/zmqpp). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scopes-api, xenial/unity-scopes-api, xenial/zeromq3, xenial/zmqpp, yakkety/zeromq3, yakkety/zmqpp) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- gary-wzl77, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1938 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- gary-wzl77, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1938 Publish failed: Packaging diff requires ACK -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- gary-wzl77, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1938 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- gary-wzl77, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1938 Publish failed: Packaging diff requires ACK -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1880 Proposed pocket (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit). Release pocket (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tvoss, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1099 Abandoning ticket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- gary-wzl77, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1938 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- gary-wzl77, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1938 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- gary-wzl77, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1938 Proposed pocket (yakkety/net-cpp). Release pocket (vivid/net-cpp, xenial/net-cpp) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Currently building (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Failed to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1947 QA Signoff: Ready -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Currently building (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src). Failed to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Currently building (xenial/qtmir). Failed to build (vivid/mir, vivid/qtmir, xenial/mir, xenial/unity-system-compositor). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/mir). Pending binary packages (vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles). Successfully built (vivid/unity-system-compositor, yakkety/unity-system-compositor) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Currently building (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src). Failed to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build (vivid/mir, vivid/qtmir, xenial/mir, xenial/unity-system-compositor). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/mir). Pending binary packages (vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles). Successfully built (vivid/unity-system-compositor, yakkety/unity-system-compositor) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Failed to build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Currently building (xenial/qtubuntu). Failed to build (vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/webbrowser-app). Pending binary packages (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build (vivid/mir, xenial/mir, xenial/unity-system-compositor). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/mir). Pending binary packages (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles). Successfully built (vivid/unity-system-compositor, yakkety/unity-system-compositor) <jamesh> jibel: hi. You marked my storage-framework landing (ticket 1851) blocked. At this point, I'm not sure there is anything to manually test, since other components of the system are yet to land. -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Failed to build (vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/webbrowser-app). Pending binary packages (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles) <jibel> jamesh, okay, there is no command line tool or anything we can use to validate the integration on a live system? <jibel> jamesh, otherwise, given that nothing depends on it on the system I'm okay to land if it's installable <jibel> let me quickly check <jamesh> jibel: the storage-framework package is essentially middleware: it provides a standard interface for applications to talk to providers. However we haven't landed any apps ("keeper" is on its way), or backend providers ("mcloud" is coming, and I'm working on an OwnCloud backend, though) <jamesh> jibel: thanks. Having it in the archive will make our lives easier, since it will be visible to the jenkaas CI systems we run before submitting to bileto <jibel> jamesh, approved -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1851 QA Signoff: Approved <jamesh> jibel: thanks! -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Failed to build (vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/webbrowser-app). Pending binary packages (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles). Successfully built (xenial/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/qtubuntu) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1949 Pending binary packages (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src). Ready to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, xenial/qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- andreas-pokorny, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1933 Failed to build (vivid/mir, xenial/mir, xenial/unity-system-compositor). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/mir). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/unity-system-compositor, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, yakkety/qtmir, yakkety/qtmir-gles, yakkety/unity-system-compositor) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Failed to build (vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/webbrowser-app). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine renato boiko tiagosh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1774 QA Signoff: Approved -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1851 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1851 Publish failed: Packaging diff requires ACK -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine renato boiko tiagosh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1774 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine renato boiko tiagosh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1774 Publish failed: Dependency wait -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1949 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src). Ready to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, xenial/qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld, vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go, yakkety/account-polld). Successfully built (yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1949 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src). Ready to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, xenial/qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1851 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine renato boiko tiagosh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1774 Dependency wait (yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-service, vivid/history-service, vivid/libphonenumber, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/address-book-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/libphonenumber, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/address-book-service, yakkety/history-servi -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Currently building (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Failed to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Pending binary packages (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1949 Currently building (yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src). Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src). Ready to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles, xenial/qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-ope <kenvandine> Mirv, any idea why bileto thinks it should be publishing a s390x build of telephony-service to yakkety when yakkety doesn't have a s390x build of it ? <kenvandine> Mirv, from ticket 1774 <kenvandine> Mirv, it's not building because there is no upstart, which is expected <kenvandine> Mirv, but it wasn't build for s390x before in yakkety, so it should be good <seb128> kenvandine, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telephony-service/0.1+16.10.20160601.1-0ubuntu1 is built for s390x <seb128> kenvandine, https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-029/+build/9844882 <seb128> that's the current yakkety version <kenvandine> telephony-service | 0.1+16.10.20160601.1-0ubuntu1 | yakkety/universe | source, amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, powerpc, ppc64el <kenvandine> rmadison didn't show it <kenvandine> weird <seb128> well, somebody probably deleted the binary <kenvandine> seb128, so how do we fix it? <kenvandine> it won't build for s390x anymore <seb128> it should be fine if it doesn't exist for that arch <kenvandine> right <kenvandine> bileto won't publish it :/ <seb128> click the force button? <kenvandine> trying to get this libphonenumber silo published <kenvandine> there isn't one anymore -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Preparing packages <kenvandine> it's not complaining about the lack of s390x for address-book-app though <kenvandine> and the silo failed to build that too <seb128> kenvandine, well, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/landing-1774/yakkety/excuses.html says that telephony-service is not considered due to unity8 tests being red <kenvandine> makes me think there's something up with that package <seb128> kenvandine, you are sure the issue is s390x? to me unity8 is the issue... <kenvandine> yes <seb128> you should give the look to Saviq <kenvandine> publishing it complained about the lack of s390x <kenvandine> 2016-09-15 10:06:00,639 ERROR yakkety/telephony-service: s390x: Dependency wait: ~ci-train-ppa-service +archive ubuntu landing-1774 +build 10729015 +files buildlog ubuntu-yakkety-s390x.telephony-service 0.1+16.10.20160909.1-0ubuntu1 BUILDING.txt.gz <kenvandine> you can publish without autopkgtests passing <kenvandine> must be a bug in bileto <seb128> could be I guess... <kenvandine> seb128, if the binary was removed, i would think it wouldn't show it on LP <kenvandine> i guess i'm wrong though <seb128> yeah, I think launchpad has record of the build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Currently building (yakkety/qtpim-opensource-src). Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src). Ready to build (yakk <Mirv> kenvandine: weird, bileto should work when https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/yakkety/s390x/telephony-service is like it is <kenvandine> Mirv, yeah... i would think so <kenvandine> Mirv, is there some super secret "advanced publish" page that has the force checkbox? :-D <kenvandine> i guess that's called copy-package :) <Mirv> kenvandine: yeah it's called copy-package :( -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Currently building (vivid/messaging-app). Failed to build (xenial/history-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (xenial/messaging-app). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-servic -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Currently building (vivid/account-polld). Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go, yakkety/account-polld). Successfully built (yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1949 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src). Ready to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles, xenial/qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yak <kenvandine> Mirv, ok, i guess i should just use copy-package then? <Mirv> kenvandine: probably, as our resident bileto wizard is not here atm -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1953 QA Signoff: Ready -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src). Pending binary packages (yakkety/qtpim-opensource-src). Ready to build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (xenial/history-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (vivid/messaging-app, xenial/messaging-app). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service) <kenvandine> Mirv, seb128: i manually published, thx for the help <seb128> kenvandine, np, good to see that work landing ... u-s-s next? ;-) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1949 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src). Pending binary packages (yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src). Ready to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles, xenial/qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbas <kenvandine> seb128, once the unity8 autopkgtests pass :) <kenvandine> now it's time for coffee... bbiab <seb128> kenvandine, Saviq is working on those right? <seb128> we need that to land for yakkety/desktop session <seb128> enjoy the coffee! -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine renato boiko tiagosh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1774 Proposed pocket (yakkety/address-book-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/libphonenumber, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Release pocket (vivid/address-book-service, vivid/history-service, vivid/libphonenumber, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/address-book-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/libphonenumber, x -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Preparing packages <Saviq> seb128, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 - been autotesting since yesterday morning :/ <Saviq> but it's lost some runs :/ <Saviq> should be good in 1½h or so <seb128> Saviq, that's good news ;-) <Saviq> seb128, we're down to one flaky test that just popped up, and we've halved our test runtime, so it's a good release <seb128> nicely done indeed! -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Pending binary packages (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Successfully built (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src). Uploading build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Currently building (yakkety/qtmultimedia-opensource-src). Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src). Pending binar -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Pending binary packages (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld). Successfully built (yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Pending binary packages (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Successfully built (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Failed to build (vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/webbrowser-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/webbrowser-app). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src). Pending binary packages (yakkety/qtmultimedia-opensource-src, yakkety/q -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1949 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src). Ready to build (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles, xenial/qtquickcontrols2-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yak -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Pending binary packages (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Successfully built (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtpim-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src). Pending binary packages (yakkety/qtmultim -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (xenial/history-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Pending binary packages (xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld). Successfully built (vivid/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1955 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine renato boiko tiagosh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1774 Proposed pocket (yakkety/telephony-service). Release pocket (vivid/address-book-service, vivid/history-service, vivid/libphonenumber, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/address-book-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/libphonenumber, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/address-book-service, yakkety/history-service, -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 QA Signoff: Approved -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1880 Release pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 xenial/qtbase-opensource-src: Failed to download DSC file https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay/+files/qtbase-opensource-src_5.6.1+dfsg-3ubuntu3~xenialoverlay1~7.dsc -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tvoss, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1793 yakkety/location-service: Failed to update local lp:~ci-train-bot/location-service/location-service-ubuntu-yakkety-landing-079 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/keeper, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/keeper, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 QA Signoff: Required -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tvoss, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1793 Failed to build (vivid/location-service, xenial/location-service). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/location-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1955 Failed to build (xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src). Pending binary packages (xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles) <kenvandine> jibel, i see you passed my content-hub silo a little bit ago in trello but not in bileto -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- gary-wzl77, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1938 Release pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Pending binary packages (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Successfully built (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Failed to build (xenial/keeper, yakkety/keeper). Pending binary packages (vivid/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Preparing packages <jibel> kenvandine, yeah bileto crashed <kenvandine> oh joy :) <jibel> kenvandine, done <kenvandine> thx! -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 vivid/storage-framework: Failed to download DSC file https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-1939/+files/storage-framework_0.1+15.04.20160909-0ubuntu1.dsc -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1953 QA Signoff: Approved -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1953 Publishing packages <robru> jibel: kenvandine network issue but it's back now <kenvandine> thx -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/account-plugins, yakkety/keeper, yakkety/mcloud, yakkety/net-cpp). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/mcloud, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/keeper, xenial/mcloud, xenial/net-cpp, xenial/signon-plugin -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Currently building (xenial/keeper). Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Failed to build (vivid/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- alex-abreu, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1640 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/content-hub). Successfully built (vivid/content-hub, xenial/content-hub) <willcooke> trainguards, could someone sign this off? It removes ofono as a dependency for U8 in 16.10 ISO... https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865 <willcooke> kenvandine, I understand you've got a silo related to this one too? ^ <Saviq> jibel, can I ask to get https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 into the queue? a few runs got lost in translation it seems, I asked pitti to restart them, but the amount of green (and the lack of red) in all those excuses should be an indicator that everything is good <Saviq> we've uncovered one additional flaky test a fix for I will land right after this silo lands https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/delay-mouseclick-previewzoomable/+merge/305829 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1953 Proposed pocket (yakkety/content-hub). Release pocket (vivid/content-hub, xenial/content-hub) <kenvandine> cyphermox, the content-hub fix has landed, can you ack the content-hub MIR now? <cyphermox> kenvandine: ok I'll look at it again <kenvandine> cyphermox, thx! <robru> willcooke: what is there to sign off? it says "no code changes" and "no qa" <willcooke> robru, AIUI there are packaging changes which a need manual OK <robru> willcooke: oh, packaging changes require a core dev. kenvandine could publish if he approves the packaging <willcooke> pete-woods, ^ <robru> willcooke: yeah sorry, needed to look closer <willcooke> unping pete-woods <willcooke> :) * kenvandine looks <willcooke> np robru thanks for looking * pete-woods considers himself unpinged -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Failed to build (vivid/keeper, yakkety/keeper). Pending binary packages (xenial/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) <willcooke> kgunn, jibel, Saviq - FYI this is what I just emailed about ^ (not the queuebot, above that) <kenvandine> willcooke, do we care that the indicator-network-tools package won't get removed from systems? <kenvandine> would be better to make it a dummy transitional package <pete-woods> kenvandine: I don't think it will hurt <pete-woods> kenvandine: but if you can point me to an example <pete-woods> I can get that changed <kgunn> willcooke: ah nvmd -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go). Successfully built (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld) <pete-woods> I suspect no-one on earth has installed that package <kenvandine> pete-woods, actually you don't need a dummy package, just add a Provides, Replaces and Conflicts for indicator-network-tools << someversion <kenvandine> well "Provides: indicator-network-tools" <kenvandine> and versioned Replaces and Conflicts <pete-woods> kenvandine: on the indicator-network binary package itself? <kenvandine> pete-woods, yes <kenvandine> this way when indicator-network gets upgraded it will have to remove indicator-network-tools <kenvandine> just to be tidy :) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1954 Preparing packages <pete-woods> kenvandine: does this look reasonable (the empty AP tests pkg is going too) http://paste.ubuntu.com/23182491/ -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Preparing packages <pete-woods> was a bit unsure exactly what version number to put in <pete-woods> (I put the current one in there) <Saviq> vigo, sounds like a similar issue you had before - bug #1623991 ? <ubot5> bug 1623991 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Stuck in the nopasswdlogin group after changing password on unity8-desktop-session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1623991 <jibel> Saviq, done, must it land before 1175? -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 QA Signoff: Ready <Saviq> jibel, one or the other will need a rebuild <Saviq> you tell me which one :) <jibel> Saviq, is your silo required for the MIR bugs? <kenvandine> pete-woods, that looks good <vigo> Saviq, yes, I had issues testing passwds in unity8 but I think is a different one <kenvandine> jibel, it is holding up my libqofono silo that is needed for MIR bugs <kenvandine> jibel, just because the unity8 tests are failing -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1955 Diff missing (xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles). Successfully built (yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src) <vigo> Saviq, ok I think is really that one hehe once I set swipe my previous passwd didn't work <jibel> kenvandine, I moved Saviq's silo to the top of the queue, will land tomorrow <kenvandine> jibel, cool... do you mind forcing mine into the queue? people are bugging me about the MIR bugs :) <kenvandine> since we're pretty confident Saviq's silo will improve things <kenvandine> jibel, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 <jibel> kenvandine, they are bugging me too <kenvandine> :) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Failed to build (vivid/keeper). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/keeper, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) <jibel> kenvandine, done <kenvandine> thx <kenvandine> willcooke, ^^ that'll speed things along :) <willcooke> jibel, kenvandine pete-woods Saviq *hugs* -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 QA Signoff: Ready -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtmultimedia-opensource-src, yakkety/qtpim-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/qtgraphicaleffects-opensource-src). Read <kenvandine> willcooke, so now it's in QA's hands <willcooke> and safe hands they are <willcooke> unless you broke stuff <kenvandine> indeed <kenvandine> nope, it's all kinds of awesome :) <willcooke> \m/ * willcooke hands out the ice cream -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (xenial/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/history-service). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Pending binary packages (yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go). Successfully built (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld) <pete-woods> kenvandine: cool, will get that pushed into the silo, then -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1955 Diff missing (xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles). Pending binary packages (xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src). Successfully built (yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src) <pete-woods> willcooke: well the silo is rebuilding with ken's requested changes now <pete-woods> will let you know when it finishes <willcooke> pete-woods, thanks. -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865 QA Signoff: Required -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Currently building (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app, xenial/messaging-app). Failed to build (xenial/history-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1954 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework). Uploading build (vivid/keeper, xenial/keeper) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (xenial/history-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app, xenial/messaging-app). Successfully built (vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1955 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Pending binary packages (vivid/keeper, xenial/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Successfully built (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1954 Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Successfully built (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1955 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/keeper). Pending binary packages (vivid/keeper, xenial/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Proposed pocket (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Release pocket (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (xenial/history-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app). Successfully built (vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine renato boiko tiagosh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1774 Release pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1954 Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Successfully built (xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (xenial/history-service). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app, xenial/messaging-app). Successfully built (vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/te -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1956 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1956 Currently building (vivid/ubuntu-app-launch, xenial/libertine, yakkety/libertine, yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch). Failed to build (xenial/ubuntu-app-launch). Pending binary packages (vivid/libertine) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1954 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/keeper, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/keeper, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (xenial/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/history-service, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (vivid/messaging-app, xenial/messaging-app). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/te -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg seb128 pitti laney, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 Preparing packages <kenvandine> pete-woods, i just tested the upgrade path for that silo, it's good <kenvandine> indicator-network-tools and indicator-network-autopilot were removed for me -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1956 Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch). Pending binary packages (vivid/libertine, vivid/ubuntu-app-launch, xenial/libertine, xenial/ubuntu-app-launch, yakkety/libertine) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg seb128 pitti laney, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 Currently building (yakkety/hud, yakkety/indicator-datetime, yakkety/indicator-network, yakkety/indicator-transfer). Dependency wait (yakkety/indicator-bluetooth, yakkety/indicator-keyboard, yakkety/indicator-sound). Failed to build (yakkety/indicator-display, yakkety/indicator-power). Needs building (yakkety/indicator-application, yakkety/indicator-session). Pending b -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg seb128 pitti laney, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 Currently building (yakkety/hud). Dependency wait (yakkety/indicator-bluetooth, yakkety/indicator-keyboard, yakkety/indicator-sound). Failed to build (yakkety/indicator-display, yakkety/indicator-power). Pending binary packages (yakkety/indicator-application, yakkety/indicator-datetime, yakkety/indicator-location, yakkety/indicator-messages, yakkety/indicator-network, -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg seb128 pitti laney, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg seb128 pitti laney, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 QA Signoff: Required -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Pending binary packages (vivid/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework). Uploading build (xenial/keeper) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (xenial/history-service). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg seb128 pitti laney, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 Currently building (vivid/hud, vivid/indicator-datetime, vivid/indicator-network, xenial/hud, xenial/indicator-datetime, xenial/indicator-network, xenial/indicator-power, xenial/indicator-sound, xenial/indicator-transfer, yakkety/hud, yakkety/indicator-application, yakkety/indicator-datetime, yakkety/indicator-messages, yakkety/indicator-network, yakkety/indicator-sess -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1956 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Pending binary packages (vivid/keeper, xenial/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (vivid/messaging-app, xenial/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app). Needs building (xenial/messaging-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/history-service, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-s -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg seb128 pitti laney, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 Currently building (vivid/indicator-location, vivid/indicator-power, vivid/indicator-transfer, xenial/hud, xenial/indicator-display, xenial/indicator-keyboard, xenial/indicator-power, yakkety/hud, yakkety/indicator-messages). Dependency wait (yakkety/indicator-bluetooth, yakkety/indicator-keyboard, yakkety/indicator-power, yakkety/indicator-sound). Failed to build (viv -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/keeper, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/keeper, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Needs building (vivid/ubuntu-app-launch, xenial/ubuntu-app-launch, yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scope-click, yakkety/unity-scope-click) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg seb128 pitti laney, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 Currently building (vivid/hud, vivid/indicator-bluetooth, vivid/indicator-display, vivid/indicator-sound, xenial/indicator-application, xenial/indicator-network, xenial/indicator-session, yakkety/indicator-datetime, yakkety/indicator-network). Dependency wait (yakkety/indicator-bluetooth, yakkety/indicator-keyboard, yakkety/indicator-power, yakkety/indicator-sound). Fa -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1956 Pending binary packages (yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch). Successfully built (vivid/libertine, vivid/ubuntu-app-launch, xenial/libertine, xenial/ubuntu-app-launch, yakkety/libertine) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Pending binary packages (xenial/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/keeper, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) <dobey> wish there was someone familiar with qdbus around right now -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg seb128 pitti laney, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 Currently building (xenial/indicator-sound). Dependency wait (yakkety/indicator-bluetooth, yakkety/indicator-keyboard, yakkety/indicator-power, yakkety/indicator-sound). Failed to build (vivid/indicator-datetime, vivid/indicator-network, yakkety/indicator-display). Pending binary packages (vivid/hud, vivid/indicator-application, vivid/indicator-bluetooth, vivid/indicat -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1956 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/keeper, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/keeper, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (vivid/messaging-app, xenial/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/history-service, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg seb128 pitti laney, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 Dependency wait (yakkety/indicator-bluetooth, yakkety/indicator-keyboard, yakkety/indicator-power, yakkety/indicator-sound). Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/indicator-session). Failed to build (vivid/indicator-datetime, vivid/indicator-network, yakkety/indicator-display). Pending binary packages (vivid/hud, vivid/indicator-application, vivid/indicat -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-app-launch, xenial/ubuntu-app-launch, yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scope-click, yakkety/unity-scope-click) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Pending binary packages (vivid/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scope-click, yakkety/unity-scope-click). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scopes-api, vivid/unity-scopes-shell, xenial/unity-scopes-api, xenial/unity-scopes-shell, yakkety/unity-scopes-api, yakkety/unity-scopes-shell) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg seb128 pitti laney, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 Dependency wait (yakkety/indicator-bluetooth, yakkety/indicator-keyboard, yakkety/indicator-power, yakkety/indicator-sound). Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/indicator-session). Failed to build (vivid/indicator-datetime, vivid/indicator-network, yakkety/indicator-display). Pending binary packages (vivid/libindicator, xenial/libindicator, yakkety/libi -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Currently building (xenial/messaging-app). Failed to build (vivid/messaging-app, xenial/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/history-service, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telepho -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 QA Signoff: Ready -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (vivid/messaging-app, xenial/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/history-service, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (xenial/messaging-app). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/te -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (vivid/messaging-app, xenial/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/history-service, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- marcustomlinson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1884 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1953 Release pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- alex-abreu, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1640 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/content-hub). Successfully built (vivid/content-hub, xenial/content-hub) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (vivid/messaging-app, xenial/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/history-service, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (xenial/messaging-app). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/te -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (vivid/messaging-app, xenial/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/history-service, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service) #ubuntu-ci-eng 2016-09-16 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1497 QA Signoff: Approved -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1944 QA Signoff: Approved -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1957 Currently building (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Failed to build (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 QA Signoff: Approved -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Currently building (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit). Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtmultimedia-opensource-src, yakkety/qtpim-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build ( -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865 QA Signoff: N/A -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1957 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Currently building (yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src). Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtmultimedia-opensource-src, yakkety/qtpim-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/gsettings-qt, yakke -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Pending binary packages (yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go). Successfully built (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865 Publish failed: Packaging diff requires ACK <pete-woods> willcooke: FYI, the indicator-network silo is rebuilt, and just needs a core dev again <jamesh> trainguards: could someone publish https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1851 for me? It has a trivial packaging change that blocks me from doing it myself <willcooke> Thanks a lot pete-woods <Mirv> jamesh: done <jamesh> Mirv: thank you -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1851 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Currently building (yakkety/ciborium, yakkety/qtsensors-opensource-src, yakkety/qtubuntu). Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtmultimedia-opensource-src, yakkety/qtpim-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to bu -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1851 Proposed pocket (yakkety/storage-framework). Release pocket (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/storage-framework). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/account-plugins, yakkety/keeper, yakkety/mcloud, yakkety/net-cpp). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/mcloud, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plu -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Proposed pocket (yakkety/storage-framework). Release pocket (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework). Successfully built (vivid/keeper, xenial/keeper) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtmultimedia-opensource-src, yakkety/qtpim-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/akonadi, yakkety/gsettings-qt, yakkety/m -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Successfully built (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtmultimedia-opensource-src, yakkety/qtpim-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src, yakkety/qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src). Failed to build (yakkety/akonadi, yakkety/gsettings-qt, yakkety/maliit-framework, yakkety/qtgraphicalef -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Currently building (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit). Failed to build (vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/webbrowser-app). Pending binary packages (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1957 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Currently building (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Failed to build (vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/webbrowser-app). Pending binary packages (xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/ubuntu -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1860 Diff missing (yakkety/ciborium, yakkety/gcin, yakkety/hime, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtmultimedia-opensource-src, yakkety/qtpim-opensource-src, yakkety/qtscript-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsensors-opensource-src, yakkety/qtsvg-opensource-src, yakkety/qttools-opensource-src, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtwebkit-opensource-src, yakket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1957 Pending binary packages (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src). Successfully built (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Failed to build (vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/webbrowser-app). Pending binary packages (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/qtubu <xavigarcia> trainguards: ping -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1851 Release pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/account-plugins, yakkety/keeper, yakkety/mcloud, yakkety/net-cpp, yakkety/storage-framework). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/mcloud, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/keeper, xenial/mcloud, xenial/ne -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1957 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1954 QA Signoff: Ready -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Release pocket (vivid/storage-framework, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework). Successfully built (vivid/keeper, xenial/keeper) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Failed to build (vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/webbrowser-app). Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1848 Preparing packages <Mirv> xavigarcia: just ask, no pings are needed -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Failed to build (vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/webbrowser-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/webbrowser-app). Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubun <xavigarcia> Mirv: okay, it's just to say that silo 68 with storage-framework has been published. So now we can also publish silo 1939, which contains "keeper" (backup service) <Mirv> xavigarcia: ok, trying, let's see. <xavigarcia> Mirv: great, thanks! -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Publish failed: Dependency wait <xavigarcia> Mirv: I'm afraid we have a dependency issue for s390 on yakkety -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Preparing packages <Mirv> xavigarcia: it's not an issue since the package was never in yakkety before <xavigarcia> Mirv: oh, okay <Mirv> xavigarcia: ok, it's now in stable overlay and in yakkety NEW queue. you will need archive admin (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/+members) to look at it https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/yakkety/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text= <xavigarcia> Mirv: awesome, thanks! -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 NEW queue (yakkety/keeper). Release pocket (vivid/keeper, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/keeper, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Failed to build (vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/webbrowser-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/webbrowser-app). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Pending binary packages (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld). Successfully built (yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1848 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Preparing packages <Mirv> xavigarcia: ok that was fast, it got in (to yakkety-proposed) <xavigarcia> Mirv: brilliant! -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Proposed pocket (yakkety/keeper). Release pocket (vivid/keeper, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/keeper, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/storage-framework) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (vivid/account-polld-plugins-go, xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Successfully built (vivid/account-polld, xenial/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld, yakkety/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1848 Successfully built <Mirv> ubuntu-qa: how's silo testing resources, any ETA on Saviq's silo 78 landing? I'd like to land qtdeclarative fixes before Final Beta Freeze on Monday, but it'd fail Unity 8 tests if the fix in that U8 silo is not landed -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Preparing packages <jibel> Mirv, we're short this week, it will likely land on monday <jibel> Mirv, what's your qtdeclarative silo? <Mirv> jibel: ok. my qtdeclarative silo is 1955, but it doesn not need QA itself as it's xenial + yakkety only -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Pending binary packages (xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/webbrowser-app). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui <jibel> Mirv, you know we do test xenial desktop right? <Mirv> jibel: in a sense, I test on stable overlay desktop too, but are you also QAing now all silos on xenial desktop? -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Preparing packages <jibel> Mirv, when time permits we do <jibel> or desktop specific landings <Mirv> jibel: ok, so bileto should be updated to not default to N/A on yakkety+xenial silos then? <Mirv> jibel: it's not desktop specific, but naturally could affect Unity 8 like all Qt uploads <jibel> Mirv, anyway, unity8 will land monday -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Currently building (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Pending binary packages (xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) <pete-woods> kenvandine: hey again! any chance of giving another look at the indicator-network silo from yesterday? (https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Pending binary packages (vivid/webbrowser-app). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/w -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Currently building (vivid/history-service, xenial/history-service). Failed to build (vivid/messaging-app, xenial/messaging-app, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telepho -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Currently building (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 QA Signoff: Approved -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1939 Release pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Currently building (vivid/history-service). Failed to build (vivid/messaging-app, xenial/messaging-app, yakkety/messaging-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/history-service, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (xenial/history-service). Successfully built (vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telep -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Currently building (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Pending binary packages (xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) <popey> jibel: new unav for you :) https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1958 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (vivid/messaging-app, xenial/messaging-app, yakkety/messaging-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/history-service, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (vivid/history-service, xenial/history-service). Successfully built (vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/te -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1944 Publishing packages <kenvandine> pete-woods, done <pete-woods> kenvandine: much appreciated! :) <kenvandine> pete-woods, np -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch). Successfully built (vivid/ubuntu-app-launch, vivid/unity-scope-click, xenial/ubuntu-app-launch, xenial/unity-scope-click, yakkety/unity-scope-click) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1866 Chroot problem (yakkety/indicator-transfer-buteo). Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/libqofono). Failed to build (vivid/indicator-transfer-buteo, xenial/indicator-transfer-buteo). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/address-book-app). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas, vivid/libqofono, vivid/mediaplayer-app, vi -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1794 Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts). Ready to build (vivid/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, vivid/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts, xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles). Success -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg seb128 pitti laney, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 Dependency wait (yakkety/indicator-bluetooth, yakkety/indicator-keyboard, yakkety/indicator-power, yakkety/indicator-sound). Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/indicator-network, yakkety/indicator-session). Failed to build (vivid/indicator-datetime, vivid/indicator-network, yakkety/indicator-display). Pending binary packages (vivid/libindicator, xenial -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Proposed pocket (yakkety/address-book-app, yakkety/libqofono, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/ubuntu-touch-meta). Release pocket (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/libqofono, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/ubuntu-touch-meta, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/libqofono, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-touch-meta) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1956 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch). Successfully built (vivid/libertine, vivid/ubuntu-app-launch, xenial/libertine, xenial/ubuntu-app-launch, yakkety/libertine) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/webbrowser-app). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1943 Bad merges (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Needs rebuild due to burned version number (vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865 Proposed pocket (yakkety/indicator-network). Release pocket (vivid/indicator-network, xenial/indicator-network) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1944 Proposed pocket (yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch). Release pocket (vivid/ubuntu-app-launch, xenial/ubuntu-app-launch) <pete-woods> willcooke: ^ FYI - the indicator-network-silo has been published <willcooke> pete-woods, woot! thanks. Does that mean I don't need to chase a core dev? <pete-woods> willcooke: correct <willcooke> super! thanks pete-woods * willcooke puts his feet up <pete-woods> willcooke: just need to wait for the packages to migrate into y now <pete-woods> :D <willcooke> sure -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 QA Signoff: Required -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Needs rebuild due to burned version number (vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, vivid/unity8, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity-syste <dobey> trainguards: can someone please delete ubuntu-app-launch from silo 72 PPA? -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/unity-scope-click). Successfully built (vivid/ubuntu-app-launch, vivid/unity-scope-click, xenial/ubuntu-app-launch, xenial/unity-scope-click, yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (vivid/messaging-app, xenial/messaging-app, yakkety/messaging-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/history-service, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Successfully built (xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) <dobey> tedg: ^^ can you delete ual packages from silo 72 please? -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1954 QA Signoff: Approved <tedg> dobey: Yeah, give me a sec OTP -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Failed to build (xenial/ubuntu-app-launch). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/unity-scope-click). Successfully built (vivid/ubuntu-app-launch, vivid/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scope-click, yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (vivid/messaging-app, xenial/messaging-app, yakkety/messaging-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/history-service, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (vivid/history-service). Successfully built (vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/te -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Preparing packages <cjwatson> remind me, what's the proper way to handle the case where my ticket has passed QA and been published, but yakkety autopkgtests fail so it can't quite be cleaned? should I just push more stuff onto the existing ticket? -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Preparing packages <cjwatson> the fix will be test-only, and for the time being it's only actually needed for yakkety; ideally I'd rather not have to use more QA bandwidth <oSoMoN> bzoltan, silo 1954 has been approved by QA, can it please land? -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1943 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1943 yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings: Failed to commit https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/snapd-paths2. You must supply either a Commit Message on your MP, or a custom debian/changelog entry -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Preparing packages <dobey> cjwatson: force merge (finalize) the existing ticket and make a new one, i think. <cjwatson> ok, if that's kosher ... will be a little while since I want to reproduce the failure first -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Successfully built (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1943 Needs rebuild due to burned version number (vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Failed to build (xenial/webbrowser-app). Pending binary packages (vivid/webbrowser-app, yakkety/webbrowser-app). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1175 Merging branches -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1866 Chroot problem (yakkety/indicator-transfer-buteo). Failed to build (vivid/indicator-transfer-buteo, xenial/indicator-transfer-buteo). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/address-book-app, yakkety/libqofono). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas, vivid/libqofono, vivid/mediaplayer-app, vivid/sync-monitor, xenial/address-book-app, xe -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Currently building (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Pending binary packages (xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Failed to build (xenial/webbrowser-app). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/webbrowse -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Pending binary packages (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app). Successfully built (vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app) <oSoMoN> trainguards: can https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-084/+build/10761494 be retried, please? <tedg> oSoMoN: on it <oSoMoN> thanks! -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/webbrowser-app). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Currently building (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Pending binary packages (xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/qtmir, vivid/qtmir-gles, vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, vivid/unity-api, vivid/unity-system-compositor, vivid/unity8, xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity-system-compositor, xenia -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/webbrowser-app). Pending binary packages (xenial/webbrowser-app). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/u -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Currently building (xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1954 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/webbrowser-app). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/webbrowser-app, yakk -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/telepathy-ofono). Pending binary packages (vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app, vivid/telepathy-ofono, xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Currently building (xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Successfully built (xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dednick, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1529 Abandoning ticket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1954 Proposed pocket (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Release pocket (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1944 Release pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1956 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/telepathy-ofono). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cjwatson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1878 Merging branches -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1956 Currently building (yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch). Failed to build (vivid/ubuntu-app-launch, xenial/ubuntu-app-launch). Successfully built (vivid/libertine, xenial/libertine, yakkety/libertine) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Currently building (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Pending binary packages (xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1956 Currently building (xenial/ubuntu-app-launch). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch). Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-app-launch). Successfully built (vivid/libertine, xenial/libertine, yakkety/libertine) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1956 Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch). Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-app-launch, xenial/ubuntu-app-launch). Successfully built (vivid/libertine, xenial/libertine, yakkety/libertine) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cjwatson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1959 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- popey, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1958 QA Signoff: Approved -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1865 Release pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg seb128 pitti laney, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 Dependency wait (yakkety/indicator-bluetooth, yakkety/indicator-keyboard, yakkety/indicator-power, yakkety/indicator-sound). Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/indicator-session). Failed to build (vivid/indicator-datetime, vivid/indicator-network, yakkety/indicator-display). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/indicator-network). Pending binary p -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (xenial/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telepathy-ofono). Pending binary packages (vivid/messaging-app, vivid/telepathy-ofono, xenial/messaging-app, yakkety/messaging-app). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1956 Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-app-launch, xenial/ubuntu-app-launch, yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch). Successfully built (vivid/libertine, xenial/libertine, yakkety/libertine) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Successfully built (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1956 Pending binary packages (yakkety/ubuntu-app-launch). Successfully built (vivid/libertine, vivid/ubuntu-app-launch, xenial/libertine, xenial/ubuntu-app-launch, yakkety/libertine) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cjwatson, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1959 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (xenial/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telepathy-ofono). Pending binary packages (vivid/telepathy-ofono, xenial/messaging-app, yakkety/messaging-app). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1956 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (xenial/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telepathy-ofono). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1886 Abandoning ticket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1886 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1886 yakkety/url-dispatcher: Failed to merge https://code.launchpad.net/~larryprice/url-dispatcher/appid-with-dots -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1897 Abandoning ticket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1897 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1895 yakkety/location-service: Failed to merge https://code.launchpad.net/~vicamo/location-service/gps-arm64 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN Kaleo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1873 Abandoning ticket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN Kaleo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1873 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1550 Abandoning ticket <mterry> what happened to my silo :( <mterry> ah... it got reassigned to a temp ppa -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1886 Ready to build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN Kaleo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1873 Failed to build (vivid/webbrowser-app). Pending binary packages (yakkety/webbrowser-app). Uploading build (xenial/webbrowser-app) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1895 Ready to build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1897 Failed to build (xenial/history-service, yakkety/history-service). Pending binary packages (vivid/history-service, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/telephony-service). Ready to build (vivid/telepathy-qt, xenial/telepathy-qt, yakkety/telepathy-qt) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN Kaleo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1873 Failed to build (vivid/webbrowser-app). Pending binary packages (xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/webbrowser-app) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (xenial/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telepathy-ofono). Pending binary packages (vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app, vivid/telepathy-ofono, xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1550 Bad merges (yakkety/unity8). Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity-system-compositor, vivid/unity8, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/unity-system-compositor, xenial/unity8, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/unity-system-compositor) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN Kaleo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1873 Failed to build (vivid/webbrowser-app). Successfully built (xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/webbrowser-app) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1897 Failed to build (xenial/history-service, yakkety/history-service). Ready to build (vivid/telepathy-qt, xenial/telepathy-qt, yakkety/telepathy-qt). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Pending binary packages (yakkety/unity-scope-click). Successfully built (vivid/unity-scope-click, xenial/unity-scope-click) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1550 Bad merges (yakkety/unity8). Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity8, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/unity8, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/unity-system-compositor, xenial/unity-system-compositor, yakkety/unity-system-compositor) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1550 Bad merges (yakkety/unity8). Successfully built (vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, vivid/unity-system-compositor, vivid/unity8, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/unity-system-compositor, xenial/unity8, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings, yakkety/unity-system-compositor) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dobey tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1802 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko rmescandon, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (xenial/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telepathy-ofono). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telephony-service) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1954 Release pocket #ubuntu-ci-eng 2016-09-17 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/webbrowser-app). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/ -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit). Successfully built (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) <robru> mterry: oh yeah sorry, I found some tickets in 'needs rebuild' state and took that opportunity to shift them over to PPAs with the new naming scheme. Trying to nudge those older landing-* PPAs out of existence -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit: Failed to merge https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/OTA-next-2016-09-16 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1955 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Currently building (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1955 Proposed pocket (yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles). Release pocket (xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Currently building (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Pending binary packages (xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Uploading build (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/webbrowser-app). Successfully built (vivid/qtubuntu, vivid/qtubuntu-gles, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/webbrowser-app, yakkety/qtubuntu, yakkety/qtubuntu-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Failed to build (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Pending binary packages (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Failed to build (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Pending binary packages (xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit). Successfully built (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1948 Failed to build (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Successfully built (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1955 Proposed pocket (yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src). Release pocket (xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src, xenial/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtdeclarative-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1848 QA Signoff: Ready -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1866 Abandoning ticket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1866 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1866 Pending binary packages (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/indicator-transfer-buteo, vivid/libqofono, vivid/mediaplayer-app, vivid/sync-monitor, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/indicator-transfer-buteo, xenial/libqofono, xenial/mediaplayer-app, xenial/sync-monitor, yakkety/address-book-app, yakkety/indicator-transfer-buteo, yakkety/libqofono, yakkety/mediaplayer-app, yakkety/sync-moni -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1866 Pending binary packages (xenial/address-book-app, xenial/indicator-transfer-buteo). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas, vivid/indicator-transfer-buteo, vivid/libqofono, vivid/mediaplayer-app, vivid/sync-monitor, xenial/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas, xenial/libqofono, xenial/mediaplayer-app, xenial/sync-monitor, yakkety/address-book-ap -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1866 Pending binary packages (yakkety/indicator-transfer-buteo, yakkety/sync-monitor). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, vivid/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas, vivid/indicator-transfer-buteo, vivid/libqofono, vivid/mediaplayer-app, vivid/sync-monitor, xenial/address-book-app, xenial/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas, xenial/indicator-transfer-buteo, xenial/libqofono, xenial/media -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1866 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Proposed pocket (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Release pocket (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1920 Release pocket #ubuntu-ci-eng 2016-09-18 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1957 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1957 Proposed pocket (yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src, yakkety/qtbase-opensource-src-gles). Release pocket (xenial/qtbase-opensource-src, xenial/qtbase-opensource-src-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- timo-jyrinki, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1960 Ready to build #ubuntu-ci-eng 2017-09-12 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2954 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2954 No packages are being considered! If you are preparing sources manually, please upload them to the PPA now -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2954 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2954 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2954 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2955 No packages are being considered! If you are preparing sources manually, please upload them to the PPA now -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2955 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2955 Diff missing -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2955 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2955 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2956 No packages are being considered! If you are preparing sources manually, please upload them to the PPA now -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2956 Ready to build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2957 No packages are being considered! If you are preparing sources manually, please upload them to the PPA now -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2957 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2957 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2957 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mitya57, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2948 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mitya57, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2948 Publish failed: Bad merges -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mitya57, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2948 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2958 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2958 No packages are being considered! If you are preparing sources manually, please upload them to the PPA now -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2958 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2958 Diff missing #ubuntu-ci-eng 2017-09-13 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2596 UNAPPROVED queue -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2959 No packages are being considered! If you are preparing sources manually, please upload them to the PPA now -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2959 Diff missing -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2957 Needs rebuild due to burned version number -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- cpaelzer, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2958 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination #ubuntu-ci-eng 2017-09-14 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mitya57, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2948 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mitya57, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2948 Proposed pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mitya57, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2948 Release pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Failed to build (artful/nux, artful/unity). Successfully built (artful/compiz) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2596 Needs rebuild due to burned version number -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2848 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Failed to build (artful/nux, artful/unity). Successfully built (artful/compiz) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2848 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2848 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2596 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination #ubuntu-ci-eng 2017-09-15 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Currently building (artful/nux). Failed to build (artful/unity). Successfully built (artful/compiz) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Failed to build (artful/nux, artful/unity). Successfully built (artful/compiz) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Failed to build (artful/nux, artful/unity). Successfully built (artful/compiz) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Failed to build (artful/nux, artful/unity). Successfully built (artful/compiz) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Preparing packages #ubuntu-ci-eng 2017-09-16 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Failed to build (artful/nux, artful/unity). Successfully built (artful/compiz) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Failed to build (artful/nux, artful/unity). Successfully built (artful/compiz) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Failed to build (artful/nux, artful/unity). Successfully built (artful/compiz) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Failed to build (artful/nux, artful/unity). Successfully built (artful/compiz) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pstolowskiunity, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2217 zesty/unity-scope-mediascanner: Failed to update local lp:~ci-train-bot/unity-scope-mediascanner/unity-scope-mediascanner-ubuntu-zesty-2217 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dandrader, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2457 zesty/unity8: Failed to update local lp:~ci-train-bot/unity8/unity8-ubuntu-zesty-2457 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bfiller, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2277 zesty/gallery-app: Failed to update local lp:~ci-train-bot/gallery-app/gallery-app-ubuntu-zesty-2277 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2718 /: Failed to update local lp:unity cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- gary-wzl77, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2278 /: Failed to update local lp:storage-provider-onedrive cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2639 /: Failed to update local lp:sync-monitor cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1679 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-touch-session cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2679 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-ui-extras/staging cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2140 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-system-settings cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2680 /: Failed to update local lp:policykit-unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2581 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2841 /: Failed to update local lp:nux/xenial cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ltinkl, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2701 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-api cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Cimi, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2302 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-scopes-shell cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2663 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2264 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-app-launch cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 /: Failed to update local lp:account-polld cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- justinmcp, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2165 /: Failed to update local lp:media-hub cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Elleo, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2686 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-keyboard cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx dfiloni, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2227 /: Failed to update local lp:account-polld cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2848 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-themes cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1669 /: Failed to update local lp:~online-accounts/account-plugins/16.04 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko tiagosh renato bfiller, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2629 /: Failed to update local lp:mfw-plugin-irc cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jhodapp, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2189 /: Failed to update local lp:media-hub cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2670 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-system-settings cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods jgdx, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2610 /: Failed to update local lp:indicator-network cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Elleo, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2351 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-keyboard/vivid cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- josharenson, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2031 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2371 /: Failed to update local lp:~online-accounts/signon-ui/16.04 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy, dbarth, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2252 /: Failed to update local lp:webapps-core cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 /: Failed to update local lp:compiz cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2053 /: Failed to update local lp:gallery-app cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2693 /: Failed to update local lp:content-hub cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti dednick, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2373 /: Failed to update local lp:qtmir cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pstolowskiunity, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2217 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-scope-mediascanner cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dandrader, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2457 /: Failed to update local lp:qtmir cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bfiller, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2277 /: Failed to update local lp:gallery-app cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2718 /: Failed to update local lp:compiz cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2679 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-system-settings cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1679 /: Failed to update local lp:gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2680 /: Failed to update local lp:indicator-session cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ltinkl, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2701 /: Failed to update local lp:qtmir cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2663 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-api cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 /: Failed to update local lp:account-polld-plugins-go cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1669 /: Failed to update local lp:~online-accounts/gnome-control-center-signon/16.04 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko tiagosh renato bfiller, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2629 /: Failed to update local lp:telepathy-ofono cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 /: Failed to update local lp:unity cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti dednick, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2373 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pstolowskiunity, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2217 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-scopes-shell cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dandrader, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2457 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2718 /: Failed to update local lp:unity cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2679 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-ui-extras/staging cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1679 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2680 /: Failed to update local lp:indicator-sound cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ltinkl, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2701 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Cimi, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2302 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 /: Failed to update local lp:account-polld cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko tiagosh renato bfiller, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2629 /: Failed to update local lp:history-service cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 /: Failed to update local lp:nux cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti dednick, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2373 /: Failed to update local lp:qtmir cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pstolowskiunity, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2217 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-scope-mediascanner cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2718 /: Failed to update local lp:compiz cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2679 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-system-settings cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2680 /: Failed to update local lp:indicator-power cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ltinkl, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2701 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-api cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2264 /: Failed to update local lp:libertine/trunk cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 /: Failed to update local lp:account-polld-plugins-go cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko tiagosh renato bfiller, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2629 /: Failed to update local lp:dialer-app cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1669 /: Failed to update local lp:~online-accounts/account-plugins/16.04 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti dednick, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2373 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dandrader, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2457 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-api cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2718 /: Failed to update local lp:unity cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2679 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-ui-extras/staging cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1679 /: Failed to update local lp:lightdm cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2680 /: Failed to update local lp:indicator-datetime cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ltinkl, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2701 /: Failed to update local lp:qtmir cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2841 /: Failed to update local lp:unity/7.4 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2663 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2264 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-app-launch cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko tiagosh renato bfiller, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2629 /: Failed to update local lp:indicator-transfer-buteo cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1669 /: Failed to update local lp:~online-accounts/gnome-control-center-signon/16.04 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 /: Failed to update local lp:unity cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti dednick, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2373 /: Failed to update local lp:qtmir cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2637 /: Failed to update local lp:~phablet-team/sync-monitor/vivid cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dandrader, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2457 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2679 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-system-settings cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1679 /: Failed to update local lp:gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2680 /: Failed to update local lp:indicator-power cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ltinkl, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2701 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2841 /: Failed to update local lp:nux/xenial cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2264 /: Failed to update local lp:libertine/trunk cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 /: Failed to update local lp:account-polld cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko tiagosh renato bfiller, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2629 /: Failed to update local lp:dialer-app cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1669 /: Failed to update local lp:~online-accounts/account-plugins/16.04 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pstolowskiunity, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2217 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-scopes-shell cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dandrader, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2457 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-api cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1679 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-touch-session cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2680 /: Failed to update local lp:policykit-unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ltinkl, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2701 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-api cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Cimi, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2302 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-scopes-shell cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2663 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-api cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko tiagosh renato bfiller, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2629 /: Failed to update local lp:address-book-service cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1669 /: Failed to update local lp:~online-accounts/gnome-control-center-signon/16.04 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 /: Failed to update local lp:nux cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti dednick, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2373 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-api cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dandrader, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2457 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2718 /: Failed to update local lp:compiz cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2679 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-ui-extras/staging cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2680 /: Failed to update local lp:libindicator cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ltinkl, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2701 /: Failed to update local lp:qtmir cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Cimi, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2302 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 /: Failed to update local lp:account-polld-plugins-go cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko tiagosh renato bfiller, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2629 /: Failed to update local lp:indicator-transfer-buteo cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1669 /: Failed to update local lp:~online-accounts/account-plugins/16.04 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti dednick, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2373 /: Failed to update local lp:qtmir cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dandrader, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2457 /: Failed to update local lp:qtmir cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pstolowskiunity, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2217 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-scope-mediascanner cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2718 /: Failed to update local lp:unity cache #ubuntu-ci-eng 2017-09-17 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1679 /: Failed to update local lp:gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2680 /: Failed to update local lp:indicator-session cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2841 /: Failed to update local lp:compiz/xenial cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ltinkl, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2701 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-api cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Cimi, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2302 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-scopes-shell cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 /: Failed to update local lp:account-polld cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko tiagosh renato bfiller, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2629 /: Failed to update local lp:address-book-app cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti dednick, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2373 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-api cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pstolowskiunity, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2217 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-scopes-shell cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dandrader, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2457 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2679 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-system-settings cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1679 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-touch-session cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2680 /: Failed to update local lp:policykit-unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ltinkl, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2701 /: Failed to update local lp:qtmir cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Cimi, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2302 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2264 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-app-launch cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 /: Failed to update local lp:account-polld-plugins-go cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko tiagosh renato bfiller, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2629 /: Failed to update local lp:mfw-plugin-irc cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 /: Failed to update local lp:compiz cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pstolowskiunity, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2217 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-scope-mediascanner cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2679 /: Failed to update local lp:ubuntu-ui-extras/staging cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1679 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2680 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8-desktop-session cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ltinkl, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2701 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-api cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Cimi, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2302 /: Failed to update local lp:unity-scopes-shell cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2663 /: Failed to update local lp:unity8 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2264 /: Failed to update local lp:libertine/trunk cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 /: Failed to update local lp:account-polld cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko tiagosh renato bfiller, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2629 /: Failed to update local lp:telepathy-ofono cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1669 /: Failed to update local lp:~online-accounts/gnome-control-center-signon/16.04 cache -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy, dbarth, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2252 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2053 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (xenial/gallery-app). Ready to build (zesty/gallery-app) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2693 Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/content-hub). Successfully built (xenial/content-hub) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2892 Failed to build (artful/nux, artful/unity). Successfully built (artful/compiz) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2637 Needs rebuild due to new commits -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pstolowskiunity, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2217 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (xenial/unity-scopes-shell). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/unity-scope-mediascanner, zesty/unity-scopes-shell). Successfully built (xenial/unity-scope-mediascanner) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti dednick, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2373 Failed to upload (xenial/qtmir-gles). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/qtmir, zesty/unity-api, zesty/unity8). Successfully built (xenial/qtmir, xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity8, zesty/qtmir-gles) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bfiller, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2277 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (xenial/gallery-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/gallery-app) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- gary-wzl77, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2278 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2639 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dandrader, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2457 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity8, zesty/qtmir-gles). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/qtmir, zesty/unity-api, zesty/unity8) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2581 Dependency wait (zesty/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts). Successfully built (xenial/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2718 Needs rebuild due to new commits -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1924 Failed to build (xenial/account-polld-plugins-go). Successfully built (xenial/account-polld, zesty/account-polld, zesty/account-polld-plugins-go) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- justinmcp, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2165 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (xenial/media-hub). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/media-hub) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2679 Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-ui-extras, zesty/ubuntu-ui-extras) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2140 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (xenial/ubuntu-system-settings). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/ubuntu-system-settings) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2264 Failed to build (xenial/ubuntu-app-launch). Successfully built (xenial/libertine, zesty/libertine, zesty/ubuntu-app-launch) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx dfiloni, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2227 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1679 Bad merges (zesty/unity8). Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (xenial/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas, xenial/ubuntu-touch-session, xenial/unity8, xenial/unity8-desktop-session). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas, zesty/lightdm, zesty/ubuntu-touch-session, zesty/unity8-desktop-session). Successfully built (xenial/lightdm) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2680 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (xenial/indicator-session, xenial/unity8). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/indicator-bluetooth, zesty/indicator-datetime, zesty/indicator-power, zesty/indicator-session, zesty/indicator-sound, zesty/unity8, zesty/unity8-desktop-session). Successfully built (xenial/indicator-bluetooth, xenial/indicator-datetime, xenial/indicator-power, xen -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1669 REJECTED queue -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jhodapp, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2189 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (xenial/media-hub). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/media-hub) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2663 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity8). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/unity-api, zesty/unity8) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Cimi, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2302 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (xenial/unity-scopes-shell, xenial/unity8). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/unity-scopes-shell, zesty/unity8) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mardy dbarth, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2371 Proposed pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods jgdx, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2610 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko tiagosh renato bfiller, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2629 Destination version missing from changelog (zesty/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/address-book-service). Ready to build (xenial/online-accounts-api). Release pocket (zesty/online-accounts-api). Successfully built (xenial/address-book-app, xenial/address-book-service, xenial/dialer-app, xenial/empathy, xenial/history-service, x -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Elleo, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2686 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2670 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (xenial/ubuntu-system-settings). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/ubuntu-system-settings) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ltinkl, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2701 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2841 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2848 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Elleo, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2351 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- josharenson, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2031 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (xenial/unity8). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/unity8) #ubuntu-ci-eng 2019-09-10 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Laney, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3762 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/budgie-desktop, eoan/cheese, eoan/evolution-data-server, eoan/gdm3, eoan/gnome-flashback, eoan/gnome-session, eoan/gnome-settings-daemon, eoan/gnome-shell, eoan/gnome-shell-extensions, eoan/libreoffice, eoan/mutter, eoan/totem). Release pocket (eoan/almanah, eoan/bijiben, eoan/eog, eoan/evince, eoan/evolution, eoan/evolution-ews, eoan/evolut -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Laney, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3762 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/budgie-desktop, eoan/cheese, eoan/eog, eoan/evolution-data-server, eoan/gdm3, eoan/gnome-flashback, eoan/gnome-session, eoan/gnome-settings-daemon, eoan/gnome-shell, eoan/gnome-shell-extensions, eoan/libreoffice, eoan/mutter, eoan/totem). Release pocket (eoan/almanah, eoan/bijiben, eoan/evince, eoan/evolution, eoan/evolution-ews, eoan/evolut -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Laney, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3762 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/budgie-desktop, eoan/cheese, eoan/eog, eoan/evolution-data-server, eoan/gdm3, eoan/gnome-flashback, eoan/gnome-panel, eoan/gnome-session, eoan/gnome-settings-daemon, eoan/gnome-shell, eoan/gnome-shell-extensions, eoan/libreoffice, eoan/mutter, eoan/totem). Release pocket (eoan/almanah, eoan/bijiben, eoan/evince, eoan/evolution, eoan/evolutio -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Laney, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3762 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/budgie-desktop, eoan/cheese, eoan/eog, eoan/evolution-data-server, eoan/gdm3, eoan/gnome-control-center, eoan/gnome-flashback, eoan/gnome-panel, eoan/gnome-session, eoan/gnome-settings-daemon, eoan/gnome-shell, eoan/gnome-shell-extensions, eoan/libreoffice, eoan/mutter, eoan/totem). Release pocket (eoan/almanah, eoan/bijiben, eoan/evince, eo -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Laney, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3762 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/budgie-desktop, eoan/cheese, eoan/eog, eoan/evolution-data-server, eoan/gdm3, eoan/gnome-calendar, eoan/gnome-control-center, eoan/gnome-flashback, eoan/gnome-panel, eoan/gnome-session, eoan/gnome-settings-daemon, eoan/gnome-shell, eoan/gnome-shell-extensions, eoan/libreoffice, eoan/mutter, eoan/totem). Release pocket (eoan/almanah, eoan/bij -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- rbalint, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3800 Preparing packages #ubuntu-ci-eng 2019-09-11 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- rbalint, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3801 No packages are being considered! If you are preparing sources manually, please upload them to the PPA now -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Laney, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3762 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/budgie-desktop, eoan/cheese, eoan/eog, eoan/evolution-data-server, eoan/gdm3, eoan/gnome-calendar, eoan/gnome-control-center, eoan/gnome-flashback, eoan/gnome-panel, eoan/gnome-session, eoan/gnome-settings-daemon, eoan/gnome-shell, eoan/gnome-shell-extensions, eoan/libreoffice, eoan/mutter, eoan/nautilus, eoan/totem). Release pocket (eoan/al #ubuntu-ci-eng 2019-09-12 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Laney, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3762 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/budgie-desktop, eoan/cheese, eoan/eog, eoan/evolution-data-server, eoan/gdm3, eoan/gnome-calendar, eoan/gnome-control-center, eoan/gnome-flashback, eoan/gnome-panel, eoan/gnome-session, eoan/gnome-settings-daemon, eoan/gnome-shell, eoan/gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons, eoan/gnome-shell-extensions, eoan/libreoffice, eoan/mutter, eoan/naut -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- rbalint, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3797 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- rbalint, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3797 Pending binary packages (eoan/systemd). Ready to build (eoan/glibc) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- rbalint, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3797 Preparing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- rbalint, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3797 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- rbalint, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3797 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- rbalint, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3797 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- rbalint, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3797 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Laney, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3762 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/budgie-desktop, eoan/cheese, eoan/eog, eoan/evolution-data-server, eoan/gdm3, eoan/gnome-calendar, eoan/gnome-control-center, eoan/gnome-flashback, eoan/gnome-panel, eoan/gnome-session, eoan/gnome-settings-daemon, eoan/gnome-shell, eoan/gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons, eoan/gnome-shell-extensions, eoan/libreoffice, eoan/mutter, eoan/naut -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Laney, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3762 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/budgie-desktop, eoan/cheese, eoan/eog, eoan/evolution-data-server, eoan/gdm3, eoan/gnome-calendar, eoan/gnome-control-center, eoan/gnome-flashback, eoan/gnome-initial-setup, eoan/gnome-panel, eoan/gnome-session, eoan/gnome-settings-daemon, eoan/gnome-shell, eoan/gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons, eoan/gnome-shell-extensions, eoan/libreoffi -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3802 No packages are being considered! If you are preparing sources manually, please upload them to the PPA now -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3802 Uploading build #ubuntu-ci-eng 2019-09-13 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3802 Uploading build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3802 Uploading build -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3803 No packages are being considered! If you are preparing sources manually, please upload them to the PPA now -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3750 Diff missing (bionic/mutter). Ready to build (bionic/gnome-initial-setup) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3803 Failed to build #ubuntu-ci-eng 2019-09-14 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3803 Failed to build (eoan/tracker). Pending binary packages (eoan/tracker-miners) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3803 Diff missing (eoan/tracker-miners). Failed to build (eoan/tracker) -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 No packages are being considered! If you are preparing sources manually, please upload them to the PPA now -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Pending binary packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Diff missing -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Currently building (eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/bluez-qt, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded, eoan/kdelibs4support, eoan/kdesignerplugin, eoan/kdesu, eoan/kdewebkit, eoan/kdnssd-kf5, eoan/kdoctools, eoan/kemoticons, eoan/kfilemetadata-kf5, eoan/kglobalaccel, eoan/kholidays, eoan/khtml, eoan/kiconthemes, eoan/kimageformats, eoan/kinit, eoan/kio, eoan/kirig -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Currently building (eoan/khtml, eoan/kwayland, eoan/modemmanager-qt, eoan/networkmanager-qt, eoan/prison-kf5, eoan/solid, eoan/sonnet). Diff missing (eoan/attica-kf5, eoan/bluez-qt, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/kapidox, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kdesignerplugin, eoan/kdewebkit, eoan/kidletime, eoan/ksyntax-highlighting). Failed to build (eoan/kinit, eoan/kio, eoan/kmediaplayer, eoan/knews -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Diff missing (eoan/attica-kf5, eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/bluez-qt, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kactivities-stats, eoan/kapidox, eoan/karchive, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdbusaddons, eoan/kded, eoan/kdesignerplugin, eoan/kdewebki -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Currently building (eoan/kio). Diff missing (eoan/attica-kf5, eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/bluez-qt, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kactivities-stats, eoan/kapidox, eoan/karchive, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdbusaddon -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Diff missing (eoan/attica-kf5, eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/bluez-qt, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kactivities-stats, eoan/kapidox, eoan/karchive, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdbusaddons, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Diff missing (eoan/attica-kf5, eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/bluez-qt, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kactivities-stats, eoan/kapidox, eoan/karchive, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdbusaddons, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Diff missing (eoan/attica-kf5, eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/bluez-qt, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kactivities-stats, eoan/kapidox, eoan/karchive, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdbusaddons, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Currently building (eoan/ktexteditor, eoan/plasma-framework). Diff missing (eoan/attica-kf5, eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/bluez-qt, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kactivities-stats, eoan/kapidox, eoan/karchive, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddon -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Diff missing -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Diff missing -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Generating diffs -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Successfully built -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Publishing packages -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Proposed pocket -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Proposed pocket (eoan/akonadi, eoan/attica-kf5, eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/bluez-qt, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kapidox, eoan/karchive, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdbusaddons, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded, eoan/ -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Proposed pocket (eoan/attica-kf5, eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/bluez-qt, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kapidox, eoan/karchive, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdbusaddons, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded, eoan/kdelibs4suppor #ubuntu-ci-eng 2019-09-15 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Laney, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3762 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/budgie-desktop, eoan/cheese, eoan/eog, eoan/evolution-data-server, eoan/gdm3, eoan/gnome-calendar, eoan/gnome-contacts, eoan/gnome-control-center, eoan/gnome-flashback, eoan/gnome-initial-setup, eoan/gnome-panel, eoan/gnome-session, eoan/gnome-settings-daemon, eoan/gnome-shell, eoan/gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons, eoan/gnome-shell-exten -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Proposed pocket (eoan/attica-kf5, eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/bluez-qt, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kapidox, eoan/karchive, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdbusaddons, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded, eoan/kdelibs4suppor -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Proposed pocket (eoan/attica-kf5, eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/bluez-qt, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kapidox, eoan/karchive, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdbusaddons, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded, eoan/kdelibs4suppor -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Proposed pocket (eoan/attica-kf5, eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kapidox, eoan/karchive, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdbusaddons, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded, eoan/kdelibs4support, eoan/kdesign -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Proposed pocket (eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kapidox, eoan/karchive, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdbusaddons, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded, eoan/kdelibs4support, eoan/kdesignerplugin, eoan/kd -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kapidox, eoan/karchive, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdbusaddons, eoan/ -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kapidox, eoan/karchive, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdbusaddons, eoan/ -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kapidox, eoan/karchive, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdbusaddons, eoan/ -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kapidox, eoan/karchive, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdbusaddons, eoan/ -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kapidox, eoan/karchive, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Laney, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3762 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/budgie-desktop, eoan/cheese, eoan/eog, eoan/evolution-data-server, eoan/gdm3, eoan/gnome-calendar, eoan/gnome-clocks, eoan/gnome-contacts, eoan/gnome-control-center, eoan/gnome-flashback, eoan/gnome-initial-setup, eoan/gnome-panel, eoan/gnome-session, eoan/gnome-settings-daemon, eoan/gnome-shell, eoan/gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons, eoa -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded, eoan/kdelibs4support, eoan/kdesignerplugin, eoan/kdesu, eoan/kdnssd -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kauth, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded, eoan/kdelibs4support, eoan/kdesignerplugin, eoan/kdesu, eoan/kdnssd -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcoreaddons, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded, eoan/kdelibs4support, eoan/kdesignerplugin, eoan/kdesu, eoan/kdnssd-kf5, eoan/kdoctools, eoan/k -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcodecs, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded, eoan/kdelibs4support, eoan/kdesu, eoan/kdnssd-kf5, eoan/kdoctools, eoan/kemoticons, eoan/kguiaddons, eoan/khtml, -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kactivities-kf5, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded, eoan/kdelibs4support, eoan/kdesu, eoan/kdnssd-kf5, eoan/kemoticons, eoan/kguiaddons, eoan/khtml, eoan/ki18n, eoan/kiconthemes, -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kcrash, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded, eoan/kdelibs4support, eoan/kdesu, eoan/kdnssd-kf5, eoan/kemoticons, eoan/kguiaddons, eoan/khtml, eoan/ki18n, eoan/kiconthemes, eoan/kio, eoan/kirigam -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded, eoan/kdelibs4support, eoan/kdesu, eoan/kdnssd-kf5, eoan/kemoticons, eoan/khtml, eoan/ki18n, eoan/kiconthemes, eoan/kio, eoan/kjsembed, eoan/kmediaplayer, eoan/kne -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded, eoan/kdelibs4support, eoan/kdesu, eoan/kemoticons, eoan/khtml, eoan/ki18n, eoan/kiconthemes, eoan/kio, eoan/kjsembed, eoan/kmediaplayer, eoan/knewstuff, eoan/knot -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/frameworkintegration, eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kcompletion, eoan/kconfig, eoan/kconfigwidgets, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kded, eoan/kdelibs4support, eoan/kdesu, eoan/kemoticons, eoan/khtml, eoan/ki18n, eoan/kiconthemes, eoan/kio, eoan/kjsembed, eoan/kmediaplayer, eoan/knewstuff, eoan/knot -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kdelibs4support, eoan/kdesu, eoan/khtml, eoan/kio, eoan/kmediaplayer, eoan/knewstuff, eoan/knotifyconfig, eoan/kparts, eoan/kross, eoan/ktexteditor, eoan/ktextwidgets, eoan/kxmlgui, eoan/kxmlrpcclient). Release pocket (eoan/akonadi, eoan/attica-kf5 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kcmutils, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kdelibs4support, eoan/kdesu, eoan/khtml, eoan/kio, eoan/kmediaplayer, eoan/knewstuff, eoan/knotifyconfig, eoan/kparts, eoan/kross, eoan/ktexteditor, eoan/kxmlgui, eoan/kxmlrpcclient). Release pocket (eoan/akonadi, eoan/attica-kf5, eoan/baloo-kf5, e -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/kbookmarks, eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kdelibs4support, eoan/khtml, eoan/kio, eoan/kmediaplayer, eoan/knewstuff, eoan/knotifyconfig, eoan/kparts, eoan/kross, eoan/ktexteditor, eoan/kxmlrpcclient). Release pocket (eoan/akonadi, eoan/attica-kf5, eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/bluez-qt, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/ext -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- RikMills, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/3804 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (eoan/plasma-framework). Proposed pocket (eoan/kdeclarative, eoan/kdelibs4support, eoan/khtml, eoan/kio, eoan/kmediaplayer, eoan/knewstuff, eoan/knotifyconfig, eoan/kparts, eoan/kross, eoan/ktexteditor, eoan/kxmlrpcclient). Release pocket (eoan/akonadi, eoan/attica-kf5, eoan/baloo-kf5, eoan/bluez-qt, eoan/breeze-icons, eoan/extra-cmake-modules,
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubports 2018-04-16 <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> i have a device tree for xperia xa1 ultra if anyone would like to port to it <ubptgbot> <knndy70> No man <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> @Mark Mullins, You'd both need to find womeone with that device and convince them to spend weeks to months on it... if you have it yourself, maybe you could start? <ubptgbot> <amolith> [Edit] Lol welcome, ?! Check out ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get started! <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> @Cesar_Herrera, "submit new app" webapp is basically <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/bbN1jYUz.png <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> Even cs to make the top bar stay 😉 <ubptgbot> <knndy70> ;) <ubptgbot> ajinjude was added by: ajinjude <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> how would i go about porting a device <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> We've got docs for that. They're about to change (I think I have the tooling in order to write the new docs tomorrow), but they should suffice for now: https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/introduction.html <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome @ajinjude !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available. <ubptgbot> <dotevo> Where is the list of the bugs for the newest develop version?? <ubptgbot> <dotevo> I have a few bugs <ubptgbot> <knndy70> How much bugs exactly? <ubptgbot> <dotevo> 1. Data transfer is not working for me. Maybe it is wrong configuration. I do not know yet. … 2. After reboot wifi password is lost. And when i try to connect again is creating wired network name like "OLD_AP_NAME 1" <ubptgbot> <dotevo> 3. Most of apps is not working. Ex. telegram or hangups <ubptgbot> trumpeltier was added by: trumpeltier <ubptgbot> <knndy70> Tnx bro @dotevo <ubptgbot> <knndy70> Now I am using android writing to you. Maybe I can change mobile os <ubptgbot> <dotevo> Hopefully I will can fix something but I'm not familiar with ubuntu touch yet. <ubptgbot> <knndy70> :) <ubptgbot> <knndy70> Okey dude. <dvdk> is ubptgbot bridging messages to some telegram group? <bshah> yes <dvdk> does this go both ways? <ubptgbot> <G_Raffe> @dvdk, yes, to UBports Supergroup [ENGLISH] <bshah> yes <ubptgbot> <G_Raffe> and if you can see this - this goes both ways than, I'm writing from telegram <dvdk> @G_Raffe yes, this is what I thought. <dvdk> cool, so no need to get a fake cell-phone number then :) <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @dotevo, https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues … (Check out if the bug is already reported, please) <ubptgbot> <dotevo> holy... It is so long list <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @dotevo, Most of the apps need to be recompile for 16.04 <ubptgbot> <dotevo> Is someone doing that? <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome @trumpeltier !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available. <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Use the labels to narrow down the search <ubptgbot> <dotevo> hmmm... is the openstore doing that for OS project automatically like ex. Mer? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> AFAIK every developer must recompile his/her apps (if the app is not working in 16.04) <ubptgbot> <advocatux> [Edit] AFAIK every developer must recompile his/her app(s) if the app(s) is not working in 16.04) <ubptgbot> <advocatux> [Edit] AFAIK every developer must recompile his/her app(s) if the app(s) is not working in 16.04 <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @dotevo about your data transfer problem. Are you using a OPO? <ubptgbot> <dotevo> OPO? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @dotevo, Sorry, I mean Oneplus One <ubptgbot> <dotevo> Nexus 5 <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Is this your problem? https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/376 <ubptgbot> <dotevo> It might be. I did not use OTA it is a clean flash with updates've made automatically. <ubptgbot> <dotevo> I will check logcat later <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Ok <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> @mateosalta, How do you make the top bar stay? <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> @mateosalta, [Edit] How do you make stay the top bar? <ubptgbot> <GiovanniStaiano> @j2g2rp, Thanks <ubptgbot> <GiovanniStaiano> @advocatux, Thank you! I have the Nexus 5 with Ubuntu Touch 15.04 stable and at startup the RAM is almost full, without opening any apps. In fact, often while I use the device the loading screen appears and then the initial one. <ubptgbot> <GiovanniStaiano> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://irc.ubports.com/asxHS4Ka.png <ubptgbot> <GiovanniStaiano> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/0jzadPC1.png <ubptgbot> <GiovanniStaiano> It's normal? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @GiovanniStaiano, Yep, I don't see anything weird <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Anyway, sometimes is good to reboot the phone <ubptgbot> <Danceswithcats> Hi all. I put UBports on my Fairphone 2 yesterday afternoon. Clunky for the first hour but brillisnt since then. I love the phone screen and Dekko is wonderful. The music app is beautiful. Great work. Thanks to all of you. Will donate next payday. <ubptgbot> <G_Raffe> Welcome! <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> @Cesar_Herrera js userscript that injects custom css <ubptgbot> <advocatux> (Sticker, 455x512) https://irc.ubports.com/ZaS5qOFX.webp <ubptgbot> <Mark> @Danceswithcats, 👍 <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> @mateosalta, Very difficult for me. Thanks. <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @dotevo, Shouldn't happen before 16.04 is stable. Store doesn't have multiple channels, and apps built on 16.04 won't work on 15.04 <ubptgbot> <dotevo> There is only one channel 0_o <ubptgbot> <dotevo> really? <ubptgbot> <dotevo> It is bad idea :-/ <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Right now, yeah. Brian says he has plans for 16.04 now. <ubptgbot> <dotevo> I think stable/testing/develop versions are needed :-) I will test the UT but It is difficult without applications <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Well, you can help make it happen then <ubptgbot> <dotevo> I'll with pleasure but I need some time to be inside the project :-) <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @Danceswithcats have you seen this? https://forums.ubports.com/topic/1103/howto-fp2-update-baseband-other-firmware <ubptgbot> <Danceswithcats> I hadn't. Thanks. I'll have a go at the weekend and post results. My one gripe the Fairphone is the battery is ho-hum. <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Good luck! 👍 <ubptgbot> mahmoud mansour was added by: mahmoud mansour <ubptgbot> <Danceswithcats> @advocatux, Will it get rid of the "Powered by Android" line on the splashscreen? <ubptgbot> <mahmoud mansour> hi there <ubptgbot> G. D. was added by: G. D. <ubptgbot> <mahmoud mansour> i need ubuntu touch in my device … but my device not Supported … what can i do ? <ubptgbot> <dotevo> Buy different or port XD <ubptgbot> <mahmoud mansour> Not understand ! <oerheks> mahmoud find out if your device meet the specs, ask/open a new port <ubptgbot> <mahmoud mansour> How is that ? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Welcome Mahmoud & G.D. Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started <ubptgbot> <mahmoud mansour> Thank you. I will read the article and communicate again <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @mahmoud mansour, If your device is not in the supported list (http://ubuntu-touch.io/devices) you'll need to port it yourself (or find someone 😉) https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/introduction.html <ubptgbot> <dotevo> Ohh... is halium supported now? <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> @Danceswithcats, no it won't, but tweaking the commands i that guide allowes you to push an IMG file with whatever boot splash you want. i'm not sure what size and format the image must be though <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @dotevo, What do you mean? <ubptgbot> <dotevo> I see the porting instruction with halium <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> @Danceswithcats, [Edit] no it won't, but tweaking the commands in that guide allows you to push an IMG file with whatever boot splash you want. i'm not sure what size and format the image must be though <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Yep that's the common effort to unify the HAL <ubptgbot> <dotevo> Nice :-) <ubptgbot> <Danceswithcats> @YougoChats, Thanks. Tweaking commands is probably a little beyond me, but I'll have a look. 😳 <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @Danceswithcats, On the other hand, I think that'll be fixed eventually <ubptgbot> <Danceswithcats> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/FAMyc6sv.webp <ubptgbot> <Danceswithcats> Sorry. I mis-stickered. I meant to say thanks again. <ubptgbot> <advocatux> 😂 You're welcome <ubptgbot> <mahmoud mansour> my Chipset it mediatek 😢😢😢 <ubptgbot> <advocatux> What device? <ubptgbot> <mahmoud mansour> infinx zero3 <ubptgbot> nasaOne was added by: nasaOne <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> @Danceswithcats, take a look here: https://github.com/WeAreFairphone/splash-imgs <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> it's a tool to turn a picture into a bootsplash image you can then flash to your FP2. instructions for picture size and flashing is in ther e <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> [Edit] it's a tool to turn a picture into a bootsplash image you can then flash to your FP2. instructions for picture size and flashing is in there too <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> Alexandre made this one a good while back <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/JmsKrFtl.png <ubptgbot> <Danceswithcats> @YougoChats, That is very cool. I'll add it to my Saturday tasks. Thanks, Hugo. <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> there were dsome dark colored ones too, but these weren't shared on telegram. i asked about them just now in the FP2 group. or make your own if your gimp-fu is strong enough <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @YougoChats, Keep in mind that the next OTAs will eventually replace the bootsplash on their own <ubptgbot> <Flohack> We are actually working on having a ubports flavoured blootsplash for all devices <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> oh. and nice! <ubptgbot> <Flohack> See https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/240 <ubptgbot> <Danceswithcats> @YougoChats, My gimp-fu is weaker than my coding-fu. <ubptgbot> <Danceswithcats> @Flohack, Would it do any harm to use Alexandre's fix for now? I'd still be able to upgrade once the feature was official? <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @Danceswithcats, Sure, just it could overwrite your custom screen one day <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome @nasaOne !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available. <ubptgbot> ? was added by: ? <ubptgbot> Sebastian Schumann was added by: Sebastian Schumann <ubptgbot> <Sebastian Schumann> Hey there, <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome Sebastian !!! Check this put for more about UBports https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome <ubptgbot> Naresh Kumar was added by: Naresh Kumar <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @Naresh Kumar, Hi Naresh, take a look to https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started <ubptgbot> aljo2207 was added by: aljo2207 <ubptgbot> <aljo2207> Heloo <ubptgbot> <aljo2207> I have question <ubptgbot> <aljo2207> Cant install ubuntu touch fp2 <ubptgbot> <aljo2207> On windows ask for adb driver,on mac recognise device and reboot to bootloader and ask to connect device <ubptgbot> <aljo2207> Help <ubptgbot> TheApplicationist was added by: TheApplicationist <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @aljo2207, Please join @WelcomePlus for install help <ubptgbot> <aljo2207> Ok <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> Question: sharing a contact is possible via TG? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @malditobastardo, you can attach a vcf i guess <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> Yes! <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> I manage to do it <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> you go to Contacts, select your contact, share>TG <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> the contact is sent by vcf <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> via TG <ubptgbot> <dohbee> oh you can do it directly, ok <ubptgbot> <dohbee> cool <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome @TheApplicationist !!! Check this put for more about UBports https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome <ubptgbot> ? was added by: ? <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> @?, Can you decide to stay or go? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/mBq0n4mr.mp4 <ubptgbot> <Zack> Is there a smartwatch compatible with Ubuntu Touch? <ubptgbot> <Tompla> @Zack, I don't think so <ubptgbot> <Zack> Ah unfortunately, maybe in the future! <ubptgbot> Wade was added by: Wade <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Zack, Pebble <ubptgbot> <dohbee> See Rockwork app <ubptgbot> <Gorsh2> @UniversalSuperBox, Darling you got to let me know 🎸 <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome Wade !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available. <ubptgbot> <Zack> @dohbee, Thank you! #ubports 2018-04-17 <ubptgbot> Martin Zürker was added by: Martin Zürker <ubptgbot> <Martin Zürker> Hello, since a few years I am looking for an aternative OS for my celphone. <ubptgbot> <Martin Zürker> My device is a Philips S326. <ubptgbot> <Martin Zürker> ¿It is possible to install Ubuntu toutch on it? <ubptgbot> <amolith> @Martin Zürker, It is not, unfortunately. You can look at ubuntu-touch.io/devices to see UT's supported devices <ubptgbot> <Martin Zürker> 😩 <ubptgbot> jaiSE was added by: jaiSE <ubptgbot> <amolith> @jaiSE, Welcome, Jaiz! Check out ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get you started! <ubptgbot> <jaiSE> Can Ubuntu touch be installed on gionee m5 lite <ubptgbot> <tsimonq2> Can it? <ubptgbot> <JasonMD> So I'm guessing if I use the UBports installer to update my Nexus4 to Unstable it will clear any data already there? <ubptgbot> <JasonMD> Sry I mean to devel <ubptgbot> <eskiy4> Fwd from Siber Güvenlik: Advanced Penetration Testing - Hacking the World's Most Secure Networks | PDF/EPUB | 6/6 MB | https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-OpLAp8EyTfMy05SjhEaWpGODQ … Black Hat Python | PDF/EPUB | 3/3 MB | https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-OpLAp8EyTfbHY0dWVSVURMVE0 … Defensive security handbook | PDF/EPUB/AZW3 <ubptgbot> | 29/27/4 MB | https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-OpLAp8EyTfT1JBa1VFMFBnVDg … Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide | PDF | 22 MB | https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-OpLAp8EyTfQVUwczFMU2JMWGc … Hacking - The Art of Explotation | PDF | 4 MB | https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-OpLAp8EyTfeXNUbl96ZEt3Mk0 … Hash Crack - Password Cracking M <ubptgbot> anual | PDF/EPUB/AZW3 | 6/2/3 MB | https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-OpLAp8EyTfZDV1V251UzVtMmc … Kali Linux Revealed - Mastering the Penetration Testing Distribution | PDF | 26 MB | https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-OpLAp8EyTfSGpUSWk0QVJTUVU … RTFM - Red Team Field Manual | PDF | 3 MB | https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-OpLAp8EyTfaFB5LVpsOGlM <ubptgbot> S00 … The Hacker Playbook 2 - Practical Guide To Penetration Testing | PDF/EPUB/MOBI | 23/18/53 MB | https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-OpLAp8EyTfV0JpS1MtX015aEU … The Shellcoders's Handbook - Discovering and Exploiting Security Holes | PDF | 4 MB | https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-OpLAp8EyTfeXFvX1YzdG8zMVU … Violent Python - A Cookbook for Hac <ubptgbot> kers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers | PDF | 8 MB | https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-OpLAp8EyTfNnYtUHQycGZwS28 <ubptgbot> <jonny> @JasonMD, Only if you select the wipe option. But it is always a good idea to make a backup. <ubptgbot> <JasonMD> Fair enough, UBports is having trouble finding my phone <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @eskiy4, Why you post this mass of links out of context? <ubptgbot> <eskiy4> @Flohack, sorry.. ink is died now... we are in repair progress <ubptgbot> <eskiy4> @Flohack, 🙏 <ubptgbot> <eskiy4> @Flohack, [Edit] sorry.. link is died now... we are in repair progress <ubptgbot> <jonny> @JasonMD, You can enter the welcome room to get help with this. <ubptgbot> <dotevo> is https://stats.ubports.com/ down or closed? <ubptgbot> <JasonMD> @jonny, Thanks for the heads up <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @dotevo, It's in stand-by until this problem is solved https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/402 <ubptgbot> Gheorghe was added by: Gheorghe <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @Gheorghe, Hi Gheorghe, check out http://ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get you started <ubptgbot> <Gheorghe> Thanks. Joined because i want to know about mtk devices progress. Want UT on my device badly, but don't have the time and knowledge to port it myself <ubptgbot> <advocatux> What's your device exactly? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> The problem with mtk chipsets is that they aren't open-sourced <ubptgbot> <Gheorghe> Actually using Cubot x18, but also have cubot s308 which has almost same hardware as the bq e5 <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Usually "almost same hardware" means "radically different software" 😉 <ubptgbot> ? was added by: ? <ubptgbot> <?> @UniversalSuperBox, Hi … Im sorry because that … Im Iranian and because rules and policy of telegram we cant join to global groups like this (we cant join the groups with id because Iranians spam so much in telegram but not me :) ) … Now I useing virtual number and VPN (change my IP) to join to your group … When I turn off my VPN te <ubptgbot> legram find out that my IP is for Iran and kick me from the group. … So I like to stay. … I recognize UT recently and I like to use it. <ubptgbot> <Mark> @JasonMD, I often have trouble finding my phone too. <ubptgbot> Luca Mariano was added by: Luca Mariano <ubptgbot> <Bolly> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/n7Jqpxsn.webp <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome Luca !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available. <ubptgbot> <Bolly> @Prs_Dev, We have a group of "Ubports non super".... <ubptgbot> <Prs_Dev> @Bolly, sounds good … Can u give me its link? <ubptgbot> <Bolly> There is no link.... <ubptgbot> <Bolly> @advocatux !! help <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @Bolly, Yes? <ubptgbot> <Bolly> How do I get into "Ubports non super"? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> What is "Ubports non super"? <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Telegram group <ubptgbot> <jonny> @Bolly, Besides the Supergroup there are other language groups and focus groups with specific focus topics. <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Yes, I know, I know. but they're supergroups. <ubptgbot> <Prs_Dev> @Bolly, aha They should add True? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Ok, let's see if we can find the link 😅 <ubptgbot> <j2g2rp> @Zack, you can use pebble. I've got pebble time steel and some features works correctly. By other hand, the music control feature doesn't works correctly in my case, It sometimes makes the watch run in to rescue mode. I have to disable bluetooth when I'm listening music. <ubptgbot> <Zack> @j2g2rp, All right! And are all the pebble watches compatible? Which one do you use? <ubptgbot> <j2g2rp> https://launchpad.net/rockwork … * Tested hardware … All current features have been tested and reported to work with those devices: … - Pebble … - Pebble Time … - Pebble Time Steel … - Pebble Time Round <ubptgbot> <Zack> Great! Let's see whether the fairphone 2 and one of those can connect 👍👍 <ubptgbot> <Zack> Is there an interval reminder app to your knowledge that can be used with the watch and UT? <ubptgbot> <j2g2rp> @Zack, I'm not sure what you are asking <ubptgbot> <j2g2rp> timmer app? <ubptgbot> <j2g2rp> [Edit] timer app? <ubptgbot> <Zack> @j2g2rp, For example, one who needs to be remembered to take his/her medication each (time interval). That a text of choice is displayed on the watch and every 2/3 hours this text is displayed <ubptgbot> <j2g2rp> i didn't looked for anything like that 😂 … maybe you can search in … https://open-store.io/ <ubptgbot> <Zack> Hahaha well that's a good thing I think <ubptgbot> <Zack> Thanks anyways! <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> Use calendar <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> For alerts/reminders <ubptgbot> <Zack> The problem with calendar is that you have to manually input the times for reminder, while an interval reminder does it automatically <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> I don't know if you can use "cron" or it exhaust the battery. <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> [Edit] I don't know if you can use "cron" or it exhausts the battery. <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @Zack, Have you tried Timer app? <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> @advocatux, This <ubptgbot> <Zack> I'm going to try it right now <ubptgbot> <Zack> Is it possible to configure it such that every 2 hours it automatically notifies the user? <ubptgbot> <Zack> Something similar to this: … https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.atdevsoft.apps.remind&hl=nl&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Dremind+android+app&pcampaignid=APPU_1_MOLVWteKH5CasAfStZS4DA <ubptgbot> <fulvius999> @Zack, Already seen it? Maybe can help: https://open.uappexplorer.com/app/com.ubuntu.developer.psasse.touchrules <ubptgbot> <Zack> @fulvius999, The timer unfortunately can not automatically remind in an interval. Touchrules however seems like the one I might need <ubptgbot> <Bolly> @Prs, you can create a username "@username" so that we can add you to the "non super group". <ubptgbot> <Prs_Dev> @Bolly, done <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Added. <ubptgbot> <Bolly> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/Gel2c8k4.mp4 <ubptgbot> <Pgcor> Hey guys! Is there any plan o support gifs in telegram? <ubptgbot> <Prs_Dev> @Bolly, thank you for your helps <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Pgcor, it's on the list, yes <ubptgbot> <AkshitGarg> @ubports_bot <ubptgbot> <Esc476> So my bacon has seems to have kinda stopped working right with ubports 15.04, hard to explain, just lots of small issues. It's not a daily driver anyway, so I decided to reflash with the new tool, it seems to have locked up after the phone rebooted into recovery. The tools says it's waiting for the device to reboot into recovery and <ubptgbot> it already is. But it's the already flashed UBports recovery. Any ideas? <ubptgbot> Lightnight01 was added by: Lightnight01 <ubptgbot> <peternerlich> Welcome @Lightnight01! Find the most important info here: https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome and feel free to ask any question, especially in the Newcomers Room! <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> I see a group called KaratBank: Official Group <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> (Photo, 540x960) https://irc.ubports.com/B0BHnu0Y.png <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> If you get added to a group unexpectedly, you can report it as spam and leave. <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Enough reports and the group is closed <ubptgbot> <Lightnight01> @peternerlich, thank you so much <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> @UniversalSuperBox, Made. <ubptgbot> hansgeorgschulz was added by: hansgeorgschulz <ubptgbot> <hansgeorgschulz> Hello i am interessted by install Ubuntu Touch for Moto G3, but i find no Howto, can everbody help me? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> g3 is not a supported device <ubptgbot> <hansgeorgschulz> ok. thx. <ubptgbot> <K31j0> Although soon it might, because I have mine <ubptgbot> <dohbee> it would need to be ported to that device first <ubptgbot> <K31j0> Although first, the finals must happen <ubptgbot> <K31j0> Then I might try, probably basing on 14.1, hoping Halium doesn't bug as much as Sailfish on that base <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome @hansgeorgschulz !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available. <ubptgbot> <hansgeorgschulz> okay!! Thx!! <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @Danceswithcats, Another in UK I am guessing <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @Zack, You can also check out Asteroid OS <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @Esc476, I suggest the Welcome room for that <ubptgbot> O Vigoulas was added by: O Vigoulas <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome O !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available. <ubptgbot> <BlueKenny> test <ubptgbot> <peternerlich> @BlueKenny, test <ubptgbot> <BlueKenny> @peternerlich, haha UPS :D <ubptgbot> <peternerlich> 😜 <ubptgbot> <BlueKenny> @peternerlich, Big UPS in all my Open Chats :D :D <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @BlueKenny, ? <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> United Parcels Service? 😜 <ubptgbot> <BlueKenny> @Stereofont, i m testing a telegram python module, telethon :D <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Stereofont, Uninterruptable Power Supply <ubptgbot> TheBigWizard was added by: TheBigWizard <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @TheBigWizard, Hello. Check out the link for stuff about UBports … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> @dohbee, Upper Platonic Charginomics <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> Great Philosopher <ubptgbot> <Zack> @Stereofont, For the timer you mean? <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> @UniversalSuperBox, [Edit] Done. <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Zack, i think he meant to run on the watch <ubptgbot> <juakote> Hi... <ubptgbot> <juakote> The battery save app? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> what are you asking? <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @Zack, Open Source OS for the watch <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @juakote, Which is your first language? <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> https://asteroidos.org/wiki/documentation/ <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> [Edit] https://asteroidos.org <ubptgbot> <juakote> spanish <ubptgbot> <juakote> @Stereofont, 👍 <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> https://t.me/UBPorts_ES <ubptgbot> <juakote> 👍 <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> Welcome <ubptgbot> <juakote> Catalonia, spain... <ubptgbot> <juakote> Thank's <ubptgbot> escu1ap was added by: escu1ap <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> https://t.me/UBports_ca <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @escu1ap, Hello Ilya. Welcome. Check out our link for UBports info … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome <ubptgbot> <Flohack> (Photo, 620x310) https://irc.ubports.com/gTjLNKr7.png <ubptgbot> <NotKit> @Flohack, now I just need to finish and release Gemini 16.04 port :) <ubptgbot> <NotKit> @Flohack, [Edit] now I just need to finish and release Gemini UBPorts 16.04 port :) <ubptgbot> <jonny> @Flohack, I am already flashing 16.04 on my FP2 <ubptgbot> ikoas was added by: ikoas <ubptgbot> <Zack> @Stereofont, Thank you I will definitely take a look at this <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> @Flohack, Just in time for Ubuntu Touch on the Nexus 5X! <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> oh wait <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/uDABwZKa.mp4 <ubptgbot> <Zack> @Stereofont, There is no pebble watch in the list unfortunately, are the mentioned watches somehow compatible with Ubuntu Touch through the AsteroidOS? <ubptgbot> benaph_tsmx was added by: benaph_tsmx <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @Zack, Really, I was suggesting an alternative to compatibility but without using a proprietary OS <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @benaph_tsmx, Hello Ben. If you are new to UBports I suggest that you read … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @Zack, I think some work was done on communication between Asteroid and UT but I don't remember exactly <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> Ahah. Yes it was suggested to recompile the sync function from Jolla. Needs a volunteer <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome ikoas. If you are new to UBports I suggest that you read https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome <ubptgbot> <jonny> What am I supposed to do if the installer's progress bar reached the end, but the text still shows "Downloading file 1 of 6"? <ubptgbot> <jonny> It is running for an hour now... <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @jonny, Sack the installer developer? 😉 <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @jonny, Means nothing happened for an hour <ubptgbot> <dohbee> are both adb and fastboot installed? <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Yes, because it's started downloading files <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Restart the installer, I suppose <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @jonny, Are you using the snap? <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> Fwd from UBports News Channel: The UBports Community is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the UBports Installer as a fully confined snap package. … Special thanks to snapcraftio, Canonical and the Ubuntu community for the help and advice. … Run "snap install ubports-installer" on any Linux distro! … #ubports <ubptgbot> <jonny> @Stereofont, Yes <ubptgbot> <jonny> @dohbee, Yes. And it has been working before... <ubptgbot> <dohbee> ok <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @jonny, Cables … <ubptgbot> <Tompla> @jonny, It happened to me too. … I changed computer, cable, house, continent and Planet and in the end it worked <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> USB Micro-B is creat <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> [Edit] USB Micro-B is great <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @jonny, Just had another FP2 that has got stuck <ubptgbot> <Tompla> The whole process shouldn't be too long <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> 1. Give it a kick. 2. Get a good night's sleep and try again <ubptgbot> <Zack> @Stereofont, Thanks! I'm curious whether there is something to be found about it <ubptgbot> <jonny> Now my root filesystem seems to be full. When I start the installer again my whole system freezes. Not even the good old SUB shortcut works to reboot... <ubptgbot> <jonny> It should have 28 GB, but GNOMEs analysis tools shows only 16 GB of size and tells me it was full. 😳 <ubptgbot> <jonny> Now the ubports installer crashes on start with a seg fault. <ubptgbot> <jonny> @Stereofont, Who again was the developer? Jan? He lives nearby... <ubptgbot> <jonny> @Stereofont, I take you second advise for now. #ubports 2018-04-18 <ubptgbot> <jakko> 👍 <ubptgbot> Dhaval was added by: Dhaval <ubptgbot> <Dhaval> Does it support android 4.3 ? <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> @Flohack, Haha <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> @jonny, Tell him Wayne Out There demands results <ubptgbot> neversettle was added by: neversettle <ubptgbot> <jonny> Isnt there a way to upgrade to 16.04 via command line? <ubptgbot> <KrisJacewicz> @jonny, there is. After connecting your phone via usb use command line to flash 16.04 onto your phone. <ubptgbot> <jonny> @KrisJacewicz, And how do I know what to do? Adb and fastboot access I have. <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @jonny, You need a cmdline for ubuntu device flash, but I am on the road, cant take a proper look <ubptgbot> <jonny> Ok, I will look into it at night. <ubptgbot> <andreasimonetti> @jonny, when i had this kind of problems i could resolve cleaning the cache of the ubports-installer. it always store all the downloaded packages... <ubptgbot> <jonny> @andreasimonetti, Sounds good. Where do I find that? <ubptgbot> <woozy_wolf> Which new Device would you recommend for Ubuntu Touch? Thanks so far. 👌 <ubptgbot> <G_Raffe> @woozy_wolf, FairPhone 2 <ubptgbot> <andreasimonetti> @jonny, if i remember well.. /home/user/.cache/ubports <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @woozy_wolf, Hard to say without knowing budget, availability, needs, etc. See yourself the current devices list http://ubuntu-touch.io/devices <ubptgbot> <NotKit> @Dhaval, UBPorts is not Android <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> @woozy_wolf, If you are insterested in convergence the Nexus 5 is the Winner <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome Dhaval & @neversettle. If you are new to UBports I suggest that you read https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @malditobastardo, I would get a OnePlusThree and be prepared to be very patient <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> @Stereofont, This too! <ubptgbot> <woozy_wolf> @advocatux, @advocatux Thank you. 😊👍 <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @woozy_wolf, You're welcome! <ubptgbot> <Dhaval> @NotKit, What are hardware requirement for device ? Or will it install on sony xperia m ? <ubptgbot> <NotKit> the minimum is 1 GB RAM and ARMv7 CPU, but it will install only on the devices in the list: http://ubuntu-touch.io/devices <ubptgbot> <NotKit> everything else needs porting/adaptation, which is not straightforward to do <ubptgbot> <Zack> 16.04 is stable? 😱 <ubptgbot> <G_Raffe> No <ubptgbot> <G_Raffe> not at all <ubptgbot> <j2g2rp> @Zack, it will be. <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> @YougoChats hope this works well for you my man :D <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> Fwd from O0O00O0OO: Using the libertine app, install vlc-plugin-sdl. Then go to Tools -> Preferences in VLC. There, click on "All", bottom left corner. In the left column you find Video -> Output Modules. Choose "Simple DirectMedia Layer video output" <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> done 😊 <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> also "colored ascii art video output"? lol <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> Haha yeah that's some trippy stuff if you're ever on hallucinogenics. <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> Another advantage of VLC over the native media player app is the ability to run network streams e.g. from Youtube. <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> Also, I know how to tweak Audacity's settings to get it running on UT hardware - if that interests you too, just ask. <ubptgbot> <Mark> @TartanSpartan, :o You can get Audacity running on an N5? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Mark, No. Nothing works in libertine on n5, as there's a weird bug there <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @jonny, Via adb, on phone, run `system-image-cli -vvvv --switch ubports-touch/16.04/devel` <ubptgbot> <dohbee> Maybe need to run with sudo, too. Don't recall exactly <ubptgbot> <Mark> @dohbee, Thanks Rodney. <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> just got my nexus 5 will magic device tool work <ubptgbot> <technicalbird> @Mark Mullins, It works. But it takes you to legacy build <ubptgbot> <technicalbird> Use the official flashing tool <ubptgbot> <Dhaval> @NotKit, When I open this page http://ubuntu-touch.io/device/titan … Getting 404 not found error. <ubptgbot> <NotKit> https://ubports.com/ru_RU/blog/ubports-1/post/a-titan-in-the-community-93 <ubptgbot> <NotKit> [Edit] https://ubports.com/blog/ubports-1/post/a-titan-in-the-community-93 <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> @TartanSpartan, hi seumas, please do it and post image of both running <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> 😺😺 <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> @TartanSpartan, yes please, starting audacity instantly and consistently crashes my FP2 :P <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> Rejoice in the consistently part. <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> People seek high and low for consistency and you have found the pearl. <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> it's strangely satisfying. so much better than the random crashing my FP2 usually does. <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> Does it fail on startup, or can you tweak settings but then it crashs if you try to load a song? <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> it shows the app splash for about a second, then shows the FP2 bootsplash 😊 <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> secretly, the app is just a script issuing reboot -f <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> *don't do that, it breaks things* <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> Well then IDK how to cure that, my crash was the latter, less-breaking case. Maybe a dependency problem? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> well your turbo does have 4GB RAM, and octacore SoC no? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> FP2 has 1GB? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> probably not totally unrelated :) <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> sounds about right. looks to me like a standard issue out of memory FP2 drama queen quit event <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @dohbee, 2Gb <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> heh. someone tell my FP2 that :P <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> But Audacity isn't overly memory intensive, I don't think. And it runs on my M10 too which also only has 2GB. Not sure how similar the M10 and FP2's CPU are though. <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> FP2's cpu looks like this: … https://t.me/ubports_ot/13166 <ubptgbot> <K31j0> MSM8974 is not bad.. <ubptgbot> <K31j0> At least it'll get mainline the fastest eventually <ubptgbot> <K31j0> also, it doesn't have big.LITTLE, which is a plus to me <ubptgbot> <K31j0> more cores don't matter if they only end up draining more power <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> install complete were are storage settings and usage <ubptgbot> <dohbee> usage is in system settings under about, iirc <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> oh and where is the nearby scope <ubptgbot> <dohbee> it's not in the open store <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> oh <ubptgbot> <Mark> Where did the Nearby Scope pull its data from? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Mark, other scopes. it's just an aggregator: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~nearby-team/nearby-scope/trunk/view/head:/click-src/aggregator/child_scopes.json#L217 <ubptgbot> <Mark> :) That's a very interesting page! So the answer is: no, it wouldn't be easy just to create a web app in stead. <ubptgbot> <dohbee> well, it'd be easy for someone to build a click, but most of those scopes are probably no longer avaialble either <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> i still happen to actually have the today scope installed. it is completely empty as all the services that used to feed content to it are no longer there. i expect the same goes for nearby scope. <ubptgbot> <dohbee> well you probably don't have any of the child scopes it queries from <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> it never lived up to it's potential, and as it would be up to the maintainers to extract the data from 3rd party sources (3rd party sources like their own apps and won't cooperate without incentive $ ) i'm not surprised or upset Ubports team took a differen direction and priority <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> @dohbee, it only shows telegram, in a pretty useless way <ubptgbot> <Sconio> It is a shame not to be able to use the scopes that he was present in the old versions ub ... <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @YougoChats, right, all the other scopes don't exist in the open store: https://open-store.io/?type=scope <ubptgbot> <Mark> I'm fairly ambivalent about scopes on the whole, but the nearby scope idea was a very good one. <ubptgbot> <dohbee> i guess, if you like broadcasting your location to N different web services all at the same time <ubptgbot> <Waldbursche> @Mark, the "today-scope" was interesting for me <ubptgbot> <Sconio> Yes <ubptgbot> <Sconio> Today Scope <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/fX2GfmO4.png <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> the one thing it shows isn't even recent <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> or helpul <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> [Edit] or helpful <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> [Edit] or helpfull <ubptgbot> <dohbee> the telegram scope is going away at some point too, i think <ubptgbot> <dohbee> well, i guess all scopes are <ubptgbot> Samuele was added by: Samuele <ubptgbot> <Samuele> Hey <ubptgbot> <NikosChat> Welcome Samuele <ubptgbot> <Samuele> :) <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @Samuele, Hi Samuele, you can take a look to https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you up to speed <ubptgbot> <advocatux> There are language groups too <ubptgbot> <Samuele> Oh! Thanks, I will. <ubptgbot> <AkshitGarg> @advocatux, No bots? <ubptgbot> <Samuele> @advocatux, That's nice. <ubptgbot> <advocatux> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/WsAMUvFk.webp <ubptgbot> <AkshitGarg> @advocatux, 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 <ubptgbot> <Samuele> I was reading the faq and i noticed a typo... Is there anyone that i can report that to? <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> Best OS eva <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> Is chromecast supported as wireless display <ubptgbot> <dohbee> chromecast is not supported, no <ubptgbot> <Samuele> Is there a way to emulate ubports on a pc? I'd like to try it out, but i don't have a supported device <ubptgbot> <dohbee> not really <ubptgbot> <dohbee> you can run a unity8 session on an ubuntu 16.04 VM for example, but there are some differences, and lots of apps are only compiled for armhf on 15.04 <ubptgbot> <dohbee> (apps in the open store that is) <ubptgbot> <Samuele> Oh <ubptgbot> <Samuele> Well, i haven't run unity in a while … I might do that <ubptgbot> <Samuele> What about the raspberry pi? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> you could run unity8 on it too i guess. you can run more click apps from the store there, but the experience will still be mostly the same as running it on x86 PC <ubptgbot> <Samuele> Oh ok <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> What is the status of andbox <ubptgbot> <dohbee> the status of anbox is that it's still not available on all devices, and 16.04 is not a stable release yet <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> Thnx <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> Eta for 16.04 <ubptgbot> <dohbee> not before it's ready <ubptgbot> <dohbee> which should be sometime before the heat death of the universe <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @Samuele, I think @wayneoutthere can tell you <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> Are there any music recognition apps for ut <ubptgbot> Alaattin Ozcelik was added by: Alaattin Ozcelik <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @Mark Mullins, No.You could make your own webapp though <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> Hello Alaattin. Check this link for more about UBports … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome <ubptgbot> Jason was added by: Sconio <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> I have halium ubports installed. It does not boot, but if i try to connect thru ssh it hangs without output, and it doesnt even ask for the password. Suggestionz? <ubptgbot> <dohniks> repeat the setting up of the rmnet, maybe it's your local network manager that is messing with it <ubptgbot> <dohniks> (and there is a halium channel and a ubports porting one) <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Alternatively, let me know if this works: https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/560 <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Try setting the IP first. <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> @dohniks, I always set it, in halium reference and plasma mobile ssh works <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> I will try that thing <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> It worked D:. Now i get a permission denied, but I played a bit with pam stuff so, i'll reinstall the rootfs and see if the problem was that <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> @Rkstl, Hmm. What device, kernel, and chipset? <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> so yeah. is there a way to find messages to myself in the thread above? after you check the mentioned message and then want to go back, it's lost .. anyway. <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> someone here mentioned a typo? I'm your man. PM me any typos and I can handle this job! :) <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Samuele ^ <ubptgbot> <K31j0> crap, sorry <ubptgbot> <K31j0> missclick <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> @UniversalSuperBox, Samsung galaxy on7 pro anyway it works now <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> However systemctl says "failed to list units:Failed to execute program org.freedesktop.systemd1:permission denied". What about this? <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> Is anyone currently working on a car mode for ut <ubptgbot> <Samuele> @wayneoutthere, Here, sorry for the late reply <ubptgbot> <Samuele> I noticed a typo in the faq in the minimum requirements section <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Mark Mullins, not sure what that would be, so probably unlikely <ubptgbot> <K31j0> Yeah, what do you mean by car mode <ubptgbot> <Samuele> @K31j0, Probably a car integration … I think android and apple have that <ubptgbot> <K31j0> Well we can't integrate <ubptgbot> <K31j0> into their proprietary bullshit <ubptgbot> <K31j0> like CarPlay <ubptgbot> <K31j0> or Android Auto <ubptgbot> <Samuele> Of course <ubptgbot> <K31j0> For me I was thinking about integrating raspberry pi into a car after I get one <ubptgbot> <K31j0> AFAIK there's no open platform like CarPlay/Android Auto <ubptgbot> <Samuele> @K31j0, Nice! <ubptgbot> <dohbee> i'm not even sure what those two things do <ubptgbot> <Samuele> @dohbee, Me too <ubptgbot> <Samuele> Proably notification info <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> They show music status, notifications, and other stuff on the car's dashboard <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> And they allow the use of Siri or Google Assistant (depending on the integration, of course) from a button on the steering wheel <ubptgbot> <Samuele> @UniversalSuperBox, Music status is already a thing using bluetooth i think <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Ubuntu Touch may disappoint you there... <ubptgbot> <dohbee> well, nexus 4 apparently doesn't do a2dp anyway <ubptgbot> <dohbee> at least i couldn't get it to stream music to my car, even with android <ubptgbot> <Samuele> (Photo, 1138x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/YI6NJJ9G.png <ubptgbot> <K31j0> Maybe chip's broken <ubptgbot> <Samuele> @Samuele, @wayneoutthere <ubptgbot> <K31j0> @Samuele, I think we could pull something off with XBMC/Kodi/Whateverit'scallednow <ubptgbot> <K31j0> Aaaaaaaaaand I need to study bluez for phone integration <ubptgbot> <Samuele> @K31j0, Is kodi available yet? <ubptgbot> <K31j0> cable isn't really that great for talking to the phone, because >Android kernels <ubptgbot> <K31j0> For Pi there's even a distro which is made solely to ship kodi <ubptgbot> <dohbee> an actual in-car stereo would need a lot of customization from where unity8 is today <ubptgbot> <dohbee> the current interaction model is not really suited for certain uses <ubptgbot> <Samuele> @K31j0, Yeah, i tried that on mine … I prefer thinkering so i installed raspbian instead <ubptgbot> <K31j0> Well I'd only use stereo as a display for my project anyway <ubptgbot> <K31j0> Or just slam a display and an amplifier in there <ubptgbot> <K31j0> no wheel controls then, but whatever <ubptgbot> <Samuele> It would be nice to have a plugin for kodi that integrates with the phone over bt <ubptgbot> <Samuele> That way it would be portable <ubptgbot> <Samuele> @K31j0, Unless you modify the wheel controls <ubptgbot> <K31j0> That needs tinkering with bluez <ubptgbot> <Samuele> @K31j0, Does bt work well rn? <ubptgbot> <K31j0> I don't even know if it has documentation <ubptgbot> <dohbee> you don't need to modify wheel controls <ubptgbot> <K31j0> @Samuele, where? I can imagine Pi3's integrated bluetooth will work well <ubptgbot> <K31j0> @dohbee, Depends on the car <ubptgbot> <dohbee> not really. what is needed, is an electrical interface to interpret the button presses <ubptgbot> <Samuele> @dohbee, The pi would be nice for that <ubptgbot> <Samuele> @K31j0, I meant in ubports <ubptgbot> <K31j0> Depends on the device I guess <ubptgbot> <K31j0> official devices marked as stable probaly work well, I have none, so I can't tell <ubptgbot> <dohbee> depending on the car, that may be CAN interface, or custom device to handle changes in resistance, or such <ubptgbot> <dohbee> or you can go for an ir or bluetooth remote control, too <ubptgbot> <Samuele> Yeah <ubptgbot> <Samuele> That could work <ubptgbot> <dohbee> i'd rather get a unity8-ish thing on my PC first, though <ubptgbot> <K31j0> In some generations of my favourite car there's fiber optics cable connecting stereo to everything else, but wheel controls have different cables prooobably <ubptgbot> <dohbee> bugatti? <ubptgbot> <Samuele> @K31j0, Fiber optics?! Nice <ubptgbot> <Samuele> @dohbee, Yeah... … Tbh i prefer xfce4 <ubptgbot> <K31j0> @dohbee, Saab 9-3 <ubptgbot> <K31j0> I don't dig supercars <ubptgbot> <K31j0> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/cKg6wIEx.webp <ubptgbot> <dohbee> pretty sure there's no fiber in a saab <ubptgbot> <Samuele> Why would they use fiber? Seems weird <ubptgbot> <dohbee> to waste money <ubptgbot> <Samuele> Yeah <ubptgbot> <dohniks> @Rkstl, ubports uses upstart not systemd. is that it? <ubptgbot> <K31j0> @dohbee, To bankrupt <ubptgbot> <K31j0> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC30RLEpKh0 some people bypass it, so <ubptgbot> <K31j0> like 2003-2007 have that <ubptgbot> <K31j0> it connects to the amp <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @dohniks, ubuntu 16.04 uses systemd for some things, upstart is still used for the user session, but systemd is used for system level things mostly <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> @dohniks, Yes, latest caf sudoku 7.1 rootfs <ubptgbot> <dohniks> @dohbee, oh, I didn't know. thanks! <ubptgbot> <Samuele> I hope there are optical in/out jacks for audio <ubptgbot> <dohbee> probably not <ubptgbot> <Samuele> Meh <ubptgbot> <Samuele> If everything uses fiber, having optical jacks seems logical <ubptgbot> <Samuele> Speaking about audio, the cd player in my hifi is the weirdest thing ever <ubptgbot> <Samuele> It's an ide cd drive connected to the amplifier <ubptgbot> <dohbee> well, the fiber connections there aren't the same as the fiber audio connection you normally see on consumer electronics <ubptgbot> <dohbee> but yes, i presume it's only used for the audio channels there <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> pops in <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> uh <ubptgbot> <Wolfgang Eder> (Photo, 591x361) https://irc.ubports.com/m4blMvDq.png Anybody any clue? Try to install UBPorts on my aquaris e 4.5... <ubptgbot> <dohbee> anyway, we're getting a bit off topic now with that <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> @Wolfgang Eder, You need to use SPFlashTool to install Ubuntu on your device before you can use our installer <ubptgbot> <Samuele> @dohbee, I assumed so... Using standards = making less money on official repair kits <ubptgbot> <Wolfgang Eder> @UniversalSuperBox, And with the SPFlash Tool I do what exactly? <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> @Wolfgang Eder, https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/install.html#install-on-legacy-android-devices <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @Wolfgang Eder, Come to the install group <ubptgbot> <advocatux> we can help you there <ubptgbot> <advocatux> https://t.me/WelcomePlus <ubptgbot> <mymike00> @Samuele, are you italian Samuele? wanna join the italian group @ubportsitaliano? <ubptgbot> Antonio Rensi was added by: Antonio Rensi <ubptgbot> <Wolfgang Eder> @UniversalSuperBox, Thanks for the link. <ubptgbot> <Antonio Rensi> Whe can i find more about anbox on ubports UT ? <ubptgbot> <Antonio Rensi> [Edit] Where can i find more about anbox on ubports UT ? <ubptgbot> <dohniks> https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/anbox.html <ubptgbot> <Antonio Rensi> Ok! Thank you! <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> And another Italian 😎 <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> Antonio you just missed the link <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> Bur check out … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome <ubptgbot> <Antonio Rensi> Oh! Allright, I will do it. <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> [Edit] But check out … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome <ubptgbot> <Antonio Rensi> I'm not Italian, my ancestors was, I'm brazilian. <ubptgbot> <Antonio Rensi> [Edit] I'm not Italian, my ancestors were, I'm brazilian. <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> Sincere apologies. There is however a Portuguese group 😎 <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> It is in the link <ubptgbot> <Antonio Rensi> Don't worry! I love Italy! <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> 👍 <ubptgbot> <Antonio Rensi> Thank you, Lionel! <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> Getting lost in the UBports Supergroup? Got busy? Need just the key info? Subscribe to the UBports Official Telegram News Channel NOW!! You're just one click away: https://t.me/ubports_news #ubports 2018-04-19 <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> What wireless display are supported <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/DisplayCasting <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> I searched for "Ubuntu Touch supported wireless display" <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Your mileage may vary depending on your device, but this is generally a good resource <ubptgbot> Stephen Jackson was added by: Stephen Jackson <ubptgbot> <Stephen Jackson> Is there a .zip file for UT rather than the installer? My phone is getting hung up on "waiting to enter recovery mode." <ubptgbot> <JasonMD> @technicalbird, I can't get UBports installer to detect my device, it shows up as a fastboot device (via cmdline) but Ubports just sits there waiting, any ideas? <ubptgbot> <technicalbird> @JasonMD, Which os are you using? <ubptgbot> <JasonMD> ubuntu <ubptgbot> <nikhilbhalwankar> @JasonMD, Which devi e u have? <ubptgbot> <JasonMD> ok, I was using the snap version, I downloaded the .deb and installed that and that version detects my connected phone <ubptgbot> <JasonMD> Nexus 4 <ubptgbot> <nikhilbhalwankar> Me too installed using apt <ubptgbot> <nikhilbhalwankar> Not snap <ubptgbot> <JasonMD> Installing now 😁 <ubptgbot> <nikhilbhalwankar> It works <ubptgbot> jhunterz was added by: jhunterz <ubptgbot> <dotevo> Who is using 16.04? Because I have so many problems that I think that I did something wrong. <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @dotevo, No its development beta. Its not in a stable state <ubptgbot> <dotevo> I know :-) But I hoped that is more "stable" that I have <ubptgbot> <dotevo> @Flori <ubptgbot> <dotevo> @Flohack Where is the part of the UT when you are selecting Wifi to connect from bar? <ubptgbot> <dotevo> Right now I have 2 annoying bugs. :-/ <ubptgbot> <JasonMD> I just installed it and went straight back to 15.04 <ubptgbot> <dotevo> I'm sure that UT 16.04 is not for the users. <ubptgbot> <DanChapman> Correct, it's not deemed to be suitable for users until it reaches the stable channel. <ubptgbot> <JasonMD> Been a while since I tried UT, is there any way of using whatsapp? I see LoquiIM does that work? <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @dotevo, What you mean? <ubptgbot> <dotevo> @Flohack, @Flo I have but that is not storing my wifi password (or is but...) and I have to write it down after each reboot. Maybe I can fix it but I do not know in which repository I can find this part of source code. <ubptgbot> <dotevo> @Flohack, [Edit] @Flohack I have but that is not storing my wifi password (or is but...) and I have to write it down after each reboot. Maybe I can fix it but I do not know in which repository I can find this part of source code. <ubptgbot> <dotevo> @Flohack, [Edit] @Flohack I have bug that is not storing my wifi password (or is but...) and I have to write it down after each reboot. Maybe I can fix it but I do not know in which repository I can find this part of source code. <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @dotevo, This will be not so easy, a lot of devices had this problem already sometimes. And it seems to reappaer now, are you still on 16.04? <ubptgbot> <KrisJacewicz> @dotevo, on 15.04 I had solved around wifi password problem with just simple script. My problem was due to deleted NVRAM so I would end up with a new random MAC address every time I power up my UT device, but the method I used, I think it would also solve your problem. … In a script you can edit configs in /etc/NetworkM <ubptgbot> anager/system-connections/ and then restart the networking service if a profile file was altered. The phone should automatically connect afterwards. You can run such script manually, or use cron or something else, depending on your needs. <ubptgbot> <Donieck> Hi what interesting is in Unity 8? <ubptgbot> <j2g2rp> why is interesting? <ubptgbot> <j2g2rp> maybe the answers are diferent depending who is answering it. … In my case it's because of convergence enviroment and because it's unity. I'm missing it a lot in desktop 😭 <ubptgbot> <alan_griffiths> What are you missing? Unity <=7 and Unity8 are different DEs. Both exist as community projects. Unity 7 can still be installed from the Ubuntu archive: … $ sudo apt install ubuntu-unity-desktop … ...and select Unity from the login screen <ubptgbot> <j2g2rp> yeah, i know that they are different but they share a lot of concepts. Unity 8 there was still "beta" for desktop. In the case of unity 7, now that I'm testing 18.04 im missing some behaviors from unity tweak tool like minimize when clicking on the icon dash, choose behaviors to snaping points windows, the top bar was more usefull a <ubptgbot> nd of course the hability to suspend the device without pressing alt key 😂 … Anyway I didn't know that i can install unity. I'm going to test it right know 😁. Thanks Alan. <ubptgbot> <j2g2rp> @alan_griffiths, ohhhhhhhhhhhh looks like everything is working pretty well. 1000 thanks Alan <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome Stephen & @jhunterz. If you are new to UBports I suggest that you read https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome <ubptgbot> <alan_griffiths> @j2g2rp, It wasn't me it was https://community.ubuntu.com/c/desktop/ubuntu-unity-dev <ubptgbot> <dotevo> @Flohack I use 16.04 still :-) What is strange... After reboot when I'm trying to connect to the Wifi is asking about password "name {X+1}". <ubptgbot> <Mark> I haven't tried Unity8 for a while either: Does the top of the window niftily turn into a menu in Unity8, like it did latterly in Unity7? <ubptgbot> <Flohack> Its creating a new entry in network manager. Sometimes also happens on 15.04 reason unknown <ubptgbot> <dotevo> for me happens all the time <ubptgbot> <dotevo> so maybe I can fix it <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> @dotevo, Only 2? Then hurry up and upgrade! ;) <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @dotevo, We use a lot of packages from Ubuntu upstream. So good luck with network manager, wpa supplicant etc. Its not our code <ubptgbot> <Flohack> Maybe its just a permission problem <dvdk> hi, just got a refurbished nexus 5 and install ubports. problem: microphone volume (during calls) is very low. <dvdk> is there any known fix? tweaking mixer settings etc.? <ubptgbot> <juakote> (Sticker, 392x512) https://irc.ubports.com/0x0FaiNL.webp <ubptgbot> <advocatux> This anwer could sound funny to you but I had the same problem in my N5, and I gently brushed the mic grid with a toothbrush <ubptgbot> <advocatux> and it's working fine since then <dvdk> i don't even know where the mic is. <dvdk> also there are many online reprots climing that this can be tuned on android <dvdk> like turning off noise cancellation. any chance this can be tweaked on UT? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Yep, I saw all those comments too, but as I say, the toothbrush method worked for me <ubptgbot> <advocatux> It seems the N5 speaker & mic grids are specially prone to get blocked by dirt <ubptgbot> <leoaslan> Hi friends any news about nexus 5x <ubptgbot> <advocatux> dvdk, did you update your N5 to the latest Android version available before installing UT? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @leoaslan, No, still work in progress <ubptgbot> OSILayer8 was added by: OSILayer8 <dvdk> @advocatux. no i did not. it did show android 5.0.1. any chance i can do taht still? <ubptgbot> <leoaslan> @advocatux, Ok <ubptgbot> <advocatux> dvdk if you're running UT already, see https://forums.ubports.com/topic/815/howto-n5-update-baseband-firmware <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @OSILayer8, Hi, welcome. See https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started <dvdk> @advocatux. thanks, will give it a try. <ubptgbot> <advocatux> 👍 <dvdk> also opened up the back cover, but mic neither visible nor accessible from there :/ <dvdk> other than that: very cool, seems to support even LTE. <ubptgbot> <advocatux> just try to clean the grids and see if the mic sound improves <dvdk> if that won't work, I see there are even N5 microphone replacement kits sold online... <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> I have a BQ E4.5 and wanted know if it'll be possible connect by Bluetooth to a Citroen C4 when there be an OTA with 16.04. Some time ago I was able to connect but not now. <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @Cesar_Herrera are you following "The" Bluetooth Thread? … https://forums.ubports.com/topic/457/the-bluetooth-thread <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> @advocatux, No, thanks. <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> Printer setup ut <ubptgbot> <advocatux> That message is as cryptic as printer's messages 😆 <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> @advocatux, I recall I said it on 28 Jul 2017, 22:23. I forgot it. <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Yep, I knew you were there at the beginning but I didn't know if you are still following that thread <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> No. No following. Thanks. <ubptgbot> <advocatux> 👍 <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> [Edit] No. Not following. Thanks. <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> How to debug upstart? Is there a command like systemd systemctl? <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> The commands are `start` `stop` and `status`. You might also be interested in `initctl`. <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Debug logs will be in `/var/log/syslog` <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> only 'start'? <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Er, better logs at least <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Yep <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> Ah ok, ill try thanks <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> Does new rootfs supports caf, too? Because latest caf sudoku one is a bit old and misses libgui symbols <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> Maybe thats why display doesnt start <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> The first comment here may help: https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/494 <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> You will get Mir servers, but Unity 8 still won't start <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> But sudoku one seems broken: it misses a libgui symbol when trying to run test_hwcomposer <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> So? <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> It is broken <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> That's why it isn't listed anywhere <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> So? I update it with apt or what? <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> I'd recommend switching to the standard one <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> There aren't new packages <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> And it works with caf? <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> If you do what is in the issue I posted above, you will get Mir servers starting. You will not get Unity8. <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> So no <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Also, don't use the libhybris tests inside Ubuntu Touch. They were broken while Canonical had the project due to their changes to libhybris and haven't been fixed <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> The programs in the `mir-tests` package will work better for you <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> I tried it also on halium test tootfs which gave me the same error. I asked in halium group and they told me libhybris was old <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> Thats why i think that sudoku rootfs is old :D <dvdk> btw both my ubports devices (N5 and M10FHD) have an ugly browser bug: in zoom mode tap gestures are sent to the wrong screen position. <dvdk> this bug only seems to be WRT screen coordinates processed in java script in a canves. clicking on links seems to work even under zoom. <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> Is there a way to get unity to work on caf or i have to wait to get the UI? <ubptgbot> <NotKit> you can try to recompile and debug, I guess just no ready solution <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> But if i understood clearly, there's no way to make rootfses work with caf? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> aren't most of the currently supported devices caf? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> which would imply the rootfs works <ubptgbot> <dohbee> but there are some challenges in the switch to halium <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> Yay <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> caf-7.1 is the one with all the changes <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> 5.1 is whatever <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> What does it mean? <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> how do i install an armhf file in ut <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @dvdk, That problem happens with some games too, for example Planarity <dvdk> @advocatux: any idea, where this is coming from? <dvdk> is this a problem witth the "window manager" or with chrome itself? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Mark Mullins, install what exactly? <dvdk> @advocatux: under github.com/ubports/chromium, it says "this repository is empty". so where does the installed chromium come from (if i'd like to search the sources for the problem's cause)? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @dvdk, I think is Oxide <dvdk> @advocatux: btw, baseband firmware upgrade worked like a charm. microphone still low volume, though. <dvdk> ah, branding removed chromium? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Have you brushed the grids? <dvdk> no, at work, no toothbrushes around here. <ubptgbot> <dohbee> the browser isn't chromium. it's an engine for qt/qml based on chromium content api <ubptgbot> <dohbee> also it's an older version <ubptgbot> <advocatux> https://github.com/ubports/oxide <dvdk> @advocatux, yeah, found it and just looking through the sources. this will take some more time, nothing to do for procrastination at work :) <dvdk> also, there is all the toolchain complexity if i tried to rebuild&install. <ubptgbot> <dohbee> hence why oxide is not updated to latest chromium tree yet <dvdk> @dohbee: problems understand the connecition, so does the source in ubports/oxide/ correspond to the browser on ubports 15.04/stable or does it not? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @dvdk, i guess the 'vivid' branch does <ubptgbot> <dohbee> but oxide is just the engine, the browser is webbrowser-app <ubptgbot> <dohbee> i'm not sure where your issue is exactly <dvdk> ah, ok. maybe that simplifies the search-space. <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> i have a question about adb shell. it says all over the internet i should be able to do 'adb shell input "hello%sworld"` but all i get is `/bin/bash: input: command not found` … is there something i have to or can do to get this working? <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> [Edit] i have a question about adb shell. it says all over the internet i should be able to do `adb shell input "hello%sworld"` but all i get is `/bin/bash: input: command not found` … is there something i have to or can do to get this working? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @YougoChats, You need to install adb tools <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> on the pc? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @YougoChats, what are you expecting there exactly? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> What OS are you running in your PC? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> `input` is not a valid command in the shell on the phone <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> win 7, but i do realize it has that minimal 15 second adb install. <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> @dohbee, hmm so no keyevents for UT? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @YougoChats, `input` doesn't work on PC either <ubptgbot> <dohbee> what are you trying to do exactly? <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> well, bity of a roundabout attempt. OSK won't come up for password or email input fields in libertine. i didn't have a BT keyboard with me, but do have a PC with adb. so i figured perhaps i can push text strings to my phone <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> [Edit] well, bit of a roundabout attempt. OSK won't come up for password or email input fields in libertine. i didn't have a BT keyboard with me, but do have a PC with adb. so i figured perhaps i can push text strings to my phone <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> which led me to a new and interesting way of using adb... if it works at least <ubptgbot> <dohbee> no you can't do that <ubptgbot> <dohbee> i don't know what the 'input' thing is on android, but it's not on ubuntu <ubptgbot> <dohbee> i don't know if there's any user-friendly cli tool to send an event to input device on ubuntu <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> that's too bad. sending key events and text strings to devices through adb sounded like a fun feature. <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> i figured it was part of adb as it is <ubptgbot> <dohbee> no, adb shell just runs a command on the phone <ubptgbot> <dohbee> input is apparently a tool included in android <ubptgbot> <dohbee> not sure if it's a generic thing that just sends events to input dev though <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> no idea either <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> 🤔wonder if some sort of xdotool kind of solution could work. <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> UT has no Xorg, but libertine does? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> libeertine is xorg on top of mir sort of <ubptgbot> <dohbee> each app is in a different X server <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> or, is there actually a way to summon OSK on special input fields, which is where this all started :-P <ubptgbot> <dohbee> fix the bug :P <ubptgbot> <dohbee> anyway, need to eat <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> bon appetit <ubptgbot> Lee was added by: Lee <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @Lee, H Leei, welcome. See https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @Lee, [Edit] Hi Lee, welcome. See https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> Anyone have any idea how to setup instagraph <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/tMzP994F.mp4 <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Neat! <ubptgbot> <TronFortyTwo> @Ismaelbonato, The first is in staged mode and the second with windowed mode? <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> Yep <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> There are many things to yet <ubptgbot> <devsigma_bot> @Ismaelbonato, Wonderfull <ubptgbot> <devsigma_bot> Looks great for usability <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> Thank for your feedback <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> [Edit] There are many things to do yet <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Does anyone know if is safe to re-lock the bootloader after installing UT? <ubptgbot> <TronFortyTwo> yes, it's nice <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @advocatux, No. It will delete the os <ubptgbot> <dohbee> And all your data too of course <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @dohbee, We're discussing that in the Spanish group. I've the idea that you can't do it unless is stock rom again but someone said "no problem" <ubptgbot> <dohbee> Well it's a lie. Many problems <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @dohbee, [Edit] We're discussing that in the Spanish group. I have the idea that you can't do it unless is stock rom again but someone said "no problem" <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> Is there anyway to convert an android app to run on ubuntu <ubptgbot> <Diego> Fwd from Security News for EveryOne: Plataforma de detección de amenazas zero-day para Linux … https://capsule8.com/ … #linux <ubptgbot> <Diego> Fwd from Security News for EveryOne: https://www.adslzone.net/2018/04/17/hackers-rusos-router/ <ubptgbot> <Diego> Fwd from Security News for EveryOne: https://www.adslzone.net/2018/04/16/intel-vulnerabilidad-bios-uefi/ <ubptgbot> <Sconio> @Diego, oh, i have the router 4G <ubptgbot> <Sconio> idem <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Those posts are between OT content and spam <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Mark Mullins, if you have the source, you can write a port, which is easy or very hard depending on the app <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @advocatux, yeahindeed <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Besides it doesn't make sense to post in Spanish in the SG <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> @advocatux, yeah... it's somewhat like English but not exactly <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @wayneoutthere, 😂 Yep... Hammer Time then? <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> hammer what? <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> I don't see nothing... <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> de nada <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Now you see it, now you don't see it 🤔 <ubptgbot> <aribk> Problem installing Ubuntu Touch (stable) on brand new Nexus 5. I followed the steps and everything wint fine until "pushing files to device... pushing file 1 of 13" I then got the "Yikes ..." error message, selected "try again" and the installer has been hanging there for the past 15 min, while the device shows the Google logo. What s <ubptgbot> hould I do?? <ubptgbot> <aribk> Forget it. I finally just "pulled the plug" and started over. Looks like things are going OK. <ubptgbot> Krille was added by: Krille <ubptgbot> Denis BLED was added by: Denis BLED <ubptgbot> aefg was added by: aefg <ubptgbot> <aefg> hi <ubptgbot> <aefg> I have Ubuntu touch on my moto g3 <ubptgbot> <Krille> Hi, I am a brand new Ubuntu Touch user since one week on my nexus 5 :-) <ubptgbot> <aefg> i am very happy with it <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> @aefg, awesome <ubptgbot> <aefg> @Krille, oh thats great <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> @Krille, amazing and welcome! <ubptgbot> <aefg> calls are a little trouble but everything else works fine <ubptgbot> <dohbee> g3? <ubptgbot> <Krille> Hi all :) <ubptgbot> <dohbee> or on g2? <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> You can find a bunch of important information about our community here: … https://ubports.com/telegram-welcome … aefg Krille <ubptgbot> <aefg> ah yes i think is g2 <ubptgbot> <aefg> i am not sure <ubptgbot> <aefg> what programming languages can i use to develop an application <ubptgbot> <aefg> I am new at programming <ubptgbot> <aefg> I want to develop a game <ubptgbot> <dohbee> probably whatever language you want, but the SDK toolkit is for QML <ubptgbot> <aefg> oh I see <ubptgbot> <aefg> is the SDK available with apt install on Ubuntu? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> not really any more, and the IDE is not really being developed now <ubptgbot> <aefg> oh <ubptgbot> <dohbee> you might want to take a look at clickable, which has some templates, and is used for building the package. and i think atom has a plug-in for it now <ubptgbot> <aefg> emacs might have one too <ubptgbot> <aefg> ok <ubptgbot> <aefg> i'll look into it <ubptgbot> <dohbee> i don't think there's one for emacs <ubptgbot> <dohbee> but you can write code with emacs for sure <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome Denis. If you are new to UBports I suggest that you read https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> @Bolly, How did you make that ping <ubptgbot> <Bolly> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/qu3q0d9g.mp4 <ubptgbot> <Bolly> @UniversalSuperBox, copy and paste ping and edit <ubptgbot> <Bolly> I didn't mean to <ubptgbot> <Bolly> 😂😂😂 <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome hello helllo hello🙈 @UniversalSuperBox . If you are new to UBports I suggest that you read https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome <ubptgbot> <Stephen Jackson> Installed today and no mobile data. Any ideas - APN settings are correct. <ubptgbot> <Bolly> @UniversalSuperBox, I have edited the ping <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> You don't need to edit it <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> It's cool <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> @Stephen Jackson, You might not have the APN as correct as you think, then... It took me a few tries <ubptgbot> <Stephen Jackson> I'll check it out again. <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> those apns are a pain <ubptgbot> <exar_kun> @wayneoutthere, It apns to the best of us <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> nice one, Josicles <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> you make me want to throat sing <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> and beat box #ubports 2018-04-20 <ubptgbot> <exar_kun> Maybe soon <ubptgbot> <amolith> I need to know who came up with this: <ubptgbot> <amolith> (Sticker, 512x372) https://irc.ubports.com/DIGYCzJt.webp <ubptgbot> <amolith> Because you are amazing <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> Hey guys my new Nexus 5 enter in ubports recovery mode but nothing happens <ubptgbot> <amolith> @Ismaelbonato, Are you flashing for the first time? <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/6ZsrrkYm.png <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> Yep <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> @amolith, Yep <ubptgbot> <exar_kun> @Ismaelbonato, I did this just last night. I think we can help you in @WelcomePlus <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> I just unlocked bootloader and after I ran ubports installer <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> @amolith, #BlameMarius, probably <ubptgbot> <amolith> @UniversalSuperBox, Lol I love it. I saw the movie a couple of weeks ago and it was amazinh <ubptgbot> <amolith> *amazing <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/ox6BOYOj.png <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> it works <ubptgbot> Ayoub was added by: Ayoub <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @Ayoub, Hi Ayoub, welcome. See https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started <ubptgbot> <gsilvapt> @Ismaelbonato, Glad it worked. The first time I tried flashing, I also had this issue and had to try again to succeed 😊 <ubptgbot> <Sconio> Hello, can you help me ? I try to install Unity8 on ubuntu 18.04 v2 <ubptgbot> <woozy_wolf> Hey Another Question. Is there also a list for "test" Devices. So without official support? Or are just builds for the listed one? <ubptgbot> <Sconio> I'd like to use unity8 to use apps ( telegram, dekko, cloudmusic,... Etc,) I have successed on ubuntu 16.04, but with 18.04, I can't do it. <ubptgbot> <alan_griffiths> @Sconio, There's development work needed: … https://forums.ubports.com/topic/1039/18-04-desktop-getting-it-working-again <ubptgbot> <Sconio> Thank you <ubptgbot> afarian was added by: afarian <ubptgbot> <afarian> Hey guys! I'm trying to flash my OnePlus one & after it auto-detects my device it just spins around the cute little robot. The message at the bottom says to connect my device with a USB cable (which it obviously is, it just detected it in the previous step). My OPO screen is sitting on fastboot mode. Any ideas? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @woozy_wolf, There's only official builds for supported devices <ubptgbot> <milkor73> @afarian, Hi Jenna, welcome. See https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @afarian come to https://t.me/WelcomePlus to get help <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> Does the nexus 5 still charge wirelessly with ut <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> @Mark Mullins, What?? <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> I think he is asking if the N5 still charges wirelessly with UT... ;) <ubptgbot> <Bernd> (Sticker, 507x512) https://irc.ubports.com/aQB62Zve.webp <ubptgbot> <Mark> @Mark Mullins, :) Yes it does. <ubptgbot> <malditobastardo> What should I buy for that? <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> cool thnx and also are there any app porting tools for ut i would like to port tumblr <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @malditobastardo, Any charger supporting QI standard I suppose? <ubptgbot> <Mark> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/D9BcVoz3.png <ubptgbot> <Mark> This is the one I use <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/hIJBDWX6.webp <ubptgbot> <G_Raffe> That's my one, works great <ubptgbot> <G_Raffe> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/p1SirTXK.png <ubptgbot> <G_Raffe> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/oRB0f4Nv.png <ubptgbot> <amolith> @Mark, I need one. I had no idea the N5 charged wirelessly lol <ubptgbot> <Mark> @amolith, :) It's actually very useful. <ubptgbot> <amolith> Does it use the micro USB port at all? <ubptgbot> <Mark> yes <ubptgbot> <Mark> @amolith, How do you mean? Mine has both USB and mini USB slots, but it's totally unconnected to the phone... <ubptgbot> <amolith> I mean does the charger require a case that plugs into the USB port or anything? (I've never used a wireless charger if you can't tell) <ubptgbot> <amolith> @Mark, I mean does the charger require a case that plugs into the USB port or anything? (I've never used a wireless charger if you can't tell) <ubptgbot> <Mark> I actually link it to a litium ion battery which is charged by a solar panel <ubptgbot> <amolith> What? <ubptgbot> <Mark> but yes, my unit is connected via USB in various ways <ubptgbot> <amolith> I should probably just look it up. I'm sure that would answer my questions without bothering you 😉 <ubptgbot> <advocatux> The charger - phone relation is wireless but you need to plug the charger to "something" 😉 <ubptgbot> <Mark> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://irc.ubports.com/pzDYTNLj.png <ubptgbot> <G_Raffe> @amolith, Nothing required <ubptgbot> <amolith> @advocatux, Lol I knew the charger had to be plugged it 😉 <ubptgbot> <amolith> @advocatux, [Edit] Lol I knew the charger had to be plugged in 😉 <ubptgbot> <advocatux> 😂 <ubptgbot> <milkor73> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/3hDdTUwT.mp4 <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> @YougoChats, HAH it works <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> `adb shell` … `libertine-container-manager exec -c "xdotool type "hello world""` <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> [Edit] `adb shell` … `DISPLAY=:0 libertine-container-manager exec -c "xdotool type "hello world""` <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> pushes "hello world" to a text field in a desktop app in libertine <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> provided you have xdotool installed in that container, the desktop app is the first one you started (DISPLAY=:0) and the cursor is currenly in that text field <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> also `DISPLAY=:0 libertine-container-manager exec -c "matchbox-keyboard" <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> [Edit] also `DISPLAY=:0 libertine-container-manager exec -c "matchbox-keyboard"` <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://irc.ubports.com/VDyyEfaU.png <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> gives you a keyboard inside the x session <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> (install matchbox-keyboard ofc) <ubptgbot> <NotKit> what is the window manager? <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> Xorg, in libertine on mir <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> [Edit] pushes `hello world` to a text field in a desktop app in libertine <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> @amolith, what he said was that he connects it to a lithium battery which is charged by a solar panel. ;) I'm on fire today! <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> @YougoChats, is this news? If so send it to news@ubports.com <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> it's a new level of tinkering and a real accomplishment in the poking-around-department for me for sure 😎 <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> file it under "can you do [thing] in linux? YES YOU CAN" <ubptgbot> <dohbee> something that talks to input dev rather than x would be way better of course (and work outside libertine, for apps talking directly to mir, or via wayland) <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> Anyone else having random reboots on n5 <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Mark Mullins, only when my power button was going bad <ubptgbot> <matv1> Yeah power button going bad is a known hardware issue in the N5. Other then that there is the occasional Unity8 crash/restart, but that not really a reboot. <ubptgbot> <Stephen Jackson> Still no love with APN settings. Can make calls and send texts but no data. <ubptgbot> <AresMinos> Did the move to 16.04 happened yet? Is Anbox now included in Nexus5 images? … If not, what's the timeline for anbox on hammerhead? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @AresMinos, 1. No 2. No 3. When it's done <ubptgbot> <dohbee> anbox doens't work on any qcom yet, afaik <ubptgbot> <AresMinos> Oh, kk, seems I'll be sticking to Android for now then. Thanks. <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> @AresMinos, No please <ubptgbot> <AresMinos> Well, it's Lineage, and I need to run some android apps, dji go for drones, canon camera connect for cameras etc. <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> No please <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> Use UT <ubptgbot> <advocatux> It's not a good marketing strategy to beg for users 😆 <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> It is <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> It's really not, and if you're trying to troll I suggest you stop <ubptgbot> <Rkstl> I dont troll <ubptgbot> <Dhaval> Hello, everyone <ubptgbot> <Jo_Led> Hi there! <ubptgbot> <Wolfgang Eder> I tried to make a webapp using https://open-store.io/app/webapp-creator.jujuyeh I have now a click but I do not now how to install it on my device. <ubptgbot> <dohbee> run `pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted my.click` on the device, after copying my.click to it <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Wolfgang if you set a username in your Telegram account is easier to ping you or invite you to other groups <ubptgbot> <Wolfgang Eder> Thanks. It did work. <ubptgbot> <mastereder> @advocatux, Thought I already have one. :D Thank you. <ubptgbot> LOTNSAI was added by: LOTNSAI <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome @LOTNSAI !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available. <ubptgbot> <Zoran Aleksic> How long does flashing images take on ubport installer? <ubptgbot> <aribk> Hi. I recently saw someone's suggestion for a very good looking replacement splash screen for the Nexus 5. Can't remember who's, nor which group I saw it in. Would like to install it. Who should I contact? <ubptgbot> <mymike00> @aribk, There's a issue opened on github for that <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> Hey is there anyway to get unity 8 on 16.04 <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> @aribk, I did discuss one for Fairphone 2 a few days ago. Other than that, I haven’t seen any discussion about it, sorry <ubptgbot> <aribk> @mymike00, Thanks, I'll try to check that out. <ubptgbot> <aribk> @YougoChats, 👍 ok. <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @Mark Mullins, on x86 PC you mean? <ubptgbot> JuergenAusVS was added by: JuergenAusVS <ubptgbot> <JuergenAusVS> Hello all, has anybody tried Oneplus Two? <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome @JuergenAusVS !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available. <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @JuergenAusVS, Tried what <ubptgbot> <JuergenAusVS> Tried to run touch on a oneplus two <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @JuergenAusVS, No there is no working port <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> Yes <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> @Flohack, why, flo???? why??? <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @wayneoutthere, bc nobody ported it <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> i know. you were supposed to attack me <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> borrrring #ubports 2018-04-21 <ubptgbot> <amolith> Anyone willing to send me a screenshot of the lockscreen of their UT tablet in portrait mode? I'm doing a presentation on Linux and I'm going to mention Ubuntu Touch. I've got one of my phone but I wanted one from a tablet to show both <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @amolith, No, tablets only do landscape lock screen <ubptgbot> <amolith> @dohbee, Landscape then lol. I should be able to change the frame orientation <ubptgbot> <dohbee> Portrait would look same as the phone though <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> (That's part of the reason by the UBports convergence logo looks so nice... balance.) <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> :) <ubptgbot> <amolith> Lol :P <ubptgbot> <amolith> How do you get UT lockscreen into landscape mode on mobile? <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Might be able to so something in UT Tweak Tool <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> But otherwise it's locked based on the device profile <ubptgbot> <dohbee> Build u8 on x86, and run it in a window in lockscreen mode, and take a picture <ubptgbot> <amolith> Lol I can just connect it to my monitor. That's landscape by default lol <ubptgbot> <amolith> [Edit] Lol I can just connect it to my monitor. That's landscape by default <ubptgbot> <dohbee> Or tha <ubptgbot> <dohbee> Just do it live <ubptgbot> <dohbee> Unity8 is better than the unixporn screenshots <ubptgbot> <amolith> @dohbee, I'm connecting my computer to a monitor which is connected to a projector. All of which is VGA. I only have an HDMI male to VGA female adapter for it and my UT adapter is HDMI male <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> @dohbee, Because large amounts of iteration and design experise was dumped into it? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> Don't be sexist. It's not cool <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> oh lol <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @UniversalSuperBox, Because I said so? :) <ubptgbot> <amolith> @dohbee, I disagree. I think it's different and would appeal to a different audience. I much prefer the stuff I see on unixporn but I know that that would intimidate some people <ubptgbot> <amolith> @dohbee, [Edit] I disagree. I think it's different and would appeal to a different audience. I much prefer the stuff I see on unixporn but I know that that would intimidate some people lol <ubptgbot> <amolith> @dohbee, [Edit] I disagree. I think it's different and would appeal to a different audience. I much prefer the stuff I see on unixporn but I know that that would intimidate some of the people I'm presenting to lol <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> I know that @TartanSpartan has a tablet, he should be around pretty quick <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @amolith, Pfft, I was modding fvwm2 before most of those kids were born <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @UniversalSuperBox, I hope he's not. Pretty late in the UK right now <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> (Photo, 1280x800) https://irc.ubports.com/fEkiFWqY.png <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> @mateosalta, Swipe the keyboard down? :D <ubptgbot> <amolith> @mateosalta, Could you possibly take it without the keyboard? 🙂 <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> (Photo, 1280x800) https://irc.ubports.com/64QVwm5y.png <ubptgbot> <amolith> Perfect! Thank you! <ubptgbot> S31BZ was added by: S31BZ <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> anyone ever get it where the installer on mac sticks at "please connect device with usb cable" <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> then my oneplus one just sticks in fastboot mode <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> with the laptop not picking it up in ubports-installer <ubptgbot> Michael Leurer was added by: Michael Leurer <ubptgbot> <Michael Leurer> Hmm this is interesting. So this is a Ubuntu version for the phone? <ubptgbot> <Michael Leurer> Does it support a galaxy note 8? <ubptgbot> <amolith> @Michael Leurer, I think Ivan Semkin is working on a port for the S8+ but there isn't a port for the note 8 yet. You can check ubuntu-touch.io/devices to see the devices currently supported. Check out ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get you started! <ubptgbot> <Michael Leurer> Thank you. <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> I think you've got the wrong person <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> But I don't know who the right one is <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> nice looking hardware, but samsung always does do quite some wierd things with their software ui, would be quite nice to see ubuntu touch on it <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> I always thought the curved edges would be great for the gesture navigation <ubptgbot> <Michael Leurer> Soo good news I'm looking into porting Ubuntu touch for the note 8. <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> I think we did some news desk and mentioned her... Maybe @sk8higher <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> Nelly? <ubptgbot> <sk8higher> what <ubptgbot> <sk8higher> omg <ubptgbot> <skrech> Hey guys, is someone notified when i make a pull requst for keyboard-component repo? <ubptgbot> <skrech> Because i've made a pull request one week ago for the bulgarien keyboard layout and i hope for it to be included in the next ota <ubptgbot> Ismail_ibn_Thomas_Al_Amreeki was added by: Ismail_ibn_Thomas_Al_Amreeki <ubptgbot> <Danceswithcats> @Ismaelbonato, Hi all. Really basic question. With UBPorts installed, how do get my phone into fastboot? <ubptgbot> <Tompla> @Danceswithcats, As you did before UT <ubptgbot> <Tompla> (Correct me if I'm wrong) <ubptgbot> <aribk> Could someone please point out to me where I can browse through open bugs and report bugs for UT? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @Flohack this How-to needs the `FLO HACKS` tag too … https://forums.ubports.com/topic/1015/howto-opo-fix-mtp-driver-permissions <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @Ismail_ibn_Thomas_Al_Amreeki, Hi, I think you already know it but anyway... take a look to http://ubports.com/telegram-welcome <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @aribk, https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues <ubptgbot> <advocatux> https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/contribute/bugreporting.html <ubptgbot> <aribk> @advocatux, 👍Thx! <ubptgbot> <advocatux> You're welcome <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @skrech, The status of your PR is "Review required. At least 1 approving review is required by reviewers with write access." Have patience, probably the maintainers are just a little bit overwhelmed now ;) <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @Danceswithcats, @Tompla is right, just don't forget to enable "Developer Mode" <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Hi @S31BZ, welcome. See https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started <ubptgbot> <Flohack> @skrech, I will take care of this. Yes we are being notified <ubptgbot> <Flohack> But not always someone finds time to check, especially I have no experience withthe keyboard 😆 <ubptgbot> <skrech> Nice, just wanted to be sure that i'm not missing a step in the procedure <ubptgbot> <jonny> @Danceswithcats, You can search that for your phone. Usally you turn off the phone and plug in the usb connection to your computer while hold volume up. <ubptgbot> <wayneoutthere> @sk8higher, Full Circle Magazine is much better <ubptgbot> Aique was added by: Aique <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome Aique !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available. <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> Someone please tell me if there is any other mail app for ut aside from dekko <ubptgbot> <DanChapman> nope <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> Well is there anyway to get dekko 1 <ubptgbot> <DanChapman> I don't have any builds for it anymore. Maybe someone else has an old click flying about. <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> Any idea how to get new build ready <ubptgbot> <matv1> mhm is flashing a Meizu Pro 5 running 15.04 to 16.04 currently supposed to work with the installer? my first try just crashed after about 15 minutes :/ <ubptgbot> <Sander Klootwijk> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/y7uCuGw3.bin <ubptgbot> <Sander Klootwijk> Mark I've got this one for you... <ubptgbot> <Sander Klootwijk> It is an older Dekko build, but I don't know if it's the one you're looking for. <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @matv1, Yes, it's supposed to work. Come to https://t.me/WelcomePlus <ubptgbot> <advocatux> we can help you there <ubptgbot> <advocatux> probably <ubptgbot> <advocatux> :) <ubptgbot> <matv1> allright <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Looking for something to do today? Got an Ubuntu Touch device? How about confirming some bugs! It's a super simple process, just go through the steps listed in the bug report and post your findings. https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22needs+confirmation%22 <ubptgbot> <Pete> Anbox <ubptgbot> <Pete> Oh sorry meant to search lol ignore me <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Anbox? Anbox! https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/anbox.html <ubptgbot> <Pete> Haha yes thx <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Maybe someone can give a Telegram user some help as well? https://forums.ubports.com/topic/1153/struggling-with-telegram <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Hi Dalton, using the opportunity :) do you know where ubports-installer writes down its logs? <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Snap? Deb? Appimage? <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Good question :) Let's start with deb <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> `~/.cache/ubports` <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Thank you! <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Snap should be in the equivalent folder in `~/snap/ubports-installer` <ubptgbot> <advocatux> And for the hat-trick... appimage? 😆 <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> `~/.cache/.ubports` <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> [Edit] `~/.cache/ubports` <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Thanks again! <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> If you're about to ask for Windows and Mac, I have no clue <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> I'd expect us to be putting things in `%APPDATA%` in windows <ubptgbot> <advocatux> No, I'm not a bad person 😇 <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Installer logs will be at `~/snap/ubports-installer/current/.cache/ubports` <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> [Edit] Snap logs will be at `~/snap/ubports-installer/current/.cache/ubports` <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Perfect <ubptgbot> baspy was added by: baspy <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Hi @baspy, welcome. See https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started <ubptgbot> <Bolly> @baspy, no <ubptgbot> <baspy> @Bolly, ok <ubptgbot> <baspy> @Bolly, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuLFTGkuD68&t=47s <ubptgbot> <baspy> i saw this on officialy site its saying it supports all kind of android <ubptgbot> <Bolly> @baspy, https://devices.ubports.com/#/ <ubptgbot> <baspy> not listed😢 <ubptgbot> <baspy> you guys should make it work with any android <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> If that was possible, we would be stupid not to do iy <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> [Edit] If that was possible, we would be stupid not to do it <ubptgbot> <baspy> where can i get nightly builds like nethunter i wanna take the risk <ubptgbot> <baspy> @UniversalSuperBox, yah sure <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> It's not possible. <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> But if you have Android porting experience, you might find our porting docs interesting: https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/introduction.html <ubptgbot> <baspy> ok thanks for time mates <ubptgbot> <advocatux> @UniversalSuperBox confess! You know how to install UT in any android device but you like to see users suffering and begging 😆 <ubptgbot> <Flohack> UBports helps making your offroad journey fun 😆 <ubptgbot> <Flohack> (Photo, 900x1200) https://irc.ubports.com/a36a5Qs5.png <ubptgbot> <j2g2rp> looks nice <ubptgbot> <giovanniiannotti> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/S1rcF9VA.webp <ubptgbot> <Wiz> Hardcore <ubptgbot> <Wiz> @baspy, Message #1 <ubptgbot> <Bolly> @baspy, [Edit] http://ubuntu-touch.io/devices <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> @Wiz, What? <ubptgbot> Daniel Lowery was added by: Daniel Lowery <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Hi Daniel, welcome. See https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started <ubptgbot> sergioernestolima was added by: sergioernestolima <ubptgbot> <Daniel Lowery> I have - and my installer is stuck on Waiting and won't pick up the phone <ubptgbot> <Daniel Lowery> nexus 5 <ubptgbot> <Daniel Lowery> and the phone is stuck on Ubports Recovery <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome @sergioernestolima !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available. <ubptgbot> <Bolly> @Daniel Lowery, Go to https://t.me/WelcomePlus to get help <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> Test <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/yYuhQgkp.null <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> Hmm, that's the 1.1 version. Does anyone have the 1.8 version? And why isn't it on OpenStore anymore? <ubptgbot> <matv1> yeah a pity. I believe Rudi gave up on Ubuntu Touch and I guess he pulled his click off the store <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> Sucks if he isn't supporting it anymore, but the best we can hope for then is that someone has the 1.8 click. The standard FB app, long gone from uApp Explorer or OpenStore, has recently been showing a ghetto internet version of the site on tablet devices, so Sailbook is preferable. <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> *webapp <ubptgbot> <Daniel Lowery> hey Mathijs <ubptgbot> <Daniel Lowery> All Ubports installation instructions should have a warning to expect the "Ubports Recovery" screen and to do nothing when it appears. It is confusing and counter-intuitive for a "recovery" screen to appear while an installation is successfully in progress, so some people assume that something went wrong with the installation, <ubptgbot> and they mistakenly click on a recovery screen option. … At any rate, the phone seemed bricked. The only thing that would appear on the phone's screen was a Google logo with an icon of a small, open lock. … I tried several times get back into fastboot by pressing the prescribed combination of the phone's buttons, and I tried every other combinatio <ubptgbot> n of button presses -- all to no avail. … I remembered that fastboot was installed on my computer, so I connected the Nexus 5 and ran "fastboot oem unlock" in a terminal (can't remember if I was root) and the fastboot screen appeared on the phone! <ubptgbot> <Daniel Lowery> From here - hope it helps <ubptgbot> <Daniel Lowery> https://forums.ubports.com/topic/788/installing-on-nexus-5/8 <ubptgbot> <Daniel Lowery> and if it does, I suggest we get this thread stickied <ubptgbot> <matv1> @Daniel Lowery, hey Daniel, thanks for that hint but that wasnt my issue. For flashing Turbo to 16.04/devel , the ubports-installer just does not seem to work. I finally reverted back to good old trusted ubuntu-device-flash and that worked for me. I would seriously like for someone to prove me wrong but I expect there is going t <ubptgbot> o turn out some kind of bug. Possible device- and or channel specific. <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> @TartanSpartan https://github.com/Ruditimmermans/sailbook?files=1 <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> Right, but do you have to compile it yourself? <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> @matv1, This is very true <ubptgbot> <matv1> Hey @S31BZ so can you confirm this issue? I am hesitating filing a bug <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> Tried using the ubports installer for my OnePlus One using both my Mac and my Linux laptop. Hung at "plug in device over usb" for me on either, various times. <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> So feel free to file <ubptgbot> <matv1> thanks for confirming. Sounds like the exact same. Were you flashing to 16.04 by any chance? <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> Tried both that and the 15 release <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> Both hung <ubptgbot> <matv1> oh okay. <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> Spent like three hours last night looking for fixes lol <ubptgbot> <matv1> haha i feel your pain 😀 <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> Is ubuntu-device-flash available for Arch? <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> @TartanSpartan just built it here <ubptgbot> <mateosalta> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/cIbaXuxF.null <ubptgbot> <matv1> @S31BZ not sure but I doubt it would work on Arch <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> Hmm I'll do some digging then. Would give me something to do while recovering from 4/20 lol <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> There's almost always something up with adb, udev rules, something <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> In the ubports installer that's likely but I could never find the logs on Mac <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Well I could tell you <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> If I had one <ubptgbot> <matv1> @UniversalSuperBox, it seemed more stable in the past. But maybe i as just lucky then. <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Basically. What it's doing doesn't change too much. <ubptgbot> <matv1> true <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> I'm not denying that it has problems. I had to run it with sudo pretty often to get it working <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> And we have a whole room dedicated to the thing <ubptgbot> <matv1> Having said that, we maybe ought to communicate a little more about the cli option when the installer fails. I was some time ago I used ubuntu device flash, and I really had to search to find the correct syntax, url and channels names <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> But that doesn't exist past Ubuntu 16.04 <ubptgbot> <dohbee> You don't need either to switch channels <ubptgbot> <matv1> say what? to both .. <ubptgbot> <matv1> just saying we might want to tell ppl about ubuntu-device-flash <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> ubuntu-device-flash was removed from Ubuntu in 17.04 <ubptgbot> <matv1> ahah <ubptgbot> <matv1> but one could still install manually <ubptgbot> <Sander Klootwijk> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/adi7OAAL.bin <ubptgbot> <Sander Klootwijk> @TartanSpartan, Here you go! #ubports 2018-04-22 <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> hmm looks like it isn't installing properlly on my parallels vm of ubuntu <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> tel <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> (Photo, 2560x1600) https://irc.ubports.com/aMovLrfR.png <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> looks like it just chills at waiting for the already-in-bootloader OPO <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Well it's in parallels <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> yeah I haven't a computer that I wish to install ubuntu on, as my main os is Arch usually <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> hmm maybe I can do this from a VM on the arch laptop <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> I'm just getting nowhere quick and it's a tad bit frustrating <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> There's lots of install expertise in @welcomeplus <ubptgbot> <S31BZ> perhaps I'lll boot an ubuntu usb on that laptop then <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> hello guys! does anyone have a problem creating a libertine container on nexus 5w <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> [Edit] hello guys! does anyone have a problem creating a libertine container on nexus 5? <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> ubuntu 15.04 dev <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/22 <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> Something like this? <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> Failure installing humanity-icon-theme during container creation <ubptgbot> <Ismaelbonato> @UniversalSuperBox, I don't think so <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> thnx <ubptgbot> <Mark Mullins> how do u set up dekko for gmail <ubptgbot> <amolith> @Mark Mullins, What are you having issues with? <ubptgbot> Asder_mko was added by: Asder_mko <ubptgbot> <TartanSpartan> Thanks @mateosalta & Sander! <ubptgbot> <C_Chat> Hello, does Libertine still work on a BQ E5 ? Wasn't able to do that, but I am sure it did work time ago. <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Hi @Asder_mko, welcome. See https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started <ubptgbot> vanyasem was added by: vanyasem <ubptgbot> <vanyasem> @UniversalSuperBox, Fix when <ubptgbot> <vanyasem> ?? <ubptgbot> <dohbee> Patches accepted <ubptgbot> <dohbee> @C_Chat, Should, but with 1GB RAM, probably not very reliably <ubptgbot> romman11 was added by: romman11 <ubptgbot> Денис was added by: Денис <ubptgbot> <Денис> Good evening! I installed Ubuntu Touch OS on my Nexus 5. I have a channel about Ubuntu Touch and Ubuntu OS.On the channel you will find news and interesting facts, as well as a guide to Ubuntu Touch. Please subscribe. … @ubuntu01 <ubptgbot> <aefg1> hi <ubptgbot> <aefg1> i thought this channel was for that🤔🤔 <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> Oh, cool! Somebody made ubuntu for phones! <ubptgbot> <advocatux> I think it's bad taste to say the least to appear in a channel, plug some junk, and leave. … In fact it smells like spam <ubptgbot> <UniversalSuperBox> He's still here <ubptgbot> <advocatux> Smells like spam still :) <ubptgbot> <YougoChats> Let’s look at the bright side. If he has a written guide that is any good, like catching the usual culprits that cause installs to fail, we could benefit. <ubptgbot> antonsmartphone was added by: antonsmartphone <ubptgbot> <amolith> @antonsmartphone, Welcome, @antonsmartphone! Check out ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get you started! Feel free to ask any questions you may have in here or in our Welcome & Install room! <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome @romman11!!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available. <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> The only way of seeing the Telegram and SMS received is deactivating calls received. <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> (Photo, 540x960) https://irc.ubports.com/XguqpOMF.png <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> (Photo, 540x960) https://irc.ubports.com/xQ0R7E0b.png <ubptgbot> <Gorsh2> @malditobastardo, I'll point you to ones you can buy here in Argentina, in the spanish group <ubptgbot> <Cesar_Herrera> [Edit] The only way of seeing the Telegram and SMS received is deactivating received calls. <ubptgbot> Omer035 was added by: Omer035 <ubptgbot> <Bolly> Welcome @Omer035 !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available. <ubptgbot> <Stereofont> @Mark Mullins, In your account, turn off two factor authentication for Dekko #ubports 2020-04-13 <UndrWater> figured it out. had to install stock OOS prior, probably to get standard partition sizes <UndrWater> installed, but running into OSK not showing in some areas. I think it's related to this: https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/1192 <gitbot> ubports issue 1192 in ubuntu-touch "Libertine apps don't show up keyboard on input field focus" [Closed] <UndrWater> not sure how to apply what's being shown there <CommunistWolf> hmm, trying to add "generic caldav" as an account just gives me a forever spinner
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-us-dc 2011-08-09 * ChinnoDog yawns <marcoceppi> http://i.imgur.com/XWZWb.png <marcoceppi> Busy in here :) * ChinnoDog yawns again <jbicha> ChinnoDog: hi <ChinnoDog> jbicha: hi! I was beginning to wonder if you were a real person. #ubuntu-us-dc 2011-08-10 <jbicha> yes, I'm real <ChinnoDog> maco: going to meeting this Saturday? #ubuntu-us-dc 2011-08-12 <ChinnoDog> http://www.dcfoodies.com/2011/07/dc-restaurant-week-summeraugust-2011.html <ChinnoDog> I need a dinner date. #ubuntu-us-dc 2012-08-08 <rustler770> Is anybody alive here? <ChinnoDog> I am alive. I just checked. #ubuntu-us-dc 2012-08-09 <rustler770> Still there? #ubuntu-us-dc 2019-08-06 <adom> Any devs in here? My company has some hot new positions open for devs and QA: https://sciencelogic.com/company/careers <adom> just be sure to put me down for referral ;) <adom> Adam Wright
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-bugs 2007-02-05 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83324 in hwdb-client (main) "hardware datatbase is requested but in wrong location" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83324 <pochu> coNP: what about the wesnoth meta package? ;) <Ubugtu> New bug: #83326 in gnome-keyring (main) "[apport] [feisty] gnome-keyring-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in strcmp()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83326 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83327 in Ubuntu "USB stick gets mounted as "USB Flash Disk Music Player"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83327 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83328 in xsane (main) "xsane crashes with hp scanjet 4070" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83328 <coNP> pochu: no time to do it now, I started it, I should finish it today (Monday) or tomorrow <Ubugtu> New bug: #83325 in Ubuntu "add support for software suspend with swap files" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83325 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83329 in gnome-cups-manager (main) "[apport] gnome-cups-manager crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83329 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83330 in network-manager (main) "network manager and network monitor applets on at the same time" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83330 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83331 in gpsdrive (universe) "[apport] gpsdrive crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83331 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83332 in ubiquity (main) "[apport] ubiquity crashed with AttributeError in on_back_clicked()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83332 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83333 in Ubuntu "Intel Network Card 82562V not recognized on Dell Dimension E520" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83333 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83334 in gnome-panel (main) "Number of workspaces number-field arrow buttons dont work." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83334 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83335 in vlc (universe) "Crashes when changing from one visualisationmode to another" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83335 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83336 in adept (main) "[Feisty Kubuntu] Adept-manager crashes on Fetch Updates wizard" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83336 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83337 in update-manager (main) "[apport] update-manager crashed with SystemError in open()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83337 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83338 in network-manager (main) "When returning from hibernate/suspend network manager fails to connect to a wireless network" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83338 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83339 in xorg (main) "opengl over remote X (over ssh) crashes X" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83339 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83340 in pyflakes (universe) "[apport] pyflakes crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83340 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83341 in firefox (main) "Everytime on http://centrum.cz in e-mail web "clinent" Firefox crash..." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83341 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83343 in linux-source-2.6.12 (main) "Kernel don't boot in ppc oldworld Performa 6400." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83343 <Nafallo> 2.6.12 :-O <crimsun> still supported through April [which can't come soon enough] <pochu> I was also thinking wether we should reject it or not <pochu> hehe <pochu> but if it's supported till april... <pochu> :) <Nafallo> sure. but like.. who finds a new bug NOW :-P <ajmitch> people are still filing bugs against warty <Ubugtu> New bug: #83345 in Ubuntu "Kubuntu Feisty Herd 3 live CD will not load" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83345 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83346 in quik (universe) "Kernel 2.6.12, 2.6.15 and 2.6.17 don't boot in quik." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83346 <pochu> against warty... LoL! <pochu> and hoary? <pochu> hoary was the first release, right? <pochu> I use ubuntu since breezy :) <ajmitch> warty was first <Adri2000> warty hoary breezy dapper edgy feisty <Nafallo> and I was here all the time :-) <Ubugtu> New bug: #83348 in gnome-app-install (main) "Need more applications" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83348 <pochu> lol <pochu> more apps? :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #83352 in muse (universe) "muse crashes on start up" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83352 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83353 in Ubuntu "static network configuration misses parameter" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83353 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83354 in gaim (main) "Gaim Crashed After Topic Change in Jabber Room" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83354 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83355 in compiz (universe) "compiz has no man page" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83355 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83356 in gaim (main) "gaim crashes on ubuntu w/tcl plugin example" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83356 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83358 in firefox (main) "Didn't download from personal web page" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83358 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83361 in Ubuntu "Beryl Crash at startup" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83361 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83363 in Ubuntu "Crash on Boot" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83363 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83366 in gutenprint (main) "Gutenprint can't print in Feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83366 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83367 in Ubuntu "6.10 alternate CD has incorrect server/cli prompts" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83367 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83368 in Ubuntu "upgrade to 6.10 fails with page fetch failure" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83368 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83371 in ubiquity (main) "Installer Crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83371 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83373 in gnome-system-tools (main) "[users-admin] new user gets group of user added just before" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83373 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83374 in bluez-gnome (main) "[feisty] bluetooth applet reports device is off when turned on" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83374 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83377 in gnome-system-tools (main) "[users-admin] cannot set random password" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83377 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83379 in gaim (main) "problem report for gaim" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83379 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83380 in Ubuntu "Error while starting E-Gnome" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83380 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83381 in banshee (universe) "Please sync banshee 0.11.6+dfsg-1 from debian/experimental (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83381 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83382 in gcc-defaults (main) "Probleme with last gcc" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83382 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83384 in sun-java6 (multiverse) "RFE: JConsole should have a menu entry" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83384 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83385 in rhythmbox (main) "Rhythmbox centers Songtitle and Artists" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83385 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83387 in slab (universe) "[feisty] gnome-main-menu start a not working control-center" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83387 <Kagou> hi <Ubugtu> New bug: #83389 in htdig (universe) "weekly cron job fails" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83389 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83391 in emerald-themes (universe) "emerald window decorations not working" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83391 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83392 in network-manager (main) "cannot be started manually" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83392 <pochu> hey guys! do you think bug 80946 is really a bug? I think not <Ubugtu> Malone bug 80946 in desktop-effects "desktop effect's icon looks ugly" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80946 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83393 in beryl-settings (universe) "[apport] beryl-settings crashed with AttributeError in MakeBackendWidgets()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83393 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83394 in evince (main) "Impossible to print beyond the 13. first pages" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83394 <gnomefreak> pochu: when rejecting beryl bugs make sure you tell them beryl-core is not in ubuntu yet. everything for beryl is in ubuntu except -core. last i heard it failed to build but that was a while ago. this will stop any confusing if they apt-cache policy beryl <gnomefreak> or beryl-manager <Ubugtu> New bug: #83395 in python-defaults (main) "[apport] python crashed with SIGSEGV in PyModule_GetDict()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83395 <pochu> gnomefreak: ok, sorry <pochu> gnomefreak: do you think bug 80946 is really a bug? I think not <Ubugtu> Malone bug 80946 in desktop-effects "desktop effect's icon looks ugly" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80946 <gnomefreak> no its cool im just trying to help you :) <pochu> gnomefreak: thanks :) <pochu> I wanna learn :) <pochu> !info beryl-manager <ubotu> Package beryl-manager does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas <pochu> !info beryl-manager feisty <ubotu> beryl-manager: Tray application launcher tool for Beryl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.2-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 37 kB, installed size 352 kB <gnomefreak> its only -core that failed to build <pochu> gnomefreak: beryl-manager isn't an applet to activate beryl? somethink like desktop-effects? <pochu> emilio@kiko:~$ aptitude search beryl <pochu> p beryl-manager - Tray application launcher tool for Beryl <pochu> emilio@kiko:~$ <gnomefreak> pochu: you run beryl-manager (runs beryl) <pochu> then we don't have beryl itself :) <gnomefreak> correct you need beryl-core to use beryl but if they check that beryl-manager is in repos they will see it is <gnomefreak> pochu: i just marked that as a wishlist bug. i wasnt sure if you could or not <pochu> gnomefreak: I can't. Not a member of ubuntuqa <pochu> thanks <pochu> gnomefreak: do I ask the user to make a new icon, or to search somebody who does it? <pochu> I personally likes the actual one :) <pochu> so I don't know why it's a bug ;) <gnomefreak> you would talk to seb128 i believe <pochu> ok, thanks :) <seb128> that's a wishlist bug <gnomefreak> pochu: the icon is fine its just "he" doesnt like it <seb128> for human-icon-theme probably <seb128> a "please made an human variant of desktop-effects icon" <seb128> s/made/make <seb128> no <gnomefreak> yep i marked it as wishlist <pochu> seb128: then do I change the package? <seb128> the icon matches the fedora icon theme <pochu> to the icon theme? <seb128> pochu: yep <pochu> ok :) <seb128> gnomefreak: that's not only that he doesn't like it, it's that it's not following the same style so it breaks the consistency <pochu> done, and unassigned <seb128> thank you <pochu> np :) <gnomefreak> k <gnomefreak> is someone editing it? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83396 in amarok (main) "Amarok doesn't use transparency for OSD when available" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83396 <gnomefreak> seb128: btw is there a package for general locals to be used to assign to bugs? i have a bug where only english is used but upstream has all the norma; languages <seb128> I don't understand the question <seb128> is that a main package were translations are stripped at build and shipped with language pack? <gnomefreak> seb128: bug 48714 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 48714 in firefox ""Getting started" and "Latest Headlines" not localized." [Medium,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48714 <seb128> gnomefreak: no idea about firefox, they don't use gettext, etc <gnomefreak> oh <gnomefreak> upstream works ubuntus doesnt so i figured it was something we did and we dont have a ff developer yet <pochu> gnomefreak: what about the new ubuntu developer? <pochu> that who is going to mantain all mozilla related things... <gnomefreak> last i heard he hasnt started <coNP> hey seb128, I have seen you marked bug 80622 as a duplicate <Ubugtu> Malone bug 80622 in gnome-system-tools "[Feisty] network-admin forgets static in interfaces" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80622 <seb128> o <seb128> no <coNP> do you agree this is a serious bug <seb128> I've marked a bug dup of that one <seb128> no <coNP> no, I am wrong, you marked another one <Ubugtu> New bug: #83398 in totem (main) "Totem crashes after video finishes on full screen" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83398 <seb128> I don't know if that happens to everybody, etc <seb128> so I agree to nothing about it for now <coNP> okay, thanks <seb128> np <seb128> it should be looked at by somebody though <seb128> you are welcome to do that if you want ;) <coNP> I though I was looking after it <coNP> thought* <pochu> hey coNP! :) <coNP> hey pochu <coNP> seb128: do you think I should try to fix this bug or should I do further investigation? <seb128> any work on it is welcome <seb128> if you feel like fixing it you are welcome <seb128> if you do further investigation you are welcome ;) <seb128> I'll probably look at it before feisty <seb128> I've hundred of bugs to look at though <seb128> so if somebody else give a hand it'll be fixed faster probably ;) <coNP> okay, I try to fix it, better for both of us, I guess <Ubugtu> New bug: #83399 in compiz (universe) "compiz doesn't minimize full-screen windows" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83399 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83400 in Ubuntu "chm applications in different submenus" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83400 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83401 in gnome-system-tools (main) "when a new group is added using addgroup, and this group is listed in a profile, all users of that profile should be added to the new group" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83401 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83402 in quodlibet (universe) "[apport] quodlibet cannot find module mutagen.mp3" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83402 <pochu> !info language-selector feisty <ubotu> language-selector: Language selector for ubuntu linux. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.5 (feisty), package size 18 kB, installed size 128 kB <pochu> !info language-selector edgy <ubotu> language-selector: Language selector for ubuntu linux. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.30 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 124 kB <pochu> !info language-selector dapper <ubotu> language-selector: Language selector for ubuntu linux. In component main, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 16 kB, installed size 120 kB <coNP> !info pochu <ubotu> Package pochu does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas <pochu> :) <coNP> :) <pochu> coNP: are you running Dapper? <pochu> edgy-seveas? <pochu> :) <coNP> pochu: feisty <coNP> and have some dapper & edgy vmware images <pochu> :) <coNP> and machines elsewhere <pochu> coNP: bug 48465 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 48465 in Ubuntu "Meta packages should not depend on any app that appears in the application menu" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48465 <pochu> sorry <pochu> not that <pochu> Bug #66346 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 66346 in language-selector "dependency problem" [Medium,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66346 <coNP> But mostly servers, not really suited for bug testing <pochu> that one <pochu> coNP: looks quite easy to solve <pochu> coNP: the problem is that it's in dapper <pochu> and to upload a package to dapper we should ask something :) <pochu> an sru or something <coNP> you mean somebody? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83403 in ubiquity (main) "installer crashed @about 90% through" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83403 <Hobbsee> !sru <ubotu> Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates for main and restricted, while https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/SRU is for universe and multiverse. <pochu> Hobbsee: do you think that for bug 66346 we just need to change the dependency to <Ubugtu> Malone bug 66346 in language-selector "dependency problem" [Medium,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66346 <pochu> !info libidn11 dapper <Hobbsee> pochu: i would think that's fixed with a rebuild. what do the build deps say? <ubotu> libidn11: GNU libidn library, implementation of IETF IDN specifications. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.18-1 (dapper), package size 101 kB, installed size 304 kB <pochu> !info libidn11 breezy <ubotu> libidn11: GNU libidn library, implementation of IETF IDN specifications. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.13-1.0 (breezy), package size 98 kB, installed size 300 kB <pochu> when will breezy support finish? :) <Hobbsee> pochu: april or something... <Hobbsee> iirc <pochu> Hobbsee: don't know about the build-deps of language-selector. I don't have a dapper machine near me * pochu needs a vm :) <Hobbsee> pochu: or a chroot. <pochu> :) <pochu> does any of you have a breezy system?! :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #83404 in update-manager (main) "[apport] update-manager crashed with IOError in download()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83404 <Hobbsee> pochu: i doubt you'd find anywone <pochu> :) <pochu> bug 46311. I think he is using Breezy, as the packages are going to be installed are from Breezy. However, the version he needs are from dapper, so I don't need what to do <Ubugtu> Malone bug 46311 in kmobiletools "Problems in installing kmobiletools" [Medium,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46311 <pochu> what do you think? <pochu> !info mozilla-browser breezy :) <ubotu> mozilla-browser: The Mozilla Internet application suite - core and browser. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.7.13-0ubuntu5.10.2 (breezy), package size 8977 kB, installed size 27912 kB <pochu> why some package have a version number like X:version? <Hobbsee> pochu: it's an epoch. debian maintainers guide will tell you why <pochu> Hobbsee: thanks! <Hobbsee> pochu: i'd ask them to paste their /etc/apt/sources.list, and say which release they're using <Ubugtu> New bug: #83405 in Ubuntu "Impossible to burn about is the software (bug in cdrecord)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83405 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83406 in os-prober (main) "os-prober unmounts partitions unnecessarily (linux-boot-prober)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83406 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83407 in gnome-panel (main) "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83407 <Hobbsee> pochu: that's not a bug <pochu> Hobbsee: which one? <Hobbsee> pochu: 66346 <Hobbsee> pochu: it's just a late mirror, for some reason <Hobbsee> oh, unless it failed to build <Hobbsee> which it hasnt <Hobbsee> pochu: you can reject that as a mirror problem - ask to reopen the bug if it still exists <pochu> Hobbsee: ok, thanks :) <Hobbsee> oh, even better. it's a dupe * Hobbsee marks as such, and fix releases the first one. <Ubugtu> New bug: #83409 in Ubuntu "kernel 2.6.20-5 cause problem with the wifi on a Compaq nc6320 laptop" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83409 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83411 in Ubuntu "It doesn't print" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83411 <pochu> lol <pochu> bug 83409: edgy user with feisty kernel. I should close the bug, right? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 83409 in Ubuntu "kernel 2.6.20-5 cause problem with the wifi on a Compaq nc6320 laptop" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83409 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83408 in Ubuntu "Orca Feature vs MS Orca ?" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83408 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83410 in usplash (main) "removing usplash themes should run "dpkg-reconfigure usplash"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83410 <pochu> what do you think about Bug #80417? I think I can fix it, but means a merge from debian, I think <Ubugtu> Malone bug 80417 in xserver-xorg-video-i810-modesetting "i810 modesetting driver can't be installed concurrently with ubuntu-desktop" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80417 <Nafallo> I would give it to mjg59 :-) <pochu> Nafallo: who is mjg59? <Nafallo> Matthew Garrett <pochu> Nafallo, ok :) <pochu> Nafallo: done <Ubugtu> New bug: #83412 in Ubuntu "shmt09 test in LTP fails for Feisty herd 3 on T1000" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83412 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83413 in briquolo (universe) "[apport] briquolo crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83413 <cypher1> pochu, man usplash.. and you will find him :) <pochu> :) <pochu> I see <pochu> he is the laptop team leader <Nafallo> and the one who introduced the package in question (modesetting). <pochu> so i810--->intel graphics for most of the time laptops ---> so Matthew <pochu> Nafallo: oh, didn't know :) <Nafallo> i810 should be the X team <Nafallo> i810-modesetting should be mjg59 :-) <pochu> :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #83415 in gnome-app-install (main) "[apport] gnome-app-install crashed with TypeError in __init__()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83415 <Hobbsee> pochu: FYI, the archive admins tend to hang out in -devel. also, the guy's a MOTU. <pochu> Hobsee: didn't know :) as that package was in universe <pochu> I thought he was asking for a new upload :) <pochu> my mistake :) <Hobbsee> nope :) <pochu> Hobsee: FYI? what's that? :) <coNP> pochu: for your information <pochu> :) <pochu> ty :) <coNP> yw :) <Nafallo> the bug is in xserver-xorg-video-all I think :-) <Nafallo> it should grow an alternative depend on the modesetting one... <Nafallo> Hobbsee: what do you think about that? :-) <pochu> Nafallo: that's an option: make depends on "i810 | i810-modesetting" <Nafallo> AFAIK, that's /the/ option :-) <pochu> :) <Nafallo> I'll poke that bug about it if there's no objections :-) <Hobbsee> Nafallo: is the modesetting branch out of beta now? i believe it's in 7.2, whenever that actually releases <pochu> Nafallo: please do it :) <Hobbsee> !info xserver-xorg-video-all feisty <ubotu> xserver-xorg-video-all: the X.Org X server -- output driver metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.1.1ubuntu7 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 44 kB <pochu> 7.2 isn't out <pochu> :( <Hobbsee> !info xserver-xorg-video-i810-modesetting feisty <ubotu> xserver-xorg-video-i810-modesetting: X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver (modesetting). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.5.git20061014.ac1-1ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 153 kB, installed size 420 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm hppa hurd-i386 i386 ia64 kfreebsd-i386 m68k mips mipsel netbsd-i386 powerpc) <Nafallo> Hobbsee: I would think it's still in beta, but that shouldn't stop people from trying it out on there Ubuntu? :-) <Hobbsee> you cant. <Nafallo> ah. dooh. <Hobbsee> -video-all is in main. -i810-modesetting is in universe <Nafallo> so Matthew is a good assigne then :-) <Hobbsee> Nafallo: this is people's X you're messing with. no. just no. <Nafallo> Hobbsee: totem is in main and deps totem-gstreamer | totem-xine :-) <Hobbsee> besides, you shouldnt assign a dev, just subscribe them, or the team they're on <Hobbsee> unless they ask you to <Nafallo> oh. <Hobbsee> Nafallo: you'rea MOTU, arent you? <pochu> Nafallo's fault :) <Nafallo> ah. he's already subbed :-) <pochu> hehe <pochu> :) <Hobbsee> yes, i would have expected so... <Nafallo> Hobbsee: yep. and I've always assigned bugs to correct people when doing it :-) <Hobbsee> Nafallo: right. <Hobbsee> hrm. depends how you use the assigning <pochu> Nafallo: are you going to comment the bug? :) <Hobbsee> Nafallo: totem-xine is part of totem in main, so that's allowed. <pochu> with the alternative deps " | " :) <Hobbsee> ish <Nafallo> !info totem-xine <ubotu> totem-xine: A simple media player for the Gnome desktop based on xine. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.16.2-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 1076 kB, installed size 5888 kB <Ubugtu> New bug: #83416 in gnome-cups-manager (main) "[apport] gnome-cups-manager crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83416 <Hobbsee> actually, i think it's still a bug anyway, but as it's the second alternative, it hasnt been picked up on. <Nafallo> Hobbsee: no. universe. built from totem source in main though. <Hobbsee> Nafallo: which is what i said, yeah :) <pochu> Hobbsee: but if you make a depend on i810 | i810-modesetting, you always have i810 in main, so there shouldn't be a problem with i810 being in universe <Hobbsee> pochu: *shrugs* <Hobbsee> in any case, it's moot until 7.2 comes out. <Nafallo> pochu: that was my point yes :-) <pochu> :) <pochu> Hobbsee: shrugs? <Nafallo> Hobbsee: indeed :-) <Hobbsee> unless i810 drops otu fo main too <Nafallo> Hobbsee: it's still the first depend... * pochu 's english is really poor :( <Hobbsee> pochu: um...dont worry <Nafallo> alternative would kick in of people install modesetting or i810 isn't avalible :-) <pochu> don't know what that means :) <Hobbsee> :) <Nafallo> and since feisty will have universe and multiverse by default... ;-) <Hobbsee> Nafallo: says who? <pochu> Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <pochu> <pochu> <pochu> <pochu> <pochu> <pochu> <pochu> <pochu> <pochu> <coNP> pochu: is everything fine? :) <pochu> flag <Hobbsee> pochu: wake up! <pochu> <pochu> <Nafallo> Hobbsee: the spec I've read the other day where mvo said he'd implemented that :-) <pochu> <pochu> bookmark <pochu> <Hobbsee> Nafallo: ahh right. <pochu> <pochu> [Technorati] <pochu> search <pochu> <Hobbsee> Nafallo: which hasnt been posted to devel-announce yet <pochu> <pochu> <pochu> <pochu> <pochu> * Hobbsee can do absolutely nothing. <pochu> <pochu> compiz (1:0.3.6-1ubuntu3) <pochu> lol <pochu> sorry :( <pochu> :) <pochu> hehe <seb128> hum <Nafallo> some bot needs to grow ability to op itself and kick spammers :-P <Hobbsee> Nafallo: i dont have ops in here. <pochu> :) <seb128> pochu: got things under control? <pochu> a liferea problem... * Hobbsee can do absolutely nothing in here, -motu, or meeting, because they didnt feel like giving out any ops in those channels. * coNP files a bug against pochu <Nafallo> Hobbsee: noticed :-) <pochu> wanted to copy 2 lines :( <pochu> :) <pochu> !info pochu feisty :) <ubotu> Package pochu does not exist in feisty <Hobbsee> and if Seveas hadnt noticed, he's not around 24/7 to fix things. <pochu> [Seveas] inactivo 00:26:45, entr: Mon Feb 5 09:14:28 <Seveas> !find pochu dapper <ubotu> Package/file pochu does not exist in dapper <pochu> :) <coNP> no long time support, pochu :( <pochu> I'm thinking in make an app called pochu <pochu> but I should first learn any programming language :) <pochu> hehe <coNP> invent the any programming language <coNP> and write a compiler, called pochu <pochu> that would be fine! :) <pochu> ur I can create pochubuntu :) <pochu> hehe <pochu> or* :) <pochu> Nafallo: I've seen you have unassigned the bug ;) <pochu> coNP: it's long term, no time ;) <Nafallo> pochu: yea. he should see it anyway :-) <pochu> sure :) <coNP> sorry, my fault <pochu> coNP: no fault :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #83419 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "bluetooth not working on X72IA6 laptop" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83419 <sfllaw> Morning all. <coNP> hey sfllaw <Ubugtu> New bug: #83420 in Ubuntu "Feisty herd 3 doesn't boot from Live CD" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83420 <gnomefreak> morning af <gnomefreak> morning sfllaw andmv <gnomefreak> morning mvo_ <zul> hey sfllaw <Ubugtu> New bug: #83421 in gnome-system-tools (main) "network-admin crashes (segfaults) on starting" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83421 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83423 in nfs-utils (main) "NFSv4/krb5 - auxiliary groups are ignored" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83423 <mvo_> hey gnomefreak <Ubugtu> New bug: #83424 in gnome-network (universe) "Edgy Eft won't display list of available wireless networks" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83424 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83425 in Ubuntu "Proxies settings still present when removed ..." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83425 <bddebian> Boo <Ubugtu> New bug: #83427 in Ubuntu "7.04 Herd 3 resolution 640 x 480 at install" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83427 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83428 in vlc (universe) "VLC crashes when playing full HD over RTP" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83428 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83429 in compiz (universe) "[apport] compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83429 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83430 in file (main) "sync request" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83430 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83431 in Ubuntu "desktop launcher rename" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83431 <davmor2> bug 83324 this bug has been partially resolved now in that hardware database item has been added to app>system tools but I still think that the item needs to go in control center alongside hardware information. <Ubugtu> Malone bug 83324 in hwdb-client "hardware datatbase is requested but in wrong location" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83324 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83432 in evolution (main) "[apport] evolution crashed with SIGSEGV in ORBit_small_get_servant()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83432 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83433 in j2se1.4-amd64 (multiverse) "Azureus crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83433 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83435 in nfs-utils (main) "please sync nfs-utils (main) from Debian experimental" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83435 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83436 in amarok (main) "[apport] amarokapp crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83436 <pochu> Nafallo, ping :) <Nafallo> ping <Nafallo> pong <Nafallo> wtf <Nafallo> damn keyboard <pochu> Nafallo :) <pochu> Nafallo: Matthew says he hasn't imported the i810-modesetting from debian, it was done automatically <pochu> so he's not going to fix the bug <Nafallo> :-P <pochu> Nafallo: what do you think is the best way: change the deps of video-all or change the dependencies in modesetting? <pochu> but I think if we choose to change the deps of -all, we will also need to change the deps of -810-modesetting <pochu> but I don't know if this is a good option, as it is a merge from debian <pochu> let's ask it in #ubuntu-motu :) <pochu> Nafallo: you are a motu hehe <Nafallo> I know ;-) <pochu> Nafallo: so what do you think? :) <Nafallo> pochu: not to do anything about it since we are up-to-date with Debian :-) <pochu> :) <pochu> Nafallo: open a bug in debian is a good idea? <Nafallo> if you can confirm the bug on Debian it might be... <pochu> I can't :( <pochu> hehe <pochu> hey co-NP! <pochu> gnomefreak: hi <pochu> gnomefreak: do you think it's possible to have sunbird on the repos? <pochu> I will propose it on the meeting tonight <pochu> if I have time <pochu> because one hour before I have a local meeting :) <gnomefreak> i cant do anything right now put it on agenda or wait about an hour see if i cant get an answer <Nafallo> what meeting? <gnomefreak> Nafallo: ubuntu-mozillateam meeting <Ubugtu> New bug: #83438 in Ubuntu "No Progress bar on bootsplash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83438 <Nafallo> hehe. I didn't know about that theme ;-) <Nafallo> nor did I know about the team <Nafallo> :-P <pochu> :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #83437 in eog (main) "[apport] eog crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83437 <pochu> Nafallo: did you know about the scribesteam? <pochu> :) <pochu> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScribesTeam <pochu> XD <Nafallo> oh my <gnomefreak> pochu: asac > not yet ... sunbird is not getting released from stable mozilla branches ... so not maintainable (e.g. security/stability updates) <pochu> gnomefreak: maybe in universe :) <pochu> gnomefreak: debian has it :) <gnomefreak> no we cant im talking to the mozilla maintainer for ubuntu <pochu> gnomefreak: bug 75494 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 75494 in Ubuntu "Include mozilla sunbird on Feisty repositories" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75494 <pochu> gnomefreak: ok ;) <pochu> thanks anyway <gnomefreak> hes looking at it but he will decline it and give a reason <pochu> gnomefreak: let's hope a good reason :) <gnomefreak> very good reason i gave it to you above that he gave me <pochu> gnomefreak: it is :) <bdmurray> sfllaw: ping <Ubugtu> New bug: #83440 in Ubuntu "OpenOffice.org 2.0.4 crashes when launching Bibliography Database tool" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83440 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83443 in service-discovery-applet (universe) "[apport] service-discovery-applet crashed with AttributeError in gc_services_cb()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83443 <bdmurray> In the event that a bug becomes fixed between Herd releases what is the proper way to close the bug? Rejected or Fix Released (if the root cause of the fix is unknown)? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83444 in axel (universe) "[apport] axel crashed with SIGSEGV in pthread_cancel()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83444 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83445 in gnome-panel (main) "gnome-panel crashes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83445 <seb128> bdmurray: what do you mean? <seb128> bdmurray: if the bug is fixed "Fix Released" is correct <seb128> if the bug has not been fixed keep it open <lemsx1> hey guys, i opened #83446 which is already fixed in tzdata on Debian unstable <lemsx1> the importance of this bug should be set to "high" <seb128> lemsx1: tzdata has been synced this morning on Debian I think <seb128> lemsx1: which would mean the bug should be closed <lemsx1> seb128: that's good news <seb128> bug #83446 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 83446 in tzdata "Daylight Saving changes in the United States, Canada, and Bermuda" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83446 <lemsx1> seb128: good. that means people won't open duplicate bugs now <seb128> not sure <lemsx1> seb128: when would this package be available ? <seb128> people tend to open duplicates or bug for things already fixed <seb128> let me look <seb128> might be already available <seb128> yep <seb128> 2007a-3ubuntu1 0 <seb128> 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main Packages <seb128> on feisty <bdmurray> seb128: it is bug 77850. In this case there wasn't a specific fix released but the problem doesn't occur with Herd 3. <Ubugtu> Malone bug 77850 in Ubuntu "Random White-Out after a few minutes of use (Feisty Herd 1)" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77850 <lemsx1> seb128: ok, the same should be applied to Dapper/Edgy though. right? <seb128> bdmurray: marking it Fix Released if you think it has been fixed by the distro, otherwise mark it Rejected, that doesn't make a real difference <seb128> lemsx1: probably yep <lemsx1> seb128: thanks <seb128> lemsx1: np, thank you for pointing it ;) <Ubugtu> New bug: #83446 in tzdata (main) "Daylight Saving changes in the United States, Canada, and Bermuda" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83446 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83448 in vlc (universe) "VLC crash while playing audio cd" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83448 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83449 in beryl-settings (universe) "[apport] beryl-settings crashed with UnboundLocalError in statePopup()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83449 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83452 in xen-source (universe) "Cant install xen-headers on amd64" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83452 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83451 in xfdesktop4 (main) "Xfdesktop crashed after i turned on and off the 'allow xfce to manage' option in desktop settings" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83451 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83454 in amarok (main) "amarok 1.4.5 will not build collection" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83454 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83455 in hotkeys (universe) "multimedia keys don't work anymore with kernel 2.6.20-6-generic" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83455 <gnomefreak> stop being lazy and build your own collection ;) <Ubugtu> New bug: #83456 in knetworkmanager (main) "wpa psk key not updated in kwallet after changing it" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83456 <pochu> no bugs! :) <sfllaw> bdmurray: Pong. <Ubugtu> New bug: #83457 in python2.5 (main) "python2.5-minimal_2.5ubutnu5 fails to install in Feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83457 <bdmurray> sfllaw: I was curious about what status to assign a bug that had been magically fixed. seb answered it a bit though <sfllaw> bdmurray: Ah, sorry, I was out to lunch. <bdmurray> sfllaw: no problem <Ubugtu> New bug: #83458 in gnome-app-install (main) "feisty amd64 update of gnome-app-install package from 0.3.13 to 0.3.15 fails" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83458 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83459 in ubiquity (main) "Xubuntu Installer crashed at 78%" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83459 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83460 in ubiquity (main) "Installer crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83460 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83461 in perl (main) "pack does not support Q, but perl supports 64 bit scalars" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83461 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83462 in Ubuntu "Sync Deluge 0.4.1 into Feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83462 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83463 in rhythmbox (main) "Pressing remote too often/quickly causes segfault" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83463 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83464 in Ubuntu "mailcap file /etc/mailcap line 125 incomplete entry ignored." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83464 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83465 in ubiquity (main) "manual partitioner hard to set partition size" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83465 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83466 in network-manager (main) "network-manager does not detect network" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83466 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83467 in beagle (main) "/var/crash/_usr_bin_beagled.1000.crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83467 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83469 in netkit-rsh (universe) "Use of PAM and nologin check is redundant" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83469 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83470 in Ubuntu "Hardware virtualization problems" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83470 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83468 in avahi (main) "Avahi behaves badly where there is a unicast .local-domain." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83468 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83471 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "PCMCIA hard disk drive not detected" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83471 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83472 in Ubuntu "Adept crashes after hibernate" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83472 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83473 in ubiquity (main) "Installer crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83473 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83474 in evolution-exchange (main) "Exchange plugin becomes deselected at each restart of Evolution." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83474 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83475 in wine (universe) "On Feisty Linux, Wine is very slow at starting up" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83475 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83476 in bos (universe) "Invasion BOS2 is out" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83476 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83477 in stratagus (universe) "Stratagus 2.2.2 in Universe" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83477 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83478 in Ubuntu "gnome closes after glxgears maximize and restore" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83478 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83479 in ndiswrapper (main) "new ndiswrapper version for feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83479 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83480 in python-fuse (universe) "Python-fuse doesn't work" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83480 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83481 in Ubuntu "phoenix bios F.17 +update F.27 boot and stability issue linux-image-2.6.17-10-generic" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83481 <TheMuso> c <cowbud> d <Burgwork> e <Admiral_Chicago> f <Nafallo> lol <Ubugtu> New bug: #83483 in firefox (main) "[feisty] Unable to install an extension" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83483 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83484 in bluez-utils (main) "Bluetooth dongle ("Logitech diNovo Laser") not found by bluez, runs as USB-Hub" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83484 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83485 in rhythmbox (main) "Visualisation in rhythmbox suspends the currnt song" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83485 <Nafallo> Burgwork: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMemberHowto <-- is that the correct one for new members? :-) <Burgwork> for ubuntu ones, yes <Nafallo> Burgwork: nice. I actually asked the correct person. thanks dude :-). <Ubugtu> New bug: #83486 in boa-constructor (universe) "please sync boa-constructor (0.4.4cvs20050714-4) from unstable/main to universe" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83486 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83487 in console-setup (main) "keymaps missing" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83487 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83489 in xserver-xgl (universe) "emerald xgl - doesn't work despite the careful installation " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83489 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83490 in Ubuntu "Shell variable is not expaned" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83490 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83491 in nautilus (main) "Shortcut Ctrl-C not working in Nautilus treeview" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83491 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83492 in usplash-theme-ubuntu (main) ""Artifacts" in the progress bar." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83492 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83493 in mplayer (multiverse) "PulseAudio ao driver" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83493 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83494 in gnome-utils (main) "Printscreen does not work when menu visible" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83494 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83495 in evolution (main) "[apport] evolution-alarm-notify crashed with SIGSEGV in g_hash_table_lookup()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83495 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83496 in rhythmbox (main) "rythmbox crashes randomly while listening to music stored on iPod" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83496 #ubuntu-bugs 2007-02-06 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83497 in Ubuntu "Firefox plugin installer crashes- 7.04 Herd 3" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83497 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83498 in quicksynergy (universe) "Quicksynergy should minimize to Notification Area" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83498 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83499 in Ubuntu "Beryl-XGL crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83499 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83500 in evolution (main) "evolution expanding exchange aliases." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83500 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83501 in gnome-session (main) "X session lasts less than 10 seconds" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83501 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83502 in Ubuntu "beryl crashes on start up" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83502 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83504 in linux-meta (main) "Apple IR not working anymore" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83504 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83505 in postgresql-8.1 (main) "Breakage in Feb 5 security update" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83505 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83506 in penguintv (universe) "No way to check / fix broken RSS feed URLs" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83506 <yuriy> hi what would be the next step for bug 82455 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 82455 in synce-kde "synce broken after kde 3.5.6 upgrade" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82455 <Hobbsee> yuriy: i can rebuild here <Hobbsee> yuriy: rebuild <Hobbsee> -d + t <Ubugtu> New bug: #83507 in zabbix (universe) "please sync zabbix (1:1.1.4-8) from unstable/main to universe" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83507 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83508 in zabbix (universe) "Buffer overflow in ZABBIX before 1.1.5 has unknown impact and attack vectors related to "SNMP IP addresses."" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83508 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83509 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "Z61t snd_intel_hda dosen't play after resume, and consequent reboots" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83509 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83510 in Ubuntu "Creative Live Pro Webcam isn't recognized" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83510 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83511 in Ubuntu "Ultrabay hotplug not working on z61t" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83511 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83512 in Ubuntu "Regression: kernel loads pcspkr module even when blacklisted" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83512 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83514 in Ubuntu "A bunch of hardware problems that used to work in Herd 2 of Ubuntu 7.04" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83514 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83515 in amarok (main) "amarok 1.4.5 package is not compiled with ipod support" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83515 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83516 in gnome-app-install (main) "gnome-app-install dependency in Feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83516 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83517 in egroupware (universe) "Wishlist: Include eGroupWare 1.4 in Feisty, if stable enough" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83517 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83518 in mythplugins (multiverse) "Unable to initialize plugin 'mythvideo'." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83518 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83519 in postgresql-8.1 (main) "postgresql update breaks check constraints" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83519 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83520 in kde-systemsettings (main) "[Feisty] Kubuntu System Settings has improperly formatted text" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83520 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83521 in avahi (main) "feisty avahi-autoipd fails on fopen()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83521 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83522 in synaptic (main) "synaptic ankward proxy support" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83522 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83524 in libgalago-gtk (universe) "[Sync Request] libgalago-gtk 0.5.0-1" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83524 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83525 in xubuntu-docs (main) "Listed location of "Terminal" is incorrect" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83525 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83526 in anjuta (universe) "Wrong version of anjuta in feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83526 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83527 in gnome-mount (main) "Inconsistant Mount Points" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83527 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83528 in lilypond (universe) "Crash on pdf creation in Ubuntu 6.10" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83528 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83529 in Ubuntu "Image shift when redrawing" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83529 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83530 in rhythmbox "rhythmbox crashes when updating some podcast feeds" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83530 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83531 in Ubuntu "CD ROM check menu item of boot loader boots to system instead of checking CD (Kubuntu Feisty Herd 3 AMD64) " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83531 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83532 in java-package (multiverse) "Scripts for making a .deb don't support newest release of IBM Java on (at least) Dapper PPC." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83532 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83533 in Ubuntu "Beryl-xgl crashes on start after last automatic update" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83533 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83534 in gnupg (main) "gnupg doesn't show a success message after I uploaded a key to a keyserver" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83534 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83536 in Ubuntu "X.org crashes when scrolling in Firefox" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83536 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83537 in Ubuntu "beryl crashes on start-up" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83537 <dholbach> good morning <cowbud> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/82335 I might be blind but is there a reason why I can't confirm this bug? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 82335 in network-manager "network-manager should not set offline mode when it manages no device" [High,Unconfirmed] <cowbud> yes thank you ubugtu <cowbud> did the rules change with confirming bugs or what? <cowbud> ? <cowbud> moo <Ubugtu> New bug: #83538 in kdevelop (universe) "file is refreshed automatically when changed on disk" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83538 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83539 in kqemu (multiverse) "Update to GPL'ed 1.3pre10" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83539 <cowbud> anyone awake? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83540 in Ubuntu "Fan overheat on notebook A2 with AMD athlon 64 and feisty i386" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83540 <dholbach> hey mvo <mvo> hey dholbach! <mvo> you had a good weekend? <dholbach> yeah absolutely - thanks :) <mvo> ! <Ubugtu> New bug: #83541 in compiz (universe) "Compiz just kills X session" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83541 <elmargol> hi I can't start network-manager on eggy :( <elmargol> sorry network-admin <seb128> elmargol: "can't start" is not enough details to get a reply <elmargol> i upload the backtrace <elmargol> seb128: http://rafb.net/p/wMcU7z78.html <seb128> ah, it crashes <seb128> that's different of "can't start" <seb128> elmargol: looks like http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=354536 <Ubugtu> Gnome bug 354536 in network-admin "crash in Networking: trying to get the wetwor..." [Critical,Resolved: notgnome] <elmargol> seb128: is there a fix for this? <seb128> no <seb128> the bug has been closed as NOTGNOME,and I'm not sure that not a GNOME bug <seb128> it needs to be debugged by somebody getting the problem <elmargol> how can I help? <seb128> install gnome-system-tools-dbgsym libglib2.0-0-dbg libgtk2.0-0-dbg <seb128> and get a new backtrace <elmargol> do i have to build those packages on my own? <seb128> no <Ubugtu> New bug: #83542 in libwpd (main) "sync request" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83542 <seb128> I would say "build debug packages for ..." if that was things to build ;) <elmargol> I don't have gnome-system-tools-dbgsym on my repositories <seb128> elmargol: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash <elmargol> k <elmargol> The following packages have unmet dependencies: gnome-system-tools-dbgsym: Depends: gnome-system-tools (= 2.15.5-0ubuntu2) but 2.15.5-0ubuntu5 is to be installed <Ubugtu> New bug: #83543 in nautilus-cd-burner (main) "Generates Windows incompatible CDs" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83543 <elmargol> Have to eat now, bbl <seb128> elmargol: ok, that's because there is no dbgsym for edgy-proposed and maybe edgy-updates, you might need to rebuild the package <Ubugtu> New bug: #83544 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "feisty kernel 2.6.20-6-generic does not contain DSDT patch as dapper and edgy did" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83544 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83545 in Ubuntu "Firefox / Java crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83545 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83546 in linux-source-2.6.17 (main) "2.6.17-10-generic does not find sata drive" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83546 <Ubugtu> New bug: #73476 in edgy-backports "backport curl 7.15.5 from Feisty to Edgy (dup-of: 73447)" [Undecided,Rejected] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73476 <elmargol> seb128: I can't build the package :( "collect2: ld returned 1 exit status" <elmargol> http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/7330/ <Ubugtu> New bug: #83547 in gnome-power "Multiple mouse battery entries after suspend/resume cycle" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83547 <seb128> elmargol: apt-get build-dep gnome-system-tools to install the Build-Depends required <elmargol> seb128: no difference <seb128> elmargol: no difference what? <elmargol> I have every build-dep package installed... <seb128> that would be really weird <seb128> the package builds fine everywhere else <elmargol> maybe something on my system is broken? <seb128> could be <seb128> no indication that's the case though <seb128> maybe try downgrading gnome-system-tools to the edgy version <seb128> then you can install the dbgsym and you don't need to build the package <seb128> apt-get install gnome-system-tools/edgy <elmargol> k i do apt-get install gnome-system-tools/edgy liboobs-1-2/edgy system-tools-backends/edgy <elmargol> seb128: the edgy version of network-admin doesn't crash <seb128> that's the same code <seb128> it has to crash ;) <seb128> how do you run network-admin? <elmargol> i select it from the menu <elmargol> System -> Admin -> Network <seb128> does "sudo network-admin" from a command line crash? <elmargol> yes <seb128> ok, good <elmargol> http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/7331/ <seb128> elmargol: could you install libglib2.0-0-dbg and get a backtrace with "bt full"? <elmargol> k <seb128> ah <seb128> maybe no need <seb128> location = (gchar *) 0x0 <seb128> might be the problem <Ubugtu> New bug: #83549 in zenity (main) "zenity zenity --text-info --editable crashes on 56K text file on stdin" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83549 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83550 in Ubuntu "impossible to de-activate screensaver " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83550 <seb128> elmargol: thank you, that might be useful enough to fix it. I'll ping you again if upstream needs other details about that <elmargol> Do I have to backup some settings? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83551 in rhythmbox "python plugins don't work in amd64" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83551 <seb128> elmargol: do you have something to /root/.gnome2/network-admin-locations ? <elmargol> I have 2 files there <seb128> does moving them somewhere else (keep them, they can be useful for debug) fix the crash? <elmargol> yes! <elmargol> removing the [general] part of the config fixed the problem <gnomefreak> when did we start reporting bugs on LP about licencing agreements? shouldnt they just be talked about at TB meetings? <seb128> elmargol: what was to that part? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83552 in totem (main) "totem crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83552 <elmargol> seb128: static-hosts=;localhost;foo.com,;amdk8.lan;amdk8,::1;ip6-localhost;ip6-loopback,fe00::0;ip6-localnet,ff00::0;ip6-mcastprefix,ff02::1;ip6-allnodes,ff02::2;ip6-allrouters,ff02::3;ip6-allhosts, <elmargol> i think the foo.com part causes the problem <seb128> could you try to get a valgrind log also <seb128> copy the config back <seb128> install the valgrind package <seb128> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valgrind has instructions about that <seb128> lunch time, I'll read the chan after lunch <seb128> thank you for the work on that <seb128> bbl <elmargol> k i try it <Ubugtu> New bug: #83553 in ubuntu-meta (main) "redundant updating of packages" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83553 <seb128> elmargol: any luck with the valgrind log? <elmargol> yes where can I upload it? <seb128> can you send it with the config files by mail? replace the private data from the config first though (like passwords, etc)? <seb128> to carlosg@gnome.org and seb128@ubuntu.com <elmargol> ok give me the adress <seb128> carlosg is upstream <elmargol> mail is out <seb128> elmargol: thank you <Ubugtu> New bug: #83557 in emerald-themes (universe) "Emerald Theme manager" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83557 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83555 in python2.5 (main) "[apport] python2.5 crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83555 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83556 in apport (main) "[apport] apport-gtk crashed with IndexError in create_crash_bug_title()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83556 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83558 in kdebase (main) "[kde 3.5.6] konqueror: changes to column order and width persist across view modes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83558 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83559 in texlive-base (universe) "Gzipping documentation makes no sense" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83559 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83560 in linux-source-2.6.17 (main) "compilation stops " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83560 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83561 in update-manager (main) "[apport] update-manager crashed with SystemError in requiredDownload()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83561 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83562 in nautilus (main) "NAutilus crashed when transfering 4,3 Go from external hard disk in usb2" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83562 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83563 in update-manager (main) "[apport] update-manager crashed with NameError in init_proxy()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83563 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83564 in firefox (main) "Firefox crashes on click to focus" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83564 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83565 in Ubuntu "please sync libx86" [Undecided,Rejected] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83565 <alefteris> I am trying to follow this guide http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix but the package build-dep that is mentioned in the quide does not exist in the repos.. Is it replaced by something else? Or is this guide to old? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83566 in apport (main) "Checks mtime of interpreter, not scripts" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83566 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83567 in dpkg (main) "dpkg -l doesn't display the epoch" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83567 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83568 in gnumeric (main) "amd64 version of gnumeric does not read or write excel format" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83568 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83571 in xorg (main) "[Feisty] Middle click fails with no action" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83571 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83569 in Ubuntu "[feisty] launch (both) gnome and kde" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83569 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83572 in xfce4-terminal (main) "[Feisty] xfce4-terminal paints very slowly" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83572 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83573 in nautilus-cd-burner (main) "Filename not quoted when calling cdrecord" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83573 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83574 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "Kernel does not boot without pci=nommconf parameter" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83574 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83575 in gnome-network (universe) "Network doesn't strat properly" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83575 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83576 in Ubuntu "Headphone not detected on boot" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83576 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83577 in Ubuntu "LCD brightness control very poor" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83577 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83578 in Ubuntu "when X server is configured with 16bit color firefox crashes on some pages" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83578 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83579 in Ubuntu "Volume down key changing pan setting" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83579 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83580 in mplayer (multiverse) "mplayer compiled without mp3 support" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83580 <Nafallo> !info 915resolution feisty <ubotu> 915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-9ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 13 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64) <Ubugtu> New bug: #83582 in Ubuntu "Edgy AMD64 2.6.20-6-lowlatency kernel and boot errors" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83582 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83583 in gnome-app-install (main) "Not able to upgrade gnome-app-install in feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83583 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83584 in rhythmbox (main) "Retrieving data from DAAP shares doesn't work" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83584 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83585 in xchat (universe) "XChat uses Opera for everything" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83585 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83587 in sane-backends (main) "HP ScanJet 5300C doesn't work" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83587 <fernando> hi all * Admiral_Chicago hugs fernando * fernando hugs Admiral_Chicago <Ubugtu> New bug: #83591 in Ubuntu "no internet with chello austria cablemodems" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83591 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83592 in update-manager (main) "upgrading ububntu crashes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83592 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83593 in alsaplayer (universe) "All package removed from adept during "alsaplayer-esd" installation" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83593 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83595 in Ubuntu "Feisty Herd 3, BUG: soft lockup on CPU#0" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83595 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83596 in dhcpdump (universe) "dhcpdump Segmentation fault" [Undecided,Rejected] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83596 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83594 in azureus "[feisty] azureus wont open after update of java" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83594 <dholbach> sfllaw, bdmurray: you two should be the admins of ubuntu-qa <Ubugtu> New bug: #83597 in Ubuntu "Unknown device: x11alpha " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83597 <dholbach> sfllaw: can you arrange that? so I can 'step down'? <sfllaw> dholbach: Absolutely. <sfllaw> I'll keep you on, though. <dholbach> i feel I'm taking care of too many teams already :) <sfllaw> bdmurray: Do you have an Ubuntu Wiki page? <sfllaw> dholbach: BugSquad for bdmurray seems reasonable as well. <dholbach> yeah <sfllaw> bdmurray: I'm taking off your expiration date. <gnomefreak> bdmurray: im gonna email david about what to look for in crash reports sometime today <sfllaw> Fresh forever. <dholbach> bdmurray, sfllaw: done <sfllaw> bdmurray, dholbach: Done. <sfllaw> Updated UbuntuQA page as well. <gnomefreak> who wrote/edits the packaging guide? <dholbach> gnomefreak: LaserJock <Ubugtu> New bug: #83598 in cupsys (main) "USB back-channel bug for minolta printer" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83598 <gnomefreak> ok will ping him than smack him ty :) <bdmurray> sfllaw: no wiki page yet <sfllaw> I've assumed BrianMurray. <sfllaw> bdmurray: You might want to make a short one. <bdmurray> I could use mailing list admin passwords too sometime. <sfllaw> Yeah. <sfllaw> Let's see. <sfllaw> I'll dig them out and you can add yourself as an admin. <sfllaw> Then you can get fun "toss out spam" e-mails too. <dholbach> bdmurray: I mailed about bughelper and do ubuntu-bugsquad@ now <dholbach> bdmurray: you are already <dholbach> bdmurray: mailed you the mailing list password <bdmurray> Right, I am but don't have the password afaik. I would have approved my post yesterday. ;) <sfllaw> Ha. <bdmurray> dholbach: cool thanks <seb128> what team membership is required for changing bug settings? ubuntu-qa or bugsquad? <dholbach> seb128: the former <dholbach> bdmurray: anytime <bdmurray> ubuntu-qa <sfllaw> bdmurray, dholbach: ubuntu-bugsquad-announce exists now. <dholbach> sfllaw: can you sign us up and make us admins? <sfllaw> Yes. <sfllaw> So... <dholbach> i'll write a bughelper report later today <sfllaw> We talked about making all ubuntu-bugsquad members mandatory members. <seb128> bdmurray: thank you <sfllaw> Shall we also subscribe ubuntu-devel-announce? <dholbach> they'll have to get approved anyway <sfllaw> And what about these ISO-testing fellows? <sfllaw> We originally assumed that Ubuntu QA was a strict subset of BugSquad. <sfllaw> But that won't be the case if I approve pochu. <pochu> hi! <coNP> pochu is member of bugsquad, isn't he? <coNP> hey pochu <pochu> hi guys! <pochu> I heard my name :) <pochu> I'm a member of bugsquad, sure :) <pochu> what are you planning? :) <sfllaw> Oh. <sfllaw> Who was it that didn't want to be? <sfllaw> I'm confused. <sfllaw> Someone from the ISO testing team. <pochu> sfllaw: who are you talking to? I'm also confused ;) <pochu> hehe <sfllaw> Ah, manchicken. <bdmurray> sfllaw: that sounds right <bdmurray> I thought he only wanted to modify his own bugs though <sfllaw> Is he upstream? <sfllaw> Is that why? <sfllaw> Hey, does anyone want to join ubuntu-qa today? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83599 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "2.6.20-6-powerpc panic on PowerBook G4" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83599 <Nafallo> sfllaw: do I have to? :-) <pochu> sfllaw: me :) <coNP> hey, pochu . <coNP> :) <pochu> :D <sfllaw> Nafallo: I don't force anyone to do anything they don't want to. <pochu> :) <sfllaw> Nafallo: But you'll get a nifty emblem. <pochu> hehe <sfllaw> Nafallo: And street cred when you're helping people triage. <Nafallo> sfllaw: I got that from ubuntu-dev already :-) <coNP> I got that emlen. It is really cool ;) <sfllaw> Nafallo: Developers, surprisingly, often don't know the triage procedure. :) <sfllaw> pochu: I just looked through your list of bugs. <sfllaw> pochu: You agreed to conditions 1 & 2 already? <gnomefreak> sfllaw: devels already have access to changing importance right? <pochu> sfllaw: sure <sfllaw> gnomefreak: Indeed. <gnomefreak> k ty <sfllaw> pochu: Welcome to the team! * sfllaw hugs pochu. <gnomefreak> i have a few good canadites for it they just dont seem around <Nafallo> sfllaw: hehe. indeed. I often just fix bugs, add a branch to it, merge and upload. looking at mplayer today :-). * pochu hugs sfllaw :) <sfllaw> Your first responsibility is to mark the Importance of your assigned bugs. :) * bdmurray hugs pochu * coNP hugs pochu * pochu hugs UbuntuQA! * sfllaw hugs Nafallo. <sfllaw> That's great! <pochu> :) <sfllaw> Fixing bugs is awesome. * pochu is going to mark his bugs as critical! <pochu> (its a joke ;) <pochu> hehe <Nafallo> yay! :-) <sfllaw> Actually, setting Importance is an easy thing for people to do. <gnomefreak> you use wishlist more than anything else :) <sfllaw> Sometimes, when I'm bored, I'll just find bugs which are Confirmed that have no importance and no assignee. <Nafallo> sfllaw: I often subscribe people or confirm things I've seen on my own laptop :-). <Nafallo> sfllaw: and ask users for followups... <sfllaw> Nafallo: I spend a lot of time Confirming incomplete bugs by providing debug information. <sfllaw> It's a very useful service. <Nafallo> sfllaw: you rock! :-) <sfllaw> Just doing my job. <Nafallo> that to ;-) <sfllaw> http://tinyurl.com/2wuq59 <pochu> done :) <sfllaw> ^^^ Help sort bugs that people think are unimportant. <sfllaw> pochu: Yay! \o/ <Nafallo> mvo: here? <AlexLatchford> Im about now gnomefreak <sfllaw> AlexLatchford: Hi! <AlexLatchford> howdy sfllaw, I applied to join the QA Team earlier today <mvo> Nafallo: yes * gnomefreak backs him if it helps :) <sfllaw> AlexLatchford: Have you read the UbuntuQA page? * pochu is now working in Bug #1 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 1 in ichthux "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 <AlexLatchford> been working with the Mozilla Team for the last month trying to hammer down the number of firefox and thunderbird bugs <sfllaw> AlexLatchford: Very nice. <gnomefreak> AlexLatchford: btw we have a lot of work to do :( im testing a chroot for apport-retrace <AlexLatchford> aha nice <Nafallo> mvo: you know about a bug in gdebi (not -gtk) where "y" is translated to "j" and "j" means "n"? :-) <sfllaw> AlexLatchford: Still, have you read the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuQA page? <sfllaw> It lists the simple requirements for joining. <AlexLatchford> yeah ive been through the Triaging page and the Importance list several times now <mvo> Nafallo: is that a bug in feisty? or in edgy? <AlexLatchford> understand it all I believe <Nafallo> mvo: feisty. haven't tried edgy to be honest :-) <mvo> Nafallo: IIRC I fixed a issue like this recently in feisty, but I may be wrong and the fix does not work <mvo> Nafallo: ok :) <dholbach> you think I should post the bughelper report to ubuntu-devel@ too? <Nafallo> dholbach: I can't see how it would hurt :-) <Ubugtu> New bug: #83600 in apport (main) "Apport fails to pipe core dump" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83600 <sfllaw> AlexLatchford: I notice that you don't have any assigned bugs, you know that Needs Info should be assigned to you when you set it? <AlexLatchford> I have been working under the Mozilla Policy to assign it to the Mozilla Team <mvo> Nafallo: thanks, found and fixed <AlexLatchford> just this week I worked through the backlog of bugs I had assigned to me and reassigned them to the Mozilla Team along with working on them <Nafallo> mvo: want me to try it? <mvo> Nafallo: you will have to check out the bzr tree and update the translation. if that is ok with you, sure :) <sfllaw> AlexLatchford: Oy. <sfllaw> AlexLatchford: Can you normalize it with the standard Bugs/HowToTriage policy? <sfllaw> AlexLatchford: It's very nice to be able to see, at a glance, which bugs you're responsible for. <Nafallo> mvo: where are the branches? :-) <AlexLatchford> sfllaw: Yeah sure, (I am not sure what normalise in this context means, but I am assuming that it means from now on) <sfllaw> AlexLatchford: We ask people to Assign themselves to Needs Info bugs, and then unassign on Confirmed. <sfllaw> That way, you can look at your list of +assignedbugs and see which ones you ought to ping people about. <sfllaw> Often, your list of +subscribedbugs can get really huge. <AlexLatchford> Yeah ok <sfllaw> AlexLatchford: Neat! <AlexLatchford> I will also bring this up at the Mozilla Team Mailing list also <sfllaw> AlexLatchford: Please do. <sfllaw> It works quite well for us in BugSquad. <sfllaw> I'll approve you in UbuntuQA. <sfllaw> Welcome! <AlexLatchford> yeah, it was working for me before * pochu hugs AlexLatchford :) <AlexLatchford> thanks alot <AlexLatchford> :) * sfllaw hugs AlexLatchford. * AlexLatchford hugs everything in sight <sfllaw> OK, food time. <pochu> :) <Nafallo> mvo: nm, think I found it. <gnomefreak> AlexLatchford: you make it? <AlexLatchford> believe so :) <gnomefreak> you did * gnomefreak *hugs* AlexLatchford * AlexLatchford hugs gnomefreak <gnomefreak> sfllaw: when you get back please let me know i have a request on assigning bugs <sfllaw> gnomefreak: Back. <Nafallo> mvo: revno 134 is the last one I got. I don't think that's correct :-/ <gnomefreak> sfllaw: damn that was fast <gnomefreak> sfllaw: can we get people to assign mozillateam to firefox/thunderbird bugs? <sfllaw> I went downstairs for a quick sandwich. <sfllaw> Assign or subscribe? <gnomefreak> so we can better track them <gnomefreak> assign <sfllaw> I think you want a subscription there, assignment means something different. <gnomefreak> sfllaw: we are gonna be the ones fixing them and tagging them afaik <sfllaw> Does Mozilla Team automatically get subscribed to Mozilla packages? <gnomefreak> yes <Ubugtu> New bug: #83602 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20 (restricted) ""no screen found" with fglrx; just dist-upgraded from edgy to feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83602 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83603 in Ubuntu "Crash when chosing "Close #2 Animation"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83603 <sfllaw> I don't want to be confrontational, so don't take it this way, but how do you tell who is working specifically on which bug? <sfllaw> We normally use Assignment to mean "I am fixing it." <sfllaw> And you can get a list of Mozilla Team subscribed bugs. <gnomefreak> sfllaw: we have a team and a maintainer for ubuntu mozilla <mvo> Nafallo: there should be r135. but it usually take some minutes before a branch becomes available on a pulic mirror <gnomefreak> im assuming he will be doing most of patching and i think me and him will be doing the rebuilding <Nafallo> mvo: but the supermirror one is correct? <sfllaw> gnomefreak: Hmm. So what does the assignment mean? As in, how is it distinct from the automatic subscription? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83604 in ntp (main) "ntpdate 1:4.2.2.p4+dfsg-1ubuntu2 has a flawed configuration file." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83604 <gnomefreak> sfllaw: iirc the triagers are assigning bugs to themselves because theya re asking for more info right? <sfllaw> gnomefreak: Right, and then they Unassign afterwards. <gnomefreak> sfllaw: i have bugs back from breezy that iam workiong on and upward how does our ubuntu maintianer know to fix a bug if assign to joey <sfllaw> So you can search for Confirmed & Assigned: Nobody. <gnomefreak> and we are getting ready to start retracing all crash reports <sfllaw> gnomefreak: Because after it gets past Needs Info, the instructions say to assign to Nobody. <gnomefreak> sfllaw: but they are not adbiding by the 30+ day needsinfo close bug <gnomefreak> they == some <sfllaw> So, let's say it's a real bug and ready to be fixed, so I set Status: Confirmed, Importance: Something, Assigned: Nobody. <sfllaw> Hmm, so I'm confused about how your workflow is supposed to go. <sfllaw> Do you want them to set Status: Confirmed, Importance: Something, Assigned: Mozilla Team? <sfllaw> Or is this during the Needs Info step? <gnomefreak> sfllaw: im setting up a chroot atm but we will be running through bugs on ff and tb and for any incomplete crashreport we are gonna be downloading crashreport and retracing them <sfllaw> gnomefreak: That's a great plan! <gnomefreak> so all the ones we do people are gonna be removed from the bugs and i dont want people to get pissed because they cant trace it on LP <gnomefreak> great plan hard as crap and time consuming :) <sfllaw> Why would people get upset? <sfllaw> You're going to Confirm the bug and remove someone's assignment, right? <sfllaw> Or am I confused? * gnomefreak doesnt know <gnomefreak> sfllaw: yes <sfllaw> Oh man, please unbefuddle me. * gnomefreak doesnt want to step on triagers toes is my only thing. if they are working on a bug and one of us interrupts his work because we need more info that they are not asking for <gnomefreak> .win 20 <sfllaw> gnomefreak: Oh. When you update the bug, just put a very nice note in the comment saying that you retraced it and now it's Confirmed. <sfllaw> I do that and have had no complaints yet. <fernando> hi dholbach <gnomefreak> ok will do it <sfllaw> Yay! <sfllaw> Thanks for being considerate! <gnomefreak> thank you too :) <did448> Hi, about but 83597, gs-esp has been replaced by gs-esp-x, it's an update bug or it needs a dist-upgrade? ie before with gs-esp you got X11 output now you need gs-esp-x <sfllaw> did448: Looking. <sfllaw> did448: Ah. <sfllaw> did448: It's a packaging bug in evince _and_ gs-esp. <sfllaw> The gs-esp binary package's description needs to mention that you need gs-esp-x for X11. It currently lies about that. * dholbach just started off https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugHelper/Documentation <dholbach> can somebody check 'writing clue files'? <sfllaw> The evince package needs to Depends: on gs-esp-x | gs <sfllaw> did448: Does that make sense? <did448> sfllaw: I'm afraid a lot of packages need gs-esp-x now. <did448> sfllaw: Yes it does. <Ubugtu> New bug: #83605 in matplotlib (universe) "import failure, missing dependency" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83605 <bdmurray> dholbach: does using bugxml to add clues work? I thought I had an issue with it earlier. <dholbach> bdmurray: it works for me - can you tell me what the problem is? <coNP> Should I subscribe someone (like motu-sponsors by bugs in MOTU) if I prepared a fix for bug 83549? Or just unassign myself? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 83549 in zenity "zenity zenity --text-info --editable crashes on 56K text file on stdin" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83549 <bdmurray> dholbach: you might want to add 'bzr add' for new clues <dholbach> bdmurray: oh right <dholbach> bdmurray: do you add it or shall I do it? <bdmurray> I have not added it, either way is fine. <dholbach> I'll just add it - thanks for looking through it. <sfllaw> coNP: Looking... <bdmurray> dholbach: Also maybe adding something about the dontlist feature when searching for dupes <dholbach> ah right <bdmurray> Personally, I add that in after testing that I match on the original bug. <sfllaw> coNP: zenity is in main, so you'll want to find an appropriate person to upload the fix. <sfllaw> dholbach or seb128 can tell you what they'd like you to do. <Ubugtu> New bug: #83606 in beryl-settings (universe) "[apport] beryl-settings crashed with AttributeError in MakeBackendWidgets()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83606 <coNP> sfllaw: thanks <coNP> By the way, is it known that Ubugtu does not know th proper state and importance of bugs? <coNP> Or what does [Unknown,Unknown] mean after the bug description? <dholbach> bdmurray: done <bdmurray> It means nothing has been assigned to the bug yet <pochu> coNP: you should talk to Seveas <bdmurray> if you query about an old bug it displays properly <coNP> What does old mean? <bdmurray> bug 82874 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 82874 in discover-data "Graphic controller not detected properly on Dimension 9150 for Feisty herd 3" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82874 <sfllaw> coNP: Undecided? <coNP> This is set [Confirmed, Low] since some hours? <sfllaw> coNP: Ah. <sfllaw> coNP: That's because it extracts this from its e-mail notification. <sfllaw> coNP: We could screenscrape Launchpad, but... <bdmurray> dholbach: my line 8 is ~/.bughelper/config <bdmurray> if that makes any sense <coNP> sfllaw: I guess it reports the upstream states that are not set yet <dholbach> bdmurray: my line 8 says Edit ~/bughelper/config to contain the path to bughelper-data (you just checked out) in the Local-Packages-Dir: line. <bdmurray> dholbach: yeah, I meant it is ~/.bughelper for me <sfllaw> coNP: Oh. <sfllaw> coNP: That would be humourous. <bdmurray> dholbach: on my system <sfllaw> coNP: Seveas would know more. <coNP> Since I became the mails stating the changes some time ago. Not so important, just wondering :) * pochu hugs everybody again :D <pochu> bye! <coNP> bye pochu <dholbach> bye pochu <sfllaw> pochu: Night. <dholbach> bdmurray: oh - haha, ok :) <bdmurray> dholbach: I wasn't sure if I am just special. <dholbach> no ... it was me that was 'special' ;-) <Ubugtu> New bug: #83607 in firefox (main) "firefox won't attach/send jpg's" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83607 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83608 in evolution (main) "Evolution stopped reading IMAP folders" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83608 <bdmurray> dholbach: I think step 11 should clarify what to do if 'no' <dholbach> bdmurray: 'nothing' :) <dholbach> but I agree it doesn't explain much 'what happens' <Ubugtu> New bug: #83609 in k3b (main) "k3b crashes midway through creating dvd image" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83609 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83611 in kdewebdev (main) "FTP upload method is missing" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83611 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83612 in firefox (main) "Firefox crashes about one minute after closing" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83612 <coNP> dholbach, seb128 can you tell me what should I do with bug 83549? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 83549 in zenity "zenity zenity --text-info --editable crashes on 56K text file on stdin" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83549 <dholbach> coNP: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess :) <coNP> dholbach: thanks, sorry for bugging you, I was redirected to you :) <dholbach> no problem <seb128> coNP: for upstream bug if you want to do it I would advice opening an upstream bug with your patch <seb128> we tend to not upload patched versions when we can get it fixed upstream, wait next version and get it for free then <seb128> upstream roll tarballs often enough, like next ones are next monday <coNP> seb128: okay, then I send my patch to upstream <seb128> thank you <seb128> GNOME is sort of a special area <seb128> there is no UVF and it's easy to get patches upstream <coNP> what is UVF? <seb128> for other packages which are not likely to get a new version before feisty it's probably interesting to get the package patched <seb128> Upstream Version Freeze <seb128> we stop getting new version to stabilize <seb128> GNOME is not frozen though since we trust the fact that they stabilize versions with their freeze and we want to ship new stable GNOME anyway <coNP> Oh, sure. <coNP> Thanks, seb128 <seb128> coNP: np, thank *you* for working on that patch <coNP> Oh, now I have 1 point (in GNOME Bugzilla) :) <seb128> coNP: you are launched now ;) <Nafallo> mvo: pushed <mvo> Nafallo: pushed to what branch? <Nafallo> mvo: ~nafallo/gdebi/ubuntu.svpo <Nafallo> :-) <mvo> Nafallo: great! thanks a lot :) <Nafallo> no problem :-). <bddebian> Boo <cowbud> ohh NOES <Ubugtu> New bug: #83617 in Ubuntu "[Feisty] headphone muted" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83617 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83618 in gnome-games (main) "gtali 'scores' greyed out' in feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83618 <Nafallo> mvo: pushed again. found some fuzzy strings :-) <mvo> Nafallo: thanks. it seems like it is not yet available via http, bzr complains that it can't find it <mvo> Nafallo: but I will keep trying :) <Nafallo> odd :-) <Nafallo> they should get a SmartServer or something :-P <Ubugtu> New bug: #83619 in Ubuntu "[Feisty] cannot change proxy" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83619 <Seveas> coNP, howdy <coNP> hey Setomido1 <coNP> sorry :) <coNP> hey Seveas * coNP thinks 2-prefixes should work <Seveas> you needed to talk to me? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83621 in Ubuntu "[Feisty] increase volume on keyboard" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83621 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83622 in firefox (main) "Gros plantage firefox avi aprs clic sur enregistrer cible" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83622 <Seveas> coNP, where does ubugtu not report the correct state? It would be a bug if that's true :) <coNP> bug 83549 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 83549 in zenity "zenity zenity --text-info --editable crashes on 56K text file on stdin" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83549 <coNP> which is Confirmed / Low in Ubuntu (but really Unknown / Unknown in Upstream) <Seveas> I see <Seveas> it's a semi-bug <Seveas> thanks for reporting <coNP> np <coNP> Seveas: By the way, why is the ! used as trigger for ubotu? I allways have the feeling that the factoid is negated... <Seveas> coNP, heh :) <Seveas> because % and @ are already used by other functionality of the bots <coNP> Really. For the first time it was quite annoying :) <Seveas> @reload Bugtracker <Seveas> bug 83549 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 83549 in zenity "zenity zenity --text-info --editable crashes on 56K text file on stdin" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83549 <Seveas> there we go <Seveas> bug 1 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 1 in ichthux "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 * coNP hugs Seveas <cowbud> hrmm damn I can't delete comments <cowbud> so when I make a fool of myself it is there for ever eh <coNP> (I have learnt, that hugging Ubugtu can have unforeseen consequenses) * Ubugtu huggles coNP <cowbud> I can't search inside of bugs? <cowbud> is that true? <Nafallo> mvo: seems your fix is not correct anyway. <mvo> hrm <mvo> not good <Nafallo> mvo: but that might be because the po-files seems to be not installed... <mvo> oh? <lifeless> hi mvo * mvo checks <mvo> hello lifeless! <Nafallo> dpkg -L doesn't give me .mo anyway :-/ <lifeless> you pung? * Nafallo checks again <mvo> pung? <bdmurray> Anybody know where livecd boot options are documented? <lifeless> my cute past tense of ping <mvo> heh :) I did, did you got the stuff I wrote in the /querry? <lifeless> yup <lifeless> hows tomorrow sounds, around this time ? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83623 in network-manager (main) "NetworkManager hangs with 100% cpu" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83623 <lifeless> today I'm uninspired - *tired* <mvo> lifeless: that sounds good <eroyf> evening gentlemen <eroyf> how's life in ubuntu land? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83624 in update-manager (main) "update-manager crash in logout" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83624 <Nafallo> set seems to be b0rked <Nafallo> what package is that in? <Nafallo> shows some script or something <Nafallo> 22:10 < yeager> +debian -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4468/ <Nafallo> 22:11 < yeager> +ubuntu -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4469/ <Nafallo> sfllaw: care to look at that and confirm? <ajmitch> Nafallo: what's unusual about it? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83626 in gkrellm (universe) "changing order leds in gkleds plugin" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83626 <Nafallo> ajmitch: looked at the URLs? <ajmitch> Nafallo: it's just a matter of whether bash completion is turned on or not <Nafallo> aha. thanks :-) <Ubugtu> New bug: #83627 in fuse (main) "fuse-utils doesn't include mount.fuse" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83627 <mvo> Nafallo: all should work now, feel free to merge/test, but I will leave now <mvo> Nafallo: thanks again for helping with this problem :) <Nafallo> mvo: oki. thanks :-) <Ubugtu> New bug: #83629 in initramfs-tools (main) "update-initramfs and mkinitramfs should rename into place after creation" [High,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83629 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83630 in compiz (universe) "update to current git" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83630 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83628 in imagemagick (main) "Stuff from imagemagick ends up as environment variables" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83628 <sfllaw> Nafallo: Looking. <Nafallo> sfllaw: the last bug should be about that :-) <Nafallo> sfllaw: 83628 <sfllaw> sfllaw: I'm confused as to why this is a bug... <sfllaw> sfllaw: The bug filer did not say what the expected result is. <Nafallo> sfllaw: should I ask yeager to join? :-) <Nafallo> sfllaw: I don't really care about it personally, but he seems to do. * mode/#ubuntu-bugs [+o sfllaw] by ChanServ * mode/#ubuntu-bugs [-o sfllaw] by sfllaw <sfllaw> yeager: Hello. you just reported bug 83628? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 83628 in imagemagick "Stuff from imagemagick ends up as environment variables" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83628 <yeager> sfllaw, correct <sfllaw> yeager: It's a little incomplete. Could you tell me what the expected result is? <yeager> sfllaw, on my Debian box, the output from 'set' is just 48 rows <yeager> sfllaw, on my ubuntu box, the output is 4800+ rows <yeager> sfllaw, 'set' IMHO should just list environment variables <sfllaw> yeager: That's not what set does. set lists locally defined variables and functions. <sfllaw> You are looking for env. <sfllaw> yeager: Does that solve your problem? <yeager> sfllaw, why does it differ between debian (unstable) and ubuntu? <sfllaw> Either your $HOME/.bashrc or /etc/bash.bashrc on your Ubuntu box is sourcing /etc/bash_completion. <sfllaw> The Debian package, IIRC, has the same functionality. <Ubugtu> New bug: #83631 in sshfs-fuse (universe) "SSHFS doesn't honor ForwardX11 settings in ~/.ssh/config" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83631 <yeager> sfllaw, ok. i can live with that. should I or you close the BR? <sfllaw> I'll do it. <yeager> ok, thanks <sfllaw> Thanks for using Ubuntu! <yeager> I am :) <sfllaw> Nafallo: Done. :) <Nafallo> sfllaw: thanks :-) <Ubugtu> New bug: #83633 in squid (main) "squi 2.6 not built with -DFOLLOW_X_FORWARDED_FOR option" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83633 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83634 in firefox (main) "Crash upon deleting bookmark" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83634 <coNP> Do you think bug 82177 is a real bug? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 82177 in Ubuntu "No USB keyboard support in CD menue" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82177 <coNP> I guess the boot menu has no usb keyboard driver in itself <sfllaw> coNP: Yeah, sounds like a wishlist... <sfllaw> But shouldn't the BIOS take care of that? <sfllaw> Ah yes, his BIOS defaults it to off. <coNP> Yep, I think it is not a real bug. Only a nice item on the wishlist. <coNP> sfllaw: Do you know, what is the package for the boot menu? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83635 in gnome-panel (main) "add/remove crashed when starting the iso image of feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83635 <dsas> coNP: grub isn't it? <sfllaw> coNP: I believe it's syslinux. <coNP> not grub <coNP> have a look at it <dsas> oh /me scrolls up. sorry. <sfllaw> It's isolinux.bin. <sfllaw> Strangely, packages.ubuntu.com doesn't seem to report that. <sfllaw> Hold on... <sfllaw> Yup, syslinux. <sfllaw> /usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin. <sfllaw> That's a wishlist bug, I suppose. <coNP> sfllaw: sure, that not bootcd | debian-cd ? <coNP> Importance was the easier part, I guess :) <sfllaw> coNP: I just asked Tollef. <Ubugtu> New bug: #83636 in hwdb-client (main) "[apport] hwdb-gui crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83636 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83637 in network-manager (main) "Network-manager doesn't show any wireless network on ipw2200" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83637 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83639 in pootle (universe) "unable to run pootle, possible problem with python 2.4 2.5 upgrade" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83639 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83640 in amarok (main) "ipod option disappeared in amarok mediadevices-plugins list" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83640 <Nafallo> hej simira :-) <gnomefreak> apport-retrace isnt as fun as it sounds <Ubugtu> New bug: #83641 in postgresql (universe) "postgres-8.1_8.1.4-7: Table has type character varying, but query expects character varying." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83641 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83642 in Ubuntu "fancy isolinux screen on install isos hang xen/kvm HVM guests" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83642 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83643 in gnome-app-install (main) "[apport] gnome-app-install crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83643 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83644 in alsa-lib (main) "alsa-lib make's totem-xine crash (edgy amd64)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83644 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83645 in k3b (main) "k3b can't burn cd's" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83645 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83646 in metacity (main) "another metacity crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83646 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83647 in gnome-cups-manager (main) "crash while editing panel" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83647 #ubuntu-bugs 2007-02-07 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83648 in gnome-panel (main) "repeated panel crashes." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83648 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83649 in nautilus (main) "repeated crashes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83649 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83652 in wpasupplicant (main) "Can't associate with AP (madwifi, WEP, hidden SSID)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83652 <coNP> hey pochu, night shift begins? :) <pochu> coNP: sure :) <pochu> coNP, lot of bugs? <pochu> hi TLE ! <Ubugtu> New bug: #83653 in firefox (main) "pdf download in gmail close firefox" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83653 <TLE> Hey <Ubugtu> New bug: #83654 in Ubuntu "feisty: keyboard leds (nl, cl, sl) just doesn't work" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83654 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83655 in Ubuntu "cd cannot mount" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83655 <Pierre> keescook: around? little principle question about your last report <keescook> Pierre: sure, what's up? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83657 in Ubuntu "Removing a linux image does not remove the created initrd backup file" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83657 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83658 in synaptic (main) "Move Synaptic to System tools" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83658 <Nafallo> WORD! <pochu> Nafallo, ? <Nafallo> pochu: the last bug <pochu> hehe :) <pochu> Nafallo, I think we should merge the system tools menu and the control centre :) <Nafallo> huh? <Nafallo> everything in the control centre or what? :-) * ajmitch dislikes the control centre <pochu> the system tools there, yes <Nafallo> ajmitch: word! ;-) <Nafallo> I want my old menus back, but that won't happen. <Nafallo> so I want my System Tools to stay now ;-) <pochu> or something, but I think there is no sense to have the gconf editor in the apps menu <pochu> hehe <ajmitch> it's easier for me to just do alt-f2 & start things now <pochu> ajmitch, now and always ;)+ <Nafallo> ajmitch: and I press "the searchkey" and get deskbar-applet :-) * ajmitch shrugs <ajmitch> I just don't like things being hidden away now * Nafallo thinks he and ajmitch have full concent on this subject :-) * coNP thinks this is real progress... backwards <Ubugtu> New bug: #83659 in Ubuntu "beryl v0.1.9999.1 fails with ATI" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83659 <DarkMageZ> with that bug above. it's appropriate to reject and advise them to seek help from www.beryl-project.org? <bdmurray> That's what I would think. <bdmurray> Because you would have to get beryl installed from a special (non-supported) repo right? <DarkMageZ> exactly <bdmurray> Or maybe submit a support request via answers.launchpad.net <pochu> DarkMageZ, also, change the package to beryl-core <DarkMageZ> done. <Ubugtu> New bug: #83660 in Ubuntu "sony vaio FN keys and brightness not working" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83660 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83661 in fcitx (universe) "can't active fcitx from emacs-snapshot-gtk" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83661 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83662 in nicotine (universe) "nicotine crashes after a few minutes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83662 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83663 in wallpaper-tray (universe) "Please sync wallpaper-tray (universe) from unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83663 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83664 in ubiquity (main) "installer crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83664 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83666 in scim (main) "[apport] scim-launcher crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83666 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83665 in openoffice.org (main) "Multi-line text handling in openoffice.org calc broken" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83665 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83670 in synaptic (main) "[apport] synaptic crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83670 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83671 in amarok (main) "Amarok Can't Tag AAC/MP4 Files" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83671 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83672 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu Feisty asks to "dpk --configure -a" after install" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83672 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83673 in sendmail (universe) "Misleading emphasis" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83673 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83675 in hwdb-client (main) "[apport] hwdb-gui crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83675 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83676 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "Maxell Webcam doesn't work - Feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83676 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83677 in totem (main) "totem crash " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83677 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83678 in hwdb-client (main) "[apport] hwdb-gui crashed with ImportError in <module>()"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83678 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83679 in kdesvn (universe) "KDESVN KIO crashing konqueror" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83679 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83680 in adept (main) "App Icons missing / wrong directory" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83680 <Frugal1> Hi ! <Frugal1> I have a little trouble with USB-Key/hard-drive with the last feisty <Frugal1> it's not working antmore <Frugal1> on 1 laptop, onanother laptop, no problem <Ubugtu> New bug: #83681 in linux-source-2.6.15 (main) "ext3 made readonly due to IO timeouts" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83681 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83682 in usplash (main) "no boot splash or text-based boot messages on feisty amd64" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83682 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83683 in hwdb-client (main) "[apport] hwdb-gui crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83683 <pochu> Frugal1, have you asked in #ubuntu+1 ? <bdmurray> Frugal1: what does lsusb return for that device? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83685 in Ubuntu "installed in partition herd3 took whole drive" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83685 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83686 in libgd2 (main) "Please sync libgd2 (main) from unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83686 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83687 in Ubuntu "Beryl Window Manager crashes when an application is closed while it's thumbnail is being revealed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83687 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83688 in gshare (universe) "Please sync gshare from debian/experimental (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83688 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83689 in gaim (main) "Gaim crashes after a restore from hibernation" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83689 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83690 in grub (main) "update-grub hardcodes to 'Ubuntu'" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83690 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83691 in Ubuntu "/dev/hda in feisty test 3 (no libata?)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83691 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83692 in Ubuntu "/usr/share/man/man1/c++.1.gz is a dangling symlink" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83692 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83694 in postgresql-common (main) "Won't install if lsb_release isn't Ubuntu" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83694 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83695 in system-tools-backends (main) "Produces warning if lsb_release isn't Ubuntu" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83695 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83696 in spim (multiverse) "The GUI doesn't show any text" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83696 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83698 in exaile (universe) "[apport] exaile crashed with ValueError in delete_tracks()"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83698 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83697 in scim (main) "Scim doesn't work in openoffice" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83697 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83699 in exaile (universe) "[apport] exaile crashed with ValueError in delete_tracks()"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83699 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83700 in apt-listbugs (universe) "apt-listbugs stops ungracefully" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83700 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83701 in rhythmbox (main) "missing icon in tooltip of rhythmbox" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83701 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83702 in hardinfo (universe) "using sysinfo crashed on one of the hardware tools, cant remember which one" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83702 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83703 in Ubuntu "Trouble starting KDE after crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83703 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83704 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17 (restricted) "X hangs with NVidia error in kernel.log" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83704 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83705 in xfdesktop4 (main) "crash when changing desktop properties" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83705 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83708 in boinc (universe) "Ugly characters in Boinc manager dialog" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83708 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83710 in f-spot (main) "[Edgy] f-spot crashes during startup" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83710 <dholbach> good morning <cypher1> dholbach: hi!! .. i was just thinking of you <dholbach> hey cypher1 <dholbach> oh... how comes? :) <cypher1> cypher1: i was looking at https://launchpad.net/bughelper/+bugs and your mail <cypher1> dholbach: : i was looking at https://launchpad.net/bughelper/+bugs and your mail <cypher1> dholbach: is bughelper completely coded in python ? <dholbach> ah cool <dholbach> yeah <cypher1> dholbach: ok :( <dholbach> cypher1: would you prefer something else? <cypher1> dholbach: no.. i do not know python <dholbach> we've had people contributing to it who never did much python before <dholbach> I think it's easy to learn and by just looking at the code you will find simple things you could change <cypher1> dholbach: cool <cypher1> dholbach: let me go thru the list then <dholbach> we also do patch reviews, so if you'd really like to help out, I don't see a problem <cypher1> dholbach: i was more interested in coding part <dholbach> ROCK ON :-) * dholbach hugs cypher1 <cypher1> dholbach: :) <dholbach> also, if you have new ideas, we're all eager to hear about them :) <cypher1> dholbach: sure <Ubugtu> New bug: #83711 in xserver-xgl (universe) "ubuntu edgy totem maximise (both "F" buttom & F11) fails with xgl/beryl" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83711 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83714 in ontv (universe) "ontv crashes when adding to panel. Tried ontv -w" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83714 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83715 in Ubuntu "local loopback interface isn't brought up on boot" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83715 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83716 in linux-source-2.6.17 (main) "Linux image contains buggy alternatives code" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83716 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83717 in ubiquity (main) "Installer crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83717 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83718 in basket (universe) "Kontact (not asked to do it) automatically starts BasKet Note Pads" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83718 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83712 in gnome-panel (main) "[apport] gnome-panel crashed while updating gnome-applets or gtk2-engines packages" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83712 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83713 in gaim (main) "gaim does not connect to any network since network-manager was installed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83713 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83719 in udev (main) "error message at boot "udev-event: unable to create db file [...] " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83719 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83720 in wvdial (main) "Using the same computer and external modem I now have to connect to the internet via the command line. This never happened on the previous versions of Ubunt 5.04 6.06 and 6.06 alternative" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83720 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83722 in Ubuntu "[Feisty] pas de son aprs hibernation" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83722 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83724 in Ubuntu "[Feisty] "Sound manager window" is different" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83724 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83725 in linux-source-2.6.17 (main) "dell optiplex gx620, module tg3 initialisation slowness (slow boot)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83725 <seb128> bug flooood <Ubugtu> New bug: #83726 in Ubuntu "[feisty-herd3] X Display in Power-Saving mode on Startup, LiveCD even" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83726 <dholbach> seb128: cypher1 is going to help out with bughelper now :-) <cypher1> dholbach: :) <cypher1> dholbach: i will try to <seb128> dholbach: excellent! <Ubugtu> New bug: #83727 in kdebase (main) "If I stop KDM it hangs on usplash (Kubuntu Edgy)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83727 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83728 in firestarter (universe) "cannot purge firestarter on Edgy" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83728 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83729 in gaim (main) "Gaim crash while away from computer" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83729 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83730 in rexima (universe) "the keys 1-9 should work" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83730 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83731 in mldonkey (universe) "Edgy: Urgent patch to solve upload problem" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83731 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83733 in meld (universe) "Save buttons not working" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83733 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83732 in mldonkey (universe) "Dapper: Urgent patch to solve upload problem" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83732 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83734 in dpkg (main) "dpkg -L gives wrong files list" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83734 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83735 in Ubuntu "[feisty herd 3] when compiz is enabled no way to make active a window" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83735 <Le-Chuck_ITA> Hi all, I need someone jumping on a stupid bug: compile lyx without assertions - or else lyx is not usable in ubuntu <Le-Chuck_ITA> I reported this but nobody will look at it since lyx has no maintainer <Le-Chuck_ITA> and it's really a 1 minute fix <Hobbsee> Le-Chuck_ITA: you might want to bug debian about that - we sync that straight from debian. <Le-Chuck_ITA> will it be synced again before feisty? <Hobbsee> if you ask someone in #ubuntu-motu about it, a sync can be requested. automatically? no. <Hobbsee> has it been fixed in debian? <Le-Chuck_ITA> don't know :) looking at it just now <Le-Chuck_ITA> no it's not fixed: <Le-Chuck_ITA> http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/l/lyx/lyx_1.4.3-2.diff.gz <Le-Chuck_ITA> +CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += [...] --enable-assertions <Le-Chuck_ITA> this makes no sense to me <Hobbsee> try asking the debian maintainer - he's cleraly done it that way for a reason. <Hobbsee> hang on, why do you want to disable the assertions? <Hobbsee> arent the assertions there for good reason - so it asserts something if the code is screwing up? <Le-Chuck_ITA> Not in the case of lyx <Le-Chuck_ITA> they use assertions extensively <Le-Chuck_ITA> and they are busy releasing 1.5 <Le-Chuck_ITA> so they will not fix 1.4 soon <Le-Chuck_ITA> and it will not get into ubuntu and debian <Le-Chuck_ITA> in any case <Hobbsee> when's 1.5 out? <Hobbsee> why not? <Le-Chuck_ITA> Usually it takes ages to get a fix for lyx into ubuntu <Le-Chuck_ITA> will surely not be in time for feisyt <Le-Chuck_ITA> and then there will be 6 months without the fix <Le-Chuck_ITA> other distributions disable assertions <Le-Chuck_ITA> in lyx - I know <Le-Chuck_ITA> other distributions usually suck more than ubuntu :) but this is not the case <Le-Chuck_ITA> and in any case lyx developers use assertions everywhere <Le-Chuck_ITA> even when the fault is not fatal <Le-Chuck_ITA> like overlapping insets (as far as I can tell from the debug log) <Hobbsee> if someone knows about it, they can put it into debian/ubuntu <Hobbsee> Original-Maintainer: Debian LyX Maintainers <pkg-lyx-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org> <Le-Chuck_ITA> yes I am e-mailing the maintainers <Hobbsee> i would expect them to package it relatively quickly <Le-Chuck_ITA> at least I will know why assertions where enabled <Le-Chuck_ITA> they're also disabled by default in configure <Le-Chuck_ITA> thank you for your suggestion <Ubugtu> New bug: #83740 in xscreensaver (main) "sponsor xscreensaver upload" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83740 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83741 in sysvinit (main) "/lib/init/vars.sh returns non-zero for non-error status" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83741 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83742 in ubiquity (main) "Installer crashed (partitioner)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83742 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83744 in evolution (main) "[apport] evolution crashed with SIGSEGV during print" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83744 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83745 in Ubuntu "VMserver freezes :*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x092ddd98 ***" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83745 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83746 in Ubuntu "VMware server freezes :*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x092ddd98 ***" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83746 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83747 in imagemagick (main) "hmm -I just closed opera from the x button ( right - up corner )" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83747 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83748 in Ubuntu "updated to feisty on amd64 my freecom usb 160gb external hardrive is not showing up or automounting..." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83748 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83749 in network-manager (main) "gnome-network-manager shows degraded wireless connection" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83749 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83750 in firefox (main) "mailto protocol not supported in firefox" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83750 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83751 in chmlib (universe) "[Sync Request] Sync chmlib (2:0.39-2) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83751 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83752 in nautilus (main) "Nautilus bookmarks cannot be re-ordered" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83752 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83753 in acroread (multiverse) "Ignores/Forgets Paper Size Setting" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83753 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83754 in txt2html (universe) "Please sync txt2html (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83754 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83755 in python-defaults (main) "python-minimal" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83755 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83756 in libgimme-codec (main) "Windows ASF detection not working in Feisty Herd3" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83756 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83757 in Ubuntu "Dangerous default settings in Kubuntu Installer" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83757 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83758 in adept (main) "Adept update notifier has updates, but will not launch and has generic icon" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83758 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83759 in tree (universe) "Please sync tree (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83759 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83760 in poppler (main) "pdftotext produces invalid utf-8" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83760 <gnomefreak> seb128: are you still seeing the ?? in the backtraces? <seb128> yep <seb128> why? <gnomefreak> yeah me too during retrace :( <seb128> https://launchpad.net/bugs/83744 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 83744 in evolution "[apport] evolution crashed with SIGSEGV during print" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] <gnomefreak> cant pull line numbers <seb128> that's a bug from this morning <seb128> ah no <seb128> retracing with debug packages work fine <gnomefreak> not here <gnomefreak> maybe its just pittis edgy repo <seb128> that might be because you don't have the dbg package for the lib where happen the crash or something <seb128> edgy has no problem <seb128> the problem is on feisty <seb128> if you have "??" everywhere on feisty that's specific to you <seb128> on edgy I mean <gnomefreak> ok ill keep working on it. im using feistys apport in edgy since edgys is broke <seb128> edgy is broke? <gnomefreak> seb128: looks like just the line numbers <gnomefreak> seb128: yes key error <seb128> ? <ogra> there was a working apport in edgy ? * seb128 slaps ogra <ogra> :) <gnomefreak> it was fixed upstream and feisty but not edgy <seb128> edgy apport works fine <seb128> and stable doesn't change <seb128> I doubt it got broken <gnomefreak> give me a min i have a bug number somewhere on it <Ubugtu> New bug: #83762 in tcptrack (universe) "Please sync tcptrack (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83762 <gnomefreak> seb128: bug 65914 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 65914 in apport "apport-retrace -d fails with KeyError" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65914 <seb128> gnomefreak: it's easy to workaround though no? <seb128> gnomefreak: apport-unpack should work <seb128> and you can attach gdb to the dump then <gnomefreak> oh i didnt try because other after using the patch stillg et errors <Ubugtu> New bug: #83765 in Ubuntu "Installation crashes before rebooting" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83765 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83766 in ubiquity (main) "Installation to disk with mounted partitions fails (Feisty Herd 3)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83766 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83767 in opensc (universe) "Regression in upstream renders a nation unusable." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83767 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83768 in stellarium (universe) "Please sync stellarium (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83768 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83769 in gs-esp (main) "@ Glyph rendering issue" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83769 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83771 in python2.4 (main) "Impossible importing in Python after updating" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83771 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83772 in clamav-data (universe) "[Sync Request] Sync clamav-data (20070202.110900.2516) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83772 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83773 in ubiquity (main) "Ubuntu Installer crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83773 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83774 in xorg (main) "Xwrapper.config man page does not exist" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83774 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83776 in matplotlib (universe) "pylab.hist non-functional" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83776 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83777 in ubiquity (main) "Ubuntu Installer crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83777 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83778 in hwdb-client (main) "[apport] hwdb-gui crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83778 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83779 in eclipse (universe) "vmargs in eclipse.ini ignored" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83779 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83780 in azureus (universe) "Azureus doesn't start" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83780 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83781 in mock (universe) "Please sync mock (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83781 <bddebian> Boo <Ubugtu> New bug: #83783 in apt-proxy (universe) "apt-proxy hangs when client aborting download" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83783 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83782 in slang-slirp (universe) "Please sync slang-slirp (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83782 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83784 in hwdb-client (main) "[apport] hwdb-gui crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83784 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83785 in usplash (main) "[apport] usplash crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83785 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83786 in compiz (universe) "[apport] compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83786 <gnomefreak> can you add more than one tag to a bug? <sfllaw> gnomefreak: Absolutely! <sfllaw> gnomefreak: They're space separated. <sfllaw> gnomefreak: This is not immediately obvious, though. <gnomefreak> ah ok ty <Ubugtu> New bug: #83787 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "No HPA support in libata" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83787 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83788 in drivel "Document font cannot be selected" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83788 <gnomefreak> im getting errors on retrace. its an AssertionError has anyone seen this? <cyberix> Is there a proces for reading bugs? <gnomefreak> reading bugs? <cyberix> Does someone set status and priority for the bugs I report/subscribe? <gnomefreak> cyberix: we do <cyberix> (Or read them in first place) <gnomefreak> yes but it might not get done right away :) <gnomefreak> what bug number? <sfllaw> cyberix: You can find the procedure at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage <cyberix> gnomefreak: e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/68514 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 68514 in usplash "low visibility and contrast" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] <sfllaw> cyberix: This bug is missing the ability to illustrate this problem. <sfllaw> cyberix: Perhaps some digital camera photos would be good? <sfllaw> cyberix: And some reproduction steps. <cyberix> sfllaw: 1) Install any Matrox card mentioned. 2) Boot Edgy. <cyberix> Wouldn't that be implicit? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83789 in sensors-applet (universe) "[apport] sensors-applet crashed with SIGSEGV"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83789 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83790 in Ubuntu "glade-3: missing icons" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83790 <sfllaw> cyberix: Well, being explicit is good because we don't exactly have all video cards. <sfllaw> It could just be that people don't like the new art. <cyberix> And if I get a picture for you it could be that the monitor has low contrast or my camera is poor. <cyberix> But I've booted Ubuntu also on systems where this works. <Ubugtu> New bug: #83792 in evolution (main) "crashes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83792 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83793 in apport (main) "apport-retrace gives errors" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83793 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83795 in gaim (main) "Gaim crash while chating" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83795 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83770 in youtube-dl (universe) "Please sync youtube-dl (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83770 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83796 in partman-prep (universe) "partman lists prep boot partitions (yaboot) as ext3" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83796 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83797 in devmapper (main) "Devmapper >=1.02.08-1ubuntu1 break cryptsetup" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83797 <dholbach> bughelper uploaded to Ubuntu! * dholbach hugs all the busy bughelper developers <fernando> dholbach: congratulations <dholbach> congratulations to you too fernando! :) <dholbach> let's hope the archive admins have a good day and approve it right away ;-) <Ubugtu> New bug: #83799 in Ubuntu "ubuntu feisty live/alternate cannot mount cd in HP HL-DT-ST RW/DVD GCC-4320B" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83799 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83800 in cdrtools (main) "I can't create an iso file from a dvd" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83800 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83802 in Ubuntu "[apport] identify crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83802 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83803 in kdebase (main) "libkonq4-dev uninstallable after kde 3.5.6 upgrade" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83803 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83807 in sysinfo (universe) "wrong CPU Speed @ sysinfo" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83807 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83809 in Ubuntu "Desktop noise on Edgy Installation with nvidia 6600GT" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83809 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83810 in Ubuntu "[feisty] no reboot and shutdown button anymore" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83810 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83811 in glibc (main) "[patch] assert and assert_perror macros contain unreachable code" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83811 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83812 in taskjuggler (universe) "taskjuggler: hangs in endless loop (fixed in v2.3.1)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83812 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83813 in totem (main) "videos look pixelated in Feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83813 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83814 in gnome-games (main) "[apport] gnome-sudoku crashed with TypeError in clear_cb()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83814 <pochu> dholbach: ping? <dholbach> pochu: pong <pochu> dholbach, I've just read your mail about bughelper, and I think you should send it also to the -devel mailing list <pochu> dholbach, to let people know that it is there, so they can test it :D <dholbach> pochu: once it has been accepted by the archive admins we should probably update the documentation and then send it to -devel too <pochu> dholbach, ok :) <dholbach> cool :) <dholbach> seb128: would you agree that 73619 is a xorg bug or something? <pochu> dholbach, wiki documentation? <dholbach> pochu: wiki and in the package itself <seb128> bug #73619 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 73619 in control-center "Multimedia keys partially working" [Low,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73619 <seb128> dholbach: not sure, might be that the key just have different codes or generate differents events when using an USB keyboard <seb128> I don't know keyboard enough to say :/ <dholbach> it just seemed weird that he has to plug them both in the PS/2 ports to make it work <seb128> yeah <seb128> might be a linux bug as well <seb128> no idea <dholbach> yeah <dholbach> probably <seb128> I just hate keyboard bugs like that and ignore them <seb128> that's basically what I wrote on it :p <seb128> we need somebody knowing about keyboard looking at those <dholbach> I read it like that <cypher1> dholbach, is there any documentation on bughelper.. i cannot seem to find any <cypher1> i remember a meeting.. is it logged ? <dholbach> yes <dholbach> all information is either on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugHelper (and linked from there) or in the ./doc directory of bughelper.main <cypher1> ok thanks :) <dholbach> i wrote a guide on "adding clue files" yesterday <cypher1> i looked at bugs today.. but was little clueless which to pick <dholbach> pick a package you know well <dholbach> so you can easily test things and look at upstream bugs too <cypher1> no i meant on bughelper <dholbach> ah ok <dholbach> oh... cypher1 disappeared - bug 81248 would be an easy one <Ubugtu> Malone bug 81248 in bughelper "RFE: bugnumbers - option to count quantity of bugs" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81248 <dholbach> sfllaw: you wanted to add me to the ubuntu-buqsquad-announce list and make me admin and mail me the password <dholbach> cypher1: bug 81248 would be an easy one <Ubugtu> Malone bug 81248 in bughelper "RFE: bugnumbers - option to count quantity of bugs" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81248 <cypher1> dholbach, thanks.. let me go thru it <Ubugtu> New bug: #83820 in Ubuntu "Bad EIP Value on boot in VirtualBox" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83820 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83821 in hwdb-client (main) "[apport] hwdb-gui crashed with ImportError in <module>() (dup-of: 83636)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83821 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83815 in Ubuntu "message. i've found a panel runing and will now exit." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83815 <cypher1> why does running bughelper again starts bzr <dholbach> cypher1: we get the clue files from a separate branch <dholbach> cypher1: that way people who installed the package can still get the freshest clue files we have <dholbach> (think feisty is released and the packaged bughelper cannot be updated) <cypher1> dholbach, yes.. but i run "bughelper -p vino".. again i run "bughelper -p vino".. takes some time to finish <cypher1> no caching ? <cypher1> atleast for some time <dholbach> errr - it runs bzr again? <dholbach> the clue files are definitely stored - ~/.bughelper/packages <cypher1> i saw in ps output <dholbach> we also store attachments from bugs, if you choose to download them <Ubugtu> New bug: #83822 in gedit (main) "Gedit displays a warning when saving a file a samba share" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83822 * gnomefreak thinks there has to be an easier way <dholbach> gnomefreak: to do what? :) <gnomefreak> retraces on crash reports <gnomefreak> im doing all retraces that i can for firefox bugs atm <dholbach> nice <gnomefreak> most people fail to do it ive spent 3 days working on apportretrace to get it to work right <gnomefreak> but they are getting done :) <dholbach> what did you change? <gnomefreak> the -d flag to start with <dholbach> right <gnomefreak> cant use -d with firefox <gnomefreak> using feistys apport in edgy chroot since edgys is broken <gnomefreak> and setting the packages i need in the chroot to do this. like switching versions of ff since alot of the reports are using ff 2.0+0.. instead of current version <dholbach> did you talk with asac about this? <gnomefreak> yep hes been helping me set it up :) <dholbach> ah cool :) <dholbach> as soon as you find patterns across the bugs, add clue files to bughelper! :-) <dholbach> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugHelper/Documentation/WritingClueFiles :-) <gnomefreak> bddebian: said he might want to write them but i dont know what to look for and asac is busy as crap. so i might get up with david see if he can give me an idea <gnomefreak> maybe wrong person <bddebian> Me? Highly unlikely, I don't know anything :-) <bddebian> Probably bdmurray :) <gnomefreak> not you someone with nick like yours <gnomefreak> yeah him <gnomefreak> tried tab complete <dholbach> as soon as you find dups (by looking at backtraces), you can try ./bughelper -T firefox "<search term>" "This might be dup of bug XXXXX" -p firefox -A <dholbach> and it will search in all firefox bugs and the attachments for occurences of <search term> <gnomefreak> cool :) <dholbach> (and cache the attachments) <gnomefreak> btw congrats on getting it in ubuntu :) <dholbach> if you're happy with your search you can run ./bugxml -a firefox "<search term>" "This might be dup of bug XXXXX" and it will create (or update) the firefox.info file <dholbach> it's not in there yet, but thanks - everybody working on bughelper put quite some efforts into it <Ubugtu> New bug: #83825 in Ubuntu "cd-dvd creator default selection" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83825 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83826 in Ubuntu "cd-dvd creator default selection (dup-of: 83825)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83826 <cypher1> dholbach, i got the fix for bug 81248 :) .. testing <Ubugtu> Malone bug 81248 in bughelper "RFE: bugnumbers - option to count quantity of bugs" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81248 <dholbach> wooohooo <dholbach> :) <cypher1> should it be under a command line ? <dholbach> parts in bugnumbers and parts in bugHelper/commandLine.py <dholbach> i guess <cypher1> also i have to look at counting on status basis.. <dholbach> as you like it <dholbach> you can post patches on the bug report or give a link to your own branch <cypher1> ok.. brb.. need to have some water <Ubugtu> New bug: #83827 in firefox (main) "firefox memory leak -> crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83827 <dholbach> I'm away for a bit too <Ubugtu> New bug: #83829 in Ubuntu "feisty herd3 installer hangs at loading chipset module (IBM z60t)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83829 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83830 in acpitool (universe) "Please sync acpitool (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83830 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83832 in lvm2 (main) "[feisty] mounting LVM root broken" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83832 <ajmitch> strange, I had no problem booting last night with lvm / <Ubugtu> New bug: #83831 in upstart (main) "Boot failed to complete after fsck" [Critical,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83831 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83833 in epiphany (universe) "include Google in the "Look up" menu" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83833 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83834 in Ubuntu "metisse is missing from feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83834 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83817 in usplash (main) "[apport] usplash crashed with signal 5" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83817 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83835 in gnome-terminal (main) "can't disable F10 shortcut" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83835 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83836 in xserver-xgl (universe) "xserver crasch with beryl 0.1.9999.1" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83836 <cypher1> dholbach, are you there <dholbach> cypher1: yes <cypher1> i have done first part (counts only total bugs).. i need to work on the next part which i will do after sometime.. how can i put my branch there.. sorry i am new to bzr and does not want to read the docs at 2am :( <cypher1> sorry ignore it.. i am reading bzr <cypher1> :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #83837 in ffmpeg (universe) ""Libavcodec has been miscompiled and may be very slow or crash" (feisty)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83837 <dholbach> cypher1: bzr push --remember sftp://<YOUR LP ID>@bazaar.launchpad.net/~<YOUR LP ID>/bughelper/bughelper.dev <dholbach> you only need to specify it one time <cypher1> dholbach, thanks a lot! let me try it <dholbach> ah you need to add your SSH key to LP <cypher1> dholbach, ah.. <Ubugtu> New bug: #83840 in Ubuntu "Some tabs missing orange highlight" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83840 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83818 in gnome-panel (main) "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83818 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83839 in ubiquity (main) "the installer crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83839 <jwendell> seb128, can you tell me why i'm notified on bug 82956? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 82956 in slab "gnome-main-menu only retains 6 favorite applications" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82956 <jwendell> seb128, my name is there... i don't remember why <seb128> jwendell: why would I know if you don't know? <jwendell> hehe <jwendell> seb128, any LP issue? <seb128> I doubt of it <seb128> jwendell: you registred gnome-main-upstream upstream apparently, might be it <Ubugtu> New bug: #83841 in linux-source-2.6.17 (main) "acpi crashes cousing laptop to hang on shutdown" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83841 <jwendell> weird... <seb128> you can ask on #launchpad <seb128> they will know better <Ubugtu> New bug: #83843 in rhythmbox (main) "feisty rhythmbox and totem can't play anything" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83843 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83844 in acpi-support (main) "Computer reboots when asked to shut down in Feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83844 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83842 in Ubuntu "Sound devices not detected by HAL after upgrade to Feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83842 <dholbach> bye folks - I'm off for tonight - have a nice evening <lifeless> nigh <pochu> night <cypher1> dholbach, same to you! i <Ubugtu> New bug: #83845 in gnome-panel (main) "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83845 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83847 in metacity (main) ""Rough edges" in Metacity windows in Feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83847 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83848 in e2fsprogs (main) ""fsck -c" on a HDD with bad sectors (ubuntu feisty herd 3)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83848 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83849 in device3dfx (universe) "Please sync device3dfx (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83849 <jovaro> hello peoples <jovaro> I think Gnome just crashed here, does anyone know where I can get some usefull info for a bug-report? <jovaro> the computer crashes when I try switching users, when there are more than 1 users logged in <jovaro> screen goes black and keyboard won't do anything <jovaro> but when ssh-ing to the computer a restart of gdm will solve the problems <Ubugtu> New bug: #83850 in ccid (universe) "Please sync ccid (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83850 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83851 in ubiquity (main) "Ubuntu Installer Crashed 90%" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83851 <jovaro> there is nothing usefull in /var/log/gdm <Ubugtu> New bug: #83852 in dnsmasq (universe) "Please sync dnsmasq (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83852 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83853 in vbetool (main) "[apport] vbetool crashed with signal 5" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83853 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83854 in rss-glx (main) "[apport] cyclone crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83854 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83855 in usplash (main) "[apport] usplash crashed with signal 5" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83855 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83856 in gnome-panel (main) "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83856 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83819 in vbetool (main) "[apport] vbetool crashed with signal 5" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83819 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83857 in bash (main) "Easier history usage" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83857 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83858 in drupal (universe) "Please sync drupal (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Rejected] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83858 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83859 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "linux headers 2.6.20 don't ship linux/config.h" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83859 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83860 in gdm (main) "Accessible GDM broken with our wacom setup" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83860 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83861 in hwdb-client (main) "[apport] hwdb-gui crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83861 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83863 in usplash (main) "[apport] usplash crashed with signal 5" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83863 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83862 in gnome-panel (main) "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83862 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83864 in Ubuntu "unable to install linux-image-2.6.15-27-686 into feisty - zero sized initrd image" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83864 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83865 in totem (main) "[edgy] Totem-xine does not live happily with totem" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83865 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83816 in rss-glx (main) "[apport] cyclone crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83816 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83867 in bzr (main) "branch hooks need documentation" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83867 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83868 in nexuiz (universe) "Please sync nexuiz (universe) from unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83868 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83872 in recordmydesktop (universe) "Please sync recordmydesktop (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83872 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83873 in Ubuntu "Wifi connection Problem" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83873 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83869 in qsf (universe) "Please sync qsf (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83869 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83870 in pcsx (universe) "PCSX crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83870 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83875 in gaim-xmms-remote (universe) "package gaim-xmms-remote has incorrect ABI for GAIM" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83875 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83876 in nautilus (main) "tracker support" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83876 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83877 in linesrv (universe) "linesrvd won't start with default settings" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83877 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83878 in udev (main) "wrong permissions for /dev/null" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83878 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83879 in slab (universe) "whishlist: new svn checkout" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83879 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83880 in evms (main) "EVMS reports incorrect XFS stripe unit and width sizes." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83880 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83881 in main-menu (main) "clicking system open gnome-control-center" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83881 <localverb> guys ....I know it's not a bug but I need your help please .....I am using headphones but the mic doesn't work....how can I get it working? thanks in advance <Ubugtu> New bug: #83882 in ubiquity (main) "Selecting format drive before chosing mount point crashes installer" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83882 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83884 in mythtv (multiverse) "Mythfrontend crashes after MythMusic completes a music database scan" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83884 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83886 in human-cursors-theme (main) "whishlist: new release" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83886 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83883 in gnome-utils (main) "[apport] gnome-system-log crashed with SIGSEGV in g_free()"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83883 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83885 in pommed (universe) "Keyboard backlight does not work" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83885 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83887 in bzr (main) "bzr log --short should indicate merges" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83887 #ubuntu-bugs 2007-02-08 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83888 in Ubuntu "internet sites" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83888 <cowbud> how come we don't have standard templates for bug triaging work like need more information templates requestion specific things like lshal dmesg whatever.. <cowbud> ahh I guess we do <cowbud> eheh <bdmurray> cowbud: it tends to be specifc depending on the issue <cowbud> https://launchpad.net/malone/+bug/49752 ahh that would be so cool <Ubugtu> Malone bug 49752 in malone "It should be possible to subscribe to an RSS feed of search results" [Wishlist,Confirmed] <bdmurray> The wiki contains pages on DebuggingFoo <bdmurray> where Foo is the particular issue <cowbud> cool t hanks <bdmurray> Most of them are pretty good. I have been reviewing them recently <Ubugtu> New bug: #83889 in apt (main) "apt shows incorrect language strings if used with specific locale settings - and aborts package installation if you confirm installation" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83889 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83890 in Ubuntu "Firefox crashes while bookmarking" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83890 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83891 in amsynth (universe) "amSynth does not show in the audio folder in qjackctl" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83891 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83892 in apport (main) "[apport] apport-gtk crashed with TypeError in ui_present_report_details()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83892 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83893 in hwdb-client (main) "[apport] hwdb-gui crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83893 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83894 in pouetchess (universe) "First move with a pawn--game crashes." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83894 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83895 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "[feisty regression] ASLR stopped working in 2.6.20-6" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83895 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83896 in Ubuntu "Screen brightness in minimum" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83896 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83897 in partman-auto (main) "patch: get_auto_disks fix" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83897 <bdmurray> ogra: hi! <ogra> hey bdmurray <bdmurray> how are you? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83898 in Ubuntu "Ethernet interface disappears after hibernation on DQ965COEKR running Feisty herd 3" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83898 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83900 in amarok (main) "amarok mtp (PlaysForSure) device support re-broken" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83900 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83901 in Ubuntu "Feisty herd 3 desktop install stalls on Quanta TW3M" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83901 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83903 in firefox (main) "FF crashes with Streamtuner and Mozilla?" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83903 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83904 in vbetool (main) "[apport] vbetool crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83904 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83905 in Ubuntu "Evince fails to load postscript files" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83905 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83907 in gnome-panel (main) "Tried to make a launcher for a file location" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83907 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83911 in vbetool (main) "[apport] vbetool crashed with signal 5" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83911 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83912 in democracyplayer (universe) "[apport] democracyplayer crashed with TypeError in __new__()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83912 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83913 in hwdb-client (main) "[apport] hwdb-gui crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83913 * netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> brown.freenode.net <Ubugtu> New bug: #83914 in update-manager (main) "[apport] software-properties crashed with TypeError in __init__()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83914 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83915 in gaim (main) "Gaim/Jabber - Receiveing file between 2.0.0 beta 6 and 2.0.0 beta3.1" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83915 <hggdh> folks -- whoever has the access rights -- please have a look at 83920, that I just opened. Please mark it as critical <Ubugtu> New bug: #83920 in libx86 (main) "[feisty] libx86.so.1 moved to /usr/lib -- and completely hosed my system" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83920 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83921 in ekiga (main) "Ekiga window doesn't stay on top" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83921 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83922 in gdesklets (universe) "gdesklets does not start feisty herd3 amd64" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83922 <flint-dude> I got this bug.. I did not create this bug but it's been out there since 2006/02/05 it hanging in bzr I need some help not now tomorrow. later Bug Squad <Ubugtu> New bug: #83924 in hplip (main) "[apport] [feisty] hpssd crashed with IOError in daemonize()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83924 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83923 in network-manager (main) "NetworkManager doesn't have a way to specify a list of preferred networks" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83923 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83927 in ubiquity (main) "Installer Crashed in step 3 of 6" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83927 <dholbach> good morning <Ubugtu> New bug: #83930 in basket (universe) "sync 1.0~rc2-1 from debian/experimental" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83930 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83931 in hwdb-client (main) "Device Database crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83931 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83932 in gaphor (universe) "[apport] gaphor crashed with TypeError: Cannot create a consistent method resolution" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83932 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83933 in Ubuntu "feisty gnome-cups-manager doesn't find usb printer" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83933 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83934 in xserver-xorg-video-nv (main) "1280x1024 resolution on 1680x1050 monitor" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83934 <dholbach> apt-get source bughelper works now :-D <Ubugtu> New bug: #83936 in hplip (main) "feisty hpfax crash in gnome-cups-add" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83936 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83939 in brltty (main) "brltty starts twice on boot" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83939 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83940 in Ubuntu "Beryl crashes and reverts to metacity alot just lately, when clicking a menu or hovering the mouse" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83940 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83945 in amarok (main) "Amarok 1.4.5 burn to CD context menu gone" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83945 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83946 in ubiquity (main) "Installer Crashed at bootloader configuration" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83946 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83944 in ocamlnet (universe) "edgy: ocamlnet v libpcre-ocaml incompatibility" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83944 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83943 in linux-source-2.6.17 (main) "uptime messed up" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83943 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83947 in bc (main) "[apport] bc crashed with SIGSEGV in run_code()" [Wishlist,Rejected] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83947 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83948 in ubiquity (main) "Installer crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83948 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83949 in evolution (main) "evolution calender crash with AIGLX and Compiz" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83949 <cypher1> dholbach: can i assign bug 81248 to myself ? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 81248 in bughelper "RFE: bugnumbers - option to count quantity of bugs" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81248 <dholbach> cypher1: sure <cypher1> dholbach: thanks ! <dholbach> thank YOU <cypher1> dholbach: :) <cypher1> dholbach: is it targeted for feisty ? <dholbach> not necessarily <dholbach> if we get it in, cool, if not that's fine too <cypher1> dholbach: one more thing i had doubt was.. will bugsquad tools be available in main or universe ? <dholbach> universe for now <cypher1> dholbach: ok <dholbach> we'll see how buggy they are and maybe put them in main <cypher1> dholbach: ok ! <Ubugtu> New bug: #83950 in Ubuntu "feisty openoffice crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83950 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83951 in control-center (main) "Feisty gnome control center not entirely accessible to screen reader." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83951 <fernando> moin all <Ubugtu> New bug: #83956 in ubiquity (main) "Installer Crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83956 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83957 in sane-backends (main) "Cracking noise on Canon lide30, possibility to hardware failure" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83957 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83959 in wpasupplicant (main) "wpasupplicant does not work with suspend-to-ram" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83959 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83960 in foomatic-db (main) "Lexmark E320 not in database" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83960 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83958 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20 (restricted) "Old and dangerous description in/for xorg-driver-fglrx" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83958 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83961 in Ubuntu "The shutdown button doesn't appear in the "Quit..." window" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83961 <cypher1> dholbach: why do bugnumbers need source URI's in sources.list ?? <dholbach> cypher1: that's for find out if the package really exists <dholbach> cypher1: so if you run ./bughelper -p blablabla it will tell you that no such package exists <cypher1> dholbach: if the sources.list is customized not to have deb-srcs ?? (like in my case ;) ) <dholbach> then bughelper/bugnumbers complains :) <dholbach> we had a discussion about that in a bug report and concluded that it's no shame for somebody who does bug triage to have those lines in the sources.list <cypher1> dholbach: is not there any other way to do it ? .. also that depends on users source.list which can have anything.. like their own mirros <dholbach> if you can come up with a better idea, just do it <cypher1> dholbach: ok ! :) <dholbach> ok <dholbach> :) <cypher1> dholbach: sorry to disturb again.. does not the bughelper/bugnumbers traverse through proxy ? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83962 in Ubuntu "No Sound in Edgy ref: amarok, rythmbox" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83962 <dholbach> is uses urllib <Ubugtu> New bug: #83963 in codeine (universe) "[FEISTY] Codeine crashes on exit" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83963 <dholbach> if you are configured to use a proxy, I dunno if urllib makes use of that <dholbach> we don't explicitly check <cypher1> dholbach: ok thanks <dholbach> anytime <dholbach> bughelper is in the archive!!! yoohooo! :) <fernando> dholbach: urllib2 need a urllib2.ProxyHandler() <dholbach> fernando: we use urllib, not urllib2 afaik <fernando> ops <dholbach> if you can figure out that it makes sense to do a switch or something, let the list know <dholbach> and discuss the proxy stuff there too <dholbach> i'm out for lunch and a dogwalk <dholbach> see you later guys <Ubugtu> New bug: #83964 in rhythmbox (main) "[Feisty] Unable to activate Rhythmbox plugins" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83964 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83965 in codeine (universe) "[FEISTY] Launching several instances of Codeine causes problems" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83965 <fernando> with urllib.urlopen() <fernando> The urlopen() function works transparently with proxies which do not require authentication. In a Unix or Windows environment, set the http_proxy, ftp_proxy or gopher_proxy environment variables to a URL that identifies the proxy server before starting the Python interpreter. <cypher1> fernando: ah.. that means i cant test any bugnumber code change now :(.. <cypher1> fernando: sorry did you mean that the current bug* tools traverse through proxies ? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83966 in codeine (universe) "[FEISTY] Codeine won't load the subtitles" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83966 <fernando> cyberix: you can to test it =) <cypher1> fernando: yes going thru the code ! <rpereira> dholbach: How do I create a link between a bug on a upstream and a bug on ubuntu package? <Ubugtu> New bug: #83968 in kdebase "New KDE Logout window has no possibily to choose kernel version to boot from" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83968 <gnomefreak> rpereira: click upstream on the ubuntu bug and enter the URL to the upstream bug <rpereira> gnomefreak: Thanks... <Ubugtu> New bug: #83969 in gnome-session (main) "Shutdown and reboot option absent (dup-of: 83810)" [High,Rejected] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83969 <gnomefreak> yw <Ubugtu> New bug: #83970 in Ubuntu "language-*-zh packages need to be splitted" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83970 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83971 in ubiquity (main) "Installer crash at 86%" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83971 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83972 in gnome-mount (main) "[apport] gnome-mount crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83972 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83973 in Ubuntu "xfce does open but no ribbon at the top of the screen" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83973 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83974 in apport (main) "[feisty] apport-gtk is opening a wrong URL" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83974 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83975 in gthumb (main) "gthumb starts with an empty window on my system" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83975 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83977 in firefox (main) "firefox crashes during a yousendit file download" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83977 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83980 in cinepaint (universe) "[apport] pdbbrowse.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83980 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83981 in cinepaint (universe) "[apport] clothify.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83981 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83979 in hal (main) "[apport] hal-device-manager crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83979 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83982 in Ubuntu "Deleting large files corrupts EXT3 file system" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83982 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83984 in Ubuntu "Edgy does not respond to USB Devices" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83984 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83985 in gnome-app-install (main) "edgy: GUI gnome-app-install get stuck" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83985 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83986 in gnome-panel (main) "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83986 <bddebian> Boo <Ubugtu> New bug: #83987 in apt-cacher (universe) "apt-cacher doesn't know about Translation-[lang] .bz2 files" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83987 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83990 in gnome-system-monitor (main) "System Monitor appears as slits, not rectangles" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83990 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83988 in ogre (universe) "ships directories named "*"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83988 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83989 in ogre (universe) "conflicts against older library packages" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83989 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83992 in f-spot (main) "Menu entries are greyed-out, although enabled" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83992 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83993 in Ubuntu "Now locale request for Occitan" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83993 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83995 in audacious (universe) "[feisty] Audacious' button does not react to mouse click" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83995 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83996 in easytag (universe) "[feisty] Easytag does not write umlauts in file names" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83996 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83997 in tracker "tracker should not index mounted directory trees" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83997 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83999 in gst-plugins (universe) "[apport] rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in gst_xvimagesink_event_thread()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83999 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84000 in tracker (universe) "[apport] tracker-extract crashed with SIGSEGV in strlen() (dup-of: 82879)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84000 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84001 in Ubuntu "DHCP can't assign IP address to ethernet interface after hibernation on Quanta SW1 running Feisty herd 3" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84001 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84003 in openoffice.org (main) "[apport] soffice.bin crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84003 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84005 in kdelibs (main) "[apport] kdeinit crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84005 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84008 in kdegraphics (main) "[apport] ksnapshot crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84008 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84006 in kdebase (main) "[apport] konsole crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84006 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84007 in sound-juicer (main) "Cannot edit audio profiles" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84007 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84009 in software-properties (main) "software-properties-gtk crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84009 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84010 in tracker (universe) "[apport] trackerd crashed with SIGSEGV in tracker_db_index_file()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84010 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84011 in gdm (main) "[apport] gdmgreeter crashed just after entering username when using the esperanto locale (eo_XX.UTF-8)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84011 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84013 in Ubuntu "Unable to install selected kernel error when installing Feisty herd 3 on AMD Geode" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84013 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84014 in Ubuntu "feisty rhythmbox hangs randomly" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84014 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84015 in Ubuntu "VMWare Virtual Machine has no sound" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84015 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84016 in linux-source-2.6.17 (main) "Unmet dependency in metapackage linux-image-generic" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84016 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84017 in rawstudio (universe) "Please sync 0.5-1 from Debian" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84017 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84018 in Ubuntu "[feisty] failure of MATSHITACD-R CW-7502 using ACARD AEC-671X PCI Ultra/W SCSI-2/3 Host Adapter" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84018 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84019 in gnome-app-install (main) "[apport] update-app-install crashed with UnicodeEncodeError in __eq__()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84019 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84020 in supertux (universe) "supertux crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84020 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84021 in seahorse (universe) "[feisty] seahorse leaves old temporary directories under ~/.gnome2" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84021 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84023 in Ubuntu "when /etc/hostname is empty or missing 'localhost' not properly set as the hostname" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84023 <cypher1> dholbach, hi are you there ? <dholbach> hi cypher1 <dholbach> yes <cypher1> dholbach, do you have 5 min to see whether the fix which counts total bugs is ok ? <dholbach> i'm in a meeting - can you post me a link? i'll have a look in a bit <cypher1> ok sure thanks <cypher1> dholbach, https://code.launchpad.net/~ppadman/+branch/bughelper/bughelper.dev <dholbach> alrighty <dholbach> i'll take a look in a bit <Ubugtu> New bug: #84024 in xorg (main) "Xorg:could not open default cursor font" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84024 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84025 in gnome-terminal (main) "[apport] gnome-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84025 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84026 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "Frequency scaling unavailable on Woodcrest CPU, Feisty Herd 3" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84026 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84027 in gnome-volume-manager (main) "[Feisty Herd 3] CIFS share does not appear in Places menu" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84027 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84028 in nautilus-cd-burner (main) "[Feisty Herd 3] nautilus-cd-burner ejects CD after burn" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84028 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84029 in hugin (universe) "missing enblend package" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84029 <dholbach> cypher1: checking it out <Ubugtu> New bug: #84030 in gs-esp (main) "[Feisty Fawn Herd 3] ghostcript package dependencies bug: unknown device x11" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84030 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84031 in ubiquity (main) "[Feisty Herd 3] installer timezone map slow to zoom" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84031 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84032 in Ubuntu "beryl crashed when I launched it.." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84032 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84034 in Ubuntu "gdm crash when dimming screen" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84034 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84033 in Ubuntu "PC crashes as I reach an internet site" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84033 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84035 in Ubuntu "cannot upgrade kernel" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84035 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84036 in ubiquity (main) "[Feisty Herd 3] partitioner shows EFI system partition with mountpoint, but this is not mounted after the installation" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84036 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84037 in boa-constructor (universe) "Boa Constructor crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84037 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84038 in Ubuntu "sound: PCM channel is always off after reboot or after suspend" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84038 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84039 in archivemail (universe) "[apport] archivemail crashed with AttributeError in add_status_headers()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84039 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84040 in Ubuntu "[apport] opera crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84040 <sfllaw> ^^^ That one doesn't look like our bug. <Ubugtu> New bug: #83937 in synaptic "Synaptic Package Manager dies silently" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83937 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83938 in update-manager "Update Manager does not apply updates (dup-of: 83937)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83938 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84041 in pouetchess (universe) "First move kings pawn then kings bishop then crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84041 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84045 in Ubuntu "BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#1!" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84045 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84042 in gnome-panel (main) "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGFPE in get_workspace_rect()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84042 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84044 in gnome-mount (main) "by default gnome-mount should use uid= option for hfs volumes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84044 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84046 in libgnuinet-java (main) "sync request" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84046 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84047 in libgnumail-java (main) "sync request" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84047 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84048 in dvdauthor (universe) "dvdauthor crashes during k9copy copy" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84048 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84049 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "USB subsystem crashes after a few minutes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84049 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84050 in ubuntu-docs (main) "Undefined entities in contribute.xml" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84050 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84051 in blubuntu-look (universe) "Warning in Blubuntu" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84051 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84052 in Ubuntu "beryl crashed after reboot for no apparent reason" [Undecided,Rejected] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84052 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84056 in gnome-panel (main) "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84056 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84057 in hwdb-client (main) "[apport] hwdb-gui crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84057 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84058 in vbetool (main) "[apport] vbetool crashed with signal 5" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84058 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84055 in usplash (main) "[apport] usplash crashed with signal 5" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84055 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84054 in rss-glx (main) "[apport] cyclone crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84054 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84059 in linux-meta (main) "latest feisty kernel does not boot" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84059 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84061 in openoffice.org (main) "table of contents doesn't change language with document language" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84061 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84063 in control-center (main) "[Feisty] gnome-network-preferences breaks /etc/network/interfaces" [Medium,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84063 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84060 in alacarte (main) "[apport] alacarte crashed with AttributeError in __getPath()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84060 <yuriy> what is apport? <bdmurray> apport is an autmated crash reporting tool <bdmurray> you can learn more at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport <Ubugtu> New bug: #84064 in Ubuntu "Installer Crashed on install attempt" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84064 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84065 in evolution (main) "Evolution should give feedback when messages are sent" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84065 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84066 in ubiquity (main) "timezone selection improvements" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84066 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84067 in Ubuntu "beryl crash in wine-utorrent start" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84067 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84068 in mono (main) "[apport] mono crashed with SIGSEGV on login" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84068 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84069 in bzr (main) "unexpected out of date error after doing a local commit" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84069 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84070 in wireshark (universe) "[apport] wireshark crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84070 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84072 in rdesktop (main) "[feisty] rdesktop should be compiled with IPv6 enabled" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84072 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84073 in totem (main) "the sidebar deforms the window... but only at first" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84073 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84074 in gcc-3.3 (main) "infinite recursion in btowc() function (libstdc++.so.5)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84074 <n0mer> hello from Ukraine <n0mer> does anyone know why Ubuntu LiveCD is not able to work with generic PS/2 keyboard? <n0mer> other LiveCD's can see it (f.ex. Knoppix) <n0mer> just removed FC56 <n0mer> FC5 <n0mer> just installed 6.10 from LiveCD using mouse copy-paste <yuriy> n0mer: that is strange! but you might have better luck getting help in a support channel like #ubuntu <n0mer> yuriy: there are 1K people @#ubuntu <n0mer> :) my messases are losted <n0mer> or messed <bdmurray> n0mer: which live CD were you having issues with? <Ubugtu> New bug: #84076 in gnome-panel (main) "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84076 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84075 in language-pack-cs (main) "Xfce panel applet "Free space checker"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84075 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84077 in vlc (universe) "VLC crashed playing XviD" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84077 <n0mer> bdmurray: 6.10 <n0mer> sorry for delay, Hennini@#ubuntu already showed me the corresponding issue <n0mer> 23:14 < Hennin1> n0mer: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/54836 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 54836 in linux-source-2.6.15 "PS2 keyboard problem (dup-of: 83066)" [High,Unconfirmed] <Ubugtu> Malone bug 83066 in linux-source-2.6.15 "no ps/2 keyboard with kernel 2.6.15-27-686-smp" [Undecided,Confirmed] <n0mer> that's it: PS/2 keyboard is not recognized <bdmurray> n0mer: Okay, cool. 6.10 uses the 2.6.17 kernel though <n0mer> i successfully plugged in USB keyboard <Ubugtu> New bug: #84079 in backupninja (universe) "[apport] package backupninja failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84079 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84080 in metacity (main) "Metacity crashes at startup" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84080 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84082 in adept (main) "adept should show download speed and ETA" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84082 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84083 in libpam-heimdal (universe) "Missing Build-Depends on comerr-dev" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84083 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84085 in gnome-panel (main) "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84085 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84084 in supertux (universe) "SuperTux 0.3.0 is officially unsupported!" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84084 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84086 in serpentine (main) "[apport] serpentine crashed with AssertionError in _get_progress()"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84086 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84088 in mozplugger (universe) "Plugin missing in Firefox" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84088 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84089 in ubiquity (main) "ubuntu ultimate installation error on 90%" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84089 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84090 in ubiquity (main) "crashed while installing during zone location zoom" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84090 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84091 in onboard (main) "does not display or detect current keyboard map" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84091 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84094 in udev (main) "'dpkg-reconfigure udev' gives error about update-initramfs" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84094 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84095 in java-common (main) "java chach after enter the page" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84095 #ubuntu-bugs 2007-02-09 <yuriy> how to deal with apport reported bugs? i.e. bug 84005, 84006, 84008 all sound like the same thing, and the person just clicked report on each crash <Ubugtu> Malone bug 84005 in kdelibs "[apport] kdeinit crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84005 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 84006 in kdebase "[apport] konsole crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84006 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 84008 in kdegraphics "[apport] ksnapshot crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84008 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84096 in flashplugin-nonfree (multiverse) "cpu wasted during animations" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84096 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84098 in vlc (universe) ""always on top" option in VLC not working" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84098 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84100 in vlc (universe) "VLC crashes or hangs when not in focus playing AVI" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84100 <pochu> yuriy: mark them as duplicates ;) <pochu> yuriy: sorry, they are not the same packages <pochu> yuriy: I think the bug isn't really in those packages, but in the qt libs :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #84102 in evolution (main) "Evolution search dialog has got dupe entries" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84102 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84103 in network-manager (main) "network manager disables wireless if dhcp times out" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84103 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84104 in Ubuntu "wget doesn't redo DNS lookup" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84104 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84106 in tar (main) "tar --owner and --group options don't work" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84106 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84105 in ivtv (multiverse) "MythTV Tuner stops responding" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84105 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84107 in firefox (main) "firefox crashed while I was running scorched3d" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84107 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84108 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu Herd 3 doesn't start X on nvidia tnt2" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84108 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84109 in Ubuntu "Panel Icons for KDE apps appear outside the taskbar in Ubuntu Edgy Eft" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84109 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84110 in Ubuntu ""unable to start gnome2-settings-daemon" after repeated logon" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84110 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84111 in Ubuntu "System -> Administration -> Services Doesn't open" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84111 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84112 in linux-meta (main) "unmet dependencies" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84112 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84113 in totem (main) "jagged/rough video in DVD playback" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84113 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84114 in slidentd (universe) "[Merge] slidentd 1.0.0-6ubuntu1" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84114 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84115 in gcc-4.1 (main) "-fstack-protector breaks some compiles" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84115 <fernando> hi all <pochu> hi fernando ;) <Ubugtu> New bug: #84116 in gnome-system-tools (main) "[apport] network-admin crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84116 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84117 in Ubuntu "Samba error code" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84117 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84118 in yelp (main) "Crash: yelp for closed windows" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84118 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84119 in Ubuntu "feisty trackpoint false clicks & movement" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84119 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84120 in ubiquity (main) "The installer crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84120 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84121 in gimp (main) "[apport] gimp-2.2 crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_file_info_get_is_folder()"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84121 <bddebian> Boo <Ubugtu> New bug: #84122 in Ubuntu "please delete duplicate bug" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84122 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84125 in mplayer (multiverse) "firefox crashing with new mplayer" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84125 <pochu> hi bddebian :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #84123 in firefox (main) "Firefox Crash Visiting ASCII Art Site" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84123 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84124 in grub (main) "[feisty AMD64] /etc/kernel-img.conf calls /sbin/update-grub" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84124 <bddebian> Hello pochu <pochu> good night! <cowbud> hah <Ubugtu> New bug: #84127 in Ubuntu "Please sync libpthread-stubs (new package) from Debian experimental (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84127 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84128 in avahi (main) "avahi-daemon shouldn't be run in if-post-down" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84128 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84130 in Ubuntu "beryl-core crash to init synaptic" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84130 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84131 in Ubuntu "sound does not work when Edgy is installed new" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84131 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84132 in firefox (main) "firefox crashes when opening confirm dialog box" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84132 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84133 in acpi-support (main) "after suspend resum touchpad doesn't work " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84133 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84134 in vmware-player (multiverse) "VMWare Player fails to install" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84134 <ash211> Does anyone know what packages generates /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist ?? <ash211> it's bug 83015 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 83015 in alsa-driver "[feisty] HDA-Intel sound problems" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83015 <Hobbsee> ash211: <Hobbsee> sarah@LongPointyStick:~$ dpkg -S /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist <Hobbsee> module-init-tools: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist <ash211> whoa, cool command <ash211> I'll have to remember that <ash211> thanks! <Hobbsee> :) <Hobbsee> ash211: man dpkg for reference <Ubugtu> New bug: #84137 in firefox (main) "[edgy] Firefox crashed logging in to MySpace.com" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84137 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84139 in brltty (main) "Arduino detected as braille device" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84139 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84138 in kde-systemsettings "Two Hewlett Packard printer categories show up in Kubuntu 6.06.1 printer wizard" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84138 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84140 in Ubuntu "I tested Ubuntu 6.06, 6.10 and Beta version 7.04 no suport Wireles card Broadcom 4318 " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84140 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84142 in apache2 (main) "apache2-common: a2ensite rewritten to allow globbing/multiple site enabling" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84142 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84143 in apache2 (main) "apache2-common: a2dissite rewritten to allow globbing/multiple site disabling/includes man page" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84143 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84144 in firefox (main) "firefox crashed twice trying to open www.jamptv.com" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84144 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84145 in turbogears (universe) "tg-admin doesn't work with python 2.5" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84145 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84146 in network-manager (main) "nm-applet - No Icon in Tray - No Response at all" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84146 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84148 in Ubuntu "Laptop lid close freezes k/b mouse works" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84148 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84147 in nautilus (main) "feisty nautilus can't connect to edgy samba server" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84147 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84149 in Ubuntu "top panel freezed (hanged) " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84149 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84150 in Ubuntu "trying to start beryl window manager says beryl-xgl 1000 crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84150 <cypher1> !seen dholbach <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about seen dholbach - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi <Ubugtu> New bug: #84151 in tracker (universe) "[apport] tracker-extract crashed with SIGSEGV in strlen() on Delphi *.dcr files" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84151 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84152 in linux-source-2.6.17 (main) "usbserial doesn't recognize device (2.6.17) (worked in Dapper)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84152 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84153 in totem (main) "totem breaks dependencies" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84153 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84154 in kdebase (main) "[apport] kpersonalizer crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84154 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84155 in cohoba (universe) "Cohoba applet crashes on startup with dbus related Programming Error" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84155 <cypher1_> dholbach: good morning ! <dholbach> good morning <dholbach> hey cypher1_ <cypher1> dholbach: thanks for the comments.. i will be working on it <dholbach> rock and roll <dholbach> thanks a lot for your work <dholbach> cypher1: how hard was it to find your way around? <cypher1> dholbach: also i had started implementing the statistical part..since i am new to python .. trying to figure basic things <Ubugtu> New bug: #84156 in Ubuntu "[Feisty Herd 3] Caps Lock not working on TTYs/terminals" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84156 <cypher1> dholbach: it was nice.. the layout is good.. once the layout is understood its easy to work <cypher1> dholbach: layout -- the different classes -- the object oriented approach is nice <dholbach> cypher1: it makes me happy you found everything so easily <cypher1> dholbach: the bug* does not work thru proxy.. thats a major blocker in my humble opinion <cypher1> dholbach: because it will stop people behind proxies not able to use bug* tools <dholbach> cypher1: if we can integrate that into bughelper, I'm all for it <cypher1> dholbach: can we integrate new codes/features (or bump up version) after bugsquad tools are released in feisty <dholbach> we should only feed severe bugfixes into feisty-updates (once feisty is released) <dholbach> development should go on in feisty+1 <cypher1> dholbach: :( <cypher1> dholbach: when is the deadline for feisty ? <dholbach> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates <ajmitch> yesterday :) <dholbach> we'll release feisty apr 19th <cypher1> :( <dholbach> but we'll continue to improve bughelper until then <dholbach> just not as agressively as we did before <dholbach> or maybe in a different branch * ajmitch thinks that for a package like bughelper, there'd be freeze exceptions granted <dholbach> yeah <ajmitch> is it going to be in main? <dholbach> python-launchpad-bugs already is in main <dholbach> and apport uses it <Ubugtu> New bug: #84157 in sbackup (universe) "Files beyond 2gb in tar not restored" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84157 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84158 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (main) "[Feisty Herd 3] Corrupt screen when switching resolution" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84158 <cypher1> dholbach: can i file a bug report for the proxy support ? <Ubugtu> New bug: #84159 in linux-source-2.6.17 (main) "acerhk module - additional keyboard" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84159 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84160 in update-manager (main) "Updates that cannot be ticked are displayed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84160 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84161 in firefox (main) "(edgy) firefox crashes when visiting www.tiipsi.com" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84161 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84162 in ubiquity (main) "Installer crashed in Installing System at 94%" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84162 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84163 in openoffice.org (main) "logarithmic scale in chart not recorded in undo history" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84163 <visit0r> hello, is this known (edgy upgrade fails as of today): Depends: linux-image-2.6.17-11-386 but it is not installable <DarkMageZ> visit0r, yeah. there's a bug open about it. <visit0r> can you point me to it so I can track it <visit0r> got it: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/84016 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 84016 in linux-source-2.6.17 "Unmet dependency in metapackage linux-image-generic" [Undecided,Confirmed] <Ubugtu> New bug: #84164 in mono (main) "Mono/Beagle crash on power up" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84164 <seb128> sfllaw: why did you confirm bug #84076? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 84076 in gnome-panel "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84076 <seb128> the bt is only "??" and the coredump is invalid <Ubugtu> New bug: #84165 in gnome-applets (main) "[apport] battstat-applet-2 crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84165 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84166 in totem (main) "[feisty] hotkeys not working in totem" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84166 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84168 in linux-meta (main) "Inapplicable security update (linux-2.6.17-11 in edgy)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84168 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84169 in usplash (main) "[Feisty] Black screen after starting with usplash " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84169 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84171 in debhelper (main) "compressing already compressed files should be avoided" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84171 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84172 in control-center (main) "Please launch Orca with --disable=main-window" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84172 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84071 in gaim "Crash while drag the scroll bar" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84071 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84173 in amarok (main) "amarok sucks at importing large collections." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84173 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84174 in linux-meta (main) "last linux-image-generic package is broken" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84174 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84175 in ubiquity (main) "install crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84175 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84176 in update-manager (main) "update manager doesn't honor (eg. synaptic) pinned packages" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84176 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84177 in firefox (main) "Streaming Video with Totem-plugin for Mozilla Firefox does not work since I installed the latest updates form Ubuntu. -No Video- appears on the screen" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84177 <matsubara> hello bugsquad! could anyone bounce a recent message sent to the ubuntu-bugs and ubuntu-desktop-bugs mailing list to matsubara at canonical dot com? I'm investigating bug 84078 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 84078 in malone "not possible to reply to bug number via ubuntu-desktop bugs mailing list" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84078 <matsubara> that bug is quite strange because we use a similar setup for launchpad bugs and the reply-to works as expected. <Hobbsee> matsubara: what do you want, sorry? <matsubara> Hobbsee: any recent message sent to the ubuntu-bugs and ubuntu-desktop-bugs mailing list. I need it with full headers. <Hobbsee> ask dholbach about that, i guess <coNP> matsubara: you need a message that is about bug 84078? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 84078 in malone "not possible to reply to bug number via ubuntu-desktop bugs mailing list" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84078 <coNP> or any message? <dholbach> matsubara: sent <matsubara> thanks dholbach <matsubara> any message coNP, but dholbach already sent one, thanks. <Ubugtu> New bug: #84180 in amarok (main) "no way to choose where podcasts are stored" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84180 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84178 in Ubuntu "don't know, just saw the crash message" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84178 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84179 in update-manager (main) "[apport] update-manager crashed with SystemError in open()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84179 <dholbach> matsubara: sorry, the message went out just now <dholbach> matsubara: evolution doesn't like network-manager not being used *GNARGH* <Ubugtu> New bug: #84182 in linux-meta (main) "k7 kernel update - broken dependency" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84182 <matsubara> dholbach: no problem, I'm not in a hurry. <fernando> moin all <dholbach> heya fernando <dholbach> how are you? <fernando> dholbach: fine thanks. I'm working on regex to get all comments/user/date/title <dholbach> yooohoooo <fernando> is a beautiful regex heheh <dholbach> fernando: pitti had the idea to use an xml parser for that <fernando> the comment allow html too <dholbach> i dunno how well that'd work <Ubugtu> New bug: #84181 in ubiquity (main) "installer crashes when installs language" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84181 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84183 in sbuild (main) "sbuild depends on grep-dctrl, which is a transition package" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84183 <fernando> xml parser in a html page? <dholbach> fernando: run libxml2.parse<something>(bug.text) and then grab whatever we need from there <dholbach> maybe use xpath to get all comments like //bla//text//div//comment/text() <dholbach> i dunno how well that works, but it's worth a try <dholbach> as it's less painful than writing regular expressions <dholbach> matsubara: how good are our chances with that? should launchpad bug pages html be valid xml? :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #84185 in gnomesword (universe) "[apport] gnomesword2 crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84185 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84186 in Ubuntu "contrast button on IBM R40 not working after lastets upgrade" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84186 <BjornT> dholbach: if libxml2 doesn't work, and you don't mind pulling in an extra dependency, BeautifulSoup is quite nice to use for extracting information from html. <dholbach> BjornT: ok thanks :) <dholbach> fernando: sounds like that's worth a try ;-) <fernando> dholbach: from xml.dom.ext.reader import HtmlLib <fernando> dholbach: pyxml already have functions to html parser <fernando> dholbach: I'm studying it now <dholbach> libxml2 has that too - we already use it in XMLOperations.py <dholbach> you should only have to copy and adjust the xpath statements * dholbach -> lunch - bbl <Ubugtu> New bug: #84187 in adept (main) "Adept Update Manager fails to install 2.6.17-11" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84187 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84188 in Ubuntu "sources de mise jour" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84188 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84189 in Ubuntu "Reported bugs aren't being handled" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84189 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84190 in gtkglextmm (universe) "libgtkglextmm1 still linked with gtkmm2.0" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84190 <Hobbsee> ugh @ bug 84189 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 84189 in Ubuntu "Reported bugs aren't being handled" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84189 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84191 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "[Feisty] Kernel doesn't boot on Virtualbox (paging request)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84191 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84192 in openldap2.3 (main) "change permissions of /var/run/slapd to owner of running slapd process" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84192 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84193 in Ubuntu "SELinux in Ubuntu?" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84193 <coNP> hey pochu <pochu> hi coNP :) <pochu> coNP: going to eat ;) <Ubugtu> New bug: #84195 in heimdal (universe) "[Merge] heimdal 0.7.2.dfsg.1-10ubuntu1" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84195 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84194 in gnome-panel (main) "adding ntp server ip from clock applet fails" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84194 <cowbud> hah reported bugs aren't being handled <cowbud> damn <Hobbsee> cowbud: yeah, i rejected that :P <cowbud> hehe <cowbud> that one got handled <cowbud> foo <coNP> I was wandering what if we do not handle that <Ubugtu> New bug: #84196 in apport (main) "apport-qt crashes while processing crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84196 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84197 in apt (main) "Upgrade Edgy to Feisty problem with translated packages" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84197 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84198 in bash (main) "[apport] bash crashed with SIGSEGV in kill()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84198 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84199 in gnome-panel (main) "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84199 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84200 in Ubuntu "no support foe acer laptop sound card, RealTek Audio " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84200 <simira> I've got this app automatically making a bug report when something crashes. I tried to report to launchpad, but the network wasn't connected, so it just closed... is that report filed somewhere? I'd like to report it still... <Ubugtu> New bug: #84201 in nautilus (main) "Right click unmount (umount) of loop device fails" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84201 <simira> dholbach, seb128? <seb128> no idea, the package is "apport" <seb128> look on open bugs for it <seb128> or ask to pitti if he knows about it <simira> it's not a bug on apport <Ubugtu> New bug: #84202 in apport (main) "qt restart button broken" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84202 <sfllaw> simira: The crash dump should still be in /var/crash/ <sfllaw> Apport is still kind of lame for just disappearing. <simira> sfllaw: thanks! <Ubugtu> New bug: #84203 in linux-meta (main) "Depends: linux-image-2.6.17-11-386 but it is not installable" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84203 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84204 in Ubuntu "APIC error on CPU0: 40(40)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84204 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84205 in ubiquity (main) "Grub install failure Code 1" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84205 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84206 in hardinfo (universe) "[apport] hardinfo crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84206 <bddebian> Boo <pochu> bug 1 ? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 1 in ichthux "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 <pochu> :) <pochu> what happened, the server went off? <coNP> sure <Ubugtu> New bug: #84207 in firefox (main) "firefox error" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84207 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84208 in totem (main) "[apport] totem-video-indexer crashed with SIGFPE" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84208 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84209 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "subselect bug in amd64 compiled version" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84209 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84211 in capisuite (universe) "capisuite broken" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84211 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84212 in linhdd (universe) "[apport] linHDD crashed with UnboundLocalError in speed_test()"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84212 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84214 in firefox (main) "RFE: snapshot builds of Firefox 3" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84214 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84216 in python-defaults (main) "error appears when close the Boa Constructor" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84216 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84217 in compiz (universe) "wishlist: include extra plugins" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84217 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84218 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "skge eth0 does not get enabled automatically on boot" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84218 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84213 in update-manager (main) "[apport] update-manager crashed with RuntimeError in exit()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84213 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84215 in gwget2 (universe) "Do you want to Cancel or Cancel?" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84215 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84220 in espeak (universe) "No speech in totem using eSpeak w/ Orca" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84220 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84219 in firefox (main) "Don't know. I just saw the Bug message this morning and I don't remember a crash last night." [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84219 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84221 in ubuntulooks (main) "ubuntulooks causes massive memory use at startup for Firefox 3 trunk build" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84221 <coNP> lol @ #84219 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83669 in ubuntu-website "navigation overlaid on 800px window (dup-of: 47820)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83669 <sfllaw> coNP: That is amusing... <Ubugtu> New bug: #84222 in psi (universe) "[apport] psi crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84222 <localverb> I Need help .... I know this is a bug channel ,but please I am trying to use Ekiga on ubuntu 6.10 ...but it reports that I have symmetric NAT .... I have a DSL modem/router ....what's the solution ? please <Ubugtu> New bug: #84223 in ubiquity (main) "installer crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84223 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84224 in Ubuntu "able to change root pass without confirming old pass" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84224 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84225 in pam-keyring (universe) "Please sync 0.0.8-3 from debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84225 <Ubugtu> New bug: #83976 in soyuz "-security vs. -updates/-proposed version comparison needs to be removed" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83976 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84226 in fast-user-switch-applet (universe) "Fast user switch applet causes high processor load" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84226 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84227 in cupsys (main) "cupsys doesnt seems to see printers available on network" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84227 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84228 in partman-md (main) "RAID catch-22 on power5" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84228 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84229 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "[feisty] [amd64] a lot of programs get status D+" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84229 * dholbach went through all evolution bugs <Ubugtu> New bug: #84230 in sun-java6 (multiverse) "some alternative entries are not updated" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84230 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84231 in Ubuntu "Feisty - Report problem have a problem" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84231 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84232 in Ubuntu "Feisty Update manager..." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84232 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84233 in mozplugger (universe) "mozplugger and evince-gtk can't open pdf file in Xubuntu" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84233 <cypher1> dholbach, wow ! the fix i am doing shows total number of bugs in evolution as 266, Confirmed: 202, Needs Info: 34, Fix Commited: 5, Unconfirmed: 25 :) <dholbach> cypher1: ROCK and ROLL <cypher1> dholbach, you had gone through all those evolution bugs ! <dholbach> yeah :) <seb128> 25 unconfirmed, that's pretty good <seb128> rocking job guys ;) <dholbach> cypher1: I thought a bit about it... what if we'd organise the buglist like this: <Ubugtu> New bug: #84234 in jack-audio-connection-kit (universe) "jackd crashes on qjackctrl launch" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84234 <dholbach> cypher1: buglist.unconfirmed = set(bugno1, bugno2, ...), buglist.confirmed = set(bugno3, bugno4, ...), buglist.needsinfo = set(bugno5, bugno6, ...), <dholbach> cypher1: that way we could easily do stuff like ./bughelper --needsinfo <....> and just let it work through the needsinfo list <dholbach> cypher1: without arguments, it'd just consider bl.needsinfo+bl.confirmed+bl.unconfirmed+... etc etc <dholbach> does that make sense? <cypher1> dholbach, when the option for statistics is used, not only the count but the bugnumbers are also shown.. did i get correct ? <dholbach> we should generally parse that data <cypher1> dholbach, ok <dholbach> for bugnumbers you'd just print "Unconfirmed: %s" % bl.unconfirmed etc <dholbach> for bugnumbers you'd just print "Unconfirmed: %s" % len(bl.unconfirmed) etc <dholbach> sorry :) <cypher1> got it :) thanks ! <Ubugtu> New bug: #84235 in pcmanx-gtk2 (universe) "PCMan X 0.3.5 crashed after selecting the special texts." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84235 <cypher1> i will code it like that <dholbach> cypher1: you rock! :) <dholbach> i'm hacking on the last remaining 0.1 bug <dholbach> (apart from documentation) <dholbach> bughelper is in really good shape * dholbach hugs cypher1 * cypher1 hugs dholbach <cypher1> dholbach, can i pm ? <dholbach> sure <Ubugtu> New bug: #84237 in Ubuntu "GNOME Control Center Crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84237 <pochu> hey guys, there are a lot of bugs in control centre <coNP> pochu: a great job for you to kill a friday evening with :) <pochu> coNP: I want to do it, but with compiz ;) <pochu> coNP: however, after doing it with compiz, maybe I can do it with cc :) <pochu> maybe not :P <pochu> hehe <bdmurray> pochu: If you actually sweep a package for bugs could you update the BugSquad/AdoptPackage page? <pochu> bdmurray: sure, thanks for the advice :) <bdmurray> pochu: no problem. I have been working on updating it myself whenever I sweep a package. <pochu> bdmurray: I've just noticed it :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #84238 in linux-source-2.6.17 (main) "[feisty] kernel 2.6.17 in feisty repository cannot boot " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84238 <bdmurray> Perhaps I should re-email the bugsquad list about it. <Ubugtu> New bug: #84239 in gdm (main) "TimedLoginDelay seems to fail to take smaller values then 30" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84239 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84240 in Ubuntu "keyboard not working after resume from suspend to ram (hp nx7400)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84240 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84241 in gnome-panel (main) "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84241 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84242 in firefox (main) "Firefox address bar search broken using proxy" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84242 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84243 in sound-juicer (main) "crash when clicking continue without selecting a disk on ambiguous disk popup" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84243 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84244 in nautilus-cd-burner (main) "nautilus-cd-burner-rapport-d-anomalies" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84244 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84245 in rhythmbox (main) "rhythmbox blocks video output" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84245 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84246 in Ubuntu "USB power to mobile phone" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84246 <pochu> working on compiz :D <seb128> pochu: good! <Ubugtu> New bug: #84249 in mono (main) "mono_jit" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84249 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84250 in gnome-panel (main) "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84250 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84251 in coreutils (main) "Crash in 'echo'" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84251 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84252 in xorg (main) "Crash of graphic system from time to time" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84252 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84253 in ubiquity (main) "partitioner hangs at 46%" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84253 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84254 in gnome-panel (main) "right click > "remove from panel" always removes the menu bar if a menu was open" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84254 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84255 in update-manager (main) "[apport] update-manager crashed with SystemError in open()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84255 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84257 in Ubuntu "Couldn't display "smb:///mshome The location is not a folder." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84257 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84258 in Ubuntu "Feisty: konqueror & akregator & kmail don't fetch informations from the web" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84258 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84259 in update-manager (main) "[apport] update-manager crashed with SystemError in open()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84259 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84260 in Ubuntu "Started beryl, but it crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84260 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84261 in Ubuntu "Update manager don't make upgrade" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84261 <seb128> sfllaw: ping? <seb128> sfllaw: could you not mark all the gnome-panel crashers duplicate just because they don't have an useful backtrace? The submitters and descriptions are differents and there is no indications they are similar problem <seb128> sfllaw: or there is something indicating they are dupped that I skipped? <seb128> bdmurray: similar question about bug #84250 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 84250 in gnome-panel "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV (dup-of: 84241)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84250 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 84241 in gnome-panel "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84241 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84263 in evolution (main) "can't send e-mails as bug is sitting in it" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84263 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84264 in Ubuntu "some games do not install gnome menu items: lmarbles, ltris, pingus" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84264 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84262 in nautilus (main) "Gnome desktop icons are shifted when the file is edited" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84262 <bdmurray> seb128: I looked at the ProcCmdline <seb128> bdmurray: that's standard gnome-panel (the --sm-client-id is because it's started with the session) <bdmurray> seb128: okay <seb128> I'm undupping it <seb128> to know if they are the same crasher we really need a backtrace <seb128> and the coredumps are broken due to linux at the moment <seb128> we are basically screwed until BenC fix it <bdmurray> seb128: okay, sounds good. Is there an ETA on that? <seb128> probably next week <seb128> he's working on some other thing and fixing apport is next on his list apparently <Ubugtu> New bug: #84266 in Ubuntu "hourglass is displayed longer time than it is necessary in administrative applications" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84266 <bdmurray> anybody know if dholbach is still around? <coNP> NickServ says "Last Seen: 2 hours 4 minutes 44 seconds ago" <seb128> bdmurray: no, he called it a day <seb128> bdmurray: he's working tomorrow though (he switched monday for saturday) so you can probably drop him a mail if you need something <bdmurray> seb128: thanks <seb128> np <davmor2> Hey guys the amd64 nvidia hang up problem has now stopped with the inclusion of the new boot splash huray. My question though out of all of the bugs this effected which can you say is fixed? <seb128> davmor2: no magic reply there, need to go through the bug and ask to the submitter if his problem is fixed probably <seb128> or close the bugs which are known to be fixed <davmor2> that's the problem though so are on dapper others on edgy this only applies as far as I know to feisty. So the bug would still be relevant even though the fix is released. <seb128> you can ask people if they can try on feisty <seb128> and mark Needs Info until then <davmor2> Okay thanks <seb128> np <Ubugtu> New bug: #84268 in openoffice.org (main) "OpenOffice/cups Interaction on differing PPD files causes OO.o to lock up" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84268 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84270 in jack-audio-connection-kit (universe) "Crash at Start Up" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84270 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84271 in gnome-netstatus (main) "[apport] gnome-netstatus-applet crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84271 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84267 in Ubuntu "need to mouse-leave and mouse-enter widget when it became enabled" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84267 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84269 in evolution (main) "When invoked from nautilus-sendto, evolution should show the progress dialog for sending the message" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84269 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84272 in cupsys (main) "OpenOffice/cups Interaction on differing PPD files cause OO.o lockup" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84272 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84274 in gnome-panel (main) "[apport] gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84274 <sfllaw> seb128: They seem alike, in that no other application is doing this, and it happened very recently. <sfllaw> seb128: Like, everyone is reporting the same bug. <Ubugtu> New bug: #84275 in Ubuntu "some applications steal focus on their start" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84275 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84276 in meta-kde (main) "infinite loop with PrintScreen" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84276 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84277 in gnomebaker (universe) "Gnome Baker crashes when I format an CD-RW (Edgy)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84277 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84278 in meta-gnome2 (universe) "infinite loop with PrintScreen" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84278 <bdmurray> whoops, don't try to reproduce that one <Ubugtu> New bug: #84279 in firefox (main) "Firefox crashed after installing "Gmail Notify" via Add/Remove applications" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84279 <pochu> hehehe :) <bdmurray> luckily it didn't crash my system <pochu> bdmurray: so it's confirmed :) <bdmurray> yep <Ubugtu> New bug: #84280 in Ubuntu "keyboard problem (USB) generating "&&&&&&" caracters" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84280 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84281 in beryl-settings (universe) "[apport] beryl-settings crashed with TypeError in BindingIsVisibleMethod()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84281 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84282 in gaim-encryption (universe) "gaim crashes on sending a message with encryption turned on" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84282 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84283 in nexuiz (universe) "nexuiz package is not installable." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84283 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84284 in usplash (main) "Fiesty: libusplash0 failed to unpack" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84284 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84285 in gimp (main) "[apport] gimp-2.2 crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84285 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84286 in inkscape (main) "[apport] inkscape crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84286 #ubuntu-bugs 2007-02-10 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84287 in hwdb-client (main) "[apport] hwdb-send crashed with HTTPError in http_error_default()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84287 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84288 in Ubuntu "beryl crashes when using Evolution" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84288 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84289 in linux-source-2.6.17 (main) "Linux-image upgrade messes up menu.1st" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84289 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84290 in control-center (main) "software sources icon in control panel does nothing" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84290 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84291 in synaptic (main) "synaptic repositories menu item does nothing" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84291 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84292 in gnome-pilot (main) "gpilotd crashes when synchronising tasks with no due date" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84292 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84293 in nexuiz-data (universe) "[UVF exception request] nexuiz-data 2.2.3-1" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84293 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84294 in firefox (main) "Firefox freezed and crashed when clicking the bookmark menu." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84294 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84296 in nautilus (main) "Missing feature for CD drive and CD-RW" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84296 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84297 in gnome-power-manager (main) "no cpu scaling at all" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84297 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84298 in hal (main) "[apport] hald-addon-cpufreq crashed with SIGSEGV in g_strdup_printf()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84298 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84299 in gnome-volume-manager (main) "[apport] gnome-volume-manager crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84299 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84300 in gnome-power-manager (main) "[apport] gnome-power-manager crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84300 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84303 in ubiquity (main) "installer crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84303 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84304 in gaim-encryption (universe) "[UVF exception] gaim-encryption_3.0+beta8-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84304 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84305 in Ubuntu "NetworkManager doesn't work properly on feisty herd 3" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84305 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84306 in wxwidgets2.6 (universe) "Crash on closing active tabs" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84306 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84307 in Ubuntu "NetworkManager does not recognise any interface after upgrade to 2.6.20-7" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84307 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84308 in Ubuntu "[feisty] Every launcher in debian menu appears twice" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84308 <ash211> does anybody know what package generates /etc/X11/xorg.conf? <ash211> dpkg -S isn't working (thanks Hobbsee) <ash211> isn't finding anything, rather <Hobbsee> i'd imagine xorg of some description <Ubugtu> New bug: #84309 in Ubuntu "Fesity, during upgrade regenerating initrd 8 times" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84309 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84310 in istanbul (universe) "[apport] istanbul crashed with TypeError in save()"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84310 <Hobbsee> xserver-xorg, i think <ash211> it's for bug 63365 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 63365 in xorg "[Edgy] xorg incorrectly detects "lv3:ralt_switch" option" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63365 <ash211> thanks Hobbsee <pochu> Fesity :S <pochu> Hobbsee: is bug 84309 in initramfs? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 84309 in Ubuntu "Fesity, during upgrade regenerating initrd 8 times" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84309 <Hobbsee> pochu: i'd say so, yes <pochu> well, I see know <pochu> now <pochu> 1st the kernels them selves <pochu> 2nd brltty <pochu> 3rd for volumeid <pochu> 4rd for initramfs-tools <pochu> :) <ash211> hobbsee: assigning to xserver-xorg gets directed to xorg instead <ash211> " 'xserver-xorg' is a binary package. This bug has been assigned to its source package 'xorg' instead. " <Hobbsee> right. yep <ash211> well ok. it was on xorg earlier :) <Hobbsee> ash211: ahh. i wasnt sure what the source of xserver-xorg was <ash211> i didn't know either. just looking for the right package for the bug <Ubugtu> New bug: #84312 in firefox (main) "latest segment faults on startup" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84312 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84313 in Ubuntu "network-manager not deleting resolvconf information on resume from suspend" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84313 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84314 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17 (restricted) "Please update nvidia to 1.0-9746" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84314 <pochu> good night! <Ubugtu> New bug: #84315 in Ubuntu "ubuntu GUI Crashed and did not restore anymore! (Not Restorable !!?)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84315 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84317 in ubuntulooks (main) "Ubuntulooks theme corruption in VirtualBox" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84317 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84316 in kdelibs (main) "Konqueror crashed on www.sans.org twice." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84316 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84318 in kdebase (main) "I suggest Konqueror should to propose correct words when typing in a web page." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84318 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84319 in kdebluetooth (main) "kbluetooth file receive shows 'kb' instead of '%'" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84319 <FliesLikeABrick> can anyone tell me the name of the package that handles screen/display brightness on laptops? <Nafallo> gnome-power-manager <FliesLikeABrick> anyone in here using feisty on a thinkpad? <FliesLikeABrick> I've got a bug that I've confirmed on my T40 and T42 <Nafallo> you might want to file it then <FliesLikeABrick> yeah, I'm just looking to see if anyone has more information for me first <FliesLikeABrick> Nafallo would that be the name of the source package to file it under as well? <Nafallo> AFAIK, yes <FliesLikeABrick> k <FliesLikeABrick> its something that worked in edgy and acts downright weird in feisty <Nafallo> regression then <FliesLikeABrick> yep <Ubugtu> New bug: #84324 in gtk+2.0 (main) "bogus recently used file causes endless loop of crashes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84324 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84327 in vlc (universe) "[feisty] mouse disappears over vlc output" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84327 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84330 in ubiquity (main) "Installer Crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84330 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84331 in ubiquity (main) "cant seem to install....pls help" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84331 <dholbach> good morning <Ubugtu> New bug: #84334 in gimmie (universe) "[apport] gimmie crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84334 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84335 in partitioner (universe) "Installer partition editor does not set bootable flag" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84335 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84336 in xserver-xgl (universe) "Xgl crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84336 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84338 in synaptic (main) "[apport] synaptic crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84338 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84340 in xorg (main) "Upgrade to kernel 2.6.17-11-386 breaks X/NVidia" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84340 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84341 in beryl-settings (universe) "[apport] beryl-settings crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84341 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84342 in firefox (main) "Firefox crashed in background while working with an other application" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84342 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84343 in Ubuntu "crash when resize a window carelessly" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84343 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84344 in firefox (main) "firefox crash after updating today" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84344 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84345 in Ubuntu "installer crashed when I want modify my partition table " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84345 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84346 in control-center (main) "Font rendering bug in Gnome Control Centre sidebar" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84346 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84347 in pbbuttonsd (main) "[regression] pbbuttonsd KBDMode=fkeysfirst doesn't work anymore" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84347 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84349 in dict-gcide (main) "E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/fr.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_feisty_main_i18n_Translation-fr" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84349 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84348 in linux-source-2.6.17 (main) "X wont start after upgrade to -11 kernel" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84348 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84350 in Ubuntu "(On-screen keyboard) run-onboard.py crashes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84350 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84351 in mythtv (multiverse) "mythfrontend crashed when starting livetv" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84351 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84353 in blam (universe) "blam crashes when displaying a feed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84353 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84354 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (main) "radeon in feisty: drm fails at first start, runs at restart X" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84354 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84355 in Ubuntu "gdm does not start after boot (and usplash): black screen" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84355 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84356 in libgnucrypto-java (main) "sync request" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84356 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84357 in bouncycastle (universe) "sync request" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84357 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84358 in octaviz (universe) "octaviz package broken in edgy" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84358 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84359 in Ubuntu "JMicron 20360/20363 AHCI Controller (rev 02)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84359 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84360 in xorg (main) "Driver Vesa con Nvidia 6100" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84360 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84364 in totem (main) "Totem crash when saving a PlayList" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84364 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84362 in ubiquity (main) "installation crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84362 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84363 in nautilus (main) "nautilus can't remount non-removable media" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84363 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84365 in Ubuntu "Installer crashed at 22%, "copying files"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84365 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84366 in synaptic (main) "[apport] synaptic crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84366 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84367 in amarok (main) "amarok ipod eject " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84367 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84369 in linuxtv-dvb (universe) "DVB-S card doesn't work" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84369 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84370 in synaptic (main) "can't edit repositories in synaptic" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84370 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84371 in Ubuntu "After sound recording can't hear recorded sound in Kubuntu Feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84371 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84372 in Ubuntu "ipw3945 not working with 2.6.17-11-generic" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84372 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84374 in ltsp (main) "ltsp-build-client ends abnormally" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84374 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84375 in beagle (main) "beagled-helper loops on jpeg files" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84375 <bddebian> Boo <marnanel> what do I use to get the actual core dump binary file out of a .crash file? <Ubugtu> New bug: #84376 in kdebase (main) "Long delay before KDM starts" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84376 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84377 in firefox (main) "firefox crashes on some sites" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84377 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84378 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "[regression] Changing CPU frequency affects both CPU cores instead of one" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84378 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84379 in gnome-panel (main) "Window Selector applet doesn't use the same background colour as the other applets" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84379 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84389 in cinepaint (universe) "[apport] whirlpinch.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84389 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84390 in cinepaint (universe) "[apport] sphere.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84390 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84387 in cinepaint (universe) "[apport] shadow_bevel.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84387 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84388 in cinepaint (universe) "[apport] foggify.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84388 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84381 in ffmpeg (universe) "[apport] ffmpeg crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84381 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84382 in cinepaint (universe) "[apport] clothify.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84382 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84384 in cinepaint (universe) "[apport] whirlpinch.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84384 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84385 in cinepaint (universe) "[apport] clothify.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84385 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84380 in cinepaint (universe) "[apport] pdbbrowse.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84380 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84383 in cinepaint (universe) "[apport] sphere.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84383 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84386 in cinepaint (universe) "[apport] gimpcons.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84386 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84391 in cinepaint (universe) "[apport] foggify.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84391 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84392 in gpsdrive (universe) "gpsdrive doesn't work with kismet" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84392 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84393 in cinepaint (universe) "cinepaint errors on install/setup/startup" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84393 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84394 in Ubuntu "update hangs loading repos" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84394 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84395 in configlet (universe) "Problem removing configlet-frontends (Feisty)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84395 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84396 in azureus (universe) "Can't add plugins to azureus (with plugin install wizard)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84396 <bdmurray> dholbach: good morning <Ubugtu> New bug: #84397 in xchat (universe) "/join autocompletion shows only already joint channels" [Low,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84397 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84398 in Ubuntu "canon usbprinter ip1500doesnt.work" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84398 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84399 in firefox (main) "Returning from full screen doesn't return window to maximized" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84399 <dholbach> hey bdmurray <Ubugtu> New bug: #84400 in adesklets (universe) "just crashes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84400 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84401 in Ubuntu "Traditional Chinese install failed in Feisty Herd 1/2/3" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84401 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84402 in rhythmbox (main) "Rhythmbox doesn't play shoutcast streams" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84402 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84403 in firefox (main) "Don't know" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84403 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84404 in amsn (universe) "amsn 0.96 of Kubuntu feisty fails to change skin" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84404 <alex_muntada> anybody around is developing bughelper? I have a question about bzr <Ubugtu> New bug: #84405 in firefox (main) "Flash player a pain to install" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84405 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84407 in beagle (main) "error on startup" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84407 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84406 in beryl-settings (universe) "[apport] beryl-settings crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84406 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84409 in pan (main) "'pan2' shouldn't replace 'pan' until it's more stable" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84409 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84408 in xine-lib (main) "Brokwn support for realmedia files in Feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84408 <bdmurray> alex_muntada: I've done some work with it. <alex_muntada> bdmurray: I just asked in #bzr, but I'll appreciate your confirmation <alex_muntada> I'd like to know how to push changes into bughelper.main after reviewing them <alex_muntada> I'm told that I can use: bzr merge http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dholbach/bughelper/bughelper.dev <alex_muntada> and then commit and push them into bughelper.main <alex_muntada> bdmurray: did you ever do that? <bdmurray> alex_muntada: do you mean push from bughelper.dev to bughelper.main ? <alex_muntada> bdmurray: yes <bdmurray> have you done a bzr push before? <alex_muntada> bdmurray: yes, but in my own branch only :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #84410 in gaphor (universe) "[apport] gaphor crashed with TypeError: Cannot create a consistent method resolution" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84410 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84411 in gnome-power-manager (main) "hald & gnome-power-man consume CPU cycles" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84411 <bdmurray> bzr commits have to be done over ssh. have you added an ssh key to launchpad? <alex_muntada> bdmurray: sure, and tried that it works with my own bughelper.dev branch <alex_muntada> bdmurray: my question is about pushing someone else's changes into bughelper.main <alex_muntada> after reviewing them <bdmurray> I think you could just do a one time push to bughelper.main <Ubugtu> New bug: #84412 in keepassx (universe) "please sync keepassx/unstable" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84412 <alex_muntada> bdmurray: you mean after the bzr merge ... thing? <bdmurray> I haven't worked with merge, but it seems that this only when each has unique changes <bdmurray> Which shouldn't be the case <bdmurray> dev should have everything main has +some <bdmurray> so, I'd do bzr push sftp://servername.com/this/directory/here <alex_muntada> I was told by radix in #bzr that bzr merge + bzr push sftp:// should work, but I'd like to confirm with one of the bughelper developers that have done it yet <alex_muntada> I asked dholbach but he's quite busy right now, so I was asking just in case someone else could confirm <bdmurray> okay. were you reviewing dholbach's most recent changes in .dev <alex_muntada> bdmurray: yeah! that's it <Ubugtu> New bug: #84413 in nautilus (main) "Nautilus ipod remount fails" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84413 <bdmurray> alex_muntada: cool, I really think a simple bzr push is the right thing. <alex_muntada> bdmurray: you mean a bzr push from dholbach's .dev? <bdmurray> alex_muntada: correct from the checked out .dev to .main if you think it is all good. <alex_muntada> bdmurray: but what would happen if dholbach had pushed new changes in his own branch (i.e. r79, now it's r78) <alex_muntada> is there a way to "select" only r78? <dholbach> you can always take a look at the log <alex_muntada> maybe something like svn's ....bughelper.dev@78? <dholbach> bzr log <dholbach> then you can look at the diff bzr diff -r<...> <dholbach> bzr merge also takes the '-r<...>' argument <dholbach> I think I have to buy a new computer on monday <dholbach> gar <alex_muntada> dholbach: sorry about that :'( <bdmurray> dholbach: for what? <dholbach> i can't get my amd64 to boot again <bdmurray> doh! that's not good <dholbach> it mumles something about "cpu overclocking" through the speakers - options i never played with <alex_muntada> dholbach: so the "best" way to push only the intended revision (i.e. 78) is by using bzr merge -r 78 http://... <bdmurray> can you get in the bios? <dholbach> bdmurray: no, unfortunately not <alex_muntada> and then bzr push <dholbach> alex_muntada: yes - you can always review your changes again afterwards <bdmurray> have you tried pulling the motherboard battery to get it to wipe the BIOS? <dholbach> and bzr revert if it's not ok <dholbach> i'll try that now, there's also a jumper for bios reset <dholbach> i just have to find the handbook :) <alex_muntada> dholbach: thanks, that makes me feel better, so I don't break anything <dholbach> alex_muntada: the good thing about bzr is that branching is cheap <alex_muntada> :) <dholbach> bzr branch bughelper.main test-bughelper <dholbach> and then you can play with it until you're happy <dholbach> bdmurray, alex_muntada: thanks for your support * alex_muntada hugs dholbach <bdmurray> dholbach: thank you for all your work <dholbach> :) <dholbach> thanks <bdmurray> so -H should work on bugs w/o a package? <dholbach> yes <bdmurray> that's great, I'm excited <alex_muntada> too bad I'm not a Python programmer, so I could contribute more code; if it was written in Perl... :-P <Ubugtu> New bug: #84414 in slab (universe) "search field missing if beagle is not running" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84414 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84415 in firefox (main) "Firefox crashes when launching Azureus" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84415 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84416 in Ubuntu "LANGUAGE environment variable not set" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84416 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84417 in wammu (universe) "[apport] wammu crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84417 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84418 in linux-source-2.6.17 (main) "Please upgrade ipw2200 driver" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84418 <alex_muntada> dholbach: I found some minor fixes tbd in bughelper.dev~r78 <alex_muntada> should I place a bug of fix them before pushing into .main? <alex_muntada> they're merely typos <dholbach> sure, do a new commit with those changes <alex_muntada> ok, thanks <dholbach> have a nice evening everybody <Ubugtu> New bug: #84419 in atokx (multiverse) "[Sync Request] Sync atokx (1.0-18) from Debian unstable (contrib)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84419 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84420 in grip (universe) "no sound with grip" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84420 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84422 in hal (main) "[apport] hal-device-manager crashed with KeyError in update_tab_usb()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84422 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84421 in ubiquity (main) "Installer crashes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84421 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84423 in synaptic (main) "[feisty] Synaptic closes when changing the repositories" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84423 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84424 in totem (main) "totem reported a crash but program continued to play music" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84424 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84426 in Ubuntu "Cd-rom.iso doesn't work right in the sources.list" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84426 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84427 in gnome-osd (universe) "[apport] gnome-osd-event-bridge crashed with DBusException in __call__()" (dup-of: 82507)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84427 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84428 in tcsh (main) "history in tcsh doesn't work" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84428 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84429 in ubiquity (main) "Crash after partitioning" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84429 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84430 in gnash (universe) "[Feisty AMD64] firefox forces restart of gdm when trying to play flash w/gnash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84430 <FliesLikeABrick> can anyone confirm this (feisty) : custom application launchers can't be added to the gnome-panel in feisty. if it is just the application name like 'gkrellm' or 'vlc' or anything, it works fine.. but trying to add something like 'gkrellm --server alb.u13.net' results in the launcher not showing up. <Ubugtu> New bug: #84431 in gmediaserver (universe) "GMediaServer fails to add the terminating '\0' to strings it parse from SortCriteria" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84431 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84432 in beagle (main) "Beagle crashed for no apparent reason" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84432 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84433 in Ubuntu "Can't start ubuntu After installation (Intel Core 2 Duo with / Pentium D 2.66)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84433 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84434 in streamtuner (universe) "streamtuner crashes on stream selection" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84434 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84435 in linux-source-2.6.17 (main) "prism2 not working anymore" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84435 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84436 in ubiquity (main) "Kubuntu 6.06 installer crashes at the end" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84436 <jjesse> quick question can someone take a look @ bug #35757 and help me figure out if I can close it or not? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 35757 in pkgsel "dapper f5: installer, "select and install programs" " [Low,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35757 <jjesse> the last message from the originial poster said that he was told not to close this bug <Ubugtu> New bug: #84437 in apt (main) "apt-get: missing/wrong package in repository" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84437 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84438 in sim (universe) "sim instant messenger disfigured in feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84438 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84439 in Ubuntu "[feisty] Gnome panels and alt+f2 don't work" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84439 <FliesLikeABrick> can anyone confirm this (feisty) : custom application launchers can't be added to the gnome-panel in feisty. if it is just the application name like 'gkrellm' or 'vlc' or anything, it works fine.. but trying to add something like 'gkrellm --server alb.u13.net' results in the launcher not showing up. <Ubugtu> New bug: #84440 in Ubuntu "beryl crashes on logon" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84440 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84441 in firefox (main) "mailing list test bug please ignore" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84441 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84443 in kubuntu-meta (main) "Kubuntu will not complete install." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84443 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84444 in boa-constructor (universe) "boa-constructor crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84444 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84445 in Ubuntu "crash after latest update" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84445 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84446 in Ubuntu "crash after latest update" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84446 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84447 in bluez-btsco (universe) "btsco will not longer be maintained" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84447 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84448 in Ubuntu "Theme Manager in Ubuntu Not Wroking-Hanging " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84448 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84449 in Ubuntu "Problem adding mp3s to rhythmbox from a remote host." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84449 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84450 in firefox (main) "mozilla bugs test please ignore" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84450 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84451 in linuxsampler (universe) "Linuxsampler is unfree, and this is reported incorrectly" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84451 #ubuntu-bugs 2007-02-11 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84453 in msttcorefonts (multiverse) "msttcorefonts installs non-free fonts automatically and doesn't ask if user agrees with license" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84453 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84454 in ubiquity (main) "Installation Crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84454 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84455 in linux-meta (main) "ondemand cpu governor prevents resume from RAM on X60s" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84455 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84456 in firefox (main) "Firefox quits when trying to play a real-audio without having a player installed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84456 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84457 in beryl-settings (universe) "[apport] beryl-settings crashed with AttributeError in MakeBackendWidgets()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84457 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84458 in gdm (main) "gdmsetup does not work, lacks custom.conf" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84458 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84459 in beryl-settings (universe) "[apport] beryl-settings crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84459 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84460 in Ubuntu "feisty log out xserver crash-system crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84460 <parag0n> hey guys, i've just run across a bug in ubuntu with brltty, i've tried to report it on launchpad, but it won't send me a confirmation email <Ubugtu> New bug: #84461 in Ubuntu "sysinfo failed dbus connection" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84461 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84462 in update-manager (main) "[apport] update-manager crashed with NameError in init_proxy()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84462 <FliesLikeABrick> parag0n what is the domain of the e-mail address you're trying to register with? <FliesLikeABrick> hotmail by chance? <parag0n> nope <parag0n> its a proper domain <FliesLikeABrick> not being caught as spam? <parag0n> nope, i've checked the spam bin <FliesLikeABrick> do you know if the mailserver uses graylisting? <parag0n> i dont <parag0n> (know) <FliesLikeABrick> does launchpad let you request another confirmation e-mail if you try logging in? <FliesLikeABrick> if the mailserver uses greylisting, that could be the cause of the delay. If thats the case, then requesting another e-mail now should work and you'll get the other one later <Ubugtu> New bug: #84463 in exaile (universe) "Exaile need python-gtkhtml2 to show the "Information" tab" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84463 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84464 in xorg (main) "frequent X freezes (6.10, x86_64, nv driver)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84464 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84465 in Ubuntu "cannot acces to the "select pkg sources window"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84465 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84466 in vim (main) "[apport] package vim-tiny failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84466 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84467 in coreutils (main) "md5sum can't read md5 files with CRLF line terminators" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84467 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84469 in gnome-vfs (universe) "Gnome-vfs FTP file transfer : wrong order replacing files on a remote FTP server" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84469 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84470 in linux-source-2.6.15 (main) "CPIA webcam support has sysfs problem" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84470 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84471 in gnome-games (main) "[apport] gnome-sudoku crashed with KeyError in entry_validate()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84471 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84472 in bughelper (main) "documentation out of date" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84472 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84473 in ubiquity (main) "manual partitioning fails in numerous fatal ways, ERASES WRONG PARITTION. Bad kubuntu! Bad!" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84473 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84474 in Ubuntu "feisty mute" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84474 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84475 in gnome-schedule (universe) "[gnome-schedule] GUI behaves wrong" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84475 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84476 in apt (main) "Wedged at 100% cpu with --fix-missing" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84476 <cowbud> anyone awake? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tracker/+bug/83997 should this bug be closed since upstream responsded to the person and denied his request? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 83997 in tracker "tracker should not index mounted directory trees" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] <cowbud> or will it automatically be taken care of when they clear it out of the gnome bugzilla db? <Ubugtu> New bug: #84478 in tracker (universe) "[feisty] tracker doesn't install properly " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84478 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84480 in acpi-support (main) "power button is ignored by acpi scripts when running kpowersave" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84480 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84481 in firefox (main) "libnss3 does not depend on libnspr" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84481 <kgoetz> Burgundavia: ping? <Burgundavia> kgoetz: pong <Burgundavia> re: https://launchpad.net/bugs/84477 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 84477 in ubuntu-website "linspire missing from news page" [Undecided,Rejected] <Burgundavia> ? <kgoetz> Burgundavia: yes. i was trying to say 'linspire should be on teh derived distros page' <kgoetz> rather then 'the press release is wrong' <Burgundavia> ah <kgoetz> :/ <kgoetz> sorry, i was a bit far from lucid, but didnt realise until you replied <Burgundavia> ah, oops <Burgundavia> kgoetz: ok, fixed the bug report <kgoetz> Burgundavia: thank you <Burgundavia> no worries <kgoetz> sorry about the sas in the reply too... :/ <Ubugtu> New bug: #84482 in Ubuntu "installer crashed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84482 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84483 in rezound (universe) "rezound crashed when undoing large action while playing" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84483 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84485 in linux-source-2.6.17 (main) "Notvatel Merlin UX870 HDSPA card not supported on Kernel 2.6.17" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84485 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84486 in vm (universe) "vm for emacs21 ignores variable user-mail-address" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84486 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84487 in backuppc (main) "removing deb leaves symlink which causes apache to fail starting" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84487 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84488 in Ubuntu "Problem with wireless card" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84488 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84489 in bughelper (main) "~/.bughelper/config not created by sudo apt-get install bughelper" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84489 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84490 in Ubuntu "Skype corrupts synaptic after file move" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84490 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84491 in bughelper (main) "missing options in bughelper man page" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84491 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84493 in update-manager (main) "[apport] update-manager crashed with SystemError in open()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84493 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84492 in xmms (main) "xmms crashes on start" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84492 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84494 in Ubuntu "impossible to shutdown the system" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84494 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84495 in Ubuntu "Sound doesn't work" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84495 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84496 in system-tools-backends (main) "run-parts: /etc/dbus-1/event.d/70system-tools-backends exited with return code 1" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84496 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84497 in openoffice.org (main) "Crash on navigating bad symlink in Save As..." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84497 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84498 in net-snmp (main) "snmpd doesn't report correct uptime" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84498 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84501 in epiphany-browser (main) "Java6 Web Start just opens the Java control panel instead of running the application" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84501 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84502 in ontv (universe) "2.4.0 is out" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84502 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84503 in language-pack-cs (main) "gnome: budi" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84503 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84505 in Ubuntu "sound volume control broken on dell inspiron 9300 laptop" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84505 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84507 in Ubuntu "Thinkpad T43p no longer suspends" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84507 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84504 in Ubuntu ""Report a problem" opens the url with the users home dir as prefix" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84504 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84506 in Ubuntu "radeon in feisty: black screen at start gdm" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84506 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84509 in devede (multiverse) "lacks dependency on python-gtk2 and python-glade2" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84509 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84510 in gpixpod (universe) "[apport] gpixpod.py crashed with UnboundLocalError in HALdetect()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84510 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84508 in synaptic (main) "[apport] synaptic crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84508 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84511 in update-manager (main) "[apport] update-manager crashed with SystemError in open()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84511 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84512 in rhythmbox (main) "Rythmbox crashed while modifying a songs properties" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84512 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84514 in pulseaudio (main) "Doesn't start on Thinkpad R51" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84514 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84515 in Ubuntu "2 python packages not present in fr.archive" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84515 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84518 in exaile (universe) "[apport] exaile crashed with TypeError in update_rating()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84518 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84520 in mono (main) "several applications generate the same mono unhandled execption" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84520 <Le-Chuck_IT1> Hi there <Le-Chuck_IT1> should bug #77026 be marked as "fix released" or did I misunderstand the ubuntu BTS? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 77026 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Update toshiba_acpi.c to version 0.19a" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77026 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84522 in puredata (universe) "Hang or Crash when deleting one of multiple references to a subpatch" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84522 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84523 in gnome-power-manager (main) "[feisty] regression: gnome-power-manager is unable to set brightness" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84523 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84524 in Ubuntu "thinkpad t20 doesn't poweroff on shutdown" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84524 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84525 in ubiquity (main) "install" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84525 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84528 in linux-source-2.6.17 (main) "kernel 2.6.17-11-server with speedtouch usb modem" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84528 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84526 in gnash (universe) "Gnash menu launcher (/usr/share/applications/gnash.desktop file) doesn't start any application, also gnash isn't asociated with SWF mimetype" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84526 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84527 in kdebase (main) "Kubuntu Feisty crash when rebooting or turning off from KDE session" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84527 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84529 in ubiquity (main) "edgy install crashes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84529 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84530 in pdftk (universe) "pdftk man page is out-of-date" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84530 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84531 in sagcad (universe) "sagcad crashed on use of dimension line" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84531 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84532 in openoffice.org2-amd64 (main) "File Dialogs too small" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84532 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84533 in gdb-doc (main) "sync request" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84533 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84534 in nautilus (main) "Folder properties bug" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84534 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84535 in bristol (universe) "Please get in sync with upstream versions" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84535 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84536 in Ubuntu "Feisty problem with MC and folder contains "_"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84536 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84537 in procps (main) "sysctl.conf, net.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding, race condition?" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84537 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84538 in update-manager (main) "[apport] update-manager crashed with SIGSEGV in gdk_device_get_history()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84538 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84540 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "Ricoh R5C592 memory card reader 5-in-1 doesn't work on Lenovo N100 3000" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84540 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84541 in bluez-utils (main) "[feisty] bluetooth mouse doesn't connect automatically" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84541 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84542 in ubiquity (main) "Xubuntu feisty Desktop-CD (installer crashed 86%)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84542 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84543 in Ubuntu "parameters problem in Feisty hard drive partitioner program" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84543 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84544 in tsclient (main) "Wrong X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain key in tsclient.desktop file" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84544 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84545 in firefox (main) "firefox crash on youtube" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84545 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84547 in Ubuntu "mis-functioning when hitting the restart now button on feisty herd 3 installation" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84547 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84548 in Ubuntu "Software sources button does not function of Feisty herd 3" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84548 <fernando> hi all <Ubugtu> New bug: #84549 in qps (universe) "qps crash when double click python hpssd process" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84549 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84550 in ubiquity (main) "In step 5, user name should be guessed when the personal name is entered" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84550 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84551 in Ubuntu "Rhythmbox audio still audible with sound muted" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84551 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84553 in thunar (main) "usr_lib_thunar_xfce4_panel-plugins_thunar-tpa.1000.crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84553 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84554 in gnome-applets (main) "clock applet does not load evolution calendars" [Low,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84554 <pochu> hi coNP :) <coNP> hey p <coNP> ouchu :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #84556 in gnome-utils (main) "[baobab] Missing X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain key in baobab.desktop file" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84556 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84557 in xorg (main) "x.org from 6.10 incorrectly detects HorizSync for the Dell Latitude C800 panel" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84557 <pochu> coNP: do you know bash? <coNP> pochu: yep <coNP> pochu: or more likely that "depends on" <Ubugtu> New bug: #84558 in ubuntu-meta (main) "6.10 installer is unuseable at 800x600" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84558 <pochu> coNP: could you take a look at bug 65496? I think the script can be wrong <Ubugtu> Malone bug 65496 in amule "Amuled leaves zombie processes" [Low,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65496 <coNP> pochu: sure <pochu> thanks :) <trace_E_G> Hello <trace_E_G> Can someone help me config my sound on a IBM 600e using 6.10? <coNP> hi trace_E_G, I guess you should use #ubuntu for this <trace_E_G> ok sorry ddn't see that <coNP> trace_E_G: np :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #84559 in Ubuntu "Invalid "no root partition" message from 6.10 installer" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84559 <coNP> pochu: I don't know how amule executes scripts, but this seems to be fine for the first look <pochu> coNP: ok, thanks :) <pochu> coNP: I'll try to reproduce it <coNP> pochu: good luck :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #84560 in firefox (main) "firefox crashes when trying to open Adblock window" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84560 <medders> Hi, is there any chance I could have a hand with a bug? <medders> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/84448 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 84448 in Ubuntu "Theme Manager in Ubuntu Not Wroking-Hanging " [Undecided,Needs info] <medders> I'm not quite sure waht to do <medders> what* <Ubugtu> New bug: #84561 in mplayer (multiverse) "new mplayer gives garbage audio output" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84561 <pochu> medders: the first thing you should do is change the package to the proper one :) <medders> pochu: Okay, which package would you recommend? He says it affects more that ubuntu-theme-manager <medders> would you say ubuntu-desktop? <Ubugtu> New bug: #84562 in puredata (universe) "Save status not changed when abstraction canvas properties changed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84562 <pochu> medders: he says it affects gnome-theme-manager, right? <medders> pochu: yeah, but now he's saying it affects more than that <pochu> lol <pochu> hehe <medders> :) <pochu> medders: I think we should first see if this fails in an Ubuntu system (not Kubuntu with ubuntu-desktop) <pochu> medders: if it doesn't fail, I think this is a ubuntu-desktop, or a gtk bug <medders> okay <pochu> medders: but that's just my opinion ;) <pochu> coNP: WDYT? <medders> pochu: I take it its probably in ubuntu-desktop <medders> pochu: my theme manager has always worked in a default install, and I think most peoples have <pochu> medders: maybe he is losing a gtk lib (maybe not) <pochu> I think also mine <medders> true, how would I check that? <pochu> medders: libgtk2.0-0, does that in his system? (ask him) <Ubugtu> New bug: #84563 in Ubuntu "kdetv sometimes failes to release v4l resources" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84563 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84564 in Ubuntu "pcc_acpi is not available as a package" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84564 <medders> should I ask him to do "sudo aptitude install libgtk2.0-0" and tell me if it installers or if it's already there? <medders> i doubt hed know if its installed himself <pochu> medders: dpkg -l libgtk2.0-0 <medders> I didn't know you could do that, thanks <pochu> medders: and if it's not there, I would ask him to install and to test again <pochu> medders: np :) <pochu> medders: but that about libgtk is just an opinion :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #84565 in totem (main) "totem crashes, while copying files from dvd to hdd" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84565 <medders> pochu: I've asked him to do that, hopefully we'll hear back soon <Ubugtu> New bug: #84566 in Ubuntu "lm-sensors not working on vaio vgn fe 11s module: i2c-i801" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84566 <pochu> medders: and hopefully that solves the issue :) If that solves it, this would be an ubuntu-desktop bug, with missed dependencies, I think <medders> pochu: that would be handy :) <pochu> :) <medders> is there a bug triagers mentoring scheme? <medders> that would be handy, because for a newbie like me it's really useful to have someone helping <pochu> medders: sure, one moment :) <pochu> medders: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage <pochu> medders: and once you are familiar with bugs, you may want to join the BugSquad: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad <medders> I'm already a member, and I've read the wiki-page, I'm just not that good at spotting the signs yet I'm afraid <medders> I guess it takes experience more than anything <pochu> medders: sure. I'm also a little noob :) but with time you get experience :) <medders> yeah, hopefully I'll learn from my mistrake too, I've made enough of them <medders> mistakes* <pochu> medders: I also did, and I also do nowadays :) <pochu> hehe <pochu> medders: but the best thing you can do is ask :) <medders> definitely, there's no point guessing and fouling it up big time <Ubugtu> New bug: #84555 in Ubuntu "Konqueror resets position to top of page on new page load" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84555 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84568 in Ubuntu "numlock light not working" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84568 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84567 in gnome-power-manager (main) "[feisty] gnome-power-manager memory growth" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84567 <pochu> coNP: around? <Ubugtu> New bug: #84570 in Ubuntu "Postscript files fail to open in separate KGhostView from Konqueror" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84570 <pochu> coNP: could you take a look at bug 84261? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 84261 in update-manager "Update manager don't make upgrade" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84261 <pochu> coNP: I can't understand what's happening :S <Ubugtu> New bug: #84569 in ntfs-3g (universe) "[UVF exception request] ntfs-3g-0.0.0+20070207" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84569 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84571 in xserver-xgl (universe) "beryl crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84571 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84572 in update-manager (main) "[apport] update-manager crashed with BadStatusLine in _read_status()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84572 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84573 in firefox (main) "Crash report" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84573 <pochu> coNP: there is no need in looking that bug, already closed :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #84574 in mesa-utils (main) "glx info crashes after nvidia-glx-legacy install" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84574 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84576 in gnomebaker (universe) "GnomeBaker crashed after just wipping a CDRW." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84576 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84575 in Ubuntu ""report a problem" bad browser http address" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84575 <bddebian> Boo <pochu> hi bddebian :) <bddebian> Hello pochu <Ubugtu> New bug: #84577 in ubiquity (main) "Installer crashes during installation" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84577 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84578 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "run ipw3945d as non-root" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84578 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84579 in hardinfo (universe) "Hardinfo crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84579 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84580 in avahi (main) "avahi-autoipd causes failure if multiple networking stanzas exist" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84580 <coNP> pochu: sorry, I was away :) <pochu> coNP: np :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #84586 in gnome-themes (main) "Please remove 6 of 7 a11y themes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84586 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84587 in gnome-panel (main) "[feisty] launcher with arguments in command don't display" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84587 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84588 in Ubuntu "Installer does not detect Samsung SyncMaster 214T" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84588 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84589 in feisty-gdm-themes (main) "please package high contrast theme" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84589 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84590 in Ubuntu "Incorrect resolution detected, with refresh of "-19568 Hz"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84590 <pochu> Burgundavia: ping? <Burgundavia> pochu: pong <pochu> Burgundavia: I commented some bugs you reported against compiz, could you check them? <Burgundavia> yep, will do <pochu> Burgundavia: thanks :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #84591 in Ubuntu "feisty 20070210 persistent doesn't" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84591 <pochu> coNP: ping? <coNP> pochu: ponh <coNP> s/h/g/ <Ubugtu> New bug: #84592 in Ubuntu "feisty shutdown eject doesn't" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84592 <pochu> coNP: could you take a look at bug 81858? what importance do you think it is? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 81858 in firefox "Digg.com slows down the browser" [Low,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81858 <coNP> pochu: looking <pochu> thanks! <coNP> pochu: not more than low <pochu> :) <pochu> thanks :) <coNP> pochu: there are lots of workarounds <pochu> for example, open firefox and go to digg.com? :) <coNP> no <coNP> open galeon or konqueror <coNP> or w3m :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #84593 in Ubuntu "dont know what to say" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84593 <pochu> coNP: if it also fails with galeon and konqueror and opera and... then it's a digg problem, right? <pochu> I think :) <pochu> lol <pochu> bug 84593 hahaha :) <Ubugtu> Malone bug 84593 in Ubuntu "dont know what to say" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84593 <coNP> there are now some very funny bug(description)s * coNP is thinking of making a kind of bug fun page :) <pochu> hehe <pochu> coNP: please do it!! :) <Ubugtu> New bug: #84594 in base-installer (main) "Screen Resolution Failure During Fawn Install" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84594 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84595 in wormux (universe) "[UVF exception request] wormux 0.7.9-2" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84595 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84597 in ubiquity (main) "[apport] ubiquity crashed with AssertionError in subst()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84597 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84598 in totem (main) "totem-video-thumbnailer" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84598 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84600 in firefox (main) "file quit does not work in firefox" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84600 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84599 in totem (main) "totem-video-thumbnailer" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84599 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84601 in mono (main) "Mono crashes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84601 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84602 in eclipse-pydev (universe) "Eclipse + pydev" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84602 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84603 in hal (main) "Hard disk I/O randomly freezes when hald is running and optical drive is empty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84603 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84604 in sylpheed (universe) "[UVF exception request] sylpheed 2.3.1-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84604 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84605 in scim (main) "scim CPU & RAM 100% and won't start" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84605 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84606 in gaim (main) "gaim crashes and quit" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84606 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84608 in software-properties (main) "software-properties --enable-component is broken" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84608 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84610 in software-properties (main) "software-properties-kde has window title "Form"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84610 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84609 in sox (universe) ""play" command doesn't use ALSA by default" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84609 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84613 in update-manager (main) "[apport] update-manager crashed with SystemError in open()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84613 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84614 in gnome-themes (main) "To low constrast in cons" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84614 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84611 in Ubuntu "Se ha cerrado inesperadamente." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84611 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84612 in software-properties (main) "Automatic Updates setting not saved" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84612 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84615 in tftp-hpa (main) "Uses /var/lib/tftpboot instead of /srv/tftp" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84615 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84616 in Ubuntu "Low Audio Volume/other audio problems with Lenovo 3000 C200" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84616 <crimsun> sigh. <Ubugtu> New bug: #84620 in tipptrainer (universe) "Tipptrainer crashs on using lecture" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84620 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84621 in gnomesword (universe) "[Edgy] gnomesword dependency problem - libsword5c2a" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84621 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84617 in ubiquity (main) "FAT drive scanned at boot, triples startup time" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84617 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84618 in linux-source-2.6.15 (main) "kernel oops" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84618 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84622 in k3b (main) "k3b is unable to burn DVDs on an external drive" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84622 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84623 in Ubuntu "beryl crashes when you try to add a second desk" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84623 <Ubugtu> New bug: #84624 in Ubuntu "nforce405 onboard audio driver problems" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84624 <pochu> !info beryl feisty <ubotu> Package beryl does not exist in feisty <pochu> !info beryl-core feisty <ubotu> Package beryl-core does not exist in feisty <crimsun> I've already rejected it. <pochu> hey crimsun :) <pochu> crimsun: how do you go with the mozilla team? <crimsun> pochu: sorry, I don't know what you mean <pochu> crimsun: you are a mozillateam member, right? <pochu> crimsun: how is the bug triaging going, the organization... :) <crimsun> pochu: feel free to check in #ubuntu-mozillateam <crimsun> per usual, lots of bugs <pochu> yep, I see here... <Ubugtu> New bug: #84625 in hotkey-setup (main) "A few hotkeys not working Lenovo 3000 C200" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84625 #ubuntu-bugs 2008-02-04 <ubotu> New bug: #188785 in xmoto (universe) "Please sync xmoto 0.4.0-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188785 <ubotu> New bug: #188786 in ltsp (main) "Jammin 125 video issues" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188786 <ubotu> New bug: #188787 in ubuntu "no wacom tablet driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188787 <ubotu> New bug: #188789 in mr (universe) "Please sync mr 0.22 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188789 <ubotu> New bug: #188790 in gvfs (main) "Can't browse sftp" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188790 <ubotu> New bug: #188791 in gvfs (main) "Can't browse ftp" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188791 <andresmujica> which package generates /etc/environment ? i couldn't find any using dpkg -S <ubotu> New bug: #188793 in raidutils (universe) "Please sync raidutils 0.0.6-5 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188793 <ubotu> New bug: #188796 in partimage (universe) "Please sync partimage 0.6.7-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188796 <ubotu> New bug: #188797 in update-manager (main) "upgrade from feisty to gutsy fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188797 <ubotu> New bug: #149930 in partimage (universe) "partimage crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149930 <ubotu> New bug: #188799 in openoffice.org (main) "cannot write in columns in writer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188799 <ubotu> New bug: #188801 in gnome-terminal (main) "totem player would"nt paly DVD Movie " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188801 <ubotu> New bug: #188803 in ubuntu "Most Icons Missing In KDE4 Kickoff Menu After Menu Update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188803 <ubotu> New bug: #188804 in ubuntu "Install fails with NVidia GeForce2 Go" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188804 <ubotu> New bug: #188806 in git-core (main) "Please sync git-core 1:1.5.4-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188806 <ubotu> New bug: #188808 in ubuntu "KDE 4.0.0 Uses Konqueror Instead Of Dolphin As The File Manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188808 <greg-g> are bug 188791 and bug 188790 duplicates of bug 185756 ? The first two are about ssh and ftp respectively, while the last one is just "network: locations" (which seems like an over arching framework for ssh/ftp to me) <ubotu> Launchpad bug 188791 in gvfs "Can't browse ftp" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188791 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 188790 in gvfs "Can't browse sftp" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188790 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 185756 in nautilus "Couldn't display "network:///" - Nautilus cannot handle network:locations" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185756 <greg-g> I'm assuming they should be marked duplicate because this is a known issue and that last one referenced seems like a master to me. <ubotu> New bug: #128375 in aptitude (main) "aptitude crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128375 <ubotu> New bug: #188811 in fuse (main) "Unmount of sshfs kills system" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188811 <ubotu> New bug: #188812 in ubuntu "[needs packaging] liblouis." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188812 <ubotu> New bug: #188815 in evolution (main) "Evolution does not start, prints out line breaks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188815 <ubotu> New bug: #188816 in base-files (main) "base-files does not include md5sums on Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188816 <ubotu> New bug: #188817 in metacity (main) "Please sponsor metacity 2.21.8 (main) into Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188817 <ubotu> New bug: #188818 in grub2 (universe) "Please Sync with Grub 1.96 from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188818 <ubotu> New bug: #188819 in sound-juicer (main) "It works just fine except it will pop up with a list of tracks to play at any time even when using mail program" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188819 <ubotu> New bug: #188820 in xine-lib (main) "Regression in 1.1.10-1: vorbis playback broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188820 <ubotu> New bug: #188821 in ubuntu "hardy screen and graphics dialog broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188821 <ubotu> New bug: #188822 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (main) "[Gutsy] X crash when evdev used "Dev Phys" instead of device" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188822 <ubotu> New bug: #188823 in gnome-control-center (main) "gnome-sound-properties crashed with SIGSEGV in strncpy()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188823 <ubotu> New bug: #188825 in ubuntu "Upgraded from Gutsy to Hardy&firefox3.0 b3pre got in" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188825 <ubotu> New bug: #188827 in ubuntu "Gaim" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188827 <ubotu> New bug: #188828 in gimp (main) "Please merge gimp 2.4.4-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188828 <ubotu> New bug: #188829 in ltrace (main) "Please merge ltrace 0.5-3.1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188829 <ubotu> New bug: #188831 in acpi-support (main) "Heron ALpha 4: screen not restored after closing and opening lid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188831 <ubotu> New bug: #188835 in kdebase-workspace (universe) "kdm-kde4 setting POSIX locale in user session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188835 <ubotu> New bug: #188836 in kdenetwork-kde4 (universe) "kopete-kde4 crashes when connecting to some Jabber servers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188836 <ubotu> New bug: #188837 in mesa-legacy (universe) "Please remove mesa-legacy 6.2.1-8.1 source and binary from the archive" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188837 <ubotu> New bug: #188838 in kdenetwork-kde4 (universe) "kopete-kde4 crashes when reconnecting to Jabber servers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188838 <ubotu> New bug: #188839 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] gnome-artng" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188839 <ubotu> New bug: #188840 in totem (main) "updated to gutsy, now totem zoom controls (R) and (T) do not work. Also do not work from the view menu with mouse" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188840 <ubotu> New bug: #188843 in compiz (main) "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV in eventLoop() (dup-of: 131679)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188843 <ubotu> New bug: #188845 in vinagre (main) "max size for password dialog is 8" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188845 <ubotu> New bug: #188846 in hugin (universe) "Segfault on close tips window" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188846 <ubotu> New bug: #188848 in ubuntu "[Gusty-Hardy] 3D effects incompatible with some programs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188848 <ubotu> New bug: #188852 in gnome-panel (main) "the system has complete stop (hanging) in complete different programms. I have to stop/restart by hardware restart (push on/off by 5 seconds) Each time different situations." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188852 <ubotu> New bug: #188854 in heartbeat-2 (universe) "Heartbeat in feisty is too old." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188854 <ubotu> New bug: #188857 in swi-prolog (universe) "CHR library missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188857 <ubotu> New bug: #188860 in transmission (main) "Italian translation of transmission broken, not update and missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188860 <ubotu> New bug: #188859 in seahorse (main) "Italian translation of seahorse is missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188859 <ubotu> New bug: #188861 in gtkpod-aac (multiverse) "[hardy] gtkpod-aac should depend on libcurl3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188861 <ubotu> New bug: #188864 in ubuntu "failed to fetch ... during distupgrade hardy german" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188864 <ubotu> New bug: #188866 in ubuntu "pdebuild with --debbuildopts fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188866 <ubotu> New bug: #188868 in trigger (universe) "Missing dependency on libjpeg62" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188868 <pecisk> hi people, anyone can help me to debug Evolution trough gdb? <seb128> pecisk: what do you try to debug? <seb128> pecisk: if you just want to send a backtrace let apport do the work that's easier <pecisk> nope, I want to get understand why e-d-s fails to get file from url and display it as caldav calendar <pecisk> it doesn't crash, just result is wrong <pecisk> I want to launch e-d-s within gdb, set breakpoint and see what kind of values are there <pecisk> problem is that I installed gdb versions of e-d-s and evo <pecisk> but I can't launch them <pecisk> how is proper use of gdb packages? <pecisk> do I have to run /usr/lib/debug/bin/evolution? if so, I can't do that, it fails to execute <seb128> you can read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash which has explanations <seb128> those are not binaries, just symbols that gdb uses automagically <seb128> use gdb on the normal binary and gdb will get the debug symbols <ubotu> New bug: #188873 in gnome-mount (main) "gnome mounter crashes on auto-mounting an usb stick (dup-of: 184585)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188873 <pecisk> seb128: ok, then I understood it right, thanks for clarification <Iulian> Good morning. <ubotu> New bug: #188874 in nautilus (main) "Broken icon theme handling in Nautilus 2.21.90 in Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188874 <ubotu> New bug: #188875 in screenlets (universe) "MailCheckScreenlet.py crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188875 <ubotu> New bug: #188878 in kvm (universe) "Utility to see if kvm acceleration can be used" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188878 <ubotu> New bug: #188879 in gnome-terminal (main) "Selecting tab in gnome-terminal sometimes detaches it" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188879 <ubotu> New bug: #188881 in tomcat5.5 (universe) "Désolé, Echec lors de l'installation ou de la mise à jour du paquet tomcat5.5-webapps5.5.25" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188881 <ubotu> New bug: #188882 in tomcat5.5 (universe) "package tomcat5.5-admin 5.5.25-5ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: problèmes de dépendances - laissé non configuré" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188882 <TheMuso> liw: Just wondering how things are going re automated testing with accessibility tools? I'm still not entirely up on such tools, but I'm happy to help whereever I can, talking with upstream if need be. <liw> TheMuso, things are going slow; thanks for the offer, I'll make noise when I have something for other people to test (I'm criminally slow at getting these pieces together *sigh*) <TheMuso> liw: No problem. <ubotu> New bug: #187463 in wubi "Disable hibernation in Loopinstallations" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187463 <ubotu> New bug: #188885 in fusd-kor (universe) "Please sync fusd-kor 1.10+11-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188885 <ubotu> New bug: #188886 in ubuntu "Please sync eeepc-acpi-source 1.0-1 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188886 <ubotu> New bug: #188887 in ubuntu "Please sync python-babel 0.9.1-2 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188887 <ubotu> New bug: #188888 in firefox (main) "firefox xforms plugin does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188888 <pedro_> morning <ubotu> New bug: #188889 in gnucash (universe) "[Hardy] gnucash-bin crashed with signal 5 in commodity_ref_to_dom_tree()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188889 <ubotu> New bug: #188890 in ubuntu "entorno grafico con baja resolucion" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188890 <ubotu> New bug: #188891 in eric (universe) "Please update to 4.1.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188891 <ubotu> New bug: #188892 in celestia (universe) "upgrade celestia to version 1.5.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188892 <ubotu> New bug: #188893 in ubuntu "sun java 6 and firefox in hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188893 <ubotu> New bug: #188895 in evolution (main) "error while performing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188895 <Iulian> Hello pedro_ <pedro_> hey Iulian <ubotu> New bug: #188897 in itop (universe) "itop crashed with SIGSEGV in __libc_start_main()" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188897 <ubotu> New bug: #188899 in xserver-xgl (universe) "Keyboard settings does not work with xserver-xgl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188899 <ubotu> New bug: #188900 in libbeagle (main) "Package description mentions Gaim" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188900 <ubotu> New bug: #188901 in ubuntu "[Hardy alpha4] I can't erase directory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188901 <ubotu> New bug: #188902 in accerciser (universe) "[hardy] accerciser cannot setup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188902 <ubotu> New bug: #188903 in ubuntu "[Hardy alpha 4] I can't find my home network" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188903 <ubotu> New bug: #188537 in nautilus (main) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188537 <ubotu> New bug: #188906 in ubuntu "[hardy alpha4]Some trouble with sun-java" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188906 <ubotu> New bug: #188912 in tsclient (main) "tsclient crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188912 <ubotu> New bug: #188907 in ubuntu "Lock GNOME upstream translations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188907 <ubotu> New bug: #188910 in texlive-extra (main) "package texlive-formats-extra None failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/latexconfig/mllatex.ini', which is also in package texlive-latex-base" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188910 <ubotu> New bug: #188911 in ubuntu "Please sync haskell-regex-compat 0.91-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188911 <ubotu> New bug: #188915 in kdebase (main) "kde-systemsettings needs python2.5-dev dependancy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188915 <ubotu> New bug: #188922 in thunderbird (main) "lightning add-on not working in" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188922 <ubotu> New bug: #188923 in firefox (main) "Firefox reports unresponsive script while idle on gmail." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188923 <ubotu> New bug: #188924 in tea (universe) "Please sync tea 17.5.4-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188924 <ubotu> New bug: #188925 in glibc (main) "Upgrade of glibc causes root filesystem not to be mounted ro on shutdown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188925 <ubotu> New bug: #188926 in gvfs (main) "gvfs does not work well with NTFS (dup-of: 186569)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188926 <ubotu> New bug: #188927 in openoffice.org (main) "[hardy]openoffice hangs when closing any document" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188927 <ubotu> New bug: #188928 in gvfs (main) "trashcan applet fault" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188928 <ubotu> New bug: #188931 in haskell-hsql (universe) "Please sync haskell-hsql 1.7-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188931 <ubotu> New bug: #188932 in ubuntu "creating root account no metacity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188932 <ubotu> New bug: #188933 in sound-juicer (main) "No Cancel button in Editing Profile dialog" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188933 <ubotu> New bug: #188934 in ufw (universe) "default ipv6 policy is block " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188934 <ubotu> New bug: #185806 in easycrypt (universe) "EasyCrypt.py crashed with ValueError in howMuchSpaceInKb() (dup-of: 185497)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185806 <ubotu> New bug: #188937 in gnome-panel (main) ""ccsetup204.exe" cannot be opened.No application suitable for automatic installation is available for handling this kind of file." [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188937 <ubotu> New bug: #188469 in hubackup (universe) "hurestore crashed with AttributeError in updateDeviceLists()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188469 <ubotu> New bug: #188936 in gnome-utils (main) "gnome-screenshot crashed with SIGSEGV in g_hash_table_foreach_remove_or_steal()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188936 <ubotu> New bug: #188867 in eog "eog crashed with SIGSEGV in eog_job_queue_remove_job()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188867 <ubotu> New bug: #188935 in evince (main) "evince crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_unref()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188935 <ubotu> New bug: #187529 in jockey (main) "jockey-gtk crashed with GError in show_notification()" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187529 <ubotu> New bug: #188938 in ubuntu "Gutsy: prompt starting with "134" in GNU screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188938 <ubotu> New bug: #185316 in eog (main) "eog crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185316 <ubotu> New bug: #188939 in glom (universe) "Glom should depend on postgresql-8.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188939 <ubotu> New bug: #188940 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Kita 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188940 <ubotu> New bug: #188290 in evolution ") Gtk: gtk_item_factory_get_widget: assertion `GTK_IS_ITEM_FACTORY (ifactory)' failed" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188290 <ubotu> New bug: #188941 in uligo (universe) "Please sync uligo 0.3-6 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188941 <ubotu> New bug: #188606 in evolution "evolution crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_is_a()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188606 <ubotu> New bug: #188658 in jockey (main) "jockey-gtk crashed with IOError in _print()" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188658 <ubotu> New bug: #188946 in nautilus (main) "[hardy] nautilus lost my bookmarks, reseted to defaults" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188946 <ubotu> New bug: #188947 in listen (universe) "Please update to latest svn version" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188947 <ubotu> New bug: #188948 in readahead-list (main) "Please sync readahead-list 1:1.20060421.1016-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188948 <ubotu> New bug: #188949 in linux-meta (main) "linux-source recommends installation of non-existing libc-dev" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188949 <ubotu> New bug: #188219 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with signal 5 in g_return_if_fail_warning()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188219 <ubotu> New bug: #188774 in epiphany-browser (main) "epiphany-gecko crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188774 <ubotu> New bug: #188950 in kdepim (main) "kmail composer uses wrong name for ibm866 charset" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188950 <ubotu> New bug: #188953 in apt (main) "Unknown package origin after fresh Hardy desktop installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188953 <bddebian> Boo * Iulian is scared <Iulian> Hi there. <ubotu> New bug: #188562 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_datalist_id_set_data_full()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188562 <ubotu> New bug: #188565 in gnome-terminal "gnome-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188565 <ubotu> New bug: #188959 in rbot (universe) "rbot is uninstallable due to dependecy on "ruby" << 1.9" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188959 <ubotu> New bug: #188960 in nautilus (main) "Nautilus can't show network computers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188960 <ubotu> New bug: #188961 in ubuntu "Java 6 doesn't work in Kubuntu 8.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188961 <ubotu> New bug: #188957 in ubuntu "update manager hangs in hardy alpha 4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188957 <ubotu> New bug: #188956 in totem "Streaming a video from a url is not possible" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188956 <ubotu> New bug: #188962 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Add Java DB packages for Hardy" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188962 <ubotu> New bug: #188965 in ubuntu "brightness resets to maximum" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188965 <ubotu> New bug: #188964 in smplayer (multiverse) "Please sync smplayer 0.6.0~rc1-1 from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188964 <ubotu> New bug: #185774 in gvfs (main) "gvfsd-computer crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_prepare()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185774 <ubotu> New bug: #185843 in gvfs (main) "gvfsd-cdda crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185843 <ubotu> New bug: #188972 in linux-meta (main) "mic not working on dell vostro 1400 with hda intel (gutsy and hardy)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188972 <ubotu> New bug: #188973 in evince (main) "printing pdf causes abnormally large job" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188973 <ubotu> New bug: #188975 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 (restricted) "Broadcom bcm4306 rev 3 chipset not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188975 <ubotu> New bug: #188982 in ubuntu "Installation destroys RAID array." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188982 <ubotu> New bug: #188983 in ubuntu "Install of Hardy Heron Alpha-4 corrupted fakeraid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188983 <ubotu> New bug: #188986 in libsdl1.2 (main) "Audio output crackling" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188986 <alinon> is there an easy way to increase the lines used on the mouse scroll wheel? <ubotu> New bug: #188987 in librapi2 (universe) "*** glibc detected *** pls: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0805a2c8 ***" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188987 <ubotu> New bug: #188989 in gnome-mount (main) "gnome-mount crashed with SIGSEGV in g_datalist_id_set_data_full() (dup-of: 122673)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188989 <ubotu> New bug: #188990 in ubuntu "xchat-xsys doesn't work in 8.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188990 <ubotu> New bug: #188992 in adept (main) "could not commit changes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188992 <ubotu> New bug: #188994 in gnome-chess (universe) "Please sync gnome-chess 0.4.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188994 <ubotu> New bug: #188999 in gnome-mount (main) "gnome-mount crashed with SIGSEGV in g_datalist_id_set_data_full() (dup-of: 122673)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188999 <ubotu> New bug: #188997 in firefox (main) "firefox-bin crashed with signal 7 (dup-of: 136747)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188997 <ubotu> New bug: #189002 in evince (main) "Evince does not open pdf files if they do not have a 'pdf' extension" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189002 <ubotu> New bug: #189004 in compiz (main) "(Hardy) titlebars show weird colour" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189004 <ubotu> New bug: #189005 in ubuntu "dpkg fails with deconf locked" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189005 <ubotu> New bug: #188428 in gedit (main) "gedit crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188428 <ubotu> New bug: #189007 in ubuntu "Trackpad scrollbar not working in Hardy Alpha 4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189007 <ubotu> New bug: #189008 in evolution (main) "[hardy]problems with password input" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189008 <ubotu> New bug: #186883 in jockey (main) "jockey-gtk crashed with NameError in install_package()" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186883 <ubotu> New bug: #189013 in ubuntu "JeOS (hardy alpha 4) installation fails @ "Select and install software" stage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189013 <ubotu> New bug: #189011 in nautilus (main) "nautilus crashed with signal 5 in g_return_if_fail_warning() (dup-of: 187810)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189011 <ubotu> New bug: #189012 in evolution (main) "Blank Messages" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189012 <ubotu> New bug: #189016 in liferea (main) "Please sponsor liferea (main) 1.4.12 into Hardy" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189016 <ubotu> New bug: #189003 in gnome-control-center (main) "gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189003 <ubotu> New bug: #189018 in libdb-je-java (multiverse) "Please sync libdb-je-java 3.2.68-1 (multiverse) from Debian unstable (contrib)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189018 <sliwowitz> hello, I was playing with Hardy for a few weeks and went to test the new gvfs system now. apart from the known bugs, it seems to work well, but the "connect to server" gnome applet doesn't work at all - it only gives me a message saying 'Failed to execute child process "nautilus-connect-server" (No such file or directory)' nautilus-connect-server is really missing. is this the expected behavior for now? <pedro_> sliwowitz: yeah it's broken, since nautilus-connect-server isn't available anymore in the new version of nautilus <sliwowitz> ok, thanks for the info. I'll play with some other features. gvfs-sftp just segfaulted, but apport finished without bringing up launchpad in the browser... I'll try to reproduce it, hopefully, something useful will come out of that <bdmurray> pedro_: speaking of nautilus - what about obex support? <pedro_> bdmurray: ah that's a gvfs issue <pedro_> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=509621 <ubotu> Gnome bug 509621 in general "Implement obex-ftp backend" [Enhancement,Assigned] <pedro_> there's already patches so probably it would be out soon <bdmurray> okay, cool. I figured it was "known". <pedro_> sliwowitz: that's great, thanks for testing ;-) <pedro_> sliwowitz: take a look to /var/crash/ probably there's the .crash file <pedro_> sliwowitz: just double click on it with nautilus and apport will do the rest of the job and redirect you to launchpad again <ubotu> New bug: #188300 in vinagre (main) "vinagre crashed with SIGSEGV in setcontext()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188300 <ubotu> New bug: #189021 in sqwebmail-de (universe) "Please sync sqwebmail-de 5.1.6-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189021 <ubotu> New bug: #189022 in cupsys (main) "apparmor doesn't allow access to kerberos keytab" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189022 <ubotu> New bug: #189023 in ubuntu "Desktop icons signs are too wide" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189023 <sliwowitz> pedro_: yes, it's here, but i didn't have -dbg package, so it's probably not that useful. I'll try again in a few minutes. It seems it segfaults on exit after successfully copying several files <thekorn_> bdmurray, hi, before you upload a new version of py-lp-bugs, the changes in https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~thekorn/python-launchpad-bugs/fixing.commit have to be merged into .main, <thekorn_> otherwise py-lp-bugs is broken <bdmurray> thekorn_: okay is there a bug number for that? <bdmurray> thekorn_: found it <thekorn_> you are fast ;) <bdmurray> I've had extra caffeine this morning. :) <thekorn_> need some too, but caffeine in the evening is bad <bdmurray> thekorn_: when iso testing I noticed you inicated 150930 was an issue for you but you didn't comment on the bug at all. What happened? <thekorn_> bug 150930 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 150930 in ubiquity "Black screen, and bad usplash.conf" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150930 <thekorn_> bdmurray, well, i commented on one of the duplicates <ubotu> New bug: #189027 in eyed3 (main) "Spurious "POINT 1" debug output from python-eyed3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189027 <sliwowitz> pedro_: Actually it happened when unmounting a sftp connection. It seems similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/187200 but StackTraceTop shows IA__g_data_input_stream_read_line() instead of g_data_input_stream_read_line. should I add it to that report? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 187200 in gvfs "gvfsd-sftp crashed with SIGSEGV in g_data_input_stream_read_line()" [Medium,Triaged] <bdmurray> thekorn_: I'm not having any luck finding that one <thekorn_> let me check my mails <pedro_> sliwowitz: no, it's the same one, just subscribe yourself to it if you want to, thanks <sliwowitz> ok <thekorn_> bdmurray, bug 153270 was marked as duplicate of this one <ubotu> Launchpad bug 153270 in ubuntu ""check CD for defects" is not working (dup-of: 150930)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153270 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 150930 in ubiquity "Black screen, and bad usplash.conf" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150930 <thekorn_> bdmurray, and also this one Bug 153280 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 153280 in usplash "booting livecd: screen turns off (dup-of: 150930)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153280 <bdmurray> thekorn_: and you still notice this with Alpha 4? <thekorn_> bdmurray, yes, same symptoms <ubotu> New bug: #187812 in gnome-settings-daemon (main) "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in gnome_settings_plugin_activate() (dup-of: 188572)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187812 <ubotu> New bug: #188995 in ubuntu "can't install update and upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188995 <ubotu> New bug: #189028 in t-coffee (universe) "[sync request] please sync t-coffee 5.31-1 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189028 <ubotu> New bug: #189030 in mathomatic (universe) "[SYNC REQUEST] mathomatic 12.8.5-1 from Debian Unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189030 <ubotu> New bug: #189031 in gchempaint (universe) "[SYNC REQUEST] gchempaint 0.8.6-1 from Debian Unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189031 <ubotu> New bug: #189032 in ubuntu "package fast-user-switch-applet 2.21.0-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess pre-removal script killed by signal (Interrupt)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189032 <ubotu> New bug: #189033 in ubuntu "reboot - resolution problem - HARDY" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189033 <ubotu> New bug: #189034 in vino (main) "vino-server crashed with SIGSEGV (dup-of: 181648)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189034 <ubotu> New bug: #189036 in ghc6 (universe) "ghc6 doesn't provide libghc6-regex-compat-dev" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189036 <sliwowitz> A minor annoyance in gvfs-sftp - it throws a connection timeout when opening a host, which isn't in ~/.ssh/known_hosts so i have to connect from terminal first and allow it to add it <ubotu> New bug: #189020 in gnome-games "iagno crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189020 <ubotu> New bug: #189041 in libhildon (main) "Fix shlibs in libhildon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189041 <ubotu> New bug: #189043 in ubuntu "installer does not detect existing partitions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189043 <ubotu> New bug: #189044 in displayconfig-gtk (main) "Inspiron 1721 video driver not found and so the screen and display men crashu (dup-of: 144769)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189044 <ubotu> New bug: #189045 in openoffice.org (main) "zoom menu selects multiple items on mouseover" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189045 <ubotu> New bug: #189046 in update-manager (main) "Installing Kubuntu 7.10 - libportaudio 0 no longer supported" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189046 <ubotu> New bug: #189040 in gnome-mount (main) "gnome-mount crashed with SIGSEGV in g_datalist_id_set_data_full() (dup-of: 122673)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189040 <ubotu> New bug: #189048 in eog (main) "EOG slow, locks up system on bitonal TIFF" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189048 <ubotu> New bug: #189049 in ubuntu "audio problems with saa7134 on kernel 2.6.24" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189049 <ubotu> New bug: #189050 in thunar-volman (universe) "Thunar automatic action run twice (normal user & root)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189050 <ubotu> New bug: #189052 in ubuntu "Many problems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189052 <ubotu> New bug: #189056 in update-manager (main) "Update tool failed to upgrade 915resolution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189056 <ubotu> New bug: #189057 in vobcopy (universe) "[Sync request] Please sync vobcopy 1.1.0-1 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189057 <ubotu> New bug: #189058 in moblin-applets (universe) "Rebuild moblin-applets to fix bad libhildon dependency" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189058 <ubotu> New bug: #189059 in system-config-printer (main) "Update to 0.7.80 (Development)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189059 <ubotu> New bug: #189060 in pulseaudio (main) "$HOME/.pulse and $HOME/.pulse-cookie have incorrect permissions after upgrade from gutsy to hardy alpha 4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189060 <ubotu> New bug: #189061 in ubuntu "hard disks, monitor and fans go to sleep every few minutes after linux header update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189061 <ubotu> New bug: #189062 in jockey (main) "jockey-gtk crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189062 <ubotu> New bug: #189063 in python-defaults (main) "gDesklets fails to load desklet" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189063 <bdmurray> thekorn_: You are on amd64 right? <bdmurray> or were testing the amd64 live cd ... <ubotu> New bug: #189065 in exaile (universe) "Exaile fails to start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189065 <ubotu> New bug: #189066 in file-roller (main) "Don't follow symlinks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189066 <ubotu> New bug: #189067 in kdeutils (main) "KDE Kwallet Manager (kwalletmanager) crashed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189067 <ubotu> New bug: #189074 in pidgin (main) "pidgin uses wrong desktop path" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189074 <ubotu> New bug: #189070 in pylint (universe) "Update pylint to 0.14.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189070 <ubotu> New bug: #189081 in gnucash (universe) "Dutch (Netherlands) translation incomplete" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189081 <ubotu> New bug: #189073 in ubuntu "Hardy kernel does not boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189073 <ubotu> New bug: #189085 in ubuntu "musicplayer says there is bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189085 <cosmodad> I just noticed that my Gutsy server comes with an enabled tickless kernel (NO_CONFIG_HZ=y) while my Gutsy desktop doesn't. Is there any reason for this, or is it a bug? <ubotu> New bug: #189086 in mathwar (universe) "resize window too small" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189086 <ubotu> New bug: #189090 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] ManDVD" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189090 <ubotu> New bug: #189091 in gnome-panel (main) "windows in wrong order" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189091 <ubotu> New bug: #189093 in pidgin (main) "jabber conference control" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189093 <ubotu> New bug: #189095 in nautilus (main) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_str_hash() (dup-of: 185441)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189095 <ubotu> New bug: #189094 in gnome-mount (main) "gnome-mount crashed with SIGSEGV in g_datalist_id_set_data_full() (dup-of: 184585)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189094 <ubotu> New bug: #189096 in ubuntu "trackpad does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189096 <ubotu> New bug: #189097 in firefox (main) "Add-On label-tag is not shown at toolbarbutton-tag" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189097 <bdmurray> thekorn: ping <thekorn> bdmurray, pong <bdmurray> I've done some research into your iso testing bugs and was wondering if this (no usplash) is on a laptop or a desktop. <thekorn> bdmurray, desktop, amd64 <bdmurray> is it connected via DVI or VGA? <thekorn> bdmurray, This may be important, <thekorn> I'm using as others who are also reporting this problem a DVI->VGA adapter <bdmurray> Hmm, I just recreated it using DVI to DVI. I'll have to dig up a VGA cable then. <bdmurray> Anyway, I'm going to dup your bugs to 147623 <thekorn> ok, sounds good <thekorn> thanks <ubotu> New bug: #189099 in ubuntu "boot takes unusualy long" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189099 <ubotu> New bug: #189100 in evince (main) "evince shows the background picture foreground" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189100 <ubotu> New bug: #189101 in gcalctool (main) "incorrect number presentation on gcalctool" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189101 <ubotu> New bug: #189102 in libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java (main) "Please sync libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java 1.2-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189102 <ubotu> New bug: #189103 in ubuntu "Hardy Alpha-4 users-admin set root password changes home path" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189103 <ubotu> New bug: #189104 in alsa-tools (universe) "Patch alsa-firmware-loaders to look for firmwares in correct location at /lib/firmware" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189104 <ubotu> New bug: #189105 in ubuntu "[hardy] newly-mounted drives auto-browse, ignoring preferences" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189105 <ubotu> New bug: #189107 in compiz (main) "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV (dup-of: 131679)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189107 <ubotu> New bug: #188033 in tsclient (main) "tsclient crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188033 #ubuntu-bugs 2008-02-05 <ubotu> New bug: #189109 in ubuntu "Unable to get list of available modules in python's online help." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189109 <ubotu> New bug: #189110 in nautilus (main) "nautilus erroneous error message opening Samba share - can't display Samba drive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189110 <joumetal> happy bugday :) <joumetal> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080205 <bdmurray> joumetal: indeed! I'll update the topic * bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Bug Day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080205 | Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ -http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad <joumetal> some bugs in list are have needs-packaging tag. <bdmurray> joumetal: okay, those should be wishlisted then - excluding those from the list is a bit tricky <ubotu> New bug: #189111 in linux-meta (main) "file browser window opening and closing after login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189111 <ubotu> New bug: #189112 in linux-meta (main) "file browser window opening and closing after login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189112 <joumetal> for example bug 187921. marking green with name Greg Grossmeier? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 187921 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Gtk2::Mozembed" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187921 <bdmurray> joumetal: right greg's name belongs in the triager column and it should be green <joumetal> ok I am going to paint some green. <ubotu> New bug: #189113 in kubuntu-restricted-extras "restricted-extras install ruins fresh install of kubuntu but works well in ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189113 <ubotu> New bug: #189114 in linux-meta (main) "(hardy) powerpc installer lacks ide-pmac driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189114 <ubotu> New bug: #187853 in gconf (main) "gconfd-2 crashed with signal 5 in g_return_if_fail_warning()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187853 <ubotu> New bug: #179106 in xserver-xgl (universe) "Xgl crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179106 <greg-g> sorry guys, I went through and did needs-packaging bugs the day after I was admitted to BugControl, forgot about the bugday list <greg-g> not ALL of the needs-packaging, of course, but many on the wiki page <ubotu> New bug: #189117 in stepic (universe) "Please sync stepic 0.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189117 <joumetal> bug 186095 sounds bad. <ubotu> Launchpad bug 186095 in ubuntu "hardware destroyed!" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186095 <ubotu> New bug: #189116 in terminator (universe) "terminator crashed with AttributeError in create_popup_menu()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189116 <ubotu> New bug: #189118 in ubuntu "Teewars would be a nice inclusion for hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189118 <ubotu> New bug: #189119 in ubuntu "Kubuntu Login Screen Font Size Too Large - XOrg confused between multiple monitors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189119 <ubotu> New bug: #189120 in evolution (main) "Evolution Save Attachment Loses File Name" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189120 <greg-g> joumetal: and I have no idea how to go about debugging that one, since I'm sure they aren't up to doing some testing (I wouldn't be) <ubotu> New bug: #189123 in cheese (main) "pictures/videos dont always save in the bottom thumbnail, forcing user to look in .gnome2 directory." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189123 <ubotu> New bug: #189125 in xmlgraphics-commons (universe) "Missing classes due to building without com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189125 <ubotu> New bug: #189126 in nautilus (main) "[hardy] nautilus shows internal partitions mounted via fstab" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189126 <ubotu> New bug: #189127 in ubuntu "Lost Wireless Connection after Update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189127 <ubotu> New bug: #189128 in ubuntu "[New Package SYNC] Please sync new package xgsch2pcb 0.1.2-1 from Debian Unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189128 <ubotu> New bug: #189129 in ntfs-3g (main) "New upstream stable release (1.2129)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189129 <ubotu> New bug: #189131 in ubuntu "web shortcuts are not opened with the preferred browser" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189131 <ubotu> New bug: #189132 in isdnutils (main) "Driver for AVM Fritz Card DSL v2.0 cannot be loaded" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189132 <ubotu> New bug: #189130 in gnome-mount (main) "gnome-mount crashed with SIGSEGV in IA__g_datalist_id_set_data_full() (dup-of: 122673)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189130 <ubotu> New bug: #189134 in ubuntu "[hardy] I wish deluge was the default instead of transmission (wish)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189134 <ubotu> New bug: #189135 in nautilus-cd-burner (main) "nautilus-cd-burner allows burning oversize ISOs to CD-RW" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189135 <ubotu> New bug: #189136 in totem (main) "Please sponsor totem 2.21.92 (main) into Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189136 <ubotu> New bug: #189137 in kmldonkey (universe) "Kmldokey sets wrongly the "low" priority" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189137 <ubotu> New bug: #189139 in emerald (universe) "emerald crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189139 <ubotu> New bug: #189140 in adept (main) "New lines can be added into adept_updater.po" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189140 <ubotu> New bug: #189141 in checkgmail (universe) "checkgmail give wrong unread mail number" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189141 <ubotu> New bug: #189148 in ubuntu "Some aplications have their names bad in K menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189148 <ubotu> New bug: #189145 in nspluginwrapper (multiverse) "npviewer.bin crashed with SIGSEGV (dup-of: 141613)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189145 <ubotu> New bug: #189146 in compiz (main) "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV in pthread_mutex_lock() (dup-of: 183685)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189146 <ubotu> New bug: #189147 in xorg (main) "X display freezes, slowly fades to black (video included)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189147 <ubotu> New bug: #189150 in boost-jam (universe) "bjam doesn't depend on boost-build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189150 <ubotu> New bug: #189151 in gnome-mag (main) "Please sponsor gnome-mag 0.15.0 (main) into Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189151 <ubotu> New bug: #189153 in ubuntu "Installing VMware-server-e.x.p-63231.i386.tar.gz" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189153 <ubotu> New bug: #189154 in ubuntu "VI editor doesn't work properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189154 <ubotu> New bug: #189155 in gnome-games (main) "gnometris goes out of control half way through a game, with pieces speeding up, and not responding to commands. I hear the extra pull on the system during this time. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189155 <ubotu> New bug: #189156 in gnome-system-tools (main) "'share folder' policykit integration not complete" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189156 <ubotu> New bug: #189158 in firefox (main) "fire fox not open menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189158 <ubotu> New bug: #189157 in gksu (main) "gksu crashed with SIGSEGV in gdk_draw_pixbuf() (dup-of: 123001)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189157 <ubotu> New bug: #189159 in ubuntu "French output in terminal window is weird." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189159 <DanielEads> Fixing a typo in a package, got the source via apt-get source, found the offending file, what now? <crimsun> after you've fixed it, increment the changelog, regenerate the source package, generate a debdiff, attach the debdiff to the bug report, and - depending whether it's a universe or main source package, subscribe the correct sponsors LP team. <ubotu> New bug: #189160 in lapack (main) "Critical lapack errors while configuring liblapack3gf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189160 <ubotu> New bug: #189161 in ubuntu "no response to keyboard/mouse/cdrom" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189161 <DanielEads> sudo debuild -S to regenerate the source package? <crimsun> yes. <crimsun> you generally don't need sudo, BTW. <DanielEads> i got errors <DanielEads> lemmie pastebin <DanielEads> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54809/ <crimsun> pretty busy ATM, sorry <crimsun> will look when I can if someone else doesn't beat me to it <ubotu> New bug: #189162 in beagle (universe) "Please merge beagle 0.3.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189162 <ubotu> New bug: #189163 in ubuntu "can't load nvidia legacy module after kernel security upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189163 <greg-g> DanielEads: I would try to install fakeroot first <greg-g> DanielEads: I'm not a packager though, just reading the error message ;) <ubotu> New bug: #189164 in openoffice.org (main) "[gutsy] Open Office tab guides are a mess literally!" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189164 <DanielEads> Alright, cleared up most errors by installing some packages needed for building, now it won't let me go anywhere because of no gpg key or something <DanielEads> Meh, will tinker more in the morning <greg-g> good luck DanielEads <ubotu> New bug: #189166 in linux-libertine (universe) "Please sync linux-libertine 2.7-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189166 <ubotu> New bug: #189168 in samba (main) "unable to view windows shares because of the default resolve order" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189168 <ubotu> New bug: #189173 in grub (main) "trigger for update-grub" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189173 <ubotu> New bug: #189174 in kompozer (universe) "kompozer needs minor packaging fixes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189174 <ubotu> New bug: #189178 in alsa-driver (main) "i can hear sound" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189178 <ubotu> New bug: #189179 in timer-applet (universe) "Please sync timer-applet 2.0.1-2 from Debian main" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189179 <ubotu> New bug: #189180 in contacts (universe) "FTBFS: contacts 0.8-1" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189180 <ubotu> New bug: #189181 in ubuntu "German keyboard layout is not persistent" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189181 <ubotu> New bug: #189183 in openssh (main) "sshd hardcodes SSHD_PAM_SERVICE" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189183 <ubotu> New bug: #189184 in dosfstools (main) "memory saving patch to dosfsck" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189184 <ubotu> New bug: #189185 in linux (main) "Thinkpad X61 hangs when removing from dock" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189185 <ubotu> New bug: #179843 in libcairo (main) "application shuts down unexpectedly due to libcairo" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179843 <ubotu> New bug: #189186 in gobby (main) "Please sync gobby 0.4.6-3 from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189186 <ubotu> New bug: #189187 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package mysql-server-5.0 5.0.45-3ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: försöker skriva över "/usr/share/man/man8/mysqld.8.gz" som också finns i paketet mysql-doc-5.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189187 <ubotu> New bug: #189188 in synaptic (main) "ssince last upgrade flash charts don't show any prices" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189188 <ubotu> New bug: #189189 in ubuntu "Please sync twitux 0.60-1 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189189 <ubotu> New bug: #189192 in udev (main) "gdmsetup dialog is to big for 1024 x 768 resolution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189192 <ubotu> New bug: #189193 in ubiquity (main) "Installer crashed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189193 <ubotu> New bug: #189194 in firefox (main) "firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189194 <ubotu> New bug: #189195 in firefox-3.0 (main) "Middleclick (click on middle button) causes odd behaviour" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189195 <Iulian> seb128: Thanks for that. I think he is using KDE 4 and afaik dolphin is only in KDE 3 <Iulian> Shouldn't be the source package d3lphin instead of dolphin? <seb128> Iulian: I've no clue about KDE but a wrong KDE version is better than no component where nobody will read the bug <Iulian> seb128: Indeed, that's why I'm asking because I am not a fan of KDE <seb128> apt-cache search d3lphin <seb128> that returns nothing that's why I used dolphin <Iulian> seb128: Ohh, yea. Thanks! <ubotu> New bug: #189197 in ubuntu "evolution - IMAP to Exchange - specified set of flags is not valid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189197 <seb128> I mean the apt-cache search returns dolphin <ccm> hi there * ccm hugs around <Iulian> seb128: Yep, I noticed. <Iulian> Hello ccm. <ubotu> New bug: #189198 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (main) "r100 video comes up garbled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189198 <ubotu> New bug: #189204 in rhythmbox (main) "[hardy] rhythmbox lost support of laptop hotkeys" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189204 <ubotu> New bug: #189205 in listlike (universe) "Please sync listlike (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189205 <ubotu> New bug: #189206 in openoffice.org (main) "[hardy] regression: oowriter can't open some documents" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189206 <ubotu> New bug: #189207 in xdg-utils (main) "[xdg-utils] [CVE-2008-0386] arbitrary command execution vulnerability" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189207 <ubotu> New bug: #189208 in glibc (main) "MNT_DETACH is missing in sys/mount.h" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189208 <ubotu> New bug: #189209 in ldap-haskell (universe) "Please sync ldap-haskell (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189209 <ubotu> New bug: #189212 in hdbc-postgresql (universe) "Please sync hdbc-postgresql (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189212 <ubotu> New bug: #189213 in hdbc-sqlite3 (universe) "Please sync hdbc-sqlite3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189213 <ubotu> New bug: #189215 in ubuntu "incorrect detection of display in Gutsy/Hardy 64bit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189215 <ubotu> New bug: #189216 in readline5 (main) "libreadline does not properly handles files containing CR or LF?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189216 <ubotu> New bug: #189218 in kdeutils (main) "kgpg refresh view should be done automatically" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189218 <ubotu> New bug: #189219 in gucharmap (main) "cross-references are not symmetric" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189219 <ubotu> New bug: #189220 in usbmount (universe) "Usbmount not showing mounted partitions to mount" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189220 <ubotu> New bug: #189221 in clamav-data (universe) "Please sync clamav-data 20080117.012200.5489 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189221 <ubotu> New bug: #189222 in xchat (universe) "Xchat changes focus to new channels after automatic joins on connect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189222 <ubotu> New bug: #189225 in hal (main) "Hal can't be updated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189225 <ubotu> New bug: #189224 in linux (main) "sunrpc causes kernel oopses on 2.6.24-5-generic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189224 <ubotu> New bug: #189228 in icedtea-java7 (universe) "package icedtea-java7-bin 7~b24-1.5+20080118-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 127" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189228 <ubotu> New bug: #189229 in openoffice.org (main) "Starting BOM in HTML is treated as text" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189229 <ubotu> New bug: #189230 in drbd (universe) "Main Inclusion Report for drbd." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189230 <ubotu> New bug: #189231 in rhythmbox (main) "rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189231 <ubotu> New bug: #189232 in spamassassin (universe) "spamassassin crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189232 <Iulian> Hello <pedro_> hey Iulian <Iulian> Hi there pedro! <ubotu> New bug: #189234 in ubuntu "/ not shown in places/computer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189234 <ubotu> New bug: #189235 in libhangul (main) "Please sync libhangul 0.0.7-1 from Debian unstable " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189235 <ubotu> New bug: #189236 in epiphany-browser (main) "Clear History doesn't clear history of downloads" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189236 <ubotu> New bug: #189237 in ltsp (main) "ltsp-update-image create duplicate nbdport" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189237 <ubotu> New bug: #189238 in vim (main) "command history is missing from vim" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189238 <ubotu> New bug: #189242 in amarok (main) "amarok hotkeys cannot be changed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189242 <ubotu> New bug: #189243 in ubuntu "please sync libcrypto++ 5.5.2-1 from Debian testing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189243 <ubotu> New bug: #189244 in firefox (main) "Flash player installed, but doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189244 <ubotu> New bug: #189245 in mail-notification (universe) "mail-notification cannot install: "Depends: libeel2-2 but it is not going to be installed"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189245 <ubotu> New bug: #189247 in evolution (main) "evolution crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189247 <ubotu> New bug: #189248 in ubuntu "the printer "print" a blank page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189248 <ubotu> New bug: #189250 in libcairo (main) "vmware server won't run - no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libcairo.so.2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189250 <ubotu> New bug: #134071 in apport (main) "should catch and report dynamic linker errors" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134071 <ubotu> New bug: #189253 in update-manager (main) "Update-Manager encouters list error and closes." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189253 <ubotu> New bug: #189254 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging]Lemon Pos for kde4" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189254 <ubotu> New bug: #189256 in flashplugin-nonfree (multiverse) "Reinstallation of flashplugin-nonfree is not possible, it cannot be downloaded." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189256 <ubotu> New bug: #147113 in apport (main) "apport-gtk crashed with KeyError in __getitem__()" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147113 <ubotu> New bug: #189260 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "Backlight doesn't turn on after resume" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189260 <ubotu> New bug: #189257 in compiz (main) "window placement problems with compiz" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189257 <ubotu> New bug: #189258 in ubuntu "Pidgin is often typing "íó åñëè" from other people, but not russian text" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189258 <ubotu> New bug: #189259 in gnome-panel (main) "Changing number of workspaces using compiz can make windows inaccessible" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189259 <ubotu> New bug: #189263 in ubuntu "xubuntu 8.04 without xfce ?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189263 <ubotu> New bug: #189264 in ubuntu "[Hardy alpha 4] Nautilus cannot handle obex: locations. Couldn't display "obex://[00:1C:A4:E4:86:2B]/"." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189264 <bddebian> Boo <jjesse> don't cry i didn't mean to scare you <bddebian> :-) <ubotu> New bug: #189265 in adept (main) "Adept updater wants to remove a many packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189265 <ubotu> New bug: #189267 in jockey (main) "jockey-gtk crashed with NameError in install_package() (dup-of: 186883)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189267 <ubotu> New bug: #189268 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package mysql-server-5.0 5.0.45-3ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: zkouším přepsat soubor `/usr/share/man/man8/mysqld.8.gz', který je také v balíku mysql-doc-5.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189268 <ubotu> New bug: #189269 in linux-meta (main) "CONFIG_HIMEM4G does not allow 4gb of ram in kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189269 <ubotu> New bug: #189274 in gbrainy (universe) "Please sync gbrainy 0.52-1 from Debian unstable (main)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189274 <ubotu> New bug: #189275 in ghc6 (universe) "broken alternative " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189275 <ubotu> New bug: #189276 in ubuntu "Inserted media content window appears twice" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189276 <tuxist> hi <ubotu> New bug: #189279 in ubuntu "No way to format drives or media" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189279 <tuxist> i can't use kde luks with a zip drive i got this error <tuxist> kryptomedia: slotDialogError(org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod, Method "Setup" with signature "s" on interface "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.Crypto" doesn't exist kryptomedia: ) <afflux> tuxist: that looks like a bug. Which package was that? <tuxist> kdebase <afflux> hardy? <tuxist> in hardy <tuxist> yes <afflux> tuxist: err.. what's the exact name of the failing programm? <tuxist> i think it's in kioslaves <tuxist> http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=113629 <ubotu> KDE bug 113629 in media "Complete LUKS support (especially mounting)" [Wishlist,New] <afflux> ah, I see <tuxist> i think here is the problem <ubotu> New bug: #189285 in ubuntu "Install wizard icon bad" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189285 <ubotu> New bug: #189280 in ubuntu "Unmounting and unplugging of USB key, PC resets" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189280 <ubotu> New bug: #189281 in ubiquity "Gutsy Gibbon partition manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189281 <ubotu> New bug: #189288 in ubuntu "Couldn't open display computer:/// Places Computer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189288 <ubotu> New bug: #189294 in 3dwm "Alt tab fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189294 <ubotu> New bug: #188495 in hplip "hp-setup crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188495 <ubotu> New bug: #189292 in audacious (universe) "audacious 1.4.6 does not see Skins" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189292 <ubotu> New bug: #189293 in etckeeper (universe) "Add bzr support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189293 <ubotu> New bug: #189296 in ubuntu "netbeans installer code dumped" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189296 <ubotu> New bug: #189297 in ubuntu "no login sound" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189297 <bdmurray> pedro_: does 187857 look like a dup of 187969 to you? <pedro_> looking <pedro_> bdmurray: yeah the symptoms are similar, I'd say it's a dup <bdmurray> pedro_: okay, thanks! <pedro_> you're welcome <ubotu> New bug: #189301 in gfax (universe) "gfax sort by column other than Sender does not work." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189301 <ubotu> New bug: #189302 in totem (main) "negotiation problem Totem 1.4.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189302 <bdmurray> pedro_: System -> Admin -> Shared Folders is gnome-system-tools correct? <andre> pedro_, i wonder if i can send you private messages at all, cuase i'm not registered. did you get them? <pedro_> bdmurray: yes sr, that's shares-admin <pedro_> andre: ah that's why * pedro_ kicks freenode <andre> pedro_, it's a boog day? on turzday? <pedro_> andre: today is the bug without a package one <ubotu> New bug: #189305 in libcache-mmap-perl (universe) "Please sync libcache-mmap-perl 0.09-4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189305 <ubotu> New bug: #189304 in util-linux (main) "Can't lower I/O priority with ionice as a user" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189304 <Iulian> I think 189276 is a duplicate of 184585. Should I mark it as dup? <pochu> bug 189276, 184585 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 189276 in ubuntu "Inserted media content window appears twice" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189276 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 184585 in gnome-mount "gnome-mount crashed with SIGSEGV in g_datalist_id_set_data_full()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184585 <pochu> Iulian: looks like, please do so. <Iulian> Thanks pochu <afflux> bug 184313 is a crasher without coredump. should I ask the reporter to only upload the coredump or should he open a new bug using apport and uploading the full report? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 184313 in ubuntu "[apport] kdeinit crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184313 <pochu> afflux: a new report is better, as then it will get retraces <pochu> I think there's a stock reply on the wiki <mgunes> would the installer icon being missing qualify as a bug in casper? <afflux> pochu: I just found one for "no crash report" <mgunes> just assigned bug 189285 to casper but I'm not 100% sure <ubotu> Launchpad bug 189285 in casper "Hardy Alpha 4 Install wizard icon bad" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189285 <pedro_> afflux: it have a coredump.gz; you might want to add the need-i386-retrace tag <afflux> oh. I'm blind, sorry. :) <pedro_> no problem, thanks for helping ;-) <Iulian> mgunes: I've seen that bug reported already iirc <pedro_> Iulian: right, it sounds like a dup of bug 188542 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 188542 in nautilus "Icon themes are broken" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188542 <afflux> Can I change the affected source-package via email? <bdmurray> afflux: yes, but your e-mail needs to GPG signed <afflux> ie. I'm having a bug against ubuntu and want it to be ubuntu/kdelibs4c2a <afflux> is it just " affects ubuntu/kdelibs4c2a"? The docs sounds like thats for specifying which task I want to edit <bdmurray> afflux: yes, that sounds correct <afflux> *confused* <Iulian> pedro_: Not sure... let me take a look in my mails. <bdmurray> pedro_: do you recall the trashcan not appearing full bug number? <bdmurray> afflux: What are you confused about? <mgunes> Iulian, I'm tagging it likely-dup <Iulian> mgunes: Ok, good. <afflux> I wonder how to change the affected sourcepackage when the affects line is for specifying which bug-task to change but not for changing itself. <pedro_> bdmurray: bug 185333 ? <ubotu> New bug: #189308 in wmifs (universe) "Merge wmifs 1.3b1-18 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189308 <ubotu> New bug: #189309 in varnish (universe) "[gutsy] unable to uninstall varnish" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189309 <ubotu> New bug: #189310 in kdemultimedia-kde4 (universe) "kdemultimedia-kde4 should not have a versioned build-depends on cdbs" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189310 <pedro_> bu <ubotu> New bug: #189311 in firefox (main) "Can't install the software stored in the accompanied 'driver & utilities' CD" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189311 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 185333 in twill "Twill not installable, depends on unavailable version of python-mechanize (dup-of: 164518)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185333 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 164518 in twill "python-twill must use the bundled mechanize and clientform modules instead of system provided ones" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164518 <pedro_> bug 185633 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 185633 in gnome-applets "trashcan does not report files it contains" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185633 <ubotu> New bug: #189307 in libgconf-java (universe) "Please sync libgconf-java 2.12.6-4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189307 <bdmurray> pedro_: that's the one - thanks! <Iulian> mgunes, pedro_: Can't find it, the bug was only in casper. <Iulian> The installer icon was missing. <mgunes> Iulian, I haven't either, and I'm not sure if it's a dupe of 188542 <ubotu> New bug: #189314 in thunderbird (main) "Thunderbird outbound mail should use "TLS, if availible" as the default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189314 <Iulian> Indeed <bdmurray> bug 188221 is about the installer icon being missing <ubotu> New bug: #189315 in isomaster (universe) "isomaster 1.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189315 <ubotu> New bug: #189316 in xcin (universe) "Merge xcin from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189316 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 188221 in ubiquity "missing installer icon on liveCD desktop" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188221 <afflux> bdmurray: what to do with bugs that were triaged some days ago? remove them or mark them just as triaged and add the name of the triager? <bdmurray> afflux: I've been marking them as triaged and adding the name of the triager <afflux> okay <bdmurray> ogasawara: bug 184976 is about the b43 driver on Hardy <ubotu> Launchpad bug 184976 in ubuntu "Hardy: b43 driver not working (Upgrade from Gutsy)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184976 <bdmurray> Is there a bug that might be a duplicate of? <ogasawara> bdmurray: yah, I've seen a few bugs about b43 - I think one might be referenced on the kernel buglist <ubotu> New bug: #189318 in ubuntu "tty not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189318 <bdmurray> pedro_: have you seen anything like bug 184375? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 184375 in ubuntu "[Hardy] Window's name replaced by time in taskbar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184375 <pedro_> looking <pedro_> bdmurray: no first time, can i take it ? <bdmurray> pedro_: sure! <pedro_> bdmurray: great, thanks ;-) <bdmurray> no thank you! ;) <ubotu> New bug: #189319 in openoffice.org (main) "OpenOffice writer does not save language change for writing aids" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189319 <ubotu> New bug: #189320 in rhythmbox (main) "Rhythmbox playing mp3 noisy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189320 <ubotu> New bug: #189321 in network-manager (main) "Dispatcher scripts don't get executed in alphabetical order" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189321 <ubotu> New bug: #189323 in ubiquity (main) "(Hardy Alpha 4) kubuntu installer exits without feedback upon completion" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189323 <ubotu> New bug: #189324 in ubuntu "[hardy] restricted driver ipw3945 for Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network on ACER Aspire5583 does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189324 <ubotu> New bug: #189325 in lyskom-server (universe) "Please sync lyskom-server 2.1.2-8 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189325 <Iulian> Should I mark bug 189253 as Invalid? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 189253 in update-manager "Update-Manager encouters list error and closes." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189253 <dejv_ntb> hello <ubotu> New bug: #189326 in evolution (main) "Hardy A4 version of evolution exchange does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189326 <ubotu> New bug: #189327 in kde-guidance (main) "[hardy apha] kde-guidance-powermanager shows wrong number of batteries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189327 <bdmurray> Iulian: I'm looking at it <ubotu> New bug: #189328 in mpich (universe) "Please sync mpich 1.2.7-5 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189328 <ubotu> New bug: #189329 in compiz (main) "Undesirable focus while closing or minimizing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189329 <Tuv0k> set system time dialog just crashes <bdmurray> Iulian: There isn't a clear indication to what the root cause of the bug was so Fix Released seems inappropriate. <Iulian> bdmurray: Ok, thanks. <bdmurray> So I would set it to Invalid. <ubotu> New bug: #189330 in xulrunner-1.9 (main) "Severe display corruption" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189330 <ubotu> New bug: #189331 in kdebase-kde4 (universe) "[KDE 4] konqueror crashed when visiting youtube" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189331 <dejv_ntb> g-p-m shows me status for two batteries although I only have one <bdmurray> dejv_ntb: that's a known bug and is being worked on <dejv_ntb> thanks <bdmurray> It'll be fixed before the final version of Hardy <dejv_ntb> ok <dejv_ntb> and can somebody guide me through my bugs? I'd like to help a bit more with fixing them <dejv_ntb> http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/w/webkit/webkit_0~svn29752-1.dsc <dejv_ntb> sorry, bad link <dejv_ntb> https://bugs.launchpad.net/~jasa-david/ <dejv_ntb> that's it :) <ubotu> New bug: #189333 in kde-guidance (main) "[hardy alpha] kde-guidance-powermanger powersave works incorrectly on battery power" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189333 <afflux> where should I report broken links on popcom.ubuntu.com? <afflux> *popcon <afflux> webmaster@ubuntu.com? <afflux> or do they have a tracker? <Pici> Do they have an LP page? <ubotu> New bug: #189334 in update-manager (main) "getting upgrade prerequisites failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189334 <bdmurray> afflux: I forget is there an e-mail address at the popcon page? <ubotu> New bug: #189336 in openbox (universe) "New upstream version: 3.4.6" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189336 <afflux> bdmurray: let me chec <afflux> +k <afflux> Made by The Ubuntu Web Team (webmaster@ubuntu.com) <bdmurray> afflux: perhaps using this would be best https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/ <afflux> okay, thanks <ubotu> New bug: #189338 in linux (main) "v4l does not compile with kernel 2.6.24-5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189338 <ubotu> New bug: #189339 in xsane (main) "xsane viewer's save dialog box uses a bad "Desktop" shortcut" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189339 <bdmurray> That'll send mail to the ubuntu-website team too <ubotu> New bug: #189337 in jockey (main) "jockey-gtk crashed with AssertionError in __init__() (dup-of: 187148)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189337 <afflux> bdmurray: it's already reported as bug 52931 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 52931 in ubuntu-website "README and FAQ links broken on popcon.ubuntu.com" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52931 <afflux> thanks for your help though <pedro_> bdmurray: is the date filter on bughelper/bugnumbers broken? <bdmurray> pedro_: which date filter? <pedro_> the one based on the last comment <bdmurray> not that I know of <pedro_> i'm trying to get some old incompletes with --lc="d:2008-01-10" <pedro_> but what i'm getting actually is all list of incompletes <bdmurray> try it with an operator like < or > or = <pedro_> ok will do it, thanks <ubotu> New bug: #189342 in vdr-plugin-xineliboutput (universe) "Please sync vdr-plugin-xineliboutput 1.0.0~rc2-13 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189342 <ubotu> New bug: #189344 in ubuntu "Problems with GNOME's Keyboard Layout in Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189344 <ubotu> New bug: #189345 in linux-wlan-ng (main) "firmware loading broken by auto-enabling card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189345 <ubotu> New bug: #189346 in ubuntu "Ubuntu 7.10: Sync not supported Monitor error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189346 <ubotu> New bug: #189351 in ubuntu "[Hardy A4] No splashscreen with 64bit kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189351 <ubotu> New bug: #189352 in ubuntu "[Hardy A4] CD doesn't boot on NForce5 Mainboard" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189352 <saivann> bdmurray : ping <bdmurray> saivann: hello <saivann> bdmurray : Hi! I wanted to ask you to extend my membership to bug control team, I sended you a email but I was not sure that you got it <ubotu> New bug: #189353 in ubuntu "Impossible to install on ASUS M2N4-SLI" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189353 <ubotu> New bug: #189354 in firefox (main) "my firefox crushes very often" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189354 <saivann> bdmurray : Do you want me to send you my email again? My email address was oxmosys@gmail.com <bdmurray> saivann: I've found it <saivann> bdmurray : Ok thanks <bdmurray> saivann: reading your e-mail you mention usplash a bit. I was just looking at bug 157758 and somebody lists some bugs that are probably dups of bug 150930 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 157758 in usplash "/etc/usplash.conf contains wrong values after install" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157758 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 150930 in ubiquity "Black screen, and bad usplash.conf after installation" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150930 <ubotu> New bug: #189358 in grub (main) "Grub stopped working: menu.lst mysteriously altered" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189358 <saivann> bdmurray : Great thanks, I can take care of this <ubotu> New bug: #189356 in ggz-server (main) "Please merge ggz-server 0.0.14-3 /main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189356 <bdmurray> saivann: That'd be great! Thanks for helping out and I've extended your membership in the team. <saivann> bdmurray : Thanks a lot! It all seems duplicate, I will take a look at this this afternoon <ubotu> New bug: #189361 in bzr-svn (universe) "Please sync bzr-svn 0.4.7-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189361 <ubotu> New bug: #189364 in gthumb (main) "Camera not recognised" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189364 <ubotu> New bug: #189368 in linux (main) "kernel panic with notebook Amilo Xa 2528 P5811 kernel 2.6.24" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189368 <ubotu> New bug: #189369 in ubuntu "Kubuntu Gutsy "network settings" does not save settings, interfaces come up when they shouldn't" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189369 <ubotu> New bug: #189362 in evince (main) "evince - don't printout PDF-Files on HPC5180" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189362 <ubotu> New bug: #189363 in linux-source-2.6.22 "kernel bug oops on shutdown nfs dentry" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189363 <ubotu> New bug: #189365 in grub (main) "No Compix or 3d with intel graphics: GMA 3100 " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189365 <ubotu> New bug: #189366 in ubuntu "no sound under 2.6.22-14 kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189366 <ubotu> New bug: #189370 in ubuntu "gnome proxy config does not affect apt cli" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189370 <ubotu> New bug: #189373 in yelp (main) "Ubuntu does not recognize older(1999) Seagate or Maxtor Hard Disks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189373 <ubotu> New bug: #189375 in dpkg (main) ""Use of uninitialized value" with "--remove" and non-existent link in /usr/bin" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189375 <ubotu> New bug: #189377 in openoffice.org (main) "After update to Openoffice.org-core 1ubuntu5.3 openoffice writer crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189377 <ubotu> New bug: #189378 in evolution (main) "Translation in french" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189378 <dejv_ntb> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/106314 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 106314 in firefox "[edgy] Firefox doesn't support X11/Gnome/KDE session managment" [Undecided,In progress] <ubotu> New bug: #189379 in f-spot (main) ""Could not claim the USB device" while connecting the camera" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189379 <ubotu> New bug: #189380 in sun-java5 (multiverse) "Can't make any java package work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189380 <ubotu> New bug: #189381 in ubuntu "Kmixer cannot be found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189381 <dejv_ntb> this bug is marked "resolved fixed" upstream <dejv_ntb> did the fix land in ubuntu package? <dejv_ntb> (bug 106314) <ubotu> Launchpad bug 106314 in firefox "[edgy] Firefox doesn't support X11/Gnome/KDE session managment" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106314 <bdmurray> dejv_ntb: Not that I know of. Did you look at the upstream report? <dejv_ntb> just to bugzilla <dejv_ntb> I'm not experienced in bug wranling <bdmurray> dejv_ntb: asac - the firefox maintainer would be the best person to check with about this I think <dejv_ntb> ok <ubotu> New bug: #189382 in totem (main) "Add midbrowser support to totem-mozilla" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189382 <bdmurray> I would not want to change the status to Fix Released prematurely <dejv_ntb> I agree <dejv_ntb> Is Fix Commited safe? <dejv_ntb> or is better way just email to Mozilla Bugs Team? <dejv_ntb> bdmurray: ^ <bdmurray> E-mailing the mozillateam seems best <dejv_ntb> all right, I'll do so <ubotu> New bug: #189386 in ubuntu "adept update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189386 <bdmurray> dejv_ntb: Thanks! <ubotu> New bug: #189383 in compiz (main) "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV in fadeHandleEvent() (dup-of: 183685)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189383 <dejv_ntb> no problem :) <ubotu> New bug: #189387 in evolution (main) "imap refresh don't refresh new folder" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189387 <dejv_ntb> bdmurray: what is usual delay between sending email to lists and appearing in archive? * dejv_ntb sent email, can't see it in archive and doesn't want to double-post <bdmurray> dejv_ntb: a wee bit? <dejv_ntb> so there's something wrong and I'll send it again <bdmurray> It should be really quick. Did it get moderated? <dejv_ntb> to the bug address itself <bdmurray> It also looks like there is a #ubuntu-mozillateam channel <dejv_ntb> hm <dejv_ntb> delivery failure <dejv_ntb> ok <dejv_ntb> thanks <bdmurray> Did you send it to ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com ? <ubotu> New bug: #189388 in jockey (main) "jockey-gtk crashed with AssertionError in __init__() (dup-of: 187148)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189388 <dejv_ntb> just a typo in address :) <ubotu> New bug: #189392 in ubuntu "gnome/panel - lock to panel disrupted by fullscreen apps" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189392 <ubotu> New bug: #189393 in atitvout (universe) "TV not detected with Radeon IGP 320M" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189393 <dejv_ntb> another thing: I've got a long-standing issue with default suspend: <dejv_ntb> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.24/+bug/123002 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 123002 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Broken suspend on 2.6.20-16.29" [High,Confirmed] <dejv_ntb> it can be worked around by using s2disk, but I'd like to see default suspend working too <ubotu> New bug: #189395 in python-launchpad-bugs (main) "AssertionError: Wrong XPath-Expr in InfoTable.parse() 'affects'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189395 <ubotu> New bug: #189398 in linux (main) "Cisco Aironet stopped working in Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189398 <bdmurray> dejv_ntb: I've changed the llinux-source-2.6.24 package to just 'linux' which is the kernel for hardy <dejv_ntb> ok <bdmurray> which video driver are you using? <dejv_ntb> ati <dejv_ntb> it's got r250 chip <dejv_ntb> the suspend broke after upgrade from last Feisty alpha to Feisty final <ubotu> New bug: #189402 in ubuntu "gaming gets least priority in linux and windows lives again." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189402 <dejv_ntb> (I was busy meanwhile) <dejv_ntb> sorry, not ati, radeon driver <bdmurray> dejv_ntb: but not the proprietary fglrx driver? <dejv_ntb> not <dejv_ntb> it's too old for my chip <ogasawara> dejv_ntb: I'll take a look at your report and follow up with you there <dejv_ntb> ok <ubotu> New bug: #189406 in update-manager (main) "[Hardy] Update Manager doesn't display package versions anymore" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189406 <dejv_ntb> ogasawara: highlight me when you'll need me <ogasawara> dejv_ntb: will do, just finishing up my comment to post <dejv_ntb> ok <ogasawara> dejv_ntb: ok posted - just need to get a little more info <dejv_ntb> version_signature is in comments <dejv_ntb> will go through suspend/boot ;) process now <ogasawara> dejv_ntb: for Hardy? I didn't see it. It will be something like 2.6.24-5.8 <ubotu> New bug: #189411 in gnome-vfs (main) "Nautilus won't do SSH because of tcsh" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189411 <dejv_ntb> ogasawara: kernel package is "linux-image-2.6.24-5-generic" in version "2.6.24-5.8" <dejv_ntb> does it suffice? <ogasawara> dejv_ntb: yup, if you can just add it in your comment that'd be good <dejv_ntb> added <ogasawara> dejv_ntb: heh oops sorry, I didn't refresh :) the first comment was fine <dejv_ntb> ok, gonna get offline, see you in few minutes <ubotu> New bug: #189413 in ubuntu "Xubuntu Hardy Alpha 4 CD Live blank brown screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189413 <ubotu> New bug: #189414 in gnome-screensaver (main) "Please upload 2.21.6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189414 <dejv_ntb> ogasawara: sorry, I didn't tell you that STR works fine since gutsy, STD remains to be a problem <dejv_ntb> but it still popped something: <dejv_ntb> [ 6.852977] Magic number: 0:716:374 <dejv_ntb> [ 6.852980] hash matches /build/buildd/linux-2.6.24/drivers/base/power/main.c:97 <dejv_ntb> [ 6.853121] hash matches device LNXVIDEO:00 <ogasawara> dejv_ntb: oh, I thought you had STD working and not STR? <dejv_ntb> reverse * dejv_ntb hides <ogasawara> heh <ogasawara> dejv_ntb: how familiar are you with navigating /sysfs <dejv_ntb> I thought it was clear from my s2disk-workaround note <dejv_ntb> If I know what i want... <dejv_ntb> but usually I don't know <ogasawara> dejv_ntb: am just curious what's the driver for device LNXVIDEO:00 <ubotu> New bug: #189415 in ubuntu "[Hardy] X serveur restart randomly with nvidia propriotary driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189415 <ubotu> New bug: #189416 in gnome-power-manager (main) "gnome power manager changes laptop mode settings " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189416 <dejv_ntb> # find /sys -name '*LNXVIDEO*' <dejv_ntb> # find /sys -name '*LNXVIDEO*' <dejv_ntb> moment please <dejv_ntb> # find /sys -name '*LNXVIDEO*' <dejv_ntb> hm <dejv_ntb> xchat started eating \n <dejv_ntb> /sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0A03:00/device:02/LNXVIDEO:00 <dejv_ntb> /sys/bus/acpi/devices/LNXVIDEO:00 <dejv_ntb> /sys/bus/acpi/drivers/video/LNXVIDEO:00 <dejv_ntb> no, it just ate ^/.* lines <dejv_ntb> # cat /sys/devices/LNXSYSTM\:00/device\:00/PNP0A03\:00/device\:02/path <dejv_ntb> \_SB_.PCI0.AGP_ <dejv_ntb> # cat /sys/devices/LNXSYSTM\:00/device\:00/PNP0A03\:00/device\:02/LNXVIDEO\:00/path <dejv_ntb> \_SB_.PCI0.AGP_.VID_ <ubotu> New bug: #189417 in update-manager (main) "update nicht möglich. Fehler beim herunterladen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189417 <ogasawara> dejv_ntb: care to post your dmesg to the bug report <dejv_ntb> ok <dejv_ntb> posted <ubotu> New bug: #189421 in laptop-mode (universe) "laptop mode cannot start when on ac power" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189421 <dejv_ntb> ogasawara: ^ <ubotu> New bug: #189424 in ubuntu "BasKet Launcher Icon Missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189424 <ubotu> New bug: #189427 in meta-kde4 (universe) "konqueror crash opening a .swf file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189427 <dejv_ntb> ogasawara: I've gotta go <dejv_ntb> I'll be here through tomorrow <ogasawara> dejv_ntb: no worries, I'll follow up with you via launchpad <dejv_ntb> ok <dejv_ntb> nite <ubotu> New bug: #189430 in compiz (main) "page_up and page_down keys" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189430 <mgunes> should bug 189156 be forwarded upstream? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 189156 in gnome-system-tools "'share folder' policykit integration not complete" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189156 <bdmurray> mgunes: I'm fairly certain the policykit integration is something that Ubuntu does. <ubotu> New bug: #189434 in pidgin (main) "pidgin crashes with sigill, looks msn related" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189434 <pochu> bdmurray: what do you mean? We just enable policykit, but the work comes from upstream <bdmurray> pochu: Okay, I didn't know that. <pochu> mgunes: I think so, although I won't expect upstream to work on it... I has said he won't work on g-s-t too much anymore, and will welcome a new maintainer for it <mgunes> pochu: who has said that? <pochu> mgunes: Carlos Garnacho, who is upstream for gnome-system-tools / liboobs/ system-tools-backends <mgunes> pochu, thanks; I'm forwarding anyway. maybe someone else will pick it up. <pochu> sure :) <pochu> mgunes: http://blogs.gnome.org/carlosg/2008/02/01/two-new-children-in-cookieville/ <mgunes> let's hope someone picks them up soon. #ubuntu-bugs 2008-02-06 <ubotu> New bug: #189435 in mpd (universe) "Please merge mpd 0.13.1-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189435 <bdmurray> pochu: do you know where bug 134749 might lie? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 134749 in notification-daemon "Notification baloon tooltip appears in wrong place" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134749 <ubotu> New bug: #189444 in virtualbox-ose (universe) "virtualbox-ose-client-utils service fails to start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189444 <pochu> bdmurray: I don't have a clue, sorry. <ubotu> New bug: #189439 in transmission (main) "Transmission should use a temp-dir to exclude from indexing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189439 <ubotu> New bug: #189440 in gconf-editor (main) "Please merge gconf-editor 2.20.0-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189440 <ubotu> New bug: #189442 in ubuntu "update-manager -d cannot finish upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189442 <bdmurray> pochu: okay, I'm not certain if it is application specific or something about the notification-daemon <ubotu> New bug: #189445 in gnome-power-manager (main) "gnome-power-manager fails to show logout dialog" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189445 <ubotu> New bug: #189446 in konversation (main) "nickserv login occurs after channel join. this can cause problems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189446 <ubotu> New bug: #189448 in gnome-games (main) "Nibbles is buggy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189448 <ubotu> New bug: #189449 in thunderbird (main) "I just can't send emails with attached files." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189449 <ubotu> New bug: #189452 in libgnomecups (main) "Please merge libgnomecups 0.2.3-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189452 <ubotu> New bug: #189453 in libdb4.6-ruby (universe) "Threaded transactions broken with libdb4.6" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189453 <ubotu> New bug: #189454 in update-manager (main) "distribution upgrade tool reports "kb/s" but is measuring "kB/s"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189454 <ubotu> New bug: #189455 in gparted (main) "gparted volume-size overflows and cripples UI" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189455 <ubotu> New bug: #189456 in ubuntu "Umbutu 7.10 manual flash player 9 install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189456 <ubotu> New bug: #189457 in maildrop (universe) "maildrop error loading shared libraries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189457 <ubotu> New bug: #189458 in hotkey-setup (main) "multimedia / Fn Keys don't work on Toshiba Satellite M115-S3094 laptop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189458 <ubotu> New bug: #189459 in meta-gnome2 (universe) "Please merge meta-gnome (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189459 <XiXaQ> What does the state "Triaged" mean on launchpad? <ubotu> New bug: #189461 in compiz (main) "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV (dup-of: 183685)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189461 <RAOF> XiXaQ: "In a state where it's worth a developer's time to look at it". That is: it's definitely a bug, and it's got all the information a dev is likely to need to fix it. <XiXaQ> ok.. Heh, then what does "Confirmed" mean? <RAOF> "It's a bug" <XiXaQ> oh, so Triaged is better than Confirmed then? <RAOF> Yes. <alex_mayorga> RAOF, hi, my first hug day, what to do? <RAOF> alex_mayorga: Uuum... :) <alex_mayorga> noob here, sorry :( <pochu> alex_mayorga: hug him! * pochu hugs everyone and goes to bed :) <RAOF> alex_mayorga: Oh, that's no problem. I'm just unsure as to what the correct answer is. <alex_mayorga> pochu, nittes <RAOF> alex_mayorga: But I'd suggest the first URL in the /topic as a start :) <alex_mayorga> Is there any way to filter the list for Hardy? It's what I have at my disposal <alex_mayorga> RAOF, OK, looks like I've found a dupe here bug 187686 seems a duplicate of bug 187969 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 187686 in ubuntu "Keyboard Indicator at the Panel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187686 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 187969 in gnome-control-center "Cannot select default keyboard layout in gnome-keyboard-properties" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187969 <alex_mayorga> do I mark it duplicate right away or do I ask the user? <RAOF> alex_mayorga: Depends on how sure you are. There's no need to ask the user if it's obvious. <alex_mayorga> I'll mark it and ask the user for more user in any case <ubotu> New bug: #189462 in slocate (main) "slocate cron job fails if /etc/updatedb.conf not found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189462 <alex_mayorga> RAOF, OK I've added comment and marked as duplicate, what else should I do? <RAOF> alex_mayorga: That seems about it, really. <alex_mayorga> let me make the row lightgreen too, BTW I'm getting bitten by that same bugger <ubotu> New bug: #189463 in ferret (universe) "ferret description" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189463 <alex_mayorga> what to do to bugs not tracked in launchpad? is there a canned response? <RAOF> alex_mayorga: What do you mean by "bugs not tracked in launchpad"? Do you mean bugs reported in launchpad for packages that aren't the Ubuntu version? <ubotu> New bug: #189464 in ubuntu "Please sync gnome-keyring-sharp 1.0.0~svn.r87622-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189464 <alex_mayorga> Bug #187331 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 187331 in ubuntu "Can't rip CDs with gstreamer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187331 <alex_mayorga> the user claims the bug is in gstreamer, but when I try to assign it to that project launchpad tells me "GStreamer doesn't use Launchpad as its bug tracker. Without a bug URL to watch, the GStreamer status will not update automatically." <RAOF> alex_mayorga: Right. That's because "gstreamer" isn't a package. <RAOF> alex_mayorga: Also, he's wrong. The problem isn't with gstreamer, it's with rhythmbox/sound juicer. <ubotu> New bug: #189465 in ubuntu-dev-tools (universe) "requestsync crashed with AssertionError in parse()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189465 <RAOF> And there go my two bugs :) <alex_mayorga> ?? <alex_mayorga> the last 2 are yours? <RAOF> Yup. <alex_mayorga> same story for rhythmbox :S not tracked by launchpad? do I add it anyway? <alex_mayorga> RAOF, why don't you teach me by example :) Bug #187331 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 187331 in ubuntu "Can't rip CDs with gstreamer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187331 <ubotu> New bug: #189469 in ccontrol (universe) "[sync request] ccontrol 0.9.1+20071204-2 [Debian Main - Testing]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189469 <ubotu> New bug: #189470 in iceowl (universe) "Restore Mozilla branding and blacklist iceowl from autosync" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189470 <ubotu> New bug: #189471 in audacious-plugins (universe) "Audacious does not play .wma files when extended unicode characters exist in the filename or the path" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189471 <ubotu> New bug: #189473 in rhythmbox (main) "Paused audio plays during exit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189473 <ubotu> New bug: #189474 in ubuntu "cdebootstrap does not install upstart, udev, system-services..." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189474 <ubotu> New bug: #189475 in xaos (main) "xaos doesn't work as screensaver as it doesn't take "window-id" option" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189475 <greg-g> how do you link a blueprint to a bug? ie: bug 186557 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 186557 in friendly-recovery "ubuntu repair nightmare." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186557 <ubotu> New bug: #189476 in ubuntu "Broadcom 4311 wireless not working in Compaq F572" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189476 <bdmurray> greg-g: What do you mean by link? <greg-g> bdmurray: I thought some bugs had a link to the bluepint as a part of them, not just a comment. I could be wrong. <greg-g> "associated with" maybe is one way to put it <greg-g> I'm thinking for that bug, I am just going to mark it confirmed/wishlist and leave it be. <ubotu> New bug: #189477 in xaos (main) "Take xaos files out of app-default files " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189477 <greg-g> bdmurray: mainly I am just making sure there is nothing else needing to be done with respect to bugs like that (relating to a blueprint). <bdmurray> greg-g: okay, there isn't a way to associate bugs with blueprints <greg-g> bdmurray: ok, thanks. Sorry I wans't clear at first with what I was trying to accomplish ;) <bdmurray> I wonder what they did though to restore grub. <ubotu> New bug: #189478 in bzr (main) "man page has errors when typing "man bzr"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189478 <greg-g> bdmurray: it is a two part bug report pretty much. 1) need a way to more friendly restore/rescue a system and 2) help get my grub back. <bdmurray> yeah regardless of what they did it - it is too hard to restore it <greg-g> should I ask if they have resolved their issue, and if not tell them to open an issue in the support tracker? <bdmurray> That sounds best as there is unlikely to be a bug with grub-install. <greg-g> right <bdmurray> hmm <bdmurray> I think the alternate CD has a rescue mode from which you can reinstall grub but they do seem to mention the Live CD. <bdmurray> They probably would have been better off using the alternate. <greg-g> So, should I mark that bug Confirmed/Wishlist as if it was just asking for the friendly-recovery bit, or should I mark it invalid and tell him to ask a question in the support tracker if it is not fixed yet? <bdmurray> I'd Incomplete and wishlist it and ask if they have worked around the lack of a friendly recovery utility <greg-g> sounds good <bdmurray> thanks! <greg-g> thank you for answering my questions <ubotu> New bug: #189479 in wordpress (universe) "wordpress: security flaw in xml-rpc implementation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189479 <ubotu> New bug: #189481 in wordpress (universe) "Please merge wordpress 2.3.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189481 <ubotu> New bug: #189484 in ubuntu "installer/uninstaller/updater problem ubuntu 804" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189484 <greg-g> 19 bugs later, and its time for bed <ubotu> New bug: #189485 in nautilus (main) "[hardy] nautilus crashes/restarts when refreshing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189485 <ubotu> New bug: #189467 in update-manager (main) "Update uninstaller installer problem ubuntu 804" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189467 <ubotu> New bug: #189486 in update-manager-core (main) "one of the adept upgrades failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189486 <ubotu> New bug: #189487 in ubuntu "thumbnails are not generated for all flv files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189487 <ubotu> New bug: #189488 in ubuntu "Desktop never loads without ethernet cable pluged in." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189488 <ubotu> New bug: #189490 in gnome-app-install (main) "gnome-app-install crashed with AttributeError in modifyUserInterface()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189490 <ubotu> New bug: #189491 in nautilus (main) "[hardy] nautilus crashes with undefined symbol:nautilus_file_info_get_drive " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189491 <ubotu> New bug: #189493 in update-manager (main) "update-manager crashed with SIGSEGV in gdk_keymap_get_direction()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189493 <ubotu> New bug: #189494 in gedit (main) "gedit crashed when I saved" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189494 <ubotu> New bug: #189496 in ubuntu "Brightness control doesnt work (Vaio)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189496 <ubotu> New bug: #189498 in webkit (universe) "Please sync webkit 0~svn29752-1 from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189498 <ubotu> New bug: #189500 in kdebase-workspace (universe) "erorr in /etc/init.d/kdm-kde4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189500 <ubotu> New bug: #189501 in kdebase-workspace (universe) "KWin compositing not working in 4.0.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189501 <ubotu> New bug: #189502 in ubuntu "Packaging request for Columbia Esterel Compiler" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189502 <ubotu> New bug: #189504 in net-snmp (main) "snmpd eats memory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189504 <ubotu> New bug: #189505 in ubuntu "Mathematica 5.0 Linux version can not be installed in Ubuntu 7.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189505 <ubotu> New bug: #189506 in gphoto2 (universe) "Normal user can't access USB camera Error (-53: 'Could not claim the USB device')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189506 <ubotu> New bug: #189507 in glibc (main) "libc6-i386 looks in a wrong place for locales" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189507 <Iulian> Good morning. <ubotu> New bug: #189508 in gnome-print (universe) "create printers with different settings for same printer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189508 <ubotu> New bug: #189509 in gnome-control-center (main) "Desktop Appearances Properties crashes repeatedly - gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV in XSetCloseDownMode()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189509 <ubotu> New bug: #189510 in cupsys (main) "cups dying when idle" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189510 <ubotu> New bug: #189514 in nautilus (main) "[Hardy Alpha3] Auto mount points of disk partitions changing with each boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189514 <ubotu> New bug: #189515 in gcalcli (universe) "No international times" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189515 <ubotu> New bug: #189517 in meta-gnome2 (universe) "Open/save file dialog places wrong" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189517 <ubotu> New bug: #189518 in valknut (universe) "Valknut should use system Qt theme and font by default" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189518 <ubotu> New bug: #189519 in firefox (main) "Using Ubuntu 7.04 on ppc (powerbook G4) firefox( crashes as if playing "pixel minesweeper"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189519 <ubotu> New bug: #189520 in tracker (main) "tracker makes system un usable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189520 <ubotu> New bug: #189521 in ubuntu "Update to linux-image 2.6.22-14.51 broke sound drivers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189521 <ubotu> New bug: #189523 in ltsp (main) "unable to update kernel inside ltsp image" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189523 <ubotu> New bug: #189525 in kdebase (main) "Problem with Konqueror and "Load plugins on demand" feature" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189525 <ubotu> New bug: #189526 in tk8.5 (universe) "Please sync tk8.5 8.5.0-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189526 <ubotu> New bug: #189528 in epiphany-browser (main) "epiphany does not save passwords anymore" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189528 <ubotu> New bug: #189529 in console-setup (main) "dot keypad for french keyboard not working in gutsy console" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189529 <ubotu> New bug: #189524 in apt-setup "Repositories are not added when installing offline" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189524 <ubotu> New bug: #189530 in hugin (universe) "hugin reduces panorama size each time preferences are saved" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189530 <ubotu> New bug: #189532 in vmware-player "[Hardy] vmware-player fails to start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189532 <ubotu> New bug: #189533 in boinc-app-seti (universe) "setiathome_enhanced crashed with SIGSEGV in vfprintf()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189533 <ubotu> New bug: #189536 in nautilus (main) "No preview for images" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189536 <ubotu> New bug: #189537 in nautilus (main) "Change file icon action opens file chooser far from icons" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189537 <ubotu> New bug: #189538 in db2exc-amd64 (partner) "db2 update to version 9.5 crashes existing installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189538 <ubotu> New bug: #189443 in gnome-vfs (main) "gnome-vfs-daemon crashed with signal 5 in gnome_vfs_volume_unset_drive_private()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189443 <ubotu> New bug: #189540 in nautilus (main) "Drive rename and change icon operations always fail in Nautilus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189540 <ubotu> New bug: #189441 in gst-plugins-base0.10 "totem-gstreamer-video-thumbnailer crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_notify()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189441 <ubotu> New bug: #189541 in nautilus (main) "Nautilus will not open directories" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189541 <ubotu> New bug: #189544 in vlc (universe) "streaming h264 is broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189544 <ubotu> New bug: #189546 in system-config-printer-kde (main) "[hardy] system-config-printer-kde just doesn`t work." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189546 <ubotu> New bug: #189547 in bacula (universe) "update package bacula" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189547 <ubotu> New bug: #189548 in siege (main) "[hardy] Add automake1.9 to Build-Depends (fixes FTBFS)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189548 <ubotu> New bug: #189549 in soundconverter (universe) "SoundConverter missing dependency" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189549 <ubotu> New bug: #189550 in pidgin (main) "Loging in notification in IRC" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189550 <ubotu> New bug: #189551 in openldap2.2 (main) "slapd cannot start with syncrepl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189551 <ubotu> New bug: #189553 in jabref (multiverse) "crash on startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189553 <ubotu> New bug: #189554 in courier (universe) "update from gutsy to hurdy fails on courier-mta" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189554 <ubotu> New bug: #189557 in update-manager (main) "package update-manager 1:0.87.4 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: SystemError in cache.commit(): E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189557 <ubotu> New bug: #189556 in ubuntu "Screen brightness is lowered although set to not in gnome preferences (HP Compaq 6710b)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189556 <ubotu> New bug: #189558 in libtelepathy (universe) "Please sync libtelepathy 0.3.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189558 <ubotu> New bug: #189559 in telepathy-glib (universe) "Please sync telepathy-glib 0.7.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189559 <ubotu> New bug: #189412 in gnome-vfs (main) "gnome-vfs-daemon crashed with signal 5 in gnome_vfs_volume_unset_drive_private()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189412 <ubotu> New bug: #189560 in linux (main) "please enable IP_ADVANCED_ROUTER and IP_MULTIPLE_TABLES in sparc, hppa" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189560 <ubotu> New bug: #189360 in xchat-gnome "xchat-gnome crashed with SIGSEGV in IA__g_object_ref()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189360 <ubotu> New bug: #189561 in nautilus (main) "[Hardy] Nautilus crash during Google-Earth installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189561 <ubotu> New bug: #189562 in update-manager (main) "running partial upgrade could not calculate the update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189562 <ubotu> New bug: #189563 in kde-systemsettings (main) "help is missing and you cannot save settings in hardy herron" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189563 <ubotu> New bug: #189565 in ufw (universe) "ufw enables syncookies by default, which is not considered a great idea" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189565 <ubotu> New bug: #189566 in dpkg (main) "Please merge dpkg ( from debian unstable" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189566 <ubotu> New bug: #189568 in gnome-terminal (main) "Please sponsor gnome-terminal 2.21.90-0ubuntu2 (main) into Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189568 <persia> jwendell: You see, people here actually look at all the bugs, and tend to compile those that everyone reports into metabugs with workarounds in teh comments :) <ubotu> New bug: #189569 in claws-mail (universe) "Left pane unscrollable in Claws Mail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189569 <ubotu> New bug: #189570 in nspluginwrapper (multiverse) "npviewer.bin crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_newv() (dup-of: 178038)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189570 <ubotu> New bug: #189571 in ubuntu "needs packaging: RippedWire" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189571 <ubotu> New bug: #189573 in evolution-exchange (main) "Evolution lost connection with Exchange backend process" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189573 <ubotu> New bug: #189574 in totem (main) "totem-gstreamer crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_set_valist()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189574 <ubotu> New bug: #179468 in system-config-printer (main) "applet.py crashed with TypeError in on_job_hold_activate()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179468 <ubotu> New bug: #189575 in vlc (universe) "vlc crashed with SIGSEGV in __stats_Update()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189575 <ubotu> New bug: #188017 in brasero (main) "brasero crashed with signal 5" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188017 <ubotu> New bug: #189576 in gnome-panel (main) "Some errors reported about gnome to me, but I had not rekognize anything." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189576 <bddebian> Boo <ubotu> New bug: #189577 in file-roller (main) ".deb are opened instead of installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189577 <ubotu> New bug: #189581 in alsa-driver (main) "Please update Alsa to v1.0.16 final." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189581 <ubotu> New bug: #189582 in ltsp (main) "ldminfo should be tunneled in ssh" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189582 <ubotu> New bug: #189583 in linux-source-2.6.22 "update linux-headers-2.6.22-14, grub error 22" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189583 <ubotu> New bug: #189589 in xen-3.2 (main) "Please remove from main." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189589 <ubotu> New bug: #189593 in casper (main) "booting live system from nfs fails at nfsmount" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189593 <ubotu> New bug: #187435 in openoffice.org (main) "open office 2.3, spell checker in spanish" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187435 <ubotu> New bug: #189594 in kdebase (main) "KDM login screen freezes when incorrect password is entered" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189594 <joerlend_> "Nominated for Hardy", it sais for a bug. What does that mean? <andrea-bs> joerlend_: that the bug will be fixed in Ubuntu Hardy, but *perhaps* not in other versions <ubotu> New bug: #189598 in mixxx "Mixxx is missing icon (Hardy)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189598 <persia> Rather that someone thinks it should be fixed in hardy, but perhaps not other versions. When it says "Nominated", that means the task is not yet approved for fixing in hardy. <persia> (the barrier for approval is usually someone being willing to fix it, or someone believing that hardy should not be released until it is fixed) <ubotu> New bug: #189599 in xorg (main) "[Hardy] Ubuntu does not remember the screen resolution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189599 <ubotu> New bug: #189600 in kdebase-kde4 (universe) "Cannot enter web address to associate w/ specific browser from Konqueror's "Browser Identification" tab" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189600 <ubotu> New bug: #189601 in elmo (universe) "Please sync elmo 1.3.0-1.2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189601 <ubotu> New bug: #189602 in lucene2 (multiverse) "Use local DTD to fix build failure on buildd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189602 <ubotu> New bug: #189603 in crystalcursors (universe) "Please sync crystalcursors 1.1.1-9 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189603 <ubotu> New bug: #189606 in kdebase-workspace (universe) "Removed KDE 4.0 desktop icons return after reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189606 <ubotu> New bug: #189607 in rhythmbox (main) "rhythmbox crashes after some time playing, backtrace available (dup-of: 182097)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189607 <ubotu> New bug: #189608 in flickrfs (universe) "Please sync flickrfs (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189608 <ubotu> New bug: #188884 in tinyerp-client (universe) "tinyerp-client.py crashed with TypeError in <module>()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188884 <ubotu> New bug: #146466 in tinyerp-client (universe) "tinyerp-client.py crashed with KeyError in __init__()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146466 <ubotu> New bug: #189609 in transmission (main) "transmission crashed with SIGSEGV (pressing close on preferences)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189609 <ubotu> New bug: #189610 in gretl (universe) "Please sync gretl 1.7.1-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189610 * bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ -http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad <ubotu> New bug: #189613 in ubuntu "Please sync netcat-openbsd 1.89-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189613 <ubotu> New bug: #189614 in kdenlive (universe) "0.5.svn20071228-0.0ubuntu1 fails to build on most architectures" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189614 <ubotu> New bug: #189615 in libflashsupport (universe) "no sound in flash-nonfree plugin via pulseaudio - Cannot open shared library /usr/lib32/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189615 <ubotu> New bug: #176289 in gutsy-backports "backport netbeans 6.0 (dup-of: 187708)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176289 <ubotu> New bug: #189618 in nautilus (main) "trash with files shown empty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189618 <ubotu> New bug: #189619 in compiz (main) "Window tooltips in compiz are not translated to polish" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189619 <ubotu> New bug: #189620 in update-manager (main) "policykit integration missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189620 <ubotu> New bug: #189621 in linux-meta (main) "v86d missing, needed for uvesafb" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189621 <ubotu> New bug: #189622 in ubuntu "User switcher tooltip is not translated to polish" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189622 <ubotu> New bug: #189623 in tenshi (universe) "tenshi fails to start on boot - needs /var/run/tenshi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189623 <ubotu> New bug: #189616 in dovecot (main) "connection problems under load with hardy dovecot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189616 <ubotu> New bug: #189617 in gdebi (main) "policykit integration missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189617 <ubotu> New bug: #189624 in kdegraphics-kde4 (universe) "okular print dialog improvements" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189624 <ubotu> New bug: #189625 in ubuntu "[hardy] Keyboard automically set to QWERTY after each login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189625 <ubotu> New bug: #189626 in apt (main) "apt-get crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189626 <ubotu> New bug: #189629 in update-manager (main) "apt update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189629 <ubotu> New bug: #189633 in gnome-mount (main) "Coming out of hibernation mode on 8.04a4 and inserting a SD card more or less simultaneously (dup-of: 122673)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189633 <ubotu> New bug: #189634 in language-support-de (main) "Language de_DE does not exist" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189634 <ubotu> New bug: #189635 in evolution (main) "Attachment Saving Trouble" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189635 <ubotu> New bug: #189637 in update-manager (main) "upgrading gutsy to Hardy fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189637 <ubotu> New bug: #189639 in ubuntu-meta (main) "Xorg broken in 6.06 on PowerEdge 2950" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189639 <ubotu> New bug: #189645 in system-config-printer (main) "the driver selected for the printer canon mp160 do not work." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189645 <ubotu> New bug: #189643 in openoffice.org (main) "Backspace and Delete keys have the wrong functionality in OO calc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189643 <ubotu> New bug: #189644 in compiz (main) "Compiz freezes on window resize" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189644 <ubotu> New bug: #189647 in ubuntu "8.04: Support for TrueCrypt *at install time* for all flavors of *buntu (dup-of: 109701)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189647 <ubotu> New bug: #189641 in debian-installer (main) "Installer doesn´t detect virtual ethernet device on ppc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189641 <ubotu> New bug: #189648 in imlib (universe) "Please sync imlib 1.9.15-6 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189648 <ubotu> New bug: #189655 in evolution-data-server (main) "evolution-data-server-2.22 crashed with signal 5 (dup-of: 183421)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189655 <ubotu> New bug: #189660 in rhythmbox (main) "rhythmbox crashes in libsoup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189660 <ubotu> New bug: #189652 in hal (main) "Low sound on Hp Pavillion dv5000" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189652 <ubotu> New bug: #189653 in network-manager (main) "[Hardy] Network Settings silently crashes when saving location" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189653 <ubotu> New bug: #189650 in nautilus (main) "Nautilus does not show previews or images" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189650 <ubotu> New bug: #189657 in evolution-data-server (main) "evolution-data-server-2.22 crashed with signal 5 (dup-of: 183421)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189657 <ubotu> New bug: #189663 in pyalsaaudio (universe) "setperiodsize does not work in python-alsaaudio" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189663 <ubotu> New bug: #189649 in evince (main) "Evince: highligted accented characters wrongly displayed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189649 <ubotu> New bug: #189665 in links2 (universe) "No icon in gnome-menu of links2 2.1pre32-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189665 <ubotu> New bug: #189666 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 (restricted) "Intel iwl4965 microcode not included in rt restricted modules" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189666 <ubotu> New bug: #189667 in mnemosyne (universe) "Mnemosyne has unmet dependency" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189667 <ubotu> New bug: #189668 in ubuntu "Audio files must be opened by totem by default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189668 <ubotu> New bug: #189669 in ubuntu "Gutsy 7.10 locks up when playing sound" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189669 <ubotu> New bug: #189671 in ubuntu "install failed after boot. Tried 6.06, 7.04, and 7.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189671 <ubotu> New bug: #189674 in ubuntu "The screen is in a circle form." [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189674 <ubotu> New bug: #189675 in marble (universe) "new upstream release for marble 0.5.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189675 <ubotu> New bug: #189651 in gnome-system-tools (main) "network-admin applet does not allow setting "wireless-keymode" variable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189651 <ubotu> New bug: #189656 in gnome-terminal "gnome-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189656 <ubotu> New bug: #189662 in evolution (main) "evolution crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189662 <ubotu> New bug: #189676 in compiz (main) "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV (dup-of: 183685)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189676 <ubotu> New bug: #189672 in ubuntu "Test Bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189672 <korgman> hello <korgman> I have one query about a "bug" report <Pici> Which bug? <korgman> I installed teamspeak client <korgman> and I can listen to any other sound program. <korgman> The solution is simple <korgman> to install alsa-oss and start teamspeak as "aoss teamspeak". <korgman> I was wondering if is good to report it as "bug" <korgman> ... <ubotu> New bug: #189681 in compiz (main) ""The window X is not responding" is not translated into polish" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189681 <ubotu> New bug: #189687 in ubuntu "Ubuntu should get a real mount / fstab / mtab GUI" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189687 <ubotu> New bug: #189688 in 4digits (universe) "Please sync 4digits 0.8-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189688 <ubotu> New bug: #189686 in rhythmbox (main) "Rhythmbox crashed at the opening (dup-of: 164062)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189686 <ubotu> New bug: #189689 in ubuntu "jockey-gtk vs. "Driver Setup" vs. "Hardware drivers" naming" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189689 <ubotu> New bug: #187815 in gimp (main) "gimp-2.4 crashed with SIGSEGV in strchr() (dup-of: 189494)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187815 <ubotu> New bug: #189072 in gthumb (main) "gthumb crashed with SIGSEGV in strchr() (dup-of: 189494)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189072 <ubotu> New bug: #189690 in mesa (main) "libGLw.so is not provided by a package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189690 <Iulian> pedro_: ping <pedro_> Iulian: yes? <Iulian> pedro_: Hi there. I couldn't reproduce bug 189577 with the same version too. Do you have any clue about this? And I don't think that it's a theme problem, that's a different bug. <ubotu> Launchpad bug 189577 in file-roller ".deb are opened instead of installed" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189577 <Iulian> Also tried with that deb package downloaded from truecrypt.org <Iulian> It's working fine here. <pedro_> yes, that's probably something broken on his account <pedro_> Iulian: what's the output of gvfs-info file.deb |grep content <pedro_> on your machine? <Iulian> pedro_: Wait a sec <Iulian> pedro_: I don't have that package installed. <pedro_> which package? <pedro_> file.deb? i was referring to which ever .deb package <Iulian> gvfs-info <pedro_> it's available on gvfs-bin <Iulian> Oh yes, let me install gvfs-bin <pedro_> install that package and you'll have that utility <pedro_> cool <Iulian> standard::content-type: application/x-deb <Iulian> standard::fast-content-type: application/x-deb <Iulian> That's what I get. <pedro_> Iulian: cool, thanks so it's detecting fine the mime type there also, I've already asked to the reporter about that let's see what we can get <pedro_> thanks again ;-) <Iulian> pedro_: Awesome <ubotu> New bug: #189698 in gnome-terminal (main) "gnome-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189698 <ubotu> New bug: #189699 in openbox (universe) "New version:" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189699 <pedro_> gotta run now , see you later! <ubotu> New bug: #189659 in compiz (main) "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189659 <ubotu> New bug: #189691 in ktorrent-kde4 (universe) "[FIX] ulimit "open-files" too low for KTorrent" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189691 <ubotu> New bug: #189692 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "problem with intel card and resolution (dup-of: 189694)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189692 <ubotu> New bug: #189693 in gnome-mount (main) "gnome-mount crashed with SIGSEGV in g_datalist_id_set_data_full() (dup-of: 122673)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189693 <ubotu> New bug: #189701 in nspluginwrapper (multiverse) "npviewer.bin crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189701 <ubotu> New bug: #189702 in rhythmbox (main) "Files transferred to K850i have truncated metadata" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189702 <ubotu> New bug: #189703 in xautomation (universe) "Newer version available in Upstream, Debian" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189703 <ubotu> New bug: #189682 in powernowd "powernowd fails because of missing 'ignore_nice_load'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189682 <ubotu> New bug: #189704 in network-manager (main) "Same named ESSID on different wifi routers has a problem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189704 <ubotu> New bug: #189705 in network-manager (main) "network-manager and eap protocol" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189705 <ubotu> New bug: #189121 in wxmaxima (universe) "wxmaxima crashed with SIGSEGV in IA__g_object_ref()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189121 <ubotu> New bug: #189707 in kdebase-kde4 (universe) "Anchor links do not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189707 <ubotu> New bug: #189710 in nozomi (universe) "Please sync nozomi 2.1-5 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189710 <ubotu> New bug: #189711 in rt2x00 (universe) "rt2x00pci failed to allocate registers with my f5d7010" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189711 <ubotu> New bug: #189713 in gnome-rdp (universe) "gnome-rdp doesn't work with ssh certificat key on Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189713 <ubotu> New bug: #189715 in ubuntu "wrong screen resolution on aluminum 20 inch imac" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189715 <ubotu> New bug: #189712 in compiz (main) "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV in eventLoop() (dup-of: 131679)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189712 <ubotu> New bug: #189716 in evolution (main) "Evolution addressbook 'Millennium-bug'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189716 <ubotu> New bug: #189717 in ubiquity (main) "Startup sound during installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189717 <ubotu> New bug: #189718 in nspluginwrapper (multiverse) "NSPluginWrapper crashes sometimes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189718 <ubotu> New bug: #189721 in firefox-3.0 (main) "ff-3.0-gnome should store pw in the gnome keyring" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189721 <ubotu> New bug: #189726 in gimp (main) "scaling image from 2048x1536 to 1x1 crashes gimp" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189726 <gleaken> I updated to the latest kernel in Feisty-updates and now, I get random UI freezes. applications will stop responding for a few seconds and then continue working. I can give full system information Kernel version as of right now <ubotu> New bug: #189720 in firefox-3.0 (main) "Font's blury" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189720 <gleaken> my menus will also freeze. my menu bar with the system monitor is now frozen. <ubotu> New bug: #189695 in pidgin (main) "pidgin crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189695 <jjgalvez> not sure if this is the right channel, but does anyone know why cupsys won't install? <verb3k> jjgalvez, Didn't you get support at #ubuntu? this channel is not usually a place where you can get support with ubuntu <jjgalvez> verb3k, I asked serveral times in the ubuntu channel with no help today, it was a long shot to ask here <ubotu> New bug: #189733 in gphpedit (universe) "gphpedit unable to open files from FTP server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189733 <ubotu> New bug: #189737 in gnome-mount (main) "No "Connect to server" button" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189737 <verb3k> jjgalvez, keep asking until you get help, I did that many times :) no everytime you can get your question answered though <jjgalvez> verb3k, thanks I'll keep it up <ubotu> New bug: #189734 in gnome-games (main) "Mahjongg's timer stops working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189734 <ubotu> New bug: #189736 in system-config-printer (main) "Openprinting module missing" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189736 <ubotu> New bug: #189738 in gnome-main-menu (universe) "No "Connect to server" button" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189738 <ubotu> New bug: #189741 in nautilus (main) "nautilus fails to thumbnail unless explicitly opening images" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189741 <bdmurray> jjgalvez: won't install where? <jjgalvez> bdmurray, when I try to install cupsys with apt-get I get this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/54961/ <bdmurray> What release is that? <jjgalvez> bdmurry, of cupsys? or of ubuntu? <bdmurray> of ubuntu <jjgalvez> bdmurry 7.10 <bdmurray> Your /var/log/apt/term.log file might be more informative <jjgalvez> bdmurry, ok thanks I'll loog in there <ubotu> New bug: #189743 in ubuntu "system can not boot with "quiet" kernel option" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189743 <ubotu> New bug: #189744 in ufw (universe) "main inclusion report for ufw" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189744 <ubotu> New bug: #189745 in quodlibet (universe) "Please sync quodlibet 1.0-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189745 <jjgalvez> bdmurry, the log does not show anything different from the std output <bdmurray> what does 'dpkg -l cupsys' return? <jjgalvez> bdmurry, here is the output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/4270/ <ubotu> New bug: #189746 in ubuntu "Tibia behaves strange with "Window Decoration" plugin in Compiz" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189746 <ubotu> New bug: #189748 in openafs (universe) "openafs-modules fail to build on hardy powerpc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189748 <ubotu> New bug: #189749 in scanerrlog (universe) "Please sync scanerrlog 2.01-4.1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189749 <ubotu> New bug: #189750 in k3b (main) "K3b start error message,but working." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189750 <bdmurray> jjgalvez: you might try dpkg --configure cupsys <jjgalvez> bdmurray, tried that same error does not work <bdmurray> Have you tried installing it with aptitude? <ubotu> New bug: #189752 in openoffice.org (main) "OpenOffice terminates without crashing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189752 <jjgalvez> bdmurray, just tried it and the same error <bdmurray> jjgalvez: set the environmental variable "DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer" and then try installing it again <jjgalvez> dbmurray, ok I'll give that a try, should I juse aptitide or apt-get? <bdmurray> apt-get is fine <ubotu> New bug: #189754 in ubuntu "Ubuntu is in English, but should to be in Spanish" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189754 <jjgalvez> bdmurray, still no dice here is the output, http://paste.ubuntu.com/4271/ <bdmurray> hmm, its more informative but still not helpful <ubotu> New bug: #189755 in trustedqsl (universe) "Please sync trustedqsl 1.11-5 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189755 <jjgalvez> bdmurray, well at least its more info, but your right not much help <bdmurray> Something in the post installation script for cupsys is causing the issue. You could look at that directly. <jjgalvez> dbmurray, not sure how to even begin where do you find the post install script and how can I run it by hand? <albert23> jjgalvez: It looks like you have an old version of update-rc.d, which doesn't know the multiuser option <jjgalvez> albert23, ok how do I update that? can I do just from apt-get? <crimsun> mm, sounds like a missing versioned dependency <albert23> jjgalvez: can you check what dpkg -s sysv-rc | grep Version says? <ubotu> New bug: #189758 in gimp (main) "[hardy] Menu entry should be named "GIMP Image Editor" Instead of only the "GNU Image Manipulation Program"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189758 <ubotu> New bug: #189759 in wmdonkeymon (universe) "Please sync wmdonkeymon 0.91-5 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189759 <crimsun> namely, Depends: ..., sysv-rc (>= 2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu2) <jjgalvez> albert23, Version 2.86.ds1-38 <albert23> jjgalvez: I have 2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu31 <albert23> jjgalvez: Your version does not seem to be in the Ubuntu archive for Gutsy <albert23> jjgalvez: Do you have any idea where you got that sysv-rc package? <bdmurray> That's a debian package version <jjgalvez> albert23, no, I thought it was from the normal repoitory, or rather I don't think I've done anything to change it <bdmurray> Your /etc/apt/sources.list file might be helpful <albert23> jjgalvez: You can try to force the version to 2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu31 in synaptic <ubotu> New bug: #189761 in gnome-control-center (main) "Wrong localised keyboard layout" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189761 <jjgalvez> bdmurray what command can I just to copy the contents to a clipboard (I'mm sshed into the machine right now so no gui) <bdmurray> jjgalvez: cat would work <jjgalvez> bdmurray, here is my sourses.list file http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/4272/ <bdmurray> I've no idea what affect having those non ubuntu repositories would have on your system. <albert23> jjgalvez: at least there is a debian line. It's commented out now, but that may have caused the "upgrade" <bdmurray> You could try to figure which one the sysv-rc came from via 'apt-cache cache madison sysv-rc' <ubotu> New bug: #189763 in ubuntu "First login doesn't work, second does" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189763 <ubotu> New bug: #189764 in adept (main) "running adept update manager fails. error msg available" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189764 <jjgalvez> alvert32, bdmurray, the cache says that the sysv-rc comes from us.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/maon <jjgalvez> sorry main not maon <albert23> jjgalvez: apt-cache madison only says what version Ubuntu has in the archive, not where you installed from <ubotu> New bug: #189765 in meta-kde4 (universe) "KDE 4.0 occasionall freezes while using Firefox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189765 <ubotu> New bug: #189766 in epiphany-browser (main) "Epiphany: "I'll be careful, I Promise!" button does not work in about:config" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189766 <bdmurray> right, I missed the commented out debian line <jjgalvez> albert23, Oh, ok but the version that the madison command gies me is the same version as the one I have <jjgalvez> should I un comment out the line and do an update? <albert23> jjgalvez, no, you don't want to upgrade from debian <jjgalvez> albert23, ok so does it still look like my sysv-rc is the wrong version ? should I reinstall it? <albert23> jjgalvez: If you can get physical access to the machine, I suggest you use synaptic to change the version of sysv-rc <jjgalvez> albert23, ok I'll be on it later tonight when I get home from work, what version do you recommend? and BTW how much damage can I do to my system messing with sysv-rc? <albert23> jjgalvez: It may cause problems in starting services when you boot your system <albert23> jjgalvez: version 2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu31 is listed as the official version for Gutsy <jjgalvez> albert32, thats the version that My machine is reporting so should I just do a reinstall? <jjgalvez> albert32, thats the version that My machine is reporting so should I just do a reinstall? <albert23> jjgalvez: You mentioned you have version 2.86.ds1-38 installed. <ubotu> New bug: #189767 in xjdic (universe) "Please sync xjdic 24-7 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189767 <jjgalvez> albert23, sorry you are absolutly right I do have a different version, ok I'll change mine back to the main supported one tonight and see what that does <albert23> jjgalvez: That should be the best. Then I think cupsys will also be fine again <jjgalvez> albert23, Thanks again, I'll defiantly give it s try and keep my fingers corssed <albert23> jjgalvez: OK, Good Luck! <ubotu> New bug: #189768 in elib (universe) "elib post-install returns a exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189768 <ubotu> New bug: #189769 in gnomad2 (universe) "Please check Gnomad for badware" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189769 <ubotu> New bug: #189770 in texlive-base (main) "texlive-common doesn't recommend texlive-pictures" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189770 <ubotu> New bug: #189772 in ubuntu "[hardy] glxinfo uses 100% CPU" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189772 <ubotu> New bug: #189775 in ubuntu "Hardy: No input after resuming from suspend on Lenovo 3000 N100 with nVidia restricted driver enabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189775 <ubotu> New bug: #189724 in inkscape "Variable stroke along path (dup-of: 172518)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189724 <ubotu> New bug: #189774 in seahorse (main) "seahorse shows passwords without verification" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189774 <ubotu> New bug: #189777 in gnome-panel (main) "gnome-panel freezes during keyring password entry" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189777 #ubuntu-bugs 2008-02-07 <ubotu> New bug: #189646 in ubuntu "Problem with ubuntu live-cd initialization" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189646 <ubotu> New bug: #189778 in ekiga (main) "Status bar doesn't fit the (translated) status message" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189778 <ubotu> New bug: #189779 in udev (main) "ATTRS{type} matching in 70-persistent-net.rules" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189779 <ubotu> New bug: #189781 in kdenlive (universe) "Upgrade wants to remove kdenlive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189781 <ubotu> New bug: #189782 in ubuntu "gdesklets disappears on Ubuntu Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189782 <ubotu> New bug: #184409 in hplip "[hardy] Photosmart C6280 hangs when duplex printing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184409 <ubotu> New bug: #189786 in liquidsoap (universe) "Please sync liquidsoap 0.3.6-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189786 <ubotu> New bug: #189789 in evince (main) "evince-thumbnailer stops rendering thumbnails for images, videos, pdfs, etc until the process is manually killed in the process window. it resumes rendering thumbnails after being killed, but stops shortly after restarting." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189789 <ubotu> New bug: #189790 in flashplugin-nonfree (multiverse) "Please include upstream flash tarball in flashplugin-nonfree source package." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189790 <crimsun> uh... <Pici> err <ubotu> New bug: #189791 in ubuntu "Remote Desktop causes system to think ctrl and alt are pressed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189791 <ubotu> New bug: #189793 in ubuntu "KDE4 Kickoff Icons No Longer Work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189793 <jc> dbmurray are you still online? <jc> bdmurray are you still online <crimsun> jc: he's likely eating dinner or thereabouts; wait a tic <jc> crimsun no worries I'll login later I just waned to say thanks for his help earlier <ubotu> New bug: #189796 in audacious (universe) "Please merge audacious 1.4.6-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189796 <ubotu> New bug: #189795 in checkgmail (universe) "[Backport] CheckGmail 1.13-1ubuntu1 to Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189795 <ubotu> New bug: #189797 in fbreader (universe) "Please sync fbreader (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189797 <ubotu> New bug: #189798 in emacs22 (main) ""emacs" package does not uninstall fully" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189798 <ubotu> New bug: #189800 in ubuntu "Double window for flashdrive/cd " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189800 <saivann> I'm looking at bug #183869 which seems to be caused by old xorg config files with the new Xorg release in Hardy. Should I set the package to xserver-xorg or is there a special package which take care of upgrading packages config files like the one of xserver-xorg? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 183869 in ubuntu "[hardy] mouse is not working" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183869 <ubotu> New bug: #189802 in gnome-orca (main) "Please merge gnome-orca 2.21.90-1ubuntu1 from Debian experimental (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189802 <ubotu> New bug: #189803 in mozplugger (universe) "Please merge mozplugger 1.10.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189803 <ubotu> New bug: #189805 in ubuntu "kpowersave shows wrong battery status" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189805 <ubotu> New bug: #189806 in ubuntu "libxen3.2 upgrade error Hardy x64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189806 <ubotu> New bug: #189807 in bash (main) "clear_console crash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189807 <ubotu> New bug: #189808 in apt-mark-sync (universe) "[PATCH] Add a get-orig-source target to debian/rules" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189808 <ubotu> New bug: #189809 in hardware-connected (universe) "[PATCH] Add a get-orig-source target to debian/rules" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189809 <ubotu> New bug: #189810 in evolution (main) "(hardy) Evolution - tasks and/or memo quit unexpectedly when I click on the calendars button" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189810 <Aloha> bugs for hugs <ubotu> New bug: #189812 in pidgin (main) "Can't change the width from "454". Too wide." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189812 <ubotu> New bug: #189814 in gnome-power-manager (main) "[hardy]laptop is buggy when running on battery" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189814 <ubotu> New bug: #189816 in update-manager (main) "Update-Manager removed "from $version to $version"in main window" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189816 <ubotu> New bug: #189817 in update-manager (main) "Update-Manager removed "from $version to $version"in main window" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189817 <ubotu> New bug: #189819 in flashplugin-nonfree (multiverse) "flashplugin-nonfree breaks after upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189819 <ubotu> New bug: #189820 in pida (universe) "pida don't start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189820 <ubotu> New bug: #189822 in ubuntu "Cannot Put password in terminal app" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189822 <Iulian> Good morning. <ubotu> New bug: #189823 in network-manager (main) "Unable to access internet after first restart" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189823 <ubotu> New bug: #189824 in ubiquity (main) "Install crashed on Kubuntu 6.06.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189824 <ubotu> New bug: #189828 in kde-systemsettings (main) "Kubuntu does not have a soundcard selector app" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189828 <ubotu> New bug: #189830 in python-launchpad-bugs (main) "Launchpad's login bug: two times to be able to enter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189830 <ubotu> New bug: #189831 in ubuntu "Update manager fails to update yet tells the update was successful" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189831 <ubotu> New bug: #189834 in ubuntu "Broadcomm wireless utility doesn't work as well as it could." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189834 <ubotu> New bug: #175422 in midbrowser "Cannot install flashplugin-nonfree package due to md5 checksum error (dup-of: 173890)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175422 <ubotu> New bug: #189835 in adept (main) "Adept Updater fails on updates have a problem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189835 <ubotu> New bug: #189842 in lcdproc (universe) "Feature request: lcdproc would benefit from debconf selection of lcd driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189842 <ubotu> New bug: #189843 in ubuntu "The upgrade manager abort then upgrading." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189843 <ubotu> New bug: #189844 in ubuntu "[Hardy-Alpha 4 PPC] Screen resolution correct but shifted to the right" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189844 <ubotu> New bug: #189849 in glade-3 (main) "Glade-3 does not include polish translation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189849 <ubotu> New bug: #189850 in gnome-applets (main) "Gnome applets configuration reseted after hardy upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189850 <ubotu> New bug: #189851 in pm-utils (main) "no suspend available on powerpc (iBook G4, PMU)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189851 <ubotu> New bug: #189852 in ubuntu "OpenGL man pages missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189852 <ubotu> New bug: #189870 in flashplugin-nonfree (multiverse) "Youtube stopped working, after 12.1 update was installed." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189870 <ubotu> New bug: #189875 in kdebase (main) "Update to flashplugin-nonfree 12.1 doesn't work with konqueror" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189875 <ubotu> New bug: #189881 in bash (main) "bash HISTCONTROL=erasedups should erase duplicates from history file before saving" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189881 <ubotu> New bug: #189882 in flashplugin-nonfree (multiverse) "transparency does not work with flash plugin " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189882 <ubotu> New bug: #189868 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "regression in on i855GM" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189868 <ubotu> New bug: #189878 in update-manager-core (main) "can't upgrade to gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189878 <ubotu> New bug: #189873 in emacs22 (main) "perl-mode highlight breaks down on prototype" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189873 <ubotu> New bug: #189883 in rbot (universe) "Please sync rbot 0.9.10-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189883 <ubotu> New bug: #189862 in flashplugin-nonfree (multiverse) "no funciona el flash en youtube al actualizar ubuntu (dup-of: 173890)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189862 <ubotu> New bug: #189867 in ubuntu "enabling fastwrites and SBA" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189867 <ubotu> New bug: #189863 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 (restricted) "[Hardy]Window borders are not drawn using fglrx" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189863 <ubotu> New bug: #189865 in screenlets (universe) "WindowlistScreenlet.py crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_menu_popup()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189865 <ubotu> New bug: #189854 in ubuntu "sound is complete noise when pulseaudio is running" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189854 <ubotu> New bug: #189856 in linux (main) "[Hardy Alpha PPC] No thermal control in alpha kernels for G5?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189856 <ubotu> New bug: #189857 in imagemagick (main) "identify crashed with signal 24 in CompositeImage()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189857 <ubotu> New bug: #189858 in blender (universe) "Ubuntu crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189858 <ubotu> New bug: #189884 in linux-source-2.6.22 "[regresssion] updating to 2.6.22-14.51 break sound and wifi on Thinkpad T60" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189884 <ubotu> New bug: #189794 in screenlets (universe) "screenlets-manager.py crashed with TypeError in load_screenlets()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189794 <ubotu> New bug: #189888 in kdebase (main) "package kdebase-kio-plugins 4:3.5.8-2ubuntu18 failed to install/upgrade: s'està intentant sobreescriure «/usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/128x128/devices/hdd_mount_decrypt.png», que també està en el paquet kdebase-data" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189888 <ubotu> New bug: #189889 in acpi-support (main) "make wireless led work with asus-laptop (the new module)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189889 <ubotu> New bug: #189891 in linux (main) "Thinkpad volume buttons only working in range 0-49%" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189891 <ubotu> New bug: #189892 in ubuntu "update manager doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189892 <ubotu> New bug: #189895 in compiz (main) "Alt+shift+tab does nothing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189895 <ubotu> New bug: #189897 in rhythmbox (main) "schema mistake" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189897 <ubotu> New bug: #189898 in gedit (main) "selection/paste does not work in current document" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189898 <ubotu> New bug: #189899 in ubuntu "Wifi devices sending excess packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189899 <ubotu> New bug: #189900 in gnome-panel (main) "Workspace switcher confused by switching between compiz and metacity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189900 <ubotu> New bug: #189901 in grub (main) "Ubuntu 7.10 fails to boot when using GRUB's automatically chosen boot menu item" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189901 <ubotu> New bug: #189902 in banshee (universe) "[Hardy] banshee fails to start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189902 <ubotu> New bug: #189905 in pidgin (main) "pidgin task does not get unactivated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189905 <pedro_> Iulian: great work, don't forget to edit the wiki :-) <pedro_> andre: hello <ubotu> New bug: #189906 in vlc (universe) "vlc crashed with SIGSEGV in free_watches()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189906 <Iulian> pedro_: Thank you :) <ubotu> New bug: #189908 in gnome-panel (main) "fallo en mostrar escritorio que hace cerrar la sesion" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189908 <Iulian> And btw, the topic should be changed. <Iulian> Happy bug day everyone! <andre> hi pedro! <ubotu> New bug: #189911 in gnome-applets (main) "Gnome zeroconf applet not correctly configured to open VNC sessions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189911 <ubotu> New bug: #189912 in gdecrypt (universe) "new upstream version available (0.7)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189912 <ubotu> New bug: #189913 in telepathy-glib (universe) "Please sync telepathy-glib 0.7.1-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189913 <ubotu> New bug: #189917 in gnunet-qt (universe) "gnunet-qt crash at startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189917 <torkiano> hello, anyone using gnunet? <torkiano> can confirm bug 187343? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 187343 in gnunet-qt "[gutsy] gnunet-qt not found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187343 <Iulian> torkiano: I'm looking. <torkiano> Iulian: thank you ;-) <ubotu> New bug: #189919 in m17n-contrib (universe) "please sync package m17n-contrib 1.1.5-1 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189919 <ubotu> New bug: #189918 in meta-kde4 (universe) "desktop effects not working with the latest kde4 packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189918 <torkiano> hello again, anyone with kde4 can confirm bug 189920 ? Than you <ubotu> Launchpad bug 189920 in kdebase-kde4 "Google reader doesn't work with kde4's konqueror" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189920 <Iulian> torkiano: Tried to reproduce in Hardy and I got the same error. <torkiano> Iulian: Can you confirm it, then? <Iulian> torkiano: Yes, I will. <Iulian> By the way, I am using 0.7.2+debian-6 <torkiano> Iulian: thank you, can you test bug 189920? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 189920 in kdebase-kde4 "Google reader doesn't work with kde4's konqueror" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189920 <Iulian> torkiano: Actually I'm getting this error: gnunet-qt: error while loading shared libraries: libgnunetutil.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory <Iulian> I am not using Kubuntu <torkiano> Iulian: you get this errors after make the soft links? <ubotu> New bug: #189920 in kdebase-kde4 (universe) "Google reader doesn't work with kde4's konqueror" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189920 <Iulian> torkiano: What do you mean? <torkiano> Iulian: sudo ln -s libgnunetqtmodule_stats.so.1.0.0 libgnunetqtmodule_stats.so ...etc <Iulian> torkiano: Ah, no. <alejalej> hello <Iulian> Hi there. <alejalej> Hi.... I was looking for some help with Alpha 4 <alejalej> cause although Im really happy with the new kernel (no need to use noapic as a boot option no more) <alejalej> Im having serious problems with acpi susupend sleep and shutdown <alejalej> Ive been reading lots of fixes... most for 2.6.20 or 22 <alejalej> but none regarding 2.6.24 <alejalej> should I go just ahead and put a bug in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.24 <Iulian> alejalej: Search for duplicates before reporting a new one. <alejalej> yep Ï did <alejalej> some similar experiences have beeen posted for older kernels <alejalej> but none for this later one <Iulian> alejalej: Go ahead then. <alejalej> is the address I posted before the right place to do so? <alejalej> or is there a specific Power management branch I should post <alejalej> in? <Iulian> Yes, I think that's the right kernel. <ubotu> New bug: #189925 in squid-prefetch (universe) "Please sync squid-prefetch 1.1-2.1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189925 <ubotu> New bug: #189926 in ubuntu "include libapache-test-perl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189926 <ubotu> New bug: #189927 in squidtaild (universe) "Please sync squidtaild 2.1a6-5.1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189927 <ubotu> New bug: #189928 in ubuntu "Please include php-xdebug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189928 <ubotu> New bug: #189930 in ubuntu "My computer stop functioning (like frozen) when I download programs with .exe but not yet installed. The cursor is not moving, same with the CPU power switch. I can't turn off the computer. The only action that I can do is unplug it from the outlet for the PC to function again. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189930 <ubotu> New bug: #189933 in roundcube (universe) "Please sync roundcube 0.1~rc2-6 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189933 <doylecentral> [Bug 139865] Re: gutsy on hp compaq 6910p does not suspend or hibernate. This seems to work on hardy and with the latest ati driver <ubotu> Launchpad bug 139865 in linux-source-2.6.22 "gutsy on hp compaq 6910p does not suspend or hibernate" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139865 <ubotu> New bug: #189934 in ubuntu "install libdvdcss2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189934 <ubotu> New bug: #189936 in openntpd (universe) "Please sync openntpd 3.9p1-7 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189936 <LjL> marked 189934 as invalid <Iulian> pedro_: ping <pedro_> Iulian: yes? <Iulian> pedro_: I don't think this bug 164859 is in Evo. What do you think? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 164859 in evolution "Evolution window sizing in Ubuntu 7.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164859 <Iulian> bug 189934 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 189934 in ubuntu "install libdvdcss2" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189934 <ubotu> New bug: #189937 in pimppa (universe) "Please sync pimppa 0.5.8-0.3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189937 <Iulian> Be right back. <pedro_> Iulian: right, according to last comment it seems to be a graphical driver issue, may you ask for more info? like if they are using compiz or not? <pedro_> and if they are both using same driver <ubotu> New bug: #189939 in apport (main) "apport-checkreports crashed with SIGSEGV in PyString_Type()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189939 <ubotu> New bug: #189922 in libpoe-perl (universe) "Please sync libpoe-perl 2:0.9989-1.1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189922 <Iulian> pedro_: Ok, thanks. <ubotu> New bug: #189940 in apport (main) "apport-gtk crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189940 <ubotu> New bug: #189941 in defoma (main) "Please sync defoma 0.11.10-0.2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189941 <ubotu> New bug: #189942 in update-manager (main) "unable to upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189942 <ubotu> New bug: #189943 in compiz (main) "update to compiz 7, just released" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189943 <ubotu> New bug: #189944 in heartbeat-2 (universe) "Please sync heartbeat-2.1.3 from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189944 <ubotu> New bug: #189945 in rhythmbox (main) "package rhythmbox 0.11.4-0ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 134" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189945 <ubotu> New bug: #189946 in gimp (main) "gimp-2.4 crashed with SIGSEGV in gimp_unit_menu_new()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189946 <ubotu> New bug: #189947 in net-snmp (main) "package snmpd 5.4.1~dfsg-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189947 <Iulian> Woah, much better now. <ubotu> New bug: #189948 in compiz-fusion-plugins-main (main) "tabbing while scaled !?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189948 <ubotu> New bug: #189950 in rhythmbox (main) "Rhythmbox can't download podcast" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189950 <ubotu> New bug: #189958 in libsdl1.2 (main) "sdl and evdev for mice does not work (xorg 1.4)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189958 <ubotu> New bug: #189953 in ubuntu "Inconsistent 'Provides' for different java compilers/runtimes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189953 <ubotu> New bug: #189956 in kdebase-kde4 (universe) "konqueror kde4 can't import firefox bookmarks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189956 <ubotu> New bug: #189960 in cups-pdf (main) "cups-pdf not set up by default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189960 <bddebian> Boo <ubotu> New bug: #189961 in grace (universe) "EPS generated by xmgrace won't print" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189961 <ubotu> New bug: #189963 in kdebase (main) "package kdebase-kio-plugins 4:3.5.8-2ubuntu16 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/128x128/devices/hdd_mount_decrypt.png', which is also in package kdebase-data" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189963 <ubotu> New bug: #189580 in mythtv "mythfrontend.real crashed with SIGSEGV in glXMakeCurrentReadSGI()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189580 <irenicus> i need help <irenicus> i ghosted a version on ubuntu to another hard drive and no when ubuntu tries to run it goes into busybox v1.1.3 <irenicus> and its waiting for a command <irenicus> ??? <irenicus> ??? <bdmurray> irenicus: that's more a support question not a bug. however it is probably trying to boot from the UUID of the old hard drive instead of the new one <ubotu> New bug: #189630 in iso-scan "d-i/hdmedia should have hooks similar to the ones in lupin/casper" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189630 <ubotu> New bug: #189965 in update-manager (main) "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189965 <irenicus> what sould i do <irenicus> i cant get a answer anywhere else <irenicus> i cant get a answer anywhere else what should i do? <mvo> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/189965 <- that one is pretty strange, the bt is from inside libqt. why is it filed against update-manager? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 189965 in ubuntu "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1" [Undecided,New] <ubotu> New bug: #189967 in totem (main) "totem closes when you scroll up/down the mouse wheel" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189967 <ubotu> New bug: #156460 in ubuntu "D-Link WUA-1340 wireless problem (dup-of: 134660)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156460 <ubotu> New bug: #189970 in gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg (universe) "Please sync gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg 0.10.3-5 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189970 <ubotu> New bug: #189971 in nautilus (main) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in IA__g_hash_table_lookup()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189971 <ubotu> New bug: #189974 in system-config-printer (main) "applet.py crashed with SIGSEGV in strcmp()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189974 <ubotu> New bug: #189976 in yorick (universe) "Please sync yorick 2.1.05+dfsg-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189976 <ubotu> New bug: #189978 in flashplugin-nonfree (multiverse) "flashplugin-nonfree corrupt on master and mirrors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189978 <ubotu> New bug: #189979 in meta-gnome2 (universe) "Can't copy items to the desktop from menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189979 <ubotu> New bug: #189981 in serpentine (universe) "serpentine crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189981 <ubotu> New bug: #189982 in ubuntu "Marvell 88E8040 nic doesn't work with sky2 driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189982 <ubotu> New bug: #189987 in ubuntu "Kubuntu hardy alpha 4 live CD doesn't start on SATA" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189987 <ubotu> New bug: #189990 in jackbeat (universe) "Please sync jackbeat 0.6.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189990 <ubotu> New bug: #189993 in gdm (main) "installed hardy system uses "C" locale instead of what was chosen in the installer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189993 <ubotu> New bug: #189995 in langpack-locales (main) "add shs_CA langpack-locales" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189995 <ubotu> New bug: #189992 in evince (main) "evince does not display pdf files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189992 <ubotu> New bug: #189991 in firefox (main) "firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189991 <jjgalvez> albert23, bdmurray | Hey guys I just wanted to say thanks for all your help yesterday with my cupsys issue. Fixing sysv-rc did the trick, and I would have never fixed it without your help <ubotu> New bug: #189833 in alacarte (main) "alacarte crashed with AttributeError in split()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189833 <ubotu> New bug: #189998 in gnome-control-center (main) ""Separate keyboard layout for each window" in GNOME doesn't keep working after reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189998 <albert23> jjgalvez: :-) <ubotu> New bug: #189999 in kde-systemsettings (main) "[hardy] kubuntu libpython2.5.so" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189999 <ubotu> New bug: #190000 in ubuntu "g-p-m does not indicate battery state correctly + changing brightness to random values. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190000 <ubotu> New bug: #190003 in gnome-settings-daemon (main) "media-keys plugin crashes settings-daemon on unkown key" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190003 <ubotu> New bug: #190008 in metacity (main) "Theme color change not applied on logon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190008 <ubotu> New bug: #190007 in samba (main) "[hardy a4] Permission Denied on Anonymous Samba share" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190007 <ubotu> New bug: #190010 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Random oopsen with Xen on Ubuntu Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190010 <ubotu> New bug: #190013 in vlc (universe) "Firefox crashes with segmentation fault on some websites" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190013 <ubotu> New bug: #190014 in vnstat (universe) "Please sync vnstat 1.6-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190014 <ubotu> New bug: #190016 in ltsp (main) "[patch] Mythbuntu: add aufs support and various other options to initramfs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190016 <ubotu> New bug: #190022 in totem (main) "avi video from digi cam (samsung)dont play sound" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190022 <ubotu> New bug: #189638 in deluge-torrent (universe) "deluge crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189638 <ubotu> New bug: #190025 in referencer (universe) "Please update to 1.1.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190025 <ubotu> New bug: #190027 in zaptel (universe) "Please sync zaptel 1:1.4.8~dfsg-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190027 <ubotu> New bug: #190029 in oem-config (main) "Human theme is not used" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190029 <ubotu> New bug: #190030 in sun-java6 (multiverse) "Hardy Heron Jre (java) does not work with Firefox, Mozilla, Galeon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190030 <ubotu> New bug: #190031 in gfax (universe) "Please sync gfax 0.7.6-6 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190031 <ubotu> New bug: #190028 in deluge-torrent (universe) "deluge crashed with SIGSEGV in libtorrent::piece_manager::export_piece_map()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190028 <ubotu> New bug: #190038 in dolphin (main) "folder is not marked in Detail-View after pressing alphanumerik key" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190038 <ubotu> New bug: #190035 in rancid (multiverse) "rancid send empty "Routers changed to down:" mail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190035 <ubotu> New bug: #190036 in ubiquity (main) "Illogical response to "New partition table" in alpha4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190036 <ubotu> New bug: #190037 in sonata (universe) "Please sync sonata 1.4.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190037 <ubotu> New bug: #190039 in kdebase-kde4 (universe) "[hardy] konqueror's adress bar screwed up" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190039 <ubotu> New bug: #190040 in ubiquity (main) "When using manual partitioning "Mount point" dropdown box is empty in Hardy Alpha4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190040 <ubotu> New bug: #190041 in sdlmame (multiverse) "[upgrade] sdlmame new upstream 0.123" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190041 <ubotu> New bug: #190042 in ubuntu "[Hardy] USB doesn't work ( Intel 82801CA)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190042 <ubotu> New bug: #190043 in ubufox (main) "Uninstall apt installed packages through Addons panel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190043 <ubotu> New bug: #190044 in scribes (universe) "Please sync scribes (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190044 <ubotu> New bug: #190045 in sql-editor (universe) "[Remove] Please remove sql-editor from Hardy, it depends on Gnome 1.x" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190045 <ubotu> New bug: #190046 in 2vcard (universe) "Please sync 2vcard 0.5-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190046 <ubotu> New bug: #190049 in 2vcard (universe) "Please sync 2vcard 0.5-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190049 <ubotu> New bug: #190047 in evolution (main) "send/receive button in evolution unavailable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190047 <ubotu> New bug: #190048 in cupsys (main) "Powersave causes cups to disable my HP LJ 2300 usb printer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190048 <ubotu> New bug: #190050 in dput (main) "Please sponsor merge (and patches) of dput (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190050 <ubotu> New bug: #190051 in archivemail (universe) "archivemail failes to parse IMAP username/adress" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190051 <ubotu> New bug: #190054 in tellico (universe) "Please remove "Encoding" from tellico.desktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190054 <ubotu> New bug: #190057 in totem (main) "stage6 files can't be played with totem-plugin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190057 <ubotu> New bug: #190059 in ubuntu "rhythmbox freezes after playing for some time intermitently" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190059 <ubotu> New bug: #190060 in totem (main) "I get a message, "There is no plugin to handle this movie."" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190060 <ubotu> New bug: #190061 in ubuntu-dev-tools (universe) "requestsync attempts to change bug importance, which is not always possible" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190061 <ubotu> New bug: #190068 in ubuntu "Gnome File Chooser erases default file name" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190068 <ubotu> New bug: #190070 in kdebase (main) "Konqueror Crashes on web pages with flash objects" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190070 <ubotu> New bug: #190071 in ubuntu "cannot record from dock line in" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190071 <ubotu> New bug: #190074 in clive (universe) "Please sync clive 0.4.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190074 #ubuntu-bugs 2008-02-08 <ubotu> New bug: #190075 in libimage-exiftool-perl (universe) "Please sync libimage-exiftool-perl 7.00-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190075 <ubotu> New bug: #190080 in ubuntu "HardyHeron/Alpha4 for i386 CD: ISOLINUX hangs at "loading . . ."" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190080 <ubotu> New bug: #190081 in editmoin (universe) "editmoin crashed with IndexError in read_raw()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190081 <ubotu> New bug: #190082 in rhythmbox (main) "itms browser-plugin uses firefox instead of xulrunner" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190082 <ubotu> New bug: #190083 in glew (main) "Merge glew 1.5.0dfsg1-3 (main) from Debian (unstable)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190083 <ubotu> New bug: #190086 in istanbul (universe) "istanbul crashed with SIGILL" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190086 <ubotu> New bug: #190085 in nautilus-sendto (main) "Please sponsor nautilus-sendto 0.13.2 (main) into Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190085 <ubotu> New bug: #190087 in ubuntu "None of the TeX engines installed in texlive-full know where any of the fonts are" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190087 <ubotu> New bug: #190088 in ubuntu "mcp55 dual nics detected but not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190088 <ubotu> New bug: #190090 in jockey (main) "jockey blocks loading of the nvidia propriatary driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190090 <ubotu> New bug: #190091 in meta-kde (main) "SYSTEM SETTING MONITOR AND DISPLAY LIBPYTHON2.5.SO NOT FOUND IN PATHS in hardy herron" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190091 <ubotu> New bug: #190092 in ubuntu "Some programs dont work in Wine" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190092 <ubotu> New bug: #190095 in ubuntu "Laptop hibernate correctly, but reboot instead shutdown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190095 <ubotu> New bug: #190094 in ubiquity (main) "Third Installer Crash - Kubuntu 6.06.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190094 <ubotu> New bug: #190100 in yelp (main) "Hardy Alpha 4 Real Player displays vertical bars" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190100 <ubotu> New bug: #190102 in ubuntu "window Screens and Graphics is empty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190102 <ubotu> New bug: #190104 in ubuntu "CPU Fan doesn't come on 'till the CPU temp is above 60C" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190104 <ubotu> New bug: #190106 in banshee (universe) "banshee.exe crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190106 <ubotu> New bug: #190107 in linux-meta (main) "kernel for Gutsy fails to boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190107 <ubotu> New bug: #190111 in gedit (main) "gedit could not display Chinese characters properly under en_US.UTF-8 environment" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190111 <ubotu> New bug: #190112 in nautilus (main) "wrong order of reproduction on mp3 player" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190112 <ubotu> New bug: #190114 in evolution (main) "[Gutsy] evolution redownloads all pop3 mail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190114 <ubotu> New bug: #190117 in synaptic (main) "Synaptic won't accept external drive sources disks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190117 <Iulian> Good morning. <ubotu> New bug: #190119 in evolution (main) "Evoulution lost all appointments, tasks, notes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190119 <ubotu> New bug: #190120 in gnome-system-monitor (main) "[hardy] Resources tab of g-s-m uses 100% CPU" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190120 <ubotu> New bug: #190124 in gnome-vfs-obexftp (main) "Couldn't display "obex://fa:ce:fe:ed:be:ef]"." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190124 <ubotu> New bug: #190125 in util-linux (main) "mkdosfs segfault if enter invalid value for -b" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190125 <ubotu> New bug: #190129 in ubuntu "screen resolution reset at maximum resolution at login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190129 <ubotu> New bug: #190126 in ubuntu "main menu, new item does not receive focus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190126 <ubotu> New bug: #190131 in picard (universe) "Please sync picard 0.9.0-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190131 <ubotu> New bug: #190133 in kdevelop (universe) "[hardy] kdevelop needs libsvn-dev and libdb4.4-dev, but I can't install them same time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190133 <ubotu> New bug: #190136 in mozilla-thunderbird (main) "Menu item for Thunderbird should be "Thunderbird Mail/News" instead of "Mozilla Thunderbird Mail/News" for consistency with Firefox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190136 <ubotu> New bug: #190137 in gcstar (universe) "Please sync gcstar 1.3.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190137 <ubotu> New bug: #190140 in flex (main) "sync request" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190140 <ubotu> New bug: #190142 in dhcp3 (main) "dhclient does'nt ask for the same address" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190142 <ubotu> New bug: #190143 in ubuntu "no download possibile from a certain webside" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190143 <ubotu> New bug: #190144 in ndiswrapper (main) "Wireless connection lost during heavy network load." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190144 <afflux> bdmurray: Some weeks ago I got mails by LP saying my bugcontrol membership was about to expire. Anyway, after I got the final expiration mail, I'm still able to change importancies and view private bugs, and I'm still listed as a member of -bugcontrol. Is this intended? <afflux> bdmurray: Note that I'd reapply anyway ;) <ubotu> New bug: #187975 in ubuntu "Startup-Manager does not "show text" during boot Usplash theme alternates with alternating unsuccesful bootsplash occurences until login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187975 <ubotu> New bug: #190146 in firefox (main) "MASTER firefox crash with XML Parsing Error (RSS)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190146 <ubotu> New bug: #190147 in grub2 (universe) "grub2 error on grub-probe, does not boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190147 <ubotu> New bug: #190148 in gnome-settings-daemon (main) "gnome-settings-daemon doesen't start without gnome-screensaver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190148 <pedro_> morning! <ubotu> New bug: #190150 in compiz (main) "compiz "forgets" Super-T as a keybinding" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190150 <ubotu> New bug: #190151 in automake1.10 (main) "sync request" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190151 <ubotu> New bug: #190152 in mingw32 (universe) "Cross compiler missing gcj" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190152 * Iulian m00s <ubotu> New bug: #190154 in octave3.0 (universe) "no more toolkit buttons in external gnuplot 4.3 (CVS snapshot compiled)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190154 <ubotu> New bug: #190156 in debtags (main) "Debtags cron script recursion" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190156 <ubotu> New bug: #190157 in totem (main) "searching in youtube kills CPU" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190157 <ubotu> New bug: #190160 in aranym (universe) "please sync package aranym from debian lenny" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190160 <ubotu> New bug: #190163 in evolution-data-server (main) "evolution-data-server hangs at 100% CPU" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190163 <pochu> dup <ubotu> New bug: #190165 in file (main) "sync request" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190165 <ubotu> New bug: #190166 in ubuntu "scrollpad doesn't work on 8.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190166 <ubotu> New bug: #190168 in kmplayer (main) "Please rebuild kmplayer with NPP support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190168 <ubotu> New bug: #190169 in kmplayer "Please backport KMPlayer 0.10 once NPP support was added" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190169 <ubotu> New bug: #190170 in manpages (main) "sync request" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190170 <ubotu> New bug: #190172 in ubuntu "Firefox flash videos doesn't work with skype" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190172 <ubotu> New bug: #190173 in compiz (main) "[hardy, intel 965] compiz launches multiple processess" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190173 <ubotu> New bug: #190174 in gnome-panel (main) "volume control not possible to recover to display in the genome panel becaue it has disappeared" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190174 <ubotu> New bug: #190175 in gtkglextmm (universe) "Please restore gtkglextmm to Ubuntu" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190175 <ubotu> New bug: #190177 in evolution-data-server (main) "evolution-data-server-2.22 crashed with signal 5 in IA__g_realloc()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190177 <seb128> pedro_: what did this guy requested to have the gedit bug private now? <pedro_> seb128: being honest, don't know, i'm explaining to him by email until he comprehend why it should be public i'd let that as private <pedro_> :-/ <ubotu> New bug: #190178 in linux-meta (main) "Regression: switching between sound from notebook and dockingstation on Latitude D830 broke in 2.6.24-7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190178 <ubotu> New bug: #190179 in gnunet-qt (universe) "Please sync gnunet-qt 1:0.7.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190179 <ubotu> New bug: #190180 in kdebase (main) "konqueror crash multiple times, but continue to work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190180 <seb128> pedro_: ok <seb128> pedro_: how went the evolution bug day yesterday? <seb128> pedro_: I've been too lazy to update the wiki bug did triage some bugs anyway <pedro_> seb128: went fine, according to http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/complete-graphs/evolution/plots/evolution-1day-new.png <seb128> pedro_: rock on ;-) <pedro_> we reduced to less than the half the quantify of new bugs which is cool ;-) <seb128> looks like 85 to 25 <pedro_> Iulian: did a great job yesterday ;-) * pedro_ hugs Iulian <seb128> indeed ;-) <ubotu> New bug: #190181 in tsclient (main) "URL in "About" box invalid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190181 <ubotu> New bug: #190183 in openoffice.org (main) "Openoffice Calc feature "fit to page size" doesnt work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190183 <ubotu> New bug: #190185 in mathomatic (universe) "[FTBFS] 12.8.5-1 fails to build on hppa arch" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190185 <ubotu> New bug: #190184 in pidgin (main) "Wrong email displayed next to account on hover" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190184 <ubotu> New bug: #190186 in gcc-3.4 (universe) "package gcc-3.4-doc None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/gcc-3.4-doc.list] failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190186 <ubotu> New bug: #190188 in vlc (universe) "vlc regard the file path as a URL,so the subtitle won't be loaded automatically" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190188 <ubotu> New bug: #190189 in libnl (main) "Please sync libnl 1.1-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190189 <ubotu> New bug: #190187 in clamav (universe) "Dapper clamav has multiple security issues that require upgrade to new version to fix" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190187 <ubotu> New bug: #190190 in totem (main) "[Hardy] navigating using the mouse roller causes crash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190190 <ubotu> New bug: #190191 in debian-installer (main) "sukamulah coy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190191 <ubotu> New bug: #190193 in belocs-locales-bin (main) "LC_MESSAGES not honored" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190193 <ubotu> New bug: #190192 in brasero (main) "Dialog contains a lot of empty space" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190192 * Iulian hugs pedro_ back <Iulian> Thanks, pedro_ and seb128 <Iulian> bbl - I have to read a chapter again from debian policy man <Iulian> I am stuck on something. <seb128> Iulian: what? <ubotu> New bug: #190194 in software-properties (main) "software-properties crashed when trying to change 'em" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190194 <ubotu> New bug: #190196 in compiz (main) "All windows loosing their title bars while Compiz running with advanced display settings. This happens randomly." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190196 <ubotu> New bug: #190195 in ubuntu "kde4 - Screen0 - Display issues " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190195 <Iulian> seb128: I didn't understand the Shared libraries thing. It's all good now, thanks. If I have any questions be sure that I will ask. <Iulian> It's Chapter eight. <Iulian> And by the way, I'm new to packaging. Seems that I should read, read and read ;-) <ubotu> New bug: #190201 in claws-mail-extra-plugins (universe) "Feature request: show match in missing attachment warning" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190201 <ubotu> New bug: #190205 in openoffice.org (main) "OpenOffice Database crashes with table wizard" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190205 <ubotu> New bug: #190206 in ubuntu "lost audio after 02/07/2008 upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190206 <ubotu> New bug: #190203 in ubiquity (main) "Install Ubuntu without GRUB." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190203 <ubotu> New bug: #190207 in grub2 (universe) "optionally disable single-user in grub-pc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190207 <ubotu> New bug: #190208 in mousetweaks (universe) "Main Inclusion Report for mousetweaks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190208 <ubotu> New bug: #190210 in wml (universe) "Please sync wml 2.0.11-3.1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190210 <ubotu> New bug: #190212 in firefox (main) "postinstall fails to run" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190212 <bddebian> Boo <ubotu> New bug: #190213 in gedit (main) "Enable Meta Search&Replace across all open tabs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190213 <ubotu> New bug: #190214 in openoffice.org (main) "Export to Microsoft Excel 2003 XML fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190214 <ubotu> New bug: #190216 in cupsys (main) "problem with my thumbdrive linux" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190216 <torkiano> hello, anyone with kde4 can confirm bug 189920 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 189920 in kdebase "Google reader doesn't work with kde4's konqueror" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189920 <ubotu> New bug: #190217 in scim (main) "the scim toolbar remains always visible and menu no longer works" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190217 <ubotu> New bug: #190218 in netpbm-free (main) "Please sync netpbm-free 2:10.0-11.1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190218 <ubotu> New bug: #190219 in gimp (main) "".ico" are saved corrupted." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190219 <ubotu> New bug: #190220 in firefox-3.0 (main) "highlight text in Nautilus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190220 <ubotu> New bug: #190223 in firefox (main) "[gutsy 64-bit] updating to breaks firefox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190223 <ubotu> New bug: #190224 in firefox-3.0 (main) "web button integration with gnome" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190224 <ubotu> New bug: #190225 in ubuntu "Message about Language pt_BR not found on startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190225 <ubotu> New bug: #190227 in ubuntu "ia32 apps look for libs on the wrong place" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190227 <ubotu> New bug: #190228 in firefox (main) "Firefox's very slow" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190228 <ubotu> New bug: #190230 in firefox-3.0 (main) "drag and drop to openoffice" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190230 <bdmurray> afflux: It looks to me like your membership expires on the 25th of February <ubotu> New bug: #190231 in pybluez (universe) "HTML docs are incomplete" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190231 <afflux> bdmurray: oh, interesting. I received an "Your membership in the Ubuntu BugSquad (bugsquad) team has expired." on January 17th. <bdmurray> Ah, that's different than Bug Control <bdmurray> Your bug control membership expires on the 25th <bdmurray> the bugsquad is an open team <bdmurray> So you should be able to join again yourself <ubotu> New bug: #190233 in wireshark (universe) "wireshark does not have LFS support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190233 <ubotu> New bug: #190234 in oem-config (main) "Closing configuration wizard" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190234 <bdmurray> afflux: does that clear things up? <afflux> bdmurray: ah, yes <bdmurray> afflux: Do you use bughelper? I thought I saw an e-mail from you to the bughelper list. <afflux> bdmurray: I never posted to the bughelper list, but I reported two bugs against python-launchpad-bugs that I got from bughelper <afflux> I use it for very simple search patterns as the fullscreen-workaround crasher in compiz which was reported quite frequently and had slightly different stacktraces <bdmurray> And was bughelper helpful? <afflux> yes <bdmurray> cool, that's good to hear. How did you find out about it? <afflux> bdmurray: If I recall correctly I read an email about that long time ago and tried it out. I had no idea how to use it, because I didn't know how I should write clue files without even knowing search-patterns. But when I came across that compiz thing I checked if I can search through bugs' comments (for retraced stacktraces), and it worked with -T package searchword note <afflux> *read an email in bugsquad or something <bdmurray> afflux: I've cleaned up the documentation some so maybe it is easier to understand now. It is also possible to search through attachments with it too. <afflux> oh, thats nice <afflux> especially since the LP search can only search in the description, afaik <bdmurray> right, the attachments get downloaded to your local system and then searched but still it's quite nice <afflux> well, thats nothing different than searching the bug itself, except thats one download instead of one per attachment <ubotu> New bug: #190235 in telepathy-haze (universe) "Please sync telepathy-haze 0.2.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190235 <bdmurray> afflux: I'm not following <ubotu> New bug: #190237 in gnome-control-center (main) "Type to test settings not recognizing layout" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190237 <ubotu> New bug: #190239 in adept (main) "Adept "new version is available"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190239 <ubotu> New bug: #190240 in rhythmbox (main) "Rhythmbox podcast reciever fails to download enapsulated data that includes a redirect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190240 <afflux> bdmurray: when you watch a website, it gets downloaded to your ram, or, depending on your browser, sometimes directly to some cache directory. IMHO, It's not that much difference if you store attachments in variables or in files <ubotu> New bug: #190241 in gnome-applets (main) "[wish] 8.04 hardy heron - apply transparence to charpick" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190241 <bdmurray> okay, but watching the website is more work on your part <afflux> yes <afflux> bdmurray: btw., do you think its okay to mark bug 139877, 148820 as dups? <ubotu> Bug 139877 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/139877 is private <afflux> bug 148820 <ubotu> Bug 148820 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/148820 is private <ubotu> New bug: #190243 in tracker (main) "[Hardy] tracker causes an enourmous memory leak occasionally" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190243 <afflux> they have similar stacktraces but I don't know why apport didn't mark them <bdmurray> They probably weren't autoduped because the retraces failed <afflux> ah <bdmurray> and the top of the stacktrace is unknown <dejv_ntb> hello <bdmurray> hello dejv_ntb <dejv_ntb> can anybody help me track source of bug #190142, please? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 190142 in dhcp3 "dhclient does'nt ask for the same address" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190142 <dejv_ntb> having to killall ssh or being banned from one of my core IRC channel is really inconvenient... <dejv_ntb> *channels <ubotu> New bug: #190245 in scim (main) "[upgrade] merge request for scim to new debian revision" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190245 <ubotu> New bug: #190248 in ubuntu "while pointed over an open desktop area, animates in "busy" mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190248 <ubotu> New bug: #190247 in bcel (main) "Can do more than suggest libxerces2-java-doc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190247 <dejv_ntb> bdmurray: who should I ask? <bdmurray> dejv_ntb: I'll take a peek at it but I don't have much time <dejv_ntb> thank you <bdmurray> dejv_ntb: I don't if pitti is still around but he would be the right person <bdmurray> that's great that you have packet traces <dejv_ntb> ok <bdmurray> dejv_ntb: I'm trying to get a hold of him now <dejv_ntb> thanks <dejv_ntb> packet trace were first thing I thought of * dejv_ntb have been setting up WPA-secured AP recently and packet trace were of big help <pitti> hi <bdmurray> pitti: thanks for coming over! we are looking at bug 190142 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 190142 in dhcp3 "dhclient does'nt ask for the same address" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190142 <ubotu> New bug: #190251 in ubuntu "acpi unsupported on acer f3sr model" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190251 <pitti> bdmurray: so the problem is that it jumps between getting .123 and .124? <pitti> can it properly write its lease file? <pitti> /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.<interface>.leases ? <bdmurray> that's my understanding. right dejv_ntb? <pitti> and how do you invoke dhclient? <pitti> through network-manager or ifupdown, or manually? <pitti> it'd be interesting to see the full command line <pitti> to check where it should read/search for its leases files <bdmurray> pitti: How would we find that if network-manager is being used? <pitti> ps aux|grep dhclient while it's active <pitti> the dhclient instance stays around <pitti> so you can do it at any time <dejv_ntb> network-manager <dejv_ntb> ok <dejv_ntb> I'll attach leases files to the bug <ubotu> New bug: #190253 in runit (universe) "runit depends on /etc/inittab" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190253 <bdmurray> dejv_ntb: what are the permissions on the leaes file though? <pitti> I am using n-m as well, and my dhclient instance has -lf /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.leases <pitti> it's writing the leases file correctly here <pitti> -rw-r--r-- 1 dhcp root 874 2008-02-08 08:50 /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.leases <pitti> ^ expected permissions <pitti> darn, sorry guys, I really need to run now <pitti> dejv_ntb: would be nice if you could put ls -l <lease file> and the contents of the lease file into the bug report <pitti> (why is that network so unstable in the first place?) <pitti> the reason might also be that I don't see any DHCPRELEASE messages <pitti> so the access point might think .123 is still taken <pitti> and give you a new one * pitti waves, see you at Monday! (and sorry, but need to leave) <bdmurray> pitti: have a good weekend and thanks for stopping by <thekorn> pitti, have a nice weekend <dejv_ntb> attached everything + dhcpd log from server <bdmurray> dejv_ntb: great, thanks for doing that <albert23> dejv_ntb: the dhcp lease time on your router is very short (5 minutes). That should be a few hours at least. <dejv_ntb> if you need anything else, write me <dejv_ntb> It's didn't behave bad for past three years <dejv_ntb> changed defaut/max lease to 1800/3600 <dejv_ntb> It's short so that unused address doesn't hang there too long <albert23> dejv_ntb: that's true, but 5 minutes is really short for dhcp leases <albert23> dejv_ntb: Also, if you only get a new IP address every few hours, the irc servers may complain less <dejv_ntb> I'm getting new IP every _three_minutes <dejv_ntb> up to today, IP addresses of computers were more or less stable <dejv_ntb> dhclient always asked for it's previous address and that was granted <dejv_ntb> now hardy's dhclient keeps sending DHCPREQUEST-s asking for ip even if it get IP and lease time didn't expire <dejv_ntb> I'll try to disable network-manager now <albert23> dejv_ntb: your pc asks for the address it already has, and gets that assigned. For some reason it refuses to use it and asks for another address <albert23> dejv_ntb: I also see lines where your pc has address .124 and asks for .123. That's strange. <albert23> dejv_ntb: output from ifconfig may be helpful <ubotu> New bug: #190256 in totem (main) "totem-gstreamer crashed with SIGSEGV in g_return_if_fail_warning()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190256 <ubotu> New bug: #190258 in ubuntu "[Hardy] ThinkVantage key no longer working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190258 <ubotu> New bug: #190259 in compiz (main) "[hardy] Setting apps to fullscreen makes compiz take all cpu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190259 <ubotu> New bug: #190261 in startupmanager (universe) "Missing display resolutions in "boot options" tab" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190261 <ubotu> New bug: #190263 in flashplugin-nonfree (multiverse) "Wrong character encoding in text input" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190263 <ubotu> New bug: #190264 in update-manager (main) "Getting upgrade prerequisites failed - Distribution Upgrade on KUbuntu 7.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190264 <ubotu> New bug: #190266 in ubuntu "realtek 8189 wireless internal usb doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190266 <dejv_ntb> It seems than NM is broken and not dhclient <ubotu> New bug: #190269 in devhelp (main) "Please merge devhelp 0.19-1 (main) from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190269 <bdmurray> dejv_ntb: how did you determine that? have you updated your bug? <ubotu> New bug: #190272 in ubuntu "please sync gigedit (0.1.1-2) from debian sid (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190272 <ubotu> New bug: #190273 in xtradius (universe) "xtradius wont communicate with NAS properly on AM64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190273 <ubotu> New bug: #190274 in vlc (universe) "Cannot close vlc with Ctrl+W or Ctrl+Q" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190274 <dejv_ntb> bdmurray: 1) it offers only manual configuration now (since d-bus restart at half past seven) <dejv_ntb> 2) plain dhclient keeps address fine <bdmurray> dejv_ntb: what was that bug number? <dejv_ntb> 190142 <dejv_ntb> bug 190142 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 190142 in dhcp3 "dhclient does'nt ask for the same address" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190142 <ubotu> New bug: #190275 in ubuntu "please sync gigtools (3.2.1-1) from debian sid (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190275 <dejv_ntb> bdmurray: ^ <bdmurray> I think daemon.log w/o network-manager would be helpful and I thought pitti asked for "ps aux| grep dhclient" to see the arguements it was called with <dejv_ntb> chm <dejv_ntb> too late <dejv_ntb> my system went unstable, so I've rebooted <dejv_ntb> sorry for that, I've overlooked it <bdmurray> How did you stop network manager? <bdmurray> You should be able to do that via '/etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager stop' <dejv_ntb> I've just toggled "disable networking" in nm-applet * dejv_ntb 's gonna try that <dejv_ntb> nm-applet still offers only manual configuration, although NM's entrys in daemon.log mention wireless interface: <dejv_ntb> http://rafb.net/p/fuWec768.html <dejv_ntb> bdmurray: ^ <ubotu> New bug: #190277 in linux-meta (main) "package linux-generic failed to install/upgrade: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190277 <ubotu> New bug: #190278 in seahorse (main) "seahorse asks for new passphrases just once" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190278 <ubotu> New bug: #190281 in linux (main) "Segfault in initrd with 2.6.24-7 on intel x86_64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190281 <ubotu> New bug: #190283 in ubuntu "my lenovo y500 touchpad and keyboard do not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190283 <afflux> should bugs about failing upgrades due to no space on /boot when calling upgrade-initramfs be marked as invalid? <ubotu> New bug: #190286 in upstart (main) "Start taking advantage of upstart" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190286 <ubotu> New bug: #190288 in rawstudio (universe) "gutsy version of rawstudio does not support newer Canon RAW images" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190288 <ubotu> New bug: #190290 in kdepim (main) "KMail crashes when moving mail in imap folder" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190290 <ubotu> New bug: #190293 in ufw (main) "ERROR: uid is 0 but '/' is owned by 1000" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190293 <ubotu> New bug: #190294 in gnupg (main) "gpg spams the terminal with passphrase message" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190294 <ubotu> New bug: #190296 in evince (main) "Evince PDF Printing -> Cups on 64 bit typically results in Error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190296 <ubotu> New bug: #190297 in qtpfsgui (universe) "package qtpfsgui 1.9.0-1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/qtpfsgui/i18n/lang_de.qm', which is also in package qtpfsgui-data" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190297 <ubotu> New bug: #190298 in linux (main) "Impossible to boot with latest kernel version" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190298 <ubotu> New bug: #190299 in dell "Network Proxy password stored/displayed cleartext" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190299 <ubotu> New bug: #190300 in ubuntu "[Sync request] Please sync mediatomb from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190300 <ubotu> New bug: #190301 in telepathy-sofiasip (universe) "telepathy-sofiasip crashed with signal 5 in g_type_class_ref()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190301 <ubotu> New bug: #190302 in update-notifier (main) "notification icon shows up when not expected to." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190302 <ubotu> New bug: #190303 in kdebase (main) "kdcop hangs when started" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190303 <ubotu> New bug: #190307 in xawtv (universe) "No standard place for webcam apps in gnome menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190307 <ubotu> New bug: #190309 in rhythmbox (main) "hearing internet radio stream results in frozen program" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190309 <Tuv0k> reporting bugs is starting to become a full time job <dejv_ntb> yep <ubotu> New bug: #190312 in xfce4-session (universe) ""Shutdown" and "Restart" buttons disabled in XFCE shutdown dialog" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190312 <ubotu> New bug: #190316 in alsa-lib (main) "[needs-packaging] alsa-1.0.16 (final release)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190316 <crimsun> ugh <ubotu> New bug: #190318 in gpgkeys (universe) "Please sync gpgkeys 0.3.1-4.1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190318 <geser> crimsun: as our alsa-guru :) have you an idea why I can't use my microphone (headset) with skype? (HDA NVidia/Realtek ALC888; hardy) <crimsun> geser: not sure what you mean - do you mean it's selected for capture but what's captured isn't audible? <crimsun> geser: or do you mean that attempting to capture freezes the processor hangs the machine? <crimsun> process* or ... <geser> crimsun: I tried the test call from skype to test my settings, but I don't hear what I say <crimsun> geser: ok, and this is with hardy or prior? <geser> crimsun: with hardy after I changed by mainboard <ubotu> New bug: #190320 in ubuntu "Please sync kde-style-domino 0.4-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190320 <geser> crimsun: it worked with mine old mainboard <crimsun> geser: and you're using pasuspender -- skype? <geser> it looks like I don't have pulseaudio installed at all <geser> skype is installed in a 32bit chroot. main system is AMD64 <crimsun> ugh <geser> I can hear the instructions from the test call but not myself <crimsun> right, ok. Can you run the alsa-info.sh script? <crimsun> (mirrored at http://trilug.org/~crimsun/alsa-info.sh) <ubotu> New bug: #190322 in gnome-power-manager (main) "Power history differs from ACPI estimate by factor of 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190322 <geser> amd64: http://pastebin.ca/896785 <geser> from within the 32bit chroot: http://pastebin.ca/896787 <crimsun> ok, be aware that today's meta and kernel updates provide 1.0.16 <geser> I tried googling for the problem but only found others with a similar problem but no solution <Tuv0k> all browsers gecko anyway, are now very unstable <Tuv0k> default firefox has crashed 15 times the last hour <Tuv0k> doing nothing special <ubotu> New bug: #190321 in ubuntu "authentication with 00:00:00:00:00:00 timed out wpa_supplicant failure ath_hal crash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190321 <crimsun> geser: BTW, you don't need ~/.asoundrc* for your current config. <geser> so I can safely remove that files? <crimsun> geser: some pointers: the playback element for your Mic is muted and zeroed <crimsun> geser: yes <crimsun> geser: sorry, not zeroed but muted. <geser> crimsun: will try the new kernel once pbuilder finished building an other package <crimsun> geser: 1.0.16 is in l-u-m <geser> crimsun: iirc unmuting it make me only hear myself directly but not to the test call but will try it out again <dejv_ntb> Tuv0k: ephy runs fine for me <ubotu> New bug: #190327 in vinagre (main) "Vinagre doesn't work with ultraVNC" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190327 <crimsun> geser: that seems reasonable, seeing how both Capture elements are muted (they need to be set 'cap', not 'nocap') <crimsun> e.g., amixer set 'Capture',0 cap && amixer set 'Capture',1 cap <Tuv0k> yeah they run fine, until you do something they don't like <Tuv0k> dejv_ntb, try to go to dslreports, all things linux, there is a desktop thread, attempt to upload more than one photo <Tuv0k> see if it turns grey, and then bombs <dejv_ntb> I've never visited that server before <Tuv0k> well, then epiphany is fine then <crimsun> geser: need to catch the train. File a bug if setting the capture elements doesn't do it. <ubotu> New bug: #190328 in dolphin (main) "Icons in Dolphin vanish on mouseover" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190328 <ubotu> New bug: #190329 in ubuntu "[Hardy] fstab / mount ntfs privilege elevation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190329 <geser> crimsun: against which package? <geser> crimsun: Thank you very much (you are really an alsa guru). It works now again, the amixer calls did it (didn't reboot yet to test the new kernel). <geser> crimsun: or even an alsa god :) #ubuntu-bugs 2008-02-09 <ubotu> New bug: #190332 in totem (main) "Totem fullscreen malfunction" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190332 <ubotu> New bug: #190333 in ubuntu "printer installation impossible" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190333 <ubotu> New bug: #190334 in xulrunner-1.9 (main) "about:config doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190334 <ubotu> New bug: #190335 in ubuntu "please package swami and libinstpatch from svn source" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190335 <ubotu> New bug: #190336 in ubuntu "please package swami and libinstpatch from svn source" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190336 <ubotu> New bug: #190337 in ubuntu "restricted-manager does not enable nvidia-glx-new" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190337 <ubotu> New bug: #190340 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 (main) "atl2.ko too old for Attansic L2 100 Mbit Ethernet (rev a0)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190340 <ubotu> New bug: #190343 in dhcp3 (main) "dhclient-script will set hostname to blank" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190343 <ubotu> New bug: #190342 in atl2 (universe) "atl2-source to old for 2.6.24" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190342 <ubotu> New bug: #190346 in ubuntu "intel wireless doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190346 <ubotu> New bug: #190348 in yelp (main) "Hardy Alpha Movie Player video doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190348 <ubotu> New bug: #190349 in yelp (main) "Disk changes from SCSI to SATA i.e. /dev/sda to /dev/hda in new kernel (dup-of: 190350)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190349 <ubotu> New bug: #190350 in ubuntu "Disk changes from sda to hda in new the kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190350 <ubotu> New bug: #190351 in ubuntu-dev-tools (universe) "requestsync crashed with EOFError, when ending input with ctrl-d" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190351 <ubotu> New bug: #190354 in libfile-spec-perl (universe) "Please sync libfile-spec-perl 3.2700-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190354 <ubotu> New bug: #190355 in irssi (main) "man irssi reinventing the english language" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190355 * Pici takes a look at that one <LjL> Pici: take bets it was written by an italian/spaniard? <LjL> nevermind i lost <Pici> LjL: actually they were talking about it in #uf <ubotu> New bug: #190356 in ubuntu "Aquila L1 tablet malfunctioning" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190356 <ubotu> New bug: #190359 in dhcp3 (main) "dhclient continually seeks ip address on unconnected interface" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190359 <ubotu> New bug: #190361 in testresources (universe) "Please sync testresources 0.1-1.2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190361 <ubotu> New bug: #190366 in nautilus (main) "Nautilus does not identify partitions, except by size" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190366 <ubotu> New bug: #190367 in claws-mail (universe) "Please merge claws-mail 3.3.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190367 <ubotu> New bug: #190368 in gconf-editor (main) "package gconf-editor 2.20.0-2ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 134" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190368 <crimsun> geser: np :) <ubotu> New bug: #190371 in kdelibs (main) "KDE3 libthai dynamic loading unneccessarily requires libtool archive file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190371 <ubotu> New bug: #190374 in ubuntu "Package Update Manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190374 <ubotu> New bug: #190375 in kdebase-workspace (universe) "Not possible to set default default display manager in Kubuntu Hardy Alpha 4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190375 <ubotu> New bug: #190376 in gammu (universe) "Please sync gammu 1.18.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190376 <ubotu> New bug: #190382 in kdebase-kde4 (universe) "Unable to change folder views for external storage in KDE4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190382 <ubotu> New bug: #190383 in rhythmbox (main) "last.fm plugin no longer scrobbles" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190383 <ubotu> New bug: #190384 in ubuntu "Desktop screen is a bit shaking vertically with some horizontal lines" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190384 <Iulian> G'morning <ubotu> New bug: #190387 in eris (universe) "Please sync eris 1.3.13-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190387 <ubotu> New bug: #190388 in ttf-tamil-fonts "Strange encoding" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190388 <ubotu> New bug: #190389 in ttf-indic-fonts (main) "Strange encoding" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190389 <ubotu> New bug: #190390 in compiz (main) "Theme mix into the title bar at ubuntu hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190390 <ubotu> New bug: #190393 in alsa-utils (main) "Fix for Speaker swtich not on by default with Thinkpad T61/X61" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190393 <ubotu> New bug: #190392 in compiz (main) "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV (dup-of: 183685)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190392 <ubotu> New bug: #190396 in ubuntu "hardy shut down randomly with a biiiiip sound" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190396 <ubotu> New bug: #190397 in ubuntu "no support for sound control buttons in HP laptop under kde 4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190397 <ubotu> New bug: #190398 in language-pack-kde-lt (main) "japanese characters instead of lithuanian - kubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190398 <ubotu> New bug: #190399 in evince (main) "evince accesses hard disk too often" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190399 <ubotu> New bug: #190400 in slocate (main) "slocate doesnt include updatedb.conf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190400 <ubotu> New bug: #190403 in update-manager (main) "'Reading state information' string not translated to polish" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190403 <ubotu> New bug: #190404 in update-manager (main) "'Reading state information' string not translated to polish" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190404 <ubotu> New bug: #190405 in ubuntu "please package bluez-gnome 0.17 " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190405 <ubotu> New bug: #189191 in gnome-desktop "gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV in __mktime_internal()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189191 <ubotu> New bug: #190408 in firefox (main) "Message: "IPS Java Applet Loading... " is displaying forever, it is not continuing to start correctly the displaying of the web page." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190408 <ubotu> New bug: #187535 in gnome-control-center (main) "gnome-appearance-properties crashed with signal 5 in g_array_free()" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187535 <ubotu> New bug: #190410 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 (restricted) "[hardy] avm-fritz-firmware-2.6.24-7 is referenced, but package repositories include only avm-fritz-firmware-2.6.17-6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190410 <ubotu> New bug: #183307 in gnome-control-center (main) "gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183307 <ubotu> New bug: #190411 in nautilus (main) "nautilus runs at 99% cpu, and wallpaper dissapears" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190411 <ubotu> New bug: #184268 in gnome-control-center "gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184268 <ubotu> New bug: #178527 in gnome-control-center (main) "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with signal 5" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178527 <ubotu> New bug: #190412 in totem (main) "no sound on hp 6516" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190412 <ubotu> New bug: #190413 in nautilus (main) "nautilus only able to open directories in text-based location bar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190413 <ubotu> New bug: #190414 in linux (main) "[hardy] Abnormal time to access ata devices at boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190414 <ubotu> New bug: #190415 in ubuntu "Please sync lightyears 1.3a-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190415 <Iulian> Hello seb128 <Iulian> seb128: Do you have few seconds to look at bug 190384 and say if it's a nautilus bug? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 190384 in ubuntu "Desktop screen is a bit shaking vertically with some horizontal lines" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190384 <seb128> hey Iulian <Iulian> I'm pretty confused about that one. <Iulian> Maybe it's something about compiz. <ubotu> New bug: #190416 in liferea (main) "[gutsy] liferea doesn't read feed://, doesn't work with firefox3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190416 <seb128> Iulian: that looks like a support request rather than a bug, convert it to a question, there is a stock reply you can use as comment on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses <Iulian> seb128: Ok, thanks a lot! <seb128> you are welcome <ubotu> New bug: #190421 in banshee "banshee misses a dependency for libtaglib2.0-cil" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190421 <ubotu> New bug: #190422 in linux (main) "T61 suspend to ram immediately resumes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190422 <ubotu> New bug: #190423 in rhythmbox (main) "Can´t play m4a" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190423 <ubotu> New bug: #190419 in ltsp (main) "should add -f option to "rm" in kernel update script" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190419 <ubotu> New bug: #190425 in alsa-utils (main) "Sound card not detected" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190425 <ubotu> New bug: #190426 in picard (universe) "Icons are not taken from theme under KDE4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190426 <ubotu> New bug: #190427 in gnome-screensaver (main) "restart gnome desktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190427 <ubotu> New bug: #190428 in emerald (universe) "emerald crashed on "alt-tab" windows switching" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190428 <ubotu> New bug: #190429 in linux (main) "sound regression on hardy 4 with 2.6.24-7.12 " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190429 <rbs-tito> I'm unable to get the source for update-manager, I get a 404 <rbs-tito> (hardy) <ubotu> New bug: #145902 in gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg (universe) "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in malloc()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145902 <rbs-tito> Reload fixed it <Iulian> Heh <ubotu> New bug: #190431 in libotr (main) "Please sync libotr 3.1.0-2 (main) from debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190431 <ubotu> New bug: #190435 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] rsplib" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190435 <ubotu> New bug: #190436 in ubuntu "Cannot change desktop icons in hardy alpha 4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190436 <ubotu> New bug: #190442 in ttf-wqy-zenhei (universe) "Please sync ttf-wqy-zenhei 0.4.23-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190442 <ubotu> New bug: #131676 in libxklavier (main) "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in xkl_engine_ensure_vtable_inited() on importing a custom Xmodmap" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131676 <ubotu> New bug: #190444 in sun-java6 (multiverse) "package sun-java6-bin 6-04-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190444 <ubotu> New bug: #190445 in ubuntu "nautilus: symbol lookup error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190445 <bddebian> Boo <ubotu> New bug: #190446 in gtk-vnc (main) "Please sponsor gtk-vnc (main) 0.3.3 into Hardy" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190446 <ubotu> New bug: #190448 in linda (main) "linda complains about Standards-Version 3.7.3" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190448 <ubotu> New bug: #190450 in ov511 (universe) "Can't compile ov511-source on hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190450 <ubotu> New bug: #145219 in gnome-control-center (main) "gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145219 <ubotu> New bug: #146841 in gnome-control-center (main) "gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV in _gdk_events_queue()" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146841 <ubotu> New bug: #190452 in ubuntu "Make sure people who tries out Ubuntu, will install and will always use it" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190452 <ubotu> New bug: #190453 in util-linux (main) "fdisk sees too many partitions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190453 <ubotu> New bug: #190454 in virtualbox-ose (universe) "No USB Support out of the box" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190454 <ubotu> New bug: #190456 in hal-info (main) "[hardy] P5LD2-VM need quirk for suspend" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190456 <fishor> i have one quirk-patch for hal-info. Is it enouth to post it to lounchpad or should i report it to hal-bugzilla too? <ubotu> New bug: #190458 in firefox (main) "Firefox display switched to inverse" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190458 <ubotu> New bug: #190460 in gimp (main) "Dialogs not displayed in fullscreen mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190460 <rbs-tito> Does anyone know python? <ubotu> New bug: #190461 in clutch (universe) "Lighttpd support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190461 <ubotu> New bug: #190462 in basket (universe) "[hardy] Basket Can't setup DCOP communication" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190462 <ubotu> New bug: #190339 in jockey (main) "jockey-gtk crashed on initial load of live CD, no user actions (dup-of: 187148)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190339 <ubotu> New bug: #190379 in jockey (main) "jockey-gtk crashed with AssertionError in __init__() (dup-of: 187148)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190379 <ubotu> New bug: #190465 in plptools (universe) "Please sync plptools 0.18-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190465 <ubotu> New bug: #190466 in bash (main) "set -o option off clobbers shell arguments in bash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190466 <ubotu> New bug: #190472 in ubuntu "nfs + fs-cache" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190472 <dejv_ntb> hi <dejv_ntb> have somebody looked at bug #152051? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 152051 in tracker "tracker and cronjobs (updatedb, update-notifer,...) fight for the hard disk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152051 <dejv_ntb> it could be pretty easily partially resolved by adding "ionice -c3 " to the beginning of cron I/O-demanding commands <ubotu> New bug: #190474 in ubuntu "sd card reader" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190474 <ubotu> New bug: #190475 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 (main) "iwl3945 produces a lot of error messages in syslog" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190475 <ubotu> New bug: #190473 in geda-xgsch2pcb (universe) "[FTBFS] geda-xgsch2pcb 0.1.2-1 build fails at checking for XML:Parser" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190473 <ubotu> New bug: #190353 in torcs (universe) "torcs-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in memcpy()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190353 <ubotu> New bug: #190362 in amule (universe) "amule crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190362 <ubotu> New bug: #190385 in miro (universe) "miro crashed after playing a video (SIGSEGV in miro_xine_list_front())" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190385 <ubotu> New bug: #190409 in firefox-3.0 (main) "firefox-3.0 crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190409 <ubotu> New bug: #190326 in miro (universe) "miro.real crashed with IOError in okButton()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190326 <ubotu> New bug: #190479 in missingh (universe) "please sync missingh ( from unstable/main to universe" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190479 <ubotu> New bug: #190480 in evince (main) "evince problem with image copy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190480 <ubotu> New bug: #190484 in sdl-image1.2 (main) "please sync sdl-image1.2 (1.2.6-3) from unstable/main to main, ubuntu override ok" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190484 <ubotu> New bug: #190485 in ftphs (universe) "please sync ftphs ( from unstable/main to universe" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190485 <ubotu> New bug: #190486 in ubuntu "exiv2 doesn't find exif data in attacched file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190486 <ubotu> New bug: #190487 in exiv2 (main) "exiv2 doesn't find exif data in attacched file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190487 <ubotu> New bug: #190489 in nautilus (main) "Couldn't display Examples/fables_01_01_aesop.spx" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190489 <ubotu> New bug: #184219 in gnome-power-manager (main) "brightness applet crashes on login" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184219 <ubotu> New bug: #190490 in mldonkey (universe) "Hardy update to glibc 2.7 and mldonkey is compiled with 2.6 version" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190490 <rbs-tito> bdmurray: Should I use a bug I fix in a list of my best bugs for application to the QA team? <rbs-tito> *fixed <ubotu> New bug: #190492 in linux (main) "Kernel hangs on boot (SATA, AMD64)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190492 <ubotu> New bug: #190494 in ubiquity (main) "Ubiquity attempts resize on mounted partition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190494 <bdmurray> rbs-tito: yeah, that would be great * rbs-tito hates distro fanboys <ubotu> New bug: #190495 in bzr (main) "Sync bzr from debian unstable (main) 1.1~rc1-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190495 <rbs-tito> bdmurray: Cool <rbs-tito> Thanks <ubotu> New bug: #190496 in glipper (universe) "Panel can't load glipper" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190496 <ubotu> New bug: #190497 in nautilus (main) "nautilus left pane problem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190497 <ubotu> New bug: #190498 in ubuntu "In hardy,cpu cycle problem after shutting and opening laptop lid " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190498 <ubotu> New bug: #190499 in ubuntu "No networking without running X-Server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190499 <ubotu> New bug: #190500 in nautilus (main) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_str_hash() (dup-of: 185441)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190500 <ubotu> New bug: #190502 in winpdb (universe) "Please sync winpdb 1.3.4-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190502 <ubotu> New bug: #190504 in xen-3.2 (main) "xen-utils-* conflicts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190504 <ubotu> New bug: #190503 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] obex-data-server" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190503 <ubotu> New bug: #190506 in xrandr "[Hardy] GNOME and GDM are starting up with wrong display resolution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190506 <ubotu> New bug: #190507 in kdirstat (universe) "Please sync kdirstat 2.4.4-4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190507 <ubotu> New bug: #190508 in openoffice.org (main) "OpenOffice.org Writer should remember user's last saved position in each document under KDE" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190508 <ubotu> New bug: #190510 in ubuntu "ktorrent is sleeping" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190510 <ubotu> New bug: #190511 in gnome-panel (main) "windows on 2,3,4,... desktops don't work after setting one desktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190511 <ubotu> New bug: #190516 in apparmor (main) "MUGEN doesn't start if Apparmor is running" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190516 <ubotu> New bug: #190514 in gnome-vfs2 "gnome-vfs-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in _dl_fixup()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190514 <ubotu> New bug: #190515 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 (main) "[hardy alpha4]rt2500 works, but slowly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190515 <ubotu> New bug: #190517 in qtparted (main) "qtparted reports success but fails when creating partition, i/o error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190517 <ubotu> New bug: #190519 in file-roller (main) "file-roller crashed with SIGSEGV in g_datalist_id_set_data_full()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190519 <ubotu> New bug: #190520 in p7zip-rar (multiverse) "Please sync p7zip-rar 4.57~ds.1-1 (multiverse) from Debian unstable (non-free)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190520 <ubotu> New bug: #190521 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 (main) "[hardy alpha4]rt61 wifi is not working, driver loading pb" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190521 <ubotu> New bug: #190523 in jockey (main) "jockey-gtk crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190523 <ubotu> New bug: #190491 in ubiquity "can't translate Details text on qt UI" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190491 <ubotu> New bug: #190525 in openoffice.org (main) "OO writer resize OLE calc objects all the time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190525 <ubotu> New bug: #190528 in wlassistant (universe) "wlassistant reports "Could not launch menu item" when starting" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190528 <ubotu> New bug: #190530 in yelp (main) "New to Linux Ubuntu. I cannot Play CD no sound whatsoever; nor can I load photos. Message says DRIVER ERROR." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190530 <ubotu> New bug: #190531 in amsn (universe) "amsn crashes X when you try to change display picture with compiz enabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190531 <ubotu> New bug: #190534 in ubuntu "Screens and Graphics doesn't work in VirtualBox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190534 <ubotu> New bug: #190536 in ubuntu "Clicking with mouse not working right in Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190536 <ubotu> New bug: #190537 in gnome-power-manager (main) "[Gutsy] Display sleep sets wrong DPMS off time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190537 <ubotu> New bug: #190538 in paketto (universe) "Scanrand 1.10 issues 'destination required' error in Ubuntu Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190538 <ubotu> New bug: #190539 in ekiga (main) "impossible de téléphoner, difficulter à installer le driver de web cam, une fois sur deux il s'installe et l'image devient sombre" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190539 <ubotu> New bug: #190542 in pylint (universe) "Problem with Pylint's handling on __all__" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190542 <ubotu> New bug: #190543 in lirc (main) "Pinnacle Remote Kit not supported by lirc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190543 <ubotu> New bug: #190544 in gnome-app-install (main) "gnome-app-install crashed with AttributeError in modifyUserInterface() (dup-of: 189490)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190544 <ubotu> New bug: #190546 in firefox (main) "firefox shows as ubuntu 7.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190546 <secretlondon> how do we send apport bugs upstream? presumably we make the original bug visible - do we send all the attachments upstream? <Kirrus> secretlondon, I think you send the attachments that you think will help them upstream <ubotu> New bug: #190547 in teatime (universe) "teatime doesn't play sounds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190547 <ubotu> New bug: #190549 in tracker (main) "Tracker results don't open when launched from Deskbar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190549 <secretlondon> thanks <ubotu> New bug: #179122 in freeciv (universe) "civclient-gtk crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_style_attach()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179122 <ubotu> New bug: #190551 in uswsusp (universe) "suspend and hibernate suddenly stopped working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190551 <ubotu> New bug: #190552 in gparted (main) "Please sync gparted 0.3.5-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190552 <ubotu> New bug: #190553 in network-manager (main) "NM broken after suspend" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190553 <ubotu> New bug: #190554 in gnome-control-center (main) "Add mousetweaks dependency for its main inclusion request" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190554 <ubotu> New bug: #190555 in freeciv (universe) "sdl freeciv client doesn't make a menu item" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190555 <ubotu> New bug: #190556 in bittorrent (main) "btlaunchmanycurses show a lot of errors " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190556 <ubotu> New bug: #190559 in kdebase-workspace "Alt + Shift + Tab does not cycle windows in reverse order" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190559 <ubotu> New bug: #184264 in kdebase-workspace (universe) "plasma crashed with SIGFPE" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184264 <ubotu> New bug: #187899 in kdebase-workspace (universe) "[KDE4] plasma crashed with SIGSEGV in QGraphicsItem::setPos()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187899 <ubotu> New bug: #190363 in kdebase-workspace (universe) "krunner crashed with SIGSEGV in memcpy()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190363 <ubotu> New bug: #190560 in thunderbird (main) "ha desaparecido la ventana con las carpetas" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190560 <ubotu> New bug: #190564 in gosmore (universe) "Please sync gosmore (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190564 <ubotu> New bug: #190566 in network-manager-vpnc (universe) "error dialogs are hidden behing other windows" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190566 <ubotu> New bug: #190567 in kdebase (main) "apt:/ in konqueror shows packages.debian.org not Ubuntu packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190567 <ubotu> New bug: #190518 in ubuntu "It is impossible to install or remove any software. Please use the package manager "Synaptic" or run "sudo apt-get install -f" in a terminal to fix this issue at first" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190518 <ubotu> New bug: #190569 in imagemagick (main) "convert crashed with signal 24 - again when I do nothing (dup-of: 185073)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190569 <rbs-tito_> If I fix a bug in Ubuntu, should I forward it to Debian? I'm not sure where the upstream for this package is <rbs-tito_> update-manager #ubuntu-bugs 2008-02-10 <secretlondon> is there anything in the changelog? <secretlondon> what's the numbering as well - 0ubuntux would indicate that we didn't get from debian <ubotu> New bug: #190576 in ubuntu "Screen too big on Hardy Heron Alpha 3 LiveCD" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190576 <ubotu> New bug: #190579 in ubuntu "numlock does not stay enabled Hardy alpha4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190579 <ubotu> New bug: #190580 in ubuntu "computer freezes when the molecules screensaver starts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190580 <ubotu> New bug: #190582 in notecase (universe) "[upgrade] notecase 1.7.9" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190582 <ubotu> New bug: #190583 in firefox (main) "firefox on yahoo home page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190583 <ubotu> New bug: #190584 in alacarte (main) "alacarte crashed with TypeError in on_item_tree_cursor_changed() (dup-of: 175602)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190584 <ubotu> New bug: #190585 in compiz (main) "System lags after resume due to high hard drive activity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190585 <Hirvinen> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/190587 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 190587 in ubuntu "Local root exploit in kernel 2.6.17 - 2.6.24" [Undecided,New] <ubotu> New bug: #190586 in ubuntu "[Sync Request Universe] lordsawar 0.0.7-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190586 <ubotu> New bug: #190587 in ubuntu "Local root exploit in kernel 2.6.17 - 2.6.24" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190587 <ubotu> New bug: #190588 in ubuntu "After upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy, Gutsy boot drops to initramfs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190588 <ubotu> New bug: #190589 in mixxx (universe) "New upstream release (in REVU)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190589 <ubotu> New bug: #190593 in gnucash (universe) "using gnucash within ubuntu my balance column only shows the 3 digits to the left of the decimal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190593 <ubotu> New bug: #190594 in wordpress (universe) "Please merge wordpress 2.3.3+fr-1 (universe) from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190594 <ubotu> New bug: #190595 in knetworkmanager (main) "knetworkmanager does not automatically connect to trusted networks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190595 <ubotu> New bug: #190596 in ubiquity (main) "HDD not bootable if ubiquity fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190596 <ubotu> New bug: #190597 in ubuntu "hardy does not have atl2 >= 2.6.24-5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190597 <ubotu> New bug: #190598 in ubiquity (main) "Ubiquity freezes at 100% (Copying Installation Logs)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190598 <ubotu> New bug: #190600 in telepathy-sofiasip (universe) "Please sync telepathy-sofiasip 0.5.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190600 <ubotu> New bug: #190602 in apt-file (universe) "apt-file does not read /etc/apt/sources.list.d/" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190602 <ubotu> New bug: #190603 in ubuntu "Network Location Profiles Proxy (feature request)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190603 <ubotu> New bug: #190614 in transmission (main) "New upstream version: 1.05" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190614 <ubotu> New bug: #190617 in file-roller (main) "file-roller crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190617 <ubotu> New bug: #190619 in bash-completion (universe) "error after upgrading to distinct package: bash: complete: kpdf: no completion specification " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190619 <desertc> Hiya! There is a bug that I have been tracking that I believe has been fixed. Should I / May I change the status to Resolved? <desertc> I guess the status is "Fix Committed". <desertc> weee ... ... ... okay, I guess it can be opened again, if I am in error <persia> desertc: Fix Released is usually preferred, if the fix is now distributed in the repositories. <ubotu> New bug: #190620 in ubuntu "apt-get error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190620 <desertc> persia: Thanks for your advice. Done! <persia> desertc: Which bug? <desertc> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnash/+bug/164603 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 164603 in gnash "gnash eats up ram" [Undecided,Fix released] <persia> desertc: It's good practice to subscribe to bugs when closing them, just so you can see any further report from the submitter. Maybe it works for you, but not for them, and maybe it needs something else. Usually there is nothing, but maybe once in 10 bugs or so there is a follow-up comment. <desertc> Good call. I thought I was subscribed since it shows up on my Launchpad list of bugs. <ubotu> New bug: #190621 in evolution (main) "Posting a written-up message to a folder is inconvenient" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190621 <ubotu> New bug: #190623 in ubuntu "The restart after updates caused Ubuntu 8.04 Alpha4 to have fuzy vertical lines all over the screen." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190623 <ubotu> New bug: #190625 in gnome-games (main) "robot crashes when I teleport" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190625 <Iulian> G'morning <ubotu> New bug: #190626 in gconf-editor (main) ""usefree" mount option USB error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190626 <ubotu> New bug: #190627 in firefox (main) "Firefox looses focus when download finishes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190627 <ubotu> New bug: #190629 in ubuntu "Performance cpu governor is always selected upon s3, s4 resume" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190629 <ubotu> New bug: #190631 in nautilus (main) "Nautilus constantly popping-up autofs mounts in file browser" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190631 <ubotu> New bug: #190478 in totem (main) "totem-gstreamer crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190478 <ubotu> New bug: #190636 in gdecrypt (universe) "main.py crashed with SIGSEGV in pthread_mutex_destroy()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190636 <ubotu> New bug: #190637 in ubuntu "[Needs Packaging]Gnome Do 0.3.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190637 <ubotu> New bug: #190639 in language-support-en (main) "error when logging into gnome: language en_AU does not exist" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190639 <afflux> anyone can help me with private bug 190641? I'm not sure which package this bug should be assigned to. Since I'm the developer of gdecrypt, I don't think that something is wrong with gdecrypt, as the crash appears in gvfs, which I don't use. <ubotu> Bug 190641 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/190641 is private <ubotu> New bug: #190638 in linux-source-2.6.22 "IDE tape drive not functioning" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190638 <ubotu> New bug: #190640 in regexxer (universe) "regexxer crashed with SIGSEGV in pango_font_description_copy_static()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190640 <persia> afflux: It indeed looks like something else crashed. Notice the lack of anything meaningful at the very top of the stack (#97-95), likely indicating that the symbolds for gdecrypt were insufficient to find the error. <afflux> hm... gdecrypt is a python app :( <persia> On the other hand, perhaps something related to the gdecrypt closure caused something else to crash? <persia> afflux: Looking at the stacktrace, it may well be that the window closure couldn't be handled. You might check with someone more familiar with python-gtk: it may be in there (but it may not). <afflux> yeah, possible <afflux> persia: #95 comes from /usr/lib/python-support/python-gtk2/python2.5/gtk-2.0/gtk/_gtk.so <persia> That makes it even more likely to be something in python-gtk2 then. Maybe reassign (but check how you are calling the closure first). <afflux> yes, I'll do that. thank you! <ubotu> New bug: #190642 in ubuntu "PL2303 kernel driver not detect serial converter after first connection to USB port" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190642 <ubotu> New bug: #190645 in emacs-snapshot (universe) "please sync emacs-snapshot version 20080209-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190645 <afflux> persia: just FYI: calling glib's thread_init in the beginning of my python app seems to fix the issue <persia> afflux: Then it was a bug in gdecrypt. Excellent! Makes the fix easy. Nice job in tracking it down. <afflux> persia: yep, thank you for the hint. I would've just assigned it to gvfs ;) <persia> stacktraces are handy. They point at the issue. Takes a bit to read them, but once you find an entry point, they usually explain things. <afflux> yes, definetly <ubotu> New bug: #190646 in kdebase-kde4 (universe) "kde 4.0.1: missing icons in kwrite" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190646 <ubotu> New bug: #190648 in ubuntu "small fonts after fresh install of xfce4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190648 <persia> cornflakepirate: I'd suggest starting by looking at the .desktop file for gucharmap <cornflakepirate> yup <ubotu> New bug: #190305 in f-spot (main) "f-spot.exe crashed with SIGSEGV in mono_jit_info_table_find()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190305 <persia> Maybe there are some extra switches there that cause the odd behaviour? <cornflakepirate> Exec=gucharmap <cornflakepirate> that's the line, isn't it? <cornflakepirate> no switches <persia> That would be the line. You say you get different behaviour running gucharmap with no arguments from the command line as opposed to using that? <cornflakepirate> yes <persia> Does it matter from which directory you start the program? <cornflakepirate> doesn't look like it <cornflakepirate> i know how to use gdb but i don't know how to attach it to a program not run from the command line (or is that even possible?) <persia> Hmm. I'm not sure how to triage farther myself, without trying with a debugger (and I don't know the code well enough). Have you already opened a bug in launchpad? <cornflakepirate> not yet, i have a funny feeling that there may be a problem with gconf <cornflakepirate> because Screens and Graphics seems to also be constantly forgetting my resolution settings <cornflakepirate> i think i've just found out how to attach gdb (hooray for google!) <ubotu> New bug: #190649 in pyflakes (universe) "no documentation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190649 <ubotu> New bug: #190651 in phpbb2 (universe) "Please sync phpbb2 2.0.22-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190651 <ubotu> New bug: #190650 in fbi (universe) "Please merge fbi 2.06-2 (universe) from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190650 <ubotu> New bug: #190654 in fretsonfire (universe) "frets on fire crashes on opening (dup-of: 123433)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190654 <ubotu> New bug: #190655 in evince (main) "Evince crashing on print preview" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190655 <ubotu> New bug: #190644 in ubuntu "New hardware" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190644 <ubotu> New bug: #190656 in firefox (main) "Firefox crashing reading movies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190656 <ubotu> New bug: #190657 in mail-notification (universe) "please sync mail-notification (4.1.dfsg.1-4.1) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190657 <ubotu> New bug: #190658 in gucharmap (main) "[Hardy] gucharmap doesn't save settings when not run from command line" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190658 <persia> cornflakepirate: try installing the gucharmap-dbgsym package. <ubotu> New bug: #190661 in ubuntu "Search for Files Gnome applet cannot search for question marks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190661 <ubotu> New bug: #190662 in dhcp3 (main) "ipv6 host resolution in resolv.conf will break dhcpd3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190662 <ubotu> New bug: #190663 in mozilla-thunderbird (main) "No matter what i do i am unable to get mail to send . It start to send then just runs till it times out?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190663 <alanbshepard70> Can anyone help me find the right place to report a bug/hardware conflict? I've searched around and from what I can tell this hasn't been reported by anyone else but dell desktops with pci video cards lock on boot. I thought it was an issue with the video card I had but after trying 5 different video cards and searching google I found this to be an issue with dell computers not the card itself. <dejv_ntb> probably dell's QA contact <persia> alanbshepard70: I'd suggest reporting it at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs <persia> While it may be hardware related, there is likely a sensible workaround. Maybe something needs to be blacklisted under certain conditions, etc. Software crashing is a bug. <alanbshepard70> persia: What package should I say has the issue? To finally get the video card to work I had to install ubuntu without the pci card installed, boot up, blacklist the onboard vid card driver, install the pci card, boot to command line, configure xorg, login and then install the pci card drivers. Would this be considered a problem with xorg or...? <persia> alanbshepard70: Ah. Less bad then I thought. The problem should be reported against whichever package you needed to blacklist. <persia> I believe a large number of the video drivers are in separate packages now, for ease of triage and patching. <alanbshepard70> persia: this is what I had to add to modprobe.d blacklist agpgart and blacklist intel_agp <persia> alanbshepard70: Those sound like kernel modules rather than X drivers to me, but I'm not sure. <alanbshepard70> persia: I'll take your word for it since I have no clue myself. <ubotu> New bug: #190665 in openoffice.org (main) "[gutsy] OpenOffice Impress 2.3.0 crashes when trying to save a specific presentation file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190665 <ubotu> New bug: #190666 in firefox (main) "firefox crashes when downloading or uploading attachments" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190666 <ubotu> New bug: #190558 in gdecrypt "main.py crashed with KeyError in fill_mapped_list()" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190558 <ubotu> New bug: #190667 in linux-ntfs (main) "Cannot copy all files between NTFS disks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190667 <ubotu> New bug: #190660 in gedit (main) "gedit crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_unref" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190660 <ubotu> New bug: #190668 in sympa (universe) "Installing sympa fails with password that contain unusual chars" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190668 <ubotu> New bug: #190669 in haskell-http (universe) "Please sync haskell-http 30010004-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190669 <ubotu> New bug: #190670 in quiteinsane (universe) "Please sync quiteinsane 0.10-14 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190670 <ubotu> New bug: #190671 in gdecrypt (universe) "new upstream version available (0.7.1)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190671 <ubotu> New bug: #190672 in drapes (universe) "Please sync drapes 0.5.1-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190672 <ubotu> New bug: #190673 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] jAOLT" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190673 <ubotu> New bug: #190674 in gnome-main-menu (universe) "[Gutsy] g-m-m shows up as "Logout" in gnome-app-install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190674 <ubotu> New bug: #190675 in firefox (main) "firefox crashes when downloading or uploading attachments" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190675 <ubotu> New bug: #190678 in etoile (universe) "Please sync etoile 0+20060914+dfsg-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190678 <ubotu> New bug: #190677 in linux "Backport acer-wmi to hardy 2.6.24 kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190677 <ubotu> New bug: #190679 in pm-utils (main) "Most recent package update breaks loading /etc/pm/config.d/*" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190679 <ubotu> New bug: #190680 in openoffice.org-amd64 (main) "openoffice corrupted display" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190680 <ubotu> New bug: #190681 in qemu (universe) "Please sync qemu to Debian Unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190681 <ubotu> New bug: #190682 in debian-edu (universe) "package education-astronomy 0.824 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190682 <ubotu> New bug: #190684 in xmms (universe) "Remove xmms from Ubuntu" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190684 <ubotu> New bug: #190685 in ubuntu "Brasero needs documentation and needs improvement." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190685 <bddebian> Boo <ubotu> New bug: #190686 in linux (main) "2.6.24-7 kernel gives many problems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190686 <ubotu> New bug: #190688 in gnome-terminal (main) "Use of explicit suffix in 'Icon' field of application launcher" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190688 <ubotu> New bug: #190689 in meta-gnome2 (universe) "Please merge meta-gnome2 (universe) from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190689 <ubotu> New bug: #190690 in mozilla-thunderbird (main) "Thunderbird forgets S/Mime rule when changing account while writing mail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190690 <ubotu> New bug: #190691 in compiz (main) "[hardy] Cannot set custom level" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190691 <torkiano> hello, I need help triaging bug 99432 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 99432 in ubuntu "wireless network not working now" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99432 <torkiano> is a duplicate of bug 134660 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 134660 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "Ralink rt2400 / rt2500 / rt2570 / rt61 / rt73 do not work out of the box in Gutsy/Hardy" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134660 <torkiano> ?? <ubotu> New bug: #190695 in kdepim (main) "looking for a directory crash kmail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190695 <ubotu> New bug: #190696 in dhcp3 (main) "Unable to wake DHCP server of access point (WLAN)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190696 <torkiano> The problem is that tehe bug reporter want to use the non-oficial rt2500 drivers instead rt2500pci wich are in the kernel <torkiano> because he need iwpriv functionality <ubotu> New bug: #190697 in ubuntu "Irda device too chatty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190697 <torkiano> I mark bug 99432 as won't fix? duplicate? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 99432 in ubuntu "wireless network not working now" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99432 <ubotu> New bug: #190698 in evince (main) "Repeated images not appearing in pdfs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190698 <ubotu> New bug: #190699 in mozilla-firefox "download folder won't change" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190699 <ubotu> New bug: #190700 in gnome-bluetooth (main) "upgrade gnome-bluetooth to 0.11" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190700 <greg-g> torkiano: it appears that he is referring to a different issue. The issue that with those ubuntu supplied drivers he is unable to use WPA <greg-g> torkiano: so, my opinion is that it is a separate bug <ubotu> New bug: #190701 in ubuntu "Touchpad on toshiba laptop doesn't enable (Fn key not assigned?) or not programmed." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190701 <torkiano> hello greg-g, but Ubuntu will include legacy rt2500 instead official rt2x00 (in kernel tree since 2.6.24) drivers (rt2500pci)?If no I mark it as won't fix...¿? <greg-g> I would want the kernel networking team to mark it as "won't fix" since it is an issue <ubotu> New bug: #190702 in ubuntu "DVD is not playing w/ alpha 4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190702 <greg-g> torkiano: you are welcome to ask for a second opinion though :) <torkiano> ok greg-g, thnk you ;-) <greg-g> torkiano: you're very welcome, thanks for helping <ubotu> New bug: #190704 in synaptic (main) "unresolvable dependencies for projectcenter.app" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190704 <sn0> hey all, where would i post a typo-bug for doc.ubuntu.com? http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html has a link to resolv.conf but the file doesn't exists. thanks all <ubotu> New bug: #190707 in tuxguitar (multiverse) "Please sync tuxguitar 0.9.1-4 (multiverse) from Debian unstable (contrib)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190707 <ubotu> New bug: #190710 in totem (main) "player has no sound when playing a song" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190710 <ubotu> New bug: #190715 in firefox (main) "Flash banners with mouse over events show white area" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190715 <andrea-bs> sn0: you should go to #ubuntu-doc ;) <ubotu> New bug: #190716 in sane-backends (main) "Missing udev rule for Epson GT-15000" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190716 <ubotu> New bug: #190717 in procps (main) "sysctl: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x0804b008" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190717 <UKHack> Hi - I'm using Hardy Alpha 4, with all the latest updates applied <UKHack> My nautilius has just died on me - dmesg reports a segfault <UKHack> Other than just filing a bug with Launchpad, is there anything else I can do? <andrea-bs> UKHack: can you please give us the bug id or its address? <UKHack> Haven't logged it yet - it would be good to get some help, so I can make sure that what I log is useful <albert23> UKHack: If you look in /var/crash, there should be a file like _usr_bin_nautilus.1000.crash. Check if that file has the right date and time for your crash. If it has, double click on that file and the report will be made automatically and will contain the information required. <UKHack> albert23 - I can't I'm afraid... Nautilus is refusing to bring up a window <UKHack> albert23 - I can see the file in question though <jeromeg> UKHack: I think you can use apport /path/to/file <jeromeg> in command line <albert23> UKHack: You can restart gnome, to get nautilus working again <UKHack> albert23 - tried that :) still get a segfault being reported in dmesg <albert23> UKHack: Ai, that's bad. Does a reboot help? <UKHack> albert23 - heh... when I said I tried that, I meant that I actually rebooted :) <UKHack> albert23 - I'll try again though <albert23> UKHack: you could try to re-install nautilus. Maybe it helps <jeromeg> i was wrong, apport-cli seems to be the correct command <ubotu> New bug: #190721 in f-spot (main) "Slideshow effects don't work properly " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190721 <UKHack> albert23 - Ahh - re-install brought it back for about two seconds <UKHack> jeromg: Tried using apport-cli /var/crash/_usr_bin_nautilus* but got a message back that there were no pending crash reports <jeromeg> mmm <UKHack> OK - just forcing it to use that one noe <UKHack> that one now, that is <albert23> UKHack: If you start nautilus from a terminal window, does that give any error messages? <jeromeg> UKHack: it worked ? <UKHack> albert23 - Seahorse nautlius module initialized <UKHack> albert32: Segmentation fault (core dumped) <jeromeg> apport-cli -c path should work <UKHack> jermog: Yep - that's how I did it (well --crash-file=*) <jeromeg> mmm <jeromeg> then I don't know <ubotu> New bug: #190724 in xserver-xorg-video-i810 (main) "good" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190724 <UKHack> I don't know, but I think it may be theme related <jeromeg> apport-cli is supposed to do that, but... <UKHack> My desktop theme seems to revert to blue window bars, and orange window buttons <UKHack> jeromeg: I think it tried to do something, but for whatever reason the crash report wasn't pending <UKHack> Ahh <ubotu> New bug: #190723 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "Toshiba M1 Tecra does not reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190723 <UKHack> Here's the line in the launchpad wizard: SIGSEGV in oobs_share_smb_new() <Iulian> UKHack: That bug with the theme is already reported. <UKHack> Looking at the line in Launchpad, it might be Samba related <ubotu> New bug: #190726 in paprefs (universe) "Pulse audio device chooser not translated to polish" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190726 <albert23> UKHack: look in ~/.nautilus and remove the last saved-session, then try to start nautilus again <UKHack> I've just logged the problem with Launchpad - Bug ID #190726 <UKHack> I've just logged the problem with Launchpad - Bug ID #190727 even! <albert23> bug 190727 <ubotu> Bug 190727 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/190727 is private <albert23> UKHack: no permission to look in that bug <jeromeg> UKHack: go to privacy/security on the left column <jeromeg> and set the bug as public <UKHack> Done <afflux> UKHack: let's wait for apport generating the retraced stacktraces, we'll be able to tell you more about the bug afterwards <UKHack> afflux: ? I don't quite understand you, or perhaps I just don't understand the worflow <afflux> UKHack: apport is a programm that'll generate more useful reports from crashreport <UKHack> afflux: Does that happen pre or post my submission? Is apport a server-side or client-side app? <secretlondon> apport runs on your computer <afflux> secretlondon: the retracing service doesn't <stgraber> you used the client-side part to submit the bug report, then it'll be updated from the retracing service which is running on a server <secretlondon> yes, the retracing service runs on canonicals servers <secretlondon> there is stuff on the wiki about how it works <secretlondon> when you submit your bug it is made private and is tagged that it needs retracing <secretlondon> the bot gets round to it and edits the bug with the retraced files <secretlondon> the tags are then changed and the bug squad look at it to see if there is any personal info in the trace <secretlondon> if it's okay we make it visible <afflux> UKHack: your bug has been retraced now <UKHack> <afflux> So that means it's ready to be looked at? <afflux> UKHack: no <afflux> err <afflux> yes it does, misread your question ;) <secretlondon> which bug # is it? <UKHack> <afflux> Is there any further information I should supply? <afflux> its bug 190727 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 190727 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in oobs_share_smb_new()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190727 <afflux> UKHack: I'm not sure. If yes, you will receive an email <secretlondon> i'll have a look at <ubotu> New bug: #190728 in qt-x11-free (main) "Polish translation missing in Qt3 Configuration .desktop file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190728 <secretlondon> UKHack: does it happen repeatedly every time you reboot or reinstall? <secretlondon> is your hardy install fully updated? <UKHack> secretlondon: repeatedly after reboot and reinstall <secretlondon> ok <UKHack> secretlondon: And I have just run an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade <secretlondon> ok <secretlondon> could you add that to the bug for me? <UKHack> OK - I thought I did already <ubotu> New bug: #190730 in firestarter (universe) "Firestarter polish translation missing in Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190730 <UKHack> OK Done - I've updated the report <secretlondon> can you also say what happened when you uninstalled samba? <UKHack> heh - nothing happened, but I'll certainly add it <secretlondon> so its the same <UKHack> Yes <UKHack> OK - updated the bug report nonetheless <secretlondon> thats the sort of stuff we need to know - especially when it looks like it involves smb <secretlondon> there are changes in gnome stuff connected to the file system - I expect this is the cause <secretlondon> there are people who work full time on gnome who are the experts (I'm just a 1st level triager) <ubotu> New bug: #190727 in nautilus (main) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in oobs_share_smb_new()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190727 <UKHack> OK - just tried an apt-get reinstall for nautilus (this is now after the removal of Samba etc) <secretlondon> and? <UKHack> Nope - no difference <UKHack> (was just waiting for the machine to restart) <secretlondon> ok - please add that too <UKHack> Done <secretlondon> as much detail as you can of what you've tried etc <secretlondon> it all helps <secretlondon> okay I think it might be the same as bug #183870 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 183870 in liboobs "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in oobs_share_smb_new()" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183870 <UKHack> OK - so what do I need to install? liboobs-dev? <secretlondon> no - -dev packages are to build software against <secretlondon> you need to install the one with the debugging symbols <secretlondon> I'll get you the link <UKHack> liboobs-1-4-dbg? <ubotu> New bug: #190731 in ubuntu "resolution wrong when x restarted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190731 <ubotu> New bug: #190732 in totem (main) "just bands of colorful horizontal lines at 90 degrees." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190732 <ubotu> New bug: #190733 in ubuntu "shutdown dialog very slow" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190733 <albert23> UKHack: your backtrace looks fine. All symbols are resolved. There is no need to install dbg/dbgsym packages now. <UKHack> albert32: Thanks - is there anything else I can do, especially given that the other bug report petered out? <secretlondon> the other petered out because it resolved itself <albert23> UKHack: It would help if you remembered what you were doing with smb <secretlondon> Just wait, I've subscribed desktop-bugs, they'll look at it (prob Monday as I suspect they don't work sun eves) <ubotu> New bug: #190735 in ubuntu "audio low after updates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190735 <UKHack> OK <UKHack> Thanks for your help, like I said I was keen to provide as much useful info as possible <secretlondon> thanks for helping, you'll get email if we need any more info <UKHack> Thanks, and goodnight <ubotu> New bug: #190737 in ubuntu "Hi load average using in 8.04a4 NIS/Autofs setup copied from 7.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190737 <ubotu> New bug: #190738 in ubuntu "Numeric keyboard doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190738 <ubotu> New bug: #190740 in ikiwiki (universe) "Please sync ikiwiki 2.31 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190740 <ubotu> New bug: #190741 in grub2 (universe) "Syntaxerror in /boot/grub/grub.cfg" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190741 <ubotu> New bug: #190743 in meta-kde4 (universe) "KDE4 desktop grid shows taskbar from current desktop in all desktops." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190743 <ubotu> New bug: #190744 in libgdamm3.0 (universe) "Request: Upgrade libgdamm3.0 to upstream version 2.9.81" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190744 <greg-g> the library for oobs has an unfortunate name <fijam> hello, sorry to bother you but is there any eta on fix for http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9924 ? <ubotu> bugzilla.kernel.org bug 9924 in Other "Two vmsplice local root exploits" [High,New] <greg-g> fijam: you would have to ask the kernel developers <fijam> hmm, ok, thanks. <greg-g> fijam: join #kernel and someone might be able to help you out <fijam> Well, I am more interested in when will this get rolled out in ubuntu rather than how to patch my kernel. But thanks anyway. <greg-g> fijam: it doesn't look like it is fixed in the upstream kernel yet, so it wouldn't be in Ubuntu yet either <ubotu> New bug: #190746 in console-setup (main) "Some console fonts (i.e.Lat2-VGA8.psf.gz) have bad Unicode maps" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190746 <fijam> Well, it is fixed in git already. Still, the clock is ticking :) <greg-g> fijam: rest assured that if it is a security issue and it is fixed you will get an updated kernel <fijam> greg-g, for the time being I'll just have to lock down ssh access. <ubotu> New bug: #190748 in nautilus (main) "Impossible to re-enable both side panels" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190748 <ubotu> New bug: #190749 in firefox (main) "Illegal instruction in firefox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190749 <ubotu> New bug: #190750 in listen (universe) "listen music player automatic playlist bug (Ubuntu 7.10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190750 <dejv_ntb> Does bzr's architecture allow to recover from this error? <dejv_ntb> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/190725 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 190725 in bzr "Bzr can't init branch on ntfs-3g filesystem" [Undecided,New] <dejv_ntb> never mind * dejv_ntb has posted to wrong channel * secretlondon knows *nothing* about bzr * dejv_ntb hides <ubotu> New bug: #190751 in ubuntu "[hardy] Sometimes GNOME freezes since last updates..." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190751 <ubotu> New bug: #190752 in motion (universe) "package motion 3.2.9-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script killed by signal (Interrupt)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190752 <ubotu> New bug: #190754 in ubuntu "Bad multitasking / responsiveness in Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190754 <ubotu> New bug: #190756 in totem (main) "Totem crashes when scrolling with mouse wheel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190756 <ubotu> New bug: #190759 in ubuntu "audio card is not recogniced" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190759 <ubotu> New bug: #190760 in man-db (main) "[Hardy] lexgrog doesn't grog space in program name " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190760 <ubotu> New bug: #190761 in ubuntu "Screen defaults to 1280x1024" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190761 <ubotu> New bug: #189584 in avidemux "Typo" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189584 <ubotu> New bug: #189586 in ddtp-ubuntu "Typo (dup-of: 189584)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189586 <ubotu> New bug: #189587 in ddtp-ubuntu "Typo (dup-of: 189584)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189587 <ubotu> New bug: #190764 in claws-mail (universe) "[needs-merge] claws-mail_3.3.0-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190764 <ubotu> New bug: #190765 in nted (universe) "Please sync nted and nted-doc 0.18.2-1 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190765 <ubotu> New bug: #190766 in gnome-panel (main) "i can't switc between my two desktops" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190766 <ubotu> New bug: #190767 in googleearth-package (multiverse) "Please sync googleearth-package 0.5.2 (multiverse) from Debian unstable (contrib)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190767 <ubotu> New bug: #190718 in ubuntu "app crash in few at start system" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190718 <ubotu> New bug: #190768 in ubuntu "openoffice.org restores old backup file after crashing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190768 <ubotu> New bug: #190769 in jockey (main) "jockey-gtk crashed with AssertionError in __init__() (dup-of: 187148)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190769 <ubotu> New bug: #190772 in imp4 (universe) "Please sync imp4 4.1.6-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190772 <ubotu> New bug: #190774 in linux (main) "pata_sil680 regression 2.6.22->2.6.24" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190774 <ubotu> New bug: #190775 in kubuntu-default-settings (main) "ERROR OF BOOK MARKS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190775 <ubotu> New bug: #190776 in dopewars (universe) "Please sync dopewars 1.5.12-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190776 <ubotu> New bug: #190777 in evince (main) "evince doesn't scale bitmaps cleanly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190777 <dax_roc> Evening all <dax_roc> Is there a bug with threading on smp > 2 ? <dax_roc> It seems to switch cores more than it should afaik <secretlondon> dunno. have you tried searching? <ubotu> New bug: #190778 in xournal (universe) "[hardy] xournal does not give smooth lines" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190778 <ubotu> New bug: #190779 in dpkg-www (universe) "Please sync dpkg-www 2.54 (universe) from Debian unstable (main" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190779 <ubotu> New bug: #190780 in gnome-terminal (main) "non riesco più ad aprire aggiungi/rimuovi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190780 <ubotu> New bug: #190782 in update-manager "[Patch] RGBA support in update-manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190782 <ubotu> New bug: #190783 in vim (main) "Subpixel AA rendering bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190783 <ubotu> New bug: #190784 in yelp (main) "Every time I turn the touchpad on my laptop off, then on again the "Ubuntu Help Center" pop up after slowing my system. Windows Vista popups were a pain, but at least I could turn off most of them - this is getting silly. Ubuntu isn't supposed to be like this." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190784 <ubotu> New bug: #190785 in pastescript (universe) "Please sync pastescript (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190785 <ubotu> New bug: #190788 in ubuntu "ubuntu doesn't respond to mouse in most opened applications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190788 <ubotu> New bug: #190791 in cinepaint "Please re-add cinepaint to Ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190791 <markvandenborre> persia: ping <markvandenborre> hi all, I just added some information to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gst-plugins-bad0.10/+bug/111555 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 111555 in timidity "package gstreamer sw midi playback plugin" [Low,Confirmed] <markvandenborre> that might make solving this bug a lot easier <ubotu> New bug: #190794 in sun-java6 (multiverse) "package sun-java6-jre 6-04-1 failed to install/upgrade: Abh?ngigkeitsprobleme - lasse es unkonfiguriert" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190794 <ubotu> New bug: #190798 in mako (universe) "Please sync mako 0.1.10-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190798 <cbx33> hey all <cbx33> any eta on a release for a fix for the big kernel bug? <pochu> cbx33: which bug? <cbx33> the local root exploit <cbx33> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/190587 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 190587 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Local root exploit in kernel 2.6.17 - 2.6.24 (vmsplice)" [Critical,Confirmed] <greg-g> cbx33: best to ask the kernel developers <ubotu> New bug: #190799 in gnome-session (main) ""additional startup programs" crash xserver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190799 <pochu> #ubuntu-kernel <ubotu> New bug: #190800 in kqemu (universe) "Please sync kqemu 1.3.0~pre11-8 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190800 <ubotu> New bug: #190805 in python-qt3 (main) "[Hardy] Monitor and Display systems settings is broken (displayconfig)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190805 <ubotu> New bug: #190807 in boa (universe) "boa returns HTTP 204 for a zero length file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190807 <ubotu> New bug: #190808 in gnome-desktop (main) "Double icon of media" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190808 <ubotu> New bug: #190809 in ubuntu "Two copies of cds on desktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190809 <ubotu> New bug: #190811 in gnome-app-install (main) ""get ubuntu addons" ended gnome-app-install (dup-of: 189490)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190811 <ubotu> New bug: #190812 in xsupplicant (universe) "Please merge xsupplicant 1.2.4.dfsg.1-5 (universe) from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190812 <ubotu> New bug: #190813 in ontv (universe) "3.0.0 released" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190813 <ubotu> New bug: #190814 in asmail (universe) "Please sync asmail 2.1-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190814 <ubotu> New bug: #190815 in ubuntu "cannot add existing /home directory user after fresh install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190815 <ubotu> New bug: #190816 in asmixer (universe) "Please sync asmixer 0.5-13 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190816 #ubuntu-bugs 2009-02-02 <jgoguen> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/324141, would the package be compiz rather than metacity since the bug is for window borders in screenshots with compiz enabled? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 324141 in metacity "gnome-screenshot does not take the window borders when compiz is enabled" [Undecided,New] <jgoguen> and for https://launchpad.net/bugs/318437 is it OK to mark Invalid since it works for the reporter, and a new question is dealt with in another open bug? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 318437 in network-manager "gnome network manager - setting static ip" [Undecided,New] <savvas> does anyone have the svg of the global bug jam logo? <savvas> guess not ;p <stooj> I'm trying to install jaunty (alpha 2 I think) and not getting very far. Can anyone tell me how to debug the installer to figure out what's going wrong (and submit a bug report)? <atari2600a> hey <atari2600a> every couple times I unlock my computer while it's in the skyrocket screensaver, x crashes <atari2600a> (beyond ctrl-alt-bkspc) <atari2600a> I was always all "eh, they'll fix it eventually", but it's been like 2 or 3 years <atari2600a> this is w/ the intel video driver <Hobbsee> atari2600a: they won't get fixed... <Hobbsee> or at least, highly unlikely <atari2600a> why not <Hobbsee> because it's a port of a windows one, and it doesn't seem like the windows version is very active either. <atari2600a> skyrocket is a port of a windows screensaver? <atari2600a> or xscreensaver is a port? * Hobbsee poinst at http://www.reallyslick.com/ <Hobbsee> no, skyrocket is a part of rss-glx, which is the port of ^ <Hobbsee> (xscreensaver is the screensaver module for X, and is not a port) <Ryan52> hrm. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/323933 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 323933 in ltsp "User on client cannot access scanner connected to server" [Undecided,New] <Ryan52> where does that bug belong? <Ryan52> defidently not on ltsp.. <dwg> Anyone familiar with bug 315922 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 315922 in linux "2.6.27-11 makes brightness not work [2.6.28-4.10 also affected]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/315922 <AnAnt> Hello, I think LP 308539 is related to debian bug 285653 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 308539 in defoma "/usr/bin/defoma-hints broken due to deleted dependency" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/308539 <ubottu> Debian bug 285653 in defoma "defoma does not depend on libft-perl though defoma-hints needs it" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/285653 <AnAnt> what should I do ? <ia> hello. could anyone tells some ideas about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/323852 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 323852 in gnome-power-manager "hibernate/suspend doesn't work without root privileges" [Undecided,New] <BUGabundo1> ia: are you loging via GDM? <BUGabundo1> or using startx? <ia> BUGabundo1: gdm <bddebian> Boo <BUGabundo1> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... oh its just you, bddebian <bddebian> :) #ubuntu-bugs 2009-02-03 <Laibsch> Hi, how can I see bugs that are fixed in the latest release, but are marked nominated for hardy, for example? <Hobbsee> with difficulty <Laibsch> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/ <Laibsch> Just found that <Laibsch> Clicking on the Name of the release on the nominated line <Hobbsee> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu with the series down the side will work, but will give you no guarentee of what's fixed in a later release. <Laibsch> Thanks, Hobbsee <Hobbsee> advanced search doesn't seem to cater for that <Hobbsee> y/w <Laibsch> Hobbsee: "series down the side" <Laibsch> ? <Hobbsee> right hand side panel, towards the bottom <Hobbsee> (i think you'd already found that, because it takes you to the link you'd found) <Laibsch> Hi <Laibsch> I wonder if somebody has an idea how to replace my "universal one-liner" for compiling foreign packages and upload them to a particular series in my PPA (question 51583 which has been broken by bug 315643) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 315643 in soyuz "PPA upload fails silently if .changes filename is misformed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/315643 <mangilimic> Hi! I've come across to bug #324757 . The user is complaining about a package missing in mirror http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com . I've checked, for example, another italian mirror and it has the missing package! Which is the best way to handle such a kind of problem? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 324757 in qemu "Ubuntu 8.10 missing dependency package for qemu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/324757 <mangilimic> Thanks in advance <hyperair> mangilimic: you report to the affected mirror admin? <hyperair> mangilimic: you should probably set the bug report status to invalid, and report to the mirror admin <mangilimic> hyperair: I thought that it was the better decision, but I don't know how to contact the admin of that mirror. <hyperair> hmm <mangilimic> hyperair <hyperair> contact the person who registerd the mirror <mangilimic> is there a list of admins? <hyperair> wait <hyperair> nl is what, netherlands? <mangilimic> hyperair: I think so! <hyperair> mangilimic: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/bit.nl.archive.ubuntu.com <mangilimic> hyperair: i've found also an email address: mirror@bit.nl . Thank you! <hyperair> mangilimic: np <hyperair> mangilimic: contacting the loco team should be fine as well. in singapore, we archive admins are members of the loco team, and i'd imagine it be the same elsewhere <mangilimic> hyperair: I'll contact the admin of the mirror first, in case I don't get a reply I'll contact the members of the loco team! Thanks for your suggestions! <hyperair> mangilimic: =) no problem <stooj> Thanks for your help today tjaalton <EagleScreen> suspend to RAM is broken for me in 2.6.27-11, but works well in 2.6.27-9 <bddebian> Boo <BUGabundo> I'm looking for Luke Yelavich aka themuso ! <pedro_> BUGabundo: /whois is your friend <BUGabundo> can I get you guys opinion on this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/322374/comments/33 ? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 322374 in pulseaudio "[jaunty regression] Pulse Audio finds no card for output" [High,Fix released] <jpds> pedro_: How's Berlin? * hacktick is in Berlin :) <pedro_> jpds: good good, cold as the north pole :-P <pedro_> well not that much, but i was having an awesome summer in my place <pedro_> 35ºC or so and here is totally the opposite <jpds> pedro_: Ouch.. <calc> bdmurray: did the graphs die? <calc> bdmurray: erm the complete-graphs graphs <allquixotic> Am I the only one having trouble with the Jaunty default "Networks" widget, in Kubuntu, to connect to wireless? It's doing the famous "no-op" -- tell it to connect and it pretends you haven't clicked it <qense> allquixotic: I remember maco saying the same at Identi.ca <maco> qense: what i say? <maco> qense: which of my "bah this isnt working!" dents are we referring to? <qense> am looking it up right now <qense> Identi.ca: maco: @j1mc: cant connect to my WPA network in GNOME, but can in KDE. Other than that, GNOME's fine. <qense> wait <qense> that's GNOME, not KDE <qense> different bug <maco> other direction for allquixotic? <qense> Don't both widgets use the same backend? The bugs could be related. <maco> yes they do <maco> though im wondering if he's new to kde and didnt know hwo to set up using wpa. it doesnt pop up and ask for the key, just fails silently. <qense> ok <maco> took me a bit of playing to figure that out <qense> is that being worked on? It's a bit weird to do nothing. <maco> youre supposed to enter it when you configure the connection <maco> if you dont notice the "next" button (where wep/wpa get configured) and just hit "connect & save" it wont prompt you. <qense> But you don't get a warning when things go wrong? Not even a small notification? <maco> um i dont remember <maco> might say it failed to connect <maco> but i dont remember if it tells you WHY <maco> nm-applet in gnome keeps prompting for the key, which is correctly entered, and then continuously fails. <maco> since i dont know how to use wpa supplicant on the command line, i'm sticking to kde til it works <qense> ok <qense> I hope it will be sorted out soon, it's not good to have bugs in such crucial parts of the desktop. <qense> If only allquixotic would reply :) <maco> allquixotic: yo, ping! <allquixotic> sorry <qense> no point :) <allquixotic> I will save this conversation for later, I need to be somewhere... I will ping you guys later and pick up where I left off, sorry <qense> I get permanent smile on my face if I'll continue with using smilies so often. <qense> that's ok <qense> I've got to go now, I think someone else can help you. Bye! #ubuntu-bugs 2009-02-04 <Emulashun> "sr0: CDROM not ready. Make sure there is a disc in the drive." -- anyone know why this happens in Ubuntu 8.10 (2.6.27) and if there is a workaround? this happens if the device is physical OR loop mounted <ramirand> Hi - I was encountering a problem with tightvncserver in Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit, so I grabbed the source and fixed it. Is it appropriate to patch that in Ubuntu? Or should I feed the patch to someone at the debian level? <greg-g> ramirand: is the issue with packaging or the actual program? <greg-g> if it is the actual program, sending the patch to those developers would be best, that way everyone gets the fix <savvas> heh <maco> sorry for the psycho-joins. the irssi instances from holding down my shortcut keys (held down because they didnt spawn immediately) spawned faster than i could manually kill them. <Hobbsee> maco: oh good. so you're not being murdered, and using them as your call for help. <maco> yay for ps, grep, and kill -9? <Hobbsee> yup <maco> oh, and pipes. pipes were highly useful. * jpds favours the 'killall' but ... <maco> jpds: i wasnt <maco> i wasnt sure if killall or pkill would work without the full command <maco> because i didnt want to kill all of my terminals, just the terminals that had irssi inside them, and im not sure exactly what sort of regex matching killall and pkill do <jpds> Ah, ok. <jpds> killall irssi? <maco> well the process is terminator, i think <maco> because i ran it with "terminator -m -e irssi" <maco> so i dont know if id need to "killall terminator" or "killall irssi" (or pkill of each of those) or if itd have to be the full command...so i ps'd, grep'd, and awk'd out a list of PIDs then piped it to "xargs kill -9" <askand> Hello, rececntly brasero was but in backports, it should be removed from there due to a halfserious bug that changes the language of nautilus and it is not possible to change it back <maco> you're sure brasero did that? <maco> and do you mean hardy or intrepid backports? <askand> maco: intrepid, yes I am sure. I installed 0.91 from getdeb a while ago and my language was changed, I had no idea on why. I was told to reinstall brasero from repos and my language was back. Today I installed 0.91 from backports and again my language is gone <askand> sorry that is 0.9.1 <maco> oh. ouch. <askand> yea.. <askand> It is a bug only affecting those using another language than english so that would explain not many people have noticed until now I guess :) <maco> lemme see who backported that... <askand> maco: Sure, according to getdeb libbrasero-media package is guilty <maco> askand: thank you. i'll tell one of the backports maintainers <askand> maco: glad to help <maco> askand: is it changing the language throughout gnome, or *just* in nautilus, by the way? <maco> either way its a problem, just wondering the extent <askand> maco: it is just nautilus and not all of nautilus <askand> maco: for example things in the contextmenu when rightclicking files has changed <askand> maco: and a lot of dialogs, for example "Are you sure you want to permanently delete xxx" <askand> maco: And it wont show until nautilus is restarted <maco> ok <maco> i just told an archive admin. he said to file a bug to document why he's removing it, so i did that. <askand> maco: great, is it possible to downgrade versions with an update? <maco> yes <maco> if you download the old version you can use dpkg to install it like this: sudo dpkg -i --force-downgrade brasero-oldversion.deb <maco> obviously, insert the right filename <askand> maco: ah thanks <Hobbsee> or just apt-get install foo=1.3.4-0ubuntu1 or whatever <Hobbsee> if you still have it in your apt cache <maco> Hobbsee: good to know! <Hobbsee> indeed :) <maco> i just read through the list of dpkg --force-things in the manpage so many times its the way i automatically think of <Hobbsee> you usually don't want to use force ;) <maco> heh its how i downgraded away from the screwed up synaptics driver that was in jaunty last week <maco> then did an aptitude hold to avoid it coming back <Hobbsee> better to do a dpkg hold, as it works across apt too <Hobbsee> echo packagename hold | sudo dpkg --set-selections <maco> meh i use aptitude for everything anyway. dont you need dselect for --set-selections to make any sense thoug? <Hobbsee> not sure <Hobbsee> i don't use dselect <askand> maco: Am I further needed here about the braserobug, otherwise I leave and wish you a good day :) <maco> nope <maco> thats enough info <ziroday> Hi, I'm seeing a bug with my touchpad mouse buttons. Basically where the left click sporiadically acts like a middle click. Which packages should I report that against? <maco> ziroday: jaunty? its reported <maco> ziroday: the xserver-xorg-input-synaptics v 0.99.3 caused it, but the -2ubuntu2 release should cler it up <ziroday> maco: ooh looks like I've been looking at the wrong bug <ziroday> maco: where was it reported? <maco> bug 320639 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 320639 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Touchpad movement problems in 0.99.3" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/320639 <ziroday> maco: ah, well I had the touchpad acting strange too but I thought that was just me imagining things. That bug report doesn't mention left click acting like middle click randomly though. Should I comment there or file a new report for that? <maco> i think it does... <ziroday> maco: ah I see it, my bad skim reading :( <ziroday> maco: how can I see what model of touchpad I have? <maco> er....lshal maybe? <ziroday> maco: found it, you are a genius <ziroday> maco: thank you so much! <maco> np <Laibsch> I wonder if somebody has an idea how to replace my "universal one-liner" for compiling foreign packages and upload them to a particular series in my PPA (question 51583 which has been broken by bug 315643) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 315643 in soyuz "PPA upload fails silently if .changes filename is misformed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/315643 <Laibsch> I want to compile for example debian packages in my PPA without making any changes (including changelog) * Hobbsee notes that makes as little sense to her today as it did yesterday. <Hobbsee> perhaps saying what the universal one liner actually expanded to might help <Hobbsee> autoppa might be what you're after <Laibsch> Autoppa looks interesting, but it's not what I am looking for <Laibsch> Hobbsee: https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/51583 <Laibsch> Can you take a look <Laibsch> ? <Laibsch> dpkg-genchanges -S -sa > ../tmp.changes && debsign -k$GPGkeyid ../tmp.changes && dput $target ../tmp.changes <Laibsch> that is my one-liner <Laibsch> It does not have anything package-specific in it, so I can call it up in any unpacked source directory from bash-history without changing anything in it * Hobbsee sighs at that bug. <Laibsch> Recently, Launchpad started to refuse tmp.changes -> bug 315643 (which will likely not be fixed in a way that helps me) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 315643 in soyuz "PPA upload fails silently if .changes filename is misformed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/315643 <Laibsch> Hobbsee: the bug or the question? * Hobbsee doesn't agree that dput should be used to show what is or isn't legal syntax, for any given upload destination. each program does one task, and does it well, right? <maxb> Well... dput already has the "is the .changes signed" check <Hobbsee> exactly <Laibsch> Maybe you can leave a comment to that effect in the bug? <savvas> Laibsch: if you don't introduce any changes in the ubuntu package, you don't need to alter the changelog, keep the debian version, isn't that right? <maxb> Laibsch: Write a small script that computes an appropriate filename using dpkg-parsechangelog. Sorry, no more oneliner, but it was a pretty complex one anyway <maxb> savvas: Yeah, but you still need to create a .changes <maco> Laibsch: i think she's saying she doesnt see any reason why dput should be forced to check such a silly thing <Laibsch> sava <Laibsch> savvas: you can determine with the changelog of which release pocket the upload goes into <Hobbsee> and you'd think that dpkg-source would be forced to output such a file. * Hobbsee checks debian policy <maxb> Hm. <https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Using%20packages%20from%20other%20distributions> is mysteriously silent on where you're supposed to get the .changes from <maco> debuild -S? <Hobbsee> yes <Hobbsee> (it's autogenerated) <maxb> For which you need to unpack the source, no? And if you've done that, why not edit the changelog anyway? <Laibsch> I usually unpack the source <Laibsch> editing the changelog is one more unneccessary step <Laibsch> And I prefer for completely unchanged uploads to not touch it <Hobbsee> hrm. can't find a mandate for how the .changes file should be named in debian policy <maxb> fair enough, but dch makes it so very easy <Laibsch> debuild -S runs into trouble at times. For example I had "debuild -S -sa" fail on me for some Java package which actually needed some package from build-depends just for that task which was not installed on my box <Hobbsee> well, yes, you'll need to have all the build dependancies to build a package... <Hobbsee> it's not wrapped around like pbuilder <Laibsch> Up until that point I thought the build-depends were only really necessary when actually compiling and creating the package <Laibsch> Hobbsee: yes, a lesson I learned <Hobbsee> oh, i see what you mean <Hobbsee> the source build dependancies. <Hobbsee> yes, they're not anywhere, which can be a slight pain <maxb> Only needed for the clean stage, right? <savvas> has anyone seen a bug report/wishlist for a hand mouse pointer for pdfs in evince? <Hobbsee> maxb: hrm? <maxb> Theoretically it should be possible to build a source package without invoking any debian/rules stuff if you know it's pristine, right? <Hobbsee> er, yes. although pristineness probably doesn't matter? <Hobbsee> Laibsch: so, you're trying to build a whole bunch of packages, for which you already have the old source.changes files, or need to generate them? <Laibsch> I need to generate them <Laibsch> My workflow is usually like this <Laibsch> dget -ux $dsc <Laibsch> cd $packagename <Laibsch> plus my one-liner above <Hobbsee> oh <Hobbsee> dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa -rfakeroot -k<key ID> && cd .. && dput *.changes? <Hobbsee> personally, though <Hobbsee> i'd grab the dsc's i needed (probably by another script) <Laibsch> You mean, you'd grab the *.changes you needed? <Hobbsee> wait. <Laibsch> will dpkg-buildpackage succeed even if you don't have build-dependencies installed? * Laibsch has some doubts <Hobbsee> no <Laibsch> See, my one-liner was quite universal in that respect <Hobbsee> no, hang on. <Laibsch> I think I even used dpkg-buildpackage before that, and debuild -S -sa and even before that, but I was annoyed by the long time that took <Hobbsee> for i in `basename .dsc *.dsc`; do dpkg-genchanges $i.dsc > $i_source.changes && debsign -k <foo> $i_source.changes && dput $i_source.changes; done ? <Laibsch> bug 276391 could serve as a test case. I'd want to be able to prepare and upload that package without having to install java-gcj-compat-dev. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 276391 in saxonb "FTBFS: "You must specify a valid JAVA_HOME or JAVACMD!"" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/276391 <Hobbsee> or something along those lines? <Laibsch> Hobbsee: Yes, that could probably do <Laibsch> And I might use <Hobbsee> that gets you out of building it. <Laibsch> I just liked the simpleness before. <Hobbsee> which avoids the source build dep problem. <Laibsch> Thanks for helping out <Hobbsee> actually, it's pretty close to what you had ;) <Laibsch> I'll experiment along your suggestion <Laibsch> I needed no real variables <maxb> Hobbsee: dpkg-genchanges wants a source-tree, not a .dsc <Laibsch> $target was usually hardy for me <Hobbsee> maxb: oh, does it? bugger. <Hobbsee> erm. not bugger. <Laibsch> $key was of course my key <Laibsch> no problem, dget -ux $dsc unpacks the stuff <Laibsch> I have the source unpacked <Hobbsee> that's a point <Hobbsee> so you could do some sed'ery to figure out what the directory below is, in name <Hobbsee> that's a bit of a pain <Laibsch> yes <Laibsch> Indeed * Hobbsee wonders if pbuilder's a bit of a solution <Laibsch> not always <Laibsch> think openoffice.org which would kill my machine <Hobbsee> doesn't look like you can get pbuilder to build source only. <Laibsch> And btw, I think your solution doesn't really work: http://rafb.net/p/l6CgDD78.html is my /usr/src <Laibsch> tons of dsc files in there <Laibsch> I cannot even guarantee there will be only on dsc for every package name <Hobbsee> oh, right <Hobbsee> i was assuming you were only doing a whole bunch once, and moving / deleting them after uploading <Laibsch> so, I'm still screwed :-/ <maxb> Also, it turns out the dpkg-genchanges actually requires a *built* source tree <Laibsch> no, I keep most of them around. Some of them I maintain officially and want to be able to do updates later <maxb> Because it wants to read debian/files <Laibsch> Or I do prepare a number of SRU debdiffs for the same package in parallel <Laibsch> Is there any good reason these LP people require this particular file name? <Laibsch> Maybe we can get them to revert their decision? <Laibsch> This seriously gets in my way <Hobbsee> i've got no idea <Hobbsee> i can't seem to find it in debian policy that changes files *must* be labelled in a particular way <Hobbsee> it seems to specify the contents of the files, but not the filenames themselves <Hobbsee> if you can find the answer to that, one way or the other, then you'll have a good answer on whether htey will have to revert it (to follow policy), or whether they'll keep it <Laibsch> My hunch is that there is no such policy in debian <Laibsch> But maybe they did that to prevent my tmp.changes for package X overwriting that from user Y for package Z in the upload area. Not sure. <Hobbsee> well, if there's no such policy, then you could probably argue that it should be reverted. <maxb> Laibsch: http://rafb.net/p/EMBTvT39.html <-- script that does the job <Hobbsee> i thought it all went directly into librarian, and everything gets a different sequence # <maxb> It does - there's an existing soyuz bug open complaining that you have to do the entire upload in a single FTP connection <maxb> (Which doesn't seem all that onerous to me, personally) <Laibsch> maxb: Thanks a lot. <Laibsch> Quite some black magic involved there <Laibsch> what's dsc=${dsc##*/} ? <maxb> hehe <Laibsch> Does that work in the course of multiple unpacked source directories? <maxb> Well, it could use some refinement - at the moment it will trample over existing unpacked source <maxb> And it ought to clean up the temporary source unpacks too <maxb> ${dsc##*/} is the value of $dsc with the longest prefix matching the pattern */ removed <Laibsch> Hm, I have to admit this is too heavy for me at this time of day. <andresmujica> yaww.. morning <mvo> bdmurray: I wonder if we could have a bughelper recipt for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xine-lib/+bug/323073 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 323073 in xine-lib "package libgtk2.0-dev 2.14.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: paketet libgtk2.0-dev är inte redo för att konfigureras" [High,New] <hggdh> pedro_, ping <pedro_> hggdh: hey <hggdh> pedro_, good morning. Could you please renew my membership on bug-control? <pedro_> hggdh: yes sr, give me a min please <pedro_> hggdh: its going to expire in June -> 2009-06-05 <hggdh> ?? <pedro_> hggdh: did you get any email saying that is about to expire? <hggdh> pedro_, yes, let me check it again <pedro_> hggdh: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/+members <hggdh> pedro_, sorry, it is on bugswaud <hggdh> bugsquad <pedro_> hggdh: aha, i think you can do that, it's an open team <pedro_> hggdh: could you try? otherwise i'll renew it <hggdh> pedro_, sorry, I did not expect a renewall on bugsquad. I am getting there now <hggdh> pedro_, done. I am really sorry <pedro_> hggdh: no problem ;-) <calc> yipee OOo is back over 90% watched bugs :) <davideotape1> Hi guys <rainmanp7> Yo :) hello Good afternoon <hyperair> good morning <hyperair> it's 1am here heh <kyselejsyrecek> and 6p.m. here, :D hi <rainmanp7> Ok question :) <rainmanp7> I have 2 wireless adapters i need to get working there 2 different models how can I go about getting them supported into ubuntu ? <nuubuntu> anyone got any adive on a fix for the wifi issue w/ acer 5515 and ubuntu 8.10 #ubuntu-bugs 2009-02-05 <MaxDread> Greetings all... to fix some corrupted system files I just had to do a soft-install of Ubuntu 8.10 on this laptop (previously 8.04(?)). Everything was looking pretty good except when I clicked on Evolution Mail it mentioned something about migrating to SQLite, paused for a few seconds and then the window disappeared and the process bombed. <MaxDread> I'm in the process of doing all the updates, was wondering if anyone here was familiar with whether or not that would take care of the problem. <MaxDread> anyway, thanks in advance for any insight on that bug. <Rocket2DMn> MaxDread, after your updates, if the problem persists you should file a bug report <Rocket2DMn> for a program crash, you will need to get a backtrace - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash <gourgi> everytime i report a bug , the report is private. should i leave it that way or changing it to public ? in which cases reports should remain private ? <charlie-tca> gourgi: the report is private until it is verified that there is no personal data in it. <gourgi> so i should leave it that way, right? <charlie-tca> If you verify there are no passwords, bank accounts, private info you don't want released in it, you can mark it public <gourgi> charlie-tca how can i verify that? <charlie-tca> You have to look in every file that is attached. <gourgi> charlie-tca just looking inside the attachments? <charlie-tca> yeah <gourgi> ok , i'll have it in mind <gourgi> thanks <charlie-tca> you are welcome <charlie-tca> I have special test systems, so I turn the reports public each time. <gourgi> i actually my jaunty install is also in a test enviroment <charlie-tca> I use test passwords and have no information on those systems, so I know it does not matter. <gourgi> same here, so it is ok for now , but i'll definitely look reports from my real working pc. <gourgi> not that there are many things to report there :) interpid is solid for me <charlie-tca> Yeah, I am cautious with the real system. <orsonj> I have had problems with ubuntu corrupting files on my Sansa c250. I can repeat a failure with simple steps every time. <orsonj> http://paste.ubuntu.com/113914/ <orsonj> ok, I got a bug post, let me know if there is anything else I should do <orsonj> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/325624 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 325624 in linux "file corruption on sansa c250" [Undecided,New] <Hew> what sourcepackage is responsible for handling a modified menu.lst during kernel upgrades, is it debconf? (bug 325631) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 325631 in linux "when choosing what to do with menu.lst while updating i did "show 3 way differ" and then "Cancel"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/325631 <Hobbsee> er, i think it's debconf <Hobbsee> Hew: I don't see how that's a bug? <Hobbsee> Hew: he hit cancel, it didn't change the config file. Works as intended, i thought? <Hobbsee> (of course, it's not wise to hit the cancel button, but...) <Hew> Hobbsee: That's what I was about to say, but I've hit the cancel button myself before, it's a bit deceptive. I was going to have a look for any related bugs first. <Hew> Hobbsee: It's wishlist, if it's anything at all. <Hobbsee> Hew: such as "don't let people cancel during dist-upgrades"? Yeah, possibly <Hew> Hobbsee: Well just for a new kernel. Cancelling leaves menu.lst as is, without the new kernel options. If that's what the user wants to do, they should select the "Do Nothing" option imo. Cancel and Forward (from memory) are not clear when you're looking at the merge differences and want to go back. <thekorn> happy hug day everybody! * mangilimic huggs thekorn <mangilimic> oops * mangilimic hugs thekorn * mangilimic hugs everyone in the chatroom * thekorn hugs mangilimic, <thekorn> awesome work sofar ::) <mangilimic> no, not at all! I hope I haven't made too many mistakes, so far!!! <hacktick> hey ara :) <ara> hey hacktick <pedro_> mangilimic: you rock! * pedro_ hugs mangilimic * mangilimic hugs pedro_ <pedro_> MrKanister: hey how's going? <MrKanister> hi pedro_. well I am about to use the hugday-tools, but I can't find the cockie :P <MrKanister> *cookie <hggdh> ah, thanks, I was a bit surprised <pedro_> MrKanister: is at the ~/.mozilla/firefox/profile.default/ directory <pedro_> MrKanister: file name is cookies.sqlite <MrKanister> pedro_: I found that file, but how do I open it? Do I have to use sqlite ? <pedro_> MrKanister: no you don't have to open it, just pass the path to the hugday-tools <MrKanister> TypeError: Try to read cookiefile, cannot handle format of '/home/martin/.mozilla/firefox/gh09ina8.default/cookies.sqlite' <MrKanister> pedro_: I am always getting this error <MrKanister> pedro_: Doesn't work with the MOINMOIN-ID directly, either... <pedro_> ouch it works fine here <pedro_> thekorn: are you around? <hggdh> MrKanister, same here <pedro_> hggdh: using intrepid as well? <hggdh> pedro_, on jaunty <pedro_> i'm running jaunty and just checked out the hugday-tools branch from bzr <pedro_> and i don't have any problem <hggdh> ah, I installed from PPA. Perhaps an update in bzr? <MrKanister> pedro_: Maybe the branch has some fixes in it <pedro_> maybe, could you give it a try? <thekorn> pedro_: yes <MrKanister> Works with the bzr branch version <MrKanister> but using "--wiki-id" still doesn't work <pedro_> thekorn: MrKanister and hggdh are having some issues with hugday-tools <pedro_> may you have a look ? ;-) <thekorn> ok, reading the log <pedro_> thanks you ! <thekorn> MrKanister: do you get any error message when you run hugday init --user NAME --cookie PATH ? <MrKanister> thekorn: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/102877/ <MrKanister> thekorn: The problem with the cookie.sqplite file only appears with the ppa-version <thekorn> MrKanister: hmm, let me check <thekorn> MrKanister: ok, which version of python are you using <hggdh> thekorn, here it is 2.5.4 <MrKanister> thekorn: 2.5.2-1ubuntu1 <MrKanister> thekorn: I was wondering why huday-tools wants to have python2.4 installed <thekorn> MrKanister: because I'm bad at packaging stuff :( <thekorn> ok I did the packaging wrong, <MrKanister> thekorn: hm, that may have caused the problem <thekorn> with python < 2.4 you need python-pysqlite2 <thekorn> pythoon >= 2.5 has sqlite on board <thekorn> and should work <MrKanister> thekorn: I will try that <MrKanister> thekorn: Thank you <MrKanister> thekorn: hm...doesn't work though <thekorn> MrKanister: same error? <MrKanister> thekorn: yes <thekorn> MrKanister: to be sure, 'only' the PPA version is broken, when you use it directly from the branch it works? <MrKanister> thekorn: Yes, "--cookie" works with the branch-version, but "--wiki-id" works with no version <thekorn> tzz, that's bad <MrKanister> with "--wiki-id" I get "hugday: error: The following options are not allowed for this tool: wiki_id" <thekorn> MrKanister: argh, this is another bug, <thekorn> looks likke a typo somewhere in the code * thekorn does too much typos <MrKanister> thekorn: It's in line 77 <MrKanister> thekorn: sorry, I was wrong <thekorn> yes, the typo is in ln 86 <thekorn> it should be wiki_id there <MrKanister> thekorn: You are right, I mixed it up <MrKanister> thekorn: But apart from that the tool is great. thank you very much for it :) <thekorn> glad you like it <thekorn> I hope it helps <hggdh> question: bug 111494 why is it I cannot change the Importance? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 111494 in update-manager "Display a log of updates performed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111494 <MrKanister> hggdh: Maybe because it is the project, not the package? (just gessing) <hggdh> yeah, I think this may be it. But it seems I cannot change the importance on any of the update-manager bugs. How's an u-m hugday to go this way? <hggdh> pedro_, ^^ <hggdh> (please ;-) <MrKanister> hggdh: Hmm, I am able to :P <MrKanister> (but only with packages, not with projects) <pedro_> hggdh: probably because you don't have permissions over the "upstream" project <pedro_> that's bad filed anyways <MrKanister> I added the package for ubuntu <pedro_> just close the upstream task, that's no sense <MrKanister> pedro_: done <hggdh> I thought about that, but there are many this way... so we will go closing all upstream <pedro_> MrKanister: thanks <pedro_> hggdh: i'll ask mvo about that <pedro_> hggdh, MrKanister just talked to mvo, he wants the upstream tasks to be closed and open a new ubuntu task for them with same status if they are confirmed or triage <pedro_> hggdh, MrKanister if they are too old just close them <bddebian> Boo <hggdh> pedro_, roger. <MrKanister> pedro_: Thanks <pedro_> hggdh, MrKanister thanks you guys, you are truly rockstars ;-) <MrKanister> pedro_: :) <thekorn> I think I will upload a new (and fixed) version of hugday-tools to my PPA later <hggdh> bug-huggers: we have 84 huggable update-manager bugs wrongly set to the upstream update-manager. They do no appear in the hug-list, but should still be looked at. <hggdh> please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/update-manager/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=datecreated&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package= <mangilimic> hggdh: what should we do in order to cope with this problem? <MrKanister> hggdh, mangilimic: Why is it possible at all to open a bug against a project? <hggdh> mangilimic, reject invalid the upstream u-m, and open an Ubuntu u-m task; then go on the usual process (asking for more info, etc) <mangilimic> hggdh: sorry! I read previous messages in IRC and understood what we should do! I apologize for this inconvenience! <hggdh> mangilimic, no prob <hggdh> MrKanister, they exist in LP, so people can open bugs against the upstream (in fact, we do that when we set an upstream bug watch). But -- generically speaking -- all new bugs on Ubuntu should be set against the Ubuntu package <MrKanister> hggdh: hm...Is it possible to make the package in a distribution compulsory? <MrKanister> (when filing a bug...) <hggdh> I was thinking of this also... <hggdh> if you open an Ubuntu bug, you *must* open it against an Ubuntu package <hggdh> I guess this will have to be discussed with Pedro, Brian, and the LP team (if not already reported against LP/Malone) <MrKanister> Thanks for the information <MrKanister> btw: nearly all the update-manager bugs now have a package assigned to <mangilimic> MrKanister: that's all for today! :) <MrKanister> mangilimic: hopefully ;) <MrKanister> mangilimic: but we now have a lot of new bugs <MrKanister> mangilimic: wow...https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20090205 looks awesome * MrKanister huggs mangilimic <mangilimic> MrKanister: It is 9 pm here! I'm in front of a display since 10am! I just want to go to rest! In the meantime... * mangilimic hugs MrKanister <mangilimic> bye <MrKanister> he really did a great job... <hggdh> cool <hggdh> MrKanister, thanks. Being in the middle of a technical discussion the whole day, I have not been able to pay much attention to the bugs <MrKanister> hggdh: Never mind. You spotted the 90 bugs without an ubuntu package, that was also a big help :) <hggdh> heh * hggdh bows to MrKanister <MrKanister> lol ^^ <maxb> Hmm, I was just trying to requestsync bzr, and it looks like requestsync's "are you a member of ubuntu-core-dev" detection has broken. It wanted to subscribe ubuntu-archive instead of ubuntu-main-sponsors <MrKanister> I wonder what to do with 2 lonely gaim bugs, since it changed to pidgin (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gaim) <jpds> MrKanister: Invalid. <hggdh> MrKanister, move them to pidgin, ans ask if this is still an issue <greg-g> MrKanister: what hggdh said. <jpds> Hey greg-g! <greg-g> hello jpds <MrKanister> Thanks, you three <jpds> Long time ;-) <greg-g> :) <jpds> MrKanister: I think bug #97185 is definatly invalid, because it has been dropped since Dapper, although someone might want to SRU it. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 97185 in pidgin "D-Bus can't be used to start Gaim service" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97185 <MrKanister> jpds: thanks, them I am just closing it with a comment stating this <MrKanister> ok, it's already late. Bye bye <maxb> Could someone please try running python -c 'import ubuntutools.lp.functions as f; print f.isLPTeamMember("SOME-TEAM-YOU-ARE-NOT-A-MEMBER-OF")' and seeing if it unexpectedly claims you are a member of the team? <hggdh> maxb, got True trying to the desktop team (of which I am not a member) <maxb> yay :-( <hggdh> bug it... <maxb> riiiiight <hggdh> ;-) <maxb> So, if it messes up finding an actual valid launchpad cookie, and finds an old one you've logged out from, it just silently reports you are in any team <maxb> And it messes up if you have multiple firefox profiles, or a firefox profile that was formerly used by ff2, and happens to read them in an undesired order <hggdh> this may be the case -- I have 4 profiles right now <hggdh> and I have no idea of which one was selected... <maxb> LP 325923 filed <ubottu> Launchpad bug 325923 in ubuntu-dev-tools "No validation of discovered cookie - leading to requestsync erroneously assuming that I am in core-dev" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/325923 <enyc> Does anybody recognize: I have a working module option for '3c59x' in Ubuntu8.10 /etc/modprobe.d/options ... BUT -- it only works when i rmmod/modprobe the module manually -- the file appears to be ignored at boot-time <charlie-tca> I recognize it, and think a bug is filed <enyc> charlie-tca: ;-) do you have any idea where or with what keywords? i havent foind it yetn <charlie-tca> let me look <enyc> charlie-tca: *thankyou* <charlie-tca> Hmm, enyc , Can't find it. Could it have been in a message instead of a bug report? <enyc> charlie-tca: thankyou for looking.... i dont know ... how do i find/search appropciate mailinglists? <charlie-tca> with great difficulty, I would try through gmane: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.user <charlie-tca> That's the user-mailing list; they have others, too. It's easier than searching the archive <stpere> hi <stpere> anyone knows if evolution 2.24.4 will be included in 8.10? #ubuntu-bugs 2009-02-06 <hggdh> stpere, probably, yes. I do not consider 2.24.3 stable enough, so it will probably be a SRU <stpere> SRU? <greg-g> Stable Release Update <stpere> oh ok <stpere> thanks <stpere> because I'm having a very bad bug here <greg-g> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates <stpere> a sent email that get sent over and over again <stpere> everyday <stpere> it doesn't get out of outbox <stpere> it's marked as deleted in the outbox, so it's hidden <stpere> but is sent again anyway <stpere> very embarrassing <hggdh> indeed, and I have not heard of such before <savvas> the pythonistas bugs really need a check for incomplete/invalid/outdated bug reports: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~pythonistas/+packagebugs <Rocket2DMn> can somebody who knows something about backtraces have a look at bug 325903 and tell me if they think the root of the problem is in lib4vl <ubottu> Launchpad bug 325903 in telepathy-stream-engine "telepathy-stream-engine crashed with signal 5 in g_object_ref()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/325903 <Rocket2DMn> im terrible at reading down traces <sectech> why does it have a "Medium" and a "new" status? <Rocket2DMn> bug 322368 actually crashes at the same line in telepathy's nain <ubottu> Bug 322368 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/322368 is private <Rocket2DMn> main* <Rocket2DMn> sectech, i think apport does that when it gets a complete backtrace <sectech> Ahh ok... <sectech> explains a few that I have seen previously then <Rocket2DMn> yaeh its actually getting fairly common <sectech> I actually had a person report a bug against a "known problem" which he even quoted was in the release notes. <sectech> I guess he didn't read to NOT report bugs related to those. <Rocket2DMn> lol <sectech> I didn't want to spend too much time for that one so I kindly explained that it was a known issue, hence his quote of the release notes and set it to "Won't fix" so he couldn't fiddle with the status <sectech> I could have dup'd it by searching for the original issue, but the point would seem kind of moot <Rocket2DMn> heh, well, any ideas about those traces? <sectech> Hmm let me pull up the bug <Rocket2DMn> im thinking actually since there are 2 bugs crashing initially at the same line in the program, it is a program problem <Rocket2DMn> not a lib4vl issue <sectech> First I would look through the traces for sensitive information, and if there is none mark it public <sectech> I'm not the best at traces but I'll see if anything pops out at me <hggdh> Rocket2DMn, this seems to be an abort signal from glib <Rocket2DMn> good to know hggdh , how can you tell that glib is the source of the problem? <Rocket2DMn> i mean, glib is in practically every gnome crash report <hggdh> oh, I cannot. signal 5 is sigabrt, a request to abort the programme <hggdh> glib generated it <hggdh> probably as a result of the processing in first entry in the BT <sectech> hggdh, where did you see the sig 5? <hggdh> in the title and the description of the bug <sectech> heh, helps if I scrolled up <sectech> I was looking though the traces <hggdh> this is more probably an issue in the package itself (telepathy) <Rocket2DMn> ok hggdh , but the big question is: how do i know the true source of the problem <hggdh> heh <nschembr_> I think I found a bug in the livecd boot process. I need to talk to some before I submit a bug report. <Rocket2DMn> hggdh, both bugs i listed crashed at the same line in the program's main.c, a lot of the traces are similar, but they end differently at 0 <hggdh> Rocket2DMn, you would have to go to the source, and look it up in the glib docs on why it would generate an abort <hggdh> huh -- I had not noticed the second bug <Rocket2DMn> /headdesks <nschembr_> any one working on the livecd <hggdh> Rocket2DMn, yes, both of them ended in sigabrt. Also both BTs show that glib is processing an assertion, and that this assertion failed <hggdh> perhaps the users were running with --g-fatal-warnings ? <Rocket2DMn> i have no idea what that option is <hggdh> any failed assertion will cause the programme to terminate <Rocket2DMn> so you think the bug needs to be filed against glib? <Rocket2DMn> glib2.0 to be specific <hggdh> Rocket2DMn, I do not think so, not so far <hggdh> I do not know telepathy, so this can still be a telepathy issue <hggdh> although glib bugs do happen, they are quite rare <Rocket2DMn> that's what i would hav einitially thought <Rocket2DMn> look at the bottom of both stacktraces, they crash at the samea line in main <Rocket2DMn> stream-engine-main.c:335 <hggdh> yes -- this is probably where it is registering itself with glib <Rocket2DMn> so i guess i should file this against telepathy on freedesktop <hggdh> yes, sounds so <Rocket2DMn> man there are a fair number of bugs reported, how the heck am i supposed to find dups <Rocket2DMn> wish they had a dup-finder like gnome <Rocket2DMn> hmm none jump out at me <hggdh> yes, this would help -- the dup finder rocks <Rocket2DMn> ok, i have question about defining an upstream link on LP <Rocket2DMn> telepathy-stream-engine package has no upstream links defined, and i think "stream-engine" is what is needed <Rocket2DMn> I was going to add that as an upstream series, but i'm not 100% sure <hggdh> Rocket2DMn, sorry for the delay, in a work technical discussion <hggdh> Rocket2DMn, you copy copy & paste the link to the bug upstream <hggdh> s/copy copy/just copy/ <Rocket2DMn> hggdh, say again? <Rocket2DMn> i asked in #launchpad and they said to go ahead and make the connection <Rocket2DMn> hggdh, bug 322368 - i connected that ubuntu package with stream-engine (which is part of Telepathy) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 322368 in telepathy-stream-engine "telepathy-stream-engine crashed with signal 5 in g_return_if_fail_warning()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/322368 <Rocket2DMn> that package didnt have an upstream project associated with it yet <Rocket2DMn> anyway, thanks for the help, im signing off now. peace <saivann> bdmurray : In case you're here, my membership in the bugcontrol team is about to expire and I would like to ask you to renew my membership if possible. I've not been as active with bugs in 2008 compared to 2007 but I'm still contributing when I have time and I expect to continue in that way in the next years. <saivann> bdmurray : I'm going outside now but if you want, you can email me at anytime or ping me on IRC <shankhs> was navigating through LP to prepare for the Global Bug Jam I ran into this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/294991 the page says that its confirmed then triaged and I think its an upstream bug(right?) is there any more information I can get about this bug? <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 294991 in telepathy-sofiasip "SIP/Ekiga accounts don't store contacts" [Unknown,Confirmed] <shankhs> anybody there? <dholbach> shankhs: what do you want to know exactly? <dholbach> it's an upstream bug, yes <dholbach> one part of it seems to be fixed upstream already <dholbach> just click on the links in the "assigned to" column <shankhs> dholbach: there are 2 links. both of them are trying to fix the bugs? Or is it that the bug affects both of them? <dholbach> that's what I think <dholbach> but I did not investigate it muchly and am no expert <shankhs> dholbach: it also says that the bug is triaged and is confirmed that its an upstream bug then why ubuntu bothers to keep it in LP why not let gnome tackles it ? <dholbach> shankhs: we still track it in LP, it's not resolved yet <bdmurray> In case there is a fix upstream that we want to add as a patch to the ubuntu package. <pedro_> shankhs: btw empathy bug is already fixed on jaunty, but a task in Ubuntu for telepathy-sofiasip needs to be open to keep tracking of the upstream one <calc> a couple bugs that i noticed that make triaging a bit harder are bug 291968 and bug 291980 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 291968 in malone "status_upstream=hide_upstream seems to hide bugs with 'invalid' upstream status" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/291968 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 291980 in malone "bug incorrectly listed as pending_bugwatch" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/291980 <calc> bdmurray: do you know how to escalate issues like the above to the launchpad team? <calc> bdmurray: i didn't know if this meeting was the appropriate place to raise the above issues <kagou> Hi <kagou> where should I report bug for the gnome login sound (glitches)... pulseaudio ? <kagou> in 9.04 <bdmurray> mvo bug 274737 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 274737 in update-manager "Changelog url bug" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/274737 <mangilimic> kagou: I think that the best place for that kind of bugs is gnome-control-center , although I'm not an expert so... let's wait for some more suggestions! <kagou> may be seb128 have a better idea ? <seb128> no clue, open a pulseaudio bug on launchpad <kagou> thanx <kagou> cya <mangilimic> kagou: :) <mangilimic> kagou: I told you that it was better to wait for some more suggestions! <allquixotic> With the new updates, Kubuntu networkmanager works in Jaunty again :) <kagou> mangilimic, at leat my bug report is confirmed by someone else :) <thekorn> MrKanister, I updated the hugday-tools package in my PPA this morning, I should work now without pulling py2.4 <thekorn> this sqlite thing should also be fixed <MrKanister> thekorn: Thank you very much. The "hugday init" now works with "--cookie" (the ppa version), I will try the "--moinmoin-id" way later <thekorn> super, thanks fr testing <MrKanister> thekorn: Great. "--wiki-id" is working like a charm :) <thekorn> cool, if you have any ideas how this tool can be improved, I'm happy to hear about them <pedro_> thekorn: I've added an agenda item to the QATeam for next week asking for testing on the hugday-tools <pedro_> btw folks if you have something to discuss https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings <pedro_> something new and cool you want to talk about just add it <pedro_> gotta run now, see you later guys <mbwjr12> hey all <mbwjr12> on Ubuntu's website, under the BugSquad section, under Getting Involved, I think there is a bug in the link to bugs without a package. <mbwjr12> the entire top part of the list are bugs that need packaging, and i believe this is a different problem <mbwjr12> or, it might be a bug in the search for bugs without a package, as requests for packages inherently have no package <thekorn> mbwjr12, I think the problem here is that an important part is missing in the descriptive text of this section on the wiki page <thekorn> something like "there are also some workflow related bugreports, like needs packaging bugs" <thekorn> I'm bad in phrasing such texts <mbwjr12> thekorn: using the advanced search function to find bugs without packages also returns bugs with [needs-packaging] in them <thekorn> mbwjr12, right, because all this needs packaging bugs are not targeted to any package/project yet <thekorn> and this is what should be explained on this wiki page, that there are alot of easy to triage bugs where the reporter was unable name a package, <mbwjr12> thekorn: right, the search function is correct, they don't have a package. however, i think it would makes more sense not to list them because they will never have a package, they will be closed whenever they do get a package <mbwjr12> can i just assign them a package with the name of whatever they want packaged? <thekorn> but there are also this "needs packaging" workflow bugreports <thekorn> no, because this package does not exist in ubuntu, and so it does not exist in launchpad <thekorn> unfortunatly it is impossible to exclude this kind of bugs in the searchresults in launchpad <thekorn> because there is no "exclude" tags (or similar) option in the search (yet) <mbwjr12> ok <thekorn> rule of thumb is: don't touch such workflow bugs unless you know what you are doing <thekorn> and this has to be added to this "getting involved" page <mbwjr12> using the same page to show bugs, and according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage/ under the section "Needs Packaging Bugs", there are number of bugs which need to have the wishlist status assigned to them if they aren't already in ubuntu or debian <mbwjr12> for instance, this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/263554 needs to be confirmed and set to wishlist importance. <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 263554 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Kaltura - video editor server for online collaborative editing" [Undecided,New] <mbwjr12> i see that i have permissions to confirm it, so should i confirm it and then let someone else come along and decide the importance? what is the proper course of action to take? <charlie-tca> Normally, you mark it confirmed and then request here it be marked wishlist <mbwjr12> ok <mbwjr12> i have another question, brb <sectech> I marked that bug as wishlist * thekorn is wondering if the reporter of this bug is a (spam) bot or something <sectech> Although the license part needs to be corrected. "open source" is a little vague <mbwjr12> thekorn: lol, this is what my next question was going to be <thekorn> he filed about 600 bugs, almost all of them seem to be autogenerated needs packaging bugs <mbwjr12> why do people think that will somehow make ubuntu more likely to include the package? <thekorn> maybe this is the reason why is account has already been deaktivatid <charlie-tca> That would seem logical <mbwjr12> so what would be the thing to do with this bug? <sectech> Which bug? <mbwjr12> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/263554 <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 263554 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Kaltura - video editor server for online collaborative editing" [Wishlist,Confirmed] <sectech> As in here and bug-control will mark it as wishlist <sectech> If it looks complete, which it wasn't. It had the license as being "open source". I found the package source and verified it as GPL <sectech> and corrected it <thekorn> I think we should talk to the motu guys how they would like to handle this 600 bugs, maybe close them all as invalid by a script <thekorn> and ask to reopen it if somebody really wants to have this package in ubuntu <mbwjr12> i also just found the source and it looks to affero gpl v3 <maxb> There isn't any way to get apport to attach its stuff to an existing bug report is there? <charlie-tca> none that I know. Usually just have to use duplicate #ubuntu-bugs 2009-02-07 <swidowski> can anyone suggest a good tutorial for how to start looking into bugs any specific struction they use? <swidowski> *structure <IntuitiveNipple> It depends on the type of bug, what kind of code it is in, and so on. <IntuitiveNipple> debugging shell scripts is totally different to debugging C applications, or the kernel, or an interpreted language <joumetal> maybe wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs <swidowski> for example on that page it talks about ensuring that new bugs have all necessary information. How would I deal with a task like that. <swidowski> what info should a bug report include. If the bug report doesn't include it then what would i do <joumetal> it depends on package. for example xorg related bugs need /var/log/Xorg.conf and lspci -nn |grep VGA. <joumetal> wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20090205 has instructions for update-manager. <joumetal> if you have some specific bug in mind you can ask. <charlie-tca> Don't forget DebuggingProcedures. They normally tell which logs the developer wants for that issue. <swidowski> thanks <cwill747> I believe the bug 326431 should be set to 'wishlist' as it is a suggestion for a ubuntu feature and not a problem. thanks <ubottu> Launchpad bug 326431 in virtualbox-ose "virtualbox does not appear on default start menu -> virtualbox-ose.desktop should include "System" in list of Categories" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/326431 <saivann> asac : Any news about bug 324635? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 324635 in sunbird-locales "lightning-extension-locales needs update" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/324635 <saivann> bdmurray : ping <cwill747> window shrink <cwill747> oop, sorry <afflux> hacktick: arrr you converted the error 17 bug like 10 seconds faster than me ;) <hacktick> afflux: okay. that happened once to me too, and the other guys response was nicer than mine, so I was a bit ashamed :D <hacktick> afflux: I youst hope he doesnt answer, those types of questions are extremely complicated to solve :) <afflux> hacktick: indeed. Though I've never seen reporters like this one responding after converting their bugs to questions. <afflux> hacktick: I was lucky, LP prevented me from embarassing by telling me that the bug was already converted. <hacktick> okay, bye <andresmujica> bug #325688 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 325688 in ubuntu ""Move to workspace [DIR]" doesn't work with many rows / cols" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/325688 <andresmujica> just a test.. we're holding a pre GBJ session at ubuntu-co #ubuntu-bugs 2009-02-08 <Hew> anyone know what "NBS" refers to as a reason for deletion? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/amd64/libx264-59 <Hobbsee> not built from source <Hobbsee> ie, the source doesn't build that binary anymore <Hobbsee> Hew: ^ <Hew> Hobbsee: Thanks, makes sense :-) <Hobbsee> Hew: you're welcome :) <BUGabundo> good morning Hew, Hobbsee <Hobbsee> heya BUGabundo <Hew> Hi BUGabundo, it's 21:39 here so I'm not sure about it being a good morning anymore :-) <Hobbsee> Hew: i didn't realise you were australian... <Hew> Hobbsee: Well, I am! <BUGabundo> hehe Hew... well Good _WHAT ever_ timezone you guys/galls are <Hew> hehe <BUGabundo> Sun Feb 8 10:43:40 UTC 2009 <askand> when will I get the update for bug 325221 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 325221 in intrepid-backports "Brasero 0.9.1 breaking non-English systems" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/325221 <Hew> askand: If you're referring to brasero 0.9.1-0ubuntu3~intrepid1, it's currently pending in the archive like a lot of other packages. Just give it some more time. <askand> Hew: Thanks <askand> Hew: Can I see somewhere what packages are pending? <BUGabundo> the brighteness applet should be filed on gpm or gnome applets? <BUGabundo> ogasawara: if you have a couple of minutes, I would like some help debuging my suspend/hibernate (again) <Hew> askand: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brasero <maxb> askand: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+queue?queue_state=2 <maxb> or s/jaunty/intrepid/, rather <maxb> There is mention in #ubuntu-devel of a broken upload crashing the publisher, hence the big queue <BUGabundo> Hew: ping <d-b> hi there i would like to join this team (and have done so on launchpad) there is a bug which i added a comment on which was been closed up stream via a part of samba. <d-b> how do i proceed with this ? <BUGabundo> d-b: are the bugs linked? <d-b> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=510564 <ubottu> Debian bug 510564 in nautilus "nautilus: smb file deletion gvfs" [Grave,Closed] <BUGabundo> andersk: ping <d-b> so for the time being i added the info as "affects distribution" which is debian in this case... <BUGabundo> yep <BUGabundo> then LP should close it here too <d-b> BUGabundo: but it is not *closed* in all versions of ubuntu just like it is not fixed in debian lenny <bdmurray> saivann: yes? <saivann> bdmurray : Did you receive my demand to renew my membership in bugcontrol team? <saivann> bdmurray : Mmh, I got to go in the next minutes but if you get my demand : My membership in bugcontrol team is about to expire and I wanted to ask you if you can renew it. I was less active in the last year then I was two years ago but I'm still active and I expect to continue to contribute with bugs over the next year. <bdmurray> saivann: I did renew it. Did you get an e-mail notification or not? I performed the renewal via the API. <asac__> who runs locobot ? <ogra> asac, smurf i tink <ogra> *think <asac__> ogra: hi. <ogra> hey :) <asac__> ogra: sorry that i left on friday ... you were outside smoking while i was waving <asac__> and we were late ... as usual <ogra> oh, well, i left on friday as well :) <asac__> ogra: i ment that i didnt say good bye ;) <asac__> hug and all ;) <ogra> though i decided to have dinner before the 3h autobahn ride <ogra> yeah, hug back to you :) <asac__> thats good ;) <asac> just wonder why we need a second log bot here <asac> we already have ubuntulog <asac> but well ;) <asac> who cares <hacktick> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/326929 seems to be spam, should it be marked as private? <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 326929 in ubuntu "debug" [Undecided,Invalid] <hacktick> done. <shankhs> I read the whole get started and triaging bugs from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad do you guys some suggestion to give... <shankhs> thats not covered in those pages. <ccooke> ... Is there a reason why EeeBotu in #ubuntu-bugs-announce is reporting invalid URLs for bugs? <hggdh> ccooke, let me have a look <hggdh> ccooke, can you give me an example? I tried 3 links there, and they worked <ccooke> The trailing period <ccooke> The URL as it's actually printed is invalid. Problem is, it'll fool a lot of URL catchers (and it's added hassle for people using it) <hggdh> I beg to differ. At least with xchat they work perfectly. Can you please be more specific on which packages they fail to work? <hggdh> bug 326957 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 326957 in eeebotu "Eeebotu generates bug URLs with a trailing period" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/326957 <hggdh> ccooke, per greg-g this works on g-t/irssi on Intrepid. Can you please open a bug for g-t Jaunty, and tag it "possible-regression"? <ccooke> Sure <ccooke> I'm not completely certain it's something that should be fixed, though :-) <hggdh> all: eeebotu will be off-line for about 5 minutes for a restart of the server. <hggdh> all: eeebotu is back. <andresmujica> hey guys, <andresmujica> yesterday we hold a prep GBJ session with Colombian Team #ubuntu-co, i want to put some info about it at the GBJ/Stories page.. should it be ok?? as this is a Prep session not the main one... <hggdh> greg-g, ping <greg-g> hggdh: pong <hggdh> greg-g, can you confirm that gnome-terminal Intrepid does not include the trainling dot in a displayed link (c.f. bug 326975) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 326975 in gnome-terminal "[Jaunty] Trailing period included in scraped URL" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/326975 <hggdh> ? <hggdh> s/trainling/trailing/ # sigh <greg-g> hggdh: done <hggdh> thanks, greg-g. Now... to hunt for a possible duplicate... <hggdh> ccooke, thanks for opening the g-t bug. I personally think it should be fixed, and it seems to be a regression from (at least) Intrepid * hggdh wishes b.g.o was a tad faster :-( <ccooke> hggdh: Yeah, on balance I agree. <hggdh> Now, ill: eeebotu is going to be restarted to fix a regression on gnome-terminal Jaunty and URL selection <hggdh> all: eeebotu is back <mrooney> \o/ <saivann> bdmurray : Thanks! I didn't get any notice that you renewed my membership (not in spam either) and I don't see how to know the new expiration date of my membership but if you say that it has been correctly renewed, many thanks! <bdmurray> saivann: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/+members?active_start=50&active_batch=50 <andresmujica> I'm translating the GBJ Flyer to Spanish, but i'm noticing that the English one needs some updates, the tag for example is one of them.. i'm gonna update the English one. <amjad1> hello <amjad1> any one here?? <saivann> bdmurray : indeed, thanks! <andresmujica> hi amjad1, yes about 100th people ;) <amjad1> so how can i start helping with bug fixes?? <hggdh> amjad1, please start by reading http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs <amjad1> ok <hggdh> amjad1, after reading it, any doubts or questions, just ask <amjad1> thanks #ubuntu-bugs 2010-02-08 <bcurtiswx> the empathy people mentioned <danni> bcurtiswx: really would be nice with some sort of network diagnostic... <hggdh> oh. hum. Look at the connections that pidgin opens, and look at the connections that empathy tries to open <persia> hggdh: I'm not sure it's a local issue. My last US-headquartered client used IM extensively. <micahg> or rather, do we know that empathy works on those networks on a stock karmic install? <bcurtiswx> so, what to do next in that bug.. ya'll are confusing me <hggdh> bcurtiswx: OK. pidgin works, empathy no <hggdh> so, first question: are both targeting the same server/port? <hggdh> 2nd: is there a local proxy that has to be used? In this case, it seems that pidgin is targeting this proxy, and perhaps empathy is not <bcurtiswx> how would I go about finding this? <BUGabundo> bcurtiswx: etherreal <BUGabundo> nethogs, tcpdump, tcpwatch <BUGabundo> pick your hammer <bcurtiswx> tcpdump > tcpdump.txt be good enough? <bcurtiswx> needs a device.. hmm.. <bcurtiswx> eth0 not a device? <bcurtiswx> im testing it myself <bcurtiswx> not getting very far :( <hggdh> sudo tcpdump -i <interface> -vv <hggdh> or, better, tcpdump -i <intface> -w raw.cap host <your host name> <hggdh> then wireshark on the output <hggdh> (which would be called, in my example, raw.cap) <hggdh> otherwise you will be capturing *all* traffic hitting the NIC <bcurtiswx> they have to perform the attempt to connect, then ctrl+c then wireshark the output? <persia> wireshark can also manage the tcpdump calls directly from the UI, if you like that sort of thing. <hggdh> yes. I assumed he is on a server, not a desktop. Sorry. <hggdh> bcurtiswx: yes. <persia> I'm not sure running empathy on the server is well supported :) <hggdh> heh <hggdh> it would be simpler to have two different captures, one for pidgin and one for empathy (so you will not have to figure out which is which on the capture <bcurtiswx> hggdh: this all confuses me... mind taking control of this bug so I can watch and learn? <hggdh> bcurtiswx: took it <bcurtiswx> hggdh: much appreciated <hggdh> if they are using a proxy, I am not sure empathy supports it <persia> It ought, as oscar supports a proxy. <bcurtiswx> hggdh: so when triaging bugs we assume the user knows how to do these things then... i was guessing I had to explain how to do each.. <persia> And it's more likely to be an issue with telepathy than empathy, specifically the telepathy oscar client. <hggdh> it might, yes, but I cannot see where I could configure it <persia> I'd guess it ought default to the proxy defined by GNOME or KDE generally. <hggdh> which would not be a very good idea, since not everything may be proxied <persia> Well, telepathy ought, or else telepathy ought get the proxy from the UI (empathy) which ought use the default proxies from the DE. <persia> Hrm? <hggdh> I have seen places where some protocols are proxied, but not all <persia> I thought the DE proxy tools allowed one to have fairly fine-grained control over that sort of thing. <persia> If not, that is a separate bug, in my opinion. <hggdh> I just looked at Sys/Prefs/Net proxy on Lucid, and all you can do is select hosts to be ignored <persia> I have a "Proxy Configuration" tab, that allows me to set it for about 4 protocols, or pass a URI for more advanced configuration. <persia> (also on lucid) <bcurtiswx> anyone else have their VBox not start lucid after fully upgrading ? * BUGabundo wonders what 'DE' is <hggdh> yes, this is it. the usual protocols HTTP/HTTPS/FTP, or a generic socks <jmarsden> BUGabundo: Desktop Environment <BUGabundo> bcurtiswx: happens a lot to me in debian and latest kernel <bcurtiswx> BUGabundo: any way to workaround? <BUGabundo> bcurtiswx: use older kernel <BUGabundo> I never manage to get VB to work in -12 <bcurtiswx> i dont' even see the screen to switch to a different kernel <BUGabundo> let me try in lucid <bcurtiswx> k <BUGabundo> bcurtiswx: left shift once grub loads <BUGabundo> *VERY* quicly <BUGabundo> its pretty hidden now <bcurtiswx> k lemme try <BUGabundo> and if you do it TOO SOON, it won't work either <arand> bcurtiswx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/510571 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 510571 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "-11 & later kernels won't boot with acpi, -10 works, Lucid (affects: 7)" [Medium,Confirmed] <bcurtiswx> arand: thx :D <arand> bcurtiswx: acpi=off added to kernel boot line. <bcurtiswx> arand: where's that stored again? <BUGabundo> bcurtiswx: /etc/defaults/grub <BUGabundo> update-grub afterwards <bcurtiswx> brb <nigel_nb> this is a fun bug, bug 518573 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518573 in pidgin (Ubuntu) "I can activate my acount (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518573 <nigel_nb> I guess that counts as spam <ddecator> nigel_nb, i saw that earlier...i assumed it was supposed to be "can't" <BUGabundo> hey bot now says how many users affected <BUGabundo> cool <nigel_nb> well, you can't have a pidgin account.. you use pidigin to connect to something else <persia> ddecator: If you see something like that again, please update the title so that others aren't confused. <nigel_nb> I'll do it <persia> But that bug should probably be converted to a question for now. <ddecator> persia, i would have but idk if that's the case, i didn't look at the bug so i wasn't sure if that was the problem or not <persia> Also, note the kernel version: there's a distinct possibility that the individual isn't running Ubuntu, but rather some derivative. <persia> ddecator: Fair enough :) <ddecator> persia, you're always there to give me advice and teach me new things =) <ddecator> it sounds like he might not be good with english, so maybe he's having trouble getting an account with another service to work? <persia> ddecator: Well, I sleep sometimes, but that's what this channel is for: none of us are perfect, and we all have questions :) <ddecator> persia, fair enough haha <micahg> nigel_nb: it looks like apport was indeed used <nigel_nb> can someone take a look at bug 518533 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518533 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Unable to mount location Not Authorized after nautilus upgrade (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518533 <nigel_nb> micahg, oh no! the gm scripts are making me lazy <micahg> nigel_nb: heh <ddecator> whoa, i need some advice on bug 485352...i think the other evince link is invalid, idk how liferea is a part of this, if it's any browser (epiphany and firefox marked) then idk if the browsers should be marked, and the person filed an upstream bug...it looks fairly thorough, but needs cleanup? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 485352 in liferea (Ubuntu) (and 6 other projects) ""window list applet" fails to use its settings (it changes from two rows to one row) (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/485352 <ddecator> and the description could be cleaned up... <ddecator> ...should i just work on it? <persia> May as well start. <ddecator> sure thing <kamalmostafa> Question about the launchpad-greasemonkey stock replies (is this the right channel?)... <kamalmostafa> I've seen this one posted to many bugs, but I don't see it in my list of stock reply selections -- is it a standard one? <kamalmostafa> "... You reported this bug a while ago and there hasn't been any activity in it recently. We were wondering is this still an issue ... " <persia> I think that's standard, although I don't like it. We should really be trying to verify manually before posting those. <micahg> kamalmostafa: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Old%20untouched%20bugs <kamalmostafa> persia: :-) In fact, my plan was to just grab its wording, and add my notes about having been unable to reproduce the problem also. <hggdh> Geir is proposing a change to this one -- see the bugsquad mailing list <persia> I knew there was something I liked about the way you worked :) <kamalmostafa> micahg: thanks, yes, that's the one -- but I do not see that one (or many of the others) listed in the list of clickable choices in the Firefox add-on. Am I missing some? <micahg> kamalmostafa: they should all be on that responses page <kamalmostafa> Maybe I'm confused about the usual workflow.... I installed the gm-dev-launchpad PPA which hopped up my Firefox such that it now presents me with a bunch of stock reply choices like "[Collect it] [Vague] ..." etc. But it appears to be just a subset of the ones listed on the Bugs/Responses wiki page there. <yofel> I think bdmurray was the owner of the bug responses list in the LPGM scripts, maybe we could change the generation of that <yofel> afaik it's some xml file lying around somewhere right now * ddecator wishes greasemonkey worked in FF 3.7 <kamalmostafa> Okay, I'll not lose any sleep over it -- I can just cut-n-paste as needed. Just trying to make sure I'm using up-to-date tools. <persia> Lots of people don't use LPGM, although it can be useful when one does lots of stock replies. <persia> For me, it's not so useful, because I tend to do few bugs deeply (or just blather about them here whilst someone else is triaging), rather than lots of bugs shallowly (although both activities are useful). <persia> I suggest spending more time to make sure the bugs are making progress, rather than worrying about the tools. <yofel> kamalmostafa: THIS ONE, to be precise: http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/greasemonkey/bugsquad-replies.xml <kamalmostafa> persia: Actually, I really like the friendly tone of the stock replies, hence I wanted to try to cop their "thank you for taking the time" language at least. :-) <kamalmostafa> yofel: thanks for the pointer to that, and thanks all for the help. <persia> Yeah, they're pretty good. Lots of people improving them over a long time. <ddecator> does launchpad offer any kind of "follow" feature like bugzilla so newer people can follow more veteran triagers and learn from their work? <persia> Not really. you can check the set of bugs that someone has commented, but that's not always the best guideline. <micahg> ddecator: no, but hggdh created something in the gm-devscripts plugin <hggdh> oh yes. ddecator, click on the karma value of one commenter, and it will open a search page on gmane for all bugs this commenter acted on <hggdh> but we have nothing like the follow in bugzilla <ddecator> i just clicked your karma, and the site came up, but it says it didn't find anything <hggdh> may happen. gmane search by name sometimes fail. Let me check <hggdh> ddecator: worked for me <hggdh> which bug was it? <ddecator> i just searched your name and clicked your karma haha <hggdh> heh. Try it in a bug <ddecator> yah, that worked <ddecator> so wait, if that works...how is the stock reply script supposed to work? <hggdh> huh? <ddecator> the gm script that allows for easily using a stock reply on launchpad, how is it supposed to work? is a button supposed to show up? <hggdh> oh. Click on the down-arrow to the left of the package. <ddecator> whoa, it works, haha <ddecator> i've been having trouble with gm on FF 3.7 so i'm surprised that works <micahg> bug 414627 <hggdh> you are running 3.7? And using GM? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 414627 in malone "allow users to select another user to follow/watch (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/414627 <nigel_nb> micahg, I could use your help with something (somewhat related to bug squad ;) ) <micahg> nigel_nb: if it's quick... <ddecator> hggdh, yes...greasemonkey scripts i add don't work, but the launchpad addon thing in the repos seems to have worked <nigel_nb> micahg, I had sent a mail to the bug squad ML about triaging classes <nigel_nb> micahg, at some point would be interested in sharing about dealing with FF bugs? <micahg> nigel_nb: yes! <nigel_nb> the list grows longer :) <micahg> nigel_nb: probably after lucid release though <nigel_nb> micahg, thanks a bunch. Mostly one or 2 sessions a month.. I'm looking for something like our hug days <nigel_nb> micahg, yeah... most sessions will be after lucid <nigel_nb> right now, we need to have some generic sessions for all the new people who've joined <micahg> nigel_nb: once I make the docs and the lecture, shouldn't be a problem to have a refresher once a month <nigel_nb> ah, great :) <nigel_nb> I'm looking at something like 2 or 3 topics a month with 1 repeat for each to adjust TZ differences <nigel_nb> i.e. each topic will be repeated once more <micahg> I can do anything from UTC 1200 to UTC 0600 <nigel_nb> great :) <hggdh> micahg: don't you sleep? <nigel_nb> hggdh, LOL <micahg> hggdh: UTC 0600-UTC 1200 :) <nigel_nb> 6 hours? <nigel_nb> whoa! <micahg> well <ddecator> micahg, that's still late for central time, haha <micahg> around that rance <micahg> range <nigel_nb> amazing... <hggdh> it would have been better the other way, where you would have 18 hours, nigel_nb <nigel_nb> hggdh, hahaha <micahg> nigel_nb: that's the range I'm flexible in, I don't always keep those hours :) <nigel_nb> I thought so, but I didn't want to pass up a chance to pull your leg ;) <ddecator> btw, idk if anyone will have any idea, but are my chances good of getting to talk to pedro if i get on tomorrow at 15:00 UTC? <hggdh> at 1500Z it will be good <hggdh> 1500 UTC <ddecator> perfect, we haven't had a chance to talk so i want to get on irc and actually get some advice and lessons, haha <ddecator> thanks hggdh <hggdh> yw <nigel_nb> hggdh, what is the procedure when we see a segfault bug? <hggdh> nigel_nb: it should have been opened by apport, right? <nigel_nb> yeah <nigel_nb> I'm asking coz I generally skip them since I dont understand them <hggdh> so apport will try to get a good BT off it. If it succeeds, then we can try to (1) match to an existing bug here; (2) upstream; (3) open a new bug upstream <hggdh> bonus points for looking at the source and finding & fixing the issue (if needed) <nigel_nb> oh, so thats how we do it <nigel_nb> I think I'll pass the bonus points <nigel_nb> upsteam = kernel? <nigel_nb> er..upstream <hggdh> yes. You should leave it alone until apport finishes the retrace <ddecator> so that's what those are... <hggdh> IDK. Is this a kernel bug? <nigel_nb> I'm asking generally. <hggdh> no, upstream is whereever the developers are <nigel_nb> oh, whichever app seg faults, their upstream. ah <hggdh> e.g., most Gnome bugs are in b.g.o <micahg> ddecator: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+upstreamreport <chrisccoulson> although, some crashes might be introduced by an ubuntu specific patch <hggdh> oh, yes, there is that. <nigel_nb> like, for example, what do I do in bug 518617 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518617 in cron (Ubuntu) "cron crashed with SIGSEGV in __pthread_initialize_minimal_internal() (affects: 2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518617 <nigel_nb> how can I make sense of the BT? <hggdh> wow. I did not know cron was still used <persia> nigel_nb: I'd also be happy to walk you through understanding a segfault bug at just about any time. There's transcripts of a couple sessions on the wiki, but often it's easier live. <ddecator> micahg, first time i've seen this page, thanks <nigel_nb> persia, will you agree to lead a session at some point in classroom? probably after lucid release? <hggdh> it failed retrace. And -- bad, bad -- it has been make public with a coredump still attached <micahg> top 100 packages have almost half the bugs in Ubuntu <hggdh> eeek, it was very early on the start <micahg> hggdh: bug 505370 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 505370 in malone "disable ability to make public if attachments should be private (affects: 1)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/505370 <micahg> ah, nm, you're subscribed <persia> nigel_nb: I just did one 10 days ago, so I'd prefer to wait a few months before I do another in -classroom :) <hggdh> heh <micahg> but not marked as affected :) <hggdh> will mark it so now <nigel_nb> persia, a few months is fine :) <persia> Probably for Open Week for lucid+2, with me offering on-demand walk-throughs for interested parties in the meantime. About every 9 months is my preference for repeats (or I get dreadfully bored). <micahg> hggdh: maybe we should make a page of all the bugs that bugcontrol is affected by and have everyone mark them? <persia> nigel_nb: But since my last session is only 10 days old, it may contain relevant current information if you want to understand the process :) <hggdh> micahg: I think it should be voluntary, but (that said) sounds good -- peer pressure, and all of that <nigel_nb> persia, I'm looking through that one. The one I'm asking now is a more long-term plan to have one or two sessions every month <persia> About stacktraces? <nigel_nb> persia, you get to pick a topic related to triaging <persia> Oh, it might be worth getting in touch with the team doing the development sessions. <nigel_nb> UDW? <nigel_nb> thats MOTU team <persia> I believe they are striving for one class a week on various topics, and assembling a faculty. <persia> Um, no. <persia> UDW is a special event. <nigel_nb> Classroom team? <persia> And MOTU/School was disbanded in favour of a more general development training organisation. * persia hunts the wiki <persia> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training <persia> But it could well move to be something more generic. <persia> I think triaging is important for developers as well. <persia> And development topics may be of interest to some triagers. * persia has a dislike of the "I am not a developer" and "I am not a triager" memes <nigel_nb> persia, ah I know this one. I think nhandler_ leads the Lp team on this <persia> I think he's involved, yeah. <nigel_nb> persia, we could eventually had over to them or merge with them or whatever <persia> I prefer "cooperate" to "hand over" or "merge" :) <ddecator> how hard is it to learn packaging? <persia> Not. <hggdh> it would be nice to work together <nigel_nb> well merge and cooperate might be the same <nigel_nb> *and* I've already asked nhandler's help on this one :) <persia> For 90% of packages, packaging is trivial. There are a few programs that even completely automate packaging. <nigel_nb> we're both on the classroom team anyway <persia> But packaging itself isn't very interesting. It's more interesting to focus on how to fix broken packages. <ddecator> persia, thanks, that's something i'd be interested in learning more about then =) <ddecator> well gotta start somewhere <persia> And that can be terribly complex, depending on how the program is packaged :) <ddecator> i'm trying to learn basic python... <persia> ddecator: OK. Ask me for the 10-step guide to packaging something in #ubuntu-motu sometime :) <ddecator> persia, great, thanks =) * micahg will take a copy too :) <nigel_nb> okay, so what can do with the stack retrace bug? <hggdh> ask cjohnston how it happened. It was *very* early in the setup, and I am not even sure cron was already running <persia> nigel_nb: Pick one, and let's look at it. <cjohnston> ? <nigel_nb> persia, bug 518617 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518617 in cron (Ubuntu) "cron crashed with SIGSEGV in __pthread_initialize_minimal_internal() (affects: 2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518617 <hggdh> cjohnston: bug 518617 <persia> Ugh. pthreads. <hggdh> yep <nigel_nb> pthreads? <cjohnston> i upgraded to 10.04... but i cant boot into the new kernel.. so im booting into the old kernel, and got the cron crash <persia> nigel_nb: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX_Threads <persia> But, more interestingly, there's not much we can do with that bug. http://launchpadlibrarian.net/38871619/Stacktrace.txt contains almost no useful information. <persia> Try to reproduce and get a backtrace with more symbols. <cjohnston> persia: are you talking to me? <persia> cjohnston: Is 518617 your bug? <nigel_nb> yup <cjohnston> yes <persia> Then I suppose I am :) <cjohnston> just checking <cjohnston> lemme give it a try and see what i can do <persia> heh :) I'm glad you did, as I hadn't known I was addressing you :) <cjohnston> ;-) <cjohnston> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash needs work <cjohnston> tryin to figure out how to run a backtrace <micahg> cjohnston: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace <vish> cjohnston: your bug still has the coredump.gz , you might want to remove it <nigel_nb> persia, so I have to find another stackstrace <vish> or keep it private :) <cjohnston> removed <persia> coredumps aren't inherently carriers of private infomation, they just have some chance of being so, and it's *really* hard to tell. <cjohnston> micahg: that link, #1 points right back to the debuggingprogramcrash page * vish didnt want to look and find out , if there was info ;) <persia> For example, for a test system with no useful cookies and a pointless password (test123!), it's usually safe to leave them. <cjohnston> thanks vish <vish> cjohnston: np.. <cjohnston> what debug symbol package should i install <persia> At least cron, and preferably all the dependencies of cron. <hggdh> cjohnston: if you still have the crash report, run 'sudo apport-retrace -o trash /var/crash/<whatever>' <hggdh> cjohnston: this will load *all* dbgsyms needed <hggdh> easier than finding the dependencies. * vish ooooh , takes note of that^..... neat :) <vish> hmm .. <vish> hggdh: i get "sudo: apport-retrace: command not found" <cjohnston> vish: it isnt installed by defaut i guess <cjohnston> i had to install it <hggdh> ? <hggdh> really? * hggdh is surprised <vish> ah right , /me installs <cjohnston> hggdh: http://pastebin.be/23349 <hggdh> ?? what do you have in your sources.list? <persia> That explains why the stacktrace was so useless :) <hggdh> but -- if I remember correctly, the pthreads symbols would be in the libc6 packages <hggdh> which was incompatible with your installed version * ddecator just ignored the end of the super bowl to pay attention to this...what is the ubuntu community doing to me? =p <hggdh> it starts this way... <hggdh> and then you are taken. <persia> Just take care to protect your sleep. Anything else is mostly fair game. <ddecator> not to mention i'm waking up early tomorrow just to talk to pedro about bugs o.o <cjohnston> http://pastebin.be/23350 <cjohnston> and a couple ppa <persia> The ppas might be catching you. <persia> Or partner <persia> Check to make sure you aren't installing something very low level from one of those. <cjohnston> how? <persia> Alternately, there's something wonky with the ddebs capture. <cjohnston> getting beyond my knowledge levels <hggdh> what are the ppas for? <persia> You can look in /var/lib/apt/lists to see what is available from where. <persia> apt-policy can also check for specific packages. <cjohnston> dropbox, cairo dock pidgin, wine vb <hggdh> they should not matter <hggdh> cjohnston: are you running Lucid, or Karmic with Lucid packages? <cjohnston> i tried upgrading to lucid <cjohnston> for some reason i cant boot into the newest kernel <hggdh> but you are still booting Lucid? <cjohnston> http://pastebin.be/23352 <hggdh> weird. <hggdh> and what does 'uname -rv' say? <cjohnston> 2.6.31-19-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 28 02:39:34 UTC 2010 <hggdh> this is not a recent Lucid kernel -- in fact, I think this is a Karmic one <cjohnston> it is <cjohnston> i cant get the new kernel to boot <hggdh> any of the new kernels? <hggdh> oh <cjohnston> i only have one newer one installed <hggdh> yes, just figured why <cjohnston> after the ubuntu logo, it goes to a blank screen and when i press keys/buttons it puts random odd characters on the screen <hggdh> this may be part of what is making apport-retrace confused <ddecator> this is unrelated, but how detailed do reports have to be in order to get classified as "Wishlist"? <hggdh> hum. Try to boot with 'acpi=off <cjohnston> hggdh: how would i do that <cjohnston> sorry <micahg> ddecator: detailed enough so the concept is understood for the feature <micahg> ddecator: could be 1 line or 10 <persia> ddecator: It's basically the same as any other bug: we need to understand it, and then we can set an importance. <hggdh> when you boot you are thrown into grub. Press 'e' to edit the line you boot from * persia notes that one may have to hold down shift to accomplish this * vish *sighs* <cjohnston> ok <cjohnston> rebooting then.. <cjohnston> brb * hggdh has grub with a delay * nigel_nb too has delay <nigel_nb> anyone know how gnome weather report works? <bcurtiswx> i swear i go into #ubuntu all the time and never get an answer.... </facepalm> <ddecator> micahg persia , bug 518344 seems simple enough but idk the guidelines for wishlist items (the wiki doesn't say much) <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518344 in f-spot (Ubuntu) "Allow export to iPod (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518344 <persia> ddecator: I'd call that a borderline case. I have no idea if this is easy or hard from the available info, nor how to do it. That said, it might be trivial for someone with an iPod and knowledge of how it works. <nigel_nb> and it may need to be reported upstream or linked to upstream wishlist if it exists <persia> That would definitely be a good step. <vish> bcurtiswx: its almost always certain ;) try #ubuntu-beginners-help <persia> If the upstream bug is well described, we don't need more. <ddecator> does bugzilla handle feature requests? <vish> ddecator: yup <micahg> ddecator: yes, enhancement <ddecator> learning new things everyday <ddecator> aha, there is request upstream, so link them? (idk how much this gets treated the same as a bug, and how much is treated slightly different...) <persia> Yes. Link them and mark it triaged and wishlist :) <persia> It's precisely the same. It is a bug. Just not a very important one :) <ddecator> a. you'll mark it triaged (i can't -yet-), b. does it matter that the upstream request is from 2007? <nigel_nb> ddecator, (b) does not matter as long as its still open <hggdh> this is it for me. Godd night all y'all <nigel_nb> night hggdh <ddecator> cya hggdh <nigel_nb> ddecator, upstream bug number? <ddecator> nigel_nb, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=394806 <ubot4> Gnome bug 394806 in General "iPod Photos" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed] <nigel_nb> gnome 94806 <ubot4> Gnome bug 94806 in general "crash with automatic closes" [Critical,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94806 <nigel_nb> bah <nigel_nb> ddecator, its still open. You can add you that one <ddecator> perfect, thanks all, just give me a sec... <ddecator> someone wanna do the honors? =) <ddecator> ...have the honors?...whatever the saying is * micahg will take care og it <micahg> *of <ddecator> thanks micahg <arand> If nautilus errors during LTS->LTS-upgrade where does the bug go? <micahg> arand: nautilus if that's where the fixes go <micahg> arand: I think there's a hardy2lucid tag or if not there should be <arand> micahg: So nautilus with that tag, or update-manager-core with that tag? <micahg> arand: if it's a nautilus bug, there <arand> Problem is I don't really know, it only appears when doing an lts release upgrade. <nigel_nb> micahg, will you be around for some more time? <micahg> nigel_nb: probably another 2 hours <ddecator> micahg, i just found you in a bug, haha <nigel_nb> I want some help patching libgweather <micahg> ddecator: not surprising, which tracker? <ddecator> bug 518336, you're mentioned by the OP in the description haha <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518336 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "thunderbird-3.0: Please turn off global search by default (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518336 <micahg> ddecator: indeed * micahg doesn't recall being in too many bugs' texts <nigel_nb> micahg, the process for submitting a patch is the same in gnome too? <ddecator> what exactly did you want the person to do with the bug? <nigel_nb> micahg, log a bug and provide a patch... <micahg> nigel_nb: in LP or upstream? <nigel_nb> micahg, upstream first <micahg> idk, probably <micahg> nigel_nb: check for dupes upstream <nigel_nb> micahg, ah yes <micahg> ddecator: file a feature request and not clutter the other bug :) <ddecator> micahg, haha, gotcha. so would it be a wishlist item for thunderbird then? <micahg> ddecator: yes <ddecator> fair enough, i'll do some checking around for possible dups or anything <micahg> ddecator: the thing is, I think that is the default, but I can't be sure... <micahg> well, actually, the user is confused <micahg> global search and downloading email are 2 separate things <micahg> ddecator: I was going to check upstream for dupes <ddecator> if you want to then by all means <bcurtiswx> micahg: bugpatterns.. are we restraining these to bugs that have a lot of duplicates? <micahg> bcurtiswx: -control gets subscribed to bugs >10 dups <micahg> >=10 I think <bcurtiswx> micahg: k thx <micahg> bcurtiswx: but if you think there should be one, I don't see a problem writing it :) <micahg> but check with bdmurray in the morning :) <bcurtiswx> micahg: i see a lot of empathy crashes, but im gonna wait to see one with lots of dupes before writing a bugpattern <micahg> bcurtiswx: is the retracer getting to them? <bcurtiswx> yeah it has <bcurtiswx> ok im getting bad with the whole name before txt <bcurtiswx> micahg: yeah it has <micahg> the name can be anywhere bcurtiswx <bcurtiswx> i know, but all properness is at beginning <ddecator> if the OP unsubscribes from a bug, will they still receive emails about comments since they reported it? <vish> ddecator: nope , bug# ? <ddecator> bug 518258, i added my comment but then went to subscribe and saw the OP isn't listed...s/he seemed really confused... <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518258 in software-center (Ubuntu) "I tried to report "bug" within the last hour. Now I'm not sure if this got to you? (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518258 <persia> 518258 should definitely be converted to a question. <ddecator> i couldn't tell what exactly was going on, if it was the problem with the top bar or what exactly they were getting at <nigel_nb> There is a spell correction in libgweather upstream. how do I make the changes and make a patch using git? <persia> ddecator: Right. Especially with the follow-up comment, it looks like a support request. I think there's at least one buried in there, but I think this user needs someone else to help them, and then deal with the bug filing once the issues are identified. <micahg> nigel_nb: more of a discussion for -motu <vish> persia: but the OP has unsubscribed , should we re-subscribe them? <nigel_nb> good point <persia> Not even there really. How to use upstream VCS is best asked on the relevant upstream channel. <ddecator> persia, alright, so whats the protocol for that? <micahg> persia: true <nigel_nb> persia, aw :( <micahg> nigel_nb: so I'll answer here... <micahg> nigel_nb: git clone repo <micahg> nigel_nb: modify the file <nigel_nb> got the clone right now <nigel_nb> modified already <micahg> nigel_nb: git diff /path/to/file > patch.diff <nigel_nb> ah, thanks :) <persia> ddecator: I don't know the wiki page that describes it, but there's a "Convert to question" button. I like to leave a comment saying soemthing like "I'm unsure precisely how to interpret this as a bug. I've converted it to a support request, and would be glad to help you with your issue." or some such. Just be sure to subscribe to the question. <micahg> nigel_nb: that's the simple version :) <ddecator> persia, perfect, i'll figure it out, thanks <ddecator> persia, wait, is it worth doing if the OP unsubscribed? <nigel_nb> ddecator, you can subscribe the OP <persia> ddecator: I didn't know the reporter *could* unsubscribe. I believe it's implicit. <bcurtiswx> micahg: whats the bzr equivalent of svn update ? <persia> Subscribing the reporter is the other option :) <ddecator> good point nigel_nb <nigel_nb> bcurtiswx, I know bzr but not svn <ddecator> persia, i didn't know either, but the name isn't there, haha. i'll read the wiki and take care of it <jmarsden> bcurtiswx: bzr pull # I think <nigel_nb> can you tell me what you're trying to do. I can give u the command :) <bcurtiswx> whats the # for? <vish> bcurtiswx: $bzr pull <jmarsden> bcurtiswx: So I can type a comment after the command <bcurtiswx> lol, ok.. thx <micahg> bcurtiswx: yeah, bzr pull <bcurtiswx> ty ty :-D <nigel_nb> micahg, lol, I guess rants are everywhere <nigel_nb> gnome 556843 <ubot4> Gnome bug 556843 in locations "Location bugs." [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=556843 <vish> nigel_nb: iirc , klapper is the _top_ reporter to bgo ,[he works for intel or rehat] <vish> redhat* <nigel_nb> oohhh <nigel_nb> but that bug reads like a newbie bug <om26er> what package is for 'brightness keys dont work' ? <om26er> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/518613 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518613 in software-center (Ubuntu) "LED screen bright/ Brillo de pantalla LED (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] <nigel_nb> om26er, kernel most prbly <greg-g> or hal, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHal <nigel_nb> I thought we got rid of hal? <nigel_nb> om26er, ah, udev.. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy <greg-g> oh right :) <bcurtiswx> Halsectomy..... how appropriate..... <om26er> greg-g, nigel_nb thanks <kamalmostafa> bugcontrol please -- I have triaged bug 483925 (reported upstream to SF) and would rate its importance as "Medium". <ubot4> Launchpad bug 483925 in hamlib (Ubuntu) "rigctl/hamlib does not work with Icom PCR1000 (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/483925 <micahg> kamalmostafa: is the project registered on LP? <kamalmostafa> micahg: No, it isn't. Should I register it? (I'm never sure about SF projects). <micahg> kamalmostafa: yes, so we can set upstream bugs for it <micahg> kamalmostafa: just don't say it's using LP for anything <kamalmostafa> micahg: what do you mean "don't say"? <micahg> kamalmostafa: there are option for what you want the project to use LP for <micahg> don't select anything <micahg> kamalmostafa: actually specify that bugs are tracked at sf <kamalmostafa> micahg: okay, got it. I did register a similar project once before, but it seemed strange to be doing so on behalf of an upstream project without their "consent". I'll have a poke at this one now. <micahg> kamalmostafa: well, maybe check in their IRC channel if they have one <micahg> kamalmostafa: but everything on the page should point to the authoritative source for the project <kamalmostafa> micahg: okay, i'll holler if I get stuck. thanks for the assistance. <Damascene> where is the best place to suggest improvement to checkbox? <nigel_nb> Damascene, come again? feature request? <Damascene> yes <nigel_nb> bug number? <Damascene> I want to request feature. should I open bug or something else? this is my question. <nigel_nb> Damascene, ah <nigel_nb> Damascene, open a bug against the package you are requesting the feature <Damascene> OK. thanks <kamalmostafa> micahg: I have registered the project https://launchpad.net/hamlib and linked its SF project. Can you assist me with the next step (linking the bug to that?)? <micahg> kamalmostafa: click also affects project <micahg> browse for the project name <kamalmostafa> micahg: okay, does this look good? bug 483925 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 483925 in hamlib (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "rigctl/hamlib does not work with Icom PCR1000 (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/483925 <micahg> kamalmostafa: yes <micahg> kamalmostafa: what did you want me to set it to? <kamalmostafa> micahg: great, thank you. [Triaged,Medium] please. <micahg> kamalmostafa: done <kamalmostafa> micahg: thank you very much for all your help! <om26er> I have seen two bug reports against empathy 1 was doesnot connect if using ppp and the other says cannot connect using evdo 3g. so they are actually empathy bugs or network-manager? <om26er> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/517998 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 517998 in empathy (Ubuntu) "empathy can't connect any account though my EVDO 3G network (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] <om26er> and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/457870 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 457870 in empathy (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "empathy does not recognize ppp connections (affects: 2)" [Low,Triaged] <d1b> hi um <d1b> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sane-backends/+bug/469540 no action has been taken should i take this to ubuntu-dev / some one who has access to fix this up ? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 469540 in sane-backends (Ubuntu) "Add more Samsung MFP scanners support (Xerox WorkCentre 3119, Samsung SCX-4220) (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] <Damascene> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/518007 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518007 in udev (Ubuntu) "Asus Eee Function Keys (Hotkeys) are not working with Lucid 10.04 (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] <Damascene> how to triage that? <vish> Damascene: have a look at this > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/HotkeyResearch <om26er> what should I do for this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/518319 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518319 in notify-osd (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Unable to initate a conversation from a pop-up (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] <om26er> its not empathy bug for sure. its a feature request for notify-osd but I am told that notify-osd is for notification *only* so wont fix against notify osd? <Damascene> vish. thanks for the link. I'll try to improve the report. <persia> om26er: I'd wait for the upstream determination to set any of the tasks wontfix. <om26er> persia, wislist for empathy and notify osd for now? <persia> If you're entirely sure that no changes in empathy would be required to enable it was such functionality added to notify-osd, the empathy task is invalid. <persia> If empathy might require work, wishlist is better. <persia> I'm unsure if notify-osd should be wishlist or low. It might be a usability issue, but it's definitely a feature. <om26er> persia, its for sure something new that notify osd dont have and the specs dont show any plans for any feature <cjohnston> mornin... <cjohnston> hggdh: you around? <persia> om26er: Like I said, it's definitely a feature request. Where I don't have an opinion is whether it's a usability issue. If it is a usability issue, that pushes from "wishlist" to "low". <persia> cjohnston: Always best to give context when poking folk: it lets them give better answers when they catch backscroll (which may be in seconds or hours), and maybe others can help. <cjohnston> persia / hggdh its in reference to our conversation last night re: cron crash / lappy not booting into lucid kernel <persia> And now if you ask your question, perhaps someone will answer it :) <om26er> marking wislist because there is another bug against empathy in the name 'open but do not raise' and it is milestone for lucid. <cjohnston> He was helping me troubleshoot.. so was hoping to pick up where we left off <om26er> that was about chat window <persia> cjohnston: DId you manage to get a backtrace with real content? <cjohnston> no... <cjohnston> and he never did figure out why <cjohnston> that was one of the things we were still working on <vish> om26er: why are you setting milestones? <cjohnston> hmm.. trying to boot into the newest lucid kernel this morning and my error is now: init: plymouth main process (341) killed by SEGV signal <om26er> vish, I never <vish> om26er: the devs set that when they decide to implement the feature <vish> om26er: hmm... k <cjohnston> holy crapoly.. it booted!!!! <cjohnston> uname -rv == 2.6.32-12 <cjohnston> woohoo <persia> Nice. <hggdh> hey cjohnston, sorry, was getting a coffee. I will have to get to the office now, and will be back in ~30 m <cjohnston> no problem.. <persia> cjohnston: Now that you've the latest kernel, try dist-upgrading again to make sure you have the latest everything else, replicate the crash, and see if apport-retrace gives you useful symbols. <cjohnston> okie <LimCore> firefox 1.5 fails epically on ubuntu 64bit <persia> 1.5 ?!?! <cjohnston> 1.5 should fail period imo <LimCore> firebug <LimCore> omg typo <BUGabundo> guud afternoon <LimCore> firebug (firefox extension) shipped with ubuntu, in version firebug-1.5.0, fails epically (always, 100% crashes the browser when used). Now users muts uninstall ubuntu-shipped firebug-1.5.0 and by hand install firebug-1.4.5 <LimCore> afair only for 64bit systems <LimCore> perhaps we should for now ship 1.4.5, as upstream's 1.5.0 is totally unusable <LimCore> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addons/versions/1843 <persia> Downgrading is hard. <persia> Is 1.5.0 unfixable? <LimCore> http://blog.getfirebug.com/2010/01/19/64-bit-firefox-on-linux-crashes-with-firebug-1-5-0/ <LimCore> persia: yes it is <persia> How so? It's a rare bug that is truly unfixable. <LimCore> it would appear to me, that imho, the ustreap developer has idiotic attitude "unsupported 64 bit builds", he means that he doesn't care too much as 64bit systems are "not supported" (wtf?). So I say, *** him and downgrade <LimCore> that url above should provide information needed <LimCore> "64 bit systems are unsuported".... *headdesk* <Pici> This sounds like something that should be brought to the attention of the mozillateam imo. <ikonia> Pici: it's not as big an audeince as is beig made out <ikonia> eg: I'm running it on 64bit with no issues, but I'm aware of two problems for users in the last week <LimCore> ikonia: firebug is working for you on 64bit system? <ikonia> yes <LimCore> click F12 to open firebug, enable console tool <ikonia> I can't at the moment, but it did work when I tested it for one of the other users the other day <ikonia> I'm on an 8.10 laptop so the test would be false <persia> And if it isn't working, how isn't it working? If it just crashes, that's typically easy enough to fix. <LimCore> it affects 9.10 with firebug 1.5.0 <LimCore> persia: it crashes entire firefox <ikonia> LimCore: I know, I tested it on a 91.0 laptop <ikonia> but I appreciate that isn't the bug <ikonia> I've just tested it on my 8.10 laptop and it works on that too <persia> LimCore: So? With a good stacktrace, we can still find the offending code. <LimCore> Im rather sure it crashes EVERY 9.10 64bit box that ties to use firebug esp. in the console tool <Pici> 1.5.0 is only in lucid right now. <ikonia> LimCore: I'm rather sure it doesn't <ikonia> LimCore: I'm using it on 9.10 <LimCore> ikonia: with console? <ikonia> yes <Pici> Is this a firefox bug or a firebug bug? <LimCore> not sure <ikonia> I thought it was each other blaming each other <cjohnston> persia: I ran an update, and rebooted, and now it wont boot again.. :-( <persia> cjohnston: Hrm. That's exceedingly frustrating. <LimCore> oh, that bug is already traigged even <LimCore> bug #449744 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 449744 in iceweasel (Debian) (and 5 other projects) "Firefox crashes when attempting to load Firebug 1.5 alphas (affects: 78) (dups: 5)" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/449744 <persia> Says "Fix Released". Was it? <LimCore> in 9.10 it still crashes for me, untill I by hand install older firebug <ikonia> there 5.3.7 update was supposed to fix it but didn't for all people <ikonia> ughhh 3.5.7 <persia> LimCore: I show that we ship 1.4.1 in 9.10. <LimCore> hmm? <persia> !info firebug karmic <ubot4> persia: firebug (source: firebug): web development plugin for Firefox. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.1-1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 537 kB, installed size 3184 kB <LimCore> O_o <Pici> Like I said, 1.5.0 is in only in lucid thus far <LimCore> aah my bad. The 1.5.0 was installed also by hand by me. <ikonia> I did it by hand too <persia> This may be an issue, but it's not an issue in any shipping software, only in special user-modified configurations. <LimCore> correct then <ikonia> it's just a plugin so I coundn't be bothered with a deb package <LimCore> perhaps I will give the shipped by ubuntu one a try instead <LimCore> ikonia: the ubuntu one could be batter, as it is signed <LimCore> alhough mozilla's is https anyway <LimCore> anyway, on a related topic that comes to mind; there are nowdays trojans in firefox extensions, if you read the news. Not in the most popular ones though <ikonia> LimCore: the downlaoded version works fine, so I won't change it personall <ikonia> personally <cjohnston> persia: fwiw, on 2.6.31-19, doing a dist-upgrade got no where <cjohnston> :-( <persia> Ugh. <cjohnston> any other thoughts on things to look at? <persia> Not really. Sorry. <persia> I can read the stacktraces, but I'm not always good at getting them in the first place :) <cjohnston> okie.. well im gonna go work on some stuff around the house then, and hopefully when i get back hggdh will be able to figure something out for me.. <cjohnston> bbiab <hggdh> cjohnston: I am back <ikt> anything that a general user can test in lucid? <BUGabundo> ikt a lot <ikt> helped get electricsheep working, tested the novaue thingo, tested the new gtk enhancements <BUGabundo> lots of buts to file, and dupes to find <persia> If you've a nonessential system, please upgrade, and start filing bugs about the stuff you do most. <persia> If there aren't any bugs there, try other stuff :) <ikt> ah ok <ikt> I'm finding alpha 2 very stable compared to 9.10 <BUGabundo> A2 is very old <BUGabundo> ahah <BUGabundo> well this weekend we broke nvidia <BUGabundo> so its not that good <BUGabundo> eheh <ikt> running latest updates ofc :p <ikt> o <BUGabundo> ikt: feel free to join #ubuntu+1 <hggdh> :-) ATI (for me) has been broken since the start <ikt> is that to do with the new novaue thingo? <BUGabundo> did it ever work with kernels above .11 ? <BUGabundo> ikt: no. that's actually what fixed it for me : nouveau gallium <BUGabundo> inicial 3D support <ikt> ah <ddecator> hey nigel_nb , were you the one setting up the triaging classes for after the lucid launch? <nigel_nb> ddecator, yes I am <nigel_nb> ddecator, actually I'm hoping we'd have something this march.. but I need to talk to a few more people <ddecator> nigel_nb, can i safely assume that you will send out an email to the mailing list about any official dates? <nigel_nb> ddecator, of course! <persia> nigel_nb: Do remember about Ubuntu Open Week, which happens around the same time. <ddecator> nigel_nb, perfect =) <nigel_nb> persia, open week is in may isn't it? <persia> It's usually a week or so after release. <nigel_nb> ah <persia> Dunno the precise schedule for the next one, but it falls into the same area as "after lucid launch". If you're tracking it, ignore me :) <micahg> that bug guy is still wreaking havoc <nigel_nb> micahg, which one? <micahg> r12056 <nigel_nb> persia, I'm looking for a regular series every month <nigel_nb> micahg, I thought he was blocked? <ddecator> micahg, is that the guy that created the group? <micahg> yep <hggdh> ?? OK, time to open a question on answers.lp asking him to be blocked. <hggdh> I will need some case #s <hggdh> sorry, bug #s <micahg> bug 69931 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 69931 in firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "MASTER firefox crash [@NP_Shutdown] [@Flash_EnforceLocalSecurity] -- libflashplayer.so (affects: 2) (dups: 46)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69931 <micahg> bug 419051 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 419051 in openobject-client "context in one2many field not get in fields_view_get (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/419051 <micahg> oops bug 419501 <bddebian> Boo <ubot4> Launchpad bug 419501 in libxcb (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "apport-kde assert failure: python: ../../src/xcb_io.c:242: process_responses: Assertion `(((long) (dpy->last_request_read) - (long) (dpy->request)) <= 0)' failed. (affects: 127) (dups: 59)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/419501 <micahg> bug 392324 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 392324 in phpmyadmin (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 2 other projects) "CVE-2009-1285: Insufficient output sanitizing when generating configuration file (affects: 1)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/392324 <hggdh> wow, enough, enough ;-) <vish> heh , seems micahg is pretty enraged :) <hggdh> er, what did he do on bug 69931? * micahg doesn't like having to fix bugs <ubot4> Launchpad bug 69931 in firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "MASTER firefox crash [@NP_Shutdown] [@Flash_EnforceLocalSecurity] -- libflashplayer.so (affects: 2) (dups: 46)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69931 <hggdh> sorry, bug 419051 <micahg> hggdh: nominate for upstream versions and assign to someone <ubot4> Launchpad bug 419051 in openobject-client "context in one2many field not get in fields_view_get (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/419051 <micahg> hggdh: nothing, that was a goof <hggdh> oh, OK <hggdh> and bug 392324? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 392324 in phpmyadmin (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 2 other projects) "CVE-2009-1285: Insufficient output sanitizing when generating configuration file (affects: 1)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/392324 <micahg> hggdh: deleted teh CVEs <hggdh> oooh... GMLP does not show it... <micahg> hggdh: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phpmyadmin/+bug/392324/+activity <ubot4> Launchpad bug 392324 in phpmyadmin (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 2 other projects) "CVE-2009-1285: Insufficient output sanitizing when generating configuration file (affects: 1)" [Medium,Invalid] <nigel_nb> micahg, someone accepted that character inside bug squad? <micahg> nigel_nb: idk, but I'm not an admin of the team <yofel> nigel_nb: no, but he's part of desktop bugs which is a member of the bugsquad <nigel_nb> ugh! makes it all the more confusing <micahg> yofel: that should be a restricted team now * yofel looks <micahg> seb128: ^^ <ddecator> it's a shame this kind of stuff has to happen and take up so much time <micahg> s/restricted/moderated/ <yofel> nope, the desktop bugs team is open <micahg> yofel: I know <yofel> and it's a member of the bugsquad, so he has an indirect membership <micahg> yofel: right, that's why it needs to be moderated now <yofel> ok, then I confused your statement ;) <nigel_nb> i gess seb128 has to take a look at that one <yofel> as you're right <nigel_nb> I wonder, doesn't he have any fear of screwing things up? I'm always scared when I enter a comment <hggdh> done. https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/100327 <ddecator> nigel_nb, it's almost like he wants to <nigel_nb> ddecator, hm, that too! <hggdh> nigel_nb: I declined him some 3 days ago <nigel_nb> hggdh, he found a round-about way <hggdh> ? <hggdh> he is a member now? <yofel> hggdh: indirect membership over the desktop bugs team <hggdh> oh... <ddecator> hggdh, his page shows the bugsquad icon <hggdh> yes, if he is a member of desktop, he is a member of bugsquad <hggdh> for the record, this is the other user I asked to block: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/100253 <ddecator> haha, any action on that yet? <hggdh> nope <ddecator> at least he finally stopped <micahg> ddecator: stopped what? <hggdh> yes, This is why I did not answer his last diabrite <nigel_nb> stopped editing the description <ddecator> micahg, updating the description of the bug every 5 minutes and threatening hggdh <hggdh> not only editing the description -- changing status and assigned to <micahg> oh, that one <ddecator> hggdh, did he? <hggdh> yes. Look at the full activity log <thekorn_> hi there! <hggdh> (and, if you have the LP GM scripts, it will be shown in the bug itself) <hggdh> hi thekorn_ <thekorn_> does anyone know about this bug-elevation-team? <hggdh> yes. Forget it <hggdh> thekorn_: see https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/100327 <ddecator> hggdh, haha, i never noticed that <hggdh> (although there *may* be something on such a team, but we would have to think on it carefully. And certainly not make it so all-inclusive) <thekorn_> hggdh: ok thanks <thekorn_> my first thought was it is part of the team reorganisation process, but then I realized that some *random* user created it <hggdh> yw <hggdh> thekorn_: this has been an interesting weekend... <ddecator> hggdh, agreed <ddecator> hggdh, it's almost like some 4chan users got bored (no offense to anyone who reads 4chan) <hggdh> heh <BUGabundo> what is 4c? <ddecator> BUGabundo, 4chan is an internet community with a reputation for messing with people...there is an article where they supposedly tell a kid to run a magnet over his hdd in order to recover his documents <BUGabundo> trolls <micahg> BUGabundo: BTW, with mbpurple, you can reply now <ddecator> BUGabundo, exactly <BUGabundo> micahg: always could <BUGabundo> micahg: enable the plugins twigin <micahg> BUGabundo: in context <BUGabundo> you can??????? <BUGabundo> that's new to me <micahg> BUGabundo: click on the user's name in the message <BUGabundo> no, that doesn't put in context <BUGabundo> it either open _just_ a new notice (dent) <BUGabundo> or appends to the last one.... not always the correct context <BUGabundo> XMPP bot does send threadID <BUGabundo> and you can use "r ThreadID msg@ <BUGabundo> and you can use "r ThreadID msg" <BUGabundo> and have that in proper context <micahg> BUGabundo: it seems to keep context <nigel_nb> what time does bdmurray come on? <nigel_nb> anyone has a clue? <hggdh> in about one hour <nigel_nb> aw :( I'll be at work then <bdmurray> nigel_nb: what's up <nigel_nb> ah, well, thats nice :) <nigel_nb> bdmurray, wanted to talk more about those sessions... I have a very much positive feedback for a monthly session <cjohnston> howdy hggdh <hggdh> hi cjohnston <bdmurray> nigel_nb: okay, cool <hggdh> how is ti going <cjohnston> Ready to take a bat to the lappy <cjohnston> You got some time to try to help me out? <hggdh> :-) put in some nails, also <cjohnston> lol <hggdh> a bit -- I will be on and off (still logged, but following the weekend's deployment at my customer) <cjohnston> okie... <cjohnston> hggdh: I was able to get it to boot into the lucid kernel once this morning, but then on reboot it wouldnt again <hggdh> did you set ACPI=off? <cjohnston> yes <cjohnston> nothinig <cjohnston> hey qense <cjohnston> unless im doing it wrong... <hggdh> I remember hearing of an issue with newer kernels that would not boot, and one way out was ACPI=off <cjohnston> hggdh: ^ but I did 'e', and then made a new line at the bottom and added acpi=off <hggdh> no <hggdh> you 'e', then you will se a series of line <hggdh> s <cjohnston> right.. <hggdh> then you 'e' again on the line that is booting the kernel (it should also have some other parms, like 'quiet'. Add it to the end of the line <hggdh> then boot <cjohnston> recordfail // insmod ext2 ..... <arand> hggdh: This acpi issue was primarily on virtualbox systems though, afaik... <hggdh> oh. Then -- probably -- would not apply here. But it is worth a try. <cjohnston> ok.. so linux /boot/vmlinuz......... ro quiet splash acpi=off ? <arand> cjohnston: might want ro remove the "quiet splash" as well, to see where it stops, if it does. <hggdh> cjohnston: yes. Try it, but per arand it is not quite the environment. At least try it <hggdh> yes indeed <cjohnston> yup <cjohnston> hggdh: adding just the acpi=off did not work.. removing quiet splash and adding acpi=off worked <cjohnston> 2.6.32-12-generic #17-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 5 08:16:30 UTC 2010 <hggdh> cjohnston: try now with removing quite/splash *only* <hggdh> this may be related to plymouth <cjohnston> success <hggdh> there you go. Now, for this to be effective avery time, you need to update your grub2 config <cjohnston> ok.. <seb128> nigel_nb, micahg: hey <seb128> what was the ping about? <micahg> seb128: about making the desktop bugs team moderated <seb128> I don't fancy reading the backlog <nigel_nb> seb128, can you close the desktop bugs team? <seb128> why? <nigel_nb> moderated <micahg> seb128: bugsquad is now moderated <seb128> and? <micahg> desktop bugs is a member <seb128> what is bugsquad? <nigel_nb> seb128, https://launchpad.net/~r12056/+karma this character has been causing some mess <seb128> does it give you any bug control? <hggdh> cjohnston: edit /etc/default/grrub, and change the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT as needed; then run 'sudo update-grub' <seb128> sorry but I'm always confusing bugsquad, bugcontrol, etc * micahg doesn't remember why the bugsquad team was closed <hggdh> cjohnston: /etc/default/grub I wrote it with too many 'r's <micahg> seb128: no, jsut the title <nigel_nb> micahg, well because half the members had not signed CoC <seb128> so why does it need to be moderated? <cjohnston> grrrrrrrrub? <cjohnston> ;-) <cjohnston> sounds like its time to eat <micahg> bdmurray: ^^ <seb128> to give a short reply <seb128> I don't want to spend time moderating a team which give no rights <seb128> ie being member of not should make no difference <seb128> it's just to show you triage some desktop bugs <cjohnston> hggdh: any idea why quiet splash is cauing the problem? <bdmurray> micahg: I'm indifferent about the desktop-bugs team being closed or not. It made sense for the bug squad. <hggdh> cjohnston: I *suspect* it may be related to usplash/pymouth <nigel_nb> seb128, well, it gives us the wrong idea that a person might be a part of bug squad when he actually is not <cjohnston> ok.. should i do any sort of follow up with a bug report? (or commenting on someone elses if you know of one?) <hggdh> cjohnston: so, if you have time, you can try leaving 'quiet', and taking out usplash <seb128> nigel_nb, what is bugsquad? what sort of people are there? and why is that important to know they are there? <seb128> nigel_nb, I would expect knowing if people know what to do or not is important <seb128> bug it they know what to do they should be in bugcontrol no? <hggdh> cjohnston: I am not sure if this would be a dup, so please just comment your bug you what you did to be able to boot <cjohnston> ok... <bdmurray> seb128: the criteria is documented at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad. Sign the CoC and know where the documentation is. <seb128> does that bring any value? <seb128> ie is that information worth the moderation work? <bdmurray> seb128: on more than one ocassion people have come to me asking about someone who was in the bug squad because they thought being the in the bug squad meant something which it didn't. <bdmurray> we've divided the moderation up among multiple team members and have scripted adding members so it is not that much work. <cjohnston> hggdh: im rebooting right now with only quiet to see if that works <nigel_nb> I'm off to work. Later folks. <seb128> bdmurray, well I'm rather wondering if we need a bugsquad team at all <BUGabundo> seb128: quick question: is the no more alt+NUM shortcut to move between nautilus tabs a new feature or a bug? <seb128> bdmurray, well I'm rather wondering if we need a bugsquad team at all on launchpad <seb128> BUGabundo, no clue <cjohnston> hggdh: it worked with only queit <seb128> BUGabundo, I don't use tabs <BUGabundo> mew <cjohnston> spelled the correct way of course <BUGabundo> cause having then at bottom is bad, having not keyboard shortcuts is even worse <vish> bdmurray: if desktop team being a member of bugsquad is the problem , why not just remove the desktop team as a member of bugsquad? <vish> desktop bugs team* <vish> folks can join each team separately .. <chrisccoulson> bdmurray - i just noticed that people can openly join bugsquad (unmoderated, albeit indirectly) by joining desktop-bugs. (desktop-bugs is a member of bugsquad). is that intended? <cjohnston> chrisccoulson: they are talking about that right now <chrisccoulson> oh <chrisccoulson> heh * vish just found that the new "moderation" , did not work .. the team approved an idler with no bug experience :( <vish> bug squad admins need to be a bit more careful :) * cjohnston almost things (which will get me kicked out) that you shouldnt be able to join bugsquad until you finish moderation <cjohnston> mentorship <cjohnston> whatever word im trying to use <hggdh> I do not think we need to be that restrictive. For starters, anyone can work on a bug. The bugSquad is mostly to give people a bit more of official status * charlie-tca thought bugsquad was where you learn how to triage <hggdh> by closing bugSquad, we are trying to have a minimum -- for example, you *must* sign the CoC <charlie-tca> But not necessarily experience in bug work. It does let us tell you to read the wiki, though <vish> hggdh: i thought the point was the squad had "idlers" with 0 karma? <vish> and to filter them out <hggdh> both points are correct. We really do not know who is a triager, and we are trying toget them to accept the CoC, read the wiki, etc <hggdh> so now we have 2k member, and I very much doubt 400 of them are active <hggdh> mentorship gives one a direct access to -control <hggdh> (if successful, of course) <hggdh> and now we are experience the Law of Unintended Consequences ;-) <vish> hggdh: karma can be misleading too , this member recently joined with _no_ bug experience https://launchpad.net/~drsganesh <bdmurray> vish: no bug experience is required though <vish> bdmurray: we aernt even sure he has read the wiki's [i noticed him since he joined elementary team , I'v given him time to contact us and communicate directly with us] <qense> bdmurray: Did you have time to review my merge request for the apport-bugpatterns? I could have pushed directly, but I wanted to make sure I'd done nothing wrong and that you're OK with the small changes I made to the search-bugs script. * kklimonda wonders how did drsganesh get over 6k karma from specification tracking.. what is "specification tracking" <bdmurray> qense: not yet, today <vish> kklimonda: its from just opening random blueprints.. <qense> bdmurray: that's fine <vish> kklimonda: he has used the blueprints as a brainstorm site :( <hggdh> vish: that's fine. Any new member has a 3-months membership. If no bug work, s/he is out. <qense> cjohnston: I'm sorry I didn't respond to your ping earlier. I suffer from the Plymouth freezes, so when I pressed enter to answer my system froze. :S What did you want to say? <cjohnston> I believe I just said hi qense.. maybe good morning <qense> cjohnston: ah! Well then, hi to you too. ;) <vish> hggdh: ah.. cool.. that should work... [i noticed this member since he applied for elementary team too ;) <qense> afk <cjohnston> :-) <hggdh> vish: what you need to join bugSquad is the *interest* to work on bugs (and sign the CoC, read the wiki, etc). *After* you join, you are expected to work on bugs <hggdh> so no previous experience <vish> got it <hggdh> vish: so -- no bug work after 3 months of joining... no renewal <duanedesign> bdmurray: which file creates the <package>.data file for the bug graphs at ~brian/complete-graphs/ <hggdh> vish: although I agree that DrG seems more interested in collecting team icons than anything else <vish> yeah... :( <hggdh> but, still, there is the benefit of doubt. "seems to" is *not* "is" <hggdh> (the old issue about correlation and causation...) <vish> hggdh: yup.. I noticed his pattern , but he is a member of the brainstorm moderators.. hence approved him , but with a shorter leash than bug squad [since we have branches ;)] * vish is more worried of accidental deletions of branches :s <hggdh> folks, please have a look at http://search.gmane.org/?query=&author=Rhett+Trappman&group=gmane.linux.ubuntu.bugs.general&sort=date&DEFAULTOP=and <hggdh> this r12whatever has to be stopped. NOW <vish> *sigh* , why do people do stuff like that :( <charlie-tca> Same character that created the new team saturday, isn't he <bcurtiswx> hggdh: what happened now? <hggdh> the guy is assigning tasks to anybody, left and right <hggdh> see the gmane link abote * vish googles rhett trapmman <hggdh> above <cjohnston> Do you all want me to go through them and unassign them? <vish> http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/blogs/rhett_trappman/index.php <vish> that seems to be him^ <charlie-tca> Is he using a script to do that? Seems like they are multiplying real fast <vish> might be <bcurtiswx> hggdh: i just got in, no link above <hggdh> no, I do not believe so. <kklimonda> he has also removed cve links from some bug.. <kklimonda> bcurtiswx, http://search.gmane.org/?query=&author=Rhett+Trappman&group=gmane.linux.ubuntu.bugs.general&sort=date&DEFAULTOP=and <hggdh> Join the Bug-Squad. We guarantee you will not be bored ;-) <bcurtiswx> what is being done right now to notify people to stop him.. or stopping him? <cjohnston> lol <vish> lol <hggdh> bcurtiswx: I opened a question on answers.lp.net/launchpad asking him to be blocked. We are now waiting for someone there to act on it <cjohnston> maybe see if anyone is active on the lp channels who could look into it? <bcurtiswx> hggdh: can we bug (no pun intended) someone to get this done faster <charlie-tca> hggdh: You opened one on him, too? he is not the same character that yelled back saturday <bcurtiswx> cjohnston: nice.. :D <hggdh> charlie-tca: yes, I opened two different requests to block, one for each <charlie-tca> They sure seem slow about it <hggdh> cjohnston: you might try. When I asked it on #LP I was told to open a question (in fact, nobody answered me, I got the hint from w_grant here) <cjohnston> gotcha.. * hggdh goes busy with work <bcurtiswx> hggdh: whats the link to it.. i'll start annoying LP <cjohnston> https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/100327 <hggdh> bcurtiswx: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/100327 and https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/100253 <mrand> I found a previous case where they closed an abusive account. Looks on average to take 1 to 3 days. <mrand> Was a year ago. <cjohnston> How do we go about fixing the mess? <LimCore> oh man Steve Langasek is sometimes a bit irritating ;) security vulnerability: yes → no huh. <bcurtiswx> Steve's cool tho. <hggdh> LimCore: Steve knows what he is talking about <arand> I don't really see how https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager-core/+bug/518665 is a dupe of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager-core/+bug/518658, or is this because dist-upgrade reports should be bulked? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518665 in update-manager-core (Ubuntu) "Panel disorder after hardy2lucid upgrade (dup-of: 518658)" [Undecided,New] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518658 in update-manager-core (Ubuntu) "nautilus error on hardy2lucid upgrade (affects: 1) (dups: 1)" [Undecided,New] <LimCore> I'm nominating 474327 for SRU in karmic <charlie-tca> I hate that new button, how do you find who did the duping? <LimCore> bug #474327 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 474327 in cryptsetup (Ubuntu) "Overwrite/destroy not-empty partition due to lack of vol_id from udev (affects: 2)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/474327 <hggdh> charlie-tca: should be in the activity log <cjohnston> hggdh: can you please join #launchpad <LimCore> hggdh: I bet, it's just that I have wider scope of what I see as security vulnerability. Imho it is better to be safe then sorry <mrand> LimCore: Yes. That may be a data corruption problem, but it doesn't look to me like a security problem. <LimCore> mrand: right; I hope it is enough for SRU, (masive) user data loss is a criteria fror SRU <cjohnston> thanks hggdh * LimCore edits one more detail in description <arand> charlie-tca: You find the dupe-meister through the full activity log. <charlie-tca> mrand: I don't see enough information on those to determine they are duplicates. I would suspect he missed the first words on the summary <charlie-tca> found him, thanks hggdh and arand <LimCore> how do I "Upload the fixed package to release-proposed" (for SRU)? I have the edited by me sources on disc and debpatch was generated/attached to bug <charlie-tca> I think I can undo that <arand> charlie-tca: Was that in reference to my two bugs? arand != mrand ;) <mrand> arand: I'm sure it was. <hggdh> just a small permutation with loss <kklimonda> LimCore, you have to find someone with upload rights who will sponsor it <LimCore> who can do that? <kklimonda> LimCore, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess <charlie-tca> yes, sorry about the name <charlie-tca> I unduped <arand> charlie-tca: cheers. <LimCore> ah bdmurray already subscribed sponsors. <cjohnston> yayyyayyayayay! <cjohnston> tis atleast a start hggdh <charlie-tca> Now to start undoing the damage, huh? <cjohnston> is there an easy way to do that? <cjohnston> or just go through his search and undo what he did do <charlie-tca> Not that I know of. I think you could use search or the gmane list <cjohnston> should we go on and start doing that? <cjohnston> i have some time... but id like someone to say yes first <cjohnston> And should I comment that I'm reversing what was done incorrectly? <charlie-tca> Okay, I can say yes, I think. Check them and if the change is wrong, coreect it and comment on it. <cjohnston> all the subscriptions and stuff are safe to remove? and assignees? <charlie-tca> Every change will generate more email for everybody involved. <cjohnston> It's up to someone who knows more than I do.. I know itll generate a ton of email... so.... i dunno <charlie-tca> Check the activity logs to see what changes were made. If the abuser assigned/subscribed people, yes, it is safe to remove them <cjohnston> ok <hggdh> yes, we will have to go throught the gmane search. Each email will tell us what he did, and we can undo it <charlie-tca> Change assigned back to nobody, undup where needed, etc <cjohnston> and of course he made stuff security so i cant get into some <charlie-tca> Let us know which ones those are, we can try to fix them, too <hggdh> you should, as long as we (the team) is ssubscribed <hggdh> oh. You are not -control yet... <cjohnston> nope <cjohnston> i guess i cant un-nominate either <charlie-tca> oh-oh. So one of us in bugcontrol will need to go them, too <qense> cjohnston: nope, only the drivers can accept or reject that <hggdh> cjohnston: accepting/rejecting nominations can only be done by the package maintainers <cjohnston> ok <charlie-tca> cjohnston: just make a comment that it may not be appropriate for the nomination, so they can read it <qense> What are we going to do with the bug-elevation-team? Keep it? ;) <cjohnston> take it and use it to take over the world <qense> :P <charlie-tca> I thought it was killed already. <charlie-tca> Why hasn't it been deleted yet? <qense> I think anyone of us can kill it, we're indirect members of Ubuntu Bugs <charlie-tca> Yes, I didn't want to kill it over the weekend, but if we now know it is bogus, it could be deleted. <cjohnston> I can't access bug 260918 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 260918 in xawtv (Fedora) (and 37 other projects) "needed: libv4l and associated application patches (or "gspca stopped working in 2.6.27") (affects: 68) (dups: 28)" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260918 <hggdh> I think it can now. And I agree with charlie-tca -- we wanted to wait and get more views, just in case (I do not believe in witches, but that they exist they do, etc, etc. Or, better safe than sorry) <qense> Who is going to delete it? <hggdh> we accept proposals ;-) <qense> pick me! * bcurtiswx draws from a hat <hggdh> what was the team name? <bcurtiswx> and the winner is..... <bcurtiswx> qense!! congrats <charlie-tca> qense +1 <qense> yay! I won! <LimCore> pick my bug to be sponsored \o/ <qense> everybody, kiss https://edge.launchpad.net/~bug-elevation-team goodbye! * bcurtiswx lights match <hggdh> bye bye, so long, farewell, etc, etc * hggdh *really* has to work now <bcurtiswx> hggdh: what is work? <bcurtiswx> :P <cjohnston> work is over rated * LimCore steals hggdh's keyboard <bcurtiswx> Limcore you've only given him the BEST excuse NOT to reply to us.. thx <LimCore> he can still use x keyboard <charlie-tca> I am on 260918, will fix what I can <hggdh> bcurtiswx: work is what pays me. The rest is pleasure :-) <bcurtiswx> hggdh: who do you work for.. i can take a few servers down if you want <hggdh> oh, just noted LimCore stole my keyboard. Cannot answer anymore ;-) <hggdh> bcurtiswx: right now I want the up. Then I will be done here, and can return home... <qense> bug 422536 is quite annoying as well, btw. Loads and loads of useless changes. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 422536 in linux (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 5 other projects) "EDAC amd64: WARNING: ECC is NOT currently enabled by the BIOS. Module will NOT be loaded. (affects: 877) (dups: 111)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/422536 <qense> It was one of the bugs that inspired for the bugpatterns, so it has quite some dups. <qense> 111, to be precise <cjohnston> bug 496923 i am unable to make the changes <ubot4> Launchpad bug 496923 in postgresql-8.4 (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 20 other projects) "Security/bug fix release: 8.4.2, 8.3.9, 8.1.19 (affects: 1)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/496923 <vish> qense: havent yet deleted the elevetion team? [i can still see it] <qense> vish: I was waiting for the maillist to be deactivated. <cjohnston> I thought about joining it just for giggles <cjohnston> lol <vish> ah cool <arand> http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=site:launchpad.net+rhett+trappman&hl=en&filter=0 Seems to catch a few which arent on the gmane list.. <qense> what is the gmane list? <arand> qense: http://search.gmane.org/?query=&author=Rhett+Trappman&group=gmane.linux.ubuntu.bugs.general&sort=date&DEFAULTOP=and&xFILTERS=Glinux.ubuntu.bugs.general-Arhett-Atrappman---A <qense> Does he have his own news group? <charlie-tca> Gmane is just easy to search <charlie-tca> It maintains several of the mailing lists in Ubuntu <qense> ah <charlie-tca> Much easier to search than the mailing list archives <charlie-tca> bug 496923 done <ubot4> Launchpad bug 496923 in postgresql-8.4 (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 20 other projects) "Security/bug fix release: 8.4.2, 8.3.9, 8.1.19 (affects: 1)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/496923 <arand> charlie-tca: Do a search in LP by bug importance, seems this fella has been on those systematically. <cjohnston> qense: bug 431217 - is the LP link he did correct or should it be removed <ubot4> Launchpad bug 431217 in msttcorefonts (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "package ttf-mscorefonts-installer 2.6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (affects: 642) (dups: 92)" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/431217 <charlie-tca> I believe it. All we can do is try to fix it <qense> cjohnston: What LP link? <cjohnston> the branch lp:ubuntu/karmic/msttcorefonts <qense> ah <qense> cjohnston: I'm not sure if it makes any sense, I don't think they were related. <cjohnston> okie.. will remove.. <cjohnston> I saw you were on that one.. so i figured id ask you ;-) <qense> :) I just fixed the status. <qense> It has been said over and over again, but maybe we should just lock bugs that have a certain number of duplicates or subscribers or at least one heat. <cjohnston> best i can tell guys, http://search.gmane.org/?query=&author=Rhett+Trappman&group=gmane.linux.ubuntu.bugs.general&sort=date&DEFAULTOP=and&xFILTERS=Glinux.ubuntu.bugs.general-Arhett-Atrappman---A everything except for the two I mentioned, i have fixed <qense> good <cjohnston> I'm looking at that google page now... <charlie-tca> Great! Thanks for helping, cjohnston <charlie-tca> I took care of the two you mentioned <cjohnston> thanks <cjohnston> sometimes its nice only working two days a week <cjohnston> lol <cjohnston> can take care of things quickly <bcurtiswx> bdmurray: can you use ubuntu-bugpatterns with Ground Control (if you've tried).. my search results come up empty every time <bcurtiswx> i've filed a bug, but i just want to make sure its not me <bdmurray> I haven't played with ground control at all <cjohnston> GC is fun... <cjohnston> atleast for what i have learned how to use <bcurtiswx> it can't find the ~ubuntu-bugpattern branch.. so i requested that if we know the branch there should be a way to put it in without a search <qense> bcurtiswx: lp:~ubuntu-desktop/apport/ubuntu-bugpatterns iirc <qense> no <qense> lp:~ubuntu-bugcontrol/apport/ubuntu-bugpatterns <qense> We should be able to commit to it, as members of Bug Control. <bcurtiswx> qense: yup i know.. its just that GC doesn't see it <qense> ah <yofel> what was groun control again? <yofel> *ground <cjohnston> a nautilus gui for bzr? <bcurtiswx> ^^that <yofel> ah <cjohnston> ;-) <cjohnston> its cool <cjohnston> if only i could really use it.. lol <yofel> well, I don't use gnome so I'll forget about it <cjohnston> heres one for yall... <cjohnston> Rhett signed his bug report Nick <cjohnston> bug 518639 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518639 in meta-kde (Ubuntu) "keyboard dosn't exsists under GNOME but not under KDE (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518639 <yofel> wth... <LimCore> it disintegrates under gnome =) <cjohnston> he also wants to join https://edge.launchpad.net/~registry <qense> I have to agree that rhett trappmann doesn't sound like a real name. <qense> I want to be part of registry as well! <LimCore> does it come with ladies that dig developers? <thekorn> has anybody saved the list of related bugreport for this user before asking to deactivating this account? <qense> If you pronounce rhett with a long e, which if you know a bit about german the 'h' already indicates, you could make it sound like the Dutch word 'reet', which means ass or crack. Trappmann could be interpreted as Kickman <jpds> cjohnston: He's been desactivated. <charlie-tca> He only had three bugs listede <qense> thekorn: already removed <charlie-tca> thekorn: he was subscribed to three bugs total <cjohnston> ok.. to all: I have also done the reports google has found... anyone got other suggestions? <arand> cjohnston: I think the cleaning might be a bigger project than expected, here's what a brief look through all "critical" ubuntu bugs yielded (only nomination it seems): http://pastebin.com/m4fab1440 This is by far not all (just continue down the list of ubuntu-bugs sorted by importance... Seems like we could use some heavier measures. <LimCore> I should totally report most severe bugs as user Kcoc Yeknod <jpds> cjohnston: If you find any spammers or plain, obvious, annoying users report them at answers.launchpad.net/launchpad <qense> Can't we search the activity logs with launchpadlib? <thekorn> qense, no <qense> aw <qense> hi etali <cjohnston> jpds: we did.. hggdh did actually <jpds> I saw. <cjohnston> arand: as of now though there isnt much we can do about nominations <hggdh> they will, eventually, be dealt with <thekorn> what the problem with nominations? <etali> hi qense <qense> thekorn: loads of them <thekorn> ok, he set alot of them .... <hggdh> he went into a frenzy of nominations <qense> he opened one for each release for each task <qense> burrying the legitimate ones <thekorn> maybe someone with direct DB access can give us a list of all bugs he ever touched, or set nominations <cjohnston> arand: how did you do that search? <etali> qense: Sorry for the slow response to your mails - my PSU blew, took my mobo with it and trashed a hard drive too - right around the time my tax return was due. Been a stressful few weeks :( Will be looking out for the next bug day though. <qense> etali: No need to apologise. I'm sorry for your computer, you can't do anything against that. <hggdh> we already have this, from the LP extensions <arand> cjohnston: simply https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance <hggdh> the gmane email list <chrisccoulson> etali - not having much luck then? ;) <etali> qense: Thanks. <etali> chrisccoulson: Well.... I got an upgrade out of it :) However I also found out there were some folders not covered by my regular backup strategy. <qense> etali: If you've got a question don't hesitate to ping me a IRC. If I'm not there, just send a mail. <arand> cjohnston: I expect he (or a script) has done the same and simply plowed through the bugs by importance... I have no idea how far he's gotten.. <kamalmostafa> bugcontrol please... I have triaged bug 306268, and request its importance be set to "Low" (based on the submitter's implication that the bug was specific to one particular program feature and/or a particular input file). <ubot4> Launchpad bug 306268 in xnec2c (Ubuntu) "xnec2c crashes for horizontal polarization" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/306268 <etali> qense: Thanks, will do. <qense> etali: good ;) <hggdh> arand: http://search.gmane.org/?query=&author=Rhett+Trappman&group=gmane.linux.ubuntu.bugs.general&sort=date&DEFAULTOP=and <qense> btw, guys, I found that I lack the skills to properly dismantle a team. Mere mortals cannot purge maillist, you need to be a member of ~mailing-list-experts if you want that according to bug #237210 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 237210 in launchpad-registry "should be a way to delete/disconnect a mailing list (dups: 3)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/237210 <hggdh> qense: in this case we will be a <sigh/> question opened against launchpad <arand> hggdh: That does not catch the hundreds(+/-??) of bugs where only nominations have been done. <qense> yes inded <qense> I'll do that <hggdh> arand: a nomination does not generate an email? <cjohnston> the gmane only has 17 listings to <cjohnston> tho <cjohnston> thats how i finished so fast ;-) <arand> hggdh: They don't show up on the bug list it seems... <qense> hggdh: wait, I'll ask someone from the team. Jorge just appeared. * charlie-tca thinks that comes as no surprise that we can create but not delete teams <hggdh> OK. try going to the guy's LP page, ans search on all bugs related to him (every one he touched should be there) <cjohnston> hggdh: good point <arand> hggdh: seems like that didn't work either, I tried before, (and now the profile is gone though... <hggdh> oh <hggdh> heh <charlie-tca> His bug page showed three total <thekorn> that's why I asked if anybody has saved his buglist ;) <hggdh> I will try a quick URL hack <arand> I don't think nominations alone show up in the buglist either, for some reason... <qense> bug-elevation-team is deleted! <chrisccoulson> yay! \o/ <chrisccoulson> good-riddance <charlie-tca> Thank you very much, qense <qense> charlie-tca: Most of the hard work was done by jorge, he purged the mailing list. ;) <charlie-tca> He deserves a big thank you too, then <hggdh> sigh. LP is timing out for me <thekorn> HE is back again :( <thekorn> https://edge.launchpad.net/~12056-wikianswers <qense> thekorn: IP ban! IP ban! <hggdh> LOL <qense> Can we request a ban right away to prevent new damage? * hggdh runs around, throw ashes, rips part of his clothes <ddecator> i'm working on bug 517449, which i think is a 'wishlist' item, but i'm not sure if this would be a small change or require enough work that i should point the person to the brainstorm site <ubot4> Launchpad bug 517449 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Notify outstanding updates at logout/shutdown (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/517449 <hggdh> qense: I am against it right now. We have to give him a chance <thekorn> and one of his first actions was to mess up one of my bugreports in one of my projects, n0000b <hggdh> oh, already? <qense> I think that CVE and security bugs should at least be locked. <thekorn> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/zeitgeist/+bug/406054 he even assigned me <qense> He shouldn't be able to disrupt such critical workflows. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 406054 in zeitgeist "Export extensions and dataproviders into a new package (affects: 1)" [High,Incomplete] <thekorn> I'm wondering if he is using the API for nominations <qense> he may be a clever little troll! <qense> grrr <hggdh> well. I stand corrected. I wanted to give him a chance. He blew it <qense> hggdh: You're a good person, you proved that for the least. <kamalmostafa> bugcontrol please... I request bug 306268 be set to [Low,Incomplete] since the problem is specific to one particular program feature. <kamalmostafa> And that bug 496347 be set to [Low,Triaged] since an easy work-around has been identified and the problem is reported upstream. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 306268 in xnec2c (Ubuntu) "xnec2c crashes for horizontal polarization" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/306268 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 496347 in xlog (Ubuntu) "xlog: qrz.com lookup fails - incorrect URL (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/496347 <charlie-tca> kamalmostafa: you asked question in bug 306268, but have not gotten a response back yet. Incomplete would be the correct status for that. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 306268 in xnec2c (Ubuntu) "xnec2c crashes for horizontal polarization" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/306268 <charlie-tca> We generally set importance when status can be confirmed <ddecator> anyone here know much about update-manager? <cjohnston> it manages my updates <ddecator> well i'm glad it's working for you cjohnston haha <kamalmostafa> charlie-tca: Yes, I understand that 306268 should remain Incomplete until I get a reply from the submitter, but based on his report I thought we'd set it as "Low" anyway. Thanks for the clarification. <cjohnston> I had to... sorry <ddecator> i'm still trying to decide if bug 517449 is 'wishlist' or if i should point the OP to the brainstorm page. idk how much work it would take to implement the idea into update-manager <ubot4> Launchpad bug 517449 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Notify outstanding updates at logout/shutdown (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/517449 <charlie-tca> kamalmostafa: no problem, the other one is confirmed by crimsun already. Thanks for helping <charlie-tca> ddecator: it was beat to death in ayatana mailing list last year. <charlie-tca> I would expect wishlist at best <kamalmostafa> charlie-tca, crimsun: thanks folks. <ddecator> charlie-tca, so is there anything on lp that you know of that i can just link this too? <charlie-tca> I dropped that group, but if ayatana is still active, they could be assigned/subscribed. The only bug I remember is the notify-osd bug, that had over 100 duplicates and hundreds of comments. <charlie-tca> I got frustrated with the "disapproved" and quit following them <ddecator> charlie-tca, so you think it should be marked wishlist and then let the devs decide whether or not to reconsider it? <charlie-tca> Yup. I think the usability group will then disapprove it since they did during karmic <ddecator> well it doesn't hurt to at least have it triaged so it's taken care of...can someone please set bug 517449 to [wishlist,triaged]? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 517449 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Notify outstanding updates at logout/shutdown (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/517449 <charlie-tca> done <ddecator> thanks charlie-tca, i appreciate the help <charlie-tca> Keep up the good work <kamalmostafa> bugcontrol please... I request bug 316009 be set to [Low, Triaged] -- the submitter is correct: multimon should suggest sox. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 316009 in kino (Ubuntu) "Inaccurate Estimate of Export Time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/316009 <kamalmostafa> oops wrong bug <kamalmostafa> I request bug 361009 be set to [Low, Triaged] -- the submitter is correct: multimon should suggest sox. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 361009 in multimon (Ubuntu) "Please add 'sox' to multimon Suggests: packages (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/361009 <yofel> kamalmostafa: can you submit that to debian too if it's not already filed there as the package is synced from there <charlie-tca> That is already done in lucid <yofel> oh indeed <charlie-tca> Lucid does install sox with multimon <yofel> it depends on sox <charlie-tca> It is listed as a depends <kamalmostafa> How did I miss that? <charlie-tca> Probably looked at karmic. <kamalmostafa> Oh! I actually grepped for "Suggests:" only! <kamalmostafa> Well... it's not actually right then -- it *should not* depend on 'sox', just Suggest it. <yofel> yes, in 1.0-5: * depend upon sox. (Closes: #555391) <yofel> debian 555391 <ubot4> Debian bug 555391 in multimon "should depend on sox" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/555391 <charlie-tca> reporter does not give any version. <kamalmostafa> Well, its certainly not a big deal at all -- but its not actually right. :-) multimon's main functionality doesn't need sox. <charlie-tca> bug is invalid, then? <kamalmostafa> Well, not "Invalid" but "Fix Released", right? <kamalmostafa> I mean -- the LP bug 361009 could be set to "Fix Released". I do consider the Deb bug invalid, but that's a separate issue. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 361009 in multimon (Ubuntu) "Please add 'sox' to multimon Suggests: packages (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/361009 <yofel> well, fix released would be ok here, but put the changelog in the comment too where it says it was fixed <yofel> the debian changelog for 1.0-5 (like the launchpad janitor does) <kamalmostafa> Yup, will do. Okay, scratch my request for that one. <kamalmostafa> thanks folks! <yofel> kamalmostafa: you might want to link the debian bug too so that we have a complete documentation <kamalmostafa> yofel: sure will. <hggdh> bdmurray: is the busquad ML moderated? <bdmurray> hggdh: yeah <bdmurray> hggdh: good thing too since someone was assigning bugs to the team <LimCore> bdmurray: would you sponsor that bug where you set patch tag? bug #474327 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 474327 in cryptsetup (Ubuntu) "Overwrite/destroy not-empty partition due to lack of vol_id from udev (affects: 2)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/474327 <bdmurray> LimCore: no, because cryptsetup is in main <LimCore> you are not in main sponsors? <bdmurray> LimCore: No, I am not <LimCore> sometimes I feel its like 5 hours talking to do 5 minute work, with some bug fixes ;) <LimCore> perhaps more developer time of sponsors is needed <hggdh> bdmurray: yes, you missed the exciting weekend we had ;-) <bdmurray> bcurtiswx: I think the pattern for LP: #459366 should be a wee bit more specific <bdmurray> bcurtiswx: perhaps also adding emit_signal? <bcurtiswx> bdmurray: ok lemme go to that bug again one sec <bcurtiswx> bdmurray: ok, so that last section. I'll make sure to add those in the future.. i'll go change that now <bdmurray> bcurtiswx: lots of things could cause TypeErrors so being specific as to what is best <bcurtiswx> bdmurray: not a prob.. i learn best as I go along.. get as much hands on as I can without risking breakage <bcurtiswx> bdmurray: changed :D thx for the heads up <LimCore> if developers of say subversion suck at implementing loging and security <LimCore> lets say someone would provide a custom patch to fix given things. What are chances to get it quickly to Ubuntu perhaps even before upstream <persia> Low. <persia> Most significant feature growth is left to upstream except in the case where some specific Ubuntu developer is pushing really hard to get something done. <persia> And in most of those cases, that Ubuntu Developer is working closely with upstream, and so the patches tend to land around the same time. <LimCore> I really hare when I find our someone broke something apparently by share stupidity <LimCore> *typos <LimCore> svnserve uses config/authz for secuity access controll... but completly ignores it when it -t mode (when accessing via SSH tunel, a common use case) wtf!? <LimCore> I bet the fix is something like + check_authz_access(this_request); But it will take me hours or days to find WHERE to fix it ;) <LimCore> oh, also you would thought there is a work-around with scripting hooks. But, there are like 10 hooks executed on various things.. and NONE of them is executed on READ access (only on write access)... jesus. <LimCore> persia: I can make an PPA with the unnoobified version of svn and give that to people who need it, right? <persia> I can't speak to your ability, but there's no theoretical limit to what can be in a third-party repository. <kamalmostafa> Hi persia... Thanks for pushing me to do a proper round of bug triaging -- it was a good experience. I discovered the greasemonkey tools and re-discovered a neat package I had forgotten about. I submitted my application to ~ubuntu-bugcontrol earlier today. <LimCore> if tool by design is not very secure in some aspect, is this a security bug? <persia> kamalmostafa: Excellent. Best of luck with your application. <persia> LimCore: Not if the insecurity is documented clearly. <LimCore> it is very not obvious, even to experienced svn users <LimCore> you may think that you can switch from https to svn+ssh access method, but surprise surprise, if you do, then authz (access restrictions file) is just ignored #ubuntu-bugs 2010-02-09 <LimCore> is there some count in user's profile on LP related to patches that made it into ubuntu or upstream? like in karma <persia> No. <Jordan_U> The instructions given in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/453579/comments/200, "dd if=<iso name> of=/dev/<ext*4* partition>/<some file name> bs=512MB " are potentially dangerous since it suggests outputting to the device node in /dev itself rather than a file on that filesystem. Is it an over reaction to post a comment prominently warning against following these directions? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 453579 in linux (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 3 other projects) "in-place corruption of large files *without fsck or reboot* reported with linux 2.6.31-14.46 on ext4 (affects: 22) (dups: 1)" [Critical,Triaged] <LimCore> Jordan_U: imho, users are likelly to make mistakes following instructions, and user-data-loss is horrible always <ali12341> that wouldn't even work, would it? <Jordan_U> ali12341, In most cases it would just result in a syntax or permissions error <ali12341> file not found, i would have thought? <LimCore> hmm since when /dev/partition/filename will work? <Jordan_U> ali12341, Depends on what they write. /dev/sda1/filename would be file not found, and /dev/sda1 /filename would give unknown option "/filename" <Jordan_U> That's why I am wondering if a prominent warning is appropriate or not <ali12341> it looks like a typo to me, they didn't mean to write /dev/ at all <Jordan_U> ali12341, I have no doubt that the author didn't mean that, but it is what people will read and try to follow <ali12341> i'd say it is appropriate then <Jordan_U> Does "**WARNING** Do not run the dd command in the above comment **WARNING**" and an explanation seem reasonable? <Jordan_U> Or is there anyone that could just fix the original comment? <LimCore> bug #519083 - svn security. I would like to fix it and with your help push it to ubuntu quickly :) <ubot4> LimCore: Bug 519083 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/519083 is private <persia> Comments may not be edited. <wgrant> The only way to edit comments is with SQL, and that facility is not used lightly. <LimCore> now public <ali12341> huh, rhett trappmann has touched this bug too... crazy <wgrant> Has he still just the two accounts? <ali12341> well, he has one less now i think <wgrant> Both are suspended. <LimCore> what is his account name on LP? <wgrant> r12056 <wgrant> And 12056-wikianswers <hggdh> yes. So far <LimCore> no page with such address https://bugs.launchpad.net/~r12056 by suspended you ment deleted + with all trace removed? <wgrant> Suspended accounts are not visible in the web UI. <wgrant> (You can tell that an account is suspended because it says 'Page gone' rather than 'Page not found'.) <hggdh> I really wish he would pop in here so we could talk with him <wgrant> That would be pleasant. <LimCore> ok guys, actually it's me :o <hggdh> LimCore: right now, if you say this, you will be gone in a jiff <LimCore> hehe no Im joking <LimCore> all of mine bug reports make sense, and nothing like missing keyboard ;) <LimCore> most of my report are very helpfull I hope <LimCore> what did he do, created nonsense reports? <hggdh> went on assigning bugs to random people/teams, nominating everything, etc <LimCore> you could develop some anti-spam tools, or update existing <LimCore> if something then perhaps I can help review some ideas <yofel> there was a nonsense report I think, but the nonsense bug-elevation-team was more entertaining <LimCore> perhaps allow given actions only after some time and creating a few bug reports (that where not deleted right after) <hggdh> not really. Doing something like that would mean closing LP more. I would rather have it open and deal with the problems we find -- which are rare, BTW <LimCore> bug-elevation-team ? <hggdh> also <LimCore> hggdh: there is _1_ thing that new-LP-users want to do (quickly) - report/comment a bug. All else doesnt have to be super-open. <yofel> LimCore: he created a team and invited just about every team he could find into it (including the admins etc.) and set 'Ubuntu Bugs' as the owner <LimCore> woot <LimCore> don't you have option to send a PM to user or something, and ask him to contact you as you said; or just email? <Jordan_U> Ok, I am about to post this to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/453579 if it looks OK : http://pastebin.com/m666af34e <ubot4> Launchpad bug 453579 in linux (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 3 other projects) "in-place corruption of large files *without fsck or reboot* reported with linux 2.6.31-14.46 on ext4 (affects: 22) (dups: 1)" [Critical,Triaged] <hggdh> interesting. I cannot start firefox anymore <micahg> hggdh: which version? <hggdh> 3.6 <hggdh> ooohhhh xul-ext-firegpg is the culprit <hggdh> I have it again. micahg want me to open a bug on it? * micahg thinks there is a bug <hggdh> k. This was with the brand-new, just-put-available firegpg <micahg> hggdh: yeah, 0.7.9 should support 3.6 <micahg> 64 bit? <LimCore> oh dear god <LimCore> what it is with firefox plugins and failures on 64bit <LimCore> it's not year 2005 <micahg> LimCore: upstream doesn't always support it <LimCore> firebug, bugzilla and now you say also firegpg <micahg> also there still aren't any official 64 bit builds of FF <micahg> but soon <hggdh> micahg: yes, 64, and 0.7.10 <LimCore> s/bugzilla/enigmail <micahg> hggdh: no idea <LimCore> kde ssl information should allow to copy-past the text. what package to report against? <micahg> hggdh: makes sense, no xulrunner 1.9.2 <micahg> hggdh: please file a bug and subcribe me <hggdh> darn. micahg I cannot, I am using ffox from the mozillateam ppa <hggdh> ubuntu-bug spits it away <hggdh> oh <hggdh> I *can* got straight into LP... <micahg> hggdh: no, file against firegpg, not firefox <hggdh> ok <micahg> hggdh: it needs to be rebuilt once xul192 is uploaded <micahg> which needs to happen this week <micahg> along with TB3 * micahg will be back later <LimCore> anyone uses apt-cacher? I want to confirm bug 516500. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 516500 in apt-cacher (Ubuntu) "apt-cacher sometimes dissallows to download given packages untill cache is fixed. Failed to fetch (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/516500 <kklimonda> heh, is wubi really officially supported? /me is looking at bug 477104 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 477104 in grub2 (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 3 other projects) "After 9.10 grub update can not boot into Wubi install (affects: 125) (dups: 9)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/477104 <nigel_nb> kklimonda, yep. It is. Its on every ubuntu cd I believe <crimsun> sorry for the bug spam; I have about 200 more PA bugsto close tonight <crimsun> already closed ~100 <crimsun> (all resolved in Lucid) <nigel_nb> crimsun, that is a *lot* of bugs :) <nigel_nb> hats off to you buddy :) <nigel_nb> can "Bug Squad" now see private bugs? <kklimonda> nigel_nb, I don't think so <nigel_nb> kklimonda, well, I seem to be able to <nigel_nb> kklimonda, are you on bug squad? <kklimonda> yes - but I'm also a member of bug control so I won't be able to confirm it <nigel_nb> lemme hunt for someone who's not on bug squad <wgrant> nigel_nb, kklimonda: You cannot magically see private bugs. <wgrant> Private bugs are visible to their subscribers. <wgrant> If you're not in the subscriber list or ~admins, you cannot see the bug. <kklimonda> true <nigel_nb> well, I'm not sure if I'm a subscriber either <hggdh> bug-control gets to some via crash-bug-triagers <nigel_nb> wait ubuntu-bugs is subscribed, I think I'm in there <nigel_nb> ah, figured it out <nigel_nb> I'm subscribed to ubuntu desktop bugs.... <hggdh> I think ubuntu-bugs work work via bug-control, not bug-squad <wgrant> hggdh: Right. <nigel_nb> hggdh, yes. ubuntu-bugs is via bug control <wgrant> (otherwise Rhett would have stil had privileges over the team) <hggdh> yeah <nigel_nb> hggdh, but desktop bugs is open and subsrcribed here <wgrant> nigel_nb: Which bug? <nigel_nb> wgrant, bug 518806 <ubot4> nigel_nb: Bug 518806 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/518806 is private <nigel_nb> it is kinda funny. the guy attached a pdf <nigel_nb> and later realized its illegal <nigel_nb> and made it private <wgrant> Ah, so, making a bug private will automatically subscribe any implicit subscribers (those under 'Also notified') <wgrant> (this is not the case for a bug that starts private) <nigel_nb> wgrant, another bug in malone? <hggdh> wgrant: I think what happened was the bug started public -- so "also notified <hggdh> got subscribed. After that, they were already there <wgrant> hggdh: That's right. <wgrant> nigel_nb: Not a bug. <nigel_nb> it is supposed to work that way? <hggdh> yes <wgrant> Perhaps not exactly desirable in all circumstances, but there is no really good solution. <wgrant> They've already been notified about the bug, so there's no extra disclosure. <wgrant> And if it didn't work like that, bugs would vanish from all but the reporter if they were quickly made private. <nigel_nb> ah :) <nigel_nb> so, we live with it. <nigel_nb> I'll remove the attachment from this guy ;) <hggdh> nigel_nb: about desktop-bugs... this is not really a problem. Keep in mind you do *not* need to belong to any team to work with bugs <nigel_nb> hggdh, I thought I'd get mails about every bug <nigel_nb> apparently, it doesn't work thta way <nigel_nb> hggdh, I was going to remove myself. I *thought* it might be something like gnome bugs. Now I have to subscribe to packages I understand <hggdh> yes, you do. Otherwise we would be completely submerged in email <nigel_nb> hggdh, I got filters set and ready ;) <hggdh> nigel_nb: I am talking about 10k bugs per month (low-balling it), and *all* comments and changes <nigel_nb> hggdh, oh .... OH <hggdh> just subscribe to the ubuntu-bugs ML... you will understand what I am talking about in 1 week, tops <nigel_nb> oh no thanks * kklimonda was subscribed to desktop bugs for a while <nigel_nb> only brian can deal with that thing <hggdh> I very much doubt he does it :-) <persia> And even then, only with support from automation <kklimonda> hggdh, he did in the past <hggdh> yes. And a *lot* of disk space <kklimonda> and a well configured mutt ;) <hggdh> kklimonda: in the past we did not have 10k bugs per month. I was subscribed to the ML for a while, then * wgrant was subscribed back in 2006. <wgrant> It was managable. <nigel_nb> hggdh, removed the offending pdf and I'm marking it confirmed and public <hggdh> yes <wgrant> Note that the PDF is still accessible. <hggdh> nigel_nb: thank you. I *could* have removed it, but I was not sure I should <wgrant> And will be for several days. <hggdh> but there is nothing we can do... until we get to have private attachments <nigel_nb> hggdh, reflects poorly on us if an illegal copy of a book is around for everyone to download <hggdh> I agree <nigel_nb> hggdh, bah, ran into trouble now <nigel_nb> hggdh, that bug isn't confirmable on other pdfs <hggdh> nigel_nb: the OP will find another PDF, or create a video, or whatever <nigel_nb> good idea <nigel_nb> hggdh, trouble is... I set to confirmed :( <hggdh> nigel_nb: just put it back to Incomplete, and explain why <hggdh> no problems * nigel_nb feels stupid <hggdh> heh <nigel_nb> hggdh, um, what should I be doing to get into bug squad? been some time. It me only yday. <nigel_nb> err... bug control <hggdh> and I have been monitoring you ;-) <hggdh> have not seen any new upstream to b.g.o <nigel_nb> haven't seen any upsteamable bugs either :( <hggdh> yup <hggdh> nigel_nb: you are almost there <hggdh> I would just like a bit longer, for you to feel more confortable <hggdh> BUT <hggdh> your time is coming <nigel_nb> :) <nigel_nb> I'll try to score 200 bugs ;) <nigel_nb> i'm at 110 now I tink <ddecator> hggdh, what is the likelihood that pedro has been watching my progress through emails? idk if you'll know or not, but i can get in contact with him lately <hggdh> you mean you cannot, right <ddecator> right <ddecator> i guess he's traveling for work <hggdh> ddecator: might be. But the rest of us are here -- and watching you like eagles <bdmurray> yes, he was in pdx last week and travelled back home over the weekend <hggdh> well, in my case, an eagle with glasses <nigel_nb> ddecator, there was dev sprint last week in portland (I think) <ddecator> right, i'm just wondering when my time comes to consider bugcontrol, who would be the main one i should talk to? haha <hggdh> ddecator: Pedro would be it <ddecator> alright, thanks hggdh <hggdh> but we can provide him with feedback also <nigel_nb> ddecator, most of the time its micahg who helps me out (time difference)... doesn't really matter <nigel_nb> any thing you say here has logs... its kinda easy to grep <ddecator> nigel_nb, yah micahg helps me out a lot too since we're in the same loco, and he wants to train me for ff bugs <ddecator> nigel_nb, that's true... <nigel_nb> ah :) <nigel_nb> bug 518840 is a feature right? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518840 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "not returning to the previous song (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518840 <nigel_nb> I mean.. it not really a bug.... <ddecator> i was just looking at that, haha <nigel_nb> standard feature in all players <ddecator> i'm gonna check the changelogs <ddecator> nigel_nb, he said it didn't happen before, so i'm checking the changelogs to see if they marked a change in that feature <nigel_nb> :) <nigel_nb> hggdh, a little bit of your evolution foo :) bug 519079 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 519079 in evolution (Ubuntu) "Evolution STOPPED syncing with GMAIL (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/519079 <Damascene> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/HotkeyResearch <Damascene> I tried all this didn't work for me <nigel_nb> Damascene, didn't you log a bug for it? <Damascene> as I told to do for this bug: <Damascene> I did but I asked to do something else to help <Damascene> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/518007 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518007 in udev (Ubuntu) "Asus Eee Function Keys (Hotkeys) are not working with Lucid 10.04 (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] <nigel_nb> Damascene, no reponse with any of the methods <nigel_nb> ? <hggdh> nigel_nb: seems to be a bug... <nigel_nb> hggdh, worthy of upstream? <hggdh> make the bug private, and then ask the OP to run Evo in debug mode from the console. See http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/bugs.shtml <Damascene> no respond <Damascene> I'm attaching a file right now with the method 2 results <hggdh> the OP should run 'env CAMEL_DEBUG=all evolution > evo.log 2>&1', and then upload the evo.log <hggdh> but make the bug private -- there will be private data being logged <nigel_nb> hggdh, okay :) <hggdh> and I am gone. G'night all <ddecator> cya hggdh <bcurtiswx> LP just died on me <bcurtiswx> ok its back.. <shrugs> <nigel_nb> bcurtiswx, just show it some love ;) <bcurtiswx> lol <Damascene> nigel_nb, I've updated the bug report. may some one trigger it now? <nigel_nb> ddecator, you checked chagelog in gnome or ubuntu? <ddecator> nigel_nb, whatever set of docs came from debian, i only know of one place where the changelogs are stored <nigel_nb> ddecator, actually there are git comment messages <nigel_nb> bah.. commit messages <nigel_nb> if you go to git.gnome.org, it will let you browse, painstaking but possible ;) <ddecator> the changelog i checked was the "changelog.Debian.gz," but i'll check that site, thanks <bcurtiswx> is it possible to search multiple files for a string it includes? <ddecator> nigel_nb, i still couldn't find anything, but i don't see it as a bug <nigel_nb> bcurtiswx, in your file system? <bcurtiswx> yup <nigel_nb> hm.. lemme chekc my bash history <nigel_nb> I tried it out last week <nigel_nb> bcurtiswx, grep -H -r “redeem reward” /home/tom <nigel_nb> bcurtiswx, that prints the file names with match <ddecator> nigel_nb, does apport-collect get crash reports? <nigel_nb> ddecator, apport automatically gets triggered during crash <micahg> ddecator: in lucid I think you can attach one to an existing bug <ddecator> micahg, so apport launches automatically for firefox crashes in lucid? is that because it's still in development? <micahg> ddecator: yes, it's off by default in stable releases, but you can enable it if you want <micahg> ddecator: you can also use ubuntu-bug /path/to/crash_file <ddecator> micahg nigel_nb, ah, i didn't know it got enabled in development releases. good to know <nigel_nb> :) <nigel_nb> micahg, didn't you patch apport once? <micahg> micahg: yes <ddecator> ... <ddecator> i'm guessing the self reference was an accident? haha <micahg> oops * micahg talks to himself sometimes... <micahg> nigel_nb: yes <nigel_nb> micahg, LOl <ddecator> wait, i'm confused <nigel_nb> micahg, I knew you were the apport expert <micahg> nigel_nb: I'm no expert <micahg> pitti and bdmurray are <ddecator> it's good to know that apport is automatically on for firefox crashes in development releases, but nigel_nb that bug is on karmic <nigel_nb> well..enough to patch it <micahg> nigel_nb: nah, it was patched in Lucid, I just backported the fix <nigel_nb> micahg, ah :) <nigel_nb> ddecator, bug number? <micahg> ddecator: ubuntu-bug /path/to/crash <ddecator> bug 518913 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518913 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Firefox crashes constantly (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518913 <micahg> ddecator: problem with ff crashes is you can't report them with ff :) <ddecator> micahg, i copied a comment you told me to use in a crash for ff before <micahg> ddecator: yes, but if it won't stay open like this bug, it won't work * ddecator is confused <micahg> nigel_nb: also, you might not want that help -> report a problem thing on every bug as this user did with yelp <micahg> ddecator: apport uses firefox, if firefox won't stay open for more than 5 seconds, you can't report with apport <ddecator> micahg, but does apport-collect get crash info for ff if it's not on by default? <nigel_nb> micahg, I wanted him to do that firefox <nigel_nb> *in* firefox <micahg> ddecator: apport-collect doesn't add crash info in < lucid <micahg> nigel_nb: I think you meant about firefox <ddecator> micahg, so since this is karmic...is there any way to get the crash info? <nigel_nb> yeah <micahg> nigel_nb: I think what you did was fine <micahg> nigel_nb: no I was wrong <micahg> you did mean for him to do that in FF <micahg> nigel_nb: but that's hard with this type of bug <micahg> I'm made the mistake myself many times <nigel_nb> micahg, now its totally confusing <nigel_nb> apport-collect? <ddecator> yah i'm completely lost... <micahg> nigel_nb: the 3rd paragraph of your post <micahg> report a bug <nigel_nb> micahg, I need to "read" the gm script.. second time I'm messing up <micahg> my gm script doesn't have that... <micahg> nigel_nb: did you edit yours? <ddecator> micahg, so i'm a little confused on this...enabling apport for a firefox crash will create a crash file, but then use firefox to upload to lp right after it just crashed? <nigel_nb> micahg, nopes. Its direct from the xml <micahg> ddecator: if it's a rare crash in firefox, it's fine and normal, if it's the firefox crash where the browser won't stay open for > 5 seconds, it's impossible <ddecator> micahg, i see...just seems weird to me that apport uses firefox to upload a firefox crash report haha, i thought it uploaded automatically on it's own without a browser <micahg> nigel_nb: are you using the deb apckage? <nigel_nb> micahg, yeah <micahg> ddecator: it uploads w/out it, the problem is submitting the bug with the crash info * micahg doesn't have an .xml file <nigel_nb> micahg, the xml file is in bdmurray's people.ubuntu.com website <micahg> nigel_nb: BTW, that's the wrong firefox for Karmic <ddecator> micahg, so the report is uploaded, but it needs firefox to actually submit the bug? * nigel_nb seems to be making only mistakes today <micahg> ddecator: for the user to register the bug (subject, description) <micahg> nigel_nb: dont' worry :) <ddecator> micahg, ah, i guess that makes more sense <nigel_nb> micahg, 3.5 ? <micahg> soon all will be firefox <micahg> yeah, I moved it... <ddecator> nigel_nb, it's nothing big nigel, i just wanted to know what the right method was for future reference =) <micahg> nigel_nb: the hooks are in the firefox-3.5 package <nigel_nb> micahg, ah * micahg is happy launchpad code is back :) <ddecator> ? <micahg> bzr branch checkout was down earlier <ddecator> haha, yah i have no idea what that is... <micahg> code branches stored in launchpafd <ddecator> good enough for me * micahg needs to prepare next versions of firefox... <nigel_nb> micahg, logger head? <nigel_nb> or the host itself? <micahg> nigel_nb: I think that's the gui <nigel_nb> oh, the backend was down too? <nigel_nb> yday loggerhead was down <micahg> nigel_nb: yes, I guess that's yesterday for you :) * nigel_nb is lazy to type yesterday <nigel_nb> especially after a night of typing (my work involves plenty of typing anyway) * ddecator is getting tired and lost track on whether he hit his 5-a-day mark for today... <nigel_nb> ddecator, check mail ;) <nigel_nb> easiest way <ddecator> well i guess that depends, i'm assuming it's just doing -any- work on five different bugs? <ddecator> well, any real work... <ddecator> if so, then yah i hit it easy, haha * ddecator is debating whether or not to get up early again tomorrow, or just wait for pedro to email him back * nigel_nb votes waiting or using memoserv <ddecator> memoserv? <nigel_nb> /msg memoserv help <ddecator> o_O <ddecator> irc ceases to amaze me <nigel_nb> hehe <ddecator> lets see... <ddecator> so i'm guessing i use "send <username> <message>"? <nigel_nb> well.. /msg memoserv send help ;) <ddecator> touche <giantpune> hi guys. i think i found a bug in ubuntu gnome and i could use sme help trying to fix it <nigel_nb> hehe <nigel_nb> giantpune, Hi, could you describe your problem. We can help you file a bug report <giantpune> i right-clicked the bluetooth icon in the upper right and selected to remove it from the panel. after that, the upper and lower "taskbar" panels just keep refreshing <giantpune> they disappear and come back every 3 seconds <nigel_nb> giantpune, which version of ubuntu are you running? <giantpune> 9.10 x64 <nigel_nb> giantpune, odd. I dont seem to have a "remove from panel for bluetooth" <nigel_nb> micahg, are you on karmic amd64? <micahg> nigel_nb: yes <giantpune> there is also one for the envelope icon which isup there beside it <nigel_nb> micahg, do you see a "remove from panel" for bluetooth? I dont, but I'm on i386.. giantpune seems to have issues with it <micahg> nigel_nb: I don't have bluetooth and I'm running xubuntu <nigel_nb> micahg, aah <nigel_nb> giantpune, could describe in more detail what you mean by refreshing? <giantpune> for some reason there were 2 bluetooth icons. so i tried that to remove 1 of them and thats when it all went screwey <nigel_nb> that does sound like an existing bug, but I dont remember the number <giantpune> the panels show up like they do when the pc first starts. then they vanish. then they come back and then they vanish <ddecator> woot, it sent <ddecator> anyway, what about a 64-bit bug? <nigel_nb> ddecator, can you check your gnome panel to see if you can right click and say remove from panel? <ddecator> nigel_nb, what am i trying to remove? <giantpune> i eventually got it to let me logout and i logged in with "gnome-failsafe" and it seems to be working fine now. but i would like to fix the non fail-safe part <nigel_nb> ddecator, erm, sorry.. bluetooth <ddecator> i don't have it installed right now, but one sec... <ddecator> er...activated, haha <nigel_nb> giantpune, go to your home folder, press ctrl H to view all folders and rename the .gconf folder. <ddecator> you can't remove it, but there is a "show bluetooth icon" option in preferences <nigel_nb> giantpune, log out and login. See if everything is normal. if not log a bug <nigel_nb> ddecator, ah, I thought so. <nigel_nb> ddecator, seems like an existing bug.. <ddecator> nigel_nb, wait, what's the bug? <nigel_nb> ddecator, phantom icons <nigel_nb> ddecator, 2 icon shows up. when you try removing one, it messes everything up * ddecator has two accessibility icons on his panel <nigel_nb> bug 439448 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 439448 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "notification area shows wrong icons. erratic behaviour (affects: 25) (dups: 2)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/439448 * ddecator removed the icon, and now xchat was removed as well? <nigel_nb> ddecator, you shouldnt have removed <nigel_nb> it causes a mess when you remove <ddecator> nigel_nb, -shrug- i can always reset the panel <nigel_nb> heh ;) <ddecator> i've had to do it before, haha <ddecator> but yah, it's legit <nigel_nb> ah, thats where the confidence comes from :p <giantpune> so what is the proper way to reset this panel? <ddecator> nigel_nb, confidence? haha <ddecator> giantpune, let me check how i did it before... <nigel_nb> giantpune, rename .gconf and logout. Login back and should be okay. but there is an upstream bug about it <ddecator> there you go <giantpune> ok. let me see what this does <ddecator> let me see if it works...brb <giantpune> brb <ddecator> yup <ddecator> reset to default <nigel_nb> ddecator, :) <ddecator> i just had to remove the panel file, so it had to create a new one on login...haha, i've had to do this so many times, i've been testing software a lot longer than i've been triaging, so i'm getting decent at figuring this stuff out =p <nigel_nb> hehe :) <ddecator> delete the bottom panel...autohide...delete the two icons...good to go =) <ddecator> and only one accessibility icon ;) <nigel_nb> :) <ddecator> so now what were you saying about confidence? i seem confident? haha <nigel_nb> ddecator, only when things get screwed and you fix them, you get confidence...true? <giantpune> ok am i back? <ddecator> nigel_nb, yah i guess, i'm used to the kernel not mounting, nvidia getting screwed up.. <ddecator> giantpune, did it work for you? <nigel_nb> giantpune, working fine now? <giantpune> well, it has stopped the panels crashing. but now i have 2 volume icons <giantpune> im afraid to try to change my volume now <ddecator> giantpune, did the panels get reset to their defaults though? <ddecator> giantpune, one volume icon should work fine, just don't remove either one, haha <nigel_nb> giantpune, well, the 2 volumes is a known bug upstream like I said <giantpune> it appears so. all the extra icons i had stuck to the upper pannel are now gone <Damascene> Hello, any help with this <Damascene> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/519150 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 519150 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) "openoffice menus in menu bar is not visible in Ubuntu Netbook Edition (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] <ddecator> giantpune, yah, sorry about that... <nigel_nb> giantpune, you can add your comments to bug 439448 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 439448 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "notification area shows wrong icons. erratic behaviour (affects: 25) (dups: 2)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/439448 <nigel_nb> giantpune, well, I got your panel reset, thats why. <ddecator> Damascene, i don't have access to UNE, so i can't really help much with that <nigel_nb> Damascene, that is the default color <giantpune> has the grub bug been fixed? <nigel_nb> giantpune, which one/ <nigel_nb> Damascene, or is that not the default color otherwise? <giantpune> when i first installed this version of ubuntu it worked fine. then i did the update and it updated grub to grub 2 i think. and grub2 couldnt load any filesystem <giantpune> so i was stuck at grub2 <Damascene> as I said the default color of UNE is black or dark gray <nigel_nb> eek! upgrade. <nigel_nb> Damascene, so black on white gray? <giantpune> so ive been afraid to update anything for fear that it will not be able to start again <Damascene> for the menu bar I mean but the problem only with openoffice <ddecator> giantpune, grub upgrades are risky and sometimes stuff like that happens just by chance. what version did you say you're running? <giantpune> 1.97beta is what came with the ubuntu i downloaded. then when it upgraded i got grub2 <Damascene> nigel_nb, it's black text on black background. there is screen shot <nigel_nb> Damascene, okay, the problem dawned on me now :) <ddecator> Damascene, i heard Openoffice is planned to be removed from Lucid's UNE...doesn't help your bug, but just good to know <ddecator> giantpune, 1.97 beta is "grub2," if you run 'sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' is grub listed as one of the upgrades? <Damascene> ddecator, why it's just fine <giantpune> yes. it still wants me to update grub. but i always tell it no <ddecator> Damascene, not sure, here's what i saw http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/02/few-days-ago-we-shared-word-that.html <ddecator> giantpune, if you already have grub2 it shouldn't be a problem, but if you don't want to update it then you can use the update manager to just update everything else <giantpune> ok <Damascene> nigel_nb, can you triage it? <nigel_nb> Damascene, its not an open office bug per se. Its your theme <nigel_nb> I'm trying to figure out where to change it <Damascene> but all the other program are working fine <ddecator> Damascene, i think the idea is that netbooks don't normally need a full office suite, so their trying to save room on the disc for other programs <Damascene> and I could not change my theme. maybe it's another bug :) <ddecator> Damascene, can you get into the OO options menu? <Damascene> no options menu <ddecator> Damascene, Tools -> Options... ? <Damascene> yes <ddecator> go there and select Appearance <ddecator> you should be able to change the colors from there so you can read everything <Damascene> ok but it still a bug right? <ddecator> for example, i had to change it so the background is white and the text is black since i use a dark theme <ddecator> hard to tell if it would be considered one... <giantpune> also, is there documentation somewhere about how to use the nVidia drivers? I cannot understand what im supposed to do to get dual monitors to work properly <ddecator> it might be more of a wishlist for better gtk+ support? what do you think nigel_nb ? <ddecator> giantpune, do you mean how to activate them? <nigel_nb> ddecator, its just a theme going crazy. its working fine on ubuntu <giantpune> I have them installed and it is outputting video to both monitors, but i can only get 640X480 resolution on my second monitor <ddecator> nigel_nb, yah but OO doesn't play nice with dark themes usually, haha, but since it won't be in UNE for lucid idk if it's worth filing...maybe ask someone in the morning? <nigel_nb> thats best <ddecator> giantpune, System -> Administration -> NVIDIA X Server Settings <ddecator> giantpune, i know there are resolution settings in there, but idk if it'll support dual monitor <ddecator> nigel_nb, do you want to subscribe to it and ask tomorrow? <giantpune> ive tried messing with this, but it only lets me pick 640 resolution for the second monitor. and it cannot save anything. even if i start it with sudo <ddecator> giantpune, odd...but NVIDIA is tricky. maybe try asking on Ubuntu Answer's? or there may be someone who has already asked, you can search around a bit on there. if you don't find one, then you can post the question <ddecator> giantpune, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu <pune> thanks a bunch <ddecator> np <pune> thanks again <om26er> should this be made public? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/519050 there is not coredump but its not retraced <ubot4> om26er: Error: Bug #519050 is private. <ddecator> i'm not in bugcontrol so i can't help, sorry <om26er> any please this is a critical bug <ddecator> persia, you still around? ^ <ddecator> sorry, i'm not sure any other bugcontrol members are on right now <crimsun> there are. <crimsun> granted, edge.lp seems to be timing out <ddecator> ah, hey crimsun <nigelbabu> crimsun, how many more to go? <nigelbabu> (out of the 200 more you said earlier) <crimsun> nigelbabu: I'm taking a break momentarily <Damascene> I wonder how I can triage a bug. I've been here for almost a week and noon of my bugs have been triaged. are here any one who can triage a bug? <Damascene> *non <ddecator> Damascene, are you talking about the bugs that you are reporting? <om26er> Damascene, give the links <Damascene> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/518007 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518007 in udev (Ubuntu) "Asus Eee Function Keys (Hotkeys) are not working with Lucid 10.04 (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] <Damascene> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/519150 <wgrant> Er, Critical? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 519150 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) "openoffice menus in menu bar is not visible in Ubuntu Netbook Edition (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] <wgrant> om26er: Why is that critical? <om26er> wgrant, because netbook launcher dont start for any one <crimsun> Damascene: why is that a udev bug/ <Damascene> some one here told me to report it against it <Damascene> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat/+bug/215078 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 215078 in xchat (Ubuntu) "xchat disconnect then reconnect loses channel info (affects: 1) (dups: 1)" [Low,Incomplete] <crimsun> linux, not udev. triaged. <Damascene> thank you :) <crimsun> something must be wonky with chromium <om26er> Damascene, about openoffice bug its actually a bug in dust theme <ddecator> why do you say that crimsun ? <Damascene> but other programs are working fine <crimsun> ddecator: because the LP notification showed up in the bug 215078 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 215078 in xchat (Ubuntu) "xchat disconnect then reconnect loses channel info (affects: 1) (dups: 1)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/215078 <crimsun> "The bug supervisor for linux (Ubuntu) has been subscribed to this bug." <Damascene> any way to whose advice should I lessen before I report a bug? I always ask before I report. some times in #ubuntu+1 <wgrant> crimsun: Known and practically unsolvable issue with LP. <wgrant> Yay races. <Damascene> some one should have voice in this channel <crimsun> oh, LP? Ok, I'm happy to blame LP, then. <ddecator> Damascene, you don't necessarily have to ask here every time, just look on launchpad for if it is already reported (if it is, click that it affects you), otherwise report a new bug using these guidelines: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs <ddecator> Damascene, just remember, all triagers have different specialties and amounts of experience, so sometimes bugs get instant help, sometimes they never get worked on, it just depends <Damascene> as I see that I reported against false packages. that what I need help with <crimsun> Damascene: you aren't expected to know everything ;) <Damascene> :) right <ddecator> Damascene, then you can just ask here in general. usually you will get the right answer, but if not we can easily change the affected package on the report. you can even just give your best guess if you want =) <Damascene> OK. thank you very much <ddecator> ym <ddecator> yw* * ddecator had to take out his contacts and is 6" away from his screen right now, pardon any typos -_- <kermiac> crimsun: When you've got a sec can you pls have a quick look at bug 515422 & see if there's anything else I need to do? The OP has resolved the issue by adding a model quirk to alsa-base.conf <ubot4> Launchpad bug 515422 in linux (Ubuntu) "No sound after upgrading from 8.10 to 9.10 (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/515422 <Damascene> I was going to report bug to request this feature http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/13132/ as I've been told <Damascene> it's suggest that checkbox should have the ability to test function keys <Damascene> so I wonder if I some one want to suggest improvement for program, where that should be? launchpad bugs or brainstorm ideas? <thekorn> Damascene, I think the generall target for such improvement suggestions is upstream, the people who are developping the application in question, <thekorn> and then it depends how upstream whould like to get this requests, via a mai to a mailinglist, via a bugreport, and so on. <thekorn> In the case of checkbox I think it is ok to file a bug at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/checkbox <Damascene> ok thank you <nigel_nb> can someone set bug 449019 triaged? I reported it upstream <ubot4> Launchpad bug 449019 in empathy (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "empathy doesn't display resource being used by xmpp contact (affects: 1)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/449019 <thekorn> it already is triaged <thekorn> oh om26er did it ;) <nigel_nb> oh. well. that was fast <nigel_nb> thanks om26er :) <om26er> nigel_nb, welcome <Damascene> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/checkbox/+bug/516555 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 516555 in checkbox (Ubuntu) "Checkbox (System Testing) bypass Audio tests sometimes (affects: 2)" [Undecided,New] <Damascene> some one have confirmed this in ubuntu+1 <Damascene> I've updated the bug report <Damascene> just try to test any thing and then get back to main menu without closing checkbox and the audio test will be passed <kermiac> Damascene: I just tried in Karmic & it does the same thing <Damascene> so what are we going to do now? <kermiac> I'm looking to try & find a duplicate or at least something similar first <kermiac> could be fun... searching for "checkbox" results in 1211 results :( <thekorn> bug 472743 is maybe the related upstream bugreport <ubot4> Launchpad bug 472743 in checkbox "checkbox skips certain tests / does not return to defaults (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/472743 <kermiac> hmm... sounds similar, but possibly not exactly the same <kermiac> in 516555 if you close checkbox it allows you to perform all tests. It's only if you perform the tests & skip back to the start that it will skip the audio tests. I think it needs further investigation <kermiac> as I said in ubuntu+1, this may be by design. checkbox *may* know that the sound tests have already been completed & that could explain why it skips that section of tests (in the same test session) <kermiac> but i don't know checkbox well enough to say if it is or isn't by design <kermiac> I will confirm the bug for now & hopefully someone with more knowledge then me can shed some light on the issue <Damascene> kees, no <Damascene> if you did disk test then skipped back and chose the audio test it will not do it <thekorn> you can also try to get in contact with the developers on #ubuntu-testing (esp. cr3 when he is around) <Damascene> it will do the disk test only <Damascene> in this case it didn't do the audio test at all <Damascene> I think the bug title should be changed to something else as we know better now <kermiac> ok, I tend to think it may be a bug now. I skipped through the audio tests & went through the next few tests. Then I hit previous to go right back to the start where you select the tests & tried to start testing again. It *only* skipts the audio tests <kermiac> After you update the bug title & description now that we have more info I will confirm it Damascene <LimCore> ubuntu systems that use apt-cacher, can stop update the packages. bug #516500. Medium prio? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 516500 in apt-cacher (Ubuntu) "apt-cacher stops updates of random packages (Connection failed) (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/516500 <kermiac> bbs <LimCore> please set prio for bug #516500 anyone <ubot4> Launchpad bug 516500 in apt-cacher (Ubuntu) "apt-cacher stops updates of random packages (Connection failed) (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/516500 <thekorn> LimCore, you handed this bug to the security team by marking it as Security vulnerability, so I think they should decide about priority <LimCore> mhm <Damascene> kermiac, "Checkbox (System Testing) bypass Audio test if you skiped from unfinished test" is this a good title <kermiac> I'm trying to get the wording right... <kermiac> perhaps "Checkbox (System Testing) bypasses the Audio Tests if you skip back & try to perform tests again" <-- I'm still not happy with that <kermiac> but it's close to what we're trying to convey <Damascene> I'll but it for now. it's better from mine any way <Damascene> put <kermiac> Damascene: Do you mind if I edit your bug report to give more precise steps to reproduce. It is a little vague atm <Damascene> kermiac, you are more than welcome :) <kermiac> :) <kermiac> ok, done. Can someone please mark bug 516555 as triaged, medium? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 516555 in checkbox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Checkbox (System Testing) bypasses the Audio Tests if you skip back & try to perform tests again (affects: 3)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/516555 <kermiac> Damascene: do you think "Checkbox (System Testing) bypasses the Audio Tests if you skip back & try restart the tests" would be an accurate title for that bug? I think it's probably better than what I suggested above <kermiac> If you agree, I'll change it <thekorn> kermiac, why medium and not low? <thekorn> I really don't have an opinion, just want to understnd your idea <kermiac> just thought that medium is the "safe" option :) & due to the testing going on in the Lucid cycle I thought medium would be appropriate as there is currently no workaround except to start the tests again. I actually would be happy with low or medium, but again "medium" is the safe option <thekorn> ok, the "no workaround" is a good argument ;) <thekorn> done <kermiac> thanks thekorn :) <kermiac> ok, that's it from me for tonight. Good night all :) <om26er> if I want to add a package I just add my name at the wiki page? if someone has already adopted should I insert my name after a 'comma' <om26er> bug is reported against empathy but the upstream developer says that this feature is implemented in empathy but telepathy butterfly dont have this feature so should this be marked invalid against empathy? https://bugs.launchpad.net/telepathy-butterfly/+bug/518216 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518216 in empathy (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "empathy doesn't support MSN group chat (affects: 1)" [Medium,Triaged] <om26er> else change the ubuntu package to telepathy-butterfly? <thekorn> om26er, yes, change the ubuntu package to telepathy, <om26er> thekorn, thanks <thekorn> and change the status of the empathy (upstream) task to invalid by hand, as auto sync of status does not work ATM <nigel_nb> thekorn, is it a stand process to assign bugs to desktop team? <nigel_nb> stand = standard <thekorn> oh, I don't think so <nigel_nb> hm, seen it often though <thekorn> my general opinion here is: don't assignee bugs to anybody unless you are member of this team, or you talked to them in any way <thekorn> but there might be a team policy, let me try to find out about it <nigel_nb> desktop team seems to have 5600 associated bugs <pedro_> nigel_nb, if the package is any of the ones on this list: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~desktop-bugs/+packagebugs <pedro_> nigel_nb, assign the bug if you sent it upstream for example <pedro_> so we can keep track of those as well <nigel_nb> pedro_, ah, thanks :) <pedro_> if you assign those to desktop-bugs we also receive email on the mailing list <pedro_> so it's easier for everybody who is part of that team to follow up <nigel_nb> I was part of that team hoping to get mails <nigel_nb> but I didn't get any :( <Damascene> kermiac, yes it's better <pedro_> nigel_nb, https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/desktop-bugs <- that's the mailing list if you want to subscribe <thekorn> pedro_, so desktop team's policy is: whenever you send one bug to the upstream bugtracker assign the team, correct? <thekorn> I think this should be documented somewhere as this is different to other workflows+ <pedro_> thekorn, basically, yes <zeroseven0183> Hi! I'm not sure if someone already posted this "Bug# 399139 Mark elements as read" here. I think it should be classified as Wishlist. <nauto> Can someone help me figuring out if the following bug has already been reported? The launchpad search function isn't exactly accurate. I use an ATI card, with fglrx drivers, which worked fine for months. after a recent update, the ATI drivers didn't work anymore, so I had to reinstall the exact same (!) drivers. now Xorg has a huge memory leak, which makes it necessary to restart xorg every hour or so. it essentially makes Ubuntu unusable. <nauto> The memory leak always occurs when minimizing and maximizing windows. <yofel> bug 399139 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 399139 in gwibber "Mark elements as read (affects: 2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/399139 <nauto> So for example, if I minimize xchat and maximize again, I can watch Xorg gaining almost 50 MB, and it isn't freed. <hggdh> netsplits? <Pici> no? <hggdh> bdmurray: pedro_ and I tried to set our wiki space to email all changes to bugSquad, but either it cannot be done, or we do not have the necessary access. <hggdh> darn! messed up Bugs/Responses <pedro_> hggdh, i still don't find the way to do that <pedro_> probably we're lacking permissions <hggdh> pedro_: I *hope* we are. Otherwise it just cannot be done <nauto> Can someone help me figuring out if the following bug has already been reported? The launchpad search function isn't exactly accurate. I use an ATI card, with fglrx drivers, which worked fine for months. after a recent update, the ATI drivers didn't work anymore, so I had to reinstall the exact same (!) drivers. now Xorg has a huge memory leak, which makes it necessary to restart xorg every hour or so. it essentially makes Ubuntu unusable. T <nauto> he memory leak always occurs when minimizing and maximizing windows. <micahg> nauto: if you don't install the ATI drivers as a debian package, you have to reinstall after a kernel upgrade <nauto> oh ok, well that explains that then. <nauto> still, the same drivers worked fine before, now something causes an Xorg memory leak. I don't know if it's a problem with Xorg or with the drivers. <nauto> I tend to think it's not the drivers' fault, since they worked correctly before. <cjohnston> Have we had any more Rhett issues, or has he contacted anyone? <micahg> nauto: there might be a problem w/the drivers too idk <micahg> hggdh: are we doing a meeting today? <hggdh> micahg: IDK, hope so <thekorn> hey bugsquad! <bdmurray> today is the 2nd tuesday right? <yofel_> meh, stupid timing for a reconnect <yofel_> well, I'm here ;) * thekorn too <yofel> bdmurray: it is <hggdh> ah well. Just refused another candidate to bug-control * micahg thinks he'll add the meeting to the fridge for next month <hggdh> er. I correct myself. I did not refuse, just gave a -1 <hggdh> pretty good idea, micahg <hggdh> morning/afternoon, thekorn <bdmurray> micahg: and at a reminder e-mail? <micahg> bdmurray: I could set it up to e-mail the ML with a reminder <thekorn> good morning hggdh <yofel> reminder mail would be a good idea, I almost forgot about it <thekorn> so, who chairs todays meeting ? ;) <bdmurray> I will <thekorn> super <bdmurray> The first item on today's agenda is about "bugs regarding obsolete (removed?) packages" by micahg <micahg> wow, that's been a while.... <micahg> so, if a package is removed from the devel release, do we have a policy about bugs? <micahg> I would assume non-SRUable bugs should be closed <micahg> but I don't think there was a written policy anywhere <bdmurray> Yes, that sounds about right. I'm looking for a couple of e-mails. <bdmurray> bug 495216 would be a good place to start if you want to work on this <ubot4> Launchpad bug 495216 in ubuntu "mass removal of old and unpopular packages (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/495216 <micahg> also, we should probably note, that this doesn't necessarily apply to versioned source pacakges <bdmurray> and a response like "$pkg_name has been removed by Ubuntu because of .... While your bug repot is valid we are setting it to Won't Fix since the software is no longer included in Ubuntu." <micahg> bdmurray: sounds good <yofel> 'sun-java6' would be affected too as it was removed in lucid, right? <micahg> yofel: well...that's pretty SRUable for security updates <bdmurray> I've a script somewhere for finding packages removed from the archive if someone is really interested <micahg> but in terms of feature requests, for sure <yofel> micahg: didn't we talk about non-SRUable stuff? <micahg> yofel: yeah <bdmurray> micahg: Do you have anything else on this topic? <micahg> bdmurray: I wonder if there's a way to flag in LP about this <bdmurray> micahg: what do you mean / have in mind? <micahg> bdmurray: warn people before they submit new bugs about the guidelines for the package (only major/security fixes) <bdmurray> well there are the package bug filing guidelines. ;-) <micahg> bdmurray: right, but normally we take all types of bugs, I think if we can stop people before they submit a bug that will never be fixed, it will be less of a let down <bdmurray> Yes, I'm saying we can put a message in the package bug filing guidelines for those specific packages not to file bug reports. <yofel> well, as the package is removed and most bugs are now reported with apport this shouldn't be much of an issue as apport will refuse to report a bug <micahg> bdmurray: ah, who can edit those? <bdmurray> micahg: I think only a very small subset of people can (including me), but it's quite easy to script it. <micahg> yofel: ubuntu-bug on the stable release should still allow bug submission <bdmurray> micahg: so if you come up with a message I'd be happy to set them. <yofel> micahg: oh, you're right, meh... <bdmurray> Okay, so all square there? <micahg> I think so <bdmurray> okay another micahg topic then ;-) mention of #ubuntu-bugs in LP <micahg> bdmurray: I was thinking to have some mention of the channel WRT asking about bugs rather than causing more bugmail with what's the status <bdmurray> micahg: So when viewing a bug or reporting a bug? <thekorn> I think it would be nice to have "bug triaging guidlines" (similar to "bug reporting guidlines") on a per package basis in launchpad <micahg> bdmurray: viewing I think <bdmurray> The only thing we could easily change would be the ubuntu bug filing guidelines. <micahg> thekorn: I'd prefer bug commenting guidelines ;) <thekorn> ok, both then ;) <hggdh> why not both? <micahg> see bug 518261 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518261 in malone "user with low karma should get an alert before being allowed to comment (affects: 5)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518261 <hggdh> oh. Too late <thekorn> always keep in mind, it's not always people with low karma writing stupid things ;) <persia> In fact, leaving lots of "me too" comments generates karma. <bdmurray> micahg: what exactly do you want to have happen since this is a Launchpad change? <bcurtiswx> thekorn: don't talk about me like that :P <hggdh> the problem is that karma reflect *current* work levels. OK, normalised, and all of that. Still, I can have 0 karma <thekorn> bcurtiswx, haha <vish> i would think it should be combined with Bug #414401 , user's just leave a comment and dont subscribe to the bug <ubot4> Launchpad bug 414401 in malone "Automatically subscribe users to bug mail when they post a comment (affects: 1)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/414401 <qense> Did I miss the meeting? <hggdh> qense: going on <qense> ok <micahg> bdmurray: I'm not sure exactly, maybe something at the top of all Ubuntu bug pages saying to check w/ #ubuntu-bugs on freenode for bug updates * micahg is sorry, battery died <qense> micahg: You suggest to add it too wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Header ? <bdmurray> micahg: okay <bdmurray> Is there anything else on this topic? <micahg> qense: might not be a bad idea <micahg> I don't think so <bdmurray> micahg: is there an reported bug about Launchpad for this? <micahg> bdmurray: i don't think so <bdmurray> micahg: Okay, if you report one lets us know. <bdmurray> Are there any other topics for this meeting? <vish> ... wanted to mention the recent issue with un-upstreamed bugs being marked as "incomplete" [and accidentally wrongly closed when they expire?], several members mentioned here that the status is misleading and we could rather mark it as "confirmed" instead.. probably tag it "needs upstreaming" ? [the folks who discussed it are probably doing it now , but maybe we could mention it to others as well? and mention it on the wiki] <persia> I'd like to second that. <bdmurray> well, tagging it needs-upstreaming seems redundant as it is possible to open an upstream task w/o a bug watch <persia> Maybe just not marking them incomplete? <qense> What do you guys think of the proposal I sentt ot he mailist to ask triagers to open an emtpy bug watch as soon as they move a bug to Confirmed? <vish> good point , yeah the incomplete is the bad part ;) <bdmurray> Yes, I don't see why it would be incomplete if it was an upstream issue <persia> qense: I don't think that's useful for all bugs: lots of the bugs I end up doing something to should not be upstreamed. <bdmurray> And it should be tested w/ the upstream version... <persia> For extra points, certainly :) <qense> persia: that is a problem with it indeed <qense> but we could say that they only should open an empty bug if their common sense tells them it makes sesne <bdmurray> well I think we should be more specific than "common sense" and have some guidelines to help people ;-) <qense> of course <qense> But I do think that it could be very useful in situations where it is an upstream issue and it is straightforward to forward the bug upstream <persia> I think adding a guideline to test with the upstream version should be an important part of that. <bdmurray> Well, if it were straight forward it would have be forwarded I hope. ;-) <persia> Otherwise we end up darkening our reputation "You guys keep sending us bugs that we fixed months ago..." <bdmurray> But regardless opening an upstream task is a good idea. <qense> an empty bug task doesn't do anything upstream yet <qense> but it does make the bug show up on specific searches <persia> I guess. I'm just not convinced that lots of bugs are upstream. Lots of things seem to happen because of our packaging or our patches. <qense> persia: Agreed. One guideline should be: only if it clearly is upstream. <persia> Depends on the package, of course :) <hggdh> and this is the point where knowledge of upstream may help differentiate, persia <qense> I just would like the affected bugs to show up on the need-forwarding searches. <persia> qense: How do we determine that without having people test against unpackaged upstream? <bdmurray> Or "if you think this is an upstream issue and want a 'bug forwarder' to check whether or not it exists upstream" <qense> However, there is an issue with those searches that all empty bug tasks are currently counted as an empty bug watch for all packages. This could hinder when there are multiple affected products and packages. <persia> hggdh: Very much so. <hggdh> my major worry is indiscriminate upstreaming <qense> persia: bdmurray answered that now <qense> hggdh: that is indeed something we should take care of <persia> bdmurray: That seems a good middle ground, as it saves on the hand-holding to test against uppackaged upstream. <hggdh> an example is bug 454949 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 454949 in poedit (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "poeditor crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_prepare() (affects: 2)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/454949 <qense> But again, giving a bug an empty bug watch allows people with the right knowledge about upstream to take a look at it and confirm whether it needs forwarding. <charlie-tca> Couldn't you start with "check the source package. If it does not end with 'ubuntu?' upstream it" <persia> qense: And we would mark the empty upstream task as invalid if we determined it wasn't an upstream bug? <qense> persia: yes <qense> It does add another layer of triaging between upstream and downstream, but I think it could be worth it. <persia> I'm still not happy, but I don't tend to do mass-bug stuff, and if it's enough of an improvement to those who do, I'll stop arguing against it. <micahg> charlie-tca: that doesn't always mean the problem isn't ours <hggdh> and what about these upstream that do not have a BTS? e.g., coreutils, where the preferred way is to send an email <qense> it would be of a great help to AdoptionTeams, even though there is just one atm :S <persia> hggdh: For that, you end up needing to track status manually, but you can still link to the email. <charlie-tca> but it is a general guideline, which should be fairly accurate, since we did not patch the upstream source <qense> persia: doesn't that spam the author with bug mail? <qense> hggdh: in that case the empty bug watch could help to allow people with the right expertise to find those bugs and contact the author <hggdh> persia: oh. And LP will not be sending ping emails, I hope? (not documented at all, the bevahiour) <qense> indeed, not at all <persia> hggdh: I don't think so. Try tracking something on our mailing list as a test :) <bdmurray> hggdh: LP does not send e-mail in that case <persia> qense: I think that's only in the case of subscriptions. <qense> But it does expose the e-mail to the world. <hggdh> cool. Then I will start linking my emails to coreutils <gnomefreak> i got email about subscibing to bug evaluvation list but it says i am already subscibed <hggdh> no prob, it is already linked in the bugs <persia> qense: But presumably one links to the email on some list archive, which is already exposed to the world. <qense> that's true <persia> That's much preferable than cc:ing the bug when sending upstream if using launchpad, in my opinion. <qense> persia: but it's harder to find for annoying users <persia> The Debian BTS has different practices, but I don't think we want to mirror them, as we don't have all the avoid-sending-extra-mails controls in place. <persia> qense: I thought we were trying to improve documentation of upstreaming where there is no bug/issue tracker, not support annoying users :) <persia> I'm sure they can find upstream mailing lists anyway, and will be summarily flamed. <qense> persia: when putting that mail address there the annoying users can easily find it to whine about the bug <bdmurray> That seems rather unlikely to me. <hggdh> which will end with them in local spam filters <hggdh> no prob <qense> I hope so. <charlie-tca> gnomefreak: that team has been deleted <persia> qense: My apologies if I'm not clear. I don't mean to put a mail address as the link, but rather a link to the actual mail sent in the upstream mailing list archive. <gnomefreak> charlie-tca: ok thanks <qense> persia: I thought you couldn't do that with LP, can you? <persia> That lets us see the upstream bug, and track it (using the upstream mailing list threading features), as if there was an upstream bug tracker. <persia> Used to be able to do so. It's just URLs. * persia checks the current state <persia> qense: For the upstream task, just set the URL to the mail in the archives under the URL copy in the Remote Watch. <persia> I haven't tested actually doing it, but the UI seems to allow it. <qense> persia: nice! I learned something new today. <qense> If we are going to make this general policy we should ask Launchpad to solve the search issue with empty bug watches. The work-flow won't work if nempty bug watches for non-related upstreams show up in the results as well. <micahg> qense: I think there may be a bug for that... <bdmurray> qense: is there a bug about that and / or do you have an example? <persia> Oh, this was to get stuff out of that search list intentionally, for the case hggdh mentioned where upstream doesn't have a proper tracker. * qense is looking for an example <hggdh> BTW, another example is libpst -- only email contact is accepted. No ML available, also (sort of an extreme example, though) <micahg> bug 196814 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 196814 in malone "searching for bugs needing forwarding returns one that doesn't (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196814 <qense> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bugs?field.status_upstream=pending_bugwatch&field.status_upstream-empty-marker=1 <bdmurray> oh, look who the reporter was * bdmurray rolls eyes <thekorn> you cannot insert random URLs in the "Url for upstream bug" field, it has to be a url of a known bugtracker <micahg> thekorn: right, and a few trackers like JIRA still aren't supported <qense> I even got problems with Debian BTS once! <qense> Does SF work now? <bdmurray> Okay, I think we've covered marking bugs as needing forwarding pretty well. <qense> yes, vote? <bdmurray> I'd like to see what will go in the documentation sent to the mailing list for group review. <bdmurray> Is there anything else on this topic? <qense> I could write a proposal. <bdmurray> qense: that'd be great <qense> iirc we're already at the Open Disussions point of the agenda <qense> Did you talk about "pollution caused by pending release nominations -- hggdh" already? <bdmurray> qense: yes, and we are over time <bdmurray> qense: no, we didn't go over that <qense> ok <qense> well, it's time indeed <bdmurray> Thanks everyone! <charlie-tca> sorry I was a bit late, taking of a baby <bdmurray> charlie-tca: no problem! <persia> thekorn: Could we open a bug to request support for mailing lists (not tracked, just linked) to make the blank upstream tasks more useful? Otherwise they will get cluttered in time <qense> nice meeting <qense> all: Mark bug #196814 as affecting you! <ubot4> Launchpad bug 196814 in malone "searching for bugs needing forwarding returns one that doesn't (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196814 <thekorn> persia, makes sense, will create one later today <persia> thekorn: Thanks. <bdmurray> mvo: why does update-manager and apt think I'm out of disk space? <qense> bdmurray: Did you have time to review my merge request for lp:~ubuntu-bugcontrol/apport/ubuntu-bugpatterns today? <bdmurray> No, I did not have time yesterday. Will look at it right now though. <qense> thanks! <crimsun> kermiac: done. it's a WONTFIX because we can't differentiate on the hw side at all, so it must remain manual. <bdmurray> qense: actually your pattern for bug 362342 isn't working <ubot4> Launchpad bug 362342 in nautilus (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_list_remove() (affects: 69) (dups: 15)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/362342 <qense> bdmurray: no? I checked it at my PC and I thought it was working correctly. <bdmurray> qense: there got it sorted with <re key="Stacktrace">in IA__g_list_remove.*\n.*glist\.c:338</re> <qense> bdmurray: OK then. I'll edit the pattern with your suggestion and push the new file. <bdmurray> qense: oh, its fine I'll do it <qense> bdmurray: ok, thx <bdmurray> there all set <qense> bdmurray: thank you! <metricpiano> I made a comment on Launchpad bug 471385 in sbackup "simple backup restore error in 9.10" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/471385, that it affects 10.4 as well (e.g. not triaged in 10.4) is there any additional thing I should do to properly report? <ubot4> metricpiano: Bug 471385 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/471385 is private <ubot4> Launchpad bug 471385 in sbackup (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "simple backup restore error in 9.10 (affects: 1)" [Medium,Triaged] <yofel> metricpiano: as I said in #ubuntu+1, the bug is triaged as the bug task doesn't specify a release, and please mark the bug as affecting you <hggdh> heh <hggdh> yofel: you had just told him the same <yofel> I know... <mvo> bdmurray: what is you df -h output? could you /msg that to me? <bdmurray> mvo: it was my apt-cacher system that was out of disk space <mvo> bdmurray: ok <LimCore> continuing on the clipboard topic <LimCore> bug #11334 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 11334 in ubuntu (and 2 other projects) "MASTER Copy-Paste doesn't work if the source is closed before the paste (affects: 66) (dups: 20)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11334 <LimCore> one of most reported bug I seen, 66 affected and dozen of dupes, reported in 2004 and STLL it is just marked as wishlist?? <micahg> LimCore: it is a wishlist <LimCore> the blood clipboard does not work, its a bug <micahg> LimCore: it's new functionality <LimCore> a feauture present in all desktops since decades has a kludge that causes tons of reporters to complain. bug <micahg> LimCore: no it's not present, that's the issue <LimCore> copy and paste is present. The kludge: it fails if source app was closed <micahg> it's perceived as present, but it is not <LimCore> in either case, dont you think someone should seriously take a look at this? <micahg> LimCore: the respective upstreams are AFAIK <micahg> I think this is fixed in FF3.7 <LimCore> this is the most embarassing ubuntu/linux desktop bug probably. Linux does not deliver correct functionallity that was present in windows 3.11 <LimCore> micahg: it's about all apps and about WM/desktop, not about one application like firefox <micahg> LimCore: if apps respected the standard, it wouldn't be a problem <LimCore> users do not care why <micahg> LimCore: doesn't matter...this isn't about who's fault <LimCore> yes <LimCore> so, how to fix it AFTER 6 bloody years ;) (counting since first reports) <LimCore> (or after 15 years, counting from competiting desktop OSes ;) <micahg> depends on upstreams <micahg> 4 upstreams not fixed 6 are <micahg> there really shouldn't be one big bug for this <chrisccoulson> LimCore - fix it then (or find someone who cares enough to fix it, or pay somebody to fix it) <LimCore> what??? 4 upstreams <micahg> LimCore: have you read the description? <LimCore> yes I read it and I see it makes no sense <LimCore> not fixed in "xorg open office gimp..." why is each app listed separatelly, this is a global problem in WM no? <micahg> at the end there's a list of what's fixed and what's not <micahg> LimCore: no, it's not <jcastro> nope, it's per-app <chrisccoulson> its got nothing to do with the WM <LimCore> just this 4 apps are broken in entire ubuntu world? <LimCore> chrisccoulson: then why WM applet like say klipper can "fix it" ? <micahg> you can solve it globally by installing a clipboard manager, but it should be unnecessary <LimCore> really just 4 apps are broken? then sure fix them <chrisccoulson> LimCore, i've got no idea what you mean <chrisccoulson> the WM has nothing to do with the clipboard whatsoever <LimCore> chrisccoulson: what micahg just said <LimCore> right, I should had written Desktop Manager, not wm <micahg> LimCore: it's a workaround, not a solution <micahg> if you have time to fix, feel free <LimCore> you seem to not agree with me that this is very very embarassing fail for ubuntu, and that it takes really really waiting of users for the fix (or workaround) for it ? <jcastro> no one is disagreeing with you that it sucks <micahg> we're all busy with other things <LimCore> if you agree, then I think any working fir, OR workaround would be really better then 5/15 years long not working on most essentiall desktop functioanllity <jcastro> It's not like we have developers growing on trees that we can throw at the problem <LimCore> I wonder, Ubuntu have what, hundrets of develes/bugsquad members/whatevers right? <jcastro> no <micahg> LimCore: with 20k packages to support <jcastro> we don't <LimCore> what more imporant are you fixing, there is a few of such old bugs <LimCore> (I would guess) <LimCore> actually, how to list all bugs that are currently being "worked on"? <yofel> LimCore: newer bugs that result in broken systems <micahg> LimCore: most of the devs are probably trying to stabilize apps for lucid right now <chrisccoulson> right, what micahg said <micahg> LimCore: in theory "In Progress" bugs <LimCore> micahg: this is why I originally said we need to increase priority a bit, wishlist is lowest <chrisccoulson> making sure things don't regress etc <JFo> LimCore, I have 10,000+ bugs on the kernel and only about 22 devs <persia> LimCore: There's no reliable method to list all the bugs currently being investigated. "In-Progress" can be a guide, but not everyone sets it, and not every issue investigated by developers is added to LP. <micahg> LimCore: it's not a high priority in the scheme of things <LimCore> kernel bugs? <JFo> yes <LimCore> is the other half of developers taking time to introduce new bugs to vanilla kernels, because they appear to have much fewer ;) <yofel> LimCore: still, you can work around a broken clipboard by installing a clipboard manager, so there's an easy workaround, there are more important things <JFo> they have more than I do <micahg> LimCore: we've got bugs affecting thousands of people <LimCore> what query do you use to see "most important" bugs overall? <JFo> it depends on what exactly you are looking for. <micahg> LimCore: again, critical/high is a guide <LimCore> this state of things will continue for foreseeable feature right? <hggdh> oh. BTW, there is parcelite, a Gnome clipboard manager. It works <micahg> LimCore: what do you mean "state of things" <LimCore> so this bug will remain unfixed as "whishlist" during lucid, 11.04, 2012, 2015, 0001-After.Martians, 0010-A.M. and so on right? <LimCore> micahg: no one having time to fix this bug <micahg> LimCore: you're welcome to fix that <hggdh> keep in mind this is free software. All you need to do is get the source and fix it <LimCore> micahg: I fixed logging thingy in opensshd, and now looking into svnserve authoriztion bug <micahg> LimCore: that's great and I'm sure many people are happy that you did <hggdh> oh. Let me see. You are busy. Very much like us. <micahg> but a lot of work is done both upstream and in Ubuntu by volunteers <LimCore> hggdh: since we all agree this bug sucks a big lolipop, we should perhaps mark it as Medium or High so eventually someone WILL fix it? <persia> Although importance is a guide, it doesn't tend to be an absolute indicator of developer priority. <hggdh> LimCore: it *is* a wishlist. Being wishlist does not raise or lower how important it is. Having tens of dups, and 60 many affects-me-too does that <LimCore> ok, how about we just install a WORKING (not glipper) clipboard manager for GNOME (for KDE we have klipper and it works) and done?! <LimCore> *by default <LimCore> it was my previous idea, then we found out glipper is broken * hggdh again thinks of parcelite (just to think of one) * LimCore tries it <persia> One way to do that would be to extensively test some of the available packages that solve the issue and make sure they are compatible with everything. If so, discuss the possibility of including one by default. <micahg> LimCore: that won't guarantee anything and is misleading * micahg is going to add the workaround to the bug <LimCore> micahg: it will guarantee that it would work in gnome <LimCore> perhaps I should just talk to gnome developer so they would build it in or smth * hggdh feels cranky today, and begs pardon <micahg> I just added the workaround to install either klipper or glipper which should solve the issue <LimCore> micahg: glipper sucks a big lolipop too, it for example crashes (jesus) <hggdh> oy vey <micahg> hggdh: parcellite by the way :) <hggdh> oh. Too few ells, sorry <LimCore> last time I tried glipper to work around this... <LimCore> ...I found out 2 new bugs lol * LimCore wonders would he got 1024 bugs after 10 attempts to work around <micahg> LimCore: keep in mind there is no "core ubuntu" like there is windows...Ubuntu is a collection of other pieces of softawre <persia> micahg: While I agree with you, it may be worth adjusting your nomenclature to avoid the potential implication that "core-dev" is related to some core. <vish> LimCore: trolling eh? ;) copy-paste bug * hggdh listens to some cool jazz <persia> And actually, there is something that would fit in that category, being "^ubuntu-minimal", but it doesn't include an X server, so is probably more minimal than many might consider. <micahg> s/"Core Ubuntu"/Ubuntu Code/ <micahg> persia: I thought ubuntu-minimal was a metapackage of other pacakges <LimCore> vish: what? <vish> LimCore: nah , the comment on the bug :) <persia> micahg: Well, yes (and ^ubuntu-minimal is the related task), but it also closely represents the smallest amount of stuff required to qualify as "Ubuntu". <micahg> persia: right, but the point is, that's a collection of otehr software, not software by itself <micahg> persia: I'm not saying we can't do it, I'm saying comparing to Windows isn't a fair comparison * hggdh throws the bloody jazz away, and goes on straight into Scheherazade, with Daniel Baremboim & the Chicago Symphony <persia> micahg: I'll agree with that, certainly. Just being nitpicky :) <monkeylibre> hi all, please anyone could change the status to triaged of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/poedit/+bug/454949 ? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 454949 in poedit (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "poeditor crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_prepare() (affects: 2)" [Low,Confirmed] <hggdh> ? monkeylibre I did set it to triaged yesterday, or today morning <hggdh> oh. OK, done, monkeylibre <monkeylibre> Thank You hggdh <hggdh> welcome <vish> micahg: is the description "This bug is an Epic Fail, because... " required ? [just asking since you updated the bug and that part remained ;)] <micahg> vish: no, I was thinking of removing that <micahg> vish: feel free :) * vish on it * micahg doesn't want to get flamed... <hggdh> a bug description should state -- clearly -- what the problem is, not the views and opinions <hggdh> micahg: I can do it, feeling like a schmuck today already <micahg> hggdh: agreed, but we know how that goes... <hggdh> heh. LP timedout on me. The WORLD is against me today :-( <hggdh> micahg: done. Now /me sits down and waits for the flames * micahg hands hggdh a flame-retardant suit * hggdh dresses up, fast <hggdh> what is this LP branch there? * micahg doesn't know <qense> hggdh: isn't LP timing out on you whole last week? <hggdh> yes, it is personal. What I should expect from life, I guess. Feeling *very* woodyallen today, though, so take it with a grain of salt <hggdh> hell, make it a pound of salt <LimCore> hggdh: it's LP's way of telling you that 5 years of waiting to fix a bug indeed is epically long <qense> Nice way <hggdh> :-) and just making it even longer, I guess * vish just noted that chrisccoulson might get his pet peeve solved ;p [blanking bug status icon] <chrisccoulson> yeah, we should just get rid of the notification <chrisccoulson> its useless ;) <chrisccoulson> that's my opinion anyway <hggdh> chrisccoulson: sorry, I am not quite sure what you are talking about... <vish> chrisccoulson: so the gpm and nm status icons will use the app indicators for Lucid? [/me thought those two were for Lucid+1] <chrisccoulson> hggdh - the "your display is broken" notification that gnome-power-manager sometimes shows <hggdh> oh, OK. Sorry again <chrisccoulson> vish - gpm is quite a trivial port <chrisccoulson> but i don't think NM will be using it <vish> ok. thanks <vish> hggdh: lol , you edited the description while i was editing ;) double edit :D <vish> *copy-paste bug <hggdh> vish: heh. Next bug for LP -- conflit merge <hggdh> (must be automagic) <hggdh> persia: good questions to Shane ;-) <hggdh> I was trying to get him on IRC, but cannot remember his nick <hggdh> duh. fagan... <persia> hggdh: fagan <charlie-tca> Can I get bug 519541 triaged with high importance. It does cause the user to lose the documents if not saved before trying to get help <ubot4> Launchpad bug 519541 in abiword (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Abiword 2.8.1 freezes with document lost when help is clicked or F1 is pressed (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/519541 <bdmurray> charlie-tca: only high? <ke1ha> just tred to bzr lp:ubuntu-docs/karmic and got a pythin link error: <ke1ha> *** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/python: corrupted double-linked list: 0x0eb31cc0 *** <ke1ha> sri ... python error .. any ideas on what's causing that ? <charlie-tca> High should work on our side, I upstreamed it to abiword bugzilla, so it really depends on them now. <hggdh> ke1ha: sounds like a real python (or associated library) bug <charlie-tca> They won't take the status from us, as far as I know, but I marked it for dataloss and usability, which is a high priority for them <bdmurray> charlie-tca: okay, high it is and I opened a Lucid task <ke1ha> rr. I've a lengthy trace-back so will submit to bugs. <charlie-tca> Thank you <bdmurray> hggdh: what were you saying about the wiki this morning? <hggdh> er <hggdh> oh. <hggdh> Pedro and I tried to subscribe bugsquad to wiki changes, and could not find a way <hggdh> only individuals, as far as I can see, can get it <hggdh> bdmurray: ^ <micahg> hggdh: can you create an account with the ML as the e-mail and subscribe it? <hggdh> duh. Should work, yes. <bdmurray> that sounds like a good work around <hggdh> will try it. First I will find a piece of ground not snowed in, and will much some grass :-( <micahg> hggdh: ? <hggdh> I feel I am dumb today, micahg. Of course, everybody will get the confirmation mail, but no big deal there <micahg> hggdh: if you can change emails, send to private first, then set to ML after confirmation? <micahg> well, that'll still send a confirmation to the ML <bdmurray> well, it'd be useful to know what we are subscribed to ;-) <micahg> so whatever <hggdh> will try, but I would expect it to send another confirmation <hggdh> getting it done <bdmurray> and they might get filtered anyway <hggdh> OK. BugSquad/.* and Bugs/.* <hggdh> any other pagespace from the wiki? <benofiniquity> I keep getting "psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost sync at byte 1" and "psmouse.c: bad data from KBC - timeout bad parity" errors in dmesg. Both my keyboard and touchpad will not respond if there's no input for a couple of seconds. After typing a key or moving around on the touchpad, things are fine as long as I keep moving or typing. After a couple seconds, everything stops responding again. Most posts onlin <hggdh> bdmurray, micahg: does nto work. ubuntu-bugsquad@lists.ubuntu.com is already registered in LP to Ubuntu BugSquad. <hggdh> so we will need to set a forwarding email for that <micahg> hggdh: so the wiki tries to create an account? <micahg> in LP? <hggdh> yes. And it validates that the email you entered does not exist in LP already <micahg> hggdh: can we get a passwd set for bugsquad then? <hggdh> actually, you *must* create a LP account to login to the wiki <hggdh> bdmurray: ^ <micahg> hggdh: I can give you an alias for it if you want? <persia> How hard to we want to work to make this happen? Could we not just document that members are encouraged to subscribe to those wiki hierarchies? <hggdh> micahg: guess so, it will work for the while. Later on we can move it to bugsquad itself <hggdh> persia: we would like to pretty much force feed it in... #ubuntu-bugs 2010-02-10 <persia> I guess. I'm not sure I want to be subscribed to all of that, but I definitely like seeing the traffic regarding other stuff. <hggdh> persia: what we found is we change the wiki, and nobody sees it. The changes I have been seeing are not excessive, anyway <persia> I won't complain that much (I can filter, and I ignore mail a lot anyway), but I wonder if that might raise the perceived cost of subscription to the list, and I think there's a lot of discussion there that would be useful even to the casual triager. <hggdh> I agree -- and this is a trial, for all of that. But having the triagers Doing The Right Thingie (TM) is something we need <hggdh> and documentation goes straight into it <hggdh> persia: I am not saying this is the best way... <persia> hggdh: Heh. Yeah, well. give it a shot. I just have a deep-seated fear of information overload, and a memory of what happened before #ubuntu-bugs-announce <persia> (which volume got high enough finally to even drive me out) <hggdh> heh. I also remember it. I am not setting the subscription to trivial changes, anyway. * persia has to remember to check the "trivial" box more often <hggdh> LOL. You see, we are already changing our ways ;-) <chrisccoulson> i'm trying to recreate the clipboard issue LimCore kept going on about earlier, but failing miserably <chrisccoulson> gtk applications work correctly <hggdh> this is pretty good news, chrisccoulson <chrisccoulson> hggdh - i can actually recreate it with firefox though <chrisccoulson> but it doesn't seem to be something that affects every application * chrisccoulson wonders what FF does differently <chrisccoulson> it must clear the selection when it closes <chrisccoulson> i'll run it through xtrace and find out <hggdh> chrisccoulson: micahg told me this will be resolved on next xul <hggdh> no. Mixing issues, sorry <micahg> chrisccoulson: hggdh: will be fixed in 3.7 <chrisccoulson> micahg, thanks <chrisccoulson> so LimCore was making a big fuss over nothing <micahg> chrisccoulson: bug with patch is in there <micahg> chrisccoulson, not nothing, but something minor <chrisccoulson> the words "mountain" and "molehill" spring to mind <micahg> indeed <hggdh> well, yes indeed. <LimCore> hey fellow bug fighters, who is using twitter? Im on twitter limcore <crimsun> LimCore: probably denting (identi.ca) <LimCore> http://identi.ca/denting no such user <crimsun> no, twitter -> "tweet"ing; identi.ca -> "dent"ing * micahg just dented about rebootless kernel updates <zeroseven0183> saw that... 30-day trial Ksplice <zeroseven0183> interesting <LimCore> well then, what are your's identi.ca's IDs ;) and can you controll it from jabber, like with tweet.im <chrisccoulson> i had no idea what denting was until then <chrisccoulson> i'm clearly no longer cool :( * LimCore points a cool'o'meter @ chrisccoulson <chrisccoulson> heh ;) <LimCore> you have 50 megafonzies * LimCore http://multreality.com/wp-content/coolometer.png <chrisccoulson> micahg - gnome-control-center currently ships an entry for Firefox to be displayed in the default-applications capplet <chrisccoulson> but it seems firefox is shipping it's own xml file to add an entry there too <chrisccoulson> is that intentional? <micahg> yes <micahg> I thought that's how it's done? <chrisccoulson> micahg - for most applications, yes <chrisccoulson> but firefox is already in the g-c-c xml file <micahg> it is? <chrisccoulson> micahg - yeah <micahg> chrisccoulson: I don't think it's being used <micahg> the one in the debian dir <chrisccoulson> the debian dir in the firefox packaging? <micahg> yeah <micahg> I don't see it being installed <chrisccoulson> micahg - on my system: <chrisccoulson> dpkg -S /usr/share/gnome-control-center/default-apps/firefox.xml <chrisccoulson> firefox-gnome-support: /usr/share/gnome-control-center/default-apps/firefox.xml <micahg> ah, yeah <micahg> sorry <chrisccoulson> no worries :) <micahg> I don't have that package installed right now <chrisccoulson> do you want to remove that at some point? (no hurry) <micahg> and it's listed as firefox*.xml <micahg> :) <chrisccoulson> i'm just updating the gnome-control-center XML description to not rename the icon name to firefox-3.5 <micahg> yeah, are we sure it's not going to disappear from g-c-c <micahg> chrisccoulson: doesn't the firefox one say namoroka? <chrisccoulson> micahg - it's not going to disappear from g-c-c (not this cycle anyway) <chrisccoulson> yeah, it says namoroka <micahg> chrisccoulson: so, does it show up as that in the menu? <chrisccoulson> micahg - it shows up as that in the default-applications dialog <micahg> ah, see that's bad too <micahg> ok <micahg> chrisccoulson: can you file a bug and assign to me <chrisccoulson> yeah, can do <micahg> chrisccoulson: thanks <micahg> we're doing a release sometime in the next day, I don't know if this will get in or now <micahg> *not <ddecator> micahg, sounds like your busy, but the OP for bug 518913 reinstalled karmic and doesn't have the problem anymore, and he just -thinks- java might have been to blame, but i'm guessing that there is nothing we can do to get enough info for devs...this may be redundant to ask, but idk how much info is needed for firefox reports <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518913 in firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu) "Firefox crashes constantly (affects: 1) (dups: 1)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518913 <micahg> ddecator: yep, go ahead and close <ddecator> micahg, thanks for the clarification <kermiac> bug 519616 would the standard "not an ubuntu package" response be applicable as ff 3.7 is not in the repos? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 519616 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "Firefox 3.7a2pre crashes on start (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/519616 <ddecator> i love FF 3.7 =) <kermiac> ty for your help with bug 515422 crimsun :) <ubot4> Launchpad bug 515422 in linux (Ubuntu) "Some ALC260 0x103c3012 variants need model=will (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/515422 <ddecator> kermiac, you could ask him to try starting it in safe-mode to see if it still crashes. if it doesn't, then it's a settings problem <ddecator> add-ons aren't playing nice with ff 3.7 since they made it a2 >.> <kermiac> ddecator: true, but I think this bug is actually invalid as we only have ff 3.6 in the repos <ddecator> kermiac, idk what the policy is...i think it would be good to watch bugs in 3.7 since it will someday be in the repos, but you'd have to ask someone else about whether or not we're going to do that <ddecator> of course, micah isn't on, and idk any other members of the mozilla team, so... * kermiac shrugs <kermiac> oh well, I'll just subscribe to the bug for now & check back later :) <ddecator> i did too. idk if we'll confirm it or not, but worst case scenario i'm going to comment to see if i can't at least help him out =p <kermiac> ok, I'll let you handle it ddecator. I'm not a fan of ff bugs :) * ddecator plans on learning from micah and specializing if ff bugs <ddecator> haha <kermiac> yeah, I remembered that... that's another reason why I'm happy to step down & let you handle it :) <kermiac> I'm still trying to decide what I should specialise in. I'm kinda wondering around aimlessly triaging bugs wherever I can ;) <ddecator> kermiac, that's what i'm doing for now. it's good to be able to handle various types of bugs =) <ddecator> there, i marked it incomplete until he gets back so it will be kinda hidden. if it's a real bug, i'll just point him to mozilla's bugzilla so he can report it there <ChogyDan> is `ubuntu-bug <package-name>` known to be not working in lucid? <kermiac> good idea ddecator. I was just going to point him towards the mozilla BTS & mark it as invalid. The way you're handling it is nicer/better :) <ddecator> kermiac, i sympathize with other firefox testers ;) <kermiac> ChogyDan: no, it was working for me in lucid 2 days ago <kermiac> hehe <ChogyDan> hmm, interesting. I suppose I will just give it a week :) thanks <ddecator> micah might tell me it's invalid, which i'm sure it is, but we'll deal with that once he reports back <kermiac> np ChogyDan :) <nigel_nb> hggdh, hey.. can you help me debug the evo bug I had yday? <ddecator> bug 518840, can someone please set to [medium, triaged]? (i'm thinking medium because it affects the functionality of a core app) <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518840 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) ""Previous" button stops working after 4 seconds into a song (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518840 <ddecator> scratch that, i got a comment on the upstream report that might have a fix <nigel_nb> ddecator, that is not a fix per se <nigel_nb> ;0 <nigel_nb> ;) <ddecator> nigel_nb, true, but it would resolve the issue, haha <nigel_nb> hehe * ddecator is learning new things every day <nigel_nb> me too! <nigel_nb> I'm playing with notify-osd now <ddecator> what do you mean by "playing with"? working on bugs for it or actually dealing with the config? <nigel_nb> well, both ;) <nigel_nb> i'm dealing with config to understand what when wrong for a bug report <ddecator> ah, gotcha <ddecator> never looked at the config <nigel_nb> me neither. i just talked to a dev and I have some clue now <ddecator> that's how you learn, haha <ddecator> or how you should learn i guess... <ddecator> i learned a few things the hard way in the past >.< <nigel_nb> heh <ddecator> micahg, should ff 3.7 bugs technically be closed and pointed to bugzilla? <micahg> ddecator: no <micahg> ddecator: bug #? <ddecator> bug 519616, kermiac and i weren't sure since there is no official firefox-3.7 package in the repos <ubot4> Launchpad bug 519616 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "Firefox 3.7a2pre crashes on start (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/519616 <micahg> ddecator: they should be tagged ppa, checked for dupes and upstreamed <micahg> ddecator: and assigned to firefox right now <ddecator> perfect, thanks =) <micahg> ddecator: plus I think that guy's a spammer <ddecator> the nospammail thing? <micahg> ddecator: no, but the user has added tasks/assignees to many bugs and is almost a nuisance <ddecator> micahg, ah...well we'll see what happens. if he gets back and it's a bug then i'll check for dupes and everything <ddecator> did you see that kermiac ? <micahg> ddecator: my guess is that it's the flash OOPP issue <kermiac> yes, ty micahg & ddecator :) <ddecator> micahg, what does OOPP stand for? <micahg> ddecator: Out Of Process Plugins <ddecator> micahg, oh yah, i disabled that so i forgot about it... <micahg> ddecator: mozilla is working on fixing it this week hopefully for flash and java <micahg> or at least flash <ddecator> good, if they do i'll re-enable it <ddecator> micahg, oh, thanks for adding the tag and comment, haha, i was just about to do that <nigel_nb> micahg, how do we know if an app has apport hook ? <micahg> nigel_nb: dpkg -L PKG | grep apport <micahg> nigel_nb: basically you have to look <micahg> you can check on packages.ubuntu.com as well <nigel_nb> it will be a file? <micahg> yep <nigel_nb> micahg, do you know how to write a hook? <micahg> nigel_nb: no <nigel_nb> hm <micahg> nigel_nb: you want to write one? <nigel_nb> yeah <nigel_nb> anyone has adobe reader installed in ubuntu? <jpiche> I'm having a problem and with Lucid, and am wondering if it's worth filing a bug report for. I've been with lucid for about a week now, but today (maybe after an upgrade), whenever I hit the enter key, the machine stops responding <jpiche> i'm not sure if it's a kernel panic though because if i have music playing, it keeps playing <trev> I'm having a strange issue with files in vim/eclipse vs. gedit/bluefish <trev> edits to files in eclipse will show up in eclipse and vim but not gedit and bluefish <trev> Is it a bug or something I need to enable? <kermiac> jpiche: it sounds like a known issue. bug 516412 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 516412 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Pressing <Enter> causes X to freeze (affects: 59) (dups: 13)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/516412 <jpiche> kermiac: thank you very much <kermiac> np jpiche :) <kermiac> should function key/ hotkey bugs be filed against "gnome-settings-daemon" in Karmic? <kermiac> more specifically the hotkeys that control volume <Damascene> https://launchpad.net/bugs/519050 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 519050 in netbook-launcher (Ubuntu) "netbook-launcher crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_newv() (affects: 7) (dups: 3)" [Critical,Fix released] <Damascene> I've had this or something like it <Damascene> now the left panel blink all the time <kermiac> Damascene: did you try "killall gnome-panel" NOTE: this will reset all panels back to default (including icons, etc) <kermiac> so if you have highly customised panels you may not wish to do that <nigel_nb> persia, at what point does apport hooks get added to a package? when they come into ubuntu? <persia> I think you're asking a different question than the one that can be answered sanely, and likely a different one that you intend to ask. <persia> So, I'll answer a couple other questions, and after that, if you still want to ask that, I'll give it a shot :) <nigel_nb> persia, sorry if I came out unclear <nigel_nb> persia, I want to add a apport-hook to a package, do I add it upstream or downstream...package is notify-osd <persia> Firstly: "How does apport know when to file bugs?": apport traps program crashes, and stores the coredump with various debugging information in a crash file. <persia> Oh, that's a completely different question than the usual class :) * persia aborts, and looks up the answer <nigel_nb> :) <persia> Right. Seems those are Ubuntu-specific patches. <persia> I suspect the same sort of patches would be interesting to any other distribution that used apport, but I don't happen to know of any. <persia> (more from lack of research than anything else) <nigel_nb> persia, so I'll open a bug and propose a patch? <nigel_nb> (or rather diff) <persia> That seems sane. <nigel_nb> thanks :) <crimsun> kermiac: (re: Fkeys/hotkeys) not necessarily <crimsun> kermiac: there are a couple of points, namely linux and whatever handles them in an X.Org session <kermiac> ok, ty crimsun <Speedy1> www.search2.net <nigel_nb> ah, well here too! <vish> ;) <BUGabundo_remote> {quick} morning <nigel_nb> pedro_, shall I go ahead and set up a wiki page for the classes? <nigel_nb> sorry to be late getting back (had a hectic day) <pedro_> nigel_nb, sure! that'd be great <nigel_nb> in a few hours I'll set it up and announce :) <pedro_> btw didn't know you have an identi.ca account ;-) * pedro_ following you <pedro_> nigel_nb, thanks! * nigel_nb has been out of identi.ca for quite some time :) <nigel_nb> pedro_, you need to dent more ;) * BUGabundo_remote has an account on another statusnet server. long live open Federation <pedro_> nigel_nb, yeah haven't used a lot identi.ca lately, just twitter * BUGabundo_remote feels twitter is evil * nigel_nb is with BUGabundo_remote on that one <nigel_nb> pedro_, link your identi.ca to twitter and move to status net * BUGabundo_remote is afraid of what google buzz will do to our lives <nigel_nb> +1 for me is groups... I dont have to follow everyone. just the main groups <BUGabundo_remote> brainbird.net actually PULLs your twitter timeline <BUGabundo_remote> so you see everything in one place * BUGabundo_remote rumbles about groups still not being federated. expected on OMB spec 0.2 <nigel_nb> another 30 mins and my lucid vm will be up-to-date :) <BUGabundo_remote> 30 min?? <nigel_nb> yeah, dist upgrade now <BUGabundo_remote> $ sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade <BUGabundo_remote> is so fast <BUGabundo_remote> ahhh do-release-upgrade <BUGabundo_remote> done that 4 months ago <nigel_nb> actually I got alpha 1 <nigel_nb> and now going to alpha 3 <BUGabundo_remote> on lucid day two <nigel_nb> (or whatever is current) <BUGabundo_remote> feel free to update us in #ubuntu+1 <SwedeMike> python-pyatspi won't install currently. <SwedeMike> Compiling /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pyatspi/__init__.py ... <SwedeMike> File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pyatspi/__init__.py", line 50 <SwedeMike> finally: <SwedeMike> ^ <SwedeMike> SyntaxError: invalid syntax <yofel> er, wasn't that supposed to be fixed? <SwedeMike> I just did dist-upgrade (last time was 3 hours ago or so) and got that error. <yofel> SwedeMike: workaround: remove python2.4 if you don't need it <SwedeMike> dpkg: dependency problems prevent removal of python-pyatspi: <SwedeMike> gnome-orca depends on python-pyatspi (>= 1.22.0) | python-pyatspi2; however: <SwedeMike> Package python-pyatspi is to be removed. <SwedeMike> Package python-pyatspi2 is not installed. <yofel> SwedeMike: yes, you can't remove atspi, remove python2.4 instead (nothing should require it today) <SwedeMike> yes, I removed it (and -dev), then what? <SwedeMike> still won't go thru --reconfigure correctly <yofel> bug 506357 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 506357 in at-spi (Ubuntu) "package python-pyatspi 1.29.5-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: invalid syntax error for python2.4 (affects: 12) (dups: 2)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/506357 <yofel> bug 507842 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 507842 in python-central (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Does not honor XS-Python-Version if debian/control contains a empty line before the Source: line (affects: 4) (dups: 2)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/507842 <giantpune> hey boys, i have another bug which i see has been mentioned already. im just looking for a workaround <giantpune> i cannot install samba on ubuntu 9.10 AMD64 . is there a workaround for it? <giantpune> http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-server-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg23728.html <Laibsch> I just tried to subscribe motu sponsors to bug 515805, but got http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_5.png <ubot4> Launchpad bug 515805 in gjots2 (Ubuntu) "Sync gjots2 2.3.9-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/515805 <Laibsch> what's going on there? <persia> Laibsch: Ask in #launchpad. That oughtn't happen. <Laibsch> ok <abhijit_> anybody online here? <abhijit_> how to solve the bug? <abhijit_> i am programmer <abhijit_> i want to help sove the bugs <abhijit_> whts the procedure? <pedro_> abhijit_, you might want to have a look at : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix <SwedeMike> abhijit_: if you know about a bug and how to solve it, you can start by attaching patches to the launchpad bug report? <vish> abhijit_: also , you start with bugs which have been scheduled for Ubuntu 10.04 but havent been fixed yet > https://edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/lucid <vish> you can start* <pedro_> hello vish <vish> pedro_: hi.. <persia> That isn't a complete list of bugs to be fixed by 10.04, and fixing nearly any other bug is also good. <vish> persia: what is the link for a complete list of scheduled bugs? [rather how do we grep those?] <persia> There isn't one. <persia> There's three or four different lists that people want to close, like the papercuts list, or the release-critical bugs list, or the miletoned list, etc. <persia> But most developers don't organise their work that way, rather just fixing bugs as they come. <persia> So, for instance, a developer might have an interest in some packages, and try to fix as many bugs as they can find there. <persia> Or some developer may have some bugs that bother them, and fix those first. <persia> Or some developer may monitor some set of test results, and try to fix bugs found there. <persia> etc. <vish> yeah.. <persia> If a new developer wants to contribute, it's generally best for them to find bugs that they are interested in fixing, rather than trying to chase bugs from the various lists (most of which already have someone else interested in fixing them). <persia> There might be overlap, but if we tell all the developers to work on the same bugs, we end up with lots of bugs getting no attention. <vish> persia: we need to get dedicated devs for papercuts :D <vish> other projects have devs ;) <persia> Are there no papercut devs? <vish> nope.. the papercuts are just a design team tasks , the bugs need to be fixed by someone from the community <vish> task* <vish> persia: sometimes we ping the upstream devs , and they agree with the suggestions and fix them.. else someone reading blogs and other shout-outs pick them up and fix them <vish> and the patch it sent upstream as well [just mentioning ] <persia> Well then. You do need to recruit. <persia> I'm not sure that every prospective developer should be pointed exclusively at the list, but I'll agree that having a couple people working on it would help. <persia> But of the papercuts I've seen, lots of them end up seeming simple but having deep complexities behind them. <persia> So I'm not sure they oughtn't be discussed upstream or with some developer who has significant experience in that area, rather than by somebody just trying to close papercuts. * vish agrees <vish> persia: but those are rare.. some of them are still present [ex: the templates usage bug , forgot bug#] we have those as well , and do discuss with upstream devs <persia> Yeah. I probably only see them when they are messy :) The smaller stuff is probably better done upstream anyway. <^arky^> can I mark this is triaged bug 512227 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 512227 in iputils (Ubuntu) "typos in tracepath manpage (patch included) (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/512227 <^arky^> can I mark this is triaged bug 512227 bug 486823 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 512227 in iputils (Ubuntu) "typos in tracepath manpage (patch included) (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/512227 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 486823 in openwsman (Ubuntu) "Typo in package description of libopenwsman-dev, libopenwsman1 and openwsman: "This packages" (affects: 1)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/486823 <hggdh> bdmurray: please ping me when you are in <micahg> I just added our monthly meeting to the Fridge...should show up within a day <bdmurray> hggdh: hey <mulambo> hay guys i am testing the new ubuntu 10.04 pre release on my laptop <mulambo> My concern is when I install a new program, it appears in my applications menu, but any other users it is absent <mulambo> im sure that this is supposed to update automatically <mulambo> GNU paint...... <mulambo> one example not working, or abiword <mulambo> they install, i can use them find but any other users cannot, i think this is a gnome problem? <mulambo> ... <mulambo> i'll check back if anyone cares to help a brotha out <hggdh> mulambo: yes, they should appear for all users <mulambo> so whats the next step to correct this? <mulambo> :) <mulambo> i think the new ubuntu should work ok on my old laptop <hggdh> heh. Open a bug on launchpad, and add documentation <mulambo> ok a custom one <hggdh> mulambo: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs <mulambo> alright thats good <mulambo> i'll do that thanks <hggdh> mulambo: welcome. Thank you for testing Lucid <mulambo> k, keep up the good work 8.04 is amazing on this thing, i am hoping by testing my hardware stays supported, thanks again. <BUGabundo_remote> n <komputes> Hi hggdh, I saw your name on the list of Bug Squad Mentors. Are you available for some guidance? <hggdh> komputes: yes, I am. Right now? <komputes> hggdh: sure, or whenever it is best for you <hggdh> I have some time now, so let's do it ;-) <hggdh> komputes: ^ <qense> someone tell pedro he rocks <qense> He just did three quarter of the New nautilus bugs. <hggdh> heh. Well, he *does* rock <qense> he did spam my mailbox <qense> I knew I shouldn't have subscribed to nautilus :P <bdmurray> on lucid is 'look duplic' returning duplicate results for anyone else? ;-) <hggdh> bdmurray: not for me <bdmurray> great <qense> bdmurray: I haven't seen that here either <bdmurray> yes, I'm suspecting I'm special <hggdh> bdmurray: see http://pastebin.com/f6dd1dcbd <hggdh> well. You _are_ ;-) <bdmurray> hggdh: what pages is the team subscribed to? <qense> bdmurray: I already have a small diff of proposed changes to HowToTriage for adding empty bug watches when marked bug watches as Confirmed, but I can't get the links to paragraphs on a page work right. But my main question is: do you think that an addition to HowToTriage is all that's needed? <hggdh> bdmurray: /BugSquad/.* and /Bugs/.* <hggdh> er. take out the first '/' <hggdh> weird. the email with the update on the wiki page was sent to my personal email, *not* to the email I set as preferred for communications <hggdh> just got it (twice, one for my Ubunut-related account, and one for my personal account) <bdmurray> okay, I didn't see anything in the bug squad queue hence my question ;-) <bdmurray> qense: yes, that sounds fine <qense> bdmurray: OK, I hope to be able to send a diff to the mailist this evening. <hggdh> bdmurray: the email should have been sent to the account marked as peferred, right? <bdmurray> hggdh: I'd imagine but ... <hggdh> checking <hggdh> this is really weird. I am set, on this account, with the correct primary address (for contacts). But I am also being asked to confirm it <hggdh> bdmurray: you will receive another confirmation request. Please blame LP, not me ;-) <ADcomp> hello .. <ADcomp> some help for reporting a bug ? <ADcomp> not sure about the right package .. ( sorry for my poor english ) <persia> ADcomp: No problem. What's the issue? <ADcomp> ok .. I'm running Lucid. after upgrade : "update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-12-generic" <ADcomp> "cpio: ./lib/udev/firmware.sh: Cannot stat: No such file or directory" <ADcomp> /lib/udev/firmware.sh doesn't exist <ADcomp> but /lib/udev/firmware , yes .. <thekorn> this bug has already bee reported <thekorn> let me try to find it <persia> bug 519855 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 519855 in udev (Ubuntu) "update-initramfs fails: ./lib/udev/firmware.sh does not exist (affects: 42) (dups: 8)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/519855 <persia> There's a patch in that bug that you can apply, or just wait a couple hours and dist-upgrade again. <ADcomp> ok .. sorry for disturb' <persia> rebooting in the meantime may or may not work, depending on your hardware. <thekorn> hmm, persia was faster, as always ;) <persia> ADcomp: You might also find #ubuntu+1 a useful channel : there's a lot of users of the development release there, who may have good answers to known issues. <ADcomp> I just make a symbolic link to firmware and "sudo dpkg --configure -a" <ADcomp> work for me <persia> That works too, but you might want to remove the symbolic link before the next dist-upgrade. <ADcomp> yes .. for sure <ADcomp> anyway , thanks for your time :) <ADcomp> bye <qense> bdmurray: not going to get the wiki proposal done today, I'll have it ready tomorrow <JoshuaL> hello, i want to report a bug about unstable connections with wpa2-enterprise. what info is needed to fill in such bug report? <Bookman> I seem to be having a problem even searching to see if a bug exists in launchpad at the moment and I've reported that to launchpad. I'm just trying to see if anyone has addressed the issue of Wicd no longer working with Ubuntu 10.04 after an update two days ago. It will not obtain an IP address from a wired/wireless router anymore. <kklimonda> Bookman, you can try using http://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ and see if it works better <BUGabundo> evening <kklimonda> hey BUGabundo <bdmurray> There was an issue with dchp3-client that has been resolved now <BUGabundo> hey kklimonda <bdmurray> so it might have been that <BUGabundo> do you rememer how to restat pulseaudio? <BUGabundo> mine some how died <bdmurray> bug 519206 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 519206 in dhcp3 (Ubuntu) "if closure missing in dhclient--script of dhcp3-client_3.1.3-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb (affects: 3) (dups: 2)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/519206 <kklimonda> BUGabundo, start-pulseaudio-x11 ? <hggdh> JoshuaL: what is your Ubuntu version? <BUGabundo> thanks * BUGabundo tries <JoshuaL> hggdh, 9.10 <BUGabundo> $ start-pulseaudio-x11 <BUGabundo> Connection failure: Connection refused <BUGabundo> pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused <BUGabundo> not good <Bookman> kklimonda, same error <kklimonda> Bookman, yes, I get it on the main page too - I just never really use it :) <hggdh> JoshuaL: server or desktop? <kklimonda> Bookman, see if it's a bug that bdmurray linked to <Bookman> kklimonda, I'm giving up on it all....too hard to submit/search for a bug <kklimonda> BUGabundo, and can't you just run pulseaudio from terminal? <kklimonda> BUGabundo, it should detach just fine <JoshuaL> hggdh, desktop <hggdh> you can open a bug with 'ubuntu-bug network-manager'; it will populate the bug with some basic data. The n-m triagers may then ask you for something special <hggdh> JoshuaL: ^ <JoshuaL> hggdh, thanks :) <hggdh> JoshuaL: welcome <plars> bdmurray: is there a bug tag (or any other mechanism) to tell from an lp bug whether a fix is available for it? <persia> There isn't. <persia> The closest is the various patch tags <plars> bdmurray: looking for the existence of a patch attached to the bug, or fix-committed state isn't always enough. There are some where the fix is a pointer to an email archive with a description of the fix or a patch attached <plars> persia: I saw the patch-* tags in w.u.c/Bugs/Tags, but I also saw him using just a generic "patch" tag, which I was wondering if maybe that was the intent of it <persia> plars: Yes, but "patch", "patch-needswork" and "patch-refused" don't cover the case you want :) <persia> "patch" is old. I used to use it to indicate that someone had a not-attached patch available. <plars> persia: right <persia> But I got complaints about it a few times, and stopped. <persia> I think the trick is to just not use it for stuff the desktop team is watching. <plars> persia: in that case, it could also cover things like links to patches in a mailing list archive, no? <persia> Because they tend to be extra-sensitive to extra bugmail for the tag being attached. <persia> I used to use it that way, but like I said, I got complaints, because it added to some people's bugmail for bugs they were already watching. <persia> plars: Given the various automation tools that are being developed around patches, I think current best practice is to go grab the referenced patches, verify they apply to current code, and attach them. <persia> Make sure to add enough information about the source of the patch so that someone can complete the DEP3 header for it. <persia> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/lucid-qa-fixing-bugs-with-patches is the current blueprint about this stuff. <persia> awe_: Hey. Are you following bug 510481 ? I remember you were interested in this. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 510481 in jack-audio-connection-kit (Ubuntu) "[MIR] Jack-audio-connection-kit (affects: 5)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/510481 <arand> Recent invalidation of Bug #510571 , I think incorrectly, am I right on that? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 510571 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "-11 & later kernels won't boot with acpi, -10 works, Lucid (affects: 8)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/510571 <awe_> persia, nope, hadn't seen it. been heads down on oem work... <persia> awe_: "busy at $work" is always a good excuse :) Anyway, you might want to subscribe just to know the outcome if it happens/doesn't happen. <awe_> sure, thanks for the heads-up! <plars> persia: fair enough, but I suspect there may be other cases I'm not thinking of at the moment for "fix-available", other than actually having a patch out there that we could harvest and attach <persia> arand: I think the "linux (Ubuntu)" task being set to Invalid is probably correct. I don't think that the triage was complete though, because there's no virtualbox task to track that work. It probably needs a virtualbox task, or to be marked duplicate to some existing virtualbox bug. <arand> But the fact is that it broke between kernel versions not virtualbox version. <persia> plars: There's actually lots of cases of that. However, over the past while Ubuntu Developers have been deplorably bad about actually looking for available fixes for arbitrary bugs, so there's already more stuff that has a proposed potential solution than is getting reviewed. <persia> I don't think we're yet starved enough for already available fixes that using a fix-available marker helps. <persia> Generally, the push has been to encourage those who have the skills to determine that a fix is available to join the ranks of Ubuntu Developers in order to get it reviewed. <nigelbabu> under what package does gnome-display-tools come under? <persia> I'm becoming ever more convinced this is a bad workflow, but I'm not sure that adding more fix-available things helps right now :) <plars> persia: this is more for bug tracking purposes than for locating bugs that have an available fix, however nothing should prevent people from using it to find bugs that have a *known* available fix <persia> plars: Can you give me an example? <plars> persia: for instance, for the release status where often times we have a list of bugs that are "fix-available" <plars> nigelbabu: gnome-control-center has gnome-display-properties <nigelbabu> thanks plars :) <nigelbabu> I've been trying to check 2 to 3 sources now :) <plars> nigelbabu: assuming it's gnome-display-properties that you're looking for <persia> nigelbabu: apt-file may be a useful tool for you. <plars> or dpkg -S <nigelbabu> persia, yes indeed. I need to learn to use tools that i have instead of looking at sources of guessed packags <persia> plars: So the idea is to be able to generate a report on some set of bugs to indicate "these are untriaged", "these we understand", "these have some proposed fix", "these have been fixed"? <plars> persia: something like that, yes <yofel> nigelbabu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage has good instructions for that <persia> plars: I'd probably use the "patch" tag for that, because it doesn't imply that the available "fix" actually fixes the issue. <bdmurray> plars: the kernel team uses cherry-pick for bugs with a commit id <persia> plars: Just be warned that if you add that to too many bugs with certain subscribers, there may be complaints (but you'd get that for any tag to meet your use case) <bdmurray> I'd rather a tag other than patch was used though as that is supposed to mean a rather specific thing <plars> persia: noted, which is one reason why I'm looking to see if there is already another mechanism of doing this <persia> bdmurray: Well, why not patch, assuming that there is a referenced patch available? <bdmurray> because it isn't attached to the bug? I guess it would work though <plars> bdmurray: so normally the patch tag would have what specific meaning? <bdmurray> well a patch is attached but that's a separate launchpad search so have the tag mean either a patch is attached or linked to seems fine <persia> I used to also use it in cases where a patch was in text in a comment, before I stopped using it. <plars> bdmurray: ok, so should this be added to w.u.c/Bugs/Tags? <plars> currently only patch-needswork and patch-refused are listed there <bdmurray> plars: yeah, that'd be awesome <plars> bdmurray: ok, thanks! * persia cheers the restoration of the patch tag, and intends to start using it again, now that it's on the wiki again. <bdmurray> also feel free to subscribe ubuntu-reviwers to bugs with patches <micahg> bdmurray: there's a reviewers team now? <bdmurray> http://www.murraytwins.com/blog/?p=64 <bdmurray> :-( <persia> The reviewers team just doesn't get enough press. It needs more hands. <micahg> bdmurray: sorry, I'm a little behind on blog posts <bdmurray> I was gonna e-mail ubuntu-devel about it too <persia> Please do. <persia> back through Intrepid or so we tended to be good about it, and somewhere around there just stopped grabbing patches and uploading them. <bdmurray> Well, I'd hoped that everybody just read my blog. ;-) <nigelbabu> I did :) <nigelbabu> but didn't you already send out a mail about it? <persia> I mostly read blogs on planet, and I'm sure I miss posts because I don't read it often enough (some days seem to be special blog days) <nigelbabu> persia, add it to thunderbird? <persia> nigelbabu: At one point I was using liferea for a similar purpose, but ended up not reading any blogs at all that way. <nigelbabu> persia, thunderbird checks feeds along with your mail, so you end up reading. trust me ;) <persia> nigelbabu: You obviously have never sent me mail :) <nigelbabu> persia, dont tell me you get mails for all gnome packages ;) * persia already doesn't read that in a reliable fashion <persia> No, but I get more than I can read. <nigelbabu> ah, then you're out of luck. Too much to read * micahg has a similar problem...90k unread RSS feed entries <persia> At least with planet, I can check it every once in a while and catch up on stuff in a way that doesn't block anything else (what's one more browser pane) <nigelbabu> micahg, "ouch" <bdmurray> jibel: can we write a pattern for bug 519882 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 519882 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "update-manager crashed with CacheExceptionDpkgInterrupted in __init__() (affects: 25) (dups: 23)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/519882 <jibel> bdmurray, let me see <hggdh> bdmurray: did you get a wiki update to relase to the ML? <bdmurray> hggdh: I've approved a couple <nekohayo> hello folks, I am one of the upstream bug triagers and testers for PiTiVi <hggdh> bdmurray: so it is working! Good <nekohayo> tomorrow I'm at home, so hopefully I should be able to help in the bug day * micahg is getting duplicates now :) * hggdh also <bdmurray> nekohayo: that'd be great! <nekohayo> so if you folks need help/info, I'm always sitting in #pitivi (I may take a look at #ubuntu-bugs once in a while tomorrow I guess, but you will need to poke me if you have a question) <jibel> bdmurray, I can do something, but it will be a rather generic pattern. <jibel> bdmurray, There's no specific error reported by u-m and the only source for the pattern is the Traceback. <jibel> bdmurray, anyway I give it a try. <bdmurray> jibel: there is nothing in aptlog? <bdmurray> or maybe add the libudev version in dependencies <nigelbabu> anything more I should be doing for bug 519335 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 519335 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "misspelling when hovering the display-icon in the notification area (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/519335 <bdmurray> micahg: did you read about bughugger? <micahg> bdmurray: I think so * micahg remembers talking to you about it <bdmurray> I have some pre-ran json searches for you! http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/package/ <bdmurray> You could load those in bughugger <micahg> bdmurray: thanks :) <micahg> bdmurray: this is a current list or a query? <micahg> ah, just a list, but I can sort my quickly I suppose <jibel> bdmurray, aptlog is not always attached and doesn't log the failing installation. dependencies is only attached to very few reports. <LimCore> I would really like to see which bugs have most affected people <persia> nigelbabu: Inthe past, for bugs like that, I've sought a native speaker to confirm, made sure the locale affected was documented, and submitted the correction to Rosetta for review. <micahg> LimCore: you can do that in the LP interface <LimCore> but LP can't handles such a (huge) sort with join apparently, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-users_affected_count&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=& <LimCore> field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package= <nigelbabu> persia, I confirmed with a locale speaker <LimCore> micahg: no, it times out always on this query <persia> nigelbabu: Didn't see that in a comment :) <persia> nigelbabu: What locale is it? <nigelbabu> persia, de <bdmurray> this won't time out ;-) http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/launchpad-database/bugs-with-most-users-affected.html <micahg> LimCore: LP seems to be having issues in general with bugs at the distro level for ubuntu <nigelbabu> persia, oh, I have to ask another locale person to comment? <persia> I doubt that. Likely de_AU.utf8 or de_DE.utf8 or something. <bdmurray> jibel: dependencies would be attached to any apport bug and that's what patterns are used for right? <LimCore> micahg: simply raising timeouts and query cache perhaps would be enough to help? <LimCore> npviewer.bin crashed with SIGSEGV - 1917 <LimCore> lolololol <micahg> LimCore: nothing is simple WRT LP infrastructure <persia> nigelbabu: That's one way, sure. Another would be to install the locales on your machine and see which ones were affected. <LimCore> that is true, flash is the biggest FAIL :) <nigelbabu> persia, oh, well, I'm getting the po file * LimCore hates flash with passion <micahg> LimCore: that bug is nspluginwrapper and maybe should be closed...it's on my list <LimCore> micahg: you mean its fixed? it crashes all the time for me too <LimCore> on 9.10 <persia> nigelbabu: That works too :) <micahg> LimCore: well, not exactly fixed <micahg> but there are 3 of them... <nigelbabu> persia, well, it seems I got the wrong po. I'm not which package that thing comes into. I took gnome control center and its not there :( * LimCore imagines a world with no flash and no silvershit. Mmmmmm. <micahg> and I don't think it's under active development anymore... <micahg> LimCore: HTML5 :) <persia> nigelbabu: It's in the langpacks, which you seemed to rightly understand by adding the Ubuntu Translations task, rather than an upstream task. <persia> So the po files are overridden by Rosetta. <LimCore> HTML5, bringing lost of anonimization to a computer near you ;) <persia> !ohmy <ubot4> Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others. <LimCore> s/silver/grey-colored <persia> heh <LimCore> micahg: but with proper browsers, it will be super cool, in example YT in native ffox :) <micahg> LimCore: if the gstreamer backend is ever implemented... <micahg> LimCore: YT is using h.264 <LimCore> esp if they do each tab in separate tab + resource usage limiting + pausing of idle tabs <jibel> bdmurray, no, I checked all duplicates and seen it attached only twice. <LimCore> it would seem, flash can be responsible for like 50% higher computer bills, really <nigelbabu> persia, um, so how do I suggest a correction? <LimCore> flash can suck all the cpu power you have, always <persia> nigelbabu: I haven't used the interface in years, and suspect it has changed. <persia> I'll recommend asking in #ubuntu-translators , but I'll see if I can find a good URL <nigelbabu> persia, is there a channel for translations? <nigelbabu> persia, you seem to be reading my mind :) <LimCore> someone should localize to Klingon, how cool would that be * persia wants automatic URL redirection in malone for centre/center <bdmurray> jibel: hrmm, that sounds like a problem with apport somehow <bdmurray> okay, I'll just unsubscribe bug control from that bug then <persia> nigelbabu: I've been caught by a silly LP bug, but I think it's somewhere under https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu <micahg> LimCore: it's being discussed <bdmurray> since it's fixed a pattern might be unnecessary <nigelbabu> persia, thanks :) <LimCore> bdmurray: cool. Looking at first 4 positions in that list, I see a dupe btw ;) shouldnt that be merged <jibel> bdmurray, I'm testing the pattern against a bunch of reports right now. It should be ready soon. <LimCore> micahg: or at least rename them into separate threads <LimCore> micahg: I could go and mark all of this bugs dupes if someone would want <micahg> LimCore: nah <micahg> anyone notice this Gerry C.? <LimCore> who? <micahg> hggdh: ^^ <micahg> bdmurray: at what point do bug comments become a nuisance? <micahg> *modifiers <LimCore> hmm how about.. paying some devels to fix the most common bugs in ubuntu like this listed there <bdmurray> micahg: I'm not quite certain what you mean. * LimCore watches the crowd go wild. Noone thinks this idea is awesome? <micahg> bdmurray: people assigning and adding bug tasks that they shouldn't <micahg> LimCore: if you're writing teh checks, sure :) <LimCore> ok <bdmurray> micahg: well, I'd try contacting the user first it might be an honest mistake <bdmurray> micahg: Launchpad is rather confusing ;-) <micahg> bdmurray: I sent a message, but no response yet <micahg> I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this poster <micahg> I've had 3 or 4 incorrect actions taken by the person...I'm wondering if there are a lot more out ther <micahg> I only watch about 10 packages <micahg> actually, probably closer to 20 #ubuntu-bugs 2010-02-11 <jibel> bdmurray, sorry lost my connection. I've commited the pattern anyway since it's done. <bdmurray> jibel: awesome, thanks! <jibel> it's late here. see you tomorrow. <bdmurray> micahg: okay, yes gerry c is getting bothersome <micahg> bdmurray: should we request the account blocked until the user comes in here? <bdmurray> micahg: well whatever the Launchpad sys admins do should be done I think * persia isn't sure how to respond to invernizzi's request to join. I'd like to see examples of Ubuntu bug triage, but I'm not coming up with an encouraging way to request that. Anyone else have any bright ideas? <invernizzi> i can withdraw the request and triage some before resubmitting <crimsun> I don't think there's a need to withdraw the request <persia> invernizzi: No need to withdraw. I'm just one member. There are lots of other people who might respond. <invernizzi> ok <persia> invernizzi: And please don't take my request for help in responding to be direct criticism: I asked here precisely because I wasn't sure how to ask for that without appearing to criticise. <invernizzi> no worries <hggdh> well, OTOH, we do not have a separation for upstreams located on LP and common Ubuntu triaging <micahg> did we start getting package based tags? <kermiac> micahg: I've also noticed "Gerry C." assigning people & adding tasks on a fair amount of bugs lately <ddecator> yah there seems to be a little fad goin' on... <micahg> kermiac: I asked spm an official notice to consult the docs, hopefully that'll help <nigel_nb> hggdh, around.. need a hand with a bug :) <kermiac> yeah, hopefully. looks like he might be trying to do the right thing & is simply confused. Doesn't seem to be another of the "full moon" incidents like a few days ago <kermiac> should I unassign people/ remove tasks if I notice them & I'm sure the <kermiac> & I'm sure they're incorrect <micahg> kermiac: yes <kermiac> ok, ty micahg :) <micahg> kermiac: but comment <kermiac> yes, I always comment on bugs that I change :) <ddecator> i saw someone was adding things to the flash bug too and they had to be asked to stop <micahg> kermiac: good :) <micahg> ddecator: yes <micahg> ddecator: BTW, I didn't forget about it, but I had an issue with making the patch... <ddecator> micahg, no problem, the fix is easy, and i still haven't had any issues with it <ddecator> oh, micahg , i was gonna ask you, do you remember that thunderbird bug? you said you were going to do something with it but i haven't seen any changes...anything you want me to do for it? (i can get the # if you want) <micahg> ddecator: sure <ddecator> one sec... <ddecator> hey, lp is actually loading kind of fast <ddecator> bug 518336 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518336 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "thunderbird-3.0: Please turn off global search by default (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518336 <micahg> ddecator: yeah, sorry nothing really to do unless you can find an upstream bug on b.m.o for it <ddecator> micahg, alright, i knew you said there was something you were going to do but i couldn't remember what, haha. i'll take a look upstream in a min. what should i do if i don't find anything? * micahg looks at the bug again <micahg> ddecator: idr, but I think there should be an upstream <ddecator> micahg, sounds good, i'll take a look <micahg> ddecator: thanks <malev> hi everyone! I need help with this bug. I can't confirm it coz I don't have a floppy drive :( <malev> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/476013 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 476013 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "USB floppy drives aren't formatted correctly (affects: 1)" [Low,Incomplete] <malev> I asked int #ubuntu and #ubuntu-es and no luki, any idea what can I do? <hggdh> nigel_nb: sorry, hands full with a deployment (yes, yet another one) at my customer <ddecator> man, i haven't seen a floppy drive in years... <micahg> malev: you shouldn't set to Invalid while you check something <nigel_nb> hggdh, no probs. I'll ask someone in the room :) <micahg> malev: you could simulate a floppy in virtualbox <micahg> malev: that's only good enough if you can confirm though, not to dismiss <malev> upst! ... oks! my bad. <malev> I'm gonna change it right now <malev> to.. incomplete? <micahg> malev: it's incomplete now <micahg> malev: I'm just saying for the future :) <malev> yes! I set it a few hours ago <malev> oks! thanks for the observation. I'm gonna try with virtualbox <malev> but, first I have to install it :D <malev> thanks <micahg> malev: the other thing to do is check for an upstream bug on bugzilla.gnome.org <malev> ... I don't know what is that <micahg> malev: or a duplicate on launchpad <micahg> malev: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream/GNOME <malev> micahg, nice! I'm checking it right now! thanks again <micahg> malev: np <nigel_nb> micahg, what is the definition of regression? <micahg> nigel_nb: something that worked before that no longer does <nigel_nb> micahg, Well, a bug that was closed as fixed is not yet fixed. I guess that doesn't count as regression <micahg> nigel_nb: bug # <nigel_nb> micahg, the new bug is bug 519999, standby for old one <ubot4> Launchpad bug 519999 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Paused last.fm stream fails to restart (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/519999 <ddecator> micahg, quick note, i didn't see anything on bugzilla, but i'll look more in-depth when i get back from a meeting <micahg> ddecator: k <nigel_nb> micahg, the old bug is bug 483335 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 483335 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Rhythmbox 0.12.5 cannot start playback of Last.fm after pausing (affects: 2)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/483335 <micahg> nigel_nb: the old bug says nothing about this being fixed in lucid * micahg has the same problem of glossing over comments <nigel_nb> micahg, there was something in the comments about it <micahg> no, another bug was fixed in the lucid release <micahg> nigel_nb: dupe the new one to the old one and see if there's an upstream bug on bgo <nigel_nb> micahg, okay :) <micahg> change the status to confirmed <micahg> and comment abotu the mistake <micahg> so people don't think you're reopening a closed bug <micahg> the reporter thought his bug might have been fixed too <nigel_nb> okay <micahg> but there was no proof <nigel_nb> I read the release info and it had something to say fix released <nigel_nb> dont remember now <micahg> nigel_nb: there's probably an upstream for this <nigel_nb> searching now <kermiac> micahg: a task was opened against python in bug 343625. It should be ok to invalidate the new task, right? I'm not 100% sure on this one as the OP mentions "& new python". The bug was set to high/confirmed against system-config-printer <ubot4> Launchpad bug 343625 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[jaunty] system-config-printer & new python hangs with 100% CPU (affects: 5) (dups: 2)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/343625 <micahg> kermiac: change to null project with a comment of incorrect upstream project <kermiac> ty micahg :) <nigel_nb> micahg, in bug 460964, can close the network manager task? the issue must be with notify-osd <ubot4> Launchpad bug 460964 in notify-osd (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Network manager does not merge its OSD notifications (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/460964 <micahg> nigel_nb: most probably, I can't say for sure as I don't know notify-osd <nigel_nb> I've done a little bit of work on it <nigel_nb> but I dont think NM can do much <micahg> nigel_nb: I think it's nm <nigel_nb> micahg, oh <nigel_nb> micahg, but if you read the notify specifications that the OP has linked, it would seem like notify-osd <micahg> nigel_nb: I would think that nm sets the priorities of teh bubbles <micahg> notify0osd only displays <micahg> AFAIK <nigel_nb> micahg, what is happening is not prority <nigel_nb> micahg, notify is supposed to merge notifications if coming from same app within a particular time frame <nigel_nb> that does not seem to be happening <micahg> nigel_nb: both of them have indicated that they allow merging <micahg> that's one of the bullets <micahg> that might not be happening <nigel_nb> micahg, bullets, where? <micahg> nigel_nb: on the wiki page <micahg> one of the bullet points <nigel_nb> micahg, ah. <vish> nigel_nb: thats a dup * vish tries to find bug <nigel_nb> vish, which one? * nigel_nb has been working on too many dups today <vish> nigel_nb: the nm notifications <nigel_nb> vish, ah <vish> nigel_nb: it needs to be dealt in both notify-osd and nm.. [well thats what the Mirco said] <nigel_nb> vish, I didn't close any task. I confirmed one of them <vish> nigel_nb: yup , just mentioning the info i know :) <nigel_nb> vish, thanks :) <nigel_nb> vish, or else I'd have to wait for someone in ayatana to show up <nigel_nb> vish, I spent like 4 hours writing an apport hook for notify before pulling lucid source, only to find it was already written ;) <vish> nigel_nb: Mirco is the main notify-osd dev.. I had asked him earlier regarding this bug... its a dup.. i'll dup it as soon as i find it ;) <nigel_nb> vish, I'm hunting <vish> nigel_nb: done <nigel_nb> vish, whats the old bug number? <vish> nigel_nb: hrm... damn i closed FF , refresh the above bug it should be there <nigel_nb> ok :) <^arky^> hi <^arky^> Is this bug 460729 triaged properly ? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 460729 in fdupes (Ubuntu) "Typo in fdupes manpage (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/460729 <nigel_nb> ^arky^, is it triaged at all? <^arky^> oops <^arky^> nigel_nb: I meant this one bug 486823 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 486823 in openwsman (Ubuntu) "Typo in package description of libopenwsman-dev, libopenwsman1 and openwsman: "This packages" (affects: 1)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/486823 <nigel_nb> ^arky^: yep. its a confirmed error <^arky^> nigel_nb: thank you <ddecator> anyone know if micahg will be back on again tonight? <nigel_nb> ^arky^, you could have submitted a debdiff <^arky^> nigel_nb: is that package managed in debian ? <nigel_nb> ^arky^, dunno, but its easier. you can jut ask a sponser to merge it then ( I think, not sure) <nigel_nb> bah, not merge, sponser <^arky^> nigel_nb: I put up a merge request <^arky^> already * hggdh hates production deployments <nigel_nb> hehe <nigel_nb> ^arky^, just ask in -motu which is preferred (i'm not sure) <^arky^> nigel_nb: ok will do <nigel_nb> ^arky^, I think you can change to in progress when working on a bug <nigel_nb> hggdh, deployment over? <hggdh> nope <nigel_nb> aw :( <nigel_nb> hggdh, is it okay to change status to "in progress" if I'm working on a patch? <hggdh> nigel_nb: yes <hggdh> 'in progress' is reserved for those that are working on a fix <nigel_nb> should I assign to myself? <hggdh> nigel_nb: also please assign to yourself <hggdh> he <hggdh> heh <nigel_nb> ah well, ;) <hggdh> if it is in progress, there must be an assignee <nigel_nb> ah <hggdh> and I still hate production deployments... <hggdh> should be sleeping already <nigel_nb> hggdh, hehe... linux deployment? or some app on the server? <hggdh> Solaris & Windows <hggdh> both servers <nigel_nb> they are updating servers? <hggdh> no, upgrading server programmes <hggdh> applications <nigel_nb> ah <nigel_nb> so u have to stay back for downtime - not good ;) <hggdh> and to fix any issues that pop up <ddecator> hggdh, gl <hggdh> well, actually we have found, so far, 4 issues, 3 I corrected, one is at a remote partner, nothing I can do (except blame their incompetence ;-) <hggdh> all in all, better than I really expected. I thought we would have to go back to the old environment to fix a serious issues, and no serious blowups so far <hggdh> ddecator: sucks. I could be at my hotel, sleeping now. <ddecator> hggdh, at least your not having as much trouble as Jabber =p <hggdh> heh <hggdh> indeed <nigel_nb> hggdh, how do I use sed to correct a list of files? * nigel_nb has been trying for some time and is fed up <ddecator> hey micahg <micahg> hi <hggdh> nigel_nb: man sed ;-) <ddecator> i left a comment on that thunderbird bug, i only found stuff about the global inbox, nothing about global search, but i think i said the right thing <ddecator> and nothing about the default behavior for downloading mail <nigel_nb> hggdh, yeah, but my expression is still not working <pout> <micahg> ddecator: thunderbird 3 indexes all mail into a super index <hggdh> nigel_nb: one way is to search for scrips using it <ddecator> micahg, right, so it can all be searched by thunderbird, but i pointed out that global search and the download behavior are separate <hggdh> but you are probably either giving it the wrong RE, or the wrong options <nigel_nb> hggdh, can I get sed to recursively search each directory and replace? <nigel_nb> hggdh, I am giving the wrong options definitely <hggdh> nigel_nb: I do not thing sed can recurse on directories (but it is a long time since I needed it) <nigel_nb> oh no, that means I need to write a script <hggdh> nigel_nb: have you tried http://sed.sf.net/grabbag/tutorials/sedfaq.txt ? <nigel_nb> hggdh, looking <jmarsden> nigel_nb: Probably a oneliner... find /somedir -type f | xargs grep -l "somestring" | xargs sed -i -e 's/somestring/otherstring/g' # Or something along those lines? <nigel_nb> jmarsden, ah, thanks :) <jmarsden> nigel_nb: You're welcome. BTW above is untested, it's just my first instinct for doing that ... check it before running it on files you care about :) <nigel_nb> jmarsden, sure :) <micahg> ddecator: mozilla 516493 <ubot4> Mozilla bug 516493 in Search "User should be warned about "global search and indexer" being enabled on upgrade" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=516493 <nigel_nb> jmarsden, its a bug fix, i can always rm the folder and dpkg-source again ;) <jmarsden> nigel_nb: Ah OK, in that case it's not all that risky. Doing it on an archive of a million historical documents or something might need rather more testing :) <ddecator> micahg, i opened every thunderbird bug and did a search for key words including "global" and i don't remember ever seeing that -_- <nigel_nb> jmarsden, I format twice or thrice every releaes after ding something dumb <nigel_nb> jmarsden, my /home will always have temp data ;) <micahg> ddecator: due to the numbers of bugs in bmo, more specific is usually better <ddecator> micahg, that's what i started with, then i generalized, haha, idk what happened...did you already link them or do you want me to? <micahg> ddecator: yep, BTW, here's my search term: ALL thunderbird global search <micahg> ddecator: was the seventh bug listed <ddecator> micahg, i might have not had trunk included <jmarsden> nigel_nb: Ouch, that's a lot of reformats! I run rsnapshot every hour over /etc and (most of) /home, so it keeps hourly/daily/weekly/monthly copies, so I can almost always "go back" when I mess up. And when I'm doing something I know is risky, I do it in a disposable VM anyway. <nigel_nb> jmarsden, I dont save much in /home. everything on other bigger partitions <ddecator> micahg, pedro just had to tell me this morning how to use google to search lp bugs, haha, i'll get this search thing figured out at some point <^arky^> question: are there any known bugs for two side printer jobs <nigel_nb> jmarsden, I used a simpler expression without the greps <jmarsden> nigel_nb: Cool, as long as it works... if you sed files that don't actually contain the string it "works" but updates the modified date on all those files, which can be undesirable... hence my grepping to ensure you only sed the files you actually want to change. <nigel_nb> jmarsden, ah :) <monkeylibre> hi all, please anyone could mark the bug #352215 as Triaged?, I´ve done the upstream. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 352215 in ekiga (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "ekiga crashed with SIGSEGV in calloc() (affects: 2) (dups: 2)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/352215 <hggdh> this is it. g'night all <BUGabundo_remote> morning <kermiac> morning BUGabundo_remote :) * kermiac is seeing more invalid bug tasks & assigning people/ teams to bugs from Gerry C. <kermiac> bug 350178 bug 335968 bug 300622 :( <ubot4> Launchpad bug 350178 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[LENOVO 17045UG] suspend/resume failure (affects: 2)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/350178 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 335968 in acpi (Ubuntu) "DVD missing after install (affects: 2) (dups: 1)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/335968 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 300622 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[Intrepid] Battery not noticed by ubuntu (affects: 4)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/300622 <chrisccoulson> who is gerry c? <nigel_nb> chrisccoulson, someone who has been causing a bit of a havoc lately <nigel_nb> micahg was asking earlier if he was a known spammer/problem maker <kermiac> chrisccoulson: someone who is "hopefully" confused. he was sent an official notice to read the docs <chrisccoulson> he's really annoying me now * kermiac agrees <chrisccoulson> i don't have time to go and clean up his mess <kermiac> I'm cleaning up his mess in any bug mail i get, but I'm obviously not subscribed to everything he touched <thekorn> I'm wondering if these user are using the launchpad API for the "activity" <kermiac> and his gmane search was only showing up about 15 bugs <chrisccoulson> yeah, i think you just cleaned up a gpm bug <thekorn> because >900 of karma in two days is a lot <thekorn> it took me a year to get there ;) <chrisccoulson> thekorn: answer tracker? <chrisccoulson> it's very generous with karma... <kermiac> yes, that was me. I'm trying to clean up whilst causing as little amount of bugmail spam as possible <thekorn> oh, yeah, but he has ~400 on malone, which is still alot <chrisccoulson> his karma history is just lots of "Bug Task Created" <kermiac> yeah, he's been doing that & also assinging teams/people to these tasks he is creating <LimCore> we have a security bug #516500 but it takes over a week for secuirty team to respond in any way yet! Set prio High please? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 516500 in apt-cacher (Ubuntu) "apt-cacher stops updates of random packages (Connection failed) (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/516500 <thekorn> LimCore, is this your daily reminder for this channel? <LimCore> thekorn: yes <LimCore> ah wait, it's only security, I guess we can relax and wait few more weeks why not <LimCore> silently not updating packages (not auto updating other security bug fixes from repos) is not that big of a deal is it <nigelb> well, this is the second spammer in the past few weeks <LimCore> nigelb: you call me spammer?! <nigelb> LimCore, lol not you <thekorn> LimCore, have you tried to get in contact with the security team directly? * kermiac laughs <nigelb> LimCore, read scroll back about gerry c <LimCore> ok * nigelb snickers <LimCore> thekorn: subscribing Ubuntu Security Team seems quite direct. what else? <thekorn> LimCore, instead of asking about this bug in this channel over-andover again, and beeing told that we cannot do anything about it also over-and-over again, <thekorn> you can talk to them directly on their irc channel <thekorn> or write them a mail <thekorn> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved <LimCore> or someones could just make me bug controll so we could triag embarassing security related problems a bit faster - I would give it a Medium after confirming that bug is indeed popular <thekorn> LimCore, it isn't a popular bug, it is only affecting you ;) <LimCore> or me and 50 people that didnt notice and 200 that didnt bothered to report <LimCore> for exmaple the flash bug does not affect 2000 reporters, but it affects like 500.000 ubuntu users that use YT <LimCore> becasuse that flash bug occures for EVERY user =) <LimCore> still I would first confirm it before setting prio of course <SevenMachines> hi, is the ubuntu bug control team the one to try and join for setting bug priorities? i've completely forgotten for some reason :) <chrisccoulson> LimCore / thekorn - are you referring to the apt-cacher bug linked above <thekorn> chrisccoulson, yes <chrisccoulson> thekorn - it's in universe (ie, no support from the ubuntu security team anyway) <chrisccoulson> or certainly not a priority for them <^arky^> hi, can anyone help with this error bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDi <chrisccoulson> we've had this issue before for security issues in universe packages <chrisccoulson> it needs a contributor who cares enough about the issue to spend their time fixing it * kermiac found 47 bugs touched by Gerry C using http://search.gmane.org/?query=&author=Gerry+C&group=gmane.linux.ubuntu.bugs.general&sort=date&DEFAULTOP=and&xFILTERS=Glinux.ubuntu.bugs.general-Arhett-Atrappman---A <kermiac> I'll start cleaning them up :/ <kermiac> should he be reported like the guy from the other day. The first guy only had around half that many <LimCore> chrisccoulson: or is there another way of caching apt downloads? <chrisccoulson> LimCore: i've no idea <LimCore> chrisccoulson: this is very important for ubuntu depoyments with no so fast internet <LimCore> well, one other way would be to use squid as a general solution, but I like idea of apt-cacher <chrisccoulson> well, there's no support with apt-cacher, unless you can find a volunteer to work on it <LimCore> I tried reporting to debian, as they are upstream <LimCore> but they are unfortunatelly a bunch of assholes <LimCore> only banned for mentioning ubuntu heh <chrisccoulson> well, calling them assholes is hardly appropriate <LimCore> I may do some more tests first to assert the cause. Currently I bet unstable network connection (or otherwise interrupting a cache download instand going on in the middle of it) <LimCore> ok then, least-friendly-linux-community-ever (perhaps besides LFS, not sure, dind't really check ;) <chrisccoulson> that's quite a generalisation there. i work with some very pleasant debian developers <LimCore> chrisccoulson: quieting for pasting link to LP on upstream's irc chan seems just stupid and also rude, never seen behaviour like this on other channels <LimCore> its rather obvious upstream bug, but even if not, there are ways to say this like a civilized person <LimCore> if such attitude is only the case on irc channel, then its unfortunate that it reflects a bit on entire community that as you say could be really nice <kermiac> this is not even funny any more. filed a question on lp regarding the spammer <kermiac> https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/100682 <nigelb> kermiac, looks like we may need a spam handling team :( or ability to reset everything a user has done? <kermiac> nigelb: it's starting to look that way :( <kermiac> also an easier way to discover exactly what damage has been done. gmane search finds a lot, but not all <nigelb> kermiac, I think the second idea may have merit. lemme see if I can talk to a few more people and think of logging a bug about launchpad <nigelb> a wishlist perhaps <kermiac> nigelb: ok, sounds like a good idea. when/if you file a bug pls let me know the bug # or subscribe me as I will be intereted in following its progress <nigelb> kermiac, a whole lot of people might be <nigelb> i want to talk to a few senior bug squad members before filing * kermiac goes back to cleaning up... 4 done, 43 to go <kermiac> ok nigelb :) <nigelb> kerdekel, ugh! its so frustrating that we're not doing what we're supposed to do and instead cleaning up <nigelb> oops.. tab fail <nigelb> err.. kermiac ^^ <kermiac> I couldn't agree more nigelb. I don't understand wtf is going on... 3 major issues with 3 diff users in the last week <nigelb> the first was mild, the last 2 are nasty <kermiac> yup <LimCore> its the same guy, dug <LimCore> *duh <kermiac> MS hasn't infiltrated LP have they ;) <kermiac> LimCore: how would we prove that??? <LimCore> kermiac: why would you like to prove that? <kermiac> LP doesn't log IP's - does it? <kermiac> well, you said "its the same guy, duh"... <LimCore> its just obvious <LimCore> but it doesn't change anything practically <LimCore> just some anti spam messures are needed in any way <kermiac> it's definately a possibility. yes, that's true - even if it is it doesn't change the fact that the issue needs to be looked at try & stop it <chrisccoulson> kermiac: when cleaning the bugs, it might be prudent to subscribe Gerry C, so he gets your comments <chrisccoulson> i just noticed that he's editting them, and not subscribing <jibel> kermiac: you can find what Gerry C. has done from the Ubuntu bug ML archive. <jibel> kermiac: I've found 47 bug reports <kermiac> chrisccoulson: I did that with a few of the bugs, but I was getting annoyed so I have raised a question on LP to ban his account. I also asked in #launchpad to get someone to look at that question but have received no speonse yet <kermiac> s/spesonse/response <kermiac> chrisccoulson: do you think I should bother subscribing him to all of them if he is probably just going to have his account disabled? <chrisccoulson> kermiac: yes, so he's aware of the disruption he's causing <chrisccoulson> (if he cares) <kermiac> chrisccoulson: ok, I'll start doing that again <chrisccoulson> thanks <kermiac> np :) <kermiac> I'm not going to get through all of the bugs he has touched tonight, but I'll start back at it tomorrow (if noone else has cleaned them up by then) <kermiac> ty for the tip jibel, when i get done with the 47 I found I'll start looking into the last few days of the ML <kermiac> jibel: I haven't looked at that ML before, does it only cover bugs for the generic "ubuntu" package? <jibel> kermiac: I can send you the list a bug number if it helps <jibel> s/a/of/ <kermiac> that would be appreciated jibel - save me a bit of work :) <kermiac> this is already taking a fair amount of time that I'd much rather have spent triaging bugs instead of cleaning up <kermiac> feel free to emai me jibel :) <jibel> kermiac: pasted at http://paste.ubuntu.com/373864/ <kermiac> ty jibel. that looks like a totally diff list to the one i got using gmane - maybe it's even worse than we thought :( <jibel> kermiac: oops, I've shift the bug numbers. I update the list. Forget about that one <kermiac> ok jibel :) <jibel> kermiac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/373869/ . it's much better. <jibel> There are 40 unique reports <kermiac> ok ty jibel. looks similar to the gmane list but I will check it tomorrow <jibel> kermiac: Thank you for your help. <kermiac> np :) hopefully nigelb's idea regarding the "ability to reset everything a user has done" comes to fruition - it would save a LOT of work when things like this happen <kermiac> should empty upstream bug tasks be removed if the bug is new (or anything except triaged)? bug 507469 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 507469 in ufw (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "User deny rules should override connection tracking (affects: 1)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/507469 <kermiac> anyone? <nigel_nb> kermiac, can you give me the gmane link for spammer? <kermiac> ok nigel_nb one sec <kermiac> http://search.gmane.org/?query=&author=Gerry+C&group=gmane.linux.ubuntu.bugs.general&sort=date&DEFAULTOP=and&xFILTERS=Glinux.ubuntu.bugs.general-Agerry-Ac---A <kermiac> possibly a bit premature but I also filed this https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/100682 as a lot of people have been upset by his activities <nigel_nb> kermiac, definitely not premature <nigel_nb> kermiac, chrisccoulson was earlier irritated, yes? so its good :) <kermiac> yes & sebastian <nigel_nb> then its good enough <nigel_nb> by any chance remember the other guys? <kermiac> one sec, I'll look through the backscroll <kermiac> [13:46:22] <micahg> kermiac: I asked spm an official notice to consult the docs, hopefully that'll help <nigel_nb> kermiac, spm is an lp admin.. no the one before... <kermiac> not sure if there was anyone else. I was def. annoyed by the bugmail spam but I'm not really that important ;) * nigel_nb starts hunting <nigel_nb> okay, forget <nigel_nb> I have logged a LP bug for reverting all changes made by user. Please subscribe and add comments (if necessary) <nigel_nb> bug 520413 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 520413 in malone "All changes by user must be revertable (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/520413 <kermiac> looking now <kermiac> want me to confirm or just comment? <kermiac> maybe bugsquad member should confirm? <kermiac> and I should just comment? <nigel_nb> kermiac, dont do either <nigel_nb> just comment <nigel_nb> I'll ask lp guys to change to wish list <kermiac> ok, np :) <nigel_nb> (thats what they asked me to do) <thekorn> I don't think having a mechanism to bulk revert changes of a user is a good idea <nigel_nb> thekorn, if its a spam-only user - it is <nigel_nb> new spammer has made 47 changes which we have to now remove manually <thekorn> upps, s *public* mechanism <kermiac> ok, commented & subscribed <kermiac> yes, this mechanism could be VERY bad in the wrong hands. It would probably need to be looked after by someone other than bugsquad/control (BTW - def not saying either team is untrustworthy, just needs to be handled by someone "further up the food chain") <nigel_nb> kermiac, LP admins. On formal request and proof <kermiac> yeah, I agree LP admins would be perfect <jpds> LP admins can already hide bug comments if that's what you want. <kermiac> ok, I've gotta go get some sleep, it's alsmost 11pm here & I have spent a lot more time (unfortunatley only fixing issues, not actually triaging) than I should have. Gotta be up in 7 hours for work. I'll finish looking through this mess tomorrow <nigel_nb> jpds, revert changes made to 47 bugs too? <nigel_nb> mostly in the form of bug tasks :( <kermiac> jpds: i didn't know that, you learn something new every day :) <jpds> nigel_nb: They can hide all the spam comments on the bugs if asked. <nigel_nb> jpds, its not comments this time. Its mostly a task or a change in status <kermiac> unfortunatlly in this case it's mostly unassigning people/teams <jpds> You just need to file a request at answers.launchpad.net/launchpad . <kermiac> he didn't comment <jpds> I'm sure they can work something out if need be. <kermiac> anyway.... I've gotta go get some sleep - night all <nigel_nb> jpds, answer request already opened. the bug was for something in the long-term <thekorn> arg, sorry, nigel_nb got connection issues :( <thekorn> what was the last thing I wrote? <nigel_nb> thekorn, "upps, s *public* mechanism" <thekorn> nigel_nb, ok, so what I wanted to add is: "this mechanism has to be restricted to a small group of people" <thekorn> otherwise the potential demage causing by abusing the feature will be muc worse than "a few" messed bugreports <nigel_nb> thekorn, perhaps an option only to LP admins <nigel_nb> thekorn, but something that is easy for both sides to undo the damage <thekorn> nigel_nb, I think one first step to make things easier is an improved log of a users activity history <thekorn> so you can see what he did without using external ressources <nigel_nb> thekorn, I spoke to a few LP devs <nigel_nb> yes, that is the only way this feature can be implemented <thekorn> and at the point where launchpad gets the batched bug editing feature (*far future* ;)) this maybe can be integrated somehow <nigel_nb> thekorn, "Note that implementing this would be extremely difficult and would require rewriting large chunks of Launchpad, since currently Launchpad does not keep a reliable transaction log of things users do on the site, only the 'snapshot' results of what they do." <nigel_nb> the LP dev just commented ^^ <bilboed-pi> what channel is being used for the ubuntu bug day ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100211 <thekorn> nigel_nb, ok, I'm subscribed to this bug now, and will think about this issue later <nigel_nb> bilboed-pi, this channel <nigel_nb> thekorn, thank you :) <thekorn> but I agree we need to do something about it <bilboed-pi> nigel_nb, perfect :) <bilboed-pi> err... guys, can you please just *close* all bugs filed against pitivi < 0.13.3 ? <bilboed-pi> we (pitivi) won't fix bugs for anything earlier than the current release <pedro_> bilboed-pi, will do <bilboed-pi> cheers <vish> anyone using Kubuntu to confirm Bug #411760 ? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 411760 in plasmoid-quickaccess (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Quick Access uses the "up one directory" icon instead of "Home" icon (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/411760 * vish thinks persia or yofel use kubuntu ^ <nigel_nb> micahg, that user you were talking about spammed about 47 bugs. kermiac logged an answer to block and he's been blocked <chrisccoulson> nigel_nb: he's not been blocked just yet <nigel_nb> chrisccoulson, right. Correction. Suspended <chrisccoulson> nigel_nb: he's not been suspended yet either <chrisccoulson> nigel_nb: "You may want to read and sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. If I do not get a reply from you in the next 48 hours, I will suspend your Launchpad account." <nigel_nb> wait, I thought the LP admin said he's been suspended <nigel_nb> ah <chrisccoulson> that's what was sent to him in an e-mail <nigel_nb> oh. Well, something has been done :) * nigel_nb is fatigued <donn> Hi - I have a potential packaging/repo problem related to pyGtk. Is this the right place to debug? <micahg> donn: this channel is for filing bugs, is this a new package or an existing one? <donn> Um, not sure. I am getting : "/usr/bin/python2.6-dbg: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/gtk-2.0/glib/_glib.so: undefined symbol: Py_InitModule4" <donn> micahg: Should I go to ubuntu-devel? I am on Mint 8 (but they can't help me) <micahg> donn: sorry, I was looking for a duplicate bug <persia> donn: You probably want to test in an Ubuntu chroot prior to hunting up Ubuntu developers. <donn> micahg: np. I found many with py_initmodule4 in the title... <donn> micahg: ouch. I don't know if I am that advanced. <maxb> Does it only affect the -dbg variant? <donn> maxb: it affects both dbg and normal python (2.6) <maxb> donn: Is there a simple command to run which reproduces the problem for you? <donn> Here's a paste: http://pastebin.com/m2bef062a <donn> maxb: Yes, kind of. It's a script I am writing in pyclutter. The file attached to http://bugzilla.openedhand.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1985 <ubot4> bugzilla.openedhand.com bug 1985 in Python "Subclassed Actors causing segfault" [Normal,New] <donn> yup <micahg> donn: do you have the other dbg packages installed? <donn> I installed them for python, clutter, pygtk and pycairo <maxb> donn: It does not segfault when run on Ubuntu karmic. <donn> maxb: damn. So, is this something Mint 8 has done then? <maxb> What Ubuntu does Mint 8 derive from? <donn> karmic <donn> Also see: http://pastebin.com/m587627e0 <donn> I could be wrong tho... pretty sure it's not jaunty <donn> Should I find a Debian bug channel perhaps? am fairly sure that's the root. <donn> Can anyone suggest a Debian channel for me to take the situation to? PyGTK is pretty fundamental to Linux life! <jpds> donn: #debian-python on OFTC? <donn> jpds: thanks will try. <seb128> donn, the error means the .so didn't get build with python-dbg <seb128> so it can't be use with python-dbg <seb128> you need specify builds for those <donn> seb128: what package should I install? <micahg> Ubuntu Mozillateam meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 5 minutes <ddecator> micahg, aww, i have to go to class... <seb128> donn, python-gobject-dbg <donn> It's installed already. <donn> seb128: Is there a gdb command I can issue to clarify the error? <seb128> what are you trying to do exactly? <seb128> can you copy the log on paste.ubuntu.com...? <donn> seb128: um ok. I have one here : http://pastebin.com/m4d5c61f8 but I can change that. <donn> seb128: that paste summarizes the stu. <seb128> the error there is a cairo one <seb128> not a glib one as you copied before <seb128> do you have python-cairo-dbg? <donn> seb128: yes <donn> seb128: In the paste on line 25 it implicates _glib.so <donn> Not sure if the bug is moving :) <seb128> donn, ok, so I don't know <donn> Darn :( <seb128> your log is not clear <seb128> can you get one with <seb128> dpkg -l python-cairo-dbg <seb128> and <seb128> dpkg -l python-gobject-dbg <seb128> and python-dbg ...py <donn> seb128: Paste updated. See end. http://pastebin.com/m5711d9b8 <seb128> does python-dbg -c "import glib" work? <donn> seb128: It says "[15564 refs]" <seb128> so it works <donn> seb128: yes <seb128> does python-dbg -c "import cairo" work? <donn> yes <seb128> so your install is fine <seb128> it's not a packaging or distro issue <donn> Weird <donn> seb128: But what does "symbol lookup error" mean then? <seb128> dunno <seb128> it doesn't happen on import <seb128> it's coming from gdb or from your software <seb128> python-dbg -c import... working means the installation is working <donn> seb128: My code is waaay short - a mere twist on a (working) example. The #clutter people said it worked for them. <donn> seb128: And maxb said it works on Ubuntu Karmic. So I am lost. <donn> So, I have been over to debian-python and they reckon python-clutter (for Python 2.6) is not their baby. All my packages come from karmic/main on archive.ubuntu.com -- so I am back here :D <seb128> try contacting the mint guys if it works on karmic <seb128> it's not an ubuntu bug either <donn> seb128: I was on mint-help and they sent me to you. <seb128> ok, so I guess you are down to be the only one to have the issue and to debug it yourself <donn> I need someone to interpret that 'symbol lookup error' message. <donn> What does it mean? <seb128> oh come on <seb128> can you get the log I asked before? <seb128> run "python yoursoftware" <seb128> and get the log <donn> yeah : "undefined symbol: Py_InitModule4" <seb128> no <seb128> get the log <seb128> I will stop commenting there until you get a proper log as requested <donn> You mean paste.ubuntu.com? <seb128> wherever you want <seb128> paste.ubuntu.com or pastebin <donn> Well - my log is at: http://pastebin.com/d29961d72 (the last number keeps changing) <seb128> that page has some explanation <seb128> and a zillion gdb and ldd lines <seb128> which I don't care about <seb128> I stop there <seb128> good luck <seb128> your example works fine on lucid btw <seb128> I tried it <donn> seb128: I don't understand what I did to irk you. Sorry. Thanks for trying. <seb128> I've been trying to ask for a clear log of one command <seb128> not a page with a summary of what you did since you started debugging your issue <donn> seb128: Fine. When I run python myapp.py it just says segfault. <seb128> what irk me is to waste so much time discussing that where it would take you 5 seconds to get the log <seb128> ok, good <seb128> so don't bother about the undefined symbol <seb128> it's not your issue <donn> seb128: New one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/374072/ run from python-dbg <seb128> right, I get the same on lucid <seb128> seems python-clutter-dbg is busted <donn> oh. <seb128> use gdb --args python software <seb128> don't try to use python-dbg <donn> seb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/374075/ (seems a new message now) <seb128> that's your crach <seb128> type "bt" there <donn> It only repeats the last number #0 0x002aa9ce in ?? () <seb128> it probably means you lack debug symbols for something <donn> The #clutter channel also got to this point -- with no ideas. <donn> That's why they told me to use python-dbg <seb128> bug #501670 is the gtk warning you get <ubot4> Launchpad bug 501670 in glib2.0 (Debian) (and 1 other project) "g_set_prgname() called multiple times (affects: 19) (dups: 1)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/501670 <donn> yes - I see that all the time. But -- other apps run (all examples) <seb128> well it's not supposed to be a crasher <seb128> could be another issue <seb128> you can try installing valgrind <seb128> and run you program under valgrind too <seb128> debug symbols are in dbgsym btw <seb128> dbg are special builds for refcounting <seb128> but that seems to not be working with pyclutter <donn> ok - I will go have a look. First time for everything. <seb128> which is a bug <seb128> but that we will probably not be fixed now <donn> If my pyclutter is from Karmic, and so is yours (I assume) why should mine be different? <seb128> mine is from lucid <donn> oh, kay. <seb128> but maybe the issue is due to the video stack <seb128> clutter uses opengl <seb128> that's depends of video driver <seb128> there is often crashes on closed sources drivers <donn> yes -- but I run all kinds of 3d stuff with no trouble. <seb128> ie nvidia and flgrx <seb128> ok, I don't know <donn> And all the clutter examples (python and C) all work. <seb128> try valgrind <donn> seb128: many thanks. At least I have some info now. I will install valgrind. <seb128> the only packaging issue there is pyclutter-dbg being broken <seb128> you are down to a real bug in the upstream code <seb128> or in the ubuntu version (could be fixed in lucid for example) <seb128> which will require debugging <seb128> good luck with that <donn> heh. thx. <bdmurray> pedro_: I've setup json searches for the following packages: alsa-driver, evolution, firefox-*, linux, openoffice.org, pulseaudio, rhythmbox, ubiquity, update-manager, update-notifier and virt-manager <bdmurray> pedro_: anything else? nautilus I'd imagine ;-) <micahg> bdmurray: are these regenerating? <pedro_> bdmurray, great! <bdmurray> micahg: I'm going to setup a cronjob shortly, it'll run daily <micahg> bdmurray: awesome :) <pedro_> bdmurray, yeah nautilus would be great to have also network-manager <micahg> bdmurray: can I request thunderbird? <bdmurray> maybe bughugger should say when the json file was last updated <pedro_> or update the list on bughugger automatically ;-) <bdmurray> okay +3 added <pedro_> thank you bdmurray! <micahg> bdmurray: pidgin would also be a nice one <bdmurray> pedro_: what do you mean? the point of using the json file is it takes a long time to run the query <pedro_> bdmurray, yeah but i mean that instead of adding a json search in bughugger by hand each time a new one is available, provide to bughugger the ability to update the list automatically <bdmurray> pedro_: ah, okay! <pedro_> that'd be *neat* <dako3256> is it better to start with one package and concentrate on that until you get alittle more use to triaging? <vish> persia: you use kubuntu right? <persia> No. <vish> ah , nvm me then.. :) thanks <persia> Well, that's not strictly true: I do use some stuff that is also in kubuntu sometimes, but I don't have kubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-netbook installed. <persia> (that's also true for the rest of the flavours most of the time) <vish> i was more concerned since Bug #411760 wasnt addressed for a sometime.. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 411760 in plasmoid-quickaccess (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Quick Access uses the "up one directory" icon instead of "Home" icon (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/411760 <vish> and poor OP has been a patient guy ;) <pgoetz> Can anyone confirm that roaming profile support for WinXP is broken in the Samba which ships with Karmic Server, 3.4.0? <pgoetz> Or not yet fixed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/samba/+bug/397699 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 397699 in samba (Fedora) (and 2 other projects) "[jaunty] samba 3.3.2 denies access to roaming profiles (affects: 1)" [Unknown,In progress] <hggdh> pgoetz: per the bug, it should be fixed in karmic <hggdh> brb, reboot on new lucid kernel <xteejx> Evening all <xteejx> bug 462608, is there enough information to set this Triaged? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 462608 in linux (Ubuntu) "Compaq Presario CQ50 wireless button not working (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/462608 <persia> xteejx: For kernel bugs, I tend to not set Triaged, because I'm not a kernel person. <persia> I *believe* that someone has to identify the particular bit of hardware or area of code affected before it is "Triaged", but I'm not sure of current Kernel bug handling practices. <pgoetz> hggdh: That's what I'm saying; after spending 8-12 hours configuring and re-configuring samba I'm pretty sure it's not fixed. <xteejx> persia: It needs mainline kernel testing, I can't do that at the moment, but on kernel.org there's nothing to suggest it's been implemented yet. <persia> xteejx: In that case, it can't be "triaged" until later. <persia> xteejx: I think you have enough information that someone else with the hardware could confirm or triage it though. <xteejx> Can it be marked Confirmed, Wishlist or something then, as I can't change my own report. <persia> You can change your own report as much as you like, it's just poor practice. <persia> I'm not going to confirm it because I don't have the hardware to confirm. <persia> You may as well set "Wishlist" if that's how you feel about it though. <xteejx> Yeah, it's definitely a feature I want implemented in the kernel <persia> And one you don't critically need :) * persia thinks that setting Importance to Wishlist should be a documented exception to the dont-touch-your-own-bugs guideline * xteejx agrees <xteejx> Wishlist doesn't really 'affect' anything as such, and we all know if it's something we want implemented :) <persia> I tend to violate the guideline in that way personally a fair bit, just because I often *know* I'm requesting a feature, and the bug is more of a marker for me to remember and maybe do something about later. <xteejx> Yeah, I'm more conservative, although I know how to triage, been doing it long enough, just don't want the almighty BugMaster flaming me :P <xteejx> anyway, I'm off for a bit, dinner etc :) Catch ya all later, see ya persia and thanks :) <LimCore> workin in open source seems to be really idiotically organized <LimCore> virtually all of the code lacks tools to documents what is going on *internally*, log and debug stuff. That would make it order of magnitude easier to contribute without wasting time for overlong entry time <hggdh> if you mean development documentation (as opposed to simple API/ABI documentation) detailing why was it done is such a way... yes. But *you* can help (this is the beauty of FOSS). Also, almost all proprietary software I worked on *also* did not have it <hggdh> and yes, one loses quite a chunk of time trying to understand the why/how/what was done <hggdh> OTOH, evolution has it, but it is woefully outdated <LimCore> hggdh: hehe, no I can't help <LimCore> at least not in that way <LimCore> I mean, that virtaully all the source code should be better documented - and - include some debug/loging/assert instruction <LimCore> which NEW developers would use to fastly get into a project, without taking weeks/months of poking around via triall-and-error in unknown code, having to play detective and guessing what code does what <LimCore> so for new could one could promote such style, and for existing code, well, a bit too late for full rewrite ;) (or... gradually) <charlie-tca> Anybody else seeing bugs modified by a Gerry C. faster than you can correct it <charlie-tca> ? <charlie-tca> micahg: you around? Did you contact the reporter yesterday? <micahg> charlie-tca: I did 2 days ago and spm did yesterday <charlie-tca> He's hitting xubuntu packages today <micahg> yep, I noticed <jibel> charlie-tca, launchpad admin sent him an email without success. See https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+question/100682 <charlie-tca> thanks <chrisccoulson> has our good friend Gerry C been causing more disruption tonight? <micahg> k, so now it seems that 3 people sent mails... <chrisccoulson> oh, you're talking about him already! <chrisccoulson> lol <chrisccoulson> hey micahg <jibel> chrisccoulson, yes according to his karma summary, he's still active <charlie-tca> yup <chrisccoulson> he's such a pain <LimCore> block the account? or better, with an message explaining <micahg> hi chrisccoulson <charlie-tca> Launchpad sent the warning out, but gives him 48 hours to repond. That could be a lot of bugs to fix... <chrisccoulson> LimCore, we already requested his account be blocked <chrisccoulson> i never used to think that restricting who could make changes to bugs would ever be a good idea <LimCore> omg? <LimCore> 1. call teh admin <chrisccoulson> but after the last few days, i'm starting to change my mind <LimCore> 2. press DROP <chrisccoulson> i'm starting to think that users shouldn't be able to change bug status/assignee without signing the CoC first <LimCore> hint: db admin or someone that really can just fix it <micahg> chrisccoulson: +1 <charlie-tca> +1 <LimCore> -2 <micahg> LimCore: we've contacted the proper authorities <LimCore> it might be what a person wants <LimCore> sort of like the fear of terrorists being more harmfull then the actuall terrorists <micahg> chrisccoulson: do you think an ML discussion is enough or should I add to agenda for next meeting? <charlie-tca> Yes, but the time required to have action taken seems excessive, when things have to be fixed. <chrisccoulson> micahg, please feel free to add it to the agenda for the next meeting <chrisccoulson> it's definately worth some discussion <LimCore> on the other hand, this might hurt community much more then just one guy trolling <micahg> LimCore: no, we have other people doing this accidentally as well... <micahg> and sometimes on purpose <hggdh> I tend to agree with LimCore: closing access to LP should be the last resort. We do not have that much spam that this is warranted <bdmurray> so there's a bug about malone saying that only the bug supervisor should be able to assign bugs in Launchpad <micahg> improptu meeting? <micahg> :) <pgoetz> hookay, pending any final comments I'm going to file a Samba bug against Karmic in launchpad.... <micahg> bug 511269 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 511269 in malone "only bug supervisor should be able to assign bugs to other people (affects: 1)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/511269 <LimCore> it sounds btw, that you need more direct access to webmaster/DB admin <bdmurray> bug 511269 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 511269 in malone "only bug supervisor should be able to assign bugs to other people (affects: 1)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/511269 * micahg did that already bdmurray :) <charlie-tca> but that won't stop them from adding source packages and nominations <LimCore> hggdh: perhaps a stop will kick after too much usage (like karma per day limit for not signed CoC) <micahg> well, I like the way bugzilla's permissions work in that you can do very little as signed in (comment, open new bugs) <LimCore> add limit of max new users per IP and this should be quite it <hggdh> I think anyone should be able to self-assign, but only the bug supervisor should be able to assign *others* <hggdh> dammit <hggdh> I failed to read *others* in the title. * hggdh is really tired :-( <hggdh> charlie-tca: no, it will not stop them from doing that. But we are open... should be give up on it? <charlie-tca> no, we have to keep trying. I don't really know if there is a way to fix it without causing much greater issues. <hggdh> LimCore: although I understand imposing such a limit (as you state), I cannot understand the importance given to karma <ZykoticK9> I know this is not a support channel, but I don't know what what package to file a bug under. Gnome desktop background image on an nvidia twinview setup is showing 2 repeated images instead of 1 large image. Could someone suggest what package I should file under? <hggdh> charlie-tca: this is what I worry about. I hate as much as all here bug spamming, but I am more afraid of going postal <hggdh> gnome-panel? <hggdh> ZykoticK9: this is not a support channel indeed, but your question falls smack in our charter <charlie-tca> Exactly. Without closing everything, we just have to keep cleaning up and trying to do our best. I suspect just staying on top of it the best we can will help. <LimCore> hggdh: karma is indication of how much given person does. Using some other count could be better <hggdh> yes. I agree with some limitations (like not being able to commit _others_, but we should be careful how deep we close the system. And we live with the pain. <hggdh> yes, I understand that * hggdh just does not care about it <hggdh> another bad move, BTW: http://lauren.vortex.com/archive/000681.html <LimCore> this reminds me why even bug-riddled linux world is overall better =) <ZykoticK9> hggdh i'm so sorry to bug you, but where you serious about gnome-panel <hggdh> ZykoticK9: not, not really. I though this could be one place, but I am not sure -- I *use* Gnome, but I do not do GTK/graphics <ZykoticK9> hggdh, #ubuntu doesn't see to have any suggestions either, what why I re-asked <hggdh> chrisccoulson: ^ could you please suggest? <chrisccoulson> hggdh - yeah, 1 second. there's already a bug about that somewhere <chrisccoulson> hggdh / ZykoticK9 - see gnome bug 147808 <ubot4> Gnome bug 147808 in background "Background on dual monitors" [Enhancement,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=147808 <chrisccoulson> and also gnome bug 604301 <ubot4> Gnome bug 604301 in background "Background Settings Per Monitor" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=604301 <hggdh> chrisccoulson: as usual, IOU. Thanks <ZykoticK9> hggdh, chrisccoulson thank you both <chrisccoulson> you're welcome :) <LimCore> wtf <LimCore> it seems svn / svnadmin just stoped working O_o <LimCore> anyone uses svn and have 5 minutes to test? (best with 2 computers, but 1 is also ok) <arand> LimCore: using it occasionally, test how? <LimCore> arand: I make a repository, and I am unable to use it <LimCore> S(erver) C(linet) S: svnadmin create foo C: mkdir foo ; cd foo ; touch body ; svn import svn://localhost-or-server/srv/svn/foo -m "test" <LimCore> now client always wants to do this anonymously!! <micahg> LimCore: why not svn co? <LimCore> fails with svn: Authorization failed and if I allow anonumous then it says (no author) in commits <LimCore> micahg: svn co should be done after initial import, anyway it also fails <micahg> LimCore: svn co does a checkout of the repo <LimCore> now svn write operantions always fail on any new repository <LimCore> micahg: I use svn for 3+ yeras <LimCore> for NEW repo: svn import, then svn cop <LimCore> co * micahg goes back to other things <LimCore> svn co and then svn ci fails with same problem - it always tries to connect as anonymous <LimCore> only to any new repo, an older repo works fine <LimCore> I even deleted ~/.subversion on client, no help * micahg uses bzr-svn now... <LimCore> svn is really moronic tool about logging <LimCore> svn client: <LimCore> svn: Authorization failed. Ok cool. WHY? WHEN? WHAT? any details? <LimCore> svn server: <LimCore> *silence* <LimCore> even tried to strace the server, no help. This really should be fixed, this lack of any loging <LimCore> arand: did you test that? <ZykoticK9> chrisccoulson, thanks for your help earlier, i'm not troubling you again but did want to give you an update - the bug that I was actually looking for was https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=603551 if you notice, Lucid starts to appear in comments <ubot4> Gnome bug 603551 in libgnome-desktop "Image doesnt scale for dual monitors" [Normal,Unconfirmed] <LimCore> guys this is an outrage, most basic tools like subversion again become useless. <LimCore> this really makes ubuntu a poor choice for any serious use. <micahg> LimCore: how do you know its Ubuntu's fault? <LimCore> how to change this *now*? (starting with this current bug) <LimCore> micahg: it is either software bug, or my mistake <LimCore> 1) if its a software bug - ubuntu (and/or upstream) fault <micahg> LimCore: software bug doesn't make it ubuntu <micahg> LimCore: you on lucid or karmic? <LimCore> 2) if its my mistake - then its software (upstream) fault for implementing NO LOGGING WHAT SO EVER in the damn server. Jesus christ no logging. <arand> LimCore: Sorry about before, turns out I know far to little about svn to be helpful in that case. <LimCore> (so 2 makes it impossible to [quickly] debug it) <LimCore> arand: I can give you the 4 commands to type as client and 4 as server and you are done <LimCore> actually, I will make a simple test case and you can confirm it, wait <LimCore> micahg: this epic fail is on karmic <micahg> LimCore: how are you authenticating? <arand> LimCore: Well it refused connection to localhost, file:/// works though... <LimCore> micahg: svn does not ask me to. this is the problem <LimCore> it did asked me before <LimCore> something is seriously **** up related to gnupg, ssh, seahorse, ssh caching, passwords caching.. this all is a mess in Ubuntu! it also is responsible for fails in kmail/openpgp and in few other places <LimCore> I say, entire passwords and passphrases handling system in ubuntu/gnome is totall mess now <seb128> I think that one is a svn fail <LimCore> someone with balls should throw all this junk, burn to ground, rewrite, this time 1) documenting 2) using assert/debug/log because its tottall pain to debug <seb128> works fine for most users <micahg> LimCore: you're welcome to form and create a new version <micahg> *fork <LimCore> seb128: I found bunch of such reports (2007-2010) in svn <LimCore> the reason is that <LimCore> quite frankly <LimCore> I think svn's code quality regarding logging warrants a statement that it is totally retarded junk <LimCore> (or I am retarded for not finding the logs, but /var/log/svn etc is not existent, also svnserve -X is quiet) <LimCore> that, plus on the other side, ubuntu's caching of password is very chaotic, impossible to debug, non-transparent. Most users have no idea WHO is caching which passwords, when and why <seb128> you have an idea of where other os cache their passwords and when and how? <LimCore> no, they are also retarded, thats why Im not using them <seb128> LimCore, what happens exactly when you try to use svn? <LimCore> seb128: ok I will make a test case <LimCore> btw, SVN failed me when I was about to finish a task blocking me from getting my 20.000 USD. THANKS A LOT UBUNTU <LimCore> or subversion <seb128> ubuntu doesn't write svn <LimCore> you know what <LimCore> I would pay 100 usd per year <LimCore> for an linux based OS similar to ubuntu, but not full of fail like this <LimCore> I think more people would too <seb128> nobody managed to get this GerryC account suspended yet? * LimCore would thought such topic would cause some interest, direct $$$ for sponsoring not-always-broken version of ubuntu <LimCore> Im using SVN _daily_ for 3 years, and only today it died like this. Heh. :) <seb128> LimCore, what about focussing on your issue for now? <seb128> does it break? <seb128> does it ask for a password where it shouldn't? <LimCore> does not ask, so it always connects as anonymous <LimCore> this occurs when I create a new repo <LimCore> if I use an old repo, then it continues to work as it did always <LimCore> and there it asks me for auth (or for key to some gnu something-something) <hggdh> seb128: we now have to ask for it via answers.lp.net/lp. This was done, and we are waiting for the LP folks to act on it. We are *not* holding our breath. <seb128> hggdh, did somebody try irc ping on #launchpad? <LimCore> I hate chaos. It also gets users and devels no where... can someone make some flowchart or smth ;) that tells exactly what caches what passwords, why, for how long, how to open/lock/delete/edit it, in which files (to backup) etc? I know that for part of OpenPGP and part of SSH (but the agents are damn confusing!!) <LimCore> hggdh: can't you get needed admins from LP "on the phone" in such cases?? <hggdh> seb128: not today, to my knowledge. Last time I did ping #lp for two issues, and was told to ask a question <seb128> hggdh, do you have the question url? <LimCore> <jibel> charlie-tca, launchpad admin sent him an email without success. See https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+question/100682 <charlie-tca> Then their next step should be to remove him from launchpad. <hggdh> seb128: looking for it, was posted here earlier today <hggdh> heh. LimCore thank you <hggdh> seb128: ^ <LimCore> do you sometimes get a feling that Ubuntu becomes a bit too beurocratic? <hggdh> LimCore: no, at least *I* cannot phone the admins <LimCore> 1) discuss it, discuss, discuss, discuss. Write a petition to remove the user. Talk talk talk talk. Warn user. Wait. Hopefully, delete user <LimCore> 2) call admin to delete the user NOW <LimCore> it is interestingly similar to the bug fixing process ;) <hggdh> LimCore: this is our way -- give the user a chance <LimCore> ok I will give example and will go to town with this stupid svn bug/problem. Whoes with me? Needed: 10+ minutes of time to execute 8 commands, and apt-get install subversion <charlie-tca> Yes, I believe the goal is to treat all people the same, and extend an opportunity to do good whenever possible. <LimCore> cool, but I ment the long-waiting part <LimCore> you could block for a moment and then talk and possibly unblock; you do not block because the process is stoo slow <persia> LimCore: That was requested, and the LP admins didn't want to do it that way, instead sending another reminder, after which the account becomes potentially suspended. <LimCore> user floods LP with spam, we should be just blocked nicelly for a moment. If you do it right, with full explanation and kindly, then its not "hostile before evidnce etc" <persia> LimCore: Convince the LP admins :) <hggdh> OTOH, this GerryC looks very similar to the other we had a few ago... <LimCore> perhaps its a bot <LimCore> how about, if (user_acitions_count / user_age) > 200 require_captcha <LimCore> erm, the 200 was example <persia> LimCore: That fails utterly for very young very productive and helpful folk (of which there are many) <persia> And most captcha is trivial to circumvent. <LimCore> persia: then sign that coc and continue <LimCore> who have 5 minuts to confirm my very irritating svn-useless bug? just execute few commands as user/root: http://pastebin.ca/1794070 <LimCore> guys? bug #520743 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 520743 in subversion (Ubuntu) "svn stoped asking for auth, and connects as anonymous - giving usually svn: Authorization failed (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/520743 #ubuntu-bugs 2010-02-12 <persia> Could someone help me upstream bug #494223? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 494223 in jack-audio-connection-kit (Ubuntu) "jack alsa driver unable to initialize capture-only mode (affects: 1)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/494223 <persia> There's a link to trac posted, but I don't know the actions required to be able to use "Also affects project" to link to it, as the project seems not to be defined. <LimCore> persia: do you have 3 minutes? <persia> LimCore: For which? * persia really doesn't want to try to set up a snv server right now <LimCore> persia: it takes 3 MINUTES <LimCore> in 4 commands <LimCore> remember when I previously said we are overtalking things =) <persia> LimCore: Yeah, it's just that I'm currently trying to triage a whole series of bugs, and I remember having to do a whole bunch of stuff last time I set up svn, which took me a long time. <persia> Maybe that's just me, but it makes me not really want to dig into that when I'm doing something else. <BUGabundo> any one know why both karmic and jaunty lost portuguese keyb this week? <LimCore> persia: it would be faster to copy/paste that commands then to respond to me ;) <kklimonda> LimCore, doesn't work with copy&paste but I have no idea whenever it means it's broken or is it something in your commands <LimCore> kklimonda: you executed all my commands? can you pastebin the outcome please? esp the user part <kklimonda> svn import svn://localhost/lc/repofoo -m "importing" <kklimonda> svn: Authorization failed <LimCore> kklimonda: thanks. What distro? <kklimonda> karmic <LimCore> kklimonda: can you post this to comments? <LimCore> if a guy confirms on irc (#svn) then this counts as Confirmed right? even if he doesnt have time to go to LP/login? <kklimonda> i've confirmed it already <LimCore> thanks :) <LimCore> confirmed in Debian by borg-queen #svn <LimCore> sid <thekorn> persia, I think you need to register a project in launchpad first and choose "project is not using launchpad as bug tracker" <thekorn> persia, then link the package to this project, and then you get this form when you click on "affect project" which has this three text entry fields where you can enter an email, a url or whatever <thekorn> persia, but I'm not sure if this will work with a changeset url, I think it is restricted to bugs or issues (not sure what the trac term for this is) <BUGabundo> thekorn: project "null" ? <thekorn> isn't Null used to "delete" tasks <thekorn> the remove them from search lists etc <thekorn> don't think it is used to like random bugtracker <thekorn> but I might be wrong <persia> thekorn: That sounds both complicated and ultimately unsatisfying. I think I'll just leave it alone and close the bug by applying the patch. <BUGabundo> aahah <thekorn> persia, fixing the bug is always the best solution ;) <BUGabundo> I think it's a _feature_ in LP <BUGabundo> to make ppl fix stuff , instead <LimCore> BUGabundo: do you run Lucid perhaps? care to confirm/disconfirm bug 520743 there? it WILL take 3 minutes <ubot4> Launchpad bug 520743 in subversion (Ubuntu) "svn stoped asking for auth, and connects as anonymous - giving usually svn: Authorization failed (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/520743 <persia> thekorn: Someone else already fixed it, but we just don't have that upstream revision yet. <BUGabundo> LimCore: busy making VMs :( <LimCore> I will pay you 10 usd per each started minute if it takes longer then 2 minutes 59 seconds <LimCore> >_> <BUGabundo> ahaha <BUGabundo> sorry <BUGabundo> ask in #+1. pleaty of testers there <LimCore> you literally copy/paste 5 commands, then anotehr 5 commands =) <LimCore> ok then :) <thekorn> LimCore, does this help you? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/svn-authorization-failed-what-am-i-doing-wrong-701579/ <LimCore> thanks thekorn. It does not solve the problem. But I will commend that this is not this problem <kermiac> hmmm.... Gerry C. is back doing the same yet again!!!! :( <kermiac> https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntunerd-nospammail/+karma <kermiac> 5hrs ago & just started again - I haven't even finished up cleaning the first mess yet :( <thekorn> kermiac, did you already found out which bug was affected by his last change? <kermiac> no, I just got on & was checking what he has been up to <chrisccoulson> mr_pouit, FYI - https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+question/100682 <chrisccoulson> (I see you've also been affected by this user) <chrisccoulson> we're all getting a little bit sick and tired of him now <kermiac> do we know if anyone kept clean up after him after i left yesterday? <kermiac> I'm just starting to get back into it now - v busy day @ work :( <kermiac> thekorn: just had a quick scan though latest bugmail & it must be for bugs/packages I'm not subscribed to <thekorn> kermiac, there is even no recent activity on the list of bugs related to him http://tinyurl.com/ycwyczd <thekorn> so *maybe* launchpad's karma list is just buggy and it is a false alarm ;) <kermiac> yeah, i noticed that. but his karma trail has changed since last night so I'm not convinced he's not back at it <micahg> thekorn: that only shows if you comment <thekorn> micahg, no, it shouldn't. It should show if you comment, create a task, report a bug, or get assigned to a task * micahg isn't sure about creating a task <thekorn> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntunerd-nospammail/+commentedbugs would be the list of commented bugs <thekorn> let's test it ;) <thekorn> micahg, you are right, it's a bug <micahg> thekorn: idk about that, there's no way to list tasks created on that page <kermiac_> sorry, gotta afk for a while <chrisccoulson> bug 446669 (6 hours ago) <ubot4> Launchpad bug 446669 in phpldapadmin (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "E_STRICT: Declaration of AJAXTree::draw_dn() should be compatible with that of PLMTree::draw_dn() (affects: 20)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/446669 <thekorn> micahg, I know it's a bug, because I read the source recently and it is defenitly supposed to search for task.owner, which is the user who created a task ;) <micahg> thekorn: maybe for karma, but on teh bugs list page? <micahg> thekorn: maybe that's under reported bugs? <thekorn> micahg, anyway: if you create a task the underlying bug is related to you and your work, <thekorn> so this bug should show up on the "related bugs list" <thekorn> if not it is a bug which should be reported <maxb> Who/where might be a good person/place to ask about debugging DVD playback video freezing in totem? <maxb> as a lucid regression, I mean <micahg> maxb: #ubuntu+1 for debugging maybe? <micahg> thekorn: idk, I always thought all related was a combination of the other links <thekorn> micahg, but then I think a "tasks created" link is missing <micahg> thekorn: +1 :) <thekorn> goood <nigel_nb> if op had a trouble with a particular app and then reinstalled the OS and reports it works fine now - can I close the bug as invalid? <bdmurray> if it is incomplete and unrecreatable yes <nigel_nb> well pedro asked him for bt, but he reports it was too complex and therefore reinstalled <nigel_nb> bug 506104 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 506104 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "rhythmbox exits suddenly (affects: 1)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/506104 <bdmurray> then yes invalid <nigel_nb> thanks :) <nigel_nb> can someone set bug 520640 as wishlist? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 520640 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Start Rhythmbox (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/520640 <ddecator> micahg, does java not work by default with the upgrade to FF 3.6? <micahg> ddecator: openjdk needs to be compiled against xul192 <micahg> xul192 should hit lucid next week <micahg> and we'll get that fixed <nigel_nb> micahg, can I join you in triaging thunderbird? <ddecator> micahg, great, i've found a couple of bugs about java not working in 3.6, i haven't found a triaged report that i can link them to <nigel_nb> okay, I'm extremely unpleased to announce that we have a new spammer <nigel_nb> setting bugs to confirmed :( <micahg> ddecator: make sure that it's openjdk <ddecator> micahg, sure thing <ddecator> nigel_nb, did you ask them to stop? <nigel_nb> ddecator, so far only 1 for today (I got only one mail and gmane shows only 3 old hits <ddecator> nigel_nb, is it their own bugs they are confirming? <nigel_nb> random <ddecator> great... <ddecator> micahg, is openjdk-6-jre is the package, right? <micahg> ddecator: openjdk-6, there's already a bug for it <micahg> bug 496097 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 496097 in openjdk-6 (Ubuntu) "icedtea6-plugin not compatible with Firefox 3.6+ (affects: 4) (dups: 1)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/496097 <ddecator> micahg, ok, i'm just wondering what package to put when i ask if they have it installed so i can confirm it's the right package <micahg> ddecator: take a look at the plugins file <ddecator> i would, but the two i'm looking at aren't from apport <ddecator> ah, in the one he says it's installed though <ddecator> micahg, i'm sure the other report is a dupe, but i asked them to confirm just in case. it doesn't have a package assigned to it though, so should i still assign it to firefox or just leave it alone if it's a dupe? <micahg> leave it alone I would say <ddecator> alright, will do <micahg> ddecator: nah, move it to FF <ddecator> micahg, haha, alright <ddecator> wait, who the... <ddecator> they assigned it to someone? <micahg> bug #? <ddecator> bug 511443 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 511443 in firefox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Namoroka broke Firefox, no icon, no Java. (affects: 4)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/511443 <ddecator> the person assigned it to themselves <micahg> ddecator: direct them to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion <micahg> ddecator: and get rid of the assignment <micahg> and explain why <ddecator> sure thing <micahg> ddecator: BTW, it <micahg> 's mint, so you want to make sure it's official packages (you already did, I wanted to point itout anyways) <ddecator> haha, alright, thanks =) <hggdh> how can nomoroka break ffox? <micahg> hggdh: depends on teh addons in there... <micahg> also, I think the system had some defaults for firefox that got removed <hggdh> yeah, ok, but isnt namorka ffox (ok, next version, but anyway) <micahg> hggdh: we migrated from firefox-3.5 to firefox <micahg> they might have hardcoded stuff for firefox-3.5, I think lucid did as well <hggdh> k <micahg> ddecator: assignment != responsibility, but rather to the person working on it <ddecator> ah, makes sense, thanks for clarifying that <micahg> ddecator: also, the help.u.c page is more for getting the branded version in the firefox-stable PPA <micahg> the dailies are unbranded (Namoroka) <micahg> ddecator: but you're doing great :) <ddecator> micahg, thanks, just takes me getting a few things wrong for me to learn =) <ddecator> pedro told me to work on assigning packages to bugs that don't have any, which is proving harder than i expected <micahg> ddecator: yes, I will regularly move bugs from firefox to no package since I don't know where it should go <ddecator> micahg, pedro is right though, it's forcing me to figure things out haha <micahg> ddecator: indeed <bcurtiswx> can anyone tell me how to temp get the -13 kernel in lucid to boot on VBox? there was a command and I can't remember it <ddecator> what package do bugs in gnome panel applets get assigned to? <micahg> gnome-applets? <persia> Depends on the applet. <persia> Some applets have their own packages. <micahg> yeah, sorry, missed that <ddecator> keyboard indicator <ddecator> looks like it is gswitchit? <persia> I can't find gswitchit at all <ddecator> that's what it's referred to on the gnome website, but i can't find a launchpad page for it <persia> That's just very confusing. It seems that gnome-applets has a manpage for gkb_applet, but not the actual applet. <ddecator> the gnome-applets launchpad page mentions a gnome-keyboard-applet under the lucid info <micahg> gnome-applets has 'a' keyboard layout switcher according to the description <ddecator> that sounds like the right applet <ddecator> go with that then? <persia> Yes. <persia> The idea is to do a bit of research, and make a best-guess. Someone digging into the bug later may revise it if they know better :) <ddecator> perfect. next question then. does a bug with a translation issue need to be linked to the translations team even if the OP gave the correct translation? <persia> Yes, because they need to fix it :) <ddecator> even if the bug is with the keyboard applet? =p <persia> The other alternative is to act as a member of the translations team, and submit a suggested change yourself. <micahg> ddecator: yes, more so so that they are aware <ddecator> micahg, great, thanks! <ddecator> and thanks to you too persia =p <ddecator> so the wiki makes it sound like the bug can be assigned to the proper translation team by a triager? <micahg> ddecator: well, I was told that's the procedure <micahg> for the translations team <micahg> but that's only if you're acting as the translations team triager as well AFAIK <ddecator> so should i leave that alone? <micahg> ddecator: idk, I never was so clear on what is considered triaged for the translations team <ddecator> micahg, yah, they're triage wiki isn't very clear... <ddecator> but the HowToTriage page on the ubuntu wiki says to assign it if it's a translation error <micahg> ddecator: yes, because that's the translations team's policy for triage <ddecator> micahg, so i should assign it to the proper team? <micahg> ddecator: is it a rosetta fix? <ddecator> it's a mis-spelled translation, bug 514626 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 514626 in gnome-applets (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) ""Russia"'s shortened version in keyboard switcher applet is not correct in russian locale. (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/514626 <ddecator> (yes i confirmed it on my machine) * micahg checks rosetta <ddecator> thanks <micahg> ddecator: idk, but go ahead <ddecator> micahg, k, will do * micahg will learn rosetta one day :) <micahg> but the app seems to use it <ddecator> there we go <ddecator> [low, triaged]? <ddecator> not really sure much else would be needed for a small translation fix... <micahg> ddecator: yep <ddecator> great, thanks micahg , that was a good learning experience <micahg> ddecator: np, I wish I had better answers for you though <ddecator> and probably a good example for when i apply for bugcontrol =) <ddecator> micahg, np, i just wanted to know i was heading in the right direction <kermiac> hey :) I noticed the spammer has now been suspended. Do we have some sort of default "removed assigned person/team due to rogue user" type of response? <kermiac> I'm still cleaning up his mess as I was too busy to do much of it from work today :( <micahg> kermiac: not that I know of, you can make a proposal on the ML though <thekorn> good morning bugsquad <kermiac> ok, ty micahg. I'll have to think about it... I don't think any I could think of at the moment would be appropriate ;) For now I am simply stating "unassigned Kernel Bugs team" for example <kermiac> mornig thekorn :) <micahg> kermiac: be sure to say why if it's not obvious <kermiac> any suggestions as to what I should say? perhaps "removed unassigned Kernel Bugs team as they were incorrectly subscribed"? <kermiac> as an example <kermiac> any suggestions as to what I should say? perhaps "removed unassigned Kernel Bugs team as they were incorrectly assigned this task"? <kermiac> sounds a little better but I am def open to other suggestions <micahg> kermiac: get rid of the work removed and it sounds good :) <kermiac> oops, didn't notice that was still there <kermiac> ok, ty micahg <thekorn> hi kermiac <kermiac> should empty upstream bug tasks be removed if the bug is new (or anything except triaged)? bug 507469I <ubot4> Launchpad bug 507469 in ufw (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "User deny rules should override connection tracking (affects: 1)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/507469 <thekorn> kermiac, there is not way to remove a task in launchpad <micahg> kermiac: set to null project <micahg> kermiac: and no to your question <micahg> kermiac: an upstream task might mean needs upstreaming <kermiac> ok ty thekorn & micahg <vish> kermiac: that[change to null] is usually done when the projects dont want to receive mails ;) <micahg> vish: or someone opens the task on teh wrong project :) <thekorn> or someone is in spamming mode ;) <vish> yeah, both^ are when the projects dont want to receive the mail :D <kermiac> in this case however, an ubuntu dev has commmented that it needs to be looked at further before considering making changes, but I will change it to null project & mark it as invalid <vish> kermiac: why remove the task? <kermiac> vish: that's what I was double checking <vish> ah , it was added by gerry c :/ <ddecator> that name keeps popping up -_- <kermiac> I was unsure due to the fact that "if" this was an issue it would be valid, but as you just noticed it was added by the latest LP spammer <vish> but the upstream task doesnt matter i guess for this bug <kermiac> as I just said, a dev has commented that this needs to be looked into further before making changes. What is the consensus? should i leave the empty bug task or change it to null project & invalidate the tasl? <kermiac> s/tasl/task <kermiac> I am not sure <vish> kermiac: you can leave that its not a problem <kermiac> the upstream is correct <kermiac> ok ty vish, I'll leave it as it is an empty upstream task <kermiac> dinner calls, bbl <vish> np.. <ddecator> bug 520365 has me confused <ubot4> Launchpad bug 520365 in gimp (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Gimp needs Launchpad integration (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/520365 <ddecator> nevermind, he's a launchpad translator so i guess he made the link for a reason... <BUGabundo_remote> Bons Dias <kermiac_> good day to you to BUGabundo_remote :) <SevenMachines> can someone mark a few bugs 'fix released' for me please. They've been fixed by auto-sync or by a new release and haven't been automatically closed <SevenMachines> 4 of them, not too painful :) <kermiac_> have you confirmed or are they you bugs SevenMachines <BUGabundo_remote> SevenMachines: then the changelog should mention that <SevenMachines> some mine, some i confirmed, some i talked to with debian and got them fixed there. i've also checked they're really fixed <SevenMachines> i've put the changelog entry that fixed them at the bottom to clear it up <SevenMachines> BUGabundo_remote: auto-sync wont close LP bugs? i thought maybe linking the bug report to debians would do that <BUGabundo_remote> yes it should <SevenMachines> this one certainly hasnt Bug #510385 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 510385 in naist-jdic (Debian) (and 1 other project) "Chasen fails to run ("no basic form" message) (affects: 1)" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/510385 <SevenMachines> some auto-syncs fixed things without an upstream bug report to link a watch too by the looks of it too <BUGabundo_remote> I'll leave someone more experienced with sync to comment on that <chrisccoulson> i see our friend has finally been suspended <kermiac> chrisccoulson: yup, that's good :) I'm still going through cleaning up the bugs he changed. for some reason they're not all in his gmane search <kermiac> most seem to have been fixed by myself & others now <kermiac> a little help with bug 510597 - yet another gerry c bug <ubot4> Launchpad bug 510597 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "fsck fails when homedir is encrypted (affects: 1)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/510597 <kermiac> dkirkland assigned himself recently as working on this bug & he also marked as invalid against ecryptfs-utils <kermiac> now the ecryptfs-utils task has been changed to confirmed/high - should I invalidate the ecryptfs-utils task again? <vish> kermiac: yup <kermiac> ty vish :) <chrisccoulson> i wonder how long it will be before the next spammer comes along <vish> seb128: shall i mark Bug 194472 as "wont fix" or can you :) ? all ubuntu tasks have been marked as wont fixes <ubot4> Launchpad bug 194472 in sudo (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "Entering password in Terminal gives no visual feedback (affects: 5) (dups: 2)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194472 <vish> rather , "we dont want to do it" <seb128> no opinion on that one or no clue about the topic <seb128> I will let somebody who has comment <vish> cool , thanks <kermiac> wow he actaully filed a bug 520030. this has been converted to a question. now that he has been suspended, what should be done in relation to the question? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 520030 in ubuntu "display and scrolling problem (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/520030 <kermiac> https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/100643 <kermiac> he signed the question as "paul" <kermiac> strange... <BUGabundo_remote> kermiac: gerryc ? <kermiac> yeah <kermiac> whoah! this confirms he was def a spammer <kermiac> bug 520029 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 520029 in ubuntu "error 17, can not mount (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/520029 <kermiac> he reported a bug in german & signed it off with "greetings sunboy" (or something very close to that - ty google translate) <thekorn> that's not germen ;) <thekorn> german <thekorn> maybe dutch or something <kermiac> ok, it was a guess on my part <kermiac> yeah, could be dutch <kermiac> just checked & google translate says its dutch <thekorn> I think I will write a mail about spamming on launchpad to the launchpad-users and bugsquad ML this weekend, so we can start a discussion about the future there <thekorn> this needs to be discussed properly, but on the other hand we must keep this away from our daly work somehow <thekorn> its blocking us, and it is very frustrating <kermiac> sounds like a good idea thekorn, I would be interested in the discussion as I believe we need better mechanisms in place or at least a better way to handle spammers as this is likely to become more of an issue as the popularity of Ubuntu rises more & more <kermiac> yes, it is very frustrating - I have been reverting his changes for over 24hrs now & have probably only commented on 3 or 4 bugs unrelated to him <kermiac> does the following response sound ok for any bug he has filed? "this user has been suspended from Launchpad as a spammer. I am marking this bug as invalid as we will not receive any further information in relation to this issue." <kermiac> does anyone have a better suggestion? <thekorn> sounds good <kermiac> ity thekorn <kermiac> ty, even <nysis> Hi. I have sporadic freezes with Intel 845G Video driver. I use Ubuntu 9.10, everything worked fine until one day after a usuall package update my system periodically freezes. Any bugfix to this issue? Is it an intel driver or kernel issue? <kermiac> any ideas on what to do in regards to the bug that was converted to a question? just leave the same comment? <kermiac> oops chrisccoulson closed the bug already - sorry for the bugspam. I hadn't refreshed the page since I opened it about 10 mins ago * kermiac shakes his head. he even assigned MOTU to some of the tasks he created... <kermiac> bug 131976 - fixed now though <ubot4> Launchpad bug 131976 in dhcp (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 7 other projects) "apparmor doesn't work on stacked file system (livecd) -- DHCP/cups/others fail to start (affects: 3) (dups: 7)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131976 <kermiac> ok, I got the last of the 67 (according to gmane) gerry c affected bugs reverted. if anyone happens to see another one, please revert the changes he made <kermiac> I'm off to bed, night all :) <nigelb> can someone set bug 520629 as triaged please <ubot4> Launchpad bug 520629 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "rhythmbox crashes after loading a radio station (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/520629 * persia looks <persia> nigelb: I don't think it's triaged. It's a crash, but there's been no attempt to get a stack trace. <persia> I strongly suspect that it's gstreamer failing to reset properly, but a stacktrace would let us determine that. <nigelb> persia, there is an upstream bug for this situation already <nigelb> oh okay, I'll get a stack trace <persia> That doesn't have a backtrace either <persia> nigelb: There's also a Debian bug, and it's worth linking to that. <persia> (specifically debian bug 397024) <ubot4> Debian bug 397024 in rhythmbox "rhythmbox: Can't play radio station after pausing it" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/397024 <persia> nigelb: Can you reproduce it locally? That might be a faster way to get a backtrace than asking the submitter for one. <nigelb> I dont get the crash, but yes, rhythmbox and streams dont go well <persia> You don't get the crash? I wonder if the submitter is seeing something slightly different from the upstream and Debian bugs. <nigelb> I'll ask for an ST or what upstream suggested? <persia> nigelb: upstream is almost always better at asking for the right thing, but I'm not sure it's the same bug, because the upstream bug doesn't include a "crash". <nigelb> persia, I've asked him to give the output of what he sees and we'll see where it goes? <persia> That sounds like a good plan. With luck, it *is* the same bug, but just in case :) <nigelb> :) <nigelb> thanks <persia> nigelb: And don't forget to link the Debian bug also :) <nigelb> yes, doing that now <Severity1> hello <nigelb> in Lucid problem with boot screen and login screen = plymouth package ? <persia> nigelb: plymouth or gdm, depending <nigelb> yes, even I'm a bit confused with plymouth vs gdm <nigelb> bug 520920 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 520920 in ubuntu "problem with boot screen, login screen and the session don't start (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/520920 <persia> nigelb: plymouth handles the display until X starts, and then X handles it: gdm is an X client. <persia> gdm either asks for login, or handles the login and starts the session. <nigelb> this one seems to be a problem at login screen - that would be GDM? <persia> Right. <nigelb> anything more I can do on this bug report? <persia> But it might also be "linux", because the user is reporting a regression with a kernel upgrade. <persia> Needs some discussion with the user to understand if the newest GDM works with the older kernel, etc. <persia> (basically, swap out bits until you're sure which package breaks stuff) <nigelb> he can login only with older kernal right now <nigelb> its causing some breakage with his graphics <persia> Right, so if it's the same gdm and two different kernels, it's probably a kernel issue rather than a GDM issue, even though the symptom is reported about GDM appearance. <nigelb> I've now changed the package to gdm and left it there <nigelb> so I'll ask him to confirm if the issue is 2 different kernel versions on lucid, old one okay and new one not okay <persia> Right. If that is confirmed, move the issue to "linux" instead of gdm. <persia> It's potentially possible for gdm to work around a kernel bug, but that would not be the right way to fix it. <persia> And upstream would probably reject the bug, if submitted, if it was the kernel. <nigelb> I've asked for confirmation now and new kernel number just to be on the safer side * hggdh seems to dimply remember an open issue between plymouth and gdm <seb128> bdmurray, there is no patch on bug #512959 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 512959 in nautilus (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 5 other projects) "causes crashes on armel with -Wl,-O1 (affects: 1)" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/512959 <seb128> bdmurray, not sure why you tagged it? <bdmurray> seb128: in comment #16 I see one <seb128> bdmurray, it's a diff between the 2 versions before and after bug <seb128> ie current lucid with what we had before <bdmurray> seb128: well then should it not be tagged as a patch? <seb128> it's meant to be the changes to review to find where is the bug <seb128> no it shouldn't ;-) <seb128> that's what I'm saying there <bdmurray> right the attachment should not be flagged as a patch <seb128> I guess it's launchpad doing that <bdmurray> seb128: or asac when he added it ;-) <seb128> because the change is named .diff <seb128> I doubt asac would tag something which is not a patch as patch but it could <bdmurray> there all fixed now <bdmurray> seb128: by the way you did an upload of pygobject which tried to close bug 607674 in Launchpad, but that doesn't exist. Any idea of what bug it was supposed to be? <ubot4> bdmurray: Error: Bug #607674 not found. <asac> for me the patch flag is a content-type thing <asac> not a "fix" flag <asac> i am not sure what this is about <asac> but i surely used that flag at some point for diffs that where evaluation patches <bdmurray> Well it looks like Launchpad makes some assumptions based on the content type <bdmurray> https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/BugAttchements <bdmurray> wow, that url is awesome <seb128> bdmurray, let me look <bdmurray> I mean BugAttchements vs BugAttachments <seb128> bdmurray, lp 507106 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 507106 in pygobject (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "software-center crashed with ImportError in __motion_notify_cb() (affects: 47) (dups: 12)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/507106 <seb128> bdmurray, it was the gnome bug number I copied <bdmurray> seb128: ah, okay I just wanted to make sure the LP one got closed ;-) <seb128> bdmurray, how did you notice the error? do you have tools for that? <seb128> bdmurray, yeah, I noticed after upload and closed it <seb128> bdmurray, thanks <bdmurray> seb128: generating the lucid-fixes report <bdmurray> http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/lucid-fixes-report.html <seb128> bdmurray, nice ;-) <monkeylibre> hi all, please anyone could mark the bug #517260 as Triaged?, i´ve added the bugwatcher. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 517260 in gvfs (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "gvfsd-sftp crashed with SIGSEGV in g_hash_table_iter_init() (affects: 13) (dups: 1)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/517260 * persia looks <persia> monkeylibre: It still doesn't have a stacktrace with symbols, either upstream or downstream. <persia> monkeylibre: If you can reproduce, and generate a useful stacktrace, attaching it in both places would be good. <persia> At that point, I'd agree it was triaged. Right now, it needs someone to take action before it can be understood. <persia> Essentially, it needs a stacktrace that doesn't contain lots of ?? bits. <monkeylibre> ok, thank you for your answer <atrus> anybody running epiphany under lucid want to help track down a potential build bug? <joumetal> atrus: how? <atrus> watch epiphany's stdout/stderr, set epiphany's cookie preferences to "only from sites you visit", and see if you get an error: soup_cookie_jar_set_cookie: assertion `priv->accept_policy != SOUP_COOKIE_JAR_ACCEPT_NO_THIRD_PARTY' failed <atrus> logging into gmail seems to trigger it. <joumetal> assuming stdout is what is seen in terminal i can't reproduce <joumetal> i am running epiphany updated today. <atrus> joumetal: and your preferences are set to allow cookies "Only from sites you visit"? <joumetal> yes <atrus> joumetal: hmm, okay thanks. <atrus> joumetal: what version of libwebkit-1.0-2? <atrus> joumetal: and libsoup2.4-1 if you don't mind <joumetal> package libwebkit-1.0-2 installed version is 1.1.21-1 <joumetal> and libsoup is 2.29.90-1 <atrus> ok. lucid's probably not affected by this problem then. awesome :) <atrus> epiphany upstream suggested that ubuntu's webkit-team ppa build of webkit for karmic may be compiled against an old libsoup version, which is causing the "no 3rd-party cookies" option to fail. <brutimus> I have an issue I think deserves to be filed as a bug -- the default motd/landscape scripts check all mounts and if one of these mounts is a dead NFS mount, the motd script locks, thus locking you completely out of your server. <brutimus> I would like to get some thoughts on that real quick before I go file it as a bug. <lfaraone> What's the package that is responcible for putting up those "enter a password to unlock the volume" messages when you click on an encrypted volume in nautilus? (would that be nautilus?) <brutimus> Oh I'm sorry this is a server environment. The MOTD scripts are a part of the base-file package I believe. This login issue affects both console logins and ssh logins. <brutimus> I fixed it on all of our server just by unlinking all motd symlinks in /etc/update-motd.d/ <brutimus> There is an 'update-motd' package, but it's not installed. <paissad> hi all, i would like to open a launchpad bug for a new package, the package is quite over, i just need to open & close a LP bug .... i'm confused ... <paissad> may someone tells me the right procedure to follow ? <qense> paissad: what do you mean with opening and closing a bug? What would you like to report about? <paissad> qense, i 'm packaging a new software ... i in the debian/changelog file, i need to close a bug , something like this (LP #nnnn) where nnnn is the bug number ! <qense> paissad: ah, I see. But a need-packaging bug isn't required when packaging an application, iirrc. <paissad> qense, oh i would be glad it you're right :) <qense> paissad: #ubuntu-motu would be the best place to ask, though, because the packagers use a different work-flow than the bug triagerws <hggdh> brutimus: I would say this is worthy of a bug. Of course, the dead/stale NFS mounts should also be fixed, but motd should not force the session to hang waiting <hggdh> (same thing will happen if you run 'ls --color' and under the cwd you have a stale NFS <hggdh> but here there is no real solution) <brutimus> hggdh: correct... but had we not had an open ssh session to the server, we would have been completely clueless as to what was wrong because we couldn't login. <nigelb> can anyone run a gmane search of https://launchpad.net/~pkayharvey2006 <hggdh> brutimus: indeed. My view is the *provided* (i.e., standard) modt/lanscape cannot risk a hang <brutimus> ah. i agree. <nigelb> I'm getting some disruptive bug status changes.. probably spam <hggdh> nigelb: do you have the launchpad GM scripts installed? <nigelb> hggdh: I'm at work, IE <hggdh> oh. Can you give me a bug #? <nigelb> bug 191760 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 191760 in totem (Ubuntu) "[Hardy] Youtube Plugin can't play video (affects: 6)" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191760 <nigelb> I think bug 520920 is a kernel bug, (gdm issues with latest kernel) its now marked against gdm. warrants change to linux? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 520920 in gdm (Ubuntu) "problem with boot screen, login screen and the session don't start (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/520920 <hggdh> I cannot get any hits for him <nigelb> hm, so fairly new. <nigelb> Heads up then, we probably have a new spammer <nigelb> hggdh: can take a look the the gdm bug ^^ <hggdh> nigelb: this *may* be related to plymouth <nigelb> oh <hggdh> I remember a problem with it, but I do not remember the details <nigelb> I'll hunt for plymouth dups when I get home then <hggdh> BUGabundo certainly knows, he was talking about it the other day <nigelb> ah, he should be on later today. I'll ask :) <SwedeMike> hm, when I just did apt-get dist-upgrade my kexec-tools post-installation script didn't complete (waited 10 minutes), tried three times before dpkg --removed kexec-tools and then did dist-upgrade again, then it updated my initramfs:es and was done. Known problem? <SwedeMike> I only got it in my alpha2 installed vbox machine, not on my 9.10-install which was upgraded to 10.04 <nigelb> I think I heard someone mention this in -devel - all except the person good at plymouth had this bug ;) <hggdh> SwedeMike: try checking #ubuntu+1 (but I had no problems there) <SwedeMike> hm, just for the record, I had it the other way around, sorry, my vbox machine which was alpha2 install didn't have the problem, but my 9.10 upgraded one.. but I'll try +1 <brutimus> hggdh: thanks for your guidance earlier. I filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/base-files/+bug/521178 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521178 in base-files (Ubuntu) "motd/landscape scripts hang with a stale NFS mount (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] <hggdh> brutimus: welcome. I am subscribing to it, would like to know what happens <hggdh> brutimus: I am guessing you are running Karmic, correct? <brutimus> hggdh: like i mentioned earlier.. we're very lucky we had open ssh connections to our servers at the time or else we would have had a bunch of production frontends mysteriously dead :-) <brutimus> hggdh: correct <hggdh> so this has the potential to be a serious hindrance <brutimus> I would consider this a very critical issue <brutimus> anything that locks you out of a server seems serious to me <hggdh> correct <BUGabundo> evening o/ <hggdh> brutimus: could you please run 'apt-file search /etc/update-motd.d/50-landscape-sysinfo'? I cannot find where this file came from <hggdh> (on the server) <brutimus> hggdh: will do.. having to install apt-file first <hggdh> brutimus: the point is I think base-files is not the correct package <brutimus> the apt-file update is taking it's sweet time.. <hggdh> yes, it downloads and indexes all packages files decriptions <brutimus> hggdh: i didn't get any results for the command you pasted (perhaps because it's a symlink?) <brutimus> i did, however, execute it against the symlink source file <brutimus> sstoops@staging:~$ apt-file search /usr/share/landscape/landscape-sysinfo.wrapper <brutimus> landscape-common: /usr/share/landscape/landscape-sysinfo.wrapper <hggdh> so this is the package. I will update the bug <brutimus> okay. thank you! <brutimus> sorry for the incorrect filing, btw. <hggdh> brutimus: no problem. I only went for it because I am also interested in it ;-) <brutimus> hggdh: you set the package as landscape-client.. shouldn't it be landscape-common ? <hggdh> brutimus: no. landscape-common is a binary package, generated from landscape-client <hggdh> so the source is -client <brutimus> oh okay <brutimus> hggdh: one more question regarding that package. my server shows landscape-common is installed, but landscape-client is not.. maybe i don't fully understand how that works. <hggdh> brutimus: IIRC, landscape-common is installed by default. The -client is only needed if you subscribe to the landscape service <brutimus> i checked with apt-cache policy <brutimus> hggdh: okay. i will take your word for it. :-) <hggdh> :-) <maxb> Is there a best channel for asking about gstreamer bugs? <monkeylibre> hi, i think that the bug #521038 need a bugwatcher for Triaging, anyone could say me if I´m right (I´m learning) <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521038 in gcalctool (Ubuntu) "Backspace deletes all input (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/521038 <PrototypeX29A> hi <PrototypeX29A> i wrote this small program which in my mind should return my home dir http://pastebin.com/m60f03a27 <PrototypeX29A> but it returns /root/ <brutimus> PrototypeX29A: first off.. i think this is the wrong channel for such questions.. secondly getpwent returns the first entry of /etc/passwd, which is the root user <brutimus> i'd just use $HOME if possible <PrototypeX29A> yeah, maybe it is not actually a bug, but bad reading on my part <brutimus> PrototypeX29A: http://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/online/pages/man3/getpwent.3.html <PrototypeX29A> yes, you're right <feuloren> #521198 should be set to wishlist #ubuntu-bugs 2010-02-13 <hggdh> bug 521198 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521198 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Can't zoom text in chat windows. (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/521198 <bcurtiswx> hggdh: that bug seems to me like they want web browser like zoom feature.. which would be wishlist.. and I'll request them to send it upstream <hggdh> bcurtiswx: indeed and I did mark it wish <bcurtiswx> did the opening ceremonies of the olympics already start? <hggdh> IDN. It's nbc broadcast, which means it will suck <bcurtiswx> bah :-\ <bcurtiswx> they're already showing events.. thats why I'm confused <hggdh> heh. I cannot even find the channel here... <maxb> gstreamer has so many source packages... is there a sensible central one to files bugs against for further triage? <ddecator> bug 485352, wishlist please (even though i know it probably won't get considered) <ubot4> Launchpad bug 485352 in window-picker-applet (Ubuntu) (and 6 other projects) "The Window List Applet in GNOME should offer a setting to permanently set an X number of rows (affects: 1)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/485352 <hggdh> maxb: idk <maxb> I suppose I could just file it on totem and hope <hggdh> :-) <hggdh> maxb: let me do a quick check <maxb> The bugs are specific to DVD playback if that matters <hggdh> no, I cannot find a ref to it... might be good to set one up if we get enough information about it <nigelb> There is a bug reported about rhythmbox which I can confirm but I'm not sure if its a feature. what should I do> <wgrant> nigelb: Which is it? <nigelb> bug 521199 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521199 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Rhythmbox fails to play songs the first time if they are not imported to library (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/521199 <wgrant> That sounds like a bug. <nigelb> okay :), I'll report upstream <nigelb> I was confused whether rhythmbox adding to library before playing was a feature <kklimonda> nigelb, I wonder - it isn't a feature but may be a design decision ;) <nigelb> kklimonda, well, looks like people have already complained. There is an exising upstream bug <nigelb> I like this feature. they needed to just add an option to enable/disable it <kklimonda> nigelb, it's my guess but they are probably going to respond that to play single files totem should be used <nigelb> kklimonda, beauty of it is, they can't <nigelb> kklimonda, downstream might, but not upstream ;) <kklimonda> they can mark the bug as a WON'T FIX though <nigelb> I hope not <ddecator> gnome seems to like the "WON'T FIX" status =p <nigelb> what does editable menus mean? <nigelb> bug 513691 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 513691 in totem (Ubuntu) "Editable menu shortcut keys (Appearance > Interface) do not work as expected (affects: 1)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/513691 <nigelb> step 1 is "Enable editable menus" and I have no clue how to enable them ;) <ddecator> nigelb, i'm guessing they mean to right-click the gnome menus and select "edit menus" <ddecator> nigelb, then change the command for the app? i haven't looked at the full report yet <nigelb> ddecator, for editing the totem menu? <nigelb> he wants to change the menu inside an app <nigelb> I never knew that was even possible <ddecator> ah, i see that now... <nigelb> hggdh, any idea how it is possible to "set editable menus"? <hggdh> er, what? <hggdh> I see <hggdh> hold on <ddecator> maybe it's a plugin? <nigelb> doubt <hggdh> OK. Help me -- which entry in the menu is totem? (so that I can run it) <ddecator> hggdh, just run 'totem' in the terminal <nigelb> movie player <ddecator> or that... <hggdh> I hate this idea of mascarading the binary name * ddecator agrees <nigelb> hehe, well new users dont want to learn new names <nigelb> (I never knew Lp's bug tracker was called malone until I filed a bug against it) <hggdh> nigelb: I am very sorry, but I have no idea. <nigelb> hggdh, so do I * hggdh rarely uses sound thingies <ddecator> it's known as malone? <nigelb> ddecator, lol <nigelb> yeah <ddecator> how did they come up with that? <nigelb> donno. the basketball player? <nigelb> hggdh, who's the gnome person I can talk to (besides pedro) ? <nigelb> ddecator, I can only figure out soyuz's naming.. <hggdh> nigelb: there are many gnome persons <hggdh> you mean about totem? <nigelb> heah <nigelb> yeah <hggdh> see who signed the package -- chances are it's the one <nigelb> you mean he/she 's the one? <ddecator> or s/he <hggdh> s/he <nigelb> seb <nigelb> ah, have to wait till he comes on <nigelb> do we support skype? <ddecator> it's on medibuntu <kermiac> afternoon all :) <kklimonda> nigelb, not really - medibuntu does that <ddecator> evenin' kermiac <kklimonda> ach, ddecator said that already <ddecator> kklimonda, np =) <nigelb> kklimonda, a bug filed against skype is invalid or valid? <kermiac> ddecator: just saw bug 521003 - i think i've seen something similar before but can't remember the bug # <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521003 in apport (Ubuntu) "Bug reporting broken (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/521003 <kklimonda> nigelb, what's bug number? <ddecator> kermiac, i plan to find a dupe after i get info and make the OP feel better about the ubuntu community ;) <nigelb> bug 521247 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521247 in totem (Ubuntu) "no sound is heard when I play the sound files from skype (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/521247 <kermiac> good plan :) <ddecator> nigelb, yah skype doesnt like pulse <kermiac> nigelb: didn't skype have known issues <nigelb> donno, I dont use skype <kermiac> but there was an update, ver 1,1 or something should have fixed the PA issues <ddecator> let me see what i have installed.. <nigelb> I dont follow mediaubuntu at all <kklimonda> nigelb, you should probably close the bug and tell the reporter that if he uses version provided by medibuntu he should report a bug by following https://launchpad.net/medibuntu/+filebug link <ddecator> i have the skype 2.1 beta installed, works fine <kklimonda> nigelb, if he has installed it from skype.com there isn't much we can do and he should contact them <nigelb> kklimonda, yeah. I can't even change the package * ddecator doesn't remember how he installed skype... <kermiac> it wasn't ver 1.1, it was ver 2.1 that fixed the PA issues <kermiac> http://share.skype.com/sites/linux/2009/09/some_explanations.html <kermiac> my boss was going nuts before it got fixed <ddecator> kermiac, yah it was really bad <hggdh> kklimonda: can't we just forward the bug to medibuntu? <nigelb> hggdh, I tried. Don't see how <nigelb> I can't change the package to skype. It was filed under totem <kklimonda> hggdh, I'm not sure whenever this is a medibuntu package at all as the reporter said that "None of the avaialbe versions of skype work on the toshipa satellite laptop". <ddecator> idk that medibuntu has 2.1 yet <nigelb> well, we dont deal with it and thats about it <ddecator> seems like it <kklimonda> hggdh, hmm.. can we change package to skype? <hggdh> very much doubt. You can try, at least <kklimonda> hggdh, I was under the impression that we can only change package to another package in Ubuntu distribution but now I see that there is a skype package in the Choose menu <kklimonda> lets see what is going to happen <kklimonda> nope <kklimonda> hggdh, so I see no way of forwarding it to Medibuntu as totem's upstream is GNOME :) <ddecator> kklimonda, i have ff 3.7 show up as an option because i have it installed, but it won't let me assign a bug to that package since it isn't officially in the repos <nigelb> kklimonda, I tried and failed some time <kklimonda> and Medibuntu isn't a distribution <hggdh> eh? isn't it about skype? <nigelb> hggdh, the bug was filed under totem <kklimonda> hggdh, sure it is - but the bug was reported using totem ;) <ddecator> hggdh, is there any way you know of to fix it so you can't search for a package not in the repos? <hggdh> ddecator: I do not follow you? not search for a package not in the repos? <ddecator> hggdh, if i search for a package on launchpad to assign a bug to, packages i have installed through ppas (firefox-3.7 for example) show up, but we can't assign a bug to them because they're not in the official repos <hggdh> oh, yes, you cannot. <kklimonda> yes, it seems that launchpad is using the list of all packages it knows about to populate search results :) <hggdh> but they exist as projects in LP <hggdh> might be a good idea to see if there is a bug already opened for this on LP, and open one if not <nigelb> kklimonda, we had that issue with ppa nots being supported <nigelb> err... ddecator ^^ <hggdh> I see what you mean. We should be able to separate Ubuntu packages from non-ubuntu <hggdh> wait <ddecator> prevents confusion when assigning packages <hggdh> this certainly has been reported <ddecator> has it? i haven't looked yet haha, just thought about it <hggdh> the PPA and no bugs has been discussed again and again <kklimonda> and no -dbgsym :/ <hggdh> well, yes, so no apport magic. But you can still either generate dbgs, or not strip the symbols <kklimonda> sure <hggdh> but this adds to the issues on accepting bugs for PPAs <hggdh> /usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/opt/cdunix4000/ndm/bin <hggdh> sorry, bad paste <nigelb> lol <hggdh> perparing another weechat GIT image for the PPA... <nigelb> hggdh, shutdown/restart via menu is gdm? <hggdh> you mena the indicator applet session? <nigelb> um, no... right corner clicking my name and clicking shutdown <nigelb> bug 521122 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521122 in ubuntu "shutdown and restart button do not work (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/521122 <kklimonda> it is a indicator-something :) <nigelb> though I have doubts if he's using kde ... "konsole" ? <ddecator> konsole is terminal for kde <hggdh> indicator-applet-session, but I am not sure this is what the OP is talking about <kklimonda> or maybe not - he mentions Konsole which is KDE application <hggdh> this sounds like kde <hggdh> heh <nigelb> I'll ask for more info.. <kklimonda> nigelb, mark as Incomplete and ask for Ubuntu version, DE version etc. <ddecator> asking for info is always the safe route =) <kklimonda> (DE == Desktop Environment) <hggdh> yes <nigelb> kklimonda, ok :) <hggdh> would lsb_release -a state if it is kde? <kklimonda> hggdh, not sure but I would say no <kklimonda> hggdh, it uses /etc/lsb-release which is provided only by lsb-release <hggdh> ah well <nigelb> hggdh, btw, I learned how to write an apport hook :) <hggdh> good! <nigelb> hggdh, though after I spent 4 hours writing one, I realized that the lucid package already had one :p <ddecator> nigelb, still good practice =) <nigelb> ddecator, yep. It was fun! <hggdh> well, at least you learned some -- which is always good <nigelb> hggdh, thinking of contributing to a few active universe packages that way.. lernid for starters * ddecator wants to learn more about debugging and the like <hggdh> good, any involvement is good -- we need it ;-) <nigelb> :) <nigelb> ddecator, get a source and hack through it <kklimonda> heh, never enough bug triagers :) <ddecator> nigelb, i'm working on learning basic python first so i can understand the scripts, haha <nigelb> ddecator, hehe.. I only know basic python and basic c and c++ <nigelb> almost all programming languages look alike after some time <hggdh> python is easy, and a good language to learn first <nigelb> hggdh, you get a mail every time I report a bug in gnome? <ddecator> good, i'm teaching myself, i have almost no electives at school haha <hggdh> nigelb: yes, I do. I told you I would be following you <nigelb> ddecator, byte of python? <nigelb> hggdh, must've gotten quite a few this week <hggdh> a bit, yes. Part of the game. I want to try getting you more rights in b.z.o when I feel you are good enough for it <hggdh> b.g.o <kklimonda> hggdh, but I feel that "Ubuntu" is overly promote it - it's great language but I really hate seeing all those applets and daemons using so much ram <kklimonda> gwibber uses over 100MB :/ <ddecator> nigelb, what now? <hggdh> kklimonda: yes, but this is part of the price you pay for interpreted languages, and automaic garbage collection <hggdh> and, nowadays, memory is not that expensive (although I feel back when I see a memory-hungry appl all the same) <nigelb> ddecator, huh> <ddecator> nigelb, what about "byte of python"? <nigelb> ddecator, I asked if you were using that :) <nigelb> ddecator, its a book released under gpl and the first book for newbies <hggdh> kklimonda: and it is not only Ubuntu -- Gnome is also using quite a lot of python <kklimonda> hggdh, python for sure has a lover barrier of entry than C <hggdh> yes, -- and it is waaaayyyy better than C++ <ddecator> nigelb, never heard of it, haha, i'm using free MIT videos from a class that uses python to show how coding works, with the emphasis of being able to recognize all code, even if you can't program with it <nigelb> ddecator, oh. thats even better..link? <kklimonda> hggdh, don't even start with gnome - they use JavaScript for gnome-shell.. <hggdh> heh <nigelb> is gnome shell coming in lucid? <kklimonda> nigelb, not by default <nigelb> ppa? <hggdh> is gnome-3 ready for prime time? <ddecator> nigelb, gnome 3 is coming in lucid+1 <kklimonda> no <ddecator> (most likely) <kklimonda> nigelb, some old gnome-shell is already in repos <hggdh> sounds better <nigelb> ddecator, ah <ddecator> nigelb, http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Electrical-Engineering-and-Computer-Science/6-00Fall-2008/LectureVideos/index.htm <kklimonda> nigelb, but upstream haven't really released any tarballs after 2.28.0 was released <nigelb> ddecator, thanks <nigelb> kklimonda, aw :( <ddecator> nigelb, np <kklimonda> nigelb, so for now the only place to get a new gnome-shell is some ppa <kklimonda> nigelb, but it isn't worth the effort in my opinion <hggdh> +1 <nigelb> kklimonda, I like me desktop clean, so I won't be using it <hggdh> too unstable <nigelb> if it were coming to ubuntu, I would want it to be turned off by some feature <ddecator> nigelb kklimonda , yah i tried it and it freaked out haha, i had a hard time switching my DE back to the standard gnome... <nigelb> that is also why didnt like kde or windows vista+ either <kklimonda> hggdh, unstable it is. But also I don't really feel that it is the right direction <kklimonda> hggdh, the basic ideas are interesting but overall look just doesn't convince me. <ddecator> they'll offer an option to switch to the standard setup <ddecator> (i think that's still planned...) <hggdh> kklimonda: I am not sure either. But it is still evolving <kklimonda> And I'm not convinced that it'll be ready for gnome 2.32 <nigelb> if a bug works on lucid but not on karmic = fix released? <kklimonda> for sure not as the default desktop <kklimonda> nigelb, you mean it was fixed in lucid? <ddecator> i'm just worried it won't compare to compiz <ddecator> nigelb, you can always check the changelogs for the lucid version and see if a fix is mentioned <nigelb> I know its fixed <kklimonda> ddecator, sure - it won't have a cube <kklimonda> ddecator, but really, cube isn't what linux is all about (contrary to some people believes :) ) <nigelb> kklimonda, It is not reproducible <ddecator> kklimonda, i'm more concerned about grid, scale, and all of those other productivity tools <kklimonda> nigelb, what bug number? <nigelb> kklimonda, bug 513691 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 513691 in totem (Ubuntu) "Editable menu shortcut keys (Appearance > Interface) do not work as expected (affects: 1)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/513691 <nigelb> kklimonda, can you confirm it works on lucid too? <nigelb> I can confirm its broken in karmic <kklimonda> ddecator, grid and scale are built-in into overlay <kklimonda> if grid and scale are the plugins I think they are <kklimonda> can't check right now :) <ddecator> kklimonda, idk, but that'd be good news <hggdh> nigelb: if it works in Lucid it is fix-released. The OP may request a SRU <nigelb> hggdh, he's already given a rant. How do i reply? <kklimonda> nigelb, what are "editable menus"? <nigelb> kklimonda, hehe, see the last comment <nigelb> hggdh, the op replied about the totem editable menus <ddecator> nigelb, i never knew that option was there... <nigelb> hggdh, what he means was editable menu shortcuts <nigelb> ddecator, me neither <kklimonda> well, as the Interface tab has been apparently removed the bug is fixed! ;) <nigelb> kklimonda, no interface tab? :O <hggdh> heh <kklimonda> nigelb, looks like it <nigelb> wonder how pedro said works fine for me <kklimonda> there may be another way to get to this option <hggdh> Pedro is most probably running Karmic <nigelb> pedro said works fine on lucid for this bug <nigelb> and the OP got mad :p <ddecator> haha, pedro didn't ask him to triage it himself... <kklimonda> nigelb, give me a sec and I'll probably find some way to test it.. <nigelb> kklimonda, sure :) <nigelb> kklimonda, I'll set the bug to confirmed and you can change to fix released after you test? <hggdh> nigelb: did you confirm it? <nigelb> hggdh, on karmic, yes <hggdh> ok, go ahead and mark it so <kklimonda> btw, this is the first time I've heard about "editable shortcuts" * nigelb too <ddecator> i don't see anything in the changelog mentioning a specific change... <ddecator> although idk how they would word it <nigelb> ddecator, you are reading totem changelog/? <kklimonda> ok, found it in gconf-editor <ddecator> nigelb, yes, for the current lucid build <nigelb> ddecator, this may not be a totem issue at all <nigelb> kklimonda, that must've taken a lot of searching <ddecator> nigelb, i'm not sure it is, but that's the only package i know to go on haha, but there isn't anything there <nigelb> ddecator, the shortcut doesnt get reassinged <nigelb> thats what happens... <kklimonda> nigelb, actually I had to check upstream bug about Interface tab removal to get a gconf name :) <nigelb> kklimonda, ah <kklimonda> nigelb, works for me <nigelb> kklimonda, can you set to fix released then? <ddecator> nigelb, right, i'm just not sure what package would be responsible for that. it could have been totem not applying the change correctly, but like i said i don't see anything mentioning it <ddecator> well this has been a good teamwork night, haha <nigelb> ddecator, hehe, yes it has :) <nigelb> we all learned a lot <nigelb> yaay! i'm finally on the 5-a-day stats page :) <ddecator> nigelb, congrats! i made it too =) <nigelb> ddecator, congrats to you too. I just saw your name <ddecator> except i missed a day?! o_O <nigelb> later folks. I'm off to bed :) <ddecator> i guess just assigning packages to bugs doesn't count? haha <ddecator> cya nigelb <kklimonda> nigelb, done <nigelb> kklimonda, thanks <nigelb> ddecator, it should count if you comment I think <kklimonda> nigelb, but most likely it isn't going to be fixed in Karmic. I've nominated it to keep track of the fact that it is indeed broken but we don't have enough resources to fix it. <ddecator> yah i didn't realize that there was a canned response for adding a package to a bug until after i did about 10 =p <kklimonda> ach <shadeslayer> hey is it possible to sync a ubuntu bug with upstream bug report? <ddecator> shadeslayer, usually <ddecator> is there a certain bug you are looking at? <shadeslayer> ddecator: i cant find the button :P <shadeslayer> ddecator: yep <shadeslayer> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meta-kde/+bug/520978 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 520978 in meta-kde (Ubuntu) "KDE-4.4 upgrade causes desktop crash (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] <shadeslayer> ddecator: theres a link in the description and i was wondering how to link it <ddecator> shadeslayer, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage and look at "Forwarding Upstream" <kermiac> click on the "also affects project" button to add the upstream bug <shadeslayer> ah ok,thanks :) <ddecator> shadeslayer, i would help out with that but idk much about kde triaging <shadeslayer> also since upstream says its resolved,i can mark it resolved at ubuntu bugs too right <ddecator> depends on why they marked it resolved... <shadeslayer> Resolution : DOWNSTREAM <ddecator> let me look at it a sec <shadeslayer> ddecator: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=226263#c2 <ubot4> shadeslayer: Error: Could not parse XML returned by KDE: timed out (http://bugs.kde.org/xml.cgi?id=226263) <ddecator> hm, idk enough about kde bugs to know how that would be classified, but ubuntu bugs don't always have the same status as the upstream bugs <shadeslayer> ok ill ask in kubuntu-devel then D <ddecator> sounds good, sorry i'm not much help <shadeslayer> ddecator: no problem <kklimonda> hey - anyone with karmic online? * ddecator <- <ddecator> kklimonda, need a bug confirmed? <kklimonda> yes <ddecator> #? <kklimonda> ddecator, it's bug 513691 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 513691 in totem (Ubuntu) "Editable menu shortcut keys (Appearance > Interface) do not work as expected (affects: 1)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/513691 <kklimonda> ddecator, I'm wondering whenever it's really a totem issue <kklimonda> ddecator, can you enable "editable menus" and check if you can change them in gedit? <kklimonda> ddecator, for example if you can bind Edit->Insert date and time to Ctrl+A <ddecator> kklimonda, oooooh, to i see what you mean. one sec <ddecator> -to <ddecator> to set it, i just hover over the option and press a key combination? <kklimonda> yes <ddecator> odd way of doing it... <ddecator> does nothing <ddecator> so it's not totem <kklimonda> yeah.. I've changed it to ctrl+z instead of ctrl+s and it worked but now I've played some more with it and changing it to the shortcut that is already bound to another action doesn't really work <kklimonda> visually it changes but old action is triggered <kklimonda> really weird and not related to totem :/ <ddecator> but i have no idea what it would be related to... * shadeslayer goes on triaging spree <ddecator> let me check something <ddecator> shadeslayer, are you a member or bugsquad? <shadeslayer> ddecator: just a launchpad user.... vying to be a member :P <ddecator> shadeslayer, have you checked out the wikis on how to triage and everything? <shadeslayer> ddecator: yep <shadeslayer> ddecator: although i forgot how to link the upstream bugs :P <shadeslayer> and the wiki is just so huge.... :D <ddecator> shadeslayer, it's all information triagers need to know though <ddecator> kklimonda, it doesn't look like it is added to the keyboard shortcuts program <shadeslayer> ddecator: yeah,im just starting out with small bugs... stuff like packages do not install,and small crashes that ive experienced and know how to resolve <ddecator> shadeslayer, ok, just don't start assigning bugs to people or anything, we've had enough people doing that the past week, haha <shadeslayer> ddecator: lol... nope,wont be doing that,just marking them as incomplete or invalid,i leave them if i cant figure something out <shadeslayer> ddecator: and i bet that was due to the developer week we had recently... <kklimonda> ddecator, not sure if it should be added there <ddecator> shadeslayer, as long as you're only marking bugs invalid if you know for sure that they should be <shadeslayer> ddecator: yeah of course... <ddecator> kklimonda, idk either, but i thought i would look to see if it created a "custom" menu or something showing what shortcuts have been set in programs by the user (which would just be too convenient) <ddecator> shadeslayer, sounds good <ddecator> shadeslayer, let us know if you have any questions <ddecator> shadeslayer, i also recommend looking into the mentoring program, even though it will probably take awhile to get assigned one, haha <shadeslayer> ddecator: for eg. there was a bug about flash plugin not installing correctly,had a look at the dpkg log and it said the download timed out... left a comment explaining the problem and marked it as invalid <ddecator> shadeslayer, fair enough <shadeslayer> ddecator: the report also said installing it again worked.... so i dont see any problem * ddecator has seen a lot of "bugs" caused by the download servers not cooperating <ddecator> shadeslayer, nope, especially if they said they got it to work. i'm just being cautious because of the trouble we've been having, haha <shadeslayer> ddecator: hehe... well ill be sure to confirm anything i cant figure out :) <ddecator> shadeslayer, assuming you can successfully reproduce it on your machine ;) <shadeslayer> ddecator: of course! <ddecator> kklimonda, any ideas leads on possible packages? <ddecator> i can't type... <ddecator> ideas/leads <kklimonda> ddecator, wrt 513691? <ddecator> kklimonda, yes <kklimonda> ddecator, I have no idea. it may be a bug in both totem and gedit <ddecator> kklimonda, well i guess it's just time for me to do some more testing =) <kklimonda> I've tried reproducing it with gnome-terminal and disk usage analizer <kklimonda> but as it doesn't happen with every key combination it's kinda hard to do it <ddecator> try to keep track of what combinations do and don't cause it, we may find a connection <kklimonda> for example Ctrl+L in totem can be rebound just fine <kklimonda> I should probably dig into totem source <ddecator> well, like you said, it may be an issue of using combinations that already have a function <kklimonda> no - Ctrl+L is bound to "Open Location" so that's not it <ddecator> nvm <kklimonda> that's what makes it weird <ddecator> i'm having no problems with terminal <ddecator> you're right though, Ctrl+A won't insert the date with gedit, but Ctrl+T will... <kklimonda> hmm <ddecator> but i used Ctrl+A in terminal with no trouble <kklimonda> Insert date and time is a plugin.. I think <kklimonda> and screenshot in totem is also a plugin <ddecator> but shuffle in totem isn't <kklimonda> no, that's not it <kklimonda> argh <ddecator> it seems like what combinations don't work depends on the program <ddecator> the good news is, i set it so i can use Ctrl+V to paste into terminal finally... <kklimonda> heh <ddecator> but i also can't figure out what separates programs with editable menus and without...for example, i can't edit openoffice, which i wasn't too surprised, but i can't seem to edit calculator either <kklimonda> heh * ddecator is confused <kklimonda> probably that's why they have hidden it in new GNOME release <kklimonda> I wonder whenever it worked in previous releases <kklimonda> so - anyone with gnome and 8.04? :) <ddecator> i don't like its setup at all <ddecator> it seems like someone could easily set a new shortcut without meaning to <kklimonda> ddecator, so gedit part is reported here: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=131240 <ubot4> Gnome bug 131240 in libbonoboui "Option "desktop/gnome/interface/can_change_accels" ignored by gedit" [Minor,Resolved: wontfix] <kklimonda> but totem doesn't use bonobo <kklimonda> it may use something weird though <ddecator> man the gnome devs love to put "wontfix"...any idea what totem does use? <kklimonda> heh, but gedit doesn <kklimonda> doesn't link to bonobo anymore <ddecator> yah they mentioned it was deprecated <ddecator> no idea what replaced it though... <kklimonda> I should probably ask seb128 about it after the weekend <ddecator> couldn't hurt <mrand> kklimonda: I was actually thinking of installing 8.04 to try some LTS -> LTS upgrade testing. Not sure when, but maybe sometime this week. Were you joking, or was there something you'd like me to check out? If you're wanting it sooner, you could perhaps use a VM, or re-partition your drive and do a real install (and then upgrade that to 10.04, like I plan to). <marcus_> hello :) <marcus_> I was trying to resize an ext4 partition, but I ran into something that looks like a bug in fsck.ext4. But I'm not sure how to find out if it is or not <marcus_> fsck.ext4 gives me this error: "Error determining size of the physical device: File too large" <marcus_> any thoughts on how to proceed? <Guest68989> clients of mythbuntu server time is wrong <Guest68989> so mythtv will not work <MTecknology> marcoba keeps incorrectly assigning questions to packages - anybody up for looking into it? They seem to think the yelp package is for any support request <Guest68989> anyone? <MTecknology> !support <ubot4> The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org <MTecknology> Guest68989: ^ <hggdh> MTecknology: I do not have time now, but please send an email to the -control ML <hggdh> this evening, when I get home, I may be able to look at it <MTecknology> hggdh: alrighty - thanks - I'm trying to talk to them directly and expalin things because it seems to be a language barrier. If that doesn't go well I'll fire off to there <mrand> MTecknology: I see what you're talking about. Perhaps he thinks "yelp in ubuntu" = "help in ubuntu". <MTecknology> mrand: ya - I'll pastebing the email I sent him <MTecknology> mrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/375551/ * mrand feels sorry for non-native english speakers. I'd hate to have to learn this language too. <MTecknology> mrand: me is still lerning <MTecknology> mrand: i feel bad too - just makes things hard <hggdh> heh <hggdh> one thing to do is always be courteous. 'please', 'thank you', etc go a long way <MTecknology> hggdh: I'll try to make sure to use them in the future <mrand> hggdh is correct. the word choices that some non-native speakers choose sometimes end up come across as somewhat rude (unintentionally, of course). please and thank you help soften those. <hggdh> thank you <hggdh> :-) <mrand> Having said that, even native speakers could stand to use more please and thank you's (in every day life at home, much less online or the Ubuntu community) <hggdh> indeed <MTecknology> I'm generally pretty polite when I'm out and about - I need to work on it though <hggdh> we all, generally, are polite. The potential problems are (non-exaustive): replying on-the-spot to a post/text/comment that made you angry; missing the nice words; using imperative mode <hggdh> and emphasys... you *cannot* do that <- sounds like an order <hggdh> one thing that I do, when a post made me a bit, er, not-so-nice, is to write a response and save it. Then wait at least some hours. Then rewrite it (and get amazed on how rude I was sounding) <mrand> me too, although I'm usually pretty dispassionate. * hggdh is controlled. Tightly. ;-) <hggdh> time to go. See you all later. <kamalmostafa> I'm looking for someone with an "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P9500" to try the 10-line program in bug 518314 -- I cannot reproduce the reported problem on a similar Core2 Quad. (Or a redirect to a more appropriate channel to ask). <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518314 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "strcmp crashes (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518314 <edakiri> Where can I see a list of tags for bugs? <nigelb> vish, around? <vish> nigelb: hey <nigelb> vish, can you take a look at bug 518910? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518910 in evolution (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "intermittent mail notifications. (affects: 1)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518910 <nigelb> aren't you on ayatana? its a notify-osd bug * vish checks <edakiri> bug 521422 looks like wishlist or brainstorm, but which? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521422 in kopete (Ubuntu) "kopete doesn't support standard HTML chat logging (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/521422 <vish> nigelb: it might seem the user is typing the command with the quotes , and the bug is probably in evolution-indicator package and not in evo <nigelb> vish, did you see the second log he posted. The send-text worked then <nigelb> so, he's doing it fine. <vish> ah , right <nigelb> worthy of upstream then, i.e., if its evolution-indicator? <vish> nigelb: its a bug in evolution-indicator and evo-indicator is hosted in lauchpad <vish> just change the notify-osd task to evolution-indicator <nigelb> ah, okay :) <nigelb> thanks <vish> np.. * nigelb is retiring to rhythmbox package from today :) <vish> qense: lmao! where can i login now? facebook ;p <qense> vish: Yeah, I really should get a Facebook Connector for my blog. ;) <vish> qense: the poor fella must be getting huge mail from those comments..! <qense> it is a professional news blog, so I'm sure he won't be subscribed to it personally <vish> heh , good for him then ;) <vish> *sigh* , someone should really tell om26er about statuses :/ Bug #504966 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 504966 in gwibber (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Facebook account creation dialog is displayed above Facebook authorization window (affects: 1)" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/504966 <qense> vish: yeah <persia> vish: Have we not tried several times? Like I said before, send email to the ML if you're not happy about someone's access: that's a better forum for the discussion. <vish> persia: i have tried *several* times to tell him personally , emailed him... and it seems like I'm the only one complaining [which makes me feel like a jerk] , we already removed him from papercuters since he didnt understand it well enough :( <persia> vish: Well, I've spent a lot of time denying requests to change importance before he was in bug control, but enough other people thought he did good work, so ... <vish> persia: bcurtiswx also felt he was mixing up on a few empathy bugs.. [he but he approved his bug control membership ;p] <vish> but* <persia> Yeah. I'm unsure myself, because I'm not feeling that much pain yet (om26er hasn't been fiddling with packages I watch), but we do maybe need to be more careful about making sure people understand when approving them. <nigelb> vish, whats the proper way to handle that bug? <persia> I don't like the idea of writing "you suck" mail to respond to applications any more than anyone else, but I'm a big supporter of "I think you would benefit from a bit more work in these areas: ... before becoming a member" emails. <vish> nigelb: that bug was fixed.. the embedding was the fix <nigelb> fix released then? <vish> yeah <nigelb> (just trying to understand :) ) <nigelb> vish, BTW, where in India are you? <vish> nigelb: chennai <nigelb> vish, ah :) <vish> nigelb: hopefully you'll let us have water ;) <nigelb> vish, lol :) <vish> persia: hehe , i knew this Bug #490313 would be duped upstream :D <ubot4> Launchpad bug 490313 in empathy (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "The status icons are not correct (affects: 1)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/490313 <persia> searching upstream bugs for dupes is a key skill :/ <bcurtiswx> vish: i agree om26er is having trouble with statuses.. hes doing an awesome job understanding where to go.. he just needs a little more guidance <vish> bcurtiswx: yeah , he is enthusiastic , but sometimes he doesnt listen or maybe we are not able to communicate effectively :( <bcurtiswx> vish: agreed * persia notes that the chance has come :) <mrand> bcurtiswx, vish ^^ <bcurtiswx> om26er: read the wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status <bcurtiswx> you are messing up on a few <om26er> bcurtiswx, this have been before or with recent ones? <vish> om26er: recent one > Bug #504966 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 504966 in gwibber (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Facebook account creation dialog is displayed above Facebook authorization window (affects: 1)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/504966 <vish> om26er: while upstream you also need to search if there is already a bug filed upstream <vish> upstreaming* <om26er> vish, I do search for common empathy upstream bugs <vish> otherwise it increases more work for upstream triagers , which many dont like <vish> :) <vish> om26er: ah, ok.. since the upstream for Bug #490313 already has several dups , i thought you didnt search <ubot4> Launchpad bug 490313 in empathy (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "The status icons are not correct (affects: 1)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/490313 <vish> om26er: sending upstream is not easy :) , that ^ bug might not be specific enough, but the main bug already is being discussed regarding better icons... for this one , you could have just commented on the main bug with the lp suggestion... <vish> om26er: btw , there will be a release of gnome-icon-theme soon , so it might be fixed <vish> might be fixed soonish* <vish> om26er: also while you are triaging if you are logged here , it would be easier for us to just mention it here that on the bug report.. <vish> *than on the bug report <om26er> vish, ok <om26er> vish, and thanks <vish> om26er: np.. :) <kermiac_> what is the correct (i.e polite) was of asking someone to read the wiki & subscribe to bugs? Note - this guy is not a problem, only a couple of bugs <kermiac> https://edge.launchpad.net/~sinani201 <persia> kermiac: I'd suggest using "Contact this user" to welcome them to the bugsquad, invite them here, and suggest that some of the links in the /topic may be helpful. <persia> As that user has chosen to join bugsquad, they may just need a little help to get more involved. <malev> I agree with persia <persia> kermiac: Just start with the assumption that it's someone new who needs help, rather than with the idea that it's someone who is making mistakes :) <kermiac> ty persia, yes I totally agree they just need a little guidance <kermiac> that is why I asked for the correct way to go about it as I don't want to come off as being rude <kermiac> I'll send him a note with that advice. Thanks for the help persia :) <persia> Thanks for watching out for the new folk :) We all needed a bit of help to get started, and by passing it on, end up having more people help share the work. <malev> kermiac, how did you find out that this guy or girl was making mistakes? <kermiac> very true :) I still need a bit of help now & then too, but I remember I was so confused when I first started <kermiac> malev: I just stumbled across him in a couple of bugs & noticed he was confirming them without any comment & not subscribing to the bug report so I thought I'd have a closer look at his/her activity <kermiac> & I don't believe they're making mistakes as such, just need a little guidance <kermiac> nothing they have done has actually been "wrong" <kermiac> !topic <ubot4> Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic <kermiac> oops <kermiac> !pastebin <ubot4> For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. <kermiac> persia: what do you think of this - http://paste.ubuntu.com/375737/ <persia> kermiac: Looks reasonable. Thanks for offering to mentor this person :) <kermiac> I wouldn't call it "mentoring", I'm simply offering them guidance. I'm after a mentor myself so that I can join bug control ;) <persia> kermiac: "Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further help with bug triaging ..." <persia> kermiac: But what do you need re; bug control? Inwhat areas do you think you are weak? <kermiac> I don't actually think I have many weak areas TBH, perhaps finding the right package is what I need to work on most <kermiac> for the most part I think I'm doing ok, but that seems to be my most common question <kermiac> although I have found apt-cache policy & apt-cache show as well as google & the "find the right package" wiki are very helpful with this <kermiac> I just though that in order to get into Bug Control you must go through the mentorship program <persia> I can't speak for everyone, but the two things I look for when I review an application are 1) Have I seen this person active in this channel or on the mailing list and being an active part of the team, and 2) Do I think the referenced bugs are well-triaged. <persia> Nah. You don't need to do it. Some people work better with mentors, so we have lots of "mentorship" programs. Some people just dig in and go, and they don't really need a mentor. <kermiac> ok, if I dig around to find a couple of bugs that I have triaged (not just duped, confirmed, etc) could you see if they're ok? <kermiac> also, how many examples would I need? (approximately 5, 10?) <persia> The application process requests that you show your best 5. <kermiac> ok ty persia I don't remember actually reading that :) <persia> I'd recommend ones that were hard, as these tend to be the most convincing examples. Someone who (correctly) marked 300 bugs duplicate has demonstrated less than someone who has (correctly) moved 3 bugs from some unknown and confusing error into a well described report that the usptream developers are currently fixing. <kamalmostafa> persia: on that note... Have you any estimate as to the usual waiting period for an application for bugcontrol? What's the next step for, say, my pending application? :-) <yofel> kermiac: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl for the general information on how to join BC <yofel> kermiac: it's not that hard ;) <kermiac> so bug 516555 would be a good example? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 516555 in checkbox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Checkbox (System Testing) bypasses the Audio Tests if you skip back & try restart the tests (affects: 3)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/516555 <persia> kamalmostafa: It takes all sorts of time spans, depending on several factors. As I recall, you need to get three positive endorsements without any unaddressed criticism. <kermiac> ty for the encouragement yofel :) <persia> kamalmostafa: My best recommendation is to keep working on triage, and be active in here, and people will likely respond to your application. <kermiac> although that wasn't exactly "hard" it took a while to get to the bottom of the problem :) <kamalmostafa> persia: I actually do have three positive responses, and no unaddressed criticisms... https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bugcontrol/threads.html#01024 <kermiac> & this is one I forwarded upstream (someone already had a patch in the LP bug) bug 511743 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 511743 in ntp (Debian) (and 1 other project) "typo in ntpdate manpage (patch included) (affects: 1)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/511743 <persia> kermiac: I think that 516555 is good but not excellent. You definitely did all the right things, but if you have some examples where the description was even more unclear to start, you7d get more credit (the original report wasn't horrid, although not good enough). <kermiac> ok ty persia. I guess I should try to find some more obscure bugs to work on ;) <persia> kamalmostafa: In that case, it's probably just waiting on a bug control admin to have time to process the outstanding requests. That usually happens within a week or two. <kamalmostafa> persia: very good. thanks! <persia> kermiac: On 511743, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/Usertagging might have been nice <kermiac> bookmarked that page, thanks. should I add the tags now? <kermiac> the guy I just sent the message to was here for all of 1.5 mins, lol Sinani201 <kermiac> hopefully they'll be back <persia> Might be client trouble if IRC is not normally used. <persia> kermiac: But sure, adding those tags is nice. <malev> hi folks! I have a problem with this bug... I don't have the same hardware to check it and apparently no one has it (in the chat rooms) what can I do to confirm it? <malev> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/496956 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 496956 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "when returning from sleep, nautilus opens removable media (affects: 1)" [Low,Incomplete] <persia> kermiac: Just be sure to add them using http://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-control so as not to spam the maintainer (unless the maintainer specifically requested to recieve all messages) <kermiac> ok, ty persia. I'm reading through that now :) <persia> malev: That's a hard one. The laptop testing team used to maintain a list of who had what hardware, but once Ubuntu started to work on >90% of laptops, the LTT seems to have gone quiet. <persia> kermiac: Good luck :) <persia> Sinani201: Welcome ! <Sinani201> Hello. <kermiac> hi Sinani201 :) <malev> persia, so... you suggest ... what do you think I should do? <Sinani201> kermiac: Is the welcome email for the bugsquad automated? <persia> malev: I'm not sure. You could try to see if the LTT is still active anywhere. You might try mail to ubuntu-users@ asking if anyone has the hardware. You might try the forums. <malev> persia, OKs! I'm going for it. thanks!! <Sinani201> Malev's bug looks valid... <persia> malev: Good luck. <kermiac> no, I wrote it as I saw that you have started bug triage & thought you may want a little advice/ guidance <malev> Sinani201, I think so, but I can't reproduce it in my laptop, so I better look for somene who has the laptop to check it <persia> Sinani201: The main issue is that we're looking for someone with hardware to try to verify it and get more details. <Sinani201> Oh, I see. <kermiac> Sinani201: it was mostly to ensure that you were aware of the wiki pages & this channel :) <Sinani201> OK. <kermiac> Sinani201: I hope you were not offended in any way, nothing you have done has been wrong :) <Sinani201> Of course not. I could see why you would send that kind of message to a newcomer. <kermiac> Sinani201: I just noticed that you had confirmed a couple of bugs. It is standard practice for the triager to subscribe to any bug report we comment on in order to get updates <kermiac> Sinani201: very good, I'm glad you took that the way it was intended :) <kermiac> Sinani201: please feel free to ask any questions you may have in this channel <Sinani201> I don't think this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/k3b/+bug/521499 has enough info, but I'm not sure. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521499 in k3b (Ubuntu) "k3b crashes with Asus K51 AC (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] * kermiac looks <Sinani201> That's a pretty cool bot :) <persia> Sinani201: I'm inclined to agree. For that bug, I'd hope to see a more detailed "steps to reproduce" section in the description, and preferably a stacktrace of the crash. <Sinani201> OK, thanks. * kermiac agrees with persia <Sinani201> Bye. <kermiac> hey persia, I was reading through the debian server control page & noticed you said to use that so thast I don't spam the maintainer. What exactly did you mean? It seems to me that adding tags will generate email <persia> Excellent. Another triager using the resources :) <kermiac> yup. awesome! :) <persia> kermiac: You send email to add tags. If you do it with the control interface, the maintainer will only get a note if they set their bug subscription that way. If you try to send a raw email directly to the bug, it ends up being sent to more folk (I think ). <kermiac> ok, that make sense. ty <chrisccoulson> the reporter of bug 521014 isn't very polite <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521014 in ubuntu "trying to backup home folder causes permission error (affects: 1)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/521014 <kermiac> yes, I think that's one I changed yesterday <kermiac> I thought "error" was more appropriate * kermiac hasn't finished going through the bugmail yet today <chrisccoulson> yeah, i had a look at the UF thread he linked too. i assume he is user "qqqq1112" on there, as that user has a similar posting style <persia> chrisccoulson: Not much we can do about that except be extra-polite back and hope they learn from the example :( <chrisccoulson> persia - yeah, i just tend to step back when people are not polite ;) <persia> I think we all do after a bit. Unfortunately, that means they don't get the support we'd like to give, but I can't blame any of us for not pushing harder on that class of bugs. <bcurtiswx> hey, just testing to see.. am I still here? <chrisccoulson> bcurtiswx, no you're invisible and i don't see any messages from you :P <chrisccoulson> but, yeah - you are still here really ;) <bcurtiswx> chriscoulson: thanks.. i have a LoCo meeting.. nobody showed.. was getting worried it was me :P <bcurtiswx> but its ok that noone showed.. they're all at a free open source conference thingie #ubuntu-bugs 2010-02-14 <kermiac> persia: if you're still around, is bug 512454 a better example of what you were talking about in regards to bugs for my bug control application? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 512454 in apt (Ubuntu) "hylax-server is configured before hylafax-client is installed & configured. (affects: 1)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/512454 <persia> kermiac: Yes, especially because I remember your work to investigate the different dependency paths required to discover the workaround. <kermiac> ok, thanks persia I'll add that one to the list :) <kermiac> bug 517925 wasn't quite as obscure, but would it be another one that I could use? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 517925 in yelp (Ubuntu) "The help files won't print (affects: 1)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/517925 <persia> I'm going to stop giving you reviews of each bug. I think you should think about what makes a bug well-triaged, and then use that as your criteria: picking good bugs is part of the trick of making a good application :) <kermiac> ok, that's fair enough mate :) <kermiac> thanks for your advice <persia> No problem. Good luck :) <persia> I think you're doing good work, but I just don't want to undermine the process :) <kermiac> yes, I understand that & didn't really think about it that way. I totally understand :) <malev> persia, are U there? <persia> usually? Why me? <malev> persia, what should I do to get persissons for change the importance of a bug? why you? because you've answering my questions, and ... I trust you ;) <persia> It's best to ask questions generally. There's a lot of people who know things, and we all are around different hours. I'll see if I can dig up the link. <persia> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl <malev> I'm checking! thanks <malev> thanks! I'm not gonna aply right now.. I think I need mor experience. thanks anyway <persia> Yeah :) Most people who have to ask for the link need more experience, but at least it gives you an idea of what we seek. <persia> But feel free to ask here if you need someone to set importance until you get there. <malev> excelent! as the mather of fact, I need right now: <malev> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/521350 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521350 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Emblems on folders disapear after renaming (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Confirmed] <malev> I was thinkig of: low importance :D <persia> OK. Why "Low" vs. "Wishlist"? * persia has to step away for a bit, but will be back very shortly and catch up backscroll <malev> Because, I think it is not something that could damage the system <malev> or that could disturb the normal funcions :D <malev> I don't know <Sinani201> If I tell someone that the bug doesn't have information, should I change the status of the bug to Triaged? <Sinani201> ... <persia> malev: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance <persia> Sinani201: Which bug are you looking at? <malev> Sinani201, can you set th status to triaged??? <persia> Sinani201: Generally we don't like to use "Triaged" until the bug has all the information necessary for a developer to act on it. <Sinani201> OK. <Sinani201> Thanks. <malev> Sinani201, in those cases I set it to incompelte... but it depeds on every case <malev> persia, you're right, I think wishlist is better for the bug ;) <persia> malev: OK. Next step would be to rephrase the title and description to make it into a feature request rather than a bug report. <virtuald> ok <Sinani201> Persia's bug doesn't look like a wishlist <persia> Then, you'd want to check the bugs in Bugzilla, to find out the bug number where it's already reported (I'm sure there is one), and link to that. <persia> Sinani201: Which bug? * persia thinks bug #521350 is wishlist <Sinani201> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/521350 <ubot4> Sinani201: Error: Bug #521350 is private. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521350 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Emblems on folders disapear after renaming (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/521350 * persia tries to understand how it's "private" <malev> Sinani201, that's the bug I'm talking about. what's up with it? <persia> jpds: The above message seems unexpected and odd. ubot4 was able to parse it before and after, but not in the middle. race condition maybe? <persia> Sinani201: Why don't you think that is wishlist? <Sinani201> malev: persia thought that it was a wishlist, and I disagreed. <malev> Sinani201, why do you disagreed? <Sinani201> Because it's not a feature request... it seems like a bug to me. <Sinani201> File emblems shouldn't be removed just for renaming a file. <jpds> Erm. <persia> Sinani201: It's certainly written as a bug "This doesn't work", but given how nautilus works, it requires a new feature, and could as easily be written "Please track emblems by some means other than file names". <Sinani201> A change like that doesn't really seem like a new feature to me. <jpds> persia: That piece of error is rather... hacky: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ejpds/ubuntu-bots/bugs-via-launchpad-api/annotate/head%3A/Bugtracker/plugin.py#L595 <persia> Sinani201: Well, argue the case for another importance: if you convince me, I'll change it. Use one of the cases in Bugs/Importance in making your argument. <persia> jpds: heh. So all sorts of errors end up being "private", do they? <jpds> Probably. <jpds> Purely because I can't do: if bug_data.private: <Sinani201> persia: The bug looks like it is somewhere in between Low and Medium for importance, but I would label it under Low. <persia> Perhaps we could change 601 to be "Bug #%s is unavailable (%s)." %id %${whatever python syntax digs some name out of the exception name} ? <Sinani201> Bugs which affect functionality, but to a lesser extent than most bugs, examples are: <Sinani201> Ones that can be easily worked around <persia> OK. How does it affect functionality? <persia> TO me, it only affects appearance. Same as "Please make the background green" <Sinani201> I don't know much about emblems because I don't use them, but I think emblems can be used to sort files. <Sinani201> It is much more significant than a user wallpaper. <persia> I don't see a way to sort by emblem in a bit of fiddling with nautilus. <persia> If one could sort by emblem, I'd agree with "Low". <Sinani201> Right now I'm using Windoze so I can't test that functionality. Are you using Ubuntu? <persia> I am, but I can't sort that way. Then again, I'm not an advanced nautilus user. <Sinani201> I don't think you can sort. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-desktop-74/nautilus-emblem-sort-search-611408/ <jpds> persia: I'll look into it. <persia> jpds: Thanks. Alternately, don't worry about it. I was just surprised :) <Sinani201> Since there is a workaround to the problem, it should be marked as low, as staded by the almighty Bugs/Importance. <Sinani201> *stated <persia> Except we need to identify some functionality that is affected. If we can't sort, I think it's just different graphics that appear. <persia> Because if no functionality is affected, it's clearly wishlist. <Sinani201> It affects the functionality of the file explorer. <persia> How? <Sinani201> Or... it affects the functionality of nautilus * persia is not trying to be obnoxious, but just doesn't understand. <persia> Yes, but how? <Sinani201> Because if I were to rename a file, I don't want my emblem(s) to go away. <persia> Right, but that's a "want". <persia> It still does things the same, it's just a minor display difference. <Sinani201> If a developer were to implement a better emblem system that gixed this problem, would it be considered a new feature, or a fix? <Sinani201> It would be a fix. <persia> I think it would be a feature. <Sinani201> It wouldn't add functionality... <persia> Same as the "fix" to "Nautilus fails to preserve the icon layout for each folder" was to introduce spatial nautilus, which was widely considered a new feature (and some people didn't like it) <persia> Yes it would, because then emblems would be a property of files, rather than filenames, so one could implement things like "sort by emblem". <Sinani201> The fix doesn't have to work like that. <Sinani201> It could just track the file name and then preserve the emblem upon a rename. * persia knows almost nothing about the internals of nautilus, so is kinda guessing based on the bug and the linuxanswers page <Sinani201> I don't know much either... <persia> That can't work. nautilus has no way to know if a file is renamed. <persia> Because there are *lots* of ways to rename files. <Sinani201> Errr... this sort of sounds like a stupid question, but what exactly IS nautilus? <Sinani201> Is that the file explorer? <persia> Yeah, and it also provides the desktop, for GNOME. <Sinani201> Oh. <persia> (which is really just displaying some folder) <Sinani201> I have to go. <Sinani201> You could be right about the bug being a feature requset <Sinani201> Bye. <persia> Bye :) Thanks for the debate: although we didn't come to a conclusion, I think it was a good example of how to think about the difference. You might even be right about it being a bug :) <persia> malev: But I'm leaving it wishlist because it's your bug, and when I asked you whether it should be "Low" or "Wishlist", you said "Wishlist". Let me know if your mind was changed by the debate. <malev> persia, wishlist is ok! <malev> I'm triyng to do the next step (that about bugzilla) <persia> Cool. <malev> persia, what do you mean with: " OK. Next step would be to rephrase the title and description to make it into a feature request rather than a bug report." <persia> malev: Well, it depends on whether you can find the upstream, but ideally the request should be phrased in a way that makes someone want to do it. <persia> So "This is broken" is less inviting than "Please make this work in this way", and similar. <malev> persia, oks! I'm gonna try to think of one :D <kermiac> I'm still trying to get my head around https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/Usertagging <kermiac> I would send an email to <kermiac> control@bugs.debian.org <kermiac> would the following go in the bosy <kermiac> bosy/body <kermiac> user mitch.towner.ubuntu@gmail.com <kermiac> usertag 566621 + patch + origin-ubuntu lucid <kermiac> the wiki isn't quite making sense to me <persia> user ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com <persia> I'd send "tags: patch" and "usertag: origina-ubuntu lucid" <kermiac> even though i sent the original report using my email address? <persia> Sure. The point of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/Usertagging is to track the patches that Ubuntu sends to Debian. <kermiac> ok, I wasn't sure that you could send both "tags" & "user tags" <persia> Yeah, you can send them both. <kermiac> ok, so that helped me undertand that ty :) <persia> Tags: are for everyone, usertags are only by request. <kermiac> would I put anything in the subject line? <persia> "Tagging bug nnnnnn" maybe? <persia> Next time you'll include this when you create the bug, but this time it's less important :) <kermiac> ok, so the subject line will be just that - the subject <persia> That's how it should be. <kermiac> yes, I wan't exactly sure of what I was doing when I sent the original report. Sending bug reports via email seems very foriegn still <Sinani201> Can someone please mark this bug as wishlist? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/521503 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521503 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Show icon for recording level (affects: 2)" [Undecided,New] * persia looks <persia> Sinani201: What status? <Sinani201> ? <persia> And I think this is clear enough that it doesn't need brainstorm, but that's a very subjective area :) <persia> Sinani201: For bug 521503: what should be the status when I set it to wishlist? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521503 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Show icon for recording level (affects: 2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/521503 <Sinani201> I think it should be set to triaged. <persia> Sounds good to me. So set. <Sinani201> Thanks. <persia> Thanks for digging through the bugs. <Sinani201> I think that this bug should be set as 'Wishlist.' https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/521505 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521505 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Show currently selected sink (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] <persia> What status? <Sinani201> Triaged... <persia> OK. What do you think about the relation between this and bug 521309? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521309 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "No longer shows sound volume in % (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/521309 <persia> Or about the status/importance of 521309? <Sinani201> The one I posted has more info... should I set 521309 as duplicate? <persia> I'm not sure. They are both about the tooltip for indicator-audio <persia> *but* one seems to suggest one thing and the other the other, or I'm confused. <Sinani201> They both want more or less the same thing. <persia> When there's a clear unambivalent feature request (like "Please provide an indicator for audio input"), it's easier :) <persia> So, I think there are two options: 1) make 521505 as duplicate to 521309, and edit description/title to describe a feature-set that addresses both *or* to open an entry on brainstorm and suggest both reporters go discuss it there. <persia> I don't think it can work both ways (if I read it correctly), so we shouldn't push both requests to upstream separately. <Sinani201> Isn't 521309 a duplicate of 521505, rather than the other way around? <persia> I'm just not sure whether it's better to combine them in a bug or in a brainstorm entry. <persia> No, because 521309 came first :) <persia> very rarely we'll do it in the other order, but that's for cases where the master is useful, and the prior report isn't. <Sinani201> OK <persia> In this case, I think they are both equally useful (just text, no need for special attachments). <persia> Anyway, ask for a new status/importance once you sort out which way to want to handle it, and finish massaging the bugs. <Sinani201> I think both of them should go to Brainstorm <persia> It's probably worth creating the summary entry there combining the requests, and then pointing the reporters directly at that. <persia> Otherwise they might create two separate brainstorm ideas which doesn't help the confusion :) <persia> Just note the brainstorm link in the bug comments. <Sinani201> ohhh... <Sinani201> I put the canned response on both, <Sinani201> Whoops... <persia> I like to reserve the canned brainstorm response only for those rambling feature bugs that need lots of work before anyone could even think about implementation. These are pretty clear, just mixed and and needing some combination. <Sinani201> How do you combine two bugs? <persia> Sinani201: If I were triaging these, I'd have marked the new one as a dup of the old one, and then changed the title and description to request a tooltip that showed the current sink and audio level. <Sinani201> OK, I'll do that. <MTecknology> persia: you're brilliant; just had to say that <Sinani201> ... <Sinani201> bye <persia> MTecknology: Thanks :) <kermiac_> I'm not sure about my new title for bug 520685 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 520685 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Computer short cut in the Places menu does not work (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/520685 <kermiac_> opening "Computer" with nautilus fails 1st time after login when using Extra Pane view <kermiac_> is what I came up with <kermiac_> does that sound ok? <kermiac_> please set bug 520685 triaged/low as there are 2 easy workarounds <ubot4> Launchpad bug 520685 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Opening "Computer" with nautilus fails 1st time after login when using Extra Pane view (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/520685 <vish> kermiac_: you need to send that upstream as well <vish> first we need to check if there already is a report upstream <kermiac_> I don't have an account with the gnome tracker yet. I'll set one up & have a look <vish> kermiac_: btw, the description update was pretty impressive :) <kermiac_> ty vish :) It took a while to figure out exactly what the OP was referring to <vish> yeah , i noticed the original description ;) <Kermiac> I searched for "extra pane", "file system", "mounted" & "computer" upstream. That didn't find a match... anything else it might be under? <ddecator> Kermiac, what are you looking for? <Kermiac> Hi ddecator :) I'm looking to see if bug 520685 has already been reported upstream <ubot4> Launchpad bug 520685 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Opening "Computer" with nautilus fails 1st time after login when using Extra Pane view (affects: 2)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/520685 <ddecator> that's an oddly specific bug... <Kermiac> yeah, it is now that I updated the description - have a look at the original description. It was a fun one :) <Kermiac> I'm trying to find "obscure bugs" for my application to bug control :) <ddecator> haha, at least it was enough info to know where to start...i like the layout of your update though <ddecator> good idea <ddecator> alright, let me see if i find anything... <Kermiac> ty ddecator - I haven't found anything that seems like this in the upstream tracker. I've gotta go have some dinner, BBL <vish> kermiac_: if you didnt find any earlier reports , we can just add a new report <ddecator> vish, doesn't hurt to look thoroughly, gnome gets enough bug reports to deal with =p <kermiac_> vish: I haven't found any yet. I'm about to have dinner, I'll look at the correct way to file a report upstream soon. Hopefully the interface is easier to use than the debian BTS :) <ddecator> bugzilla is pretty straightforward <kermiac_> that's good to know :) <ddecator> and once you have an account, you can file bugs in b.g.o and b.m.o <kermiac_> I haven't filed an upstream bug report on bugzilla yet. I'll have a look after dinner. BBL <ddecator> alright, enjoy dinner <ddecator> kermiac_, i couldn't find anything, so go ahead and report it upstream * ddecator is officially a huge fan of Meld <kermiac> I noticed what I was referring to as "extra pane" view is called "split view mode" in the nautilus changelogs. Should I refer to it as "split view mode" <kermiac> nautilus (1:2.29.1-0ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low <kermiac> * New upstream version: <kermiac> - Make browser mode the default <kermiac> - Add split view mode <ddecator> you could put "aka, split view mode" or something <kermiac> good idea, ty ddecator :) <ddecator> yw kermiac <ddecator> so stack traces are amazing <kermiac> have you had much experience with bugzilla ddecator? <kermiac> or anyone else? <ddecator> a decent amount <ddecator> what's up? <kermiac> just wondering if I should C&P the most important/ relevant info from bug 520685 over to bugzilla <ubot4> Launchpad bug 520685 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Opening "Computer" with nautilus fails 1st time after login when using Extra Pane view (A.K.A "split view mode") (affects: 2)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/520685 <kermiac> or is there a wiki or something I should read first? <vish> kermiac: your lp description is good , that should do for this bug <kermiac> ty vish :) <ddecator> that's what i usually do. i just say that it was reported on Ubuntu's Launchpad, C&P the details, then say "the full report can be found here: <link>" i've never found a wiki for bugzilla reporting <vish> kermiac: when adding bugs upstream just mention the lp report and add you description.. adding theh lp report helps you get back to the lp bug later ;) <kermiac> ok, that sounds good to me ty ddecator & vish <ddecator> yw kermiac <vish> np.. <ddecator> it's good you're getting this experience <kermiac> very true :) <kermiac> would I copy the whole LP bug report (i.e. test case, workaround, etc) or just the initial description of the problem <ddecator> kermiac, you're whole description <ddecator> s/you're/your <kermiac> thanks again :) <ddecator> kermiac, the report will be seen by devs who aren't much different from ubuntu devs, so if you feel it's enough information for an ubuntu dev, then it should be enough for an upstream dev. they can always ask for more info too if they need it <kermiac> I just was mainly wondering what the relationship with gnome devs was like. I have heard of a lot of ppl getting flamed for mentioning ubuntu on the debian BTS <kermiac> I was wondering if I should leave out info regarding the version of ubuntu & such other "ubuntu specific" info <ddecator> nah, leave it in, i've never been flamed for it <vish> kermiac: actually mentioning the lp report also helps us tell upstream we are contributing upstream as well :) <ddecator> gnome and mozilla have good relations with us, especially since a lot of our devs work with them <vish> debian is probably where you *might* get flamed... but just a few of those folks like that ;) <kermiac> ok :) <ddecator> just don't be surprised if a gnome dev says "wontfix," they do a lot just due to the amount of reports they get, and i think they are especially now since gnome 3 is being worked on <kermiac> ok, upstream bug linked to LP bug report. Can someone pls mark it as triaged? <ddecator> i wish i could =/ <ddecator> vish, you want the honors? <ddecator> btw, very good report kermiac =) * ddecator might take a lesson from kermiac's descriptions of reports <ddecator> maybe even tomorrow, i've been meaning to clean up some of my reports <vish> kermiac: done... one thing i would change in the upstream report is : mention the lp link at the top itself <vish> but thats just nit-picking ;p <vish> kermiac: when you plan to send your application for bug control , you should include bugs such as these <ddecator> ah, is it normal to have a lot of bugs that you've requested info on and never heard back? <vish> ddecator: it depends on the occurrence and level of user annoyance ;) , recently in the ubuntuone hug day i noticed that almost all the bugs which had requested for additional info were never replied by the OP <ddecator> vish, around half of the bugs i've commented on have never gotten a response from the OP, it's just discouraging that i want to work on the bugs but they didn't include enough info so i can't do anything haha <edakiri> kermiac: i think what you could typically expect from a debian maintainer, and how i would react if i were a debian maintainer, is i would not want a Debian BTS entry on a bug that had been discovered in Ubuntu but not yet been tested and found in Debian. Possible exception for packages that have no Ubuntu patches, but remember dependencies might have ubuntu patches. I hate working with the debian BTS anyway. That is perhaps the largest re <edakiri> Actually, yes: the greatest reason I changed to Ubuntu was Debian BTS versus Launchpad. <kermiac> bah... had a brown-out & had to reset the router <edakiri> kermiac: then maybe you missed my message, so i will repeat <kermiac> I think I got about half of it, lol <edakiri> kermiac: i think what you could typically expect from a debian maintainer, and how i would react if i were a debian maintainer, is i would not want a Debian BTS entry on a bug that had been discovered in Ubuntu but not yet been tested and found in Debian. Possible exception for packages that have no Ubuntu patches, but remember dependencies might have ubuntu patches. I hate working with the debian BTS anyway. That is perhaps the largest re <edakiri> Actually, yes: the greatest reason I changed to Ubuntu was Debian BTS versus Launchpad. <kermiac> yes, ty edakiri i didn't get the second half. I have only used the debian BTS a couple of times & it is taking a lot of reading to try & get used to <kermiac> ty for marking 520685 triaged vish:) <ddecator> anyone here work with pulse or alsa bugs? <vish> ddecator: that would be crim_sun , if you have doubts you can ask him <kermiac> i do sometimes, although I'm still learning. <kermiac> yeah - he's the guy to talk to :) <kermiac> if it's not too hard I might be able to help. bug #? <ddecator> vish, yah he made a comment on a bug i assigned to pulse, asking them to run 'apport-collect -p alsa-base <bug>', but i don't think the person did, it looks like the OP just set the status back to "new" without actually doing anything, but idk what information should have been added to the report <ddecator> bug 518492 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518492 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "after upgrading to 9.10 i am not able hear sounds while i use the players (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518492 <nigelb> ddecator, apport not re-run there <vish> ddecator: the user might not have understood the previous comment , try again.. <nigelb> he's just set back to new <kermiac> yeah, you need more info <ddecator> nigelb, that's what i thought <vish> ddecator: there is a stock responce "collect it" use it <nigelb> ddecator, set back to incomplete and ask Op to run collect it in terminal or alt + f2 <kermiac> if got a "sound" one <kermiac> if/I've <nigelb> vish, need your suggestions on bug 518910 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518910 in evolution (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "intermittent mail notifications. (affects: 1)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518910 <nigelb> its the one I talked to yday about <kermiac> http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/f4dddbcad <ddecator> ty nigelb and vish <nigelb> np <vish> nigelb: not sure what the problem there is ? but even the evolution[Ubuntu] task needs to be changed to evolution-indicator <vish> nigelb: i know only where the bug needs to go ;p <nigelb> vish, I was about to close evolution task as invalid <kermiac> ddecator: we usually change "BUGNUMBER" to the actual bug number in the response to avoid confusing the OP. Hopefully it doesn't matter as you added "where BUGNUMBER is the number of the bug you have reported (in this case, 518492)" <nigelb> now, I'm lost as to what to do. Just leave it there and wait for some to take care of it or poke someone <vish> nigelb: nah... ask him to also mention which version of evolution-indicator he is using <ddecator> kermiac, i started to do that, but i didn't want the person to potentially reuse the exact command i put in there for a different bug, so i thought that might be more clear <nigelb> vish, "I've changed the package to evolution-indicator, which seems to be the root of the issue here. Please also report the version of evolution-indicator that you have installed so that someone can take a look at this." <vish> nigelb: sounds right <kermiac> I don't think I follow exactly what you mean ddecator, but like I said it shouldn't matter in this case as you added another comment to the end <vish> ddecator: are you using firefox and lp improvements extension? <ddecator> vish, yes <vish> ddecator: then there is a sock reply "collect it" just use that , it is pretty descriptive <vish> stock* <nigelb> lol <ddecator> vish, yah i just noticed all of those links... <edakiri> as far as motivations for switches, KDE4 was the reason I switched to Gnome. <ddecator> wow, how did i never pay attention to all of those links sitting there ready to do the work for me? -_- <edakiri> where do you get the extension? it has the links? <ddecator> it's in the repos, let me find the package name... <ddecator> firefox-lp-improvements <nigelb> I dont think its there in the repos. its a ppa <nigelb> at least for karmic <edakiri> i'm on lucid since import freeze. it has been tolerable for main system use. <ddecator> oh yah, you're right (sorry, it's almost 4am here so i'm a little out of it, haha) <ddecator> gm-dev-launchpad ppa according to my software sources <nigelb> here you go https://launchpad.net/~gm-dev-launchpad/+archive/ppa <nigelb> add hte ppa to your sources, update sources, and install <ddecator> perfect, and on that note, i obviously need some sleep...night all <_Narc_> Hello everyone. I'm learning to triage, I apologize for the dumb question but how come bugs that are already affected to a package still show up in a search for "homeless" bugs ? <kermiac> hi _Narc_ do you have an example? <_Narc_> Hi kermiac. Yes, bug #521293 for example. It's affected to four packages and it shows up when I do a search for no-packages bugs using this link I found on the BugSquad wiki (https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-datecreated&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=New&field.assignee=&field.owner=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=on) <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521293 in opensuse (and 3 other projects) "fsck destroys data on interruption (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/521293 <kermiac> I think the list of "homeless" bugs isn't updated in real time. It takes a while (unsure how long) to update. This bug was only filed yesterday. Maybe someone else here can has more insight into this issue than me <David-T> _Narc_: it affects 4 projects, not packages... <kermiac> ty David-T - that's a better explanantion <kermiac> night all <_Narc_> David-T: Ok, thanks. So they're not the same and a package can be affected to a project and still be considered homeless. <David-T> _Narc_: a bug can affect a project and still be homeless, yes. <_Narc_> David-T: Ok, thanks. I'm still learning, sorry. :) <David-T> don't worry, so am i... <l3on> Hi all... <l3on> someone of you can confirm me that bug 515105 is invalid <l3on> ? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 515105 in sdl-image1.2 (Ubuntu) "sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-pulse mozilla-plugin-vlc, error 'libsdl_image1.2' (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/515105 <BUGabundo> 64bits? <l3on> Title: package libsdl-image1.2-dev (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/include/SDL/SDL_image.h', which is also in package sdl-image-devel 0:1.2.10-2 <persia> The title is clearly invalid. The problem report seems to also indicate some issue with libsdl-image1.2 and libsdl-image1.2-devl <jibel> l3on, Hello. Thank you for your help on triaging. <jibel> l3on, Just a remark, your comment on this report is a bit rude. Please add some courtesy, please, thank you, ... <jibel> l3on, You'll find standard responses to help you at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses <l3on> jibel: thanks... I'll read it :) <jibel> l3on, you're welcome <bcurtiswx> micahg: im still under the impression that fix-committed can still include that fixes have made it upstream.. <micahg> bcurtiswx: only on an upstream task <micahg> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status <micahg> bcurtiswx: you're not the only one to do this though <micahg> I think we need to clarify/emphasize the policy <qense> micahg: agreed <qense> Not all people seem to understand that well enough. <micahg> in fact it was confusing before, so I had bdmurray separate the ubuntu/upstream tasks in wiki status page <micahg> s/had/asked :) <bcurtiswx> hmm.. I think I was trained the way I've done it... <shrugs> <qense> micahg: It would indeed be good to add a clear notice to that page that briefly explains the difference. <bcurtiswx> micahg: a lot of things in bug triage still are "take it how you see it".. <micahg> qense: the page is pretty clear IMHO <micahg> I just don't know how many people have read it :P <qense> that is indeed the main problem <qense> people don't read the documentation (properly) <bcurtiswx> micahg: not entirely. the 2nd section for upstream bug tasks in "fix-committed" could be taken that "if the upstream task is...etc...., then the bug can be fix-committed" <micahg> bcurtiswx: I don't see how <micahg> they are clearly labeled ubuntu task and upstream task <bcurtiswx> micahg: we each see things differently. Which is why constructive criticism is needed while triaging <micahg> :) <BUGabundo> FYI in case anyone wants to confirm/SUB. I've sent it upstream https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/521767 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521767 in nautilus (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[lucid] its no longer possible to use alt+NUMs to change between nautilus tabs (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] <BUGabundo> can some one mark as wishbug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zsync/+bug/521782 <BUGabundo> thanks <ubot4> Launchpad bug 521782 in zsync (Ubuntu) "[wishbug] zsync should run ioniced (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] <hggdh> oh BUGabundo, quousque tandem abutere patientia nostra? <hggdh> apply to -control! <hggdh> :-) <micahg> hggdh: did you catch the earlier bit about the fix committed status? <hggdh> micahg: no, just logged in <BUGabundo> hggdh: n me baralhes mais a cabeça, hablando en espanol <hggdh> BUGabundo: ora, é latin! <micahg> hggdh: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/02/14/%23ubuntu-bugs.txt from 16:29 to 16:46 <hggdh> micahg: (1) thank you; (2) yes, we have discussed this on and off for some years now ;-) <hggdh> except for some teams, fix committed is to be used when the fix has landed in bzr or -proposed <hggdh> for desktop-team, for example, it is used for when a fix lands in the upstream repository * hggdh gotta go, be back in about 2 hours <persia> micahg: There seems to be wide consensus that "Fix Committed" is only meaningful in a VCS context. <persia> micahg: However, some teams happen to maintain packages in Ubuntu in VCS, which means they have a use for them, and other teams don't, which means it's useless. <persia> My personal opinion is that we need better hints to determine which packages are VCS-maintained, so we have a way to determine when "Fix Committed" is useful or appropriate. <micahg> persia: fix committed for Ubuntu is usually if in -proposed or Ubuntu VCS <persia> Right. <micahg> according to the Wiki <micahg> but the Desktop team uses it for upstream VCS commits <micahg> which confuses triagers <persia> Well, the Desktop team tracks upstream VCS closely. <persia> So Ubuntu VCS is derived from upstream VCS every week or two (depending), and it's sure that anything in upstream VCS will be included in Ubuntu. <micahg> right, but the upstream task being fix released means upstream task is in VCS <persia> The bit that's missing is some way to identify the inheritance paths so that we can know that a given commit is in the right place to be sure to arrive in Ubuntu. <persia> Well, that's dependent on the upstream. In my mind, a responsible upstream differentiates Fix Committed and Fix Released. <persia> But that gets into the discussion "What does "released" mean? * persia thinks it's all hopelessly compiicated, and too hard to jam into a single model that works for everyone. * BUGabundo thinks release means its on +1 archive <BUGabundo> or at least on the repo where it means to fix something <persia> Does it? Does it mean that upstream released a tarball? Does it mean that the code has been released to the world? * persia thinks the answer depends on the individual project <micahg> fix released upstream should mean released a tarball if it's manual <persia> For *Ubuntu*, I agree that "Fix Released" means "A fixed package is in the development repository". <persia> micahg: Some upstreams don't have tarballs though :) <micahg> but if it's automatic, most upstreams use fix released when it hits the VCS <BUGabundo> are we discussing Ubuntu Bugs or LP projects bugs? <BUGabundo> 'cause I stand by my statement for Ubuntu bug <micahg> Ubuntu Bugs <BUGabundo> as for other LP projects, each may need its own interpetentain <BUGabundo> well then, we all agree... no more rambling :D * BUGabundo goes back to feed catching up <persia> BUGabundo: We're discussing the complications of bug fixes travelling between different places. <BUGabundo> from Upstream BTS to LP ? <persia> Specifically, that the Desktop team uses the "Fix Committed" status in the Ubuntu task to indicate when a fix was committed to upstream VCS. <qense> persia: maybe something for the next Bug Squad meeting? <persia> qense: I don't think so: we've been discussing it for many years without conclusion already :) <persia> Maybe something for a Desktop Team meeting, I'd think. <qense> persia: yeah, in that case the Desktop Team would be the right team to bug. <qense> Do you think they'd agree? <persia> Not unless a new compelling argument was presented. <qense> Why don't they agree then? <persia> Simply being in line with everyone else doesn't seem to be enough. <persia> Because they've always done it that way, and don't see any reason to change. <qense> That means an important part of the bugs we handle should be handled differently. :S <qense> I thought it was the Bug Control/QA team that was responsible for determining the bug workflow. <thekorn> unfortunatly not ;) <qense> Isn't the upstream task enough for them? <persia> qense: It is, but there was a big gap for a few releases where this team was basically dysfunctional, and practices drifted during that time. <qense> So now we have both the MOTU and the DesktopTeam using their own work-flow? <thekorn> the hard part is to change existing team workflows <qense> the hard part for us is to make new triagers accustomed to all those different processes. ;) <thekorn> instead of changing them we should have per package/per project bug status/importance explainations in the LP UI (maybe as tooltips) <persia> What part of MOTU workflow differs? <thekorn> or some kind of bug triaging guidelines <syn-ack> hi kicks <syn-ack> kids too <thekorn> like we have bug reporting guidelines <qense> persia: a while ago we were basically told to not do anything with packaging/MOTU bugs anymore. <qense> there were some 'arguments' about several bug reports where bug triagers had changed the status <persia> That discussion got out of hand :( <qense> yeah, quite * persia hunts for the relevant bug <qense> so in the end we basically left it like it was before. Which was not the best solution, imho <persia> bug #179857 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 179857 in malone "Package sponsorships involve awkward bugtracker machinations (dups: 1)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179857 <persia> But that applies to *all* development groups, not just MOTU <qense> true <persia> The issue is that there isn't any good way to track sponsorship requests, so bug statuses are (incorrectly) abused to address this. <persia> I tried to set the documentation for managing these to be something close to that used for regular bug triage, but it doesn't fit perfectly, unfortunately. <qense> yeah <qense> Our lives would be a lot easier if everything would be using the statuses the same way. <persia> Indeed. <persia> dholbach has been working on the sponsoring workflow with an out-of-launchpad tool, and so some of this may become less bad in the future. <persia> But for now, it's just awkward :( <qense> Importance: Low :S <persia> On the other hand, please don't blame this on MOTU: it applies to all the developer groups (although the non-MOTU groups tend not to be as good about sponsoring stuff). <qense> agreed <qense> MOTU has to make do with what it's got, and they're doing that well considering the tools. <persia> qense: If you have any suggestions on how the workflow for sponsoring requests or sync requests could be improved to be more in line with regular bug triage workflow, I'd be happy to help promote implementation of the ideas. <qense> persia: If I find something I surely will. <kamalmostafa> bugcontrol please: I request bug 518314 be set to importance [High] since it is severe if its true (but leave status "Incomplete" since I can't reproduce it and have asked submitter for more information). <ubot4> Launchpad bug 518314 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "strcmp crashes (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518314 <hggdh> kamalmostafa: I am not sure this is a high -- I agree it was the potential, but we need more data to raise it <Sinani201> I agree… it isn't that bad <hggdh> at least not yet ;-) <kamalmostafa> hggdh, Sinani201: my thinking is actually that it seems very unlikely to be "real" -- my hope is to raise its visibility to get a few more folks to test it (since I'm not calling it "Invalid" just because I can't reproduce it). I have no objection to it remaining "Undecided" importance, but I'm not sure how we will ever "decide". :-) <hggdh> well, usually, we set Medium to incomplete bugs <hggdh> Will do that <Sinani201> I agree. #ubuntu-bugs 2011-02-07 <micahg> Rcart: when marking bugs fix released, please state which version you found the bug fixed in <Rcart> micahg: Ok. <penalvch> micahg: Thank you for responding promptly to bug 714399, however I tried that switch in the CVE (--trust-server-names) and same problem as in the bug... <ubot4> Launchpad bug 714399 in wget (Ubuntu) "wget not downloading ExcelVeiwer.exe (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/714399 <micahg> penalvch: fascinating, idk then, feel free to reopen stating that you tried with --trust-server-names <penalvch> micahg: Done. Thank you for promptly addressing it, that's why Ubuntu rocks! <micahg> penalvch: you're welcome <penalvch> micahg: I would attempt upstreaming, but all the bug descriptions are out of my league. It's a low priority/minor inconvenience bug b/c I can just drop the hyperlink into Firefox. :) <micahg> penalvch: well, we should probably make sure our version didn't break as it seems Debian has a different way of handling this <dwg> blah <dwg> another subtle upstart/mountall bug, I think <dwg> looks like the script in procps.conf (which processes /etc/sysctl.conf) hasn't been running, since karmic... <dwg> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/690433 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 690433 in upstart (Ubuntu) "procps starts too early to correctly set net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_acct (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] #ubuntu-bugs 2011-02-08 <bcurtiswx> nigelb, so why the dislike towards SVN? :P <nigelb> bcurtiswx: I like git :D <nigelb> bcurtiswx: and generally, dvcs <bcurtiswx> nigelb, ah i guess i've used all before and have gotten used to the differences for the most part <nigelb> bcurtiswx: yeah, I've used all of them at some point <nigelb> bcurtiswx: oh btw, want to talk about upstreaming bugs at UDW? * nigelb is in recruitment mode <bcurtiswx> what day <nigelb> bcurtiswx: pick an empty slot https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Timetable#preview <nigelb> bcurtiswx: final decision? :) <bcurtiswx> nigelb, i'm thinkin :) <nigelb> hehe <nigelb> bcurtiswx: feel free to team up with pedro or hggdh or charlie-tca :D <hggdh> heh <nigelb> the very subtle form of recruitment ;) <bcurtiswx> any of you want to do a session on "Bugs: Head to Dead. <bcurtiswx> " <bcurtiswx> maybe two sessions worth <bcurtiswx> OK, maybe that was a bad play on words <bcurtiswx> Where we triage a couple bugs live, from NEW to Triaged <bcurtiswx> hggdh gets the interest with the obvious public attraction, and i just get to stamp my name on it. how about it :P <charlie-tca> Do you really want to start at "New" if you are talking to developers? <bcurtiswx> charlie-tca, good point. <bcurtiswx> but how well do devs understand our triaging techniques? <charlie-tca> bcurtiswx: valid point, too. Some do, perhaps most do not? <bcurtiswx> charlie-tca, i don't know. <bcurtiswx> hggdh, charlie-tca, bdmurray: Would a "Bug Triage: NEW to TRIAGED" really benefit dev's in your own opinions <bdmurray> bcurtiswx: that seems more appropriate for open week <charlie-tca> A developer working his bugs doesn't really care what our steps are. If they can fix the bug, it could jump from New to Fixed in one step <bcurtiswx> nigelb, i think that best sums up that. Sorry :) <nigelb> bcurtiswx: well, you could always talk about upstreams and their importance ;) <bdmurray> One thing I've talked about in the past is how to get better quality bug reports <bdmurray> by writing apport hooks for example <nigelb> oh, apport hooks would be a fun session <nigelb> when I wrot them, I kept looking at your sessions bdmurray :) <charlie-tca> That would be good, but I know nothing about that... <bcurtiswx> nigelb, you have your own session to run then ;) <nigelb> oh no <nigelb> how did I fall into that trap <nigelb> :-P <nigelb> bdmurray: can you help me if I'm willing to take an apport session? :) <bdmurray> nigelb: sure when is it? <nigelb> 1600 4th March? <bdmurray> okay that's a fair bit of time <nigelb> \o/ <nigelb> session added <Gartral> hello, I see a fix was posted for Gobi2k 3g radios in Kernel, (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/554099?comments=all) but I can't use that Kernel due to a TPM-locked Kernel architecture.. and I was hoping the needed driver was available as a Module.. my other problem is I can't compile the module myself as until i fix 3g in ubuntu, my computer won't have internet. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 554099 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.32 (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 9 other projects) "Qualcomm Gobi 2000 3G (gobi_loader/qcserial) broken (affects: 73) (dups: 4) (heat: 424)" [Undecided,Invalid] <Gartral> yes ubot4 that's the package and bug. <gondoi> I'm a little confused on the SRU instructions... <gondoi> I want to submit an SRU for this bug <gondoi> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/munin/+bug/699967 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 699967 in munin (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "Empty list of plugins/services with hostname containing uppercase letters (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 20)" [Unknown,Confirmed] <gondoi> but I'm not sure whether to submit it in that bug or start a new one <gondoi> can anyone help me? <charlie-tca> a little patience is appreciated. We are all volunteers, not sitting looking at the monitor waiting for questions. <gondoi> same here <gondoi> just throwing it out there and waiting for a reply <charlie-tca> and expecting an answer within a minute? <Gartral> hello, I see a fix was posted for Gobi2k 3g radios in Kernel, (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/554099?comments=all) but I can't use that Kernel due to a TPM-locked Kernel architecture.. and I was hoping the needed driver was available as a Module.. my other problem is I can't compile the module myself as until i fix 3g in ubuntu, my computer won't have internet. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 554099 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.32 (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 9 other projects) "Qualcomm Gobi 2000 3G (gobi_loader/qcserial) broken (affects: 73) (dups: 4) (heat: 424)" [Undecided,Invalid] <charlie-tca> gondoi: Use the same bug, nominate for series "maverick" <gondoi> dude, it wasn't intended as a bump... just asking for assistance <gondoi> thank you charlie-tca <charlie-tca> You are welcome <Gartral> (if waiting 20 minutes between posts aint long enough, sorry, trying too compensate for joins which i turned off... <charlie-tca> Gartral: I would suggest asking in #ubuntu-kernel, also, for that issue. They might have a workaround you can use. <shankhs> hi <Gartral> charlie-tca: maybe, maybe not, keep in mind im forced too use a kernel that I don't even have headers for... so compiling my own module isn't an option * micahg wonders if we're having a meeting <micahg> hggdh: charlie-tca: yofel: bdmurray ^^^ <Gartral> ?/? <shankhs> Hi i am very much eager to participate in bug day (10 feb ) but I have never done any bug-fixing for ubuntu before . Also I have never saw the code of OpenOffice or LibreOffice. How do I get started with this? I have signed the ubuntu code of conduct and read the Triage guide. Thanks a lot for the help * yofel totally forgot about it, thanks for the ping <micahg> shankhs: can you stick around another hour, we're supposed to have a meeting now, but it might not happen <shankhs> micahg: sure! * micahg doesn't see pedro <bdmurray> micahg: pedro is on holiday <micahg> bdmurray: ah, good for him :) <micahg> bdmurray: well, should we have a meeting or defer 1 week? <bdmurray> micahg: looking at the agenda it needs some cleanup and no announcement was sent so I'd pefer to wait <bolster> Hey all, I'm new to the bugsquad (and haven't exactly contributed yet, but exams finished this week so I should be a productive human being tomorrow). Have read most / all of the knowledgebase so hopefully can hit the ground running as soon as I can block off some time for it :D <micahg> bdmurray: ok, makes sense <yofel> +1 <bdmurray> okay, I'll take care of the agena, email and channel topic <micahg> bdmurray: thanks, <micahg> shankhs: so, it's just a matter of installing LIbreOffice and seeing if you can reproduce the OpenOffice bugs, if so, add a bug task for LibreOffice <micahg> I think <bdmurray> right you don't need to know the code to help out triaging bug reports <micahg> bdmurray: are we adding tasks for LibreOffice or moving the bugs? (not everyone might know if something's SRU worthy or not) <shankhs> micahg bdmurray : thanks any more pointers <bdmurray> micahg: adding seems the easiest to me <micahg> bdmurray: ok, thanks <vish> bdmurray: hi.. when you get some time, could you have a look at Bug #659947 ? thanks! :) <ubot4> Launchpad bug 659947 in launchpad "Users, unfamiliar with bug-triage, often confuse 'Triaged' and 'Confirmed' status (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/659947 <bdmurray> vish: what are you looking for with that bug? <vish> bdmurray: some solution to prevent redoing the confirmed -> triaged work.. <vish> ie, not revisiting the triaged bugs again.. <vish> bdmurray: it is a follow up bug, to the earlier one where i suggested locking down the permissions as to who changes those, but their feedabck was a better solution was to looking at reducing the number of statuses <vish> to merge triaged and confirmed <Gartral> hello, I see a fix was posted for Gobi2k 3g radios in Kernel, (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/554099?comments=all) but I can't use that Kernel due to a TPM-locked Kernel architecture.. and I was hoping the needed driver was available as a Module.. my other problem is I can't compile the module myself as until i fix 3g in ubuntu, my computer won't have internet. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 554099 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.32 (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 9 other projects) "Qualcomm Gobi 2000 3G (gobi_loader/qcserial) broken (affects: 73) (dups: 4) (heat: 424)" [Undecided,Invalid] <bdmurray> vish: okay <micahg> vish: I think that's a bad idea, confirmed means there's a real bug, but not enough information to work on it, triaged means there's enough information to work on it <vish> micahg: yea.. thats how i thought so too.. but sinzui and mpt suggestion seemed OK.. but i'll take whatever fixes the current situation ;) <micahg> Gartral: you might want to ask in #ubuntu-kernel about that <ddecator> assuming my calendar is correct, there is a bugsquad meeting starting in a few minutes, right? <micahg> ddecator: calendar is wrong :) <ddecator> micahg: what the, i swear i copied it from the fridge calendar.. <ddecator> micahg: ...from your calendar <micahg> ddecator: yeah, I saw that, idk why it was set for 18:00, meeting was 17:00 I thought, but in any case, no announcement and an old agenda postponed the meeting <ddecator> micahg: ah, gotcha. when is it now? <micahg> ddecator: TBA <ddecator> micahg: alright, thanks <Rcart> hello, there are logs available for the talk that took place today? <ddecator> Rcart: the meeting? it's being rescheduled <Rcart> ddecator: Oh, great. 10 February right? <ddecator> Rcart: i don't think a new time has been determined yet <charlie-tca> It should change in the topic here when it is decided <Rcart> ddecator: Thanks, I was confusing it with the Hug Day date ^^ <hjd> Hi. I'm tagging some bugs 'upgrade-software-version' and wondered what (if anything) I should do with bugs tagged 'upgrade'. Should I replace the tag with usv, add it in addition or leave them alone? <Rcart> charlie-tca: I'll be waiting for the update then :). Thanks. <bdmurray> micahg: what did we decide about upgrade vs upgrade-software-version? I'd say keep the old one <micahg> bdmurray: hmm, I've been using the new one? either way is fine, there are only about 15 wtih the new tag <charlie-tca> seems like it would depend on the actual bug, if they used upgrade in place of upgrade-software-version or to report a bug that happened during an upgrade <micahg> charlie-tca: upgrade bugs are supposed to be specified by their releases (i.e. lucid2maverick) <charlie-tca> I know, but that doesn't mean the reporter did not add "upgrade". <bdmurray> micahg: if the bug is already tagged upgrade I'd say keep that tag <micahg> bdmurray: ok, I've just been adding, not changing <bdmurray> hjd: so add usv inaddition to upgrade <bdmurray> hjd: thanks for asking <hjd> ok. I've left them alone so far, just thought I'd check. <hjd> For some requests for newer versions, I've found similar bug reports in debian as well. However, the Ubuntu bug and Debian bugs mention different versions. Should I add a bugwatch to these or not? As a new release might fix one of the bugs, but not the other. (I can probably find an example) <hjd> for instance bug 451947 vs http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=599617. (Perhaps a bad example, as the difference i version numbers are pretty small) <ubot4> Debian bug 599617 in php-codesniffer "php-codesniffer: New upstream version available" [Wishlist,Open] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 451947 in php-codesniffer (Ubuntu) "Version bump request (1.2.0) (affects: 2) (heat: 7)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/451947 <bdmurray> hjd: I think making the ubuntu one less version specific and linking to the debian bug is a good idea <hjd> bdmurray: something like this (bug 451947)? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 451947 in php-codesniffer (Debian) (and 1 other project) "Version bump request (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/451947 <bdmurray> hjd: yes - you could also confirm since you know ubuntu is behind <hjd> bdmurray: confirmed as well. Wasn't aware I should do taht. <hjd> *that * bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu BugSquad - next meeting 2/15/11 | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu #ubuntu-bugs 2011-02-09 <cdbs> hi vishal <vishal> hi,please giude me <cdbs> vishal: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs <cdbs> vishal: and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage <vishal> cdbs:can you please tell difference between bug triaging and tracking?plz <cdbs> vishal: the bug tracker Launchpad handles tracking <cdbs> vishal: when a person files a bug, someone needs to check if its legitimate, is not a duplicate of another filed bug, and whether it contains all info <cdbs> that is called triaging <vishal> thanks...I now understand basic differnce...i will go through the link you gave. <hggdh> kklimonda: how's life trying to help the dbus user? <kklimonda> hggdh: well, I did manage to make his server unbootable apparently ;) <kklimonda> I don't know why did he restart it again before waiting for my answer :/ <hggdh> kklimonda: sometimes I follow him on the -users ML; he usually try something -- anything, really -- outside what is suggested <hggdh> kklimonda: and he shotguns his issue amongst many MLs <kklimonda> you are sbuscribed to the -users ML? I'm impressed by your wilingness to help :) <kklimonda> (all typos brought to you by thr 6 seconds long lag between my computer and ssh session ;)) <kklimonda> can someone take a look at bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/715046 and mark it "In Progress"? Also, assign it to me, if it's not already. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 715046 in transmission (Ubuntu) "[Natty] Update Transmission to version 2.21 (affects: 3) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,New] <kklimonda> I can't really access LP with my connection right now :/ <kklimonda> (also, if it doesn't have a desktop-upgrade tag, could you add it? :)) <hggdh> kklimonda: done (assigned to you & marked in-progress) <hggdh> kklimonda: what happens there is I usually skim over 90% of the posts -- I do not like the tone there, very non-CoC <kklimonda> hggdh: heh, I guess it's pretty standard for most general MLs <hggdh> kklimonda: might be, but should be unacceptable on UBuntu MLs <kklimonda> lately, I've considered unsuscribing from python-list after someone has decided to burn it with his flame war of the week.. really irritating, and time-consuming to skim over it. <kklimonda> I agree, but actively fighting such posts would be very time consuming. <hggdh> yeah, I follow you. I have been wondering also about that... my last posts to the -users have been really about CoC <hggdh> well, the list is moderated. What it would need is more active moderators <kklimonda> it is? and they accept posts that aren't CoC-friendly? <hggdh> nothing is usually done... <kklimonda> ok, time to cook something to eat. Have a nice day :) <AbhijiT> hi <AbhijiT> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/610131 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 610131 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Facebook contacts cannot be added to groups (affects: 7) (dups: 1) (heat: 55)" [Low,Won't fix] <AbhijiT> i suggest to have a local grouping. in users computer. anyone there to help? <AbhijiT> any empathy dev? <charlie-tca> most developers do not hang out here, since we triage bugs, not fix them. Might try #ubuntu-devel <charlie-tca> AbhijiT: our primary task as bugsquad is to get the bugs ready for the developers to work to resolve them. We do not do the actually fixing/resolving ourselves, most of the time. <AbhijiT> charlie-tca, i know. <AbhijiT> charlie-tca, but as omer directly declined to have that feature. and he is from bug squad he is not dev <AbhijiT> so i am asking that what should we do about it. practially we can create users group on users machine whats problematic in that? <charlie-tca> As he explained in the bug report, he spoke directly to the developers, who declined <AbhijiT> ohh <charlie-tca> omer did not himself say he would not fix it, he said the developers of empathy said no <AbhijiT> hmm * AbhijiT wonders where his freedom is as opensource user. :( now i want to rely on dev's mood! <charlie-tca> your freedom is to fix it yourself, instead of relying on the dev to make the changes you want <AbhijiT> :( <AbhijiT> but he declined ! as may remember! <AbhijiT> to have this feature! i am not saying that he should 'do' this <charlie-tca> You have the freedom to change the file yourself, as an opensource user. He has the freedom as the developer to refuse to make changes you want <AbhijiT> okay! <arand_> If invoking tasksel to install a task, subsequently uninstalling the same task, results in a majority of the gnome system being removed, what kind of importance would that bug have? cf Bug #574287 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 574287 in tasksel (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "tasksel uninstalled my system! (affects: 4) (dups: 1) (heat: 28)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/574287 <penalvch> AbhijiT: Regarding bug 610131 the OP may want to get Facebook involved on this one -> http://bugs.developers.facebook.net/ <ubot4> Launchpad bug 610131 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Facebook contacts cannot be added to groups (affects: 7) (dups: 1) (heat: 55)" [Low,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/610131 <AbhijiT> penalvch, thanks <mrevell> Hello. Would any of you good people like to take part in a 20 - 30 minute call with me to chat about the Launchpad team's proposed changes to bug subscriptions? <BUGabundo> anyone think they can help me? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/716136 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 716136 in notify-osd (Ubuntu) "getting old ballons for notifications (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] <penalvch> BUGabundo: Hey I took a look at 716136, it would be helpful if a screenshot of what old balloon is being presented, and a description of ones expectations as how it should have looked. <penalvch> bug 716136 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 716136 in notify-osd (Ubuntu) "getting old ballons for notifications (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/716136 <BUGabundo> penalvch: there's a screenshot <penalvch> nof.png is the old balloon? <BUGabundo> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/716136/+attachment/1840568/+files/nof.png <BUGabundo> yeah <ubot4> Launchpad bug 716136 in notify-osd (Ubuntu) "getting old ballons for notifications (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] <BUGabundo> and not new ones we had (have?) in natty <BUGabundo> and last few cycles <seb128> BUGabundo, do you use gdm? <seb128> BUGabundo, what is your GDMSESSION environment set to? <BUGabundo> seb128: I do <BUGabundo> declare -x GDMSESSION="gnome-classic" <seb128> that's the issue <BUGabundo> don't we support Classic Desktop ? <BUGabundo> just unity ? <seb128> the notify-osd service has not been updating for the new session <BUGabundo> buuuuuuu <seb128> nobody noticed before because it's only relying on the logic if you have both notify-osd and notification-daemon installed <BUGabundo> I do <seb128> which means only for people who install notification-daemon for some reason <BUGabundo> tried removing nofication-dameon <seb128> i.e not in the default installation <BUGabundo> but didn't fix it <BUGabundo> just got popups <seb128> well remove it and stop notification-daemon <seb128> or restart your session <BUGabundo> ok <BUGabundo> let me try <BUGabundo> seb128: done <seb128> BUGabundo, work better? <BUGabundo> no <seb128> wierd <seb128> can you ps ax | grep notifi <BUGabundo> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/112892/pop.png <BUGabundo> 1772 ? Sl 0:00 /usr/lib/gnome-panel/notification-area-applet <seb128> is notify-osd installed? <seb128> can you run it manually? <BUGabundo> should be <BUGabundo> 1000 29284 0.3 0.3 312136 13968 ? Sl 22:41 0:00 /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd <BUGabundo> seb128: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/112892/send.png <seb128> BUGabundo, do it work for multimedia keys? <seb128> or using notify-send <seb128> ok <BUGabundo> that's a notify send test <seb128> so seems it's working <BUGabundo> yes <seb128> did you have to run it manually? <BUGabundo> yes <BUGabundo> but pidgin is still sending popups <BUGabundo> let me try gwibber <seb128> BUGabundo, do you have pidgin-libnotify installed? <BUGabundo> ii pidgin-libnotify 0.14-4ubuntu3 display notification bubbles in pidgin <BUGabundo> purgin <seb128> weird <seb128> the popup suggest you are getting notifications with actions <BUGabundo> correct <seb128> which piding should not do in ubuntu <BUGabundo> correct again <BUGabundo> but I have PPA version <seb128> oh <seb128> well, could be that then <BUGabundo> $ apt-cache policy pidgin | pastebinit <BUGabundo> http://paste.ubuntu.com/565201/ <BUGabundo> *** 1:2.7.9-1ubuntu2 0 <BUGabundo> 500 mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/ natty/main amd64 Packages <BUGabundo> but its natty version installed <BUGabundo> seb128: let me restart pidgin <BUGabundo> could be locked into old daemon <BUGabundo> ping <BUGabundo> someone please ping me! thanks <micahg> !ping | BUGabundo <ubot4> BUGabundo: ping-pong, a fun game for all the family <BUGabundo> seb128: seems to be working <seb128> BUGabundo, ok, great #ubuntu-bugs 2011-02-10 <blackmoon105> is possible to report a bug for "ubuntu-wine" ppa package? i can only report a bug for official wine version... <yofel_> blackmoon105: not as long as the ppa package doesn't ship it's own apport configuration, you should ask the ppa maintainers how they prefer to get bug reports <blackmoon105> yofel: ok, thanks <evfool> hi all <AbhijiT> hi <reginaldo172> ola <reginaldo172> bom dia gente <hggdh> huh? <rork> spanish (I think) <AbhijiT> :D <hggdh> no, Portuguese, and probably from Brazil <persia> friendly though :) <hggdh> indeed, very. (Hello, good morning people) <rork> :) <leighman> what's the deal with libreoffice tasks on triaged openoffice bugs such as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/695898 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 695898 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Impress not honoring font size from MS PowerPoint 2007 file (affects: 3) (heat: 14)" [Low,Triaged] <hggdh> leighman: if they apply to lireoffice also, please open a task on it <leighman> and just leave it as new? <leighman> as far as I know libreoffice is still aiming to fix bugs in ooo bug tracker ? <hggdh> if you reproduced it on libreoffice, it can go to triaged <micahg> leighman: it's more about what we need to fix/worry about, we've dropped the openoffice source package from the dev release, so only SRU tasks will apply to that source, anything else that applies should be transitioned to the libreoffice source by adding a task, I would think if it's triaged on oo.o, it should be triaged on lo <leighman> and things which are reported against oo3.2 but I can't reproduce in lo3.3? <persia> If triaged, it ought get reproduced before the new task is added. <leighman> and things which are reported against oo3.2 but I can't reproduce in lo3.3? just a comment to this effect? <hggdh> yes, add a comment it cannot be reproduced on lo3.3; it may still be meat for a SRU on oo3.2 <bdmurray> leighman: yes, that'd be great. maybe it should go in the description so it doesnt get buried in the middle of other comments? <shankhs> Hi , I found the bug 695826 repeating itself in LibreOffice but the workarounds given does not work <ubot4> Launchpad bug 695826 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) ""Enable natural sort" undefined in help (affects: 1) (heat: 101)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/695826 <shankhs> but there is "natural sort algorithm" in the help <shankhs> I am new so what should I do now change the bug status to New->Confirmed ? <bdmurray> shankhs: well, you confirmed it in LibreOffice not OpenOffice right? <shankhs> bdmurray: right <bdmurray> shankhs: so you want to indicate that it also affects LibreOffice by clicking "Also affects distribution" <bdmurray> then choosing Ubuntu and the LibreOffice package <shankhs> bdmurray: ok, but I cant change the status of the bug? when I installed libreoffice somehow OO uninstalled, I dont know why ! so at present cant check in OO :( <bdmurray> shankhs: that's fine testing it in LO is a big help! <bdmurray> shankhs: you could set the libreoffice task to confirmed and maybe indicate that the workaround only works for OO <shankhs> bdmurray: thanks <bdmurray> shankhs: do you have an opinion on how important the bug is too? I'd be happy to set it for you. <leighman> how should I deal with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/477698 ? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 477698 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) "oowriter fail to export to XHTML a document containing <?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8"?> (affects: 1) (heat: 7)" [Undecided,Confirmed] <leighman> just leave it since it's an issue in Karmic -- seems it was fixed in oo3.2 <micahg> leighman: well, if it's a confirmed issue in a previous release and fixed in a later release, the main task is marked fix released with a note which version it was fixed in, then it needs to be ascertained if it's SRU worthy and if so, open a task for the affected releases <micahg> leighman: and since it's only one person here, it's not considered confirmed <shankhs> bdmurray: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=26565 says the priority of bug 695826 to be P3 i.e. non-trivial problems which probably affect a noticeable number of users. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 695826 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) ""Enable natural sort" undefined in help (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/695826 <ubot4> OpenOffice.org bug 26565 in Spreadsheet "Natural Sort Option in Sort Dialog" [Patch,New: ] <micahg> shankhs: upstream priority != Ubuntu priority <micahg> !importance | shankhs <ubot4> shankhs: You can learn about setting bug importance at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance <shankhs> micahg: ok, thanks <shankhs> bdmurray: micahg : After reading the wiki I would say the priority to be medium as it limits the user's accessibility to use "Natural sort option" <leighman> micahg: seems the guy himself confirmed it <leighman> micahg: I can confirm it on oo3.2 but works in lo3.3 - advice? <bdmurray> shankhs: okay, importance set. Thanks again for helping out <micahg> leighman: right, policy is one cannot confirm ones own bugs <micahg> leighman: so, mark fix released and say which version you see it fixed in, which release is it failing for you on? <shankhs> bdmurray: thanks <leighman> micahg: I see it in OO 3.2.0 Lucid, he says it's fixed in 3.2.1 from OO.o website and it's fixed for me in LibO 3.3 <shankhs> How to deal with bugs like bug 642577 where no info to reproduce is given? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 642577 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) "Menu text in OpenOffice are obscured in Maverick (affects: 1) (heat: 25)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/642577 <bdmurray> shankhs: if you look at when it was reported and compare that to maverick's release date you'll notice this was before the final release <bdmurray> shankhs: so its worth asking them if they are still having the issue with the final release of Maverick or Natty and if so getting some more information regarding their environment <shankhs> bdmurray: ok thanks <bdmurray> its likely that it was a graphics issue <shankhs> bdmurray: shouldnt the status be incomplete instead of new? <bdmurray> shankhs: yes, that's right <shankhs> Thanks guys , it was fun, its past midnight and I am off to bed, I hope to continue the good (and fun) work :) good night <bdmurray> shankhs: have a good one! hope to see you again <micahg> leighman: are you running lucid? <leighman> micahg: running Maverick here with LibO but have a stock Lucid install on a PC <micahg> leighman: ah, yeah, I'm running maverick w/LibO as well <leighman> also have a lucid with libo netbook if that's what you're after :P <micahg> leighman: no, I was hoping for Maverick with oo.o :) <leighman> ah, yes <leighman> that makes more sense :P <bdmurray> testdrive it ;-) <leighman> there's https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/500394 as well -- who decides if something is SRU worthy? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 500394 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "OpenOffice Writer crashes when saving document with embedded diagram as MS Word 97/2000/XP (.doc) format (affects: 4) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] <micahg> leighman: if you believe it meets these guidelines, it can be proposed for an update: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates <trinikrono> hello bugsquad is there a hugday today? <micahg> trinikrono: yes <trinikrono> micahg: any news with the packaging bugs? <micahg> trinikrono: no, I keep forgetting, I should send a mail to the derivatives list <penalvch> In regards to my private libreoffice bug 716598 it seems the stack trace failed. I'm looking to avoid it being arbitrarily invalidated (again) by attaching the appropriate debug info, one thing noticed is that libreoffice-dbg was not installed during the apport. Suggestions? <ubot4> penalvch: Bug 716598 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/716598 is private <penalvch> One thing noticed that may be helpful is opensuse's examples on performing libreoffice strace/backtrace/valgrind -> http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Bugreport_LO <charlie-tca> penalvch: can you reproduce the bug anytime? <penalvch> charlie-tca: Anytime and everytime ;) <charlie-tca> do any other documents crash it or just that one? <charlie-tca> penalvch: do any other documents cause it to crash or just that one? <penalvch> charlie-tca: Regarding this particular problem & crash it seems document dependent to this document. However, I can crash libreoffice fairly consistently for different reasons on other documents (another issue for another bug :) <charlie-tca> much harder to pin down if only one document crashes it. <penalvch> charlie-tca: Well I'm here to help sort it out. As well, the original bug that prompted this issue was when I was trying to reproduce bug 682490 <charlie-tca> each reason needs a different bug, since it usually needs a different fix, too. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 682490 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) "oo.org crashes on file previosly saved by this version of oo.org (affects: 1) (heat: 50)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/682490 <charlie-tca> booting my ubuntu, let's see if I can confirm the first bug here <penalvch> charlie-tca: I'm goin to make it sooo easy for you, in Natty, at the terminal drop in: cd ~/Desktop && wget https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/682490/+attachment/1748216/+files/BARD_4558_csp_support_to_public_activists_2010.odt && lowriter -nologo BARD_4558_csp_support_to_public_activists_2010.odt <ubot4> Launchpad bug 682490 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) "oo.org crashes on file previosly saved by this version of oo.org (affects: 1) (heat: 50)" [Undecided,New] <charlie-tca> it's not quite that fast. I have to first get natty up on one of my computers <charlie-tca> so now my question is, what happens if the document is downloaded, then loaded into libreoffice? <penalvch> charlie-tca: If it crashes, please confirm the bug. If not, we can take it from there. <charlie-tca> okay <penalvch> charlie-tca: I do have to step away for a few hours. I'll stay logged into chat, please feel free to post your results/thoughts/suggestions and I'll read them when I get back. <charlie-tca> yup <charlie-tca> Otherwise, just check the bug report. I will comment there if I get natty running <bdmurray> hggdh: Do you recall what wiki pages need updating regarding regression- tags? <hggdh> bdmurray: I thought I had changed them all already -- but I do not remember off the top of my empty head, which ones I changed <bdmurray> hggdh: okay, well the 2 I found looked changed to me ;-) <hggdh> heh <leighman> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/537433 is fixed in Libreoffice master <ubot4> Launchpad bug 537433 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[upstream] Writer Styles List sorts by number not style proper order (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Triaged] <leighman> should I add an upstream bug link or just stick with a comment? <micahg> leighman: upstream bug link would be great <persia> Add an upstream bug link (Also affects project), and LP should be able to determine it'S fixed from the upstream tracker. <charlie-tca> penalvch: confirmed the bug #ubuntu-bugs 2011-02-11 <Rcart> Hello. I'm reading the bug 716782 and wanna assign the package to it. The output looks like belongs to dpkg. If someone knows similar ouputs I'd like to confirm me if I'm wrong. Or should I request the reporter for more information and set the bug as incomplete? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 716782 in ubuntu "Can't install anything (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/716782 <charlie-tca> Rcart: to really know what is happening, we need some log files. /var/log/dpkg.log and /var/log/dmesg would be good to start with <charlie-tca> The reporter can try the procedure listed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingInstallationIssues#Corrupted%20package%20archive to attempt to clear things. <persia> We have enough <charlie-tca> However, we don't really know what is broken with out the logs and what was installed to break the system. <persia> look at the description starting from "Errors were encountered" <persia> What we don't have is any package named "avgflx", which is the package with the problem. <persia> Err, avg85flx <persia> The specific error is that avg85flx.postinst is failing to check for an existing link in /etc/init.d/avgd before creating it (and should probably be transitioned to use dh_installinit anyway). <persia> But since this package isn't in our repos (unless I'm missing something), it's outside of our control. <chilicuil> I'd request to install another package, it doesn't seem to be a dpkg error to me <persia> Change to a support question: suggest the user disable third-party repositories and try to upgrade again. <persia> If that doesn't work, remove avg85flx, and try again. <charlie-tca> agreed <persia> Oh, just in case it wasn't obvious from the above: libboost-iostreams is an innocent victim here. <charlie-tca> thanks for that one. I wondered about it <persia> When dpkg can't install stuff, it leaves the DB in a half-configured state, and then tries to complete it when anything happens. <persia> (hoping that whatever you just did will fix the problem) <charlie-tca> yup, and one broken package leads to a lot of errors, sometimes <persia> So, when the avg85flx upgrade failed, it retries it for every dpkg operation. Since it keeps failing... * charlie-tca hopes someday to know at least half of persia's knowledge <persia> I'm certain you have more knowledge than I, although I suspect it's not spread quite so thin <Rcart> Ok. Thanks for explanation. I'll change it right away. <charlie-tca> Rcart: thanks for helping with that bug <persia> Rcart, Good luck. Now that it's a support ticket, try to help the user out. If simple removal doesn't work, they may have to purge the avg85flx package. <Rcart> Sure, i'll keep tracking the bug and trying to help the user. Thank you for helping. <hggdh-cel> hum <charlie-tca> huh? <charlie-tca> or should it be <charlie-tca> ho <hggdh-cel> testing new toy :-) <charlie-tca> thinking about throwing mine out. It is too small to see good, and hard to hear, too. <hggdh-cel> well, there are the new pads coming out <hggdh-cel> but that's <hggdh-cel> enough.. <hggdh> can be used on emergencies, but this is pretty much it <charlie-tca> heh, at least it worked <charlie-tca> bug filed against firefox 4.0b11 for not reading moinmoin markups right <charlie-tca> bug 716829 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 716829 in firefox (Ubuntu) "firefox 4.0b11 does not display MoinMoin markup correctly (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/716829 <micahg> can anyone check a mozvoikko on natty for me? <penalvch> charlie-tca: thank you for confirming. <leighman> anyone here running Maverick, LibO3.3, ecryptfs home partition and computer capable of hibernating who can test https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/579966 ? :P <ubot4> Launchpad bug 579966 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) "OpenOffice crashes with high frequency (affects: 7) (heat: 50)" [Undecided,Confirmed] <charlie-tca> chrisccoulson: thank you for fixing the wiki. I did not intend to take up your time for a broken page. <chrisccoulson> charlie-tca, heh, that's ok ;) <trinikrono> good morning bugsquaders <penalvch> Regarding https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/579966 this is caused by the same bug title soffice.bin crashed with SIGSEGV in cppu::throwException() I have a libreoffice-calc ppa crash log that demo's this problem. There are ~8 dups (older & newer) same problem. Seems we should group them all to one metabug? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 579966 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) "OpenOffice crashes with high frequency (affects: 8) (dups: 2) (heat: 72)" [Undecided,Confirmed] <penalvch> This is the launchpad advanced search that shows the public ones for me -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bugs?field.searchtext=throwException&orderby=-importance&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=OPINION&field.status%3Alist=INVALID&field.status%3Alist=WONTFIX&field.status%3Alist=EXPIRED&field.statu <penalvch> s%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.status%3Alist=FIXRELEASED&field.importance%3Alist=UNKNOWN&field.importance%3Alist=CRITICAL&field.importance%3Alist=HIGH&field.importance%3Alist=MEDIUM&field.importance%3Alist=LOW&field.importance%3Alist=WISHLIST&field.importance%3Alist=UNDECIDED&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_s <penalvch> upervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.tag=&field.tags_combinator=ANY&field.status_upstream=pending_bugwatch&field.status_upstream=hide_upstream&field.status_upstream=resolved_upstream&field.status_upstream=open_upstream&field.status_upstream-empty-marker=1&field.has_cve.used=&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.affects_me.used=&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_branches.used=&field.has_branches=on&field.has_no_branche <penalvch> s.used=&field.has_no_branches=on&field.has_blueprints.used=&field.has_blueprints=on&field.has_no_blueprints.used=&field.has_no_blueprints=on&search=Search <Pici> Er... <penalvch> yeah sorry for the flood... <yofel> penalvch: IRC has a character limit for each line you can write, use a url shortener for long links <penalvch> yofel: np will do in the future <trinikrono> micahg: ping :D <simar> vish, hi <simar> vish, can i pm you.. <trinikrono> where to file bugs about ubuntu website? <charlie-tca> trinikrono: canonical-isd-web <trinikrono> charlie-tca: i just found a project named ubuntu-website in launchpad <trinikrono> its a invalid torrent link <charlie-tca> The ones I reported the ubuntu-website were changed to canonical-isd-web <trinikrono> o.o <charlie-tca> but, I think either one is fine. <trinikrono> charlie-tca: well it looks like it wont let me set it too confirmed under ubuntu-website <charlie-tca> you can't confirm it. <charlie-tca> You can only report it, there is a separate team that can triage those bugs. <charlie-tca> You can comment that you have the same bug, too <trinikrono> well its there now so one less bug to worry about, bug 710302 btw <ubot4> Launchpad bug 710302 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "Invalid torrent-link to 10.04.1 Netbook Edition (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/710302 <trinikrono> i was just doing the 5 a day and was look at no package bugs <charlie-tca> yeah, it can go against ubuntu-website, but the website team has to confirm them <trinikrono> charlie-tca: should i close the bug against the ubuntu package itself? <trinikrono> and just leave the ubuntu-website one <charlie-tca> looking <charlie-tca> yup <trinikrono> i would like to do that and remove all those tags <charlie-tca> just mark it invalid <charlie-tca> and comment why <trinikrono> roger <charlie-tca> yeah, people just add tags. Removing them is usually fine, too <trinikrono> where would someone set a wishlist item against apt-add-repository ? <trinikrono> its bug 716438 <bdmurray> dpkg -S apt-add-repository <ubot4> Launchpad bug 716438 in ubuntu "add-apt-repository should have option to use port 80 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/716438 <bdmurray> that'll tell you <trinikrono> thanks bdmurray <trinikrono> also should this be set as wishlist? <bdmurray> trinikrono: I'm not sure about wishlist. hggdh? <trinikrono> bug 716438 for reference :D <ubot4> Launchpad bug 716438 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "add-apt-repository should have option to use port 80 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/716438 <hggdh> looking <bdmurray> well this is interesting <bdmurray> apt-get changelog python-software-properties <hggdh> bdmurray: it makes sense -- when you are under a corporate firewall, they usually allow 80 and 443, but not unknown ports <bdmurray> hggdh: right so I was thinking more than wishlist <hggdh> bdmurray: oh -- bug? Yeah, I bite <hggdh> this changelog is cool indeed <bdmurray> so the first entry seems to indicate it is likely fixed <bdmurray> and mentions bug 615788 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 615788 in ubuntu-website (and 2 other projects) "gpg should use port 443 by default in order to work from behind firewalls (affects: 4) (heat: 15)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/615788 <bdmurray> well I guess it is only for ppas <hggdh> sounds like it, yes <trinikrono> is apt-get changelog a command? <hggdh> and I really do not see why it should default to 443 <hggdh> trinikrono: yes, an option for apt-get <bdmurray> that might be new in natty though <bdmurray> aptitude changelog does the same thing I'm pretty sure <hggdh> perhaps open a task for the other releases -- lucid sounds a candidate <hggdh> ? <hggdh> the OP might have added the UBuntu version :-( <trinikrono> aptitude changelog works for me <trinikrono> not apt-get changelog <yofel> apt-get changelog was added to natty as we don't ship changelogs in the packages anymore <yofel> or not the full ones.. <bdmurray> I'm not sure the fix, port 80 for ppas, fixes all 3 of those bugs as described though <trinikrono> okie <hggdh> but it is worth to add a reference to 615788 <trinikrono> well thanks guys im off now <lamalex> hey guys I have a question about triaged vs confirmed <lamalex> i dont really understand when to use one or the other <lamalex> is triaged really just an intermediate "this bug is in the right place" status? <lamalex> to get them out of the NEW queue? <yofel> triaged: but is confirmed and has enough information for a developer to fix it - confirmed: other people have the same issue, but nobody checked if there's enough info on the bug yet <yofel> see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status <lamalex> ah nice <lamalex> thanks yofel #ubuntu-bugs 2011-02-12 <MoLE_> bug 715438 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 715438 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "hermes-I wireless interface will not associate with open access point (affects: 23) (dups: 2) (heat: 64)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/715438 <MoLE_> How to progress to triaged? <persia> MoLE_, Your best bet is to continue the discussion with cyphermox about the issue. He's likely sleeping now, but will probably get back to your last comment sometime in the next few days. <MoLE_> ty persia <erkan^> Hello, i have a problem with install a upgrade for 10.04 to 10.10: <erkan^> An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade: <erkan^> E:Fout, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve maakte scheidingen aan, dit kan veroorzaakt worden door vastgehouden pakketten. <gaurav_pawaskar> Hi all, This is Gaurav. I have newly joined Ubuntu team and I want to contribute to Ubuntu. Can anyone mentor me through initial stage? <AbhijiT> gaurav_pawaskar, i know one person. but he is not online atm. i will first ask him if he want student. if yes then i will tell you <gaurav_pawaskar> Thanks AbhijitT. this is my launchpad profile : https://launchpad.net/~gaurav-pawaskar <AbhijiT> hmm <AbhijiT> om26er, ping <om26er> hi there AbhijiT you again changed your nick ? <AbhijiT> om26er, yah! <AbhijiT> om26er, there was one new member here asking for mentor. do you want student? <om26er> hmm, I have exams for two weeks, starting Monday <AbhijiT> oh okay! <AbhijiT> nvm! <AbhijiT> best luck for exams om26er :) <om26er> AbhijiT, I really need that. thanks ;) <AbhijiT> :) <AbhiJiT> !mentor | gaurav_pawaskar <ubot4> gaurav_pawaskar: Looking for a helping hand with bug triage? Read the wiki for information about requesting a bugsquad mentor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors <AbhiJiT> gaurav_pawaskar, i asked to my friend but he is not free these days. you apply at mentor page <gaurav_pawaskar> ok sure.. Thanks alot <trinikrono> can someone help me with bug 701060 im stuck with what to tell the reporter <ubot4> Launchpad bug 701060 in ubuntu "Boot failure (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/701060 <charlie-tca> it's a bug <charlie-tca> I think it has to do with the parallel boot processes. If the wrong process gets in front, it hangs the system and you have to reboot <charlie-tca> but I don't think that is a good answer for the reporter <trinikrono> charlie-tca: i still get the boot menu by pressing escape so i am not sure what to tell him <penguin42> that's been going on for ages <trinikrono> can i tell the reporter to copy the messages from dmesg or something? <charlie-tca> It doesn't matter if he gets the menu or not, it is still going to be an intermittent bug <trinikrono> as it only happens sometimes <trinikrono> :( <charlie-tca> You could confirm it as low priority, since it ain't gonna get fixed fast <charlie-tca> have him install bootchart and attach it to the bug next time it hangs <charlie-tca> you can also ask for /var/log/dmesg.1.log after it fails <charlie-tca> no, that should be /var/log/dmesg.0 instead <trinikrono> thanks charlie-tca ill go with the dmesg one <charlie-tca> okay <charlie-tca> That hang happens to most of us occasionally <trinikrono> charlie-tca: it should be a meta-bug then? <trinikrono> i still use hardy :D <charlie-tca> nope <charlie-tca> It is reported as several bugs already, I believe. <charlie-tca> It is just hard to pin down, because it is intermittent <trinikrono> charlie-tca: can you set importance to low for me <charlie-tca> done <trinikrono> i will also put a link to the bootchart thing you mentioned in the bug report <charlie-tca> That is a separate application that you can install. Sometimes it helps to track down boot issues * penguin42 wishes he could track down his bug 625395 I think it's lvm related <ubot4> Launchpad bug 625395 in linux (Ubuntu) "~30s boot pause (affects: 7) (heat: 32)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/625395 <penguin42> should probably turn lvm debug on again <charlie-tca> I am not so good with lvm. I gave it up a long time back <penguin42> oh it works great for me; I've just got this annoying boot time hang that started somewhere around maverick <penguin42> and keeps getting longer and longer <penguin42> I seem to remember the Maverick alphas had a blisteringly fast boot on here - but now I actually go away and do something else during the boot <charlie-tca> yeah, I have not seeen that "really fast boot" here <charlie-tca> Well, I marked that triaged too <penguin42> charlie-tca: The nasty thing which if it affects others is that during the pause the screen is fully blank with no sync (because plymouth hasn't started yet) so it looks like a solid crash - most people would give up by 30s <charlie-tca> I must be really stubborn, because I always figure if it didn't hang 5 minutes, it is working <penguin42> hehe <psusi> does anyone know where the upstream bug tracker for ntfs-3g is? <charlie-tca> Take a look at https://launchpad.net/ntfs-3g <charlie-tca> That should be the upstream <charlie-tca> psusi: in other words, the bugs are reported to launchpad, and tracked there under ubuntu <psusi> so there is no upstream? <Varc> Hello, charlie-tca <charlie-tca> upstream is the same as downstream, ubuntu is responsible for them <charlie-tca> You can forward them to Debian, it looks like <psusi> how is that? Ubuntu isn't the maintainer of the package as far as I can see... it seems that the original authors now have a company called tuxera <psusi> but I can't find a bug tracker on their web site <charlie-tca> Okay, so if tuxera does not have a bug tracker, they ain't gonna fix it <charlie-tca> either debian or ubuntu will be the fixer, which means you can forward them to Debian, if it is not ubuntu that broke it #ubuntu-bugs 2011-02-13 * penguin42 wonders where the convert to question thing lives <penguin42> ah - there <charlie-tca> top right <penguin42> bah, keep getting lp oops when I try it <charlie-tca> oh, yeah <charlie-tca> I got that too, finally gave up on it <penguin42> it's managed it - with a rather confusing set of 'i's on it 'This bug could not be converted into a question' directly above 'This bug report was converted into a question: question #145177' <charlie-tca> I am hoping it goes through, since everything else that does that actually happens, even if it oops <penguin42> 3rd time lucky <charlie-tca> Great. Maybe mine never converted then, since I gave up resending it <penguin42> I copied the text into a text editor on the 2nd try so I didn't have to retype it for a 3rd time <charlie-tca> I just looped over and over, and finally gave up <penguin42> bah, 503s from launchpadlibrarian now <penguin42> charlie-tca: Can you set bug 716927 to Low ? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 716927 in gnome-disk-utility (Ubuntu) "USB connection speed is reported as MB/s when it should be Mb/s (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/716927 <penguin42> actually, it's a dupe - let me tidy that up first <slicer> Hi. Can someone mark #714701 as a duplicate/depending on #714696 ? <vish> bug #714701 , bug #714696 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 714701 in mumble (Ubuntu) "Setting Keyboard Shortcut in mumble will not accept input (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/714701 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 714696 in libxi (Ubuntu) "Mumble Push to Talk does not work on Natty (affects: 1) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/714696 <vish> slicer: if you feel it is a dup, you can mark it yourself(anyone can).. click on the "Mark as Duplicate" on the top right <vish> and enter the bug number in the pop-up <slicer> vish: I must be blind. Thanks :) <vish> np.. :) <vish> slicer: seems you know about mumble? (and are the upstream author?) you can ask join bugcontrol too, to set bug importance of the bugs or close bugs as wontfix <vish> slicer: if you are interested in triaging the bugs in ubuntu, you need to contact jcastro with your info and he'll add you to bug control <vish> !bugcontrol <ubot4> Factoid 'bugcontrol' not found <slicer> vish: I was in bugcontrol for a long time, but my membership expired while I was on vacation. Seeing as I really did more requests for renewing the membership than actually marking things as wontfix, I'm not sure it makes sense to reapply :) <vish> cool! :) <slicer> And yes, I'm the mumble upstream. <vish> slicer: neat! well, its not for wontfix alone , but being upstream and being active triaging in Ubuntu, bugcontrol membership is something that is good to have, (not to overlook the fact that upstream is active in lp triage) if the renewal is something that is being a bother, then we can probably have the membership period longer or check the policy regarding that.. <slicer> vish: That would be a big help. I think it's 6 months or so now? <vish> slicer: it starts with a shorter period initially, and once the member has been active then the period gets longer <vish> its initially 3m, then 6m and then 1 yr i think or maybe 3m » 1yr <slicer> Aha. I haven't really been that active, so that would probably explain it :) <vish> :) <slicer> I'll have a look tomorrow and see if I can find that expiry mail again and reapply. <slicer> Need some sleep first though. Thanks for the info :) <vish> slicer: awesome! :) <vish> np.. <nigelb> vish: hey, is shanefagan on IRC? <nigelb> err, what's his nick <vish> fagan <nigelb> thanks <nigelb> darn, not online. <shankhs> Hi , the bug 642577 is no longer reproducible, should the status be changed to invalid? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 642577 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) "Menu text in OpenOffice are obscured in Maverick (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/642577 * penguin42 looks <penguin42> shankhs: I'm not sure; I'd mark it as fixed released but with a comment saying that you're not sure when - if it still breaks on Lucid and lucid is lts is OOo included in the long term support? <shankhs> penguin42: OOo is in Lucid so I am going to change the status to "Fix Released" with comment that "Not sure when - not sure if it still an issue in Lucid". Will that be fine? I am new so confirming , trying not to give any misinformation. <penguin42> yeh I'm not sure what the right thing to do is in that situation <shankhs> penguin42: thanks <shankhs> I will go ahead and make those changes , if somebody finds it not right they can correct it anytime right? <penguin42> yeh <charlie-tca> I sometimes use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Fixed%20in%20Development%20release%20while%20still%20existing%20in%20a%20previous%20release , modifying it to Ubuntu 10.10 instead of natty, in these cases <charlie-tca> We can do a backport or sru to LTS releases <penguin42> oh yeh that's kind of a useful response <shankhs> ok should I copy paste the comments from wiki? <shankhs> with changes to maverick <charlie-tca> yup, that is a good way to do it <shankhs> Can I delete the comment in the bug page? <charlie-tca> if you already applied it, you can not delete <charlie-tca> You can simply say add the new comment <shankhs> penguin42: charlie-tca : Done, thanks guys <vish> charlie-tca: i dont think shankhs has confirmed that the bug is fixed <vish> shankhs: has the bug been fixed? or are you just closing OOo bugs? <charlie-tca> vish: he said it is no longer reproducable in Maverick <shankhs> yeh <charlie-tca> I read that as fixed in maverick * vish couldnt find that in the scrollback.. or maybe i -re-joined late * charlie-tca hates when he does that <vish> shankhs: afaik, OOo in lucid and maverick hasnt changed a lot.. let me check the versions just to be sure.. <penguin42> vish: But it might be a graphics driverism rather than OOo <vish> penguin42: i seem to have missed part of the conversation.. i only have from " <shankhs> penguin42: OOo is in Lucid .." but timestamp says i had rejoined 10mins.. so i may have missed something :) <vish> 10mins earlier* <penguin42> vish: Original bug was some issue with OOo on Lucid misrendering something; it's apparently working in Maverick; the fact that OOo hasnt' changed much doesn't mean that whatever underlying thing that caused the error might have changed <vish> penguin42: ah! cool.. thanks :) * vish wanders off and lets folks do their work.. ;) lalala lalaaa <shankhs> I worked on some of the bugs of LO and OOo and I would love to continue to work for the LO and OOo package to know it better. So what should I do next? Please advice. Thank you <charlie-tca> take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20110210 <charlie-tca> it gives a few that can use help <shankhs> charlie-tca: thanks <charlie-tca> You are welcome #ubuntu-bugs 2012-02-06 <krnekhelesh> jtaylor, thanks I have marked it incomplete and also asked for more information. <yofel> krnekhelesh: you have the permissions to set a bug to everything except Triaged and Won't Fix - those are only for members of Ubuntu Bug Control <krnekhelesh> oh ok <yofel> if you're done with triaging a bug ask here and someone will mark it triaged and set the importance you want <yofel> make sure you've read the triage guide <krnekhelesh> yeah I read it <krnekhelesh> a bug should be confirmed before it can be triaged and then set the importance <krnekhelesh> I kinda get it <yofel> requirement for triaged is that it should have all information that's needed to fix it (in general) or is forwarded to the upstream bug tracker <yofel> there's also seperate wiki pages for the Status and Importance <krnekhelesh> also when is the next bug squad meeting? <krnekhelesh> and where can I see the date and time for the meeting? <yofel> 8th, you can see that at the top of any bugsquad wiki page and the channel topic <yofel> except that the topic is wrong right now.. <krnekhelesh> i wondered <krnekhelesh> thanks for answering my questions..bye <yofel> cu <MxxCon> yofel: thanx for fixing b43-fwcutter package <MxxCon> b43legacy-installer now installed w/o errors <MxxCon> (but wifi card still doesn't work) <MxxCon> however i took b43 (not legacy) firmware from backtrack 10.04, copied it into /lib/firwmare/ and now my wifi works <MxxCon> it seems like b43-installer is the correct package for my system but it does not properly detect my card <ianliu> I've reported this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/927312 but I don't know which package causes it. I guess the problem lies in Ubuntu Ambience Theme package, but I'm not quite sure. Can someone help improve the bug? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 927312 in ubuntu "Popup menu's theme are inconsistent (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] <XSpiritusX> hello? <XSpiritusX> how can I help with ubuntu bugs? <eQuiNoX__> hey everyone <eQuiNoX__> are there no bugs reported related to ubuntu drivers? https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-drivers <eQuiNoX__> seems that way cool * eQuiNoX__ checks out dbus related bugs nexty <eQuiNoX__> next* <brendand> anyone else see that the Ctrl+W view in Unity shows two of each window in Precise? <brendand> actually, not there but in the Alt+` switcher <bdmurray> mvo: about? <mvo> bdmurray: yes, but not for very much longer (10-15min or so) <bdmurray> mvo: I was trying to using apt-clone to test a dist upgrade from lucid->precise and received a segfault in apt-clone when using 'apt-clone restore' <bdmurray> Feb 3 15:04:46 ubuntu kernel: [79727.221944] apt-clone[1396]: segfault at 8 ip 00007fd41305064f sp 00007fff320fa6f0 error 4 in libapt-pkg-libc6.10-6.so.4.8.0[7fd41300f000+c6000] <bdmurray> mvo: so I'm wondering if there is something I can do to continue with the test <mvo> bdmurray: *urgh* did that generate a proper crashfile to get a good backtrace? <bdmurray> mvo: no, but I could enable apport and get one <mvo> bdmurray: that would be great <mvo> bdmurray: could you mail me the details once its done? I gtg now <marw> hello. how do i add additional logs to the bug report in launchpad? <jtaylor> apport-collect bugnumber <jtaylor> if its your bug <marw> i've already done that and the bug is submitted. however, more logs are asked of me. should i copy/paste them into comments? <jtaylor> under the comment box there is a "add attachement" link <krnekhelesh> marw, you could also add them as attachments <marw> ok, i've been silly. i did look for "attachment", and now i finally see the link... after two days ridin' towards the end of the page... <alquery> Can someone mark these dbus bugs as triaged: 528188 738283 755801 822973 867417 <alquery> all SIGSEGV's with stacktraces, I believe that's enough info <alquery> please correct me if I'm wrong <Mobidoy> I am learning Java at school and want some real stuff to sharpen my skills. I am having a hard time finding Java bitesize, could anyone help me out ? #ubuntu-bugs 2012-02-07 <txomon_> hi, can anyone have a look into bug 928193 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 928193 in ns2 (Ubuntu) "ns2/nam error with tcl8.4, doesn't recognise (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/928193 <txomon_> I am not very sure if it is about ns2,... but yes it involves somehow it <txomon> so anyone... ? <dlentz> so ns2 is giving an error about tcl8.4, but the package depends on 8.5? odd <txomon> I think I was misunderstood, I meant that It depends on 8.4, and although I have it installed, doesn't recognise the 8.4 and says I just have 8.5 <dlentz> If anyone's using precise/12.04, can you check to see if python-dirspec package is installed by default? <dlentz> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox-ubuntuone/+bug/928317 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 928317 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone (Ubuntu) "Rhythmbox-UbuntuOne Plugin Crashes (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] <krnekhelesh> Hi, I have a question <krnekhelesh> A user reported a bug and I tried reproducing it but couldn't...I asked for more information and marked it incomplete <krnekhelesh> he reported then that the bug is fixed in 12.04 but is still present in 11.10 <krnekhelesh> what should I set the status of the bug? <krnekhelesh> should i set it to Fix Released or Confirmed? <s9iper1> krnekhelesh:bug number plz <dlentz> krnekhelesh, it should be marked fix released <krnekhelesh> s9iper1, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/927736 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 927736 in unity "Unity freezes when dragging images in the web browsers (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] <krnekhelesh> I have marked the bug as fix released <krnekhelesh> thank u dlentz <krnekhelesh> s9iper1, I have provided the bug report link <s9iper1> ok <s9iper1> s9iper1: looking <s9iper1> om26er: <s9iper1> ping <s9iper1> ping <s9iper1> its yours <s9iper1> unity <om26er> say what ?? <om26er> aha <s9iper1> https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/927736 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 927736 in unity "Unity freezes when dragging images in the web browsers (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Fix released] <s9iper1> is its status would be fix released or invalid ..in this case krnekhelesh is asking <s9iper1> i guess you done well krnekhelesh; <krnekhelesh> thnx <s9iper1> np <s9iper1> i see the history somebody has already answered you <krnekhelesh> yeah, well more opinions the better <krnekhelesh> https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/928339 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 928339 in unity "'alt+tab' menu has a 1.5 sec of latency (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] <krnekhelesh> does anybody here feel that the alt-tab takes more time to appear? <krnekhelesh> there is a bug report about this in the link i provided <krnekhelesh> s9iper1 or om26er <s9iper1> ? <krnekhelesh> https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/928339 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 928339 in unity "'alt+tab' menu has a 1.5 sec of latency (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] <krnekhelesh> could u check out this bug report <krnekhelesh> do you have a 1.5 sec lag? <s9iper1> here working fine <krnekhelesh> so it is a problem on his comp? <s9iper1> i cant guess or say anything i suggest you talk with somebody in ubuntu-unity channel..i have not to much experience with unity . <krnekhelesh> oh ok <krnekhelesh> thnx anyway for checking it out <s9iper1> np <||cw> I have a bug I'm not sure what package to assign to. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/928401 the guide says "the kernel" but the link in the guide does not link to any anchors on the page. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 928401 in ubuntu "Cannot boot Oneric installation disk on eBox 3300 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] <||cw> if I put "kernel" in the search, it says too many packages. I don't seem to be able to put anything in there that doens't say too many or no results. <||cw> so, what's the magic keyword for "the kernel" on oneric <yofel> ||cw: kernel bugs are against the "linux" package <||cw> k, expected search to list something, "linux" is too many matches. I'll just leave it as linux * yofel wonders where that link was *supposed* to point... <txomon> hi, what means fix commited? <txomon> I would like to learn something about ubuntu packaging progress etc... any link? <txomon> I have read the one in the topic about helpingwithbugs, but don't know how accurate is the deffinition <dlentz> txomon, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status <txomon> dlentz, yes, I got there... <txomon> but don't fully understand the description to fix commited <txomon> is it pending to be uploaded or something like that? <yofel> txomon: depends a bit on the context, which bug? <txomon> yofel, bug 928193 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 928193 in nam (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "nam doesn't start on oneiric: Tcl version mismatch (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/928193 <yofel> that's an SRU - there it means the package was uploaded to oneiric-proposed and is ready for testing <yofel> !sru <ubot4> Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates <txomon> yofel, so it would have to be available by activating proposed, shouldn't it? <yofel> Fix committed isn't really used usually besides for things like this <txomon> yofel, so, how can I access to that fixed version? <yofel> hm <yofel> here the procedure doesn't look right. Maybe he uploaded the package, but usually a bug is only fix committed once it has been accepted <yofel> which doesn't seem to be the case yet here <txomon> so... ? <yofel> wrong status on first glance <txomon> oki <yofel> someone in #ubuntu-motu might know whether something was actually uploaded <txomon> oki ty for the info yofel <micahg> txomon: yofel: it's in unapproved <yofel> k <yofel> thanks for checking <iceroot> can someone change the package to libc6 instead of the kernel? (i think libc6 is the correct package and not linux or usb-modeswitch) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/927954 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 927954 in linux (Ubuntu) "Mobile broadband device causes segfault when plugged in (segfault in libc6 when using usb-modeswitch) (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,Confirmed] <iceroot> or is that a kernel-issue? <iceroot> it was usb-modeswitch and already fixed in debian <iceroot> what are my possibilites to make this bug visible to the important ubuntu-people so we can fix this "fast"? <micahg> cyphermox: ^^ #ubuntu-bugs 2012-02-08 <cprofitt> hggdh: ping <hggdh> cprofitt: yessir? <cprofitt> change you met RedSingularity -- good guy from my loco that would like to help more with bugs <cprofitt> have you met I meant to say <hggdh> cprofitt: heh. I approved him to -control ;-) <hggdh> but never met in real-life <cprofitt> awesome <RedSingularity> hggdh: jsut wanted to know if i could bother you with some logs from time to time :) <RedSingularity> nothing major <hggdh> RedSingularity: yes, you can, of course. You will just have to join the queue ;-) <RedSingularity> lol <hggdh> :-) <hggdh> RedSingularity: seriously -- ping me when you need something (but not today, under a schedule right now) <RedSingularity> hggdh: will do. I just run across logs sometimes that I dont understand. <RedSingularity> hggdh: I dont know why i have never thought of bothering you about them.... <RedSingularity> you have nothing better to do ;) <hggdh> RedSingularity: I may also not understand them... but we can try together <hggdh> LOL <RedSingularity> :) <cancer> hey <cancer> is there anyone who can help me in fixing bugs in Ubuntu <cancer> I'm a B.Tech CSE student and wanna contribute to ubuntu <cancer> skill sets are C, C++, Java <eQuiNoX__> there is a lotta useful documentation out there - that'd be the place to start cancer <eQuiNoX__> have you looked at the ubuntu wiki? you'll find that pretty useful. it details how one should go about bugfixing <eQuiNoX__> check out the topic of this channel, documentation link <cancer> yeah . I'm reading that <cancer> but .. I wanna know what does it require to fix bugs ? like C or C++ or Python ?? which IDE should I use ? where to get those source code from ? <eQuiNoX__> i dont think you'll need an IDE. From what I've seen its mostly C, C++, python. <eQuiNoX__> Details about getting the source code etc can be found at the wiki <eQuiNoX__> also, join #ubuntu-classroom <eQuiNoX__> and read the logs of the previous logs of the sessions that have taken place. <cancer> ok I will do that. And I wanna participate in GSoC 2012 via Ubuntu <cancer> what should I do ? <cancer> I wanna contribute to Ubuntu forever <eQuiNoX__> Well, I'm not sure if Ubuntu'll apply for gsoc so cant help you out much, there. <cancer> I have seen there on wiki about GSoC 2012 . <cancer> they have displayed ideas page <cancer> it means they might apply for that <eQuiNoX__> Probably, maybe they have a channel for that, im not sure <eQuiNoX__> IRC channel i.e. <zzecool> #list <eQuiNoX__> hey guys, does the status "needed" for a (security)bug mean that its been triaged but is awaiting a patch? <eQuiNoX__> i tried looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/BugTriage ; but im not sure. would be glad if someone could clarify <eQuiNoX__> thanks in advance! <roignac> There is no such bug status in Launchpad - see https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/Statuses <roignac> however this might be an imported bug status from external bug - see https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/Statuses/External <eQuiNoX__> i saw it here => http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2011/CVE-2011-3618.html <ubot4> eQuiNoX__: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem. When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-3618) <eQuiNoX__> in anycase thanks roignac ! :) <roignac> well, that is not a 'bug status', but more like a 'fix required' status <eQuiNoX__> i see, thanks again <jdstrand> eQuiNoX__: needed in the CVE tracker means that it is confirmed as affecting Ubuntu, and requires a patch <jdstrand> eQuiNoX__: typically you will see needed, needs-triage, pending, not-affected and released <eQuiNoX__> ok cool, thanks a lot <brendand> anyone else see that the white text box in lightdm has become small and ugly? <krnekhelesh> brendand, yeah i have that problem too <krnekhelesh> actually it is not confined to lightdm, but to other application which have an input box <jibel> brendand, I do but there's an update of unity-greeter theming in light-themes I was waiting this update before filing a bug. <krnekhelesh> I am waiting for an update on light-themes <brendand> jibel, and it only affects if using the Light theme? Interesting <bdmurray> Bug Squad Meeting in about 10 minutes in #ubuntu-meeting <cancer> hey <cancer> is anyone out here ? <hggdh> thanks <cancer> hey there <cancer> I wanna start fixing bugs in Ubuntu <cancer> what should I do ? I went through all the documentation. <hggdh> cancer: welcome. Did you read the links on the topic? <cancer> but didn't find where to find the source code <cancer> ? <cancer> yup <hggdh> cancer: there is bug triage, and bug fixing <hggdh> this channel is for triage; for generic help on fixing, there is #ubuntu-motu, #ubuntu-packaging (and the specialised channels, like #ubuntu-desktop) <cancer> yeah .. bug triaging is sort of prioritising bugs .. bug fixing is checking for errors in source code <hggdh> sort of <cancer> I am very new to this .. so i think triaging will be new place to start with .. what do u say ? <cancer> I'm a B.Tech CSE student ..n my skill sets are C, C++, Java <hggdh> triaging is finding (1) if it is a real issue;(2) what is the probable source of the issue;(3) if all needed documentation is available <hggdh> the issue (if real) may not be code, but docs, etc <hggdh> oh yes, add to triaging (4) reproducing, and steps to reproduce <hggdh> if you are just interested in programming, this is really the wrong channel <cancer> ohhkk .. so where do u think I should start from if I'm interested in real bug fixing .. sort of coding <hggdh> although I cannot see a programmer that does not understand triaging also -- they do exist, but they are flawed, IMHO <cancer> oopsss <hggdh> cancer: the channels I pointed to above <cancer> thanks buddy .. :) <two|face> Is there a known bug with the network interface card Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5708 ? <two|face> I tried to install Ubuntu 11.10 on two Dell Poweredge 1950's today, both with the same card and the network connections do not work <two|face> I tested these cards using a Windows installation and a CentOS installation and both work fine. <two|face> In Ubuntu I tried to use DHCP and manual configuration, neither one worked. DHCP and the manual settings I used worked in CentOS / Windows respectively. * bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu Bug Squad - next meeting 02/15/12 | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu #ubuntu-bugs 2012-02-09 <zzecool> Hi guys can someone try to use his shortcuts keyboard keys to change the volume on precise ( try hold the button until mute and then until max ) <zzecool> before it was working nice , with yesterday updates it goes 3 steps and crash - lock there <brendand> zzecool - seems fine to me. it can be a problem with your specific keyboard/sound card <zzecool> Please check if you have the same bug and give it a + affects me https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/929421 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 929421 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Media key like volume up & volume down and other special keysstop working after latest precise update. (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] <marw> i'm trying to do this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Backtracing#Backtrace_with_gdb <marw> after entering "(gdb) cont" and crashing X, gdb is frosen and I can't do "(gdb) backtrace full" <seb128> marw, where did you run gdb? <seb128> somewhere in the X session? <marw> i logged in onto my laptop via ssh. was that ok? <marw> seb128: is this wat is needed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/835195/ <marw> should i attach it to the bug report? <seb128> marw, gdb shouldn't hang if it's run from another computer, that doesn't make sense <seb128> or it's not X which got frozen but the kernel,box <seb128> can you still ping your computer or open a new ssh to it? <marw> seb128: yes. i connected to it in another shh window and rebooted <seb128> doesn't make sense <seb128> gdb should still be active in your first ssh <marw> i'll try again. <marw> should i see "0xb78b5424 in __kernel_vsyscall ()" line after i run "(gdb) attach"? <seb128> marw, all in your log seems ok <seb128> Program received signal SIGBUS, Bus error. <seb128> 0xb7535731 in ?? () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 <seb128> (gdb) <seb128> but at this point you should still have keyboard control <seb128> and be able to type "bt" on the prompt <marw> seb128: you are right. i wil attach another log. <brendand> has anyone seen this weirdness on the launcher: http://ubuntuone.com/17yY2MC5KzMy2n77eqYqmy <brendand> so many duplicates <brendand> it doesn't even show them all. i have 3 firefox icons on there <duanedesign> DC"DDDDDDD|/14 <duanedesign> oops <two|face> Is there a known bug with the network interface card Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5708 ? <two|face> I tried to install Ubuntu 11.10 on two Dell Poweredge 1950's today, both with the same card and the network connections do not work <two|face> I tested these cards using a Windows installation and a CentOS installation and both work fine. <two|face> In Ubuntu I tried to use DHCP and manual configuration, neither one worked. DHCP and the manual settings I used worked in CentOS / Windows respectively. <Troopie> Hi <Troopie> I think #928721 bug is at "low" importance <seb128> marw, thanks for the stacktrace <seb128> marw, could you get one with xserver-xorg-video-intel-dbg installed? <seb128> marw, the current one lacks debug symbols <yt389> Am I right in thinking my bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/929244) should be filed against the kernel, since it seems a kernel driver issue? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 929244 in ubuntu "Cannot connect to wireless network in 12.04 Alpha 2 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] <marw> seb128, np. so, i need to install xserver-xorg-video-intel-dbg and do the same? <seb128> marw, yes, maybe libc6-dbg while you are at it <marw> so, install libc6-dbg do backtrace, then *intel-dbg and backtrace again? <seb128> marw, no, install both <seb128> and do a backtrace <seb128> gdb will read all the debug symbols it needs which are available <marw> ok, got it. i'll attach the log during this or following day. <Troopie> Launchpad bug 929244 in ubuntu "Cannot connect to wireless network in 12.04 Alpha 2 this is not exat same, but similar <ubot4> Launchpad bug 929244 in linux (Ubuntu) "Cannot connect to wireless network in 12.04 Alpha 2 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/929244 <Troopie> omg <Troopie> seb128, I assume your that bug allow password entry <seb128> Troopie, ? <Troopie> I have similar <Troopie> 928721 <seb128> bug #928721 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 928721 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "Nm-Applet closesed unexpectedly. Happens after selecting SSID from wlan list (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/928721 <seb128> Troopie, ok, what does has to do with me? <Troopie> heh nothing it was yt389 :/ <Troopie> sorry <EvilResistance> can anyone clear up why this was assigned to me? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/900620 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 900620 in php5 (Debian) (and 1 other project) "Possible Bug: php5-fpm does not listen on a socket by default (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Unknown,New] <EvilResistance> even though I *did* put up the patch... <bdmurray> Does anybody know where screenshots go now? I just took one and don't know where it is <jibel> bdmurray, here they go into $HOME/Pictures <s9iper1> bdmurray : the window which appear before not appearing <s9iper1> now <s9iper1> but the screenshot is taken and save to the target folder <s9iper1> yes exactly in default <bdmurray> jibel: thanks <jibel> bdmurray, you might be interested in bug 927952 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 927952 in gnome-screenshot (Ubuntu) "When I press the Print Screen button, it will not appear in "Save Screenshot" window. (affects: 13) (dups: 5) (heat: 82)" [Undecided,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/927952 <bdmurray> Opinion! <jibel> "opinion" is a wrong status IMO <jibel> gsettings is such a user friendly tool :( <bdmurray> jibel: I've made some modifications to the bug <bdmurray> thanks <jibel> bdmurray, on the same trend, I think bug 843268 needs some traction too and wishlist is not appropriate. It's a real problem in corporate environments. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 843268 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "gnome-control-center doesn't allow to specify proxy exceptions (affects: 13) (dups: 3) (heat: 55)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/843268 <kklimonda> bdmurray: I've commented on bug 893842 confirming it (and triaging) as I've had this bug since the clean precise install (clean being the problem here as explained in my comment) <ubot4> Launchpad bug 893842 in userconfig (Ubuntu Precise) (and 13 other projects) "Move "admin" group to "sudo" (affects: 4) (dups: 2) (heat: 36)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/893842 <bdmurray> kklimonda: great, thanks <Budget> Hopefully someone can help me with this. I want to join the Bug Squad, but I'm having a hard time finding out what to do. Could someone explain how I should go about it, ideally like I was a small, not terribly bright child. <om26er> Budget, https://launchpad.net/~bugsquad <om26er> the instructions are there <s9iper1> budget: read this and than than apply <s9iper1> ohh omer answer <hggdh> Budget: and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/ <hggdh> Budget: also please look at the other links in the channel topic <Budget> Thank you. <hggdh> Budget: also, please do not hesitate in asking your doubts here. Someone will (eventually) answer #ubuntu-bugs 2012-02-10 <brokenfingers> bug 203704 Ready to be triaged? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 203704 in reiserfsprogs (Ubuntu) "mkreiserfs does not clear metadata from previous device users (heat: 3)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203704 <giantpune> hi, i am experiencing a bug with kubuntu where the entire computer becomes unresponsive. i can reproduce the issues 100% of the time, and i have found an old bug report describing what i believe to be the same issue. <giantpune> since the old issue was closed due to lack of information, im not sure how to proceed. should i open a new one, or report the issue here or what? <astralja1a> giantpune: What's the bug # ? <giantpune> Bug #103365 <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 103365 in ubuntu "Complete hang after a bluetooth device disconnects" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103365 <astralja1a> giantpune: As Brian clearly states in his latter comment, feel free to reopen it with further details on how to reproduce, so the devs can investigate. <astralja1a> Which Kubuntu release is this? <giantpune> 11.10 64bit <giantpune> is it ok still to add to this bug report? i dont know if you guys have them tied to a certain distribution or anything like this <astralja1a> I was just thinking, as that is indeed quite old. <astralja1a> I'm sure the bluetooth stack has developed immensily since those times. <astralja1a> Maybe it's best to create a new one, and mention that bug in the new report. After all, kernel has moved lots, and it's a different arch, too. <astralja1a> Triager can mark the new one as duplicate, if that's how it is seen. <om26er> hey anyone know if the nvidia issue was fixed in precise? <zzecool> i think they released a fix <zzecool> im not sure <zzecool> because im running 64bit <zzecool> and i think it only affects 32bit <zzecool> im on latest nvidia driver 290 , in precise 64bit <seb128> om26er, it's fixed, cf bryce's follow up on the ubuntu-devel list <om26er> ah, great thanks zzecool seb128 ;-) <zzecool> om26er: :) <om26er> we have a bug control application show love people :) <om26er> btw how many +1's are required for a BugControl member to join in ? <om26er> hggdh, ^ <hggdh> om26er: 2 +1, no -1 <hggdh> om26er: I will look at it when I am back (around 4 hours) <om26er> hggdh, cool, thx :) <hggdh> om26er: IIRC, you gave him a -1 <om26er> hggdh, that's change it'll be +1 now ;-) <hggdh> om26er: :-) <ghostwalk71> Hello all. Is this where I may get some assistance reporting a bug? <ghostwalk71> Hello yurau. <s9iper1> yes you can <s9iper1> ghostwalk71: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs <s9iper1> http://www.ubuntu.com/community/report-problem <ghostwalk711> I already looked at the URL and all it did was confuse the matter. I already posted the bug on launchpad and got a bot that complained because I didn't mention a specific package. <ghostwalk711> I can give you the bug number if you like. <s9iper1> give <ghostwalk711> 930229 <s9iper1> ghostwalk71: that a intresting bug i guess its of xserver-xorg-input-mouse bug <s9iper1> or xserver-xorg <ghostwalk711> okay, so should I file it under xserver-xorg and pray that it goes to the right place? <ghostwalk711> I don't mean to sound snarky. I do appreciate your help s9iper. <s9iper1> ghostwalk71:and ask this in #ubuntu-desktop there are bryce and ROAF is dealing with them i guess so <s9iper1> or you can also ask in #ubuntu <ghostwalk711> I'll try both of them, thank you for your time s9iper1 :) <s9iper1> np <s9iper1> bdmurray: hggdh : this one bug was subscribed by bug control i have closed this one because kenvandine said to me thanks <s9iper1> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gwibber/+bug/741621 <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 741621 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "gwibber-service crashed with DBusException in call_blocking(): org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.desktopcouch.CouchDB was not provided by any .service files (affects: 20) (dups: 21) (heat: 176)" [Medium,Invalid] <s9iper1> he told me to close all the dbus bugs and time out bugs <bdmurray> s9iper1: yes, that's correct as we rather want the crash from the server / service taht couldn't be connected to <kira> Hi there, I'm just starting out on Bug Triage, and I'm curious how I actually go about confirming a bug? Do I just see the "new" bug, then try to recreate it, then hit confirm? <s9iper1> yes <bdmurray> it helps to add details about how you confirmed it though <kira> thanks <bdmurray> e.g. I tried it with this version of the package on this release and was able to confirm it <s9iper1> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage/ <bdmurray> additionally improving the steps to recreate the bug can be a big help <s9iper1> kira: <bdmurray> if there is a specific bug you are looking at I'm sure somebody would be happy to help <mrburns> Hi there, I am also just starting out do you have any suggestions on what types of bugs to start on that are kinda simple? <s9iper1> mrburns: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage/ <s9iper1> and ping us here if you need any help <bdmurray> mrburns: I would look at bugs about an application you like or use <bdmurray> mrburns: as it provides you a way to learn about it and its something you already know about <mrburns> yeah...sounds good <bdmurray> mrburns: if you have specifc questions feel free to ask <mrburns> thanks bdmurray, most of the programs that i use are either proprietary or web browser but i use rhythmbox and empathy so i will start there <bdmurray> rhythmbox would be good <Jechs> So we're using VM Virtual Box in our CS course where we're doing some work with Ubuntu, would that cause issue with Bug Triage? My gut says yes but I'm not sure. <bdmurray> Jechs: it depends on the type of bug for most software type bugs no <bdmurray> Jechs: kernel and hardware bugs yes that would be an issue <Jechs> bdmurray: Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks. #ubuntu-bugs 2012-02-11 <dlentz> Is there an easy way to get wireless diagnostic info using apport-collect? <dlentz> For example, I know I cant set the bug to alsa-driver and ask the reportet to apport-collect to get audio info. Is there an equivalent wireless package? <dlentz> nvm, i found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport/PackageHooks <dlentz> fyi, that doc is a bit outdated, i will volunteer to update it if someone can confirm that all of the package hooks are found in /usr/share/apport/package-hooks <hggdh> dlentz: the package hooks are *installed* under /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/ <hggdh> but each is under the package it is concerned with <dlentz> hggdh, thanks, so it's difficult to update the list then if you don't have all of the packages installed? <aBound> Hey all I'm somewhat curious by any chance if someone wanted to do some Ubuntu development for fixing bugs. Does anybody know the exact source code the packages might be written in or Ubuntu in general? <veger> Could someone set the status of bug #770529 to Triaged, as the bug is really there (and I provides a fix/merge proposal)? <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 770529 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[pbuilder-dist] doesn't autocomplete directory path (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 20)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/770529 <hjd> In bug 930523 a package is not installable in Precise, since a package it depends on is missing. Seems like the missing package wasn't synced from Debian or something... <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 930523 in nexuiz (Ubuntu) "nexuiz requires unavailable package (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/930523 <Ampelbein> hjd, If you file a sync-request (program 'requestsync' from ubuntu-dev-tools), I'll be happy to sponsor it. <hjd> Ampelbein: Hm... looking into it now. Is requestsync able to send the request on its own? <jtaylor> requestsync --lp if you have a launchpad account <jtaylor> should be the default from oneiric onwards <Ampelbein> hjd: It should use the launchpad api by default in precise and .... what jtaylor says. <hjd> connection timed out... Is it ok if I just send the PGP-signed message with my regular email? <Ampelbein> that works, too <hjd> Ampelbein: bug 930725. <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 930725 in ubuntu "Sync darkplaces 0~20110628+svn11619-2 (universe) from Debian testing (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/930725 <Ampelbein> hjd: ok, testbuilding now <hjd> I was a bit confused when it didn't appear at the end of new bugs in Ubuntu, but looks like it was automatically marked wishlist. <Ampelbein> Yes, if the requester is in bug-control it is set to wishlist. <hjd> Ampelbein: are you sure? :) Because I'm not in bug-control, and I'm not able to change importance on other bugs in Ubuntu. <Ampelbein> Oh. <Ampelbein> hjd, synced, it is now waiting in the NEW queue for approval: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=darkplaces <hjd> Ampelbein: cool. Thanks a lot :) <Ampelbein> Thank you! <Ampelbein> hjd: I have seen quite some contributions from you, did you apply for bug-control already? <s9iper1> ampelbein: is that a bug of launchpad ? <Ampelbein> s9iper1: What? <s9iper1> he set the imp of bug but he is not in bug cntrol so i am asking is there a problem with launchpad ? <lifeless> imp->importance? <s9iper1> yes <s9iper1> imp in short :) <Ampelbein> I guess that bug submitters can set the importance of their own reports? <s9iper1> no only bug control member can set the bug importance not the reporter or else <s9iper1> ok leave i gota go <hjd> Ampelbein: no, I haven't applied for bug-control. :) <hjd> Hi, I'm trying to help someone tag a bug using https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Tags. Should "suspend resume" be two separate tags? <hjd> bug 913091 fwiw. <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 913091 in pm-utils (Ubuntu) "suspend when closing laptop-lid dosen't work (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/913091 <yofel> hjd: 2 seperate tags <hjd> yofel: ok, thanks :) #ubuntu-bugs 2012-02-12 <hzsp> hi. I've reported a bug but I've filed it against the wrong package. can I fix this or do I have to find someone with sufficient privileges? <hggdh> hzsp: you can fix it, just change the package <hzsp> hggdh: I can't see a button to do it :) <hggdh> hzsp: bug #? <hzsp> 858310 <hggdh> bug 858310 <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 858310 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Two sounds are played when choosing new alert sound (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/858310 <hzsp> should be gnome-control-center, not gnome-settings-daemon <hggdh> done <hzsp> thanks! <hzsp> the folks at #ubuntu-devel have helped me get this thing building from source. I might even have a go at fixing it later today :-) <grizzlysmit> hi trying to report a bug against synaptic in Precise Pangolin but cannot get to the page :( <grmls> hi <veger> I could use some help/advice with bug #609106, I think it should be closed as wontfix <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 609106 in pbuilder (Ubuntu) "pbuilderrc manpage doesn't mention that quotes are needed around multiple components (affects: 1)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/609106 <veger> anyone around to hear me out? <yofel> I don't see why it should be closed. Mutliple values need quotes, and you can misunderstand the manpage if you don't have enough shell experience <yofel> and pbuilderrc essentially has sh syntax <veger> The manpage says the pbuilderrc is sourced as a shell script <veger> so the COMPONENTS=main part is basically a variable and thus it should automatically include quotes when a space is required <yofel> yeah, but if you look at the options, they're a random mix of single values, mutliple values with quotes and multiple values without quotes (wrong) <yofel> for example: DEBEMAIL=Maintainer Name <Mail@Address> simply won't work like that <yofel> so the manpage needs fixing in any case <veger> true, so I should pass the report to debian <veger> and make it more general? <yofel> yeah, this should go to debian as they're the maintainers of pbuilder <veger> ok, will do that <yofel> post the issue that was reported and note that there are other misleading options too <veger> another (quick) thing, could you set thestatus of pbuilder in bug #770529 to Triaged? <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 770529 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "[pbuilder-dist] doesn't autocomplete directory path (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 20)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/770529 <veger> thanks <yofel> veger: done <veger> I have another question if any around is willing to answer (or direct me to the correct group)? <penguin42> ask the question <veger> I have updated the jsch package, as the my generated SSH keys were not accepted by the version distributed to ubuntu <veger> what s hould I do to get it accepted? <veger> to Ubuntu and/or debian <veger> see bug #803492 for the upgrade request <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 803492 in jsch (Ubuntu) "New upstream version 0.1.44 (affects: 1) (heat: 7)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/803492 * penguin42 looks <veger> I believe my own problem was fixed in 0.1.43: feature: support for private keys ciphered with aes192-cbc and aes128-cbc. <penguin42> hmm I've done simple fixes - but not got an update to a new version pushed through <veger> me neither... ;) <veger> should I ask in another channel? <Ampelbein> veger: Please follow http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess, attach a debdiff, subscribe the sponsors <Ampelbein> veger: #ubuntu-motu or #ubuntu-packaging are better for those kinds of questions. <veger> ok, thanks I'll read that page to get further instructions <veger> and 'bother' those guys :) <RedSingularity> jibel: Any reason bug 874220 was not marked triaged? It is still effecting many users. <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 874220 in kdevplatform (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "[MASTER] Failed to calculate the upgrade to Ubuntu 11.10: libsublime2 breaks on libsublime1 (affects: 29) (dups: 25) (heat: 104)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/874220 <mainerror> Hello. <mainerror> I've reported a bug #930745 but it was closed as a duplicate of #764700 which is closed because it expired. <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 930745 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in raise() (dup-of: 764700)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/930745 <ubot4`> Launchpad bug 764700 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in utouch_frame_sync() (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 3)" [High,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/764700 <mainerror> I doesn't really make sense. #ubuntu-bugs 2013-02-04 <TheLordOfTime> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/1114774 <-- This isn't a bug right? And is it mistagged? (I saw somewhere there's a way to fix this error, but I forget where) <ubot2> Ubuntu bug 1114774 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "bug" [Undecided,New] <zequence> Hi. New to SRU here. Requested a SRU in bug 956438. The milestone is set to "Ubuntu precise-updates", but I don't think the new branch has been uploaded. So, I'm guessing the status should be che <ubot2> Launchpad bug 956438 in jackd2 (Ubuntu) "qjackctl unable to stop jackd2" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/956438 <zequence> ..changed <zequence> I'm thinkink "New" <zequence> Also, I'll need someone to help me upload the branch to proposed <zequence> The bug fix is to go into both Quantal and Precise, though <iqualfragile> try shorewall show macros, it assumes the syslog to be in /var/log/messages (where it is on fedora& readhead) a simple link is enought to workaround it <utlemming> hi, could I have a bug supervisor accept the nominations on Bug 1111690? <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1111690 in walinuxagent (Ubuntu) "[SRU] walinuxagent IsPackaged() logic is broken, runs two instances of waagent" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1111690 <hggdh> utlemming: done <utlemming> hggdh: thank you kindly :) <hggdh> utlemming: my unending pleasure dear sir :-) #ubuntu-bugs 2013-02-05 <freakynl> Hi, is there anything wrong with this bug report? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/targetcli/+bug/1021785 <ubot2> Ubuntu bug 1021785 in targetcli (Ubuntu) "targetcli does not recognize md partitions as block devices" [Undecided,New] <freakynl> Reason I ask is there not being a single response in over 6 months, which doesn't bode well for this one either: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/targetcli/+bug/1111852 (which is a fairly easy fix) <ubot2> Ubuntu bug 1111852 in targetcli (Ubuntu) "targetcli bug - buffered fileio mode not saved across reboots" [Undecided,New] #ubuntu-bugs 2013-02-06 <iceroot> hi <iceroot> could someone please mark this bug as "whishlist"? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/1116998 <ubot2> Ubuntu bug 1116998 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-one is placing purchased music not in ~/Music but in ~/.ubuntuone" [Undecided,New] <iceroot> could someone tell me what is the name of the "display setting application" where i can set dual-screen, mirroed screen and so on when using a second monitor. i want to create a bug against that tool but cant find the related package (or even the name of the application) <iceroot> imo there was a program i can start and click on a window and it will tell me the related package to open a bug against <TheLordOfTime> iceroot: i assume upstream's already been notified of this request for a feature change? <iceroot> TheLordOfTime: i though that "we" are the upstream project so i didnt create a bug somehwere else as upstream <iceroot> TheLordOfTime: or did i get you wrong? <robru> iceroot, gnome-control-center is the program that lets you configure your displays <iceroot> robru: thank you <robru> you're welcome ;-) <berdario> Hi, does someone know who handles lightdm-session's output? <berdario> I tried to look into /var/log/lightdm <berdario> but no files there contain the expected output <ogra_> berdario, what kind of "session output" do you mean ? <berdario> ogra_: I didn't say "session output" <berdario> I said <berdario> lightdm-session's output <ogra_> yes, i dont get what you mean with that ? <berdario> lightdm-session is a shell script that handles lightdm <ogra_> the output for the desktop session startup ? <berdario> ogra_: you can find it at /usr/sbin/lightdm-session <berdario> exactly, there's a bug that affects it <berdario> but to be able to understand what is going wrong, I'd like to look at the output <ogra_> thats Xsession stuff, you *might* find something inside ~/.xsession-errors <berdario> ogra_: I don't think that's relevant <berdario> maybe I'm wrong <ogra_> no, i am, /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log has it starting, i dont think it prints out further stuff ... but ... <berdario> uhm, lightdm is run by root, but lightdm-session is run with the user privileges, so indeed the logs might be inside my $HOME, but I can't find anything <ogra_> its a shell script so you can add "set -x" at the top, that should give you a lot of debuggin output <ogra_> (not sure wheer that would go though, but i would expect lightdm.log) <berdario> ogra_: I'll try to close my session, log into a tty and run it manually from there <ogra_> that wont give you the same environment <berdario> ogra_: the problem is that lightdm.log doesn't contain anything from lightdm-session, as I wrote at the beginning: I already looked there <ogra_> well, if you add set -x it will print out every line it executes (and the results) <berdario> yes, but I need to get its stdout <berdario> and I don't know of a way to get it, beside running it manually <ogra_> well, probably #ubuntu-desktop can help :) <berdario> ogra_: I think the issue isn't there after all <berdario> I mean: the issue is in the session management, but not in lightdm-session <berdario> specifically, I was looking into the Xmodmap handling <berdario> but now I read this thing by sebastien bacher that says: <berdario> "xmodmap support has been dropped in GNOME3 which deprecate that bug report, closing it" <berdario> do you know anything about it? <ogra_> berdario, well, at least in 12.04 its still there (i re-map some mouse buttons with it over here) <berdario> ogra_: yes, I know... but it seems that's "unsupported" <berdario> that is, lightdm knows about it, but gnome doesn't <berdario> and so, if gnome does something that causes a problem for it... though luck :/ <crass> where do I report a bug in the initramfs initrd scripts on the install cd? <bdmurray> crass: probably casper <crass> thanks bdmurray <fully_human> If I want to download development versions of Ubuntu, to what page do I navigate? <hggdh> fully_human: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ <hggdh> fully_human: if you want desktop, it is at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ <fully_human> And if I want to do daily testing, I just download that iso, install ubuntu, and then I just have to do an apt-get update each day? <hggdh> fully_human: indeed <hggdh> fully_human: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade #ubuntu-bugs 2013-02-07 <melodie_> hello <melodie_> I have detected something which might be seen as a bug, so I would ask your feeling about it : when installing VLC and trying to watch a video DVD, even with all the codecs installed nothing happens. It appears that /dev/dvd, and or /dev/cdrom (if it is an audio CD) is not found. For sure, the symlink does not exist in /dev : so I create it by hand (in direction of the detected device, as a symlink). <melodie_> my question is : does someone here thinks it could be possible to create it prior, or to create a script that will create the device node accordingly to the detected hardware ? <JanC> melodie_: I think there are other & better ways for applications to detect "video devices" like DVD & BluRay <JanC> melodie_: oh, and there is /media/cdrom of course <JanC> so there might actually be a "bug" in the VLC package, if it doesn't detect the CD/DVD/BluRay drive? <melodie_> JanC, uh? /media/cdrom is a directory, the gui vlc needs /dev/dvd and /dev/cdrom : I have tried to change it, but it does not keep the change. <JanC> actually, /media/cdrom is a symlink to a directory, to be exact, but it should be easy to find the device mounted under it from there <JanC> I'm surprised VLC isn't more intelligent about finding the DVD player device <melodie_> same here <melodie_> would you want to test ? <fully_human> I'm trying to get into bug reporting at Launchpad. I feel a little overwhelmed (I've been reading the wiki, but I still feel overwhelmed). I was wondering if someone would be willing to hold my hand as I try to fill out a bug? <fully_human> ...rather, Triage a bug. <fully_human> (I think that's what it's called) <fully_human> !bug 1117934 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1117934 in unity (Ubuntu) "cannot switch diagonally to upper-left workspace via hotkeys." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1117934 <JanC> melodie_: how do you try to play a DVD? when I do Media -> Open Disc... I get a dialog where I can choose available discs? <JanC> available devices <fully_human> melodie_: Sorry, I think you want #ubuntu...this is for the bugsquad. <fully_human> Ah, nevermind...misread the message. <melodie_> fully_human, I want the bugsquad, right : I think maybe I can be told here if there is a possible fix and if I have to write a bug report : VLC never plays dvd's and audio CD's before I create the /dev/cdrom and /dev/dvd symlinks to /dev/sr0 <hjd> fully_human: Regarding the bug report you mentioned; a usual approach is to just read through the description on how to trigger the issue, and check if you can reproduce it on your own machine. :) <fully_human> hjd: But don't I need to try to reproduce it with the specific hardware and OS version? I'm using 12.10 and don't have the issue, but the bug reporter might be using 13.04 on another architecture. <fully_human> Should I try to get more information out of him? <hjd> Unfortunately in this case, the person has not told which version of the package nor Ubuntu he/she is running so it is hard to tell :/ <melodie_> JanC, the dvd is inserted, a window prompts to choose, VLC is chosen then once VLC started nothing happens. If in the config side of VLC "/dev/dvd1" is chosen for example, then it will work once, and after restarting VLC nothing : the chosen device is not kept. therefore having /dev/cdrom symlink and /dev/dvd symlink to the physical peripheral is the safest way to make it last. <fully_human> hjd: So then label it as "incomplete" and ask for more info? <hjd> Interestingly, I'm able to reproduce it here on 12.10 though. <JanC> melodie_: then it sounds like a VLC error to me; so file a bug against VLC? <JanC> melodie_: it might be a bug in VLC's .desktop file even <melodie_> perhaps <melodie_> what does a desktop file have to do with this ? <hjd> In general, if you can reproduce the issue with the same (or latest available) version, you can mark it as confirmed. Please note which package version and Ubuntu version you were able to reproduce the issue in when doing so, so that people can check against a newer version to see if it has been fixed in the future. <fully_human> hjd: Oh, he means simultaneously? <hjd> Yes, diagonally :) <hjd> Were you able to reproduce it then? <JanC> melodie_: it defines how the application gets called (the command line used), but I suggest you just file a bug and let somebody with more VLC experience figure out where exactly the bug is <melodie_> JanC, thank you <melodie_> I'll do that soon <hjd> fully_human: Thanks for helping out. :) <hjd> I added a comment as well. You can see I did two things, first of all I mentioned which version I'm running which can be relevant if people are not able to trigger the issue in a newer version it might have been fixed along the way. I also added the tag "quantal" so that people can find it when looking for all bugs affecting 12.10. <fully_human> hjd: No problem. <fully_human> Okay, thanks. <fully_human> hjd: Yes, i was able to reproduce it. <hjd> fully_human: I would recommend to take a look at packages you are familiar with, and see if any have bug reports which you can confirm or add more information to in order to get a bit used to the workflow. :) And of course, feel free to ask here if you are unsure how to deal with a particular bug. <melodie_> good night <fully_human> hjd: I'm not familiar with any packages. :-| This is my first time getting down n' dirty with Ubuntu. <fully_human> I'm trying my hand at autopilot QA testing... <mint> Hello everyone ! We've juste launch our new porn website Masterfap.com. We need somme feedback ! Thx <hggdh> mint: really not the place here. <hggdh> <sigh/> <Jeruvy> It could have been worse. <hggdh> oh, certainly! <hggdh> I was actually thinking about something like this -- it has been quite a long time we do not have to warn, boot, or ban anybody in this channel <hggdh> I was wondering why the lull... #ubuntu-bugs 2013-02-09 <LantzR> Hiya. Looking for feedback on my comment #3 to Bug #1119832. <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1119832 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "After creating a blank txt file in ~/Templates there are 2 "Empty Document" options in context menu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1119832 * penguin42 looks <penguin42> LantzR: I suspect it's probably best to comment on the upstream bug <chilicuil> penguin42: it's actually fixed, see last comment in https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=687139 <ubot2> Gnome bug 687139 in File and Folder Operations "Context menu entry to create a new blank file" [Enhancement,Resolved: notabug] <penguin42> chilicuil: Yeh but not bubbled down into ubuntu yet from my reading; the reporter is pointing to the fix as I read it <LantzR> penguin42: Thx I will look. The process was from TC-NFM-001 in http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/testcases/1424/info <penguin42> LantzR: Hmm so is that just a bad test case; in the sense if you create the document as Empty Text Document.txt will the menu name be more sensible? <LantzR> No the test case is fine. Template of aName.txt gives two menu entries. "aName" and "aName" one creates "aName.txt" the other creates "aName" <penguin42> oh I see, yeh that is weird <LantzR> My point re test case is I'm a virgin. Not sure if my comment was clear _and_ in the right spot for the qa testing results. <LantzR> The "Testing Tracker" is ... strange. <chilicuil> LantzR: I think it's ok, you've done an excellent work pointing out to the fix from a problem you found, I'd say it would be best for ubuntu to cherry pick the bug and provide some default file so people wont need to add them to its Template folder <LantzR> But your point ... I could have also gone upstream to post the a comment knowing that that is where the fix should come from. <penguin42> LantzR: Yeh I think that's a clear comment; I would have probably mentioned the test number you were following, but I don't do the test case stuff personally <LantzR> <nod> Ok thanks for the feedback. <GermainZ> Can someone please try syndaemon -d -i 2s -t? It should disable mouse taps (left/right clicks) and scrolling while typing, but it doesn't have any effect. The bugtracker (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/366014) shows it as fixed, but I'd like to make sure I'm not doing something wrong before reopening. <ubot2> Ubuntu bug 366014 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Syndaemon -t option not working" [Medium,Fix released] <GermainZ> Never mind, it actually works for taps on the pad, but not for hard buttons (which isn't an issue). <jarlath> Can someone guide me on how to trace the root-cause of this issue I'm having? :http://askubuntu.com/questions/243630/shut-down-takes-me-to-greeter-now-removing-wifi-dongle-fixes#comment307626_243630 <jarlath> title may be misleading <penguin42> hmm fun <penguin42> jarlath: There seem to be a bunch of people in bug 838792 that discussion references; but there again you say it doesn't happen without networking, which seems different from them <ubot2> Launchpad bug 838792 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) ""Restart" logs out, even when there are no other people logged in" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/838792 <jarlath> yes penguin42, I'm stumped :) The networking exception isn't consistent in further testing so I'm not sure about it. <penguin42> oh, hmm <penguin42> jarlath: when it returns you to the login manager does it let you log back in ? <jarlath> penguin42: yes, it does. <penguin42> if you tap the power button instead of selecting shutdown does it shutdown? <penguin42> (I mean just tap it rather than holding it down - and that depends on the machine, some actually would switch off, most tell the OS) <jarlath> penguin42: that's a good question :) I'll try now and report back. It'll at least log me off so I'll be disconnected for a few minutes. Resist any temptation to hide when I come back :) <penguin42> me? Hide? <jarlath> :D <jarlath> here we go... * penguin42 looks hidden <jarlath> Anybody seen penguin42? <jarlath> ...Damn. He tricked me. * penguin42 hides behind ubot2 * jarlath thought he saw something move... <penguin42> anyway, erm so what happened? <jarlath> Okay. <jarlath> That took me as far as the greeter I'm afraid. Although the dialog box for the power button looks different to the one from the menu. <penguin42> hmph <penguin42> does a sudo shutdown -h now shut it down from a terminal in the desktop? <jarlath> Yes. sudo halt -p or sudo reboot work from a terminal window or a tty. <penguin42> I can't honestly remember what the difference is relative to those <penguin42> jarlath: So with the networking stuff I would have guessed it was some form of driver that didn't want to shut down properly; but if shutdown -h now is working then it sounds like the kernel will do it, it's just something not getting that far <jarlath> Good observation, that makes sense to me. <penguin42> I wonder if /var/log/upstart should see some stuff when a shutdown happens <jarlath> Hmmm... I see a mediatomb.log file in there. I uninstalled it the same day I installed it, but the date on the log is from only a few days ago. <jarlath> the mediatomb application that is. <jarlath> Whatever it is, it doesn't require a user to be logged in. I can just boot up to the greeter and try to log out and the problem will happen (unless I'm *really* quick). So whatever it is, it must be loading around the time the greeter appears. * penguin42 isn't sure of the path of things that go from pressing the shutdown until it actually gets to doing the same as shutdown command; it's I guess going to have to go through policykit to make sure you have the perms to do it <jarlath> policykit. Right. <jarlath> Is there a gui for that? <penguin42> well there's the GUI where you give stuff permissions, but I don't think much more than that <jarlath> God, if I asked that back in 2001 I'd have been banned from the room. How things have changed. <penguin42> haha yeh <jarlath> okay, thanks. At least I can look into policykit. <penguin42> ok <jarlath> Yeah, I really appreciate that. Hope you have a great weekend. <penguin42> I can't see anything in the advanced bit of user settings that would indicate you could remove it <njin> hallo, can someone look at bug 1118626 ? <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1118626 in Ubuntu "binutils: Split out libiberty-dev to multiarch paths" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1118626 <jarlath> Hmmm <penguin42> jarlath: What version of ubuntu are you on? <jarlath> 12.04 <penguin42> ok, let me just boot my 12.04 vm <jarlath> thanks <penguin42> jarlath: Hmm it has a lot less stuff in the GUI than the last time I looked at that... <jarlath> the policykit tool? <penguin42> jarlath: Well long ago there used to be an advanced bit of the user settings on system settings, but it's not there any more <jarlath> oh, okay. <jarlath> I'll bet it shuts down fine fine for you. <penguin42> nod <jarlath> hmm <penguin42> ah 12.04 has a lot less in /var/log/upstart <jarlath> Yeah, it's pretty eh... tidy <penguin42> hmm I wonder <penguin42> I'm going to pastebin the output of dbus-monitor --system > log (run as root) it shows upstart being told you want to stop - again not quite sure how it gets to it <penguin42> hmm actually that's syslog being told to stop <penguin42> jarlath: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1630691/ <jarlath> Thanks <jarlath> penguin42: so can I use the same command to diagnose my shutdown process or lack thereof? <penguin42> jarlath: well that was my guess of something to look at <penguin42> jarlath: You see how it's for the upstart jobs going through a series of pre-stop/stopping/stop for a load of things and then eventually Killed <penguin42> jarlath: It would be interesting to know if yours did the same <jarlath> I'll try now. <jarlath> Wish me luck. <jarlath> The system isn't very stable. I haven't actually stuck around long enough to try this before penguin42 <penguin42> hmm, in what other ways is it unstable (I wish you said that before!) <jarlath> Windows won't close or resize (nautilus, firefox) and some page elements don't register events. <penguin42> huh, I'd fix that type of problem first <jarlath> Unity is fine. But when I hit the close button on the window decoration, said window seems to get stuck. I can't right-click on the desktop either when that happens. <jarlath> In System Settings, none of the icons respond to clicking. <penguin42> that sounds like you have much bigger problems then <jarlath> Yeah, I can't move the firefox window either. Only this text-box (thankfully!) is working. A re-install might be called for. <penguin42> yeh <penguin42> jarlath: There's a big difference between having one odd problem and a machine full of odd problems! <jarlath> Yeah, like I say. This has never happened during a first boot. I only noticed it now because I stuck around long enough after a failed shutdown. <jarlath> fsck would pick up on a bad disk sector right? <penguin42> no <jarlath> oh... <penguin42> jarlath: I'd use smartctl -a to check for a bad disk <penguin42> I think you can get some of them from the disk utility as well <jarlath> okay, I'll do that right now. Disk Utility requires the drive to be unmounted so I can't use it for / <penguin42> no <jarlath> Okay, the UI is totally unresponsive in Disk Utility too so I'll need to reboot. <penguin42> ok, use smartctl -a to see if the disk is happy <jarlath> okay <jarlath> terminal works :) <jarlath> Wierd, I can use TAB and arrow keys to navigate the gui elements as normal. It's the mouse cursor that's the problem. <jarlath> penguin42: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1630752/ <jarlath> I'm not sure what that all means, but it looks like there were issues. <jarlath> Oh, sorry for the full dump but no mouse.... <jarlath> Line 51 is the start <penguin42> jarlath: My reading is that it's got hot at some point, and I'm not sure but I read that as it's still very hit <jarlath> Hmm, I did have the side of the case off for some time (months) so the cooling system couldn't have been working as well as it should. <penguin42> jarlath: There are some other errors in the logs - failed commands, there's a failed read (that's bad) but there are a load of other failed things like set capcaities - I've never seen things like those fail <jarlath> penguin42: thanks for that. Looks like a new harddrive - or at least a backup is in order. <penguin42> jarlath: Check your cabling as well; are there any errors in dmesg? <jarlath> Cabling seems secure, although the PSU I got has so much extra leads that it's like an overstuffed sock-drawer in there. <jarlath> Here's dmesg, there are errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1630774/ <penguin42> no hard drive errors though <jarlath> Oh, no you're right. <jarlath> It seems the desktop issue I'm having now is purely the mouse arrow. I have full funcionality with keyboard shortcuts. <penguin42> heh ok <penguin42> jarlath: OK, then did you get the dbus-monitor output? <jarlath> And I've just un-stuck a mouse button and all is well 8/ <jarlath> The dbus output didn't amount to much but here it is: <jarlath> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1630792/ <penguin42> and that's the output of dbus-monitor --system run as root during a shutdown? <jarlath> run as my user, which was logged out during the process. Should I run as root from a tty? I don't think shutdown takes you past the greeter when someone else is logged in though. <penguin42> jarlath: No <penguin42> jarlath: Do a sudo -s in a terminal inside your gui, then inside that do the dbus-monitor --system > logfile and then try to shutdown <jarlath> So from the gnome-terminal on my desktop? <penguin42> yep <jarlath> ok <jarlath> penguin42: It looks identical <penguin42> pastebinit ? <jarlath> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1630814/ <penguin42> huh ok <penguin42> well, I guess that means it ain't getting far at all <jarlath> No, just as far as the greeter. It doesn't seem to even attempt to shutdown properly. <penguin42> I've run out of ideas really <jarlath> penguin42: thank you so much. I can't believe you did all that. <penguin42> hey well I'm just sitting here avoiding solving a harder problem :-) <jarlath> Haha :) <jarlath> Do you work for Canonical? <penguin42> no <jarlath> If the problem is non-technical maybe I can help :) <jarlath> I'm a wedding singer lol (seriously!) <penguin42> haha no, it's rather technical * penguin42 is a programmer in my day job as well <jarlath> okay. I did software eng. for my degree and graduated in 2003 but the band was doing well so I did that for ten years instead. So I'm mega rusty. <penguin42> hehe <jarlath> Goodnight penguin42. Hope your Sunday is better than your Saturday. <jarlath> And thanks again. <penguin42> hey it's been a good day #ubuntu-bugs 2013-02-10 <Kagliostro> hi all I am facing a problem with my ethernet card, in fact while internet is very fast the rate of file transfer from my NAS is very slow (30 Kb/s) <Kagliostro> the system has an integrated intel internet card and runs ubuntu 12.04 LTS <melodie> hello <melodie> I would have a question related to Casper, and the creation of the /home/ubuntu directories : in Lubuntu as well as in Xubuntu I noticed the "Desktop" directory has for name "Desktop" even if the other directories are in my language. Then I wonder if this could be changed : do you think it could be in each one's user's language when the language is selected from the first boot menu ? <melodie> I mean in the live, because once installed it is in my language <melodie> This would not bother too much, if I didn't want to get 2 icons on the desktop in custom remixes, and have them follow afterwards in the install. <melodie> so ? does someone know why the "Desktop" does not have the name in the chosen language in the Live ? <melodie> Is this something which could be improved ? #ubuntu-bugs 2014-02-03 * pratchett.freenode.net changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu Bug Squad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | New bugs announced on #ubuntu-bugs-announce | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu <hggdh> due to the DDoS eeeBotu is having problems connecting. It will be back ASAP. #ubuntu-bugs 2014-02-04 <hlavaty> why does ubuntu 12.04 lts insists on removing libtidy-0.99-0:i386 when installing tidy or libtidy-0.99-0? should not i386 and amd64 libs live independently from each other? is that a bug <rbasak> hlavaty: IIRC it depends on packaging support from individual libraries, that have to declare that they are multiarch capable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiarchSpec for details. <hlavaty> rbasak: thanks, so how do i find out who to ask for a fix? <hlavaty> would ubuntu launch pad be a good place for bug report or somewhere in debian? <rbasak> hlavaty: probably against the Debian package, assuming that the issue affects Debian too. Then Ubuntu will get the fix the next time it's synced. <rbasak> (or merged) <hlavaty> hmm i dont have debian to verify <hlavaty> ok thanks a lot <rbasak> Nowadays I verify Debian bugs in an LXC container. It's quick to do that way on an Ubuntu system. <rbasak> lxc-create -t debian etc. <hlavaty> good idea, thank you #ubuntu-bugs 2014-02-05 <Ottre> anybody filed a bug for adobe-flashplugin? <Ottre> http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/02/adobe-releases-unscheduled-flash-update-to-patch-critical-zero-day-threat/ #ubuntu-bugs 2014-02-07 <Logan_> > Bug Week will last two days: from Saturday 8th to Sunday 9th <Logan_> what <pleia2> yeah, hopefully next time there will be more notice :) #ubuntu-bugs 2014-02-08 <chilicuil> good day, I'm looking at bug #1269116 and I see there exist a modified.conffile..etc.xdg.autostart.indicator.datetime.desktop.txt file attached, does it means that file was modified (from default configuration) ? <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1269116 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "indicator-datetime not started witn my system" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1269116 <penguin42> brilliant bug comment 'If it goes in order of artist, why does it go: Bach --> Guns N' Roses --> AC/DC ?' <teward> heh #ubuntu-bugs 2014-02-09 <hjd> Could someone take a look at bug 997743, especially the last comments? I am unsure whether this should be reopened or what should be done about it :) <ubot2> Launchpad bug 997743 in gradle (Ubuntu) "gradle depends on libtomcat6-java" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/997743 <teward> hjd, the bug would have to be opened against the release affected <teward> hjd, closing it because it's already fixed in 13.10 (and Trusty) is fine <teward> hjd, I do partly disagree with your backport request, though, from 13.10 it'd have to also work on 12.10 before it could get to 12.04. Unless they changed all the backport procedures since I requested a backport (which was a while ago) <hjd> teward: Ok, thanks. <hjd> teward: I used the standard replies for bugs fixed in later releases, and figured the changes would be too large for an SRU, but a backport might be possible. <hjd> teward: Any thoughts on whether I should mark libjetty-extra-java as also affected or whether that should be filed as a separate bug report? <teward> i wouldn't, unless it's the exact same bug. <teward> based on the bug here, I don't think they're the same bug <teward> (at least, not in my opinion) <teward> hjd, I'd suggest you also wait for otehrs' input on that, though <hjd> I see your point. One could argue the original bug is fixed, though due to the same problem further down in the stack the same error is still triggered. I wasn't sure what to decide though, so I thought I'd ask here. :) <penguin42> 12.10 is EoL in April though isn't it? <Ampelbein> Yes. <penguin42> IMHO it does make sense to backport something to 12.04 and doesn't really make much sense to backport something with ~2 months of life left <penguin42> (even if that's technically what is the procedure for it) <teward> penguin42, then we wait for EOL <teward> s/we/they/ <penguin42> teward: But similarly it's silly to delay a fix for an arbitrary boundary <teward> penguin42, i think that's up to the backports team. <teward> not you or I <penguin42> agreed <penguin42> but it would still be silly <hjd> Speaking of releases and EOL, now that 13.04 is EOL what is the recommended upgrade path for users still on 12.10? (Just curious how that works out...) <teward> hjd, raring is still in the repos right now, they can upgrade to raring and then to saucy <teward> (i think that was by-design to facilitate upgrading, but I'd have to ask -release or the repository admins if that's the case) <hjd> Ah, ok. <hjd> Probably intentional since raring had a shorter support period than saucy. <teward> i know i posted this in -motu, but still.... <teward> can someone help me out with getting this bug ready for SRU by approving the nomination for Saucy? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/+bug/1264674 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1264674 in nginx (Ubuntu) "nginx segfault when adding add_header in configuration" [Undecided,Fix released] <teward> (only saucy is affected by this, and it's fixed in Trusty, hence fix released already) <teward> as soon as it's got the Saucy nomination approved, I'll work on the debdiffs <chilicuil> teward: I can technically do it (I'm part of the ubuntu-bugcontrol group just as you) http://i.imgur.com/hVecuYv.png, why don't do it yourself?, only motu|core members should do it? <teward> chilicuil, um... <teward> i think you misunderstand <teward> bugcontrol can NOMINATE <teward> members of ubuntu drivers and certain dev teams can approve <teward> i need the approve, not the nominate <teward> (if you look at the bug I already nominated for Saucy) <teward> i think I could *maybe* bug someone on the security team to approve <chilicuil> oh yeah, now I see, thanks for the explanation =) <teward> but i don't like bothering them for non-security bugs <rbasak> teward: done (mentioning here mainly so others see it) <teward> rbasak, thank you kindly. (you may also want to let -motu know you helped, since i asked there first) <teward> rbasak, i'll probably have a debdiff ready for that bug in a few hours, i'm in the middle of fighting my internet right now #ubuntu-bugs 2015-02-03 <brainwosh> please make bug 1371961 public <ubot5> Error: Launchpad bug 1371961 could not be found <brainwosh> I've encountered the same crash, thunar -> "double free or corruption (fasttop)" #ubuntu-bugs 2015-02-04 <teward> i hate crash bugs, can someone remind me what we have to do before making crash bugs public? <teward> i haven't touched one in an eon <rbasak> teward: just check it has no confidential information. AFAIK, that's it. <teward> rbasak: confidential information such as possible passcode strings in the stack trace, etc. And deleting the coredump if it exists? #ubuntu-bugs 2015-02-05 <CarlFK> http://paste.ubuntu.com/10081010/ <CarlFK> $ ubuntu-bug -c bug.crash -u 1418751 <CarlFK> ubuntu-bug: error: -u/--update-bug option cannot be used together with options for a new report <CarlFK> but isn't that exactly what is shown here: <CarlFK> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs#Filing_bugs_when_offline_or_using_a_headless_setup <hggdh> CarlFK: I do not think so -- but I am not sure what is it you are trying to dp <CarlFK> hggdh: trying to add to an existing bug report. which I thought is what that was telling me how to do <hggdh> you probably should use apport-collect to add to an existing bug report <hggdh> per your pastebin you saved locally a crash report (to be filled later) <CarlFK> hggdh: um.. " Please do not attempt to apport-collect to another persons report. .. [unless] asked by a triager or developer" <CarlFK> are you that? <CarlFK> oh, another person's.. missed that. <CarlFK> hggdh: I guess I didn't make it clear. headless box I am sshed into. <CarlFK> I think apport-collect wants to use the local browser for me to login to lp #ubuntu-bugs 2015-02-07 <Blue_> Hello! <penguin42> Hey <Blue_> I am on Ubuntu, I found out that on C shell, the command, source script arg, takes the arg as an empty string. This error does not occur in Linux Red Hat. Is the error documented in the Ubuntu website? * penguin42 hasn't done C shell for about 20 years :-) <penguin42> can you give me the exact line you typed and what it says? <Blue_> First, at the prompt, I type the command, csh, to get to the C shell. Second, I execute the command, source abc.csh abc and the output: The first parameter is . In the abc.csh file, it has two statements. First statement:#/bin/csh and the second statement:echo The first parameter is $1 <Blue_> I also type the command: chmod 777 abc.csh after creating the file abc.csh <penguin42> hang on, that first line should be #!/bin/csh <penguin42> the ! is important <Blue_> Sorry, yes, it was #!/bin/csh <Blue_> I mis-typed it. <penguin42> no problem <penguin42> OK, so what happens with that script? <Blue_> After I create the file abc.csh, I run the command chmod 777 abc.csh. Then, I ran the command, source abc.csh abc. The output should be The first parameter is abc. However, the actual output is The first parameter is. <Blue_> After I created the file abc.csh, I ran the command chmod 777 abc.csh. Then, I ran the command, source abc.csh abc. The output should be The first parameter is abc. However, the actual output was: The first parameter is <penguin42> ok, so I've just done that on ubuntu u and it seems to work and shows the parameter, so I'm not sure why it's not working for you; but the other thing is you've not quite got the reason for doing the chmod - you don't need to use chmod if you're going to use source, you only need it if you run it directly <Blue_> Did you do it on Ubuntu 14.04? <penguin42> hmm no, I wonder if I have a .04 around <Blue_> I did it on 13.04 also. * penguin42 looks which VMs he has <penguin42> ah 14.04 is trusty isn't it? <Blue_> It should. <penguin42> ah, I've got a 14.04 vm here <penguin42> ok, so an observation; on 14.10 it's using tcsh when you ask for csh, on 14.04 it's using bsd-csh <Blue_> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases <penguin42> Blue_: Which shell are you in when you do the source? <Blue_> I ran the command, csh, to go to the C shell. <penguin42> ok <penguin42> Blue_: So yes, this looks like a difference in behaviour between bsd-csh and tcsh <Blue_> It may work on tcsh but it does not work on csh <penguin42> Blue_: Many systems just run tcsh when you ask to run csh <penguin42> Blue_: Do you understand what the 'source' is for and what the chmod is for? <Blue_> Is it for setting the environment on the current shell? <penguin42> no <Blue_> Okay, what does the 'source' is for? <penguin42> Blue_: 'source' reads the commands from the file you specify as if you had typed them at the command prompt, if you do the chmod and then do ./abc.csh it runs abc.csh in a new shell - it's only for the later case that you need the chmod <Blue_> Okay, thanks! <penguin42> Blue_: now if you do the ./abc.csh that works on both bsd-csh and tcsh <Blue_> Okay, thanks! <penguin42> Blue_: The command you run with csh goes through a chooser that picks what to run, you can change it with update-alternatives, so if you install tcsh you can make csh run that <Blue_> If I do not have tcsh installed, I ran the command, source abc.csh abc. I do not see the output as The first parameter is abc <Blue_> If I do not have tcsh installed, I ran the command, source abc.csh abc. I do not see the output as: The first parameter is abc. <penguin42> right, it's just a difference in the behaviour of tcsh and bsd-csh <penguin42> both work if you do ./abc.csh hello instead of using source <Blue_> Is the bug filed in Ubuntu? <penguin42> I don't think it's a bug <penguin42> it's just a difference between bsd-csh and tcsh <penguin42> Blue_: Passing parameters through source is not that common, actually using source isn't that common <Blue_> If I go to a Linux Red Hat and run the command, csh, Then run the command, source abc.csh abc. I can see the output as: The first parameter is abc. <penguin42> Blue_: Whether it's a bug in bsd-csh you'd really want to take up with the bsd-csh guys, because I'm not sure it's defined <penguin42> Blue_: So what makes you think it's a bug in the csh ubuntu uses? <penguin42> Blue_: What is the right definition of the csh behaviour of source? <hggdh> well, source (or "." in bash) is not THAT uncommon. What is uncommon is passing parameter to it <penguin42> right * penguin42 isn't sure if csh is covered by posix or not or if there is any fixed definition of it <hggdh> yeah, neither am I <Blue_> If I go to a Ubuntu and run the command, csh, Then run the command, source abc.csh abc. I should see the output as: The first parameter is abc. The behavior should be the same as in the Linux Red Hat. Am I correct? <hggdh> Blue_: penguin42 has gone thru already. Summary is it depends: is csh and tcsh are identical, version differences, etc <penguin42> Blue_: http://www.kitebird.com/csh-tcsh-book/csh.pdf doesn't specify parameters to source (page 14) <penguin42> sorry, 15 <penguin42> Blue_: No, you're wrong <penguin42> Blue_: You're failing to understand 1) The difference between source and running a shell script directly 2) What defines the behaviour of source 3) That there are differences between different implementations <penguin42> Blue_: Compare that document above with the tcsh manpage http://www.kitebird.com/csh-tcsh-book/tcsh.pdf page 34 that lists it's source takes args <hggdh> and, now, one should point out that tcsh and csh are *not* the same thing <Blue_> I am sorry. I do not understand why there are different behaviors between Red Hat Linux and Ubuntu. <penguin42> Blue_: Because there are multiple implementations of csh, they have subtle different behaviours <penguin42> Blue_: The feature you're using is one of these differences because you're not using the feature you think you are <penguin42> Blue_: Go and read those two documents I pasted which define the source command in two different csh versions <Blue_> I apologize to repeat my question because I still do not quite understand. Is Red Hat Linux csh is the same as tcsh? I did the command, ps -p $$, in the Red Hat Linux. I saw CMD=csh. <Blue_> Is Ubuntu csh is not the same as tcsh? Is that the reason I am seeing different behaviors between Ubuntu and Red Hat Linux? <penguin42> correct, the csh on 14.04 is bsd-csh not tcsh <penguin42> (by default if you just install csh, you can install tcsh if you want) <hggdh> and, usually, tcsh will set itself as csh <Blue_> I googled bsd-csh and was unable to find its definition. What are the difference between bsd-csh and csh? Is bsd-csh the same as csh? <penguin42> see the manpages I posted <hggdh> bsd csh was also known as Berkeley csh. 'bsd' means "Berkeley Software Distribution" <penguin42> right, bsd was one of the early unix systems <penguin42> I think bsd systems had the original csh but not 100% sure on that <hggdh> and we owe a LOT to the folks at UC-Berkeley <hggdh> not sure either. I do not remember if csh started at Bell Labs, and bsd-csh was a variant <hggdh> ah, wikipedia to the rescue -- csh was authored by Bill Joy, while he was at UC-B <penguin42> yeh that rings a bell <hggdh> so bsd-csh and csh are the same <Blue_> If Red Hat Linux csh is the same as tcsh? Why did I see CMD=csh after running the command, ps -p $$, in the Red Hat Linux? <hggdh> said, tcsh will set itself as csh. Is it the answer? <Blue_> If Red Hat Linux csh is not the same as tcsh, why did I see CMD=csh after running the command, ps -p $$, in the Red Hat Linux? <hggdh> said, tcsh will set itself as csh. Is it the answer? <hggdh> Blue_: because usually tcsh will install itself as csh (it *is* a C shell, after all). But I do not know if RH uses tcsh or csh. If I were to do it, I would go tcsh <hggdh> Blue_: so yes, this is the answer <hggdh> probably :-) <hggdh> Blue_: you probably can find it by 'rpm -q -a | grep csh' on RH system <hggdh> if you only see tcsh shown as installed, then there you go <Blue_> Yes, I saw tcsh on the Red Hat Linux machine. I tried the command, rpm -q -a | grep csh, on Ubuntu. I gave the error: rpm:Command not found. <Blue_> Yes, I saw tcsh on the Red Hat Linux machine. I tried the command, rpm -q -a | grep csh, on Ubuntu. It gave the error: rpm:Command not found. <Blue_> May be rpm is a Red Hat command only. <Blue_> rpm is Red Hat specific. <hggdh> rpm is available on RH, Fedora, and CentOS, at least <hggdh> maybe it is out of your default path <hggdh> on Debian (and variants, like Ubuntu) you should use 'dpkg -l \*csh' <Blue_> hggdh++: Thanks! I ran the command, dpkg -l \*csh, on Ubuntu and found Name=ii csh. Description=Shell with C-like syntax <Blue_> hggdh++: Thanks! I ran the command, rpm -q -a | grep csh on Red Hat Linux and found tcsh. <Blue_> The reason why there are different behaviors in Ubuntu and Red Hat Linux is Ubuntu uses Berkeley Software Distribution C shell and Red Hat Linux uses tcsh. Am I correct? <sfp> would a member of ubuntu-bugcontrol please nominate bug #1409798 for 14.04 and 14.10? <ubot5> bug 1409798 in dropbear (Debian) "enable hmac-sha2-256, hmac-sha2-512 MAC algorithms" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1409798 <hggdh> Blue_: correct <hggdh> sfp: Trusty and Utopic have been targeted <teward> hggdh: boo you stole it from me * teward glares <teward> nah i kid :) <hggdh> teward: heh #ubuntu-bugs 2015-02-08 <Guest36299> Hello! <penguin42> greetings <kopias> is this the right place to ask for a update of software in official ppa? <kopias> should be fairly easy: milkytracker has some crucial bugs fixed the latest version is from 2013 http://milkytracker.org/ <teward> kopias: there is no 'official ppa' from the Ubuntu side of things <teward> kopias: which PPA are you referring to? <kopias> sorry for not beeing specific <kopias> i meant in software center or synaptic -default settings <teward> kopias: doubt there'll be an update to old releases without very very good reasons, version bumps (with some very rare exceptions) are almost never done to update software. which version of ubuntu are you looking at in this case <kopias> 14.04 <teward> kopias: better thing to do is poke Debian about it - the package in Ubuntu is autosynced from Debian, if it's truly out of date, Debian needs to update first (easiest way to get into the latest dev release) <teward> as for stable Ubuntu releases, i doubt you'll find version bumps happening any time soon, but I"m not on the SRU team to make that determination <kopias> ye good tip i will do that <sfp> hggdh: thanks! <mattaezell> Good afternoon! Is anyone from the bug control team available to nominate a new bug for the appropriate release? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/1419503 needs to be targeted for Trusty. <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1419503 in util-linux (Ubuntu) "[SRU] lscpu reports incorrect number of NUMA nodes on systems with discontinuous NUMA nodes" [Undecided,New] <teward> mattaezell: nominated, and master bug set "Fix Released". but Trusty still needs approved. <mattaezell> teward: Thanks. Who handles approvals for Trusty? <teward> mattaezell: people far up the food chain from me, just leave it, eventually it'll probably get approved, since you asked here <teward> i think hggdh could do it, and maybe others, but I don't know all who. <mattaezell> teward: Ok, thanks for the help and information. I'm brand new to this process #ubuntu-bugs 2016-02-08 <nickoe> Hello <teward> greetings! <nickoe> Does anyone of you know if one can find the characteristic for a single application on errors.ubuntu.com? <nickoe> teward: do you know anything about that site? ^ <nickoe> Maybe bdmurray? <teward> nickoe: 'find the characteristic for a single application' is vague? <nickoe> mmm, as if see a graph of the bugs for one single app <nickoe> *as in <teward> edit the criterion of what's shown <bdmurray> errors.ubuntu.com/?package=app <teward> yep <nickoe> teward: well, I tried to do that, but the page is very heave it seems. <nickoe> so I never could locate an URL. But it seems that using that url suggested by bdmurray does something... But now I wonder why one of the results are "greyed out". <bdmurray> That result has not been seen with the latest version of the package. <nickoe> bdmurray: ahh, ok. Can I use a result like https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/d68c4a5844815035e7a3ce706292249191575d51 for antyhing? <nickoe> What are that examples table? <bdmurray> Instances of the crash <nickoe> so it is not dummy data <bdmurray> Yeah, maybe that should be renamed. <nickoe> is that site usually overly slow or is it the latency of my connection? <nickoe> maybe it should be occourances or something instead <nickoe> bdmurray: can one get a proper readable backtrace from a report? <bdmurray> nickoe: most of the time, the particular crash you showed some of the dependent packages are missing debug symbols <bdmurray> gtk2-engines-murrine kicad libatk1.0-0 libcroco3 libltdl7 liboverlay-scrollbar-0.2-0 libpng12-0 libselinux1 libstdc++6 libtiff4 libuuid1 libvorbisfile3. <nickoe> what?!?! This can't be right... InstallationDate Installed on 2014-09-04 (522 days ago) InstallationMedia Xubuntu 14.04.1 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release amd64 (20140723) Package kicad 4.0.1+dfsg1-1 kicad 4.0.1 has not been released for that long. <teward> nickoe: I believe InstallationDate is system install date, but don't quote me on that <nickoe> mm, ok <bdmurray> teward: is correct <teward> bdmurray: has there been any discussion to change that to SystemInstallationDate or such, to make that more clear (given nickoe's minor confusion here) <bdmurray> teward: nope * teward shrugs. <teward> mmkay :) *goes back to checking nginx error.u.c items, to see if there's anything that can shed light on the errors reported there* <nickoe> Is the segvanalysis in https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/afdecfee-ce66-11e5-bc69-fa163e4ccdf2 typical? I mean, it is not that much use to know where the program counter is when you don't know what it points at <nickoe> wow, bdmurray teward that errors.ubuntu.com site works much better from home :P <bdmurray> nickoe: there was an issue with the database that just got sorted out, so it may have been that. <nickoe> oh <nickoe> mmm, still sort of slow and bluryr <nickoe> bdmurray: What does the R and U mean? <nickoe> bdmurray: mmm, I am getting Proxy Error now. <nickoe> some times <nickoe> is someone still messing with it? <bdmurray> nickoe: I think they are still working on it. R and U means the Release and Updates pocket <teward> bdmurray: is there an S for security pocket as well, out of curiosity? <nickoe> pocket? is that a time slice? <nickoe> and why is the nickname started to being used on the problem page? 12.04 12.10 13.04 13.10 14.04 14.10 RTM 14.09 15.04 15.10 Xenial <bdmurray> teward: Pretty sure and a P for proposed. <bdmurray> Because Xenial isn't 16.04 yet. <nickoe> mmm, ok <teward> nice #ubuntu-bugs 2016-02-10 <u> hi! <u> is there a way to report a bug by email ? <uInTheShell> i'm running Debian, and need to file a bug against ubuntu-archive <uInTheShell> but.. seriously, I don't want to fire up a Ubuntu VM for this. <uInTheShell> documentation states nothing. <uInTheShell> actually, more specifically, if any of you have more precise instructions on how to request sync-blacklisting a package from Debian (which I maintain there), please shoot. <uInTheShell> I did not find anything <uInTheShell> great. fired up a vm. `ubuntu-bug sync-blacklist` and `ubuntu-bug ubuntu-archive` tell me that i cant report a bug to a package that cannot be installed. <teward> uInTheShell: i can help you file the bug, what package do you need a sync blacklist for, and what's the reasoning? <teward> does the package also need removed here in Ubuntu's release? <teward> s/release/devel release/ <uInTheShell> teward: great thanks! <uInTheShell> https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/tails-installer <uInTheShell> that's a package i maintain <uInTheShell> in Debian <jtaylor> you can also just use launchpad <uInTheShell> and it changes way too much for now to be in any stable distribution. <uInTheShell> jtaylor: i tried to do that <uInTheShell> jtaylor: but, i can't see where i report a bug there :) <teward> uInTheShell: it's "report a bug" at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tails-installer <teward> alternatively: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tails-installer/+filebug may help <jtaylor> uInTheShell: launchpad.net/ubuntu there is a report bug unter "Get Involved" <teward> but if not, I can stab it <uInTheShell> yes, but there is " tails-installer in Debian does not use Launchpad for bug tracking. " <teward> uInTheShell: you're under /debian/ <teward> compare your links again <teward> your link vs. my link <uInTheShell> oh i see <teward> uInTheShell: /ubuntu/+source/... <teward> i'm already started on the bug, you can comment in later. :P <teward> or you can file the bug <teward> and i can go poke nginx with Debian to try and prep for the dynamic modules move >.< <uInTheShell> maybe it should be me because i am the maintainer of that thing <teward> works for me * teward nukes the current tab in Chrome, and goes back to his terminal <uInTheShell> but.. how will the ubuntu-archive maintainers be aware of this? <teward> uInTheShell: we'll subscribe them <uInTheShell> i thought i should report this bug against sync-blacklist? <uInTheShell> ok! <uInTheShell> sorry for these stupid questions.. <teward> not a problem :) <uInTheShell> teward: cool, I did it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tails-installer/+bug/1544207 <ubot5`> Launchpad bug 1544207 in tails-installer (Ubuntu) "Please remove/sync-blacklist tails-installer from Ubuntu archive" [Undecided,New] <uInTheShell> thanks!! <uInTheShell> i suppose that i/we need to add ubuntu-archive@lists.ubuntu.org to the subscribers? <teward> refresh your page <uInTheShell> <3333 <uInTheShell> cool. <uInTheShell> thanks a lot. <uInTheShell> i feel way lighter now. <teward> they're not fast at replying though ;P <teward> busy busy after all <uInTheShell> yes i can imagine. <uInTheShell> so i shall be patient then. <uInTheShell> :) <uInTheShell> thanks again! #ubuntu-bugs 2016-02-11 <papodaca_> Is there currently a bug with kvm on 14.04? after some recent updates I can no longer launch VMs #ubuntu-bugs 2017-02-08 <cult-> hello, i would like to raise awereness of a broken library in ubuntu repository, i contacted the maintainer in email but he hasn't responded. what should I do? <cult-> ubuntu-bug libodb-dev for xenial 16.04, more info: http://www.codesynthesis.com/pipermail/odb-users/2016-May/003280.html <cult-> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libodb/+bug/1588330 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1588330 in libodb (Ubuntu) "Incompatible builds of libodb and libodb-mysql" [Undecided,Confirmed] <cult-> where can I find the build logs? <cult-> nevermind <rbasak> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libodb/2.4.0-1 -> Builds <cult-> https://launchpadlibrarian.net/228769724/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-s390x.libodb_2.4.0-1_BUILDING.txt.gz <cult-> i can't seem to find any errors. but when i built it from source by myself, all was ok. <cult-> but what i see is that there's only s390x architecture available in xenial, why not amd64? <cult-> can it be the source of the problem? <Vej> How do we set the status for a bugreport, which contains the opinion, that a package should be excluded from the ubuntu installer? <Vej> It feels like an "Opinion", but the officiall description needs a "difference of opinion" which is not the case here. <rbasak> IMHO, if it's clear to developers what the request is, then Triaged. <rbasak> If developers disagree, they can set it to Won't Fix. <rbasak> If they agree, then the bug can remain open to track when it is done. <Vej> rbasak: Thank you. I will set to Triaged then. <Laibsch> Just found another example in bug 1540706 of why the penalv-bot is harming the community and alienating valuable contributors. <ubot5> bug 1540706 in sane-backends (Ubuntu) "Canon DR-F120 - IO Errors" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1540706 <Laibsch> I mean, you have to be insane to ask a guy who reported a valid issue, then goes ahead and fixes the issue himself, then goes ahead and pushes the patch upstream and respond by "please follow our procedure and run some silly scripts because we ALWAYS do, whether or not it makes sense". * Laibsch thoroughly pissed off again <rbasak> I agree. It was inappropriate to mark that Incomplete. If an upstream-committed patch for the issue has been identified, the bug almost always automatically Triaged. <rbasak> bdmurray: ^ #ubuntu-bugs 2017-02-09 <Laibsch> rbasak: Can we please encourage the Christopher to stop his unhelpful, robot-like "triaging"? Here is another example of the nonsense: bug 1395003 <ubot5> bug 1395003 in sane-backends (Ubuntu) "Plug n play support for Epson Scanners (supported by epson2 backend)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1395003 <Laibsch> The information given is about as close to a patch as it gets. <Laibsch> yet, the penalv-bot runs his scrips to keep people busy needlessly <Laibsch> unrelated question: is it OK to set a bug that has a debdiff waiting for sponsorship from the sponsors team to "In progress"? <rbasak> Laibsch: I think it would be more appropriate to resolve this in private. <Laibsch> rbasak: impossible <Laibsch> I've tried many times before <Laibsch> quite many reporters have simply left, especially after dealing with his abuse in kernel bugs <rbasak> I would leave something in the sponsorship queue as Triaged in In Progress depending on whether someone's actively driving it or not, as opposed to queue status. <Laibsch> in the case of bug 1564778 I have prepared the debdiff and subscribed sponsors <ubot5> bug 1564778 in sane-backends (Ubuntu) "package libsane-common 1.0.25+git20150528-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/sane.d/hp.conf', which is also in package libsane:i386 1.0.23-3ubuntu3.1" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1564778 <Laibsch> I wonder if setting to "in progress" might make the sponsors assume somebody else is doing the sponsoring which I can not do <rbasak> I'm not sure. <Vej> Can someone please set bug #1657440 to Triaged and set the Importance? This bug contains sufficient information and had already been fixed Upstream. I would set the Importance to Medium because it "has a moderate impact on a core application". <ubot5> bug 1657440 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt won't redownload Release.gpg after inconsistent cache updates made while UCA is being updated" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1657440 #ubuntu-bugs 2017-02-11 <Vej> Hello. Could someone please triage https://bugs.launchpad.net/deja-dup/+bug/1657092 and set the Importance as Low, because it affects a "non-essential aspect" of that apllication? I just forwarded this to upstream. <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1657092 in Déjà Dup "deja-dup refers to "Files" instead of "Caja"" [Low,Triaged] <Vej> Is it wanted, that ubot5 writes "[Low,Triaged]", if this had been set for the upstream project only? The ubuntu package is still untriaged. <padv> Can somebody reopen linux-goldfish (Ubuntu) task of LP #1256822 please <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1256822 in Package Descriptions for Ubuntu "Misspelling in description of linux-goldfish-tools-3.4.0-4" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1256822 #ubuntu-bugs 2018-02-05 <ckrumme> Anyone else having trouble with nouveau on a core 2 with bionic beaver? #ubuntu-bugs 2018-02-09 <ger_ball> could someone point me to where i should report gpodder looking like this https://i.imgur.com/L7UVm2a.png on kubuntu 18.04? (there are actually 22 podcasts subs in that list). <hggdh> ger_ball: use ubuntu-bug -- ubuntu-bug gpodder, fill in the ncesary data when the bug page opens, and include the screenshot <ger_ball> thank you
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#launchpad 2005-05-30 <Luciph3r> ciao ragazzi <thesaltydog> which is the policy to have an application in launchpad? <thesaltydog> err..Rosetta? <carlos> thesaltydog, you request it and we import it <thesaltydog> so simple? <carlos> yes <carlos> thesaltydog, are you the upstream maintainer? <thesaltydog> ok. I am collecting translators for my application right now. Do you need me to send you the .pot file? <thesaltydog> I am the author of Ubuntu Bootup Manager <thesaltydog> carlos, ? <carlos> thesaltydog, http://www.ubuntulinux.com/wiki/RosettaFAQ, look at point #3 <carlos> thesaltydog, hmm is it useful outside Ubuntu? <thesaltydog> ok.. I'll look and be back. <carlos> thesaltydog, if it's only useful inside Ubuntu, you don't need to do it <carlos> thesaltydog, we will get it automatically as soon as Breezy enters into launchpad <thesaltydog> it is ONLY for ubuntu <carlos> thesaltydog, then, you need to wait until we are ready to import Breezy into launchpad (in about a month) <thesaltydog> carlos, ok. I will wait. But in such a case how can you be aware of how many .po files I already have? <carlos> you don't need to do anything we will fetch it automatically <thesaltydog> OK, thanks a lot. <carlos> thesaltydog, if they are inside the Ubuntu source package we will detect it <carlos> and will be imported automatically <thesaltydog> oh, I don't know. It is in UniverseCandidates <carlos> thesaltydog, well as long as you add the .po files you get until we add it to Rosetta to the source code, it's enough <thesaltydog> So, I will continue collecting .po by myself. There is a thread in ubuntuforums. <carlos> ok <thesaltydog> carlos, thanks. Bye <carlos> thesaltydog, you are welcome <carlos> bye <mdke> ola thesaltydog <thesaltydog> matt !!! <mdke> hi <thesaltydog> I have just fixed the matter of ubm on rosetta.. <mdke> in what way? <thesaltydog> they will fetch it automatically in Rosetta when Breezy comes. In about a month. <mdke> it will not get uploaded automatically unless it is uploaded into a Breezy archive <mdke> so it depends on whether it goes into Universe or not <thesaltydog> if not, I will do it by myself. I already have italian/frech/spanish and tomorrow german. <mdke> thesaltydog, i would suggest that you ask carlos to put it in rosetta outside the Ubuntu section, as an upstream program. That way it can be inserted immediately, and it won't depend on whether they accept the package into universe <carlos> thesaltydog, is not sure that it will end in ubuntu's archive? <carlos> mdke, hi <mdke> hiya <mdke> carlos, it is in the list of candidates for an archive but its not in there <thesaltydog> carlos, no, it is not yet sure. <carlos> thesaltydog, when will you know it? <mdke> it depends on whether one of the developers decides to maintain it or not <thesaltydog> carlos, it doesn't depend upon myself. When ubuntu's people decide.. <carlos> I don't understand then.. <carlos> you are developing an Ubuntu specific package <carlos> but you are not sure it will enter into Ubuntu? <mdke> carlos, thats correct <mdke> carlos, it is a boot service manager, he wrote it because it is useful and there is no current equivalent, but it may be that the Ubuntu guys will write their own app for breezy. His is useful now because there is no alternative program. It is used by many Ubuntu forum users <mdke> he also packaged it himself <carlos> we can do the upstream approach, I don't like it too much, but, if you send me an email if the package enters into Ubuntu, I can move then the translations inside Ubuntu (but the old URL will not work anymore) <mdke> well if the package enters into ubuntu, it will get created into the breezy section of rosetta automatically no? <carlos> mdke, yeah, and will be more difficult to migrate all translations from one section to the other <carlos> that's why I want to know it before it happens and we don't leave garbage behind us <mdke> ah i c <carlos> thesaltydog, if you agree, then follow the instructions I pointed you, please <thesaltydog> carlos, I understand that it could be a mess for you. Maybe it's better I continue by myself, and then - if accepted - it will be included in breezy.. <carlos> thesaltydog, it's not a mess, don't worry <carlos> thesaltydog, and you will get more translations if you start using Rosetta now <thesaltydog> ok. I will decide this aftrnoon and let you know. Now I am in a hurry. Have to go. <thesaltydog> carlos, ciao <thesaltydog> mdke, ciao <mdke> a dopo <mdke> carlos, i totally failed to find a decent xhtml -> pot process for the ubuntuguide.org document :/ <carlos> mdke, they should move to docbook <mdke> carlos, yep <mdke> carlos, the author is a little stubborn <mdke> we ported the warty version of the guide to docbook, but he made the second version in xhtml anyway <mdke> maybe for the third version we'll have more luck <carlos> mdke, you should try to show him the things he will win (like Rosetta to get translations, pdf and ps export, etc...) <mdke> carlos, yeah i did :/ <mdke> he says he will move <carlos> well, hope he does it soon... <carlos> in the mean time, don't lose your time with xhtml->po seems like it's not trivial... <carlos> and I'm sure you have better things to work on :-) <mdke> fair enough <mdke> i should pay some attention to my course <carlos> mdke, yeah, me too :-( <mdke> *grins* <mdke> carlos, what do you do? <carlos> mdke, computer science <mdke> cool <Luciph3r> ave <Burgundavia> bradb, ping <bradb> Burgundavia: hi <Burgundavia> trying to get your for days, but we never seem to cross paths <Burgundavia> yes we did meet in Spain <bradb> i thought so :) #launchpad 2005-05-31 <Luciph3r> hi <SteveA> hello <Luciph3r> a dopo <Kinnison> Morning #launchpad 2005-06-01 <Simira> g'morning guys <Simira> anyone awake? <SteveA> hiya <SteveA> we're all working hard writing launchpad code <SteveA> what's up? <Simira> daf: I thought language-files from Debian was imported to Rosetta? <Simira> SteveA: you're all in Brazil now? <Simira> carlos? <daf> Simira: we import only from Ubuntu <daf> Simira: stuff that goes into Debian *usually* gets into Ubuntu sooner or later <Simira> daf: urk. We need the Gnome, installer and aptitude language files from Debian. They're almost completely translated to Norwegian! <Simira> daf: So, I need to track down the language files and send you the links, then? <daf> any language files in particular? <daf> the GNOME translations should certianly be there <daf> I'm not sure about the status of installer/aptitude stuff <daf> carlos: do you know? <Simira> daf: they are not, and we're doing a lot of double work on Gnome. <daf> hmm, weird <Simira> the installer was translated for the second time not long ago, in Rosetta, so that should be ok. <Simira> but aptitude is not in Rosetta, but in Debian <carlos> Simira, there is no way to do it atm <carlos> but <carlos> well, there is a way to do it <Simira> uh, what do you mean, no way? You can't import more language files? <carlos> manual upload of the new .po files <Simira> right <carlos> I'm talking "automatically" <carlos> but <carlos> with grumpy <carlos> and the review work we will start on july - august that should be solved <carlos> /s/review work/review feature/ <Simira> now I'm just confused <carlos> what confuses you? <Simira> can or can't you import the language files that are already translate? I will kind of give us several weeks of work in very short time... <carlos> Simira, you can do it manually <carlos> Simira, it cannot be done automatically <Simira> ok <Simira> how can *I* do it manually, then? <carlos> you go to an URL like: https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/hoary/+sources/gaim/+pots/gaim/nn/+edit <carlos> and upload the .po file <carlos> using that form <carlos> Simira, you have a link to that page from the translation form <daf> carlos: why didn't GNOME get imported automatically? <carlos> well, to the gaim/nn page that has a link to that edit page <carlos> daf, because hoary is not getting new packages with the updates <daf> oh <Simira> hm, ok, it's just start working, then <Simira> carlos, daf: I don't have the permissions * carlos checks <daf> Simira: looks like we might have a problem <daf> Simira: we're investigating it now <Simira> ok, thanks * Simira goes out for lunch and some. <daf> Simira: we've found the problem -- it should be fixed tomorrow <carlos> Simira, but in general, it should work, it's only a problem with some pofiles <carlos> (like gaim, I gave you a bad example :-P) <Luciph3r> ave gente <SteveA> sveiki <Luciph3r> SteveA, what 'sveiki' ...as greetings ? 8) <SteveA> it means "ave" <Burgundavia> bradb, have you set the max width on malone? <Burgundavia> how do add a new appliction to the database? <Burgundavia> if something is in DOAF, but I can't assign it bugs in Malone, is this a known thing? <bradb> Burgundavia: max width in the bugtask listing you mean? <Burgundavia> yes <Burgundavia> sorry, to be clear, the main bug listing <Burgundavia> https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/+bugs <Burgundavia> ^^ that one <Burgundavia> it looks really funny at 1280 <bradb> in any case, i don't know :) i try to avoid writing html as much as possible :) presumably this can be seen in the source though, right? <Burgundavia> YES <Burgundavia> whoops <Burgundavia> just a sec <Burgundavia> bradb, as for the other thing,the application I cannot asign bugs to <Burgundavia> it appears that source viewing is borked on hoary <Burgundavia> bradb, I cannot file bugs on gnomebaker <bradb> Burgundavia: why not? <Burgundavia> no idea <Burgundavia> doap tells me it exists <Burgundavia> but I can't file on it <bradb> when you say "I can't file on it", you're saying that you can't find it in the Source Package Name search at /distros/ubuntu/+filebug, right? <Burgundavia> yes <bradb> ok, thanks, i'll ask our package info guys about getting that info into the system <Burgundavia> ok, what should I do for now? <Burgundavia> is there an unknown? <bradb> don't specify a source package <Burgundavia> can you alias unknown, for the bugzilla refugees? <bradb> maybe. if you think it's worth making a note of that, file a bug and i'll get to thinking about it at some point. <Burgundavia> ok <Burgundavia> bradb, filed <bradb> thanks :) <Burgundavia> I don't see an exact bug with "Editing a bug should all happen on one screen" <Burgundavia> is there something like that, I have just missed it? <Simira> carlos, daf: did you find the problem? <daf> Simira: yep <daf> Simira: it seems it's restricted to a few files <daf> Simira: most will still work <daf> Simira: the rest should be fixed by tomorrow <Simira> ok <Simira> thanks <bradb> Burgundavia: we're spec'ing that out right now <Burgundavia> bradb, cool, figured it would already be happening <bradb> Burgundavia: i added the gnomebaker package too, btw (via a link that appears to not be visible in any way from driving Launchpad) <Burgundavia> ok <Luciph3r> re-ave <bradb> Burgundavia: in the rh bugzilla, what does an alias like IT_43573:IT_46721 mean? <Burgundavia> no idea <bradb> to me it looks like it's some way of relating it to their issue tracker <Burgundavia> can you give me context? <bradb> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=120341 <Burgundavia> that maybe an issue tracker for custom calls <Burgundavia> customer <bradb> yeah, that's what my guess was * bradb checks with thom <Burgundavia> given that they are talking about serious iron in that bug report #launchpad 2005-06-02 <Burgundavia> kiko? <kiko> here is the IRC sucker <Burgundavia> ok <kiko> what's up? <kiko> oh, corey! <Burgundavia> https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/malone/bugs/795 <kiko> I didn't know that was your IRC nick. it's unusually unusual <Burgundavia> sorry about the vague bug report <Burgundavia> I have seen this twice myself, and by several other people <kiko> you think I don't read them, right? :) <Burgundavia> I closed a bunch today <Burgundavia> lol <Burgundavia> because I can't be there when they were entering the bug, I cannot be what they did <Burgundavia> I suspect that some of the them are the going to the main screen bug <kiko> it could be just double-posting the form, like two clicks on Add. <kiko> are the dupes /identical/ or the same content? <Burgundavia> just sec, let me look at the ones I closed eariler <Burgundavia> oh, got another one <Burgundavia> 803 and 804 <Burgundavia> that makes 4 seperate incidents I have seen today <kiko> are they all sequential numbers? <kiko> and I repeat <Burgundavia> yes <kiko> <kiko> are the dupes /identical/ or the same content? <Burgundavia> I don't follow <kiko> or the same general content, I'm sorry. <Burgundavia> identical <kiko> I want to know if the dupes contain exactly the same information. <Burgundavia> same title, same content <kiko> down to the bit? <kiko> okay. <kiko> it's probably double-posting. <kiko> I'll see what I can do. <Burgundavia> cheers, thanks <kiko> bradb, so corey here is pointing out we are getting double-posted bug reports. <kiko> can we detect them and avoid them? * bradb reads scrollback <kiko> it's probably more or less easy to do it <kiko> check if the bug immediately filed before this one has the exact same data as this one <kiko> and if so, error out <kiko> yes, there's a race condition, and no, I don't care about it. <Burgundavia> you can be fairly smart about it to <Burgundavia> first check the title and then the content * Burgundavia wonders why he is telling the devs how to program <kiko> that's the essential principle <bradb> Burgundavia: bug reported noted. i don't think we'll have time to change this until at least after 1.0 though. <bradb> s/reported/report/ <Burgundavia> hey, as long as you know <bradb> Burgundavia: yep, thanks for making us aware of issues like this :) <Burgundavia> getting the ability to mark things as dups would be really nice <bradb> Burgundavia: it's in there, it's just hard to find right now. <Burgundavia> rather than just rejecting all the bugs <Burgundavia> oh <JanC> you can use hidden unique IDs in the web forms <bradb> Burgundavia: it's in the actions portlet, "Mark as Duplicate" <Burgundavia> ok <Burgundavia> hmm <JanC> two submits with the same ID are duplicates <kiko> JanC, that's a better idea, indeed. <kiko> JanC, issue is that's one more field to store in the DB. <Burgundavia> what does bugzilla do? <kiko> nothing, we have the same problem. <Burgundavia> ah <JanC> I have stored such IDs as session data in the past <JanC> worked quite well, but I didn't have so much users probably :) <kiko> we don't have session data in launchpad, though. <JanC> except for user/authentication info ? <kiko> right. <bradb> gettin late here dudes, heading home, catch ya later :) <JanC> someone should tell bradb he doesn't need the "~" to go home :) <kiko> lol <mdke> ooh <mdke> JanC, that counts as the thing I learnt today <mdke> awesome <Luciph3r> hi all <Simira> is launchpad down today? <spiv> Shouldn't be... <spiv> But it taking a suspiciously long time to respond... <spiv> Simira: It appears to be up, but extremely slow. <Simira> humtidum... <spiv> Ah, yep, I just got a page, finally :) <Luciph3r> torno subito <Luciph3r> re <mdke> still v slow responding from here <mdke> anything we can do about it? <carlos> mdke, slow responding? <mdke> the site <mdke> but now I'm on, its fast again <carlos> mdke, yeah, that's why i'm asking because it was working ok for me <mdke> carlos, hmmm. i just saw the conversation above and tried it, it was slow loading the first page, but now it seems totally ok <carlos> ok <mdke> carlos, still here? <mdke> carlos, nm <kiko> mdke, maybe I can help? <mdke> kiko, got a solution, thanks :D <kiko> cool #launchpad 2005-06-03 * #launchpad [freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup * #launchpad [freenode-info] help freenode weed out clonebots, please register your IRC nick and auto-identify: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup <Burgundavia> morning bradb <bradb> hi Burgundavia <Burgundavia> mpt, ping #launchpad 2005-06-04 <mpt> Burgundavia: pong <Burgundavia> mpt, ping <Burgundavia> mpt, regarding malone bug 810 <Burgundavia> and 809 <Burgundavia> please comment on the bug <Luciph3r> Hola ! #launchpad 2005-06-05 <Simira> daf, carlos: Rosetta breaks my Opera :-/ are there any known problems today? <daf> Simira: no... <daf> Simira: how does it break it? <Simira> daf: seemed to be our router, possibly. But I still have problems. Checking the faq now... but, for xchat2, the translation information shows 0%, and I can't see more than 10 lines, all translated. Although I it says 0 items, and I just appearantly uploaded a new and mostly translated po-file <daf> URL? <Simira> I get no error message on "Save and Continue", but it doesn't continue either... <Simira> https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/products/xchat2/unknown/+pots/xchat/nb/+translate <Simira> might be todays bad aura for me... seems like nothing works for me today... <Simira> the FAQ doesn't cover usual problems, eh <daf> what exactly happens when you hit the button? <Simira> the page reloads, and the corrected strings is just like I wrote them (they stay corrected).. <daf> hmm, ok <daf> maybe there is only 10 messages in that file, for some weird reason <Simira> well, in the Skolelinux translation project,the statistics says 410 out of 1171 strings translated... <daf> yeah, I'm sure there's supposed to be more than that <Simira> oh, I'll just go to bed for a while, cry a bit and wait for the world to get settled a bit. bbl. #launchpad 2006-05-29 <lifeless> I'm off to pick up tickets <lifeless> if lp crashes, sms me and I'll get to a starbucks etc asap. <mpt_> Goooooooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders! <lifeless> jamesh: your review is aging <lifeless> spiv: your reviews need love <stub> Do I recall something about other people getting spurious failures with pagetests/soyuz/26-queue-pages.txt when submitting to PQM? <spiv> stub: matsubara had that. <spiv> stub: It made no obvious sense I could see late on a Friday night. <spiv> He posted to the list asking for ideas after I ran out of suggestions for him, no replies yet. <spiv> There's some funny business with SQLObject going on in database/queue.py, but I can't see how it would cause the problem. <stub> I'm getting it consistantly - 5 submit requests, five faillures. Only changes on that branch are the session machinery, which might affect page tests. * stub wonders wtf there is a doctest called doc/zzz-soyuz-set-of-uploads.txt <spiv> matsubara's changes were in CoC stuff, and were also totally consistent. <spiv> (i.e. repeated failures). <spiv> I wonder if a totally trivial change can merge atm? <stub> pagetests passing locally... * stub sighs <stub> Got a trivial change lying around? <stub> Heh.... *mine* is trivial <spiv> Heh. <mantas_> hi all <SteveA> morning <lifeless> morning <carlos> morning <lifeless> SteveA: ping <SteveA> hi <lifeless> you suggested a second bzr talk <lifeless> and offered to propose it at europython. <lifeless> have you done that? If not, we can put one forward in an hour or so <lifeless> With me and you as presenters <SteveA> u have not done so <SteveA> please do <lifeless> ok, consider it done <lifeless> should I make you primary author? [will the system let me do that ?] <SteveA> sure, if the system will allow <lifeless> ok <janimo> carlos: hello. There is a new translation .po file for the xfce file manager, is it too late to get it in dapper? <janimo> I got it mailed privately by an upstream translator <carlos> hmm, I think it's too late if we use language packs done today <carlos> janimo: you would need to check it with pitti <carlos> janimo: anyway, it will appear next month <ddaa> Hello, I'm back. <carlos> with the language pack update <janimo> carlos: oh so it can be imported just not make dapper? <janimo> that's ok as well <carlos> janimo: yeah, it can be imported <janimo> carlos: ok thanks. Can I do it via LP? Package thunar language ro <janimo> this is a new po <carlos> hmm, no, an Ubuntu translator should do it for you (I will fix that soon) <carlos> I mean a Romanian Ubuntu translator <janimo> carlos: Ok I'll ask them <carlos> janimo: if it comes from upstream, send me the file and I will do it for you <janimo> carlos: what email address? <carlos> janimo: if it doesn't come from upstream, you should not upload anything yourself, the translation team should do it to prevent any translation problem <carlos> janimo: carlos.perello@canonical.com <janimo> carlos: it comes from the official xfce romanian translator guy <carlos> I will do the upload then <carlos> as coming from upstream <janimo> carlos: sent <carlos> janimo: ok, thanks <carlos> stub: hi, could you execute on production the SQL command I sent on Saturday to remove OO.org imports ? <ddaa> SteveA: jamesh: spiv: mpool: lifeless: meeting in 26 mins <ddaa> SteveA: jamesh: spiv: mpool: lifeless: well, actually, it was "meeting in 1 hour and 26 mins". Now 57 minutes, confused by change in meeting time. <ddaa> SteveA: jamesh: spiv: mpool: lifeless: meeting in 7 minutes <ddaa> he <ddaa> meeting in 17 minutes * lifeless nags spiv about reviews <spiv> lifeless: just one outstanding, I'll do it v. soon... <mpt> :) <lifeless> spiv: thanks. Your peak was 5 days, which given the weekend is 3, and still a bit many. Remember, a review a day, keeps the nagger away. <stub> buildd-slave-scanner.py is spamming me. Should I disable it or is someone working on it atm? ddaa? <stub> Erm... sorry. That isn't ddaa's toy <SteveA> stub: bank hols in the UK, so no soyuz folk around <lifeless> review meeting in 1 minute <lifeless> ok, role call <SteveA> i'll be the butler <jamesh> I'm here <lifeless> SteveA: in the library <SteveA> with the washboard <spiv> SteveA: Is this "Cluedo: The 'Who played that tune?'" edition? ;) <lifeless> ok <lifeless> * <lifeless> Next meeting <lifeless> * <lifeless> Queue status. <lifeless> same time and place ? <SteveA> if you copy from the "raw text" wiki page, you get better irc output <lifeless> the 5th june <SteveA> +1 <lifeless> ok <lifeless> lets look at the queue <lifeless> accounting for the weekend, needs-review has one on 2 days, and 2 on 1 day <lifeless> this is healthy. *but*... <lifeless> this morning there were three on 5 days IIRC. <lifeless> which is 3 on 3 days. Our goal is a 48 hour turnaround - one day to allocate, one day to review. <jamesh> I'm part way through doing carlos' review <lifeless> jamesh: cool. that will keep it under 48 hours :) <lifeless> spiv: what went wrong with your queue last week ? too many reviews? too much other stuff ? were you getting one a day done ? <spiv> I forgot to check my review queue on Friday. <lifeless> ok <spiv> Which is probably a symptom of being busy with other things. <lifeless> do you have a daily 'todo list' <lifeless> I have one, written down. <lifeless> 'check email', 'assign reviews', 'do reviews'. <spiv> I have a tomboy todo list, but it's not daily as such. <lifeless> so, I have my tomboy list in parts: <lifeless> daily <lifeless> ---- <lifeless> urgent <lifeless> ------ <lifeless> other <lifeless> ---- <spiv> That looks like a good categorisation. I'll try that. <lifeless> I find it stops me forgetting about daily stuff <lifeless> ok, cool <lifeless> any other business ? <jamesh> the pending-reviews runs seem to have fairly consistant runtimes, so I can probably increase the frequency a bit more if that would be useful <lifeless> jamesh: can you make it print the *next* run date on the page ? <spiv> lifeless: One quick thing; just letting know Steve's asked me to do the review in his queue, as it's supposed to be a public holiday for him. <lifeless> jamesh: that is probably very useful. <lifeless> spiv: thanks <lifeless> I have one bit of new business <jamesh> lifeless: I could probably include the date when it'll *start* the next run, but that isn't quite the same as when the next set of results will be ready <lifeless> please be sure to note in the review how long it took. <lifeless> this is for understanding the workload reviews place on you <lifeless> has anyone done a pre-code design phone call yet ? <spiv> I haven't yet. <lifeless> jamesh: add the time this run took - should be close :) <jamesh> lifeless: sounds fair enough. <lifeless> ok, countdown to meeting over <lifeless> 5 <lifeless> 4 <lifeless> 2 <lifeless> -1 <lifeless> -meeting ends- <lifeless> thanks for coming <cprov> good morning <SteveA> hi cprov <SteveA> <stub> buildd-slave-scanner.py is spamming me. Should I disable it or is someone working on it atm? <stub> I was going to bounce the systems on drescher once the current publishing run had finished, but I'll leave it up to cprov now ;) <cprov> stub: uhm .. why is it spamming you ? <stub> Because I'm subscribed to too many error reports topics, and it is dying because it can't create a lock file. Every thirty seconds or so. <cprov> stub: I'll stop and fix it <cprov> stub: fixed <stub> Anything that might repeat and I need to be aware of? <cprov> stub: not really, during my debugging adam has restarted it and it worked, the lockfile wasn't there anyway. <cprov> SteveA: have you seen malcolm today ? <cprov> stub: SteveA, about the soyuz/26-.., It fails in different pages, each time you report it, does it makes sense to you ? Anyway, I'm updating it to testbrowser, so you can help me to debug the problem. <stub> cprov: My failures were consistently on line 112 <stub> I don't know about matsubara's or anyone elses <stub> always expecting the alsa-utils entry to fail but getting success instead <cprov> stub: yes, matsubara had other, IIRC <stub> Hmm... <cprov> stub: I've experienced that before, need to accept alsa twice before it <cprov> stub: even if I've added a check in the queue state machine to raise an error if you try to same status again. <cprov> stub: the queue state machine is __idempotent__, but if you duplicate the alsa-utils accept action, it won't fail and the rest will pass, could you check it locally for me ? <stub> Tests pass fine for me here - or did you want me to check for some other reason? <stub> PQM box had the trouble <cprov> stub: uhm, right, nevermind, the same here at this point, but I've really experienced what I described before in my local machine. Any clue ? <stub> Not really. I think we should rework the tests with the newer test infrastructure so they are easier to follow and less noisy and try to land. If it gets through PQM we can just wait until it dies again. <cprov> stub: it looked like one request simply wasn't commited (but I know it's a very simplistic approach to the problem ...) <stub> (and maybe it won't, indicating something odd going on with the old test machinery?) <cprov> stub: indeed, malcolm has it in place, I'm just waiting he shows up. * bradb wakes up * carlos -> lunch <SteveA> cprov: malcolm won't be around today i expect <SteveA> cprov: it is a public holiday in the UK <stub> I doubt the test fix is a top priority (?) <cprov> SteveA: ohh, right, forgot it. I'll call him them. Thank you <kiko> bom giorno <kiko> cprov! <lifeless> bom bom <lifeless> night all <kiko> night lifeless <ddaa> crap! <ddaa> graaaaaah! <ddaa> baz-import test suite blocking cscvs merge AGAIN !!!!!11111111ONEoneONEoneONEoneONEoneONEone <cprov> kiko: hey <kiko> cprov, back already! <cprov> kiko: yup, plenty of TODO tasks, as expected <carlos> SteveA: hi <carlos> around? <SteveA> carlos: i'm around a little bit. <kiko> hey SteveA <kiko> thanks for handling the production firefighting over the weekend <carlos> SteveA: A user told me that he sees some translations getting the fuzzy flag from time to time <carlos> he fixes it and then, the fuzzy flag is restored (fuzzy = Needs review in our UI) <carlos> we don't track who changes it <carlos> but I guess we should do it, to track this kind of problems <carlos> until that's done, is there any way to debug it from apache's logs or any other kind of logs we have? <SteveA> in what ways can the fuzzy flag be changed? <SteveA> i mean, on what pages can it be changed? <SteveA> is it changed by other processing? <kiko> on the translation page itself <SteveA> as the translation page will be submitted with a POST, we do not keep the data that was posted <kiko> you mean the previous state? <SteveA> it may be possible to find something in the database logs <kiko> or, well, what? <kiko> ah. <kiko> I think carlos is asking about a Rosetta feature <kiko> more than debugging this specific instance <kiko> (right?) <carlos> SteveA: it's changed using the form <carlos> kiko: well, I'm going to implement at some point a feature to track those changes <kiko> right <carlos> kiko: I would want to debug it, if possible, to know if it's caused by an user changing it or a Rosetta bug <kiko> oh I see <carlos> I think it's a user, but sounds weird that someone is setting it and another is removing it... <carlos> more than once in the last month <kiko> stub, ping? <stub> kiko: pong <kiko> stub, given the production issues we're having, what is the forecast for production updates? <kiko> (in particular the shipit update, but other updates are also welcome) <SteveA> carlos: start just by adding simple log statements <SteveA> carlos: we can find those in the log files <stub> I was thinking tomorrow. Production issues don't change anything. <kiko> stub, well, they only change that ideally you have a steady state to be able to track down what is causing issues (if it goes away magically) <kiko> stub, but if you think it's not something to consider, then great. do you have a proposed revision, or are you taking suggestions? <carlos> SteveA: ok <stub> There is nothing to track down really - until it happens again we don't have leads <carlos> stub: didn't it happen again today? <stub> Which reminds me - stevea's patch needs to get put into rocketfuel <stub> carlos: Not that I'm aware. <kiko> stub, your modified version, hopefully :) <kiko> stub, happened this morning at 6:45 UTC I believe via launchpad mail <SteveA> i've asked jamesh to improve the patch as part of his signal-to-dump-state work <SteveA> so that we will be using OOPS-system-id and thread-index rather than thread-object-id <stub> I don't seem to have it. Did anyone get the request dumps? <kiko> SteveA? <SteveA> what is your question kiko? <SteveA> i did not restart production servers since early yesterday or so <SteveA> and i have mailed the launchpad list for each restart <kiko> oh was the yeah yeah mail a sunday mail? <SteveA> a saturday one i think <SteveA> and that prompted me to write the (flawed) patch to capture request data at the start of request processing <Kagou> hi <kiko> SteveA, sorry bout that. thanks for clarifying. <kiko> stub, so, do you have a proposed RF revision? <stub> kiko: Nope ;) <kiko> stub, okay, I'll give you some suggestions. <Kagou> is there anyone who have time to change or to explain me how to change the name of my specification (i made a mistake). * SteveA goes to have a public holiday day. <kiko> Kagou, certainly. what's the spec URL? <Kagou> kiko, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/vetselpatrice <Kagou> kiko, i made mistake on his name "vetselpatrice" ... "share informations" is better or what you want <kiko> Kagou, I'll change it for you. one moment. <Kagou> np <kiko> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/network-information-sharing <kiko> you should update the link at <kiko> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SharingInformations <Kagou> kiko, done. Thanks <stub> kiko: r3611 might be scary. I'm thinking r3610 with r3614 cherry picked (the session change that is already live in production) <kiko> stub, what about your suggestion, r3613? <kiko> other than that I think I agree <kiko> I think it's worth testing the shipit patch <stub> kiko: Do we know how often duplicate requests are a problem? <stub> kiko: I'm happy to put r3613 out too, <kiko> stub, they occur at least once a day, so I think it's worth it. <stub> ok. Didn't realize it was that often. <kiko> great, we have a deal then. <kiko> yeah, that's why I was trying to get it done earlier rather than later <stub> bradb: Is anyone going to cry if implicit bug contact subscriptions doesn't go out until next week? <bradb> stub: doubt it. they've already been without for a while. <kiko> crct * stub hands kiko a fresh bag of vowels <kiko> I just choked on a shred of beetroot! <ddaa> stub: is there any trick for rolling out launchpad ATM <ddaa> stub: or can I just build a 1.63-based config and roll that out to branch-scanner? <stub> ddaa: No tricks. production/1.63 is all up to date <ddaa> okay, thought there might have been a skew between rocketfuel and production zope or something <stub> ddaa: There was for a bit but I brought it back in sync on sunday <stub> oh - zope. Nope - not difference. <Kagou> cya <skippy_> how can I de-activate my Launchpad account so that i can re-create it using a better name? <kiko> skippy_, you can just rename it. no need to deactivate. <skippy_> I didn't see how to rename it. <kiko> what's your url? <stub> kiko: Can we put off the rollout until post Gold release? mdz wants to avoid any variables delivering Ubuntu on schedule. <stub> Gold is Thursday. <kiko> stub, okay if you roll out the shipit patch by itself, yes. <kiko> stub, patch/patches <stub> Got a list of the important ones handy? <kiko> yes <stub> 3605... <stub> 3606 <kiko> r3589, r3590, r3595, r3597, r3608, r3613, r3605 <stub> Not 3606, 3608 & 3610? <kiko> those too <kiko> that's it <kiko> mdz just called me to make sure I understood that THIS ROLLOUT CAN NOT FAIL :) <stub> Ok. I'll build the production branch and roll out tomorrow at around 05:00 UTC <kiko> thanks stub <fabbione> kiko: consigliere... <stub> Should be no hassles unless someone snuck in a database patch in that set * kiko bows to the padrino <fabbione> kiko: i can see you understood perfectly the message... :) <fabbione> kiko: this rollout will not fail <kiko> fabbione, or else the horse gets the axe! <fabbione> kiko: and <fabbione> kiko: and you the head * kiko shivers <ddaa> stub: what do you use to build launchpad configs? <ddaa> I have a scrip based on "bzr branch", but it gets confused by launchpad being some sort of weird shared-repo-with-a-branch thing <stub> ddaa: rsync <ddaa> stub: to _build_ the launchpad config to rsync <stub> ddaa: I just rsync rocketfuel-built from chinstrap and then bzr pull --overwrite the branch I want <stub> ddaa: 'cause trying to run config manager on balleny gives me the shits <ddaa> okay <ddaa> will do as you do, then <ddaa> stub: I had a script that did the equivalent of cm build, but replaced the sftp:// url by local urls <ddaa> so it took only a long time, but not forever <stub> ddaa: Its more that stuff is installed all over the place, I'm never sure of what versions of Python libraries to put in my PYTHONPATH and can't be arsed updating my PYTHONPATH anyway. <Yannig> Hello everybody <Yannig> Could someone please tell me how I could have create a mailing list for the Occitan translation team? <kiko> Yannig, launchpad doesn't provide mailing lists -- you need to do it yourself! <Yannig> kiko> I asked at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ (as everybody I think) but they don't even dare to answer :( <kiko> Yannig, AFAIK we don't host mailing lists for translation teams, but.. I'm not sure. carlos, do you know? <carlos> kiko: we do it for ubuntu-l10n-XX teams <carlos> at lists.ubuntu.com <carlos> outside launchpad <carlos> Yannig: did you talk with jdub? <Yannig> carlos> I tried, but he never answered <carlos> Yannig: I guess he's sleeping atm <carlos> Yannig: he lives in Australia <carlos> Yannig: so you should try it before you go to sleep or early in the morning <carlos> Yannig: I guess you tried sending an email, right? <Yannig> Thanks :) <Yannig> I sent a may at mailman@lists.ubuntu.com (as asked I can't remember where) 11 days ago <carlos> Yannig: try mailing him directly <carlos> jdub@ubuntu.com should work <carlos> hmm no, sorry, the right one is: <carlos> Jeff Waugh <jeff.waugh@ubuntu.com> <Yannig> Great, thanks :) * carlos -> out * bradb & # lunch <lifeless> morning * bradb & # out <SteveA> lifeless: morning. strange that as soon as we add better diagnostics to launchpad, the darn thing works properly... <lifeless> SteveA: grah! <lifeless> hiesenbug #launchpad 2006-05-30 <troy_s> I need a Launchpad guru... anyone? <kiko> always! <kiko> what's up troy_s <troy_s> thank you! <troy_s> First, is there a way to remove old polls, or botched polls? <troy_s> Second, is there a way to adjust the calendar (the one for our team has a name attached to the top) <troy_s> Third, is there a way to change the actual root of the team page as ours has two links that are rather redundant and seem fixed (despite looking in details etc) <kiko> troy_s, a) not without database admin, but there is probably a way to close them out. <kiko> b) I'm not sure; I'd need to see the page to understand. <kiko> c) same as b) <troy_s> launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-art <kiko> wow <kiko> what is this crazy calendar thing. it is a bug! <troy_s> laf. <troy_s> well there you go. <kiko> can you please file it? I'd say "Team calendar's heading is name of apparently random person!" <kiko> I'm still unsure as to what ou mean by your point c).. ah, do you by any chance mean the wiki links? <troy_s> its not random, it was our owner's name... but it appears stuck there. <kiko> okay <troy_s> yes... the wiki links are set in stone. <kiko> "Team calendar's heading is name of owner" <kiko> or is the problem deeper than just the heading? <kiko> yeah, c) is also a bug. how very strange. <HiddenWolf> So, I want to stop getting mail from a bug in malone on which I came subscribed due to a duplicate. <HiddenWolf> Now what do I do? <HiddenWolf> Can I unsubscribe from the original bug? <troy_s> kik: How does one register a bug for launchpad itself? I see Ubuntu's distro related... but the site itself? <troy_s> Hiddenwolf: yes... <troy_s> Hiddenwolf: go to the bug on launchpad, it should be relatively self-explanatory. <kiko> troy_s, products/launchpad/+filebug <troy_s> done <troy_s> thanks kik <kiko> HiddenWolf, the problem is actually identifying the original bug, right? <troy_s> i filed one for the calendar and one for the sticky stuff. <kiko> HiddenWolf, that's a bug bradb and I are thinking of how to fix properly <kiko> thanks troy_s much appreciated <HiddenWolf> kiko: I keep my mail, so I managed to find it, but yea, it's kinda counterintuitive to have to go back to the original bug. <troy_s> Nice work on the system overall though. Quite impressive. <kiko> HiddenWolf, yep. we want to fix it, not sure how yet, though. <cprov> goodnight all <mpt> Gooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders! * mpt drops a pin <haloe> is this the ubuntu idea for launhpad place? <mpt> haloe, what do you mean? <mpt> You want to propose a new feature for Ubuntu? <mpt> or something about Launchpad? <ajmitch> good afternoon mpt <ajmitch> how are you? <haloe> oh hey <haloe> I just wanted to know if my pc can use ubuntu :) <haloe> x86? what does that mean? <mpt> haloe, what kind of computer do you have? <haloe> every linux should have the feature to play games :) <haloe> I have a pentium2 winXP: dont even think ubuntu will work <troy_s> haloe: wrong forum. but yes it will. <haloe> what does x86 mean? <troy_s> haloe: head over to #ubuntu <troy_s> start there friend. <troy_s> good luck. <haloe> oh thnx :) <haloe> good thing I came here :) <troy_s> well everyone needs to start somewhere. <stub> lifeless: I'm cherry picking into ~/production/launchpad for testing and will push to production/1.63 if all successful (cherry pick only rollout for release paranoia reasons - shipit updates only, no database patches) * haloe sees the light of ubuntu <haloe> U BUNTU! lol <lifeless> stub k * stub disables pqm, kicks on test suite on balleny, and goes to grab breakfast <stub> All tests pass except for the ones I expect to fail (session and quoting both have production fixes without the corresponding test updates being cherry picked) <stub> I'll push out the updates to the appservers only - no point disrupting anything else * stub remembers to reenable PQM <lifeless> spiv: I have a favour to ask. <lifeless> tomorrow and thursday are hectic, with travel and whatnot. <lifeless> can you allocate reviews from general to reviewers for me on those days ?Just check once in your am. <spiv> lifeless: Sure, I can do that. <spiv> lifeless: As far as my queue goes btw, I did a review last night, but forgot to update the wiki until a moment ago, so I'm not quite as bad as I appear... <lifeless> stub: what plugs do they use in thailand ? <lifeless> (power plugs) <stub> lifeless: US or European <stub> (two thin round prongs or two thin parallel strips) <stub> You visiting? <lifeless> stub: -> uk via bangkok <lifeless> want to make sure I have the right plugs for the travellers lounge <stub> lifeless: Let me know if you want to stopover for a day or three - there is network at my place so you can work. <lifeless> stub: thanks for the offer - may take you up on it on a future trip. <lifeless> stub: wont be on this one though - got a meeting friday in london <stub> There is always the return trip * stub tempts lifeless with Thai food and go-go dancers <SteveA> morning <lifeless> stub: maaate <lifeless> stub: are stopovers flexible? like ring up and change ? <stub> Generally, yeah. Just ask whoever you bought your tickets from that you want a few days in Bangkok on the way back. We do it all the time <stub> Or you can do it directly with the airline <stub> Always happy to do it unless the flights are full or you have a weird ticket that won't allow it. <lifeless> righto <lifeless> right now, wanna get packed etc <lifeless> will look into it <carlos> morning <SteveA> hi carlos <SteveA> BjornT_: hi, around? <BjornT_> hi SteveA <SteveA> gary poster is in town <SteveA> we went to trakai on sunday <SteveA> he's working all week at pov. so, we should meet them for lunch sometime <BjornT_> cool, that'd be great. i don't have any special plans this week, so any day is good for me. <stub> There is a chance I'll be visiting September or October - Kirsten needs to visit Romania and Czechoslovakia around then promoting the book translations so I might tag along for a holiday and pop over and visit and maybe work from Vilnius for a week. <SteveA> sure <SteveA> btw <SteveA> don't say "czechoslovakia" <SteveA> it riles the locals <stub> Heh... we have friends in Belgrade who still insist on using Yugoslavia in their mailing address ;) <SteveA> jamesh, spiv, stub: how about one of those group-skype sessions <stub> I'm never sure what should be used the further east in Europe I go ;) <stub> ok. <spiv> Sure. <SteveA> jamesh: ? <jamesh> SteveA: okay <mdz> how did this morning's rollout go? <stub> No problems of course <SteveA> good morning mdz <mdz> glad to hear it <fabbione> morning guys <fabbione> given that we are now at release <fabbione> what are the odds to get bug #36830 fixed? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 36830 in launchpad-publisher "need Contents files to be generated" [Major,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/36830 <fabbione> you know.. we have tools depending on these files to be updated properly <SteveA> fabbione: that would be a question for malcc, Kinnison and cprov <fabbione> SteveA: well i am asking generally to everybody here... <SteveA> gah... so it isn't a launchpad code thing perhaps <SteveA> but something rather duct-tapey and fragile that only elmo knows about <fabbione> SteveA: it is launchpad since we did switch to soyuz <SteveA> i agree. i am observing that the solution may involve no additional launchpad code <SteveA> but running existing dak tools in particular ways <SteveA> maybe it is possible to get elmo and malcc in the same room together to work on this? <malcc> SteveA: I'm physically capable of being in the London office today, but I'm not sure they've got any space for me <fabbione> SteveA: dunno.. contents file are part of a release imho. and they haven't been there for months <SteveA> malcc: would you talk with elmo and kiko about this, when they are around? <malcc> SteveA: Yup, willdo <SteveA> and also, please tell fabbione what is talked about <SteveA> i don't really know what a Contents.gz file contains <SteveA> so maybe it would be easier to generate it from the launchpad database than to use the dak tools. <fabbione> SteveA: just check in archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/ <fabbione> there are Contents file per archi <fabbione> they show a list of all files contained in the different debs sorted in a special way <SteveA> is there a written specification on these files? <SteveA> or is it just "make it work with the tools"? <Kinnison> fabbione: It needs someone to take the apt.conf, twiddle it to generate the contents files out-of-place run apt-ftparchive and then move them into place once they're done <Kinnison> fabbione: everything needed to do it is there, it just needs someone who knows what they're doing to do it <fabbione> Kinnison: yes, that's written in the bug <Kinnison> fabbione: So you want someone who understands them to be doing this, not j.random lp dev <fabbione> (and i used it for my archives) <fabbione> Kinnison: well elmo and cprov did talk alreayd about it <fabbione> it's waiting implementation <Kinnison> fabbione: I see * carlos -> lunch <carlos> later! <cbx33> can you delete a release series once you have created it? <ddaa> cbx33: no, you cant' <ddaa> but you can rename it <cbx33> ok that makes sense <Yannig> Hello everybody <Yannig> I have a little problem with Occitan translation <Yannig> Do someone know where I can define the order of the items in the date (GNOME clock)? <Yannig> I have dayname-month-daynumber and I should have dayname-daynumber-month <Daemon> I just have a quick question, the debian-installer package (https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/) refers to a "Debian Install System Team" as the Maintainer, but this does not seem to be a real group within launchpad, is it referring to an external group or is it because it hasn't been updated? <kiko-zzz> GOOD MORNING PADDERS! <malcc> Mornin kiko <kiko> I am busy deleting emails from dubai and nigeria <Keybuk> Is Assign-To-Nobody broken? <kiko> Keybuk, I saw a bug reported on that last week -- is this via email or via the UI? <Keybuk> UI <bradb> Keybuk: yeah, it's broken. i'm fixing it. <kiko> Keybuk, I believe it works via email, if that helps <kiko> bradb, make sure to pagetest this jimmy ;) <bradb> yeah, with testbrowser, it's actually reasonable to test <kiko> if you need help drive-bying, just let me know. <bradb> thanks <Adri2000> hi <Adri2000> matsubara: it seems you have fixed bug #39547 (fix commited), but it still doesn't work for me, when will the fix be released ? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 39547 in launchpad "Code of Conduct 1.0.1 signatures not accepted" [Critical,Fix committed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/39547 <kiko> Adri2000, probably early next week. <kiko> we are currently on a rollout embargo to avoid disrupting the distribution team. <Adri2000> kiko: ok <Keybuk> kiko: will /people/nobody break anything? <mdz> kiko: what's the syntax for assigning to nobody via email? <kiko> good question <kiko> Keybuk, it's not what you want though. <kiko> BjornT_, do you know the answer to that question? <bradb> From what I can see, it's not possible. <OculusAquilae> kiko: I wanted to ask what to do because of Launchpad-Group kubuntu-de. Its owner and admin isn't active anymore. Could you make somebody (perhaps me) an admin so that other people can join? <bradb> I can it easily enough though. <bradb> fix it, too <kiko> OculusAquilae, sure. <kiko> OculusAquilae, who is the original owner/admin? <bradb> damn, why does there have to be a real person named nobody! <kiko> heh <OculusAquilae> kiko: it's marcelk (author-psi in IRC i think) <bradb> kiko: you won't believe this... <bradb> THERE'S A PERSON CALLED none TOO <bradb> and nil! (not that i would have used that, but...) <SteveA> we can change that <SteveA> and get it added to the list of banned names * bradb would like to have "nobody" reserved, if possible <SteveA> if someone calls themselves names like "root" or "admin" or "nobody" then they can expect problems <OculusAquilae> kiko: marcelk left us a long time ago and isn't active anymore <kiko> OculusAquilae, I see. okay, give me a few minutes, juggling here. <OculusAquilae> ok <bradb> SteveA: So maybe we should send an email to "nobody" saying he should reregister under a different name within 30 days, because "nobody" will be reserved for system use? And meanwhile, I can implement this email command as though nobody is a reserved word... <SteveA> bradb: that is a good proposal. please mail it to the launchpad list for further discussion <bradb> ok <kiko> bradb, you could also use a single hyphen or something like that <bradb> kiko: yeah, though i think that's a bit cruel <bradb> the advantage of using "nobody" is that it's consistent with the web UI <kiko> somewhat -- we display a hyphen normally, don't we? <kiko> (except in the radiobuttons) <bradb> for viewing, we display an m-dash on the bug page, yeah. for setting it's "Nobody" <SteveA> either that, or we can assign mister "nobody" lots and lots of bugs <malcc> SteveA++, that'll teach him <kiko> SteveA, for now, people can reassign to kiko-bichodomato anyway <spiv> lifeless: In case you're awake, I've filed https://launchpad.net/products/bzr/+bug/47414, which is what stopped my fix for 44183/41414 merging. I'm working around it so that I can merge, but I thought you'd like to know. <Ubugtu> Malone bug 47414 in bzr "sftp doesn't work on windows" [Normal,Unconfirmed] <spiv> lifeless: Er, I mean https://launchpad.net/products/bzr/+bug/47494 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 47494 in bzr "bzrdir.sprout does not preserve repository format" [Normal,Unconfirmed] <spiv> (too many browser tabs open!) <lifeless> spiv: I am, good catch. <lifeless> we should fix that. <spiv> lifeless: Your review asked that I use sprout, I hope you don't mind if I leave that as an XXX for now instead :) <lifeless> sure, thats fine. <lifeless> its a shame, but if its not up to it, its not up to it <lifeless> gnight <ddaa> hey spiv, nice patch you just submitted :) <lifeless> sabdfl: see you tomorrow <lifeless> erm, thursday. day after tomorrow. <spiv> lifeless: g'night. Have a good flight tomorrow! <lifeless> thanks <ddaa> lifeless: where are you flying to this time? <spiv> ddaa: :) <spiv> ddaa: Hmm, no luck on the cscvs front? <ddaa> spiv: the current pqm patch is dummy cscvs change, to confirm that merging is still broken and it's not just my changes <ddaa> no luck so far <ddaa> it's definitely critical now, as all my outstanding branches are blocked on that <spiv> The cscvs tests pass in PQM when run as part of launchpad's check_merge. <spiv> So it's possibly a PQM misconfiguration with how it runs tests for cscvs merges? <ddaa> Maybe the problem is something in the pqm config, I do not know. <spiv> Or maybe the cscvs makefile isn't setting paths right. <ddaa> spiv: not a problem with the cscvs makefile <ddaa> the failure happens in the bzr tests <lifeless> [/home/pqm/archives/rocketfuel/cscvs/1.0/devel] <lifeless> precommit_hook=make -C .. check <lifeless> build_config=/home/pqm/archives/rocketfuel/dists/devel/configs/canonical.com/launchpad/development <ddaa> when doing the baz-import tests <lifeless> that is, commits to cscvs run 'make check' in sourcecode. <lifeless> actually, now that you've unfucked things, we should make this run check_merge again. <lifeless> done <spiv> lifeless: woo! <lifeless> (as of the next time pqm reads its config file) <lifeless> I've added a todo to do the same for buildbot etc <lifeless> note that this is not the cause of the fault <ddaa> okay, the dummy merge just failed <spiv> lifeless: No, but it's nice anyway :) <lifeless> because spiv was committing to other sourcecode trees, and they have the same config <lifeless> so they were all running 'make check' in sourcecode. <ddaa> same problem, failures in baz-import tests <spiv> That config looks sane to me. <lifeless> its now <lifeless> precommit_hook=make -C ../.. check_merge <lifeless> tchau * lifeless is really gone * ddaa tries sending the real merges once again <spiv> ddaa: The weird thing about the error is that it seems to find the pybaz module, but can't find symbols in it. Wrong version of pybaz somehow, due to a PYTHONPATH problem? <spiv> I don't know why it didn't affect my merges to e.g. buildbot, though. <ddaa> spiv: might be <ddaa> the first error looks like something that would be caused by using a really old pybaz <ddaa> then maybe all the other strange errors are fallout from that one <ddaa> anyway, cscvs tests _must_ run the launchpad tests <ddaa> as importd is part of launchpad and depends on cscvs <spiv> Yeah, it's good that cscvs merges will run a full check_merge now. <ddaa> well, the same holds for bzr, bzrtools, pybaz and probably a number of other things <spiv> Right. * ddaa goes back at revamping the importd cvs tests <SteveA> lifeless: ping <ddaa> he's an ex-lifeless <SteveA> rocketfuel-built does not have the correct sqlobject tree <SteveA> although it seems stu has fixed it <sabdfl> lifeless: safe travels <carlos> BjornT: hi, around? <kiko> bradb, I think I'd accept both "nobody" and "-" then. <bradb> kiko: yeah, that'd be useful too <kiko> cool. <BjornT> hi carlos <carlos> BjornT: I'm having problems with pagetests and textareas <carlos> BjornT: the new system introduces an extra '\n' char at the beginning of the string when we read what we are rendering from the database <SteveA> bradb: what about &mdash; ? <carlos> BjornT: for instance <bradb> SteveA: heh <kiko> SteveA, in the email UI? I think that's silly <carlos> I get this with Firefox: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileAQj5o9.html <SteveA> there are all sorts of people who write html mail now ;-) <carlos> BjornT: but I get https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileJcBBrF.html from pagetests <BjornT> carlos: hmm, i don't know why that is happening, i'll have to look into it a bit closer. i don't have time to do it now, though. it'd be good if you could file a bug about it, including a test snippet showing the problem. <carlos> BjornT: ok, thanks <carlos> I will remove the content to have that test working (I don't mind its content, but it's breaking it) <SteveA> spiv: it landed! <spiv> Yes! <highvoltage> hi. any launchpad admins around? <kiko> yes! <kiko> OculusAquilae, ping? <carlos> BjornT: https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+bug/47511 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 47511 in launchpad "pagetests add ghost new lines to textareas" [Normal,Unconfirmed] <OculusAquilae> kiko: pong <highvoltage> kiko: can you please delete https://launchpad.net/products/edubuntu.cookbook ? <highvoltage> kiko: the original owners of that aren't around anymore, and the new cookbook team wants to start from scratch with that product <OculusAquilae> kiko: what do you need? <kiko> OculusAquilae, I'm looking at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-de but I can't see anybody there. <kiko> highvoltage, renamed to edubuntu.cookbook-deleteme and deactivated. <OculusAquilae> kiko: I can see me and Marcus as members <highvoltage> kiko: thank you very much! <kiko> OculusAquilae, what confuses me is that you referred to him as marcelk before <OculusAquilae> kiko: that's the teamowner MarcelKaeming <kiko> oh <OculusAquilae> kiko: marcelk because of the page https://launchpad.net/people/marcelk <kiko> your team has no admin? <OculusAquilae> right <kiko> I see <kiko> OculusAquilae, done. <OculusAquilae> kiko: thanks <kiko> highvoltage, you can register a new edubuntu.cookbook if you like now <highvoltage> kiko: thanks, i've passed the info on to the new maintainer <Claudeir> opa <Claudeir> alguem do Brasil? <kiko> samaniego, english please <kiko> (or #ubuntu-br) <samaniego> ok <samaniego> i dont speak english, but I speak portuguese, spanish, guarani, portuol, gauchs, cears, and others brazilian languages. sorry!!! <bradb> ddaa: It seems to me that the register_branch xmlrpc API allows the registrant to make that branch owned by anyone in the system, right? <ddaa> in theory no <ddaa> I practice, I would have to read the code <ddaa> in theory one can only make a branch owned by the authenticated user or a team it belongs to <bradb> ah, right, i meant it can make anyone the /author/ of that branch <ddaa> oh yes <ddaa> just like the web UI allows that <ddaa> it's a feature to allow registering a branch on behalf of someone else <bradb> got it, thanks <ddaa> and at least one user wants to keep that feature :) <ddaa> (I wanted to remove that, but somebody explained to me he had a practical use of that feature) <bradb> ddaa: What do you suggest for testing an xmlrpc api? (Beyond the plain view tests.) <ddaa> bradb: did you read the discussion I had with mpool on the launchpad@ mailing list? <bradb> yeah. i don't recall that mentioning specifics of how to do client testing. i know i can just write code, but i'm wondering if there's a simpler option. * ddaa checks the discussion <ddaa> which category of test are you thinking of: strict server-side, or client-server integration? <bradb> ddaa: i want to have a full client test suite implementation. ideally something that smells like a doctest, so that it takes less work to make it human-readable. <ddaa> When doing client-server integration, you would need to: setup the xmlrpc server (the test runner should do that), call the bzrlib API (the same that would be called by the CLI), and check that results are correct. <bradb> this is for Malone, not bzr, btw <ddaa> about doctests, our quality czar do not like doctests very much, he thinks they tend to lead to inadequate test coverage. <bradb> and the test runner does not setup the xmlrpc server correctly, aiui. SteveA knows more about how we were going to set up our test suite to handle xmlrpc tests. <ddaa> I think that until that's fixed, you are a bit stuck to do client-server integration <SteveA> bradb: the test runner doesn't set up any servers <bradb> ddaa: when you wrote the branch stuff though, did you do any actual xmlrpc testing of it, or just ask the bzr guys if it actually worked when it was deployed? <SteveA> it doesn't dispatch the way needed for xmlrpc <ddaa> bradb: you're giving me way too much credit <bradb> or plan c, waited to see if they screamed :P <SteveA> anyway, for testing the xmlrpc API <SteveA> we shall do doctests of the API <ddaa> I just asked mpool to get the feature out, let him and SteveA talk about test coverage issues <SteveA> showing calls to it, and with explanations of what the calls mean in the documentation <SteveA> if anything requires doctests, a public API does <SteveA> writing code is about communication, so i think doctests are a very fine way to start <ddaa> bradb: my schedule does not have room for going out of my way to check what other people are doing. I just ask for the stuff I need, and the stuff we can easily do that I think sabfl wants soon. <bradb> SteveA: yeah. what would be really useful to developers is if i could write python code to show how to script xmlrpc in python. that way even if they don't know how to do it, they need only read that doc and be on their way. right now, i have only a view doctest. <ddaa> I leave it to SteveA and the reviewers to make sure that other people do their homework properly. <SteveA> bradb: that's an interesting idea <bradb> (of course, if they don't use python, oh well) <SteveA> bradb: i think it would require an alternative Server implementation <SteveA> bradb: so, you'd have testxmlrpc.Server('whatever') <SteveA> and this would be a natural way to test it <SteveA> we could do that today, actually <SteveA> BjornT: what do you think of this? <SteveA> brad's had a cool idea * BjornT reads the backlog <BjornT> what exactly are you proposing? would testxmlrpc.Server('whatever') use a special Transport to talk with the XMLRPC publisher? <SteveA> perhaps. <SteveA> testxmlrpc.Server would just work like xmlrpc.Server <SteveA> but run in process to our functional tests <bradb> BjornT: my goal, fwiw, is to write a human-readable doc containing xmlrpc client code that shows people how to talk to Malone via xmlrpc, so that even if the user doesn't know xmlrpc in python, this doc should be pretty much all they need. * carlos -> out will be back later tonight <SteveA> bradb: could be that a script testing against staging would be better <bradb> perhaps, yeah <BjornT> then it's probably best using xmlrpclib.ServerProxy and use a TestTransport or something like that. that would make it quite clear what's specific for the test. <bradb> i imagine i would test it on a local server, but then the public doc could use a staging url * bradb & # lunch <mdz> bradb: why does malone still say that there's no security contact for Ubuntu packages, when there is ubuntu-security (and it's subscribed to security bugs)? * SteveA pings kiko for an instareview sometime <kiko> samaniego, portuol, heh :) <kiko> SteveA! <kiko> I am your man <kiko> mdz, I think the reason is that there is no package-specific security contact. the UI could be clarified I guess <mdz> kiko: package-specific security contacts are overkill <mdz> I do not see them being used in a distro ever <SteveA> a whui <kiko> mdz, okay, maybe I am confused. where do you see security contacts? * bradb returns <bradb> Malone doesn't have package security contacts. <bradb> Ubuntu has a security contact, as shown at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+filebug <kiko> so I am confused as well <bradb> mdz: where are you saying that Malone says there's no security contact? <mdz> kiko: +filebug <mdz> There is no security contact for ubiquity in ubuntu so no security contact will be subscribed to this bug. <kiko> on in the package +filebug page? <mdz> correct <mdz> it is both a) a lie, and b) implies the existence of per-package security contacts <kiko> bradb <bradb> ok, that'd be a bug <kiko> bradb, should be easy to pagetest too <bradb> yer * bradb reports bug 47544 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 47544 in malone "Malone reports that a package has no security contact...DUH!" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/47544 <mdke> elmo: off for dinner now, if you email me I will get back to you double-quick <Bluekuja> matsubara: ping <delta> Hi. <matsubara> Bluekuja: pong <Bluekuja> matsubara: i received the mail for +priority bug <Bluekuja> but i still get the error <Bluekuja> I can't access that logged in as user <matsubara> Bluekuja: the bug isn't fixed yet. I was asking what should be done for the +priority page <delta> I'm having trouble with frequencies under the nvidia driver 87.62. <delta> What could I do? <Bluekuja> matsubara: oh okie, i thought there were news <Bluekuja> matsubara: sorry then <matsubara> delta: #ubuntu might be a better place to ask <matsubara> Bluekuja: np <delta> matsubara: ah. <Lord_Athur> hi all <Lord_Athur> I need some cds, for me and for a lot of friends who want to use drapper, so I made requests two for some cds with different accounts, is that cheating? <ddaa> GRAAAAH! <ddaa> PQM SHIT FUCK ME <Lord_Athur> im spanish and i don't understand you ddaa <ddaa> test suite for my merge has been running for 6 hours <Lord_Athur> sorry <ddaa> Lord_Athur: sorry, not addressed to you personally <ddaa> Lord_Athur: I think technically that's cheating, but I guess there might be checks for that, on the postal adress <ddaa> Lord_Athur: in any case, you can request the amount you need in a single request, as long as it's a reasonable amount <Lord_Athur> oka <Lord_Athur> can launchpad cancel my requests? <ddaa> no idea, really <ddaa> kiko: shipit question, can you handle? <ddaa> Znarl: can you unstuck PQM please? <Lord_Athur> i's the launchpad channel, nobody knows? <Lord_Athur> *it's <ddaa> somebody knows for sure, that does not mean that person is awake or available for chat <Lord_Athur> you're right <Lord_Athur> :) <ddaa> your safest option is to post a support request <ddaa> kiko: if you want your merges to ever go in, you'll need to get someone to kick pqm's balls <elmo> ddaa: done <ddaa> elmo: what you did does not appear to have had any effect <ddaa> pqm still reports the same status <ddaa> well, I do not care, somebody will surely complain about it eventually <carlos> Lord_Athur: if you read the documentation at shipit.ubuntu.com, you would see a link to the FAQ page (http://www.ubuntu.com/support/faq#head-7eef2db63e0a75424cdd663ee6f7b8eedcf19607) <carlos> Lord_Athur: there you have an email address to send any issue you have with shipit <carlos> Lord_Athur: info@shipit.ubuntu.com <carlos> send there your issue and it will be addressed <carlos> I don't think you can cancel your order <Lord_Athur> oka <Lord_Athur> thanks <carlos> Lord_Athur: if you need a lot of CDs, you should contact with the info@... address <elmo> ddaa: it seems to be doing something else now at least <Lord_Athur> thanks <mdke> elmo: were you looking for me earlier? <clahey> Hi, I work on Democracy Player and I'm investigating translation tools. <clahey> I'm looking at Rosetta now. <clahey> It looks like a decent interface. <clahey> Does "Someone should review this translation" correspond to fuzzy translations? <lifeless> IIRC, yes. <clahey> If our project were to be translated on the Rosetta site, what is the procedure for getting new po files from our svn and committing changed po files to our svn? <lifeless> you can get a tarball containing all the po files <lifeless> so you just extract that in your source, add any new ones to svn, and commit <lifeless> you upload the pot file to rosetta using a web form <lifeless> I think the same goes for uploading fresh po files. <clahey> Ah, it can't pull from our svn and commit itself? <lifeless> at this point no. We have plans to do something along those lines though. <clahey> We're looking for the minimum amount of manual intervention for those sorts of things. <lifeless> well, having svn access raises a lot of security concerns. That one reason we have not got this done yet. <clahey> Yeah. Makes sense. <Keybuk> lifeless: why does bzr always say "0 revisions pushed" when it creates a new archive? <LarstiQ> Keybuk: I believe that has been fixed in bzr.dev recently <LarstiQ> by lifeless even <lifeless> Keybuk: its a bug in 0.8 <Keybuk> ok <kiko> clahey, hey there! good to see you around <kiko> clahey, so you're looking to use Rosetta? <clahey> kiko: Looking at it. <clahey> The lack of automation might be a showstopper. <kiko> clahey, well, you /can/ automate the process somewhat <kiko> what part of the automation are you looking for? <clahey> Well, I'm specifically worried about what happens if there are translations from Rosetta and also someone commits to svn. <kiko> you get both files and msgmerge them. <kiko> that's pretty much standard handling, isn't it? <clahey> Also, uploading stuff from svn sounds like a pain and a half. <clahey> So, I like the idea of the web interface just working from po files that are in an svn directory. <clahey> Then, when I run svn update, it'll do svn conflicts. <clahey> I'm just looking into a whole bunch of ideas. <kiko> I see. #launchpad 2006-05-31 <kiko> I don't see why uploading would be difficult -- it's a simple post to a form <kiko> there are actually third-party tools that post for you IIRC <clahey> It's a simple post to form for a tarball or do I have to post each po file? <clahey> Oh, third party tools is cool. <kiko> you can do either <clahey> I do like the interface. <kiko> tarball or pofiles <clahey> Oh, posting a tarball wouldn't be so bad. <kiko> we've got an XMLRPC UI that makes things slightly more convenient <kiko> err <kiko> a planned XMLRPC UI <kiko> but in your case the main issue is really automating downloads. <clahey> That's just downloading a tarball and expanding it, right? <kiko> correct. <clahey> Do you guys support individuals downloading and uploading po files so they can do their processing locally? <kiko> sure <kiko> that's one of the workflows rosetta supports <clahey> And then it intgrates with what's there? Cool. <kiko> yes <kiko> you also get to control who decides which translations are official <clahey> Your UI is the nicest looking one I've seen. <kiko> so you can have a trusted group of translators <kiko> and then community translators can add suggestions for their posterior review <clahey> Yeah, I saw that. Very neat. <kiko> thanks, it's been a lot of work to get there. <clahey> Actually, we could totally make it so that editing the po files from svn wasn't an option. If you want to edit a po file, you have to get it from rosetta and submit it there. <kiko> there are already some products that use that policy <clahey> I noticed there are suggestion areas. If you're an official translator, do you get a checkbox you can mark so you don't have to copy it? <kiko> jordi's the best guy to tell you because he is community ninja <kiko> clahey, not yet, but there's a patch that does it -- there are some UI concerns with the way the form works that makes it a non-straightforward decision, but we will have an expedited review UI <kiko> carlos is working on a change which allows you to zoom into specific strings and see their history, and all suggestions <kiko> next steps from there are allowing for ajax-style navigation, and also for allowing one-click accepts <mpt> kiko! <kiko> oh-oh, what did I say! <mpt> kiko, don't worry, you're not in *that* much trouble <clahey> kiko: Cool. We'll discuss it here. Rosetta looks awesome. <kiko> clahey, great to hear. be sure to let me know if you need anything. <kiko> wtf is up with pqm <kiko> ah I know <kiko> it must be that lifeless is on a plane. <sivang> dudes, how do I see translations by a specific person ? <matsubara> sivang: /people/$person/+translations i think * sivang checks <kiko> sivang, you can't easily today. and +translations is rife with timeouts and it only indicates templates not actual translations <sivang> yes, that is what I see now <sivang> https://launchpad.net/people/nir78/+translations <sivang> when I click a template, I see alist of people that translated there <sivang> so we currently have no way to evaluate membership of people to translation teams... <sivang> I kept sending them to do work on the Hebrew wiki, some of them did, some prefer to work through rosetta <sivang> :-) * sivang tries to think a way to evalute. <sivang> how can I see then propsed translations? <sivang> (by a specific person) <kiko> sivang, ask them which translations they contributed to? <sivang> I did, they did not respond. I will re-ask <sivang> I mean, they told me "review my work on launchpad" <kiko> tell them "yes, launchpad is as big as africa, so where? " <sivang> hehe <sivang> at least you don't get parasites like when you dip in african water :) <kiko> that's a rumor <kiko> I have dipped and sipped from african water <kiko> I only got friendly parasites <sivang> and you don't have any hitch hiker with you? :) <kiko> I prefer to call them friends <sivang> some girl from here that went there, was digged a bite fly's cocon from her forehead. gross! <sivang> anyway, back to happy things :) <kiko> I got one of those in california <sivang> serious? <kiko> yeah. parasites exist even in developed countries! <sivang> Well, sure, but not in the same quantities probably. anyway, how was it removed eventually? <sivang> and what are those so called friend you say you dragged with you from their comfortable home on Africa? :) <lifeless> bye guys, me-> London * sivang emailed the dude to send specific links of his translation suggestions. <sivang> lifeless: easy flight! * sivang goes to read about pagetests finally <sivang> kiko: do you have an idea if the pre-knits rocketfuel-get scripts are still applicable? or should I just use the instructions in RocketfuelToKnits, I don't have any branch I need to keep or so. <sivang> hmm, bzr upgrade takes a while over my checkout branch <sivang> and the disk howls <sivang> hrm, still converting <sivang> I hate sever drop off <sivang> server, even * sivang wonders when bzr upgrade will finish <mpt> Gooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders! <elmo> who's responsible for bzrsyncd on gandwana? <BehemothNet60137> question <Gigawatts> i have now done the beginning of the registration process to ship ubuntu cd's twice <Gigawatts> and i never recieve an email <Gigawatts> and i know the email address is correct <mpt> spiv / jamesh / lifeless, skype call to discuss the next stage of MaloneSimplifications? <mpt> hmmm, spiv and lifeless aren't here <jamesh> mpt: sure. <mpt> brb <stub> Gigawatts: Could it be that you or your ISP think it is spam and are dropping it? <stub> I can give you a gmail invite if you want to test with another account <mpt> jamesh, "The reviewer must send in a small summary of the call (no more than a paragraph or so) including the time the call took to the lp-reviews list" <jamesh> mpt: thanks <mpt> argh <mpt> stub, ETA for fixing login on staging? <stub> mpt: Today if I can get my damn branch to land (broken behavior was being relied on by a load of our tests, so fallout :-() <stub> mpt: Actually, I can do a quick fix. Hang on... <stub> mpt: Ok - that should fix it (the same way that production happens to be working fine with this bug) <stub> Logging into staging will probably kill your production session information though so don't try and use both at the same time <stub> or it might work... dunno <mpt> thanks stub * stub wonders htf he can control his music volume seperately to his gaim alert volume <spiv> mpt: sorry, was at lunch <Gigawatts> opps, sorry, was away for awhile <Gigawatts> stub, i checked my spam box, and nothing <Gigawatts> it was a hotmail account <Gigawatts> so i dont see a reason for it to not work, although i could try my gmail account also, see if that fixes it <Gigawatts> ok, well it worked instantly with gmail, wierd <Gigawatts> wonder why it doesnt work with hotmail? <stub> Maybe it is just taking time, maybe they are dropping the email outright rather than putting it into your spam folder. No idea. <Gigawatts> ok, well thankyou, and you might want to investigate why the emails arent going through to hotmail accounts <Gigawatts> adios! <SteveA> morning <troy_s> need a launchpad guru again <SteveA> hi troy_s. what's up? * mpt_ sighs <mpt_> Whenever I try to merge two of our overly-granular pages I disappear into a maze of classes and interfaces <stub> Welcome to Zope3! <stub> ============ <stub> You are in a maze of classes and interfaces, all alike. <spiv> > kill metaclass * spiv -> yoga <carlos> morning <sivang> morning all <sivang> does anyone know if bzr upgrade --format=knit of a -built tree should never finish on a 1.8G laptop with 1G ram ? I left it over night to do so, seeing now it still did not finish. It basically brought the machine to a complete halt, and I had to switch to a VT to kill gdm an drestart it. (that was my only way out since X/GNOME were unresponsive) <sivang> I did so since I wanted to workaround having to re-checkout in the knit format <ddaa> wow <ddaa> you mean knit conversion of the launchpad tree? <ddaa> it's expected to take a very large amount of CPU and RAM <sivang> I see <ddaa> sivang: the proper upgrade procedure is to get the new knit-based launchpad, use it to prime a repository <sivang> so my machines didn't even stand a chance against it? <ddaa> then branch your existing weave branches in that repository <sivang> yes, I will do that now, but since my net connection is so crappy over the last couple of days,I figured to convert it on this laptop :) <ddaa> so you only effectively convert what code you have outstanding <ddaa> I do not know if your laptop stood a chance against it <sivang> yes, this is what RocketFuelToKnits descrbes, but since I Have not any outstanding code I thought to give it a try <ddaa> it is certainly possible to tweak the conversion code to change the RAM/CPU tradeoff * sivang notes laptop got hot to the point it could not be touched in either the upper or back part of the left kbd part where the CPU lies <ddaa> from what you describe, you went out of RAM <ddaa> sivang: how much swap do you have? <sivang> seems so, machine became completely unresponsive <sivang> 1831368 <sivang> hmm, I should probably allocate some more <ddaa> too much swap prevents the OOM killer from kicking in, which can lead to severe thrashing even if the runaway code does to have very good cache behaviour <ddaa> sivang: nope, less swap is better <sivang> ah <ddaa> when the kernel runs out of VM, it pick and SIGABRT a process <ddaa> (or something like that, maybe not strictly SIGABRT) <sivang> ah, but when swap is too big then it won't do that? even if it gets filled? <ddaa> Here, I have 1GB of RAM and roughly as much swap, and I never run out of VM unless something is quite wrong. <ddaa> sivang: the problem is that when the swap is too big <ddaa> it takes a long time to fill the VM <ddaa> and unless the runaway process has very good behaviour with only needing new pages, that times grows explosively with thrashing <sivang> ddaa: that is , substantially bigger then the physical size? I only have like twice swap as my physical ram. <ddaa> YMMV <sivang> I see <ddaa> in my personal experience, with 1GB RAM, 1GB of swap is a good value. <ddaa> though I could probably get away with less, as it's never nearly full on normal usage <sivang> I will reduce it to this value, but not retry converting here :) <ddaa> sivang: hint <ddaa> are you using evolution and spamassin? <sivang> evo yes, <sivang> the latter no <ddaa> I noticed that when Evo crashes, it tends to leave rogue spamd processes around, that slowly eat your VM <sivang> hmmm, interesting <ddaa> dunno if the problem applies with other setups <ddaa> slowly, as in a few MB for each rogue spamd. That become quite significant after a week (and a dozen crashes) of normal use... <sivang> hmm, what is port 48064 and port 46454 ? I did netstat before I stop that trashy process to see if something is connecting to the machine , and found those too <sivang> ddaa: Well, I usually tend to shut off my machine after finishing, so I don't think I will have too much opportunity to run into this * SteveA wonders if mpt_ is still around <carlos> ddaa, sivang: you would need a bit more than 1GB of SWAP if you want to do suspend to disc <ddaa> point, I do not suspend to disc as it did not wake up when I last tried... <ddaa> and suspend to ram works fine <carlos> ddaa: yeah, I have the same problem... but it used to work ;-) <carlos> and i hope it will work again at some point <ddaa> think the distro guys could use some hardware <ddaa> I also had a regression in firegl accel spport in the radeon driver, needed to use the fglrx crap to get it back :( <mpt_> SteveA, yo <SteveA> hello mpt_ <SteveA> are you around for a voice call, or done for the day? <mpt_> SteveA, a voice call would be good, since this'll be the last chance for a couple of weeks <SteveA> okay, let's do it <mpt_> ok, brb * sivang -> back <sivang> ddaa: using rocketfuel-get should still be okay for getting the knitted checkout? as its just rsync out, should not be affected by it right? <ddaa> I do not use rocketfuel-get <sivang> ah <ddaa> but if it uses rsync, it should give you the same branch <ddaa> (a checkout is a different thing) <sivang> yes <carlos> jamesh: hi, do you owe me a review.... how's it going? <carlos> sivang: yeah, it should work. I use it and it works ;-) <carlos> sivang: first time will take a lot of time because the changes are huge <sivang> carlos: yes, almost like a new checkout probably :) <carlos> sivang: I guess <sivang> at least I'm downloading at 190KB/s , my net connection has stabilized a bit <stub> SteveA: Do I need to look into that SQLObject permissions thing? <ddaa> yay, third cscvs merge in 24 hours sent :) <stub> ddaa: I killed your last one maybe three hours ago - there was a hung 'nc' process. Seemed like old times ;) <ddaa> well, it succeeded <ddaa> it's the same old cvs server spawning crap <SteveA> stub: if it's something you can fix, then sure. be nice to know what caused the problem. <stub> Wow... must have just been blocked waiting for all the children to be reaped, and killing the process unblocked it. <stub> SteveA: I might fix it, or I might make it worse. Imagine lifeless as the technician and me a monkey with a large wrench to belt things with. <ddaa> something about CVS sucking on cosmic magnitudes IIRC <stub> SteveA: I have no hope of determining the cause <SteveA> stub: whatever... i hope lifeless will get time to look into it when he arrives in london <SteveA> i don't think it is causing a serious problem now <stub> ok. if it isn't blocking I'll leave it. <ddaa> or ask lifeless to stop using that paranoid umask of his on chinstrap <SteveA> umask? <SteveA> that reminds me of an ubuntu logo idea someone came up with <ddaa> IIRC his DC accounts have a umask looking like 077 <ddaa> which caused me no end of grief back when we needed to work on the same files <ddaa> but maybe I'm just completely off the mark <mpt> Wow, why is PQM taking so long <ddaa> stub: if the nc hangs keep causing problems, the issue is the local pserver spawning in the cscvs test suite. But I have no off-hand idea how to fix it. <ddaa> I remember looking at it in the past and concluding that it just was not fixable <SteveA> i'm unhappy about cscvs testsuite flakiness blocking launchpad commits to pqm <ddaa> SteveA: isn't pqm supposed to kill test suite runs that make no progress? <ddaa> that would mitigate that sort of issue <SteveA> i know that the idea has been discussed <SteveA> but i don't believe it does so right now <SteveA> is it possible to disable the specific cscvs tests that are causing this problem? <ddaa> Dunno off-hand. That might be a testing infrastructure that's needed by a lot of important tests. <ddaa> At least, that's needed to test the native pserver client implementation <ddaa> which is like a very critical piece of code <SteveA> is it tested on every launchpad commit to pqm? <ddaa> Supposedly. <SteveA> yet, the pserver client is independent of launchpad <SteveA> entirely so <ddaa> yes <ddaa> well <SteveA> so, let's have that *not tested* on launchpad commits <ddaa> not entirely <ddaa> it's dependent on things like symlinks in ./lib <ddaa> but nothing major <SteveA> it is dependent on no rogue "rm -rf /" in the launchpad code <SteveA> ddaa: are you able to make it so that the pserver client is not tested when we commit to launchpad? <SteveA> yet it is still tested when its code and code it actually depends on are altered <ddaa> that would require some action from lifeless <ddaa> in altering the pqm config <ddaa> also, I think you t <ddaa> should discuss the issue with him, since he knows the code <ddaa> so he has a handle on both ends of the problem <SteveA> okay. please disable these cscvs tests for now. <SteveA> they are causing an immediate problem with all other launchpad developers <ddaa> okay, I'll look at how to separate them out of the main test suite <SteveA> tests are good. but in order to be enabled, they must not cause a bad effect on the rest of the processes, particularly, they must not have any effect on stuff they don't depend on <SteveA> thanks ddaa <ddaa> would be nice if unittest grokked skipped tests :/ * SteveA --> lunch <malcc> kiko, BjornT: Ping? <BjornT> hi malcc <malcc> BjornT: I'm hoping to get a review today on malcolmcleaton/launchpad/soyuz-pagetests-update, SteveA is tied up and suggested one of you guys might be able to help <BjornT> malcc: hmm, i don't think i have time to do it today. i'm on vacation today, and i have some other things planned. i'd be happy to do it tomorrow, though. <malcc> BjornT: Thanks, I'll come back tomorrow if I still need someone. <ddaa> SteveA: I think I can actually fix the problem with a trivial patch <ddaa> the nc invokation is used to setup a network-listening cvs server, needed for the tests that test that the native client can actually setup a TCP connection, as opposed to the protocol tests that pipe to a local server (which already has TERM-then-KILL cleanup, that was needed in the past) <ddaa> There's a wait in the code to let the test suite sleep some time until nc had the time to run. I think the breakage happens when the sleep is too short and the connection attempt fails, then nc sits waiting for a connection, and the test suite sits waiting for nc. <ddaa> the nc command looks like "nc -l -p 2401 -e path-to-server-script" <ddaa> adding a "-w 60" in here should prevent the lock up, nc sees no network activity for 60 seconds, it will terminate <doko_> carlos: ping <carlos> doko_: pong <doko_> carlos: can we look at the OOo translations next Tuesday afternoon? <carlos> look for any possible problem? <carlos> sure <carlos> doko_: what time? <doko_> carlos: after your fiesta^Wlunch? <carlos> :-P <carlos> ok <doko_> fine, which time? <Yannig> Hello everybody :) <carlos> doko_: 14:00 UTC <carlos> Yannig: hi <doko_> carlos: ok <stub> Thats twice in a row it looks like pqm completed but blocked waiting for one last nc process to die <ddaa> I'm on it <ddaa> There's also an obvious bug in the process reaping code <stub> Yup. * carlos -> lunch <SteveA> re * bradb wakes up <mdz> cprov: as part of the edgy test, did you do any dapper-updates uploads? <mdz> cprov: we'll have several to do shortly after the release <ddaa> anybody remembers the magic python to quote file names in shell scripts? <cprov> mdz: no, but should work as we have breezy-updates currently <cprov> mdz: send me one of them, I can process it right now <ddaa> another silly question, is there an reliable way of telling that a process is listening to a port without actually opening a connection? <malcc> I think lsof will tell you, but I don't remember the exact dead chickens <ddaa> malcc: I mean, in a programmtic way that might get through into a test suite in rocketfuel <malcc> malcc: Oh :( <malcc> ddaa: Oh :( <malcc> malcc: Why are you talking to yourself you idiot? <ddaa> the specific problem is starting a nc-based server and having to wait until nc has started listening <ddaa> if we connect an close the connection, we have consumed the server <ddaa> and we cannot use the server script to signal us, because it's only execed after nc has received a connection <ddaa> I got it <ddaa> nc -l -p 1234 -v <ddaa> then read on stderr <ddaa> when it is actually listening, it will tell us <mdz> cprov: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mdz/dapper-updates/ <mdz> bradb: ubuntu-security is subscribed to this bug via one or more of its duplicates: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/43012 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 43012 in ubiquity "crash creating partman question dialog" [Major,Fix released] <mdz> bradb: how do I find out which one and fix it? <bradb> mdz: there's no automatic way. you'd have to click each dupe in the dupes portlet to find out. but teams can't be unsubscribed from bugs, unfortunately. <bradb> mdz: i'm curious, why does ubuntu-security not want to be subscribed to the dupe target? <cprov> ddaa: why not the usual approach ? if you want to test a server, probe it with the client. Not sure if your goal is to test the system "bind" or other system connection framework. <cprov> mdz: ok <ddaa> cprov: because it does not work there * bradb guesses it was a non-security security bug or something <ddaa> ddaa: we are setting up cvs pserver in the test suite using nc <ddaa> cprov:: we are setting up cvs pserver in the test suite using nc <cprov> ddaa: oops, then you make your point. <ddaa> to test that our native client can establish a TCP connection <ddaa> so it's a single shot gun <ddaa> is somebody available to review the patch to stop the cscvs test suite from blocking pqm? <cprov> ddaa: yes, i guess the popen('nc') can, at least, probe something is listening the socket in question, however doesn't ensure things will work as expected. <ddaa> popen <ddaa> live in the 21st century <ddaa> use subprocess :) <mdz> bradb: the bug has nothing to do with security <ddaa> nah, I got it, we needed nc to somehow signal us once it's listening, and the -v option does just that <mdz> bradb: they can be unsubscribed via the mail interface, which you can see in the comments I tried to do, but I didn't realize it was implicitly subscribed <mdz> bradb: perhaps unsubscribing a team should walk the duplicates and unsubscribe there as well? * bradb didn't know you could unsubscribe others via the email UI. that's sort of a bug, maybe. as for a solution to this specific problem, i'll have to put some thought into it. <mdz> bradb: when we are inconvenienced by a bug for months, and then discover a workaround, it is discouraging for that workaround to be referred to as a bug :-P <cprov> mdz: works, https://dogfood.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+queue <mdz> cprov: built and published already? <bradb> mdz: it's kind of a bug, IMHO, but my initial thought is that both the web ui and the email ui should allow you to unsubscribe yourself or teams of which you're a member, like the bug contacts ui. <mdz> bradb: I'm a member of the security team <cprov> ddaa: popen() was just to save types, however reliying on 'nc' syscall for test is a more last century thing than popen ;) <ddaa> give me a better way to set up a TCP-listening cvs pserver <cprov> mdz: not so fast, it's only in NEW, but should flow correctly <ddaa> cprov: and it's not a syscall, it's the nc CLI :) <mdz> cprov: why new, is the archive data on dogfood old? <cprov> ddaa: ohh another last century feature, pserver ... nevermind, do whatever you need to do <cprov> mdz: it's a 18th May copy <ddaa> cprov: you're right <ddaa> I'll drop cvs support in cscvs <ddaa> who cares about that old stuff anyway? <cprov> ddaa: you started it by blaming popen, remember ? okay, let's stop the noise <mdz> cprov: how do we open dapper-updates? <mdz> cprov: (in production) <mdz> or is it open already? <cprov> mdz: by releasing dapper (setting dapper state to released) <mdz> cprov: we can't do it earlier? <cprov> mdz: let me check, probably by setting it to frozen <ddaa> SteveA: nc hang bugfix for review: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileItA9m9.html <cprov> mdz: no, currently you can't, EXPERIMENTAL, DEVELOPMENT and FROZEN are considered open, <cprov> mdz: so you can't upload for UPDATES & SECURITY in a opened release. <cprov> mdz: you can try to fix it for next releases (for this is too late I guess), adding an intermediate state, but I'm not sure about the use-case, can you describe it to me ? <cprov> mdz: why can't we ship the changes that we alredy have in RELEASE ? does it happen any release or is a special case for dapper ? <mdz> cprov: we have some fixes that only affect upgrades, and not CD images <spiv> ddaa: I see cscvs stuff merged finally -- was the difference just lifeless's change to the pqm config to use check_merge? <mdz> cprov: we want to put them into dapper-updates now, rather than waiting until after we release CD images, so they have time to build etc. <mdz> and are ready when we put out the release announcement <cprov> mdz: I see <ddaa> spiv: yes, and some admin action to kill runaway processes created by the cscvs test suite... <spiv> ddaa: hence this change involving nc? <ddaa> spiv: yup <ddaa> spiv: SteveA wants me to disable some of the tests, but I think I can just fix the problem <ddaa> needed to have a closer look and actually read man nc <cprov> mdz: pockets concept isn't able to model such workflow as well, maybe it's an extra reason to change it soon <spiv> So long as the sourcecode/* checks are generally run, I don't care how it's fixed ;) <cprov> mdz: I'll add a note about this issue to be discussed in Paris, unfortunatelly it's the best we can do right now <SteveA> ddaa: in the mid-term, i want better test dependencies <SteveA> so that we're running the tests that make best sense for a given merge to pqm <ddaa> running all the tests all the time is a feature <ddaa> as it allows quickly catching when environment changes break some rarely modified code <SteveA> it's a misfeature <SteveA> if you're concerned about rarely modified code like that, then a special cron-job should submit requests to pqm weekly to test it <SteveA> but it shouldn't burden everyone with testing the code all the time, "just in case" <ddaa> I punt to lifeless <kiko> malcc, how may I help you? <ddaa> nothing in cscvs depends on launchpad by design <ddaa> in the same way as nothing in pybaz, or importd, or a number of third party libraries <malcc> kiko: It's ok, the ping was for a quick review but SteveA took it on <mdz> cprov: ok, thanks <ddaa> stub: it looks like pqm needs a gentle nudge again <ddaa> elmo: pqm ping <kiko> hey spiv: is there a way to pdb-step through a failing test <kiko> ? <kiko> in sqlobject? <spiv> kiko: with py.test? probably. <kiko> oh, --pdb <elmo> ddaa: ? <kiko> spiv, do you have a moment for a drive-by sqlobject review? <spiv> Does putting "import pdb; pdb.set_trace()" not work? ;) <ddaa> elmo: pqm looks like it's stuck <spiv> kiko: sure. <ddaa> can you have a look and tell us what you do? <elmo> killed the nc <ddaa> elmo: thank you, it's unstuck now <ddaa> there's a patch in the queue that should tame those rogue nc <stub> beat me <kiko> spiv, can you explain to me how the "implicit ID column" works in SQLObject? <spiv> kiko: you mean how you don't need to do "id = IntCol()"? <SteveA> stub: hello <kiko> spiv, exactly. it then appears that the "id" column is not present in _SO_columnDict <kiko> which forces me to hack around it :-( <stub> SteveA: hi <SteveA> stub: niemeyer just pointed out that newInteraction() gets a stack trace on every call, in upstream Zope 3 <SteveA> stub: removing this call should speed up ftests <SteveA> lib/zope/security/management.py, line 91 <spiv> kiko: right, it's special-cased pretty throughly. <SteveA> it is used only for debugging <kiko> spiv, isn't that the most stupid thing ever? <spiv> kiko: a bit, but it is pretty fundamental to how SQLObject works. <stub> Maybe. I suspect it won't be terribly noticeable though for launchpad as it will be overshadowed by db access, librarian startup/shutdown etc. <kiko> spiv, okay, I have a patch which does everything and includes icing on top <SteveA> stub: you gonna fix librarian startup/shutdown? <cprov> kiko: instareview on https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileX4bXAN.html ? <cprov> kiko: will ask dsilvers as well, maybe he remember some issue related to this <stub> SteveA: Eventually, yes. <SteveA> please sooner rather than later <SteveA> faster test runs speed *everyone* up <stub> SteveA: My trivial fix involving stopping invalids authenticating has grown with all the fallout. Shall I stick it in your review queue or general? <spiv> Using malone's email interface for an extended conversation makes for some pretty ridiculous subject lines! <stub> spiv: You are allowed to edit the subject line ;) <kiko> spiv, that's a bug <kiko> spiv, btw: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filemuQjOv.html <kiko> spiv, fixes prejoin for SQLRJ and SQLMJ and also fixes orderBy the RIGHT way. <kiko> all tests pass <spiv> stub: I do, but further replies keep making it silly again anyway ;) <spiv> Not that "all tests pass" is much guarantee of anything with SQLObject... <SteveA> stub: i'm not going to look at it for a couple of days, if so <ddaa> spiv: there must be a missing negation somewhere in that sentence <stub> I'll move it then <ddaa> spiv: nevermind ;) * ddaa leaves for the gym <kiko> spiv, well, orderBy is pretty fundamental I think. the special-cased if is stoopid <kiko> s/if/id <malcc> Somebody remind me where I can view the pqm queue? <kiko> malcc, pqm.launchpad.net <ddaa> watch lynx --dump http://pqm.launchpad.net/ <ddaa> stick a -n 60 in there too <spiv> kiko: Rather than a sequence of "if self.feature_foo: results = results.feature_foo(self.feature_foo)", can we replace that with just passing some keyword args to the select results? <malcc> ddaa: Thanks <spiv> kiko: something like results.clone(prejoins=self.prejoins, orderBy=self.orderBy, ...) <spiv> kiko: I'm guessing the answer is "no, it's not quite as simple as it looks", but just in case... <kiko> spiv, i'll give it a go, let me check what the defaults are. <spiv> (I could almost imagine letting FooJoin take **kwargs that it will pass through to results.clone(**kwargs)) <kiko> okay but that's a larger change <kiko> yes, it works <spiv> If it's more complex, it's probably not worth it. <spiv> It's more likely to have unexpected side effects too. <spiv> Ah well. <spiv> kiko: I'll take the rest of this review to email. <kiko> spiv, I'll get you a new diff <spiv> Heh, ok. <kiko> spiv, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filetl1mio.html <kiko> stub, please remember to clean up the dupe shipit queries so we can have a fresh oops report tomorrow <kiko> spiv, looking that bad? <spiv> kiko: nah, I spent a bit of time going "that's wrong! rant, edit, ... oh, it's actually only slightly wrong, delete that and put small comment there instead." <spiv> ;) <kiko> nothing gives you the same pleasure as deleting bits of horrible code <matsubara> kiko: stub already did it. I talked to him early today. <kiko> ah rock on <spiv> kiko: review sent <kiko> thanks! <spiv> kiko: btw, when prejoin stuff going to be submitted to upstream? <spiv> kiko: was it prejoins or something else jdahlin was going to push upstream? <kiko> prejoins, yes <kiko> he has some nokia work to finish off this week and then he was going to do it <spiv> Cool. * bradb & # lunch <ddaa> the cscvs code makes pychecker crash... <ddaa> how ironic <spiv> ddaa: that's not as unusual as it should be :( <spiv> pyflakes is less flaky <ddaa> pyflakes does not report pep8 outrages <ddaa> btw, nice trick: python -tt `which pyflakes` file.py <ddaa> checks for flakes and tabs in one command * ddaa leaves <elmo> pyflakes is outrageously useless <elmo> pylint is nice if you turn off some of the more random stylistic nitpicks <ddaa> python is all about stylistic nitpicks <spiv> And I'm sleepy! G'night all. <ddaa> the more you encode style into the law, the less people waste time arguing about style <ddaa> pep8 is a great feature of python <kiko> spiv, I hate SQLObject's stupid styles crap <clahey> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+translations <clahey> What does it mean "If Ubuntu is using launchpad for translations"? <clahey> Don't we know that it is? :) <clahey> kiko: So, we'd like to try out rosetta. <clahey> kiko: Do we just register as a product in launchpad, or is there an application process? <clahey> kiko: Oh, does Rosetta handle plural forms properly? <carlos> clahey: what do you want to try? <carlos> rosetta usability? or translate your own project? <clahey> carlos: So, I work on Democracy Player and we would like to translate our project. <carlos> clahey: yeah, the gettext plural forms <clahey> Excellent on plurals. <carlos> clahey: I guess it uses .po files and gettext, right? <clahey> So, I was hoping we could create a Rosetta project and then try out the interface for a day or two before we announce it to our people. <clahey> Yep. <clahey> I know that it would show up on the Rosetta pages before we announced it. <carlos> clahey: you need to follow the instructions at wiki.ubuntu.com/RosettaFAQ <clahey> Oh, if I upload a new .pot file, does it do the msgmerge, or should I do that by hand and just upload new copies of all of the translations? <carlos> clahey: we do the merge <carlos> all .po files are updated automatically when you upload a new .pot file <carlos> so translators will work always with latest strings <clahey> Excellent. <clahey> Do you happen to know what happens if we accidentally delete some strings from the pot file and add them back in the next upload? <carlos> no translation will be removed <carlos> they will be hidden until you upload the fixed .pot file again <clahey> Perfect. <clahey> Oh, so the policy page says that Rosetta translators will take care of the translations. <clahey> What about the people we have that want to translate our app (or have already started?) <clahey> Do we get to create accounts for them and mark them as official for our product? <carlos> clahey: we encorage people to use Ubuntu translators teams <carlos> clahey: they would join those teams <carlos> and translate your product <carlos> another option is leave it open to anyone to do translations <clahey> So we can't create accounts for them, but you could? <clahey> Ah, so either everyone can translate or only "Ubuntu translators team"? <carlos> well, anyone can create their own account <carlos> we have a third option <carlos> create translation teams for your product <carlos> but usually, we think is better to use Ubuntu teams <carlos> clahey: but you have the last word on it <carlos> you are the owner of your product <clahey> Can we mark our text as translatable by either the Ubuntu translation team or our own? <carlos> clahey: yes <carlos> clahey: adding Ubuntu teams as a subteam of yours <clahey> Cool. <clahey> We can decide on which of those to do. <clahey> I wonder if I can get a 639 code for Pig Latin. <carlos> clahey: our FAQ has documented what do you need to do to get such iso code <clahey> I'm filling out the form right now. <clahey> I just need to get a source of lots of documents. <clahey> Bible translation should help. <clahey> Anyway, that's a waste of time. <clahey> The FAQ isn't clear to me what to do once I've "mailed the upstream maintainers", which is of course, unnecessary as that's me. <clahey> Well, the team I'm on... <SteveA> hi. anyone want to hassle me before i make dinner and then get back into the hacking-zone ? * kiko hassles SteveA <SteveA> do i know you? <kiko> you know who I am bru <clahey> carlos, kiko: How do I submit a project? Just register it under launchpad? <kiko> clahey, yes. it is likely what you want is products/+new <clahey> kiko: I'm asking one of my coworkers, Greg Opperman to take care of applying to that. Thanks for all the information. <kiko> no problem, feel free to ask further. * bradb notes DistributionSourcePackage.__getitem__ is evil. /me sees why context/security_contactaldjasdfasd returns None. :) <kiko> DSP is evil incarnate <clahey> kiko: Oh my. I just submitted to get pgl added to ISO 639. <kiko> pig latin? really now <clahey> kiko: I use it to test translation work and it would be helpful to me if it were an official language. <bradb> matsubara: Is pqm hung on your branch? <matsubara> bradb: I don't know I sent it a couple of hours ago and I'm not following its progress <matsubara> bradb: doesn't seem to be hung <bradb> A couple, i.e. six :) <matsubara> hehe but there was like 5 others ahead of me on the queue <bradb> ok, that would make more sense <kiko> bradb, no, but the branch above it hung at the end <bradb> ah <kiko> and it is likely that it will hang as well <kiko> and it is likely that the branch after it too <kiko> and then maybe it will stop hanging <bradb> kiko: I just saw your comment on bug 47544. i already submitted the fix to pqm. <Ubugtu> Malone bug 47544 in malone "Malone reports that a package has no security contact...DUH!" [Normal,In progress] http://launchpad.net/bugs/47544 <bradb> it wasn't taken, so i took it <kiko> well done <bradb> interesting bzr message: bzr: WARNING: Conflict adding files to lib/canonical/rosetta. Not deleting. <bradb> "I can't add files to this directory. Not deleting." wha? <kiko> the message is bad <bradb> I know what it really means, of course, but that was an interesting contradiction. <kiko> I think it means that the directory was removed but you still have some ignored files in it. <bradb> yeah <clahey> kiko: Cool. I've uploaded our translations. They're just waiting for an admin. Very cool. <kiko> nice! carlos, jordi? can you take care of the upload? <kiko> carlos, do you know why we have this horrible iterable API on POTemplate? <kiko> carlos, I find it so completely absurdly incomprehensible <ddaa> elmo: Znarl: ping there's a nc in need of killing in pqm <ddaa> if the fix is right, it should be the last one <Znarl> ddaa : Done. <kiko> ddaa, hoping :) <ddaa> I'm sure other test suite will find creative ways of screwing up <carlos> kiko: hi, I'm back <carlos> kiko: are you talking about POTemplate and POTemplateSet ? <carlos> clahey: let me take a look... <kiko> POTemplate <carlos> POTemplate.__iter__ ? <kiko> yes <kiko> and __len__ <kiko> and __getitem__ <kiko> aka CRACK <ddaa> mmmmmh, crack <carlos> kiko: well... <SteveA> remember what leonard cohen said <SteveA> "give me crack and anal sex". but remember that he also said: <carlos> I don't think those are perfect, but could you give me some extra information about your point? <SteveA> "there's a crack in everything. that's how the light gets in" <ddaa> that's why banging your head against the walls helps you see the light? <kiko> carlos, use explicit method names. you should really only implement the iterable interface for stuff which is obviously iterable. <carlos> kiko: you iterate over all messages that a POTemplate has <kiko> carlos, that's just not a good enough reason. :) <carlos> kiko: why? <mpt_> Goooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! <carlos> kiko: you can iterate a list <kiko> carlos, because unless there is a strong reason to /implement/ the iterable API, you shouldn't do it. <carlos> and a POTemplate is a list of messages... <kiko> and in this case, there is no strong reason. <SteveA> mpt_: hallo <kiko> you could reimplement it using normal methods <kiko> and you'd survive with no harm done <SteveA> mpt_: can i borrow you for some menus love? <carlos> kiko: could you explain me why there is no strong reason, or better, give me an example of what do you think it's an strong reason? <carlos> kiko: same thing for all __getitem__, __len__, __iter__, etc... <carlos> you can always do it with normal methods <SteveA> the main reason i can think of is <SteveA> the contract for a single method is simpler <SteveA> than remembering the interrelationships between these <carlos> kiko: I'm not saying that you are wrong, I just want that you are able to give me a reason about why should I change it <malcc> I would argue that a POTemplate is not "is" a list of messages, it "has" a list of messages, in terms of the is-a vs. has-a OO debate <carlos> SteveA, kiko: Following that fact (I think I agree on that), why or when should we use the __iter__ or __getitem__ methods then? <kiko> carlos, the convenience of using len() and iterating over it is less than the inconvenience of finding out it doesn't behave like a real iterable -- i.e. no append, indexed updating, etc. <kiko> carlos, it communicates a weak truth <SteveA> kiko: an iterable doesn't necessarily have these things <SteveA> that's python <kiko> I know <carlos> malcc: the format is just a list of messages, nothing more, even the metadata is a message, but with our implementation is not completely true... <SteveA> that's why we have interfaces and protocols <SteveA> so, i don't buy the "weak truth" argument <SteveA> i do buy malc's "is-a vs has-a" <carlos> kiko: so you are complaining about missing methods that are implied if we use __getitem__ and __iter__, right? <kiko> the potemplate is not just a box of strings <kiko> it is a pretty complex creature <kiko> saying it's an iterable implies it is a box of something <kiko> that's my gut feeling over it. <SteveA> kiko: that's the is-a vs has-a argument <kiko> in part yes. <kiko> in part what I'm saying is that iterables are/should be simple, because they imply they are simple containers, with fairly simple semantics. well, for some definition of fairly. :) <SteveA> the "missing methods" thing we can do *if* you write an interface for a "standard launchpad collection" <SteveA> and we start using that <kiko> I am not suggesting adding append() to POTemplate! <SteveA> i'll note that in my opinion, the Container protocol in Zope 3 causes more harm than good <SteveA> so, care needs to be taken in standardizing interfaces to collections <SteveA> i buy an argument of simplifying the API for potemplates etc. <carlos> kiko: anyway, switch to explicit methods should be easy, as you can see, those special methods call other explicit methods already (or most of them do it) <kiko> carlos, yeah, it should. <SteveA> i do not buy that iterables should be simple or that something being iterable implies it is a simple container with simple semantics <kiko> it's not a priority, just something I found very confusing when reading the code. <SteveA> although i'm willing to be convinced sometime <kiko> SteveA, I maintain that complex iterables are asking for trouble, in my heart. <carlos> what I'm not completely sure now is when should I use those special methods <kiko> carlos, rule of them, never unless the class /is/ a simple container. <carlos> because from what you told me, most of the time if you can use __iter__ is more or less when you have a list <carlos> or a set <kiko> right <SteveA> ain't true <carlos> in those cases, why don't just use a list or a set directly? <SteveA> there are lots of iterators in python that aren't lists or sets <SteveA> that's the point of having a separate iteration protocol in python <kiko> wait <SteveA> so that you can use things in for-loops directly <kiko> I'm not against returning iterators <kiko> or using generators <carlos> SteveA, kiko: would TranslationImportQueue be a valid candidate for __iter__ ? <kiko> but I am against a complex class implementing __iter__ <kiko> because the syntactic sugar isn't worth the confusion <kiko> IMO no <carlos> kiko: but that IS a list of elements <carlos> is a queue <carlos> and its only content is a set of elements <kiko> so it /has/ a set of elements <carlos> it fits the 'is-a' description that malcc was talking about <carlos> I'm really confused <SteveA> i think it is reasonable to __iter__ a queue <kiko> it also contains a truckload and a half of code and attributes that are not directly tied to its function as a queue. <kiko> it's not a simple queue <SteveA> a queue is a basic data type and so passes *everyone's* tests so far <kiko> not a knuth-style queue <malcc> Yes, but its function as a queue is clearly its main one, hence its name <malcc> I would be happy with a queue being iterable, unless there were issues in the ORM which made that painful <kiko> not really <kiko> the ORM is permissive! <SteveA> kiko: this is going to require a specification if you want to make this launchpad policy <kiko> anyway, I actually have a review to finish <SteveA> and i'll want the code review team to have input on it <kiko> I don't want to make it anything like that! <carlos> kiko: it has no attributes at all <carlos> kiko: only methods to operate its elements <SteveA> i think it make be worth doing, if you find such code confusing <kiko> carlos, errr, right I'm looking at TIQE :) <carlos> kiko: ;-) <kiko> SteveA, I started on this because I'm looking for len()s in our codebase that are triggering trouble, and len(self.potemplate) caught my eye <kiko> but now I SWEAR I will go back to reviewing <kiko> DND <malcc> kiko: You don't want to go looking for trouble. You might find it :) <carlos> kiko: I would be happy removing len(self.potemplate) <carlos> I already removed len(self.pofile) <kiko> malcc, yeah, jesus, SteveA and you are supposed to be in bed at this point <carlos> because it was completely useless <kiko> it was a completely harmless rant! <SteveA> wem <SteveA> i'm sure malc is cute <SteveA> but i'm not takeing him to bed * kiko shakes head <carlos> ;-) <SteveA> although jesus i'll make an exception for <SteveA> and i don't know this "yeah" character <kiko> fofl <carlos> clahey: hi, around? <clahey> carlos: Yep. <clahey> Hi. <carlos> clahey: could you tell me the translation domain you are using for your application? <carlos> the one that gettext uses to find the translations <clahey> One sec. <clahey> democracyplayer <clahey> Should I rename messages.pot <clahey> ? <carlos> no, don't worry * ddaa is endlessly disturbed/amused with launchpad being so full of pot <ddaa> it's probably to help mellowing down after the crack... <carlos> clahey: ok, the .pot file is now imported and the .po files will be imported in 10 minutes <carlos> clahey: https://launchpad.net/products/democracy/trunk/+pots/democracyplayer/ <clahey> How would a user go about translating to a new language? <kiko> clahey, the list displayed is the user's default languages <kiko> so I see English, French, Georgian, Italian, Polish and pt_BR <carlos> clahey: they will get the option from their browser preferences/ languages spoken in their country or based on their preferences from https://launchpad.net/rosetta/prefs/ <clahey> Ah, that's why it lists the 4 languages we have translated already and Russian for me. <carlos> clahey: right <kiko> clahey, just because I'm your friend I've just added 10 pt_BR strings :) <clahey> :) <clahey> Excellent. :) <kiko> 109 strings is so easy <carlos> kiko: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileWKtqId.html <clahey> Yeah, there'll be more. <carlos> kiko: If you are not able to answer that question yourself... you wrote bad code or you don't remember the reason you wrote it that way ;-) <kiko> carlos, I don't even remember my birthday <carlos> kiko: :-P <carlos> kiko: if you don't have a batch object <carlos> you cannot return any link <carlos> so you return the empty string <carlos> that means that you use current url <carlos> so if you are at http://foo.bar.com/something <carlos> the link will be the same page <carlos> I think it makes sense and thus, I'm doing exactly the same thing the parent class is doing ;-) <carlos> kiko: anyway, I will answer that email and that concrete question tomorrow ;-) <carlos> kiko: thanks for the review <kiko> sure no problem at all <carlos> clahey: all files are imported now <carlos> clahey: and you are getting en_GB translations already... <clahey> carlos: I saw that. Crazy cool. * carlos -> out <carlos> good night!! <clahey> Do you guys run pofilter at all? #launchpad 2006-06-01 <mdke> kiko, anyone, can you guys change team ownership? <Burgwork> how do I change the ownership of teams in launchpad? <Burgwork> oh, wait <mdke> haha * mdke slaps * Burgwork sticks his tongue out <kiko> mdke, yes. <kiko> what's up? <kiko> clahey, I don't know, but I don't believe we do! <mdke> kiko: can you change wikiteam to Corey Burger pls? <Burgwork> and this team https://launchpad.net/people/marketingteam <mdke> now you're just collecting teams dude <kiko> would it be possible for john to write requesting this change? <Burgwork> no, both are owned by John Lambrechts, who hans't been seen for a while <Burgwork> kiko, ^ <mdke> kiko: he's been inactive. He just had the idea for the team, then cleared off <kiko> these are fairly big teams, so I worry about stepping on shoes <kiko> do you guarantee I'll have no grief over this? <mdke> i dunno about marketing, but for -doc I can vouch for Burgwork <Burgwork> if you do, I will take it all <clahey> kiko: It'd be a cool tool. <mdke> there is no conceivable problem for -doc, in any way <kiko> clahey, /products/rosetta/+filebug :-) <mdke> i mean wikiteam <kiko> Burgwork, what's your LP id? <clahey> kiko: :) <Burgwork> corey.burger <Burgwork> kiko, also, how do we rename teams? <kiko> done <Burgwork> neither the marketing nor the wiki team have ubuntu in their names <kiko> Burgwork, change team details. <mdke> heh ubuntu-wiki namespace is taken <mdke> kiko: is there a policy on trying to grab namespaces of individuals for teams? (ubuntu-wiki, for example) <kiko> not really <kiko> but you should contact the user if it's an issue <mdke> fair enough <mdke> kiko: no address in this case <Burgwork> hmm, no contact details, unless LP has one <kiko> let me see. <kiko> mdke, I'll rename him, one moment. <mdke> that's the stuff <kiko> the reason he's got that name is because his email is actually ubuntu-wiki@ something <mdke> yeah <mdke> it shouldn't do that <mdke> bad launchpad <kiko> and a chuck-peters already exists <kiko> lol <kiko> chuck-peters2 it is! <mdke> kiko: how about prompting for a handle on the post registration page, instead of taking from email address? <kiko> mdke, this problem derives from accounts we sniff via gina, poimport and uploads, so it's not that easy. <mdke> kiko: well, I can reproduce it by doing the normal registration too... <mdke> i think <kiko> you can <kiko> but that's not what I said. :) <mdke> oh, I misunderstood then <kiko> well, what I meant was was that /even if/ we fixed that part of the problem, automatically created accounts still need guessed names :-/ <mdke> sounds like a win though <kiko> can't say I agree -- both the chuck-peters I just ran into were auto-created. <mdke> kiko: right, but at the worst you solve some instances of the problem and keep others <kiko> yeah, but we have larger problems, too. :) <mdke> this is true <mdke> I didn't mean that it was a big problem, just chatting <kiko> yeah, I know <kiko> it is a net win but it comes at some cost (changing the signup UI is non-trivial) <mdke> I can imagine <mpt_> hmm <mpt_> How does one create a plural form based on which digit a number *starts* with? <kiko> mpt_, luckily I don't have an answer for that <mpt_> g'night kiko * mpt_ wonders how plural forms work when a single sentence contains more than one number <troy_s> Any gurus in the house? <mpt> jamesh, how do I resolve the conflict "Conflict adding files to lib/canonical/rosetta. Not deleting."? <mpt> Delete the directory? <jamesh> mpt_: I don't know. What did you do to trigger the conflict? <mpt_> jamesh, merged rocketfuel <mpt_> and the difference between this branch and (a previous version of) rocketfuel should be zero * jamesh looks <mpt_> Maybe it's related to the recently-fixed bug about canonical.rosetta being killed? <jamesh> if lib/canonical/rosetta was removed, but you had non-versioned files in the directory (e.g. old .pyc files), then it might give an error <jamesh> but that message looks a little weird <mpt_> ok, deleting it works <jamesh> you might want to report it as a bug <jamesh> the message is misleading <mpt_> ok <mpt_> reported bug 47802 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 47802 in bzr "Misleading "Conflict adding files", merging from branch where directory was deleted" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/47802 <bradb> mpt_: bug 47764 ;) <Ubugtu> Malone bug 47764 in bzr "Confusing merge conflict message when directory removed" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/47764 <mpt_> eh <mpt_> bradb, why do security contacts have their own zcml, while bug contacts are part of product.zcml and distribution.zcml? <bradb> mpt_: Because security contacts can be easily described by the IHasSecurityContact interface, so I decided to put it in a separate file, where objects with bug contacts haven't been factored that way yet. <mpt_> ok <mpt_> bradb, yesterday I tried making a single "Bug tracking settings" page containing the "Uses Malone officially" checkbox, the "Bug contact" field, and the "Security contact" field <mpt_> and I drowned <bradb> drowned! <bradb> how hard can it be? <mpt_> well, to start with, security contacts use generalform while the others use editform <mpt_> and they all use different classes that presumably have to be merged <bradb> It might be easier to ignore what's there and just rewrite the view from scratch. It's probably about a half-hour's work, with tests. <mpt_> ok <bradb> (assuming a ready template) <mpt_> yeah, it'll need a custom template <mpt_> because there should be JS disabling the contact fields if you're not using Malone <bradb> mpt_: Can we depend on JS? I think we should. <bradb> But I can see the argument against requiring it. <mpt_> no, if the checkbo was unchecked we'd just ignore values in the other field <mpt_> the JS would be extra, preventing entry of values that will be ignored <bradb> ok <mpt_> bradb, next question: the status_widget line in bugtarget-macros-search.pt produces 5 * <input ... id="field.status" name="field.status.list" type="hidden" /> <mpt_> one for each bug status <mpt_> and that's invalid, because they all have the same id= <mpt_> Any ideas how to fix that? <mpt_> (demo: http://localhost:8086/distros/ubuntu/+bugs ) <bradb> hm, that smells like a zope bug <mpt_> one for BjornT, then? <bradb> probably. what do you want the html to look like? no idea, presumably? <mpt_> not sure <bradb> er, i meant "no id", sorry <mpt_> well, hmm <mpt_> I don't know what the point of those hidden fields is in the first place <bradb> mpt_: to memorize the current search filte <bradb> r <bradb> so that changing sort order works <changlinn> How do I change my email address on Launchpad? <mpt_> changlinn, click on the link to your name at the top right of any page <mpt_> then in the box on the left, click "E-mail Addresses" <changlinn> domestic blindness <mpt_> changlinn, no, bad design :-) <changlinn> heh <mpt_> those links on the left look like global navigation <changlinn> I had an interesting issue, my home mail server uses a few free blacklists, and it looks like the launchpad emails where blocked, sent it to work ok. But I get the ubuntu-au mailing list which is the same tld as launchpads mail server, I think the same server... <changlinn> mpt_: they do <mpt_> see y'all in a few days <SteveA> hi <carlos> morning <ReMink> Hello ! <ReMink> I've created two user in launchpad. Can I delete an user ? Because there are problems with the nickname / email because with two user and the same information -_- <ddaa> you can merge them <ddaa> provided they are both registered using an email address you have access to <ddaa> check the FAQ <ReMink> Ok thanks you ddaa _o/ <carlos> BjornT: hi, around? <SteveA> hi stub <ddaa> hey SteveA <ddaa> looks like the process handling fix solved the test suite hangs :) <stub> hi <SteveA> ddaa: yay. hurrah for ddaa's inventive solutions <BjornT> hi carlos <carlos> BjornT: I'm not able to get one pagetest running with file uploads <carlos> BjornT: I'm doing it following the documentation <carlos> but our code is checking that the given object is a FileUpload <carlos> and that check fails <carlos> I'm not sure if its related to the way pagetest work <BjornT> what are you doing exactly, and what error do you get? <carlos> BjornT: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filetg6KV2.html <carlos> BjornT: the code path that is executed: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filef1VDS8.html <carlos> BjornT: the 'if not isinstance(file, FileUpload):' says that is not a FileUpload <carlos> BjornT: and the page content renders the message 'The upload failed because there was a problem receiving the data.' <BjornT> carlos: what documentation are you following? zope/testbrowser/README.txt is a good read, it tells you to use file_control.add_file(open(...), 'content/type', 'file-name') <carlos> hmmm <carlos> BjornT: seems like it changed... <carlos> BjornT: I'm using an old version <BjornT> oh, maybe i looked in a newer version... <carlos> BjornT: I was trying to prevent any merge from rocketfuel to give you a diff against the review you did for PoMsgSetPage <carlos> but this branch is getting a lot of changes and I guess you would need a new review of it <carlos> BjornT: should I merge and try with the new zope? <BjornT> carlos: merging from rocketfuel won't help, i was looking in the testbrowser included in my own personal project, rocketfuel uses an older version. i'll take a look at what's wrong. <carlos> In the mean time, I guess is ok to mix new style and old style pagetests, right? <lifeless> hi folk <BjornT> carlos: if it's blocking you, yeah, using a mix is ok. * Kinnison finishes updating his aliases back to general LP ones <Kinnison> Good morning Lunchpadders <carlos> BjornT: ok, do you need a bug filed? if the answer is yes, what kind of information should I put there so you can debug the problem? <carlos> lifeless, Kinnison: hi * Kinnison guesses he can take this opportunity to clean up all his branches and change to whatever is considered best-practice for launchpad and bzr currently <BjornT> carlos: a bug is probably good to have. the test snippet and the name of the view class that the page uses would be good to include. <carlos> ok <malcc> Kinnison: Are you back with us then? <jamesh> SteveA: I was going to send a merge request for the sigusr1 stuff. Do you want to look over the diff first? https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileAhifk2.html <Kinnison> malcc: I am <malcc> Kinnison: Woo :) <SteveA> jamesh: cool. will look <Kinnison> malcc: Go easy on me for a bit, I've gotta wind myself back into LP mode <jamesh> Kinnison: don't forget to convert your branches to knit format then ... <Kinnison> jamesh: Well, I can start fresh, is LP now knitted? <jamesh> Kinnison: yeah <Kinnison> Coolio * Kinnison starts by blowing away all his grotty old weaved branches <Kinnison> since anything I wanted to keep was merged <SteveA> +"""The SIGUSR1 handler.""" <-- more descriptive module docstring please <jamesh> Kinnison: you can be a guinea pig for https://launchpad.canonical.com/WorkingWithSharedRepositories if you want :) <Kinnison> jamesh: I'll give it a read while my laptop's hard drive is going "OMG,WTF,RM-RF-HOW-MUCH?!?!?!!!!one!!11eleven" <carlos> jamesh: hi, how's going? what's the review status of my bug-46459 branch? <Kinnison> Is there a bzr 0.8 on chinstrap to prep the repo or do I have to prep it here? <jamesh> carlos: just sent it. Sorry for the delay <carlos> jamesh: ok, thanks <Kinnison> lifeless: have all the old ghosts been repopulated? <Kinnison> lifeless: I.E. can I now remove my old converted-from-baz archives? <jamesh> Kinnison: bzr on chinstrap is 0.8. I believe there are still old ghosts in rocketfuel <Kinnison> Right, I'll leave my old archives behind still <SteveA> Kinnison: lifeless will be doing a mass convert shortly <Kinnison> SteveA: I see <SteveA> and will arrange removal of old data <Kinnison> jamesh: So, should I init my launchpad-repo on chinstrap or on my machine? <jamesh> Kinnison: do you have local copies of the branches you want to put in the repo? <Kinnison> Consider me a clean slate <Kinnison> I have no branches <jamesh> probably easiest to create a repo on chinstrap, branch rocketfuel/launchpad/devel into it, and then do init+pull for each branch you want to migrate into the repo <jamesh> after you've got all the revisions from rocketfuel in the repo, it should be relatively quick to import the other branches <jamesh> then rsync it down (over the top of a similar repo if you want to save time) <sabdfl> hey lunchpadders <sabdfl> happy dapper day <stub> sabdfl: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/ now needs gardening. I'm not sure if sparc should be flagged as 'official'. <ddaa> damper drake, the waterproof operating system :) <SteveA> Znarl: ping <Znarl> SteveA : Pong? * SteveA privmsgs znarl <zoot_> hi there - i'm unable to create wiki pages on wiki.ubuntu.com despite being logged into launchpad already? any clues? i didn't creat a WikiWord login for launchpad, could this be the problem? <ddaa> hey lifeless <stub> You should be able to login using your validated email address and launchpad password. <ddaa> lifeless: I'm looking at time.sleep in cscvs, there's one in CVS.Repository.get and one in CVS.WorkingTree.commit <ddaa> I think we could get a nice test suite speed up by removing the one in CVS.Repository.get and adding one in CVS.Repository.Import <ddaa> since get does not create a timestamp, but Import does <ddaa> lifeless: am I missing something? <zoot_> as per sub's comment... i did this, but get the error message: "sorry, wrong password". i've double checked my password and logged in/out of launchpad several times * zoot_ oops, meant stub <malcc> zoot_: And you definitely have your email address in the "name" box? <malcc> zoot_: I always get confused and put my name in there <zoot_> malcc: yes <zoot_> malcc: aha! i thought that firefox may have stored a carriage return, as i cut'n pasted... so remove d stored password and manually entered it... voila! i'm in, thanks <malcc> zoot_: You're welcome, anytime you need more suggestions which are nothing to do with the issue, I'm here for you :) <koke_> hi all! <ajmitch> hey koke_ <koke_> carlos, is there any way to get some kind of "language pack" of POs to review them locally? <carlos> koke_: you can get the sourcepackage of the language pack <zoot_> malcc: hehe... another one coming up... cannot save my prefs... but that's prob an issue on the server, or network latency :-D <carlos> koke_: it should be a set of .po files <koke_> cool <koke_> I guess it's quite updated right now <carlos> koke_: mawson.ubuntu.com/~carlos has also daily snapshots with updated .po files since the release <koke_> thanks <carlos> koke_: could you identify to ChanServ? I think I don't get your private messages <koke_> :) <koke> carlos, done <Kinnison> Have we lost the ability to click on bug listing columns to sort by the column? <ddaa> yes <ddaa> because it was unreliable <ddaa> sorting was restricted to the current page, not the complete listing <Kinnison> right <SmileyLap> hey guys :D <sladen> can one of the admins associate https://launchpad.net/people/vmware-build to the email address vmware-build@vmware.com The object has been created with no email addresses, which means that bugs can't be assigned to it <carlos> sladen: is it a team? <SteveA> "A new email was sent to 'vmware-build@vmware.com' with instructions on how to confirm that it belongs to you." <SteveA> carlos: it is a Person in launchpad <SteveA> although its name says "vmware-build team" <carlos> shouldn't it be a team then? <SteveA> no idea <SteveA> quite probably <kiko> good morning vietnam! <cprov> good morning <lifeless> ddaa: there is an lp bug on this <ddaa> lifeless: finished the patch, it's in the review queue, I'd be happy if you could give me quick review <ddaa> lifeless: I cannot find the bug, any hint? <lifeless> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/cvs/+bug/12230 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 12230 in cvs "cvs checkout is racy, it wasn't in the past" [Normal,Unconfirmed] <SteveA> lifeless: i mailed about two strange error in the launchpad development bzr trees <ddaa> lifeless: okay, my fix saves time.time() after checkout and commit and waits before commit. <ddaa> lifeless: maybe I can avoid saving the timestamp before commit? That would yield some extra speed up <lifeless> SteveA: lunchtime here, will look later unless its really urgent <SteveA> lifeless: not urgent. <SteveA> both are trees where bzr info or perhaps bzr status fails with an error <SteveA> with one of them, i can reproduce creating that tree from pushing --overwrite another tree <SteveA> meeting in 6 minutes <Kinnison> SteveA: I guess I should attend :-) <SteveA> wb <jamesh> matsubara: did you see the weekly OOPS summary report? <matsubara> jamesh: yes, thanks. <kiko> jamesh, !!! very nice <SteveA> LAUNCHPAD DEVELOPMENT MEETING <stu1> Here! <SteveA> Welcome to the Dapper Release Day launchpad development meeting <kiko> yay <jamesh> kiko/matsubara: I didn't turn it on for this week, but would the text version also be useful? <kiko> me <jamesh> me <bradb> me <stu1> Up to day <BjornT> me <stu1> production is working. Can I go now? <carlos> me <salgado> me <matsubara> me <kiko> jamesh, I'm not sure -- seems like it would be quite long, wouldn't it? <spiv> me <SteveA> stu appears to be suffering from premature interjeculation <jamesh> kiko: I mean just to generate it and bung it on the web -- not mail it <SteveA> mpt is on vacation <SteveA> lifeless is in meetings in london <kiko> jamesh, oh. I don't see a lot of advantage there.. <SteveA> cprov: ? <ddaa> I'm up to date, and almost here, I've got something cooking. <cprov> me, sorry <Kinnison> Sorry, I'm here <SteveA> == Agenda == <SteveA> * Roll call <SteveA> * Agenda <SteveA> * Next meeting <SteveA> * Activity reports <SteveA> * Actions from last meeting <SteveA> * Launchpad oops milestone report <SteveA> * Outstanding sysadmin requests <SteveA> * Production and staging (stub) <SteveA> ---- <SteveA> * Staging2 (stub, kiko) <SteveA> * work-in-progress tag on PendingReviews (steve) <SteveA> * (other items) <SteveA> ---- * ..[topic/#launchpad:SteveA] : https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 8 Jun, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39 <SteveA> * Keep, Bag, Change <SteveA> * Three sentences <SteveA> <SteveA> next meeting: 8 June, same time <SteveA> * Activity reports * ddaa is here for good with lunch on his lap <SteveA> i'm behind <kiko> I am not <Kinnison> I'm starting back with launchpad today <matsubara> i'm not up to date <BjornT> i'm up to date <carlos> I'm up to date <ddaa> up dot date <spiv> I'm up to date. <kiko> I /am/ up to date. I am not behind, is what I'm not. :) <salgado> up to date <bradb> i'm up to date, but i'm wondering what happened to my may 25th report <jamesh> I'm behind <cprov> up to date <stub> up to date <SteveA> * Actions from last meeting <SteveA> * matsubara to mail the Launchpad list describing the requirements for merge messages <matsubara> done it. <SteveA> * SteveA to report a bug about "display[ing bug numbers] prominently in the email from pqm" <SteveA> not reported. i have various notes on how we want pqm to output things <SteveA> so: MeetingAction: SteveA to write up braindump spec of how we want pqm to output stuff <SteveA> * Launchpad oops milestone report <matsubara> The hack to log requests is oopsing, as seen in today's oops report (OOPS-151C379). SteveA left a comment on bug 47034 saying it's already fixed. stub I presume that was fixed after (2006-05-31 09:47:43 UTC) the above OOPS, right? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 47034 in launchpad "We should log URLs being processed at the start of transaction" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/47034 <Ubugtu> https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~jamesh/oops.cgi/151C379 <matsubara> hello? <kiko> is it me you're looking for? <stub> matsubara: The last fix I did was on Sunday, so that OOPS is valid if it occurred yesterday. <matsubara> stuart <SteveA> stub: is the encoding to UTF-8 of the request present in production? <stub> SteveA: Yes <kiko> SteveA, stub: could the input not be in something which is not valid UTF-8? <kiko> i.e. some cp1252 chars above 160? <SteveA> i suspect a zope bug <SteveA> where although we're asking for unicode(request) <stub> kiko: Possibly. Likely the exception is occuring trying to render REQUEST as unicode. There have been similar bugs before.. <SteveA> we're actually getting __str__ called at some place <SteveA> so i suggest the code be changed to fall back to saying <SteveA> "cannot print request" instead <SteveA> and maybe also the URL <SteveA> but not cause the request to fail <malcc> Oops, forgot meeting. I'm here, and activity reports are up to date <SteveA> hi malcc <SteveA> stub: what do you think? <stub> I can't see anything in that OOPS report that is helpful :-( <SteveA> jamesh: the Non-sql time -1000 ms is curious <ddaa> time-travel! <stub> It is worth sticking an exception handler around it though to catch any eventuality. It would be nice if we knew about failures though :-( <jamesh> SteveA: yeah. <SteveA> stub: then log it <jamesh> SteveA: especially since it is exactly one second <matsubara> I don't know what's causing OOPS-150D31, but I reported bug 47515. It's happening quite frequently. The top oops from today's report. Does anybody know why this happen? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 47515 in launchpad "RuntimeError while creating a new account" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/47515 <SteveA> MeetingAction: stub to improve the request logging code to cope with UnicodeDecode errors and log stuff <Ubugtu> https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~jamesh/oops.cgi/150D31 <BjornT> it looks like HTTP_USER_AGENT contains a non-UTF-8 non-ASCII character <kiko> BjornT, SteveA, stub: what BjornT said <kiko> matsubara, I have no clue -- have you grepped to see where this comes from in the sourcecode <SteveA> BjornT: care to fix it upstream in zope3? <BjornT> SteveA: sure, i'll take a look at it. <SteveA> there's probably an assumption that user-agent is ascii <SteveA> no idea what the HTTP standard says <matsubara> kiko: yes, but I didn't quite understand that <SteveA> but it shouldn't cause zope to choke * stub wonders how Bjorn can tell that <SteveA> stub: it is in the oops report <SteveA> HTTP_USER_AGENT Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; Vodafone Espa\xf1a; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) <matsubara> it's on webapp.authentication <BjornT> well, the problem is that zope tried to decode the strings to unicode, and if it fails it leaves the string as it is. <stub> Ahh <stub> I was looking for a user name ;) <kiko> BjornT, that sounds like a bug :-( <BjornT> kiko: yeah, sort of. it causes a lot of subtle bugs, so it should be fixed somehow. i'm not sure exactly what the best fix is, though. <kiko> BjornT, smash into unicode. <kiko> there isn't anything else we can do <jamesh> treat it as latin1 <kiko> you should warn() though <SteveA> yeah, encode to unicode with "?" and log a WARNING level log message * jamesh wonders if the spec says what encoding the headers are meant to be <SteveA> not warn() <SteveA> unless you mean log.warn <stub> headers are latin1 if anything officially, and smashing anything that isn't would be warrented. <kiko> SteveA, I did <kiko> who cares about non-ascii user agents anyway? <SteveA> stub: i think headers are ascii <SteveA> not latin1 <kiko> they should be shot <SteveA> but each header is encoded separately <SteveA> there's a spec on our wiki about this <ddaa> for any web spec, you can find a web MSIE variant that breaks it <carlos> kiko: Spain is different.... <carlos> :-( <SteveA> did we get https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~jamesh/oops.cgi/2006-05-30/D31 understood? <stub> My branch up for review changes this area, so I might have already fixed it. <stub> (or made it worse ;) ) <SteveA> okay, so we'll see if it occurs again once stub's branch is rolled out <kiko> stub, when should that message appear? <SteveA> message? <kiko> well, the exception <SteveA> you mean, when do we get an oops like that? <SteveA> when there's a person id in the session database <SteveA> where that person id doesn't exist in the actual database <SteveA> as a valid person <SteveA> who may log in <kiko> out of order sql? <kiko> or just madness? <SteveA> more likely a merged account <kiko> stub, how does your code improve that? <kiko> SteveA, merged account IDs are preserved. <kiko> or do you not mean IDs, but names? <SteveA> i mean ids <SteveA> only one of the ids is preserved <kiko> then I don't understand <SteveA> the other becomes defunct <kiko> uhhh <kiko> "defunct"? <SteveA> a merge is between two Person records <SteveA> each has a unique id <SteveA> one id remains as a valid person after merging <niemeyer> Good morning! <SteveA> if the other invalid id has a session going <matsubara> All oops i've seen happening like that were on +newaccount page. <SteveA> then we may see such a problem <SteveA> but, let's see what happens once stu's code lands <stub> SteveA: That isn't the problem as at the moment, if your account is merged you can still operate as the merged user <stub> SteveA: What is happening here is someone had been logged into the staging database I think <SteveA> i see <SteveA> so, changing cookies would help there <stub> SteveA: And then switched to production. The same cookie was being used (again, fixed in my patch up for review). Or something like that (?) <SteveA> okay. <SteveA> matsubara: next issue? <matsubara> The top exceptions for the week are: bug 40321(We should sanitize all values from the URL generated in the advanced bug search form.) which is not assigned; and bug 45601 which salgado is fixing. <Ubugtu> Malone bug 40321 in malone "We should sanitize all values from the URL generated in the advanced bug search form." [Normal,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/40321 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 45601 in shipit "OOPS trying to Cancel the same request on two different tabs" [Normal,In progress] http://launchpad.net/bugs/45601 <matsubara> who should I assign the first one? We should raise an UnexpectedDataFormat like discussed in a previous meeting? <stub> We care about 45601? Doctor! It hurts whenever I do this! <bradb> Why not just do normal widget validation? * stub mimes something painful <bradb> The data format is valid. The values are not. <SteveA> UnexpectedFormData i think <SteveA> is what we should raise <bradb> ah <SteveA> then we can have such errors categorized in the OOPS reports <SteveA> so we can see where people are interested in fiddling with the URL query paramers <SteveA> and decide if we want to be friendly in that regard <SteveA> but the first step is to raise UnexpectedFormData <carlos> SteveA: shouldn't add too its own page <SteveA> pardon? <carlos> so people don't see an OOPS <carlos> page <SteveA> i don't understand you <kiko> yes <carlos> but a 'broken data input'? <kiko> matsubara filed that bug yesterday <matsubara> a custom error page when UFD is raised <kiko> crct * ddaa hands kiko a fresh bag of vowels <SteveA> i don't think we need a special page <kiko> I think we do <kiko> because people file bugs on oopses <kiko> and complain on IC <kiko> IRC <SteveA> it is possible that there's a bug in our system that makes it not accept the data it is giving out <kiko> and are generally confused <SteveA> we cannot tell if it is a bug in our system or not <kiko> it's a policy decision I feel <SteveA> we could have a page that says "don't file a bug if you fiddled with the URL" <kiko> users don't read <kiko> that's not the way forward I feel <SteveA> but it should still display the OOPS and say "do file a bug if you didn't do anything special" <kiko> we just need to set a policy <bradb> SteveA: How do you propose differentiating between when a UFD should be raised vs. normal widget validation (like entering a bogus assignee name?) <SteveA> then, just a normal page will be fine <SteveA> we can reevaluate it if we get lots of such spurious bugs filed <SteveA> and in any case, having a clear UnexpectedFormData will make triaging such errors easy <SteveA> just ask the reporter whether they fiddled with the URL <SteveA> bradb: i think that is obvious <kiko> UFD is when the user can't do something using the UI <kiko> i.e. including a select option ID that isn't in the form <bradb> kiko: ah, true <kiko> or sending a string with 100 chars when the maxlen is 5 <SteveA> the edge case is when we do a production update <SteveA> and we might get data produced by an old version of the form <SteveA> that when posted causes an UFD <SteveA> but, we can expect such things <SteveA> they will be rare <SteveA> matsubara: anything else? <kiko> they will be pretty rare, production updates take a while <matsubara> And last but not least, kiko, how's timeout work going? <kiko> matsubara, so SQLRelatedJoin and friends are almost there -- two more hours of work and done <kiko> once that is finished we should see a general speedup of maybe 1% <matsubara> oh <carlos> kiko: we had such errors with Rosetta, people translating while production is updated... <kiko> after that I will look into the top errors <kiko> heh <matsubara> I'm worried about the +translations page <stub> kiko: We do some production updates with zero downtime by updating one pair of appserver, waiting a minute, then updating the other pair. <SteveA> we should also lose the construction of a stack trace in newInteraction() as pointed out by niemeyer <SteveA> although i think we start timing requests after that, so it won't affect recorded time <SteveA> time to move on. <SteveA> thank you matsubara <SteveA> * Outstanding sysadmin requests <malcc> Mine from last week is done now <matsubara> you're welcome SteveA. And thanks everybody. <malcc> Need the rt number again? <SteveA> if it is done, then it is not outstanding <SteveA> unless you want to complement the sysadmins on doing an outstanding job <kiko> compliment <malcc> Absolutely. They were marvellous. <kiko> and yes, good idea <SteveA> kiko: the complement each other <SteveA> kiko: they complement each other <SteveA> and we complement them <kiko> ha ha <SteveA> * Production and staging (stub) <stub> Production is running happily. No further lockups have happened to my knowledge since adding the debugging information we need an a patch to the session machinery. <stub> Now that dapper has been released, we can be less paranoid about rollouts. I propose rolling out current HEAD next tueday unless I here otherwise now. Anything in rocketfuel that needs to go out this week? <stub> Nothing unusual happening on staging. Staging might have a little brother soon - a second instance for long term testing of scary UI changes that need to be seen and played with before landing to rocketfuel. <stub> Staging auth is still broken until I get my branch landed, although I can poke it manually. <bradb> stub: a UI playground would be sweet. <SteveA> ok <SteveA> * Staging2 (stub, kiko) <jamesh> an implementation of lifeless's SIGUSR1 idea is in rocketfuel now <kiko> stub, there may be some fixes, I'll ping you if anything urgent needs to go in. <kiko> stub, there is at least a change carlos is going to do to allow pointing translations to dapper. <SteveA> so... soon we'll have a second staging server. <kiko> so heads-up for that one. <SteveA> the idea is the staging.launchpad.net will always be real staging -- latest code with production data <SteveA> for looking to see if bugs are reproducable with latest code <SteveA> and that kind of thing <kiko> right <carlos> stub: if you would cherry pick r3574 it should improve dapper translations, hidding languages that are not common from launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+translations <carlos> stub: and that other thing kiko just told you <SteveA> and other uses of a staging environment such as UI experiements we don't want in mainline RF <SteveA> and other long-term trials of things <SteveA> can go on the new box <SteveA> * work-in-progress tag on PendingReviews (steve) <SteveA> if you look on https://launchpad.canonical.com/PendingReviews <SteveA> you'll see the Work In Progress section <SteveA> and use of work-in-progress branch tags <SteveA> I encourage all of you to put branches you're currently working on there, on that page <SteveA> this allows people to easily see a diff on the pending reviews diff-o-matic <SteveA> and for you to see if you have conflicts etc. <SteveA> with knits and repositories, the pending reviews scripts work very fast <SteveA> * Keep, Bag, Change <bradb> Isn't it quicker to just merge launchpad-upstream to see if you have conflicts? <SteveA> bradb: is it? <ddaa> bradb: it's even quicker to just look at the page <SteveA> 6 <SteveA> 5 <SteveA> 4 <ddaa> KEEP: merging to sourcecode trees <bradb> SteveA: I think so yeah. Since the page is only updated so often, AIUI. <SteveA> 3 <cprov> keep wip section, it's indeed very nice feature <SteveA> 2 <SteveA> 4 <SteveA> 3 <SteveA> 2 <SteveA> 1 <SteveA> done <SteveA> htanks <SteveA> thanks <SteveA> bradb: it may be quicker for you on your own branches <SteveA> it is not quicker for everyone else who may be interested in the status of your work and your branches <SteveA> so, while your observation is valid, it is made from a selfish viewpoint <bradb> heh. :) I was just addressing your reasoning for wip above. <SteveA> * Three sentences <jamesh> bradb: the page is updated once every 2 hours <SteveA> go ahead please <stub> DONE: Authentication bug fixes and fallout <stub> TODO: Text search bugs and enhancements (again) <stub> BLOCKED: Nope <malcc> DONE: Sprinted, new-style page tests for Soyuz <malcc> TODO: Finish landing other early bugfixes, finish tidying process_upload <malcc> BLOCKED: No <ddaa> DONE: long week-end, rewrite importd-cvs-tests, tame rogue nc <ddaa> TODO: pending branches, cscvs cleanups, bzr-native <ddaa> BLOCKED: no <bradb> DONE: Landed implicit subs. Fixed various bugs. Writing xmlrpc tests. Figuring out release bug management requirements. Refactored .createBug to take a parameter object. <Kinnison> DONE: Distro <bradb> TODO: Fix more bugs. Reach a decision on how best to harness community input into release management. Get xmlrpc into a landable state. <bradb> BLOCKED: No. <cprov> DONE: Publishing issues, upload policy change, Contents generation <cprov> TODO: soyuz small fixes sprint (UI and backend) get simple requests implemented\ and sort items for discussion in paris <cprov> BLOCKED: none <BjornT> DONE: vacation. fixed some bugs.reviews. <BjornT> TODO: land my reviewed branches. fix some of my assigned bugs. reviews. <BjornT> BLOCKED: no <salgado> DONE: Polished the mirror-related pages a bit more and applied kiko's review suggestions; some fixes on shipit to avoid duplicate requests; 3 days on leave <salgado> TODO: catch up with email; try again to land my mirror-prober changes (which I couldn't land because of 30-mergepeople.txt), tackle the remaining shipit bugs that are causing OOPSes and any other urgent bug fixes that show up <salgado> BLOCKED: No <jamesh> DONE: code reviews, SIGUSR1 handler, setup weekly cron job, start on bzrscan/importd stuff for ddaa <jamesh> TODO: code reviews, bzrscan/importd stuff for ddaa <jamesh> BLOCKED: no <matsubara> DONE: oops report analysis, fixed some oops bugs and ticket permission <matsubara> TODO: finish the ticket permission bug and more of the same <matsubara> BLOCKED: nope <spiv> DONE: Made check_merge check everything again, FINALLY. Reviews. Fixed 44183, 41414. Investigated 32233. <kiko> DONE: management, code reviews, planning, assisting Soyuz and Rosetta for dapper, work on SQLRelatedJoin and prejoins <spiv> TODO: Reviews, SFTP server bugs. <spiv> BLOCKED: no <kiko> TODO: finish off SQLRelatedJoina nd prejoins, sprint date conclusions, performance work <kiko> BLOCKED: no <SteveA> DONE: management, menus code/integration, code review <SteveA> TODO: get new menus onto staging environment <SteveA> BLOCKED: no <Kinnison> TODO: bug 47770 and more as I go <Kinnison> BLOCKED: No <Ubugtu> Malone bug 47770 in launchpad-publisher ""raw-dist-upgrade" target does not support pockets" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/47770 <SteveA> DONE: DescriptionMarkup spec, LaunchpadLoginService work, bugfixes <SteveA> TODO: holiday <SteveA> BLOCKED: no <SteveA> um <SteveA> that was from mpt <kiko> SteveA, for a moment I was afraid you were going on holiday! <stub> Should we just labotomize 30-mergepeople.txt ? I believe the actual merge process is already tested in person.txt so we don't technically need to confirm the merge worked. <carlos> DONE: #46459, karma test fixes, POMsgSetPage test fixes, OO.org exports, many dapper translation fixes, breezy to dapper migration started, #47057, #40550, some bugs detected and filed about new pagetests <carlos> TODO: merge #40550, debug last two test failing with POMsgSetPAge and merge it, fix main translatable distro links, merge my karma branch <carlos> BLOCKED: no <SteveA> stub: maybe. there are other things we should try i think. <SteveA> okay, that's all folks. <SteveA> there are a couple of issues that we didn't cover that were provisionally on the agenda <SteveA> let's mention these after the meeting <SteveA> MEETING ENDS <kiko> you don't love me <SteveA> tough love <SteveA> one item from kiko was vacations: <kiko> no love <SteveA> - who hasn't had a vacation for far too long? <kiko> cprov may be in line for some vac <stub> Me, because I can't get off my arse and organize it <kiko> stub hasn't taken any in ages <carlos> SteveA: what do you understand by 'far too long' ? <kiko> carlos, have you planned vacation for the second semester already? <kiko> it would be good if people could deliver their vacation plans for the latter part of the year over the next month <carlos> kiko: not yet <cprov> kiko: no, thanks, I had enough vac in march/april ;) <kiko> jamesh is another <bradb> kiko: it's hard to plan vacations too far in advance, i find, because of confs. <carlos> bradb++ <bradb> like, more than 2-3 months <kiko> carlos, bradb: if you plan vacation in advance we can plan the conferences taking them into account <stub> I plan to have a week underwater soon - need to confirm weather windows. And possibly two or three weeks in October or September. <malcc> kiko: So you only need vacation in advance if it's vacation we won't mind re-scheduling if a conference comes along? <carlos> kiko: the thing is that usually would be possible to get some vacations near the conference to visit the country where the conference is <kiko> malcc, we are trying to have smaller more focused sprints instead of big fat conferences <kiko> carlos, yeah IKWYM <kiko> but you already know london. :) <stub> Just please try to avoid London :-) <malcc> kiko: Ok, but the question is the same. Do you need only vacation which will block events and can't be re-scheduled, or for everyone to knock up a full vacation schedule for the year? <spiv> kiko: haha, so the plan is to hold sprints in boring locations to solve that problem then? ;) <stub> Been there, done that, caught the virus * bradb doesn't know of any upcoming LP confs * stub votes for Vilnius if it has to be somewhere cold <kiko> malcc, it's good to have a vacation schedule for the next 6 months, and I'd say that the 3-month window is firm and can block events. <carlos> kiko: but my girlfriend doesn't know it ;-) <kiko> carlos, there are girls in london too <kiko> underage ones even * bradb prefers mtl babes <stub> There are more in Bangkok with less clothing ;) <carlos> kiko: I will remove this log from the computer before my girlfriend reads it ;-) <kiko> and before the police reads it! <carlos> or you will need to do all conferences in Valencia <ddaa> there are far worse places * stub mails kiko a naked underage gogo dancer <malcc> stub: Did you mean "a picture of..."? <stub> Why make do with a picture? <jamesh> stub: it is cheaper to post? <kiko> and cheaper to maintain! <ddaa> naked gogo dancers are cheap, you do have to pay for clothing! <SteveA> there are more lithuanian girls in london than in vilnius now <jamesh> apparently we'll be getting an equivalent of the London underground oyster cards in Perth some time this year * bradb & # shower <ddaa> jamesh: you think that'll attract lithuanian girls? <stub> I'm wondering how he made that topic jump <jamesh> ddaa: it couldn't hurt. <kiko> jamesh, wow, that's cool <ddaa> SteveA: if there no other post meeting item, I could stop being silly and go back to coding :) <SteveA> ddaa: the other item doesn't concern your work <SteveA> so please go ahead <SteveA> i'm going to go get late lunch shortly <jamesh> kiko: unfortunately we'll still have spotty coverage and hardly any buses on weekends ... <SteveA> stub: i think james was very cleverly killing the sordid coversations <stub> Ahh.... spotty coverage... naked gogo dancers... I get it. <SteveA> the second issue bumped from the agenda was... <SteveA> opening edgy <kiko> I'm already talking to cprov and carlos <kiko> but Kinnison may know something of this too <SteveA> ok <kiko> and stub needs to know that there may be some additional patches to support it. <SteveA> i guess there's nothing that the whole team needs to be aware of about this <Kinnison> kiko: Apart from what I knew of opening edgy back in feb, I'm not sure I know any more now <kiko> SteveA, the team needs to know that edgy is opening, of course <kiko> there is a lot of impact throughout launchpad <kiko> it will affect malone and rosetta to a large degree <kiko> soyuz to a very large degree <SteveA> i don't think it affects ddaa's work <carlos> kiko: I would appreciate that you tell us when it's happening <kiko> SteveA, it's good that he knows. <ddaa> that's done <ddaa> but as SteveA said, it does not impact my work in the least <kiko> well, at the moment we are waiting for dapper to stabilize, and for people to ensure that a new distrorelease will not affect their components in unexpected ways. <kiko> we already know that it will affect rosetta (which needs to go on pointing to dapper for as long as we want) <kiko> but there may be other places. * carlos -> lunch <SteveA> malcc, kiko, cprov: Kinnison just called me. His internet has broken. People are looking into it, but it looks like a physical problem that will not be fixed during this afternoon. Meanwhile, he has a full copy of RF and is working on bug 47770 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 47770 in launchpad-publisher ""raw-dist-upgrade" target does not support pockets" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/47770 <SteveA> and will definitely be online tomorrow, either at home with working internet, from from a nearby friend's place <malcc> SteveA: Thanks <salgado> stub, kiko, I just realized that either I did something wrong on that fix to lock the ShippingRequest table or the lock doesn't solve the problem <kiko> salgado, why? <salgado> actually, I think that the lock doesn't help in this case <salgado> kiko, I just created a dupe request on staging <kiko> hmmm <kiko> really? <kiko> that's weird <salgado> I don't think it's weird. it makes sense to me <kiko> really? <salgado> the lock doesn't prevent other SELECTs to run, as stub pointed out <kiko> it prevents a select to run and then insert, though <kiko> stub? <salgado> one insert can happen after the other without any problems <salgado> we don't have a db constraint <kiko> so you're saying we only block when inserting? <salgado> yes, AIUI (and as it seems to work), it single thread INSERTs and UPDATEs <kiko> can you do the select together with the insert <kiko> i.e. in the same statement? <kiko> insert into XXX (...) values (xxx, xxx, select foo from bar) ? <salgado> no <kiko> really? <kiko> mmm <kiko> you can select into though <salgado> the select is to check that the user doesn't have an existing request <kiko> IC <kiko> stuuuub <kiko> stuuuuuuuuuuuuuub <rousseau_> hello all, I'm having a permission denied (public key) error when I run the command bzr push --create-prefix sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ryan.rousseau/py-education/devel-main <rousseau_> Does anyone know what could be wrong with my SSH key, if anything? <stub> kiko: Yer <lifeless> rousseau_: have you uploaded it to launchpad ? <kiko> stub, see the locking problem above? still stuck. any advice? <rousseau_> lifeless: yep, with no problems <lifeless> rousseau_: is your launchpad user the same as your unix account name ? (if you, use sftp://username@bazaar.launch....) <kiko> we need something which ensures that a select-and-insert completes non-concurrently. <kiko> stub, basically <rousseau_> lifeless: I tried something similiar to that yesterday, I guess I got it wrong because it's working now, thanks! <rousseau_> lifeless: well, it seems to be working <stub> The workflow should be: lock table, check for an existing row, insert a new row if no existing row <kiko> stub, that's what we're doing. but the lock table doesn't block the select, does it? <salgado> stub, but this lock shouldn't allow for another select before the insert is finished <stub> kiko: Obtaining the lock blocks <stub> I think * stub checks <stub> Yes - only one connection can hold the exclusive lock at a time <kiko> salgado, hah. what now? <stub> You can test this using psql. <kiko> stub, does this work even on staging? <Keybuk> lifeless: knits are done per-line, right? <stub> kiko: There is nothing special about staging's database <kiko> stub, salgado: scratch head <salgado> stub, you said previously that EXCLUSIVE mode allows concurrent SELECTs <salgado> and it seems to work this way, actually <stub> Yes - other connections can SELECT happily <kiko> uhhh <salgado> that's the problem <stub> Why? <kiko> stub, connection A checks. finds no row. <kiko> stub, connection B checks. finds no row. <kiko> stub, connection A inserts. <kiko> stub, connection B blocks. <kiko> stub, connection A finishes insert. <stub> No - because they each attempt to lock the table first. <stub> And if they don't, that is the bug <stub> connection a locks table, checks, finds no row, inserts. connection b locks table and blocks, connection a commits, connection b checks, finds row, fails <stub> hmm.... I wonder if us running in serialized isolation mode is causing the trouble though? <lifeless> Keybuk: yeth <Keybuk> lifeless: what does it do for binaries? <lifeless> very long lines <stub> If we had previously selected rows from the table before issuing the lock, further selects would still get a consistent view of the data and not notice the insert made by the other connection. nuts. <kiko> stub, we /have/ previously selected rows from the table, probably * kuzgun selam <stub> I wish we had dropped the isolation level from day one :-( psycopg default isn't the normal default. <salgado> stub, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filesx5G2U.html is the code involved in this <Keybuk> lifeless: is it not possible to use something other than a line break? <Keybuk> e.g. knit an xml file by tags? <stub> ok. so locking doesn't look like it is going to help in the short term. So we can either use a trigger to maintain the cross table constraint, or collapse the shippingrequest and shipment tables into one. I would prefer the latter I think, but it is a lot more work as here will be a lot of fallout. So I should probably just write the trigger. <lifeless> Keybuk: not really. Why would that help ? <lifeless> Keybuk: remember, knits store snapshots. <Keybuk> would it not help the merge case? <Keybuk> or does it not behave like weave in that respect? <stub> kiko, salgado: either option will cause OOPS requests when triggered though <stub> Although that is probably normal for our forms and double-submits <kiko> salgado: is it possible to not query that table beforehand? <kiko> stub, it's then a case of invalid form data I feel <kiko> but... <stub> kiko: We can't really guarantee that. It isn't just that table either, but related tables. It would be too flakey to attempt to trick the isolation level into not noticing changes until we want it too. <kiko> I see <stub> I'm also seriously considering dropping the transaction isolation level back to READ COMMITTED now that the release is done to see what happens... <stub> I guess I should do it just on staging first though ;) <kiko> stub, would that help us here? <stub> kiko: It would make the locking work the way I originally expected it to. <kiko> that's an idea <stub> But I don't see us changing that on production for a week or three at the earliest, so we should fix the problem in other ways. The trigger isn't nasty and can be done tomorrow no worries. <kiko> ok then <stub> If there is a bug on this, please assign it to me. I'll pull out the lock at the same time. <kiko> salgado, can you do that? <salgado> sure <stub> btw. I think that process is called for every request, not just submits with validated data, so we were locking unnecessarily. This would have caused the timeouts. <stub> Or was the form already fully validated at this point, and process just supposed to do the actual insert? <kiko> right <kiko> the latter. <stub> ok. <salgado> yes, process will only insert or update <clahey> Rosetta seems slow this morning. * stub goes to get something deep fried on a stick <salgado> stub, assigned bug 5812 to you <clahey> Oh, it woke up. <clahey> So, I uploaded a new pot file to Rosetta last night, but it appears that the plural string that I added didn't make it in for some reason. It's still showing up as the singular string that used to be there. <clahey> And when I went to download the pot file to see what the state was, it said there was an error. <carlos> clahey: the .pot download feature is broken atm, I have a fix, but it's not yet on production. <kiko> clahey, it should roll out on tuesday <clahey> carlos: Cool. Any idea why French is still showing up without that plural string? <clahey> Vous avez %d tlchargement%s encore en cours. <clahey> That's the old singular string. <carlos> clahey: if you only uploaded the .pot file with the plural form string <carlos> clahey: the french one cannot have the translation... <carlos> am I missing anything? <clahey> I know, but I would expect it to show up untranslated. <clahey> And for the old singular string to not show up. <carlos> clahey: it's full translated now <clahey> Yeah, I noticed that. <clahey> I'm looking through it for the string now. <carlos> clahey: take into account that there is a delay between when you do an upload and the system does the import <clahey> Yeah, I know that, but the untranslated counts did update. <carlos> clahey: because you added new strings <carlos> and there was a small delay between the .pot import and the .po import <clahey> Sure, but the pot file was imported yesterday and the French translation still has the singular and not the plural. <clahey> Who knows. Maybe I uploaded it without the plural. I can try again. <carlos> clahey: I don't see any plural form there <carlos> clahey: if a language lacks it, all languages lack it <carlos> and same thing with the .pot file <carlos> unless the .pot file had an error and was not imported (is not the case) * cprov needs to go to university, will be available on mobile anytime <clahey> carlos: I <clahey> I'll submit another copy. <carlos> ok <clahey> Or Greg will, rather. <jordi> hey carlos <jordi> carlos: what's the status of the OOo email <jordi> do we want to send it, should I rewrite. <carlos> jordi: did you get kiko's answers ? <carlos> jordi: I guess you should rewrite it following the input that doko, kiko and I gave <carlos> jordi: and send it again for review <jordi> carlos: unfortunately I think I wasn't cc'd on some of those mails <jordi> because I noticed I missed some of the conversation <carlos> jordi: you only missed the first from kiko <jordi> oh ok. <carlos> and it's included in my answer <jordi> ok <carlos> clahey: Greg uploaded a .html file instead of a .pot file <carlos> clahey: http://librarian.launchpad.net/3007930/messages.pot <clahey> carlos: It's an html display of the pot file... :) <clahey> I'll talk to him. <matsubara> BjornT, bradb: check the Also affects: upstream distribution links http://localhost:8086/malone/cve/1999-8979 is there a bug for that? <jordi> carlos: can you assign ubuntu-l10n-si to ubuntu-translators? <bradb> hah * bradb doubts many people are using that page, so likely no bug, but I'll double check * Kinnison has a rare moment of connectivity <sfllaw> Kinnison: Welcome! <Kinnison> SteveA: Is it a known bug in bzr that pushing a revision to a shared repo will say "0 revision(s) pushed" when it clearly just succeeded in pushing the one revision I just committed? <bradb> matsubara: I opened bug 47867 <bradb> bug 47867! <Kinnison> ubugtu hates you <Ubugtu> Malone bug 47867 in malone "CVE reports contain bogus "Also affects" links" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/47867 * Kinnison hugs bradb * bradb feels the love <Kinnison> erk <bradb> heh * Kinnison isn't normally that obvious * sivang hugs bradb , Kinnison and wishes them a happy dapper day <kiko> Kinnison, yes, known bug. * bradb will celebrate the release by going to Subway today <bradb> six pouces, jambon, pain de bl <matsubara> bradb: thanks <bradb> np <Kinnison> kiko: Right, I won't investigate further * Kinnison loves this shared repo thing <Kinnison> it made pushing my bugfix branch take about 1 minute <Kinnison> which for an sftp push is bloody good <sivang> Kinnison: back to launchpad ? :) <Kinnison> sivang: yes, although my 'net connection has chosen today to be really really bad <sivang> Kinnison: I heared <SteveA> Kinnison: I've noticed something like that... where i've pushed 2 revisions and it says "1 revisions pushed" <SteveA> so perhaps it is a fencepost error <Kinnison> perhaps <SteveA> matsubara: one point about UnexpectedFormData errors <SteveA> matsubara: we should use a special page to return the appropriate HTTP error code <matsubara> SteveA: ok, I'll add that to the bug. bradb took over it, btw. <kiko> bradb, are you sure that bug.duplicates works correctly? <SteveA> matsubara: ... if there is one... <SteveA> http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html <bradb> kiko: It appears to not be tested, so no. <bradb> it looks like matsubara added it, if i'm reading this right <SteveA> matsubara: i guess 500 is the most reasonable. and i think that's our default OOPS anyway <matsubara> I'm talking about bug 40321 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 40321 in malone "We should sanitize all values from the URL generated in the advanced bug search form." [Normal,In progress] http://launchpad.net/bugs/40321 <matsubara> SteveA: couldn't be code 400? <SteveA> no <SteveA> the syntax is fine <SteveA> we understand the request <SteveA> just, it is saying things that we don't know how to interpret well <SteveA> unless the meaning of "syntax" in the HTTP spec is different than what I think it is <SteveA> lifeless would know the answer, I'm sure <lifeless> whats the question ? <matsubara> SteveA: is it better to file a new bug? something like: We should display an special error page when UFD is raised <SteveA> lifeless: the client POSTs to the server <SteveA> the POST has hand-crufted stuff in that our form processor for that page isn't designed to handle <SteveA> so it raises an UnexpectedFormData exception <SteveA> when this exception is delivered to the client, what HTTP error code should it have? <SteveA> matsubara suggested a 400, but I think that applies only to incorrect HTTP-level syntax <lifeless> right <SteveA> so i think 500 <lifeless> 400 means something like fucked http headers <lifeless> this is definately a 5xx error <Kinnison> Umm <Kinnison> 5xx indicates an app error surely <Kinnison> It's an error in the input data, not in the app <SteveA> yes, because there is nothing in HTTP that says POSTs must come from data forms managed by the application <SteveA> so, it's an application error not an HTTP error <lifeless> Kinnison: its a 500 class error. <SteveA> and as the whole application is in the server <SteveA> it is a server error, not a client error <SteveA> if it were a GET, it could be a 404 <SteveA> but it's a POST, so the query params aren't in the URL <Kinnison> If it's not a 4xx then it's a 500 specifically <lifeless> it could be a 400 if yousquint. <lifeless> I'm not sure that squinting like that is useful, or correct. <Kinnison> It's either a 400 or a 500, neither is perfect <bradb> SteveA: btw, unless you specifically know differently, this seems more likely to be old bookmarks, not hand crafted urls. <Kinnison> but they're the better of the options (on reading rfc2616) <Kinnison> if lifeless is squicked by 400 then I'd recommend 500 <SteveA> bradb: on a POST ? <SteveA> or a 402 <SteveA> will fix for $$$ * Kinnison snerks <SteveA> okay, thanks everyone. i think matsubara has enough to go on <bradb> oh, i didn't know it was a post. that people are posting searches is ultra-weird. <SteveA> bradb: this applies to more than searches <SteveA> but i take the point about people bookmarking searches <the_CName> elo <SteveA> the electric light orchestra? * bradb was referring to bug 40321 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 40321 in malone "We should sanitize all values from the URL generated in the advanced bug search form." [Normal,In progress] http://launchpad.net/bugs/40321 <bradb> which, thankfully, was a GET <the_CName> i've registered in lauchpad for receive distri ubuntu but i'm not obtain info by mail ! that's normal ? <SteveA> that's not normal <SteveA> have you checked your junk mail folder, if you use something like gmail? <the_CName> i bieleve too <the_CName> no, it's mine mail <the_CName> webhosted by apinc <SteveA> do they use greylisting? <lifeless> its a 500, fo sure. <SteveA> these are the two most common reasons for people not getting email from launchpad <lifeless> its not 400 because this error is not a *http client error* <SteveA> - their email provider uses greylisting, so the email arrives after several hours <SteveA> - it has been classified as junk mail <SteveA> lifeless: unless we want their money. <SteveA> cool, 500 it is <the_CName> i don't believe ... i'm feeling just blacklisting <SteveA> do you have another email address you can use? <the_CName> more <Kinnison> bradb: Do we have a way to sort bug listings by status? <bradb> Kinnison: no, but it's easy enough to add <the_CName> SteveA/> to test with another, isn't it ? <Kinnison> bradb: could we have it please. There are times I want to look at all the untriaged bugs, and sorting by status would be easier <bradb> Kinnison: Untriaged is an Importance now, and you'll be able to sort by that. <SteveA> the_CName: yes, try registering with launchpad with another email address <SteveA> if that one doesn't work, we'll try some experiments <Kinnison> bradb: Right, but that was just one example of sorting by status <the_CName> Registration mail sent <Kinnison> bradb: It's nice to see all the needs-info next to each other to review them <Kinnison> bradb: etx. <Kinnison> s/x/c/ * Kinnison often used the sorting by column title click for this <Kinnison> :-) <bradb> sure, i can add it. the next rollout will also have sorting by most recently changed, which hopefully some will find useful <Kinnison> That'll be useful too <Kinnison> thanks dude <Kinnison> To be frank, the more flexibility in the search/report stuff the better <the_CName> SteveA/> it's thunderbird to block it ! <SteveA> i see <bradb> Kinnison: amen <SteveA> never seen that before <the_CName> SteveA/> thks * bradb & # lunch <SteveA> i'm about to clear off out of irc for the evening, to focus on some code. any last-minute hasslings before i go? <SteveA> matsubara: about bug https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+bug/47877 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 47877 in launchpad "We should display an special error page whenever UnexpectFormData is raised" [Normal,Unconfirmed] <SteveA> matsubara: it should be UnexpectedFormData, not UnexpectFormData <SteveA> and, is it a dupe of https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+bug/47711 ? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 47711 in launchpad "Custom error page when we raise UnexpectedDataFormat" [Normal,Confirmed] <matsubara> SteveA: yes it is and I should leave the crack pipe at home <Oppy> hello <Oppy> anyone here? <SteveA> lifeless: ping <Yannig> Hello everyboduy * Kinnison waves <Kinnison> time for me to go shopping and then make dinner <Kinnison> ciau <cbx33> hey all <cbx33> will LP be using knits soon? <SteveA> yes <cbx33> :D <SteveA> very soon <SteveA> the code is written <cbx33> excellent <cbx33> that's all i wanted to hear <SteveA> i think it will be deployed early next week, but i'm not sure exactly <cbx33> ok <ddaa> it's been last week for one month... <cbx33> oh :( <ddaa> unexpected problems popped up <cbx33> :(( <ddaa> but the fixes have just been comitted <cbx33> oooh good <ddaa> thank spiv <salgado> kiko, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileWsBnng.html fixes the two issues we discussed this morning and some shipit OOPSes <segfault> how do i force a mail forward change in LP? eg. segfault@ubuntu.com -> my.other@email.com <salgado> segfault, I think your-launchpad-name@ubuntu.com will always forward to your launchpad preferred contact address <Yannig> Do someone know what are the supposed best translations: French or Spanish? <Yannig> (in terms of quality in Launchpad= <mdke> Yannig: there is no way to tell <Yannig> mdke> Bad luck :) <Yannig> It was just to know how to help me with a second language :) <BenC> got a big malone question <BenC> now that dapper is released, the next kernel is being worked on, and we are moving from linux-source-2.6.15 to linux-source-2.6.17 <BenC> is there an easy way to add linux-source-2.6.17 as a target for a large number of bugs? <kiko> salgado, looking. <bradb> BenC: not in the ui. maybe our dba can do it. <bradb> BenC: should all bugs be moved over? <BenC> bradb: Unfortunately it will be something I need close control over, so I need an interface <BenC> not all bugs, and likely, not even a well defined group until I start going through them all * bradb ponders <bradb> BenC: so i guess you want to be able to do a search, eyeball each row, and will usually have enough information from the bug listing to know whether it should be moved to the new package? <BenC> yeah, pretty much <BenC> I have an idea of what the group will ential, but haven't defined it yet <bradb> BenC: of the 624 bugs currently open, what percentage do you think will carry forward? <BenC> bradb: probably only 100 or so <bradb> BenC: interesting. ok, can you wait till tomorrow for us to come up with a quick and simple plan to do that? <BenC> I don't plan on this till after I upload 2.6.17, which is a few days away <BenC> so no problem <bradb> ok, cool <BenC> bradb: Oh there other thing is I would want to select "Reject" for almost all things aimed at 2.6.15 and still open <BenC> if we aren't going to fix it, no reason to leave it open <bradb> ok <kiko> salgado, can I have that link again? <salgado> kiko, no <kiko> PLEASE <salgado> https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileWsBnng.html <salgado> had to look in the logs <kiko> you can see recent pastes in paste/ <salgado> with our Internet connection I think the log is faster <kiko> our internet connection works quite well IMO <kiko> hmmm something has started to pick up the http_proxy environment variable <bradb> SteveA: so, IIUC, to fix bug 40321 an UnexpectedFormData exception should be raised if the validation fails in a way that looks like the user tried to do something they couldn't do by using the form itself? <Ubugtu> Malone bug 40321 in malone "We should sanitize all values from the URL generated in the advanced bug search form." [Normal,In progress] http://launchpad.net/bugs/40321 <SteveA> bradb: yep. the form processor needs to accept what the form allows. anything else, and you can raise UnexpectedFormData <bradb> SteveA: and then will we have a way of excluding that from the oops reports? <SteveA> a user should only see an UnexpectedFomData exception when they've fiddled with the URL or on the rare occassions we've updated the software while they've been filling in a form. <SteveA> we'll be able to classify these separately, if necessary <bradb> old bookmarks! <SteveA> so, for pages that we expect to be bookmarked (like search pages) <SteveA> we should aim to have nice URLs including query parameters (not long autogenerated form query parameters) <SteveA> and support them in a forwards-compatible way <SteveA> but, seeing as we haven't done that, we'll that's just tough on people who have the pages bookmarked <bradb> ok <SteveA> each page we support that kind of thing for should have a spec <SteveA> or at least a doctest <SteveA> that tests the supported form behaviour <SteveA> kiko: <kiko> hello SteveA <SteveA> kiko: phone call before i crash? <kiko> SteveA, sure <kiko> SteveA, I was looking for a review though <kiko> bradb, ping? <bradb> kiko: pong #launchpad 2006-06-02 <BenC> any chance you guys can make it so that when adding a comment to a bug, that after it takes in the info, it redirects back to the bug? <BenC> As it is now, I have lots of duplicate comments coming to me because folks don't know that after adding a comment, hitting reload sends the same comment <lifeless> hihi <jamesh> hi lifeless <SteveA> morning <purple> hi guys <purple> im first time here brought by registration for shipit.ubuntu <purple> can u tell me what is major point of this chanell? <SteveA> hello <SteveA> this channel is where we discuss launchpad.net <purple> hm.. <purple> can u be mora specific? <purple> im not really into it so.. <SteveA> i'll need a more specific question than that <purple> what is launchpad.net? <SteveA> https://launchpad.net/ | <purple> thnxx <purple> as far as i get it <purple> launchpad is some for bug tracking thing? <purple> correct me if i wrong <SteveA> launchpad is about bug tracking, making translations of software, support tickets, that kind of thing <purple> yeah <purple> u use ubuntu i supose? <SteveA> i do <purple> which kernel build ubuntu 6 use? <Ubugtu> Ubuntu bug 6 in gdb "gdb package contains non-free GNU FDL documentation" [Normal,Resolved: notwarty] http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=6 <SteveA> i have no idea <SteveA> i just use ubuntu <SteveA> i don't develop it <purple> ok but as a distro user <SteveA> #ubuntu is a good channel for that question <purple> oh.. <purple> thnxx <ddaa> lifeless: ping <ddaa> mpool: ping <lifeless> ddaa: pong <ddaa> lifeless: hello, can you reply to my mail about cscvs and targetBranchName <ddaa> I looks like an easy decision, but I do not want to start putting time in it before I have your green light <lifeless> ddaa: change it from a branch name to a url or revision id or something I think <ddaa> lifeless: I think it would make sense to remove -b from the UI, and have the API get the branch from the tree <lifeless> the branch matters because the data about defaults may be in a different branch to the rtarget - unless you are removing the current support for multiple-branches <ddaa> what current support for multiple branches? <ddaa> what defaults? <ddaa> I thought it was just about reconciling the catalog with the cscvs metadata for imported revisions <lifeless> the default branch in cvs is the freaky-deaky unversioned support for where 'HEAD' actually is. <ddaa> you mean cvs branches then? <lifeless> yes <mpool> ddaa: hello? <lifeless> so the option to totla is used to figure out where this changed in the past so that catalog building works correctly. <ddaa> mpool: clan sent me an email saying sabdfl wanted me and Keybuk at the bzr sprint and that you would tell me more about it today <mpool> ddaa: yes; how would you feel about coming here for say tues-thurs? <ddaa> mpool: last I and SteveA heard about it, I was not to come at the bzr meeting with the hg guys <mpool> yes, that's after the meeting with hg, but with some bzr people <lifeless> this branch will be different to the tree we are importing into when the tree we are importing into is new, but there is an import of HEAD <mpool> including jelmer, abentley, jam * ddaa tries to make sense of lifeless <ddaa> lifeless: do you mean that catalog creation depends on cscvs metadata in revisions that are not part of the ancestry of the branch we are importing into??? <lifeless> it can, but if we only care about HEAD that stops being an issue. <ddaa> mpool: remind me where and when, exactly, please <ddaa> lifeless: I thought non-MAIN branches must be imported in a target whose ancestry was filled with MAIN up to the "branch point" <ddaa> lifeless: so if I understand correctly, we only care about the ancestry of the target... Where am I wrong? <lifeless> could be right <lifeless> if you think you are please go ahead, I am in the hg meeting now and have no cycles spare <ddaa> in other words, what is the use case for specifying a branch to scan that's different from the target? <ddaa> lifeless: I really need your help for that, you are the only one to understand this filler revision stuff <ddaa> actually, you are the only one to understand cscvs catalog creation <Kinnison> spiv: ping? <tarzeau> is the launchpad web form broken? <tarzeau> how can i check if my submission worked? <tarzeau> i've used links2 to submit, it works with all other webforms (like gmail.com, freshmeat etc) <tarzeau> i went to https://launchpad.net/token/srB0r1lmZGMD994K36sZ and landed on https://shipit.ubuntu.com/myrequest <stub> tarzeau: We need more of a hint - Launchpad has literally hundreds of forms. It sounds like you have successfully created an account via https://shipit.ubuntu.com. Was that what you were trying to do? <tarzeau> stub: ubuntu 6.06 thingy <tarzeau> stub: i also wanted to order the 8,1,1 cd's <tarzeau> when i tried to open that url i gotten by mail in another browser it didn't work anymore <BjornT_> SteveA: i want to bring in some bugfixes to testbrowser. should i bring in only the specific revisions that fix the bugs, or is it ok to bring in all changes made to testbrowser since our copy of it? <SteveA> i think it's okay to bring in all changes, assuming our tests continue to pass <BjornT_> cool, i'm quite sure they will pass, nothing major has changed. <BjornT_> does commits to the zope3 tree cause launchpad tests to be run? <SteveA> i don't know <BjornT_> lifeless: ^^^^ <lifeless> spiv was reenabling that and has done so IIRC. <Kinnison> stub: Any idea when the librarian will be upgraded to fully support md5sums? <Kinnison> stub: There appear to be a large bunch of rows in libraryfilecontent still missing their md5sums <stub> There is probably a script I'm supposed to run or something <Kinnison> Can you bug spiv about it? <Kinnison> I was kinda expecting it to have been done by now <stub> scripts/migrate-librarian-content-md5.py seems to be the trick <stub> Might take a while though... <Kinnison> better to get it going now then I guess <stub> Yup <Kinnison> Anyone know when the brazilians are due? <carlos> stub: hi, do you have time for a fast review of a DB patch? <ddaa> I pity the reviewers that will go over the miles of non-semantic cleanups for cscvs I'm doing... <ddaa> otoh, thanks to advanced merging, I can keep semantic changes separate <Kinnison> :-) <carlos> stub: It's one of the changes that need to be merged into production to open Edgy <ddaa> Kinnison: I could go on for a while, about how I'm learning about the various degrees of lint-cleanness of python code <ddaa> starting from "hey, that stuff could not POSSIBLY work" <Kinnison> ddaa: heh <ddaa> think I'll rant a bit about in a blog <Kinnison> Have fun :-) <stub> carlos: yer <carlos> stub: https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~dsilvers/paste/filel4UmYi.html <stub> carlos: That is buggy - the subquery can retrieve multiple rows. Also needs a comment in comments.sql <carlos> stub: oh, I forgot the LIMIT 1... <carlos> sorry <carlos> stub: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileBaigsH.html <stub> carlos: approved as patch-40-60-0.sql provided you add a comment to comments.sql <carlos> sure <carlos> stub: thanks <cprov> good morning, hackers <SteveA> jamesh: ping <carlos> cprov: morning <cprov> carlos: hey, how is rosetta for edgy, did you face any issue ? <carlos> implementing a small fix to have dapper as our default translatable target <cprov> carlos: are you using 'translation_focus' approach instead of CURRENT status ? <carlos> cprov: hmm kiko said translation_target <carlos> I don't remember the exact term we talk in London <SteveA> kiko-zzz: ping <cprov> carlos: sure, don't bother with name <mdz> cprov: good morning <mdz> cprov: Kinnison has done a small fix for us on drescher to be able to process a dist-upgrader upload through unapproved <cprov> carlos: should work and I think you can also test something in mawson, launchpad_dogfood DB is a frozen copy from 18th May with dapper released and edgy in place <carlos> cprov: ok, I will tell you when the branch is ready so we can test it there. Thanks for pointing me to it <cprov> mdz: hi, yes, I'm talking with him right now, he had some issues to _cowboying_ his code in drescher ... fixing <cprov> carlos: ok <mdz> cprov,Kinnison: what's the story? <mdz> will this publisher run give us the updated dist-upgrader we want, or no? <cprov> mdz: do you have new d-u upload in place ? <mdz> cprov: it was already uploaded by mvo and accepted by kinnison <cprov> mdz: only process-accept should so <mdz> cprov: but since you said there were problems, I am wondering whether it is affected <cprov> mdz: np, let's Kinnison patch drescher's mainline and run p-a, will do the job <mdz> cprov: ./accepted/upload-20060601-211312-005603/dist-upgrader_20060601.1853_all.changes <mdz> that is the one I am interested in <cprov> mdz: right, should go smoothly, just wait Kinnison's patch <mdz> cprov: I'm confused; Kinnison said that it was already done <cprov> mdz: if he said so, I can only nod ...let me check in drescher <cprov> mdz: yes, queue accepted is empty now <mdz> cprov: ok, and the publisher run is complete <mdz> lrwxrwxrwx 1 lp_publish lp_publish 13 Jun 2 13:04 current -> 20060601.1853 <mdz> looks good <cprov> good <mdz> ah, Kinnison sent an SMS to say that his internet connection is down <mdz> that explains <cprov> mdz: yes, yes, looks like he has managed to buy a brazilian-like conectivity in manchester ;) * carlos -> lunch <janimo> hi all, what is the status of importing upstream svns into bzr? <salgado> spiv, ping? <kiko> good morning! <kiko> I have long phone calls! <kiko> spiv, spiv, spiv <Kinnison> hehi kiko <kiko> Kinnison!11! * Kinnison is about to scare kiko by sending some patches to pqm <Kinnison> bwuahahaha <kiko> r=unreviewed reimplement soyuz <Kinnison> snerk <Kinnison> r=stevea thankyouverymuch <Kinnison> Mr kiko doesn't trust me * Kinnison sobs <kiko> keep high spirits I have a wad of good news <Kinnison> coo * Kinnison likes good news <kiko> to start of it is SUNNY today! <kiko> off <Kinnison> that's good, it's sunny here too <kiko> second, it has been decreed that today is national soyuz-appreciation day! so all must bow once to Kinnison cprov and malcc and then face east or west depending on where you are located wrt to the datacenter * kiko bows and looks northeast <Keybuk> kiko: can we in the distro team wait until edgy has been opened on Soyuz without it breaking into little pieces before appreciating it? :p <kiko> well <kiko> no <kiko> you need to appreciate it now * Keybuk debates whether it is worth appreciating <malcc> There's also no need to bow to me, I haven't done anything useful to Soyuz yet <Keybuk> after all, we didn't appreciate katie <kiko> or else it might rust catastrophic and instantly and the switch may not work <cprov> malcc: that's not truth, I have shiny testbrowser stuff in my tree ;) <malcc> cprov: Ok, so I've done a little bit... <kiko> where's spiv? * kiko waaah <LarstiQ> not at the bzr sprint I suppose <kiko> SteveA, jamesh: review requested? <SteveA> review of what <SteveA> ? <mdz> cprov: do you have the procedure for opening edgy written down anywhere? <kiko> SteveA, of a patch to helpers.py:Snapshot, and of an sqlobject patch if you feel brave. <cprov> cprov: yes, kiko is reviewing it <kiko> SteveA, it blocks a massive landing that moves us to SQLRelatedJoin <SteveA> kiko: snapshot functionality has been hacked into zope transactions lately, btw <kiko> nice <cprov> mdz: for now you can create the distrorelease with the proper summary and description <kiko> our snapshots are hackshots <mdz> cprov: and later? <kiko> mdz, cprov: hold on <cprov> mdz: I'm only affraid about people starting uploading, but hopefully the cron are stopped <kiko> there is a rosetta impact when doing that <kiko> carlos, ping? <cprov> kiko: ohh yes, sorry <carlos> kiko: pong <carlos> kiko: working on it <kiko> carlos, tell me about this translation_focus patcheroo <carlos> kiko: the db patch is already approved <kiko> how does it look? <cprov> mdz: later a script called initialise-from-parent will run over edgy and setup everything to start processing uploads <SteveA> kiko: <zztop>gimme all your patchin', all your love and kisses too</zztop> <kiko> SteveA, is that an actual zz top quote? <carlos> kiko: fine, is soyuz ready ? <kiko> carlos, soyuz was BORN ready <SteveA> i think the original is <SteveA> <zztop>gimme all you lovin', all your hugs and kisses too</zztop> * ..[topic/#launchpad:kiko] : WORLDWIDE SOYUZ APPRECIATION DAY | https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 8 Jun, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39 <kiko> I just upgraded the celebration <mdz> kiko: I'll have you know that we toasted Soyuz at the release celebration lunch <kiko> toast Soyuz is better than burnt soyuz I guess <ddaa> is that perceived as actually helping? <Keybuk> how does one delete an accidentally created Release Series in doap? <kiko> Keybuk, with SQL fu <Keybuk> kiko: can you do the SQL fu for me? <kiko> Keybuk, only one person can and that person is not me :-( <Keybuk> I created "dapper" and "edgy" series for the ubuntu-seeds product, thinking one attached branches to series, when it appears they get attached to products <Keybuk> who is that person? <kiko> ddaa, can you not attach branches to series? <kiko> Keybuk, stub <Keybuk> stub is not awake? <SteveA> Keybuk: probably awake, but finished for the day. <SteveA> Keybuk: if it is of great importance, i can contact him. if not, better to email him cc launchpad list. <Keybuk> it's not greatly important * Kinnison 's merges are being rejeced <Kinnison> erm rejected <kiko> Kinnison, for what so reason? <Kinnison> kiko: gpgv exit(1) <kiko> that's news <carlos> kiko: ok, I did the basic changes <carlos> kiko: I would like to do another change at launchpad.net/rosetta/ so we only show products that actually have templates associated, instead of showing them if there is an ubuntu package with translations for it <ddaa> kiko: bug 31308 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 31308 in launchpad-bazaar "Cannot set branch associated to a productseries" [Critical,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/31308 <carlos> kiko: but I can do it as another different branch <carlos> kiko: it should be also easy to change <kiko> ddaa, mmmmm <carlos> jordi: ping <Keybuk> spiv: when will the "knit support patch" for the "sftp server" be rolled out? <kiko> spiv, ping <kiko> SteveA, no luck for a review? <SteveA> gimme <carlos> cprov: could I update dogfood's code? <ddaa> Keybuk: normally, on the next general launchpad rollout <ddaa> kiko: is there a general rollout planned next week? <SteveA> tuesday <SteveA> yes <kiko> ddaa, yes, tuesday, as per the meeting <kiko> SteveA, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileQk2W1k.html <kiko> SteveA, the email I sent has more details <cprov> carlos: could you merge you code over the current codeline ? <carlos> cprov: I'm pushing it atm <kiko> SteveA, I believe it will have performance issues <kiko> SteveA, so I am digging for an alternative that I can do in the short term <SteveA> hmm <SteveA> don't use hasattr <SteveA> it will get the property <SteveA> if it is a property <SteveA> mucho extra processing <SteveA> make it use getattr and only once in the code <kiko> I can't tell <salgado> carlos, please make sure that we have at least r3633 there <salgado> I'm testing some things there and I need this revision <kiko> SteveA, but okay. but that's not the main problem <cprov> carlos: uhm, just rsync you tree there and use it, don't need to merge anything ... <kiko> SteveA, the main problem is that I /don't/ want to listify /most/ select results <SteveA> i think that should be an explicit argument <carlos> salgado: I branched from r3635 <kiko> SteveA, in the interface? <kiko> is that hard to do? <SteveA> no <SteveA> in the use of snapshot <kiko> SteveA, can you explain further? <carlos> cprov: where's the tree path? <kiko> I think an interface attribute would not be a bad idea, SteveA <kiko> (if at all possible) <kiko> it would make things much safer from the callsite's point of view. <kiko> snapshot=False <carlos> cprov: last time I touched it was more than one year ago... <cprov> current usually points to the code running <cprov> carlos: np, I can guide you <salgado> carlos, cool. that should be okay <carlos> cprov: where is current? <carlos> ;-) <cprov> carlos: create your own tree there, cp current <carlos> && rsync chinstrap <salgado> carlos, btw, ping me when/if you need to restart launchpad there. I'm running a script which depends on it <SteveA> s = Snapshot(obj, providing=IFoo, deepcopy=['foo', 'bar'] ) <kiko> what is deepcopy? <carlos> cprov: but where is 'current'? <SteveA> a name <kiko> what does it mean I mean <SteveA> an optional argument <carlos> salgado: sure <cprov> carlos: check the symlink, in the path i told you <SteveA> it means that you want attributes foo and bar to be copied deeply <SteveA> rather than just referenced as now <cprov> carlos: current -> soyuz/ <kiko> SteveA, okay so far. but what does that mean implementation-wise? that I list()ify selectresults? <carlos> cprov: sorry, but I'm blind and didn't see such path <SteveA> i'd rather have two properties -- one that returns a SelectResults and one that returns a list, in the content object's API <kiko> that I copy.deepcopy() them? <carlos> cprov: /srv/ ... ? <SteveA> that adds to the API, but means we have less magic going on <bradb> kiko: you can't deepcopy a sec proxied object, afaik <kiko> SteveA, I don't like that idea at all <cprov> carlos: yep, /srv/launchpad.net/codelines <carlos> codelines! <carlos> cprov: ok, thanks * kiko frowns * bradb hasn't yet had a use case for deepcopying snapshot attributes <kiko> bradb, well, what does deepcopying mean? <kiko> that's what I'm driving towards <kiko> SteveA, grumble. this is terrible. <cprov> carlos: copy soyuz to <rosetta> or something else, rsync down your changes from chinstrap, ping me when it's done <carlos> doing it atm <carlos> cprov: thanks <SteveA> kiko: why don't you like making it explicit in the API? <cprov> carlos: don't blow salgado's things, he will cry ;) <kiko> SteveA, well, for starters, this is an SQLRelatedJoin. so I need to create a foo_list property or something. <SteveA> and remember, use shortlist <carlos> cprov: don't worry, I will just kill it :-P <kiko> SteveA, second, I'd like to find a solution which allowed us to avoid the perf problems we already have with Snapshot without having to add a method everywhere. <SteveA> how many properties in our entire codebase do you want to do this for? <kiko> many <SteveA> under 5 ? <bradb> kiko: deep copying is making copies not only of object referenced by foo.bar, but also all the objects that bar itself might have references to, like bar.sourcepackagename, bar.distribution, etc. <SteveA> under 10? <kiko> most calculated properties should not be snapshotted <kiko> but some of them need to be <bradb> kiko: (recursively) <kiko> bradb, yeah, but in this context? <kiko> SteveA, more than 20 <SteveA> kiko: then... another suggestion <kiko> okay <kiko> go ahead <SteveA> define schemas particularly for snapshotting. s = Snapshot(obj, snapshotschema=IBugTaskSnapshot) <bradb> kiko: it means the same thing, afaics. <SteveA> everything given in that interface gets snapshotted <kiko> SteveA, and inherit from the original schema? I don't want to duplicate the interface. <SteveA> and the rule is to shortlistify selectresults <SteveA> no, do not inherit from the original schema <SteveA> if you need to, make a shortcut like: <SteveA> IBugTaskSnapshot = SnapshotSchema(IBugTask, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz') <kiko> mmmm <mdz> cprov: could you make 'queue fetch 40671 40669 40668 40667 40666 40665 40664 40663 40662 40654' work? <mdz> cprov: it'd be much more convenient to fetch a batch of pending updates all at once <kiko> SteveA, strawman strawman. what is wrong with a snapshot=False default argument in Attribute()? <cprov> carlos: df is quite strange right now, I'm running a librarian instance from soyuz tree and salgado is running the UI and his scrips from m-m tree, if you need your UI need to ask him to stop his <kiko> I just want to understand where my thinking is flawed SteveA <cprov> mdz: yes, I think it's feasible, file a bug, maybe I can work on it today <carlos> cprov: my tree needs a db schema change <carlos> cprov: and then, I need an UI update <SteveA> kiko: because that is changing such infrastructure. <mdz> cprov: ok, thanks <kiko> SteveA, is Attribute() not in the launchpad tree? <mdz> cprov: on which product? <SteveA> kiko: if you really want to, and you really dislike SnapshotSchema(...) then <cprov> carlos: ask salgado, if you can update the DB, he already did <SteveA> you can make a SnapshottableAttribute() <kiko> SteveA, I don't dislike it, I am just curious <carlos> ok <cprov> mdz: soyuz <SteveA> Attribute is a core part of zope interfaces <SteveA> i do not want to change the functioning of Attribute <kiko> SteveA, gotcha. <SteveA> but you could do SnapshottableAttribute <kiko> or LPAttribute? <SteveA> no <kiko> yeah, I see the drawbacks in that. <SteveA> so, you can make SnapshottableAttribute very easily <SteveA> it is just a subclass of Attribute <kiko> yes yes <salgado> carlos, are you going to apply a single patch manually or you want to run the upgrade script to apply all patches? <carlos> salgado: my db patch is already approved by stuart <kiko> SteveA, do you endorse this approach? I think it leads to more clarity and reduced duplication, and I think I know how to do it. <carlos> salgado: whatever is more easy for you <SteveA> i'm happy with SnapshotAttribute <kiko> SteveA, one question I have is whether it is easy to find out the type of the attribute in the interface. isinstance(getattr(iface, name), SnapshottableAttribute): ? <SteveA> but please do this -- move Snapshot + SnapshotAttribute out of helpers <salgado> carlos, I applied a patch manually there, so it's better to apply yours manually <kiko> SteveA, yes <kiko> will do <carlos> ok <SteveA> it can go in webapp <SteveA> because it can be part of project elizium <kiko> SteveA, Snapshot is useful beyond webapp <SteveA> what does that mean? <kiko> SteveA, the impression I get is launchpad.fields or something <SteveA> is it used elsewhere than launchpad? <kiko> yeah <kiko> mail interface IIRC <SteveA> that is part of launchpad <kiko> but not webapp AFAICT <SteveA> mail interfaces are goingn to be part of project el <kiko> archivepublisher too IIRC <kiko> I mean I am easy <SteveA> so don't get hung up on the name "webapp" <kiko> but webapp.snapshot is a bit weird <kiko> okay <SteveA> it won't be "webapp" for long <kiko> webapp.snapshot it is <kiko> it will be canonical.eBLAZER <kiko> it needs an e-suffix <kiko> to be enterprise and e-commerce ready <SteveA> the "E" is everything <SteveA> ebapp <kiko> and nothing all at once * kiko gets back to work <carlos> WTF <carlos> carlos@mawson:~/dogfood $ bzr revert <carlos> bzr: ERROR: Can't decode username in /etc/passwd as ANSI_X3.4-1968. <carlos> ? <elmo> shouldn't fedora in launchpad be marked as read only? :P <carlos> salgado, cprov: ok, it's ready <carlos> salgado, cprov: /srv/launchpad.net/codelines/carlos <salgado> okay, I'm going to restart launchpad on that branch <carlos> salgado: I guess I should apply db changes first, right? <salgado> no need to, I think <kiko> elmo, we're hacking everything <salgado> carlos, does your patch has anything to do with translation_target? <carlos> salgado: yes <salgado> so, do it! we're all waiting for you. :) <carlos> salgado: seems like I don't have permissions <carlos> launchpad_dogfood=> ALTER TABLE Distribution ADD COLUMN translation_target integer REFERENCES DistroRelease(id); <carlos> ERROR: must be owner of relation distribution <salgado> carlos, psql -U postgres launchpad_dogfood <carlos> I'm connected as the user launchpad <carlos> ok <carlos> salgado: done <bradb> BjornT_: ping <BjornT_> hi bradb <bradb> hi <bradb> I don't understand this OOPS: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~jamesh/oops.cgi/2006-06-01/B521 <bradb> the query string: field.searchtext=adsl&search=Search&field.status%253Alist=Unconfirmed&field.status%253Alist=Confirmed&field.status%253Alist=In+Progress&field.status%253Alist=Needs+Info&field.status%253Alist=Fix+Committed&field.assignee=&field.owner=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=&orderby=-priority%252C-severity <bradb> any idea where those %253A's and such come from? <bradb> i'm guessing the url was sent in unicode, but i'm unsure if i'm interpreting that info correctly <bradb> (utf-8) <BjornT_> bradb: no, no idea. are there any other oops like this? this one doesn't have a referrer set, so it could be some external source manipulating the url. <bradb> not that i've seen * bradb has spirals of confusion in his eyes <BjornT_> bradb: my guess is that %3A==',' and %25=='%', meaning that something quoted the already quoted url. <matsubara> BjornT_, bradb fwiw, it's the first time i've seen that oops too <BjornT_> ah, right, %3a==':' <matsubara> %2C==',' <carlos> kiko: are you busy? <kiko> carlos, not right now. what's up? <carlos> kiko: https://dogfood.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/+translations <carlos> kiko: that page should be fixed <bradb> BjornT_: hm, yeah, that may be it <kiko> carlos, you mean timing out? * bradb made urllib.quote spit out: <bradb> 'field.searchtext%3D%26search%3DSearch%26orderby%3D-priority%252C-severity%26field.status%253Alist%3DUnconfirmed%26field.status%253Alist%3DNeeds%2BInfo%26field.status%253Alist%3DConfirmed%26field.status%253Alist%3DIn%2BProgress%26field.status%253Alist%3DFix%2BCommitted%26assignee_option%3Dany%26field.assignee%3D%26field.owner%3D%26field.component-empty-marker%3D1%26field.omit_dupes.used%3D%26field.omit_dupes%3Don%26field.has_patch. <carlos> kiko: no, in dogfood, the default is breezy <carlos> kiko: and we show first dapper <carlos> kiko: which is wrong <kiko> carlos, oh. can you fix that as well? <carlos> yeah <carlos> kiko: I was thinking on showing first the translation_target, and then sort the distributions by version <carlos> kiko: and remove the ones that are unsupported <kiko> carlos, sounds quite good. <carlos> so we would have 4 distributions there <kiko> 4? dapper edgy breezy hoary? <carlos> three released and one being developed <carlos> kiko: right <kiko> sounds double plus ultra <kiko> carlos, thanks for checking that out <carlos> np * bradb & # lunch * Kinnison attempts one more time to make pqm love him <carlos> salgado: I need to do another code update <salgado> carlos, will it overwrite any change done on that branch? <carlos> do you need to do any change? <carlos> I was preparing a fresh merge <salgado> carlos, yes, we need to change dogfood's config file to not start a librarian <carlos> oh <carlos> hmm <carlos> I will do a commit on that branch <carlos> and a bzr merge <carlos> so your changes will stay there <carlos> ok? <salgado> I think it should be fine <carlos> salgado: done, could you restart it? <salgado> carlos, restarted <carlos> salgado: thanks <salgado> np <carlos> kiko-fud: https://dogfood.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/+translations <jonux_> hola <tiffiniycheng> hi all, this is tiffiniy from pcf. we just added our democracy player project to rosetta. we love it. i was wondering how i can change my user permissions so i can add some text on template pages... anyone know? <matsubara> carlos: ^^ <carlos> tiffiniycheng: translation template? <carlos> matsubara: thanks <clahey> carlos: She wants to add text to the web page. <clahey> https://launchpad.net/products/democracy/trunk/+pots/democracyplayer <carlos> tiffiniycheng: you need to be the owner of either the template or the product <clahey> carlos: Can we have multiple admins? <carlos> clahey: you would need to create a team for your product <carlos> and give the ownership to that team <tiffiniycheng> ok thanks <clahey> Ah, that makes sense. <clahey> Where do I create a team? <tiffiniycheng> that's really helpful <carlos> clahey: launchpad.net/people/ <clahey> Yep, just found it. :) <clahey> Thanks much. <tiffiniycheng> yeah thanks <carlos> np <bradb> mdz: Might you have a chance to give some feedback for my "Permissions for editing Milestone and Importance" email in the next few days? <kiko-fud> carlos, you should say "Other releases of Ubuntu" before the second table <glatzor> hi carlos. where can I get any information about our further plans for Rosetta and feature specs? <bradb> BjornT_: around? <salgado> hey kiko, how's that code review going? :) <kiko> salgado, r=kiko <kiko> if you remove or rewrite that docstring <kiko> salgado, actually <kiko> I have a better idea <kiko> for etQuantityWidgetsInitialValuesFromExistingOrder <kiko> err <kiko> for getQuantityWidgetsInitialValuesFromExistingOrder <kiko> instead of supplying the attrname <kiko> I suggest you supply "approved=True" <kiko> and have a default of approved=False <kiko> how does that sound? <kiko> salgado? <jbailey> bradb: Around? <bradb> jbailey: hey <salgado> sure. sounds like a good idea <jbailey> bradb: I can't seem to assign https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/apmd/+bug/46091 to nobody. <Ubugtu> Malone bug 46091 in apmd "APM error on shutdown" [Critical,Confirmed] <bradb> jbailey: the bug is fixed, but not yet rolled out <jbailey> bradb: Great, thanks. =) <bradb> np <jbailey> I'm only concerned about nobody looking after the critical bug. <jbailey> Is there a workaround for now? <kiko> jbailey, yes. <kiko> jbailey, assign to kiko-bichodomato <jbailey> kiko: Done, thanks. <bradb> i almost forgot about that work around :) <bradb> s/k a/ka/ <kiko> I take all the bullets <kiko> salgado, I think that change is enough for an r=kiko, but consider also removing or unifying some of the comments you are adding to ShippingRequestApproveOrDenyView <kiko> salgado, because the repeated text is weird. <salgado> you mean the comments in all branches of the process() method? <kiko> I think that's process() salgado but I don't have enough context. <kiko> salgado, the three identical comments. <salgado> hmmm. they used to be slightly different <salgado> I wonder who changed them to be exactly the same in all three cases. :P * bradb epiphanizes that BugTaskSearchListingView should not be a GeneralFormView <kiko> salgado, I WONDER <bradb> kiko: There's a TON of cruft in the BTSLV code and templates. What do you think of me blowing away *all* template/macro code that isn't currently used in bug listings? I think resurrecting the list view would be nice, and I think we're much better spending two fresh hours on making something that looks good for the current Malone (including the two-column layout change) whenever it becomes a priority to do so. Meanwhile, I'd love t <kiko> bradb, why don't you instead ressurect the list view? :-) <bradb> kiko: I could, but even then, I'd still prefer to start by blowing everything away. It's probably easier to start from where we are now, rather than retrofit this crufty poo. <bradb> I've already converted BTSLV to not be a GFV, because it just doesn't need to be at all, and it makes modifying it (e.g. for the validation fix I was trying to do) unnecessarily confusing. <kiko> I don't know if I agree <kiko> I mean, the macros are not that complicated, are they? they take an iterable of bugtasks and.. that's all right? <bradb> they date back to the days of having that lame advanced search form shown above the listing! <salgado> kiko, I'm not sure the change on getQuantityWidgetsInitialValuesFromExistingOrder will be good. it'll make the method itself clearer, but the callsites will remove some clarity from the callsites <kiko> salgado, only one callsite will send in an approved=True parameter. that sounds safe enough to me <salgado> yeah, but this callsite has an if block to decide if it needs to pass approved=True or not, and this if has a comment explaining why we do something that may not be obvious. it'd be silly to keep the conditional after the change, and removing it would force me to remove the comment <kiko> you can still keep the comment <kiko> anyway I think that is much better than supplying strings to APIs <kiko> another option <kiko> is to have two separate methods <kiko> that call a single method which does the actual query <kiko> your option <kiko> btw <kiko> does anyone <kiko> BjornT_, spiv, SteveA, lifeless, etc <kiko> know how to run a single test <kiko> when running the test suite <kiko> by an exact name <kiko> bradb, carlos etc <kiko> salgado, matsubara, cprov etc <bradb> the only tests you can run individually are standalone ones and doctests, afaik <matsubara> python test.py -vvf --test=testname.txt <bradb> kiko: wiki:LaunchpadHackingFAQ has all the answers <bradb> and good thing too, because i can never remember the syntax since it changed :) <kiko> matsubara, that matches a substring -- a stem I think :-/ <bradb> running selected tests seems to be somewhat broken now, yeah <matsubara> you can also use --layer=LAYER to indicate only FunctionLayer for doctests or PageTestLayer to run only pagetests <matsubara> s/FunctionLayer/FunctionalLayer/ <kiko> SteveA, where should I put shortlist() :-( #launchpad 2006-06-03 * ddaa has progressed in his understand of why default branch fillers scanning might, or might not, be needed for non-MAIN CVS imports <ddaa> no I suppose I can stop standing on my hands <ddaa> while looking in a mirror and chanting mantras * bradb heads out. bbl to fix this failing test so I can submit this branch for review. <kiko> man <kiko> this test suite takes FOREVER to run <Kamping_Kaiser> hi, i just started browsing a bug report imported from debian, and noticed anyone involveds email addresses in clear text on the bug report. should i file a bug to have LP mangle email addresses, or is this know and discussed? <rob> is there a problem with the Ubutu Code of Conduct signing for version 1.0.1 of it? <rob> I keep getting: str: The signed text does not match the Code of Conduct. Make sure that you signed the correct text (white space differences are acceptable).v <eckotical> hey all * lamont tries to figure out how to find all bugs submitted by a given person <lamont> found it <copernic> hello guys, there is a strange thing going on with Dapper.. Azerbaijani desktop is displayed wrong with RTL direction <copernic> I've filed bugs many times, but got no responce <copernic> How can I fix it myself? <copernic> anyone here? <Edson_rs> new register ubuntu <Edson_rs> ??????????????????????? #launchpad 2006-06-04 <mdke> rob <mdke> whoops, he's not here anymore <WINBALL> :) <sivang> re all <mdke> not that anyone is going to be around, but do you know after setting a new email address as the contact one, how long it takes for the username@ubuntu.com redirect to update itself? <sivang> hye mdke <sivang> mdke: got a question from one of my translators , you've probably seen it as well on -translators <sivang> he also filed it as bug #47504 <Ubugtu> Malone bug 47504 in ubuntu-doc "Gender conventions in documents" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/47504 <mdke> sivang: It wasn't on -translators, but I commented on that bug <sivang> mdke: so I think this is a rosetta wishlist bug or so, not related to ubuntu-docs <sivang> what is your opinion ? <mdke> I don't see how rosetta is relevant at all <sivang> I think what he wants is a "NOTICE:..." for languages that decided to have their text follow one gender for simpliciy (as in hebrew) <sivang> somewhere in the translation portal or so, although this could be cumbersome per each language.. <mdke> localising for individual cultures in documents is simply a question for translators, as far as I can see <mdke> I don't think that Rosetta can or should be involved in that <sivang> mdke: so basically, each loco team decided how his docs should be trans;lated, and have this somewhere up in his wiki? <mdke> sivang: sure, if you want. It should be included in the relevant language's translation guidelines, if it is specific to that language <sivang> mdke: where do teh en team stores thisguide line? * sivang wants top use as a base point <sivang> (in terms of layout, and addressing) <mdke> sivang: I don't know, I don't do en translation. But I'll show you the italian ones <sivang> mdke: ah right, please od :) <mdke> Gnome - http://www.firenze.linux.it/~algol/linee-guida/ General upstream - http://www.linux.it/tp/buona_traduzione.html <AlinuxOS> https://launchpad.net/rosetta/imports It will be great to have a possibility to filter imports page for example for user/for Language/for period... <AlinuxOS> in this way there is confusion... <mdke> yes. did you look for a bug on it already? <spiv> mdke: AFAIK the @ubuntu.com aliases still require a bit of admin intervention, so try asking elmo or Znarl. <mdke> spiv: ah, will do. Thanks! #launchpad 2007-05-28 <jjesse> good evening, is there a way through launchpad to set who can be allowed to uplaod to my bzr branch of documenation? <spiv> jjesse: teams can own branches as well as individuals <jjesse> spiv: so if i'm the "owner" does that mena that i'm the only one that can commit to it? is that how it is setup by default? <spiv> jjesse: so if you create (or already have) a team for the people who should be able to upload to the branch, and you reassign the branch to be owned by that team, everyone in that team can write to it. <spiv> So the push URL would become sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~TEAM/... <jjesse> but if i am the current owner then i'm the only one who can? <spiv> Right. <spiv> It's the owner that controls who can write to a branch. <jjesse> aweosme i understand now <jjesse> thanks for the hlep <spiv> You're welcome. <mpt> Gooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders! <jjesse> good evening mpt <Hobbsee> mpt!!! <mpt> Someone's excited <Hobbsee> mpt: should they not be? <mpt> Sure, if there's a reason :-) <Hobbsee> mpt: more people to talk to == more ways to avoid doing assignments. <ajmitch> hello mpt * ajmitch should talk to a freenode staffer & get Hobbsee banned for the day * Hobbsee wonders about the status of PPA, after UDS. <Hobbsee> ajmitch: why? * Hobbsee knows a few of them, by nwo * Hobbsee has been klined before, incidently. <ajmitch> Hobbsee: because it'd be fun, and so you could stop procrastinating :) <Hobbsee> awww * ajmitch saw a number of people klined from #ubuntu-nz earlier <Hobbsee> that's what i was going to do yesterday <Hobbsee> was it the one moron, multiple times? <ajmitch> no, it was a number of people from one company * ajmitch would assume that PPA still has some UI stuff to get in <Hobbsee> ahh <thumper> Hobbsee: which assignments? <ajmitch> hey thumper :) <thumper> hi ajmitch <thumper> ajmitch: it is up to 13 degrees now <thumper> it must be that hot sun <ajmitch> you should sit outside, it'd probably be warmer <thumper> nah, it's 11 outside <jjesse> winter time? <thumper> in 3 days <Hobbsee> thumper: maths, electronics, physics x2, optoelectronics x3 <thumper> Hobbsee: so just a couple then... <Hobbsee> just a few, yes <Hobbsee> morning BjornT <BjornT> good morning Hobbsee <LaserJock> hi BjornT and Hobbsee <Hobbsee> hi LaserJock <mpt> hi BjornT <BjornT> hi mpt and LaserJock <ubotu> New bug: #117276 in launchpad "Require projects to specify the license of their code" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117276 <carlos> morning <Hobbsee> morning carlos! <Fujitsu> Am I misinterpreting the build numbers, or is edge behind production at the moment? <jamesh> Fujitsu: they are Bazaar revision numbers <jamesh> Fujitsu: the edge.launchpad.net and launchpad.net codebases are separate branches, so their revision numbers are not strictly comparable <Fujitsu> Of the rocketfuel branch? <Fujitsu> Ah, OK. <Fujitsu> Thanks. <jamesh> Fujitsu: e.g. say launchpad.net is at rev 42 after a new roll out <jamesh> we then merge an urgent fix into the production launchpad.net branch creating a revision 43 <jamesh> this revision 43 is not the same as the revision 43 on the development branch <Fujitsu> OK. <visik7> hi <visik7> I got issues when I try to validate my pgp key I put the fingerprint into the box press Import key but no mail arrive here <cprov> good morning ! <omha> ey <omha> how can i join a project? <gnomefreak> omha: you mean like join a team or just help out sometimes on a certain projects? <gnomefreak> -s <omha> gnomefreak, develop a program <ablomen> hey i have just started a project yesterday, now some people would like to join the project, how can i add them and/or can they join? * carlos -> lunch <mwh> ablomen: people don't join projects, then join teams <mwh> then -> they <ablomen> ok so i need to make a team for my project too? <ablomen> ok found it, thanks mwh :) <ddaa> uhm <ddaa> I think the question is what FOR do you think you need to join a project/team? <ddaa> if you want to help on a project, the answer is "just do it": realy the ML, hang out on the IRC channel, sent patches to the developers, nothing of that requires a formal action on Launchpad. <mpt> ablomen, you can edit the description of the project to describe how people can get involved <ddaa> hey mpt <ablomen> mpt, yeah should do that :) <ddaa> what kind of crazy time of the day is it in kiwi contry? <mpt> I don't know, I'm fast asleep * ddaa feels mildly disturbed by that answer <Hobbsee> ddaa: 1am or so? i think? <Hobbsee> 1.15am? <ubotu> New bug: #117340 in Ubuntu "Gnome CD burning function translation error." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117340 <ablomen> hmm and where can i make a new bzr branch for the project? <ablomen> ah found it already, sorry <ubotu> New bug: #117342 in launchpad-bazaar "can register mirror branch with URL in code.launchpad.net" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117342 <\sh> any launchpad admins online? <Yannig> Hello everybody :) <Yannig> Hi carlos :) <carlos> Yannig: hi <Yannig> Tell me... :) <carlos> \sh: hi, please, ask what you need and if there is someone that could help you, we will do it <carlos> Yannig: what do you need that I tell you ? :-) <Yannig> Any idea about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/112588 ? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 112588 in openoffice.org "Unable to have OpenOffice in Occitan whereas it's being translated" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] <Yannig> Thanks ubotu :D <carlos> Yannig: is your translation only in Launchpad? <Yannig> Yep <Yannig> Someone is about to do the same at openoffice.org but not yet done <omha> how can i host a bazaar respo at launchpd? <ddaa> omha: what do you mean? Do you want to upload a bzr branch on Launchpad to host, or do you want to use a shared repository for your branches on launchpad? <omha> ddaabzr upload a branch on launchpad to host <\sh> carlos, how can I remove my lp account completly from LP <omha> ddaa <\sh> carlos, if it needs some interaction from LP admins, please go and remove my account. <carlos> Yannig: that's our fault, we will start soon providing oo.org language packs from Launchpad (we had a technical problem with that) <ddaa> omha: https://help.launchpad.net/CreatingAHostedBranch <ddaa> omha: in short, use the bzr client to push to bazaar.launchpad.net <carlos> \sh: please, file a request on answers.launchpad.net/launchpad <ddaa> there is no web UI at the moment to create a hosted branch <carlos> \sh: I don't have such rights <Yannig> Thanks carlos :) <\sh> carlos,k <ddaa> see also https://help.launchpad.net/FeatureHighlights <ddaa> https://help.launchpad.net/FeatureHighlights/EasyBranching <omha> how do i set bzr push to use and SSH key? <ddaa> do you know what a SSH key is? <omha> yes <omha> and i have also registered one <ddaa> what is the specific problem you are facing then? <omha> bzr is asking for a password <ddaa> you are probably not using the right username with sftp <omha> not a ssh key <ddaa> what is the command line you are using to bzr push? <ddaa> please copy-paste it <omha> ddaa bzr push sftp://bard-simonsen@bazaar.launchpad.net/~pib/pib/devel <ddaa> okay, what is the URL of your personal page on Launchpad? <ddaa> the place you go when you click on your name in the upper right corner? <omha> https://code.launchpad.net/~bard-simonsen <ddaa> mh... there's already a devel branch there <ddaa> https://code.launchpad.net/~pib/pib/devel <omha> yes <omha> btw how can i delete that? <ddaa> assign it to the "obsolete-junk" product and set its status to "Abandoned" <ddaa> you cannot really delete branches on launchpad yet <ddaa> s/product/project/ <ddaa> omha: I'm not sure about your ssh key problem. Bzr uses openssh to connect to sftp if it's available. <ddaa> so if you can use this ssh key in other places, it should just work <omha> well im on win32 <ddaa> oh <ddaa> I cannot answer that. The folks on #bzr will be able to help though. <ddaa> sorry, but I'm a poor linux geek. Never really used Windows... <omha> i want to be a poor linux geek, but hardware isn't supported in my new laptop :( <ddaa> the trick is to choose hardware that is supported... <ddaa> makes like easier and puts pressure on hardware maker to help linux developer support their stuff. <highvoltage> or buy a Dell laptop with Ubuntu pre-installed ;) <ddaa> or a Thinkpad <highvoltage> (just a pity they only sell 'em in the US) <omha> yea * highvoltage has only been happy with Thinkpads so far (on the 6th one now) <ddaa> I do have some minor problems with my X60 (not so poor linux geek actually) <ddaa> but it mostly just works <omha> ddaa, bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "sftp://bard-simonsen@bazaar.launchpad.net/~pib/pib/devel": Unable to import paramiko (required for sftp support): No module named paramiko <highvoltage> I want to get an X60 next <highvoltage> what doesn't work on it? <highvoltage> (well, an X60s to be specific) <omha> ddaa, whats wrong there? <ddaa> you need paramiko installed for sftp support <ddaa> omha: really, you should ask on #bzr and check the bazaar-vcs.org site... I am of no help once windoze is involved. <omha> im using a nice debian now <ddaa> oh <ddaa> apt-get install python-paramiko <omha> putty + samba == code on laptop :) <ddaa> or something close to that <ddaa> it should be in the Recommends of your bzr package <ddaa> http://bazaar-vcs.org/DistroDownloads for instructions on how to get the package <omha> i got it <ddaa> once you have paramiko and openssh-client installed, it should all just work <ddaa> provided the ssh key on this debian system is the one you registered on launchpad... <omha> hmmm <omha> it works :D (i think) <omha> it's fetching when its pushing :S <omha> ddaa, thanks <ddaa> you're welcome, sorry for the trouble, we plan to make it easier to create hosted branches <omha> well, launchpad is a hell, when you first arrive, but it seems to be great when you learn it <ddaa> :( right, lots of things that do not match first time expectations <ddaa> if you can, please report on the specific things that annoyed you <ddaa> and get other first time users to do so <omha> the navigate menus <ddaa> launchpad-users mailing list is a good place for that, I think, or filing a Question on the launchpad project <ddaa> omha: please take the time to report in a place where it is public and archived <omha> kk <ddaa> some things like the navigation are not going to change overnight, but small things like that build awareness. <ddaa> besides... it got A LOT better with the new UI... the old blue UI was a lot worse navigation-wise... <Yannig> carlos: Any idea when (approximately) it should be done? <carlos> We just finished our more urgent milestone so I hope it would happen between this week and next one. I need to talk with the rest of the team to schedule it <Yannig> Thanks :) <Yannig> So a language-support-oc package should be created, it that it? <carlos> Yannig: for oo.org is not really that the problem <carlos> but yes, you should get such meta package to install automatically all dictionaries and other packages needed for Occitan <Yannig> Great :) <Yannig> I should go on translating Mozilla now :P <carlos> we will be able to do it soon with Launchpad :-) <Yannig> How soon? <Yannig> (just to know if it's worth asking a CVS account by the beginning of summer at Mozilla's) <ubotu> New bug: #55681 in soyuz "Ensure we don't create orphaned SourcePackageNames" [Medium,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55681 <ddaa> lifeless: I need your awesome CVS fu <ddaa> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22904/ <ddaa> does THAT look anything like a "correct" way to do directory renaming in CVS? <ddaa> want to know because it caused cscvs to fail an import, and I want to know if I should ask the user to tell the repo admin to please not do that, or if it's a bug in cscvs. <lifeless> ddaa: it would seem to be missing a lot of data <ddaa> I'm seeing a lot of those "file foo was initially added on branch BAR" log entries <ddaa> and it seems that use of dead revision thoroughly confuses cscvs <ddaa> and in some cases it does look like a bug in cscvs <lifeless> we have code to handle this <lifeless> and a test somewhere <ddaa> could you have a look at it? <lifeless> its 1:30 am! no. <ddaa> Not right now. <lifeless> I'm off back to sleep to try to reset body clock. <ddaa> But at some point in the next month. <lifeless> I dont know that the admin has done anything wrong or not <ddaa> ok about that <lifeless> I can say that lots of tags in that file are referenced and absent <ddaa> I'm asking about this use of dead revisions. <ddaa> I could not find anything that looked like it in the cscvs code. <lifeless> I think if you grep for dead in the cvs parser tests you'll find a matching scenario quickly <ddaa> but that does not mean much, since my brain started melting pretty quickly when I tried to read the code :( <lifeless> Drop me a mail, my brain is pre-melted right now <lifeless> tchau <ablomen> ok i think im just looking over it but.. with my project i dont have any subversion system atm, id like to use the launchpad hosted bazaar stuff, where can i set this up? <ablomen> i cant find it anywere, it seems like if you use "add a branch" it needs an excisting bzr/svn/whatever system <ddaa> ablomen: https://help.launchpad.net/CreatingAHostedBranch <ddaa> also https://help.launchpad.net/FeatureHighlights/EasyBranching <ablomen> ddaa, ah thanks man :) <ddaa> and https://help.launchpad.net/FeatureHighlights/TeamBranches <ablomen> yay thats the stuff iv been trying to find :) *bow* <ddaa> in the next launchpad release there will be a link to that wiki page from the +addbranch page in launchpad <ablomen> that would be nice yes ;) <tsmithe> hi i've been wondering how launchpad generates the dependency trees such as at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/composite-by-default is this source available anywhere; i'm interested in doing a similar thing myself <tsmithe> or just to learn from <ddaa> it uses dot <tsmithe> dot? <ddaa> from the graphviz package <tsmithe> mmhmm <tsmithe> thanks <ubotu> New bug: #117386 in launchpad "[feature request] Allow users to insert their SIP accounts" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117386 * carlos -> out <LaserJock> cprov: around? <cprov> LaserJock: yes, what I can do for you ? <Martinp23> How is karma assigned on LP? <shawarma> See the front page. :) <shawarma> There's a link to a page called " Learn how we calculate your Launchpad karma" <shawarma> https://help.launchpad.net/KarmaCalculation <Martinp23> Hehe - I've read that, but I sort of confused me more :) <Martinp23> https://launchpad.net/~martinp23/+karma <-- Should there be karma for those actions, or does it get assigned only after a certain baseline number of actions have been carried out, or something? <LaserJock> Martinp23: I think the karma value is updated daily <Martinp23> LaserJock: Hmm - the plot thickens then. That would have given the system 2 or 3 opportunities to update my karma so far... <salgado> Martinp23, we had a problem when we last updated the code running on launchpad.net and the karma hasn't been updated since last Thursday <salgado> Martinp23, also, there may be some actions which although being recorded are currently worth 0 karma points <Martinp23> salgado: Ahh ok - I knew about some actions being worth 0, but thanks for letting me know about the bug <salgado> it's not an actual bug in the code. just a mistake (already corrected) when the code was updated <salgado> IOW, karma should be updated tonight <Martinp23> OK :) <__20h__> Good evening. <ubotu> New bug: #117403 in launchpad "Broken traversal on ProductRelease page" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117403 <ubotu> New bug: #117409 in launchpad "Certain project files can't be downloaded with firefox, wget works ok" [Undecided,Rejected] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117409 <ubotu> New bug: #117410 in launchpad "Certain project files can't be downloaded with firefox, wget works ok" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117410 <LaserJock> jcs: hi <gwen> lo * <gwen> i'm trying to sign code of conduct and don't succeed.... <ubotu> New bug: #117452 in malone "Code that parses bugtracker urls need to handle incomplete bugzilla urls" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117452 #launchpad 2007-05-29 <ubotu> New bug: #117460 in launchpad "Linking to upstream bugs is counter-intuitive" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117460 <elmo> mwh: are you looking after loggerhead yet? <mwh> elmo: to some extent, i'm not sure how much i'm supposed to be looking after the running of it <mwh> elmo: is it wedged again? <elmo> mwh: well, it was using 1.5Gb of RSS memory which was causing the box to thrash <elmo> but since I asked it seems to have calmed down <mwh> someone was probably looking at the inventory view <mwh> https://bugs.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+bug/116869 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 116869 in loggerhead "viewing the file listing consumes a lot memory" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] <mwh> it's on the list of things to look at this week <elmo> k <ASCIIGirl> hello world! I found this --> "Fixed in RF 4082" closing a bug, can anybody tell me what RF refers to? , appears on bug #70074 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 70074 in rosetta "Add direct link downloads" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70074 - Assigned to Carlos Perell Marn (carlos) <LaserJock> I *think* the RF is something like a revision # <ASCIIGirl> LaserJock, any idea if ubuntu has something like a dictionary of those words? cause I been googling and checking the wiki without finding anything useful :( <LaserJock> well, it isn't Ubuntu-specific <LaserJock> and it's an internal thing <ASCIIGirl> aw that makes my search a bit more difficult :-) <ASCIIGirl> anyway, thanks LaserJock <LaserJock> you could email launchpad-users mailing list <LaserJock> that might be a good way to draw attention to the issue ;-) <LaserJock> ah, or ask Fujitsu ;-) <ASCIIGirl> heheheh..so means rocket fuel.... :) <thumper> ASCIIGirl: yes it means rocketfuel <thumper> and the number is the bzr revision number for our main development branch <ASCIIGirl> thumper, on this bug just says a "fix released" and speaks about few problems on the same bug... <ASCIIGirl> I would like to know which of the problems of that bugs were fixed on that revision and which was the solution given...any idea where I can find that? <LaserJock> if it's marked Fix Released then the bug should be fixed with that revision <Fujitsu> Fix Released is when that revision hits production. <Fujitsu> Fix Committed is when it's committed to rocketfuel. <ASCIIGirl> the point is that on the bug tells about 2 steps....that means both steps were implemented? <stub> ASCIIGirl: A fix released bug should mean all issues with this bug have been dealt with and all relevant changes are running on the production systems. <ASCIIGirl> stub, thanks ... <stub> ASCIIGirl: If that is not the case, then someone made a mistake or was not clear enough (eg. I'm opening up a new bug on this seperate issue) <ASCIIGirl> stub Im checking in rosetta if the 2nd step of the bug its also fixed... <ASCIIGirl> if there is any rosetta expert around: is it possible to do daily exports so upstream can fetch translations automatically? <thumper> lifeless: ping <thumper> lifeless: AU reviewers meeting? <jml> review my branch, reviewers <lifeless> thumper: Mondays... <`23meg> has anyone run into upstream project being incorrectly filled in as "rebuntu" when marking a bug as affecting upstream? looks like a bug. <`23meg> looks like specific to gnome-terminal <LaserJock> I've seen some things with rebuntu <thumper> lifeless: last week we moved it to Tuesday and updated the wiki <crimsun> no, it has struck every instance that I tried yesterday, but I wasn't able to follow through <crimsun> (the whole mantis isn't supported yet) <`23meg> LaserJock, I think the upstream product for gnome-terminal incorrectly points to rebuntu when marking as affects upstream <lifeless> thumper: oh!. what time tuesdays ? <Fujitsu> `23meg: Right, the creator the rebuntu project assigned it as upstream for a number of Ubuntu packages. There's no UI to reverse that at the moment. * beuno feels a bug ready to be reported * `23meg is reporting <`23meg> thanks Fujitsu <carlos> morning <Fujitsu> Hi carlos. <beuno> mornin' carlos <beuno> how are you today? <carlos> beuno: fine thanks, and you? <beuno> pretty good, getting ready to go to sleep <beuno> I've been working on some new rosetta specs, so expect to have a bigger queue pretty soon :D <`23meg> bug #117494 filed :) <ubotu> Launchpad bug 117494 in launchpad "Rebuntu incorrectly marked as upstream for some Ubuntu packages" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117494 <thumper> lifeless: 06:00 UTC <ubotu> New bug: #117494 in launchpad "Rebuntu incorrectly marked as upstream for some Ubuntu packages" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117494 <beuno> I'm off, night everyone <lifeless> thumper: ok, I can do that. I do think its nice to have the convenor of the meeting present when its rescheduled though :) <thumper> lifeless: yeah, sorry <ubotu> New bug: #117508 in rosetta "Last translator field should handle accounts without email address" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117508 <beuno> carlos: I'm triaging some rosetta bugs, trying to clean it up a bit, should I be doing this, or does this fall upon the launchpad devs exclusively? <carlos> beuno: any help is welcome. We do it from time to time <carlos> as long as you don't do weird things... you are free to help there too :-9 <carlos> :-) <beuno> ok, great, I'm drafting up a few specs, and I want to relate them to existing bugs/specs, but I keep bumping into duplicate bug reports, or some that just don't seem to apply anymore <beuno> (including 2 bugs I had reported a while back) <beuno> so I figured why not tidy that a bit while I'm at it <carlos> feel free to ask us if you have doubts about any of those <carlos> beuno: and thanks for your help <beuno> carlos: my pleasure, we all use rosetta, so I guess we should give back a bit anyway <beuno> if you can take a look at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/39291 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 39291 in rosetta "status bar on package listing wrong" [Medium,Confirmed] <beuno> I marked 3 of them duplicates to that bug <carlos> beuno: I guess it would be a duplicate, yes <carlos> either that or a bug in statistics that is already fixed <beuno> one last bug, then I'm off to work on my spec, https://bugs.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/20 seems to be in place, right? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 20 in rosetta "Sort translatable applications with most-wanted translations first" [Wishlist,Confirmed] - Assigned to Carlos Perell Marn (carlos) <carlos> beuno: we have priorities for templates <carlos> but that request goes further <carlos> I don't think we could say it's fixed <beuno> right, I'll stay out of bugs that go that deep then <beuno> thanks carlos :D <carlos> np <beuno> <nag> I did get a bit frustrated that I run into so many specs located in Launchpad's wiki and can't access them </nag> <beuno> carlos: searching through the specs, I found one that is very similar to what I'm working on (again, can't be certain since I can't actually *see* it), does it make sense to draft it up considering I can't edit/see the current one? what are my options? <carlos> tell me the spec you are writing and I would be able to tell you whether is the same or not <beuno> (most of this is coming after a talk I gave on launchpad, and a profesional translator approached me and we talked for about half an hour about how to improve it) <carlos> we cannot publish our specs right now, but you can talk about that with kiko or SteveA <beuno> I'm referring to: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/rosetta-word-lists <beuno> the basic idea is for each language team to have a list of "prefered" words, so we can have some uniformity across packages <carlos> beuno: that spec is empty and we didn't write it yet <beuno> if that word would be on the string to translate, the pre-set translation recommendation should be suggested somewhere <carlos> if you want to draft it, you can do it on wiki.ubuntu.com and update the link to yours (or ask me to do it if you don't have enough rights) <beuno> carlos: great, I'll draft it then and add the link to the whiteboard so you can edit it in (I can't change it, I just checked), does that work? <carlos> yeah <carlos> I just removed the link to the empty one <beuno> thanks :D <beuno> just curious, what would give me rights to edit it? to be set as a drafter? <carlos> beuno: I think you need to be the owner of the project <carlos> like I'm <carlos> anyway, let me set you as the drafter <beuno> carlos: thanks again, I'll let you work now and start the draft on the wiki <carlos> beuno: you are now the drafter, check whether you have permissions now <beuno> carlos: yes I can :D <carlos> :-) <beuno> ok, so that's what I'll be bothering you next <beuno> :p <carlos> enjoy! :-) <mpt> Gooooooooooooood evening Launchpadders! <Hobbsee> heya mpt <mpt> crud, just got a "Fobidden" error that I shouldn't have, but I can't reproduce it <sacater> whats being done about the ansewrs bug :( <mpt> sacater, there are 47 Answers bugs. Which one are you referring to? <sacater> mpt: the one where you enter nothing and you get an OOPS when you click 'find answers' <mpt> oh <ubotu> New bug: #117525 in launchpad-answers "Retargeting and setting whiteboard are forbidden when done simultaneously" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117525 <mpt> ^^^ that's the 47th <Hobbsee> mpt: you're supposed to be able to mindread. <mpt> I should have read the job description more closely <Hobbsee> indeed. <mpt> sacater, according to the bug report, it's been fixed in the code, so it'll be fixed on launchpad.net in a couple of weeks <sacater> :o <sacater> how many... <mpt> It seems like doing an empty search is a pretty easy thing to avoid, though <mpt> in the meantime <mpt> oh <mpt> Does it happen when searching for (for example) all the Needs Info questions? <mpt> hmm, no, those controls aren't available on that page <mpt> So the problem doesn't occur when you specify a project <mpt> It doesn't occur on a project's Answers page <mpt> It occurs only if you search for nothing at all on https://answers.launchpad.net/ <beuno> sacater: launchpad is normally updated on tuesdays, so unless the fix creates problems in other places, it's probable that it will land by next week (unless mpt says differently) :p <mpt> I can't think of a reason for doing that <mpt> Not saying that it shouldn't be fixed (it will be), just that it doesn't seem urgent. <cprov-fud> morning, guys. <carlos> beuno: that's not true anymore <carlos> beuno: we are doing an update once per month, usually third Thursday of the week (although it would change depending on the cycle) <carlos> we started with that this month <mpt> matsubara, hi, you called me while I was asleep <carlos> cprov-fud: morning <matsubara> mpt: hello matthew <Hobbsee> mpt: new form of alarm. <matsubara> mpt: so, I was trying to get the ies4linux to work <matsubara> mpt: is there any special trick to make the rendering work? (I installed it fine, but it doesn't render the page) * cprov <- was eating for a long time (gaim == crap) <siretart> cprov: is it possible that the ppa chroots have only 'main' activated? <siretart> cprov: ffmpeg is still waiting for liba52-0.7.4-dev, again. and that should be available in gutsy/universe <cprov> siretart: yes, you were *victim* of ogre-component algorithm (sources in main can only build-depend on main and so on ...) <Hobbsee> siretart: are they open to all of ubuntu-dev, or just specific people? <siretart> Hobbsee: you need to ask this cprov <Hobbsee> cprov: ^ <siretart> cprov: so I cannot do anything about it? <siretart> hm. okay, then I need to look for something else <cprov> siretart: you can re-upload the package to 'universe' <beuno> carlos: good to know, I'll have to update a few slides for that <siretart> cprov: sorry? how to do that? <siretart> cprov: you mean uploading to "~siretart/ubuntu/gutsy/universe"? <mpt> matsubara, I didn't do anything special <mpt> Sorry I don't know what your problem might be there <cprov> siretart: nope, you have to change the package section metadata 'universe/devel' <mpt> matsubara, unless you have Desktop Effects turned on (just a guess, haven't tried it) <mpt> carlos, will this be the earliest in the release cycle that translations have opened for any Ubuntu release? <carlos> mpt: indeed <mpt> That's cool! <mpt> That should make life a lot easier for LOTE Ubuntu users <matsubara> mpt: well, I'm using the beta version. I'll read documentation and see if I can find anything. thanks anyway. <mpt> Well done, sir <carlos> s/sir/team/ <carlos> ;-) <mpt> indeed <siretart> cprov: oh. that sounds great. thanks <kiko> cprov, might be interesting to allow overriding component via the directory as well * kiko runs <Hobbsee> heya kiko! <kiko> hey Hobbsee <kiko> nice to hear you around <Hobbsee> kiko: hear me around? *didnt think she'd been stomping* <kiko> Hobbsee, these electrons make a lot of noise <Hobbsee> hehe <cprov> kiko: it's possible <kiko> cprov, dunno if we actually want to. might be something to ask our users, distro guys and sabdfl <cprov> kiko: since we are catching users too often with "ogre" trap <kiko> cprov, why are they uploading to main? ah, they don't provide a component in the Section: line, right? <kiko> slightly tricky <kiko> I think components for PPAs are bong anyway <cprov> kiko: well, they have to cope with it if they are intended to fit in ubuntu <cprov> kiko: but I understand that they are two different concerns (to work vs. to fit in ubuntu) <kiko> cprov, right, but then during the NSS step they'd get a component overridden in. <cprov> kiko: yes, and that might make the source FTBFS since we force 'ogre' <kiko> oh, because the section in the DSC won't match. you're right. <cprov> kiko: that too, the main problem is that it won't build again in ubuntu because it doesn't respect ogre (main can only build-dep on other main, and so on ) <kiko> it might not, right * Fujitsu wonders how things like overrides/removals etc. are going to work with PPA. <kiko> Fujitsu, we probably won't offer overrides. removals will be done initially via admin request, and then you'll have a UI for doing it <cprov> Fujitsu: via the web UI <Fujitsu> What will happen if something from Debian is uploaded with component contrib or non-free? <kiko> Fujitsu, it will be rejected. it should be changed before uploading. <Fujitsu> Hmm... <kiko> I don't like that very much though <kiko> I think we should consider components more carefully for PPA <Fujitsu> That means introducing more changes, which is somewhat silly. <Hobbsee> kiko: did you come to any conclusions on what you said you'd have to go and think about, with the bugs at UDS? * Hobbsee is curious, now <kiko> Hobbsee, I did list a large number of enhancements for BjornT to consider <Hobbsee> kiko: are they public? <kiko> I could make them public <Hobbsee> that'd be interesting to see, at least. <Hobbsee> even if you dont want input on them <kiko> I'll email you the wikitext <kiko> hang on <Hobbsee> great :) <seb128> hi <seb128> kiko: any news on the "rebuntu" tasks hijack? <kiko> seb128, I'm going to sort it out today. <seb128> cool <kiko> I contacted the guy and wanted to wait for him to reply <kiko> but now I say boo <seb128> right * Hobbsee reads <seb128> Hobbsee: what do you read? <Hobbsee> seb128: possible enhancements for LP. was from before you came in <seb128> ah, k <seb128> URL? ;) <Hobbsee> kiko: all looks sane, except = Collapsing all bug comments = <Hobbsee> seb128: via email <seb128> k <kiko> seb128, https://launchpad.canonical.com/SevillaBugTrackerProposals#preview <kiko> Hobbsee, I like collapsing all bug comments, though <Hobbsee> kiko: they're annoying to open all of them - particularly if there are lots <kiko> Hobbsee, they'd be all collapsed at once <kiko> I guess I need to clarify that in the spec <Hobbsee> one of the blogs i sometimes read did that - the screams *still* havent stopped, and it was changed a month or so ago. <kiko> a single twistie for the whole comment section <Hobbsee> ah right. not quite so evil then. <seb128> if you collapse comments please make possible to change the default <kiko> To make bug reports more concise, we could collapse all the bug comments and the comment field. Comments would be collapsed using a single twisty, meaning that they would either all be collapsed or all be uncollapsed (this does not address the deletion/hiding of specific comments). <seb128> or that would mean one extra click every time triagers open a bug <kiko> seb128, the default would be persistent, yes. <seb128> good <mpt> kiko, I'm not sure that "concise" is quite what you mean there <mpt> It wouldn't be reducing the amount anyone had to read <mpt> s/had/needed/ <kiko> mpt, they can choose to not read the comments if they don't want to. <kiko> I don't think the use of "concise" is mine but whatever <mpt> People can already choose not to read them. :-) <kiko> mpt, not really <kiko> I mean, try not reading the comments in bug #1 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 - Assigned to Mark Shuttleworth (sabdfl) <Spads> the load time for that bug is pretty impressive <mpt> I think the #1 beneficial way of decreasing the number of comments people have to read would be making editing the description more obvious and quicker to do. <mpt> But if you're the relevant developer, I think not reading a comment that's already posted is safe only if someone you trust has already marked that particular comment as not being relevant. <mpt> (I dare you to diagram that sentence!) <Hobbsee> i'd love to see a different colour for posters in ~ubuntu-dev or something <Hobbsee> particularly for kernel bugs, with a lot of traffic <Hobbsee> no idea fi that's feasible - but if you're kicking around new ideas... <kiko> Hobbsee, we're working on that <mpt> It is feasible, we're considering something similar for Answers <Hobbsee> it's very hard to see who's official, and who's not, seeing as they're all offering advice, saying it must be fixed immediately, etc <Hobbsee> ah, great. <mpt> also highlighting the reporter <mpt> (comments from them, I mean) * Fujitsu wonders if we can have "Affects, but doesn't need fixing in" tasks at some point. <kiko> Fujitsu, you mean rejected/wontfix? <Fujitsu> kiko: No, as in the bug manifests itself in this package primarily, but is in fact a bug elsewhere. I don't want the task in that package open as such, as it's not a bug there. But it should be visible as people will look for it there. <kiko> Fujitsu, in a single word? :-) <Fujitsu> No idea. <kiko> SEP!!! <Fujitsu> Heheh, yes! <mpt> Fujitsu, so you want "Not For Us" <kiko> mpt, it's more SEP than NFU <kiko> NOP <mpt> SEP? <Hobbsee> ooh, i want a SEP!!!! <Fujitsu> mpt: Not quite. kiko: Right. <kiko> someone else's problem <Hobbsee> mpt: Someone Else's Problem <kiko> not our problem <kiko> etc <mpt> oh * Hobbsee definetly wants a wontfix too, as kde is using that a fair bit at the moment <highvoltage> what is SEP? <mpt> I want fewer bug statuses <highvoltage> ah, I get it <Hobbsee> highvoltage: see 5&6 lines up <highvoltage> someone elses problem <Fujitsu> mpt: But I want to be able to handle this use case. <mpt> I understand <mpt> because it'll reduce duplicates <mpt> We had a long long discussion about what this status should be called <mpt> I don't remember anyone suggesting SEP <mpt> though <mpt> bug 36059 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 36059 in malone ""Rejected" should be split into "Not a Bug" and "Not For Us"" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36059 - Assigned to Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) <Fujitsu> I've seen that. <kiko> mpt, Not For Us is slightly different <Fujitsu> But NFU is somewhat different. <mpt> But then Ubuntu's Mozilla team disillusioned me <mpt> How is it different? <kiko> it means that we /could/ fix the problem but we don't want to <kiko> whereas in this cas <Fujitsu> Right. <kiko> e it means that the problem needs to be fixed somewhere else <kiko> for us to benefit <mpt> I'm not really interested in a difference in meaning <mpt> I'm interested in a difference in use case <mpt> in effect, I mean <kiko> I just explained though <mpt> Is there a listing on which Not For Us bugs should appear but Seomeone Else's Problem bugs should not, or vice versa? <kiko> it depends <kiko> you could say there's a useful listing of things broken in X that depend on work done elsewhere <mpt> SEP is included in my definition of NFU in the bug report: "for example, it should be fixed in a toolkit or kernel instead" <Hobbsee> have 2 categories of bugs, easy for developers to split. "fixable in $product" and "not for us" <Hobbsee> or whatever <mpt> kiko, you could get that with an advanced search (which could be a canned search, even) <kiko> mpt, yeah.. I don't care so much TBH. <mpt> In the SearchingBugs-spec syntax, it would be "status:not-for-us elsewhere:open" <kiko> ah right <johan> Hi. Is codebrowse.launchpad.net known to be down ? <matsubara> the man has arrived. mthaddon: <johan> Hi. Is codebrowse.launchpad.net known to be down ? <mthaddon> matsubara: yes, restarting it now <matsubara> mthaddon: thank you <johan> thanks! <mthaddon> ok, should be working now <johan> yeah, seems to be working, excellent <mwhudson> grumble <ubotu> New bug: #117565 in launchpad-bazaar "Seems to use URL quoting instead of HTML in links" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117565 <ubotu> New bug: #117582 in launchpad "Duplicated bugs in bugs.launchpad.net/~user" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117582 <mthaddon> edge.launchpad.net is going to - server being rebooted <LaserJock> hi kiko <mthaddon> edge.launchpad.net is back up <kiko> hey LaserJock <carlos> good night! <kiko> siretart, ping? <siretart> kiko: pong <siretart> these ppa's are giving me headaches... <kiko> siretart, did you do https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rats/+bug/63561/comments/8 yourself? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 63561 in rats "Segmentation fault when auditing code" [Undecided,Fix released] <kiko> siretart, or was it done through changelog-closes-bug? <siretart> kiko: this was done via changelog-closes-bug. <kiko> siretart, you are a genius! I love you <siretart> kiko: I'm using it now in every upload :) <kiko> ROCK ON! * siretart hugs kiko <LaserJock> siretart: wow, awesome <siretart> LaserJock: can you add the following to your sources.list: <siretart> deb http://ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net/siretart/ubuntu gutsy main universe multiverse <siretart> deb-src http://ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net/siretart/ubuntu gutsy main universe multiverse <siretart> and check if you have the package emacs-snapshot-common with version 1:20070521-1 in your apt-cache? <siretart> It doesn't show up for me, but it does appear in http://ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net/siretart/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz <siretart> cprov: ^^^ <cprov> siretart: one sec <LaserJock> siretart: yes, I've got it <kiko> siretart, thanks for testing, I really appreciate it <LaserJock> mantha@luck:~$ apt-cache madison emacs-snapshot-common <LaserJock> emacs-snapshot-common | 1:20070521-1 | http://ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net gutsy/main Packages <LaserJock> emacs-snapshot-common | 1:20070302-1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/universe Packages <LaserJock> emacs-snapshot | 1:20070302-1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/universe Sources <LaserJock> emacs-snapshot | 1:20070521-1 | http://ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net gutsy/main Sources <siretart> LaserJock: are you on i386 or amd64? <LaserJock> i386 <siretart> I'm on amd64, and only see the version from archive.ubuntu.com, not the one from dogfood <cprov> siretart: 1:20070521-1 0 <cprov> 500 http://ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net gutsy/main Packages <siretart> cprov: amd64 or i386? <cprov> siretart: i386 <siretart> please try on amd64 <cprov> siretart: not <siretart> cprov: puh, then the problem is (at least) not on my side :) <geser> siretart: apt-cache madison on amd64 lists only the source for emacs-snapshot-common but not the binaries <siretart> which is why I cannot install emacs-snapshot :/ <geser> but I've a file /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net_siretart_ubuntu_dists_gutsy_main_binary-amd64_Packages <siretart> interesting. there, I get the package version in question <siretart> what the heck is going on here? <geser> and Package: emacs-snapshot-common has Architecture: i386 <geser> apt-cache policy emacs-snapshot-gtk lists also your ppa version <geser> that package is listed with Architecture: amd64 <siretart> geser: hmmm. it should be arch: all <siretart> cprov? can you imagine whats wrong here? <siretart> wow. manually fiddling in /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net_siretart_ubuntu_dists_gutsy_main_binary-amd64_Packages indeed helps <siretart> geser: good eye, http://ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net/siretart/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz is indeed fishy <cprov> siretart: well, it's quite possible that I'm generating the index in the wrong way <cprov> siretart: geser: why should it be 'all' ? <siretart> cprov: because it is an architecture: all package <siretart> cprov: Filename: pool/main/e/emacs-snapshot/emacs-snapshot-el_20070521-1_all.deb <siretart> (pasted from the Packages.gz file) <cprov> whole cow, you're right .. I'm annotating the arch where it was built, i386 <cprov> siretart: ok, can you file a bug about it <cprov> s\whole\holly ... <kiko> holy <kiko> :) <LaserJock> and here I thought PPA was perfect <LaserJock> all my hopes have been shattered ;-) <cprov> LaserJock: come one, I'm glad that it's such simple bug <cprov> LaserJock: i can fix it in a minute. <siretart> cprov: you still want a bug about that? against what? <cprov> siretart: soyuz <siretart> k <cprov> siretart: thanks a lot for identifying this. <LaserJock> \o/ for testing :-) <cprov-out> LaserJock: indeed <asabil> hello all <asabil> does launchpad provide any sort of wiki ? <siretart> cprov-out: I think this is https://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/40096 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 40096 in soyuz "do not show architecture 'all' builds as i386" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Diogo Matsubara (matsubara) <cprov-out> siretart: not really, we have a much more specific issues like 'PPA archive indexes do not properly list architeture-independent package' <siretart> cprov-out: filed as https://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/117625 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 117625 in soyuz "architecutre: all packages appear as architecture: i386 packages in Packages.gz" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] <cprov-out> siretart: perfect <ubotu> New bug: #117625 in soyuz "architecture: all packages appear as architecture: i386 packages in Packages.gz" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117625 <ubotu> New bug: #117631 in malone "Dell Optiplex GX50, Cannot Install From CD" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117631 #launchpad 2007-05-30 <mpt> Gooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders! <jml> mpt: :D <Hobbsee> bah. i still hate the way that launchpad handles the kde bugtracker. i should really file a bug <ubotu> New bug: #117677 in soyuz "PPA uploads appear equal to normal uploads in distro `Latest Uploads' listing" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117677 * Hobbsee discovers launchpad bug headers <Hobbsee> what???? <Hobbsee> there's no duplicate bug header. <mpt> Hobbsee, did you report the bug about the KDE bugtracker? <Hobbsee> mpt: no. i've been trying to figure out where it's getting that info - if it's a pebkac error, and just unclear, or what <mpt> Common pebkac error = interface design error <Hobbsee> true that <Hobbsee> there's only one upstream bugtracker for kde, so there's no need for a kdebase contact, kdepim, and whatever else - which is still missing some packages anyway * Hobbsee really has no idea what it's even trying to do <mpt> What's a "kdebase contact"? <Hobbsee> nfi <Hobbsee> upstream for kdebase <Hobbsee> ah ha! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/85303/+add-affected-product?field.product=kdebase is correct <ubotu> Launchpad bug 85303 in kdebase "No warning before reboot, when harddrive full" [High,Confirmed] <Hobbsee> just why cant we do that for all kde packages, easily? <Hobbsee> that's the way it's supposed to work <Hobbsee> although, then https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase/+bugs is created, which is odd. kdebase upstream is not using launchpad to track it's bugs <Hobbsee> mpt: i'm slightly hesitant to report a bug until i figure out what it's actually trying to do <mpt> That page should have a disclaimer saying something like "These are only bug reports that Launchpad tracks because of their relationship to bug reports on software that uses Launchpad for bug tracking. See _KDE's bug tracker_ for a complete list of bugs in upstream kdebase." <mpt> or something much less wordy than that. <Hobbsee> i'm more wanting to know why there isnt a kde project or something that means you can just "mark as upstream", pick kde, not kdebase, or whatever k* looks interesting, and add the URL. <Hobbsee> mpt: but something like that'd be good. mind you, it's hard to find that page anyway. <Hobbsee> i think a list of all kde upstream bugs might not be so bad anyway. *shrug* <SteveA> morning! <dholbach> good morning <dholbach> can somebody take care of https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/6626 ? <carlos> morning <dholbach> can somebody take care of https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/6626 ? <mrevell> dholbach: I'll mail salgado, I think he's the person who could do that. <dholbach> alrighty <dholbach> thanks mrevell <mrevell> dholbach: np :) <ubotu> New bug: #117723 in soyuz "override generation broken for gutsy" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117723 <jam-laptop> hi all. Does anyone know how to clear out spam from the Q&A section? <jam-laptop> https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/7363 <jam-laptop> seems to have a lot of port spam <jam-laptop> porn spam <jam-laptop> Originally, they had put it in an edited form of the original question <jam-laptop> but they seem to have gone for a comment <jam-laptop> which needs to be removed <jam-laptop> and probably the user needs to be banned <kiko> jam-laptop, I'll talk to tom about it. <jam-laptop> kiko: thanks <vorian> how do you "run update" on a bzr branch? <jam-laptop> 'bzr update path/to/branch" <vorian> ty jam-laptop :) <ubotu> New bug: #117741 in launchpad "need ability to flag and hide off-topic comments" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117741 * carlos -> lunch <siretart> cprov: excuse me, https://dogfood.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/ffmpeg/3:0.svn20070525-0ubuntu1~ppa3 is broken, and I think it should show my ppa upload * Hobbsee waves <siretart> hi Hobbsee <Hobbsee> :) <cprov> siretart: just a second and I will check that for you <cprov> siretart: pages should not work for ppa <siretart> cprov: well, then they shouldn't be linked from https://dogfood.launchpad.net/~siretart/+packages <siretart> cprov: is there any way to see a list of packages, along with their build logs from some page in launchpad/ <cprov> siretart: yes, they should not <siretart> ? <cprov> siretart: not yet, no UI for PPA other than the builder history and spread build records <cprov> siretart: sorry for that, I thought I was clear about the current lack of specific UI for PPAs <siretart> cprov: no problem <siretart> cprov: can you remove packages from my ppa for me? <cprov> siretart: only if you say that it's mandatory ;) <cprov> siretart: right now, it's quite time consuming (I'm still working on the script or removals) <siretart> no, its just that I made a mistake, and I don't want to update ffmpeg to 20070525, but stay at 20070303 for now. it would be great if I could test it in my ppa <siretart> cprov: no problem, leave it. would be great if you could ping me if you want to test your removal script when you get to it ;) <cprov> siretart: sure, will do <ubotu> New bug: #117752 in malone "Any logged in user can delete any attachments" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117752 <BjornT> time for this week's non-au reviewer meeting <BjornT> == Agenda == <BjornT> * Roll call <BjornT> * Next meeting <BjornT> * Queue status <BjornT> * Other business <BjornT> who's here? <flacoste> me< <bac> me <salgado> me <statik> me <flacoste> barry: ping <BjornT> barry might still be on the phone with sabdfl <BjornT> == Next meeting == <BjornT> next meeting will be 2007-06-06 at 1400 UTC as usual. * flacoste will be sprinting <BjornT> == Queue status == <BjornT> there are 13 (same as last week) open reviews, 6 of them are slightly over the 2 day service target. <BjornT> SteveA: you still have mpt's text-change branch in your queue, which is more than one month old. <flacoste> and one of those is unassigned <BjornT> oh, right, that's the one statik rejected. <BjornT> i'll re-assign it after the meeting. <BjornT> overall the queue doesn't look too bad, though, but please review your branches soon salgado and barry <BjornT> == Other business == <BjornT> anything else? <salgado> I'll do mine today <BjornT> thanks salgado <BjornT> ok, that's it, short meeting today. meeting ended. <BjornT> thanks for coming! <salgado> thanks BjornT <statik> thanks BjornT <barry> just got off the phone w/sabdfl. i'll review my branch today. <bdmurray> bug 92488 seems to have gotten some spam <ubotu> Launchpad bug 92488 in Ubuntu "Lost USB Cable Modem Detection After Dapper" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92488 - Assigned to Brian Murray (brian-murray) <bdmurray> but the user account seems / was okay at one point <jam-laptop> mthaddon: ping <mthaddon> jam-laptop: pong <jam-laptop> mthaddon: thanks for deleting the spam. I was just curious what the standard procedure for that sort of thing is <mthaddon> at the moment, notifying admins will get spam comments deleted, but we're working on a better infrastructure for this... <jam-laptop> k <SteveA> mthaddon: I'd like to talk with you about writing some scripts to analyze the launchpad logs, and get the IP addresses used by the spammers, so we can consider banning those addresses <mthaddon> SteveA: sounds good - want to do that now or later/part of infra meeting? <ubotu> New bug: #117780 in soyuz "packages unnecessarily symlinked to other component" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117780 <SteveA> mthaddon: tomorrow in the meeting please <mthaddon> great * carlos -> out. See you later! <salgado> flacoste_lunch, can you review https://devpad.canonical.com/~jamesh/pending-reviews/salgado/launchpad/bug-65488/full-diff for me today? <flacoste> salgado: no problem, what is the bug that this branch address? <salgado> bug 65488 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 65488 in launchpad "Need a whiteboard for distribution mirrors" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65488 - Assigned to Guilherme Salgado (salgado) <flacoste> salgado: i have a few small things to finish first and i'll be on your review next, expect a reply later this afternoon <salgado> cool. thanks a lot, flacoste <seb128> hey <seb128> kiko: around? <kiko> seb128, yeah <seb128> kiko: do you know what's going on with bugs nominated for gutsy and access control? <seb128> it's pretty frustrating to have people opening random ones and not been able to clean them <kiko> seb128, you can reject them, and drivers can deny nomination -- matsubara, can you chat a bit with seb128 to see what his concern is? <matsubara> seb128: do you have an example? <seb128> matsubara: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+bug/117814 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 117814 in pidgin "upgrade pidgin to 2.0.1" [Undecided,Confirmed] <seb128> I used to have accept/deny next to the nomination text <BjornT> seb128: only drivers can accept/deny nominations atm, it has always been like that. you probably were in the driver team before. <BjornT> seb128: this will change in the next rollout, though; then all uploaders will get permission to accept/deny nominations. <seb128> BjornT: ok, thanks, that has been discussed on the list but I was not sure of what changes were planned now and for when <keescook> so, who is able to approve release nominations now? <matsubara> keescook: drivers only. according to BjornT that will change in the next release. Uploaders will get the permission as well <keescook> matsubara: since I do security updates for all the stable releases, it would be really handy if I could approve them too. <keescook> what is a "driver", and does it make sense for me to be one? <matsubara> keescook: as an workaround I think you could be added to the Ubuntu Drivers team <keescook> matsubara: okay, I will ask colin about it. thanks! <matsubara> BjornT: is there a bug/spec where you're tracking "uploaders should get permission to approve nominations" work? <LaserJock> keescook: I think ubuntu-core-dev is a driver <keescook> LaserJock: doesn't seem to be :( I can't approve nominations, anyway. <LaserJock> or at least they were, but seb128's comment makes me wonder if that's changed <seb128> keescook: that has been discussed on the distro list and will be fixed with next update <keescook> seb128: ah, what will the solution become? <seb128> keescook: that's annoying not only for security, only for people targetting bugs to fix for gutsy, SRU to do, etc <seb128> keescook: <seb128> "<BjornT> seb128: only drivers can accept/deny nominations atm, it has always been like that. you probably were in the driver team before. <seb128> seb128: this will change in the next rollout, though; then all uploaders will get permission to accept/deny nominations." <seb128> I asked like 10 minutes before you joined :p <keescook> Ah, I misunderstood what "uploaders" meant here. I get it now. thanks! <seb128> no problem ;) <ubotu> New bug: #117829 in soyuz "Allow PPA only for 'launchpad-beta-testers' members" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117829 <BjornT> matsubara: although it's a bit misnamed maybe, this is the spec: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/malone/+spec/motu-bug-persmissions <matsubara> BjornT: thanks. Any plan to fix bug 114766 in this cycle as well? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 114766 in malone "Only bug contacts should be able to nominate a bug for a release" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114766 <kiko> matsubara, BjornT: I'm not even sure that makes sense * carlos -> out <carlos> night! <Kmos> https://help.launchpad.net/KarmaCalculation <Kmos> it's normal help.launchpad.net don't check user authentication ? <Kmos> it says on top.. "Login" <kiko> Kmos, that's a separate site. <kiko> yes it's confusing <Kmos> ok <LaserJock> kiko: what version of launchpad is launchpad.net running now? <kiko> LaserJock, 1.1.5 <LaserJock> oh really? <LaserJock> I thought it was older <LaserJock> and is beta. at 1.1.5 too or are they separate altogether <czr> is it possible to use launchpad to host the whole oss project? <czr> (sry for the stupid question, but I can't seem to find that info on the about-pages :-) <kiko> LaserJock, beta is frozen but I believe edge is auto-updating. <BjornT> matsubara: no, 114766 is not targeted for this cycle. i think it's better to see how the current system (after the next rollout) works. it might be that there's no need to fix that bug. <kiko> agreed <matsubara> BjornT: thanks. I'll add that to the report. it also answers the question I asked you there. :-) <LaserJock> cprov: how does PPA currently handle sending packages to different components, i.e. Universe, or does it? <cprov> LaserJock: it works exactly like the main soyuz, including ogre-model for building <cprov> LaserJock: so, you are probably going to need it at some point <mantiena> Hi all <cprov> LaserJock: have you uploaded new packages ? <matsubara> Kmos: bug 104848 seems fixed, btw <ubotu> Launchpad bug 104848 in hwdb-client "Bad english translation on hwdb-client" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104848 <matsubara> Kmos: nm me. just spotted the error. <Kmos> matsubara: i checked the translation and still there <matsubara> Kmos: yeah, my mistake. misread it <LaserJock> cprov: I just did that one with you on Monday <LaserJock> but it put it into Main, and I wondered how the PPAs will handle that <cprov> LaserJock: shame on you ;) <LaserJock> currently aren't overrides used in the Ubuntu archives? <LaserJock> cprov: yes, I know. and it was a FTBFS too, I should fix that ;-) <Kmos> https://launchpad.net/products/ -> Sorry, you can't do this right now <cprov> LaserJock: yes, we use auto-override in ubuntu archive, but we also support proper rich sections syntax like 'universe/misc' <LaserJock> ah <mantiena> are there any launchpad admins ? There is a big problem, which makes another Ubuntu-based distros do not use launchopad for bugs, etc <LaserJock> cprov: I'll give it a try next upload <LaserJock> mantiena: I think it's helpful to explain your problem/question, then the appropriate people can respond <mantiena> I'm main developer of Ubuntu-based distro - Baltix and ~2 years ago I started to use launchpad for bugs and other task <mantiena> but more than one year I can't register new milestone or new release in launchpad for Baltix :( <cprov> LaserJock: great, thanks <mantiena> look at https://launchpad.net/baltix/+milestones <mthaddon> Launchpad is down - issue with the DB server - currently working on it <mantiena> mthaddon: I'm talking not about this issue <mthaddon> mantiena: ok, I wasn't notifying just you... <kiko> mthaddon, garr <mantiena> I'm talking about forbiding to register new milestones/releases of other distros :( <mantiena> kiko: AFAIK you told me ~6 months ago, that maintainers of other distros will be able to use launchpad in this spring... <ubotu> New bug: #3158 in soyuz "policy needs extending to support > 1 binary build per upload" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3158 <mthaddon> Launchpad is back up again - please let us know if there are any issues <pochu> mantiena: are you a driver for Baltix? <mantiena> pochu: yes <pochu> So you're Mantas... hi :) <mantiena> pochu: but problem is not only for Baltix - look at https://launchpad.net/distros - all distros, except Ubuntu don't have releases or milestones registered :( <mantiena> pochu: yes, hi ;) <pochu> mantiena: is there a bug report about it? * pochu checks <mantiena> pochu: I think so, you need the number ? <mantiena> pochu: btw, why you are asking my name ? You know me ? <pochu> mantiena: no, but there's just one Driver for Baltix, and maybe you thought you were a driver and you weren't... :) <mantiena> :) <mantiena> yea, it would be pretty strange situation if I think, that I'm a driver, but I aren't... <LaserJock> cprov: hmm, I uploaded a new package ~20 min ago but haven't gotten an email, package is plotdrop again <LaserJock> cprov: did the LP outage mess something up? <cprov> LaserJock: let me check <mantiena> so, it seems all launchpad admins are away ? :( <mantiena> cprov: do you get an "Forbiddent" error when go https://launchpad.net/baltix/+addrelease ? <mpt> Goooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! <mantiena> mpt: morning ? ;) <cprov> mantiena: Unauthorized, since I'm not Admin in that context <pochu> mantiena: Bug #58250 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 58250 in launchpad "Unofficial distribution releases should not be allowed to use milestones" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58250 <mantiena> pochu: why this bug is unconfirmed ? <pochu> mantiena: because nobody has confirmed it :p * pochu hides <LaserJock> cprov: doh, rejected. is there a way to get that plotdrop package in my PPA removed? <cprov> LaserJock: I'm working on the archive-maintenance scripts for PPA <cprov> LaserJock: i.e., not right now, neither quickly <tormod> hi I am angry >:( My eyes are dead tired after reading minuscule text in light-gray on white background! <cprov> LaserJock: why was it rejected ? <tormod> this has been complained about since the "new" launchpad was pushed on us <tormod> what's the reason for not doing anything about it? <tormod> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/87471 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 87471 in launchpad "Grey text is unnecessarily difficult to read" [Undecided,Confirmed] <LaserJock> cprov: because I used a Debian version number on the first upload <LaserJock> cprov: since this is just messing around I'll just bump the version up so it's bigger than the first one ;-) <cprov> LaserJock: you could also use new epoch, but simply bumping the version will do too <LaserJock> cprov: it was just a -1 vs -0ubuntu1, I just made it -1ubuntu1 <cprov> LaserJock: your PPA, your rules ;) <LaserJock> mwuahahaha <LaserJock> ^^ evil laugh <cprov> LaserJock: ehe #launchpad 2007-05-31 <profoX`> kiko-afk: hi; are you there? <profoX`> kiko-afk: (ping) * ..[topic/#launchpad:Rinchen] : *** Launchpad 1.1.5 released *** https://launchpad.net/ | Next developer meeting: Thu 31 May 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39 <LaserJock> cprov: OK, question. in the binary .changes files the Maintainer: is set to the buildd <cprov> LaserJock: yes, are you checking the dogfood UI ? <LaserJock> cprov: so for amd64 I get Maintainer: Ubuntu/amd64 Build Daemon <buildd@> <LaserJock> for i386 I get Maintainer: Ubuntu/i386 Build Daemon <buildd@rubidium.ppa> <cprov> LaserJock: oops, selenium.ppa (amd64) isn't building a correct changesfile... <elmo> cprov: fix /home/buildd/.sbuildrc - unfortunately you'll need to do this everytime you reinstall sbuild <elmo> err, launchpad-buildd.deb I mean <elmo> cprov: our xen-guest-create-instance script fixes it, but subsequent installs of launchpad-buildd.deb will break the file again <elmo> cprov: I'll ask adam to look at fixing launchpad-buildd.deb <cprov> elmo: thank you ! <elmo> [we should probably consider fixing that 'Ubuntu/' hardcodedness at somepoint too, to be PPA/ instead] <profoX`> kiko-afk: [ping] <jml> I just got an email from Launchpad asking me to approve a new member of a dev team I'm on <jml> The email's 'To: ' header included all of the other admin's email addresses. <jml> That seems vaguely distasteful. <Hobbsee> this is a problem? <jml> Hobbsee: not really. It's just a little surprising. <Hobbsee> any admin can approve or decline a new member <mpt> How many admins are there? <jml> Hobbsee: well, it's more than their email addresses were visible to me <jml> mpt: six <Hobbsee> they tend to be on LP anyway. <Hobbsee> hi mpt <mpt> In theory if you're a team admin you should be able to see the e-mail address of any current/prospective member anyway <jml> Hobbsee: yeah, but I don't normally get auto-generated bulk email that includes lots of email addresses. <mpt> (e.g. to ask "why do you want to join this team?") <jml> mpt: yeah, I don't think it's a problem per se <mpt> hi Hobbsee :-) <Hobbsee> :) * Starting logfile irclogs/launchpad.log <carlos> morning <Hobbsee> morning carlos <carlos> Hobbsee: hey <SteveA> morning! <Hobbsee> morning SteveA!!! <HampusW> How long do you need to wait for your rosetta translation to get reviewed? Is there any way to get it approved faster? <carlos> HampusW: do you mean your contributed translations as suggestions? or a file upload? <HampusW> I mean an uploaded pot-file. <carlos> HampusW: we are a bit behind with that. I'm catching up this week, usually, it should not take more than a couple of days to get an approval or an email from us asking for more info. <carlos> HampusW: which project are we talking about? I can do the review right no <carlos> now <HampusW> Wubi * carlos takes a look <HampusW> Ok. Everything is hosted on launchpad, so there's no risk for duplicate translations or anything at least... <HampusW> thanks in advance! <carlos> HampusW: I guess you are one of its maintainers, aren't you? <HampusW> yep <carlos> indeed, most active user in Launchpad for that project ;-) <carlos> do you have any translation already? <carlos> if you do, please upload them too <HampusW> carlos: yep, a couple. <HampusW> Ok, we will do. They had some errors in them before though. <carlos> translation errors or syntax errors? <HampusW> I am an admin for Wubi, but it seems only the registrant can upload translation files? <HampusW> encoding errors <carlos> HampusW: your .pot file is approved, it should be imported any time in next hour <HampusW> ok, thanks alot! <HampusW> we will be able to upload new files without approval now? some po-files for example... <carlos> HampusW: initial upload and .pot updates is restricted to the registrant <carlos> HampusW: translation uploads are restricted to the teams doing translations <HampusW> ok <carlos> if you use OPEN permissions, anyone will be able to do it <HampusW> ok, thanks for all the info! <carlos> HampusW: yeah, if you upload them to the correct template I just approved, they will be automatically approved <carlos> well, if you use the right language code as file name for the .po file <HampusW> ok <carlos> about the encoding problems, if you give me more information I could try to help you solving those issues <HampusW> I have already solved it. Just converted a file that was expected to be in latin-1, but was in utf-8, to a po-file. <HampusW> I wrote some scripts to convert between po-files and nsis scripts =) <carlos> nsis scripts? <HampusW> the Wubi installer is written in NSIS (NullSoft Install Script) <HampusW> NSIS doesn't natively support gettext, but now we can use it anyway. Quite nice! <carlos> indeed :-) <HampusW> I just uploaded a po-file for swedish. It has to be approved too? <carlos> HampusW: no, it will be imported automatically <HampusW> ok, nice. <HampusW> You are a rosetta developer? or just launchpad overall? <carlos> HampusW: Rosetta developer <HampusW> ok. cool project. <HampusW> You don't need any more developers, do you? <carlos> HampusW: for Rosetta, we are right now already three developers <HampusW> ok, nice <HampusW> I'll stick with wubi then. Just ask if you need help with something though... <carlos> HampusW: sure, thank you! <HampusW> carlos: just one more question. I uploaded a swedish po-file. When I view the translation page for swedish there are 0 msgs and 0 to do... is this the way it should be? <carlos> that's due to a bug in our UI that shows the template before it's actually imported <HampusW> I chose "Published upload" when uploading... might just take more time... <HampusW> ok, so I just wait? <carlos> yeah <HampusW> ok, no problem then! <carlos> for the .pot file you will not get a notification email if it works (we have a bug to fix this, we should notify you always) <HampusW> ok <carlos> once the .po file is imported you will get an email either with a failure error or a successful one <HampusW> that's nice <HampusW> can I upload a bunch of po-files at once? without being the registrant I mean... <carlos> hmm, only if you are the owner of the template <carlos> HampusW: you can create a team and give it the ownership of that template if you don't want to use a Team as the registrant of your project <HampusW> carlos: ok, cool. <HampusW> carlos: Thank you for all the help! I think I kind of know what's going on now :) <carlos> np <mantiena> Hi all <HampusW> hi <mantiena> SteveA: labas <mantiena> pochu: hi <pochu> hi mantiena <mantiena> maybe today there are some launchpad admins, who can register new Baltix distro release ? I know only kiko and SteveA, but now both are away :( <mantiena> Hobbsee: hi, maybe you have needed rights to register new Baltix distro release - http://launchpad.net/baltix/+addrelease ? <pochu> mantiena: she doesn't. <Hobbsee> what? <Hobbsee> no, i dont <mantiena> :( <pochu> mantiena: this might help you: https://launchpad.net/~admins/+members <mantiena> pochu: thanks <SteveA> mantiena: sveikas! <mantiena> SteveA: :) <mantiena> SteveA: I can't use launchpad as bug tracking system for Baltix, because I can't register nor new release, nor new milestone for about 1 year :( <mantiena> SteveA: please, help us <SteveA> mantiena: I don't really know the implications of doing that. This is something kiko and statik need to discuss with you. <mantiena> SteveA: ok, I will talk with statik and kiko-afk <mantiena> SteveA: you will come to Lithuania this summer ? <ubotu> New bug: #117929 in soyuz "Distribution's PPA page says "PPA of Ubuntu"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117929 <mantiena> btw, how PPA works in launchpad ? When I press on PPA in launchpad.net/baltix I get an empty page :( <BjornT> mantiena: cprov is the one to talk to about PPA. he should come online in a few hours. <mantiena> ok <SteveA> mantiena: I'll be at europython * carlos -> lunch <ubotu> New bug: #117940 in malone "mono memory corruption g-thread (dup-of: 117774)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117940 <cprov> morning, guys. <Hobbsee> morning cprov <cprov> Hobbsee: hey, how are you today ? <Hobbsee> cprov: i'm fighting labview, but otherwise good ) <cprov> Hobbsee: I've never tried it on linux. <Hobbsee> this is on XP, as that's where i happen to have a cd for <statik> mantiena: hi <cprov> Hobbsee: :P <Hobbsee> it's....well, it's windows. <Hobbsee> enough said, really <Hobbsee> but there is putty, so it's livable. <Hobbsee> in small doses. <cprov> Hobbsee: let's just drop this conversation :) <Hobbsee> heh * Hobbsee goes silent again then <mantiena> statik: so, maybe you have needed rights to register new Baltix distro release - http://launchpad.net/baltix/+addrelease ? <mantiena> statik: I can't use launchpad as bug tracking system for Baltix, because I can't register nor new release, nor new milestone for about 1 year :( <statik> mantiena: I was just asking you to explain the situation in a privmsg, why did you switch to here? <mantiena> statik: sorry, it was easier to repeat my messages there ;) <mantiena> ubotu: bug #58250 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 58250 in launchpad "Unofficial distribution releases should not be allowed to use milestones" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58250 <ubotu> New bug: #117958 in malone "Passing a list in the bug search crashes the widget" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117958 <SteveA> Welcome to this week's Launchpad development meeting. For the next 45 minutes or so, we'll be coordinating about Launchpad development. <SteveA> who is here today? <barry> me <matsubara> me <kiko> em <Rinchen> me <allenap> me <mwh> me <mpt> me <salgado> me <sinzui> me <mthaddon> me <statik> me <ddaa> me <SteveA> jknowles sends apologies. he\s not well today <BjornT> me <carlos> me <bigjools> me <mrevell> me <danilos> me <SteveA> jtv? <flacoste> me <matsubara> SteveA: salgado needs to be afk for 10 min. <SteveA> thanks matsubara <SteveA> stub? <cprov> me <danilos> SteveA: he's out, holiday in Thailand or something <danilos> SteveA: probably the same with stub <kiko> thai holidays <carlos> same for Stub <jamesh> me <SteveA> ah. they should note that on the MeetingAgenda page, ideally. <bac> me <schwuk> me <SteveA> I stub <SteveA> Hi stub <stub> hi <stub> me <SteveA> == Agenda == <SteveA> * Roll call <SteveA> * Agenda <SteveA> * Next meeting <SteveA> * Actions from last meeting <SteveA> * Oops report (Matsubara) <SteveA> * Bug report ([wiki:JoeyStanford/topweeklybugs Current Top Items] ) <SteveA> * Bug tags <SteveA> * Operations report (mthaddon) <SteveA> * DBA report (stub) <SteveA> * Sysadmin requests ([wiki:JoeyStanford/toprtrequests Current Queue] ) <SteveA> ---- <SteveA> * A top user-affecting issue (mrevell) <SteveA> * How pre-implementation phone calls are going (barry) <SteveA> * (other items) <SteveA> ---- <SteveA> * Team three sentences ([wiki:ProjectTeams Team List] ) <SteveA> <SteveA> Rinchen: ? <SteveA> ah <SteveA> you said "me" <SteveA> cool <Rinchen> I can see me again :-) <SteveA> next meeting -- same time next week? <SteveA> any national holidays? <SteveA> vacations? <flacoste> the answer tracker team (me and sinzui) will be sprinting <matsubara> SteveA: next thursdays is a Brazilian national holiday <kiko> SteveA, matsubara: I am likely to be around <SteveA> ok, arrange for *someone* to do the oops report <Rinchen> I think I owe matsubara a cover or two. <SteveA> the next meeting will be this time next week * ..[topic/#launchpad:mpt] : Launchpad https://launchpad.net/ | Next developer meeting: Thu 7 June 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39 <SteveA> actions from last meeting... <SteveA> * kiko to get [https://launchpad.net/bugs/86185 bug 86185] (Librarian "500 Internal server error"s (when uploading) should generate an OOPS, and include the OOPS code in the error to the client) scheduled for some release soon, pretty please <ubotu> Launchpad bug 86185 in launchpad "Librarian "500 Internal server error"s (when uploading) should generate an OOPS, and include the OOPS code in the error to the client." [Undecided,Confirmed] <kiko> I did that <SteveA> thanks <SteveA> * stub to discuss rationale for voice calls as opposed to other mediums with SteveA and report <stub> Not done <SteveA> ok <kiko> SteveA, who's the assignee for that fix? it's 1.1.6 <SteveA> is anyone other that stub concerned about the strength of rationale for voice calls? <mpt> <rationale>Higher bandwidth</rationale>, no? <SteveA> that's part of it, but I don't want to discuss this now <kiko> SteveA, I think stub is crying because he's in thailand. :) <SteveA> I want to know whether this is an issue just between me and stub <SteveA> or whether it is a wider issue * flacoste is not convinced <SteveA> flacoste: not convinced of the value of voice calls? <ddaa> No issue, but curious to see the rationale laid out. <flacoste> SteveA: the value of using a voice call every time <stub> I find voice a terrible medium for discussing technical stuff. Similar to reading URLs over a telephone <stub> Ok for vagaries, but details better over IRC or email. <bigjools> I find a combination of voice and IRC to be quite good <SteveA> the voice call is primarily to confirm things. email or specs for the tech details <danilos> I feel about the same, nothing if not a combination of the two <flacoste> SteveA: for simple bugs, a simple irc chat could be enough <SteveA> I think it's important to have the voice call available, offered each time <SteveA> it should be skipped because it would be literally a no-op, not because it's inconvenient or any other reason <jamesh> I definitely find that some things are better over voice and some things better over IRC <SteveA> one important thing about having voice calls is to discuss the issue a little and trigger those associations <SteveA> with other parts of the system, or issues not considered yet <SteveA> which don't get voiced when you just read some spec <SteveA> so, to make it clear, I'm not saying "the discussion takes place via a voice call only@ <SteveA> " <stub> Its easier to pretend your not drunk when typing too * stub hiccups <SteveA> I'm saying "the discussion must involve a voice call" <SteveA> stub: what do they call robutussin in thailand? <stub> I don't know what they all it anywhere... <SteveA> it can cause memory loss <barry> maybe we should let the market decide? iow, the two people in the review should agree on the best medium or combination of media, with the additional burden of reporting back to the team on the success or problems with their choice. then after a couple of weeks we can get a better sense of the natural and most effective way to communicate? <SteveA> the rule is, a voice call must always be offered, explicitly <SteveA> let's see how that goes and report back <SteveA> moving along... <mpt> My current branch seemed simple enough just to discuss on IRC, so that's what I did, and now it's over 2000 lines, and a voice call might have avoided that. IMO. <SteveA> * Oops report (Matsubara) <matsubara> Thanks flacoste for fixing bug 116920 <matsubara> Today's oops report is about bugs 117452, 86361 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 116920 in launchpad-answers "Empty search on answers.launchpad.net causes oops" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116920 - Assigned to Francis J. Lacoste (flacoste) <ubotu> Launchpad bug 117452 in malone "Code that parses bugtracker urls need to handle urls with no protocol specified" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117452 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 86361 in malone "Search for duplicate and similar bugs on +filebug sometimes timeout" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86361 - Assigned to Stuart Bishop (stub) <matsubara> Anyone from the Bugs team want to take bug 117452? <matsubara> stub, news about 86361? <stub> Haven't looked at it <BjornT> matsubara: how often does the oops in bug 117452 happen? <matsubara> BjornT: not often. <matsubara> stub: could you look at it this week? <matsubara> stub: after the +translations timeout, it's the next top timeout oops <stub> Yes. I should have looked at it this week sorry, as it was brought up at last weeks meeting. <stub> There may be a magic wand in this case, which I might try... <kiko> stub, repacking etc? :) <stub> Changing our old GIST indexes to newer GIN indexes available in PG 8.2 <BjornT> matsubara: i'd say mark it as fix-it-friday and leave it unassigned until someone has time to fix it (or it starts happening more frequently) <stub> Slower inserts, much faster selects <matsubara> BjornT: will do. <kiko> BjornT, such an easy bugfix though.. <matsubara> thanks stub and BjornT. <matsubara> SteveA: I'm done here. <SteveA> thanks matsubara <BjornT> kiko: yeah, it is. i can probably get to it quite soon. <SteveA> * Bug report ([wiki:JoeyStanford/topweeklybugs Current Top Items] ) <Rinchen> Congrats to jamesh and stub for fixing bug 90384, Contrats (again) to flacoste for fixing bug 116920, Congrats to bigjools for fixing Bug 117723 <ubotu> Bug 90384 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/90384 is private <ubotu> Launchpad bug 117723 in soyuz "override generation broken for gutsy" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117723 - Assigned to Julian Edwards (julian-edwards) <Rinchen> Bug #65800, first reported on 2006-10-12 - Launchpad, Critical, unassigned. mthaddon, can you take this? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 65800 in launchpad "staging. and demo. should obviously be demos" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65800 <Rinchen> Bug #107912, first reported on 2007-04-19, (Private), mthaddon - Critical, in progress. mthaddon, Staging is working and production seems to be ok. What further actions are needed to close this? <ubotu> Bug 107912 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/107912 is private <mthaddon> sure <jamesh> Rinchen: stub takes credit for the last bit of 90384 <cprov> 117723 cherrypicked in drescher <kiko> cprov, which one is that? the fix for cjwatson? <bigjools> and cjwatson takes credit for spotting the problem in 117723 <mthaddon> Rinchen: need to rollout out cherry pick and apply apache config updates for 107912 - expected done within the next few days <cprov> kiko: yes <Rinchen> mthaddon, thanks. <kiko> thanks bigjools and cprov for that <Rinchen> I'd also like to publicly thank mthaddon for all of his efforts. I think he's doing a great job. <Rinchen> SteveA, done. <SteveA> thanks Rinchen <SteveA> we note mthaddon's efforts <SteveA> * Bug tags <SteveA> no new proposed tags <SteveA> * Operations report (mthaddon) <mthaddon> Production rollout and move to new release cycle <mthaddon> Had an outage yesterday on DB server (email thread explains) <mthaddon> Demo now using mpt's fonts branch <mthaddon> Langpack restore back to every day <kiko> thanks mpt! <mthaddon> SteveA: that's it from me <SteveA> mthaddon, jamesh: what's the story on the app server db reconnection code? <SteveA> do we need to add more logging there to see what happened? <SteveA> can we test it out on staging? <mthaddon> I think that would be a good idea (testing on staging) <SteveA> please can we get a bug filed on "db reconnection code didn't work" <jamesh> SteveA: it probably indicates a hang withing psycopg or libpq <SteveA> so we can track this issue <kiko> didn't work eh? <jamesh> I'd love to know how to reproduce ... <ddaa> demo fonts, love it <mthaddon> should it have worked for that long of an outage? (15 mins) <SteveA> bullet through the db server <flacoste> mthaddon: what about the current requested cherry pick? <mthaddon> flacoste: if you mean yours, it hasn't been approved yet <flacoste> (i requested a cherry pick for bug <flacoste> 116920 <flacoste> <flacoste> bug 116920 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 116920 in launchpad-answers "Empty search on answers.launchpad.net causes oops" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116920 - Assigned to Francis J. Lacoste (flacoste) <jamesh> mthaddon: after the meeting, can we discuss how to collect some data on the problem next time? <mthaddon> jamesh: sounds good <flacoste> kiko, do you approve that cherry-pick? <kiko> flacoste, yes <flacoste> mthaddon: there it's approved ;-) <mthaddon> flacoste: ok, I'll apply it today if you can update the page to show kiko's approval <kiko> thanks <flacoste> mthaddon: already done <mthaddon> thx <SteveA> * DBA report (stub) <stub> Apart from wanting to change our full text indexes to the newer version, nothing to reprot. <SteveA> thanks stub <SteveA> * Sysadmin requests ([wiki:JoeyStanford/toprtrequests Current Queue] ) <Rinchen> I'm tracking one open high priority, 27951 - statik's prototyping machine. We had a large number of tickets close this week and a few older ones arrive from the incoming queue. <statik> Rinchen: we've got that machine now <statik> Rinchen: dunno whether the ticket is closed or not, but it's completed from my perspective <ddaa> Thumper has an outstanding RT against securing the http service on vostok (RT 28084). We are going to need a resolution to this before 1.1.6. <Rinchen> ok, thanks. the ticket is still open. <SteveA> Rinchen: do you have access to alter the launchpad RT queue yet? <Rinchen> SteveA, no. <SteveA> Rinchen: ok, that's a top priority, so you can effectively manage these requests. <Rinchen> SteveA, that ticket is 27320 <SteveA> thanks <Rinchen> ddaa, got that. I'll add that to the list. <Rinchen> Anything else? <Rinchen> SteveA, done. <SteveA> thanks <SteveA> * A top user-affecting issue (mrevell) <mrevell> Before and during my holiday, there was an interesting discussion on launchpad-users regarding a possible Launchpad etiquette document. A strong view was expressed by three participants, in particular, that anonymity is an important way to avoid harassment from other Launchpad users. SteveA suggested a Launchpad community team to act as a contact point for people experiencing harassment. <mrevell> After some discussion about the community team, I'll draft the first version of the etiquette guide. I'd also like to try to understand how big a problem harassment via Launchpad is. <mrevell> Any feedback the team has would be most appreciated on the launchpad-users list. <mrevell> Thanks <SteveA> mrevell: I'm going to summarize on that launchpad-users thread <SteveA> mrevell: I don't want to encourage more discussion on there <mrevell> SteveA: Great, thanks. <kiko> mrevell, I don't think harassment is actually a concrete problem. <mrevell> ok <SteveA> mrevell: I think it's time to draw the thread to a close, not discuss more <kiko> I think it's a handwavy potential risk <kiko> my 2c <mrevell> I've not heard reports of actual harassment, only the fear of its potential. <SteveA> kiko: I think it's important we have a point of contact if people are harassed. That is enough for now. <mrevell> cool <ddaa> my understanding is that personal information visible in launchpad can lead to harassement outside of launchpad <SteveA> mrevell and I will draft something minimal that reflects what we need. <SteveA> we don't need to discuss this issue any more here today. <SteveA> * How pre-implementation phone calls are going (barry) <kiko> exposure to sunlight can also increase the risk of skin cancer. <kiko> etc <barry> SteveA: i haven't heard much feedback from people, either positive or negative. i don't know how many have actually been conducted <SteveA> how can we find this out, moving forward? <barry> has anybody actually /had/ pre-impl phone calls yet? <salgado> not me <flacoste> jtv had one with me <BjornT> i had with jtv, abel and schwuk (as a reviewer) <cprov> not me <ddaa> stuff I'll be working on has already been discussed at length with thumper and jml on a variety of medium including IRL... <barry> reviewers should be asking their branch submitters about this, so i think we need to report on this during the reviewers meetings <bigjools> not really started anything that required one yet <ddaa> I've seen thumper express the same situation <ddaa> that he lacked preimpl call for something that he discussed at length with other people, but not with an official "preimpl" call. * barry missed yesterday's reviewers meeting because of my sabdfl call, but i'll make sure to ask at the next us/eu reviewers meeting. could the au reviewers discuss this at their meeting? <barry> ddaa: i think that's okay. i think all of the branches i've reviewed were started before we asked for pre-impl reviews <SteveA> bigjools: sometimes I only find out something benefited from a call after I'd had the call. <BjornT> barry: i'll bring it up on the au meeting <barry> BjornT: awesome, thanks <barry> BjornT: i try to at least read the email reports you send out! :) <bigjools> SteveA: what I mean is that I've not started a new branch other than a very quick fix that needed to be done yesterday <SteveA> ddaa: if something has been discussed, and it wasn't called "a pre-implementation call", but on reflection, that was what it was about <bigjools> SteveA: otherwise I've been working on an existing branch <SteveA> ddaa: then we can still call that a "pre implementation discussion" <barry> SteveA: agreed. <cprov> bigjools: but even for those simple fixes we always discuss the basic directions on IRC/Gobby, it's just not on phone <barry> i say we defer this for now. we'll have more new branches next week <bigjools> cprov: yes indeed <cprov> I usually have such brainstorms with kiko before starting a new task <barry> ok, done <SteveA> thanks barry <SteveA> * Team three sentences ([wiki:ProjectTeams Team List] ) <matsubara> TEAM: infrastructure <matsubara> DONE: triage, oops reports, staging testing before rollout, fixed oops in product release traversal, production rollout, database config rework to allow getting rid of zopeless DA, SSO planning and code reviews, fix Librarian front page copyright dates. <matsubara> TODO: triage, oops reports, implement launchpadlibrarian domain, apache load balancer on beta, ORM integration, more SSO work <matsubara> BLOCKED: no. <mpt> TEAM: UI <mpt> DONE: bug page work (mpt), tour work (Victor) <mpt> TODO: login/registration redesign, bug page (mpt); bug 94323 (Victor) <mpt> BLOCKED: bug 117917 / bug 117921 is a small problem for Victor <barry> TEAM: mailing lists <barry> DONE: merged 2.1 upstream to sourcecode/mailman; phase 3 spec completed; review by stevea; 1 of 3 reviews by sabdfl <barry> TODO: 2 more reviews w/sabdfl; incorporate latest round of comments <barry> BLOCKED: no <ubotu> Launchpad bug 94323 in launchpad "Large headings appear under tabs or push search field under tabs" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94323 - Assigned to Victor Zambrano (victor-choosebrilliant) <ubotu> Bug 117917 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/117917 is private <flacoste> TEAM: answer-tracker <flacoste> DONE: next release cycle planning, much discussion about specs, work on filtering languages in question searches, many bugs fixed (#94094, #116920, #51433, #116790) <flacoste> TODO: answer tracker sprint <flacoste> BLOCKED: no <ubotu> Bug 117921 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/117921 is private <salgado> TEAM: FOAF <salgado> DONE: Landed fix for bug 53637, planning for 1.1.6 and lots of discussions <salgado> TODO: Finish fix for bug 70519 <salgado> BLOCKED: no <ubotu> Launchpad bug 53637 in launchpad "Adding team 'Foo' as a member of team 'Bar' should require confirmation from one of the administrators of 'Foo'" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53637 - Assigned to Guilherme Salgado (salgado) <ubotu> Launchpad bug 70519 in launchpad "Need to allow team members to renew their own membership once it gets close to the membership's expiration date" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70519 - Assigned to Guilherme Salgado (salgado) <BjornT> TEAM: bug tracker <BjornT> DONE: Trying to get the fix for bug 81014, implemented MotuBugPermissions spec, started working on bug 6572 and 58388. <ubotu> Launchpad bug 81014 in malone "Don't assume entered package is a binary package" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81014 - Assigned to Gavin Panella (allenap) <ubotu> Launchpad bug 6572 in malone "In distribution bug searches, it should be possible to filter out bugs with open upstream tasks" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6572 - Assigned to abel (adeuring) <statik> TEAM: Commercialization <ubotu> Launchpad bug 58388 in malone "Implement a tag command in the email interface" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58388 - Assigned to Dave Murphy (schwuk) <statik> DONE: vacation, reviews, salesforce integration, 1.1.6 specs, recruiting, prototyping, monitoring, customer interactions <statik> TODO: salesforce integration, reviews, 1.17 specs, <statik> BLOCKED: no. <BjornT> TODO: Bjorn and Gavin will be sprinting and start working on BugWorkflow, David and Abel will continue fixing bugs. <BjornT> BLOCKED: bug 81014 can't be landed before intermittent errors in buildd-queuebuilder.txt are resolved (pending answer from cprov) <Rinchen> mpt blocked. Bjorn blocked. <danilos> TEAM: Translations <danilos> DONE: Gutsy translation opening tested and started, bug #88873 postmerge review, 1.1.6 planning, TranslationImportQueuePriorities, #116196 in review, #116197 landed, #116200 in review, #46156 in review, #32471 in review. <danilos> TODO: finish open stuff (bugs #40550, #46156, #32471, #116200, #116196), document new distro release opening for translations, work on new suggestions filter, plan 1.1.7. <danilos> BLOCKED: No <cprov> TEAM: Soyuz <ubotu> Launchpad bug 88873 in rosetta "Add a way to hide all translations for a distro releases" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88873 - Assigned to Carlos Perell Marn (carlos) <cprov> DONE: general fixing, keep PPA-beta <cprov> TODO: 1.1.6 <cprov> BLOCKED: None <ubotu> Launchpad bug 40550 in rosetta "Further filtering options for the Queue" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40550 - Assigned to Carlos Perell Marn (carlos) <ubotu> Launchpad bug 46156 in rosetta "Broken .po file format export for Quanta" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46156 - Assigned to (danilo) <ubotu> Launchpad bug 32471 in rosetta "display differences from upstream" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32471 - Assigned to (danilo) <ubotu> Bug 116200 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/116200 is private <ddaa> DONE: launchpad smart-server in review, private branches progressing on target, code-import doc and specs, fixed a few loggerhead bugs <ddaa> TODO: retarget existing codehosting tests to test both sftp and bzr protocols (will catch gaps in smart-server implementation), more private branch tests, more code-import speccing, code-import content-type and views. <ddaa> BLOCKED: no (except for RT mentioned before) <bigjools> cprov: you forgot my upload-notifications change :) <cprov> bigjools: general-fixing, but yes, I should have done something more accurate, sorry. <cprov> BjornT: I'm answering that. The tests pass on my machine <SteveA> mpt: noted about 117921 <cprov> BjornT: I'm not sure what to do about that. <BjornT> cprov: ok <SteveA> cprov: is it a sort-order problem? <cprov> SteveA: no, that's an extra/unexpected result <SteveA> ok <cprov> SteveA: the sorting thing was in poppy tests and I think mthaddon has *sorted* it already <SteveA> that's all folks <SteveA> thanks for being here and keeping it on topic <SteveA> MEETING ENDS <carlos> thanks <stub> Infrastructure call 15 mins? <SteveA> yep <BjornT> allenap: re the test failure, do the tests fail on a fresh rocketfuel branch as well? <mantiena> cprov: BjornT told me, that I should ask you about PPA, so, I'm asking: <mantiena> cpov: how PPA works in launchpad ? When I press on PPA in launchpad.net/baltix I get an empty page :( <cprov> mantiena: just a second, I'm on meeting. <mantiena> ok <ubotu> New bug: #117977 in launchpad-answers "Who added an answer contact should be tracked" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117977 <cprov-lunch> mantiena: I will talk to you when I'm back, ok ? <mantiena> cprov-lunch: ok <ubotu> New bug: #117993 in launchpad "Database reconnection code can get stuck" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117993 <cprov> mantiena: ping <eudoxos2> Hello, I am from yade-team on launchpad, we just started using bzr. Is there a way to have e-mails sent to some special address after each commit? (I found the bzr-email project, but I was not able to see whether it is deplyed at launchpad.net or not?) <gnomefreak> if you subscribe to a branch it should ask if you want to get emails about changes and give you a couple of choices <eudoxos2> thanks, gnomefreak, will check that out. <gnomefreak> yw im going on memory so it might have changed <jcs> with blueprints, is a project expected to have its own wiki for posting specs on, or is there an area on launchpad for this? <salgado> jcs, they're expecte to have their own wikis <eudoxos2> One more question, without wanting to start some flame. Compared to SVN, launchpad's bzr seems very slow on checkout, even --lightweight. We got to 30kb/s which is not much. Is it that the server is overloaded? <ubotu> New bug: #118007 in launchpad "comment spam" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118007 <ubotu> New bug: #117914 in launchpad "Step by step howto instead of Launchpad scattered answers. " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117914 <ubotu> New bug: #108091 in hplip "Dist-upgrade from Edgy to Feisty: could not install 'hplip'" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108091 <profoX`> kiko: ping? * DrainBamage is new here <beuno> welcome DrainBamage <ubotu> New bug: #118016 in launchpad-answers "There is no search portlet on an Answer ticket" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118016 * carlos -> out <carlos> enjoy! <mantiena> cprov: pong <cprov> mantiena: wonna talk about PPA ? <mantiena> yea <mantiena> cprov: and you ? ;) <cprov> mantiena: yup <kiko> profoX`, pong. <profoX`> kiko: oh there you are.. :) do you remember me, from the mailing list? <kiko> profoX`, I'm only half-here, but sure I do <cprov> mantiena: did you get my pvt messages ? <profoX`> kiko: hey, if you're too busy, it can wait.. <kiko> profoX`, yeah, it would be better to chat tomorrow. <profoX`> kiko: okay :) <kiko> profoX`, oh, you're wesley! <kiko> hang on there. <profoX`> kiko: yea I am <kiko> profoX`, launchpad.net/~wesley is now free. take it! <profoX`> kiko: wow, thanks :) ! I got it.. <kiko> enjoy <profoX`> kiko-afk: great; now I can have a good looking email forward ^^ thanks <kiko-afk> :) <ubotu> New bug: #118033 in rosetta "@@/remove and the link to +remove are not denoted as requiring special access" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118033 <bdmurray> what is the preferred way to report spammed bugs? <Rinchen> bdmurray, comment spam or spam via bounced messages? <bdmurray> comment spam <Rinchen> I suppose there are two methods: 1) contact an admin on this channel or 2) file an aswers ticket against the Bug Tracker with the bug number in question. <Rinchen> I think the people with super powers to handle that are not around at the moment. <Rinchen> You can also post it to launchpad-users if you feel that would be better. <bdmurray> being subscribed to the ubuntu-bugs mailing list I see it a bit and wanted to know how to report it <Rinchen> basically we'd have to identify if it was intentional or not and if it was a single user or wide spread. <Rinchen> So, we'd need bug reports that have examples of the spam <Rinchen> i.e. bug numbers <bdmurray> bug 56816 is one <ubotu> Launchpad bug 56816 in ubiquity "Installer Crashed" [Undecided,Rejected] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56816 <Rinchen> bdmurray, thanks. I'll contact someone about that. <bdmurray> cool, thank you <Rinchen> bdmurray, I actually found a bug with the exact issue <Rinchen> bug 56816 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 56816 in ubiquity "Installer Crashed" [Undecided,Rejected] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56816 <Rinchen> bdmurray, 118007 seems to be the bug report on that so you can subscribe to that one #launchpad 2007-06-01 <Riddell> launchpad dudes: why can't I create new admins in kubuntu-members team (I'm an admin) <Fermat> hi! Is there a way to delete from launchpad a branch that I've just created? <thumper> Fermat: no not yet <Fermat> I've just read a bug report on launchpad and a comment suggested to contact the admins... * netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> kubrick.freenode.net <sacater> THANK YOU, for fixing the 'search all questions' bug <sacater> :D * Hobbsee wonders if there's any launchpad admins here * sacater dosnt raise his hand :P <Hobbsee> i know you're nto :P <jamesh> Hobbsee: stub might be able to help. What's the problem? <Hobbsee> jamesh: Riddell was asking earlier today - he cant seem to add more administrators to a team, if he's not the owner <Hobbsee> jamesh: a) is this deliberate, and b) can we get the owner of the team changed or something? <jamesh> Hobbsee: is he an administrator of the team? <Hobbsee> yes <jamesh> that is weird. <stub> Sounds like a regression <jamesh> I think all the team admins are meant to be able to do that <jamesh> Hobbsee: what team? <Hobbsee> that's what i would have thought <Hobbsee> jamesh: kubuntu-members <stub> salgado would know if it was deliberate, so a bug should be opened. <Hobbsee> (he's trying to make me an admin as well) <stub> If I change the owner of the team, then the Ubuntu Community Council lose rights over maintaining that team. <Hobbsee> hmm. they cant maintain it as an admin or something? it must be the owner, i guess <stub> Shouldn't the council be doing this? <jamesh> team memberships are meant to be editable by the team's administrators <stub> But this is appointing a new administrator <jamesh> if team administrators aren't allowed to do that, what are they for? <stub> If it is deliberate that only owners can appoint administrators (may well be - I forget the lengthy and tedious discussions we had on this - I'm sure it is buried in a spec somewhere), giving riddell the rights to appoint new admins might be stepping on the councils toes. <stub> team administrators can approve normal membership, deactivate members (including other admins for security reasons IIRC), etc. <stub> Ideal way of solving this from my POV is for riddell to send a GPG signed email requesting the change to one of the council members, and a bug opened on the issue so salgado can confirm it or reject it. <Hobbsee> stub: no idea, we only found out this morning. <Hobbsee> stub: so you want a mail from riddell about "please add hobbsee as an admin" <stub> Hobbsee: hang on - trying a back channel. <stub> Hobbsee: I've got a cc member to confirm it is ok so I can do it once Riddell is online <Hobbsee> stub: okay <stub> Hobbsee: Change of plans. kubuntu-council is going to become the owner of kubuntu-members, so you will actually end up an owner and able to apoint your own administrators if you like. <stub> Hobbsee: Done. You should now have all the rights you need. <stub> (as will other k-c members) <stub> Hobbsee: I'll leave it up to you and Riddell to decide if the ubuntu-council should retain their admin rights or membership :-) <Hobbsee> stub: thankyou :) <Hobbsee> stub: hehe :) <Riddell> hi stub <Riddell> thanks for changing that <Hobbsee> mornign Riddell <Riddell> would be nice if the team pages said why I couldn't set admins <stub> Riddell: File a bug if you have time <stub> np <ubotu> New bug: #118207 in launchpad "should document why admins can't create admins" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118207 <ubotu> New bug: #118211 in malone "Openoffice dies when connecting through JDBC" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118211 <ubotu> New bug: #118220 in soyuz "some archive directories have excessively open permissions" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118220 <ubotu> New bug: #118227 in soyuz "main/debian-installer missing from Release files" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118227 <phrixos> afternoono <phrixos> is there any way i can get more detail about why the squid 3 main branch is failing to be imported into launchpad from upstream cvs? <salgado> ddaa, can you help phrixos? <mwhudson> salgado: ddaa is not feeling well, i can take a look though <mwhudson> phrixos: i don't know, i'm rerunning the import and then i'll have a better answer for you <phrixos> cool, thanks very much <mwhudson> it may take quite a while... <phrixos> heh, yeah, i can imagine <mwhudson> what i'm saying is that if you try to remember to bug me about it say on monday, that reduces the chance of this being forgotten :) <phrixos> right! <phrixos> ok, i'll make a note and bug you later <phrixos> thanks :) <mwhudson> np <ubotu> New bug: #118270 in launchpad "spec search does not work" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118270 <mwhudson> phrixos: this is the problem with squid: https://help.launchpad.net/VcsImportRequests#head-9c041fe20f4e92bc3f012d6da39500ec802d89fd <phrixos> mwhudson: just got that -- thanks a lot for looking <mwhudson> phrixos: i should have looked on that page first really <mwhudson> some obscure CVS detail, no idea on the details myself <phrixos> yeah, i'm not that familiar with CVS <phrixos> guess i'll have to import the current state into a local branch by hand rather than being lazy <phrixos> oh well <mwhudson> i am very happy that i've forgotten most of the things i knew about cvs <phrixos> heh, me too <phrixos> we mainly use svn at work, although i'm currently looking at bzr for various things <ubotu> New bug: #118284 in launchpad-answers "Incorrect URL translation" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118284 <ubotu> New bug: #118289 in blueprint "location of "Needs guidance" checkbox is odd" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118289 <Toastie_> Question - Is there a standard procedure to send Launchpad-made translations upstream? <kiko-fud> Toastie_, not a really /standard/ one but there is a process many people follow. check with danilos and carlos (when the latter is around :) <Toastie_> thanks <danilos> Toastie_: most translators are in contact with upstreams directly (well, we've got a lot of upstream translators also working in Launchpad) <Toastie_> well, I've just manually submitted gnome-mount.po to gnome's bugzilla; hope it's ok <danilos> Toastie_: in general, they'd advise you to use Launchpad only as a PO editing tool, and then you can submit your PO files using upstream's regular rules <danilos> Toastie_: sure, for GNOME in particular, I suggest you file a bug against 'l10n' product and appropriate language component, so it's handled by the translation team, not by gnome-mount maintainers <Toastie_> but those POs automatically go to Ubuntu's distro, right? <danilos> Toastie_: yeah, they get automatically into Ubuntu, if you've translated Ubuntu package <bdmurray> hello? I was looking at bug 45315 and it's log looks odd to me <ubotu> Launchpad bug 45315 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12 "madwifi makes the system crash" [Medium,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45315 <bdmurray> the activity log shows it being assigned to a different product <pochu> bdmurray: it was assigned to the lrm Ubuntu package, and tepsipakki rejected the Ubuntu task <bdmurray> pochu: right but it says lrm-2.6.15-15-powerpc and it isn't listed under that product <pochu> bdmurray: Oh, I see. Looks like a bug, right? <bdmurray> pochu: yeah, unless I am missing something <bdmurray> kiko: do you have any thoughts on bug 45315 and it's classification / activity log? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 45315 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12 "madwifi makes the system crash" [Medium,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45315 <kiko> let's see <bdmurray> the activity log shows it going to one package but it is under another <kiko> bdmurray, I think the activity log doesn't capture changes in that <kiko> the activity log is pretty broken <kiko> but BjornT has scheduled time to improve it this cycle <bdmurray> okay, thanks for looking <bdmurray> Is there a way to search bugs commented on by a specific launchpad user? <bdmurray> i.e. they aren't subscribed or assigned to the bug? <kiko> bdmurray, no, there's not. <kiko> bdmurray, you can search through the mailing list archives.. <bdmurray> kiko: there are no archives now <kiko> ! <kiko> somebody's very large mbox then <pochu> bdmurray: or you can see his subscribed bugs, as long as he has subscribed to the bugs he's commented on :) <bdmurray> kiko: actually mine seems large enough <bdmurray> I ask because I found somebody who made an unhelpful comment and didn't subscribe or assign themselves to the bug. I wanted to make sure they didn't taint any other bugs. <LaserJock> kiko: quick question, how feasible would it be to add to a person's +packages page a list of uploads they've sponsored <LaserJock> kiko: essential list uploads where the person has signed the .changes but aren't in Changed-By: <kiko> bdmurray, "unhelpful", eh? <kiko> LaserJock, hmm <kiko> cprov-afk, do you store that? <LaserJock> I think who signed the package is being stored now <LaserJock> since that's sort of an important thing to know <LaserJock> in MOTU we sponsor so much it's helpful to know when it comes time for people to go for membership, MOTU or core-dev what they've sponsored <bdmurray> kiko: I was trying to be nice <kiko> bdmurray, at least somebody makes that effort. <LaserJock> some people put way to much effort into "unhelpful" comments ;-) <ec1> Hi HampusW <HampusW> hi <ec1> Hi all. <HampusW> Anyone here that knows how rosetta works? <ec1> Is anyone there here in charge of Rosetta review process ? <bdmurray> kiko: it is challenging sometimes #launchpad 2007-06-02 <kiko> ec2, yeah, talk to danilos <danilos> ec2: what's up? <ec2> danilos : hello , i am having a hard time to set up rosetta. <danilos> ec2: hi, what is bothering you? <ec2> i am one of the devs of wubi, which is an installer for ubuntu. <ec2> it is coded in nsis. <ec2> we uploaded a few days ago a first pot file. <ec2> https://translations.launchpad.net/wubi/trunk/ <danilos> ec2: yeah, I can see it in the import queue; if you've read the FAQ, it says it's best for initial import to contact Carlos or myself, or preferably, ask a question on answers.launchpad.net/rosetta/, so we can approve it for you <ec2> we have read the faq. <ec2> the problem is that we use some kind of mixer between our language files and the po files. <ec2> our languages files are in NSIS and hampus made a python script that makes po files. <ec2> We are trying to get them compliant with rosetta. <danilos> ec2: that's fine, you can just put put them in a single tarball along with a POT file for maximum comfort (for you) <danilos> ec2, the layout you should use is something like po/wubi.pot, po/de.po, po/fr.po, po/es.po, po/zh_CN.po,... <danilos> then, once we set it up for the first time, it will all be automatically imported in the future <ec2> danilos : ok, that is exactly the question that i was going to ask. <danilos> (we require the manual set-up so people don't register upstream projects, provide templates and let them rot there, with others wasting time translating it) <ec2> That makes sense... <ec2> Once it is setup, how do i update the pot ? I simply upload the new one ? <danilos> ec2: ok, so I can approve the template you uploaded for you, but it will take some time for it to be imported <ec2> No problem. <danilos> ec2: exactly, just upload a new one, or include it in the tarball with the PO files <ec2> Hampus was working on it, but he just went to bed, i only have the pot you see uploaded on the queue. <danilos> ec2: no worries, you can upload the tarball whenever you please, and it will work automatically from now on, since I've just approved it <danilos> ec2: though, make sure you always use the same path in the tarball, if you want it to be automatically recognised <ec2> danilos : a tarball with no folder inside and no relative path stored (only the wubi.pot and the fr.po, en.po, sv.po ...) will do the job ? <ec2> Anyway thanks a lot for your precious help danilos. <danilos> ec2: yes, but you can add another level as well... when you change the layout we need to go through the manual process again, so do ping us (or file a question at answers.launchpad.net :) <ec2> Understood. <danilos> ec2: no worries, hope I helped <ec2> I am glad there is always competent people who are ready to give a hand. <ec2> Thanks again. <ec1> danilos : Hello, can you give me a hand with launchpad ? <ec1> danilos : we talked yesterday about rosetta for wubi. <ec1> danilos : i fixed the pot and po files on wubi side. <ec1> danilos : Can you approve the wubi pot file on the bottom of this page : <ec1> danilos : https://translations.launchpad.net/translations/imports/+index?target=products&status=all&type=pot&start=75&batch=75 <ec1> danilos : we also have some pending po on this queue : <ec1> https://translations.launchpad.net/translations/imports/+index?target=products&status=all&type=po&start=375&batch=75 <ec1> Is there someone around that can help with Rosetta ? <kiko> ec1, I think danilos finally went to sleep. what's up? <ec1> kiko : ok, no problem. <Hobbsee> oh no, it's kiko! <kiko> ec1, I saw that you updated your translations <kiko> right now the queue is totally sandbagged <kiko> but we're waiting for it to come around <kiko> hey Hobbsee <kiko> nice to see you around <Hobbsee> heya :) <kiko> but it's saturday night girl <kiko> how come you're not watching david lynch's new movie?? <Hobbsee> kiko: because i had to work. <Hobbsee> and have to work tomorrow. <kiko> aieee <Hobbsee> and nto shoot people <kiko> the sky is falling and I want my mommy kind of work? <kiko> I have some of that this weekend <ec1> kiko : We allready have one pot hosted on rosetta. <Hobbsee> kiko: not really. just the "i have to be there, and do something from time to time, and make sure the place doesnt burn down" type work <ec1> kiko : it is a broken one : https://translations.launchpad.net/wubi/trunk/+pots/wubi <kiko> Hobbsee, do you do sysadmin work? <Hobbsee> kiko: nope. i'm entirely boring in what i do * Hobbsee is a supermarket casheir at the moment <ec1> kiko : we would like to update it. <kiko> Hobbsee, omg! <kiko> and they let you use the internet? <Hobbsee> kiko: it's a job i had thru school, and my uni takes up a fair bit of the 9-5 hours. so...it's hard to find work in other fields, which *doesnt* require 9-5 work <Hobbsee> nope <Hobbsee> i'm out on the floor <Hobbsee> which means i just talk to the staff, and boss others around :P <kiko> and how do you do IRC? <Hobbsee> i'm at home <Hobbsee> i dont irc from work, unfortunately <Hobbsee> only from uni and such <Hobbsee> kiko: unfortunately, the stupidity level of customers has risen in the last year or so. <kiko> I think you need to write to your senator <kiko> requesting IRC at the market <Hobbsee> haha <kiko> and if possible more intelligent customers <Hobbsee> kiko: my ex-boss gave me large warnings about impending doom, and refused to tell me hwo to troubleshoot a problem until i'd badgered her for ages. the solution was to plug the speaker plug back in, to the back of the computer <kiko> you can use speakers in the market? <Hobbsee> it's a supermarket, ie a shop. not a market. <kiko> oh. and you can use speakers in the supermarket? <kiko> I've never seen that before <Hobbsee> it's speakers for the registers <kiko> we do have them here in brazil you know <Hobbsee> means it actually plays the beeps, etc. <kiko> speakers. and supermarkets too. <Hobbsee> hehe <kiko> what beeps? <kiko> it's not just jungle and monkeys as you might think!!! <Hobbsee> visual verify beeps and such. *shrug* <Hobbsee> kiko: we're running windows NT at work. it's horrifying. no wonder it keeps crashing. <kiko> Hobbsee, did you know that the company I work for produces a point-of-sales application? <Hobbsee> kiko: is this canonical, or another company? <kiko> async.com.br * Hobbsee looks <Hobbsee> interesting <kiko> the product is at stoq.com.br <kiko> but the site is pt_BR only for now <kiko> it is pure python! <Hobbsee> heh <Hobbsee> launchpad cant merge people and teams, can it? <pochu> Hobbsee: people, yes. Teams, bug 29177 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 29177 in launchpad "Allow merging of teams (and specifically merge ubuntu-doc and ubuntu-doc-lists)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29177 <pochu> So no :) <Hobbsee> right <ec1> Is there someone around who can approves Rosetta templates ? <gianmt> hi guys, is codebrowse down? <eudoxos_> Hello... hope this is the right place to ask for problems with bzr hosted at launchpad? When I do "bzr brznch" over sftp, I get to about 12kb/s download speed, which means that the whole checkout of /~yade-team/yade/trunk takes an hour or so. Is there a problem on my side? Suggestions for improvements? (ssh+bzr doesn't connect at all...) <eudoxos_> someone, please... this channel is supposed to have launchpad admins here. None of them knows what is going on with bzr at launchpad, why it is _so_ slow for getting branch? (6.5kb/s now) <mwh> eudoxos_: the disadvantage of professional support is that it mainly happens during the week :) <mwh> the machine doesn't seem overly loaded <eudoxos_> mwh: thank you for some response... <kiko> eudoxos_, it's possibly a known problem. fetching the first branch can be slow from some locations <eudoxos_> kiko: is there a fix for that? I migrated the project from svn to bzr and now my fellows want to make me migrate back because of that. <kiko> eudoxos_, I'd need to check on monday to be able to answer you for sure <kiko> eudoxos_, there may be something trivially wrong <eudoxos_> kiko: good to hear that. I got the same result from at least 2 locations that one has university connection, the other is 2Mbit ADSL. bzr is 0.15 or .16. <eudoxos_> kiko: I will get back with that monday, ok? Thank you a bunch. <kiko> sure thing <mwh> it's a one time pain, and i think you can do things like upload a tarball of a checked out branch locally <eudoxos_> mwh: you're right, but it makes not people very confident... waiting 1h for a checkout that you'd have in 1 minute with svn? bzr should be able to do that right without workarounds. kiko "promised" help next week, so we will see. <mwh> it's a known problem, and being worked on <kiko> well, I promise to figure out if there's something you can do to avoid that delay :) <mwh> but you're getting a _lot_ more information that you would with svn <mwh> have you tried 'bzr co --lightweight' ? <ubotu> New bug: #57063 in soyuz "Accept/Reject buttons shown even if user has no permissions" [Undecided,Rejected] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57063 <eudoxos_> mwh: yes, that works better (a few minutes), but you need to connect even for bzr diff (doesn't work offline and is slower) <eudoxos_> mwh, kiko: thx, cu :-) <LaserJock> afternoon kiko <kiko> hey jordan <kiko> aaaalmost outta here <LaserJock> I'm checking on the "let motu-sru team approve uploads to -proposed" bug <LaserJock> I think I might be able to reject it <LaserJock> kiko: we've essentially rewritten our StableReleaseUpdates policy <LaserJock> to slim it down, and make if more efficient <kiko> really? that's interesting <LaserJock> as a result the motu-sru team is no more and the archive admins just need to do a quick check <LaserJock> so we relieved our bottleneck <LaserJock> I still think as a long term goal letting MOTU do some archive admin'ing will be important <LaserJock> but we don't need the immediate case that the bug is for <LaserJock> kiko: you can read the new process at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/SRU <LaserJock> kiko: it uses LP a bit more, specifically tags <kiko> okay cool <kiko> the queue UI improvements are useful anyway <LaserJock> yes <LaserJock> so it's good work to do <LaserJock> but the actual use case in that bug no longer exists <kiko> okay, reply and I'll fix it up <LaserJock> so are you leaving? <LaserJock> or do you have a little bit of time? <kiko> I need to run off <kiko> but email me! <LaserJock> ok, will do <Webspot> Could someone help me import my subversion into my bazaar on launchpad? I got a test failed. <mwh> Webspot: what project? <Webspot> papermark <mwh> oh, that's because your svn repo isn't set up according to the conventions <mwh> https://help.launchpad.net/VcsImportRequests#head-9ddfc32f3880d992b2faac4abb5b07ca93dce348 <Webspot> ok. I'll have a look. Thanks <mwh> it's a bug in the import code, really <mwh> but we have to be careful, importing all of, say, codespeak.net/svn would be a bad idea :) <Webspot> lol. yeah. do you happen to know how I'd move everything in the root of my svn to a folder called trunk? <Webspot> never mind found the move command :P <gianmt> hey guys still down codebrowse? <mwh> oh ffs <mwh> gianmt: restarted <gianmt> uh, it's up now <gianmt> mwh, you are my hero #launchpad 2007-06-03 <dergringo> Hello <dergringo> How do I change the privacy settings in Launchpad? <dergringo> I don't want my private data to be indexed by search engines and I want to make them inaccessible for guests <mpt> Gooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders! <Hobbsee> afternoon mpt~ <alefteris> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors is this list being used from the ubuntu apt sources applet? Also where is the cd mirror being used? <ubotu> New bug: #118473 in launchpad "False offline message for non-existent subdomains" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118473 <mpt> duuuuplicate <lionel> Is there a way in LP to get a group notification (with the contact mail address) for a group who authored a bzr branch? (for getting commits mail) <ubotu> New bug: #118487 in rosetta "french gnome clock " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118487 <mwh> lionel: i have the vague idea that's a WIP <lionel> Ok thanks! <mwh> though i can't find the details now <mwh> you might try asking during the week <mwh> lionel: aha, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/55096 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 55096 in launchpad-bazaar "Teams can't subscribe to branches" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Tim Penhey (thumper) <lionel> Ah nice, subscribing the bug:) <mwh> targeted to 1.1.6, so it should be possible in ~3 weeks time <lionel> Thanks a lot for this details <afflux> anyone able to tell me how to close multiple LP bugs via changelog entries? <afflux> Fixes LP: #123, #456, #789? <pochu> afflux: that works, dunno if "LP: #1, #2, #3..." works. <afflux> k, thx. <PWill> Hi, I no longer receive launchpad emails, but I am still on lots of teams that get lots of bugs daily <PWill> I haven't received email in about 2 weeks <PWill> !ops <ubotu> Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok <Riddell> PWill ? <PWill> Riddell: see above before I called for ops <mneptok> PWill: problems? <PWill> yes <PWill> I no longer receive email from launchpad <mneptok> is that why you called the ops? <PWill> yes <mneptok> that is not a reason to call IRC ops. <poningru> ... <mneptok> ops are responsible for mainting order in the IRC channels. they have no admin access to Launchpad. <PWill> Well some of them do <PWill> https://launchpad.net/feedback <PWill> here it says to join the channel and ask <mneptok> PWill: do not use !ops for LP issues. <PWill> Well I know that for the future <mneptok> it does not say "join the channel and summon IRC ops by addressing a bot" <mneptok> so, thanks for understanding. i'm sure if you are patient someone with LP admin access can help you. <PWill> But that isn't the issue at hand. I am op on a few channels, and I would have no problem with someone calling ops for that, but still, we are not discussing my issue. <PWill> Ok, thanks. <Riddell> mailing lists have admin addresses, use that <foo>-owner@ <Riddell> oh, it's not a mailing list you're talking about <PWill> Riddell: well, I no longer receive mail from the Ubuntu mailing lists either <PWill> I set up a postfix server 2 weeks ago, but I can still receive mail from everyone else, including other mailman lists <PWill> So the Ubuntu mailman configuration is screwed u <PWill> p <poningru> what? * poningru refrains from giving away teh sysadmin channel <ubotu> New bug: #118524 in launchpad "Email not coming to me..." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118524 <PWill> Hey, that's me ^ <PWill> poningru: What? <ubotu> New bug: #118527 in rosetta "author of translations is changer while updating to new releases" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118527 <geser> can somebody tell me why I get "Project: deluge (upstream)" when I try to add an upstream task/bugwatch for a network-manager bug? <gnomefreak> ok your !ops facktoid should be fixed to call everyone on access list for this channel. instead of having a general facktoid <gnomefreak> factoid even <sodoku> i need helpt with translating <sodoku> shell i translate things marked untranslated when the last suggestion is right? <beuno> sodoku: probably not <beuno> you just have to wait for a translator to review it <sodoku> so, then its still marked untranslated <beuno> better focus your efforts on untranslated/unsuggested items <sodoku> ok <beuno> sodoku: yes, it's marked untranslated until an approved translator reviews and approves them <sodoku> but thats the problem <sodoku> i dont know which packages are really untranslated or which havent been reviewed <beuno> sodoku: you should browse through the packages that have untranslated strings <beuno> and when you see there is no suggestion, or the suggestion is wrong, add your own suggestion <sodoku> but as i told you, they are marked untranslated allthough the last suggestion is right <sodoku> as in here <sodoku> https://translations.launchpad.net/gnomebaker/main/+pots/gnomebaker/de/+translate?batch=10&show=untranslated <arj_> hi, is there anything wrong with launchpad atm.? <arj_> I'm getting permission denied while trying to push a change to my bazaar repo <beuno> sodoku: yes, I see, you should look for a different package here: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+lang/de <beuno> arj_: I'm not sure, but it's a bit slow for me here now <arj_> permission denied (publickey) it says and then fails to create the ssh connection <beuno> arj_: seems like a problem with your key rathen the LP <arj_> well it worked fine some days ago and I havn't changed anything <arj_> same machine <beuno> arj_: I'm not a LP admin, so I really can't give you any useful information, try again in a few hours, and if it persists, email the launchpad-users mailing list <radix> It's working for me. <radix> arj_: Has it ever worked for you before, or is this the first time you're trying to use the ssh / sftp access? <arj_> it has worked before. I've used it many times <radix> arj_: ok, are you sure your private key is accessible? can you ssh to other hosts with it right now? <exarkun> 'ssh -vvv' will spew a bunch of stuff that is sometimes useful to debug this kind of problem <exarkun> unfortunately you also need 'sshd -vvv' to get the full story <arj_> ach <arj_> it was because it couldn't connect to my ssh-agent <arj_> sorry about that guys <arj_> it's working now :)) <beuno> arj_: np, I'm glad it's not Launchpad :D <Kmos> why LP doesn't have the package: nvidia-glx ? <Kmos> to fill a bug against it <Kmos> nvidia-kernel-common Source of: nvidia-kernel-common <Kmos> nvidia-settings Source of: nvidia-settings <Kmos> nvidia-xconfig Source of: nvidia-xconfig <Kmos> only this ones <pochu> Kmos: emilio@kiko:~$ apt-cache show nvidia-glx | grep Source <pochu> Source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 ( <pochu> Kmos: launchpad uses the source package for bugs, so go to that one ^ <theforkofjustice> hello? <crimsun> pochu: try `apt-cache madison nvidia-glx` <crimsun> (your mirror hasn't synced yet, or your apt cache isn't current) <crimsun> <pochu> crimsun: I havent upgraded since this morning, so it might be it :) <Kmos> pochu: thanks <Kmos> pochu: i've changed to the correct one.. someone filled bug agains linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 and it .20 <Kmos> *it's <Kmos> fixed #launchpad 2008-05-26 <jamesh> is the branch scanner stuck? <jamesh> or just busy <mwh> jamesh: stuck :/ <emgent> SteveA, kiko_ : I think that there is a problem with auto mail alias (ubuntu.com) activation. I'm in ubuntumembers launchpad team and alias is not active. Sebner was wait 14 day and dont work too. Some idea? <emgent> stub: and you? :) <Hobbsee> sabdfl: er, how does one access a backport ppa. Last i knew, that didn't exist. <sabdfl> every ppa is a backport ppa ;-) <sabdfl> emgent: that's something elmo handles <Hobbsee> sabdfl: okay, so "The Official Backports" as a ppa... <emgent> oh ok thanks sabdfl <sabdfl> Hobbsee: why not? <Hobbsee> sabdfl: no, this is not a question of why. this is a question of 'where is it, and how is it accessed from ppa'? <sabdfl> Hobbsee: i don't know how they set it up. it was done before they had ppa's so it's probably not configured as a ppa <Hobbsee> sabdfl: i'ts a component of the regular archive. <Hobbsee> sabdfl: so i'm somewhat confused as to your response about how to build against -backports <Hobbsee> (is there a way that most people don't know about? As far as i know, the answer to building against backports is that it's not possible, without rebuilding all the packages that you want from -backports in your ppa) <sabdfl> offs <sabdfl> there is a standard way to specify dependencies <sabdfl> you should ask the soyuz team to make it possible to specify backports <sabdfl> nicely * Hobbsee did not intend to piss you off - only to ask for a clarification on your answer <Hobbsee> sabdfl: i asked about the case now, to check that the generally given answer was correct, seeing as your answer had been contrary to it. i did not make suggestions about how it should be fixed in future. I'm unsure why you should be annoyed with me as a result. <Hobbsee> morning cprov <cprov> Hobbsee: good morning. <stub> emgent: I think you need to email rt@admin.canonical.com still to get that looked at. <sabdfl> cprov: Hobbsee had a question i could not answer, about specifying backports as a dependency for a PPA <sabdfl> stub: did you see that db patch? <cprov> sabdfl: I see <cprov> Hobbsee: how do you see it working ? <cprov> Hobbsee: please correct me if I'm wrong, but ubuntu itself never build packages using -backports, unless they are in -backports, right ? <Hobbsee> cprov: correct. <cprov> Hobbsee: so, if we allow you to say, this PPA should use -backports to build packages it surely compromise the ordinary packages you normally build <Hobbsee> cprov: i presume that for ppa, you'd want to allow an option for people to build against !release pockets - which you should be doing anyway. <Hobbsee> cprov: w.r.t packages that get put in -updates <cprov> Hobbsee: it already use -updates + -security (as you can see in the build logs) <Hobbsee> oh, so it does. <Hobbsee> cprov: add an option that says "build against backports" or something, and add that line into the sbuild repositories, update, and build the package? <cprov> Hobbsee: yes, the infrastructure would support it fine, but PPA-wide <Hobbsee> cprov: you can't specify per ppa? <Hobbsee> cprov: have a backports-enabled tarball, and a non-backports-enabled tarball, perhaps. <cprov> Hobbsee: are you sure people would like to build every package using backported build-deps ? <Hobbsee> this is a good question. <cprov> Hobbsee: yes, I am afraid it's a per-package, not a per-PPA decision. <Hobbsee> i'd think for the most part, yes they would. if they specifically didn't, then they could just not enable backports in their ppa, and rebuild packages that are in backports that they wanted to use <cprov> Hobbsee: yes, as they can do for other archive-dependencies, currently. <Hobbsee> yes, of course. <Hobbsee> hmm <cprov> Hobbsee: that's my plan for the future, make PRIMARY archive dependencies explicit * Hobbsee desoyuzifies <Hobbsee> er, what? <Hobbsee> you want to make the standard ubuntu archive dependancies explicit....how is that different from what you do now? <cprov> Hobbsee: so a PPA-owner would be able to specify something else then 'user PRIMARY release + updates + security' <cprov> Hobbsee: well, now there is not choice, PPA packages always depend on those pockets (and only those) <cprov> s/is not/is no/ <Hobbsee> right, yes, i see. <Hobbsee> which then presumably generalises to building for debian... <cprov> Hobbsee: wow, hold on ;) that's a looooong path. <Hobbsee> well, yes, i know. <cprov> Hobbsee: but yes, debian PPAs are in our plans. Have you followed the conversations in UDS ? <Hobbsee> but as in, the infrastructure will therefore be there that you can build for any debian or debian-based distro <Hobbsee> cprov: no, how could i have? <cprov> Hobbsee: irc, I presume * Hobbsee was not aware of any icecasts. <Hobbsee> oh, i didn't see a launchpad specific one. <cprov> anyway, there will be news in this area soon. <Hobbsee> nice <Hobbsee> so, in the case of the future plan, that's also per-ppa, not per-package? <Hobbsee> oh. <Hobbsee> duh. <Hobbsee> cprov: why not change the upload target field, depending on whether they want to allow backports or not, per package? <cprov> Hobbsee: so, summing up, do you think there will be valid use-cases for using generalised PRIMARY archive dependencies, right ? <Hobbsee> that already ahppens for different ubuntu releasese. <cprov> Hobbsee: well, that's pretty much like 'enabling pockets in PPAs' * Hobbsee desoyuzifies again. <Hobbsee> well, yeah. <Hobbsee> er, yes, i think there would be valid use cases for it <cprov> Hobbsee: nice, probably there is use cases for both. Let's see what we can do post-2.0. Can you file a bug, please ? <soren> Hobbsee: There were icecasts from every room at UDS. <jamesh> the use cases for depending on backports seem to be the same use cases for depending on other PPAs <jamesh> (unless I'm missing something) <soren> Hobbsee: Actually, both icecast and VoIP. <Hobbsee> soren: i wasn't aware that included launchpad rooms. do you know where the launchpad ones were publicised? i didn't see them on scott's uds schedule <Hobbsee> jamesh: yeah, i think so <soren> Hobbsee: Oh.. I'm not sure about those. <soren> Hobbsee: I thought you weren't aware of the general availability of icecast/voip streams. <jamesh> most of the LP hacking at the sprint was in the lounge area <jamesh> rather than explicit sessions <Hobbsee> soren: nah :) <Hobbsee> soren: i was on some of the icecasts, and the voip wasn't behaving for me. besides, i hate talking on those things anyway, due to the high pitched voice (in comparison) <jamesh> (some of us were involved in relevant UDS sessions though) <soren> Hobbsee: Yeah. Phones suck. <jamesh> Hobbsee: clearly we need vocoder support integrated into Ubuntu's VoIP software <Hobbsee> jamesh: :D <jaromil> to compile for multiple series on the PPA, can i specify a comma separated list of ubuntu releases in the debian/changelog? <jamesh> jaromil: nope. <jamesh> you'll need to submit multiple builds <jamesh> (preferably with version numbers that'll trigger an upgrade when upgrading OS versions) <jaromil> jamesh: is it recommendable that i use the same version number or different version numbers for different series? <jaromil> or something like 0.10-hardy 0.10-feisty and so on <jamesh> jaromil: for the releases in my PPA, I've used the Ubuntu version number as part of the release <jamesh> see https://edge.launchpad.net/~jamesh/+archive <jamesh> I used the numeric version number rather than code name <jaromil> i see. the ~ is sexy :) <jaromil> thanks for the suggestion <jamesh> while they have been lexically sorted since breezy, it probably won't always be <jamesh> (what happens after Z?) <jaromil> so then the debian/changelog will have multiple entries for multiple series, where i must update the latest between every build <jaromil> or can i change the entry directly somewhere outside the debian/build of source package? <jaromil> i guess it will be a slow process to compile the same package on more series... but ok then, seems worth :) <jamesh> jaromil: I'm not sure of what the best practice is. I just changed the version number + release codename in the changelog and generated a second upload <jaromil> jamesh: i just found out that the best way to have the same source packaged for different series seems to be copying packages in your PPA <cprov> jaromil: you mean, same sources and binaries, right ? because you can't rebuild sources within the same archive. <jamesh> jaromil: as mentioned above, that is problematic when doing distro upgrades <jamesh> jaromil: e.g. your package might depend on different shared library versions when built against gutsy and hardy <jamesh> jaromil: if you publish binaries with the same version number for each release and the user upgrades from gutsy to hardy, then the user won't be prompted to upgrade your package <jaromil> cprov: ack. i wanted to rebuild already uploaded sources in my PPA for multiple series <jamesh> since they already have the latest version <jaromil> i see <jaromil> yea, i just noticed for instance gutsy hasn't libfftw3 while hardy has <jaromil> can i handle such dependencies making them "recommended" other than required - so that the build doesn't stops? i contemplate the case fftw3 is not present in the configure script, should be no problem <cprov> jaromil: you only need to rebuild a source in another suite when it depends on new features, in this case the solution is indeed to upload a new source and ideally with a higher version, so upgrades will work as expected. <jaromil> ok. so i'll keep on doing that <cprov> jaromil: when you depend on constant features across different suites it's okay to copy source & binaries built in the oldest suite. <jamesh> when in doubt, it is probably better to do separate packages <cprov> jamesh: agreed. * jaromil getting a clearer picture <jaromil> any comment about "recommending" dependencies? something i'm missing in the control file? <jaromil> debian policy manual lists only build-depend(-indep) * jaromil feels like an olive in a plate of 'spaghetti a la debian' <lightyear> good morning <lightyear> is there an easy way to reassign all the bugs of a certain person to another person? <aantn> Hello <aantn> I've noticed that launchpad hasn't been sending out commit emails and updating the code pages with the latest revisions <aantn> I assume that the issue is already known, but I wanted to make sure <jprieur> hey guys <jprieur> when do you think lp's behavior will be back to normal? <beuno> jprieur, what specifically? <jprieur> beuno, all the web visualization stuff for branches are out of sync. <jprieur> code browsing is OK but the listing of branches and the online log per branches is out of sync. <beuno> jprieur, ah, right. Well, I don't know any specifics, just that it's stuck in a "very big branch", and it should unblock soon <beuno> jml, any ideas con specific? <jprieur> beuno, it's like that since yesterday <jprieur> more than a day, I'd say <beuno> jprieur, my last branch was scanned ~13 hours ago <beuno> and LP admins already know about it, so it shouldn't be long <jprieur> https://code.launchpad.net/~people-project/people-project/people-trunk shows revision 266 and the branch is actually at revision 285 <jprieur> well, ok, thanks for the answer :) <beuno> sorry I couldn't do better :) <beuno> I'd expect it to be fixed in the following hours, but it's just a hunch <KleinerPinguin> hi <afflux> morning <afflux> LP currently sorts the releases of my project in a wrong order: Releases: 0.7.2,, 0.7.1, 0.6, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 <afflux> esp. note that is not the latest <afflux> should I open a bugreport for that? <beuno> afflux, there should be a bug open for that already <afflux> beuno: can you point me to it? <beuno> afflux, #73094 <afflux> thanks <beuno> np <KleinerPinguin> Hi.Im a newcomer to launchpad and tried to get started by contributing to the translation of miro-guide. Im looking for a hint for a work flow. To me it seems the only way translation is done in launchpad is the Web. Am I right ? <kiko> KleinerPinguin, well, you can also translate offline and upload the translation files. <KleinerPinguin> kiko, yes. i thought there would be a better way <philn> i closed a lp bug using bzr commit, but when i pushed my branch, the state of the bug wasn't changed... is that normal? <kiko> philn, hmmm, not really -- abentley do you know how the branch scanner checks metadata there? <philn> no clue, but i know it worked at least once <KleinerPinguin> kiko, i thought it would be possible to just open a branch from miroguide and would be ready to go. but no luck there <kiko> KleinerPinguin, yeah, not yet! we'll be working on this after july :) <abentley> kiko: The branch scanner is currently tied up dealing with these large branches. <abentley> So whatever it normally does won't be happening. <beuno> and, afaik, you can only close bugs with changelogs, not commits <philn> beuno: bzr --fixes lp:1234 <philn> +ci <philn> where is the syntax to close bugs from changelog explained? <beuno> hrm, I wonder what that does... <beuno> philn, I don't know, but it's only for uploading packaged to main or universe <beuno> s/packaged/packages <KleinerPinguin> kiko, after all its just one file with 120 strings....maybe im im just procastinating :- ) <philn> i see... well i want an automatized way to track bugfixes and eventually revisions... and it seems to be lacking in LP <kiko> philn, as far as I know we do handle commits -- but as abentley said the branch scanner seems tied up <philn> for a given bug i want to know when and by whom it was fixed, e.g: a link between the bug and the commit <philn> ok... <abentley> philn: The changelog bug handling is only done for package uploads, not for branches. <philn> is it planned to fix that? it's quite annoying IMO :( <kiko> abentley, hang on -- we do support --fixes, though, right? <kiko> abentley, I mean, we don't scan changelogs, but we do scan metadata <abentley> kiko: That's my understanding. <kiko> so what philn is doing should worn <kiko> work too :) <abentley> will work, too, once his branch is scanned. <philn> well i remember it worked at least once for me <kiko> philn, as abentley and I said before, it will work -- it's just that the scanner process is a bit busy right now. <KleinerPinguin> kiko, sorry to bug you again. Do you have a pointer where to track that spefic feature. I assume its somewhere in blueprints but i cant think of a search query right now <philn> ok so it's just a question of time <philn> good then <kiko> (and will need to be optimized, it appears! guess we don't have enough big branches to try it yet :) <kiko> KleinerPinguin, best person to ask is jt1, who runs the translations project <abentley> philn: No, we don't have a plan to support scanning changelogs for branches. It's a wishlist bug at the moment. <kiko> abentley, did philn mention changelogs anywhere? <kiko> ah <kiko> close bugs from changelogs <kiko> philn, that feature is for package upload changelogs :) <philn> i understood that <philn> but i used to like that feature in Trac <kiko> philn, why not use --fixes, which is much more explicit? <abentley> trac uses the commit messages. I wasn't aware it also used changelogs. <philn> i find --fixes easy to forget.. i guess i need to get used to it <philn> abentley: oops, yes you're right <philn> so i do bzr uncommit and commit again when i forget --fixes... anyway, nevermind <cperrin88> Hi, I'm trying to put my software into my PPA. Is there a delay in this process or did I do something wrong? <kiko> cperrin88, if you did something wrong in packaging, you'll get emailed, as long as you signed the package right <kiko> cperrin88, there is a delay in building, but upload processing is pretty quick <cperrin88> Thakns <cperrin88> about 10 seconds before your answeer i got an e-mail :D <Hobbsee> does this include intrepid now? <cperrin88> who did you ask? <Hobbsee> kiko <emgent> uhm <kiko> Hobbsee, not sure if the chroots are set up -- right people to ask would be infinity or elmo <emgent> why launchpad PPA dont show building status? <cprov> emgent: it does. Which page are you viewing ? <emgent> pmb <cperrin88> doesn't the server delete file when the build didn't work? <cperrin88> *the files <emgent> no <cperrin88> can I delete them? <emgent> sure <cperrin88> how? <emgent> cperrin88: https://edge.launchpad.net/~user/+archive/+delete-packages <kiko> there's a delete packages link on your PPA page <cperrin88> This PPA does not contain any source packages published. <cprov> cperrin88: you have never uploaded any sources to https://edge.launchpad.net/~cperrin88/+archive, that's why. Or do you mean another PPA ? <cperrin88> i did uplaod sources but they were rejected <kiko> cperrin88, so there was no build either <cperrin88> right <cperrin88> but dput tells me that the file is already there <kiko> cperrin88, if you do succeed in uploading and the build fails, you'll be able to delete packages (sometimes -- read the help text :) <kiko> cperrin88, that's not possible -- we don't reuse ftp directories <Hobbsee> cperrin88: use dput -f <cperrin88> ah <cperrin88> okay <Hobbsee> kiko: it's whinging about the fact that it's already been uploaded somewhere, from that system. <Hobbsee> kiko: it's a local error. <kiko> interesting -- yeah, dput has no way of knowing if it failed! <Hobbsee> cperrin88: or remove the .upload file <cperrin88> okay :) <cperrin88> thanks <cperrin88> in which file do I have to set the distribution before using debuild .... just in th changelog file? <Hobbsee> yes <emgent> cprov: news about building status? <cprov> emgent: no, you haven't pointed me to the page that makes you think that there is no build-status, have you ? ;) <Hobbsee> emgent: if you're looking for a global build queue for ppa, there isn't one. <cperrin88> where can i find the right values for section in the control file <KaZeR> hello there <cperrin88> hi <KaZeR> what should i do to request the import of our project's svn? <KaZeR> simply ask the question in the question tracker? <cperrin88> the i386 builder seems to be quite busy ^^ 3 hours ... that's some time ^^ <bobbo> cperrin88: heh, Ubuntu has almost 1200 builds queued for all builders :/ <cperrin88> yeah <cperrin88> amd64 and lpia are on idle .... the problem is .. I don't have such a platform :D <geser> looks like the autosync was turned on <geser> looks like someone is building languagepacks, they need some time, so be patient <cperrin88> I have time <cperrin88> a lot of intrepid builds <cperrin88> what is the build score? <bobbo> is anyone else having problems with Launchpad not updating for new bzr revisions? <kiko> bobbo, yeah, the branch scanner is tied up apparently - some massive branches are in <bobbo> kiko: heh, thanks :) <Hobbsee> cperrin88: what's the location of your ppa, and which package? <cperrin88> http://ppa.launchpad.net/cperrin88/ubuntu/ , package bcv4 - 0.5.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1 <cperrin88> I thought the service would build for all architectures ... but atm it's just qeued for i368 and is already built for amd64 and lpia ... <geser> PPA build only for i386, amd64 and lpia as only those arch are supported by Xen <kiko-fud> right -- it's a security issue, mainly, cperrin88 <cperrin88> ahh .. okay :) <cperrin88> I need i368 so ... i have to wait ^^ <cperrin88> But there are builders for the other architectures but they are not virtualized? <geser> yes, but only for the "official" uploads to the Ubuntu archive <cperrin88> are there plans to virtualize them somhow, too? <geser> the i386 buildd is also responsible for building arch:all packages, so it has more to do then the other buildds <cperrin88> I can wait :) <cperrin88> I have to wait ^^ <cperrin88> the open suse build service was definately faster .... <jaromil> open suse build service? <cperrin88> Yeah <cperrin88> It can build even Ubunut packages <cperrin88> *Ubuntu <jaromil> wow. thanks for the tip. never knew about that. <jaromil> even doe, launchpad works OK. <cperrin88> Yeah <jaromil> i just finished automating all my scripts to upload new versions and such <jaromil> but well. i need more :) <cperrin88> Well <jaromil> sorry, gotta go, bbl() <cperrin88> bye <cperrin88> is buidl score my current place in the qeue? <nosrednaekim> the PPA's are very very slow... <nosrednaekim> downloading from them that is <kiko> cperrin88, no, it's a score calculated on attributes of your package itself. it's used to calculate the position you should be in the queue, though there is an ETA you should be able to rely on for the build * bobbo wishes there was a dedicated PPA builder <kiko> bobbo, there are dedicated PPA builders. what do you mean? <bobbo> kiko: so how are the auto-sync'd ubuntu packages slowing down the PPA builds? <kiko> bobbo, they aren't. <kiko> everything's running a bit slow today, though, it seems. <bobbo> kiko: ah ok, i though it was the Ubuntu packages slowing the PPA builds <bobbo> thanks for clearing that up :) <kiko> sure thing :) <cperrin88> A list for the PPA builds would be great <kiko> it's being worked on (by al-maisan, btw) <cperrin88> that's good :) <cperrin88> wooohoo .. my package is building ^^ <bobbo> cperrin88: mine just built :D properly happy <cperrin88> mine is done, too :) <asabil_> hi all <cperrin88> hi <asabil_> seems like LP branch scanning is completely broken these days <asabil_> is that a known issue ? <kiko> yeah, it's currently blocked on some gigantic branches apparently <kiko> abentley might know more <asabil_> :/ <asabil_> I see <asabil_> thanks <cperrin88> it seems like LP needs more servers .... <abentley> kiko, asabil_: AFAIK the last thing that happened was a recommendation to increase the timeout. <asabil_> hmm ? <asabil_> timeout for what ? <abentley> asabil_: timeout for the script that scans the branches for new revisions. <asabil_> oh ok <\sh> now I know why you launchpadders don't opensource launchpad...you are not allowed to talk about it...because it's da "Phyt" club... as seen yesterday during a fair in karlsruhe ;) http://www.sourcecode.de/content/phyton-world ;) <kiko> heh <ahasenack> does launchpad have something like bugzilla's "saved searches"? <\sh> ahasenack, browser bookmarks <ahasenack> ok, thanks #launchpad 2008-05-27 <Majost> I seem to be having troubles attempting to browse the brz source via the web interface for mythtv <Majost> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/mythtv/trunk <Majost> it keeps coming up telling me to try again in a few minutes, and mention the issue here if it persists <spiv> mwhudson___: Majost is having trouble browsing BZR_REMOTE_PATH=/home/andrew/bzr-exp/bzr <spiv> mwhudson___: Majost is having trouble browsing http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/mythtv/trunk <spiv> (damn clipboard...) <Majost> heh <mwhudson__> oh look loggerhead appears to be stuffed <mwhudson> Majost: try now <jamesh> is the branch scanner still hung? <mwhudson> i've no reason to think it isn't <Majost> sorry, I was away for a bit <Majost> I will check it now <Majost> yay <Majost> its working, thanks. =) <gnomefreak> does PPA do gutsy or feisty anylonger? <Hobbsee> yes <gnomefreak> i dont see that choice for the repos <gnomefreak> where it says Display sources.list entries for <drop down box> it only contains gutsy and hardy <gnomefreak> well i have gutsy and hardy flash 10 built <Hobbsee> so you don't have a feisty source package in there at all? <mpt> Goooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! <sabdf1> quiet in here today! <gnomefreak> how do i add tasks for package hardy package gutsy ect.. to bugs? <mpt> gnomefreak, "Target to release" or "Nominate for release" <sabdfl> should be "Mark as release critical"... <gnomefreak> i used nominate let me see what tartget does <gnomefreak> mpt: i was looking to do something like https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libflashsupport/+bug/192888 <gnomefreak> the way the tasks are set up <ubottu> Launchpad bug 192888 in libflashsupport "firefox crashes on flash contents when using libflashsupport" [High,Confirmed] <gnomefreak> although being able to also add other releases than hardy as well <gnomefreak> even better example since htis is exatly what im looking to do https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/edgy/+source/firefox/+bug/160895 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 160895 in firefox "upgrade to firefox" [High,Fix released] <gnomefreak> one package most releases <wgrant> gnomefreak: You need to be a member of a development team to target - you can only nominate, and ask people to accept. <gnomefreak> damn <gnomefreak> wgrant: thanks i asked asac :) <wgrant> gnomefreak: With the craziness users get up to, it's an unfortunate but necessary restriction. <gnomefreak> wgrant: but so many people package for ubuntu that are not on dev teams <wgrant> gnomefreak: That's not relevant. <cperrin88> Hi <wgrant> The devs have the final say as to whether something is RC> <cperrin88> I have a problem with my PPA <gnomefreak> wgrant: true <wgrant> cperrin88: Ask away - someone here will hopefully know the answer. <cperrin88> I uploaded a new version, the package was built but it's not there <cperrin88> I have uploaded a new version of my source package, the builder built it but I there is no new .deb file <wgrant> cperrin88: To which distroseries did you upload it? <cperrin88> Hardy <wgrant> cperrin88: OK, where they built within the past 17 minutes? <wgrant> *were <gnomefreak> cperrin88: they arnt caught up in buildds? <wgrant> cperrin88: If so, wait about 130 seconds, and they'll be there. <cperrin88> wgrant: it was 16 minutes ago <wgrant> cperrin88: OK, that would do it. New files are only published every 20 minutes. <cperrin88> oh <cperrin88> okay <cperrin88> that might be the reason ^^ <cperrin88> last time I tryed it it was published only a few minutes later <cperrin88> so I was a bit confused <wgrant> They're published within a few seconds of :00, :20, :40. <cperrin88> okay <cperrin88> thanks :) <wgrant> np <cperrin88> okay .... I was a bit worried because I made my first shell script for this package and I thought maybe something went wrong <danshearer> hello all. Is this the place to ask details about hosting a project on code.launchpad? <bimberi> danshearer: Ask away. Hopefully someone can answer. <danshearer> I have an OSS program (I now realise I can't use the word "project" in this context without getting myself confused :-) <danshearer> that I want to host exclusively on launchpad, because I can't be bothered putting it anywhere else. <danshearer> So is this considered as its own upstream for launchpad nomenclature purposes? <danshearer> Do I have to start with https://launchpad.net/projects/+new <danshearer> ? <matsubara> danshearer: yes <bimberi> danshearer: That is fine. And yes. <danshearer> So once I have done that, I can then create a bzr branch? <danshearer> Meaning that I can have a bzr branch under ~danshearer without the automatic "junk" stem? <bimberi> danshearer: yes <danshearer> so that isn't so hard then :-) I didn't find it obvious, but thinking about it I reckon launchpad would be at most <danshearer> two short sentences away from it being completely evident. <bimberi> it will be ~danshearer/<project>/<branchname> <danshearer> I'll try to work out what sentences would have helped me and submit them. <danshearer> Thanks! <bimberi> danshearer: Please do, and submit your suggestion as a bug report: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug <bimberi> er, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug <bimberi> well, 'edge' would be fine, it's just where the LP testers play :) * danshearer is away: lunch gobble gobble <danshearer> So I did my push and launchpad says "This branch has not been scanned yet." <danshearer> no probs with that, except it gives me no clue as to what sort of an operation "scanning" could be <danshearer> So far 40+ minutes. Maybe launchpad should say "This could take up to half a day" or whatever is appropriate <kiko> danshearer, the branch scanner is f*cked this week <danshearer> what is branch scanning anyway? More than just bzr running? Some kind of anti-nastiness checker? <danshearer> Again, since it is technical people getting this message, perhaps a little explanation? <danshearer> I should also say btw that as per earlier questions today, once I understood the unwritten rules, the <danshearer> whole experience of getting this branch up so far was trivial. You know that already I'm sure, but I just thought <danshearer> I say what it was like for a first-time user. <kiko-phone> danshearer, gimme 20' <kiko> danshearer, so the branch scanner is what looks at revision metadata and imports information related to it <kiko> one user-visible effect of this is the display of commit messages linked to browseable revisions <kiko> another is the support of --fixes metadata to close bugs <kiko> having said that I am unsure what's so stuck about the branch scanner this week, tbh <kiko> thumper, abentley: can you enlighten us? <danshearer> if it helps I just pushed a new project, so presumably the scanner had very little to do <abentley> We have several new large branches. The time it takes to scan them exceeds the timeout for idle processes in postgres. <abentley> So postgres kills them. <danshearer> ah that would be Robert/Lars' heroic imports of all of Ubuntu? <kiko> hopefully not! <kiko> abentley, what are these new large branches? and why is the scanner taking so long to scan then anyway? <danshearer> Question: to help scaling generally, could scanning be disconnected from making a tree available <danshearer> with the GUI displaying a note that there is potentially more information to show that won't be available until scanning is done? <danshearer> Hey! That's already the case. <danshearer> I was just able to go bzr branch lp:daevel <danshearer> even though the scanning message is still being displayed. <danshearer> Excellent. So modulo a few helpful messages and a link to a non-enhanced browsable tree, the scanning thing <danshearer> isn't a blocker for new projects even if it happens to fall in a heap for $REASON <zyx386_> hi <zyx386_> wher is Admin from wordpress trnslation project? <kiko> zyx386_, I imagine somewhere under wordpress.org? :) <zyx386_> ok kiko <zyx386_> we have agroup for kurdish language translation <zyx386_> we ill set a project admin for our group <zyx386_> how can i do that? <kiko> well <kiko> jtv, what's the story with wordpress and launchpad? <zyx386_> https://translations.launchpad.net/wordpress/2.5 <jtv> kiko: talk to Nikolay... let me look up his last name... <jtv> Bachiyski. He coordinates that on the WordPress side. <kiko> jtv, zyx386_: can you get an email thread going to clarify things? I'm happy to do any admin fallout necessary. <jtv> zyx386_: I'm jtv at canonical dot com, can you email me? <zyx386_> yes <jtv> zyx386_: it's night here already, so please understand if it takes me a while to answer. <zyx386_> what is your email <zyx386_> np <jtv> zyx386_: but in brief, you set up a translation team in the usual way on the wordpress site, then set up a similar team in Launchpad with the same people, and ask Nikolay to add that to the WP translation group. <zyx386_> how can i ask nickolay <jtv> zyx386_: first thing you want to do is probably to get on the wp-polyglots mailing list (see wordpress site). <jtv> zyx386_: he's very active there, so you'll see him very quickly. <zyx386_> ok <zyx386_> i register my name wp-polyglots <zyx386_> and try it * jtv hears disturbing noises from laptop <danshearer> (I expect people here already know bazzar.lp is not responding.) <abentley> kiko: AIUI, one of the branches is https://edge.launchpad.net/~bk-merge/mysql/mysql-5.1-telco-6.2-merge <kiko> ah, right <lamalex> Has everyone been experiencing major launchpad suckage recently? <lamalex> I pushed code about an hour ago, and it still hasn't shown up in the web, if I branch lp's mirror, I get my pushed code though, so it's definitely there <zyx386_> hi again <zyx386_> i create her translation page for wordpress project in launchpad <zyx386_> how can set me a owner for this page or admin? <beuno> lamalex, code scanning is currently stalled these past 2 days <lamalex> beuno: that explains it <beuno> you can still push/pull properly <beuno> LP will just take some time to catch up <sakjur> Will Launchpad ever be opensource? <beuno> sakjur, bug #50699 might be useful <ubottu> Launchpad bug 50699 in launchpad "Launchpad should be free software (free as in freedom)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50699 <sakjur> Thank you :D <sonium> hi, could you unsubscribe someone from my branch? <sonium> it seems only subscribers can do that, and I need to delete the branch to re-branch an existing project under the same name <ffm> Is the new launchpad logo free? <ffm> (wikimedia-commons compatable?) <afflux> how fast should LP detect new releases defined in the "release URL pattern" in a project's series? <ffm> Hellooooo! <ffm> Is the new launchpad logo free? <kiko> ffm, fantastic question. Rinchen? :) <Rinchen> ffm, Hi. It has no individual license of it's own so it's covered under the existing LP license. So, reuse is discouraged but using it in a blog post about LP or similar is ok. <Rinchen> interestingly enough, that's the 5th question I've gotten on that topic since the contest started. <kiko> Rinchen, we should probably make the terms of use explicit, then. <Rinchen> We should. It's on my list for Amanda <Rinchen> I've been think we should provide some examples of when it's ok to use it and when not. <Rinchen> Just need to get it cleared. <ffm> Rinchen: So I take it it cannot be uploaded to wikimedia commons, only wikipedia under fair use. <Rinchen> ffm, can you point me to the wikipedia license bit? I'll have a look. <Rinchen> ffm, I think in the case of wikipedia we might be able to do it. <ffm> Rinchen: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Email_templates <ffm> Rinchen: That's the commons licence, which lets it be used on all projets. <ffm> Rinchen: If that won't work, you can cc-by-nc-sa it and it'll be accepted by wikipedia. <Rinchen> ffm, we had talked about using a CC variant for the help wiki, the news blog, AND the images. * Rinchen adds that to his list. <mario_limonciell> could a launchpad/soyuz dev explain to me what "Failed to upload" means after a build completes? https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/2:8.493.1-0ubuntu3 <ffm> Rinchen: Of course, cc-by-sa (allowing commercial reuse as long as the cc licence is propegated) is prefered as only that content is considered "free" by the powers that manage wikimedia commons. <ffm> Rinchen: Thanks. <Rinchen> ffm, can you email me at joey@canonical.com and just repeat the above please? That way when I get this sorted out I can email you back. (This week is release week so it's a bit busy around here.) <Rinchen> ffm, my immediate though it that it might be by-nc-nd <Rinchen> for the image <Rinchen> for the help wiki it would probably be less restrictive. <Rinchen> anyway, I'll try and get this sorted out soon <Rinchen> (wiki makes sense to be by personally) <cprov> mario_limonciell: failed-to-upload means hat the source was built successfully but produced binaries that can't be published in the archive <cprov> mario_limonciell: usually because they are inconsistent of have version that don't fit the archive. <mario_limonciell> cprov, so is there a more verbose error somewhere for this particular build that I would be able to see? <cprov> mario_limonciell: you should have received a email (build-failure-notification) with the reason of the rejection. <mario_limonciell> well lets see; yeah i did. it was caught in the wrong filter for some reason. <mario_limonciell> 2008-05-27 19:40:38 WARNING Upload was rejected: <mario_limonciell> 2008-05-27 19:40:38 WARNING xorg-driver-fglrx_8.493.1-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb control file lists section as main/restricted but changes file has main/misc. <cprov> mario_limonciell: 'restricted' is not a valid section, is it ? <mario_limonciell> well this was destined for the restricted component of the archive <mario_limonciell> needs to be restricted/misc i suppose then? <geser> mario_limonciell: iirc soyuz takes care of the component, you don't need to specify it somewhere below debian/ <mario_limonciell> so it takes care of it if its not present, but if it is causes breakage? <geser> mario_limonciell: the problem was that "Section: restricted" isn't a valid Section <mario_limonciell> ah <mario_limonciell> okay this time it appears to have worked then <mario_limonciell> thanks geser and cprov :) <geser> soyuz knows that xorg-driver-fglrx belongs into the restricted component and will put it there (component != section) <asabil_> seems like lp branch scanning is still broken :/ <cprov> mario_limonciell: you're welcome. <thumper> asabil_: it is being worked on now * thumper is back <asabil_> ok thanks thumper :) * beuno hides a robot-cookie in a commit to get his branches scanned faster <ffm> Rinchen: will do. <Zelut> I don't understand why I'm getting a reject message uploading to my PPA. <Zelut> Rejected: <Zelut> Unable to find origami_0.6.8.orig.tar.gz in upload or distribution. <Zelut> Files specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification. <Zelut> that file exists.. do I need to specify it during the source package build? <mario_limonciell> Zelut, run debuild -S -sa instead of just debuild -S perhaps? <cprov> Zelut: `debuild -S -sa` to build a source including the upstream orig.tar.gz <Zelut> thank you <cprov> mario_limonciell: thanks ;) <Zelut> accepted that time. thanks. <zyx386> hi <Zelut> any reason why a push I did half-hour ago is not publishing in my code.launchpad.net branch? <zyx386> iam member from kurdish (sorani) CKB, we have just one admin he is (Aras), we will set me and another member to be admin in our translation group. how ca we do that? <zyx386> any one help :) <asabil_> Zelut: yes lp is slightly sick these days, they are working on it apparently <mwhudson> Zelut: the code will be there if you pull from the branch or browse code <mwhudson> Zelut: it's just not showing up in the web ui temporarily <thumper> Zelut: yes, working on it <Zelut> mwhudson: just not updating the changelog on the web ehh? <mwhudson> right <zyx386> which one is from launchpad Administrator? <Zelut> if I want to backport packages in my PPA to gutsy and previous do I just build the package with gutsy in the changelog? <kiko> Zelut, you can copy the source across, I think -- cprov? <Zelut> kiko: that works. thank you. <nysin> A branch I uploaded (bzr push seemed to report success, and the branch webpage did change from 'has not been uploaded' to the scanning message) has sat at "This branch has not been scanned yet" for a couple days now <nysin> How long should it take? #launchpad 2008-05-28 <thumper> nysin: there is a problem with the scanner <thumper> normally it is less than a minute <thumper> we have had a problem since friday <thumper> the problem has been identified <thumper> and a fix is in progress <nysin> okay. Any ETA on completion? <thumper> nysin: reas soon now <nysin> heh <thumper> real <nysin> Well as long as it's a known issue I guess * danshearer is away: Zzzzzz <thumper> hi all <thumper> it appears that the branch scanning fubar is now un-fubared <kiko> woooo <ahasenack> any particular reason for lp being slow now or is it just me? <kiko> not sure, works okay for me <kiko> reboot! <thumper> ahasenack: which part of lp being slow? <ahasenack> was taking ages to load a bug, it even timedout once or twice <ahasenack> and timeout on the server, not my connection or browser <ahasenack> now it's "unlocked" and working again <ahasenack> thanks, I guess :) <spiv> mwhudson: "Diff of 4865 lines is too long to display richly -- limit is 3000 lines." <spiv> mwhudson: ideally that wouldn't also lose whitespace. It makes diffs of Python awkward to read :) <spiv> mwhudson: hopefully there's some trivial CSS magic you can tweak to fix that... <KaZeR> how long does it usually take to have the first import of a svn repository done? <dhart> is lp bzr slow for anyone else today? <thumper> KaZeR: it depends, on how large a repo, how long a history and which place it is being imported from <thumper> dhart: what's the problem? <KaZeR> thumper, 13M, 1000 revisions, sourceforge. do you have a rough idea? <dhart> thumper: just slower than usual checkin. <jamesh> KaZeR: have you sent the request to answers.launchpad.net? <thumper> KaZeR: wild stab in the dark, longer than an hour, less than a week <KaZeR> jamesh, yes i did around 2 days ago <KaZeR> thumper, ok thanks <mwhudson> spiv: damnit <mwhudson> spiv: patches welcome etc :) <thumper> KaZeR: I've just started the import, it was only half done :-| <mpt> Goooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! <Hobbsee> mpt: evening! * soren kicks bazaar.lp.net <soren> I presume it's well-known that bazaar.lp.net is uselessly slow right now? <thumper> soren: I'm just checking it <soren> thumper: Thanks :) <mtaylor> does launchpad have a set of IPs it mirrors branches from? <mtaylor> like, if I wanted launchpad to mirror a branch, but didn't want to open that location up to the world (except through launchpad) ? <Ng> mtaylor: is canonical's current IP allocation, which you could narrow down to a /24 if you particularly want, although I don't believe we guarantee not to change the IPs of our scanners within our allocation <mtaylor> Ng: thanks <mtaylor> Ng: any way to hide the location that launchpad is using to mirror from? <Ng> mtaylor: sorry, I'm not sure about that - I'm a sysadmin not a launchpad developer :) <mtaylor> Ng: fair enough :) <thumper> mtaylor: no, not right now <mtaylor> thumper: k. thanks <KaZeR> thumper, np, thanks :) <soren> On edge, I can set a team's membership policy to "(no value)"... What does that do? <spiv> soren: try it on staging and see what happens? <soren> spiv: Heh. Ok. <spiv> (my guess is a bug, though) <soren> Heh... That option is not available on staging :) <spiv> Heh. <hakan__> why is that launchpad is so slow for browsing repositories? <spiv> hakan__: it shouldn't be atm, afaik * spiv -> bed <hakan__> for instance try: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bk-merge/mysql/mysql-6.0-falcon/files <mib_m26n6d> Is lp.net working for others? I'm unable to access it here. <oojah> mib_m26n6d: Works for me. <mib_m26n6d> ok, My gateway is even more broken than I thought then. Thanks. <mtaylor> is there a way to delete a bogus release series? or do I just need to file a launchpad answers question? <mtaylor> also, when I submit a branch for merging, it doesn't seem to send any emails to the owner of the merge target about this <sidnei> hello, does the vcs import on launchpad.net support svn:externals? how does that get imported? <Kaleo> sidnei: bzr does not support svn externals yet <sidnei> so how does it get imported? * danshearer is away: whoops have to rush off home <emgent> heya people <visik7> hi everybody <visik7> is there a command line tool to open search close ecc... bugs on launchpad ? <cody-somerville> visik7, There is a python module <visik7> so no problem ipython -p pysh :D <beuno> visik7, or, you can use email: https://help.launchpad.net/BugTrackerEmailInterface <visik7> email make me sick :) and moreover is the main reason I never commit a bug report or a translation to debian <kiko> visik7, look for the ubuntu package python-launchpad-bugs <visik7> yeah got it thanks <kiko> sure thingo <bdmurray> Is there a way to find out who is subscribed to an lp mailing list I administer? <geser> bdmurray: should there be a list of subscribers you can see as an admin? <bdmurray> geser: I haven't found a link like that <bdmurray> but that is what I'm looking for <geser> bdmurray: login into http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/admin/<list> and goto Membership Management -> Membership List <kiko> geser, lp mailing list, though. barry? <geser> ah <mdke> i thought the only subscribers are the group members? Has that changed? <barry> geser, kiko that information isn't yet exposed on lp. there's an open bug on that though <barry> mdke: subscribers are a subset of the team members. iow, you still have to opt-in (though this cycle will land an 'auto-subscription' feature) <mdke> barry: oh, of course. Doh <mdke> barry: will there be a possibility for non members to subscribe? <tormod> hi, I think the clocks on the ppa builders are skewed. I get "back to the future" build failures. <barry> mdke: non-launchpad members, definitely not. non-team members, no, but there are ways for non-team members to interact with a ml in a casual way <barry> mdke: soon they will be able to post (with some initial approval required) to mls they are not subscribed to and later, they'll be able to lurk on lists they aren't sub'd to <mdke> barry: what is meant by lurk? receive emails? <barry> mdke: for public lists, yes <mdke> barry: great, that's what I had in mind. <mdke> barry: so non-public lists are also planned? sorry for all the questions <barry> mdke: since they can already read the archives, why not let them read it in a good interface (i.e. their mail reader :) <mdke> yeah, indeed <barry> mdke: yes, they are planned <mdke> cool <barry> mdke: no worries! happy to answer questions <mdke> barry: one last one - do you know of any possible milestone for bug 223797? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 223797 in launchpad "mailing list requests and rejections should include reason" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/223797 <kiko> tormod, really? that's annoying. can you forward a failure to the -users mailing list so I can get IS to fix it? <barry> mdke: i don't atm. it requires a db change so probably not in 1.2.6 <mdke> barry: right, i saw it was unmilestoned for 1.2.6. Ok, thanks for all the info, very helpful <barry> sure thing! <tormod> kiko, can I mail IS directly? <kiko> tormod, hmm, I think you can at rt.ubuntu.com? not 100% sure. <kiko> elmo, ping? <elmo> ? <kiko> elmo, did you see tormod's comment above about buildd time skew? <elmo> oh, that shouldn't be possible <tormod> kiko, ok so what is IS anyway :) hah you're using RT internally, instead of launchpad? <kiko> and his question about who to email <elmo> tormod: rt@ubuntu.com <kiko> tormod, IS does, yeah. information systems. anyway, elmo, really? <elmo> kiko: really, what? <kiko> that shouldn't be possible? <elmo> yeah <elmo> our sbuild runs ntpdate against the gateway box before the build <elmo> and the gateway boxes are definitely in sync (nagios etc.) <elmo> but I'll have infinity look into it <elmo> tormod: please include a link to an example failed build <kiko> tormod, if you can CC: cprov@canonical.com on that email I will appreciate it <elmo> (you can also file a bug in LP about this - it's really a soyuz thing) <elmo> I've no idea why we "own" sbuild, but that should be changed eventually <tormod> I just rekicked the build, so the failed log is lost I guess. <elmo> tormod: doh <elmo> (I hate that 'feature' of LP) <tormod> I can try to fish it from Firefox cache :) <tormod> no it's lost, since the build number is the same for the new build <bdmurray> barry: How can I determine which team members to contact about subscribing to the list without knowing who is already subscribed? <tormod> well I got it finally <barry> bdmurray: team members should get a notification when the team mailing list is created. unfortunately there's no way to know about the subscribers short of making an LP admin request for the information <tormod> I can actually see the NTP sync in the build log, stepped 597 seconds. <barry> bdmurray: actually, if your team's contact address is 'team members individually', you could generate a question, but that's a bit of a crufty way to contact them! <barry> leonardr: ping <barry> leonardr: unping <leonardr> barry, are you teasing me? <emgent> hello <emgent> i dont see in menu project how to set bug supervisor and security contact <beuno> emgent, under the bugs tab <emgent> during UDS i talked about it with launchpad devel, and reply to me that this is a bug <emgent> someone know direct url ? <beuno> then the menu on the left-hand side changes <beuno> emgent, http://bugs.launchpad.net/project <emgent> oh thanks <beuno> :) <emgent> done :P <spiv> hakan__: viewing that branch seems ok to me #launchpad 2008-05-29 * mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is going down in from 01:00 UTC until approx 03:00 UTC for a code update - https://launchpad.net | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 29 May 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com <Peng> Will the imminent upgrade upgrade the version of Bazaar used by LP? <mwhudson> no :/ <kiko> Peng, I was afraid you were going to ask that. no, but we'll probably upgrade soon after. the 1.5 upgrade got botched <kiko> Peng, if there anything in 1.4 or 1.5 that is affecting you? <Peng> kiko: Oh? What happened? <Peng> kiko: No, I'm just curious. <kiko> it failed a few times and then we ran out of time to do proper QA <kiko> it's all ready, will probably land first thing next week and we'll see about updating codehosting to using it <Peng> Okay. <kiko> launchpad back up! <kiko> and what a nice launchpad too * mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 29 May 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com <kb3cgj> The 3.1.1 Plone UnifiedInstaller isnt working <kb3cgj> is that a known issue? <jamesh> kb3cgj: perhaps ask on the plone IRC channel? <kb3cgj> the error message said to contact #launchpad <jamesh> what was the error message? <jamesh> if it is long, try using paste.ubuntu.com <kb3cgj> Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. <kb3cgj> Try reloading this page in a minute or two. If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode. <jamesh> kb3cgj: okay. That sounds like the error message for when the app servers are down <jamesh> kb3cgj: Launchpad was being upgraded a few hours ago, so that could have been what you were seeing <jamesh> if the problem is persistent, could you give some instructions for repeating it? (e.g. what page you got the error for) <kb3cgj> all the other files work...the windows version/mac (yuck) version even worked <kb3cgj> http://plone.org/products/plone <kb3cgj> Choose: Get Plone for Linux <jamesh> clicking that link prompts me to download the file <jamesh> did you try reloading? <jamesh> (if you're still seeing the error) <kb3cgj> yes...repeatedly...like a mad man <kb3cgj> but no still the same error <kb3cgj> maybe its firefox <jamesh> (reload the launchpad.net page -- not the plone.org page) <kb3cgj> reloaded both <kb3cgj> but the launchpad.net page is a static error page https://launchpad.net/offline.html <kb3cgj> so reloading it wont make a difference <jamesh> hmm <jamesh> I wonder why you got redirected there? <jamesh> (it should just show the error page at whatever URL you went to) <kb3cgj> weird <jamesh> I guess firefox is caching the redirect <kb3cgj> i hate computers <jamesh> (which is difficult to refresh) <jamesh> kb3cgj: here's a workaround: right click on the link from plone.org, and download it with wget <jamesh> i.e. run "wget https://launchpad.net/..." in a terminal <kb3cgj> i tried that earlier and it failed...must have been when the site was down...but it works now...thanks....nicely done <LaserJock> I may be kinda thick, but I'm not seeing this "search everything" box <mwhudson> it's on most pages... <LaserJock> ok, so it seems to be everywhere but where they said it was <LaserJock> it's not on the main LP page <LaserJock> which was what is linked in the blog post <bdmurray> yeah, that only seems to search projects <LaserJock> it's often good to test links before blogging them ;-) <bdmurray> http://news.launchpad.net/cool-new-stuff/global-search <LaserJock> I also don't see any debdiffs <LaserJock> anybody know where they are supposed to show up? * ajmitch shrugs :) <ajmitch> perhaps they'll be generated only for new uploads, and show up on that upload record? <LaserJock> I've checked the latest uploads to intrepid and didn't find anything <LaserJock> although maybe they aren't recent enough <dhart> hi. does anyone know if proposing a branch merge should generate an email? <sabdfl> dhart: thumper or jml would know <thumper> dhart: yes it should <thumper> dhart: if you are subscribed to either the source or target branch <thumper> sabdfl: morning <sabdfl> moin moin <jml> sabdfl: hi <sabdfl> howdy jml <l3on> Hi all... <l3on> Just a question, why in this page https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-it-wiki/wiki-ubuntu-it/wiki-repo when I push something my name is showned like this ? <mdke> l3on: SubMission must be the hostname for your computer <mdke> l3on: you need to use "bzr whoami" to identify yourself differently if you wish - details on https://help.launchpad.net/FeatureHighlights/EasyBranching <l3on> tnx... I'm going to read... <jamesh> l3on: Running "bzr whoami 'Leo Iannacone <public email address>'" will get bzr to record your name correctly <jamesh> the code.launchpad.net pages will link back to your profile page if the email address you use is one registered to your account <jamesh> that is what has happened for Milo's commits <l3on> ok <l3on> done <l3on> the problem now is that I can not commit directly on lp: <l3on> l3on@SubMission:~/wiki-repo $ bzr commit -m "Just a bzr test, sorry for this push" <l3on> bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-it-wiki/wiki-ubuntu-it/wiki-repo/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir() <jamesh> l3on: run "bzr launchpad-login l3on" <l3on> not solved <jamesh> l3on: the lp: URLs will then resolve to the bzr+ssh:// location <l3on> lp:~ubuntu-it-wiki/wiki-ubuntu-it/wiki-repo <l3on> I don't understand what you want suggest me .... : <jamesh> ah. I see what's going on <jamesh> you have a checkout of the branch bound to the http URL <jamesh> l3on: try "bzr switch lp:~ubuntu-it-wiki/wiki-ubuntu-it/wiki-repo" <jamesh> (assuming you've done the launchpad-login bit) <jamesh> that should rebind your checkout to the writable URL) <l3on> Ok, switched <l3on> OKKKK!! now commit directly on LP !!!! <l3on> All works fine now -> https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-it-wiki/wiki-ubuntu-it/wiki-repo <l3on> Thank you so much :D <emgent> morning <l3on> Hi emgent : <l3on> ;) <mpt> Gooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! <cprov> mpt: morning <mpt> Hey cprov, I had a Soyuz question about two minutes after you left <mpt> Fortunately bigjools answered it :-) <cprov> mpt: yay for soyuz-dev *team* ;) <mpt> yep <artfwo> Hi, may I ask if it's okay that PPA is not building packages for intrepid? <cprov> artfwo: it's ok, none of intrepid architectures are supported for PPA yet, it's a distro-team decision. As soon as they settle the toolchain I think they will open it. <artfwo> cprov: I see, thanks for the information! <zyx386_> hi <zyx386_> we have big problem <zyx386_> every one can register and edit our trnslator text? <zyx386_> anyone tell me why???? <stdin> anyone can suggest a translation, iirc <kiko-zzz> zyx386_, you can change the mode your translations are in\ <zyx386_> that our tema in launchpad <zyx386_> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ckb <zyx386_> how can be team owener to <zyx386_> ? <Hobbsee> barry: any chance you can expand, or point to documentation on, the autosubscription feature? <Hobbsee> cprov: do you know when the distro team will have done the toolchain? afaik, intrepid has been open for non-toolchain uploads for weeks now. <cprov> Hobbsee: no, I don't know it precisely. <Hobbsee> cprov: second question: why, when the toolchain is done enough for ubuntu that anyone can upload anything again, is it not done enough for ppa? <cprov> Hobbsee: that's not a question I can answer :( <Hobbsee> cprov: can you ask? it would be nice to test build things for intrepid. <cprov> Hobbsee: sure, but you can ask too ;) <Hobbsee> gasp! package diffs! * Hobbsee wasn't hoping for them for months yet! <barry> Hobbsee: we'll update help.lp.net with information about autosub <Hobbsee> barry: right. <Hobbsee> barry: i presume that people on teams will not automatically get subscribed to mailing lists immediately? * cody-somerville hopes that they do. <Hobbsee> cody-somerville: do get subscribed, or do not get subscribed? <cody-somerville> do get subscribed <Hobbsee> cody-somerville: in the case of something like ubuntu-bugs, why? <cody-somerville> Eww, no <barry> Hobbsee: right <Hobbsee> barry: i'm glad <barry> yes, opt-in only :) <Hobbsee> barry: opt-in, plus automatic? i think i'll wait for the announcement, then. <kirkland> strange... when I goto this page, https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugs ... it says "You are the owner of this team, but not currently an active member. " ... I'm definitely not the owner of that team. <kirkland> and it looks like I have lots of administrative authority, judging by the actions available on the left <andrea-bs> kirkland: maybe you are member of Ubuntu Bug Control, which is the owner of the team <andrea-bs> is that right? <kirkland> andrea-bs: yes, that's true <kirkland> andrea-bs: interesting, okay, so this is desired behavior? <andrea-bs> kirkland: yep <andrea-bs> kirkland: maybe it should say "You are the owner, but not a direct member" instead of "but not an active member" <andrea-bs> kirkland: I'll to report a bug about that <kirkland> andrea-bs: and actually "an owner" rather than "the owner" would be better <andrea-bs> kirkland: mh, yes <kirkland> andrea-bs: thanks for the info <andrea-bs> kirkland: you're welcome :) <emgent> heya <pochu> hi all. I've uploaded eclipse to my PPA 5 hours ago, and there's still no build status (searching for eclipse in 'all states'), could some Soyuz wizard have a look at it? https://edge.launchpad.net/~pochu/+archive <pochu> it's eclipse 3.2.2-6ubuntu1 (and not -5ubuntu3) <cprov> pochu: intrepid :( <cprov> pochu: intrepid is not open for PPA uploads yet. <cprov> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/173866 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 173866 in soyuz "Source uploads should result in, at least, one build in order to be accepted" [Medium,In progress] <pochu> oh * pochu looks <pochu> cprov: so, it should have been rejected, I guess? (the bug mentions arch:sparc, not Intrepid :) ) <cprov> pochu: it's the same from the code PoV, feel free to add a comment. <pochu> I hope you open Intrepid soon :) <pochu> cprov: ok, thanks for looking into it <cprov> pochu: the decision is not mine, distro-team will open it soon <pochu> it was a general 'you', but thanks again for the info :) <Rinchen> >>> Come join the LP Meeting in #launchpad-meeting <blueyed> I have no access to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/b2evolution/trunk/+linkbranch ? I'd like to remove the failing ~vcs-import branch and use a manually converted instead. <kiko> blueyed, one sec. <kiko> blueyed, are you not a member of evoteam? <kiko> blueyed, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/b2evolution/trunk/+linkbranchtoseries <blueyed> kiko: thanks. I'm member of evoteam. How did you fix it? <kiko> blueyed, I deleted the code import, which needs doing first. <blueyed> kiko: can you set https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/b2evolution/trunk to "abandoned" (or whatever is appropriate) please? <kiko> blueyed, will do <kiko> done <Rolcol> Where can I edit the source code for update-manager? Isn't it written in python? <cody-somerville> Rolcol, yes it is * Rinchen changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 5 June 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com <Rinchen> changed meeting to next week <RicardoPerez> elmo: ping <LaserJock> mrevell: ping? <mrevell> hey LaserJock <seiflotfy> hi guy <seiflotfy> s <seiflotfy> i tried to import an svn project to trunk <seiflotfy> since a coupel of weeks <seiflotfy> its not done yet <seiflotfy> please help #launchpad 2008-05-30 <seiflotfy> the project is called mayanna <kiko> mwhudson, can I try importing that on lpnet? I've not done a new-style yet <mwhudson> kiko: yeah, let's try it! <kiko> mwhudson, where do I start? <kiko> mwhudson, +source I guess? <mwhudson> kiko: right <mwhudson> kiko: there's a button there (for the likes of you and me) that says 'convert to new style' <kiko> converted <kiko> wtf <kiko> seiflotfy, Authentication realm: <https://mayanna.googlecode.com:443> Google Code Subversion Repository <mwhudson> seiflotfy: unfortunately, it's a google code import :/ <kiko> seiflotfy, it requires a password? <mwhudson> kiko: s/https/http/ i think <seiflotfy> hmmmmmmmmmm <seiflotfy> yep <mwhudson> kiko: which you do on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/mayanna/trunk/+edit-import now <seiflotfy> to upload to it <kiko> seiflotfy, he means to say that google code is flakyyy <kiko> mwhudson, I fucked it up <kiko> mwhudson, I created a new-style with https, then went back, deleted it, created a new one with http and now I'm oopsin <kiko> https://devpad.canonical.com/~matsubara/oops.cgi/OOPS-880EA180 <kiko> BranchCreationException: A branch with the name "trunk" already exists for vcs-imports in mayanna. <kiko> I guess I can rename the original branch eh? <mwhudson> how did you delete it? <kiko> or better yet <kiko> NUKE it <mwhudson> but yeah "oops" <kiko> mwhudson, delete import <kiko> which is a confusing button title if there ever was one <mwhudson> kiko: oh, ok, after hitting the convert to new style button <mwhudson> kiko: DO NOT use the +source page again <kiko> yeah well <kiko> now I did already :-( <mwhudson> kiko: sorry, i know this is a bit confusing <kiko> * <kiko> RetryPsycopgIntegrityError: ERROR: update or delete on table "codeimport" violates foreign key constraint "productseriescodeimport_codeimport_fkey" on table "productseriescodeimport" DETAIL: Key (id)=(2) is still referenced from table "productseriescodeimport". DELETE FROM CodeImport WHERE id = 2 <kiko> https://devpad.canonical.com/~matsubara/oops.cgi/OOPS-880ED140 <mwhudson> time for some head-table interaction * kiko tries to pound some robustness into this system <seiflotfy> kiko <seiflotfy> the repository is http://mayanna.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ <kiko> seiflotfy, yes, it's all my fault <kiko> mwhudson, can I somehow delete this new-style import? <seiflotfy> so is it accesible <mwhudson> kiko: sigh, probably not <seiflotfy> ? * kiko renames <kiko> mwhudson, I'm renaming the branch then <kiko> seiflotfy, yeah, via http:// <mwhudson> kiko: yeah, i'll hassle an osa into cleaning up the database <kiko> mwhudson, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/mayanna/trunk-fucked ftw <mwhudson> kiko: one second <kiko> hmmm <seiflotfy> wtf? <seiflotfy> lol <kiko> seiflotfy, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain <mwhudson> seiflotfy: congratulations, you're helping us debug a new system :) <seiflotfy> lol <seiflotfy> my pleasure <seiflotfy> i dont mind <seiflotfy> :) <seiflotfy> ok <mwhudson> kiko: i think things will work better if we try to fix up the new style import <seiflotfy> should i try ot edit the trunk again <seiflotfy> or should i not touc hanything <kiko> seiflotfy, don't worry, I'll sort it out with mwhudson <mwhudson> kiko: not fix the details of the productseries and reconvert <mwhudson> kiko: just based on details of how the system works <kiko> seiflotfy, what's annoying is that it's likely it will fail, because it's google code :) <kiko> mwhudson, okay, sure. <kiko> mwhudson, so what next? :) <seiflotfy> well its odd <seiflotfy> because via browser if i go <seiflotfy> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/mayanna/trunk/+edit-import <seiflotfy> ups i mean <seiflotfy> http://mayanna.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ <seiflotfy> its open <mwhudson> kiko: i renamed the branch back <seiflotfy> did any1 here try mayanna <kiko> seiflotfy, the problem is more that google code drops connections kinda frequently <kiko> mwhudson, ah, that's what's 404ing ;) <mwhudson> kiko: and edited the details on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/mayanna/trunk/+edit-import and clicked approve <kiko> I saw that <mwhudson> kiko: and that's it, the import should start within a minute <kiko> mwhudson, how do I see its log? <mwhudson> kiko: you can't see it as it runs yet :/ <kiko> mwhudson, where's buildbot, the client certificate hack, Reload Config, etc?!! <mwhudson> kiko: i now!!! <kiko> this is madness <kiko> one single system to manage branches AND imports <kiko> who could have designed such a thing!!! only the peverse bristolian minds <kiko> with help from perverse minds too <kiko> mwhudson, I got the email too <kiko> neat <kiko> mwhudson, can you start out with a new-style import, or does it always need to be converted for now? <mwhudson> kiko: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/+code-imports/+new <mwhudson> embarrassingly, i'm not really sure who can see that page <mwhudson> (probably every one) <kiko> I can at least <mwhudson> well want to cherry pick a config change that takes the import your project button on the code homepage to that page <mwhudson> when we've switched everything over <mwhudson> man i can't type today <kiko> mwhudson, why wait to switch everything over? <mwhudson> kiko: you can sort of see progress on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/+code-imports/+machines <mwhudson> kiko: so we can test that it works at all first? <kiko> heh <kiko> mwhudson, is this the first one we try? :) <mwhudson> we're doing that now <mwhudson> kiko: it's the first new import <mwhudson> kiko: i converted pydoctor, an old import i don't care about, earlier <mwhudson> kiko: new-style imports are currently throttled to only run two at a time per machine <mwhudson> so we shouldn't do mass conversions yet <LaserJock> mwhudson, kiko: I can see https://code.edge.launchpad.net/+code-imports/+new for what it's worth <mwhudson> LaserJock: oh, cool :) <kiko> mwhudson, IC <mwhudson> except haha, i bet they're not actually throttled <mwhudson> because i probably edited the wrong config file :( <LaserJock> so I guess I'll try this again cause I really would like to get the imported, but are vcsimports retried after they fail? <LaserJock> and if so how long are they retried until you just give up <mwhudson> LaserJock: it depends on the nature of the failure <LaserJock> I swear gchemutils has to be able to work, somehow :-) <mwhudson> LaserJock: and they have to be manually retried <LaserJock> I had problems the other day with git-cvsimport, but when I tried a fresh import it worked <mwhudson> i can <LaserJock> I wonder if that kind of thing would help <mwhudson> 't remember the problem with gchemutils off hand <mwhudson> was it the file-created-by-merge thing? <LaserJock> I can't remember either, and I don't have access, that I know of, to see <LaserJock> is it possible to give the importer a branch to keep updated? <mwhudson> mmm <mwhudson> not easily, that's for sure <LaserJock> I wondered if I could manually get it up to speed (doing whatever I could), then give it over to LP to mirror <LaserJock> the breakage is now 44 weeks old and that history becomes increasingly irrelevant <LaserJock> which is a real bummer with DVCSs in general. One commit years ago can break the whole thing <mwhudson> yeah <mwhudson> oh right <mwhudson> LaserJock: this is this bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-cscvs/+bug/120977 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 120977 in launchpad-cscvs "cscvs breaks when a cvs merge creates a file" [High,Confirmed] <mwhudson> LaserJock: cscvs is open source, feel like fixing it? :) <mwhudson> we should probably schedule some time to work on this bug, but well... <LaserJock> mwhudson: hehe, if I knew anything about VCSs I would <LaserJock> mwhudson: heh, the cscvs README could probably use some updating, it's from 2004 and has tla instructions <mwhudson> LaserJock: oh man <mwhudson> LaserJock: it may also help your future to know that cscvs is really written in smalltalk <mwhudson> it just looks like python <LaserJock> really? <mwhudson> well <mwhudson> i am being a bit elliptic i guess <mwhudson> but the source definitely has a smalltalk-ish edge to it <mwhudson> and it makes a lot more sense when you know this <LaserJock> k, gotcha <LaserJock> hmm, last commit was 2007-12-11, I'm guessing people must be moving on from CVS <LaserJock> bzr-svn seems quite active <mwhudson> yeah, we'll probably use bzr-svn for svn imports at some point <mwhudson> oh man, so many things to do <LaserJock> gotta run, perhaps one day I'll work up to taking a crack at it <LaserJock> I'm sub'd to that bug anyway, so if in the mean time somebody fixes it I'd own them a drink ;-) <mwhudson> heh heh <mwhudson> seiflotfy: yay cool, your branch imported! https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/mayanna/trunk <RAOF> Are Intrepid PPAs supposed to work at the moment? I uploaded a couple of packages (libdrm, nouveau), and they've appeared on the frontpage as 'built', but there are no binaries and the source packages haven't been queued to build. https://launchpad.net/~raof+archive <kiko> RAOF, no, not yet. there are no chroots yet. <RAOF> Well, that's annoying. How am I supposed to build nouveau for my Intrepid laptop, then :P <kiko> heh <kiko> poke people to get them set up! * RAOF pokes indescriminately <jml> hello what huh <jml> RAOF: discriminate better! <RAOF> jml: My policy is to provoke a chain-poke-reaction until the appropriate pokee is poked. <mwhudson> statik: hi :) <mdke> is there a page which lists all the mailing lists currently enabled? <jamesh> mdke: not a public one <jamesh> (just the admin interface <mdke> jamesh: i think I might have admin rights, can you tell me the address? I only have the one for pending applications <jamesh> you don't have admin rights <mdke> I have rights to the pending applications ones just for the purposes of looking at Ubuntu related applications <mdke> ah, ok <jamesh> I don't see you on https://edge.launchpad.net/~admins/+members <mdke> jamesh: no, I'm certainly not a launchpad admin ;) <mdke> I'm interested in finding out what Ubuntu related lists exist already <jamesh> was there something in particular that you were looking for? <jamesh> oh <jamesh> It'd definitely be useful to have some way of finding lists <mdke> apart from anything else, it's necessary to consider existing applications <mdke> ah i see, the rights I have arise out of membership to the mailing-list-experts group <jamesh> ah. mailing-list-experts probably gives you access <jamesh> try https://edge.launchpad.net/+mailinglists <mdke> that's the one that shows me pending applications <jamesh> if that one doesn't give you the info you want, then I don't know what will <jamesh> maybe wait til barry wakes up <mdke> jamesh: ok, thanks for the help. I'll mail him or file a bug a bit later I guess <mpt> Goooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! <Hobbsee> *evening*, mpt <thekorn> hi, this new 'vote and comment on branches' feature is really cool, thanks! <thekorn> if you couls add such functionality for patches too, it would be awesome :) <Rorschach> hi does anyone know if I can change my launchpad account-name? If I change it under change details I get no error but nothin g happens? is this a launchpad bug? <RicardoPerez> Please: is there any Launchpad admin here who could answer me a question about @ubuntu.com email forwarding? Thanks in advance. <brandon_rhodes> Does launchpad provide anything like a blog per project? <jamesh> brandon_rhodes: you can create announcements, which are also published as a feed <jamesh> not quite the same as a blog, but might suit your needs <brandon_rhodes> jamesh: thanks! where would I find that under the interface? I haven't stumbled across it yet... <jamesh> on the project page, there is a "Make announcement" link in t he actions menu on the left <jamesh> (assuming you own the project) <brandon_rhodes> Ah, thanks, I see it now. :-) I was expecting a "blog" or "announcements" tab, but I see it now. Yes, that's exactly what I was looking for - just a way to post a news feed about new releases, etcetera, that people can subscribe to. <jamesh> brandon_rhodes: if you have some other site for your project, the feed should make it relatively easy to integrate the announcements there <james_w> Hi all, do merge proposals generate a notification email? <kiko> james_w, I believe they do <kiko> but I would need to ask thumper to be sure <james_w> I assume that they do, but I wonder who gets them, I have never received one as part of ~bzr even when branches are proposed for merging in to ~bzr/something <thekorn> james_w, subscribers to the target branch seems to get a notification email <james_w> ah, ok. I would have assumed the owner was an implicit subscriber. <KaZeR> hey guys. there's a little thing with the import of our svn. last commit i made was 1085, but on launchad it's seen as 905. can this be fixed? <kiko> KaZeR, is the import running or is it stopped? <KaZeR> it says it's online <KaZeR> last run : success, 4h ago <KaZeR> notice that we were using cvs until 2 months ago. but svn says it's rev 1085 <KaZeR> also i have questions about the translation tool. <KaZeR> at first, i manually uploaded the .po files. now, will they get auto-updated with the svn sync? <mok0> How can I open a sub-task specifically to be closed for ii? <james_w> mok0: it already has a task for hardy? <mok0> no, just on the source package <mok0> bug 114707 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 114707 in matplotlib "matplotlib pdf generation fails with tex text" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114707 <james_w> the "Nominate for release" link on the right should do it, but if it's just to be fixed in intrepid there is no need. <mok0> james_w: I would like to keep the bug open for hardy etc <james_w> mok0: just add a task for the releases you are going to do an SRU for <mok0> james_w: ... and that's what I can't figure out how to do <james_w> ah, on the left sorry, "Nominate for release" <mok0> Ha! Thanks james_ <mok0> What to do about a bug where a fix is given, but does not require any patching of the software? The problem is solved for the reporter, but it seems wrong to set the bug to "invalid" or "won't fix". <BadChoice> hy! <BadChoice> I'm having trouble with bzr <BadChoice> can you help me? <BadChoice> what is the command I have to use to push with ssh? <andrea-bs> BadChoice: bzr push bzr+ssh://... <BadChoice> after ssh://... <BadChoice> goes my username and my project? <kiko-fud> BadChoice, it depends. what are you pushing to? <andrea-bs> BadChoice: you can find the full address in the branch page <BadChoice> to a branch named main <BadChoice> bzr push lp:~guitarboy000/gloobus/main <BadChoice> says this <BadChoice> but it gives me an mkdir error <BadChoice> that it can't make dirs throught http <kiko-fud> BadChoice, bzr launchpad-login <kiko-fud> abentley, are we gonna fix that error message btw? :) <BadChoice> No Launchpad user ID configured. <BadChoice> a well <BadChoice> bzr launchpad-login guitarboy000 <BadChoice> wou <BadChoice> I think it worked now <BadChoice> mm <BadChoice> but in the launchpad page still says "This branch has not been pushed to yet." <BadChoice> ok <BadChoice> it takes a while! <BadChoice> it worked pretty well! <BadChoice> Thank you! <LaserJock> is there a reason why only the advanced +filebug page has the cool Ubuntu bug filing instructions? <LaserJock> I would think it would be the non-advanced users that would need them more <bobbo> I hit control+c by accident when pushing a bzr branch to launchpad and now get an error when trying to push again: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15837/. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? <beuno> bobbo, bzr break-lock lp:project <beuno> bzr break-lock bzr+ssh://bobbo@bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuland/ubuland/devel/ <beuno> to be more precise <beuno> you may have to run that twice <bobbo> beuno: thats fixed it, thanks alot :) <beuno> bobbo, np. The next version of bzr (1.6) will report an error with more information on how to fix this <bobbo> beuno: good news :) <fta> RAOF, did you manage to poke someone for PPA/intrepid ? <KaZeR> i have questions about the translation tool. <KaZeR> at first, i manually uploaded the .po files. now, will they get auto-updated with the svn sync? <kirkland> it would be really nice if the "Register a Blueprint" button were on your own "Blueprints" page ;-) <matsubara> kirkland: bug 120582 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 120582 in blueprint "Register a Blueprint button should appear on /~team-name" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120582 <kirkland> matsubara: rock on, thanks. <abentley> kiko: There was certainly discussion of fixing that, and I thought it had been done. <kiko> cool <kiko> LaserJock, both pages have them. it's just not presented before you search. <LaserJock> kiko: ahhh <LaserJock> great <mok0> LaserJock: You're back! <LaserJock> not exactly <LaserJock> just trying to finish up leaving <mok0> heh <kiko> abentley, I think that was https://edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/229434 :-/ <ubottu> Launchpad bug 229434 in launchpad-bazaar "Branch merge proposal emails do not go to the branch owner" [Medium,Triaged] <abentley> kiko: Sorry, what was the question? <abentley> There was a fix done, but it turned out to be broken. <abentley> Then SteveA vetoed the whole approach. <swegner> Hi, I'm looking to host a new project on Launchpad. I'm pretty excited about using the bzr source control and bug reports, but I'm kinda stuck in that there doesn't seem to be any general webpage hosting? Is there some resource for projects that need a Wiki for user documentation or blueprints? <statik> swegner, not yet, we want to add wiki pages in the future <statik> swegner, you could set up a free wiki at wik.is and then point from your blueprints to that * statik really wants wikis built into launchpad <LaserJock> yeah, I think that's kind of the last missing piece <swegner> I'd like to avoid registered a sourceforge project as well, but I think it would be worth having the webspace <swegner> do you think wikis are coming soon? is it worth holding out for <kiko> swegner, not in the next 2 months, unfortunately. <kiko> swegner, but why not use wik.is instead of sf.net? <swegner> kiko: I've never heard of it... is it comparable/better? <kiko> swegner, it's just for wikihosting. I prefer it to all the bells-n-whistles <swegner> kiko: this does look good. I think all I probably need for the project is a simple wiki. this would probably do the trick-- thanks <sistpoty> hi, I have a very stupid question: how can I join the ubuntu-universe-sponsors team? (I didn't find a link in the actions field on https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-universe-sponsors) <LaserJock> sistpoty: you need to ask a team admin to add you <LaserJock> it's a Restricted LP team <sistpoty> LaserJock: ah, so a restricted team doesn't have the option to request joining via the ui? <LaserJock> sistpoty: nope <sistpoty> thanks LaserJock <sistpoty> oh, since you're around LaserJock... how should we proceed with motu-sru now? (-> #ubuntu-motu please ;)) <bdmurray> any bugs team people around? <kiko> bdmurray, sure. :) <bdmurray> I got an e-mail and I'm not sure if it is expected behavior. I got a "NEW" you've been subscribed message for a bug I reported because a team I'm a member of was subscribed. #launchpad 2008-05-31 <kiko> bdmurray, it's interesting, at least. we now send out special subscription notifications, but we hadn't considered what would happen if you were also the reporter. I guess you might still want the paper trail to confirm your action worked? <bdmurray> kiko: I didn't subscribe the team I'm part of but I guess <emgent> heya people <emgent> kiko: ping <kiko> emgent, hey there <kiko> bdmurray, the From: tells you who did it right? <bdmurray> kiko: Nope, but it says in the body <kiko> bdmurray, oh <emgent> kiko: have you time for open one mailinglist for rapache-devel team ? <emgent> launchpad question is up <kiko> emgent, I don't know how to do that -- barry does though :) <emgent> cool :P <kiko> I think he's away though <kiko> bummer! <LaserJock> pfft, you mean LP devs aren't around 24x7?? <just_a_nick> hello everyone. Im having trouble my open pgp key. Does anyone know how to solve this? <just_a_nick> Hello everyone. I have just uploaded my pgp key but i cant decrypt the mail launchpad sent me. Can someone help me? <rockstar> just_a_nick, what mail client are you using? <just_a_nick> hotmail, but i tried evolution <just_a_nick> it tells me my key is incorrect <just_a_nick> i have solved the problem. I had to use my passphrase instead of my key to decrypt <just_a_nick> thank you anyway rockstar <rockstar> just_a_nick, you're actually using your passphrase AND your key... <just_a_nick> well. I just had to write my passphrase for firegpg to decrypt it <Erick> hey i have a question <Erick> how do i become a member from the ubuntu translater team? <jafo> I made a commit to my bzr branch and then tried "bzr push lp:python-memcached", but it's failing with "transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()". I can't find instructions on how I'm supposed to push on the launchpad site. <mwhudson> jafo: bzr launchpad-login <jafo> Thanks. <mwhudson> jafo: newer bzrs will suggest this <mwhudson> jafo: you can find newer bzrs in the ~bzr ppa, fwiw <jafo> Yeah, just had to "bzr launchpad-login jafo", then I could push. THanks. <mwhudson> np <Daviey> Hi, is it possible to delete a package from PPA, and unmark a previous build as superseeded? <gnomefreak> Daviey: you can delete and upload of newer version will mark it superseeded once build finishes <gnomefreak> s/will/should <Daviey> gnomefreak: seems wasteful to rebuild just for the sake of it, but mkay - thanks <wgrant> Daviey: One isn't meant to delete packages to regress the version. <wgrant> That is very, very bad. <Daviey> wgrant: why? <wgrant> Daviey: Upgrades. <wgrant> Or lack thereof. <Daviey> wgrant: It was a trunk build that didn't build cleanly, so reverted to latest release. <Daviey> so that is why i want to revert to a superseeded package <wgrant> You shouldn't do that. <wgrant> You need to upload a new version. <wgrant> Or nobody can upgrade. <Daviey> rather, i mean the trunk build failed - so nobody would have grabbed the debs <wgrant> Why wouldn't they>? <Daviey> how could they? <wgrant> If they use your PPA, they will have them. <wgrant> Oh. <wgrant> I see. <wgrant> It all failed, OK. <Daviey> yeah. i didn't make that very clear. <wgrant> Well, it's highly evil and shouldn't be done. <wgrant> But there is a way to do it. <wgrant> Delete the new package. <Daviey> done <wgrant> And copy the old one to the right distroseries. <Daviey> hmm * Daviey investigates <Daviey> wgrant: that worked, you sir rock. thanks <wgrant> np <RainCT> hi <RainCT> Is there some problem with bazaar.launchpad.net? (I've done a commit several minutes ago and it hasn't showed up yet :S). <Peng> What about now? <Peng> I don't think a delay of a few minutes is abnormal. <RainCT> Still not there. I've been waiting for at least 10 minutes now. <Peng> Oh. <RainCT> actually, even more. I pushed at 14:27 <RainCT> and now again (a new commit) at 14:42 <RainCT> (branch is: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~revu-hackers/revu/trunk/) <Peng> What if you "bzr log -r -1 http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~revu-hackers/revu/trunk/"? <RainCT> Peng: it shows info for the first commit, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15986/plain/ <Peng> RainCT: Look at https://code.launchpad.net/~revu-hackers/revu/trunk . It says there's an error. <Peng> RainCT: I said "-1", the most recent revision, not "1". <Peng> RainCT: FWIW, I get r217, which is from a couple hours ago, I think. <RainCT> yes, it should be at 219 though. What does that error mean? <RainCT> -1 shows commit 217 <Peng> RainCT: Uhh. It means one of the most recent revisions isn't entirely there. <Peng> RainCT: Also, it's locked. <Peng> RainCT: Your connection or bzr died while pushing. <RainCT> oh. bzr pull says "No revisions to pull" <RainCT> nvm <Peng> Err, never mind about the lock thing. <Peng> My mistake. <RainCT> argh.. just did pull --overwrite instead of push -.- <Peng> Oops. <RainCT> well, still have most files open <Peng> The revisions are still in your local repository; use the "bzr heads" plugin to find them, then "bzr pull -r revid:...". <Peng> Wait, "bzr pull -r revid:whatever ." <mwhudson> Revision {rainct@ubuntu.com-20080531122738-g0riqnfnzvbl8y0t} not present in "KnitVersionedFile(file:///srv/bazaar.launchpad.net/push-branches/00/00/05/60/.bzr/repository/knits/69/%2543onfig.py-20060622101809-5d8e0d685e1ba48a)". <mwhudson> something broked <mwhudson> i guess pushing again will help * mwhudson is asleep though <RainCT> re-pushed.. let's see if it comes up now <Peng> Says the same thing, but like <Peng> I said, I think it can take a couple minutes to update. * Peng waits. <Peng> RainCT: Also, you haven't upgraded to packs yet? Eww. <RainCT> Peng: dunno.. isn't my branch :P <Peng> If you can write to it, you could. People may not notice. :P <RainCT> lol. looks bad, the revisions are still not there. <Peng> RainCT: Try a push --overwrite. <RainCT> just tried that; «No new revisions to push.» <RainCT> bzr co lp:revu doesn't work - http://paste.ubuntu.com/15989/plain/ - but break-lock doesn't show any locks <Peng> Yeah, that was the mistake I made. I'm pretty sure that warning just means that while the server was working, it let something be implicitly unlocked when it was garbage collected instead of doing it explicitly. <RainCT> ah, but lp:revu is another branch anyway <RainCT> (uhm.. but same problem with revu-hackers/revu/trunk) <RainCT> got ride of the warning on LP doing: uncommit; uncommit; push --overwrite; <RainCT> first commit up.. <RainCT> and the second one broke it again o_O <RainCT> brb <kiko> RainCT, what bzr are you using? <RainCT> kiko: 1.3.1 <highvoltage> howdy <highvoltage> any admins around? <highvoltage> I get an error when I try to checkout the planet ubuntu configuration files. Seems like a lock issue, would this be the right place to ask about that? <Hobbsee> highvoltage: you need to use a later version of bzr, iirc. <kiko> RainCT, you might want to upgrade.. <kiko> highvoltage, what version of bzr? <highvoltage> jonathan@sawdust:~$ apt-cache show bzr | grep Version <highvoltage> Version: 1.3.1-1 <highvoltage> Python-Version: 2.4, 2.5 <highvoltage> Hobbsee, kiko: ^^^ <kiko> old <kiko> upgrade <highvoltage> oh wow. thanks. <Hobbsee> newer version is in backports. can't cherry pick the fix (patch doesn't apply) <Hobbsee> so doesn't qualify for a SRU <kiko> Hobbsee, what release is that? <kiko> Hobbsee, we could ask martin to sort this out for us if you like <Hobbsee> oh, interesting. they did mangle it to apply. <Hobbsee> kiko: looks like a working version should be in hardy-proposed <highvoltage> Hobbsee: ok thanks, for a moment there I thought I haven't installed all my security updates <highvoltage> hmm, can't find it in backports either. perhaps the local mirror still needs to update. I'll try again later. <Hobbsee> does'nt look in backports. i requested that jdong fixed it. <Hobbsee> i wonder if it's sitting in a queue somewhere <highvoltage> aaah <highvoltage> kiko: where did you get the newer version from? from source? <Hobbsee> highvoltage: it's in intrepid <highvoltage> aah <highvoltage> bit early for me to be installing things from intrepid. I guess I can just make an intrepid chroot for that. <kiko> highvoltage, you can pull from the bzr ppa I bet <RainCT> highvoltage: the .deb is also on http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/bzr <highvoltage> yay \o/ <Hobbsee> hmm, not stuck in a queue <highvoltage> what the heck, I'll just install it from intrepid <laga> did the bzr guys again change their repo format? <kiko> no <zyx386_> hi <zyx386_> how can contact to nickolay from wordpress team in launchpad <zyx386_> the email isn't correct <zyx386_> ? <zyx386_> Nikolay Bachiyski <RainCT> zyx386_: I don't think the LP team is allowed to tell people non-public data about other users <zyx386_> RainCT, this nickolay is group owner most answer me <zyx386_> we translate some text in wordpress translation <zyx386_> some one can register and edit our translation <zyx386_> i send 10 emails but no answer <zyx386_> and wher make our team under Filter??? <zyx386_> http://amanj86.googlepages.com/wordpress.PNG <zyx386_> anyone answer me????? <RainCT> zyx386_: so your problem is that you want to change the group's configuration so that only approved people can change translations on the wordpress project, but the project's owner doesn't answer? <zyx386_> yes <RainCT> zyx386_: are you a WP dev? <zyx386_> no <zyx386_> but iam member from ubuntu in kurdish and creator from worpress in kurdish <RainCT> zyx386_: well, then tell some WP developer to ask the LP guys and they might transfer project ownership to him <RainCT> (or just wait for a reply from some LP guy as they might tell you something else) <zyx386_> i send the email to nickolay the group qwner <zyx386_> he anser first time <zyx386_> contact to kurdish team in wordpress <zyx386_> :) <zyx386_> i am creator from wordpress in kurdish, what you talking abut :) <RainCT> well dunno just wait for some LP guy to answer then <zyx386_> ok thanx <RainCT> yw <RainCT> argh.. still the same problem with bzr 1.5-1 <RainCT> @ kiko, Peng <kiko> RainCT, that's pretty weird. <kiko> RainCT, locally the branch works fine? <RainCT> yes <kiko> but when pushing it corrupts? <RainCT> right. and the revision hasn't any big change nor anything.. just a new file and some plain text changes (http://paste.ubuntu.com/15995/) <kiko> hmmm <kiko> plain text changes you say? <kiko> RainCT, and it's reproducible, always when pushing that specific revision? <RainCT> yes <RainCT> ie, pushing rev 218 worked <kiko> RainCT, can you tar the whole branch up and save it for tomorrow when I can get jml to look at it? <kiko> also capture the error message and save it <kiko> RainCT, now, if you commit something else and push, does it work? <RainCT> no. bzr push doesn't complain, but it won't come up on LP <Peng> RainCT: Are you pushing over bzr+ssh or sftp? Try the other. <RainCT> bzr+ssh <RainCT> kiko: should I mail it to you? <kiko> RainCT, no, but if you can hang on to it until tomorrow jml can look at it <kiko> (my link is painfully slow) <Peng> RainCT: Also, try pushing to a different location (another server, or lp:~rainct/+junk/test) or something. <RainCT> no luck with sftp <Peng> You broked it! <Peng> I'm out, then. <Peng> Perhaps #bzr could help. <highvoltage> kiko: I get the same problem with the new bzr :/ <kiko> highvoltage, so does RainCT :-/ <kiko-afk> I need to run off <kiko-afk> will bbiab <highvoltage> ok <fredreichbier> Hello. is it possible to make a 'quicklink' on a file on the newest revision? e.g. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gestikk/gestikk/main/annotate/jonas%40dauerbaustelle-20080525093253-w0idrwcoseco2bs2?file_id=netwm.py-20080523101630-ztjme5cgsi0ygq4m-1 -> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gestikk/gestikk/main/gestikk/netwm.py (doesn't work)? <andrea-bs> can I send e-mails to <new@bugs.staging.launchpad.net>? <RainCT> argh is that netsplit annoying :P <marnanel> I should be able to find this, I'm sure... I have a project which LP knows about but it doesn't use LP's code (it uses Google Code); is there a simple way to import svn history into LP and make it the code for my project? <marnanel> Or should I be asking this on LP help? <beuno> marnanel, you can requst LP to mirror the SVN branch in bzr <beuno> I believe you have to open a question requesting it, but I haven't done if before, so I can't say for sure <beuno> the usual LP admins are probably waway today <beuno> I'd file a question with all the relevant information, and go from there <marnanel> beuno: thanks, aweseom <kiko-afk> marnanel, you can create a new code import: https://help.launchpad.net/VcsImports <marnanel> also awesome <marnanel> kiko-afk: I don't want to mirror it, though, I want to stop using svn <kiko-afk> marnanel, ah. you are a wise man. but you can mirror first and then use that as your basis for your new branch <kiko-afk> or you can do a one-time conversion <marnanel> oh, good point <kiko-afk> https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+faq/26 * marnanel goes to play with this <kiko-afk> https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+faq/24 <marnanel> ooh, I must have missed that-- thanks <kiko-afk> marnanel, if you set up your source details I might be able to kick it off before I leave in some 20 mins <kiko-afk> upstairs and will brb <beuno> ah, there you go, the ever-present kiko-afk :) <kiko-afk> marnanel, so, what do you think <emgent> heya <danshearer> 'evening all <danshearer> last time I was here people helped me get my first project up (and thankyou all kindly) <danshearer> now I'd like to be unconfused about something else <danshearer> I have read about the difference between a product and a project <danshearer> now I hear that maybe in practice product==project and there is a new category, superproject <danshearer> however "superproject" is not a designation ever seen, it is just a label people talk about IRL <danshearer> and a superproject can have multiple child projects (which cannot themselves have child projects.) <danshearer> is this approximately correct? <danshearer> s/supergroup/project group/ <danshearer> another, very different topic... where do the administrators of ubuntu.com hang out? I've got a nice error msg to report <danshearer> found it. <danshearer> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+filebug <danshearer> all roads lead to launchpad :-) <maix> is it possible that a user who has the name i'd like to have on launchpad is deleted (he has not done anything on launchpad yet) <wgrant> danshearer: A project group (proper name for a superproject) has no projecty attributes of its own other than a description, title, and that sort of thing. It can contain normal projects. For example, 'launchpad-project' is a project group. <wgrant> It cannot have bugs or blueprints or similar created on it. <zyx386> hi <zyx386> is anyone her from launchpad? <zyx386> we have abig problem in our language translatio in wordpress project <zyx386> ever one can register and edit our text <zyx386> ??? #launchpad 2008-06-01 <wgrant> zyx386: Probably not at this time, I'm afraid. <wgrant> But that is intended behaviour, if you have an open translation policy set. <zyx386> :) <zyx386> wgrant, the team owner dont answer me <zyx386> i send 4 emails to him <wgrant> If you for some reason don't want people to do it, you need to get the owner of the project to change it. Not the owner of the team. <zyx386> iam creator from team <zyx386> but i cant change anything <zyx386> just team owener <zyx386> https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/wordpress-translators <zyx386> you see iam the translator team <zyx386> but i cant change anything <zyx386> Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page. <zyx386> ?? <marnanel> Sorry, I was called away for a long time; I doubt anyone's around now who was helping me before. Where should I go to request something be imported into LP from an existing svn repo? <P-Luc_Auclair> is there a way to localize launchpad or is it on the roadmap? <P-Luc_Auclair> anybody? <marnanel> Where should I go to request something be imported into LP from an existing svn repo? <kiko-afk> marnanel, I gave you the links to the wiki! <marnanel> kiko-afk: I'm sorry to be slow; the pages you gave me had helpful information on them, but they ended by saying "You can request..." and what I'm asking now is how I actually request. <kiko-afk> marnanel, have you set up the source details for your project? <marnanel> kiko-afk: yes. but I set it to mirror a few weeks ago and it has not yet done so <marnanel> kiko-afk: though that's okay because I don't want to mirror now anyway <kiko-afk> marnanel, well, are you going to tell me the name of the project and the branch? or are you keeping me in suspense? :) * marnanel laughs. sorry. it is app-blt. the branch is trunk. <kiko-afk> as in bacon lettuce and tomato <marnanel> yes, exactly <kiko-afk> oh-oh <kiko-afk> googlecode <marnanel> This is bad? <kiko-afk> very <kiko-afk> these imports usually fail <kiko-afk> let's try it out <kiko-afk> marnanel, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/app-blt/trunk <kiko-afk> marnanel, if it fails, then read the other faqs I gave you <kiko-afk> they explain how to do a conversion yourself <marnanel> thank you very much! <kiko-afk> no problemo <marnanel> kiko-afk: so now I have it imported, should I ask someone to turn on "uses Code" for app-blt? <kiko-afk> marnanel, you can turn it on yourself, and the import will run automatically -- has it not started? <marnanel> it has finished! <marnanel> thank you very much! <marnanel> kiko-afk: okay, so I get that it's imported now: a) it says it's scheduled to re-import in 5 hours and I don't want it to again ever; how do I turn that off? and b) https://launchpad.net/app-blt still says "Doesn't use Code"-- is that wrong? <Hobbsee> kiko-afk: why am i getting a timeout loading a bug? (OOPS-883EA4) <Hobbsee> oh, there we go. * Hobbsee thought that was supposed to be fixed nwo. <jml> Hobbsee: I know BjornT made it a lot faster. <jml> Hobbsee: but "lots faster" doesn't necessarily mean "no timeouts". <Hobbsee> jml: yeah, that seems to be a spectacularly bad bug for that <Hobbsee> jml: true * Hobbsee needs to find ways to close parts of this huge bug, without loading it. <Hobbsee> and if someone subscribes me to it, or assigns me, i'm going to be very unhappy <jml> Hobbsee: you could use email, I think. <Hobbsee> jml: yeah. i'll have to look up the syntax on hwo to do that, i suspec <Hobbsee> t * jml gets an idea for some LP bling <Hobbsee> oh noes. bling! <Hobbsee> jml: it's only good bling if it doesn't slow launchpad down. <jml> Hobbsee: basically I want a graph showing me how many commits I've made to bzr per month for the last N months. (and variations on this feature) <Hobbsee> jml: ooh, fun <jml> Hobbsee: this is only going to slow down the page that shows that information. <jml> Hobbsee: practically by definition :) <Hobbsee> heh <Hobbsee> jml: it sounds like useful bling, though. possibly. <sabdfl> jml: +1 <sabdfl> or, +3! <jml> sabdfl: woot. official sanction :) <jml> Hobbsee: personally, I find all information about myself to be absurdly fascinating. I suspect a lot of people are like this. <Hobbsee> jml: true :) <Hobbsee> jml: it's not an often-used page, either, so it won't get in the way <sabdfl> marnanel: if core devs for bash-loves-twitter will be keeping an eye on pushed to LP for blt, then you should check the "Uses code" toggle <sabdfl> marnanel: you do it in the "Change details" link on the top left of the BLT home page <cody-somerville> Package diffs are neat. <wgrant> cody-somerville: Can we see them yet? <wgrant> Ah, there. <wgrant> Rather nice indeed. <wgrant> It would be even nicer if it imported Debian sources and also provided diffs against them. <wgrant> (rather than having it separately on patches.ubuntu.com) <cody-somerville> sabdfl, \o_ <cody-somerville> wgrant, It doesn't do that? <cody-somerville> wgrant, Oh, I understand what you mean. You want the diff against the current debian source. <wgrant> cody-somerville: Correct. <cody-somerville> wgrant, since they already exist, I can't imagine it would be too difficult for launchpad to atleast link to it. I suggest you file a bug. <wgrant> cody-somerville: I find it highly unlikely that they'll link externally. <cody-somerville> wgrant, They might not take that approach. <cody-somerville> wgrant, If you don't intend to file a bug, please say so that I can do it. :] <wgrant> cody-somerville: I don't intend to file a bug right now - I'm a bit busy. <cody-somerville> wgrant, Would you like for me to do it for you? <wgrant> cody-somerville: Sure. I think everyone would like such a feature. <wgrant> Thanks. <mtaylor> what's the deal with PPAs and intrepid? I upload source for intrepid and it accepts it, but doesn't build anything... <Hobbsee> mtaylor: doesn't work. <mtaylor> Hobbsee: well, that's simple enough <Hobbsee> mtaylor: wont' work until the distro team give an ack, but the soyuz team has not yet asked the distro team about it yet. <Hobbsee> mtaylor: when i ask why they haven't, i get told that i can ask. <mtaylor> nice <Hobbsee> very. <mtaylor> well, I'll just take the green check marks to mean that all of my stuff works perfectly on intrepid then! <Hobbsee> intrepid's been open for ubuntu development, non-toolchain, for ages, so i've got no idea what they're waiting for. * Hobbsee wonders if launchpad search will get substantially better. <Hobbsee> searching for a string, over hte entire ubuntu, is still a pain. * Hobbsee utilises google to search launchpad isntead. <mtaylor> well, google _is_ pretty good at search <Hobbsee> true. <Hobbsee> at least the launchpad search seems to return results that contain most of the search criteria. <juliux> hi is it possible to create a poll where you can vote for 3 of 7 ? <Pilky> hey all, just wondering if there are any plans to add Lighthouse to the list of supported bug trackers in launchpad? <kiko-afk> Pilky, file a bug -- we can do it <Pilky> kiko-afk: cool, will do <jumpkick> what do people usually use for the <name> portion of their branch name? trunk? main? <jumpkick> my project is only going to have 1 branch <jumpkick> in SVN we'd call it trunk <jumpkick> but I don't know if people follow the same convention in bzr <Spads> jumpkick: I think "trunk" is a commonly understood term, and you could certainly do worse <jumpkick> help... when I try to push my branch I get an error message that my user account don't have a registered SSH key... but I copied my id_rsa.pub into my launchpad ssh keys... is there something else I need to do <jumpkick> ? <Rocket2DMn> good morning. I have a question regarding the status of a bug report I started awhile ago. Is it appropriate for me (the OP) to set the status to Confirmed when other people are having the same problem? <Rocket2DMn> see: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/b43-fwcutter/+bug/222197 <jumpkick> is there some time delay between when one registers their SSH key and the time which you can push a bzr branch? <jumpkick> seems bzr lp-login myuseraccount also reports I have no registered SSH keys... yet in my launchpad account I have the RSA key I just added <jumpkick> argh <LarstiQ> jumpkick: are you using the correct account? <jumpkick> LarstiQ: I'm doing "bzr lp-login ironstorm" which is my lp account, my lp account contains the public RSA key for this machine, though the local username is not the same name <LarstiQ> jumpkick: ah <LarstiQ> jumpkick: I think that should be fine then. It used to take a while because a cron script had to take care of things. <LarstiQ> jumpkick: you still can't login? <jumpkick> LarstiQ: still can't login via bzr <jumpkick> it's been about 40 minutes since I put in my RSA pub key <beuno> jumpkick, you don't seem to have an ssh key in that account: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ironstorm <jumpkick> what the heck <jumpkick> seems someone else is using my alias ... this is my lp page https://code.launchpad.net/~ironstorm-gmail <jumpkick> guess I have to change my login to ironstorm-gmail? <beuno> yeap <jumpkick> ah <jumpkick> that seems to work <jumpkick> thanks * jumpkick is confused <beuno> :) <LarstiQ> jumpkick: could it be auto-imported from sf or something? <LarstiQ> jumpkick: if so, you should be able to merge the two accounts <jumpkick> LarstiQ: I have that name on gmail, and on SF... but seems someone else has it on lp <jumpkick> frustrating <LarstiQ> jumpkick: why does your client print a BOM when you address me btw? <jumpkick> LarstiQ: what is a BOM? <LarstiQ> jumpkick: Byte-order-mark <LarstiQ> jumpkick: http://richtlijn.be/~larstiq/bom.png <KaZeR> hi guys. can anybody help me with the translation tool? <KaZeR> how to you update your translations from your code repo? <jumpkick> LarstiQ: to answer your question about BOM, I'm using pidgin for IRC... seems whenever I copy/paste your name you get a BOM <jumpkick> nothing shows on my side though <LarstiQ> jumpkick: well, it's usually an unprintable character :) <zyx386> anyone tell me, waht is happen in launchpad groups or teams? <zyx386> in wordpress project is send more than to admin and team owener no answer <zyx386> every one can register and change our translation??? <jumpkick> Adri2000: if it would make your life easier packaging wise, I can check the /debian folder into the libDJConsole bzr that was setup earlier today <nysin> Is it possible for a launchpad branch (not whole-project) to have multiple committing accounts? <kiko> nysin, yes <kiko> nysin, just make it owned by a team <nysin> Ah, thanks. <kiko> zyx386, it depends on the translation mode. <jumpkick> nysin: https://help.launchpad.net/FeatureHighlights/TeamBranches <jumpkick> just had to set one up today <nysin> Yeah, I'd actually seen and read that page but sort of missed the implication <zyx386> kiko, thanx i know that #launchpad 2009-05-25 <Turl> hi <Turl> any idea why can't a friend of mine get a branch I made? <Turl> launchpad claims it's public <Turl> but he gets this error:Permission denied (publickey). / bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions <wgrant> Turl: He's told bzr to use bzr+ssh (using 'bzr lp-login'), but he doesn't have his Launchpad SSH key on that machine. <SamB> or rather, he hasn't uploaded his SSH key for that machine to launchpad <Turl> thanks wgrant and SamB, I'll ask him <SamB> Turl: another thing to check would be if you gave him the bzr+ssh URL instead of the lp: form <Turl> SamB: I told him the lp: way <Turl> bzr branch lp:~turl/+junk/ircbot more precisely <SamB> Turl: okay, yeah, than he's got to upload an SSH public key for that machine to launchpad, yes <wgrant> Or use HTTP. <SamB> or failing that, use the non-existant lp-logout command <wgrant> Or just drop launchpad_username from ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf * SamB will probably have to check the launchpad bug he reported about there being no lp-logout the next time he wants to do that, 'cause he can't ever remember what change it would do if there were one ... <jmarsden> SamB: It means the next bzr get you do goes over http instead of over SSH... ? <SamB> jmarsden: I mean, how it gets that to happen <SamB> that is, I can never remember what config file to change or what variable in it to change ... <jmarsden> Ah, OK. Last line of ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf -- just remove the line like: launchpad_username = whoever <profchaos> can somebody help me? <Hobbsee> "no" <profchaos> hey hobbsee, i registered with launchpad, and then i generated my ssh key and uploaded it to launchpad, and I'm trying to get latest of the lp:chromium-browser branch. But I'm having some problems getting the source - do you have any directions? <profchaos> and I'm new to both bzr and launchpad. :) <Hobbsee> do you have any error messages? <profchaos> I assume this would get the latest "./debian/rules get-orig-source LOCAL_BRANCH=../upstream/chromium-browser.svn" <profchaos> it says "no rule to make target" <Hobbsee> hmm. I don't know, sorry <profchaos> do you know any other channels where i can get some help on this? <Hobbsee> probably #ubuntu-motu? <Hobbsee> if anyone's awake at this time of day <profchaos> Haha yeah i know its late <profchaos> on a long weekend . <Hobbsee> hrm, is that why it's quiet... <profchaos> well, that could be the reason. might be everyone's gettin wasted haha .. <Hobbsee> indeed <Hobbsee> sounds likely <binarymutant> when I try to checkout a branch with bzr it says "Not a branch", but it is the correct name. Could this be because it's tagged as +junk? <pygi> hi folks <pygi> who has access to change summit.ubuntu.com? <mwhudson> james_w: jml COMING TO get you! <mwhudson> hm, coherence not so much <RockyRoad> Hi :) <RockyRoad> I just made a cvs import request, but I didn't write the module name right <RockyRoad> I wrote the correction in the whiteboard of VCSimport branch <RockyRoad> is it ok ? <beuno> RockyRoad, yes, thank you <beuno> we will take care of it soon <RockyRoad> Thanks beuno :) <mwhudson> RockyRoad: got a link ? <RockyRoad> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/drupal-planet/trunk-6x <RockyRoad> is it what you meant ? <mwhudson> RockyRoad: i've edited it, is it right now? <RockyRoad> I think so, thanks mwhudson <mwhudson> RockyRoad: i've hit the 'go' button <RockyRoad> :) * RockyRoad is crossing fingers <RockyRoad> I tried myself with tailor first <RockyRoad> without success... I probably didn't read the doc carefully enough <RockyRoad> something wrong again ... let me check <mwhudson> yeah, that didn't seem to work <tansell> any launchpad developers around and able to quickly help with - https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/69460 ? <mwhudson> um, i don't /think/ modules files work like that? <mirak> hi <mirak> is there a way to see the activity of a team, like if it's dead or alive <RockyRoad> mwhudson: this command works for me: <RockyRoad> cvs -z6 -d:pserver:anonymous:anonymous@cvs.drupal.org:/cvs/drupal-contrib checkout contributions/modules/planet <mwhudson> RockyRoad: yeah, but i think your CVSROOT/modules is malformed and cscvs is choking on that <mwhudson> "cvs -d :pserver:anonymous:anonymous@cvs.drupal.org:/cvs/drupal-contrib co headerimage" doesn't work for me <mwhudson> (arguably cscvs should be more lazy about parsing the modules file) <RockyRoad> so the problem would be on drupal.org side ? <mwhudson> RockyRoad: right <RockyRoad> but it works for https://code.launchpad.net/drupal ? <RockyRoad> ... or it worked ... back on 2005-07-09 <mwhudson> RockyRoad: different $CVSROOT, isn't it? * mwhudson looks <RockyRoad> I've no access to drupal.org server <mwhudson> you can checkout and change CVSROOT probably * RockyRoad has forgot a bit about cvs ... one moment * mwhudson afk for lunch <RockyRoad> mwhudson: I don't understand how I could check CVSROOT <RockyRoad> cat CVS/Root <RockyRoad> :pserver:anonymous:anonymous@cvs.drupal.org:/cvs/drupal-contrib <RockyRoad> my own $CVSROOT is /var/lib/cvs/ <maxb> Looks to me like someone with commit access to the CVSROOT/modules file needs to fix it <maxb> Those leading slashes look wrong to me <maxb> Also I can't imagine what the point of aliasing contributions to itself is. <RockyRoad> I'd like to make it easier to access module history ... before it started in lp <maxb> I don't understand what you mean by that <RockyRoad> ok. That might not be that important ... <RockyRoad> I just found out that there's only one older revision in cvs <RockyRoad> You may give up with it if you want <RockyRoad> An idea: the problem might be how they handle branches for Drupal version (4.7x , 5.x, 6.x ) <RockyRoad> CVS tag: DRUPAL-6--1-3 <RockyRoad> CVS tag: DRUPAL-5--1-2 <RockyRoad> CVS branch: HEAD <RockyRoad> CVS branch: DRUPAL-4-7 <maxb> Why should that matter? <maxb> mwhudson specifically noted the malformed modules file <RockyRoad> I can't do much for that <maxb> Why not? If it's wrong, you can report it, and it ought to be fixed eventually <RockyRoad> my report wouldn't be very precise , I didn't find it my self <maxb> Well, if you can't be bothered to report it, it certainly won't get fixed <binarymutant> is there a way to move a +junk bzr branch to something not +junk? <binarymutant> if that makes sense <binarymutant> how do I register a bzr branch and not have it tagged as +junk? <wgrant> binarymutant: You register it from the project page, or just 'bzr push' to somewhere. <binarymutant> wgrant, I did it through the project page, however it added the tag +junk to it =/ <binarymutant> it seems to default to it <wgrant> binarymutant: Hmm, not for me. <wgrant> binarymutant: Are you using edge.launchpad.net or plain launchpad.net? <binarymutant> wgrant, plain launchpad <wgrant> binarymutant: It doesn't give you a widget to enter the project? <wgrant> https://code.launchpad.net/someproject/+addbranch works fine for me. <wgrant> But why are you registering the branch at all? You can just push, without registering first. <RockyRoad> maxb: http://drupal.org/node/472168 <binarymutant> wgrant, I do have that widget, however I wanted to register it to a team <wgrant> binarymutant: A team, or a project? +junk is in place of the project, not the team. <binarymutant> wgrant, ty <Ampelbein> hi. i filed bug 378364, can this problem be confirmed or is it something on my side that's wrong? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 378364 in launchpad "Can't unsubscribe from duplicate bug when unsubscribing from master" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/378364 <zoobab01> hi <pkt> hi, would it be possible to increase my limit to 2-2.5G? I have (quite) a few packages that are now local and I 'd like to be able to share with ubuntero friends :) <pkt> (I mean my ppa limit) <pkt> some of those packages can not be found elsewhere (to my knowledge), some will be backports from debian experimental, etc <mthaddon> pkt: please post a question on https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz/+addquestion <pkt> thanks, I will <mthaddon> cool, just helps us track the request <philn> hi <philn> question about translations, can i request for import of *only* po templates and not translations? <beuno> danilos, jtv, henninge, ^ <jtv> philn: sure, we have the app so translations can be made in LP :) <philn> i mean, i have update the pot templates in a branch, but there are old po files <jtv> philn: that's fine, any translations for strings that are still in the new pot will stay. <philn> hmm'kay * philn presses the button <pkt> ok, question added <philn> ok, so i guess i now need to wait <danilos> philn: if you are talking about bzr imports, there's a separate option on your translation settings page for the series to import only POT files <philn> yes i saw that, but got confused about the one-time import (which in any case imports everything) <danilos> philn: one time import is just for the initial step when you have existing translations you want to appear in Launchpad <danilos> philn: in general, I suggest you use periodic POT import, when you don't have to use 'request bazaar import' ever again, if you plan to have your translations managed in LP <danilos> philn: I am sorry that option is so prominent, we'll try to move it away a bit <philn> yes, it might help ;) <jseabold> Hello, I'm new to launchpad, but already have a project going. I've checked the help and answers page, but haven't seen a solution for this. <jseabold> Is it possible to add code comments in an easy way (as you can in the google code respository by double-clicking)? <jseabold> I am working on a project with a mentor, and he would like to be able to make comments on my code. <kiko> jseabold, not yet, worked on this feature planned though <kiko> jseabold, well, not exactly like you can in google code -- but if you are working on a merge proposal, then you can indeed add comments <noodles775> jseabold: You could propose.. <noodles775> yes, what he said :) <jseabold> Great, that's an idea. Thanks. I will look around for a features roadmap too to say up on these changes. <jseabold> *stay up on <kiko> jseabold, if you don't know what I mean about a merge proposal, ask me and I'll get you some docs <jseabold> kiko: Oh no I think I am familiar with this, I just didn't know about the comments feature. <kiko> jseabold, any merge proposal can take comments -- just read down :) <jseabold> kiko: Ok, the only thing is that this is very much a work in progress and he just wants to be able to say that if my code reads: <jseabold> "foo.bar.reduce(0)" << a comment goes here: try foo.faster.reduce(-1) >> <jseabold> So I'm not sure if a full blown merge proposal is the way to go, but I'll see if this will work. <jseabold> Thanks! <kiko> cool <RainCT> Hey <RainCT> How can I make someone an admin of a LP group? I did it in the past but can't figure it out right now :( <stgraber> RainCT: take the member list and click on the edit button next to the name <RainCT> stgraber: there's only "Admin: No" <RainCT> ah. Seems like the only the Owner can do it. Bug :P <yann2> hi :) <yann2> I just purchased support from canonical for one desktop, but I dont know how to log in on landscape? <yann2> I hope my details wont arrive by post :) <savvas> yann2: usually the way things work is they send you an email telling you what follows, though I have no idea about canonical/landscape process :) <yann2> ok I'll wait... that bug is killing me :'( <vadi2> Hi. How can I modify this link: <vadi2> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vadi-mapper-dev/vadi-mapper/main/changes/238?start_revid=238 <vadi2> To always point to the latest revision? I thought the syntax was ":head" somewhere in there, but I can't get it right. <mwhudson> vadi2: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vadi-mapper-dev/vadi-mapper/main/changes will always have the latest revision first <mwhudson> vadi2: but http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vadi-mapper-dev/vadi-mapper/main/changes/head: will do <mwhudson> s/do/too/ <vadi2> aha. thank you #launchpad 2009-05-26 <ball> This seemed relevant: http://xkcd.com/583/ <wgrant> Launchpad doesn't have that, though. All we have to use is Invalid :( <ball> wgrant: ah well, the thought was there. <ausimage> Can someone tell me how to attach a package from my ppa to a project download page <ausimage> packages from here => https://edge.launchpad.net/~ausimage/+archive/soovee I want on there => https://edge.launchpad.net/soovee/+download <ausimage> if some does read the scrollback and has an answer please PM the details. Thanks In Advance :D <tseliot> can kiko or anyone else make my PPA private, please (it's for the OEM team)? <rawang> please, How to remove one of my ppa from launchpad? <bigjools> rawang: file a Question at https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz and ask for it to be disabled. <rawang> thanks <doctormo> http://doctormo.wordpress.com/2009/05/26/uds-where-did-all-the-coffee-go/ <mwhudson> heh <andy_> hi <andy_> i have a problem with cvs import to launchpad, could someone please help? <andy_> none of the recommended ways of dealing with this seem to work. <mwhudson> andy_: hi <mwhudson> andy_: which branch is having the problem? <andy_> the branch is this: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/cp2k/trunk <andy_> and i have described the problem here: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/72094 <andy_> thanks for any help <andy_> mwhudson: do you have any suggestions for the cvs import? <mwhudson> andy_: ah, got distracted, sorry <andy_> mwhudson: no problem <mwhudson> andy_: trying again <andy_> mwhudson: thanks for the help, but unfortunately, there seems to be more trouble <andy_> the import log ends with a crash <wgrant> O_o <wgrant> ... 10 hours notice. <Hobbsee> of? <Hobbsee> oh, is LP going down? <wgrant> Read-only from 22:00 to 23:00 <Hobbsee> ah <wgrant> (assuming read-only-launchpad works this time) <stani> I'd like to migrate my projects (SPE - python editor and SDXF - dxf library used by blender) from berlios to launchpad, but have no time to study migration. Can anyone help me with that or can file a request somewhere? <Laney> why are these things going to FTBFS instead of dep-wait? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/27170523/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-powerpc.haskell-mtl_1.1.0.2-6build1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz <wgrant> Laney: It's practically impossible to automatically retry those. <wgrant> I filed that bug years ago, but then realised it wasn't solvable. <wgrant> Laney: It's something broken somewhere down the dependency chain - not immediately unsatisfiable build-depends. <Laney> wgrant: It wouldn't be possible to have an installability check for build-deps? <wgrant> Laney: I suppose you could do something like debcheck. <wgrant> Laney: But it's still a lot more complicated than the current depwait algorithm, which is dead simple. * Laney nods <JanC> https://bugs.launchpad.net/gparted says that the GParted bugtracker is SourceForge, which is wrong, it's GNOME bugzilla <JanC> see: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/bugs.php <mthaddon> JanC: thx, I'll update <JanC> mthaddon: how does such info get into Launchpad? manually or is it automated somehow? <mthaddon> JanC: do you mean information about what projects use which upstream bug trackers? that has to be set manually (usually by the project owner) * bencrisford1 has an idea/suggestion for launchpad and doesnt know where to go with it <mwhudson> bencrisford1: well, there are plenty of devs hanging around allhands <philn> who's meant to do the pot files reviews? i did an import and they're still flagged as "needs review" <bencrisford1> Well, its more of a question about my idea <bencrisford1> because it might be stupid <beuno> bencrisford1, find the launchpad translations room <beuno> next to the bugs one <bencrisford1> sorry? <bencrisford1> you mean at the UDS? <beuno> I think I meant philn <philn> ;) <bencrisford1> oh <beuno> bencrisford1, mailing list <philn> beuno: irc room you mean? <bencrisford1> well it might be ridiculous, and theres probably a good reason why it hasnt been done already <bencrisford1> so i was gonna ask you guys? <beuno> philn, no, actual room! <bencrisford1> Well bug triaging can be really slow and painful with incomplete bug reports everywhere <philn> beuno: err, yes i'm in bcn, i should go to uds and slap some LP dudes :D <bencrisford1> so why isnt there - instead of having one description box <beuno> philn, yes. But not me please. <bencrisford1> have one for distrorelease, and version of package etc <bencrisford1> and make them required fields <bencrisford1> and a method of how to produce the bug <beuno> bencrisford1, because not all projects use ubuntu <bencrisford1> beuno: so when a project is set up they could choose a system <bencrisford1> there could be options <bencrisford1> all the systems could be there but you choose what one as the project creator <bencrisford1> you could use the current system <bencrisford1> or that system <beuno> bencrisford1, well, most projects are multi-system <beuno> it gets hairy <bencrisford1> i guess, but think of the time saved with triaging? <bencrisford1> and it would be possible to use a seperate system just for ubuntu right? <beuno> sure, fix one thing, break another :) <bencrisford1> :/ <beuno> it would... loose out on a lot of funcionality <bencrisford1> there was a good reason why no-one done it then :P <btQuark> hello <btQuark> i wonder if there will be support for more popular vcs when launchpad is opensource? <btQuark> e.g. mercurial <wgrant> The relevant bit of Launchpad isn't actually being open sourced. <wgrant> Although lots of it would be specific to bzr, lots would probably also be useful for Git/Mercurial codehosting. <beuno> btQuark, we support svn importing <beuno> and wil support git importing very soon <btQuark> i see <mwhudson> we don't have enough time to do all the things we want to do with bzr branches... <btQuark> wgrant: meaning that i can not just setup my launchpad as an alternative for mighty corporate/big projects Trac-Setups <wgrant> mwhudson: Which is why keeping it proprietary is a great idea :D <wgrant> btQuark: Correct. <mwhudson> well, don't ask me about that :) <wgrant> mwhudson: I know, I know. <btQuark> wgrant: will that ever be possible? <wgrant> btQuark: I've no idea. I'm no Launchpad dev. <btQuark> even in a for pay situation <btQuark> wgrant k <beuno> btQuark, you can pay to use launchpad privately <maxb> The idea of running a standalone Malone instance is interesting, but it does seem all the rest of the interesting bits are the bits excluded from open sourcin <maxb> +g <wgrant> maxb: I'm sure that's not accidental... <beuno> nah <beuno> they are not <wgrant> But Malone on its own is useful. <beuno> the interesting bits will be open <wgrant> beuno: When? <beuno> wgrant, soon <philn> it was announced for next mid-july <wgrant> beuno: That meant 5 years last time. <beuno> trust me, things aren't as evil as they seem <wgrant> philn: That's July 21st this year, but without the interesting bits. <wgrant> (only known to be the Soyuz backend and Codehosting, at this time) <philn> oh so this announcement is political only ;) <wgrant> And ShipIt. <beuno> sure, play paranoia amongst yourselves * beuno goes back to work <bddebian> Hi folks. I can't seem to get on any sites with LP OpenID. I did the steps to reset my password but now it says it is not yet confirmed even though I went to the site. ow do I fix it? <vadi2> has anyone gotten an irc commit announce bot working with bzr & launchpad? <cocooncrash> vadi2: I have, but I think it's currently broken. <cocooncrash> It needs to receive the commit emails. <vadi2> ohh. Yes, now I remember. I did setup a copy of ubottu but the email part was rather... complex. <vadi2> Going to give it a try again this time <cocooncrash> vadi2: I'm not using ubottu. <vadi2> oh? I have the supybot plugin one <cocooncrash> vadi2: https://launchpad.net/ibid <cocooncrash> (Which I'm involved with developing.) <vadi2> is it easier to setup email with that than the bottom part of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tsimpson/ubuntu-bots/tweak/annotate/head%3A/Bugtracker/README.txt ? <tsimpson> vadi2: I just use the RSS feed from code.launchpad.net and the RSS plugin for supybot <cocooncrash> vadi2: Um, probably similar -- Ibid runs it's own SMTP server and needs mail delivered to it. <vadi2> at what update interval? <tsimpson> I run it at 20min intervals, but it's configurable <tsimpson> eg: I point it at http://feeds.launchpad.net/~tsimpson/ubuntu-bots/tweak/branch.atom <vadi2> alright. I'll give that a go if I can't get the email to work <vadi2> right <stefanlsd> How can i check if a specific user is an indirect member of a specific team? Or, if im browsing that team, how can i show all indirect members? <persia> stefanlsd, There's no easy way <stefanlsd> persia: thanks. will check the api stuff <persia> stefanlsd, Good luck. <kfogel> Any LOSAs around? <bddebian> Is this not the place to ask about openIDs? <kiko> bddebian, sure it is <bddebian> OK, I'll just post my question again in a while, thanks <kiko> bddebian, what question was that? <kiko> danilos! <bddebian> Hi folks. I can't seem to get on any sites with LP OpenID. I did the steps to reset my password but now it says it is not yet confirmed even though I went to the site. ow do I fix it? <bddebian> s/ow/How/ <kiko> bddebian, can you log in to launchpad itself? <danilos> kiko: heya <jackbravo> I'd like to request the deletion of a project I just created.... how do i do that? <kiko> jackbravo, what's the project name? <kiko> or URL <jackbravo> doctrine <bddebian> kiko: No, I get the same message that a confirmation mail was sent to me but hasn't been confirmed. But if I open that e-mail and the link (again) it tells me it is already done. <jackbravo> https://launchpad.net/doctrine <kiko> bddebian, even shift-reloading? that's pretty odd <kiko> jackbravo, any special reason to delete it? <jackbravo> I created it because I wanted to have a DVCS to track the svn doctrine repo. But I just found out that only the main branch can be synched <bddebian> kiko: This is what I get if I go to that link again: http://paste.debian.net/37160/ <kiko> jackbravo, well, that's not 100% true <kiko> jackbravo, we /can/ do non-main imports <kiko> but you can't merge between them and main <kiko> they are separate <bddebian> kiko: I don't know if you sent that or what, but I just got a new confirmation e-mail and that worked! <kiko> bddebian, I just push them buttons <jackbravo> kiko: what you mean? you request two separate imports? <bddebian> kiko: Did I do something wrong somewhere along the way?? <kiko> jackbravo, yeah, you can just create a second series and request an import <jackbravo> hmmmmmmm, that sounds interesting.... <jackbravo> kiko: I also wanted to erase it because I didn't like it when I saw myself as the mantainer of the project.... because I'm not the mantainer. I just wanted to import the project <kiko> bddebian, not sure, it's a bit odd as I've never seen this happen before <kiko> jackbravo, oh, we can just change that <jackbravo> kiko: all right, then I'll request the import for those two branches I was talking about <jackbravo> kiko: thank you <kiko> one sec <ondrej> hi <ondrej> i still have problems with a cvs import to launchpad <kiko> jackbravo, okay, so it's now not maintained by you any longer <kiko> ondrej, tell me about it <ondrej> kiko: CVS.Error: ('Error during file checkout: %r', 'error Interrupted system call\n') <ondrej> tree consecutive imports failed like this <kiko> ondrej, normally because it timed out. did that happen mid-checkout? <ondrej> the bit where it went wrong: <ondrej> 2009-05-26 17:40:00 INFO U src/qs_tddfpt_utils.F [1.22] <ondrej> 2009-05-26 17:40:00 INFO sending checkout request: root = '/cvsroot/cp2k', file = 'cp2k/src/qs_tddfpt_utils.F', revision = '1.22' <ondrej> 2009-05-26 17:40:00 CRITICAL received error response. <ondrej> 2009-05-26 17:40:00 CRITICAL requested checkout of reporoot '/cvsroot/cp2k', file 'cp2k/src/qs_tddfpt_utils.F', revision '1.22' <ondrej> 2009-05-26 17:40:00 CRITICAL log of checkout responses follow. <ondrej> kiko, is this a problem with the cvs repository? (hosted at berlios) <kiko> well... <kiko> it looks mainly okay <kiko> it is stopping always at the same spot <ondrej> kiko, in the 3 logs, i see the failure happening while requesting different files <ondrej> do you mean same spot in the code? <ondrej> ah, yes, seems to be the same spot in the launchpad import code <ondrej> any chance this is a bug? <kiko> no, I think it's more a timeout <kiko> the server drops the connection <kiko> and we die <ondrej> ok, any chance of more forgiving settings? <ondrej> the server works just fine (as far as i can tell) for "normal" cvs work <ondrej> kiko, please, tell me, what are the options i have if i want to get this imported to launchpad? <kiko> mwhudson, are you around to answer ondrej <kiko> ? <mwhudson> kiko: sorta <mwhudson> ondrej: which branch is giving you problems? <ondrej> mwhudson, it is this one: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/cp2k/trunk <mwhudson> oh right <mwhudson> EINTR?? <mwhudson> looks like a problem on the server <ondrej> mwhudson: is this something that does not influence normal checkouts? as far as i know, there are no such problems with the berlios hosting <ondrej> for the usual checkouts "by hand" <mwhudson> ondrej: well, the import process likely makes bajillions more requests than any one operation you'd make by hand <ondrej> mwhudson, i see, that makes sense <mwhudson> ondrej: if 1 in a million requests does that, ... <ondrej> what would you suggest? <ondrej> is this a problem only for the initial import? <mwhudson> i don't know <mwhudson> yes, very likely <ondrej> ok <mwhudson> ondrej: do berlios give you access to the ,v files? <ondrej> i have no idea, i am not a dev on that project, i just wanted to get decent access to the code. but i could check. <mwhudson> i'm pretty sure berlios let you rsync svn repos from somewhere <mwhudson> ondrej: importing is a black art, sadly <mwhudson> ondrej: http://download.berlios.de/cvstarballs/cp2k-cvsroot.tar.gz looks promising <ondrej> the rsync or something similar would probably solve this <mwhudson> of course, i have nfi how to do an import from a tarball for cvs <ondrej> ok... * mwhudson pokes around <ondrej> could i run the conversion locally, upload the branch and then sync against the original cvs repo regularly? <mwhudson> yes, but using cscvs is fairly opaque <ondrej> but how would i make the uploaded branch sync? just ask someone to make that change somewhere "inside"? <ondrej> anyway, i can try with cscvs <mwhudson> i'm also trying with cscvs <ondrej> mwhudson, ok, thanks a lot <mwhudson> something is happening, at least... <mwhudson> ondrej: dammit <mwhudson> ondrej: it failed with <mwhudson> raise ValueError("attempt to patch non extant file : %s" % self.filename) <mwhudson> ValueError: attempt to patch non extant file : src/MACHINEDEFS.DEC <mwhudson> though hm <ondrej> ok, this really look unpleasant <mwhudson> though it really shouldn't do that on the first revision * mwhudson tries again with more log output <ondrej> mwhudson, thanks again, i am trying to look at cscvs but this would probably take me forever <mwhudson> ah, seems i got the arguments wrong <mwhudson> (i mean, how could you do that!?) <mwhudson> ondrej: ok, import is running <ondrej> mwhudson, great! <mwhudson> i guess it may take a while <mwhudson> (hooray for screen(1)) <mwhudson> ondrej: poke me tomorrow :) <ondrej> mwhudson, i will be away from any computers during the day, travelling, but will try to get here again in the evening <ondrej> in about 24 hours, wherever you are... <mwhudson> ondrej: if i'm not online (i may not be), email me <mwhudson> firstname.lastname@canonical.com <ondrej> thanks, i'll do that <ondrej> for the time being, thanks a bunch for the custom solution, i really appreciate this <mwhudson> i hope it turns out to be useful :) <ondrej> me too :-) <mwhudson> i think the import will take ~15 hours, fwiw <ondrej> oh... neat little thing <ondrej> i have to go now, hope this works <ondrej> goodbye <bddebian> Now, wtf, now I can't login to the wiki, i get: "'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 33-36: ordinal not in range(128)" <LarstiQ> bddebian: do you have a bit of a traceback for that perhaps? <bddebian> http://paste.debian.net/37167/ <LarstiQ> bddebian: which wiki is that btw? <LarstiQ> (not that I have any fixing powers here) <LarstiQ> ah, wiki.ubuntu.com <bddebian> Aye, I wonder if it's something in AnAnts names/characters that my browser can't handle <LarstiQ> bddebian: why is there weird gunk in the http headers? <LarstiQ> header = u'Location: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/\u0623\u062d\u0645\u062f \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062d\u0645\u0648\u062f\u064a/UniverseContributorApplication/' <bddebian> I think because his name is arabic or something <bddebian> This is the direct link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/%D8%A3%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%AF%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AD%D9%85%D9%88%D8%AF%D9%8A/UniverseContributorApplication <LarstiQ> right, the u+062f is arabic <LarstiQ> bddebian: I can open that link with iceweasel <bddebian> I can open the link but I get that error when I sign in with openid * LarstiQ tries <LarstiQ> bddebian: fails too <LarstiQ> bddebian: and if you login first, then navigate to that page? * LarstiQ would guess there is an encoding bug in the (moin moin?) openid return url handling <bddebian> I'm trying that now <bddebian> Yeah, that works <LarstiQ> bddebian: then, I think it's a case for the (l)osas? You probablly know the procedure better than I do. <LarstiQ> bddebian: wildly guessing, http://moinmo.in/FeatureRequests/OpenIDSupport includes a comment that might be topical: # openid.consumer doesn't want to believe that unicode objects <LarstiQ> - come from get requests * LarstiQ goes home <bddebian> Ah, laterz * mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is going down from 22:00 UTC until 23:00 UTC for a code update | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com <ausimage> Can someone tell me how to attach a package from my ppa to a project download page <kiko__> ausimage, you can't -- there is no way to tie them together <ausimage> hmmm then how do most handle getting debs to users? <daniel_ki> hi <maxb> One of the tricky things of being in GMT, is remembering that for half the year, you're actually *not* in UTC :-) <LarstiQ> maxb: :) <wgrant> Trust me to first hit Launchpad 40 seconds before it goes away... * LarstiQ trusts wgrant <wgrant> Oh, wow. Read-only works this time! <wgrant> Nice. <wgrant> But bugs can't be viewed. <ajmitch> so it's only partly read-only? <wgrant> So it seems. <ajmitch> "You cannot make any changes at this time." <ajmitch> I wonder what changes it would be trying to block for viewing a bug <wgrant> I do not know. <beuno> Unauthorized: (<Bug at 0x9090a50>, 'isUserAffected', 'launchpad.Edit')<br /> <wgrant> Aha. * beuno goes off to bed <wgrant> I guess that makes sense. <wgrant> Night beuno <intellectronica> wgrant: that's a bug. are you filing one? <wgrant> intellectronica: I can't! <wgrant> I will, though. <wgrant> It's clearly a bug - it's just one that makes sense. <intellectronica> wgrant: heh, right :) <intellectronica> my guess is we simply use the read/write db when we shouldn't. there's absolutely no reason why we would want to write when viewing a bug <intellectronica> anyway, also need to sleep <wgrant> intellectronica: beuno gave the real reason up there a bit. <intellectronica> yup, but why this function wants to access the rw db i don't know <wgrant> intellectronica: Mightn't it be because it only wants to be called when the user is logged in? <wgrant> As otherwise there's no user to check... <jelmer> Is there any chance lp is going to be back before 23:00 UTC or do we really have to wait until 23:00 ? <wgrant> Or maybe it always wants to create a record, which might just be False. Anyway, I'll file a bug when it comes up. <intellectronica> wgrant: i doubt it. my guess is that it explicitly gets a db connection, and gets the wrong one <wgrant> jelmer: I find it's often up well before, but last time it took rather longer. <wgrant> OK. <jelmer> wgrant, thanks <intellectronica> yup, that's exactly what it is <wgrant> intellectronica: Requesting the master? <intellectronica> wgrant: yes <wgrant> OK - I'll file that bug... and you were going to bed. <intellectronica> and as it happens, this is entirely my fault :-/ so i better go to sleep so i can fix that tomorrow morning <wgrant> Heh. <intellectronica> wgrant: thanks. you can assign it to me :) <wgrant> intellectronica: Sure. * intellectronica --> zZz <wgrant> Night,. <wgrant> It looks like it's back. <wgrant> jelmer: ^^ <Ursinha> wgrant, we're here in the lobby working on it.. <wgrant> Ursinha: How's it going? <Ursinha> wgrant, dealing with some issues right now <Ursinha> nothing that will kill us :) <wgrant> Sounds good. #launchpad 2009-05-27 <Ampelbein> hi there. i have trouble uploading to my ppa('s). I tried twice to upload but got neither an accept/decline mail nor does the package appear in my ppa. * mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com <Ursinha> wgrant, have you filed a bug about the r/o bug error in LP? <Ursinha> nevermind, just did that <Ursinha> :) <Ampelbein> hello again... i still can't upload to my ppa. I don't receive any mail and the packages don't show up. Is this a problem on my side? (dput doesn't give an error, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/181632/ ) <bigjools> Ampelbein: LP was just upgraded, please wait a while for the upload queue to be processed <Ampelbein> bigjools: ah, ok. thanks you. <bigjools> also, check that you signed the changes file, and signed with a key that LP knows about <Ampelbein> bigjools: judging from dput-output i signed it correctly, it's the same key i used before. <Ampelbein> (see the pastebin) <JontheEchidna> just thought I might turn your attention to bug 380738. Somebody's trying to impersonate someone else and post a spam bug. The person being impersonated sounds pretty unhappy, and I don't know if they've come here first since they last commented on it five hours ago <ubottu> Launchpad bug 380738 in mono "Accidental use of close by magnets may erase hard disks" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/380738 <JontheEchidna> ah, silly IRC client. the join message showed up in a different tab. I suppose I'll report this to answers.launchpad.net then :) * Hobbsee headdesk at the stupidity of that bug <JontheEchidna> https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/72394 , in any case <meoblast001> hi <meoblast001> why won't launchpad be completely free? <wgrant> Argh, and all the LOSAs are asleep. <Hobbsee> errr, launchpad... <Hobbsee> oh, sweet. it's already gone <wgrant> Hobbsee: What has it done now? <Hobbsee> wgrant: i'm just misreading it. <meoblast001> does Canonical not want to free all of launchpad? <wgrant> meoblast001: Apparently not... * Hobbsee prods it to being private <meoblast001> why not? <wgrant> Hobbsee: Not much use, unfortunately. <wgrant> Hobbsee: Actually, don't! <Hobbsee> wgrant: oh? <wgrant> Hobbsee: Unassign, then privatise. <wgrant> Or there'll be lots of people subscribed. <wgrant> If you've privatised already, it's too late. <Hobbsee> yeah <ajmitch> which would be a Bad Thing if they're still getting spammed by it <wgrant> I suppose we will have LOSAs in a few hours. <ajmitch> looks like the account has been deleted <meoblast001> what is the purpose for making software non-free? <wgrant> Huh. <wgrant> So it has. * JontheEchidna closes the LP answers task for that then <wgrant> Well, deactivated. <LaserJock> meoblast001: I'm guessing to make some money, just a guess though <wgrant> Deactivated by the user. <wgrant> They can reactivate it at any point. <wgrant> So leave it open. <SamB> LaserJock: how ? <SamB> ads? <wgrant> SamB: Magic! <ajmitch> wgrant: No, ponies <meoblast001> LaserJock: why does Launchpad contain proprietary software <LaserJock> by selling the services that are not-free <Hobbsee> oh, blargh <Hobbsee> one can't edit multiple tasks at once. <LaserJock> like, what all is not going to be open-sourced? Soyuz? <meoblast001> i heard some parts are not going to be <wgrant> LaserJock: The Soyuz backend, and Codehosting. <ajmitch> and parts of the code hosting, namely the branch scanner iirc <LaserJock> ah <meoblast001> i'm curious of two questions... what and why <LaserJock> so most of what people will want will be open-sourced <wgrant> ajmitch: There will be a version of the scanner available. THe puller and SSH server and importing stuff isn't being released. <meoblast001> i loathe proprietary software <wgrant> LaserJock: FSVO people <ajmitch> wgrant: As I understand it it'll be a fairly basic version <LaserJock> wgrant: sure <Hobbsee> oh, way cool. new ways to unsubscribe people <meoblast001> yes.. it will be free'd... but won't launchpad.net still run this non-free software? <LaserJock> meoblast001: I think it will run the open-sourced bits <Hobbsee> except i can't unsubscribe ~ubuntu-bugs from a bug, for some reason. <LaserJock> meoblast001: but also the couple bits that aren't being open-sourced <meoblast001> hmm... i don't like non-free software <LaserJock> yes, you made that clear <wgrant> LaserJock: The couple of very very important bits. <leo_rockway> isn't an opensource ideology to "release early, release often", though? <SamB> leo_rockway: it's one way of working, yeah <meoblast001> LaserJock: i still don't know why they wouldn't free it.. the service is free of charge.. they don't make money through it being non-free <LaserJock> leo_rockway: LP was "released" a long time ago and releases once a month ;-) <SamB> leo_rockway: Emacs seems to do the exact opposite <wgrant> meoblast001: They do, actually - they sell services to commercial users. <leo_rockway> LaserJock: cool, how do I get the source then? <LaserJock> meoblast001: they do charge companies and stuff <leo_rockway> SamB: Emacs is not opensource ;-) <SamB> release late, release rarely <LaserJock> leo_rockway: you said release, you didn't specify release of what <leo_rockway> LaserJock: I also said "opensource" <JontheEchidna> crap, he reactivated <ajmitch> and we know that launchpad isn't currently open source for the majority of it <wgrant> JontheEchidna: As I said. He just wanted to get us off him. * JontheEchidna nods <meoblast001> LaserJock: i still don't understand why Canonical can't free those parts of Launchpad... these parts being free won't prevent commercial users from doing their non-free things <LaserJock> meoblast001: well, Canonical *could* free those parts. They made a business decision to not <ajmitch> meoblast001: We can't give any more than our opinion on the situation in the same way you can <LaserJock> it's their code and their prerogative <wgrant> Hobbsee: If he does it again, leave the bug alone. <meoblast001> ok... <wgrant> Hobbsee: No point mailing any more people. <Hobbsee> wgrant: yeah. Launchpad is taking ~30 seconds for each turn around anyway, so i dont' want to touch it much <LaserJock> I'm glad to see how much they're opening up, and wish they'd do more, but well we don't get everything we wish for :-) <Hobbsee> (browsing via proxy) <wgrant> Hobbsee: It's not the proxy's fault. <Hobbsee> i know. just saying that's why it's taking so long <Hobbsee> (further travelling distance, and such) <JontheEchidna> I guess I'll leave it up to you guys then, g'night <leo_rockway> LaserJock: I understand what you say, but I still think it's a bit hypocritical for one of Canonical's main developments to be nonfree. <wgrant> JontheEchidna: Did you reopen the question? <LaserJock> perhaps, I don't know <JontheEchidna> wgrant: yeah <LaserJock> I love free software but I still use a lot of non-free stuff <LaserJock> just the nature of things sometimes <leo_rockway> LaserJock: I only use free software. I wouldn't use Launchpad even if it were free, though, because I don't need it. But I was curious about the future freeing of the code. <LaserJock> yeah, so translations, bugs, blueprints should all be free <wgrant> And Answers. <LaserJock> it's just soyuz and some code hosting that won't <wgrant> And Registry/Foundations. <LaserJock> right, I knew I was missing some <LaserJock> I'm mostly excited about bugs <wgrant> But the two bits I use primarily won't be. <LaserJock> as Malone kicks bugzilla butt <wgrant> It does <leo_rockway> is there a roadmap to free those parts in the future? is that being considered? <ajmitch> not that I've seen <wgrant> leo_rockway: There are no Canonical employees involved in this discussion. <wgrant> leo_rockway: But I don't know of any. <leo_rockway> wgrant: oh, ok. Thanks for the information. <nhandler> nellery mentioned Bug #380738 on identi.ca. If you look at the table at the top, you will see that the various tasks are assigned to different spoof accounts. These should probably be deactivated. <ubottu> Bug 380738 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/380738 is private <wgrant> nhandler: A question has been filed to deal with the bug. <wgrant> But the accounts are another matter.. <jfroy> I am getting an Internal Server Error trying to see one file in one of my project. Is LP having difficulties, or did I just find a problem? <mwhudson> jfroy: you probably found a problem <jfroy> I'll file a bug then. <pkern> Wow. Having git imports is certainly cool. In my case trunk isn't on the master branch, so I somehow question the policy of not importing other branches than master. <mwhudson> pkern: it's just a walk-before-run thing <pkern> I mean is vcs-import generally able to manage multiple branches? Or was it trunk-only with Subversion? Still git is different and like bzr and you want import different branches. But sure, if it's on the agenda... (: <mwhudson> the thing about subversion was that the import tool does not understand svn branches <mwhudson> so you can't merge between two imports from the same repo at all <mwhudson> we should switch to bzr-svn and that will make this particular issue go away <mwhudson> for git, it's strictly a (hopefully temporary) technical limitation <pkern> mwhudson: Ok, fine. (: <pkern> On the other hand I wonder if there's something git-bzr'ish so that "upstream" or whoever it's imported can also effectively fetch stuff back. <mwhudson> you can push from bzr to git <mwhudson> (or dpush) <pkern> mwhudson: With such a repository made by vcs-import? And it would require access to the upstream repo, which is with DVCS not always taken as granted. (Some people want the git format-patch workflow, others prefer people pushing/pulling directly.) But that's another interop question that doesn't really affect lp I think (: <pkern> mwhudson: Should I file a bug on the "different branch" thing, which looked like policy on the blog post but is mainly a technical limitation? <jelmer> pkern, one of the things that's also should be happening soon is having "bzr send" against a git:// URL use the git format-patch format <mwhudson> pkern: yeah, filing a bug would be good <pkern> mwhudson: I filed it against launchpad-code, I hope that wasn't completely off. 380871 it is. <mwhudson> pkern: that's right, thanks <jml> mwhudson: can you please review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/timidity/trunk <jml> mwhudson: I've done _all_ the others :) <mwhudson> jml: woo <jml> mwhudson: did you see bug 380871? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 380871 in launchpad-code "Allow imports of non-master branches when pulling from git repositories" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/380871 * pkern giggles <mwhudson> jml: i told pkern to file it <pkern> jml: see backlog (: <jml> oh, right <jml> mwhudson: in that case, maybe I just wanted to chat with you in person :) <alexharrington> Anyone know why downloads are broken from the release page? I posted a Q in Answers a couple of hours ago but nothing yet. <Ursinha> alexharrington, hi, there's a bug about it * Ursinha searches <Ursinha> alexharrington, see if your problem is bug 378740 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 378740 in launchpad-registry "Invalid download link in milestone/release context" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/378740 <Ursinha> please <Ursinha> do you have the Q link? <jpds> Ursinha: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/72417 * Ursinha looks <Ursinha> ouch <Ursinha> indeed the same bug <Ursinha> I'll link them * wgrant wonders why that isn't Critical <alexharrington> Ursinha: Thanks. <alexharrington> I had a quick search but didn't hit on that bug <Ursinha> alexharrington, sorry about that <alexharrington> np <alexharrington> we're so pleased with lp that the odd glitch like this isn't a big deal <alexharrington> for us at least <Ursinha> alexharrington, glad to hear :) <daniel_ki> hi <daniel_ki> Could someone have a look at the launchpad-users mail about PPA buildd cache corruption? <daniel_ki> I think it's pretty serious <daniel_ki> and the affected PPAs will probably require admin intervention to get rid of the corrupted cache <wgrant> daniel_ki: The incremental diff isn't actually used for anything... what in the build log suggests that? <daniel_ki> wgrant: fact is that the packages are corrupted <wgrant> How did you build it that you were able to get the fixed binaries? <daniel_ki> let me look at the logs <wgrant> I'm pretty sure there's actually a problem with the uploaded packages. <daniel_ki> I thought so too <daniel_ki> at first <daniel_ki> the diff may not be used for anything <daniel_ki> but perhaps it is generated from the buildd diff? <wgrant> No. <wgrant> It's generated using plain old debdiff by a cronjob. <wgrant> How can I tell if this patch has been applied or not? <daniel_ki> look at /usr/share/anjuta/GBF/Generic.pm <daniel_ki> er, General.pm <daniel_ki> sub canonicalize_name <daniel_ki> the correct version uses an s'''g expression <daniel_ki> the old one tr/ <daniel_ki> if I build the package without any changes on my own machine, it produces correct binaries <daniel_ki> and the diff shouldn't be different either, right? <daniel_ki> whatever the diff is generated from, it's corrupted <wgrant> daniel_ki: How did you build the package? <daniel_ki> debuild <daniel_ki> not in a pbuilder, if that's what you mean, but I'm pretty sure that'll give the same result <daniel_ki> RUN: /usr/share/launchpad-buildd/slavebin/unpack-chroot ['unpack-chroot', '1038085-2269071', '/home/buildd/filecache-default/4b9960bada5b7c9083148f0a57950dc7a83f34b7'] <daniel_ki> it's definitely caching something here <wgrant> That's the chroot. <wgrant> Not the package. <daniel_ki> ok, then the chroot is reused but corrupted <SteveA> who is on CHR today? <daniel_ki> the binary packages are broken, not the source ones <wgrant> SteveA: THere's been no CHR for the past 1.5 weeks. <SteveA> that sucks <SteveA> thanks wgrant <wgrant> daniel_ki: The chroot isn't going to break that. The chroot is used for building all of Ubuntu. <wgrant> If it's corrupted, we have much bigger problems. <daniel_ki> ok, I don't know how Launchpad works <daniel_ki> but I think the symptoms indicate that something has been corrupted on the LP side <daniel_ki> last deb revision + incremental diff == orig source + normal source diff.gz <daniel_ki> right? <daniel_ki> if you apply the diffs manually, you will see that the tree ends up very different from what it should be <wgrant> daniel_ki: Sorry, my connection is pretty borked... let's look at those diffs. <daniel_ki> ok, cool <wgrant> daniel_ki: Several disconnections later, I have noticed that one of the copies of General.pm in the source uses s''', the other tr// <det> Is it possible for a PPA to depend on backports only for 1 distro ? <daniel_ki> wgrant: there is more than one copy? <wgrant> det: One distro series? No. <wgrant> det: Why? debhelper 7 in Hardy? <det> wgrant, yes :-) <daniel_ki> wgrant: or did you hit the removed patch in the diff? <daniel_ki> ah wait, I see it now <daniel_ki> that makes it even more odd <det> If there is an easy way to copy the source package for debhelper7/hardy, that would work just as well. <wgrant> det: Go to https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+copy-packages?field.name_filter=debhelper&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=hardy. <wgrant> det: there you can find debhelper and copy it to your PPA. <wgrant> Then drop the backports dep. <wgrant> daniel_ki: What removed patch? <wgrant> daniel_ki: There are definitely two copies in the extracted Debian source package. <daniel_ki> wgrant: it was previously a Debian patch, but the fix got merged upstream and the Debian patch was dropped <det> wgrant, Thanks, I didnt know primary archive was a target for copy now <daniel_ki> wgrant: yes, I see that now <wgrant> det: It's not linked from anywhere :/ <daniel_ki> that means it could be a race condition during install, if both are installed to the same location <wgrant> Possibly. <wgrant> But the package is broken, not Launchpad. <daniel_ki> ok, you're probably right, although I still don't understand why the diffs wouldn't yield the same result <wgrant> I'm looking at that now. <det> wgrant, i386 only :( <wgrant> det: That's a bit misleading; it's actually architecture-independent, so was only built on one arch. But it's published on all. <wgrant> det: So, don't worry. <det> wgrant, in my ppa, it claims to be only building on i386, I will wait 5 min to see if it is actually published on all <wgrant> det: I would have copied the binaries too. <wgrant> But it shouldn't matter much. <wgrant> It will be published on all. <wgrant> daniel_ki: the diff matches for me... <daniel_ki> huh? * daniel_ki tries again <wgrant> I extracted 2:, applied the 2: to 2: diff, and diffed that result against an extracted 2: The resultant diff was empty. <daniel_ki> wgrant: shit, you are right <daniel_ki> I feel stupid now * wgrant is just glad Soyuz isn't *that* buggy. <daniel_ki> so basically only a difference in behavior of the PPA vs. my machine, but the package is broken so all bets are off <daniel_ki> sorry for the trouble <wgrant> It seems that way. <daniel_ki> well, actually it's an upstream bug <wgrant> No trouble. <wgrant> You or I might want to reply to the email on launchpad-users, to stop more people looking and getting confused. <daniel_ki> yes, I was just about to <daniel_ki> ok, sent <daniel_ki> now I only need to find out what exactly is causing this :) <daniel_ki> but thanks a lot for your help <wgrant> daniel_ki: No problem. <daniel_ki> by the way, I'm getting boxbe spam from michaelantoniocanganelli@gmail.com every time I post to the list <wgrant> I got that a week or so ago, too. <wgrant> It's not really spam <daniel_ki> it is not intended to be spam <wgrant> Just a braindead implementation of a flawed idea. <daniel_ki> indeed <daniel_ki> it ends up being spam <daniel_ki> and the guy probably doesn't even see my reply asking him to unsubscribe or turn of this email overload retaliation scheme <wgrant> Or at least correct the scheme, as sending it to the address in the From field makes little sense. <daniel_ki> well, we're probably lucky that it isn't sent to the list :) <daniel_ki> that would be fun <daniel_ki> infinite loop <det> I asked launchpad to rebuild a package after satisfying its depenedencies and it has gone from 14 minutes estimated start time to 4 hours after nearly 2 hours in the queue >:| <wgrant> det: That's because retries are currently prioritised below other builds. <det> This is annoying, I might as well upload a new package with a bumped version. <wgrant> It is, yes. That scoring isn't something I agree with. <wgrant> But I need to go to bed. <Hobbsee> wgrant: it does make sense, though <wgrant> Hobbsee: Slightly. <Hobbsee> wgrant: in the case of a, shall we say, incompetent person, uploading something that will forever fail to build, but who keeps retrying it in the hope that it will <wgrant> Hobbsee: They can almost as easily keep uploading new versions. <Hobbsee> det: if you give me a link to it, i can prod it for you <wgrant> Oh, true! Superpowers you have. <Hobbsee> wgrant: there is that. At some point, one needs to hunt them down with a cluebat <Hobbsee> yay, superpowers <det> Hobbsee, https://edge.launchpad.net/~spring/+archive/ppa/+build/1046219 <det> Thanks <Hobbsee> wgrant: i was thinking of the case where they think it's LP's fault, as it works on their machine <Hobbsee> ie, for something that requires cpan modules, or something <det> If your ppa is using a disproportionate amount of resources of the course of XXX, then I can understand scoring lower <Hobbsee> det: prodded. <det> Thanks again <wgrant> Hobbsee: In the current case they can upload lots. Then you have to cluebat them. But everybody else is disadvantaged because their retries take ages. <Hobbsee> that's true <Hobbsee> and you're welcome <wgrant> In the alternate possibility, they can retry lots. You then still just have to cluebat them, but nobody else is disadvantaged. <alkisg> Hi, I'm probably missing something trivial, but could someone please have a look at https://launchpad.net/~ts.sch.gr/+archive/ppa and see why my team's PPA isn't signed? It's been 6 hours since putting packages there, I supposed an openpgp key should have been generated by now? <wgrant> Anyway, goodnight! <wgrant> alkisg: You didn't happen to upload all of those packages within around half an hour of creating the PPA, did you? <alkisg> I think so, yes <wgrant> Hm. <alkisg> (just copied them from other PPAs) <wgrant> That's not the usual problem, actually. <wgrant> Your PPA doesn't have a key at all. <wgrant> Maybe something broke in the rollout... <alkisg> The owner wasn't an Ubuntero at the time he created the team and the PPA, could that be the cause? <wgrant> Maybe bigjools knows. <alkisg> He did sign the code of conduct later on... * bigjools is at UDS but can check later <alkisg> Thanks bigjools, I'll be around. <alkisg> Thanks wgrant, goodnight <bigjools> okidoki <det> i386/lpia builds completed fine <det> and the build you prodded says that debhelper >= 6.XX isnt available even though 7 has been in the repo for some hours <det> Oh, debhelper 7 is pending publication <Hobbsee> that'd do ti <det> completed 2 hours ago, though <det> and the deb is in the pool <stani> is there a way to delete blueprints? <andrea-bs> stani, no, but you can retarget it to the 'NULL' project <andrea-bs> https://launchpad.net/null <stani> andrea-bs: thanks! * alkisg kindly reminds bigjools to take a look at my https://launchpad.net/~ts.sch.gr/+archive/ppa 's missing key if he has time now. :) <bigjools> sure, I have a few minutes <bigjools> alkisg: when did you create it? <alkisg> The PPA? about 9 hours ago <alkisg> Things that I think could have caused the problem are: (1) the team owner wasn't an Ubuntero when he created the team and the PPA, he became one later on <alkisg> and (2) I didn't upload anything to the PPA, I just copied packages from other PPAs <bigjools> you need to be an Ubuntero to make a PPA <bigjools> ah, (2) might have caused it <alkisg> He told me that launchpad didn't ask him to become an Ubuntero to create the PPA <bigjools> hmmm how odd <alkisg> ...and I told him later on to become one, just in case... <bigjools> can you try uploading something to see if it kicks off the key generation? <alkisg> OK, I'll try * alkisg tries to find his notes... :-X <bigjools> alkisg: if it doesn't, please file a Question on https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz explaining the sequence of events and we can check it in more detail. <alkisg> Thank you bigjools, will do. <bigjools> welcome <cody-somerville> Can someone take a look at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/live-helper/trunk ? Its failing to import. <mwhudson> cody-somerville: one for jelmer <savvas> is there a way to make bzr code branches private? <cody-somerville> savvas, Yes. See http://blog.launchpad.net/?p=551 <savvas> thanks but I wasn't looking for a commercial solution, the license is (or is going to be) GFDL of some rst python tutorials in greek - we're making python classes and we wouldn't want to provide the answers this soon :) <cody-somerville> savvas, Unfortunately, private branches are only available to commercial clients of launchpad. <savvas> ok <cody-somerville> mwhudson, who? <mwhudson> cody-somerville: the author of bzr-git <Laney> is anyone able to update lp:~vcs-imports/banshee/debian-packaging to point to git://git.debian.org/pkg-cli-apps/packages/banshee.git ? <Ursinha> Laney, the old import is a git one? asking without looking :) <Laney> no <Laney> svn <Ursinha> Laney, hmm, I don't know if that's possible, we'll have to ask abentley or rockstar or jml or mwhudson * Ursinha runs after highlighting all code team <Laney> har de har <Laney> I could just do a new one * rockstar looks up <rockstar> Laney, you'll have to create a new import. We can't just cut over. <abentley> rockstar: It's an invalid import, so presumably yes. <Laney> ok <rockstar> abentley, I'm 90% sure we can't switch VCS types in the UI. * rockstar looks. <abentley> rockstar: Oh, probably. <Noldorin> hello. i'm trying to register a new branch, but i want to do so under the location of the project <Noldorin> i.e. ~noldorin/darwindotnet/<name> instead of darwindotnet/<name> <Noldorin> launchpad doesn't seem to be letting me. #launchpad 2009-05-28 <rockstar> No <rockstar> Er, looks like he left <wgrant> he did, yes. <wgrant> They have a habit of doing that a couple of minutes before I attempt to answer. <rockstar> wgrant, yeah, kinda makes you wonder if they really wanted an answer. :) <ibuclaw> hi, I'd like to report some spam on launchpad I got through the mail just now. <ibuclaw> link is here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/+bug/141418/comments/68 <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 141418 in kde4libs "klauncher crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Medium,Fix released] <vadi2> What can cause a "./configure: Permission denied" error while building a package? The configure script is just owned by the user when the package was uploaded... <wgrant> vadi2: Is it executable? <vadi2> no :/ <vadi2> going to try with that on <vadi2> heh. the animated build icons are nice. <jml> Ursinha: what now? <bfiller> any LOSA's online who can help me increase the size of a PPA? <maxb> bfiller: It's the middle of UDS week... people are likely to be in short supply - you'd be better off filing a question <maxb> https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz/+addquestion <kirkland> can someone approve the request for a 'byobu' mailing list? <Ursinha> herb, are you around? <Ursinha> we need some loggerhead poking.. <mwhudson> kirkland: if ff un-greys, yes <mwhudson> Ursinha: i can do that <Ursinha> mwhudson, thanks :) <bigjools> kikland: done <kirkland> mwhudson: heh, thx <mwhudson> kirkland: done <bigjools> *kirkland* that is <kirkland> mwhudson: rock on! <Ursinha> bigjools, you should try tab key <kirkland> bigjools: cheers, man <bigjools> Ursinha: shut up flu-woman! <Ursinha> lol * bigjools thinks about moving to a different couch <Ursinha> bigjools, you're done already <wgrant> How completely has the flu taken over UDS so far? <Ursinha> wgrant, almost took all over <mwhudson> oh <bigjools> do hangovers count? <jblount_> wgrant: Looking around the room, it's taken over almost everyone :) <mwhudson> i think bigjools beat me to it * mwhudson goes to attack codebounce <bigjools> mwhudson: yes I did :0 <mwhudson> it doesn't seem to be particularly devastating, it's not keeping people away from the event <wgrant> Only a few people got it really badly last time. <mwhudson> but lots of people are snuffling <Ursinha> well, no one dies, so that's good <wgrant> mwhudson: Thanks - I ran into its 502ness a couple of hours ago. <wgrant> A good start, yes. <mwhudson> wgrant: hours? <Ursinha> *died <wgrant> mwhudson: Yes. <mwhudson> sigh <jblount_> Zombie hackers <Ursinha> hahahaha <mwhudson> yay deadlocks <wgrant> mwhudson: It was definitely broken exactly two hours ago, but I'm not sure how long before. <mwhudson> it's bounced <wgrant> Great. <wgrant> I hadn't seen it die for quite a while. <mwhudson> yeah <mwhudson> it's a different way of dying <mwhudson> it used to slowly consume all memory in the box and then swap to death <wgrant> Yep. <wgrant> What now? <mwhudson> now it deadlocks <mwhudson> in logging, of all places <wgrant> Haha. <wgrant> Nice, nice... <wgrant> How much of ~launchpad is at UDS? <mwhudson> not sure <mwhudson> half? <wgrant> Ah. <poolie> bigjools: you asked me something last night about a ppa bug? <poolie> hello wgrant <wgrant> Hi poolie. <bigjools> poolie: your bug about the duplicate PPAs on the +ppas page didn't make it clear which part of the page, but I guess it's the top 5 listing? <poolie> bug 380981? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 380981 in soyuz "PPA list doesn't distinguish different per-person PPAs" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/380981 <poolie> oh huh <poolie> what i actually meant was https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter= <bigjools> poolie: ah right, yes I'll fix that, thanks for filing the bug <poolie> it's not a big deal <poolie> i think seeing all the recent uploads might be more exciting as a way to show how much it's being used <poolie> which was the other bug <poolie> showing recent 5 shows some stuff is happening <bigjools> yeah that would be quite nice too <poolie> having thousands of users and packages is really pretty impressive but it's not very obvious to someone visiting launchpad.net that this is true <wgrant> Soyuz has no site root to show things off. <bigjools> that might change :) <wgrant> The only place it can show off is under that obscure PPAs tab on the distro page. <wgrant> Might it? <poolie> so under the search box on the launchpad.net home page, there are counts of some objects <poolie> it would be nice to have "12345 packages" and link that to this list <bigjools> we were thinking of having a packages tab. nothing definite though <poolie> +1 <poolie> you can be puce :) <wgrant> bigjools: I thought you could do that, but then what do you do for packages? <bigjools> it was beuno's idea in fact <wgrant> Actually, I guess it's no different than what you have to do on branches. <wgrant> You do need to solve the project<->packages link finding problem fairly urgently, and that sounds like a good way to do it. <beuno> well <beuno> the reason OI've backed off of a pacakges tab * bigjools hides <beuno> is that you have bugs for packages <beuno> so you would be on 2 tabs at the same time <beuno> not sure what to do there <beuno> I welcome ideas :) <wgrant> beuno: Right, that was my concern I mentioned badly above. <wgrant> Although most packages don't have bugs (only distribution ones) <poolie> beuno, well, we're still a bit schizo abotu whether the tabs take you to different aspects of the sameobject, or different apps, or up a level etc <poolie> though generally clearer now <poolie> also it's weird to use the word "apps" when the point is to be tightly integrated <poolie> a bit like the 80s/90s office suitething <wgrant> They're not "apps" any more, are they? <wgrant> They were facets for a while. <wgrant> Then I think that got replaced with apps. <wgrant> And now they're nothing. <poolie> the other big thing is that i really think there should be something for downloads <poolie> i strongly suspect people click Code looking for them <wgrant> Right. <poolie> we could test this i guess <beuno> poolie, I have a plan for that <wgrant> Which is why Code might be going back to Branches. <poolie> s/test/usertest <beuno> sent to the list, buigs filed, etc <poolie> to rename it? <wgrant> How do I go to downloads now? I've never clicked there. <poolie> or regarding downloads? <beuno> yes <beuno> to Branches <beuno> I think <wgrant> Do I have to hunt in the series listing for a release? <beuno> and downloads <beuno> well <poolie> wgrant: let's test it! <poolie> try! <beuno> you saw the mock up * wgrant will be glad when discussion moves to a public mailing list. <poolie> i did, and it was nice <wgrant> So, as I have a bit of knowledge of how Launchpad downloads work, I can make an educated guess as to where to find them. <beuno> wgrant, I will expose them very prominently on the project page <beuno> VERY <wgrant> The section in which I have to find them isn't even labeled 'Releases' <poolie> wgrant: did you actually find them? <wgrant> poolie: I did, although the download links are broken due to that bug. <wgrant> beuno: I'm going to have to be able to set the current release somehow. I don't think that's possible now. <wgrant> Because if you just show them in date order, there will be pre-releases of the development series shown first. <beuno> wgrant, the latest one? <wgrant> Which is very much not right. <beuno> why not? <wgrant> Even excluding development/experimental series won't work, as I'll have RCs of point releases. <wgrant> I don't want my users to see an alpha of my development series as the most prominent release link! <poolie> yes i have a bug about grouping by release <beuno> true <poolie> but you're right that just ordering by date may not be enough <beuno> we can add a flag <wgrant> That might work. <wgrant> But I don't think so. <poolie> possibly you want to classify releases somehow <wgrant> I'm going to want to do a security release on top of 1.0 (1.1), after I release 2.0. <wgrant> Or distros will get angry at me. <wgrant> But end users want 2.0, not 1.1. <poolie> yeah <poolie> but should 2.0alpha1 come ahead of 1.1? arguable <wgrant> This is complicated. <wgrant> You need ordering of series, hiding of some releases based on almost arbitrary criteria... <wgrant> And even then I'm sure there will be cases that don't fit. <wgrant> OK, I really can't work this out. I know there are working download links on /project/+download, but I cannot find a link to it anywhere. <wgrant> (this wouldn't be so important if bug #378740 was fixed... it seems it should be Critical) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 378740 in launchpad-registry "Invalid download link in milestone/release context" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/378740 * jpds pushes bigjools towards bug #285003 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 285003 in soyuz "Launchpad API should enable build information changes" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/285003 <A4Tech> Hi, is there is a channel dedicated to the topic of how to compile packages? <pkern> Why aren't the binaries on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/linux/2.6.30-7.8 not published yet? <pkern> Oh, stuck in NEW, nevermind. <LarstiQ> hmmm <LarstiQ> packages I built for a beta ppa have been copied to the release PPA, too early. Can I see why that happened? (or, who did that?) <noodles775> LarstiQ: Unfortunately when you look at the page for your release PPA and open one of the packages there, you'll see where it was copied from... <noodles775> but you already know that :/ <LarstiQ> yeah, to the one where I uploaded it to :) <noodles775> When it was published is the only other bit of info that might help... <noodles775> bigjools: ^^^ <LarstiQ> right, 13 hours ago. <LarstiQ> I can make a guess. I'll just delete the package for now <bigjools> we don't store who copied it, we should probably do that <LarstiQ> it's not a substitute for communication of course, but it makes it easier to know who to talk to :) <pkern> bigjools: No logs? <bigjools> pkern: unfortunately not, I think we only log the user if something OOPSes (ironically) <mrevell> andrea-bs: thanks for the typo fix! <andrea-bs> mrevell, thank you for the screencast :) <mrevell> :) <poolie> jml, mwh, is it just me or is code.edge.launchpad.net again dropping ssh connections rather than rejecting them? <poolie> or maybe not me, but the network here <pmatulis> how come i'm not allowed on code.launchpad.net ? <vadi2> I'm having difficulty finding how to add a new download for my project <vadi2> where is one supposed to add it? <joey> pmatulis, you should be able to access it? <joey> vadi2, https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/FileDownloads <vadi2> or even better, how can I make a release. this has gotten to be awfully confusing. <pmatulis> joey: not sure if that's a question or a statement <vadi2> mhm <joey> pmatulis, yes it should work. What sort of reaction are you getting? <vadi2> I got a series, and a milestone <pmatulis> joey: it says "Not allowed here" <pmatulis> joey: https://code.launchpad.net/ <joey> pmatulis, hmm works for me.... <joey> that's odd <joey> let me log out and try it <vadi2> alright, got it. <joey> pmatulis, works both ways. Try clearing your cache. <pmatulis> joey: still doesn't work after clearing my FF cache <joey> pmatulis, hmm. Bad cookie is the only other thing I can think of <joey> pmatulis, do you get any sort of OOPS id? <pmatulis> joey: no <joey> pmatulis, can you pastebin the contents of the error or send me a screenshot? joey@canonical.com <pmatulis> joey: yes <pmatulis> joey: got a little fire that needs stomping, i need to contact someone at uds, is there an irc channel? <joey> pmatulis, dunno. I'm not at UDS....which is why I'm actually on #launchpad ;-) <pmatulis> joey: ok <joey> pmatulis, it depends on who you need to contact I guess :-) <joey> pmatulis, you can always resort to mobile numbers on the directory. <pmatulis> joey: yeah <dblunt_> is the launchpad platform offered standalone (either software or SaaS) if i wanted to use it to host a distinct set of projects and users? <joey> dblunt_, please email that question to feedback@launchpad.net <dblunt_> already done - yesterday - i'm just impatient for a response. if that's the only way i can get an answer then i will wait. <joey> dblunt_, the short answer is. No. <dblunt_> thanks much. <joey> dblunt_, there's a longer answer :-) <dblunt_> okay, will wait for the internal communication. <pmatulis> joey: email sent <joey> thank pmatulis. herb is looking at the health of the servers now... I've had other reports of time-outs. I don't think they are related but that's why we have herb. :-) <pmatulis> joey: ok <joey> wow pmatulis, you weren't kidding were you <pmatulis> joey: no, but what were you expecting? <joey> pmatulis, something a little easier :-) I'll get back to you on this. <pmatulis> joey: heh, ok <joey> pmatulis, do you know which project you want to go to? I can get you a direct link to the code and see if that works for you <pmatulis> joey: this came about b/c of matthew's utube video on sparklines, just wanted to check that out, so any project should do <joey> pmatulis, are you able to get to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/bzr-gtk ? <pmatulis> joey: yes <joey> pmatulis, great. Can you get to https://code.edge.launchpad.net ? <pmatulis> joey: maybe cookie problem? i see i have one called 'lp' and one called 'edge' <joey> rockstar, conversation above :-) <pmatulis> joey: no, that failed like before <joey> ok. rockstar let me know that there was a privacy issue with the cloud at one point. <joey> seems like you can access everything but the front page <pmatulis> oh well <joey> I'm hoping that rockstar will tell me it's either fixed and not committed or we need to open a new bug <rockstar> joey, well, I'd say open a new bug. If it's not committed yet, then we at least get to close a bug easily. <rockstar> joey, closing fixed bugs is easier than fixing non-existent bugs. <joey> ok. pmatulis do you have time to file that and attach your screenshot? <vadi2> Hi. My download here is giving a 404 for some reason: https://launchpad.net/giftwrap/0.1x/0.10 <joey> hey bac, how long does it take for a file upload to be stored in the librarian and available for download? I thought it was immediate? vadi2 seems to have an issue with https://edge.launchpad.net/giftwrap/0.1x/0.10 <gianmt_> guys does launchpad offer tarballs hosting now? <joey> gianmt_, in the sense that you can push up a tarball as a file download, yes. <joey> gianmt_, https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/FileDownloads <vadi2> been so for a while, but it's broke on me atm <vadi2> (also hard to figure out! make a series, release, and then inside it add a download :() <joey> sinzui, improvement ideas. :-) ^^ <A4Tech> Friends, I am unable to compile the package, where can I contact for help? <vadi2> On a PPA? <A4Tech> yes <gianmt_> joey, thanks <vadi2> you can ask here then <sinzui> vadi2: joey: these are open bugs we hope to fix this release and in the next three releases. <vadi2> good stuff. <joey> A4Tech, Have you seen the help pages? https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging <gianmt_> joey, as for improvement ideas, mass bug editing (change status) would be a good idea <joey> nifty, thanks sinzui. I suspected you had something (well, several somethings) up your sleeve. :-) <joey> gianmt_, oh that's coming :-) <sinzui> vadi2: joey: Most of these issues are tackled in the 3.0 UI. We will be landing some enhancements before then. <A4Tech> I have on the local machine-compiled packages, I have a file change. I try to do dput-f gtea gtea_0.3-0ubuntu1_source.changes but it is a letter <vadi2> sinzui: okay <A4Tech> _SetupBidi('source'); ppa gtea that is not created, but how so? I have created it, and in my profile, it is <A4Tech> _SetupBidi('source'); -- oops <A4Tech> vadi2: Do you have any ideas my problem? <gianmt_> joey, cool, I hope with an option "do not send emails" :) <vadi2> It seems that uploading project icons is broken too. It doesn't set them. <A4Tech> vadi2: Do you have any ideas my problem? <vadi2> no, sorry <A4Tech> ( <wgrant> joey: There's a bug (introduced in 2.2.5) that releases have broken file download links. <wgrant> joey: But the ones at /project/+download work. <sluukkonen> hi, is ppa.launchpad.net ftpd down? I'm getting [Errno 111] Connection refused with dput. (with nc or ftp too) <sluukkonen> oh lol, _now_ it started working <cprov> sluukkonen: it was, just fixed. <sluukkonen> yeh. <sluukkonen> thanks anyway <joey> wgrant, interesting thanks. Filed I guess then? I'll have someone look at it tomorrow then <wgrant> joey: It is. Bug #378740 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 378740 in launchpad-registry "Invalid download link in milestone/release context" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/378740 <joey> super thanks wgrant <satirik> anyone here could review my translation file on launchpad ? <satirik2> anyone can tell me when people are not idle in this channel ? #launchpad 2009-05-29 <nags> is there a way to find the # of downloads through bzr is done from launchpad ? <nags> I have hosted a project in launchpad <nags> and I'm / my company (VMware) is interested in knowing the # of downloads <nags> can some one suggest me, how I can get these details ? <persia> nags, That information is traditionally not published. You might be able to get it by asking a question, but it may be more complicated than that. <nags> persia, ah ! nice :) <nags> persia, whom should I ping ? <persia> My apologies: I wasn't entirely clear. The question should be posted at answers.launchpad.net <satirik2> anyone here could review my translation file on launchpad pls ? i uploaded it 2weeks ago <nags> persia, ah ! okay :) <Ahmuck> is there a way to search bug reports on launchpad? to keep from reporting the same bug? <sayakb> ubuntu brainstorm is out of space <sayakb> Warning: pg_query() [function.pg-query]: Query failed: ERROR: could not extend relation 1663/26432/27292: No space left on device HINT: Check free disk space. in /srv/drupal-qa-tracker/www/includes/database.pgsql.inc on line 125 <mrooney> Anyone know why attempting to visit "My Pages" on the ubuntu wiki takes me to a 404 on Launchpad? (https://edge.launchpad.net/~%22mrooney%22?action=MyPages) <mrooney> Sure is mysterious! <jmarsden> mrooney: If you remove the quotation marks it should work better? <mrooney> jmarsden: well, that takes me to my LP page, but I am wondering if it is a bug that the wiki takes me there at all from the "More actions" menu. I guess I should find their IRC channel or something <jmarsden> OK, I get the same thing for me/my wiki page. I'd suspect that menu item needs adjusting in the wiki. <mrooney> jmarsden: you wouldn't happen to know who to ping for that, would you? <jmarsden> mrooney: I'm afraid not; I've created a few pages on the wiki but never had to report bugs about it. <mrooney> jmarsden: okay, well thanks for confirming it :) <jmarsden> Sure, no problem :) <rowinggolfer> help. <rowinggolfer> Committed revision 99. <rowinggolfer> | 0/0 ^bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.TooManyConcurrentRequests: The medium '<bzrlib.smart.medium.SmartSSHClientMedium object at 0x20bf310>' has reached its concurrent request limit. Be sure to finish_writing and finish_reading on the currently open request. <rowinggolfer> now it's locked. <rowinggolfer> how to I free it so I can do a push? <rowinggolfer> so to re-phrase my panicky question above. <rowinggolfer> I am getting this ERROR: Permission denied: "/~rowinggolfer/rowinggolfer/trunk" <rowinggolfer> how do I resolve this? <noodles775> rowinggolfer: it might be worth asking on #bzr... not sure myself... <rowinggolfer> noodles775: I've tried a break-lock... with no joy. <rowinggolfer> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/183497/ <maxb> Can I not only deactivate a GPG key, but actually remove it? <maxb> I want to move my automated daily builds ppa upload key from my main LP account to a separate one which only has privileges on the ppa concerned <bigjools> jpds: did you discover source_package_version on the source publication object? <nicoInattendu> Hi I have some troubles with rosetta on launchpad. I work on project luciole, I choose the 'automatic impirt template files'. but I have the incoorect template , the template is the template of myrtille, a previos prjoject I was working on. * henninge looks at nicoInattendu's project <nicoInattendu> Perhaps I made som confusing stuff between the project. I hust request for a new template upload. <henninge> nicoInattendu: you have two pot files in your po directory <henninge> that is one two many <henninge> one *too* many <henninge> nicoInattendu: messages.pot is ignored because no translation domain can be derived from it. <henninge> nicoInattendu: luciole.pot is the one that was probably imported and that gave the template its name <nicoInattendu> Ok thanks I make a bad operaion with this messages.pot i go to remove it <henninge> nicoInattendu: I don't see myrtille, though. <henninge> nicoInattendu: I was looking at trunk <nicoInattendu> The messages.pot in trunk seems to be used in rosseta ( i.e. ref to myrtille) instead of luciole.pot <henninge> nicoInattendu: hm ... <henninge> nicoInattendu: btw, what is template_luciole/luciole.pot in the import queue? <jpds> bigjools: Yes, it seems that it was already implemented in one of our launchpadlib glue stuff modules. <nicoInattendu> I just request it right now in import queue. <henninge> nicoInattendu: you shouldn't mix automatic bzr uploads and manual uploads. <jpds> bigjools: Still have to work on implementing it in the buildd script. <nicoInattendu> I was a almost desperate action when I saw that i have the wrong templates in rosetta <nicoInattendu> I go to fix it now. <henninge> nicoInattendu: ok, ping me when you need more help <nicoInattendu> Thanks for help <nicoInattendu> I have a license question. The luciole software is dev. under GPLv2 license. I have a file _version.py who is generated by bzr version-info. I use this file to dispaly the version in the about window. Thie _version.py need to have GPL and copyright header ? actualy I not make this is the bzr job. <poolie_> nicoInattendu: um, the file's probably trivial <poolie_> if you ask me, it's not copyrightable <poolie_> it's not covered by bzr's licence <nicoInattendu> poolie_: Ok thanks for the answer I'm agree with this point of view it canno't be copyrightable. <jelmer> mwhudson, bug 164065 <ubottu> Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/164065/+text) <mwhudson> jelmer: hooray :) <mwhudson> jelmer: oh heh <Lumiere> is lp down for anyone else? <LarstiQ> Lumiere: a bit slow, but I get to launchpad.net/~larstiq <ripps> Hmm, the ubuntu security team seems pretty active with the ppa builders today <fbond> Hi. I thought PPA dependencies would allow one PPA to automatically provide packages from another PPA, but it doesn't look like that's the case. What do PPA dependencies do, then? <bigjools> fbond: it's for build/runtime dependencies <bigjools> users should set up sources.list entries for dependent PPAs <fbond> bigjools: Oh, okay. <ripps> fbond: it won't allow users to install packages from their, but your packages will be compiled with them <fbond> Sure would be neat if users could use a single sources.list entry... <ripps> fbond: you can copy packages from other ppa's <fbond> ripps: Yeah, I think I will do that... * Lumiere wonders if the redirection to edge or edge was down <philn> LP down? <philn> oh no, just slower than usual ;) <vadi21> are mailing lists team only or can they be set for projects? <tsimpson> vadi21: team only, but you can have teams with the same names as projects iirc <vadi21> alright <hannes__> hey <hannes__> https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ is totally down <kklimonda> hey, what's going on with launchpad? :) <kblin> hi folks <kblin> bugs.launchpad.net keeps timing out for me today, any idea what could be the reason? <joey> kblin, mthaddon just mentioned elsewhere that we're running a bit slow at the moment <joey> kblin, are you getting an OOPS id? <det> Hi, I get an error whenever I try to copy binary packages from another repo into mine. It says "(Error ID: OOPS-1245ED407)" <Imperion> what does "informative" mean for blueprints? <kklimonda> cprov: Is fixing bug 285205 enough to enable ddebs in PPAs or is there another bug for it? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 285205 in soyuz "Soyuz needs to be able to process and publish ddebs" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/285205 <cprov> kklimonda: we have to deploy the changes on the lp-buildd for start stripping ddebs. <cprov> kklimonda: it will happen at some point next week. <kklimonda> cprov: I see, that's great news - thanks :) <cprov> kklimonda: you are welcome. <kblin> joey: er, sorry for the lag. no, just plain old "connection timed out while waiting for server" errors in my browser <ripps> Perhaps someone here can help, because both #ubuntu-motu and #ubuntu-devel have no idea. I'm trying to store the contents of a file in debian as variable during buildtime with pbuilder. I've tried EXTRAVERSION:=$(cat debian/git-version) but I just get "cat: debian/git-version: No such file or directory" <ripps> I had this working when the file was stored in .git-version in the source directory, but it stopped working when I moved it to debian/ <maxb> I have a second GPG key in my launchpad account dedicated to *automatic* uploads of nightly builds to a PPA. On reflection, this is unwise, since that key can authenticate to Launchpad for anything, not just the team PPA in question. I'd like to move the key to a second LP account. <maxb> Can I do this, or will I need to generate a third key? <maxb> It seems that whilst launchpad can deactivate a key, it can't totally break its association with a LP user account <rowinggolfer_> odd. but every push I made today created a hung process. <rowinggolfer_> so I hit ctrl-C. <rowinggolfer_> tried again.. but of course had to unlock <rowinggolfer_> then they went fine. <rowinggolfer_> wierd. <rowinggolfer_> hopefully, tomorrow is another day ;) <taxman> hi, is there a way to change the name of the project in the upstream linked bug? For example in Bug #381429 I linked upstream to a bugzilla bug I filed against gnome-terminal, but they moved it there to vte. Can I change the upstream link to link to refer to vte? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 381429 in vte "gnome-terminal doesn't handle Unicode complex text rendering" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/381429 #launchpad 2009-05-30 <mthaddon> taxman: I think the way to do it would be to mark that bugtask invalid and create a new bugtask for vte <taxman> oh, that's the only way? And I don't see a way to mark invalid, only a way to mark for manual instead of automatic updating <taxman> I'm just learning, so I don't know what I can do vs what others can do. Maybe it's different <mthaddon> I don't think you can delete a bugtask (the term for this reference to where the bug exists) - so if you switch it to manual and then mark it invalid and then create a new bugtask that might be the best way to do it <mthaddon> I'm no expert myself, but the people who could probably best answer it will be in Barcelona or on their way back from there most likely <taxman> ok, I'll try that. It would be nice just to be able to change it directly, not delete and recreate it <taxman> ahh, is that why it's so quiet in here? <taxman> thanks mthaddon <mthaddon> yeah, that's why it's so quiet :) <madmartian> is it possible to completely empty a ppa? <wgrant> madmartian: Yes... just delete everything. <wgrant> But why? <madmartian> wgrant: i decided to completely start again with the packaging * madmartian completely screwed it up :) <wgrant> You can't ever upload an older version again, but you can remove the existing stuff,. <madmartian> wgrant: so I have to bump the version? <wgrant> madmartian: Yes. You always should, anyway. <AnAnt> Hello, how can I remove a PPA ? <pzico> hola, I noticed some launchpad projects share their downloads on trunk/<versionnumber>/*.tar.gz <pzico> Where as I thought it's the main development branch <pzico> so is there some other alternative for publishing packet versions? <pzico> or shuold I mix it to my development branch <quadrispro> hi guys, when I try to upload something, I receive this: "Connection failed, aborting. Check your network [Errno 111] Connection refused" <quadrispro> anyone could help me? <quadrispro> I tried to upload to upload.ubuntu.com (via ftp) <AnAnt> Hello, how can I remove a PPA ? <savvas> ask for its removal at http://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad :) <nicoInattendu> Hi, The released source code of a software is no more available in launchpad :'(: indicates not found page. Hereafter The example : in page here https://launchpad.net/luciole/trunk/0.7.2 (click on link http://launchpad.net/luciole/+milestone/0.7.2/+download/luciole_0.7.2.tar.gz) <wgrant> nicoInattendu: Known bug; try https://edge.launchpad.net/luciole/+download instead. <nicoInattendu> Ok thnks <savvas> bazaar.lp isn't working: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-doc/ubuntu-karmic/files <RockyRoad> Hi :) <RockyRoad> Is there a problem with http://bazaar.launchpad.net <RockyRoad> ? <RockyRoad> I can't access the code browser <RockyRoad> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~m-baert/drupal-planet/6.x/revision/24 <RockyRoad> for any project <RockyRoad> oops ! I just saw \savvas message <RockyRoad> is somebody working on it ? could it be long ? <RockyRoad> "Try reloading this page in a minute or two. If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode. " <RockyRoad> it persists ... <wgrant> RockyRoad: It's a weekend, so there would normally be reduced sysadmin response. It's also going to be even lower, and lots of people are flying home from Barcelona at the moment. <wgrant> s/and/as/ <RockyRoad> thanks for answering wgrant <RockyRoad> I'll try to do without then <wgrant> mwhudson: Are you actually there? <wgrant> codebounce needs kicking. <mwhudson> ffs * wgrant cowers in the corner... <VK7HSE> sorry but just joined the list, but is there any issues with the builds in LP ??? <mwhudson> wgrant: <wgrant> VK7HSE: Hmm, what do you mean? <wgrant> There are lots of buildds missing. <mwhudson> wgrant: it's fixed <wgrant> But nothing else seems to be wrong. <wgrant> mwhudson: Thanks. <wgrant> RockyRoad, savvas: ^^ <VK7HSE> Oh I uploaded a build of Me TV a while back and they are yet to build... https://launchpad.net/~vk7hse/+archive/ppa <savvas> thanks :) <wgrant> VK7HSE: See https://launchpad.net/builders. looks like lots of Java is clogging things up. <VK7HSE> yeah I just remembered to look there just after I hit "enter" !!! <RockyRoad> wgrant, mwhudson : thanks a million :) <nhandler> Is there a way (possibly using the LP API) to generate a list of people who have an email address matching a certain regex? <exarkun> nhandler: I doubt it <SamB> what, you want to find everyone with a redhat.com email ? <nhandler> SamB: I was thinking of finding Ubuntu Developers who also have a debian.org email address. But I guess I could go about this another way <Blaze_Boy> Q : how can i push my code to launchpad .i made a project called vunsy ... registered my ssh public key ... installed olive and initialized a project in my code folder ... then what ? <Blaze_Boy> any help ? <LarstiQ> Blaze_Boy: add the files you want, commit them, and then push <Blaze_Boy> LarstiQ: Commands please <LarstiQ> Blaze_Boy: `bzr add; bzr st; *review*; bzr commit; bzr push` <Blaze_Boy> LarstiQ: and do i have to initialize a branch or something like git ? <LarstiQ> Blaze_Boy: I thought you already did, what did you mean with `initialized a project'? <Blaze_Boy> LarstiQ: with olive i used the initialize project menu item <Blaze_Boy> LarstiQ: i'm sorry.. i have just know bazzar system half an hour ago <exarkun> Blaze_Boy: Perhaps http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/mini-tutorial/index.html would be a good starting place. <Blaze_Boy> exarkun: thanx <LarstiQ> Blaze_Boy: I guess that means 'bzr init' then. So no, you've already done that. <Blaze_Boy> LarstiQ: ok what i have to do then? <LarstiQ> Blaze_Boy: same things I've already said. I have no clue how Olive presents those actions. <LarstiQ> Blaze_Boy: but I'd hope finding their equivalents is easy <Blaze_Boy> LarstiQ: alright thanx <alefteris> hi all! I uploaded a package into my ppa, and then I realised I had the wrong target distro, deleted the package, changed distro in changelog, rebuilded and uploaded again.. <alefteris> then I get that: The source mypackage - 1.0 is already accepted in ubuntu/karmic and you cannot upload the same version within the same distribution. You have to modify the source version and re-upload. <alefteris> but my new package is for jaunty. any ideas? <jmarsden> alefteris: mypackage 1.0-2 <alefteris> hoping to avoid that :) <jmarsden> alefteris: Deleting packages in PPAs is not intended to let you reuse version numbers... it's usually better to go with the system than to try "clever" approaches, IMO. <SamB> it still confuses apt-get, etc... <LarstiQ> it's not perfect though <mbt> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~alltray-developers/alltray/trunk/revision/55 gets a "Please Try Again" page saying that "there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server" <loic-m> Is there a way to upload a karmic package to my ppa (and build it for Jaunty) without having to touch the changelog (and debuild not complaining that the sign doesn't match)? <jmarsden> loic-m: See https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Using%20packages%20from%20other%20distributions ? <loic-m> jmarsden: I've got .dput.cf configured already, but when I apt-get source the pkg, I don't have any source.changes files to upload to my ppa <loic-m> jmarsden: and debuild won't produce it if the changelod doesn't match my sig (and even if I could force the process, I'm afraid the ppa would reject them since I haven't signed them) <jmarsden> dpkg-buildpackage has a -k flag so you can sign with your own key... doesn't it work? <jmarsden> Or debuild -S -sa -us -uc and then debsign -k afterwards? <jmarsden> I've not done what you are trying to do, but I think it should work :) <loic-m> jmarsden: thanks, I'll try that (and take a note, since I probably will have forgotten that by tomorrow ;) ) <jmarsden> No problem. <vorian> hola, where do I need to go to request a touch more ppa space? <jmarsden> vorian: Can you not just make yourself a second one and use that, for an extra GB worth? <mbt> Who do I ping about Loggerhead not working on LP? It's been down for at least an hour... <vorian> jmarsden: nope, it's not for personal use <vorian> i need it for ~kubuntu-experimental <jmarsden> vorian: OK. I think most of the people with the appropriate powers are recovering from or returning from UDS ? <vorian> that's why I came here to ask. <vorian> does anyone know for sure? <wgrant> vorian: Ask a question at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion <wgrant> jmarsden: Creating a new one is not a solution. That's a workaround which goes against the spirit of the limit! Bad idea. <vorian> danke wgrant <beuno> mbt, we can try pinging elmo or spm <jmarsden> wgrant: Then logically the limit should be set per user rather than per PPA, right? Is it? <beuno> but they're likely not awake <mbt> beuno: Yeah, guessing that everyone was at UDS? <beuno> mbt, returning from <wgrant> jmarsden: Probably, but I guess that's hard to implement. <cyberixae> What determines whether or not a branch has a sparkline? <cyberixae> All code pages I checked have only one sparkline, and it is always the branch at the top. <wgrant> cyberixae: Development focus branches have a sparkline. <cyberixae> thanks #launchpad 2009-05-31 <reburg> hallo. launchpad won't let me subscribe to bugs. known problem? <reburg> anyone? beuller? <wgrant> reburg: Which web browser are you using? <reburg> firefox; also tried it w/ epiphany to eliminate any addons causing problems <wgrant> What does it do when you try it? <reburg> wgrant: Error The following errors were encountered: There was an error in subscribing. Please wait a little and try again. <reburg> wgrant: in an ajax popup <wgrant> reburg: Do you have Firebug installed? <wgrant> Is it all bugs, or just one in particular? <reburg> wgrant: installed, but not active. and not in epiphany. <reburg> wgrant: i tried a random second bug, didn't work on that one either <wgrant> reburg: Enable the Console tab in Firebug, try subscribing again, and see what the actual error is. <wgrant> (you'll need to look at the response of the AJAX request that is made) <reburg> wgrant: ok, that'll take me a few minutes. thanks. <reburg> wgrant: ok, i think my hunch (which i didn't tell you) was correct <reburg> wgrant: my email address has a + sign in it, the new ajax code doesn't deal well w/ that <wgrant> reburg: What's the message in the response? <reburg> wgrant: 400 bad request. "person: "https://bugs.launchpad.net/api/beta/~bsg4 ubuntu052006" is not a valid URI." <reburg> it's stripping out the + sign and making it a space <wgrant> Ah, it's that your Launchpad username has a +, right. <wgrant> (it was probably generated from your email address initially) <wgrant> File a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug <reburg> wgrant: will do. thanks. <wgrant> You can use the non-AJAX subscribe feature to work around this by either disabling JavaScript, or just adding /+subscribe to the end of the bug URL. <reburg> wgrant: all done, and subscribed to the bug i wanted. thanks again. <wgrant> reburg: No problem. <binarymutant> what's the status on bazaar.launchpad.net? <binarymutant> I can't see my bazaar branch in LP :( <mbt> binarymutant: heh, still down, it seems <binarymutant> actually I found out that I can still push to it, so I'm good :) thanks for the help mbt <mbt> binarymutant: Yeah, seems the bzr stuff is running, but that loggerhead bit it or something... been that way for a while <DrSmall> I am getting a "Please try again" error. <DrSmall> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~drsmall/feedmailer/devel/files <spm> beuno: codebounce (re)started. was down, fwiw... <Turl1> hi <Turl1> I'm getting a really odd issue with a PPA <Turl1> I added the moovida PPA and their key -> https://launchpad.net/~moovida-packagers/+archive/ppa <Turl1> but it complains about some packages of the ppa being unsigned! <Turl1> some - not all <Turl1> any idea on what might be going on? <jmarsden> Turl1: That's supposedly impossible (you "can't" upload an unsigned package to a PPA)... maybe ask in #ubuntu-motu? <jmarsden> Hmmm, I wonder what happens when you move stuff from one PPA to another... could that confuse things? <Turl1> jmarsden: the packages seem to be copied from another ppa jmarsden, maybe the copy unsigns them? <jmarsden> Or else they stay signed with the other PPAs key which your system doesn't have... interesting. <Turl1> I guess it's some kind of obscure bug in PPAs <Turl1> I added the other ppa's key, no luck jmarsden <Turl1> I guess I'll have to install them unsigned :/ <jmarsden> Well, you coul download the source packages and build them locally in a chroot (or in a VM) after reading their diff.gz files looking for anything bad, if you are sufficiently paranoid? <Turl1> I'm not so paranoid :P <jmarsden> Or download them from the "original" PPA... are they signed there? <Turl1> I'll try <Turl1> it's signed heh <Turl1> this is certainly a launchpad bug <Turl1> where can I fill one for it? <jmarsden> https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug <Turl1> thanks jmarsden <Turl1> have to be going! <jmarsden> No problem. <salsaman> hi <salsaman> anyone awake ? <wgrant> salsaman: Ask your question, and anybody around who knows the answer will hopefully tell you. <salsaman> well, i cant find the "import" button any more on translate <salsaman> and yes, i am logged in <salsaman> https://translations.launchpad.net/lives/trunk/+pots/lives <salsaman> and i am the template owner <salsaman> i can download and see the import queue <salsaman> uhh...that is strange <salsaman> i found the import tab, but it seems to be specific to a particular language <salsaman> does that mean i need to import the pot file for each language ? <salsaman> no wait a minute....that is the import for .po files <salsaman> sorry <salsaman> its the import for the .pot file i need <salsaman> ah now i see the problem <salsaman> i am logging in as salsaman-gmail <salsaman> the project is owned by salsaman <salsaman> doh <mwhudson> salsaman: you can merge your accounts if you want <salsaman> how do i do that ? <mwhudson> good question :) <jmarsden> https://launchpad.net/people/+requestmerge <mwhudson> https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/193 <salsaman> ok, thanks mwhudson <gnomefreak> when using email to edit/reply to bugs, how do you set a task to incomplete if there is more than one task open? <gnomefreak> asac: hope you had a nice trip <savvas> gnomefreak: something like bug #252242 ?:\ <ubottu> Launchpad bug 252242 in launchpad-foundations "Can't open release specific tasks via email interface" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/252242 <gnomefreak> savvas: no itts a how to question and you can do it since asac does it.looking at bug to confirm this is related <gnomefreak> it is same it seems but i thought it was on the document i just cant find it anymore <gnomefreak> savvas: isnt https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/EmailInterface#Editing%20a%20bug%20that%20affects%20multiple%20contexts enough of an explaintion? at least in regauds of the above bug? * gnomefreak going to try it how ever it would be great if the dics showed how to add a package <savvas> gnomefreak: you added that? thanks, I didn't have a clue how to do it :) <gnomefreak> s/gics/docs i added a confirm to bug. I am unable to edit LP docs <savvas> oh ok hehe <VK7HSE> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/382148 <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 382148 in bzr "bzr: ERROR: exceptions.EOFError: EOF read where object expected " [Undecided,New] <MTecknology> How do I remove an LP team? <MTecknology> I guess my 5 years means nothing then <MTecknology> wrong chan #launchpad 2010-05-31 <ochosi> hey everyone, i maintain a package in a ppa and i wanted to know whether it's possible to supply changelogs that can be read in the update-manager for that <ochosi> obviously it doesn't pick up the debian/changelog <wgrant> ochosi: Not at the moment. update-manager had its side of the support added a little over a month ago, but Launchpad's side isn't done yet. <ochosi> wgrant, ok thanks for the info, couldn't find it online! <fta2> are the "copied" packages exposed somewhere in the LP API? <fta2> (i want to fill up the gaps in my ppa dashboards: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/ppa-dashboard/chromium-daily.html http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/ppa-dashboard/ubuntu-mozilla-security--ppa.html) <jetienne> q. in ppa builder, ionice are not allowed. how can i automatically detect that from my makefile ? <jetienne> ok i will use hostname to know if i build on one of my boxes instead :) <defcon> In the last few days i had enough activity, but karma is dropped since 3 days. whats wrong with it? <henninge> defcon: Did you read https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/Karma? * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: henninge | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ <defcon> yes <henninge> defcon: Has it dropped a lot or just a few points? <defcon> henninge, a few. round about 100 <henninge> defcon: I'd wait a few more days and see it the trend continues. <defcon> ok <vish> hi , regarding the new "expired" status , is it available only when the bug has expired and only for the Bug control members , or for anyone ? <jetienne> houray i reached buildability of my packages! thanks for the help <KurtKraut> How often do Launchpad check for new versions at the FTP server where a software is officially released? For instance, https://launchpad.net/mtr/+download <KurtKraut> The version 0.77 of this software was released today. How often Launchpad checks for new versions? <apachelogger> how does one create a distribution in launchpad? <tsimpson> I'm pretty sure you need to file a question and request the LP admins create it for you <tsimpson> you can't create one yourself <tsimpson> https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad <apachelogger> k,thx <tsimpson> apachelogger: oh, and see https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/22 <apachelogger> tsimpson: makes one wonder why one would want to have it registered as distro to begin with <tsimpson> yeah <apachelogger> kiko: ping * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ <Nafai> Is there an easy way to see all packages you are subscribed to so I can easily unsubscribe from them? <lifeless> somewhere under +me, probably <micahg> Nafai: you/+packagebugs #launchpad 2010-06-01 <lfaraone> wgrant: should a new method be created to replace syncSource, or can we modify the behavior of it? (if there are existing clients I don't want to break them) <wgrant> lfaraone: We'll be adjusting syncSource, right. <lfaraone> wgrant: do we send out announces for archive-admin-performed syncs? if not, why should the behavior change for motu-requested syncs? <wgrant> lfaraone: Except for autosyncs, yes, we do. <wgrant> Anyway, I should leave for uni in a couple of minutes. <lfaraone> wgrant: okay, and no changes file is generated for that either, right? <MikeChelen> is it possible to fork a project, or is there some other recommended way to contribute code to a project? <mwhudson> MikeChelen: generally you just push up a new branch of the project <MikeChelen> mwhudson: should it be done through bzr or the project page to register a branch? <mwhudson> MikeChelen: through bzr is easiest <MikeChelen> mwhudson: is there a guide for how to do that? <mwhudson> perhaps, but it's easy: bzr push lp:~$you/$project/$branch_name <mwhudson> ah, https://help.launchpad.net/Code/UploadingABranch <- MikeChelen <MikeChelen> ok, just have to get the authentication set up <MikeChelen> mwhudson: got it, thanks! should the branch name be anything in particular? <mwhudson> MikeChelen: generally i choose a name that will remind me later of what the branch is for (for example, if it's to fix a bug, putting the bug number in) <mwhudson> MikeChelen: you can request a merge proposal against the project's trunk too <MikeChelen> mwhudson: that is the right thing to do, if the code will hopefully be included? <mwhudson> MikeChelen: yes <MikeChelen> still figuring out bzr basics :) <MikeChelen> is there any way to allow download for particular packages? <MikeChelen> that is probably only for the main team right <mwhudson> MikeChelen: i don't understand, sorry <MikeChelen> mwhudson: it would be nice to have some way of downloading a subdirectory of the project, packaged into a .zip or other single file <mwhudson> oh right <mwhudson> yeah, that's a still unimplemented feature <wgrant> win 9 <wgrant> Argh. <dupondje> Hi, there seems to be a little missing code when subscribing someone :) <dupondje> when I subscribe for example ubuntu-sponsors, its just a normal icon that gets added in front, not a star like when I refresh :) <BlackZ> dupondje: report it as a bug, if you think it's <vish> does anyone know about the new "Expired" status? <vish> is it available only when the bug has expired and only for the Bug control members , or for anyone ? <vish> and do the expired bugs show up in the searches? <dupondje> BlackZ: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/588162 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 588162 in Launchpad itself "Icon of the newly Subscribers isn't always correct (affected: 1, heat: 0)" [Undecided,New] <BlackZ> thanks dupondje <dupondje> not that its very special :P <vish> dupondje: i can confirm that bug , it happens to all the teams ;) <BlackZ> well, actually I'm not sure if it's a bug <dupondje> well its not a bug really <dupondje> more a missing feature ? :) <BlackZ> dupondje: probably <dupondje> ah well <dupondje> if somebody feels bored :P <wgrant> I discovered that when I was fixing the AJAX subscription code many months ago. I decided I couldn't be bothered fixing that one. <wgrant> I believe there's already a bug. * wgrant hunts. <BlackZ> wgrant: seems not <BlackZ> rebooting (I have some problems with the keyboard, argh!) <noodles775> fta: Hi... just to be sure, with bug 588044, you did copy from lucid to maverick *including* binaries? <ubot5> Launchpad bug 588044 in Soyuz "lp API not reporting copied packages (affected: 1, heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/588044 <fta2> noodles775, i just used the "copy" feature in the PPA, without rebuild <fta2> noodles775, well, actually, i don't remember. I'm sure i didn't rebuild the ffmpeg-codecs in the chromium/stable ppa <noodles775> fta2: ok... I've updated the bugs with a bit more info. <fta2> i wonder why the API is so slow... <fta2> noodles775, Q: is there a way to bench the api (wrt speed, num of http requests, ...) <fta2> because it takes ~5min to create those 5 dashboards: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/ppa-dashboard/ .. which i find incredibly long <fta2> Q: is it possible to get the "Missing build dependencies" reason using the API? (like here: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa/+build/1762412) <noodles775> fta2: I haven't checked if the api provides utilities itself, but I know the launchpad foundations team is currently looking at tools benchmarking in general (see the "performance dashboard" thread on launchpad-dev). <noodles775> s/tools/tools for/ <noodles775> I'd assume in your case it's mostly reducing the number of round-trips? <fta2> i think so * noodles775 looks at the missing build dependency... <fta2> https://dev.launchpad.net/Foundations/SystemPerformance => "The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request." <noodles775> wfm? (but yeah, very ironic :) <fta2> hm.. transient error, works fine now <noodles775> fta2: regarding the build dependency... the template is just using IBuild.dependencies which is also exported, so that should work. <noodles775> (you'll obviously need to only display it as a *missing* dependency if the build state is DepWait). <fta2> ok, thanks <geser> fta2: build.dependencies contains the missing dep on which the build waits <geser> it's successfully used for the FTBFS listing <geser> fta2: and with "import httplib2; httplib2.debuglevel = 1" at the beginning of your script you can at least get the LP API HTTP request shown, which you could use for counting or checking if a object is refetched too often <fta2> geser, already tried that, it's just showing the requests (without timing them).. and i just see there are too many <fta2> i wonder if this is relevant: http://code.google.com/p/httplib2/issues/detail?id=91 <TresEquis> Just reported an issue with failing SVN imports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/113078 <jpds> TresEquis: I think that that was fixed a while ago. <maxb> It definitely appears to be fixed now <maxb> TresEquis: ^ <TresEquis> maxb: OK, but I just saw the import fail this morning <jpds> TresEquis: Yes; and the configuration issue was fixed. :) <maxb> weekday mornings are a good time for admins to wake up and fix things :-) <TresEquis> OK, thanks! <rowinggolfer_> Are there any issues regarding ppa build system? I've pushed my sources to my ppa, and can see no evidence of it, nor have I had any mail about rejection or acceptance. <maxb> rowinggolfer_: 1) Is your gpg key known to launchpad? 2) Was your .changes file correctly signed? 3) Have you waited 5 minutes? <rowinggolfer_> maxb I've waited 16 hours. <rowinggolfer_> my gpg key did expire last month, but I "updated" it using the lucid gui tool. <rowinggolfer_> could that be te problem? <rowinggolfer_> if so I would have expected dput to report that...? <maxb> No, dput would not report this <rowinggolfer_> ok. <maxb> Search for your key on keyserver.ubuntu.com and verify that your updated key is there <rowinggolfer_> thanks <rowinggolfer_> lol... nice deafault apache screen http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/ <maxb> Fundamentally the problem is that dput sends the files to a dumb ftp server, and they are actually processed by a separate job <maxb> http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/ (and heh, would be nice if they put in a redirect) <rowinggolfer_> thanks again <rowinggolfer_> maxb - yeap that's my problem. many thanks <maxb> Do a gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-key "Your key ID" <maxb> I am uncertain how long it may take for Launchpad to pick it up from there <bilalakhtar> Hi there lp devs, what will be the new features of lp 10.05? <MikeGuo> hi, guys, not sure what's happen. but I found the download speed is so slowly. that's normal? <MikeGuo> the page always told me "please try again" <MikeGuo> and told me "there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server" * matsubara changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: matsubara | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ <bilalakhtar> Hi there lp devs, what will be the new features of lp 10.05? <matsubara> bilalakhtar, I think the easiest way to know before the release is to look at https://edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+milestone/10.05. mrevell will send an announcement once the release is done with the highlights <bilalakhtar> matsubara: thanks <matsubara> np <rowinggolfer_> milestones are fantastic. blueprints I don't get :( <TresEquis> Is there any talk of hosting a per-project wiki or other TTW project documentation in LP <rowinggolfer_> TresEquis, https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+question/36663 <rowinggolfer_> also see this open bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/240067 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 240067 in Launchpad Foundations "Launchpad needs a wiki (affected: 66, heat: 414)" [Low,Triaged] <TresEquis> rowinggolfer_: thanks, I figured it must have come up <TresEquis> I haven't actually worked with the LP source yet, but do have significant relevant experience with other Python / Zope based wikis <rowinggolfer_> maxb - my key is now updated on the ubuntu keyserver, but as you implied launchpad doesn't know yet. <Joy> ok, i think i have an account in launchpad, but i'm not sure what its name is. i've tried the password recovery on one, but never got the mail. what do i do? <rowinggolfer_> frustrating that this error passes "silently" <matsubara> Joy, is this the account: https://edge.launchpad.net/~joy+launchpad? did you try the email address listed there? can you check emails are not caught by spam filters on your side? <Joy> can you tell me what *is* the e-mail address listed there? :)) <Joy> Email: Log in for email information. <Joy> that's what i see <Joy> i tried joy+launchpad@entuzijast.net <Joy> and mx1.entuzijast.net got no messages for that at all <matsubara> Joy, doh, sorry. I thought the email was availabe to everyone (it actually is but you need to be logged in. my bad) <matsubara> Joy, linux.hr is the domain. ring any bells? <Joy> ah, ok, i'll try that then <matsubara> Joy, ok. let me know if you need further help <Joy> thanks (waiting for the mail now) <matsubara> np <Joy> [joy@griffin:~]% grep -i launchpad /var/log/exim4/mainlog <Joy> [joy@griffin:~]% <Joy> waah. :) <Joy> (mx1.linux.hr) <geser> did you try the right delimiter in your localpart? <Joy> well matsubara pointed to the plus <Joy> but then, yes, that might be an issue <Joy> % /usr/sbin/exim4 -bt joy+launchpad@linux.hr <Joy> rowinggolfer_: system_aliases for joy+launchpad@linux.hr <Joy> rowinggolfer_: aliases for joy+launchpad@linux.hr <Joy> joy+launchpad@linux.hr is undeliverable: Unrouteable address <Joy> rowinggolfer_: sorry, it's my irssi expanding R: <geser> on your LP page it's not the + <matsubara> Joy, I didn't want to post your email here and I assumed you knew it. it's joy-launchpad@linux.hr <Joy> oh, bother :) * Joy should un-qmail-ize that machine one day, too <Joy> sorry for the confusion, although that still doesn't explain why the launchpad website didn't immediately error out <Joy> probably an anti-spam method? <Joy> 2010-06-01 15:35:51 H=adelie.canonical.com []:41420 I=[]:25 F=<noreply@launchpad.net> temporarily rejected RCPT <joy-launchpad@linux.hr>: greylisted. <Joy> yesssh, finally <Joy> thank you both <henninge> sinzui: ping <sinzui> hi henninge <henninge> Hi sinzui! <henninge> just a moment <henninge> sinzui: defcon is seeing that his karma is constantly decreasing although he is using LP regularly. Any idea what to look for? <sinzui> Very old high point work has expired after 1 year <henninge> so that would lead to points expiring faster than gaining new points? <sinzui> henninge, defcon: spec work and burst of bug triage from last year can cause a rapid decline after one year <rowinggolfer_> defcon - if you are demotivated - try #fedora ;) <sinzui> karma expires so that new contributors can quickly be ranked with old contributors. <henninge> defcon: you are saying that you have not worked on Launchpad that long? <defcon> im active since round about 2 weeks <defcon> before i paused ca. 1 year <henninge> sinzui: it went from 40 to almost 1500 and now down to 1380 within 4 days. Is that a normal fluctuation? <sinzui> No. <henninge> sinzui: should we open a bug to investigate further after the roll-out? <defcon> the last 4 days the karma was not calculated, although i answered a lot of question, did translation and so on <sinzui> defcon have you worked with branches? I know karma calculation failed a few times <defcon> henninge, if the translation is wrong, please correct me :D <defcon> sinzui, no <henninge> defcon: you're fine ;) <defcon> henninge, thanks :D <defcon> sinzui, the only thing i did (since karma is decreasing) i rejoined launchpad-beta-users because it was expired <sinzui> registry (teams and project) do not privide karma <defcon> ok <sinzui> defcon, report a bug. I need to investigate this after the release or at least when I am not talking to 5 people at the same time. <defcon> ok <rowinggolfer_> maxb, thanks for your help earlier - to confirm that my packages have now uploaded, thanks. <maxb> excellent :-) <rowinggolfer_> should I delete my "intrepid" packages now? <maxb> rowinggolfer_: You cannot upload new intrepid ones, but you are under no obligation to delete existing ones. <maxb> Your choice as maintainer of the PPA <rowinggolfer_> maxb... thanks again. I noticed it didn't allow the new intrepid package <Penguin_Guy> Hi! I'm relatively new to Launchpad, I've just started a team and have some working code at https://launchpad.net/~blobber - I just wanted the thumbs up that I'm going about this the right way and maybe some guidance on what to do next. Thanks. <bilalakhtar> Penguin_Guy: Is the blobber project registered in lp? <bilalakhtar> Penguin_Guy: ok, it isn't. <rowinggolfer_> Penguin_Guy, I would be concerned about the name "blobber"... it seems already to be the name of some established games owned by the likes of shockwave <Penguin_Guy> rowinggolfer_: You mean there may be legal issues? <rowinggolfer_> Penguin_Guy, yes. <rowinggolfer_> if your game gets 10,000,000 users... (and you never know)... you'll need to change the name for sure <Penguin_Guy> rowinggolfer_: Right, I'll change the name, is there anything else? <rowinggolfer_> nope, it looks good to me. <rowinggolfer_> but I know nothing. <maxb> Penguin_Guy: You should clarify the purpose of the team a bit. Is it for anyone and everyone, and you plan to request a mailing list? Or is it going to own Bazaar branches - in which case it shouldn't be an Open team? <maxb> Penguin_Guy: And it's absolutely the wrong thing to do to use +junk branches for collaborative work <Penguin_Guy> maxb: I was planning on starting a project for blobber, and let anyone join the project. I've used a +junk branch for now because I'm not really sure where the branch should be. <maxb> People do not join projects, they join teams <maxb> The problem with 'letting anyone join' is that anyone can join.... and delete your branch <Penguin_Guy> maxb: But they need to have signed the CoC first don't they? <maxb> No <maxb> The CoC only gates the ability to create a PPA <Penguin_Guy> macb: Ah, I'll get that changed right now. <vadi2> Are there plans to have launchpad use the async google analytics script? http://ur1.ca/04sx5 (it's stuck on that) <BadChoice> Hi <BadChoice> I've a problem when creating a branch.. <BadChoice> Permission denied (publickey). <BadChoice> And i don't know how to solve it <thopiekar> hi <thopiekar> I am working on a application that should download a file from my bzr branch.. but these links that I can find on "view branch" page.. point at the file of the current branch.. but is there a link or a way to download always the latest file even after branch pushes? <thopiekar> I hope you understand what my problem is ;) <beuno> thopiekar, yes <thopiekar> I found now a snipplet with Acire that downloads the latest branch revision <beuno> thopiekar, use head: <beuno> as the revision <thopiekar> so this is right? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~thopiekar/mopedix/artwork/download/head:/mopedixlogo.png-20100513112401-ksjo1e3l3gmoija7-9/mopedix-logo.png <thopiekar> what about the "20100513112401-ksjo1e3l3gmoija7-9" <beuno> that's the file-if <beuno> file-id <beuno> which is fine <beuno> it doesn't change <thopiekar> this file-id will not be changed after a push? <thopiekar> ahh ok :P <thopiekar> thanks beuno! <thopiekar> beuno: is there also a way to list the files of a branch without bzrlib? <timour> Hi, I am one of the MariaDB core developers, I pushed into an LP tree 5 hours ago, and the branch page still says: <timour> " <timour> Launchpad is processing new changes to this branch which will be available in a few minutes. Reload to see the changes. <timour> " <mwhudson> timour: are your changes present? <mwhudson> the message is probably lying :/ <timour> mwhudson, how do I check this? <timour> mwhudson, the reason I think there is a real problem, is because our BuildBot system didn't start building. <timour> mwhudson, this is the branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~maria-captains/maria/5.3-subqueries <timour> mwhudson, perhaps if the message is lying to me (via the web page), it is lying to out BuldBot system, and that is a real problem. <timour> s/out/our <mwhudson> timour: it seems the branch is damaged somehow :/ <timour> mwhudson, what would you suggest? delete it? <mwhudson> ah <mwhudson> timour: the branch it is stacked on, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~maria-captains/maria/5.1, has been upgraded to 2a format <mwhudson> timour: you should be able to see a upgrade button on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~maria-captains/maria/5.3-subqueries, clicking it will very likely help <timour> mwhudson, I heard it takes many hours to convert, would it be much faster if I just delete it, and push again? <timour> mwhudson, by the way, thank you for looking into this. <mwhudson> timour: only the revisions not in the stacked-on branch need to be converted, it shouldn't take very long <mwhudson> deleting and repushing will probably be faster though, indeed <timour> mwhudson, ok, I will try to minimize human time, so will try first upgrading. <maxb> remember also that delete/repush would remove people subscribed to the branch <timour> maxb, yes, and it will remove it from BuildBot, so I pushed the "upgrade" button. <timour> mwhudson, maxb: Many thanks, I hope it works. Do you have a guesstimate how long it may take? Is it going to be upgraded by tomorrow? <mwhudson> timour: i would guess < 1 hour <timour> mwhudson, I hope that this solves the problem, otherwise we will really need your help. Thank you! <mwhudson> timour: np, sorry the problems are so opaque <timour> mwhudson, now the message that the branch is being upgraded is gone, there is still an "upgrade" button, and still "Launchpad is processing new changes to this branch". I hope this is how it should work. <mwhudson> timour: that's suspiciously fast :/ <mwhudson> oh right, upgrading the branches this way around doesn't work :( <timour> yes <mwhudson> timour: you could try running "bzr upgrade lp:~maria-captains/maria/5.3-subqueries" yourself, i think that will actually work <timour> mwhudson, and that works on the LP branch, not locally> <timour> ? <mwhudson> timour: well, all the data gets copied up ad down the pipe but yes <timour> I mean should I run this locally, inside my 5.3-subqueries root? <lifeless> mwhudson: which way around? <mwhudson> timour: doesn't matter <mwhudson> lifeless: if you use the upgrade button on the stacked-on branch first, then trying to upgrade the stacked branch the same way fails <mwhudson> i think <timour> mwhudson, ok, I started the process, let's see what happens. <lifeless> mwhudson: it shouldn't <lifeless> mwhudson: bzr doesn't care, and I'm pretty sure rockstar had tests for both ways around <mwhudson> lifeless: i agree it shouldn't <timour> mwhudson, lifeless: so now I started the upgrade process via the button, then via the command line at my box. I really wonder what the end result will be. <mwhudson> lifeless: looking at the code though, i wonder if upgrading any stacked branch would work, never mind the format problems :/. <mwhudson> timour: i don't think there will be any conflict <timour> mwhudson, ok, thanks for the help! <lifeless> :( <barry> i'm trying to get to my ppas through the lp api. i seem to be able to get to one of them, but not the other. that one gives a 404. any ideas why? <barry> ah, nm. positional argument fubar <lifeless> heh <mwhudson> timour: seems the upgrade worked, although the page isn't updated <mwhudson> timour: probably if you push a new revision up it will sort itself out <timour> mwhudson, yes, it's done, but I have nothing to push. I'll have to figure out some meaningful change. <mwhudson> timour: you could probably uncommit the most recent revision then push it again <timour> mwhudson, ok, will try that, thx. <timour> mwhudson, I merged from another branch and pushed. Let's see what happens. Thanks for the help! Time to sleep. <timour> mwhudson, it seems it worked this time. <mwhudson> timour: hooray <timour> :) <mtaylor> umm... I just got a key error with my ppa <mtaylor> did something change with signing keys? <mtaylor> The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 4FEC45DD06899068 Launchpad PPA for Drizzle-developers <mtaylor> or rather: <mtaylor> W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 4FEC45DD06899068 Launchpad PPA for Drizzle-developers <thumper> mtaylor: we added the user code to check if it is you :) <thumper> mtaylor: launchpad now officially hates you <mtaylor> thumper: awesome <thumper> mtaylor: but no idea sorry <mtaylor> thumper: gah <mtaylor> thumper: it _was_ working earlier today <thumper> I don't know of any changes <thumper> not to that part anyway <mtaylor> so it's sort of disturbing for it to just, you know, not <wgrant> mtaylor: You're not behind an awesome transparent proxy? Which PPA URL are you using? <wgrant> It hasn't changed lately. <mtaylor> wgrant: W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/drizzle-developers/ppa/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release <mtaylor> wgrant: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/drizzle-developers/ppa/ubuntu lucid main <mtaylor> wgrant: I added it a while ago with add-apt-repository and I use it all the time <mtaylor> wgrant: and no - no proxy or any sort <soren> mtaylor: Works for me? <mtaylor> soren: gah <wgrant> Yeah, it's fine here too. <mtaylor> but did you guys already have keys associated with that PPA installed? <wgrant> I didn't. <soren> mtaylor: No, just did it for you now. <soren> wget -q -O - http://ppa.launchpad.net/drizzle-developers/ppa/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release | md5sum <soren> 32b3a6b4571f915be2a68b86e009879a - <soren> wget -q -O - http://ppa.launchpad.net/drizzle-developers/ppa/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release.gpg | md5sum <soren> 0c4c8bed3a21ad3d96065c64d3a892c5 - <soren> You? <mtaylor> soren: the same <wgrant> mtaylor: If we had different keys, yours would complain about a missing key, not a bad sig. <mtaylor> ah <mtaylor> wgrant: ok. I just did an update from a different lucid machine that already had it and that one worked fine... so now - is my laptop just hosed * mtaylor cries <wgrant> Eep. <soren> mtaylor: If you download the two and run "gpg --verify Release.gpg Release"... What then? <soren> Happy? <soren> Not so happy? <mtaylor> soren: Good signature from "Launchpad PPA for Drizzle-developers" <soren> "yay" <mtaylor> WEIRD <soren> "apt-get update" some more? :) <mtaylor> soren: I keep trying it #launchpad 2010-06-02 <lifeless> how do I remove a CVE reference from a bug ? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr-loom/+bug/201613 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 201613 in Loom "pushing looms does not work properly (affected: 0, heat: 8)" [Critical,Triaged] <wgrant> lifeless: You click on the remove button next to the CVE link. Which isn't there. <wgrant> So you click the "Remove CVE link" link in the main context actions portlet thingamajig. <lifeless> oh fail <lifeless> the form neither lists the CVE's <lifeless> nor prefils * lifeless enbugginates <wgrant> Yes. <wgrant> There should rather be a delete link next to each CVE in the list, as there is for branch links. <lifeless> wow <lifeless> bug 243129 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 243129 in Launchpad Bugs "'Remove CVE link' link should be next to each CVE (affected: 0, heat: 2)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/243129 <wgrant> Ah, yes, that one. <lifeless> and bug 137328 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 137328 in Launchpad Bugs "Remove a CVE link (+unlinkcve) from bug page should have checkboxes, not a text field (affected: 0, heat: 0)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137328 * lifeless evilinates <wgrant> Uhoh? <bignose> Ruh-roh. <wgrant> lifeless: You evil person. <lifeless> wgrant: I added a CVE reference to the bug about removing CVE references. <wgrant> Yes, I just saw that. <lifeless> :) <wgrant> Heh. <lifeless> it seemed, appropriate. <wgrant> Did you add it manually, or just with the mention in that comment? <lifeless> just the comment <lifeless> its how the reference got onto the bug I wanted to remove it from - it was the name of athread in a loom <wgrant> Ah. * mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad down/read-only from 11:00 - 14:00 UTC for a code update | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: matsubara | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ <maxb> losa: Hi, /home/importd/.bazaar/subversion.conf @ pear has been corrupted by a race condition again, at line 168 <mthaddon> igh <mthaddon> er, ugh, I mean <mthaddon> maxb: so can I just delete that line, or do I need to delete the stanza it seems to possibly be part of (i.e. the previous two lines)? <maxb> I think you'd probably be best deleting the affected stanza - could you pastebin? <mthaddon> maxb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/443240/ <maxb> I'd delete the whole stanza - there's no useful info in it <mthaddon> ok, done <maxb> thanks <serg> upgrade of mariadb launchpad branch is "in progress" for 6 days now. should we continue waiting ? <serg> or, for a change, it's stuck and not just slow as expected <maxb> serg: That sounds stuck to me. You should get someone (matsubara?) to look at it specifically. But you might have to wait for the rollout to be done <serg> thanks <serg> a, right <maxb> urgh <maxb> No readonly access to mailing list archives <maxb> oh, and now it works <bilalakhtar> Hi there, people. Is it possible to triage a bug report at this time? I am ready to use any method. I can use the lpapi. Does that work? <maxb> no <maxb> read-only means read-only <bilalakhtar> maxb: It says "Launchpad's Web Interface will be read-only" <maxb> Ah. Well, it's all read-only, assuming it works at all <bilalakhtar> hey, is the maintainance over? <bilalakhtar> The message has gone * matsubara changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad down/read-only from 11:00 - 14:00 UTC for a code update | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ <bilalakhtar> But the snippet at the bottom of pages still says "Launchpad 10.04 (r9420)" * mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ <bilalakhtar> I can make changes in bugs now, but is maintainance over? since it is still showing up to be lp 10.04 <wgrant> It's the right revno. <wgrant> Someone just forgot to update the version to 10.05. <bilalakhtar> wgrant: So should we celerate lp 10.05? <bilalakhtar> wgrant: oh * bilalakhtar opens a bottle of (non-alcoholic) beer to celebrate the launch of lp 10.05 <bilalakhtar> Yes, I can definitely see some changes in the way distro packages are displayed in lp <maxb> https://launchpad.net/irssi is owned by a deactivated account. May I have it, to tweak its series->branch assignments and milestones? * Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: Ursinha | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ <serg> Ursinha: upgrade of mariadb launchpad branch is "in progress" for 6 days now. should we continue waiting ? or, for a change, it's really stuck and not just slow as expected <serg> heh <claunia> hi <serg> Ursinha: upgrade of mariadb launchpad branch is "in progress" for 6 days now. should we continue waiting ? or, for a change, it's really stuck and not just slow as expected <bilalakhtar> exit <serg> Ursinha ? <Ursinha> hi <Ursinha> ! <serg> hi <serg> Ursinha: upgrade of our mariadb launchpad branch is "in progress" for 6 days now. should we continue waiting ? or, for a change, it's really stuck and not just slow as expected <Ursinha> serg, just a moment and I'll take a look for you <serg> thanks <serg> https://code.launchpad.net/~maria-captains/maria/5.1-converting <serg> this one <Ursinha> serg, you said that that upgrade message is there for five days? <Ursinha> six <serg> yes <Ursinha> serg, in any case, thanks for letting us know, I'll talk to a code person as soon as one arrives here <serg> np. what should we do now ? just wait for the message to disappear ? <Ursinha> serg, I suggest you filing a question in https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/ <Ursinha> so we can follow up there <serg> okay, I will. thanks <Ursinha> thanks serg! <Ursinha> and sorry for any inconveniences <lfaraone> wgrant: would it be useful if we were to add a URL handler for "lp:BUGNUMBER/apport-collect" or something similiar that caused apport to perform apport-collect with that bug as target? (assuming we display a dialog like we do with "apt:") <fta2> Q: how can i use the "devel" API using launchpadlib? (instead of 1.0) <fta2> (using login_anonymously()) <dnivra> hello. I get the error "Permission denied(public key)" when I try to upload my launchpad branch. I have uploaded the key to launchpad. what is the problem? <Ursinha> dnivra, does it ask you for a passphrase first or it just fails directly? <dnivra> Ursinha, no it does not ask for a passphrase, i do bzr push and then the error is shown almost immediately <Ursinha> dnivra, right.. <dnivra> Ursinha, what do you think the problem could be? <Ursinha> dnivra, I'm thinking :) <thekorn> fta, user version="devel" as argument <thekorn> -r <thekorn> like lp = Launchpad.login_anonymously("boo", EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT, version="devel") <dnivra> Ursinha, sorry :). <Ursinha> dnivra, ah, no no, just saying :) <dnivra> Ursinha, do you think the key could be wrong? I did paste the same thing three times over-delete and add, delete and add. <Ursinha> dnivra, hm, might be... <dnivra> Ursinha, any CLI tools to copy/send the key accurately. <Ursinha> dnivra, well, I've set up mine two years ago, I guess... back in that time I copied and pasted as well <dnivra> Ursinha, :). alright going to give another try with a dsa key now. <dnivra> nope same :(. <Ursinha> I was getting there :/ <Ursinha> now I know his problem <dnivra> Ursinha, thank you for your mail but it still didn't work :(. i did to lp-login and no use. <corecode> hey <corecode> is there a way to host files/tarballs on launchpad? <Ursinha> dnivra, do you have permission to write branches in the project you're trying to? <dnivra> Ursinha, got it. thanks for your help. <dnivra> Ursinha, i used my other launchpad id to do it: same procedure but it worked. <Ursinha> dnivra, to which project are you trying to upload stuff? <dnivra> Ursinha, ubuntu-bots <Ursinha> dnivra, I see you successfully uploaded a branch 10 minutes ago <Ursinha> using the lp id I've sent the email to <dnivra> Ursinha, 10 minutes ago? Wow time does fly. Yes using the same id you e-mailed me. I was using my other lp id registered to another e-mail. wonder why it didn't work. <Ursinha> dnivra, do you mind telling me the other id? <dnivra> Ursinha, PM you? <Ursinha> dnivra, sure :) <Andphe> Hi guys, I uploaded a package to my ppa this morning but don't got any mail so far, how long does it take ? <maxb> 5 minutes <noodles775> Andphe: have you checked through https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+faq/227 and the links from there? <Andphe> noodles775: thanks, nope I checked the help page https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors, but not the answers one <Andphe> I'll check thanks again <Andphe> aha, hmm <Andphe> my key expired, so I changed the date <Andphe> so I bet launchpad have the old one <Andphe> that is a clue <Andphe> thanks noodles775 <Ian_Corne> any idea when ppa's will support changelogs? <noodles775> Ian_Corne: you mean more than the last entry in the changelog shown on the package details page (when expanding a source package)? <fta> thekorn, thanks. should i expect big changes? <Ian_Corne> I mean for it to show in update-manager <fta> thekorn; well, it doesn't work (the "devel" api): 504 Gateway Time-out <thekorn> fta, works for me here <fta> thekorn, yep, it did after the 5th try. looks fine now <fta> the lp api is doing way too many http requests <geser> in what way? too many requests to get one object or re-requesting the same object too often? <fta> geser, well, i'm trying to understand why my dashboards take so long to be created (between 5 and 10 minutes), i was assuming a bottleneck somewhere (a particular request or type of requests taking too long).. <fta> geser, but it seems the delay is just the sum of many smaller delays, each requests being a few hundreds of ms <fta> but if i trace the http requests, i see far than what i expected <fta> (far more reqs) <mpt> "bzr: ERROR: KnitPackRepository('file:///home/mpt/hacking/software-center/.bzr/repository/') is not compatible with RemoteRepository(bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~software-store-developers/software-center/trunk/.bzr/) different rich-root support" <mpt> Anyone know what I should do to fix this? <mpt> Just "bzr upgrade"? <cody-somerville> mpt, I haven't had much luck when it came to differences in repository formats but if bzr upgrade is the answer I would imagine you'd need to upgrade your entire repository. <cody-somerville> mpt, If you don't get an answer here, there might be folks in #bzr who can help. <mpt> ok, "bzr upgrade" worked <cody-somerville> woot :) <geser> fta: is the code for it (your dashboard) somewhere public? <fta> geser, will soon be. i need to clean it up a bit (it's my 1st try with both the API, ... and with python) <fta> geser, (when i said dashboard, i meant this: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/ppa-dashboard/ ) <fta> hm, seems all my durations are broken. oh my. <fta> most probably the switch from 1.0 to devel <Danili> hi everybody i have a problem there is specified here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1498469 anyways i might have found a solution to the problem and that's change my network diver to the madwifi drivers and try'ed that but then i got a new problem and that's i only had wired connection in my network manager :s so i switched back to the ath5k driver again... my question now is: do anyone have any idea why the switch to <Danili> the madwifi drivers failed?? i followed this guide: http://petejcullen.wordpress.com/2009/12/10/fixing-the-madwifi-driver-on-ubuntu-9-04-jaunty-netbook-remix/ <Ursinha> Danili, hi, you may find more help about that in #ubuntu channel, this is the Launchpad channel :) <Danili> Ursinha, i'v tryed in there 3days and no one awanser so now i try almost all channels <Andphe> I'm done, had to create new keys and re-upload the package <Andphe> cya <Ursinha> Danili, and you couldn't find any clues using google? I mean, for almost all problems I had with ubuntu I could find someone having the same situation in some forum or blog <Danili> tryed tryed and tryed had this problem for 1 month now and looked everywhere and there is just no one who know anything about it and it's just driving me crazy <Ursinha> Danili, you did exactly all the steps to blacklist ath5k modules and use madwifi? <Danili> yes <Ursinha> Danili, maybe we should go in pvt, this is way offtopic here :) <Xk2c> I wanted to unsubscribe from ab bug in launchpad and came accross an other bug actually in launchpad itself. <Xk2c> it told me that i cannot be unsubscribed because: <Xk2c> No REFERER Header Launchpad requires a REFERER header to perform this action. <Xk2c> There is no REFERER header present...... <Xk2c> Since when is it required to give away refers to use launchpad?? <Xk2c> AFAIK launchpad has been working 6years without that <micahg> Xk2c: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/1024 <Xk2c> how do i unsubscribe from bugs now? <Xk2c> how do delete my launchpad acoount all associated files with it? <Xk2c> come on guys <Xk2c> what is it <Xk2c> facebook or something? <Ursinha> erm <lifeless> thats quite a complement <micahg> lifeless: I don't think it was meant as such <lifeless> comparing us to the most successful social networking site so far <lifeless> micahg: I know:P <zul> hi how do i use bug_nominations in launchpadlib is there like an example? <lifeless> probably not <lifeless> maybe in groundcontrol or bughugger <mkarnicki> can launchpad build Android .apk package for me? <mkarnicki> i'm hosting https://launchpad.net/androidu1 and was wondering, if it can build things different than .debs <mkarnicki> https://launchpad.net/opensatnav - looks like it can? :) <thumper> mkarnicki: I don't think so <mkarnicki> thumper: how can I add downloads to my project on lp.. ? <mkarnicki> i'm new to lp <thumper> mkarnicki: you need to have a release, which you can then add downloads for <mkarnicki> ah! thank you thumper :) <thumper> mkarnicki: I'm sure there is some help on that in the help.launchpad.net wiki <mkarnicki> yes! thanks :) <mkarnicki> I'll read on. thank you <thumper> np <wgrant> mkarnicki: Yeah, Launchpad can only build .debs, but you can add arbitrary other files that you've built yourself. <mkarnicki> wgrant: yes, I'll do that :) thank you #launchpad 2010-06-03 * Ursinha-afk changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ <sim> Hi <sim> I have some issues with a ppa build <sim> Here is the url: https://launchpad.net/~sguinot/+archive/net5big-xp <sim> I am not very confident because i am a poor packager <sim> the build log error is at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/49573645/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-amd64.linux_2.6.32-21.32%2Bnet5bigxp.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz <sim> and the interesting part is <sim> dpkg-deb: building package `linux-image-2.6.32-21-preempt-dbgsym' in `../linux-image-2.6.32-21-preempt-dbgsym_2.6.32-21.32+net5bigxp.1_amd64.deb'. <sim> dpkg-deb (subprocess): data: internal gzip error: read(4096) != write(0): No space left on device <sim> <sim> this looks like the storage device has no space left on device <sim> :) <sim> any hints on how to fix that is welcome <sim> Hi <sim> I have some issue with a ppa build <`Assassin> I added a source repository in synaptic. How do I download the source now? <arand> `Assassin: apt-get source package ? <`Assassin> That works. Thanks. <arand> sim: Well the build is huge at it's peak, I'm not sure if simply build deamons have a hard limit on disk space given. <Sarvatt> Does disabling publishing in a PPA still publish the results internally for successive builds by any chance? <poolie> Sarvatt, i would guess not but it's really only a guess <ferrouswheel> is bzr down for anyone else? <ferrouswheel> my connection times out but I can ping bazaar.launchpad.net (resolves to crowberry.launchpad.net) <mwhudson> ferrouswheel: works for me <ferrouswheel> hmm myself and other people in my time (both in New Zealand, but different ISPs) can't access lp:mdig <ferrouswheel> mwhudson: thanks for checking tho <mwhudson> ferrouswheel: what error do you get exactly? <mwhudson> and what command are you running? <ferrouswheel> I'm trying to push, the other people are tryin to pull - ssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Connection timed out <mwhudson> ferrouswheel: i'm accessing it over voda nz 3g which ought to be about as flaky as it gets :) <mwhudson> but it works <mwhudson> maybe try again? <ferrouswheel> mwhudson: strange indeed if you're having no trouble. still failing here :-( <ajmitch> works for me (also in NZ) <ferrouswheel> can you ping bazaar.launchpad.net and see if you're using the crowberry? <mwhudson> crowberry is the right machine <ajmitch> mtr shows it going there <ferrouswheel> ajmitch: thanks. guess i'll kick things at my end and see if I can get more info, but thought I'd check with others first <ajmitch> it's a little odd that it'd be broken on different ISPs, but they may share a common upstream <mwhudson> ferrouswheel: silly question i guess but does ssh to other hosts work? * thumper checks lp:mdig <thumper> works for me (also in NZ) <spm> ferrouswheel: try a simple 'ssh -v bazaar.launchpad.net' and paste the results from that; as a starter. * mwhudson runs off to find powah <ferrouswheel> spm: still appears to time out http://pastebin.com/zFWw6Gen and looks like mwhudson is the winner. I can't ssh to some of my international servers either - doh <spm> heh, tunnel ssh over telnet perhaps? ;-) <ferrouswheel> spm: haha <ferrouswheel> but i can ssh from another local machine, so it's just the box I'm working on that's decided to act weird * ajmitch would suggest using more than wet string & cans to connect NZ to the world <ferrouswheel> ajmitch: I am waiting with bated breath for Pacific Fibre. <spm> ajmitch: since when did NZ upgrade to wetstring and cans!?!?!? <ajmitch> spm: given the speeds I get fetching from archive.u.c, I don't think it's any more than carrier pigeon for some of us :) <spm> heh <thumper> actually you can get some good data rates over carrier pigeon <thumper> as long as they have a big enough SD card <ferrouswheel> thumper: just the latency that's a problem ;-) <thumper> true <ferrouswheel> definitely no good for playing FPS games, terrible pings <spm> ajmitch: you might get better access via the au mirror perhaps? I'm mates with the guys that run the aarnet mirror, so know whose behinds to kick there. :-) <ajmitch> spm: probably, but it's mostly slow when downloading at work <ajmitch> best speeds are from the NZ mirrors, assuming they're up-to-date <spm> one would hope the best speeds are from the NZ mirrors :-) <ajmitch> as long as they don't redirect to the US, it's ok <ripps> After a failed amd64 build, it seems someone is experiencing an error with apt-get where's trying to install some debs that would have been created. As far as I can tell, the files should have never been generated, but his apt-get seems to see some of the debs, but it spitting out "broken package" because not all the dependent debs are there. <ripps> This is for the gmpc source package for lucid in the gmpc-trunk/ppa <ajmitch> probably due to arch: all packages from the i386 build depending on non-existent amd64 packages <ripps> ajmitch: ah, yes... <ferrouswheel> solved my ssh problem with a reboot. which seems to make no sense but i'm just going to accept it for now. <ajmitch> ferrouswheel: just ever so slightly weird <sim> arand: ok, that make sense <sim> so I have to request some extra space to build this packages <arand> sim: The build goes up to somewhere around 5GB at it's peak, so I would guess so yes. <arand> Or more. <sim> arand: for my specific build, I am only interested in 2 or 3 binary package target <sim> There is a way to give the targets to the buildbot ? <sim> or rather ask for some specific targets <arand> sim: There's likely a way to do that, but I'm not completely sure how (hack rules/control maybe) <maxb> Modify the package build to only build what you want <arand> sim: But this is a question for -motu, more likely. <sim> ok thx <sim> I am quite puzzle with the different ubuntu channels <sim> maxb: I don't want to do that <maxb> You have no other option <sim> I will request extra space <maxb> However, 5GB disk utilisation doesn't seem unreasonable for some packages <maxb> sim: I don't believe that that is controlled per user <maxb> Can you paste a link to a failing build? <sim> Yes <sim> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/49573645/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-amd64.linux_2.6.32-21.32%2Bnet5bigxp.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz <arand> I only waited so far (4.8GB) when I tried to build it locally, for all I know it could be 50GB, all I know it's above 4.8 <sim> actually the i386 build success <sim> so the build size peak must be very close from the limit <sim> may be a little bit above <geser> is this a known problem? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/49594974/upload_1754965_log.txt (Unhandled exception processing upload: permission denied for relation emailaddress) <fta> got some upload rejects today: "Rejected: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'datetime.datetime' and 'NoneType'" <fta> what does that mean? <noodles775> fta: it looks like a bug that you shouldn't see... can you paste the contents of the email? <noodles775> (or is that as much useful info as is there?) * noodles775 guesses it's some untested code in process upload that is trying to use the old db-schema datecreated/datebuilt values. <fta> http://paste.ubuntu.com/443871/ <noodles775> fta: thanks... I'll check the logs to see if there's more useful info there. <noodles775> fta: I've created bug 589068 with the log snippet - and will keep investigating. <ubot5> Launchpad bug 589068 in Soyuz "Upload rejected with "unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'datetime.datetime' and 'NoneType'" (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/589068 <fta> noodles775, thanks <fta> noodles775, i got only 4 of those, out of a lot more uploads <noodles775> Good to know, thanks. <geser> noodles775: do you know if http://launchpadlibrarian.net/49594974/upload_1754965_log.txt is a known problem or should I file a bug? (Unhandled exception processing upload: permission denied for relation emailaddress) <noodles775> geser: I've not seen it before... please file a bug (lp should of course tell you if there's a similar one already). <geser> ok <`Assassin> Is the developer of pianobar here? <lifeless> keyboard <lifeless> sorry <Ian_Corne> I'm getting timeouts (Error ID: OOPS-1615H588) <ubot5> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1615H588 <Ian_Corne> managed to file the report now <ignorante> hi <lool> Hi folks <lool> We have automated imports of gcc, I'd like to find which Launchpad account was created for one of the committers <lool> Andrew Stubbs is his name, his commiter name in the bzr branch is "ams" but he is not ~ams on Launchpad <lool> Hmm maybe no account was created <lool> Maybe this is only for source packages <mwhudson> yes probably <mwhudson> i guess we could do it for imports from git where you get and email address <mwhudson> but we don't <mwhudson> and for imports from svn, pfff, too hard <lool> mwhudson: Ok thanks <bilalakhtar> Hi people, please read my story: My friend created a team (restricted), made me a member, then later admin, and left the team today. I added him in the team again, but I cannot make him admin, even though I am admin. He has always been the owner of the team. How to solve this mess? <bilalakhtar> BTW, I have noticed a flaw in lp 10.05. At the bottom of page source, the version is still 10.04, even though revision number is correct <wgrant> bilalakhtar: Only the team owner can promote people to admins. <wgrant> If he was the owner, he could have even added himself back in. <bilalakhtar> wgrant: ok, fine. <bilalakhtar> wgrant: thanks * gary_poster changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: gary_poster | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ <zul> hi im trying to get the bug_nomination working in my python script but im getting"Entry object has no attribute 'bug_nomination'" <maxb> zul: bug.getNominations() <zul> maxb: ah ok * abogani2 waves <abogani2> Are there any Build Daemon Maintainers here? <abogani2> I have uploaded a package into lucid-proposed 8 hours ago but I don't see neither that package built nor that package into build queue... <tsimpson> abogani2: for a PPA? <abogani2> tsimpson: No. <abogani2> It if for Ubuntu. <abogani2> *is <tsimpson> which package? <abogani2> tsimpson: linux-rt_2.6.31-11.154 <tsimpson> abogani2: it's sitting in the unapproved queue <abogani2> tsimpson: Have I did something wrong? <tsimpson> abogani2: can't say for sure, hopefully someone #ubuntu-motu or #ubuntu-devel will be able to see <abogani2> tsimpson: Ok Thanks! <Laney> Packages to the proposed queues always have to be manually approved <zul> one more question how do you get the bug_target? <rowinggolfer_> thanks to the launchpad translation community, my application has been (partly or fully) translated into 15 languages <rowinggolfer_> I wonder how I go about crediting these people in the "about" dialog of my app. <rowinggolfer_> can I pull of list of folks who have contributed? <BlackZ> rowinggolfer_: I think yes, of course <BlackZ> happy to see you happy :) <rowinggolfer_> BlackZ, any idea how? <BlackZ> rowinggolfer_: check the people which have translated your application in https://translations.launchpad.net/ <BlackZ> rowinggolfer_: what's the name of your application? <rowinggolfer_> https://translations.launchpad.net/openmolar/trunk <BlackZ> rowinggolfer_: I'd click on any template and check the contributors <rowinggolfer_> BlackZ, no automated way then? <rowinggolfer_> :( <rowinggolfer_> I have to iterate over 600 * 15 phrases to check for a contributer <BlackZ> rockstar: maybe not <BlackZ> ops <BlackZ> rowinggolfer_: maybe not <BlackZ> sorry rockstar tab failure <rockstar> BlackZ, don't let it happen again... :) <rowinggolfer_> I am a rockstar to some. <rowinggolfer_> sadly, not many <rockstar> rowinggolfer_, you are not THE rockstart though * rockstar fails at his own nick... <rowinggolfer_> rockstart?? lol <BlackZ> rockstar: yeah sorry <BlackZ> tab failure, kill it! <rowinggolfer_> BlackZ, I think A contributer list would be really useful, and motivational to "drive by" translators <rowinggolfer_> Ideally, It would auto-import via bzr along with new translations. <gary_poster> rowinggolfer_: Why don't you ask about getting a list of translators on https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+addquestion . If we already have the feature and it's hidden, someone will be able to tell you that; and if not, they can convert it into a bug. <rowinggolfer_> perhaps I should file a feature request now you have confirmed it's not in the current functionality?? <rowinggolfer_> gary_poster, thanks.. I'll do exactly that. <gary_poster> cool <rowinggolfer_> appreciate your help folks. <ubuntujenkins> rowinggolfer_: this gives you a list for the english uk translation https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/openmolar/trunk/+pots/translations/en_GB/+details <ubuntujenkins> you can then look at the list for each language, it is manual but may be of use <rowinggolfer_> https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+question/54832 <rowinggolfer_> ubuntujenkins, that's also helpful, I can grab the names from such as https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/openmolar/trunk/+pots/translations/fr/+details <rowinggolfer_> it would be very nice if a full list was available somewhere <ubuntujenkins> yep not as automatic I think automating it would be a great idea <ubuntujenkins> I made a mistake in on a package in a ppa if i delete the current one from the ppa and upload a new one how will people see the updates on their computer? <rowinggolfer_> ubuntujenkins, just increment the package number, and that will ensure they get the recent one. <ubuntujenkins> rowinggolfer_: so if the old one was 2009-8ubuntupp1 and it should be 2009-7ubuntuppa1 what should i make it? <rowinggolfer_> I'm not certain... if you do that though, anyone who has installed the former package will not get updates. <rowinggolfer_> can't you do 2009-8ubuntuapp2 <ubuntujenkins> I am trying to make sure i get things correct as per https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage <rowinggolfer_> ubuntujenkins, have you asked in #motu <Penguin_Guy> ubuntujenkins: If you made a version number mistake you'll just have to live with it. It's no big deal. <ubuntujenkins> fair enough, it is very unliky ubuntu will update latex in lucid tbh . I thought i could correct it if i can. <ubuntujenkins> thanks Penguin_Guy and rowinggolfer_ <BadChoice> hey <BadChoice> I get this error when trying to branch any project: Permission denied (publickey). <Penguin_Guy> BadChoice: What files do you have in '~/.ssh'? <BadChoice> Penguin_Guy: known_hosts <BadChoice> portatil-ssh-private.asc portatil-ssh-public.asc <Penguin_Guy> BadChoice: Do you have a secure shell key? <BadChoice> yes i do <BadChoice> but, aren't those? <rowinggolfer_> neil@slim-maroon:~/.ssh$ ls <rowinggolfer_> config id_rsa id_rsa.pub known_hosts <rowinggolfer_> config is irrelevant, sorry. <Penguin_Guy> BadChoice: You need to export your public and private key to the ~/.ssh directory (similar to rowinggolfer_'s setup). <BadChoice> mmm let me check <BadChoice> i think I have some keys in my mail <rowinggolfer_> bug 589391 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 589391 in Launchpad Translations "There such be an automated way to get a list of contributors to my project. (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/589391 <rowinggolfer_> I've subscribed popey, so my will be done ;) <BadChoice> Penguin_guy: I copied all my old keys in .ssh and it didn't work <BadChoice> how can I create a new one? <rowinggolfer_> BadChoice, tbh I didn't think you needed an ssh key to simply get a branch <BadChoice> i did bzr launchpad-login myuser <ubuntujenkins> you don't you only need it once you want to add stuff to a branch <BadChoice> and now, I think it wants a key <BadChoice> and then, why do I get that error? <rowinggolfer_> that will be a gpg key then. <rowinggolfer_> what do you get if you do <rowinggolfer_> ~$bzr launchpad-login <BadChoice> jordi-gloobus <BadChoice> my user <rowinggolfer_> and ~$ bzr whoami <BadChoice> jordi puigdellviol <jordi@vengeance> <rowinggolfer_> nothing wrong there then. <rowinggolfer_> which project are you trying to branch <BadChoice> gloobus <BadChoice> well <BadChoice> lp:gloobus-preview <BadChoice> i'm the developer <BadChoice> i have no problem with my other compuer <BadChoice> i can add things, and download and all that stuff <BadChoice> but in my laptop i get this error.. <BadChoice> i only want to branch here <rowinggolfer_> ~$ bzr branch lp:gloobus-preview works here <rowinggolfer_> BadChoice, what email do you use to log into launchpad?? <BadChoice> jordi@gloobus.net <rowinggolfer_> do this <rowinggolfer_> ~$ bzr whoami "jordi puigdellviol <jordi@gloobus.net>" <BadChoice> and now? <rowinggolfer_> does that help? <BadChoice> lets see... <BadChoice> rowingglofer_, it didn't work <rowinggolfer_> :( <BadChoice> Permission denied (publickey). <BadChoice> bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist. <BadChoice> rowinggolfer_: what else can it be, have u seen the error i get? <rowinggolfer_> BadChoice, I am new to this also, but do pull/push from many machines. <rowinggolfer_> maybe this helps? <rowinggolfer_> http://omgili.com/mailinglist/bazaar/lists/canonical/com/gv7okrhc71gergmaneorg.html <Penguin_Guy> BadChoice: I still believe your problem may be due to missing keys in ~/.ssh. Anyway, these questions may prove useful: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/79261 https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/99703 https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+question/107036 <BadChoice> mmmm <BadChoice> i have the key in launchpad, if I copy it from there will work? <rowinggolfer_> you do have ssh installed? <BadChoice> yes <Penguin_Guy> BadChoice: Yes, but that's your public key, you'll probably also want your private key (which only you have). <BadChoice> I have the file <rowinggolfer_> i've never copied keys over IIRC <Penguin_Guy> BadChoice: The key file? <BadChoice> -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- <BadChoice> Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED <BadChoice> DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,8549B35B652E1C01 <BadChoice> yes, a one that starts with this <BadChoice> cat /home/jordi/.ssh/portatil-ssh-private.asc <BadChoice> i think this one is the private key <rowinggolfer_> BadChoice, go to https://launchpad.net/~jordi <rowinggolfer_> and add a key for the machine you are on <rowinggolfer_> you only have one. <BadChoice> oks <rowinggolfer_> whereas I have 4 <rowinggolfer_> https://launchpad.net/~rowinggolfer <BadChoice> rowingglofer_ <BadChoice> I have my key added... <BadChoice> I onlye have one cause I used to have another account <BadChoice> and there is where I have the other keys <BadChoice> ~guitarboy000 <BadChoice> Penguin_Guy: how can I create a new key? <Penguin_Guy> BadChoice: Google it: http://www.google.com/search?q=Create+an+SSH+key <BadChoice> oks lets see <rowinggolfer_> https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair <BadChoice> I've created a new one <BadChoice> and how can I tell bzr to use that one <wgrant> You need to tell SSH to use it. <jordi> wtf, that was scary at a first read #launchpad 2010-06-04 <dotblank> how long does it take for a package to show up in the ppa when you upload it? <wgrant> dotblank: You should receive an email within five minutes, unless you've not properly signed the .changes file. <wgrant> If it's accepted, it will appear on the PPA page at that time. <dotblank> Rejected: <dotblank> groove_0.0.1-1.dsc: Unknown section 'Multimedia' <dotblank> launchpad keeps rejecting based on that <lifeless> perhaps you should use one of the official sections <dotblank> whoa <dotblank> this is too cool <dotblank> says it will build in 2 hours <dotblank> first time using launchpad <dotblank> but this is very cool <thumper> :) <dotblank> but im sad its building only for amd64 when I know it will build for lots of others <thumper> like? <dotblank> x86 <dotblank> arm <dotblank> and others <thumper> hmm... I don't know why it wouldn't build for those that we have builers for <thumper> perhaps someone like wgrant would know <dotblank> I think I specified and a target in the control... I think its fixed now though <dotblank> a target* <dotblank> https://launchpad.net/~eliaswoods/+archive/groove * thumper knows nothing about packaging <nigelb> I got an OOPS mail OOPS-1616MPJ1 <ubot5> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1616MPJ1 <nigelb> I was changed the owner of a branch before merging, now I can't merge :( <nigelb> *I changed <ripps> Okay... a bunch of i386 and amd64 builders are idle, so why is my gmpc package say it has to wait 6 hours before building? <nigelb> ppa? <ripps> In fact, it said it would take 4 hours a few hours ago <ripps> nigelb: yes <nigelb> I think there are few builders only for PPA, but I'm not sure <ripps> The build farm page says otherwise, 11 amd64 and 14 i386. Although, the PPA build status lists unknown for all queues <nigelb> wgrant: around? ^ <mwhudson> i think the queue status thing is unknown because of a bug in the last rollout <chmac> This is out of date: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/revelation-bugs <chmac> The bugs are now here: http://oss.codepoet.no/revelation/issues/ <chmac> Which is a bitbucket site, don't think it's supported by launchpad. <chmac> I was going to edit the info, but seems like it would break the link. Not sure what the best course of action is. Any recommendations? <thumper> chmac: ask a question on the launchpad project would be best I think <chmac> thumper: Ok, will try to track down a url for that... :-) <thumper> chmac: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad <chmac> thumper: Just got there, thanks :-) <KurtKraut> If Launchpad detects a package has a new upstream release, does it mean it will be packaged for the next Ubuntu release? Like mtr 0.77: https://launchpad.net/mtr/+download <chmac> thumper: Turns out there's already a question on there, so I added a little comment. Thanks for the tip. :-) <chmac> G'night all <wgrant> KurtKraut: No -- somebody needs to package the new release and get an Ubuntu developer to upload it. <KurtKraut> wgrant,T hat's what I though at the first moment. But why Launchpad tracks the upstream FTP server and detects the latest version as available? <wgrant> KurtKraut: Launchpad doesn't exist solely for Ubuntu. <KurtKraut> wgrant, I'm aware of that but I think this is not an explanation. Or at least, I didn't get your point. <wgrant> dotblank: Your .dsc says 'Architecture: amd64'. This is because the sole binary specified in debian/control is marked 'Architecture: amd64'. <wgrant> KurtKraut: I'm not sure why exactly it does it, but not all useful features have to be for Ubuntu's purposes. <wgrant> And automatically uploading them would be a very bad idea. <lifeless> I can has root? <lifeless> wgrant: not really different to daily builds <wgrant> lifeless: One is to a PPA, which you trust explicitly with your life. <wgrant> One is to the primary archive. In the primary archive case, you don't trust the upstream developer. <wgrant> Whereas if you enable a daily PPA for a particular upstream, you probably do. <bilalakhtar> Just out of curiosity: Why are the milestones 10.01-10.05 still open? <kalon33> hello all, it seems there is a problem with launchpad PPA buildd, only a small subset of them are taking building tasks <kalon33> everybody is sleeping it seems ;) <wgrant> kalon33: Do you have a particular build in mind that should have dispatched a while ago, but hasn't yet? <wgrant> Ah, I see. <kalon33> wgrant: no, I just launch a few ones now, but looking at edge.launchpad.net/builders/, just a few are processing, one which took 50min to unpack build-deps... and there is a long queue according to build delays <kalon33> *build time estimations <noodles775> Strange, looking at the build history of the idle ones the seem to have been active recently. * noodles775 wishes we could re-enable the queue info on that page. * kalon33 wishes it too <kalon33> wgrant, problems with the build dispatcher ? <wgrant> Oh. Hmm. <wgrant> So they are sort of working sometimes? <kalon33> if you look at rosehip, this buildd has not refreshed his log for a while (55min, or it is still unpacking) <kalon33> (44min for shipova) <fta2> wgrant, all my builds are waiting, but the queue appears empty <wgrant> fta2: Appears empty, or appears unknown? <wgrant> What is the estimated start time on the build page? <fta2> hours <fta2> 5, 8, .. <fta2> http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/ppa-dashboard/chromium-daily.html http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/ppa-dashboard/ubuntu-mozilla-daily--ppa.html <wgrant> Right, so the queue isn't empty. Something is pretty wrong. <spm> fta2: unrelated aside; they are sweet dashboard pages! v nice! <fta2> spm, thanks. i'm still trying to improve it <fta2> btw, bug 589068 is still impacting me <ubot5> Launchpad bug 589068 in Soyuz "Upload rejected with "unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'datetime.datetime' and 'NoneType'" (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/589068 <kalon33> wgrant, official buildd are maybe affected: kubuntu-meta is building for 1hour... but it is a meta, no? This shouldn't took so long <wgrant> kalon33: Right, something is very wrong. The same master deals with the official and PPA buildds, so it's unsurprising that they're both broken. <wgrant> It is being investigated. <kalon33> wgrant, thanks :) <cos^> is is it possible to cancel rebuild of a package? <wgrant> cos^: It won't build if you delete the source package. <wgrant> But you can't cancel the builds any other way, at the moment. <cos^> ok. i just accidentally started build of an old package <oojah> I have a ppa package that has BuildDepends including "libsqlite3-dev (>=". The Depends line doesn't explicitly include libsqlite3. If I upload to lucid, the dependency on libsqlite3 gets set to the version in lucid, not Is this expected behaviour? <wgrant> oojah: The version in the build-depends line doesn't affect that. <wgrant> The shlibs file in libsqlite3-dev specifies the version of the dependency. <wgrant> This is so it depends on a version with the right symbols. <wgrant> (ABI handles some things, but not symbol addition, for example) <fta2> is there a limit to the number of source ids i can pass to getBuildSummariesForSourceIds()? <wgrant> fta2: Well, it'll start timing out eventually, so be nice. <wgrant> But no, not really. <fta2> ok <oojah> wgrant: Right, so that's a yes :) <fta2> i'm currently doing it one by one but this is inefficient (too many http requests) <wgrant> oojah: Right, it's expected. <fta2> speaking of unnecessary requests, source_package_publishing_history (as returned by getPublishedSources()) should have a 'dist' attribute.. as accessing srcpkg.distro_series.name just to get its dist makes an http request <wgrant> fta2: Well, it shouldn't really have such an attribute. launchpadlib should just be smarter, somehow. <wgrant> Or you should be able to tell launchpadlib to grab the distroseries too. <fta2> either way, it's the same for me. i suffer from too many moderately-slow requests so the less the better <fta2> i wonder why login_anonymously() usually returns in 100~300ms but very often spikes to 30, 50, 60sec <geser> fta2: to save some http requests you could "cache" the distro_series object. you could look at spph.distro_series_link (it's an attribute so no extra http request) and only fetch the distro_series if you didn't have it already (it's unlike that it will change during the runtime of your script) <fta2> geser, thanks. parsing distro_series_link is hackish but helps a bit <thekorn> fta2, did you publish the dashboard code somewhere? <fta2> thekorn, not yet <thekorn> fta2, ok, please ping me with an url once it's available, I'm interested to see how it works, and why it is so slow <geser> fta2: you don't necessarily need to parse it, just use it as a key for a dict with already fetched disto_series object <hrw> hi <fta2> geser, i need it for display <fta2> +too <hrw> I noticed one nasty thing: when I add new email to my LP account I got email with verify link. Going to that link gives me page with "Cancel|Continue" buttons but no message explaining what to do. I know that 'Continue' is proper one but what about other users? why there is no message on page? <YaManicKill> can i let another launchpad user upload to a ppa owned by me? <geser> fta2: instead of always accessing spph.distro_series.name try this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/444507/ this should save you some http requests while still giving you access to the distro_series.name attribute <shadeslayer> hi,any idea where i can find support for shop.canonical.com <ripps> y'know I thought the "starting X hours" on the build status page was supposed to decrease, instead of increase... <ripps> It started at 2 hours about 12 hours ago, and now it's 10 hours <shadeslayer> ripps: that depends on the stuff which has more priority :) <zachtib> hey, are the PPA build servers running behind? I uploaded something last night and it's still pending with a 2-hour start time. <bigjools> yes we have big delays, we're working on it <zachtib> ok, just wanted to make sure it was a known issue and it wasn't just me, thanks * bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad to: Large delays processing builds, we're working on it | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: gary_poster | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ <derick212> Hi. Having issues getting a file from the launchpad servers. As requested joined channel. <derick212> URL is http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/mahara/master/download/head%3A/htdocs/js/paginator.js/paginator.js Been trying on and off for the last hour * bac changed the topic of #launchpad to: Large delays processing builds, we're working on it | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: bac | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ <mok0> where can I learn about recipes? <mok0> ah found ut <mok0> it * rowinggolfer_ reads topic..... and his question is answered, thanks <bigjools> rowinggolfer_: should be fixed soon <rowinggolfer_> bigjools, no worries. <apw> are we aware that the "Queue Status" is all unknown on the build farm? i guess this could be fallout from slow builds <jpds> apw: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/588684 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 588684 in Soyuz "builders index timing out after 10.05 release (affected: 1, heat: 8)" [High,In progress] <bigjools> it's getting fixed as we speak * apw bets you are getting beaten from all sides :) <bigjools> :/ <apw> bigjools, ahh this would affect regular buildd's too wouldn't it, and would explain the odd case i had where a job started 5 hours later than its estimate <bigjools> yes, all build dispatching is delayed <bigjools> we're not sure why, but a database query that was previously taking 400ms is now taking 10 minutes sometimes <apw> bigjools, do we know why testing on edge on the live db didn't catch the regression? oh i guess we don't connect any machines to edge scheduling wise <apw> but the main page not having data should have shown up before? i use that on edge a lot <bigjools> edge doesn't have any builders <apw> no but it has the /builders page no ? <apw> and that was the first reported symptom ? <bigjools> that's a different issue to the one I'm talking about <apw> oh ok fair enough <bigjools> it wouldn't get caught on edge anyway <noodles775> apw: the change landed on db-devel (by necessity) so didn't hit edge, and staging (and dogfood where we also test things) only have a few builders compared with production. So that is a point that we could improve. <bigjools> it's generally a problem that we don't have a production-like build environment to test in and not one that's easy to fix either * bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad to: Builds are dispatching properly again, but there is a backlog | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: bac | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ <Penguin_Guy> Is the bug email interface guide ( https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/EmailInterface ) correct? I tried changing the status using the method in that guide and the text appeared in my post (https://bugs.launchpad.net/codemonkey/+bug/589177/comments/1). <ubot5> Launchpad bug 589177 in Code Monkey "Need some kind of Branding Icon (affected: 2, heat: 12)" [Medium,In progress] <bac> Penguin_Guy: were you careful to indent the message as required? <Penguin_Guy> bac: What's the indentation supposed to be? I thought it was just a single space. <bac> Penguin_Guy: it looks like you did <Penguin_Guy> bac: I copied the indentation exactly as it appeared on the help page. <bac> Penguin_Guy: yeah, i see that now. unfortunately i rarely/never use the email interface. but i know people who use it all of the time <Penguin_Guy> bac: Anyone on IRC now who might have the answer? <bac> Penguin_Guy: BjornT or gmb might. ^^ <Penguin_Guy> bac: Thanks. <Penguin_Guy> BjornT, gmb: Can either of you help me with setting bug status through email? <bac> Penguin_Guy: i wonder if the attachment was done improperly, confusing it? <Penguin_Guy> bac: I don't see what could have gone wrong with adding an attachment, the 'net seems to say just to attach it like any other attachment. <bac> Penguin_Guy: just grasping for straws... <bac> Penguin_Guy: the body of your email looked fine to me so that was the only other variable... <Penguin_Guy> bac: The only thing I could think of was if the guide was wrong or out of date. That's why I was looking for someone who uses the email interface regularly. I'll try some more Google searches and see what I can find. Thanks for the help. <bac> Penguin_Guy: ok. if you would, follow up with me here if you figure it out and i'll update the doc if needed. <Penguin_Guy> bac: Sure. <lifeeth|sleep> nick lifeeth <lifeeth|sleep> oops <lifeeth> Hello all... can some one point me to a howto on tarring my repo? <maxb> lifeeth: It is not clear what you mean - please explain more. <lifeeth> github / bitbucket have an option to dowload the current revision via a web UI <lifeeth> akin to bzr export and tar <lifeeth> anything similar on launchpad? <maxb> No, there is no equivalent feature in the web UI <lifeeth> Thanks.. just wanted to know that bit <maxb> lifeeth: Perhaps you can use 'bzr export myproject.tar.gz lp:~somebody/myproject/branchname' instead <lifeeth> Got that <maxb> Is it a known issue that all the build queues on /builders are showing 'unknown' ? <geser> maxb: yes <geser> maxb: bug 588684 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 588684 in Soyuz "builders index timing out after 10.05 release (affected: 1, heat: 8)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/588684 <maxb> Thanks * maxb subscribes <bigjools> noodles has a branch to fix it, it'll land soon <christophechauve> Hi <christophechauve> We bought a commercial projet, whom is private, but we cannot made the branch as private, anybody can check if there is no problem ? <pmjdebruijn> huh? <pmjdebruijn> christophechauve: you might want to explain further <pmjdebruijn> christophechauve: I could be wrong, but I don't think Launchpad is intended for commercial private hosting :) <pmjdebruijn> again, I could be wrong <christophechauve> pmjdebruijn: lol <christophechauve> you can use it as proprietary licence but you must pay for it <tsimpson> pmjdebruijn: you can purchase a commercial license with Launchpad, free hosting is reserved for open-source projects <pmjdebruijn> oh <pmjdebruijn> well, I said I could be wrong :) <christophechauve> pmjdebruijn: ;) <bac> hi christophechauve <bac> pmjdebruijn: yes, commercial/proprietary projects can use launchpad if they buy a "commercial-use" subscription. <bac> christophechauve: i will be happy to help you get your project set up properly <christophechauve> bac i just send an email to help@launchpad.net with URL for project and branch * bac looks <christophechauve> bac: thanks <bac> haven't gotten it yet <christophechauve> ok <christophechauve> this is the url project https://launchpad.net/syleam.openerp <christophechauve> this project is private (it's ok) but the branch are public, we want to made it as private <Penguin_Guy> Does anyone here know how to use the email interface to change bug properties? <micahg> Penguin_Guy: https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/EmailInterface <Penguin_Guy> micahg: I tried that but it doesn't seem to work <micahg> Penguin_Guy: sorry, that's all I know, maybe someone else can help <maxb> Penguin_Guy: I suspect it's probably mandatory to gpg-sign your emails to edit bugs that way <Penguin_Guy> maxb: Yeah, it was signed. <maxb> oh :-/ <maxb> and you did put a leading space at the beginning of each command line? <Penguin_Guy> max: Yes #launchpad 2010-06-05 * bac changed the topic of #launchpad to: Builds are dispatching properly again, but there is a backlog | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ <happyaron> how long will launchpad refresh its karma statistics for a person? <ripps> Okay, I've had some gmpc-trunk packages waiting to build for over 32 hours now. Is there some way to increase there priority? I'm trying to fix an issue that some people have emailed me about. <kalib_1> Hi guys. I'm new with Launchpad and have 2 questions. Anyone who can answer me? Here we go.. 1- I do always translate using po files. Is it possible to get this po file and import to launchpad to tranlate it using launchpad? ... 2- After translating it, would be possible to export from launchpad to a po file again? <nailuj24> kalib: i'm pretty sure it's possible, but i don't know how. i know it's using po files though, and that it can export them <kalib> thanks.. <JoshBrown> Apparently the name 'blobber' may have legal issues. Is this true? And if so, can anyone think of an alternative name? <kklimonda> hey, I have a problem branching https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/ubuntu-review-overview/report-debian, also most links related to this branch (viewing content, commits) lead to 404 <JoshBrown> kklimonda: I also get 404s from most of the links. <candrea> kklimonda: I don't know what's going on, but I think that re-pushing the branch will solve the problem <nigelb> candrea: I can try <nedko> i'm trying to setup automatic import of a git branch, but it fails with "The repository you are fetching from contains submodules. To continue, upgrade your Bazaar repository to a format that supports nested trees, such as 'development-subtree'" <nedko> i dont want submodules to be imported <maxb> nedko: Unfortunately I don't think this is an option <nedko> should i file a bug? <nedko> where is the relevant bug tracker? <maxb> This falls more under bzr or bzr-git, than launchpad itself <maxb> There's probably a bug of some sort existing already <nedko> iirc there was a special project for importing from other repos, but i cannot recall the name <maxb> git imports are accomplished using bzr-git <maxb> jelmer would be the ideal person to talk to about this, but he's not around <nedko> there was an infrastructure project in launchpad for imports, at least for svn imports <maxb> Are you thinking of CSCVS ? <nedko> CSCVS does not sound familiar at all <maxb> In that case, I can't think of what infrastructure project you're thinking of * nedko is digging his mail archive <nedko> "Launchpad Bazaar Integration" ? <nedko> "VCS imports"? <nedko> the later is a team <AnAnt> Hello, how can I create a clone of this branch: lp:~bilel-khedira/muallim/muallim-1.0/ without having to upload again from my laptop ? <AnAnt> I mean create a clone in launchpad <jml> AnAnt, there isn't a way at the moment. <AnAnt> hmmm, that's unfortunate <AnAnt> thanks anyways <jml> AnAnt, np. <Noldorin> i've just gone blank... how do i give someone commit permissions on launchpad? <Noldorin> do i need to change the branch owner to a team that contains everyone who can commit, or is there an easier way? <JoshBrown> Noldorin: Yes, you'll need a team. <Noldorin> JoshBrown: and then change the branch owner eh? <JoshBrown> Noldorin: Yes, only the owner can upload to a branch - you'll need to change the branch owner to the desired team. <Noldorin> JoshBrown: ok, got it. thanks for the refreseher, should be simple now :) <ccheney> seems launchpad keeps falling over today :-( <ccheney> eg OOPS-1617E1794 <ubot5> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1617E1794 <wgrant> ccheney: Where'd you get that OOPS? Was it a timeout? <ccheney> wgrant, trying to view any status for branch on ~openoffice-pkgs bzr <ccheney> i think it might have been a timeout <wgrant> I can see https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/openoffice/3.2.0-lucid fine. <ccheney> yea i can see it now so maybe its just timing out, it happened several times though <wgrant> Hm, that's not good. #launchpad 2010-06-06 <bjsnider> i'm getting a barrage of emails from apparently different users complaining about the keyserver failing on ppas <wgrant> Yes, it is somewhat unwell at the moment :( <wgrant> Has been for a few hours, by the look of things. <maco> lifeless: halp! <maco> lifeless: bzr is doing things different and confusing now :( <wgrant> maco: What's it doing? <maco> its acting like svn instead of bzr <wgrant> Howso? <maco> commit auto-pushed <maco> i know lp's docs say there's a mode like that <maco> how do i make it go back to distributed mode? <wgrant> See 'bzr help checkouts' <wgrant> Quick fix: bzr unbind <wgrant> 'bzr checkout' creates a bound branch by default. 'bzr branch' creates an unbound one. <wgrant> You switch between the two modes with 'bzr bind' and 'bzr unbind'. <maco> oh <maco> ok <maco> i think i was trying to use bind to change where the push-place was <wgrant> Did you mean 'bzr push --remember some://url'? <maco> yeah probably <maco> i dont recall seeing --remember in "man bzr" though <maco> thank you wgrant <wgrant> The manpage is not exhaustive. <wgrant> bzr help push <wgrant> Oh, it is pretty exhaustive now. <maco> so treat bzr like chanserv. ok. <wgrant> And --remember is there. <maco> yes it is. oops <wgrant> I forgot the manpage was autogenerated. <wgrant> ... and is 2500 lines long. Ouch. <maco> i probably expected it to be near "push" and it wasnt and so i then assumed some other command would do it <micahg> bzr help CMD is usually pretty useful <maco> um yeah 2500 manpages arent the sort you read..they're the sort you grep and hope you're grepping the right words <wgrant> Er, well, it is in the push section. <wgrant> micahg: The manpage appears to be a combination of most of the the 'bzr help' output. <micahg> wgrant: makes sense <maco> oh they have sections <maco> ok. lets just all remove 10 of my geek points now <maco> i think i looked at "command overview" and assumed that was it <wgrant> Heh, not quite :P <maco> i was trying to figure out how to make my branch be a team branch instead. i did a LOT of weird/wrong things to it in the meantime. then nigelb found the "change owner" option in the "branch details" section and so i went and used that and filed a bug saying it was too hard to find the "change owner" thing <micahg> maco: I thought you just push under the team in LP <maco> the team didnt have a branch yet and i was confused <maco> and when i tried doing that it said it was "stacking" the team branch on top of my branch <maco> and then i got more confused <wgrant> You can either move it or just push to a location that doesn't exist yet. <wgrant> Ah, well, it will indeed stack if your branch is set as the development focus. <maco> where "move it" means "find that change-owner thingy" right? <micahg> that's one feature I love about bzr is the autocreation when pushing <wgrant> Right. <wgrant> micahg: Yeah, the combination of bzr and LP there is pretty awesome. <maco> oh is THAT why it did that?? <wgrant> Yes. <maco> well now i have things a bit muddled in gally & gally-asl. at least one of them has its development branch stacking on my branch now because i couldnt figure out how to move it <wgrant> So, you want the team branch to be the dev focus? <maco> yes <maco> i have it pointed that way now <maco> but because when i made the team branch, mine was the dev focus, the current-dev-focus one stacks on top of mine <wgrant> There are only two gally branches. <wgrant> Neither is stacked. <maco> gally-asl then, i guess <maco> i got one of them right and one of them wrong <wgrant> Are you sure you didn't delete the newly created team branch, then rename the old one? <maco> thats what i did with gally <wgrant> See, gally-asl has only one branch. <maco> oh or maybe i repeated that on gally-asl now too <wgrant> So it's not stacked. <maco> bah im so confused <wgrant> Moving the dev focus around, when combined with stacking, can be pretty confusing, yes. <maco> the last 2 days' worth of launchpad & bzr usage have been weeeeird <maco> by the way, when creating a team, there's no way to set its owner at that point right? you just create it, then use the change-owner thing for the team then (if youre in the team that you made be owner) delete yourself? <wgrant> Right, you can't set the owner at creation time. <wgrant> Which is perhaps slightly inconvenient. <wgrant> lamont: Hmm. Build farm disaster? <wgrant> A few 'No route to host's, and lots of Fault 8002s on i386, which makes me suspect that a recipe build might have somehow made it through. <daker> hello @all <daker> is there any way to remove a translation template? <kalib> Hi there. Created a project in launchpad yesterday at morning. Wanna translate using it. I did upload 4 files and is still as "Nees Review". How long it will take? <FullFlannelJacke> Getting rejections to my ppa uploads and dont know why. <FullFlannelJacke> I uploaded it once and it was rejected because of my Changelog. Then, after a lot of searching, i fixed that and uploaded it again. <FullFlannelJacke> Now it says that my package is "is already accepted in ubuntu/lucid and you cannot upload the same version within the same distribution." <FullFlannelJacke> anyone anyone? <FullFlannelJacke> I believe it is still an issue with ym changelog. Can anyone please explain how in the world a changelog is supposed to look? this is irritating that such a small thing is causing such a PITA <FullFlannelJacke> I am trying to package code I have written and I have no idea how the changelog should look when i have no bug reports, etc.. <aakef> Hello all <aakef> Any one here who could help me with launchpad ppa uploads? <FullFlannelJacke> aakef: Im here for the same reason no one seems to be here <aakef> I registered a ppa page, uploaded to it with dput, but nothing happens <aakef> tell FullFlannelJacke: Hmm, thanks. Do you know a mailing list to ask on? <FullFlannelJacke> aakef: check your email. Your package probably got rejected and you will get an email telling you why <FullFlannelJacke> aakef: if you have even a tiny error in one of the files in /debian, it will get rejected automatically <aakef> tell FullFlannelJacke: I don't get a single mail <FullFlannelJacke> and sometimes it can take 10-15 minutes to get the email <geser> aakef: is the gpg key you used for signing attached to your LP profile? <FullFlannelJacke> then if you got no email, then its likely your package is being "processed" by the server still <aakef> tell FullFlannelJacke: And as unionfs-fuse is already in Debian and Ubuntu, I don't think there is a packaging error <aakef> tell geser: Also already checked that, yes <FullFlannelJacke> GRRR. My package just got rejected AGAIN. Can anyone please tell me why my changelog keeps getting rejected? <geser> FullFlannelJacke: what error message? <FullFlannelJacke> saying that instabUnable to find distroseries: unstable <FullFlannelJacke> Unable to find distroseries: unstable <FullFlannelJacke> But if I put lucid in there I get yet another error message <aakef> tell FullFlannelJacke: That would be Debian upload <geser> PPA know only about Ubuntu release names, not Debian ones <FullFlannelJacke> Yeah but if I put lucid in there, it gets rejected still <aakef> tell FullFlannelJacke: I think you need to specify the Ubuntu distro, its in the lauchpad help page <FullFlannelJacke> if I put "lucid" there, i get this error: <FullFlannelJacke> is already accepted in ubuntu/lucid and you cannot upload the same version within the same distribution. You have to modify the source version and re-upload. <geser> what's the package name and the version you try to upload? <wgrant> FullFlannelJacke: You need to increment the version. <wgrant> You can't upload the same version twice; that doesn't make sense. <FullFlannelJacke> This is MY package. i wrote the code. And it is version 1.0 <FullFlannelJacke> And I have not yet uploaded it <wgrant> You did upload it. <FullFlannelJacke> so even if it gets rejected, i have to change the version? <wgrant> No, it must have been accepted at some point. <wgrant> Rejected versions do not count for the purposes of the version check. <geser> not for rejects, but once it accepted you have to even if the build fails <FullFlannelJacke> Well, I did upload it many months ago, but I deleted it because of a bug..So, i have no idea what version I should be using.. <FullFlannelJacke> I guess I will try something like 1.2 <geser> LP still remembers this old version <FullFlannelJacke> OK yes, I found it in LP..I will have to upload v1.02 or greater <FullFlannelJacke> I figured it only kept track if the package was *still* there. <aakef> When I got to my launchpad page, it does not even show "Technical details". Any idea? https://launchpad.net/~aakef/+archive/ppa <wgrant> aakef: There are no packages to install from it, so it does not show installation instructions. <wgrant> Did you sign the .changes file with the correct GPG key? <aakef> wgrant: I only have one key for the package mail adress <aakef> wgrant: If it at least would send me a single mail what is going wrong... <wgrant> aakef: If it's not signed properly, it cannot determine who to send an email to! <aakef> gpg: Good signature from "Bernd Schubert <bernd.schubert@fastmail.fm>" <aakef> Successfully uploaded packages. <aakef> Arg, and now suddenly I got a mail <aakef> wgrant: Thanks, it worked! Seems the reason was that I had an old mail address in my key, but I recently deleted that key from launchpad <aakef> I mean i deleted that mail address from launchpad <ochosi> hi everyone <ochosi> is it possible to make launchpad automatically build packages from a git repo? <ochosi> on a regular basis <directhex> how come so many i386 ppa builders are disabled? <FullFlannelJacke> How long does it usually take for a package to be built? Mine has been waiting 6 hours. <oojah> FullFlannelJacke: It varies greatly depending on what else has been submitted. <oojah> FullFlannelJacke: But at the moment it looks as though there is a problem. See: https://launchpad.net/builders/ <FullFlannelJacke> Must have been a lot of submissions today <directhex> FullFlannelJacke, depends on the size of the queue. or, in today's case, whether 80% of i386 PPA builders are disabled <FullFlannelJacke> hmm i wonder why so many are disabled? <wgrant> FullFlannelJacke: A network glitch, it appears. <wgrant> An admin should be around in a couple of hours; I'll poke them. <FullFlannelJacke> can anyone tell me why my build is failing? <FullFlannelJacke> it is saying something about it cant find the data files because they dont exist <FullFlannelJacke> even though they do #launchpad 2011-05-30 <poolie> lifeless: i'm pretty sure (and I hope) i did not already file bug 790034 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 790034 in Launchpad itself "bug state change mails on multi-task bugs cause fear, uncertainty, doubt" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/790034 <poolie> someone else might have; i was pretty brusque with my bug mail while travelling <lifeless> wgrant: bug 163241 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 163241 in Launchpad itself "Searching distribution series bugs by component shows bug reports multiple times" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163241 <lifeless> poolie: bug 204082 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 204082 in Launchpad itself "Invalidating bug report that's open elsewhere sends alarming notification" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204082 <lifeless> wgrant: thanks <poolie> heh, you know, as i was filing it, i thought "this sounds just like something mpt would say" <poolie> not recent though <lifeless> yeah <lifeless> I saw it recently which is why it was in my head <cafuego> Hi, am I in the right spot for help with a launchpad build recipe problem? <cafuego> Though I chose my launchpad login as owner, the build log tells me "You have not informed bzr of your Launchpad ID, and you must do this to write to Launchpad or access private data." <lifeless> thats normal <lifeless> whats the problem ? <cafuego> The builds fail with that error - I think <cafuego> Oh no <cafuego> Never mind, I need to read it properly :-) <cafuego> bzr: ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision was specified. <cafuego> dailydeb locally was happy enough :-/ <spiv> cafuego: where's the recipe? <cafuego> spiv: https://code.launchpad.net/~cafuego/+recipe/inkscape-daily <cafuego> spiv: I've got it working now <spiv> cafuego: that error means your recipe is trying to merge unrelated branches. If that recipe works locally then that would be strange... <spiv> Ah good :) <cafuego> spiv: It *did* work locally :-) <cafuego> spiv: But yes, they were totally unrelated. <cafuego> spiv: One is lp:inkscape and the other was a branch that only had a debian/ dir with some guff in it. <cafuego> spiv: I just did a branch of lp:inkscape, add by debian stuff and pushed that back up. It's happy enough with that, it seems. <spiv> You can also use the nest or nest-part directives for that <cafuego> Weeeeell... it works now, I should maybe not touch it ;-) <spiv> That's also a good strategy :) <cafuego> Would nest basically dump repo b into repo a? <spiv> Basically. <cafuego> Cool .. yeah that's what it did locally with dailydeb <cafuego> depite me telling it to merge <spiv> I'm pretty sure the dailydeb builds the recipe using the same logic, it just does some extra stuff relating to changelogs, dput, etc. <spiv> So it's still strange to me that you'd have a recipe that would work locally, unless the branches it was using were different, or perhaps unless you have a newer bzr-builder locally than is deployed on Launchpad. <cafuego> spiv: Possibly; I grabbed it from its daily repo. <cafuego> spiv: ANyways, thankyou :-) I'd better go shopping before traffic gets too awful. <lifeless> spiv: can't use nest-part <lifeless> spiv: noone has merged it into LP <wgrant> Lies. <wgrant> It's been supported since late last year. <lifeless> hmm, someone was having trouble recently <lifeless> or perhaps my memory is playing up <wgrant> They used recipe version 0.2 instead of 0.3. <lifeless> oh, so baked in confusion ? <wgrant> Ja <wgrant> I believe somebody mentioned that in the bug.l <wgrant> Or I absorbed this knowledge from elsewhere... <wgrant> can't quite recall. <spiv> There is (was?) also a bug that it doesn't allow grabbing just a single file. But the basic feature works just fine AFAIK. <soren> Is there any way to update the URL a particular vcs import is pulling from? One of the upstream projects I'm tracking moved their SVN repo. Again. <soren> ...or must I request a new import? <wgrant> soren: Which import, and what's the new URL? <wgrant> And is it a continuation of the existing repository? <soren> wgrant: It's an Apache project that moved out of incubation, so I believe it should be the same stuff, just at a new URL. <soren> It's libcloud. <soren> Err.. <wgrant> That looks like git. <soren> ?!? <soren> It was SVN on Friday. <wgrant> Ah. <soren> and I got an e-mail saying it was marked failing. * soren goes to look. <wgrant> It's an import of a git-svn import. <soren> Well.. Yes, that one is. <soren> But. <soren> Hang on, let me find the e-mail before I make more of an arse of myself. <wgrant> There's /trunk, /git-trunk, and /old-git-trunk <wgrant> /trunk is SVN and failing. <wgrant> /git-trunk is the development focus and succeeding/ <soren> Oh, right, there it is. <soren> Yes, right, ok. <wgrant> What's the new URL? <soren> It's the /trunk one that should be moved. https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/libcloud/trunk/ <wgrant> So just drop the incubator/? <soren> Seems like it. <soren> Yep. <wgrant> It's currently importing. <wgrant> Hopefully it will work. <soren> First they were hosted in their own git. Then they moved to somewhere else. Then they realised they wanted to be an apache project and moved to the incubator svn. Then they grew up and moved out of incubation moving their svn repo again. *sigh* <soren> I hope that's the last of this. At least for a couple of years. <wgrant> Moved from git to svn? Ew. <soren> Blame Apache. <soren> I do. <wgrant> Heh <soren> But you raise good point <wgrant> Importing three new revs. <soren> At some point, Apache will inevitably grow up and move to a DVCS and then I'll have to deal with it again :) <wgrant> Seems happy enough. <soren> \o/ <soren> wgrant: Thanks muchly. <wgrant> np <soren> Is there a way in the LP ui to copy a package from Ubuntu proper into a PPA? <soren> Or do I have to pull the source package and do it manually? <geser> soren: does the LP API count for you as UI? I guess you can do it through LP API <soren> geser: It doesn't really, but I guess that might be useful. <soren> geser: It's just not something I need very often at all, so having a point-and-click way of doing it would be nice. <soren> geser: Just fetching the source package and uploading it again took me 30 seconds. Using the LP API, I'd have to actually think :) <AfC> I just branched lp:ubuntu/gwibber but ended up with something that is tagged as 3.0.0-0ubuntu1 but meanwhile my perfectly normal Ubuntu Natty system has gwibber- installed. <AfC> Did I do something wrong trying to get the branch? <geser> AfC: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/gwibber.html#2011-04-05%2022:14:35.633519 <soren> AfC: The bzr import failed: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/gwibber.html#2011-04-05 22:14:35.633519 <soren> Darn it. <AfC> soren: huh <AfC> geser: so, er, huh <AfC> So if I needed to grab the sources for gwibber- (or whatever is current) and rebuild them, what would be the best way to do that? <AfC> should I try to use bzr builddeb's import-dsc? <geser> AfC: apt-get source gwibber (if you have the source repository enabled) or grab the URL for the .dsc from LP and 'dget' it (if you want a specific version) <AfC> geser: and then import-dsc that? <geser> I'd leave the bzr branch alone until the UDD people fix it <geser> with apt-get source you get the unpacked source package (but we get OT for this channel) <AfC> alright * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: henninge | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <adeuring> henninge: could you please have a look: https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/bug-486824/+merge/62883 ? <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 62883 in gutenprint (Ubuntu) "driver no longer working" [Low,Fix released] <henninge> adeuring: sure <adeuring> thanks! <kiko> quick question <kiko> if a team has no ML and is subscribed to a bug, all team members get bugmail, right? <kiko> I'm sure that's how it us <kiko> ed to be, at least <kiko> and is there a piece of documentation that says that * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: adeuring | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <henninge> kiko: I thought so, too. <kiko> thanks henninge <henninge> adeuring: do you know for sure? <henninge> dunno about documentation, though. <adeuring> kiko, henninge, yes, that's how I remember it: all team members are subscribed <beuno> wasn't it if no contact email was set, all members got bugmail? <kiko> right <bigjools> it's correct, as we found out recently when removing the contact for the reviewers list <shadeslayer> hi, could someone move https://code.launchpad.net/~neon/project-neon/calligra to this project : https://launchpad.net/calligra ? <Darxus> SpamAssassin has an extensive set of tests run by "make test", which do not appear to be run by the Debian/Ubuntu packaging. Is there... a policy against running make test in package builds? Seems like it would be a good idea for automated daily builds. <maxb> Darxus: No, there is no such policy. However, you seem a little confused, as the Debian/Ubuntu packaging is not automated daily builds, as you imply. Also, #launchpad isn't directly related to your question. * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: abentley | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <Darxus> maxb: Launchpad automated daily builds: https://launchpad.net/~darxus/+archive/spamassassin-daily <Darxus> I guess that wasn't the most relevant url, this is better, a daily build recipe: https://code.launchpad.net/~spamassassin/+recipe/spamassassin-daily <ahasenack> hi, PPAs always require the uploads to be done against the "RELEASE" pocket? Not <distro>-proposed, for example? <ahasenack> I want to test a debdiff build, for an sru <ahasenack> so I need to change it to be, say, maverick, instead of maverick-proposed, just so the ppa will build it? <micahg> ahasenack: no, you can modify your ~/.dput.cf file <ahasenack> micahg: how? <micahg> ahasenack: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading#Using%20packages%20from%20other%20distributions <ahasenack> micahg: what's the "ubuntu suite", the distro name? <micahg> ahasenack: yeah, maverick in your example <ahasenack> micahg: so I would be able to keep maverick-proposed in the changelog? <micahg> ahasenack: correct <ahasenack> micahg: and for natty, oneirick, lucid, hardy, can I have new sections in dput.cf or do I need to change it everytime? <ahasenack> better specifying a different dput.cf each time I suppose? <micahg> ahasenack: you can have new sections <ahasenack> ok, got i <ahasenack> it <ahasenack> hi guys, I'm getting this rejection when uploading to a ppa: "File smart_1.3-2.diff.gz already exists in smart-512302, but uploaded version has different contents. " The help site didn't mention this error <ahasenack> I uploaded 4 sources.changes files, for 4 distros <ahasenack> it failed for two with this error <ahasenack> the package happens to have the exact version/release in both of the distros where it failed <ahasenack> but the changelog is different of course. Is this taken into account? <micahg> ahasenack: you can't upload the same version twice <ahasenack> micahg: but it's for different distros <micahg> ahasenack: doesn't matter, it's one archive, you need to add something like ~lucid1 or ~lucid~ppa1 <ahasenack> hmm, as expected, the hardest part of an sru is not the code fix, but naming the package <micahg> ahasenack: SRUs need separate versions as well <ahasenack> micahg: what should I call it? in natty, for example, the released package is 1.3-1.3build1 <ikonia> hey guys, how can you you rennew your membership in a team when it's coming up for renewall/expireation <ahasenack> micahg: I was using 1.3-2 <micahg> ahasenack: can you hop in #ubuntu-devel please? <ahasenack> micahg: sure, sorry about asking this in the wrong channel * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ #launchpad 2011-05-31 <czajkowski> Aloha <czajkowski> mrevell: might be an idea to post http://twitter.com/#!/planetubuntu/status/75484018019278848 to loco contacts <mrevell> czajkowski, /me looks <czajkowski> mrevell: morning btw :) <poolie> o/ mrevell <mrevell> Hey poolie <Philip5> anyone else who have problems with built packages on launchpad ppas to get published? have been staling in Pending publication mode for two hours here <soren> Philip5: Same here. <soren> halp! :) <soren> bigjools: Is this something you can look at or is there someone else I can poke? * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: adeuring | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <bigjools> I can take a quick look <bigjools> ah, adeuring can take a quick look :) <soren> Awesome timing there :) <bigjools> I suspect he'll need my help :) <adeuring> bigjools: I'm afraid that IO need too help in this case ;) <adeuring> bigjools: so... could you have a llok? <bigjools> yes I was referring to you :) <ondrej> Hi, is dinstall on PPAs broken? <bigjools> adeuring: can you manage this as an incident please? <ondrej> I have several packages in pending state for some hours. <bigjools> ondrej: yeah we just found out that it's broken <adeuring> bigjools: ok * bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad to: PPA PUBLISHING IS CURRENTLY DOWN | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: adeuring | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <nigelb> james_w: you about? <nigelb> james_w: When I suggested using the LP API, instead of screen scraping for getting information for summit, you said LP will not be able to handle the load. Would that happen even if they were splint into individual requests? <bigjools> PPA publishing should be ok again * bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: adeuring | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <soren> bigjools: Is it still catching up, or does it constitute an actual problem if I still have pending packages? <bigjools> soren: it will have a lot of catching up <soren> Ah, there it goes. <soren> \o/ <soren> bigjools: Thanks for the quick fix! <bigjools> it was a deployment issue, ho hum <james_w> nigelb, I said that it would be very slow, not that LP wouldn't handle the load <nigelb> james_w: Ah, apologies. My memory was vague on what you said :) <james_w> that's ok <james_w> instead of ~1 roundtrip to get most of the info, it will likely do several round trips <james_w> maybe a*n where n is the number of blueprints accepted for UDS <nigelb> james_w: well, we already do a*n+1 + m where n is number of BPs and m is number of participants <james_w> nigelb, well, it may be even more <james_w> it's hard to say given that the API can't give us that information currently <nigelb> james_w: hang on, let me try and explain what I'm saying :) <nigelb> james_w: So, what I'm talking about is this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/trunk/view/head:/summit/schedule/models/meetingmodel.py#L188 <nigelb> Here we screen scape the data of each blueprint. Isn't it more elegant to use the API? Because a change in LP UI might break our data import and we most probably won't know about it until it fails, aka the few weeks before UDS. <james_w> nigelb, you mean replacing line 210 etc? <james_w> I have no problem with that <james_w> I thought you meant replacing the XML file with the API, which is what I think will be slower <james_w> replacing what you point to should be roughly the same performance <nigelb> james_w: yup. that bit. No XML file isn't screen-scraping, that's an export although LP folks don't really support it. <nigelb> *No, XML <nigelb> james_w: aha, I'll create a bug and start working on that. <james_w> great <nigelb> hrm, why doesn't launchpad give me a proper url to access the specification API? <nigelb> https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/1.0.html#specification tells me URL: https://api.launchpad.net/1.0 <nigelb> adeuring: Hi, around? <adeuring> nigelb: sure <nigelb> Could you help me get data out of the specification end-point of the API? <adeuring> nigelb: I'll try. What is our problemß <adeuring> ...problem? <nigelb> heh <nigelb> I have a link to a specification, I'd like to figure out how to access the data in json <nigelb> Currently, summit screen-scrapes LP for this, I want to use the API to pull this data instead <adeuring> ah, now I see it... The URLs shows in the docs are simply broken... <adeuring> nigelb: the quick workaround would be: use launchpadlib <nigelb> adeuring: heh, that was my backup plan :) <adeuring> ;) <nigelb> adeuring: Is the doc thing something I can help fix/ <adeuring> nigelb: that would be great -- problem is that I have no real clue how the API docs are generated... <wgrant> adeuring, nigelb: Nothing uses those URLs, and they are defined separately for each class in the XSLT. <nigelb> wgrant: how does the ajax stuff work if its not using the API? <wgrant> nigelb: It uses the API. <wgrant> nigelb: You wouldn't normally construct those URLs manually. <nigelb> wgrant: so, at uds flacoste showed me a magic url, I just didn't save it then :) <wgrant> nigelb: API paths are the same as webapp paths. <adeuring> nigelb: but regarding your "backup plan": you can write a small test script with launchpadlib, and if you have a statement like "print specification", you'll see the URL <wgrant> nigelb: But normally you'd get a spec using a method on the object that owns it. <wgrant> The AJAX Web UI just uses the current path. <nigelb> adeuring: w00t, that'll work <nigelb> wgrant: I can 'technically' construct the url for the API if I want to, right? <wgrant> nigelb: Yes, but it's not guaranteed to be stable. <wgrant> /ubuntu/+spec/whatever <nigelb> darn <wgrant> Same as the web UI. <wgrant> Note that this URL hasn't changed in probably 5 years, so it's not much of a risk :) <nigelb> heh <nigelb> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/summit/+spec/community-o-summit is my BP, so what would be the api endpoint for that spec? <wgrant> $APIROOT/summit/+spec/community-o-summit <wgrant> eg. https://api.launchpad.net/devel/summit/+spec/community-o-summit <nigelb> ah <nigelb> that's strange <nigelb> I don't see all the information I wished I could see <wgrant> eg? <nigelb> ah, needed to use devel instead of 1.0 <wgrant> Those objects aren't exposed under 1.0, since we supposedly need to support that until 15.04 <nigelb> ah. <nigelb> hrm, what format is that. That isn't JSON. <nigelb> .... <nigelb> I get XML :\ <wgrant> Add ?ws.accept=application/json. It will serve HTML to things that say they can accept it. <wgrant> (it defaults to checking the Accepts header, but ws.accept in the query string overrides that detection) <nigelb> ah, this is beautiful <nigelb> Thanks wgrant, adeuring :) <deryck> adeuring, I should be IRC now. Sorry I just remembered. * deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: deryck | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <adeuring> deryck: no problem <pmatulis> mneptok: o/ <ckozak> Is there any way to get top contributors to a project using the launchpadlib api? <ckozak> is there a seperate channel for the launchpadlib api? <ckozak> Is there any way to get top contributors to a project using the launchpadlib api? * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: abentley | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <abentley> ckozak: This is a good channel to ask. There is also launchpad-dev. <ckozak> abently: thanks! <abentley> ckozak: I don't see an obvious way to get that information over the API. <ckozak> abentley: hmm nor do I. I guess I'll have to figure it out some other way <abentley> ckozak: It seems the method we use is not currently exported over the web service: getTopContributors <abentley> deryck: I relieve you. <deryck> abentley, thank you. I can swap you out time during your shift, if you like. <abentley> No problem. <ckozak> abentley: is there any way to access "getTopContributors" without scraping the webpage? <ckozak> I guess that wouldnt be the end of the world though <abentley> ckozak: No, but if you really want it, you can always send in a patch. <ckozak> abentley: will do, thanks man! * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <james_w> lazr.restfulclient.errors.HTTPError: HTTP Error 301: Moved Permanently #launchpad 2011-06-01 <cafuego> spiv: Thanks for the 'nest' tip the other day. I'm using that now and it makes for far prettier version numbers :-) <MTeck> OOPS-1978DY9 when trying to deactivate my user account :( <ubot5> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1978DY9 <MTeck> Any ideas what's going on? <StevenK> MTeck: It was trying to remove you from all of your teams when it hit the timeout. <MTeck> StevenK: ah... so maybe I should go through and remove one by one? <StevenK> MTeck: That might help, yes. <MTeck> grrr...... <MTeck> and this is exactly why I want to remove my account..... just toooooo much going on that everyone wants me to do :P <MTeck> StevenK: thanks for checking on that <MTeck> StevenK: not by chance any way you could deactivate on your end easier? <lifeless> MTeck: no, our tools run the same code <MTeck> oh <yofel> hm, recently if I press on the 'build now' link on a recipe I get 'All requested builds are already queued' like it checks whether it should build *after* it has processed my request. Bug? (Doesn't actually break anything, just confusing UI) <henninge> yofel: I remember discussing that UI in a review. What would you expect it to say? * henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: henninge | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <yofel> henninge: I think 'all requested builds have been queued'. The 'already' makes it sound like you tried to request a build that you already requested. Which you did not <philip_stoev> hi, how do I remove a project from a bug , e.g .https://bugs.launchpad.net/maria/+bug/789632 should not have "Maria" attached to it, but I am unable to <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 789632 in percona-projects-qa "Specifying ROW_FORMAt=FIXED, KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=N causes a dynamic table to be created" [Undecided,New] <philip_stoev> find a button to remove it <henninge> yofel: can you give me an example url, please? <yofel> henninge: well, happened on https://code.launchpad.net/~neon/+recipe/project-neon-runtime - but it only shows up with ajax when you press the build now link <maxb> henninge: This is the "Build now" AJAX link for invoking daily builds ahead of schedule <yofel> I can give you a screenshot later <maxb> I have noticed the behaviour that yofel mentions too <maxb> I think it must be a regression <henninge> yofel: I know that, I just need to be reminded how it looks <maxb> When the feature was originally released, it behaved better <yofel> right, it did say something different before, can't remember what though <maxb> It said something like "4 builds scheduled" <henninge> yofel, maxb: I am pretty sure that wording was deliberate. But please file a bug about it. <henninge> philip_stoev: I think marking it as "Invalid" is all you can do. <philip_stoev> henninge: I did already, but it looks ugly ... <henninge> philip_stoev: I am sorry. ;) <yofel> philip_stoev: IIRC you can move it to the 'Null' project, but not remove it <maxb> henninge: It's not the wording that is at issue here. I think the problem is that something is going wrong in requestbuild_overlay.js, and display_build_records is already returning zero <henninge> maxb: Ok, it's been too long that I reviewed this, I can't remember how it was supposed to work and why... ;) <henninge> If you feel it is a bug, please file it. <maxb> will do <dpm> hi, someone is trying to translate scilab and found out that some templates are somehow untranslatable, here is an example: https://translations.launchpad.net/scilab/trunk/+pots/double - does anyone have an idea of what's going on with those templates? <henninge> dpm: it looks like the template files were empty. <henninge> https://translations.launchpad.net/scilab/trunk/+templates <henninge> dpm: usually you get this state between approval of a new template and completed import of the template. <dpm> henninge, ah, yeah, good point, I forgot I could look at the templates list also for projects :) <henninge> dpm: so either the template file was empty or the queue entry was deleted before it was imported. <dpm> henninge, there is still something else, the stats don't match here: https://translations.launchpad.net/scilab/trunk/+lang/uk there is a total of 308 untranslated messages, but in the templates themselves it seems that there are only 114 untranslated ones <henninge> don't bother me about stats <henninge> ;-P <henninge> dpm: stats are broken and I have no idea in what way. jtv might know more but I think that really the whole stats business needs some series re-thinking and/or fixing. <dpm> ok, I'll forward that to the translator then ;) <henninge> dpm: ok, not really broken, but I just as lost as you are. <dpm> np <czajkowski> Aloha <spiv> losa ping: codehosting SSH seems to be down (gives “Permission denied (publickey).” when I try to connect) <mthaddon> spiv: checking <spiv> Although, hmm, maybe intermittent? <mthaddon> spiv: we're applying a firmware update to one of the frontends - question is why isn't it failing over properly <spiv> Certainly http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/ is seeing lots of transient failures <spiv> mthaddon: cosmic rays and/or pixies I suppose <mthaddon> all the xmlrpc backends seem fine... <mthaddon> spiv: it should be back soon, but we'll want to figure out why this failed after the fact - last time we did this it worked fine... :( <spiv> I'm still observing it happen intermittently. <spiv> Ok. <mthaddon> spiv: still happening? the server just came back <spiv> mthaddon: Not that I can see; I just made 10 successfully authenticated SSH connections in a row <mthaddon> ok thx - sorry about that, we'll have to look into what the problem was <spiv> Before I was getting a failure maybe 1 in 4 times? (not a metric) <henninge> adeuring: Hi! I am off to lunch! ;-) <adeuring> henninge: ok * adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: adeuring | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <deryck> adeuring, my turn now * deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: deryck | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <adeuring> deryck: thanks! <TheSheep> hello guys, I have recently received an 'invitation declined' e-mail from launchpad, for an invitation that I'm sure I didn't send. I suspect my account has been compromised, but I can't seem to find any way to change the password? <TheSheep> The only option I see now is deactivating my account, but I'd like to avoid that if possible. <deryck> Hi, TheSheep <deryck> TheSheep, can you paste me the message text or forwarded it to me in email, for me to take a look? <TheSheep> deryck: is /msg ok? <TheSheep> deryck: I've mailed it to you via launchpad <TheSheep> (btw, you are not identified) <deryck> TheSheep, thanks! Sorry for no reply. Desktop locked on me. * deryck is still getting all the windows open from last session <TheSheep> deryck: but aside from that, there must be some way to change the password? <TheSheep> deryck: I've looked at help, but it only tells me how to close the account <deryck> TheSheep, yes. See: https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/51 <TheSheep> thanks <deryck> np <deryck> TheSheep, and FWIW, this email doesn't look suspicious to me. It's the standard mail sent to teams when a membership is declined for someone.... <deryck> TheSheep, if the team doesn't have a mailing list, the mail goes to each member. <TheSheep> deryck: the suspicious thing is I didn't invite anyone <deryck> TheSheep, right. but anyone could have tried to add this team, and everyone would get this mail once the team was rejected, assuming your team doesn't have a mailing list set as contact. <TheSheep> oh <TheSheep> that's confusing, it's specifically addressed to me, with my name in the heading <deryck> TheSheep, hmmm, and I do see you have a mailing list set for the team. <deryck> sinzui, could I send you the email TheSheep just sent me, and let you see if this looks suspicious? <sinzui> okay <sinzui> TheSheep: are you the only admin in the team? <sinzui> The headers in the team emails are very bad <TheSheep> sinzui: no, I din't even know I'm an admin <sinzui> They no not really explain who and why you get emails <deryck> sinzui, sent <TheSheep> actually, I'm not an admin in that team <deryck> sinzui, I assumed these would go to the list if they had a mailing list for contact. <sinzui> invitations are between admins, not teams <sinzui> deryck: This list of invited looks wrong https://launchpad.net/~linux-traipu <deryck> sinzui, yeah, that does look weird. <sinzui> I think someone randomly selected teams (I believe that may only be ~mauricio-machado at this moment) <sinzui> deryck: TheSheep, the email is fine. The headers and footer are too ambiguous to explain that each member got the email invitation decline. Invitations/proposals may not always state who initiated the proposal/invitiation <sinzui> deryck: We need to look that the personnotification code to very it selects the right users. I believe the email should have gone only to ~irc-xubuntu-ops admins <deryck> sinzui -- right, that's what I was thinking. And I just noticed, TheSheep, was in the group declined, not the group doing the declining. That's what threw me off. <sinzui> deryck: I think the code is in lp.registry. It is pre-job system <deryck> ok <Andre_Gondim> what's the url that dev launchpad to tests? <deryck> abentley, pitching to you now. * deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: abentley | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <abentley> deryck: roger. <deryck> Andre_Gondim, you mean our staging server? Or whan hacking locally? <deryck> s/whan/when/ <Andre_Gondim> staging <Andre_Gondim> thanks <dart> I think a recent natty update to xorg has messed my system...Where do i report this? <micahg> dart: #ubuntu-bugs can help you file a bug * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <cjohnston> Is it possible to find out who approved someone to be a member of a restricted team? <lifeless> hmm, we have the fields <lifeless> perhaps via the API <lifeless> proposed_by, acknowledged_by, approved_by <lifeless> sorry, s/approved/reviewed/ <lifeless> on the team membership record <cjohnston> thanks lifeless #launchpad 2011-06-02 <michaelh1> Hi there. Can a public project have private branches? I want to start a project for the Linaro benchmarks which will have public scripts, some public results, some private results, and some private licensed benchmarks <persia> michaelh1: No. The usual procedure in that case is to have parallel projects (e.g. foo and foo-private). <michaelh1> persia: OK. How can I create a private project? <michaelh1> (I already have a private group ~linaro-toolchain-benchmarks) <maco> pay canonical <michaelh1> Already am :) <persia> Contact the LP admins. It's a commercial service. I think (but don't know) that one starts by asking a question at answers.launchpad.net/launchpad <michaelh1> Ta. <wgrant> michaelh1: Does Linaro not have documented processes for requesting private projects? <maco> huh. interesting that the "register a project" page doesnt have a "i want to make this private [ ]" checkbox <wgrant> maco: There's no such thing as a private project yet. <wgrant> They can have private bugs and branches by default. <wgrant> But there are no private projects. <maco> ooh. well still, is there like a checkbox to be like "make this private and charge me $x"? <wgrant> Normally you'd select that your project's license is proprietary, and then purchase and apply a commercial usage voucher to the project. <wgrant> But Linaro is a bit special. * michaelh1 feels special <persia> The specialness ought be masked in invoicing details, rather than exposed in the intereface. <wgrant> Certainly. <michaelh1> wgrant: no on the process. I'm sending Joey and Kiko an email asking... <wgrant> michaelh1: They are both former Launchpadders, so they are probably best, yes. <wgrant> Launchpad' <wgrant> s present privacy offerings were designed in 2007 or so and have not been touched since. They are known to be suboptimal. <wgrant> My squad is currently working on fixing this to suck a bit less. <wgrant> But it's not there yet. <dart> hello, the new ubuntu mono font in launchpad is too small to read <dart> can i increase it in settings? <lag> How do you remove a single package from a PPA? <bigjools> Click "View packlage details" then click "Delete packages" <candrea> Hello! Could someone please take a look at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/159992 ? <bigjools> candrea: done <candrea> bigjools, thanks! <bigjools> np <candrea> bigjools, I'm done with the project; feel free to change the ownership back to ~registry <bigjools> candrea: you need to do that yourself <candrea> bigjools, right, done * deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: deryck | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <apw> can anyone tell me why the pickers are not working on bug #791918 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 791918 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Hardy) "CVE-2011-1746" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/791918 <micahg> apw: you mean the AJAX selectors? <apw> micahg, erm, i mean the popups normally connected to the pencils on the stautus fields etc <micahg> yeah, it's because there are too many tasks, I'm looking for the bug <apw> micahg, ergle <deryck> apw, yeah, we disabled that intentionally for bugs with lots of tasks. it's a shortcoming in how that code was written, where pages would hang setting up the icons.... <micahg> deryck: I can't seem to find the bug... <apw> damn, those are exactly the bugs where you really need them <deryck> apw, we want to fix it so we have js icons and quick render, too. but it's not yet been a priority. <deryck> apw, yeah <deryck> micahg, let me see if we have a bug. there may just be the one that was marked fix. the slow render one. <deryck> micahg, apw -- I cannot find a bug either. not an old or new one. Can one of you file a bug about needing this back? * micahg digs a little more <deryck> it was intentional to remove it until we could address the performance issues, but we need a bug tracking that we should fix said performance issues and bring it back :) * micahg remembers being showed the bug at one point... <micahg> apw: can you file a new one? <apw> micahg, against which thing <micahg> apw: launchpad <apw> https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/791936 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 791936 in Launchpad itself "AJAX selectors not available on bugs with large numbers of tasks" [Undecided,New] <apw> micahg, ^^ <micahg> apw: looks good, I figure lifeless will probably remember if there's a duplicate or not <deryck> micahg, apw I've commented and triaged that bug. Thanks for filing it! <deryck> It should be fixed, so it's high. but unfortunately, I have no idea when someone will get to it with the number of critical issues we have open at the moment. <deryck> abentley, I'll pass to you now. * deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: abentley | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <abentley> deryck: aye aye. <Renegade15> good day <Renegade15> in the sidebar, Launchpad is telling me I'm at 100% configuration, but complains "Launchpad needs to know where the user can submit code"...how do I tell it that? <Darxus> Pedro Villavicencio's habbit of marking bugs incomplete just because they're old is pissing me off. <micahg> Darxus: you should talk to pedro in #ubuntu-bugs about that, nothing to do with #launchpad <Darxus> Thanks, sorry. <Renegade15> in the sidebar, Launchpad is telling me I'm at 100% configuration, but complains "Launchpad needs to know where the user can submit code"...how do I tell it that? <abentley> Renegade15: Have you set a development focus yet? That might be it. <Renegade15> I have indeed, and it is connected to a branch...the branch is a git import, though, can that be the reason? <abentley> Renegade15: that could be the reason. That area seems to have changed recently. Used to be you could set whether the project used Launchpad for Code. <abentley> Renegade15: what project is this? <Renegade15> openyr - it's fairly new <abentley> Renegade15: I think the text is inaccurate-- if development happens elsewhere, then users definitely can't submit code. <Renegade15> I see <Renegade15> I'll send users around in the description, then. I was just wondering if I was missing a piece of config <Renegade15> thank you :) <abentley> Renegade15: No problem. <Renegade15> see ya <maxb> Hrm. it is irksome not being able to retry a binary build resulting from a recipe build <lifeless> I think we should allow that <lifeless> but we need a solution to the unique-version-string-thing <maxb> how does that impact retrying binary builds? <lifeless> hmm <lifeless> ah <lifeless> ok, so I didn't click to your point <lifeless> do we really not permit that? <maxb> Apparently not <lifeless> iz bug <maxb> Boo, I tried to cheat via the WS, but it threw an AssertionError :-) <mwhudson> that means it oopsed i guess, which makes it critical at least! <maxb> x-lazr-oopsid: OOPS-1979AY85 :-) <ubot5> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1979AY85 <maxb> ooh <maxb> All recipe builds end with something like ~lucid1 <maxb> It would be awesome if they snooped the target archive before they started the build, and incremented the final digit until there was no published source that they would collide with <wgrant> maxb: Huh, you should be able to retry binary builds. There's no difference. #launchpad 2011-06-03 <wgrant> Hmm. <wgrant> maxb: Sure it wasn't already retried? <maxb> yes, sure <maxb> oh <maxb> ah <maxb> Whoops :-) <maxb> I saw "Dependency wait" and failed to appreciate that it was the source build <wgrant> Heh <maxb> I suppose that can't be retried because the version string might no longer hold true if the branches have changed underneath it? <wgrant> maxb: Sort of. <wgrant> maxb: It was never implemented because it's so easy to create a new one. <wgrant> maxb: Whereas soyuz gets angry if there's multiple builds for one (spr, archive, distroarchseries, pocket). <wgrant> maxb: A retry button for SPRBs would probably just create a new build anyway. <poolie> is known that +bugs is timing out? <lifeless> for various reasons, yes <poolie> great, pn <poolie> *np <lifeless> have a look at the timeout tagged bugs in launchpad-project <lifeless> you can see the different known cases <poolie> k <mrevell> Hullo <dpm> hi, could someone help me updating the translations export schedule? I've just set it up for Oneiric on https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/LanguagePackSchedule/ and the exports crontab needs to be updated according to the "Launchpad Exports" column (the path to the crontab on devpad is at the bottom of the wiki page) <dpm> also it seems the help contact on the topic needs to be updated, as abentley does not seem to be here <web_knows> hi o/ * deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: deryck | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <dpm> hi deryck, I see you're the help contact. Could you give me a hand updating the translations export schedule? I've just set it up for Oneiric on https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/LanguagePackSchedule/ and the exports crontab needs to be updated according to the "Launchpad Exports" column (the path to the crontab on devpad is at the bottom of the wiki page) <deryck> dpm, hi. looking.... <deryck> dpm, I assume I need to file an RT to get crontab updated. let me check. haven't yet done this before. <dpm> deryck, I used to ask danilos or the other translations guys, perhaps they know more... <deryck> dpm, I'm sure they do. danilos, you around? <danilos> deryck, it's the usual "update crontabs dance", lately, I think losas preferred MPs (if they moved all the crontab branches to LP) <danilos> deryck, we don't do RTs for those, at least we didn't in the past <deryck> danilos, ah, I didn't realize crontab was in branches now. <deryck> I've always done RTs for stuff like expiry and such cron entries. <danilos> deryck, it used to be for a long time, but only on devpad, so no MPs possible :) <deryck> danilos, ah, so just ping and request the change? I don't see the crontabs on devpad where the wiki suggests. <danilos> deryck, lp:lp-production-crontabs is the new branch <danilos> deryck, please update the wiki as well :) <deryck> ah, ok <deryck> danilos, will do. thanks. <deryck> dpm, I'll get this taken care of now. Thanks for the ping about it. <dpm> deryck, thanks. I'm still not quite sure about the process, but let me know if there is anything I can do on my side to make it easier for you guys <deryck> dpm, I think I everything I need now. <dpm> excellent :) <deryck> dpm, also, I'll look closer at those questions today. <deryck> dpm, and if I can't answer them, I'll harass henning when he is available again on Monday. <dpm> deryck, great thanks. As I was saying, if it's quicker to answer them in a call than writing a long reply, I'm also up for it, whatever you guys prefer <deryck> dpm, ok, I'll let you know. I've had it marked to review and just not looked closely enough yet. <dpm> ok, cool <blueyed> How can I search for bugs which have a specific remote bug, e.g. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=596189 ? <ubot5> Debian bug 596189 in apt "Ignores Release file if it is not signed" [Important,Fixed] <blueyed> I want to know if the reason for Maverick's apt ignoring my Debian testing apt-preferences file is this bug.. <deryck> blueyed, I don't think we a search form that allows that, but I think you could get to that from the page we have for the upstream tracker.... <deryck> blueyed, let me look and see. <blueyed> deryck: thanks.. I remember that you would get notified that another bug has this remote bug already, when entering it.. I could try that on edge maybe? <blueyed> ..rather dogfood <deryck> or staging/qastaging rather <wgrant> blueyed: It's not linked from anywhere, but a URL like https://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/debbugs/596189 works <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 596189 in kcm-tablet (Ubuntu) "Maverick: kdeinit4/kded4 crashes (segmentation fault) because of kde-config-tablet" [Undecided,Fix released] <blueyed> ok. the notice works, but did not happen for the first time. <wgrant> blueyed: If there's a single linked bug it will redirect. If there are multiple it will list them. <deryck> blueyed, yeah, that's what I was just trying to get at. Couldn't remember the url structure. <blueyed> wgrant: why does it redirect to #790760 ? <deryck> actually, I could but was trying bugs.debian.org rather than debbugs and wondering why it failed. <wgrant> blueyed: Because that's the bug it's linked to... <wgrant> At least it should be. * wgrant checks. <wgrant> It is. <blueyed> wgrant: I do not get it. dbug 596189 is not a remote bug for #790760, is it? <wgrant> It is. But, confusingly, it's not associated with a task. It's only linked because it was referenced in a comment. <wgrant> Comment #8, in particular. <blueyed> Oh, I see. Thanks. <GatoLoko> hi <GatoLoko> i've found that a package has been linked in launchpad to the wrong upstream (to one of my projects), but I can't fix it, is this the right place to report it? <maxb> Here is fine, provided you're prepared to file a question if someone can't fix it right away <maxb> GatoLoko: which package? <maxb> or, which upstream <deryck> yeah, it's pretty easy to fix. <GatoLoko> maxb gatos: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/gatos <GatoLoko> it's linked to "gatoscript" <maxb> ok, I can remove those links <maxb> done <deryck> Thanks maxb! <deryck> abentley, ping and tag you're it. * deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: abentley | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <abentley> deryck: okay <GatoLoko> maxb thanks <maxb> No problem * abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ #launchpad 2011-06-04 <gour> it is not possible to import every project from e.g. bitbucket if it's not listed by LP import-search facility? <maxb> gour: I don't understand what you mean <gour> maxb: i want to .e.g import myclientbase project form bitbucket but it's not found <maxb> not found where? <gour> maxb: excuse me...had a lunch...https://code.launchpad.net/+code-imports/+new <gour> project field <maxb> If there is no existing project record in Launchpad, then create one <gour> hmm, you mean i need to create a new project? <maxb> https://launchpad.net/projects/+new <gour> maxb: thanks, it would be good if LP would suggest it... <asabil> hi all <asabil> is there any way to import a specific git branch in launchpad these days ? <maxb> asabil: sadly not yet. It's coming though <asabil> maxb, ok thanks <maxb> If you want an estimate of when, you'd need to talk to jelmer <bcurtiswx> are there any limitations to what types of projects use launchpad? do they need to be Linux specific, or open source only (which of course i would ;)) etc ? <virusuy> bcurtiswx: no <virusuy> bcurtiswx: just must be open source <bcurtiswx> virusuy, much thanks :) <virusuy> bcurtiswx: welcome :) <lifeless> bcurtiswx: commerical projects can use LP too <lifeless> bcurtiswx: but they need to pay if they are proprietary / want all bugs to be private <bcurtiswx> lifeless, thx #launchpad 2011-06-05 <jrabbit> which is the element that handles the building in LP? <jrabbit> Soyuz? <micahg> jrabbit: what are you trying to figure out? <george_e> I've found a pretty serious build problem... <george_e> https://code.launchpad.net/~george-edison55/+archive/george-edison/+build/2547248 <george_e> It's been building for the last 12 hours. <george_e> I think it's stuck. <maxb> lamont / wgrant / ...: Can you stab iridium? (george_e's stuck build) #launchpad 2012-05-28 <cjohnston> wgrant: ping <wgrant> cjohnston: Hi <cjohnston> wgrant: "The only consumers I know to be buggy in this respect are <cjohnston> Summit and OpenStack's gerrit -- they're trying to do the mapping the <cjohnston> wrong way." <cjohnston> I'm not sure what that means about mapping the wrong way <cjohnston> sorry for the multi-line paste <wgrant> cjohnston: An OpenID identifier has 0 or 1 Launchpad accounts, but a Launchpad account can have any number of OpenID identifiers. So it doesn't make sense to ask "what is this Launchpad account's OpenID identifier" <wgrant> It does make sense, however, to ask "what is this OpenID identifier's Launchpad account" <wgrant> summit and gerrit scrape the (somewhat deprecated) OpenID delegation information from the person page to attempt to answer the question that it doesn't make sense to answer. <cjohnston> Ok. <wgrant> The delegation information isn't there for that purpose; it's just for making a pretty OpenID URL for sites that ask for it. <wgrant> Now, SSO should give you the Launchpad username when someone authenticates to you. <wgrant> You could use that to map <wgrant> However, it's probably better in general if we add an interface to the Launchpad API which lets you look up a person by OpenID identifier. <wgrant> Would that be useful for you? <cjohnston> Does that work/what happens when the openid identifier doesn't have a LP account? <wgrant> It'll return None <wgrant> And SSO won't pass a username at all <cjohnston> Would that then be able to forward to create an LP account? <cjohnston> as we require LP accounts <wgrant> You can complain that they don't have a Launchpad account and give them a link to create one, same as now (I assume) <wgrant> How do you determine that now? <cjohnston> ok <cjohnston> That I'm not sure <wgrant> I suspect that you don't. <cjohnston> I assume it just throws some sort of error about not being able to login <wgrant> But it's possible that you check the SSO response for the giveaway LP fields. <cjohnston> I think that the API change would probably work for us. <wgrant> Great. <wgrant> I'll just have a look around lp:summit to see what sort of stuff it needs, just in case. <cjohnston> Sure thing <cjohnston> Do you think that it would be possible to have this feature by sometime in September? <wgrant> Unless something goes wrong the API should be there this week some time. We already have a very similar private one, just need to tweak and expose it. <cjohnston> Awesome... Thanks wgrant <wgrant> I think there may even be an existing bug I can steal for it. * wgrant hunts. <cjohnston> ok <cjohnston> If so, do you mind marking it as effecting Summit just so that we have it for tracking pelase <cjohnston> please <Noldorin> wgrant, did you see my suggestion earlier perchance? <wgrant> Noldorin: You could file a bug about it, but I'm not sure we generally want to make it easier for confused users to create projects. <Noldorin> heh true <Noldorin> wgrant, i'm not a confused user though!? ;-) <Noldorin> i just create lots of projects heh <wgrant> Noldorin: Any time we try to add a link like that to make things easier, a very confused non-technical Ubuntu user uses that link to complain that their computer is broken. <wgrant> So we get support requests in teams, projects, blueprints, PPAs, new user accounts, etc. :( <wgrant> We have some *very* confused users. <Noldorin> wgrant, i don't know how anyone could construe that sort of logic :-S <Noldorin> hah <Noldorin> okay <Noldorin> i'll take your word for it <Noldorin> wgrant, maybe just keep the same page and have a link at the bottom for creating a project with that name... <Noldorin> admittedly that's low priority though <wgrant> cjohnston: Still around? <wgrant> Noldorin: Perhaps -- you could file a bug. <wgrant> Noldorin: It'd be nice to have a link there, but as I said we have to balance with not further confusing already very confused users. <Noldorin> yeah <wgrant> Noldorin: They have a habit of clicking on anything they see. <cjohnston> wgrant: yes <Noldorin> wgrant, that's the problem with linux entering the mainstream market ;-) <Noldorin> "problem" <Noldorin> wgrant, would it get implemented soon-ish though? <wgrant> cjohnston: Do you have enough access to production to see what's going on with https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/198619? The delegation info on his LP page now matches his SSO identity, so now we just need to deconfuse Summit somehow. <wgrant> Noldorin: Probably not :( <cjohnston> wgrant: no.. but i believe I know the issue <Noldorin> wgrant, yeah... i supposed that you launchpad folk are over-worked, hence probably not worth my submitting it <Noldorin> cheers for being honest at least :-P <wgrant> Noldorin: Heh <wgrant> cjohnston: Anything I can help with? <cjohnston> wgrant: I'm working with IS currently to try what I think may fix it <Noldorin> wgrant, on higher priority issues: when is an interface for managing Project Groups on the website coming? <wgrant> Noldorin: What sort of management? <wgrant> Project groups are somewhat deprecated and considered to be a bad idea, so no real work on them is planned. <Noldorin> wgrant, creation, deletion, editing details, adding/removing projects to/form the group ;-) <Noldorin> oh right <Noldorin> wgrant, what's the successor to them? <wgrant> Noldorin: Nothing :) <lifeless> Noldorin: all those things already exist <Noldorin> lifeless, no, not to the general user they don't <lifeless> Noldorin: creation is privileged, and once the exist they can be altered. <wgrant> Noldorin: Deletion and creation are restricted to Launchpad staff. <wgrant> The others are indeed possible already. <Noldorin> right... so how do you guys recommend i structure a group of related software projectS? <wgrant> Depends why you want to do that. <wgrant> cjohnston: Thanks. <Noldorin> wgrant, because they're related and mutually complementary ;-) <wgrant> cjohnston: Which chan? I'd like to follow along so I can complete my picture of how Launchpad+SSO integration goes horribly wrong. <Noldorin> so? <wgrant> Noldorin: What do you hope to achieve by grouping them? <cjohnston> wgrant: PM.. <cjohnston> wgrant: his issue was different <cjohnston> kind-of <Noldorin> wgrant, a unified semantic description <Noldorin> :-P <wgrant> cjohnston: Ah, k <wgrant> cjohnston: But you're sorting it out? <cjohnston> wgrant: its sorted and fixed <wgrant> cjohnston: Thanks. <wgrant> cjohnston: It just doesn't automatically update after the LP page changes? <Noldorin> wgrant, it's like having Word, Excel, Powerpoint exist but nothing for MS Office. <Noldorin> :/ <cjohnston> wgrant: I've also noted on the question, and Steve has confirmed in #linaro that its fixed <lifeless> Noldorin: can you be more specific; it might help us understan <Noldorin> lifeless, i thought my MS Office example was pretty good :-P <lifeless> Noldorin: so, I don't understand the relevance of it. Consider that a datapoint about its efficicy in explaining your point <Noldorin> efficiency? <Noldorin> i thought the analogy was pretty obvious <Noldorin> there exists no way to provide a cohesive structure/grouping to projects on Launchpad <lifeless> Noldorin: there does, for things that are centrally managed, which is project groups. <lifeless> e.g. launchpad-project. <wgrant> cjohnston: Perfect, thanks! <Noldorin> lifeless, yes yes, i shouldn't have said "no way". but not a means that is controllable by the average Launchpad user (software developer) <lifeless> Noldorin: we used to have that, but folk make project groups that didn't make sense, lots of them. <lifeless> so we made it on request, rather than directly under their control <Noldorin> lifeless, okay... so now at least i understand your point vaguely. what was wrong with project groups that didn't make sense though? surely that's the user's loss? <Noldorin> having to make admin-logged requests seems very antiquated <Noldorin> and bureaucratic <Noldorin> not that it's without reason... <Noldorin> that's just how it strikes me in the Internet age ;-) <lifeless> the LP namespace is shared <Noldorin> is that something that may change in the future? <lifeless> well, anything might <lifeless> we have no specific plans <Noldorin> i notice every other project site seems to have user or team-based namespaces <Noldorin> and now i understand why <Noldorin> i suppose <lifeless> so things like say, github, where projects are subordinate to people, have less concerns about namespace abuse <Noldorin> yes, many fewer concerns...zero effectively <lifeless> look how long facebook took to bring out a shared namespace <Noldorin> lifeless, i'll put it this way: i don't see the benefits of a shared namespace <Noldorin> though obviously you've thought about this much more than i have <lifeless> depends on your goals <Noldorin> it depends on Launchpad's/Canonical's goals more so, i think. for my purposes, user/team-based namespaces make the most sense probably <lifeless> the goals of the group making the site ;) <Noldorin> i.e. Canonical in this case ha <Noldorin> case to be more specific? :-) <Noldorin> obviously i'm not going to influence canonical's decision... but i am simply curious <Noldorin> it might persuade me to keep using launchpad...or not. <lifeless> the namespace was set about 6 years go :) or was it 7 ? <Noldorin> the namespace architecture you mean? <lifeless> its been only tweaked since <lifeless> I wouldn't call it an architecture ;) <wgrant> 8 :) <wgrant> Well, nearly 8 <wgrant> More than 7 <wgrant> However, I still think it makes a lot of sense. <Noldorin> time for an overhaul me thinks :-P <wgrant> eg. I want to file a bug on some project. I know it's on GitHub <wgrant> How do I find which one is the real thing? <Noldorin> i haven't been persuaded there's any advantage to a single global/shared namespace <lifeless> Noldorin: not trying to convince you <Noldorin> hah, you are obdurate. <lifeless> no, just doing 3 other things <Noldorin> i was asking you to all along. <lifeless> and answering your questions <Noldorin> you could have at least told me that :-P <Noldorin> no <Noldorin> you evaded the most direct one <lifeless> which was? <Noldorin> never mind, wgrant is answering them. <lifeless> Noldorin: cause, I've had a half-line typed several times, and you come out with some other thing, which I then answer <Noldorin> wgrant, that's a fair point, but wouldn't one typically find a project's bug tracker by a link in the repo? <Noldorin> or whatever source distribution <Noldorin> i'm only elaborating on existing questions/the same point... it's not like i'm changing topics :-) <lifeless> yes, but there you go again :) * lifeless starts the line over, again <Noldorin> haha <Noldorin> do keep up ;-) <Noldorin> in seriousness: don't woryr <Noldorin> multitasking isn't easy. i think and talk at a fast pace, so this conversation was always going to be difficult i suppose! <Noldorin> cheers anyway <lifeless> LP wants to make identifying actual projects easy <lifeless> it wants to optimise the process of connecting projects to distributions <lifeless> (and distros to distros) <Noldorin> yeah. so it's very Ubuntu-oriented, naturally <Noldorin> okay, that's a fair point <Noldorin> it means added bureaucracy in some respects still <Noldorin> but yeah <Noldorin> lifeless, when now my question is answered, so thanks. <Noldorin> it leaves me uneasy (i think i prefer github's namespace model) <Noldorin> but yeah... will ponder it over <Noldorin> night, folks. <lifeless> I have mulled over doing a pivot to what github et al do <lifeless> but not deeply enough to put a case around it or even decide if I think its a good idea <lifeless> it would introduce some problems we don't have today <lifeless> (e.g. what would a 'task' be on? <Noldorin> lifeless, well if you want feedback, or just to brainstorm, i always idle here... <lifeless> does the same project name mean the same thing to different users? <Noldorin> but yeah, another time. i need sleep now i'm afraid! * czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging <tkennedy> can anyone help with this issue. trying to get branch from launchpad and get this message> <tkennedy> Permission denied (publickey). <tkennedy> ConnectionReset reading response for 'BzrDir.open_2.1', retrying <tkennedy> Permission denied (publickey). <tkennedy> bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist. <tkennedy> I know is an issue somewhere with the keys but not sure where. <mgz> tkennedy: start by trying `ssh bazaar.launchpad.net` <mgz> the things you need to check with your ssh setup are: <mgz> * the key on your launchpad profile <mgz> * permissions on your .ssh folder and key files <tkennedy> I get Permission Denied publickey <mgz> * `bzr launchpad-login` equals your launchpad username <tkennedy> I think I may need to regererate my keys <mgz> just check that there's a public key associated with your launchpad account that you have both parts for on your local machine under .ssh first <mgz> if not, you can copy it across from where you first used it or generate and upload a new key <tkennedy> the keys are there under .ssh my lp account has the pub key <tkennedy> doing bzr launchpad-login returns back to the prompt without errors <mgz> and the name printed matches your launchpad user name? <tkennedy> is that command suppose to print out your username? I get nothing back <mgz> it is. <tkennedy> I've checked my bazaar.conf and authorization.conf under .bazaar and the username is whats on launchpad <mgz> pastebin the output of `bzr config`? <tkennedy> http://pastebin.com/WNRAWP1a <mgz> tkennedy: and if you compare the contents of https://launchpad.net/%7Etoddkenn/+sshkeys with ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub they are the same? <tkennedy> hmm I had two .pub files <tkennedy> seems I created one called id_rsa_launchpad.pub and then the default one id_rsa.pub <tkennedy> my bazaar config has it using the id_rsa_launchpad and not the id_rsa one <tkennedy> oh wait <tkennedy> so in .ssh/config for bazaar.launchpad.net I have it using the id_rsa_launchpad keys <tkennedy> comparing keys now <mgz> if you can't do `ssh toddkenn@bazaar.launchpad.net` and get past the publickey error to it saying "no shells" you need to double check that conf <tkennedy> launchpad pub key and stored pub keys are the same <mgz> should be something like: <mgz> Host bazaar.launchpad.net User toddkenn IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_launchpad <mgz> ...but with newlines <tkennedy> I found the issue <tkennedy> a typo in the config <tkennedy> said id_rsa_launchad instead of launchpad <tkennedy> boy oh boy <mgz> :) <tkennedy> working now <mgz> ace. <tkennedy> thanks for the second set of eyes <jonathanj> i don't suppose there is kind of a concise dashboard type thing in Launchpad that can show me open bugs i'm responsible for, waiting reviews, my pending reviews, etc. all on one page, is there? <czajkowski> jonathanj: you can go to bugs.launchpad.net/~usernick and see all the bugs you're involved in <czajkowski> but not the stuff you're looking for no <mgz> nope, but people have written various custom views into launchpad using the api <jonathanj> i don't suppose any of those things are some kind of web site i can use? <mgz> and a couple of different pages probably cover the info you want code.launchpad.net/~USER/+activereviews and a bug search would do for your examples <jonathanj> unfortunately code/~/+activereviews doesn't show me reviews i *could* do (e.g. the case where someone proposed a branch but it has not been reviewed yet) <czajkowski> mgz: jam jelmer vila could one of you look at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/198668 please <jelmer> czajkowski: looking <jonathanj> is the dashboard/overview thing something that is on a relatively short roadmap for LP? <czajkowski> jelmer: cheers <mgz> jelmer: you're not working today though... <jelmer> mgz: I am <jelmer> did it say somewhere I wasn't? <mgz> jonathanj: no, but there are ways to get stuff you want implemented in launchpad done yourself <mgz> jelmer: as in, it's a holiday today in nl, no? or you're doing a swap day for the end of last week? <jelmer> mgz: yep, I'm swapping * mgz kills processes on jelmer <jelmer> :) <czajkowski> lol <czajkowski> tis ok ye can have all the fun ye want next monday &tuesday blue squad I'll be off :) <jelmer> that's okay, I'll be off then too :) <mgz> ich auch <czajkowski> so will it just be jam ? <mgz> it's okay, he's super jam. also, vila should be around I think. <jelmer> czajkowski: jam und Vincent <czajkowski> ah sorted so * czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging <wilx> Hi. <wilx> I am kinda confused with how PPAs are supposed to be made. <wilx> Is there any kind of prototype PPA for autoconf/automake based libraries? <maxb> wilx: I think you're confusing terminology. Perhaps you mean "package that I intend to upload to a PPA" when you're saying "PPA" <maxb> A PPA is an archive/repository of packages on Launchpad. It doesn't really make any sense to have a prototype PPA <wilx> Oh. <wilx> maxb: You are likely right. <wilx> maxb: I probably mean the control file and stuff like that...I guess I should ask that in ##debian or ##ubuntu/ <wilx> ? <maxb> You may find #ubuntu-packaging best for this <wilx> Ok. <ahasenack> hi guys, I'm getting timeout oopses (OOPS-c5233e4383a11349b30fbcb259b82911) when tring to file a bug against landscape-client (https://launchpad.net/landscape-client/+filebug) <ubot5> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=c5233e4383a11349b30fbcb259b82911 <lifeless> lets see <lifeless> ahasenack: (you can click on that link yourself, its open to ~canonical) <lifeless> ahasenack: looks like an FTI timeout <lifeless> ahasenack: you could try again, second time the index should be hotter <ahasenack> lifeless: worked now, thanks <ahasenack> took about 4 attempts, though <geser> FTI = Faster Than Index? <lifeless> geser: full text index <lifeless> wgrant: ^ still expected ? <lifeless> wgrant: query is 2.6 on wildcherry atm <lifeless> wgrant: almost all of it in -> Bitmap Index Scan on bugtaskflat__fti__idx (cost=0.00..76.16 rows=879 width=0) (actual time=2654.648..2654.648 rows=10546 loops=1) <lifeless> Index Cond: ((bugtaskflat.fti)::tsvector @@ '( ( ( ''error'' & ''fix'' & ''lintian'' & ''warn'' | ''fix'' & ''lintian'' & ''warn'' ) | ''error'' & ''lintian'' & ''warn'' ) | ''error'' & ''fix'' & ''warn'' ) | ''error'' & ''fix'' & ''lintian'''::tsquery) <lifeless> Buffers: shared hit=3 read=39406 <wgrant> lifeless: That number of FTI queries will probably be helped by GIN <lifeless> cool <lifeless> so, can has? <wgrant> lifeless: buildbot isn't 9.1 yet, AIUI <lifeless> oh right <lifeless> mumble mumble monkeypatch mumble #launchpad 2012-05-29 <Noldorin> hi lifeless <lifeless> Noldorin: hi there <Noldorin> lifeless, just had a though about the namespace issue... <Noldorin> might be worth considering <Noldorin> lifeless, ping <lifeless> Noldorin: I'm here <lifeless> Noldorin: waiting for you to describe your though <Noldorin> lifeless, okay :-P <Noldorin> lifeless, so what about having user/team-based namespaces, but the global namespace underlying that... the global namespace could have unique aliases that go to the team/user project names <Noldorin> which may or may not be the same according to availability <lifeless> I'm not sure I follow <Noldorin> ... <Noldorin> ok <StevenK> If I understand correctly, he wants a namespace that is contained to within a team or user, and the global namespace links to those. <Noldorin> yep <Noldorin> just aliases <StevenK> However, we have seven years of global namespace use ... <Noldorin> so that you can maintain the benefits of a global namespace and user-based namespaces ;-) <Noldorin> StevenK, length of time of usage doesn't make it good ;-) <Noldorin> although lifeless claimed global namespaces have one or two advantages, and i agreed <Noldorin> just about <StevenK> Noldorin: Certainly not, and I'm not implying that. I'm just saying that it is fairly well entrenched. <Noldorin> that is true <lifeless> Noldorin: so if the global namespace is just aliases to specific team+project|distro pairs <Noldorin> StevenK, but this certainly allows a better transition than a switch simly to github-style project namespaces <lifeless> Noldorin: that implies we'd still need controls around alias setting <Noldorin> lifeless, yes. the same controls that already exist basically <lifeless> Noldorin: but could allow free-for-all within a user/team <lifeless> context <Noldorin> i'm suggesting this because i know you like your global namespaces <Noldorin> lifeless, yes indeed <Noldorin> that's the idea <lifeless> so, this might be a good way to tackle a migration <Noldorin> yeah. better backwards compatibility eh? <lifeless> it is contingent on .. ELOCAL< back soon <Noldorin> ELOCAL? <StevenK> It's a UNIX thing -- EPERM == Permission denied <StevenK> ELOCAL == Local problem or so <Noldorin> ah ok <Noldorin> so ELOCAL< back soon mean? <StevenK> "I have a local problem that I need to deal with, back soon" ? <Noldorin> haha okay <Noldorin> StevenK, sorry, i'm completely unfamiliar with unix geek-lingo :-) <StevenK> Noldorin: It wasn't helped that lifeless typoed ',' as '<' <lifeless> right, back <StevenK> But , and < share a key <Noldorin> heh yeah <Noldorin> so they do <Noldorin> lifeless, hi <lifeless> so, one of the things you can do with a global project|distro namespace + team namespace is treat them as two-dimensional coordinates <lifeless> that is <lifeless> '~lifeless' + ubuntu == lifelesses things to do with Ubuntu <lifeless> for that to work, you need the concept of ubuntu to be consistent across all such tuples <lifeless> e.g. ~ubuntu-council + ubuntu must refer to the same ubuntu. <lifeless> This is in tension with a hierarchical namespace where ~ubuntu-council/ubuntu could be totally different to ~lifeless/ubuntu <Noldorin> not sure i get you <lifeless> Strictly speaking we could do ~lifeless+~ubuntu-council/ubuntu, to implement this on top of a hierarchical namespace <lifeless> but I suspect that would confuse users <lifeless> Noldorin: say you want to find our about your bugs in ubuntu, how do you do that? <Noldorin> lifeless, the same way as i do now. why would it be different? <lifeless> well, today you can't <Noldorin> oh really? <Noldorin> heh <lifeless> you can search for your related bugs - returns everything, or you can search in Ubuntu for bugs with a specific rule like assigned-to-you <Noldorin> fair enough <Noldorin> sounds like an orthogonal feature to me though <lifeless> but there isn't a way to combine these two primitives <Noldorin> could work equally well on top of the old or new namespace system <lifeless> in terms of computer code, certainly. In terms of UI, I'm not so sure <lifeless> /~ubuntu-council/ubuntu/~lifeless <lifeless> ^ what would that really mean? <Noldorin> that would be invalid syntax to me <Noldorin> under what i'm proposing, at least <lifeless> in which case, you're proposing this other feature not be implementable :) <Noldorin> perhaps you envisage my suggested changes as more radical than they in fact are <lifeless> Noldorin: I don't think they are radical <Noldorin> good <Noldorin> :-) <lifeless> Noldorin: but they have consequences <lifeless> such as changing the potential hierarchy from intersection-of-interests to control-of-components <lifeless> (and diluting the concept of 'project|distro identity') <lifeless> there are some good social arguments around identity being a claimed/earnt thing rather than an imposed thing <lifeless> 'centre of gravity' <lifeless> etc <Noldorin> lifeless, so just to be clear, give me an example of a current structure/feature that would break in a potentially bad way under my proposed system <lifeless> the one I gave before <lifeless> my bugs in the context of ubuntu, where ubuntu has been redefined as ~ubuntu-council/ubuntu <Noldorin> can that be done presently though? <Noldorin> sorry if i'm just ignorant about Launchpad features <lifeless> It is an open opportunity today <Noldorin> there's some i inevitably don't use <lifeless> its not implemented <Noldorin> okay <lifeless> I'm exploring the consequences of your suggestion <lifeless> one of them is that this other thing would be a lot harder <Noldorin> lifeless, so your argument is that if you implement mine in the future, ~ubuntu-council/ubuntu/~lifeless would appear confusing, eh? <Noldorin> (e.g.) <lifeless> right <Noldorin> hmm <lifeless> and in fact branches work this way today <lifeless> branches are ~$USER/$PROJECT/$BRANCHNAME <lifeless> so if you redefine project as being defined by a user <Noldorin> lifeless, unless it's associated with a series, in which case it's $project/$branchname, no? <Noldorin> or at least aliased to such <lifeless> ~lifeless/ubuntu/foo would become something like ~lifeless/~ubuntu-council/ubuntu/foo <lifeless> indeed, the series provides an alias <Noldorin> hmm <Noldorin> okay, i see your point <Noldorin> lifeless, this is a fairly high priority feature you guys want to implement then, i take it? <lifeless> well, branches already work this way <Noldorin> so it would make sense for bugs to as well, yeah... <StevenK> It would? Branches look like nothing else inside LP. :-( <lifeless> you can argue that we have been inconsistent about how different primitives interact <lifeless> and I'd accept that <lifeless> but I feel that adding inconsistency when there is a clear conflict would be unwise; we'd need to have *some* way forward to resolve the inconsistency <Noldorin> lifeless, so it really boils down to the URL syntax, in some respects. perhaps something like ~lifeless <lifeless> the overall goal being to decrease the amount of special-casing needed to learn how LP works. <Noldorin> err one sec: <Noldorin> ~ubuntu-council/ubuntu/#~lifeless <Noldorin> or even query strings <Noldorin> yes i concur with that general aim <Noldorin> i thing the problem is with this proposal for the URL syntax for a user's bugs in a certain project <Noldorin> lifeless, the url would be slightly confusing even under the current project namespace system <Noldorin> (i.e. global namespaces) <Noldorin> maybe not as much, but there would be semantic inconsistencies <Noldorin> for sure <Noldorin> or ambiguity <lifeless> indeed <lifeless> it could mean 'my bugs' like it means 'my branches' or it could mean 'things I'm interested in' without implying ownership <lifeless> or $other <Noldorin> so i think we need to sacrifice URL terseness by making the semantics clearer... <Noldorin> if at the expense of length/verbosity, then so be it <Noldorin> that's my proposal <Noldorin> (ideally not query strings, but you get the idea i think...) <Noldorin> lifeless, does that sound reasonable? <wgrant> cjohnston: The API method we discussed yesterday is on production now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1012430/ <mhall119> cjohnston: sup? <cjohnston> mhall119: < wgrant> cjohnston: The API method we discussed yesterday is on production now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1012430/ <mhall119> yeah, we need a service that does the opposite, takes a launchpad nickname and returns an openid <wgrant> mhall119: That doesn't make sense. <wgrant> mhall119: That's not a 1-1 mapping. <mhall119> I know <wgrant> mhall119: The intent is that you call this on login. <wgrant> So you get the identifier from SSO, and then ask LP who it is. <mhall119> we have username on login (most of the time) <mhall119> from openid <wgrant> Then why do you need the other direction? <mhall119> our problem is when we create users from our Blueprints and Attendees import, and we need to associate them with an openid so they can log in <wgrant> Why not associate them with a username so they can log in? <mhall119> we have username, we don't have openid <mhall119> we can't let them login with an unknown openid using an existing username, because it's not secure <mhall119> I talked to pindonga earlier about adding an API to SSO to give us the info we need, but it'll be a matter of allocating the resouces on that team to get it implemented <wgrant> SSO doesn't have the info you need. <mhall119> what is it missing? <wgrant> What do you need? <mhall119> a list of all openids associated with a given Launchpad nickname <lifeless> Noldorin: I'm not sure its sufficient to avoid the user confusion I referenced <wgrant> SSO can't reasonably give you that. <mhall119> why not? <wgrant> LP could, but it's still really going the wrong way. <wgrant> Because SSO doesn't really know about Launchpad nicknames, except for deprecated legacy reasons. <mhall119> LP only has one openid per profile, doesn't it? <wgrant> No <wgrant> That's precisely the problem. <mhall119> wgrant: well it returns launchpad nicknames as part of the OpenID response <wgrant> mhall119: Right, deprecated legacy reasons. <mhall119> is that really a deprecated use case? <lifeless> mhall119: yes <Noldorin> lifeless, why not? i think you can make it arbitrarily clear/verbose... <mhall119> so at some point SSO won't be able to give us sreg.username? <wgrant> mhall119: Right. <Noldorin> URLs can only convey so much information <lifeless> Noldorin: verbosity doesn't intrinsically increase usability <wgrant> mhall119: Unless it grows its own definition of username. <lifeless> Noldorin: sorry, while this is fascinating, I need to context switch now <Noldorin> lifeless, it decreases ambiguity/confusion if done right, as is the case here :-P <Noldorin> lifeless, okay. something to mull over anyway <Noldorin> catch you later <lifeless> ciao <Noldorin> only other thing i was going to ask about is how the launchpad wiki effort is going, but that can wait ;-) <Noldorin> yeah, bye <lifeless> mhall119: both the SSO developers and LP devs would like to untangle things <wgrant> mhall119: Currently SSO pretends to be separate from LP. They want to be completely separate. <lifeless> mhall119: the SSO split which carried the username across made a mistake in doing that <wgrant> mhall119: But returning LP-specific data is mutually exclusive with that goal. <wgrant> mhall119: And rather confusing. <lifeless> mhall119: what we now believe is that the LP username and group information should have not been offered via Ubuntu SSO <mhall119> so....we will still need a way to create a user from the Launchpad profile prior to that person logging in via SSO, but we'll need to know ahead of time the allowed SSO ids for that user <lifeless> mhall119: because it adds confusion when you consider e.g. browserid, alternative openid providers like facebook and google <lifeless> mhall119: SSO doesn't *have* ids <wgrant> SSO has an OpenID identifier. <wgrant> That's all <mhall119> it does, from my understanding <lifeless> mhall119: thats rather the point; it just has openid urls <mhall119> right, identifyer == id <lifeless> mhall119: this is for summit right? why do you need to know the openid urls a priori? <lifeless> mhall119: why can't you do this: <mhall119> summit, ltp, probably others <lifeless> - allow anyone to sign in via SSO <lifeless> - after they *authenticate* do group mapping via the LP API <lifeless> if they aren't in any groups you recognise, show them a 'you need to sign up <list of relevant LP groups>' <mhall119> we need to map a logged in user to a blueprint subscription <mhall119> for Summit <lifeless> yes <lifeless> I believe what I describe will do that perfectly. <lifeless> Clearly that knowledge isn't getting through the narrow pipe that is IRC:) <wgrant> There is the user rename issue. There's no way to avoid that entirely. <wgrant> Even now it could race if someone does it at a bad time. <mhall119> ok, I think I understand now what you mean <mhall119> so on their first login, when we have *only* an openid url, we use that to lookup the username to give them? <lifeless> mhall119: on every login <mhall119> right, ok <wgrant> The idea is that your internal key is username, not OpenID identifier. <mhall119> unfortunately that would require changes to django-openid-auth that would be specific to Launchpad <lifeless> mhall119: you need to have a mapping of openidurl -> username <mhall119> lifeless: yes, django-openid-auth does that <lifeless> mhall119: and you can have many openidurls->sameusername <mhall119> but it expects username to come from the OpenID SReg response <mhall119> lifeless: yes <lifeless> mhall119: if you then see an existing openidurl -> differentusername <lifeless> you can handle the rename a few ways <lifeless> you can make a new local username and delete the old mapping <lifeless> or you can update the username <mhall119> we already handle renames (coming from SReg response) <lifeless> great <lifeless> then this doesn't need any django-openid-auth changes, you just need an additional plugin to let you do group mapping via the LP API <mhall119> so, here's the first of our problems, the openid identity url we currently get from launchpadlib doesn't match what SSO sends us when they log in <lifeless> the problem there is that you are *getting an openid url from launchpadlib* <lifeless> its what wgrant said way back: thats the wrong way to map <wgrant> mhall119: what lifeless said <wgrant> mhall119: Now, I ensured that the new API accepts either login.launchpad.net or login.ubuntu.com <wgrant> So whichever provider you're using will work. <mhall119> so http://paste.ubuntu.com/1012430/ won't be using the same openid url that launchpadlib is telling us is associated with that nickname? <mhall119> wgrant: the problem wasn't the domain part, it was the ID part <wgrant> mhall119: launchpadlib doesn't expose OpenID identifiers AFAIK <mhall119> the last bit of the URL would be different <mhall119> wgrant: it does <wgrant> The method I added yesterday is the first one. <lifeless> mhall119: when you say 'launchpadlib is telling us is associated with that nickname?' what *exactly* do you mean <mhall119> let me find the code <wgrant> mhall119: Are you sure you're not thinking of scraping from https://launchpad.net/~username? <wgrant> mhall119: AFAIK that's the only place we expose it. <wgrant> In the XRDS delegation stuff on that page. <wgrant> That was only ever designed to be used as an OpenID endpoint -- not for Summit and Gerrit to scrape for other purposes :) <mhall119> wgrant: ah, you are right, it's not from launchpad lib, I thought it was <mhall119> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/trunk/view/head:/summit/schedule/launchpad.py#L40 <mhall119> yeah, looks like it's scraping <mhall119> ok, so we can use your API now instead? <wgrant> Scraping will give you a URL like https://login.launchpad.net/+id/4tLsDY8 <wgrant> The new API accepts that, as well as s/launchpad.net/ubuntu.com/ <mhall119> hmm, that'll still require some changes to the login auth code <mhall119> since it currently creates a new user with the SReg username, when a matching user doesn't already exist <mhall119> wgrant: making SSO stop providing user and group info is going to break a lot of stuff, not just our django apps, but the drupal and wordpress plugins too * mhall119 is glad he won't be responsible for fixing those <wgrant> mhall119: Sure, they'll probably have to provide it for years. But we want to stop adding new consumers of it ASAP. <wgrant> So we can actually have some hope of migrating within the decade. <lifeless> well <lifeless> so what will happen is that SSO will start using the LP API itself <wgrant> Right, that too. <lifeless> so we can support it indefinitely <lifeless> anyone doing funkies though, or working with LP, should stop using it immediately, because its single-valued nature leads to the issues you're having <mhall119> maybe it would be better to fork django-openid-auth and make it django-launchpad-auth <lifeless> mhall119: LP doesn't *do* auth :P <lifeless> mhall119: its a separation between identification and authenticaiton <mhall119> no, but we could use login.launchpad.net and then call Launchpad APIs to get username and group info <lifeless> mhall119: making a separate module that doesn't do any of openid, and teach django-openid-auth and it to play nice would be a good beneficial project <mhall119> django auth doesn't separate identity from auth <mhall119> so I'm not sure we'll be able to cleanly separate them <lifeless> mhall119: no, you can't use login.launchpad.net sensibly, in the medium future LP will want to support other openid providers and (perhaps) things like browser.id <lifeless> mhall119: we'll provide a mapping API for any new authentication groups we support <lifeless> mhall119: well, you really want, AIUI, is group mapping for an identity <mhall119> right, and we'll have to support all of those users on Summit and LTP <lifeless> mhall119: you can get your identity from login.ubuntu.com and map groups via LP <lifeless> mhall119: which is my point, your problem isn't in openid's remit, never was. <lifeless> mhall119: so you just need a post-auth step within django to do the group mapping <wgrant> sreg is designed for Simple Registration <mhall119> and username mapping <wgrant> It's not meant to be used for mapping to other services. <lifeless> mhall119: we don't care about usernames <mhall119> we do <lifeless> well <wgrant> OpenID SReg doesn't make much sense here, since you get all your identity information from Launchpad. <lifeless> you'll have that problem with third party openid and browser id too <wgrant> You only care about OpenID for auth. <lifeless> so I still think forking django-openid-auth is a poor idea <mhall119> well we'll have to change it, whether upstream or in a fork <lifeless> indeed <mhall119> an either add launchpad-specific code to it, or add hooks that will let us call external code when creating a new user record in Django <wgrant> mhall119: Sounds like you want to split out django-openid-auth's SReg stuff into a separate module that you can replace <wgrant> If it's not already hookable. <mhall119> it's not, IIRC <lifeless> mhall119: hooks :) <mhall119> fun <windbuntu> nasty bug in brasero in 12.04 ubuntu <StevenK> This is not the place to ask about that. <Daviey> oopstastic, OOPS-fc6e9ba04bf0ad1262968049d512d137 <ubot5> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=fc6e9ba04bf0ad1262968049d512d137 <Daviey> status: Doomed <lifeless> Daviey: seems usually pretty well behaved <lifeless> Daviey: 99% under 2.94s - try again ? <Daviey> lifeless: yep, worked now.. but did fail 5 refreshes spread over about 1 minute <lifeless> Daviey: first 2 can be different slaves easily enough <Daviey> right <Daviey> i'd just never seen a timeout when going to +related-software before <lifeless> it runs a slowish query 4 times <lifeless> maybe more on success <lifeless> slow == 285ms <lifeless> Daviey: oh, hah, s I know why it timed out for you :) <lifeless> you, my friend, are the 1% <soren> Daviey: What, really? I've seen that loads of times. <lifeless> Daviey: https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/msg09410.html <lifeless> Daviey: this page works well most of the time, so its now capped at 5s <lifeless> Daviey: which means when it doesn't work well, it will oops <soren> Daviey: I can't remember when I've last seen my own related-software page and I dont think I've uploaded that many packages, really. People like cjwatson or doko are far, far worse off. <lifeless> soren: 29 / 3 Person:+related-software <lifeless> time outs per day <soren> "29 out of 3"? :-/ <lifeless> no <lifeless> 29 hard, 3 soft <soren> Ah. <lifeless> a soft logs data for us to analyse <lifeless> a hard gets cut off to free resources <soren> Soft timeouts are just logged, hard ones are seen by the requestor? <soren> Gotcha. <lifeless> soren: it gets 6.5K hits per day <lifeless> soren: so 29 timeouts out of 6500 <lifeless> or 1 in 200 <soren> lifeless: No doubt it works for most people. <lifeless> indeed <lifeless> asymmetric access patterns like this are common in LP <lifeless> it will now be more visible as an issue :) <soren> I sometimes wish there was a special im_willing_to_wait_for_this_for_however_long_it_takes paramater. <soren> Giving yourself incentive to speed things up (a noble goal for sure) is great, but as a user, slow access is often times better than no access at all. * czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging <TheLordOfTime> permissions question. if a person is on bug control for a specific ubuntu package, does that person get access to the private security bugs for said package? <TheLordOfTime> czajkowski: would you happen to know? <czajkowski> TheLordOfTime: just doing something brb <TheLordOfTime> mhm <czajkowski> TheLordOfTime: so have you seen http://blog.launchpad.net/general/how-bug-information-types-work-with-privacy <czajkowski> TheLordOfTime: what is the actual issue ? <TheLordOfTime> czajkowski: question posed to a bugcontrol admin (jorge castro) in regards to an individual package, and whether a bug control member for that specific package can see private bugs related to said package. <TheLordOfTime> since jorge didn't know, he suggested i ask here :P <czajkowski> sinzui: could you elaboate more here please? <sinzui> TheLordOfTime, at this moment, ANY subscribed user/team can see and change the bug <TheLordOfTime> does this include security/private bugs on a package? <TheLordOfTime> i.e. things that are newly reported security bugs against said package get marked as private automatically (from what i've seen thus far) <sinzui> TheLordOfTime, for Ubuntu, only ubuntu-security gets automatic access (via automatic subscription) to embargoed security bugs. Ubuntu has a very specific rule that no other person/team gets automatic access. Lp has a hack to ensure that it does not work like all other projects <TheLordOfTime> thought so, that was the question. thanks. <czajkowski> sinzui: thanks <czajkowski> sinzui: I know how to make a project private and with that the code and bugs, <czajkowski> to do the inverse unticking the bugs and private and changing the licence? <czajkowski> how do I sort out the code? <sinzui> czajkowski, I do not understand <sinzui> czajkowski, are you saying you want to open the code and bugs? <czajkowski> sinzui: yes <czajkowski> sinzui: am trying to work this out to help arielweil <sinzui> czajkowski, only the project maintainer can change the project license, so nothing happens when you untick private-by-default bugs, and I am not even sure how to make code public. <czajkowski> sinzui: aye we've never done it going the other way <sinzui> czajkowski, with code, first the default-private needs to be removed (can it?). <arielweil> czajkowski, sinzui: the goal is not to lose all of our history, and also to keep the current project name, url, etc. Ideally everything will be public, and we'll switch a (very) few bugs and branches private to protect customer privacy. <czajkowski> sinzui: never done it before, not seen a request like this <sinzui> czajkowski, changing the default rules does not change existing private bugs and branch... <sinzui> Once the default rules are changed... <sinzui> The project maintainers push the public version of their series branches. They then delete the private versions, then finish by linking the public branches to the series <sinzui> czajkowski, Users cannot change the existing branches, and maybe they do not want to since the branch history might contain information that should not be public <czajkowski> arielweil: this making sense to you for your deadline to make this happen <sinzui> czajkowski, when Lp went public, it was decide that all history was okay to be public, but our profanity might offend the faint of heart, so we pushed up a branch with no bad word. <czajkowski> nods * czajkowski is in a meeting for the next while so will come back if needed to this <arielweil> sinzui, czajkowski: so as a maintainer of our project I can take the project, as well as individual branches and bugs public at my discretion. Anything new I'll have the option of making public/private? <arielweil> sinzui: (since czajkowski's away), is that about right? <sinzui> arielweil, czajkowski a webops can use super powers to make branch public once the "forbidden" rule is removed <sinzui> arielweil, Lp's code management is unusable. no user can change a branch's visibility between public/private * sinzui will fix this in next month <arielweil> sinzui: ah, so email to whom to get the process underway? Or should I time this appropriately and DM you via irc? <jf_> hi, how to get help on bug #869022 ? I can't branch my project ! <ubot5> Launchpad bug 869022 in Bazaar "ValueError: Something wrong with: cp_off = 2314752, cp_size = 3 source_size = 494614, size = 89493" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/869022 <sinzui> arielweil, czajkowski can change the default rule, then ask the webops to make the series branches public. Other branches will remain private forever. You can delete them then push a new version of the branch, which will be public <arielweil> sinzui: thanks! <sinzui> jam, jelmer can either you you help jf_? <czajkowski> arielweil: are you ok with me changing the default rule today or do you want to wait till tomorrow ? <arielwei_> czajkowski: sorry, you can change the default rule today <czajkowski> ok will do <czajkowski> arielwei_: can you pm me the project name please <colon_D> Anyone else seeing this error when uploading to launchpad? Unhandled exception processing upload: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/tmp/tmpmMsATk/trafficserver-3.1.3/debian/copyright <penguin42> hi, I'm getting a reliable 'Processing Failed' when clicking on a 'Download diff' link in a patch of mine from the patch on here https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-treblig/ubuntu/precise/procps/fix-for-bug-965341 <geser> colon_D: which permission does debian/copyright have when you unpack your source package? <nwilliams> sinzui: ping <sinzui> hi <nwilliams> sinzui: Hi! I'm a developer on Persistit that arielwei_ has been bugging you about. Specifics I can assist with? <sinzui> nwilliams, akiban-persistit is becoming public and need to be reconfigured to complete this <sinzui> nwilliams, There are two options to making the code public. The fastest route is to ask a WebOps to make branch linked to https://launchpad.net/akiban-persistit/trunk public. If the commit history cannot be made public, then I suggest deleting the current branch, then push up a new branch with just the files from the tree to reset the revision to 1. <sinzui> nwilliams, Once the base branch is public, new branches that are pushed to Lp will also be public. Branches that are already private remain private because their history or content cannot automatically be concluded to be public <nwilliams> sinzui: If I have a branch that was constructed by fast-export, fast-import-filter, and fast-import (to get rid of non-public bits), will pushing that into /trunk do it? Or does it need to be a branch new branch with rev1? <colon_D> geser: 644, root:root <sinzui> nwilliams, the rev number is not important, but you do need to delete the existing branch...the identity information in the branch are what Lp sees to know it is private. When you ask Lp to delete the branch, it knows to also remove the privacy rule for it <nwilliams> sinzui: If I attempt to delete that branch, I get this error: "This branch cannot be deleted as it has 265 branches sharing revisions. " <geser> colon_D: looks ok, if trafficserver-3.1.3 and trafficserver-3.1.3/debian have also sane permissions, then I've no idea and you have to wait on someone with access to that tmp-directory to check <colon_D> geser: thanks. I have tried uploading a few times and have gotten the same error since friday <sinzui> nwilliams, okay, just unlink the branch, the push and link the new branch. These at least tells us how many branches will remain private <nwilliams> sinzui: arielwei_: Looks like that did the trick. Thanks! <arielwei_> nwilliams, sinzui: huzzah! <dlynch> Hi everyone, I have a project on launchpad and the automatic import of translations seems to have stopped. Is this the right place to see how I can fix it? <lifeless> sure <lifeless> I suspect our friendly support person has finished for their day, so you might want to file a ticket at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/ <dlynch> ok thanks lifeless :) <alkisg> While trying to delete our "sch-devs" team: "This team cannot be deleted until its mailing list is first deactivated, then purged after the deactivation is confirmed." <alkisg> I deactivated the mailing list, but I see no option to delete it, what should I do? <czajkowski> alkisg: hi if you file a question https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/ <czajkowski> alkisg: it'll get looked at <alkisg> Thank you czajkowski, doing so right now... * czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging <alkisg> czajkowski: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/198806 - thank you :) <czajkowski> alkisg: done <alkisg> Cool, ty <alkisg> czajkowski: I had set "ts.sch.gr" as our project (sch-scripts) Maintainer and Driver, but unfortunately lp:~sch-devs/sch-scripts now went to https://code.launchpad.net/~registry/sch-scripts/trunk... Can it be moved to ~ts.sch.gr ? <alkisg> (or deleted, we have the branch locally and can push it again) <alkisg> ...although then we'd lose the bug history :( <Zoohouse> Hello everyone <sinzui> alkisg, looks like a team was deleted, which transferred the branch to ~registry so that the project would keep working <alkisg> sinzui: true, but I thought that setting the Maintainer and Driver to a new team before deleting the team that owned sch-scripts would be enough, unfortunately it wasn't, and I don't know what I should have done to avoid that <sinzui> alkisg, make me a member of https://launchpad.net/~ts.sch.gr then I will change the branch owner to the team. I can leave the team when the branch is transferred <alkisg> Thanks, doing so... <alkisg> sinzui: done <Zoohouse> If I set a second branch (0.02-dev) as the current development branch, does that mean when I run bzr push it will merge my changes with the 0.02-dev branch? <sinzui> alkisg, Done <alkisg> Thank you both very much, and sorry for the trouble :) <sinzui> Zoohouse, No. Changing the focus of development/series branch does not change the existing branches. They continue to be stacked on their previous branches. New branches will be stacked on the new branch <sinzui> Zoohouse, If you delete the branch, then repush, it will be restacked on the new focus of development <Zoohouse> sinzui: At the moment I only have 1 branch (0.01-dev) in the 0.01 series. Right now all I do is bzr push lp:<project> and updates 0.01-dev. Would I have to do bzr push lp:<project>/<branch>? <Zoohouse> Would I have to do bzr push lp:<project>/<branch> to get a new branch is what I meant to ask <sinzui> Zoohouse, exactly <Zoohouse> ah <Zoohouse> Is it normal to delete old branches? Or do you keep them? <sinzui> Zoohouse, Branches are rarely deleted. Lp detects one one branch merges into another and then updates the status. <sinzui> Merged branches are hidden from the default page views, but you can always search for them if you want to see the old branch <Zoohouse> sinzui: Ok let me see if I understand this. There's one branch for development, branch 1 for example, that branch matures and becomes a release. Then that same branch changes name to 2 or whatever and continues until it matures to a release and so on <Zoohouse> That's how it works? <sinzui> Zoohouse, that is one workflow. It is not common. <sinzui> Zoohouse, Most project have one branch for trunk. The make releases from trunk. If they want to support an old release, create a series for it, and branch/clone/fork trunk at that point to maintain a separate branch <Zoohouse> sinzui: do the help pages have different workflow examples? I'm looking but haven't found it yet <sinzui> Zoohouse, yes * sinzui looks <sinzui> Zoohouse, https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/SeriesMilestonesReleases <Zoohouse> sinzui: This is the closest I've seen to a workflow https://help.launchpad.net/Code/QuickStart#Set_your_project.27s_trunk_branch <Zoohouse> Ah thanks <sinzui> Zoohouse, Since changing the branch linked to a series, does not update all the existing branches, it it better to minimise the work to rebase branches by using the trailing working flow <dds_> hi, I'm getting a PPA upload rejection claiming that the file "opencryptoki_2.4.2-1~lucid1.debian.tar.gz already exists in Goobuntu Laptop Testing" (https://launchpad.net/~goobuntu-team/+archive/glaptop-testing/), but I deleted that file over an hour ago and continue to get this rejection message. <dds_> looking at the above link, you won't find any ~lucid1 files <Zoohouse> sinzui: wonderful, thank you for your help <sinzui> np #launchpad 2012-05-30 <Noldorin> hi guys <Noldorin> lifeless, jelmer <lifeless> hi there <MechanisM> hello. who can help me with creating ppa? <MechanisM> I'm so bored that ubuntu doesn't have latest chromium builds so I'm going to create new ppa with all latest builds and maintain it daily builds like <lifeless> https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa <MechanisM> lifeless you sure it's latest? it has 18 chromium while now it's 21! <MechanisM> and it's called daily builds and latest build on january? <lifeless> micahg: ^ sup with that ? <MechanisM> lifeless I mean repos called daily builds but latest built there is only date january. actually all builds outdated even compare to stable. <MechanisM> I'm already discussed it with ppl here http://askubuntu.com/questions/112432/chromium-19-for-ubuntu <-- since 19 chromium I'm missing builds on chromium-daily ppa <MechanisM> Guys I'm a lot of time coding and so much need latest chromium coz I like it and work via this browser. Please help me create repos and I'll maintain it. So other ppl can use it. I'm really care about latest chromium builds <MechanisM> Currently I'm using bash script to download latest builds and put it in folders used by chromium-daily <lifeless> so there is a ppa that is meant to have daily builds alread <lifeless> chromium takes ages to build, its a waste to ahve two daily ppas. <lifeless> micahg runs the ppa, so I've asked him. <lifeless> Now we wait for a response:) <MechanisM> ok I hope this repos will back <MechanisM> lifeless sometimes not needed to build. just download from build server and package it as deb <MechanisM> all builds on build server <lifeless> MechanisM: Part of the way we make Ubuntu trustworthy is making the code that goes into it auditable and inspectable. <lifeless> MechanisM: downloading binaries from somewhere else and then uploading them would circumvent that entirely. <MechanisM> for example latest build of chromium for x64 is http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/Linux_x64/139446/chrome-linux.zip just needed to be packaged. It's already built on ubuntu 12.04 <MechanisM> lifeless okay I see your point <lifeless> I'll nag micahg when he comes online <MechanisM> lifeless okay I'm glad someone can see this problem <MechanisM> web dev not so good without lates chromium builds <MechanisM> lifleless btw do you know someone I can talk with my project related to ubuntu? I'm creating website where ppl can design and generate their own gtk3 themes and donload it etc. <MechanisM> about my project* <lifeless> MechanisM: what sort of role should this person have? <MechanisM> lifeless I'm just wanna know if it's really needed to community and if yes I need to find someone who can help etc. <MechanisM> to join the team <lifeless> so for the former bit, you could ask around, see how many folk want it <lifeless> for finding help, you can blog about it, and if lots of folk want it, they''ll probably repost it etc. :) <MechanisM> lifeless I know about it. So until I show any result noone cares <MechanisM> I wanted to get help before releses and not telling to others before release <jimis1> In a bug report, can I use special syntax for pasting code segments? <jimis1> like the {{{blah blah}}} in other wikis <bigjools> no, there's no special syntax. You can attach patches though. <lifeless> bigjools: someone should finish poolies markdown branch ;) <lifeless> bigjools: by which I mean prod testing and feature flag enablement <bigjools> lifeless: you sound like a volunteer! <jimis1> alright, thanks bigjools <jimis1> bug filed, bzr slowness again :-p <micahg> lifeless: I've had a build failure for weeks on generating the translations for chromium 19, it's on my list (I've been off since Fri) <jf_> hi, please could you help me on bug #869022 : I can't branch my project. <ubot5> Launchpad bug 869022 in Bazaar "ValueError: Something wrong with: cp_off = 2314752, cp_size = 3 source_size = 494614, size = 89493" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/869022 <czajkowski> jelmer: are you alive? <czajkowski> mgz: vila jam ^^^^^^ <vila> jf_: as explained in the bug, your local repository seem to be corrupted, you need to create a new one from lp. From there, you can try to rescue local bits if needed (but don't hold your breath) <jam> czajkowski: I'm around, but I don't know if jelmer is alive or not, I assume he is <jam> when I stopped by earlier, jf was no longer in chat <jf_> vila, is not the local repositroy but the repository in bazaar <czajkowski> was just help with bzr :) <vila> jf_: note that all corruption reports we got in the past years have all been linked to either: hard disk dying or hard crashes leading to disk corruption <jf_> vila, I can't push nor pull from.to my project <wgrant> vila: The repository on LP is corrupt. <vila> on lp ??? <vila> darn, misread the bug, let me try <vila> jf_: reproduced locally, digging <jf_> so you will fix it ? :) <vila> jf_: hold on, I trying to understand what the issue is, it's a pre-requisite to even pretend it can be fixed :) <jf_> vila, ok thanks <vila> jf_: I can branch lp:unifield-server/sprint4 at least (but trunk and main fail) <vila> weird, after branching sprint4 (in a local shared repo), both trunk and main succeed <vila> jam: can you imagine what can allow such a scenario ?? <jf_> vila, yes I know, it's very strange, but you can't: "bzr diff -c 3359.2.65" <wgrant> vila: That sounds rather expected. <wgrant> vila: The relevant repo bits are uncorrupted in sprint4. <wgrant> vila: So if you branch that first, it won't try to retrieve the corrupt bits from trunk... <vila> wgrant: on how can trunk and main succeed when I retry then ? <jam> vila: if there is a specific block that is bad, you only get the error when accessing it. so if you have a duplicate copy of the data that gets used, or if the current tip doesn't access it, etc. <wgrant> vila: It'll see the relevant texts or whatever are already in your shared repo, so it won't try to download them from trunk. <mgz> what's the bug #? predated me joining the channel. <wgrant> mgz: Bug #869022 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 869022 in Bazaar "ValueError: Something wrong with: cp_off = 2314752, cp_size = 3 source_size = 494614, size = 89493" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/869022 <mgz> ta. <vila> jam: hmm, so a repack will be a russian roulette ? <jam> vila: repack will always touch everything <jam> so either it will always fail, or it will succeed and clean things up <vila> jam: but select one out of the duplicates right ? <wgrant> I suspect you want to just empty out the branch on LP and repush it from a good local copy. <jam> if it is dupes, yes <wgrant> Which can be obtained by grabbing sprint4 first. <vila> right, russian roulette indeed <jf_> wgrant, I can't push to a new repo <jf_> revno 3359.2.65 is corrupted when I push or when I pull <vila> jf_: this revno comes from which branch ? <jf_> vila, it comes from lp:openobject-server/6.0 <vila> nah, I wanted the context where this revno is valid, it's neither in trunk nor sprint4 <vila> 3359.2.65 is a 'launchpad automatic translation update' in trunk <vila> even weirder, sprint4 is stacked on trunk... <wgrant> What if the revision was first in sprint4, and merged into trunk later, at which point it was corrupted? <vila> ha right, several merges from sprint4 into trunk <vila> wgrant: yup <jf_> I think there isn't any merge from sprint4 to trunk <jf_> everything is developped on trunk and then push to sprint4 <vila> bzr check bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unifield-team/unifield-server/trunk fails <vila> bzr: ERROR: Corruption while decompressing repository file, zlib: Error -3 while decompressing data: incorrect data check <wgrant> vila: Interestingly, I can't branch sprint4 locally over bzr+ssh <wgrant> Or HTTP <vila> 8-/ <wgrant> Ah <wgrant> main branches OK <vila> wgrant: try 'bzr init-repo xxx; cd xxx; bzr branch lp...' ? <jf_> to my mind, the only branch I can't branch from scratch is lp:unifield-server/main <wgrant> Yeah, main branches from scratch fine, trunk/sprint4 don't <wgrant> main has the relevant data uncorrupted. <vila> wgrant: standalone branches ? <vila> no, main, does not contain everything used in trunk/sprint4 <wgrant> vila: Standalone branches of trunk/sprint4 fail, main works. If I then branch main into a shared repo, I can branch trunk/sprint4 into it. <vila> ha, right <vila> bzr check bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unifield-team/unifield-server/main fails nevertheless <wgrant> vila: Hm, indeed. <wgrant> The repo with all 3 has a zlib error. <vila> yeah, but no indication of which file <wgrant> But all three trees build. <vila> note that (as mentioned earlier) zlib error strongly hint corruption <wgrant> Oh yes. <vila> but I've never ever heard about corruption on lp repos :-/ <vila> by corruption I mean: hardware failure, crash, nothing inside bzr itself <wgrant> Well <vila> main is not stacked <wgrant> If it was not using normal smartserver ops it could reasonably happen. <vila> sprint4 is stacked on trunk <vila> wgrant: what do you mean ? <wgrant> vila: "reasonably" meaning a client-side RAM issue or similar. <vila> wgrant: hmm, you mean, RAM issue locally when creating the pack file which is then uploaded ? <wgrant> vila: Right, something like that seems most likely to me. <vila> never heard about such a scenario, not sure we have additional checks for that nor when the md5 is processed though <wgrant> Given that none of LP, bzr or SSH are known for corrupting things. <vila> oh right, yeah, when you've ruled out the unlikely... <vila> still, it's weird we have the corruption in both main and trunk/sprint4 (or even in the 3 of them) but still manage to branch them all <wgrant> main and trunk seem to be corrupted in different ways. <wgrant> vila: Huh, now this is interesting. <wgrant> vila: Can branch main, and can branch trunk into that. <wgrant> But can't branch trunk *out* of that. <vila> urgh <wgrant> So it can build the trunk tree in the repo, but you can't branch it from that repo to elsewhere... wtf <vila> I just did <vila> bzr branch trunk out-of-trunk <vila> Branched 3401 revisions. <wgrant> vila: That looks like you're branching within the repo. <vila> wgrant: yes. That's not what you meant by 'out of that' ? <wgrant> vila: I meant branching from inside the repo to out of it. <vila> ha <vila> yeah, reproduced, ouch <wgrant> There's only 33 extra mainline revs in trunk <wgrant> Aha <wgrant> Salvaged. <wgrant> I have a clean standalone trunk branch. <wgrant> vila, jf_: ^^ <jf_> wgrant, great ! <wgrant> Let me just run a few checks and then we can work on fixing the one on LP. <jf_> wgrant, thanks <wgrant> vila: How's your link to LP? <wgrant> vila: I don't really want to push up 67MB over 512kbps if I can help it. <vila> well done, I have a list of corrupted entries here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1014470/ <mgz> wgrant: do the ops over ssh to a machine in london? <wgrant> mgz: Hopefully nowhere in London has my SSH key, but maybe. <wgrant> Anyway, the key is to use lp:openobject-server as the base. <wgrant> Seed the repo with that, then you can branch lp:unifield-server fine. <wgrant> So we should probably delete lp:unifield-server's .bzr, then push up a clean copy from the seeded repo. * vila blinks <vila> wgrant: I don't enough about lp internals to do that kind of stuff (which I agree is the right thing to do though, just checking I find no corruption in lp:openobject-server) <wgrant> checked repository <bzrlib.transport.local.LocalTransport url=file:///home/wgrant/really/trunk/> format RepositoryFormat2a() 6611 revisions 2418 file-ids <wgrant> I got a bit uncreative with branch names by the 20th try <wgrant> really/trunk is a copy of lp:unifield-server <wgrant> vila: The broken revision is a massive merge of lp:openobject-server, so I tried seeding with that, and it all seems happy. <vila> ok, reproduced locally, in a shared repo, branch lp:openobject-server then lp:unifield-server(main,trunk,sprint4) run repodetails there, no corruption <wgrant> Yep <mgz> I've got a machine in the data center with that on it. <mgz> tell me where to poke things and I will. <wgrant> mgz: Push it up to like lp:~mgz/+junk/unifield-server or so <mgz> sure <vila> mgz: beat me to it :) <mgz> is done. <wgrant> We can then get either jf_ or an admin to branch mgz's copy locally, rename lp:unifield-server's .bzr to something else, then "bzr push --use-existing-dir lp:unifield-server". <mgz> main is a strict subset, right? <vila> no <wgrant> No <wgrant> 5 extra revs in main <vila> but the repo should contains everything <mgz> sprint4 and trunk are the same thing <vila> yes <wgrant> Ah, indeed, sprint4 is identical. <vila> meh, subset != superset, but anyway, they diverge <mgz> if main has 5 revs not present, what I just pushed will not be enough <wgrant> mgz: What did you push? <vila> mgz: push trunk then push --overwrite main <wgrant> I doubt any revs unique to main are corrupted <vila> so the repo will get them all <wgrant> But it's possible, I guess. <mgz> yeah, I'll cheat and get those revs in as well <wgrant> jf_: Still around? <jf_> wgrant, yes, should I do something ? <wgrant> jf_: lp:~gz/+junk/unifield-server is a fixed copy of lp:unifield-server <wgrant> jf_: Now we just need to replace lp:unifield-server with it. <jf_> wgrant, ok <vila> argh ! I meet melmoth at 12:00 ! Should run <jf_> wgrant, who is "we" in "we just need" ? <wgrant> jf_: you or a Launchpad sysadmin. So ideally you :) <jf_> wgrant, ok so I need to: bzr branch lp:~gz/+junk/unifield-server in a standalone repo ? <wgrant> jf_: Right, eg. in /tmp somewhere. <wgrant> It must not be in a shared repo which has been anywhere near the broken branch. <jf_> ok should I make a backup of branches in lp:unifield-server ? <wgrant> jf_: You'll also need lp:hitchhiker. I'll tell you how to use hitchhiker to remove the broken branch content from Launchpad. <wgrant> jf_: Might be a good idea, but it might be difficult because of the corruption. <jf_> ok <wgrant> Once you're ready, in your local branch of hitchhiker, run './hitchhiker lp:unifield-server'. Once that's connected you should say 'rename .bzr backup.bzr'. <wgrant> Then you can switch over to your copy of the fixed branch, then 'bzr push --use-existing-dir lp:unifield-server' <wgrant> And that should fix it. <jf_> wgrant, I'm pushing, it should take time .... <wgrant> jf_: Yeah, you'll have to push the full 67MB or so, since it's the trunk branch that you're recovering :( <jf_> wgrant, done * wgrant tries. <wgrant> Branched 3401 revision(s). <wgrant> Branched 3401 revision(s). <wgrant> jf_: That's fixed it! <jf_> wgrant, ok many thanks, should I remove all my corrupted shared repo ? <wgrant> jf_: Yeah, you and anyone else working on the project will probably need to recreate any shared repos from scratch. <wgrant> It won't re-corrupt the branch on LP, but it will still be corrupt locally. <jf_> wgrant, ok perfect ! <jf_> wgrant, many many thanks <wgrant> jf_: np, glad we could sort it out. <czajkowski> jam: jelmer vila mgz can someone look into this please. https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1006323 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1006323 in Launchpad itself "ppa statistics broken since approx. 2012-05-21" [Undecided,New] * mgz has a look <vila> wgrant: thanks (I should have thought about hitchhiker) <mdeslaur> I'm sure getting a lot of "Processing Failed" errors when trying to download stuff from launchpad bugs and PPAs...is this a current known issue? <james_w> mdeslaur, bug 1000805 probably <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1000805 in Launchpad itself "server errors accessing attachments of private bug reports" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1000805 <mdeslaur> james_w: looks like it, thanks <colon_D> still having a permission denied error when uploading my ppa. anyone around to check what's wrong? <czajkowski> colon_D: what issues are you seeing ? <colon_D> czajkowski: I get this: Rejected: Unhandled exception processing upload: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/tmp/tmpbAwawq/trafficserver-3.1.3/debian/copyright' <czajkowski> colon_D: what lp id and what ppa ? <colon_D> czajkowski: i'm uploading here: https://launchpad.net/~wolfnet/+archive/trafficserver <czajkowski> colon_D: ok let me see if I cna get someone to help <colon_D> czajkowski: thanks :-) <czajkowski> jelmer: if you can would you mind helping colon_D please <dobey> colon_D: is the permissions of that file mode 600 or something? <colon_D> dobey: 644 root:root for everything when I package it up <colon_D> kind of weird it stops on copyright as there are other files like control compat changelog above it with same permissions <dobey> is the debian.tar.gz for that package accessible somewhere? <colon_D> debuild seemed to make one trafficserver_3.1.3-0ubuntu1~precise.debian.tar.gz <jelmer> hi colon_D <colon_D> hi jelmer :] <dobey> colon_D: accessible on the internet by persons other than yourself, in order to look at it directly <dobey> :) <dobey> anyway <dobey> maybe jelmer will help you <jelmer> colon_D: did you see dobey's last question? <colon_D> jelmer: yes I'm not sure what that means <jelmer> colon_D: can you put the .debian.tar.gz file up somewhere? <colon_D> jelmer: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/85144/trafficserver_3.1.3-0ubuntu1%7Eprecise.debian.tar.gz <jelmer> colon_D: the debian/ directory does not have any x bits set <jelmer> so it's imposible for anybody to list its contents <colon_D> jelmer: ah! you are right <colon_D> thanks a lot! I will fix and resubmit <jelmer> colon_D: great :) <colon_D> Awesome! It was accepted. Thanks everyone for the help. User error in the end x_x <broder> how does registering a private project work? are proprietary projects private by default? #launchpad 2012-05-31 <dgeary2> at https://launchpad.net/ltsp i press 'report a bug' and it takes me to a blank screen with only a button which says 'continue' titled 'OpenID transaction in progress'. what does this mean? <wgrant> dgeary2: That's redirecting you to the login page. Do you have JavaScript and cookies enabled? <dgeary2> wgrant, no and no <wgrant> dgeary2: You need at least cookies enabled for login to work basically anywhere on the web. It should work without JavaScript if you click continue, however. <dgeary2> wgrant, thanks <ugoc> Hi <ugoc> I was asking about getting a private subscription to launchpad yesterday, and I got an email telling me to come and discuss more in details here. Is there someone with whom I can discuss this? <huwshimi> ugoc: Hi, the person you need to speak to might not be around at the moment. Let me find out. <ugoc> huwshimi: ok thanks <wgrant> ugoc: Hi. <wgrant> ugoc: What do you need to discuss? <ugoc> wgrant: Hi <ugoc> wgrant: I'm still not sure whether we'd need to pay once and then be able to create multiple projects / repo, or if we need to pay each time we want a new repo. <ugoc> wgrant: In the software we write, we typically need 5-10 different small repos per "project" (not branches) <wgrant> ugoc: A subscription covers a single private project. You can have as many branches of that project as you want. <ugoc> wgrant: ok, so we'd need to pay each time we want to create a new private project :S <ugoc> wgrant: Is there some kind of subscription plan for unlimited projects? <ugoc> wgrant: or at least an interesting price if we have to have more than one private project? <wgrant> ugoc: I don't know of anything like that, but I don't deal with this stuff normally. Can you email commercial@launchpad.net to get in contact with the normal commercial subscription people? <ugoc> wgrant: already did and they pointed me toward the IRC channel to get more info :S <wgrant> ugoc: Do you have a ticket number? <wgrant> Ah, found it. <ugoc> wgrant: [Launchpad Enquires #16245] <wgrant> ugoc: Ah, so czajkowski thought you just meant multiple branches. Can you clarify in the ticket? <ugoc> wgrant: Sure. Is this ticket on a webpage? Or do I just reply to the message <wgrant> ugoc: Just reply to the email. <ugoc> wgrant: ok. Thanks a lot for your answers. <czajkowski> /c/c * czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging <wgrant> ppa.launchpad.net will shortly be offline for a few minutes. <czajkowski> indeed <wgrant> And it's back up. <jonathanj> why would a branch that has been proposed for merging and merged still show up on code.launchpad.net/project_name? <jonathanj> oh, looks like the branch status was still "Development" as opposed to "Merged" <skynet-2000> whos Matt Darcy <skynet-2000> trying to troll me <aquarius> If I'm in a team, and that team is subscribed to a trunk branch for a project, I get mails about all the merges into that trunk branch. Can I stop getting those mails without unsubscribing from the team? My subscriptions page just lists the team's own mailing list <czajkowski> aquarius: I dont think so no * czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging <cmars232> it would be cool if there was a "Report a bug" link on the milestone page. current milestone page is my typical "dashboard" page. <jjohansen> how do I register a branch in lp? The old method of https://code.launchpad.net/~jjohansen/+addbranch <jjohansen> is dumping me into the lost something error page <jjohansen> but the online docs still reference using that method <lifeless> jjohansen: that method never worked reliably and was removed. What docs do you see referring to it? <lifeless> jjohansen: the correct method is to just push the branch <jjohansen> lifeless give /me a sec to find the page again <lifeless> jjohansen: or setup an import of it if its not going to be hosted in LP <jjohansen> lifeless: that isn't working either <jjohansen> the branch is being dropped into the development trunk <jjohansen> lifeless: both these pages refer to/link to registering a branch <jjohansen> https://help.launchpad.net/Code/PersonalBranches <jjohansen> https://help.launchpad.net/Code/MirroredBranches <lifeless> jjohansen: what do you mean 'dropped into the development trunk' <lifeless> jjohansen: what is the exact command you are using that is not working ? <jjohansen> lifeless I mean I pushed to one address (the branch I am trying to create) and it showed up in the original branch that I am branching from <lifeless> ok, and the command you used ? <jjohansen> lifeless: okay I am just not getting this. If I push a new branch the commit shows up in the original, the configure series branch screen lists a completely different branch that is neither the original nor the one I pushed but changing the branch name affects the branch linked in the series * jjohansen thinks this occuring because we are trying to branch a series off but ... <lifeless> jjohansen: please show me the commands you are running <jjohansen> lifeless: bzr push bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/apparmor/2.8/ <sbeattie> lifeless: bzr branch lp:apparmor apparmor-2.8 ; cd apparmor-2.8 ; bzr push --remember lp:apparmor/2.8 <jjohansen> but this is showing up in apparmor/master <lifeless> the series branches are aliases <lifeless> they are not true branches <lifeless> to make a new branch you must push to a real branch like lp:~apparmour-maintainers/apparmor/2.8 <lifeless> (excuse the typo) <sbeattie> hunh, okay. <lifeless> have a look at code.launchpad.net/apparmor/2.8 <lifeless> see where it says p:apparmor/2.8 - Steve Beattie <lifeless> mouse over the branch there <sbeattie> right, the series was originally pointing at trunk, I cleared that and then pushed to that. <lifeless> note that it shows a link to https://code.launchpad.net/~sbeattie/apparmor/trunk <lifeless> sbeattie: you need to a) push a new branch. b) set the pointer. <lifeless> Not the other way around :) * sbeattie is about to adjust that. <sbeattie> lifeless: more clearly, I needed to push a new branch *not using the pointer* <sbeattie> ... and then reset the pointer. <lifeless> sbeattie: thats redunant <lifeless> you cannot push a new branch using the pointer <lifeless> the pointer can only ever point at a branch <lifeless> and it is not itself a branch <lifeless> but, if it helps you, great :) <sbeattie> lifeless: right, it had previously pointed to trunk, which was why when we pushed to lp:apparmor/2.8 it went to lp:~apparmor-dev/apparmor/master <sbeattie> (we had created the series earlier to have milestones that we could target bugs to) <lifeless> yes (in fact that means it still was pointing to trunk, for some reason) <lifeless> jelmer: hey; is https://help.launchpad.net/Code/MirroredBranches at all relevant still? If not, perhaps you could update the wiki to describe what is relevant now you've hacked everything around :) <lifeless> jelmer: I've updated https://help.launchpad.net/Code/PersonalBranches#preview to drop references to registerbranch #launchpad 2012-06-01 <thomi> Hi everyone, I'm getting a 403 HTTP status code returned from ppa.launchpad.net when trying to run 'apt-get update' on a remote machine, but the same URL works perfectly on my local laptop. Can anyone think of a reason for this? <bigjools> exactly the same URL? <bigjools> are you sure it's not a different ubuntu release? <thomi> exactly the same URL, it's: <thomi> http://ppa.launchpad.net/unity-team/staging/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages <bigjools> what does wget say on each? <thomi> on a machine running jenkins it gets 403 - there's no reason why LP would reject that request, is there? <bigjools> no, it's served from Apache <wgrant> thomi: Does the Jenkins machine have a proxy, perhaps? <thomi> wgrant: what's the best way to check that? <thomi> when I use wgat on the same jenkins machine it works, which is interesting <wgrant> thomi: Look in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d <thomi> hmmm, it seems there might indeed be a proxy set for apt <thomi> one file sets "Acquire::http::ProxyAutoDetect" <wgrant> Right. Perhaps the proxy doesn't permit ppa.launchpad.net. <bigjools> or its cache is out of date <thomi> :( <bigjools> or it's just stupid <thomi> ok, not a LP issue then. I guess you guys are in the clear then :P <wgrant> bigjools: Cache out of date causing 403? That's a pretty broken proxy. <bigjools> yes <bigjools> I've seen worse :/ <wgrant> Like, NZ-transparent-proxy brokennes. <thomi> hah <aquarius> lifeless, If I'm in a team, and that team is subscribed to a trunk branch for a project, I get mails about all the merges into that trunk branch. Can I stop getting those mails without unsubscribing from the team? My subscriptions page just lists the team's own mailing list <wgrant> aquarius: There's an edit icon next to the subscription on the branch page. You can select the email level there. <wgrant> But it affects the whole team. <wgrant> Normally we set team subscriptions to send no email. <wgrant> As people can still opt-in by subscribing themselves with mail. <aquarius> wgrant, yeah, it's not my team, so I don't want to turn it off for the whole team :) <wgrant> aquarius: You should ask them to turn it off :) <wgrant> Team notification subscriptions are probably never a useful thing to have. <aquarius> wgrant, that's approach number 2, which I now plan to try :) Cheers, pal <james_w> is there caching of the total counts for pagination? <james_w> we've been seeing things like "1 to 75 of 16" <wgrant> james_w: On bug listings? <james_w> wgrant, PPA subscribers in this case <wgrant> james_w: They use a rough estimate. <wgrant> Because counting them all can be too slow. <james_w> ok <wgrant> It's clearly a little over-rough in this case; perhaps the number has changed recently and the statistics haven't been updated. <james_w> yeah, perhaps it could do max(current_page, guess) :-) <wgrant> Heh <wgrant> We can also make a better estimate in some cases. <james_w> I'm also seeing page 1 saying 1345 and page 2 saying 1076 <wgrant> Currently we either do a full slow count, or EXPLAIN the query and use postgres' estimate. <wgrant> Which are sort of extremes. <james_w> then page 3 saying 1345 <aquarius> New question: I have a bug which actually was a bug but seems to have been fixed through some package being upgraded, or possibly just because the phase of the moon changed or something -- it no longer occurs. But I don't know what fixed it. What status does that bug get? "Fix released" seems rather over-optimistic, but it's not invalid or opinion: it was really actually happening :) <wgrant> aquarius: I'd tend to go with Invalid there, I think. <wgrant> But sometimes Fix Released is appropriate. <aquarius> k. I was going to go with Invalid until I saw the description said "Not a bug. May be a support request or spam." and my hackles went up ;) <bigjools> Fix Released. Just mention what happened in the comment <aquarius> on the bug count thing, google uses a wildly high estimate for first search page and then calculates it more accurately if you bother to move on to page 2 of the results, although that's probably weird for Launchpad stuff: people may well freak if their project says "1 to 75 of 1,000,000" on the bug page :P <james_w> anyway, night all <wgrant> Bugs currently use a slow COUNT query every time, but I'll hopefully be switching common searches to use our new cached counts soonish. <wgrant> Night james_w. <lifeless> aquarius: ohohoh I so want to hardcode that ;) <aquarius> :) <pipedream> How can I get a build log from launchpad for a package that successfully built? <pipedream> https://launchpad.net/~aims/+archive/aims-desktop/+files/rstudio-upstream-deb_0.96.228-10.04ubuntu3_amd64.deb <pipedream> I want to find out why launchpad excludes files which are included when I debuild -b it myself <pipedream> ~/src/rstudio-upstream-deb/rstudio-upstream-deb/amd64/usr/lib/rstudio/bin/plugins/imageformats$ls <pipedream> libqgif.so libqico.so libqjpeg.so libqmng.so libqsvg.so libqtga.so libqtiff.so <wgrant> pipedream: Click the package on <https://launchpad.net/~aims/+archive/aims-desktop/+packages>. You'll see a list of builds, click the amd64 one. Then you'll see a log link. <pipedream> https://launchpadlibrarian.net/106569486/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-amd64.rstudio-upstream-deb_0.96.228-10.04ubuntu3_BUILDING.txt.gz <pipedream> Why does this build not include the files in ./usr/lib/rstudio/bin/plugins/imageformats/ <wgrant> pipedream: Have you <wgrant> pipedream: You should use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto to try a build in a clean local environment. <pipedream> OK, will do, but I will get the same build log as launchpad, won't I? So I don't see why those files are excluded..? <wgrant> pipedream: Right, but that'll be due to a bug in your packaging, which you can more easily debug locally. <wgrant> Rather than throwing a slightly different package up to Launchpad and waiting for it to build each time. <pipedream> ok * czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging <vivekimsit> Hii ! I am really in trouble today! <vivekimsit> I am not able to push or co my code <vivekimsit> on doing: ssh -vv myusername@bazaar.launchpad.net I am getting the following error <vivekimsit> http://bpaste.net/show/aF6P3fQzQxT5fPWcVUw2/ <vivekimsit> But this is the first time that I am getting this error. <mgz> can you ssh anywhere at all? <mgz> as this per earlier in #bzr, this seems to be an issue with networking on your end. <vivekimsit> mgz: tell some site where I can do ssh! <mgz> eg, (to suggest heresy) `ssh git@github.com` <vivekimsit> mgz: ok! I can do ssh on my client's system but its on port 10022 <mgz> o_O <vivekimsit> ok! I did ssh git@github.com and I am getting the timeout <mgz> is that leaving the local network, to the client's machine? <mgz> if not, probably they're just blocking everything but http or something equally daft. <vivekimsit> mgz: client machine is in france and I am in india <mgz> phone up ISP and yell that them? <vivekimsit> ok! when I do ssh -vv bazaar@launchpad.net then also getting the same error. <vivekimsit> I have an idea can I try it from my client machine? <mgz> you can, and it will probably work. <vivekimsit> I mean its in france and I am into its terminal, let me check <mgz> if it does you could stick your public key on that box and use agent forwarding to get around the issue <mgz> (if it doesn't timeout but gives you a public key error, that's enough) <vivekimsit> its says: Permission denied (publickey). <mgz> right. <vivekimsit> should I create a new pair there? <mgz> no. <vivekimsit> then/ <mgz> google for "ssh agent forwarding" <mgz> basically, you stick the public key launchpad knows about on that box in france, then edit your conf so ssh knows to go via that box <vivekimsit> ok! basically the problem is that I cannot access the port 22 of ssh, now I think I have to call my isp <vivekimsit> is there any workaround? <mgz> vivekimsit: the workaround was was what we where just talking about. <mgz> it's a slightly complicated arrangement, but it's well documented on the net, so I'm not going to walk you through it here. <vivekimsit> mgz: ssh agent forwarding? <mgz> right. <vivekimsit> mgz: Ok! I understand its working but I am not getting how to call agent is its some command ? <vivekimsit> mgz: they have given Putty's pageant! but what on ubuntu? <mgz> vivekimsit: what you probably want is the ProxyCommand + netcat trick actually, so your local bzr can talk to lp without needing to know the details of the box in franch <mgz> ...france <mgz> so, in your local .ssh/config have a Host bazaar.launchpad.net section with ProxyCommand set to what you'll find with a websearch, but the port # changed * czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging <and`> hi, is there a way to remove unused keys on the "OpenPGP keys" page on user's profile? <and`> I can re-enable them but I can't delete them and all of them apart one are revoked keys <dobey> and`: you can deactivate them, if you click on the little yellow () edit icon next to "OpenPGP keys" on the user page <dobey> well, on your user page. you can't do it for other users <and`> dobey: yes, but I can't remove them completely? <dobey> and`: i don't see any way to do that on lp, no. <and`> it would be nice we could delete unused or revoked keys, there's no point in keeping them <dobey> and`: but the deactivated keys do not show up on your user page <and`> yeah <dobey> well, the keys are still on the keyserver, so that people who have them in their local keys, will get the revocation when syncing with the server, as i understand <benonsoftware> hi #launchpad 2012-06-02 <chrysn> is there a way to have some text or at least a link displayed on a project's bug report page if it uses a not yet implemented issue tracker? <chrysn> (for example github, as tracked in launchpad's #848666) #launchpad 2012-06-03 <coder543> so I've been looking into this problem off and on for quite awhile and I'm stuck. Why is it so hard to get a bzr branch to automatically build into a ppa? This is the project that I've got ready, but I have no idea how to get the ppa to function: https://launchpad.net/procmon <coder543> it's literally just one .c file and one .h file, which produce one binary file. There are no dependencies on anything beyond the standard c library. <alkisg> Hi, by default, when I build a package in my PPA that build-depends on other packages, does it use the (newer) versions of them that I provide in my PPA? <geser> yes, it uses apt to install the build dependencies <alkisg> Thank you <paultag> Were source recipies removed? I can't figure out how to make a new one <paultag> I see there's a link under `code', but it's not showing a creation link <james_w> paultag, you are looking at a branch page> <james_w> ? <paultag> james_w: https://code.launchpad.net/~fluxbox-maintainers/+recipes <paultag> that's where I ended up <james_w> odd <paultag> but I would rather like a way to roll out a new recipie <james_w> go to the page of the branch that you want to be the base branch <paultag> james_w: https://code.launchpad.net/~fluxbox-maintainers/fluxbox/development ← <james_w> "Create packaging recipe" <paultag> james_w: totally missed that. Thanks! :) <imbrandon> short of filling a bug against launchpad its self, is there a way for logged in "trusted" users to reports/delete/mark replies like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/cloud-init/+bug/596993/comments/14 as SPAM ? <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 596993 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Lucid) "hostname handling needs improvement for elastic-ip and ebs start-stop" [Undecided,Confirmed] <imbrandon> ( i know its sunday , so just *whenever* someone sees this, not urgent etc etc ) <geser> during the week it seems to be sufficient to mention it here (as long as the help contact is present), during othertimes file a question <dobey> fwiw, that user had already been suspended. i've hidden that comment as well. <imbrandon> :) ty ty <imbrandon> just stumbled on it. suprisingly of 6 years using LP thats the first time i've come accross spam :) <imbrandon> would be a nice feature for people of certain teams and thus vetted to not be a bot most likely ( like ubuntu members or ubuntu-core-developers ) to flag items tooo , although like i said dosnt seem to be a big issue :) <imbrandon> enjoy the rest of the weekend ! cheers <hggdh> "You have reached your quota for directly contacting other Launchpad users. You can try again in 23 hours." <- I am sending an email on behalf of the membership Board. Can I get a waiver? <lifeless> hggdh: no, we have no facility for that. <hggdh> lifeless: thank you. I will keep on tomorrow, then <lifeless> imbrandon: http://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad - better than a bug for such data hygiene issues <lifeless> hggdh: (sorry; you may want to look and see if there is a bug about this limitation) <hggdh> lifeless: in all this time with UBuntu and LP, this is the very first time I needed it. Frankly, I do not see the need for a bug (once in 6 years does not a need make) #launchpad 2013-05-27 <tsimpson> marko-_-: if it should do, if not you can just follow the guide here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs (which mentions ubuntu-bug too) <marko-_-> thanks <wgrant> KombuchaKip: https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/YourProject/PermissionPolicies <KombuchaKip> wgrant: Already seen it. I guess what the translator has to do is join the Launchpad Translators group for the respective language they're trying to translate. <wgrant> KombuchaKip: That's the usual way to do things <KombuchaKip> wgrant: Thanks <dr3mro> Hello , I have an issue with a package in ubuntu and I fix it by configure the source code and make but I wantbto make a package in ppa to friends how I change compile arguments on launchpad? <dr3mro> Hello , I have an issue with a package in ubuntu and I fix it by configure the source code and make but I wantbto make a package in ppa to friends how I change compile arguments on launchpad? <KombuchaKip> My translation catalogues have each msgid preceded typically with two comments. The first is the comment that preceded the string in the source. The second is the location in the source. Launchpad translations only displays the second string. Is there any way to display both? <thopiekar> moin ;) I tried to build the following source package based on this recipe https://code.launchpad.net/~thopiekar/+recipe/kivy-daily but i don't know why it fails :/ the recipe was working before but as I uploaded new packaging files it fails.. I would check the packaging files but the buildlog does not tell me whats wrong with them :/ <thopiekar> hey I was here online before.. are there any news whats wrong with https://code.launchpad.net/~thopiekar/+recipe/kivy-testing and https://code.launchpad.net/~thopiekar/+recipe/kivy-daily ? :/ <geser> thopiekar: no idea, and the channel was pretty quite today (your question from a few hours ago is the last message) <geser> is there some holiday in some countries? <thopiekar> dunno.. well, suddenly both recipes stoped working :( <facundobatista> Hello everybody! <facundobatista> I have this difference between what LP tells me, and what bzr does <facundobatista> see the revisions here: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/u1sync/trunk <facundobatista> and the listed by bzr log: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5707826/ <facundobatista> both show the same commits <facundobatista> but LP show them with revnos 1 to 7, and bzr with revnos 0 to 6 <facundobatista> which is the real one?? <facundobatista> thanks! <beuno> revno 0 sounds very wrong <beuno> I've never seen bzr spit out revno 0 <beuno> I bet it was done with a tool to split out code <facundobatista> beuno, probably <facundobatista> beuno, it's reproducible: if you branch lp:u1sync from scratch, it shows 0 to 6 <beuno> facundobatista, I would say it's a bug in bzr <lifeless> beuno: facundobatista: its a bad cached last-revision-info <lifeless> bzr check/reconcile can fix it <beuno> lifeless, I guess it needs to be run on the remote branch? <beuno> lifeless, also, hi! <lifeless> beuno: yes, and also - hi! <beuno> facundobatista, running that for you <beuno> found error:Internal check failed: revno does not match len(mainline) 6 != 7 <beuno> reconciling now <beuno> ah <beuno> can't <beuno> dobey, ping? <lifeless> tada :) <beuno> or verterok <beuno> can you run: bzr reconcile lp:~ubuntuone-control-tower/u1sync/trunk <verterok> beuno: sure <verterok> beuno: done <beuno> lifeless, neat that launchpad doesn't trigger it though. What does it look at differently? <verterok> facundobatista: looks like it's fixed ^ <beuno> indeed <facundobatista> beuno, lifeless, verterok, thanks!!! <beuno> not sure if that propagates locally with a pull or something, I'd guess it wouldn't <KombuchaKip> Is there any way to host an announcement only mailing list on LP with my project? #launchpad 2013-05-28 <glavkos> hello <glavkos> hi <glavkos> again <glavkos> I have problems with the referer thing ... <glavkos> https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/1024 <glavkos> this one <glavkos> can anybody give me a hand of help ? <glavkos> I tried also the suggested add on <glavkos> on Firefox <glavkos> but didn't work ... <Masklinn> Is there any way to set up rosetta on a branch owned by a public team? ping czajkowski <czajkowski> Masklinn: not sure let me see <wgrant> Masklinn: What do you mean be a public team? <czajkowski> wgrant: morning I just asked jtv next door :) <Masklinn> wgrant: I mean an open team sorry <wgrant> Masklinn: Rosetta imports or exports? <Masklinn> both ideally, but at least exports <wgrant> Why? <wgrant> Open teams are not supported in many contexts, because they're usually not what you want :) <wgrant> If you export to a branch owned by a open team then anyone can come along and erase your translations or replace them with anything at all. <wgrant> What's your use case? <Masklinn> our documentation is under an open team so users can easily contribute small fixes without the overhead of having to be accepted into a team <wgrant> Masklinn: And you can't set an open team as an export branch? <wgrant> I'd expect that restriction for an import branch, but AFAIK it should work for exports <Masklinn> export branches require a focus branch, and focus branches can't be set on branches owned by open teams <wgrant> Import branches require a series branch <wgrant> Exports shouldn't <Masklinn> mmm <Masklinn> wgrant: ah indeed we'd missed that, sorry (though the one-time import doesn't seem to work either without a series branch, so apparently we have to do a manual import correct?) <wgrant> Masklinn: If you don't have a secure branch, then you'll have to use a tarball import, yes. <wgrant> We extremely strongly discourage open teams owning branches. <Masklinn> wgrant ah but this means rosetta won't automatically import pots right? <wgrant> Correct. <Masklinn> and who has access to the manual translation upload screen? <Masklinn> project owners or branch owners? <wgrant> I believe that is the project owner and possibly driver <Masklinn> ok <wgrant> Not branch owners. <wgrant> A branch owner has control over just that branch. <Masklinn> ok, thanks <sld> Does anyone happen to know where I can find some good API use examples? ...I can connect and list bugs, but can't - for example - find a way to create a bug for a specific project... maybe I am reading the docs wrong, but it looks like it is a several step process... not sure... <wgrant> sld: If you're using launchpadlib, use lp.bugs.createBug(target=some_project, title='Foo', description='Bar') <sld> oooo that sounds perfect... thanks <sld> another tiny quick question? ...sorry, i sound stupid for asking this, but... what do i need to give the call to login_with, to have everything be a test of some sort so that nothing is affected on the live site? ..i am thinking the service_root differentiates it? <wgrant> sld: Right, the service root is what you want <sld> k, thought so. thx :) <wgrant> In modern launchpadlib you can say login_with('some app name', 'qastaging') to use qastaging.launchpad.net <wgrant> Which is running an old DB snapshjot <wgrant> And gets reset every so often <wgrant> It's the best place to test. <sld> k, thx. <Masklinn> wgrant: if I import a PO file with fuzzy translations, does the import just throw them out? <wgrant> Masklinn: Yes, Launchpad does not support fuzzy translations. <Masklinn> wgrant: damn. Since the "needs review" field/checkbox is named "fuzzy", I thought it'd just mark the strings as needing review <Masklinn> thanks <gaspa> hi, is it possible to have the past (i.e: expired) members of a team through launchpadlib? #launchpad 2013-05-29 <KombuchaKip> Now that cia.vc is dead, does anyone want to suggest a replacement for updating my channel topic's Bzr revno? <thopiekar> hey ;) is it possible that recipe builds are broken? Since last weekend I still get failed builds :( <dobey> thopiekar: recipe builds work fine for me. <thopiekar> dobey: well I noticed that I'm also affected as I checked the launchpad builder page :/ <thopiekar> but from the buildlog I still didn't get whats going wrong :( <thopiekar> It just says that the builder can't decode a character.. <thopiekar> see https://code.launchpad.net/~thopiekar/+recipe/kivy-daily <mattyw> it appear that tarmac has a timeout of 300 seconds for running verify_commands?? Is this right, if so is it configurable? <dobey> mattyw: huh? <geser> thopiekar: it looks like it isn't possible to browse the code for lp:kivy either. Did perhaps upstream add a weirdly named file on which now everything stumbles? <dobey> geser: surprising it looks like the imports aren't failing though <thopiekar> geser: well lp:kivy hosts code imported from github.. <thopiekar> is there a chance to get the name of this file? <mattyw> dobey, I'm very green when it comes to tarmac, but for our project it's suddenly stopped landing stuff, If I modify the verify command in tarmac.conf to run a shorted running test it seems to pass. otherwise it throws an error starting with: Connection Timeout: disconnecting client after 300.0 seconds <dobey> mattyw: this channel is #launchpad <mattyw> dobey, I was hoping someone here might be able to help - no idea where else to go <dobey> mattyw: tarmac is a user of launchpad, not part of launchpad itself. this channel is for help about the launchpad.net instance itself. tarmac channel is #tarmac <geser> thopiekar: have you tried if you can fetch lp:kivy with bzr? perhaps it helps you to find the problem as the recipe seems to fail at this stage <dobey> geser: i just branched it, and bzr didn't crash <geser> ok, then I'm out of ideas how to diagnose this remotely and someone from the LP staff needs to look at it <dobey> well, it's possible that file was removed in the last import too <thopiekar> geser: I'm at the moment in the university where bzr does not work.. well, ssh can't verify the connection.. <dobey> though the version string in the recipe itself looks problematic has too many dashes in it <thopiekar> could someone test it for me maybe? <dobey> thopiekar: the recipe seems to have built fine locally for me. <thopiekar> well, thats what I get.. <thopiekar> asked someone else to copy the branch and also no errors <thopiekar> well got to leave now, will be back in an hour.. <dobey> though maybe it doesn't break on bzr 2.6, but does on 2.4 <dobey> seems the builders are still on hardy :-/ <czajkowski> dobey: aye it doesnt make wgrant happy either <thopiekar> i'm back ;) any news about my problem? :/ <dobey> the date/time selector dialog thingy for changing the release time when creating a release seems to not work any more. clicking on the little green check icon in the dialog doesn't do anything :( <dobey> hrmm, and armel builds in PPAs are always failing with "Unrecognized character \xFA at /home/buildd/.sbuildrc line 1." now <thopiekar> :( <Laney> Curious PPA problem. <Laney> Take a look at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/141030320/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-amd64.evolution-rss_0.3.93-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz and see the build failure <Laney> As far as I can tell reproducing locally the build-dep should be satisfied from within the PPA. <Laney> Looking through that buildlog you can see "W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net saucy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY BFF79C57E3B7B49D" which is the key of this PPA. <Laney> Pretty sure that should be trusted there. <Laney> 'sup wit dat? <dobey> Laney: what ppa? <Laney> ppa:laney/evolution-3.8 <Laney> dobey: ↑ <Laney> back in a bit <dobey> Laney: is libevolution installable? (also why doesn't that have a sonum in the package name like every other library package?) <Laney> yeah turns out to be pebcak I think <Laney> the GPG warnings were a red herring <dobey> right <geser> I think the builders don't check the GPG key at all (they trust the internal archive) and the warning is in every log <psusi> there seems to be something fubar with the ppa builders... my build shows that it is still building ( started 3 hours ago ), yet looking at the build log shows all kinds of whacky output then says it was terminated: https://launchpad.net/~psusi/+archive/ppa/+build/4619632 <dobey> psusi: the "funky output" looks like tests <dobey> i don't know what the typical build time of grub2 is though <psusi> dobey: it doesn't take hours and that doesn't seem to be any sort of output from its build process <dobey> psusi: have you done a local sbuild from the same .dsc? <psusi> dobey: doing one now <dobey> psusi: maybe something created a sub-shell and isn't returning control back to the parent script perhaps? if you think it's taking too long and/or stuck, you should probably cancel the build, and try to debug locally <psusi> it doesn't seem to be doing the build at all is the thing... output doing a build looks nothing like that at all <geser> the "official" grub2 build took less than 15 minutes <geser> and those tests are also in the build log in the "official" build but not that verbose (only the PASS entries are there) <dobey> psusi: that isn't the entire build log <dobey> psusi: it's only the last N lines of output <psusi> sounds about right... and I've just added one quilt patch swapping a strncmp line for a strstr instead.. and yea, I am now seeing something about the PASS: grub_xxxx lines but there was a whole crapload of compiling and such before then and none of that weird f1 $@ and such <psusi> ohhh <psusi> is there a way to get the full log? <dobey> i don't recall if cancelling the build will result in a build log being available, but it seems like you should probably cancel it <psusi> canceling threw out the build log... <dobey> retry the build? <psusi> did that already <psusi> this was the second time <dobey> anyway, i haven't noticed anything particularly broken with PPA builds. #launchpad 2013-05-30 <mlankhorst> launchpad is returning garbage on a query call <mlankhorst> oh nm it's cached garbage <ev> A while back lifeless was talking about moving parts of LP's infrastructure into Cassandra. Did that ever happen? I'm working on a wiki page of Canonical's use of Cassandra and it would be good to have data from any experiments you guys undertook. <czajkowski> ev: I'll have to defer that to wgrant and StevenK bth of which should be sleeping <ev> lazy bums <tgm4883> Any reason why a PPA build from last night wouldn't have a build log? I'm trying to see why it failed https://launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/+archive/fixes-old-building/+build/4624678 <dobey> tgm4883: it should have a build log. looking at the build page, my best guess is that the builder died in the middle or something, and all was lost (as the build page doesn't show which builder took the job, either) <dobey> tgm4883: i would just retry it, and see what happens <tgm4883> dobey, will do, thanks <dobey> though it's going to be a while before it gets built, it looks like <tgm4883> yea a few hours it seems #launchpad 2013-05-31 <smoser> hey all... <smoser> i wonder if anyone can help me. <smoser> i've been asked by the author of the maildir patches (http://patches.freeiz.com/alpine/info/maildir.html) that are applied to my '+maildir' builds of alpine to take these builds down. <smoser> i deleted everything from my ppa <StevenK> smoser: Everything should die, but it will take time <smoser> but he has found https://launchpad.net/~smoser/+archive/ppa/+build/4600057 . which still has links to binaries. <smoser> i did this last saturday <smoser> err.. maybe last friday. <smoser> StevenK, you're sure they'll eventually be deleted? <StevenK> smoser: We can't reach in and delete the build records, but yes, I would expect the binaries to die and then be deleted off the librarian automatically. <smoser> and a week doesn't seem out of expected norm? <smoser> (not trying to be accusing, legitimately asking if that is expected). <smoser> I have to head to bed. Thanks, StevenK <wgrant> smoser: ~2 weeks is the normal expiry time <dpm> wgrant, StevenK, what's the procedure to enable arm building to a PPA, is it a matter of pinging you guys? And if so, would it be possible to enable it for this PPA? -> https://launchpad.net/~qreator-hackers/+archive/qreator-experimental <czajkowski> dpm: see the topic :) <czajkowski> dpm: is it a canonical only ppa or will it have community folks using the ppa also ? <dpm> thanks czajkowski. It's not a Canonical-only PPA, it's for a project anyone in the community will be able to use <czajkowski> ah ok then it's ARMf and I can do that now for you <czajkowski> dpm: done <dpm> czajkowski, oh, wow, thanks! I was just in the middle of writing the request :) <czajkowski> saving emails is the new saving paper for my inbox :) <czajkowski> but you'll know for future requests <dpm> indeed, thank you :) <czajkowski> mpt: are you alive <czajkowski> I've not seen any bugs in a while now! <ev> czajkowski: he's on holiday :) <czajkowski> ahhh that explains it! <czajkowski> ev: with a passport :o <ev> he got it back? I hadn't heard that yet. <czajkowski> I wondered :) <ev> ah, I don't think so :-/ <ev> he's somewhere in the depths of the UK <czajkowski> see I notice when he's not around you can tell him my bugs folder was lonley! <ev> lol <ev> you don't follow https://twitter.com/mptbugs ? <czajkowski> OMG NO! <ev> things I make when I'm very bored <czajkowski> oh it's like a new toy! <czajkowski> lifeless: I liked the video soo much I've watched it twice already! <shadeslayer> heh <shadeslayer> whoops, wrong channel <shadeslayer> but, is it possible to cancel a recipe build? <shadeslayer> https://code.launchpad.net/~blue-shell/+archive/folderview/+recipebuild/471895 needs cancelling <czajkowski> shadeslayer: yes <shadeslayer> could you cancel that please? :) <czajkowski> shadeslayer: sure you want it done ? <shadeslayer> yes, I uploaded it manually <shadeslayer> and the i386 build will start in 4 hours <czajkowski> done ok <shadeslayer> thx czajkowski <shadeslayer> https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/PYTHON-532 < heh'd at that, hopefully, LP doesn't use mongodb anywhere ;) <soren> shadeslayer: lol <jbicha> nasl is having persistent problems unpacking its chroot https://launchpadlibrarian.net/141166976/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-armhf.libreoffice_1%3A4.0.2-0ubuntu3_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz <bdmurray> I wonder if so many people accidently assign bugs to themselves by just double clicking on the "pencil" icon by the assign name. It seems like "assign me" is right in the same spot on the screen. <dobey> bdmurray: i think the UI is just confusing enough that they end up clicking on "Unassigned" (or the pencil) and just end up assigning themselves <bdmurray> maybe there should be some type of confirmation then <dobey> bdmurray: there's also like 0 space between the name and the edit icon, so if you're wanting to click on the name, and just happen to have the cursor in the exact wrong spot on the right edge of the name, you get the edit dialog instead <dobey> i'd prefer better permissions support, so that we could just make it so arbitrary persons can't assign bugs, or change status; but i doubt anything related to this issue will get fixed for a very long time, as it's not critical <dobey> and lp is in maint mode, so only criticals are being fixed right now. <dobey> (unless someone submits a branch to implement something of course, then maybe that could go in) <czajkowski> indeed <czajkowski> if a patch were submitted say for the pencil issue I'm sure it could get reviewed <dobey> i really wouldn't want to just fix it with another dialog to confirm it, though. making the process harder to use for real devleopers is always a pain :) <lifeless> czajkowski: lol :) <md_5> can someone grab the email for my account: https://launchpad.net/~md-5 <md_5> Thanks! <maxb> md_5: grab? <md_5> hm <md_5> got it <md_5> my launchpad email != my openid email <md_5> how to fix <maxb> Change your openid emails at https://login.launchpad.net <maxb> Or change your Launchpad emails <maxb> Either way <md_5> thanks #launchpad 2013-06-01 <nesthib> hello everyone, I'm trying to build a PPA package for lucid which depends on guile-2.0-dev, however I don't know how I should deal with the missing dependency <nesthib> I tried to add backports to the PPA but it doesn't look like guile-2.0-dev is available <thopiekar> hey ;) <thopiekar> StevenK: ping #launchpad 2013-06-02 <vadi2> Pressing 'download file' on https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mudlet-makers/mudlet/mudlet-main-git/view/head:/src/generic_mapper_script.xml is giving a blank "src" file, is this known? #launchpad 2014-05-26 <shadeslayer> hi, could someone tell me what's going wrong with this code import https://code.launchpad.net/~blue-shell/kde-baseapps/netrunner-desktop-containment-4.13 <shadeslayer> and ofcourse, bzr-git doesn't work in trusty because dulwich removed stuff <brainwash> close <brainwash> woops =S #launchpad 2014-05-27 <sergio-br2> hey hello <sergio-br2> i create a ppa, and use a recipe like this: # bzr-builder format 0.3 deb-version <sergio-br2> but my packages are becoming vbam - <sergio-br2> how can i delete this ubuntu12.04.1 entry? <sergio-br2> i searched web, and there is no info about this <sergio-br2> seeing 2 times ubuntu in the name of package is annoying me <sergio-br2> if someones knows why names in package changed from "trusty" to ubuntu14.04.1... <pmatulis_> if one has an apport report transferred to a non-Ubuntu system is there any way to use it to open a bug with it or does one manually open the bug and include it as attachment? <cjwatson> sergio-br2: We changed that because it's important that versions be monotonically increasing, and we're getting near the end of the alphabet; the codename of Ubuntu 17.10 will sort earlier than that of Ubuntu 17.04. <cjwatson> So we needed to fix this far enough in advance that it won't be a problem for future backports. <sergio-br2> cjwatson, thanks. But for example, i had a problem to update my package, i thougt it will automatically upgrade from [...]~ubuntu14.04.1 to [...]~ubuntu14.04.1 <sergio-br2> *[...]~ubuntu14.04.1 to [...]~ubuntu14.04.2 , sorry <sergio-br2> before, recipe was # bzr-builder format 0.3 deb-version {debupstream} <cjwatson> I'm pretty rusty on the details of recipes I'm afraid. I don't use them much. <cjwatson> I guess this is https://code.launchpad.net/~sergio-br2/+recipe/vbam-fixes ? <sergio-br2> maybe, there is no option in recipe yet? <sergio-br2> yeah <cjwatson> There are a number of variables you can use there; https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes has a list. <cjwatson> I suspect that simply specifying a static version number, as you're doing, won't work very well, but there are some other options. <cjwatson> Not actually sure why we bother appending the .1 after the release given that that's just static. <cjwatson> It was "~trusty1" or similar before. <cjwatson> (And the "1" there seems similarly pointless.) <cjwatson> Possibly hard to change now though. <cjwatson> So I'd suggest you use one of the revno family of substitution variables to make the version fully unique. <sergio-br2> so, if i use recipe like this: # bzr-builder format 0.3 deb-version {debupstream}~0 <sergio-br2> it's hard to get 14.04.1 --> 14.04.2 <cjwatson> You won't be able to get 14.04.2, but you can put something else in your version that makes it distinct. <sergio-br2> or i need to change upstream number, or i put 0ubuntuXY <cjwatson> Like {revno} or {revno:somebranch}. <cjwatson> As I say, see the page I linked to above for details. <sergio-br2> hum, like my branch in baazar <cjwatson> {debupstream}~0 is rather unlikely to be anything like unique enough. <sergio-br2> ok <cjwatson> Right, you might typically use the revno of the packaging branch or something like that. <cjwatson> Or you just have one branch so you could just use {revno}. <cjwatson> It generally doesn't make sense to build the recipe again without one of the branches involved changing. #launchpad 2014-05-28 <Saviq> mooore spammers: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1324071 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1324071 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Acne And The Importance Of Skin Care" [Undecided,Invalid] <cjwatson> Saviq: dealing <Saviq> cjwatson, thanks <cjwatson> done <ki7mt> Is this the right channel to discuss PPA's on Launchpad and such? <davmor2> ki7mt: ask your question. Most of the devs are in the Australian/New Zealand timezone so you might not get a response immediately <cjwatson> Well, not this week they aren't <davmor2> cjwatson: oh <davmor2> cjwatson: buy them beer then they deserve it :) <wgrant> Yeah, we're all in Malta this week. <ki7mt> davmor2, Ok, understand, I'm working on several applications, though related, separate repo branches. Is the best practice to create one PPA for each application or set up a team PPA or something? <dobey> it's up to you how to deal with it. but best practice is to do the thing that best suits how you want your users to get our apps from a PPA <dobey> doesn't need to be a team PPA unless you need multiple people to upload to it <dobey> you can have one PPA and just upload the source packages for all the apps to the one ppa? <cjwatson> it's certainly entirely reasonable to put multiple packages in one PPA, if they'll be used by roughly the same set of people <cjwatson> you'd use multiple PPAs when they have radically different audiences, require different access control for uploads, and/or have conflicting packages in the different archives <ki7mt> Ok, they are all very close is use, just different parts of the radio spectrum. Sounds like one PPA, then add the packages to that is a reasonable approach. <wgrant> Yep <wgrant> If they're new packages, rather than changes to packages in Ubuntu, users can add your PPA and then just choose which packages to install. <ki7mt> Thanks for the info. I'm sure I'll be back with more questions when things fall over :-) <ki7mt> Yes, I'm new to packaging for Debian/Ubuntu .. I have the first package building on sid 32/64 and trust 32/64 with pbuilder, lintian is ok also. <ki7mt> trusty 32/64 .. .. <ki7mt> And yes, 3 of the apps are not in Debian or Ubuntu, then two others are but they need to be brought up to date for py3 and numpy 1.8 etc etc., <tgm4883> dobey: so... 12.10 was marked as supported again? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal <cjwatson> see #ubuntu-release <ki7mt> Hello all, I have a package, not currently in Debian/Ubuntu, that I've create the PPA page, tested builds etc, and I'm ready to dput, but I'm a bit confused on the version / naming conversion. Program name is WSPR, version is 4.0. How should I name this for uploading to LP <TheWaterOnFire> Is there any reason I should get a "Missing build dependency" for a package that is part of the PPA I am building in? <TheWaterOnFire> i.e., building umockdev, need valac (>= 0.16.1); so added vala 0.16.1 to the PPA, but umockdev still won't build. <maxb> Check the package actually got published before you started the build? <TheWaterOnFire> It did. And I also restarted the build once afterward, just to be sure. <maxb> It could be a component issue, if "Use the same components used for each source in the Ubuntu primary archive." is the selected option for that PPA <TheWaterOnFire> It's set to "Use all Ubuntu components available" <maxb> You'd better give a link to the PPA and build, then <TheWaterOnFire> https://launchpad.net/~dwink/+archive/gstreamer/+build/6048534 <maxb> TheWaterOnFire: I see no package called 'valac' in that PPA <maxb> I see one called 'valac-0.16', but that's hardly the same thing <TheWaterOnFire> maxb: Aha. That makes some sense. The vala packaging is strange that way. Thanks! <cjwatson> ki7mt: I would probably use 4.0-0ppa1 or something like that, in order that any future upload to Ubuntu will supersede it <cjwatson> ki7mt: and convert the program name to lower case <ki7mt> cjwatson, Thanks, the .org is all lower case, iv'e got the front half sorted out .. wspr-4..0~r4155 .. now I just need to figure out the 0ubuntu1 part, it's not clear on the site how that is assigned I guess it's done with the dput command. <ki7mt> whoops wspr-4.0~r4155 .. .. <cjwatson> ki7mt: you don't need that if it isn't in Ubuntu <cjwatson> And dput does not change version numbers <ki7mt> Oh, ok, thanks. so i can simply put: wspr-4.0~r4155_source.changes and away it goes? <cjwatson> don't need that> that is, "-0ubuntu1" indicates specifically a version of a package modified in Ubuntu - something like -0ppa1 would be better probably <cjwatson> You put the version number in the top line of debian/changelog <ki7mt> Yes, thats there already <cjwatson> If the package has a separate upstream existence (that is, there's already a wspr tarball released, or similar) then it should probably be 4.0~r4155-0ppa1 or something like that <ki7mt> wspr (4.0~r4155) UNRELEASED; urgency=lo <ki7mt> low <cjwatson> 4.0~r4155 with no -<something> indicates that the package in question *only* exists as a package - this is usually only appropriate if you're working on something quite core to the distribution itself, so for example dpkg doesn't have a -<revision> part <ki7mt> Ok, so I need to change the tarball name and changelog to add-<somthing> as well. <cjwatson> no <cjwatson> just the changelog <cjwatson> So I would usually do "wspr (4.0~r4155-0ppa1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low" (and of course set "UNRELEASED" to the actual target release (using dch -r) before actually uploading) <cjwatson> if I made a change to the packaging that would become 4.0~r4155-0ppa2 <cjwatson> if I took a new upstream snapshot that would become 4.0~r4156-0ppa1 (or whatever) <cjwatson> if upstream made a proper release then that would become 4.0-0ppa1 <cjwatson> something like that <cjwatson> as I say, assuming that WSPR is a thing that has an upstream maintainer <ki7mt> That what this is, a snapshot, as we're in the process of getting tar's generated on releases, jsut not there yet. <cjwatson> sure, I get that <ki7mt> Im part of that upstream helper croud :-) <cjwatson> if it exists in some manner other than a package, though, which it sounds like it does, you should have a -<revision>, e.g. 4.0~r4155-0ppa1 <cjwatson> even if you are part of the upstream maintenance crew <cjwatson> otherwise there will sooner or later be some confusion between the version numbers you release in your packages and the upstream versions <ki7mt> It does, but it's in Windows, a few of us are converting things to *Nix thus the 4.0, that's the actual release version. <cjwatson> sure, I don't need to know :) <cjwatson> anyway, running out of battery and need sleep, night <ki7mt> Ok, thanks. <santa> hello <santa> I have started recently trying to get some changes in the kubuntu kde framworks 5 packaging, so I made some personal bzr branches with my changes <santa> however, I don't see the "merge request" button in the web interface, why is that? <santa> for instance http://derp.co.uk/73999 <dobey> santa: +junk branches are not part of a project or distribution. you need to push your branch to a location under a project or distribution, to propose it. <santa> dobey: thanks. well the idea would be able to merge them here https://code.launchpad.net/kubuntu-packaging how do you suggest me to proceed? the person willing to review my changes told me it would be better - and I agree - if I could use the "merge request" thing (in order to avoid poking on irc) <dobey> push them to lp:~yourusername/kubuntu-packaging/whatever-you-want-to-name-the-branch <dobey> like lp:~foo/kubuntu-packaging/fix-readme or whatever <santa> ok, I'm not sure if I will have permissions to do that. I guess I don't so I will discuss it with the kubuntu guys tomorrow <santa> thank you for the help <dobey> yes you do <dobey> anyone can push any branch under a project like that <santa> oh <santa> let me check <dobey> the part that deterines the owner of the branch is your username <dobey> anyway, i have to go <santa> ah, ok <santa> see you #launchpad 2014-05-29 <mark06> can anyone help? <lifeless> you might need to ask a question first :) <guest0> [WARN 11:02:51.736874] [Preferences:184] '/usr/share/plank/themes/Default/dock.theme' is read-only! [WARN 11:02:51.812912] Unable to get org.ayatana.bamf matcher: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.ayatana.bamf: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Process org.ayatana.bamf exited with status 127 Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped) <guest0> i got this error when trying to run plank from terminal <guest0> can anybody help ? <guest0> distro is arch linux , with MATE desktop environment <mark06> anyone please delete this incorrect translation? https://translations.launchpad.net/pidgin++/trunk/+pots/pidgin/ab/+translate <mark06> I didn't notice and imported ms and my into it, just fixed ms and my to correct language, they were imported again but this strange language still remains <mark06> no one will answer this :( <ki7mt> Hello, I finally got my packae uploaded to LP, but when added the ppa to my repo, I'm getting this message, how can I get my email address in there: Bug Reports: <email address hidden> <cjohnston> ki7mt: I don't understand <ki7mt> When I addL sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ki7mt/wspr .. there's a message stating the email address is hidden. <ki7mt> I had a line in the description stating the email address, but that's what came back. <wgrant> ki7mt: Launchpad won't show anything that looks like an email address to users, just in case. I'd link to https://launchpad.net/~ki7mt instead. <wgrant> Er <wgrant> Won't show email addresses to *anonymous* users <ki7mt> I see, that's makes sense I suppose as there's an options to hide/unhide email addresses to LP users. <wgrant> Right, but even if that option is set we still don't show them to users who aren't logged in. <ki7mt> Ok, got it, so I'll just add the link, seems easy enough. <mark06> anyone please delete this incorrect translation? https://translations.launchpad.net/pidgin++/trunk/+pots/pidgin/ab/+translate <ki7mt> Hello, question, I meesed up my changelog entry on an initial posting to a PPA, it was accepted and built ok but the header is wrong as the package is not in Trusty, how do go about fixing that? <ki7mt> In other words, this is wrong: wspr (4.0.r4155-1~trusty) trusty; urgency=low <ki7mt> And thus, so is the package in my PPA <cjwatson> ki7mt: Upload it to a different release then? <ki7mt> So I could just do somethign like: wspr (4.0.r4155-2~trusty) unreleased; urgency=low and that would be ok ? the package name really isn't a worry, I just don't want to break the rules on distribution declarations. <cjwatson> ki7mt: "wspr (4.0~r4155-2~saucy) saucy; urgency=low" say <cjwatson> ki7mt: note that "4.0.r4155" at the start of your version is *greater* than 4.0, so you do want the ~ there <cjwatson> ki7mt: wait, is your objection that the package is not in Ubuntu trusty, as in not in the mainline Ubuntu archive? <ki7mt> Yes, I thought that was wrong or would cause issues <cjwatson> ki7mt: no, it's fine, just leave it as is <ki7mt> Oh, cool. I thought it would cause issues. <cjwatson> not at all, it's quite standard <ki7mt> So going forward, If I need to make changes to the package, but not controls, say r4170 fixed stuff, can I just do (4.0.r4170-1~trusty) <ki7mt> I need read up on the use of the ~ and what it means when places in different spots in the line. <cjwatson> ~ means "just less than", so 4.0~r4155 is just less than 4.0 and indicates revision r4155 <cjwatson> And yes, you can just add a new changelog block at the top with a higher version number <ki7mt> Ok, I wont be needing that then, unless there's something strange going on. I probably should not have used ~trusty in this case. <ki7mt> I'll fix that one on the next release. <ki7mt> I gotta say, this ha been an interesting few days getting a package to build, keeping lintian happy, and not get rejected from LP <mark06> anyone please delete this incorrect translation? https://translations.launchpad.net/pidgin++/trunk/+pots/pidgin/ab/+translate <cjohnston> 6 <hjd> Hi, on the merge proposal page, the following header is displayed "Some parts of this page are in beta: Inline diff comments (read more)". However, the "read more" link points to http://blog.launchpad.net/general/diff-comments which only gives me a 404. Presumably this is an already-written post which need to be published/made visible? <cjohnston> hjd: we are working on the post <hjd> ok :) <mark06> why no one helps me <cjohnston> mark06: talk to the translations team <mark06> where are them? <cjohnston> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations <mark06> ok <eLBati> BETA!Some parts of this page are in beta: Inline diff comments (read more) <eLBati> buh <eLBati> but <eLBati> http://blog.launchpad.net/general/diff-comments <dobey> cjohnston, wgrant: ^^ that's for you <cjohnston> we are aware <eLBati> ;-) <rbasak> May I have my PPAs armhf-enabled, please? <rbasak> ATM I'm copying packages in from a team armhf-enabled PPA I have access to, and it'd be nice not to have to do this. <mapreri> rbasak: you should send a question to launchpad itself project (https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion) <rbasak> mapreri: OK will do, thanks. #launchpad 2014-05-30 <stain> Any idea why our *.war downloads at launchpad.net suddenly got the Content-Type: text/plain ? It really kills the browsers.. https://launchpad.net/taverna-server/2.5.x/2.5.4 <stain> I tried uploading it again, as "Installer" type - https://launchpad.net/taverna-server/test15/test15 - still comes down as text/plain <stain> (correct md5 though.. but that does not help when Firefox blows up :) ) <stain> posted it at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/249532 <igalic> Hello happy people o/~ <igalic> I'm trying to upload my first package to a ppa, https://launchpad.net/~apache-helpdesk/+archive/httpd-ppa and I seem to have sent it to.. I have no idea where it went to. <igalic> but it's not showing up, and now that I believe I have my dput.cf correct, it's telling me that the package is already uploaded. <stokachu> is it possible to import a particular branch via git import in launchpad? <stokachu> or a way to take a master import and create launchpad branches that mirror a git branch? <stokachu> end goal is to build a set of packages from a stable git branch via ppa <dobey> stokachu: append ,branch=name to the url <stokachu> dobey, lemme try that now <stokachu> sorry got side tracked, trying now <stokachu> dobey, hmm gave me an oops: OOPS-da8e35fc0366a340764d1fa3fd8cb715 <ubot5> https://oops.canonical.com/?oopsid=OOPS-da8e35fc0366a340764d1fa3fd8cb715 <stokachu> ah maybe its the owner i set <stokachu> dobey, cool it didnt complain so ill wait and see if the import happens <stokachu> thanks #launchpad 2014-05-31 <cjwatson> igalic: Here's the logged problem: 2014-05-30 19:05:14 INFO Failed to parse changes file '/srv/launchpad.net/ppa-queue/incoming/upload-ftp-20140530-190459-028741/~apache-helpdesk/httpd-ppa/ubuntu/apache2_2.4.9-2_source.changes': Signing key 87167A9F989BABD5100F4008F26655D629981641 not registered in launchpad. <igalic> cjwatson: ack, thank you! <igalic> cjwatson: so I can try again, hopefully with a more working dput.cf this time around <igalic> (I'll just wait for a response before continuing ;) <tsimpson> fyi Bug #1325192 is spam -> https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/249568 <ubot5> bug 1325192 in parley (Ubuntu) "Can You Turn Blogging Into A Organization" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1325192 <igalic> cjwatson: any way to delete those again? <maxb> If you're talking about an upload not signed with a key known to Launchpad, there's nothing to delete, as the upload fails and is discarded <igalic> maxb: I've now added my gpg key, but when I try to upload, this happens: https://gist.github.com/igalic/cde1830ef952cb6ab26e <maxb> Use dput -f, or delete the <name>.upload marker file <igalic> https://gist.github.com/igalic/0bb3a19a005c2c3cf8ce <igalic> so.. nothing there yet :| <pgavin`> hello <pgavin`> one of my ppa packages isn't showing up even though the upload was successful <pgavin`> any ideas? <pgavin`> funny thing is, this package is almost identical to a previous one, I only tweaked the dependencies and version number <pgavin`> btw, I never got a reject email, and it's been at least an hour <pgavin`> ok, nevermind. It seems if you use dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa, it gets silently rejected if the original sources are the same #launchpad 2014-06-01 <Saviq> spammers again: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1324898 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1324898 in Ubuntu " Slimming Pills For Healthy Weight Loss" [Undecided,Invalid] <igalic> so, making every mistake possible, I've now deleted my packages. However, they are still showing up here, http://ppa.launchpad.net/apache-helpdesk/httpd-ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apache2/ despite the ppa saying it's empty <tsimpson> as I understand it the actual files are deleted by a scheduled job on the server, so they don't get deleted right away <igalic> ACK. <cjwatson> igalic: It's not about your dput.cf, it's about how you signed it (e.g. with debsign). <cjwatson> igalic: You can't reuse the version number of a package once you've used it, even if it does get deleted. Use a new version. <cjwatson> tsimpson: don't need to report spam both on answers/launchpad and here :) <cjwatson> one or the other is fine <cjwatson> (handled) <cjwatson> Saviq: suspended, bug hidden <mark06> any help please? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/249542 #launchpad 2015-05-25 <soren> All of a sudden, I'm being asked for an authentication code when logging in through login.launchpad.net. I *did* have 2fa enabled a long time ago, but I think I disabled it, because my key got out-of-sync all the time. <wgrant> soren: You're still in https://launchpad.net/~sso-2f-testers <wgrant> So are you sure you actually disabled it? <soren> No. But I know for sure that I've logged in numerous times over the last many months without being asked for it. <soren> I used Launchpad's OpenID thing to log into our wiki just two days ago. <soren> Hm... I see my yubikey is registered as an auth device. <soren> I guess there's an off chance that it'll work. Let me see if I can find it. <wgrant> soren: Certain consumers will force 2FA if you have a device configured. <wgrant> Launchpad is one of them. <wgrant> (there's also a per-user flag to force 2FA for even consumers that don't request it) <soren> I've logged into Launchpad too without it. I haven't used 2fa for... gosh, I don't know. It's been quite a while. <wgrant> Are you sure? Launchpad sessions are very long-lived. <soren> Darn. My yubikey didn't do the trick. <soren> Yeah, I got a new laptop recently. <soren> And I'm 100% sure I didn't need 2fa to log in on that. <soren> s/on/from/ <wgrant> Perhaps the 2FA flag was disabled for launchpad.net at the time. <wgrant> Do you have recovery codes? <soren> Oh! I think I got the yubikey working. Long-press rather than short-press. <soren> No, no recovery codes. * soren <- idiot <soren> Yes, I'm in. <soren> Ok, false alarm, I suppose. <wgrant> Now print some recovery codes :) #launchpad 2015-05-26 <tlonim> I am having issues with launchpad website auth, is there anyone managing that available here. I have emailed isd-support@canonical but I haven't received any reply yet. <wgrant> tlonim: Launchpad admins can't help directly with Ubuntu One account problems, unfortunately. But what's the issue? <tlonim> wgrant: issue with 2fa.. It says I need to contact on #isd channel but doens't mention the network <tlonim> where can I contact for this <wgrant> tlonim: Ah, that message is out of date, as #isd is on the internal Canonical network. Emailing that support address as you did is the correct thing to do. <wgrant> Have you tried your recovery codes? <tlonim> I am not sure I got any recovery codes... I setup the 2fa like 8 months ago, it ddn't ask me for code till now <wgrant> Ah, that's going to be a problem, if you have no valid 2FA codes at all. <wgrant> It's obviously quite awkward to recover accounts in that situation, as the account owner has clearly asked for more verification. <wgrant> You'll need to wait for a reply to your email.' <tlonim> ok <tlonim> also the type of 2FA launchpad has is something different from others.. only few like google authenticator . work. Authy etc. dont <wgrant> tlonim: Ubuntu One (which Launchpad uses for authentication) uses HOTP, which is supported by many 2FA devices (including physical ones, eg. YubiKeys). Authy only supports the time-based variant, TOTP. <tlonim> wgrant: right <tlonim> HOTP it is <tlonim> wgrant: isn't there any channel for ubuntu one website auth/login issues <wgrant> tlonim: I think they do it all via email. I can see you submitted the ticket less than 24 hours ago, so I'd give it a bit longer. <tlonim> wgrant: ah, thanks for checking <tlonim> the problem with google authenticator is that it is not easy to keep it across devices. the device where I had HOTP of launchpad was wiped out due to hardware issues <tlonim> with authy etc. I can maintain it across devices <wgrant> A cloud-based 2FA tool seems like a disaster waiting to happen, defeating the purpose of 2FA, TBH. <tlonim> well..they don't store the secrets <tlonim> it is encrypted by a passphrase <tlonim> if you lose that,then you can't recover <tlonim> (client side encrypted) <wgrant> Right, but the first factor is already a static password. <wgrant> If the second factor is also a static password... <dobey> tlonim, wgrant: i think there is #canonical-is or something on freenode for getting help with the u1 account issues <mapreri> dobey: that's #canonical-sysadmin <dobey> oh right, yeah, that <tlonim> I see #canonical-isd <tlonim> does #canonical-sysadmin manage these? * cjwatson retries all the dependency-wait builds potentially affected by a bug in launchpad-buildd 127 <cjwatson> (and probably a few more, but it's relatively harmless to try these again) <cjwatson> tlonim: #canonical-isd only has one actual Canonical sysadmin type in it that I can see, and I don't believe he does anything related to this. Try #canonical-sysadmin. <brendand> just made a total hash of my projects trunk, can anyone help undo it? <cjwatson> brendand: In a bzr kind of way? <brendand> cjwatson, quelle bzr <cjwatson> (otherwise known as: please give more details) <brendand> cjwatson, actually maybe i'm just panicking. i accidentally pushed an unmerged branch over it and then in my panic trying to fix it, did bzr uncommit and bzr push --overwrite <brendand> cjwatson, and it's lp:ubuntu-system-tests <cjwatson> Well, it's all still there in your local repository <cjwatson> You should be able to find the old tip revision ID with "bzr heads --all" or similar <cjwatson> Then "bzr pull -rrevid:REVISION-ID ." once you find the correct revision ID, check all looks sensible, "bzr push --overwrite" <brendand> cjwatson, is bzr heads a plugin? <cjwatson> It's in bzrtools <cjwatson> You can use "bzr log -rrevid:REVISION-ID" to look at a given revision by ID <cjwatson> Or even just leaving out the revid: will typically be fine <brendand> cjwatson, that doesn't undo the overwrite though? <cjwatson> brendand: The pull will undo it locally once you find the right revision ID, and then "bzr push --overwrite" will force the remote tip to be the same as your local tip. <cjwatson> 17:23 <cjwatson> Then "bzr pull -rrevid:REVISION-ID ." once you find the correct revision ID, check all looks sensible, "bzr push --overwrite" <brendand> cjwatson, bzr heads --all only shows one revision, does that sound right? <cjwatson> brendand: Try "bzr heads --dead-only" <brendand> cjwatson, that actually shows nothing <brendand> cjwatson, although i think i already pulled the one revision that heads --all showed <cjwatson> brendand: Well, I'm pretty sure it's still in there somewhere. Maybe there's still the odd bzr expert around in #bzr who could help you dig it out? <Laney> Using saved push location: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-terminal/ubuntu/ <Laney> bzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'TypeError', "_makeBranchTransport() got an unexpected keyword argument 'private'") <Laney> what does this mean? <Laney> oh how timely, I loaded the bug list and saw https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1458948 at the top <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1458948 in Launchpad itself "bzr smart server operations fail with TypeError" [Undecided,New] <robru> Laney: oh I'm getting the same thing on every branch I try <Laney> One Of Those Things <Laney> I'm sure it'll get fixed soon <lazyPower> Are there any known outages occurring with launchpad at the moment? <lazyPower> i'm attempting to branch charm-helpers - a public project - and getting a typeerror on makebranchtransport thinking its private <lazyPower> bzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'TypeError', "_makeBranchTransport() got an unexpected keyword argument 'private'") <jose> same error reported by Laney a while ago <lazyPower> ok, so long as its known :) <Laney> expect this to be reported every two minutes until it's fixed :) <jose> cjwatson, wgrant: ^^ <Laney> they know <Laney> have been pinged 9999 times now <Laney> works now <robru> Laney: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/5010/console just saw it fail in the train <robru> Laney: nm, worked on retry <cjwatson> vila: you should probably check for "ps x | grep ssh" etc. <vila> cjwatson: laptop solved, I have a weird issue lately around losing my DNS until I restart openvpn@sesame... On the desktop, juju has some ssh sessions in fly, can't touch them for now <cjwatson> It's hopefully just something auto-sharing with those <bdmurray> cjwatson: https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#archives What is an Archive reference string? <cjwatson> bdmurray: It should be properly documented and AFAIK isn't, but https://git.launchpad.net/launchpad/tree/lib/lp/soyuz/model/archive.py#n2253 <cjwatson> (Not that we're on git officially yet, but it's so much faster for this ...) <bdmurray> cjwatson: got it, thanks <KDDA> hi folks, does anyone know why LP keeps asking me to log in over and over when trying to add a PGP key? <blr> KDDA: hmm that sounds odd, wgrant is that something you've seen before? <wgrant> KDDA: It shouldn't ask you over and over, but it should ask you if you haven't logged in in the last five minutes. <KDDA> it asks me over and over <wgrant> What exactly are the steps you perform, how long do they take, and when does the unexpected behaviour occur? <KDDA> and my password is long, so if I use Lastpass it redirects me and accuses me of being a bot <KDDA> Bad Request - Bad bot, go away! Request aborted. <wgrant> So it sounds like it's not asking over and over, but it's not letting you authenticate at all. <wgrant> Is that the case? <wgrant> Repeatedly asking != displaying an error <blr> incidentally, if you are a bot KDDA, you've passed the turing test! <KDDA> when I enter the information manually, it appears to log in <KDDA> but when I click on add key, I go back into the same loop <wgrant> KDDA: Does it automatically redirect you to the form once you log in? <KDDA> no, goes back to my account <wgrant> Have you tried a fresh browser session? <KDDA> it asks me do I want to share my name and email with Launchpad <KDDA> I click yes <KDDA> yes, I have been trying this for over a week now <KDDA> different session <wgrant> What happens when you click yes? <KDDA> I go to my account page <wgrant> What's the exact URL? <KDDA> for which part of the loop? <ali1234> i used to have that problem when trying to log in to stack exchange with launchpad openid <ali1234> i cleared my browser cookies and that fixed it <wgrant> KDDA: The URL you land on after you click yes. <KDDA> ah, you're a star ali1234 <blr> ali1234: that's what I would have thought, weird that it persists in a new/incognito session. <ali1234> ah, i didn't see anything about any incognito session <KDDA> thats better, my key is pending validation <KDDA> thanks ali1234 <ali1234> firefox? <KDDA> yes <ali1234> same. and i had the same profile since like 2006 <KDDA> cleared all cookies, and relogged <ali1234> a lot of stuff started breaking. i couldn't comment on youtube (no, not because of G+ either) <KDDA> yeah, Ive have my ubuntu one account for a while <KDDA> only setting up LP now <ali1234> i mean... firefox profile <ali1234> it's one of the few things i keep when reinstalling <blr> glad it is working for you now KDDA, thanks ali1234. #launchpad 2015-05-27 <mapreri> cjwatson: is #1244868 going to be also available to people? e.g. allow person to enable/disable architecture (say, i'm not interested in i386 builds, then i can save you resources and space) <wgrant> mapreri: Yes, it will be. <wgrant> Not right now, but in the coming weeks. <mapreri> ack, thanks <wgrant> (if all goes well it'll probably be next week, but we're rolling out a suite of improvements so I don't want to be too optimistic :)) <sergio-br2> what's the maximum size of a PPA? #launchpad 2015-05-28 <wgrant> sergio-br2: The default quota is 2GiB, and it can be increased where the space usage is reasonable. <sergio-br2> hum, is there any limit? <sergio-br2> *are <mwhudson> when i build a package in my ppa, do you need to wait for publication before you can build something else that build-deps on it? <wgrant> mwhudson: Yes. <StevenK> But the PPA publisher is faster and runs more often than the main archive publisher <wgrant> sergio-br2: There is no specific limit. It is judged on a case-by-case basis. <wgrant> StevenK: That's actually not true any more. <StevenK> Awww <wgrant> They are often around the same frequency nowadays. <StevenK> It was when I left. :-) <mwhudson> is that just because there are so many ppas now? <wgrant> The per-archive stuff has been optimised, so the primary archive publisher is much faster, but there are a lot of PPAs considered in every run. <mwhudson> i guess i really really should use pbuilder more to make sure my build deps are right :-) <wgrant> sbuild, but yes. <mwhudson> wee <mwhudson> well <mwhudson> "something local" <sergio-br2> "It is judged on a case-by-case basis." oh, so maybe a PPA using 5 GB can be cut off? <wgrant> sergio-br2: A PPA can't use 5GiB without being previously approved to do so. <wgrant> We approve quota increases on a case-by-case basis, judging whether the PPA is making good use of our resources. <sergio-br2> humm <sergio-br2> good use == many downloads? <wgrant> That's one major criterion, yes. <sergio-br2> my libretro ppa has 2.8 <sergio-br2> those mame cores occupies lot of space <sergio-br2> wgrant, how can I see how many downloads a ppa had? <wgrant> sergio-br2: http://askubuntu.com/questions/296197/how-to-find-out-the-package-download-count-from-a-ppa <sergio-br2> that python script right? <wgrant> Yes. <sergio-br2> nice, it's working <sergio-br2> meh, nobody downloading dolphin-emu-master, and it's since february <sergio-br2> is it possible to ask i386 & amd64 together in this script? <wgrant> Not directly. <sergio-br2> wgrant, that python script shows what? per month? <wgrant> sergio-br2: It shows the total number of downloads for each currently published version. <sergio-br2> :o <sergio-br2> each counts twice if I download from the same IP ? <wgrant> Yes. <sergio-br2> nobody uses my ppas :( <sergio-br2> heh <sergio-br2> only libretro and ppsspp <DalekSec> So, can one delete a git repo? :P <blr> DalekSec: why would you want to do something so rash? :) (that's coming) <DalekSec> Ah, good to know. And, because some idiot pushed it to the wrong place (yes, this idiot is talking now...) <wgrant> DalekSec: You can move/rename a git repo using the API <wgrant> Deletion is very close. <mwhudson> how long do you have to wait for a depwait build to be retried in a ppa? <wgrant> mwhudson: Up to two hours after the dependencies are satisfiable. <mwhudson> ok <mwhudson> thanks <wgrant> mwhudson: But you can always retry it manually. <mwhudson> yeah, that's what i did <mwhudson> was just curious <mwhudson> heh is it possible to disable 386 builds for a ppa? :) <wgrant> mwhudson: http://lpqateam.canonical.com/qa-reports/deployment-stable.html <wgrant> So call again in 2-3 hours. <mwhudson> hah, timing <wgrant> mwhudson: Which PPA did you want x86 disabled on? <metallic> Hello, I wanted to translate the program "SoundConverter" to Catalan and Spanish since I realized the translation is not complete. The odd thing comes here, at Launchpad it says they do are complete... <metallic> How comes that? <metallic> Maybe the packaged version in the repositories is not updated? <wgrant> metallic: SoundConverter is in universe, so it doesn't go through normal translation mechanisms -- translations are just taken from the upstream project. <wgrant> If there are new translations in Launchpad that upstream should include, you should talk to the upstream maintainer. <cjwatson> DalekSec,wgrant: um, deletion should be there already. There's a "Delete repository" link in the top right of the code page for the repository. <cjwatson> That rolled out yesterday. <wgrant> Yeah, I realised that when I requested today's deployment! <blr> ah nice cjwatson <cjwatson> (also .lp_delete() or so on the API) <cjwatson> right, time to go :) <Odd_Bloke> https://launchpad.net/~cloud-images-release-managers/+livefs/ubuntu/wily/docker-ubuntu-core/+build/28138 isn't getting built; any ideas why? <Odd_Bloke> Builds for all the other architectures are fine. <Odd_Bloke> But the last ppc64el one also got stuck in limbo for a few days. <metallic> wgrant: sorry, I was out. So are you telling me to pick up the translations from the project's site? <metallic> That's not possible since the project's homepage redirects to launchpad <metallic> :/ <wgrant> Oh, I didn't realise they'd moved to Launchpad. <wgrant> I used to maintain soundconverter in Ubuntu and Debian many years ago, and it wasn't on LP back then. <wgrant> metallic: Ubuntu's package just uses the translations that were included in the upstream release. <metallic> wgrant: forgive my ignorance but... By "upstream" what do you mean? <wgrant> metallic: Ah, it's common distribution terminology. "Upstream" means the soundconverter project itself. <clivejo> metallic: this might help - https://help.launchpad.net/Translations <wgrant> The code then flows "downstream" to Debian, and from there further downstream to Ubuntu. <wgrant> So Ubuntu 15.04 has SoundConverter 2.1.5, and whichever translations that release included. <metallic> mmm... Ok, I get it now <wgrant> The translations will only be updated when the package is updated to eg. SoundConverter 2.2 <metallic> wgrant: Therefore it is a matter of the package in the repository? <clivejo> metallic: have you a LP account? <metallic> yes :) <clivejo> have you set your prefered language? <metallic> yes <clivejo> try this page <clivejo> https://translations.launchpad.net/soundconverter/trunk/+translations <metallic> clivejo: I think you missed part of the conversation :/ <wgrant> The Catalan and Spanish translations are complete in Launchpad. <wgrant> Two things need to happen for Ubuntu users to see the complete translations: <metallic> exactly, they are complete in Launchpad but the program shows incomplete translations <wgrant> 1) kassoulet (the SoundConverter developer) needs to incorporate them into a SoundConverter release. <wgrant> 2) The Debian maintainer or an Ubuntu developer needs to incorporate that SoundConverter release into a package. <wgrant> If you're running Ubuntu 15.04, #2 hasn't happened yet. #1 may have. <metallic> 2) is what I was talking about :) <metallic> 1) may be harder since a release depends on many other factors of the software, but yes I was thinking of a package issue <wgrant> It is also possible for the package maintainer to directly incorporate the new translations, but that's unlikely with an active upstream project. <metallic> wgrant: the latest version is 2.1.5 and the version I have in the repositories of Trisquel is 2.0.4 <metallic> that figures <wgrant> Ah, so you'll want to talk to the Trisquel package maintainers in that case. <metallic> Trisquel repositories are supposed to be made up of ubuntu's without non-free <metallic> software <wgrant> Right, as I recall the latest Trisquel release is based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. <wgrant> Which matches https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/soundconverter <metallic> yes <wgrant> 14.04 == trusty, which has 2.0.4 <metallic> So I should talk to someone of Trisquel and package the latest version? <wgrant> Right. <metallic> Ok ok... Everything is clearer now, thank you very much wgrant for the kind explanation :) <metallic> I am a very new contributor, I don't even dare to contribute with code yet <Odd_Bloke> wgrant: Any idea about the stuckness of https://launchpad.net/~cloud-images-release-managers/+livefs/ubuntu/wily/docker-ubuntu-core/+build/28138 ? <wgrant> Odd_Bloke: That LiveFS isn't configured to use non-virtual builders. So it's trying to build on a ppc64el OpenStack instance, which doesn't exist. <Odd_Bloke> Aha, that explains it. <wgrant> Odd_Bloke: I've fixed the configuration and cancelled the build. Request a new one and it should work. <wgrant> (and the armhf and arm64 ones should stop failing) <wgrant> Odd_Bloke: Success. <Odd_Bloke> wgrant: Thanks! :) <Odd_Bloke> wgrant: ubuntu/wily/docker-ubuntu-core is a separate livefs from (the notional) ubuntu/xylophone/docker-ubuntu-core, right? Or, put another way, will we need to get an admin to modify that every time we open a new series? <wgrant> Odd_Bloke: Yes, but that hopefully won't be an issue again -- we expect to have powerpc, ppc64el, armhf and arm64 virtualised builds before xenophobic. <ricotz> hi, is there some scheduled "cleaning" or is there something wrong? https://launchpad.net/builders <psivaa> i'm seeing some issues in viewing MP's, able to browse the code though <rpadovani> me too, it says 'Technically, the load balancer took too long to connect to an application server.' <rpadovani> np on all other pages of code.launchpad.net <vila> same here on code.launchpad.net <vila> 504 Gateway Time-out just popped up (instead of the "Uh oh !" page <rpadovani> cjwatson, wgrant are you aware of that? ^^ <roadmr> merge request pages are timing/erroring out for me :( example: https://code.launchpad.net/~roadmr/checkbox/image-info-parsers/+merge/260068 everything else in launchpad seems OK (bugs, projects, etc) <vila> the issue is inside the data center, lp suffers but is not the cause (AIUI) <roadmr> vila: oh thanks! I'll wait then, I guess <stub> Infrastructure Launchpad depends on is down. Some things will work, but I expect most components of Launchpad to be failing right about now. * stub changed the topic of #launchpad to: Critical components of Launchpad are down. Admins investigating | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad <mpt> A cheer for whoever changed “CANONICAL GROUP LTD” to “Canonical Group Ltd” in Launchpad’s EV certificate. Details. :-) <jpds> What, no . after Ltd? * pmjdebruijn guesses the caps thing * wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: File server issues; package uploads, old merge proposals, old file downloads currently unavailable | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad <jderose> is there currently an outage with the ppa build service, or are things just really slow today? :) <wgrant> jderose: /topic <jderose> wgrant: ah, oops... read the topic, didn't digest it i guess. thanks! <aarow> Hi, folks on my project (https://launchpad.net/mahara) are getting "404 Resource not found" when trying to download our release files <aarow> for example https://launchpadlibrarian.net/187796035/mahara-1.10.0.zip <aarow> it seems to be semi-intermittent. One team member reported being able to download a release that gave me a 404 seconds earlier. <wgrant> aarow: Yes, see /topic. Our file serving infrastructure has run into a bit of trouble, and older files aren't currently accessible. <wgrant> Except if you happen to access then in the same browser as someone who accessed them recently, and manage to hit a cached version. <wgrant> We hope to have it all back in a few hours. <aarow> ah, cheers wgrant. I guess I skimmed the topic too quickly. I thought it meant this was the place to talk about file server issues. ;) * wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Ongoing file server issues: package uploads, old merge proposals, old file downloads currently unavailable; back in a few hours | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad <xnox> wgrant: i have a car these days, but i'm not driving to be remote hands again =))))) <wgrant> xnox: Heh, it's all back now, fortunately. * wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad <xnox> wgrant: ;-) cool, just catching up on the jokes. and librarian lives on ;-) #launchpad 2015-05-29 <sergio-br2> I'm having problem with dput, where can I ask for help? <sergio-br2> trying to upload stuff to debian mentors <wgrant> sergio-br2: You should ask in a channel that deals with Debian Mentors. <sergio-br2> but I think it's dput fault <sergio-br2> socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known <wgrant> That's an issue with your Internet connection or your dput configuration. <wgrant> Nothing to do with LP. <sergio-br2> hum, thanks <DalekSec> It can't have anything to do with LP anyway, due to uploading to Mentors(.debian.net) #launchpad 2015-05-30 <novedstudio> j <sergio-br2> packages are taking long time to build <sergio-br2> many people building at the same time? #launchpad 2016-05-30 <free> wgrant: hey there, would you be available to review this fix https://code.launchpad.net/~free.ekanayaka/rabbitfixture/fix-buildout-and-unittests/+merge/296003 ? or is there somebody else I should better ping? <Facu> hello! <Facu> is there a way to know if a "team" is used anywhere? I have this one that is certainly too old, most probably not used anymore, and I just want to know if I can delete it... https://launchpad.net/~scope-reviewers <Facu> thanks! <Pwnna> for launchpad, if i downloaded a file and check the signature, but can't find the person on launchpad, what do i do/ <Pwnna> specifically this project <Pwnna> https://launchpad.net/duplicity/+download <Pwnna> gpg: Signature made Tue Apr 19 11:39:15 2016 GMT using RSA key ID 96A9EA9C <Pwnna> gpg: Good signature from "Duplicity Test (no password) <duplicity@loafman.com>" <Pwnna> searchign that name/email does not return anything on LP <dobey> what do you mean by that? you want to contact the person who owns the signature for some reason? send an e-mail to that address i guess #launchpad 2016-05-31 <free> wgrant: hey there, around? <wgrant> free: Sorry, I've had your MP open for a day, but let me have a look at it now. <free> wgrant: ah, you noticed it, just wanted to mention it. No hurry from my side. <wgrant> free: Much less intimidating once I realised the majority of the diff was bootstrap.py. <free> wgrant: I'll be pushing a few txlongpoll branches at some point, I'm wondering if it'd make sense to make the Landscape team in LP member of the project (so I could get more reviewers). That code was originally written in Landscape and then extracted to txlongpoll by former LP devs <free> wgrant: yeah pretty much all of it, should have mentioned that in the MP description <wgrant> Yeah, I was part of that extraction project back in 2011. <free> wgrant: ah I had forgot <wgrant> free: I can add you to ~lazr-developers, which has commit access. <free> wgrant: thanks <wgrant> free: There's no tarmac or anything on these branches, so just merge directly. <free> wgrant: right, I'll make sure to run tests :) <Jasper> Is it possible to trigger a rebuilt of a previously-uploaded source package? <Jasper> If we try and trigger a rebuild the normal way, the package will fail to upload. <nacc> Jasper: is this in a PPA? <Jasper> Yes. <Jasper> It's a git import recipe thing. <nacc> Jasper: ah, i don't know much about that -- but did the previous build succeed? <Jasper> No. <Jasper> It was a test fail for other unrelated reasons. <nacc> Jasper: then i think you can submit the rebuild from the web interface, at least <nacc> Jasper: so it probably is possible via the API <Jasper> Where? <Jasper> We're not trying to do it from the API, only the web UI. <nacc> Jasper: i think if you view all builds, then click on the fialing build, there's a link <Jasper> Well, I could view all builds, if Launchpad just didn't die on us. <nacc> Jasper: i'm pretty sure i've done that in the past, i can try and look where i think it should be ... link? <Jasper> Launchpad is dead. <sarnold> launchpad feels unhappy, I got the "Uh oh! Something has gone wrong" page <nacc> yeah, it just stopped working for me too :/ <dobey> seems to be a network issue to the data center. might be a DDoS or something <Jasper> Thank god. Now we might be able to switch to a CI system that's usable. <dobey> Jasper: but anyway, yes, you can request a rebuild for an individual target, if you go to the PPA's package details page, and then click on the failed build, there will be a "retry" <nacc> dobey: thanks (i was pretty sure it was there, but not an expert) <dopey_> is https://launchpad.net down at the moment? * wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad.net offline due to network failure | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad <wgrant> dopey_: Yes <beisner> i'm getting 'Uh oh!' too <rdhyee> any estimate of when launchpad.net will be back? <wgrant> Not at the moment. Still not sure exactly what's happened. <Gues_____> launchpad down? <gaughen> oh good it's not just me. I swear I didn't do anything! <rdhyee> wgrant: thanks for answering my question about estimated time. Good luck to the sysadmins for bringing it back up. <sarnold> Gues_____: correct, down <Alives> git-core ppa 503: https://launchpad.net/~git-core <wgrant> topic <sarnold> thanks for publishing on twitter, too <bladernr> ack, that explains it. Thanks wgrant <wgrant> We're back. * wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad <rdhyee> wgrant: thanks! <oeil> thank you! <wernerandrew> thanks! <Alives> thanks <cjwatson> Jasper: No; you need to arrange for a new recipe build that has a newer version number. Your recipe will include various elements that go into building the version number, and you need to arrange that each time you want to build the package it has a newer version number. <Jasper> cjwatson, we fixed an issue with a dependency. <Jasper> We have no new source package. <cjwatson> Jasper: Link? <Jasper> To what? <cjwatson> Jasper: To your build <cjwatson> Or your recipe <cjwatson> Or *something* * Jasper tries to find it <Jasper> https://launchpad.net/~endlessm/+archive/ubuntu/soma <Jasper> Start with that. <Jasper> I can't figure out how to navigate to anything else. <Jasper> We eventually just bumped it in the changelog. <Jasper> But it would be nice not to have to do that. <cjwatson> https://code.launchpad.net/~wgreenberg/+recipe/eos-shard-daily ? <Jasper> Yeah. <cjwatson> Looking for the older builds that actually failed, since they've now expired off the recipe listing page <Jasper> I can't navigate the Launchpad UI, sorry. <Jasper> I'd help you if I could. <cjwatson> Jasper: So the thing is that the builds preceding the "failed to upload" ones actually succeeded. What "test failure" are you talking about? <cjwatson> CI in some other system? <Jasper> cjwatson, no, there was one that failed to build. <Jasper> Of eos-shard <nacc> Jasper: do you mean: https://launchpad.net/~endlessm/+archive/ubuntu/soma/+recipebuild/1149824 ? <Jasper> I have a build log but nothing else: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/262619453/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-i386.eos-shard_1.4-1.5~114~ubuntu16.04.1_BUILDING.txt.gz <Jasper> Maybe? <cjwatson> Build log is enough. One moment. <nacc> that would appear tob e: https://launchpad.net/~endlessm/+archive/ubuntu/soma/+build/9839401 <nacc> i think? <cjwatson> Right, and that has a "Retry this build" link on it. <cjwatson> You could have used that. <Jasper> Aha, thanks. <Jasper> Out of curiosity, how did you find those pages? <nacc> Jasper: i got to that from https://launchpad.net/~endlessm/+archive/ubuntu/soma/+builds?build_text=&build_state=failed <Jasper> Cool, thank you. <nacc> Jasper: and i got there from 'view all builds' on https://launchpad.net/~endlessm/+archive/ubuntu/soma/+packages <wgrant> Jasper: They're also linked from +packages <Jasper> OK. <Jasper> I got to the recipe build page. <wgrant> When a build fails, there's an X in the relevant row with a link to each architecture that has failed. <Jasper> Where is it from there? <cjwatson> Under "Binary builds". <wgrant> eg. https://launchpad.net/~endlessm/+archive/ubuntu/soma/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=&field.series_filter= <Jasper> "Binary builds: none" <Jasper> On https://launchpad.net/~endlessm/+archive/ubuntu/soma/+recipebuild/1149824 <cjwatson> Then you're not looking at the right recipe build. <wgrant> That recipe build failed. <cjwatson> That recipe build was a *source package* build failure, not the binary build failure above. <Jasper> Ah, OK. <cjwatson> i.e. failure even to construct the source package <Jasper> OK, cool. <cjwatson> Recipes are all two-stage: first we build a source package from the various VCSes and such that you specify, and then we feed that source package into the usual package building machinery to get binary packages. <Jasper> I can't see it but that's probably a permissions issue. <Jasper> Yeah, yeah. <mwhudson> is there any way i can tell if this job is stuck? https://launchpad.net/~mwhudson/+archive/ubuntu/devirt/+build/9836839 <mwhudson> it's gcc building on armhf so being very slow is hardly surprising but there has been no output for an hour or so now <mwhudson> oh wait, it's going now, never mind :) <nacc> what format does getPublishedSources' created_since_date take? <wgrant> nacc: ISO 8601 <sarnold> <3 <wgrant> eg. 2016-05-31T23:48:08 <nacc> wgrant: thanks! <nacc> wgrant: i was thinking that as i looked through the logs <wgrant> nacc: But if you're using launchpadlib you can just pass in a datetime object <nacc> wgrant: ok, good to know! #launchpad 2016-06-01 <mapreri> .. go trust ubuntuone... <mapreri> you lost an image here: https://blog.launchpad.net/general/launchpad-javascript-now-combo-loaded-and-faster-than-ever <cjwatson> mapreri: https://web.archive.org/web/20140402093057/http://blog.launchpad.net/general/launchpad-javascript-now-combo-loaded-and-faster-than-ever has it, but I can't edit the old post <cjwatson> wgrant: ^- #launchpad 2016-06-02 <KNRO_> Any problems with amd64 and i386 farms? <wgrant> KNRO_: Indeed, fixing. <KNRO_> wgrant: thanks! <Odd_Bloke> We're seeing long waits for Intel builds to get queued; is there an issue with the builders? (Or are they working through a backlog because of an issue?) <wgrant> Odd_Bloke: There was a bug earlier that caused a big backlog. It's catching up. <Odd_Bloke> wgrant: Okie doke, thanks. :) <elopio> Hello, anybody around to help me? <elopio> I can't target snapcraft bugs to xenial. I think that it might be because in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapcraft the maintainer is snappy-devel, who doesn't exist. It should be snappy-dev. <dobey> elopio: that "Maintainer" is just a reflection of the "Maintainer" field in debian/control. i don't think it has any relevance to who can manage bugs. the problem is you don't have permissions to accept bugs in ubuntu. you can only nominate them to be targeted <dobey> elopio: you should ask for help in #ubuntu-bugs i guess <elopio> dobey: mmm, that sounds like a better clue. /me walks to the next channel. <elopio> thanks! <dobey> sure <Fuzai> Hi there, I was told this might be the place for my question. I'm wondering what it takes to fork a ppa and setup a build process for that ppa? The ppa I'm referencing has it's source and binaries for amd64 and i386, but I'm wanting to compile for armhf, specifically K1 Tegra. Thanks in advance. <nacc> Fuzai: you can copy packages from ppas, i think, generally <nacc> Fuzai: you would specify in your ppa that you want to build for armhf; however i think access to the armhf builders is not generically available <Fuzai> So what's it take to either cross compile it myself, or run it from the board I have in the first place? #launchpad 2016-06-03 <Fuzai> That might explain why I'm having such a hell of a time finding armhf binaries in general, but the board is based around Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 has show stoppers that prohibit a release upgrade <wgrant> nacc, Fuzai: That changed a few months ago; the PPA's owner can switch on armhf builds themselves. <wgrant> New uploads will then automatically build on armhf too. <Fuzai> Hmm <nacc> wgrant: ah ok, i guess i haven't looked since then, thanks! <wgrant> (in the interim, you could create your own PPA, enable armhf, and copy the packages over to get binaries) <Fuzai> is there a way to clone a ppa? <nacc> Fuzai: --^ that's what i was suggested earlier <nacc> Fuzai: you'd copy the packages ppa -> ppa <Fuzai> Ok, letme see what Google has to say about that <nacc> Fuzai: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Copying <Fuzai> ty <mwhudson> wgrant: is ppa publication particularly slow today? <mwhudson> have something unpublished after nearly an hour <wgrant> mwhudson: Has it published yet? <mwhudson> wgrant: yeah <wgrant> Odd. <elopio> Hello <elopio> this is a good time for australia right? <wgrant> Yep, I'm here. <elopio> hey wgrant! :) <elopio> one of our builds in the PPA failed to contact localhost compalining about something proxy: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/263232324/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-amd64.snapcraft_2.9~1_BUILDING.txt.gz <elopio> another build worked: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/263239501/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-amd64.snapcraft_2.9~ppa1-1_BUILDING.txt.gz <elopio> it's the same code, so I'm not sure if there's something for me to fix, or there's something wrong in the first builder. <elopio> This is the error: Max retries exceeded with url: http://localhost:58220/dev/api/acl/ (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.' <wgrant> elopio: That's something in the snapcraft test suite. <wgrant> The builders have no proxies. <wgrant> I suspect the test suite uses an internal thing to emulate the SCA API. <wgrant> And that failed to start, or something like that. <elopio> wgrant: yes, we start many local servers. I see no error there, but it could be hidden. <wgrant> elopio: I suspect that is the case. There's no LP proxy for binary package builds, so it can't be proxy. <elopio> it sounds unlikely that all the servers failed to start in all the tests in the first branch, but they all worked in the second. Hum, I'll make more runs. <wgrant> ... <wgrant> so it can't be *broken* <wgrant> elopio: You should probably check that you're not suppressing stderr somewhere, I guess. <pmjdebruijn> hey, I accidentally pushed a build (intented for xenial) for trusty, which failed because of deps. I removed the failed build/package, however the older successful is now marked superceeded <pmjdebruijn> is there a way to re-instate the old build? <wgrant> pmjdebruijn: Delete the wrong one, and copy the right one back in (make sure to change the "Published" filter to "Superseded" on +copy-packages) <pmjdebruijn> I already removed the wrong one <pmjdebruijn> I'll try the copy action tonight, thanks <nottrobin> is there any way to unsubscribe from emails about pull requests for a specific project or team? <nottrobin> sorry, merge proposals <Laney> Is something sad happening with the librarian? I've been getting 5xx errors when trying to run auto-sync manually. <cjwatson> Laney: can you paste more complete details? <Laney> cjwatson: I made it put a traceback in the log for the last one - one second <Laney> cjwatson: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/auto-sync/2016-06-03/10:10:24.log <Laney> The other two times were a 500 and a 502 on some other .dscs <Laney> I'm afraid I closed that tab though :( <cjwatson> Can't see signs of badness in the logs - must be at the haproxy level I guess <cjwatson> I think we just have to have auto-sync back off and retry <cjwatson> Let me have a go at that <Laney> Yeah I'm sure that would fix it, if such errors are to be expected <cjwatson> Laney: ok, try now <Laney> alright, it's running <mapreri> i wonder whether this is a spam account or just a boring/annoying child playing around. https://launchpad.net/~sunnohello <mapreri> and https://launchpad.net/~sunnohello123 by extension- <cjwatson> spammy pattern but I'm at EOD, hopefully wgrant can deal with it <chrisccoulson> There's a bunch of firefox arm64 builds that all seem to be stuck <chrisccoulson> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/9851597 <chrisccoulson> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/47.0+build1-0ubuntu1/+build/9851466 <chrisccoulson> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/9851633 <chrisccoulson> Oh, I can cancel them all <rleigh> Hi folks. Is this an appropriate place to ask about login problems? The single sign on won't allow me to log into my account (rleigh); it still thinks I have a debian email address despite having changed it. But I no longer have a debian account, so can't log in at all... <rleigh> I did try filling out a support request a few months back, but never got any response. #launchpad 2016-06-04 <est31> hi I want to talk with a launchpad admin #launchpad 2017-05-29 <mapreri> how long does it take for new gpg key (first ppa upload of this team) to reach the keyserver and be available for download? <mapreri> ok, not too long <axino> LP spammer : https://launchpad.net/~kisskaro2 <axino> I made https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/rsyslog/+bug/1694271 private, not sure if that was the right decision <ubot5> Error: ubuntu bug 1694271 not found <cjwatson> axino: please make it public again so that I can get rid of it properly <axino> cjwatson: sure <axino> cjwatson: done <cjwatson> axino: thanks - spammer dealt with <axino> ta #launchpad 2017-05-30 <daker> hi cjwatson, does LP builders do support pulling git submodules when building snaps ? <daker> https://github.com/canonical-websites/build.snapcraft.io/issues/813 <m_hampl> There currently are lots of spam messages in the Inkscape answer section. Can someone please deal with them. Thanks in advance. <Mc> there are just ~150 of them <smoser> cjwatson, https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/324625 if re-submit the proposal, will it still hit bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1693543 ? <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1693543 in Launchpad itself "oops when generating diff in git merge proposal" [Critical,In progress] <smoser> or is there any way i can get a diff on that mp ? <cjwatson> smoser: don't have enough brain right now to work out whether it will hit it again, but you can try rescanning the repository using the API: https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#git_repository-rescan <smoser> thanks! <cjwatson> m_hampl: thanks, slaughtering <cjwatson> I think that's the latest run cleared <m_hampl> unfortunately the spam attack ist still ongoing, 50 additional messages in the past 15 minutes <cjwatson> m_hampl: I'll do my best, but I won't be able to keep up manually in my evening. It'll mostly need to wait for wgrant to come back and bring the automation back online. <m_hampl> cjwatson: I fully understand that it is not your main task to fight spam. My main aim of this message was to make you aware of the current attack. I hope that there will be a chance to clean up the mess in the coming days. Thank you for your work done. <smoser> i suspect this is k nown... <smoser> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24718116/ <smoser> json decode error with python3 and launchpadlib <smoser> worked with python2 <cjwatson> fixed in launchpadlib or lazr.restfulclient trunk iirc. need to get round to doing releases. #launchpad 2017-05-31 <luk3yx> Should questions about staging.launchpad.net be asked here or somewhere else? <wgrant> luk3yx: Here is fine. <luk3yx> How long does it take for it to clone a git repo? <wgrant> luk3yx: staging.launchpad.net doesn't have git support today. What are you doing with it? <luk3yx> I was trying to clone a git repository to test the snap building feature. <wgrant> staging can only upload to the staging snap store, which you can't install from unless you build a custom snapd. You probably want to use production for that instead. <wgrant> staging's better if you're testing scripts to manipulate lots of bugs, or do other things that might disrupt other users. <luk3yx> Oh, okay. <luk3yx> Thank you. <luk3yx> What's https://qastaging.launchpad.net/? <wgrant> luk3yx: It's like staging... except different. It runs a different branch of the code, and is mostly used by us for QA purposes. But it does have git support. <luk3yx> Oh, okay. <luk3yx> How often are the staging ones reset? <wgrant> staging is reset weekly. qastaging is reset when we feel like it. <luk3yx> Okay. <luk3yx> Thank you for your help. <wgrant> np <luk3yx> How long does qastaging take to clone a git repo? <cjwatson> luk3yx: That's a bit of a "how long is a piece of string" question. What repository in particular? Do you mean that you're trying to set up a code import? <alkisg> Hi, I tried copying to packages from one PPA to another, and I got some launchpad error mails. Now it's been stuck at either building or pending to be published, for 1 hour or so. Should I just wait, or should I report the issue? <alkisg> https://launchpad.net/~ts.sch.gr/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=java8&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter= <alkisg> *s/to/two <cjwatson> alkisg: It's backed up due to a particularly large rebuild in one PPA, but it'll get there eventually. <alkisg> cjwatson: so no action needed on my part, thank you <cjwatson> Indeed. <jorgesumle> I want to submit a bug to Launchpad, but I can't because I cannot validate my Ubuntu One account. Can someone do it for me? <cjwatson> What goes wrong when you try to validate it? <jorgesumle> I need to complete a CAPTCHA, but it doesn't appear when JavaScript is disabled <jorgesumle> I surf the web with JS disabled because of privacy. <jorgesumle> The bug should be sent here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/midori <jorgesumle> Here it is the bug report, you just have to copy and paste: https://paste.debian.net/955781 <jorgesumle> I would be very helpful if someone could fill it for me :) <rbasak> I have a separate browser profile for stuff like this. Its set to clear everything on exit - basically private browsing mode. I don't believe there's any realistic loss in privacy by jumping in there to do the odd task like this. <cjwatson> We aren't likely to drop the captcha requirement; it's an important spam defence. <jorgesumle> I'm not asking you that, I just asked for someone to take 30 secs to help me fill a bug report. Though it would be an improvement if the CAPTCHA would work with JS disabled. <cjwatson> I'm afraid I don't file bugs on other people's behalf because that breaks the ability for developers to contact the bug reporter. <Mc> I thought midori just uses webkit <cjwatson> From https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/faq it looks like we can only support non-JS signups by weakening security, and our spam situation is already bad enough, sorry :( <jorgesumle> There is an IRC channel called #midori, I'm also trying there. Thanks for your responses. <bdmurray> cjwatson: I've also been encountering some more LP OOPSes recently e.g. https://oops.canonical.com/?oopsid=OOPS-fbdcf5eec6283761189e84d5d66da7ba <ubot5> https://oops.canonical.com/?oopsid=OOPS-fbdcf5eec6283761189e84d5d66da7ba <cjwatson> bdmurray: That looks worth filing a bug on: we appear to be spending at least a second on lots of per-bug queries that could almost certainly be done in bulk instead. <bdmurray> cjwatson: okay <sergio-br2> hi <sergio-br2> how do I workaround "virtual memory exhausted: Operation not permitted" in launchpad i386 builds? <sergio-br2> trying building mame there... <cjwatson> The usual approach is to reduce your build's parallelism level <cjwatson> Also worth looking into various memory-saving linker options <sergio-br2> dh $@ --parallel <sergio-br2> hummm <sergio-br2> removing that will take a lot of time to build heh <cjwatson> there's a --max-parallel option. see debhelper(7) <sergio-br2> let's see <cjwatson> so you could e.g. try --max-parallel=2 <sergio-br2> what's the maximum used in launchpad farm? <cjwatson> the builder VMs have 4 VCPUs, so --parallel will default to that <sergio-br2> ok, let's see if it works <sergio-br2> didn't work, let's see without --parallel <sergio-br2> didn't work either cjwatson <cjwatson> sergio-br2: 19:45 <cjwatson> Also worth looking into various memory-saving linker options <cjwatson> sergio-br2: but I'm sorry, I can't really debug your build for you, only make general suggestions. <cjwatson> sergio-br2: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mame appears to build fine on i386 so you should look at what it does; I see at least one memory-saving tweak in debian/rules there. <sergio-br2> ahh, true <sergio-br2> #export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -Wl,--no-keep-memory <sergio-br2> let's see there <cjwatson> Doesn't look like it's your linker step that's failing, so you might need to look into other flags there. I didn't look very hard. <sergio-br2> cjwatson, does launchpad farm use swap? <cjwatson> sergio-br2: 4GiB swap IIRC <sergio-br2> wut <sergio-br2> man, mame became a huge monster heh <cjwatson> sergio-br2: Not that that's relevant to "virtual memory exhausted". <sergio-br2> isn't it using swap in the build? <sergio-br2> virtual memory = RAM + swap ? <nacc> RAM + swap would be more like physical memory, sort of <cjwatson> sergio-br2: You get that error when you try to allocate more than will fit in your process' address space. <nacc> sergio-br2: virtual memory is more about the addressable memory (so exceeding 2^32) <sergio-br2> 2^32 = 4 GB right <cjwatson> Possibly even 3GiB on i386, I forget. At any rate it's not relevant how much RAM+swap is available beyond that, in this case. <sergio-br2> 3 GB in PC arch <nacc> cjwatson: good point, it's not quite 4GB <cjwatson> Note that the amd64 builders are exactly the same VMs. <sergio-br2> yeah, I forgot this detail, too much used to amd64 #launchpad 2017-06-01 <acheronUK> is there an issue with the ppa publisher? seems to be taking extra long the last day or 2? <cjwatson> acheronUK: There was a large uncoordinated test rebuild performed in a PPA rather than using the usual dedicated arrangements for such things, and the system has been having some trouble keeping up as a result. <acheronUK> cjwatson: that would do it if the effects linger. thanks <CarlFK> not sure who's problem this is... I'll go log an issue if someone will tell me where: <CarlFK> https://paste.ubuntu.com/24738955/ click "Download as text" https://paste.ubuntu.com/24738955/plain/ <CarlFK> "Plain form not available for deep linking." <cjwatson> It has nothing to do with Launchpad. #canonical-sysadmin or rt@ubuntu.com <CarlFK> thanks - I remember someone in IRC explaining why I needed to log in. and this is irc.. soo... ;) <bdmurray> cjwatson: I just reported bug 1695031 regarding a timeout I'm seeing regularly. I may have mentioned the same timeout yesterday. <ubot5> bug 1695031 in Launchpad itself "apport retracing service regularly encountering timeouts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1695031 <cjwatson> ack, thanks <sergio-br2> hi <sergio-br2> how can I specify a commit in the git recipe? <sergio-br2> I want to use a specific commit to build a package <sergio-br2> hey cjwatson <cjwatson> doesn't the documentation cover that? <cjwatson> https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes#Specifying_revisions <sergio-br2> for bzr you use revno:1234 for example, for git I'm not sure what to do <cjwatson> "For git, a revision specifier may be anything that you could pass to git rev-parse in a clone of the given repository." <cjwatson> no need for a revno: prefix or anything <sergio-br2> that's greek for me <cjwatson> man gitrevisions <cjwatson> you can just put a SHA-1 there for instance <sergio-br2> something like <sergio-br2> lp:~libretro/libretro/+git/RetroArch master f14473f <sergio-br2> or the full hash? <cjwatson> drop the "master" there. you either mean master (which means the tip of the master branch) or you mean a specific commit, not both <sergio-br2> humm <cjwatson> you can truncate the hash if you like <rbasak> Repeatedly getting OOPS-5b689b57381685b4549dbc5f55d66212 for a few minutes trying to file a bug against ubuntu pygit2. Known issue? <ubot5> https://oops.canonical.com/?oopsid=OOPS-5b689b57381685b4549dbc5f55d66212 <rbasak> IllegalTarget: Package pygit2 not published in Ubuntu <cjwatson> it's an ungraceful failure mode, but it's true. you mean python-pygit2 I think <rbasak> Thanks <cjwatson> I think if you use the JS picker it will present you with the source package name as an option if you search for the binary package name <rbasak> Filed now, thank you. <cjwatson> (this is a slight regression as a result of the work done in http://blog.launchpad.net/beta/beta-test-new-package-picker) <rbasak> Would you like a bug on the ungracefulness? <cjwatson> I think there's one already, but let me check <rbasak> BTW, you might be interested in the bug too - pygit2 giving bad results, resulting in a corrupted import for us: bug 1695049 <ubot5> bug 1695049 in python-pygit2 (Ubuntu) "In some cases pygit2.Repository.diff() returns no difference between trees that are actually different" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1695049 <rbasak> nacc will try to follow up upstream next week. <rbasak> (we're working around for now) <cjwatson> https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1635118 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1635118 in Launchpad itself "Submitting bug for non-existent distro source package triggers OOPS on submission, should not allow you to start" [Undecided,New] <rbasak> Thanks <cjwatson> I think we normally diff by full commit IDs, but would have to check <sergio-br2> it worked cjwatson, thanks <cjwatson> good <nacc> cjwatson: is LP: #1669712 showing the nominations for series where it has already been opened a bug? If i click on approve/decline and approve it, I get an oops (OOPS-c4f79485d4d8b208eff2688148cdca15) <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1669712 in sssd (Ubuntu) "Newline characters (\n) must be sanitized before LDAP requests take place." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1669712 <ubot5> https://oops.canonical.com/?oopsid=OOPS-c4f79485d4d8b208eff2688148cdca15 <cjwatson> nacc: that's certainly a bug-worthy head-scratcher <nacc> cjwatson: ok, will file -- against launchpad itself, i assume? <cjwatson> yeah <nacc> cjwatson: done, LP: #1695097 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1695097 in Launchpad itself "LP: #1669712 shows nomination for series already nominated for" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1695097 <cjwatson> ta #launchpad 2017-06-02 <sergio-br2> hi #launchpad 2018-05-28 <enyc> meow <enyc> A PPA maintainer switched on extra Architecture for me... <enyc> but that doesn't seem to cause new builds -- is there a specific way to cause them to happen with all the existing sources already uploaded in the PPA...? <wgrant> enyc: It doesn't happen automatically, but you can use the "Copy packages" link and basically copy the packages over themselves (into the same PPA you're copying from) to trigger the new builds. #launchpad 2018-05-29 <Laney> I'm sure I've asked this before... but is it possible to update the URL a code import is importing from? <wgrant> Laney: Yes, Colin or I can do that. <Laney> wgrant: Thanks. Question or here? <wgrant> Laney: Either way <Laney> wgrant: OK, then https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/autopkgtest/+git/autodep8 needs to come from https://salsa.debian.org/ci-team/autodep8.git now please <wgrant> Laney: Done and reimported. <Laney> A beautiful green tick. Cheers. <enyc> wgrant: thankyou far answer and suggisoiotn about rebuilding... * wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Build farm paused 09:00 - 09:30 UTC | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad <bluesabre> Launchpad devs, is there a way to use translations import/export syncing with git? I haven't found a way exposed in the front end and have been creating a bzr import and syncing imports to it. <cjwatson> bluesabre: Not yet, sorry. <cjwatson> One of the remaining gaps. <bluesabre> cjwatson: cool, thanks for the quick response :) * wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad * cjwatson changed the topic of #launchpad to: Build farm paused 14:10 - 14:40 UTC | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad * cjwatson changed the topic of #launchpad to: Build farm paused 14:10 - 14:50 UTC | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad <cjwatson> Sorry, brief hiccup with opening translations for Ubuntu cosmic. Should be sorted out soon * cjwatson changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad #launchpad 2018-05-30 <alkisg> Hi, I'm getting dependency wait "debhelper (>=9)" in my ppa, even though I've uploaded debhelper 11 for xenial, and I've configured the ppa to use all available backports etc. <alkisg> Build log: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/372415354/buildlog.txt.gz PPA: https://launchpad.net/~alkisg/+archive/ubuntu/ppa <alkisg> Is it possible for a PPA build to pull debhelper from the PPA itself? <alkisg> I tried to put the PPA itself as a dependency, but the user inteface didn't allow me to do so, maybe I need to put debhelper in another ppa and put that as a dependency? <wgrant> alkisg: builddeps:epoptes : Depends: debhelper (>= 9) but it is not going to be installed <wgrant> alkisg: "but it is not going to be installed" is what apt says when the package is available but its dependencies can't be satisfied <alkisg> Ah <wgrant> alkisg: Add the PPA to a xenial chroot and try to install debhelper; it will probably give a clearer error. <alkisg> wgrant: thank you very much, I'll just delete that newer debhelper 11 there, I don't think it's required at all <acheronuk> yeah https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cTNg3hbjNN/ <alkisg> I had put debhelper 11 there a couple of months ago in order to try building another package. I forgot that that attempt failed, and I forgot to delete debhelper 11, and now it was causing this issue, while I was thinking it would be helping... <alkisg> Deleting it solved the issue, thanks again. <NTQ> Hi. I changed my mail address in my Ubuntu On Account but launchpad itself still uses my old mail address. Where can I change that? <cjwatson> NTQ: https://launchpad.net/~/+editemails <cjwatson> linked from your account page under "Change email settings" <NTQ> cjwatson: Thank you #launchpad 2018-05-31 <arturo> hey! I need some help when login to launchpad. There seems to be some issue with the SSO. After I press the 'Yes, log me in' button, this happens <arturo> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/NM4Bwfrx/lp.png <arturo> I already sent a detailed email to webmaster@ubuntu.com like 20 days ago with no reply so far <rbasak> arturo: I'm not sure, but I think SSO is managed by Canonical sysadmins rather than by the Launchpad devs, so try #canonical-sysadmin if you don't get a reply here. <rbasak> Though <rbasak> Actually, it looks like SSO is accepting you but Launchpad is not. <rbasak> So maybe wait here for an answer first <arturo> ack <wgrant> arturo: The right address to email would have been something @launchpad.net (usually feedback@launchpad.net); the team managing ubuntu.com is unrelated. <wgrant> Let me see. <arturo> I just forwarded my old email report to help@lauchpad.net <wgrant> arturo: Thanks. If you try logging in again now it should work. <arturo> wgrant: oh it works, thanks! what was the problem, if I may ask? <wgrant> arturo: A conflict between the Ubuntu One account you created and a record already in LP from Debian. <arturo> thanks! #launchpad 2018-06-01 <quxgyver> How do I report a bug? I have a launchpad account, but I don't know where to go from there. <acheronuk> cjwatson or wgrant: could you please increase ppa:kubuntu-ci/stable to say 60GB? have been meaning to ask for a while while we have builds for multiple LTS releases going, but kept forgetting, and we are now at the limit :/ <cjwatson> quxgyver: What are you trying to report a bug against? <cjwatson> acheronuk: done <acheronuk> thank you <quxgyver> cjwatson: the Lubuntu installer, the ubuntu installer, the lubuntu operating system and launchpad itself. <quxgyver> So far. <cjwatson> quxgyver: For bugs against Ubuntu and its flavours, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs (the installer package name is 'ubiquity', and 'ubuntu-bug ubiquity' should generally work; I don't know about the Lubuntu installer which IIRC is different nowadays) <cjwatson> quxgyver: For bugs against Launchpad itself, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad <quxgyver> cjwatson: What I mean is, where in the launchpad system do you click to actually report a bug <quxgyver> I registered an account and can't find what to do next <cjwatson> quxgyver: So I mean both of the links above answer that question ... <acheronuk> quxgyver: top right of project/source package pages there is a "Report a bug" link <cjwatson> Reporting bugs in Ubuntu (and flavours) is a bit more elaborate and using 'ubuntu-bug' is generally preferred where possible, just because the bug flow is so high and it really helps to have a tool that gathers relevant information in advance so developers don't have to go back and forth to collect it <cjwatson> But yes, for reporting bugs against Launchpad itself, for example, you can just go to the link I gave you and click on "Report a bug" <quxgyver> Alright, the problem was that I was visiting launchpad.net/lubuntu rather than bugs.launchpad.net/lubuntu <quxgyver> Thanks. <cjwatson> both of those have a "Report a bug" link, mind :) <quxgyver> Yeah, maybe it was some other page. <quxgyver> Because I did a ctrl+f and the word "bug" wasn't present on the page. <quxgyver> In either case, appreciate the help. :-) <cjwatson> np <meena> o/~ hi folks o/~ <meena> so, i'm trying to install some debug symbols from a PPA — any PPA: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash#Installing_dbgsym_packages_from_a_PPA <meena> but it seems that none of the necessary files are created by ppa.launchpad so the result always looks like this: https://gist.github.com/0478f9ae326860d2c0db894f89446fc1 <cjwatson> What that doesn't say (I'll fix it in a moment) is that this is a feature that has to be enabled by the PPA owner <cjwatson> Oh, though that output is not quite that problem <meena> cjwatson: the -dbgsym packages are created — but not the generation of the files necessary to find them. <cjwatson> Are you sure this isn't a red herring? None of the files being complained about in that paste are relevant. <cjwatson> Perhaps you could pastebin/gist more complete output? <cjwatson> That said, http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-next/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/debug/binary-amd64/Packages.xz does appear to be empty despite {build,publish}_debug_symbols being on for that archive <meena> cjwatson: that is the only output https://gist.github.com/5474db0709865ce8244c79d9b3e5b09c <meena> cjwatson: that's what i said too :O <meena> just in case i did this wrong, here's the source.list: https://gist.github.com/aba0ca3341b5d2a943231c5975271702 <cjwatson> meena: Could you please file a bug against Launchpad itself? I agree there seems to be something odd going on here, but it's a bit more than I can debug right now. <meena> cjwatson: where? <meena> https://launchpad.net/~launchpad ? <meena> https://launchpad.net/launchpad oh… "Launchpad itself" <cjwatson> yes <meena> cjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1774618 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1774618 in Launchpad itself "Generated main/debug/<arch>/Packages.xz/gz files are empty" [Undecided,New] <cjwatson> thanks #launchpad 2019-05-28 <Saviq> hey, cjwatson is something up with +snap builds on LP? https://launchpad.net/~saviq/+snap/multipass <Saviq> all the build logs are blank <Saviq> and the two earlier ones are quite late already <cjwatson> Saviq: buildd-manager has got a bit stuck; I've requested a restart, thanks <cjwatson> Should clear up in a bit <cjwatson> (It does this occasionally and we haven't tracked down the real cause, but a restart papers over it) <Saviq> cjwatson: ack, thanks! <cjwatson> Saviq: Fixed <kTag> Looking for avsm because I have issue with his repo <kTag> Is it the right place to look for him? <cjwatson> kTag: I wouldn't have thought so <cjwatson> No particular reason why all PPA maintainers would hang out here <kTag> Looking at launchpad website he mentions that’s where he hangs out... <kTag> Or is it a different channel? <kTag> Oh there is a PPA channel. I’ll try there <cjwatson> Never heard of a PPA channel, but maybe <cjwatson> You might be better off just contacting them by email <kTag> Good point. Thanks #launchpad 2019-05-29 <Nafallo> hiya. is the git+ssh interface down, or is it just me? <cjwatson> Load spike <Nafallo> so not just me. thanks :-) * cjwatson cancels some recipe builds <cjwatson> May be recovering slightly now <Nafallo> seem to manage to push slowly now :-) <Nafallo> not it broke again :-) <cjwatson> No need to keep telling me <cjwatson> I have graphs <GyrosGeier> hi <Nafallo> alright :-) <GyrosGeier> does the git server have problems, or is that just me getting rate limited because there is a Jenkins instance on my box? <cjwatson> GyrosGeier: Already working on it <GyrosGeier> cool, thanks <cjwatson> Nafallo,GyrosGeier: Should be back now <cjwatson> (existing connections will have been interrupted; quickest way to restore service) <Nafallo> yepp :-) <kami> Hello <kami> I would like to see the current code in the packaging repo of this package: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/disco/+source/js2-mode <kami> But the code tab is empty <kami> I thought something like 'bzr branch lp:ubuntu/cosmic/js2-mode' would get me there <cjwatson> pull-lp-source js2-mode disco <cjwatson> The bzr imports are obsolete and no longer maintained <cjwatson> They will eventually be replaced with git imports, but that's still in progress <kami> cjwatson: thank you <cjwatson> So for now, just grab the source package <kami> will do <kami> cjwatson: I hope I may ask a packaging question here. The build of my package fails because a build dependency is not being installed. <kami> https://launchpadlibrarian.net/425866708/buildlog_ubuntu-bionic-amd64.js2-mode_0~20190526-1mc1~bionic+1_BUILDING.txt.gz <kami> The version specified in Build-Depends is dh-elpa (>= 0.0.11~) <kami> and the version in bionic 1.11 <kami> What does the tilde at the end of 0.0.11~ mean? <GyrosGeier> kami, ~ means "less than empty string" <GyrosGeier> it is usually used for backports <GyrosGeier> e.g. a backport version would use 0.0.11~bpo <GyrosGeier> and it would sort before 0.0.11 <GyrosGeier> so a system that has backports installed would replace them with the release version on dist-upgrade <GyrosGeier> the single ~ sorts before ~bpo (because the empty string after the tilde sorts before "bpo") <kami> GyrosGeier: I see. Thank you, but that doesn't explain why the builder doesn't install the build dependency. <GyrosGeier> so this means "any version that is at least 0.0.11, including backports and prereleases" <acheronuk> your build depends say: <acheronuk> Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), <acheronuk> dh-elpa (>= 1.11) <kami> acheronuk: I tried the original >= 0.0.11~ and another build with >= 1.11. Did I make any mistake? Do you spot an error? <GyrosGeier> bionic has 1.11 <GyrosGeier> that should also work <GyrosGeier> it's in universe, but universe should be available <kami> "Depends: dh-elpa (>= xxxxx) but it is not going to be installed" <kami> "Get:9 http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu bionic/universe amd64 Packages" <acheronuk> The following packages have unmet dependencies: <acheronuk> dh-elpa : Depends: emacs25-nox but it is not going to be installed or <acheronuk> emacs2 <acheronuk> your emacs build in the ppa is braking its install dependencies <acheronuk> *breaking <kami> acheronuk: did you find that in the build log? <acheronuk> no <acheronuk> in a pbuilder chroot <kami> acheronuk: ah, thanks. <kami> acheronuk: so this means that transitive dependencies of the Build-Depends have to be specified explicitly? <cjwatson> No, you don't have to specify transitive dependencies explicitly <cjwatson> But they do have to actually be installable, which apparently yours aren't <cjwatson> "but it is not going to be installed" is apt's not-hugely-helpful way of saying that something further down the dependency stack isn't resolvable <cjwatson> To figure out what's going on, make a matching apt environment for yourself (chroot or whatever, or chdist from ubuntu-dev-tools can be helpful) and try installing the build-deps explicitly with more and more detail until it gives you an error message that's actually useful <acheronuk> kami: if I remove your ppa from the sources.list of by bionic pbuilder chroot, then dh-elpa installs fine <acheronuk> so certainly something in your ppa <seb128> hey there. Does anyone here would have a pointer to how the width of the tag-edit-entry is defined? I tried to look at lib/lp/bugs/javascript/bug_tags_entry.js but I don't see any obvious place/value in there? <seb128> the current entry is quite small, it's annoying to edit tags list like "bionic verification-needed verification-needed-bionic" to e.g change those to -done, need to sroll, find the right one, etc <acheronuk> emacs25-common : Depends: emacsen-common (>= 2.0.8) but it is not going to be installed <acheronuk> emacsen-common : Conflicts: emacs25-common but 25.2+1-6 is to be installed <acheronuk> kami: that is were I get to following the dep chain <acheronuk> impossible requirements, as a result of what you have in that ppa <cjwatson> seb128: Not actually sure. It might be computed from some kind of default value for the size or something <cjwatson> I mean the <input> size * acheronuk leaves it there <kami> acheronuk: many thanks! I'm still struggling with pbuilder ... <cjwatson> But I could be wrong - don't see anything obvious in the CSS <cjwatson> seb128: I'd probably suggest experimenting with styles in Firefox's handy style editor thing <seb128> cjwatson, k, I guess not a 3 min hack I could do/propose on the side then I guess :/ <seb128> good hints <seb128> thx cjwatson, I put a note on my side-todolist to try playing with that whenever I get some free cycles... unsure if/when I get to it, but that would make SRU verification editing less frustrating :) <cjwatson> seb128: Setting "width: 20em" or similar (number was arbitrary) on the CSS for that element seems to resize it in appropriate ways <cjwatson> FWIW <seb128> thx <cjwatson> seb128: But it might be more appropriate to set the size attribute on the <input> element's HTML <cjwatson> size="30" or whatever <seb128> what's the easiest way to test such changes made to the launchpad source if I want to go this way? <cjwatson> grep around to see if there's anything similar elsewhere in the codebase, which might also serve to supply appropriate choices of number <seb128> I haven't hacked on launchpad so far <cjwatson> https://dev.launchpad.net/Running <seb128> thx <cjwatson> May or may not want a unit test in this case too (not sure how valuable it would be), but for something visual you'd mainly want to try it out in a browser <kami> pbuilder gives me 'Unknown distribution: bionic' <seb128> back, my laptop reconnect to another wifi and IRC didn't like that :/ <seb128> cjwatson, did you write something after <seb128> <cjwatson> May or may not want a unit test in this case too (not sure how valuable it would be), but for something visual you'd mainly want to try it out in a browser <seb128> ? <cjwatson> I did not <seb128> k, good <seb128> cjwatson, thanks for the hint, I might try to have a go to this one, would be nice to have a launchpad contribution :) <cjwatson> :) #launchpad 2019-05-30 <caraka> Greetings I am at a bit of a loss to report a bug on a (new in repository) package that doesn't appear in Launchpad. (there are 2 empty PPAs) omnidb-server fails to bring along omnidb-common because the package python3-restrictedpython doesn't have an installation candidate. I would appreciate any pointers on where to report this bug. A search at Debian reveals that this is a brand new package upstream, with it's ITP bug still open. I'll start there. <caraka> Interesting - the package doesn not yet appear in bugs.debian.org in any of unstable, testing or stable. This is very new. <wgrant> caraka: Where do you see this package? <wgrant> I don't see it in Ubuntu or Debian at all. <wgrant> So reporting a bug against Ubuntu or Debian doesn't seem very useful. <caraka> wgrant: It appeared in synaptic under (new in repository) and it exists only at https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/omnidb_2.15.0+ds-1.html#binary-omnidb-server-lintian <caraka> Apologies, you don't want the lintian: https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/omnidb_2.15.0+ds-1.html <wgrant> Ah. Really doesn't look worth filing bugs in Launchpad against, if it's still in Debian NEW <caraka> except that it is in the bionic repo, and won't install <caraka> All my issues are in 18.04 LTS <caraka> I suppose I should turn off all 3rd party repos on my system, but I have so few and none are the kind that would drag in a NEW package <caraka> I am writing to the maintainer email address, which is upstream, because even bugs.debian says it doesn't exist! <wgrant> caraka: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/omnidb <- it's definitely not in bionic <caraka> Still trying to figure out why it's in my synaptic. Almost all of the extra repos are launchpad PPAs <wgrant> apt policy omnidb-server <caraka> Thank you, that solves the mystery: http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt bionic-pgdg/main amd64 Packages <caraka> and that means the maintainer team I am writing is the correct one <caraka> team+postgresql@tracker.debian.org <caraka> sanity restored, and my pseudo bug report will be more useful. Cheers <wgrant> Excellent, np <caraka> It is a NEW package, as in just a few hours in debian. I'm the fool who clicked on the shiny click-bait in synaptic <wgrant> Heh <wgrant> It does look quite handy, haven't run into it before. <caraka> It does, hence my click. If python3-restrictedpython was in bionic, I would be playing with it right now <caraka> the py2 version is there, but not py3 <wgrant> Yeah, python3-restrictedpython is only in disco onwards <caraka> nice, I'll nudge them to backport or get omni out of bionic] #launchpad 2019-05-31 <Saviq> hi all, something wrong with buildd's snap store uploads? https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/+snap/subsurface-stable <Saviq> I've retried these a couple times now and the upload continues to fail <cjwatson> Saviq: -> #snapstore <cjwatson> folks have been investigating something similar this morning <cjwatson> (internal channel) <cjwatson> AFAIK it's not an LP problem <Saviq> ack <ricotz> cjwatson, hi :), would you have a moment for https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/681165 <Eickmeyer> This might be a stupid question, but I have a package that I have updated (I have PPU rights to this one) and it's been "pending publication" for a few days. Any idea what's going on? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntustudio-look <Eickmeyer> "pending publication" in Proposed, might I add. <teward> Eickmeyer: NEW queue <teward> NEW binaries. <Eickmeyer> teward: That shouldn't be in the NEW queue, it's not new. <teward> Eickmeyer: you have a new binary <teward> ubuntustudio-wallpapers-disco_0.61_all.deb (7.0 MiB) NEW <teward> Eickmeyer: the SOURCE package isn't new <teward> but it produces a NEW binary <teward> that needs AA acceptance <teward> go to the queue at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/eoan/+queue, set it to "new", exapdn ubuntustudio-look <teward> see the red "NEW" next to that package. <teward> NEW queue affects *new binary packages* as well as new source packages previouisly not introduced <teward> so you need AAs to look at it <Eickmeyer> Oh, I see. <teward> Eickmeyer: prime example was my recent 'nginx' upload which added the third party geoip2 module. The new binary produced containing the dynamic module for that needed AA approval/review before it was published or made available in proposed. <teward> any new source **OR** produced binary needs AA review typically, AIUI <Eickmeyer> Okay, that makes sense. <Eickmeyer> Seems to be a slow process. Do we not have enough AAs? <teward> AAs have a lot of work ;) <Eickmeyer> Well, yes, but I have had a package that has been sitting in there for weeks. <Eickmeyer> (as you and I previously discussed) <teward> Eickmeyer: that's a discussion for elsewhere. <cjwatson> ricotz: done <Eickmeyer> Indeed. <teward> you can always ask an AA to look at it in #ubuntu-release though <teward> except vorlon who is always too busy :p <ricotz> cjwatson, thank you <gQuigs> this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-430 report bug always seems to Oops <cjwatson> It's end of week, please file a bug about it or it will be forgotten <gQuigs> cjwatson: rgr <cjwatson> I expect it has something to do with it not actually being a package in Ubuntu though <cjwatson> Are you sure you didn't typo the name? <gQuigs> cjwatson: it's only in PPAs at the moment, correct <cjwatson> It shouldn't OOPS, but we are unlikely to make it actually do anything. <cjwatson> PPAs don't support bugs <cjwatson> So any fix would just be to say no gracefully rather than to OOPS <gQuigs> so Report bug shouldn't even be an option, alright :) <gQuigs> relevant LP bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/179873 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 179873 in Launchpad itself "Can't report bugs on packages installed from a PPA" [High,Triaged] <cjwatson> gQuigs: That indeed documents the fact that this feature is not present; the OOPS is a separate issue though <cjwatson> gQuigs: But it's https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1635118 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1635118 in Launchpad itself "Submitting bug for non-existent distro source package triggers OOPS on submission, should not allow you to start" [Critical,Triaged] <gQuigs> thanks, your bug search foo is better then mine :) <cjwatson> Coupled with vague memory ... #launchpad 2019-06-01 <acheronuk> wgrant cjwatson, looks like buildd-manager fell over again <wgrant> acheronuk: fixed, thanks <acheronuk> thank you #launchpad 2020-05-27 <pjp> Hi, When creating a bug via createBug() method, is 'tags' argument a list of tags['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3',] OR a string like "tag1 tag2 tag3"? <pjp> For both variants I get => HTTP Error 400: Bad Request -> tags: ([ConstraintNotSatisfied(u'tag1', '')], 'tags') <wgrant> pjp: It's a list of tags: <wgrant> In [2]: lp.bugs.createBug(target='/ubuntu', title='Test', description='Test', tags=['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) <wgrant> Out[2]: <bug at https://api.staging.launchpad.net/devel/bugs/1880206> <ubot5> Error: ubuntu bug 1880206 not found <pjp> wgrant: Yes, list works on a staging instance. On 'production' it is throwing Bad Request error. <wgrant> pjp: What's the exact call you're making? <wgrant> In [1]: lp.bugs.createBug(target='/null-and-void', title='Test', description='Test', tags=['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) <wgrant> Out[1]: <bug at https://api.launchpad.net/devel/bugs/1880820> <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1880820 in NULL Project "Test" [Undecided,New] <wgrant> Works fine on prod too. <pjp> wgrant: lp.bugs.createBug(title=bz['summary'], description=bz['cf_release_notes'], target='/qemu', tags=['Qemu'], information_type='Public') <pjp> wgrant: does the case matter? <wgrant> pjp: Tags are lowercase. They follow the same rules as other Launchpad names: ^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\+\.\-]+$ <pjp> wgrant: Ah, likely that is triggering the error <wgrant> Almost certainly. <wgrant> Staging would show the same thing. <pjp> wgrant: Yes, lowercase worked. <pjp> wgrant: Thank you. <wgrant> Great. <wgrant> np <rbasak> That's odd. On sru-review accept: lazr.restfulclient.errors.PreconditionFailed: HTTP Error 412: Precondition Failed * rbasak tries again <wgrant> rbasak: That means you raced with another modification to the object. <rbasak> Ah - probably myself <rbasak> ERROR: Queue does not have an upload of this source. <rbasak> I guess I can run sru-accept manually #launchpad 2020-05-28 <SDekkers> Hi! Is it possible that ppa.launchpad.net is thottling/blocking IP ranges? I've got 2 /27-ranges, one of them isn't able to access the repository, the other is.. <wgrant> SDekkers: More likely to be an Internet routing issue, so we'll need specific addresses. <SDekkers> isn't able to reach ppa, is <SDekkers> both originate from same datacenter in NL <wgrant> SDekkers: Can you get traceroutes towards ppa.launchpad.net from both? <SDekkers> Yes, dumped here or pastebin? <SDekkers> https://pastebin.com/ezfNyaKR <wgrant> Always pastebin :) <wgrant> Thanks
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-leadership 2014-05-22 <belkinsa> Hello, this team and it's goal/idea sounds like it's wroth doing. Would be a good idea to restart this team so new leaders can be trained since Jono Bacon doesn't work for Canonical?
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-il 2011-08-01 <DoeNietWil> Hello Ubuntu user, I came to this irc to ask you a question. We are trying to release a new version of OpenTeacher, and because it is a tool that is very language specific I was wondering if any of you would like to take a couple of minutes and translate it. It really isn't that much work but it would help us a lot. https://translations.launchpad.net/openteacher <Hoborg> Translations : OpenTeacher @ translations.launchpad.net <omeromer> DoeNietWil: K, working on it <DoeNietWil> ah cool omeromer <omeromer> is there anyway to test the application so I can know what I'm actually translating? <DoeNietWil> sure http://www.openteacher.org/ you can test it's current form <Hoborg> OpenTeacher - The easiest way to learn a new language @ www.openteacher.org <DoeNietWil> it won't be "very' different <omeromer> well some words like 'general' are tough to translate without knowing the actual relation to the application <DoeNietWil> yeah, you can download the current version and check it out it will become clear to you i think <DoeNietWil> if not you can talk to the devs here http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=openteacher <Hoborg> freenode Web IRC (qwebirc) @ webchat.freenode.net <omeromer> nah I got it <omeromer> Is the "questions cards" all there is to this application? or there's something I'm missing? <omeromer> ah nvm <omeromer> oh just tested it brilliant idea quite useful <DoeNietWil> check out the blueprints for 3.0 it will be awesome <omeromer> what's WRTS? <omeromer> google doesn't come up with anything <DoeNietWil> WRTS is a site to upload OpenTeacher files <DoeNietWil> you can leave it as WRTS <omeromer> I did but was just wondering <omeromer> also which dialog is dialog21? <omeromer> the one with note-notation <DoeNietWil> sorry, i don't really understand you at the moment <omeromer> I have a string to translate <omeromer> "Note notation" <omeromer> but I can't find it in the application <omeromer> it says it's in dialog number 21 <omeromer> (settings dialog for example is dialog 20) <DoeNietWil> i will ask the devs <DoeNietWil> they say it's in the settings dialog <omeromer> Oh right I'm stupid didn't see it <omeromer> DoeNietWil: Done, is there anyway I can test my new translation? <DoeNietWil> wait i'll check that for you <DoeNietWil> in a couple of days there will be a new version with the translation in it <omeromer> how can I talk with the devs? I need to tell them to make it right-to-left for hebrew (also arabic if there will ever be a translation) <DoeNietWil> #openteacher <DoeNietWil> lordnoid is one dev <omeromer> יש איספיק בעברית? <omeromer> espeak #ubuntu-il 2011-08-03 <trew1> גם לכם בוקר טוב <trew1> מישהו ניסה את הגרסה החדשה של אובונטו? <trew1> 11.10 הכוונה #ubuntu-il 2011-08-04 <New0> מה קורה חברה? <aaxx33> ? <Elihai-> שלום :] <HaimN> serfus: פה? <HaimN> יש ספאם בפורום: <HaimN> http://ubuntu-il.org/forum/topic/670 <Hoborg> האזנה לפורטים | אובונטו ישראל @ ubuntu-il.org #ubuntu-il 2011-08-05 <serfus> HaimN, טיפלתי בו, תודה <serfus> ושבת שלום <HaimN> גם לך! <omeromer> MootBot-AT #ubuntu-il 2011-08-06 <hedi> hello <hedi> anyone here succeded using banshee player with hebrew mp3 tags? <sarhan> hello world <slimTN> hi <sarhan> no girls here? :P <slimTN> A big hi from Ubuntu LoCo team in Tunisia @ #ubuntu-tn <slimTN> think so sarhan <slimTN> ama maw 9afef 9bal xD <slimTN> chbi ejmé3a 7agara ici :D #ubuntu-il 2012-07-30 <gungun> שלום <gungun> פעם ראשונה פה, ןצריך עזרה בניייד EEE ללא מערכת הפעלה <gungun> יש פה מישהו שיכול לעזור? <Tomer_> הי <Interruptus> http://barenakedislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Islam-child-brides1.jpg #ubuntu-il 2012-07-31 <someone235> היי, מישהו יודע איך אפשר להתקין whatsapp על אובונטו? #ubuntu-il 2012-08-01 <netanel> אהלן! <netanel> יש לי קצת שאלות בנוגע להתקנה של המערכת.. <netanel> מישהו יכול לעזור לי כאן? #ubuntu-il 2012-08-02 <tal> יש פה מישהו? <tal> ??? <oXis> שלום <oXis> יש לי בעיה עם הפלאש <oXis> ?? <oXis> מי פה? <someone235> מישהו פה ניסה והצליח להתקין whatsapp על האובונטו שלו? <Ddorda> someone235: מה זה? <someone235> !g whatsapp <someone235> '".mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])."' <someone235> oops <someone235> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whatsapp <someone235> לא מכיר? <Ddorda> מכיר. אבל להתקין את זה על אובונטו? על זה עוד לא שמעתי <Ddorda> להתקין על זה על מחשב ולא על סלולרי זה משהו שעוד לא שמעתי עליו <Ddorda> לרות שאני יודע שאפשר להתקין אפליקציות על אובונטו <Ddorda> אפליקציות של אנדרויד <someone235> עם אמולטור <someone235> הצלחתי להתקין, אבל זה לא פועל משהו <Ddorda> אני בספק אם יש דרך אחרת #ubuntu-il 2012-08-03 <ap2012user> מישהוא פה נמצא ב AP2012 ? #ubuntu-il 2012-08-05 <gt_> היי איך אני ממירה טקסט שמופיע כיוניקוד שיופיע כעברית משתמשת בgedit <asw3> http://ss.hakd.org/10r.swf <asw3> מזה הפיירפוקס הזה רוצח about:blank <asw3> הוא עם מלא זיכרון <asw3> איך זה יכול להיות <asw3> 280MB <asw3> מזה הגזל הזה #ubuntu-il 2013-07-30 <wikinoob> מישהו כאן מבין במדיהויקי? <neta_> shalom <wikinoob> שלום <neta_> אהלן, יש לי בעיה.. בעיקרון יש לי אובונטו, אבל רציתי לשנות את חלוקת הזכרון בינו לבין הווינדוס.. ואז הבנתי שכשהתקנתי אותו זה היה דרך הוובי אז אי אפשר <neta_> אז אני צריכה כנראה להתקין אותו באופן נורמאלי <neta_> כששמתי יואסבי עם האובונטו לא הצלחתי לשנות את הביוס ככה שיתייחס ליואסבי שלי <wikinoob> תשמע, אין לי ממש מושג בזה, אני לא ממש בתחום <wikinoob> התקינו לי דביאן <wikinoob> זה כמו אובונטו פשוט כזה <wikinoob> וזה עובד <neta_> השאלה זה רק איך להתקין שלא דרך הווינדוס <wikinoob> אצלי שמו דיסק <neta_> השאלה היא איך לגרום למחשב להתייחס לקיומו של הדיסק, ולא סתם להכנס לווינדוס <wikinoob> זה קל <wikinoob> שהמחשב עולה יש איזה מקש שצריך ללחוץ ואז נהיה תפריט כזה <neta_> כן, זה בדיוק מה שלא עובד לי :P <wikinoob> DEL F10 F12 <wikinoob> אחד מהם <wikinoob> F2 אולי <wikinoob> כל מחשב זה משתנה <wikinoob> אבל באמת אין לי ממש מושג <neta_> ניסיתי בערך כל מקש על המקלדת :P <wikinoob> ומה כתוב שהמחשב עולה? <neta_> יש לי אופציה לבחור בין אובונטו לווינדוס <neta_> אפ8 נותן לי אוציות מעניינות בתוך ווינדוס.. אבל לא כתוב על מקש נוסף <wikinoob> f8 זה סייפמוד <neta_> כן <wikinoob> לפני זה <wikinoob> בטח <wikinoob> delete <wikinoob> או F10 <neta_> ניסיתי.. הם לא עשו כלום <wikinoob> איזה מחשב זה? <neta_> סמסונג <neta_> שולח? <wikinoob> מה לשלוח? <neta_> samsung 350U <neta_> האינטרנט מת לרגע <neta_> בדקתי אם חזר לשלוח <wikinoob> כתבו על זה <wikinoob> http://forum.notebookreview.com/samsung/703483-samsung-np350v5c-s08pl-boot-via-cd-usb.html <neta_> או, אני אנסה את זה <neta_> אגב, אין אני יודעת אם אני צריכה 32 או 64 ביט <neta_> אני יכולה להניח שצריך 64 כי מחשב יחסית חדש? <neta_> או שיש דרך לדעת בוודאות <wikinoob> זה הולך לפי הראם <wikinoob> כמה ראם יש לו? <neta_> אם אני זוכרת נכון 4 <neta_> core i5 <wikinoob> 64 <neta_> מהמם <neta_> להסיר ולהתקין אובונטו זה החלק האהוב עלי <neta_> אם הייתי מקבלת שקל על פעם שעשיתי את זה הייתי יכולה לקנות בירה ולעשות את ההתקנה בסבבה <wikinoob> אהה את בת <wikinoob> בנות זה די נדיר כאן <neta_> יאפ, אני יודעת <neta_> אני רגילה להיות בתוך קבוצות בנים... <wikinoob> אני רגיל להיות בקבוצות נשים :P <neta_> חחחח <wikinoob> מה מביא אותך לאובונטו? <neta_> תכל'ס לא בטוחה.. רק צרות זה עושה לי <neta_> יש דברים שעובדים יותר טוב באובונטו, וזה אמור להיות יותר טוב <neta_> והאמת אני אוהבת לשחק עם ההגדרות של המחשב, גם אם כל כמה חודשים אני מוחקת ומתקינה מחדש <wikinoob> לפחות את עושה גיבויים? <neta_> כן, אני מגבה כרגע, לקראת המחיקה <neta_> אני בכל מקרה לא מספיקה לצבור הרבה קבצים :P <wikinoob> שיהיה בהצלחה. <neta_> תודה.. #ubuntu-il 2013-08-02 <lousygarua> שלום נוכחים <amireldor> עכשיו שלום באמת <Avihay> I... don't get it <amireldor> Avihay, get what? <amireldor> the fact that i use windows 7 daily and i'm the ubuntu point-of-contact? <Avihay> the joke <amireldor> Did I tell a joke? <Avihay> <amireldor> עכשיו שלום באמת <amireldor> Oh, I connected as 'lousygarua' which is a nickname i don't use anymore <Avihay> oh <Avihay> do you believe in Linux <amireldor> I have secret plans for a meetup about updating and upgrading ubuntu-il.org <Avihay> ? <Avihay> Do you believe in Linux? <Avihay> Has anyone been to August penguin? <amireldor> Avihay, I believe Windows and Linux both suck equally, from my experience <amireldor> Each has some better points over the other <amireldor> It's a pity there's no good DAW software on Linux, thus no drivers from audio interface manufacturers, and thus chicken and egg problems. <amireldor> I did manage to get one of my interface working well with Linux <Avihay> I'm talking more in the software freedom thing that my question implied <amireldor> Software freedom is important, but eventually on the business world no one cares about freedom <amireldor> And I believe in software freedom, but to some point. I think the GNU guys are too extreme <amireldor> Microsoft are also extreme to the other position, Apple too IMHO <Avihay> Microsoft are like "Give us mo ey, and we'll solve all your software problem". Apple is out there with "Pay us and enjoy the joys of being under our servitude", without even bothering to sound modest <amireldor> which sucks <amireldor> but GNU are like, use your computer freely, but nothing like nvidia will work best or drivers for audio stuff that just have to be propeitary from a business-side point <amireldor> If I could do my audio work on Linux I'd definitely do it <amireldor> And I'm off to play some Starcraft 2 #ubuntu-il 2013-08-03 <philipballew> Avihay, Nice to see some good discussion here. <Avihay> well, the discussion didn't exactly go the way I wanted it to... <Avihay> again, anyone been to august penguin? <Avihay> two days ago? #ubuntu-il 2013-08-04 <amireldor> Avihay, I didn't. I think moshe742 did <Avihay> iPink made me not want to go <amireldor> Avihay, how come? <Avihay> well, she didn't want to come along when I invited her, and she said it became too big and "for the masses" <Avihay> and, actually, I had some personal issues that took all my energy too <Avihay> wanted to know how it was, and if I missed much <amireldor> Avihay, what's wrong with 'for the masses'? hamakor want to reach as much people as possible <amireldor> to raise more awareness to FOS <amireldor> FOSS* <Avihay> I guess there's nothing wrong with it <amireldor> Avihay, did you see the lecture list? some interesting stuff were there <Avihay> mmm, not geegy enough? <Avihay> geeky* <amireldor> some were very geeky <Avihay> yes, I did, nothing too exciting <amireldor> i wanted to see the MEAN server lecture <amireldor> oh well <amireldor> yeah it wasn't too exciting <amireldor> and i don't want to pay 50 NIS :) <Avihay> I had a student discount, probably <amireldor> I always think you are 50 <amireldor> y/o <Avihay> lol, why? <amireldor> dunno, I always imagine you as an old guy hacking stuff <amireldor> not a student :) <amireldor> how old are you? i'm 26 in a month <Avihay> 28 years and 5 days <amireldor> cool mazal tov <amireldor> you see? you ARE old <Avihay> DON'T CALL ME OLD!!! <amireldor> :) * Avihay starts counting wrinkels and goes sobbing in the corner <amireldor> I need to change my desktop background <Avihay> I usually never see my desktop background <Avihay> what distro are you running? <amireldor> Windows 7 <amireldor> and Ubuntu 12.04 <amireldor> the Ubuntu has nicer background <amireldor> but I'm on Windows most of the time now coz I need it for the audio stuff :( <amireldor> we talked about this didn't we <Avihay> I started that debate because I wanted to say that I don't mind you being the ubuntu PoC even if you use win7 most of the time, as long as you believe in free software <Avihay> well, if you weren;t runing ubuntu, I would have recommended http://blog.desdelinux.net/5-wallpapers-de-chicas-anime-distros-linux/ <amireldor> nice :) but i prefer nature <amireldor> http://interfacelift.com/ <Avihay> nice <amireldor> it has a lot of free wallpapers in it <amireldor> that site <amireldor> Avihay, I did tell you about my secret meetup did I? <Avihay> the server upgrade? <amireldor> yeah, also content update <amireldor> drupal update <amireldor> and eventually drupal 6 >> 7 <amireldor> also a new theme... I hate the current one <amireldor> would you attend such meetup(?) (gonna take more than one) <amireldor> meetup(s)? <amireldor> Avihay, ^^^ <Avihay> I uhh, don't think so. I've nearly never used the site/server <Avihay> the theme is kind of 'human' ugly <Avihay> if I recall <amireldor> yes <Avihay> well, actually, it depends on my lazyness, and when and where <amireldor> you can help with gimping and content <amireldor> it's not only server stuff <amireldor> and CSSing <amireldor> and HTML5ing <Avihay> I can't help gimping, but I can do some decent image editing. I've also gotten handy with inkscape <Avihay> gimp's UI gives me Cerebral hemorrhages <amireldor> gimp 2.8 is good because you can use it in a single window mode <amireldor> did you know that? <amireldor> inkscape is also good <Avihay> ya, it only took them two daceds to figure that out <amireldor> :) <amireldor> sometimes I use the several windows mode as well <amireldor> it depends on what's going on behind in my desktop <amireldor> I like gimp :) <amireldor> but then again, photoshop is much more powerful. does it work on linux/wine? <amireldor> not that i'm gonna use it <amireldor> i don't use warez <amireldor> ^_^ <amireldor> and i'm not an expert in photoshop's extra features <amireldor> i can do everything i know on gimp <Avihay> well, gimp's multi-window workflow is BAD when you try to use another/other programs while using gimp, which is my usual usecase <Avihay> yes, I have photoshop running more or less ok on whine, some window hints don't pass so well to the window manager <Avihay> whine->wine <Avihay> I don't particularly like photoshop. it comes from the same place that thinks that mice should only have one button <amireldor> i don't have photoshop experience. i just know adobe(?) put some advanced cool technologies and tools in there <Avihay> so it's kind of counter-intuitive to me, much like gimp is totally counter-intuitive to me <Avihay> I like paint shop pro 5, it's so simple and intuative, that I managed to teach my mom how to use it, in, say, less then 10 hours <Avihay> and reasonably powerful <Avihay> and wine started to run it well <Avihay> I'ma gonna hit the hay... <amireldor> me too <amireldor> good night <amireldor> or morning <someone235> hey, how can I change my crontab path? e.g, I want cron to read the file ~/myCustomDir/crontab <Avihay> maybe you can simlink it <amireldor> someone235, yeah +1 for symlinking <amireldor> or maybe run a script that runs all scripts under ~/customdir/ <amireldor> although that's a bit silly <amireldor> maybe there's a cron.d for users too? is there one for /etc bixlal? i don't use crontab much <someone235> amireldor, ומה אם אני רוצה שזה יקרא את זה ב <someone235> cron format? <someone235> @hourly etc <amireldor> someone235, this is interesting: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=58235 <amireldor> damn those arch guys and their hacks :) gotta love them #ubuntu-il 2014-07-29 <dan__> Hey <dan__> היי <dan__> יש לי בעיה <dan__> התקנתי אובונטו 14.04 אך אני לא מצליח להעלות את זה בבוט #ubuntu-il 2014-07-31 <amireldor> amireldor, hello myself <amireldor> ubuntulog, who are you? #ubuntu-il 2014-08-01 <amireldor> GOOD MORNING. <amireldor> AT LAST FRIDAY HAS ARRAVIED. <amireldor> ARRIVED* <soomsoom> LOL kernel hq <soomsoom> lol #ubuntu-il 2014-08-02 <sexy> hi <sexy> any one want some cam fun ? <sexy> my skype : porn-star90 <Avihay_> היי #ubuntu-il 2014-08-03 <shrikichen> hey i try to install ubuntu alonside win 8.1 but when i try to install it dosnt recognized another system the win 8.1 <gelkop> אהלן רציתי לדעת אם יש אופציה להתקין אובונטו על דיסק און קי? <elad> יש לי התקנה שאני ממש מרוצה ממנה, והייתי רוצה להפוך אותה להתקנה <elad> איך עושים את זה? #ubuntu-il 2015-07-27 <Avihay_> קיים... <rnh> שלום #ubuntu-il 2015-07-28 <nicoco> היי מה קורה? <nicoco> עוד יש פה חיים? #ubuntu-il 2015-07-29 <Avihay_> חיים... #ubuntu-il 2017-08-04 <hashbrownie> hello <hashbrownie> האם קרה משהו לשרת של אובנטו בישראל? <hashbrownie> אני עושה apt update והוא עושה לי שגיאות שרת <hashbrownie> hello???
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-tablet 2013-10-28 <popey> we should probably redirect this channel to #ubuntu-touch
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-motu-torrent 2008-02-26 <charles_> Transmission 1.06 is out: <charles_> http://download.m0k.org/transmission/files/transmission-1.06.tar.bz2
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-toolchain 2005-12-12 <doko> fabbione: I don't see the as failure building libjava on unstable, at least the gcc-snapshot package did build ok in the past <fabbione> doko: i get the error building ghc6 and gcj-4.1 <fabbione> so i think it might "as" as you suggested <fabbione> i will have to find time to look into it <elmo> jbailey: around? <jbailey> elmo: Yup <elmo> jbailey: 121_i386_x86_64_biarch.dpatch in binutils - could you provide me with a rationale for that, so I can submit it upstream, or maybe even could you do that yourself? <jbailey> Are you digging through the Ubuntu patches, or did it crawl into the Debian binutils? <elmo> drow had me pull it into Debian <jbailey> ... <jbailey> And didn't then just commit it himself? =) <elmo> ? <fabbione> hey guys <elmo> no, he doesn't have global write <elmo> AIUI <elmo> he's just the release manager. which is strange, I know, but <jbailey> Ah, okay. =) <fabbione> gcj: Internal error: Segmentation fault (program as) <fabbione> Please submit a full bug report. <fabbione> See <URL:http://gcc.gnu.org/bugs.html> for instructions. <fabbione> For Debian GNU/Linux specific bug reporting instructions, see <fabbione> <URL:file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.0/README.Bugs>. <fabbione> jbailey: do you have any idea of what could case that on sparc? <jbailey> elmo: I can take care of it. I already have assignment on file and such anyway, so it's just as easy if I do it. <elmo> jbailey: k, thanks <jbailey> fabbione: To make as segfault? <fabbione> i can reproduce it building both building ghc6 and gcj-4.1 <fabbione> i am not sure about the error <fabbione> gcj: Internal error: Segmentation fault (program as) <.' <fabbione> as is binutils stuff <jbailey> fabbione: Can you get the asm output from gcj so that we can generate the segfault from gas on its own.? <fabbione> jbailey: yes, it will take some time tho <fabbione> it's deep into the build when it happens <fabbione> jbailey: any trick to build gcj so that it will keep the ASM output? <jbailey> Nah, just call it by hand. <fabbione> meh ok <jbailey> Do you still have the old tree lying around? <fabbione> do i need to add any flag? <fabbione> no i don't <jbailey> Suck. <fabbione> it was in sbuildd but i purge * otherwise i run out of space <jbailey> ghc6 is at least smaller. =) * jbailey tosses a nickel to Fabio. <jbailey> Here kid, get yourself some drivespace. =) <fabbione> ehehhe #ubuntu-toolchain 2005-12-14 <fabbione> doko: ping? <doko_> fabbion: pon <fabbione> doko_: ooo2 on sparc is installing now :) <fabbione> we are almost there <doko_> heh, nice <fabbione> building OOo2 + randomg gcc = teh sux <fabbione> gcc-3.4 did FTBFS because sbuild did timeout <fabbione> so much cpu power waste <doko> during the testsuite? <fabbione> yeah <fabbione> well it was my fault <fabbione> but it's ok... <fabbione> i did build it on another machine <fabbione> gcc-4.0 will be soon in i think <fabbione> gcj-4.0 did destroy Ben's sparc <fabbione> so it needs to be rescheduled <doko> ohh, memory? <fabbione> no i think it's a kernel bug <fabbione> with SMP boxes <fabbione> it is known on that hw class <doko> ahh, just did saw http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2005-12/msg00231.html <fabbione> i was actually building gcj-4.0, 4.1 and ghc6 <fabbione> no mem is not a issue <fabbione> it has 6GB of ram that machine <fabbione> it was barely at the beginning of the build on all 3 of them <fabbione> the problem (according to David M.) is that in some situations (SMP) one of the CPU is wedged, but the others have problems to unwedge it <fabbione> = boom boom <fabbione> david is getting the hw as we speak to debug and fic <fabbione> fix <fabbione> dh_strip <fabbione> it's at dh_strip :) <fabbione> doko: now please.. don't upload another OOo2 before this one is in :) <fabbione> otherwise the binaries will be rejected <doko> heh <fabbione> uhuhuh dh_shlibs * fabbione is almost excited :) <fabbione> dpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${Binary-Version} <fabbione> ALMOST THERE BUDDY! <fabbione> signfile openoffice.org2_2.0.0m143-0ubuntu3_sparc.changes C14C0CBD <fabbione> it's uploading :) <fabbione> openoffice.org2_2.0.0m143-0ubuntu3_sparc.changes ACCEPTED <- doko <doko> :) <doko> so you'll have live cd's ready tonight? <fabbione> nope <fabbione> i am not building livecd yet <fabbione> d-i needs fixing first #ubuntu-toolchain 2005-12-15 * #ubuntu-toolchain [freenode-info] If you're at a conference, please contact freenode staff to make sure we've made special allowance for many users coming into our network from a single internet address ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp ). Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked, except to network staff, services and participating registered users ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )... Thanks! * #ubuntu-toolchain [freenode-info] If you're at a conference, please contact freenode staff to make sure we've made special allowance for many users coming into our network from a single internet address ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp ). Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked, except to network staff, services and participating registered users ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )... Thanks! <fabbione> doko: ping? <fabbione> bash completion in 3.1 is broken <fabbione> ssh trised: -e expression #1, char 20: unterminated `s' command <fabbione> der-g7 <fabbione> that's the result of ssh tri<tab> <fabbione> that completes to trider-g7 #ubuntu-toolchain 2005-12-16 <fabbione> doko: it is line 2479 in /etc/bash_completion that seems to be the one making noise <fabbione> doko: i suggest you also run a sh -n on it. there is another error at like 370 <fabbione> perhaps it's a good idea to do it at build time to <fabbione> it's costless and it gives info * netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> brown.freenode.net * #ubuntu-toolchain [freenode-info] If you're at a conference, please contact freenode staff to make sure we've made special allowance for many users coming into our network from a single internet address ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp ). Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked, except to network staff, services and participating registered users ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )... Thanks! #ubuntu-toolchain 2005-12-18 <infinity> doko / jbailey : <poke> <infinity> Does either of you feel like taking ownership of binutils bugs today? <jbailey> infinity: I'll answer only once you /msg me where you poked me. <infinity> jbailey : You have an ia64 box, right? <doko> infinity: are there any? <jbailey> I do, yeah. <jbailey> ALthough don't we have one at the DC as well? <jbailey> I was trying to find the name of it yesterday. <infinity> jbailey : ld segfaults on ia64 when building libapt-front, and according to Debian bug #342777, several other packages. <infinity> I don't much care about the several other packages, but libapt-front is in main and blocking working LiveCDs on ia64 (well, other things may be blocking those too, but Shhhh..) <infinity> And if we have an ia64 box at the DC (other than the buildds), I don't know its name... <doko> closes 50% of these ... <fabbione> jbailey: halley <fabbione> halley is the ia64 porting box <jbailey> fabbione: Yup, thanks. Got it from Karl earlier, and I've listed it in the machine page now. <jbailey> (And ask for the build deps for klibc to be installed...) <fabbione> no problem <fabbione> doko: it seems like the new gcj-4.1 is building now.. i will have to kick ghc6 too.. <fabbione> either it did autofix or the new gcc in background is doing a better job <fabbione> doko: gcj-4.1 is ok now.. it did build fine <fabbione> testing ghc6 now #ubuntu-toolchain 2006-12-14 <jbailey> doko: around? <doko> jbailey: pong <jbailey> doko: The SIGILL, is it common? <jbailey> doko: I'm wondering if it's better to dig out the binaries, do an objdump -d and search for the bad instruction, and target those for rebuilds. <doko> jbailey: we do have two bug reports, one found in mysql, the other just reported to gcc <jbailey> So by implication, probably gnome, kernel, basic shell stuff, etc. is mostly working fine. <doko> jbailey: yeah, need to lear all instructions which are affected <doko> s /lear/learn/ <jbailey> I wonder how ugly it is for us to do that search? I remember we did something like that for looking for a symbol leak at one point. <doko> apparently he could install on this machine <doko> I have to find out about the instructions <doko> jbailey: for the __builtin_prefetch case it's enough to scan the sources <jbailey> Well, if we can look for a particular set of instructions it might be nice to do a scan once. <jbailey> Dunno how easy that is, though. #ubuntu-toolchain 2007-12-10 <lamont> doko: should I expect pycentral to deal with creating python2.5 packages for me? <doko> lamont: the package has to be set up to actually build for 2.5 <lamont> ah, ok <lamont> got any examples of things building with both? <lamont> 2.4 and 2.5, that is <lamont> and time for this one to run kids to school. <lamont> offline for about an hour. <jbailey> doko: 2.7-3ubuntu1 bulit fine on sparc, but 2.7-4ubuntu1 has a segfault in as. Was there a binutils update in there that I missed, or a gcc update or something? <jbailey> Otherwise I think you broke something in the update. <doko> jbailey: no other update; it did build fine on a t1000, I'll reschedule it, assuming it's the machine ... <jbailey> 'k #ubuntu-toolchain 2007-12-12 <lamont> dpkg-gensymbols: failure: Can't open debian/libgomp1/DEBIAN/libgomp1.symbols.common: : No such file or directory * lamont grumbles at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10859510/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-hppa.gcc-4.2_4.2.2-4ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz <lamont> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10859830/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.gcc-4.2_4.2.2-4ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz has the same error. <lamont> this bodes well for the upload fixing everyone... <lamont> doko: so far, lpia, i386, and hppa have failed, amd64, ia64 and ppc are building, and sparc is needs-build <lamont> should sparc bother trying? <doko> lamont: hmm, no. however I can't see the mistake yet <lamont> ok. I scored sparc's build down low, so it won't happen before several others <lamont> I can't prevent it from trying eventually though <lamont> doko: any reason to not kill the builds on the 3 architectures where it's still building? <doko> no * lamont kills <lamont> the logs will look hurt :-) <lamont> amd64 beat me... it finished failing before I got there <doko> lamont: found it, too old debhellper <lamont> doko: the package's usage, or the version on the system? <lamont> (and hence a bad build-depend version...) <doko> lamont: the version on the system; updated now <doko> gcc-4.2 should be a retry then <lamont> given that (1) it already failed most everywhere, and (2) won't build with the older debhelper, maybe we could do a new upload with build-depends: debhelper (>= right version) so as to not cause undue pain for some idiot backporting or such? <lamont> please? <doko> lamont: yes, with the next merge from the svn #ubuntu-toolchain 2007-12-14 <lamont> doko: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rpm/ iz ICE <lamont> (hppa, rpm) * lamont sleeps <infinity> lamont: Sleep? At 8:30pm? <infinity> lamont: How old ARE you? <lamont> dude. she told me to come to bed.................... <infinity> That's not "sleep". <lamont> well, yeah. <lamont> however, in polite society, we say "sleep." :-) <lamont> and yeah, just out of the tub, dealing with getting the rest of the house to sleep <infinity> lamont: Kay. <lamont> and back to bed with me. g'night this time. <infinity> lamont: I was going to beg you to have a glance at the sparc/dash SIGBUS, since you're all smart and "community"ish. <infinity> lamont: But I'll poke at it on my own "community" time. * lamont will look in the morning. <lamont> look for warnings in the compile log? * lamont glances, sees nothing 100% obvious, suggests gdb. <infinity> lamont: I imagine a quick gdb might point out the right area if it's a code bug, if it's miscompiled, I'd shoot for warnings, yeah (maybe missing some -frecast-stuff-cause-my-code-sucks things) <lamont> do we have a sparc dev machine? <lamont> there weren't any obviously scary warnings to be found. <infinity> We have a sparc box, damned if I remember what it's called. * infinity looks. <lamont> I need to explain networking to someone tomorrow morning, and about 6 other things, might have time to stare at it if you /msg me with the name of my target machine. <lamont> and really really gone <infinity> Oh, yeah. Don't worry about it. I'll talk to you tomorrow instead. <infinity> If I don't get to it first. <doko> infinity: faure #ubuntu-toolchain 2008-12-10 <ASP> Hi i am getting following error while building zlib in scratchbox, any idea??? <ASP> /scratchbox/compilers/arm-linux-2007q1-21/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/4.2.0/../../../../arm-none-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: errno: TLS definition in /scratchbox/compilers/arm-linux-2007q1-21/bin/../arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc/lib/libc.so.6 section .tbss mismatches non-TLS reference in libz.a(gzio.o) <ASP> /scratchbox/compilers/arm-linux-2007q1-21/bin/../arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc/lib/libc.so.6: could not read symbols: Bad value
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-us-wi 2011-10-25 <h00k> hello friends #ubuntu-us-wi 2011-10-26 <Cheesehead> h00k: Say, don't we have the monthly meeting TOMORROW NIGHT AT 9 PM? <h00k> indeed! <h00k> It's snowing here. <h00k> Cheesehead: yeah, tomorrow! <h00k> I'm sending out a reminder in a bit. <h00k> so <h00k> LoCo Monthly meeting tonight <h00k> agenda: Becoming an official LoCo <h00k> uh <h00k> meet-and-greet <h00k> cool, I have 4 things. <h00k> http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-us-wisconsin/250/detail/ <h00k> 5 <h00k> there we go. <h00k> Hi, bigbash <bigbash> Hi! <bigbash> I didn't realize my virtual server was offline until now <bigbash> Nice I can actually make the meeting tonight h00k <h00k> sweet. <h00k> because it's at 9? <h00k> bigbash: ^ <bigbash> yea that and v-ball is early today <bigbash> h00k, you guys use VMWare, right? <h00k> bigbash: yes <bigbash> Any recommendations for learning vSphere 5? My mastering VMWare vSphere 5 book should be here today <h00k> bigbash: I haven't actually touched vSphere 5, I read some 'what's new' <h00k> but we have 4.1 on our stuff at the moment <bigbash> ah ok <h00k> bigbash: If you have the funding, I did the VMWare 4.1 setup, install, configure course for 5 days and learned a *ton* <bigbash> I may check with work to see if I can do that. <bigbash> we are going from physical to VM in like a month <h00k> in fact, I think they have the 5 course <h00k> now <h00k> and then you could take the exam and get cert'ed <bigbash> hmmm <bigbash> I might do that <h00k> It was worth it for me/work, anyway. <h00k> I take the 4.1 cert on Nov 11, then I'd like to do the 'what's new' course and get 5 cert'd <h00k> bigbash: this is the one I did: http://mylearn.vmware.com/mgrreg/courses.cfm?ui=www_edu&a=one&id_subject=19919 <bigbash> h00k, did you do the online course? <h00k> bigbash: I did a physical course, actually <h00k> meatspace <bigbash> ah <h00k> bigbash: it was over in the Twin Cities <h00k> bigbash: I'm pretty sure you have to attend a physical class to get the cert <bigbash> darn <h00k> speaking of cosmicpizza, I just threw one in the oven. <Cheesehead> Ha! I just missed a viloin lesson becasue my spouse took *both* cars today. (She's good!) <h00k> Sweet. <h00k> wait, what? * Cheesehead created a new musical instrument, the viloin <Cheesehead> I took car #1 this morning. <h00k> How did she manage to take both cars? <Cheesehead> Later, she took car #2 and met me someplace. <h00k> oho. <Cheesehead> Together, we returned. <Cheesehead> Now, she took away car #1. <Cheesehead> And I am a pedestrian. <Cheesehead> We both forgot to retrieve car #2. <Cheesehead> But claiming "She took them both" sounds better, doesn;t it? <Cheesehead> Better than "I can't remeber where I park, then wander away" <h00k> it happens...yeah. <h00k> on that note, I'm leaving to _drive_ home * Cheesehead shakes fist in the air "Hogan!!!!!!" <Cheesehead> Yeah, obscure references to 45-year-old sitcoms. That's good humor. <h00k> okay, and now to hack my HP Touchpad #ubuntu-us-wi 2011-10-27 <h00k> hi! <h00k> From my HP touchpad <h00k> running Android <Cheesehead> Hello, Andriod <Cheesehead> Or even Android <Cheesehead> (Congratulations) <h00k> thanks <h00k> it was quite easy, actually. <Cheesehead> is is stable enough for you to lead the meeting from it? <h00k> apparently we'll see <h00k> I have three backups <h00k> not including Brittany's stuff <emefarr_> Hi, all. Brittany = Mrs. H00k? <h00k> yep ;) <h00k> hello <emefarr_> Finally able to attend one of these. <h00k> welcome, we haven'tmet <emefarr_> No. Live from beautiful downtown Kimberly, WI. Don't blink as your passing through. ;) <h00k> thanks for coming, has the timing been bad? <emefarr_> Not at all. Tere's been more work than life lately. <h00k> we have another gentleman here from Kimberly <emefarr_> Really? <h00k> not her today, but he's occasionally around <h00k> Mr. Jones <emefarr_> I'm hoping to be a little more active in the group. <h00k> excellent. <h00k> we can talk about you'd like to get involved during the meeting <h00k> how* <emefarr_> Sounds good. * Cheesehead opens his pizza and pours his $Beverage <h00k> did you bring enoug? * Cheesehead shares the more-than-adequate pizza around the room <h00k> for all of us? <Cheesehead> I have more pizza under my chair <emefarr_> thanks, man. <h00k> cool, lets start. <nickmoeck> Hi everybody! * h00k grabs agenda <h00k> http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-us-wisconsin/250/detail/ <h00k> there we are <h00k> hi, nickmoeck <nickmoeck> how have things been going? been a while since I've been around <h00k> let us start with a meet and greet. I am Anthony. I'm from Rhinelander. I am the LoCo contact <h00k> i try to organize things! <h00k> who wants next? <nickmoeck> Hi, my name is Nick, and I'm an alcoholic <nickmoeck> Oh wait, wrong meeting <emefarr_> I'm maurie. From Kimberly, WI <h00k> hi Nick <h00k> :) <nickmoeck> Nick, from Milwaukee <emefarr_> I think that Nick and I will get along just fine. <Cheesehead> I'm Ian. I live in Milwaukee. I do the Milwaukee Ubuntu Hour and the Tuesday/Thursday Night IRC hangouts <h00k> it is a good time! * Cheesehead scribbles information about nickmoeck, furtively plaaning to guilt him into attending the MKE Ubuntu Hour <nickmoeck> Heh <nickmoeck> Might be able to make it to the next one, whenever that is <h00k> also, Cheesehead is the note taker <h00k> and does Team Reports <Cheesehead> and pizza <h00k> that, too <h00k> kinda bring us to item 2. <h00k> I'm going to send out a survey of interest <h00k> to...survey what people are inteesred in <h00k> then we can plan things around those things, and it will be fun. <h00k> sound cool? <Cheesehead> +1 <nickmoeck> Good idea <h00k> i like reporting bugs, testing, and physical meet ups <h00k> and online met ups <h00k> meet, rather <h00k> anyone else? <h00k> What are you interested in? <Cheesehead> This is a topic that affects future LoCo approval, too <h00k> YES! <h00k> Point 3. <nickmoeck> I thought we were already an approved LoCo? <h00k> nope <emefarr_> reporting bugs & testing as well <h00k> not officially <h00k> cool. <Cheesehead> when we talk about 'bugs', are we talking discovering, triaging, patching, testing...? <nickmoeck> I've kinda gotten interested in packaging lately, though I absolutely suck at it <Cheesehead> +1 for a packaging tutorial session <h00k> cool. <emefarr_> 3 out of 4 - discover, triage, test <Cheesehead> I believe ripps wanted in on that action, if I recall... <Cheesehead> (packaging action) <h00k> discover, for me, and reporting them <h00k> yes <h00k> he's been mentionex on omgubuntu a few times <nickmoeck> Am I just one of the lucky ones who almot never runs into bugs? <nickmoeck> *almost <h00k> i test beta stuff stupidly early for that <emefarr_> I have this habit of using alphas as production so I see a few bugs <h00k> me too <Cheesehead> I was seriously hammered by bug 858122 last week upon upgrade <lubotu1> Launchpad bug 858122 in sysvinit (Ubuntu Precise) "incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/858122 <emefarr_> despite that ubuntu alphas tend to be more stable than ms releases <h00k> and you were able to recover? I hit that one early, too <Cheesehead> so...reporting bugs from testing alphas? Is that where our consensus is leading? * h00k shrugs <h00k> and packaging <Cheesehead> h00k: recovery is possible. The solution in comment #22 is a 100% fix for me. <h00k> cool. <h00k> mine was fixed during a package upgrade during alphas <Cheesehead> So should we have somebody spearhead a few bug sessions and somebody else a few poackage sessions? Send around tenative plans on e-mail? <h00k> the more things we do to help the community as a whole, the better chance we have of getting approved <h00k> yep <h00k> I can do a bug reporting session sometime <h00k> and if you want to help, emefarr_ <emefarr_> I'll do whay I can to help <emefarr_> what <Cheesehead> Training session? Or hang-out-and-break-it-together session? <emefarr_> Well, I seem to have a gift for the "break it" part. ;) <Cheesehead> (convenient to get a bug confirmed quickly!) <h00k> both, i have one that would work, a bug <nickmoeck> I'd help out with the packaging session, except I *really* have no clue what I'm doing when it comes to packaging. I'm surprised my packages even work <h00k> i reported it yesterday. <Cheesehead> I have a .tar.gz that I'd love to try to package. <h00k> nickmoek: perfect. maybe we could bring someone else in for a tutorial, too <h00k> a dev or something, a guest <nickmoeck> Also I've only ever built packages for a set of python and PHP scripts, so I have no clue how to do packages for compiled code :P <Cheesehead> Ask for an interested trainer on the e-mail list? <h00k> yep <h00k> cool, that is on our to-do list <h00k> anything else to add? <Cheesehead> Yes... <h00k> gogogo <Cheesehead> So [action] h00k to lead a bug-reporting session ?? <h00k> yes <h00k> affirmative <Cheesehead> and [action] h00k to request a trainer for packaging tutorial on the e-mail list?? <h00k> inded <Cheesehead> OK, thanks. <h00k> indeed, rather. <h00k> previous, [action] h00k to send survey and gather data <h00k> yes * Cheesehead makes notes <h00k> anything else? <Cheesehead> No <h00k> emefarr_: if i could get yur email...is your contact info on Launchpad? <emefarr_> yes <h00k> cool. what alias? <h00k> Ch <emefarr_> emefarr@yahoo.com emefarr = initials em 4 maurie ;) <h00k> Cheesehead: I ask you to mention going for your Membership! Also, I'd like to attend <h00k> coool. <Cheesehead> h00k: I'm sending out an announcement tomorrow or so. Meeting on the first, 3PM <h00k> ok. <h00k> next..i think it would be cool to have polos <Cheesehead> Wait, waht about getting approved? <emefarr_> Cheesehead: what do I need to do to help nominate you? <emefarr_> for membership <Cheesehead> emefarr_: I'll tell you after the meeting! <h00k> ohnoh <emefarr_> ok <Cheesehead> I was looking over https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingApproved <Cheesehead> I think we're close. <h00k> i have started a wiki from the getting approved template, we can add on s we go, a resume of sorts <h00k> let me find it <Cheesehead> I think we're good on "Resources" (IRC, e-amil list, etc) <Cheesehead> I think we're good on "Membership", especially since h00k just weeded out the old lists <Cheesehead> I think we need to refine "Roadmap" a little <Cheesehead> (Much of which will come from the survey results) <h00k> yes <Cheesehead> And I think we're getting there on "Experience" <Cheesehead> We did the Global Jam events <h00k> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WisconsinTeam/ApprovalApplication <Cheesehead> Rick did the seminars <h00k> there we go. * Cheesehead shuts up and reads <Cheesehead> How do you want to do Roadmap? Edit the wiki? E-mail comments? <h00k> thebLaunchpad membership list is accurate, yes. i think e had another ezpire the other day thoug <h00k> h <h00k> lag... <h00k> i think editing the wiki is okay, we can always check revision history, etc <Cheesehead> Since we have notes, we can fill in Experience. I can have a lot of that ready for you in the next couple days <h00k> awesome. <Cheesehead> Deadline for revisions and suggestions? <h00k> two weeks <Cheesehead> Tentative goal for submitting the application? <h00k> giving survey time tobeaccounted for <h00k> hm... <h00k> three weeks? <Cheesehead> You want someone from locoteams to give it a health check first? <h00k> one week to polish, we should meet in 2 weeks <h00k> yes, absolutely <Cheesehead> OK * Cheesehead shuts up so others can speak! <h00k> sound ok? <h00k> anyoneelse? <emefarr_> sounds good <h00k> this spacebar is hard to find sometimes. <h00k> apologies. <h00k> nickmoek? <h00k> nickmoeck* <nickmoeck> Oh, hi. Sorry, was distracted <h00k> no prob :) <nickmoeck> I think we'll have no problem getting accepted <h00k> i hope :) <h00k> then we're cool. <h00k> and....cool people need shirts! <nickmoeck> Indeed! <h00k> if we had a cool idea for a logo... <h00k> we could get sweet polos <h00k> hint hint. if anyone is ok at The Gimp, we could have another call for art on the Mailing lisyt <nickmoeck> I might have some time to try drawing something up. Just something basic. Ubuntu logo inside the outline of the state or something similar <h00k> or like the ubuntu logo textwith Wisconskn after, then the circle offriends <h00k>  <emefarr_> no ubuntu logo inside a packer-badger-brewer logo? ;) <h00k> something cool, yeah <nickmoeck> emefarr_: I was actually thinking of how something like that would look lol <emefarr_> you'll have to do it, though nick - i can't draw even WITH computer help! <h00k> lol <nickmoeck> Honestly, I think it would end up looking pretty bad <emefarr_> way too many colors <nickmoeck> Yeah <h00k> cool. i can also send that out. QUICK, someone invent a deadline! A month? Few weeks? <nickmoeck> plus I don't think we want to imply any kind of sponsorship/approval of the teams <nickmoeck> of/by <nickmoeck> Well, a logo is pretty simple. I'd say 2 weeks or so <emefarr_> ubuntu logo superimposed on a Cheesehead? ;) <h00k> cool. <nickmoeck> yes! <nickmoeck> or.... ubuntu logo made out of cheese <emefarr_> even better <h00k> oho. <h00k> anything else for this subject? <h00k> we'll need to figure out where to get them and pricing, too <nickmoeck> although there are cheap options online, I'd say we should support local Wisconsin businesses and try to find someplace in Madison or Milwaukee that can do it for a reasonable price <h00k> I concur <emefarr_> agreed <h00k> anyone care to volunteer? <h00k> to seek one ouy? <h00k> t <h00k> Cheesehead: anything else for this? <Cheesehead> Not tonight <h00k> cool. <h00k> and...new member wiki. <Cheesehead> I liked what js did last month <h00k> we started well on this, yeah <Cheesehead> I suspect a lot of it can actually be on the main wiki page; it needn't be separate <h00k> i agree, i think the wiki needs an overhaul <h00k> and this is part, most, of it. <Cheesehead> I can work up a sample overhaul page next week <h00k> progress here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WisconsinTeam2 <h00k> thus far <Cheesehead> Ah, you saw that... <h00k> ;) <h00k> is that bad? <Cheesehead> No. Nothing on a wiki is private. <h00k> it was linked by someone somewhere, i forget <h00k> it is nice so far, anyway. <Cheesehead> I'll resume working on it <h00k> Cheesehead, feel free, js got us some nice steps <h00k> cool. <h00k> Anything else for the evening? * Cheesehead looks out the window <emefarr_> nothing from me other that I can hopefully attend on a more regular basis <h00k> [action] Cheesehead to update a delraft of the wiki <h00k> what happened there. <h00k> emefarr_ thanks for coming, it is nice to meet you. <emefarr_> nice to meet you as well! <Cheesehead> emefarr_: To help nominate somebody for Ubuntu Membership, add a testimonial to their wiki page, and (if possible) show up to the IRC membership meeting. My wiki page is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cheesehead . The meeting date is Nov 1, 3 PM CDT in #ubuntu-meeting <emefarr_> Cheesehead: thanks! * Cheesehead runs out to his car. Early work tomorrow... <emefarr_> same her - up at "quarter to why the heck am i up?" <emefarr_> here <h00k> Brittany is getting restless <h00k> thanks, all!! <h00k> see ya, nickmoeck <h00k> Cool, sent the survey out officiall <h00k> ty <h00k> sans y. * Cheesehead just submitted the survey. <h00k> Cool. <h00k> There were a few that had answered around October 7 or so * h00k shrugs <Cheesehead> [Idea] Perhaps our team can adopt and fix a papercut this cycle? There's a UDS session about how to reinvigorate the languishing project. <Cheesehead> Call for volunteers: I happen to need an assistant or two for a couple IRC sessions I'm leading...date TBD, probably sometime in late November or December. <Cheesehead> Don't need to know anything about the subject matter (one is How To Mentor, the other is How To Do A Post-Event Review) <Cheesehead> I plan to do these as facilitated discussions instead of lecture, and I just need a shill or two in the audience to get the discussion warmed up... <h00k> oi. #ubuntu-us-wi 2011-10-28 <Cheesehead> oi? <h00k> hi * h00k reads scrollback <h00k> Cheesehead: send something to the mailing list about that, the papercuts <Cheesehead> I will. Thowing them here first to see if there's any initial response. <Cheesehead> I'm still going through the UDS schedule. <Cheesehead> [Idea] Perhaps our team can convert a couple SysVinit jobs to Upstart? There's a UDS session about how 101 services that need to be converted. Good for anyone who wants to learn Upstart <h00k> I'd help, somehow. <h00k> or attempt to. <Cheesehead> [Info] UDS Session on reviewing bug workflows: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-bug-workflows <Cheesehead> That may herald changes to the current bug system <Cheesehead> It follows up on inconsiostencies between how different teams handled some bugs, thereby preventing automation of those bugs. <Cheesehead> [Info] UDS session on changing the method by which bugs appear on the Canonical engineers' radar... <Cheesehead> That one may have a big effect on bug squad, and on the bugs we submit without patches. * Cheesehead sent e-mail to the list <h00k> Cheesehead: cool, I saw it. <Cheesehead> Wiki meeting page updated: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WisconsinTeam/Meetings <Cheesehead> Wiki meeting minutes published: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/WisconsinTeam/20111026 <Cheesehead> h00k: You said you wanted a meeting in two weeks to go over the LoCo application, so I put on in for Wednesday, 9 November, 2100 CST. http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-us-wisconsin/266/detail/ <Cheesehead> h00k: When should our next Monthly Meeting be? Wed Nov 16 or Wed Nov 30? #ubuntu-us-wi 2011-10-29 <Cheesehead> Wiki October reports page updated: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WisconsinTeam/TeamReports/11/October <Cheesehead> Updated the next meeting time on the Wiki. <Cheesehead> Spent an hour cleaning up and improving https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WisconsinTeam2 <Cheesehead> Anybody have shayonj's e-mail address? I'd like to get his input.... <tlm> Weird can't get sound out of either the speakers or headphone jack on an Acer Travelmate 2413LCi, LSHW = http://pastebin.com/dT4aHNbk APLAY and LPCI = http://pastebin.com/1TtPGvAA I found it junked, replaced the Broadcom wifi with an Intel card, oddly, the ethernet jack also doesn't work, not recognized by the router. #ubuntu-us-wi 2015-10-25 <adueppen> oh gosh my Polari situation is getting progressively worse. <tsimonq2> adueppen: now is the time! make the switch! XD <adueppen> tsimonq2: sorry, I'm just too much of a GUI person. I'll just have to stick with Empathy or XChat for now. <tsimonq2> or pidgin! <tsimonq2> I usedthat before irssi <adueppen> I've tried Pidgin a bit too, I'm just not the biggest fan since it lacks support for the fancy new notifications in GNOME 3.16 <tsimonq2> ahh GNOME...the worst ever XD <tsimonq2> Lubuntu FTW! <adueppen> I generally prefer GNOME for the kind of stuff I do. <tsimonq2> :P
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-app-devel 2012-01-09 <jml> Good morning! <noodles775> Wow, morning jml! <jml> noodles775: yep. jet lag at work. :) <noodles775> heh, ouch. How was the trip back home? (is it still home?) <ajmitch> hi <jml> noodles775: yeah, it's home, but less home than London. <jml> noodles775: was a great trip, actually. very chilled out for the most part. <ajmitch> which part of the world are you in now, jml? <jml> London. <ajmitch> jml: I'm guessing you won't be back for LCA this year then? :) <jml> ajmitch: nope #ubuntu-app-devel 2012-01-10 <jml> hello <jml> james_w: https://code.launchpad.net/~jml/pkgme-binary/reuse-backend/+merge/88053 <james_w> jml, looking at that, and I've just replied to your review of mine (thanks) and made the requested changes if you could take another look. <jml> james_w: thanks. <james_w`> jml, and replied <jml> james_w: thanks <jml> james_w`: the XXX wasn't added, fwiw, merely moved. <james_w`> jml, oh, I didn't see it removed in the diff <james_w`> is a zombie file still around perhaps? <jml> Oh. Hmm. <jml> my bad. <jml> james_w`: so, I had to add it because in trunk, not every test gets all of the metadata, whereas now all of them get all metadata <james_w`> ah, ok <jml> james_w`: I'll fix the tests to provide correct data, as per your recent changes to trunk. <james_w> thanks <jml> james_w: does all_info take arguments? <jml> james_w: anyway, changes provided. <jml> james_w: I'm going to quickly grab some food before our call. <james_w> np <james_w> http://pkgme.net/doc/backends/index.html#one-script <jml> oh, right. <jml> I misread SingleExternalHelperInfo <ShaneQful> hey <ShaneQful> I have been trying to make a ubuntu one client in ruby so in can publish file inside on kde and make a some what usable mac client <ShaneQful> Is anyone there ? <ShaneQful> I wrote a method to get an auth token but this is what the server is returning any help would be great <ShaneQful> warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session <ShaneQful> #<Net::HTTPOK:0xb76c2764> <ShaneQful> { <ShaneQful> "total_size": 0, <ShaneQful> "start": null, <ShaneQful> "resource_type_link": "https://login.ubuntu.com/api/1.0/#authentications", <ShaneQful> "entries": [] <ShaneQful> } <ShaneQful> no one online bye bye #ubuntu-app-devel 2012-01-11 <jml> hi #ubuntu-app-devel 2012-01-12 <irc-free> hi all <irc-free> does ubuntu allow apps that run on an emulator? <jml> james_w: https://code.launchpad.net/~jml/pkgme-binary/backend-tests/+merge/88365 up for review <jml> james_w: speeds up the test suite <jml> ajmitch: around? <james_w> jml, reviewed <james_w> jml, I'm adding a card to add a pdf test to the acceptance tests <james_w> jml, I also added one yesterday to set up CI <jml> james_w: thanks. <jml> james_w: was thinking of writing a little command-line twisted app that takes a pkgme-service url, a tarball and a metadata file, submits the tarball & metadata file to the pkgme-service, and terminates when it gets a response <james_w> jml, I think that would be very useful indeed <jml> james_w: would be useful for testing our current production deployment works, and probably also for future issues. <jml> james_w: ok, I'll do that then. <james_w> jml, I'm assuming we'll be able to hit the pkgme-service API url from the developer access machine to test production <jml> james_w: or that a losa will <james_w> yeah <james_w> I wonder if it could form the basis of a much improved nagios check as well? <jml> james_w: there's a thought. <jml> james_w: I'm trying to submit a package to my local pkgme service and it's not finding the database <jml> james_w: "no connection info available" <james_w> jml, dependency database? <jml> james_w: yeah, that one <james_w> jml, do you have ~/.config/pkgme-binary? <jml> james_w: I guess what I mean is, how do I say "use dev.cfg" (or is it actually looking for it?) <jml> james_w: no. <jml> james_w: how about I do that :) <james_w> jml, dev.cfg is used if production_credentials.cfg isn't there <james_w> so it should be using it already <jml> james_w: hmm. so it should be looking for test.db, right? <james_w> ~/.config/pkgme-binary/conf needs to point to a database containing valid dep db information <james_w> two different databases <james_w> test.db holds all the pkgme-service tables, but doesn't have the pkgme-binary dependency tables <jml> ahh, of course. <jml> james_w: there's something going on that I don't understand. <jml> james_w: the script runs fine and prints out the request body from the server <jml> james_w: but the celery daemon logs a 'Connection refused' during submitter.request(metadata.callback_url, headers=headers, body=body) in submit_pkgme_info(metadata) <jml> james_w: which I guess means it's trying to make a second connection. <jml> james_w: the harness shuts down after the first successful one <james_w> jml, so it all works but it gets a refused connection calling the callback? <jml> james_w: yes. <james_w> jml, that sounds plausible <james_w> celery doesn't log that it's running the job twice? <jml> james_w: well, celery doesn't log much <jml> it prints out every traceback twice though <jml> but errors is all I get. * jml looks for a verbose option <james_w> jml, also, have you encountered $PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE yet? <james_w> it makes "fab bootstrap" a little bit less annoying <jml> james_w: I have. <james_w> good <jml> james_w: but it's still pretty annoying :) <james_w> yes :-) <james_w> running it now to try out your new script <jml> james_w: got debug logging working. no sign of two jobs. <james_w> jml, you made a tarball from acceptance test data? <james_w> (trying to run it myself) <jml> james_w: yeah, I just used the gtk one <james_w> jml, is it easy to change the twisted server to shut down after two requests? <jml> james_w: hmm. I guess so. I tried changing it to not shut down at all, but the second request never came. <james_w> hmm <james_w> that seems equivalent then <james_w> jml, have you confirmed it's getting one request? <jml> james_w: how do you mean? <james_w> jml, the theory is that it's shutting down after the first request, but have you confirmed that it's getting a request and shutting down <james_w> rather than the port being wrong and so no requests are making it to the callback server? <jml> james_w: it's definitely getting the callback request. <james_w> ok <jml> james_w: it prints the output from that to stdout <james_w> ah yes <james_w> (I'm just seeing "timeout while waiting for response" so far) <jml> james_w: check celeryd@test.log <james_w> (because I haven't set up ~/.config/pkgme-binary yet) <jml> ah. <james_w> ok, I'm seeing the same thing now <jml> cool. <jml> exarkun suggested "You may also be shutting down the reactor such that the response is never sent, and some kind of retry logic in the client is kicking in." <jml> and when I put a delay between sending request & shutdown, everything works fine <jml> annoyingly, there's no event to hook on for "response sent" <james_w> ah <james_w> that would do it <jml> reactor.callLater(0, ...) to the rescue :( <james_w> 0 meaning no timeout, which will run as the next thing after what it is doing, which happens to be sending the response? <jml> yes <jml> in the next event loop cycle, roughly <james_w> ok <james_w> do you know why it was working in the integration test? <james_w> I guess the reactor isn't shut down until the end of the test? <jml> james_w: errors in the celery log don't necessarily fail the integration test. <james_w> ah, true <jml> I'd like to fix that. <jml> But I don't really know how. :) <james_w> yeah <james_w> also, the url in the response printed by the harness isn't a url, do we need to add another config option for that? <james_w> one for the dir to put the tarballs in, one for the url to get things in that dir? <jml> yeah, probably <jml> also, I seem to have broken the test somewhere along the line <jml> nope. <jml> it's just that it behaves poorly with already-running celery <jml> james_w: I'm late for things. <james_w> ok <jml> james_w: will catch up tomorrow. please merge this branch if you think it's ok. <james_w> jml, looks fine to me, if you are happy with it I will <jml> I am. <jml> g'night all <ajmitch> jml: I'm around now, guessing that you're not? :) #ubuntu-app-devel 2012-01-13 <dpm> good morning all <dpm> noodles775, are the permissions for doing review of ARB apps tied to a Launchpad team? The reason I'm asking is because I've been thinking of proposing having a team to help the arb (e.g. if someone is not part of the ARB but want to help with packaging). In that case it might be useful to have a LP team containing those additional contributors that has permissions e.g. to post comments on app entries in MyApps. What do you think? <noodles775> dpm: currently the perms are not linked to a team, but this is a bug. You can see all the perms at (sorry for the private link): https://wiki.canonical.com/ConsumerApplications/PrivilegedAccessToApps <dpm> thanks noodles775, looking at it now. Is there a bug # for it, or shall I report a new one? <noodles775> dpm: Currently we only have an 'arb_reviewer' permission, which gives access to review and approve arb apps etc. <noodles775> dpm: the bug is listed there on the wiki page. <noodles775> dpm: but as ARB apps are already public, there'd be nothing stopping someone who was interested in helping packaging to grab the upload, do some packaging work and upload it to their own (public) PPA right? We'd just need to enable the ability to add comments as you say. <dpm> exactly <ajmitch> is there a bug open about being able to see apps in the 'needs information' state? <ajmitch> I know there's a bug about the feedback on an individual app <noodles775> ajmitch: so that reviewers can see bugs in needs information? Let me check. <ajmitch> noodles775: yeah, it's a bit of a black hole at the moment, hitting ask for information & the app disappears <ajmitch> I didn't spot any open bugs about it on developer-portal <ajmitch> it'd also be sort of nice to see rejected apps as well, to get an idea of why they get rejected :) <noodles775> yeah, we did initially have a more general view which would allow you to filter via state using url params, but I think that's gone now... checking. <noodles775> I don't see one either, let me know if you don't have time to create a bug with those points. <ajmitch> will create bug :) <noodles775> Ta. <ajmitch> bug 915902 <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 915902 in developer-portal "Currently cannot see applications in the 'Needs Information' state" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/915902 <noodles775> sweet, thanks. <jml> james_w: I have an embarrassing confession to make. I can't seem to run pkgme locally. <james_w> jml, you aren't sure how, or it crashes? <jml> james_w: I get: pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: bzr <jml> james_w: and bzr doesn't build (although it occurs to me now that I should try to pull latest trunk) <james_w> jml, interesting, maybe it's because you are running bzr from source? <james_w> or it may be a precise thing <jml> yeah. <jml> james_w: well, it's in the virtualenv <jml> james_w: so I don't know that running bzr from source matters. <james_w> ah, probably not <james_w> but bzr fails to build when setting up the virtualenv? <jml> james_w: no, the virtualenv is set up correctly <jml> james_w: or so it says. I should maybe try blowing it away & trying again <james_w> jml, is there an egg-info dir for bzr in the virtualenv? <jml> too late : <jml> (next time, just make a new one!) <james_w> jml, yesterday I created https://launchpad.net/~canonical-ca-hackers/+archive/production/+packages so that we can more easily replicate the production environment elsewhere <james_w> jml, and I was going to write a juju charm to spin up a pkgme-service instance <james_w> jml, but you can't do that on a lucid base, so I'm not sure it would get us much <james_w> jml, what do you think about using juju anyway, as compared to scripting something to do it in canonistack? <jml> https://code.launchpad.net/~jml/pkgme-binary/pdf-acceptance-tests/+merge/88521 <james_w> jml, Approved <jml> james_w: thanks. <ajmitch> morning #ubuntu-app-devel 2013-01-07 <Akshay> anybosy can help me creating first app on QT <Akshay> i'm getting this error when I run the demo code <Akshay> module "QtQuick" version 2.0 is not installed import QtQuick 2.0 <tsimpson> you need Qt5 for QtQuick 2.0 <Akshay> i follwed all the steps given in ubuntu site <Akshay> i did nothing new <Akshay> what should i donow? <tsimpson> you can either install Qt5.0 from http://qt-project.org/downloads or you can write a QtQuick 1.0 project <Akshay> ok tet me try <Akshay> by the way i run the commad that is given on the ubuntu wesite which i think installs QT5, <Akshay> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-beta1 && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install qt5-meta-full && echo 'export PATH=/opt/qt5/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc <tsimpson> ah, well that should pull Qt5 then <Akshay> yeah thats what <tsimpson> what command are you running which gives your error message? <Akshay> http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/ <Akshay> see this link <Akshay> http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/app-developer-cookbook/mobile/currency-converter-phone-app/ <Akshay> I'm trying to view that tools->external thing <tsimpson> did you set it to use qmlscene? <tsimpson> I don't have a Qt5 setup on this box, so I can't really test the instructions right now <Akshay> ok, <Akshay> I'm trying to setup qmlscene <jvrbanac> mhall119, I'll finish up that ERM diagram tonight after I get off of work. #ubuntu-app-devel 2013-01-08 <jvrbanac> mhall119, you still around? <mhall119> jvrbanac: yup <jvrbanac> sweet! I think I just finished up a rough pass at that diagram. Just sent it via email. <jvrbanac> I ended up stripping out a ton of redundant information when I made the whole thing pretty generic <jvrbanac> I'm not sure if that was exactly what you were looking for. <jvrbanac> mhall119, Woop! I forgot to add a type column on the search_elements table. I figured that since we weren't really rendering the content live, that we could remove the redundancy in the tables for classes, enums, and bitfields <mhall119> jvrbanac: where is this diagram? <jvrbanac> I sent it to your email. Did it not come through? <mhall119> ah, wasn't paying attention to email, let me check <jvrbanac> mhall119, I forgot to mention. I used MySQL Workbench. I wasn't sure what you like to use, but it is free and has a very nice EER modeling tool. <mhall119> jvrbanac: that's fine, I usually use dia, but this works <jvrbanac> Ahh! I'll remember that next time. <mhall119> use whatever you like best <jvrbanac> mhall119, :) I originally had this thing with separate tables for classes, enums, etc, but I figured I would try removing that concept all together to make it more generic. That way it should be flexible enough for most frameworks. <mhall119> don't be more generic that you need to be <mhall119> that's a classic anti-pattern :) <jvrbanac> :) true <jvrbanac> mhall119, Well, if I add back in out the ones I condensed it'll add on five more tables with nearly the same structures. Do you have an opinion either way? Do you think that I made it too generic? <jvrbanac> mhall119, Now that I think about it... I'm missing a few other things now. Crud! Ok... back the the drawing board. Sorry! <mhall119> jvrbanac: no worries, I'm distracted by CES videos right now anyway ;) <jvrbanac> mhall119, lol! <jvrbanac> mhall119, I just sent you an updated version. It's a little less generic and has a few issues fixed. <mhall119> thanks jvrbanac <jvrbanac> mhall119, I'm going to head out for the night. If you have some free time tomorrow, perhaps we can nail down these models. <mhall119> jvrbanac: sounds good, ping me whenever you're around <jvrbanac> mhall119, will do! <mpt> What's the simplest possible code with which I can test a Launcher icon with a number emblem? <dpm> mpt, what sort of test are you thinking of? Perhaps the easiest way, without writing any code, is to run hello-unity: https://launchpad.net/hello-unity <dpm> mpt, or you can run the short Python script with the sample code on http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/technologies/launcher/ <mpt> Thanks dpm. I just want a test to show what the emblem looks like when it is 1, 2, 3, and 4 digits long * mpt gets the hello-unity code <mpt> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'scale_simple' <mpt> I guess it would help if I read the README :-) <mpt> Ah, so if the count > 9999 it's rendered as "****" <dpm> yeah, I think I saw someone mentioning that happening in the mail count for the launcher of the gmail webapp a while ago #ubuntu-app-devel 2013-01-09 <GuidoPallemans1> are there any good qml forums/irc channels for developers? <tsimpson> not for impatient people <ajmitch> come on, he waited at least 30 seconds <tsega> Hello <tsega> I need some help, I'm trying to make a qrcode reader app which a very simple feature set <tsega> All I want to do is use my laptop camera, take a picture of the qrcode and output the data from the code as keyboard inputs <tsega> So first of all is that possible? <tsega> Anyone here able to help? #ubuntu-app-devel 2013-01-10 <george_e> Is this the correct answer to my question? <george_e> http://askubuntu.com/questions/239425/desktop-environment-agnostic-method-for-prompting-the-user-for-a-password <george_e> I have the feeling in the back of my head that something is wrong with my answer. <hyperair> zenity is gtk+ <hyperair> it's not going to look very nice on KDE, but it'll work <hyperair> you might want to look at, say, pinentry <george_e> Okay, thanks. <george_e> pinentry and pinentry-qt4 both ask for a password in the terminal. <jo-erlend> is there a place where I can download the Unity API docs for Python for offline use? <ironhalik> Hello <ironhalik> I plan to play around with Ubuntu and some app development <ironhalik> but I'm confused about one thing - when developing for 12.04, with compatibility with 12.10 and later in mind, should I work in python 2, or in python 3? <qwertzui11> 3 <ironhalik> k <ironhalik> :> <qwertzui11> UR WECOME <ironhalik> my response was as laconic as yours :> but, yeah, THANKS! <qwertzui11> ur welcome again ;) #ubuntu-app-devel 2013-01-11 <phanimahesh> dpm: I have a problem with launchpad translations. <phanimahesh> have a few minutes to spare? <dpm> hi phanimahesh, sure <phanimahesh> It all started with our grand rename. <phanimahesh> mechanig was renamed to unity-tweak-tool <phanimahesh> and so in the next update, launchpad picked up the renamed translation template and added as a new one. <phanimahesh> the problem is, i essentially lost existing ones. <phanimahesh> and lp people say it is too late to correct it on launchpad. <phanimahesh> https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/218839 <phanimahesh> any ideas? <dpm> yes, but let me have a look first <dpm> phanimahesh, ok, so I think we'll go with what jtv is suggesting on his answer. The first step is to export those translations from Launchpad into your branch. Let me set that up in a minute. <phanimahesh> dpm: the files have to be moved anyway, so I got a tarball of the old template Now renaming the files and editing them to use the new domain, placing them in proper folders, pushing, allowing lp to update, then pushing updated pot.. will this sequence work? <dpm> Yeah, that'd work too. Note that you won't have to rename any files. The names of the PO files should stay the same. Just commit the PO files you've got in the template, push them and make sure that the POT template in the po/ folder you push. <dpm> is the correct one <dpm> i.e. unitytweak.pot <dpm> phanimahesh, ^ <phanimahesh> so all po files stay the same, except that they are moved? <phanimahesh> and should the pot be the old one or can it be the new version? <phanimahesh> dpm, ^ <dpm> phanimahesh, just make sure: <dpm> - All the po files are under the po/ folder, and that the POT file is in there too <dpm> - All the PO files are named according to $ISOCODE.po (or in some cases $ISOCODE_COUNTRY.po), e.g. en_GB.po, it.po, ca.po, de.po, etc <phanimahesh> okay. they are currently mechanig_ISOCODE.po <phanimahesh> so that means I'll have to rename. <phanimahesh> stripping out mechanig <dpm> ah, yeah, in that case you'll need to rename them, exactly <dpm> And finally, <phanimahesh> and the pot can be the updated unitytweak.pot <dpm> - It does not matter which version of the POT file you've got in there. You can update it any time and Launchpad will pick up the changes. Simply update the POT file with 'python setup.py build_i18n', commit and push <phanimahesh> sure. thanks. btw, the distutilsextra branch is waiting to be merged. thanks for reminding me. <phanimahesh> dpm Thanks, that worked, except that lp needs me to set language code and template for each imported po file. Thats much much easier than manual merging. :D <dpm> phanimahesh, that might have been because LP still got confused by the 2 templates. You shouldn't have to do this anymore (i.e. manually setting the code) <phanimahesh> yup. you saved me. thanks. <dpm> phanimahesh, when Launchpad has finished importing all translations into the unitytweak template, I'd recommend the following: <dpm> 1. Go to https://translations.launchpad.net/unity-tweak-tool/trunk/+translations-settings <dpm> 2. Set the import settings to "Import template files" <phanimahesh> Thanks. I'll change it once lp is done importing. <dpm> 3. Set up translation exports: On the "Export translations to branch" section, click on the "Choose a target branch" link and set the export branch to be the same as the import branch <dpm> this way you'll have translations fully automated, and the only thing you'll have to worry about is to update and commit the POT file from time to time <dpm> that is, whenever you think new strings are ready to translate <phanimahesh> dpm: won't the translations be overwritten every update? <phanimahesh> lp updates from the git repo every 5 hours. <dpm> phanimahesh, ah, I thought the branch you used for translations was a different one from the one auto-imported from git? <phanimahesh> nope. so I'll set up a different branch to push the translations to. <dpm> in that case, I'd recommend simply setting the auto-export to a different bzr branch, and then manually merge the bzr branch with the fresh translations to github <dpm> you can leave the import branch as it is in the export settings <dpm> sorry, mistake: you can leave the import branch as it is in the *import* settings <phanimahesh> okay. will make the changes now. <dpm> super <phanimahesh> just figured out why lp got confused. I spelled it wrong in my loop. all files have wrong name. thankfully suffixes (lang codes) are preserved. result : automated work became manual. <phanimahesh> I feel like an idiot now. :/ <dpm> phanimahesh, argh, sorry to hear that. Is everything sorted now? <phanimahesh> dpm: Yup. everything is sorted. I dont have port 22 open from here, so will have to create the export branch tomorrow when I go to the institute area. except that, everything is sorted. <aky> anyone? #ubuntu-app-devel 2013-01-13 <sonda> hello <sonda> i want to write my own application in ubuntu <sonda> i know c,c++ <sonda> how to get started? <sonda> my idea is to write a note taking application which will integrate with some database may be mysql... i am not sure <sonda> to provide facilities like find as you type, tags, etc.. <sonda> right now i use zim... its nice but it doesn't have search as you type feature <tsimpson> you should decide if you want to write a GTK+, GNOME, Qt, KDE, or fancy-pants QML application first <sonda> i can learn qt quickly i guess <sonda> which one is the most widely used? <tsimpson> it's hard to say, but I would speculate that Qt is the most widely used <tsimpson> I'm one of those Qt fanatics though, so I may be biased <sonda> is it free <sonda> or i would need license? <tsimpson> it's free <tsimpson> you only need a license if you plan on changing the Qt source and not sharing those changes (closed-source proprietary applications) <sonda> No I am not that intelligent <tsimpson> but it's LGPL, so you can use it freely for open-source stuff <sonda> I want to use my free time productively. so thinking of starting with something <sonda> i have never done such things before <sonda> but my inner voice says I can do it <tsimpson> you likely already have the Qt libraries installed, you just need the development packages with an "apt-get install qt-sdk" <sonda> any website for help <tsimpson> then you should see the Qt Creator IDE installed <tsimpson> http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/ <sonda> i have heard qt can be used on many platforms <sonda> specific to qt on ubuntu any website <sonda> or the os doesn't matter? <tsimpson> you don't need to know anything specific really, it's designed so you write the same C++ code and it works everywhere <sonda> can i get help here regarding coding <tsimpson> http://developer.ubuntu.com/ may have some more info, but last I checked some of it's links for Qt were out of date <tsimpson> you can ask here, but this channel is rather.. dead <tsimpson> there is #qt though <sonda> oh i see <sonda> thanks simpson <sonda> hope to see you soon, when i am stuck with something <tsimpson> well I'm also in #qt so I'll probably see any questions you ask ;) <sonda> cool :) <sonda> one more thing <sonda> for database can i use mysql <sonda> i think it comes with ubuntu right? <tsimpson> I don't think it comes with ubuntu by default <tsimpson> there is SQLite installed by default though <sonda> oh i see <sonda> it might be sufficient right? <tsimpson> it likely is <tsimpson> there's also that couchdb/desktopcouch thing that ubuntu likes to use <sonda> whats that <sonda> do i need any special learning for that <tsimpson> "RESTful document oriented database" apparently <tsimpson> it's not SQL as far as I know, so you'd need to get to grips with whatever API it uses <tsimpson> but SQLite is always there, and Qt has built-in support for SQLite too <sonda> ok <sonda> which ide u use for coding <tsimpson> depends on my mood and the scale of coding I'm doing, either just a plain text editor like kate or nano, or I use Qt Creator <tsimpson> and maybe kdevelop now it's getting stable again <sonda> any ide that has intellisense? <tsimpson> Qt Creator has code completion, yes <sonda> ok great <sohail_> hey guys, I'm trying to install both libssl-dev and libssl-dev:i386 on 12.04 but I get the following error: http://paste.lisp.org/display/134608 - I need to build against both 32 and 64-bit :( <sohail_> (it's a conflict) <sohail_> anyone know how to fix it? <sohail_> damnit: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=689093 <ubot2`> Debian bug 689093 in libssl-dev "libssl-dev is not Multi-Arch compatible" [Normal,Open] <christoffer> Hi, I'm trying to use Glade to design a Toolbar with "Text beside icons" but it doesn't seem to work. "Text below icons" works just fine. <christoffer> anyone know if there is a known bug reported for this? <christoffer> aha, had to mark the toolbutton "important" <christoffer> that doesn't make sense :P <wed_> hi <wed_> i have a question about packaging for the ubuntu software center: does the package to upload be a .deb file? if so, how do i create one? i dont use the pygobject api. <ziyadb> Good day all! <ziyadb> Glad to see the number of users in this channel. <ziyadb> I'll be a regular from here on as I am working on developing a heavily customized app. <ziyadb> I'm also new to the platform :D <JanC> ziyadb: thanks for staying and wanting to become a regular; too many people just drop in, ask a question, and leave again before anybody can answer... :-/ <JanC> I guess it's not obvious for everybody dat IRC != instant messaging <JanC> also, we need a lot more users to make the channel more active ☺ <dually> I see that qml can call XMLHttpRequest(); with GET parameter. Is it possible to POST as well? #ubuntu-app-devel 2014-01-06 <kalikiana_> nik90: ping <nik90> kalikiana_: pong <kalikiana_> nik90: ah there you are <kalikiana_> I just replied to the list <kalikiana_> maybe have a look at the reply first <nik90> kalikiana_: thnx. looking at the email now <nik90> kalikiana_: I have seen and used http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-1.0/U1DB/ before. Infact I did a hangout with stuart during which michael hall added it to the API docs. It was quite useful to list the functions of database, document etc. <nik90> kalikiana_: so with regards to index, while specifying the expression is there a specific order we must use? <nik90> also does it expect the expressions to be of the same size? <kalikiana_> nik90: in general the query needs to list the same expressions defined in the index <kalikiana_> if you want to search foobar, it needs to be in the index <nik90> okay, so in essence an index provides the data, while queries uses them to filter and pass it on as a model. <kalikiana_> yep <kalikiana_> which as you've found is limited to wildcards basically right now. but there's plans for more filters ie. transformation functions in u1 lingo <nik90> kalikiana_: I looked at the bug report you mentioned in the email and I think providing the capability to add user function to use as filters to provide some freedom to the developer <nik90> kalikiana_: and regarding sorting of results, what I meant was in python, I saw calls like sorted(modeldata) where it returns the results in an alphabetical order, or in ascending/descending order. Unfortunately QML doesn't offer this natively. <kalikiana_> ah right. in qml you can only do it "by hand" like copying the model and using move() with your own algorithm <kalikiana_> hmm do you think this would make sense as a u1db feature? <kalikiana_> nik90: maybe indirectly this could be solved through transformation functions <kalikiana_> at the bottom of this mock api https://launchpadlibrarian.net/149329873/queryfuncs.qml <kalikiana_> that's pretty much a way of sorting <nik90> kalikiana_: yeah me and andrew thought that u1db would provide a efficient and more lean sorting function instead of us having to create one. <nik90> kalikiana_: I have branch which shows of the sample app I have been working on at https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/+junk/u1db-sample-app <nik90> can you take a look and let me know if I am doing stuff correctly in the listview? <nik90> I feel like I am complicating matters by using a repeater inside a listivew <timp> nik90: why would you do that instead of using a ListModel? <nik90> timp: because strangely enough, when I specified contents.tracks, it threw a undefined output. <nik90> timp: Also looking at my document structure, it seems it is a list inside a list. The tracks is a list object inside the playlist document <nik90> kalikiana_: I also noticed a bug with example 5 in u1db-qt examples located at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~uonedb-qt/u1db-qt/trunk/view/head:/examples/u1db-qt-example-5/u1db-qt-example-5.qml. <nik90> I ran it without any modifcation and the output is rather bizarre <nik90> I expect it to show 7 outputs in the listview, but it only shows 3. <nik90> can you confirm that pls? <nik90> timp: I am open to suggestions to simplifying that. I feel like I am over complicating it <timp> nik90: do you have a link (http?) of your code on launchpad? I can have a quick look <nik90> timp: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~nik90/+junk/u1db-sample-app/view/head:/u1db.qml <timp> nik90: thanks <timp> nik90: perhaps it is possible to create a ListModel and put the repeater inside that <timp> I'm not sure if that is actually better than what you have now <timp> hmm.. a Repeater in a ListModel may not work, but some functional way of generating the model would be useful here. <timp> wait a sec.. what does aQuery return? if it is the list of tracks (and not list of playlists) then you don't need a repeater <nik90> timp: I tried using a Multivalue list Item from the SDK which accepts a list. However when I used that I got a output stating TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined <nik90> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6703066/ <nik90> timp: would you expect two queries, one for playlist list and the other for playlist track info? <nik90> Each document stores the playlist name and its associated tracks. As an analogy, think of a task and its tags in a document. I wish to display both the task info like name and its associated tags in the listview <nik90> Which is why I have one query which retrieves the playlist name and its tracks <timp> I'm not sure what your query returns, but if it has all the tracks (ordered by playlist), you can use that as a model. <timp> then the tracks are the items in the listview, and playlist names the sections <timp> (it may be more complicated than what I'm saying, depending on what the queries do exactly. I didn't check that in detail) <nik90> timp: oh yeah I totally forget to use section headers. But yeah in essence that's what I want to achieve. Have section headers as playlist names, and results and track info <nik90> let me see if I can implement that <kalikiana_> nik90: diff to avoid the repeater http://paste.ubuntu.com/6703112/ for testing I used JSON.stringify which is very good for debugging - I think there's either a bug causing name to be missing or I'm overlooking a typo in my changes <kalikiana_> but that would be what you intended functionally? <kalikiana_> minus the missing name, that is <nik90> kalikiana_: yup. <nik90> My intention was to specify contents.something and be able to display that easily <nik90> without having to resort to repeater in a listview <kalikiana_> my guess is you encountered an 'undefined' for a similar reason as I stumbled on, somehow a missing value, which in javascript becomes a catch-all undefined <nik90> kalikiana_: I don't thinkn there is a typo causing name to be missing. I have that issue all day yesterday. <nik90> the moment I change that to just playlist.tracks in the index expression, things work out <kalikiana_> you mean not using name? <kalikiana_> I think something might be wrong in Query as it doesn't include name in the result/ contents <nik90> I mean when the index expression is ["playlist.name", "playlist.tracks"], the name is displayed. But if I change that to ["playlist.name", "playlist.tracks.file", "playlist.tracks.title"], then name becomes undefined <kalikiana_> interesting. if I do that name is there but nothing else <nik90> exactly <kalikiana_> so somehow they kick each other out. even if I change the order same reltion <kalikiana_> *relation <nik90> yup..but this only happens with a multiple level list. Since if you have other properties like playlist description in the same level as the playnist name, they are both available <timp> nik90: cool. Are you writing a full app, or is it intended to demo the u1 functionality only? <timp> the u1db bindings look very interesting, but I haven't had time yet to check it out. <nik90> timp: only demo purposes..but my full intention is to use u1db in clock-app. Hence this is a preparation for it :) <timp> nik90: okay. always good to have some demo programs :) Personally I prefer that over long tutorials when learning something new. <timp> it teaches you 90% of what you need to know in 10% of the time :) <nik90> timp: +1 but only if the demo program has comments. otherwise it becomes rather unclear what the code does. <nik90> timp: in the u1db-qt examples, examply 5 and 6 have no comments making it guesswork to see what they are for. <nik90> timp, kalikiana_: I tried using a section header as suggested, however it outputs that contents is not defined. -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6703235/ <kalikiana_> actually I've never used section stuff - nik90, on a guess try model.contents.name <kalikiana_> but not sure if it is actually a delegate or how it behaves <nik90> kalikiana_: it behaves exactly like a delegate. so passing contents.name should work like normal. <kalikiana_> nik90: oh, actually could you be hitting the same bug as before with name missing? <nik90> kalikiana_: I thought so. But after changing the index expression back to the orignal where contents.name should work but it doesnt with a section header. <nik90> but that's fine. <nik90> Should I report a bug about the name being undefined issue? <kalikiana_> yes please file a bug for the name. if possible mention the weird relation with the tracks, that has to be a hint at the underlying bug <kalikiana_> I'm trying the section stuff now <kalikiana_> nik90: so… what exactly should the section header use? why is there text: as well as the section.property? <kalikiana_> not sure if I'm using it right <nik90> kalikiana_: section property defines the text that will be shown in the section header. In our case that would be the playlist name. <kalikiana_> but it doesn't work if I put "foo" in there <kalikiana_> by which I mean I don't see anything besides the list <nik90> http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-listview.html#section.criteria-prop <nik90> or better here is an example http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/views-listview-sections-qml.html <jdstrand> so, I wrote a small qml app for myself that uses a column and a few rows that each has a Label and a TextField. it works fine except that in the last TextField, when I click in it, the OSK covers it up. It seems that the app should adjust to slide up over the OSK, but it doesn't automatically. I've tried wrapping it in a Flickable, but it doesn't work. <jdstrand> I've seen this in a number of other apps too. what is the correct technique to have the app adjust to when the osk pops up? <nik90> jdstrand: http://nik90.com/ubuntu-touch-keyboard-tricks/ <timp> nik90: section.property: "name" works? <nik90> jdstrand: short summary, you need to set anchorToKeyboard: true <nik90> timp: no :/ <nik90> timp: I tried model.contents.name, name, ccontents.name <nik90> reallys strange <timp> nik90: the example http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/views-listview-sections-qml.html uses a string to define the section.property <jdstrand> nik90: cool, thanks! * jdstrand tries <nik90> timp: I think they made a mistake. Since I use the section feature in the clock app -> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/trunk/view/head:/clock/WorldClock.qml <nik90> timp: you essentially give it a model property so that you have multiple section headers <nik90> timp: actually you are correct! My mistake <nik90> in the clock app, I also use a string <kalikiana_> nik90: this doesn't show up at all and the delegate isn't even evaluated if I put a console.log in there http://paste.ubuntu.com/6703381/ <kalikiana_> by the example it should be used like that <nik90> kalikiana_: I realise that.. no worries, I will try to figure this out later <kalikiana_> okay <timp> kalikiana_: can you see what's wrong here? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-trusty-amd64-ci/458/console <timp> poor jp getting all the failure logs ;p <kalikiana_> timp: components::DatePickerAPI::test_1_changeDateToNextMonth() Uncaught exception: Cannot read property 'children' of null <kalikiana_> Loc: [(0)] <timp> ah yes I see now. <timp> searching for "fail!" is a lot handier than going through all the "fail" instances in the file <mhall119> jdstrand: did you get the help you needed? <timp> kalikiana_: weird. I got that from the headerInit MR... nothing to do with DatePicker. <jdstrand> mhall119: yes, thanks :) <nik90> kalikiana_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/u1db-qt/+bug/1266478 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1266478 in U1DB Qt/ QML "Query model doesn't work properly with a multilevel document list" [Undecided,New] <nik90> kalikiana_: can we expect bug fixes for u1db-qt since it seems like all contributors have moved to ui-toolkit? <kalikiana_> nik90: I am trying to make some time. I think it will be worth a lot to have you actively giving feedback, in the past I sometimes had to "hunt down" people who had problems but didn't report <nik90> kalikiana_: yes I can do that..well that's the least I can do :) <timp> nik90, kalikiana_ an example program (as small as possible) that shows the bug included in the bug report is always useful :) I guess for this one, it would need to include a tiny db <nik90> timp: I will innclude a sample program where you just need to download the file and run it to see the bug. Good point <timp> nik90: awesome. that eliminates the need to hunt down people to figure out how to reproduce the bug :) <nik90> kalikiana_: I hope those bug fixes propogate to a ppa for easy testing and I will rally people to do the bug reporting and testing to help you. <nik90> timp, kalikiana_: added test program. <nik90> to bug report <nik90> mhall119: I have another tutorial which shows how to add content to the ubuntu welcome screen infographics. -> http://nik90.com/adding-infographics-to-ubuntu-phone/ <nik90> mhall119: you think that would be good for the tutorial page? <mhall119> nik90: I'll have to check with some people, last I heard we didn't want to recommend that API just yet <nik90> mhall119: oh. I wasn't aware of that <mhall119> nik90: it's been a while, so it may have changed <mhall119> I don't even remember the reasons for it, tbh <jdstrand> nik90: it worked great. thanks! <nik90> jdstrand: u r welcome :-) <nik90> mhall119: no worries. Although the core apps like music are already using it now <nik90> and clock will use it soon enough to indicate the alarms <mhall119> nik90: that's fine, I think, I'm just not sure if non-core-apps should be using it yet <nik90> ok <mhall119> nik90: it may have been that we didn't have the apparmor policy back then, IIRC <nik90> true <jdstrand> nik90, mhall119: fyi, I just learned that Qt.inputMethod.hide() will hide the osk. This might be a good addition to http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/qml/tutorial/ubuntu-on-screen-keyboard-tricks/. Eg, I used nik90's method to always show the button. Then I use in onClicked for that button: Qt.inputMethod.hide() <mhall119> thanks jdstrand <nik90> jdstrand: ah thnx that is a useful method. <mhall119> new app dev video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Hhtd2JUBZo&feature=youtu.be <ahayzen> nik90, thanks for the email :) <nik90> ahayzen: :) * ahayzen subscribes to the bugs <nik90> ahayzen: I think those bugs are not critical stoppers for the music-app <nik90> since you wouldn't be anyway showing both the playlist name and tracks at the same time? <ahayzen> nik90, well the recent list is pretty much work other than the sorting <ahayzen> nik90, i need to filter the tracks by a playlist name :/ <nik90> true, but why dont you use a index for playlist names alone where you can do the playlist name sorting <nik90> with that you can get the docID and use that to retrieve the tracks separately? <nik90> we have the issue when we try to combine both of them in a single query <ahayzen> nik90, doesn't it only give u the first track of each though IIRC? <nik90> this is just a workaround. Obviously the fix would make life easier but until then a temp solution would suffice <nik90> nope using a repeater, I was able to show all the tracks <ahayzen> nik90, yeah but then the swipeDelete/reordering is a nightmare ;) <nik90> ahayzen: oh yeah :P <nik90> btw were you able to achieve reordering in a listview? <nik90> normally...(no reference to u1db) <ahayzen> nik90, hehe we have a custom implementation <ahayzen> nik90, i'm working on one which is portable for any listview :) <nik90> nice! <ahayzen> nik90, thts the plan anyway :P <ahayzen> nik90, just need some patches to land in the UITK first <nik90> good luck! <ahayzen> thanks lol <nik90> I meant that sincerely :) it will benefit other devs as well <ahayzen> hopefully it will <labsin> What's the best way to package my libs with my click app? If I link my executable to shared libraries that aren't in the default images, do I need to copy and relink them, or can I use some CMake magic? <mhall119> labsin: you'll need the libs in your .click package, yes <mhall119> labsin: there's still some work underway to support multi-arch libs, so it may not fully work just yet <labsin> mhall119, I saw the commit just 2h ago <labsin> But I was wondering if I really need to copy all my libs to lest say ./lib and then link them, or do you know any convenient ways? <mhall119> I believe the work being done will support a specific folder structure, and automatically allow linking to libs in those <mhall119> click apps are all launched by an upstart process, which will be capable of adding the right library folder to use for linking at runtime <nik90> balloons: ping <balloons> nik90, pong <balloons> I know I have a pending review for you.. it popped up on the list of leftovers :-) <nik90> balloons: yup indeed :) <nik90> balloons: I fixed the stuff we discussed before <balloons> I'll try and review today.. working on getting my devices updated <balloons> excellent.. so it should be quick and easy.. does it pass on your nexus 4? <nik90> It passed on my desktop :P <nik90> balloons: you are going to angry if I told you I have still not figured the exact process on testing on phone * nik90 ducks <balloons> nik90, ohh boy, lol <balloons> we should fix that <nik90> balloons: btw is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1256864 still valid? <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1256864 in Ubuntu Clock App "test_alarm.TestAlarm.test_longpress_new_alarm fails on #40 on mako" [High,Confirmed] <nik90> if yes, can we move it to the mir project since it isnt a clock app isue? <nik90> issue* <balloons> nik90, ohh man.. boo on me for not putting the bug number in there <nik90> yay one less clock bug :P <nik90> balloons: the continous integration failed <nik90> with a message Unapproved changes made after approval. <balloons> ahh funzies <nik90> But I did not make any changes <balloons> I approved, should merge now <nik90> thnx #ubuntu-app-devel 2014-01-07 <dholbach> good morning <JamesTait> Good morning all! :-D <nerochiaro> zsombi: good morning. hope you had a good start of the year. I have a quick question for you, how does the StateSaver work when elements are loaded by a Loader ? <zsombi> nerochiaro: morning sire!!! indeed a good start, but got few bugs to solve :) the StateSaver works in the same way as usual. <zsombi> nerochiaro: Loader must have an ID as it will be the parent of the loaded element <nerochiaro> zsombi: interesting. it looks like in some case it doesn't work even if the loader has an id. i'll investigate further <zsombi> nerochiaro: so you have a component loaded by the Loader and the component uses the StateSaver? <nerochiaro> zsombi: yes <zsombi> nerochiaro: we have test cases for that, check them <nerochiaro> zsombi: ok <nerochiaro> zsombi: i seem to be doing all correctly, same as the test case, but I don't see the state being restored <nerochiaro> zsombi: in the app, of course it works in a separate case <zsombi> nerochiaro: so you don't see the state restored in your case? <nerochiaro> zsombi: no <zsombi> do you see any warnings? <nerochiaro> zsombi: i put a onSavedPropertyChanged: console.log(savedProperty) and the value is not hte value i saved. no warnings from statesaver either <nerochiaro> zsombi: i know the saved value is different because if i cat the file .config the right value is there <zsombi> nerochiaro: so no warnings on the console from StateSaver? <nerochiaro> zsombi: no <zsombi> nerochiaro: weird... show me the branch <nerochiaro> zsombi: one moment <nerochiaro> zsombi: lp:~amanzi-team/gallery-app/gallery-app-listview-state/ <nerochiaro> zsombi: check Components/MediaViewer.qml <nerochiaro> zsombi: (i will have to run out for 15 minutes soon) <nerochiaro> zsombi: so take your time <zsombi> nerochiaro: ok, will check it <nerochiaro> zsombi: thanks <zsombi> nerochiaro: cannot see such a QML file... <zsombi> nerochiaro: ah, under Components/MediaViewer there is one <mzanetti> popey: hi <mzanetti> popey: could you please test again if this works with a smaller image? https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/add-image-support/+merge/199031 <popey> mzanetti: ok <nerochiaro> zsombi: news ? <zsombi> nerochiaro: on standup, but couldn't find your StateSaver there... <mzanetti> popey: and I've added the cmake dep to the script in here: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/switch-to-cmake/+merge/199377 <nerochiaro> zsombi: rc/qml/Components/MediaGrid.qml line 48 <nerochiaro> zsombi: sry I had pointed you to the wrong file before <zsombi> timp: you completely forgot this! https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/pickerpanel/+merge/199250 ;) <timp> zsombi: no it is 4th on my to review list ;) <zsombi> timp: last year it was the first on your list :D <zsombi> you downgraded it???! <nerochiaro> zsombi: done with standup ? <zsombi> nerochiaro: still <zsombi> in <nik90> zsombi: btw nice touch on the SDK dialer component. I am currently transitioning the clock app to use them :) <zsombi> nik90: it has been there for a while ;) <nik90> zsombi: I know, but only recently I really took notice of that component. <zsombi> nik90: glad that you'll take it in use :) <nik90> zsombi: I did find two small bugs, will report them a bit later when I am done with the MP. But otherwise it has helped remove quite a bit of code from the clock app. <zsombi> nik90: +1 <nerochiaro> zsombi: i've worked around the problem for now, but it would be still better if we could figure out what's going on <zsombi> nerochiaro: ended the standup, lemme check the file <zsombi> nerochiaro: who loads this MediaGrid.qml? <nerochiaro> zsombi: rc/qml/PhotosOverview and that one is loaded by rc/qml/MainScreen <zsombi> nerochiaro: hmm... weird... <nerochiaro> zsombi: fails for you too ? <zsombi> nerochiaro: I have checked the code, all seems to be OK, I'll try to build it <nerochiaro> zsombi: ok. i'm testing on desktop at the moment <zsombi> uhh... dependencies... <nerochiaro> zsombi: just apt-get install gallery-app <nerochiaro> zsombi: i mean build-dep gallery-app <nerochiaro> zsombi: sucess @ build ? <zsombi> nerochiaro: still builds <zsombi> nerochiaro: done, success <zsombi> nerochiaro is there any script to help it running on desktop? <nerochiaro> zsombi: just run src/gallery-app <zsombi> nerochiaro: actually there is something that overwrites the savedDistance to 0 upon next start... <nerochiaro> zsombi: what is that ? <nerochiaro> zsombi: it has first to be restored, then overwritten, if the StateSaver is working the way it should. and i never see it being resotored <zsombi> nerochiaro: what is what? the one which overwrites? don't know... something that happens after the state is restored... <zsombi> nerochiaro: will have to dive more into it <zsombi> nerochiaro: but will check it tomorrow... <nerochiaro> zsombi: i don't think it ever gets restored. if i put an onChanged handler on it I never see the value being restored and hten overwritten <nerochiaro> zsombi: i won't be around tomorrow, but can you please send me an email ? <zsombi> nerochiaro: right, I see that. There;s somewhere between the time the state is about to be restored, but it is overruled by something... <zsombi> nerochiaro: sure <nerochiaro> zsombi: perfect, i'll check once in a while and come up if there's more to discuss <zsombi> nerochiaro: cool!! <nerochiaro> zsombi: thanks <zsombi> nerochiaro: ywc <nerochiaro> zsombi: i am trying with other lists that are loaded in the same way, same problem <nerochiaro> zsombi: just to confirm <zsombi> nerochiaro: then it's worth reporting a bug!!! <nerochiaro> zsombi: even if i can't repro in a simple exaple ? <zsombi> nerochiaro: well, not then... give me few days to hunt for it, ok? <nerochiaro> zsombi: ok, i'll let you upgrade from tomorrow to "a few days" :) but maybe then you can also look into this at the same time: you will notice that if you scroll around the list, especially past the edges, you will get binding loops for preferredHighlightEnd having a loop with height. We tried to figure this out with tim but couldn't get to the bottom of it. <nerochiaro> zsombi: since you suggested to use preferredHighlightEnd in the first place ... <zsombi> nerochiaro: few days was before I found the solution to the bug in DatePicker, so I'll recall my few days :D <nerochiaro> zsombi: ok then :) <mhall119> Wellark: ping me when you're around <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: what do you think we should do regarding this MR that has been pending for quite a while now ? https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/gallery-app/gallery-app-save-state/+merge/198364 <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, are you able to successfully run the tests for this MR on your device? <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: they were all passing on my device last i tried. i think the crashes were on mako ? <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, I’m unable to retrieve the debs from the links in the MR comments posted by the CI job (getting 404s), I’ll trigger a new CI run <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: ok. i'm upgrading the phone to the latest ubuntu-system from channel trusty <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, you should probably use trusty-proposed to test against the latest stuff <om26er> oSoMoN, who is working on gallery-app now ? <nerochiaro> om26er: i'm doing some work on it, but it's not "my app" <oSoMoN> om26er, noone is actively working on it, I’m doing AP test fixes if needed <om26er> nerochiaro, oSoMoN got it. Do we have someone filling gusch place ? <om26er> soonish ? <nerochiaro> om26er: not yet <oSoMoN> om26er, not yet, but we’re in the process of hiring <om26er> nerochiaro, oSoMoN ok. Thanks <Wellark> mhall119: ping <mhall119> Wellark: pong <Wellark> please use the "other" IRC server if you need to reach me urgently. I sometimes miss stuff on Freenode :) <Wellark> mhall119: what's up? <mhall119> Wellark: I spoke to ted a couple weeks ago about enabling the HUD toolbar icons from QML apps, and he said that the QML Actions API needs to be able to send the toolbar-item-hint property over DBUS for the HUD to bind it to an icon, is there a roadmap for implementing that? <Wellark> mhall119: short answer: no <mhall119> can we get one? Having unuseable icons in the HUD is annoying <Wellark> mhall119: agreed. <mhall119> Wellark: so who do I need to bribe to get this on the schedule for this cycle? <Wellark> mhall119: thostr_ <mhall119> ok, I'll send him an email <mhall119> thanks <Wellark> mhall119: np. <Wellark> mhall119: other option would just be removing the icons until we have API for them. would be easier. <mhall119> would be, but making them useful would be better <balloons> nik90, ping <Wellark> mhall119: well, sure. it's just that we must make compromises on features vs. man-power <Wellark> and unfortunately you are the first person to ask about the toolbar icons in 9 months or so. <mhall119> man, we have *got* to get that engineer cloning program working <timp> Wellark: what's the toolbar-item-hint? <Wellark> just saying that it has not been a priority feature :( <balloons> nik90, does this have the online search in it? https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/more-stopwatch-tests/+merge/193922 <timp> Wellark: it may be simpler to add an iconName property to the Action. No need to pass the icon itself <timp> but the only icons from the theme can be used <timp> (just an idea, mybe a bad one) <Wellark> timp: the hud toolbar items are a bit special <timp> mhall119: nobody has time to make the engineer cloning program work ;) <mhall119> timp: toolbar-item-hint AIUI, is a DBUS property that tells the HUD to bind an action to an icon in the HUD, rather than (or in addition to) the list <Wellark> they are basically predefined actions that an application may or may not define for it self <nik90> balloons: pong <nik90> balloons: no it doesn't have online search in it <balloons> nik90, see above about the merge.. kk, just wanted to double check that indeed it did not :-) I didn't see it but ;-) <nik90> balloons: i removed it since when I looked at it more closely, I realised it was quite similar to the local search <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, CI job finished, you can grab the debs for testing at http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-builder-trusty-armhf/1949/artifact/work/output/*zip*/output.zip <balloons> nik90, right I remember our conversation.. perfect <balloons> ty <nik90> :) <nik90> popey: ping <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: i'm already installing it <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: thanks for the heads up though <popey> nik90: pong <popey> nik90: just on the phone for an hour now, but type at me anyway <nik90> popey: sure <nik90> popey: I was just wondering if the core apps PPA updates trickle down to the phone automatically? <nik90> popey: or if I should request it specifically? <popey> nik90: they do not <popey> we request click packages to be updated by sergio and I confirm in the store <balloons> ^^ indeed, I push things to be landed, like your changes.. It's already been requested <nik90> balloons: ah okay <nik90> I will remember that <popey> beuno: Changes can not be accepted and published at this time. Please try again later. <popey> halp! <beuno> popey, you're so impatient <beuno> let's see <popey> I know right? <beuno> popey, I'll have to bring down some logs, which will take a bit <popey> k <nerochiaro> oSoMoN: all tests seems to pass correctly on my maguro device <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, running them on my device now <beuno> popey, found the broken service, chasing it with IS <popey> thanks beuno <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, I’m still getting the same errors I was getting in Dec <oSoMoN> nerochiaro, gotta go now, can you describe how exactly you run the tests on your device in a comment to the MR? <beuno> popey, this happened to you when doing what? <popey> approving this app https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/173/changerequest/ <beuno> popey, k, so there's a bug somewhere <beuno> I'll need to chase that tomorrow with a dev <popey> ok. <popey> kenvandine: ^ <kenvandine> thx <ahayzen> balloons_, ping <balloons_> ahayzen, pong <ahayzen> balloons_, happy new year! ... i'm having an issue with the jenkins bot wondered if u could interpret the output for me https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-swipe-delete-001/+merge/199906 <balloons_> ahayzen, most certainly <balloons_> ahayzen, at first glance it seems some things failed while running <balloons_> but the test output is cryptic :-) I don't have super power on the toolkit <ahayzen> balloons_, i looked at it and didnt have a clue wht was going on :/ <balloons_> you could ask Tim to re-run it, but my guess is something you've changed broke it <balloons_> this is where I'm looking: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/4417/ * ahayzen wonders wht could be broken with such a small change... <ahayzen> balloons_, thx <balloons_> all the tests failed.. doesn't seem like it ran properly <balloons_> ahayzen, ask tim to re-run, and if the results look funny again, we'll ping ci <ahayzen> balloons, ok thx... think timp has gone by now? <balloons> mm.. perhaps <balloons> ahayzen, I'll try and re-run it <ahayzen> balloons, thx :) <beuno> popey, kenvandine, fixed the problem and approved the update <kenvandine> beuno, thx <popey> thank you <balloons> ahayzen, it passed, but we need someone from that team to approve. I can't do it <balloons> might have to wait <ahayzen> balloons, cool... ah ok i was wondering wht tht message meant <nik90> timp: thnx for getting started on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1259917. The timing is impeccable. <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1259917 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Using a Qml Loader in combination with Pagestack and Tabs results in incorrect positioning" [High,In progress] <nik90> balloons: got a moment? <balloons> nik90, shoot <nik90> balloons: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1266841 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1266841 in Ubuntu Clock App "1 test error, when running in the emulator" [Medium,Incomplete] <nik90> balloons: how long does it take for the click package to be updated? <balloons> nik90, ahh, sergio hasn't landed it yet <nik90> balloons: can you confirm if my asserting in that bug report is correct? <nik90> assertion* <balloons> you are correct <nik90> balloons: what is sergio's nick? I like to ask him some questions related to core apps click packages version numbering and stuff. <balloons> serguisens <nik90> thnx <nik90> popey: do you happen to know who the best person would be to talk to about the wake/unlock devices when an alarm notification is triggered? <popey> nik90: tvoss i think. <nik90> popey: ok. I will check with him tomorrow. <nik90> popey: and accordingly update the progress in the email thread #ubuntu-app-devel 2014-01-08 <imnichol> Does anyone have any example code for making lists of items? The code on developer.ubuntu.com doesn't work correctly when I run it using the sdk. <imnichol> Clarification: By "lists of items" I mean using QML <Guest34450> Hello, anyone have tried cordova to develop app? How to detect swipe gesture? <imnichol> Is there documentation for U1DB? I don't think I understand how it works. <imnichol> Nevermind, found it here: http://pythonhosted.org/u1db/quickstart.html <imnichol> Nevermind again, it's basically useless for QML <dholbach> good morning <JamesTai1> Good morning all! :-D <nik90> zsombi: I finished the dialer transition for the clock app. https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/dialer-transition/+merge/200740 <nik90> zsombi: When you have time, could you briefly go through it to see if the Dialer has been as you expected? <nik90> used as you expected* <zsombi> nik90: I will check it <nik90> thnx <ahayzen> timp, ping <timp> ahayzen: hello <ahayzen> timp, happy new year!.... could u reapprove this https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-swipe-delete-001/+merge/199906 <ahayzen> timp, we had to rerun Jenkins...but balloons didn't have permission to approve the MP <timp> ahayzen: done <timp> ahayzen: happy new year to you too :) <ahayzen> timp, thanks <balloons> timp, autolanding failed again it seems: https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-swipe-delete-001/+merge/199906 <balloons> https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/4469/ <timp> balloons: looks to me like jenkins broke somehow <balloons> timp, I pinged ci <timp> balloons: ok <timp> balloons: in the meantime, can you merge trunk to that branch? it fixes a test failure that we may run into later * timp bbl <balloons> timp, I'm not sure what you mean, but I linked you to some failing tests. I'm not sure what's going on, but CI says it looks fine <timp> balloons: for merging of trunk, I meant to "bzr merge lp:ubuntu-ui-toolkit", for a bugfix that is not related to the failures you're getting now. <timp> balloons: as for CI, I see *all* the tests failing on this: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/autopilot/introspection/__init__.py", line 299, in _get_dbus_addresses_from_search_parameters <timp> % return_code <timp> balloons: its like the device failed to initialize something, or lost its network or sth... <balloons> timp, I don't have any powers in ubuntu-ui-toolkit <balloons> timp, ahh.. follow-up with cprov in #ubuntu-ci-eng <timp> balloons: cd fix-swipe-delete-001 && bzr merge lp:ubuntu-ui-toolkit && bzr commit -m "merge trunk" && bzr push <timp> ok <balloons> timp, yes, but it's andrew's branch not mine.. I can rebranch it, but I've gtg atm <timp> balloons: nevermind. we can try without when CI works. perhaps jenkins merges it properly already, if not I'll ask andrew <WebbyIT> Hey dpm, could you update calc app on the store? <WebbyIT> see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calculator-app/+bug/1251548/comments/3 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1251548 in Ubuntu Calculator App "Pressing decimal point before a digit prevents the user from pressing the decimal point button later on" [Undecided,Fix committed] <nik90> Does anyone know how to add multiple images to a Ubuntu Shape without losing the corner radius? <nik90> it seems that if I add a row of images inside the ubuntu shape, the corners become sharp. <timp> nik90: how do you do that? UbuntuShape has only one image property <nik90> timp: I know..but here is what I want to achieve http://ubuntuone.com/4Ucd06LiKHatFc6DnWV0vt <nik90> its a ubuntu shape where multiple album covers are present as per design <nik90> but I have no idea how to actually implement it <timp> nik90: hmm <timp> nik90: theoretically a ShaderEffectSource will work as the input for UbuntuShape, but currently the property type does not allow that <timp> loicm: ^ are there upcoming changes to UbuntuShape that allow to put Items inside it? <nik90> timp: okay <nik90> timp: atleast I can reason this out while proposing the MP and keep an eye out on the ubuntu shape feature set. <timp> nik90: you may want to track this bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1089595 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1089595 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[shape] UbuntuShape should shape more general Item-based components" [Wishlist,Triaged] <nik90> timp: thnx <timp> nik90: I linked your image in a commend for that bug <loicm> timp, nik90: yes, the best way to do that with the current (and also the upcoming) UbuntuShape is to render the desired image in an an offscreen buffer using a ShaderEffectSource and set the UbuntuShape::image using that ShaderEffectSource id (there might be some update issues with the current UbuntuShape though, to be checked) <dpm> popey, WebbyIT was requesting an update of the calculator app in the store earlier on, not sure if you saw it ^ <popey> i did not <loicm> timp, nik90: the pile of covers (http://ubuntuone.com/4Ucd06LiKHatFc6DnWV0vt) can be rendered once without the need to be updated, so that should be fine <popey> dpm: will get it sorted <dpm> cool <loicm> timp, nik90: a fragment shader implemented in a ShaderEffect might be enough to render that pile correctly <nik90> loicm: wonderful <WebbyIT> dpm, popey, thanks :-) <nik90> loicm: I have never used fragment shader before. Would it be too much to ask for a sample app which combines two images? (pls) <loicm> nik90: if you've never used shaders before I guess you should just render that pile in the ShaderEffectSource using several QML Images, it will be much easier at the cost of slightly lower rendering speed and memory usage <loicm> nik90: that said to blend a texture over another one in a fragment shader, you should do something like that: <loicm> vec4 color1 = texture2D(tex1, coord1); <loicm> vec4 color2 = texture2D(tex2, coord2); <loicm> color1 + vec4(1.0 - color1.a) * color2; <loicm> nik90: to blend color1 on top of color2 using a SourceOver Porter/Duff operator <nik90> loicm: alrite. will try out both methods <timp> loicm: I thought that setting shadereffectsource as input doesn't work because the type of the property is Image. But I didn't try it, and besides the property type there are no restrictions that would stop it from working. <loicm> timp: the name is misleading, the type is Item :) <loicm> timp: will be fixed in the upcoming one with the name changed to "source" <timp> loicm: ahh. true. I misread. "Item" has some letters in common with "Image" ;) <timp> loicm: cool. <nik90> loicm: I tried using the shadereffectsource in a sample app -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6715798/ <nik90> however it shows up as a black image in the ubuntu shape <nik90> while the originial image appears fine <nik90> loicm: am I using the shadereffectsource wrong? <loicm> nik90: it doesn't seem so, that might be the issue pointed out by the bug :/ <loicm> nik90: I'll try to take a look at the issue ASAP <timp> nik90, loicm the ShaderEffectSource doesn't have width/height. perhaps setting that helps <ahayzen> balloons, ping <balloons> ahayzen, pong <balloons> ahayzen, timp and I had fun this morning <ahayzen> balloons, sorry to bother u, u seen this? https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-swipe-delete-001/+merge/199906/comments/466860 <ahayzen> balloons, seems to have failed badly on mako? <balloons> ahayzen, yes I've seen it <ahayzen> balloons, wht were u and timp having fun with? <balloons> your merghe <ahayzen> balloons, ah lol <ahayzen> balloons, so wht is the issue? is it my end or the ci end? <balloons> unsure.. I left it.. I'm trying to see what they discovered <ahayzen> ah ok :) <ahayzen> Hi, is there anyway to make an object not within a sheet, to stay on top of the sheet when opened? <nik90> timp: you were right about the width/height missing the shadereffectsource. It now works! Thnx! <nik90> loicm: ^^ <loicm> nik90: excellent <loicm> nik90: don't forget to set "hideSource" to true on the ShaderEffectSource, also the ShaderEffectSource itself shouldn't be visible I guess (but I'm not sure with regards to the current UbuntuShape implementation) #ubuntu-app-devel 2014-01-09 <nik90> loicm: yeah I managed to get exactly what I want <nik90> loicm: but the only issue I am facing is I am unable to hide the shadereffectsource itself :P <nik90> if I hide it, then the ubuntu shape shows black <loicm> nik90: have you tried to explicitly call scheduleUpdate() on the source? <nik90> loicm: no I haven't. I wasnt aware of that function * nik90 looks at the doc <nik90> loicm: do I have to call scheduleUpdate() ? Since this ubuntu shape will be used in a listview where the data is static. so no live changes <nik90> loicm: also for now, I have assigned a width and height of units.gu(1) to hide it below the ubuntushape. <nik90> Although it seems a bit hacky way. <nik90> :P <loicm> nik90: sure but that might allow to render it once at creation and have the source correctly hidden <nik90> loicm: were you referring to my scheduleUpdate() question or the width/height to units.gu(1) ? <nik90> s/referring/answering? <loicm> nik90: to the scheduleUpdate() one <loicm> nik90: and if it works, it would solve your last issue as you wouldn't have to do that anymore <nik90> loicm: so I would call the scheduleUpdate() when the component has been loaded? Using the component.onCreation signal? <loicm> nik90: IIRC you could do something like that: Component.onCompleted: { source.scheduleUpdate(); } <loicm> in your main view <nik90> loicm: that's didn't work :/ <loicm> nik90: just make sure it's called by putting a print in there, if it's called then I guess I'll have to take a deeper look at it, it's a use case that hasn't really been used so far <loicm> nik90: but that's perfectly valid and useful <nik90> loicm: I can confirm it is called, but it doesn't hide it. But thats fine for now I think. Thanks for your help. <nik90> I managed to implement the design spec as required :) <loicm> nik90: it's not meant to hide it, it's meant to avoid having it black when source is set as not visible :) <loicm> nik90: cool <dholbach> good morning <JamesTait> Good morning all! :-D <Smit-Tay> Can anyone please explain why attempting to install 32 bit development libraries should result in this: http://pastebin.com/QbqZuCZR <Smit-Tay> I am trying to target 32bit from x86_64 Ubuntu 12.04 <Smit-Tay> target 32bit intel <Smit-Tay> Are there good (current) instructions for how to go about setting up a development environment for targeting both x86 and x86_64 on Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64. I find tons of info, but, most of it is related to multilib, which I understand to be deprecated. In fact, I think part of my problem is exactly that I have attempted to use multilib but somehow by updating my compiler to 4.7 I have invalidated that. <drpaneas> Hello there <drpaneas> I have a Python script and I want to embed it inside Dash <drpaneas> how can I do that ? <drpaneas> I mean, I want to output of the script to be printed inside the Dash instead of the terminal <drpaneas> no one ? <ogra_> drpaneas, http://saravananthirumuruganathan.wordpress.com/2011/08/05/tutorial-on-writing-ubuntu-lensesplaces-in-python/ (among the first hits on google... not sure how up to date it is though) <drpaneas> ogre thanks mate <drpaneas> @ogra_ thanks <mzanetti> dpm: o/ <dpm> hey mzanetti, belated happy new year :) <mzanetti> dpm: :) thanks. you too <mzanetti> dpm: I'm trying to clean up the reminders-app state for tomorrow's meeting. could you please give this one a shot? https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/add-image-support/+merge/199031 * dpm looks <dpm> mzanetti, sure, give ~30 mins to give it a go <dpm> I meant give *me <mzanetti> ok, sure <zsombi> nik90: hi man, I've checked the MR, I haven't seen anything wrong in using the component <nik90> zsombi: ah thnx :) <nik90> zsombi: There is one issue I faced <zsombi> nik90: which one? <nik90> zsombi: that is when you assign hand.draggable = true (in the case of the timer), and the user adjusts the timer and presses start. The animation is choppy on my desktop. <nik90> zsombi: the issue goes away when I set hand.draggable = false <zsombi> hmm... <zsombi> nik90: have you filed a bug? <nik90> so in my custom component I had before, I used to disable the animation while the timer is running <nik90> zsombi: no not yet <nik90> I will do it now <zsombi> nik90: as workaround you could set the draggable to false while you have the timer running <nik90> zsombi: yeah. I will do that <nik90> zsombi: but I really like the dialer. <zsombi> nik90: but not sure whether I could provide any better solution for that... but file the bug, I will check it <nik90> I must ask though, the style is exactly like the clock app. <zsombi> nik90: ;) <nik90> but the dialer is different from the picker style <nik90> is that okay? <zsombi> nik90: what do you mean? the visuals? <nik90> yeah the visuals <nik90> the default purple tone for the dialer <zsombi> ah, yeah... the visuals have not been checked by the design, so in case I need to change it to use different color, I will ping you, so you can create a different style for your app <nik90> zsombi: awesome.thxn <nik90> zsombi: that was all <zsombi> nik90: for now use it as is <nik90> ok <zsombi> nik90: glad you like it... I made it for the TimePicker, but then the design had changed and time picker uses tumbler style Pickers... so the component was there for you to use it ;) <zsombi> nik90: dedicated to Clock app :D <nik90> zsombi: :D <zsombi> nik90: actually I've reused some of your design for the component :) <nik90> zsombi: I noticed..but you also inherited some bugs as a result :p <nik90> zsombi: which is what I will report about :) <zsombi> nik90: but in the rush hour I forgot to ping you to let U know about the component <zsombi> nik90 :P yes, I imagined so :D <zsombi> nik90: if you have the solution, you could also post them... or better, you could post a fix for those :D <nik90> zsombi: I will <zsombi> nik90: btw, what bothers me a bit is the fact that the hour hand in Clock app uses 360 for 24h not for 12h... <zsombi> nik90: so when I'm at 6h, it is actually 12h... <nik90> zsombi: true, this is where we need a setting for 12/24 hours format <nik90> zsombi: I am planning to add one soon, so that should help fix your issue <nik90> zsombi: by default I stuck to 24 hours since I couldn't display AM/PM in the UI <zsombi> nik90: I'd say no matter of that, when the hour hand points to 6, it should be either 6 or 18/6pm.. like in N9 * nik90 is checking the android clock for the behaviour <zsombi> nik90: I feel Android is not the best example :/ <nik90> zsombi: it also uses the N9 behaviour you described <zsombi> nik90: ok... didn't knew that... I don't have Android, I don't like them at all :) <nik90> zsombi: I will remember to report this as a design bug and get some eyes on this to decide on the best behaviour <zsombi> nik90: ok, thx <dholbach> hey guys... could anyone help with porting lp:~karni/+junk/todo-qt to use U1DB? <dholbach> it's one example we'd like to use for the app dev schools project, so folks get a first experience in writing good apps <dholbach> ... any other pointers on how the code could be simplified/improved would obviously be appreciated too :) <daker> kenvandine: how much i need to pay so that friends becomes like this http://www.canonical.com/static/img/home/tablet-home.png ? <kenvandine> not pay :) <daker> :) <kenvandine> just need someone to implement it :) <kenvandine> looks very nice <daker> WOW! <daker> MUCH NICE! <daker> SO PICTURES! <daker> kenvandine: i would like also to have a details page for the comments part, rather than opening them on the same place <kenvandine> daker, it does that already <kenvandine> as of recently <daker> kenvandine: perfect!! <kenvandine> that landed before the holidays <ErWinR> anyone familiar with quickly and glade ?? <daker> kenvandine: still blue ? <kenvandine> daker, yeah <kenvandine> daker, where did you find that image? i haven't seen it before <daker> kenvandine: leaked :p <kenvandine> it must be on some site :) <kenvandine> i've just never seen it <daker> kenvandine: on the new canonical website http://www.canonical.com <kenvandine> i had played with some organic stuff like that, i love shorts <kenvandine> but haven't had time for friends in a while <mzanetti> balloons: hey <mzanetti> balloons: what exactly does an app need to ship in terms of test packages? <mzanetti> do we need to have a .deb with the tests and a click pacakge with the tests? <balloons> mzanetti, howdy. For now, yes we need both. Jenkins merge bot uses the debs, while the dashboard uses click <mzanetti> balloons: hmm... can you point me to a tutorial for click packages containing tests? <balloons> mzanetti, I can't.. I may be misinformed.. so much has changed with click I would suggest asking sergio <balloons> the tests should be copied to /home/phablet/autopilot and run from there <balloons> perhaps the dashboard does it the same, pulls the branch rev, builds click, copies the tests over from branch <popey> nik90: mzanetti has reviewed that merge.. <popey> ah, you're on it ☻ <popey> too fast for me you younguns <nik90> popey: lol..I didnt see his comment before posting mine...I am in the process of fixing it <mzanetti> nik90: hmm.. the timer still seems to run out of sync <nik90> mzanetti: on which device? <mzanetti> PC <nik90> mzanetti: also do you mean the text and the timer go out of sync? <mzanetti> nik90: seems the pointer is slightly faster than the text <mzanetti> hmm... maybe not <mzanetti> maybe its just my brain going ot of sync watching the click go round and round <nik90> mzanetti: the pointer is intended to be faster than the text <nik90> as in, the text should update only when the pointer reaches its destination <mzanetti> I think that's what confused me. in all the other pages first the time ticks, and then the pointer moves <mzanetti> while in the timer page its the other way round <nik90> previously we had it such that the text and timer update at the same time. <nik90> mzanetti: what would your recommended behaviour be? <nik90> should it stay as it is or change it? <popey> I always prefer the time to change in the middle at the point when the hand hits that number <mzanetti> hmm... without having spend as much thought as you did, I would say moving at the same time would be the best from a users pov <popey> so 11:59 (hand leaves 59)... (hand arrives on 00).. 12:00. <mzanetti> like the time ticks exactly in the middle of the pointer movement <mzanetti> hmm... <popey> it always seemed odd to me that the clock might say 12:00 while the hand was only just leaving 11:59 * nik90 meanwhile fixes the required stuff in the background <popey> because technically it's 11:59.000 then 11:59.001 etc, not 12:00 yet <mzanetti> yeah... your right <mzanetti> like it is in the timer page its the best. but I have a feeling that there is a small delay which makes it look odd again <popey> yeah <nik90> mzanetti: it is hard to get that timing right. <mzanetti> I guess so <mzanetti> hmm... actually not <mzanetti> well, depends on the code. * mzanetti reads <nik90> right now it is delayed by 0.5 secs (the text update) <mzanetti> nik90: from what I can see the SDK uses a default RotationAnimation. And according to the Qt docs the default duration for that one is 250ms <nik90> mzanetti: on trying that value, it definitely seems more smoother :) <mzanetti> cool <nik90> mzanetti: should I change it in this MP itself? <mzanetti> I'd say yes. it touches all that code anyways <mzanetti> but you have more insights on the practices in the clock apps team than I do <mzanetti> nik90: could we align all the pages to do the same? <nik90> mzanetti: I rather do that in a separate MP since these qml timers have introduced delays before like timer set for 2 mins running for 02:03 due to the phone hardware. <nik90> so it would be easier to track that regression in a separate MP. <mzanetti> ok. fine with me <popey> mzanetti: "clock apps team" basically == nik90 <popey> (and you now) <popey> (you can never leave) <mzanetti> :D <ahayzen> no pressure nik90 ;) <ahayzen> nik90, thanks for ur help with the CoverRow stuff :) <nik90> ahayzen: np <nik90> popey: lol <nik90> mzanetti: fixed ur comments in the MP * nik90 rejoices at image 119 adding haptic feedback finally.. <mzanetti> nik90: much better with the 250ms :) <nik90> ahayzen: just 1 more small fix. <ahayzen> nik90, yep? <ahayzen> nik90, ah u commented on the MP ;) <nik90> ;) <ahayzen> nik90, pushed up :) <ahayzen> nik90, yey ready for merge! ... now back to my attempt at a massive refactor.... <nik90> ahayzen: which files? <nik90> ahayzen: I am targetting a code refactor too :P <ahayzen> nik90, hah probably most of them ;) <ahayzen> nik90, wht for? <ahayzen> nik90, i started developing some new features and have got fed up with the way things currently work so gonna change it all <ahayzen> nik90, i'm basically attempting to centralising the MediaPlayer object into its own file so it handles itself, eg all the shuffle, repeat, next, previous etc <nik90> ahayzen: I am planning a code refactor for MusicArtists and MusicTracks.qml files <nik90> ahayzen: similar to https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/music-app/album-code-refactor-and-fixes/+merge/200946 <ahayzen> nik90, because at the moment if u want to change shuffle/repeat it is pretty difficult (u'll have to set the settings, the global variables and go and find any UI items and change their state lol) <ahayzen> nik90, ah cool...also note (in ur refactoring) https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/use-sheet-pattern/+merge/200140 <nik90> ahayzen: ah okay <nik90> ahayzen: i plan to get my branch in before that :P <nik90> so I wouldnt have to deal with conflicts <nik90> lol <ahayzen> nik90, so wht i'm planning is tht everything else listens to the mediaplayer object so if u wanna change shuffle/repeat u just go player.shuffle = true .. job done :) <ahayzen> nik90, hahah lol <ahayzen> nik90, i've got a similar issue with the sheet pattern and my reorder code lol <nik90> ahayzen: since we both have (will have) conflicts with the sheet pattern MP, we ask him to wait until we are done <nik90> victor will listen to 2 of us :) <ahayzen> nik90, well at least one of us will have merge conflicts lol ;) <nik90> rofl <Ahmed_> Hi geeks <ahayzen> nik90, my reorder code is blocked/buggy anyway <Ahmed_> I wanna some docs for beginners devlopers <nik90> ahayzen: oh true, you are waiting on ur upstream branch to be merged first <ahayzen> nik90, yep <ahayzen> nik90, even if we don't enabled scrolling in tht MP it'll get rid of our custom swipedelete finally \o/ <nik90> ahayzen: oh btw, there is one thing I thought is recommended..keep your files small.. <ahayzen> nik90, yeah thts why i'm trying to move Mediaplayer out <nik90> for instance the MusicAlbums.qml was massive while it could have been split into two files easily <ahayzen> nik90, it has cause music-app.qml to become HUGE! <nik90> I will help with that organisation <ahayzen> nik90, MusicAlbums.qml is much smaller after lp:~vthompson/music-app/use-sheet-pattern ? <nik90> I am first starting to clean and refactor code before proposing organization stuff * nik90 looks <ahayzen> nik90, u agree with my thoughts on moving Mediaplayer into its own 'thing' <nik90> ahayzen: I agree on your reasoning to allow for easy global access. however I need to look more closer at the code to make a decision in all honesty <ahayzen> nik90, i think i can get rid of half of the global variables ... just accessing the trackQueue model could be the interesting part... <ahayzen> nik90, but i'll see how it all looks when it is ripped out :) <nik90> :) <nik90> ahayzen: +1 to the MusicAlbums.qml being smaller in victor's branch <nik90> I wonder where all the deleted code went? * nik90 digs deepre <ahayzen> nik90, well he has a generic sheet now :) <nik90> clever <ahayzen> nik90, or maybe 2... http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/use-sheet-pattern/view/head:/common/AlbumsSheet.qml <ahayzen> nik90, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/use-sheet-pattern/view/head:/common/SongsSheet.qml <nik90> ahayzen: that's much better. <ahayzen> nik90, yep :) <nik90> ahayzen: he still has to bring in the CoverRow component into his MP <nik90> that should reduce it more <ahayzen> nik90, just now we have the issue of the toolbar not being shown over the sheet <ahayzen> nik90, any ideas how to force an object ontop of everything else? <nik90> ahayzen: that's a tough one, since dialogs, sheets etc take precedence over everything <ahayzen> nik90, yep i know but it is really annoying, i tried setting the z to 1000 lol <nik90> lol <nik90> ahayzen: have you tried talking to timp or Kaleo perhaps? <nik90> they are the qml experts <ahayzen> nik90, not yet <ahayzen> nik90, it is only gonna become a *real* issue when tht branch lands <ahayzen> nik90, at the moment it is only one use case...but it is on my list of things to investigate :) <nik90> ahayzen: actually it is also a bug before that in the album tracks sheet <nik90> Albums->Click on Album-> Try revealing toolbar <nik90> ahayzen: out of curiosity why sheets instead of pagestack? <ahayzen> nik90, ^^ is the one use case i mean <nik90> I thought sheets were meant for getting user actions like email compose sheet etc <nik90> ah <ahayzen> nik90, haha don't get me started on tht i wanted just to use Pages like i did with the now playing page (it works perfectly) ... <nik90> ahayzen: ah so victor is pushing for it? <ahayzen> nik90, but see the link for wht the structure basically became https://docs.google.com/document/d/12ZvFDfH-7zjk-seTFpP205yOuUNi9ticEkvmQFi_bTY/edit#heading=h.qbx9jfq13q3e <ahayzen> nik90, designers+Victor > me <ahayzen> nik90, except i have won on the play queue...but shhhh don't tell anyone ;) <nik90> ahayzen: so looking at that structure, does that mean there is only 1 sheet (albums) in the app then? <ahayzen> nik90, potentially but don't think it sortof works out like tht because Victor has 2 in the end <nik90> ahayzen: hmm weird <ahayzen> nik90, oh no playlists is probably the second <ahayzen> nik90, but tht says PageStack in the spec ;) <nik90> ahayzen: exactly <nik90> ahayzen: sheets arenot recommended by the sdk yet since they need a huge design revamp first <nik90> they look ugly <ahayzen> nik90, +1 * ahayzen hugs pages <nik90> actually I hug pages and pagestack <nik90> pagestack is a genius <nik90> it load/unloads dynamically <nik90> ahayzen: are there any design meetings you guys might have? <nik90> I would love it join them to provide the "No sheet" reasoning :) <ahayzen> nik90, we used to have weekly design meetings last cycle <nik90> me too <ahayzen> nik90, but design don't really have time anymore and i think all the specs we have are basically considered the final phone designs <ahayzen> nik90, but idk just the impression i've got <nik90> okay <ahayzen> nik90, u know of the other specs? <nik90> I have 2 Music App Spec links <nik90> a google presentation and a document <ahayzen> nik90, yep :) <ahayzen> nik90, oh there maybe another... <nik90> another sheet or spec? * nik90 hopes the latter <ahayzen> nik90, spec <ahayzen> lol <ahayzen> nik90, have u got the UDS session spec? <nik90> ahayzen: no <nik90> ahayzen: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1D0lDUSp7CZv7UwjMDUMdqHWbnR_N9L6ovgt1PPO8CmE/edit#slide=id.g117c27a6e_018? <ahayzen> nik90, so there is the UX Spec, UX concept (from UDS) and the 'Music Player Specification' <ahayzen> nik90, https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nc7RTAD5ViEAdc3VsZyN-lkmG-AnO664uV-5wXZoZZg/edit#slide=id.p <nik90> okay <nik90> ahayzen: I saw the UX Spec and the Music Player Specification <ahayzen> nik90, and this https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1D0lDUSp7CZv7UwjMDUMdqHWbnR_N9L6ovgt1PPO8CmE/edit#slide=id.g117c27a6e_018 <ahayzen> nik90, think it is basically a summary of the UX Spec...IIRC there is a video somewhere <nik90> ahayzen: do you see this slide at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1D0lDUSp7CZv7UwjMDUMdqHWbnR_N9L6ovgt1PPO8CmE/edit#slide=id.ge29b68e7_0149 <nik90> it shows a different toolbar <nik90> did that get revised? <ahayzen> nik90, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1308/meeting/21922/appdev-1308-design-review-music/ <ahayzen> nik90, tht was pushed back due to a) complexity b) those buttons won't actually do anything at the moment anyway <nik90> ah okay <nik90> good decision :) <nik90> the current toolbar is just freaking amazing! <ahayzen> nik90, thanks only slightly custom ;) <nik90> ahayzen: oh btw I cant run music-app on the phone through qtcreator <ahayzen> nik90, once we move to pagestacks we can get rid of tht stupid gap on the left on the 'compact' toolbar <ahayzen> nik90, yeah i know it is a *nightmare* to even run the music-app on the phone :/ <ahayzen> nik90, wht error do u get? <nik90> ahayzen: I get file:///home/phablet/dev_tmp/convergence-alt-toolbar-show/music-app.qml:26 module "org.nemomobile.grilo" is not installed <ahayzen> nik90, yep same which is obviously not true because the app installed on it runs :P <nik90> exactly1 <nik90> ! <nik90> any tricks up your sleeve to get it working? <ahayzen> nik90, and when i use the autopilot automated testing script tht popey gave me tht runs any branch <ahayzen> nik90, go back to ~3-4 rev before Mir was introduced... or ~November when it magically worked for a bit <ahayzen> nik90, i've tried to manually get it in many times but haven't had much success lately <nik90> ahayzen: you mean like image #70 something? oh god no :/ <ahayzen> nik90, yh pahahah <ahayzen> nik90, u have the autopilot testing script? <nik90> ahayzen: I came to know of its existence only today :) <nik90> popey told me during the meeting about the script <ahayzen> nik90, i tried to hack tht to let me pick a branch to install and run on the device <nik90> ah so you install the music-app on ur phone everytime you want to test it <ahayzen> nik90, no tht doesn't work, just get a white screen <ahayzen> nik90, i haven't *recently* been able to get the app running on the phone <ahayzen> nik90, i'm hoping it is due to app confinement and when we get rid of Grilo it'll all work :) <nik90> ahayzen: okay...so how do you gurantee when it goes on store, it will open correctly? <nik90> u r getting rid of Grilo? <ahayzen> nik90, autopilot testing...and somehow victor used to get his to work <nik90> okay <ahayzen> nik90, if u get it working let me know lol i would greatly appreciate it :) <nik90> ahayzen: alrite can you organize a hangout or somethig with victor? I really want to discuss with him and you about using pages instead of sheets (with his new MP). <nik90> ahayzen: ofc. But if you couldn't then I doubt I can considering I haven't much experiecne with qml plugins like grilo <ahayzen> nik90, probably, he is best contactable via email although the timezones cause havoc for tht sortof thing lol <nik90> ahayzen: where do you live? <nik90> and where does victor live? <nik90> I noticed he replied to my MP at 05:00 AM <nik90> (my time) <ahayzen> nik90, me UTC, Victor UTC-6, Daniel UTC+1 <nik90> ah UTC-6....no wonder <ahayzen> nik90, but when i go back to uni i'm usually up late ;) <nik90> ahayzen: dude I was coding yesterday on the music MP until 04:00 AM :P <ahayzen> nik90, 4AM easy :P.... i got up to 5/6AM consistently last semester lol <ahayzen> nik90, but i should probably reel tht back in lol <nik90> rofl <ahayzen> nik90, but back on topic i suspect the issues with the app running on device are click/confinement related <nik90> ahayzen: I suppose <ahayzen> nik90, which i have very limited knowledge of <nik90> yeah me too <nik90> haven't the single clue about how click packages work yet <ahayzen> nik90, wonder who we could talk to about this? <ahayzen> nik90, i've tried just randomly asking for help before but to no avail <nik90> ahayzen: I heard sergio is really good with click packages since he is the one who updates the core app click packages... <nik90> ahayzen: but I think we should talk to popey before that.. <ahayzen> nik90, yeah probably <nik90> he can point to the right person immediately * popey waves <popey> wassup? <ahayzen> nik90, IIRC victor used to just manually overwrite the files tht have changed <ahayzen> nik90, but tht only used to randomly work for me <ahayzen> popey, running the development builds of the music-app on device <nik90> ahayzen: that is too messy <ahayzen> popey, if u try and run through the QtCreator u get file:///home/phablet/dev_tmp/convergence-alt-toolbar-show/music-app.qml:26 module "org.nemomobile.grilo" is not installed <nik90> popey: we are having trouble running music-app on phone through qtcreator to test it <nik90> we get the error message ^^' <ahayzen> popey, when i've tried to manually install i usually get a blank white screen <ahayzen> popey, i think u tried to help me before by looking through the upstart logs but we didnt get far <popey> ah <popey> so I have recently been pointing people at a funky script mzanetti wrote to do that <popey> https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/trunk/view/head:/run_on_ubuntu_touch.sh <popey> that script <popey> would need fiddling for music app but not much <ahayzen> popey, thanks * ahayzen tries the script * nik90 looks eagerly <ahayzen> popey, so do we put it in the same dir as the app we want to run or pass arguments ? <popey> i pass no arguments <popey> i just run it with -s to setup <ahayzen> popey, where is it pulling the code from? <popey> its in the root of the application directory * ahayzen squints at bash script <popey> bzr branch lp:reminders-app <popey> to test it <popey> run it first with -s <popey> then once setup is done, run it again and it runs the app <ahayzen> popey, bash: cd: music-app/builddir/src/app/: No such file or directory <ahayzen> popey, ah their code layout is quite different <popey> ?ok <popey> the other option is balloons's magic script <ahayzen> more magic scripts :) * ahayzen wonders how many magic scripts popey has along with subdomains <popey> mnuhahah <nik90> ahayzen: looking at that script, we need to change the build() and build_click_package() functions <ahayzen> nik90, yeah there is quite a bit to change :/ <nik90> +1 <popey> ok <popey> is the balloons script not useful? <popey> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6721815/ <popey> ./test.sh lp:foo/bar/ music_app <popey> which should install music app then start tests, actually if you miss off the "music_app" off the end it will install it and then fail to start tests <popey> getting you what you want <ahayzen> popey, is tht the autopilot testing one u gave me before? <popey> yes <ahayzen> popey, tht was very useful for autopilot testing :)...but i tried to make it only install and run but didn't know the cmds to run :/ <popey> you should not need to <popey> it will replace the current version, just launch as normal from the icon on phone <balloons> yes, it builds a click package and sends to the phone <ahayzen> popey, ooo ok i'll try it :) <ahayzen> balloons, o/ <balloons> if you peek at the script a bit, you can manipulate it to your hearts content * ahayzen wonders if u could point a local bzr location at it <balloons> the tests are run from /home/phablet/autopilot <balloons> in theory, yes you could.. but it's simple enough to commit <balloons> I should say more than theory, hah.. you could tweak it to do so.. use a location, instead of an lp location <ahayzen> ok so i just did $ ./testing.sh lp:~vthompson/music-app/use-sheet-pattern <ahayzen> it install the app and failed to run the tests <ahayzen> now when i try and run the app from the phone i just have a white screen <balloons> ahayzen, if it fails or you simply want to re-run, just use phablet-test-run to re-run <ahayzen> balloons, i wanted to run the app so i can test myself <balloons> it's already installed so you can re-run without running the whole script again <ahayzen> balloons, i ran the script then tried to run from the dash... looking at the log of upstart ' Manifest 'com.ubuntu.music' version '1.1.299' doesn't match AppID version '1.1.291'' <popey> have a look in /home/phablet/.cache/upstart.... for a recent log file <ahayzen> and 'WARNING **: Desktop file unable to be found' <popey> ☹ <ahayzen> ...damn crashed unity <ahayzen> popey, balloons ok so running ./testing.sh lp:music-app then letting unity crash and reset has allowed me to run the app again <balloons> yea, once it's copied.. you can reboot the device, re-run the test, whatever <ahayzen> balloons, so why didn't it run Victor's branch was the manifest incorrect? <ahayzen> balloons, basically we currently have no easy way of running custom builds of the music-app on device so are searching for a solution <balloons> ahayzen, sorry I'm not following closely :-) Dealing with calendar tests atm :p <balloons> ahayzen, yes, I understand <ahayzen> balloons, aha no problem ;) <balloons> the easiest way RIGHT now is the script. <balloons> what I'm working on is modifying phablet-test-run to do this <balloons> so in theory.. I want you to run local, run lp branch, and run on emulator or device <ahayzen> balloons, it is a shame running from QtCreator doesn't work :/ <balloons> nik90 mentioned this desire too. I don't play in qtcreator much :-) <balloons> so, ahayzen does your current options make sense? did it work ok/ <ahayzen> balloons, i'm gonna try the script on another branch see if i can get it to do something <ahayzen> nik90, u had any luck running the app? <nik90> ahayzen: no I tried for a while then started working on other things <ahayzen> nik90, haha same i need to spend some time properly investigating :/ <nik90> ahayzen: hey do you know how to copy files from the device to the laptop? <ahayzen> nik90, i do...hang on <ahayzen> nik90, oh device to laptop? <nik90> ahayzen: yes...a file outside the user directory <nik90> so I dont see it in the nautilus folder in nexus 4 device <ahayzen> nik90, adb pull <remote> [<local>] - copy file/dir from device <nik90> ahayzen: perfect. thnx <ahayzen> nik90, np <ahayzen> nik90, moving the mediaplayer out is starting to work quite nicely i just hope i'll get it approved :) <nik90> ahayzen: nice #ubuntu-app-devel 2014-01-10 <nik90> ahayzen: perhaps we can then merge your convergence branch then <ahayzen> nik90, which one? <ahayzen> nik90, oh the toolbar one? <nik90> ahayzen: oh yeah the toolbar one.. * nik90 has no idea why he said convergence branch <ahayzen> nik90, it'll probably be merged by morning <nik90> ok <ahayzen> nik90, it has convergence in the branch name <ahayzen> nik90, victor usually works off the emails so bit of a delay <nik90> true <ahayzen> nik90, anyway i've got work tomorrow so no 6AM sprints for me :/ ... all i've got left for the mediaplayer refactor is rewrite the autopilot tests, lots of testing and check nothing else can be moved :) <nik90> ahayzen: hehe <nik90> ahayzen: see you tomorrow then <ahayzen> nik90, Victor: 'Yep, I'm just finishing my review. I should top approve shortly.' <nik90> ah nice :) <ahayzen> nik90, cyas <dpm> morning mzanetti, I had a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/add-image-support/+merge/199031 this morning. It worked well for me (images look great, nice work btw), but it needs a small fix to resolve merge conflicts <dholbach> good morning <mzanetti> hi dpm. yep. will resolve conflicts <dpm> mzanetti, awesome. <mzanetti> dpm: resolved: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/add-image-support/+merge/199031 <dpm> mzanetti, cool, re-testing it now. Also, do you know why I'm prompted for the phablet user passwork like 10 times when running the run_on_ubuntu_touch.sh script? <popey> not seen that <dpm> I've seen that both on my laptop (13.10) and on my desktop (14.04) <popey> dpm: using phone or emulator? <dpm> phone, I get prompts like this: <dpm> Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. <dpm> phablet@'s password: <dpm> Connection to closed. <dpm> Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. <dpm> phablet@'s password: <popey> odd <dpm> are we starting to recite these popey? https://plus.google.com/101094190333184858950/posts/MPmUkVqrspU ;-) <popey> hah <popey> to the vets... biab <dpm> mzanetti, is the click building part of the run_on_ubuntu_touch.sh script functional? I've got a meeting with Dani from design in ~40 minutes to help him install the app in preparation for the meeting later on, and I'm thinking to just grab the latest branch (the use-webview one, the cmake migration one is not interesting for him), create a click out of it and give it to him for installation <mzanetti> dpm: yeah, should work <mzanetti> let me know if it doesn't and I'll fix. <dpm> let me grab that branch and try <dpm> mzanetti, it seems to work, but I think it needs calling the script without arguments to build the binaries first. I had a previous build from another branch and it just packaged that instead of rebuilding. Not a big deal, though <mzanetti> dpm: interesting.... using it -c should build it too. <mzanetti> will fix <dpm> mzanetti, it must have detected there was an old build already and just picked that one up <dpm> it's not a big deal <dpm> I can just rebuild for now <mzanetti> dpm: the script does: configure; build; if -c package else run; <mzanetti> so its still weird what it did <dpm> mzanetti, man, it makes a huge difference using webview, it looks great! <mzanetti> dpm: yeah. the webview branch is a good one :) <mzanetti> dpm: sorry. missed your question before... <mzanetti> dpm: do a run_on_device -s. that will deploy your ssh key to the device <dpm> ah, cool, thanks <dpm> I get a chown: cannot access '/home/phablet/.ssh': No such file or directory <dpm> chown: cannot access '/home/phablet/.ssh/authorized_keys': No such file or directory <dpm> chmod: cannot access '/home/phablet/.ssh': No such file or directory <dpm> chmod: cannot access '/home/phablet/.ssh/authorized_keys': No such file or directory <mzanetti> dpm: hmm... ok. you've found another bug :) do a "mkdir /home/phablet/.ssh" manually for now. I'll fix the script then <dpm> ok, no worries, not a big deal either <mzanetti> dpm: can you please reapprove this one? I just merged it with trunk: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/notebooksdelegate/+merge/199033 <dpm> yeah <dpm> mzanetti, in the meantime, could you test if the click package works for you too? It's the use-webview branch packaged -> http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/click/com.ubuntu.reminders-app_0.1_armhf.click <mzanetti> ack <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Peculiar People Day! :-D <mzanetti> dpm: package seems to work for me <dpm> perfect, thanks for confirming <mzanetti> dpm: hmm... for some reason it doesn't seem to pick up my evernote account any more <dpm> mzanetti, weird, it works here <dpm> mzanetti, is your account still listed under settings > accounts? <mzanetti> dpm: yeah, I just deleted and recreated it <dpm> ok <mzanetti> dpm: fixed conflicts in this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/basic-workflow/+merge/199035 <dpm> mzanetti, ok, cool, I'll test it after the call, I need to prepare the instructions for the design call in ~15. Or let me see if I can do it now real quick... <mzanetti> dpm: once you're back from the meeting, here's one more :/ https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/use-webview/+merge/199371 <mzanetti> dpm: sorry for all those conflicts. not sure where I messed up. the intention was to use the prerequisite branches in order to prevent this <mzanetti> but I messed up somewhere in the middle and so the conflicts propagate through the whole chain <dpm> mzanetti, no worries, yeah, noticed them this morning when I was merging them manually to see what was going on. It told me that the web-view branch had a criss-cross merge conflict <dpm> mzanetti, mission accomplished. Dani has got Reminders install, ready for the meeting later on. He also prepared an HTML5 prototype for the wireframes that he'll share with us in a bit <dpm> *installed <dpm> mzanetti, approved <popey> nik90: fiddling with the blueprint, don't be alarmed (GET IT!?) <popey> I'm so funny. <mzanetti> dpm: cheers <mzanetti> dpm: interesting... the welcome note actually fetches images for you? <mzanetti> dpm: that didn't work for me. Apparently because its a private resource and the WebView wasn't authenticated <mzanetti> would be interesting to know if you did something special <dpm> mzanetti, yeah, that was the first thing I noticed before I created a specific note with an image attachment <dpm> mzanetti, I don't think I did, that's the default note that came with the account I created months ago. Although I think I might have edited the note, which might have made a difference? <mzanetti> dpm: hmm... I guess I know what's wrong... I deleted my welcome note a while back <mzanetti> dpm: in order to have it again for testing purposes I created a second account and copied the welcome note over to the existing one <dpm> aha <mzanetti> most likely that keeps references for the image to the other account where I'm not authenticated to <mzanetti> one more problem solved :) <WebbyIT> popey, just see the blueprint: I love to have new homework ;-) <popey> \o/ <ogra_> crazy people <popey> s/crazy/community/ <ogra_> :) <WebbyIT> :D <popey> no, wait, you were right first time ㋛ <WebbyIT> popey, when have we to mark as released a milestone? <WebbyIT> popey, e.g. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-calculator-app/+milestone/coreapps-2014-week-2 <popey> we haven't been doing that typically. <popey> been just using them for targetting and keeping track, not doing releases as such <popey> but release when ready. <WebbyIT> like Debian, wow <dpm> lol <WebbyIT> about bug #1267820, is a good shortcut ctrl+enter to tear off? <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1267820 in Ubuntu Calculator App "Fix up keyboard shortcuts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1267820 <popey> WebbyIT: hard to discover <popey> but I dont have a better suggestion <nik90> popey: lol (to your comment about the BP) <popey> ☻ <popey> It's friday. Going a bit loony over here. <nik90> popey: oh btw I started tracking clock app desktop bugs with the tag "desktop-convergence" <popey> nik90: nice one <popey> will re-use that <nik90> popey: oh btw, if you have time could you test https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/timer-notification/+merge/201127 <nik90> it is to do with the timer notification. let a timer end and you will see/hear stuff <nik90> mzanetti: do you think that the dialer-transition branch can land? I implemented all the fixes you requested. * mzanetti checks <popey> nik90: will do a little later, yes. <mzanetti> nik90: yes. looks good to me. However, I don't have permissions to top approve <mzanetti> popey: ^ <mzanetti> popey: https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/dialer-transition/+merge/200740 <popey> mzanetti: nik90 can add you to the team if that's easiest? <mzanetti> better not. otherwise I have to do real work on the clock app too :P <nik90> will do that <popey> haha <nik90> hehe <popey> No pressure.. <WebbyIT> There is a simple way to leave focus from a child without have a global var? <popey> .. sign here. <mzanetti> :D <mzanetti> WebbyIT: call forceActiveFocus() on something else :) <mzanetti> its a bit cheating tho <nik90> mzanetti: added you to the team. I know you are really busy with reminders app and other stuff..so no contributions to clock app required. I just need some help with reviewing branches. <WebbyIT> mzanetti, yeah. I have only to find what 'something else' is :P <timp> nik90: hi <timp> nik90: we figured out the problem with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1259917 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1259917 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Using a Qml Loader in combination with Pagestack and Tabs results in incorrect positioning" [High,In progress] <timp> nik90: the loader resizes the Page, see http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtquick-loader.html#loader-sizing-behavior <mzanetti> nik90: approved <timp> nik90: it should work fine when the anchors of the loader are set like Loader { anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right; bottom: parent.bottom } } <nik90> timp: yeah I just saw the email now <timp> nik90: it doesn't seem very intuitive though. I'll update the Tabs docs <nik90> timp: ah..awesome! <timp> nik90: email? I don't know of an email <nik90> timp: when u replied to the bug report, I got an email <timp> ah ok <timp> nik90: I'll test your example code with my suggestion and propose an MR to update the docs <nik90> timp: okay..I will try as well <davmor2> popey: you forgot the ..and here ...and initial here <popey> ☻ <nik90> timp: but in my sample project, I did specify anchors.fill: parent <timp> nik90: yes, and that sets the height of the Loader, which in case will set the height of the Page that it loads, so the height computation inside the Page (to fit the header) is overridden <timp> nik90: try specifying left, right and bottom anchors only. no height or top anchor <timp> nik90: I know it is not very intuitive <nik90> timp: then the loaded page does not show anything <nik90> the rectangles disappear <timp> nik90: ok, let me have a look.. give me a minute <timp> zsombi: there is still an issue with the anchors of the loader <timp> zsombi: the height of the Page depends on the height of its parent.... <timp> zsombi: so not setting the Loader height will mess things up <timp> nik90: ^ yeah my proposed solution doesn't work <zsombi> :/ <timp> zsombi: I could use the parentNode.height instead of parent.height <timp> zsombi: but hmm... normally that will work, but not if there are weird constructions like when a Page only has to cover a part of its parent Item <timp> zsombi: ah.. in those exceptional cases the Page height is overridden anyway :) <zsombi> timp: hold on, is there such a construct??? <timp> zsombi: which construct? <zsombi> (17.01.03) timp: zsombi: but hmm... normally that will work, but not if there are weird constructions like when a Page only has to cover a part of its parent Item <timp> zsombi: I never saw it. It is a theoretical case (quite unlikely though, especially on devices) <zsombi> timp: then should you deal with that? <zsombi> at all? <timp> probably not :) anyway for Tabs an PageStack it makes no sense at all <zsombi> timp: i say no <zsombi> indeed <zsombi> so just forget about that <zsombi> :) <timp> ok :) <labsin> Can anyone tell me when a new version of upstart-app-launch will be released? (Because of new commits for fat packages) <zsombi> Kaleo: an MR for you for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/stateSaverWithRepeater/+merge/201214 <zsombi> Kaleo: a weekend present ;) <jdstrand> haptic feedback just showed up in the promoted images. is there a way for an app to opt out of (some of) it via QML? <ogra_> you wish :) * ogra_ had a discussion with tvoss about an inhibit service for such stuff today, seems thats nat wanted <ogra_> *not <ogra_> (though that was about orientation and screen suspend) <jdstrand> ogra_: hmm, well, hopefully we'll have something in settings to finetune it a bit, like on other platforms <nik90> mhall119, popey -> http://imgur.com/dtTdzo3 <nik90> thoughts to the icons for sunrise and sunset <nik90> in response to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1198669 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1198669 in Ubuntu Clock App "[clock] German translation needs more space" [Medium,Confirmed] <mhall119> nik90: I like the idea, but I don't know if those specific icons convey the idea <nik90> mhall119: we took the idea from https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/109279/gizmo_pictogram_season_simple_sun_sunset_weather_weather_app_icon#size=128 <mhall119> nik90: could you maybe do sunrise in a light color, and sunset in a darker one? <nik90> mhall119: you mean the text or the icon? <mhall119> icon <nik90> mhall119: light shades of white or actual colors? <mhall119> of white should be fine <nik90> mhall119: http://imgur.com/a/vbVVE#0 <nik90> I played with the opacity <mhall119> that helps, I think the times could stay the same color, if just the icon is dimmed <mhall119> though different shades for the time makes some sense too <nik90> yeah the line divider nice divides them 2 parts <Darcade> Hey, is there a nice api for developing c/c++ programms for unity/ubuntu? <ahayzen> nik90, ping #ubuntu-app-devel 2014-01-11 <ahayzen> balloons, u still around or too late now? no worries if ur not. <nik90> ahayzen: pong <ahayzen> nik90, if u have a moment would u mind casting another set of eyes over https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/mediaplayer-simplify/+merge/201265 <ahayzen> nik90, it is quite a big change to the core <nik90> ahayzen: hey btw refactoring code should have the same priority as features <nik90> ahayzen: one of the reasons why you needed to create this branch in the first place before creating keyboard shortcuts features <ahayzen> nik90, refactoring for the point or refactoring has less of a priority than refactoring for a need like this <ahayzen> *point of <ahayzen> nik90, like there is way more i could do to tidy things up but i have higher priority tasks so will come back to them <ahayzen> nik90, but would appreciate it if u could just have a look/test the app <nik90> ahayzen: sure <ahayzen> nik90, thx... u know anything about autopilot? <nik90> ahayzen: not the best person to talk to :P <nik90> ahayzen: I am already struggling to fix the AP breakage in my own music MP <ahayzen> nik90, hehe no worries, my python is good...my understanding of how autopilot works, not so good <nik90> ok <qtros> Hi all! <qtros> I've installed Ubuntu SDK and I have an issue - there are no help in Qt Creator <snwh> when an app is added to the USC <snwh> how long until it appears in apps.ubuntu.com/etc. etc. #ubuntu-app-devel 2014-01-12 <WebbyIT> ehy popey :-) <popey> WebbyIT: hiya, just cooking evening meal, will be back later though.. feel free to leave me a message.. <WebbyIT> About bug 1267820 I have an idea: if a label is selected pressing "enter" end editing, else do the calc <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1267820 in Ubuntu Calculator App "Fix up keyboard shortcuts" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1267820 <WebbyIT> popey, have a good meal :-) <WebbyIT> popey, ups, stupid thing: it's already so <WebbyIT> popey, -> https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/1267820/+merge/201313 <WebbyIT> :) <EdKaba> boa noite a todos #ubuntu-app-devel 2015-01-05 <diego7319> hi guys did someone fully created a device? <diego7319> i cant idk why <diego7319> it download and them just devices show me empty like i didnt do anything before <diego7319> any idea? <diego7319> logs just show me detecting device <dholbach> good morning <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Monday, happy new year, and happy Bird Day! :-D <justCarakas1> :p <TommyBrunn> Morning everyone <dholbach> mhall119, davidcalle just asked about the cookbook section - do we have plans to reenable it? <davidcalle> mhall119, more specifically this page https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/qml/cookbook/, which had a lot of subpages (non-existent for now on the new site) <gcollura> can anyone reapprove this please? https://code.launchpad.net/~gcollura/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-1401718/+merge/245417 <davidcalle> mhall119, dholbach, if we keep it, see latest draft for my page proposal. <dholbach> thanks davidcalle <popey> gcollura: triggered... <gcollura> thanks popey :) <popey> np <DanChapman> aquarius: hey you about? <aquarius> DanChapman, I am <DanChapman> aquarius: so i thought i would try following your contributing guide before editing and i've hit an issue. What if i want to include both a binary and a qml component? Would it just get classed a a binary component and include it? Heres an example of what i mean http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dpniel/+junk/TabEventSignaler/files/head:/ <aquarius> DanChapman, nope. If your published branch has both /qml and /qmllib folders, it should get identified as containing both binary and qml components, and ucs install danchapman/YourComponent should include both things in the checkout. <aquarius> DanChapman, modulo bugs, of course, but that's how it's supposed to work :) <DanChapman> aquarius: excellent, that should probably get added to the docs then. unless i missed it :-D <aquarius> DanChapman, have pushed a doc revision clarifying it :) <aquarius> How do I install intltool-merge in a Kit chroot? <aquarius> when I switch to trying to build for the emulator, Ubuntu SDK rebuilds the makefiles, and gives the error: Could not find intltool-merge, please install the intltool package <aquarius> I have intltool-merge installed on my actual machine, but I don't think it's in the chroot that the Kit uses <DanChapman> aquarius click maintain under Tools > Options > Ubuntu on the Kit you want to open a shell into then just apt-get it <aquarius> ooh, good one DanChapman <DanChapman> :-) <aquarius> although clearly that should be *in* the chroot when it's created... but perhaps when I created it there was a bug <bzoltan> aquarius: that is a known issue. Please log in to the click chroot and install that package manually ... or destroy the chroot and recreate <aquarius> bzoltan, I have installed it manually, as per DanChapman's instructions <bzoltan> aquarius: OK. Do you have 15.04 chroot already? <aquarius> bzoltan, nope. <aquarius> haha, excellent, have correctly built a component which runs a command from qml and then installed it with one ucs command. :) <bzoltan> aquarius: ahh.. so you do not use the qmake project type? <bzoltan> aquarius: cmake is so 2014 :) <aquarius> bzoltan, the point is: this project is pure QML. No cmake, no qmake. I create a pure qml project, type "ucs install sil/CommandExec", and that pure qml project can now run command-line commands with *no* compilation or qmake or anything involved. <aquarius> I am a happy person that this works :) <aquarius> and it works in the emulator, too. Rock. <bzoltan> aquarius: sounds good :) <aquarius> it is good. <aquarius> now we build a library of components <aquarius> and then when someone says "how do I build a QML project which can do this thing that QML can't do", my answer will be "ucs install SomeComponent" and that's it. They don't need to compile anything, don't need to use qmake, don't need any of that. Winner. <DanChapman> aquarius: +1 to that <aquarius> that's my primary goal for the ubuntu component store; allow qml programmers access to stuff without them having to write or know or even include any C++. <aquarius> pure qml apps ftw :) <aquarius> this oughta cheer nik90_ up too :) <bzoltan> aquarius: would you brief me about that ucs stuff? Sounds like an interesting tool. <aquarius> bzoltan, certainly. Think of it like pip or npm or gem -- component developers can publish a component which does some useful reusable thing (a nice QML Item, a small extension plugin to access the OS in a way pure QML doesn't allow). App developers can then "ucs install ComponentName" inside their project, which downloads and adds that useful component to their project so they can start using it. <aquarius> it's a repository, a marketplace, for people to publish reusable components so that everyone can use them for building Ubuntu SDK apps. <aquarius> bzoltan, you can read the docs if you like. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sil/component-store/community-components/view/head:/docs/index.rst is where it starts; then read install.rst and contribute-*.rst at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sil/component-store/community-components/files/head:/docs/. There are live docs for the old version, which only contains what we call "Curated components", on readthedocs, but y <aquarius> ou should read the ones in LP for now until we get it all sorted. <bzoltan> aquarius: cool. I have such mechanism in my plans too :) <aquarius> way ahead of you, pal. :) <aquarius> but we're happy to take contributions to ucs :) <aquarius> I'd very much like someone from the SDK team to spend some time looking at the best way to integrate downloaded components into an existing project. <aquarius> but right now today you can create a pure QML project, type "ucs install sil/CommandExec", then add "import ubuntu_component_store.sil.CommandExec 1.0" and "Launcher {id: l}; Label { text: l.launch('ls'); }" to main.qml, and it works. <aquarius> One of my longer-term goals is to see ucs integrated directly into the GUI SDK experience :) <aquarius> we'll have the ucs command line tool in a PPA for you to use shortly; nik90_'s working on that, hero that he is. <bzoltan> aquarius: that is a brilliant project. I like it.... <bzoltan> aquarius: since the beginning of the click story I was flagging out the lack of possibility for collaboration. We were outlining with zbenjamin similar idea. But good to see that you actually have reached that far. good job <bzoltan> aquarius: one blocker for integrating it to the IDE is actually the qmlproject and cmake project types ... neither of these support dynamic project extension the way we want <bzoltan> aquarius: So I did not want to push this feature before we fixed the qmake support ... now as qmake is back, it is possible to extend a project the way ucs does it. <aquarius> bzoltan, my primary goal, as noted, is pure QML projects, but ucs works with qmake projects as well; we add a QMAKE_POST_LINK line <aquarius> but there may be a better way to do it; I'm happy to spend some time explaining how ucs works to your team and then they contribute a better way of integrating into qmake (and cmake) projects if possible! <bzoltan> aquarius: the pure QML projects does not necessarily mean .qmlproject, you can make non builded qmake projects... <aquarius> right; this is why I added qmake integration as well <bzoltan> aquarius: with cmake it would be pain ... dynamic extension of cmake project is not trivial ... if doable at all <bzoltan> aquarius: and the problem with qmlproject type is that it is not processed at all.. so i18n support is busted for .qmlproject <bzoltan> aquarius: so, keep it secret :) but qmake is the way to go <aquarius> not sure I agree; we've roughly got it working. Essentially, all that's needed is to copy the ubuntu_component_store folders into the build target, which is doable by giving those folders their own CMakeLists.txt (which DanChapman helped me with) and adding them as subfolders to the top level CMakeLists.txt. So that roughly works, now <aquarius> but I'm totally happy to hear about better ways to do it, as long as it maintains the principle that all you have to do is "ucs install <whatever>". No manual configuration. :) <bzoltan> aquarius: that is fine in cli but not possible from the IDE <aquarius> working *with* the SDK team is better because perhaps the Ubuntu templates can be tweaked to be "ucs friendly". <bzoltan> aquarius: We can contribute to the ucs project and I would be happy to take under the official Ubuntu SDK umbrella if it does everything the right way ... so no hackarounds :) <aquarius> totally <aquarius> that's basically one of my eventual goals for it. :) <bzoltan> aquarius: it is great, I am in <gcollura> bzoltan, why hasn't jenkins tested my MP yet? <bzoltan> gcollura: no idea ... let me check around <bzoltan> aquarius: few requirements i would have (maybe you addressed them already) ... like for example the ucs supports versioned components. There is error management of the components, etc <aquarius> versioning, yes. <aquarius> what do you mean by "error management"? <dholbach> mhall119, could you explain how to to redirects again? I'm asking because of https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com/+bug/1407198 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1407198 in Ubuntu App Developer site "http://developer.ubuntu.com/en/resources/platform/unity/ page does not exist" [Medium,New] <bzoltan> aquarius: I am an app developer, I am using your lame ass OS API component ... nik90_ find a bug in that component ... I open my IDE in the morning, load my cool app (what is using your lame ass component) and a dialog (or whatever) pops that the component has a critical bug and maybe even a fixed new version... stuff like that. <bzoltan> aquarius: needles to say that if we have ucs install component then we might want ucs uninstall component too <aquarius> bzoltan, ah, right. "ucs update bzoltan/LameComponent" will update it, certainly. Having the project detect that updates are *available* requires IDE integration, which needs your team's help :) <aquarius> but that's perfectly reasonable to do; basically, have the IDE just run "ucs are-there-updates" (or whatever we call the command) <aquarius> yeah, I don't have ucs uninstall yet. It's on the list. :) <bzoltan> aquarius: it could be important .. specially if we want a central roll back mechanism .. like you evil aquarius put a spyware in your component and hundreds of developers start to install it .. but we figur it out and we want to send out a signal to pull it off from the project ... or at least to drop a warning ... could be part of the click-reviewers-tools * bzoltan got to go now for an hour <dholbach> davidcalle, I started using a "redirect" tag for places where we might need to add a redirect. <aquarius> bzoltan, yeah, that sort of thing might be useful. <davidcalle> dholbach, good idea, will use it <aquarius> bzoltan, the other nice thing is that if components are standardised, because we're all using ucs, and a malicious component is found, then you can scan apps for it *in the app store* and block them from being downloaded, and inform the developers. <dholbach> hey jdstrand, happy new year <jdstrand> dholbach: happy new year :) <dholbach> jdstrand, not sure if you saw it or just got too busy end of last year, but I added a branch to bug 1395204 which might serve as a basis (no added tests, might need a sanity checks of the assumptions) <ubot5> bug 1395204 in Canonical Click Reviewers tools "Click review rejects multi-arch clicks" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1395204 <jdstrand> I did see it, thanks! <dholbach> ok cool :) <dholbach> mhall119, davidcalle: not sure... do we plan to (over time) bring back old blog entries? (https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com/+bug/1404426) <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1404426 in Ubuntu App Developer site "A page is missing from developer forum" [Low,Triaged] <bzoltan> aquarius: where these ucs components will be stored? <davidcalle> dholbach, one way to alleviate the issue would be to put more stuff in the 404 page: maybe a few links to frequently asked topics eg. how to package, publish, etc. <aquarius> bzoltan, Launchpad. See the docs. :) <dholbach> davidcalle, sure, that'd make sense in any case - we should probably file a bug for it :) <mhall119> dholbach: create a new page, then go to Advanced Settings to set the redirect target <mhall119> dholbach: I don't know if it will redirect off-site though <dholbach> mhall119, that's good to know <dholbach> thanks <dholbach> davidcalle, ^ <davidcalle> mhall119, oh nice, thanks <dholbach> mhall119, are they going to show up in the navigation somewhere? <mhall119> dholbach: you can tell it not to show in the menu, then it won't <dholbach> great <dholbach> when we changed the IA we broke bucketloads of links <mhall119> davidcalle: as for cookbooks, I don't think they worked out as well as we had hoped, I'm happy to leave them off until we find a better way of accomplishing that goal <mhall119> dholbach: I know :( <davidcalle> mhall119, ok <dholbach> mhall119, the content from https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-1.0/Ubuntu.Components/ is from ubuntu-ui-toolkit, right? <rickspencer3> kalikiana_, I had a couple more questions about u1db, around at all? <mhall119> dholbach: yes <dholbach> thanks <rickspencer3> 1. I noticed that on the desktop it takes quite a while for my database to be created <rickspencer3> 2. I'm not sure how to create a new document in the correct way, especially as I want to return the docId when I create it <mhall119> rickspencer3: for #2, this is how I did it: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mhall119/memebook/trunk/view/head:/main.qml#L121 * rickspencer3 looks <rickspencer3> hmmm, that looks easy <mhall119> Elleo: PodBird is fantastic <Elleo> mhall119: glad you like it :) <Elleo> mhall119: got a few more improvements planned when I next get some time spare :) <mhall119> now I can feed my Serial addiction from my own phone <Elleo> hehe <dholbach> davidcalle, for redirect pages, I added "(Redirect)" to the page title, so nobody goes and deletes them <dholbach> davidcalle, in the comment field (or meta something) I added info the the bug in question <dholbach> mhall119, can I make /showdown/apps/ a redirect to /showdow/? <dholbach> mhall119, can I make /showdown/apps/ a redirect to /showdown/? <dholbach> in the past it looks like we had a page there which listed the winners or participants or something <dholbach> mhall119, hum... I can't find the showdown page <dholbach> mhall119, did anything change wrt login/editing? for some reason I have to log in every now and then again <kalikiana_> hey rickspencer3 <kalikiana_> what's up <rickspencer3> hey kalikiana_ <rickspencer3> 1. I noticed that on the desktop it takes quite a while for my database to be created <rickspencer3> this makes testing a nuisance <rickspencer3> it seems to get set up faster on the phone, and once set up, runs well, so for a real install, it's only an issue at first run <rickspencer3> but when I am making chances and running unit tests, it's a bit off a drag :/ <kalikiana_> rickspencer3: what version do you have? there was a fix for database creation in 0.1.5+14.10.20140716-0ubuntu1 <rickspencer3> kalikiana_, what is the package name? <kalikiana_> rickspencer3: qtdeclarative5-u1db1.0 <rickspencer3> kalikiana_, I have Version: 0.1.5+14.10.20140716-0ubuntu1 <dholbach> jdstrand, beuno_: does https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/click-reviewers-tools/1390163/+merge/244875 look good to you? shall we do another release to vivid afterwards and backport to the sdk stable ppa? <dholbach> or do you have changes lined up? <beuno_> dholbach, I deploy to the server on demand <dholbach> beuno, ok <dholbach> thanks <beuno> it does look good, the askubuntu question can be iterated on if needed <kalikiana_> rickspencer3: do you have something I can test? <rickspencer3> kalikiana_, sure, it's the database I showed you last time * rickspencer3 gets link <rickspencer3> kalikiana_, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~rick-rickspencer3/+junk/fairedescourses/view/head:/components/ShoppingDatabase.qml <balloons> mzanetti, did you get sorted with reminders and qtorganizer? you want to talk to respato i'd guess <rickspencer3> kalikiana_, mhall119 so, when I use putDoc on a new doc, is the return value the revision, or the new docId? if the former, how do I get the docId? <mihir> hey balloons :) <jdstrand> dholbach: it looks fine <dholbach> jdstrand, thanks - how about doing a release to vivid and backport to the sdk release ppa? <dholbach> any objections? <balloons> hey mihir! <mihir> hey balloons happy new year , how are you ? <mihir> dholbach: happy new year :) <dholbach> hey mihir - and the same to you too! <jdstrand> dholbach: no, not really. I have a number of things I'd like to fix, but we can do another release <dholbach> great, thanks <mihir> dholbach: thank you :) IRC was missing everyone in vacation hehe <dholbach> :) <balloons> mentally refreshed, thanks, mihir <mihir> hehehe :D <kalikiana_> rickspencer3: putDoc returns the revision - if you need to know the docId, you need to pass it <rickspencer3> kalikiana_, so I need to make up a docId before hand? <rickspencer3> fair enough <kalikiana_> rickspencer3: what's your use case? <rickspencer3> kalikiana_, user adds a new item to the database, and then the item is automatically activated <rickspencer3> (for example) <rickspencer3> kalikiana_, it's ok, i assume I can use a random number and then make sure it's not in use before hand <kalikiana_> rickspencer3: wouldn't you set active:true in the contents you pass? <rickspencer3> kalikiana_, no, because I only sometimes want to activate it, depending on certain conditions <kalikiana_> so when do you know to activate it? <rickspencer3> kalikiana_, currently, my test does it after calling the function that creates it <rickspencer3> kalikiana_, also, if I have the docId, I can easily write a test to ensure that creating the item worked <rickspencer3> it was easy to create a random docId, fwiw <rickspencer3> and the test is passing now :) <kalikiana_> cool <rickspencer3> 1. <rickspencer3> oops, wrong window :) <snizzo> mhall119: I got a problem with an app that I published <snizzo> I published a click package with version 0.1 but wrong package name: got rejected. uploaded an other click package with correct package name and version 0.1. System published my wrong click package with version 0.1. I uploaded an other click with 0.1.1 version and correct package name. It says it's all fine and passed review but it doesn't publish that version because is "awaiting review". <snizzo> and the ubuntu store still ships the wrong click with the wrong package name <rickspencer3> mhall119, btw, did you see that your code shouldn't be: var docId = db.putDoc(JSON.stringify(meme)); <rickspencer3> but should be var rev = db.putDoc(JSON.stringify(meme)); <rickspencer3> (not that it matters, I see that you don't actually use the return value elsewhere) <balloons> snizzo, it passed review? are you sure? <snizzo> balloons: version 0.1 no, version 0.1.1 yes <snizzo> but 0.1 is published <snizzo> ti doesn't seem correct to me <balloons> app? <mhall119> rickspencer3: yes I did <mhall119> rickspencer3: I have a bunch of other things wrong with that app atm, so I'll add it to me list :) <rickspencer3> lol <snizzo> balloons: tube mp3 downloader <mhall119> snizzo: what's the app? <snizzo> mhall119: com.ubuntu.developer.reavsoft.mp3downloader <mhall119> snizzo: hmm, I don't see it in the list of apps waiting on review, can you PM me the myapps link to it? <om26er> renatu, Hi! <renatu> om26er, hi <om26er> renatu, can you inspect this crash and see if the logs are of any use ? https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/b47f934a-8762-11e4-84a6-fa163e4ccdf2 <renatu> om26er, how I can reproduce it? <om26er> renatu, thats a million dollar question <renatu> is this happening in your device? <aquarius> how do I debug content-hub stuff? In particular, I'm trying to make an app show up in the web browser's Share menu, and it isn't; where do I begin to try to work out why it doesn't? <AkivaAvraham> aquarius, debug content hub? mmmm good question. <AkivaAvraham> aquarius, short answer; I don't know. <aquarius> AkivaAvraham, I don't, either :( <AkivaAvraham> aquarius, btw; what app is this? <aquarius> AkivaAvraham, a trivial app which appears in the web browser's Share menu and receives URLs, which it will then load in Readability. <aquarius> (because I can't have a readability bookmarklet :( ) <AkivaAvraham> aquarius, do me a favour, and when you finish it, could you post it to http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntuappdev <AkivaAvraham> ? <AkivaAvraham> a screenshot, or anything <aquarius> AkivaAvraham, sure <AkivaAvraham> aquarius, :) <aquarius> should I post details of other apps I've written? <AkivaAvraham> aquarius, mega yes! <aquarius> AkivaAvraham, ok, if I get a chance, I shall <AkivaAvraham> aquarius, many thanks; helps the platform <aquarius> AkivaAvraham, ok, submitted Riddling; I'll do the others once Reddit lets me. <AkivaAvraham> heh <AkivaAvraham> aquarius, and for your flair, choose your language that you love most. :) <aquarius> hm. can't work out for the life of me why my app doesn't show up in the web browser Share box :( <AkivaAvraham> aquarius, have you thought of pming or filing a bug at the webbrowser-app? <AkivaAvraham> aquarius, from my experience, the developer is really good at getting back to you quickly. <aquarius> it's not a webbrowser problem -- it's a content-hub problem. I may be registering my app wrong, but I have no idea how to work that out :( <aquarius> I'd ping kenvandine but he's not around * AkivaAvraham has no experience with content-hub <aquarius> mhall119, who knows about the content-hub other than ken? <aquarius> ahahahaha! <AkivaAvraham> ? <aquarius> to appear in the share menu you have to declare yourself ready for "share" in your content hub json file! <aquarius> which I discovered from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/+junk/hub-importer/view/head:/content-hub/hub-importer.json <aquarius> and not from the documentation because the docs do not mention it AT ALL <aquarius> I shall update my docs bug, mhall119 :) <AkivaAvraham> :O <TommyBrunn> What's the recommended device to get for development? I was looking to pick up a Nexus 4, but it's getting kind of old, so I'm a little worried that it's going to be unsupported in a few months. <mhall119> TommyBrunn: Nexus 4 is still the development device of choice as far as I know <mhall119> I don't see us dropping support for that anytime soon, so many of us at Canonical have one for testing/development purposes <aquarius> daker, ping: how can I tell if an Oxide webview has finished loading? <mhall119> Wellark: ping about Ubuntu.Connectivity API <mhall119> aquarius: https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Web.WebView/#loading-prop will be false <aquarius> mhall119, ah, does oxide have that as well? <TommyBrunn> mhall119 Alright, great. <mhall119> aquarius: Ubuntu.Web.WebView is Oxide, AFAIK <aquarius> mhall119, ah, ok, cool :) <aquarius> thank you! <mhall119> np <AkivaAvraham> nik90_, happy new year. meant to say that here <AkivaAvraham> Z3, o/ <AkivaAvraham> Z3, and here too http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntuappdev <Z3> AkivaAvraham Thank you! :) I have a short question: can you insert a Google AdMob banner inside an Ubuntu Touch app? <AkivaAvraham> Z3, I would imagine so. I havn't personally seen any that do that thus far though, considering I tend to work only in my own apps and the core apps. <Z3> AkivaAvraham ok, thank you again :) <AkivaAvraham> Z3, what kind of apps do you develop? <AkivaAvraham> do you have any experience with the ubuntu sdk? <aquarius> nik90_ or daker, can I intercept a navigation request in Oxide and not do it? <aquarius> I can do that by injecting a user script, but that's a vicious hack <Z3> AkivaAvraham I developed C, PHP and Java applications, now I just begin to develop Android apps in my spare time. I have no experience still with the SDK * AkivaAvraham hates javascript regex, for being different than what he is used to. <AkivaAvraham> Z3, QML is a joy to use. A lot of fun. <AkivaAvraham> and of course there is Qt. The sdk makes for a good c++ ide if you are interested in that. <Z3> AkivaAvraham great, I will learn about that in the future :) I have to go, have a nice day ! <daker> aquarius: using networkRequestDelegate <AkivaAvraham> o/ <aquarius> daker, is that documented anywhere? :) <daker> aquarius: here :) http://daker.me/2014/05/how-to-use-oxide-in-your-ubuntu-qml-application.html <aquarius> daker, that only explains how to add extra headers to an existing request -- not to cancel it :( <daker> aquarius: what do you want to achieve ? <aquarius> daker, when someone clicks a link in my Oxide widget, I want to stop Oxide navigating there, and instead have the app Qt.openUrlExternally the URL so it opens in the browser. <aquarius> daker, so, in my networkdelegateworker I'll stop the request, then send a message to the main app with the url it was going to navigate to, which will then open the URL in the browser. <aquarius> but I don't know how to (a) stop the request (b) get the URL it was going to. <aquarius> I know how to do it with actual webkit, but not with the qml wrapper :P <daker> aquarius: 1sec <daker> aquarius: is the link that the user will click on it is known ? <aquarius> daker, nope -- I want to trap any navigationRequest from Oxide <DanChapman> aquarius: in dekko in the onNavigationRequested: {} we set request.action = 255 (where 255 == OxideQNavigationRequest::ActionReject) and Qt.openUrlExternally(request.url) <aquarius> aha! onNavigationRequested! <aquarius> that's what it's called in real embedding too :) <aquarius> how are you finding out that these handlers exist, man? <aquarius> are you browsing the oxide source? <DanChapman> aquarius: yeah browsing the source is the only real way at the moment, the docs only cover basic usage + a bit.. * aquarius does the sad face <daker> aquarius: WIP http://paste.ubuntu.com/9678538/ <aquarius> daker, ya, it all works here, nice one :) <daker> aquarius: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9678561/ <daker> aquarius: for me i always take a look at MRs from Alex & osomon * aquarius submits Readability app for review. <aquarius> and there it is in the store! <aquarius> nice. <aquarius> now it's easy to read websites, hooray. <aquarius> hasn't shown up in bhdouglass's store yet :) <daker> :) <ahoneybun> Hey TommyBrunn and ahayzen <ahayzen> ahoneybun, yo <TommyBrunn> Hey <ahoneybun> su <ahoneybun> *p * ahoneybun needs to get a new linux laptop <aquarius> daker, do you know if "install this webpage as an app" is going to arrive? I really hope it does... <daker> aquarius: sorry i don't, maybe it's going to be done by Alex & oSomon <aquarius> I have been hoping for it for Some Time :) <aquarius> and Android now does it <aquarius> and it's a jolly good way to get more things like apps #ubuntu-app-devel 2015-01-06 <Guest46513> error: QtGui/QMainWindow: No such file or directory #include <QtGui/QMainWindow> <--I have this error. How can I install this library ?? Sorry I'm rookie <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, is this an include? <AkivaAvraham> #include <QtGui> <AkivaAvraham> ? <Guest46513> yes <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, what version of ubuntu you running? <Guest46513> 14.10 <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, upgraded or newly installed? <Guest46513> newly <AkivaAvraham> okay... and its ubuntu <AkivaAvraham> not lubuntu <AkivaAvraham> or edubuntu <AkivaAvraham> or xubuntu <Guest46513> ubuntu <AkivaAvraham> okay <AkivaAvraham> if thats the case... sec <Guest46513> okay..!! <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, take out the slash <AkivaAvraham> #include <QtGui> <Guest46513> okay <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, you shouldnt need QMainWindow. <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, speaking of which; what are you trying to develop? <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, or are you just practicing? <Guest46513> ./Videos/Qt-prog/q/mainwindow.h:7: error: QtGui: No such file or directory #include <QtGui> ^ <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, have you done something to muck up your qt libraries? <Guest46513> ./Videos/Qt-prog/q/main.cpp:2: error: QApplication: No such file or directory #include <QApplication> ^ <AkivaAvraham> pastebin your header file. <AkivaAvraham> or whatever file this is on <Guest46513> #ifndef MAINWINDOW_H #define MAINWINDOW_H #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 #include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow> #else //#include <QMainWindow> #endif namespace Ui { class MainWindow; } class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0); ~MainWindow(); protected: void changeEvent(QEvent *e); private: Ui::MainWindow *ui; }; #endif // MAINWINDOW_H <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, thats not pastebin <Guest46513> #include "mainwindow.h" #include <QApplication> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); MainWindow w; w.show(); return a.exec(); } <Guest46513> oh, sorry <AkivaAvraham> on the left, there is a pastebin button <AkivaAvraham> np <AkivaAvraham> we were all newbies at one point. <Guest46513> http://pastebin.com/yRs7w541 << that is mainwindow.cpp <AkivaAvraham> okay lets see the header <Guest46513> http://pastebin.com/SMaCb6ea <<-- mainwindow.h <AkivaAvraham> By the way; do you know c++? <Guest46513> something not that much <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, you are using the sdk right? <Guest46513> yes <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, http://i.imgur.com/lNNHVtP.png <AkivaAvraham> future reference, that is where the better pastebin is. <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, are you trying to write a program here? <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, what program are you trying to write? <AkivaAvraham> Is this supposed to be for ubuntu touch? <Guest46513> show a message hello world <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, okay :) <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, that is easy <AkivaAvraham> #include <QDebug> <Guest46513> ui->pushButton->setText("Hello")l <Guest46513> ui->pushButton->setText("Hello"); <AkivaAvraham> qDebug() << "Hello world" <AkivaAvraham> ah you are building a UI. <AkivaAvraham> are you following a tutorial from Bucky or Void realms? <Guest46513> yes <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, who? Bucky? <Guest46513> voidrealm <AkivaAvraham> ah <AkivaAvraham> Voidy; very good <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, and your goal is to develop what ultimately? <Guest46513> I like the way explaint in that tutorial <AkivaAvraham> The reason I ask, is because if you want to develop for the phone, you should learn qml first, and qt second. <Guest46513> not, at this time I just want to develop a program for BBB <AkivaAvraham> BBB? <AkivaAvraham> better business bureau? <Guest46513> Beaglebone black * AkivaAvraham looks that up <Guest46513> no, lol <AkivaAvraham> raspberry pie sort of thing? <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, Let me ask you a c++ question... If you don't know it, then I can save you some headaches. <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, what's the stack, and what's the heap? <Guest46513> I know as guru but I can works with classes and variables <AkivaAvraham> what? <Guest46513> I dont know as a guru <AkivaAvraham> okay <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, this isn't a guru sort of thing when working with c++ <AkivaAvraham> a little bit <Guest46513> :\ <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, easier question, What is & for? <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, trust me on this; I tried learning qt from scratch. <Guest46513> I want to learn qt I like it <Guest46513> address= & <AkivaAvraham> good :) <Guest46513> :) <AkivaAvraham> Whats does dereference mean? <AkivaAvraham> What* <Guest46513> hold on let me thing <Guest46513> referr to a character <Guest46513> referr to a characters <AkivaAvraham> mmmm nope <AkivaAvraham> it takes the address, and grabs the object it points to. <AkivaAvraham> so if int* x = new int(1); <AkivaAvraham> x would equal the address to the new integer, that was created on the heap. <Guest46513> I know "new" was involved <AkivaAvraham> so x wouldn't return an object, just the address. <AkivaAvraham> you would go *x, and that would dereference the address, and return you the object. <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, anyways; I have the perfect thing for you <AkivaAvraham> http://www.reddit.com/r/UbuntuAppDev/comments/2qy5ko/guide_for_new_ubuntu_developers/ <AkivaAvraham> at the bottom of this tutorial I am making, I provide a link <AkivaAvraham> to a guide that you can get for free, that teaches you "C++ the Qt Way" <AkivaAvraham> so you learn Qt and C++ at the same time <AkivaAvraham> instead of having to learn C++ with a bunch of standard libs, and then Qt by itself. <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2XdRsCSWUwWaFhIOFJCX0V5YVE/view is a version you can download from my google drive. <Guest46513> one question <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, sure <Guest46513> How can I fix that problem ?? <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, I don't know. It looks like you have messed up your qt libraries, or that you are following an obsolete tutorial from void <AkivaAvraham> he works with Qt4, and you are on Qt5 <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, in any case, I can guarantee you, just given the fact that I am self taught c++ and qt, <AkivaAvraham> if you do not go through the instruction manual I gave you, and just stick to Void Realms or Bucky Roberts, you are not going to learn it properly <AkivaAvraham> mainly, you will not be able to understand the documentation provided by Qt. <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, I think Void Realms is best when you want a demonstration on how to use a Qt Class, as he covers most of them. <Guest46513> to fix that problem I have to install a library? <AkivaAvraham> But you have to remember; he is assuming a ton, A TON of C++ knowledge, when he takes you through that. <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, You shouldn't have to... <Guest46513> lol...!! <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, hmmm? <Guest46513> I want to follow voidrealms tutorial but with that error I can't do it <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, you can try bucky as well, but you seriously, need to learn C++ or you will be spinning your wheels for months. <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, Like, I made the mistake of trying to learn Qt through Void Realms without learning C++; it was a huge waste of time. The best tutorial is the one from ICS that teaches you Qt and C++ at the same time. <Guest46513> AkivaAvraham: can I uninstall qt and re-install <Guest46513> ?? <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, is this a fresh ubuntu install? <Guest46513> yes <AkivaAvraham> You shouldnt need to do anything unless you really screwed soemthing up <AkivaAvraham> reinstalling Qt I don't think will help. <Guest46513> :( <AkivaAvraham> You can try installing qt4 <AkivaAvraham> but then you are learning to use an old library. <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, why not try to build a qml app? <AkivaAvraham> that would be a better starting point if you just want to build a gui <Guest46513> Im installing qt4 <AkivaAvraham> QML was designed specifically to make qt apps quicker. That is what Most of Ubuntu uses these days ... <AkivaAvraham> okay. :P <Guest46513> if I can't fix it I will format my computer :S <Guest46513> to fix that problem <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, I think the tutorial is just old <Guest46513> qt witn C++? <AkivaAvraham> I know qt4 uses an import not used in qt5 <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, no, voidrealms <AkivaAvraham> Guest46513, are you going to use the documentation I suggested to you? "Learn c++ the Qt way"? <Guest46513> I tried make a program by default and the program show the same error <Guest46513> yes <AkivaAvraham> cool <Guest46513> that tutorial use qt5 or qt4? <AkivaAvraham> I'm a bit tired now, almost asleep... <Guest46513> okay, thx dude <AkivaAvraham> it was written for qt4, but the stuff you learn off the bat is synonymous with both <AkivaAvraham> but if you get teamviewer, I can check it out for you <Guest46513> ok <AkivaAvraham> you make it sound like you have a borked installation, or you havent set up your runtime properly <Guest46513> runtime properly << do you have any info for that ? <AkivaAvraham> build environment I mean. <Guest46513> okay <dholbach> good morning <justCarakas> good morning <dholbach> mhall119: do you recall who wrote the content hub docs on developer.u.c? I just saw https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com/+bug/1407753 and wondered who to ping about it <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Apple Tree Day! :-) <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1407753 in Ubuntu App Developer site "Content Hub documentation is missing various pieces" [Undecided,New] <dholbach> davidcalle, did we decide what to do with the cookbook section(s)? <davidcalle> dholbach, not really, afaik. But I think we should fix what we have on the site, it's a few links, and decide after. <dholbach> davidcalle, so remove cookbook links for now? <davidcalle> dholbach, no, fixing them :) <dholbach> ah ok <dholbach> are you working on that now? <dholbach> (I saw you had the bug assigned to yourself) <davidcalle> dholbach, what do you think ? (I'm happy with both solutions) and I don't mind doing it <dholbach> we should probably have a chat with mhall119 <dholbach> I could imagine that in the future we would hook up the djangosnippets instance with the developer site <davidcalle> dholbach, ok. On a related note, we should find a design pattern (a box probably) to hook up askubuntu links and snippets in articles. <dholbach> yeah, that'd be nice <t1mp> gcollura: hello <gcollura> t1mp, hi :) <t1mp> I just noticed https://code.launchpad.net/~gcollura/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-1341814-and-1400297/+merge/245552 when I was going to start to figure out how to fix those bugs <t1mp> awesome that you worked on it :) <gcollura> t1mp, :D <t1mp> the diff in that MR however shows some unrelated changes to the .po files <gcollura> t1mp, I know, that's because I had to re-propose the branch targetting /staging this time <gcollura> because my branch was based off trunk, sorry, if you want I can rebase everything <t1mp> gcollura: give me a few minutes and I'll get back to you, I'm in a short meeting now <gcollura> yeah sure t1mp :) <t1mp> I'm back <t1mp> gcollura: yes, please rebase it from staging <gcollura> t1mp, sure, give me a second :) <t1mp> gcollura: awesome :) I also left two small suggestions for improvements as comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~gcollura/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-1341814-and-1400297/+merge/24555 <gcollura> great idea, t1mp thanks for your review :) <gcollura> t1mp, done https://code.launchpad.net/~gcollura/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/staging-fix-1341814-and-1400297/+merge/245645 <t1mp> gcollura: I top-approved https://code.launchpad.net/~gcollura/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/staging-fix-1341814-and-1400297/+merge/245645 <t1mp> gcollura: thanks again :) if all goes will it will land in staging automatically today. <gcollura> thanks t1mp :D <jgdx> dholbach, hi, are cpp docs missing from developer.u.c? <dholbach> jgdx, what are you looking for? <dholbach> jgdx, I don't think we ever went into much detail regarding C++ Qt app development - the scopes docs talk about C++ though <dholbach> but maybe you can explain what specifically you were looking for <jgdx> dbarth, that's it—was looking for /api/devel/ubuntu-14.10/cplusplus/connectivity-api/ <jgdx> dholbach, ^ <dholbach> ok <jgdx> dbarth, tabfail, sorry! <dholbach> oh ok <jgdx> dholbach, [1] refers to this documentation IIUC [1] https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Connectivity.index/ <dholbach> jgdx, I guess you mean dbarth? <jgdx> dholbach, I actually meant you :) <dholbach> jgdx, what can I do for you? <dholbach> jgdx, everything under /api/ is pulled in from the actual docs in the source itself <gcollura> t1mp, do you know if this change can get backported to ubuntu-sdk-14.10? I need this fix in an app <jgdx> dholbach, thanks! <dholbach> jgdx, you could try to ping pete-woods on #ubuntu-touch about it <dholbach> or any of the folks who are listed as committers here: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-api-team/connectivity-api/trunk.15.04 <jgdx> dholbach, right. <dholbach> davidcalle, if you run linkchecker again - does it look better now? I think I fixed most of things now <dholbach> (apart from some blog entries and the cookbook) <davidcalle> dholbach, running <dholbach> yoohoo <davidcalle> dholbach, almost perfect, I'm fixing a few missing stuff... and didn't checked zh-cn yet :p <dholbach> davidcalle, great - looks like we're finally getting somewhere <davidcalle> dholbach, indeed. Now, there is only https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/web/api/ubuntu-13-10/ , we have kinda lost the documentation (it wasn't on the API website). I'm going to retrieve it. <dholbach> davidcalle, do you know if somebody talked to dbarth about those pieces and where we're going to host them? <davidcalle> dholbach, no, probably because the project is being replaced by the new webapps. It won't be updated anymore. <dholbach> I'm wondering if we should drop it already(?) <dbarth> dholbach: i'm there <dbarth> we're keeping the 13.10 documentaiton for reference, as the last supported release <dbarth> however i felt there was not much point in making a 14.04 version, knowing that tihngs would change within the 5 years of the LTS cycle <dholbach> dbarth, 13.10 is not supported anymore <dbarth> ie, the apis are there as-is, but we'd like to be able to upate the APIs once we fully understand how they fit into the desktop convergence scenario <dbarth> ah <dbarth> well, i'd still keep the documentation around; i updated the text to clarify that it was desktop only, and mostly there as a reference <dbarth> unless it is a major pain to support the doc from a site structure or package pov <dholbach> dbarth, we moved to a new infrastructure and it looks like the page was not moved over, but something else referred to it <dholbach> davidcalle, right? ^ <davidcalle> dholbach, dbarth, right. The branch is at https://code.launchpad.net/webapps-documentation and we would need to host it somewhere (or port the content). <dholbach> maybe I'm missing something, but if we don't support it any more, it would likely confuse developers, no? <dbarth> dholbach: that's a point <dbarth> dholbach: could we then also remove the cookbook questions? or filter them out in the web section ? <dholbach> dbarth, so the content in https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/web/cookbook/ is stale as well? <dbarth> yes, refers to the destkop webapp integration afaict <dbarth> i could provide the videos from our last online workshop as a substitute for the cookbook content <dholbach> davidcalle, ^ shall we unpublish https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/web/cookbook/ for now then? <dbarth> also if you can shortcut the tutorials and guides links to just the content, ie without having to go via that short intermediate page? <davidcalle> dholbach, probably yes. Ok if I unpublish the whole? <dbarth> davidcalle: the whole section, yes i think so <dbarth> ie the whole cookbook section <davidcalle> dbarth, and API right? <davidcalle> dbarth, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/web/api/ <dbarth> davidcalle: yes <davidcalle> dbarth, ok. <dbarth> davidcalle: you can also add this link to the tutorials section: https://plus.google.com/events/c3prd0erlagajl8tq9d689q6en4 <dbarth> UOS - Ubuntu Webapps & HTML5 Apps Workshop <dbarth> and that's the slide deck link for the presentation as well: http://goo.gl/NTdTTy <davidcalle> dbarth, ok, and I'll move the guide to be only one page, since it covers all aspects. <dbarth> coolio, thanks <davidcalle> dbarth, np <davidcalle> dholbach, ^ <dholbach> davidcalle, brilliant, thanks <dholbach> davidcalle, maybe we should leave the other pages as redirects afterwards still? <dholbach> just to make sure we don't lose anyone on the way :) <dbarth> seo, yes <davidcalle> dholbach, yep <dbarth> or rather avoiding broken links <dholbach> yep <dholbach> great <mhall119> dholbach: most likely kenvandine wrote the content-hub docs <dholbach> ok, thanks <nik90_> aquarius: ping <aquarius> nik90_, pong <nik90_> aquarius: I added python-bzrlib as a dependency to the debian control file...are there any other dependecies? <aquarius> erm <nik90_> Does it require python > 3.0? <aquarius> it does not <aquarius> because there is no bzrlib for pytohn3 afaict :( <aquarius> I blame Barry :) <nik90_> ah ok <nik90_> so I need to add python2.7 as a dependency <aquarius> I even started off writing the thing as python 3, like a good boy <aquarius> shouldn't need to -- bzrlib should surely pull it in? <aquarius> but I don't know much aboutpackaging dependency stuff <nik90_> true <nik90_> bzrlib pulls in python-configobj, python2.7, python (>= 2.7.1-0ubuntu2), python (<< 2.8), libc6 (>= 2.14) <aquarius> it's All One Script -- doesn't dh_python or whatever it's called work this stuff out for you? <aquarius> pkgme did. <nik90_> so I guess then python-bzrlib should be sufficient <nik90_> I am not sure....I am at a basic level of debian packaging <aquarius> sounds plausible to me, but the reason I didn't do the debian packaging is that I don't know anything about it ;) <nik90_> ok <nik90_> it should work <aquarius> so I ain't the guy you wanna ask here. Should be reasonably easy to test that it works though, rihgt? <nik90_> yes <nik90_> I am doing that now <aquarius> nice one <nik90_> aquarius: debian packaging done -> https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/component-store/fix-debian-packaging/+merge/245661 <nik90_> aquarius: so when you branch lands in trunk, I will push out an update to the PPA (trusty, utopic and vivid) <nik90_> s/you/your <aquarius> ay <aquarius> yay <aquarius> nice one <t1mp> gcollura: no, the new stuff is only for vivid <t1mp> bzoltan: ^we don't backport to utopic right? <gcollura> t1mp, :/ ok then <t1mp> gcollura: unless you can get someone to mark this as rtm critical <bzoltan> t1mp: not the UITK... only the tools <t1mp> bzoltan: ok. It was about this fix, https://code.launchpad.net/~gcollura/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/staging-fix-1341814-and-1400297/+merge/245645 which is UITK <bzoltan> t1mp: yes, I have seen that MR. It is good, but obviously it is for Vivid only <t1mp> gcollura: it is ugly, but maybe you can set your Page.config.contents.parent to null when your Page.active becomes false <t1mp> as a workaround for vivid <gcollura> t1mp, it's not enough, because that patch also fix the bug 1400297 <ubot5> bug 1400297 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "PageHeadState doens't correctly update head.contents" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1400297 <om26er> mhall119, who takes care of the Ubuntu membership certificates ? <om26er> mhall119, I requested the certificate in 2013, never received it. <t1mp> gcollura: oh, pity. <t1mp> gcollura: working around that is more work (maybe by having a single contents Item of which the contents is updated by the app, and setting the back action depending on whether you are in search mode or default mode).. <t1mp> gcollura: eventually devices should switch to vivid, but that is not going to happen very soon <t1mp> hmm <t1mp> gcollura: I wonder if you can add a MyPageHeadState that inherits PageHeadState, and then use MyPageHeadState instead to define the states <t1mp> gcollura: ^ to your app code (without changing uitk in utopic) <gcollura> t1mp, maybe I could add a Connections { target: page.head; onContentsChanged: { } } <rickspencer3> hey, can anyone here help me write and run auto-pilot tests? <rickspencer3> I get this error, and don't know what to make of it: <rickspencer3> NotImplementedError: On desktop we can't install click packages yet, so we can only run from source. <rickspencer3> balloons, ^ ? <balloons> rickspencer3, where do you see that? <justCarakas> beuno do you know what the status is of the online store for the apps ? <rickspencer3> balloons, when I do "sh run" on the run file created in the autopilot test directory that was created when I created my project <balloons> rickspencer3, ahh. I would invoke ap directly; let's look at the run file. just a sec <rickspencer3> balloons, I'm not certain what you mean <rickspencer3> I get the same thing if I just do: autopilot run FaireDesCourses <rickspencer3> if that's what you meant <balloons> rickspencer3, i recreated your error, so i see what you mean <balloons> the __init__.py file handles the setup and ll=aunch. it's not seeing the source. clearly a bug in the template <balloons> rickspencer3, let's fix your file however <rickspencer3> balloons, I changed _get_app_qml_source_path(self): to return the hard coded path the main.qml and it worked <rickspencer3> of course, not too useful if someone wants to branch the code, but at least I am in business :) <rickspencer3> balloons, so, the web page with the autopilot docs if offline, is there somewhere else I can find the docs? <balloons> right. the file isn't following best practice <balloons> rickspencer3, yea i know. there's an rt for it :-( <rickspencer3> balloons, where else can I find the docs? <balloons> rickspencer3, this is older but should serve you well enough <balloons> http://unity.ubuntu.com/autopilot/ <rickspencer3> thanks balloons <beuno> justCarakas, WIP, no release date yet, but not too far off * balloons looks for template updating bug <rickspencer3> balloons, it wold be sweet to have that auto-pilot doc available as a pdf <balloons> it's built with sphinx.. i wonder if we can set that as an output too <rickspencer3> if not, there is probably a simple tool that will convert html to pdf <rickspencer3> balloons, ooh, or epub might be even nicer! <balloons> right.. i guess we could publish all those. i'll file a bug to add them <balloons> rickspencer3, what template do you normally use for new projects <rickspencer3> Ubuntu -> Simple <balloons> not simple (qmake?) <rickspencer3> balloons, yes, it's App with Simple UI (QMake) <rickspencer3> balloons, so, I want to do page object pattern <rickspencer3> any hints on how to do that with qml? <rickspencer3> i.e. how do I call a function on the page in qml from the test? <balloons> rickspencer3, we have an article on it on d.u.c <rickspencer3> balloons, http://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/platform/guides/acceptance-testing-using-the-page-object-model/ <rickspencer3> ? <balloons> yes. does it help? <rickspencer3> balloons, I guess so <balloons> you can't reference a qml function durectly from ap. that's too low level. ap tests should be user stories,user interaction <rickspencer3> I assumed that I would write the functions in teh qml <balloons> you can test at that level in qml <rickspencer3> but it looks like I write a wrapper function in the test <rickspencer3> and call that <mhall119> om26er: you're not the only one, I'll find out who's responsible now that jono's left <aquarius> justCarakas, you might like appstore.bhdouglass.com until an "official" store comes alone <aquarius> obviously not :) <balloons> aquarius, oO <balloons> rickspencer3, many of the core apps follow the model well and follow best practices for setup, etc. you can sneak a peek at them <rickspencer3> balloons, which one is the easiest to understand, and can you paste me a link? <rickspencer3> balloons, do you know how I am supposed to use autopilot to click on an action button? seems objectName does not work for it :/ <balloons> rickspencer3, lp:ubuntu-calculator-app and lp:ubuntu-calendar-app <balloons> calc is easy app, and more or less gets it right <balloons> rickspencer3, there is a helper for many of the uitk elements <balloons> the docs for that is offline too, linked for d.u.c. the local copy on your machine isn't in html sadly <balloons> rickspencer3, syntax is like this <balloons> header = self.get_header() <balloons> header.click_action_button('objectname') <rickspencer3> ah <balloons> rickspencer3, you'll want to clone the setup of one of the core apps or otherwise import ubuntuuitoolkit to get the helpers <rickspencer3> balloons, where is get_header implemented? <rickspencer3> lp:ubuntu-calculator-app <rickspencer3> oops <rickspencer3> AttributeError: 'MainViewTestCase' object has no attribute 'get_header' <balloons> rickspencer3, import ubuntuuitoolkit <balloons> inside calc, look at it's helpers <balloons> __init__.py <balloons> one does the setup work, the other is the helper definitions <balloons> it has class objects and useful functions <rickspencer3> balloons, can you link me to the specific file that you mean in lp? <balloons> rickspencer3, yes <rickspencer3> it doesn't seem that the calculator app used "get_header" <balloons> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calculator-dev/ubuntu-calculator-app/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/ubuntu_calculator_app/__init__.py <balloons> rickspencer3, if you pull the calc reboot branch, andrea just bootstrapped it so you can see a proper shell with no tests if you wish <elopio> rickspencer3: the get_header method is implement in the MainView page object. <balloons> anyways, the file linked contains what we call helpers for the test suite. it inherits from the uitk helpers <rickspencer3> elopio, so self.get_header() is supposed to work? <elopio> so you would have something like self.app = self.launch_test_app(...) <rickspencer3> because I get this <rickspencer3> AttributeError: 'MainViewTestCase' object has no attribute 'get_header' <elopio> then self.main_view = self.app.select_single(ubuntuuitoolkit.MainView) <balloons> rickspencer3, your testsuite isn't setup in a way that allows you to easily use it <elopio> and then you do self.main_view.get_header() <rickspencer3> balloons, well, I didn't set up the test case! <balloons> yes, elopio has laid it out <rickspencer3> I am using what came with the template <elopio> rickspencer3: but as the templates in qt creator are terribly outdated, I'm not sure what's the state of your code. <balloons> rickspencer3, i know :( i'm filing a bug to fix that <rickspencer3> oh geez <elopio> if you want you can push it and we can take a look. <rickspencer3> elopio, ok <rickspencer3> elopio, lp:~rick-rickspencer3/+junk/fairedescourses/ <elopio> rickspencer3: I see. Give me 15 minutes to remove the ugly parts from your test case. <balloons> probably easiest to just propose a merge to fix it <rickspencer3> not sure what those are, but ok <balloons> elopio, rickspencer3 fyi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/+bug/1408042 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1408042 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Template tests don't reflect best practice" [Undecided,New] <rickspencer3> balloons, so, I think someone needs to stay on top of that <rickspencer3> not sure how the sdk team is supposed to find out that the templates are out of date <balloons> ideally, via a test <bzoltan> rickspencer3: balloons: Now that the templates are stable for various training programmes it is good time to get the template tests in shape. It is in my January plans. <rickspencer3> elopio, so, I think I shall go get some lunch and exercise, so will check when I get back, is that ok, or are you near eod? <elopio> rickspencer3: the day is young. I will send you an email with my diff. <rickspencer3> thanks elopio <rickspencer3> you are a prince among men :) <elopio> np <rickspencer3> I really appreciate the help <rickspencer3> I am keen to post a video showing autopilot working on my app ;) <balloons> :) <elopio> flattery will get you everywhere :) <elopio> and beer. <balloons> elopio, flat beer however wins you no friends <renatu> om26er, I am getting this error on jenkins: 15:43:09.172 ERROR content:47 - Could not add content object 'None' due to IO Error: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/log/syslog' <renatu> om26er, could you help me with that? <elopio> balloons: flat beer will get you half the way. <aquarius> Is it possible to tweak the background colour of the emulator window? I think it ought to be black, so that when you record videos or take screenshots of it you don't get tiny white corners around the Ubuntu Edge image. <aquarius> Also, we'll get a bq skin for it, right? :) <aquarius> ooh, /usr/share/ubuntu-emulator/skins. Interesting. Maybe I can do a nicer shot of the edge which doesn't have the horrible artifacts in the image. Although I can't see how to configure the skin that I use; is there a way? <rickspencer3> elopio, not as easy as you were hoping? <rickspencer3> :) <elopio> rickspencer3: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/+junk/fairesdescourses/ <elopio> rickspencer3: fixing it was easy: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~elopio/+junk/fairesdescourses/revision/25 <rickspencer3> huh <elopio> I got a little too far, because I would feel ashamed of that code if you show it around. So the following revisions are what the template should lead you to. <rickspencer3> so if I just try to merge r30, I'm good to go? <elopio> rickspencer3: yes. <elopio> rickspencer3: and if you get stuck while implementing the rest of the test, ping ubuntu-qa and we'll give you a hand. <elopio> btw, the task to prettify the templates is already in our backlog. I think that today it's priority will be bumped a little :) <rickspencer3> elopio, between qmltestrunner and autopilot, we have a really excellent story for developers <rickspencer3> I think we should show it off a lot more <elopio> rickspencer3: I agree. <elopio> balloons: one thing we are missing is a document where we make it clear which tests we want in autopilot and which ones we want in qttest. <elopio> balloons: we don't have that yet, right? <rickspencer3> elopio, cools, seems to be working now <rickspencer3> thanks <elopio> your welcome. <ahoneybun> does anyone have the problem with the device always shown as booting in the SDK? <rickspencer3> elopio, hey, so I have a page stack ... main_view.wait_select_single doesn't seem to be able to find anything a page pushed onto the page stack <rickspencer3> elopio, nm <rickspencer3> I didn't use the objectName keyword :) <rickspencer3> hey, does anyone know how to use get_children_by_type ? <rickspencer3> in autopilot? <veebers> rickspencer3: it should be something like: myproxy_obj.get_children_by_type('TextField') <veebers> rickspencer3: it will only select immediate children though <rickspencer3> hmmm <aquarius> sergiusens, ping about the emulator skin :) <rickspencer3> veebers do you know I how specify the "typename" for a standard list item? <rickspencer3> is it like: <rickspencer3> list.select_many("Ubuntu.Components.ListItem.Standard") <rickspencer3> ? <rickspencer3> nm, I guess it's <veebers> rickspencer3: just 'Standard' <rickspencer3> list.select_many("Standard") <rickspencer3> weird, but ok :) <elopio> rickspencer3: actually, select_many|select_single(ubuntuuitoolkit.listitems.Standard) <rickspencer3> elopio oh? <elopio> then you will inherit some helpers already implemented, like swipe_to_delete. <DanChapman> aquarius: are you wanting to use a custom skin? if so you can set it something like ubuntu-emulator run --skin="blah" ... <rickspencer3> elopio, any helpers for CheckBox ? <elopio> rickspencer3: of course. <aquarius> DanChapman, I am! how do you know this? :) And... where does it look for skins? only in the system folder? <elopio> rickspencer3: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/ubuntuuitoolkit/_custom_proxy_objects/_checkbox.py#L27 <rickspencer3> elopio, is there reference somewhere that I can see how to do it? <elopio> select_single(ubuntuuitoolkit.CheckBox) <elopio> rickspencer3: the autopilot tutorial explains how to define and use custom proxy objects. And the toolkit API docs show the existing custom proxy objects that you can use. <elopio> but everything is offline atm. <rickspencer3> hmmm <rickspencer3> ok <rickspencer3> I am making good progress <veebers> elopio: ah nice, thanks for the further info. I really need to get into the UI code to see what extra helpers etc. are all there <rickspencer3> elopio, so, I assume there is a helper in the header to go back? <elopio> rickspencer3: there is :) <elopio> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/ubuntuuitoolkit/_custom_proxy_objects/_header.py#L94 <elopio> rickspencer3: but better use self.main_view.go_back() <DanChapman> aquarius i found it by poking around ubuntu-emulator :-) anyway i believe these are the paths it checks http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/goget-ubuntu-touch/trunk/view/head:/ubuntu-emulator/run.go#L49 <elopio> rickspencer3: actually, now that I see it you shouldn't do header.click_action_button(...). You should do self.main_view.click_action_button(...) <elopio> that way if they go crazy again and move the actions to a different place, your test will not have to change. <rickspencer3> oh nice <rickspencer3> by the way .. "they" == "me" <rickspencer3> also, I don't think designers "go crazy" so much as "improve designs" :) <rickspencer3> we should not malign them for doing their jobs! right? <elopio> right... :D <aquarius> DanChapman, aha, I can pass it skindir <aquarius> DanChapman, I like how all these command line options are totally undocumented ;) <aquarius> DanChapman, but now I can make other skins... although I am not the most talented artist. mhall119, it'd be very cool if someone got on to the design team and got a bq emulator skin ready for the phone release. (And a bunch of Ubuntu bq images for publishing screenshots of one's app on websites, too, for similar reasons) <rickspencer3> \o/ my first autopilot test <balloons> o/ <balloons> elopio, no we don't have a doc explaining the difference nicely, but it's on the list for me. sucks i can't type now <balloons> its intended to go on the revamped d.u.c site <mhall119> aquarius: probably wouldn't be the design team skinning the emulator <elopio> balloons: we have added a task to our backlog to do autopilot and qttest docs. Maybe you should talk to jfunk to join our team during that sprint, at least partial time. <elopio> that would be awesome. <veebers> elopio, balloons: aye that would be awesome :-) <aquarius> mhall119, not expecting a designer to skin the emulator. What's needed is a png of the bq phone at the appropriate size. That's totally a designer job :) Dropping that png into the emulator deb file is not. <balloons> ohh excellebt. a whole sprint for that. <aquarius> mhall119, I'd ping one of them myself with the specs for the png file but I don't think I know anyone there who's a visual designer any more :) <mhall119> aquarius: right, I'll poke the emulator maintainers to tell design what they need to make it happen <aquarius> mhall119, nice one; that's exactly what I was hoping for <mhall119> once I figure out who is maintaining the ubuntu-emulator <aquarius> then the emulator will look like our new phone <aquarius> and not be an Edge with horrible artifacts around the, er, edge <elopio> balloons: well, not a whole sprint. We probably will have to fix the templates and do some other cleaning during those two weeks. <balloons> yes.. but a sprint for cleanup tasks and docs will be nice. i asked for some of those cards <AkivaAvraham> ubuntu-emulator; this is new... <rickspencer3> elopio, does ap work with scopes? <elopio> rickspencer3: yes, we have some initial helpers in unity to do the basic things, open them, click items, get information. <rickspencer3> groovy <elopio> but some more work is needed. It's in progress as part of the click sccope automation. <rickspencer3> elopio, https://plus.google.com/109101768243927790674/posts/G3ZqXLR7WtN <elopio> rickspencer3: awesome! specially the last sentence :) <balloons> :) <AkivaAvraham> Cannot install /tmp/com.ubuntu.developer.akiva.classical-music-youtube-dl_0.1_i386.click: Framework "ubuntu-sdk-14.10" not present on system (use --force-missing-framework option to override) <AkivaAvraham> am I just missing a package? <AkivaAvraham> What would be the best way to go about getting youtube-dl installed on the ubuntu touch? <AkivaAvraham> it is a python script through and through so #ubuntu-app-devel 2015-01-07 <benoitc> hi all <AkivaAvraham> benoitc, o/ <benoitc> i made a mistake in the developer namespace <benoitc> is there a way to change it ? <AkivaAvraham> benoitc, developer namespace? <benoitc> in the click app store <AkivaAvraham> benoitc, you mean in the manifest.json? <AkivaAvraham> oh no experience with that. sorry :[ <benoitc> i mean in https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/account/ <benoitc> np :) <AkivaAvraham> com.canonical.usensord.Error: open /sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable: no such file or directory <AkivaAvraham> I'm getting this from my emulator <AkivaAvraham> and my code doesnt seem to want to execute <AkivaAvraham> Does app armor allow QProcess to run commands? My touch application won't work on the emulator :/ <dholbach> good morning <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Old Rock Day! :-) <dholbach> hey balloons, looks like you forgot to hit "Publish page/changes" a couple of times :-) <t1mp> clock-app shows "Location Service Error!" for me. Any ideas how I can figure out what's wrong? <popey> t1mp: did you accept the here tickbox thing during the welcome wizard? <jgdx> benoitc, after you publish an app, no, I don't think you can change it. <jgdx> as a security measure IIRC. beuno^ <mivoligo> mzanetti: ping <mzanetti> mivoligo: hey ho <mzanetti> nice snowman :P <mivoligo> mzanetti: :D <mivoligo> mzanetti: something seams to be wrong with city levels, it looks like https://code.launchpad.net/~mpredotka/machines-vs-machines/fix-issues-city-levels wasn't merged properly <mivoligo> mzanetti: I was playing a little today and noticed the city backgrounds were "old" <mzanetti> mivoligo: hmm... seems to be merged fine <mzanetti> what's "old"? <mivoligo> mzanetti: the background are not updated to the proper version <mivoligo> mzanetti: also the sound for the hammer is somehow broken. It sounds like endless tatatatatatatatatata where enemies are around <mzanetti> mivoligo: yeah, most sounds are still broken <mivoligo> mzanetti: ah, ok <mzanetti> mivoligo: it's on my todo. <mzanetti> want to finish those levels first <mzanetti> that soooooo much work :D <mivoligo> mzanetti: I believe so :) <mzanetti> but I'm at level 25 now :) only the underwater world left <mzanetti> mivoligo: well, for the city levels, not sure... launchpad says it's merged <mzanetti> and from what I can see it is updated <mzanetti> before the issues were much worse, now it's ok I'd say. some could use a little "move-the-path-upwards" still <mivoligo> mzanetti: I know but for example on level 23, when you put a tower next to the heart it looks like it's enough space for one more tower below <mzanetti> mivoligo: yep, but I think you simply didn't fix that (yet) :) <mzanetti> mivoligo: there's some more with that issue <mivoligo> mzanetti: :D <mivoligo> I'm sure I did <mivoligo> mzanetti: maybe I did mess up with the branch though <mzanetti> I know when I merged that branch I checked them out and thought: Ok, it's better, still a bit odd at times <mzanetti> maybe you didn't commit all your local changes? <mivoligo> hmm, might be that <mivoligo> I don't have that branch anymore localy <mzanetti> mivoligo: looking at the diff, it only has changes for level 16 - 20 <mzanetti> that branch doesn't touch level 23 at all <mivoligo> mzanetti: I think it was before we decided to have 6 levels of one theme <mzanetti> ah, right <mivoligo> mzanetti: ok, I pulled that branch and checked. It's my fault. Images are in the old version :D <mivoligo> mzanetti: as you said I probably didn't commit changes <mzanetti> :/ <mzanetti> mivoligo: hopefully you still have them around <mzanetti> was it a lot of work? <mivoligo> mzanetti: yes, I have them <mzanetti> ok, great :) <mivoligo> I'll push it later on <mivoligo> mzanetti: I don't know though, how you could think it was better than before :D <mzanetti> haha <mzanetti> I think I checked out the first two city levels and the island seems to have moved a little <mzanetti> tbh I did think "Meh... there's still room for improvement" but I didn't want to complain <mivoligo> mzanetti: please do complain <mzanetti> :) <mivoligo> mzanetti: I think there are more problems when people are kind than honest <mivoligo> mzanetti: ok, I'm off, I'll try to push the fix for it tonight. Can't wait to play the finished version! <mzanetti> hehe, same here <mzanetti> see you <dholbach> davidcalle, I just ran linkchecker again and it looks like there's a lot of 404 links to "Guides (redirect)" <davidcalle> dholbach, arg, I honestly don't know what's wrong with this page :/ <dholbach> <li class=""> <dholbach> <a href="ubuntu-webapps-guide" class="">Guides (redirect)</a> <dholbach> </li> <dholbach> not sure where that comes from <dholbach> davidcalle, I'll change the entry in the menu column from yes to no <dholbach> davidcalle, and maybe the link should be something other than "ubuntu-webapps-guide" <davidcalle> dholbach, hmm, I have an issue with my cache, I'm sure I fixed both ^ yesterday, I see a lot of menu items that shouldn't be there anymore and I'm constantly logged out. <dholbach> mhall119, ^ do you know? <dholbach> davidcalle, I get logged out too every now and then <dholbach> davidcalle, grrr, I had thought I had fixed it now, but the link showed up again <dholbach> hum <davidcalle> dholbach, I know, It's bugging me since yesterday, every now and then I go back to it and try <dholbach> mhall119, do we still have a copy of the /showdown page somewhere? <dholbach> https://web.archive.org/web/20140824034446/http://developer.ubuntu.com/showdown/ unfortunately is only up to 2014-08-24 <mardy> mzanetti: hi! I want to build the click of reminders-app, but QtCreator complains about the build dir, which is not present in the chroot; I think I followed all of the steps in README.md... What am I missing? <mardy> mzanetti: it's the first time I cross-build something with qtcreator, so I might be missing some packages, or some steps that you took for granted <mhall119> dholbach: I don't think so, was it not in the list of pages to get copied over? <dholbach> mhall119, no, doesn't look like it <mhall119> dholbach: hmm, I may have something in an export... * dholbach crosses fingers <mhall119> dholbach: no luck, all of my exports are from 2013 <dholbach> now's probably good time to delete them ;-) <mhall119> the ones from 2012 too :) <mhall119> I wonder if the old DB is still around <mzanetti> mardy: hey <mzanetti> mardy: so, delete the CMakeLists.txt.user (if any) and open the main CMakeLists.txt in qtcreator <mzanetti> mardy: it will ask you for what kits you want to build <mzanetti> in there you'll have "Desktop" and you should have something like "ubuntu sdk 15.04" <mzanetti> so far alright? <mardy> mzanetti: I have 14.10, is that good enough? <mzanetti> yes <mzanetti> mardy: select that <mardy> mzanetti: yep,selected <mzanetti> then, if you just run it, does it give you a error? <mardy> mzanetti: yes, let me paste it <dholbach> mhall119, hum... so what do you suggest we do about the /showdown pages? <mardy> mzanetti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9687982 <mzanetti> mardy: hmm... haven't seen this before... let me try <mhall119> dholbach: if it's just /showdown/ we can put something up with temporary content for now <dholbach> mhall119, in the past there was /showdown/apps <mardy> mzanetti: what do you have in your "Build directory" field? <dholbach> mhall119, and there was /showdown/rules as well <mhall119> right... <dholbach> mhall119, for now I could just take the last blog entry, put it on /showdown with a few modifications <mhall119> /showdown/apps we can do away with <dholbach> and make the other redirects to /showdown <mhall119> that'll work for now <mhall119> I'm checking one last place I might have a copy <dholbach> ok cool <mzanetti> mardy: /home/mzanetti/Develop/build-reminders-app-UbuntuSDK_for_armhf_GCC_ubuntu_sdk_14_10_utopic-Default <mzanetti> the default, generated by QtC <mhall119> darn, Feb 2014 is the newest... <dholbach> ok, I'll take a look at it <dholbach> thanks <mzanetti> mardy: interesting is the first line of your paste <mzanetti> mardy: here it says: 15:58:44: Running steps for project com.ubuntu.reminders... <mzanetti> instead of 15:58:44: Running steps for trunk... <mzanetti> zbenjamin: do you know what's going on with mardy's QtC? <mzanetti> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9687982 <zbenjamin> yes <zbenjamin> the click chroots do only support projects in ~ <mzanetti> heh <mzanetti> aha! <zbenjamin> its not QtC its click <zbenjamin> well maybe you can configure them to mount /media <zbenjamin> then it would work as well <mzanetti> that's helpful. thanks zbenjamin. I didn't know that <zbenjamin> np <mardy> zbenjamin: ah, thanks, I'll copy the project somewhere else then <mardy> mzanetti: now it fails with this: /bin/sh: 1: INTLTOOL_MERGE-NOTFOUND: not found <mardy> mzanetti: but I just installed intltool into the chroot, or at least I think so... <mzanetti> mardy: that should work then... <mzanetti> mardy: open qtcreator's tools -> options <mzanetti> go to ubuntu, select the chroot, click maintainance <mzanetti> install it in there <mardy> mzanetti: yep, I did so, but still it didn't pick it up; but now it's OK, after wiping out the build dir completely <mzanetti> mardy: Build -> Run cmake <mzanetti> that should help too <JoannisO> Hey! I'm trying to develop a QT app so I selected in the SDK the template "App with QML Extension Library" since that seemed most fit. Instead of a project I see "CMakeLists.txt" as a project with a project-folder icon. I can't edit my project files from the editor now. <bzoltan> JoannisO: cmake project is a valid project type ... do you prefer qmake projects? <JoannisO> It's not that I don't want a cmake project. I can't edit the files from the editor unless I open the filesystem tab. But when I try to compile it it says "No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop." <bzoltan> JoannisO: if yes, then there is a solution for you. You will need to set up the SDK PPA (that you might have done already) and create a 15.04 click chroot <JoannisO> I think the editor misunderstands the CMakeLists.txt as project file. <bzoltan> JoannisO: OK, that is a known problem. Go to the Tools->Options... -> Ubuntu tab <JoannisO> I'm there. <bzoltan> JoannisO: Hit the Maintain button of the click chroot you want to use <JoannisO> Okay. <JoannisO> Do I "apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade"? <bzoltan> JoannisO: an dinstall the intltool package <bzoltan> JoannisO: but the "general messages" window in the QtCreator tells you why the cmake failed <JoannisO> I can't find the general messages but it works now. Thanks a lot! <bzoltan> JoannisO: no probs :) <renatu> popey, hi, could you help me to find somebody to review this: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/quick-memo/fix-item-focus/+merge/245761 <ahayzen> t1mp, ping <AkivaAvraham> Can you use qprocess in qml apps, or will it always be blocked by apparmor? <popey> renatu: stefano is the only guy working on that app - it's his own. <renatu> popey, what is his nick? <popey> renatu: sverzegnassi <renatu> popey, thanks <popey> np <renatu> sverzegnassi, could you take a look on this mr: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/quick-memo/fix-item-focus/+merge/245761 <taiebot> Hi all. I am looking for a charitable man. I am struggling with this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+bug/1323837. I had to live with a non working phone for the holiday period due to this bug (2 weeks with no network :-(). But i have found an app designed for meego which could solve my problem. I would love if someone could port it to UT. It is written in qml so hopefully not to difficult to por <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1323837 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Sim toolkit is not available on UT" [Wishlist,Triaged] <AkivaAvraham> taiebot, I'm charitable, but I don't own a phone ~ <taiebot> The app can be found here. https://gitorious.org/meego-ux/meego-app-satk/source/6296ebb569697c5a80ee6b518ccf8c331d7cb840:doc/sim_toolkit_design_draft.txt#L1 <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, o/ <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, o/ <AkivaAvraham> brb in 40 minutes. <DS-McGuire> ok :) <taiebot> AkivaAvraham i suppose a phone is needed to do this <AkivaAvraham> taiebot, indeed - good luck with your quest. <t1mp> ahayzen: hi <ahayzen> t1mp, i see that bug 1341814 is possibly fixed :) ... however i assume it is only on vivid? ... so is there a workaround we can use now we know what the issue was? <ubot5> bug 1341814 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "Using search in the header can sometimes have a text field from a different tab" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1341814 <t1mp> ahayzen: yes, gcollura fixed it :) <ahayzen> t1mp, :) ... i'm trying at the moment to copy what the patch is but from the actual app <gcollura> ahayzen, I'm coming to rescue you :) give me a sec <t1mp> hmm seems that the branch with the fix is not linked to the bug? <ahayzen> gcollura, thanks :) <ahayzen> ..oh yeah the one i'm looking at has been superseded <gcollura> ahayzen, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1400297/comments/4 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1400297 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "PageHeadState doens't correctly update head.contents" [Undecided,Fix committed] <ahayzen> gcollura, awesome thanks i'll try it :D <gcollura> t1mp, for a unknown reason the bug didn't get linked when I re-requested the MP with the new branch <t1mp> ok the branch is linked to the bugs now <ahayzen> t1mp, thanks <gcollura> ahayzen, you will see some warning though, related to 'cannot anchors to something which is not parent/sibling', don't worry everything works anyway <ahayzen> gcollura, just because i'm interested why did it get changed to a QtObject {} ? <t1mp> gcollura: great, thanks for the comment <gcollura> ahayzen, to make it not accessible from the outside <ahayzen> gcollura, cool that makes sense :) <gcollura> aka 'private member' <gcollura> t1mp, yw <ahayzen> yeah <t1mp> ahayzen: because https://code.launchpad.net/~gcollura/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-1341814-and-1400297/+merge/245552/comments/606247 <ahayzen> t1mp, thanks <gcollura> ahayzen, if you see some weird errors/bugs ping me please :) <ahayzen> gcollura, awesome it seems to be working :) ... bring on searching/filtering in the music-app :D <gcollura> ahayzen, :D great! <gcollura> ahayzen, do you get a warning like QML TextField: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling. in the app output? <ahayzen> gcollura, no ... <ahayzen> gcollura, it seems to be working ok so far (i'm sure my reviewers will find something though lol) <ahayzen> gcollura, i have a mp here if your interested https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/add-sdk-search-support-002/+merge/245787 <gcollura> ahayzen, ok good, I get this warning only while using my workaround with ubuntu-sdk-14.10 weird <gcollura> with staging branch everything is fine <ahayzen> gcollura, :) i'm on utopic desktop... at which point do you get it? <ahayzen> and rtm device <gcollura> ahayzen, when the head.contents get changed by a State <ahayzen> gcollura, hmm at the moment we either have a page with searching and no other actions... or a page with actions and no searching :) <ahayzen> gcollura, so maybe thats wht i don't see it...but we may have both soon <gcollura> ahayzen, if you run my sample code attached to the bug report you can see what I am talking about <ahayzen> gcollura, oh yeah weird i don't see that <gcollura> ahayzen, this is an issue of my workaround + trusty toolkit, this doesn't occur on the staging branch <gcollura> nothing to worry about :) <ahayzen> gcollura, but i get it with your code but not with mine <ahayzen> gcollura, if i remove the ... contents: Label { text: searchPage.title } ... then it is fine <ahayzen> ...and i don't think you need it anyway? <gcollura> ahayzen, I used a Label there as a placeholder <gcollura> I could have used a more complex component, like the header we use in telegram <ahayzen> ah yes that is more complex <t1mp> in PageHeadStyle there is a binding that binds contents.anchors.fill to its parent (contentsContainer), maybe that is related to the error <t1mp> but that binding should only be active while your Label is the Page.head.contents <t1mp> hmm.. <t1mp> maybe its value is not being unset when it is no longer the contents of the header. <t1mp> gcollura: you are not using the deprecated tools property or Page.__customHeaderContents (also deprecated) right? <gcollura> no t1mp <t1mp> okay. I don't know then why you get those warnings <ahayzen> t1mp, is there a known bug for where the search bar doesn't fill the width of the header after navigating to a page with 3+ actions and then back to one that only has 1 ? <AkivaAvraham> ahayzen, hey do you know if you can run qprocess in qml apps? <AkivaAvraham> ahayzen, rather, on the touch? <AkivaAvraham> erm let me be more clear, <ahayzen> AkivaAvraham, QProcess ? <AkivaAvraham> will app armor allow you to run qprocess? <AkivaAvraham> ahayzen, yah, the qt library for executing system commands. <ahayzen> AkivaAvraham, idk try it or ask jdstrand <AkivaAvraham> I tried it, i'm getting an apparmor log denying the attempt to "exec" the process. <AkivaAvraham> jdstrand, any idea whether I can get this app to work? Its just executing youtube-dl <t1mp> ahayzen: no, there is no bug report for that <ahayzen> t1mp, ok cool i'll make a mini app and report a bug :) <t1mp> ahayzen: thanks! <t1mp> ahayzen: please include the code of the mini app in the report <ahayzen> t1mp, will do :) <ahayzen> t1mp, bug 1408481 <ubot5> bug 1408481 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "Header contents not full width after navigating to a page with more actions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1408481 <ahayzen> t1mp, your probably gonna tell me my code is wrong ;) <t1mp> ahayzen: yes, don't use tools ;) <ahayzen> t1mp, tools ... <t1mp> I mean this tools: WorldTabTools { <t1mp> objectName: "worldTab_tools" <t1mp> } <ahayzen> t1mp, oh you mean tools: WorldTabTools { ? that is from the qtc template arg i'll remove it <t1mp> ohh.. <ahayzen> t1mp, i'll push a new one up, and it still occurs without it <t1mp> zbenjamin: ^ remove the tools from the qtc template please :) <ahayzen> t1mp, but yeah that doesn't affect it, the issue is still there <zbenjamin> t1mp: we accept patches you know ;) <t1mp> zbenjamin: what's the project for the templates? to report a bug <t1mp> ahayzen: okay. That's what I guessed. I will check out the bug tomorrow <zbenjamin> t1mp: the project is called "bugs_for_timp" <ahayzen> t1mp, cool thanks <t1mp> zbenjamin: no, that's a secret project with only supercool new stuff <zbenjamin> ;) * t1mp going offline now. cu tomorrow. <ahayzen> balloons, ping #ubuntu-app-devel 2015-01-08 <dholbach> good morning <justCarakas> good morning dholbach <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Joy Germ Day! :-D <mivoligo> mzanetti: hi, I did push fixed city backgrounds last night. The level with added island is included there, so you don't have to merge "level-24-fix" branch <mzanetti> mivoligo: hi <mzanetti> mivoligo: so basically I should merge another-fix-for-city-levels and discard the other? <mivoligo> yes <mzanetti> mivoligo: ok, can you delete the level-24-fix then and link the bug report to the another-fix-for-city-levels please? <mivoligo> mzanetti: sure <mzanetti> thanks <mivoligo> mzanetti: done <mzanetti> :) <mzanetti> mivoligo: I hope I'll finish all levels this weekend <mzanetti> mivoligo: only thing left is the info/about page then I guess <mivoligo> mzanetti: great! <mivoligo> mzanetti: and settings <mzanetti> right... <mivoligo> mzanetti: oh, and the tower info modal dialog <mzanetti> mivoligo: ? <mivoligo> mzanetti: now, when you click the tower info, you could see the game pause modal dialog under info one <mivoligo> mzanetti: hmm, I thought I did show you that <mivoligo> mzanetti: http://screencloud.net/v/hQRI <mzanetti> hmm, no, haven't seen that <mzanetti> mivoligo: can you please report a bug? <mivoligo> mzanetti: ok, I'll do that <dholbach> so in the past the default app template in the sdk had a "components/" directory - but not any more - what's the canonical place for components you add throughout the development process? <bzoltan> dholbach: I do not think we have a canonical place for components ... <dholbach> bzoltan, so "dump everything in ."? <nik90_> dholbach: I think it just became a standard practice for developers to put components inside "/components" folder <bzoltan> dholbach: sounds silly , but yes, that is an option too... even if it would be ugly. <dholbach> nik90_, the default app template used to have a HelloComponent in components/ <nik90_> true <dholbach> so in a training example I could just say "remove the HelloComponent, now add yours in there" <dholbach> but I wasn't quite sure what the new place for this was <dholbach> so I should tell them to "add the components/ directory"? <nik90_> it really depends on which kind of project they are using (cmake, qmake, qmlproject) since while using cmake, people tend to put all their top level directories into "app" <nik90_> so the components would be in app/components <nik90_> but it is good to encourage putting all components into a single folder for better project organization <dholbach> ok, cool, I'll add some more docs to tell them to create a components/ dir <mihir> hey nik90_ happy new year :) <nik90_> mihir: happy new year <nik90_> Hope you had a nice vacation <mihir> nik90_: yup it was nice , was little busy in changing my Job :| <nik90_> Ah <nik90_> Well you were preparing for the next year <mihir> hehe , yes , finally I cleared it an now have to move to Bangalore from my home town. <dholbach> mhall119, I'm updating https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/qml/tutorials/building-your-first-qml-app/ - I guess we can require 14.04 now, right? <dholbach> the current code in lp:ubuntu-sdk-tutorials won't even build in an armhf kit any more <dholbach> mhall119, I need some help... on https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/qml/tutorials/building-your-first-qml-app/ is the whole table definition for line numbers necessary? <dholbach> like one column for lines with lines of <div> entries for each line number? <dholbach> or will something like putting "gutter: true" somewhere make it work as well? :) <elopio> kenvandine: jgdx: http://pad.ubuntu.com/less-flaky <elopio> hey, I got only two remaining problems! <kenvandine> elopio, woot <popey> nik90_: are the issues you identified in this merge now fixed to your satisfaction? (i.e. can you approve it?) https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/NewDayView-Final/+merge/242346 <nik90_> popey: sure, will do <popey> thanks! <mhall119> dholbach: looking now <DS-McGuire> Can anybody do a test for me? I have just released my simple HTML5 app into the store and I would like someone to just test it works on a device since I don't have one anymore. https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/1378/ <dholbach> mhall119, no worries - I figured it out <mhall119> I was just about to say, everything there looks correct to me :) <DS-McGuire> popey, Would you do me a solid? ^^ <aquarius> DS-McGuire, I can't tell what app that is; only you can see that page. <DS-McGuire> aquarius, Oh god damnit haha! The app's name in the store is Golf Score Card <popey> DS-McGuire: sure <aquarius> DS-McGuire, testing now <DS-McGuire> popey, Thanks, I tested it on my desktop but I have had trouble getting the emulator running. <DS-McGuire> Thanks :) <aquarius> DS-McGuire, although, to be clear, I am no golfer. I think Somerset Maugham called it "a good walk spoiled", and I'm with him. You want willcooke for golf stuff :) <aquarius> DS-McGuire, first thing: on the starting screen, it's called "app", and it shouldn't be; it should be called "Golf Score Card". <popey> DS-McGuire: doesn't launch here <DS-McGuire> aquarius, Hahah! Neither am I. <aquarius> DS-McGuire, second, it's taking a very long time to start indeed; I suspect it may be broken somehow. <popey> http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2015-01-08-162740.png <popey> i get that <aquarius> me too <aquarius> yep. <aquarius> DS-McGuire, I'd work on getting the emulator up and running if I were you. <DS-McGuire> Well this started off well. haha! Thanks guys! I will the emulator working and pull the app from the store for the time being. Thanks anyway! <aquarius> I shall refrain from reviewing it in the store, but you may want to withdraw it from the store until you're confident it's fixed. <aquarius> aha,cool :) <popey> +1 <DS-McGuire> :) Thanks again! <popey> np <DS-McGuire> lmao! What is the password for the emulator? * popey runs up to mzanetti and cuddles him tightly <popey> mzanetti: offline reminders! <mzanetti> :) <popey> got bored at christmas? <mzanetti> popey: you're the first to notice it, like 3 weeks after I sent the mail <mzanetti> I implemented this in nov + dec <popey> I was on holiday ☻ <popey> haha <popey> to be fair balloons noticed it and pinged me <popey> its a bit nice! <mzanetti> ok, yes. he even prepped a click package <mzanetti> now lets see when dpm gets into publishing mood again :) the current published reminders version is like a year old : <mzanetti> :D <Elleo> ooh, offline support in reminders? awesome :) <mzanetti> and much more <mzanetti> you can even use it without evernote account now <Elleo> I still have to switch to my Jolla for evernote stuff a lot of the time at the moment, since I'm usually make notes while on the tube with no network <Elleo> getting rid of that limitation is a big plus for me :) <mzanetti> Elleo: forwarded you a mail <popey> Elleo: we put podbird as recommended app in the store for you. <popey> no pressure <aquarius> DS-McGuire, 0000 <mzanetti> (make sure to read it bottom up, as I made the mistake of top-posting) <DS-McGuire> aquarius, Thank you! hahaa! <Elleo> popey: heh, thanks, now I'll have to actually implement all the things I promised people :P <aquarius> Elleo, aha, I wanted to ask you about that -- I subscribe to a podcast in podbird and it doesn't show any episodes :( <popey> :D <Elleo> aquarius: probably my hacky feed parser choking on something, let me know the feed and I'll look into it :) <Elleo> mzanetti: thanks, will have a play with the new stuff :) <aquarius> Elleo, Bad Voltage feed... <Elleo> aquarius: that's odd, that one works for me <aquarius> Elleo, that's why I'm mentioning it :) <aquarius> oh! now it's populated! <aquarius> I pulled to refresh a few times <aquarius> you might want to distinguish between "still fetching" and "have fetched and there isn't anything"> <aquarius> Elleo, and you're not unescaping output right; first line of uupc S07E38 has an unescaped &#8217; quote mark in it <aquarius> but now I can have a play with it, hooray :) <Elleo> aquarius: well the spinner should display until its finished fetching <Elleo> aquarius: so I think something else is going funny there <Elleo> aquarius: might be failing to update the displayed model after importing stuff I guess <aquarius> Elleo, ya, not sure, but there's *something* going on. <Elleo> so going out of it and back in might have been what made it display * aquarius listens to today's BV ) <aquarius> :) <Elleo> heh <Elleo> I haven't listened to the whole thing yet but I had a listen to mhall119's interview earlier <aquarius> and mhall119 was excellent, I thought * mhall119 *blushed* <Elleo> yeah, it was very good <Elleo> he handled your 'orrible lot well ;) <mhall119> they weren't all horrible <mhall119> Lunduke was quite charming <mhall119> I nearly fell for his seductive voice at the end <Elleo> heh <mhall119> no idea what was up with the puppet though.... <balloons> mzanetti, yes /i've been playing with reminders trying to break it, etc. i should give more feedback today i hope <mzanetti> cool :) <DS-McGuire> What framework should be using for a HTML5 app? <elopio> bfiller: are you or one from your team going to join us? <elopio> kenvandine: jgdx ^? <kenvandine> elopio, oh... sorry, i can't connect to google hangouts, calendar or gmail atm... <kenvandine> cable modem suckage... to much packet loss <kenvandine> i worked from a coffee shop until i ran out of power :/ <kenvandine> but back home now connected to the internet with what feels like a string and 2 cans <bfiller> elopio: see my email, we are not going to attend today <elopio> ok. <DS-McGuire> Can anybody help me with this? : :-1: error: security_policy_version_matches_framework (app.apparmor): 1.1 != 1.2 (ubuntu-sdk-14.10-html) <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, o/ <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, o/ <AkivaAvraham> i'm pretty new to app armor, <AkivaAvraham> it looks like you need to adjust your framework. <AkivaAvraham> erm <DS-McGuire> should it be 15.04? <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, I don't know... I had something similar to this earlier; I ended up recreating my project under a different framework. The emulator otherwise wouldnt run my app. <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, I have the exact same problem! My app wont run. it works on the desktop fine. I get so confused with the frameworks. <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, yah it needs to be documented better. <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, I was able to get it to work btw when I tried a different framework <AkivaAvraham> I forgot how I figured out which one was right though. <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, Do you know which one? <DS-McGuire> Oh, haha! <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, still annoying though because app-armor wouldnt allow my program to run, due to a exec. <AkivaAvraham> I posted a question on ask ubuntu, no answers :( <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, This is a nightmare. <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, I agree. <DS-McGuire> mhall119, Any insight? <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, I really got to get off reddit and get back into the swing of things. <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, I know that feeling ahha! <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, okay this day forward. No more reddit except ubuntuappdev <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, haha! Yes! <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, okay firefox closed! <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, what you working on today btw? <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, It's a simple golf score card written in HTML5. Even though I don't like writing in HTML5 anymore I wanted to finish it. <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, ah cool <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, the other day, I made a youtube music extractor app. Wouldnt work on the phone though because of app armor <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, We need to figure out how to use app armor :/ <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, you know how to give yourself permissions? <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, What do you mean? <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, oh I remember now <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, to set your framework <AkivaAvraham> go to manifest.json <DS-McGuire> Yeah in there :P <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, the security policy groups... I don't think there is one that allows for command execution. <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, Hmm, I think you are right. <DS-McGuire> Would developer mode have anything to do with it? <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, hmmmmm i'll try <jdstrand> if you ship the extractor in your click you can execute it <AkivaAvraham> jdstrand, the extractor? <jdstrand> the app is chdir'd to the install directory <jdstrand> maybe I was responding to the wrong thing <jdstrand> AkivaAvraham: what do you want to execute? <AkivaAvraham> jdstrand, youtube-dl <jdstrand> what is that? <AkivaAvraham> its a python script, extracts youtube videos <AkivaAvraham> theres a package in your repos <jdstrand> ok, so you can execute anything in your click install directory <jdstrand> but you can't call out to interpreter's like python <jdstrand> so you'd need to ship that interpreter and execute it to execute your python script <AkivaAvraham> jdstrand, well it is executed like, "youtube-dl -xi myurl <AkivaAvraham> jdstrand, ah okay right, <AkivaAvraham> jdstrand, like the fellow did with python. <AkivaAvraham> java* <jdstrand> yes <jdstrand> that's because there isn't currently a framework defined for python (or java) <AkivaAvraham> jdstrand, anything I can do to help that? <AkivaAvraham> Well at least I now know what to do :P <gcollura> is there a way to track screen fps? <elopio> kenvandine: it's all yours: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-system-settings/my_less_flaky/+merge/245902 <kenvandine> elopio, woot! <kenvandine> i'll look at it <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, I'm happy you kept the SABDFL's :) <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, I am glad you're happy with it :) <ahayzen> gcollura, there is a performance overlay <gcollura> ahayzen, I know, but I don't recall it showed fps <ahayzen> gcollura, it shows time to draw a frame? so you could calculate it * gcollura checks again <ahayzen> gcollura, you should be < 16ms for florian to be happy :) <dobey> why would the sdk complain that manifest.json is missing from the .ubuntu-sdk-deploy directory when trying to build a click, when the file is clearly there (as proven by running ls)? <ahayzen> gcollura, you can also use the Analyze part of QtCreator then that'll give you the frame rate if you click on the render time part <ahayzen> gcollura, this may be of use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpU6md2mMFs skip to ~3:40 for 'how to measure' <gcollura> under < 16 ms? :o <ahayzen> gcollura, yep :) we managed to get most of music to that :D <gcollura> wow this line make miracles http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mhall119/ureadit/2.0/view/head:/components/MultiColumnListView.qml#L90 <DS-McGuire> Can someone please tell me what Click Build Target I am suppose to use before I pull my teeth out! <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, mmmmm the one your system is running. <AkivaAvraham> I think <ahayzen> gcollura, yep :) <gcollura> ahayzen, do you think can I get anything better? http://imgur.com/a/vqsOb <ahayzen> gcollura, we incubate things, load things in async and hide anythign that is offscreen <DS-McGuire> So 14.04? AkivaAvraham Even though I want to deploy it to 15.04 Ubuntu touch phones? <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, I think you do that in publishing. <ahayzen> gcollura, get it to zero ;) ... joking... it looks good so far, are you using qtc to analyse what is making it slow? <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, Can you explain? <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, again; I'm very not sure on this, but <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, lets say you have a i386 emulator <AkivaAvraham> so for running the app on that emulator, you would build i386 * DS-McGuire is listening <AkivaAvraham> if you had an arm emulator, you would build it with arm. <AkivaAvraham> you would run the arm build on the arm emulator. <gcollura> ahayzen, not yet, mostly because on the desktop I can't really see the difference in rendering speed <AkivaAvraham> you could not run arm on your desktop, because your desktop is x_64 or whatever <ahayzen> gcollura, you can analyse the device through qtc as well <AkivaAvraham> x86_64 <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, That all makes sense with the emulator, but what about when I publish to the store? <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, then I think, and Ive never published to the store, and ive been corrected before <AkivaAvraham> but i think then, you create a build for each platform you wish to target, then build a click package for it and release them all to the store. <beuno> DS-McGuire, so <AkivaAvraham> I'm sure I'm wrong somewhere in this explanation. <beuno> if your app is compiled <beuno> you'll need to create a "fat" click package <DS-McGuire> Of course, I forgot about click. <beuno> to support as many architectures as possible <beuno> in the same click package <AkivaAvraham> oh interesting :) <beuno> if it's pure QML, you can ignore that part <beuno> just pick any target, it'll be fine <beuno> lp:click-reviewers-tools will find issues with your package before uploading <beuno> if it is compiled, here's some tips on fat packages: http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2014/12/creating-mutli-arch-click-packages.html <DS-McGuire> beuno, My app is HTML5, I uploaded it to the store however it does't load. I have tried 14.04, 14.10 and 15.04 and none of them work, any idea why? <beuno> DS-McGuire, k, so not compiled <beuno> DS-McGuire, you upload it to the store, it passes all the checks <beuno> and when you install it from the store, it doesn't work? <DS-McGuire> beuno, Yes. <beuno> the store doesn't change the click package in any way, it leaves the binary intact <DS-McGuire> No, both popey and someone else tried it and it didn't load. When I downloaded it and installed it onm y emulator it also didn't work. <beuno> I don't know why it wouldn't work, I'd suggest taking that same click, and pushing it to a device or the emulator <beuno> debug there <beuno> the store doesn't change it at all, so if the click works when sideloaded, it'll work from the store <DS-McGuire> beuno, It never worked when I tried it out on a device/emulator, only worked running it via the desktop. <beuno> oh <beuno> so that's why, no? <beuno> those environments are very different <DS-McGuire> Yeah, sorry that's what I mean't. <beuno> chances are <beuno> there are missing dependencies <beuno> that are available on the desktop and not on touch <DS-McGuire> Would app amour have anything to do with it? <beuno> it might, depending on how you're running the click package <beuno> if you're running it directly, you might be skipping confinment on the desktop <DS-McGuire> Hmm, <beuno> I'm not sure how to debug at that level <DS-McGuire> I was getting error: security_policy_version however I could still build a click package from it. <beuno> jdstrand might be able to guide you <DS-McGuire> I was getting confused as weather I should be using a 14.04 target or a 15.04. <beuno> if the store accepted it, then it wouldn't of had that error <beuno> I need to drop off, G+ might be a good place to throw it at, there's a touch appdev community <DS-McGuire> beuno, Come to think of it I might of had that error after messing around a bit. <DS-McGuire> beuno, Thanks, I do know of that community, I also built the sub reddit /r/UbuntuAppDev so I will post it in there as well. <AkivaAvraham> beuno, thanks; I appreciated your insight <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, when we get this figured out, we will have to create a guide for this. <DS-McGuire> beuno, Yes thank you! <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, Dear God, yes! <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, right now, I'm trying to figure out how to bundle a python interpreter. <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, Way out of my league haha! <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, Would should work on something together! <AkivaAvraham> indeed we should. <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, one thing that is on my list, is creating a plugin for autopilot3. <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, That sounds quite hard for me but I am willing to give it a shit :) <DS-McGuire> **** SHOT <AkivaAvraham> :o <DS-McGuire> hahah! Sorry <AkivaAvraham> ive been going through the c++ qt doc from the beginning to hopefully the end. Its helped given me a much better understanding of so much. <AkivaAvraham> DS-McGuire, anyways if you come up with an app idea, we should tackle it together, and push it out the door. <gcollura> ahayzen, I can get qtcreator to connect to my device, anyway does replacing the item with an empty rectangle really help? if the item isn't drawn at all, because its opacity is 0, why should we care if it's empty or full? <DS-McGuire> AkivaAvraham, Sounds good to me. I will grab some food and see what I can do :) <ahayzen> gcollura, replacing a transparent rectangle with an item does help a tiny bit <ahayzen> gcollura, or do u mean actually hiding items? <gcollura> ahayzen, I am talking about this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mhall119/ureadit/2.0/view/head:/components/MultiColumnListView.qml#L101 <ahayzen> Kaleo, what was the environment variable to disable the JIT cache on device again? (the one we could never remember in washington) <ahayzen> gcollura, idk maybe... i would have thought just making it visible: false would be enough? <gcollura> ahayzen, that's what I thought too <ahayzen> gcollura, this may also be a helpful read https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/QtQuick.qtquick-visualcanvas-scenegraph-renderer/ <gcollura> ahayzen, I've already read it :) <ahayzen> gcollura, especially the 'visualizing' section :) <ahayzen> gcollura, ah cool :) <AkivaAvraham> jdstrand, just curious; for bundling a python interpreter, do I want to look into using static libraries, or will that not work? <jdstrand> static libraries would work fine <jdstrand> well <jdstrand> static binaries <AkivaAvraham> jdstrand, thank you :) <AkivaAvraham> jdstrand, is this the best way to do it? <gcollura> ahayzen, actually setting visible to false when out of the screen, may cause some trouble in repeaters/listviews <ahayzen> gcollura, they should actually do it themselves? <ahayzen> gcollura, and in our custom columnflow we set them to false <gcollura> if you set the opacity to 0, it's as good as making it invisible I think <jdstrand> AkivaAvraham: I've not shipped an interpreter in a click before. that said, it might be easiest to take the python binary from the Ubuntu release you are targeting, then run ldd on it and copy all those libs into your click (with the python binary), then launch the interpreter with the appropriate LD_LIBRARY_PATH <akiva-thinkpad> jdstrand, interesting! <akiva-thinkpad> jdstrand, one last question; do I want to do ldd in cmake, or do it via qprocess? <akiva-thinkpad> nvm <dobey> akiva-thinkpad: talk to zyga about shipping python click packages <akiva-thinkpad> dobey, thanks <dobey> he's done a lot of work in that area <Kaleo> ahayzen, I don't remember! <ahayzen> Kaleo, lol :) <akiva-thinkpad> dobey, He has an app with a python interpreter? <akiva-thinkpad> maybe I can branch his code, and create a template <dobey> akiva-thinkpad: yes, the checkbox app <ahayzen> Kaleo, do you know who may know? <akiva-thinkpad> dobey, okay great, am forking it now <Kaleo> ahayzen, yes, ricmm <ahayzen> Kaleo, thanks <dobey> anyone know about sdk complaining about missing manifest.json when trying to build a click package? <akiva-thinkpad> dobey, are you missing the manifest.json? <akiva-thinkpad> :) <kenvandine> elopio, you are my new hero! <dobey> akiva-thinkpad: i am actually not, which is why i am confused :) <dobey> akiva-thinkpad: if it were actually missing, i'd have some idea of where to look at least :-/ <akiva-thinkpad> dobey, Hold on, let me call a mac genius. <ahayzen> gcollura, are you using that multicolumnlistview mhall119 made? <gcollura> ahayzen, no, I'm implementing something similar <ahayzen> gcollura, note we have something similar in music as well lol <ahayzen> gcollura, what are you using yours for? <gcollura> ahayzen, calculator-app <ahayzen> gcollura, a mulitcolumnlist view? ... for the tablet UI or something? <gcollura> ahayzen, no, I'm only looking at the delegate async loading <ahayzen> gcollura, ah <gcollura> ahayzen, I'm already having good results by using opacity: 0 when the item is out of screen and by setting clip: false when not needed <ahayzen> gcollura, :) <ahayzen> gcollura, if you have any hidden actions put them in loaderss <gcollura> tomorrow I'll see if I can include async loading and ask for a MP (in reboot trunk) <ahayzen> gcollura, :) <gcollura> ahayzen, do you mean swipe actions? <ahayzen> gcollura, yeah <gcollura> ahayzen, I'll see tomorrow :) good night and thanks for your help :) <ahayzen> gcollura, no problem :) <ahayzen> balloons, ping #ubuntu-app-devel 2015-01-09 <RuthlessTiger> !help <ubot5> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience <RuthlessTiger> !patience <ubot5> Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ <RuthlessTiger> What is the header name for drawing on QImage? <RuthlessTiger> !cls <RuthlessTiger> !clear <RuthlessTiger> !QImage <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Static Electricity Day! :-D <justCarakas> what a shock JamesTait <JamesTait> Ba-dum, tsch! <justCarakas> ^^ <jgdx> elopio, I found issues with start_session_bus as well. Good investigation <DS-McGuire> I have pushed an app to the store however I can't find it if I boot and an emulator and try and download it. Any idea why? <brendand> DS-McGuire, i don't think it will be available unless it works on all architectures <brendand> DS-McGuire, i.e. html5 or qml only <brendand> DS-McGuire, no compiled code <brendand> DS-McGuire, in the emulator that is <DS-McGuire> brendand, My app is Architecture independent :) I think the problem has been solved in other IRC channel, the problem was it was ubuntu-core-15.04-dev1 and not 14.10 :) <beuno> ah yes <beuno> ubuntu-core is for Snappy * beuno makes crocodile noises <DS-McGuire> I am just wondering, does any one know of any HTML5 apps in the store? <DS-McGuire> I am wondering if it is all HTML5 apps that are having this problem. <ahayzen> popey, o/ ... regarding music can we give QA whatever we have on monday morning? (hopefully by then we will have landed 1 or both of those remaining mps) ... unless you have already given QA the current app <popey> ahayzen: based on your email I haven't given them anything <popey> ahayzen: so yeah, we can pass them a click on monday. <ahayzen> popey, cool thanks, it would be awesome to have searching in an app that is in the store :) <popey> yeah <popey> how close are we with that? <ahayzen> popey, like there are 4 bugs for that 1 mp lol ... i've got a 1 liner to add now... then i wait for victor to tell me its all broken :) <ahayzen> popey, in summary... 'soon' ;) <popey> :D <DS-McGuire> When debugging I have this warning: This project is using the experimental QML API extensions for QtWebKit and is therefore tied to a specific QtWebKit release. Is that something important that would stop my app from running on a device? <gcollura> ahayzen, hey I went down to ~10ms avg in calculator-app :) <ahayzen> gcollura, sweet :) <ahayzen> gcollura, what else did you do? <gcollura> ahayzen, I've used the "replace with a empty item" technique when the delegate is hidden <ahayzen> gcollura, interesting <gcollura> ahayzen, https://code.launchpad.net/~gcollura/ubuntu-calculator-app/reboot-better-scrolling-perf/+merge/245986 <ahayzen> gcollura, awesome :) <gcollura> ahayzen, feel free to leave a review if you see anything wrong :) <ahayzen> gcollura, i didn't see anything wrong...but i need to fix my kits/qtc it doesn't want to deploy cmake's to the device anymore..its fine with qmlproject though lol <ahayzen> gcollura, so i can't analyse the device at the moment :( * ahayzen wonders if jumping to 3.19 kernel has broken something <gcollura> ahayzen, you can create a .click package with click-buddy --provision --framework ubuntu-sdk-14.10 <ahayzen> gcollura, yeah i can do that <ahayzen> gcollura, but i can't do it through qtc...as in i can't 'deploy' an app via qtc, therefore meaning i can't run the analyse? .. unless you can attach to the running one somehow <gcollura> ahayzen, I haven't got any far with qtc yesterday, sorry. Anyway I only use command line tools, sorry :( <aquarius> how do I, from Qt, in an Ubuntu SDK app, get the path to the folder that I'm allowed to write files in? <popey> ahayzen: NICE! <popey> http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2015-01-09-190824.png <popey> http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2015-01-09-190917.png <popey> http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2015-01-09-190926.png <popey> http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2015-01-09-191224.png <popey> \o/ * popey buys beer to celebrate <aquarius> aha, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/platform/guides/app-confinement/ describes how. <ahayzen> popey, sweet :D <ahayzen> popey, hopefully victor will pass it ;) <ahayzen> gcollura, hah no worries ... i usually use qtc and would just hit a big button to do the analyse/deploy stuff ... but i've broken something so i'm back to my manual scripts <aquarius> mardy, ping about online accounts -- is it a correct use of OA to store ssh credentials for connecting to a server in it? <aquarius> or anyone who isn't mardy but knows the answer, of course :) <mardy> aquarius: it's not the intended goal, but I think it could be used for that, too <Guest62528> Hello <mardy> aquarius: but note that on the phone OA is not trying to do any encription <Guest62528> Are there any active developer websites for Ubuntu <mardy> aquarius: IOW, I don't see any compelling reason to use OA versus a plain text file <aquarius> mardy, cheers :) <ahoneybun> yay released 1.8 of uBeginner! popey ahayzen mhall119 <ahayzen> ahoneybun, \o/ <ahoneybun> \0/ <ahayzen> ahoneybun, well done, this is with those splash changes? <ahoneybun> yea ahayzen also added the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, and Ubuntu Touch contribute wiki links! <ahoneybun> also fixed the name to uBeginner on the desktop! <ahayzen> sweet :) <ahoneybun> yep :) <ahoneybun> so some good changes <mhall119> ahoneybun: yay! <ahoneybun> :) mhall119 <ahoneybun> this all started from you mhall119 lol #ubuntu-app-devel 2015-01-10 * ahoneybun would pay someone to make a pebble app for ubuntu touch <ahoneybun> I'm playing with sliders and they keep landing on my buttons or other elements, they have their own rows <AkivaAvraham> ahoneybun, mmm? <AkivaAvraham> ahoneybun, screenshot? <DanChapman> Good Morning all o/ <aquarius> DanChapman, you're pretty good with qmake projects in Qt Creator, right? <DanChapman> aquarius, i know a little qmake.. cmake is more my poison. What's up? <aquarius> ah, OK <aquarius> I'm currently trying to work out how to bend it to my will <aquarius> with difficulty :) <aquarius> basic question: can I make qt creator build for three kits at once? <aquarius> and... can I specify the run settings in a .pro file? <aquarius> if your answer is "dunno, dude, I do cmake" then that's fine :) <DanChapman> aquarius: I have no idea chap <aquarius> DanChapman, cheers, no worries :) <DanChapman> sudo docker run -d -p -p -p -v /srv/vmail:/srv/vmail dovecot:2.1.7 <DanChapman> oops wrong window <MACscr> do i have to specify a distribution when doing my own repo? My packages are for all versions of ubuntu. apt-get update doesnt work unless i specify one though. though it actually fails eventually because the dist folder doesnt exist <mivoligo1> mzanetti: ping <mzanetti> mivoligo1: hey <mzanetti> mivoligo1: still around? <mivoligo1> mzanetti: hey <mzanetti> hi <mivoligo1> mzanetti: you right about the info icon <mivoligo1> mzanetti: it looks depressing ;) <mzanetti> :D <mivoligo1> mzanetti: I put new one into google drive <mzanetti> ok <mzanetti> mivoligo1: I've implemented the info page today <mivoligo1> mzanetti: I've seen it but I had to downgrade ubuntu.components and stuff <mzanetti> I'll never remember which ones you have <mivoligo1> mzanetti: :D <mzanetti> I thought 1.0 would be ok <mivoligo1> I have 14.04 <mivoligo1> and 14.10 in virtualbox but didn't bother to use it <mivoligo1> mzanetti: anyway it looks and works rather good <mzanetti> some small tweaks required still <mzanetti> but yeah, mostly done <mzanetti> mivoligo1: so what's the plan then? 2 settings dialogs, one for audio, one for level pack development <mivoligo1> mzanetti: I've started working on little changes to tower info dialog but I'll probably finish it tomorrow <mzanetti> oh, I changed that too a bit today <mivoligo1> mzanetti: what do you think about dropping ms, fields and others? <mzanetti> yeah, can do that <mzanetti> what about $? <mivoligo1> mzanetti: keep it <mzanetti> mivoligo1: would be nice to have another currency <mzanetti> like an M with double strikeout or so <mivoligo1> mzanetti: yes, some abstract currency would be the best <mivoligo1> mzanetti: about the settings: I'd go just for sound settings for the end user <mivoligo1> mzanetti: the one for levelpack development could be hidden and show up only when someone builds the game on a computer <mzanetti> kk <mivoligo1> mzanetti: what do you think about naming upgraded towers? For example Lighthouse Plus, Lighthouse Extra or something like this? <mzanetti> I'm probably not in the mood any more to do that :D <mzanetti> at least not for the first release <mivoligo1> ok <mivoligo1> mzanetti: so I better show you the concept for tower info :D <mzanetti> :) <mivoligo1> see in the drive modal-dialog-tower-info-v2 <mivoligo1> mzanetti: not finished yet, but I think you get what I mean <willcoding10> hello <mzanetti> mivoligo1: yep <mivoligo1> what do you think? <mzanetti> mivoligo1: yep, looks good <mzanetti> mivoligo1: question: how do you define the colors of the buttons? <mzanetti> i.e. why is the close button here blue when it is grey in all the other modal dialogs? <mivoligo1> mzanetti: close is blue because when you click it, the game will start <mzanetti> mhm <mzanetti> ok <mivoligo1> mzanetti: unlock would be green if we have enough stars for unlocking and grey if we don't <mivoligo1> of course with the different text when we don't have enough stars, just like it is now <mivoligo1> mzanetti: let me know if you don't like it <mivoligo1> mzanetti: ok, I'm off to bed. Have a good night! :) I'll try to be back here tomorrow #ubuntu-app-devel 2015-01-11 <learner> hey guys I have a problem with QT 5.4 qml sample HelloWorld <learner> http://pastebin.com/fEmAPcdK <learner> the menu items only show once <learner> can't bring them up again <AkivaAvraham> learner, hey <AkivaAvraham> let me take a look <learner> thanks <AkivaAvraham> learner, btw; what are you developing for / with? <AkivaAvraham> learner, The ubuntu sdk is an ide for both qml, qt, and c++ <learner> Qt creator that came with Qt 5.4 <AkivaAvraham> learner, are you on linux? <learner> I'm just learning qt after a few years of not having used it <learner> last time i used it it was 2004 <AkivaAvraham> learner, ah cool <learner> yes i'm on ubuntu <AkivaAvraham> learner, did you learn c++? <AkivaAvraham> learner, ah great! <AkivaAvraham> learner, for a better hello world example, download the ubuntu SDK <AkivaAvraham> Ubuntu uses QML by default now, so I think its templates are more developed than Qt's QtQuick ones. <learner> yes AkivaAvraham I used to use qt all the time till 2004, then i started working with ada and primarily developed with ada so I haven't used it for a long time and a lot has changed <AkivaAvraham> learner, so then you understand all the ins and outs of c++, memory management, and all that jazz? <learner> ok that's lovely, I just want to know why these menu items are behaving this way, and i'm more than willing to use another development ide <learner> yes AkivaAvraham <AkivaAvraham> learner, its the same ide, but with ubuntu plugins <learner> ok do i apt-get install them? <AkivaAvraham> :) The only reason I asked, is that there is a great manual for teaching c++ and QT at the same time. I recomend it to newbies, of which you are not :D <AkivaAvraham> yah sorry ! lol, leg me grab it for you <AkivaAvraham> are you on 14.04? <learner> yes <AkivaAvraham> okay cool beans <AkivaAvraham> learner, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa <AkivaAvraham> learner, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk <AkivaAvraham> That should be it. Alternatively, you could grab 15.04, or 14.10, but you'll need the ppa still <AkivaAvraham> erm, I think <AkivaAvraham> learner, also the great thing about the ubuntu sdk, is that we have testing built in, that you can program in python <learner> i'd rather stay on 14.04 until 16.04 comes if possible\ <AkivaAvraham> learner, +1 :D <AkivaAvraham> okay ping me when you got that jazz all ready <learner> will do thanks AkivaAvraham <AkivaAvraham> !ping <ubot5> pong! <learner> AkivaAvraham, it's done installing <AkivaAvraham> okay <AkivaAvraham> learner, i'm on low battery, but i'll be back on in 40 minutes or so. <learner> ok np <AkivaAvraham> alright so lets start <AkivaAvraham> learner, create a new template <AkivaAvraham> choose from one of the ubuntu options. <AkivaAvraham> learner, there are two types of templates, and one of them is handled by CMake, which allows you to use Qt and C++. <AkivaAvraham> If you are planning pure qml though; that isn't neccessary. <learner> no i'm doing a c++ project <learner> going to write a webserver + web contents + APIs <AkivaAvraham> learner,but you want QML though, right? <learner> yes <AkivaAvraham> okay then <AkivaAvraham> one sec <learner> I want multiple representations <learner> so i'll have these interfaces that will be implemented differently <learner> the web interfaces will display using html, and desktop/mobile interfaces using qml <AkivaAvraham> learner, okay, go new file or project > Ubuntu > "App with QML Extension Library" <AkivaAvraham> learner, well you can program this in html5 btw <learner> one sec, it's still building ubuntu env <learner> oh? <learner> what about the server? <AkivaAvraham> although I'm not an html5 guy. <learner> i'd rather use c++ wherever possible <AkivaAvraham> learner, i'm the wrong guy to ask <learner> it's a more solid ground for me <AkivaAvraham> Alrighty~ <learner> i've done python too, and i'm tired of django, and the whole bs of tiny projects that don't work in different versions <learner> also I will be using BDD <AkivaAvraham> For QML, and Qt, the only things that you may need to know, beyond getting used to the extremely wonderful qt library <AkivaAvraham> are the preprocessor macros that allow you to inteface <learner> ok, have they changed a lot? <learner> i'm guessing they have <AkivaAvraham> learner, no clue, but the template will handle it for you <AkivaAvraham> the only one you will be writing yourself is probably Q_INVOKABLE <AkivaAvraham> ie, you can "Invoke" the c++ function in qml <learner> ok some sort of IoC then <AkivaAvraham> learner, oh btw; because you are using this library, there is a good chance that this app will just work on ubuntu phone. <AkivaAvraham> wouldnt that be cool :) <learner> that'd be a lovely plus <learner> i'd be happy if it'd work on android as well <learner> will make my life much easier <learner> I think i'll develop the windows and mac versions using html5 <AkivaAvraham> learner, for debugging, #include <QDebug> and and use qDebug() << stuff; <learner> but if i can do the android and linux versions using qt creator and cpp i'd die a happy man <learner> is there a BDD for Qt as well <AkivaAvraham> BDD? <learner> behavior driven development aka gherkin <learner> like igloo <AkivaAvraham> Probably, but I don't know. <AkivaAvraham> learner, oh you mean for testing? <learner> yes <learner> TDD/BDD <AkivaAvraham> learner, yah ubuntu touch has something called autopilot3 <AkivaAvraham> you write the tests in python, <learner> ok <AkivaAvraham> it comes bundled with the projects <learner> it uses pyqt? <AkivaAvraham> learner, no; just python afaik. <learner> ok <learner> good <learner> cause i hear bad things about pyqt <learner> it has memory leak problems <AkivaAvraham> learner, it will do things like, "Move mouse to this button, click it" <learner> nice <learner> something like selenium <AkivaAvraham> learner, ive decided that python is not a programming language for me :) Scripting, yes, but I am actually more inclined to use qml these days to write quick apps. <learner> AkivaAvraham, yeah i don't like interpreted languages anymore <learner> i've done ruby, perl, and python <learner> it's very shaky <AkivaAvraham> learner, python was a good starting language though. <learner> and the break of py2 to py3 really messed me up <learner> i have apps on django, that i can't test anymore <AkivaAvraham> learner, them intentionally breaking print was... why? <learner> cause the TDD/BDD app, lettuce, only supports python 2.6 and 2.7 <learner> and django 1.72 is py3 only <AkivaAvraham> It really is remarkeable how python3 is still in limbo <learner> yeah <learner> they didn't have a good roadmap <learner> like i like py3 and all <learner> but it's kinda like they didn't have a good idea what they were gonna do to shift apps up <learner> and you have these tiny agile project that release minor changes that end up being huge changes every 2 weeks <AkivaAvraham> learner, yep. <learner> and then all of a sudden one project using one tiny version another, another <learner> and you get into library hell <AkivaAvraham> learner, although I must say, my favourite web app was powered by python. <learner> you can't use this module cause it becomes incompatible with that one <AkivaAvraham> Heh. <learner> working on python for me, is playing counterstrike <AkivaAvraham> learner, oh btw, ubuntu has a new packaging type. <learner> you're getting shot at from left and right <learner> oh? <learner> do tell <AkivaAvraham> learner, yah it is called Click Packages. <AkivaAvraham> They are standalone, and they created them because they tried with deb <AkivaAvraham> but as I understand it, could not get it to have the security features they desired <AkivaAvraham> so with click, they are basically standalone. <AkivaAvraham> so if I want to execute python code, I need to bundle an interpreter in my code <AkivaAvraham> So very good on security :) <learner> so you have full sandboxing? <AkivaAvraham> learner, ah that is the proper term; thanks <AkivaAvraham> learner, they use apparmor, so you give yourself permissions <AkivaAvraham> learner, and while using the phone, say if something wants access to your personal info, afaik, it prompts you on the fly <learner> they should probably use fail2ban, apparmor and jail <AkivaAvraham> instead of being like android, where you install, and just accept all the permissions. <learner> well android really is made for google to steal your data <learner> we all know that <learner> unfortunately users don't <AkivaAvraham> learner, I was really dissapointed by android. <AkivaAvraham> The Java Virtual machine... it just does not cut it. I wanted Linux <AkivaAvraham> Thats why I am excited for ubuntu touch. <learner> yeah but when you develop apps you need to cater to users, not to wht you feel is right <learner> if it were up to me, i'd get rid of all windows, android, and ios machines <learner> and only allow linux <learner> or bsd <learner> and nothing else <learner> and ban google.com <AkivaAvraham> learner, to each his own. I may not make any money doing what I do, but doing what you love is rarely that easy :) <AkivaAvraham> learner, anyways let me get back to what I was working on. ping me when you need a synopsis of qml <learner> will do <learner> still waiting for the dev kits to set up <AkivaAvraham> learner, oh and in qtcreator, for docs, click on a class or object, bring up the hud, and type "context help" <learner> it seems to be slower than the installation <learner> ok i'll do that <AkivaAvraham> learner, are you building from source? <learner> it seems to be <AkivaAvraham> :? <learner> i just clicked on create a dev kit <AkivaAvraham> ohh <AkivaAvraham> that <learner> and selected amd64 <AkivaAvraham> okay <AkivaAvraham> yah thats for your build environment. <learner> but it's doing compilations it seems <AkivaAvraham> learner, yah that takes awhile <learner> touch is amd64 too? <AkivaAvraham> learner, so if you had a phone that had arm, and you wanted to test the app, you would select arm, build it, and run it on the phoen. <learner> or do i need another environment dev kit for that <AkivaAvraham> learner, it depends on the device <learner> ok <AkivaAvraham> learner, so you can also build emulators in this, its based on the android emulator. <AkivaAvraham> so your probably familiar with it. <AkivaAvraham> adb <AkivaAvraham> thats it <learner> i can't wait to start working on this <learner> thanks a lot for the help <AkivaAvraham> learner, :) <AkivaAvraham> learner, QML is one of my favourite languages. So straight forward <learner> it's very much like angular.js <AkivaAvraham> learner, although nothing is better than gnu-apl <learner> lol <learner> i haven't done much of that, i'll have to take your word for it <AkivaAvraham> learner, btw, when you start creating your app and you have some screenshots, would you mind posting it to our subreddit? <learner> sure <AkivaAvraham> http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntuappdev <AkivaAvraham> learner, have you had the chance to try ubuntu touch on a tablet or phone? <learner> not yet <AkivaAvraham> learner, have you seen it? <learner> i'm ordering a fujitsu tablet next month, gonna install it on that <learner> i've seen vids / screen shots <learner> not used it nope <AkivaAvraham> learner, I tried it for 45 minutes, and after when I switched back to android, I kept instinctively trying to side swipe <AkivaAvraham> to launch apps. <AkivaAvraham> at that point I knew that Ubuntu had created something really wonderful. <learner> well ubuntu has a lot of smart people behind it, making smart choices <AkivaAvraham> :) <learner> one thing i really got upset about was the drop of the old gnome though <learner> a lot of people use xfce nowadays for the feel of gnome 2 <AkivaAvraham> learner, not me; I love unity7 because of the hud. <AkivaAvraham> it is incredibly useful <learner> i kinda have 3 different desktops now, unity, kde and xfce <AkivaAvraham> learner, in fact, I am developing my plugin for qtcreator to utilize the hud, so you can just type the test you want to run, and go. <learner> for a dev like me, i like a clean desktop with capability of a 4x4 wall / cube <learner> to quickly swich and rotate <learner> s/swich/switch/ <AkivaAvraham> learner, woah you still use the cube XD <learner> yeah :P <AkivaAvraham> learner, compiz is still really great. <learner> yep <learner> i still have a few desktops with terminal hardcoded in <AkivaAvraham> learner, do you use the hud at all in unity? <learner> so like it has nothing but a terminal in the background loaded in <AkivaAvraham> I think that is a feature most people overlook. <learner> i use it to launch apps sometimes <AkivaAvraham> learner, thats the dash <AkivaAvraham> learner, the hud is different <AkivaAvraham> the hud lets you launch menu commands <learner> no that's the one i use <learner> you type in what app you want <learner> or like search for files <AkivaAvraham> learner, no thats the dash XD <learner> ok maybe <AkivaAvraham> press left alt <AkivaAvraham> not super <AkivaAvraham> learner, its really useful in Gimp which has hundreds of menu items <learner> cool <AkivaAvraham> or for menu commands which don't have keyboard shortcuts. <learner> i don't use gimp, i use photoshop but i get the point <AkivaAvraham> :O <AkivaAvraham> learner, ive never used photoshop <AkivaAvraham> learner, can you tell me if it is actually that much more advanced than gimp? <learner> in terms of raster design yes <AkivaAvraham> hmmmm <AkivaAvraham> learner, you know photoshop can run on linux now, right? <learner> in terms of use of bezier curves it's much easier to use than gimp <AkivaAvraham> learner, they stream it in on chromebooks <learner> without wine? <AkivaAvraham> Yah <AkivaAvraham> its bewildering <AkivaAvraham> I can only imagine how much of a mess their code base must be when it is easier to stream the application in, rather than just develop a port. <learner> well photoshop's base is QT <learner> you know that of course <AkivaAvraham> learner, no; i'm shocked actually <AkivaAvraham> Now I'm even more surprised. <learner> the main functionalities like the Gaussian calculations they're all simple c++ libs <learner> so less than 5% of photoshop is really machine dependent <learner> the rest is very easy to port <learner> almost all of its ui is fully portable to any machine <AkivaAvraham> learner, why don't they then just port it to linux? <learner> AkivaAvraham, money! <AkivaAvraham> waht? <AkivaAvraham> okay i'm sure theres a reason. <learner> they want to sell photoshop licenses for huge amounts of money <learner> if they started providing photoshop on linux, then they wouldn't be able to charge those huge amounts anymore <learner> you know the story of macromedia right <learner> how adobe bought them <AkivaAvraham> learner, maybe. Nope. <AkivaAvraham> do tell <AkivaAvraham> oh wise and vetted one :) <learner> macromedia was a much much better software company than adobe <learner> lmao <learner> adobe only had one project that sold a lot <learner> photoshop <learner> the rest of its apps were mediocre <learner> illustrator was soo much worse than freehand they literally copying freehand <AkivaAvraham> ha <learner> dreamweaver <learner> flash <learner> fireworks <learner> all of these are macromedia inventions <learner> then all of a sudden, adobe buys macromedia <learner> why? because they had billions of bucks lying around from photoshop <learner> then all of a sudden illustrator becomes great <AkivaAvraham> ha <learner> it starts becoming better than corel draw even <learner> why, cause they basically dropped the illustrator engine and used the freehand one instead <AkivaAvraham> learner, just curious, you know gimp finally has a unified interface right? No more 3 window if you don't want it. <AkivaAvraham> I used it with a tablet, it was actually really nice to use with a stylus <learner> well that's good, but the problem with gimp isn't just wth the ui <AkivaAvraham> although I don't use gimp for much. <AkivaAvraham> well that was a huge problem * AkivaAvraham hated the three window ui <learner> gimp isn't UX driven <learner> meaning they don't sit and think hmm, how would a designer wanna use gimp <AkivaAvraham> Unix? <learner> user experience aka ux <AkivaAvraham> interesting <AkivaAvraham> learner, I honestly think though the Gimp and the HUD, is such a killer combination. <learner> AkivaAvraham, you're not a painter are you? <AkivaAvraham> I think photoshop has that as well of course <AkivaAvraham> learner, exactly <learner> a tablet user, don't want lots of menus <learner> they don't want to type for a command and bring it up <learner> they want button combos <AkivaAvraham> learner, well that is what the hud does. <AkivaAvraham> type for a command, and there it is <learner> a designer using wacom 24 hd touch <learner> they will have a wheel and a few buttons <learner> they'll map them to a set of things <learner> and that's what they'll use <learner> the only time they use the keyboard is when naming groups, layers, or smart objects * AkivaAvraham gets back to work <Ashik> hei, don't .click packaging work on ubuntu desktop? <gcollura> Ashik, not *yet* <gcollura> Ashik, they seem to work on vivid unity8 preview, but I cannot ensure you how much <Ashik> ok, thanks. <mivoligo> mzanetti: hi, when you around and have time, see the currency-prop-1.png in the drive and let me know which one you like if any :) <learner> .click is for the next version of ubuntu, it's not implemented yet <learner> even the design isn't finalized <learner> don't use it yet <hyperair> really? i thought it was mature enough that the myapps stuff was all supposed to be self-packaged using click already <learner> i don't think so, not from what i've read <learner> i really hope it becomes standard soon though, the whole sandboxing thing is very intriguing <TommyBrunn> Hooray! Just had my app approved and published. Thanks for the help everyone! :) <mivoligo1> mzanetti: hey, I had problems with my internet earlier, so I'm not sure if you have answered about the currency symbol or not :) <mzanetti> mivoligo1: hi. no, didn't reply as I saw you going offline <mivoligo1> ah ok <mivoligo1> so what you think then? <mzanetti> mivoligo1: I've talked with some people and they seem to agree that instead we should show a coin <mzanetti> mivoligo1: not sure how that works color-wise though <mzanetti> what do you think? <mzanetti> from your proposals I think I like the first one the most <mivoligo1> mzanetti: by a coin you mean a circle with something inside I guess <mzanetti> yes <mzanetti> well, dunno, just an idea... <mzanetti> mivoligo1: I've pushed a bunch of sounds :) <mivoligo1> mzanetti: did you downgrade the required components as well? :P <mzanetti> arh right. let me do that <mivoligo1> thanks <mivoligo1> mzanetti: I tried running the game on 14.10 in virtualbox and it's painfully slow <mzanetti> hmm.. <mzanetti> well, pushed the downgrades <mivoligo1> mzanetti: I guess my computer is not really up to speed <mzanetti> I still need to do another round of optimisations though. <mzanetti> while it still works on the phone, it's reaching the limits <mivoligo1> mzanetti: about this bug with the stars: the svg file for them uses blur but in the game it'll be lost <mzanetti> oh, I see <mivoligo1> mzanetti: so I may redesign them a little <mzanetti> mivoligo1: whatever you think is better <mzanetti> we can also keep the current ones... <mzanetti> I just noticed it right now as I way paying attention to properly scaling all the icons <mzanetti> mivoligo1: now I only need to finish the last 4 levels, create the new tower info dialog and then I think we're set. anything else missing? <mivoligo1> mzanetti: what about the levelpack creation tutorial? <mzanetti> that would be a website I'd say <mivoligo1> ok <mivoligo1> mzanetti: I've seen some testing going on in the drive, what the guys think? <mzanetti> feedback was quite good so far <mzanetti> I'd give them some more time to complete more levels . mainly I want to find out if there are some levels too easy <mivoligo1> ok :) <mzanetti> mivoligo1: can you edit InfoPage.qml and enable line 66 and 69? <mivoligo1> mzanetti: see the coin-1 in the drive, something like this or more real? * mzanetti looks <mzanetti> hmm... looks quite nice <mzanetti> lets see how it looks in the game <mivoligo1> mzanetti: colour can be reversed of course <mzanetti> mivoligo1: would look great in the panel I think. not sure what to do in the price tags of the towers though <mivoligo1> mzanetti: can we have to version? or should I make it like golden or something? <mivoligo1> s/to/two <mzanetti> I don't think in the panel it would look good with another color. needs to be white on black <mzanetti> It probably would work for the price tags, but my main concern there is space <mzanetti> I guess in there we sould just have the M <mivoligo1> mzanetti: you mean just the letter M or that fancy sign? <mzanetti> mivoligo1: the fancy sign <mivoligo1> mzanetti: what about the tower info? There we need the dark one :D <mzanetti> mivoligo1: yep. we can also have the coin there as there's enough space <mzanetti> mivoligo1: hmm. I can't see the price any more in the new tower info dialog <mivoligo1> mzanetti: so we need one white coin, one black coin, one white M sign right? <mivoligo1> mzanetti: it wasn't finished :P <mzanetti> ah ok. thought you dropped that intentionally <mzanetti> we might have a problem with vertical space on the phone there then <mzanetti> if it doesn't work out I'll do the two-column thing again like it is atm <mivoligo1> mzanetti: I was thinking if we can put price on the tower icon <mzanetti> ah, nice one <mzanetti> yep, works for me <mivoligo1> but might be a little tight if the tower is locked <mzanetti> true <mivoligo1> mzanetti: let me try a mockup <mzanetti> mivoligo1: hmm... the current code makes it a bit nasty to show both... (not that its impossible, but the component is quite generic and doesn't support it atm) <mzanetti> so if it's not a must have I'd like not to mess with that any more <mivoligo1> OK <mzanetti> we could just not show it if locked (which is what the component does atm) <mivoligo1> mzanetti: so go with 2 columns for now <mzanetti> or do the two column thing, yeah <mzanetti> well, I'll implement something and then we can have look <mivoligo1> great <mivoligo1> mzanetti: I thing a player could plan ahead if she knows the price of upgrades and stuff fro that dialog <mzanetti> yeah.. <mivoligo1> mzanetti: do you have "release" date already planned? ;) <mzanetti> nope <mzanetti> doing another teaser? :D <mivoligo1> :D not really <mivoligo1> maybe for an update, it's quite time consuming although the effect is short :) <mzanetti> yeah... guess so <mzanetti> they were great, tho :) <mivoligo1> thanks :) <mzanetti> mivoligo1: what do you think of the new sounds? <mivoligo1> mzanetti: let me check them :) <mivoligo1> mzanetti: very good, definitely suits the game! <mzanetti> they are so funny :D <mivoligo1> mzanetti: I'm listing them in the music player, I guess there's one song for one each theme, right? <mzanetti> mivoligo1: I wanted to do that at first, but then I realized it might be boring to play 6 levels in a row with the same sound <mzanetti> and also there's more sounds than worlds <mzanetti> so I'm cycling them <mivoligo1> good idea <mivoligo1> mankeys spinning monkeys is never boring though ;) <mzanetti> haha <mivoligo1> mzanetti: electro last level has 0 slowdown. Is that intentional? <mzanetti> hmm, no <mzanetti> that's a bug <mivoligo> mzanetti: check the new stars, please. I've also changed qml files but obviously didn't check in practise how it looks :D <mzanetti> mivoligo: ok, cool. will try in a bit <mivoligo> mzanetti: the stars are now more in the style of play/pause, 2x/1x buttons <ahayzen> popey, do you want a changelog for the new music-app? ... i can put it in the usual place? <popey> that would be super! <ahayzen> popey, what was the store version at again? <popey> r745 <ahayzen> popey, we're just landing a translations update now.... so for the spanish pack someone will need to do the extra strings then wait for lp to land and then the final click you can grab on tuesday morning...that shouldn't stop any QA'ing tomorrow though <ahayzen> popey, unless you can get a spanish person to do the translations before lp tomorrow morning ;) ... is that ok? <popey> we can ask dpm in the morning <ahayzen> popey, cool thanks... i'll let you know when we have the final click we're just testing everything now :) <popey> nice one! <ahayzen> popey, i think it is these two that need translating? https://translations.launchpad.net/music-app/remix/+pots/music-app/es/+translate?show=untranslated <popey> ahayzen: speaking to spanish people now <ahayzen> popey, \o/ ... in spanish ;) <popey> hehe <popey> ahayzen: I have proposed translations, someone else should validate. <ahayzen> popey, ok :) <ahayzen> popey, the other languages will have to 'lag' until the next store update <ahayzen> popey, suppose we could do this one as well ;) https://translations.launchpad.net/music-app/remix/+pots/music-app/en_GB/+translate?show=untranslated * popey looks <popey> done <ahayzen> popey, \o/ thanks can't have en_GB getting out of date ;) <popey> ☻ #ubuntu-app-devel 2016-01-11 <dholbach> good morning <zzarr> good morning <zzarr> hello! my qmake for ubuntu armhf refers to a directory "/var/lib/schroot/chroots/click-ubuntu-sdk-15.04-armhf/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/libexec" but it does not exist <popey> bartbes, did you figure out what that xcb error is? "This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"." <popey> zbenjamin, I can't run apps on my 14.04 laptop with the sdk installed - i get the above error http://imgur.com/VHaWITm - which I know bartbes had over the weekend too.. seen it? <bartbes> I didn't, I made sure I had all xcb packages, I did a clean all and a rebuild, no success <bartbes> reboots, no luck <bartbes> and then suddenly it worked again <popey> gah <zbenjamin> popey: hm weird never saw it <zbenjamin> popey: do you use the ubuntu-sdk-ide package? or the old one from archive? <popey> hmm, lemme see <popey> zbenjamin, Installed: 3.5.0+15.10.20151024-0ubuntu1~97+201511170914~ubuntu14.04.1 <popey> re-launch and now I get a different error :) <bartbes> popey: actually, I noticed that launching outside of the sdk worked <bartbes> and then after I accidentally also managed to launch it from within it <popey> zbenjamin, seen this? "module "QtQuick" version 2.4 is not installed" <bartbes> so why does the ubuntu-sdk-ide require opengl anyway? <bartbes> well, adding the nvidia drivers to the docker container does allow it to start <bartbes> it doesn't actually run though <zzarr> hello! does anyone know what "/var/lib/schroot/chroots/click-ubuntu-sdk-15.04-armhf/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/libexec" is for? <zzarr> (I found this path in the qmake for ubuntu armhf, but it don't exist) <zbenjamin> popey: you probably need to use the new Kit that comes with the IDE <popey> zbenjamin, oh, is that documented somewhere? <zbenjamin> popey: probably not yet. Its still pretty new and works only for apps atm <popey> ok <zbenjamin> popey: but you get the most recent UITK even on LTS <popey> \o/ <popey> where from? Can I get that now? :) <popey> or is it still in progress? <zbenjamin> popey: do you have ubuntu-sdk-ide and ubuntu-sdk-dev installed? <popey> yes <zbenjamin> popey: then you should just be able to add it to your project as a new target <popey> how? <zbenjamin> popey: in the projects tab, add Kit i think <zbenjamin> popey: should be named "Ubuntu SDK Desktop Kit" <popey> got it <zbenjamin> popey: its still very basic and has only the basic Qt + UTIK modules. So if you use advanced APIs they might not be available yet <popey> yeah <popey> file:///home/alan/Development/music-app/app/music-app.qml:23 module "Ubuntu.MediaScanner" is not installed <zbenjamin> :( <ahayzen> popey, yup, i had that :-) <zbenjamin> popey: but we can add more as long as they can be compiled on LTS <popey> ahayzen, do you have a hilight on music-app perchance? :) <ahayzen> popey, 'music' ;-) <popey> ah <popey> ouch <ahayzen> :-) <ahayzen> zbenjamin, is the desktop kit not like the arm one where you can just apt-get stuff ? <zbenjamin> ahayzen: no, its installed alongside the system qt, we are aiming to get more and more independent from the system installed qt so we can support multiple ubuntu versions with the same SDK <ahayzen> ah ok <zbenjamin> ahayzen: so the goal is: system env != dev env <ahayzen> cool :-) <bartbes> popey: oh, I did run cmake again in Debug mode, maybe that helps? <zzarr> is there a framework for 16.04 yet? <zzarr> or will not OTA-9 be based on Xenial? <faenil> ahayzen: hey :) <ahayzen> faenil, o/ <faenil> ahayzen: been looking for your last week :D <faenil> ahayzen: https://code.launchpad.net/~faenil/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/listitemlayout_fixes_and_docs/+merge/281919 <ahayzen> faenil, hah, sorry i wasn't around :-) ooo <faenil> ahayzen: np, just wanted to share the MR ;) <ahayzen> so that should work when text wraps now ? <ahayzen> and i guess will be in the OTA10 UITK ? <faenil> ahayzen: no more string overlap, + wrapping changed to avoid early word cuts, + docs about aliasing labels properties <ahayzen> coolio <faenil> and yes, too late for OTA9, so OTA10 :) <popey> zbenjamin, also, https://plus.google.com/u/0/101489925843882654647/posts/3L3HTVJ2cKs - others having sdk problems <faenil> ahayzen: but it will be soon on rc-proposed <faenil> (that is, next landing, I don't know when that is happening, bzoltan_ knows) <ahayzen> faenil, yup :-) i'll have a play on my laptop later, as i have a branch of the uitk <faenil> cool <faenil> ahayzen: note you don't have to set left and right anchors of listitemlayout, save those bindings :D <ahayzen> :-) <ahayzen> faenil, also if jenkins would work, then the first round of listitem layout stuff would be in music-app trunk already :-) <faenil> hehe <bzoltan_> faenil: ahayzen: The next UITK landing is expected after the OTA9 is released <ahayzen> cool :-) <faenil> bzoltan_: so rc-proposed will be on OTA9 uitk until end of Jan? is that correct? <bzoltan_> faenil: Yes <faenil> ok, thanks <zbenjamin> bzoltan_: any idea? https://plus.google.com/u/0/101489925843882654647/posts/3L3HTVJ2cKs <bzoltan_> zbenjamin: there was no change in the package <bzoltan_> zbenjamin: is he using the official relese? <bzoltan_> release <zbenjamin> bzoltan_: at least he is running "ubuntu-sdk-ide" <bzoltan_> zbenjamin: but hopefully not from tools dev or staging <zbenjamin> popey: is he on IRC too? <popey> don't think so. <bartbes> is there a release schedule somewhere? <faenil> bartbes: for OTA release of UbuntuTouch? <faenil> releases* <bartbes> yeah <faenil> bartbes: there are daily emails that the landing team sends to ubuntu-phone mailing list <davmor2> bartbes: roughly every 6 weeks, we are behind on this one due to the Xmas Shutdown <faenil> whenever the schedule for a new OTA is decided, the landing team will communicate that using that mailing list <bartbes> I see the next one's scheduled for the end of the month? <t1mp> hey, I'm wondering how many app developers are writing autopilot tests for their apps, and using the UITK autopilot helpers (formerly: custom proxy objects) for that? <t1mp> and how do you run these tests? In an automated way (jenkins), or locally on your computer or device when you make changes? <t1mp> I am wondering because I am working on scrolling in the header sections, and quite some work is needed to add proper autopilot proxy objects to deal with the scrolling <t1mp> I am adding the CPOs anyway, but I am curious who will use it :) <t1mp> ahayzen, renatu, popey: ^? <popey> o/ <popey> autopilot _should_ be running for all core apps merges but it broke when we moved from one jenkins instance to another, but should be re-enabled (soon, balloons ?) :D <balloons> it's running right now <balloons> hence things aren't landing, hah <ahayzen> t1mp, you mean like MainView, UbuntuUIToolkitCustomProxyObjectBase, UCListItem ? <ahayzen> balloons, o/ <balloons> popey, as in, we fixed the issue with IS last week that made it blow up <t1mp> popey, balloons: ah, cool. Will each core app have their own jenkins? And also a device attached to that jenkins for testing? <popey> ahhh <popey> one for all core apps <renatu> t1mp, I am trying to use most of SDK proxy objects as possible, but I faced some problems while trying to use it with the new AdaptiveLayout <balloons> t1mp, http://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/. You can request a build of anything you like <balloons> there is only one device shared amongst them all <ahayzen> balloons, https://code.launchpad.net/~ahayzen/music-app/fix-1526274-use-layouts/+merge/281757 is failing is jenkins...but passes on device/desktop :-/ <balloons> there's going to be a bit of that. I'm not sure if popey wants to back off the stance of failing merges on the backs on test results or not <ahayzen> balloons, so me and Victor aren't sure what is going on, as it is specific to one view as well :-/ <t1mp> ahayzen: in python, you'd select_single to get a MainView, and then on that object you'd get functions like get_header() from the CPO. <balloons> btw, trv is broken on xenial now.. not sure why <popey> I'd rather we had AP running than not, and I'd rather the tests pass than not, unsurprisingly :) <t1mp> balloons: cool. That makes sense. For UITK we have our own jenkins though so personally I don't need that one. <t1mp> balloons: will there be a jenkins for community apps too? <balloons> ahh brillant <popey> no <popey> not for non-core community apps <ahayzen> t1mp, yup we do that sortof stuff :-) trigger_trailing_action etc :-) <popey> In my experience non-canonical non-core don't use Autopilot <popey> Unless I'm completely mistaken <t1mp> popey: I guess you are mostly right (but it is my guess). <t1mp> and if community app developers want that, they can ask here, right? :) <t1mp> ahayzen: okay, great :D <t1mp> Thanks for the information people. You convinced me that what I'm doing right now will be useful for apps too :) <ahayzen> :-) <popey> (I don't think community developers want autopilot) <popey> (call me a filthy heathen, but I doubt anyone outside canonical wants/uses it) * ahayzen wants autopilot \o/ * mcphail chortles * t1mp looks up chortle * popey sniggers * t1mp suddenly feels like eating a snickers bar <t1mp> but I don't have one... thanks popey! ;) <popey> yw <ahayzen> balloons, any ideas how we can fix the jenkins issue, as it passed here https://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/run-ap-tests-ci/78/ ... then when it came to autoland (no changes in the branch) it then fails https://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/run-ap-tests-autolanding/2/ ... and we can't replicate the failures on our devices yet :-/ <balloons> so ahayzen, popey I can turn off failing to merge when tests fail for now. But at some point, we'll need to clean these up <balloons> Right now it seems to be causing havoc as expected. The question is, are we ok with trying to sort through all the apps at once? <popey> :( <ahayzen> balloons, but why is it failing then? if it passed a few minutes before on the test run via a commit ? <ahayzen> what's the difference ? <ahayzen> you can see in the subunit everything passes for #78 then in autolanding #1 and #2 it fails on two specific tests <balloons> gang65, see conversation and chime in here <balloons> ahayzen, ohh, sorry, trying to look at calendar, calc and you too <ahayzen> balloons, haha :-) no worries <balloons> so what I'm looking for is some feedback on if you want to block landings on this or not. For instance, one thing we could do is still have it fail during normal merges, but don't stop on landings (top approval) <balloons> in other words, the test run job doesn't have to cause jenkins bot to issue a fail, even if it fails. We can run it and simply record the results <ahayzen> i would prefer it to block landings, as it ensures our test suites pass <ahayzen> if the bot itself could be consistent and pass/fail correctly, unlike at the moment how it says pass one minute then fail the next :-) <balloons> sorry gang65, we're here, not #ubuntu-app-dev. I can't type some days <ahayzen> :-) <gang65> hi <balloons> ahayzen, well let's look at your specific case then as to what happened <balloons> the jobs are the same <ahayzen> balloons, the jobs are the same, nothing specific in the logs <ahayzen> passes on our device <ahayzen> passes on the run-ap-tests-ci <balloons> ahayzen, what does subunit show? <ahayzen> fails on run-ap-tests-autolanding <ahayzen> that it couldn't find a CardView to then get a count from it <balloons> ahayzen, you found a bug <balloons> and it's both my fault, and sneaky <balloons> let me confirm, then i'll explain <ahayzen> :-) <balloons> indeed.. sad panda. the autolanding run used *961 version of the click. You can see yourself <balloons> it's an old click -- not sure were it's copying it from. Let me fix the job <ahayzen> balloons, i thought that was because it used 960 then merged my branch in and committed...but maybe not ;-) <ahayzen> (960 is trunk) <ahayzen> balloons, or should it be the same version as the latest from the proposed branch ? <balloons> ohh.. interesting. I just noticed that the other run used *965 <balloons> one of them isn't right, hah <balloons> they should be the same, it's the same MP <ahayzen> :-) <balloons> so anyways, I'll fix that <balloons> so to gang65's and calendar, etc, problem. Should we be blocking landings or not? <balloons> I know ahayzen wants it; should we do it on a case by case basis at first <ahayzen> balloons, what are the other problems for other coreapps ? <balloons> popey? <ahayzen> balloons, simply that trunk fails to pass ? <balloons> well, my idea in doing this was to force everyone to get tests cleaned up <balloons> I mean, we can tackle them as they come up one at a time. Right now, 3 apps are blocked <balloons> msuic should be solved in a moment, so that leaves 2 more <ahayzen> balloons, sure if they don't pass they won't go into the store anyway, don't QA fail it if AP doesn't pass ? <ahayzen> *surely <popey> they do now <popey> so yes, we should fix them <ahayzen> \o/ :-) <balloons> ok, so gang65 in order to land, we need to fix your tests. Make sense? <gang65> yes <balloons> gang65, so let me fix the issue ahayzen found, then I can help with your tests. <balloons> it's ok that these merges will be held up for a little bit? <gang65> Thanks <gang65> We adopted our tests to pass on Desktop <gang65> We will need to readapt it to phone again <gang65> (on Desktop Calculator is running in Landscape mode by default) <balloons> right, so hopefully it shouldn't be too bad to re-adapt ;-) <balloons> ahayzen, I believe your issue should be sorted. Jenkins re-enabled a option I didn't want but only on that autolanding job <balloons> Let's see if it's a-ok now <balloons> gang65, let's look at your stuff <ahayzen> balloons, ok thanks :-) <ahayzen> balloons, something went pop https://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/run-ap-tests-autolanding/13/ :-/ <popey> hah <popey> I like to imagine a "pop" sound in the data centre <popey> piped directly to balloons' head <ahayzen> +1 <balloons> one thing further snafu found and fixed <ahayzen> :-) <ahayzen> balloons vs jenkins :-) <balloons> nice.. a little bug in every autolanding config. Lovely * balloons fixes the others <balloons> ok, everything looks fixed and proper now <balloons> https://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/run-ap-tests-autolanding/15/console <ahayzen> as balloons says that 'psutil.NoSuchProcess: no process found with pid 30531' appears in the console <balloons> ohh, lol.. That actual run is bombing hah <balloons> apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="com.ubuntu.music_music_2.3.965" name="/custom/xdg/data/dconf/profile/custom" pid=29360 comm="qmlscene" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=32011 ouid=0 <balloons> the kernel hates us <ahayzen> hah \o/ <popey> heh <balloons> are you sure this works? <balloons> jenkins is running it now <ahayzen> well it passed here https://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/run-ap-tests-ci/78/ <ahayzen> but the autolanding failed again <balloons> I'm running the old -ci job <ahayzen> ah :-) <balloons> perhaps I really fixed things for you <balloons> but seriously, jenkins is all good now hehe <ahayzen> it was working on mako over the weekend via adt-run :-) <balloons> looks like it's running fine <balloons> https://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/run-ap-tests-ci/83/console <balloons> top approving again -- let's just see what happens <ahayzen> balloons, 'Status: Approved => Merged' \o/ <ahayzen> balloons, sweet, jenkins seems happier thanks :-) <balloons> ahayzen, yw.. Thanks for noticing the little snafu. I couldn't test automerges as well naturally before rollout <AbuDhar> hey <AbuDhar> will Ubuntu Touch be available in the US soon? <popey> AbuDhar, that would be good, but depends on your definition of "soon" <popey> balloons, am I right in saying on jenkins everything builds in a chroot? <dobey> AbuDhar: wrong channel for that question, but ubuntu is available worldwide. there are no US retail phones with ubuntu pre-installed yet though. it's up to manufactuers to announce if/when they will release any such devices. canonical/ubuntu don't manufacture devices <popey> balloons, I re-installed my laptop and lost my chroots (forgot they were omitted from backups) so am re-making them and need the package list to enable me to build filemanager and docviewer (as we had to jump through some hoops to get python2/3 installed in various ways - if you remember) <popey> balloons, so if you could "dpkg -l" in the chroot and pastebinit I'd appreciate it :) <balloons> popeym ahh <balloons> ok, give me a second. if you'd like, jenkins can build any branch of those you wish <dobey> AbuDhar: if you want a phone in the US running ubuntu right now, best option is buying a nexus 4 off ebay or somewhere, and flashing it yourself <popey> balloons, nah, I need to build them locally <AbuDhar> popey, soon means within a year <popey> I have it running on a OnePlus One which isn't quite daily-driver quality, but performs well <popey> and is nice and fast <AbuDhar> I wonder when manufacturers will make one that works in US <popey> There are phones that work in the US :) <popey> Just not sold in the US with Ubuntu pre-installed. <AbuDhar> yeah I was looking for a phone that had Ubuntu pre-installed. :) <AbuDhar> but I don't live in the US. I was asking for someone else actually. <dobey> popey: oh, re chroots, those apps have debian packages in the archive as well, right? <balloons> popey, https://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/view/Maintenance%20Jobs/job/list-chroot-packages/1/consoleText <popey> heh, that's one way to do it! <popey> dobey, pass? <balloons> popey, you should have permissions to edit the job / re-run it as neded <ogra_> multipass ! <dobey> heh <popey> thats perfect balloons <balloons> popey, you can see there's chroots for 2 frameworks and all arches <popey> Leeloo Dallas Multipass! <dobey> popey: was just going to say, enable the deb-src lines for the archive and overlay ppa (if a vivid chroot) and then apt-get build-dep filemanager-app <popey> sadly not that easy <dobey> but if it's not packaged in the archive too (like gallery-app is), that won't work <balloons> popey, though I will say; as with the other core apps I made tasks for, a writeup of readme's containing build info would be an excellent addition to those projects <davmor2> Muuuuuulllllltttttttiiiiiiiiippppppaaassssssss <popey> balloons, remember how we got past this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/14472515/ * popey goes for fresh air, this is doing my head in (again) <mcphail> I'd be interested if that can be circmvented. I've never managed to deal with python in a hybrid click chroot, and have had to use a full armhf chroot <popey> i got it working once but it took some doing <popey> and i could never update it <balloons> popey, ahh the fun bit <balloons> yes I have a script for that <balloons> popey, see: https://core-apps-jenkins.ubuntu.com/view/Maintenance%20Jobs/job/maint-chroot/74/consoleText <balloons> here's the madness behind it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14472627/ <mcphail> gosh <dobey> popey: why are you trying to install armhf python? <dobey> popey: you need to install the native python, otherwise /usr/bin/python won't run <dobey> and thus, configuring will fail <popey> dobey, because libsmbclient <popey> or samba-libs - one of the two <popey> heh, thanks balloons <balloons> dobey, yes it's really so crazy packaging <dobey> oh <balloons> archive depends don't install cleanly <balloons> so honestly, I suppose it should be fixed <dobey> i guess samba needs fixed so you can cross-compile things that depend on it <popey> yeah <popey> there's a debian bug on it IIRC which is wontfix <balloons> right <popey> balloons, do you have a separate / similar one for 15.04? <popey> or is it identical bar the s/15.10/15.04/g <balloons> ^^ this <popey> ta * popey saves fix_chroot_nonsense.sh <popey> ran it twice to be sure ;) <popey> balloons, I note your package list shows you don't have bzr installed... <popey> balloons, if that's the case how does it do the bzr_revno stuff? <popey> Successfully built package in './com.ubuntu.filemanager_0.4.512_multi.click'. <popey> \o/ <popey> now I sleep. <popey> thanks for the help balloons :) #ubuntu-app-devel 2016-01-12 <dholbach> good morning <zzarr> good morning <zzarr> I'm back on 15.10 after a GPU Driver crash <zzarr> if I install "[backup] Qt 5.5.1 for Ubuntu 15.10" (PPA) I can't have Ubuntu-SDK installed <popey> ^ Mirv might be able to help with that? <zzarr> thanks popey, I'll ask him <popey> bartbes, thanks for the ctrl patch, tested it and it works well here. Nice one! <popey> bartbes, thinking maybe there should be a plain Control key on the CTRL keyboard bar _and_ the function keys bar, what do you think? <zzarr> popey, I solved it :-D <popey> yay <zzarr> but now I got another problem, even with a new project and a default kit I get a message "Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: quick qml" <zzarr> I'm reinstalling the click chroot now, so I'll hope that solves the problem <zzarr> I just realized one thing, it seams that the click chroot I install now is a stable version <zzarr> in order to install the overlay it should be the developer version <zzarr> is that testing or unstable? <Mirv> zzarr: if you mean the overlay PPA, it's what the stable is by definition (stable = Ubuntu 15.04/vivid + https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay). developer version is xenial (16.04) <zzarr> okey, I didn't know that, thanks <bartbes> popey: would make sense <popey> k <popey> really appreciate the patch! <bartbes> I just really needed a control key :P <popey> :) <bartbes> it was also a good excuse to open up a touch app's codebase <ahayzen> faenil, I've noticed that the positionViewAtIndex doesn't always work now (possibly due to the move to Layouts), do you know any issues with this ? <faenil> ahayzen: define doesn't always work :) <ahayzen> it doesn't position the view at the index ;-) <faenil> ahayzen: "always" <ahayzen> on device it seems to work if you are lower, but not higher <ahayzen> yeah <ahayzen> just certain cases do/don't work <faenil> I'm not aware of any issues related to layout <ahayzen> ok :-/ <faenil> but as a blind guess I'd say that it's due to the fact that layouts resize <faenil> and don't have a fixed height <ahayzen> yeah i would guess that <ahayzen> hmm <ahayzen> but all of ours will be the same height ? <ahayzen> eg in the queue, we only have a title/subtitle and no wrapping <faenil> don't know, it depends on your code <faenil> ah, ok <ahayzen> (that's where the positionAt isn't working as well and the only place we need it) <ahayzen> faenil, can i fix the height? or will I have to guess the height before the creation of the object ? so i can put it in the ListItem ? <faenil> ahayzen: I see, you could try quickly switching back to old delegate (but only change that!) and see if that's really a problem <faenil> I don't see why, especially because as you said they should all have same height <ahayzen> well on desktop, i had a revision that was a few back and it was fine, until i pulled in the latest changes. So its something that has changed recently :-) (either layouts or the move to gridview) <ahayzen> maybe it is because i change the padding <kivi> morning all <kivi> popey, mhall119; Curious as to whether you have seen what has happened to nautilus on 16.04? I'm thinking of maybe throwing some development time behind the filebrowser core app, so we can have a fitted desktop replacement. <kivi> Question for me though is, have you guys decided on a proper flag for determining when Unity8 is in desktop mode, tablet mode, phone mode, or are you still doing it via the current window size? <popey> hah, that's currently under discussion on the mailing list :) <popey> kivi, I'd welcome contributions to file manager. <kivi> popey, what's under discussion; the file manager, or the mode flag? <popey> determining device you're running on <popey> quite a long thread <popey> basically "don't detect device", but "detect capabilities / peripherals" <popey> that's the tl;dr I think :) <kivi> popey, Yeah thats the take away I got looking into it a while back. Well if they come out with a standard official way, <popey> Right now we just resize <kivi> I know, and I hate that. <kivi> ty for the info <zzarr> hello again <zzarr> I have a newly installed completely up to date vivid click chroot (without any PPA) <zzarr> but I can't install qtconnectivity5-dev <zzarr> it says <zzarr> The following packages have unmet dependencies: <zzarr> libqt5opengl5-dev : Depends: qtbase5-dev (= 5.4.1+dfsg-2ubuntu11~vivid3) <zzarr> qtconnectivity5-dev : Depends: qtbase5-dev <zzarr> I just realized that there is a PPA, but I have not installed it <zzarr> the PPA I found is ci-train-ppa-service-ubuntu-stable-phone-overlay <popey> zzarr, is it an armhf chroot? <popey> zzarr, if so, you need to apt-get install qtconnectivity5-dev:armhf <zzarr> popey, yes it is, thanks <zzarr> popey, you're a hero :-D <popey> \o/ <zzarr> popey, my project is building with Qt 5.5.1 :-D <zzarr> so, now I just got 20 compilation errors where the application do not find a lib I have created, yay, that's something that I understand and can fix <Mirv> zzarr: great! :) <zzarr> :-D <popey> hm, anyone got an mx4 handy? * mcphail is tempted to trigger the !ask factoid <popey> :D <popey> I need someone to test a click package <popey> balloons, seen "ImportError: No module named 'lxml'" on https://code.launchpad.net/~verzegnassi-stefano/ubuntu-docviewer-app/lok-qml-currentpart-moved/+merge/281840 <popey> ? <zzarr> popey, I have an MX4 :-D <popey> oooh <popey> zzarr, http://people.canonical.com/~alan/com.ubuntu.docviewer_2.0.latest_armhf.click could you install that, and put a spreadsheet (like http://people.canonical.com/~alan/Mozilla_Location_Services.xlsx for example) and open with the doc viewer? <popey> it will either look zoomed in like this:- http://people.canonical.com/~alan/screenshots/device-2016-01-12-133308.png <popey> or zoomed out like this:- http://people.canonical.com/~alan/screenshots/device-2016-01-12-133734.png <zzarr> sure, should I open the link on the phone? <popey> would like to know which pls :) <popey> well, you could ssh to the phone, or adb shell <popey> then wget the two files <popey> then pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted com.ubuntu.docviewer_2.0.latest_armhf.click <zzarr> okey <popey> (which will be easier) <popey> thanks! <Tellah> zbenjamin, might as well bug you and bzoltan_ ; I know you are busy, but I figured you might want to be reminded of the qtcreator plugin. <Tellah> https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/qtcreator-plugin-autopilot/added-copyright-license-header <zzarr> popey, the clock on one of the png's show 13:37 (leet), nice touch :-D <popey> unintentional :) <zzarr> popey, it is... hehe <zzarr> my device don't show up in the sdk <zzarr> how do I install a click package I have downloaded? <popey> <popey> then pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted com.ubuntu.docviewer_2.0.latest_armhf.click <zzarr> what does you mean with <popey> <popey> that was me copy/pasting the line above <zzarr> ohh, I missed that, sry <popey> once you install you need to pull-down to refresh the app scope <zzarr> okey <zzarr> installing now <zzarr> popey, I don't notice any new app, is it the default docviewer? <popey> yes <zzarr> okey, I'll test it now <zzarr> popey, it looks like the leet png <popey> brilliant, thanks <zzarr> np, glad to help :-D <zzarr> popey, I have to say, very well done <popey> sverzegnassi, ^ :) Well done <zzarr> in that case, well done both of you <sverzegnassi> zzarr, thanks! :) <zzarr> :-D <dholbach> jdstrand: if you have a bit of time, can you take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1523384? <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1523384 in Canonical Click Reviewers tools "broken symlinks when snapping a python project using requirements.txt" [Undecided,In progress] <mhall119> davidcalle: bzoltan_: the latest unity-js-scopes-doc is still not in the SDK team release PPA, I can't get them online until it is <mhall119> popey: is nik90's Flashback app available somewhere? <popey> its on lauchpad <popey> but the trackt api changed and I think he didnt have time to fix it <mhall119> ah, ok, so no good for a demo then <popey> no, unless you fix it ;) <davidcalle> bzoltan_: the unity-js-scopes r122 one you moved the other day has, apprently, not moved <t1mp> it seems I cannot launch any application in autopilot with TestCase.launch_upstart_application(appName) <t1mp> but launch_test_application(appName) does seem to work.... * t1mp confused <dobey> t1mp: launch_upstart_application() i presume runs upstart jobs <t1mp> dobey: I guess... I am trying to run UITK tests. And all tests that load external qml files work, but all the tests that have qml code embedded in the python test code don't run <dobey> oh, it says it does it via ubuntu-app-launch <t1mp> maybe it is an issue with my upstart configuration <ahayzen> t1mp, FWIW we use launch_click_package(appName) in music's AP <dobey> i don't think launch_upstart_application () is what you ever want <ahayzen> and launch_test_application() when on a non-click environment <t1mp> I get something like this when I run an AP test http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14481052/ <t1mp> dobey: it seems like our UbuntuTestCase for UITK has been using that since forever <dobey> huh <t1mp> and for other people, the same tests apparently work. So that's why I was guessing maybe my upstart config is messed up on my laptop <dobey> do you have ubuntu-app-launch installed on your laptop? <t1mp> yes, I can run ubuntu-app-launch. <t1mp> I just found out now that I am checking why the AP tests are not working for me <t1mp> maybe it is a build dependency for UITK <t1mp> launch_upstart_application() comes from here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/ubuntuuitoolkit/tests/__init__.py#L109 <popey> balloons, check it out! I fixed the spreadsheet! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TWttFQOYwiImkvqT5hLkeWP954rA0G5oVNUWrq6vxi8/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=1 <popey> \o/ \o/ \o/ <farad> good evening! <farad> is it possible to extend an existing QtDeveloper installation, so that I can use it to develop for the ubuntu phone with it? <t1mp> so I have a ~/.local/share/applications/tmpa2ir07zt.desktop and /tmp/tmp4z8r54kj.qml. How would I launch that with applauncher? <t1mp> err <t1mp> with upstart <farad> sorry I mean QtCreator <t1mp> farad: as I understood, we could not do everything needed for that in a separate plugin for qtcreator. So you would need to install the ubuntu-sdk instead of your current QtC (or perhaps next to it) <t1mp> but I don't know the details. zbenjamin and bzoltan_ will know (when they are online tomorrow) <farad> OK thanks - all I wanted to know was if there exists a separate plugin <farad> which would enable me to develop from different platforms <t1mp> farad: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/blog/2015/11/19/here-comes-brand-new-ubuntu-sdk-ide-tools/ explains how to install it <farad> @t1mp: thanks, I think I found all I need #ubuntu-app-devel 2016-01-13 <dholbach> good morning <zzarr> good morgning <zzarr> morning* <zzarr> hello! I get this error trying to start an application on a armhf arm device, what's wrong? "Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x50401) with this library (version 0x50501)" <zzarr> or rather, how can I know what lib? <popey> zzarr, http://askubuntu.com/questions/534415/cannot-mix-incompatible-qt-library <zzarr> thanks popey :-) <zzarr> popey, what is Genymotion? <popey> android emulator i think <popey> used by people who make android apps/games for testing on the desktop <zzarr> never mind, "target.path = /usr/lib" was missing in the .pro file <popey> yay <zzarr> okey, thanks <kivi> popey, http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/ error 500 <popey> thanks <mcphail> popey: found this - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3662856/how-to-reimplement-or-wrap-a-syscall-function-in-linux - which might help us intercept open() calls <popey> mcphail, interesting <mcphail> the wrapper could just prepend the confined path <zzarr> hello again! <zzarr> I get this error "Cannot find a running Bluez. Please check the Bluez installation." but there's a bluetoothd up and running <zzarr> bluez version 5.36 <zzarr> Qt version 5.5.1 <bartbes> mcphail, popey: why do you want to intercept open calls? <popey> Imagine you have a linux program / game which writes files in places that (on Ubuntu phone) it can't shouldn't <popey> Rather than heavily patch the upstream app, just intercept those calls and point them in a different place <popey> e.g. calls to open ~/.config/foo-dir should go to ~/.config/foo.developer/foo-dir <bartbes> right, and you want to wrap them at compile-time? <popey> i was thinking more LD_PRELOAD=wrapper foo-app <popey> so you don't touch foo-app, just wrap it <bartbes> that should be fairly easy <popey> bartbes, for you maybe :) <bartbes> popey: have an example: http://hastebin.com/upewegilan.c <bartbes> it's not the neatest, but it works <popey> oooh <popey> did you write that? <popey> <3 <bartbes> I think, as long as you conditionally read the mode flag, you could unconditionally pass it, but that probably depends on your abi <bartbes> though iirc the arm and amd64 calling conventions don't differ there <mcphail> Only problem with this is it is not going to catch any file access from anything which isn't compiled. If python or lua is embedded with hardcoded paths, it isn't going to be translated <bartbes> why not? <bartbes> lua calls open, too <bartbes> and I imagine so does python <mcphail> bartbes: but the wrapper won't wrap those calls, will it? <bartbes> oh, because they're from a shared library? <mcphail> yes <mcphail> unless the lib is recompiled... <bartbes> there is another way <bartbes> let's see.. <bartbes> actually, it seems it doesn't catch lua because it uses fopen instead of open <bartbes> and fopen and open are both in libc <bartbes> indeed, adding a simple wrapper for fopen makes it work for lua's io.open, too <mcphail> bartbes: nice. I think your dynamic linking and running with LD_PRELOAD is better than the static linking I'd posted above, and can see why this would work whereas my approach wouldn't <bartbes> as for python, it looks like it may be executing the syscall directly, instead of using libc <mcphail> another reason to hate python more <bartbes> ptrace is an option <mcphail> This is good stuff. We might be able to implement a "poor man's container" here <mcphail> So we need to wrap open() and fopen() - anything else you can think of? fdopen() won't need wrapped. Can't think of other libc functions to wrap off the top of my head <mcphail> freopen(), i suppose <bartbes> stuff like stat could be interesting <mcphail> yes - running zgrep "const char *" *.gz in /usr/share/man/man2 suggests my optimism might be misplaced <bartbes> hmm, I've got an LD_PRELOAD running with ptrace <bartbes> it's a bit too effective, I'm currently redirecting opens to /dev :P <bartbes> mcphail: if you LD_PRELOAD this it also works with python: http://hastebin.com/gufoyupafu.c <bartbes> and if you set sharedMemSize to PATH_MAX it should probably work everywhere <mcphail> bartbes: that looks extremely clever. It is going to take a while for me to pick through that to fully understand it, but that is as cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University <bartbes> the worst bit is extracting the original filename <mcphail> presumably stat() and friends make the SYS_open syscall as well, so this will catch everything? <mcphail> or maybe not... <bartbes> no, stat is a different syscall <mcphail> yes, just spotted that <bartbes> but fopen does trigger the SYS_open syscall <mcphail> yep. Should be enough for most things. Might need sys_create as well? <bartbes> creat might actually be open with O_CREAT <bartbes> nvm, there's also a SYS_creat <bartbes> see /usr/include/bits/syscall.h <mcphail> yep. browsing that just now. Looks as if this could work, doesn't it? It would greatly simplify repackaging .debs as .clicks <bartbes> from the looks of it all those syscalls have a filename as their first argument, so it's just a matter of adding a few ors <mcphail> Yes, prob several of the syscalls with "const char *" parameters will have to be looked at, and some of them with (non-const) "char *" <mcphail> Does this have a big impact on performance, do you think? <bartbes> I'm not sure, it will have a negative impact, how much, I don't know <bartbes> it could definitely help with the initial port, but it's definitely more efficient to patch the application <bartbes> the normal LD_PRELOAD method is probably faster, if only because it relies less on the scheduler and is more targeted <mcphail> bartbes: yes. Most apps will have very few open()s though, so it might not hurt too much to catch the syscalls your second way <mcphail> the magic is going to be working out which paths to rewrite and which paths to pss unchanged <mcphail> bartbes: if it is OK with you, I'll experiment with your LD_PRELOAD approach to reimplement open(), fopen(), stat() etc and see if it turns out to be useful. Would you be kind enough to post a version with a free licence? <farad> Hi there! Can anybody give me a tipp on how to prevent rotation of the screen with QML? <farad> I tried MainView.automaticOrientation but it did not change anything for me <farad> it did not change the behaviour if I set it to true or false, to be more specific <mcphail> farad: you set this in the manifest.json <farad> ah, thank you! * mcphail can't remember the syntax just now <bartbes> mcphail: here you go: https://bitbucket.org/snippets/bartbes/K8EKk (2-clause BSD licensed) <mcphail> bartbes: you are a gentleman and a scholar <farad> Sorry, but I cannot find any information about Manifest files in the online api-documentation. Could you please point me to something? <popey> you can set it in the desktop file <mcphail> oops. sorry for the misinformation <popey> X-Ubuntu-Supported-Orientations=portrait (or landscape) <mhall119> popey: when trying to run ubuntu-docviewer-app on qtcreator I get: This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb". <mhall119> bzoltan_: zbenjamin ^^ any help you can give? <mhall119> I'm on wily, fwiw <bartbes> mhall119: I have had that too, and I partially followed a discussion about this earlier, make sure you've selected your hosts toolkit, not the new desktop one, and perhaps run cmake again? <bartbes> in any case, it did work for me launching from the terminal rather than the ide, but that's not much of a solution <mhall119> bartbes: by "hosts toolkit" do you mean a chroot? <bartbes> no, just the normal host qt <mhall119> how is that different from the desktop one? <mhall119> QTDIR=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5 for me <bartbes> for me an extra entry appeared <bartbes> with like a fancy name <faenil> ahayzen: yo, any news about the issue you had? <ahayzen> faenil, ah yes, sorry haven't tried it yet. Been busy with landings :-) <faenil> I see, np := <faenil> :) <faenil> I'm just curious to know ;) <ahayzen> i'll try todo it tomorrow :-) <faenil> cool :) <faenil> gnight o/ <ahayzen> night o/ <mcphail> popey: might have hit a fatal flaw in our plans <mcphail> popey: don't know how to deal with open()s to /proc/.... <mcphail> presumably they are limited by confinement? <mcphail> http://paste.ubuntu.com/14491850/ #ubuntu-app-devel 2016-01-14 <popey> mcphail, ugh <popey> mcphail, how many things from proc does it want? I mean, if it's just /proc/cmdline, perhaps we can fake that :) <bartbes> mcphail: you might want to filter on something like /home anyway <bartbes> not being able to open /dev/shm or /dev/urandom isn't fun either <bartbes> unless you want to have a full sysroot in ~/.local/share ;) <popey> bartbes, mcphail to be fair, for some of these we could lobby the security team to allow them, as it seems reasonable to access things like urandom and cmdline to me <mcphail> I've simply taken a naive approach just now of chucking everything it asks for under the fakeroot, but a lot of these could just be filtered, I'm sure. I'll have a think if there is a generic way to deal with /proc/cmdline. I'll have a look again next week. Busy weekend at work coming up. <bartbes> why would it need /proc/cmdline anyway.. <mcphail> bartbes: don't know. Some of these game frameworks load different config files if they are called with different names: e.g. gemrb loads bg1.conf if you have symlinked the name bg1 to the gemrb executable. I presume scummvm (which is what we are working with just now) does the same thing <popey> renatu, i still can't get sync to work anymore - i get this popup all the time and no matter what I do, it never fixes it (i re-sign into google) http://people.canonical.com/~alan/screenshots/device-2016-01-14-131037.png <renatu> popey, try to move your "~/.config/syncevolution" to "~/.config/syncevolution.old", delete you syncevolution cache: "rm -rf ~/.cache/syncevolution", reboot the phone and try to sync again <popey> renatu, okay, will try that <bartbes> mcphail: /proc/cmdline is the kernel command line <bartbes> oh, nvm, it's /proc/<pid>/cmdline <jdstrand> popey: I don't have any problem with /dev/urandom (indeed, it is already allowed by the base abstraction). /proc/pid/cmdline is an info leak <popey> hmm <bartbes> even if it's /proc/self/cmdline? <mhall119> DanChapman: I'm supposed to give a convergence demo at UbuCon next week, and popey hinted that you might have an experimental build of Dekko with convergence features that I could use <popey> :) <ioanm> mhall119, your going to UbuCon lucky u <mhall119> ioanm: I'm helping organize it :) It'll be 4 days of me running around like a headless chicken <DanChapman> mhall119, I do! :-D I've just got to go and get the kids from school. I'll give you a ping when i'm back <mhall119> DanChapman: thanks! * mhall119 really just hopes to replace Thunderbird on his desktop #ubuntu-app-devel 2016-01-15 <popey> balloons, did you see the file manager merges are still failing? <popey> Elleo, you about for #ubuntu-touch-meeting ? :) <bartbes> that sounds creepy <popey> hah <Elleo> popey: sure thing <mhall119> bzoltan_: where should I file API wishlists for the AdaptivePageLayout? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit ? <bzoltan_> mhall119: that is a perfect place for that <mhall119> bzoltan_: any special tag or title prefix you'd like? <bzoltan_> mhall119: "Do it now or I eat your dog" ? <mhall119> aw, but I like dogs <faenil> ahayzen: pingie pingie <bzoltan_> mhall119: even better :) with what seasoning? <mhall119> bzoltan_: added 4 bugs, marked as wishlist <bzoltan_> mhall119: cool! I will schedule them and post you about the plans. <mhall119> bzoltan_: one more thing, and I'm not sure if it's worth doing, but when I replaced PageStack with AdaptivePageLayout, the first thing I did was add a push(page, props) function to it that would add it to the current column of the primary page, so that all my old code would keep working. Do you think it's worth baking that in to AdaptivePageLayout, or will it just encourage devs to not properly use it <faenil> popey: it's not much of a bug :/ I need to know if they/you can do it before that day, or I'll have to find some time for that :P <davidcalle> Here we go! https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/blog/2016/01/15/announcing-ubuntu-scopes-showdown-2016/ <popey> if you can, that would be helpful, we have very little resource to get that done in time. <popey> but email anyway <popey> will see what we can do :D <faenil> popey: well, I'd have to take time off scrollbars unit tests...so I'm not sure it makes sense :P <popey> hah <faenil> email sent ;) <sverzegnassi> popey: btw, if I temporarily disable autopilot tests for docviewer on Jenkins, could it be a problem? <popey> sverzegnassi, balloons will be cross, but only for a short while. Show him a picture of a dog and he will cheer up :) <popey> (so yes) <popey> But we need to identify why and fix them / it <sverzegnassi> haha, will look for a good pic then :D <sverzegnassi> the question is why the same package works for clock-app and doesn't for docviewer, but atm I would like not to have 12 pending MPs <popey> yeah <popey> lets disable, get them out the way, get the release out the way and focus on fixing the test after <mhall119> davidcalle: https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/scopes/js/sdk-15.04.1/ScopeJS/ is live <mhall119> davidcalle: you can now link to elements in your tutorial <mhall119> replace sdk-15.04.1 with "current" and the links will always stay relevant <mhall119> for example: https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/scopes/js/current/ScopeJS.Scope/ <ybon> Are you able to login to Ubuntu One from within the Account settings? <ybon> I got "provided email/password is not correct" since some days, while I can login from my desktop browser without issue <dobey> ybon: works fine here <ybon> ok, thanks for the confirm <ybon> weird <dobey> do you see anything in ~/.cache/upstart/dbus.log about it when you get the error? <ybon> let me check that <ybon> dobey: 2016-01-15 20:53:57,281 - CRITICAL - Error occurred creating token: 2 (Provided email/password is not correct.) <ybon> like the message on the UI <ybon> I typed the pwd dozens of times, I think I would have had it right at least once, if it was my typing a bad password <ybon> and it works on the browser <ybon> (desktop browser, let me try on the phone one) <dobey> well. i know i mistype on the phone a lot, because on screen keyboards are awful, no matter how good they are <ybon> erk, ok, 0/O joke! <ybon> thanks dobey for making me look at the reality of me being dumb :) <dobey> :) <McIntireEvan> popey: With the terminal app, if we needed to make a change in QMLTermWidget is there an upstream that we make an edit in and get it merged or do we do it within the ubuntu-terminal-app repo? #ubuntu-app-devel 2016-01-16 <Kaleo> hey there, anybody saw Nekelesh or Bartosz? <Kaleo> clock app devs <popey> McIntireEvan, i think it's all in trunk isnt it? <popey> McIntireEvan, any chance you could review this if you get a moment please? https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/ubuntu-terminal-app/add-control/+merge/282280 <i_n_g_o_> hello <i_n_g_o_> i am struggeling with a plain (unchanged) Unity Scope project <i_n_g_o_> hope to find some help <i_n_g_o_> when starting it on the phone i get: <i_n_g_o_> ERROR: untitled.username_untitled: unity::scopes::ConfigException: <i_n_g_o_> Cannot instantiate run time for untitled.username_untitled, config file: <i_n_g_o_> /home/phablet/.local/share/unity-scopes//untitled.username_untitled_0.1: <i_n_g_o_> unity::scopes::ConfigException: invalid config file name: <i_n_g_o_> "/home/phablet/.local/share/unity-scopes//untitled.username_untitled_0.1": <i_n_g_o_> missing .ini extension <i_n_g_o_> uh. sorry. thought i am in the ubuntu-touch channel... <i_n_g_o_> ... but maybe this is a good channel to ask after all. #ubuntu-app-devel 2016-01-17 <noel31> hello anybody here <noel31> bye <imnichol> On 15.10 is the version of ubuntu-sdk in the repos the correct one? Or do I need to use the ppa still? <mcphail> imnichol: unless things have changed, you still need the ppa <imnichol> mcphail, thanks #ubuntu-app-devel 2017-01-09 <zsombi> hai world <zsombi> mzanetti: ping, I saw you were looking after me <zsombi> mzanetti: the promised FocusShape code http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23769222/ <zbenjamin> zsombi: could it be you forgot my PR with the source tree reorg? :) <zbenjamin> bzoltan_: any idea about daker's problem? https://paste.ubuntu.com/23753990/ <zbenjamin> daker: seems the lxd bridge tries to use a existing subnet <zbenjamin> daker: is that something you have in your network? <zbenjamin> daker: looks like a lxd bug maybe <zbenjamin> daker: what you can try is to change all occurences of 10.0.2.x in /etc/default/lxd-bridge into a subnet not used in your network, then try to restart the upgrade <kalikiana> zsombi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bugs?field.tag=unity8 <zsombi> kalikiana: thx!! <zsombi> mzanetti: ping bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1647415 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1647415 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "units.gu() emits changed signal before completion" [Undecided,In progress] <zsombi> mzanetti: from teh bug it is not clear whether the GU change signal causes the behavior <mzanetti> ? <mzanetti> what behavior? <zsombi> mzanetti: isn't the onBlaChanged emitted because it gets a value different from 0 (default) ? <mzanetti> zsombi, wouldn't "onBlubbChanged" be called too in that case? <zsombi> mzanetti: well, that is a value binding, may behave differently <zsombi> beside, units is a context property, it doesn't know anything about the Item's completion, so it'll emit a signal whenever it detects a GU change <zsombi> mzanetti: and in that case, if units is changed, the change signal will cause the bla property change to happen even if the component si not completed yet <mzanetti> zsombi, but is there a gu change? <mzanetti> I mean... I do "property int bla: units.gu(10)" <mzanetti> this should never change <zsombi> mzanetti: there is <zsombi> mzanetti: are you sure? what if the GU value changes? <mzanetti> does it? <mzanetti> I mean, sure, with DGU, it can change <zsombi> mzanetti: and in teh first launch, that GU value changes almost everywhere <mzanetti> but not in my setup <mzanetti> yes, exactly, that's the problem <kalikiana> the gu is set/initialized before completion, ergo it "changes" as before it would be 0 <zsombi> mzanetti: on desktop, GU might be 8 pixels, but on phone is more, so how would you know when to really change and when not? <mzanetti> it should read GRID_UNIT_PX at very first, then initialize all the things with that, and unless DGU changes the env var, there should be no changed signal <daker> zbenjamin: no, i think it was created by lxd <kalikiana> mzanetti: ie. I don't think it can be set when the binding is set up <mzanetti> hmmm <mzanetti> I see what you mean... <mzanetti> still think we need to solve it somehow <kalikiana> so 1) binding evaluated 2) units initialized 3) completed <mzanetti> yeah, 1 and 2 would need to be swapped <zsombi> I can try that out... <kalikiana> mzanetti: it might sorted with the MainWindow since that can initialize the gu "immediately" <kalikiana> but gu needs a window <zsombi> kalikiana: I could try to initialize the GU at the plugin loading time... <mzanetti> I don't think we can use MainWindow in the shell... maybe we can... dunno. so far we don't use any Window thing <zsombi> oh, yes, I keep forgetting teh multi-window... <kalikiana> zsombi: then it will change once there's a window which may have a different gu <kalikiana> so that can only work some of the times <zsombi> kalikiana: yes, realized that <kalikiana> mzanetti: What does Unity render on? The window is the owner of the scaling property ultimately <kalikiana> For apps anyway <mzanetti> we set up a scenegraph on Mir <zsombi> well, that would be solved by initing GU on plg load... never the less each Window would have a separate initialization... <kalikiana> mzanetti: Perhaps we need to consider a non-Window type that has a gu property? Essentially we need an Item to get rid of the context property <mzanetti> ah no... actually we use a QQuickWindow <kalikiana> Ah <mzanetti> although we hijack things in there quite a bit <zsombi> mzanetti: so you could then use the MainWindow... once we get it released... <mzanetti> probably... <kalikiana> mzanetti: The MainWindow is intended to be minimal, ie. no header/APL in there - what else do you use/need from the window? <mzanetti> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/trunk/view/head:/src/ShellApplication.cpp <kalikiana> mzanetti: Right now it's got an action context, applicationName and units <mzanetti> the ShellView is a QQuickView <mzanetti> which in itself is a QQuickWindow <mzanetti> so... those things done in ShellApplication is what we need <mzanetti> and then, with multimonitor it might become a bit more <zsombi> well, MainWindow is basically a QQuickWindow with units and i18n exposed as properties, to ditch the global context property... <zsombi> so you could use that instead of QQuickWindow <kalikiana> mzanetti: multimonitor for...? you're doing some initialization bits there that are normally in the launcher, like the testability - but the i18n and applicationName are also done in MainWindow <mzanetti> kalikiana, yeah well, this is the shell... this is the compositor <kalikiana> what it doesn't have is the organizationName, we could add that, or you just keep that as-is <kalikiana> with click we never set it because it broke confinement <daker> zbenjamin: is this a bug in lxd https://paste.ubuntu.com/23770161/ ? <zbenjamin> daker: try dpkg -l | grep -i lxd to see if you still have lxd related packages installed <daker> zbenjamin: ah yes lxd-client <daker> should i remove it ? <zbenjamin> daker: hmm, the client should be unrelated to that... could you check if there is still a lxdbr0 device? <daker> zbenjamin: no it was removed after the purge i think <zbenjamin> daker: then try the update again <daker> zbenjamin: i will run the apt-get install ubuntu-sdk again <daker> zbenjamin: no luck :( https://paste.ubuntu.com/23770421/ <daker> $ ifconfig | grep "wlan0" <daker> wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr cc:52:af:5e:4c:7e <daker> i am not using wlan0 to connect to internet <zbenjamin> daker: seems somehow your network setup is broken ... <zbenjamin> daker: remove the /etc/default/lxd-bridge file and try again <zbenjamin> daker: move it to something like /etc/default/lxd-bridge.backup <zbenjamin> sorry need to run, i have a appointment soon :( <daker> zbenjamin: no problem, i'll try again #ubuntu-app-devel 2017-01-10 <zsombi> hai <zsombi> zbenjamin: yr changes in uitk2 merged, thx :) <zbenjamin> zsombi: \o/ #ubuntu-app-devel 2017-01-11 <kalikiana> timp: the MR for MainWindow is https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/outTheWindow/+merge/301278 - see the segfault on applicationName here (search for mainwindow) https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-sdk/job/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-ci-i386-gles-stable/1343/console <timp> checking <timp> kalikiana: does it only fail on specific architectures? <timp> kalikiana: I would add some prints to setApplicationName() to see more precisely where it fails <kalikiana> No, multiple architectures. Just the latest builds ran into flaky tests so the failure looks different. <kalikiana> timp: Yeah, I might just do that. I'm running out of ideas what to check for by manual code review. <timp> where is setApplicationName called? <timp> kalikiana: note that in ucmainviewbase.cpp we have if (applicationName != QStringLiteral("")) { <timp> so not applicationName.isEmpty() <timp> I wonder if the applicationName QString can be not properly defined <timp> maybe it is just a performance optimization <timp> but you'd want to do that too then <kalikiana> timp: Hmmmm, will give that a go. I was aiming to stick to the same behavior anyway for consistency <kalikiana> Those are exactly the things that are easy to miss <timp> my guess is that it was a performance optimization that zbenjamin was doing. So not sure if it has something to do with the current failure <timp> but consistency is good #ubuntu-app-devel 2017-01-12 <zsombi> kalikiana: shouldn't we add theme property to MainView in addition to units and i18n? <zsombi> in this way it could replace the context property <zsombi> kalikiana: I can add that in an incremental MR if you think... <kalikiana> zsombi: Maybe; I wanted to get the MainWindow in first for exactly those benefits. So the proof that it works is there. But I wasn't sure if we'd want to add to MainView - we'd probably prefer everyone to migrate and that's one of several benefits you get from moving over. <kalikiana> And we can't remove the context properties anyway since existing apps could still be relying on them. <zsombi> ok, so I'll add the theme as increment <kalikiana> zsombi: Or did you mean 'to the MainWindow'? <kalikiana> Maybe I misunderstand the q <zsombi> yes, to the mainwindow... crap, I wrote MainView... <kalikiana> zsombi: Right, in that case yes <zsombi> kalikiana: so, do you want to add it, or want me to do it? <kalikiana> zsombi: Also, any opinion on the organizationName? Unity needs it - we could add it; otherwise they'd have to keep using C++ for that <zsombi> kalikiana: we could add it, but we make it as empty by default? <kalikiana> zsombi: Yeah, that's what I was thinking. The default would match the current behavior, and any app that needs it can set it <zsombi> kalikiana: yup <kalikiana> Mirv: Mind having a look at this gles-only failure? It looks as if the temporary folder isn't being created properly https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-sdk/job/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-ci-i386-gles-stable/1350/console <kalikiana> Before this MR it wouldn't fail since it silently skipped errors <kalikiana> ^^ This is https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/wrapAndSort/+merge/314411 <Mirv> kalikiana: maybe that dirname $0 works differently than what one would think, but that seems mysterious enough to not be solved without some manual test output like echo $(dirname $0) , ls -l ../debian/ , ls -l $tmpdir/ on various lines to try to decipher what's wrong. at least the original check did report problems earlier, so I can't imagine how control.gles would not be there <kalikiana> Mirv: Hmmm good idea, didn't think of that <kalikiana> Thanks <kalikiana> mzanetti: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/organizedWindow/+merge/314631 We talked about the organizationName in context of Unity using the MainWindow I think, so FYI <mzanetti> kalikiana, mhm, ok, not 100% sure what to do with it though #ubuntu-app-devel 2017-01-13 <kalikiana> mzanetti: you are setting that in your window subclass, right? <kalikiana> once you switch to mainwindow, it can take care of setting the app/org name as well as the gettext domain <zsombi> kalikiana: so, R U ready with that MainWindow? or you still plan to add sting more? <kalikiana> zsombi: That MR is ready - the additions will come in separate branches <zsombi> okay <zsombi> kalikiana: then approving <kalikiana> Since those will need extra tests and I'd rather get them in easy to review pieces <kalikiana> zsombi: Grand. Thanks! <zsombi> yw <kalikiana> zsombi: Follow-up: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/organizedWindow/+merge/314631 <kalikiana> Mirv: sorted it; turns out the control.gles is already renamed at the point the test is run so it's not there https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/wrapAndSort/+merge/314411 <kalikiana> in hindsight it's rather obvious :-D <Mirv> kalikiana: lol, of course #ubuntu-app-devel 2018-01-11 <joelkraehemann> hi all <joelkraehemann> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gsequencer <joelkraehemann> ^^ does proposed mean, it is going to be synced? #ubuntu-app-devel 2018-01-13 <ykfind> â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) qiblnabshd: me4oslav voldyman diddledan â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) jnghxx: karlthane popey Hirppa ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) orqsqpza: glebihan sbeattie ogra_ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. 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EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) mpnpsuod: chihchun_afk matiasb mhall119 â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) lklirhgarz: Cust0sLimen larreamikel[m] ogra_ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) yynzrl: Hirppa higgins davidcalle ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) uvzfpxex: zbenjamin hyperair ahayzen ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) oydwix: ubot9 Kaleo ablasche ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) wmgxvt: trollixx joelkraehemann ahayzen ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) ybmmzobwis: ubuntulog2 ubot5 ablasche ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) lktjo: ogra_ matiasb larreamikel[m] ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) hgjetguer: Acn0w Elleo Orphis ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) aycrgroi: ahayzen Kaleo Acn0w â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) vdtxmbqwzo: joelkraehemann popey benoitc ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) uxumg: ogra_ Acn0w BOHverkill ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) wodkgevfx: chihchun_afk karlthane Acn0w â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) uxiifvm: ubuntulog2 joelkraehemann zbenjamin ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) ulnpw: matiasb tekojo Acn0w ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) mtoqnaz: tomreyn ondra ahayzen ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) kvnli: charles karlthane tekojo ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) ecwpkvl: Noskcaj Elleo ablasche ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) xyxgjwyzh: ondra Davidrnd zbenjamin ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) dfvaf: BOHverkill Acn0w leosilva ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄, <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) kebovtupy: joelkraehemann ahayzen deltab ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) ibkwxvxbep: Davidrnd voldyman ubot5 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) rgheogfyoq: ubot9 diddledan Cust0sLimen â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) bgnya: benoitc svij Cust0sLimen ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) oyoeox: BOHverkill ahayzen mdeslaur ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) kfmauests: chihchun_afk ondra JanC ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) flrzbcgqf: Kaleo mardy popey â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â– <ykfind> â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) knvbb: tekojo zbenjamin joelkraehemann â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â– <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) mivqdvbu: deltab Orphis hyperair ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄, <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) feorr: Mister_Q Kaleo mhall119 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) qmvbkh: me4oslav mhall119 marcoceppi ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) qsjxukatir: higgins benoitc mdeslaur ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) hchoxcks: Davidrnd benoitc voldyman ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) aeysuw: zbenjamin BOHverkill Mister_Q ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) wylcjll: davidcalle Davidrnd me4oslav ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) byzpttfwg: Elleo karlthane kyleN__ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) amfgywbimr: JanC larreamikel[m] ubot5 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) koqpird: joelkraehemann kyleN__ NeoTheThird[m] ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) htnsb: JanC NeoTheThird[m] larreamikel[m] ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) lxrsd: ubuntulog2 Acn0w matiasb ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) eqddrjplfx: benoitc ubot9 joelkraehemann ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) vldwaz: deltab Kaleo karlthane ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) uhkpqtiebu: BOHverkill ahayzen benoitc â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â– <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) zoysn: benoitc gabmus[m] chihchun_afk ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) cabgelzhtm: karlthane ubot5 chihchun_afk ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) bkdmmjfni: gabmus[m] trollixx ubuntulog2 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) qtjqxwvqq: svij Orphis mhall119 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) gtqgen: Mister_Q Orphis ahayzen ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) ocjvfsyb: ablasche gabmus[m] rmescandon â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) qmqnsub: mdeslaur ubot9 svij ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) yhqvwzs: svij Hirppa rmescandon ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) xbtbrxemzd: davidcalle Noskcaj tomreyn â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â– <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) mcslfj: Davidrnd chesedo charles ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) abslnllzmq: hyperair joelkraehemann tekojo ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄, <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) jjhqk: rmescandon chesedo charles ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) aczyoejx: Cust0sLimen kyleN__ Kaleo ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) titdoxv: voldyman hyperair ahayzen ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) ssgeejhy: ubot5 mardy deltab ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) jjeeyhaza: hyperair diddledan chihchun_afk ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) tpzlbc: sbeattie glebihan Kaleo ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <ykfind> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ PLEASE JOIN #RIPASSHURT FOR A MEMORIAL CONCERNING ASSHURT (DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF THIS POST EL HAS APPROVED THIS MESSAGE. EL CAN BE FOUND IN #FREENODE) muslgv: Cust0sLimen diddledan rmescandon ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ #ubuntu-app-devel 2018-01-14 <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). zkekxrxgln: chesedo joelkraehemann Kaleo ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). aauih: Elleo JanC Hirppa ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). iukelyul: Hirppa ablasche tekojo ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). mavqahsgyp: Elleo Laif joelkraehemann ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). fbeknc: Acn0w ubot9 ahayzen ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). bqnppppi: voldyman mhall119 NeoTheThird[m] ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). thxmitvxsv: mhall119 chesedo benoitc ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). wumwwiswek: Elleo mardy Davidrnd ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). egjqwubt: higgins Acn0w mardy ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). zitfpqbyp: Noskcaj NeoTheThird[m] higgins ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). nfnhq: leosilva hyperair larreamikel[m] ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). ycdqsklbh: ubot9 ubot5 marcoceppi ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). szdbg: ubot5 chihchun_afk ubuntulog2 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). zkcacv: me4oslav hyperair davidcalle ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). orgfdjr: ubot5 karlthane JanC ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). qrjxvawsup: larreamikel[m] Noskcaj matiasb ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). rjnkk: trollixx popey benoitc ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). ggimgc: Laif Davidrnd mdeslaur ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). rwogrd: Noskcaj tekojo Orphis â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). spavt: diddledan popey trollixx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). txvevoop: deltab hyperair higgins ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). ryuddu: matiasb tomreyn davidcalle ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). pcaiyzmplm: Noskcaj diddledan tekojo ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). fjbwgteuq: Kaleo ubot9 Acn0w ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). ssikntbn: ondra ablasche tekojo ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). gxnxxfakpc: mhall119 joelkraehemann gabmus[m] ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). jfgmsclxp: Davidrnd higgins matiasb ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). twhetaf: chihchun_afk gabmus[m] Laif ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). uzovciibg: joelkraehemann davidcalle Acn0w ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). kbnhwwcu: Kaleo ubot5 me4oslav ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). mxwwqtl: ondra ablasche ubot5 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). ozvzje: ubot9 joelkraehemann matiasb ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). eyyxvu: Davidrnd mhall119 NeoTheThird[m] ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). fblvfmq: Hirppa sbeattie chihchun_afk ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). qzljzwzb: Orphis benoitc JanC ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). bxbdxihwp: mdeslaur hyperair larreamikel[m] ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). oyqlwqizk: ahayzen mdeslaur davidcalle ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). mplhjykt: Laif chesedo Orphis â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â–„â <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). htwtjozx: mhall119 mardy Acn0w ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). bkckoyhjfz: Davidrnd chesedo NeoTheThird[m] ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). ghweh: larreamikel[m] tekojo Elleo ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). mursqhoqem: higgins Hirppa Noskcaj ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). nhjxi: voldyman Orphis Noskcaj ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). dvfpxsdkq: Laif Noskcaj trollixx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). nzjkniuxsy: chihchun_afk Acn0w charles ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). nksanhwi: chihchun_afk Orphis charles ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). zyxpapdld: gabmus[m] marcoceppi ubuntulog2 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <iftekh> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ TRELANE IS OFFERING FREE FELACIO CLASSES IN #FREENODE (FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE HIM AS WELL). mgqgc: leosilva me4oslav Orphis ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-meeting 2005-01-05 <zenwhen> computer repair #ubuntu-meeting 2006-01-02 * #ubuntu-meeting [freenode-info] If you're at a conference, please contact freenode staff to make sure we've made special allowance for many users coming into our network from a single internet address ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp ). Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked, except to network staff, services and participating registered users ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )... Thanks! <sorush20> hi guys <MotherLUG> Morning All :D <klepas> they ought to arrive shortly <klepas> may i interest you with the agenda MotherLUG? :) <MotherLUG> Yes please <klepas> this is the appropriate email: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-art/2005-December/000543.html <klepas> and the list by artnay: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTodoList <MotherLUG> Bye #ubuntu-meeting 2006-01-03 <Viper550> Hello everyone, 40min to the meeting right? <Riddell-awa> so the calendar says <Viper550> If anyone needs UTC time, date -u at a command prompt <Viper550> As we wait, let's take a poll on what IRC client we use... <Viper550_waiting> Who's using IRSSI? <Kyral> me...oh what meeting is this... <Kyral> I'm just idling here so I glean a lot of info :D <lukacu> i use xchat :P <Kyral> I hope thats alright <Kyral> me idling here <Viper550_waiting> It's a waiting for the meeting meeting, really it's art team * Viper550_waiting is looking for a good Konsole schema for the meeting... * Viper550_waiting is also using IRSSI right now <Kyral> Im using Irssi through a FreeNX session :D <Viper550_waiting> Well, I'm at my local Ubuntu computer through Konsole <Kyral> yah I have an issue with DNS on this (the machine I'm FreeNXing from) <Kyral> so I'm like eh <Kyral> connected the laptop to the router, installed FreeNX <Kyral> and bam :D <Viper550_waiting> Should I use Eterm for this? <Seveas> Kyral, freenx is cool <Kyral> Seveas: I know you showed me <Seveas> too bad the latest version doesn't work :( <Kyral> The one in that other guy's repo? * Viper550_waiting goes to Eterm <Seveas> the kanotix one <Kyral> oh didn't touch that one <Kyral> lol I should get a screenie of this <Seveas> good, don't, it's failing on Ubuntu :) <Kyral> Whatever version this is its all good on Dapper <Kyral> on both ends <Kyral> I hope my laptop doesn't burn out... <Viper550> What is the best irssi theme for Eterm? <Kyral> I dunno I always use the default Irssi theme <Viper550> What about Fluxmod? <Viper550> Perfect, Industrial! * Viper550 playing around with Window management <Viper550> Xchat is a bit better... <Viper550> So, irssi or xchat? Which should I use? <Viper550> Hey, ksirc, that looks neat! <Viper550> Is ksirc any good? <Viper550> Let's Chatting with ksirc, back in a sec! <Viper550> This is pretty interesting, nice! <Viper550> Anyone listening? I'm trying out Ksirc, which looks pretty nice! * Kyral shrugs <Viper550> Yes, I use KDE, but I'm not on Kubuntu, how can that be? Answer correctly and I'll give you a Virtual Cookie! * Seveas steals the cookie <Viper550> You can't steal virtual cookies, you have to be root to do that! <lukacu> lol <Viper550> sudo steal cookie -back <Riddell> Viper550: you presumably don't use kdm <Viper550> Oh yes I do! <Viper550> This confusion is sponsered by: <Viper550> A, P, and T! <Riddell> Viper550: well kdm depends on kubuntu-default-settings so you are using kubuntu (assuming you're using ubuntu) <Riddell> or you could just have compiled it yourself <Viper550> No, that's not a dependency! Kubuntu-Desktop depends on KDM, but KDE doesn't depend on it! I did sudo apt-get install kde! <Riddell> kdm depends on kubuntu-default-settings, which brings in all the kubuntu branding and stuff <Viper550> NO NO NO! It didn't do that, I also have the KDE 3.5 repository <Riddell> Viper550: so you going to do all our kubuntu artwork in dapper? <Viper550> Well, I also still use Gnome <Riddell> :) <Viper550> All it did strangly is crash on the first time because it couldn't find the Kubuntu theme, then failsafed to a dialog login. <Viper550> But then I extracted a Kubuntu Ultra Login and then it worked, because the kdmrc was pointing to the kubuntu theme. <artnay> hey guys. seems like mhz and klepas won't make it, so let's start with an introduction. have you updated your wiki info? <Riddell> kubuntu ultra? * Viper550 fires aptitude <Viper550> KDM theme... <Riddell> Viper550: got a URL? <manicka> not lately <Viper550> ps. kubuntu-default-settings is not installed. <Viper550> http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=29331 <artnay> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTodoProposal - does anyone have suggestions on structure? <Riddell> Viper550: you must have installed kdm at some point from packages, else you wouldn't have a kdmrc that pointed to the kubuntu theme <Viper550> I did install KDM, I said that earlier if you wern't listening <Riddell> well it depends on kubuntu-default-settings so you should have the kubuntu kdm theme installed too <Viper550> No, it didn't install any Kubuntu stuff, everything I have is from Base KDE 3.5 (Started as 3.4, then apt-get upgraded to 3.5 from the repos) <Viper550> It's either a miracle, or APT was confused <Riddell> spooky #ubuntu-meeting 2006-01-04 <artnay> shall we start by having a wiki discussion? <Viper550> Spooky, I got KDE and KDM, and it didn't even give me Kubuntu stuff, oh yeah the new Kubuntu wall is simliar to the KDE 3.5 one for some reason. <bachler> hi all <lukacu> hello <artnay> hey bachler <Viper550> Maybe we should start on Kubuntu first <bachler> sry to be late <artnay> Viper550: and which part? <Viper550> We were just discussing my APT weirdness, let's talk KDM first <Viper550> You can guess where I got that idea from... :) <artnay> every *buntu should have its own Artwork subcategory. to do that, there's also need for unified structure between these *buntuArtwork pages <artnay> could we discuss about that structure? does anyone have suggestions as tree view lists? <Viper550> Maybe our default Kubuntu kdm should be based off this: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=24365 <artnay> hey mhz_idle, you made it ;) <mhz_idle> not really, artnay sorry <mhz_idle> please read -artwork :( <artnay> mhz_idle: do you have that list? <Viper550> Oh wait, are we just discussing Wiki structure now, if yes, I will hide under KWall <bachler> are we discussing wiki structure or kde/kdm? <artnay> Viper550: that is the most important case at the moment. we can't expect people to participate if they are unable to find needed information <Viper550> Okay... * Viper550 hides under KWall, keeps ksirc on <artnay> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTeam * Viper550 made up the Kwall thing <artnay> when it comes to different *buntus, that page should tell which projects a person is attached to <lukacu> hi volvoguy <volvoguy> howdy all! what'd i miss? :) <artnay> so, after the discussion, could you all fill something like Kubuntu/KWin after your name <artnay> that would help a lot <artnay> what do you think? have you all read the context under /Artwork? <volvoguy> artnay, heading there now to catch up. <artnay> I don't want to have a monolog here :) <bachler> i have read it <volvoguy> ok. i'm there. <artnay> what topics would you like to discuss? I know there's lots of things listed, so can we take the most important ones on table <Viper550> I'm where? artworktodo list? <klepas> sorry I'm late :) <lukacu> klepas, hi <libervisco> hey klepas <Viper550> What wiki page are we discussing? /artwork ? <artnay> Viper550: mainly /*buntuArtwork <artnay> /Artwork isn't that challenging <artnay> can we have a unified structure? are there people from Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Xubuntu? <Riddell> I'm from Kubuntu <klepas> i think a unified structure would serve us best <manicka> <--Ubuntu <artnay> *nods for KDE* <volvoguy> artnay, one thing that was never clear to me was who we answered to. we can talk about all this stuff until we're blue in the face, but for the last release, all my contact with canonical people fell on deaf ears. <volvoguy> <-- Ubuntu <trevorv> I'm a Xubuntu user, not developer, but I can do some work on the wiki <bachler> why don't Kubuntu, Edubuntu and Xubuntu adopt from the main Ubuntu page? <bachler> or wathever layout is the best <manicka> <--edubuntu as well <volvoguy> bachler, perhaps subpages rather than seperate pages? <artnay> volvoguy: did you contact them by mail? <volvoguy> artnay, yeah. <lukacu> <-- Ubuntu <Riddell> volvoguy: some of the ubuntu artwork is contracted out professionally so there's an issue of balancing community with the paid for stuff <Riddell> Kubuntu doesn't have that issue of course, I'm very welcome of all contributions :) <Viper550> What about some of my works that I put under the mailing list? <artnay> Riddell: true. canonical hasn't provided much guides and AUC is problematic, too <mhz> artnay: okis, I found a 'brake' * mhz is here now <klepas> well let us do through the wiki issues first :) <artnay> Viper550: ML isn't the best place <klepas> Oh, did we do introductsions for any minutes purposes? <volvoguy> i had contact with administrative people as well as developers and artists at canonical - supposedly working with the community - but with very little response to my inquiries. i'm not trying to be a downer, but i think it's an issue that needs to be addressed before we put dozens or hundreds of manhours into our own work. <Viper550> Well, we've all been on it, and we've not minded. Also, they considered it for some new universe artwork package thingy <klepas> yep <Yetzero> I think contacting the 'big ones' at canonical should get priority <volvoguy> Viper550, that's a good point - if we're meant to be supplimental artwork, then it doesn't really matter what Canonical does. :) <Yetzero> as volvoguy said <klepas> this is something that needs to be fixed <artnay> volvoguy: there are rumours that canonical is hiring people to work on artwork <Viper550> Mailing List considered my new Glow wallpaper for universe artwork... <artnay> but we really don't know which parts <klepas> can this be brought up at something like the Community Council? <Yetzero> that's what we need to know first <volvoguy> artnay, that's the same situation as previous releases. <klepas> or elsewhere? <artnay> but we do know that canonical would like to have some community artwork <Viper550> This is OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE!!! Anyone can contribute anything! <artnay> sure, but it doesn't guarantee anything at all <libervisco> Hm, if there's this discrepancy between canonical official artworkers and community artworkers than that could be a problem, if the roles of both haven't been defined properly <Yetzero> in that case they'll need only proffesional quality artwork, after all, it's the image of their product <klepas> so can this be brought up at a community council meeting?> <Yetzero> so we need to be clear about what we can or cannot do <klepas> or where should it be brought up? <artnay> libervisco: have our goals defined? *g* <volvoguy> for breezy we got a last minute email from (nameless dev) asking where all our contributions were and a few of us spent hours getting things together, only to be completely disregarded when it came to the release. <Viper550> Image of their OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE, remember those 3 little words that Ubuntu stands on? Remember them like the Alamo! <bachler> are we slipping away from the wikilayout problem? <klepas> yep <klepas> lets get that through first <artnay> bachler: we already slipped <libervisco> artnay, heh well, I don't have anything like that, just making an observation, but anything can be achieved in a good discussion :) <klepas> working backwards through the contents of this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTodoList <mhz> Viper550: you are right on that, but the idea behind 'organizing' is to avoid double work, is to advance better <Viper550> Meowth, that's right! (I just had to do that) <volvoguy> remember... i'm an ubuntu fanatic all the way, so i'm not trying to pick a fight... just trying to bring past issues to light. <mhz> klepas: this can perfectly be raise in CC <klepas> yep <klepas> mhz: good <Riddell> volvoguy: were there requests for specific artwork that you answered? <Yetzero> that's something we need to know beforehand <Yetzero> so we can focus on getting that done <artnay> well it didn't work last time, but we have plenty of time before dappers get wild <volvoguy> Riddell, mostly - it was background images being looked for and we presented at least a dozen. <mhz> How many of you guys have been editing wiki pages on regular basis? <Gnobdy> hey <artnay> hi Gnobdy <klepas> Guys, keeping on track with our improvised agenda would be helpful. (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTodoList) <klepas> let's discuss the wiki issue <bachler> yeah <klepas> and then move on <volvoguy> by the way, while i was gone, did sonebody else get voted as art team coordinator? <mhz> klepas: yuo <mhz> yup <bachler> so, volvoguy said something about subcategories? <Viper550> Also, you goofed up the ending, KDM is a display manager. KDM is to GDM as KDE is to GNOME <mhz> How many of you guys have been editing wiki pages on regular basis? <klepas> wiki, guys <klepas> mhz: i have <mhz> (i ask that to know what the basis of our discussion will be) <mhz> klepas: thx <Viper550> Let's talk about the gold, the actual artwork... <klepas> i tried updating some of the pages. they sure are dusty ;) <klepas> Viper550: there is a sort of agenda - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTodoList - let us work from that <artnay> we could have at least two people editing a specified /*buntuArtwork <Gnobdy> I think the defualt gtk theme needs upgrading for Dapper <volvoguy> this is my first attempt at getting back into the swing of things after my surgery. no wiki editing for me lately. <mhz> I have some experience on moin wiki and I have read what artnay proposes. I agree with the need to structure our contents <Viper550> It is having upgrades, Dapper Flight 2 has a new Cairo enabled Human theme <klepas> Guys, wiki please <klepas> two groups talking about different things is hard <mhz> Many users either just dont edit or just dont get the content they look for <Viper550> GTK theme is on the wiki! <klepas> in one channel <volvoguy> yeah. shall we go through the todo? <mhz> that is mainly due to the freedom wiki gives <Gnobdy> Viper550 I think the colours need to change more specifically <klepas> Viper550: we're working backwards :) <mhz> (which is a good freedom) <Gnobdy> the redish brown is ugly <Viper550> No, that happens AFTER Dapper according to the Shuttleworth memoirs <artnay> oh, something green: http://hdr.unk.fi/~artnay/leaf_by_machine6featUbuntu.png :) *seriously, let's focus on wiki* <mhz> ok... Are we discussing WIKI or ART ? <Gnobdy> he said it could change to something other than brown after dapper not that the shade of brown couldn't change this release <Viper550> ART!!!!!!! <libervisco> WIKI <volvoguy> i think we only have control over alternate themes anyway - not the defaults. <mhz> :D * mhz is LOST <klepas> i propose wiki <klepas> it is important <lukacu> WIKI about ART <Viper550> If that is the case, I run and hide under KWall <bachler> artnay: good one, :-P, yeah lets keep to the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTodoList <artnay> yeah, wiki is the first priority <Viper550> The ART on the WIKI? <klepas> Guys. we're working through it backwards <klepas> so wiki first <artnay> Viper550: no, let's use AUC for submitting art <klepas> mailing list issues next <mhz> Viper550: to do that we need to structure the wiki to our ART needs, first <mhz> ok, so we are all in favoru of wiki 1st? <klepas> the wiki is very important <mhz> ok <lukacu> ok <klepas> yep <Viper550> What is this AUC you talk about? <klepas> art.ubunut.com <mhz> How many of you are already editing wiki pages? <Yetzero> let's follow the agenda, wiki first <klepas> *ubuntu * mhz is <bachler> can anyone explain the problem with the *buntuArtwork pages so that everyone understands whats wring with them <Viper550> Oh, just figured that out 1 second before you said that * klepas is * Viper550 is wondering what Klepas is... <artnay> to discuss artwork in specified project, there would be /Artwork -> /*buntuArtwork -> /UbuntuMetacityArtworkDiscussion <artnay> and one could attach an image with it <artnay> but AUC would be improved and that would be the first place to submit artwork <klepas> that is logical <artnay> screenshots could belong on ubuntuforums <mhz> artnay: that would be as messy as it is now <klepas> let's discuss each section <Viper550> But, that requires registeration for large thumbnails! <artnay> mhz: I don't know. we need a unified structure of /*buntuArtwork <mhz> What does ArtWork need a wiki for? <klepas> the /Artwork would be a central page <Viper550> wiki.ubuntu.com <artnay> mhz: ok, let's keep it ArtWork then <mhz> hehe <mhz> sorry <mhz> I forgot about that <volvoguy> mhz, so we know what we're working on, and new people know what to do when they join the project <klepas> yep <mhz> volvoguy: ok, then <klepas> next is /*buntuArtwork <mhz> What are the common 'areas for each ArtWork flavour? <klepas> for each respectively: Kubuntu. Ubuntu. Xubuntu, Edubuntu and so fort <klepas> *forth <bachler> Logo <artnay> mhz: there's some listed at /ArtworkTodoList <Viper550> Let's do Artnay's idea <manicka> then the wiki must clearly outline how the projects are progressing and what needs doing <mhz> yeas I read it <Viper550> I've got an edit lock on UbuntuMetacityArtwork already!!! <mhz> artnay: if we keep UbuntuMetacityArtwork <klepas> so do we agree on this idea <mhz> we'll keep the mess <Viper550> Yes, I am going to hit the submit button now! <artnay> mhz: then we have UbuntuMetacityArtworkDiscussion as wel <artnay> that could be a mess. but the status page should be clear and informal <klepas> agreed * Viper550 hits Save Changes <mhz> artnay: yeah, but when we define structures we go from general to specific <bachler> mhz, sounds lite a good idea <Viper550> Your title code with the equal signs don't work! <Gnobdy> So is it official that AndyFitz is no longer making an icon theme?? <artnay> Gnobdy: he is <Gnobdy> oh? <klepas> Gnobdy: that will come in good time <klepas> wiki first <Gnobdy> it said on the wiki that he isn't <artnay> just have some patience <volvoguy> i haven't heard from andy in ages. <klepas> wiki first please <nomed> i'm not an ubuntu developer but i was playing with its artwork packages during these days <volvoguy> sorry. *shuts up* <artnay> Gnobdy: read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTodoList -> Icons <Viper550> There, the equals needed spaces then the title! <nomed> i think the Artwork page should be devided in packages sections <Viper550> For icons, I think we should dump Humility, that project already died! <volvoguy> let's pretend artnay has the microphone. :) <nomed> gfxboot-theme-*buntu <klepas> guys <klepas> please <klepas> wiki first <artnay> volvoguy: he does things his own way. let's give him some time <klepas> artnay if you will? :) <nomed> *buntu-artwork-usplash <nomed> *buntu-artwork <artnay> 15 minutes left, that's not much <nomed> as the user will see them during the boot up process <artnay> we need to make some decisions, mainly on wiki <klepas> yep <Viper550> Edit lock already on gfxboot-theme-ubuntu <volvoguy> artnay, yeah - i just used to be in touch with him daily pre-breezy. i miss him. *sniff* <klepas> A general question to all <nomed> then there are subusections on each package <klepas> How many of you agree that this new proposal for wiki layout is good? <Yetzero> i do <artnay> how many of you have read it actually? :) <nomed> and the one that has more is for sure <lukacu> i do <nomed> *buntu-artwork <klepas> i do too <nomed> that includes <Gnobdy> I concur <bachler> i dont reallt see the problem, but i guess that it needs a retouch <klepas> alright <mhz> klepas: i think that structure is a good base but we need to make sure it goes from General to Specific <klepas> shall we vote on it then? <volvoguy> it's way better than it was. <nomed> icons metacity wallpaper gtk <mhz> klepas: trying to avoid subpages as much as we can <artnay> klepas: vote on what? let's do /UbuntuArtwork as an example <klepas> mhz: it will become specific very quicly when we get to *buntuArtwork <artnay> so that would be done within next five days. are there people who are willing to do that same for K, ED and X? <mhz> klepas: and in order to users/interested people to know what the final structure will be, we need to ask everytone here to Subscribe to ArtWork <klepas> Yep. I'm happy to <klepas> mhz: yep <bachler> anyone got any suggestions for a layout? <klepas> i think that is alright <artnay> hopefully you guys have time left as I think this is going to take a while <klepas> So shall we vote, taking into account that <klepas> because we need to make decisions <mhz> bachler: artnay and me but I'll show it once I can wiki it (paper now) and finish this meeting <klepas> and not let this drag until the next meeting <klepas> Vote? <lukacu> yes <Viper550> Let's do the idea that I'm already putting into action (UbuntuMetacityArtwork) <bachler> mhz: good, cuz noting will happen unless anyone suggests something <mhz> artnay: what if we propose 3 people to get working on wiki proposal <artnay> bachler: topics on /*buntuArtWork: Projects, ??? <klepas> mhz: yep <klepas> good idea <klepas> alright <artnay> mhz: and it would be done within next five days <klepas> have we got 3 volunteers? <mhz> artnay: of course! before tuesday <artnay> not just the propisition, /UbuntuArtwork itself * klepas puts himself forth <artnay> damn typos <klepas> yea, given 3 people and a week * mhz puts himself too <klepas> we can do it <klepas> artnay: will you join us? <Yetzero> that's the way we have to work * Viper550 thinks Ubuntu Logos need their own page, /UbuntuLogos <artnay> Viper550: <klepas> anyone else? <lukacu> i can help after 2nd januray <klepas> to help fix the wiki <volvoguy> i really have to remain a casual observer for a while yet, but i'll be around to voice my opinions. ;) <artnay> no, that would be covered in /*buntuArtwork <nomed> ubuntu logo is in ubuntu-artwork <klepas> artnay: ? <artnay> klepas: I guess I have some time to spare :) <Viper550> Making Ubuntu Artwork for wallpapers, usplash thingys, excetera <klepas> thanks <klepas> alright <klepas> that is settled then <klepas> Wiki will be re-organised <mhz> ALL: so we have the ArtWorkWikiTeam -> klepas + mhz + artnay These guys will have a complete wiki proposal for a unified structure <Viper550> YIPPEE! Let's celebrate! <artnay> Viper550: no, Projects would be one topic. it would cover mostly stuff that is listed at /ArtworkTodoList <bachler> haha, .. wath volvoguy said.. i think it applys for me too <klepas> alright <lukacu> move on? <Viper550> Oh, well I can still do the Honk Honk Smells Good dance right? <klepas> finally wiki is out of the way <volvoguy> bachler, did you have spinal fusion surgery too? ;) <artnay> and then below that could be all stuff related to that *buntuArtwork <lguerra> i want colaborate <klepas> mailing lists are next <Viper550> Honk Honk, Honk Honk, Smells Good, Smells Good! <Yetzero> let's do this 3 people proposal thing for everything :P <mhz> ALL: this Team will have 5 days (or 7, considering the dates) to propose something to the ML <Viper550> Yeah, best of 3! <bachler> volvoguy: no.. but i got hit by a car.. my left shoulder is not in its best condition <klepas> I agree with mhz's latest email <klepas> on the mailing list <klepas> about using the wiki to upload art <volvoguy> bachler, ok... you're off the hook too then. * Viper550 checks Kmail <artnay> Yetzero: it will be an open proposal at wiki. it most probably will be discussed on IRC, so please connect to Freenode more often <klepas> at least work-in-progress stuff <artnay> klepas: yeah, but now behind one's name. that would be *buntuProjectArtworkDiscussion * mhz agrees with klepas on using the wiki to upload artwork and have discussions there <Viper550> I think that's a good idea, but the other way around sounds good too! <klepas> would that go to, say for example for me /PascalKlein/Artwork ? <klepas> or where shall this content go? <artnay> klepas: under the discussion page <klepas> alright <klepas> that sounds good <klepas> because right now using our individual upload methos <klepas> *methods <Viper550> Never mind, let's do ML discussion, Wiki Upload. The ml readers got slightly mad for me attaching my stuff <klepas> and posting to the ML is not the best idea <klepas> Viper550: we just there is a better, easier way <klepas> making use of the wiki's features would be that way <volvoguy> while we're still on the wiki, should the point be made on one of the entry pages that our work will most likely be "contributed" art and not default artwork for the distro? at least for the next few releases? <Viper550> YES! Honk Honk Honk Honk, Smells Good Smells Good! <artnay> Viper550: of course ML would have discussion after renewing wiki. but at least the project page should be kept up-to-date <klepas> volvoguy: sure, but something i will try to bring up on the Community Council meeting <volvoguy> klepas, gotcha. thanks. :) <klepas> so, do we generally agree to no post art on the mailing list <klepas> well not attached art at least <bachler> yeah <lukacu> ok <volvoguy> klepas, agreed. definitely. <klepas> please use Art.ubuntu.com for finished work <Yetzero> agreed <Viper550> Yes "signs on not so dotted line, that he already forgot about once..." <klepas> and anything else goes to the wiki <klepas> alright <mhz> volvoguy: good point <klepas> great <klepas> thanks everyone <klepas> it would also allow people to comment on the work <Viper550> But, you need external hosting to upload wallpapers to AUC <klepas> so feel free to make use of this too <klepas> Viper550: use the wiki :) <klepas> as a start <volvoguy> mhz, thx. just don't want anyone getting the wrong idea as i did initially. doh! <mhz> volvoguy: please send an email with the text you imagine. We can use Templates too, so evey new page has same basic content <Viper550> But, we said we wouldn't use Wiki for finished work! <artnay> yeah, for the "defaulted ones" <artnay> *buntuProjectArtwork would have these images, too <klepas> Viper550: look at it this way <klepas> you're making something <mhz> ALL: and please can we agree to upload SVG files too, in AUC ? <klepas> and you post the work in progress <klepas> mhz: yep <Viper550> Yes, for Universe artwork <klepas> anyhow, and you continue to upload wip versions <lukacu> mhz: but not ONLY svg please <klepas> and then lastly, the final version <Viper550> For your critisim of course! <klepas> and then you can submit it at AUC <klepas> :) <volvoguy> mhz, i think klepas has it under control with the Community Council meeting stuff. keep in touch with him about the details about where we stand with all the work we do. <mhz> Viper550: wiki is the base EVERY newcomer visits first, even before AUC <klepas> yep <klepas> mhz: wholesomely agreed <mhz> lucasvo: nope, of course. :D <klepas> guys, remember the wiki can be viewed without joining the mailing list and so forth, so everyone can easily see it and have access to it <bachler> wiki me like! <klepas> let us make use of the features :) <mhz> volvoguy: okis on CC <Viper550> You can view the Mailing List, it's just tougher! <klepas> anyway so we mutually agreed to use the wiki to post at least work in progress work <klepas> rather than attaching it to the mailing list <Viper550> Yes <lukacu> yes <Yetzero> yes <bachler> yes <mhz> ALL: I can offer myself to do a MoinWiki-School one day here in IRC <klepas> you can still write about it in the ML, but don't uplaod it <Viper550> Honk Honk.....never mind the Honk Honk Smells Good dance <mhz> (if needed) <klepas> mhz: that's be lovely <volvoguy> klepas, good point. i was just going to mention that definitions of SVG/PNG/JPG/etc should be defined somewhere. i get emails ALL THE TIME asking for PNG versions of my SVG backgrounds. <lukacu> mhz: cool <bachler> mhz: good, when? <Viper550> It's called the Export Bitmap tool in Inkscape <klepas> organise at the end <klepas> anyway <klepas> so that's the mailing list out of the way <artnay> that would be under guides <klepas> let us move on <klepas> IRC Channel next :) <Viper550> Can we now talk about Kubuntu theme proposals? <mhz> lukacu: klepas: bachler: let me finish the 'structure' with the team, gimme on emore week and I'l be ready for it and send email on the requirements <lukacu> ok <bachler> k <artnay> and every *buntuProjectArtwork would cover links to guides related to that project <klepas> given the attendance we have now, does this mean we will have more people on the #ubuntu-artwork irc channel? <bachler> the allmighty IRC channel.. <volvoguy> Viper550, i know that - but Mr. Windows Guy trying to use an SVG wallpaper doesn't. <klepas> i would certainly welcome it <Viper550> Inkscape runs on Windows too! <libervisco> good to see some progress made :) <artnay> but nobody has agreed to build/maintain /Kubu... and /Xu... * libervisco just observes <Viper550> Kubuntu Art? <mhz> libervisco: good point <volvoguy> Viper550, :-P <klepas> let's not stray <klepas> the IRC topic is small and we can move on quickly <klepas> can i just get a headcount on how many people use the IRC on a regular basis please? <lukacu> volvoguy: it is also easier for auc admin to create thumbnail out of png or jpg ... i think so <volvoguy> klepas, i'll try to hit the IRC channel more. this is the longest i've been online in months. <mhz> klepas: i use it <libervisco> klepas, heh I do, but I wasn't in these channels before :) * Viper550 laughs hysterically <klepas> volvoguy: yea, you've got an excuse <artnay> lukacu: we can have a script that would create/convert everything needed <Yetzero> i don't use IRC for anything else that this meeting <klepas> alright <volvoguy> lukacu, probably. that got going right before my surgery so i haven't even logged in as admin yet. <bachler> irc channel.. i really dont remember where i got the info about it.. but a quick googel on "ubuntu artwork irc" gets you to http://www.volvoguy.net/ubuntu/ <klepas> so generally the use of the IRC channel probably won't increase <lukacu> artnay: yeah, but we need imagemagick ;) <Viper550> Think the default Kubuntu icons should be something different than Crystal? <klepas> that's alright for now <libervisco> klepas, what are plans for IRC? <artnay> lukacu: we just have to tell about that to canonical. I hope they are more aware of this problem after this discussion <klepas> no decisions need to made on this so we can move on the topic of AUC <volvoguy> bachler, hey, for a while a google of "ubuntu artwork" listed my site as number one. :) <klepas> libervisco: nothing much, use it for what we currently do :) <bachler> heh <libervisco> oh ok <Riddell> Viper550: generally I want to keep kubuntu close to KDE artwork <klepas> AUC. <artnay> volvoguy: and when was the last time you updated it? :) I think that google result tells something <Viper550> It's called being unique <Viper550> NuoveXT would be perfect! <volvoguy> artnay, i know. i'm a slacker. :) <klepas> what are your takes on the CMS? <artnay> Riddell: yeah, the default theme has taken some hours, and there are reasons for that <mhz> klepas: even if IRC use is not more, Wiki is for those who dont IRC, and ML for those who can complain or suggest something <klepas> mhz: yep :) <mhz> :D <artnay> klepas: not artweb <artnay> I see it's causing a lot of pain <Viper550> They'd look good... <klepas> artnay: agreed <bachler> i perssonally would like to see some more activity on the irc <ptomes> Viper550: What about http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=32288 <klepas> who here has administration rights to AUC apart from me? <lukacu> me <lukacu> i <lukacu> :) <artnay> beside AUC will have to cover stuff for at least four different flavous <Yetzero> what about weekly IRC meetings? <mhz> libervisco: usually, all FLOSS developments discuss actively on IRC channels <klepas> so lukacu and i. <artnay> artweb can't do that anyway <volvoguy> artweb in retrospect wasn't a great idea - but it was a quick fix. <Viper550> Tango> not even close to KDE artwork!!! <klepas> Yetzero: sounds awesome <libervisco> mhz, yep <lukacu> and volvoguy i think <Viper550> p.s. It's a pain to setup under KDE <klepas> i know Andy does too <Yetzero> I see the main problem about IRC is that we live in different places so we don't know when to get there <libervisco> So someone here has full access to be able to install a CMS? <bachler> i am totaly for smaller meetings on irc every.. say, weekend <klepas> Guys! May I suggest if you wish to discuss something off topic for now use the #ubuntu-artwork IRC channel please! <klepas> libervisco: no. guys from Canonical did that =\ <libervisco> ah <Viper550> So, any other artwork related thing should be in ubuntu-artwork now? <artnay> it's 02:09 AM here and I have work tomorr... no, today. could we make some more decisions? <bachler> klepas: weekly meetings in irc? <libervisco> so how can you get them to change it? <klepas> bachler: yep, i'm all for it <volvoguy> if we all vote on something better, we have a Canonical contact to work on our server. <bachler> klepas: me too <klepas> back to AUC <libervisco> volvoguy, I see <klepas> how many of us generall agree that the artweb cms ought to be replaced? * klepas does <libervisco> let me take a look at it, have a link? <lukacu> well if we find something better then yes <artnay> I guess the current AUC admins have quite clear picture what's slowing AUC down. let's suppose that artweb will be changed <bachler> so, what day of the week would the meeting be held, and what time? .. i guess that saturdays is good for me <mhz> Yetzero: yes, IRC is to intereact while you are working on something. Also, ML is to general discussion but is so slow. Wiki is to place stuff so others can discuss or complement <klepas> http://art.ubuntu.com <libervisco> oh <libervisco> right :D <mhz> libervisco: why a CMS? <Viper550> If I wanted to talk about StreamlinedBoot, where should I go? <Yetzero> mhz: thanks <klepas> libervisco: you won't see the lack of functions as a nomral user <volvoguy> libervisco, he worked a lot on artweb so he might not be thrilled, but if there's a strong contender we might be able to get it replaced. <artnay> klepas: it's still pain to navigate <klepas> yep <libervisco> I see <libervisco> well it looks good from user side <klepas> so generally do we agree to seek alternate systems? <libervisco> but klepas did told me it's a disaster to manage from your side <klepas> libervisco: but it is a huge pain to add content <klepas> yes <volvoguy> it's a disaster. * bachler waves a little with the IRC channel question... <libervisco> a good site to test CMSs is www.opensourcecms.com <lukacu> yes <artnay> klepas: we do. and what next? <klepas> Since a fair few of us, particularly the admins, think the artweb CMS isn't as great as we need <artnay> ;) <Viper550> A little bit of Ubuntu on my comp...sorry about the Mambo #5 pun, it runs Mambo! <klepas> let's see if there is anyone interested in checking out alternatives <mhz> CMS that use PHP do need more admin hours than Moin as CMS <libervisco> I think you can definitely find a better CMS <mhz> and we can make Moin work as CMS <klepas> and reporting back to use on what they find <mhz> thats why we formed a team :D <klepas> mhz: i wouldn't use it for this purpose <klepas> i personally suggest something like the GNOME/KDE-look.org CMS <mhz> (me neither, klepas but it can be) <artnay> mhz: we need something well-tested to this purpose. how's Moin as CMS? <klepas> i know it is quite configurable <libervisco> well drupal and XOOPS are great, from my experience <klepas> not for managing graphic content <lukacu> yeah, drupal is cool <libervisco> although XOOPS has a better image gallery <mhz> artnay: klepas: we can analyze it while we work on # the channel :) <klepas> something like GNOME/KDE-look.org's CMS is better <klepas> alright <volvoguy> a big argument for artweb was that it tied in with gnomeart - allowing users to use one app to preview, download and install any artwork from our site or art.gnome.org. that hasn't happened yet though . <libervisco> klepas, I think they use something like phpnuke... <klepas> volvoguy: yea, and frankly that app sucks <lukacu> :) <volvoguy> klepas, eh - it gets the job done. usually. <klepas> the work that would need to be done to fix it + the work that would need to be done to fix art-web... ugh. too much <bachler> what are we takling about again? <klepas> AUC <klepas> and it's CMS <volvoguy> lol <klepas> art-web <Viper550> Should it use AGC's cms system? <lukacu> we do need guidelines and faq <artnay> ok, let's take a closer look at what's happening currently with artweb. if it won't provide much more usability, then let's change it. we need a team to seek for an alternativies. let's place this info to wiki and a discussion page of that <mhz> ALL: what if we have a wiki page to anlize what we expect from and art-web site? <volvoguy> you know, i think i need to quit distracting you and go take some pain meds. i'll try to catch up with the logs and find ya'll later on our own IRC channel. good seeing everybody again. <mhz> and then, fill it with opinions and charts <klepas> cheers volvoguy <lukacu> bye volvoguy <mhz> volvoguy: thx for being here <klepas> mhz: sounds alright <artnay> volvoguy: take care <volvoguy> thanks, and my pleasure. :) later guys! <libervisco> cya volvoguy <klepas> i personally propose we get a few people who are interested in this <klepas> and ask them to investigate possible alternative CMSs <mhz> klepas: good too! <klepas> maybe they have access to a server, and can set it up <klepas> and then allow the current admins to have a look at the admin interface <artnay> klepas: yeah, that doesn't require inkscape or the gimp <Yetzero> we need somewhere to upload artwork <klepas> lol <klepas> still art related :) <klepas> think of it this way <mhz> klepas: but befoire they set the CMS I think it's needed to discuss the featrures <klepas> if we get something as powerful as GNOME-look.org' CMS set up art will be so much easier to maintain <klepas> mhz: yep <Viper550> KDE-Look also uses that, whatever it is <artnay> mhz: AUC admins will most likely write a list of needed operations. that list will be included in wiki <klepas> yep <klepas> as does KDE-Apps, XFCE-Look and so forth <mhz> yup <klepas> agreed <klepas> lukacu and i can do that <mhz> Will we have another meeting next week ? <lukacu> yeah <klepas> i can ask Andy to do the same <klepas> mhz: sounds alright <klepas> we need some progress <artnay> indeed <klepas> so another meeting would serve us well <mhz> ALL: so we'll submit advances next meeting? <klepas> yes <Yetzero> please, weekly meetings at a fixed time <klepas> lukacu: i'll contact Andy <mhz> can we discus UTC time on ML? <artnay> we need to start now, otherwise we won't make it (just like with breezy :( <lukacu> ok <Yetzero> ok <mhz> or voting via WIki as we did now? <klepas> ditto <Viper550> ditto! <klepas> Yes! <bachler> ok <Viper550> 3 anti-strikes, you <mhz> heheh <mhz> okis <Viper550> I mean 3 anti-strikes, you're in! <klepas> lukacu: we'll pass around what we come up with concerning the features or lack thereof via mail <mhz> we can even rotate UTC time so everyone get a chance to feel better <klepas> Andy you and I <Viper550> At least my time made it start at 6pm <lukacu> no problem * mhz has to ge tbnack to solving 'issues' <klepas> alright <klepas> so that is AUC out of the way <mhz> ALL: thx for being here and see you in #ubuntu-artwork <klepas> considering the next lot is all small stuff <mhz> bye all <bachler> bye * Viper550 thinks it's time to actually start talking art, in ubuntu-artwork <artnay> pong mhz <klepas> if you guys are going <klepas> check the Logs later <klepas> there is still someting i want to discuss <klepas> for those that are left * mhz_away will read logs, of course <bachler> i am here <artnay> I think that the current brown look is a problem. I also think that Canonical acknowledges this * lllmanulll didn't say anything, but is here :) <artnay> they might not have plans ready yet <klepas> what do you guys reckon on making a Ubuntu and a Kubuntu universe art package <artnay> so some patience, I'll bet they will answer <Riddell> klepas: what would you put in them? <bachler> klepas: i think that is a good idea <klepas> because i've had people from both the KDE (Kubuntu) and GNOME (Ubuntu) community privately ask us to make something like this <Viper550> Is the meeting over? <klepas> well for the Kubuntu one for a example <artnay> at least the current theme has been heavily criticized. I like the idea of brown (it seems to be quite important topic to some ubuntu users), but the current style is a bit outdated <Riddell> we already have a kubuntu-grub-splashimages so stuff like that is quite possible <klepas> KDM themes, window decorations, themes/styles and so forth <klepas> wallpapersd <klepas> we could even package tango <Viper550> But, I'm concerned about the Usplash artwork for the deravitives... <Riddell> tango is packaged I'm sure, dholbach does it <libervisco> Tango is a good idea <artnay> at least majority of my friends have said that after ubuntu installation. and I guess I'm with them <artnay> ;P <libervisco> I think people should start implementing it <klepas> well forget tango for now <Viper550> I still think for what it is right now, Humility is pretty neat lookingh <klepas> Kubuntu's universe art package would include kubuntu (KDE) related art <klepas> how does that soun Riddell ? <klepas> *sound <artnay> those debian packages should be able to "humanize" your KDE and make GNOME look blue or something <Riddell> klepas: sounds fun, if there's enough high quality random kubuntu artwork that would be nice to have it in a package <Yetzero> you have a point there <Viper550> Yeah, we could call them ubuntu-gearize and kubuntu-humanize! <BxL> everything else exept ubuntu is blue, get something else than blue <klepas> well i plan to make some new stuff for it too <bachler> i think that the answer to all this is to have more art and themes as packages? <klepas> no point packaging only art that people have already see :) <klepas> *seen <Yetzero> yeah <artnay> BxL: it wouldn't be blue by default <klepas> I've already been given the go ahead for an Ubuntu (thus GNOME) art package for universe by Ogra <artnay> that's the point, let's provide an easy way to change the whole look of GUI <Yetzero> we should work on a different overall art proposal <klepas> Riddell: can you give me the green light as to a Kubuntu universe art package? <Viper550> Let's think about the users...ideas <artnay> it's not like my mom would surf GNOME-look or KDE-look, compile new decos etc. <Yetzero> that affects the whole system in a way that it's coherent <artnay> it has to be simple. bvc has nice GNOME mods ready, maybe he would like to get them packaged <bachler> artnay: sounds good <Viper550> Okay, don't forget about that wallpaper I put on the ML, Glow! <klepas> Riddell: ? <Riddell> klepas: if you think there's enough decent kubuntu themed artwork I'm all for it <bachler> me too <klepas> cool <Riddell> klepas: give me a poke in #kubuntu-devel if you need any help or want me to review <klepas> i'd be happy to work on both of these <klepas> Ubuntu and Kubuntu packages <klepas> sure <klepas> thanks :) <klepas> while we're on it <bachler> klepas: *thumbsup* <klepas> is there anyone who would be willing to help me in this regard? <artnay> klepas: to say: GNOME and KDE :p <klepas> find suitable artwork and create some <artnay> it's the idea, leave the current Ubuntu/Edubuntu style in a second <Yetzero> i'm all for creating content... at last :D <klepas> artnay: interested? <klepas> Riddell: just one more question on this - what license would the stuff have to be under? <artnay> klepas: if I only had more time... but I'll try to do my best :o <klepas> alrighty ;) <bachler> well.. <lukacu> klepas: i will help as much as i can * bachler goes off into the night <klepas> nice <bachler> bye. <Yetzero> bye <klepas> cheers bachler <lukacu> bye <klepas> Riddell: license? <artnay> klepas: that's another issue, licenses. which ones are acceptable? CC-SA, LGPL, GPL etc. <artnay> but <Viper550> The glow wallpaper if you are wondering; http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-art/attachments/20051226/f7c89d99/ubuntuglow-0001.jpg <Riddell> klepas: the kubuntu logo is creative commons, anything Free is acceptable though <libervisco> CC-SA is probably best for art <artnay> there's lots of Ubuntu-related artwork all around the web. if license will give you a right to distribute it, please submit it to AUC <libervisco> GPLs are mainly for software <Viper550> My glow one is GPL <artnay> libervisco: that's true. I think the GPL team will provide an equivalent to artwork, too. <Viper550> Automatically, because it's a dervitave of a GPL work! <artnay> when V3 is released <libervisco> artnay, that would be good <klepas> Ogra mentioned some CC license <klepas> but i can't remember which <klepas> and it all has to be under that license <artnay> or then they leave it to CC, I don't really know. So don't take my word on that. <Viper550> Creative Commons Attribution? <klepas> so if we find something that is GPL we need to ask the creator <artnay> klepas: CC can be restrictive, too. <klepas> yes, i know <klepas> remember it isn't my decision <Viper550> No, as long as it is also GPL'd and there is source code! <libervisco> CC-SA is best IMO <libervisco> attribution, share alike <klepas> libervisco: that sounds fine <klepas> might even have been tha <klepas> *that <klepas> either way <libervisco> it's equivalent to GPL for software <klepas> i'll contact ogra about it <Yetzero> that's the best one i think <klepas> and ask him which one it was <artnay> /Artwork will be updated shortly. it will have short-term goals for different kind of projects (no artwork needed). <klepas> alright <Viper550> Now, let's start on that todo list with Fonts, okay? <klepas> well to sort of conclude this <klepas> I'd like to extend a big thankyou to you all <klepas> for attending <klepas> i've seen some new faces. :) <klepas> and i think we've gotten ourselves a wee bit more organised <lukacu> who will write meeting minutes? * klepas is already on it <klepas> :) <lukacu> :) <lukacu> cool <artnay> Viper550: if it's not taken default by canonical, that kind of stuff should be left to decided by style submitter <klepas> now that we have gotten ourselves organised <klepas> we can actually go away and do something <Viper550> Little question, why not change the default font to FreeSans? <klepas> before the next meeting <klepas> One final request <klepas> out of those here now <klepas> could you please do: <artnay> Viper550: because no Canonicals has provided their opinion. * klepas is FirstnameLastname <klepas> for exampple * klepas is Pascal Klein <klepas> :) <Yetzero> * is Luis Santander <klepas> for the meeting minutes <Yetzero> :D <libervisco> I like FreeSans font <klepas> i'll check the others through the logs * libervisco is Danijel Orsolic <libervisco> :) * lukacu is Luka Cehovin * artnay is tired <lukacu> lol <klepas> :) <libervisco> :D * lllmanulll is Manu Cornet <Yetzero> did you guys got some bad time? I started here at 8:00 pm :D <klepas> 11:40 AM here :) <Yetzero> :O <libervisco> 01: 40 <artnay> don't mention it... 02:43 AM <libervisco> AM <artnay> therefore I'm a bit exhausted <lukacu> yeah ... its late allright <artnay> I have to get up at 6 AM :| <lukacu> lol <artnay> anyways, enough of OT <lukacu> lets finish then <libervisco> damn, you better get some sleep artnay :) <Yetzero> what's left to discuss? <klepas> nothing really <artnay> if only we could know what canonical is planning. we need to get a idea of that so we can sort of base our artwork on that <artnay> well at least have something similiar <klepas> Yetzero: not now anyway <artnay> if the official artwork gets released when Dapper gets gold, it's already too late <klepas> Yetzero: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTodoList <klepas> but most of it next time <Yetzero> klepas: Ok <klepas> i ought to have minutes finished tonight my time or tomorrow (my time) <klepas> ohh <klepas> artnay: will you help make a cooperative article about the proceedings for Ubuntux.org? <klepas> :) <libervisco> artnay is the owner of Ubuntux.org? <artnay> remember, this is community based work. canonical is relying on community. only Mark has the last word to be used (veto) <klepas> no <klepas> :P <libervisco> :D <klepas> either way, i promised Friedrich (owner of ubuntux.org) a sort of mini article on what's happening art wise <klepas> he'll be happy to hear about an Ubuntu and a Kubuntu universe art package <Yetzero> artnay is right, but we need to know where exactly we can help <libervisco> oh <klepas> don't worry <klepas> i'm going to the next Community Council meeting <klepas> and i'll be taking that up <klepas> i want to know as much as the rest of you what is happening in regards to art <klepas> whether our efforts will appear in Dapper or not <klepas> anyway <klepas> i need to be off <klepas> thanks again everyone <libervisco> alright, cya later klepas <lukacu> bye klepas <Yetzero> bye <artnay> klepas: be sure to come back, we have some wikis to do :p <klepas> libervisco: we can publish the phpbb theme soon <klepas> yep <klepas> will do :) <libervisco> klepas, sure.. I can make those changes if needed... <libervisco> should test it on default install first <artnay> so how many of you guys are present? <lukacu> present where? <Yetzero> i'm here <artnay> there's lots of nick in here but only a few have participated in discussion <lukacu> oh... <klepas> yep <klepas> i'll dissect the logs later :) <artnay> did this meeting miss something big time? how do you feel after all this? <klepas> for minutes purposes * BxL boo <artnay> which subjects would you like to discuss? <lukacu> artnay: next meeting i guess? <BxL> wallpaper, or maybe the lack of different wallpaper <artnay> lukacu: by then we need to have some progress <Yetzero> so when will it be? next meeting <klepas> 7 days! <lukacu> :) <klepas> because we need time for the wiki at least <Yetzero> same time? <lukacu> ugh ... thats going to be tough <klepas> we can vote on it <klepas> Yetzero: since most people who attended have left <klepas> let's not decide now <klepas> we can use the voting wiki page <artnay> damn UTC 23 ;) <lukacu> :) <lukacu> lets use wiki <klepas> i'll send mails out and get stuff organised later today <klepas> yep <klepas> anyhow <Yetzero> yeah, wiki voting <lukacu> ok...i think i will have some sleep then <klepas> yep <klepas> call it a night <lukacu> bye all <klepas> cheers guys <artnay> but hey <lukacu> what? * klepas klep[a] s <artnay> if you didn't already, fill your wiki info <lukacu> what info? <artnay> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTeam <lukacu> oh ... that info :) <artnay> so we can have a idea in which projects are people interested in <artnay> an... forgive me <lukacu> ? <klepas> guys <klepas> just to let you know <klepas> meeting is over so we should probably move to #ubuntu-artwork :) <lukacu> night all then <libervisco> 'night lukacu <Yetzero> bye <artnay> after watching my typos and grammar, I think it's a suitable time to get some sleep <artnay> bye <libervisco> bye artnay #ubuntu-meeting 2006-01-05 <cyphase> #freenode-newyears @ irc.freenode.net #ubuntu-meeting 2006-01-07 <rraphink> hi dholbach <rraphink> I'm currently reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/HowToPatch <rraphink> I guess that does only apply for merges, not for new packages, right? <dholbach> nice, but maybe we should switch to another channel ;) <rraphink> oops <rraphink> haha <rraphink> well imagine I have asked you this question on -motu and you can answer me there ;) <rraphink> ;) #ubuntu-meeting 2007-01-01 <d|2007> szczesliwego nowego roku * ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 02 Jan 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 03 Jan 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 03 Jan 22:00 UTC: Xubuntu | 04 Jan 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 09 Jan 15:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00 UTC: Forum Council #ubuntu-meeting 2007-01-02 <klaidas_> @schedule Vilnius <Ubugtu> Schedule for Europe/Vilnius: 02 Jan 22:00: Technical Board | 03 Jan 22:00: Edubuntu | 04 Jan 00:00: Xubuntu | 04 Jan 18:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 09 Jan 17:00: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 18:00: Forum Council <freeflying|away> @schedule shanghai <Ubugtu> Schedule for Asia/Shanghai: 03 Jan 04:00: Technical Board | 04 Jan 04:00: Edubuntu | 04 Jan 06:00: Xubuntu | 05 Jan 00:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 09 Jan 23:00: LoCo Team | 10 Jan 00:00: Forum Council <freeflying|away> @schedule shanghai <Ubugtu> Schedule for Asia/Shanghai: 03 Jan 04:00: Technical Board | 04 Jan 04:00: Edubuntu | 04 Jan 06:00: Xubuntu | 05 Jan 00:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 09 Jan 23:00: LoCo Team | 10 Jan 00:00: Forum Council <siretart> @schedule Europe/Berlin <Ubugtu> Schedule for Europe/Berlin: 02 Jan 21:00: Technical Board | 03 Jan 21:00: Edubuntu | 03 Jan 23:00: Xubuntu | 04 Jan 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 09 Jan 16:00: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 17:00: Forum Council * ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Technical Board | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 03 Jan 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 03 Jan 22:00 UTC: Xubuntu | 04 Jan 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 09 Jan 15:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00 UTC: Forum Council <siretart> TB Meeting anyone? <Keybuk> Never Fear, I Is Here <siretart> hey Keybuk :) <Keybuk> do we have mdz, mjg59 or sabdfl? <ogra> doesnt look like <siretart> mjg59 seems to be on #ubuntu-devel, no idea about mdz and sabdfl <siretart> Keybuk: did my inquiry arrive on techical-board@l.u.c? I didn't get any response yet <Keybuk> it did, yes <siretart> okay <Keybuk> the lack of response is almost certainly related to the holiday season <siretart> I thought so, no problem <siretart> I wasn't sure about correct arrival either <mjg59> Tch. I was sure I had this on autojoin. <Keybuk> ok <Keybuk> let's get started <Keybuk> mdz is on holiday, and has no internet access <Keybuk> so it's just the two of us today <mjg59> Right <Keybuk> first, some administrivia <mjg59> Anyone for core-dev? <mjg59> Ah, ok <Keybuk> people will note that it's been two years since we started using LP to track developers <Keybuk> so we're starting to get people's team membership expire <Keybuk> if you're an active developer, you'll be renewed automatically <Keybuk> if you haven't been active for a while, you may need to reapply via TB meeting again <siretart> how is the 'activeness' measured? by a human or by soyuz looking at the last upload? <Keybuk> human <siretart> k <Keybuk> one of the TB members will react to the "seb128 has expired!" e-mail, and renew the membership :) <ogra> do trhe users get them too ? <Keybuk> yes <ogra> to have the ability to raise their hands ? <ogra> ah, cool <ogra> i had some for edubuntu recently <Keybuk> anyway, onwards <Keybuk> core-dev <Keybuk> I have nobody in my list <Keybuk> is there anybody here who's applied for core-dev membership and thinks they should be? <Keybuk> clearly not <Keybuk> good <Keybuk> ubuntu-dev <Keybuk> again, I have nobody in my l.ist <Amaranth> https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-core-dev/+members shows 4 people <Keybuk> is there anybody here who's applied for ubuntu-dev membership and thinks they should be? <ogra> why is kylem on there ? <Keybuk> Amaranth: we only consider people who applied since the last TB meeting <Amaranth> ah, i see <ogra> he should be uploading already, shouldnt he ? * kylem eyebrows. <Keybuk> those that applied before are people who were turned down at a previous meeting with a "later" <Keybuk> ogra: playing "join all teams", I expect <ogra> heh <Keybuk> ok <Keybuk> nobody for ubuntu-dev today then <kylem> ogra, i didn't read far enough that core-dev implied -dev. <Keybuk> dholbach isn't around, so I assume we will not be discussing Council Greyskull today <ogra> well, no quorum anyway <Keybuk> siretart: you have an agenda item, the floor is yours <Keybuk> ogra: we have Q <ogra> two is enough ? <ogra> ah, right, its TB :) not CC <Keybuk> ogra: yes, TB Q has always been two <siretart> well, status update: I have contacted the techincal board again, this time via email about the ffmpeg issue <Keybuk> we assume a three man team, and require a simple majority <siretart> I filed a MIR about ffmpeg, requested it to be reapproved for main <Keybuk> yes <Keybuk> I didn't get the context of the e-mail <siretart> I'm still not sure what codecs are exactly problematic <siretart> until that issue is resolved, I'm proposing an interim solution: let's upload xine-lib with its internal partial copy of ffmpeg with no mpeg2 encoding capabilities <siretart> to main that is <Keybuk> what uses xine-lib? <mjg59> Ok. So I've a couple of questions about this, to begin with. <siretart> since we already have packages like libmad, I'd like to know what issues are to resolve <siretart> Keybuk: most notable kubuntu (amarok) and xubuntu <mjg59> 1) Is mpeg2 the only actively-enforced-patent-encumbered codec in ffmpeg? <ogra> Keybuk, totem-xine <mjg59> We're getting very close to the point where we should drop totem-xine, but that's not strictly important <siretart> mjg59: 1) I refer to debian/patents.txt quoted on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionFFmpeg. Sam (and me neither) don't know about any further <Keybuk> ogra: don't we support totem-gstreamer instead? and the theory of ffmpeg-in-main was that some of the ugly codecs could be in main too? <siretart> Keybuk: gxine as well <ogra> Keybuk, right, totem-xine isnt in main either, sorry <siretart> Keybuk: xine uses ffmpeg not only for codecs. some plugins use the 'libpostproc' library, which has nothing to do about decoding. I expect some other packages as well <mjg59> siretart: I'm not sold on the "libmad is in main, so ffmpeg should be" <mjg59> It's equally plausible that libmad being in main is an error <mjg59> We quite clearly don't ship a useful mp3 player in main, and that's defined as policy <siretart> mjg59: demotion of libmad would cause quite some trouble, looking at the reverse build-deps <Keybuk> http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/germinate-output/feisty/rdepends/libmad/libmad0 <siretart> mjg59: anyway, if the decision is to demote libmad, then I'd request to demode xine-lib as well. this would however deeply annouy kubuntu and xubuntu users <Keybuk> I'm not sure why it's still a build-depend <Mithrandir> mjg59: *cough*; xmms *cough* <zul> Mithrandir: er...its still kind of brroken <mjg59> Mithrandir: Seriously? That can't be deliberate. <Mithrandir> mjg59: done so since warty. <mjg59> Sigh. <mjg59> Ok. <Keybuk> note that main != CD <mjg59> Let's just ignore the current state of reality. It clearly isn't useful. <Mithrandir> it might very well be an error, but we quite clearly do, just not in a default install. <Keybuk> we certainly don't ship any MP3 players on the CD <Keybuk> that's definitely legally naughty <mjg59> Right. So. <Keybuk> on the FTP site is legally wishy-washy because users initiate the download <siretart> as mentioned, I have already prepared new xine 1.1.3 packages, with the ffmpeg plugin split out to libxine1-ffmpeg. Xine loads its plugins at runtime using dlopen, which makes this convinient <mjg59> Keybuk: Do we have legal advice on that? <Keybuk> mjg59: that's my understanding, otherwise we wouldn't ship them in universe <siretart> so even if we promote ffmpeg and xine-lib uses that, we don't need to put ffmpeg on the CD <Keybuk> my understanding is that main vs. universe is legally no different, but CD vs. FTP is <siretart> this was an argument in my email, right <mjg59> Keybuk: Ok. You're in a better position to check that than I am - is it possible to verify that, just to make sure that we're not doing it unwittingly? <Keybuk> main vs. universe is simply a matter of which team (core-dev vs. dev) supports the package <mjg59> Right, clearly there's no legal distinction between main, universe and multiverse <Riddell> people may assume that since main is supported it can be freely used without worrying about getting a patent licence <Riddell> (or they may not) <mjg59> So based on current practice, providing a xine-lib including ffmpeg would be fine for main, just not for ship <Keybuk> mjg59: previous legal issues have been somewhat clouded by people shouting "WE'RE GOING TO JAIL!" over the top of sensible discourse ;) <Keybuk> mjg59: assuming that xine-lib, xmms, etc. aren't in main by mistake :p <Keybuk> none of them are seeded, so I'd be willing to believe an FTP master was especially asleep one day <Riddell> we need xine-lib <mjg59> Keybuk: Well, that pretty much definitely would be "aren't on the FTP server by mistake" <Riddell> and xmms is orders of sabdfl I believe <Keybuk> but yes, given that xmms and libmad are in main, I don't see the reason that ffmpeg isn't <mjg59> I'm going to attempt to summarise this, and propose the next step. <Keybuk> siretart has filed an MIR, that's a request for the archive admins to promote it <siretart> xmms and ffmpeg are pretty unrelated. xmms uses libmad, which bring in the same legal concers as ffmpeg though <Keybuk> actually <Keybuk> sorry <Keybuk> that's a request for the security team to review it <Keybuk> so the next step is for pitti or keescook to review the source to determine whether we can provide security support for ffmpeg <mjg59> (*) Current policy appears to be that patent-encumbered code may be distributed in main, but not in ship. <Keybuk> if they approve it, then it's a request for the archive admins to promote it once it has been seeded <Keybuk> anyone in core-dev can modify the seeds <Keybuk> mjg59: that is my understanding, yes <mjg59> (*) Based on this, it would be reasonable for a version of xine-lib containing ffmpeg code to be in main. However, any package that becomes part of ship must *not* contain this code. <siretart> I don't think anyone not in the desktop team dares to touch the seeds ;) <Keybuk> siretart: hmm, most of core-dev have touched them ? <siretart> aha? - interesting :) <mjg59> (*) Therefore, assuming the accuracy of the first observation, the TB has no reason to deny the inclusion of ffmpeg code in main *providing* that the technical implementation allows the ffmpeg code to be split from the core xine-lib binary package <Keybuk> it may be worth posting that as a summary, and requesting the Community Council's input <siretart> mjg59: I assume you mean 'binary code' and not 'source code' here <mjg59> (This is predicated upon the accuracy of the first observation. The TB should also internally determine that adequate legal advice has been obtained by Canonical) <mjg59> siretart: Either <Keybuk> I would also add: <Mithrandir> having stuff in main we can't ship on the CDs is a bit bad since people can easily end up including it by mistake by promoting something else. <mjg59> Mithrandir: This situation already exists. We should ensure that it is hard. <mjg59> If you feel it's practical, I'd be happy for us to suggest that it be a requirement that the archive allow packages to be tagged as "not ship", or something similar <Keybuk> (*) This constitutes a recommendation of the TB, however this recommendation is not binding and the Archive Administrators are permitted to deny this. <siretart> like putting the binary package 'ffmpeg' (ffmpeg command line utilities) and libxine1-ffmpeg <siretart> to universe? <mjg59> Having libxine1-ffmpeg in main should be fine <Keybuk> why would having ffmpeg in main be not fine? <mjg59> It's just important that it never somehow end up in ship <Keybuk> they're useful utilities <siretart> indeed, they are <mjg59> Keybuk: Do you want to mail this to people, or shall I? <Keybuk> mjg59: can you <mjg59> Ok <mjg59> Anyone have anything else to add? <siretart> yes <Keybuk> siretart: your next step, anyway, is to talk to pitti and keescook and have the MIR approved <siretart> I'd like an answer to my interim proposal <Keybuk> regardless of any patent issues, you need their approval <Keybuk> I don't see how your interim proposal helps anything? <siretart> read: upload xine-lib and make it use the internal (decoding only) copy <siretart> Keybuk: it allows having xine-lib 1.1.3 sooner in the archive <Keybuk> is there a critical or urgent bug this fixes? <siretart> allowing Riddell to upload a newer amarok <mjg59> siretart: Given what we've concluded, I don't see any reason for that to be something we need to cover here <siretart> and buying us additional testing <mjg59> Do whatever you think is best <mjg59> With the previous proviso of ensuring that ffmpeg code never appears in ship <Keybuk> amarok is shipped <siretart> I think uploading with ffmpeg is best for ubuntu, so we finally get goodies like WMV9 on amd64 :) <Keybuk> it's part of ubuntu-desktop <Keybuk> ^ <Keybuk> k <Keybuk> so that's forbid, under our current reading <mjg59> siretart: Would the ffmpeg code be in a separate binary package? <siretart> Keybuk: that's no problem. the ffmpeg code in libxine1-ffmpeg does not need to be in ship. amarok just depends on libxine1 <mjg59> I believe you implied it would be <siretart> mjg59: yes, I already have such packages ready <mjg59> Yes, then that's fine. Just ensure that nothing depends on libxine1-ffmpeg. <siretart> as seen in https://code.launchpad.net/people/siretart/+branch/xine-lib/xine-lib.ubuntu.1.1.3 <siretart> yepp, willdo <mjg59> Ok. I think we're done with this. <siretart> thanks <Keybuk> you may want to check the new source with pitti/keescook <Keybuk> especially if it contains a complete copy of ffmpeg <Keybuk> just to make sure it wasn't removed for security reasons <Keybuk> ok, that's the end of the agenda on my screen <Keybuk> any other business? <Keybuk> ok, done <Keybuk> unless we hear a scream from elmo at this point <mjg59> Right. I'll email a summary. <Keybuk> thanks <Keybuk> I'd mail it to the TB and CC <siretart> well, he (as debian ftpmaster) has approved it for debian/main <mjg59> Keybuk: Do I want to mail archive admins? <siretart> at least, he didn't object <Keybuk> can do <Keybuk> siretart: the Debian package has had all of the encoding ripped out, no? <mjg59> Do we have a list for them? <Keybuk> ubuntu-archive@lists.ubuntu.com <siretart> Keybuk: not all. the 'problematic' ones (to the best knowledge of the package maintainer) <Robot101> siretart: as a slight aside, do you know how this list of "problematic" encoders was arrived at? <siretart> Robot101: see my mir. the files README.Debian and patents.txt do have a nice summary <Keybuk> mjg59: nice summary <Keybuk> personally I'd like to just enable mp3 support in main once and for all :) <somerville32> :] <mc44> Keybuk: only have to wait till 2011 :) <siretart> Keybuk: mp3 encoding or decoding support? * ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:irc.freenode.net] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 03 Jan 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 03 Jan 22:00 UTC: Xubuntu | 04 Jan 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 09 Jan 15:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00 UTC: Forum Council | 10 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu * ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 03 Jan 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 03 Jan 22:00 UTC: Xubuntu | 04 Jan 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 09 Jan 15:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00 UTC: Forum Council | 09 Jan 21:00 UTC: Community Council #ubuntu-meeting 2007-01-03 <orangefly> is webmin usefull....???.... <highvoltage> @schedule <Ubugtu> Schedule for Etc/UTC: 03 Jan 20:00: Edubuntu | 03 Jan 22:00: Xubuntu | 04 Jan 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 09 Jan 15:00: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00: Forum Council | 09 Jan 21:00: Community Council <willvdl> @schedule cape town <willvdl> @schedule Africa/Johannesburg <Ubugtu> Schedule for Africa/Johannesburg: 03 Jan 22:00: Edubuntu | 04 Jan 00:00: Xubuntu | 04 Jan 18:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 09 Jan 17:00: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 18:00: Forum Council | 09 Jan 23:00: Community Council * ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Edubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 03 Jan 22:00 UTC: Xubuntu | 04 Jan 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 09 Jan 15:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00 UTC: Forum Council | 09 Jan 21:00 UTC: Community Council <stefg> !schedule <juliux> @schedule <Ubugtu> Schedule for Etc/UTC: Current meeting: Edubuntu | 03 Jan 22:00: Xubuntu | 04 Jan 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 09 Jan 15:00: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00: Forum Council | 09 Jan 21:00: Community Council <willvdl> sorry I'm late <kalikiana> why late? it's 22 UTC, isn't it? <kalikiana> so still two hours remaining <willvdl> @schedule johannesburg <Ubugtu> Schedule for Africa/Johannesburg: Current meeting: Edubuntu | 04 Jan 00:00: Xubuntu | 04 Jan 18:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 09 Jan 17:00: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 18:00: Forum Council | 09 Jan 23:00: Community Council <ogra> willvdl, we decided to skip it <willvdl> ah. doh <ogra> which means we'll have to have the EC meeting next week as well <ogra> well, i wouldnt hav anything to report ... <willvdl> cool. no problem. considering there's actually only been effectively 3 working days since our last meeting <ogra> read ma 2800 mail becklog yesterday, cared for some bugs today and wote some MIRs ... <ogra> thats all i'd have to report :) <ogra> we also need to elect a new EC member for jerome, so that gives ussome days to discuss it on the ML <willvdl> cool. want to stand for EC <willvdl> MIR? <ogra> main incusion reports <ogra> for the apps that move into the supported set <ogra> i.e. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportEdsadmin <ogra> its the bureaucracy even developers have to do :) <willvdl> we know how developers love to write stuff :) <ogra> heh <willvdl> oh well, back to #ed <ogra> yep * ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Xubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 04 Jan 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 09 Jan 15:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00 UTC: Forum Council | 09 Jan 21:00 UTC: Community Council <technolalia> does anyone have the url for the xubuntu meeting agenda please? <ormiret> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings <technolalia> thanks <technolalia> are we waiting for someone, or shall we start? <vidd_laptop> its been almost half an hour....i say we begin * ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Xubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 04 Jan 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 09 Jan 15:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00 UTC: Forum Council | 09 Jan 21:00 UTC: Community Council | 10 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu <ormiret> somerville32: ping - All the agenda items have your name on them :) <TheSheep> ormiret: somerville32 said he won't be able to come <technolalia> as cody isn't here. are there any other of the xubuntu developers here? * maxamillion appologizes for his extreme tardieness .... boss had him busy with windows related tasks :( * maxamillion thinks he missed the meeting <technolalia> nope, there was no meeting <maxamillion> ah ... well, better that then missing it ... why no xubuntu meeting? <technolalia> none of the devs turned up <maxamillion> fair enough <maxamillion> hrmm... well, then i'm off ... guess I will catch up with cody later * kalikiana caughs <kalikiana> no meeting then? <TheSheep> we did met, just no discussion ;) <ormiret> at least everybody agrees that way :) <kalikiana> oh, ok <kalikiana> then i'll keep playing desmume :) #ubuntu-meeting 2007-01-04 * ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 04 Jan 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 09 Jan 15:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00 UTC: Forum Council | 09 Jan 21:00 UTC: Community Council | 10 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 11 Jan 21:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team * Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-meeting.log * ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Ubuntu Development Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 09 Jan 15:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00 UTC: Forum Council | 09 Jan 21:00 UTC: Community Council | 10 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 11 Jan 21:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team <sfllaw_> @schedule now <sfllaw_> @schedule montreal <Ubugtu> Schedule for America/Montreal: Current meeting: Ubuntu Development Team | 09 Jan 10:00: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 11:00: Forum Council | 09 Jan 16:00: Community Council | 10 Jan 07:00: Edubuntu | 11 Jan 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team <sfllaw_> Uhm, hello? <siretart> sfllaw_: looks like the meeting has started 8 mins ago, according to Ubugtu <siretart> ;) <sfllaw_> I'm not netsplit am I? <sfllaw_> I see nothing. <ogra> sfllaw_, read your mail ;) <sfllaw_> I can't. <sfllaw_> I lost my machine. <sfllaw_> I can /ping it. <sfllaw_> But the DNS hasn't updated itself. <ogra> "we've decided to skip this week's distro team meeting.", > Meetings will resume next week at 2100UTC. <ogra> > <ogra> Correction, 1600UTC next week <sfllaw_> I see. <ogra> from a mail from scott <sfllaw_> Thanks. <fabbione> i don't have this email <fabbione> when has been sent? <sfllaw_> I'll tell the fridge guys. <fabbione> ogra: when did Scott sent the email? <tkamppeter> I did not get this mail, too. <tkamppeter> But I had already the feeling that it will not make much sense to have a meeting now, as nearly no one is talking on #ubuntu-devel, they all seem still on vacation. * fabbione grrs a bit <cjwatson> sorry, we only decided that today <cjwatson> it's not as bad as a meeting you didn't expect ... <fabbione> cjwatson: i agree, but it would still be nice to know with a bit of extra notice... <cjwatson> but anyway, the summary was that most people have been on holiday, a bunch of people are still on holiday, Scott and I have been setting up phone calls with people, and it wasn't going to be an especially useful meeting <cjwatson> fabbione: sorry, it was announced the moment it was decided <fabbione> cjwatson: no problem... i will ship my wife to you in the meantime since i got nothing for being here ;) <sfllaw_> cjwatson: You're getting a mail-order wife! <sfllaw_> How exciting! * ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 09 Jan 15:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00 UTC: Forum Council | 09 Jan 21:00 UTC: Community Council | 10 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 11 Jan 21:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 16 Jan 20:00 UTC: Technical Board <nixternal> @schedule chicago <Ubugtu> Schedule for America/Chicago: 09 Jan 09:00: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 10:00: Forum Council | 09 Jan 15:00: Community Council | 10 Jan 06:00: Edubuntu | 11 Jan 15:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 16 Jan 14:00: Technical Board * ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 09 Jan 15:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00 UTC: Forum Council | 09 Jan 21:00 UTC: Community Council | 10 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 11 Jan 12:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers | 11 Jan 21:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team <nixternal> heh, change that again Ubugtu <nixternal> @schedule <Ubugtu> Schedule for Etc/UTC: 09 Jan 15:00: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00: Forum Council | 09 Jan 21:00: Community Council | 10 Jan 12:00: Edubuntu | 11 Jan 12:00: Kubuntu Developers | 11 Jan 21:00: Ubuntu Development Team * ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 09 Jan 15:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00 UTC: Forum Council | 09 Jan 19:00 UTC: Community Council | 09 Jan 22:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers | 10 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 11 Jan 21:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team <fdoving> schedule oslo <fdoving> @schedule oslo <Ubugtu> Schedule for Europe/Oslo: 09 Jan 16:00: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 17:00: Forum Council | 09 Jan 20:00: Community Council | 09 Jan 23:00: Kubuntu Developers | 10 Jan 13:00: Edubuntu | 11 Jan 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team <fdoving> do-able. <nixternal> heh, fdoving the cc meeting is incorrect, i accidentally changed it instead of the kubuntu meeting <nixternal> fixed now <nixternal> CC is 2100 on the 9th <fdoving> i'm only up for the kubuntu meeting. <Seveas> woah <Seveas> lots of meetings on the ninth * ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 09 Jan 15:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00 UTC: Forum Council | 09 Jan 19:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers | 09 Jan 21:00 UTC: Community Council | 10 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 11 Jan 21:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team <nixternal> hrmm, i wonder if the Forum Council and the LoCo meeting will run into each other #ubuntu-meeting 2007-01-05 <Hobbsee> @schedule sydney <Ubugtu> Schedule for Australia/Sydney: 10 Jan 02:00: LoCo Team | 10 Jan 03:00: Forum Council | 10 Jan 06:00: Kubuntu Developers | 10 Jan 08:00: Community Council | 10 Jan 23:00: Edubuntu | 12 Jan 08:00: Ubuntu Development Team <Jucato> @schedule <Ubugtu> Schedule for Etc/UTC: 09 Jan 15:00: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00: Forum Council | 09 Jan 19:00: Kubuntu Developers | 09 Jan 21:00: Community Council | 10 Jan 12:00: Edubuntu | 11 Jan 21:00: Ubuntu Development Team <Jucato> @schedule Manila <Ubugtu> Schedule for Asia/Manila: 09 Jan 23:00: LoCo Team | 10 Jan 00:00: Forum Council | 10 Jan 03:00: Kubuntu Developers | 10 Jan 05:00: Community Council | 10 Jan 20:00: Edubuntu | 12 Jan 05:00: Ubuntu Development Team <Joey_> nickserv <Joey_> ? <Joey_> MOTD <Proletariat> hello? <proletariat420> hello? <proletariat420> did i miss it? <lifeless> miss what <proletariat420> i heard this was a meeting for ubuntu? <_ion> Please see the topic. * ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 08 Jan 22:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers | 09 Jan 15:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00 UTC: Forum Council | 09 Jan 21:00 UTC: Community Council | 10 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 11 Jan 21:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team * ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 07 Jan 18:00 UTC: Ubuntu New User's Network | 08 Jan 22:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers | 09 Jan 15:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00 UTC: Forum Council | 09 Jan 21:00 UTC: Community Council | 10 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu #ubuntu-meeting 2007-01-07 <Hobbsee> @schedule houston <Hobbsee> @schedule texas <Hawkwind> @schedule chicago <Ubugtu> Schedule for America/Chicago: 07 Jan 12:00: Ubuntu New User's Network | 08 Jan 16:00: Kubuntu Developers | 09 Jan 09:00: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 10:00: Forum Council | 09 Jan 15:00: Community Council | 10 Jan 06:00: Edubuntu <Hawkwind> Yeppers, 4pm on Monday <Hobbsee> ah <nixternal> muhaha, yes use chicago! :) <ryanakca> @schedule Toronto <Ubugtu> Schedule for America/Toronto: 07 Jan 13:00: Ubuntu New User's Network | 08 Jan 17:00: Kubuntu Developers | 09 Jan 10:00: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 11:00: Forum Council | 09 Jan 16:00: Community Council | 10 Jan 07:00: Edubuntu * ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Ubuntu New User's Network | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 08 Jan 22:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers | 09 Jan 15:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00 UTC: Forum Council | 09 Jan 21:00 UTC: Community Council | 10 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu <ryanakca> Ready for the meeting? <gnomefreak> yeah i think so <ryanakca> hmm... agenda https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NUNAgenda <ryanakca> shall we start by picking the launchpad logo or ? * gnomefreak cant bring up a site atm i have 3 uploads and 2 downloads going right now <ryanakca> ok, keep it for the end then? <gnomefreak> no im ok <gnomefreak> just gonna be slow <gnomefreak> ok im there * gnomefreak has already downloaded them anyway ;) <ryanakca> ;) <gnomefreak> i like the first one for LP <gnomefreak> with the hand shake <ryanakca> yeah <ryanakca> same here <jrib> that's my vote too <ryanakca> and for the official logo, the one with the bigger heart... <gnomefreak> agreed <jrib> yep, big heart looks better than the small one <ryanakca> hybrid: agenda https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NUNAgenda <jrib> what's wrong with using the handshake for the official one though? <ryanakca> So, I presume we've picked our two logos, lp = handshake, official logo (which could go onto our wiki) has the big heart? <ryanakca> jrib: well, does PWil have a biger version of it? <gnomefreak> jrib: i like the idea but i dont have a mock up of what it will look like big <ryanakca> if he does, I'm all for using it... if it still looks nice when it's big <ryanakca> That way people don <ryanakca> don't get confused... <gnomefreak> let me see if i cant comeup with something on it please continue with meeting ill ping when done <ryanakca> kk <ryanakca> Hmm... Shall we restart advertising classroom and NUN? <ryanakca> nixternal had been advertising a lot, and we had great attendance during the courses, but then the advertising stopped and our attendance started to drop... <jrib> where/how did we advertise before? <gnomefreak> we need to work backwards in agenda <ryanakca> http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/08/08/2042213 <gnomefreak> letws find out where we are going what classes to hold before advertising ;) <gnomefreak> -w <ryanakca> lol <ryanakca> good idea <ryanakca> Where is the NUN going... do we keep having classes? should we recruit some people to bring it back to life? <ryanakca> What are our goals for the future in other words... <gnomefreak> its a bit fuzzy :( i have to figure out how to clean it up <gnomefreak> ryanakca: we need to hold classes we can teach instead of having anyone come in and teach since we saw how that went <ryanakca> yeah <jrib> also do we want to repeat classes or come up with new ones? <ryanakca> people not mailing in their course descriptions/notes, not showing up, etc <gnomefreak> recrute people to bring it back to life? whats wrong with you and hybrid? <gnomefreak> there were alot of canceled classes last round <ryanakca> yeah <ryanakca> and a couple where I was scrambling to write up a class because someone told us at the last minute that they hadn't prepared anything and couldn't show up... even thought that's partially my fault for not bugging them enough ahead of time... * gnomefreak needs to get through january before i can do much of anything <ryanakca> well, make it more lively, get more members, so that we can better coordinate things... <gnomefreak> ryanakca: more members? half the members we have now have done nothing <gnomefreak> we really need to go through the members list so we know who we can call on when something is needed <ryanakca> there's lots of people in #ubuntu and #kubuntu who meet the requirements, and might be interested in helping out /actively/ <ryanakca> yeah <ryanakca> There are 47 direct members of the "New User Network" team, and 47 people are members in total, directly and indirectly through other team memberships. <ryanakca> how many of those 47 actually do something, I'm not sure <gnomefreak> getting there <jrib> ok, I don't see anything wrong with recruiting some people to help out <ryanakca> https://launchpad.net/~newusernetwork if you need the link instead of going threw people manually <ryanakca> threw launchpad** <gnomefreak> i got it just really slow <ryanakca> jrib: maybe add something to the "HowtoHelpOut" page (I think that's what it was called...) <gnomefreak> most of these people on here are devels and may not have alot of time <gnomefreak> atleast the people i know off hand <ryanakca> And maybe get something added something to that newletter/magazine that they have weekly (or biweekly, or whenever it was, haven't read it in a while..) <ryanakca> yeah <ryanakca> Weekly News <ryanakca> that's it... <ryanakca> gnomefreak: yeah <gnomefreak> why not make project groups? <gnomefreak> that way there is a weekly news group <ryanakca> hmm... like a group for classroom, maybe a group for the mailing list type class with the doc team..., etc? all under the NUN <gnomefreak> yes <ryanakca> a weekly news group? <gnomefreak> forget the avbove <gnomefreak> but yes something like that <gnomefreak> that way we know the classes will be covered the docs will be written <ryanakca> kk <gnomefreak> atleast try it and at that point we will know where people stand <ryanakca> sounds good, but we would need to get some people... at the moment, it looks like we have 5-6 active people, if that... <gnomefreak> i see 3 ;) <gnomefreak> 4 with hybrid <gnomefreak> but i agree <ryanakca> so we've agreed on getting some more people involved... <ryanakca> how is the question... Weekly News / HowToHelpOut? <gnomefreak> yeah <ryanakca> kk <gnomefreak> i like idea of howtohelpout wiki <jrib> ryanakca: you mean a weekly news for NUN? <ryanakca> I think there already is one... <ryanakca> jrib: no... <gnomefreak> or change the one we have to fit it <ryanakca> jrib: just a sec, I'll get you the link to it <gnomefreak> i think he means marketing teams newsletter <ryanakca> it's managed by the marketting team <ryanakca> yeah <jrib> oh I know about ubuntu weekly news. So we just want to be mentioned in there then? <ryanakca> http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/705 <ryanakca> yeah <gnomefreak> btw i need someone on edgy to test opera 9.10 (i have a .deb if needed) <ryanakca> Anybody who wants to join, please contact ________ or join #ubuntu-nun <gnomefreak> that should be easy enough <gnomefreak> to get into there <jrib> yeah, sounds good <ryanakca> gnomefreak: I can, later on... Tuesday, or later on tonight... <ryanakca> this isn't the page I'm talking about, but it's simmilar.. http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate <gnomefreak> wonders if we can be mentioned on that link <ryanakca> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu <gnomefreak> under support <ryanakca> yeah <ryanakca> hopefully, can't see why not... <ryanakca> hmm... we're already under contributetoubuntu... <gnomefreak> the doc guy i would know to ask is gonna be offline for a while <ryanakca> kk <gnomefreak> ryanakca: i think it would be helpful for a howtocontribute to nun not just under ubuntu <ryanakca> yeah <gnomefreak> btw the .deb will be up here sometime today http://www.youmortals.com/ubuntu/packages/ <gnomefreak> sorry doing like 30 things <ryanakca> np <ryanakca> ok <ryanakca> our class topics have run out. What do we do? loop? think up some more subjects? scrap it? <gnomefreak> ok we just have to figure out how to get all this done. i asked pwill to fix the icon if he can <ryanakca> What about asking a Team to give a Marketing Speech on how to get involved every other weekend (where there isn't a course)? What about making it a great big Ubuntu School, geared towards all users in all ubuntu subjects, (like merge with motu-school, etc), or have teams give courses (instead of or as well of a Marketing Speech)? <gnomefreak> ryanakca: lets give us a time period to come up with classes (as a group in -nun maybe) <ryanakca> kk <gnomefreak> is motu school still holding classes? <ryanakca> erm, LaserJock was interested in holding some in combination with Classroom, iirc <ryanakca> but #ubuntu-motu-school currently has 3 people... <gnomefreak> if we can combine them i say go for it that way we have all classes that can be held <ryanakca> ok <gnomefreak> just for classes <ryanakca> What about making it a great big Ubuntu School, geared towards all users in all ubuntu subjects, (like merge with motu-school, etc), or have teams give courses (instead of or as well of a Marketing Speech)? <jrib> if we do that, we should classify classes. Like "beginner", or "advanced" <gnomefreak> ryanakca: 2 people votes may nto be good enough on these things <gnomefreak> jrib: agreed <ryanakca> Like doc could give a course on writing proper documentation, QA could give a course on bug reporting and triaging (crimsun suggested that).. <ryanakca> jrib: yeah <gnomefreak> ryanakca: merge the classes with motu as jrib said as beginner/advanced so on <ryanakca> jrib: well, with the past courses, we started simple and moved up to more complicated <ryanakca> gnomefreak: yeah, and especially not with MOTU... <ryanakca> we need to get in touch with them... * gnomefreak brb have to grab lunch continue <ryanakca> kk <ryanakca> So should we think of having a big Ubuntu School, for all ubuntu subjects... NUN stuff, documentation writing, Bug reporting, packaging, translating, artwork, etc? <ryanakca> or just keep it to NUN stuff or NUN/MOTU stuff? <gnomefreak> all stuff or make nun as beginner <gnomefreak> and motu as advanced (give them the kernel classes packaging (unless you want to hol dpackaging 101 <jrib> yeah, I'd like one central places that manages the classes and makes sure there is an easy way to check for *any* class. But, it does kind of remove the focus from classes for beginners and people starting out <gnomefreak> didnt see anything for lunch that caught my eye :( <gnomefreak> who is head of motu school? <ryanakca> jrib: well, we could have beginner (NUN material) one weekend, and then MOTU/other stuff the other, and alternate <ryanakca> erm, dunno, lemme check <jrib> ryanakca: I like that <gnomefreak> only problem there is motu classes are held on fridays and nun on weekends <gnomefreak> problem on handshake icon (big) noone made an svn for it <ryanakca> gnomefreak: well, most people are at school/work on fridays, so maybe, if they're willing, move it to weekend? <ryanakca> I'm guessing dholbach, based on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/Requests <gnomefreak> if they are willing <gnomefreak> cool <gnomefreak> hes easy enough to get in otuch with <ryanakca> yeah <gnomefreak> ok still working on handshake icon pwill has a svn of one not really the same though <gnomefreak> opera is up on link finnaly <ryanakca> gnomefreak: /usr/share/icons/Human/scalable/emblems/emblem-handshake.svg ... It isn't bad... wouldn't be bad for launchpad and official wiki if we vote on it... <gnomefreak> finally <ryanakca> s/official wiki/nun wiki <gnomefreak> i dont like the circle i like the ubuntu symbol more so <ryanakca> kk * gnomefreak never saw that before <ryanakca> same <jrib> yeah I like the handshake inside the ubuntu logo too <gnomefreak> next on agenda? <ryanakca> # <ryanakca> What about a mailing list type course, where every week, we send out an email with a link to a piece of documentation that would interest and affect a large portion of users, 5-10-20 questions based on it, and the answers to the previous week's questions. Also, they mail the list any questions they have on the course material (NOT everyday questions, they can go to kubuntu-users, ubuntu-users, etc, for those). <gnomefreak> uploding googleearth and im done uploading except maybe the logo <ryanakca> The doc team would get their documentation reviewed by many people at the same time too... <gnomefreak> same class as we held that weekend? <gnomefreak> like take the transcripts email them out with official docs on it? <ryanakca> not necessarily <ryanakca> Just any new doc from the doc team <gnomefreak> example? <ryanakca> that way people know about what the doc team is producing at the same time... <ryanakca> erm... <gnomefreak> ok i think i got it <ryanakca> kk <gnomefreak> we can try it no harm in that <ryanakca> nope <ryanakca> we just need to either a) make a new mailing list, or b) get people to subscribe to the NUN mailing list <gnomefreak> i would like more input from others on that one. <ryanakca> kk <gnomefreak> maybe either attach what we decide here to ML or hold another meeting with the postponed things? <ryanakca> And we pretty much have to restart advertising, right? <ryanakca> yeah <gnomefreak> yes <ryanakca> Well, I sent an email to the ML a while back, never got a reply, I'm assuming it's dormant... <ryanakca> so probably hold another meeting... <gnomefreak> i read it ;) <ryanakca> lol <gnomefreak> ok what next <gnomefreak> s <ryanakca> I think that's it... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NUNAgenda check, feel free to add something if you wish... <gnomefreak> thats fine we are done is a good <ryanakca> ok, I guess we're done :) <ryanakca> thanks for showing up gnomefreak, jrib <gnomefreak> :) <sid> What is new users network? <Hawkwind> !nun <gnomefreak> lol Hawkwind <gnomefreak> sid: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NUN <sid> thanks <Hawkwind> Though the bots not here, it should be defined in the bot <gnomefreak> or not <gnomefreak> wth <sid> "This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates. Before creating the page, please check if a similar page already exists." <ryanakca> sid: we help new users out, just a second, I'll get you a link <ryanakca> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/NewUserNetwork <gnomefreak> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserNetwork?highlight=%28newusernetwork%29 <ryanakca> we're also in charge of the Classroom project... https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Classroom <gnomefreak> we really need to redo that page if we are staying on wiki instead of the new wiki * gnomefreak out * ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 08 Jan 22:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers | 09 Jan 15:00 UTC: LoCo Team | 09 Jan 16:00 UTC: Forum Council | 09 Jan 21:00 UTC: Community Council | 10 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 11 Jan 21:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team #ubuntu-meeting 2007-12-31 * ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 02 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 02 Jan 23:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers | 09 Jan 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 10 Jan 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development | 16 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 17 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting <kraut> moin <genii> Schuenemann: You're too early ;) <thekillerplague1> can anyone help <jpatrick> thekillerplague1: support in #ubuntu <thekillerplague1> they dont help <Gunirus> Happy New Year #ubuntu-meeting 2008-01-01 <kraut> moin #ubuntu-meeting 2008-01-02 <kraut> moin * ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Edubuntu meeting Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 02 Jan 23:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers | 09 Jan 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 10 Jan 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development | 16 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 17 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting * ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 02 Jan 23:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers | 09 Jan 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 10 Jan 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development | 16 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 17 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 17 Jan 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development <Lure_> @schedule Ljubljana <ubotu> Schedule for Europe/Ljubljana: 03 Jan 00:00: Kubuntu Developers | 09 Jan 21:00: Edubuntu meeting | 10 Jan 15:00: Desktop Team Development | 16 Jan 13:00: Edubuntu meeting | 17 Jan 13:00: Edubuntu meeting | 17 Jan 15:00: Desktop Team Development * ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Kubuntu Developers Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 09 Jan 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 10 Jan 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development | 16 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 17 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 17 Jan 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development <mhb> good evening <nosrednaekim> good evening... <allee> hi <Riddell> b hi <Riddell> anyone here for a meeting? <mhb> we sure are * seele waves <Riddell> any memberships? <Riddell> yuriy? <yuriy> hi <Riddell> yuriy: want to be a member? <yuriy> Riddell: yup * Lure is tired, so can spare only half an hour or so <Riddell> yuriy: could you introduce yourself? <yuriy> Hi, I'm Yuriy Kozlov <yuriy> wiki page here: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/YuriyKozlov <yuriy> I've been hanging around here for almost 2 years <Riddell> yuriy: tell us what you do <yuriy> and going on occasional bug triaging spurts <Riddell> and why you love Kubuntu <yuriy> including trying to organize a big feisty polishing one last march (https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTeam/Bugs) <Lure> I have to say that he does first class bug traige and has done this for long time <yuriy> also last march i started the Massachusetts LoCo <Lure> I will give my +1 based on just that <yuriy> (along with an other guy who shortly quit) <yuriy> the team was approved in november <yuriy> i did a summer of code project in 2006 <yuriy> guidance configuration module for wine (system settings > advanced > windows applications) <Riddell> yuriy: what does the loco team do? <yuriy> hey maccam94 (he's a member of the loco) <Riddell> anyone else here to vouch for yuriy? <ryanakca> not that my vote counts, but +1 from me, and you're one of those which I've always thought you were already a member :) <yuriy> Riddell: the loco has organized an install fest and plan to have them regularly <yuriy> we have monthly meetings and held release parties for feisty and gutsy <nosrednaekim> they did some sweet case badges too :) <nosrednaekim> I have one <yuriy> some members have also done some talks at schools and such <yuriy> oh yes and the case badges <yuriy> most of this is now organized by doctormo <Riddell> well we've met and it was most useful having you at the UDS so +1 from me <Riddell> but I don't think we have quorum <Riddell> so we'll need to ask another council member to read the logs and vote later <Riddell> poke nixternal <maccam94> hey <maccam94> sorry for the delay <maccam94> Yuriy has my support <yuriy> and most recently i've been working on portin adept to kde4 (and then mornfall showed up this morning with his own) <nixternal> hello <nixternal> sorry <mhb> yuriy: do you have commit access to his branch? Or do you plan to solve this somehow? <nixternal> I was watching Jeff Waugh on blip.tv :) <nixternal> yuriy: once again, thought you were a member <yuriy> mhb: we haven't quite worked it out yet, but I will try to work on his branch <nixternal> +1 on yuriy from me <Lure> yuriy: welcome! <nixternal> welcome yuriy! congrats! <yuriy> thanks!! : ) <Riddell> great <Riddell> any other memberships? <nixternal> sorry for showing up late Riddell..didn't have my irssi notifier running, but I was here :) <allee> congrats yuriy! <maccam94> congratulations yuriy! <yuriy> thanks allee, maccam94 <Riddell> mhb has an agenda item <mhb> I do. ** Discuss possibilities of coordinating inter-distribution tasks. <mhb> what I mean is - there are several small distros using KDE and either APT directly or APT/RPM and I think we should maintain communication channels with them. <nixternal> PCLOS uses Syanptic <nosrednaekim> and offer them adept? <allee> anyone how has good contacts to those distros? <nixternal> dunno what Ark is using these days <mhb> for example, we could share a package manager with both PCLinuxOS and Ark Linux theoretically, but we don't. <nixternal> I have contacts with PCLOS <mhb> PCLOS uses Synaptic, Ark uses Kynaptic (that old KDE frontend). <Riddell> poor Ark <nixternal> PCLOS also uses apt-rpm if I am not mistaken <mhb> yes <ryanakca> umm.. I'm probably behind in the news, but what's happening with packagekit (sp?)... isn't that a cross platform frontend? <nixternal> ryanakca: they aren't finished with apt for one, and 2 they haven't finished a qt front end <yuriy> has ark worked on kynaptic or is it still the same crashy thing? <ryanakca> nixternal: ah, ok :) <nixternal> probably the same crashy thing <nixternal> don't think ark has a very large developer group <nixternal> either does PCLOS really <mhb> we don't have many paid devs either <nixternal> well they have 0 :) <nixternal> we at least have 1 <nixternal> haha <mhb> so I guess it would be for the best if all similar distros had one PM strategy. <nixternal> sounds like a decent plan to me, it would allow multiple developers from different distros to collaborate <nixternal> word of warning, PCLOS community totally despises anything *buntu <Riddell> adept is developed as part of KDE for Debian, so that should be ok :) <nixternal> I had a hell of a time trying to get some info from them just because of my email addy and my irc hostmask :) <Riddell> if there are people working on adept then it would make sense for them to contact these distros <nixternal> very true * Riddell looks at yuriy * nixternal does too <nixternal> hehe <nixternal> I can talk to devnet from PCLOS to see if he can guide me, or be my bridge over troubled waters <mhb> right, ask about what they would expect and if they have anything against Adept other than we have against it <nixternal> I know PCLOS is pretty set on Synaptic until the Qt frontend for PK is complete <mhb> and what their long term strategy w.r.t package management is <mhb> whether they considered PackageKit or not, etc. <mhb> nixternal: interesting <nixternal> mhb: I am fairly certain that PCLOS is going PK <nixternal> let me see if devnet is online right now <allee> nixternal: anyone from PCLOS working/helping with PK qt frontend/apt backend? <nixternal> damn, he went offline 12 minutes ago <nixternal> allee: I don't know if they are to be honest * imbrandon returns <nixternal> I haven't heard much from the PK/Qt frontend either for a bit <Riddell> nixternal: fancy asking ark linux if they have any thoughts too? <nixternal> ya, we have a local dev here in Chicago I can speak with <allee> anyone working on this at all? Is there real interest and momentum behind PK? <nixternal> allee: there is/was a fairly large push for PK, but it has been silent news wise for some time <nixternal> I know Foresight is using PK right now <Riddell> allee: yes, it's pretty active generally <nixternal> as for other distros, I am not to sure <Riddell> but the apt backend is lacking <imbrandon> is it python ? <Riddell> imbrandon: the apt backend is a mix <imbrandon> no no i mean PK <Riddell> that's what I was meaning too * imbrandon has been tinkering with a qt4 python app for apt with mvo a bit <imbrandon> but i doubt it would be ready for hardy <Riddell> imbrandon: do have a go at fixing the apt PK backend then :) <imbrandon> useing apt-python <jcastro> PK discussion at UDS was definately "hardy+1" <imbrandon> Riddell: yea thats what i was getting at <imbrandon> :) <mhb> jcastro: definitely not later than hardy+1 or definitely exactly at hardy+1? <mhb> err, s/later/earlier <Riddell> "not hardy" <jcastro> mhb: what riddell said <mhb> okay. <imbrandon> Riddell: do we have any PK contacts ? <allee> so feeling is adept-qt4 or PK is the future? <Riddell> allee: anything that works :) <allee> lol ;) <Riddell> imbrandon: #packagekit <imbrandon> Riddell: killer <imbrandon> hehe dont say "anything that works" because my little python qt4 app "works" but i wouldent put it to wide use yet hehehe * imbrandon stops <Riddell> any other business? <mhb> the permanent topics <mhb> perhaps <nosrednaekim> i've been working a bit on the easy compiz manager for kde3, are totally forgetting about anything kde3? <nosrednaekim> *are we <Riddell> nosrednaekim: I'd recommend coding anything in qt 4, that way it can be used for both <Lure> Riddell: do we care about comiz for kde4? <Riddell> nosrednaekim: is that based on mhb's work? <nosrednaekim> Riddell: yeah <Riddell> Lure: a bit. it'll always be more powerful than kwin for the silly things <nosrednaekim> Lure: thats also what I was wondering. <maccam94> kde4 has it's own compositing <maccam94> hmm <Riddell> the major bling lovers will always prefer compiz <Riddell> nosrednaekim: that's good to hear though, do let us know if you need any help <maccam94> true <nosrednaekim> ok.. so i'll keep working on that. I just have to figure out how exactly to get compiz to be the default WM and let compiz know that kwin is backup. <Riddell> nosrednaekim: set KDEWM <nosrednaekim> yeah, but then what does it fall back to? <Lure> Riddell: but the delta between kwin-kde4 and compiz is more or less just stuff that is not really useful, but more of showcase/demo <maccam94> Riddell: if people want KDE4 though, we should see if there are settings we should choose for a standard KDE4 installation, as well as maybe work with KDE devs on features we might like to see <mhb> any news on the KDE4 Hardy CDs? <nixternal> speaking of KDE4, Riddell the packages are confusing as hell to me <allee> nixternal: ?? <nixternal> they are a mess with where things get installed to <nixternal> are we still installing everything to usr/lib/kde4 or are some things going into usr/bin and such now <nixternal> dolphin-kde4 gets installed to usr/bin for example <allee> sounds like the pkgs need to be rebased on the debian ones <nixternal> ya, just started doing that...debian doesn't install to a separate directory anymore, they install side-by-side <mhb> do we have any user feedback on that KDE4 transition idea? <mhb> after all, user feedback is a permanent topic <nosrednaekim> kde4 transition idea? <allee> nosrednaekim: making sure the kde4 version of an app picks up the kde3 settings corrently (or converts is appropriately) <nixternal> mhb: typical users are fine with it, there are the select few who are upset about our drop of LTS...even though most typically upgrade every 5 minutes anyways <- jcastro you like that :p <nosrednaekim> I haven't noticed any regressions between kde3 apps and kde4 ones. <nosrednaekim> vice versa though.. I have <nosrednaekim> (in settings being kept) <seele> speaking of users, are there any config dialogs or apps that could use an interface review? or any functions or workflows users are complaining about? <nixternal> seele: KHelpCenter :p * nixternal ducks <seele> ew <nixternal> haha <seele> hehe <nixternal> we need to look at a "rework" of KHelpCenter for 4.1 inclusion possibly <seele> yeah.. the content needs worked on too <nixternal> because we should be able to start working on documentation shortly <seele> there is a lot "missing" <sahin_h> I'm speeking as a user: kubutu-desktop like meta package will be available for kde4? <nixternal> everything should be missing...nobody responded to our call for documentation (our being Phil and I) <nixternal> sahin_h: you can count on it * allee wonders if it's not easier to make kde docs qt assistant friendly instead of fighting with khelpcenter <seele> no, old kde files havnet been maintained in general <sahin_h> nixternal: thanks <seele> or point to a website instead of just providing it in the help system <nixternal> allee: I have been playing with a simple Qt help app that can parse .xml/.docbook and what not <nixternal> sounds feasible to me <nixternal> another idea about 6 months ago was Okular <nixternal> but that would make a ToC kind of difficult to create <allee> nixternal: since I saw how easy and reliable assistant indexing works I'm a fan of it. (khelpcenter indexing never worked here ;) * mhb wonders how Windows, OS X handles that <nixternal> khc indexing relied on a broken htdig <mhb> that == documentation center <nixternal> docbook <nixternal> at least I know windows uses docbook -> chm conversion for their help <fdoving> that "bug" with htdig beeing broken have like 100 dupes. <nixternal> that type of help system, aka topic based help, is what we are trying to move towards <fdoving> so people actually try to read docs. <nixternal> fdoving: they better <seele> they do <nixternal> otherwise my job is useless <seele> they'll use it more than once if the documentation is good <nixternal> I think the amount of bug report concerning typos shows there are a lot of people reading the help docs <fdoving> nowdays everything needs to be searchable. especially docs. <nixternal> yup <fdoving> so that's essential. <nixternal> maybe I will make that my project for KDE 4 <nixternal> Windows Vista help is totally sweet I might say <allee> I vaguely rememeber qt 4.4 has introduces another help/doc system <nixternal> you have the option to search help locally and via the www <nixternal> allee: I will research that <seele> what documentation does it search on the web? <seele> microsoft documents or general web pages? <nixternal> seele: microsoft docs in msdn and what not <seele> ah <nixternal> ya, nothing off hand <nixternal> it is all controlled documentation <nixternal> one thing I know project mallard people talked about was cross-communications with a wiki page, which is fine, however anyone can edit a wiki <nixternal> would be cool to allow wiki searching, but with a warning, as well as forums searching, but with a warning <nixternal> so a help center with a pluggable backend for stuff like forums and wiki might be something to think about as well <seele> what do people usually use to create the docbook entries? or do they convert from xml? <nixternal> docbook is xml <nixternal> or is a DTD for xml <seele> ah ok <seele> shows you how much documentation i do :P <nixternal> plain old text, use meinproc to convert to html if necessary <nixternal> but khc reads/parses docbook <nixternal> I love documentation, been doing it for a long time #ubuntu-meeting 2008-01-03 <allee> need sleep, sorry. nite! <nealmcb> @schedule denver * ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 09 Jan 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 10 Jan 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development | 16 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 17 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 17 Jan 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development | 23 Jan 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting <kraut> moin #ubuntu-meeting 2008-01-04 * ogasawara waves <pedro_> happy new year! <heno> hi everyone! <nand> hi! <bdmurray> hello <liw> hola <stgraber> hello <davmor2> lo <pedro_> iorana <heno> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 18:07. The chair is heno. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <heno> agenda https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings <heno> [TOPIC] QAPoll module status. Names and subdomains to be chosen for the qapoll websites. (nand) <MootBot> New Topic: QAPoll module status. Names and subdomains to be chosen for the qapoll websites. (nand) <nand> Yes. I wanted to give you a small update on the qapoll module. <heno> ok, I also need to ask about domain names <nand> Currently all the features discussed on the spec are implemented. There is a few rough edges to fix <nand> https://wiki.stgraber.org/UbuntuQA/QAPoll/TODO <nand> I think in around two weeks it will be ready for testing <nand> Now, as you pointed, we need to choose the name and domains names <nand> we have two parts : the part concerning bugs. I propose "Ubuntu most hated bugs" and the domain vote-bugs.ubuntu.com <nand> What do you think? <heno> so here is one problem: <nand> heno: yes? <nand> domain names? <heno> the sysadmins don't think we should point qa.ubuntu.com directly at this server <heno> because it's supposed to be an isolated box for this PHP code <heno> which makes it more dificult to put things like bug graphs on qa.u.c later <davmor2> heno why not testing.ubuntu.com? <heno> davmor2: that sounds good <heno> testing.* vote-ideas.* and vote-bugs.* ? <heno> if we point those at that box then apache/drupal will do rh <heno> the right thing? <davmor2> sounds feasible and easy enough to remember :) <nand> it is ok with me <stgraber> heno: hmm, so qa.ubuntu.com won't point to our server ? <nand> some htaccess work to do :) <heno> will it work technically? <nand> heno: Yes, we can <stgraber> heno: what happens to our QA websites page summary then (listing all the sub-websites) ? <heno> stgraber: looks like that, yes <heno> we'll need to separate out the name space <stgraber> hmm, IIRC bdmurray bugstats are just python scripts generating static html pages right ? <stgraber> and we already have python on our box as some of my scripts need it (and a fresh python-launchpad-bugs) <heno> that's not the point though <nand> can we go back to titles? <heno> it was agreed that the custom PHP code (our QA site) would go on a dedicated box with nothing else <heno> to limit any possible damage from an attack <heno> with 'testing' we can do iso.testing mozilla.testing, etc I guess <heno> ok, I'll discuss this further with elmo <heno> nand: did we cover what you wanted on titles? <stgraber> heno: eventually what we can do is have some sub-domains not pointing to the qawebsite server ? <nand> heno: not yet. <stgraber> heno: testing may not be appropriate for all the modules we have on the qawebsite ... <stgraber> (sorry I'm doing 3-4 things at the same time so can't follow the meeting as well as I would like to) <heno> stgraber: indeed. can we do those as separate sub-domains, pointing at the server? <heno> or can we come up with something other than 'qa'? <stgraber> heno: it's just about the DNS, currently *.qa.ubuntu.com points to kumquat <stgraber> they can easily make qa.ubuntu.com (main domain) to point to another <stgraber> or a sub-domain like bugstats.qa.ubuntu.com and make it points to a python powered server <heno> if we point all of qa.u.c at that server then we have to make an exception for each new project and page under qa right? <stgraber> I asked that "by default" all sub-domains point to the qawebsite server as it will let us create new team sub-website easily, but there is no problem to make some other custom subdomains <stgraber> yes, but I think that we are more likely to have new sub-domains to point to the qawebsite than to a python powered box, so the default setting is good in that way <stgraber> it's just about adding a line to a DNS zone (which would have to be done anyway be it on qa. or testing.) <stgraber> so as it's setup currently (btw, it now works !!!), blahblah.qa.ubuntu.com will point to the qawebsite, but you can ask a sysadmin to make it point to another server <stgraber> I don't think we absolutely need two different domains <heno> ok, let's discuss it further with the sysadmins after the meeting <nand> OK, quickly then to go on : I propose "Ubuntu most hated ideas" for the bug voting part, and "Ubuntu idea brainstorming" for the idea voting part. These names will be their public names and are to be easily identifiable. What do you think of the names? <nand> http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/01/ubuntu-brainstorm-3/ <MootBot> LINK received: http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/01/ubuntu-brainstorm-3/ <nand> http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/04/ubuntu-brainstorm-6/ <MootBot> LINK received: http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/04/ubuntu-brainstorm-6/ <heno> 'hated' is a strong word <nand> great icon artwork work by thorwil :) <nand> heno: what do you suggest? <bdmurray> annoying? <heno> most prominent, annoying, painful <davmor2> bloody? <liw> popular? <liw> notorious? <pedro_> something which don't include violence ? <heno> most loved :) <nand> I don't think popular can stand for a bug :) <pedro_> i like popular :-) <heno> pedro_: +1 <liw> celebrious? <nand> really? <heno> favourite <nand> (English is not my mother tongue btw) <heno> it isn't for most of us <davmor2> bin-the- <nand> "most annoying bugs"? <heno> top 100 ubuntu bugs <bdmurray> Ubuntu Cockroaches * nand look at the dictionary... <heno> that's quite good :) <pedro_> that's bigger than a "bug" i like that <nand> but is it a common word? * pedro_ singing la cucaracha <nand> easily understandable by the average person? <davmor2> biggest-bug <liw> slugs? <heno> ubuntu bug vote, bug ranking <bdmurray> Isn't a cockroach a bug that is hard to kill? <liw> bdmurray, on the one hand, nuclear weapons won't kill it; but on the other, a shoe will <heno> it's a certain genus or some such <bdmurray> right so I thought it fitted with the bug theme well <nand> I like "most annoying bug", it is quite neutral, and IMO bug is a word any non-first-english-tongue will know <liw> (for the record, I'm pretty happy with any name; I don't care about the color of this particular bikeshed) <davmor2> worst-bug <heno> I think we can go with that; this can be changed later <nand> yes. <nand> for the idea counterpart, is it ok? <nand> "Ubuntu idea brainstorming"? <heno> i agree with liw though I would like to avoid hatred <heno> nand: looks good <liw> heno, that would probably have been pedro, I guess (but no matter, I'm happy to avoid the hating) <heno> [AGREED] "Ubuntu idea brainstorming" and "Annoying Ubuntu bugs" <MootBot> AGREED received: "Ubuntu idea brainstorming" and "Annoying Ubuntu bugs" <nand> Ok. Then I'm done for today :) <heno> [TOPIC] QA server status - feasible to use this for Alpha 3 testing? <MootBot> New Topic: QA server status - feasible to use this for Alpha 3 testing? <heno> some naming issues to be resolved ... <heno> so we'll see. next <heno> [TOPIC] Wiki page restructuring update <MootBot> New Topic: Wiki page restructuring update <stgraber> the website as it is work <stgraber> I'm currently giving you some rights on it to access the current version of qapoll <stgraber> but it's running : http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com <heno> oh, it's up now :) <stgraber> yes <heno> woo! <heno> I missed it <nand> stgraber: yes please :) <stgraber> if you guys can just go to : http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/user and give me your idea <stgraber> s/idea/id/ :) <heno> stgraber and davmor2 thanks for the great work on wiki pages <stgraber> the id will appear in the URL just after /user <heno> it's gradually taking shape <nand> stgraber: 352 <davmor2> heno: np will actually do some work on them over the weekend :) <heno> liw: note the landing page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Automation <liw> heno, yep <heno> I think we can jump to: <heno> [TOPIC] Kernel bug day - Shall we reschedule it? <MootBot> New Topic: Kernel bug day - Shall we reschedule it? <bdmurray> stgraber: 89 <heno> bdmurray, ogasawara ^ <ogasawara> I'd be interested in rescheduling the kernel bug day <bdmurray> yes for Wednesday, I'll rerun the queries on that page today <heno> ok cool <ogasawara> just note Alpha3 is set to release next Thursday <bdmurray> it'll be a good test of the the p-l-b text interface <heno> [AGREED] kernel bug day on Wednesday <MootBot> AGREED received: kernel bug day on Wednesday <heno> and speaking of LP: <heno> [TOPIC] LP bug reporting guidelines <MootBot> New Topic: LP bug reporting guidelines <heno> how do we take advantage of this feature? [WWW] https://help.launchpad.net/BugReportingGuidelines What additional features would be useful? (more granularity) <bdmurray> I wanted to see an example of it in action so e-mailed launchpad-users <heno> I need to find out who the 'owner' of ubuntu is <heno> Matt or Mark I guess <heno> I guess we should link to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs <bdmurray> Most probably but the wiki page makes it sound like multiple dialogs are presented <bdmurray> If that is the case it might be useful to have a guideline about good summaries, descriptions etc <bdmurray> It'd be helpful if there was a place to test it also <heno> indeed. let's ping mrevell if nothing else turns up <stgraber> bdmurray: I only see one "Bug reporting guidelines:" box on LP ... <heno> any other business? <bdmurray> stgraber: where is that? <nand> yes : which one do you prefer : http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/04/ubuntu-brainstorm-6/ ? <stgraber> bdmurray: Edit details when you are a project owner <heno> on the qa website proj? <heno> I like 3 and 4, nand <nand> heno: Don't you think it is over-stylized? <bdmurray> stgraber: found it thanks <nand> I like it much, but I don't know if it will make a good logo <pedro_> nand: i like the 4, it look more tangoish <heno> yes, I like some on http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/01/ubuntu-brainstorm-4/ better <heno> 2b for example <heno> or 3b <nand> heno: I required the ubuntu branding as the logo would be shown on the "image links" displayed on non-ubuntu contexts <nand> the image links feature : example at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qapoll/ideas/item/2/promote <heno> then how about "Ubuntu bug focus"? <bdmurray> stgraber: could we add some bug guidelines to the ubuntu-qa-website for testing? <heno> (as much as I hate to return to the bikeshed :) <stgraber> bdmurray: sure <nand> heno: the one at the total right? <bdmurray> stgraber: the home page for the project should change too right? <nand> (no problem, I wanted some feedback on it :) ) <stgraber> bdmurray: yes <heno> http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/01/ubuntu-brainstorm-3/ is lovely too :) <MootBot> LINK received: http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/01/01/ubuntu-brainstorm-3/ is lovely too :) <nand> heno: Yes, thorwil was awesome on this one! <nand> It will be the one used on the idea part <heno> cool * stgraber likes this one (for a QA-Poll announcement) : http://bp3.blogger.com/_95-BHeta7y8/R3toSwX_kJI/AAAAAAAAASg/bT1v2EaGe2Q/s1600-h/bug.png <nand> stgraber: Yeah!! <nand> (context: http://troy-sobotka.blogspot.com/ ) <heno> :) <nand> ok so I will see with thorwil on the bug icon <heno> thanks <heno> I think we're done <heno> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 19:01. <heno> thanks everyone! <pedro_> thanks you * persia looks for a volunteer to chair the MOTU Meeting today <persia> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 20:05. The chair is persia. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <persia> Welcome to the MOTU Meeting for 4th January 2008. The agenda is available on the wiki. <persia> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Meetings <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Meetings <Adri2000> hi :) <persia> Our agenda is empty for today: anyone have any topics they wish to bring up for discussion? <persia> That makes it easy then. We've only administration tasks :) <persia> [TOPIC] Next MOTU Meeting Date <MootBot> New Topic: Next MOTU Meeting Date <persia> Any nominations for date & time? <persia> In the absence of other proposals, how about 12:00 UTC 18th January? * persia seeks at least one ACK for procedural purposes, as a self-meeting isn't ideal <nand> persia: Shall I stand up and ack? :) * persia cheers nand <persia> [AGREED] The next MOTU Meeting will be 12:00 UTC 18th January 2008 <MootBot> AGREED received: The next MOTU Meeting will be 12:00 UTC 18th January 2008 <nand> :) <stgraber> :) <persia> Any volunteers to send announcements for the next meeting (fridge schedule, 2 ML posts (1 week before, 2 days before)? <persia> [ACTION] persia to send announcements for the next meeting <MootBot> ACTION received: persia to send announcements for the next meeting <persia> Any volunteers to draft minutes of the meeting? <stgraber> can't MootBot do that ? <persia> stgraber: It's a matter of changing the MootBot Summary into English on the wiki, and posting it also to the ML. <persia> An example of the summarised minutes is available from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Meetings/2007-12-21 (which is not a MootBot interesting link) <stgraber> I certainly can do that, but I'm not subscribed to the ML, so only works if someone can moderate the mail :) <persia> [ACTION] stgraber to post minutes <MootBot> ACTION received: stgraber to post minutes <persia> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 20:26. <stgraber> so much activity in a meeting, unbelievable :) <persia> stgraber: http://kryten.incognitus.net/mootbot/meetings/ubuntu-meeting.log.20080104_2005.html and http://kryten.incognitus.net/mootbot/meetings/ubuntu-meeting.20080104_2005.html are likely helpful :) <stgraber> well, my screen is big enough to see the whole meeting log without scrolling :) <nand> Holidays, holidays... <persia> stgraber: That makes it easy then :) Thanks for prepping the minutes. Please also update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Meetings/Minutes when the wiki page is complete. <stgraber> persia: http://pastebin.com/m6579bb9f can you send that to the list ? <persia> stgraber: Just send it to ubuntu-motu@ and it will get accepted by the moderators. Might take a couple hours, but I think giving you credit is more important that posting an update immediately, given the weighty issues discussed :) <persia> s/that/then/ <stgraber> ok <stgraber> hmm, looks like it's not too heavy trafic and it's interesting discussion, I'll subscribe to this ML :) #ubuntu-meeting 2008-01-05 <Hattory> @schedule rome <ubotu> Schedule for Europe/Rome: 09 Jan 21:00: Edubuntu meeting | 10 Jan 15:00: Desktop Team Development | 16 Jan 13:00: Edubuntu meeting | 17 Jan 13:00: Edubuntu meeting | 17 Jan 15:00: Desktop Team Development | 23 Jan 21:00: Edubuntu meeting * ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 09 Jan 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 10 Jan 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development | 16 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 17 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu meeting | 17 Jan 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development | 18 Jan 12:00 UTC: MOTU #ubuntu-meeting 2008-12-30 <zed> hi there ! <yann2> what time is the server meeting? <yann2> 16UTC? mmh oh then I must have missed it :( <Nafallo> 30 Dec 16:00: Server Team <kagou> Start: 2008-12-30 16:00 Timezone: Etc/GMT <yann2> kagou > and are we GMT+1 or +2? :] <Nafallo> @France <kagou> yann2, your are in France ? ^^ <yann2> kagou > yes :) <Nafallo> hrmm. no idea how that works :-P <Nafallo> @time <ubottu> Current time in Etc/UTC: December 30 2008, 15:24:47 - Next meeting: Server Team in 35 minutes <kagou> +1 <Nafallo> @time France <yann2> mmh ok :) <ubottu> Error: Unknown timezone: France - Full list: http://ubottu.com/timezones.html <yann2> @time Paris <Nafallo> @time Paris <ubottu> Current time in Europe/Paris: December 30 2008, 16:25:05 - Next meeting: Server Team in 34 minutes <ubottu> Current time in Europe/Paris: December 30 2008, 16:25:05 - Next meeting: Server Team in 34 minutes <Nafallo> \o/ <kagou> yes : <yann2> ok in half an hour then :) <kagou> :) * persia doubts the server meeting will be held this week, but looks forward to it, just in case. <yann2> yeah I'm a bit unsure too :) * ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Server Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 30 Dec 17:00: Kernel Team | 31 Dec 16:00: Foundation Team | 31 Dec 17:00: QA Team | 01 Jan 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 01 Jan 14:00: Ubuntu Java <yann2> anyone? :] <nealmcb> \o/ <yann2> :'( <zed> :) <yann2> as there is a ubuntu server meeting and it seems I am the only one attending I suggest that decisions should be taken by me :] <[NikO]> o/ <persia> yann2, There will likely be a real meeting next week. <yann2> persia > I know, it's alright :) just came to discuss about cgi's <yann2> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/WebArchitecture <yann2> its likely to take ages to get anything improved so a week more or less <persia> yann2, Doesn't that only require some MIRs? <yann2> MIRwhat? <persia> Well, whichever things you want in main. <persia> Main Inclusion Report * persia looks for docs <yann2> well, fastcgi is not good enough to be in main <persia> Well, then I'd think that'd be the first part to fix :) <persia> Or find another way to run PHP fast and in separated processes <persia> Or find another tool to write the code. <Nafallo> \o/ SPACE STATION \o/ <yann2> persia > yeah, that is all the issue :P <persia> yann2, Does that need a meeting? I'd think it just needed coding. <yann2> well basically i wanted to know ubuntu's advice on using php in a safe way <Nafallo> yann2: well. don't? ;-) <yann2> :P * Nafallo hides <yann2> idea is, make the point that there may be an issue (or learn how to do it properly if there is a way) and try to improve packaging and modules if there is not <persia> Generally I've heard that PHP is hard to use safely. <yann2> yeah but it's quite a big issue :P <yann2> PHP apps aren't the safest <yann2> so if the install is not safe neither... <yann2> we don't want other locowebsites to be hacked to we? :P <Nafallo> I proposed throwing PHP out of Ubuntu some years ago... ;-) <yann2> we are trying to use fastcgi for both python and PHP <persia> True, but I'd think that there are two ways forward: either suggest an alternate technology, or investigate why it isn't safe, and figure out why. <yann2> and we notice that python doesnt work 100% properly with fastcgi, and that fastcgi isn't exempt of bugs <yann2> persia > well I suggested fastcgi <yann2> but it needs attention :) <yann2> Safe Mode was removed in PHP 6.0.0. <persia> Understood. I'm just not sure how a meeting helps that. <yann2> uhuh. wonder how php apps will be secure with php6... <yann2> persia > so how should I come up with the problem? <persia> How do you mean? <yann2> if php6 removed safe mode if means there is no way (even ugly) to run php in an even slightly secure way <persia> In that case, I'd suggest that PHP isn't the right tool to use. <yann2> that doesn't help me much :P and ubuntu.com is using php :) <persia> Then the question to ask is: what needs to change to make PHP safe? <yann2> persia > well CGI with suexec makes it safe <yann2> mod_fastcgi makes it fast <persia> And what's wrong with mod_fastcgi? <yann2> developped by a single guy, buggy, not properly documented, ... <persia> So it needs help? <yann2> I am not a hardcore C developer :) <persia> Are the bugs well documented? <yann2> basically I just wanted to see if people agreed that there was a problem, and start a discussion if it could be improved <yann2> https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+bug/162082 <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 162082 in php5 "PHP fastcgi with PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN doesn't kill children when parent is killed" [Undecided,Confirmed] <yann2> fastcgi randomly looses children, which is pretty bad ;) <yann2> it also doesn't handle some EAGAIN signals from other bug reports I've seen, these people telling me it was important - but I don't know much about that other one <yann2> and ultimately, it's in universe <yann2> but, yeah, I don't hope to get this fixed anytime soon, so one week more or less :P <persia> Well, converting from main to universe is trivial, if it's not buggy, so let's ignore that bit for now. <persia> Still, I don't think a discussion in a meeting will help: it sounds like you need a developer to help track down and fix the bugs. <yann2> nah, I wanted to know if there was a secure way to run php, and if not, to get acknowledged that there was an issue and that it may get fixed at some point when a dev has time <yann2> at least that was the idea :P <persia> Well, my understanding was that there were two classes of issues with PHP: firstly that it was hard to create a secure environment for it, and secondly that there were language features that encouraged insecure development practices. <yann2> but the first step is to agree that there is a problem, and the best way I thought to get this done was to raise it during a meeting <persia> Mind you, either of these could be incorrect: it's just hearsay. <yann2> glad to hear I'm not the only one fighting with it :) <yann2> my very basic requirement is that if I am running two sites, one for A, and one for B, B doesn't get destroyed if A gets hacked <persia> Well, I'd recommend rather putting it as an idea on brainstorm, and once you have a strong number of votes, and some more input on the correct solution, put together a spec. <persia> It would get lost in a meeting, mostly. <yann2> as it would in brainstorm unless I start linking it everywhere... <yann2> it's a very technical issue so most people won't even know what it is <yann2> is there a brainstorm for ubuntu-server? <persia> No, it's all the same brainstorm. Splitting it up into lots of little brainstorms would just make it even harder to track. <yann2> so you are saying brainstorm is the best way to report that type of issue? <persia> Of the mechanisms available, yes. <persia> Really, what you want to do is find a developer who wants PHP to be fast and secure, and get them to help out. <yann2> what's the meeting about then? :/ <yann2> pretty much :) <persia> Tends to be status summary of work underway. <yann2> ok <persia> If you want to identify new work, that's best done by getting something discussed at UDS. <yann2> maybe I can report this as a bug in launchpad <yann2> i know, but a/ the US are very far :) b/ I don't really agree with their immigration policies <persia> But regardless, the key is really to get some developer interested, for which meetings tend not to be ideal mechanisms: meetings rather being used for developers to share their current activities. <yann2> I guess I'll have to wait for UDS to come over <persia> Well, there's remote participation, as well. <yann2> bah. I'll open a launchpad bug, and maybe some day someone will realize how fucked up the situation really is :( <persia> yann2, I think the fact that PHP isn't secure is widely disseminated. Whether it can be secure is an interesting question. <yann2> it is as secure as any other web app, if you want my advice. <persia> That said, the trick is not to get someone to realise the issues with the current situation, but rather to get someone to want to make PHP work, rather than selecting something else when they discover PHP isn't secure. <yann2> CGI doesnt really make a difference if its PHP python or bash <persia> Oh, I agree. I personally don't think CGI can be made secure. I think that needs a sandboxed application server system. <yann2> persia > disagree on this, it's even the usual way to do it. Open a bug, get people to confirm it, find an issue, get someone to fix it, patch it, test it, deploy :) <yann2> s/issue/solution <yann2> well ultimately you could chroot your fastcgi apps * ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Kernel Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 31 Dec 16:00: Foundation Team | 31 Dec 17:00: QA Team | 01 Jan 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 01 Jan 14:00: Ubuntu Java <yann2> which wouldnt make it 100% secure but a lot more secure :) <persia> That's an interesting idea: it provides the sandbox. <yann2> file permissions can also provide a sandbox - kind of. <yann2> runnnig as a low privileged user is pretty much the same as using mod_php and www-data <persia> Well, not really, because they application isn't restricted from accessing system files well. That's the current solution, isn't it? <yann2> yes <yann2> well, there is apparmor then... <yann2> never tried this on a webserver, i probably should <yann2> would need developping an apparmor profile, surely this could be made by the distro <persia> Well, "by the distro" is mostly just by us, no? <yann2> by the distro means it should be made easy to the final sysadmin, ie the sysadmin deploying shouldnt have to rewrite the rules every time <yann2> #312493 - some day.. maybe :) <persia> Oh, I'd agree with that: I still think it needs someone to do it. <persia> Fastest way to get it done is to investigate apparmor, write a draft profile, and get it included. <yann2> well to get apparmor you would need fastcgi first... <persia> But fastcgi is already in Ubuntu, and likely compiled in an apparmor compatible way. <yann2> .. but it's in universe, buggy, and not sure about apparmor :) <persia> Again, moving from universe to main is trivial. Also, I'm not sure the distinction will remain, based on the discussions on archive reorganisation. <yann2> you mean I would get support from canonical for universe? that'd be surprising <yann2> btw yeah you say it's trivial, but if it was in main I would use it at my company (I'm from the happy few with support :P) and expect them to fix the bugs - so it would mean quite a lot :) <yann2> longer term (1-2 years) I'd like to see ubuntu as a good web hosting distro, with a safe and fast way to run php/python apps by default and in a supported manner, with apparmor policy etc etc <persia> Well, that presumes the not-quite-accurate assumption that "main" == "applications with support provided by Canonical". <yann2> gotta start somewhere :P <yann2> mh? <yann2> they can't be 100% involved in all the packages in main but at least my bug reports would draw attention to them right? :( <yann2> anyway - at least I am glad you agree the current setup isn't optimal, that's my first step :) <persia> I don't know much about how Canonical support works, but I do know that the set of applications for which that support is provided doesn't match main, and that there was a bug about that, and it was fixed in intrepid. <persia> There's now some gui that lets one identify which specific packages are supported. <persia> Anyway, that's not really important. <persia> The important part is that you've identified something that you consider a problem. <persia> You've specifically identified three strategies that could help improve it: 1) fixing bugs in fastcgi, 2) chrooting individual websites (as opposed to the web server itself), and 3) creating an apparmor profiles. <persia> Since you've said that you aren't yet proficient in C, I'd recommend concentrating on 3) for now, as that's likely most accessible without much C. <yann2> no wait it is *very* important to me :| <yann2> and I got support for hardy :x <yann2> actually I think the bug is important and affects many website <yann2> so I may spend some time trying to get a what-i-consider-to-be-secure appliance... <yann2> and document in a more wider form the issues , solutions, with proof o concepts, benches etc <yann2> it's a good two months of work but bah, someone gotta do it :( <persia> That sounds like the right path. <persia> I'm sure you'll end up with some suggested changes to the default configuration, and some patches as a result of that investigation. <persia> I'm also fairly sure it shouldn't be very hard to get those applied to the packages in the repos so that nobody else has to repeat the work. <yann2> well it is going to be based on fastcgi which is lacking a lot of attention <yann2> but it's interesting work :) <persia> Somehow I think that once you get started, and start publishing and sharing your results, you'll find like-minded people to help get the attention it needs. * ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Kernel Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 31 Dec 16:00: Foundation Team | 31 Dec 17:00: QA Team | 01 Jan 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 01 Jan 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 03 Jan 19:00: Kubuntu Developers * ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 31 Dec 16:00: Foundation Team | 31 Dec 17:00: QA Team | 01 Jan 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 01 Jan 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 03 Jan 19:00: Kubuntu Developers | 05 Jan 20:00: EMEA Membership <nealmcb> bug 312493 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 312493 in ubuntu "Not possible to run PHP in a multiuser and secure way" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/312493 <yann2> nealmcb > comments and additional description to come soon ;) <nealmcb> yann2, persia: thanks for the server team meeting conversation. you should have done a "startmeeting" first though - makes it easier to record. No reason not to.... <yann2> nealmcb > it wasnt a meeting, really :) <yann2> but we should hae discussed on -server, ack and sorry for that <nealmcb> but it was a conversation that you'll want to refer the server team to - there are folks that would read it and provide feedback <yann2> nealmcb > i will add further descrpition to my wiki page and launchpad bug and refer server team people to it - I need some time to clarify my mind about what is technicaly posible <nealmcb> yann2: thanks - even better. persia asked good questions :) <yann2> i want to try fastcgi with apparmor and chroot first, see how it works and what it improves <yann2> and if I get it to work, write a doc how I did it, and study if it can be made easy enough for general purpose #ubuntu-meeting 2008-12-31 <Apteno> http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1785 ??? <Apteno> no event ? * ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Foundation Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 31 Dec 17:00: QA Team | 01 Jan 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 01 Jan 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 03 Jan 19:00: Kubuntu Developers | 05 Jan 20:00: EMEA Membership <Apteno> no event at all ??? strange ! * ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: QA Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 01 Jan 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 01 Jan 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 03 Jan 19:00: Kubuntu Developers | 05 Jan 20:00: EMEA Membership * ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: QA Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 01 Jan 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 01 Jan 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 03 Jan 19:00: Kubuntu Developers | 05 Jan 20:00: EMEA Membership | 07 Jan 03:00: America's Council * ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 01 Jan 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 01 Jan 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 03 Jan 19:00: Kubuntu Developers | 05 Jan 20:00: EMEA Membership | 07 Jan 03:00: America's Council | 13 Jan 21:00: LoCo Council * ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 01 Jan 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 01 Jan 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 03 Jan 19:00: Kubuntu Developers | 05 Jan 20:00: EMEA Membership | 07 Jan 03:00: America's Council | 07 Jan 18:00: Edubuntu meeting <kagou> Bonne année à tous <McPeter> HAPPY NEW YEAR <RainCT> Happy new year! :) #ubuntu-meeting 2009-01-01 <none1> Hey, someone I could recommend a program that monitors dumeter for unbuntu the internet showing the rate of download and upload? <bazhang> none1, support in #ubuntu * ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Ubuntu Mobile Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 01 Jan 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 03 Jan 19:00: Kubuntu Developers | 05 Jan 20:00: EMEA Membership | 07 Jan 03:00: America's Council | 07 Jan 18:00: Edubuntu meeting <persia> Not really: there's no meeting today. * ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 01 Jan 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 03 Jan 19:00: Kubuntu Developers | 05 Jan 20:00: EMEA Membership | 07 Jan 03:00: America's Council | 07 Jan 18:00: Edubuntu meeting | 13 Jan 21:00: LoCo Council * ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Ubuntu Java Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 03 Jan 19:00: Kubuntu Developers | 05 Jan 20:00: EMEA Membership | 07 Jan 03:00: America's Council | 07 Jan 18:00: Edubuntu meeting | 13 Jan 21:00: LoCo Council <stdin> persia: blame the fridge <persia> stdin, No, I blame myself. I failed to respond to the "Will there be a meeting query" in a timely manner. * ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 03 Jan 19:00: Kubuntu Developers | 05 Jan 20:00: EMEA Membership | 07 Jan 03:00: America's Council | 07 Jan 18:00: Edubuntu meeting | 13 Jan 21:00: LoCo Council | 15 Jan 00:30: Forum Council #ubuntu-meeting 2009-01-03 * ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Kubuntu Developers Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 05 Jan 20:00: EMEA Membership | 06 Jan 16:00: Server Team | 06 Jan 17:00: Kernel Team | 06 Jan 21:00: Community Council | 07 Jan 03:00: America's Council <jjesse> meeting here? <nhandler> Yep <nixternal> apachelogger: the floor looks like it will be all yours ;) <nixternal> we have 2 people going for membership <nixternal> no timido around? <nixternal> we need to hurry this meeting too, as I have to get to the city and give a presentation in 2 hours <nhandler> Is that the global bug jam presentation nixternal ? <nixternal> yup <alkisg> @schedule Europe/Athens <ubottu> Schedule for Europe/Athens: Current meeting: Kubuntu Developers 05 Jan 22:00: EMEA Membership | 06 Jan 18:00: Server Team | 06 Jan 19:00: Kernel Team | 06 Jan 23:00: Community Council | 07 Jan 05:00: America's Council <apachelogger> nixternal: you are too busy <nixternal> tell me about it <nixternal> apachelogger: you just need to employ me, so I won't be so busy :) <[NikO]> arg emea membership change <apachelogger> you could read my mails, it won't be much fun though :P <nixternal> interesting <apachelogger> not even that :P <nixternal> [NikO]: I don't know if it has been changed or not to be honest <nixternal> it looks as if all of the dates are shifted 2 days <[NikO]> before it was 05 janv 21:00 <nixternal> because today is the 3rd, and we are doing our meeting now and not the 5th <nhandler> @schedule <ubottu> Schedule for Etc/UTC: Current meeting: Kubuntu Developers 05 Jan 20:00: EMEA Membership | 06 Jan 16:00: Server Team | 06 Jan 17:00: Kernel Team | 06 Jan 21:00: Community Council | 07 Jan 03:00: America's Council * nixternal checks the fridge * apachelogger pokes Riddell <Riddell> Happy New Year Friends <[NikO]> sorry i miss a | <nixternal> [NikO]: fridge.ubuntu.com has the correct dates and times...look there <nixternal> it seems the silly bot is broken <jjesse> happy new year Riddell <Riddell> what's all this about another meeting? <nixternal> [NikO]: seems I did too :) ooops <yuriy> happy new year everyone <nixternal> Riddell: jusst a misunderstanding with the topic <[NikO]> happy new year too <Riddell> phew <nixternal> there needs to be a | after the Kubuntu Developers in the topic <nixternal> as it looks like "Kubuntu Developers 05 Jan 20:00 <nixternal> anywho, <nixternal> HAPPY NEW YEARS ALL! <apachelogger> HNY to everyone but the topic <Riddell> did we all have a nice christmas and hogmanay? <jjesse> i've had better <nixternal> sure did :) <nixternal> haha, same here :p <nixternal> should we kick off with new members? <Riddell> no timido around <nixternal> that's fine, lets go with nhandler <Lure> happy new year to all kubuntu ninjas <NCommander> hola <Riddell> nhandler: care to introduce yourself? <nixternal> nhandler: please give us an introduction about yourself <apachelogger> Wiki: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/nhandler LP: https://launchpad.net/~nhandler <nhandler> My name is Nathan Handler, and I started using Ubuntu right before Edgy was released. I started contributing in Gutsy, and recently became a MOTU. I am no working on making Kubuntu a great distro <nixternal> isn't it already a great distro? <coreymon77> hi guys <nhandler> nixternal: I never said it wasn't. But even a great distro can be made better <coreymon77> actually managed to make it this time <nixternal> groovy <Riddell> nhandler: what's the Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team? <coreymon77> hows everyone doing? <nhandler> Riddell: It is a team led by bodhi_zazen. It helps out on the forums and on irc. It also has Focus groups to help out on LP and the wiki and with other areas <nhandler> IRC channel is #ubuntuforums-beginners <Riddell> nhandler: to help beginners presumably? <nixternal> I can attest to nhandler and his work here in the community...he is a perfect ninja candidate, not only because he is pretty much a neighbor, but because he has worked hard in MOTU land and has taken off...many people in MOTU world are really impressed with him, as I am as well <nhandler> Riddell: Mainly. But it is also there to help anyone with questions <nhandler> Since I started focusing on Kubuntu, I have packaged plasmoid-spellcheck and plasmois-playwolf, and I have updated kcolor-edit, kgrab, kio-gopher, and kopete-cryptography. I have also reviewed some Kubuntu packages on REVU. <Riddell> nhandler: can you see yourself doing more ninjas (KDE main modules packaging) work? <coreymon77> well, his wiki and launchpad pages are sure pretty impressive <apachelogger> nhandler: why did it take you so long to join the kubuntu squad? <nhandler> Riddell: I am hoping to get into that. I have read through the various scripts, and am ready to help out in any way that I can <nixternal> http://hall-of-fame.ubuntu.com/ - one of the busiest sponsors for comments and uploads, the top REVU'er <vorian> I believe nhandler is planning on helping us with the next rounds of packaging Riddell. <nixternal> http://daniel.holba.ch/5-a-day-stats/ - good 5-a-day stats <nhandler> apachelogger: I was focused on becoming a MOTU. I like to set my priorities. <apachelogger> coreymon77: the wiki is not using oxygen which is not too good :P <apachelogger> nhandler: good point <nhandler> vorian: That is true <nixternal> also note that by being a MOTU, he is also an Ubuntu Member <nixternal> so.... <nixternal> +1 <jjesse> +1 from me if it matters <nixternal> honestly, I am getting tired of doing votes for this dude :p <vorian> I totally support his application <coreymon77> i dont have much say here, but i seem to like him <nixternal> howdy seele! <seele> hallo <nixternal> we are on our way to a quorum it looks like <Riddell> nhandler: you've only been doing stuff for two months you said? <Riddell> but you also said since gutsy <nhandler> Riddell: I have been packaging and patching bugs for a while. I just haven't been focusing on Kubuntu * nixternal thinks nhandler is a nixternal stalker <claydoh> +1, its a no-brainer :) <yuriy> nhandler: so you use kubuntu yourself but were focusing on more generic packages? <Riddell> +1 from me too <seele> can someone pastebin the beginning aprt of the interview? <nhandler> yuriy: I use kubuntu on one of my machines. It didn't like my laptop, so I run ubuntu on it <apachelogger> seele: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/99167/ <nixternal> that was way faster than I could do :) <yuriy> nhandler: why do you like kubuntu and choose to work on it? what sets it apart from other distributions (including ubuntu) for you? <apachelogger> nhandler: we gotta fix the latter <nhandler> yuriy: One of the things I like most about Kubuntu is the community. It is smaller and much closer. In Ubuntu, they have so many people that you can't really get to know everyone. As for kubuntu, I really like the way that kde4 is starting to shape up. I want to help make it better <seele> looks good to me <seele> +1 for nhandler <yuriy> +1 <apachelogger> nhandler: congrats <nixternal> wooo <Riddell> welcome in nhandler <nixternal> nhandler: Welcome you ninja! <nixternal> congrats! <apachelogger> welcome to the blue headed stepchild team :P <nhandler> Thanks everyone <vorian> yay nhandler! <nixternal> apachelogger: you forgot my copyright/trademark on that quote! <Riddell> anyone else here for membership? <seele> why blue? i thought it was red <apachelogger> nixternal: jonny closed the wishlist item for copyright as won't fix :P <nixternal> seele: kde is blooo :) <jjesse> i thought everye thing was bloue <nixternal> haha * seele points to her head :P <vorian> bleaux <nixternal> no more memberships <apachelogger> we should script membership interviews ... would probably save us some time :P <Riddell> first item is "Post-UDS discussion" <nixternal> can wek skip the post UDS discussion, as I want to hear the QtCurve and Documentation bullets by apachelogger since I have to leave shortly <Riddell> could do <Riddell> apachelogger: want to start on those to keep nixternal happy? <nixternal> thank you sir :) <nixternal> hehe <apachelogger> aye <nixternal> apachelogger: scottk and I were looking at qtcurve the other day I think and it looked rather broken <Riddell> what's up with qtcurve apachelogger? <nixternal> I think it was qtcurve <apachelogger> currently we have qtcurve (qt3 style) kde-style-qtcurve (kde3) kde4-style-qtcurve (qt4) kde4-style-qtcurve-kdeconfig (kde4) <nixternal> is that the one with a reverse path applied in rules? <nixternal> shouldn't there be a gtk package with qtcurve as well? <apachelogger> the latter one has a rather ugly rules file <apachelogger> nixternal: well yes, but that is not affected by the kde 4 transition ;-) <nixternal> gotcha <Riddell> apachelogger: but what's the problem? <apachelogger> renaming that stuff to some sensible matter <nixternal> if qtcurve is the package with the reverse patch in the rules, scottk and i couldn't get it to build in jaunty let alone intrepid <apachelogger> I recommend that we drop kde-style-qtcurve ... rename qtcurve to qtcurve-qt4 ... rename kde-style-qtcurve to qtcurve ... and kde4-style-qtcurve-kdeconfig to kde-style-qtcurve * apachelogger is pretty sure he lost everyone by now :P <Riddell> qtcurve is a dummy package <nixternal> apachelogger: qt-style-qtcurve I think is how it goes...how does debian do it? <apachelogger> Riddell: are you sure? <Riddell> in intrepid that's what it says <nixternal> yes, on s/kde4/kde/ on the style bits <apachelogger> well, the whole qtcurve stuff is pretty confusing anyway <nixternal> that it is <Riddell> qtcurve is described as a dummy package but seems more like a meta package for the kde and gtk ones <apachelogger> hm <apachelogger> Riddell: maybe we didn't have a qt3-only version <Riddell> my thoughts would be to merge kde4-style-qtcurve and kde4-style-qtcurve-kdeconfig and call it kde-style-qtcurve <Riddell> rename kde-style-qtcurve to kde3-style-qtcurve <Riddell> and make qtcurve depend on kde 3, 4 and gtk <apachelogger> hm <apachelogger> I am not too sure kde3-style-qtcurve will build at all <apachelogger> IIRC qtcurve needs kwin to build <Riddell> oh well drop it then <apachelogger> ok <Riddell> sorted? <apachelogger> what to do about the qt4-only package? <apachelogger> currently kde4-style-qtcurve IIRC <Riddell> I'd be tempted to merge it as I say, can't believe that many people care about having a qt only one * apachelogger agrees <Riddell> but then I'm a KDE guy so I could be biased :) <nixternal> kde-style-qtcurve, kwin-style-qtcurve, qt4-style-qtcurve - i think it is supposed to be something like this per debian...as I have been working on a coupld of theme packages in debian <apachelogger> I'll consult with debian about the qt4 style then <apachelogger> [sorted] <nixternal> apachelogger: pusling is the master at this stuff, so you might want to start there <apachelogger> aye aye <Riddell> what's up with our documentation install paths? <nixternal> /usr/share/doc/* <apachelogger> KDE 3 uses doc/KDE/ <apachelogger> KDE 4 uses doc/KDE4/ <apachelogger> (maybe lowercase) <nixternal> lowercase <Riddell> is that a problem? <nixternal> /usr/share/doc/kde <- kde 3 <apachelogger> that makes the former unaccessible in KDE 4's khelpcenter, even though it lists them due to the desktop file <nixternal> it shouldn't be a problem at all, as it is part of the fd.o specification for documentation <nixternal> we make khc look anywhere we want though for documentation <Riddell> there's a fd.o sepc for docs? <nixternal> Riddell: just the /usr/share/doc/ part <apachelogger> well <nixternal> we are working on a specification with gnome and kde in fd.o <nixternal> mallard was working well wtih it, but it is vaporware it seems <apachelogger> I recommned we change the KDE 4 path to doc/kde <Riddell> /usr/share/doc/ is quite a busy place, it wants to scan that whole directory? <nixternal> I agree with apachelogger on /usr/share/doc/kde/ <nixternal> though <apachelogger> Riddell: based on desktop files I would assume <nixternal> hrmm <apachelogger> nixternal: maybe talk to debian <nixternal> Riddell: khc only scans /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/$cc/ <apachelogger> and then change to the path they want to use in the future <apachelogger> technically KHC doesn't scan anything <nixternal> no, just looks there <apachelogger> it queries ksycoca for applications and reads their doc setting <nixternal> you can make khc open any html and/or docbook file extension no matter where it is located <apachelogger> that is why it doesn't matter what path we use as long as it is the same in KDE 3 and KDE 4 <apachelogger> so, course of action = talk to debian about path they want to use <apachelogger> everyone ok with that? <Riddell> merging them would cause clashes in /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/common/ <nixternal> debian is still separating their paths I thought <apachelogger> Riddell: we can drop the KDE 3 one <Riddell> seems sensible enough to move to doc/kde then <nixternal> I agree <apachelogger> ok <nixternal> khc codebase == ewwww <Riddell> but indeed check with debian too, they may well know of problems that would cause <nixternal> I need to start spending more time on it <apachelogger> nixternal: suse code :P <apachelogger> the apps data path is a related issue <Riddell> tell us about it apachelogger <apachelogger> debian also uses $PREFIX/share/kde4/apps/ instead of $PREFIX/share/apps/ <nixternal> suse code is only in the search handlers iirc <nixternal> ie. htdig :( <apachelogger> however, KDE regulates this in one of the cmake modules (in a very static way) <apachelogger> so, if you compile a KDE 4 app manually it will use $P/share/apps, because it doesn't know that debian/kubuntu use share/kde4/apps <apachelogger> which results in broken application data <Riddell> mm, that does confuse people <apachelogger> ^_^ <apachelogger> simply put: there is a wrong installation path used for non-cdbs compiled stuff <apachelogger> we can resolve this by either patching the appropriate cmake modules, which works pretty well <apachelogger> or we change to KDE default ($P/share/apps) <apachelogger> since we most likely need to recompile every KDE 4 app because of the doc path changes anyway both options are good options IMO <Riddell> I'd go with the former unless debian plan to change, that would be quite a deviation and there's probably still clashes with kde 3 <apachelogger> *nod* <apachelogger> I'll talk with debian and go with the patching if the latter option is not possible <Riddell> sorted? <apachelogger> + I need to report this to KDE anyway, because debian needs to have the setting exported properly anyway <apachelogger> Riddell: yes <Riddell> it would be nice if the cmake module was set correctly at compile time <Riddell> Post-UDS discussion <Riddell> how was UDS for you seele, nixternal..? <Riddell> we wrote some specs which are here https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuJauntySpecs <seele> the most tiring one yet imo <seele> too much activity for someone who works at home alone all the time :) <jjesse> great except had to leave early :( <Riddell> we'll need to paste you into our group photo jjesse <jjesse> Riddell: i know bummed i missed it <Riddell> plan is to change to package kit <Riddell> various tweaks to installer, a good challenge for anyone who likes pykde <apachelogger> is kpackagekit imported into jaunty yet? <nixternal> Riddell: uds was super busy for me actually <apachelogger> last I checked I didn't find it <seele> yes, Tonio created some Intrepid packages and Thomas Pfeffer (colomar) is in the process of reviewing it <nixternal> wasn't expecting to be that darn busy <yuriy> how many kubuntu/kde people were at UDS? <jjesse> colomar is doing the usability stuff for you right seele? <nixternal> and the dancing santa was the highlight of the entire event :) <seele> he will provide some feedback to what improvements could be made, and we can figure out which ones we can actually get done by feature freeze <seele> jjesse: yes, he was my Season of Usability intern last year * apachelogger notes that getting any kind of package in ASAP would be good <seele> and he came to Akademy (if anyone remembers) <seele> packaging is Tonio's job, i just know he was working on it <Riddell> yuriy: me, nixternal, rgreening, jjesse, tonio and at fosscamp blahzahl, chani and aurean the kpackagekit dude <Riddell> seele too of course <nixternal> seele was there? :p <apachelogger> seele: I'll poke him about that * seele sighs <nixternal> WEARING BLUE!!!! <seele> no love <nixternal> and trying to hide it <seele> nixternal: it was cold that day :P * apachelogger hands seele a cookie <apachelogger> cookies > love <nixternal> hahahaha <jjesse> the blue crew shirt <yuriy> < doctormo> I didn't see a whole load of kde people at UDS, maybe 3 or 4. <-- in response to my comment on mark's blog about notifications <apachelogger> nixternal: we need to discuss crew shirts @ next marketing metting :P <Riddell> no surprises in KubuntuJauntyKDEPackaging but we do need to work out the mysql packaging for amarok and akonadi which will be tricky (especially amarok) <yuriy> got the impression that we just didn't have enough of a presense there <apachelogger> Riddell: I suppose last option would be to do it the intrepid way? <jjesse> yuriy: we had more of a presence at this uds then the past <nixternal> apachelogger: roger that! <Lure> Riddell: is anybody working on digikam/kipi-plugins packaging already? <Riddell> yuriy: desktop is less important than it used to be, lots of server and mobile people these days (I didn't see a whole load of gnome people) <Riddell> apachelogger: mysql 5.1? <Lure> Riddell: there are two dependancies (optional though) missing: libopencv liblensfun <nixternal> besides the Kubuntu tracks, I was constantly in Community and MOTU/Development tracks...non stop <apachelogger> Lure: devfil is working on digikam AFAIK <nixternal> the entire week, I had 1 time slot where there wasn't a track specific to me <apachelogger> Lure: and tonio updated kipi <Riddell> Lure: volunteers welcome :) I'd like to see those all move over to KDE 4 versions <Lure> apachelogger: ok, is he in #kubuntu-devel? <seele> nixternal: yes, i think i only had a few hours or breathing all week <apachelogger> Lure: sometimes <apachelogger> Lure: he's CET so he might be out partying by now ;-) <Riddell> we need to check if there's going to be a version of k3b we can use <Lure> apachelogger: if nobody will step in, I might try to use my rusty packaging skills and try to create packages ;-) <apachelogger> Riddell: did anyone try trunk yet? <Riddell> not I <yuriy> comments on the dot claim that k3b for kde4 is usable <nixternal> tonio said he saw something about k3b, but I have looked and looked and haven't found anything...the mailing lists are even asking where the kde k3b stuff is at <apachelogger> Riddell: all people I talked to said "looks good, but didn't try burning" <apachelogger> Riddell: so we probably should test the latter ;-) <Riddell> we want to get kde 3 libs off the CD so that means getting rid of konversation as well for now <nixternal> seems the lead dev is working a new job elsewhere and has little time to maintain k3b <Riddell> possibly to be replaced with quassel if seele convinces them to make it usable <apachelogger> nixternal: the lead dev is also lead dev of nepomuk <apachelogger> Riddell: already working on it <apachelogger> + quassel got KDE integration (notifciation and icons) already <nixternal> apachelogger: correct, but didn't he get a new job or something? possibly working on nepomuk so than anything else? <apachelogger> nixternal: *shrug* all I know is that he was working for mandriva at some point <yuriy> mandriva is paying him to work on nepomuk I think <nixternal> ahh, I just read something to that effect recently <nixternal> yuriy: ya, I think that is exactly what I read <Riddell> we'll need to look at webkitkde once qt 4.5 is out and evaluate if it's better than khtml <Lure> Riddell: is qt 4.5 to land in jaunty? <apachelogger> depends on the quality <Riddell> Lure: they won't say but I hope it'll be out in time <apachelogger> last I checked it rendered a lot of Qt 4.4 stuff unusable <Lure> apachelogger: yes, I recalled thiago's post about kde4 being showstopper for qt 4.5 release <apachelogger> well for KDE 4 most stuff is resolved, can't say the same about quassel for example <Riddell> KubuntuJauntyGapAnalysis has various programming bits to be done, installing Restriced Install, system-config-printer really to be finished, tseliot's display setup tool... <Riddell> txwikinger: about? <txwikinger> yes <Riddell> txwikinger: any plans to work on user setup tool this cycle? <txwikinger> yes <txwikinger> I will try to integrate what I did to the system-settings <apachelogger> kuser isn't too bad for the time being <apachelogger> now that it works kind of ;-) <Riddell> txwikinger: seele did put her name down for specifying an improved UI for that, would you be able to take that on if she does? <txwikinger> Riddell: yes, I think so <Riddell> sime says pykde can be intergrated with system settings now, so various things can be made into modules for that <txwikinger> cool <Riddell> I should track down the sample code for that <apachelogger> jonny already started with jockey <apachelogger> as reported in his blog <Riddell> oh, nice <Arby> I've been trying to do the same with system-config-printer <apachelogger> Riddell: update-notifier-kde should probably be renamed? kpackagekit comes with an update notification system builtin <Arby> without much success it has to be said <nixternal> alrighty, gotta head out...talk to you all later! <apachelogger> cya nixternal <Riddell> Arby: thanks for your e-mail on s-c-p-k, I'll get round to replying to it properly soon I hope <txwikinger> bye nixternal <nhandler> Bye nixternal <Arby> Riddell: no rush <Riddell> I should talk about the Desktop Experience team before we finish <seele> heh <Riddell> Canonical has put together this team of people to work on useful desktop bling stuff <Riddell> their first project will be to do with notifications and was announced at UDS <Riddell> the idea of the team is to make a useful contribution to the state of the free desktops <Riddell> they have some Gnome people on it now and (because gnome is more in need of interesting things to happen to it :) <apachelogger> ^_^ <Riddell> and will hire qt/kde person/people early this year to make sure we're not left out <Riddell> so this means canonical will be a bit more hands on in saying what goes into Kubuntu, which up until now they havn't at all (I'm speaking with my kubuntu community hat) <Riddell> so us in the kubuntu community need to make sure that what they work on is useful and works well to bring us and KDE stuff we love <Riddell> from talks at UDS on the notification bits I think they know what needs doing to get it done with KDE well <Riddell> and it may not happen this cycle for KDE (nobody hired yet and feature freeze is in 6 weeks) <Riddell> but in future it should happen at the same time on ubuntu desktop and kubuntu since sabdfl is keen we are not left out <Riddell> any comments or questions? <apachelogger> sabdfl++ for that <yuriy> so they talked with all of you guys at UDS about notifications? <seele> you could say that <Riddell> us and upstream too <Arby> I saw a few blogs suggesting there was some resistance within KDE to parts of what was proposed on marks blog. <apachelogger> yuriy: they also talked with aaron in #plasma <Arby> if KDE flat out refuse to play what do we do? <apachelogger> the notifications stuff is a bit messed up because there are kind-of 2 versions floating around <apachelogger> the not-fd.o but almost standard one and the KDE one, which is based on the not-fd.o one but enhanced <Riddell> Arby: upstream gnome had much the same reaction to some parts <Arby> not unexpected <Riddell> if KDE doesn't want it we'd need to keep patches, which it would be the responsibility of the DX team to maintain <apachelogger> oh, that part I like <Arby> that's what I was wondering <Riddell> apachelogger: and hopefully this work can create a real cross desktop standard <seele> part of the problem with the proposed design is that it doesn't account for KDE's heavy use of applications as services <yuriy> apachelogger: I think that makes 3 versions now <apachelogger> we need a lot more standards in general <Arby> so basically this is going to happen whether upstream like it or not <seele> they want to get rid of a lot of icons in the GNOME task panel, but their solution wont necessarily work in KDE-world <yuriy> the great thing about standards .... <Arby> that could make life ... colourful <apachelogger> yuriy: well the idea is that the one created by the DX team gets also a consesus between gnome and KDE requirements <apachelogger> that would then make it perfect for freedesktop.org <Riddell> I think this is a very exciting change and I'm happy we're part of it, if we make sure all the right connections are made between us, the DX people and upstream it should be good for everyone <apachelogger> +1 <seele> the fact that theyre trying to fix the fdo spec is a +1 in itself <seele> regardless of the other design changes, notifications of either app families will work consistently and reliably on either platform <seele> that's on part with being able to automatically set the OK/Cancel Cance/OK order automatically based on platform <seele> people start to wonder why it wasnt done sooner <seele> thats how much sense it makes :) <Arby> where would be the right place to keep track of progress? do I need to subscribe to another mailing list? * apachelogger would guess so <seele> dunno, Riddell might know. i'm under the impression it is still internal though <Riddell> good question, I'll need to ask about that <Riddell> there's various docs on the wiki somewhere and I think they use the #ubuntu-desktop channel and ubuntu-desktop mailing lists but I could be wrong * apachelogger would prefer if they didn't <seele> i havent seen anything about notifications on ubuntu-desktop <seele> maybe there is an ubuntu-desktop-experience? <Riddell> dunno, I'll ask <apachelogger> -desktop is usually quite gnomish, so I for one wouldn't want to subscribe to it <Riddell> any other business? <beuno> Riddell, there isn't a channel for this yet <Riddell> I'm on jury service on Monday so potentially I'll be away for an indefinate period, or maybe just a couple of hours if my name doesn't get picked out of the hat <Riddell> I'll be around in evenings if I do get picked anyway <txwikinger> cool Riddell * NCommander is back, sorry <seele> oh.. UDS sponsored people: your receipts are due Jan 9 I believe <NCommander> ugh, completely forgot about that * NCommander still has them <Riddell> thanks for coming all, 2009 is going to rock! * apachelogger hands out cookies <Arby> yum * txwikinger hands out Tim Horton's Hot Chocolate * ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 05 Jan 20:00: EMEA Membership | 06 Jan 16:00: Server Team | 06 Jan 17:00: Kernel Team | 06 Jan 21:00: Community Council | 07 Jan 03:00: America's Council | 07 Jan 16:00: Foundation Team #ubuntu-meeting 2009-01-04 <chris062689> Um... isn't the Kubuntu meeting supposed to be here at 19:00? <nizarus> chris062689, it was here at 19:00 UTC <chris062689> ah <chris062689> Does anyone happen to have a log? <nizarus> http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/01/03/%23ubuntu-meeting.html <stgraber> @schedule Montreal <ubottu> Schedule for America/Montreal: 05 Jan 15:00: EMEA Membership | 06 Jan 11:00: Server Team | 06 Jan 12:00: Kernel Team | 06 Jan 16:00: Community Council | 06 Jan 22:00: America's Council | 07 Jan 11:00: Foundation Team #ubuntu-meeting 2010-01-04 <HFSPLUS> UBUNTU AND LINUX ARE CANCER IN A SENSE IF YOU USE IT YOUR BODY WILL GET SEPSIS AND YOU WILL GET CANCER EVERYWHERE IN YOUR BODY <HFSPLUS> !ops <ubottu> Help! Seveas, Hobbsee, LjL, ompaulafk, Keybuk, mdz, sabdfl, janimo, ogra, mdke, dholbach, or jono <robbiew> kees: meeting today? <mdeslaur> kees: meeting! <jdstrand> o/ <jjohansen> \o <kees> \o <kees> sorry, lost in email backlog <nxvl> \o/ <nxvl> kees: as all of us <kees> so, uhm, I drank a fair bit and then tried to push compiler hardening bits in Debian. for this week, I'll take krb5 and continue to follow some of the community sponsorship requests. <robbiew> heh <mdeslaur> I'll take php5 and gimp, and will start the screenlocking debugging wiki page this week <kees> I'm still digging through backlog <mdeslaur> I'm on triage also <kees> mdeslaur: sorry about the state of bugs. I managed to keep on top of CVE triage, though. :P <mdeslaur> kees: np! <jdstrand> I plan to do some merges as well as some work on essential bps. I'll pick up an update if needed <jdstrand> s/if/as/ <jdstrand> that's it from me <jdstrand> I suppose I could be slightly more specific <jdstrand> I hope to finish security-lucid-sponsorship-review <jdstrand> then look at apparmor stuff and the 0.7.5 libvirt merge <kees> jdstrand: for sponsorship processes, I have some questions now that I've followed it a few times. <jdstrand> then decide how to tackle the libvirt items <jdstrand> kees: ok <kees> if that's it on status, then I'll dive into my sponsorship questions? <jdstrand> kees: please do <kees> ok, so, following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/SponsorsQueue <kees> I had two hats: reviewer ("sponsor"?) and Uploader. <kees> first question is: at what point should the ubuntu-security-sponsors team be unsubscribed from a bug? <kees> (the only case seems to be when the patch needs work) <kees> should it be unsubbed when it's been uploaded? <jdstrand> kees: that is correct <jdstrand> though we will mark syncs as Invalid <jdstrand> and also Fix Released <kees> hrm <jdstrand> both of those drop the bug off the sponsors radar <jdstrand> kees: I started to do the whole separated process that I am sure you are thinking of <kees> ok, so Invalid and Fix Released, but ubuntu-security-sponsors stays sub'd. <jdstrand> kees: that is how it currently is, but ubuntu-security-sponsors could be unsub'd in those cases, but I don't see a real need for that <kees> ah! wait, I think I see the source of my confusion. <kees> the All open link will show bugs that are invalid when there are other open statuses for a bug. <kees> so, in the case of multiple releases, it gets confusing. <jdstrand> I didn't opt for the separated process because that is geared for larger teams-- in practice, we and motu-swat will be doing the reviewing-- so I kept it simple for now <nxvl> kees: as in New for Lucid and Invalid for Jaunty? <jdstrand> kees: that may be a bug in LP <kees> nxvl: right, or like bug 431080, where one part is In Progress (which doesn't need ubuntu-security-sponsors subbed) and others are fix released and invalid. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 431080 in drupal5 "Fix critical security issues in drupal packages" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/431080 <jdstrand> kees: I am writing a tool today, similar to pull-in-progress.py that will make it a bit easier to see <kees> hrm, why does 481631 still show up? <jdstrand> what needs work and the status of things <jdstrand> kees: probably because of the upstream bug? <kees> jdstrand: oh, no, the query is bad. it includes Invalid and Won't Fix. <kees> I will adjust the wiki page. <jdstrand> ok, thanks <kees> alright. that was basically it. multiple confusions due to the LP bug list. ;) <kees> oh yikes, moin just HTTP 500'd <jdstrand> kees: sorry about that <jdstrand> (not the 500-- I didn't have anything to do with that! ;) <kees> jdstrand: oh, I don't think that's your fault at all. new processes are fun to clarify. :) <kees> ok, so now following the "All open" link is much more sensible. <jdstrand> yeah-- hence the 'Beta Available' implementation :) <kees> do you think "In progress" should be removed from the list too, since that means the patch writer needs to work on it more? <jdstrand> kees: I don't, cause 'All' is supposed to convey all open bugs <kees> ok, sounds good. <jdstrand> plus, it also could mean that the bug has been uploaded to the ubuntu-security-proposed ppa, and needs to be pocket copied to -proposed <jdstrand> so I wouldn't want to hide it <jdstrand> (section '4.2 Uploads') <kees> ah! yes, just noticed that. <kees> ok, so, with bug 446838, what's the next step? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 446838 in squirrelmail "Multiple cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in SquirrelMail 1.4.19 and earlier" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/446838 <kees> we got a NACK on the hardy patch <kees> s/patch/package/ * jdstrand looks <jdstrand> kees: ok, so 'klumpen' said the patch doesn't work. that is not enough detail... <jdstrand> kees: ultimately though, this is in -proposed and for ubuntu-sru to handle using their processes <kees> that was my thought too. <jdstrand> kees: see '5. Verification' <kees> (I can do a verification for karmic, but not hardy) <jdstrand> kees: basically, once it goes from ubuntu-security-proposed to -proposed, ubuntu-sru takes it from there <kees> ok <jdstrand> that may sound somewhat contentious, but this won't happen for packages in main, and ScottK said that this is the process to use for universe <kees> it continues to show up on the "open" list, but I guess that's ok. <kees> regardless, I'm happy with the process. <jdstrand> kees: we could theoretically unsub ubuntu-security-sponsors at the point that ubuntu-sru has it, but I thought that since the processes are still being defined and people getting used to them, we should keep our eyes on the bug <jdstrand> s/defined/fine-tuned/ <kees> yeah, and I think dholbach wants "finished" sponsorships to retain the sponsorship team for his reports. <ScottK> Sometimes pitti will push updates out if a particular release isn't tested if the risk seems low. <kees> ScottK: yeah, but do things get deleted from -proposed if someone NAKs? <ScottK> Generally the idea is they get superceded by a fixed update. <kees> okay <ScottK> They should, but I don't know that they always do. <kees> next up: http://piware.de/workitems/security/lucid/report.html <kees> that graph shouldn't include weekends and holidays. ;) <jdstrand> I am pretty sure that if something doesn't supercede it, it will get deleted <jdstrand> it is a manual process of course <jdstrand> and I don't know how often that happens, but istr seeing it <jdstrand> kees: heh <kees> so, to keep us in line with the burndown, we need to either finish stuff or postpone stuff. <jdstrand> kees: well yes, but I thought we discussed that we weren't going to overly fret over the burndown-- has that changed? <kees> I already postponed all the "low", so I'm going to start fishing for "medium" stuff. <kees> jdstrand: I'm not going to fret at all -- the fact that we're postponing stuff directly reflects that we don't have time for some things. <jdstrand> (I remember the 'low' discussion) <kees> I think it's appropriate to choose that which gets tossed out. <jdstrand> ok <kees> and if we work from the lowest priority up, that reflects our committment to essential workitems. <jdstrand> keep in mind, I am doing dev work this week-- I hope to make some progress on my items :) <kees> to that end, I'd like us to run down the workitems assigned to people outside our team first, and then start picking stuff from our medium list to postpone. <kees> jdstrand: yup, that's great. :) <kees> I'd like us to be in line by friday's review. <jdstrand> kees: well, with coffeedude, I'm not sure how much we can encourage it gets done. likewise is on their own timeframe. ttx may know more about it <kees> jdstrand: should we ping coffeedude.jerry? <kees> *one mind* <jdstrand> heh <kees> ok, cool. <jdstrand> next is jjohansen and 'clean up on pam_apparmor' * kees nods <jdstrand> (also a 'medium') <kees> I already postponed kirkland's item. :) <jjohansen> ah, yeah I have been meaning to get to that but not for alpha2 <jjohansen> so yeah postpone please <kees> done <kees> ok, any questions for the security team or other items? <jdstrand> it seems that the parts of sbeattie's items are getting done... ie, the wiki is started <jdstrand> oh, they are postponed anyway. nm <kees> jdstrand: there's nothing wrong with flipping a postponed item to "done" too. it's just a matter of tracking the line for a given moment in time. <jjohansen> yeah doesn't it then show up as green instead of yellow * kees nods <kees> alrighty, meeting over. thanks everyone! <robbiew> thanks kees! #ubuntu-meeting 2010-01-05 * asac waves <NCommander> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 07:00. The chair is NCommander. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <NCommander> morning all <davidm> G'day <dyfet> need coffee <GrueMaster> Zzzz <JamieBennett> Happy New Year ! <NCommander> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/20100105 <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/20100105 * ogra waves (with a head that doesnt feel like it fits through the door) <NCommander> [link] http://piware.de/workitems/mobile/lucid-alpha2/report.html <MootBot> LINK received: http://piware.de/workitems/mobile/lucid-alpha2/report.html <NCommander> [topic] Action Item Review <ogra> i guess we can ignore the ARs this week :) <MootBot> New Topic: Action Item Review <NCommander> [topic] cooloney to ask ericm about 2.6.32 patches for marvell dove <MootBot> New Topic: cooloney to ask ericm about 2.6.32 patches for marvell dove <cooloney_> i think ericm_ just got the .32 patches from marvell <ogra> NCommander, btw. you should include one of the kernel guys in the meeting ping in the future <NCommander> ogra, ah, will do <asac> both please <NCommander> [topic] NCommander to email Marvell about the date of the next expected kernel drop <MootBot> New Topic: NCommander to email Marvell about the date of the next expected kernel drop <NCommander> c/o on this one, although if ericm_ got the 32 patches already, then not needed. <NCommander> [topic] asac, ogra, persia to make sure .32 backporting for imx51 kernels is documented somewhere (c/o) <MootBot> New Topic: asac, ogra, persia to make sure .32 backporting for imx51 kernels is documented somewhere (c/o) <persia> We failed on this one again. <asac> what was that about? (probably needs to be carried forward) * ogra didnt do anything here <ogra> asac, that was about getting the non arch specific features ported to the .31 kernel <asac> is that about user space? <persia> asac: ogra: let's get together about 9:00 UTC tomorrow and do this. <ogra> so we have all distro features available <ogra> asac, nope <asac> hmm. shouldnt we get cooloney_ on board too then? <ogra> about aufs, apparmor and friends <persia> We were supposed to give cooloney_ a report :) <ogra> right * ericm_ waves to all <persia> So yeah, tomorrow work for you two? <NCommander> hey ericm_, did we get a 32 drop from Marvell? <ogra> persia, 1h later ? <persia> OK. <ogra> great <ericm_> NCommander, yes - I'm working on the rebase <asac> ok <asac> we can try <ericm_> hopefully to get a working kernel in these days <ogra> would be good to have both new kernels there for A2 <NCommander> ericm_, where are the base Marvell branches? I think we may have another thumb mode kernel bug (I sent you an email about it) <ogra> since they will need heavy testing <ericm_> NCommander, yes I've got that email - the branch is on kernel.ubuntu.com <ericm_> let me find the exact URL <asac> ogra: persia: sent an invite for tomorrow (in case you care) <ogra> thanks <ericm_> http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=marvell/dove-kernel/.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/marvell-dove- <MootBot> LINK received: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=marvell/dove-kernel/.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/marvell-dove- <asac> yes. from whati understood cooloney_ will try to get the fsl kernel done this week <cooloney_> asac: yeah, <cooloney_> i am working on this <NCommander> ericm_, awesome. I'll talk to you more about the issues outside this meeting. <ericm_> asac, hopefully me too <ericm_> NCommander, no problem <NCommander> [topic] Current Items for Lucid Alpha 2 <MootBot> New Topic: Current Items for Lucid Alpha 2 <NCommander> [link] http://piware.de/workitems/mobile/lucid-alpha2/report.html <MootBot> LINK received: http://piware.de/workitems/mobile/lucid-alpha2/report.html <asac> we have a big backlog ... <NCommander> asac, Christmas holidays unfortunately do that :-/ <asac> yeah <asac> so part of the backlog is definitly me <ogra> me too <NCommander> Any objection if we just run through each Alpha 2 spec individually? <asac> thats the nature of the items i have ... most are items that are scheduled to happen at alpha-2 <asac> like the thumb spec etc. <asac> but ... would be great if everyone could check his spec and see if there are work items that either are DONE or can be POSTPONED <ogra> but we have until monday ... <ogra> so a good bunch should be affordable <NCommander> We should have working alternates for Alpha2, although the dove alternate currently seems to be semi-foobar during kernel installation <ogra> is the test requirement fulfilled already ` <NCommander> There was an image on antimony that was preventing alternate images for ports spinning. This has been resolved <NCommander> ogra, which test requirements? ISO testing? <ogra> iirc that is supposed to have clearified the community testing first <ogra> at least thats what i was told at UDS <ogra> i.e. we will only do it if we have enough community testing since we dont have the resources in the team <asac> i would suggest to do it... and see how well the testing goes * ogra definately doesnt have additional 6h per image to invest <asac> of coures not officially support it until we have the resources <ogra> we dont have them *now* <ogra> and the desktop images will suffer through pulling time off them <ogra> s/them/their testing/ <ogra> which we definately have to do <asac> but from the technical side, what is missing? <ogra> alternate testing takes at least 3x as much time <asac> NCommander: ? <NCommander> [topic] Standing Items <MootBot> New Topic: Standing Items <NCommander> [link] http://piware.de/workitems/mobile/lucid/report.html <MootBot> LINK received: http://piware.de/workitems/mobile/lucid/report.html <NCommander> [topic] ARM Image Status <MootBot> New Topic: ARM Image Status <ogra> ?? <asac> NCommander: whats going on? <NCommander> oh <NCommander> bugger * NCommander goes to drink more coffee <NCommander> asac, on the technical side, not too much. the d-cd script for dove have been fixed, so now our alternates boot <persia> NCommander already talked about the alternate status. <asac> ok <ogra> NCommander, what about the ppp package issues ? <asac> we fixed that a month ago ;) <asac> or two? <persia> Live images have been mostly built, although today's were hit with hplib version skew. <NCommander> ogra, the fix was deploy to antimony just before Christmas break <ogra> asac, and the new packages are backported and installed on the builder ? <asac> yes <ogra> NCommander, ah, thanks <StevenK> persia: Was that just a delay with NEW or something else? <asac> ok ... so to finish this alternate image topic. <ogra> i know when you fixed it ... just didnt know when it went into hardy <persia> I thought it was just a build-time delay between arch:all and arch:any <NCommander> ogra, its in hardy-cat, I don't believe we did an SRU for it <asac> can we agree that we have all the bits in place ... and that we can do manual image runs to ensure that they work? <NCommander> asac, +1 <asac> but we dont enable them until we have a) more builders ... and b) a community testing plan? <ogra> asac, we can ... and i'd be happy to test them, juct not during alpha testing in general <NCommander> asac, the images are built on antimony and not on an armel box, so an alternate rebuild is trivial <ogra> right, building isnt an issue <asac> ok so a) can be scratchd <NCommander> asac, I'd say we provide them as a best effort, but I'd lthem to at least have a semi-good chance of working <asac> so cant we keep them being produced, but just not supported? <ogra> they build since jaunty :) <ogra> more or less functional though <NCommander> ogra, imx51 ones maybe, dove just got their first working ones <ogra> yeah, imx51 indeed <persia> StevenK: You're right: it was NEW. <StevenK> persia: Right, skew due to NEW I can deal with. <NCommander> so <NCommander> go onto ARM image status? <persia> I thought we were talking about ARM image status. <asac> wait a bit * ogra didnt do any test install, but the build logs for imx51 look perfect <asac> wanted to check a few others. <asac> JamieBennett: do you have a way forward for figuring out where the time is lost in the debconf-communicate thing? <persia> ogra: livefs builds failed today (libmpmud0 NEW) <asac> (casper speedup) <JamieBennett> asac: Yes, 3 actually <JamieBennett> But one is the obvious choice <ogra> persia, didnt look today yet, just returned from the dentist and will lay down after the meeting again <asac> ok cool. thats on track then <ogra> persia, but nothing that wouldnt be solved in general ... its not arch specific <asac> plars: efficient instlal testing ... when will we get the all-pairs generated? <persia> ogra: Right. Same happened for powerpc. Anyway, I'll be glad to give this back to you :) <ogra> :) <plars> the test pairs are generated and documented in the wiki, I just need to write the detail for them on the qa testplan wiki <plars> then we can create the virtual milestones and link them <asac> cool <asac> so when can we start doing all-pairs testing? <plars> asac: good target would be somewhere after A2 at the soonest <plars> the milestones should exist between milestone images <plars> but A2 is even pretty early to focus *too* hard on it <asac> ok great. <plars> doesn't hurt though <asac> so we assume that paramaters == questions asked during instlal? <asac> thought it could also be things like: "what install media type" ... "what network connection" etc. <asac> though testing that might be tricky <plars> essentially, or could be boot screen options also (once supported), network connection during install, partitioning selection, etc <plars> asac: for purposes of this type of testing, the network connected or disconnected during install is really what we want to focus on <asac> ok. lets start with what you have now. we can extend later <plars> since problems have been exhibited there before <asac> plars: did you manually generate the all-pairs or do you use a script? <plars> asac: right, we can certainly extend it all if needs be <asac> if you have a script that would be great to post on wiki so we can rerun it if we have more paramaters we want to pair <plars> the pairs were generated programatically, but had to be translated manually (easy) into which items that corresponded with <asac> could you post the tool you used to generate it there? <asac> ogra: uboot spec is on track for alpha-2 until we know its not on track? <asac> :-P <plars> I think it's linked from the bp wiki page, but I'll check to make sure <ogra> asac, yeah ... will be done latest on the weekend <ogra> will get 100% of my focus as soon as i feel better <asac> ok. * asac sends a grain of good feeling to ogra <ogra> :) <NCommander> anything else we want to bring up for Alpha 2? <ogra> i already am better ... just that anaesthesia going away leaves me with massive pain <JamieBennett> asac: we have issues with 2D launcher MIR's. We need to convince reviews that upstream will sort out what they call 'minor issues' or provide patches ourself to speed up the process (also two MIR's are unassigned) <ogra> (and i'm not allowed to put painkillers on top) <asac> JamieBennett: ok. thanks for letting me know. lets talk about that after meeting <JamieBennett> ok <asac> ok the other specs have a backlog as previously pointed out: <asac> thumb -> work items are review items to happen at alpha-2 stage <asac> lightweight browser -> took a while to get chromium working, but now we have progress again <ogra> when will we see it in the archive ? <asac> suspend-resume -> reduced set of work items (most was moved to alpha-3) should be doable for alpha-2 <mok0> chromium is GREAT <StevenK> I'd like to see a debian/copyright I'm happy with for Chromium, but that is A LOT of work <dmart> asac, did we have a working ff build now? <asac> ogra: i am working on license documentation ... tough task, but progress. i hope we get that to a stage that StevenK is happy to accept it <ogra> bribe him <asac> dmart: the patch will get uploaded with .7 <persia> Needs to be a big bribe. That's almost megabytes of licenses. <asac> which is happening ... erm ... now ;) * ogra heard rubber boats go well in east australia atm <ogra> oh, that was mean, sorry <asac> persia: i have a tool to generate dep5 format copyrigh tnow <StevenK> ogra: Hm? <persia> asac: Yeah, but still :) <asac> with whitelisting etc. stuff will get down to a reasoanble amount of unknown stuff <asac> persia: yes. but thats StevenK's main job then ;) <asac> now that didrocks has started :-P <asac> ok <asac> we can move on <asac> oh ... lib-test ... probably will be late <asac> not too scary as long as it happens soon after alpha-2 <persia> Maybe it's worth re-milestoning those then. <asac> persia: its tricky the work item tracker needs a different approach <persia> Hrm. <asac> so for split up blueprints we target the next delivery milestone <asac> and then move ahead <persia> So, do I need to repeat the stuff about the ARM image status, or is that done? <asac> otherwise the items we want to see done by alpha-2 wont show up here. <asac> persia: i think that sank ... maybe repeat ;) <asac> 14:16 < NCommander> [topic] ARM Image Status <persia> OK. <persia> So, ports alternates just got fixed a few hours back (some issue with confusion in a cron job) * ogra just repeats imx51 looks good apart from general non armel related breakage <persia> As a result, we should start seeing alternate images again soon. <NCommander> persia, d-cd didn't take well to lpia being rm'ed <persia> NCommander: Yeah, but I wasn't getting into details :) <ogra> (desktop that is) <persia> Live images have been OK for a while, but the livefs builds failed today due to NEW delay (sorted for tomorrow). <ogra> NCommander, how about dove desktop ? <NCommander> ogra, they're working aside from the usual livefs breakages <ogra> whats "usual" ? <NCommander> ogra, i.e., somethng that would also break imx51 <NCommander> ogra, I guess I should say, no dove specific breakage known at this time <ogra> and amd64 ? <ogra> or x86 <ogra> great :) <ogra> as long as its not armel related i dont care :P <NCommander> ogra, I'm testing images daily at this point as a lead into alpha2. Rather not miss another milestone with dove <ogra> you know that they can become shaky this week ... dont count to much on installability <ogra> everyone tries to get features for A2 ready <ogra> the archive will be out of sync often * StevenK is planning to break armel images this week and get them building UNE <NCommander> ogra, I rather catch failure early than during A2 ISO testing. <NCommander> StevenK, need a hand? <NCommander> :-) <persia> Oh, and the last thing I had to say about images is that I'm glad people are returning from holiday so that others are watching them :) <ogra> right, just make sure to tell them apart from feature development <asac> StevenK: how about keeping keeping the desktop images until we have a working une image? at least we have a image at alpha-2 then ;) <ogra> multi package features are likely to trash stuff, especially this week with the last minute uploads <NCommander> ogra, we still do have some ubiquity weirdness with manual partitioning on dove. That might slide to Alpha 3, I'm grinding my wheels on that one. <StevenK> asac: I'm happy enough to do that, and davidm agrees with you. <persia> asac: As long as we have all the packages built correctly, why not change the seeds? <asac> StevenK: ok cool. thx! <ogra> NCommander, thats just a bug we can release note ... <asac> persia: risk minmization <asac> you never know <ogra> its an alpha after all, not a final :) <asac> you can just enable a new seed <asac> and if that work we disable the old seed ;) <NCommander> StevenK, is the actual desktop image on dove going to be UNE-2D, or are we going to simply build desktop and ubuntu-netbook-edition-2d ARM <NCommander> or asac beat me to that question <persia> new seed? I thought the plan was just arch-specific stuff to existing seeds. <StevenK> NCommander: At first, both, and then the former only <asac> NCommander: UNE-2D is our main target <asac> persia: yes. new seed for armel <asac> not overal <NCommander> asac, StevenK, TBH, I rather just disable the desktop task on the image build system, and leave alternates for people who want them <asac> NCommander: that doesnt conflict with what we say <StevenK> asac: It wasn't going to be a new seed? <asac> StevenK: your decision ;) * ogra thoughgt it was an on-top seed <NCommander> If we can build both concurrently, I say thats the way to do it, then just focus on UNE <asac> i just think having desktop images produced until we have the new images would be great <StevenK> It will not be a new seed. There. <asac> and reduces risk and burn out syndrom potential in case something goes bad <StevenK> platform -> netbook is hard enough; I don't want to deal with platform -> netbook -> armel-stuff <persia> \o/ reduced number of seeds <NCommander> asac, I rather just keep the desktop image around like we build kubuntu and xubuntu armel <ogra> NCommander, ask IS if you may :P <NCommander> Maybe turn off the live images to save some time on the livefs builder <StevenK> NCommander: cdimage space is still a going concern <ogra> yeah <ogra> a huge concern <StevenK> (Since it always is) * StevenK gives the ogra the secret cdimage high five * ogra grins :) <NCommander> one which will never go away due to images go up, not down. I realize its a concern, but we're simply going to have the same issue when we get a new SoC, or a new image type <ogra> NCommander, you will always have the ubuntu-desktop task you can install <asac> so is there anything to discuss? from what i understand we make a seemless transition to the new seed, by keeping desktop images enabled until we have a first working UNE image for armel with 2D launcher, right? <ogra> even more if we get a new SoC <ogra> yeah <asac> ok <asac> then we all know where we are heading ;) <NCommander> Are we going to transition people from desktop to UNE on the upgrade usecase? * ogra doesnt think so <asac> NCommander: unlikely <NCommander> Do we actually care about the karmic->lucid upgrade for dove and imx51? <persia> It wouldn't be ideal to force a transitoin. <ogra> NCommander, we should test them <asac> desktop packages are still there and in main .... so users just ride the general support wave <persia> Supporting upgrades is nice, if there is commonly supported hardware. <NCommander> persia, hence the question. <plars> would be good to have a metapackage to provide them the packages to update to the all the new UNE stuff, but forcing it on them would probably get some complaining <NCommander> Anyway, anyone have anything else to bring up on ARM Image Status? <ogra> plars, we have to have a task anyway <asac> yep <asac> ok so i think we can move on <asac> NCommander: ^ <NCommander> [topic] Any Other Business <MootBot> New Topic: Any Other Business <mok0> Chromium was mentioned before. I suggest it should be adopted in main <asac> FTBFS's <asac> mok0: thats the plan <NCommander> asac, I saw you assigned a bunch :-) <asac> depends on various factors ;) <mok0> asac: ah. Great! <asac> yep ... so i went through all main FTBFS and assigned them to either ncommander or dyfet <asac> and both subscribed to both <asac> dont hesitate to tell me if there are FTBFS you get stuck with <asac> ;) <asac> so we can unblock them somehow <ogra> asac, thanks a lot for apex btw <asac> for univeres i am through half of the list <asac> with assignments <NCommander> asac, thanks for the ocaml upload. Upstream is looking at the bug now as well <asac> will do the rest <asac> next ... <ogra> well, we used to handle universe as a nice to have <asac> i think its important to get all armel-only build failures fixed. of course main has higher prio <asac> but universe is also important <asac> because we are the only ones with hardware to actually work on those <ogra> do you plan to change that since you are actively assigning stuff ? <NCommander> Do we have a general goal to when to have main armel-only FTBFS free? <ogra> thats what we used to have <ogra> seems asac wants to widen that goal <asac> ogra: i assign them because main is almost fixed <persia> I think universe is all the more important considering the spec to remove binaries for anything that FTBFS. <asac> its still a lower prio, but its more than a nice to have <persia> So for *this* release, it's more important than usual to demonstrate that something *can* build. <asac> at least the armel-only build failures <NCommander> sorry <NCommander> I meant an Alpha 2 main-free armel-only FBFS <ogra> but we give MOTU tools in their hands to work on them <asac> right. its also more important in the light of the new toolchain <ScottK> Please fix libtool then as it's causing other FTBFS. <asac> NCommander: would be great. <ogra> and i'd like to see MOTU getting more knowledge here <asac> yes. libtool has highest prio <asac> i have put that on release team radar too <asac> and assigned NCommander to it ;) <ogra> if you assign them to us MOTU wont care at all <NCommander> asac, I was going to ask for it actually :-) <asac> ogra: i dont see that realistic for now <asac> they dont have hardware <ogra> thats why i wrote all these tools <ScottK> ogra: Without access to hardware, there isn't much we can do. <NCommander> dyfet, can you make my shell reappear, or should I work off jocote? <ogra> and blogged about it ... and set up wiki pages <ogra> ScottK, you can build in chroots to fix FTBFS <asac> ogra: well. so most i assigned now are _old_ build failures <asac> seems noone picked them up <asac> but yes, we should make a new blog post etc. <ogra> http://ograblog.wordpress.com/2009/07/18/juggling-your-arms-in-karmic-and-no-more-excuses/ <MootBot> LINK received: http://ograblog.wordpress.com/2009/07/18/juggling-your-arms-in-karmic-and-no-more-excuses/ <dyfet> ncommander: shell? you mean on my arm? <NCommander> dyfet, yeah * ogra wonders if anyone reads his posts on planet :P <NCommander> So who wants to blog to planet? * NCommander has a layer of dust on his blog :-/ <NCommander> two minute warning <asac> so who has a blog at all? ;) <asac> and who is on planet? <NCommander> I'm on planet <asac> both combined probably reduces the set of candidates ;) <NCommander> (both Ubuntu & Debian) <asac> i am on planet too * ogra too <asac> ok so we have three <ogra> and i regulary blog about my armel tools and achievements <StevenK> Or heating houses <asac> lets discuss communication offline. <ogra> heh, yeah :) <NCommander> [action] ogra, asac, NCommander to blog on planet about ARM work <MootBot> ACTION received: ogra, asac, NCommander to blog on planet about ARM work <ogra> right, time is up <NCommander> :-) <NCommander> anything else quickly? <NCommander> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 07:59. <NCommander> argh * NCommander was a minute early <asac> NCommander: dyfet: try to work together on the FTBFS ;) <ogra> [action] ^^^ :) <asac> NCommander: also ... do you want me to monitor that list for you and do assignments in future or will both of you coordinate that together? <asac> also consider me part of that FTBFS effort ;) <asac> thanks all! <asac> dmart: http://pastebin.com/f10c0fe94 <asac> thats hte list of packages not yet touched <asac> i didnt exclude "arch all" packages yet <persia> asac: Is that different from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/unchanged/unchanged_since_karmic ? <asac> so probably its a bit less packages not yet touched <asac> not sure :) <asac> persia: my list is just main <persia> OK. <asac> but good to know <kees> \o <pitti> o/ <pitti> mdz, cjwatson? <mdz> pitti: hi <mdz> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 09:03. The chair is mdz. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <mdz> [link] https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuPlatform/WritingObjectives <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuPlatform/WritingObjectives <cjwatson> hello <mdz> er <mdz> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/Agenda <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/Agenda <mdz> one day the X clipboard will work as we expect... <mdz> I see cjwatson, pitti, kees <pitti> both of them? :-) <mdz> sabdfl is on holiday <mdz> I don't know about Keybuk <pitti> he was online yesterday <mdz> pitti: I thought there was only one clipboard, plus the selection buffer <pitti> ScottK: are you here? (your agenda item is pretty much the only one that we have) <ScottK> I'm heree <ScottK> here even <pitti> ScottK: happy new year! <mdz> [topic] Review action items from previous meeting <MootBot> New Topic: Review action items from previous meeting <ScottK> Happy New Year. <mdz> mdz to drive election for DMB, based on existing members of TB and MC <mdz> voting is in progress now * persia very much appreciated the second call for votes: something rarely seen in these polls. <mdz> 77 votes cast out of 146 eligible voters <mdz> the vote will end in 13 days, one week from Monday <mdz> persia: it occurred to me in doing this that there is not a lot of guidance available to our governance teams as to how to conduct elections <mdz> different teams have done it in different ways <mdz> perhaps something for the CC to consider <mdz> next action: <mdz> persia to ask CC to make DMB an admin of ~universe-contributors, as part of the DMB/MC merge <mdz> I saw the request happen <mdz> persia: have you received any response? <persia> I haven't seen any follow-up. I'm planning to ask at the CC meeting on the 20th if I haven't seen anything by then (I'm not confident I'll be awake for today's meeting). <persia> Err, 19th. <mdz> persia: perhaps someone who will be awake could proxy for you at today's meeting? that would be better than waiting 2 weeks <ScottK> mdz: As far as how to do elections, I think the move to use CIVS is a huge step forward for the project. <persia> mdz: I'll seek someone for that. <mdz> persia: when is it? <persia> 21 UTC <mdz> ScottK: yes, but it's only one part of the process. I had to make it up as I went along in terms of soliciting and confirming nominations, establishing who was eligible, how long the vote should be, and so on <mdz> persia: so somebody in the US would be best. kees? <persia> mdz: I think it needs to be someone on MC: likely nixternal or nhandler <ScottK> mdz: Certainly. I think it makes sense to have it documented and some standardization. <mdz> persia: ok, I'll leave it with you then <mdz> [topic] MOTU direction (ScottK, cjwatson) <MootBot> New Topic: MOTU direction (ScottK, cjwatson) <ScottK> I didn't put this on the agenda for today ... <ScottK> cjwatson: ? <persia> It was carry-over from the last meeting. <pitti> I carried it over from the last meeting, since we didn't get to it <ScottK> Ah. <pitti> I just didn't want to drop it <cjwatson> as far as I'm concerned this is a "guilt item" <mdz> we're looking for a progress check <cjwatson> unless ScottK has done more than I have ... <mdz> any progress since 22 december? <cjwatson> I have been on holiday since 22 Dec, mostly <mdz> what needs to happen next? do you two need any help? <ScottK> Well we do have this action and persia has helpfully drafted some material, but cjwatson and I have not had a chance to discuss it. <ScottK> So unless he's done something I'm not aware of, I think it needs to be pushed. <cjwatson> ScottK: do you have the URL for persia's draft? <persia> There isn't a URL. <ScottK> cjwatson: He emailed it to you and me. <cjwatson> oh, ok, I'll dig that out <mdz> he mentioned that he updated: <mdz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers <mdz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard <mdz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/ApplicationProcess <mdz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU <mdz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Council <mdz> I don't know if that's the same thing ScottK is talking about <ScottK> No. <persia> No, that was what I did as a result of the questions about DMB/MC from last meeting. <cjwatson> I have the gobby dump from UDS which AIUI needs to be written up properly and presented to the TB. <ScottK> Yes, and persia to a stab at writing it up for us. <ScottK> Message-ID: <9bd2f8971001031949u15ba5fc4k20cb9abe0bacff8@mail.gmail.com> <cjwatson> I'm going to go ahead and dump that into the wiki, and work from there <cjwatson> I don't think there's anything else for this meeting, we just need to not forget it <ScottK> Agreed. <cjwatson> I'll try to have a bit more progress for next time <mdz> ok <mdz> actions? <cjwatson> just carry over <mdz> cjwatson to write up gobby notes from UDS? <cjwatson> [action] ScottK+cjwatson to pull joint fingers out and write up proposal <ScottK> I think it's just work we know we have to do. <mdz> [action] ScottK+cjwatson to pull joint fingers out and write up proposal <MootBot> ACTION received: ScottK+cjwatson to pull joint fingers out and write up proposal <ScottK> Sounds good. <mdz> [topic] AOB <MootBot> New Topic: AOB <mdz> anything else? <pitti> the next meeting will be the constituting one with the new board, right? <pitti> so I guess meeting lead rotation, meeting time, etc. should be discussed in that meeting <persia> Should not a date, time, and lead for that meeting be set at this one though? <cjwatson> we might as well just use the same time, and let the new board decide on what's convenient for them <cjwatson> I'm not sure we can know a lead before knowing who's going to be on the board :) <mdz> we could select 3 ranked options, and since it is a 7/9 election we could be guaranteed to get one right ;-) <persia> I was thinking someone could volunteer to chair, and if they didn't happen to be on the board, act as a facilitator for that meeting alone. <cjwatson> I can do that <mdz> I think the "old" board should turn up at the next meeting regardless, to help with continuity <mdz> at least some of us <mdz> I will be traveling to a time zone which would make participation difficult <pitti> I'm happy to join that meeting <mdz> [agreed] cjwatson and pitti will participate in the next DMB meeting regardless of the election outcome <MootBot> AGREED received: cjwatson and pitti will participate in the next DMB meeting regardless of the election outcome <mdz> you can work out what to do about a chair between yourselves ;-) <mdz> any other business? <mdz> please remember to vote if you haven't already <mdz> ok, thanks all <mdz> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 09:25. <pitti> thanks all * apw zones in * cking_ is here * ogasawara waves * smb is there * manjo waves <rtg> bjf: yo <bjf> Roll Call * apw appears again <bjf> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 11:04. The chair is bjf. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <bjf> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting <bjf> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid <bjf> NOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input. <bjf> [TOPIC] Open Action Item: amitk to meet with keybuk on automated boot tests <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid <MootBot> New Topic: Open Action Item: amitk to meet with keybuk on automated boot tests * jjohansen fades in <bjf> amitk, you are up <ogasawara> I think he's on holiday? <ogasawara> nm, that was yesterday <bjf> we'll skip him for now <bjf> [TOPIC] Lucid Release Status: Bugs (Release Meeting Bugs / RC Milestoned Bugs / Release Targeted Bugs <MootBot> New Topic: Lucid Release Status: Bugs (Release Meeting Bugs / RC Milestoned Bugs / Release Targeted Bugs <ogasawara> Release Meeting Bugs (1 bug, 4 blueprints) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid <ogasawara> Alpha 2 Milestoned Bugs (23 bugs) - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=21444 <ogasawara> * 3 linux kernel bugs (all In Progress) - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=21444 <ogasawara> * 1 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs (tracked in release meeting) - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-fsl-imx51/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=21444 <ogasawara> * 0 linux-ec2 bug - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-ec2/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=21444 <ogasawara> * 0 linux-mvl-dove bugs - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-mvl-dove/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=21444 <ogasawara> * Release Targeted Bugs (88 bugs) https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs <ogasawara> * 8 linux kernel bugs - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux <ogasawara> * 3 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-fsl-imx51 <ogasawara> * 1 linux-ec2 bug - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-ec2 <ogasawara> * 1 linux-mvl-dove bug - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-mvl-dove <ogasawara> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Lucid Release Status: Milestoned Features <MootBot> New Topic: Lucid Release Status: Milestoned Features <ogasawara> Milestoned Features - https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-10.04 <ogasawara> nothing kernel specific listed there <ogasawara> .. <bjf> any questions on any of this? is that pgraner guy around? <pgraner> bjf: sorry I'm here <pgraner> bjf: expenses are due today ... :-) <pgraner> bjf: no questions <bjf> pgraner, thanks, moving on ... <bjf> [TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-bug-handling (ogasawara) <MootBot> New Topic: Blueprints: kernel-lucid-bug-handling (ogasawara) <ogasawara> bjf: nothing new to update <ogasawara> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta (apw) <bjf> [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta <MootBot> New Topic: Blueprints: kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta (apw) <MootBot> LINK received: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta <apw> no change since last meeting. mostly complete <apw> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review (apw) <bjf> [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review <MootBot> New Topic: Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review (apw) <MootBot> LINK received: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review <apw> config checker is now in and checking things <apw> we have a few config changes coming down the pipe from other teams which are going in <apw> otherwise quiet <apw> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kms (sconklin) <bjf> [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kms <MootBot> New Topic: Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kms (sconklin) <MootBot> LINK received: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kms <apw> i had a poke about with a nouveau drop which may be compatible with our tree. trying to acertain if it would be good as a default <apw> the main drop is definatly a 'lbm' style component <apw> .. <tjaalton> why? <tjaalton> why not in the main package <bjf> sconklin, New Topic: Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kms (sconklin) <apw> cause it has dependancies on updating the whole of drm <tjaalton> no, four commits thats all <apw> those 4 commits are big, and those commits do not apply without other patches <tjaalton> ok then <apw> the version which was applied resonably well to .32 was an older nouveau drop <apw> which is what i was referring to previously. not had a chance to test it yet <apw> .. <bjf> sconklin, you have anything to add? <sconklin> no <sconklin> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-suspend-resume (manjo) <bjf> [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-suspend-resume <MootBot> New Topic: Blueprints: kernel-lucid-suspend-resume (manjo) <MootBot> LINK received: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-suspend-resume <manjo> no change there since last meeting <manjo> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-apparmor-development (jjohansen) <bjf> [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-apparmor-development <MootBot> New Topic: Blueprints: kernel-lucid-apparmor-development (jjohansen) <MootBot> LINK received: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-apparmor-development <jjohansen> Upstream AppArmor update incoming today, just cleaning up some commit messages. I still need to file the compiler bug that was tripping me up <jjohansen> The kernel side of policy optimizations is done, I should have user side dfa <jjohansen> minimization in by the end of the week. If there is time the table packing <jjohansen> part of optimization can be done for alpha3 <apw> jjohansen, ok will look for it tommorrow <jjohansen> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-boot-performance (apw, csurbhi) <bjf> [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-boot-performance <MootBot> New Topic: Blueprints: kernel-lucid-boot-performance (apw, csurbhi) <MootBot> LINK received: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-boot-performance <apw> brought in some regressions in performance <apw> (boot performance) those turn out to be present already but triggered more often in this combination <apw> i think i have this nailed, an interaction between acpi battery and hpet <apw> am testing a couple of patches to sort it out now <apw> this may give us another 0.05 as a bonus <apw> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: Lucid Audio Support (bjf) <MootBot> New Topic: Other Release Tasks: Lucid Audio Support (bjf) <bjf> I have my "crack-of-the-day" builds going. I've sent out email to a few of the alsa folks letting them know <bjf> about them. <bjf> .. <apw> when might they be announced publically ? <bjf> apw, I guess I can do that any time <bjf> apw, I'll try to get an email out today <bjf> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: Lucid Better Power Mgt (amitk) <MootBot> New Topic: Other Release Tasks: Lucid Better Power Mgt (amitk) <bjf> skipping <bjf> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: EC2 Lucid Kernel Status (jjohansen) <MootBot> New Topic: Other Release Tasks: EC2 Lucid Kernel Status (jjohansen) <jjohansen> I am working on an EC2 update that should land today <apw> jj is that against the ec2 branch in lucid? <jjohansen> yeah <jjohansen> just pulling in suses updates to the patches <smb> Dapper: 2.6.15-55.81 (security) <smb> Hardy: 2.6.24-26.64 (security) <smb> -LBM: 2.6.24-26.35 (proposed)[26] 0/ 1 verifications done <smb> -LUM: 2.6.24-26.44 (proposed)[26] 0/ 1 verifications done <smb> Intrepid: 2.6.27-16.44 (security) <smb> Jaunty: 2.6.28-17.58 (security) <smb> Karmic: 2.6.31-17.54 (proposed)[26] 9/19 verifications done <smb> -LBM: 2.6.31-17.19 (proposed)[26] 0/ 1 verifications done <smb> -fsl-imx51: 2.6.31-107.18 (proposed)[18] 16/34 verifications done <smb> -mvl-dove: 2.6.31-210.21 (proposed)[15] 16/35 verifications done <smb> Proposed kernels could move to updates soon. Trying to get some feedback <smb> on the arm kernels to preferably move them together with the main kernel. <smb> The next upstream stable (, are coming up. <smb> oops <jjohansen> :) <apw> ok i'll hold the upload for now ... <jjohansen> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Status: Lucid (apw) <MootBot> New Topic: Status: Lucid (apw) <apw> i've recently applied but had regressions. those look resolved. would be uploading today, but the compilers are building right now <apw> so will have to wait for those to complete. <apw> REMINDER: you want anything in Alpha-2 we need it in and uploaded by monday at the very latest <apw> if its going to be monday make sure i know as i want to upload friday <apw> with people in the air etc. <apw> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (gnarl/smb) <MootBot> New Topic: Security & bugfix kernels - Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (gnarl/smb) <bjf> I think we got this already :-) <bjf> a <smb> as above <bjf> anything to add? <smb> yeah, somehow return key has a live of its own <smb> nope <smb> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Regressions (ogasawara) <MootBot> New Topic: Incoming Bugs: Regressions (ogasawara) <ogasawara> Current regression stats (broken down by release): <ogasawara> == regression-potential (up 10) == <ogasawara> 26 lucid bugs <ogasawara> * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-potential+lucid&field.tags_combinator=ALL <ogasawara> == regression-update (up 2)== <ogasawara> 7 karmic bugs <ogasawara> * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-update+karmic&field.tags_combinator=ALL <ogasawara> 5 jaunty bugs <ogasawara> * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-update+jaunty&field.tags_combinator=ALL <ogasawara> 2 intrepid bugs <ogasawara> * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-update+intrepid&field.tags_combinator=ALL <ogasawara> 1 hardy bug <ogasawara> * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-update+hardy&field.tags_combinator=ALL <ogasawara> == regression-release (down 2)== <ogasawara> 58 karmic bugs <ogasawara> * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-release+karmic&field.tags_combinator=ALL <ogasawara> 22 jaunty bugs <ogasawara> * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-release+jaunty&field.tags_combinator=ALL <ogasawara> 12 intrepid bugs <ogasawara> * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-release+intrepid&field.tags_combinator=ALL <ogasawara> 4 hardy bugs <ogasawara> * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-release+hardy&field.tags_combinator=ALL <ogasawara> == regression-proposed (no change)== <ogasawara> 1 karmic bug <ogasawara> * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.tag=regression-proposed+karmic&field.tags_combinator=ALL <ogasawara> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (ogasawara) <MootBot> New Topic: Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (ogasawara) <ogasawara> Due to the holiday, there wasn't much activity the previous bug day: <ogasawara> http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/kernel-bugday/20091222.html <ogasawara> The next bug day should be next week but we'll be sprinting. I'll postpone it to Tues Jan 19. <MootBot> LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/kernel-bugday/20091222.html <ogasawara> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything? <MootBot> New Topic: Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything? <jjohansen> Server team would like us to get a body looking at Bug #499785 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 499785 in linux "nic-usb-modules should include asix" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/499785 <ogasawara> jjohansen: I was going to send a patch for that shortly <apw> ogasawara, can you get that on the list <jjohansen> ogasawara: nice, thanks <pgraner> bjf: no meeting next week since we are sprinting? <bjf> Note: there will not be a meeting next week, the kernel team will be in London buried under snow. <bjf> pgraner, you beat me to it <bjf> :-) <apw> heh in the airport burried ... <bjf> anything else? <bjf> thanks everyone <bjf> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 11:26. <apw> bjf thanks <hlippek> <alonswartz> hey folks, wasn't the EMEA meeting meant to start about 25 minutes ago? <nixternal> alonswartz: according to my cal, 20:00, but it very well could be wrong <nixternal> because it also says 22:00 for the CC, but our agenda says 21:00 <nixternal> silly Google calendar is probably foobarring me, and possibly your too? <alonswartz> nixternal: according to the wiki page: The next meeting is scheduled for January 5th 2010, 19:00 UTC <nixternal> hrmm <LirazSiri> If you follow the link it translates into local time. That was 30 minutes ago. Strange. <nixternal> right, but the google calendar for the meeting says 20:00 :/ <nixternal> http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar <alonswartz> nixternal: the calendar doesn't seem in sync with the wiki page, oh well... so we start in 30 minutes ? <LirazSiri> Alright, so there was a mistake and the meeting is still today but half an hour later than the schedule on the wiki site. <BlackZ> the EMEA meeting will start at 21:00 <LirazSiri> 21:00 UTC? <BlackZ> nope, 20:00 UTC <BlackZ> seems that there's a mistake on the wiki <BlackZ> anyway, the EMEA meeting will start at 20:00 UTC <popey> yes, it seems there is * popey pings forumsmatthew / phanatic / Seveas / stgraber / phanatic <Seveas> pong <forumsmatthew> I'm here <phanatic> pong <popey> Apologies for getting the wiki wrong. I suspect that was my fault <forumsmatthew> stuff happens <Seveas> shall we begin? <popey> Go! <forumsmatthew> yes <Seveas> ok, BlackZ you're up. Please introduce yourself <BlackZ> Hi all, my name is Lorenzo De Liso, I'm 19 years old, I'm Italian, and I live in Italy. I'm a security consultant (I work in a Italian datacenter). I use ubuntu since 3 years about, and I like it. I study informatic enginner on the university Federico II in Naples. I worked and I work again to some bugs, I help to translate ubuntu in Italian, I help in ubuntu's Italian forum, I translate the Italian ubuntu wiki and I help in #ubuntu-it. <Seveas> -1. There's no information about your contributions on your wikipage, launcpad karma is low, indicating limited contributions. Testimonials added by yourself, which is very bad... <forumsmatthew> agreed -1 <popey> Yeah, -1, I'd certainly like to see more contributions listed and testimonials added by those people who are listed <Seveas> phanatic, ? <phanatic> sorry, i was on the phone. -1 <Seveas> ok, that's -4. BlackZ please make sure your wikipage is fully prepared next time :) <Seveas> Ioneye seems to be missing <Seveas> Shezif as well <Seveas> LirazSiri, you're up <LirazSiri> Hi everybody * stgraber waves <LirazSiri> I'm 28 years old, from Israel. A software engineer by day and open source enthusiast by night. <Seveas> hey stgraber! <popey> LirazSiri: we've spoken before haven't we <hlippek> hi all <LirazSiri> yep <popey> As I recall we rejected your application last time <popey> on the grounds that we wanted to see more contributions to core ubuntu itself? <Seveas> yes, last time we said -1, considering contributions to TurnKey not to be contributions to Ubuntu <popey> if my memory is right <LirazSiri> hey guys <LirazSiri> the endorsements are stronger now <forumsmatthew> You do have two testimonials this time. John's is pretty good. The other is helpful, if a little lukewarm. <LirazSiri> I've been a contributing member to the news team for over a year now. Responsible for 5 sections <Seveas> but the actual contributions haven't changed, have they? <LirazSiri> They have evolved somewhat. TurnKey has gotten closer to Ubuntu. We've been collaborating with Ubuntu developers and discussing appliance development on the list. <forumsmatthew> I guess it is going to depend on whether we consider helping with the weekly newsletter sufficient community involvement for membership <Seveas> I've seen that and that's really encouraging LirazSiri <Seveas> And sabdfl also said positive words about turnkey <LirazSiri> On the subject of TurnKey's relationship with Ubuntu, you can read the endorsements on Alon's wiki page <Seveas> those testimonials emphasize on "hope to work closer with..." <Seveas> which is what I'd like to see as well, a bit closer collaboration <LirazSiri> forumsmatthew: you have in the past granted membership to members of the Ubuntu news team and I've been doing that for much longer than the 3 months of sustained contribution described in the membership criteria <Seveas> LirazSiri, but never based on news contributions alone I believe <LirazSiri> Every week, I maintain all the statistics, package and security updates, etc. <Seveas> LirazSiri, how much time do you spend on that each week? <LirazSiri> That depends on the week <LirazSiri> After releases it can take longer <LirazSiri> because there are lots and lots of updates <Seveas> how about this week or last? <LirazSiri> About an hour <Seveas> wait, that's unfair due to christmas <LirazSiri> on average <Seveas> to be perfectly blunt, one hour per week is not much as a contribution <LirazSiri> well I divide my time between that and other projects <popey> other ubuntu projects? <Seveas> and I realize turnkeylinux is your bigger contribution, but I'm not sure whether that actually 'counts' for us <LirazSiri> personally I feel TurnKey is a much larger contribution to Ubuntu. As the sabdfl stated, it's a new kind of contribution we're pioneering, so it's a bit difficult to get endorsements <LirazSiri> there isn't an established framework. <alonswartz> I hope you don't mind me dropping in, but TurnKey Linux a sort of LoCo for server appliances. Instead of helping introduce users to Ubuntu on a geographical basis, we help introduce users to Ubuntu by helping them quickly setup and deploy Ubuntu as a server platform. Through TurnKey, we have introduced tens of thousands of new users to Ubuntu as server platform (over 100,000 downloads). <popey> I have downloaded turnkey <popey> a couple of images <LirazSiri> which ones? <phanatic> that's about 60 hours total since you've started <popey> an smb server and another <forumsmatthew> I certainly don't mind, alonswartz . What you are saying is helpful. <popey> i cant recall <popey> I booted them up and played, liked what I saw, and shut them down and deleted them <popey> that's not to say I didnt like or enjoy the work you do <popey> merely that I had no use for them <popey> so i wouldn't hold tooooo much sway with 100000 downloads :) <forumsmatthew> do you see turnkey as a part of the Ubuntu community, an insider, or as a project that stands alongside Ubuntu? <LirazSiri> that's still great, a lot of our users do that <popey> sure, it's a great way to introduce ubuntu appliances to people <popey> and i think thats valuable work <LirazSiri> thanks! <Seveas> dammit, I can't find the thread about TKL <popey> in the same way that dell selling laptops running ubuntu is valuable work <Seveas> popey, do you recall whether sabdfl said that we could consider contributions to TKL contributions to Ubuntu? <popey> if I had more time I'd evaluate it properly <LirazSiri> I can find the quote from the sadbfl if it helps <Seveas> LirazSiri, it would <LirazSiri> Note that we're also partnering up with Canonical to offer all TurnKey appliances through the new Ubuntu cloud initiative <forumsmatthew> things that stand along side are helpful, but not integral, that is, the main project may benefit from their existence, but won't necessarily cease to exist or be harmed if the project disappears <forumsmatthew> I'm looking for a balance <popey> "Liraz, you are a valued member of the community, and that is true even if it takes a little while to build the case for Ubuntu membership. It takes time to establish yourself in something the scale of Ubuntu - especially if you are pioneering a new kind of contribution, which I think you are. If you were working mainly in an established area, there would be a network of folks who could immediately comment on your contribution. Since you <popey> is what mark said <LirazSiri> Ok I found the quote <Seveas> popey, that got cut off at 'since yo' <LirazSiri> let me cut and paste and paste the relevant part.. <popey> ". Since you aren't, you need to build that network, and raise the profile of your work." <popey> also... <Seveas> one more thing, for no other external project or canonical partner do we consider contribusions to them contributions to ubuntu <popey> "In principle, I think building Turnkey *could well* turn out to be a great contribution to Ubuntu. If the Turnkey folks contribute patches, share war stories about EC2, build common infrastructure, participate in UDS etc, then I would say we should recognise that contribution. " <popey> ^^ from Mark <Seveas> thanks popey <forumsmatthew> thanks, popey * popey hugs gmail <LirazSiri> where is that from? I found another quote <LirazSiri> I didn't know Mark spoke about TurnKey twice... <forumsmatthew> so, based on that last sentence of Mark's comment, how much of that is happening <alonswartz> popey: I've never seen that last quote... ? <forumsmatthew> patches? infrastructure? UDS even? <popey> I have seen discussion of Turnkey on the devel mailing list very recently, talking about webmail. <popey> er, webmin <Seveas> erk <Seveas> webmin <alonswartz> popey: that discussion got started off talking about appliance development <popey> heh <LirazSiri> guys, I'm trying to copy paste but have trouble with my application so I'm going to restart it. Back in a jiffy <alonswartz> which was in reply to a previous thread regarding developing appliances as deb packages <popey> sure, lets not get too bogged down in one specific discussion on -devel list <Seveas> yeah, you clearly are doing that the correct way <popey> the criteria for membership is 'significant and sustained' contribution to ubuntu <alonswartz> we has just released tklpatch, a tool to patch and create appliances <Seveas> alonswartz, have you ever thought of using puppet to create appliances? <popey> I'm keen for us to not spend the entire meeting on Turnkey (as we did last time) <Seveas> popey, me too, I'm just waiting for liraz to return <Seveas> ah, speak of the devil :) <alonswartz> Seveas: its not the best fit, but lets talk about that later (i agree with popey) <LirazSiri> OK, hopefully this will work now <LirazSiri> Liraz, you are a valued member of the community, and that is true even if it takes a little while to build the case for Ubuntu membership. It takes time to establish yourself in something the scale of Ubuntu - especially if you are pioneering a new kind of contribution, which I think you are. If you were working mainly in an established area, there would be a network of folks who could... <LirazSiri> ...immediately comment on your contribution. Since you aren't, you need to build that network, and raise the profile of your work. <LirazSiri> Others have gone before you in this. The IRC community now has folks devoted to nourishing that part of the community, as do the Forums, translation, documentation, marketing, development, QA etc. Each of those communities had good leaders who now help in the recognition of the people who do great work there. Without those leaders, it would be impossible for the regional membership boards,... <LirazSiri> ...or worse, the CC, to recognise the full diversity of contribution that goes into something like 9.04. So, please be patient. The criterion for membership if "substantial and sustained contribution", there is no rush. It is NOT a popularity contest <LirazSiri> ^^^ Mark <Seveas> yeah, I've seen that quote and it confirms my opinion <Seveas> ok, summing up my opinion: I think TurnKey is great, but am -1 on membership for LirazSiri (and alonswartz for that matter). This would easily change to a +1 if in the mean time sabdfl/CC consider contributions to TurnKey to be contributions to Ubuntu as well. <forumsmatthew> if we could find a way to document that (or how) Turnkey development directly contributes to the Ubuntu community <popey> Ok, so the specific recommendations to take away from that are 'build that network' and 'raise the profile of your work' (within the Ubuntu community) <forumsmatthew> doh, you beat me to it <forumsmatthew> I echo Seveas comments above <LirazSiri> that's what we've been doing with the discussions in ubuntu-devel <LirazSiri> But there's no way to currently integrate the projects unfortunately <Seveas> so basically, I want you to go back to Mark or the CC Liraz. I think you've made progress but I feel this is above us to decide <forumsmatthew> agreed <popey> LirazSiri: i see _one_ thread on ubuntu-devel with your name on it <LirazSiri> that's a pretty extensive thread popey <forumsmatthew> I'm -1 for now, but hope to see that change with some further community integration <popey> its 12 mails <popey> thats not an extensive thread <Seveas> popey, stgraber, phanatic: can I please get a +1/-1. <forumsmatthew> (and also for alonswartz for the moment, since he is also to be considered shortly) <LirazSiri> doesn't the two contributions together count though? <popey> two? <Seveas> -1 on alonswartz as well for the same reason. It's not a we-dont-want-you -1, but a not-sure-what-to-do -1 <LirazSiri> I have received a strong endorsement from Ubuntu News editor? <forumsmatthew> LirazSiri, the UWN is useful and appreciated, but I can't think of a single instance where we conferred membership with that as the SOLE or MAIN community contribution. <LirazSiri> I'm thinking maybe volunteering on a regular basis for a year shouldn't be discounted so quickly. Especially in combination with other contributions. Even if they are a bit out of the normal framework <forumsmatthew> If we can document the addition of TKL as a part of the wider Ubuntu community, that would be great <LirazSiri> forumsmatthew: but my contributi <LirazSiri> sorry cut in mid sentence <LirazSiri> anyhow. its a judgment call. I feel that my previous rejection raised the bar is creating some resistance <popey> not at all <forumsmatthew> not really <alonswartz> forumsmatthew: what do you consider the "wider ubuntu community" ? <popey> we look at each application individually <forumsmatthew> things which are specific to Ubuntu and not potentially side projects with only a light affiliation <Seveas> popey, stgraber, phanatic: can I please get a +1/-1. We have more candidates to come and not much time. <phanatic> LirazSiri: the problem is that we don't know how to judge TKL involvement, and your UWN contribution was a total of ca. 60 hours (according to yourself), which is far from enough in my book. so it's a -1 from me. <forumsmatthew> TKL is wonderful, but we can't yet document it is internal to the Ubuntu community, only that it benefits as a project that stands along side <popey> I will -1 for now. I would like to see more contribution to ubuntu from TKL <LirazSiri> forumsmatthew: if Alon and I traveled all over the world and helped thousands of people set up Ubuntu on the server, I don't think anyone would say that isn't enough <stgraber> I'm going to -1 on this one until we know how to judge TKL contributions and Ubuntu News contributions alone don't seem enough for membership (at least for me) <LirazSiri> I don't think we should get discounted because we've figured out a more efficient way of doing exactly that... <Seveas> ok thanks guys <forumsmatthew> does the development work on TKL happen in a way that contributes directly to Ubuntu, or is that a wonderful side effect? We are not qualified to judge, and that is the issue, LirazSiri <popey> LirazSiri: perhaps you should look at partner status? <popey> thats what other vendors of products do <LirazSiri> we're not a vendor, we're a sister project <Seveas> LirazSiri, please talk to the CC and ask them whether contributions to TKL should be seen as contributions to Ubuntu. Pending that decision, your application is now being rejected I'm afraid <Seveas> hlippek, you're up next, please introduce yourself <LirazSiri> Alright. Thanks anyway. Cheers! <Seveas> hlippek seems to be missing <hlippek> hi my name is hendrik im 29 years. living in haburg and work in softwaredevelopment for 5 years now <Seveas> ah apologies <forumsmatthew> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership <forumsmatthew> please read this and follow the directions under preparing your application <Seveas> -1 please read that wikipage forumsmatthew just linked and prepare yourself for these meetings <phanatic> i'm afraid it's a -1 from me as well <forumsmatthew> to make it official -1 <popey> hlippek: I'd like to see some testimonials, and indication of a sustained contribution to Ubuntu on your wiki page please... -1 for now.. <hlippek> right im very new in the comunity <stgraber> -1 <popey> great to have you here hlippek ! <forumsmatthew> no problem, please come back when you are prepared <forumsmatthew> :) <popey> keep up the great work, and come back to us in maybe 3-6 months <popey> we always need new blood :) <Seveas> alonswartz is up next. forumsmatthew and myself already voted -1 because his application is based on TKL as well <alonswartz> did you even read my wiki page guys? <Seveas> alonswartz, I have <forumsmatthew> yes <alonswartz> in the past i worked with zul to get the confconsole into karmic <phanatic> alonswartz: i did, you have very good testimonials <alonswartz> and with soren on a number of issues <alonswartz> wrote a library that will be included in the ec2-init package <Seveas> I know you've done more non-TKL contributions than Liraz, but I'd consider TKL a key part of it <alonswartz> yes, i too consider it a key part <Seveas> besides that, membership applications based on packaging are better directed to the motu council as they can judge these contributions better <alonswartz> as we are trying to bring the projects closer together... <Seveas> so the -1 from me means "I don't know what to do" and not "I don't want you" <hlippek> ok, i havent read already about the time of contribution. but ill stii be active in the community * forumsmatthew repeats what Seveas just said <popey> thanks hlippek <alonswartz> OK, thanks guys... <popey> the development work you seem to have done all very much revolves around TKL.. <alonswartz> popey: does it matter? <alonswartz> if it benefits both ubuntu and turnkey, i don't see the problem <Seveas> popey, as long as it's a contribution to Ubuntu, that doesn't matter :) <popey> well thats my point <popey> how does di-live help ubuntu? <forumsmatthew> and what we need help establishing <popey> or tklpatch? <alonswartz> regarding di-live, there has been talk about adding support to ubuntu-server to run live <popey> when I said 'revolves around' I meant 'is limited to' <popey> ok, thats useful <alonswartz> which is what di-live does. <Seveas> with tklpatch included in ubuntu, making tkl-like applications would be easier, so that's useful <popey> where was that talk? <alonswartz> about a year ago i spoke to cjwatson <alonswartz> but it wasn't needed back then, it might be in the future <popey> right <popey> so a year ago (two releases of ubuntu) you had a discussion with a developer about possibly including something in the future <alonswartz> regarding tklpatch, ignore the name, its a generically useful tool to create appliances <popey> that to me isn't a sustained contribution to ubuntu <alonswartz> which was the basis for that long thread on ubuntu-devel <popey> which long thread? <alonswartz> the thread you referred to when talking to liraz <popey> the 12 mail one that has run this month? <popey> a year later? <popey> which mostly focussed on the pro/con of webmin <Seveas> popey, "TurnKey Linux's take on Ubuntu appliance development: KISS" <alonswartz> Seveas: yes, that one <popey> I still dont see one conversation with a developer and one small thread on -devel as a sustained contribution. <Seveas> 33 mails so far. More than 12 but not very long. <popey> hmm <popey> o rly <popey> -devel or -devel-discuss? <Seveas> -devel <popey> i see only 12 mails <popey> how odd <popey> ahh, broken thread, my bad * popey stabs gmail <czajkowski> popey: love hate relationship with gmial tonight <popey> indeed <popey> I will go +0 <popey> positive testimonials of potential future work, not a ringing endorsement of past achievements <Seveas> ooh, well said <popey> I truly value what TKL are doing, I think the range of VM images and the simplicity you've brought are exceptionally valuable to new users. <alonswartz> when you take into account introducing tens of thousands of new users to ubuntu (just like a loco), and the development work, i would think that is a sustained and considerate contribution ... <Seveas> let's not rehash the entire TKL discussion please <alonswartz> Seveas: ok <Seveas> stgraber, phanatic: votes please <popey> alonswartz: I dont believe you can use those numbers <popey> I am one of the people who downloaded it, and I'm already a member <phanatic> +0 <popey> .. and even then I deleted the VM <popey> you need other ways of building a community around the product you have.. <LirazSiri> popey: isn't that like saying that introducing people to Ubuntu in LoCos shouldn't count because you know somebody that continued using Windows XP? <popey> alonswartz / LirazSiri do you have a separate section on the ubuntu forums? do you have an irc channel? <popey> i dont follow that logic <Seveas> that two -1 and 2 +0 <alonswartz> popey: we have very active forums <popey> I'm just arguing that apache download logs do not prove new users.. <Seveas> Today's score for the board: terrible. No new members :( <forumsmatthew> agreed. rough day <popey> but lots of active people Seveas ! <LirazSiri> popey: that's why we're applying for membership. We'd like to bring the two projects closer together. Even if only symbolically. <popey> people contributing <popey> you dont need membership for that LirazSiri <popey> I'd compare TKL to crunchbang linux <Seveas> does that still live? <czajkowski> Seveas: some months I guess are going to be like that, but good to see folks trying <popey> sadly not <popey> well, kinda <forumsmatthew> last month is the standard I would like to see <popey> TKL and Crunchbang are projects that use Ubuntu technology, but dont specifically give technology back to the core product, but do generate a population of new users <popey> how many users is hard to tell.. <technoviking> The EMEA folks need a few more minutes? <forumsmatthew> people came prepared with great evidence and testimonials of sustained direct involvement in the Ubuntu community and that rocked. May we see that more often <popey> no, I dont think so <forumsmatthew> technoviking, I think we're done <LirazSiri> we know how many active users we have from the apache logs of our package archive <LirazSiri> If you parse the logs for archive.turnkeylinux.org, you can count unique IPs and get a good guess for how many people are actively using TurnKey <Seveas> yeah, our meeting is done <Seveas> see you next month! <BlackZ> don't be sad, guys :) <BlackZ> I will contribute again and I will prepare me well for few meetings :D <Seveas> technoviking, the mic is yours <forumsmatthew> goodbye, everyone! <popey> o/ <BlackZ> thanks all ;) <Seveas> BlackZ, awesome :) <phanatic> bye everyone <popey> technoviking: cc isnt for another hour <alonswartz> thanks guys... <popey> according to my calendar <technoviking> the %^#@*#@ wiki is wrong again :) <Seveas> so, the next hour will just be Mike entertaining us :) <popey> oops <persia> popey: Are you sure? I have 21:00 UTC <hlippek> se you in further meetings:-) <popey> fridge says 22:00 <forumsmatthew> daylight savings time...the bane of humanity <popey> I'm happy to do either <pleia2> I'm here for 21 <popey> have I messed up _two_ meeting times in one day!? <forumsmatthew> lol <Seveas> yes <forumsmatthew> you're just trying to make me feel better about myself <popey> holy cow I'm rubbish <popey> no, wasnt me :) <popey> Created by: N for Ubuntu Fridge Calendar <popey> whoever N is <pleia2> it gets messed up with DST <pleia2> the fridge is correct in the summer :) <czajkowski> technoviking: doesnt this happen a lot to you :p <forumsmatthew> I repeat: daylight savings time...the bane of humanity <czajkowski> forumsmatthew: *hugs* so true <forumsmatthew> :) <czajkowski> see if folks stick to UTC no confusion <technoviking> czajkowski: I'm from Indiana, I did not have daylight savings growing up:) <Seveas> so now you do double DST to compensate? :) <forumsmatthew> Arizona, where I am, still doesn't use it. Wisely, i believe <technoviking> popey: Nick I think <forumsmatthew> okay, I need to help my son with something <forumsmatthew> bye, all! <czajkowski> forestpiskie: toodles <pleia2> so, are there only 3 of us? <popey> bet more turn up in an hour <popey> well, 52 mins <czajkowski> technoviking: I hope you didnt rush from some place to be here for now <forestpiskie> o/ czajkowski <czajkowski> forestpiskie: don't mind me, I tab fail lots * popey pokes nixternal <cjohnston> hello <forestpiskie> czajkowski: that's cool then - I wondered who I had forgotten ;) <popey> technoviking / pleia2 / persia _can_ you be around in 48 mins, should the rest of the CC be around? <pleia2> yeah <persia> Um, I'm not actually in the CC :) <technoviking> popey: I should be, useless I have to pick up my son at school <popey> i know, but you said you were here for it... <popey> maybe you didnt <persia> Sure, I can be around. <popey> I appear to be making up stuff <pleia2> hehe <Seveas> popey, what else is new? <popey> So.. my mum (mom) made some wine out of grapes we had in our garden. I have had two glasses. It is entirely possible that this has clouded my ability to operate a keyboard. <pleia2> :) <popey> also.. snow! <popey> http://popeydc.dyndns.org/webcam/index.html <Pendulum> :) <nigel_nb> popey: its beautiful <Seveas> more snow: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=39995&id=1016333075 <popey> :) <Seveas> fear my weapons! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=818472&l=662ad781d3&id=1016333075 * pleia2 peers in * nixternal hides in a corner * geser offers nixternal some black light for his corner <technoviking> afternoon all <czajkowski> Aloha <popey> o/ <technoviking> Is anyone else here for the CC meeting? <pleia2> yep <popey> o/ <nixternal> \o <pleia2> looks like it just might be the 4 of us <nixternal> looks like there are 3 items <nixternal> 1st is dholbach and mdke, both seem to be afk <pleia2> 2nd I think we need some background stuff pulled together <nixternal> right, as for the 3rd one, we should just +1 and put it in to action <nixternal> MC -> DMB <nixternal> nothing to discuss really <pleia2> right, I think that just needs a formal +1 <popey> shortest meeting eva! <technoviking> fine with me <popey> indeed <technoviking> definite +1 for DMB membership <persia> 3rd item needs more than a +1: someone has to go and make the change in LP. <nixternal> I am fairly certain it was a given anyways <pleia2> as for #2, we need to get together the documentation as to what each board does for appointments/elections and go from there with streamlining the process <pleia2> I can start that this week <nixternal> persia: right, which I am guessing will be easy enough <pleia2> yeah, I'll mail the list my summary when it's done <nigel_nb> time? <pleia2> 5 minutes <Silver_Fox_> 5 minutes nigel_nb <nigel_nb> doh <Joeb454> 4 minutes, actually :) <Joeb454> unless my time is also wrong <pleia2> it was 5ish before I hit enter! ;) <Silver_Fox_> I still prefer to work in UTC. Lessens confusion. <Joeb454> pleia2: [23:55] < nigel_nb> time? <Joeb454> [23:56] < pleia2> 5 minutes <Silver_Fox_> 3 minutes now <Joeb454> not that I'm being picky, even I'm not that fussy over things :P #ubuntu-meeting 2010-01-06 <Silver_Fox_> Shall we begin? <Joeb454> sounds good to me Silver_Fox_ <Silver_Fox_> Okay. <starcraftman> I haz arrived, and perfectly on time! <Silver_Fox_> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 18:00. The chair is Silver_Fox_. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <Silver_Fox_> [LINK]https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings <Silver_Fox_> [TOPIC]Team channels, support in main channel or -help <MootBot> New Topic: Team channels, support in main channel or -help <Silver_Fox_> Go bodhi_zazen <bodhi_zazen> Thanks <bodhi_zazen> I think it has been decided to move support to -help as much a possible <bodhi_zazen> -help is much more active these days - go team <bodhi_zazen> and feel free to ping me if assistance is needed <IngForigua> Hi today is the beginners team meeting? <Silver_Fox_> Yes IngForigua <bodhi_zazen> short support questions are "OK" from time to time in the main channel <starcraftman> Oh ok, so we not changing it to the main then? cabaret just turning into an alt hangout then? <IngForigua> there are beginners team in spanish? <bodhi_zazen> I would prefer to keep -beginners to team business and more "formal" and move as much team banter as possible to ##cabaret <Joeb454> bodhi_zazen: but then what purpose does -beginners serve? <bodhi_zazen> doing so has reduced the number of complaints I have recieved drastically <Silver_Fox_> Is that not -beginners not banter channel anymore? <starcraftman> bodhi_zazen: hmmmm, alright, so cabaret for really random stuff and main more "proper". I got ya. <bodhi_zazen> although be aware ##cabaret is not an official ubuntu channel and so you may see some fairly off topic banter / links <bodhi_zazen> yes please starcraftman <bodhi_zazen> Please *try* to banter in ##cabaret <Silver_Fox_> Okay, shall we move onto the vote? <pleia2> is ##cabaret subject to the CoC? <bodhi_zazen> I do not personally mind banter in the main channel, but at the team has grown banter seems to be causing issues <bodhi_zazen> Not that I know of pleia2 <pleia2> ok, I won't be joining then <lukjadOO7> So what is the vote exactly? <bodhi_zazen> my understanding is ## channels are "unofficial" <bodhi_zazen> 2 votes if you want <bodhi_zazen> 1 - support to -help <Silver_Fox_> Okay. <bodhi_zazen> and <bodhi_zazen> 2 - banter to ##cabaret <lukjadOO7> bodhi_zazen: While I am in ##cabaret, I don't feel as comfortable chatting there. <bodhi_zazen> LOL <bodhi_zazen> why lukjadOO7 ? <canthus13> Why not adopt an o4o policy similar to -offtopic? <canthus13> rather than spreading out over more channels. <bodhi_zazen> canthus13: what is that ? o4o policy ? <lukjadOO7> bodhi_zazen: Because it's not with the CoC, so I feel somewhat uncertain as to what goes. <maco> !o4o > bodhi_zazen <ubottu> bodhi_zazen, please see my private message <paultag> sorry I'm late :) <canthus13> o4o is basically a policy that outlines topics where people should tread lightly. <canthus13> maco: thanks. * canthus13 didn't realize ubottu was in here. :) <dvz-> why not again, cut out help: ubuntu-beginners == support channel and ubuntu-team == team banter and or team business? <jgoguen> .msg ubottu !o4o <bodhi_zazen> mainly for two reasons <nigel_nb> dvz-: +1 <dvz-> leaves us still at 2 channels both of which can be governed by coc <bodhi_zazen> #1 is that policy is really not working in the main channel <jgoguen> dvz-: I thought that was proposed and shot down once? <dvz-> jgoguen: this whole issue has been proposed and shot down many times. <dvz-> more than once and by more than one person <lukjadOO7> bodhi_zazen: Another thing is that I don't care to spread out chat on many different channels. <bodhi_zazen> We (I) get too many complaints when the team banters in the main channel <paultag> +1 bodhi_zazen <maco> is that because it's banter or because of the specific topic of the banter? <Silver_Fox_> Sorry but this is getting on. I propose that this be discussed some more and we move onto another topic. <Silver_Fox_> We have a full agenda <starcraftman> I think we can just move to up down vote on bodhi's suggestions. <lukjadOO7> Okay, can we vote about the moving help to -help?: <lukjadOO7> Silver_Fox_: ^ <paultag> maco, we get off topic in #ubuntu-beginners, and most people expect help to be there. <maco> paultag: ah ok <bodhi_zazen> The team, in general, seems unable to tolerate o4o topics and there has been a real breakdown in tolerance in the main channel, IMO <paultag> maco, where our real help channel is #ubuntu-beginners-help :) <dvz-> bodhi_zazen: and we get too many comlaints when people help others in the main channel....other than these meetings, what team business is of so great of time investment that it deems we need a new channel for offtopic? <bodhi_zazen> We should move these meeting to the main channel, IMO <lukjadOO7> dvz-: I agree, but some people are upset about it. <nhandler> persia: I know I'm a bit late, but freenode guidelines would still apply, but that is about it (re ##cabaret) <nhandler> err pleia2 <bodhi_zazen> dvz-: it is more that I am tired of the complaints <dvz-> lukjadOO7: if we limited the team channel to strictly business, then it would remain idle a majority of the time then. <starcraftman> So bodhi's proposal to summarize as I get it: Help -> long answer support and beginners -> proper team business/short support and cabaret > banter really off topic, unCoC. <bodhi_zazen> either the team needs to be more tolerant and polite or move the banter <lukjadOO7> dvz-: Yes, I know. <starcraftman> Can we have 1 vote on all that. <pleia2> nhandler: I knew the general rules for ## channels, I was just hoping that even though unofficial, a banter channel promoted by an official Ubuntu project would also be held to the CoC, it makes me very uncomfortable that it doesn't <nigel_nb> we'll split the votes into 3? <lukjadOO7> dvz-: I'm not for it, but I understand bodhi_zazen's point of view. I'm going to +0 it <lukjadOO7> dvz-: Actualy I'll -0 it <pleia2> (which is why I won't go there) <nhandler> pleia2: It isn't in the Ubuntu name space either, so not even the Ubuntu IRC Guidelines would really apply. <lukjadOO7> pleia2: +1 <lukjadOO7> I would suggest that perhaps a code of conduct be created for ##cabaret ? <pleia2> nhandler: just because they aren't required to apply, doesn't mean we can't say they do :) <dvz-> i guess I'm not completely aware of what the "offtopic" banter that seems to offend people is <lukjadOO7> It need not be too strict, but something to keep people feel safe <drs305> lukjadOO7: It's not "our" channel. <pleia2> lukjadOO7: is the CoC too strict? <lukjadOO7> pleia2: I don't think so. <pleia2> nor do I <lukjadOO7> pleia2: I'm just saying that we create a new CoC for the channel <nhandler> pleia2: I personally do not have any reason with not holding people to the CoC in there <nhandler> lukjadOO7: Is there any part of the Ubuntu CoC that people do not believe should apply there? <nigel_nb> lukjadOO7: can we have CoC apply to the channel? <PabloRubianes> sorry i am late <lukjadOO7> I would personally like to see the channel be under the CoC. <nigel_nb> +1 lukjadOO7 <lukjadOO7> nigel_nb: I don't see why not. <starcraftman> PabloRubianes: s'okay we haven't really gotten anywhere. <nhandler> We already hold people to the CoC in -beginners <maco> +1 lukjadOO7 * pleia2 nods * starcraftman puts on music and waits for a bit of agreement. <duanedesign> if we put cabareet under the CoC then what makes it different than #ubuntu-beginners <Silver_Fox_> Okay, Any more comments or questions. I would like to put up a vote that this topic be discussed at a later date. <lukjadOO7> If the channel can't use the CoC for legal reasons or wordings, I suggest we copy/paste it <jgoguen> duanedesign: The fact that ##cabaret isn't somewhere users come expecting some help? <bodhi_zazen> I think we need to at least vote on moving support to -help <lukjadOO7> And name it the Code of Cabaret. <starcraftman> Silver_Fox_: make sure vote topic clear. We have discussed a few alternate suggestions. <drs305> How are we setting guidelines for a channel not ours - open to anyone who happens along? <canthus13> rename #ubuntu-beginners to #ubuntu-beginners-team and keep -help the same. <paultag> better yet: <lukjadOO7> drs305: It was created by bodhi_zazen I believe <paultag> Rename #ubuntu-beginners-help to #ubuntu-beginners, and create #ubuntu-beginners-team, or -cafe <jgoguen> drs305: The same as other channels set guidelines that all users entering are expected to adhere to <nigel_nb> paultag: +1 (that would do) <paultag> It would clear up a _lot_ of confusion <paultag> Silver_Fox_, and I suggested this before <dvz-> +1 paultag <nigel_nb> paultag's suggestion would clear a lot of confusion <nigel_nb> and it would help keep a team channel for offtopic *under the CoC* <bodhi_zazen> paultag: easier to move -help to -team <starcraftman> paultag: then all long support questions and official business in the team channel and cafe for CoC talk. Right? <nigel_nb> either way, the idea is the same <paultag> bodhi_zazen, yeah, but people assume #ubuntu-beginners, is for beginners, and -cafe does not look like a support channel <nigel_nb> exactly <paultag> bodhi_zazen, we get a lot of incoming support questions in -beginners that we have to tell to /join #ubuntu-beginners-help <dvz-> bodhi_zazen: last meeting or so ago, someone else (paul or silver) offered to redo the access permissions on the channels, i believe <paultag> I'll do it <paultag> I don't mind tedious work <nigel_nb> Silver_Fox_: is it possible to vote on paultag's suggestion? <dvz-> bodhi_zazen: should we choose that route... i remember the one complaint when i propsed the idea initially was "too much of a hassle setting permissions" <Silver_Fox_> [VOTE] Make off topic channel #ubuntu-beginners-cafe <MootBot> Please vote on: Make off topic channel #ubuntu-beginners-cafe. <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting <jgoguen> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from jgoguen. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 <dvz-> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from dvz-. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 <bodhi_zazen> Why do we need 4 channels -beginner -team -help and -cafe ? <MootBot> Private +1 vote received. 3 for, 0 against, 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 <MootBot> Private +1 vote received. 4 for, 0 against, 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 <pleia2> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from pleia2. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 <paultag> bodhi_zazen, we would get rid of team and help <Rocket2DMn> +0 <jgoguen> bodhi_zazen: As I see it, -help is redirected to -beginners <MootBot> Abstention received from Rocket2DMn. 5 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 5 <paultag> bodhi_zazen, just -beginners, and -beginners-cafe <Silver_Fox_> +1 <starcraftman> +0 <drs305> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from starcraftman. 5 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 5 <MootBot> +1 received from Silver_Fox_. 6 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 6 <MootBot> Abstention received from drs305. 6 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 6 <lukjadOO7> This is somewhat confusing. <Joeb454> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from Joeb454. 7 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 7 <PabloRubianes> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from PabloRubianes. 8 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 8 <IngForigua> +1 <nhandler> +0 <MootBot> +1 received from IngForigua. 9 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 9 <MootBot> Abstention received from nhandler. 9 for, 0 against. 4 have abstained. Count is now 9 <lukjadOO7> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from lukjadOO7. 9 for, 0 against. 5 have abstained. Count is now 9 <Silver_Fox_> Any more votes? <bodhi_zazen> and I agree with pleia2 , I do not want -cafe to be under the CoC, at least I do not want off topic o4o banter associated with this team =) <dvz-> bodhi_zazen: we would ultimately be switching -help to -beginners .... -beginners to -beginners-team ... and -beginners-cafe to banter..then dropping -help i believe is the proposed idea <bodhi_zazen> -1 <MootBot> -1 received from bodhi_zazen. 9 for, 1 against. 5 have abstained. Count is now 8 <Silver_Fox_> [ENDVOTE] <MootBot> Final result is 9 for, 1 against. 5 abstained. Total: 8 <Silver_Fox_> [AGREED] <MootBot> AGREED received: <Silver_Fox_> whoops ;) <lukjadOO7> Uhhh <bodhi_zazen> dvz-: why not leave -beginners and simply move -help to -team <Silver_Fox_> [AGREED] Make off topic channel #ubuntu-beginners-cafe <MootBot> AGREED received: Make off topic channel #ubuntu-beginners-cafe <nhandler> I would be glad to help with the actual channel management to handle this stuff <dvz-> bodhi_zazen: clears up confusion for NON-team members <Silver_Fox_> [VOTE] Move -help to #ubuntu-beginners <MootBot> Please vote on: Move -help to #ubuntu-beginners. <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting <paultag> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from paultag. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 <Silver_Fox_> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from Silver_Fox_. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 <pleia2> +1 <nhandler> +0 <MootBot> +1 received from pleia2. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 <MootBot> Abstention received from nhandler. 3 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 3 <dvz-> ubuntu-beginners (non-members view this as help for beginners0, not a team channel) <paultag> nhandler, roger :) <bodhi_zazen> +1 <PabloRubianes> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from bodhi_zazen. 4 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 4 <MootBot> +1 received from PabloRubianes. 5 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 5 <drs305> -1 <MootBot> -1 received from drs305. 5 for, 1 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 4 <lukjadOO7> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from lukjadOO7. 5 for, 1 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 4 <dvz-> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from dvz-. 6 for, 1 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 5 <Joeb454> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from Joeb454. 7 for, 1 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 6 <Rocket2DMn> -1 <MootBot> -1 received from Rocket2DMn. 7 for, 2 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 5 <swoody> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from swoody. 8 for, 2 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 6 <duanedesign> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from duanedesign. 9 for, 2 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 7 <nigel_nb> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from nigel_nb. 10 for, 2 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 8 <jgoguen> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from jgoguen. 11 for, 2 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 9 <Silver_Fox_> Any more votes? <Silver_Fox_> [ENDVOTE] <MootBot> Final result is 11 for, 2 against. 2 abstained. Total: 9 <bodhi_zazen> I can see two channels -beginners and -beginners-team <Silver_Fox_> [AGREED] Move -help to #ubuntu-beginners. <MootBot> AGREED received: Move -help to #ubuntu-beginners. <dvz-> bodhi_zazen: right...and for the offtopic...i don't care if it's -cafe or if it's cabaret..or whatever else we decide <dvz-> +1 <PabloRubianes> cabaret is no longer use? <bodhi_zazen> we need to discuss off topic / banter <bodhi_zazen> we either need to be more tolerant as a team <lukjadOO7> Are we voting on the policy on #ubuntu-beginners-cafe ? * bodhi_zazen points out the vast majority of complaints come from team members <bodhi_zazen> or move the banter out of #beginners space <drs305> Are the complaints being aired during the discussions? I haven't seen them. <bodhi_zazen> drs305: no, the complaints come to me in PM, and then I try to resolve the issues <jgoguen> I don't necessarily think the lack of public complaints should be taken as any implication that there isn't a problem <bodhi_zazen> +1 jgoguen <dvz-> good point drs305 ...i haven't been around much due to family issues - but if someone has a complaint, i think that they should have the courtesy to bring it up to the person that offended them either in PM or chat before going to the team lead immediately <nigel_nb> bodhi_zazen: can I suggest that if someone has any issue with another person, PM directly <drs305> I believe courtesy includes asking for a cessation of the behavior at the time rather than a PM to bodhi. <paultag> nigel_nb, but sometimes it's hard <lukjadOO7> Maybe we could wait until the next meeting to actually work on the cafe and offtopic? <bodhi_zazen> seriously, the banter is problematic and I do not see moving to another official ubuntu channel or a channel associated with the BT as a solution <jgoguen> An assumption like that forces people to speak out who may not be comfortable doing so, meaning they'll not speak out and possibly leave thinking we're a bunch of hooligans <maco> what if the complaint is about the team lead? <dvz-> it's a two way street...if you're offended by someone, we can't read your minds, talk to that person about it...it may be as simple as a pm and talking to them about it. <lukjadOO7> Or until the end? <Silver_Fox_> [VOTE] Move non COC compliant banter to ##cabaret <MootBot> Please vote on: Move non COC compliant banter to ##cabaret. <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting <bodhi_zazen> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from bodhi_zazen. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 <Silver_Fox_> +1 <nhandler> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from nhandler. 1 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 1 <MootBot> +1 received from Silver_Fox_. 2 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 2 <jgoguen> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from jgoguen. 3 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 3 <swoody> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from swoody. 4 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 4 <paultag> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from paultag. 5 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 5 <PabloRubianes> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from PabloRubianes. 6 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 6 <nigel_nb> +0 <dvz-> +1 <MootBot> Abstention received from nigel_nb. 6 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 6 <MootBot> +1 received from dvz-. 7 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 7 <starcraftman> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from starcraftman. 7 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 7 <lukjadOO7> -0 <paultag> nigel_nb, like take for example, me. If I do something that offends, most people have met me since the beginning, and if I do something dumb, it's hard to confront a more senior member, rather then a neutral lead like bodhi_zazen <Joeb454> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from Joeb454. 7 for, 0 against. 4 have abstained. Count is now 7 <lukjadOO7> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from lukjadOO7. 7 for, 0 against. 5 have abstained. Count is now 7 <duanedesign> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from duanedesign. 8 for, 0 against. 5 have abstained. Count is now 8 <drs305> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from drs305. 8 for, 0 against. 6 have abstained. Count is now 8 <Rocket2DMn> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from Rocket2DMn. 8 for, 0 against. 7 have abstained. Count is now 8 <pleia2> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from pleia2. 8 for, 0 against. 8 have abstained. Count is now 8 <jgoguen> maco: There's a council mailing list that's private...admittedly the team lead is on that list, but there's enough other people on it that it should be able to be fairly dealt with <dvz-> paultag: i have no qualms confronting you :-D <nigel_nb> paultag: suggestion <IngForigua> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from IngForigua. 9 for, 0 against. 8 have abstained. Count is now 9 <paultag> dvz-, I know that :) <paultag> nigel_nb, yo <pleia2> (I don't think we should be promoting an out of namespace channel that doesn't adhere to ubuntu community standards) <nigel_nb> can we have a formal process for this? <Silver_Fox_> Any more votes? <lukjadOO7> pleia2: <maco> +1 pleia2 <juju2143> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from maco. 10 for, 0 against. 8 have abstained. Count is now 10 <MootBot> +1 received from juju2143. 11 for, 0 against. 8 have abstained. Count is now 11 <bodhi_zazen> pleia2: we are not promoting any such thing <maco> oh bah. ignore mine. im not a votable person <nhandler> pleia2: Nobody said anything about acitvely promoting it afaik <Silver_Fox_> [ENDVOTE] <MootBot> Final result is 11 for, 0 against. 8 abstained. Total: 11 <nigel_nb> paultag: in case you are offended, mail the person with a copy to the bt council <dvz-> pleia2: i think this is merely a, "if it doesn't relate to the team, take it elsewhere" <nigel_nb> so there can be a resolution and somone else gets to know about it and mediate <paultag> nigel_nb, yeah, but again, if they are on the council, that can be hard <Silver_Fox_> [AGREED]Move non COC compliant banter to ##cabaret. <MootBot> AGREED received: Move non COC compliant banter to ##cabaret. <pleia2> fair enough <nigel_nb> paultag: we cud make a friendly approach to it <nigel_nb> paultag: something for the stalker fG? <paultag> nigel_nb, perhaps :) <dvz-> we have a stalker fg? <Silver_Fox_> [VOTE] -help to forward to #ubuntu-beginners <MootBot> Please vote on: -help to forward to #ubuntu-beginners. <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting <dvz-> why wasn't i told about this? <paultag> dvz-, that group may or may not exist <paultag> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from paultag. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 <nigel_nb> +1 <nhandler> +0 <MootBot> +1 received from nigel_nb. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 <MootBot> Abstention received from nhandler. 2 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 2 <Silver_Fox_> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from Silver_Fox_. 3 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 3 <jgoguen> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from jgoguen. 4 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 4 <duanedesign> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from duanedesign. 5 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 5 <dvz-> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from dvz-. 6 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 6 <Joeb454> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from Joeb454. 7 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 7 <bodhi_zazen> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from bodhi_zazen. 7 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 7 <swoody> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from swoody. 8 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 8 <Rocket2DMn> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from Rocket2DMn. 8 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 8 <lukjadOO7> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from lukjadOO7. 9 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 9 <lukjadOO7> +0 <pleia2> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from pleia2. 10 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 10 <starcraftman> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from starcraftman. 11 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 11 <Silver_Fox_> Any more votes? <Silver_Fox_> [ENDVOTE] <MootBot> Final result is 11 for, 0 against. 3 abstained. Total: 11 <drs305> -1 <Silver_Fox_> [AGREED]-help to forward to #ubuntu-beginners <MootBot> AGREED received: -help to forward to #ubuntu-beginners <Silver_Fox_> [TOPIC]BT Roadmap <MootBot> New Topic: BT Roadmap <Silver_Fox_> Go bodhi_zazen <bodhi_zazen> Anyone have any comments on the roadmap ? <duanedesign> o/ <nhandler> bodhi_zazen: Do you have a link to the draft of it handy? <nigel_nb> bodhi_zazen: link please? <lukjadOO7> bodhi_zazen: Roadmap link? <bodhi_zazen> I put the item on the agenda, but was hoping others were taking the lead on this <duanedesign> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/duanedesign/sandbox <duanedesign> ^^^^ <bodhi_zazen> thanks duanedesign <duanedesign> I have a working draft in my sanbox <nhandler> bodhi_zazen: It has been on for a while (I think I initially added it a few months ago) <Silver_Fox_> [LINK]https://wiki.ubuntu.com/duanedesign/sandbox <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/duanedesign/sandbox <nigel_nb> Suggestion: Can we have something like the bugsquad's 5-a-day? <duanedesign> I think there are some good ideas there <lukjadOO7> Looks find to me <nigel_nb> for answers, bugs, and forum help <jgoguen> nigel_nb: Sounds like a good idea! <bodhi_zazen> 6 weeks I think nhandler <Silver_Fox_> Okay, if nothing to vote I on I am going to move onto the next topic. <nhandler> bodhi_zazen: Hmm...Feels like longer <Silver_Fox_> [TOPIC]Remove the Stalkers FG from BT Structure <MootBot> New Topic: Remove the Stalkers FG from BT Structure <starcraftman> bodhi_zazen: Oh right this thing, my only comment is not exactly sure I'm a fan of the wiki one. I'm planning a doc meeting soon so we might discuss such a target. <paultag> oh WTF <paultag> -1 <paultag> the Stalker FG does good work :) <Silver_Fox_> Hmm, ibuclaw is not here. <nigel_nb> Silver_Fox_: can we hold off on this one? <lukjadOO7> I'm against that <bodhi_zazen> ibuclaw asked me to discuss this topic <paultag> I'm in the stalking FG, I can address this :) <Silver_Fox_> Go bodhi_zazen then =] <nigel_nb> Silver_Fox_: we could potentially add more duties to stalker FG <bodhi_zazen> basically, the purpose of the stalker group is quality control on the forms <bodhi_zazen> I do not think the stalkers group has bee active <bodhi_zazen> or perhaps it needs a new lead ? <Joeb454> I'm off, not feeling great. Sorry guys <paultag> bodhi_zazen, who is lead now? sdennie? <nhandler> Bye Joeb454 <lukjadOO7> Later Joeb454 <Silver_Fox_> Bye Joeb454 . <nigel_nb> bodhi_zazen: can we add quality control on IRC to stalker FG? <bodhi_zazen> the idea is that all team members should participate in quality control <bodhi_zazen> we could <nigel_nb> bodhi_zazen: addressing complaints and issues with other members.. <lukjadOO7> bodhi_zazen: I suggest we make it have a better and broader focus <bodhi_zazen> I think we either need to <bodhi_zazen> 1. Find a lead for the stalkers, and revitalize it ... <bodhi_zazen> or <paultag> OK, speaking on behalf: <bodhi_zazen> 2. Eliminate it <nigel_nb> I can help lead it (if u're okay with me leading that is) <nhandler> I think having the entire team participate in quality control sounds like a better solution for the long run <jgoguen> nigel_nb: Quality control on IRC, IIRC, is the domain of the IRC FG as part of their mandate of help on IRC <paultag> All of the members of the FG are regularly on IRC, LP and UF, and when we come across and BT member we take a look at it. <bodhi_zazen> nigel_nb: I think moving the banter to ##cabaret is going to resolve 99.9 % of the current complaints <paultag> I always ( _always_ ) watch IRC for quality of UBT members' help, and I think that is part of the stalking FG <jgoguen> Having said that, I agree with nhandler <nigel_nb> agree, but as paultag said ealier, it would be nice to have a small group to deal with it <bodhi_zazen> removing a few problematic users from the channel has been effective on the rest of the complaints <nhandler> paultag: I think most of us pay attention to the work of fellow BT members throughout the community <paultag> nhandler, +1 <bodhi_zazen> If we are going to expand the focus , what irc channels ? <paultag> bodhi_zazen, it would have to be #ubuntu-beginners, and #ubuntu <bodhi_zazen> #ubuntu ? -beginners ? our channels only ? <jgoguen> bodhi_zazen: At least the #ubuntu-beginners-* channels, and also if BT members are helping in #ubuntu <paultag> bodhi_zazen, well, the UBT members are UBT members through Ubuntu, we should be making sure our good name is intact ;) <bodhi_zazen> Sounds good to me <paultag> +1 jgoguen <bodhi_zazen> who would like to lead ? <nhandler> bodhi_zazen: This is why I feel it would be better to just get rid of the formal group and have it as a more informal quality control process <lukjadOO7> jgoguen: +2 <Silver_Fox_> [VOTE] Remove Stalker FG <MootBot> Please vote on: Remove Stalker FG. <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting <paultag> I am in charge to two teams. I would not take on another <nhandler> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from nhandler. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 <Silver_Fox_> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from Silver_Fox_. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 <lukjadOO7> -1 <MootBot> -1 received from lukjadOO7. 2 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 <paultag> -1 <MootBot> -1 received from paultag. 2 for, 2 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 0 <nigel_nb> -1 <MootBot> -1 received from nigel_nb. 2 for, 3 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -1 <jgoguen> nhandler: Would you have the council handle quality problems then? <bodhi_zazen> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from bodhi_zazen. 2 for, 3 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now -1 <PabloRubianes> -1 <MootBot> -1 received from PabloRubianes. 2 for, 4 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now -2 <drs305> 0 <nigel_nb> I can help whoever is leading <drs305> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from drs305. 2 for, 4 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now -2 <nhandler> jgoguen: I see no issue with that <lukjadOO7> jgoguen: The higher level ones that can't be handled <MootBot> Private -1 vote received. 2 for, 5 against, 2 have abstained. Count is now -3 <jgoguen> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from jgoguen. 3 for, 5 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now -2 <bodhi_zazen> If we keep the team, we need a lead <paultag> bodhi_zazen, +1 <dvz-> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from dvz-. 3 for, 5 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now -2 <lukjadOO7> jgoguen: You voted wrong <Silver_Fox_> Any more votes? <jgoguen> >_< <Silver_Fox_> [ENDVOTE] <MootBot> Final result is 3 for, 5 against. 3 abstained. Total: -2 <jgoguen> lukjadOO7: Not like it changed the result :) <Silver_Fox_> [AGREED] Keep stalker FG <MootBot> AGREED received: Keep stalker FG <paultag> Now, Leads: <paultag> Who wants to lead the team? <lukjadOO7> jgoguen: Well, yeah. But closer * jgoguen notes to extra-careful read the topic twice next time <nhandler> I think we should hold off on choosing a lead until at least the next meeting <paultag> fair enough nhandler <nigel_nb> paultag: If u can take the lead, I'll help you with everything <nhandler> That way, members who are not present now have a chance to put their name forward <nigel_nb> nhandler: +1 <paultag> nigel_nb, I won't take lead, I have two FGs already ;) <paultag> +1 nhandler <paultag> nigel_nb, put yourself in there :) <Silver_Fox_> [VOTE] Decided new leads at next meeting <MootBot> Please vote on: Decided new leads at next meeting. <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting <cjohnston> make a page for people to nominate themselves? <Silver_Fox_> +1 <nhandler> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from Silver_Fox_. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 <MootBot> +1 received from nhandler. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 <paultag> +1 <jgoguen> + <MootBot> +1 received from paultag. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 <pleia2> +1 <nigel_nb> +1 <jgoguen> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from pleia2. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 <PabloRubianes> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from nigel_nb. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 <swoody> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from jgoguen. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 6 <starcraftman> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from PabloRubianes. 7 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 7 <MootBot> +1 received from swoody. 8 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 8 <MootBot> +1 received from starcraftman. 9 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 9 <MootBot> Private +1 vote received. 10 for, 0 against, 0 have abstained. Count is now 10 <dvz-> +1 <lukjadOO7> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from dvz-. 11 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 11 <MootBot> +1 received from lukjadOO7. 12 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 12 <drs305> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from drs305. 13 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 13 <Silver_Fox_> Any more votes? <jgoguen> lukjadOO7: Although realistically, if everyone does quality control that's a major part of the stalker FG suddenly handled by everyone, unless we say Stalkers is like Forums and everyone is implicitly part of it * starcraftman is munching food why he's a bit quiet. <bodhi_zazen> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from bodhi_zazen. 13 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 13 <Silver_Fox_> [ENDVOTE] <MootBot> Final result is 13 for, 0 against. 1 abstained. Total: 13 * jgoguen takes starcraftman's food <Silver_Fox_> [AGREED] Decide new leads at next meeting <lukjadOO7> jgoguen: Not everyone is part of the stalkers <duanedesign> starcraftman: mmm i am so hungry <MootBot> AGREED received: Decide new leads at next meeting <paultag> Cool. We should start a Mailing lost on this <paultag> list * <jgoguen> lukjadOO7: That's my point :) <Silver_Fox_> [TOPIC]Use Launchpad as official member list for FGs and remove wiki lists <MootBot> New Topic: Use Launchpad as official member list for FGs and remove wiki lists <bodhi_zazen> mailing lost, LMAO <nhandler> Does someone want the action to send it to the list? <starcraftman> jgoguen: That's it, bodhi_zazen, I'm filling a complaint, you saw him swipe it right off my plate! <Silver_Fox_> Go nhandler <paultag> +1 -- great idea <nigel_nb> +1 <lukjadOO7> jgoguen: I suggest that people have to be inducted in <bodhi_zazen> move to vote ? <paultag> bodhi_zazen, yup <nhandler> We have several lists of FG members that we currently maintain. Most have outdated lists on the wiki <paultag> LP is a lot better then wiki <jgoguen> And more accurate <Silver_Fox_> [VOTE]Use Launchpad as official member list for FGs and remove wiki lists <MootBot> Please vote on: Use Launchpad as official member list for FGs and remove wiki lists. <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting <Silver_Fox_> -1 <MootBot> -1 received from Silver_Fox_. 0 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -1 <nigel_nb> and it expires too <bodhi_zazen> +10 <paultag> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from paultag. 1 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 0 <nigel_nb> +1 <pleia2> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from nigel_nb. 2 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 <bodhi_zazen> +1 <nhandler> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from pleia2. 3 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 <MootBot> +1 received from bodhi_zazen. 4 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 <swoody> +1 <drs305> +1 <jgoguen> +1 <lukjadOO7> +0 <MootBot> Private +1 vote received. 5 for, 1 against, 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 <starcraftman> I wanted clarity on this, is it just main membership or FGs too? <MootBot> +1 received from nhandler. 6 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 <MootBot> +1 received from drs305. 7 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 6 <dvz-> +0 <MootBot> +1 received from swoody. 8 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 7 <starcraftman> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from jgoguen. 9 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 8 <MootBot> Abstention received from lukjadOO7. 9 for, 1 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 8 <jgoguen> starcraftman: Main AFAIK <paultag> starcraftman, everything <MootBot> Abstention received from dvz-. 9 for, 1 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 8 <MootBot> +1 received from starcraftman. 10 for, 1 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 9 <lukjadOO7> +0 <nhandler> starcraftman: The ~ubuntu-beginners member list is already the official list for the team <PabloRubianes> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from PabloRubianes. 11 for, 1 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 10 <nhandler> This is just FGs now <Silver_Fox_> Anymore votes? <starcraftman> paultag: so we will make separate groups umbrellad under the main then eh? <jgoguen> starcraftman: Although if you're not in the main team, you're probably also not on a FG :) <Silver_Fox_> [ENDVOTE] <MootBot> Final result is 11 for, 1 against. 2 abstained. Total: 10 <paultag> starcraftman, yis <nhandler> They already are starcraftman <starcraftman> paultag: rgr <paultag> +1 nhandler <starcraftman> alright, I'm just checking. <Silver_Fox_> [AGREED]Use Launchpad as official member list for FGs and remove wiki lists <MootBot> AGREED received: Use Launchpad as official member list for FGs and remove wiki lists <paultag> You can't be in a FG without being in the UBT <nhandler> You can participate with the FG though <nhandler> (You just can't be an official member) <paultag> nhandler, for sure <Silver_Fox_> [TOPIC] Decision on logging of #ubuntu-beginners <MootBot> New Topic: Decision on logging of #ubuntu-beginners <jgoguen> Yes, I worded that poorly <paultag> nhandler, we have a ton of dev heads that became UBT because of dev <paultag> nhandler, take dvz- as example :) <nhandler> :) <Silver_Fox_> Hmm, easwer is not here <bodhi_zazen> http://www.stangnet.com/mustang-forums/images/smilies/Beating_a_dead_horse.gif <MootBot> LINK received: http://www.stangnet.com/mustang-forums/images/smilies/Beating_a_dead_horse.gif <Silver_Fox_> Heh <bodhi_zazen> I think moving the banter makes logging of the main channel more palatable to most ? <starcraftman> logging again? <nigel_nb> In this case, we'd be logging the place where we help <bodhi_zazen> see linky starcraftman =) <nigel_nb> and I'm okay with that <duanedesign> bodhi_zazen: and the logging might encourage the banter to be moved to cabaret <Silver_Fox_> [VOTE] Leave for now, Discuss more in light of recent team channel changes <MootBot> Please vote on: Leave for now, Discuss more in light of recent team channel changes. <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting <bodhi_zazen> we need an up or down vote on loging <Silver_Fox_> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from Silver_Fox_. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 <lukjadOO7> -1 <MootBot> -1 received from lukjadOO7. 1 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 0 <nigel_nb> +1 <dvz-> +0 <MootBot> +1 received from nigel_nb. 2 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 <MootBot> Abstention received from dvz-. 2 for, 1 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 1 <starcraftman> +0 <bodhi_zazen> -1 <MootBot> Abstention received from starcraftman. 2 for, 1 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 1 <MootBot> -1 received from bodhi_zazen. 2 for, 2 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 0 <nhandler> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from nhandler. 2 for, 2 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 0 <PabloRubianes> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from PabloRubianes. 2 for, 2 against. 4 have abstained. Count is now 0 <MootBot> Private +1 vote received. 3 for, 2 against, 4 have abstained. Count is now 1 <drs305> +0 <pleia2> +1 <MootBot> Abstention received from drs305. 3 for, 2 against. 5 have abstained. Count is now 1 <MootBot> +1 received from pleia2. 4 for, 2 against. 5 have abstained. Count is now 2 <jgoguen> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from jgoguen. 5 for, 2 against. 5 have abstained. Count is now 3 <paultag> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from paultag. 5 for, 2 against. 6 have abstained. Count is now 3 <Silver_Fox_> Anymore votes? <valindil89> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from valindil89. 5 for, 2 against. 7 have abstained. Count is now 3 <Silver_Fox_> [ENDVOTE] <MootBot> Final result is 5 for, 2 against. 7 abstained. Total: 3 <nhandler> Just a reminder, only BT members should be voting <pleia2> duanedesign: banter goes to -cafe :) <bodhi_zazen> OK, but I'm warning you, if we do not decide on logs we need to post the dead horse icon and move it off the agenda =) <lukjadOO7> I just would like to say, that I am not comfortable being logged publically <Silver_Fox_> Hmm, I don't think that was passed <Silver_Fox_> Too many abstentions? <paultag> bodhi_zazen, +1 <nhandler> Silver_Fox_: +0s do not block <bodhi_zazen> I do not think we voted +1 on -cafe <Silver_Fox_> Ahh, okay <paultag> bodhi_zazen, yeah we did :) <bodhi_zazen> I think the vote was to move banter to ##cabaret <Silver_Fox_> [AGREED] Leave channel logging until later. <MootBot> AGREED received: Leave channel logging until later. <paultag> bodhi_zazen, it was the first vote IIRC <bodhi_zazen> yes, but that vote covered 3 topics <Silver_Fox_> [TOPIC]Security Focus Group Plans for next year <MootBot> New Topic: Security Focus Group Plans for next year <bodhi_zazen> and the 3 were subsequently voted on <dvz-> Silver_Fox_: you threw me off... <Silver_Fox_> Hmm, cprofit is not here. <dvz-> Silver_Fox_ > [VOTE] Leave for now, Discuss more in light of recent team channel changes "Leave for now" i thought referred to "leave the mtg for now" <dvz-> o.O <bodhi_zazen> we do not need to vote if cprofit is not here and did not assign a proxy, just moe on <Silver_Fox_> [TOPIC] Unvoice members of the beginners team in #ubuntu-beginners, it is against Irc (n)etiquette <MootBot> New Topic: Unvoice members of the beginners team in #ubuntu-beginners, it is against Irc (n)etiquette <bodhi_zazen> *move* <paultag> -1 <paultag> I find this silly. <lukjadOO7> +1 <drs305> Why? <Silver_Fox_> Does anyone know why we should do this? <lukjadOO7> -1 <lukjadOO7> sorry <paultag> the use of voice is to show a member from a non-member <drs305> Not why silly, why unvoice? <nhandler> I am curious as to what netiquette this violates. Many teams use a similar system (including freenode staff) <paultag> +1 nhandler <nigel_nb> pleia2 said its frowned upon in IRC <paultag> I disagree vehemently <bodhi_zazen> 'The use of voice is frowned upon in Ubuntu channels, we are all "equals" <nhandler> Being OPed when you don't need to is frowned upon, nothing wrong with voice <nigel_nb> but if we remove voice, it would lead to bot abuse <lukjadOO7> I would like to point out that votebot works with voice <nhandler> bodhi_zazen: It is used in a few Ubuntu channels as well <nigel_nb> since bot would have to answer to everyone <persia> Not that I frequent that channel, but one can usually calm a channel with social cues, rather than needing to restrict voice by technical means. Using technical means may also dissuade new productive people from joining. <nhandler> Don't worry about VoteBot. That should not affect our decision <bodhi_zazen> I do not think I see voice in our channel that way, and we have so many that come and go, and we do have a very formal membership process, perhaps the most formal I know short of ubuntu membership <paultag> +1 bodhi_zazen <lukjadOO7> It also is a useful visual indicator to who is a team member <paultag> +1 lukjadOO7 <nhandler> persia: Everyone can talk in the channel (it is not +m). Voice is just used to show team members <paultag> +1 nhandler <nhandler> Similar to #ubuntu-ops and how we voice people presenting in -classroom <persia> Ah. Ignore me then :) <nhandler> :) <paultag> persia, we are not _that_ bad ;) <bodhi_zazen> In general, the use of voice has IMO helped people know who to contact in the channel and has worked well <starcraftman> I don't see any reason to change current policy, all I got to note. <nhandler> I agree bodhi_zazen <Silver_Fox_> [VOTE] Unvoice members of the beginners team IN #ubuntu-beginners <jgoguen> I think +v in our channels actually serves a purpose, a new user can come in and will see the +v people first and (I think) be more likely to ask those people things <MootBot> Please vote on: Unvoice members of the beginners team IN #ubuntu-beginners. <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting <pleia2> it might not be completely kosher irc netiquette-wise, but I think it's useful in -beginners <Silver_Fox_> -1 <MootBot> -1 received from Silver_Fox_. 0 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -1 <swoody> -1 <bodhi_zazen> -1 <nhandler> It also helps spot potential new members <MootBot> -1 received from swoody. 0 for, 2 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -2 <MootBot> -1 received from bodhi_zazen. 0 for, 3 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -3 <MootBot> Private -1 vote received. 0 for, 4 against, 0 have abstained. Count is now -4 <jgoguen> -1 <PabloRubianes> -1 <MootBot> -1 received from jgoguen. 0 for, 5 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -5 <paultag> -1 <pleia2> -1 <nigel_nb> -1 <MootBot> -1 received from paultag. 0 for, 6 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -6 <MootBot> -1 received from PabloRubianes. 0 for, 7 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -7 <nhandler> -1 <MootBot> -1 received from pleia2. 0 for, 8 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -8 <lukjadOO7> -1 <MootBot> -1 received from nigel_nb. 0 for, 9 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -9 <MootBot> -1 received from nhandler. 0 for, 10 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -10 <MootBot> -1 received from lukjadOO7. 0 for, 11 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -11 <dvz-> -1 <drs305> -1 <MootBot> -1 received from dvz-. 0 for, 12 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -12 <MootBot> -1 received from drs305. 0 for, 13 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -13 <Silver_Fox_> Anymore votes? <starcraftman> -1 <MootBot> -1 received from starcraftman. 0 for, 14 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -14 <Silver_Fox_> [ENDVOTE] <MootBot> Final result is 0 for, 14 against. 0 abstained. Total: -14 <cjohnston> wow <Silver_Fox_> [AGREED] Keep voice <MootBot> AGREED received: Keep voice <starcraftman> haven't had a unanimous vote in a while. <bodhi_zazen> w00t =) <paultag> Haha, we unanimously hate that <pleia2> :) <paultag> w00t!!! <Silver_Fox_> [TOPIC] New Members =] <MootBot> New Topic: New Members =] <nigel_nb> paultag: one big unanimous decision team <bodhi_zazen> W00T !!! <nigel_nb> yaay! <paultag> Who's up today?! <dvz-> paultag: i am <nhandler> cjohnston is up first <Silver_Fox_> First up is cjohnston <nigel_nb> ikt and cjohnston <paultag> w00t! cjohnston :) <cjohnston> o/ <nhandler> cjohnston: Do you have a link to your wiki? <dvz-> cjohnston: word :D <Silver_Fox_> [LINK]https://wiki.ubuntu.com/cjohnston <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/cjohnston <cjohnston> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChristopherJohnston <nhandler> cjohnston: Do you want to tell us a little about yourself? <nigel_nb> cjohnston is already an ubuntu member :) <paultag> o/ <drs305> nhandler: cj's looking on google for the answer. <bodhi_zazen> it is OK nigel_nb , we will not hold that against cjohnston <cjohnston> IRL I am a firefighter paramedic... Around here I am one of the leads on the User Days Team, a member of the Florida LoCo <cjohnston> lol <nigel_nb> bodhi_zazen: lol <paultag> cjohnston, could you tell us about what LoCo work have you done, also a bit about what you did at UDS and what's up with User Days <Silver_Fox_> [VOTE] cjohnston for membership <MootBot> Please vote on: cjohnston for membership. <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting <Silver_Fox_> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from Silver_Fox_. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 <bodhi_zazen> +1 <nigel_nb> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from nigel_nb. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 <MootBot> +1 received from bodhi_zazen. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 <nhandler> Wait a minute Silver_Fox_ <drs305> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from drs305. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 <paultag> Well sonofa <pleia2> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from pleia2. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 <nhandler> We still have questions for him <Rocket2DMn> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from Rocket2DMn. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 6 <paultag> That sucked <swoody> +1 <paultag> cut off short <MootBot> +1 received from swoody. 7 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 7 <drs305> too late <paultag> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from paultag. 8 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 8 <starcraftman> +1 <Silver_Fox_> Sorry nhandler , <paultag> I like you anyway cjohnston :P <MootBot> +1 received from starcraftman. 9 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 9 <bodhi_zazen> paultag: twss <cjohnston> thanks paultag <lukjadOO7> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from lukjadOO7. 10 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 10 <paultag> bodhi_zazen, Ha! <jgoguen> bodhi_zazen: :D <Silver_Fox_> Anymore votes? <MootBot> Private +1 vote received. 11 for, 0 against, 0 have abstained. Count is now 11 <starcraftman> cjohnston: keep up the stellar work :) <Silver_Fox_> [ENDVOTE] <MootBot> Final result is 11 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 11 <pleia2> hooray cjohnston :) <Silver_Fox_> [AGREED] Yay cjohnston <MootBot> AGREED received: Yay cjohnston <cjohnston> thanks starcraftman and pleia2 <nigel_nb> congrats cjohnston :) <dvz-> ahh..+1 <paultag> cjohnston, P.S. you only got away with that because of your record ;) <swoody> woot! congrats cjohnston :) <nhandler> Congrats cjohnston <Silver_Fox_> Well done <dvz-> i blacked out in FF7 <paultag> cjohnston, congrats :) <nhandler> cjohnston: What is your LP name? <cjohnston> thanks all <cjohnston> chrisjohnston <nigel_nb> dvz-: again the same thing <cjohnston> ~chrisjohnston <nigel_nb> dvz-: I believe u slept through mine too...lol <dvz-> nigel_nb: hrm? <Silver_Fox_> Next up is ikt <dvz-> nigel_nb: lmao...ya <duanedesign> love the pics from Florida Team Birthday Bash / Karmic Release Party, looks fun. <Silver_Fox_> Who doesn't appear to be here. <cjohnston> paultag: whats my record? :-x <nhandler> And forestpiskie isn't here either <Silver_Fox_> Okay, any last minute things to add by anyone? <paultag> cjohnston, your wiki is better then most, that's enough to get away with it :) <nhandler> Silver_Fox_: Should we hold off on voting? <paultag> Oh shoot, me Silver_Fox_ <cjohnston> lol.. thanks.. i guess <paultag> Silver_Fox_, UFBT reunion, nhandler, POKE ;) <nigel_nb> cjohnston: since you strong-armed quite a lot of people ;) <nhandler> Ah yes <Silver_Fox_> I would nhandler , neither ikt nor forest are here <nhandler> Silver_Fox_: o/ <cjohnston> nigel_nb: lol <Silver_Fox_> Go paultag <Silver_Fox_> You have 1 minute <paultag> nhandler, you had the original idea -- hit it up <Silver_Fox_> Short and sweet :) <paultag> nhandler, I'll back up where I know :) <nhandler> The idea is to organize an online reunion of some of the older UFBT members (from back when we were the UFBT) <nhandler> We have started putting together a list of people to hunt down <nhandler> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/UFBTReunion2010 <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/UFBTReunion2010 <dvz-> nhandler: we're not UFBT anymore? <dvz-> since when? <dvz-> O.O <paultag> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/UFBTReunion2010 <paultag> doh, too late :) <Silver_Fox_> Since a long time. <lukjadOO7> dvz-: LOL <duanedesign> what are we doing? <duanedesign> oops <Silver_Fox_> Okay I am going to end the meeting. This can be carried on in #ubuntu-beginners <paultag> duanedesign, quick, 1-2 hour event where old members come back and hang out :) <nhandler> Silver_Fox_: Why? Nobody is after us <nigel_nb> isnt ikt around? <Silver_Fox_> Oh okay then nhandler :) <Silver_Fox_> Did't see who's next <nigel_nb> Silver_Fox_: hold on <dvz-> man, i remember almost all of them... <dvz-> i feel old. <Silver_Fox_> Carry on then <nhandler> Feel free to add people to the list or add info about people already there <dvz-> i still miss y_lee in -dev <paultag> dvz-, +1 <nhandler> You can also sign up to contact and hunt down people on the list <Silver_Fox_> Though I would like to end the meeting in next 10 minutes as it quite early here <nigel_nb> Silver_Fox_: ikt is here <nhandler> np Silver_Fox_ <Silver_Fox_> Hey ikt <ikt> hello all :) <nhandler> ikt: Do you have a link to your wiki? <cjohnston> ikt: ! <starcraftman> lo ikt, just in time. <ikt> yeah: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ikt <Silver_Fox_> I would like to vote on ikt right now :) <nhandler> ikt: And could you tell us a bit about yourself and your involvement with the BT ? <paultag> Hold on Silver_Fox_ <nhandler> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ikt <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ikt <Silver_Fox_> Thanks nhandler , I was just doing that :) <paultag> ikt, do you have your UF link? <ikt> yeah, without going into to much detail, 23 years old, heavily involved with computers and ubuntu <paultag> ikt, you mention being active in the ABT <cjohnston> http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=362528 <--forums <MootBot> LINK received: http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=362528 <--forums <cjohnston> for itk <cjohnston> ikt: <paultag> ty cjohnston <ikt> yeah paultag, visit abt daily looking for 0 reply posts <nhandler> ikt: What have you done with the BT so far? <paultag> ikt, how long have you been active in the community for? <ikt> I believe it was in early 2009 that I started really getting into things <paultag> cool :) <dvz-> ikt, what's your favorite built in python function? :-) <paultag> I'm all set <paultag> oh wait, one more :) <cjohnston> lol <paultag> ikt, what's the airspeed of a swallow? <paultag> unladen <lukjadOO7> paultag I was gonna say... <dvz-> lol..me too paultag ..you're slippin <swoody> airspeed velocity* <ikt> :P <dvz-> ikt those weren't rhetorical questions either :D <Silver_Fox_> Oh ikt doesn't know... lets vote then :) <paultag> :( <Silver_Fox_> [VOTE] ikt for membership <MootBot> Please vote on: ikt for membership. <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting <lukjadOO7> For not knowing, -100000000000000000 <paultag> +1 <Silver_Fox_> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from paultag. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 <MootBot> +1 received from Silver_Fox_. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 <dvz-> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from dvz-. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 <lukjadOO7> +1 <swoody> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from lukjadOO7. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 <bodhi_zazen> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from swoody. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 <MootBot> +1 received from bodhi_zazen. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 6 <MootBot> Private abstention received. 6 for, 0 against. 1 abstained. Count is now 6 <starcraftman> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from starcraftman. 7 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 7 <MootBot> Private abstention received. 7 for, 0 against. 2 abstained. Count is now 7 <Silver_Fox_> Anymore votes? <starcraftman> can't be that bad, he's got me friended on forums :) <nigel_nb> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from nigel_nb. 8 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 8 <Silver_Fox_> [ENDVOTE] <MootBot> Final result is 8 for, 0 against. 2 abstained. Total: 8 <swoody> woot!!! Grats ikt :D <ikt> wooooot :) <Silver_Fox_> [AGREED] Ikt is in and should watch Holy Grail <paultag> grats ikt :) <duanedesign> yeah ikt \o/ <lukjadOO7> Anymore, or are we done? <MootBot> AGREED received: Ikt is in and should watch Holy Grail <cjohnston> wtf <paultag> Silver_Fox_, :) <paultag> +1 <nigel_nb> I think we're done <Silver_Fox_> :) <cjohnston> sorry.. wtg <ikt> ty all :) <Silver_Fox_> I think we are done :) <nhandler> ikt: Do you have a link to your LP profile? <swoody> cjohnston, lol <Silver_Fox_> Well done ikt <lukjadOO7> Congrats ikt and cjohnston <cjohnston> ty * canthus13 should rip holy grail and watch it again. <ikt> https://launchpad.net/~noname420 <duanedesign> http://www.style.org/unladenswallow/ <MootBot> LINK received: http://www.style.org/unladenswallow/ <Silver_Fox_> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 19:08. <Silver_Fox_> Thank you everyone. <paultag> Later, gaters :) <nigel_nb> Silver_Fox_: end meeting? <nigel_nb> ah :) <ttx> o/ <sommer> yo * stgraber waves <erichammond> 'lo * soren waves * jjohansen here <mjeanson> hi <jiboumans> o/ <zul> morning <kirkland_> o/ <mathiaz> i/ <jiboumans> smoser: morning ;) <kirkland_> mathiaz: did a witchdoctor shrink your head? <soren> I hate that. <nijaba`> o/ <smoser> hola <jiboumans> alright, let's get going <mathiaz> kirkland_: :) - you don't wanna know <jiboumans> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 08:00. The chair is jiboumans. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <jiboumans> [TOPIC] Previous actions points <MootBot> New Topic: Previous actions points <zul> mathiaz: lay off the alcohol <jiboumans> only one outstanding, one me to check with the foundations team what to do with ecryptfs. * ivoks o/ <jiboumans> looks like we'll be moving maintenance to the foundations team, but it's pending an OK from colin & hugh. more next week probably <jiboumans> now, to the more interesting bits: <alexm> o/ <kirkland_> jiboumans: thx <jiboumans> [TOPIC] Non-alpha2 targeted specs for lucid <MootBot> New Topic: Non-alpha2 targeted specs for lucid <jiboumans> we have a list of 6'ish specs we'd like to dicuss here today. if all is well, ttx mailed the relevant drafters/assignees <jiboumans> i saw mathiaz here, so let's start there: <jiboumans> server-lucid-aws-client-libraries (mathiaz) <jiboumans> mathiaz: to get the ball rolling on this, what do you need from us and the community? <mathiaz> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-aws-client-libraries <mathiaz> jiboumans: decide which libraries are worth packaging <mathiaz> jiboumans: ie which ones are the most used <mathiaz> jiboumans: and if there is anything missing <mathiaz> jiboumans: next step: send an email to ubuntu-cloud@, ubuntu-ec2@ and blog about it <jiboumans> mathiaz: fair enough. Looks like we have the following languages we're looking to target: Python Perl Php Java Ruby Twisted <mathiaz> jiboumans: well - the first two WI <jiboumans> do we have any resident experts on any of those languages? <erichammond> Perl here <jiboumans> jiboumans: perl <jiboumans> erichammond: are you ok with us sharing the action to fill in that list? <mathiaz> both perl and python seems covered <mathiaz> only java is missing <jiboumans> mathiaz: php/ruby? <mathiaz> which is the other langage that has projects listed * nijaba` can volunteer some php testing <erichammond> jiboumans: I'm ok with you doing it all :) but can help where needed. I just added a link to Amazon's Amazon::SimpleDB * zul thinks php is evil <zul> and ruby <jiboumans> erichammond: fair enough, won't take me long anyway * nijaba` is evil anyway :P <mathiaz> jiboumans: I don't know if there any projects written in these langages <mathiaz> jiboumans: more invesitigation is needed <jiboumans> [ACTION] jib to complete Perl list for AWS client libs <MootBot> ACTION received: jib to complete Perl list for AWS client libs <jiboumans> [ACTION] nijaba to complete PHP list for AWS client libs <MootBot> ACTION received: nijaba to complete PHP list for AWS client libs <jiboumans> mathiaz: cool, then you get to mail people about that :) <jiboumans> [ACTION] Mathiaz to send out AWS Client lib RFC <MootBot> ACTION received: Mathiaz to send out AWS Client lib RFC <jiboumans> mathiaz: think we can have that list complete by next meeting? <mathiaz> jiboumans: sure <jiboumans> cool. bonus points if we can get community packaging efforts going *hint hint* ;) <jiboumans> mathiaz: anything else for this spec? <ttx> jiboumans: let's harness our huge java packaging community :) <mathiaz> jiboumans: not for now <jiboumans> ttx: well volunteered! <jiboumans> ok, moving on <jiboumans> daviey, dufet: o/ <ivoks> ] <ttx> dyfet ^ <jiboumans> dyfet also <erichammond> jiboumans: There is a *different* Amazon::SimpleDB on CPAN which is not high quality, not maintained, and the author did not respond to my questions about its status. My ideal solution would be for Amazon's package to be renamed to Net::Amazon::SimpleDB and added to CPAN and then libnet-amazon-simpledb in Ubuntu. <jiboumans> erichammond: ack <jiboumans> kirkland: don't miss that in the summary please ^ <jiboumans> ok, both not around yet, trying again in am inute <kirkland_> jiboumans: got it! <jiboumans> ivoks, roaksoax: server-lucid-cluster-stack <ivoks> i'm here <ivoks> i've packaged most of the relveant stuff for pacemaker based cluster <ivoks> everything is on my PPA (https://edge.launchpad.net/~ivoks/+archive/ppa/+packages) <jiboumans> cool. are you targeting anything else for lucid as part of that spec? <ivoks> so, i'll be testing latest version of pacemaker during this week and give a proposal on which cluster stack to use in lucid, stay with rhcs or move to pacemaker <mathiaz> ivoks: what are the consequence for redhat-cluster-suite? <mathiaz> ivoks: It's related to the demotion of redhat-cluster-suite to universe <ivoks> mathiaz: if pacemaker ends up good, i'd agree with rhcs dmotion <mathiaz> ivoks: ok <ivoks> but if pacemaker isn't there yet, i don't think we should ship lts without cluster solution <mathiaz> ivoks: I'd suggest to do a call for testing via a blog post to get more feedback on pacemaker <mathiaz> ivoks: and your ppa packages <ivoks> that's the plan, right <ttx> ivoks: s/without/waithout a supported/ ? <ivoks> ttx: right <ivoks> sorry for not doing this sooner, i had very little time :( <jiboumans> ivoks: i'm keen to track this spec as we do with our other blueprints. could you list the TODOs for lucid in the blueprint as described here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WorkItemsHowto <ivoks> jiboumans: consider it done <jiboumans> ivoks++ thanks <ivoks> (i've seen your comment) <jiboumans> ivoks: i'm particularly interested in the items that need to be done for alpha3 obviously <jiboumans> ivoks, anyone else: anything more on this spec? <ivoks> when is alpha3? <jiboumans> ivoks: 25th of feb <soren> Feb 25th. <jiboumans> ivoks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule # for the full list <mathiaz> ivoks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule <ivoks> packages and testing should be done, and we should have clear vision what should be supported cluster <ivoks> (i'm on GPRS connection, so i might be lagged) <jiboumans> ivoks: awesome. anyone have somethign to add still? <nijaba`> ivoks: or http://people.ubuntu.com/~vorlon/UbuntuReleaseSchedule.ics <jiboumans> ok, moving on: lucid-serverguide (sommer) <jiboumans> sommer: i realise this is a docs project, but i'm sure we can make your life easier somehow <sommer> heh, that'd be great... I haven't had much time recently to work on the serverguide, but there have been some bug fixes committed <sommer> should have more time in the coming weeks as well <nijaba`> sommer: you did see that www.ubuntu.com/server/doc now works, right? <sommer> yep, good stuff :) <nijaba`> sommer: do you need with the wiki linking we talked about? <nijaba`> s/need/need help/ <sommer> I think I should be able to handle that... it's at the top of my list, but if you'd like to setup some of the pages that'd be great too <jiboumans> [ACTION] ivoks to update server-lucid-cluster-stack with lucid (and alpha3) goals <MootBot> ACTION received: ivoks to update server-lucid-cluster-stack with lucid (and alpha3) goals <jiboumans> (before i forget) <nijaba`> sommer: ok, let's talk about it off meeting <jiboumans> sommer: would it be helpful to have a weekly agenda point in this meeting for us to give updates on big changes and/or for you to ask questions? <sommer> nijaba`: sounds good <sommer> jiboumans: possibly, but the last couple of meetings I've had to duck out early <jiboumans> sommer: we can move the topic forward if that's useful to you <jiboumans> we're here all week^Whour <sommer> I think I can keep up... just need to ask more questions when I fall behind <jiboumans> sommer: ok. if you change yoru mind, i'm happy to give it a dedicated slot. we really appreciate the work that goes into this doc and want to make it as painless as possible <jiboumans> anything else for the docs blueprint? <sommer> jiboumans: sounds great much thanks <jiboumans> sommer: np <jiboumans> alright, moving on: <jiboumans> soren, jdstrand, stgraber: server-lucid-contextualization <jiboumans> stgraber: it's currently not milestoned; are you still dedicated to getting this in for lucid? <stgraber> yep <jiboumans> great. what is left for you to do when soren/jdstrand finish there bugs/items? <stgraber> I'm sorry, I'm on the phone at the same time <jiboumans> stgraber: no worries, should we do papercuts first? <stgraber> just finished my call <stgraber> so, I have on my todolist to check the state of current libvirt in Lucid + the lxc tool <stgraber> I contacted the Debian maintainer for the lxc userspace and he told me he was going to update it to current upstream <soren> I remember there were some issues with upstart and containers. <stgraber> once it's done, I'll get that synced in Lucid and will try to get a MIR on that <jiboumans> stgraber: does that sound realistic before alpha3? <jiboumans> (feb 25th) <stgraber> yes, upstart, especially umount can cause some issues with containers. Last time I tried Lucid containers worked correctly at least <stgraber> otherwise, I'm getting quite familiar with mountall due to LTSP bugs I'm helping debug from time to time, so it shouldn't be that hard to make it work properly <stgraber> jiboumans: updated userspace + tested libvirt by then sounds perfectly realisitc <stgraber> *realistic <soren> stgraber: I thought the problems were more fundamental than that. <soren> stgraber: Such as upstart not dealing very well at all with not properly being pid 1. <jiboumans> stgraber: we'd also need to have the package in main by then, if i'm getting alpha3's milestone right (ttx, correct me if i'm wrong) <stgraber> soren: at least on OpenVZ I can start a Lucid container including upstart <soren> (as in, it did not inherit orphan processes inside containers) <stgraber> soren: it's PID 1 (inside the container), it's not when seen from the host <soren> stgraber: Precisely. <ttx> jiboumans: before featurefreeze, to be precise. <stgraber> jiboumans: I can file a MIR for it <Daviey> \o <stgraber> jiboumans: only depends for it is libc6 <Daviey> apologies for being late, for some reason i thought it started in 30 mins <jiboumans> Daviey: asterisk next, stay tuned :) <stgraber> upstream is active, it's maintained in Debian and there's no known security issues, so it's going to be an easy one <jmdault> hello Daviey <Daviey> \o jmdault <jiboumans> stgraber: if you feel you can get all that done for alpha3, that'll be great <jiboumans> stgraber, soren, jdstrand, ttx: anything else that may be a redflag? <jdstrand> the one task I had is completed <soren> jiboumans: Not at the moment. <stgraber> jiboumans: I'll get that to a point where we can focus on bugfix after alpha3. So that probably won't be bugfree but at least all pieces will be there. <jiboumans> stgraber: that's perfect <jdstrand> I might mention, it would be nice to get libvirt 0.7.5 in for lucid <stgraber> jiboumans: +1 <kirkland> jdstrand: are you planning to do that merge? <stgraber> jdstrand: +1 I mean ;) <jdstrand> there is an issue there cause Debian decided to run libvirt as non-root using upstream's new methods <jiboumans> stgraber: could i ask you to update the blueprint to reflect the work items we just discussed? (upstreams, tests, mir, etc) <stgraber> jiboumans: sure <jdstrand> how they implemented that is a) contentious and b) will likely require a *lot* of testing to make sure it doesn't break <ttx> jiboumans: looks good to me, pending the work items list <jiboumans> [ACTION] stgraber to update work item list for server-lucid-contextualization with alpha3 items <MootBot> ACTION received: stgraber to update work item list for server-lucid-contextualization with alpha3 items <jdstrand> I was thinking I would do that merge, but disable that feature, since we have apparmor protections anyway, but it probably needs further discussion <jdstrand> I don't really have the resources to test it without disabling the feature <jiboumans> jdstrand: would that be part of this spec, or merely related? <jdstrand> jiboumans: I think related, unless stgraber really needs 0.7.5 <jdstrand> and the non-root stuff is definitely non-lxc <jdstrand> it just complicates the merge and testing (eg what will happen to euca if libvirt is non-root?) <jdstrand> err... libvirt runs VMs as non-root <jdstrand> I don't have an answer to that question, or the resources to verify it all will work <stgraber> jdstrand: I had lxc to work with 0.7.2 though there was quite a lot of improvement in 0.7.4 (nothing in 0.7.5 itself though) <jiboumans> soren, ttx: opinions welcome here <kirkland> jdstrand: i like the idea of using your apparmor stuff, and running libvirt as root (as upstream upstream does) <kirkland> jdstrand: for Lucid, at least <soren> jdstrand: How does what Debian does differ from what Fedora does? <jdstrand> kirkland: that was my thought too-- we are protected, and I will be doing more work on the security driver anyway <kirkland> jdstrand: +1 <jdstrand> soren: I don't know, but I imagine fedora will be moving to non-root <jdstrand> when, I can't say <soren> jdstrand: AFAIK, they've already done that. <kirkland> jdstrand: on a related note, i'm working on the qemu-kvm-0.12 merge, to be done shortly after Alpha2 <ttx> I'd go for 0.7.5 with apparmor as well, lucid is no place to get experimental <jdstrand> soren: what are your thoughts on the non-root stuff? <soren> 19:08 < danpb> unit3: yeah, but in Fedora, the qemu process itself runs as 'qemu' these days <soren> From #virt yesterday. <jdstrand> I'd like to be clear-- the apparmor driver would be there regardless, it is whether or not to risk the non-root bits too <jiboumans> ttx: agreed. the question is 'keep the current version or 0.7.5+apparmor' -- no other configuration is safe enough i think <jdstrand> the apparmor driver is upstreamed and in 0.7.5, and works fine <soren> The problem is we might end up running libvirt in a way noone else is running it. <ttx> slightly more costly (debian delta) to go 0.7.5+apparmor, but I guess lots of bugfixes <soren> ...which is simply a /different/ kind of maintenance nightmare. <jiboumans> ok, then let me rephrase: what do we loes by staying with current version? <jdstrand> soren: well, we are already in that boat with enabling the apparmor driver <soren> jdstrand: True. <jdstrand> (I also field those bugs, btw) <ttx> jiboumans: stgraber might hate you <jdstrand> (as upstream and in ubuntu) <soren> jdstrand: The point of contention is the fiddling with device permissions and all that jazz, right? <ttx> jiboumans: + number? of high-impact bugs fixed between 0.7.2 and 0.7.5 <jdstrand> soren: yes. it generally seems not the right thing to do, and most people I've talked to aren't keen on it <soren> jdstrand: Yeah, I absolutely hate it. <jdstrand> though, I've not talked to that terribly many people <ttx> jiboumans: bugs that you wouldn't want to ship an LTS with <soren> jdstrand: I don't predict it's going to be a lasting approach. <stgraber> ttx: +1 (except that I won't hate him, just will file a lot of bugs for you guys to fix ;)) <soren> jdstrand: I'm cool with sticking with running kvm as root. <jiboumans> ttx: that makes 0.7.5+apparmor a desired target then <jdstrand> soren: well, it is easy enough to run it like it has always been run (ie as root), using the apparmor driver <soren> jdstrand: It's really much more sensible than the current alternative. <ttx> jiboumans: I don't know how much of our long libvirt list of bugs 0.7.5 fixed <jiboumans> ttx: ok fearless techlead, propose a plan :) <jdstrand> in that case, I will do the 0.7.5, and leave out the non-root bits. if someone else wants to flip that on later, they can do that <soren> jdstrand: Sounds good to me. <jdstrand> s/0.7.5/0.7.5 merge/ <ttx> jiboumans: knowing that unknown would help choosing the right solution <ttx> jiboumans: my plan would be to follow the fearless jdstrand <soren> oh. <jdstrand> and I want it clear-- please don't disable the apparmor driver if testing non-root-- we still want it for guest isolation and host protection <soren> Er... I would not even consider sticking with 0.7.2. <jiboumans> ttx: fair enough <ttx> soren: thanks for your support <soren> I completely missed that suggestion. <jdstrand> it runs as non-root in Debian, but all as the same user (ie no guest isolation) <ttx> soren: <jiboumans> ok, then let me rephrase: what do we loes by staying with current version? <jdstrand> plus, I'd hate for a rogue guest to have even non-root privs on my host machine <jiboumans> jdstrand: where can we see the progress on this? i'm expecting this to impact UEC as well after all <soren> Sticking with old, unsupported versions of core virtualisation stuff is no fun at all (*cough* kvm-62 in hardy *cough*). <jdstrand> jiboumans: 0.7.5 is still in unstable and not migrated to testing <jdstrand> jiboumans: so sometime after that, plus there is a blueprint for the apparmor/libvirt dev work I am doing <soren> jdstrand: There's plenty of precendence for being ahead of Debian testing in Ubuntu for libvirt. Even ahead of Debian experimental at times. * jdstrand goes to get it <soren> And precedence. <jdstrand> jiboumans: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/security-lucid-libvirt-apparmor-devel <jdstrand> I'll add a new item for 0.7.5 <jiboumans> jdstrand: thanks. kirkland/ttx this will affect you for UEC. please keep an eye on it and stay in touch with jdstrand <kirkland> jiboumans: sure thing <ttx> ack <jiboumans> stgraber, soren, jdstrand: anything more on the containers spec? <soren> Not at the moment. <stgraber> not from me, I updated the blueprint with the new items for alpha-3 <jiboumans> stgraber++ thanks <jiboumans> ok, next topic: server-lucid-asterisk-integration (dyfet, Daviey) <jmdault> and jmdault ... <jmdault> ;-) <dyfet> yes <jiboumans> jmdault: appologies :) <jiboumans> first order of business: who's the contact for this spec? <Daviey> \i <jiboumans> or drafter? or the person i'll be gently but firmly shaking in this meeting? <jmdault> jiboumans: you can shake me <dyfet> lol <jiboumans> jmdault: thanks for volunteering :) <dyfet> That works for me also! <jmdault> good <jiboumans> jmdault: this spec has been lingering a bit; are you still commited to this for lucid? <jmdault> jiboumans: yes, definitely <Daviey> I'm very keen to try and keep the packages from Debian as pristine as possible, and work with Debian's pkg-voip closer. <dyfet> I concur <jiboumans> excellent. You've all been doing this for a while, so you know what parts need to be done by alpha3 <jmdault> me too <zul> are you guys looking to get asterisk in main? <jmdault> Asterisk 1.6.2 is officially released now <jiboumans> could i ask you to update the spec accordingly and prefix the people doing the tasks so pitti's magic tool picks it up? <jmdault> zul: not sure about main... we need to handle security updates, and that's gonna be a lot of work <jiboumans> mathiaz: wasn't asterisk on your promotion/demotion list? <Daviey> zul: not at present. <mathiaz> jiboumans: nope <mathiaz> jiboumans: I don't think so <jiboumans> mathiaz: ok, i probably misremembered then :) <zul> jiboumans: it was on my list but it got rejected <mathiaz> jiboumans: mainly for security reasons - jdstrand ^^? <zul> security reasons and lack of hardware for testing <Daviey> it did have a MIR <jiboumans> [ACTION] jmdault to update server-lucid-asterisk-integration blueprint with alpha3 & post-alpha3 workitems and change syntax to match Pitti's workitems howto (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WorkItemsHowto) <MootBot> ACTION received: jmdault to update server-lucid-asterisk-integration blueprint with alpha3 & post-alpha3 workitems and change syntax to match Pitti's workitems howto (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WorkItemsHowto) <jmdault> Daviey: I don't see you're subscribed to ubuntu-voip mailing list? <jmdault> we need some communication <Daviey> jmdault: i should be! I set it up <Daviey> jmdault: there is now #ubuntu-voip, and i somehow feel real time communication might help. <jiboumans> ok, i think we're aligned on the work that needs to be done. ttx: any concerns on this one? <zul> you should use asterisk to talk to each other :) <erichammond> Tangentially related: I built custom, private Karmic AMIs for a client who is running Asterisk on EC2. He has timing problems with the 2.6.27 kernel and we are hoping that the 2.6.31 kernel will work better. The kernel team has offered to build 250Hz and 1000Hz EC2 kernels for testing if the default 100Hz still doesn't work under Karmic with 2.6.31. <jiboumans> zul++ # +7 smartypants points <jdstrand> the security issues regarding asterisk are that there are many vulnerabilities <ttx> jiboumans: not at this point <Daviey> erichammond: erichammond Xen and asterisk have never played well. <jiboumans> alright, anything more on the asterisk spec? <jdstrand> there hasn't been a community around asterisk to fix what we have in Ubuntu now <Daviey> i built different kernels with different clock speeds and it did *help*, but not perfect. <smoser> erichammond, we've not heard back on that ? <erichammond> Davley: People are running Asterisk well under EC2 with an old 1000Hz kernel. <smoser> iirc that was some end of november-ish, right? <jdstrand> adding asterisk as a supported package is not recommended-- but this was all discussed at UDS, is this up for discussion again? <jiboumans> jdstrand: nope <erichammond> smoser: The Karmic AMIs just got built as it took me a while to sort out all the vmbuilder issues. <jiboumans> gents, i'm going to have to ask you to take this to #ubuntu-voip :) <jmdault> yes, come to #ubuntu-voip <smoser> oh. sorry. not meaning to call you out :) <jmdault> we need some traffic <dyfet> yep <jiboumans> our agenda is rather full and we have to move on i'm afraid <jiboumans> so, next topic: server-lucid-papercuts (ttx) <smoser> thought we were just waiting for someone else to test. <ttx> ok, so this is the spec following the UDS discussion we had on Server usability papercuts <ttx> To be successful, it needs to be a global effort shared between all Ubuntu Server team members <ttx> That's why I wanted to discuss the details of the project implementation before going forward <ttx> (not sure there is enough time in this meeting to do so, stop me if needed) <ttx> The blueprint whiteboards shows several subjects that we could discuss in January team meetings <ttx> Starting today with discussing the best way to nominate a bug as a papercut <ttx> jiboumans: want to move that to next week ? <jiboumans> ttx: given the time constraints and us being behind on some alpha2 work, yeah <jiboumans> ttx: i'd urge everyone to give this some thought though (perhaps you can send a mail to that extent) so we're prepared next week <ttx> ok. Let's discuss papercut nomination mechanism next week then <ttx> action me on that <jiboumans> [ACTION] ttx to send background mail on papercuts project for next weeks discussion <MootBot> ACTION received: ttx to send background mail on papercuts project for next weeks discussion <jiboumans> see how fast i type? :) <ttx> we share a common brain <zul> thats scarey <jiboumans> 2 men 1 brain... sounds like a bad internet movie <jiboumans> ok, next: <jiboumans> [TOPIC] blueprint status check <MootBot> New Topic: blueprint status check <jiboumans> most seem well on track, so slightly different format: <jiboumans> i'd liek to discuss 3 in particular, and then a quick round table <jiboumans> mathiaz: server-lucid-uec-testing 12/0/13 52% <jiboumans> are we still on track for alpha2? halfway complete dwith a few days development time left <mathiaz> jiboumans: on track IMO <mathiaz> jiboumans: three items are about alpha2 testing <mathiaz> jiboumans: two others are to talk with upstream <jiboumans> mathiaz: if you are confident, so am i. <mathiaz> jiboumans: and the last ones require a bit more hardware for testing <jiboumans> mathiaz: IS assured me we can get the hardware at alpha2. you & ttx need to look over the details though (see the rt mail that landed in yoru box today) <jiboumans> ttx: any opinions on taht yet? i saw cjwatson gave some tips <ttx> jiboumans: that sounds very promising <mathiaz> jiboumans: ok <ttx> jiboumans: I'm glued into an upstart issue, it's next on my totest list <mathiaz> jiboumans: I need to catch up on the RT thread (I don't receive all the emails of it apparently) <ttx> jiboumans: I'd revert my opinion now to "probably not needed anymore" <mathiaz> jiboumans: I know how to automate iso testing though <ttx> mathiaz: talk to you about it later today <mathiaz> ttx: ok <jiboumans> ttx, mathiaz: stick your heads together and make a call :) <jiboumans> next spec:there's also this spec: server-lucid-ec2-config 8/0/2 20% <jiboumans> zul, mathiaz: most of the work rests with you guys now and i know you've taken it over recently <mathiaz> jiboumans: you == zul^^ ? <zul> jiboumans: i showed smoser my first cut yesterday i think im on track https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/ec2-init/ec2-init-config <smoser> i think he's on track. <jiboumans> mathiaz: you have the parser writing on your plate: [mathiaz] write initial config parser : TODO <jiboumans> zul's doing the actual configs <mathiaz> jiboumans: hm - well - there isn't any parser to be written :) <mathiaz> jiboumans: the configuration file is in yaml <smoser> hopefully be tomorrow morning US/Eastern or end of day tomorrow we can have a combined branch with at least packaging <jiboumans> where's the code that grabs the file & DTRT? <mathiaz> jiboumans: boothooks <jiboumans> or is that *all* boothooks? <smoser> DTRT? <jiboumans> 'does the right thing' * jiboumans hands smoser the interwebz <mathiaz> jiboumans: right - boothooks grabs the user-data, locally copies the yaml configuration and then fires an cloud-config upstart event <smoser> ah. that is boothooks <smoser> bah to you and your lmgtfy, jiboumans :) <jiboumans> ok, fair enough. mathiaz could you update the blueprint then please/ :) <mathiaz> jiboumans: relevant upstart jobs start on cloud-config and do whatever they want with the configuration file <smoser> so boot hooks gets user data, rips out user config, puts that in a file and emits an upstart job with CFG_FILE=path-to-that-file <jiboumans> is there no mileage in ever running this outside upstart? <smoser> well, it could. the upstart job just runs something else. <smoser> that something else coudl be run just as easily at other times. <smoser> but for now i think we're interested in at early-cloud-boot <jiboumans> smoser: i'll leave that for a design decision then while you're writing the code :) <smoser> yeah. <smoser> we ready to move to that blueprint then :) <jiboumans> server-lucid-ec2-boothooks 10/0/3 23% High <jiboumans> smoser: are you still on the EC2 image issue, or moved to this spec now? <smoser> i am actually feeling much more confident of it now than i was before. <smoser> the ec2 image issue has been identified. bug 503212 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 503212 in mountall "mountall crashed with SIGSEGV in main() without initramfs" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/503212 <smoser> short summary, mountall doesn't work without a ramdisk, our ec2-images dont have ramdisks. <jiboumans> smoser: that sounds like cloud-krd is stalled pending that bug, correct? <smoser> well, yeah, but i have to assume that it will be fixed. i sent mail to Keybuk, but i think he must be out atm <jiboumans> fair enough. so, boothooks... on track now? <smoser> basically cloud-krd is done. everything is functional (or at least *was* functional) in ec2 <smoser> much closer to on track. i do feel more confident now <jiboumans> smoser: please stay in touch wtih ttx about this <jiboumans> anything to add to this spec? <smoser> no. thanks to everyone who has helped and offered to help, though <jiboumans> excellent <jiboumans> everyone++ indeed <jiboumans> quick round table: <jiboumans> kirkland: any blockers or risks for your blueprints regarding alpha2? <kirkland> jiboumans: i don't think so <jiboumans> mathiaz: same question ^ <mathiaz> jiboumans: I don't think so <jiboumans> smoser: i think we covered yours, right? <smoser> y <jiboumans> ttx: ^ <ttx> jiboumans: I don't think so <smoser> y as in yes <jiboumans> zul: ^ <zul> jiboumans: MIR team taking the time to review the MIR reports <jiboumans> zul: when do we need to have those back by? <zul> jiboumans: soon ill bug kees again today, i havent been able to talk to doko yet <jiboumans> zul: ok, flag it with me if you dont have an answer by thursday end of business <zul> ok <jiboumans> [TOPIC] assigned bugs: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html <MootBot> New Topic: assigned bugs: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html <jiboumans> remind me who runs through this again usually :) <zul> ttx <ttx> zul: doh * jiboumans watches the very slick push-infront-of-the-train action <ttx> Anyone has anything blocking to report ? <zul> nope <mathiaz> zope <ttx> Dustin, Chuck: all bugs assigned to you represent current or near-future work ? <kirkland> ttx: erg, yeah, near-ish future <zul> yeah near-ish future <kirkland> ttx: there's a few i'm on the *tip* of solving, uploading <ttx> ok <ttx> jiboumans: done <jiboumans> [TOPIC] weekly Q&A with QA <MootBot> New Topic: weekly Q&A with QA <jiboumans> *badumtish* <jiboumans> soren? <soren> Hahah. <soren> Uh, yeah. <soren> Since last time, I've set up nightly rebuilds of a set of server packages. <soren> These are packages that already have test suites run at build time, but since stuff in their dependency tree might cause breakage, we need to run them periodically to detect regressions. <soren> ..so every night, I grab the current version of these packages and push them to a ppa. <soren> If they fail to build, I get an e-mail. <soren> Ideally, I would set something up to turn those e-mails into bug reports, but that's work to be done. <zul> is it possible to get a broader range of people to email? <soren> The current list of packages is: <soren> libvirt <soren> postgresql-8.3 <soren> postgresql-8.4 <soren> mysql-dfsg-5.0 <soren> mysql-dfsg-5.1 <soren> openldap <soren> php5 <mathiaz> soren: using a team PPA so that others can get the emails as well if wanted? <soren> I'm sure I've missed some, so if you guys can think of anything server related that takes care to run its test suite at build time (and fails if the test suite fails), please let me know. <mathiaz> soren: there is dovecot <mathiaz> soren: it has a test suite, but not in the package <mathiaz> soren: it's in a different upstream hg repository <jiboumans> btw, this is the related spec: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-lucid-automated-server-testing <zul> apache has an external testsuite but you have to fiddle with the package <soren> mathiaz: Right, so it doesn't really apply here. <mathiaz> soren: upstream dovecot wiki has an explanation <soren> Those are separate work items. <soren> mathiaz: Yes, I've seen it. <mathiaz> soren: right <jiboumans> alright, sounds like a good action point <soren> I intend to package it at some point and get it to run periodically. <soren> ...I just haven't gotten round to that yet. <kirkland> soren: i should have a qemu-kvm-0.12 merge ready soon ... any chance there will be a testing ringer i can put it through before unleashing it on people? <jiboumans> [ACTION] Soren to sollicit packages that lend them selves well to nightly builds <MootBot> ACTION received: Soren to sollicit packages that lend them selves well to nightly builds <soren> kirkland: We could, but I don't think my current set of tests that use kvm will exercise it much more than what you get to do on a daily basis of just using it normally. <kirkland> soren: gotcha <jiboumans> soren: anything else to report from QA? <soren> I'm happy to test it in my daily work, though. <soren> jiboumans: Not at the moment, no. I expect to have a bunch of stuff for next week (a lot of my stuff is targeted for alpha-2). <jiboumans> soren: we look forward to next weeks update then <jiboumans> any questions for soren/QA? <mathiaz> soren: what's the status of the Server QA position? <soren> mathiaz: I don't know if I have the full picture, but as far as I know, there's no-one in the pipeline right now, so it'll probably be a while. <soren> But like in every other context, I somehow always manage to be the last person to know anything :) <zul> no that would be me ;) <soren> See? I didn't even know that. <jiboumans> cute :) any other questions? <erichammond> I don't use the new us-west-1 region in EC2 much yet, but bug 494185 makes the official Ubuntu AMIs broken there, and users have complained. This seems like a pretty high priority to me. It could either be fixed by publishing updated AMIs (bug 503649) or by having IT modify the firewall on the us-east-1 apt mirror to allow external access in the short term (very low cost). <ubottu> Launchpad bug 494185 in ec2-init "ec2-init selects us-east-1 mirror when running in us-west-1 region" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/494185 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 503649 in ubuntu "Release updated official Ubuntu EC2 AMIs for Karmic, Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/503649 <smoser> i think we shoudl push new images there. <smoser> that will solve your other bvug, eric, for updated instances of karmic for speed. <kirkland> jiboumans: one from me ... i uploaded a new merge of euca2ools yesterday, the first sync with upstream since Oct <kirkland> jiboumans: i'd like to request some testing ;-) <smoser> i did open a ticket service ticket on ipening up the us-east mirror to outside, but nothing on that. <kirkland> just in general, from anyone doing UEC/EC2 ish stuff <jiboumans> this is particularly for the QA team :) <kirkland> jiboumans: yeah, them too :-) <jiboumans> soren: can you/QA help with either of those issues? <soren> Uh.. * soren seems to be missing something <jiboumans> 'no' is an acceptable answer :) <soren> Sorry, how did QA get wound up in this? :) <jiboumans> right, 'no' it is <soren> Works for me :) <jiboumans> [ACTION] smoser to investigate publishing new AMIs <MootBot> ACTION received: smoser to investigate publishing new AMIs <jiboumans> [TOPIC] Q&A with the kernel team (jjohansen) <MootBot> New Topic: Q&A with the kernel team (jjohansen) <jiboumans> jjohansen: so sorry to keep you waiting <jjohansen> np <smoser> erichammond, coudl you do me a favor and snif test a recent -testing build ? <mathiaz> kirkland: I'll test run the latest euca2ools today <jiboumans> jjohansen: i notice one open work item for you: fix kernel configs such that uec requires no ramdisk (bug 494565) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 494565 in linux "support ramdiskless boot for relavant kvm drive interfaces in -virtual" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/494565 <mathiaz> kirkland: while doing some more UEC testing <erichammond> smoser: sure thing. <erichammond> kirkland: Will euca2ools work with my EC2 account that starts with a zero now? <jjohansen> jiboumans: yeah, I am behind on that one, I am going to see what I can get done on that today and tomorrow <jiboumans> jjohansen: it's part of the alpha2 target; you see any risk of it not being done by then? <jjohansen> yeah it is in danger for alpha2 as kernel changes have deadline of friday <kirkland> erichammond: according to the changelog, yes <kirkland> erichammond: and commit history <jiboumans> smoser: what's the impact on cloud-krd if this doesn't happen? <kirkland> erichammond: it would be great if you could confirm, or reopen that bug if not <smoser> well, our uec images will just need to have a ramdisk <smoser> which they do now <jiboumans> right, so it would spill over to alpha3 <jiboumans> jjohansen: we're still allowed to make changes like this for alpha3, yes? <smoser> if ever it were fixed i just have put back in a change that removes them (they didn't have a ramdisk for a while) <jjohansen> jiboumans: yes it should be good, its really just some config changes <ttx> Two bugs on my plate for the kernel team: bug 499785 and bug 499491. Both are fix committed, what's the ETA for archive ? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 499785 in linux "nic-usb-modules should include asix" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/499785 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 499491 in linux "tun module no longer automatically available (was: Euca 1.6.2 fails to boot an instance)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/499491 <jiboumans> smoser: ok, keep an eye on this then and adjust the blueprint accordingly please <jjohansen> ttx: well my guess would be the kernel will be uploaded monday or tuesday <ttx> jjohansen: ack <jjohansen> just depending if something critical doesn't make friday <jiboumans> any other questions for the kernel team? <jiboumans> jjohansen: anything else we need to be aware of? <jjohansen> not that I can think of <jjohansen> wait <jjohansen> there is an EC2 kernel update coming <jjohansen> but that should break anything, I point smoser at the test kernels today <jiboumans> i so hope you meant 'should not' ;) <jjohansen> yeah :) <jiboumans> alright, thanks for letting us know ;) <jiboumans> [TOPIC] weekly SRU review (mathiaz) <MootBot> New Topic: weekly SRU review (mathiaz) <mathiaz> one bug nominated for jaunty <mathiaz> bug 117736 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 117736 in libpam-mount "pam_mount unable to unmount needs root priv" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117736 * kirkland shudders at pam_mount <mathiaz> one bug nominated for karmic: bug 379329 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 379329 in openssh "CVE-2008-5161: OpenSSH CBC plaintext recovery" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/379329 <mathiaz> Are these two bus SRU worth? <ttx> the second one should be handled by security <ttx> if it's worth it, they will do it <kirkland> mathiaz: i spent about a week working with the pam_mount source code, when I was doing the Encrypted Private dir stuff way back <kirkland> mathiaz: it was really bad, and so I wrote pam_ecryptfs instead <kirkland> mathiaz: i don't know about that bug, but pam_mount is a mess <mathiaz> ttx: ok - I'll leave bug 379329 alone then <ubottu> Launchpad bug 379329 in openssh "CVE-2008-5161: OpenSSH CBC plaintext recovery" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/379329 <mathiaz> jdstrand: ^^ <jdstrand> we are aware of the bug <jdstrand> thanks <mathiaz> ok - I'll decline bug 117736 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 117736 in libpam-mount "pam_mount unable to unmount needs root priv" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117736 <ScottK> Speaking of SRU review, thanks to everyone who helped out on the Spamassassin update over the weekend. <mathiaz> http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html <MootBot> LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html <mathiaz> two bugs fixed last week ?! ? <mathiaz> anything worth SRU? <zul> 478973 maybe...we need to find the patch for it though <mathiaz> zul: could you nominate/accept the bug then? <zul> mathiaz: sure <mathiaz> http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/acceptedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html <MootBot> LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/acceptedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html <mathiaz> zul: ^^ any progress on the bug there? <zul> no <ScottK> mathiaz: Why does the spamassassin bug not show up there? <mathiaz> ScottK: there == which list? <mathiaz> and that's all for the SRU review <ScottK> The bugs fixed list. <jiboumans> [TOPIC] open discussion <MootBot> New Topic: open discussion <jiboumans> anythign left to be said afte 2 hours? :) <mathiaz> ScottK: because lp ~ubuntu-server is not a bug contact for spamassassin * ttx wakes up <ScottK> mathiaz: I'd think it should be. * kirkland looks forward to writing 2 hours of meeting minutes :-) * zul cleans up his eyes <ttx> jiboumans: please, no <ScottK> Perl needs merged. <jiboumans> [TOPIC] next meeting <MootBot> New Topic: next meeting <nijaba`> specially since it is in main now; right? <ScottK> Yep <ScottK> Probably clamav and amavisd-new too if they aren't <zul> they are <nijaba`> double yep <zul> amavisd-new is at least <ScottK> Does somebody get an action to fix that? <nijaba`> mathiaz: ?? ^ <mathiaz> done <jiboumans> next week; same bat time, same bat channel. hopefully only 1 hour. <jiboumans> thanks for your patience people <jiboumans> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 09:56. <kirkland> ScottK: looks like it is already https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+packagebugs <ScottK> kirkland: Then back to the original question, how come the bug wasn't on the list? <kirkland> ScottK: good q <ScottK> If I'm going to spend a Sunday getting Spamassassin fixed on 5 releases, I'd like it to at least show up as done <mathiaz> ScottK: I just added spamassassin and clamav <ScottK> Thanks. <ev> hi * slangasek waves <nijaba`> mathiaz: now that we have a script that list le server package in main, could we use it on a regular basis to automatically update lp? <tremolux> hey folks <james_w> hi <barry> howdy <doko_> hi <mvo> hi <ev> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 10:03. The chair is ev. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <ev> [TOPIC] lightning round <MootBot> New Topic: lightning round <ev> barry: care to start us off? <barry> sure! ... <cjwatson> sorry I'm late, my network has been acting up <barry> it was a short week because of the holidays. i fixed bug 494704 and worked on some pycon 2010 stuff. today i plan on trying my hand at packaging a python module that isn't in uni and catching up with various folks about next steps <ubottu> Launchpad bug 494704 in python-soaplib "Ubuntu Karmic: ImportError: No module named soaplib (after installing python-soaplib)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/494704 <barry> eot <ev> thanks barry <ev> cjwatson? <cjwatson> done: good chunk of foundations-lucid-ubiquity-partitioner-optimisation, some tweaks to various packages needed for server eucalyptus work, quite a bit of time off doing chromeos work <cjwatson> todo: want to try to get foundations-lucid-reliable-device-id-in-grub out of the way now that upstream has fixed it to not really need device.map in most cases <cjwatson> blocked: foundations-lucid-gfxboot-update relies on DX work that isn't done yet; have discussed with dbarth <ev> cool, thanks cjwatson <ev> tremolux? <tremolux> 'm continuing to do some work on software center <tremolux> I've uploaded some code and one bug fix that Michael has merged <tremolux> I'm getting going on bug triage and fixing <tremolux> Oh, and I've got Lean training in Lexington tomorrow and Fri <ev> thanks tremolux <ev> james_w: around? <james_w> hi <ev> hello :) <ev> oh, I missed your wave before <ev> apologies <james_w> I've been working on the importer, I tracked down the bug that was killing codehosting, and I'm now getting all the branches back up to date <slangasek> \o/ <ev> awesome <ev> thanks <james_w> todo: the latter of those parts, it's worked through the backlog, but there are a bunch of failures to triage <ev> whoops, I'm moving a bit too quick <ev> sorry <james_w> blocked: nothing. also, I'm out of the country for the next few weeks. <james_w> so you'll find me at odd hours, so mail may be best to track me down if desired <james_w> thanks <ev> thanks james_w <ev> doko__? <doko__> done: most gcc-4.4 ARM updates done, minor gdb update, eglibc-2.11 testing and upgrade, gcc-4.5 prepared for testing, some packaging of new upstream versions over the holidys <doko__> next week: gcc-4.5 testing, openjdk-6 update, prepare JCK testing with sbeattie, outstanding merges <doko__> blocked: can't think of anything <ev> doko__: cool, thanks <ev> mvo: ? <doko__> stunning silcene? <ev> :) <mvo> software-center: subcategory work, ratings&reviews client side work (needs LP server side, but some client side work can already be done) <mvo> maintaince-timeframe: submited LP soyuz branch for review (spec blocked until that is done) <mvo> "fun" with nvidia (#494627) <mvo> glanced over the upgrade tester results at http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/automatic-upgrade-testing/ (quite some failures) <ev> slangasek? <ev> thanks mvo <slangasek> working this week on getting our 4th and final hardy point release rolling <slangasek> be prepared to receive calls for help testing :) <slangasek> (eot) <ev> thanks slangasek <ev> started to land my branches on ubiquity. Working with the X team to split i18n data out of xkb-data in support of console-setup changes. Just finished moving from gtkcomboboxes to gtkcomboentrys, to allow for type to select. Looking into decoupling bulletproofx from gdm. <ev> [TOPIC] Outstanding actions from last meeting <MootBot> New Topic: Outstanding actions from last meeting <ev> there weren't any :) <ev> [TOPIC] milestoned bugs <MootBot> New Topic: milestoned bugs <ev> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+bugs?field.milestone:list=1326 <ev> whoops, that's quite wrong, isn't it <slangasek> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs?field.milestone=21444 :) <ev> thanks <ev> anyone have any that'd they would like to raise? <ev> okay, moving on <ev> [TOPIC] sponsorship queue <MootBot> New Topic: sponsorship queue <ev> I nearly had one, which is horrendous <ev> I'll add that to the new years resolutions list <cjwatson> I'll go do some before leaving today, as penance <ev> :) <ev> [TOPIC] Any business from activity reports <MootBot> New Topic: Any business from activity reports <ev> there weren't any items in the emails I received. Last chance to raise something. <ev> Please send in your activity report if you haven't already done so <ev> [TOPIC] Good news <MootBot> New Topic: Good news <ev> I'm seeing Ubuntu in a lot of pictures coming from CES. <ev> anyone else? <ev> right, AOB? <james_w> nothing from me <slangasek> nothing here <mvo> nothing from me <barry> nope <ev> okay, thanks everyone <ev> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 10:29. <slangasek> thanks! <mvo> thanks <james_w> thanks <ev> oh, damn <ev> who wants to chair the next meeting? <ev> I'd assign it to Scott for not showing up, but he's already done it recently. <james_w> it's all gone strangely silent :-) <highvoltage> heh <marjo_> #startmeeting QA Team <MootBot> Meeting started at 11:00. The chair is marjo_. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] * marjo_ waves <marjo_> Agenda: <marjo_> * SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie) <marjo_> * Bugday highlights -- pedro <marjo_> * <marjo_> Future of Ubuntu QA Launchpad team (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qa) -- ara <marjo_> * Calls for testing: mailing list or "Contact This Team" -- ara <soren> o/ <cr3> hi folks * fader_ waves. <pedro_> hola! <davmor2> hello <sbeattie> Happy new year, everyone! <bdmurray> hi * charlie-tca seems to have made it, too <kamusin> hey! <marjo_> ara is not available, so we'll defer the last two agenda items until next week <marjo_> Happy New Year to all! <pedro_> hello charlie-tca! welcome back <charlie-tca> thanks <charlie-tca> will try to be around again. <marjo_> [TOPIC] SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie) <MootBot> New Topic: SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie) <sbeattie> SRU activity over the holidays was slow, but before and after was busy... <sbeattie> SRU Activity Report for the last 3 weeks (since 2009-12-16): <sbeattie> * karmic: 25 new packages in -proposed, and 27 packages pushed to -updates <sbeattie> * jaunty: 6 new packages in -proposed (landscape-client, postgresql-8.3, xorg-server, osm-gps-map, spamassassin, tzdata) and 5 packages pushed to -updates (openafs, xvidcap, zabbix, spamassassin, tzdata) <sbeattie> * intrepid: 5 new packages in -proposed (landscape-client, postgresql-8.3, smart, spamassassin, tzdata) and 2 package pushed to -updates (spamassassin, tzdata) <sbeattie> * hardy: 3 new packages in -proposed (postgresql-8.3, spamassassin, tzdata) and 3 packages pushed to -updates (alpine, spamassassin, tzdata) <sbeattie> * dapper: 2 new packages in -proposed (postgresql-8.1, langpack-locales) and 1 package pushed to -updates (langpack-locales) <sbeattie> Thanks to Mitch Towner, Sennaista, VPablo, Brad Peters, Bernhard Schmidt, Tomasz Czapiewski, Sami Nieminen, Imre Gergely, Ante Karamatić, Jonathan Marsden, Philipp Edelmann, Russell John, Dan McCombs, Thomas Bruckmaier, Drew Fisher, Swâmi Petaramesh, Tomas Rudén, Sergey Yanovich, Piotr Morgwai Kotarb, Xavier Gnata, Michele Mordenti, Daniel Nurmi, Lamer, and Rainer Schöpf for testing proposed fixes. <sbeattie> That's all I've got. <marjo_> thx to all who helped out! <marjo_> thx sbeattie <marjo_> [TOPIC] Bugday highlights -- pedro <MootBot> New Topic: Bugday highlights -- pedro <pedro_> Last Bug day we organized was last year, the target was Bugs without a package <pedro_> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20091217 <pedro_> we had a nice participation from the community, as said on the previous meeting, that target is one of the easiest one <pedro_> so thanks a lot to kamusin, qense, yofel, marcosvanetta, davidboy, shankao, micahg and bdmurray for their participation <marjo_> pedro_ : what do you mean by "that target is one of the easiest one"? <pedro_> like if you want to start doing triage, that's one of the easy targets we recommend to new people <marjo_> ah ok, thx <marjo_> thx to all who participated! <pedro_> we are not going to have bug day this week (too much to lately) , however, we're looking targets for the next week <marjo_> ok <pedro_> so if you have something in mind, drop the idea at -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Planning <bdmurray> pedro_: I made a list of packages with lots of apport crashes if that might be interesting <pedro_> bdmurray, sure! sounds like a good one <bdmurray> like system-config-printer has 94 <pedro_> is that list available somewhere? <bdmurray> It is now! <bdmurray> http://people.canonical.com/~brian/tmp/apport-crash-package-count.txt <MootBot> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~brian/tmp/apport-crash-package-count.txt <pedro_> cool will add that to the planning page, sounds like something we need to have a look from time to time at least for the bug days <bdmurray> I was looking for things to consolidate <marjo_> folks: anything else on this topic? <marjo_> any new topics for discussion? <pedro_> marjo_, on the bug days no, that's all <bdmurray> I have a holiday present coming out soon <bdmurray> http://murraytwins.com/tmp/lp_highlight_words.png <MootBot> LINK received: http://murraytwins.com/tmp/lp_highlight_words.png <bdmurray> Its a new greasemonkey script that highlights words in bug reports <bdmurray> I find it easier to scan bug reports that way <marjo_> bdmurray: nice! <pedro_> that looks great :-) <fader_> bdmurray: Nice! <bdmurray> Any suggestions for words? This is what I have <bdmurray> 'DistroRelease:.*|SourcePackage:.*|lucid|karmic|jaunty|intrepid|hardy|dapper': "yellow", <bdmurray> 'regression': "red", <bdmurray> oh, maybe there should be a separate color for old releases <bdmurray> like breezy ;-) <pedro_> could you define those somewhere? <pedro_> ah i see <marjo_> folks: any new topics for discussion? <bdmurray> pedro_: they are currently hard coded in the script <bdmurray> pedro_: do you mean you'd want to add your own words? <pedro_> bdmurray, right, but editing the script works for me :-P <pedro_> i was thinking on the kernel folks, they might want to highlight the kernel version for example <bdmurray> pedro_: got it <marjo_> folks: any new topics for discussion? <davmor2> marjo_: just a reminder that alpha 2 is out next week unless something mad happened <marjo_> reminder: Alpha 2 is next week, 14 january <marjo_> davmor2: ack <davmor2> marjo_: Wrong attitude should be YAY!!!!!! <fader_> davmor2: :) <marjo_> davmor2: YAY!!!!!!! * davmor2 goes off to cry in the corner being as ubiquity is broken <marjo_> folks: any new topics for discussion? <marjo_> if not, i propose we adjourn the meeting <marjo_> going once <marjo_> twice <marjo_> meeting adjourned <soren> Whee! <marjo_> thx everyone! <marjo_> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 11:27. <fader_> Thanks all <pedro_> thanks <schwuk> thanks <kamusin> :) <davmor2> ta <highvoltage> Good evening * stgraber-n900 waves <alkisg> Hi all <highvoltage> hi, who's present? <stgraber-n900> fighting to get my laptop to boot :) * Lns pokes his head in <highvoltage> ok so I have 5 people noted as present <highvoltage> agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/Meetings/Agenda <HedgeMage> I'm here. <dhillon-v10> I'm here, but a new member though :) <highvoltage> hi dhillon-v10, and welcome <dhillon-v10> highvoltage, thanks and happy new year to all <dhillon-v10> highvoltage, you seem familiar :) <mgariepy> hi everybody <highvoltage> oh right, it's our first meeting of the year <Lns> hey all <highvoltage> happy new year to all of you then! <Lns> woot! <highvoltage> stgraber: want to say something about the netbook packages perhaps? * stgraber waves for real <Lns> lol * highvoltage couldn't help but wave for real either now :) <stgraber> I don't have X working but that's not really a requirement for IRC, so ... <stgraber> ok, so, I did the seed changes for the netbook edition <highvoltage> heh. nice big old fasioned 80x24 irssi :) <stgraber> though everything is currently stuck because the chinese packages don't install <maco> highvoltage: not if youve got KMS ;) <stgraber> nah, I have KMS so that's console but 1440x900 :) <dhillon-v10> stalcup, if you don't mind, what seems to be wrong with the chinese packages :) * dhillon-v10 apologizes wrong person <highvoltage> maco: heh, good point <stgraber> ok, just got X working again ! <stgraber> though not gdm, I had to startx ;) <highvoltage> stgraber: I saw you spoke to someone (I think it was cjwatson) about our builds that haven't been running, did you perhaps get any clarification on that? <stgraber> they actually are running <stgraber> I just don't get an e-mail about it until it succeeds to debootstrap <highvoltage> ah I checked today but it still only had the old one from 23 December <stgraber> http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/lucid/edubuntu-dvd/ <stgraber> oh, actually, today it's something else that's broken, not the translation package <highvoltage> yesterday it seems like it was: <highvoltage> language-support-zh: Depends: language-support-zh-hans (>= 1:10.04+20091218) but it is not going to be installed <stgraber> exiv2: Depends: libexiv2-6 but it is not installable <nixternal> hola <highvoltage> yes that's today <stgraber> kubuntu is failing for a similar reason, so it's not something we can fix in edubuntu, it's common to all derivatives <stgraber> so, that was for the status of the netbook edition <stgraber> for the live LTSP, I haven't received an answer from cjwatson_ yet and as we don't get a DVD build anyway, it doesn't really help ;) <highvoltage> ok <stgraber> so, that was for the good news ;) <highvoltage> I guess it's also worth mentioning that there's diskless fat client support in LTSP now which will be available in lucid <stgraber> right, that package is actually in Lucid now, so it's already supported <alkisg> highvoltage: can you give us a short intro on how that works? <highvoltage> alkisg: it's a ltsp plugin <alkisg> (behind the scenes...) * Lns was about to ask the same thing <highvoltage> alkisg: you basically do a --fat-client --fat-client-desktop x/edu/k/u/buntu <highvoltage> alkisg: it basically installs the desktop metapackages and all it's dependencies in the chroot <highvoltage> alkisg: stgraber added to ldm so that if you have a switch set, I think it's FAT_CLIENT = true or something similar in lts.conf <highvoltage> then ldm will load the local session in the chroot <stgraber> yep, that's FAT_CLIENT = True <alkisg> And the user home is mounted with sshfs? <highvoltage> it has some interesting consequences in the sense that you might want to run some apps remotely <highvoltage> alkisg: yes <stgraber> authentication is done using ssh and /home is mounted using sshfs <highvoltage> so it introduces the concept of remote-apps :) <Lns> heh <stgraber> ltsp-remoteapps can be used to start remote applications <Lns> stgraber: so auth doesn't require passwd/group files to sync w/the chroot or anything? <highvoltage> cool, I wasn't quite aware that that has been implemented yet <alkisg> highvoltage: did you try it? How does it "feel"? How much time did it get for a client to boot? <highvoltage> alkisg: it's quite fast, depends mostly on your network speed <highvoltage> alkisg: but even on 100mbps it's quite snappy <stgraber> I'm actually using ltsp-remoteapps at the office with firefox, it's very experimental but for some things, it works <highvoltage> alkisg: obviously you'll need a much better client than with a thin client * alkisg would like to use that instead of standalone ubuntu installations for newer school labs... :) <alkisg> I'll give it a go as soon as Lucid is workable :-/ <mgariepy> i might be able to try this next week. <highvoltage> mgariepy: want to give us an update on the menu editor? <Lns> highvoltage: are the sys requirements for a fat client basically the same as a normal standalone install of ubuntu? <mgariepy> The menu editor will be ready on the end of the week, i got a few bugs to fix before i release it <highvoltage> Lns: basically yes. it creates a compressed swap file in ram, I think about 128MB if you have 512MB, but we've also done away with jockey and apport, so it kind of balances out <highvoltage> Lns: so more or less the same yes <highvoltage> mgariepy: great! <Lns> mgariepy: rundown on menu editor? <mgariepy> i'll post a message on edubuntu-user edubuntu-dev when the package will be ready. <stgraber> Lns: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu/Specifications/EdubuntuLucidMenuEditor <Lns> stgraber: thx <stgraber> currently it let's you build the menu through the UI and save it, there <stgraber> there's still a bunch of bugfix to do as well as the actual profile packing <stgraber> and the UI to assign the menu to groups <stgraber> but it's looking really good and we are well on time for that <Lns> so this isn't overlapping any functionality with sabayon, right? <mgariepy> nop <stgraber> UI is similar but nope <Lns> mmk <stgraber> it's not modifying the user's menu but instead it's using XDG inheriting to modify the system menu <Lns> so it's basically like a global alacarte ? <mgariepy> Lns, yeah sort off, but we do not manage new "desktop-entry" only submenu and existing entries <Lns> cool =) <highvoltage> thanks mgariepy <mgariepy> you are welcome. <highvoltage> on the website front, HedgeMage has been working on a new theme <highvoltage> she also fixed up our current database <dhillon-v10> highvoltage, I would like to help out with the website <highvoltage> it was something like 190MB big and she got it down to like, 3MB <highvoltage> dhillon-v10: cool, ping us afterwards on #edubuntu. you're more than welcome to get involved <dhillon-v10> highvoltage, sorry <HedgeMage> dhillon-v10: we'll be happy to have you :) <highvoltage> so once that's replaced the site should be faster <highvoltage> dhillon-v10: sorry for? :) <dhillon-v10> highvoltage, disrupting the meeting when I could have talked to you guys later on <highvoltage> dhillon-v10: oh no problem, it's jsut that we don't want to spend 20 minutes talking about the website here :) <HedgeMage> So far the upgrade to 6.0 is done, the DB is cleaned up, and issues are written for the rest at http://github.com/HedgeMage/edubuntuorg/issues <highvoltage> HedgeMage: I don't have the links with your mock-ups handy, could you perhaps paste them? <HedgeMage> Additional comments/issues/etc are welcome <HedgeMage> highvoltage: hold on, let me grab them from the theming issue <HedgeMage> Mockups are at http://imagebin.ca/view/KgCXBt.html and http://imagebin.ca/view/5n49WaF.html <highvoltage> on the wiki side I've started mangling the wiki, meant to delete more pages but I think I already created 2 new ones :) <HedgeMage> highvoltage and I have already discussed that while we are using git to pass changes back and forth while we work, access to the repository will be restricted to protect users' personal information in the DB. When this is all done I'll write up a case study so folks can use any of the work we've done. :) <highvoltage> overall they should come down as more are combined though <HedgeMage> I just wanted to point that out so no one takes offense -- we do want community participation. :) <highvoltage> indeed <highvoltage> let <highvoltage> let's move on to the bug day <highvoltage> that's happening on the 12th, next week <highvoltage> sbalneav wrote a nice mail to the list about it <highvoltage> I think we should blog about it and get the word out * HedgeMage puts it on her calendar <highvoltage> also, if everyone could make an effore to be around and in #edubuntu during the 12th for when people drop by, that would be great <highvoltage> ideally we should cover as many timezones as possible <stgraber> I'll try to remember to blog about it <highvoltage> I'll poke you :) <highvoltage> anything else? <highvoltage> how is everyone doing? <HedgeMage> I have a quick question... <sbalneav> sorry all, was in a work meeting <alkisg> About https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsdl1.2/+bug/203158 - can we put libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio in the seeds instead of alsa? It'll help in tuxpaint etc working by default, both in workstations and in ltsp... <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 203158 in pulseaudio "libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio must be installed as default by libsdl1.2debian" [Undecided,Confirmed] <HedgeMage> When it was ust highvoltage and I, making a quick issue queue on github for webstuff seemed like the thing to do, but is there somewhere more central/find-able that we can collaborate at least for issues? <highvoltage> no problem, any sabayon updates or is it status quo? <sbalneav> gksu is still broken <HedgeMage> I'm concerned becasue I'm not sure that github has any feature that will let us keep the queue public while the repo is private. <sbalneav> mvo is reluctant to --enable-forkpty <highvoltage> HedgeMage: there's edubuntu-website in Launchpad <highvoltage> HedgeMage: I guess it would be ideal to file bugs against it in LP <sbalneav> so, I'm going to have to dig into the libgksu code tonight, and see if I can fix it the way he'd prefer. <HedgeMage> highvoltage: that can work, though I think the repo should stay on github because afaik lp does not allow private repos <highvoltage> HedgeMage: ok, no problem <stgraber> LP supports private repo, you just need to poke an admin about it <highvoltage> we could give that a shoe <highvoltage> *shot <stgraber> any other business ? <alkisg> Should we start using https://launchpad.net/~edubuntu-dev/+archive/ppa ? E.g. sbalneav could start uploading test versions of sabayon there, and stgraber could upload iTalc... I think it'll give some additional value to edubuntu. <stgraber> alkisg: I wouldn't just yet <stgraber> we need to get that team approved for archive upload first <stgraber> so the less we use it before we go through this process, the easier <highvoltage> stgraber: where do we do that? at the next developer board meeting? <sbalneav> alkisg++ <stgraber> votation will end in two weeks, then we'll get the new developer board in place and we'll be able to ask for edubuntu-dev to be approved <highvoltage> ok <dhillon-v10> how about like a screenshot tour of edubuntu <stgraber> dhillon-v10: sounds like a good idea, we should probably think of that once we have the new website up and running and relatively close to relesae <highvoltage> dhillon-v10: we used to have that, I think it just became outdated so we removed it <stgraber> as we currently don't know what Edubuntu will look like <highvoltage> dhillon-v10: but a new one would be nice indeed <highvoltage> oh yes! <dhillon-v10> well :) after the rc gets out <HedgeMage> highvoltage: since you own edubuntu-webteam can you take into getting us that private repo? <highvoltage> I forgot to mention, I got in touch with Mads Rosendahl who did the ldm ubuntu artwork <highvoltage> he's going to make some wallpapers/artwork for us <highvoltage> hopefully it's real nice then we'll be able to finalise our artwork quite early <alkisg> Yey! That ldm artwork is very cool! <HedgeMage> highvoltage: In the mean time maybe dhillon-v10 and I can copy our issues over -- there are only 15 or so, so doing it manually should not be a big deal. <sbalneav> dhillon-v10: ah, you saw I added you to bugsquad? <stgraber> highvoltage: you didn't forward me the answer it seems ;) <HedgeMage> highvoltage: nice :) (re: artwork) <dhillon-v10> sbalneav, yup thanks a bunch :) <alkisg> About the pulseaudio problem, ubuntu doesn't seem to want to put libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio on the CD seeds, as it isn't in main (while -alsa is). But it breaks all SDL apps, both on workstations and on LTSP. On the other hand, we don't have the "main" limitation, we are allowed to put stuff from universe to our DVD. Should we consider putting it to the DVD seeds? <dhillon-v10> HedgeMage, alright I can do that :) <highvoltage> HedgeMage: ok that sounds good <HedgeMage> dhillon-v10: thanks :D <highvoltage> stgraber: eek, I assumed he replied-to-all, I'll do so <HedgeMage> highvoltage: in the mean time could you add dhillon-v10 and I to the webteam so we can play with the issue queue? <stgraber> alkisg: any other reason why it's not in Ubuntu ? because if the only reason is that it's not in main, then we do a MIR and are done with it <highvoltage> ok, you can both just apply and I'll approve <stgraber> I'm trying to make sure we have all core components of Edubuntu in main so we have the LTS support for these <dhillon-v10> HedgeMage, a quick question: since the some of the issues have been worked upon by different people could it be a good idea to have them as blueprints ? <stgraber> actual packages are less of an issue but common libraries really should be in main <alkisg> stgraber: I didn't hear of any other reason. They don't want it in Kubuntu/Xubuntu, as those don't use pulseaudio, but for Ubuntu, all bug reports state that "installing libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio resolves the no audio and hanging apps problems" <HedgeMage> highvoltage: done <dhillon-v10> HedgeMage, I think I am in the website team here right:https://edge.launchpad.net/~edubuntu-website <HedgeMage> dhillon-v10: it was my impression (and I haven't used LP in years) that a blueprint might be for say, the web relaunch as a whole, but they aren't really for individual issues. <highvoltage> dhillon-v10: yes you are <stgraber> alkisg: did you try poking TheMuso about it ? IIRC he's the one taking care of the sound stuff in Ubuntu <dhillon-v10> HedgeMage, okay then :) <highvoltage> blueprints are for speficications <alkisg> stgraber: no, the last person I talked with was crimsun <dhillon-v10> highvoltage, true I was wondering for some of then that are like enhancements <highvoltage> stgraber and I have to run to another meeting in 5 minutes <HedgeMage> what's edge.launchpad.net ? <stgraber> highvoltage: Ben isn't at the office yet, we have a few more mins it seems <highvoltage> is there anything else important that we need to log before moving to #edubuntu? <alkisg> stgraber: I'll try poking TheMuso, but I'm afraid I'll need someone to back me up for the MIR <highvoltage> ah, ok :) <HedgeMage> I don't think so * HedgeMage departs <stgraber> alkisg: you can write the MIR following the new process (since this week) as describe on ubuntu-devel, then subscribe me to the bug <stgraber> I'll poke pitti if necessary to get it reviewed <alkisg> stgraber: do you have a link for the new MIR process? <alkisg> (if it's on the wiki, I'll find it...) <stgraber> alkisg: in your mailbox <alkisg> Thanks :) <highvoltage> ok... <highvoltage> *BONG* <highvoltage> (time to teleport to #edubuntu) <stgraber> hey, we finished it on time ! <Lns> 2min to spare even <mgariepy> have a nice day all! #ubuntu-meeting 2010-01-07 <MMX-Dimitrov> Hi to all! Привет всем! <dpm> hi everyone, welcome to the translations team meeting <dpm> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 10:01. The chair is dpm. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <dpm> Let's see who's there <ianto> Present <happyaron> hi <morphias> hi <EleanorC> hi <MMX-Dimitrov> рш <MMX-Dimitrov> hi <umi> hi all <ArneGoetje> hi <Moshie> Observing* <dpm> wow, we've got quite a turn up today, welcome all! * MichealH changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Welcome to the Translations Team Meeting | The meeting began at 4:00PM GMT | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs <kelemengabor> hi <adiroiban> hi all <dpm> hi kelemengabor, hi adiroiban <dpm> shall we start, then? <morphias> sure <morphias> unless you want to wait for the last minute ppl <MichealH> We have already Started <MichealH> This is the Ubuntu Documentation Team Meeting Specific for Translations <dpm> [TOPIC] Keeping track of UTC tasks <MootBot> New Topic: Keeping track of UTC tasks <dpm> adiroiban, I think you added this one, can you tell a few words on that one? <adiroiban> it's about the new usage of blueprints <adiroiban> and the old bugs taged as "task" * MichealH changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Welcome to the Translations Team Meeting the meeting is about keeping track of UTC Tasks| Support Avalible on #ubuntu | The meeting began at 4:00PM GMT | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs <adiroiban> since we have some nice graphs for blueprints <adiroiban> I think we should use them <adiroiban> but in the same time, bugs marked as "task" seems more flexible <dpm> right, so we've got 1. http://piware.de/workitems/community/lucid/report.html <dpm> and 2. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+bugs?field.tag=tasks <dpm> I'm still not too sure of using bugs as a means of tracking tasks <dpm> on the other hand, http://piware.de/workitems/community/lucid/report.html are the high priority items, or what we've committed to for Lucid <dpm> and I'd like to focus on those and keep what might not be as important separated <MichealH> dpm: Using Bugs is simple because the simplest Task may be a spelling Correction so that is classed as a bug /problem /issue. <MichealH> Welcome skydrome <adiroiban> well, this was more about Ubuntu Translation tasks...like „documenting translations” <dpm> MichealH, we are talking of tasks which require some time to complete, not actual bugs <adiroiban> or „rename ubuntu docs templates” <dpm> adiroiban, I think I'd prefer keep using the wiki or blueprints for that, perhaps we could have a separate set for translations tasks <adiroiban> dpm: ok. <dpm> in any case, most of the stuff on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Events/UDS/Lucid is already in http://piware.de/workitems/community/lucid/report.html, so I should just clean it up and leave only the stuff that's not tracked in blueprints <adiroiban> dpm: ok. then I will see how we can move the current bugs to wiki or blueprints <adiroiban> we can continue with the next topic <dpm> what I like about blueprints or the wiki is that we can break things down in smaller actions and tick them as done <dpm> ok <MichealH> If you would like to get involved in the community goto http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate <dpm> [TOPIC] Review of translations installation test cases <MootBot> New Topic: Review of translations installation test cases <dpm> This is simply about what we talked about at UDS about improving the QA of translations, starting with the installation * MichealH changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Welcome to the Translations Team Meeting the meeting is about: Review of translations installation test cases Topic Creator: dpm| Support Avalible on #ubuntu| The meeting began at 4:00PM GMT | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs <dpm> We've got a series of test cases defined, and it would be good that we review them <dpm> or propose new ones <dpm> Here's some background -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-translators/2010-January/003180.html <dpm> And here are the test cases <dpm> http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/NonEnglishLanguage <MootBot> LINK received: http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/NonEnglishLanguage <dpm> First of all, are there any questions related to these test cases? <happyaron> I think testcase about input method is so loose <adiroiban> agree <EleanorC> yes <dpm> happyaron, yes, I agree, that's why I was asking if someone who usually uses them could review and expand them <adiroiban> we should add some info about how to add special character <adiroiban> like enable ibus <adiroiban> Ctrl+Space <dpm> happyaron, EleanorC, do you think you could do that? <adiroiban> and press a + b + c + d <EleanorC> I am working on the CJK <dpm> (or would anyone else volunteer?) <adiroiban> and a screenshot with how the tools will pop up <MichealH> If you would like to agree say "[AGREE]" <adiroiban> and the character is inserted <happyaron> dpm: sure, EleanorC is working on it <dpm> great <MichealH> If you have a Idea write "[IDEA]" <happyaron> dpm: but we can only cover maybe Chinese(CN/TW) <happyaron> but not sure for ja/ko and others <EleanorC> I may find one girl in my class to deal with korea <kelemengabor> dpm: how can I determine, going trough these tests, that the problem affects only my language (something is translatable, just not translated yet), or all (so there is a real problem)? <happyaron> EleanorC: good <EleanorC> and another to try japanese <dpm> happyaron, that's fine, that will be the start. I think others might be able to take the C/K examples as basis <dpm> or we can make the test case more generic <dpm> which is admittedly how it should be <ArneGoetje> just a note: in the Live CD, CJK inputmethods are not installed, because of space restrictions. They need to be downloaded and installed in the live session first. <happyaron> dpm: well, EleanorC is in a language school, she said she could find somebody for ja and ko <happyaron> ArneGoetje: nope <happyaron> ArneGoetje: ibus-m17n provide some basic usage * happyaron though not enough <ArneGoetje> happyaron: yes, I know, but there are bugs filed that it is broken in some cases... so, I wouldn't recommend to use them until it is fixed <dpm> ArneGoetje, so you'd recommend to install them first? Just for CJK or for other languages requiring IM as well? <happyaron> dpm: in fact, ibus-m17n cannot cover the usage of Chinese input <ArneGoetje> happyaron: the IMEs most users would like to use for CJK, need to be installed separately... they are ibus-anthy (ja), ibus-hangul (ko), ibus-pinyin (zh-hans) and ibus-chewing (zh-hant) <MichealH> [IDEA]In the Live CD, CJK inputmethods are not installed, because of space restrictions. They need to be downloaded and installed in the live session first. <MootBot> IDEA received: In the Live CD, CJK inputmethods are not installed, because of space restrictions. They need to be downloaded and installed in the live session first. <happyaron> ArneGoetje: sure I know, :) <MichealH> Say [AGREE] If you agree <ArneGoetje> dpm: just for CJK and maybe Vietnamese <dpm> ok, thanks ArneGoetje <MMX-Dimitrov> but not everyone can access to internet imediately <ArneGoetje> MichealH: why do you use idea? I stated the current situation. <morphias> im with MMX-Dimitrov <MichealH> because you can write [IDEA] to write an idea <EleanorC> yes, internet access isn't always easy to get in live session <ArneGoetje> MichealH: ... I didn't propose anything as an idea. I explained the current situation in response to the entry on the testcase page <dpm> MMX-Dimitrov, that's true, but due to the space restrictions this has not an easy solution. We should make clear that this particular test case requires an Internet connection <Lint01> couldn't we just drop something from LiveCD so we haven't to cripple the system? * ebouza Hello everyone, I am new to the Ubuntu family and it is my first time attending this meeting <happyaron> dpm: in fact Live session users always don't have the chance to access internet <happyaron> dpm: for mostu sers in China, I meant <ArneGoetje> Lint01: we have a project under way to reduce the size of the Chinese IM modules, so they might fit on the LiveCD later. But that takes time and won't be finished for lucid. <dpm> Lint01, it is always difficult to balance what can be included in the CD <MMX-Dimitrov> maybe its time to migrate to LiveDVD& <MMX-Dimitrov> maybe its time to migrate to LiveDVD? <MichealH> Welcome ebouza! Welcome to the meeting If you have a Idea write "[IDEA]" If you would like to agree say "[AGREE]" <dpm> MMX-Dimitrov, there is already a LiveDVD <dpm> anyway, I think we should get back on topic <ebouza> MichaelH: Thank you <dpm> We've agreed that the IM test case needs to be expanded <happyaron> yes <EleanorC> sure <dpm> and EleanorC is willing to work on that <dpm> ArneGoetje, do you know which other languages requiring IM support we could target additionally for that test case? <MichealH> MMX-Dimitrov : Please use the OffTopic Channel for that @ #Ubuntu-offtopic <ArneGoetje> dpm: VN and all languages in India <ebouza> Are you testing in Spanish? <ArneGoetje> dpm: and languages which derieved from that <happyaron> ebouza: does Spanish need an input method? <MMX-Dimitrov> MichealH : ok <dpm> ebouza, you can test in any language, but the particular test case we are discussing is for languages with special requirements on inputting characters <EleanorC> happyaron: sure, spanish needs <happyaron> EleanorC: ok <ebouza> happyaron: Yes it would <dpm> Spanish does not need an input method * happyaron well, who is right? <morphias> ebouza, we are talking about characters not usually in the ASCII lookup <ArneGoetje> morphias: no, we are not. <ArneGoetje> morphias: for european languages we only need XKB keyboard layouts <ebouza> Well wouldn't Spanish fall under that category for it's special characters? <morphias> ah, thanks for the correction <ArneGoetje> morphias: input methods are used for more complex languages which have too many possibilities to fit onto a single keyboard layout <dpm> ebouza, no, you can type the characters as they appear in the keyboard's layout <happyaron> ah <ebouza> Got you, Ok I understand <morphias> understand <dpm> ok, great :) <MichealH> Next Topic? <dpm> anyway, so is everyone happy with the current set of installation test cases for translations at http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/NonEnglishLanguage? <dpm> Would someone like to propose another one? <dpm> or to modify one of the existing ones? <morphias> its a good step forward, i dont have nothing. <happyaron> dpm: I think we need to check the installer <Lint01> what version we are testing? <dpm> Lint01, this is going to be for Lucid <dpm> happyaron, in which way you'd like to check the installer? <happyaron> dpm: translations of installer <MichealH> [TOPIC] Langages/ Translations on the Installer/LiveCD <kelemengabor> dpm: I think "the system has to be fully localized." is a bit too generic <happyaron> you know we are missing several languages of the slides in Karmic final LiveCD <kelemengabor> perhaps it should say only the installer itself should be fully localized * MichealH changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Welcome to the Translations Team Meeting the meeting is about: Langages/ Translations on the Installer/LiveCD Topic Creator: dpm| Support Avalible on #ubuntu| The meeting began at 4:00PM GMT | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs <EleanorC> yes, so a check may be better <dpm> MichealH, please do not change the topic - topics are listed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Meetings/2010-01-07 <happyaron> kelemengabor: and it should be verified <happyaron> bug 476269 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 476269 in ubuntu-translations "Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, and English variant translations aren't shown during Karmic installation" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/476269 <happyaron> this could cause very bad impression <EleanorC> yes, and this caused some trouble <dpm> happyaron, kelemengabor looking at the first test case, then perhaps we could add an additional point mentioning to check that the installer is also translated <happyaron> dpm: agree <kelemengabor> dpm: wait, isn't this test case only about the installer? <dpm> kelemengabor, the first one refers to the installation of the system, and to check that the system is localized after installation <dpm> it doesn't explicitly mention to check the installer itself, which I think is what we should add <kelemengabor> oh, I see... <MichealH> I am sure there are some Languages missing in the Installer but there are problems in eh Alpha1 installer of Lucid anyway. <kelemengabor> so this is basically about "check that language packs are installed and used" <dpm> yes <kelemengabor> perhaps this could be added too <kelemengabor> so that no one starts complaining about missing strings of applications <dpm> yes, that's a good point <Lint01> "For any language, the system has to be fully localized. /!\ Note: the translation coverage of some languages might not be complete <Lint01> that's an oxymoron <dpm> Lint01, perhaps. Feel free to rephrase it :-) <kelemengabor> dpm: so, we could add a "Goal of this test case" field to all of the cases? <happyaron> dpm: and should we pay some attention to bug 441986? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 441986 in ubuntu-translations "Live CD "Examples" desktop item translations depended on having the PO files" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/441986 <kelemengabor> I think this could help us to see what kind of errors are we looking for <MichealH> [IDEA]Check the Installer for any missing Installer Languages and then Get Involved with the LoCo/Translation Team and/or Development Team <MootBot> IDEA received: Check the Installer for any missing Installer Languages and then Get Involved with the LoCo/Translation Team and/or Development Team <dpm> kelemengabor, that's a good point, I'll check it out with the QA team, because the test cases might have a defined syntax <MichealH> Anyone agree? <morphias> [AGREE] <dpm> ok, thanks for all the feedback, if there is more, please post it to the mailing list <dpm> I think now I'd like to reshuffle the topics priorities a bit, since we haven't got much time left <MichealH> Topic for the last 10 mins? <dpm> [TOPIC] Announcement of upcoming Hardy.4 service release <MootBot> New Topic: Announcement of upcoming Hardy.4 service release <dpm> ArneGoetje, could you tell us a few words on that, please? <ArneGoetje> We will have the 8.04.4 service release in the end of this month. <ArneGoetje> For that, I'm going to create new -base language-packs. This will happen soon, within the next days. <ArneGoetje> The language packs will be uploaded to the languag pack PPA first and them moved over to hardy-proposed. <ArneGoetje> I'd like to ask for volunteers to help test the new language-packs in a Hardy VM or so... <morphias> id help test (even though im not bi-langual) <dpm> right, so there will be a call for testing. ArneGoetje, do you think we can take the opportunity to release the Karmic language packs to -proposed as well? <ArneGoetje> dpm: sure, I can build them too. <dpm> I think it makes sense, since we haven't updated them yet <ArneGoetje> dpm: yup <happyaron> then we can make an announcement at mailing list, to tell teams work on them <dpm> could you please build them, then, and let me know? I can take care of the announcement and call for testing, if you like <ArneGoetje> dpm: of course <MichealH> Remember: The meeting Ends at 5:00 PM GMT <dpm> great <dpm> adiroiban, the other 2 topics were yours, is it ok if we postpone them to the next meeting or to the ML? <dpm> we can leave the last few minutes for any questions <adiroiban> dpm: sure. np <happyaron> we can talk about the first step of terminology at #ubuntu-translators <dpm> any questions before we finish? <dpm> happyaron, sure <MichealH> Few last words <happyaron> it is at a starting stage <MichealH> Get help at www.ubuntuforums.org or goto the Ubuntu IRC Channel @ #ubuntu <morphias> so for these hardy language packs, they are for the installed hardy not the installer correct? <MichealH> Get Involved @ http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate <ArneGoetje> morphias: correct <morphias> ok <happyaron> ArneGoetje: will there be new LiveCD? <ArneGoetje> happyaron: not sure about that one... need to ask in #ubuntu-release <morphias> for however needs testers, add me. ill create a vm guest. <happyaron> ArneGoetje: it there is, we still can update translations of installer perhaps <MichealH> happyaron : Yes Lucid Lynx in 21st April <dpm> great, thanks morphias! <ArneGoetje> happyaron: yes, need to contact with the installer team about that <happyaron> MichealH: sorry, I meant Hardy .4 <morphias> no prob <dpm> ok, thank you everyone for your participation and keep up the good work! <dpm> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 11:00. * MichealH changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Welcome to the The IRC Meeting Channel | Support Avalible on #ubuntu| The next meeting begins at 10PM GMT | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs <MichealH> ETA Till Next Meeting 4hours 44minutes <morphias> mmk :-) * MichealH changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Welcome to the The IRC Meeting Channel | Support Avalible on #ubuntu | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs <MichealH> ETA 3 hours untill meeting * MichealH changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Welcome to the The IRC Meeting Channel | Meeting "Ubuntu Women IRC Meeting" commencing at 9PM GMT. I will be on this channel although I am not a women so this IRC Channel will be managed. | Support Avalible on #ubuntu | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs <MichealH> Discuss off topic stuff on #ubuntu-offtopic <MichealH> Get help at www.ubuntuforums.org or goto the Ubuntu IRC Channel @ #ubuntu <MichealH> Get Involved @ http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate <Pici> ... * Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Welcome to the The IRC Meeting Channel | Support in #ubuntu | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs * Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs <Seveas> Pici, time for /mode +t ? <Pici> Seveas: I was thinking about it. <Pici> That works too <MichealH> Dont forget the Lucd Lynx Weekly Discussion Meeting Every Friday @ 4PM GMT on #ubuntu-meeting (Subject to change may end earlier if there is nothing to discuss) <MichealH> See the Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar <Seveas> who is this michaelh character? <Pici> Someone who thinks they're helping. <Pici> Time to talk to them again :/ <MichealH> Dont forget the Lucd Lynx Weekly Discussion Meeting Every Friday @ 4PM GMT on #ubuntu-meeting (Subject to change may end earlier if there is nothing to discuss) <MichealH> Get help at www.ubuntuforums.org or goto the Ubuntu IRC Channel @ #ubuntu <MichealH> Get Involved @ http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate <MichealH> Dont forget the Women Council Meeting on this channel at 9PM GMT. <MichealH> There is a channel I set up for lessons and advice to other Ubuntu users help us grow! ##ubuntu-lessons is the name (yes 2 hashes!) <MichealH> ETA 2 hours untill Women Councel Meeting <mhall119|work> Women Council? <MichealH> Its all on here (See the Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar ( <MichealH> It says that on the Fridge Calendar <mhall119|work> I've just never heard the name "Women Council" <MichealH> ok <mhall119|work> afaik, they haven't even voted for a project lead yes <mhall119|work> yet <maxb> MichealH: It feels rather inappropriate to me for you to be advertising your unofficial (two hashes) channel in an ubuntu official channel <MichealH> ETA 90 mins to Women IRC Meeting <maxb> MichealH: It feels rather inappropriate to me for you to be advertising your unofficial (two hashes) channel in an ubuntu official channel <jussi01> MichealH: youve been asked not to do announcements, is there a reason you are continuing or? <jussi01> !guidelines <ubottu> The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines <jussi01> MichealH: have a look at those <jussi01> !contribute | MichealH you may want to look here at ways you can contribute also. :) <ubottu> MichealH you may want to look here at ways you can contribute also. :): To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate <MichealH> !hammertime <bodhi_zazen> 5 minutes or so =) <bapoumba> <hey bodhi :) <technoviking> hi all <bapoumba> Hey Mike! <bodhi_zazen> bapoumba: !!!! <bodhi_zazen> how is the snow ? <bapoumba> bad :) <bapoumba> we are not used to it here <bodhi_zazen> Montana is at -18 F <bapoumba> Oh, that's serious cold.. <bodhi_zazen> Aye, should warm up tomorrow <bodhi_zazen> Shall we start ? <technoviking> is anyone else here yet <bodhi_zazen> jdong: technoviking bodhi_zazen bapoumba =) <bodhi_zazen> The agenda looks light, we can wait ... <jdong> here :) <jdong> thanks for poking me <bodhi_zazen> np , happy NY jdong <technoviking> We got 4, we are good to go:) <jdong> thanks, you too :) <bodhi_zazen> .startmeeting <bodhi_zazen> .start <jdong> (5 minutes and 2 pages later) <jdong> *ducks* <bodhi_zazen> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 16:03. The chair is bodhi_zazen. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <bodhi_zazen> =) <jdong> yay! <bodhi_zazen> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ForumCouncilAgenda <technoviking> Is Tom here? <bodhi_zazen> Tom Gelinas you here ? <bodhi_zazen> I believe Tom has some good points, but the forums are not the only resource for these issues and perhaps if we send Tom to the Wiki Team, LP, mailing list ? <bodhi_zazen> Any other topics to discuss ? <technoviking> none here <jdong> none here either <bodhi_zazen> None for me <technoviking> lets call it then <bodhi_zazen> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 16:11. <bodhi_zazen> =) <bodhi_zazen> thank you everyone =) <jdong> cool :) <bapoumba> did I disconnect ? <technoviking> nope just quier <technoviking> quiet <bapoumba> ok :) <bapoumba> Should we start or wait ? <bodhi_zazen> you missed it bapoumba <bodhi_zazen> http://www.novarata.net/mootbot/ <bodhi_zazen> Tom is not here and nobody had additional agenda items <bapoumba> was not it today 22 UTC ? <bodhi_zazen> do you have an agenda item ? <bodhi_zazen> yes it was bapoumba <bapoumba> So I got disconnected, me thinks <bapoumba> I had xchat opened all th etime <bodhi_zazen> yep, sounds right :( <bapoumba> I connected at 21 UTC for the u-w meeting, which I attended :/ <bapoumba> I do not understand <bapoumba> would you have the logs of the FC meeting bodhi please ? <bodhi_zazen> They are not up yet (I just checked) <bapoumba> so did I :) <bapoumba> maybe your logs ? <bodhi_zazen> bapoumba: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m54a5faf1 <bodhi_zazen> Mootbot did all the talking, as you can see =) <bapoumba> Thanks, that was one of the shortest meetings :) <bodhi_zazen> np, it is nice to see, not many issues (problems) on the forums at the moment * bodhi_zazen goes to stir up some trolls =) <bapoumba> I'm sorry. I did not hear nay bells and notifications, so I assumed we were waiting.. <bodhi_zazen> I will keep that in mind, try to ping you next time <bapoumba> Well, if my connection to irc with xchat was acting up, there was not much to do :/ <forumsmatthew> is the meeting done? <forumsmatthew> I just gt home <forumsmatthew> gt=got <bodhi_zazen> welcome forumsmatthew =) <bapoumba> I'll try the web thing from technoviking next time <bodhi_zazen> forumsmatthew: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m54a5faf1 <bapoumba> hello forumsmatthew :) <bodhi_zazen> unless you have an agenda item <forumsmatthew> lol, nope <forumsmatthew> that was the fastest ever <bodhi_zazen> Happy New Year forumsmatthew , your fast actions on the Forums are making the rest of us look like slackers =) <forumsmatthew> I do my best <forumsmatthew> ;P <forumsmatthew> I've been off for two weeks <forumsmatthew> I go back to class next week <forumsmatthew> things will return to normal then <bapoumba> bodhi_zazen, +1 :) <bodhi_zazen> good luck with that forumsmatthew , enjoy <forumsmatthew> thank you <forumsmatthew> since there isn't anything left in the meeting, I'm going to go and play with my kids <forumsmatthew> have a great day, everyone! <bapoumba> Mine are asleep ! <forumsmatthew> 1530 here <bapoumba> see you around matthew <bapoumba> 23:20 here <bapoumba> 23:30 <bapoumba> I'm going to leave too <bapoumba> Bye :) #ubuntu-meeting 2010-01-08 <mdeonte> !startmeeting <mdeonte> .startmeeting <persia> It's with a # <dholbach> porthose, randomaction: you guys around? <randomaction> yes <dholbach> right now we have a bit of a quorum problem... persia and nixternal are there, but we need one MC member more :) <nixternal> MC Hammer! <dholbach> but I'm sure we'll manage to get there in a bit <dholbach> nixternal: I'm sure you still have one of those very baggy, pink pants from the 90s? :) * dholbach is going to text soren <nixternal> ping no, a light colored red yes <nixternal> pink, not ping * porthose waves :) * persia dithers harder * soren wanders in <nixternal> hola <nixternal> right as dholbach went to walk his dog <persia> The timing is truly unfortunate * porthose yawns and tries not to fall asleep on his key board <persia> porthose: If you're that tired, you might want to try another time. I'm not convinced we'll have quorum soon, or even at all. <persia> Some people are not yet around, and some people are falling asleep. <nixternal> porthose: you and I both <porthose> persia, I can hang for a while longer :) <nixternal> 02:10 herezzzZZZZzzZzZzzZz <porthose> nixternal, same for me ;) * soren chuckles <soren> I just realised dholbach created my calendar entry for this meeting. :) <soren> dholbach: What's your secret trick to knowing the right time in spite of Google Calendar? :) <dholbach> back <dholbach> soren: I did that ages ago <soren> dholbach: What? Added that calendar entry? <nixternal> go go go <nixternal> porthose and I are falling asleep <nixternal> not together though <dholbach> soren: yep <porthose> nixternal, haha :) <soren> dholbach: Can you move it, please? That'll give me a better chance of being on time. :) <dholbach> done <dholbach> so we're one member short again.. I'd propose to have the meeting now and ask questions and do the vote via mail... does that sound alright to you? <porthose> dholbach, yes <dholbach> nixternal, soren? <nixternal> +1 <dholbach> maybe we're lucky and jpds or geser turn up :) <nixternal> persia might turn back up as well <nixternal> seeing as your dog walk lasted more than 20 minutes :p <dholbach> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 02:47. The chair is dholbach. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <dholbach> [LINK] Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Council/Meeting <MootBot> LINK received: Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Council/Meeting <dholbach> [TOPIC] Charlie Smotherman's MOTU application <MootBot> New Topic: Charlie Smotherman's MOTU application <dholbach> hey porthose... how are you doing? what time is it over there? <porthose> a little tired but other wise ok 0248hrs :) <dholbach> wow... that's dedication * dholbach has no more questions ;-) <porthose> :) <dholbach> porthose: so what are your plans once you're MOTU, anything specific for lucid and lucid+1? <nixternal> that would have been my only question for porthose seeing as we have questioned him who knows how many times in the past already :) <porthose> The major thing I have planned is to get more involved in the mentoring program <porthose> as a mentor that is :) <dholbach> porthose: we had a couple of discussions about that before... how do you think people best spend their time as a mentor? <nixternal> we have quorum now dholbach <persia> I have a new question :) porthose: You say that the only thing you dislike is Ubuntu developers who do not submit their patches to Debian. What sort of strategies might we employ to reduce the effort required to determine if a given patch is appropriate for Debian, or do you think we should expect the Debian Developers to make the decisions? <porthose> dholbach, I would say insuring that prospective developers have a good knowledge of the basic processes * nixternal remembers this discussion previously <porthose> persia, to answer your question is to make sure that while mentoring prospective developers patches that should be sent upstream are sent upstream <nixternal> now I have a question to follow up on persia just to make sure I am not mixing this up, but didn't you list that same problem when you did universe-contributor, and your numerous per package rights applications? <porthose> nixternal, yes <dholbach> porthose: and what kind of activities do you suggest? there's already a lot of patch review and sponsoring going on, what else should a mentor do (that the general developer community can't)? <nixternal> ok, thought so, as I asked a similar question to persia's before <nixternal> see persia, my brain isn't that bad afterall :p <persia> nixternal: very similar :) <nixternal> and i have one closed <porthose> mentors IMHO develop a personal one on one relationship with the mentee, thus creating trust <persia> porthose: Where I'm curious is about the decision process for determining if a given patch belongs in Debian. Clearly you're (still) not happy with the nature of the decisions taken in general, and so I wonder what we can do to make you happy with the decisions. <porthose> this trust can be utilized to discuss the weaknesses of the mentee and thus the mentor is able to concentrate on improving these areas <dholbach> porthose: I was just interested to see how you think our general approach of teaching (docs, sessions, videos, help on irc and mailing lists, patch review, etc.) fits in with the more personal mentoring <dholbach> ok, but my question is answered :) <dholbach> persia, nixternal, soren: more questions? <nixternal> none here <soren> No, I think porthose has been grilled plenty. * persia still kinda wants an answer <soren> Today and in the past :) <porthose> persia, I am a happy with the decision process for determining if patches go upstream, it's just that not all people do it. to include myself, some time it is just a forgotten step in a persons work flow :) <persia> porthose: So you feel that the reason patches don't go to Debian is because people don't bother, rather than because they can't decide? <persia> Is there anything we could do to reduce the effort (grab the Debian package, build in a Debian environment, test in a Debian environment) that might make people do it more? <porthose> persia, to me it just comes natural to test in a debian and ubuntu chroot, because I do maintain packages in debian, an so that is how I would also mentor <porthose> I reall don't think it is because people don't bother, I think they just forget <dholbach> geser: questions? :) <persia> OK. * geser has no questions <dholbach> [VOTE] Shall Charlie Smotherman become a MOTU? <MootBot> Please vote on: Shall Charlie Smotherman become a MOTU?. <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting <nixternal> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from nixternal. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 <dholbach> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from dholbach. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 <persia> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from persia. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 <dholbach> soren, geser? <soren> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from soren. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 <geser> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from geser. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 <dholbach> [endvote] <MootBot> Final result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 5 <dholbach> congratulations porthose! <nixternal> congrats porthose ! <persia> Congratulations porthose <porthose> Thank You MC :) <dholbach> randomaction: still there? :) <persia> Welcome tothe team :) <randomaction> yep <dholbach> [TOPIC] Ilya Barygin's MOTU Application <MootBot> New Topic: Ilya Barygin's MOTU Application * porthose dances around the room and high fives his dog :) <dholbach> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IlyaBarygin/MOTUApplication <dholbach> randomaction: how are you doing today? :) <randomaction> fine, thank you <persia> randomaction: So, you say you need better changelogs. Could you describe a perfect changelog entry? <randomaction> sure, explain what you did, which files were changed, what bugs you close, possibly reference other things of interest <randomaction> e.g. "this should be dropped after [some thing] happens" <dholbach> randomaction: your work seems to be quite diverse... how do you usually decide what you work on? <randomaction> presently I mostly work on merges <randomaction> I have a list of outstanding merges sorted by last-changed-in-Ubuntu date <randomaction> so I request merges/syncs for packages that were touched long ago and were probably forgotten <dholbach> ok, I just had a look at your application again and you mentioned other QA activity too, like ftbfs fixes, etc <randomaction> yes, I plan to switch focus there after FF <dholbach> randomaction: how do you think we can fix the problem with the inclusion o fnew packages? <dholbach> ... of new packages <randomaction> this is hard - first you need to understand whether Ubuntu is all-inclusive or not <persia> randomaction: Do you believe it to be all-inclusive or not? <dholbach> and what does all-inclusive mean in this case? :) <randomaction> many packages are proposed by their authors, so it's hard to decide whether it's gonna be used by many people <randomaction> it's "people should not need to go anywhere else except official repos" vs "we should only include software that adds value / needed by many / etc" <randomaction> as things stand not, relatively few packages go through REVU, so as it happens only packages with sufficient interest are included <persia> randomaction: Do you have a preference for how Ubuntu should be? <randomaction> s/not/now/ <randomaction> I think that there should be at least some selectiveness <persia> What sort of criteria should apply? <randomaction> (and we have it now, at the cost of hundreds unreviewed packages) <randomaction> probably something similar to Debian, can't remember what exactly they are, but they say something like "if you have a random piece of free software, don't expect it to be included automatically" <persia> Well, Debian expects someone to take responsibility for maintaining it as one of the criteria. How might we handle a similar thing in the absence of defined maintainers? <randomaction> that said, if some software catches interest of, say, two Ubuntu devs, I think it's going to be included <randomaction> Ubuntu's packages not in Debian need maintenance <randomaction> so effectively the one who uploaded a package should take care of it <dholbach> you mean whoever packaged it, right? <randomaction> even if not listed as an official maintainer <persia> Or whoever uploaded it? <randomaction> yes, whoever packaged, as getting sponsorship is quite easy (yay for the empty queue btw!) <dholbach> ok :) <persia> randomaction: How do you feel about the use of new packaging as a way to learn packaging? <persia> (this is one argument for lots of REVU that has been used in the past) <randomaction> the more problematic the package, the more you will learn :) <randomaction> if rules.tiny works ok, you won't learn much I guess <randomaction> experience is gained by seeing different situations and understanding what happens where <dholbach> geser, soren, nixternal: more questions? <nixternal> none here <geser> none here * dholbach neither <dholbach> persia: you're done? <persia> Well, I could probe at this for a while, but I don't need the discussion to make a decision. <dholbach> ok :) <dholbach> soren? <dholbach> ok.. I take that as a yes :) <dholbach> [VOTE] Shall Ilya Barygin become MOTU? <MootBot> Please vote on: Shall Ilya Barygin become MOTU?. <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting <nixternal> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from nixternal. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 <dholbach> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from dholbach. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 <geser> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from geser. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 <persia> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from persia. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 * persia pokes soren with a sharper stick * soren rushes back in <soren> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from soren. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 <soren> Sorry, guys. <dholbach> [endvote] <MootBot> Final result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 5 <nixternal> congrats randomaction <dholbach> congratulations randomaction! <persia> Welcome randomaction <randomaction> thank you <soren> It's like these meetings seem like an invite to random people to come and knock on my door. <nixternal> hehe <dholbach> hehe <nixternal> alrighty, off to bed for me <nixternal> g'nite all! <dholbach> night nixternal <dholbach> [TOPIC] Any other business? <MootBot> New Topic: Any other business? <dholbach> Who's going to do the honours? <persia> As long as we're quorate in a formal meeting, I may as well confirm that we're happy to accept recommendations from the DMB on Contributing Developers until the Community Council completes the action from their recent decision. <dholbach> who's going to process the applications and everything? <dholbach> geser, soren, persia, nixternal, jpds, nhandler: ^? :-) <persia> I can do them in about 22 hours, but if someone can get to them faster, that would be better. * dholbach has a bunch of other stuff to do today, but as nobody seems to volunteer I'll try to squeeze it in <dholbach> anything else? <persia> dholbach: Then if you miss, I'll get it early your tomorrow :) <dholbach> alrightie <dholbach> thanks everybody! <dholbach> adjourned <dholbach> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 03:42. <pitti> hello all * slangasek waves * fader_ waves. <ev> hi <ev> (standing in for cjwatson) <ttx> o/ <fader_> I am standing in for marjo today. * apw waves in a kernely way * asac waves <slangasek> davidm, ogra, Riddell, jiboumans, ScottK, pgraner, njpatel, jdstrand: ping <Riddell> afternoon <njpatel> hey <jiboumans> o/ <jdstrand> o/ <slangasek> hi all <slangasek> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 10:02. The chair is slangasek. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <pitti> Riddell: hey Jonathan, thanks for joining in your holidays <slangasek> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-01-08 <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-01-08 <Riddell> pitti: it's not my holidays (as far as I know?) <pitti> Riddell: oh, I thought so; nevermind then <slangasek> [TOPIC] actions from previous meeting <MootBot> New Topic: actions from previous meeting <slangasek> * slangasek to confirm with asac how to get the list of packages that still need rebuilt for arm toolchain <slangasek> * ttx, zul to target all the canonical-application-support MIRs to lucid, and milestone to alpha-2 <slangasek> * slangasek to check on ld segfault on powerpc building qt4-x11 (DONE, but handed back to kubuntu team to figure out how to integrate the workaround...) <ttx> slangasek: done <asac> done <slangasek> ttx: ta <Riddell> qt4-x11 compiled on powerpc <Riddell> thanks to slangasek for pointing us the way <slangasek> ah, great! <slangasek> piece of cake :) <slangasek> [TOPIC] QA Team <MootBot> New Topic: QA Team <fader_> Hi <slangasek> fader_: how are we doing? <fader_> * Hardware testing <fader_> http://people.canonical.com/~fader/hw-testing/current <MootBot> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~fader/hw-testing/current <fader_> Netbooks: <fader_> passed: 7 (54%) failed: 2 (15%) untested: 4 (31%) <fader_> Laptops: <fader_> passed: 21 (80%) failed: 3 (12%) untested: 2 ( 8%) <fader_> Servers: <fader_> passed: 45 (87%) failed: 0 ( 0%) untested: 7 (13%) <fader_> Desktops: <fader_> passed: 12 (92%) failed: 1 ( 8%) untested: 0 ( 0%) <fader_> Open bugs: <fader_> bug 497546 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 497546 in pulseaudio "Microphones not working on Dell Vostro 320" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/497546 <fader_> bug 503700 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 503700 in xorg-server "xorg segfaults on startup" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/503700 <fader_> bug 504315 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 504315 in hibernate "Toshiba NB100 failed to resume from hibernate" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/504315 <fader_> We have several untested machines since the holidays, but they all appear to be for environmental reasons. <fader_> I am working my way through them and getting them tested, but it is taking me a bit to get through the backlog of them. They should be all done by next week. <fader_> Specs: <fader_> http://piware.de/workitems/qa/lucid/report.html <MootBot> LINK received: http://piware.de/workitems/qa/lucid/report.html <fader_> * UbuntuSpec:lucid-qa-checkbox-desktop-experience-tests <fader_> [cr3] Add DX PPA when testing and reboot if new packages are discovered: INPROGRESS <fader_> * UbuntuSpec:lucid-qa-checkbox-integrate-regression-testing <fader_> [cr3] fixed support for QRT-Packages from the qa regression testing suite; confirmed to work by sbeattie <fader_> * UbuntuSpec:lucid-qa-kernel-test-automation <fader_> [cr3] Initial daily kernel tests running by Lucid Alpha1: INPROGRESS <fader_> [cr3] The kernel tests (most of them) need sudo: INPROGRESS <fader_> * UbuntuSpec:lucid-qa-iso-tracker <fader_> There is one work item still to go, a pending merge, so ara has asked that this be defered to alpha-3. The rest of the work items will be in production next week. <fader_> * UbuntuSpec:qa-lucid-automated-server-testing <fader_> nightly builds of a set of server packages (in a PPA) that will show us if something regresses <fader_> sbeattie was trying to get some of the q-r-t tests running Checkbox, but had some issues with tests that wanted to run as root, which most (all?) of the server related ones did, so there's some Checkbox infrastructure work <fader_> needed there. <fader_> [end of massive text dump] <pitti> fader_: so the netbook-launcher worked again? <fader_> pitti: No, it is still not working as of yesterday <fader_> I missed that in my open bugs, sorry <pitti> fader_: should have been fixed today (bug 495066) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 495066 in clutk "Lucid netbook-launcher segfaults when started" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/495066 <fader_> pitti: I will re-test and make sure it's working now, thanks! <pitti> I just wondered * asac uploaded it ;) <asac> fader_: thanks for testing. * pitti hugs asac <asac> we couldnt verify because australia was already evening ;) <fader_> asac: Yeah, I saw the update to it in my email this morning but I haven't run any tests on the netbooks yet today <fader_> I believe you though, so it'll just be confirmation ;) <slangasek> fader_: are these various "in progress" items going to be done on time for alpha-2, as the milestone targeting implies they should? <fader_> slangasek: I don't know; cr3 might be able to answer for his items <fader_> I will ping him <fader_> (And ara's spec has been retargeted for alpha 3) <cr3> fader_: kernel tests are definately targetted for alpha-2 <fader_> cr3: What about the lucid-qa-checkbox-desktop-experience-tests spec? <fader_> [cr3] Add DX PPA when testing and reboot if new packages are discovered: INPROGRESS <cr3> fader_: not sure, I'll need to follow up with the DX folks on that one <slangasek> fader_: whic spec has been retargeted? lucid-qa-iso-tracker is still targeted to alpha-2 <fader_> slangasek: Hmm, I was going based on what ara told me this morning that she had discussed it with marjo and he agreed to re-target it <slangasek> cr3: please do that today, so that if it's not going to land it can be retargeted <fader_> That's all the info I have; I know marjo is in training today so perhaps he has not updated lp because of that <cr3> slangasek: will do <slangasek> fader_: ok; will you follow up with marjo on this? <fader_> slangasek: Will do <slangasek> [ACTION] fader_ to check with marjo whether lucid-qa-iso-tracker is deferred to alpha-3, and re-target appropriately in LP <MootBot> ACTION received: fader_ to check with marjo whether lucid-qa-iso-tracker is deferred to alpha-3, and re-target appropriately in LP <fader_> though it may be late in the day before I can get an answer, as he is incommunicado * ScottK waves <slangasek> as a general note, we seem to be well above our burn lines in a lot of teams since the beginning of the year, which implies that a lot of these work items are not getting done before alpha-2; we need to make sure we're reviewing the status of what is or isn't getting deferred and document that in the status <slangasek> s/document/documenting/ <slangasek> the charts aren't a very effective tool if they don't reflect what's actually going on in teams <slangasek> any other concerns on qa? <slangasek> bug #503700> I'm hopeful that this might be a manifestation of the other X bug that's in progress, but we'll cover that under desktop <ubottu> Launchpad bug 503700 in xorg-server "xorg segfaults on startup" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/503700 <fader_> slangasek: Could be; I'm working on getting backtraces etc. for Bryce for it <slangasek> I've been trying to get a good backtrace out of X in lucid for over a month now <slangasek> (well, not fighting very hard, but apparently even working around the kernel bug doesn't do it) <fader_> I feel your pain <slangasek> [TOPIC] Desktop Team <MootBot> New Topic: Desktop Team <slangasek> fader_: thanks <slangasek> pitti: hi <pitti> on that note, yesterday's kernel finally fixed apport <pitti> that should hopefully enable us to get better crash reports again <pitti> apport itself is enabled since Wednesday or so <pitti> I'll test it as soon as it lands in lucid <pitti> As usual, our report is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus <pitti> In the last two weeks we focused on: <pitti> - Got A2 specs done (except for two WIs which only affect external projects, not Ubuntu itself) <pitti> - More boot speed work <pitti> - New GNOME version <pitti> - New wave of DX integration yesterday and today <pitti> No major changes planned for alpha-2 any more. <pitti> Bug front is relatively quiet. <slangasek> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus <jdstrand> (I just binary deNEWd 10.14) <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus <Riddell> on the Kubuntu side KDE 4.4 Release Candidate packages are now uploaded and building <pitti> actually, the "two WIs left" is kind of a lie, which my new WI tracker just uncovered; we have three more for other teams (see http://macaroni.ubuntu.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-desktop-team-lucid-alpha-2.html) <pitti> I'll have a look at them after the meeting <jdstrand> (wrt new kernel hitting lucid) <pitti> jdstrand: yay <Riddell> we have three outstanding MIR bugs which are blocking where I'd like to be for alpha 2 <Riddell> I havn't caught up on must of the administrata since new year so spec and critical bug statuses I need to update next week <pitti> bug 492931 just asks for enabling the test suite <ubottu> Launchpad bug 492931 in libssh "MIR for libssh" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/492931 <pitti> so this could be pre-promoted already <pitti> what are the other two? <Riddell> virtuoso-opensource 503774 <Riddell> libdbusmenu-qt 504267 <asac> afaik libssh had security team concerns? not sure if we should pre-promote it with that. <pitti> asac: pending test suite enablement, kees approved it <asac> cool <pitti> Riddell: please move those two to lucid/alpha-2, I'll have a look ASAP <Riddell> ok thanks <pitti> (need to unbreak my browser first before I can add release targets, sorry) <asac> browser broken by todays update? <pitti> asac: no, greasemonkey stuff in lp-firefox-improvements <asac> good <slangasek> I see from the report that bug #494627 is fixed as of 3h ago <ubottu> Launchpad bug 494627 in xorg-server "nv driver crashing with segmentation fault in libpthread.so.0" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/494627 <slangasek> fader_: ^^ that's the bug that I think might be the master for the nvidia issue you're seeing; can you prioritize retesting the hardware that was affected, to confirm? <fader_> slangasek: Will do; thanks <fader_> It sounds similar as I believe the segfaults we were seeing were all on nv hardware <slangasek> [ACTION] fader_ to verify whether 494627 == 503700 by re-testing affected hardware <MootBot> ACTION received: fader_ to verify whether 494627 == 503700 by re-testing affected hardware <slangasek> fwiw, I've got a segfault-on-lid-close that I think is also the same bug, on intel <slangasek> so I'll be eagerly retesting here :) <slangasek> anything further to discuss on desktop? <slangasek> [TOPIC] DX Team <MootBot> New Topic: DX Team <slangasek> pitti, Riddell: thanks <slangasek> davidbarth, njpatel: hello <davidbarth> hi <davidbarth> so DX was working this week on app. indicator mostly <davidbarth> the status is up at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/LucidReleaseStatus <davidbarth> of note <davidbarth> app. indicator is mostly there and complete (as of planned for A2) <davidbarth> we're getting a very positive feedback from the community, as well as a lot of help from the community team <davidbarth> we're working on missing features that we'll land early in a3 (automatic updates and transparent fallback) <slangasek> davidbarth: I see http://piware.de/workitems/dx/lucid-alpha2/report.html has been updated since yesterday, with items postponed as needed; are these postponed indefinitely, or do we now expect them to land later in the cycle? <davidbarth> but they won't be in a2 for the freeze; ppa release <davidbarth> yes, that's the other part of the report <slangasek> ok, please continue :) <davidbarth> a lot of other work items have been postponed <davidbarth> that's not a great news, in that we expected to do a bit more (though not all); but it indicates that we over-commited a bit too much <davidbarth> we assessed the situation with other managers and will be proposing a plan to adjust the scope to secure developments based on priorities <davidbarth> last <davidbarth> the session menu and the me menu have been split <davidbarth> (sorry not last) <slangasek> I guess the xsplash integration is going to hold up work on other teams for lucid, isn't it? (boot performance / boot experience on foundations' side) <davidbarth> and for gtk patches; we have the argb support mostly there (bratsche is fixing the totem crasher as we speak) <davidbarth> but cs-deco is at risk <slangasek> ok <davidbarth> we couldn't get a review in time for gtk 2.20, so we're concerned that the distro-patch may be too big to carry for an LTS <davidbarth> that's the summary <davidbarth> questions? on particular points? <davidbarth> xplash (sorry reading up the log) <slangasek> I think that's my only question presently <davidbarth> we can't release a plugin version right now, though we have a branch with scott's code; but no time to really make that work for a2 <davidbarth> i understand this is preventing the integration check <slangasek> oh - I did also notice yesterday that there was a workitem assigned to canonical-foundations for dx-lucid-xsplash (again, the problem pitti mentioned in his mails about not seeing cross-team WI assignments) - have you guys talked to anyone specifically on foundations about doing this, or do we need to figure out on our side who can take it? <slangasek> right, not for a2 - what about soon after a2? <davidbarth> the security check, right <davidbarth> yes, need to do that; that was not critical for a2, but needs to happen as part of the code review anyway <davidbarth> i take the action of reviewing that list of assignements outside of dx and contact the right persons <slangasek> [ACTION] davidbarth to review cross-team assignments for dx specs and contact right people <MootBot> ACTION received: davidbarth to review cross-team assignments for dx specs and contact right people <slangasek> thanks <slangasek> anything else to discuss on DX today? <slangasek> [TOPIC] Mobile Team <MootBot> New Topic: Mobile Team <slangasek> davidbarth: thanks much <slangasek> asac: hello <asac> hi <asac> summary: <asac> * 2d-launcher archive uploads/MIRs <asac> * MIR concerns/maybe pre-promote <asac> * uboot imx51 work <asac> * generally works, issues with .img partitioning under investigation <asac> * marvel/fsl kernel update preparations for a2 <asac> * verified, pending upload. <asac> * armel-only ftbfs for main <asac> * almost on top <asac> * lsb-lib porting <asac> * required bits are ported; next packaging/deployment <asac> * chromium porting/license review <asac> * chromium runtime issues resolved <asac> * licensing in reasonably good shape. <asac> * getting a2 burndown in better shape <asac> * down to trendline again. <asac> [LINK] * getting a2 burndown in better shape * down to trendline again. <MootBot> LINK received: * getting a2 burndown in better shape * down to trendline again. <asac> oops <asac> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid <asac> [LINK] http://piware.de/workitems/mobile/lucid-alpha2/report.html <MootBot> LINK received: http://piware.de/workitems/mobile/lucid-alpha2/report.html <asac> so on RC bug front we made good progress <asac> some kernel related issues not yet understood, but thats still ok at this point.. expecially since we will get a new one <asac> on spec front: <asac> burndown chart for alpha-2 looks quite good now after we catched up the holiday backlog <asac> the overall burndown is above, but we will address that when reviewing a3 goals * slangasek nods <asac> some specs will land shortly after a2 <asac> * mobile-lucid-arm-gcc-v7-thumb2: most ftbfs issues resolved; review work items will get done at a2; rebuild of missing packages during a3 <asac> so that was basically never planned to be finished for alpha2 ... as the rebuild etc. was ment to happen around DIF <slangasek> right <asac> * mobile-lucid-une-2d-launcher: blocked on MIR and seeding <asac> we hope we can address the mir issues for a2 still <asac> at least to a point where we can pre-promote <asac> but unlikely that the switch to UNE seed will happen for the a2 image. but right afterwards <slangasek> the MIRs themselves don't seem to be linked from the blueprint? (and therefore don't show up on the WI tracker) <slangasek> could you link them? <asac> hmm. i can check that <asac> action? <slangasek> [ACTION] asac to link une-2d-launcher MIRs from blueprint <MootBot> ACTION received: asac to link une-2d-launcher MIRs from blueprint <asac> thx <asac> * mobile-lucid-imx51-debian-cd-to-uboot: issues with partitioning -> unlikely to make a2 <asac> ogra is investigating <ogra> but the having the MIR processed soon would be nice :) * slangasek nods <asac> unfortunately i toasted my board while working on that, but i still hope that this will happen soon <asac> [ACTION] asac to link MIR for uboot to spec <asac> * mobile-lucid-bringup-testing: 2 work items will slip into a3 cycle <asac> thats not archive related, so its ok i thin. its basically figuring out how to extract some system information we want to include <slangasek> [ACTION] asac to link MIR for uboot to spec <MootBot> ACTION received: asac to link MIR for uboot to spec <asac> might be that its not possible and those work items get postponed * asac feels underpowered :) <asac> * mobile-lucid-arm-lightweightbrowser: benchmark/review/archive upload pending <asac> chromium porting to arm took longer, as it takes like 16h to build :) ... but we are at it and doing the benchmarking etc. now <asac> so its good. also the licensing was hard work, but i think we are in good shape :) <slangasek> I see the benchmarking is assigned to dave-martin-arm - are you in communication with him about that, and do you expect that to happen soon? <asac> http://people.canonical.com/~asac/tmp/copyright.full if someone is interested <MootBot> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~asac/tmp/copyright.full if someone is interested <slangasek> benchmarking etc. now> ah, ok <ogra> he attends each of our meetings <asac> slangasek: yes. arm has internal tools <ogra> so there is close communication <asac> it was blocked by not having firefox/chromium * slangasek nods <asac> but both is now resolved, so the last few items will get done swiftly... then decision and seed inclusion <asac> * mobile-lucid-arm-lib-tests: late; porting done; reassigned packaging, deployment and execution to team to help out. <asac> we had to shuffle assignments in team a bit ... this will get on track soon <slangasek> I see there's a workitem assigned to mcasadevall for adding arm images to the ISO tracker, which I'm pretty sure he doesn't have access to do - should that be reassigned to me or to someone on QA? <asac> we need it for the thumb2 spec ... so around DIF <slangasek> or is there groundwork he's doing there first? <ogra> its just about him taking care of contacting you guys <asac> slangasek: the assignment basically means that he should take care of it, but if you want to take that item directly i would be happy <slangasek> [ACTION] slangasek to claim "adding ARM alternate images to the ISO tracker" <MootBot> ACTION received: slangasek to claim "adding ARM alternate images to the ISO tracker" <asac> slangasek: according to him alternate images are finished. just needs to get produced and verified <asac> thanks i will assign that work item to you (if there is a matching one) <asac> the others are fortunately done <slangasek> "produced" - so they're not in the cronjob yet? <ogra> slangasek, they are ... since jaunty <slangasek> ok <asac> i dont know abut the details, but i think so <ogra> we never had them on the tracker <asac> they were broken for two cycles, so i guess not <slangasek> let's take any further discussion of that offline, meeting's running a bit behind <slangasek> anything else on the mobile front that needs covered? <JamieBennett> MIR's linked to 2D Launcher blueprint now - https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-lucid-une-2d-launcher <asac> yes. so only risky thing for a2 is: * new upstream/fsl kernel for imx51 and dove <asac> thats it <asac> but we verified those kernels already today <asac> so they should be good <slangasek> ok <asac> if upload doesnt happen on monday we have to push that after a2 <ogra> imx kernel looks pretty awesome, i dont expect issues <ogra> (kudos to the kernel team !) <asac> yep <slangasek> please keep #ubuntu-release in the loop regarding any problems that do turn up there <slangasek> [TOPIC] Server Team <MootBot> New Topic: Server Team <ttx> o/ <asac> thanks! <slangasek> asac, ogra: thanks <slangasek> ttx: hiya <ogra> thanks ! <ttx> Team status updated at: <ttx> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus <ttx> Weekly news: The server team was very busy this week (and still is) trying to complete all alpha-2 blueprints in time <ttx> We expect to finalize the work items affecting the Server ISO by Monday, in time for the soft freeze <slangasek> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus <ttx> Work affecting the Alpha2 cloud images is expected to land by Tuesday <ttx> Some MIR/promotion/demotion work (canonical-application-support, seeds) might also land on Tuesday <ttx> Others, like UEC testing, do not result in any alpha2 deliverable and still have until Thursday to be completed <ttx> On the Alpha2-milestoned bugs front: <ttx> Bug 462169 might need some retargeting ? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 462169 in samba "nmbd dies on startup when network interfaces are not up yet" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/462169 <ttx> slangasek: ^ ? <slangasek> "Establish access to central hardware when available"> I'm not surprised to see that workitem isn't done, given that it's a WI at all because we've had problems there in the past... is more escalation needed to make that happen? <slangasek> ttx: oh, I have that listed under foundations ;) Yes, I'll have that fixed beginning of next week <ttx> Other bugs account for work items in the blueprints, we'll see them in detail next <ttx> we expect access to hardware on Thursday :) <jiboumans> slangasek: that is targeted for the 14th by IS <slangasek> jiboumans: great, thanks <ttx> Let's look at alpha2-targeted blueprints in detail, now: <jiboumans> slangasek: our alpha3 goals include *using* it :) <ttx> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-canonical-application-support <ttx> 89% completed, on track, still misses some MIR review: <ttx> bug 493594: MIR for pastedeploy (zul) -- still needs MIR assignee/review <ubottu> Launchpad bug 493594 in pastedeploy "MIR for pastedeploy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/493594 <ttx> the others have been reviewed and in good shape <ttx> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-ec2-boothooks <ttx> 57% completed, met some unexpected behavior with upstart/EC2, only 6 work items left, should be in time for alpha2 cloud images <ttx> this one is the most in danger, but we still think we can complete it <ttx> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-ec2-config <ttx> 50% completed, expected to be at 80% by the end of the day, on track for alpha2 cloud images <ttx> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-euca-remote-autoregister <ttx> Work items for alpha2 completed. Some bugfixes and security improvements expected in alpha3. <ttx> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-eucalyptus-karmic-retrospective <ttx> 92% completed, last item depends on IS delivery <ttx> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-landscape-refresh <ttx> All work items completed <ttx> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-seeds <ttx> 69% completed, still pending some discussion, end on Monday <ttx> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-uec-testing <ttx> 62% completed, on track, can be completed next week (we have until Thursday for this one) <ttx> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-cloud-krd <slangasek> I note "irqbalance - add to the default install" is targeted to a2; I'd suggest deferring that to a3 explicitly, I think the discussion that should happen before it's enabled by default is going to run longer than our window <ttx> slangasek: good point <ttx> please action me <slangasek> [ACTION] ttx to target "irqbalance - add to the default install" to a3 <MootBot> ACTION received: ttx to target "irqbalance - add to the default install" to a3 <ttx> 89% completed. I just learned that the last item (dependent on kernel team) won't get into alpha2 <ttx> bug 494565 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 494565 in linux "support ramdiskless boot for relavant kvm drive interfaces in -virtual" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/494565 <ttx> This is mostly optional, useful for testing <ttx> so we'll probably have to defer that one as well. * slangasek nods <ttx> Note that the feature is currently buggy due to a mountall issue, bug 503212 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 503212 in mountall "mountall crashed with SIGSEGV in main() without initramfs" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/503212 <ttx> It would be great to have this one fixed <ttx> I nominated it for alpha2, but there is no assignee yet <ttx> foundations team, anyone ? :) <slangasek> assigned to self <ttx> many thanks <ttx> finally, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-euca2ools <ttx> All alpha2work items completed <ttx> burndownchart-wise, We should hit the line atthe end of the day <slangasek> and then tomorrow the line will move ;) <ttx> if nobody has been lying to me <slangasek> but yes, looks good <ttx> Alpha3 planning work started this week, more on that... next week. <slangasek> ack <slangasek> anyone else have anything to bring up with the server team? <jiboumans> all clear here <slangasek> [TOPIC] Kernel Team <MootBot> New Topic: Kernel Team <slangasek> ttx, jiboumans: thanks <slangasek> apw: hi <apw> Overall Kernel Team status is summarised at the first URL below, including the items called out in the agenda. Overall we are doing pretty well with only a small number of items being pushed out to Alpha-3, see the second link for an Alpha-2 summary. We are still below the burndown line despite the holidays. <apw> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid <apw> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid#Milestone%20lucid-alpha-2 <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid#Milestone%20lucid-alpha-2 <apw> AppArmour is looking better with the alpha-2 deliverables expected to make it. Boot performance is pretty good at ~1.6s with some variablilty updates just hitting the archive. KMS progress is a good for ATI with a number of fixes for radeon coming in, nouveau is a little slow with us hoping to have a package for very early Alpha-3. The rest of our Alpha-2 deliverables either are on track or have been pushed out to Alpha-2. We may have to uplo <apw> ad the kernel once more to fix an Alpha-2 targetted bug (bug #488636). The kernel is currently at and we have a update to apply as soon as the Alpha-2 freeze is lifted. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 488636 in linux "b43 has invalid "firmware:" field" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/488636 <slangasek> sounds good to me <slangasek> anything else? <apw> nothing from me <slangasek> questions from others on kernel? <slangasek> [TOPIC] Security Team <MootBot> New Topic: Security Team <slangasek> apw: thanks <slangasek> jdstrand: hi <jdstrand> hi <jdstrand> as usual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid <jdstrand> We've had to postpone lower priority items, and are making progress on higher priority ones. <slangasek> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid <jdstrand> A bug worth mentioning is: bug #503869. This bug slows down profile cache generation significantly under some circumstances and affects progress on security-lucid-apparmor-tunables. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 503869 in apparmor "multiple HOMEDIRS tunable entries can exponentially increase profile loading time" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/503869 <jdstrand> A profile's cache is regenerated whenever a package that ships a profile is upgraded (eg, 503869 was noticed due to a slow evince upgrade). Specifically, we needed to revert the apparmor change for likewise-open in bug #274350. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 274350 in likewise-open "apparmor HOMEDIRS not adjusted for likewise" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/274350 <jdstrand> This should be improved by jjohansen's current dfa minimization work once it lands. <jdstrand> apparmor in Lucid now has support for tunables/home.d (part of the same spec), so the current plan is to have likewise-open ship its own tunable, this way only likewise-open users will be affected by slow profile generation until the dfa work is done. <jdstrand> Another part of that spec is to detect user's home directory and dynamically generate the HOMEDIRS tunable. This will also affect profile cache generation times, but not nearly as much as the likewise-open tunable, which uses a glob in the tunable. <jdstrand> still trying to get that part in for alpha-2, but may be alpha-3 <jdstrand> on a related note, kees is following up on profile cache generation at the end of the installer, so that first boot is not affected by any of this. <ev> we've actually just resolved that an hour ago. We're reverting the apparmor=0 change to the live CD and kees has already uploaded a new apparmor and ifupdown to detect the live CD in the init scripts. I'll add the profile cache generation to the end of the install on Monday. <slangasek> great <jdstrand> \o/ <jdstrand> that's it from me <slangasek> ok <slangasek> anyone else have questions for security? <slangasek> [LINK] Foundations Team <MootBot> LINK received: Foundations Team <slangasek> jdstrand: thanks <jdstrand> sure :) <slangasek> ev: hello <ev> slangasek: hi <ev> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid <ev> [LINK] http://piware.de/workitems/foundations/lucid-alpha2/report.html <MootBot> LINK received: http://piware.de/workitems/foundations/lucid-alpha2/report.html <mdz> slangasek: I have two brief items for the foundations team, if I may (at the end) <ev> We're looking good for alpha-2. <ev> foundations-lucid-boot-experience is done on our end. <ev> Riddell: did you get "no root" support into KDM? <ev> foundations-lucid-boot-recovery: mvo is going to do the last two items on Monday. <slangasek> mdz: certainly <ev> foundations-lucid-gfxboot-update: <ev> I suspect "Replace "Safe graphics mode" with bullet-proof X, with automatic VESA fallback" will not land for alpha-2, but I'll confirm with cjwatson as I intend to work on that area as well for an oem-config specification. <ev> davidbarth: I take it the installer gdm greeter will need to be deferred, correct? <ev> I believe Michael Forrest has looked over the new "try ubuntu without installing" string, but I'll send him a mail asking him to close the work item or follow up with cjwatson. <ev> I'm trying to reproduce bug 495012 now, and have assigned it to myself. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 495012 in ubiquity "Kubuntu OEM install hangs up on boot" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/495012 <ev> [LINK] http://piware.de/workitems/foundations/lucid/report.html <MootBot> LINK received: http://piware.de/workitems/foundations/lucid/report.html <ev> We were doing fine leading up to the holidays, but I imagine we may end up having to defer some things. I'll raise it at the next team meeting. <ev> and that's it from me <davidbarth> ev: unfortunately yes, it won't ready today or even monday <ev> davidbarth: okay, thanks <slangasek> is there an action for the above? I don't see "gdm greeter" anywhere in the workitems <slangasek> oh, "develop a greeter offering..."? <ev> indeed <slangasek> ev: you'll retarget? <ev> slangasek: sure <slangasek> [ACTION] ev to retarget foundations-lucid-gfxboot-update greeter to alpha-3 <MootBot> ACTION received: ev to retarget foundations-lucid-gfxboot-update greeter to alpha-3 <slangasek> ev: anything else? <ev> nope <slangasek> mdz: you had a couple of things? <mdz> slangasek: I just filed bug 504847 about a cron crash, which (although no one else had seen it when I asked) looks like it is not specific to me <ubottu> Launchpad bug 504847 in eglibc "cron crashed with SIGSEGV in _init() after libc6/NSS upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/504847 <mdz> it looks like cron should have been restarted after a recent glibc upgrade, but wasn't <slangasek> oh, indeed; I caught a whiff of that earlier, thanks for jogging my memory <mdz> slangasek: I subscribed you to the bug because I couldn't figure out how to make it public <mdz> I found a workaround and made it public, but can't unsubscribe you, so sorry for the spam <slangasek> no problem, I'll probably go ahead and work that bug today anyway <mdz> #2 is, while I was there, I noticed there seemed to be a stack of untriaged bugs on cron, including some other crashes which looked potentially related <mdz> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cron <slangasek> in fact, cron is crashing here for me even after a reboot <mdz> slangasek: hmm, restarting fixed it for me on 1 of the 2 systems where I saw that bug <mdz> (I haven't tried the other yet) <mdz> (restarting cron, that is) <mdz> Keybuk seems to be the bug contact <slangasek> [ACTION] slangasek to do some triaging of cron bug reports <MootBot> ACTION received: slangasek to do some triaging of cron bug reports <slangasek> I think Keybuk probably has his hands full right now <slangasek> mdz: thanks for bringing this to our attention <mdz> slangasek: np, thanks for checking into it <mdz> that's all from me <slangasek> anyone else? <slangasek> [TOPIC] MOTU <MootBot> New Topic: MOTU <slangasek> ScottK had to jet, but gave me a brief summary, which I'll dump in <slangasek> <ScottK> Nothing major to report on MOTU. FTBFS numbers are improving. The volunteer for the rebuildable binaries spec is working on it, but he got sick/had to have surgery so we're slightly delayed. Expect to have that done before Alpha 3. <slangasek> any other concerns on MOTU? <slangasek> [TOPIC] AOB <MootBot> New Topic: AOB <slangasek> anything else at all? :) <slangasek> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 11:29. <slangasek> thanks, folks <pitti> thanks all <ev> thanks #ubuntu-meeting 2010-01-09 <HFSPLUS> !ops <ubottu> Help! Seveas, Hobbsee, LjL, ompaulafk, Keybuk, mdz, sabdfl, janimo, ogra, mdke, dholbach, or jono <Yos> good night all <sivang> hi all #ubuntu-meeting 2010-01-10 <jussi01> o/ <TheMuso> And so far, looks like we won't have enough for a meeting. * TheMuso reads the agenda. <jussi01> got a link to that? <knome> hey jussi01 <knome> what meeting is this? <knome> ;)= <jussi01> ubuntu studio <TheMuso> jussi01: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2010Jan10 <knome> okay <jussi01> TheMuso: who are we waiting on? <TheMuso> jussi01: stochastic I think, since he sent out eh reminder etc. I don't remember him saing that he couldn't make it. <TheMuso> And if luisbg is around, it would be great to have him along also. <jussi01> yea * jussi01 has pinged them, so hopefully they arrive soon <TheMuso> Well I think this is a no go. <TheMuso> c <ScottL> anyone here for ubuntu studio meeting? <knome> ScottL, they decided not to keep it (jussi01+TheMuso) <ScottL> knome, thanks <knome> np. have a nice day! <raevol> hello all <SiDi> Hi <j1mc> hi SiDi and raevol <lmn> Hi :) * charlie-tca waves <j1mc> ready to start the meeting? <lmn> Aye <knome> sure <j1mc> any ubuntu meeting bot experts here? <knome> who's gonna be the chair? <j1mc> cody-somerville: you ready? <SiDi> knome: you will :D <knome> SiDi, gah <knome> don't want to <lmn> I also nominate knome. <knome> !help <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) <knome> meh <czajkowski> /c/c <charlie-tca> Well, that worked * knome has to check out the bot stuff. <knome> just a moment <knome> make yourself comfortable <j1mc> let's get started w/ taking about governance. knome - if cody only has 10 minutes, we should get started w/o the meeting bot. <j1mc> we'll get the logs <knome> and please fill the other chairs from the beginning <knome> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 14:02. The chair is knome. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <knome> [TOPIC] Xubuntu Governance <MootBot> New Topic: Xubuntu Governance <j1mc> here's the wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/StrategyDocument#Xubuntu%20Governance%20&%20Team%20Structure <knome> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/StrategyDocument#Xubuntu%20Governance%20&%20Team%20Structure <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/StrategyDocument#Xubuntu%20Governance%20&%20Team%20Structure <j1mc> did anyone have any comments based on reading it? <lmn> Other than agreement? <j1mc> lmn: correct <cody-somerville> Reading it again... do we need to even change it? <lmn> Then no. <cody-somerville> It seems to be provide the necessary authority to form a council already. <knome> cody-somerville, i think we only need to append/modify the council part of ir <knome> *it <cody-somerville> knome, ^^ <j1mc> well, depending on what approach we take (team lead vs. council approach) certain items would need to be changed <j1mc> for example, "The Xubuntu council is a small group of people who have been designated as "movers and shakers" by the Xubuntu project lead" <j1mc> i would lthink that this would need to be changed to something like, "xubuntu contributors and xubuntu developers" <SiDi> I agree w/ what's there <lmn> SiDi: Yes, but j1mc's point is right - the point is to be without a "lead" - correct? <knome> well personally i think that even if we had a leader, we should move a bit towards less-authoritarian leader. <cody-somerville> I don't think we have that now. <cody-somerville> Maybe the leader should take more of a back seat though. <SiDi> I think a lead is needed only when two people definitely disagree and begin to misbehave <lmn> knome: You mean a face without veto power? <knome> cody-somerville, that's what i meant <SiDi> and this can be the role of the ubuntu community council <cody-somerville> Maybe mr_pouit will provide that? <j1mc> is mr_pouit willing to be project lead for lucid? <cody-somerville> What I really want to avoid is voting <cody-somerville> j1mc, yes <cody-somerville> Instead, I think consensus is much more favorable to voting. <knome> SiDi, even if it's two people disagree, i don't know if it's directly a place for the leader. if we have the council, the council can/should sort stuff out, if possible <mr_pouit> aren't people supposed to accept the decisions of the council? ;) <j1mc> cody-somerville: he confirmed that in #xubuntu-devel? <SiDi> i think we need leads per field of expertise, and decisions that affect several fields or that affect the overall direction of xubuntu should be decided by all the team leads <lmn> mr_pouit: That would be my understanding.. <lmn> Majority rules, aye? <cody-somerville> No, majority doesn't rule <knome> cody-somerville, finding a consensus is kind of voting anyway <cody-somerville> Ubuntu has never been like this <lmn> When it comes to council it should. <cody-somerville> knome, voting is binary, yes or no. Consensus not so much. <cody-somerville> knome, there can be varying levels of consensus <SiDi> knome: consensus is implicit and means issues got sorted out, vote is explicit and means some issues are being disregarded because people want to force a consensus <cody-somerville> I also disagree that "experts" should have full control of their area <lmn> Well, 9 times out of 10 something is either right or wrong and should be addressed as such.. <knome> consensus doesn't mean no issues are disregarded. <j1mc> i think that people should be consulted before their "area" is changed by others, though. <cody-somerville> I think the people doing the work should have the authority to make decisions <cody-somerville> (except for artwork :P) <knome> cody-somerville, not full control, but if you want to think in binary, i think the expert should have more power than 1. <SiDi> cody-somerville: :P <knome> cody-somerville, i quit. <cody-somerville> who decides who experts are? <knome> :P <SiDi> knome: what is more than 1 in binary? <SiDi> 10? <cody-somerville> knome, lots of artwork people willing to contribute ::P <knome> cody-somerville, aren't that decided when team leaders are appointed <cody-somerville> Anyhow, thats all I wanted to say <SiDi> cody-somerville: by expert i mean people who have the most background on contributing to xubuntu in this field <lmn> knome: But wouldn't that introduce more complexity than needed? That concept is used in the Democratic party in America with "super delegates". <knome> cody-somerville, well, i haven't seen anybody ACTING yet. <SiDi> sorry for that word, it was badly chosen <cody-somerville> knome, agreed. which is why I tolerate you :P * cody-somerville nudges knome <cody-somerville> just joking, love you Pasi * knome farts <knome> :P <cody-somerville> Anyhow, I must be going now. <j1mc> heh <knome> sure. i love you too <SiDi> lmn: I dont think we need to use the same systems as political parties :P <knome> see you cody-somerville <j1mc> cody-somerville: have a good afternoon <lmn> So would the system be if you're an "expert" that you automatically get 2 votes? <knome> lmn, no. <j1mc> thanks for making the time to be here <lmn> Then how are we going to weight the opinion of an "expert"? <SiDi> There is no such thing as vote <cody-somerville> (experts are recognized w/o appointment) <j1mc> mr_pouit: did you confirm that you'd be willing to be project lead for lucid? <cody-somerville> (they are experts because they just are) <knome> but if we are talking about about documentation, for example, i think jim's voice should weigh more that, for example, mine. <SiDi> I think there is no need to weight opinions as long as everyone involved is conscious that some people may be more likely to take the good decision in a given field <charlie-tca> but who decides who the expert is? <cody-somerville> charlie-tca, each individual person * lmn agrees with charlie <mr_pouit> j1mc: yes, if there's no other choice, I can do it until the council is fully functional <knome> expert is probably a wrong word. * cody-somerville is gone. <Sysi> don't opinions weight themselfs trough people? <knome> jim leads the doc team. so he is responsible for getting good results on the doc front. <j1mc> i think we're a small enough group to know who the recognized "subject matter experts" are without formalizing what qualifies as an "expert." <SiDi> charlie-tca: i think we can each think on our own who we consider to be experts in their fields <j1mc> perhaps with the exception of artwork <lmn> It's becoming very clear we didn't discuss this well enough on the mailing list.. <cody-somerville> hehe <SiDi> knome: expert is a wrong word. I use it for lack of a better one in my vocabulary :D <knome> j1mc, ugh? was there some kind of pn intended once again? :P <j1mc> SiDi: "team-lead"? <knome> i hate to talk about artwork all the time, BUT <j1mc> i don't want us to get bogged-down with semantics <raevol> can i ask a noob question? what does "artwork" consist of? <Sysi> people agree with people that they consider as experts, so they don't expecially need to have more weighed vote <j1mc> the important thing (to me) is that people's voices are heard with regard to important xubuntu-related decisions <knome> if i am the marketing (+artwork) lead, i suppose it does make a difference if i disagree with somebody <SiDi> raevol: it consists of the look and feel of Xubuntu and its marketing materials <lmn> raevol: Basically anything that's themeable. <j1mc> in cases of disagreement, we need to be able to sort things out in a way that doesn't bog down the distribution <knome> artwork is always subjective to taste, and we have to take SOME path. <raevol> is it a short list of things? desktop/gdm/bootsplash/window manager/gtk? or a lot more? <lmn> knome: Yeah, I wanted to talk with you about some artwork *ducks* <knome> in the past i haven't proposed anything totally silly (except for laughs) * SiDi proposes artwork specific discussions occur after the governance topic <j1mc> raevol: knome lmn ... can we sort out the governance stuff first? <knome> i remember a few situations where me and cody disagreed on some silly things <raevol> sorry <lmn> j1mc: Absolutely. <knome> (j1mc, i'm getting to that) <j1mc> knome: ok - if you need to talk about artwork to express a gov. issue... :) <j1mc> go ahead. :) <knome> so in these situations, shouldn't my opinion weigh more? especially if the rest of the dev community agrees with me? <knome> why should the project leader have a VETO vote in a situation like this? <knome> "well i don't like that, let's throw it in the bin" <j1mc> knome: i agree. how do we sort out such issues? <j1mc> perhaps... if project lead and other team member disagree... <knome> well if in the new governance we have the council <lmn> Well, a majority of the council should be able to over-ride a veto. <j1mc> it comes out to the xubuntu [insert group name here] for a vote? <knome> maybe we should find a consensus between the members <knome> not just asking the leaders opinion and blindly go forward with that <j1mc> s/vote/consensus <lmn> The council should have checks and balances so that no one branch is more powerful than any other. <lmn> E.g. leaders and etc. <Sysi> too much byrocracy kills all development <lmn> Yes but not enough kills creativity. <knome> Sysi, a veto possibility kills everything. <Sysi> true <SiDi> Would it be reasonable to say that when there is a disagreement that can't be solved on a particular issue, a vote occurs, and voters are the council + the regular members of the team responsible of the feature/field on which the disagreement occurs? <knome> [AGREED] Lionel will act as a temporary project leader until a council is formed. <MootBot> AGREED received: Lionel will act as a temporary project leader until a council is formed. <lmn> SiDi: Exactly my thoughts. <SiDi> (with a max weight for the votes of the regular members to avoid them to outnumber the council) <mr_pouit> A council of ~5 people shouldn't kill anything, if people don't ask for it to decide something every hour. <knome> mr_pouit, i definitely do not want everything go through the council <mr_pouit> clearly <lmn> mr_pouit: Well the point is a person of 1 shouldn't be able to kill something without any way to repeal. <knome> there has been numerous of decisions in the two last cycles which are done without too much bureaucracy and i think that's totally fine <charlie-tca> Sidi hit it right on the head <lmn> Agreed. <cody-somerville> lmn, The community council is the elevation <Sysi> i just meant that in some point needs to make decisions <j1mc> SiDi: could you explain what you mean with "with a max weight..." <cody-somerville> SiDi, ^^ <cody-somerville> Thats just all way to complicated SiDi <lmn> Is it? <cody-somerville> Yes it is <cody-somerville> We escalate to CC if we're not happy with Xubuntu council/project lead decision. <cody-somerville> and if that happens, you better have a good reason if you don't want to look foolish in front of them. <SiDi> Hm, okey <raevol> the council could exist to make decisions on issues that are causing disagreement? if there's no disagreement there's no need to put it by the council? <raevol> err, yea what was just said <knome> cody-somerville, so basically, if the disagreement was about a silly thing, the leader could overrule any developer anyway? <mr_pouit> (unless it's on a technical matter, where the cc is useless) <lmn> mr_pouit: Agreed. <cody-somerville> In that case, we go to TB: ) <SiDi> j1mc: meant that for instance the team members' vote counts for 25% of the final vote, or something like that, to make sure the decision belongs to the council, but the team members still have a word to say when it comes to something they work on <cody-somerville> knome, if you can build up a case that the leader does that often, that wouldn't be a silly problem <cody-somerville> It would be a huge problem <cody-somerville> It would be a clear case of micro management * cody-somerville is gone again. * charlie-tca agrees * lmn also agrees <knome> agree as well. <charlie-tca> any micro manager as team leader should wind up in front of the cc <knome> maybe we should talk about what the team EXPECTS from the team leaders <lmn> That's a good question. <knome> if i'm the marketing lead, do people expect me to handle and lead marketing and make some decisions and manage a big picture of it? <knome> or just produce marketing material? <lmn> knome: I'd say at least be the "idea man". <j1mc> to do work, to provide direction for their portion of the project, to recruit and assist others who contribute to the project <lmn> What's the point in being a team lead if you're not going to have a strong idea for where you want to be and go. <lmn> It seems j1mc and I are on the same page with this. <knome> j1mc, okay, so doesn't the team leader have a bigger weight about his own area, if he is supposed to direct the team? <j1mc> i would say yes, unless you want me directing artwork. ... of course what you suggest makes sense. :) <knome> j1mc, how can anybody direct a team if his decisions are not appreciated or they are overruled by project leader? <mr_pouit> (you can say that he has more experience on his topic, so it's easier to convince other people ;) <mr_pouit> (he/she, of course) <j1mc> in what cases should a project leader be able to overrule the team leader? <knome> this also concerns the documentation team and i'm so happy you, jim, are taking care of it, even if somebody might disagree. <j1mc> or in what cases should the project leader be able to overrule the team leader? <j1mc> that's what i meant to ask. <SiDi> j1mc: i'd say exclusvely when the majority of the council disagrees with the team lead, and when the people in the team also disagree with each other <knome> COMPACTLY: i know you know better. <lmn> j1mc: I'd say the project leader should organize a vote at that point, if it's necessary. <SiDi> ie. when the team leads acts on his/her own w/ nobody agreeing <charlie-tca> If the team leader is not the one to make the final decision on what's best for a team, what is he? <lmn> An organizer, basically. <knome> charlie-tca, well aren't we suggesting a governance with a council <knome> first go to council <knome> if council can't have consensus even what they do, ask the leader <lmn> The project leader should be the one managing the way things move, not deciding how they move, if that makes sense. <knome> if one guy disagrees in the council (even if he was the project leader) i don't think it should "break" the thing at that point. <knome> the council would probably find a consensus by theirselves if only one disagrees. <knome> if they really can't find a consensus, then i think the project leader definitely should have his voice heard. <knome> and in the end, make the decision <cody-somerville> The project leader isn't a project manager <cody-somerville> also, if there is a council, I feel the project leader should sit on it <knome> cody-somerville, of course <cody-somerville> and maybe even be the chairman (ie. tie breaker) * j1mc agrees <lmn> I'll agree with that. * j1mc agrees w/ the sitting on the council part * charlie-tca agrees too <knome> cody-somerville, exactly. but in a non-tie situation he should just be one of the members. <j1mc> tiebreaker, too <cody-somerville> knome, agreed. <knome> i don't see we are going to have a lot of need for tie-breakers, really <charlie-tca> just a member or a non-voting member except in ties <SiDi> I think the tiebreaker should be the most relevant team lead for the thing involved <knome> even if we have disagreed, it's mostly being either me or you (cody) disagreeing the rest ;) <lmn> knome: Failsafes are rarely used, but when they are, you're glad they're there. * cody-somerville is gone again. <knome> maybe the team leader and the project leader should be the tiebreakers. <knome> and if they disagree, project leader is the tiebreaker. <knome> what do you think of that? <cody-somerville> Lets get rid of team leaders <charlie-tca> can't have two tiebreakers. That creates more issues. <cody-somerville> let the teams organize themselves <cody-somerville> just an idea * cody-somerville is really gone now. <knome> cody-somerville, tbh, the teams usually consist of one or two people <knome> cody-somerville, the marketing+artwork team is knome. <knome> atm <lmn> Well, knome - as I've mentioned on the mailing list I have wordpress experience.. <lmn> just throwing that out there <knome> lmn, yes. <SiDi> knome: eeew, evil you <SiDi> i'm in the art team <knome> but in the past, even if there were people interested in contributing <SiDi> and im not a knome <knome> they rarely have contributed <knome> SiDi, yes you are. just generalizing :P <knome> so that leaves me still being on my own in the marketing team <SiDi> I agree that we could trash the team leaders. But then we need to ensure each team is represented by at least a council member <j1mc> SiDi: that makes sense <j1mc> assuming we don't have 12 teams <charlie-tca> yup <knome> what about my suggestion in cutting the teams down to four? <charlie-tca> Council gets much bigger than about 5 for us, we are in trouble <j1mc> charlie-tca: i agree <SiDi> j1mc: a council member could be in several teams <j1mc> yes <SiDi> and the creation of new teams would require agreement of the council + dedication of a member <knome> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2009-December/007225.html <knome> charlie-tca, won't get bigger than 5. we barely have more contributors than five >:| <j1mc> in the current structure, there's contributors, documentors (which includes the website group... which i don't often think about), developers, council & project lead <knome> no, there's no council <knome> it's in the strategy document, but none has been formed yet. <j1mc> it's in the current governance doc <knome> the council is project leader. <knome> as for now. <j1mc> ok <SiDi> I think we can leave to Council, Contributors, Users <knome> we DO have a core developer group <knome> or contributor, to be more exact <charlie-tca> yes, and developers should be involved <knome> charlie-tca, developers are contributors. <knome> if we split contributors into contributors and developers, that somewhat makes me feel that the people working with code are somewhat more important than the ones doing documentation or qa. <j1mc> developers and contributors should be part of the council... with the aim (but not requirement?) of having the council made up of "core functional areas" of the project... ? <SiDi> i agree to have a single group for devs + contributors <knome> which they kind of are, but should not be in the governance thing <SiDi> especially considering that the majority of the work is not related to code in Xubuntu <charlie-tca> without the developers, you have nothing <SiDi> charlie-tca: and the developers are the GNOME + XFCE + Ubuntu + Kernel + Xorg + w/e ones <j1mc> knome: i think it may draw in more "developers" if we have a separate group... a mkting tool? <knome> charlie-tca, that's true. but really, a QA guy is not less important when it comes down to governance. <SiDi> Who writes code in Xubuntu? Cody, Lionel and I write patches, thats all <knome> j1mc, i think that has worked against us, really <SiDi> +1 knome <knome> j1mc, (having a separate dev group) <lmn> SiDi: How many patches and repackaging usually go into a single release? <charlie-tca> I agree. Developers are the only group that is required by the distribution <SiDi> charlie-tca: your opinion, the one of knome and j1mc, the one of vincent, and anyone willing to seriously contribute weights just as much as the one of those whow rite the code <SiDi> lmn: cant say, i've only worked on a single release cycle <knome> charlie-tca, ^ +1 billion for SiDi <SiDi> but i wrote more than 50 patches <lmn> Hm, fair enough. <knome> charlie-tca, that's what i meant. i didn't mean that developers are not in a special status. they sure are. (thanks cody and lionel) <j1mc> i wouldn't want to "weight" someone's opinion <knome> (and steve) <SiDi> charlie-tca: i dont think there can be a distro only with developers <SiDi> devs often dont see the shortcomings of their own work without support teams to fetch feedback from users <knome> j1mc, that was just justifying that even developers should be counted as "contributors", not a separate group <charlie-tca> Of course there can, that is what started xubuntu <knome> charlie-tca, tbh, i don't think it would have lasted long if there wasn't somebody who was interested in something else than development <j1mc> knome: i think part of the "developers" is that there is a separate lp group... which gives certain permissions? i think it also recognizes them a bit more. <j1mc> knome: i think we disagree on this a bit, but that's ok <knome> j1mc, i agree with developers having certain permissions. <SiDi> Of course devs can start a distro as long as they also know a bit about system administration and packaging <knome> j1mc, but i don't agree one developer being any more important in the council than one "contributor" <SiDi> but a good distro also needs a documentation and support team <j1mc> knome: i agree w/ you on tha tpoint <SiDi> + some designer effort for the desktop settings <knome> j1mc, also, there would be no idea in letting me have push rights to universe. i'd just mess everything up. <knome> j1mc, developers need special permissions to be able to do their part. <j1mc> knome: +1 billion. every app would have a special "unicorn" button if it were up to you. <knome> j1mc, ...and a pink kitten <j1mc> what can we agree on for now. <j1mc> i think we're coming to some agreement <knome> sure <j1mc> we have PL for now - mr_p :) <j1mc> we know we want a council... <j1mc> 4 or 5 people... <SiDi> knome: and binary birds <j1mc> we know we want votes to be equal <knome> 5, to have a tiebreaker. <j1mc> but PL can over-rule <knome> j1mc, that's where we disagree. <j1mc> as tie-breaker <j1mc> sorry... not over-rule <knome> or at least haven't agreed yet <j1mc> bad choice of words <j1mc> in cases where the PL and the subject matter expert disagree - we need special considerations <j1mc> that have yet to be determined <j1mc> (not sure we can decide on formal lanague in this mtg) <j1mc> am i on the right track? <j1mc> what else can we agree on? <knome> j1mc, but if the council votes 3-2 for the TL (PL disagrees), wouldn't the TL's idea go through anyway? <j1mc> no, because then there is no tie <j1mc> wait... yes <knome> :D <SiDi> yes <j1mc> sorry, i misread <knome> so if there is 5 members <knome> and one of them is the PL <SiDi> PL would break the tie when there is a 2-2 (+ 1 abstention or absence) <knome> yes. <j1mc> yes <SiDi> but i'd prefer having the "subject expert" as a tie breaker <knome> i kind of have to agree with SiDi here <SiDi> because if he has more experience in the field hes more likely to know which decision is better <knome> at least if the voting is tied. <knome> (and there has been a vote) <charlie-tca> project lead should be thinking of the overall best for the project; team leader is only looking at his part <SiDi> charlie-tca: i think we're all looking for the best of the project <SiDi> and we all want to work together and have a global vision of the project <knome> charlie-tca, how to find out when the decision really matters for the best of the whole project? <knome> or when it is only about agreeing and disagreeing <charlie-tca> A a team leader, you want what "you" do first. As project lead, you are looking at everything <knome> if it's about certain artwork (eg. wallpaper), can you really say that an another WP would be better for "the project" ? <charlie-tca> yes <knome> i can't say that. <charlie-tca> look at Ubuntu and how many times their choices have been hated <j1mc> WP is certainly subjective <knome> charlie-tca, if i create a consistent theme for, let's say, lucid with the marketing team <charlie-tca> Even the karmic gdm screen is still being debated as to quality <knome> charlie-tca, and it includes a wallpaper, which is as well consistent <knome> charlie-tca, and the PL disagrees <raevol> this seems like a really silly thing to get stuck on, since all themed things can be changed by the user <knome> charlie-tca, should we change to a WP that is not consistent with the rest of the artwork? <SiDi> raevol: its the main point of disagreement in Xubuntu :D <charlie-tca> That is not what I said, knome <raevol> that's kind of ridiculous <knome> charlie-tca, that's what i meant. <SiDi> raevol: we usually start epic wars that involve nuclear bombing when it comes to the default wallpaper <raevol> and things like the login manager or media player get left on the wayside? <knome> raevol, we usually just agree on those. <SiDi> the login manager is out of our control <SiDi> the media player is what i've been working on in the last cycle <knome> charlie-tca, can you try to be more verbose on what you meant, then? <raevol> i'm sorry but froma 1st time user at this meeting, if all this governance drama is over wallpaper, that's really sad <SiDi> raevol: it was a (big) caricature from me <knome> [IDEA] Council of 4 or 5 members. Votes are equal, except if we need a tie-break. Who will tiebreak? <MootBot> IDEA received: Council of 4 or 5 members. Votes are equal, except if we need a tie-break. Who will tiebreak? <knome> raevol, it's not that we only argued over wallpapers. <raevol> how about a council of 5 and ties are not allowed <charlie-tca> I'm saying that in any project, the individual team leaders will always push hardest for their team items, especially when they came up with the idea. <knome> raevol, these are just examples. <raevol> k <charlie-tca> The project leader should not be involved in those team projects individuallym, and will look at the whole project instead <knome> charlie-tca, of course. is that bad for the project, if the team leader wants the best for the project? <knome> charlie-tca, i mean, COME ON, has anybody really suggested anything THAT SUCKY? <SiDi> charlie-tca: we all get personal about what we do, its normal. But we also are adult persons and we're capable of thinking about what's best for the project <knome> (in any team) <charlie-tca> The project leader shfould be able to look at all the items, to see the biggest picture <knome> raevol, even in a 5 member council one can be absent and then there's the possibility of having a tie. <SiDi> charlie-tca: then what can the project leader do apart from waiting and vetoing/distributing white cards? <raevol> put the vote on hold until the 5th returns? <knome> charlie-tca, then the project leader should not take part on any team <SiDi> And, more important, why would there be a single person to have a whole picture of xubuntu ? <knome> charlie-tca, because then he would get things in his team always pushed through anyway. <SiDi> raevol: the 5th can disappear. It happens <knome> charlie-tca, or things HE DID. <raevol> if they dissapear for more than a few weeks they shouldn't be on council, wouldn't you think? and a vote could wait a few weeks? <knome> raevol, they can disappear completely. <knome> raevol, this is voluntary work. <charlie-tca> raevol: a vote can't wait if a decision has to be made by tomorrow <raevol> could you then have a time limit on absence before they are replaced? <SiDi> raevol: a vote can't be on hold. Deadlines are already so short <charlie-tca> Which does happen <knome> +1 on charlie-tca and SiDi <raevol> or perhaps each council member has a person to stand in for them? <SiDi> we dont even have 10 contributors :D <charlie-tca> Sure <SiDi> So we can't do that <charlie-tca> knome, can you be my stand in? <knome> do we agree that if council gets something to decide on, they should decide on the thing in the first meeting they have. <knome> charlie-tca, of course. especially when we disagree :P <charlie-tca> Thanks <knome> j1mc, did you fall off your chair already? <charlie-tca> Of course, that still leaves the council short that member, doesn't it <j1mc> knome: :) <charlie-tca> I agree the council has to decide quickly <knome> charlie-tca, well i think, if i was your stand in, wouldn't i have two votes? <charlie-tca> Yup <j1mc> i'm ok with 5 members... do not have a preference on how ties are situated <charlie-tca> One for qa and one for marketing? <knome> charlie-tca, my own vote and your vote, if i stand for you. <knome> regardless of the teams. <charlie-tca> Sounds right <knome> should we vote on team size? <knome> or do we just agree on five? <knome> eh <knome> council size <charlie-tca> Shouldn't there be a minimum number show up to have a decision made? <knome> (let's kick charlie-tca out, he's not a REAL developer) <j1mc> i think five is good <knome> just a joke. * j1mc hugs charlie-tca <j1mc> :) * charlie-tca is gone <knome> charlie-tca, 50%+, so if the council is 5, 3 would be wnough. * knome hugs charlie-tca as well :) <charlie-tca> right <SiDi> Sorry, wifi crashed <knome> if the council is 4, you'd still need 3 to be able to decide <knome> and the size would leave a possibility for more ties <charlie-tca> so if we get 3, 4, or 5 show up, a decision would be made at that meeting. <knome> charlie-tca, yes. <j1mc> yup <knome> UNLESS <knome> there are four people in <charlie-tca> no UNLESS <knome> but the PL is away <knome> then there's a tie <knome> and no tie-breaker <knome> if a TL can't tiebreak. <SiDi> Ok <charlie-tca> That may be the exception to the TL breaking the tie <SiDi> i propose Fair Roll Dice for ties <knome> then it's 2-2 but no tiebreaker. <knome> SiDi, fair roll dice? :F <SiDi> dice roll <SiDi> Sorry, i'm tired <knome> lol <knome> i was already wondering what a fair dice was <charlie-tca> knome: that does make sense. PL is a tiebreaker unless he is not there, then TL is <knome> (one with 6 6's?)= <knome> charlie-tca, well... <knome> charlie-tca, i can't agree on that either <raevol> does that mean it's agreed that PL breaks ties between TL and PL? <charlie-tca> okey dokey <knome> people could tamper with the results <j1mc> knome: no tampering :) <knome> eg. propose a meeting when the PL can't take part <j1mc> gaaah <j1mc> no <j1mc> not going to go there <knome> yes, they could do that. <charlie-tca> PL should never break ties between him and TL; there would only be two there then <knome> i could. <knome> i mean... <knome> :P <knome> charlie-tca, so if a vote is 2-2 with PL and TL on different sides, it's still a tiebreak? <knome> s/tiebreak/tie/ <charlie-tca> PL should not have voted yet <raevol> perhaps decisions should never be made without both the PL and TL, unless they give their permission? which they would be sort of expected to do if there's a deadline issue? <knome> so you propose a PL is not a voting member at all? <charlie-tca> 4 showed up, TL and two voted; no tie <charlie-tca> I propose the PL votes as tie-breaker only <SiDi> oh <SiDi> Then it means the PL can't vote on non-ties, thats unfair to him :D <knome> no. <j1mc> doesnt that defeat the purpose of having a PL <charlie-tca> He no longer has the heaviest say every time <knome> i disagree. <charlie-tca> There was no council meeting unless they disagreed, was there? <knome> if TL and 2 vote (1 for TL, 2 against), and the PL would have agreed with TL... <knome> that makes PL have so much less weight on his words <knome> and that's not what we want, if the PL is the best guy to say what is the best for the project, right? <j1mc> i think the PL should definitely be able to vote. <knome> if PL voted in the first vote, it would have been a tie (2-2) and then PL's vote would have made the difference, thus TL in this example winning. <knome> but if the PL didn't vote,TL would have lost. <j1mc> i know it's important to delineate these things, but i feel like we're splitting hairs <knome> this is an exaggerated example, but this REALLY shouldn't happen. <j1mc> if a fifth member can't make it, and there's an important issue... call them. email them. <knome> so, do we agree on the council size of 5? <knome> j1mc, and as the last effort, fart in their nose. <j1mc> that's ok w/ me <knome> everybody else agree? <knome> SiDi, charlie-tca, raevol ? <knome> lmn, ? <j1mc> mr_pouit <lmn> Yes. <charlie-tca> 5 <lmn> knome: Agreed. <lmn> :) <raevol> oh don't wait for my agreement, i'm just watching and commenting <knome> raevol, you can disagree as well if you feel like. <knome> raevol, or agree, of course :P <mr_pouit> yeah yeah, agree for 5 <knome> this shouldn't be a secret club. <raevol> i agree <knome> [AGREED] Council size should be 5 members, with one of them being the Project Lead. <MootBot> AGREED received: Council size should be 5 members, with one of them being the Project Lead. <knome> did somebody [disagree] with the latter point? <knome> :P <j1mc> no :) <knome> does the PL get vote in the first voting in the council? <knome> do we need a vote on this? * charlie-tca thinks disagreeing is good for the mind * knome thinks disagreeing with your mind is good. <lmn> knome: I disagree with my fists,. <lmn> jk <knome> i'll be back in just a few seconds, i have to go to the bathroom. <j1mc> i think the PL should be able to vote in all cases <raevol> i agree with PL voting <j1mc> why should the leader be penalized in the decision-making process? * SiDi is half afk. Got work to do for tomorrow morning * charlie-tca disagrees, but that is okay too <knome> SiDi, with being half at keyboard, could you cast your vote <SiDi> Sure <knome> + or - ? <j1mc> the council should be selected by the existing xubuntu-contributors <SiDi> + <SiDi> Launch a vote if you want me to vote :P <SiDi> j1mc: i agree to this too <knome> [AGREED] The Project Leader will have a vote in a first vote in the council, not just as a tie-breaker. <MootBot> AGREED received: The Project Leader will have a vote in a first vote in the council, not just as a tie-breaker. <charlie-tca> +1 j1mc <knome> yeah. <knome> anybody disagree? <charlie-tca> what are we disagreeing on now? <knome> charlie-tca, you already agreed on selecting the council <knome> raevol, lmn ? * charlie-tca seems to have gotten confused <knome> heh, np <lmn> knome: Agreed. <knome> i can also do [vote]s if you want <raevol> i agree with PL voting? that's where we are? <knome> [AGREED] The 4 members in the Council in addition to the Project Leader should be selected by the existing 'xubuntu-contributors'. <MootBot> AGREED received: The 4 members in the Council in addition to the Project Leader should be selected by the existing 'xubuntu-contributors'. <raevol> i agree with that too <knome> okay, who will tiebreak. <SiDi> knome: if for a reason or another i dont answer to a vote request within 1 min, you can safely assume i vote the same as you, whenever my vote is relevant <knome> only pl or tl+pl ? * SiDi thinks the person who has most contributed to w/e is being discussed should tie break <knome> SiDi, okay, that's valid/official enough :P <SiDi> whoever it is <knome> SiDi, only the one or he and tl? <knome> and in which order? <knome> j1mc, charlie-tca, lmn, raevol: can i have your opinions please. should team leader be able to tiebreak? <lmn> Hm. <j1mc> be able to tie break what? <lmn> A tie. <knome> j1mc, at all. <lmn> :P <charlie-tca> only when PL is absent <raevol> i don't really have enough experience on the project to say who should tiebreak. my instincts say PL should, but i really don't know <lmn> I agree with charlie. <j1mc> charlie-tca: i agree <knome> SiDi, do you agree with that as well? <mr_pouit> (same here) <knome> okay <knome> mr_pouit, sorry for forgetting you in the ping :P <knome> i think this have been decided already, and i also agree <lmn> He was too busy being awesome. <mr_pouit> I'm reading, so no problem :p <knome> [AGREED] The appropriate Team Lead can be the tiebreaker in a vote, but only if Project Lead is absent. <MootBot> AGREED received: The appropriate Team Lead can be the tiebreaker in a vote, but only if Project Lead is absent. <raevol> question: should the PL be able to request that a decision be made when he can be present? <SiDi> knome: only the one <j1mc> we are talking about team leads.. but will someone will be assigned as "team lead" formally? cody-somerville was opposed to this <SiDi> that makes things more straightforward <knome> j1mc, i think that was just an idea he threw in. at the moment we DO have team leads. <charlie-tca> or will each team simply send a team member to the meeting? <SiDi> knome: there is a consensus on the PL, so lets say PL. <raevol> i like the idea of council members being associated with teams <knome> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2009-December/007225.html <- what do you think about this new team formation? <knome> i think people pretty much agreed on it on the list, but i'll ask again <knome> that would mean we'd have 4 team leads <knome> if one of them was the PL, we could vote a random guy in the council <j1mc> i don't like having the website under documentation <knome> like, some other contributor. <j1mc> mostly because i feel ill-equipped to coordinate the website, though <j1mc> i think website is under marketing <knome> j1mc, they are quite much doing the same thing <knome> j1mc, you would have people to help you though <knome> if it's under marketing, then marketing would be quite a big team <knome> marketing is, in that draft, already marketing+artwork <j1mc> well, website is both mktg and doc-related <knome> i think it is more about doc <j1mc> i need a vote from the council! :P <knome> :P <j1mc> i disagree :P <charlie-tca> website has to be pretty! that's marketing, isn't it? <j1mc> yes :) <knome> charlie-tca, but it also has to have solid INFORMATION. isn't that documentation? <j1mc> yes :) <j1mc> documarketing <charlie-tca> I don't think information is as important as looks <charlie-tca> Anyone can design an ugly website, but few will go to it then <SiDi> It's under both <SiDi> Stop categorizing things so binarily :P <knome> what the website looks is only to be considered when we are doing a website redesign <SiDi> charlie-tca: web designers also hold for a fact that a beautiful shell without content is atractive only for the first 5 minutes ;D <knome> the banners for the website belong to artwork team, which then "ships" the files to the website team, which adds them in the site <charlie-tca> perhaps a fifth team: Everything else? <knome> practically: i upload them with drupal. <knome> :P <SiDi> charlie-tca: :D <knome> charlie-tca, disagree. that would include picking your nose, and i want that under marketing. if we are going to create "everything else" team, weäll have to explicitly say that nosepicking belongs for the marketing team * charlie-tca thinks that is all in the wording <knome> :) <charlie-tca> That's fine, Knightlust <charlie-tca> knome <knome> after all, we already "kind of" have the COMMUNITY team <knome> which is mentioned in the team report page <knome> "just put it under community" <knome> :P <knome> i've heard that a few times. <knome> well. <knome> i'm making a question: <charlie-tca> That's because community just fits nicely <knome> if the council should have one member from each team, wouldn't that basically mean that it's populated by (probably) all the team leaders and the PL, and probably one more member? <knome> if we had five teams, wouldn't that mean that (probably) all the team leaders were part of the council? <lmn> Sorry, apparently my session died without informing me. <charlie-tca> yes <knome> do we really need a fifth team? <charlie-tca> Which is what the council should be <knome> does everybody agree that the council should have one member from each team? <j1mc> knome: in practice, i would like to have the website outside of the official "documentation" realm for now if only because i have no access to the website... if you want to say that members of the marketing and documentation teams will collaborate to ensure the upkeep of the website, that's fine. <knome> (do i have to make a [vote] ?) <knome> j1mc, i think you can have an account in the website <knome> i might be able to do that, actually. <knome> let me check <raevol> agreed that the council should consist of team leads, though making a 5th team or not is *shrug* <SiDi> lmn: dead sessions can't spea <knome> j1mc, yes, i can do that. <j1mc> i think that the council should generically be representative of the xubuntu project... <knome> mr_pouit, lmn, SiDi, j1mc: should council have one member from each team? <lmn> Hm.. <charlie-tca> expand, j1mc <lmn> knome: That's a tough one. <j1mc> knome: i don' think it's necessary to formalize it <dhillon-v10> hi all :) <knome> j1mc, i think that a council including the current team leads would definitely do that. <j1mc> hi dhillon-v10 <knome> hello dhillon-v10 <lmn> Hi, dhillon-v10. <SiDi> knome: could you type the name of the current 4 teams? <dhillon-v10> j1mc, knome, lmn so is this a xubuntu-council meeting, nice <lmn> Yes. :) <j1mc> there may be some cases where a person is a well-respected, long-time contributor... <knome> SiDi, check out https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2009-December/007225.html <j1mc> but they are also part of the artwork/marketing team. <lmn> Well, we're figuring out what the council _is_ right now. <SiDi> blah, knome <knome> SiDi, that's my proposal <raevol> j1mc: that's really true <knome> SiDi, CURRENTLY there is more teams. <j1mc> so... if we have two people on the council from 1 team... that is what we have at that time. <SiDi> ok, imo website should go to marketing, and there is a lack of desktop team <j1mc> as long as they are well-respected and people think they make fair decisions, i think it's ok <knome> dhillon-v10, not a council meeting yet, we don't just have council yet. it's the TEAM meeting ;) <lmn> ^ <knome> SiDi, i suppose desktop is under dev <dhillon-v10> knome, okay :) I'll sit back and watch <SiDi> j1mc: +1. Anyway the 5 members of the council will be part of one or more teams <knome> j1mc, yeah, no problem if we have more than one from each team. but i was asking whether we should have *at least* one member from each team. <j1mc> SiDi: yeah <j1mc> knome: it may not always be possible <knome> dhillon-v10, feel free to vote and join the discussion as well. it's an open meeting <j1mc> team names may change <SiDi> knome: dev should be bugfixing, triaging, packaging, release management, which is different from desktop. But anyway a desktop team is too early considering it would be empty, very likely :p <dhillon-v10> knome, thanks :) <raevol> knome: that would be nice, but perhaps not necessary as a requirement <j1mc> i'm a bit more laissez-faire about this. if the council will be selected by the contributors... <knome> j1mc, okay. i can cope with that. no problem :) <j1mc> i think that's enough <knome> j1mc, yeah. <knome> um, i had an another question <knome> how long should one "season" last? how often should we have a new voting of the council? <j1mc> if you want to say that the council should "aim" to have balanced membership across the different aspects of xubuntu, i think that's ok <knome> j1mc, that's a great wording. :) <j1mc> 1 year - 2 cycles? <knome> yeah, at least 2 cycles i think. <j1mc> more than that is too much, i think <j1mc> charlie-tca: what do you think? <knome> having a council for 1 cycle doesn't really make it possible to do long-term decisions <SiDi> I think we could do it per LTS cycle <knome> SiDi, that's quite rarely. <SiDi> to be able to decide on very long term projects <charlie-tca> I am having issues just following this now <j1mc> charlie-tca: ok * SiDi is about to have to go, because of school tomorrow, by the way <knome> maybe the council should be able to do "very long term decisions" which last over the council's age <j1mc> do we agree that we don't need to have "one person from each team on the council"? <knome> j1mc, yes. <raevol> j1mc: yes <j1mc> anyone disagree with that? <lmn> yes <lmn> er <lmn> no <lmn> :P <lmn> I agree. <lmn> :) <knome> and that the "very long term" decisions could be overruled but only by a council vote <j1mc> lmn: sorry... :) i changed the yes/no o nyou <lmn> hehe <lmn> ;) <knome> [AGREED] The council should *aim* to have balanced membership across the different aspects/teams of Xubuntu. <MootBot> AGREED received: The council should *aim* to have balanced membership across the different aspects/teams of Xubuntu. <SiDi> knome: fair enough <raevol> knome put in a clause about it not being necessary, just so it's clear to future people <knome> j1mc, ? what do you think of the very long term stuff? <knome> raevol, "should aim" means it's not mandatory. <j1mc> charlie-tca: our next point was to consider how long people should be on the council? <raevol> knome: i forsee someone trying to make "should aim" into a necessary thing ;) <knome> raevol, then reconsider rephrasing it at that time <knome> or just kick his/her ass <j1mc> appts for the ubuntu community council are made for 2 years <raevol> hahaha <knome> j1mc, i agree with you that it's a long time. <charlie-tca> You ;can define terms later, "should does not mean will" kind of things <j1mc> technical board members are elected for two years, too <charlie-tca> 2 years being 4 cycles? <j1mc> i think that's a long time for us... charlie-tca year... 4 cycles <knome> charlie-tca, i think we need to have some kind of guideline as for now, so voting members again will happen. <raevol> i've gotta run guys, will meeting notes end up on the mailing list? <j1mc> raevol: sure <knome> yeah, 4 cycles/2 yrs is a LONG time. <raevol> kk, bye, good luck! <charlie-tca> LTS is every two years, what if the council is elected before each LTS phase begins <mr_pouit> s/before/after/ <charlie-tca> after works for me <knome> charlie-tca, not thinking the release schedule at all, it's really hard for me seeing it would be good if people sat in the council for 2 years. <j1mc> i see that as being a long time, but i think it would lend continuity to the project <mr_pouit> (setting up a new council during a lts cycle looks a bit counterproductive) <charlie-tca> For continuity and being able to accomplish much, 2 years is about right <knome> i don't completely disagree with that either. <charlie-tca> Setting up the new council after lts hits beta? <dhillon-v10> yah 2 years seems just about right IMHO <knome> what bout set it when lts is released? <charlie-tca> It could take 6 months just to get settled each time <j1mc> and it ensures that we don't get unexpected turnover right before an LTS <charlie-tca> okay <knome> should i make a [vote] ? <j1mc> not yet <knome> okay. <knome> i'm waiting for what you have to say :) <j1mc> so using lucid as an example... <charlie-tca> 2 years only sounds long, maybe word it to 4 releases <j1mc> if we used this process... <j1mc> we would have voted after the close of karmic? <knome> j1mc, after close of lucid. <charlie-tca> If it is before LTS, yes <charlie-tca> If it after, when lucid releases <knome> i think definitely AFTER an lts release <j1mc> i would want the council to have had a good amount of experience together in advance of an LTS. <knome> j1mc, exactly. <charlie-tca> We picked them after hardy ( 2008) and ;again after lucid (2010) <knome> that's why we would name the council right after the earlier lts <j1mc> so we shouldn't introduce a new council to xubuntu immediately in advance of an LTS <j1mc> knome: agreed. charlie-tca: agreed, too. <j1mc> that makes sense <knome> so that means we are agreeing with the 2 year term as well? <j1mc> knome: now i think a vote would be ok. :) yeah, i am ok with that. <charlie-tca> We don't want leadership changes before/during the LTS release, if we can help it. <knome> charlie-tca, yeah. exactly. <knome> does anybody disagree on the two year term or the time naming the new council (just after lts release) ? <j1mc> i am ok with that <knome> j1mc, i heard that. i'm waiting for mr_pouit ;) <mr_pouit> yeah, I'm ok too :p <lmn> ;) <knome> okay. <knome> anybody else? <lmn> Agreed. <knome> okay <SiDi> knome: i agree with changing council after LTS <charlie-tca> I have to propose that any more discussion be tabled at this point. We are two hours in now <knome> [AGREED] The council should be named/selected after every LTS release. Thus, every season lasts for 2 years. <MootBot> AGREED received: The council should be named/selected after every LTS release. Thus, every season lasts for 2 years. <charlie-tca> Hold another meetint next week or in two weeks. <knome> kind of disagree. <knome> :P <lmn> I agree. <j1mc> what else needs to be decided? <j1mc> can we at least confirm that? <knome> let me see <knome> there was at least something <lmn> 2 hours of council discussion has killed my enthusiasm, tbh. <knome> oh, the new teams <knome> [ACTION] Discuss about the new team structure in the next meeting. <MootBot> ACTION received: Discuss about the new team structure in the next meeting. <knome> umm... <knome> we still haven't fought about the lucid wallpaper <j1mc> knome: nooo. <charlie-tca> make it light <j1mc> lmn: i know this is not fun <knome> :) <charlie-tca> well, medium <knome> well, just to inform you all <lmn> knome: Just grab an 800x600 polaroid of George W Bush. I'm sure we'd all enjoy that. <j1mc> but getting this out of the way is helpful. <j1mc> we won't have to deal w/ it again <lmn> True. <charlie-tca> knome: you want me to send you an "everybody else" monitor? <knome> Michael (NCommander) says he is going to pause his involvement with Xubuntu for now; ENOTIME. <knome> charlie-tca, haha :D <knome> so we'll be one short for lucid/lucid+1 at least, i think <knome> j1mc, where was our agenda again? <j1mc> wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings <knome> j1mc, did you have some quick words about xfce 4.8+lucid? <j1mc> oh, just that we'll need to set a cutoff point where we decide whether or not we want to use 4.8 or stay with 4.6 <knome> mr_pouit, ? <charlie-tca> What kind of final date is there for 4.8 to be out? <j1mc> cody and i talked about it at uds a little... he came up with a date around alpha 3, i think. <j1mc> i'll have to look at my notes. <knome> j1mc, will you do that now or later? <mr_pouit> I don't think it'll be ready <mr_pouit> so I would prefer to wait for lucid+1 <knome> i doubt it as well, but IF... <knome> maybe that would be better <knome> even though i'd really like to see 4.8 in lucid <knome> escpecially if it has a menu editor <knome> >:| <SiDi> Good night to everyone. If my opinion is needed I let Pasi vote instead of me <knome> SiDi, i doubt we'll vote today. good night :) <j1mc> we can talk about it further, but my note from talking with cody says, "Decide on whether or not to include Xfce 4.8 between Alpha 3 and Beta 11" <knome> beta 11? :P <SiDi> charlie-tca: 4.8 should be out in 1st of April if my memory doesnt betray me <j1mc> beta 1 <j1mc> sorry <knome> when is beta 1? <SiDi> beta 1 is in March 1st <charlie-tca> Seems a little tight to get it into lucid <mr_pouit> alpha 3 is after feature freeze, too late <knome> beta 1 is march 18th <charlie-tca> PL has spoken <knome> according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule <SiDi> I think it's safer not to push it, but we need to check the billion commits for bugfixes to the 4.6 branch <charlie-tca> :-) <SiDi> Now, good night everyone! :D <mr_pouit> SiDi: that's in progress <mr_pouit> I've already included all patches from the xfce-4.6 branch in xfdesktop4 today for instance <knome> so shall we go with 4.6? <j1mc> mr_pouit: would we be able to get the new thunar into lucid? <j1mc> even if we went w/4.6? <mr_pouit> it depends on xfce 4.8 components <mr_pouit> (such as libxfce4ui) <j1mc> yeah <mr_pouit> and exo 0.6 <mr_pouit> they aren't "stable" at the moment <mr_pouit> so I would prefer not to include it <j1mc> with dapper... xubuntu was released w/ xfce 4.3.9.xx or something <mr_pouit> yeah, and xfce folks were really unhappy <mr_pouit> because they received bugs reports about outdated development releases <knome> hmm <charlie-tca> We are looking at keeping 4.6.? until 2013? <mr_pouit> moreover, thunar gio might create issues with other components not ported yet <mr_pouit> (such as xfdesktop4) <lmn> charlie-tca: Yeah, that means listening to gui menu editing questions until 2013. <lmn> heh heh <knome> ugh <charlie-tca> and complaints about it being out of date, too <lmn> This is a loaded problem. <lmn> REAL loaded. <knome> wasn't there a guy who was crating an xfce-suitable version of alacarte? <knome> :? <j1mc> we could go with 4.6, and put 4.8 in a ppa. <lmn> j1mc: I don't see that going over well. <j1mc> well... at least we can begin to identify the issues/possible problems now. <j1mc> and then make a decision as we see how 4.8 is progressing. <j1mc> they may not have things done until june. <j1mc> never know. :) <j1mc> or july. <knome> [ACTION] Continue looking how 4.8 is progressing and possible include it in Lucid. <MootBot> ACTION received: Continue looking how 4.8 is progressing and possible include it in Lucid. <knome> any team reports? <charlie-tca> mr_pouit has done great triaging and fixing bugs <j1mc> i've written new docs for xfce4-screenshooter in "mallard," a new doc syntax from the gnome team. <knome> [TOPIC] Team reports <MootBot> New Topic: Team reports <j1mc> jeromeg likes them <knome> [ACTION] Lionel had done great traging and fixing bugs. <MootBot> ACTION received: Lionel had done great traging and fixing bugs. <knome> [ACTION] Jim has written new docs for xfce4-screenshooter in "Mallard" (jeromeg likes them). <MootBot> ACTION received: Jim has written new docs for xfce4-screenshooter in "Mallard" (jeromeg likes them). <j1mc> heh <mr_pouit> (some topics for the marketing & artwork team: ubiquity slideshow & plymouth theme ;p) <knome> [ACTION] Shimmer Project announced the deadline for Albatross 0.2 to be 1st of March so we will have time to incorporate it into Lucid, if decided so. <MootBot> ACTION received: Shimmer Project announced the deadline for Albatross 0.2 to be 1st of March so we will have time to incorporate it into Lucid, if decided so. <knome> mr_pouit, is plymouth in lucid? <mr_pouit> yes, although I don't know if it works :) <j1mc> they confirmed at UDS that they would be using plymouth + xplash for the boot sequence <knome> [ACTION] Artwork team to look on Plymouth and plan on creating a theme. <MootBot> ACTION received: Artwork team to look on Plymouth and plan on creating a theme. <j1mc> i'm going to be recruiting for xubuntu and xfce doc help. <charlie-tca> shimmer project needs to lighten the panels in lucid <j1mc> both are separate projects <knome> j1mc, you decided to have two projects after all? <j1mc> knome: xubuntu docs will continue to be done in docbook for now. <j1mc> so, es <knome> [ACTION] Jim is working on and recruiting for both the Xubuntu and Xfce documentation. <MootBot> ACTION received: Jim is working on and recruiting for both the Xubuntu and Xfce documentation. <knome> charlie-tca, did you file a bug? <j1mc> s/es/yes <knome> j1mc, okay <charlie-tca> knome: not yet <knome> [ACTION] Charlie files bugs about Albatross accessibility issues so the artwork guys can work on them. <MootBot> ACTION received: Charlie files bugs about Albatross accessibility issues so the artwork guys can work on them. <mr_pouit> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/ubiquity-slideshow for ubiquity also <mr_pouit> that's already enabled in ubuntu I think, I don't know what it looks like, but it could be nice to have this for xubuntu as well <knome> [ACTION] Marketing team to look after Ubiquity slideshows. <MootBot> ACTION received: Marketing team to look after Ubiquity slideshows. <knome> [LINK] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubiquity-slideshow <MootBot> LINK received: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubiquity-slideshow <knome> mr_pouit, i can see that and discuss with people knowing more about it <mr_pouit> ok <j1mc> knome: we'll also need CSS for the Xubuntu docs <mr_pouit> do you think you can have a first version before feature freeze? knome <mr_pouit> (feb 18th) <knome> [ACTION] Pasi and Jim continue theming the Xubuntu documentation. <MootBot> ACTION received: Pasi and Jim continue theming the Xubuntu documentation. <dhillon-v10> j1mc, I'll help with system docs too, if needed :) <j1mc> dhillon-v10: excellent <knome> mr_pouit, that's possible, but i think i need some help to achieve/make that daye <knome> *date <knome> so, anything else we should cover now or in the next meeting? <j1mc> everyone, i need to go, but i wanted to THANK YOU for your time. :) <j1mc> this was the best xubuntu meeting ever. <knome> thank you jim. <mr_pouit> knome: okay, I can take care of the packaging stuff, etc, but not of the text inside the slides :p <knome> i'll put up the meeting minutes and the logs and stuff <j1mc> knome: i can help with the text for the slides <knome> mr_pouit, thanks. :) j1mc can work on the texts <knome> hehe <knome> great <knome> maybe we'll be ready for FF then <knome> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 16:33. <mr_pouit> :) <knome> gah <j1mc> :-D <j1mc> hehe * knome slaps himself in the face <charlie-tca> gotta go now <knome> okay, see you charlie-tca <j1mc> later, charlie-tca #ubuntu-meeting 2011-01-03 <Tyron> Wann * skaet looks around and sees some familiar nicks :) * micahg waves <pitti> hello skaet, happy new year! * charlie-tca waves <skaet> :) <skaet> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 10:00. The chair is skaet. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <skaet> Happy New Year all! <skaet> Not sure if we'll have quorum or not, but a quick run through of the agenda, so we know the questions to ask this week seems appropriate. <marjo> happy new year to all! <skaet> Agenda can be found: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/StableReleaseAgenda <skaet> Reminder, please follow the convention of using ".." on a separate line when you've finished typing. Also, If someone wants to comment on the last point, please "o/", so we know to wait. <skaet> and with that probably a good idea to start off... <skaet> [TOPIC] open action items <MootBot> New Topic: open action items <skaet> marjo - any update on the SRU test reports being added into the agenda? <marjo> skaet: please mark that one done; we'll include starting this week <skaet> awesome! thanks marjo. <skaet> victorp, how about the cert ones? <skaet> hmm, no victorp yet... <skaet> any other updates to the open action items? <skaet> ok, moving on <skaet> [TOPIC] Bug updates <MootBot> New Topic: Bug updates <skaet> since last month there's been about +37 bugs opened for maverick, +24 on lucid. <pitti> urgh; hopefully most of them as part of SRU uploads? <skaet> not sure <skaet> just started looking at the numbers this morning, and I think some serious triaging may be needed. <skaet> esp. with 10.04.2 scheduled for next month the lucid ones are a bit of a concern. <marjo> skaet: will follow up w/ bdmurray re: triaging <skaet> thanks marjo. :) <skaet> pitti, where are things standing with karmic SRU release right now? (did one go out?) <victorp> skaet - hi <pitti> skaet: very few; basically the kernel churn, and there are two untested papyon/tomboy packages in -proposed <pitti> .. <skaet> thanks pitti. <sconklin> What about the Karmic kernel still in -proposed? <pitti> sconklin: untested, and -ec2 doesn't even have a tracking bug <pitti> see bug 683474 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 683474 in linux (Ubuntu Karmic) "Karmic: 2.6.31-22.70 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/683474 <sconklin> we're only testing maverick and lucid <sconklin> Karmic falls back to the old "time in proposed" <skaet> hmm, this probably needs to be made clearer then in the process docs. <skaet> if that's the concensus. <pitti> so we still need someone in the community to install and test that kernel <marjo> pitti, sconklin: pedro tested http://people.canonical.com/~pedro/kernel/kernel-2.6.31-22.70/ <sconklin> well, Ideally everything would get all testing, but we're resource-bound <skaet> we schedule runs (of earlier) in when there are gaps with maverick/lucid testing? <bjf> marjo, that's the right kernel <pitti> marjo: ah, nice! so we can consider this done <pitti> sconklin: so that leaves the -ec2 one <pitti> bug updated <marjo> pitti: only if we agree that HW cert tests did not have to be run, see bug report please <pitti> marjo: it was a security update only, so I think that's fine <marjo> pitti: ack <sconklin> marjo, victorp, skaet - I'm dependent on the people who do the testing to determine what's possible. We need to figure out what we're doing as a rule and document it <pitti> we just need to guard against misbuilds and grave errors here <smb`> pitti, sconklin I guess i can try to get some generic boot/regression testing done for ec2 either today or tomorrow <sconklin> pitti: agreed <sconklin> smb`: thanks <pitti> smb`: that sounds fine <skaet> sconklin, pitti, agreed. <pitti> ec2 is basically just on kvm, isn't it? so that shouldn't be too hard to test <victorp> sconklin - agreed , I am happy to document the hwcert part , let me know where <skaet> smb thanks. <skaet> ok, moving on... <skaet> [TOPIC] 10.04.2 <MootBot> New Topic: 10.04.2 <skaet> sconklin, any update on the kernel milestoned bugs? <sconklin> There was one bug milestoned, and I just chatted with Robbie - it's probably going to be rescheduled <skaet> thanks sconklin. :) <skaet> any one around from foundations today? (cjwatson's on holiday) <skaet> hmm, no bugs tagged against server at the moment so we're good there. <skaet> pitti, any update on the desktop milestoned ones? <pitti> skaet: I updated the wiki page <skaet> pitti, thanks! :) <pitti> the summary is that none of them are currently being worked on <pitti> one is just a "do it" thing (geode), the other two are pretty much "won'tfix" <pitti> we don't currently have active work on 10.04.2 in teh desktop team <pitti> is there something we should focus on? <pitti> .. <skaet> any chance we'll get someone to work on OOo? <skaet> between now and Feb? <ogra> skaet, see the ML, doko already did it seems <pitti> skaet: question for Jason, I don't have an update since december <pitti> holidays.. <pitti> doko heroically packaged LibO for natty, though <pitti> (not finished yet) <skaet> ogra, cool. will look into it a bit more. was just looking at top level status this morning. <skaet> pitti, fair 'nuf. will follow up with jason, and keep fingers crossed on the rest. <skaet> will dig into the 10.04.2 bugs in more detail this week and next. release is 2/17, so there's still time. <skaet> any questions/comments? <micahg> about 10.04.2 in general? <skaet> [TOPIC] Stable Release Updates <MootBot> New Topic: Stable Release Updates <skaet> micahg, yup sorry... <micahg> yes, I was wondering about the release timeline WRT freezes * micahg apologizes for not raising a hand <skaet> micahg, no worries. will take an action to set the date, and broadcast. * skaet will go back into the precedent emails :) <skaet> anyone else? <skaet> ok, back to Stable Release <skaet> sconklin, know you're just back, but anything on the hot plate? <sconklin> Not that I'm aware of, but I haven't even cleared email yet <ogra> same here <doko> skaet: what di you to know about foundations? <skaet> thanks sconklin, ogra <skaet> doko, just wondering if any updates on the 10.04.2 milestoned bugs from foundations team. <doko> sorry, don't know <skaet> no worries. <skaet> pitti, sconklin - so I'm guessing no need for a hw cert run, or regression runs this week? <pitti> skaet: not that I can see <rtg__> if there are resources, then how about testing karmic? <sconklin> skaet: we're going to discuss today whether we can upload a new cycle start by Friday. <skaet> victorp, marjo ^^ <marjo> skaet: ack <skaet> sconklin, ack <bjf> rtg__, discussed and someone is on it <skaet> rtg__, see earlier in log. <skaet> sconklin, victorp, marjo, when is the next reasonable date to aim for lucid/maverick then? <victorp> rtg_ we would like to focus this week on natty <rtg__> sorry, my machine wedged and I must have missed it <victorp> skaet - date to start or to release? <sconklin> skaet: we'd really like to hit Friday upload but don't know if we can make it <bjf> victorp, what's natty? :-) <victorp> skaet - I would like to avoid a "2nd week" during the rally <sconklin> We'll let everyone know by tomorrow morning <skaet> victorp, sconklin - how about aim for testing cycle, week after rally then, and release that thursday? <victorp> bjf - dont know anymore :) <sconklin> That would put first week during the rally <sconklin> "Verification Phase" <marjo> skaet: two possible conflicts: 1) rally 2) US holiday 17 January <skaet> marjo, sconklin - true <marjo> skaet: more concerned about rally conflict <victorp> skaet - I wanted to clarify one thing - if we call it a "regression week" and we release on thursday, that means that the proposed kernels for regression have to be made available the thursday before, right? <marjo> but should be manageable <victorp> marjo - not for hw cert as laptops need to be rebooted manually and might not have anyone in the lab <skaet> victorp, yes, kernels should be avail week before. <victorp> skaet - thanks <marjo> victorp: ack <sconklin> let's please try to use the names "verification phase" and "testing phase" <skaet> so, should we just aim for releasing on Jan 20, or Jan 27? <skaet> sconklin, I'll go mark up the interlock that way if it will help. <sconklin> skaet: yeah, naming was not handled well by me at the outset, and I'm trying to unify everything now <sconklin> thanks <skaet> ok - will do. <victorp> sconklin ack <victorp> skaet - I vote for the 27th <skaet> right now shedule has 1/6 and 1/27 as release dates for SRU targets. Does it make sense to drop 1/27 and just go with 1/20? <skaet> heh * skaet types too slow for victorp <skaet> if there's nothing on the hot burner, some focus on natty and the lucid 10.04.2 bugs makes sense. <victorp> skaet - 1/20 means the verification phase is during the rally, is that ok? <skaet> victorp, good point. <marjo> skaet: if we're voting, then i vote for release on 1/27 <skaet> ok, 1/27 it is. <skaet> any other topics to discuss today on the SRU side? <skaet> going once? <skaet> twice? <skaet> ok, probably time to end the meeting. <skaet> thanks everyone for participating. :) <ogra> \o/ <skaet> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 10:42. <marjo> skaet: thx! <ogra> thanks for holding the first meeting this year ;) <victorp> thanks skaet - sorry for my late appearance ! <ogra> same here <ogra> somehow my gcal notification didnt go off it seems <skaet> thanks marjo, victorp, ogra, pitti, sconklin, bjf! <pitti> thanks all <micahg> thanks skaet <skaet> thanks micahg :) <skaet> will see if we can nail down that freeze shortly. :) <micahg> skaet: great, thanks <skaet> micahg, thanks for bringing it up. :) <czajkowski> ogra: sure you're not using an iphone alarm :) <ogra> czajkowski, i dont use apple products ;) <czajkowski> ogra: no exuse so :) hope you had a good christmas <ogra> i did * ogra has a new housemate :) <ogra> http://www.grawert.net/bodo.jpg <czajkowski> ahh cat! <ayan> awww. <czajkowski> cats freak me out <czajkowski> and also scare me * DJones offers czajkowski a kebab stick to deal with the cat <czajkowski> another thing that should be not be allowed, Kebabs! <ogra> tell that to the turks <czajkowski> ogra: do you go to FOSDEM ? <ogra> i'm pondering <ogra> depends a bit on the weather <czajkowski> you should it is full of awesome! <DJones> czajkowski: Kebabs are good as long as its not a donner kebab <ogra> i guess i'll decide it spontaneous ... i havent been there since 2006 <Nafallo> is it full of kebab? <Pendulum> czajkowski: you don't like kebab? <soren> o/ * barry waves <soren> cjwatson, persia, cody-somerville, bdrung: We have a DMB meeting now, don't we? <bdrung> yes, we have! <cody-somerville> we do? I thought it wasn't for another hour <cody-somerville> and usually its another hour after that :P <soren> cody-somerville: Did it move? <cody-somerville> not that I know of. <cody-somerville> maybe google calendar is just broken crap <bdrung> "date -u" shows Mo 3. Jan 19:04:34 UTC 2011 <soren> Then I'm reasonably sure it's now. Reasonably being the operative word. <soren> I don't think the current time is being debated :) <barry> the wiki page says the meeting is at 1900 utc <soren> It's whether that happens to coincide with the time set for this meeting. <soren> Wciked . <soren> Wicked, even. * soren <--- Now with improved typing. <cody-somerville> hmm... I don't see an event on the fridge calendar for the DMB meeting <cody-somerville> I'm pretty sure there used to be one <barry> :) <soren> Don't believe everything you read. <soren> Or don't read. * cody-somerville creates new events. <cody-somerville> ugh, and you can't use UTC :( <soren> What do you have to use? <soren> cody-somerville: ^ * cody-somerville is looking up a timezone that he can use that always matches UTC. <soren> Iceland. <soren> Something/Reykjavik <soren> cody-somerville: ^ <soren> They have no DST and are at UTC+0. <cody-somerville> cool <soren> I forget what the Something is. Politically, Iceland is European, but it's probably Atlantic/Reykjavik or something. <cody-somerville> wow. what happened to google calendars. Its all hard to use now. I can't see where to make an event repeating and had a hard time finding out how to set the time (its on a separate tab :S) <cody-somerville> oh, there it is <bdrung> where are the others? <cody-somerville> Holiday in the UK <cody-somerville> FYI, I added DMB meeting to Fridge Calendar. It should be the right time from now on. Can everyone check to make sure it shows up right for them? <barry> dang, so likely no quorum? * geser is here now <soren> That makes four of us. <bdrung> then let's begin. <bdrung> chair? <soren> Sure, go ahead. <soren> Wow, you walked right into that one. <bdrung> i was asking who want to be chair? <soren> I know. I was just jokingly assuming you were volunteering. <bdrung> cody-somerville: maybe you? you should have been the chair for the last meeting. * cody-somerville changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs <cody-somerville> ^^ Calendar now understands 'UTC' FYI <cody-somerville> okay <cody-somerville> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 13:23. The chair is cody-somerville. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <soren> Rock! <cody-somerville> but someone else has to do the write up and update the agenda + minutes on wiki :P <cody-somerville> [TOPIC] Review of previous action items <MootBot> New Topic: Review of previous action items <cody-somerville> * Colin Watson to find a convenient time for a meeting for Martin Pool's application. <cody-somerville> Colin Watson isn't present, carrying action item <cody-somerville> [TOPIC] Administrative Matters <MootBot> New Topic: Administrative Matters <cody-somerville> * Review Marco Rodrigues participation in Ubuntu Development <bdrung> cody-somerville: the fridge calendar says "The calendar below is in GMT (no daylight savings)." <cody-somerville> I sent out an e-mail while I was on vacation to Marco with details of the consensus we reached at the last DMB meeting. <bdrung> thanks for sending the mail. <cody-somerville> bdrung, I changed the timezone of the calendar to that iceland one soren said. It doesn't have daylights saving so will always be GMT+0 which is UTC <cody-somerville> Anything else to discuss regarding Marco? I haven't got a response back from him. <soren> Waiting on him, them. <soren> then. <cody-somerville> * Review responsibilities and requirements of DMB delegates (CodySomerville) <cody-somerville> I'll write an e-mail up about this and send it to the list. We can discuss at meeting after that. * stgraber just noticed the meeting. Kind of around if you need me <cody-somerville> [TOPIC] Package Sets <MootBot> New Topic: Package Sets <cody-somerville> No applications this week. <cody-somerville> [TOPIC] PerPackageUploader Applications <MootBot> New Topic: PerPackageUploader Applications <cody-somerville> * MartinPool/DeveloperApplication <cody-somerville> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MartinPool/DeveloperApplication <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MartinPool/DeveloperApplication <soren> stgraber: Sorry, forgot to ping you, too :( <cody-somerville> He doesn't appear to be on IRC at the moment. <cody-somerville> [TOPIC] Ubuntu Contributing Developer Applications <MootBot> New Topic: Ubuntu Contributing Developer Applications <cody-somerville> No applications this week. <geser> any questions left that didn't get asked on the last meeting? <cody-somerville> [TOPIC] MOTU Applications <MootBot> New Topic: MOTU Applications <cody-somerville> * Angel Abad <cody-somerville> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AngelAbad/MOTUApplication <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AngelAbad/MOTUApplication <angelabad> Hi, Im here! <cody-somerville> angelabad, Hello. Please introduce yourself and explain why you feel you should be granted MOTU status. <angelabad> Hi, Im Angel Abad from Basque <angelabad> Country (Spain), Im universe contributor, and I work specially <angelabad> in merges and sync, also im debian maintainer and in dd process, I think <angelabad> I have good skills for packaging and I can help a lot in Universe packages <angelabad> you can see my endorsements, I think them are good endrosements. <cody-somerville> angelabad, Have you ever packaged any software from scratch? <angelabad> cody-somerville, not for ubuntu, but yes for Debian <angelabad> you can see my packages http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=angelabad%40gmail.com <angelabad> perl packages are group packages, but others like almanah or dajax are packaged for me from scratch <bdrung> angelabad: you wrote "sometimes poorly tested software is included in Ubuntu distribution". do you have any idea how to improve the quality? <angelabad> bdrung, sincerely no, I think this is the result of unstable sync <cody-somerville> angelabad, Is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mango-lassi/001+dfsg-3 a sync? <angelabad> cody-somerville, yes * cody-somerville wishes Launchpad would make that more obvious. <bdrung> angelabad: so we should sync from testing instead? <angelabad> bdrung, I dont know, but a possibility would be to wait some days after sync with unstable, only an idea... <bdrung> angelabad: wait some days? you mean, that a unstable package should only synced if it is x days old? <angelabad> bdrung, yes <bdrung> interesting suggestion <bdrung> angelabad: you could start a discussion on the ubuntu-devel mailing list <angelabad> bdrung, ok! <cody-somerville> angelabad, Are you familiar with the SRU and freeze exception policies? <angelabad> cody-somerville, sincerelly not much, I know I must work more on SRUs, but I promise to work hard on it <maco> angelabad: did you know that for lucid we actually did sync from testing instead of unstable? (sorry to interrupt) <angelabad> maco, no <angelabad> i dont know that <soren> I'm ready to vote. <bdrung> me too <geser> me too * soren pokes cody-somerville <cody-somerville> [VOTE] MOTU Application: Angel Abad <MootBot> Please vote on: MOTU Application: Angel Abad. <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting <bdrung> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from bdrung. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 <geser> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from geser. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 <soren> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from soren. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 <stgraber> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from stgraber. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 <cody-somerville> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from cody-somerville. 4 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 4 <cody-somerville> #endvote <cody-somerville> [ENDVOTE] <MootBot> Final result is 4 for, 0 against. 1 abstained. Total: 4 <cody-somerville> angelabad, Congratulations. <angelabad> thanks a lot for your votes! <cody-somerville> [TOPIC] Ubuntu Core Developer Applications <MootBot> New Topic: Ubuntu Core Developer Applications <cody-somerville> * Barry Warsaw <cody-somerville> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BarryWarsaw/MyApplication <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BarryWarsaw/MyApplication * barry waves <cody-somerville> barry, Hello Barry. Please take a moment to introduce yourself and why you feel you should be granted Core Developer status. <barry> i'm barry warsaw, and i have been on the platform foundations team @ canonical for (iirc) over a year now. i have been a python core dev for 15+ years, been doing s/w development for maybe 30. working on becoming a dd. i am intimately involved in the python 2.7 transition for natty. * geser points also at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/12/20/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t12:00 for some questioning of barry (and poolie) at the last (informal) meeting <barry> having core dev status would greatly help natty dev as it would reduce the lag for fixing 2.7 transition issues (there is no python package set, and i understand will not be because of complexity). i think i have a pretty good grasp of packaging, and am not afraid to ask questions <barry> geser: thanks, yes we had a long discussion at the last meeting before the new year <barry> i've done a few packages from scratch and have fixed a bunch of existing packages <bdrung> barry: what's the current status of becoming DD? <barry> bdrung: it's going slowly because i'm concentrating on ubuntu, and it takes longer to get turnaround on sponsored packages in debian. but it's progressing and i intend to make another push at it after the platform rally <barry> i've got my own packages and am adopting more to help out with. i'm pretty active in debian-python <cody-somerville> Do you do any work outside of Python in Ubuntu or Debian? <barry> cody-somerville: atm no, but that's still includes a wide range of technology (e.g. because of embedding, c and c++ is included). the 2.7 transition is consuming my time this cycle, but i'm certainly comfortable in c, c++, java at the very least. i'm a good software breaker and fixer :) <barry> i've got a firm grasp of autotools too <cody-somerville> barry, Have you ever completed the freeze exception process, SRU process, or security update process in Ubuntu? <barry> cody-somerville: i have not had occasion to yet. i've read the docs, but until you actually do it... i vaguely remember assisting others with a few such requests <cody-somerville> Does anyone else have any questions for barry? <cody-somerville> [VOTE] Ubuntu Core Developer Application: Barry Warsaw <MootBot> Please vote on: Ubuntu Core Developer Application: Barry Warsaw. <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting <cody-somerville> -0 Although a smart guy who I'm sure will be a core developer some day, unfortunately currently does not meet criteria for Core Dev. <cody-somerville> err <cody-somerville> -1 Although a smart guy who I'm sure will be a core developer some day, unfortunately currently does not meet criteria for Core Dev. <MootBot> -1 received from cody-somerville. 0 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -1 <geser> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from geser. 1 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 0 <bdrung> +0 <MootBot> Abstention received from bdrung. 1 for, 1 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 0 <geser> soren, stgraber: ? <soren> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from soren. 2 for, 1 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 1 <soren> Sorry, phased out for a bit there. <cody-somerville> [ENDVOTE] <MootBot> Final result is 2 for, 1 against. 1 abstained. Total: 1 <soren> geser: Thanks for the nudge. <cody-somerville> barry, Unfortunately your application for Core Developer status has been denied for the time being. <barry> cody-somerville, bdrung can you describe what you would like to see from me for you to be able to comfortably give me a +1? i will be back :) <cody-somerville> barry, I recommend being move involved with the Ubuntu development processes before applying again. I also want to see solid endorsements on your application and preferably no negative ones. <cody-somerville> barry, I also recommend branching out from just python stuff. <cody-somerville> barry, That is critical. You need to be a generalist to be a core developer. <cody-somerville> barry, If you were applying for upload permissions to just python stuff, I would have gave +1 - something you might also consider instead of core developer in the near future. <barry> cody-somerville: okay, i understand you want proof of that. i am a generalist who is consumed in one area right now. <barry> unfortunately there is no way that i know of to ask for upload permissions to just python stuff :( <cody-somerville> barry, Request the creation of a python package set <ScottK> cody-somerville: IIRC cjwatson has already said he's unwilling to administer such a package set. <geser> won't happen <maco> cody-somerville: that was mentioned last time and i think cjwatson said it was unfeasible <barry> cody-somerville: i did that on ubuntu-devel a few months ago and received silence. also, at the last meeting cjwatson effectively shot that down as being too complicate (probably rightly so) <cody-somerville> *python toolchain package set <tumbleweed> barry: would MOTU + PPU help in the mean-time? Or are you touching too many main packages? <barry> tumbleweed: i am touching many main packages ;) <barry> i have ppu to a few but it seems infeasible to ask for ppu on everything i'm going to touch * micahg thinks python toolchain packageset sounds like a good idea, but isn't sure how many packages that is or if it helps <cody-somerville> Anyhow, lets wrap up. <cody-somerville> [topic] Select a chair for the next meeting <MootBot> New Topic: Select a chair for the next meeting <cody-somerville> no volunteers? Okay. <cody-somerville> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 14:28. <cody-somerville> geser, Would you be kind enough to take care of the meeting minutes for me? :) <barry> thank you guys <geser> cody-somerville: sure, can do <soren> There's plenty of prior art to granting people with narrow focus core-dev privs. <maco> Riddell tells me that when he got core dev privs, he was told to try to stick to packages that start with K <geser> and see also cjwatson mail to the dmb mailing list about being us to "conservative" <cody-somerville> subject? <geser> maco: luckily the the kernel starts with "l" :) * bdrung was interrupted by an phone call. <micahg> well, there are guidelines on teh wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers#Ubuntu%20Core%20Developers <geser> cody-somerville: don't remember and don't have access to my mailbox right now, but it was short after the last meeting (Dec 20th) <cody-somerville> micahg, indeed <barry> micahg: yes, but those guidelines aren't terribly specific <cody-somerville> barry will be core dev someday and he will most likely continue to have a narrow focus on python stuff <barry> given my job description, yes ;) <micahg> barry: well, they're general, but give a good idea of what is needed for a core-dev, do you believe that you meet those guidelines at the moment? <micahg> cody-somerville: I definitely agree <micahg> err, maybe not entirely :-/ <cody-somerville> micahg, hmm? <micahg> cody-somerville: err, ignore that <barry> micahg: well, "have a history of substantial direct contributions to the distribution" is probably one ding that i could reasonably have, though it's not a guideline that provides clear goals on what that history should be. i.e. 50 packages? 100? one year? two years? see what i mean? <bdrung> barry: from the wiki: "have a strong working knowledge of Ubuntu project procedures" - having done a SRU or security fix. <micahg> * are able to apply this knowledge to a variety of packages and subsystems <bdrung> barry: ^ <barry> bdrung: okay, fair enough, though i would submit that the guideline should say exactly that <micahg> barry: yeah, that is subjective, but I think once the other pieces are met, that falls into place <bdrung> barry: i like to see more packages here: http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=barry@python.org&comaint=yes <bdrung> barry: i like to see more/stronger endorsements. compare https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AngelAbad/MOTUApplication with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BarryWarsaw/MyApplication <barry> bdrung: respectfully, i think that's a bit unfair. while i am committed to helping out more with debian, i don't think it should be a *requirement* for core ubuntu dev <barry> bdrung: yes, i need to be more aggressive in twisting the arms of folks i've worked with :) <bdrung> barry: debian work is not a requirement for a core dev, but shows the packaging skills. <barry> bdrung: yep. please also understand i have no hard feelings, and i am happy to go through the process correctly. i hope you understand that my being critical of the process (or perhaps the written embodiment of it) is a negative reaction to missing out this time! <barry> i want to understand exactly what is required so that it will be easier for the next folks to go through it <barry> er, *is not* a negative reaction! <maco> heh this reminds me of when i became a motu. "have you done a merge?" "yes, a half hour ago" "why a half hour ago?" "i figured itd be a definite no if i had to answer no to that question" <cody-somerville> lmao * micahg wonders if new packageset maintenance tools would help <barry> anything we can do to allow people to become more involved would be a good thing <bdrung> barry: look at the picture at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers?action=recall&rev=57 <bdrung> barry: the way was to become a contributor, a motu, and then a core-dev <maco> except those dotted lines... i mean, most people skip the yellow box <barry> bdrung: interesting. why was that diagram removed? <maco> im guessing because packagesets make it so much more fine-grained than that image shows now <bdrung> barry: dunno. <barry> it also doesn't address ppu as a step in the process <bdrung> but having one step between becoming core-dev would be nice. <maco> could be in the ubuntu-desktop packageset without being a motu, for instance <barry> that might be a good next step before coming back to request core <bdrung> barry: two things made me hesitate: 1) experience (26 uploads). for example, i had 100 uploads when i became core-dev (gone through contributor -> motu -> core-dev). 2) broad knowledge (e.g. SRUs) <bdrung> and your debian qa page didn't support point one. <barry> bdrung: i think that's fair enough, and i do appreciate the feedback. i have confidence my upload number will look more appealing by the end of natty and i'll attempt to get direct sru experience. i'll also concentrate more on the debian side of things, though i do think i understand packaging fairly well <bdrung> as core-dev you should gave gone through an complete release cycle. <maco> he has, hasnt he? given his time at cnaonical... <ari-tczew> barry: compare Bhavi, which joined MOTU with 1000+ uploads done and you with 26 uploads to core-dev :) <bdrung> ari-tczew: Bhavi won't set the lower limit for uploads ;) <barry> maco: yes. i went on rotation with foundations at maverick <bdrung> barry: experience is more than just understanding packaging. <tumbleweed> of course there's also a difference between inexperienced developers with only distro experience, and experienced developers gettingo into distro work <bdrung> barry: i suggest to reapply for core-dev after the natty cycle. <barry> ari-tczew: true, but it should not be just a numbers game i hope! my concern is that ubuntu development is too bureaucratic and will discourage people who could be great contributors. i'm not worried about myself, since i'm a stubborn bastard and will be back again, but ime, it doesn't take much to discourage many good folks from participating. <bdrung> tumbleweed: good point. <barry> bdrung, tumbleweed true <barry> bdrung: thanks, i will <bdrung> barry: re bureaucratic, does this apply only to the dmb or are there other things that are too bureaucratic too? <ari-tczew> barry: conclusion from all feedbacks here: you should got PPU for all python-related packages <bdrung> ari-tczew: that wont happen (too much work to maintain that package set) <barry> bdrung: irc is probably not the best forum to explore that in depth, but in general, it's very valuable to take a critical eye on all processes and steps. this is something we were very good at on the launchpad project and it helped eliminate waste and discouragement. <barry> bdrung: i'd love to chat with you about it at a future uds :) <bdrung> barry: yes. the ubuntu devel mailing list would be a better place for discussing it. <bdrung> barry: i would love to go to an uds, but the last times i wasn't sponsored by canonical. <barry> bdrung: +1. it's one of the reasons why i don't at all mind going through the process. you have to live through it to understand it, but you also have to keep a newbie's mind to empathize with what people go through <cody-somerville> Well, I certainly hope we don't feel 'newbies' should be applying for core-dev ;-) <barry> bdrung: ah. when uds-o comes around, please do ping me if you would like to apply for sponsorship <barry> cody-somerville: no, but there should be a very clear path to obtaining it, and that is something that i feel is lacking right now <barry> there's a path, but there's overgrowth and some of the blazes are missing :) * bdrung agrees that the criteria for becoming core-dev/motu/... is not defined precisely. it leaves room for interpretation and different dmb member make different judgements. <cody-somerville> I think that we need to continue to work on the archive reorg stuff. We shouldn't be giving people core-dev because its convenient permission wise. <bdrung> barry: thanks. i am taking down a note to ping you. <micahg> cody-somerville: I definitely agree with that :) <barry> cody-somerville: yes, definitely <cody-somerville> core-dev is one of the highest echelons in our development community. Its not just about being trusted to upload any package in the archive, its a position of leadership and responsibility. <barry> cody-somerville: that's a valuable distinction that isn't really clear from reading the available wiki docs. in that sense, perhaps "core-dev" conflates two concepts that should really be separated. packagesets and ppu attempt to address that, but perhaps don't go far enough <cody-somerville> agreed <geser> does somebody know if ArchiveReorg is fully completed yet? <barry> geser: i do not <micahg> geser: I think the goal is by 12.04 <micahg> actually maybe not even by then #ubuntu-meeting 2011-01-04 <udienz> Asia - Oceania RMB Meeting now? <udienz> nobuto, there? <nobuto> udienz: yes. <udienz> nobuto, AORMB meeting now? <head_victim> udienz: if you know who the board are try pinging them I guess. <udienz> head_victim, ok <udienz> elky, ejat? <nobuto> udienz: no activities yet. <elky> hi <elky> persia, lifeless, freeflying? <nigelb> elky: lifeless said g'nite a while back. I suspect he's out. <elky> sigh. <elky> i can't remember the nicks of the others on the board <head_victim> elky: from the launchpad page it's persia, ejat, vantrax, lifeless, freeflying, amachu and yourself <elky> ok, so that's why. i thought i was remembering nicks wrong; they're just not on <head_victim> Apparently not :/ <nigelb> No. They're not. * ejat pinging everybody .. <elky> ejat, tried. just you and me so far <maqtanim> hi elky , ejat <maqtanim> i was in the last meeting <maqtanim> and i was approved by you guys <maqtanim> but did not get any email from ubuntu <maqtanim> about the membership <nigelb> maqtanim: launchpad ID? <maqtanim> will it take longer time? <udienz> maqtanim, what your lp id? <head_victim> Sounds like time to set up a mailing list approval, makes sense if you can do it from applicant's wikis and questions. <maqtanim> https://launchpad.net/~adnan.quaium <head_victim> Just got to get enough to turn up to agree to it ;) <udienz> maqtanim, try to send adnan.quaium@ubuntu.com <maqtanim> udienz, I tried <maqtanim> but it fails <maqtanim> seems that the RegionalBoards approved me <elky> launchpad is timing out on every second pageload at the moment. can someone check that he got added to the team? <maqtanim> but I was not approved by ubuntu <nigelb> elky: He wasn't <nigelb> I don't see ubuntumembers in his team list. <elky> i sent emails to the board list. ejat are you having more luck with launchpad? <ejat> added .. <maqtanim> ejat thanks :) <ejat> welcome .. <elky> maqtanim, it won't happen automatically, you may need to wait a week or so for the import to happen <ejat> elky: only we both again today? <elky> ejat, sadly yes <ejat> ouch .. <maqtanim> elky... hmmm... it's about 14 days since the last meeting :) <elky> maqtanim, yes, but there's not enough board members for quorum <maqtanim> yeah ... i saw that... <maqtanim> not everyone can make for this meeting :( <maqtanim> well... actually how many members are there in this board? <udienz> maqtanim, 16 <udienz> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-membership-board-asia-oceania <elky> udienz, no there's not. <maqtanim> udienz i dont think so <elky> there's 7 on the board. <udienz> ups sorry <maqtanim> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-membership-board-asia-oceania/+members <maqtanim> only 8 are there <maqtanim> but I see only elky and ejat regularly in this board-meeting <nigelb> and persia too actually. <elky> It's a bad time of the year for working around commitments. <udienz> it's up.. <maqtanim> udienz i think you can try with other regional boards <udienz> maqtanim, yes, i try to European Membership board <maqtanim> at UTC 8pm there is another meeting <udienz> maqtanim, 4 AM in Indonesia :( <maqtanim> :( <maqtanim> that's not so suitable time :( <udienz> maqtanim, no problem. i will try wo wake up <maqtanim> wish you good luck <maqtanim> :) <udienz> maqtanim, thank you <maqtanim> elky, ejat <maqtanim> I think https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/AsiaOceania <maqtanim> should be updated <maqtanim> it still shows the meeting date is Dec 7 2010 <maqtanim> people will be get easily confused <diwic> the ubuntu-audio-dev meeting the should have started 12 minutes ago is cancelled, since I was the only one showing up. <diwic> so feel free to keep talking :-) <ejat> owh .. sorry diwic .. <diwic> no worries :-) <ejat> wiki updated ... <ttx> o/ <kirkland> \o <JamesPage> o/ <hggdh> ~ô~ <robbiew> *\o/* <ttx> happy new year to everyone ! <smoser> o/ <Daviey> o/ <Daviey> happy new year ttx! <hggdh> ding-o-bell, and etc <Daviey> hmm * Daviey looks at the mins from last meeting <Daviey> Announce next meeting date and time <Daviey> Tuesday, January 11 2011 16:00 UTC <ivoks> happy new year :) <Daviey> Technically we don't have a meeting this week :/ <hggdh> heh <Daviey> but I'm not sure there will be a meeting next week... so.. <hggdh> so are you going to #startmeeting? <Daviey> hallyn, I think you are chair? <hallyn> i deny everything <SpamapS> smoser <zul> hi <Daviey> SpamapS, You were the last chair? <smoser> i did the one before Christmas. <zul> i think its me * Daviey agrees.. lets get rocking. <zul> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 10:04. The chair is zul. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <SpamapS> ahh I think if you forget to update the wiki you have to do it again ;) <zul> [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting <MootBot> New Topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting <zul> robbiew: how is the wiki gardening coming? <robbiew> done! <zul> oooh...neat <robbiew> however I do need to update the Roadmap <zul> heh....good luck on that :) <robbiew> ...but first I need to figure that out <zul> ok...Daviey were you able to reproduce bug 661294 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 661294 in linux (Ubuntu) "System lock-up when receiving large files (big data amount) from NFS server" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/661294 <zul> im thinking not because it was christmas last week <Daviey> negative, one of our team has expert knowledge of NFS... i think it might be better to try and do it next week TBH. <zul> cool <zul> hggdh: i think bug #684304 is fixed now correct? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 684304 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "cciss module does not identify resources" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/684304 <Daviey> hggdh, ^^? <hggdh> zul: seems to be -- I was able to have the discs <hggdh> BUT <zul> hggdh: if you are around <hggdh> be aware of bug 694772 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 694772 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "Sudden reboot during server ISO install" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/694772 <hggdh> *NO* server ISOs work currently <zul> wth? * hggdh wonders if UEC will ever be tested this cycle :-( <Daviey> hggdh, I have tested it on non cciss hardware :P <zul> so have i :) <Daviey> ! <zul> hmm...ok <JamesPage> hggdh: I think that bug 694772 is also effecting all of the automated server iso tests as well <ubottu> Launchpad bug 694772 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "Sudden reboot during server ISO install" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/694772 <hggdh> Daviey: the cciss module has been, er, deprecated on Natty <zul> smoser: to write a blog entry on how to use grub 'fallback' with our images. <smoser> hm... yeah, i did not do that. <zul> heh christmas got in the way right? <smoser> so carry it over. i want to still do it. <zul> gotcha <zul> ok then.. <zul> [TOPIC] Natty Development <MootBot> New Topic: Natty Development <zul> i was looking at the burndown charts and i think we are a bit behind...robbiew do you want to mention anything? <robbiew> heh...yeah...update work items!!! <robbiew> ...and that we'll review things next week <robbiew> move and make cuts where necessary <SpamapS> sorry had to go afk for a minute, <zul> personally i intend to work on some openstack items this week hopefully <SpamapS> Also we should probably be mindful of the amount of scope creep <SpamapS> I noticed alpha2 just had a ton of DONE stuff added right before the break <zul> right <zul> so yeah regularily update your work items or robbiew will hunt you down with an ice pick <zul> anyone have anything else? <zul> guess not <zul> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) <MootBot> New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) <zul> hi hggdh how was your holidays? <hggdh> not as good, ran some tests on the new kernel and hit the block on libc6 update <zul> *sigh* <hggdh> so no news (apart from my comments above) <zul> anyone have any questions for hggdh? <zul> ok moving on <hggdh> I just want to make clear that UEC has *NOT* been tested, at all, so far <SpamapS> one question <zul> yeah its unfortunate that the test rig has had so many problems <hggdh> SpamapS: shoot, sir <SpamapS> what happened to server papercuts? <SpamapS> I know ttx has moved on and doesn't have as much time for us anymore, but are we going to try and do some this cycle? <Daviey> ttx tradionally drove them :) <zul> SpamapS: we might want to bring it up next week and do it later in the cycle <ttx> hm <ttx> It didn't work well as a way to encourage community to participate to ubuntu server <ttx> If you want to continue it I think it needs to be revamped <Daviey> but it was successful in getting bugs squashed :) <zul> ttx: right but it did get some exposure with little bugs <ttx> maybe we should just be using the bitesize tag <Daviey> ... i think the ~canonical-server 2/3 bugs each mandate needs revisiting tbh <zul> right... <SpamapS> or just fixing them in larger bug pushes later in the cycle <ttx> I don't think we need to redo the whole subcycle nominations shebang <Daviey> That is one sure way of the "best" ones being picked by those that perhaps are already involved. <zul> ok <zul> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) <MootBot> New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) <smb> I successfully managed to forget about all my work related problems. So if you still have some, I need to be reminded. Still need to get back at the buglist but did not get to it, yet. <zul> smb: i just have one to bring up <smoser> we get old bugs squashed for free now with the dhobach patch pilot :) * Daviey hugs dholbach <smb> zul, sure post the bug number <zul> smb: bug #693042 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 693042 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel Panic while booting Natty installer kernel (2.6.37-10-generic) on amd64 ISO" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/693042 <zul> smb: heh i was just looking for it <zul> ara brought that up i think she is going to bring it up again in the kernel team as well <smb> Hm without time to look very deep <zul> right...she just brought it up today <smb> So, I look at that later for more info <hggdh> it *may* be related to the sudden reboot thingy <zul> anyone else? <smoser> just for record <smoser> natty bugs for ec2: <smoser> 684875 Patch to Natty 2.6.37-virtual breaks non-EC2 users <smoser> 686692 natty kernel does not boot on ec2 t1.micro <smoser> and then, one that i'd like to see smb's thoughts on <smb> hggdh, zul It looks like it even might be some fallout of memory corruption/use after free <smoser> maverick: 614853 kernel panic divide error: 0000 [#1] SMP <smoser> bug 614853 seems to be an upstream bug, but is hitting on ec2 more commonly than elsewhere. hard to reproduce. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 614853 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu) "kernel panic divide error: 0000 [#1] SMP" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/614853 <zul> anyone else? <Daviey> nope! <zul> k <zul> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) <MootBot> New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) <zul> hi sommer around? <Daviey> (Considering this meeting is technically unscheduled, he has a valid excuse) :) <zul> right... <zul> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0) <MootBot> New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0) <zul> hi kim0 <SpamapS> unscheduled? <robbiew> unscheduled? <SpamapS> NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 2011-01-04 at 1600 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting - AGENDA <SpamapS> kim0 just left <robbiew> Daviey: does sommer need an invite? <SpamapS> sommer came two meetings ago <Daviey> SpamapS, Ah, in the meeting logs: <SpamapS> he was away for a while on honeymoon and starting a new job <Daviey> Announce next meeting date and time <Daviey> Tuesday, January 11 2011 16:00 UTC <SpamapS> Daviey: doh! <smoser> the Canonical server team will be Sprinting next week <smoser> we'll still plan for same time ? <zul> i dont see why not <hggdh> we might as well, the community is still there <zul> but i guess kim0 is not around either <SpamapS> Could we do it UDS style and just stream the room? <Daviey> kim0 did join just before the meeting started :/ <kirkland> zul: Daviey: SpamapS: i wonder if we should plan to have a somewhat regular cobbler update here ... ? <Daviey> kirkland, That sounds good. <kirkland> since there are several people working on that, and people in the community interested <SpamapS> kirkland: I'll 3rd that idea. <Daviey> kirkland, Starting next week :) <kirkland> i probably should have brought that up in the development topic section <zul> kirkland: sure...bring it it up in the open discussion stuff that is next <kirkland> but decided to wait for open discussion <kirkland> zul: oh? this isn't open discussion? :-) <zul> [TOPIC] Open Discussion <MootBot> New Topic: Open Discussion <kirkland> \o/ <kirkland> Cobbler! <zul> now it is... <zul> so yeah cobbler <zul> the canonical server team has been beating cobbler into shape <kirkland> we have alpha-quality packages in a PPA <kirkland> and a bzr branch <kirkland> (imported original source from git) <kirkland> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-virt/+archive/ppa <zul> and how functional is it right now? <kirkland> though i see that package is pretty old (last built 12/13) <kirkland> zul: only so-so functional <kirkland> zul: still takes some tweaking <SpamapS> Also I believe the bulk of the changes have been accepted upstream. <kirkland> zul: you were going to update our bzr snapshot ... what are we on now? <SpamapS> just some of the packaging-specific stuff is left <zul> kirkland: the snapshot has to be updated, debian and ubuntu support have been accepted upstram and i fixed the tftpboot problem which also been accepted upstream as well <kirkland> zul: that rocks <kirkland> SpamapS: same to you <kirkland> zul: SpamapS: Daviey: safe to say we'll work together on it next week <Daviey> ack! <kirkland> and try to push it into the archive <zul> what needs to be done is the mirroring stuff and uploading the package <kirkland> and then we can ask people to start testing from that <kirkland> zul: okay <kirkland> I'm bringing 2 machines and a router to the sprint, which we can work from <kirkland> perhaps hallyn and/or Daviey can bring 1 or 2 crash-and-burn boxes? <hallyn> i've got one, yeah <hallyn> sort of hoping i can get someone to drive it back for me at the end :) <JamesPage> kirkland: I can bring an extra with me (ex ttx stock :-)) * ttx misses his UEC laptops. My desk doesn't look liek a trader's desk anymore <Daviey> I would like to avoid brining excess hardware this time TBH. <Daviey> Want to try and travel light if i can. <zul> right <kirkland> JamesPage: sweet, thanks <JamesPage> np <zul> [TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time <MootBot> New Topic: Announce next meeting date and time <kirkland> Daviey: understood <Daviey> Although can access it all remotely if needed. <zul> still the same time next week? <zul> or do people want to skip it <hallyn> i think they were saying hold it next week <Daviey> robbiew, What are your thoughts? <SpamapS> Lets have it next week <zul> ok <SpamapS> and we can maybe ask elmo if he'd be ok with ustreaming it <robbiew> hold it <zul> thanks <zul> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 10:41. <robbiew> ustreaming is optional ;) * Daviey will need a haircut then. <zul> thanks for coming <zul> ill need to wear clothes <Daviey> (ACTION) <hallyn> at least a bathrobe <Daviey> ... <hggdh> a bit more, temp is expected to be on freezing as high next week <zul> seriously? <hggdh> serious. the artic cold front will hit us on Sunday evening/monday morning <hggdh> (so far, a balmy +10C) <hggdh> and... if we have snow... you will be able to see how Dallas drive on it <hggdh> which is to say, crashes all around <zul> hggdh: thats actually quite warm <hggdh> for you, yes :-) * ara waves <smb> Hey ara <JFo> o/ <cking> o/ <smb> \o <bjf> # <bjf> # lets "get 'er done"! <bjf> # <bjf> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 11:01. The chair is bjf. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <bjf> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting <bjf> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick <bjf> # <bjf> # NOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input. <bjf> # <bjf> i'd like to be the first to welcome sforshee to the team! <JFo> welcome sforshee! :) <cking> welcome sforshee * tgardner welcomes everyone back after the holiday break. <bjf> [TOPIC] ARM Status (bjf) <MootBot> New Topic: ARM Status (bjf) <bjf> Nothing new <bjf> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Release Metrics (JFo) <MootBot> New Topic: Release Metrics (JFo) <JFo> Release Meeting Bugs (6 bugs, 14 Blueprints) <JFo> ==== Alpha 2 Milestoned Bugs (29 across all packages (up 1)) ==== <JFo> * 1 linux kernel bugs (no change) <JFo> * 0 linux-ti-omap bugs (no change) <JFo> * 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change) <JFo> ==== Release Targeted Bugs (144 across all packages (up 11)) ==== <JFo> * 12 linux kernel bugs (up 1) <JFo> * 0 linux-ti-omap bugs (no change) <JFo> * 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change) <JFo> ==== Milestoned Features ==== <JFo> * 5 blueprints (Including HWE Blueprints) <tgardner> except that it look like we'll start supplying an omap3 natty kernel. <JFo> ==== Maverick Updates Bugs ==== <JFo> * 56 Linux Bugs (up 2) <JFo> ==== Lucid Updates Bugs <JFo> * 97 Linux Bugs (down 14) <JFo> ==== Bugs with Patches Attached:145 (up 3) ==== <JFo> * [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.has_patch=on | Bugs with Patches]] <JFo> * [[http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/csv-stats/bugs-with-patches/linux/ | Breakdown by status]] <JFo> .. <bjf> tgardner, noted <bjf> [TOPIC] Blueprints: Natty Bug Handling (JFo) <MootBot> New Topic: Blueprints: Natty Bug Handling (JFo) <JFo> nothing to report. <JFo> .. <bjf> [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling <MootBot> LINK received: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling <bjf> [TOPIC] Blueprints: Kernel Configuration Review (apw) <bjf> [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-config-review <MootBot> New Topic: Blueprints: Kernel Configuration Review (apw) <MootBot> LINK received: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-config-review <apw> PV on HVM support (XEN_PCI_PLATFORMDEV) testing is still pending for natty-alpha-2. The only other remaining action here currently is to report on the final config at beta time, this is waiting on the final kernel version. <apw> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Blueprints: Enhancements to the firmware test suite (cking) <bjf> [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-firmware-test-suite-enhancements <MootBot> New Topic: Blueprints: Enhancements to the firmware test suite (cking) <MootBot> LINK received: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-firmware-test-suite-enhancements <cking> Nothing to report <cking> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Blueprints: Handling of Deviations from Standard Kernels (smb) <bjf> [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-frankenkernel-maintenance <MootBot> New Topic: Blueprints: Handling of Deviations from Standard Kernels (smb) <MootBot> LINK received: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-frankenkernel-maintenance <smb> I got a little farther with the tool by now. Detection seems to work. The output needs a bit of polish still. <smb> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Blueprints: Review of the Stable Maintenance Process (sconklin / bjf) <bjf> [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review <MootBot> New Topic: Blueprints: Review of the Stable Maintenance Process (sconklin / bjf) <MootBot> LINK received: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review <sconklin> The new cadence is working pretty well, but we continue to address issues as they arise. These mostly have to do with <sconklin> insuring adequate communication between various teams. I'm concerned that thw two-week cycle may not leave us enough <sconklin> time for exceptions and tools development, and we will be discussing this at the platform rally next week. <sconklin> We're planning to begin a cycle by uploading new kernels this Friday, which will put us in verification phase during <sconklin> the rally. <sconklin> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Status: Current -proposed testing by cert. team (ara) <MootBot> New Topic: Status: Current -proposed testing by cert. team (ara) <ara> bjf, little to report here, as the last -prop kernel was successfully tested and uploaded to -updates <ara> I wanted to report on our weekly testing <ara> We found this bug before the holidays: <ara> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/693042 <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 693042 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel Panic while booting Natty installer kernel (2.6.37-10-generic) on amd64 ISO" [Undecided,Incomplete] <ara> and it wasn't being worked upon since then, but I have seen that now apw is on it <apw> ara, that one is looking like it may be an issue with upstart, see comment #7 <ara> apw, thanks! <tgardner> ara, I picked that up from your IRC chatter and notified apw <ara> apw, yes, I saw that bug <ara> tgardner, thanks <tgardner> .. <apw> ara do feel free to reach out and prod us direct on such things <apw> .. <ara> apw, I will try this week with the latest ISOs, although it seems it is still there <ara> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Blueprints: Ubuntu Kernel Delta Review (apw) <bjf> [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-ubuntu-delta-review <MootBot> New Topic: Blueprints: Ubuntu Kernel Delta Review (apw) <MootBot> LINK received: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-ubuntu-delta-review <apw> 15 of the 19 personal patch reviews are now done. All of the ubuntu drivers are now updated and reviewed. Some work remains on compcache which is now superceeded by zram in staging, but some userspace work is required to switch to it. <apw> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Blueprints: Kernel Version and Flavours (apw) <bjf> [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-version-and-flavours <MootBot> New Topic: Blueprints: Kernel Version and Flavours (apw) <MootBot> LINK received: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-version-and-flavours <apw> We are still working to determine how to provide omap3 kernels, testing is ongoing of a master based kernel. <apw> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Status: Ecryptfs (jj) <MootBot> New Topic: Status: Ecryptfs (jj) <jjohansen> Prototype is in progress, but isn't up yet. It should be working in a day or two. I started messing with putting the long names in the header but switched to xattrs due to the factors detailed below. <jjohansen> Storing long names in meta data is problematic for <jjohansen> • hardlinks - this can be handled somewhat by either allowing a single longname or by allowing multiple longnames as space allows <jjohansen> Fail over to storing long names in header <jjohansen> • long directory names - problematic. There is no header for directories <jjohansen> • long symlink names - problematic. <jjohansen> • require update of header (reencryption) on rename <jjohansen> Fail over to storing long names in xattrs <jjohansen> • problematic for filesystems that don't support xattrs <jjohansen> • leaks fact that long name is present unless all files are given longname xattr <jjohansen> • requires update of xattr (reencryption) on rename <jjohansen> Combine current FNEK names and longnames requires encoding information to that a given name was long and stored differently, this leaks some information about the filename. This leak provides more information than the xattr on the file, in that it provides information on which dentry is long when a file has multiple names. <jjohansen> hrmm that didn't paste nice :( <bjf> done? <jjohansen> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Status: Natty (apw) <MootBot> New Topic: Status: Natty (apw) <apw> The main distro kernel is now at 2.6.37-11.25 (v2.6.37-rc7 based). v2.6.37-rc8 has already released and we are expecting v2.6.37-final shortly, we are planning one more upload before the Rally. <apw> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Maverick/Lucid/Karmic/Hardy/Dapper (sconklin / bjf) <MootBot> New Topic: Security & bugfix kernels - Maverick/Lucid/Karmic/Hardy/Dapper (sconklin / bjf) <sconklin> || Package || Upd/Sec || Proposed || TiP || Verified || <sconklin> || || || || || || <sconklin> || dapper linux || || || 0 || 0 || <sconklin> || || || || || || <sconklin> || karmic linux-ec2 || 2.6.31-307.22 || 2.6.31-307.23 || 0 || 0 || <sconklin> || --- linux || 2.6.31-22.69 || 2.6.31-22.70 || 0 || 0 || <sconklin> || || || || || || <sconklin> || lucid linux || || || 0 || 0 || <sconklin> || --- linux-meta-lts-backport-maverick || || || 0 || 0 || <sconklin> || --- linux-lts-backport-maverick || 2.6.35-22.34~lucid1 || 2.6.35-23.41~lucid1 || 0 || 0 || <sconklin> || --- linux-firmware || 1.34.1 || 1.34.2 || 1 || 0 || <sconklin> || || || || || || <sconklin> || maverick linux || 2.6.35-24.42 || 2.6.35-903.20 || 0 || 0 || <sconklin> || --- linux-ti-omap4 || 2.6.35-903.19 || 2.6.35-903.20 || 1 || 0 || <sconklin> || --- linux-meta-linaro || || || 1 || 0 || <sconklin> || --- linux-linaro || 2.6.35-1008.15 || 2.6.35-1010.17 || 6 || 0 || <sconklin> || --- linux-meta || || || 3 || 1 || <sconklin> || --- linux-firmware || || 1.38.2 || 2 || 0 || <sconklin> || || || || || || <sconklin> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo) <MootBot> New Topic: Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo) <JFo> Incoming Bugs <JFo> 57 Natty Bugs (up 19) <JFo> 1123 Maverick Bugs (down 4) <JFo> 1045 Lucid Bugs (down 51) <JFo> Current regression stats (broken down by release): <JFo> ==== regression-update ==== <JFo> * 25 maverick bugs (down 1) <JFo> * 75 lucid bugs (down 1) <JFo> * 6 karmic bugs (no change) <JFo> * 0 hardy bugs (no change) <JFo> ==== regression-release ==== <JFo> * 188 maverick bugs (up 11) <JFo> * 195 lucid bugs (down 3) <JFo> * 39 karmic bugs (down 1) <JFo> * 2 hardy bugs (no change) <JFo> ==== regression-proposed ==== <JFo> * 13 maverick bugs (no change) <JFo> * 3 lucid bugs (no change) <JFo> * 1 karmic bug (no change) <JFo> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (JFo) <MootBot> New Topic: Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (JFo) <JFo> The next bug day will be next week. As we are just returning from the holiday's and we are winding back up, <JFo> I'd like to focus on bugs in the new state and getting them moved in the appropriate direction. I'll send <JFo> the information out later today or tomorrow. <JFo> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Triage Status (JFo) <MootBot> New Topic: Triage Status (JFo) <JFo> I am continuing testing on the script that replaces one tag with another. I should have it finished this week. <JFo> .. <bjf> [TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized (o/) <MootBot> New Topic: Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized (o/) <tgardner> sconklin, why is linux-linaro in your maverick list? Its no longer supported by Linaro, and we sure as heck don't own it. <JFo> o/ <sconklin> tgardner: tool failuer <bjf> heh <tgardner> .. <bjf> JFo, go <JFo> look forward to seeing all of you next week in Dallas! <JFo> :) <JFo> .. <bjf> thanks everyone <bjf> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 11:21. <JFo> thanks bjf <kamal> thanks bjf <cking> thanks, fast and efficient as ever <daker> @now <ubottu> Current time in Etc/UTC: January 04 2011, 19:31:16 <highvoltage> * EMEA Membership Board meeting in around 5 minutes * thorwil cheers for daker <highvoltage> you'll have to contain that excitement for just a bit longer :) <highvoltage> popey, czajkowski, ogra, drubin, stgraber: EMEA RMB meeting time <ogra> moop * drubin is here <popey> o/ * stgraber waves * popey clears out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/EMEA <popey> czajkowski is stuck in traffic so wont make it <drubin> wow much better! <popey> i got a text from her just now <ogra> slacker ! <drubin> This seems like it is going to be a short one. <ogra> she needs a smartphone :) <highvoltage> really? even the dumbest of phones can do IRC these days :) <ogra> yeah, but typing on a numberpad is hard at decent speed <drubin> OT <popey> highvoltage: wanna chair? <highvoltage> ok, just don't sit on me <popey> heh <highvoltage> victorp doesn't seem to be present <victorp> i am here <highvoltage> ah! there you are, please introduce yourself <popey> hang on <popey> we going to use the bot? <victorp> hanging on <highvoltage> popey: no <victorp> :0 <popey> oh, ok <highvoltage> victorp: please continue <popey> why? <victorp> Hi! My name is Victor Palau. Originally from Barcelona (Spain), now living in London. <victorp> I have been involved in Open Source previously in the mobile phone space. I started following the Ubuntu community when setting up the Symbian Foundation, and I developed a passion for how things were done in Ubuntu. <victorp> I recently joined Canonical (since Sept'10), and I am leading the team that is responsible for the Ubuntu Certified programme and also for the enablement of new hardware such as Sandybridge in Ubuntu. Recently involved on the SRU testing and Natty alpha1 across our HW lab. <victorp> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VictorPalau <victorp> and that is me ;) <ogra> victorp, nice move to get ara and mdz to speak up for you :) <victorp> oh well, they are nice people <ogra> indeed <drubin> victorp: How were you involved with Ubuntu before September 2010 ? <victorp> as a user <victorp> not as a contributor really <victorp> i have blog about my experiences a bit <ogra> do you have a LP url that lists all pcert bugs ? <highvoltage> popey: if you prefer, we can, I don't see a particular need for it <popey> ok <victorp> ogra - hold on I will look * ogra is fine without bot as long as someone manages to count <victorp> ogra https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=pcert <victorp> also recently created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/certification <highvoltage> ogra: I'll use a calculator if I get stuck ;) <victorp> :) <drubin> victorp: Can you say a little about how you came to join Canonical and the Ubuntu Certified program? <czajkowski> aloha <czajkowski> made,it <victorp> sure <victorp> I have been involved for a long time with Symbian <victorp> (the OS for phones) <victorp> and a few years back I was part of the team <victorp> that moved it to open source <highvoltage> victorp: you have great recommendations from Ara and Matt, and your recent work seems really great, but is there other Ubuntu specific work (as in, loco team involvement, any bug fixing, packaging, etc) that you have been involved in? <victorp> as part of doing so we look into how ubuntu does manage the projects <ogra> highvoltage, a buglist is above <victorp> that is how I started following it up and setup a bugsquad for that <victorp> highvoltage - not a really good programmer here :) <victorp> my strength is on testing and team management <ogra> how are your plans to involve the community more into certification ? <victorp> ogra - so I kept an eye for roles in Canonical that I could contribute more fultime <ogra> any creative ideas for the near future ? <popey> I would have expected more than 25 bugs reported for a bank of 200 machines being tested..? <victorp> ogra - I think we need to make sure we have a way for the community to provide feedback <victorp> popey - me too, that is one of my pet hates <victorp> ogra- we have setup a public lp project <ogra> ++ <victorp> and we are planning to link from that to the certification pages <ogra> and make some noise in the community too <victorp> for example * highvoltage has no further questions <ogra> i think the wikipage is a very good start <victorp> I bought a vostro 3300 <victorp> and has a few bugs <victorp> so I add notes to the certification <victorp> but that is only because a I work there, I want to make sure that everyone in the community can provide that sort of feedback <ogra> ++ <ogra> ok, i'm done with questions too <czajkowski> how woyld you go about gwtting community people involved <czajkowski> sorry on phone <victorp> ogra - would like ideas on how to make the right noise in the community about it! <ogra> create something like the hug-day programme <victorp> well - I think we need to make sure we reach the right people that <victorp> that was for czajkowski <victorp> :) <ogra> give people rewards (SWAG and the like) if they are really deeply involved etc <victorp> I found out that actually not many people know about certification <highvoltage> great. shall we vote? <victorp> so start by making sure that advocates of ubuntu know about it <czajkowski> ok <popey> ok <victorp> plan to keep blogging a <victorp> oops <drubin> yes ready to vote. <victorp> :) <stgraber> ready to vote * victorp shuts up now <highvoltage> VOTE: victorp for Ubuntu membership, council members may vote -1 (against) / +0 (abstain) / +1 for <czajkowski> +0 <popey> -1 <highvoltage> +0 [ great work leading hardware certification team, but I'd like to see more depth and breadth of Ubuntu work ] <popey> I'd like to see more evidence of work done, and more community involvement <ogra> +0 ... i would be +1 for future plans and taking the community into account in a manager role where you not necessarily would need to, can you make that happen (or get started at it) and come back with some more under your belt ? <victorp> popey - could you give me some examples please? <stgraber> +0 [ you seem fairly new around here and I'd welcome wider participation within the Ubuntu community, keep up the great work ] <victorp> ogra - sure <drubin> +0 just not there yet. Can do more also with a bit more work I see this program taking off :) <highvoltage> it's also hard to judge work based on a team. the wiki page says "The Hardware Certification team does...", it's hard to add that to a person's contribution when it's not direct contributions listed <popey> victorp: well, I am unaware of any community involvement in the hct <ogra> highvoltage, well, he leads the team ... <highvoltage> ^^^ victorp, for next time, I hope you apply again <popey> i realise the testing team consists of some community people, but nothing more specific on your wiki page details what your team does with the community <highvoltage> ogra: then he could list what he did as a leader to make the team work better <ogra> leading it in the right direction is surely a good contribution if the result is a working cert programme with much community involvement <highvoltage> ogra: that team also appears to be an internal canonical team, it doesn't seem part of the Ubuntu project (please correct me if I'm wrong) <ogra> it certifies ubuntu <ogra> indeed its currently made of canonical employees <victorp> highvoltage - we run test on every SRU and weekly on natty for quality testing and we share this results with the community <ogra> but note that it exists for years already <victorp> + certification <victorp> ogra ack <ogra> and now there seems to be a direction towards the community <ogra> so thats imho a valuable contribution if we can measure it <drubin> maybe we should side line this and move on? <highvoltage> victorp: I hope that you do get more involved or change your wiki page somewhat and re-apply, I do however stand by what I said. You sound like a great guy and I'm sure you'll get membership at some point * drubin agrees with highvoltage <czajkowski> can we keep moving sorry we have a lot to get through <highvoltage> ogra: I'd like to discuss this with you, let's do that after the meeting if you have some time <victorp> thanks, I hope to apply again ;) <victorp> thanks <ogra> highvoltage, sure <highvoltage> RESULT: -1, and we hope to see victorp apply again in the future after more contrubution <highvoltage> MichealH: you've been quiet today <drubin> I prefer the new bots syntax makes greping easier <highvoltage> MichealH: are you around? <MichealH> highvoltage: I have? <UndiFineD> \o/ <MichealH> I am indeed <highvoltage> drubin: ok, next time you can chair <akshatj> good luck MichealH <MichealH> Shall I introduce myself? <MichealH> Hi Guys! I am Micheal Harker and I am here to go for Ubuntu Membership. I beleive that to keep Ubuntu Open Source, people ,like me should contribute to Ubuntu. I currently do and I am well noted for doing things for Ubuntu Tour and IRC in Gerneral. I hope that My request is enough to sustain the requirements to be a Member. <highvoltage> "people like me" - who are people like you? <MichealH> I am a team leader of Ubuntu Tour <drubin> highvoltage: I was implying you were the bot :) and I like your format. Think we should use it going forward seems easier then moot <highvoltage> drubin: ah, ok, I misunderstood :) <MichealH> highvoltage: People who get involved by organising teams and helping take on key roles in Teams <MichealH> Ddorda: Around? <Ddorda> ‎MichealH: indeed :) <MichealH> I have a few people to tell you guys how they feel about my contributions <highvoltage> MichealH: I browsed through the ubuntu tour content this morning, there's quite a lot of pages written about it already! it was quite impressive <MichealH> highvoltage: I made around 5 or 10 of them <Ddorda> ‎I'm here to support MichealH. i know him for long time and i can tell how active and useful he is. he always help where he can and contribute where ever he is needed <highvoltage> MichealH: the LP team lists that there are over 200 members in the team. how many of them are active? and have you had any problems so far in managing the team? <drubin> MichealH: are there any plans to get the project added to Ubuntu main archives instead of just a ppa <MichealH> highvoltage: I dont do much organisation stuff but I know at least 50 - 75 are active <UndiFineD> I am here to support MichealH as well, he is a good leader for Ubutu-Tour and he recently started contributing to SpeechControl <MichealH> drubin: We are hoping for it to be either added to Natty (Could be possible) But definatly in the future <MichealH> I also get involved in Speech Control <MichealH> Its a progect to help people with Disabilities to use the computer <MichealH> Im not a genious at programming but I am helping nonetheless * popey goes 'eek' at the tutorial linked from your page about 64-bit flash <highvoltage> MichealH: the Ubuntu Youth wiki page says that the team is currently being revive the team? <czajkowski> MichealH: so before you were here and you were involved in Ubuntu youth? are you still invovled there? <czajkowski> MichealH: and to what level ? <MichealH> highvoltage: huh? Can you please be a little clearer? <highvoltage> MichealH: on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuYouth, it says under current tasks "Currently we are in the process of revamping the team's project(s), goals, and direction. When all is decided, the tasks and projects will be listed here." <MichealH> czajkowski: I was a leader but I stepped down, I am now a Member there and I help whenever someone shouts <czajkowski> MichealH: why did you step down ? <highvoltage> MichealH: are you involved with the revamping project, and if so what is your role(s) in that? <MichealH> highvoltage: Nope that is handled by the council <MichealH> czajkowski: Becuase people were loosing intrest. I was simply 'not ready' for leadership at that time <MichealH> And as you can see I am alot better at leading a project <czajkowski> well a project in many ways is like a team MichealH <MichealH> czajkowski: I understand that <highvoltage> any further questions? <MichealH> I, also have gotten my relatives intrested in Ubuntu <MichealH> My dad loves it! <MichealH> He likes how It is fast and especially Compiz ;) <highvoltage> ok, doesn't seem so <highvoltage> VOTE: MichaelH for Ubuntu membership, council members may vote -1 (against) / +0 (abstain) / +1 (for) <MichealH> I have tons of plans for the future but my main goal is to sustain contribution <popey> -1 I'm seeing plans and ideas but little actual evidence of work done for the project. <czajkowski> -1 I'd love to see you get work done but at present I don't see it. <stgraber> -1 <highvoltage> +0 [ Great enthusiasm, but little documented contributions ] <ogra> +0 good enthusiasm, needs more evidence <MichealH> So I need to focus on my wikipage? <highvoltage> RESULT: -3 <drubin> +0 [Need to actually record what you have done] <MichealH> Or just genearal evidence? <highvoltage> oh, sorry drubin I forgot about you <czajkowski> MichealH: it's not about the wiki, it's about doing items, rather than coming up with some good ideas. <ogra> well, you said you wrote about 10 pages on the tour already <drubin> MichealH: link to work you have done.. So we can click on the links and see <ogra> point to them ... <ogra> etc <MichealH> Can I geather some evidence? <highvoltage> MichealH: I nearly wanted to give you a +1 just based on that this is the... 4th time we see you? <popey> I'd also like some QA on your tutorials. <MichealH> highvoltage: Indeed <czajkowski> MichealH: sure can we talk to you after the meeting, just we have a good few to get through tonight <MichealH> Okay <highvoltage> MichealH: but I think you need to take a step back and show some patience before applying again, and wait until you have more contributions <czajkowski> thank you <drubin> MichealH: Also non of your recomendations are from people in your current teams you list :) <MichealH> popey: Some QA? <popey> yes <popey> will talk later <highvoltage> stefano-palazzo doesn't seem to be around for now <highvoltage> ricotz doesn't seem to be around for now <highvoltage> daker: hi! please introduce yourself <daker> Hi, i am Adnane Belmadiaf from Morocco, 22years old I'm a Web developer, I have been using Ubuntu since 2008 as my primary OS.. I am involved in different projects in the Ubuntu community. <thorwil> \o/ <daker> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdnaneBelmadiaf <ogra> wow <highvoltage> yeah, exactly * ogra is impressed by that amount of contributions <daker> thank you <ogra> and by that proper list <highvoltage> I don't have any questions, is there any comments from any supporters or any questions before we vote? <czajkowski> yay testimonials :D <ogra> *and* by the testimonials <thorwil> just: hooray ;) * ricotz is sorry <daker> ツ <ogra> no questions, that wikipage talks for itself <highvoltage> VOTE: daker for Ubuntu membership, council members may vote -1 (against) / +0 (abstain) / +1 (for) <ogra> +1 <highvoltage> +1 [ clear sustained contributions, works well with other people ] <drubin> +1 <popey> oooo <popey> +1 <popey> easy <stgraber> +1 <highvoltage> RESULT: +5 <highvoltage> (if my math is right) <daker> Woo ツ <ogra> welcome daker <highvoltage> daker: congratulations and welcome! <popey> nice one! <thorwil> congratulations, daker! well deserved :) <daker> Yay <daker> thanks you all <charlie-tca> Congratulations, daker <drubin> congrats * daker hugs you all <highvoltage> ricotz: hi! no problem :) <highvoltage> ricotz: would you like to introduce yourself? <ricotz> highvoltage, was pretty busy :( <popey> added drubin to ~ubuntumembers <ricotz> hello everyone, my name is Rico Tzschichholz and I am living in Germany. <drubin> wow bit late but thanks <czajkowski> +1 <czajkowski> oi <czajkowski> can I vote <drubin> that was at popey :) not ricotz <highvoltage> czajkowski: that's for daker, right? <popey> oh, hang on <ogra> czajkowski, what do you pay ? <czajkowski> highvoltage: yes <popey> i meant daker :) <czajkowski> sorry <highvoltage> czajkowski: ok, adding it for the record <czajkowski> highvoltage: thank you! <ricotz> highvoltage, may i? <czajkowski> ricotz: you have some pretty good testimonials <czajkowski> well done <highvoltage> ricotz: hmm? feel free to say anything in suport of your application <ricotz> alright <ricotz> I am leading developer of Docky and managing the well known Gnome-Shell PPA. <ricotz> I also use every oportunity to convince people to use Ubuntu/linux and open source software like OpenOffice/LibreOffice. <ricotz> This year I also set up a small buisness IT infrastucture using Ubuntu Lucid and LTSP for a server/thinclient environment. * drubin is happy to vote <ricotz> Further information on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ricotz + https://launchpad.net/~ricotz, as you may already looked at <highvoltage> ricotz: do you think there's a chance that gnome-shell will make it in to natty in time for release? <highvoltage> ricotz: if so, are you doing any work on that? <ricotz> highvoltage, very unlikey at this time, since the gnome 3 stack is in a bad condition <ogra> highvoltage, it has to, else the canonical PR team will suffer :P "yes you can easily switch from unity to gnome-shell" :P <ricotz> but there will be an official ppa which already exists <highvoltage> ogra: heh, nice :) <highvoltage> ok, any further questions? * ogra has none <ogra> (i like the fact that someone uses LTSP in business (finally)) <highvoltage> heh <ricotz> (yeah it works ;) ) <highvoltage> ricotz: heh, you realise that stgraber and ogra is LTSP upstream? :P <highvoltage> VOTE: ricotz for Ubuntu membership, council members may vote -1 (against) / +0 (abstain) / +1 (for) <highvoltage> +1 [ great packaging / bug fixing work in an area that is much needed ] <ogra> +1 (not because of LTSP though) :) <drubin> +1 [Dev stuff but focused on community and getting other people invovled] <popey> +1 - great work providing great services for the community (and I like docky ;) <drubin> at least that is how it comes across. IMHO very good quality so well done ricotz <czajkowski> +1 <czajkowski> well done <stgraber> +1 <highvoltage> RESULT: +6 <ricotz> thank you very much! all of you <highvoltage> ricotz: congratulations and welcome! <drubin> ricotz: Hope to see you continue doing what you are doing. Congrats <ricotz> highvoltage, ty <ogra> great to have you on board <charlie-tca> Congratulations, ricotz <popey> ricotz: added to ~ubuntumembers <highvoltage> udienz: You're up next, would you like to introduce yourself? <ricotz> drubin, ty, if my time schedule works ;) <highvoltage> (and tell us more about yourself) <highvoltage> udienz: are you around? <highvoltage> I'm surprised udienz doesn't apply for MOTU, he's done some nice bug fixing work in universe <czajkowski> well their wiki does say limited internet <ogra> yeah, he seeems to focus on ftbfs <ogra> thats rare and awesome <popey> yeah <popey> very much needed <czajkowski> ok so we can close meeting and let the CC start on time this month :)D <bioterror> he was online earlier, what a shame not now <popey> I've cleared out the wiki page but left udienz on the list for next time maybe <drubin> he says "he used mobile connections" so might be unstable <czajkowski> great <highvoltage> udienz: we're ending this meeting, feel free to apply next month. I suggest you consider applying for MOTU rights with the DMB in the meantime, which will automatically grant you membership as well. <popey> bah, wiki is broken <highvoltage> Thanks for attending everyone <drubin> thanks highvoltage for charing you did a great job. <popey> nice one highvoltage <drubin> chairing even. <highvoltage> I'll send results to all the relavant lists <highvoltage> Meeting adjourned <czajkowski> highvoltage: thanks for chairing <highvoltage> thanks :) <ogra> yeah, thanks <ogra> (and sorry for missing last month) <czajkowski> ogra: blame the iphone alarm :p <ogra> i blame vacation <ogra> i was forced to burn my vacation days (had left a full month) <czajkowski> ogra: jammy <ogra> was nice :) <czajkowski> highvoltage: *hugs* <pleia2> ok, time for the Community Council meeting :) <pleia2> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda/ <pleia2> once again we don't have much of an agenda (the only item on it right now requires direct followup) <highvoltage> czajkowski: *hugs* <pleia2> so if there is anyone who wishes to bring anything up, you're welcome to, we don't have quorum to make decisions but it can be finished on list <charlie-tca> o/ <charlie-tca> Do you have any status on Xubuntu Project Lead? * pleia2 checks <highvoltage> pleia2: all I have is thank you for keeping CC things going and caring! <czajkowski> pleia2: does indeed rock <pleia2> charlie-tca: it looks like the CC only received one recommendation for leader <charlie-tca> Now what do I do? <pleia2> charlie-tca: I think from here we decide how to handle it, maybe just a vote of confidence vote from the xubuntu community? <charlie-tca> Do I ask them to approve it? <charlie-tca> Okay, Thanks <pleia2> the CC can approve, or the community can approve, I don't see a problem either way, you're the canididate and I don't think there will be problems with confirmation :) <charlie-tca> Yeah, I just need to get something formalized on it. * pleia2 nods <pleia2> I'll follow up to the nomination email confirming what we just discussed here <charlie-tca> Thanks <pleia2> highvoltage: that reminds me, if you want to announce the new edubuntu council member, feel free to (I'll x-post to fridge) <highvoltage> pleia2: ok, great. I'm doing the e-mail right now <pleia2> charlie-tca: email sent :) <charlie-tca> Thank you very much <highvoltage> pleia2: e-mail sent <pleia2> highvoltage: oh! that's good too, but I actually meant the new *edubuntu council member* we installed last week :) <pleia2> Marc Gariepy <highvoltage> pleia2: oh, right. sorry my mind was kind of one-tracked on emea there for a moment :) <highvoltage> pleia2: ok, I'll post it on the Edubuntu blog and edubuntu-devel mailing list, sounds good? <pleia2> perfect <pleia2> I'll x-post your -devel mail to the fridge <highvoltage> perfect <pleia2> maybe also mention in the email that you moved to 2 year terms <pleia2> so we extended everyone (except nixternal) <highvoltage> Jordan Ericksson stepped down, but he sent the email in which he said so to the wrong person so no one ever got it :) <pleia2> doh <highvoltage> that means we'll be down from 6 council members to 5, which isn't a problem, but we should then bring our quorum down from 4 to 3 * pleia2 nods <pleia2> 5 is more standard anyway <pleia2> I seem to recall we did 6 because there were 6 nominees and they all got the same number of votes :) <highvoltage> indeed, and it gave us at least some redundency <pleia2> highvoltage: do you have a copy of Jordan's step down email? if so fowarding it to the CC would be great, then I can deactivate his membership in the team <highvoltage> pleia2: I didn't get the email (since he sent it to the wrong person), but he e-mailed the CC directly on 2010-12-09 <pleia2> your latest email was sufficient, I'll deactivate tomorrow unless there are objections :) <pleia2> thanks <highvoltage> ok, thanks a lot <highvoltage> now I can finally tick the edubuntu council elections off from my todo list :) <pleia2> me too! <czajkowski> pleia2: re staffing of boards? <czajkowski> pleia2: any word? <pleia2> czajkowski: no word, looks like we got tied up in a boards discussion about merging boards <czajkowski> I definately would opose that <pleia2> now that the holidays are over we should try to push through that blocker <pleia2> czajkowski: the Merge RMBs thread was emailed to all the board lists, can you reply to the thread? <czajkowski> I thought I did... <pleia2> not seeing one <maco> nope <maco> just to the one about quorum being hard to get <maco> (from which the thread in question branched off) <pleia2> ah, yeah <czajkowski> done <pleia2> thanks :) <czajkowski> I'd have the conversation with people just not on the thread. <czajkowski> np <pleia2> I'll nudge people about moving forward this week, hopefully we can get at least a request for nominees mail out <czajkowski> nods <highvoltage> if I recall correctly the suggestion was more of an informal merge. or perhaps, make it more formal that boards can 'borrow' board members from each other as necessary <czajkowski> highvoltage: but that already happens for the asia board. <highvoltage> czajkowski: yep, I don't think it's written anywhere in the docs, is it? <czajkowski> dont think so <highvoltage> czajkowski: if we're doing something and it works and it's undocumented, then it should be documented and made part of the process. that's what I mean by 'formalising' the process. <pleia2> yeah, we need to formally say it's ok, but a full merge makes me wince too <czajkowski> highvoltage: doesn't always work, we're online and not asked sometimes <highvoltage> so it's not necessarilly a case that something needs to change, but the documentation should probably be updated to reflect reality <pleia2> highvoltage: there was a suggestion for a formal full merge (dissolving regional entirely and just dumping us all in one team) <czajkowski> highvoltage: or a board gets restaffed properly so it doesnt need to borrow board members so it can operate properly tbh <highvoltage> czajkowski: even more reason to formalise it then. because then there could be process about contact details, etc <highvoltage> pleia2: ok <czajkowski> highvoltage: I dont mind once in a blue moon, more than one month in a row and something is up with the board imo, either their time is wrong or they need more members <highvoltage> czajkowski: yeah. there's some interesting things about that though <highvoltage> czajkowski: for example, stgraber and I are on the EMEA board, and while we're both from that region we now live in the Americas time zone. The EMEA timeslot happens to be super convenient for us even though we're outside of that timezone, and we've had other people from this area apply too because it works for them <czajkowski> highvoltage: it doesnt really work for americas, but asia can be staffed by emea folks in some cases due to the timezones where as you and stgraber could do americans <czajkowski> but again, asia should really have a fully functioning board. <highvoltage> czajkowski: so I sometimes wonder whether it really makes sense distributing by region where it might be better to just have 4 meetings a month at different times <czajkowski> or else fall under EMEA and Americas which may upset some folks. <highvoltage> (not that I'm pushing for that, I'm just throwing the information out there) <highvoltage> yep, aisa can lean on emea, emea can lean on americas, americas could lean again on asia for extra members <highvoltage> and sorry if my conversation isn't particularly constructive, I'm just babbling now :) <maco> i sat in on asia before. they meet around sunrise for my timezone #ubuntu-meeting 2011-01-05 <mvo> hello <jhunt> hi <robbiew> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 10:00. The chair is robbiew. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <robbiew> hello o/ <robbiew> let's get this bad boy going <robbiew> [TOPIC] Lightning Round <MootBot> New Topic: Lightning Round <robbiew> mvo:? <mvo> I need a minute to prepare, sorry <mvo> could someone else go before me? <ev> on it <ev> Very short week. Public holiday on Monday. Mostly working on moving the installer testing to LDTP. The Sikuli tests were nice, but something in the chain was pegging the CPU. This is much more flexible anyway, as ATK allows you to name the objects, so there's less of a chance things will change. <ev> Fixed a bug in casper, working on bringing usb-creator up to speed. <ev> (done) <mvo> otherwise it will be "work; then vacation" <robbiew> wow...look at that...ev on it today! <ev> I know, right? <robbiew> barry? <robbiew> thnx ev <barry> working on bug 618809 (ethos ftbfs due to libvala changes and py27 transition); switched main desktop to natty; filed bugs 697412 (emacs font problem), bug 697400 (natty classic desktop problem); done <ubottu> Launchpad bug 618809 in ethos (Ubuntu) "libvala-dev -> libvala-0.10-dev transition" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/618809 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 697412 in emacs23 (Ubuntu) "Emacs won't start, complaining about font" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/697412 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 697400 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) ""Classic desktop" does not work in natty" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/697400 <robbiew> "switched main desktop to natty"...\o/ <barry> mostly working well actually <robbiew> welcome to the funhouse! :P <barry> :) <robbiew> jhunt? <jhunt> sorry - one sec... <jhunt> Finished coding for Upstart override feature. Currently working on tests <jhunt> for this (lengthy!). Tidied up lp:#683605. <cjwatson> upstart tests are about ten times as long as the corresponding features :-) <jhunt> Have written a "clone" tool that wraps clone(2) that I'm going to use for upstart testing. Might be worth getting this into an Ubuntu pkg but unsure which one. <robbiew> heh <jhunt> cjwatson: indeed! <cjwatson> send it to util-linux upstream, they'd probably like it <jhunt> Also, we've got a load of new man pages coming along for the natty release of upstart including something that will look similar to this: <cjwatson> they went through a spate of adding command-line tools corresponding to system calls <jhunt> http://paste.ubuntu.com/550668/ <MootBot> LINK received: http://paste.ubuntu.com/550668/ <jhunt> also, looking at a few upstart bugs. <robbiew> wow...nice <barry> nice <cjwatson> yay, sensible use of tbl ;-) <jhunt> robbiew: I'd like to speak to keybuk about bug 694772. <mvo> nice <ubottu> Launchpad bug 694772 in upstart (Ubuntu) "Sudden reboot during server ISO install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/694772 <robbiew> jhunt: send him a twitter message * robbiew isn't joking...sadly <robbiew> lol <jhunt> I don't think there is a quick fix for upstart although clearly Loic+Clint have a script fix for the inst script. <cjwatson> right. I don't think it's too urgent for upstart, though <cjwatson> a proper fix amounts to state passing, doesn't it? <jhunt> I think he might be aligning to US times already :) <jhunt> yup <barry> and west coast at that :) <robbiew> jhunt: he's been aligned to the US for awhile now..ll <robbiew> lol <cjwatson> and we put that on the o-series slate <jhunt> :-D <jhunt> k <cjwatson> though, hmm <jhunt> I'll add upstart testing to the sprint page as I've got some further ideas. <jhunt> EOT <cjwatson> maybe don't write it off entirely, ISTR that there was some bigger issue Clint identified there <cjwatson> there was a problem with init not releasing its hold on the root filesystem on reboot <cjwatson> which IIRC was a patch that'd been accidentally dropped <cjwatson> *that* much does need to be fixed ... <cjwatson> that's bug 672177 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 672177 in upstart (Ubuntu) "libc6 upgrade causes umount to fail on shutdown because init cannot be restarted" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/672177 <robbiew> SpamapS: awake? <robbiew> guess not <robbiew> okay..moving on <robbiew> mvo? <mvo> shorter week because of christmas, did: <mvo> apt-ddtp: code cleanup, upload new translsations to natty;Python-apt: debug/fix refcount crash (LP: #691134), took a good while to figure that out; rnr-server: fixes in the rnrclient, adding more tests, add validation for days; Softare-center: review branches (another new contributor *wooh*, great work from gary-lasker, ...), use gobject based ubuntussologin, lots of work on ratings&reviews including testing against a real instance, almost r <mvo> eady (but not quite :/) <doko> heh, christmas was two weeks ago <robbiew> doko: but with 2 kids...it lasts MUCH longer ;) <cjwatson> Christmas *season* ends today, technically ;-) <mvo> very true! <cjwatson> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmastide <MootBot> LINK received: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmastide <robbiew> mvo: thnx <robbiew> doko? <doko> initial LO packages (is this foundations? ;P) GCC-4.6, the usual linker fixes, now preparing for archive test rebuids, for current natty and natty with GCC-4.6 <doko> leaving the rest of python2.7 for barry ;p <barry> \o/ <doko> done <robbiew> thnx <robbiew> cjwatson? <cjwatson> done: merged a bunch of cool upstream grub stuff, including btrfs and squashfs support; finally finished merging console-setup, just waiting to sync up with X folks; started work on converting CD menu to grub; discovered fun security hole, working with kees on that <cjwatson> todo: continue CD menu work; a bit more sprint preparation; some merge catchup <cjwatson> oh, and todo: make sure I have a valid ESTA so they don't turn me away at the border ... <cjwatson> -- <mvo> btrfs support!!! <cjwatson> upstream cleanroomed the whole thing <cjwatson> kinda impressive <robbiew> wow...indeed <cjwatson> squashfs support will be really handy when we switch to grub on the CDs too - we can drop those scary kernel-in-a-different-place hack <mvo> so we can have /boot on btrfs now?!? <cjwatson> s <cjwatson> should work <mvo> thats cool :) <cjwatson> not tested even by me :-) <robbiew> lol <mvo> what could possibly go wrong? * mvo tests <cjwatson> though the installer still disallows it, I need to lift that restriction <ev> kernel-in-a-different-place> living under casper/ rather than in the squashfs, I take it? <highvoltage> cjwatson: cool! that will save some space too! <cjwatson> highvoltage: actually probably not, we only keep the kernel in one place <mvo> I would like to talk about the default subvolume setup on a new btrfs install during the sprint (put that on the agenda already). to optimize for snapshots on packages etc <cjwatson> highvoltage: there's a scary installer hack to cope with that <highvoltage> ah <cjwatson> ev: right, I'd much prefer it to be in the squashfs long-run <cjwatson> mvo: totally <cjwatson> I see it's on the agenda <ev> indeed <robbiew> [TOPIC] Natty <MootBot> New Topic: Natty <robbiew> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty <MootBot> LINK received: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty <robbiew> not bad...in terms of the trend line <mvo> I think we need to postpone the client parts of donations-through software-center, no design yet, no server, I strongly doubt that this can make it <robbiew> and I haven't looked through the bugs...except for the ones QA nag me about ;) <robbiew> mvo: sounds good to me <mvo> but we can talk about it during the sprint :) <robbiew> mvo: sure...will need to make sure the right folks know it's not coming <mvo> indeed <cjwatson> ev: there's a bunch of old gsoc usbcreator workitems on our chart - are those actually planned for natty, or are they only there by accident? <ev> most are on there by accident, but there's a few I'd like to handle at the sprint. <ev> I'll give it a clean up <robbiew> ev: thnx...I wasn't sure about those <ev> the separate /home stuff is blocked on ivanka for design work. We have plans to discuss it further at the sprint. <ev> err ubiquity-preserve-home <robbiew> ok, cool <robbiew> [TOPIC] AOB/Good News <MootBot> New Topic: AOB/Good News <jhunt> unity works in virtualbox 4! :) <robbiew> good news: I'll be managing the team for awhile longer...as our lead candidate fell through :/ <robbiew> heh <cjwatson> if you're anything like me you might have nearly forgotten about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/CodeReviews - check the schedule to see when your next patch pilot day is <barry> robbiew: dang <cjwatson> (mine's Friday, apparently) <barry> (for you :) <robbiew> cjwatson: ah...good reminder...thnx <ev> I've got a key to the server room in Millbank now. Also, the LDTP-based installer tests seem to be working, save a too-short timeout and a hard lock which I'm currently thinking is an OOM condition. <robbiew> barry: heh...no worries...we've got a few good referrals....we'll find the right person....or just give it back to cjwatson :P <robbiew> j/k * cjwatson runs <robbiew> lol <barry> dang, i missed my day yesterday :( <robbiew> barry: hmm...so maybe we need calendar entries or something for folks <barry> robbiew: yeah. i'm going to fill out my calendar now with known dates <robbiew> or just have dholbach send emails...though I doubt he'd like that approach :P <dholbach> robbiew, +1 <robbiew> oh great...dholbach will do it! <robbiew> joking of course <dholbach> I just updated the schedule for february - if you want to swap slots, etc - just do it - you don't need me to update the wiki :) <dholbach> (there's a template schedule commented out on the wiki below) * dholbach now stops interrupting other folks' meetings :) <jhunt> ev: re the hard lock, have you investigated a usb serial console setup? <ev> jhunt: not yet. I don't have the hardware for that. <ev> some day I will learn how to use netconsole <ev> and it will be awesome * robbiew lived by serial console back in is IBM QA days <robbiew> because graphics SUCKED on POWER <robbiew> lol <ev> Suspiciously these netbooks are missing serial ports. Parallel and PS/2 ports as well! <robbiew> usb <robbiew> ? <robbiew> you can get a USB to Serial dongle thingy <robbiew> ;) <ev> indeed <ev> should I get stuck, I'll go to maplin tomorrow <jhunt> the kernel guys (colin?) might have some of that sort of kit I'd imagine? <ev> indeed, he brought one to the release sprint <cjwatson> I don't have a USB-serial device <ev> other colin <cjwatson> oh right <cjwatson> I'll have a real serial cable at the rally if that's of any use to anyone * robbiew can go by Fry's Electronics this week and buy one <robbiew> they're cheap * robbiew also has a rented SUV...so can drive over next week as well <robbiew> anything else? <robbiew> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 10:38. <robbiew> thnx all <barry> thank robbiew <robbiew> see you next week! <mvo> thanks <ev> thanks! <jhunt> cu <SpamapS> robbiew: I'm here now <robbiew> SpamapS: no worries...we were just discussing bug 672177 in the foundations team meeting <ubottu> Launchpad bug 672177 in upstart (Ubuntu) "libc6 upgrade causes umount to fail on shutdown because init cannot be restarted" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/672177 <Keybuk> sorry, lost track of days <ogra> and this one is nearly over <Keybuk> ogra: I somehow thought it was still Tuesday today <ogra> :) * ogra wishes it was ... so much to do before the rally <cjwatson> I always get confused about days around bank holidays <Keybuk> I thought I had a really neat gdb bug <Keybuk> err gcc bug <Keybuk> but I now think it's a gdb "bah, optimisation, go away" issue <highvoltage> Hear ye, hear ye! Edubuntu meeting in about 5 minutes. <highvoltage> Good afternoon <highvoltage> Some quick updates from my side: <highvoltage> * Edubuntu Live Slideshow is now in the default live system, needs some nice slides (see msg to edubuntu-devel about that) <highvoltage> * Edubuntu Council renewal is now complete, Richard Johnson and Jordan Ericksson has stepped down, Marc Gariepy has joined the council <highvoltage> * Edubuntu artwork package split has been completed, some breakage may occur in next daily build, but this will allow us to have Edubuntu theming in the LTSP shipped with Edubuntu <highvoltage> * I sponsored the last Zope packages required for Schooltool this afternoon, it's very likely that Schooltool will be available in the archives for Natty <highvoltage> Besides that, holidays and business as usual. Anyone else here for Edubuntu? * stgraber waves <highvoltage> Just in time, the meeting was just about to timeout <mgariepy> i have nothing to add on my side. <stgraber> nothing here either <highvoltage> ok, end of meeting then? <stgraber> ok :) <highvoltage> Meeting adjourned #ubuntu-meeting 2011-01-06 <NCommander> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 08:59. The chair is NCommander. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <janimo> hello all <rsalveti> hey! <GrueMaster> Zzzzzz <NCommander> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110106 <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110106 <NCommander> No items standing from last meeting <NCommander> so <NCommander> [topic] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel.html <MootBot> New Topic: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel.html <NCommander> [topic] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel-natty-alpha-2.html <MootBot> New Topic: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel-natty-alpha-2.html <ogra> hrm <rsalveti> we're bad <NCommander> burndown chart looks really bad <ogra> where are the canonical-arm charts please ? <ogra> there is still time until a2 <NCommander> ogra: there's identicial to the ubuntu-arel, and this is the ubuntu ARMl meeting <ogra> and a rally inbetween <rsalveti> yeah <rsalveti> and next week we can see what can be moved to alpha-3 <rsalveti> and discuss better <NCommander> [link] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/canonical-arm.html <MootBot> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/canonical-arm.html <NCommander> overall wI progress <NCommander> [link] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-arm-assigned-bug-tasks.html <MootBot> LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-arm-assigned-bug-tasks.html <rsalveti> ogra: ^ <NCommander> Assigned bug page has really grown crazy <NCommander> definiately need to do some work (all of us) on cleaning it out <rsalveti> my bugs are mostly just waiting uploads <rsalveti> the kernel team just updated the master branch for maverick, so we should see a new kernel at the proposed <ogra> some of mine are moot <rsalveti> and that will fix some of my bugs <ogra> and need a decision if i drop them <ogra> but then i only have 5 <marjo> ogra: what decision do you need? <rsalveti> ogra: there's still the alsa-utils bug, that's not open I guess <ogra> NCommander, what do you think is crazy about it ? looks pretty good to me <rsalveti> yeah, looks ok for me too <ogra> rsalveti, yeah, tegh linux upload closed it <janimo> it is definitely not exhaustive <NCommander> ogra: davidm said we need to work towards clearing it out <rsalveti> I'm more worried about the WI than the bugs <janimo> but I guess ftbfs bugs are a separate issue <ogra> marjo, there are some packages we dont have anymore and i need to decide if i want to work on them or not <marjo> ogra: ack <ogra> janimo, yeah, we dont treat them separately with bugs <rsalveti> there are some quite old ones for persia, but he's not around for weeks :-( <ogra> yeah <NCommander> also some for dyfet that should be cleared <janimo> rsalveti, still many are filed as bugs nontheless <ogra> but all in all we only have 21 bugs on that page <davidm> If anyone sees persia please let him know I'm trying to reach him <ogra> doesnt look problematic to me * janimo wishes those were linked form the qa ftbfs page <ogra> davidm, what worries you about that page ? <rsalveti> davidm: is there anyone else from canonical at japan? <rsalveti> maybe trying a hard ping, to see if he'sok <davidm> rsalveti, not that I know of * NCommander would stop in Japan in RL if I had any trans-Pacific travel planned :-/ <rsalveti> yeah, we can just send NCommander over there <ogra> NCommander, quick, just plan one <rsalveti> hehe, as he loves traveling <ogra> just fly to dallas through tokio <GrueMaster> Yes, he does. <ogra> just a minor extra leg to do <ogra> davidm, what worries you about http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-arm-assigned-bug-tasks.html ? <NCommander> ogra: pft, GrueMaster could trivially do it while going to Bellingham, WA :-P <ogra> many of these are either reminders (in emmets case) or will be solved togerther with other fixes (my flash-kernel ones) or are already in progress (rsalvetis) <rsalveti> yeah * NCommander will work on clearing some on his <NCommander> anyway, can I move on? <ogra> you only have two <davidm> ogra, that is part of it <ogra> and dont be worried about the WI tracker <ogra> lets revisit after the rally <davidm> there is also the armel bugs in general but that is shared with Linaro and community <ogra> we usually get 30% done during a sprint <rsalveti> cool <ogra> davidm, sure <davidm> Yea, I expect next week with be a good one * ogra plans to implement the whole jasper rewrite <ogra> which should clean out the majority of my tasks <ogra> and if i manage i'll finish the PPA builder image too <ogra> what will you guys focus on ? <davidm> Cool <rsalveti> nice, lot of fun work to do :-) <NCommander> [topic] Kernel Status (cooloney) <MootBot> New Topic: Kernel Status (cooloney) <rsalveti> ok, moving to kernel <ogra> would be good to coordinate that while we're at the Wi tracker topic <ogra> hrm, we arent anymore <ogra> k <rsalveti> omap 3 kernel is up again <rsalveti> thanks to apw <NCommander> hrm no cody-sooloney <ogra> yep <rsalveti> I can report from him <ogra> meta was just uploaded <rsalveti> NCommander: also, you can put my name on this topic <rsalveti> as I'm mostly working with kernel bugs all the time <NCommander> rsalveti: will do <rsalveti> and for omap 4 there was only one upload <ogra> omap4 had an upload too <NCommander> just ell me when to proceed <rsalveti> fixing bug 694461 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 694461 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Maverick) "kernel config missing CONFIG_TASK_ options for iotop to work" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/694461 <rsalveti> we still don't have any image, but we'll need a new x-loader upload <rsalveti> the package is ready and tested <rsalveti> will poke ogra during the sprint :-) <ogra> yeah <rsalveti> probably on monday <ogra> i'll try to get omap3 rolling tomorrow <rsalveti> and no other news from TI <ogra> though it will fail due to u-boot too <ogra> waiting for lool still <rsalveti> :-( <ogra> if there wasnt a u-boot upload by end of my day tomorrow, i'll do one myself <rsalveti> also, finally there was one update at maverick's kernel <rsalveti> should be on proposed soon <ogra> to be over-synced by the debian upload from lool <rsalveti> GrueMaster: that will close a lot of bugs <rsalveti> as the last upload was from mid december <GrueMaster> ok <rsalveti> guess that's all from kernel <NCommander> [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster) <MootBot> New Topic: QA Status (GrueMaster) <GrueMaster> No images since Dec. 14. Testing limited to dist-update only. <GrueMaster> Python update caused a bit of a headache as it killed checkbox. This was recently fixed. <GrueMaster> Firefox is still broken. <GrueMaster> Bugs are filed (don't have numbers off hand). <rsalveti> GrueMaster: are you able to successfully open the X server and the usual efl session? <rsalveti> you said you had some issues in the past with that <GrueMaster> I will be making a dup of my ports.ubuntu.com mirror to bring. I can keep it up to date there. <GrueMaster> netbook-efl works again (I think). Not sure if it was a setting that got clobbered. <ogra> i thought elmo brings one anyway <GrueMaster> He usually only has x86/amd64. <rsalveti> oh, ok <ogra> ah <rsalveti> maybe we can request that <GrueMaster> Meh. I have one locally. <janimo> GrueMaster, firefox broken in what way? Crashes on startup? <GrueMaster> Not that hard for me to dup. <GrueMaster> Firefox crashes on startup, yes. <rsalveti> janimo: sounds fun for you :-) <NCommander> GrueMaster: elmo always had ports to my knowledge <janimo> rsalveti, indeed <ogra> yeah, i thought that too <rsalveti> janimo: by the way, you're doing a great job on the ftbfs <ogra> janimo, well, you have chrisccoulson there ... we can just corner him until he fixes <ogra> ++ <ogra> absolutely <NCommander> anyway, I'm going to move on <GrueMaster> Hm. Firefox appears to be working again. Must have fixed in an update yesterday. <NCommander> [topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo) <ogra> the ftbfs never looked that good at that time of release <MootBot> New Topic: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo) <janimo> ogra, if it is arm specific I can look into it * NCommander didn't mean to change topic but .. <ogra> only 70 packages <NCommander> FTBFS list looks outstanding <rsalveti> yeah, quite ok <GrueMaster> Oops, nevermind. Wrong image. <ogra> and that includes universe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!! <janimo> quite a lot are haskell ones, which should be fine once (when) ghc6 builds ok <ogra> janimo, you rock !!!!!!!111111!!!!!!!!!!one <NCommander> +1 janimo <NCommander> shall he get much free beer atthe rally <ogra> ++ <janimo> thank, I didn;t think I did that much actually <rsalveti> :-) <ogra> davidm, can you request that as expense <ogra> ? <rsalveti> haha <ogra> "get janimo lots of drinks" <NCommander> ogra: nah 'Developer Fuel' <ogra> heh <NCommander> much easier to pass by uppe rmanagement :-) <ogra> anyway, move i guess <NCommander> [topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander) <MootBot> New Topic: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander) <ogra> bad <ogra> Riddell, removed uboot-mkimage on dec. 14th <ogra> that broke all image builds <ogra> uboot-mkimage is supposed to be replaced by a new u-boot package from debian <ogra> which didnt get its MIR approved <ogra> because it builds bootloader binaries as well as the toold <ogra> *tools <ogra> so we are waiting for a split package from debian that splits out the tools <NCommander> ugh <ogra> lool committed that upstream in debian <ogra> but it wasnt uploaded there yet <ogra> if we dont get that new package by tomorrow evening i'll do an upload myself <ogra> from the git tree <rsalveti> cool <NCommander> cool, thanks ogra <ogra> so we will have overcome that issue <NCommander> can I move on? <rsalveti> then we should be fine again, at least getting images <ogra> but that willo not guarantee tghat the images build <ogra> since we dont know how out of sync the archive is <rsalveti> well, we'll move ahead of one bug :-) <ogra> beyond that ... <ogra> we will need to spend a lot of time next week on the seeds <rsalveti> but over the weekend we generally get a stable archive <ogra> well <ogra> you never know who uploads crap before steppping on the plane <rsalveti> heheh, true <NCommander> [topic] AOB <MootBot> New Topic: AOB <ogra> i wouldnt count on a stable archive <rsalveti> sprint <ogra> WIs <NCommander> no IRC meeting next week <ogra> what is who working on next week ? * ogra already outlined his plans above <rsalveti> I'll be working on the gles stuff and try to work on the core boot update <ogra> how are yours <ogra> cool <rsalveti> but that one depends on the arch detect stuff from Nafallo <rsalveti> ops <rsalveti> NCommander * NCommander has his Texian visa <janimo> I'll work on packaging qemu-linaro and miniamkl devel images <janimo> minimal <rsalveti> janimo: nice <ogra> yeah <rsalveti> then we can change rootstock and test over there <ogra> ++ <GrueMaster> I'll be focused on checkbox. <NCommander> mostly work items, and archdetect since cjwatson will be accessible <NCommander> also other stuff <NCommander> anyway <NCommander> closing meeting in 3 <ogra> davidm, how is the status for the build cluster ? <rsalveti> no <NCommander> 2 <rsalveti> :-) <NCommander> 3 <NCommander> bah <ogra> NCommander, can you wait ? <NCommander> waiting <ogra> we still have 30min <davidm> build cluster is stalled until panda boards ship <ogra> what HW do we need to bring <rsalveti> talking about hardware, please make sure we're bringing yours panda <ogra> and who brings what ? <davidm> I'm hoping to see them soonish <rsalveti> I'll also bring one xM <davidm> Everyone should bring panda's <davidm> and their cables <rsalveti> janimo: anything you're missing at your setup? <davidm> We will get monitors as needed <GrueMaster> I'll have 2 pandas, beagle, XM, and my flyswatter. * NCommander has his AC100, and will help with GrueMaster's pandas <janimo> rsalveti, no, all is fine <ogra> do i need to bring both pandas ? <rsalveti> one should be fine <ogra> or am i fine with one ? <ogra> i heard linaro has some need <rsalveti> the latest and the greatest <janimo> doing only headeless work now, but monitor works too <GrueMaster> Also contemplating bringing a core2duo MB to use for builds and other stuff. <ogra> do we want to help them out ? <rsalveti> depends on how much time we'll have <rsalveti> but for sure, we can help * ogra will also bring his ac100 and the genesi netbook <janimo> I like how fast the panda is actually <lool> NB: mkimage removal was actually requested by bdrung who apologized for the inconvenience, and I'm myself waiting for Clint to comment on u-boot-tools before upload, but it can be taken from Debian git and uploaded to Ubuntu if you block on it <GrueMaster> I'll also bring my blaze. I hope to either upgrade it or offload it. <rsalveti> GrueMaster: yeah, good idea <ogra> lool, yes, but not checked by the archive admin who removed it <ogra> lool, and yes, it needs to be in ubuntu this weel <ogra> *week <ogra> lool, we need working images ready on monday <ogra> GrueMaster, offload ? <ogra> to whom ? <GrueMaster> preferably would be nice to have images by tomorrow. <ogra> we wont <rsalveti> ogra: well, we'll be at dallas <NCommander> GrueMaster: that's extremely unlikely <ogra> MIR isnt approved <GrueMaster> I'll leave it with davidm to return to TI if I can't get it upgraded. <ogra> i expect to get the MIR approved on monday earliest <rsalveti> there will be some TI folks too during the sprint <ogra> most MIR team members are travelling <ogra> GrueMaster, it can bve upgraded at some point <ogra> you should really keep the shell * NCommander has nothng else on Dallas <GrueMaster> I asked for an upgrade at the TI sprint. still waiting. If it isn't going to be upgraded this cycle, I would rather it go to someone that can use it. <ogra> nobody can use it <ogra> without upgraded core board <ogra> so it wont help anyone <NCommander> anything else w.r.t. to the rally, or can I close now? <rsalveti> I'm fine now <lool> ogra: what's breaking your image right now? <GrueMaster> rsalveti: Bring coffee beans. <janimo> there's no schedule, we just show up and work on what we discuss there <rsalveti> GrueMaster: oh, sure <ogra> lool, missing mkimage <NCommander> going once <ogra> lool, it fails to install jasper due to the missing dep <ogra> lool, lets take that to -arm, NCommander is in a rush again <NCommander> :-p <NCommander> anyway <NCommander> going once <NCommander> twice <NCommander> three times <NCommander> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 09:38. <lool> I wanted to ask about topics for the workshop <lool> I didn't get replies to my email yet <ogra> hmm, to late, we listed the specs above at least <ogra> lool, i guess we can just sit down on monday <ogra> and coordinate <ogra> lets plan a 20min meeting with both teams or some such <leoquant> @schedule <ubottu> Sorry, the @schedule function has been disabled. To see the schedule for meetings see http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar. To see the current time in another time zone, use @now <leoquant> @now <ubottu> Current time in Etc/UTC: January 06 2011, 18:33:02 <leoquant> thank you ubottu <beardygnome> hi guys * charlie-tca waves <leoquant> o/ <beardygnome> i'm working away from home this week, so am connected via 30-minute hotel wifi vouchers <ochosi> hi <cody-somerville> hi <charlie-tca> I really hope everyone had a really good holiday and New Years! Now let's get this first meeting of 2011 started. <beardygnome> so i'll drop out about half way through and have to re-login! * pleia2 waves <charlie-tca> That will work. thanks for letting us know in advance <charlie-tca> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 13:02. The chair is charlie-tca. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] agenda is available in full at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings <MootBot> New Topic: agenda is available in full at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings <charlie-tca> We will cover it one item at a time. <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Old business <MootBot> New Topic: Old business <charlie-tca> I see we are waiting for an update about xubuntu.org? <charlie-tca> pleia2 or cody-somerville ? <cody-somerville> I need to reply to an e-mail from pleia2 <charlie-tca> You know we are going to keep bugging you, right? <pleia2> hehe <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Team updates <MootBot> New Topic: Team updates <cody-somerville> I actually forgot about it so its good you did * cody-somerville hates his inbox. <charlie-tca> heh, no problem <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Packaging & Development <MootBot> New Topic: Packaging & Development <charlie-tca> mr_pouit here? <mr_pouit> \o <mr_pouit> yep, sorry <charlie-tca> No problem. go ahead, sir <mr_pouit> uploaded Xfce 4.8~pre3 <charlie-tca> w00t! <mr_pouit> that's all for this week :P <ochosi> yeah, a lot seems to work better now <charlie-tca> That's a big one! any questions about packaging and development? <ochosi> great work on that mr_pouit <ochosi> hm, where/when would we discuss default apps and the like? <micahg> o/ <charlie-tca> Thanks for keeping up with those changes <micahg> mr_pouit: is it feasible to backport xfce 4.8 to lucid and maverick? <charlie-tca> micahg: go ahead <mr_pouit> micahg: if there's a very recent debhelper, yeah <micahg> I'm wondering if the community would like such a thing <ochosi> i would assume so <micahg> mr_pouit: do you think it would be high maintenance? * beardygnome would! <charlie-tca> Does it have to be all or can it be a module, like xfce4-panel? <mr_pouit> (well, 'very' = more recent than in lucid) <micahg> mr_pouit: are you using dh8? <mr_pouit> no no, only 7 <micahg> lucid has 7.4.15 <mr_pouit> yeah, but we use some stuff from 7.4.2 ;-) <mr_pouit> that's why I stopped updating the ppa ;> <ochosi> sry to bring this up again, but default apps now or later? <micahg> ah, you were already trying to do this <charlie-tca> By all means, bring it up <mr_pouit> uh, wait, 7.4.15 is greater than 7.4.2 <mr_pouit> (I need to check, let's continue another time) <micahg> mr_pouit: right, was just about to say that <micahg> ok <mr_pouit> ochosi: yeah, I think it should be discussed on the ml <ochosi> ok, i was just wondering whether we should maybe talk about a few of the current defaults, e.g. browser <ochosi> mr_pouit: ok, i'm fine with that <mr_pouit> although it's not usually very cosntructive =] <ochosi> ml is maybe more transparent <ochosi> :) <ochosi> yeah, probably <charlie-tca> ochosi: Want to get that discussion going then? <ochosi> basically i thought that alternatives to ff might be discussed <ochosi> there's midori which is developing nicely and chromium of course <ochosi> dunno whether any of you are not using firefox * beardygnome uses chromium and loves it <charlie-tca> Midori has issues getting bookmarks transferred from ff, we need an easy way to move them <charlie-tca> I use firefox, because it is default and needs testing too <beardygnome> i also have midori installed, but chromium is much better imo <ochosi> chromium is more grown-up in a way <ochosi> and more stable <beardygnome> and looks way better <ochosi> but i have no clue what version they plan to include in natty <micahg> ochosi: than what? <beardygnome> though is less integrated to the desktop <beardygnome> than midori <ochosi> micahg: in my experience it's more stable than midori <micahg> ah, yeah, for sure <ochosi> beardygnome: not anymore from v.9 onwards <ochosi> beardygnome: i already integrated theming for chromium >= v.9 in our default theme <beardygnome> cool <ochosi> but i agree, v.8 does not look/feel very integrated * beardygnome checks what version he's running <ochosi> but it's still a bit snappier <ochosi> than firefox <mr_pouit> (I think chromium is more integrated, as it is able to register itself as default browser in exo) <ochosi> mr_pouit: good point <beardygnome> i'm running v9 from the daily ppa, but have pinned it at a version i was happy with <micahg> mr_pouit: we should discuss why Firefox doesn't do that later <ochosi> beardygnome: feel free to test the theme and the chromium theming <beardygnome> will do <charlie-tca> Let's take it up on the ML, and include any other apps we might want to discuss changing. lightdm to replace GDM is one that comes to mind. * beardygnome adds it to his list <charlie-tca> [ACTION] oshosi will get the discussion started on the ML for default applications in Natty <MootBot> ACTION received: oshosi will get the discussion started on the ML for default applications in Natty <ochosi> charlie-tca: agreed <beardygnome> didn't we have a chat with the devs of lightdm last year? <charlie-tca> That way we get a record of why we used what we did, too <charlie-tca> beardygnome: yes, we did. The results of that is that lightdm is now in universe for Natty <ochosi> has anyone here tested lightdm yet? <charlie-tca> I tested in VBox and it worked great on a new install. <charlie-tca> Unfortunately, I can't get it to work on my hardware install <ochosi> hm, maybe i'll give it a try if i have time <ochosi> so we skip the rest of the default apps now and continue on the ml? <charlie-tca> Yes, I think so <charlie-tca> We should all be able to test them, then <ochosi> k <charlie-tca> Anything else for mr_pouit ? <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Bug Triage & Testing <MootBot> New Topic: Bug Triage & Testing <charlie-tca> We hit bugs hard this last month. New bugs are down from 243 to 88 <charlie-tca> Will start reviewing the packages this week <beardygnome> well done guys, excellent work <charlie-tca> Testing is a bit behind, since the alternate images were bad during the holidays, and now the desktop images are failing to build <ochosi> mr_pouit: if i fix bug 686239 for bluebird in hg i assume you'll need a new release to be able to integrate it, right? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 686239 in xubuntu-artwork "Bluebird uses removed controls for chrome; please use attached instead." [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/686239 <ochosi> i mean basically the fix is already present in greybird <charlie-tca> hm, lost him again? <ochosi> possibly <charlie-tca> Any questions on bugs and testing? <ochosi> i can ask him again later <charlie-tca> yup, and mr_pouit might answer yet, too <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Website & Marketing <MootBot> New Topic: Website & Marketing <charlie-tca> I am guessing we don't have any update on this one yet <ochosi> what is planned for the website? <charlie-tca> update the logo and stuff to the new ones <charlie-tca> Possible port to wordpress <charlie-tca> Want to make it rock! <ochosi> it would be great if the first page would show the slideshow that is shown during installation <charlie-tca> We need to get that updated, though. <ochosi> or at least that would make it a bit more dynamic and descriptive <ochosi> sure <ochosi> but only after choosing default applications ;) <charlie-tca> picky, picky ;-) <ochosi> :D <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Artwork <MootBot> New Topic: Artwork <charlie-tca> ochosi: got any updates ? <ochosi> yep, i started working on the default panel layout <ochosi> http://wiki.knome.fi/shimmer:xfce-panel <MootBot> LINK received: http://wiki.knome.fi/shimmer:xfce-panel <ochosi> you can see where we're heading for here <ochosi> i'm also testing droid as new default font <ochosi> i would say that we definitely should switch away from "sans" <ochosi> and droid is a well supported, not too large (hdd-space-wise), font <beardygnome> think i dropped out there but should be back now <charlie-tca> Great idea! This is a good release for change... <ochosi> elementary will stay the default icon theme for natty <charlie-tca> beardygnome: yes, you are <ochosi> it's just a lot more consistent than faenza <ochosi> and the possibility to get my changes upstream makes it great <ochosi> so upstream will also try to be xfce-complete in the future <ochosi> which takes a lot of work off our shoulders :) <ochosi> the theme has also been improved here and there <ochosi> i mean the gtk theme <ochosi> it would be great if we could switch to greybird as default theme in the next release <ochosi> to get better testing <charlie-tca> whew! you been busy too. Thanks for working so much on this <ochosi> mr_pouit: ^ ? <ochosi> no problem <charlie-tca> mr_pouit: Can we get greybird as the default theme in Natty Alpha 2? <ochosi> the thing i'd like to work more on is the xfwm-theme <ochosi> but other than that i think we're really far ahead of previous releases where artwork was a last-minute issue <charlie-tca> [IDEA] try to get greybird as default theme in Alpha2 <MootBot> IDEA received: try to get greybird as default theme in Alpha2 <ochosi> any feedback from you people? <charlie-tca> I agree with that statement, ochosi. I see us as actually making good progress early enough to correct things. <beardygnome> i've not seen much of greybird, so would be interested in trying it out <ochosi> by the way: you can see droid in the screenshot of iteration3 of the above posted panel-layout wikipage <charlie-tca> It is a really nice theme, beardygnome <ochosi> the shots of iteration1 and 2 show the old "sans" font <beardygnome> is it available for maverick? <ochosi> beardygnome: sure <ochosi> beardygnome: download it here: http://shimmerproject.org/hg/bluebird-colors <ochosi> i'm also testing it on maverick <ochosi> so it'll definitely work there too <beardygnome> ochosi: i'll try that out <ochosi> mr_pouit: maybe we should also test the new panel layout in alpha2 <beardygnome> where do you want any feedback? <ochosi> mr_pouit: and droid :) <charlie-tca> beardygnome: more info on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork/Natty <ochosi> beardygnome: basically everywhere, i've not gotten much yet :) <beardygnome> ok, will check it out <ochosi> beardygnome: btw, you can always ping me on #xubuntu-devel or #shimmer <ochosi> charlie-tca: have you heard of thorwil? <charlie-tca> yes, he is the one helped me get the background artwork specs together <ochosi> he wrote me an email last year and i replied but didn't here anything back then <beardygnome> ochosi: we're keeping elementary for natty, so no need to test faenza, right? <ochosi> s/here/hear <charlie-tca> I will push him again, then <ochosi> beardygnome: exactly <charlie-tca> He is part of the community artwork team <ochosi> well, it would be good to get some news on the wallpapers <ochosi> i think he's leading that initiative, no? <charlie-tca> We have 11 wallpapers submitted now <charlie-tca> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Artwork/Natty <charlie-tca> yes, thorwil and saleel <charlie-tca> Sorry, 11 wallpapers at [LINK] http://www.flickr.com/groups/uawt-7/ <ochosi> hm, i'm just skipping through the wallpapers <ochosi> nothing really final there yet <charlie-tca> [LINK] http://www.flickr.com/groups/uawt-7/ <MootBot> LINK received: http://www.flickr.com/groups/uawt-7/ <charlie-tca> No, but at least therer are some nice backgrounds there <ochosi> but some of them really have potential <ochosi> i hope the people keep working on them <ochosi> the color palette is a bit boring in most proposals <ochosi> very blue/grey <charlie-tca> I think we have to give them some guidance on where to go next with them <charlie-tca> thorwil tried to tell them to not go monochrome blue this time, but ... <ochosi> mhm, i read a few mails on the artwork-ml and it seems they discussed other palettes <ochosi> i even once posted there with a link to my current wp to show them that other palletes/colors work with the theme <ochosi> one more thing i'd like to discuss with you <ochosi> what applications shall we have in the bottom (launcher) panel by default? <charlie-tca> Okay, ouch <ochosi> you can see a few in the screenshot of iteration3 <charlie-tca> group effort? <ochosi> but i'm not entirely sure whether my usage reflects the average user <ochosi> yeah, group effort would be nice <charlie-tca> [IDEA] default launchers to be used in Xubuntu Panel <MootBot> IDEA received: default launchers to be used in Xubuntu Panel <charlie-tca> anyone got any ideas? <beardygnome> browser, email, terminal? <ochosi> beardygnome: look what might be missing here: http://wiki.knome.fi/_detail/shimmer:panel_it3.png?id=shimmer%3Axfce-panel <ochosi> or even what is redundant <charlie-tca> settings manager, thunar, abiword, too <micahg> office app <ochosi> k, abiword is missing, good point <beardygnome> parole? <ochosi> hm, do you really open media files via parole and not via thunar? <beardygnome> good point <beardygnome> exaile? <ochosi> maybe exaile? <ochosi> hehe <charlie-tca> sure <ochosi> ok, good <ochosi> i guess we don't need update-manager? <beardygnome> gimp? mousepad? <charlie-tca> Let's get it together, then. We can try to get mr_pouit to stick it in alpha2, and we can juggle launchers for alpha3 if needed <ochosi> yeah, good idea charlie-tca <charlie-tca> Maybe mousepad, but I question whether gimp is used that much? <beardygnome> ochosi: i think update-manager is covered by having software-centre# <ochosi> beardygnome: hm, maybe yeah. since exaile is there maybe gimp also makes sense <charlie-tca> update-manager and software center are two different things. * micahg thought they were going to be integrated <beardygnome> i'm just thinking that everyone will customise it, so why not use to to advertise our key apps <charlie-tca> One adds software and one updates your already there software <ochosi> depends on whether update-notifications in the systray will be "on" by default <charlie-tca> micahg: I think synaptic and software center are the same <ochosi> micahg: hm, maybe it's planned but definitely not implemented yet <beardygnome> true, i'm thinking of synaptic, which i use instead of software-centre <charlie-tca> beardygnome: I like that thinking <ochosi> micahg: at least not in the gui <ochosi> well, let's wait a bit with update-manager and not put it there for now <ochosi> there are notifications for updates most likely anyway <beardygnome> anyway, i think we should use the launcher to promote our key software selections <beardygnome> will it autohide? <ochosi> yes <ochosi> btw, that searchglass there is not catfish but appfinder <beardygnome> very nice <ochosi> (one thing we definitely have to fix in the icon-theme <ochosi> ) <beardygnome> yes <charlie-tca> I been using appfinder. It seems kind of nice, really <ochosi> yes <ochosi> but do we want something like catfish down there as well= <beardygnome> if the launcher auto hides, will it be obvious to new users? <beardygnome> ochosi: yes to having catfish <ochosi> beardygnome: yes, because it's full-sized <charlie-tca> I think we want appfinder there, it introduces a whole new look at applications <ochosi> beardygnome: it has an expanding separator on the left and on the right side <ochosi> beardygnome: but of course we have to test it <ochosi> charlie-tca: ok, good point <beardygnome> ochosi: catfish? isn't that fairly stable? <charlie-tca> It should be stable, we have it for many releases already <beardygnome> ochosi: if the launcher autohides, it won;t be shown the screen when the new user logs in <beardygnome> i use catfish all the time and i've not had any issues <beardygnome> this topic is getting sidetracked now shall we move it to the ml? <ochosi> yeah, it's not an "either catfish or appfinder" but a "maybe we want both" :) <beardygnome> i think both <charlie-tca> yes <beardygnome> but with different icons :-) <ochosi> ok <beardygnome> i'm running low in internet credit and want to get into the docs discussion <ochosi> i'm on it <ochosi> sure <charlie-tca> Okay, take it to the mailing list too <charlie-tca> [ACTION] take the discussion about default launchers to the ML <MootBot> ACTION received: take the discussion about default launchers to the ML <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Documentation <MootBot> New Topic: Documentation <beardygnome> i have reviewed a lot of branch 240 of the docs and have about 30 comments / suggestions <charlie-tca> Book_Em_Dano is not here, but he is working hard to get the documentation up to date for Natty, Maverick, and Lucid <beardygnome> where's the best place to send them? <ochosi> beardygnome: so the docs might be up-to-date for natty? <ochosi> cool! <charlie-tca> xubuntu-devel ML, I think, so we don't lose them <beardygnome> as a single mail, or as an attachment? <charlie-tca> Throw them into one message, and we can forward it to daniel <beardygnome> ok will do. <charlie-tca> Thanks for doing that, beardygnome <beardygnome> i'm about to go offline, but will hang around until i do <beardygnome> charlie-tca: np <charlie-tca> anything else on docs? <charlie-tca> We do still need as many people to review as possible! <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Updates for Xubuntu 10.04.2 <MootBot> New Topic: Updates for Xubuntu 10.04.2 <charlie-tca> micahg: any updates? <micahg> charlie-tca: yes, the freeze for 10.04.2 is 1/20 <charlie-tca> yipes <micahg> so, we have 2 weeks to get any fixes uploaded <charlie-tca> I guess I better get looking at the lucid bugs this week then <charlie-tca> That seems early with the release scheduled for Feb 17 <micahg> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseInterlock <charlie-tca> Thanks, micahg. <charlie-tca> Keep poking me for the bugs, huh? <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Announcements <MootBot> New Topic: Announcements <micahg> charlie-tca: sure <charlie-tca> Community Council received a single nomination for Project Lead. <charlie-tca> pleia2, keep me straight now... <pleia2> launchpad polls are back, so if you want we can set up a simple confirmation poll <charlie-tca> Can we hold a vote next meeting to confirm this lead? <highvoltage> yay <pleia2> or at a meeting :) <charlie-tca> Which ever one is best for it? <pleia2> however you see fit, xubuntu is a small enough project that it doesn't have to be super formal <pleia2> just as long as there aren't complaints about the process <pleia2> if you want to do it at a meeting I'd send an email to the list prior to asking for votes if you can't make it to the meeting (I'd be happy to be the contact person for these confirmation votes) <charlie-tca> Let's do that, to keep it solid. <pleia2> great <charlie-tca> thank you <charlie-tca> and, since we are running a bit over, <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Any Other Business? <MootBot> New Topic: Any Other Business? <charlie-tca> There being no other business, we will meet again on January 13 at 19:00 UTC. <charlie-tca> Thank you all for attending. <charlie-tca> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 14:09. <charlie-tca> I think meetings past about an hour get too long to keep people #ubuntu-meeting 2011-01-07 * skaet waves * joshuahoover waves * rsalveti waves <skaet> hi all, just about time to get started. * rsalveti will cover ogra again today <skaet> thanks rsalveti. :) <skaet> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 10:00. The chair is skaet. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <skaet> Reminder: please use ".." on separate line when you've finished typing. If someone wants to comment on the last point, please "o/", so we know to wait. <skaet> [Topic] Natty overview - skaet <skaet> Agenda is at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2011-01-07 <skaet> Alpha 2 tasks, as indicated by the burn down charts are starting indicate progress again after holiday break, but overall above trend line. see: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/all-natty-alpha-2.html <skaet> Milestoned bugs for alpha2 can be found https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.milestone=33572. We've got a couple critical it would be nice to get closed soon. <MootBot> New Topic: Natty overview - skaet <skaet> .. <pitti> o/ <ScottK> \o <zul> hi <Daviey> o/ <skaet> hi pitti, ScottK, Daviey questions? or just saying hi :) <pitti> skaet: just waving hello <pitti> forgot that it's now an official symbol :) <skaet> :) <ScottK> skaet: waving hello. * ScottK didn't know it was. <Daviey> skaet, Just saying hi - sorry :) <skaet> ScottK, Daviey, no worries - glad you said hi. :) <skaet> I'll move on to the other stuff.. <skaet> [Topic] update on action items - skaet <skaet> Linaro Natty Freeze milestones have been indicated on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseInterlock <skaet> There is a tutorial on linker order under development and available for review/comment. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/ToolchainTransition <MootBot> New Topic: update on action items - skaet <skaet> .. <skaet> any questions? or further updates to the action items? <ScottK> skaet: What progress on the DSO linking documentation? <ScottK> Ah. <ScottK> I should read all the way down <skaet> ScottK, :) <skaet> Allison and Matthias welcome comments to the wiki. Still incorporating some feedback, but hope to broadcast it to the devel list soon. <skaet> ok, not seeing other questions, so on to the round tables.. <skaet> [Topic] QA team update - marjo <MootBot> New Topic: QA team update - marjo <marjo> hi folks; happy new year! <marjo> * Natty 11.04 Release goals <marjo> http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/canonical-platform-qa-natty-alpha-2.html <marjo> Good progress but blocked on 1 work item. <marjo> * Bugsquad Roadmap: 'Add support information to bug reporting guidelines' blocked due to http://launchpad.net/bugs/692787 bdmurray following up with Launchpad team. <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 692787 in Launchpad itself "unable to update Ubuntu bug reporting guidelines" [High,Triaged] <pitti> marjo: s/~pitti/~platform/ please <marjo> pitti: sorry about that <pitti> marjo: don't be, just to cleanup for the future :) <marjo> pitti: you're too kind; thx <marjo> * ISO Smoke Test project - Good progress. Should be available for daily use before Alpha-2. <pitti> o/ <marjo> # weekly testing status: <marjo> http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/qadashboard/qadashboard.html <marjo> * Desktop Automated Testing result <marjo> http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/desktop-testing/natty/ <MootBot> LINK received: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/qadashboard/qadashboard.html <marjo> jibel is investigating why some tests did not run today <marjo> * Server Automated Testing result <marjo> <marjo> .. <skaet> thanks marjo. pitti? <pitti> marjo: "iso smoke test" sounds interesting; does that do a fully automated install? <jibel> o/ <pitti> like, with faking the ubiquity clicks? <jibel> pitti, yes it does. <pitti> awesome <jibel> it downloads the latest iso <jibel> boots it, and run ubiquity by simulating clicks <pitti> jibel: you replaced ara with a python script! <jibel> when the test is finished it uploads the results to a couchdb which are then published to a hudson serter <jibel> s/serter/server <pitti> (just kidding) <cjwatson> so how do I find out why a given test in failed? <jibel> pitti, not all ara <pitti> jibel: just kidding; nice work <cjwatson> like say <jibel> hggdh, ^^ <marjo> cjwatson: hggdh runs those tests, so he would do the root cause analysis <cjwatson> so it's dependent on an operator to analyse them? <cjwatson> I was hoping I could just download the d-i syslog from a failed run <hggdh> cjwatson: yes, it depends on review for the cause of failure <marjo> cjwatson: in some sense, yes <cjwatson> obviously it has to be reviewed but I was hoping that a competent developer might be able to do that review too <hggdh> cjwatson: we do not currently save the d-i log (i.e., /var/log/installer). This can be done, though <cjwatson> what I'm asking is what information you're using when you do that review <marjo> cjwatson: sometimes, one can look at the console output and do some quick analysis <cjwatson> if you don't have the d-i syslog I'm having trouble seeing how you would get any useful results at all <hggdh> cjwatson: to zero in the last failure, lick on the run # to the right of the "Last failure". Then you can look at the Console output and the build artifacts links <marjo> cjwatson: thx for the suggestion; will investigate for inclusion <cjwatson> I can't find any actual useful information in the build artifacts; that's why I asked :-) * skaet looks around to see if there are other questions? <marjo> hggdh: then one of the build artifacts can be the d-i log? <marjo> skaet: we'll continue discussion w/ cjwatson & hggdh off-line <skaet> thanks marjo, hggdh, jibel. :) <skaet> [Topic] Hardware Certification team update - victorp <MootBot> New Topic: Hardware Certification team update - victorp <victorp> weekly testing this week run for clients <victorp> [LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~hwcert/hw-testing/current <MootBot> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~hwcert/hw-testing/current <victorp> Servers - we have both lab and image issues discuss previously <victorp> we are planning to start looking at the untested systems to bring up coverage <victorp> and also to keep up weekly testing ongoing from now on <victorp> we had 2 new starters in the team this week, so I am confident that it will help <skaet> :) <victorp> we are trying to organise cover for next week as everyone in the lab is travelling to dallas <victorp> we need someone to press the reboot button ;) <victorp> back in montreal - but we should be able to manage <victorp> that is all from me <skaet> thanks victorp. <skaet> will we start to see boot performance tests again after the rally? <victorp> that is the plan yes :) <skaet> excellent. :) <skaet> any other questions? <victorp> note that the data is collected on the same test - we need to understand how we report the results <skaet> not doing it the same way ameet did before/ <skaet> ? <cjwatson> just bootchart png and tar, I'd have expected? <cjwatson> or svg and tar, whatever it is * victorp hwcert team running a head of time -> http://people.canonical.com/~cr3/desktop/public_html/daily-bootcharts/ <victorp> ^^ first set of results for bootchart on 2011 available <cjwatson> those are reporting the desktop starting up in negative time <skaet> victorp, not seeing any 2011 dates on the last tested column? <cjwatson> I know the desktop team are good but they aren't that good :) <victorp> do a refresh? first one on the list <skaet> victorp, yup, seeing it now. thanks! * skaet does happy dance - new data to study... <victorp> cjwatson - I believe that is the difference from previous dance <victorp> s/dance/run/ <victorp> skaets fault! <victorp> :) <skaet> lol <skaet> any other question? <pitti> do we have any SSD systems there? <cjwatson> victorp: are you sure? that looks odd based on previous data, and in any case we need absolute numbers too <pitti> ah, mini 10 v <victorp> oh yes, I see what you mean when you drill down on the data <cjwatson> plus, the kernel time given there is very close to the time it takes the kernel to start up in the bootchart <seb128> do you wait on gnome-panel loading? <pitti> but the last mini 10 report is from last June <seb128> because there is no gnome-panel in unity <victorp> ok - we are not there yet, we are getting started warming up the test machine <seb128> which probably screw the measure for the desktop bit <victorp> :) <skaet> thanks victorp. nice to see the preview. not seeing any questions so will move on. <skaet> [Topic] Security team update - jdstrand <MootBot> New Topic: Security team update - jdstrand <jdstrand> hi <jdstrand> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty <jdstrand> [LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-security.html <MootBot> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-security.html <jdstrand> Not a lot to report again as we have again been focusing mainly on non-natty duties this week. We/pitti did fix bug #690040 and a related one with ifupdown. We have no pending features for alpha-2. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 690040 in cups (Ubuntu Natty) "no longer confined by AppArmor" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/690040 <jdstrand> .. <skaet> Thanks jdstrand! <jdstrand> sure :) <skaet> any one have questions? <skaet> [Topic] Kernel team update - apw <MootBot> New Topic: Kernel team update - apw <apw> o/ <apw> Overall status is reported at the first link below. Burn down for the release milestone is at the second link below. Burndown for the cycle is at the third link: <apw> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty <apw> [LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-kernel-team-natty-alpha-2.html <apw> [LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-kernel-team.svg <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty <MootBot> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-kernel-team-natty-alpha-2.html <MootBot> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-kernel-team.svg <apw> We are progressing on our natty-alpha-2 items, some of the natty-alpha-1 items remain but we are closing them. The remaining pushed out items are listed with background on the overall status above (first link). Overall burndown we are still below the line, so we should be able to catch up. <apw> Of the bugs called out on the agenda: #630748 waits on an Intel microcode update; #542660 waits on feedback from the reporter; #600453 there is upstream progress which is enouraging; #636091 seems to only affect live environments; #681877 is likely related to #600453; #682617 waits on feedback from the reporter, but does not appear to be kernel. <apw> The main distro kernel is now rebased forward to mainline v2.6.37 final and published in advance of the Rally. This kernel brings back the ARM OMAP3 kernels needed for the ARM images. Final confirmation of the Kernel version should be made at Rally next week. There will be an update hiatus during the v2.6.38 merge window, we will likely not upload kernels until -rc2 dependant on stability there. <apw> .. <cjwatson> o/ <skaet> go cjwatson <cjwatson> I'd like to meet kernel folks next week to sync up on the state of play on graphics/gfxpayload=linux/etc. <cjwatson> would that be possible? <apw> cjwatson, yes please that would be advisable <cjwatson> there's an entry on the foundations agenda for the rally, so whenever you like really <pitti> o/ <cjwatson> ok <apw> cjwatson, please add it to the kernel agenda so we don't forget <cjwatson> ok <apw> cjwatson, ack <skaet> go pitti <pitti> apw: is https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-desktop-n-xorg-configuration-the-final-ten-percent (move i915 configs to sysfs) still on the table or should we drop it? <pitti> and writable EDID <apw> pitti, that one i have on my list, but have not gotten to it yet, perhaps next week is a good time. i hear part may already be done <pitti> apw: nice, thanks <pitti> apw: was mainly interested for the sake of planning, as it's a prerequisite for futher development * skaet looks around... anyone else? <apw> pitti, ack, we should meet to discuss next week also <skaet> nice detailed summary apw - thanks! <apw> np <skaet> [Topic] Foundations team update - cjwatson <MootBot> New Topic: Foundations team update - cjwatson <cjwatson> [LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-foundations.html <MootBot> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-foundations.html <cjwatson> Behind the trend line after the holiday, but not too desperately, and there are a number of obvious things we can defer (e.g. client part of donations through software-center, which still has no design and no server), so I'm not worried yet. <cjwatson> Interesting feature progress since last week: <cjwatson> * Working on moving installer testing to LDTP, which should be more robust and flexible than Sikuli due to ATK named objects <cjwatson> * Upstart override feature code-complete, tests in progress <cjwatson> * software-center ratings-and-reviews "almost ready (but not quite :/)", testing against a real server instance <cjwatson> * Initial LibreOffice packages, as you may have noticed from the news - though this should really be desktop, right? ;-) <cjwatson> * GRUB btrfs and squashfs support merged from experimental upstream branches - as of tomorrow it *should* be possible to do a full install on btrfs out of the box, with partman/default_filesystem=btrfs <cjwatson> * Archive test rebuild in progress (doko) <cjwatson> I merged upstream console-setup the other day, which is causing a bit of disruption (I sort of expected this which is why I'd put it off for so long). Sorry about that. <cjwatson> .. <skaet> Thanks cjwatson. :) any progress on the bugs? <doko> fyi, build results will show up here: http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20110107-natty.html <pitti> cjwatson: FTR, new LibO maintainer will start Feb 1st <cjwatson> very little I'm afraid, we're going to beat the list down at the rally <cjwatson> pitti: thanks, yeah, Robbie said there'd been progress there <skaet> cjwatson, fair 'nuf. :) <skaet> any other questions? * cjwatson agendas that just to make sure <skaet> :) <skaet> [Topic] Server team update - zul/daviey <MootBot> New Topic: Server team update - zul/daviey <zul> hi <zul> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty <skaet> hi <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty <zul> Happy new year! People are ramping up again. We are falling behind in our burn down charts, but they need to be updated to reflect the relaity. I expect alot of that work will be done next week. We have several bugs on our radar: <zul> * bug 697753 - bittorrent recommendation prevents bittorrent demotion <zul> * Upstream will be looking at this and we will be doing a point release next week. <zul> * bug 697181 - DoS: Infinite loop processing 2.2250738585072011e-308 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 697753 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Natty) "bittorrent recommendation prevents bittorrent demotion" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/697753 <zul> * bug 689944 - Fix some ocf script issues <ubottu> Launchpad bug 697181 in php5 (Ubuntu Natty) "DoS: Infinite loop processing 2.2250738585072011e-308" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/697181 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 689944 in cluster-agents (Ubuntu Natty) "Fix some ocf script issues" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/689944 <zul> the trend line is a bit depressing but i expect that to clear up next week at the rally. <zul> ... <skaet> Thanks zul! Will add those bugs to the ones i'm tracking. <zul> np <skaet> looking forward to the trend line improving after the rally. :) <skaet> any questions? <skaet> [Topic] Desktop team update - pitti <MootBot> New Topic: Desktop team update - pitti <pitti> Blueprint implementation: <pitti> - On track for entire cycle (http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-desktop-team.html) <pitti> - Falling behind on alpha-2, seems we need to drop some targets of opportunities; we'll review that on the sprint (http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-desktop-team-natty-alpha-2.html) <pitti> General status: <pitti> - Latest GTK 3 introduced a new way of doing themes, which now causes our GTK3 apps (Jockey, language-selector, Apport, more to come) to look ugly, as the current murrine theme can't be ported to the new GTK way. We have two options to sort this out, will discuss next week at the sprint. <pitti> - No major change to report, due to holidays <pitti> CD space savings: <pitti> - CDs had been within size limit for some days now, but oversized again starting from today; we took off Rhythmbox now (since Banshee got added), which will save 1.5 MB, and need a langpack refresh for alpha-2 which will save several MB as well, so we are on target for alpha-2. <pitti> - python2.6 package on CDs got fixed, i. e. it's not installed any more. <pitti> - /usr/lib/python2.{6,7} each need ~ 9.5 MB of CD space, i. e. due to the transition we added 9.5 MB. It would be nice if we could drop support for 2.6 during Natty to reclaim them. <pitti> RC bugs: <pitti> - summary: going well, no worries here (two open issues which are in progress) <pitti> - details on [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus <pitti> .. <skaet> thanks pitti, good to hear that we'll be fitting back on the CD for alpha-2. :) <skaet> any one questions? <skaet> [Topic] Ubuntu One Team - joshuahoover <MootBot> New Topic: Ubuntu One Team - joshuahoover <joshuahoover> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/NattyReleaseStatus <joshuahoover> details on where we're at with blueprints and releases are in the link above <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/NattyReleaseStatus <joshuahoover> good news? udf selection is in the latest ubuntuone-client package...needs a new release to work properly from the gui <joshuahoover> bad news? desktopcouch is not in like we thought it would be before the holidays...we have a couple people working on that now to work out the (various) issues <joshuahoover> we'll have some folks at the platform sprint...errr...rally next week & will be looking to make good progress on some unity integration while we're there <joshuahoover> and that's about it <joshuahoover> .. <skaet> thanks joshuahoover! <pitti> joshuahoover: we took off evo-couchdb as Naty said U1 control panel would install it on demand now/soon (she's got a branch) <pitti> joshuahoover: if that's still unclear, let's discuss next week <joshuahoover> pitti: ah yes, there was discussion about this earlier today actually on #ubuntuone <skaet> any other questions? <skaet> [Topic] Kubuntu Team update - Riddell <MootBot> New Topic: Kubuntu Team update - Riddell <Riddell> yo <Riddell> * KDE SC 4.5.95 uploading to natty, building now <Riddell> * KDE SC 4.5.5 update for maverick being packaged by ninjas, due for release shortly <Riddell> * KDE SC 4.4.5 in lucid-updates, one regression in the packaging, now fixed, bug 696675 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 696675 in kde-l10n-engb (Ubuntu Lucid) "kde l10n packages depend on libkdecore5 which doesn't exist" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/696675 <Riddell> * Todo list getting some green but probably behind where I'd like it to be https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo <Riddell> * 10 kubuntu-tagged bugs targeted for alpha 2 http://goo.gl/yGhJd <skaet> ..? <Riddell> that's me <skaet> Thanks Riddell! Will dig in and look at those alpha 2 bugs later. :) <skaet> any questions? <skaet> [Topic] Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth_ <MootBot> New Topic: Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth_ <doko> Riddell: there seems to be an unneeded promton <doko> cmake b-d <Riddell> doko: I don't understand, what's unneeded? <doko> Riddell: packages in xmlrpc-c were explicitly splitted for the reason of *not* promoting the whole of xmlrpc-c <doko> Riddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xmlrpc-c/+bug/369918 <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 369918 in xmlrpc-c (Ubuntu) "main inclusion report for xmlrpc-c" [Undecided,Fix released] <dbarth_> oops <dbarth_> hi all <skaet> hi <Riddell> doko: let me look into it to remind myself, I'll get back to you <dbarth_> the report is up at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/NattyReleaseStatus <dbarth_> not much new this week <doko> Riddell: ok, the new one is bug #698311 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 698311 in cmake (Ubuntu Natty) "cmake needs to build-depend on libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev, not libxmlrpc-c3-dev " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/698311 <dbarth_> we haven't uploaded a release to natty and mostly sorted bugs and landed a couple of infrastructure changes on trunk <dbarth_> re-stabilizing everything after the break <dbarth_> the daily builds should be up and running now to get us ready for next week <dbarth_> of note: <dbarth_> the workflow to get GL bugs passed over to the x team is now in place <dbarth_> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bugs?field.tag=natty is their inbound queue <dbarth_> it should ensure a smoother resolution of issues as the tide of unity bugs rises during the cycle <skaet> :) <dbarth_> compiz also is in need for help <marjo> dbarth: fyi, compiz & unity no longer in top 5; http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/qadashboard/qadashboard.html <dbarth_> we'll be doing some agressive triaging next week, mostly putting aside everything that is not 0.9/unity related <dbarth_> and bringing some resources over to help smspillaz <dbarth_> and last (not on the report, though a lot happened this week as well): a11y is back on track <skaet> ..? <dbarth_> we've been working with apineiro since late december to get the internal plumbing in tplace <dbarth_> (typing slow today) * skaet sorry <dbarth_> means that the a11y enablement for launcher & panel should be possible <dbarth_> we're also receiving a lot of help from the desktop team here <dbarth_> foundations part: ted is fighting with the gdbus port and appmenu got some more love this week as well <dbarth_> overall we're all waiting for the rally to get all back to full speed in sight of the alpha-2 milestone <dbarth_> bug status <dbarth_> i've updated some of the old bugs with didrocks that were still on the natty radar <dbarth_> and assigned the ones (like the bitesize one) that were still not miletsoned / allocated <dbarth_> that's it mostly <dbarth_> questions? more bugs? <skaet> lol <skaet> there will always be more bugs... <skaet> thanks dbarth_! <dbarth_> well, yes <dbarth_> thx <skaet> [Topic] ARM team update - rsalveti <MootBot> New Topic: ARM team update - rsalveti <rsalveti> Full Status at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARMTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty <rsalveti> .. <rsalveti> - Latest working OMAP4 image is still from 20101214, latest were broken because of the uboot-mkimage removal <rsalveti> - New u-boot package was finally pushed to main, and we'll start getting images again soon! (thanks to lool, doko and ogra) <rsalveti> - Kernel is still 2.6.35 for OMAP 4, TI planning to push a 2.6.38 tree later on <rsalveti> - Kernel for OMAP 3 is back, and we'll soon be able to generate omap 3 images again (thanks to apw) <rsalveti> - Team is back to work, so we should see more work on WI soon <rsalveti> - Most kernel SRU sorted out, just waiting move from proposed to updates <rsalveti> - Firefox is working again with latest package update <rsalveti> .. <rsalveti> Image Status <rsalveti> .. <rsalveti> - Latest working one is from 20101214 <rsalveti> .. <rsalveti> Work Items <rsalveti> .. <rsalveti> - Entire http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-arm.html <rsalveti> - Next Milestone http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-arm-natty-alpha-2.html - some moved already to alpha 3, and the others to be implemented/discussed during the sprint <rsalveti> .. <rsalveti> Bugs with fix released <rsalveti> .. <rsalveti> - Bug 690445 Firefox crashes on armel <rsalveti> - Bug 673509 Beagleboard-xm chooses a new IP address on each boot <rsalveti> - Bug 653002 omapdss DISPC error: GFX_FIFO_UNDERFLOW, disabling GFX <rsalveti> .. <rsalveti> the whole team is looking forward to work heavily on the WI during the sprint <ubottu> Launchpad bug 690445 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Firefox crashes on armel" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/690445 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 673509 in linux (Ubuntu) "Beagleboard-xm chooses a new IP address on each boot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/673509 <rsalveti> persia is back on-line, and feeling better! <ubottu> Launchpad bug 653002 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Natty) "omapdss DISPC error: GFX_FIFO_UNDERFLOW, disabling GFX" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/653002 <rsalveti> .. <skaet> glad to hear persia's back online. :) <rsalveti> yeah :-) <rsalveti> that's all from my side <rsalveti> .. <skaet> thanks for the update rsalveti! any questions? <skaet> [Topic] MOTU team update - ScottK <MootBot> New Topic: MOTU team update - ScottK <ScottK> Hello <skaet> :) <ScottK> Not a lot to updates to provide. People are working on SDO linking, GCC 4.5, and Python2.7 fixes. <ScottK> We won't get to where we really want to be I don't think but progress is being made. Hopefully Squeeze releases soon and Debian picks up the same toolchain. <ScottK> That's all. <skaet> Thanks ScottK! figure we'll be seeing linking/gcc/python fixes for a while yet. <skaet> any questions? <ScottK> skaet: Up until the next LTS release is my prediction. <skaet> ack. * skaet resets her expectations.... <skaet> [Topic] Linaro update - JamieBennett <MootBot> New Topic: Linaro update - JamieBennett <JamieBennett> Hi Kate. <skaet> hi. :) <JamieBennett> There are not many Ubuntu interlocks from the Linaro sidem we are easier to accommodate this cycle ;) <JamieBennett> Most notable is GCC though. <JamieBennett> We expect a new GCC 4.5 version 2010-02-08 with some basic Android support, heap randomisation and volatile int fixes. <JamieBennett> There will be GDB and improvements but these should be pretty unobtrusive. <JamieBennett> Kernel wise we will probably need another upload early next month (around the same time as the GCC release) but as only Linaro uses this it isn’t a big deal. <JamieBennett> We have initial investigations with Android and MeeGo, I expect some packages to come through REVU into the archive in the coming month or so along with one or two other packages to do with performance, no clear information on that one yet. <JamieBennett> Ubuntu deadline wise we should be fine to get all this in on time <JamieBennett> EOF <skaet> Thanks JamieBennett! <ScottK> JamieBennett: Could there be an action to test build qt4-x11 with the volatile int fixed before it lands? <ScottK> fixed/fixes <JamieBennett> I'm sure its on Michaels radar but give me the action and I'll chase it up <ScottK> skaet: ^^^ Please. <skaet> ack - will do. * skaet will put it in the minutes. <skaet> any other questions? <skaet> [Topic] any other kudos/comments/questions? <MootBot> New Topic: any other kudos/comments/questions? <skaet> going once? <skaet> hmm, looks like end of meeting time <skaet> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 11:16. <marjo> skaet: thx for another effective meeting <skaet> Thanks ScottK, marjo, jibel, hggdh, victorp, jdstrand, apw, cjwatson, pitti, zul, daviey, joshuahoover, dbarth_, rsalveti, JamieBennett <pitti> thanks all <joshuahoover> thank you skaet <pitti> see you all next week! <dbarth_> yep! <skaet> indeed. looking forward to seeing folks in Dallas! <skaet> and watching the burn down charts improving first hand, lol. <rsalveti> skaet: thanks! #ubuntu-meeting 2011-01-08 <jussi> right, who is here? <jussi> topyli: tsimpson nhandler Pici? <topyli> heyhey! * tsimpson is here <jussi> ok, we have quorum... <jussi> tsimpson: bout your turn for chair, right? <tsimpson> probably <tsimpson> #startmeeting <MootBot> Meeting started at 14:05. The chair is tsimpson. <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] <tsimpson> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda <tsimpson> [topic] Offtopic Guidelines <MootBot> New Topic: Offtopic Guidelines <tsimpson> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BenjaminRubin/OfftopicGuidelines <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BenjaminRubin/OfftopicGuidelines <tsimpson> not sure if Pici is about <tsimpson> but it's been on the agenda a while now <jussi> that link basically says: <jussi> To be placed under the 'Language and Subject' heading in our guidelines <jussi> Our offtopic channels are designed to be places where people can be in company of others while talking about subjects that they enjoy. We realize that many of us enjoy figuring out computer problems, but we respectfully ask that if a conversation is turning into something that you would more likely see in our support channels, that you bring it there instead. That said, if someone asks you to move your support conversation into one of our <jussi> support channels, please do so. <jussi> Im +1 on this, no problems <topyli> i think the last sentence is the relevant one <topyli> the rest is dressing :) <jussi> Im happy to have a vote that we add this, if you like? <tsimpson> it's something that we have done before, this is just putting it into writing <topyli> yeah. let us vote <tsimpson> [vote] Add the above to IRC/Guidelines under Language and Subject <MootBot> Please vote on: Add the above to IRC/Guidelines under Language and Subject. <MootBot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot <MootBot> E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting <jussi> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from jussi. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 <tsimpson> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from tsimpson. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 <topyli> +1 <MootBot> +1 received from topyli. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 <jussi> excellent <tsimpson> [endvote] <MootBot> Final result is 3 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 3 <tsimpson> so who wants to do that? <jussi> give it o Pici <tsimpson> [action] Pici to edit the guidelines wiki <MootBot> ACTION received: Pici to edit the guidelines wiki <topyli> i would change the wording, but i can talk to Pici about it <tsimpson> [topic] Dealing with Ubuntu IRC Problem Users <MootBot> New Topic: Dealing with Ubuntu IRC Problem Users <topyli> nhandler wanted to submit his document for review by the team. i'm happy with the content of it, but it's a bit meditative and needs to be formatted <ikonia> can you provide context of this document ? <ikonia> or background to the item ? <topyli> well <topyli> it aims to reduce trigger happiness <ikonia> great, more documentation and process <topyli> it tries to reinforce the guidelines we already have. first you +q and talk to the user, and so on. you don't declare people trolls right away and ban them <topyli> that sort of thing <ikonia> no <ikonia> there shouldn't be a first you do this, then you do that, it should be" you use common sense for the sitaution " <topyli> it's often not happening, so i do support documentation <ikonia> then speak to the people it's not happening with <ikonia> rather than put another document / process in place <jussi> I disagree, having guidelines are a good thing. <topyli> in fact it's already in the operator guidelines, as well as the leadership guidelines. assume best of the user, give them benefit of the doubt <ikonia> the guidelines are there, there doesn't need to be another document to backup the guidelines <tsimpson> if we do have a set of guidelines then we don't have to rely on an interpretation of what should be done <ikonia> you arleady have guidelines though, why is there a need for another document <tsimpson> we aren't planning to have something that says "you must do this...", but something that guides our general enforcement of the channel rules <ikonia> you arleady have guidelines though, why is there a need for another document <jussi> I think nhandler's intention is this will get merged nto the guidelines, but of that I am not certain. <topyli> if we followed the loose guidelines we already have, we shouldn't have a need for more precise documentation. but we seem to be failing <tsimpson> the other guidelines aren't really a policy, more a set of technical solutions <tsimpson> this one is intended to be more of a behaviour guide <ikonia> topyli: if people are not following the guide;omes. lets speak to them, instead of doing another doucment <topyli> yes we should do that as well <ikonia> you should do that, full stop <ikonia> one of the complaints/feedback to the council in the recent troubled times was due to not listening to the community, or communicting <ikonia> one of the things was too much process, not enough common sense <ikonia> and lack of communictaion <ikonia> communicate with people if you feel they are not in line with the guidelines <ikonia> stop making processes of processeses, of documents <ikonia> the team is small, most would welcome communication rather than another guidelines/policy being pushed at them <topyli> maybe you should look at the document though, once we decide to submit it for evaluation. then decide whether or not you like it <tsimpson> the current section on op behaviour is very terse, we are expanding on that <ikonia> topyli: I take the point, but I feel the council should stop working on documents like this and start actually gaining the confidence of the operators and community it serves <jussi> and submitting the document to you for evaluation and help is part of communicating and inclusion. <ikonia> jussi: same point, submitting a document that doesn't need changing, isn't what people want, <tsimpson> currently there really is near no policy on how ops should act, so users can not tell if an op is overstepping their bounds or acting inappropriately <jussi> We arent forcing changes, just saying, ok, this is happening, we are writing some stuff down, and allowing you to take part. <tsimpson> that is a cause of problems <ikonia> tsimpson: there are guidlines exactly the same as the users <tsimpson> operators have more requirements on their behaviour than users do <topyli> ikonia: operators have committed to much more than that <ikonia> topyli: yes, but those commitments/guildlines are called out in the same way as the users <IdleOne> IMO the problem is interpretation of the guidelines, one op will judge something to be a violation and an different op will not. <jussi> ikonia: so you object to us modifying the guideline? <ikonia> if you are going to call out specific operator rules/guidlines that an operator can be judged on, you need specific user rules that can be applied <ikonia> jussi: yes, at this time <nhandler> o/ <jussi> Well until you read the document, when nhandler gets her... <tsimpson> hey nhandler :) <jussi> hi nhandler <topyli> nhandler: so. we were trying to decide whether or not to submit your draft for discussion, but the discussion started without it :) <topyli> i for one think it's a good base and should be submitted on the mailing list <nhandler> [LINK] https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0ASFFoXLMT-guZGhoZmZxNG1fNTYyaHB3NzNxZGM&hl=en&authkey=CNCQ__wP <MootBot> LINK received: https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0ASFFoXLMT-guZGhoZmZxNG1fNTYyaHB3NzNxZGM&hl=en&authkey=CNCQ__wP <ikonia> I find the concept of this document not required, and I find the situation it will bring - users complaining it was not followed unacceptable <tsimpson> so you are saying that users should not be able to hold operators accountable? <topyli> users should complain right now if something goes against the spirit of that doc <ikonia> nope, I'm saying they should be judged on common sense <ikonia> not by a document <tsimpson> common sense seems vary wildly <ikonia> I don't think it does <ikonia> most people in the operator team are in agreement on most users behaviour and when it doesn't agree it talks it thorugh and it's resolved with the user <ikonia> I don't see an issue currently, if you do, we need to talk about it <ikonia> I really find the word "job" thorughout the document inappropriate, although I appreciate the context it's meant in <topyli> let's submit it to the mailing list. we need feedback from everyone in the team who wants to chip in, not the few who are here <tsimpson> we aren't deciding to implement the changes, we are only discussing the document at the moment <topyli> not useful debating details in the meeting. let's decide whethr or not submit it <tsimpson> comments and modification are welcome <ikonia> cat /dev/null > document <ikonia> send it to the list <nhandler> One thing we would also like is some help converting it to a nicer wiki format <nhandler> Bullets are much nicer than long documents :) <ikonia> can I ask the council to also outline a similar document for council jobs, commitments and behaviour please. <topyli> the irc council's duties and behavior are dictated by the community council, we can't really do that <nhandler> Which are outlined at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/Charter <ikonia> topyli: sure you can <ikonia> nhandler: that is not specific and does not call out specific behaviour rules, such as your document <ikonia> I'd like to see documentation for how the council should handle situations, that they can be judged on <tsimpson> situations such as? <ikonia> common things, like responding to email requests <ikonia> a council member must always be active in -ops to comply with nhandler suggestion of eslcation to a council member <ikonia> things like that, <ikonia> it is your job to respond to an email request within 2 working days, etc <IdleOne> I understand the need for a general "this is how you should handle a situation" document so all the ops can be on the same page. What worries me is that if we starts creating these documents without covering every possible situation they will end up being used against ops who don't follow them to the letter. <topyli> ikonia: please open an item for a council meeting, and discuss this. we are talking about nhandler's draft <ikonia> topyli: no, I'm asking the council members (one of them) to take an action for this <topyli> on what? being on call at all times on -ops? <ikonia> document the processes you follow for core issues, <nhandler> IdleOne: Which is at this point something that has not happened and can be dealt with when and if the time comes. The document does address several issues that have come up in the past <topyli> the email responsiveness request is certainly valid and true <ikonia> topyli: that's part of it, yes, a council member must be available in -ops at all times to fall in line with nhandler's documented and judged escalation path <nhandler> ikonia: Uh, where are you getting that from? <ikonia> nhandler: you're document <IdleOne> nhandler: at this time I am not against such documentation so current and future ops have a base line to follow. I will reserve judgment on the semi-final version when it is available <topyli> ikonia: the document suggests consulting other ops. if the issue persists, contact the council <nhandler> ikonia: Care to point me to the part where that is stated? <ikonia> yes, so there will need to be a council member available <tsimpson> ikonia: the document just says to contact a a member of the council, not that they need to be in -ops <topyli> it doesn't mean you should consult the council within 10 minutes of someone cursing on #ubuntu <tsimpson> we have our own council channel, and email <ikonia> tsimpson: ok, then a council member needs to be availabvle 24x7 for escalation <ikonia> by irc/email/whatever <ikonia> topyli: if there is an issue of persistant ban evasion, the path is to escalate to the council, the council must be available then to deeal with it <tsimpson> we need to be contactable 24/7, which we are <ikonia> that's not documented <tsimpson> neither is what you are saying <ikonia> tsimpson: that should go in your rules and behabvioru document I've requested <ikonia> tsimpson: it is, in nhandler's proposal <tsimpson> no, it says that you should contact a council member, not contact them directly and await a response before doing anything else <ikonia> tsimpson: yes, so if it goes to another op, they can't resolve it, it needs to go to the council, then the council need to be available <ikonia> that's the path the document says as a set of rules to be followed <topyli> exactly <topyli> which btw is how things are now <ikonia> if you are documenting an escalation path, they need to be available, more so as you are using this document to judge operator decisions <IdleOne> they are available, via irc and email <ikonia> topyli: no it's not, the council are not available 24x7 to deal with eslcation, <ikonia> no they are not <tsimpson> ikonia: well fortunately we are only asking for comments on the document now, not implementing it <ikonia> tsimpson: you're getting comments back <tsimpson> yes, I know <tsimpson> that's what I did mean there, sorry <ikonia> cool <IdleOne> ikonia: the ability to contact the council is already implemented, but we can't not expect anybody to be available 24/7 to resolve an issue immediately <IdleOne> can not* <topyli> we need more than one comment though. nhandler, would you action this by sending the email? <ikonia> IdleOne: yes you can if you are being judged on the escalation path <nhandler> topyli: Yes <ikonia> IdleOne: this document is to judge operators and assure they follow a procedure, if that procedure ends with passing the imediate issue over to the council, they need to be there to take it, which as irc is 24x7 they need to be hter <topyli> nhandler: great. meeting moves on :) <ikonia> what's the next item ? <nhandler> Giving me a formal [ACTION] ;) <topyli> :) <tsimpson> [action] nhandler to send the document to the IRC mailing list for discussion <MootBot> ACTION received: nhandler to send the document to the IRC mailing list for discussion <IdleOne> ikonia: in a case like a persistent ban evader, if the council isn't around to act within 5 minutes we can continue to set bans/mute the problem user. I think you asking for anyone one of us (IRCC and ops team) to be here 24/7 to deal with an issue is unrealistic <ikonia> IdleOne: I agree it's unrealistic and uncalled for, but I'm not writing a document that says here is what you do <topyli> no new bugs on launchpad <ikonia> finished any of the other outstanding items ? <IdleOne> the document isn't a firm "this is how to do it" but more of a this is how you can handle a situation if unclear <ikonia> IdleOne: I find the doucment insulting <tsimpson> [topic] Any other business <ikonia> IdleOne: it IS a firm how you do it <MootBot> New Topic: Any other business <ikonia> tsimpson: yup, finished any of the other outstanding items ? <ikonia> shell policy, long term problem user policy, etc ? <ikonia> you know the stuff that was raised months ago ? <ikonia> I've got quite a list here <topyli> status is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCCouncil/TeamReports , hoping it's up to date :) <IdleOne> ikonia: I don't mean to keep harping about it but I didn't read as a law that must be followed. <ikonia> IdleOne: then you didn't read it correct, it is a document showing how operators should act and be judged on it <ikonia> topyli: doesn't really explain that much <IdleOne> I will read it again. <topyli> nobody is being judged btw <ikonia> topyli: well, you are as you are saying operators are not following the guidelines so this document is to set out a clear policy that should be followed <ikonia> therefore if you don't follow it, there is room for judgment <topyli> it is a howto <ikonia> really, that wasn't what was said at the start, it was said people where not following the guidelines <IdleOne> ikonia: what worries me is that we will end up being judged by the problem users and they will use such documents as base to argue/fight op decisions <ikonia> IdleOne: I fully agree, <IdleOne> I am not worried about being judged by my peers <tsimpson> IdleOne: that's why there is an appeal process with humans managing the process <ikonia> ok, so back to the meeting <ikonia> can I again request the council members take an action to document there issue resolution process with timescales and commiemtns <topyli> which process is that? what we have done is we're making an effort to not have issues without an owner. i hope that will help <ikonia> topyli: you must have a process to follow for dealing with issues and requests including commiments to respond by $X time etc ? <ikonia> or is that process just common sense ? <topyli> since you don't want documentation, you must be trying to make a joke <ikonia> no, if you're pushing down documentation on how to behave, I want to see documented your behaviour and process commitments <ikonia> it's a two way street <ikonia> I'm still waiting for my actions to be implimented or responded too, yet you all seem to find time to write some more documents for the operators to follow <tsimpson> we already have that in the charter <ikonia> so lets have it a two way street, lets document your processes and guidelines and commitments to be used <ikonia> tsimpson: no, the charter is vauge, it doesn't set out the processes or the time scale commitments <ikonia> tsimpson: the charter is as vague as the current operator guidlines that don't appear to be acceptable <ikonia> you want to get specific, I want to see specifcs for your commitments, process and behaviour too <tsimpson> we are not the directly user-facing IRC ops <ikonia> I don't feel the council has been living up to the charter, so I want to see it clearly agreed <topyli> we are right now trying to craft a document in concert with the whole team. we are not "pushing down" anything. please try and work on basis of reality, even when ranting <tsimpson> what part of the charter do you think we failed at? <ikonia> tsimpson: yes you are, and you are user facing to the IRC team (me) <tsimpson> ikonia: what part of the charter do you think we failed at? <ikonia> hello ? <IdleOne> yes <IdleOne> ikonia: ikonia_ I think you are lagged. <ikonia> sorry my connection is having an issue <ikonia> ok, it seems to be back, apologies <tsimpson> the meeting is overrunning <ikonia> then I'll drop it and take it to the list <ikonia> (I'm sure you can guess I'm not very happy with this) <tsimpson> [action] tsimpson to complete the fixed agenda items <MootBot> ACTION received: tsimpson to complete the fixed agenda items <tsimpson> #endmeeting <MootBot> Meeting finished at 15:05. <topyli> if the council is not fulfilling the charter, that's important. ikonia, please do bring it up <IdleOne> thanks for the meeting. <ikonia> topyli: I've brought it up before <ikonia> I don't see change <ikonia> I see the same loop <topyli> i see abstract unhappiness, with no fixable issues or suggestions how to improve. might be a language issue though, mine's not perfect <ikonia> topyli: it's not, it's just total lack of faith with what the council are doing <ikonia> topyli: I'll raise it for the next meeting <topyli> good, thanks #ubuntu-meeting 2012-01-02 <khm> Debate between Christianity and Islam :(Is the Bible God's Word?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlA22NNFlDw - E-mail:M4.Guest@Gmail.com <bkerensa> =/ <elky> seems to have done it to all the channels <broder> so...no dmb meeting then? <cody-somerville> One moment. <cody-somerville> bdrung, Laney, micahg, tumbleweed: ping <bdrung> pong * micahg is here <tumbleweed> o/ <Laney> hai <Laney> (somewhat) <cody-somerville> Perfect. Looks like we have quorum. <cody-somerville> #startmeeting <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Jan 2 19:06:58 2012 UTC. The chair is cody-somerville. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot. <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired <cody-somerville> #topic Review of previous action items * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Review of previous action items <cody-somerville> #subtopic cody-somerville to write some documentation on how to endorse someone <cody-somerville> I have a draft prepared and will be sending it to DMB mailing list today. <cody-somerville> #topic stgraber to create desktop-extra set * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: stgraber to create desktop-extra set <cody-somerville> stgraber is absent, will carry action item <cody-somerville> #topic bdrung to talk to the TB about harmonising DMB members' expiration dates for easier restaffing * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: bdrung to talk to the TB about harmonising DMB members' expiration dates for easier restaffing <cody-somerville> bdrung, you have the floor :) <bdrung> sorry, i haven't asked the TB yet <cody-somerville> Acked. Action carried. <cody-somerville> #topic MOTU Applications: Mahyuddin Susanto * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: MOTU Applications: Mahyuddin Susanto <cody-somerville> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MahyuddinSusanto/MOTUApplication <cody-somerville> udienz, Hello. Could you please indicate you're present by introducing yourself and your application? <udienz> Sure <udienz> My name is Mahyuddin Susanto, i'm 26 Indonesian. <udienz> I have been contributing to universe for almost a year, i started contributing to Ubuntu when binutils-gold transitions. <udienz> I'm doing sync, merge, SRU in Ubuntu, perhaps over 100 packages have been uploaded. <udienz> In Debian, i stated at least 2 years but for packaging i have been started for a year. I'm Debian Maintainer and my QA page is http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=udienz@ubuntu.com&comaint=yes. I have migrating proftpd/cacti/pdnsd from cdbs (pdnsd), dpatch (proftpd/cacti) to quilt. I'm not always use quilt but quilt is my best chioce for patching system. <udienz> I'm also packaging from strach in Ubuntu, named gkamus and aspell-id. All my packages in Debian (with co-maintained) easily sync from Debian. <udienz> .enough <Laney> why did you choose to package those things directly in Ubuntu? <udienz> Laney, it just technical problem. I've already RFS-ing both packages but i'm not got sponsorship in debian <Laney> ok <Laney> (stupid connection keeps hanging) <micahg> udienz: are you aware of the various freezes and what is appropriate to be uploaded during those times? <udienz> micahg, yes i aware, during FF i cannot import packages except those packages fixing bugs or really important <cody-somerville> udienz, How do you determine if its really important or not? <Laney> and who can you ask if unsure? <udienz> cody-somerville, depend on bug importance, effecting many users, security bug, ftbfs <udienz> Laney, if im unsure i'll ask in #ubuntu-motu first <udienz> or #ubuntu-devel <micahg> udienz: so, after feature freeze if a lot of users were requesting a new version of a program with new features, you'd upload it? <udienz> micahg, i;m not really sure, but if new upstream version fixing many important bug, i'll ask to other dev first rather than direct upload <udienz> *i'm not sure <tumbleweed> udienz: are you subscribed to ubuntu-devel-announce? <cody-somerville> udienz, What role does the release team play and how can they help you? <udienz> tumbleweed, yes, also #ubuntu-discuss, #ubuntu-motu <bdrung> udienz: he meant the mailing list, not irc channel <udienz> cody-somerville, during FF release team will five input wether package accepted or not <udienz> bdrung, sorry i mean list <udienz> s/ubuntu-discuss/devel-discuss <micahg> udienz: are you referring to Feature Freeze or Final Freeze when you say FF <cody-somerville> udienz, With your recent merge of laptop-mode-tools, could you explain why you decided to do a merge instead of a sync (maybe after trying to push the change upstream?): https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/laptop-mode-tools/1.60-1ubuntu1 <udienz> micahg, Feature Freeze in first and Final Freeze while i answered cody-somerville. Sorry a little panic at here <cody-somerville> udienz, No need to panic. :) <udienz> cody-somerville, i forget about last change :( <cody-somerville> udienz, No problem. Good example of why its not a bad idea to note such reasons in the changelog - to make it easier to remember. <cody-somerville> Do any other members have questions before we proceed to vote? <tumbleweed> one quick one <tumbleweed> jdstrand's concerns were mostly about minor details such as checking the changelog and upload destination <tumbleweed> which file is a good one to quickly skim over before uploading? <udienz> tumbleweed, sorry. what is skim? <tumbleweed> to read quickly, to check for mistakes <udienz> tumbleweed, i think patch files and changelog (by read at debdiff) <tumbleweed> yes, that's a good idea, when it's short enough to be readable <tumbleweed> I also suggest looking at the .changes file, I sometimes notice that I forgot to close bugs, when I look at that <micahg> right, it lists as one of the lines in the .changes file all the bugs closed by the upload <micahg> udienz: have you ever file for a freeze exception and when do you think it's appropriate to do so? <micahg> *filed <udienz> micahg, i'm not remember but i haven't filed freeze exceptions. I think when the changes solved important bug. Like my statement before <micahg> udienz: have you read the documentation regarding freeze exceptions? <udienz> yes <cody-somerville> #vote MOTU Applications: Mahyuddin Susanto <meetingology> Please vote on: MOTU Applications: Mahyuddin Susanto <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) <cody-somerville> bdrung is afk at the moment but has voted +1 <tumbleweed> +1 [ and please ask the release team if you need any guidance during freezes ] <meetingology> +1 [ and please ask the release team if you need any guidance during freezes ] received from tumbleweed <cody-somerville> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from cody-somerville <Laney> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from Laney <micahg> +0 good work overall, but I'm a little concerned over freezes still (part of the difference between uploading to Ubuntu rather than Debian is knowing what's appropriate when as it comes up a lot more often) <meetingology> +0 good work overall, but I'm a little concerned over freezes still (part of the difference between uploading to Ubuntu rather than Debian is knowing what's appropriate when as it comes up a lot more often) received from micahg <cody-somerville> #endvote <meetingology> Voting ended on: MOTU Applications: Mahyuddin Susanto <meetingology> Votes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:1 <meetingology> Motion carried <cody-somerville> udienz, Congratulations. Welcome to MOTU. <udienz> Thanks cody-somerville, micahg, tumbleweed, Laney and bdrung! <Laney> congrats! <cody-somerville> #topic Ubuntu Core Developer Applications: Evan Broder * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Core Developer Applications: Evan Broder <broder> o/ <cody-somerville> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EvanBroder/CoreDevApplication <cody-somerville> broder, Please introduce yourself and your application. <broder> Hi folks. I'm Evan, and I'm applying for core dev. I've been contributing to Ubuntu since late 2008, and I've been a member of MOTU since late 2009 <broder> I work a lot on backports and SRUs. I try to help with sponsorship as much as I can <broder> Past that it's a lot of pretty random stuff <broder> I started at a SF Bay Area startup about a year and a half ago, where I'm basically working on an Ubuntu derivative, which means that I get to spend even more time working on Ubuntu now <broder> I also setup http://lintian.ubuntuwire.org/ and have been working to improve it to make it more useful to Ubuntu <broder> . <cody-somerville> broder, Where do you see yourself in three years? <broder> Hmm, I'm not really sure. In terms of Ubuntu, I really value being a part of the developer community, and I don't think that's likely to change. I definitely feel like my involvement in the community is increasing over time, and I think it's possible that I'll hit the high point of that soon, but I don't expect to completely vanish <cody-somerville> broder, What do you feel is the most important quality of a strong leader? <broder> I think that leadership is about solving problems, whether those are at a technical level, or personal level, or whatever, so the most important thing is to be able to understand problems, and to be able to dig below the surface of problems <tumbleweed> I'm a bit afraid to poke your "what I like least about ubuntu" statements, as those are things we spend hours discussing over beer at every UDS <broder> I'll admit there that my thoughts in the area aren't quite as fully-baked as I'd like, but I still feel pretty strongly about the overall concept <tumbleweed> I think you may be right about putting more emphesis on the upstream and less on the gardening, but when we are all gardeners, that's hard <tumbleweed> I suppose I should do something about that "put project cleansweep jobs into the sponsorship queue" task... <broder> I'm not actually convinced that we're all gardeners, even if we're all garden*ing*. If you look at the people who are top contributors to the project, they're all very skilled developers and debuggers, too <tumbleweed> I guess so, and we aren't here for the gardening <broder> I do think there's an important side-point that we should be thinking as hard as we can on ways to automate or eliminate gardening <cody-somerville> broder, Where do you think time can be found to do upstream patch review? <micahg> well, I don't think it's something we can eliminate, but automation can certainly help <broder> cody-somerville: We've talked about incorporating operation cleansweep into the responsibilities of patch piloting. I think that's the obvious place to at least start <micahg> well, it's already part of patch piloting when people exhaust opportunities in the sponsorship queue <cody-somerville> Any additional questions? <broder> micahg: It's nominally part of patch piloting, but I don't think that's actually happened in practice. I think getting some items from cleansweep onto the sponsor queue is a prerequisite for that <micahg> broder: I've seen people reporting on it in their pilot reports to ubuntu-devel@l.u.c <bdrung> broder: you talked about automation. do you see any places where we could add automation? <broder> bdrung: Well, I guess one example could be the multiarch stuff. Based on my experiences multiarching the gtkmm stack, I think an initial attempt at multiarch-ification could be done by a script if it had enough awareness of common types of packaging, etc. <broder> Obviously the output would need to be sanity checked <micahg> if we could only get upstreams to stop hardcoding paths <cody-somerville> #vote Ubuntu Core Developer Applications: Evan Broder <meetingology> Please vote on: Ubuntu Core Developer Applications: Evan Broder <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) <cody-somerville> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from cody-somerville <tumbleweed> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from tumbleweed <micahg> +1 good packaging work, good project leadership <meetingology> +1 good packaging work, good project leadership received from micahg <bdrung> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from bdrung <cody-somerville> Laney provides +1 <micahg> stgraber did as well IIRC <cody-somerville> stgraber provides +1 <cody-somerville> #endvote <meetingology> Voting ended on: Ubuntu Core Developer Applications: Evan Broder <meetingology> Votes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 <meetingology> Motion carried <micahg> broder: congrats <broder> Thanks everybody :-D <cody-somerville> broder, Congratulations. Welcome to Core Dev. <cody-somerville> broder, If you have any questions about your new responsibilities, please don't hesitate to get in contact with the DMB or a fellow core developer. * broder nods <cody-somerville> Anyhow, that, I believe, concludes today's meeting. <bdrung> broder: congrats <micahg> cody-somerville: oh, laney also gave a +1 for broder :) <micahg> ah, you included that * micahg needs caffeine <cody-somerville> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Mon Jan 2 20:28:12 2012 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-02-19.06.moin.txt <cody-somerville> Thank you folks! Look for meeting minutes and changes in launchpad later today. <udienz> broder: Congrats! <broder> udienz: thanks, same to you <stgraber> cody-somerville: I created the package set during our last meeting and then updated it based on jbicha's e-mail (that I Cced to the mailing-list), so I guess we can drop that action ;) #ubuntu-meeting 2012-01-03 <oscalation> Evening. <hallyn> \o <SpamapS> half-here <Ursinha> \o <RoAkSoAx> o/ <adam_g> o/ <utlemming> \o <smb> somehow there <hallyn> #startmeeting <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jan 3 16:00:22 2012 UTC. The chair is hallyn. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot. <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired <RoAkSoAx> was just about to start it :P <Daviey> o/ <hallyn> #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Review ACTION points from previous meeting <SpamapS> RoAkSoAx: you're after me. :) <hallyn> no topics :) <m_3> o/ <hallyn> #topic Precise Development * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Precise Development <hallyn> over to Daviey <RoAkSoAx> SpamapS: ;) <jamespage> o/ <Daviey> We are all catching up on backlog email no dohbt ;) <SpamapS> Daviey: back from the hinterlands? <Daviey> http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/release-bugs.html needs some lovin' <SpamapS> Daviey: I have another one for that list I think <Daviey> SpamapS: i'm still on holiday :) * smb awes at the use of German... :) <Daviey> http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/triage-report.html needs some love! <Daviey> Is there anything of particular nature onanyones mind? <hallyn> eh what? netcf is packaged. Fixed the status of that bug <rbasak> I can take bug 906735, that seems simple enough <ubottu> Launchpad bug 906735 in puppet (Ubuntu) "package installation should create /var/log/puppet" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/906735 <SpamapS> bug #898340 needs to be on the release radar I think <ubottu> Launchpad bug 898340 in mysql-5.5 (Ubuntu) "mysql clients statically link libmysqlclient in" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/898340 <hallyn> right now p11-kit is on my mind - can't check email over mutt! <Daviey> adam_g: How are the charms looking for openstack? <adam_g> Daviey: horizon + keystone submitted to for approval in to the charm store <Daviey> SpamapS: are you one of the reviewers? :) <m_3> adam_g: gotta tag them with new-charm to hit the review queue <adam_g> i submitted them after EOD friday prior to holiday <SpamapS> I will definitely review <Daviey> jamespage: Are you off rotation from stable now? <adam_g> m_3: ah, ill do that <jamespage> Daviey: yep! <Daviey> jamespage: viable to work on the CI lab this week? <jamespage> Daviey: almost certainly * SpamapS goes afk to usher family out the door <jamespage> (== yes) <hallyn> bug 607039 needs module-init-tools love, but i'm not sure how best to do it since we differ from debian <ubottu> Launchpad bug 607039 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "NFS4 automount using replicated servers doesn't work" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/607039 <Daviey> So.. If everyone can make sure they: - review WI' <Daviey> s to make srue they uare up to date. - udp <Daviey> up to date <Daviey> ()[Ddamn lag) <smb> Daviey, less coffee <Daviey> Burn through the incoming bug list.. <Daviey> and look for targets for next week, that would rock <Daviey> any questions? <hallyn> pour some on the intertubes <hallyn> 'look for targets for next week'? <Daviey> hallyn: Things that are better addressed face-to-face <Daviey> ()[DSome of Canonical server team are meeting face to face next week <hallyn> ok <hallyn> moving on? <Daviey> rocking <hallyn> #topic Ubuntu Server Team Events * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Server Team Events <hallyn> little shindig next week, according to rumors <Daviey> Next week, some of server team in Budapest <Daviey> Fosdem in feb <Daviey> ()[D4-5th <hallyn> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) <Daviey> jamespage: have you been closer to this? <jamespage> in some areas probably <hallyn> ? <hallyn> what is 'this'? <Daviey> jamespage: how is automated looking? <Daviey> (QA and testing) <hallyn> ah <jamespage> I put a few new ISO install tests live just before Chirstmas; so we now have daily testing of Multi-volume LVM and RAID-1 installs <hallyn> neat <jamespage> patrickmw has put a new precise dashboard live for the daily testing - https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20ISO%20Testing%20Dashboard/view/Daily/? <hggdh> which means we are pretty much complete for ISO testing, I guess <Daviey> oooo <Daviey> hey hggdh o/ <jamespage> you will notice the the precise ec2 images are broken ATM - nice kernel oops <hggdh> Daviey: happy new year, etc :-) * jamespage digs for the bug <Daviey> eeek <jamespage> bug 911204 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 911204 in linux (Ubuntu) "precise ec2 images fail to boot with kernel oops" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/911204 <smb> Seems someone upstream managed to break Xen/EC2 guests on Precise by some rtc changes. I believe to understand the problem by now. Need to start discussion. <Daviey> \o/ <jamespage> :-( <hggdh> and minimal-virtual still shows about 100M more than it should for installed size... must be something we are adding in on the jenkins test <jamespage> hggdh: no - the test takes that into account - amd64 is to large <hggdh> jamespage: by 100M? <hggdh> er, O(100) <jamespage> yes I think so <smb> jamespage, I hope to be able to try a patch later on. At least I can see it to some degree on my local system, too. <jamespage> Openstack automated testing progress has been slow but hopefully progress in the next few days <jamespage> adam_g, zul and I need to catchup as we have all been working on misc pieces of the puzzle <adam_g> jamespage: id love to actually pair with you on that now that we can deploy keystone + horizon with the other charms <zul> indeed <jamespage> +1 to that <jamespage> I'll make sure that all of the infrastructure pieces are done this week <jamespage> it will make a good target to complete early during the sprint <jamespage> thats it from me... <hallyn> ok, thanks - moving on <hallyn> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) <Daviey> sm hey <smb> Beside of the new precise breakage... not much to report yet <Daviey> I hear the ec2 precise kernel is bad.. :) <smb> Just when one does not look for 2 weeks <smb> On the other hand the change to make it boot at all came in via upstream. :-P <Daviey> bug 902951 ? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 902951 in linux (Ubuntu) "CONFIG_VIRTIO_BLK shouldnt be a module" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/902951 <smb> Probably goes alongside with the problem we have with the xen pv drivers <Daviey> zul: ^? <zul> Daviey: thats with the amd64 kernel i havent tried it recently <smb> While I think that one was already in the installer but needed a special action to load the module <Daviey> ahh <Daviey> smb: Are you aware how the various ARM kernels are doing? <Daviey> rbasak: ^^? <smb> Daviey, No * rbasak doesn't know <Daviey> I'm concerned we'll notice something late in the cycle. <rbasak> I've not tried precise on a pandaboard yet but I can stick that in my todo if you like <smb> Daviey, Have we committed really there. Given that Xen on arm is just being done <hallyn> #action rbasak to try precise on pandaboard <meetingology> ACTION: rbasak to try precise on pandaboard <Daviey> smb: Not in specific to xen on arm, that is a nice to have / SRU / Universe thing, if possible <Daviey> Just general ARM kernel support. <Daviey> Last cycle we noticed missi g modules very late <smb> Daviey, Ah... Ok, have not noticed anyone shouting at me. But you can ask ppisati maybe <Daviey> ok, thanks! <Daviey> .. <hallyn> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (NCommander) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (NCommander) <hallyn> (should we swap in rbasak for that?) <hallyn> i'll take that as a yes, and ask rbasak: any other arm related news? <hallyn> (rbasak: you interface regularly with NCommander?) <rbasak> OK, I'll check with NCommander in the weekly ARM meeting, I can swap Daviey for rbasak in their agenda too <hallyn> hm, well moving on <hallyn> oops <hallyn> rbasak: thanks <rbasak> No news as far as I'm aware. I'll test precise on a panda this week <hallyn> #action hallyn to swap rbasak for NCommander in arm agenda section <meetingology> ACTION: hallyn to swap rbasak for NCommander in arm agenda section <hallyn> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community <hallyn> moving on, <hallyn> #topic Open Discussion * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Open Discussion <rbasak> bug 858878 - RoAkSoAx, where are we with that? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 858878 in cobbler (Ubuntu Oneiric) "lack of csrf protection in cobbler-web" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/858878 <rbasak> (this is for the SRU rather than Precise) <RoAkSoAx> rbasak: so changes were uncommitted as the security process is different, so really there's nothing I can do <adam_g> zul: when is the next openstack snapshot going out? <RoAkSoAx> rbasak: as it is a security update not an SRU <rbasak> OK, so does someone else need to sponsor it? <RoAkSoAx> rbasak: uyes someone from the security team <zul> adam_g: friday <RoAkSoAx> rbasak: I can' <rbasak> or are we just waiting on the security team? <rbasak> OK I'll poke them, thanks <Daviey> rbasak: is there a prepped security update? <RoAkSoAx> rbasak: I can't recall who was helping me on that and said that he will push it thru, but then I went on holidays and forgot, sorry :( <adam_g> zul: any chance it can roast for a day or two in a PPA first? <rbasak> Daviey: yes, except that I need to change the pocket presumably <rbasak> Daviey: lp:~racb/ubuntu/oneiric/cobbler/security_201112 <zul> adam_g: sure i can let it stew in a ppa by thursday <adam_g> zul: if you can let it simmer there, that'd be cool. we can boil out any bugs before end of week so we're in good shape in budapest <RoAkSoAx> Daviey: rbasak I think its wise to check the security ppa, cause, AFAIK, it was supposed to hit the PPA in order to test, and I was gonna be ping to do so <rbasak> ah, the pocket is correct. so just waiting for sponsor/review <zul> adam_g: no worries <hallyn> all right, moving on, <hallyn> #topic Announce next meeting date and time * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Announce next meeting date and time <hallyn> none next week i assume, so <hallyn> Tuesday, Jan 17 at 16:00 UTC <hallyn> thanks, all <hallyn> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Jan 3 16:36:15 2012 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-03-16.00.moin.txt <RoAkSoAx> /win 3 <jsalisbury> Roll Call for Ubuntu Kernel Weekly Status Meeting <cking> o/ <ogasawara> o/ <apw> o/ <kamal> o/ <arges> o/ <ppisati> o/ <tgardner> o/ <sforshee> o/ <herton> o/ <jsalisbury> #startmeeting <jsalisbury> ## <jsalisbury> ## This is the Ubuntu Kernel Team weekly status meeting. <jsalisbury> ## <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jan 3 17:00:05 2012 UTC. The chair is jsalisbury. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot. <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired <jsalisbury> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting <jsalisbury> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Precise <jsalisbury> # Meeting Etiquette <jsalisbury> # <jsalisbury> # NOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input. <jsalisbury> # 'o/' indicates you have something to add (please wait until you are recognized) <jsalisbury> [TOPIC] ARM Status (ppisati) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Status (ppisati) <ppisati> P/omap4: nothing new to report this week. <ppisati> .. <jsalisbury> [TOPIC] Release Metrics and Incoming Bugs (jsalisbury) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Release Metrics and Incoming Bugs (jsalisbury) <jsalisbury> Release metrics and incomming bug data can be reviewed at the following link: <jsalisbury> [LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/kt-meeting.txt <jsalisbury> .. <jsalisbury> [TOPIC] Milestone Targeted Work Items (ogasawara) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Milestone Targeted Work Items (ogasawara) <ogasawara> [LINK] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-kernel-team-precise-alpha-2.html <ogasawara> || apw || hardware-p-kernel-boot || 1 work item || <ogasawara> || || hardware-p-kernel-config-review || 7 work items || <ogasawara> || || hardware-p-kernel-delta-review || 4 work items || <ogasawara> || || foundations-p-ipv6 || 1 work item || <ogasawara> || cking || hardware-p-kernel-delta-review || 1 work item || <ogasawara> || jsalisbury || other-p-bug-workflows || 1 work item || <ogasawara> || ogasawara || hardware-p-kernel-version-and-flavors || 1 work item || <ogasawara> || || hardware-p-kernel-config-review || 10 work items|| <ogasawara> || tgardner || hardware-p-kernel-delta-review || 1 work item || <ogasawara> If your name is in the above table, please review your Alpha-2 work items. Note that Alpha-2 is Thurs Feb 2. <ogasawara> .. <jsalisbury> [TOPIC] Blueprint: hardware-p-kernel-power-management (cking) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Blueprint: hardware-p-kernel-power-management (cking) <cking> Power Management: <cking> * Write up results from wake events analysis and file lots of bugs <cking> http://zinc.canonical.com/~cking/power-benchmarking/events/ <cking> * Write cpustat: git://kernel.ubuntu.com/cking/cpustat.git <cking> Test CPU utilization, results: <cking> http://zinc.canonical.com/~cking/power-benchmarking/cpu/ <cking> * Investigate MSR_IA32_ENERGY_PERF_BIAS on sandybridge, no +ve results <cking> need to rig up Ivybridge desktop to sanity check this. <cking> * LP#911325 - new pm-utils scripts to save power <cking> * Collect power measurements on Hardy, Lucid, Maverick, Natty, Oneiric, Precise <cking> .. <jsalisbury> [TOPIC] Status: Precise Development Kernel (ogasawara) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Status: Precise Development Kernel (ogasawara) <ogasawara> Over the holiday break we rebased to v3.2-rc7 and uploaded. Aside from that not much else has been done. <ogasawara> Important Upcoming Dates: <ogasawara> * Thurs Feb 2 - Alpha 2 (~4 weeks) <ogasawara> .. <jsalisbury> [TOPIC] Status: CVE's (apw) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Status: CVE's (apw) <apw> === CVE Metrics === <apw> <apw> [LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/cve/pkg/CVE-linux.txt <apw> <apw> Currently open CVEs for each supported branch: <apw> <apw> || Package || Open || <apw> || || || <apw> || linux Hardy || 10 (-3) || <apw> || linux Lucid || 7 (-3) || <apw> || linux Maverick || 8 (-2) || <apw> || linux Natty || 9 (-1) || <apw> || linux Oneiric || 7 (-1) || <apw> || linux Precise || 6 (-2) || <apw> || linux-ec2 Lucid || 7 (-3) || <apw> || linux-fsl-imx51 Lucid || 7 (-4) || <apw> || linux-mvl-dove Lucid || 7 (-3) || <apw> || linux-mvl-dove Maverick || 7 (-3) || <apw> || linux-ti-omap4 Maverick || 9 (-2) || <apw> || linux-ti-omap4 Natty || 9 (-1) || <apw> || linux-ti-omap4 Oneiric || 7 (-1) || <apw> || linux-ti-omap4 Precise || 6 (-2) || <apw> || linux-lts-backport-maverick Lucid || 8 (-2) || <apw> || linux-lts-backport-natty Lucid || 9 (-1) || <apw> || linux-lts-backport-oneiric Lucid || 7 (-1) || <apw> <apw> We have had two new CVEs added to the matrix since the last report. Two of those without upstream fixes have had those identified and have been triaged to specific releases. <apw> <apw> .. <jsalisbury> [TOPIC] Status: Stable, Security, and Bugfix Kernel Updates - Oneiric/Natty/Maverick/Lucid/Hardy (bjf/herton) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Status: Stable, Security, and Bugfix Kernel Updates - Oneiric/Natty/Maverick/Lucid/Hardy (bjf/herton) <bjf> <bjf> Here is the status for the main kernels, until today (19/12): <bjf> <bjf> * Hardy - 2.6.24-30.98 <bjf> * New kernel, now in verification. Contains commits for 5 CVEs. <bjf> <bjf> * Lucid - 2.6.32-38.82 <bjf> * New kernel, waiting to be copied to -proposed. Contains a stable upstream <bjf> release as well as some CVEs. This also turns CONFIG_NET_NS back on. <bjf> <bjf> * Maverick - 2.6.35-32.64 <bjf> * New kernel, waiting to be copied to -proposed. Contains a rare, stable <bjf> upstream release as well as some CVEs. <bjf> <bjf> * Natty - 2.6.38-13.53 <bjf> * New kernel, now being built. <bjf> <bjf> * Oneiric - 3.0.0-15.25 <bjf> * New kernel, now in verification. A regression was identified in the <bjf> previous -proposed kernel (bug 904569). The offending commit was reverted <ubottu> Launchpad bug 904569 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Linux 3.0.0-15 causes laptops to fail to resume from suspend (Dell XPS 1645, Sony Vaio VPCF1390)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/904569 <bjf> and this kernel produced. <bjf> <bjf> Current opened tracking bugs details: <bjf> * http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/kernel-sru-workflow.html <bjf> <bjf> For SRUs, SRU report is a good source of information: <bjf> * http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/sru-report.html <bjf> <bjf> Future stable cadence cycles: <bjf> * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseInterlock <bjf> .. <jsalisbury> [TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions? Raise your hand to be recognized (o/) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Open Discussion or Questions? Raise your hand to be recognized (o/) <jsalisbury> Thanks everyone <kamal> thanks jsalisbury <jsalisbury> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Jan 3 17:06:55 2012 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-03-17.00.moin.txt <czajkowski> stgraber: ping <StefandeVries> Wasn't there supposed to be an EMEA meeting now? <drubin> StefandeVries: yes if we get enough members <leoquant> i thought so StefandeVries <czajkowski> I'm here <czajkowski> highvoltage: ogra_ stgraber <czajkowski> iulian: ping <czajkowski> commandoline: you here? <commandoline> I am <commandoline> hi <iulian> czajkowski: Here. * ogra_ looks <drubin> that is 4 of us <czajkowski> right 4 of us and 1 candidate <czajkowski> lets get going shall we <czajkowski> #meeting <czajkowski> #startmeeting <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jan 3 20:10:18 2012 UTC. The chair is czajkowski. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot. <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired <czajkowski> commandoline: welcome <czajkowski> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/marten-de-vries <commandoline> thanks <czajkowski> commandoline: care to tell us a little about yourself <commandoline> Hello, I am Marten de Vries, and live in the Netherlands. My main Ubuntu contributions are in the Ubuntu Nederland loco team, mostly in its webteam and Mwanzo team. (The last of them helps users that want to start contributing to Ubuntu.) * stgraber waves <czajkowski> drubin: iulian ogra_ stgraber thanks <czajkowski> commandoline: can you tell us some more about the Mwanzo team ? <drubin> o/ <commandoline> Of course, it teaches Ubuntu users more about how to contribute to Ubuntu <commandoline> e.g. via workshops (like the international Ubuntu classroom project) <commandoline> but it's also the place where people are pointed to in the Dutch loco if they want to contribute but don't know how <commandoline> so to our IRC channel <czajkowski> commandoline: ca I ask why a seperate team from say the beginners team that already exists? <czajkowski> *can <commandoline> czajkowski: the difference is we support users in Dutch <commandoline> * help, my English isn't perfect either :P <czajkowski> that's fine <drubin> commandoline: How does working on open teacher differ from your work with ubuntu? <commandoline> drubin: well, it's officially a separate project and this is about Ubuntu Membership. But of course it's in the repo's now thanks to porthose <commandoline> and it's also opensource software, of which all main devs are Ubuntu NL community members at the moment. <czajkowski> you mention the classroom project, do you see yourself getting more involved in the greater ubuntu wide community ? <commandoline> czajkowski: for you question: it's not just helping in Dutch by the way, but also that all the wiki pages etc. are in dutch <drubin> commandoline: that is why I asked how it differed. It is interesting to see how external projects make it into peoples work. <iulian> commandoline: Let's say that I'm a new Dutch user who wants to contribute to Ubuntu but my English is not that good. How can I get in touch with Mwanzo? Do you guys have a place where you advertise it? How would I become aware of its existence? <drubin> commandoline: Nice on it being a commnunity project. * drubin is ready to vote btw * ogra_ too, <commandoline> so you just don't need to know a word of English, which some people in the netherlands don't. <czajkowski> ogra_: stgraber iulian any more comments/questions? <commandoline> drubin: ok * stgraber is ready to vote <Thomas_de_Graaff> \o/ <commandoline> iulian: well, you probably would go to the Ubuntu NL Forum <commandoline> it's the place where most of the dutch community members are <commandoline> often to get support when installing e.g. <commandoline> there are links there to the mwanzo team <commandoline> and even a subforum where we advertise what we do <commandoline> so you'd see it via the dutch loco site <iulian> commandoline: OK, brill. Thanks. <iulian> czajkowski: Ready. <commandoline> and also via IRC, maybe <Ronnie> \o/ <czajkowski> #vote please vote on the commandoline membership. <meetingology> Please vote on: please vote on the commandoline membership. <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) <StefandeVries> \o/ <czajkowski> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from czajkowski <leoquant> \o/ for commandoline <stgraber> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from stgraber <iulian> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from iulian <ogra_> +1 (awesome testimonials, great to see such a big cheering crowd here) <meetingology> +1 (awesome testimonials, great to see such a big cheering crowd here) received from ogra_ <drubin> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from drubin <czajkowski> #endvote <meetingology> Voting ended on: please vote on the commandoline membership. <meetingology> Votes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 <meetingology> Motion carried <CasW> By the way; I wanted to add a testimonial, too, but I couldn't find it (and I was in a hurry) ;) <drubin> i forgot you can include reasons with the new bot <ogra_> congrats commandoline <drubin> congrats commandoline <Thomas_de_Graaff> congrats commandoline :D <leoquant> great commandoline ! congrats <CasW> Congrats, commandoline! :D <StefandeVries> Congratulations, commandoline :) <czajkowski> congratulations <Ronnie> great work commandoline <commandoline> thanks EMEA membership board :) <iulian> Well done commandoline and keep up the good work. <commandoline> and thanks all supporters from the loco! <czajkowski> can someone add commandoline to the ubuntu members please <czajkowski> I'm lagging here <toddy> Congratulations, commandoline :) <iulian> And get those new Dutch guys here! <czajkowski> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Jan 3 20:22:19 2012 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-03-20.10.moin.txt <iulian> czajkowski: On it. <czajkowski> iulian: thanks <czajkowski> ogra_: iulian stgraber drubin thanks for coming folks <commandoline> iulian: on it :) <ogra_> czajkowski, thanks for leading :) <iulian> czajkowski: Done. <stgraber> czajkowski: thanks for chairing <czajkowski> no worries <drubin> commandoline: thank you <leoquant> thx board <czajkowski> can someone else do the mail to the CC <czajkowski> hands up <drubin> me now needs to go get ready for work. <czajkowski> before I nominate ;0 <czajkowski> ;) <iulian> czajkowski: I think I know who you gonna nominate. <iulian> czajkowski: I'll take care of it. <czajkowski> iulian: thank you <czajkowski> toodles till next month <commandoline> bye <StefandeVries> Thanks, board :) <CasW> Yeah, thanks #ubuntu-meeting 2012-01-04 * slangasek waves * stgraber waves <cjwatson> hi <barry> hi <bdmurray> hi <jodh> hi <slangasek> sorry I'm late... fighting a heckuva cold to ring in the new year :P <doko> hi <slangasek> #startmeeting <meetingology> Meeting started Wed Jan 4 16:06:18 2012 UTC. The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot. <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired <slangasek> [TOPIC] lightning round * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: lightning round <slangasek> $ echo $(shuf -e cjwatson barry doko stgraber jodh ev bdmurray slangasek) <slangasek> slangasek jodh doko cjwatson barry bdmurray ev stgraber <slangasek> not much to report really, besides that I'm fighting a cold that's dragging me down <slangasek> although ia32-libs is installable again, so I guess there's that <barry> nice, so that will stop being held back? <stgraber> slangasek: apt doesn't seem to agree with you, at least on my laptop <slangasek> and I spent some time over the holidays puttering with maven-debian-helper to try to port it to dh(1) so we could eliminate cdbs from that corner... got a little annoyed with what I found in libshout when I converted it for multiarch <slangasek> stgraber: oh, well, I currently have it installed :) * cjwatson tries in chdist <slangasek> stgraber: happy to debug after the meeting if you're seeing issues <slangasek> EOF <stgraber> slangasek: "apt-get install ia32-libs winbind:amd64" works though, so seems to be an apt weirdness <slangasek> ah <slangasek> perhaps it worked better for me because I already had winbind installed <slangasek> so that sounds like the stock "apt picks the foreign-arch package when it should pick the native-arch one" bug <jodh> Discussions and reviews with stgraber re mountall change for disabling <jodh> mounting of already mounted directories. Discussions regarding new <jodh> setuid/setgid stanzas and applicability to different job processes. <jodh> Worked on tests for logging of "early" Upstart job output to ensure that <jodh> even jobs which *end* before the log disk is writeable have log files <jodh> created when the disk does become writeable. Restarted effort to squish <jodh> plymouth bug 553745 / bug 849414. Identified reason for failing tests <jodh> when building upstart 1.4 in/on PPA/buildd: these environments are <ubottu> Launchpad bug 553745 in plymouth (Ubuntu Maverick) "plymouthd crashed with SIGSEGV in ply_event_loop_process_pending_events()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/553745 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 849414 in plymouth (Ubuntu Precise) "plymouthd crashed with SIGSEGV in ply_event_loop_process_pending_events()" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/849414 <jodh> precise chroots with a lucid kernel. Unfortunately, the lucid kernel has <jodh> different signal semantics to a precise kernel! <jodh> So, anyone running tests as part of their build process needs to be *very* careful potentially. <jodh> џ <doko> - gcc-4.7 packaging updates, gcc-snapshot update <doko> - clean up the kde upload mess <doko> - start another rebuild test, gcc-4.7 <doko> - evaluate build failures for gcc-4.7 test rebuild on x86 and armhf <doko> and boost 4.7 fixes <doko> - python2.6 dependency removals <doko> - openjdk-6 update <doko> - re-installation of arm machines (armhf now) <doko> - another try at eglibc-2.15 (supposed to branch now) <doko> - openmpi fixes for armhf and armel <doko> - NEW processing, syncs and merges ... <doko> - pestered people of multiarch triplets <doko> (done) <barry> doko: thanks for the py2.6 rebuilds <doko> barry: zope2.12 is left (hint, hint ...), needs an update to zope2.13 <doko> maybe mterry was involved with this too? <cjwatson> Back to +1 maintenance this month. I've mostly been helping to clear the backlog of archive administration work from the holidays, especially trying to catch up on removals where we'd fallen behind, which involved sorting out quite a lot of font package renamings. <cjwatson> Tracked down and fixed bug 900526. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 900526 in debian-installer-utils (Ubuntu Hardy) "d-i fails to divert initctl when upgrading packages during install" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/900526 <cjwatson> Updated Wubi for precise. <cjwatson> Landed a few more Launchpad branches: port to new python-apt API, stop wasting publisher time on obsolete and future series, and fixed new cron.germinate to not explode on dogfood. Also QAed mvo's branch to extend the support-timeframe information in the archive for precise. <barry> doko: i'll take a look <cjwatson> Pulled and uploaded James' Upstart 1.4 branch - thanks! <cjwatson> .. <jodh> cjwatson: thank you!! <cjwatson> slangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/792819/ - even 'ia32-libs winbind:amd64' doesn't work here <barry> forwarded fix for bug 901840 to debian. caught up on the holiday email avalanche. got a response from the dbus-python maintainer that my branch is under review. done. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 901840 in cython (Debian) "FTBFS due to test failures" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/901840 <cjwatson> 'ia32-libs winbind:amd64 bluez-alsa:amd64 libcanberra-gtk-module:amd64' works <bdmurray> bug triage of some important bugs reported over the holidays <bdmurray> I've been working with flot (a different tool) for graphing and charting now too <bdmurray> done <stgraber> - Testing tracker <stgraber> - Added some live filtering of the builds <stgraber> - Every admin action is now logged <stgraber> - Re-introduced testcase subscription report <stgraber> - Introduced new "top testers" report <stgraber> - Some layout improvements <stgraber> - SRUs <stgraber> - opencryptoki (TPM) is now in proposed for lucid, maverick and natty. Waiting for customer to do the testing. <stgraber> - Still waiting on initial testing by Trellis of the patched ifenslave-2.6 for Oneiric before uploading to proposed. <stgraber> - Networking <stgraber> - One more ifenslave-2.6 fix to properly deal with vlan tagging. <stgraber> - Prepared a blog post with the state of network in Ubuntu including some explanations and examples. <stgraber> http://www.stgraber.org/2012/01/04/networking-in-ubuntu-12-04-lts/ <stgraber> - Merged, uploaded and backported the new tcpdump (bug 892285) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 892285 in tcpdump (Ubuntu) "sFlow PDU data not correctly displayed" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/892285 <stgraber> - Containers <stgraber> - Reworked my mountall patch based on James' comments, new version is waiting for review. <slangasek> cjwatson: hmm, I suspect those are all the same kind of issue as libpam-winbind (following a dep on a M-A: foreign package down the wrong branch) <stgraber> - Other <stgraber> - Converted a bunch of packages to dh_python2 and sponsored some other, trying to get Edubuntu pysupport and pycentral free. Only one left is wxwidgets2.8. <stgraber> (done) <barry> stgraber: \o/ <stgraber> barry: for wxwidgets2.8 I'm not completely sure whether we want to sync/merge from Debian or keep our current version and cherry pick the dh_python2 change from Debian <stgraber> barry: (I'm not at all familiar with wxwidgets) <slangasek> and ev's on holiday today, so that's everyone <slangasek> stgraber: it's wxwidgets, we want to do as little maintenance on it as possible - merge sounds good ;) <barry> stgraber: yes, +1 for merging :) <cjwatson> oh, yes, I have an alpha-2 bug waiting on ev to get back and look at it <stgraber> ok, will do that then <cjwatson> but he has mail about that <barry> stgraber: thanks <cjwatson> jodh: incidentally, bug 900526 which I mentioned above - you may want to be aware of that failure mode in case there've ever been upstart SRUs that changed initctl non-trivially, since you might end up with some incomprehensible archaeology otherwise <ubottu> Launchpad bug 900526 in debian-installer-utils (Ubuntu Hardy) "d-i fails to divert initctl when upgrading packages during install" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/900526 <doko> stgraber, what are the diffs about? <cjwatson> in particular the failure mode where you can end up with dpkg thinking upstart from -updates is installed but in fact the initctl binary is still the one from the release pocket <jodh> cjwatson: thanks for the pointer! <stgraber> doko: we mostly have a different upstream version (one that never made it to Debian) and 10 Ubuntu changes on top of that, not sure how much of that is in Debian. I'll have a look later today/tomorrow and get the exact diff with Debian <slangasek> [TOPIC] Rally planning * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Rally planning <slangasek> we have a rally coming up right around the corner... everyone should have concrete plans of what they're going to be using the face time for <slangasek> of course these plans are all going to go out the window because of 20,000 interrupts from other teams, but we should plan nonetheless ;) <slangasek> [LINK] https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuEngineering/Rally/Precise/Foundations <cjwatson> Just as a reminder, I'm not going to be at the rally, so if you want to get hold of me, plan videoconferencing :) <cjwatson> I'm likely to be around unless I get sudden instructions to go to the hospital ... <cjwatson> (If that happens, I'll try to let somebody know) <slangasek> please populate that page this week, so that I can help you pull in people from other teams where needed, etc <slangasek> and yes, if you need to coordinate with cjwatson on things, that will be via videoconference only :) <slangasek> questions? <slangasek> oh yes, planning for a team dinner for Wednesday... I trust that's agreeable to people as usual? :) <doko> so maybe we can walk a bit further this time? <slangasek> well, I'm up for a walk if everyone else is :) <stgraber> sure, no problem with that <barry> bring warm clothes :) <slangasek> oh right, I'll need to find some warm clothes, won't I * slangasek shakes his fist at continental climates... I moved for a reason, you know <stgraber> bah, from what I saw so far, it's actually kind of warm over there (5C vs -20C in Sherbrooke or 0C where I'm at the moment) <slangasek> [TOPIC] AOB * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB <MrChrisDruif> AOB? <slangasek> any other business <jodh> Any ideas why there is only an armhf build log for precise here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth ? <bdmurray> I wanted to bring up bug 906633 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 906633 in Ubuntu CD Images "alpha pages should contain a link to the latest daily image" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/906633 <slangasek> jodh: because only armhf was built in precise - the other archs were built in oneiric <slangasek> the package hasn't had a source upload since oneiric released <slangasek> cjwatson: ^^ the above ubuntu-cdimage bug looks like a reasonable change to me in principle <MrChrisDruif> Ow, I've got one. Why is the link in the Fridge to the Agende not working? I've changed YYYY/MMDD with the actual date of today <cjwatson> yes, IIRC I asked Brian to file it :) <jodh> slangasek: ok, ta. <slangasek> cjwatson: heh :) <cjwatson> MrChrisDruif: this is a foundations team meeting, we don't manage the fridge ... <cjwatson> I don't think we generally have an agenda published in advance anyway <cjwatson> I'll have a look at that cdimage bug today or tomorrow <MrChrisDruif> I think you've added it to the Fridge ^_^ <cjwatson> I doubt it, it picks it up from google calendar, iirc <MrChrisDruif> cjw44 ring any bells? <cjwatson> if I did so it was years ago and no longer relevant <MrChrisDruif> I'll send an email to the creator ^_^ <cjwatson> I have no interest in what the fridge says about this meeting, honestly :) <slangasek> cjwatson: assigned then - thanks :) <cjwatson> MrChrisDruif: that's enough like my old google account login that I'm nearly certain the fridge picked it up from google calendar <MrChrisDruif> I'll send an email and see who'll respond ^_^ <slangasek> yep, that's in the google calendar event <slangasek> MrChrisDruif: but as cjwatson said, we don't usually publish a formal agenda beforehand <MrChrisDruif> Okay <slangasek> I could take that out of the event description, I suppose <slangasek> anything else for today? <MrChrisDruif> Yeah, if it's useless, why include it <MrChrisDruif> Nope, not for me. <slangasek> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Wed Jan 4 16:40:47 2012 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-04-16.06.moin.txt <slangasek> that's it then <slangasek> thanks, all <barry> thanks <stgraber> thanks! <MrChrisDruif> Thanks slangasek for chairing <slangasek> MrChrisDruif: so do you have an interest in Ubuntu Foundations, or does it just happen to be the meeting running when you popped in? :) <cjwatson> bdmurray: damnit, now I have to edit cdimage/make-web-indices again :) <cjwatson> I must rewrite that in something other than shell <MrChrisDruif> I rolled into it by "chance" so I'm figuring out what this "Ubuntu Foundations" is all about <doko> unexpected reboot ... <cjwatson> much though I love the language it's not 100% suited to generating HTML <MrChrisDruif> (Note: I don't believe in chance) <slangasek> doko: we just wrapped - you didn't have anything else for AOB, did you? <doko> no <slangasek> ok <slangasek> MrChrisDruif: foundations is largely explained here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam <MrChrisDruif> Yeah, saw the link in the Fridge thingy' <phillw> #startmeeting QA Team Meeting <meetingology> Meeting started Wed Jan 4 17:00:03 2012 UTC. The chair is phillw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot. <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | QA Team Meeting Meeting | Current topic: <phillw> hello everyone! please show yourself as present :) <phillw> #topic attendance * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | QA Team Meeting Meeting | Current topic: attendance <alourie> phillw: sorry, I'm missing in person today <alourie> will read logs later * charlie-tca seems to be here today <phillw> alourie: no worries <phillw> anyone else here? <stenten> I'm here from Lubuntu QA <phillw> hmm, seems only lubutnu and xubuntu QA represented? <charlie-tca> That's all we ever have, isn't it? <phillw> it'll be a short meeting! * charlie-tca don't know for sure, seems to have missed a couple of meetings himself. <MrChrisDruif> Aloha phillw <phillw> hi MrChrisDruif <phillw> I'll give it a couple ofmore minutes to see if any late comers... <avarisclari> good morning/evening/whateveryourtimezone is * MrChrisDruif will only lurk thou <nuclearbob> howdy <phillw> #topic actions from last meeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | QA Team Meeting Meeting | Current topic: actions from last meeting <phillw> patrickmw: are you here? <phillw> I'll carry that one forward <phillw> #action patrickmw to publish a list of launchpad projects that conform our automated testing in jenkins. <meetingology> ACTION: patrickmw to publish a list of launchpad projects that conform our automated testing in jenkins. <phillw> #topic blueprints * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | QA Team Meeting Meeting | Current topic: blueprints <phillw> Are there any people present who can give an update on any of the blue print sub-topics? <nuclearbob> are subtopics distinct from individual blueprints, or are those the same? <phillw> nuclearbob: I list the individual blue-prints as sub-toopics (I think, from memory that is how gema structures them). <avarisclari> i'm a new guy thought i'd start attending meetings and help test, so iunno <nuclearbob> I can give some updates on other-p-qa-qa-regression-testing <phillw> #subtopic other-p-qa-qa-regression-testing <nuclearbob> and other-p-qa-boot-speed-testing <nuclearbob> on the qa-regression-testing, autotest-server and autotest-client packages are now available in my ppa <phillw> nuclearbob: if you'd start with other-p-qa-qa-regression-testing <nuclearbob> sconklin has been evaluating kernel test suites for inclusion into regular testing, and he feels that autotest will be a good fit for future inclusion, so I'm working with him on determining which of their existing tests we want to run <nuclearbob> I'm also getting the qrt tests setup to run on images for all currently supported series for both x86 and amd64 <nuclearbob> and that's all for that blueprint for this week <phillw> thanks <phillw> #subtopic other-p-qa-boot-speed-testing <nuclearbob> I've been working with patrickmw on that, we've got architecture added now <nuclearbob> so, for instance, if you visit: <nuclearbob> http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/boot-speed/acer-veriton-01/index.html <nuclearbob> you can see results for historical and recent tests on i386 and amd64 <phillw> #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/boot-speed/acer-veriton-01/index.html <nuclearbob> that's all I've got for this one, but I remembered I also have an update for other-p-builds-smoke-testing <phillw> thanks <phillw> #subtopic other-p-builds-smoke-testing <nuclearbob> we now generate two reports based on the updated qa bug tagging criteria described here: <nuclearbob> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/AutomatedTesting/TestingTypeAndBugTracking <nuclearbob> an open bugs report is here: <nuclearbob> #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/qa/qa-open-bugs.html <nuclearbob> and a closed bugs report is here: <nuclearbob> #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/qa/qa-closed-bugs.html <nuclearbob> I'm working on consolidating bug tasks in the report, since they currently appear separately, adding extra lines that don't really provide much more information <nuclearbob> I don't have an ETA on that, but I'll update everyone when it's ready <nuclearbob> and that's all for me this week <phillw> thanks nuclearbob :) <phillw> #topic xubuntu * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | QA Team Meeting Meeting | Current topic: xubuntu <phillw> charlie-tca: ... <charlie-tca> Oh <charlie-tca> Both desktop images and alternate-i386 are oversize for Xubuntu <charlie-tca> strange quirk I am still verifying... <charlie-tca> If "Install Xubuntu" is picked from cd menu, the first screen shows languages. Hitting Enter results in the top most language being selected and the rest of the screens are in that language. <cjwatson> they're oversized for a lot of things <cjwatson> topmost? odd <charlie-tca> Will enter a bug for that one after I get it verified <cjwatson> should be English <charlie-tca> It defaults to english, but hitting enter instead of clicking the mouse forces the top language instead <charlie-tca> That's all from here for today... <charlie-tca> .. <phillw> thanks <phillw> #lubuntu <phillw> #topic lubuntu * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | QA Team Meeting Meeting | Current topic: lubuntu <stenten> phillw created the Lubuntu QA team as requested. The team can be found on Launchpad at: <stenten> #link https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-qa <stenten> I think that's it from me at least :) <phillw> all seems quiet on the lubuntu front - charlie-tca if you verify your bug, I'll check it with a lubuntu install to see if it across flavours. <charlie-tca> Okay <charlie-tca> will let you know <phillw> #topic any other business * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | QA Team Meeting Meeting | Current topic: any other business <phillw> Has anyone any further points to raise? <phillw> #topic next chair * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | QA Team Meeting Meeting | Current topic: next chair <phillw> does anyone wish to chair the next meeting? <phillw> I'll leave myself there, until I can confirm with gema that she'll be back next week :) <phillw> hopefully with the end of the festivities things will be back to normal <phillw> thank you to all who attended. <phillw> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Wed Jan 4 17:26:03 2012 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-04-17.00.moin.txt <charlie-tca> phillw: Thank you for chairing <nuclearbob> yeah, thanks phillw <phillw> your're welcome, I'm just a bit rusty! <phillw> I'll update the wiki <charlie-tca> phillw: verified using both xubuntu and Ubuntu, virtualbox and hardware. Filing the bug now <charlie-tca> phillw: bug 911905 filed <ubottu> Launchpad bug 911905 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "hitting enter on install screen 1 forces language to top selection" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/911905 <micahg> no bugs meeting? <phillw> charlie-tca: thanks, I'll run 12.04 in VM later <charlie-tca> Great! all it takes is that first screen after selecting "install ??" <mcbaine1> When does the Lubuntu meeting actually start ?? <MrChrisDruif> mcbaine1; in about 15 minutes <mcbaine1> it'sd 8pm utc * gilir takes a seat :) <wxl> wait ]Spectre[ all you want is to secure the data on your usb? i thought you wanted to use it for login <mcbaine1> plus headphones ofcourse !! <wxl> oops <wxl> stupid wrong channel <MrChrisDruif> ]^_^ <IAmNotThatGuy> lol <mcbaine1> Yeah, What about THAT guy ?? <MrChrisDruif> gilir; #startmeeting ? <gilir> #startmeeting <meetingology> Meeting started Wed Jan 4 20:01:39 2012 UTC. The chair is gilir. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot. <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired <MrChrisDruif> o/ <mcbaine1> Maybe I'm in the wrong pub ?? <IAmNotThatGuy> o/ <gastly> o/ <jmarsden|work> o/ <phillw> o/ <gilir> :) <Unit193> \o <mcbaine1> o/ <mcbaine1> topic ... <gilir> welcome to the lubuntu team meeting :) <IAmNotThatGuy> unimix, \o/ <amjjawad> gilir: hi, am I in the right place? <IAmNotThatGuy> aww Unit193* <gilir> agenda is here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/IRC%20Meetings/Agenda <MrChrisDruif> amjjawad; yes <amjjawad> ok, good <amjjawad> so hi everyone <gilir> we will follow the topic on the agenda, if you have a question, just o/ :) <IAmNotThatGuy> Okies <MrChrisDruif> Alrighty <gilir> #topic Review ACTIONS from the last meeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Review ACTIONS from the last meeting <mcbaine1> Review ACTIONS from the last meeting <gilir> previous logs : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Meetings/20111221 <]Spectre[> hi <IAmNotThatGuy> mcbaine1, Let the boss talk ;] and hi ]Spectre[ <gilir> the proposal for the teams was posted, so far, only good feedbacks :) <hyperair> \o <]Spectre[> hi IAmNotThatGuy <amjjawad> gilir: the subteams on that link you sent are the same teams we are talking about? <gilir> we can probably make it official for the next meeting, just to be sure everyone read it <MrChrisDruif> Sure <gilir> amjjawad, yes, this one : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/SubTeams <amjjawad> gilir: thanks, I already signed up with my launchpad name. But, I couldn't find the communication subteam as I'm also interested to join that subteam <gilir> amjjawad, probably because it's not created yet <amjjawad> can I create it? <gilir> I don't know if other people are interested by this <phillw> gilir: you can action that to me. <amjjawad> or it needs an admin? <gilir> amjjawad, no, you can do it <phillw> I'll see if I can get Jens to come on board. <amjjawad> communications means facebook, forum, etc and as u know, I'm good in that <MrChrisDruif> Alright, Jens <iceroot> does every of that team has a specific leader for coordination? <amjjawad> gilir: so can I do it or phillw will do it? <gilir> iceroot, it's up to each team to name a leader or a coordinator <gilir> amjjawad, you can do it, ask phillw if you need assistance <amjjawad> ok <amjjawad> phillw: what do u think? <amjjawad> shall i go for it? <MrChrisDruif> gilir; action amjjawad for it and phillw for backup <phillw> amjjawad: we'l chat after the meeting <amjjawad> ok done <gilir> #action amjjawad to create the Comm. team <meetingology> ACTION: amjjawad to create the Comm. team <amjjawad> what about the POC regarding the FAQ pages? <gilir> #action gilir to officialy launch the teams next week <meetingology> ACTION: gilir to officialy launch the teams next week <phillw> amjjawad: that is part of Documentation team. <MrChrisDruif> So that would be me amjjawad <amjjawad> which I'm already part of it :) good <IAmNotThatGuy> MrChrisDruif, and me too ;P <amjjawad> but as far as I know, we had a chat that I'll take care of this? so what do I miss? <gilir> amjjawad, I thik nothing, phillw contacted you as planned, so nothing more to add I think ? <amjjawad> gilir: I replied the email but I did not get any reply yet! <amjjawad> idk what is going on .. I think I miss something <gilir> amjjawad, let's talk about it after the meeting <phillw> amjjawad: we were busy setting up the doc team, patience my friend! <amjjawad> never mind guys <amjjawad> whatever u think it's good for the team <amjjawad> after all, I'm doing my best for Lubuntu and its users :) <amjjawad> I don't care about positions and stuff like that :) <gilir> let's continue with the weekly reports <gilir> #topic Update from QA meeting and team * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Update from QA meeting and team <gilir> phillw, ^ :) <IAmNotThatGuy> gilir, Well, I have one Agenda Item I believe ;P <phillw> the lubuntu-qa team is established (more always welcome). The only outstanding & fresh issue really is bug 911905 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 911905 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "hitting enter on install screen 1 forces language to top selection" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/911905 <phillw> which was raised at the meeting, I'm going to check to see if it also affects lunbuntu after the meeting. <phillw> thank-you to my sharp eyed opposite number at xubuntu :) <gilir> :) <phillw> Also some information as to the reasonings and workings of the automatic testing has been forthcoming. <gilir> well Alpha 2 is in 1 month, we have time to break other stuff :p <phillw> That's all from me. <gilir> thank phillw <jmarsden|work> phillw: Any progress towards automation of ISO testing? <phillw> jmarsden|work: yes, an email arrived i my inbox 15 minutes ago. I'vwe only had chance to send it to the lubuntu-qa team, not read it yet! <jmarsden|work> I'm ahead of the game :) OK... <gilir> #topic Update on IRC OP's team * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Update on IRC OP's team <gilir> Unit193, ^ :) <Unit193> 1. We have done some access lists updates 2. There is a meeting later this, or next month about the IRC council onboarding 3. And bug #899630 might be of some interest to us <ubottu> Launchpad bug 899630 in Ubuntu IRC Bots "[Eir] Enable Eir to check other #$buntu channels for banned users and warn" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/899630 <MrChrisDruif> Unit193; why didn't you mark it as affecting you? <wxl> Unit193: since i was confused may i ask if "IRC Support" is going to be a separate team or be a sub-subteam or just be sort of unofficial? <Unit193> MrChrisDruif: I thought I mmight have, but I follow differently <Unit193> wxl: Last I knew it was mostly unofficial/you add your name to WhoWeare <wxl> Unit193: ok, just clarifying. <gilir> wxl, I think it can be handle by the doc team or the irc team <gilir> it's between the 2 :) <MrChrisDruif> gilir; Support is provided by everyone able, right? <gilir> MrChrisDruif, sure, like testing I hope :) <phillw> I'll add to that, you are not limited to membership of just one team! <gilir> but yes, maybe the team is not needed in this case <amjjawad> Testing, IMHO, should be done by all members NO matter what team they belong to <wxl> gilir: i ask because i am happy to be part of the IRC support but am less inclined to play channel cop. so being a part of IRC OP team doesn't make sense. <MrChrisDruif> IRC OP's team is just to keep the channel clean and Documentation is for writing down information to reduce questions in the first place <MrChrisDruif> So I'd say it tends more to Documentation then OP <wxl> indeed <Unit193> There was a general support team at one point <wxl> i kind of like that idea <jmarsden|work> Maybe we can rename "Documentation Team" to "Documentation and Support Team" ?? <wxl> which would also include the forums which also don't neatly fit into the given subteams <gilir> hum, sounds like a good idea :) <phillw> jmarsden|work: Documentation, Wiki, Support, Forum etc..... it's getting to be a long name! <amjjawad> forums is about communications with others more than just documents <gilir> teams names can be changed, is up to each team :) <hobgoblin> only in the cafe is it amjjawad <amjjawad> let's keep the forum support in different team <wxl> i'd say we have IRC OPs for policing the channels, Docs/Wiki, and Support (IRC,Forum) <phillw> If lubuntu wishes, I will set up a 'support' team that any of us from the other teams, or from no team can join? <wxl> +1 phillw <mcbaine1> yes plz. <MrChrisDruif> I like what wxl is saying <amjjawad> forum = support team = yes <IAmNotThatGuy> philiw, I think we are using the Lubuntu list in launchpad. I hope that will be enough <phillw> I take that <phillw> gilir: I think you can action that to me & I'll get it set up tonight. <Unit193> How many teams are we even up to <Unit193> ? <phillw> ...6..? <gilir> #action phillw to create the support team <meetingology> ACTION: phillw to create the support team <gilir> IMO there is no problem to create many teams for the beginning <gilir> we can see in the future if there are useful, or if we can merge some <jmarsden|work> Well, when #teams ~= #activeparticipants, you probably have too many teams :) <amjjawad> gilir: it is all about being organized, I guess1 <gilir> jmarsden|work, yes :) <gilir> amjjawad, yes, but also to delegate some specific topics to people <gilir> ok, last weekly report <amjjawad> gilir: I like and support the idea of sub-teams because this is very helpful <IAmNotThatGuy> I would suggest phillw to re-think about creating -support team. I think we can do it after the 12.04 release <gilir> IAmNotThatGuy, why not ? let's see if it's usefull or not <amjjawad> +1 gilir <wxl> i agree <wxl> everything's mutable <IAmNotThatGuy> Okay then. If the team is interested to have a separate team, then I have no issues with it =] <gilir> we talk about it next week, we will see how many teams and how many members we will have already <wxl> oh and phillw let me know when it's done so i can join ;) <gilir> #topic MrChrisDruif - Update on Wiki / Docs team * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: MrChrisDruif - Update on Wiki / Docs team <MrChrisDruif> Alright, nothing really to report right now. The Documentation team only got set up last week and I've been appointed Head last night/this morning. <MrChrisDruif> One thing I <MrChrisDruif> 've already spotted is that we've got some duplicate data on our part and some info even needs to move "upstream" <wxl> i'll bring up an old point, if not just to ponder-- we had discussed at some point having a application-specific documentation with an index of some kind. not sure if this is a question of docs or a question of the website (as it seemed to become in the mailing list), but there's something. <amjjawad> the whold wiki pages need a closer review IMHO <phillw> MrChrisDruif: if pages need merging / moving / deleting - just email me <amjjawad> whole sorry <MrChrisDruif> amjjawad; agreed, but I'm not seeing any leader on the Wiki team on this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Teams <iceroot> amjjawad: i could do that because im am completly new to the lubuntu-team and so i can read all the docu and see if important points (imjo) missing <iceroot> important = infos a complet new member/user needs <phillw> MrChrisDruif: I don't know what has happened, my mentor phil bull has vanished. I will attempt to re-contact them. <MrChrisDruif> I think that would be greatly appreciated <amjjawad> MrChrisDruif: I'm not sure if a leader is all what we really need for that? it's something to do with the team. Now, it's something to do with the sub-team. The idea of having a sub-teams is each and every time will be in charge of specific function or task <gilir> MrChrisDruif, I don't think you need a leader of the whole wiki if you work only on the Lubuntu part <phillw> MrChrisDruif: from memory cproffitt was heavily involved as well. <MrChrisDruif> gilir; I thought amjjawad was referring to the entire wiki, not just our part <amjjawad> I'm talking about Lubuntu now :) <MrChrisDruif> Ah, got ya <amjjawad> I care about Lubuntu more at this point to be extra honest <MrChrisDruif> Alright <phillw> MrChrisDruif: we also need people to keep an eye on the general wiki for when they go flavour specific, e.g. saying to use gedit when we use leafpad etc. <amjjawad> Ubuntu does not need a huge support because it gets all what it needs. On the other hand, Lubuntu does need that big time IMHO <MrChrisDruif> I think a lot of the entire wiki needs rework, but that an other matter. Our section does indeed need a rework I think <amjjawad> ABOVE ALL IMHO, there must be a link from the main documentation or help pages to Lubuntu Wiki <MrChrisDruif> phillw; indeed. This can be avoided by refering to "the default editor" with a reference to what that is on the different flavors <amjjawad> not only Lubuntu but the other variants too <wxl> phillw: that's a really good point <gilir> MrChrisDruif, maybe you can try to set up a plan for the section ? Before doing any big move ? <wxl> +1 MrChrisDruif <MrChrisDruif> gilir; sure <wxl> and that is where the ubuntu wiki fails <phillw> or even the default terminal! <gilir> I think the first part is trying tio imagine a "map" of the section <wxl> yes the major problem is that of organizing the information <MrChrisDruif> phillw; I get the point <phillw> wiki can generate one. <MrChrisDruif> phillw; not reliably <amjjawad> I had and still have a dream to have a strong and solid Wiki like for example Arch Wiki pages but that needs time and effort <wxl> i tihnk there should be categories e.g. window management, text editing, etc. etc. <gilir> well a map or a list of pages, it's a wiki, it can be a bit "not organised" as long as the links are good :) <wxl> amjjawad: on your own such a thing is unlikely but maybe if we work together to develop a plan for how we can make it happen then we can delegate tasks and it can be resolved easily :D <amjjawad> I know wxl :) nothing impossible at least for me :) <gilir> MrChrisDruif, just think about it, and when you have a clear idea, just submit it during a weekly meeting, ok ? :) <jmarsden|work> MrChrisDruif: sensible-editor already does point to "the default editor" so you can have people edit by doing sensible editor /path/to/file.txt <phillw> MrChrisDruif: get a game plan together. you know that everyone will roll up their sleeves to help. <wxl> i will o/ <wxl> :) <MrChrisDruif> Alright, didn't know about that. Thanks for the suggestion jmarsden|work <MrChrisDruif> =) <jmarsden|work> MrChrisDruif: There is also sensible-browser http://example.com <gilir> if it's ok, let's move to the next topic <gilir> #topic IAmNotThatGuy Proposal for maintaining a tutorials page * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: IAmNotThatGuy Proposal for maintaining a tutorials page <amjjawad> gilir: <amjjawad> sorry one Q <amjjawad> before we move <gilir> yes ? <amjjawad> what is the difference between https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu and the doc pages? <MrChrisDruif> jmarsden|work; sensible-editor points to nano <amjjawad> I see the same contents and info are there in two places? <MrChrisDruif> amjjawad; wiki is team related, help is "help" related <gilir> amjjawad, wiki.ubuntu.com is for the team (and now teams :) coordination <IAmNotThatGuy> Okay. As we are in a steady growth these days, I'd suggest to have a team to create and maintain tutorials page, either through forums or in lubuntu.net <wxl> that's not a sensible editor but i digress :D <gilir> amjjawad, help.ubuntu.com is for support and help <jmarsden|work> MrChrisDruif: Yes, that is the default editor in Lubuntu. You can of course change it to whatever you prefer. <MrChrisDruif> jmarsden|work; it's the default in normal ubuntu as well <IAmNotThatGuy> Most of the beginners, entering firstly needs some guidelines after installing. So, I thought of putting forward this proposal <amjjawad> ok <amjjawad> why same info here and there? <amjjawad> why the duplicate? <phillw> IAmNotThatGuy: I'm guessing we use something similar to the Absolute Beginners stuff, but with a Lubuntu theme? <gilir> we moved from wiki. to help. sometimes ago, there are many still some dupplicate pages <gilir> amjjawad, ^ <MrChrisDruif> amjjawad; that is one of the problems I've spotted. Information is in duplication due to moves and other actions from before my time with the team <amjjawad> so the new one is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu ??? <IAmNotThatGuy> philipballew, exactly. Plus, if we find something. good, we can share that link so that people can find a path <IAmNotThatGuy> phillw,* :[ <wxl> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu points to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation <gilir> amjjawad, no, the new one is help., but we keep some specific pages on wiki. <wxl> meaning it's got a link that points to it <wxl> now i'm confused. what's "help?" <phillw> IAmNotThatGuy: that certainly sounds quite a reasonable task, we are not devoting resources to try and re-invent the wheel. <amjjawad> Ok, understood, thanks gilir :) but I think we need to fix the duplicate thing <MrChrisDruif> wxl; help *should* be the point were user can find their information <phillw> amjjawad: guess what MrChrisDruif brought up earlier? <amjjawad> wxl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu <amjjawad> phillw: I know, thanks! <IAmNotThatGuy> We can put this task under documentation team to update the tutorials page (which will have links for the tutorials somewhere in the internet) and make it simple for thee newbies <amjjawad> I'm just stating my opinion, sorry!!!! <IAmNotThatGuy> MrChrisDruif, ready? ;] <MrChrisDruif> I think so, you? <gilir> IAmNotThatGuy, maybe you can propose some ideas for the tutorials ? <IAmNotThatGuy> Yep. I will join you in docs team <gilir> some examples <wxl> when we say tutorials, do we mean videos/screencasts or just simple howtos? <IAmNotThatGuy> wxl, yes <wxl> ok. and do you have a list of topics you want to cover? <phillw> wxl: they can link to our existing excellent screencasts <MrChrisDruif> There are currently a number of screencasts available wxl, and if you'd like to make more: feel free <wxl> phillw: yes but i hear a bit of an implication that this is not sufficient? or is it merely a matter of having them properly indexed/organized, IAmNotThatGuy ? <amjjawad> I have a plan to write an absloute beginner guide for Lubuntu but will do that first either on the forum or my blog <IAmNotThatGuy> gilir, some tutorials in common with *buntu family. We are going to maintain those link. For example, tutorial to install multiple Desktop environments, install an application, package an application, etc <amjjawad> if someone will see it after that and like it, we can convert it to a wiki page <phillw> but, not everyone has kit / bandwidth for vids, so written doc is essential <MrChrisDruif> phillw; noted, but for others it might be handy <IAmNotThatGuy> wxl, yes. a separate tutorials page where we maintain the useful links (I prefer ubuntu site links) <wxl> k i like <iceroot> what about a tutorial/screencast for "if you come from windows, this is new/different in lubuntu" maybe the same for gnome/unity/kde <wxl> +1 iceroot <iceroot> maybe a topic to discuss in the doc-team <phillw> MrChrisDruif: a screencast is excellent, however you do all know my views on accessibillity :) <IAmNotThatGuy> nice idea iceroot <gilir> let's the doc team work on this :) <gilir> #topic other topics ? * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: other topics ? <phillw> gilir: sounds like a good idea to me, they're fizzing with ideas... What have I done by creating a team and putting such a group of enthusiastic people together?!!! :D <gilir> Any other items to discuss today (2 min left) ? <MrChrisDruif> amjjawad; do you happen to have the option to come more to IRC? <iceroot> gilir: i still have a topic.... lts <amjjawad> MrChrisDruif: I don't like it but if that helps, I'll <wxl> amjjawad: yeah it's nice to virtually see you ;) <amjjawad> I do love working in teams but I do have my own style <MrChrisDruif> It's much easier to discuss things quickly amjjawad <phillw> +1 <amjjawad> wxl: and MrChrisDruif ok, I'll do my best :) <MrChrisDruif> Thanks amjjawad ^_^ <amjjawad> MrChrisDruif: one hour daily is good? <gilir> iceroot, it was already discussed, the answer is no :) <MrChrisDruif> I think so, what time? <amjjawad> MrChrisDruif: I'm +4GMT <amjjawad> maybe before 20:00?? <iceroot> gilir: ok, then i will stop now with that topic <amjjawad> it's 1am now <IAmNotThatGuy> MrChrisDruif, I am happy with any time. So, no need of considering me ;D <gilir> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Wed Jan 4 21:01:33 2012 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-04-20.01.moin.txt <phillw> gilir thanks for chairing. <MrChrisDruif> I know IAmNotThatGuy * IAmNotThatGuy 's time is 2:30 AM ;P <wxl> ok lete's carry on this conversation elsewhere then <IAmNotThatGuy> thanks gilir =] <MrChrisDruif> How about 19:00UTC amjjawad ? <gilir> thanks for participating :) <amjjawad> good <amjjawad> day? <MrChrisDruif> gilir; thanks for chairing ^_^ <MrChrisDruif> amjjawad; you said daily? <MrChrisDruif> I'd have to think about a day amjjawad <amjjawad> MrChrisDruif: can we make it 18:00? it would be prefect for me if 18:00 <amjjawad> MrChrisDruif: sorry, yes, I can do it daily, I guess!!! <MrChrisDruif> I'd like to host a wiki meeting sometime anyway. When I've put together a plan <MrChrisDruif> I'm online almost every day amjjawad , so I think that will be okay <amjjawad> you have my email, MrChrisDruif ? <amjjawad> I'm always on google talk and facebook and also the forums <MrChrisDruif> I've seen numerous replies from you, so I think I'll be able to find it <MrChrisDruif> Could you add me to google then or facebook amjjawad ? <amjjawad> MrChrisDruif: Gmail/Google Talk, Facebook, Ubuntu Forum ... whatever u want :) <amjjawad> MrChrisDruif: whatever you want :) I use many tabs at once <MrChrisDruif> I'll make it easy for you by using something you and I already have <amjjawad> Yeah, like Google Talk? <MrChrisDruif> Meh, do Facebook if you would <amjjawad> both mate :) <amjjawad> my facebook on my gmail email <amjjawad> so you can find me if you search <MrChrisDruif> I'm more easily found with google <MrChrisDruif> Try searching for "Chris Druif" <amjjawad> MrChrisDruif: Ok :) <amjjawad> MrChrisDruif: my google ID is the same as my username here <amjjawad> and again, if you want on failbook (this is what I call it :P), you can search by my gmail address <IAmNotThatGuy> MrChrisDruif, is it easy to find me? :P <Unit193> Don't think there is another meeting right now, but best to clear just in case <MrChrisDruif> Yup, I can almost always find you in one of these channels IAmNotThatGuy <Unit193> #lubuntu-offtopic <IAmNotThatGuy> ;P <amjjawad> IAmNotThatGuy: you are already on my list, right? <IAmNotThatGuy> Unit193, ok <Unit193> Thank you <Unit193> Woah, I thought I closed this already #ubuntu-meeting 2012-01-05 * janimo waves <NCommander> #startmeeting <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Jan 5 15:00:52 2012 UTC. The chair is NCommander. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot. <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired * davidm waves <janimo> hi * mrjazzcat waves <NCommander> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Meeting/2012/20120105 <NCommander> who's here? <mahmoh> hi <rbasak> o/ * NCommander fixes the wikipage <NCommander> sorry, I put the actual page under 2011 <NCommander> ugh A page with the name 'ARM/Meeting/2012/20120105' already exists. Try a different name. <NCommander> I'll fix it after the meeting <NCommander> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Meeting/2011/20120105 * cmagina waves <NCommander> so, action items <NCommander> [topic] rsalveti to kick someone to fix bug 838200 * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: rsalveti to kick someone to fix bug 838200 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 838200 in u-boot-linaro (Ubuntu Precise) "No network support on Beagle XM" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/838200 <rsalveti> still in progress, people starting to work just now <NCommander> k <NCommander> [topic] rsalveti to track the gles driver status for armhf for the vendors we support * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: rsalveti to track the gles driver status for armhf for the vendors we support <rsalveti> ti is working on getting the armhf driver available <NCommander> yay <rsalveti> other vendors are also aware already <rsalveti> but at least ti should make it available soon :-) <NCommander> please keep us appraised of teh armhf gles drivers <NCommander> ^- as the cycle continues <rsalveti> sure :-) <rsalveti> happy to do <NCommander> [topic] jcrigby to update the mx53 kernel * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: jcrigby to update the mx53 kernel * NCommander realizes we have no jcrigby <NCommander> Moving on <NCommander> [action] jcrigby to update the mx53 kernel <meetingology> ACTION: jcrigby to update the mx53 kernel <NCommander> [action] jcrigby to update the mx53 kernel (c/o) <meetingology> ACTION: jcrigby to update the mx53 kernel (c/o) <NCommander> [topic] Stanidng Items * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Stanidng Items <NCommander> [topic] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/ubuntu-arm.html * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/ubuntu-arm.html <GrueMaster> Status page still has workitems and people not associated with arm. <NCommander> Due to the Christmas shutdown there hasn't been too much progress <NCommander> Also looks like someone caused one of our specs to pull in the entire release <NCommander> [action] NCommander to track dependency SNAFU on status tracker and remove non-ARM specs <meetingology> ACTION: NCommander to track dependency SNAFU on status tracker and remove non-ARM specs <NCommander> [topic] ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey) <NCommander> DEPWAIT hardware <NCommander> Not much to say beyond that :-/ <rbasak> Nothing to report from the server end afaik <GrueMaster> I think part of the problem is everything is now linked to topic-precise-release-lts. <rbasak> GrueMaster: AIUI, a server install on a panda continues to work? <GrueMaster> rbasak: I do them almost daily. <GrueMaster> (Not every load, but netinstall and some testing). <rbasak> and do they work? :) <GrueMaster> I am working to automate all the manual tests I ran last cycle. <ogra_> grmbl, sorry for being late ... connection probs <GrueMaster> rbasak: I haven't had issues yet. <rbasak> excellent! <NCommander> [topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati) <GrueMaster> Although almost nothing is automated in a way I can use. * ogra_ had a word on specs but missed that bit .... we are supposed to pick the specs we will work on at the sprint in advance <ogra_> (can probably do that in AOB) <NCommander> ppisati: ping? * NCommander notes we have no cooloney <ogra_> he mailed <ogra_> vacation this week <NCommander> Oh, oops <ogra_> iirc at least <janimo> new ac100 uploads for both oneiric and precise <NCommander> thanks ogra <NCommander> [topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo) <janimo> with mmap fixes, and 3.0 kernel in precise <ogra_> janimo, tested already ? <janimo> ogra_, yes <ogra_> yay <GrueMaster> Yea, something about doing something with his wife? (And I thought he was dedicated to us). <ogra_> well, ftbfs ... <ogra_> someone needs to do the testbuild of libreoffice <janimo> no progress here on my side, still have libo to tackle soon * NCommander runs through the nearest wall in horror <ogra_> i guess thats a good task for the sprint <ogra_> so we can spread the load a bit <ogra_> instead of having NCommander do it all alone as usual ;) <janimo> I still haven;t switched my panda to armhf but it is next step on the list * NCommander whimpers <ogra_> the LibO bug seems to have a patch that just hasnt been tested yet <ogra_> and will need a build <GrueMaster> janimo: USB drive with two partitions. <NCommander> I still haven't recovered from the last time I tangled with the beast <janimo> ogra_, very likely, or needs some newish patch <ogra_> beyond that we should see that we get the above 200 universe ftbfs fixed <janimo> GrueMaster, yeah, I just wish we had a live installer to tell it to install to the usb disk :) * GrueMaster notes that he has a 5s lag to freenode. <janimo> doable otherwise just noot fun <ogra_> i have taken a look over the logs and many are changed in the gthread lib it seems <GrueMaster> janimo: netinstall. <ogra_> should be easy to develop a general reciepe for these <janimo> GrueMaster, hmm will ask you more after the meeting then. Never did one of those, not even on x86 <GrueMaster> kk <ogra_> janimo, do it at the sprint ;) <ogra_> surely easier to do face to face <janimo> yes, makes sense. Cause then I can also buy I bear :) <ogra_> yay, bears <janimo> one beer * ogra_ likes bears :) * GrueMaster doesn't dreak bear. <NCommander> janimo: I didn't know they sold bears in Romania <ogra_> they surely do ... more than anywhere else <janimo> NCommander, well sprint is in Hungary so there may be a small chance <GrueMaster> bah. janimo's keyboard issue has affected me too. <ogra_> nothing from me on the topic anymore <NCommander> [topic] ARM Hardfloat status (infinity) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Hardfloat status (infinity) <janimo> GrueMaster, not a keyboard issue unfortunately. Wetware malfunction <ogra_> didnt we decide to drop that last meeting ? <ogra_> move on :) <janimo> wow we drop armhf. nice <janimo> :P <ogra_> heh, only the topic <NCommander> Nice, so much free time now with no hf * NCommander ducks <NCommander> [topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander) <ogra_> failed today .... <ogra_> thanks to chinese langpacks <ogra_> if they build tomorrow, i will not assume an asian conspiracy :) <ogra_> nothing else from me <NCommander> [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster, mahmoh) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: QA Status (GrueMaster, mahmoh) <ogra_> oh, someone should tell kubuntu to drop LibO from their seeds <NCommander> ScottK: ^ <ogra_> if they want images at some point ;) <NCommander> ogra_: done <ogra_> heh <GrueMaster> I am seeing some issues with the QRT lately that I am tracking down. <GrueMaster> Some of the tests (mainly the nx tests) are producing random results. In 1000 executions, 150 fail. <ogra_> is that something we could help you with during the sprint ? <NCommander> do we actually support NX support on ARM? <GrueMaster> I am working with kees, but it may be a kernel thing. <ogra_> yeah, we might miss a patch or so <GrueMaster> I was told we do. <ogra_> iirc the NX patch was big and ugly <ogra_> and in several chunks <NCommander> We'll kidnap a kernel engineer and hold him hostiage in our room at the sprint <ogra_> yeah * ogra_ looks at ppisati <ogra_> :) * NCommander wonders what we can get for ransom <Riddell> ogra_: hmm? <GrueMaster> Not sure. How much does pgraner value his crew? <ogra_> its not his crew atm, its tims <NCommander> Regardless, I think its just a matter of beer <janimo> Let's put beertraps in our sprint room. Kernel team likes beer, they will be lured <GrueMaster> So...not very much then. <ogra_> Riddell, your arm images fail regulary, you should temporary remove LibO from your seeds for the arm builds <janimo> everyone please notice the clever pun above <ogra_> haha <Riddell> ogra_: that's a known problem with libreoffice? <NCommander> janimo: if we put beer taps in our room, admittly, team moral will be very hihg <NCommander> Team productivity; not so much <ogra_> Riddell, it doesnt build on armhf atm <ogra_> NCommander, depends on what you want to produce <ogra_> ;) <janimo> but if we reach ballmer peak we may get both <NCommander> Riddell: you are suggesting that libreoffice doesn't have a problem <NCommander> ogra_: thanks, I needed to be squicked out this early in the morning <janimo> that statement is always false <pgraner> ogra_, still my crew, tim is my henchman * NCommander needs brainbleach <ogra_> for producing reverse eaten lunch beer taps are great :) <ogra_> pgraner, oh, sorry <ogra_> move ? <NCommander> [topic] Linaro Updates (rsalveti) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Linaro Updates (rsalveti) <rsalveti> https://launchpad.net/linaro-dev-platform/+milestone/12.01 <rsalveti> this is the stuff we're planning for this cycle <rsalveti> 2 thing that should affect ubuntu quite soon <rsalveti> newer u-boot-linaro and armhf packages for all linaro stuff <rsalveti> newer u-boot-linaro supports SPL for omap 3 <janimo> rsalveti, is omap3 getting SPL this Ubuntu cycle? <rsalveti> so we'd need the same transition as we did for omap 4 <janimo> ah, beta me to it :) <janimo> beat * NCommander winces <rsalveti> janimo: we have it already, done by upstream <rsalveti> :-) <janimo> great <rsalveti> jcrigby is sick today, but he should be back soon <rsalveti> and will work on pushing this stuff forward <rsalveti> who should we ping before updating u-boot? <GrueMaster> me <NCommander> rsalveti: myself or ogra <rsalveti> to update the omap3 images to use SPL instead of X-Loader? <NCommander> or GrueMaster * ogra_ is happy to take that one <rsalveti> great, everybody wants to kill x-loader ;-) <GrueMaster> I want to make sure it is tested before we kill kittens. <rsalveti> poor package <ogra_> what about the mx5 kernel ? <NCommander> [action] ogra + rsalveti to kill x-loader with fire <meetingology> ACTION: ogra + rsalveti to kill x-loader with fire <ogra_> :) <rsalveti> ogra_: also coming with the other armhf updates we need to push <rsalveti> we have a blueprint for that now <ogra_> k <rsalveti> to make sure we work on it asap <janimo> rsalveti, is the new uboot packaged and imported in linaro git already? <NCommander> rsalveti: will you be at budapest? <janimo> in ppa I mean <ogra_> NCommander, nobody will <ogra_> NCommander, as nobody from us will be in sanfrancisco <NCommander> Oh good, that means I can stay home <rsalveti> janimo: yes, you can test by simply installing the package available at our overlay <NCommander> :-) <janimo> nice <rsalveti> NCommander: unfortunately, no <rsalveti> nobody? <rsalveti> that's bad :-( <ogra_> well, nobody from linaro <rsalveti> we should have at least one engineer there <ogra_> :) <rsalveti> at connect <NCommander> rsalveti: I'll take it as a company sponsored mileage run :-P <ogra_> i was told lool might come though <NCommander> if no one will be there <ogra_> but that wasnt sure <ogra_> or finalized <rsalveti> yeah, still to be decided I believe <rsalveti> but don't hope anyone from linaro there <ogra_> right <rsalveti> but we should try to at least get someone at connect <rsalveti> from ubuntu arm <rsalveti> an engineer <ogra_> for the ubity merge i would really have preferred it <NCommander> Where's connect? SFO? <NCommander> (and when?) <ogra_> *unity <rsalveti> NCommander: yup <davidm> NCommander, yes <NCommander> cool <janimo> NCommander, not making too many miles off that flight from Portland <ogra_> NCommander, no travel approval for any of us yet <rsalveti> ogra_: yup, but travis is kind of away I believe, and things are starting to land <NCommander> janimo: I'd actually drive instead of fly for that one <rsalveti> so I expect things available quite soon <ogra_> yeah <NCommander> Getting around SFO is annoying without a car <rsalveti> at least after the discussion we had yesterday <ogra_> i see stuff happening atm <rsalveti> yup <ogra_> hopefully getting finished during next week :) <rsalveti> hopefully :D <rsalveti> that's the most important topics from my side <ogra_> only took us 2 years :P <janimo> rsalveti, thanks for the updates :) <ogra_> NCommander, move :) <NCommander> [topic] AOB * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB <GrueMaster> win32-image-writer has received several much needed updates over the holidays. <ogra_> awesome <ogra_> there were plenty people having issues with it <ogra_> in #pandaboard <ogra_> somehow it seems to have produced unbootable images <GrueMaster> Yes, I know. I get flooded with emails from people that want fixes. <GrueMaster> It had issues with SD >2G. <ogra_> ah * ogra_ has an AOb topic too ... <GrueMaster> Wonderful Windows documentation. <ogra_> please select the specs you will work on durign the sprint and let me know which they are :) <ogra_> *during <ogra_> and i have another AOB topic ... <NCommander> ogra_: mine is completely dependent on HW arriving by time the sprint arrives <ogra_> the weekly reports please dont go on the wiki anymore but by mail to david <NCommander> k <ogra_> NCommander, well, the server team told me there are a bunch of specs they could need help on that arent HW dependent <ogra_> lets talk to them at the sprint <ogra_> thats all from my side <NCommander> I think that's everything <GrueMaster> And there is plenty of test automation work for anyone (hint hint) to help with. <NCommander> Anyone else or can I close <NCommander> going once <NCommander> twice <ogra_> GrueMaster, yeah, just drop the issues on our laps <NCommander> ogra_: that's an unfortunate choice of words <ogra_> .. <ogra_> heh <NCommander> anyway <NCommander> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Thu Jan 5 15:40:46 2012 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-05-15.00.moin.txt * GrueMaster preps the automation lap dance. <ogra_> nice, 40min * NCommander runs through another wall * ogra_ notes to bring a video cam <beuno> o/ <czajkowski> aloha <czajkowski> beuno: on time :) <beuno> that's my middle name <czajkowski> YokoZar: pleia2 akgraner ? <akgraner> o/ <YokoZar> o/ <czajkowski> shall we start <czajkowski> #startmeeting <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Jan 5 17:02:35 2012 UTC. The chair is czajkowski. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot. <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired <pleia2> o/ <czajkowski> welcome to the 1st meeting of the new year for the CC <czajkowski> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda <czajkowski> rather empty agenda <czajkowski> Joeb454: ping <czajkowski> I did email the forums council after the last meeting and reinvite them, which they discussed at their meeting and said Joeb454 would attend <czajkowski> #topic review actions from last meeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: review actions from last meeting <czajkowski> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncil/TeamReports/Current <czajkowski> YokoZar: how are we on the mailing list issues? <YokoZar> czajkowski: We've got a list of easy candidates to remove <YokoZar> Let me dig up the pad link... <YokoZar> So there were about 20 or so that should be non-controversial closes <Joeb454> czajkowski: hello <Joeb454> sorry, still stuck at ork <Joeb454> work* <czajkowski> YokoZar: so should we create a ticket to get them closed ? <YokoZar> http://paste.ubuntu.com/793936/ <czajkowski> Joeb454: great we'll get to you in a few if that's ok <Joeb454> no problem <YokoZar> Yeah, everything in that list I think, except ubuntu-mozillateam <czajkowski> ok I'll get a ticket created for those lists <sabdfl> hi folks, sorry to be tardy <czajkowski> if everyone is ok with that <YokoZar> micahg: any comment on the ubuntu-mozillateam list? <beuno> czajkowski, yeap, sounds like a good idea <pleia2> weren't we going to email the list owner before shutting them down? <pleia2> I know teams like -screencasts have sort of been struggling to stay alive over the years <czajkowski> pleia2: that was discussed but nobody say it was going to be done or not done, but seeing as many of the oweners are long gone does seem to drag the process out <YokoZar> czajkowski: in the ticket also mention that they should be marked as (closed) and moved to the bottom of the lists.ubuntu.com page <czajkowski> YokoZar: nods <pleia2> "Once inactive lists are identified, the team owner and list admins will be notified, RT ticket submitted" <pleia2> ^^ from our last meeting <pleia2> so I thought this would be a process, not just immediate shut down <pleia2> there isn't really a reason to rush things, email list admins, wait two weeks, email rt <czajkowski> ok does someone want to contact the admins of those teams <YokoZar> pleia2: That was before we realized that just about every item in the list hadn't had posts in over a year <czajkowski> some 2007 and 2008 <YokoZar> pleia2: But I don't have any objections on principle or anything, if you can even figure out who to contact <pleia2> I can send emails to the people publically listed as admins on each list <pleia2> that would be "$foo list run by $bar" at the bottom of the info page <YokoZar> personally I'm inclined to close it even if they reply they want it open since we already have a ton of evidence it doesn't seem to be particularly useful <czajkowski> Gwaihir: beuno akgraner sabdfl thoughts ? <akgraner> The kernel one I know can be closed - I asked Pete about it a week or so ago and he said close it <pleia2> restoring deleted mailman lists is not fun, I wouldn't want to put IS through that, particularly since I don't know why we're rushing anyway (these lists have been dead for a long time) <pleia2> just give me two weeks ;) <sabdfl> +1 on the two weeks <akgraner> +1 on pleia2 suggestion <sabdfl> then let's nuke 'em <czajkowski> ok <sabdfl> no restoration <beuno> sure <pleia2> I'll get the emails out tonight <czajkowski> #action pleia2 to contact the mailing lists and let them know the lists being closed after that as inactive <meetingology> ACTION: pleia2 to contact the mailing lists and let them know the lists being closed after that as inactive <czajkowski> and then i'll do the RT <czajkowski> cool <czajkowski> akgraner: from the last meeting action item akgraner to blog process for UWN and Fridge <akgraner> eek - I'll do that today :-) <czajkowski> ok <pleia2> since I'm the one sending the emails out I'd be happy to do that <pleia2> I can include the text I'm sending <akgraner> pleia2, great then I hand it off to you <akgraner> with a huge Thank you! <czajkowski> #action pleia2 to blog process for UWN and Fridge <meetingology> ACTION: pleia2 to blog process for UWN and Fridge <YokoZar> There is a technical difference between deleted and closed here, yes? <czajkowski> ok anything else to review before we move on folks <czajkowski> ok <czajkowski> #topic Forums Catch up * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Forums Catch up <czajkowski> Joeb454: thanks for coming along to this <czajkowski> Joeb454: is there anyone else from the FC here with you ? <Joeb454> no problem. I know jdong said he'd try and come along too <Joeb454> it's generally a bad time for most of the FC though, due to timezones and work I guess <czajkowski> Joeb454: nods we do appreciate it. This came up at UDS and we're going to talk to all the councils and boards to check in and see how things are doing <Joeb454> s.fox and bodhi.zazen have said they can't make it because of those reasons too <czajkowski> so care to tell us about the FC and how things are going , I know I saw a request come in there before xmas from ye guys <Joeb454> as far as I can tell, things are going ok. I think all of us need to be a little more aware of what responsibilities we have etc, like the mailing list for example (there were 9 requests to do yesterday) <Joeb454> I appreciate the time of year probably hasn't helped with that though, but it's a discussion point I'll bring up with the rest of the FC at some point in the not-too-distant future <Joeb454> the upgrade process is ongoing (which is the request you probably saw). We're in touch with Canonical IS now, but there's the old issue of "who's responsible for what" which we're just trying to iron out now <czajkowski> Joeb454: with regards to the ml moderation, I know personaly it can eat up time, have you thought about adding all of the council on as amdins to help with the load, so it doesnt build up <Joeb454> I think all the council are admins, they certainly used to be, but I'll double check that one though :) <sabdfl> is the upgrade particularly difficult? <czajkowski> It may be one way to stop it falling on one person and just remind people to check it <sabdfl> i believe there may be a blocking issue on OpenID, or does the newer version already support it? <sabdfl> i thought we paid for that support to be added? <Joeb454> sabdfl: I don't know about that. The blocker is OpenID, but we need to find out how many people use it really to determine whether it's something we can break temporarily to get the upgrade done <Joeb454> I don't want to remove the functionality, but at the same time, the software is getting quite old now, I'm not sure they do security updates for our version anymore <czajkowski> Joeb454: whats the rt ticket number ? <Joeb454> czajkowski: for the upgrade, or for openID? <czajkowski> may as well take both and go talk to the nice folks in IS <Joeb454> I'm not sure what they are, I'll try and find them now, but if not I'll look later and send them to the CC <sabdfl> i really don't want to regress <sabdfl> afaiac we should use openid exclusively <sabdfl> any ubuntu user on any site should have one and only one password across the whole lot <sabdfl> this is 2012 :-) <czajkowski> Joeb454: ok thanks if you poke me I'll chase up on them and then follow up with the CC <czajkowski> sabdfl: +1 <Joeb454> sabdfl: agreed, I'd like to use the SSO as well <sabdfl> i'd like to shut down old passwords and provide a mechanism for folk to activate openid <sabdfl> ok. all the mechanisms we use are open, why not call for help from the community to close that gap <sabdfl> i'll get the upgrade done as a priority if that's done <Joeb454> I'm not sure how easy that is, there'd be a lot of legacy users that don't use openID, so we'd need to provide a way to get them migrated to the new system if they suddenly decide to login <czajkowski> Joeb454: when you say a lot, how many is that roughly? <czajkowski> or is it possible to know ? <beuno> AFAIK, it was in the tens of thousands <czajkowski> :o <Joeb454> czajkowski: I haven't a clue. It might be possible to do a SQL query on the DB, but I don't have access to that. It'll be a fairly big number though <Joeb454> I've associated my account with SSO, but don't use it. The previous implementation didn't seem to like keeping people logged in <czajkowski> that is a bit of a bug <Joeb454> yeah I think that was what stopped quite a few people using it <Joeb454> we'd also need to consider the people that are signed into SSO and then visit the forums, we'd need to prompt them to create a profile if they don't already have one <Joeb454> [17:28] < sabdfl> i'd like to shut down old passwords and provide a mechanism for folk to activate openid <Joeb454> [17:28] < sabdfl> ok. all the mechanisms we use are open, why not call for help from the <czajkowski> a lot of kinks need working out <Joeb454> community to close that gap <Joeb454> [17:29] < sabdfl> i'll get the upgrade done as a priority if that's done <Joeb454> oops, sorry <Joeb454> czajkowski: definitely <czajkowski> Joeb454: and ask sabdfl has said, do you have community folks on the forums willing to help make this happen ? <Joeb454> I can put out a request for anybody to help get SSO implemented, but then how would we get them access to the test environment/vbulletin code etc. <czajkowski> I'm sure we could get something worked out, given we get the loco team portal updated by folks <czajkowski> but the hows and whens I'm unsure of <czajkowski> Joeb454: any other comments regarding the FC, enough members ? <Joeb454> other than my initial comments, I don't have any issues. Some members are quieter than others, which is to be expected anyway <czajkowski> Joeb454: do ye have regular meetings? does everyone take part? <Joeb454> we're trying to get into more regular meetings again, but the lack of agenda items makes them a little difficult to plan properly. We're making progress with it though <czajkowski> Joeb454: yes i can understand the no agenda so no meeting, however getting into the habit of turning up and planning things is a good idea tbh. <czajkowski> shows activeity and in future makes getting folks onto a council easier by showing what ye do and when <czajkowski> just a thought :) <Joeb454> definitely. As I said, we're making progress and getting back into it. I don't think we had meetings for a while (certainly before I joined the council anyway) <czajkowski> ok well thanks for keeping us up to date <czajkowski> if we cna help in any other way please let us know. <Joeb454> as for taking part, I think I mentioned above, some more than others, but I have an email floating around in my head that will be making its way to the FC soon anyway (I've been guilty of not doing as much as I feel I should) <Joeb454> of course :) <YokoZar> Thanks :) <czajkowski> I've no more comments or questions <czajkowski> I do appreciate learning about the FC and the work yer doing <beuno> Joeb454, yeap, all sounds good, great work <sabdfl> thank you <Joeb454> czajkowski: I'll try and get more people next time, but 17:00 UTC isn't the best of times, what with the variety of EU/US timezones we have, they all fall wrong <czajkowski> Joeb454: thank you <czajkowski> Joeb454: thats fine maybe next cycle again before we do a catch up <Joeb454> czajkowski: sounds good :) <czajkowski> #action Joeb454 to mail czajkowski with RT numbers <meetingology> ACTION: Joeb454 to mail czajkowski with RT numbers <Joeb454> thanks all. sabdfl I'll find out about the SSO stuff and email the CC as well <czajkowski> #action czajkowski follow up with IS re FC tickets <meetingology> ACTION: czajkowski follow up with IS re FC tickets <czajkowski> #topic AOB * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB <sabdfl> thanks Joeb454 <czajkowski> akgraner: beuno Gwaihir pleia2 sabdfl YokoZar any thing else to discuss? <akgraner> nothing from me <Gwaihir> nothing in particular from me to <beuno> nope, I'm good. Still kick-starting my brain this year <YokoZar> Happy new year folks <beuno> also, all my machines have been on precise for a month <czajkowski> going to upgrade in a few mins to Precise <beuno> which has been super smooth for an alpha state! <czajkowski> by all accounts it sounds good <czajkowski> ok ending meeting so <czajkowski> unless anyone has anything else we need to look at ? <sabdfl> all clear here <sabdfl> thank you! <czajkowski> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Thu Jan 5 17:47:41 2012 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-05-17.02.moin.txt <czajkowski> ta da <czajkowski> done <czajkowski> :) <pleia2> thanks czajkowski <akgraner> Thanks czajkowski! <czajkowski> no bother <beuno> o/ <czajkowski> beuno: you're turn next time <czajkowski> forgot to add that bit in <beuno> ack! <czajkowski> Joeb454: when you're back online give me a pm please. * chilicuil away brb #ubuntu-meeting 2012-01-06 * skaet waves to wendar * wendar waves back <skaet> :) * stgraber waves (might disappear at some point but highvoltage should be there) <wendar> #startmeeting <meetingology> Meeting started Fri Jan 6 16:00:03 2012 UTC. The chair is wendar. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot. <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired <jibel> hi o/ <skaet> hi all, and happy new year <skaet> I have to disappear part way through so wendar will be chairing. <xliu> you too! <skaet> . <skaet> Agenda can be found: <skaet> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2012-01-06 <skaet> Individual team status links will be added to it from: <skaet> #link https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-January/thread.html <skaet> . <skaet> Schedule is at: <skaet> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule <skaet> #link http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars/ubuntu-release-calendar/ <skaet> . <skaet> Bugs committed to be fixed by the engineering teams can be found: <skaet> #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/rls-p-tracking-bugs.html <skaet> Bugs that you would like the engineering teams to consider for fixing, should be assigned to specific teams, so they can be found. <skaet> . <skaet> Upcoming Dates: <skaet> • 2012/01/09 - DebianImportFreeze <skaet> • 2012/02/02 - Alpha 2 <skaet> • 2012/02/16 - FeatureFreeze <skaet> • 2012/02/16 - 10.04.4 <skaet> . <skaet> ***WORKITEMS:*** Please help get us back under the trend line! <skaet> Over the holidays, we've drifted significantly above it on the overall. <skaet> #link http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/ <skaet> There are now 2541 work items (up from 2319 last month, originally 2084 on 2011/11/25), so figuring out now what is not going to happen in the next 6 weeks, and indicating blocked and postponed, would be much appreciated. <skaet> I'll be following up with individual teams on some of the more concerning ones next week. <skaet> . <skaet> Also, I'll have to leave for the airport part way through, so wendar will be chairing the rest of the meeting. Questions? <skaet> .. * skaet looks around for any question? <skaet> wendar, can you start us into the round table now. :) <wendar> [TOPIC] Hardware Certification team update - mlegris or brendand * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Hardware Certification team update - mlegris or brendand <mlegris> [LINK] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-January/000650.html <mlegris> updated a1 testing, no major issues found <mlegris> any questions? * skaet glad to hear no major issues found. :) <mlegris> \o/ <mlegris> .. <wendar> [TOPIC] QA team update - jibel * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: QA team update - jibel <jibel> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-January/000660.html <skaet> jibel, what does the overall health of the daily images look like? <jibel> in term of installability/upgradability Precise is good. <jibel> bug in pygobject that crashed ubiquity fixed by pitti <jibel> results of daily smoke testing https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20ISO%20Testing%20Dashboard/view/Daily/? <jibel> we started automated package testing with software-center <jibel> https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/precise-softwarecenter-amd64/16/testReport/ <jibel> .. <skaet> Thanks jibel. :) <skaet> .. <wendar> [TOPIC] Security team Q&A - mdeslaur * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Security team Q&A - mdeslaur <mdeslaur> hi! <mdeslaur> [LINK] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-January/000648.html <mdeslaur> we've been doing reactive work mostly <mdeslaur> so blueprints haven't been work on so much <mdeslaur> but next week, we intend on dedicating the whole sprint to doing work items <mdeslaur> that's it! <mdeslaur> .. <skaet> Thanks mdeslaur. :) <wendar> [TOPIC] Kernel team Q&A - ogasawara * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Kernel team Q&A - ogasawara <ogasawara> [LINK] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-January/000653.html <ogasawara> I forgot to mention that now that we've rebased to v3.2 final, we'll <ogasawara> continue to pull in v3.2.x stable updates through Kernel Freeze. <ogasawara> Everything else I covered in my email. <ogasawara> Questions? <ogasawara> .. <wendar> [TOPIC] Foundations team Q&A - cjwatson * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Foundations team Q&A - cjwatson <cjwatson> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-January/000656.html <cjwatson> Work item status: fairly grim. Unfortunately I won't be at the rally so relying on slangasek to sort things out with people there :-) <cjwatson> (I suspect there's still a fair amount of low-hanging fruit, though) <cjwatson> Not much else, hope people had a good Christmas etc. <cjwatson> .. <wendar> [TOPIC] Server team Q&A - Daviey * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Server team Q&A - Daviey <Daviey> Hello! <Daviey> Sorry, I am currently in a call.. sorry for the delay <Daviey> Any questions for me? <wendar> [LINK] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-January/000655.html <Daviey> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-January/000655.html <Daviey> thaks wendar :) <Daviey> Any bugs not on http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/release-bugs.html, which people think should be? * skaet needs to study and cross corellate... after the meeting. <skaet> ..? <Daviey> .. <Daviey> thanks :) <wendar> [TOPIC] ARM team Q&A- ogra_ * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM team Q&A- ogra_ <ogra_> oh, me ! <ogra_> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-January/000662.html <ogra_> beyond that i have to add that merging of the GLES patches into nux, compiz and unity has started and we hope that it will work by end of the sprint <ogra_> but i guess dbarth_ can elaborate on that later :) <ogra_> .. <skaet> ogra_ can you look at marking those items blocked by lack of hardware, as blocked next week? <ogra_> skaet, i think NCommander did already, but i'll check <ogra_> .. <skaet> Thanks ogra_ <skaet> .. <wendar> [TOPIC] Linaro team Q&A - fabo or rsalveti * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Linaro team Q&A - fabo or rsalveti <fabo> hi <fabo> [LINK] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-January/000658.html <fabo> hope to have our armhf images this month <fabo> .. <dbarth_> hi <dbarth_> (oops too early) <ogra_> :) <ogra_> .. <wendar> [TOPIC] Ubuntu One Team Q&A - joshuahoover * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu One Team Q&A - joshuahoover <wendar> [LINK] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-January/000649.html <wendar> (he's not in channel) <wendar> [TOPIC] Desktop Team Q&A - pitti * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Desktop Team Q&A - pitti <pitti> my blurb is at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-January/000654.html <pitti> the third bug in that list got fixed today <pitti> echoing cjwatson's sentiment about OMG work item overflow, target for next week <pitti> any questions? <pitti> .. <pitti> (sorry for the lag) <cjwatson> one of my work items has taken at least a week so far :-( <pitti> for me, there's always bugs and mail getting in the way.. <cjwatson> yep, death by reactivity <ogra_> stop answering, that will teach them ! <ogra_> :) <highvoltage> :) * wendar finds that tempting :) <wendar> [TOPIC] DX Team Q&A - dbarth * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: DX Team Q&A - dbarth <dbarth_> summary for the week at the usual: wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ReleaseStatus <dbarth_> since then the SRU made its way into the ubuntu-desktop archive for testing <dbarth_> .. <wendar> [TOPIC] Desktop Systems Team Q&A - olli * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Desktop Systems Team Q&A - olli <wendar> (also not in channel) <wendar> [TOPIC] Kubuntu Team Q&A - Riddell * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Kubuntu Team Q&A - Riddell <Riddell> hi <Riddell> nothing to add to the report <Riddell> .. <wendar> any questions on Kubuntu? <wendar> [TOPIC] Edubuntu Team Q&A - stgraber or highvoltage * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Edubuntu Team Q&A - stgraber or highvoltage <highvoltage> Howdy! Happy new year from the Edubuntu team! <highvoltage> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-January/000651.html * stgraber waves <highvoltage> Any questions? fire away! <highvoltage> ah stgraber made it :) <highvoltage> .. <tumbleweed> glad to see someone doing the wxwidgets merge :) <stgraber> yeah, LOTS of fun... <highvoltage> tumbleweed: it practically took stgraber's whole day * tumbleweed started it one night, and changed my mind <ogra_> did you run out of tranquilizers ? <stgraber> I "think" my 10th build is pretty good, just need to finish diffing the binary packages to make sure I didn't miss anything <stgraber> number 9 worked fine even though it contained a bunch of gcc fatal error and was missing files... yeah for proper error checking <stgraber> oh, and debian/rules is over a thousand lines long :) <ogra_> just make sure it works on armhf :) <stgraber> anyway, once merged we should be down to just a build option change, an extra build-dep and a patch to maintain on top of Debian, so that'll be your standard 5 minutes merge <tumbleweed> great <stgraber> ok, I guess that's enough complaining about wxwidgets2.8 :) <stgraber> .. <wendar> [TOPIC] Xubuntu Team Q&A - madnick or charlie-tca * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Xubuntu Team Q&A - madnick or charlie-tca <wendar> [TOPIC] Ubuntu Studio Team Q&A - scott-work * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Studio Team Q&A - scott-work <wendar> (not in channel) <wendar> [TOPIC] Lubuntu Team Q&A - gilir * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lubuntu Team Q&A - gilir <gilir> hi :) <gilir> [LINK] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-January/000661.html <gilir> nothing to add :) <gilir> .. <wendar> [TOPIC] MOTU Team Q&A - tumbleweed or Laney * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: MOTU Team Q&A - tumbleweed or Laney <tumbleweed> hi, nothing here really. Happy new year everyone <tumbleweed> .. <wendar> And, that's the last one. <wendar> [TOPIC] Any other business, comments, questions? * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Any other business, comments, questions? <Daviey> not ehre! <wendar> Alrighty. For those who are rallied next week, Kate's reserved a room so you can gather in person for the release meeting. <cjwatson> Will there be videoconferencing to that (G+)? <wendar> Thanks mlegris, jibel, mdeslaur, ogasawara, cjwatson, Daviey, ogra_, fabo, pitti, dbarth, Riddell, highvoltage, stgraber, gilir, and tumbleweed! <ogra_> thanks wendar ! <wendar> And happy new year to all! <tumbleweed> w00t for 45min meeting! <ogra_> \o/ <mdeslaur> thanks! <pitti> thanks all, have a nice weekend! <wendar> cjwatson: We can probably set it up, I'll check with skaet. <ogra_> tumbleweed, well, taget was 30min ... but we're getting closer :) <jibel> thanks wendar ! <cjwatson> that'd be good <wendar> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Fri Jan 6 16:44:50 2012 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-06-16.00.moin.txt <mcbaine1> http://www.nature.nps.gov/air/WebCams/parks/sekicam/sekilargerimage.cfm #ubuntu-meeting 2012-01-07 <oscalation> hello #ubuntu-meeting 2012-01-08 <Cees> \o/ http://nos.nl/artikel/329072-wordfeud-doet-het-weer.html <Cees> sry, wrong channel #ubuntu-meeting 2012-12-31 <ols3> /? #ubuntu-meeting 2013-01-01 <joshuahoover> Happy New Year! #ubuntu-meeting 2013-01-02 * slangasek waves <infinity> o/ <slangasek> happy new year :) <infinity> Can't prove it! <slangasek> ... <infinity> I mean, happy new year to you too! <infinity> Yes, that one. <cjwatson> which bit of the statement were you disputing? <slangasek> heh <slangasek> anyone else around today? barry, doko? * barry waves <infinity> xnox is hiding around here somewhere too. <xnox> howdy =) * infinity pokes xnox with a stick. <slangasek> #startmeeting <meetingology> Meeting started Wed Jan 2 16:08:25 2013 UTC. The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired <doko> back from skiing ... <infinity> doko: Do you still have legs? <slangasek> not sure we need a lightning round to talk about what we got for Christmas <doko> still somehow working, couldn't resist the powder however ... <slangasek> well, what the heck; we can still do a lightning round to talk about what we're working on this week :) <slangasek> [TOPIC] lightning round * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: lightning round <slangasek> $ echo $(shuf -e barry doko stgraber jodh ev bdmurray slangasek ogra cjwatson xnox stokachu) <slangasek> stokachu cjwatson doko barry slangasek ev stgraber bdmurray jodh ogra xnox * xnox win <slangasek> stokachu: around? <slangasek> cjwatson: your turn! <cjwatson> Spent some time over the Christmas break poking at removing nested functions from GRUB, which will no doubt make the security team happy if I manage to land it. Planning to spend a bit more time pushing that up the hill this week, along with switching our GRUB packaging to GCC 4.7. <cjwatson> Also continuing work on britney/autopkgtest and preparing for the 12.04.2 point release. <cjwatson> (We need to finish off the SB landings ...) <cjwatson> .. <slangasek> indeed we do :/ <slangasek> doko: <doko> looked at the cross buildability for buildd chroots, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CrossBuilding/BuilddChroot <doko> todo for the next week: evaluating ftbfs for the test rebuilds, cross build fixes <doko> .. <infinity> I'll get the eglibc parts of that fixed along with the 2.17 upload. <slangasek> doko: I was going to ask, I notice that dbus says 'requires python-dbus' but there's no comment on why dbus-python doesn't build <doko> circular b-d <slangasek> ok * xnox fixed e2fsprogs & commented about shadow. * barry was quasi-blissfully semi-offline for the xmas break. todo: finish up oneconf, and then the usual. done. <slangasek> so I accomplished none of the things I had put on my list to work on over break, because instead I've wound up prepping for a surprise trip to China <xnox> \0/ awesome =) <slangasek> which is from 5-9 Jan <doko> cjwatson, should we drop versioned b-d's where the package builds otherwise? <cjwatson> doko: example? <doko> cjwatson, perl <infinity> doko: I really think we need better ways to mangle build-deps in the build process. <barry> slangasek: hopefully for fun! <doko> cjwatson, or eglibc <infinity> doko: Cause versioned build-deps are often correct and sane (especially for people attempting to backport) <cjwatson> yeah, what infinity said, we should fix that in sbuild <slangasek> I'll also be off this Friday as a swap day; and I won't have any of my keys with me (or even my laptop) so don't expect me to be doing any other work those days :) <slangasek> barry: it's work :) <barry> ah well <cjwatson> and I'd like to keep those around as good test cases <doko> cjwatson, hmm, but that won't work for dpkg-buildpackage? <infinity> Yeah, the cross-fu almost needs to be in dpkg-checkbuilddeps. <cjwatson> sbuild and dpkg-checkbuilddeps, yes * xnox is next, I guess..... <infinity> (Though sbuild also needs to know about it) <slangasek> so other than trying to get everything in order for that trip & associated presentations next week, I still need to get the gnu-efi regression sorted out to follow through on the SB updates <cjwatson> I don't see why we can't do it for both - I just haven't got round to it yet <slangasek> and that's probably about as much as you can expect me to get done this week <slangasek> .. <bdmurray> xnox: I'm next but waiting for a done <cjwatson> seeing as we only really came up with the general mangling idea in Dec <xnox> bdmurray: hello =) sorry, I missread holiday calendar. <bdmurray> I neglected sending an update on the 19th so have some stuff to report from before the break. <bdmurray> uploaded ubuntu-release-upgrader fix for bug 1071388 <bdmurray> uploaded whoopsie to quantal-proposed fixing bug 1084311 <bdmurray> uploaded SRU fix for bug 1066347 <bdmurray> arsenal merge proposal regarding collect-bug-data and inactive users <ubottu> bug 1071388 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Quantal) "UnicodeDecodeError in askYesNoQuestion of DistUpgradeViewText.py" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1071388 <ubottu> bug 1084311 in whoopsie (Ubuntu Quantal) "modifies .uploaded time every time whoopsie starts" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1084311 <ubottu> bug 1066347 in apt-clone (Ubuntu Precise) ""Reinstall Ubuntu" failed - apt-clone crashes with: KeyError: "filename './etc/apt/sources.list' not found" line 1886 in getmember in tarfile.py" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1066347 <bdmurray> reported daisy bug 1090583 regarding failure to upload core dump <bdmurray> worked on source package view for errors.ubuntu.com <bdmurray> worked on team view for errors.ubuntu.com <bdmurray> patch piloted <bdmurray> SRU verification of bug 936870 <ubottu> bug 1090583 in Daisy "unable to submit a touchegg core dump to daisy" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1090583 <ubottu> bug 936870 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu Precise) "unattended upgrade failing due to incorrectly detected conffile prompt due to "newconffile" line" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/936870 <bdmurray> this week I'll be finishing up the source package view and team view at errors.ubuntu.com <bdmurray> ⁂ done ⁂ <xnox> * fixed a couple FTBFS (from archive, rebuild, cross). <xnox> * In-progress finding what's causing partman hangs on some systems <xnox> * Upstart - overrides from any directory: implemented, existing tests <xnox> pass, now fixing memleaks & writing tests for new functionality. <xnox> that's it from christmas break. <xnox> - done - <slangasek> xnox: is there a bug ref for these partman hangs? <xnox> bug 1080701 and others referenced in it <ubottu> bug 1080701 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Raring) "After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1080701 <slangasek> any other questions on the above? <slangasek> [TOPIC] Bugs <slangasek> bdmurray: anything needing our attention this week? * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Bugs <doko> xnox, could you update the wiki page about e2fsprogs? <xnox> doko: I did =) <slangasek> hmm, am I still connected? :) <bdmurray> slangasek: no, not this week <slangasek> bdmurray: ok, thanks <slangasek> [TOPIC] AOB * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB <slangasek> anything else? <infinity> Hinted at it above, but since I don't do the lightning round anymore, should mention it harder: I plan to upload eglibc 2.17 this week. <slangasek> xnox: maybe you should change e2fsprogs from red to green though :) <slangasek> infinity: nice <xnox> slangasek: well. I want to wait for green light from cjwatson's cloud cross-builder. <slangasek> ok <xnox> doko: new shadow, will add ustr & libsemanage to min. chroot. <xnox> which I noted to fix cross-build for. <cjwatson> anyone fancy sitting on the security team's head 'til they make a decision about libsemanage? :) <xnox> cjwatson: they did "fix commit" it. <xnox> on the bug. <cjwatson> ah yes <cjwatson> bug 1077484 <ubottu> bug 1077484 in shadow (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libsemanage (shadow's rdep to continue SELinux support in shadow)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1077484 * infinity does some promotion dances. <xnox> AOB: new shadow upstream release about to hit raring =) <cjwatson> bdmurray: could you subscribe foundations-bugs to libsemanage? <xnox> and ustr? <cjwatson> bdmurray: and ustr as well <cjwatson> snap :) <xnox> =)))))) <bdmurray> cjwatson: will do <slangasek> ok, if there's nothing else, we can all go back to watching the countdown on www.ubuntu.com now <slangasek> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Wed Jan 2 16:35:13 2013 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes (wiki): http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-01-02-16.08.moin.txt <meetingology> Minutes (html): http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-01-02-16.08.html <xnox> it's the final countdown.... <xnox> (btw the circles are growing bigger) <xnox> thanks. <slangasek> thanks everyone :) <CommieDore> Is jono worried about frivolous lawsuit with the Ubuntu Phone from Companies that we won't name? <popey> CommieDore: you should probably be in #ubuntu-discuss <jono> CommieDore, naa :-) #ubuntu-meeting 2013-01-03 <hk_> guys do i need to have ubuntu to build apps for it? <hk_> do i need to have ubuntu to build apps for it? <asante002> h <asante002> j <ashams> Hey AhmedAbouZaid, best wishes <AhmedAbouZaid> Thanks ^^ <hggdh> ~ô~ <annod> السلام عليكم <asultan> and peace be with you <blablabla> w 3alekom Al salam w ra7mat Allah w barakato <Samar_> Peace be upon you <cjohnston> #startmeeting <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Jan 3 22:00:59 2013 UTC. The chair is cjohnston. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired <cjohnston> #chair cjohnston <meetingology> Current chairs: cjohnston <cjohnston> #voters cjohnston hggdh cyphermox PabloRubianes <meetingology> Current voters: PabloRubianes cjohnston cyphermox hggdh <cjohnston> #topic Ubuntu Membership Review Board - 3 January 2013 * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Membership Review Board - 3 January 2013 <cjohnston> Hello and welcome to the Ubuntu Membership Review Board meeting for 3 January 2013. The wiki page for the Review Boards are available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/Boards <cjohnston> We will attempt to get through all of the applicants that have added themselves to that list before today's meeting. If we are unable to make it through the entire list due to time constraints, then at the next meeting we will pick up where we left off. <cjohnston> The format for the meeting is as follows: We will go through the list of applicants one by one, by date of application (FIFO). <cjohnston> Each applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and provide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page. After the introduction the members of the Membership Review Board will review the pages and, if needed, ask the applicant further questions. <cjohnston> During this time it is encouraged for other members of the community to show their support for the applicant. Do not be alarmed if the members of the Membership Review Board are quiet during this time; they are most likely reading wiki/launchpad/forum/other pages and deciding how they are going to vote. <cjohnston> When the board is ready to vote, they will publicly vote in the channel with either +1, 0, or -1 (for membership, abstain, and against membership, respectively). If the sum of those numbers is positive, then the applicant is now an official Ubuntu member! (feel free congratulate them!) <cjohnston> Now, with any further ado, lets get started with the first applicant... <cjohnston> I don't see the first applicant in here.. so I will go on to the second <cjohnston> Would someone mind checking to see if the first is online please? <hggdh> Abdobonna: there? <cjohnston> #topic Ahmed​Abou​Zaid 's membership application * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ahmed​Abou​Zaid 's membership application <cjohnston> AhmedAbouZaid: please introduce yourself <AhmedAbouZaid> Thanks cjohnston : ) <AhmedAbouZaid> My name is Ahmed, I'm 23 years old, I live in Cairo. <AhmedAbouZaid> fully Ubuntu user since 2008 <AhmedAbouZaid> I love and believe in Free/Open source and Ubuntu :) <cjohnston> AhmedAbouZaid: I don't see anything documented on your wiki page for the last year. What happened? <cjohnston> #voters iulian <meetingology> Current voters: PabloRubianes cjohnston cyphermox hggdh iulian <ashams> may I support AhmedAbouZaid ? <AhmedAbouZaid> cjohnston: I was to perform compulsory military service in Egypt. <AhmedAbouZaid> cjohnston: It's about 12 months. <hggdh> ah <AhmedAbouZaid> cjohnston: So my activity was very limited this year : ) <cjohnston> understandable in that case <PabloRubianes> AhmedAbouZaid, nice work with the book, are you already working on the updated version? <AhmedAbouZaid> My wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AhmedAbouZaid <cyphermox> AhmedAbouZaid: I see you mention bugs reporting on your wiki page, but I can't see any on your launchpad page. Do you report your bugs elsewhere? <AhmedAbouZaid> PabloRubianes: Yes, I'm working now on a second version of it. <iulian> AhmedAbouZaid: How do I download the book? <iulian> Or rather, could you please give me the direct link? <AhmedAbouZaid> cyphermox: Unfortunately most of the reports were not through launchpad. <AhmedAbouZaid> iulian: One moment please. <iulian> I think I got it. <iulian> You could still paste the link here just for the record. <AhmedAbouZaid> Book site: http://www.simplyubuntu.com/ <AhmedAbouZaid> Download link: http://download.simplyubuntu.com/getit.php <cyphermox> AhmedAbouZaid: that's what I thought. Is it due to reporting the bugs in English? <hggdh> AhmedAbouZaid: thank you for publishing the book with (at least) an option for free download. I/we appreciate it <AhmedAbouZaid> cyphermox: I made bug reports either in English and Arabic. <cyphermox> yeah it's really nice :) <cyphermox> ok <cjohnston> #subtopic Voting on Ahmed​Abou​Zaid 's membership application <cjohnston> #vote Voting on Ahmed​Abou​Zaid 's membership application <meetingology> Please vote on: Voting on Ahmed​Abou​Zaid 's membership application <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) <hggdh> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from hggdh <PabloRubianes> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from PabloRubianes <cyphermox> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from cyphermox <cjohnston> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from cjohnston <Samar_> +1 <iulian> +0 - was still reviewing. <meetingology> +0 - was still reviewing. received from iulian <asultan> :) <AhmedAbouZaid> hggdh: Thanks : ) <cjohnston> Samar_: voting is limited to those on the board only. <AhmedAbouZaid> hggdh: And it's also licensed under CC: By-Sa 3.0 license : ) <hggdh> Samar_: heh, only members of the RMB can vote ;-) <Samar_> Got it! :) <hggdh> AhmedAbouZaid: ooohhh, even better! Thank you very much! <cjohnston> #endvote <meetingology> Voting ended on: Voting on Ahmed​Abou​Zaid 's membership application <meetingology> Votes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:1 <meetingology> Motion carried <cjohnston> Congrats AhmedAbouZaid <hggdh> AhmedAbouZaid: welcome in! <ashams> AhmedAbouZaid, Congrats :D <cyphermox> Congrats AhmedAbouZaid <PabloRubianes> congrats AhmedAbouZaid <cjohnston> With that being said, since the other applicant still hasn't arrived I'm going to end the meeting. <PabloRubianes> +1 cjohnston <hggdh> yep <cjohnston> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Thu Jan 3 22:19:31 2013 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes (wiki): http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-01-03-22.00.moin.txt <meetingology> Minutes (html): http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-01-03-22.00.html <cjohnston> Thanks all <AhmedAbouZaid> Thank You very much. It's indeed a pleasure ^_^ <hggdh> AhmedAbouZaid: the pleasure is ours <asultan> AhmedAbouZaid gratz mate :) <asultan> @AhmedAbouZaid gratz mate :) <meetingology> asultan: Error: "AhmedAbouZaid" is not a valid command. <Samar_> Congratulations Ahmed :) <blablabla> congratulations ^^ <AhmedAbouZaid> Thank you all ^_^ #ubuntu-meeting 2013-01-04 <tgm4883> well we should probably get started <tgm4883> !help <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience <tgm4883> hmm <tgm4883> !meeting <ubottu> Team meetings are held in #ubuntu-meeting - See « /msg ubottu logs » for transcripts. <tgm4883> thanks ubottu, you are so helpful <TheLordOfTime> tgm4883, Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology if you're looking for it... <TheLordOfTime> :P <tgm4883> TheLordOfTime, exactly what I'm looking for, thanks <TheLordOfTime> tgm4883, also, /topic <TheLordOfTime> :P * TheLordOfTime returns to poking server packages <tgm4883> #startmeeting Ubuntu TV weekly meeting <meetingology> Meeting started Fri Jan 4 18:05:07 2013 UTC. The chair is tgm4883. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Ubuntu TV weekly meeting Meeting | Current topic: <tgm4883> The agenda can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTV/Meetings <tgm4883> Note that there is nothing on the agenda <CrestedNewt> is BobWeaver in? I don't see him <tgm4883> we pinged him, but I didn't see him around <tgm4883> Since there is nothing on the agenda, I'll open the floor to anyone that has anything to say and/or questions or comments <tgm4883> #topic Open Floor * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Ubuntu TV weekly meeting Meeting | Current topic: Open Floor <mhall119> so, given the holidays since our last meeting, there probably isn't anything new to discuss <tgm4883> mhall119, my guess as well <CrestedNewt> Do we know the current status of development? <CrestedNewt> ie - where are we? <mhall119> except, well, omg! Phone! <tgm4883> CrestedNewt, I'm not aware of the current status of the non-mythtv parts <CrestedNewt> Ubuntu Phone is to be discussed later :D <mhall119> CrestedNewt: I know bobweaver has been experimenting with different things on the old unity2d code <mhall119> I don't know if anything new has been done on the unity 3d port <CrestedNewt> OK, just so that I get this right ..... <mhall119> tgm4883: how is the MythTV scope work going? <CrestedNewt> Bobweaver is working on the old 2D platform <mhall119> CrestedNewt: he's been working on both <CrestedNewt> and he is hoping to have a stable platform with which to move forwards? <mhall119> he's been porting to Unity 3d, but still using the 2d code for prototyping <tgm4883> The main scope is great. Playback of content works nicely and looks good <tgm4883> the guide data parts though.... <mhall119> CrestedNewt: that's the goal, yes <CrestedNewt> mhall119 - ok that's good news <mhall119> tgm4883: the main scopes searches already recorded stuff? <tgm4883> Currently I'm seeing if upstream will add some stuff to the API so I don't have to do a query on each show just to get description <tgm4883> mhall119, yes, that part works great <mhall119> tgm4883: you can always just use the title in the search results, and only query for the description if they open it in a preview <tgm4883> I need to move the servicesapi.py file to it's own package though so I can separate the guide and playback scopes <tgm4883> mhall119, yea that is what I have it doing now, but then you can only search title/subtitle <mhall119> tgm4883: cool <tgm4883> But I'm not adding description back in unless I can get it to a reasonable run time <mhall119> tgm4883: maybe you can put a bit in the next blog post about your progress and how people can help you with it <tgm4883> #action tgm4883 <meetingology> ACTION: tgm4883 <mhall119> any screenshot of the TV UI, even the old 2d one, showing results from MythTV would cause some excitement too <tgm4883> yea I need to work with bobweaver to get a TV UI setup for that <tgm4883> or have him do a couple screenshots <mhall119> Any ideas on what we can do with the new phone & SDK to capitalize on some of that buzz for the TV? * tgm4883 shrugs <tgm4883> I haven't looked at phone much <mhall119> it's pretty cool, and the SDK is something that people should use to write TV apps too <mhall119> I'll talk to bobweaver about maybe getting some screenshots of the example app running on the TV UI, see if it's worth talking about <tgm4883> it's QML, so bobweaver should be happy <CrestedNewt> OK, in the UK atm there is a push on http://www.youview.com/features/ and http://go.sky.com/vod/page/tvListing.do <mhall119> yeah, he's already been in #ubuntu-phone <CrestedNewt> the sky solution allows video on the move .... but it requires silverlight <mhall119> tgm4883: your guide scope, is that using MythTV as it's backend? <tgm4883> mhall119, yes <mhall119> and can MythTV use the sources CrestedNewt just mentioned? <tgm4883> mhall119, err, it's not like that <tgm4883> mhall119, so you can think of mythtv similar to how we're thinking about ubuntu tv (or vice versa). Mythtv has a backend and a frontend (in the case of Ubuntu TV, we're basically just making a UTV a frontend) <tgm4883> any online sources and such that mythtv could use, would be mythtv frontend plugins <tgm4883> which don't make sense here, we'd just make them unity scopes <tgm4883> unless i'm not understanding what these things are <mhall119> oh, ok, so tv guides aren't being stored in the backend? <CrestedNewt> both of the sites I posted are 'historical' VOD services.... I was just thinking about the tie in with ubuntu_phone <tgm4883> yes, the tv guide is stored in the backend, but this looks to be more than just a tv guide <mhall119> oh, ok <CrestedNewt> no probs - I just thought that I would clear that up :D <mhall119> I was mostly interested in just the tv guide data, if MythTV can support multiple sources, then we only need a single source to get it out of MythTV <mhall119> makes our job easier that way <tgm4883> mhall119, you should get guide data from the same place that you are scheduling recordings <tgm4883> so in this case, mythtv <tgm4883> mythtv supports schedules direct and XMLTV I think <mhall119> ok <tgm4883> well, and EPG <tgm4883> but that sucks in the US <tgm4883> so with mythtv, you can have multiple sources, and you might have a different set of guide data for each source (which is why I say tie the two together) <tgm4883> from the UTV POV, the only source if mythtv (and mythtv figures out all the other important stuff) <mhall119> sounds good to me <tgm4883> yea the more I look at youview, the more it sounds like it should be a scope <CrestedNewt> OK, blue sky stuff here for future discussion but I think that it needs to be noted somewhere..... Sky offer this planner http://tv.sky.com/tv-guide#/day/0 and you can then decide to record from this service as well as getting more programme information. The record function is only available if you are a Sky subscriber. DO NOTHING WITH THIS YET but views for later on would be good. <mhall119> CrestedNewt: where does that record it to? your local hardware, or something on their network? <CrestedNewt> sends a signal through satellite to your box which has a viewing card. These are linked to your username <mhall119> ah, ok <tgm4883> looks like there is a sky DVR box too <tgm4883> with storage <CrestedNewt> yes - the top of range box has 1080i output and a 1 TB HDD <mhall119> alright, any other topics to discuss? <tgm4883> I've got none <CrestedNewt> I have none - other than I need to get something to document :D <mhall119> alright, I'll try and get some information from Canonical's side about how the new Phone stuff might be impacting the TV, and vice-versa, to see how it all should fit together <mhall119> and we'll get with bobweaver when he's online for some screenshots and stuff <tgm4883> sounds good <CrestedNewt> mhall119 - good man!! <mhall119> alright, thanks guys! <tgm4883> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Fri Jan 4 18:36:48 2013 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes (wiki): http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-01-04-18.05.moin.txt <meetingology> Minutes (html): http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-01-04-18.05.html <Random_> hej hej #ubuntu-meeting 2014-01-02 <s-fox> Hello svij :) <svij> hi s-fox :) * toddy waves svij <svij> toddy: :D <s-fox> svij: Just waiting for more of the board to make their presence known :) <svij> ok <chilicuil> #startmeeting Ubuntu-Membership-Board January 2th, 2014 at 22:00:00 UTC meeting <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Jan 2 22:07:41 2014 UTC. The chair is chilicuil. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Ubuntu-Membership-Board January 2th, 2014 at 22:00:00 UTC meeting | Current topic: <chilicuil> #meetingtopic svij approval * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | svij approval Meeting | Current topic: <chilicuil> Hi Sujeevan Vijayakumaran, welcome to the Ubuntu Membership meeting, please introduce yourself <s-fox> ^ svij :) <svij> Hi, my name is Sujeevan Vijayakumaran, raised up and living in Germany and I'm also a student and a software developer. I'm the current project-lead of the official german support site ubuntuusers.de (with Fuchs ;) ) and I'm also co-organizing this and last years ubucon. :) <svij> (hope this is enough ;)) <chilicuil> svij: the UMB members may take a time to reply, we're reading your application, you've a nice couple of testimonials =) <svij> chilicuil: thanks! <toddy> :) <chilicuil> #voters IdleOne s-fox cjohnston cyphermox chilicuil <meetingology> Current voters: IdleOne chilicuil cjohnston cyphermox s-fox <chilicuil> alright, does anyone has any question? <IdleOne> think we are ready to vote, unless there is anyone here who would like to cheer for svij <IdleOne> now is the time <Fuchs> I of course cheer <Fuchs> but I guess that would be clear, given my testimonial :) <chilicuil> #vote svij approval <meetingology> Please vote on: svij approval <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) <s-fox> +1 <IdleOne> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from s-fox <meetingology> +1 received from IdleOne <cyphermox> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from cyphermox <s-fox> Sorry, was looking at the website. I was impressed :) <chilicuil> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from chilicuil <chilicuil> #endvote <meetingology> Voting ended on: svij approval <meetingology> Votes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 <meetingology> Motion carried <IdleOne> Congrats svij and welcome <svij> yay, thanks :) <s-fox> Congratulations :) <chilicuil> svij: I would like to see more of the UWN de, awesome work =) <toddy> Congrats svij :) <chilicuil> so, I think, we're done, happy new year to everyone =D <svij> thanks IdleOne, chilicuil, s-fox and toddy <chilicuil> #endmeeting <Fuchs> Congratulations indeed, and a nice day to you all :) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Thu Jan 2 22:17:28 2014 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes (wiki): http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-01-02-22.07.moin.txt <meetingology> Minutes (html): http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-01-02-22.07.html <IdleOne> Thank you. <s-fox> Thank you for chairing chilicuil :) <chilicuil> np s-fox ;) #ubuntu-meeting 2014-01-05 <elfy> any other Forum Council people around #ubuntu-meeting 2015-01-04 <howefield> #startmeeting <meetingology> Meeting started Sun Jan 4 18:05:51 2015 UTC. The chair is howefield. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick <howefield> #chair elfy bapoumba cariboo907 <meetingology> Current chairs: bapoumba cariboo907 elfy howefield <elfy> o/ <howefield> \o <cariboo907> o/ <bapoumba> -o/ <howefield> evening all and Happy New Year, here's to a good one for us all. <cariboo907> same to you howefield <bapoumba> Happy New Year :) <howefield> no items on the agenda bar the fixed. <elfy> :) <howefield> unless anyone has anything to speak about ? <elfy> nope - not me <bapoumba> me neither <cariboo907> not me either <bapoumba> we are all doing fine it seems :) <howefield> ok, I'll just thank bapoumba and elfy for the Supermods blog post for the record :) <bapoumba> is it the place for news that other may want to read about ? <howefield> nice to see us on planet <elfy> yea <bapoumba> well, was about to talk about the SuperMods new group :) <bapoumba> howefield beats me to it, as always :) <howefield> carry on bapoumba :) <bapoumba> Does anyone have the blog post linky handy to paste here ? <howefield> #topic New Supermods Group. * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: New Supermods Group. <howefield> http://ubuntuforumsorg.wordpress.com/2014/12/30/super-moderators/ <elfy> sorry afk there <bapoumba> thanks howefield :) <bapoumba> was looking in my bookmarks.. <howefield> you're welcome. <bapoumba> (my bookmarks are a mess) <bapoumba> So for the ones reading the meeting notes : please have a look at the blog post <bapoumba> we are training and mentoring a set of currently 3 Super Mods into Admins duties <bapoumba> There are lots of talking on different mailing lists about mentoring ubuntu leaders <bapoumba> We do it :) <howefield> thanks bapoumba, any more to add from anyone ? <bapoumba> not from me howefield <elfy> nope <cariboo907> nothing from me either <howefield> #topic AOB * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB <howefield> ok moving to AOB, guess we have covered it, but any more from anyone ? <bapoumba> nope <elfy> :) <howefield> just leaves Team Report then ? <elfy> I can sort that out <howefield> must be about my turn unless anyone - ninja'ed :) <elfy> not wanting to argue - you can if you like :D <bapoumba> Fine with me, thanks elfy or howefield :) <howefield> well, it won't be war and peace :) <bapoumba> it will be war and war :D <elfy> indeed not <elfy> lol bapoumba <howefield> no Ubuntu Forum Membership applications, so I guess we are done ? <cariboo907> it shouldn't be we're only 16 minutes in and ready to finish :) <howefield> :) @ bapoumba <bapoumba> :) <howefield> thanks everyone, I'll finish the meeting then. <bapoumba> thanks for hosting us howefield :) <cariboo907> thanks howefield <howefield> short and sweet, same place 1st February, all being well for the next one :) <bapoumba> I should be there :) <elfy> thanks all <howefield> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Sun Jan 4 18:25:06 2015 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2015/ubuntu-meeting.2015-01-04-18.05.moin.txt #ubuntu-meeting 2016-01-04 <tyhicks> hello <tyhicks> #startmeeting <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Jan 4 16:39:32 2016 UTC. The chair is tyhicks. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick <tyhicks> The meeting agenda can be found at: <tyhicks> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Meeting <tyhicks> [TOPIC] Announcements * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Announcements <tyhicks> Bryan Quigley (gQuigs) provided a debdiff for trusty for cups (LP: #1505328) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1505328 in cups (Ubuntu Trusty) "Cups SSL is vulnerable to POODLE" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1505328 <tyhicks> Stefan Bader (smb) provided debdiffs for precise-wily for xen <tyhicks> Louis Bouchard (caribou) provided debdiffs for trusty-wily for sosreport (LP: #1525271) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1525271 in sosreport (Ubuntu Wily) "CVE-2015-7529 needs to be backported to supported releases" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1525271 <tyhicks> Thank you for your assistance in keeping Ubuntu users secure! :) <tyhicks> [TOPIC] Weekly stand-up report * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly stand-up report <tyhicks> mdeslaur: you're up <mdeslaur> \o <mdeslaur> I'm on triage this week <mdeslaur> I'm currently working on the samba updates <mdeslaur> I plan on releasing those probably this week <mdeslaur> and I have some other updates in the security team proposed ppa that need testing <mdeslaur> and I'll see if I can pick something else from the list after that <mdeslaur> that's pretty much it from me, sbeattie? <tyhicks> I don't think he's in yet so I'll go <tyhicks> I'm in the community role this week <tyhicks> I have a lot of email catchup to do from the holidays (as I'm sure we all do) <mdeslaur> ctrl-a, del <tyhicks> after that, I plan on helping jjohansen with the AppArmor stacking work <tyhicks> :) <tyhicks> I'd also like to spend a little bit of time looking at rngd and if it works to seed /dev/random with the hwrng on the beagle bone black <jjohansen> well right up until you get to that third email ... <tyhicks> jjohansen: you're up <jjohansen> I will be looking at (drowning in) the email backlog as well <jjohansen> besides that it doing AppArmor stacking work <jjohansen> well and I guess syncing up with sbeattie and the kteam on where the kernel is <jjohansen> s/kernel/kernel workflow/ <jjohansen> that is it for me sarnold you are up <sarnold> I'm on bug triage this week <sarnold> also digging my way out of email <sarnold> will continue the dpdk mir this week, aiming to finish it soon <sarnold> will help out with apparmor kernel patch review once that's finished <sarnold> and learn how to speak in complete sentences next week <sarnold> chrisccoulson? <tyhicks> jjohansen: do we have any pending apparmor kernel patch reviews to be done? <chrisccoulson> I've got a thunderbird update to do this week. And it looks like Oxide and Chromium too <mdeslaur> oh forgot to mention. because of my two-week holiday, I completely forgot how debian packaging works. <tyhicks> I thought I went through all pending patches in the last working week of 2015 <jjohansen> tyhicks: no, I think you covered it all <tyhicks> sarnold: fyi ^ <sarnold> oh hooray :) <jjohansen> of course since sarnold has so much fun with them ... <tyhicks> chrisccoulson: sorry, go ahead :) <chrisccoulson> Other than that, I'll be working through my e-mail backlog (well, ctrl+a, del) and doing some reviews <chrisccoulson> I think that's me done <tyhicks> chrisccoulson: lots of updates :) <tyhicks> mdeslaur: impressive that you can remember how debian packaging works across the weekends <tyhicks> [TOPIC] Highlighted packages * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Highlighted packages <tyhicks> The Ubuntu Security team will highlight some community-supported packages that might be good candidates for updating and or triaging. If you would like to help Ubuntu and not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so. <tyhicks> See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-security. To find out other ways of helping out, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved. <tyhicks> http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/jgit.html <tyhicks> http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/openjpa.html <tyhicks> http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/gcc-h8300-hms.html <tyhicks> http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/gcc-4.8-ppc64el-cross.html <tyhicks> http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/doctrine.html <tyhicks> [TOPIC] Miscellaneous and Questions * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Miscellaneous and Questions <tyhicks> Does anyone have any other questions or items to discuss? <dholbach> just because you mentioned highlighted packages... maybe somebody could take a look at bug 1528682? I saw it in the sponsoring queue today <ubottu> bug 1528682 in ffmpeg (Ubuntu) "FFmpeg security fixes December 2015 II" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1528682 <dholbach> but it's not a real discussion item... :) <tyhicks> dholbach: thanks - I'll have a look this week as part of the community role rotation that I'm on <dholbach> awesome - thanks <tyhicks> mdeslaur, jjohansen, sarnold, ChrisCoulson: Thanks! <tyhicks> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Mon Jan 4 16:55:51 2016 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2016/ubuntu-meeting.2016-01-04-16.39.moin.txt <jjohansen> thanks tyhicks <sarnold> thanks tyhicks <mdeslaur> thanks tyhicks! <cyphermox_> o/ <ginggs> happy new year all! <LocutusOfBorg1> hi :) * stgraber waves <micahg> !dmb-ping <ubottu> cyphermox, infinity, Laney, micahg, xnox, bdmurray, stgraber: DMB ping <bdmurray> o/ <cyphermox_> who`s turn to chair? <micahg> me I think <micahg> #startmeeting DMB meeting <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Jan 4 19:06:24 2016 UTC. The chair is micahg. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB meeting | Current topic: <micahg> Welcome to the DMB meeting <micahg> #topic Review of previous action items * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB meeting | Current topic: Review of previous action items <micahg> #subtopic DMB members who didn't consent to fill in feedback to Noskcaj <micahg> I'm guessing we didn't do this again? <micahg> carried <micahg> #topic Package Set/Per Package Uploader Applications * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB meeting | Current topic: Package Set/Per Package Uploader Applications <micahg> #subtopic TimoJyrinki / ubuntu-qt-packages <micahg> I think this just needs a quick vote, right? <stgraber> yeah <cyphermox_> yup <stgraber> and some paperwork as I believe we have the set but no team, I'll take care of that part <micahg> ok <micahg> #voters micahg stgraber cyphermox_ bdmurray <meetingology> Current voters: bdmurray cyphermox_ micahg stgraber <stgraber> Mirv -> +1 (IMHO this could have been handled without the extra round <stgraber> trip) <micahg> #vote Please vote to grant TimoJyrinki rights to the ubuntu-qt-packages packageset <meetingology> Please vote on: Please vote to grant TimoJyrinki rights to the ubuntu-qt-packages packageset <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) <stgraber> that's from Laney ^ <stgraber> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from stgraber <micahg> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from micahg <bdmurray> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from bdmurray <cyphermox_> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from cyphermox_ <micahg> #endvote <meetingology> Voting ended on: Please vote to grant TimoJyrinki rights to the ubuntu-qt-packages packageset <meetingology> Votes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 <meetingology> Motion carried <micahg> that's +5 actually, so that passes <micahg> stgraber: you ok with the action items around that <stgraber> yeah, I'll take care of it <infinity> Derp. I'll learn when this meeting is some day. <micahg> #action stgraber to create team for ubuntu-qt-packages and add timo-jyrinki to it <meetingology> ACTION: stgraber to create team for ubuntu-qt-packages and add timo-jyrinki to it <micahg> #voters infinity <meetingology> Current voters: bdmurray cyphermox_ infinity micahg stgraber <micahg> welcome infinity <micahg> I think ginggs is next on the agenda * xnox is here, sorry i'm late <micahg> #topic Ubuntu Core Developer Application * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB meeting | Current topic: Ubuntu Core Developer Application <micahg> #voters xnox <meetingology> Current voters: bdmurray cyphermox_ infinity micahg stgraber xnox <micahg> #subtopic Graham Inggs <micahg> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrahamInggs/CoreDevApplication <micahg> ginggs: can you introduce yourself please <ginggs> hi, I'm Graham Inggs, I've been a MOTU for 2 years and would like to become a core-dev <cyphermox_> I see a lot of uploads, but I find it a little hard to see what work you did that was in main specifically, could you help by pointing us at some things you`re particularly proud of? <xnox> cyphermox_, well, looking at http://ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?render=html&sponsoree=Graham+Inggs&sponsoree_search=name it seem like all the things that were sponsored in 2014 & 2015 were for main, as all other universe uploads are just in launchpad related packages. <ginggs> in main there have been some nvidia driver uploads (those are restricted, actually) <ginggs> recently I was invovled with the suitesparse transition <cyphermox_> xnox: not on my own computer, so I`m without my bookmarks :P <xnox> cyphermox_, ah =) ok, np. =) still chatting is more personal =) <ginggs> then there have been the occasional syncs from debian <xnox> ginggs, after uploading a package into ubuntu, do you do any follow-ups after that? <ginggs> i remain subscribed to the bugs and often subscribe to all bugs for those packages <ginggs> i also check that the packages build everywhere they are supposed to and migrate from proposed <infinity> ginggs: I don't think I have any questions, per se, about your technical skill. More just a question of what you intend to do with permissions to the entire archive. <infinity> ginggs: Specific main packages you care about, more involvement in transitions, etc. <infinity> (ie: don't be a core-dev unless you need to be) <ginggs> I would probably upload Nvidia drivers from time to time, but I will co-ordinate with tseliot on those, but if there is a fix I won't always have to wait on him <stgraber> micahg: actually, I won't be able to carry that action until the CC adds me back to the TB :) <xnox> ginggs, would you at all have any time to be a sponsor, and/or review things to be sponsored? http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/index.html <xnox> stgraber, lolz =) <stgraber> micahg: got everything else done but can't actually add the archive ACL as that requires to be a TB member <stgraber> was wondering why LP didn't like me and was giving me odd 401s for some stuff, that'd be why <ginggs> Yes, I have sponsored a few packages already https://ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?render=html&sponsor=Graham+Inggs&sponsor_search=name&sponsoree=&sponsoree_search=name <micahg> stgraber: right, saw the mail on that earlier <ginggs> obviously I haven't been able to sponsor any main packages, but being a core-dev would allow me to <xnox> nice =) <infinity> ginggs: Right, so that's where it hinges for me. An application for status is pointless, an application because you intend to do core-devy things is great, we need more people doing generally awesome general things. <infinity> ginggs: If you're all about helping people with review/sponsorship (emphasis on the REVIEW part), and mangling other main packages here and there, I'm happy with it. <ginggs> i'm very particular about testing before sponsoring <stgraber> micahg: elmo was kind enough to run edit-acl for me, so that's my action taken care of <micahg> stgraber: cool, thanks <micahg> ginggs: have you worked with the -proposed pocket migration to the release pocket in the devel release at all? <ginggs> i'm familiar with this page: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html <micahg> have you ever helped a package migrate to the release pocket? <ginggs> and i know to check for autopkgtest failures <ginggs> and reverse-depends <ginggs> is that what you mean? <micahg> yes, partially, have you actually fixed any issues that have come about due to an autopkgtest failure to help a package migrate? <ginggs> yes <micahg> I believe I've seen you work on transitions, so I won't ask about those <micahg> great <micahg> I think that's it for questions <micahg> #vote Please vote on ginggs becoming core-dev <meetingology> Please vote on: Please vote on ginggs becoming core-dev <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) <cyphermox_> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from cyphermox_ <bdmurray> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from bdmurray <stgraber> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from stgraber <micahg> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from micahg <xnox> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from xnox <micahg> and a +1 from Laney in absentia <micahg> #endvote <meetingology> Voting ended on: Please vote on ginggs becoming core-dev <meetingology> Votes for:6 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 <meetingology> Motion carried <micahg> ginggs: congrats <cyphermox_> I`m going to have to go soon <ginggs> thanks, all! <LocutusOfBorg1> congratz ginggs <cyphermox_> congrats ginggs <micahg> cyphermox_: we still have quorum without you <cyphermox_> yeah, just saying in advance. <micahg> I don't see psusi around <micahg> #topic MOTU applications * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB meeting | Current topic: MOTU applications <micahg> #subtopic Gianfranco Costamagna <micahg> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GianfrancoCostamagna/MOTUApplication <micahg> LocutusOfBorg1: could you introduce yourself please <LocutusOfBorg1> Hi, I'm Gianfranco Costamagna, I'm Debian Developer since 5 months, and I have been a DM since 2012 or 2013. I became a DD since I like to maintain my packages there, and sync on Ubuntu, but I always wanted to be an Ubuntu Developer (I applied for NM because somebody told me it was easier to became an Ubuntu starting from being a DD) <LocutusOfBorg1> I worked a lot on merges, and on forwarding patches to Debian (you will see some syncs, because I uploaded the ubuntu delta on Debian and synced soonafter the accept) <LocutusOfBorg1> s/a lot/on a lot <LocutusOfBorg1> my interests are keeping packages in sync, or at least up-to-date with Debian (this includes looking at merges or doing them myself) <LocutusOfBorg1> (e.g. I opened a gambas3 merge a few seconds ago, still needing work, but with a preliminar patch) <LocutusOfBorg1> I think that's all :) <micahg> LocutusOfBorg1: have you ever worked with any of the Ubuntu flavors (Xubuntu/Kubuntu/Lubuntu) whose packages mainly are in universE? <xnox> LocutusOfBorg1, are you going to upload boost-mpi-source1.58 =) and do you know why it needs an upload now? =)))))))) <LocutusOfBorg1> xnox, sure <LocutusOfBorg1> micahg, I think I don't remember none of them <LocutusOfBorg1> but I might be wrong, it has been 3 years since my start :) <micahg> do you know of a way to tell a package is on a particular Ubuntu image, in case you need to give one of the flavors a heads up on an upload (or preferably discuss beforehand if it's a potentially disruptive change) <LocutusOfBorg1> honestly not <micahg> so, there's a script in ubuntu-dev-tools <micahg> called seeded-in-ubuntu that can tell you if a package that you're about to upload is on an image <LocutusOfBorg1> thanks <xnox> LocutusOfBorg1, which tools do you usually use when working on ubuntu? =) <LocutusOfBorg1> I know reverse-depends, pbuilder-dist, grab-merge, and many others, but never used seeded-in-ubuntu <infinity> (Takes a source package as an argument) <LocutusOfBorg1> I use grab-merge, and dput, and debdiff to look to the output <LocutusOfBorg1> for sync I use syncpackage (well, I can't now), and requestsync <LocutusOfBorg1> I use backportpackage <LocutusOfBorg1> update-maintainer <mapreri> oh, last time I manually looked at all seeds :\ <infinity> LocutusOfBorg1: FWIW, this application is a strong +1 from me, as long as you continue your trend of asking questions and being careful about your uploads. Better to be inquisitive than to be wrong. ;) <LocutusOfBorg1> I think I'll start using pull-debian* checksymbols and something more, such as check-mir <LocutusOfBorg1> thanks infinity, better safe than sorry :) <micahg> LocutusOfBorg1: are you aware of the release cycle in Ubuntu and the various freezes? <LocutusOfBorg1> micahg, completely https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule <LocutusOfBorg1> :) <micahg> :) * LocutusOfBorg1 also breaks freezes each time, e.g. for virtualbox * LocutusOfBorg1 because kernel is uploaded after the freeze, and vbox ships a kernel module :) <micahg> LocutusOfBorg1: do you just upload (or request sponsorship), or do you have to do something else before you can upload a new major version after feature freeze? <LocutusOfBorg1> check reverse-dependencies, I shouldn't start a transition <LocutusOfBorg1> and for sure it needs to migrate from proposed, so each thing that can prevent migration should be avoided/fixed <LocutusOfBorg1> and check new features carefully for possible breaks <cyphermox_> I gotta go now, my vote would be +1 :) <cyphermox_> see you all later! <LocutusOfBorg1> e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/can-utils/+bug/1290253 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1290253 in can-utils (Ubuntu) "[Ffe] Sync can-utils 0.0+git20140227-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] <LocutusOfBorg1> thanks cyphermox <LocutusOfBorg1> e.g. this page is so important for me http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/xenial/update_excuses.html <micahg> LocutusOfBorg1: what's the 'Ffe' part in the bug? <LocutusOfBorg1> feature freeze exception, something I like to ask ;) <micahg> right, that's the piece I was getting at :0 <micahg> :) <LocutusOfBorg1> e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ettercap/+bug/1382848 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ettercap/+bug/1161001 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1382848 in ettercap (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Sync ettercap 1:0.8.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Medium,Fix released] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1161001 in ettercap (Ubuntu) "[ffe] please Sync ettercap 1:0.7.6-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] <micahg> ok, if there's no more questions, I'll start the vote <micahg> #vote Gianfranco Costamagna for MOTU <meetingology> Please vote on: Gianfranco Costamagna for MOTU <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) <infinity> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from infinity <stgraber> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from stgraber <bdmurray> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from bdmurray <micahg> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from micahg <xnox> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from xnox <xnox> and cyphermox is probably gone now. <micahg> #endvote <meetingology> Voting ended on: Gianfranco Costamagna for MOTU <meetingology> Votes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 <meetingology> Motion carried <micahg> LocutusOfBorg1: congrats <LocutusOfBorg1> thanks :) [21:05:15] <cyphermox_> I gotta go now, my vote would be +1 :) <mapreri> :) congrats mate ;) <LocutusOfBorg1> thanks you all :D <micahg> #topic AOB * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB meeting | Current topic: AOB <micahg> #info next chair is infinity <xnox> there was a poke that there will be members expiring from dmb. <micahg> yep <micahg> #info DMB election for 3 seats soon <micahg> any volunteers to run it? <xnox> one of which is I, and I shall not be nominating myself to run in the election. <xnox> just thought to let you all know. <infinity> xnox: Sounds like you just nominated yourself to run the election itself, then, so you can replace yourself. :P <xnox> infinity, damn, i guess i do qualify to be a returning officer *sigh* <xnox> also infinity you are extra special - your expiry term is out of sync with everybody else. <micahg> yeah, I think that was a mistake <xnox> i wonder if that's a mistake and e.g. you should be either aligned to the 2016 or the 2017 cycles. <micahg> should be 2017 <infinity> That was because I was in some special by-election to replace ScottK, wasn't I? <micahg> yep <micahg> and he had just been elected that year <micahg> *re-elected <xnox> infinity, yes you are special =) * infinity is a pretty, pretty snowflake. <micahg> ok, we'll find a victI^Wvolunteer to run the election at the next meeting <micahg> anything else? <micahg> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Mon Jan 4 20:18:18 2016 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2016/ubuntu-meeting.2016-01-04-19.06.moin.txt <xnox> that's it from me, i shall go back to hanging curtains. <micahg> thanks all <xnox> tah <infinity> Ta. <xnox> LocutusOfBorg1, and do make that boost-mpi-source1.58 upload =) <xnox> now that you can. <LocutusOfBorg1> thanks xnox I just need to followup with some permission granting, not sure about the workflow, but I think I'll take some days to learn the process <LocutusOfBorg1> I don't like newbie mistakes :D <xnox> LocutusOfBorg1, yeap, no problem =) launchpad is good at rejecting really bad things =) <LocutusOfBorg1> :D <LocutusOfBorg1> I know fortunately #ubuntu-meeting 2016-01-05 <Mirv> a quick thanks for yesterday meeting's +1 vote on PPU. <gnuoy> #startmeeting ubuntu-server-team <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jan 5 16:00:34 2016 UTC. The chair is gnuoy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: <gnuoy> #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting <gnuoy> hmm no action points... <gnuoy> unless I'm missing something <smoser> o/ <jgrimm> o/ <gnuoy> moving on <gnuoy> #topic Xenial Development * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Xenial Development <gnuoy> lets take a look at the release schedule <gnuoy> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule <gnuoy> that doesn't seem to be responding for me <gnuoy> ah, there it is <gnuoy> Jan 7 Alpha 1 (Monday, for opt-in flavors) <gnuoy> #subtopic Release Bugs <gnuoy> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-w-tracking-bug-tasks.html#ubuntu-server <gnuoy> argh, wrong one <gnuoy> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-x-tracking-bug-tasks.html#ubuntu-server <gnuoy> http://launchpad.net/bugs/1514731 <ubottu> Error: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #1514731 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1514731). The error has been logged <gnuoy> http://launchpad.net/bugs/1514482 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1514482 in walinuxagent (Ubuntu Xenial) "walinuxagent udev should be included in initramfs" [High,Confirmed] <gnuoy> http://launchpad.net/bugs/1510345 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1510345 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Xenial) "[SRU] Cloud Images do not bring up networking w/ certain virtual NICs due to device naming rules" [High,Triaged] <gnuoy> http://launchpad.net/bugs/1499620 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1499620 in python-oslo.log (Ubuntu Wily) "[SRU] Unintended assignment of "syslog"" [High,In progress] <gnuoy> http://launchpad.net/bugs/1510108 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1510108 in lxc (Ubuntu Xenial) "pre-installed lxc in cloud-image means loss of access to 10.0.X.0/24" [Medium,Triaged] <gnuoy> Two unassigned and apparently dosaboy is dealing with one and the other is incomplete <gnuoy> #topic Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou) <caribou> gnuoy: I'm good, nothing on my side <gnuoy> caribou, ta <gnuoy> anyone got anything for caribou? <gnuoy> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (matsubara) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (matsubara) <gnuoy> matsubara, anything from you? <gnuoy> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges) <arges> Nothing to report. Feed us any bugs. <gnuoy> arges, ta <nacc> gnuoy: i think matsubara is still on vacation <gnuoy> nacc, ok, thanks for the update <gnuoy> #topic Upcoming Call For Papers * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Upcoming Call For Papers <gnuoy> not sure what fosdems deadline is or if anyone had submitted a talk? <gnuoy> #topic Ubuntu Server Team Events * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Ubuntu Server Team Events <gnuoy> node that I know of <gnuoy> s/node/none/ <gnuoy> #topic Open Discussion * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Open Discussion <rbasak> teward: did you have anything? <rbasak> I guess not. <gnuoy> #topic Announce next meeting date, time and chair * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Announce next meeting date, time and chair <gnuoy> Next meeting Tuesday 12th January and your host will be the lovely zul <gnuoy> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Jan 5 16:12:57 2016 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2016/ubuntu-meeting.2016-01-05-16.00.moin.txt <caribou> thanks gnuoy <kickinz1> thanks! <gnuoy> np <dosaboy> gnuoy: sorry little slow on the mark, re 1499620 i'm waiting for someone to upload to proposed but its been a while <sabdfl> hello all <sabdfl> ish <mdeslaur> sabdfl: tech board meeting is in #ubuntu-meeting-2 if you're looking for it <sabdfl> thanks mdeslaur <Lord_System> Hello People Ubuntu #ubuntu-meeting 2016-01-07 <pitti> o/ * slangasek waves <xnox> hola =) <sil2100> o/ <slangasek> #startmeeting <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Jan 7 16:02:15 2016 UTC. The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick * doko grumbles after an update to xenial and thnderbird showing an empty folder pane <slangasek> [TOPIC] Lightning round * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round <slangasek> $ echo $(shuf -e barry doko bdmurray slangasek caribou infinity sil2100 robru cyphermox pitti tdaitx xnox chiluk) <slangasek> robru sil2100 xnox bdmurray pitti barry tdaitx cyphermox infinity chiluk slangasek doko caribou <robru> i win! <sil2100> Oh my <robru> lp:cupstream2distro <robru> * random small fixes for bugs found in production <robru> lp:cupstream2distro/charm <robru> * Fix key handling to use proper juju options rather than bespoke nonsense. <robru> * define ppa-team option rather than hard-coding the two possible teams <slangasek> everybody can tell us about their short week :) <robru> * Add support for openstack creds so that jenkins artifacts can be uploaded to swift. <robru> lp:bileto <robru> * Hide 'Updated ...' comments by default. <robru> * Input validation <robru> * nagios check <robru> lp:canonical-mojo-specs <robru> * major overhaul of mojo spec to help prevent a repeat of the big outage just before christmas <sil2100> Done? :) <robru> grrr <robru> 08:03:13 <robru> * nagios check <robru> 08:03:13 <robru> lp:canonical-mojo-specs <robru> 08:03:13 <robru> * major overhaul of mojo spec to help prevent a repeat of the big outage just before christmas <robru> 08:03:13 <robru> (done) <sil2100> No EOT marker, not sure if I can go on <sil2100> - Short week, started from Monday, national holiday on Wednesday <sil2100> - Landing team work, silo coordination, preparing landing e-mails <sil2100> - RTM Status meetings <sil2100> - Updated landing documentation <sil2100> - system-image: <sil2100> * Updated documentation regarding new features <sil2100> - Landing Team tools: <sil2100> * Add the landing-info tool to fetch train info per package version <sil2100> - +1-maintenance: <sil2100> * Prepared network-manager-applet 1.0.10 merge <sil2100> * Looked into merging network-manager-pptp 1.0.8 - requires new ppp <sil2100> * Checked merging ppp 2.4.7-1+1 and did a test build, prepare merge <sil2100> - Image copies and manipulation for ubuntu-core releases <sil2100> (done) <xnox> - fixing FTBFS... <xnox> (done) <bdmurray> mojo spec work - utilization of cassandra username and password <bdmurray> modified errors code / charms to properly configure static files (no more assets.u.c) <bdmurray> discovered /fixed issue with setting errors_secret_key on install <bdmurray> worked with webops to look into error retrieving ddebs from LP (librarian bug) <bdmurray> foundations bug triage <bdmurray> worked on a fix / submitted mp for apport bug LP: #1500541 <bdmurray> ✔ done <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1500541 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-retrace crashed with IOError in __main__: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '_usr_bin_Xorg.0.crash'" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1500541 <bdmurray> investigation into SRU of the fix for LP: #1439769 to Trusty <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1439769 in update-manager (Ubuntu Vivid) "various linux packages being marked as manually installed, still prevents 'apt-get autoremove' from doing the right thing for kernels" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1439769 <bdmurray> worked with google code in student re lp_buttontags (task completed) <pitti> (done?) <pitti> oh, apparently your paste was scrambled a bit <pitti> autopkgtest: set up armhf testing in Scalingstack, run into kernel bug, investigate (LP: #1531768) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1531768 in linux (Ubuntu) "arm64 kernel and multiple CPUs is unusably slow" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1531768 <pitti> archive: <pitti> - Untangle dozens of FTBFS and test regressions of various PHP modules, land new php5 <pitti> - help with perl migration (depended on PHP, some failing tests, some demotions, etc.), now landed at last <pitti> - merges: debhelper, ifupdown, openvpn, ruby-defaults, systemd <pitti> misc: <pitti> - test hallyn's pam-cgm with user lxc <pitti> - ifupdown: fix upgrade failure (#1531685) <pitti> - scour: package new upstream version, add py3 package and autopkgtest (as requested by doko) <pitti> - debci: fix flaky tests <pitti> EOF <tdaitx> * Clear up email/bug/other backlog from the holidays <tdaitx> * Build and retest OpenJDK 6 TLS patch (LP: #1482924) <tdaitx> * Looking into OpenJDK 9 build failures, using ppc64el machine for tests <tdaitx> Next: <tdaitx> - Finish up freeipmi merge (LP: #1527685) <tdaitx> - Continue squid3 merge <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1482924 in openjdk-7 (Ubuntu) "Regressions due to USN-2696-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1482924 <tdaitx> (done) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1527685 in freeipmi (Ubuntu) "Please merge freeipmi 1.4.11-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1527685 <slangasek> cyphermox is out this week <tdaitx> adam is not joining, he sent the status through email <slangasek> infinity sent his status by email <slangasek> chiluk: <chiluk> LP: #1347788 - Upstream findutils has released a new blessed stable version, not sure what the chances of getting this merged into xenial will be. <chiluk> LP: #1527062 - User reported hotfix kernel resolved issue, looking into what other kernels may be affected, and backporting. <chiluk> -fin- <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1347788 in findutils (Ubuntu Xenial) "find crashed when current working directory is not readable and -exec or -execdir used" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1347788 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1527062 in linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu) "XFS Deadlock on 4.2+" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1527062 <slangasek> * reviewed freeipmi merge sponsorship request; feedback given (LP: #1527685) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1527685 in freeipmi (Ubuntu) "Please merge freeipmi 1.4.11-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1527685 <slangasek> * looking this week at golang merge (LP: #1524165) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1524165 in golang (Ubuntu) "merge with debian" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1524165 <slangasek> * Debian has also updated to golang 1.5.2, so new upstream version coming <slangasek> * discussions preceding next week's CDO sprint <slangasek> * discussion with robru, saviq about how to reduce the source package prep time on the train <slangasek> * planning regarding juju support on s390x <slangasek> (done) <slangasek> * working to help get P7 hardware returned that has been replaced by P8 systems <tdaitx> slangasek, thanks for the freeipmi review btw =) <slangasek> tdaitx: no problem! <slangasek> doko: <doko> - test rebuilds: baseline and pie finished, gcc6 ongoing <doko> - reduced and submitted upstream/linaro issues for GCC issues, both GCC 5 and GCC 6 <doko> - around 40 merges for main <doko> - continue GCC 6 packaging <doko> (done) <slangasek> any questions? <slangasek> [TOPIC] AOB * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB <slangasek> anything else today? <sil2100> Any objections for me to take care of merging different ppp-like packages? <bdmurray> Is there anything special to be aware about re bug 1531194? <ubottu> bug 1531194 in app-install-data-partner (Ubuntu Xenial) "13.04 "raring-partner" channel included in 14.04/15.04/15.10/16.04" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1531194 <slangasek> sil2100: I don't think anyone here is likely to object to that; are there specific packages you have in mind that someone here is TIL for? <xnox> bdmurray, i think it's just a bug... but would be interesting to check that e.g. software centre doesn't break (it has channels stuff too) <slangasek> bdmurray: huh. is there a way to fix that which doesn't require it to be manually touched for each release? <sil2100> slangasek: not particularily, I already poked on -devel and just wanted to make sure you guys have nothing against that as well ;) It's like ppp, pptpd, fso-gsmd and the like <slangasek> sounds fine :) <slangasek> anything else? <bdmurray> slangasek: I didn't think about it that much yet. <slangasek> bdmurray: ok. since it has to ship a file within the package that contains the info, I don't see a good way to make it no-touch series neutral. Could do something with dpkg triggers and update it whenever base-files / distro-data updates... or we could just add it to a list of packages that need to be touched when the archive opens for the cycle <slangasek> the source does seem to already auto-generate the release name, so it only needs an upload to get the right name <bdmurray> roger <slangasek> should probably be recorded on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewReleaseCycleProcess <slangasek> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Thu Jan 7 16:27:16 2016 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2016/ubuntu-meeting.2016-01-07-16.02.moin.txt <slangasek> thanks, all! <pitti> thanks everyone <sil2100> o/ <seb128> hey <dholbach> hey :) <sgclark> hello <mhall119> o/ <dholbach> czajkowski, hggdh, marcoceppi: around? <dholbach> #startmeeting <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Jan 7 17:01:42 2016 UTC. The chair is dholbach. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick <dholbach> hey seb128 :) <jcastro> is this for the membership meeting? <dholbach> no, CC meeting <marcoceppi> o/ <dholbach> meeting up with Desktop team and later on with the DMB <dholbach> #catching up with the Desktop team <dholbach> #topic catching up with the Desktop team * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: catching up with the Desktop team <dholbach> seb128: how are you doing? :) <seb128> hey! <seb128> Laney should be around as well for desktop ;-) <seb128> doing well! what about you? <dholbach> great, thanks :) <dholbach> how are things in the desktop team? how's 16.04 shaping up? <seb128> things are looking quite nice <seb128> we are mostly done with updates/merges/features landing <mhall119> some big things this cycle right <mhall119> ? <Laney> hi <seb128> not big/disruptives features <seb128> though some interesting bits <mhall119> seb128: is there still work going on to support Snappy app installation? <seb128> but mostly bugfixing and polish <dholbach> big icons on the desktop, right? <dholbach> SCNR :) <seb128> dholbach, indeed! <seb128> like them right? <seb128> mhall119, no idea, that's a question for the snappy team <dholbach> errrrmm <seb128> they are the ones working on that <seb128> mvo was more specifically <mhall119> seb128: oh, I thought you guys on will's team were working on that <dholbach> let's say I haven't got used to them yet :) <seb128> mhall119, no <mhall119> ok <seb128> dholbach, we changed the default size to be smaller, might not apply to those who upgraded/loaded a session with the old version though <czajkowski> aloha :) <seb128> but users upgrading now should have less "in your face" ones ;-) <seb128> hey czajkowski! <mhall119> seb128: have the online-scopes changes all landed and settled? <dholbach> oh ok... so I have to apply some magic somewhere to get it fixed? <seb128> mhall119, I think so <didrocks> (yes, just a server-side part still needed by the online service team) <seb128> there were some server side changes pending iirc but I didn't check on those <seb128> didrocks, ^ do you know what's the status? <seb128> oh <seb128> he snapped me :p <seb128> didrocks, thanks ;-) <didrocks> https://twitter.com/didrocks/status/676759237100486660 <didrocks> btw ;) <mhall119> is chipaca the person to ask about the server-side still? <didrocks> mhall119: I guess he's part of the guys who should look at it, yeah <seb128> dholbach, just move the slider in the icon/list icon (top right corner) to small, if that's still too big then we need to do more <didrocks> should be a 10 minutes change on the server, still needs to happen though :) <seb128> didrocks, I didn't know you were using twitter ;-) <marcoceppi> \o/ remote search <didrocks> seb128: started recently (but also updated on g+, as usual) <dholbach> I'm not quite sure which slider, but let's take that offline, I guess :) <seb128> yeah <mhall119> seb128: didrocks: Laney: who do you have in the community that is working with your team? What do you think we can do to increase that community participation? <dholbach> is the desktop team involved in any unity8 bits or supporting other teams in that regard? <seb128> dholbach, not much at the moment, we are focussing on the LTS <seb128> we are there for other teams when they need us though <seb128> and still look at issues/help on some specific bits <Laney> darkxst and mitya57 and sometimes Noskcaj <Laney> probably some others <seb128> no regular contributors to Ubuntu Desktop only <seb128> but Ubuntu GNOME is doing well and share components <Laney> those guys are getting upload rights for themselves <Laney> Tim joined the desktop team <Laney> which is nice <mhall119> \o/ <Laney> but it's still following the general trend <Laney> not as bad as MOTU though <mhall119> general trend of declining participation? <Laney> yes <Laney> declined probably <mhall119> the guys who are participating,what kind of things are they doing? <Laney> it's already a few years old thing <Laney> usually things motivated by flavour needs <Laney> updates, patches and stuff <mhall119> patches to apps, gtk, something else? <dholbach> and the coordination there is going well? <Laney> it's not hard to coordinate with 2-3 people <Laney> patches to applications and libraries, yeah <Laney> mitya57 learned how to work the CI train too <dholbach> right... but in the past there were issues because some decision on ubuntu desktop blocked a flavour, etc <dholbach> I was interested in hearing if that's been an issue recently <Laney> More because the desktop team was making breaking changes I would guess <Laney> I think we don't do so much of that any more <seb128> we updated most of the components this cycle, including the apps we blocked for some cycles like gedit <Laney> but there are still some annoying areas <dholbach> or one team needing newer components than the other <Laney> like we maintain a need for some UI changes which is a drag <mhall119> I'm glad to hear that the community guys are getting upload rights, are you encouraging them all to progress towards becoming Ubuntu Developers? <seb128> it's still somewhat conflicting needs but we are dealing with it ok <dholbach> ok, that's good to hear <Laney> and I've just today been looking at some changes to get us off an old webkit version <dholbach> <3 <Laney> I suppose that interests the flavours because we have to revert patches <dholbach> the future is here :-) <Laney> but I wouldn't say there has been a lot of community energy around it really <czajkowski> :D <czajkowski> Laney: what would you like to see to improve this ? <czajkowski> what can we do to drive some life into it ? <Laney> UDS? :) <mhall119> Laney: come to UbuCon Summit :) <marcoceppi> ubucon! <sgclark> ahh yes that is soon <czajkowski> mhall119: but what about EU, when do we get to have them over here in the same level? <Laney> I'm not invited though <dholbach> czajkowski: one step after the other <Laney> and neither do most of the community have the oppportunity to apply for sponsorship as far as I know <mhall119> czajkowski: UbuCon EU will hopefully become that <Laney> anyway I was being a bit facetious <dholbach> Laney: apply for sponsorship <dholbach> let's take a step at a time - that we get a big group of people together again after many years of no UDS-like event at all is a good step and something dpm and other put quite a lot of work into <Laney> I guess we're not as exciting as we might have been once? Or people moved on for whatever reasons <mhall119> Laney: why do theynot have the opportunity to apply for sponsorship? <Laney> Somehow attract people back <sgclark> Well, I think it is larger than that, I know we are feeling a pinch from lack of new contributors at Kubuntu <dholbach> did the desktop team add tasks to the google code in this time? <seb128> yes <Laney> yeah, didrocks can probably tell you how that went <dholbach> nice... how did that go? * Laney didn't hear <seb128> didrocks and willcooke have been looking at desktop contributions <didrocks> we had quite some contributions (and I'm still helping people as we speak in separate channels :)) <seb128> they seemed to be positive * dholbach hugs didrocks <sgclark> awesome <didrocks> right now, we have 5 tasks that are closed (not trivial ones) * didrocks hugs dholbach back <didrocks> 3 in serious progress <didrocks> some other opened, with less traction, but we'll see :) <dholbach> and they're hanging out with you guys in the desktop channel already? :) <Laney> mhall119: well maybe I missed it but I didn't see an invitation to apply anywhere <didrocks> dholbach: unfortunatly, they either stay on the google-ubuntu channel or use PM <didrocks> (or just the web interface) <mhall119> Laney: the process is different from UDS sponsorship, if you missed it that means we didn't do a very good job advertising it <mhall119> dholbach: ^^ we should make a note to improve that for the next big UbuCon <dholbach> makes sense <dholbach> it's part of the ubuntu community donations fund <mhall119> maybe bake it into ubucon.org at some point <dholbach> http://community.ubuntu.com/help-information/funding/ <mhall119> Laney: ^^ for future reference <Laney> I know about that fund <mhall119> that's what is being used to sponsor community people to go to UbuCon Summit <Laney> but not that you could use it to apply for sponsorship to this thing <Laney> ok <mhall119> it can be used to apply for travel expenses to any event where your presence will benefit Ubuntu <dholbach> right, that could have been more explicit - people used the fund in the past to get to conferences <Laney> I would not like to use that for myself as an employee though, that feels strange to me <mhall119> Laney: yeah, I think all the Canonical employees going are being paid for by Canonical <mhall119> but it can (and should) be used by employees for community-oriented work <mhall119> ok, getting back on topic since we have only a couple minutes left, what can we change or improve to get more people excited about participating in the desktop's development? <seb128> unsure, that question doesn't feel like specific to desktop <Laney> umm so I have one project that we'll want to get some help on <dholbach> do we have some more smaller tasks you could hand out to new contributors? <dholbach> Laney: which one? <Laney> if and when we switch to GNOME software there will be a new source for app metadata <mhall119> Google Code-In sounds like it's getting some fresh faces, which is great, we should encourage them to stick around and work towards becoming Ubuntu Members and eventually Ubuntu Developers <Laney> which is different and in some ways more strict than app-install-data which softare-center uses now <Laney> some things will need fixing and we'll eventually have a website listing them <Laney> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2015/12/msg00004.html <sgclark> do we have like a junior jobs listing anywhere? <dholbach> so this metadata needs to be compiled? <sgclark> probably just a file right? <sgclark> xml, yaml? <Laney> we'll have a list of errors <Laney> things like "Icon not found" <Laney> *or* for things that have no metadata at all people will be able to write an appstream metadata file to provide that <Laney> and ideally supply it to the upstream <dholbach> Laney: if you want help organising the initiative, you can write a mail to ubuntu-community-team@lists.u.c <mhall119> so it sounds like we need an initiative like we did years ago to get larger icons and Quicklists for apps <dholbach> I'm sure there's going to be a few folks who can help out organising this <sgclark> I would be interested in helping with that myself. And promoting it. <dholbach> <3 <Laney> https://appstream.debian.org/html/sid/main/issues/index.html <mhall119> Laney: the community team can help with this, certainly. <Laney> I know that Kubunbu want to use this same data ;-) <sgclark> exactly lol <dholbach> great :-D <Laney> sgclark: yay <dholbach> Laney: thanks for looking into that! <mhall119> Laney: will we have to maintain our own set of ths metadata, or can we get the info into debian and then just import it? <Laney> mhall119: cool, I thought you would find it interesting <Laney> it is shareable <Laney> upstreams themselves should ship it really <sgclark> yeah it needs to be submitted upstream <Laney> see the many blogs and posts by Richard Hughes <mhall119> perfect, we'll probably need people to help getting it through Debian's processes, since they are different than Ubuntu's <Laney> fedora started this last year or even the year before <sgclark> like for KDE I am adding it as a test in the CI <Laney> we may even want to insist that they go upstream <mhall119> Laney: for the Unity Quicklists, we would accept patches in Ubuntu if they were accepted upstream, so we didn't have to wait for everything to flow downstream before we got them, will that be the case here too? <Laney> because one benefit might be that we stop promoting unmaintained applications <sgclark> I agree <Laney> anyway, not decided yet <dholbach> depending on the timing it might be acceptable to ship a delta for some time, right? <dholbach> at least for the "important" apps(?) <sgclark> probably <seb128> yeah, it's likely that not all apps get releases between the start of the effort and the LTS <seb128> or that the new versions don't get in Ubuntu because ff <dholbach> ok <dholbach> nice initiative :) <Laney> definitely for maintained things <Laney> questonable for long tail <Laney> it is a discussion to have <mhall119> seb128: Laney: ok, as soon as you're ready to start planning for it, bring in the community team and we'll help with documentation and outreach, if you guys can help with the technical bits and working with upstreams <dholbach> thanks a lot for your hard work on the desktop! <Laney> will do, thanks! <mhall119> yes, thank you all for your continued work on the desktop and with the community <seb128> thanks :-) <sgclark> thank you for your hard work! <dholbach> brilliant... any more questions for our desktop heroes? <mhall119> I'm good <sgclark> good here. <dholbach> ok cool - thanks a lot for making time everyone! <seb128> thank you for the invitation ;-) <dholbach> do we have folks from the DMB here as well? :) <dholbach> #topic Catching up with the DMB * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Catching up with the DMB <dholbach> don't we have a dmb-irc-ping thing? :) <Laney> !dmb-ping <ubottu> cyphermox, infinity, Laney, micahg, xnox, bdmurray, stgraber: DMB ping <dholbach> :-) <xnox> ? <Laney> maybe someone else could take this half :-) <xnox> hi =) <Laney> ah, unlucky * Laney runs <dholbach> the CC is catching up with the DMB :-) <xnox> oh <dholbach> how are things? * xnox probably forgot to add the invite to my calendar. <xnox> we have some applicants, we approved some, things are going ok i guess. <dholbach> well, we're glad you guys are still here :-) <xnox> i think there was more, and higher-level (motu/core) applicants lately, which is good. <dholbach> yeah, I noticed some more emails on the mailing list <dholbach> and not all of them were Canonical folks, which is nice to see as well <dholbach> I wonder if it's because more teams like the desktop team encourage their contributors to apply? <dholbach> so would you say that the process is fine-tuned and the machinery is well-oiled enough? <dholbach> I think I remember that some discussions on the mailing list took a bit longer in the past - do you know if that is still the case? <xnox> i don't think much changed to be honest. if everyone is present at the meeting, it goes quickly. things deffered to mailing list, are kind of doomed to take forever =) <dholbach> do you have a longer queue there right now? <mhall119> are you seeing any obstacles that potential applicants are facing that might stop them from applying? <xnox> i don't think our queue is too long. <xnox> it did grow a little due to holidays, but it is reasonable. <dholbach> ok, that's good to hear <czajkowski> that's good! <xnox> obstacles... none that i'm aware per se. <dholbach> it might be a bit daunting still I could imagine <dholbach> I think I'll send a mail to the devel list asking people to consider encouraging folks whose uploads they've sponsored - just as a reminder <mhall119> and encouraging existing developers to write testimonials for applicants <czajkowski> aye I think part of the thing to do is to remmeber to encourage people <czajkowski> and that reaching out to people makes a big difference to encourage people to apply <dholbach> yeah <dholbach> is there anything else you feel the CC could help with? <dholbach> or any questions you have? <dholbach> hum... <czajkowski> any other comments? <dholbach> I feel like this was probably not the best time for the DMB folks O:-) <sgclark> that is my feeling as well lol <czajkowski> hard to get the best time for all <seb128> you used your Laney card in the first half with desktop :p <czajkowski> but it was nice to catch up with folks <mhall119> it's like they're doing work or something, geez <czajkowski> thank you :) <dholbach> seb128: I know :) <mhall119> thank you xnox and the rest of the DMB <dholbach> ok, maybe we can move that part to email... if you have anything, let us know - we're happy to help if we can <dholbach> and thanks for your work on the DMB! <sgclark> thank you all for your hard work <xnox> ;-) <dholbach> I just posted a note on @ubuntudev asking sponsors to encourage folks they've worked with :) <dholbach> #topic Any other business? * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Any other business? <dholbach> I checked the agenda and there's nothing else on there, but does anyone have anything they'd like to talk about? <sgclark> I do not, still trying to catch up after holidays. <mhall119> can we promote UbuCon again? I've gone 10 minutes without doing that :) <czajkowski> mhall119: every time you mention UbuCon you need to do 10 squats! <mhall119> :/ <dholbach> mhall119 will be the squat meister next time we see him :) <mhall119> I'll decline that title, if it's all the same to you <dholbach> mhall119: I wanted to write another blog post about it <czajkowski> LOL <sgclark> lol <mhall119> thanks everyone for attending, as always the CC is available anytime we're needed, just give us a ping or an email <dholbach> ok...... looks like no other topics <dholbach> thanks a lot everyone for attending! <czajkowski> or mention the word Ubucon and it summons mhall119 :) <sgclark> thanks for my first catchup <dholbach> :) <dholbach> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Thu Jan 7 18:04:28 2016 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2016/ubuntu-meeting.2016-01-07-17.01.moin.txt <juanc> listo por aca. <juanc> Con un poquito de problemas para configurar el irc en la tablet. * wxl passes around the french press * genii sips <wxl> alright everyone ready for the membership board meeting? <Emerling> o/ <Lord_System> o/ <elmudometal> o/ <mariogrip> o/ <ChloeWolfieGirl> o/ <Kilos> hi guys <wxl> hello everyone :) <Cyb3rthR0n3> 0/ <toddy> hello <marcoceppi> \o <wxl> let me just arrange the chairs real quick <marcoceppi> we'll start in 2 mins <marcoceppi> ish * wxl passes out donuts and coffee <Emerling> :) <Kilos> wxl gracias <Kilos> wb elacheche_anis <wxl> de nada, Señor Kilos <elacheche_anis> Hey! <jcastro> hola! <wxl> ¿como estás, jcastro? <marcoceppi> #startmeeting 20:00 UTC Ubuntu Membership Board <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Jan 7 20:00:12 2016 UTC. The chair is marcoceppi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 20:00 UTC Ubuntu Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: <jcastro> good good! <marcoceppi> Hello and welcome to the Ubuntu Membership Review Board for the 20:00 UTC meeting for January 7, 2016. <marcoceppi> The wiki page for the Review Board is available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/Boards <wxl> ¡què bueno! <marcoceppi> We will attempt to get through all of the applicants that have added themselves to that list before today's meeting. If we are unable to make it through the entire list due to time constraints, then at the next meeting we will pick up where we left off. <marcoceppi> The format for the meeting is as follows: We will go through the list of applicants one by one, by date of application (FIFO). <marcoceppi> Each applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and provide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page. After the introduction the members of the Membership Review Board will review the pages and, if needed, ask the applicant further questions. <marcoceppi> During this time it is encouraged for other members of the community to show their support for the applicant. Do not be alarmed if the members of the Membership Review Board are quiet during this time; they are most likely reading wiki/launchpad/forum/other pages and deciding how they are going to vote. <marcoceppi> When the board is ready to vote, they will publicly vote in the channel with either +1, 0, or -1 (for membership, abstain, and against membership, respectively). If the sum of those numbers amounts to at least +1, then the applicant is now an official Ubuntu member! (feel free congratulate them!) <marcoceppi> #votesrequired 4 <meetingology> votes now need 4 to be passed <marcoceppi> #voters Kilos elacheche_anis toddy ahoneybun wxl cwayne popey hggdh jcastro marcoceppi <meetingology> Warning: Nick not in channel: cwayne <meetingology> Current voters: Kilos ahoneybun cwayne elacheche_anis hggdh jcastro marcoceppi popey toddy wxl <marcoceppi> #topic kokoye2007 * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 20:00 UTC Ubuntu Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: kokoye2007 <Kilos> hehe <marcoceppi> kokoye2007 doesn't seem to be here <marcoceppi> #voters Kilos elacheche_anis toddy ahoneybun wxl cwayne popey hggdh jcastro marcoceppi PabloRubianes <meetingology> Current voters: Kilos PabloRubianes ahoneybun cwayne elacheche_anis hggdh jcastro marcoceppi popey toddy wxl <elacheche_anis> Next, we'll see if he'll be here before the end of the meeting :) <marcoceppi> Yup <marcoceppi> #topic Lord_System * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 20:00 UTC Ubuntu Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: Lord_System <marcoceppi> Lord_System, please introduce yourself to the board, and share a link to your LP and wiki <elacheche_anis> Lord_System: you're here <elacheche_anis> ? <Emerling> o/ <Emerling> Lord_System, it s here <Lord_System> O/ <juanc> 0/ <Lord_System> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmanuelTorresC <Lord_System> launchpad.net/~emanueljtc <jcastro> I really like your team's pics: https://www.flickr.com/photos/138137179@N04/sets/72157662333295920 <jcastro> that's awesome <marcoceppi> Lord_System: would you like to say a few words/introduce yourself? <popey> Nice testimonials Lord_System <PabloRubianes> Lord_System: si tenes problemas con el idioma avisa... yo te ayudo <Lord_System> Hi jcastro thanks bro <wxl> i love the online radio station, too https://launchpad.net/~radio-online-ubuntu-venezuela <ahoneybun> lots of good stuff going on <wxl> indeed ahoneybun <Emerling> Lord_System The friend has provided great support for several years in the community. and there have been ideas and projects like the online radio ubuntu Venezuela team.and he has participated in important roles within work teams of our team. <Lord_System> A pleasure for all the community Ubuntu-ve Venezuela am and as already years ago forming part of the software world free <Lord_System> A pleasure for all the community Ubuntu-ve Venezuela am and as already years ago forming part of the software world free <Lord_System> A pleasure for all the community Ubuntu-ve Venezuela am and as already years ago forming part of the software world free <Lord_System> sorry <marcoceppi> Are there any questions for Lord_System? <toddy> Lord_System: Do you use also other distributions of linux than ubuntu? <ahoneybun> how is your LoCo doing lately Lord_System ? <Emerling> Lord_System, have lag <ahoneybun> that's ok <Lord_System> yes I've used linux mint among others <marcoceppi> #vote Lord_System <meetingology> Please vote on: Lord_System <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) <popey> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from popey <popey> Nice contributions! <marcoceppi> +1 Great work and amazing community initiatives! <meetingology> +1 Great work and amazing community initiatives! received from marcoceppi <Kilos> +1 Keep up the great job you are doing <meetingology> +1 Keep up the great job you are doing received from Kilos <wxl> +1 keep up the great work! <Lord_System> ahoneybun, my current community is ubuntu ve <meetingology> +1 keep up the great work! received from wxl <toddy> +1 Thanks for your contribution <meetingology> +1 Thanks for your contribution received from toddy <elacheche_anis> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from elacheche_anis <ahoneybun> +1 can't wait to see some more awesome pictures of your LoCo events! <Emerling> Lord_System, clpas you hand aplaude loco,,, hponor a quien honor merece, la proxima escribe mas <meetingology> +1 can't wait to see some more awesome pictures of your LoCo events! received from ahoneybun <marcoceppi> #endvote <meetingology> Voting ended on: Lord_System <meetingology> Votes for:7 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 <meetingology> Motion carried <elacheche_anis> Congrats Lord_System <marcoceppi> Contrats Lord_System! <jcastro> congrats! <Kilos> Lord_System welcome on board and congratulations <Emerling> felicidades Lord_System <toddy> congrats Lord_System <Emerling> que susto me hiciste pasar <Naudy> felicitaciones Lord_System <marcoceppi> Okay, next on the list - crisyelit <marcoceppi> #topic crisyelit * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 20:00 UTC Ubuntu Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: crisyelit <Lord_System> Thanks to all dare best of my real thank you and we apologize for slow I have much lag <wxl> ¡felicitaciones Lord_System! <Emerling> I want to thank all members of ubuntu-ve for supporting his teammates :) <marcoceppi> crisyelit, please introduce yourself to the board, and share a link to your LP and wiki <Lord_System> my internet is very slow really thanks <crisyelit> Buenas Tardes a todos, disculpe escribire en español, ya que mi ingles no es muy bueno, se me permite <crisyelit> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/crisyelit <crisyelit> https://launchpad.net/~crisyelit <X3MBoy> crisyelit: te puedo ayudar, sino te molesta <crisyelit> https://www.flickr.com/cameraroll <crisyelit> claro X3MBoy <Emerling> Crisyelit is a friend who has been in charge of organizing events and meetings in the south, working on migration and talks in the region, highlighting the work as it is a region of difficult technological development and it has been a great support for technological development that region <X3MBoy> crisyelit sayd: Good afternoon to all, i will write in spanish, my english is not so goog, so if you allow me <crisyelit> mi nombre es jhuliana delgado, ing. sistema, de edo bolivar, venezuela <wxl> thank you X3MBoy!!! <Kilos> thanks X3MBoy <crisyelit> en el estado me he encargado de de realizar las migraciones de windows a linuy <X3MBoy> crisyelit sayd: my name is jhuliana delgado, systems engineer, from Bolivar, Venezuela <crisyelit> linux <elacheche_anis> Thanks X3MBoy & Emerling for supporting your LoCo :) * popey added emanueljtc to ubuntumembers <X3MBoy> crisyelit sayd: in my place i've been in charge of some migrations from windows to linux <crisyelit> he sido facilitadora para usuarios final en el manejo ubuntu, tando para la parte ofimatica como en el area de desarrollo <X3MBoy> crisyelit: i've been traineer from final users into the use of ubuntu, each office software and development area <Lord_System> gracias gente de verdad este internet se puso lento en el momento menos propicio de verdad dare mucho mas de mejor de mi por el proyecto Ubuntu <toddy> I can not see the pictures on https://www.flickr.com/cameraroll :( – i have no yahoo account <crisyelit> he participado dando charlas en los eventos tecnologicos en aplicaciones que se puedan instalar y soportar en ubuntu, tales como health <X3MBoy> crisyelit sayd: i've been participating given speechees in tech events about applcations that can be installed and supported in ubuntu, like "health" <crisyelit> mi mayor interes a ser miembro de ubuntu, es para aportar en los proyecto de mejoras de plataforma tanto como en areas educativa como desarrollo tecnologicoç <X3MBoy> crisyelit sayd: my greatest interest in been an Ubuntu Member, is to support projects about improve platforms, both teaching and tech development <marcoceppi> Excellent, thank you! <marcoceppi> #vote crisyelit <meetingology> Please vote on: crisyelit <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) <jcastro> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from jcastro <elacheche_anis> +1 Keep the excelent contributions :) <meetingology> +1 Keep the excelent contributions :) received from elacheche_anis <Kilos> +1 wonderful work <meetingology> +1 wonderful work received from Kilos <marcoceppi> +1 Fantastic work! <wxl> +1 so impressed about your evangelism!!!! <meetingology> +1 Fantastic work! received from marcoceppi <meetingology> +1 so impressed about your evangelism!!!! received from wxl <toddy> +1 Thanks for your work. <meetingology> +1 Thanks for your work. received from toddy <popey> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from popey <popey> :) <marcoceppi> #endvote <meetingology> Voting ended on: crisyelit <meetingology> Votes for:7 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 <meetingology> Motion carried <marcoceppi> Congrats crisyelit! Welcome <X3MBoy> crisyelit: Congrats!!! * popey adds crisyelit to ubuntumembers <Emerling> crisyelit, abrazo amiga, compañera felicidades.. exitos, gracias por ser parte del team,. <popey> Congrats! <elacheche_anis> Congrats <Kilos> crisyelit welcome on board <elacheche_anis> :) <Naudy> Felicidades crisyelit <Emerling> crisyelit, kisses <Kilos> :D <mariogrip> Congrats :D <PabloRubianes> bien! crisyelit <crisyelit> gracias a todos, me esforzare para no defraudarlos...kiss <X3MBoy> crisyelit sayd: Thanks all, i will put my effort to not leting you down, kiss <X3MBoy> crisyelit: ;) * wxl starts editing the wiki <marcoceppi> Cyb3rthR0n3: I believe you are next? <Cyb3rthR0n3> 0/ <marcoceppi> #topic Cyb3rthR0n3 * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 20:00 UTC Ubuntu Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: Cyb3rthR0n3 <Emerling> crisyelit, 3 woman UM latinamerica <Kilos> hugs are in order <marcoceppi> Cyb3rthR0n3, please introduce yourself to the board, and share a link to your LP and wiki <Cyb3rthR0n3> https://launchpad.net/~alfierimorillo <popey> thanks X3MBoy for translations! <Cyb3rthR0n3> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Alfieri%20Morillo <Kilos> whew <x3mboy> popey, no problem <Kilos> wb x3mboy <Kilos> keep it up <wxl> for you english speakers this might be useful https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=es&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwiki.ubuntu.com%2FAlfieri%2520Morillo&edit-text=&act=url <wxl> if you prefer a smaller link http://v.gd/kiFrYJ <x3mboy> Kilos, sorry, my pidgin fly away, i miss something??? <wxl> ugh i think i had the wrong settings <wxl> https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwiki.ubuntu.com%2FAlfieri%20Morillo <wxl> or http://v.gd/dSwLyN <Kilos> yes short part/join <Emerling> he is one of the members has steadily learned and has had some you gave to keep the active team, has been helpful in attending events and contributing ideas face meetings and providing knowledge <Kilos> you peeps in venezuela seem to have a great team going there <jcastro> yeah I dig the mutually supporting cast <wxl> ¡viva venezuela! <Emerling> viva!! <Cyb3rthR0n3> :) <marcoceppi> Yes, totally! <Kilos> nice when teams work together like that <wxl> i think it's notable that Cyb3rthR0n3 was responsible for converting 40 machines at Territorial Polytechnic University José Antonio Anzoátegui to Ubuntu MATE! <Kilos> great <Cyb3rthR0n3> If indeed I was the one responsible for migration <Cyb3rthR0n3> so far all work very happy <wxl> Cyb3rthR0n3: well, that's what your wiki page says, no? :) <marcoceppi> Excellent! <marcoceppi> #vote Cyb3rthR0n3 <meetingology> Please vote on: Cyb3rthR0n3 <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) <wxl> +1 keep up the good work! <meetingology> +1 keep up the good work! received from wxl <marcoceppi> +1 Love the work you've done in the community! <meetingology> +1 Love the work you've done in the community! received from marcoceppi <jcastro> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from jcastro <popey> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from popey <Kilos> +1Keep it up <meetingology> +1Keep it up received from Kilos <jcastro> awesome work all across the board <toddy> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from toddy <elacheche_anis> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from elacheche_anis <marcoceppi> #endvote <meetingology> Voting ended on: Cyb3rthR0n3 <meetingology> Votes for:7 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 <meetingology> Motion carried <wxl> added to members <marcoceppi> Congrats Cyb3rthR0n3! Welcome! <wxl> congrats! <Kilos> congrats <mariogrip> Congrats :D <Emerling> felicidades Cyb3rthR0n3 abrazos amigo <Cyb3rthR0n3> :) thank you very much, <elacheche_anis> Congrats <x3mboy> Cyb3rthR0n3, congrats! <Cyb3rthR0n3> Gracias equipo! <Kilos> what a team <Naudy> felicitaciones Cyb3rthR0n3 o/ <Emerling> ubuntu-ve team <Cyb3rthR0n3> 0/ Gracias por el apoyo! <Abr1l> Cyb3rthR0n3, felicitaciones <marcoceppi> #topic elmudometal * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 20:00 UTC Ubuntu Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: elmudometal <marcoceppi> elmudometal, please introduce yourself to the board, and share a link to your LP and wiki <LordSystem> Felicidades mi amigo Cyb3rthR0n3 <elmudometal> good afternoon to all people here <elmudometal> https://launchpad.net/~elmudometal <wxl> hi elmudometal! you're the only one with a hackergotchi it seems, so you get an extra +1 XD <elmudometal> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/elmudo <Kilos> hehe <w1zz4rd> felicitaciones cyb3rthR0n3 <Emerling> lol <toddy> elmudometal: good evening. :D <elmudometal> My name is Hernan Guzman am Maturin Venezuela, ing I work in informatics software development, community seek to promote the use of free software hosting events and migrations. <wxl> elmudometal: great to meet you! how is the ubuntu phone development coming along? <elmudometal> I look back at my work area to the community of ubuntu-ve in various parts like translating, beta tester, among other developments <Emerling> he is one of the partners with major contribution in events for years, has worked constantly reporting bugs and translating, has organized several events such as ubuntu-ve aniversariode and has trasladadoa different parts of the country giving talks and workshops on ubuntu . <elmudometal> as I currently interested in ubuntu phone and in developing applications for QML <elmudometal> and ubuntu phone tester in some smartphone is a little slow arrival as a multi device <elmudometal> but already approaching sdk ubuntu bsatante even cross-platform environment for applications ubuntu and ubuntu phone <elmudometal> sdk ubuntu but already it is pretty close even cross-platform environment for applications ubuntu and ubuntu phone <marcoceppi> excellent <marcoceppi> #vote elmudometal <meetingology> Please vote on: elmudometal <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) <Kilos> +1 Great job. keep it up <meetingology> +1 Great job. keep it up received from Kilos <jcastro> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from jcastro <PabloRubianes> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from PabloRubianes <elacheche_anis> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from elacheche_anis <toddy> +1 stay by the work of ubuntu touch <meetingology> +1 stay by the work of ubuntu touch received from toddy <marcoceppi> +1 great job! <meetingology> +1 great job! received from marcoceppi <popey> +1 - I'd welcome some contributions on ubuntu touch on core apps :) <meetingology> +1 - I'd welcome some contributions on ubuntu touch on core apps :) received from popey <ahoneybun> +1 keep working with Ubuntu Touch :) <meetingology> +1 keep working with Ubuntu Touch :) received from ahoneybun <wxl> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from wxl <wxl> go touch! <marcoceppi> #endvote <meetingology> Voting ended on: elmudometal <meetingology> Votes for:9 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 <meetingology> Motion carried <wxl> added to members <marcoceppi> Congrats elmudometal! <Kilos> congratulations and welcome aboard <wxl> congrats! <Emerling> felicidades elmudometal abrazos hermano vamos pa oriente c omer pesacado y celebrar <elmudometal> thank you very much to all <Naudy> Felicitacion elmudometal <popey> \o/ <w1zz4rd> felicitaciones mi pana <Cyb3rthR0n3> Felicitaciones mano!! <LordSystem> Felicidades brother <elmudometal> aca los esperamos !! <Naudy> \m/ <marcoceppi> Great, okay, one more! mariogrip are you ready? <Emerling> I want to thank the whole team ubuntu-go for the usual support <mariogrip> Yes! <marcoceppi> #topic mariogrip * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 20:00 UTC Ubuntu Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: mariogrip <ahoneybun> wait mariogrip ? <marcoceppi> mariogrip, please introduce yourself to the board, and share a link to your LP and wiki <ahoneybun> +1 already lol <mariogrip> I'm a 18 Year old open source programmer from Bergen, Norway. I started programming at an early age of 10, and I have always had a love Ubuntu and Linux! I first installed Ubuntu 8.04 on a old HP laptop. I ported Ubuntu Touch to Oneplus one, and currently porting to Oneplus one, two and x. I created the UBports project with an goal of porting Ubuntu Touch to <mariogrip> as many devices as I can. (ubports.com and github.com/ubports) <jcastro> yeah seriously the oneplus? <jcastro> +1 from me <mariogrip> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MariusGripsgard <mariogrip> https://launchpad.net/~mariogrip <ahoneybun> his OnePlus One port is pretty much 100% <wxl> nice mariogrip !!! can i get you to make some ports for me? XD * popey is running Ubuntu on a OnePlus One thanks to the work from mariogrip <ChloeWolfieGirl> \(owo)/ <mariogrip> And i'm also really interested in Ubuntu snappy and ubuntu convergence <wxl> i think the ubports project needs a link on the touch pagfe <wxl> i guess there KIND OF is one <ahoneybun> for sure wxl +100000000 <popey> I pasted a testimonial from dpm (because he is in the pub, afk) <popey> (he wrote it, I can prove that) <wxl> in any case, that's highly impressive <marcoceppi> Any additional questions? <wxl> mariogrip rules! let's vote! :) <marcoceppi> #vote mariogrip <meetingology> Please vote on: mariogrip <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) <marcoceppi> +1 great work so far, keep it up! <meetingology> +1 great work so far, keep it up! received from marcoceppi <wxl> +1 port all the things! <meetingology> +1 port all the things! received from wxl <elacheche_anis> +1 nice work! <meetingology> +1 nice work! received from elacheche_anis <jcastro> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from jcastro <Kilos> +1 dont stop now <meetingology> +1 dont stop now received from Kilos <toddy> +1 nice work! <meetingology> +1 nice work! received from toddy <ahoneybun> +1 amazing port work, keep it up!!!! <meetingology> +1 amazing port work, keep it up!!!! received from ahoneybun <popey> +1 <meetingology> +1 received from popey <popey> (I would plus more, but I can't) <Kilos> hehe <mariogrip> Thanks! :D <marcoceppi> #endvote <meetingology> Voting ended on: mariogrip <meetingology> Votes for:8 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 <meetingology> Motion carried <wxl> added to members <toddy> congrats mariogrip <marcoceppi> Congrats mariogrip welcome! <popey> wxl, beat me to it :) <wxl> congrats!!! <Kilos> congrats marcoceppi <mariogrip> Thanks everyone :D <ahoneybun> add some 0's to that 8 <Naudy> congrats mariogrip <wxl> popey: i had my finger on the button :) <elacheche_anis> Congrats to ALL new members :) <marcoceppi> Congrats to all new members: Lord_System crisyelit Cyb3rthR0n3 elmudometal and mariogrip! <ahoneybun> awesomesauce <Kilos> great meeting <popey> yeah! <Kilos> ubuntu scores <marcoceppi> Thank you board members and all who voiced support for todays candidates <popey> I love it when we get a whole clean slate! <marcoceppi> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Thu Jan 7 20:56:23 2016 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2016/ubuntu-meeting.2016-01-07-20.00.moin.txt <Kilos> marcoceppi thanks for chairing <Cyb3rthR0n3> thanks! <ahoneybun> popey, you have a list of everyone who is now a member? <elacheche_anis> Thanks for chairing marcoceppi :) <ahoneybun> *members <popey> mariogrip, I told dpm - he's in a bar and having a drink on to celebrate :D <ahoneybun> we should info the UWNL <ahoneybun> ubuntu-news <mariogrip> popey: Awesome :D :D <ChloeWolfieGirl> :D <Kilos> night everyone <mhall119> congratulations mariogrip <mariogrip> Thanks mhall119 :D #ubuntu-meeting 2017-01-03 <cpaelzer> o/ <powersj> o/ <gaughen> so I think I'm running the meeting today, although it says chair is rbasak <caribou> \o <jgrimm> o/ <jgrimm> thanks gaughen <gaughen> #startmeeting ubuntu-server-team <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jan 3 16:00:37 2017 UTC. The chair is gaughen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: <jgrimm> indeed, it doesn't look like the wiki page is updated. fwiw, there were no action items last time <jgrimm> gaughen, ^^ <gaughen> #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting <gaughen> cool, thank you jgrimm <gaughen> no action items, moving on <jgrimm> :) <gaughen> #topic Zesty Development <gaughen> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZestyZapus/ReleaseSchedule * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Zesty Development <gaughen> feature freeze is Feb 16, that's the closest date I see <jgrimm> going to be a quiet meeting <gaughen> #subtopic blueprints <gaughen> #https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-z-server-core <gaughen> jgrimm, and that's all right by me! <gaughen> #subtopic Release Bugs <gaughen> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-z-tracking-bug-tasks.html#ubuntu-server <jgrimm> nothing really new to point out there. good progress <gaughen> not sure anything worth noting <gaughen> #topic Server & Cloud Bugs & SRU/Pending Uploads (caribou) <gaughen> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-x-tracking-bug-tasks.html#ubuntu-server * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Server & Cloud Bugs & SRU/Pending Uploads (caribou) <gaughen> caribou, any words today? <caribou> LP: #1447715 - dhclient -6: Can't bind to dhcp address: Cannot assign requested address <caribou> LP: #1452202 - ubuntu preseed install fails to set a hostname <caribou> LP: #1579609 - os-prober bug resulting in possible FS corruption <caribou> LP: #1621340 - [SRU]'multipath -r' causes /dev/mapper/<wwid> being removed <caribou> LP: #1640382 - Segfault event notifier because of race condition <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1447715 in ifupdown (Ubuntu Xenial) "dhclient -6: Can't bind to dhcp address: Cannot assign requested address" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1447715 <caribou> LP: #1642903 - introduce disk/by-id (model_serial) symlinks for NVMe drives <caribou> LP: #1648901 - SPNEGO crash on mechanism failure <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1452202 in netcfg (Debian) "ubuntu preseed install fails to set a hostname" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1452202 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1579609 in os-prober (Ubuntu Xenial) "os-prober bug resulting in possible FS corruption" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1579609 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1621340 in multipath-tools (Ubuntu Xenial) "[SRU]'multipath -r' causes /dev/mapper/<wwid> being removed" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621340 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1640382 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive "Segfault event notifier because of race condition" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1640382 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1642903 in systemd (Ubuntu Trusty) "introduce disk/by-id (model_serial) symlinks for NVMe drives" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1642903 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1648901 in krb5 (Ubuntu Xenial) "SPNEGO crash on mechanism failure" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1648901 <caribou> those are the SRU under our radar <gaughen> any comments on them? <gaughen> anybody? <jgrimm> all good <gaughen> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (powersj) <gaughen> #link https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/ * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (powersj) <gaughen> powersj, the mic is yours <powersj> Catching up on bugs and email, then announcing the new integration tests as a part of cloud-init and reviewing wes' merge. <jgrimm> \o/ <gaughen> woot! on the new integration tests!!!! <gaughen> moving on <gaughen> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee) * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee) <gaughen> well I see neither of these kernel folks here <gaughen> so I'm just moving on <cpaelzer> not around yet today <gaughen> #topic Upcoming Call For Papers <gaughen> #link https://lwn.net/Calendar/Monthly/cfp/ * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Upcoming Call For Papers <gaughen> #topic Ubuntu Server Team Events * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Ubuntu Server Team Events <jgrimm> nada <gaughen> #topic Open Discussion * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Open Discussion <gaughen> any open discussions for today/ <gaughen> ? <gaughen> 3 <gaughen> 2 <gaughen> 1 <jgrimm> :) <gaughen> #topic Announce next meeting date, time and chair * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Announce next meeting date, time and chair <jgrimm> record time <gaughen> next week, same time, same place - jamespage is scheduled to chair but we should probably find a replacement as he'll be in cpt <gaughen> I could leave rbasak in the lead since he didn't move himself :-) <jgrimm> gaughen, agreed <gaughen> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Jan 3 16:07:14 2017 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2017/ubuntu-meeting.2017-01-03-16.00.moin.txt <gaughen> done. <jgrimm> thanks gaughen <powersj> thanks! <caribou> thanks! <gaughen> you are very welcome, have a great day all! #ubuntu-meeting 2017-01-05 <chiluk> morning folks * slangasek waves <barry> o/ <sil2100> o/ <xnox> o/ <gaughen> o/ <slangasek> #startmeeting <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Jan 5 16:02:24 2017 UTC. The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick <caribou> \o <slangasek> [TOPIC] lightning round * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: lightning round <slangasek> $ echo $(shuf -e barry doko bdmurray slangasek caribou infinity sil2100 robru cyphermox tdaitx xnox chiluk mwhudson) <slangasek> caribou robru sil2100 mwhudson xnox infinity cyphermox chiluk tdaitx doko bdmurray slangasek barry <chiluk> o/ * chiluk is glad he's not first <caribou> short week due to new year <xnox> barry wins =) <barry> wake me up before i go go <caribou> investigating LP: #953875 still problematic on Trusty <ubottu> Launchpad bug 953875 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "Encrypted swap no longer mounted at bootup" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/953875 <robru> sorry not ready <caribou> uploading new makedumpfile 1.6.1-1 to Debian, to be synced to Zesty <caribou> some more work on the sosreport charm <caribou> (done) <sil2100> robru: ok, I'll go before you then <sil2100> - Landing team work, silo coordination <sil2100> - Investigating broken images for frieza_arm64 and cooler_arm64 <sil2100> * Bisecting changes, gathering logs, filling bugs <sil2100> * Re-spinning images after new fixed lxc landed (thanks stgraber!) <sil2100> - Reading up on SRU review processes and tools <sil2100> - Investigating broken ubuntu-budgie flavor builds <sil2100> * Big thanks to Colin for creating the required tasks, waiting for a migration run <sil2100> - system-image config cleanup, redirecting device tarballs for after John's leave <sil2100> - Poking around the blocked ubuntu-keyboard in zesty-proposed <sil2100> - Looking into ubuntu-image size and offset <1MiB handling <sil2100> (done) <slangasek> xnox: <xnox> s390x srus uploads (a few are in the unapproved queue) <xnox> upstart session porting uploads <xnox> fixing pm-management in subordinate systemd <xnox> porting systemd-shim ntpd to subordinate systemd <xnox> (short week monday was nyd substitute day) <xnox> EOF <slangasek> chiluk: <chiluk> CORE DEV APPLICATION - please endorse me. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/chiluk/CoreDevApplication . Comments/suggestsions/advice also welcome. <chiluk> LP#1650067 - qemu - Actively working on backporting patches to error with fatal instead of abort under memory constrainted conditions. <chiluk> LP#1647389 - qemu- I haven't yet determined the correct special sauce to reproduce this. It appears that the issue may still exist upstream. See https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2016-12/msg02066.html <chiluk> --done-- <robru> ok I'm ready <robru> (1/14) lp:britney <robru> (2/14) * disable piuparts <robru> (3/14) * fix debian tests <robru> (4/14) lp:bileto <robru> (5/14) * some style tweaks <robru> (6/14) * Proxy access to swift excuses files. (LP: #1629969) <robru> (7/14) * Fix filterdiff globbing (LP: #1651790) <robru> (8/14) * Use larger textarea for sources list. <robru> (9/14) * Identify when dest version is higher than ours (LP: #1627636) <robru> (10/14) * Stop redirecting to ambiguous "latest" endpoint (fixed job log refresh races) <robru> (11/14) * Abort if target trunk is not writable by us. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1629969 in Bileto "Bileto should proxy access to britney excuses files" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629969 <robru> (12/14) * Notice new diffs at end of diff job (LP: #1649595) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1651790 in Bileto "bileto packaging diffs include anything that has 'debian' as a subpath" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1651790 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1627636 in Bileto ""Successfully built" status appears on silo which needs to be rebuilt" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1627636 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1649595 in Bileto "status at end of diff job fails to notice new diffs" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1649595 <barry> chiluk: nice! <chiluk> barry endorse PLEASE! <chiluk> I set low expectations, and will be pleasantly surprised if I get approved. <sil2100> chiluk: wow, that's a LOT of comments! Nice ;) <chiluk> sil2100: we have a large team. <chiluk> some are community folks though.. <chiluk> I tend to do talks at the meetups in Austin. <bdmurray> whoopsie daisy! <robru> (let me know if my paste got cut off...( <barry> chiluk: every bit helps <bdmurray> took over the ~apport user from pitti <bdmurray> untagged elementary bug reports as need-amd64-retrace <bdmurray> worked on having apport use gdb from a release sandbox <bdmurray> tested nvidia-304 driver from PPA (LP: #1639180) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1639180 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-304 (Ubuntu Xenial) "no login possible after update to nvidia 304.132" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1639180 <bdmurray> created a test case for update-manager bug (LP: #1548425) <bdmurray> uploaded fix for update-manager bug (LP :#1548425) to X queue <bdmurray> submitted unattended-upgrades mp to fix dry-run and marking packages for deletion <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1548425 in update-manager (Ubuntu Xenial) "update-manager crashed with AttributeError in check_hovering(): 'tuple' object has no attribute 'get_tags'" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1548425 <bdmurray> setup sponsoring report code to run as ubuntureports on cranberry <bdmurray> irc discussion re: release task nomination and targetting <bdmurray> irc discussion with kamal regarding errors and a python crash from awscli <bdmurray> ✙ done <doko> bdmurray, went ahead? <doko> - GCC 6.3.0 release packaged <doko> - binutils 2.28 branch packaged <doko> - GCC 7 updated <doko> - bootstrapping rustc <doko> - made LLVM 3.9 the default, demoted two LLVM versions, now only having 3.9 in main <doko> - merges, MIRs, ... <doko> (done) <barry> slangasek? <barry> short week back after holidays <barry> debuntu: xonsh dm --allow (and moderately investigate failures); LP: #1642723 & python-webencodings 0.5-2; LP: #1647031; LP: #1654025; investigate pycurl test flakiness; investigate python-bleach failure w/newer html5lib (https://github.com/mozilla/bleach/issues/217) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1642723 in python-webencodings (Ubuntu) "[MIR] python-webencodings" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1642723 <barry> other: PEP 538 (C locale coercion proposal) reading & review; pycon 2017 registration; start reviewing newpitti candidates <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1647031 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-resolved’s server does not follow CNAME records" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1647031 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1654025 in Auto Package Testing "trusty/armhf dkms tests are killing workers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1654025 <barry> --done-- <slangasek> * happy new year! <slangasek> * short week; Monday was a bank holiday, Friday traveling to Cape Town for sprint <slangasek> * reviewing applications for open position <slangasek> * systemd bugfixes: LP: #1642903 uploaded to trusty, LP: #1647485 under discussion upstream, LP: #1647031 needs fixing in zesty <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1642903 in systemd (Ubuntu Trusty) "introduce disk/by-id (model_serial) symlinks for NVMe drives" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1642903 <slangasek> (done) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1647485 in systemd (Ubuntu) "NVMe symlinks broken by devices with spaces in model or serial strings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1647485 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1647031 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-resolved’s server does not follow CNAME records" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1647031 <doko> why do others go to Cape Town in summer? /me remembers freezing at DebConf ... <sil2100> Oh, forgot to mention: tomorrow is a national holiday in Poland and I took a holiday for Monday next week <xnox> doko, debconf planning sucks =) <xnox> doko, i bet it will be freezing in canada too <slangasek> any questions over status? <slangasek> doko: I saw llvm-toolchain-3.8 wanting to be repromoted; are you handling that? <doko> slangasek: that's the pocl recommends. the MIR is incomplete anyway. and pocl doesn't seem to be ported to 3.9 yet <barry> slangasek: should we bump up LP: #1647031 and revert? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1647031 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-resolved’s server does not follow CNAME records" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1647031 <slangasek> barry: yes, that was my suggestion yesterday :) <barry> slangasek: yep, in a pvt channel :) i'll test that out today <slangasek> ok <slangasek> barry: thanks :) <slangasek> [TOPIC] AOB * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB <slangasek> anything else? <sil2100> Can someone promote/demote some ubuntu-keyboard binaries to unblock it from -proposed? :) <slangasek> sil2100: taking <sil2100> slangasek: thanks! It's either demoting ubuntu-keyboard-esperanto to universe or promoting all ubuntu-keyboard binaries to main <slangasek> sil2100: done <sil2100> Or the poor package will stay in limbo forever <sil2100> Thanks! <slangasek> sil2100: it's demoting, per http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed * sil2100 is done <slangasek> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Thu Jan 5 16:29:12 2017 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2017/ubuntu-meeting.2017-01-05-16.02.moin.txt <slangasek> thanks, folks! <barry> thanks! <sil2100> Thanks! #ubuntu-meeting 2017-01-08 <TheFocus> General advise... Any ideas how to reverse this command: sudo chown -R USER /etc #ubuntu-meeting 2018-01-03 <HasV3158> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ A BUSY MEETING IS GOING ON NOW IN #/JOIN ITS A JOINT MEETING WITH THE DISCUSSION OF RE-ENSLAVEMENT OF NIGGERS..MESSAGE CHRONO OR VAP0R FOR DETAILSqvukvpfnfm: ejat FourDollars oSoMoN ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <HasV3158> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ A BUSY MEETING IS GOING ON NOW IN #/JOIN ITS A JOINT MEETING WITH THE DISCUSSION OF RE-ENSLAVEMENT OF NIGGERS..MESSAGE CHRONO OR VAP0R FOR DETAILSrhfhao: sbeattie flexiondotorg tyhicks ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <HasV3158> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ A BUSY MEETING IS GOING ON NOW IN #/JOIN ITS A JOINT MEETING WITH THE DISCUSSION OF RE-ENSLAVEMENT OF NIGGERS..MESSAGE CHRONO OR VAP0R FOR DETAILSxhbfbmawhu: JanC tribaal cydizen ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <HasV3158> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ A BUSY MEETING IS GOING ON NOW IN #/JOIN ITS A JOINT MEETING WITH THE DISCUSSION OF RE-ENSLAVEMENT OF NIGGERS..MESSAGE CHRONO OR VAP0R FOR DETAILStqnnpuoy: sforshee abrody gaughen ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <HasV3158> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ A BUSY MEETING IS GOING ON NOW IN #/JOIN ITS A JOINT MEETING WITH THE DISCUSSION OF RE-ENSLAVEMENT OF NIGGERS..MESSAGE CHRONO OR VAP0R FOR DETAILSjbnwav: gsilvapt oSoMoN ogra_ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ <HasV3158> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ A BUSY MEETING IS GOING ON NOW IN #/JOIN ITS A JOINT MEETING WITH THE DISCUSSION OF RE-ENSLAVEMENT OF NIGGERS..MESSAGE CHRONO OR VAP0R FOR DETAILSobjcj: Hedged-Handful jamespage ghostcube ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ #ubuntu-meeting 2018-01-04 * slangasek waves <philroche> \o <slangasek> #startmeeting <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Jan 4 16:04:36 2018 UTC. The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick <rbalint> o/ <slangasek> [TOPIC] Lightning round * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round <slangasek> $ echo $(shuf -e slangasek bdmurray xnox tdaitx doko sil2100 rbalint infinity cyphermox mwhudson rcj philroche Odd_Bloke tribaal fginther) <slangasek> bdmurray rcj Odd_Bloke sil2100 infinity tribaal cyphermox slangasek mwhudson doko xnox fginther tdaitx philroche rbalint <slangasek> bdmurray: hello <bdmurray> email catch up and review <bdmurray> SRU verified unattended-upgrades for Z, A (LP: #1269177) <bdmurray> pinged / discussed with SRU team about apport security regression (LP: #1733366) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1269177 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu Bionic) "Running 'unattended-upgrades --dry-run' reboots the machine" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1269177 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1733366 in Apport "apport crashed with FileNotFoundError in is_container_pid(): [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/proc/11102/ns/pid'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1733366 <bdmurray> uploaded fix for u-r-u Prompt=normal bionic bug (LP: #1740523) <bdmurray> tested LP: #1718497 - it's fine <bdmurray> modifications to apport to speed it up <bdmurray> arranged travel to sprint <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1740523 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Bionic) "Prompt value is set to "normal" instead of "lts" after upgrading to 18.04" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1740523 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1718497 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "checkFreeSpace says it checks /var but may not really" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718497 <bdmurray> ✔ done <bdmurray> rcj: <rcj> * vacation <rcj> * catch up from vacation <rcj> (done) <Odd_Bloke> * HIGHLIGHT: HAPPY NEW YEAR <Odd_Bloke> * Uhh... <Odd_Bloke> (done) <Odd_Bloke> tribaal: <tribaal> * Vagrant SRU changes for the xenial image under way! Waiting for verification. <tribaal> * Partner work. <tribaal> * Too much to eat, too much to drink, family time <tribaal> (done) <slangasek> * happy new year <slangasek> * looking at build failures in bionic (avahi, a couple others) <slangasek> * tracking BIOS-breaking kernel issue <slangasek> * discussions around nvidia packaging for GPU computing <slangasek> * the embargo is broken and everything is on fire <slangasek> (done) <slangasek> doko: <doko> - prepared and started test rebuilds <doko> - now evaluating GCC and binutils regressions <doko> - some MIRs and NEW processing <doko> (done) <slangasek> xnox: <xnox> fixing migrations/tests => systemd migrated all by itself <xnox> working on s390-tools v2+ upgrade <xnox> libsecommp update released, thank you all <xnox> working on fixing s390x cloud-test-framework failures <xnox> catch up on systemd upstream work + discussions <xnox> (done) <slangasek> fginther: <fginther> * Image build system vanguard. <fginther> * Implementing some jenkins job cleanup. <fginther> (done) <philroche> * Ate all the mince pies <philroche> * Cloud image boot speed testing <philroche> (done) <rbalint> (short week) <rbalint> * livecd-rootfs changes <rbalint> * internal testbed setup <rbalint> * Debian: <rbalint> - kodi new upstream & bug gardening <rbalint> - libcec upload for GCC transition <rbalint> - first release of debian-dad <rbalint> (done) <doko> rbalint: which GCC transition? <rbalint> GCC-7 <rbalint> #853485 <rbalint> this is now fixed in unstable <slangasek> rbalint: ah, so this was FTBFS in Ubuntu w/ gcc-7 up to now? <slangasek> and fixed via Debian upload <slangasek> any other questions re: status <slangasek> ? * sil2100 missed the meeting <slangasek> sil2100: want to give your status now? :) <sil2100> I could, but I don't have it ready! Let me prepare it and paste <sil2100> - Regular SRU reviews/releases <sil2100> - Looking at some NBS packages (lib64expat1, poking gitweb for lynx-cur) <sil2100> - ubuntu-image: <sil2100> * Investigating autopkgtest failures on bionic armhf - hard to investigate <sil2100> * Fixing new PEP-8 issue in bionic <sil2100> - Preparing new google-cloud-sdk <sil2100> - Other stuff <sil2100> (done) <sil2100> Oh, and I was syncing up regarding the xenial HWE stack <slangasek> ok, any other questions on status? <bdmurray> nope <slangasek> [TOPIC] Bugs * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Bugs <slangasek> [LINK] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs <slangasek> anything needing triage here? <bdmurray> bug 1739531? <ubottu> bug 1739531 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-collect SHOULD NOT collect gnome-shell command history and favorites" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1739531 <slangasek> huh <slangasek> bdmurray: +1 for taking that one <bdmurray> okay, I'll target it to the release then <slangasek> sorry, already did <slangasek> any others? <bdmurray> nothing else new per se <slangasek> [TOPIC] AOB * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB <slangasek> anything else today? <bdmurray> bug 1738517 is a duplicate and I'll sort that out <ubottu> bug 1738517 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update-manager does not expand details on progress on 17.10 & 18.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1738517 <doko> merges ... <doko> we have a lot ones still assigned to former team members <doko> please could we assign these to current team members? <rbalint> i'm in for that <slangasek> doko: which ones do you mean? are they ones the team owns (foundations-bugs listed on https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html)? <doko> well, ba rry, cj watson, ... <slangasek> what /packages/ do you mean <doko> I don't have a list <doko> yes, owner is foundations-bugs <slangasek> barry's name is only on aptdaemon; we would preferably be migrating from aptdaemon to packagekit, not merging it <bdmurray> Is there even anything to merge with that? <nacc> it's only in oldstablle (per rmadison) <slangasek> doko: so, we need tooling to show people what work is yet to be done. do you want to fix grep-merges to work by subscribing team name? <rbalint> doko, slangasek: how about about a blog post on planet.ubuntu.com calling for everyone to mark their merges if they want to work on them with a two weeks timeout? <doko> I can try to do that, but it would be low priority for me before I vanish at the end of next week <doko> for two weeks <slangasek> rbalint: I don't think that's the problem; we're talking about packages that have been unmerged for some time already, and core-devs should always feel free to grab them with an advisory ping to the person who touched it last <xnox> slangasek, "migrating from aptdaemon to packagekit, not merging it" -> is that hapeening? <rbalint> slangasek: i would do a broadcast ping then pick everything unmarked <doko> ugh, blogging about a team task? <slangasek> I don't think that buys us anything as a process to have a one-time ping <rbalint> slangasek: we would not have to ping people individually and may raise awareness for the merges if we mention universe as well <slangasek> rbalint: you are free to do this, but I don't think you want to blog about this repeatedly, and I don't think the problem doko is raising is a single point in time issue <slangasek> anything else on this? <slangasek> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Thu Jan 4 16:46:59 2018 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2018/ubuntu-meeting.2018-01-04-16.04.moin.txt <slangasek> thanks, folks! <sil2100> Thanks! <flexiondotorg> wxl jose ahoneybun elopio o/ <ahoneybun> here sorry <wxl> ah good <wxl> we were just discussing whether or not we're having it <wxl> so let's do it <wxl> one sec <ahoneybun> the meeting? <wxl> meanwhile see agenda https://community.ubuntu.com/t/call-for-topics-community-council-meeting-20180104/2793 <ahoneybun> thanks wxl <wxl> #startmeeting Community Council meeting: 20180104 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Jan 4 17:33:07 2018 UTC. The chair is wxl. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council meeting: 20180104 | Current topic: <wxl> as aforementioned, agenda is https://community.ubuntu.com/t/call-for-topics-community-council-meeting-20180104/2793 <elopio> thanks for preparing it wxl. <wxl> no problem <wxl> i'm a little rusty with meetingology so bear with me <wxl> if there's anything you want to add to the agenda, now's the time. get it in at the bottom <wxl> #topic Progress from last meeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council meeting: 20180104 | Current topic: Progress from last meeting <wxl> #subtopic wiki discussion <wxl> i believe elacheche (who is currently on the phone) and popey were going to start a discussion about the wiki. i haven't seen anything on the hub yet. <wxl> perhaps someone else might want to start the discussion and then they can join in later? <popey> Yeah, it's not happened yet. I'll ping elacheche when they're around and we'll kick it off now the holidays are over <elopio> I wouldn't feel confident starting this discussion. Looking at how popey handled the hub, I'm happy to wait for when he's ready to start the wiki topic. <wxl> from what i read in the old notes, popey, it seems like you wanted to kind of provide an exhaustive history. maybe a simple summary might be a good place to start? <popey> Sure <wxl> in any case, it's obviously tabled, so we'll just deal with it next time <wxl> i'll move on unless someone else has thoughts on this? <wxl> #action @popey will produce a basic post on the Hub about the wiki, with a more extensive one to follow <meetingology> ACTION: @popey will produce a basic post on the Hub about the wiki, with a more extensive one to follow <wxl> #subtopic LoCo Council update <wxl> AFAIK nothing to tell here. I've watched over them a bit and they seem to be doing great. Had a huge number of re-verifications to deal with and dealt with them marvelously. <wxl> any questions? otherwise i'm moving on. <wxl> #subtopic 2018 Q1 events <wxl> this one's yours ahoneybun <elopio> wxl: maybe, just one action to invite them to the next meeting? Or the one in feb. <ahoneybun> are we talking about conferences? or what? <wxl> elopio: to explicitly deal with some particular thing or just to hang out? <wxl> no, i think it's more about planning and announcing ubuntu events. let me dig through logs <flexiondotorg> I've just added an agenda item about LFNW. <elopio> wxl: just hang out. <wxl> #action @wxl to invite LoCo Council to next meeting to hang out <meetingology> ACTION: @wxl to invite LoCo Council to next meeting to hang out <ahoneybun> are we planning more UbuCons or maybe one at LFNW with that new agenda item? <wxl> oh i'm sorry <wxl> this is UCADay <wxl> maybe? <wxl> wait <wxl> sorry this confusing :) <ahoneybun> no that happened already <wxl> look here https://community.ubuntu.com/t/community-council-meeting-20171207/2851 <wxl> there's an action item that mentions our next item and has you associated with it ahoneybun and also includes an item to "plan and list global evenets for the 2018 Q1" <wxl> so that may not actually be yours <ahoneybun> ahhh <wxl> but it's not clear anyone actually owned that <wxl> looking at the logs https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2017/ubuntu-meeting.2017-12-07-17.01.moin.txt <ahoneybun> I think it's a group action <wxl> it seems there was a discussion about Global Jams, etc. <ahoneybun> mine was the monthly community member highlight <wxl> yeah we'll get to that next :) <ahoneybun> yay Global James <jose> yep so <jose> last time we discussed having a 'featured event of the quarter' <wxl> is there someone that can at least produce a list of all of teh potential events so we can start working on planning? <ahoneybun> I don't have much since I've been out of it for life <wxl> that might be more managable <wxl> we can take them one at a time <jose> basically, we'd source a list of events from the LC and then we'd work with the LC to make one of them the 'featured event of the quarter' <ahoneybun> +1 featured events of the quarter <jose> do we want to start that for Q1? or push it to Q2? <wxl> well i'm also thinking it's probably on our shoulders to announce the larger events <wxl> like Global Jam itself, for example <jose> if we want to start it for Q1, does the LC have enough events or a global event we can feature? <jose> UGJs are on the LC <wxl> ah and you mean events in general <wxl> such as Ubuntu Hours, install fests, general get togethers <elopio> personally, I would like to focus next on translations. <elopio> I can plan something for march or april, together with the locos. <wxl> ok well let's not jumble up too much here <jose> yep, leaving planning aside <jose> 1.- can the LC provide a list of global events happening soon <jose> if not, then let's push it for Q2 <wxl> +1 <wxl> jose, would you get in touch with them and get a list? <jose> if they can, 2.- let's discuss it in the meeting we'll have with them to figure out the featured event of the quarter <jose> sure <jose> now, ideally, we'd work on the Q2 event during Q1, Q3 during Q2, and so on <jose> so we're a tad late, but we can make it work <wxl> ok <jose> I'll get the gears moving on my side <wxl> #action @jose to get the LoCo Council to provide a list of global events happening soon, with the goal of then having the CC picking an event to feature <meetingology> ACTION: @jose to get the LoCo Council to provide a list of global events happening soon, with the goal of then having the CC picking an event to feature <wxl> does that wrap up this topic? <jose> I'd say so <jose> not much else we can do on it <wxl> ok <wxl> now it's time for ahoneybun :) <wxl> #subtopic monthly community member <wxl> floor's yours my friend! <ahoneybun> I've been thinking fo the best way to vote for a community member <wxl> ooh voting. i like it. involve the community. <ahoneybun> social might not be the best but it is reachable to more people then mailing list <elopio> ahoneybun: for january, I suggest we highlight the winners of the google code-in. <wxl> of course they're likely not members, so that might be a different thing <ahoneybun> yea we can use jan to get together the voting with social media accounts <wxl> or do we mean community members (lowercase)? <elopio> oh, they have to be approved? <ahoneybun> community members can be non-ubuntu members <ahoneybun> like gnome or kde or other groups <wxl> ok yeah i didn't know what we meant <wxl> i hear "member" and i think "ubuntu member" <jose> ^ same here <elopio> voting sounds weird to me. Like, whoever ends up in the second place will be a great contributor and yet she loses. <wxl> so i mean how DO we pick someone? <elopio> maybe, we can use social for nominations. And whoever is not selected for a month will be selected for the following one. <ahoneybun> that could be a way <jose> but eventually we'll have a long list of people to be nominated 'the following month' <wxl> yeah we'll have years' worth in a matter of days XD <ahoneybun> nominate and pick random? <wxl> i think every month there needs to be a new set of nominations <elopio> no, we can sort them, depending on what we want to highlight that month <wxl> it might be good to ensure that we refer a wide range of different members <wxl> from different places, different contributions, different skills <wxl> i mean i don't want to see a year's worth of white male developers from the west <elopio> +1 <wxl> anyone have a problem with us selectively picking and choosing? <ahoneybun> yea I would like to mix it with people from GNOME, KDE, Docs, <wxl> certainly different projects! <wxl> so who wants to orangize the call for people and collecting the list so we can then discuss who to pick? <elopio> I nominate ahoneybun for that task :) <wxl> i second that, should he be willing :) <ahoneybun> I mean I can get into GNOME but not sure about KDE at this point <wxl> ? <elopio> ahoneybun: the idea would be to make a call for nomiations on the hub <wxl> well, at least the hub, if not other social networks <elopio> we can help you promotiing it, and ask it to be forwarded to the ubuntu social channels. <wxl> and each call should be a call to ask people to spread the word <ahoneybun> I don't have social network access to Ubuntu stuff <ahoneybun> ah <wxl> yeah, so just make a hub post. that's all. there you go. bite size :) <ahoneybun> never used the hub before lol <elopio> also, it would be nice to get some artwork for the call. We can ask eylul, she might be interested to help <ahoneybun> I can't make a new topic in Annoucements <wxl> just make it anywhere and ask popey to move it <popey> +1 <popey> There is an "uncategorized" area <ahoneybun> I'm there XD <wxl> #action @ahoneybun to create a hub post call for nominations for monthly community member. <meetingology> ACTION: @ahoneybun to create a hub post call for nominations for monthly community member. <wxl> i think it needs to be clear in the post and in social media posts that nominations will ONLY be considered if they're a reply to the hub post <wxl> i think it's unreasonable to expect that we can monitor all the various different social media avenues <jose> yeah, however there's a catch with that <jose> people need to sign up for the hub, which might be discouraging for those who just want to nominate someone <elopio> we need to encourage people to sign up and use the hub, so +1 on wxl's suggestion <elopio> and do we make a call for nominations on the first week of each month? <wxl> but jose brings a valid point. let's also provide the option to send the nomination to the cc list? <jose> again, I don't like pushing people to use the hub if they don't feel comfortable with it <jose> especially if they need to sign up and provide information <wxl> i think encouraging it is not a bad thing <wxl> requiring it might be <wxl> we DO want to discourage using a reply on twitter, though, e.g. <elopio> I am happy requiring it. It's the new center of our community, if somebody wants to be in the community, she should be in the hub. <jose> I think that might need further discussion <elopio> I am happy to discuss it too :) Topic for next meeting? <wxl> for now, let's offer only the two options (hub, cc list) with a preference towards the hub <jose> sounds good to me <wxl> something like: "To be considered, nominations must be replies to the post on the Hub (or you can use the CC list if you must)" <wxl> and the topic for next meeting there is whether or not we should consider the hub as the only source for communication? <wxl> or is this only within the context of this particular issue? <elopio> wxl: the former. <wxl> #action @wxl to add an agenda topic to next meeting concerned whether or not we should consider the hub as the only source for communication, with @elopio and @jose heading up the dicussion <meetingology> ACTION: @wxl to add an agenda topic to next meeting concerned whether or not we should consider the hub as the only source for communication, with @elopio and @jose heading up the dicussion <wxl> there <wxl> ok i'm going to move on unless there are other questions? <wxl> ahoneybun: just make sure to see our notes above about what qualifies as a valid nomination when you do the post. <ahoneybun> still working on it as a text doc for right now <wxl> take your time <wxl> #subtopic Google Code-In update <ahoneybun> we can make a pastebin or something to live edit <wxl> i assume this would be yours, elopio ? <wxl> i know i can tell you i've been BUSY with it personally as a mentor <wxl> after i fixed the Lubuntu QA tasks, balloons asked me to fix all of the other ones. being non-beginner tasks, we'll get a lot more of them, which is good <wxl> some comments on the IRC channel from students that are thankful for how much they've learned <wxl> lots of CoC signing and bugs reported on it (more about that later) <elopio> sorry. Um, yes, we have more than 500 tasks completed <wxl> i *STILL* have tasks to add <elopio> that's amazing. But it's a lot of work for the mentors, I'm happy that the contest ends soon. <wxl> me, too <wxl> the holidays were hard. lots of mentors gone. <wxl> the 15th is the deadline for claiming a new task deadline and the contest ends on the 17th <elopio> I will contact the participants for snapcraft to offer them follow up mentorships. More free form, to let them choose the path that they want to follow <wxl> i've been doing some encouraging in that regard, at least for Lubuntu and ISO testing/QA in general <elopio> to the other contributors for ubuntu in general, I think we need to encourage them to get in touch to their closest loco, sign the coc and participate on the hub. <elopio> I'll see if google can send me the emails of everybody who participated. <wxl> 579 is the official number btw <wxl> Wikimedia is at 575 <elopio> I would like to do something nice for the winners, so I will nominate them for contributors of the month on ahoneybun's post, as soon as they are announced. <popey> We have another 20+ tasks to add. hopefully tomorrow <elopio> maybe invite them to ubuntu hour, or even get a short interview with them for insights. I'm not sure what's required for that last one, but we can see. <wxl> hm someone showed me an unoficial ranking <wxl> and now i can't find it <wxl> https://gci-leaders.netlify.com <elopio> also, we got a good bunch of new snaps packaged. I need to make a summary of that. And, a bunch of translations for the videos, I would like to keep working on this because there are many more languages to add. <wxl> we are ranked 7th for orgs <popey> I asked stgraber if we could use this as an opportunity to get lxd translated, he agreed, we need to make a task for that <wxl> (out of 25) <elopio> popey: awesome, let me know if you need a hand with that. <wxl> i would encourage all of you whether mentors or not to reach out to your community and see if they have tasks to add. <popey> elopio: i do! :D <wxl> #action EVERYONE to reach out to their community for any other ideas for Google Code-In tasks. <meetingology> ACTION: EVERYONE to reach out to their community for any other ideas for Google Code-In tasks. <wxl> anything else? <popey> elopio: would you have time to write the text in a doc (or directly in code-in) for a task for lxd? if so I can review and publish? <popey> i know we have a couple of participants ready to take it <wxl> oh i guess i have one other thing <elopio> popey: let's talk after the meeting, because I don't know if this is for the docs, or for the strings in weblate <wxl> do we have any students that are waiting >24h for a reply? <popey> elopio: i need to go afk after this meeting, but to answer your question, yes - it's weblate <elopio> popey: ok, I'll prepare the task. <popey> Magic, thanks <wxl> nevermind answered my own question <wxl> we're good <wxl> moving on unless anything else.. <wxl> #subtopic report on why CC list is not moderated <wxl> this one is yours jose <jose> I talked with a former CC member <jose> basically, it's incredibly discouraging for a community member, especially one who gathered up the courage to email the cc and has a problem/concern, to get a 'your message is moderated' email <jose> even if there's a message in there, it will not help the stingy feeling that you tried to contact the governing council and got temporarily silenced due to moderation <wxl> could we not change the mailman message so it says "we've received your request and will get back to you immediately?" <jose> not sure, and that'd be on IS to push the change <jose> plus, I haven't received any spam emails on the cc mailing list, at least not for a while <wxl> well i think mailman might expose that <wxl> jeez i get them all the time ugh <jose> have you got any recently? <wxl> yeah <wxl> pretty much every day <wxl> admittedly, i can do some spam filtering, but then there's the likelihood of false positives <popey> If you're using gmail you rarely see them <popey> if you're on some other mail system, they often get through <wxl> yeah i'm not on Gmail <jose> anyways, that's the reason why the CC mailing list isn't moderated, and I agree with those statements <elopio> another item that can be fixed by encouraging people to talk to us through the hub :D This is a magical hammer that fixes everything. <jose> people need the ability to report in confidence <popey> Not for private conversations <jose> plus, again, it requires you to create an account <wxl> well on that topic flexiondotorg did you look into the possibility of using the hub as an entry point for the cc? <jose> which adds a barrier for getting to us <wxl> which is potentially the same problem <jose> I would put that one under a vote as well. we need to think out of all angles, and the hub just adds hassle and removes privacy <elopio> popey: there are private group chats, I've just noticed when somebody send a message to the two of us <wxl> well i'm not easily finding a solution to mailman <wxl> but i could propose it to IS <wxl> if we had a user-friendly moderation message, would anyone still have issues with turning moderation on? <jose> I wouldn't like for it to be moderated again. it'd have to be super-duper-extremely friendly <jose> otherwise, we just add friction to our communication flow <wxl> well it's probably all for naught but this is driving me nuts so i'll put it on my list <wxl> #action @wxl to explore with IS the possibility of modifying the default moderation message <meetingology> ACTION: @wxl to explore with IS the possibility of modifying the default moderation message <wxl> anything else on this? <wxl> #subtopic Hub federation to Planet <wxl> flexiondotorg you had this on your list. any new news? <wxl> anyone else know anything about it? <wxl> #action @flexiondotorg to report back on the possibility of federating the Hub to Planet Ubuntu <meetingology> ACTION: @flexiondotorg to report back on the possibility of federating the Hub to Planet Ubuntu <wxl> moving on then <wxl> #subtopic CC resources <wxl> i believe elacheche was going to compile a list of cc resources <elopio> instead of direct federetion, we could include our topics from the hub in the weekly newsletter, and that on the planet <jose> let's push it off for next meeting? <wxl> he's not here so i'll table this unless anyone else wants to add to it? <elopio> sorry, my conection is dslow <jose> UWN is not being published anymore <wxl> it's not??? <jose> no, hasn't been since Oct <wxl> wow you're right <wxl> i'll follow up on that <wxl> #action @wxl to check in on the status of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter <meetingology> ACTION: @wxl to check in on the status of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter <jose> I can explain why, no need to <elopio> tsimonq2: was asking for help on the hub. We can give him a hand. <jose> publishing a weekly newsletter requires a lot of hands <jose> and it's not possible to do it with the current level of contributors <jose> we need steady contributors who can help every week, and we don't have them <wxl> well, i regularly speak with tsimonq2 so i can check in. he was pretty adamant about making things happen. <wxl> maybe we need to do some stuff in general to help bring contributors <jose> of course, we'd like to make things happen but unless we get those contributors, it's impossible <wxl> again, i'll check in with him directly <jose> and again, needs to be people who'll be willing to help in a weekly basis, not as a one-off thing <jose> feel free to <wxl> ok moving on then <wxl> almost done with old stuff! <wxl> #subtopic GSoC application <wxl> anyone on top of this? <wxl> popey? <wxl> elopio? <elopio> popey: should we apply? <wxl> is there a deadline for application? <elopio> oh, he said he was going to leave soon. I got a little scared with the amount of work that this things require. But I'm in if popey and flexiondotorg are in. <wxl> can you find out the deadline, elopio, and report back? (not now i mean, but not wait until next meeting) <popey> Heh <popey> Dunno what the requirements are for gsoc <popey> I know flexiondotorg has mentored on it before <elopio> deadlinne is jan 23rd <popey> Oh my <wxl> that's pretty darn close. <elopio> applications opened today <wxl> i'll make an action for you three to figure it out XD <wxl> #action @popey @elopio @flexiondotorg to put their heads together to evaluate the possibility of applying for GSoC. <meetingology> ACTION: @popey @elopio @flexiondotorg to put their heads together to evaluate the possibility of applying for GSoC. <wxl> and i'll put something on the agenda to see where we're at for next meeting <wxl> if we don't have it figured out by then it might be too late but c'est la vie <popey> I'd start a thread on the hub <popey> Like, now <popey> Like I did for code in <popey> We can have the discussion there <wxl> well i'll let you guys fight over which one of you does that XD <popey> NO CARRIER... <wxl> hahahahahhaha <elopio> popey: good call. I'll check the requirements <wxl> ok, i'll move on for the time being since there's not really much to discuss about this <wxl> one more piece of old stuff <tsimonq2> yo <wxl> tsimonq2: we'll talk later. don't sweat it :) <tsimonq2> wxl: ok <wxl> #subtopic changing meeting time and/or duration <wxl> so we should vote on this or what? <wxl> i'd love to make this official. <jose> we have 5 votes, with a span of +2 <jose> we need another 2 +2s * wxl sighs <wxl> we have votes from you and me, jose? <jose> one sec, I'm checking again just in case <jose> sorry, 4 votes, with a span of +2 <jose> elopio, elacheche, you and me <jose> marcoceppi, ahoneybun, flexiondotorg and sabdfl haven't voted <wxl> so that leaves ahoneybun flexiondotorg and marcoceppi (and sabdfl) <jose> yes <wxl> and we need +2 more <marcoceppi> o/ <wxl> what if everyone votes and we don't get it? <jose> my reason for the 0, same as elacheche, is we should have the 2h slot in case we need it, but we should have flexible times and if we can finish it in 1h, we do it <wxl> oh hi marcoceppi good to see you. you should join the UCC channel, btw. <jose> if everyone votes and we don't get it, we stick to the 2h slot, and again, we finish up as fast as we reasonably can <wxl> well i mean the question is whether or not we should have a minimum of 1h, no? <jose> having 2h doesn't mean we have to use all of it :) <jose> (we're over our 2h slot right now) <wxl> and do we also have any votes about moving it one hour ahead? <wxl> s/ahead/later/ <jose> just two I believe <wxl> #action @ahoneybun @flexiondotorg @marcoceppi @sabdfl to vote on whether or not to change the 2 hour meeting to 1 hour <meetingology> ACTION: @ahoneybun @flexiondotorg @marcoceppi @sabdfl to vote on whether or not to change the 2 hour meeting to 1 hour <wxl> who's left? <jose> elopio and elacheche voted, the rest hasn't <jose> 2 votes with a span of +1 <wxl> oh well it was my proposal so you can put me down for a +1 :) <marcoceppi> +1 <wxl> marcoceppi: that's for which one? <marcoceppi> hah * marcoceppi quits <jose> ok, and I'll go with a -1 for moving 17 to 18 utc <marcoceppi> I'm fine moving to a 1 hour meeting <jose> so, moving: 4 votes with a span of +1, duration: 5 votes with a span of +3 <wxl> ok so <jose> marcoceppi: any votes on moving the meeting from 17 UTC to 18 UTC? <wxl> #action @ahoneybun @flexiondotorg @sabdfl to vote on changing the meeting time from 17 to 18 UTC <wxl> right? <jose> depends on if he answers right now or not :) <wxl> the only problem with this is that if we don't move it, at least during teh winter, i am most likely going to be late <ahoneybun> I'll be at work either way lol <jose> and that's also the issue, DST doesn't apply for everyone around the world <wxl> yeah... <jose> ahoneybun: so, 0 for moving times? <wxl> #action @marcoceppi @ahoneybun @flexiondotorg @sabdfl to vote on changing the meeting time from 17 to 18 UTC <meetingology> ACTION: @marcoceppi @ahoneybun @flexiondotorg @sabdfl to vote on changing the meeting time from 17 to 18 UTC <wxl> let's just move on <wxl> we can do this async <wxl> #topic Review Code of Conduct bugs * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council meeting: 20180104 | Current topic: Review Code of Conduct bugs <wxl> i was hoping we could do this last time <wxl> get rid of the dead wood, as it were, to make room for GCI <jose> tbh I'd say let's call it a meeting and push it over, put it on top for the next meeting <jose> we're 30 over and participation has declined <wxl> c'est la vie then <wxl> we really need to start dealing with this old stuff. <elopio> wxl: a couple of actions: remember elacheche to publish the summary of the meetings he lead. <wxl> elopio: he already did afaik <elopio> wxl: and catch up with you on the status of the CoC violations <wxl> yeah well, that's one we should do privately, ultimately <wxl> i'll send something to the list about it <elopio> wxl: I don't see it here: https://community.ubuntu.com/t/call-for-topics-community-council-meeting-20171207/2571 <wxl> just cuz there's no need to discuss private issues publicly <wxl> oh <wxl> confused about your "it" <wxl> https://community.ubuntu.com/t/community-council-meeting-20171207/2851 <elopio> wxl: I meant, I don't see elacheche's summary in there. <elopio> thanks, I didn't see that one. <wxl> ok <wxl> anything else? <elopio> I would prefer to update the topic instead of creating a new one. wxl: what would you prefer for your summaries? <wxl> i don't really care, but i guess we didn't really make an HOWTO for the thing so we're just doing whatever seems right XD <wxl> but that way will fill up the category less <wxl> so let's do that <elopio> yep, that's why I'm asking, to start a howto :) If you support elacheche's style, I'll document that. If you prefer the one I was following, that will be the one. <wxl> we'll do it your way <wxl> so i'll give you to the TODO on the HOWTO :) <elopio> ok, so I'll take an action to document how to lead the meetings. <elopio> and last, wxl, will you lead the next one too? <wxl> #action @elopio to create a document how to lead the meetings, including dealing with postings and such <meetingology> ACTION: @elopio to create a document how to lead the meetings, including dealing with postings and such <wxl> yep <elopio> :) great <wxl> ok <wxl> we done? anyone else? <elopio> ok, thanks everybody. We are also missing to discuss flexiondotorg's point, maybe we can do that on the hub. <wxl> shutting it down in <wxl> 10 <wxl> 9 <wxl> 8 <wxl> 7 <wxl> 6 <wxl> 5 <wxl> 4 <wxl> 3 <wxl> 2 <wxl> 1 <wxl> ½ <wxl> ¼ <wxl> ⅛ <wxl> #endmeeting * meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology <meetingology> Meeting ended Thu Jan 4 19:31:24 2018 UTC. <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2018/ubuntu-meeting.2018-01-04-17.33.moin.txt * jose picks up his sword <popey> wxl: thats the first time I have seen fractions of a countdown and it's now my favo{u}rite thing <wxl> popey: it's amazing what you can do with a Compose Key :) <tsimonq2> Hahahahaha :) #ubuntu-meeting 2018-01-07 <Bert__> Regarding Infraction points that never expire. I think they should expire after a period of time. #ubuntu-meeting 2019-01-03 <tsimonq2> No UMB meeting. Cool. <bashfulrobot> Sweet #ubuntu-meeting 2019-01-06 <Haunted330> This channel is closed. You are going to have to leave. #ubuntu-meeting 2020-01-05 <tumbleweed> /5/56
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-l10n-es 2014-09-29 <elopio> rvr: a mi me parece que en el scope de youtube, view queda mejor traducido como vista que como reproducción. <elopio> creo que si en inglés fuera play, en español quedaría bien reproducción. <rvr> Vale, estoy mirando <rvr> Y la traducción oficial es "visualizaciones" <rvr> Hasta hace poco juraría que era reproducciones <elopio> ok, ya lo dejé como visualizaciones. #ubuntu-l10n-es 2014-10-01 <rvr> elopio: El menú de apagado "Power" lo tradujiste como "Encendido". Queda muy raro, porque realmente el menú sale cuando se quiere apagar el móvil. <rvr> La pregunta que aparece debajo es "¿Está seguro de que quiere apagar?". Creo que lo mejor es cambiar "Encendido" por "Apagar". <elopio> rvr: dónde encuentro eso? <rvr> unity8 <rvr> elopio: El diálogo sale al presionar el botón de apagado/encendido <elopio> rvr: listo. <rvr> Gracie
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-bugs 2007-08-20 <ubotu> New bug: #133555 in tracker (main) "Tracker does not include any translations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133555 <ubotu> New bug: #133557 in linux-meta (main) "usplash could not run on Ubuntu UME flavored kernel " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133557 <ubotu> New bug: #133559 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "Turion TL-58 doesn't seem to use p-states" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133559 <ubotu> New bug: #133560 in Ubuntu "VIA Chrome 9 HC IGP Not Supported" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133560 <ubotu> New bug: #133561 in totem (main) "Incorrect audio in AC-3 encoded AVI file with Totem/Gstreamer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133561 <ubotu> New bug: #133562 in dvdauthor (universe) "dvdunauthor gets all buttons wrong (auto_action_mode)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133562 <ubotu> New bug: #124447 in esound (main) "esd crashed with SIGSEGV in free() (dup-of: 124378)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124447 <ubotu> New bug: #125880 in esound (main) "esd crashed with SIGSEGV in free() (dup-of: 124378)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125880 <ubotu> New bug: #129359 in esound (main) "esd crashed with SIGSEGV in poll() (dup-of: 124378)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129359 <ubotu> New bug: #133564 in Ubuntu "Swap fails to activate in gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133564 <ubotu> New bug: #133565 in gnome-panel (main) "Repeated items in Places menu (Feisty->Gutsy transition). Need consistent Places lists." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133565 <ubotu> New bug: #133566 in nautilus (main) "Nautilus Places list is inconsistent" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133566 <ubotu> New bug: #133567 in nautilus (main) "[gutsy] long delay in nautilus on first access to vfat drive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133567 <ubotu> New bug: #133569 in denyhosts (universe) "regex error causes hosts to not be denied" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133569 <ubotu> New bug: #133570 in gnome-app-install (main) "Apply Changes not translatable in g-a-i" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133570 <ubotu> New bug: #133574 in beryl-core (universe) "unexpected stoppage of Beryl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133574 <ubotu> New bug: #133575 in Ubuntu "scp big file causing General Protection Failure" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133575 <ubotu> New bug: #133576 in gnome-session (main) "xmodmap not loaded by gnome-session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133576 <ubotu> New bug: #133577 in Ubuntu "screen fills with garbage during gutsy install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133577 <ubotu> New bug: #133578 in openoffice.org (main) "Openoffice writer resizes embedded spreadsheets on amd64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133578 <ubotu> New bug: #133579 in Ubuntu "'deb' is not known on line 44" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133579 * Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-bugs.log <ubotu> New bug: #133581 in firefox-granparadiso (universe) "firefox-granparadiso crashes with segmentation fault" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133581 <ubotu> New bug: #133582 in kdebase (main) "Spanish translation typo - "Carepetas" (should be: "Carpetas")" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133582 <ubotu> New bug: #133583 in gnome-terminal (main) "Problem parsing dependency when geting update: sudo apt-get update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133583 <ubotu> New bug: #133587 in acroread (multiverse) "Adobe Reader 7.0 is not in path variable for firefox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133587 <ubotu> New bug: #133588 in Ubuntu "Please sync vala (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133588 <ubotu> New bug: #133589 in Ubuntu "Please sync swfdec0.5 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133589 <ubotu> New bug: #133590 in swfdec-mozilla (universe) "Please sync swfdec-mozilla (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133590 <ubotu> New bug: #133591 in Ubuntu "Problem of frequent disconnects with atheros wireless card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133591 <ubotu> New bug: #133592 in gnome-terminal (main) "change profile in gnome-terminal doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133592 <TheMuso> c <TheMuso> ugh <dholbach> good morning <ubotu> New bug: #131092 in mythbuntu "multiple copies of install scripts" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131092 <ubotu> New bug: #133600 in flightgear (universe) "There is on icon in xubuntu menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133600 <ubotu> New bug: #133601 in upstart (main) "forced fsck while running on battery when mount count is exceeded" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133601 <thekorn> good morning <Hobbsee> hi thekorn <thekorn> hi Hobbsee <dholbach> heya thekorn <thekorn> hey dholbach! how was your holiday? <dholbach> thekorn: absolutely fantastic <dholbach> how are you doing=? <thekorn> fine, but need some more coffee to recover from the hard weekend <thekorn> dholbach: when you have some minutes, maybe this afternoon, can we talk about bughelper and friends? <dholbach> thekorn: absolutely <dholbach> thekorn: let me know which time suits you best <thekorn> 16.00? <dholbach> thekorn: fine with me <ubotu> New bug: #133605 in Ubuntu "nautilus crashes when i used a DVD" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133605 <ubotu> New bug: #133606 in f-spot (main) "f-spot 0.3.5 crashes while exporting folder" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133606 <ubotu> New bug: #133607 in displayconfig-gtk (universe) "Clicking the X doesn't close the application" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133607 <ubotu> New bug: #133608 in Ubuntu "Memorex Traveldrive Doesn't Mount" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133608 <ubotu> New bug: #133609 in compiz (main) "'Desktop Effects' fail with nVidia GeForce Go 7400" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133609 <ubotu> New bug: #133614 in gnunet (universe) "init.d script does not work on dash." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133614 <ubotu> New bug: #133616 in postgis (universe) "Postgis 1.3.1 Gutsy update request" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133616 <ubotu> New bug: #133619 in apport (main) "apport-qt crashed with signal 7 in strlen()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133619 <ubotu> New bug: #133623 in ndisgtk (universe) "ndisgtk doesn't work with a file name with space (in the tree and/or in the filename)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133623 <ubotu> New bug: #133620 in openoffice.org-voikko (main) "package openoffice.org-voikko 2.0.1-1build2 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133620 <ubotu> New bug: #133621 in gnus (main) "gnus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133621 <Gasten> Hi! I'm triaging a bug, and i'm kind of stuck. I've tried everything on the debugging-proceedures-pages, but all that have resulted in is a lousy valgrind-log. What o you think I should do? <ubotu> New bug: #133624 in thunderbird-locales (main) "package thunderbird-locale-fi 1: failed to install/upgrade: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133624 <ubotu> New bug: #133625 in language-support-fi (main) "package language-support-fi 1:7.04+20070209 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133625 <Arby> Gasten: which bug? <Gasten> Bug #120452 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 120452 in nautilus "freeze on right click > Properties" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120452 <Gasten> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/120452 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 120452 in nautilus "freeze on right click > Properties" [Undecided,Incomplete] <Gasten> ubotu is asleep :) <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about is asleep :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi <Arby> let me look <Arby> intermittent bugs, gotta love em <Arby> Gasten: sounds like you've tried everything, I'm not sure what else to suggest <Arby> the only thing would be to reproduce the problem on Gutsy if you can <Arby> there's only so much we can do <Gasten> Yep. <Arby> I'd probably mark that triaged now and let the developers try to figure it out <Arby> there's enough information to reproduce it so hopefully they can find the problem <Gasten> Yep, that sounds like a plan. gotto move on. <Gasten> yes. <Arby> good triaging :) <Gasten> Arby: can you set it to Low and Triaged? You see, I'm not in the QA team.... <Arby> yeah sure <Arby> done <Gasten> thanks <Arby> another few like that and you should get in QA easy <Gasten> Hm, by the way, am I supposed to unaisgn meself now that it's triaged? <Gasten> myself* <Gasten> unassign* <Arby> yes, otherwise people will think you're going to fix it <Gasten> okay <Gasten> Arby: Oh my.... When I posted the last comment, the bug's status reverted back to Incomplete again. Would you be so kind...? <Arby> Gasten: done <Gasten> Thanks <ubotu> New bug: #133627 in pidgin (main) "Pidgin won't reconnect the accounts if pidgin closed improperly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133627 <Arby> bit strange, that didn't used to happen ~shrug~ <Gasten> Yes, but I'm not in the QA and I don't have the Triaged as a option. Also, I posted from the "upper" text-field which I shouldn't have done.... <ubotu> New bug: #126067 in gnome-mount (main) "Computer completely crashed and turned off when trying to browse internet using wine to run IE5.5 for Linux" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126067 <ubotu> New bug: #127387 in gnome-mount (main) "gnome-mount crashed with signal 5 (dup-of: 124861)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127387 <ubotu> New bug: #133631 in swfdec-mozilla (universe) "swfdec-mozilla plugin not found by firefox in gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133631 <ubotu> New bug: #133635 in ltsp (main) "LTSPFS security is broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133635 <ubotu> New bug: #133636 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "[gutsy] hdaps module does not load on Thinkpad T61P" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133636 <ubotu> New bug: #133637 in pidgin-encryption (main) "pidgin encription plugin disables shell plugin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133637 <ubotu> New bug: #133638 in slocate (main) "user should be informed that updatedb is running" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133638 <ubotu> New bug: #133639 in gksu (main) "synaptic is asking root password and not user admin's" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133639 <ubotu> New bug: #133640 in lcdproc (universe) "LCDd started after mythlcdserver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133640 <ubotu> New bug: #133647 in xserver-xorg-video-avivo (universe) "Please sync xserver-xorg-video-avivo (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133647 <ubotu> New bug: #133648 in ubiquity (main) "Installer crashed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133648 <ubotu> New bug: #133650 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "Ubuntu kernel lacks support for HSDPA modem in Toshiba M400" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133650 <ubotu> New bug: #133651 in Ubuntu "Gutsy: KDE package dependencies improvement" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133651 <ubotu> New bug: #133652 in gst-plugins-bad0.10 (universe) "real videos do not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133652 <ubotu> New bug: #133653 in ubuntustudio-icon-theme (universe) "Close button not scaled down" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133653 * mode/#ubuntu-bugs [+o dholbach] by ChanServ * ..[topic/#ubuntu-bugs:dholbach] : Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-qa/ - http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad | Hug Day on Wednesday, August 22nd - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bugsquad/2007-August/000626.html * mode/#ubuntu-bugs [-o dholbach] by dholbach <ubotu> New bug: #133654 in d4x (universe) "d4x crashes at begin of HTTPS download" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133654 <ubotu> New bug: #133655 in sound-juicer (main) "Data CDs unusable after using Sound Juicer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133655 <ubotu> New bug: #133656 in tomboy (main) "Synchronising Tomboy via Webdav doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133656 <ubotu> New bug: #133657 in evolution (main) "Evolution loops on bad date format dialog" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133657 <ubotu> New bug: #133658 in Ubuntu "discards the first key when unlocking screen/logging in from suspend state" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133658 <ubotu> New bug: #133659 in ntfs-3g (universe) "full multi user support not implemented" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133659 <ubotu> New bug: #133661 in Ubuntu "discards the first key when unlocking screen/logging in from suspend state" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133661 <ubotu> New bug: #133662 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "[Gutsy tribe 4] sony-acpi not loaded on sony vaio" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133662 <ubotu> New bug: #133663 in Ubuntu "System fails to boot all the way after RAID1 array fail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133663 <ubotu> New bug: #133664 in rhythmbox (main) "No sound output from Rhythmbox 0.11.2" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133664 <dholbach> thekorn: ping me when you're ready <ubotu> New bug: #133665 in davfs2 (universe) "dav_user and dav_group inside ~/.davfs/davfs2.conf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133665 <ubotu> New bug: #133666 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "please patch linux-source-2.6.22 to fix ata_piix bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133666 <ubotu> New bug: #133667 in Ubuntu "Polish date format is strange" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133667 <dholbach> bdmurray: could you please add thekorn to ubuntu-qa? I'd like him to arrange server rules for a bughelper server in a ~ubuntu-qa branch <ubotu> New bug: #133668 in gnome-main-menu (universe) "main menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133668 <ubotu> New bug: #133669 in openoffice.org (main) "ooffice crashes when loading single document from global text document (odm)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133669 <ubotu> New bug: #133670 in ppracer (universe) "Please sync ppracer (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133670 <ubotu> New bug: #133671 in shared-mime-info (main) "Unknown x-msword mime type, missing alias" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133671 <ubotu> New bug: #133672 in xsane (main) "xsane crashes on open" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133672 <ubotu> New bug: #133674 in Ubuntu "gutsy gnome-at-properties: no gksu/disable-grab option per gui in gnome-at-properties" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133674 <ubotu> New bug: #133675 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "[Gutsy] nvidia 100.14.11 driver is needed in repository" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133675 <ubotu> New bug: #133679 in kdebase (main) "konqueror nor really doing offline browsing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133679 <ubotu> New bug: #133677 in acpi-support (main) "System unusable after resume from suspend or hibernate" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133677 <ubotu> New bug: #133680 in compiz (main) "[gutsy] compiz kills xwindows when blender starts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133680 <ubotu> New bug: #133375 in gnome-media (main) "Can't get microphone to work on ThinkPad Z60m Ubuntu" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133375 <ubotu> New bug: #133683 in debconf (main) "debconf brocken on dist-upgrade [gutsy] " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133683 <ubotu> New bug: #133684 in openoffice.org2 (main) "Add Sun Report Builder to OpenOffice.org " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133684 <ubotu> New bug: #133681 in Ubuntu "xorg fails to load on Tribe4 desktop CD" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133681 <ubotu> New bug: #133682 in nautilus (main) "Edit partition labels in Nautilus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133682 <ubotu> New bug: #133687 in kde4base (universe) "kde4base-data and kde4libs-data both contain /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdeprint/filters/enscript.desktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133687 <ubotu> New bug: #133688 in nautilus (main) "Changing 'view as' on a completed search restarts the seach again" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133688 <ubotu> New bug: #133689 in gobby (universe) "Please merge gobby (0.4.5-1) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133689 <ubotu> New bug: #133690 in bluez-utils (main) "bug with my broadcom bluetooth usb dongle" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133690 <ubotu> New bug: #133691 in command-not-found (main) "doesn't cope with db format transition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133691 <ubotu> New bug: #133692 in evolution (main) "Evolution crashes when trying to open a mail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133692 <ubotu> New bug: #133693 in traceroute (main) "version 2.0.7-3 replace iputils-tracepath" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133693 <ubotu> New bug: #133695 in Ubuntu "shift doesn't snap windows with desktop effects" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133695 <ubotu> New bug: #133697 in Ubuntu ""Screens and Graphics" crashes when I click on "Test"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133697 <ubotu> New bug: #133703 in samba (main) "Cannot print to Windows Vista printers (SMB) from Ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133703 <ubotu> New bug: #133704 in yelp (main) "E: Tipo 'debsrc' desconocido en la lnea 73 de lista de fuentes /etc/apt/sources.list" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133704 <ubotu> New bug: #133706 in gnome-session (main) "Gnome-session-properties : It is too easy to remove an startup application." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133706 <ubotu> New bug: #133707 in debian-installer (main) "cryptsetup missing in alternate-amd64 as of 20 aug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133707 <ubotu> New bug: #133710 in Ubuntu "Blank screen on tribe4 boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133710 <ubotu> New bug: #133711 in thunderbird (main) "Thunderbird menu corruption and messages delete when arrow keys are pressed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133711 <phixnay> does this bug report belong in the ubuntu system? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/133591 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 133591 in Ubuntu "Problem of frequent disconnects with atheros wireless card" [Undecided,New] <phixnay> or somewhere with the madwifi guys <phixnay> g2g I keep disconnecting <ubotu> New bug: #133712 in rhythmbox (main) "[Gutsy] Rhythmbox crashes X-Server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133712 <ubotu> New bug: #133713 in Ubuntu "no resume sleep fiesty amd64 laptop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133713 <ubotu> New bug: #133714 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "gusty kernel panic after wakeup (macbook v1.1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133714 <ubotu> New bug: #132661 in evolution (main) "evolution crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc()" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132661 <ubotu> New bug: #133715 in firefox (main) "Firefox does not understand CTRL + SHIFT + ARROW" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133715 <kij> hey all, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20070822, Main Objectives arent listed, i understand gnome is to be probed, what could i prepare on my side, besides reading the wiki? <ubotu> New bug: #133716 in xpaint (universe) "Xpaint don't have entry in the applications menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133716 <rbs-tito> kij: Get an account on gnome bugzilla! Focus will be linking and reporting bugs upstream <frafu> Could anybody please explain to me why the following bug has been triaged as "not an upstream bugzilla bug"? <frafu> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/133674 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 133674 in gnome-control-center "gutsy gnome-at-properties: no gksu/disable-grab option per gui in gnome-at-properties" [Low,Triaged] <frafu> Because I filed both bugs or because the upstream bug has not been triaged yet? <bdmurray> frafu: bugzilla is the bug tracking system while control-center is the upstream package <bdmurray> So it is not a bug in bugzilla. <frafu> ok; I understand; thanks <bdmurray> Sure, no problem. <ubotu> New bug: #133717 in cimg (universe) "Please sync cimg (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133717 <ubotu> New bug: #133723 in gnome-terminal (main) "gnome-terminal locks up on unicode input" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133723 <ubotu> New bug: #133725 in Ubuntu "Inconsolata (font)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133725 <ubotu> New bug: #133726 in totem (main) "totem fails with BadAlloc with mpeg4 film" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133726 <ubotu> New bug: #133728 in Ubuntu "deleted a partition,then bootloader fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133728 <ubotu> New bug: #127321 in evolution (main) "Evolution Attachment Filename Encoding (dup-of: 109736)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127321 <ubotu> New bug: #133729 in firefox (main) "tab icons aren't shown immediately" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133729 <ubotu> New bug: #133730 in emacs22 (main) "emacs22 hangs when saving if backup file cannot be written" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133730 <ubotu> New bug: #133732 in pidgin (main) "pidgin crash when creating a dialog window" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133732 <ubotu> New bug: #133735 in network-manager (main) "'Configure VPN...' does not appear in nm-applet menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133735 <ubotu> New bug: #114343 in yelp (main) "AT_SPI_REGISTRY required to start while Assistive Technologies disabled." [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114343 <ubotu> New bug: #133736 in battleball (universe) "Please merge battleball (2.0-16) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133736 <ubotu> New bug: #133739 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "Restricted drivers cause boot to stall" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133739 <ubotu> New bug: #133741 in apache2 (main) "[gutsy] apache2, restart failed on missing mime.types after upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133741 <ubotu> New bug: #133742 in brasero (universe) "Please update to latest version" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133742 <ubotu> New bug: #133743 in cups-pdf (main) "package cups-pdf 2.4.6-3ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133743 <ubotu> New bug: #133745 in libmms (universe) "Merge libmms 0.3-5 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133745 <ubotu> New bug: #133746 in evolution (main) "[gutsy] evolution keeps trying to save attachments to unexistent Desktop directory under spanish localized environment" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133746 <ubotu> New bug: #127481 in gamin (main) "gam_server crashed with signal 5" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127481 <ubotu> New bug: #133747 in obexftp (universe) "ObexFTP doesn't work with filename with special characters" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133747 <ubotu> New bug: #133748 in obextool (universe) "Obextool don't have menu entry" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133748 <ubotu> New bug: #133749 in gnome-control-center (main) "hide gnome-display-properties since it replicates part of hide gnome-display-properties since it replicates part of display-config-gtk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133749 <ubotu> New bug: #133752 in nginx (universe) "Gutsy::nginx missing mime.types" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133752 <dvheumen> hi everyone. I noticed an error message which I can't find in the bugtracker. But I also can't exactly pinpoint where it's happening. <dvheumen> When I'm shutting down my laptop I'm seeing an error message telling me that a chdir-operation failed (don't know the exact wording) <ScottK> Without the exact wording it will be hard to help you. <dvheumen> Do you know where I can find scripts that run on shutdown, 'cause I'm willing to look a bit further <dvheumen> well the text is gone pretty fast, in which log could I possibly locate this error? <rbs-tito> Following my comment on bug 133749, should I mark it invalid or should I wait for a response? <ScottK> Logs are in /var/log <ubotu> Launchpad bug 133749 in gnome-control-center "hide gnome-display-properties since it replicates part of hide gnome-display-properties since it replicates part of display-config-gtk" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133749 <ScottK> I'd look in syslog and dmesg. <ScottK> Hard to say for sure. It could be any of several. <ubotu> New bug: #133753 in bzr-gtk (universe) "status does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133753 <dvheumen> yeah, I've already searched in messages, but no luck there :) <dvheumen> I'm going to do a shutdown and look at the error message... hoping it's going slow enough to read <bdmurray> dvheumen: Have you tried shutting down different ways? <ScottK> If you can get just one somewhat unique word out of the message you can grep -r [word] /var/log/* to look in all the logs. <dvheumen> bdmurray: do you mean `poweroff` as opposed to Shutdown from the GUI? <bdmurray> Like try shutting down from the gdm menu and when logged in. <dvheumen> well, i noticed the error in the "hole" between the 2 times the loading bar comes up on the screen <dvheumen> I'm going to give it another run... maybe I can get some extra information <dvheumen> brb <bdmurray> rbs-tito: invalidating it seems reasonable <ubotu> New bug: #133754 in compiz (main) "after updatecompiz-gnome will not install libwnck18 not installable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133754 <dvheumen> d*mn... the latest update hid the error :P <dvheumen> I'm off to the logs again <rbs-tito> Invalid bugs are counted as closed on bugstats right? <dvheumen> it's just like I'm only seeing boot-up messages, but no shutdown messages... <bdmurray> rbs-tito: which stats? <rbs-tito> bdmurray: The ones that are published in the weekly news letter <ubotu> New bug: #133755 in Ubuntu "Hard disk spins down too often" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133755 <ubotu> New bug: #133756 in gedit (main) "gedit appears in all sides of the cube" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133756 <bdmurray> rbs-tito: yes <dvheumen> hmmm... well I can't find the error in the logs... I'll yell when I find it again :D Tnx for your time #ubuntu-bugs 2007-08-21 <ubotu> New bug: #133757 in cups-pdf (main) "package cups-pdf 2.4.6-3ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133757 <ubotu> New bug: #133758 in nautilus-cd-burner (main) "Missing DVD burn speed options (6.2x +)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133758 <ubotu> New bug: #133759 in alsa-driver (main) "Microphone only records static noise on Intel ICH5 integrated audio on Feisty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133759 <ubotu> New bug: #133760 in Ubuntu "Solitaire AisleRiot [Tresse] crashes on click" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133760 <mathiaz> Hi. I'm having a look at bug 133741. <ubotu> Launchpad bug 133741 in apache2 "[gutsy] apache2, restart failed on missing mime.types after upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133741 <mathiaz> The user declined a merge from debconf, which broke his installation. <mathiaz> what would be the appropriate answer to this situation ? * ScottK looks <mathiaz> ScottK: the TypesConfig option has been moved to mime.conf file. <ScottK> mathiaz: Does the question give the operator the usual chance to see a diff if they wan to? <ScottK> wan/want <mathiaz> ScottK: hum. I don't know. From the report, it seems that he refused to upgrade the file <mathiaz> ScottK: so he missed the update from TypesConfig <ScottK> Right. I'm tempted to say invalid. <mathiaz> ScottK: which moved from apache2.conf to mime.conf. <ScottK> I was thinking that as long as he had a chance to see the diff and made the wrong choice it's all on him. <mathiaz> ScottK: I think by default there is a choice <mathiaz> ScottK: like: install new version from maintainer, keep local version <mathiaz> ScottK: stop and examine the situation. <mathiaz> ScottK: and have a diff. <ScottK> OK. As long as he had the chance and blew it because he didn't examine it, I'd say invalid. <ScottK> Myself I always pick the look at the diff option and make sure I understand before proceeding. <mathiaz> ScottK: ok. Thanks. <tck> aloha <tck> ls -l /usr/sbin/cupsreject <tck> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 2007-06-24 13:12 /usr/sbin/cupsreject -> accept <tck> should that not be linked to reject? <ubotu> New bug: #133762 in pidgin (main) "pidgin crashes on login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133762 <Petrik_> what's being done about the scanning issues? <ubotu> New bug: #133763 in gparted (main) "gparted crashes when I activate/deactivate swap partition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133763 <ubotu> New bug: #133765 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 (main) "gutsy md module not present in ramdisk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133765 <ubotu> New bug: #133766 in xmlrpc-c (universe) "libxmlrpc-c3 1.06.17-0ubuntu2 package is broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133766 <ubotu> New bug: #133767 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "installed system will not load after installation of additional hard drive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133767 <ubotu> New bug: #133771 in tremulous (multiverse) "[gutsy] tremulous - Sys_Error: Couldn't load default.cfg" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133771 <ubotu> New bug: #133772 in zsnes (multiverse) "[gutsy] zsnes - Segmentation fault" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133772 <ubotu> New bug: #133773 in udev (main) "[gutsy] partitions no longer detected as RAID components after repairing degraded RAID 1 mirror" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133773 <ubotu> New bug: #133774 in ghostscript (main) "ghostscript 8.15 crashes, with eps-figures" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133774 <ubotu> New bug: #133775 in Ubuntu "(gutsy) app-install-data missing menu names" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133775 <ubotu> New bug: #129483 in Ubuntu "Problemas con actualizaciones" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129483 <ubotu> New bug: #133777 in kdebase (main) "Kubuntu 7.10 doesn't recognise USB media" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133777 <ubotu> New bug: #133778 in Ubuntu "[feisty] .kde permissions set incorrectly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133778 <ubotu> New bug: #133779 in Ubuntu "CUPS printers disappear every time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133779 <ubotu> New bug: #133780 in vmware-player (multiverse) "[gutsy] vmware-player package depends on outdated (therefore unavailable) libssl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133780 <ubotu> New bug: #133781 in gnochm (universe) "TypeError: color_parse() argument 1 must be string, not None" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133781 <ubotu> New bug: #133783 in system-config-printer (main) "Can't add printer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133783 <ubotu> New bug: #133784 in saods9 (universe) "saods9 is way out of date wrt upstream (4.0b7 vs 4.13)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133784 <ubotu> New bug: #133785 in Ubuntu "mission control "Could not open plugin directory"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133785 <ubotu> New bug: #133786 in Ubuntu "Bus error when running Firefox or Epiphany" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133786 <ubotu> New bug: #133787 in firefox (main) "My Yahoo suddenly started saying browser not officially supported" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133787 * Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-bugs.log (dholbach/#ubuntu-bugs) thekorn: read about the interface changes of LP on the mailing lists? :-) (dholbach/#ubuntu-bugs) thekorn: seems you were right to wait with the py-lp-bugs release :) <thekorn> dholbach: I'm doing some tests know, <dholbach> it's about to change tomorrow - the mail said <thekorn> but there is https://bugs.staging.launchpad.net <thekorn> with the new changes <dholbach> ahhh right <ubotu> New bug: #133794 in Ubuntu "kernel 2.6.22 broke uevent with MODALIAS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133794 <ubotu> New bug: #133795 in gnome-panel (main) "AT-SPI implementation not delivering focus: events when navigating icons in "Add to panel" dialog in gnome-panel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133795 <ubotu> New bug: #133796 in gnome-panel (main) "Visible/showing icons in "Add to panel" dialog should have both VISIBLE and SHOWING states set" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133796 <ubotu> New bug: #133798 in pptview (multiverse) "Can you upgrade pptview to 2003 version and make a 64 bits version (and wine)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133798 <thekorn> dholbach: lots of work to do after the new launchpad landed tomorrow <dholbach> urg :/ <dholbach> thekorn: the set_...() functions? <ubotu> New bug: #133801 in adept (main) "adept-manager paket list strange in gutsy amd64 german" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133801 <ubotu> New bug: #133802 in p3scan (universe) "Please update to newer stable version for SSL support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133802 <thekorn> dholbach: that does not seem to be the problem, <dholbach> what's broken then? <thekorn> parsing some data, because they removed some elements <thekorn> like "bug details" <dholbach> hrm :-/ <thekorn> or the demo is not complete yet <dholbach> mpt would know <ubotu> New bug: #133803 in scim (main) "scim doesn't activate on ctrl+space" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133803 <ubotu> New bug: #133806 in gparted (main) "gparted automaticly mounts all filesystems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133806 <ubotu> New bug: #133808 in expat (main) "Ubuntu needs to upgrade to expat 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133808 <ubotu> New bug: #133809 in kdemultimedia (main) "kdemultimedia-kio-plugins clutters menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133809 <ubotu> New bug: #133810 in kde-guidance (main) "package guidance-backends 0.8.0svn20070727-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/apps/guidance/vesamodes', which is also in package kde-guidance" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133810 <ubotu> New bug: #133813 in openoffice.org (main) "Autocorrect disregards capatilization" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133813 <dholbach> bdmurray: do you have an idea about bug 133602? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 133602 in python-launchpad-bugs "AttributeError: _Struct instance has no attribute 'reporter'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133602 <dholbach> this breaks http://daniel.holba.ch/sponsoring :-/ <dholbach> oh... ok, got it - that's a bug on my side - damn, we need to be more careful not to break existing apps <ubotu> New bug: #133814 in knetworkmanager (main) "Handle more networking" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133814 <ubotu> New bug: #133815 in tsclient (main) "Cannot add option "-via" to vncviewver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133815 <ubotu> New bug: #133816 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] linkage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133816 <geser> bdmurray: Hi, I believe you duped bug #133714 to the wrong bug. <ubotu> Launchpad bug 133714 in linux-source-2.6.22 "gusty kernel panic after wakeup (macbook v1.1) (dup-of: 129266)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133714 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 129266 in haxe "Please sync haxe (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129266 <ubotu> New bug: #133818 in cupsys (main) "[GUTSY] Turboprint don't work due to apparmor" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133818 <ubotu> New bug: #133819 in launchpad-integration (main) "Launchpad translations should have search ability." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133819 <ubotu> New bug: #133820 in sqlite3 (main) "sync request" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133820 <ion> Is it possible for an Ubuntu apt repository .deb to be backdoored? <RAOF> ion: If you mean "can someone maliciously replace a .deb with a compromised version", the answer is "it'd be mighty difficult, due to the signing of the packages" <ion> RAOF, thankyou for the promt good response <ion> :) <ion> btw <ion> how could I check my security for signs of a compromise <RAOF> !info chrootkit <ubotu> Package chrootkit does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas <RAOF> !info checkrootkit <ubotu> Package checkrootkit does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas <RAOF> Eh, there's a package named something similar to that :) <ion> are the signatures still updated on that? <ion> RAOF, did a synaptic search, its chkrootkit <ion> !info chkrootkit <ubotu> chkrootkit: Checks for signs of rootkits on the local system. In component main, is optional. Version 0.47-1build1 (feisty), package size 263 kB, installed size 740 kB <RAOF> Heh. Nearly got it :) <ion> hehe <ion> chkrootkit hasnt been updated in 2 years <ion> rkhunter looks like it has been updated recently <mvo> !info hello <ubotu> hello: The classic greeting, and a good example. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2-1build1 (feisty), package size 19 kB, installed size 588 kB * mvo pats ubotu <ion> is exim safe to run? <RAOF> Mu. <RAOF> Define "safe" :) <ion> RAOF, hacker safe <ion> does it have a safe remote hackproof history <ion> lol <RAOF> No idea. Since it communicates with the internet it's obviously not 100% safe. Whether or not it's safe enough for you is beyond my knowledge :) <thekorn> dholbach: I picked the easies task and fixed the new py-lp-bugs api for launchpad 1.1.8 <thekorn> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~thekorn/python-launchpad-bugs/api.changes.gsoc.STAGING <ubotu> New bug: #133823 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "prism javelin/xbow works out-of-box, but the module is not loaded by default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133823 <dholbach> thekorn: woah <ubotu> New bug: #133822 in pkgbinarymangler (main) "Must not create translation tarballs for commercial component" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133822 <ubotu> New bug: #133824 in discover-data (main) "Intel chipset on HP NC6320 (PCI 8086:27a2) not recognised" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133824 <ubotu> New bug: #133825 in Ubuntu "agere hda system not detect in linuxmint" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133825 <ubotu> New bug: #133827 in vim (main) "apt-get tells me package 'vim' contains gvim, but does it?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133827 <ubotu> New bug: #133826 in banshee (universe) "internet radio doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133826 <ubotu> New bug: #133573 in system-config-printer (main) "system-config-printer.py crashed with AttributeError in busy()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133573 <ubotu> New bug: #133829 in Ubuntu "ADD/REMOVE APPLICATION DOES NOT WORK, ERROR MESSAGE" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133829 <ubotu> New bug: #118637 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "Created Ubuntu feisty with 64GB on ESX server but cat /proc/meminfo shows only 4GB .. How to enable it to use 64GB" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118637 <ubotu> New bug: #133833 in Ubuntu "Please sync pixman from Debian experimental" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133833 <ubotu> New bug: #133834 in gnome-panel (main) "gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in idle_populate_func()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133834 <ubotu> New bug: #133835 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] tumble package request" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133835 <ubotu> New bug: #133837 in nautilus (main) "Missing preferred terminal emulator causes Nautilus to 100% CPU" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133837 <ubotu> New bug: #133838 in gst-plugins-good0.10 (main) "ogg-encoded web radio stops" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133838 <ubotu> New bug: #133839 in clamav (universe) "UVFe for Clamav 0.91.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133839 <ubotu> New bug: #133840 in xen-meta (universe) "wrong dependencies for ubuntu-xen-desktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133840 <ubotu> New bug: #133841 in mysql-admin (universe) "mysq-admin crash on startup parameters ppc ubuntu 6.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133841 <Pici> \ <ubotu> New bug: #133843 in php5 (main) "php5-dev installation error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133843 <ubotu> New bug: #133844 in pidentd (universe) "pidentd: Errors writing pid file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133844 <ubotu> New bug: #133845 in squirrelmail (universe) "Setting Squirrelmail in French" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133845 <ubotu> New bug: #133846 in sarien (universe) "Sarien is depricated by ScummVM 0.10.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133846 <ubotu> New bug: #126265 in evolution (main) "evolution crashed with SIGSEGV in strcmp() while searching recursively" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126265 <ubotu> New bug: #131155 in pidgin (main) "pidgin crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131155 <ubotu> New bug: #133847 in Ubuntu "cannot conect to Gnome/KDE via nxclient" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133847 <ubotu> New bug: #132730 in gstreamer "rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_set_valist()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132730 <ubotu> New bug: #133848 in Ubuntu "Wish: package Jahshaka and dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133848 <ubotu> New bug: #133849 in linux-igd (universe) "Please update linux-igd to v1.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133849 <ubotu> New bug: #133850 in openoffice.org (main) "openoffice.org writer wizards do not function" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133850 <ubotu> New bug: #133852 in linux-igd (universe) "[Gutsy] Broken dependency" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133852 <ubotu> New bug: #133851 in gnome-session (main) "gnome-session is killed when login in/out" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133851 <ubotu> New bug: #133853 in Ubuntu "Automatically reclaim swapped pages when there is free memory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133853 <ubotu> New bug: #133854 in tomboy (main) "can't drag'n'dop links" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133854 <ubotu> New bug: #133855 in Ubuntu "create a new document on the desktop do nothing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133855 <bdmurray> dholbach: I'm sorry about that. What is sponsors-page.py? <dholbach> bdmurray: the thing generating http://daniel.holba.ch/sponsoring <dholbach> bdmurray: don't worry - I fixed it <bdmurray> dholbach: Okay. How should I have found that would break? <dholbach> good question <dholbach> bdmurray: I think that with thekorn's changes in the new API things like bug bug 133602 are less likely to happen <bdmurray> dholbach: okay, that'll be interesting. How was your trip? <dholbach> absolutely fantastic - I'll post some pictures once I've recovered from email-itis some more :) <ubotu> New bug: #133857 in kdepim (main) "In gutsy, kontact now crashes on startup (SIGSEGV)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133857 <ubotu> New bug: #133856 in Ubuntu "[gutsy] Can't suspend or hibernate with Xen kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133856 <ubotu> New bug: #133859 in Ubuntu "[gutsy] Can't use my Atheros wireless with Xen kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133859 <ubotu> New bug: #133858 in packagesearch (universe) "[UVFe] [Sync request] Sync packagesearch (2.2.6) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133858 <feclare> <ubotu> New bug: #133862 in kino (main) "Kino: libraw1394 -> plugdev does not work in Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133862 <ubotu> New bug: #133860 in firefox (main) "when i try to log on to my online bank it takes like 10 minutes to log on" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133860 <ubotu> New bug: #133865 in dvgrab (universe) "dvgrab failure with JVC BR-DV6000" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133865 <ubotu> New bug: #133868 in update-manager (main) "Update Manager could not initialize the package information" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133868 <ubotu> New bug: #133869 in command-not-found (main) "command-not-found doesn't check if a particular component is enabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133869 <ubotu> New bug: #133867 in firefox (main) "USATODAY opens popups every time I visit the site. My popup blocker is enabled. Thank you." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133867 <ubotu> New bug: #133871 in displayconfig-gtk (universe) "Can't add new monitor model" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133871 <ubotu> New bug: #133872 in ekiga (main) "ekiga segfaults without any apparently reason." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133872 <maini10> I have problem with Superkaramba in Gutsy <maini10> It's completely broken and crashes just I open it <maini10> I have already filed a bug but I don't know if I'm the only user with this issue <ubotu> New bug: #133873 in cupsys (main) "enable gssapi support in cupsys 1.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133873 <ubotu> New bug: #133874 in Ubuntu "Ogg audio and spx files won't open in Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133874 <ubotu> New bug: #133875 in evolution (main) "Evolution - Mail shuts down (closes) immediately after downloading email" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133875 <ubotu> New bug: #133876 in Ubuntu "english keyboard layout unavailable on LiveCD, when russian language has been chosen during bootup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133876 <ubotu> New bug: #133878 in Ubuntu "gnome-volume-manager causing Gutsy installation problems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133878 <ubotu> New bug: #133879 in rawstudio (universe) "Please update to latest version" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133879 <kagou> hi seb128 <seb128> lu kagou <kagou> is it Bug #133874 for totem ? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 133874 in Ubuntu "Ogg audio and spx files won't open in Gutsy" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133874 <seb128> kagou: do you confirm it? That's a weird bug <seb128> ogg should be played out of the box <kagou> seb128, yes i'v confirmed it <seb128> what is displayed on the command line if you start totem there? <seb128> does "gst-launch-0.10 playbin uri=file:///path/to/video" work correctly? <kagou> sorry i don't have my notebook now <kagou> wait for 1 minute, i install it <seb128> install what? <kagou> seb128, que je branche mon portable sous Gutsy ;) <seb128> ah, k <dholbach> bon soir mes amis <ubotu> New bug: #133885 in Ubuntu "Dual PIII crashes when using the keyboard" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133885 <kagou> bonsoir dholbach :) <seb128> lu dholbach <dholbach> :-) <kagou_> seb128, ok so... <kagou_> seb128, launching totem like : kagou@satori:~$ totem Examples/ubuntu\ Sax.ogg works <kagou_> but by nautilus no <seb128> weird <kagou> kagou_, <seb128> does "gst-launch-0.10 playbin uri=file:///path/to/video" work correctly? <seb128> do you have any error in .xsession-errors? <kagou_> seb128, /bin/sh: /usr/bin/esd: not found <kagou_> /bin/sh: /usr/bin/esd: not found <kagou_> /bin/sh: /usr/bin/esd: not found <kagou_> no suitable application <kagou_> each time i try to play ubuntu sax.ogg <kagou_> seb128, kagou@satori:~$ gst-launch-0.10 playbin uri=file:///home/kagou/Examples/ubuntu\ Sax.ogg <kagou_> Mise du pipeline en PAUSE... <kagou_> Le tube se prpare l'XCUTION ... <kagou_> sh: jackd: not found <kagou_> La pipeline est PRPARE... <kagou_> Assignant le pipeline PLAYING ... <kagou_> New clock: GstAudioSinkClock <kagou_> Caught interrupt -- handling interrupt. <kagou_> Interrupt: Setting pipeline to PAUSED ... <kagou_> Execution ended after 4678383000 ns. <kagou_> Mise du pipeline en PAUSE... <kagou_> Assignant le pipeline READY ... <kagou_> Assignant le pipeline NULL ... <kagou_> LIBERATION de la pipeline ... <kagou_> kagou@satori:~$ <kagou_> sound is played <seb128> kagou_: I'll have a look <kagou> ok seb128 i let you assign package for this bug. I came back in 1 hour. I have my children nourrir ;) <kagou> In french because i think that "feed" is for pets no ?! <ScottK> kagou: Feeding children is fine English. <ubotu> New bug: #133888 in wxwidgets2.8 (universe) "upgrade wxwidgets2.8 to the release" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133888 <ubotu> New bug: #133890 in xchat-gnome (main) "(gutsy) displays channel list when network drops and reconnects" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133890 <ScottK> Animals eat feed and people eat food, but you can feed people. <kagou> thanks ScottK <ScottK> No problem. Thanks for making the extra effort to do work in a non-native language. <kagou> ScottK, your welcome <seb128> kagou: see you, I'll have a look; probably when try tribe CDs <ubotu> New bug: #133891 in system-config-printer (main) "UVF ER: system-config-printer SVN rev 1415" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133891 <ubotu> New bug: #133892 in Debian "SATA disks not found after upgrade edgy - feisty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133892 <ubotu> New bug: #133894 in xchat-gnome (main) "(gutsy) cannot reconnect to OFTC" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133894 <ubotu> New bug: #133896 in fluxbox (universe) "No .desktop file created in /usr/share/xsessions with fluxbox 1.0~rc3-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133896 <ubotu> New bug: #133898 in restricted-manager (restricted) "[gutsy] lirc_gpio reported as in use even thought it's not " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133898 <ubotu> New bug: #133899 in Ubuntu "add liblicense library" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133899 <ubotu> New bug: #133900 in Ubuntu "Error in spanish traslation " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133900 <ubotu> New bug: #133902 in gnome-panel (main) "Gnome-panel launchers bad placed." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133902 <ubotu> New bug: #131435 in command-not-found "typo in string substitution" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131435 <ubotu> New bug: #133903 in bugzilla (universe) "Bugzilla installed with wrong 'urlbase' in /etc/bugzilla/params causes URL to be rewritten incorrectly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133903 <ubotu> New bug: #133904 in displayconfig-gtk (universe) ""Available drivers" menu is detachable; breaks when detached" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133904 <ubotu> New bug: #133905 in lvm2 (main) "udev rules should not automatically active logical volumes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133905 <ubotu> New bug: #133906 in ndiswrapper (main) "ndiswrapper - bootloading failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133906 <ubotu> New bug: #133907 in displayconfig-gtk (universe) "5 models listed under "Radeon"; should be simplified to 2?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133907 <ubotu> New bug: #133909 in displayconfig-gtk (universe) ""Default" location needed; currently blank, looks broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133909 <ubotu> New bug: #133910 in displayconfig-gtk (universe) "displayconfig-gtk should use the same mechanism as other tools to inform the user of a required system restart" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133910 <ubotu> New bug: #133911 in debian-installer (main) "Redundant and possibly ambiguous message in partconf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133911 <ubotu> New bug: #133913 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] vavoom" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133913 <ubotu> New bug: #133914 in gnucash (universe) "Disappearance of asset class in GNUCASH on UBuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133914 <ubotu> New bug: #133915 in gcalctool (main) "Hexadecimal input is not intuitive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133915 <ubotu> New bug: #133916 in Ubuntu "RTL8187 bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133916 <ubotu> New bug: #133917 in Ubuntu "failure during process install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133917 <ubotu> New bug: #133918 in Ubuntu "printer configuration cups error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133918 <ubotu> New bug: #133919 in Ubuntu "[gutsy] tooltips take way too long to display" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133919 <ubotu> New bug: #133920 in dpkg (main) "dselect update deletes local Packages.gz" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133920 <ubotu> New bug: #133921 in evolution (main) "Evolution address book has no place for SIP number" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133921 <ubotu> New bug: #133923 in clamav (universe) "clamav-freshclam cannot save pid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133923 <ubotu> New bug: #133924 in clamav (universe) "clamav-milter cannot save pid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133924 <ubotu> New bug: #133926 in subversion (main) "Crash on svn commit by missing libexpat" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133926 <ubotu> New bug: #133928 in totem (main) "dvd movies will not play in 7.04 x86_64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133928 <ubotu> New bug: #133929 in Ubuntu "computer often totally stands still, after the lastest updates, the same with a friends computer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133929 <ubotu> New bug: #133930 in kinoplus (universe) "[gutsy] kinoplus want kino to be uninstalled but has it as a dependency " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133930 <ubotu> New bug: #133931 in ffmpeg (main) "ffmpeg in gutsy does not recognize the -ab option" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133931 #ubuntu-bugs 2007-08-22 <ubotu> New bug: #133932 in samba (main) "Samba is not configured for using CUPS by default" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133932 <ubotu> New bug: #133933 in cheese (universe) "Can you update Cheese to 0.2.2 (many new sexy features)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133933 <ubotu> New bug: #133934 in vlc (universe) "Typo in libvlc.h vlc-0.8.6.release breaks compilation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133934 <ubotu> New bug: #133935 in libimage-exiftool-perl (universe) "missing xmp2iptc.args and iptc2xmp.args" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133935 <rbs-tito_> alex-weej: I've linked bug 131145 upstream to gnome and mozilla, is it worth linking the two upstream bugs to each other? <alex-weej> bug 131145 <rbs-tito> Where is Ubotu? * alex-weej doesn't know :< <rbs-tito> ubotu: bug 131145 <rbs-tito> :O He's run away <rbs-tito> Who hosts him? <alex-weej> it's ok i found it <alex-weej> i'm not sure it affects Nautilus upstream * alex-weej reads the bug <rbs-tito> alex-weej: We'll soon see, when GNOME triage that bug. I didn't make the nautilus bug, I found it <alex-weej> it is over 2 years old <rbs-tito> Oh <rbs-tito> I've linked to Mozilla too <alex-weej> it's a bit of a mess this problem <alex-weej> should mozilla be honouring file-URIs? <alex-weej> or should nautilus be negotiating local UNIX paths? <rbs-tito> I can't see why Nautilus would append file:// to anything <alex-weej> because all files in nautilus are URIs <rbs-tito> Oh <rbs-tito> Mozilla block URIs as a security feature <alex-weej> hm, i'm not too familiar with DND <alex-weej> but it seems that if nautilus understood now to negotiate the "application/x-moz-file" drag-n-drop data type <alex-weej> maybe this would go away <rbs-tito> Interesting <alex-weej> this Firefox extension supposedly fixes this https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2190 <rbs-tito> You can copy a file from nautilus, then paste it into firefox <alex-weej> as if it's written in Java <rbs-tito> alex-weej: Firefox want to disable the uploading of files from direct input <alex-weej> rbs-tito: oh... source? <rbs-tito> alex-weej: Because you could have a hidden form element, a file uploader, which has the default as some important file <rbs-tito> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=258875 <pedro_> heya sourcercito <alex-weej> rbs-tito: no, if i'm dragging and dropping something from nautilus to firefox <alex-weej> that can't be automated <alex-weej> and this extension is freaking ugly <rbs-tito> alex-weej: all that would do is change the text field to /home/user/file , or file://home/user/file <alex-weej> simulating mouse clicks and stuff <rbs-tito> alex-weej: And a form element could be set to that by default <alex-weej> rbs-tito: no it couldn't, as you can't set the value of an input form field by firefox's security policy <alex-weej> when i drag and drop <alex-weej> it is firefox's code that decides what to do <alex-weej> not external code <alex-weej> it should invoke the same routine it would do as if i had returned file:///mypath/yadda/yadda from GtkFileChooser <rbs-tito> Oh right, so firefox doesn't allow default files to be put into form uploads? <alex-weej> no because of exactly what you just said <rbs-tito> oh right * alex-weej would prefer GtkWebKit * rbs-tito thinks Firefox should have a script to remove file:/ from the start of upload fields <rbs-tito> I've never read a bug quite like bug 133951 <rbs-tito> " <rbs-tito> ATI Radeon 9200 (PCI) (NOTE: It is NOOOOOOOOOT SE, nor is it a pro. It's JUST 9200. Yeah, I know, piece of crap. It ran Half-Life 2 on Windows, I was happy.)" <pedro_> ahahaha <pedro_> that's a funny one <rbs-tito> I might rewrite his description <rbs-tito> Does anyone think this would be easier if we were based on Debian testing? <ryanakca> debian bug 439075 <ryanakca> hmm. ubugtu's dead ;( <Hobbsee> ubugtu's been dead for a while <ryanakca> oh... hehe <Hobbsee> ubotu's not here <ryanakca> when a program fails to run due to some parts of it not being included into the package, it get's "High"? Or is it just medium? (example, bug #132587) <bdmurray> ryanakca: what package is it about? * bdmurray looks <bdmurray> Okay, it is about bzflag which isn't installed by default. So I think Medium is appropriate. <ryanakca> bdmurray: ok, thanks <torkiano> bug #132587 <dholbach> good morning <thekorn> hi dholbach <dholbach> hey thekorn <thekorn> HAPPY HUG-DAY <dholbach> happy hug day to all of you too! <Hobbsee> oh noes, a hug day! <dholbach> it's a SPECIAL hug day! * Hobbsee gasps, and dies of horror <Hobbsee> you mean you're going to fix all of kde's bug? <Hobbsee> er, bugs? <ubotu> New bug: #133972 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] PanelFM" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133972 <ubotu> New bug: #133975 in update-manager (main) "Update Manger problem with package initilization" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133975 <ubotu> New bug: #133976 in firefox (main) "firefox freezes with unknown reasons." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133976 <ubotu> New bug: #133977 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "[feisty] Realtek ALC883 integrated microphone does not work with the ALSA driver." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133977 <ubotu> New bug: #133979 in firefox (main) "Unable to login to Drupal site" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133979 <Carroarmato0> I found a bug.... and smached it in my room ;) <dholbach> GO Carroarmato0! :) * dholbach hugs Carroarmato0 * herzi hugs dholbach <Carroarmato0> It was a big juicy one ^^ * dholbach hugs herzi back <Carroarmato0> Hugs you all back <dholbach> herzi: how are you doing? <herzi> fine <herzi> really fine <dholbach> good to hear that :) <herzi> I had three weeks of vacation and now I'm spending the rest of the summer holidays working fulltime <herzi> and you? <dholbach> same here :-) <dholbach> had three weeks of vacation and they were absolutely fantastic <herzi> "just in time for the ubuntu gnome hug day" :-D <dholbach> http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?p=48 - once I've recovered from email-itis - I'll probably post some pictures and stuff :) <dholbach> seb128: happy HUG DAY <seb128> dholbach: to you too ;) <Carroarmato0> Hey! Believe it or not I found a bug! In Feisty when enabling sound preview to always it doesn't work... neither for my mp3 or ogg files... <norsetto> morning all <seb128> Carroarmato0: sound preview is hacky and depends on command line tools to be installed <seb128> hi norsetto <norsetto> seb128: salut :-) <Carroarmato0> seb128: what command would that be? <Carroarmato0> seb128: I just went to launchpad and saw the workaround.... but why aren't these installed by default? <seb128> Carroarmato0: let's say that the code is ugly and the feature not working correctly <Carroarmato0> seb128: hence we add a button to enable it even if it's not working? ;) <seb128> patches are welcome <seb128> there is some ten of thousands bugs open and this one is not a high importance one on my list <Carroarmato0> Guess so... but if we want to impress our OS neighbours we should also pay attention to the small detail <seb128> right <seb128> there is lot of small details though <Carroarmato0> But of course the big big show stoppers go first <seb128> and days only have 24 hours <seb128> but you are welcome to work on making that one look better, we will be happy to review patches or suggestions on what to change ;) <Carroarmato0> I'm in the phase where I like to think of myself as a bug hunter and simply report bugs whenever I can. Still need to go to school and learn the tool of traid to smach virtual bugs. It ain't the same as in real life bug smaching ^^ <Carroarmato0> Hmm... got mp3 audio preview working... but the ogg files still don't give me love... <herzi> seb128: maybe the yelp bug can be tracked down using a dogtail script (because that script will likely be faster than any tester can be) <herzi> I've never used dogtail though - maybe I can find some time to look into this in the evening <seb128> that would be a good idea <seb128> neither did I <seb128> but I would be happy to have a look, that could be an useful tool ;) <kagou> can someone tell me if i'v well done sync request for Bug #133999 and Bug #133320 ?? <kagou> as we are in freeze i'm not sure (i'v just subscribed Ubuntu Sponsors for universe) <seb128> kagou: looking <seb128> not really, no <kagou> 'lu seb128 Merci <seb128> do you know about requestsync? <kagou> argl that's it <kagou> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess <kagou> i'v quickly added subsribing for an existing bug, and doing the same for the other <seb128> right <seb128> and please do clear bugs <seb128> like bug ##133320 is not manageable <seb128> those should be quick to process <seb128> not have over one page of text to read <seb128> also open one bug by package <kagou> ok. i'm doing changes now <seb128> specify the version, if it's main or universe, if there is Ubuntu changes <seb128> the easier is really to use the requestsync script, it does that for you <seb128> you just have to specify if there is Ubuntu changes if why they can be dropped <kagou> seb128, can you have a look again at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk-recordmydesktop/+bug/133320 <seb128> kagou: looks better, you also want to specify that there is no Ubuntu change <kagou> right ! <seb128> kagou: and open a recordmydesktop task <kagou> seb128, i don't know how to do that <seb128> kagou: click on the Also affects under the table <seb128> distribution <kagou> seb128, done. Michael Bienia ask me to do an UVF <seb128> right <seb128> geser: UVF is in place for universe also? <geser> seb128: yes <seb128> we should have a webcal with that ;) <kagou> ok <ogra> seb128, afaik keybuk made an ical file for evo import <seb128> ogra: he used to, I don't think he did one for gutsy though <seb128> I asked him several times and he said he had issues doing it <ogra> ah,yeah, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule says its broken atm * dholbach hugs seb128, geser, kagou and ogra <dholbach> happy hug day :-) * seb128 hugs dholbach * coNP hugs dholbach, seb128 <kagou> hey dholbach :) happy hug day <coNP> Someone should hug the topic :) <dholbach> hey coNP * geser hugs dholbach * heno closes 114108 * dholbach hugs coNP * dholbach hugs heno too <dholbach> coNP: what do you want to have in the topic? * heno hugs dholbach <coNP> dholbach: Nothing really important, maybe some HAPPY HUG DAY :) * mode/#ubuntu-bugs [+o dholbach] by ChanServ * ..[topic/#ubuntu-bugs:dholbach] : Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-qa/ - http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad | HAPPY HUG DAY - Get Involved! Check out: <dholbach> grrrr <dholbach> :) * ..[topic/#ubuntu-bugs:dholbach] : Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-qa/ - http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad | HAPPY HUG DAY - Get Involved! Check out: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bugsquad/2007-August/000626.html * mode/#ubuntu-bugs [-o dholbach] by dholbach * heno closes bug 119397 <dholbach> heno is still in the lead: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20070822 :-) <heno> :) <norsetto> For http://launchpad.net/bugs/111814 I added seb128 as triager in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20070822. He triaged it, and the mismatch is due to upstream not yet rejecting the bug. <Jazzva> Hmm... Can anybody change the bug status at GNOME's bug tracker? <Jazzva> Hm, ok. Found the answer... <huats> Hi, I'd like to try to resolv bug #133600, but I don't fnid where to say that I am working on it... <huats> norsetto: I think that you offer to mentor for it... <mjanietz> hi guys. Quick one: Did you fix the tracked bug with the latest kernel update? Had major HD activity but it appears to be gone today. <seb128> dholbach: could you have a look to bug #128929? <seb128> dholbach: no need to bother, seems to be fixed in gutsy <dholbach> seb128: ok super <coNP> Hey Hobbsee <Hobbsee> hi coNP <seb128> Hobbsee: happy GNOME bug day ;) <Hobbsee> seb128: let me file you some more bugs on GNOME then... :) <Hobbsee> "bug: gnome does not act like kde" <seb128> Hobbsee: if they are valids and non duplicates you are welcome to do so ;) <Hobbsee> seb128: like the one above then. excellent <seb128> Hobbsee: that is not a valide one! <Hobbsee> seb128: oh yes it is! * seb128 slaps Hobbsee for trolling <norsetto> huats: sorry, was lunching; you want to fix 133600 then? <seb128> k, since KDE guys seem to be friendly I think I'll not look at their packages waiting in NEW today ;) * mode/#ubuntu-bugs [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ * seb128 was kicked off #ubuntu-bugs by Hobbsee (: ABUSE IN THE SYSTEM!!!!) * mode/#ubuntu-bugs [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ * Hobbsee looks around innocently <pedro_> hahaha <Hobbsee> if one wishes to troll, it is always more fun if one is trolling with +o capabilities. <norsetto> heck, one should never slap a woman: "women shall not be touched even with a flower" * mode/#ubuntu-bugs [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ * mode/#ubuntu-bugs [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ <Hobbsee> heh :) <Hobbsee> hmm, he must not have autojoin on * norsetto was quite scared for a tiny fraction of a second ....... <xxxxx1> hehe <huats> norsetto: sorry I was away too <huats> norsetto: Yep I'd like to fix it <norsetto> huats: ok, set it to in progress and mark yourself as the one working on it then <Hobbsee> seb128: :) <seb128> hey Hobbsee ;) <Hobbsee> seb128: dunno *what* did that <Hobbsee> seb128: did you want the backscroll, for while you were gone? <norsetto> O:-) <seb128> Hobbsee: if there is something of interest there yes, otherwise don't bother <Hobbsee> seb128: perhaps not, but http://rafb.net/p/zBj0XQ14.html <norsetto> zBj0XQ! <norsetto> :-X <seb128> Hobbsee: thanks ;) <Hobbsee> seb128: no problem. now, about the gnome should look like kde bugs... <seb128> and no, I've no autojoin after kicking, just on xchat start <seb128> if we do that, will you switch to GNOME? ;) <Hobbsee> useful. and i actually meant autojoin on invite <Hobbsee> quite possibly. using gnome would actually be the far better option, for ubuntu <Hobbsee> seb128: there being more demand for it, so more attention spent on it, etc. <ScottK> Hobbsee: Start using Dolphin for your file manager and you're off to a good start. <Hobbsee> ScottK: urgh. <Hobbsee> ScottK: i dont mind dolphin. in small doses. <Hobbsee> seb128: i'd far prefer to have a few too many options, with a search box, than to have no choice at all. <Hobbsee> or close to none <Hobbsee> therefore, gnome doesnt really fit that requirement <seb128> right <seb128> I like to not have to spend hours to get something usable <seb128> there is choice for everybody ;) <Hobbsee> as in, i want to be able to switch the grey to a nicer silver, because i hate the old grey look. i can go to uni and look at the buildings. <Hobbsee> without it crashing <Hobbsee> i want to actually be able to use any protocol which i choose, in konqueror, and konq handle it. <Hobbsee> and not fall over <Hobbsee> i want to actually be able to find things in the one application, rather than having things spread over 2 menus <Hobbsee> i want to have easy access to a terminal, which gnome seems to lack. <Hobbsee> er, s/konq/whichever file manager i'm using/ <Hobbsee> seb128: those kind of things drive me insane :) <Hobbsee> seb128: i want to be able to pick my screensaver <Hobbsee> for ops, i want to have a different notification, via sound, as to whether it's a call for ops, or a general ping for me. <Hobbsee> all of the above you can do in kde - but not gnome. <davmor2> I'm still having issues with Ubuntu and 1 inch title bars with my intel laptop. http://www.davmor2.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Screenshot.png For a visual idea. <seb128> Hobbsee: half of that is "I know KDE but not GNOME" <davmor2> bug 127677 <seb128> Hobbsee: like you can assign a shortcut to open gnome-terminal <Hobbsee> seb128: this is true, yes. and if i could find these things easily in gnome... <seb128> and it's in the applications menu <Hobbsee> seb128: yes, xterm seems to be. i thought you guys still installed gterm, or whatever it was <seb128> gnome-terminal is <Hobbsee> i can never find it in my menus <seb128> applications, accessories, terminal <Hobbsee> oh, hmm. <seb128> you are not trying hard it looks like <seb128> because there is not so many items in those menus <seb128> anyway we have choice that's good for anybody ;) <Hobbsee> let me have a look.... <Hobbsee> seb128: honestly, i'm not trolling here - this is the stuff that i keep not being able to find each time i try gnome. <seb128> well, the KDE menu is not any simpler than that <seb128> that's only a menu, categories and items <Hobbsee> yeah, system and utilities is being a bit of a pain in that regard <Hobbsee> seb128: also, there's no katapult <Hobbsee> i need my katapult to function. <seb128> what is katapult? <Hobbsee> oh you poor gnome type. <seb128> something to throw heavy objects ? ;) <Hobbsee> seb128: have you heard of quicksilver for OSX? <seb128> no <jeromeg> Hobbsee: try deskbar or gnome-launch-box <davmor2> Hobbsee see the orange magnifying glass click on it and type in terminal :) <seb128> alt-F3 for deskbar <jeromeg> Hobbsee: they are different but also efficient <mono> Hi! Does anyone has the same bug i have (See screenshot)? http://valik.wordpress.com/files/2007/08/desktop.png It's highly annoying! everytime i boot my pc with a cd in the cd-rom. Just dont know how describe it, but the screenshot says it all! <Hobbsee> jeromeg: they complete the appname, presumably? <jeromeg> Hobbsee: yep <Hobbsee> seb128: basically, it opens any app with a .desktop file, any file in your home dir - or elsewhere, if you specify the path, any tune that you have in your amarok calculation, any firefox or konq bookmark, and is also a simple calculator. <Hobbsee> (and autocompletes all of it) <Hobbsee> jeromeg: what about the web bookmarks? <jeromeg> Hobbsee: deskbar can do that <seb128> Hobbsee: looks like deskbar (alt-F3 or icon on the panel) <jeromeg> Hobbsee: amarok integration will be hard although * jjesse loves katapult <jjesse> in fact i love katapult so much that in windows i use launchy (similir product) <Hobbsee> jeromeg: or $musicplayerofchoice <Hobbsee> jjesse: ooh.... <seb128> Hobbsee: it can do web bookmark, indexer, devhelp, dictionnaries, etc <Hobbsee> jjesse: i keep trying alt+space in windows, and getting annoyed when it doesnt work. because i can *really* find nothing on the menus then :P <Hobbsee> seb128: neat..... <jjesse> Hobbsee: use launchy <jjesse> same alt+space <seb128> Hobbsee: I think you just didn't bother to try to find GNOME equivalents, which is fine, you don't need to switch <davmor2> Hobbsee: It'll even do web searches and wikipedia <Hobbsee> seb128: oh, impressive! i believe this is tribe...3, but it's still good <Hobbsee> seb128: yeah, the last time i properly tried gnome was around feisty release <Hobbsee> oh, hmmm <Hobbsee> the about ubuntu page in yelp (i think) is page not found. <Hobbsee> seb128: i'm afraid that the gnome crashes made me not want to stick with gnome for long periods of time <Hobbsee> the theme switcher one, in particular, which would make everything else crash <Hobbsee> (yes, it's reported. unsure if it's fixed) <seb128> let's stop there <seb128> give some proper testing to next tribe if you want <seb128> and let me know if you still have that many issues <Hobbsee> ok <seb128> there is not some many crashes actually or you are really not lucky ;) <Hobbsee> hmm, if i can rsync at the uni... <Hobbsee> seb128: i think i just keep trying the things that crash, tbh <Hobbsee> or i get the crashes on startup, etc. <Hobbsee> when i've done *nothing* <Hobbsee> it goes "ooh, look, it's hobbsee, let's crash!" <w00t> that sounds like a sensible attitude for software to take :P <seb128> maybe as a KDE user you try clicking on things GNOME users let untouched usually because it just works ;) <Hobbsee> seb128: i refuse to believe that no gnome user changes the theme. <seb128> right, weirdly enough it doesn't crash for me or the other users apparently ;) <Hobbsee> like i say, it may have been fixed. <w00t> what's crashing anyway? <Hobbsee> i should have saved that VM, i could have checked now <huats> norsetto: I've read that the idea is to provide 2 icons : one XPM in 32x32 and one PNG in 48x48. Do I put the 2 icons in the same dir after installation (/usr/share/pixmaps/) ? <norsetto> huats: did you read that in the freedesktop.org specification? <huats> here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/DesktopFiles <huats> just want ot be sure... that is what is written, but I'd like a confirmation... * norsetto reading <elmargol> bug #406446 <norsetto> huats: where did you find the icons? <huats> I've been searching on the forum of the upstream <huats> some has done some... <huats> in GPL <huats> I mean someone has done some <norsetto> huats: OK, and they are licensed with GPL? what size and format are they? Can you check if they are included in the upstream tarball? <huats> ok <huats> they under GPL <huats> I have resized/convert to get one png of 48 <huats> and one xpm of 32 <huats> they are not in the upstream <huats> I've already checked <huats> so I've put them aside the .desktop file in the debian/ <norsetto> huats: usually we only need one icon, preferably 48x48 (as specified by the freedesktop.org specification) <huats> ok <norsetto> huats: it would be better if this is png, but since this is a binary format it would require some care <huats> it is png <norsetto> huats: and the original format? <huats> png <huats> the original was a png in 48x48 <huats> so it is the original :-) <sourcercito> hi there <norsetto> huats: then I think it would be better just to convert it to xpm and add it directly into /debian <sourcercito> i'm wanna start to work on bug #106664 <norsetto> huats: since its your first package I would make it simple <pedro_> sourcercito: go ahead ! :-) , any thoughts about it ? <norsetto> huats: since the icon is licensed with GPL, remember that you have to add it to your copyright file too <sourcercito> sure, i reading the description of the bug (screensaver show to much info about user), i think it should only shows the username, because just i need to know who's logged in <pedro_> just the username without the full name and host name? <sourcercito> exactly <sourcercito> i was just typing this <sourcercito> :D <pedro_> haha, k cool, do you think it's a upstream or ubuntu one? <sourcercito> let me check in my debian installation to answer that <huats> norsetto: ok <huats> norsetto: do I have to change the maintener filed in the control ? Changing it to "Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>" by instance and adding a XSBC-Original-Maintainer ? (I've seen something like that in another control file) <norsetto> huts: if it is not like that already, yes. here is the reference: DebianMaintainerField - Ubuntu Wiki <norsetto> huts: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField <sourcercito> looks like upstream bug, doesn't seem to be any related patch in the debian package from gutsy <Pici> Question. If a dev requests information on a bug and the user responds, should the bug still be left as incomplete? <pedro_> sourcercito: cool , do you have a bugzilla.gnome.org account ? <sourcercito> also same behavior under debian <sourcercito> up <sourcercito> yup <pedro_> sourcercito: first thing is to search there is there's some bug reported about it <seb128> huats: what do you want to change? <sourcercito> ok <sourcercito> thanks <sourcercito> :P <pedro_> sourcercito: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=gnome-screensaver <sourcercito> ok <huats> seb128: right now the Maintener field of the flightgear package point to Ove Kaaven, and since I am fixing a bug I was asking if I also have to change the Maintener field to reflect MOTU and adding a XSBC-Original-Maintener <seb128> huats: do you add a desktop file in a distribution specific way? <huats> seb128: I am modifying it since there is already one <seb128> k <huats> norsetto: when you mean adding it to the copyright, a single mention like "Desktop icon author : ...." is enough <huats> ? <norsetto> huats: you have to add - The author(s) name - The year(s) of the copyright - The used license(s) - The URL to the upstream source <norsetto> huts: and the at least this: The icon icon_name.xpm is (C) year, NAME <@email.address> and is licensed under the GPL, see above. <huats> ok ok <huats> norsetto: thanks <norsetto> huats: I think you are working on the wrong version <huats> really ? <norsetto> huts: no, its just old, it has an ubuntu versioning but the maintainer field is indeed unchanged <huats> in fact, edgy, feisty and gutsy have the same version... <norsetto> huats: you are making it for gutsy I hope? <huats> norsetto: I hope too :-) <huats> norsetto: I will build it using a pbuilder env of gutsy <norsetto> huats: did you specify gutsy as distribution in the changelog? <huats> I am writing the changelog right now (using dch) <alex-weej> anyone else noticed that Human falls back on "Tangerine,Tango,GNOME", but Tangerine falls back on "GNOME" -- as a result, lots of Human icons have started resolving to GNOME icons rather than to Tango icons <Pici> Whats the process if a dev asks for information on a bug, the user adds information and the bug sits untouched and still incomplete? <Pici> Fyi, I'm not talking about one of my bugs <alex-weej> Pici: can you change the status to New? <iwj> Pici: Which bug are you talking about ? <alex-weej> if the information has been provided, then change it to New <Pici> alex-weej: Will do, thanks :) <Pici> iwj: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/126775 <iwj> Pici: Mm, yes, setting it to New was right. <huats> norsetto: to build the package once everything is done, I should do that with debuild, right ? <sourcercito> ok, i finish with #106664, i send it to gnome bugzilla <sourcercito> if anyone could verify if it's ok, that would be great <pedro_> sourcercito: if you can share your comments about it in the report would be nice :-) <ogra> did anyone ping Seveas ? seems ubotu died a while ago and seems to not come back <sourcercito> ok <sourcercito> thanks <Pici> ogra: The ubuntu-ops know :) <norsetto> huats: yes, you could also use dpkg-buildpackage directly (see man debuild to check why debuild is better) <pedro_> sourcercito: looks good, thanks you! <sourcercito> nonono thanks you :D <pedro_> sourcercito: wanna work in some other ? ;-) <sourcercito> sure <pedro_> sourcercito: may you want to update your bug in the bug day list? <sourcercito> i already did it <pedro_> cool then ;-) <pedro_> ok if you are having some question in the other bug you want to work just let us know <sourcercito> ok, thanks <huats> norsetto: I cannot build it right now, cause I haven't yet the pbuilder set, and I cannot create it right now (@work...). I'll continue tonight. anyway thanks so far... <norsetto> huats: just attach the patch you have so at least I can give it a first look <huats> don't you prefer a debdiff instead ? <norsetto> huats: you can also consider this: https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart <norsetto> huats: yes, patch = debdiff <FFForever> what is the best way a newb like me can help out gnome (this is the room for the gnome bug fixing day right?) <huats> norsetto PPA seems very interesting... I'll try that way I think <pedro_> FFForever: take a look to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay <norsetto> FFForever: take a look at this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20070822 <sourcercito> if i set a bug as incomplete from the list of bug day, i still must mark as it's worked by me? <pedro_> sourcercito: yes please <pedro_> sourcercito: did you try to reproduce it ? <sourcercito> ok <FFForever> how do i upgrade my gnome to the latest (i need to right?) <sourcercito> there's no info to reproduce it <sourcercito> that's why i want to set is as incomplete <pedro_> sourcercito: ok go ahead then, thanks you <pedro_> FFForever: you can set your sources.list to use gutsy instead of feisty or you can help us to test the tribes cd images you can get one from here : http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/ <FFForever> if i download this tribe cd will apt just keep me up to date or do i need to redownload the tribe cd each time there is a new one? <Hobbsee> pedro_: the daily images are dodgy atm. <pedro_> FFForever: you can get a tribe 4 for now and then upgrade it, tribe 5 iso is out tomorrow <FFForever> well its going to take a long time ill be back when its done :) <Hobbsee> really, doing bugwork would have been more useful. <Hobbsee> oh well <ogra> burgwork ? <huats> norsetto: to show you the patch, do I attach it to the bug ? <norsetto> huats: yes, and then I will leave my comments in the bug report <lousygarua> Hello, a little advise on #88692. the guy found some command to fix the bug he had after installation, does this mean the bug is fixed or that some team in ubuntu should fix this so the bug won't be there by default on gusty (so users won't need a manual fix like this guy) <jeromeg> lousygarua: it's not fixed yet, it's just a workaround <lousygarua> jeromeg: so i just leave the status 'new' until it can be confirmed by another triager? <sourcercito> norsetto, are you working on #131312? <bdmurray> lousygarua: you could also tag it as needs-devrelease-testing <jeromeg> lousygarua: give me a link to this bug please <bdmurray> As it would be good to have it tested in Feisty by someone <davmor2> bug 106876 closed fixed released :) <jeromeg> bdmurray: hey, thanks for having extensed my Qa team membership <bdmurray> jeromeg: no problem - thanks again for helping out <jeromeg> bdmurray: np <norsetto> sourcercito: yes, you want to take over? <lousygarua> jeromeg: here it is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/88692 <sourcercito> no, go ahead, but please mark it in the webpage <sourcercito> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20070822 <pedro_> heya bdmurray ! <bdmurray> hello pedro_! <pedro_> happy hug day ;-) <jeromeg> lousygarua: in this case you can see that the bug has been reported during herd 4 and 5 which are development releases <jeromeg> lousygarua : so the first thing to ask is if it still happens with the final release * mode/#ubuntu-bugs [+o bdmurray] by ChanServ <lousygarua> jeromeg: oh, ok, thanks. i'll ask the dude. in case it still not fixed on release should i tag is as bdmurray suggested? <jeromeg> lousygarua: yes to see if it still happens in gutsy, you can tag it anyway <bdmurray> jeromeg: I think it still would happen but maybe be improved in Gutsy. <jeromeg> bdmurray: ok <norsetto> huats: I think you attached the wrong file :-) <huats> oh <huats> may be <huats> I'll have a look <huats> norsetto: It is the file I have.... <huats> norsetto: but I might have done something wrong... <norsetto> huats: how did you do the debdiff? if you do not redirect the output you will loose it <huats> norsetto: i haven't done a debdiff... it is juste the .diff.gz file that has been created by debuild -S <norsetto> huats: well, you don't usually send that around (as you can see its pretty big) <huats> ok <norsetto> huats: just do a debdiff of the two .dsc (the old and the new) <bdmurray> pedro_: What is the procedure for having bugs in bugzilla.gnome.org closed? <huats> norsetto: ok <bdmurray> Ubuntu bug 104846 is Invalid but the upstream bug is still open. <pedro_> bdmurray: the reported should close it, or someone else with the rights permissions <pedro_> bdmurray: ok let me look at it <linux__alien> i am interested in being part of this team. i am excited too can some one guide me ? <bdmurray> linux__alien: what would you like to do or what are you interested in? <linux__alien> bdmurray, in solving bugs but i ve not done that . I am interested in being part of this team. i would like to start contributing from the smallest extent and grow along with this community and there by help the community <bdmurray> linux__alien: Okay, well the first step would be reading the documentation in the wiki. Then looking at bugs in a package (piece of software) that you are interested in would be the second one. <linux__alien> and today being the hug day whats so special in this channel . The ubuntu web site also says lot of things <linux__alien> is there something that i can immediately start off ? <linux__alien> :-) <norsetto> huats: btw, I already have some comments so you may want to hold the upload? <huats> ok <huats> norsetto: I am holding <bdmurray> There are so many places to start. :) What software are you interested in or familiar with? Are you using Gutsy at all? <ScottK> linux__alien: If there are packages that you use regularly that have problems that annoy you, start looking for those kinds of bugs in Launchpad is my advice. <linux__alien> no i am using Feisty Fawn 7.04 <linux__alien> bdmurray, i know to code in C and C++ and little bit of python (basic level) <norsetto> huats: in debian/dirs you should add /usr/share/pixmaps (the directory which you use to install the icon) <linux__alien> bdmurray, i ve contributed to small open source projects also <huats> norsetto: ok <norsetto> huats: you should delete the encoding entry in the desktop file (its deprecated) <sourcercito> linux__alien, could you try to reproduce this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/127375 <sourcercito> since you're using feisty <huats> norsetto: done <norsetto> huats: a nice utility for the validation of desktop files is desktop-file-validate (in the desktop-file-utils package) <bdmurray> linux__alien: Any project that have bug reports in Launchpad? <linux__alien> bdmurray, no unfortunately :-( <huats> norsetto: oh I know that, I just forgot to use it... Thanks ! <norsetto> huats: version should be 1.0 (its the version of the spec not of the executable) <linux__alien> sourcercito, sure i ll try to reproduce it <norsetto> huats: did you see my two comments above (encoding and version)? <sourcercito> linux__alien, thanks <huats> norsetto: the version in the .desktop ? because I haven't changed it.... <linux__alien> i should close the XChat also :-) <linux__alien> for reproducing it <sourcercito> nah <sourcercito> try another workspace <sourcercito> and open a couple of applications <norsetto> huats: yes, but its wrong, so you should change it <huats> norsetto: yep, I've seen the 2 comments,dirs and encoding ,and they are modified <huats> norsetto: no pb it is done <norsetto> huats: in rules you install debian/flightgear.png not debian/flightgear.xpm <huats> norsetto: arg, that was the first draft.... sorry <linux__alien> sourcercito, i opened couple of applications and closed it using the mouse and then i tried pressing Alt+ F1 and the gnome menu got invoked. I didnt have to click on the mouse for the desktop to gain focus . Am i right? <norsetto> huats: I think it is also better to remove the final / in $(CURDIR)/debian/flightgear/usr/share/pixmaps/ <huats> norsetto: ok <sourcercito> linux_alien that's ok <norsetto> huats: see, the previous packager used mkdir -p for /usr/share/applications, which is silly since you have debian/dirs; can you change that? <sourcercito> do you have a launchpad account, so you can comment the bug with your experience <sourcercito> ??? <linux__alien> sourcercito, i tried closing the applications this time by pressing Alt + F4 and still when i did Alt + F1 after i closed it i was able to invoke the gnome menu <linux__alien> sourcercito, yes i do have a launchpad account <sourcercito> linux_alien do you have focus on desktop after close all the aplications?, could you move between the desktop entries without having to click on the desktop? <linux__alien> desktop entries in the sense? <sourcercito> hm, do you have any icon in the desktop? <linux__alien> i do have focus on the desktop after i close couple of windows. i tried closing the windows using the mouse as well as using Alt + F4 and both times i was able to access the gnome menu using Alt + F1 <sourcercito> let's say a folder, disk icon, anything? <linux__alien> yes i do have icons <linux__alien> on the desktop <linux__alien> yes <linux__alien> i ve those icons <sourcercito> ok, can you access them when you close all applications, without having to click on the desktop <linux__alien> Ah let me check that <linux__alien> good point to check <sourcercito> just using your keyboard, with your arrow keys <linux__alien> :-) <bdmurray> dholbach: I've ran across a couple of bug reports that are invalid in Ubuntu and New upstream but without a bug watch. Do you think it would be safe to close the upstream task? <norsetto> huats: remember to add these changes to changelog <dholbach> bdmurray: yeah, I should think so <bdmurray> dholbach: okay, at a mininum they'll stop showing up in some queries <linux__alien> sourcercito, yes very much i am able to use the access the icons using the keyboard and even pressed enter key by selecting one icon using the keyboard <huats> norsetto: I will. As I have added usr/share/applications in debian/dirs I can simply remove the mkdir from the debian/rules right ? <norsetto> huats: indeed <sourcercito> linux_alien, can you please comment your experience in this bug report <huats> norsetto: ok thanks <norsetto> huats: can you also check if the watch file is still ok? <bdmurray> pedro_: gnome bug 362858 might be ready for closing <mawx> sourcecito: same for me. Only time i have no focus is directly after logging in. <pedro_> bdmurray: k marked as incomplete <sourcercito> mawx ok, could you comment also please <mawx> sourcercito: sure <pedro_> done <sourcercito> thanks <huats> norsetto: I will <linux__alien> sourcercito, yes done <linux__alien> sourcercito, added my comment just have a look whether it looks fine <linux__alien> :-) <norsetto> huats: finally, read this: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-May/000298.html * sourcercito hugs linux_alien <sourcercito> thanks :D * sourcercito hugs mawx too <norsetto> huats: if you add that to the changelog the bug will be closed automatically at package release <huats> norsetto: ok <pedro_> sourcercito: don't forget do add your name in the wiki page ;-) <sourcercito> ok <linux__alien> sourcercito, what next :-) <sourcercito> linux_alien, look at this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20070822 <sourcercito> if you find any bug that you're interested on, go ahead and try to reproduce it <linux__alien> sourcercito, but the web page says that i ve to reproduce it using Gusty Gibson but i am running 7.04 <norsetto> huats: actually, you don't say in copyright from where you downloaded the icon? <huats> norsetto: so i just have to had an entry to the changelog saying : * Fixes LP: #133600 at that will close it, that is great... <norsetto> huats: yes, but usually you say something like * add icon (LP: #133600); you don't add an additional entry <sourcercito> linux_alien you're right, but you can still check if the behavior is found under feisty, just like the bug you just comment, which was reported in feisty <huats> norsetto: I am naming the author, but it is true that I am not giving the url , I should ? <norsetto> huats: oh yes <norsetto> huats: btw, don't look at that copyright as an example of a good copyright ... it isn't <linux__alien> sourcercito, if there is a bug in Gnome and if i want to fix it i ve to download gnome and build it right ? <norsetto> huats: a new package with that copyright would be rejected nowadays <huats> oh <Hobbsee> norsetto: which package? <huats> norsetto: because I have been looking at it :-( <norsetto> huats: a good reference to be used for the future: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2006/03/msg00023.html <norsetto> Hobbsee: flightgear <bdmurray> dholbach: is bug 123623 a good bitesize or packaging error bug? <Hobbsee> norsetto: that's direct from debian, isnt it? <Hobbsee> hmm, seems not <pedro_> sourcercito: depends what you want to fix , "Gnome" is the whole desktop it means a bunch of applications together <sourcercito> linux__alien, here's another bug involving feisty https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20070822 <pedro_> ohuch <norsetto> Hobbsee: yep, last change was a .desktop file from us <pedro_> that wasnt for you <sourcercito> pedro_ i think this was for linux_alien :D <norsetto> Hobbsee: its a pretty old package <pedro_> linux__alien: depends what you want to fix , "Gnome" is the whole desktop it means a bunch of applications together <Hobbsee> i could have sworn i requested a sync for that, yeah <sourcercito> s/this/that <pedro_> linux__alien: what do you want to fix? <linux__alien> sourcercito, could you please tell me the Bug ID? <dholbach> bug 123623 <dholbach> where's ubugtu? <Hobbsee> dholbach: no ubotu <pedro_> where's ubuto <Hobbsee> dholbach: ubugtu's long dead. <pedro_> ah that name <dholbach> *whine* <sourcercito> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/98567 <pedro_> :-( <Hobbsee> dholbach: no ubotu for you. <Hobbsee> dholbach: NOT YOURS. <dholbach> oh well... <linux__alien> pedro_, a crash in Gnome Control Center <norsetto> Hobbsee: you did indeed: 2006-07-30 :-) <dholbach> bdmurray: I'm not sure it's an easy one <Hobbsee> norsetto: yay, my memory isnt on crack then. <pedro_> linux__alien: do you have the bug number or its just a crash you're having right now? <bdmurray> dholbach: okay, thanks for checking <huats> norsetto: regarding the licence, in the actual copyright it is mentionniong GPL, withouth taking care of the v2... Do I write the same ? <linux__alien> pedro_, i saw it in the bug list <pedro_> linux__alien: what's the number? <linux__alien> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/127892 <pedro_> linux__alien: are you getting that crash? <bdmurray> seb128: I'm confused about bug 126974 regarding eog <linux__alien> pedro_, no infact i dont know how to even reproduce it :-) but just got curious to know it * coNP misses ubotu <sourcercito> bdmurray, could you do me a favor please <norsetto> huats: I think the less we touch that copyright the better it is ..... <norsetto> huats: in any case, what is the GPL the author used? <huats> I'll hav a look at the tar ball.... <norsetto> huats: the icon one I mean <huats> norsetto: GPL v2 <huats> norsetto: for the icon <pedro_> linux__alien: well would be nice if you can reproduce it first, for trying to fix it <norsetto> huats: ok, use that then <huats> ok <pedro_> linux__alien: and yeah in that case you might download the gnome-control-center package from the gnome svn and hack on it <linux__alien> pedro_, but i want to know how to reproduce it i dont know whether thats mentioned there . <pedro_> linux__alien: sadly there's no info about it... <linux__alien> in this case what do i do :-) <pedro_> well if it works for you, nothing for now <linux__alien> :-) <pedro_> any other bug on your list? <pedro_> the ones without a package are fun <huats> norsetto: I've just uploaded the new version <sourcercito> linux__alien, can you try this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/98567 <huats> norsetto: arrg <linux__alien> sourcercito, is there an option to lock the gnome panel as a whole you have option to lock every single item separately right? <sourcercito> linux__alien, actually i don't know :P <huats> norsetto: I've just seen an error, in the rules (a missing / on the installation of the .desktop) <huats> norsetto: so I am uploading again.... <norsetto> huats: I think you still have a problem with the debdiff too <linux__alien> is it possible for me to be a part of some team here ? <norsetto> huats: we don't need the changes in .guess and .sub <linux__alien> is it possible for some one to take me in as part of the team ? :-) <huats> norsetto: I am making the debdiff between the 2 .dsc.... <norsetto> huats: yes, but since you have updated config.{guess,sub) files the changes appears in the debdiff <huats> norsetto: so am I uploading it anyway ? <norsetto> huats: this should be taken care of by the clean target, in this case just delete it manually from the debdiff <norsetto> huats: it is a good rule to always check your .diff.gz and debdiff to see that only what YOU wanted in is in... <norsetto> huats: you may want to look at these lintian warnings too:W: flightgear source: debian-rules-sets-DH_COMPAT line 9 <norsetto> W: flightgear source: debian-rules-ignores-make-clean-error line 41 <norsetto> W: flightgear source: debian-rules-ignores-make-clean-error line 42 <norsetto> W: flightgear source: dh_testversion-is-deprecated <norsetto> W: flightgear source: package-uses-deprecated-debhelper-compat-version 3 <norsetto> W: flightgear source: ancient-standards-version 3.5.5 (current is 3.7.2) <huats> norsetto: I haven't seen that <huats> norsetto: what have you done to get that messages ? <norsetto> huats: did you use debuild? <huats> norsetto: yep <norsetto> huats: can you scroll back to when you used it? <ubotu> New bug: #133997 in nautilus (main) "templades doesn't work, because of the new system of path translation" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133997 <ubotu> New bug: #133998 in firefox (main) "firefox crashed" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133998 <huats> norsetto: it should be related to the pbuilder that is not set yet <norsetto> huats: btw, they are not problems due to your patch, just to the fact that the package is old <ubotu> New bug: #133999 in recordmydesktop (universe) "Please sync with Debian" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133999 <ubotu> New bug: #134000 in update-manager (main) "dist-upgrader should run dpkg --configure --pending" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134000 <huats> norsetto: I just used debuild -S to create the .dsc <huats> norsetto: I think I'll get that once I'll be able to use debuild <norsetto> huats: no, pbuilder is not involved, its debuild that is using by default lintian, so you get these messages during package build <ubotu> New bug: #133205 in gnome-terminal (main) "Change Standard System UTF the GNOME-Terminal" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133205 <ubotu> New bug: #134002 in firefox (main) "firefox crashed" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134002 <ubotu> New bug: #134003 in Ubuntu "keyboard leds state not loading after changing tty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134003 <ubotu> New bug: #134004 in nautilus (main) "Cut - Move to trash - Paste" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134004 <ubotu> New bug: #134005 in mrxvt (universe) "problems in ncurses app rendering" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134005 <huats> norsetto: I cannot build the package since I do not have yet the correct env (that is why I need pbuilder) <ubotu> New bug: #134006 in libgnomeui (main) "Rotated JPG-images are not displayed properly rotated in the nautilus thumbnails (dup-of: 129836)" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134006 <ubotu> New bug: #134007 in knetworkconf (main) "setting domain name does not work with network-manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134007 <ubotu> New bug: #134008 in ubiquity (main) "kubuntu install failure" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134008 <norsetto> yes, its source package build, not binary (you need pbuilder for the latter) <ubotu> New bug: #134009 in bzr-svn (universe) "bzr crashed with SIGSEGV in svn_auth_set_parameter()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134009 <ubotu> New bug: #134010 in dbus (main) "dbus-send man page inaccurate about supported types" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134010 <huats> norsetto: and for source package I won't get that messages right ? <norsetto> huats: yes, you do <huats> norsetto: will I get that messages using PPA ? <huats> norsetto: so it might be because I am running feisty.... <ubotu> New bug: #134013 in Ubuntu "remote desktop bad remote screen visualization" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134013 <ubotu> New bug: #134015 in alps-full1 (multiverse) "Please sync alps-full1 (multiverse) from Debian unstable (non-free)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134015 <norsetto> huats: that could be it <norsetto> huats: try with a "lintian flightgear_0.9.10-2ubuntu2.dsc" <ubotu> New bug: #134019 in restricted-manager (restricted) "show rationale as tooltip" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134019 <ubotu> New bug: #134020 in Ubuntu "package manager reports error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134020 <ubotu> New bug: #134021 in xt (universe) "xtraceroute is trying to use /usr/sbin/traceroute" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134021 <huats> norsetto: the same messages that you mention.... <ubotu> New bug: #134022 in Ubuntu "AbiSpreadsheet not available still" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134022 <ubotu> New bug: #134024 in cdcat (universe) "Please sync cdcat (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134024 <norsetto> huats: ok, than you just missed them the first time, no problem <huats> norsetto: sorry.... <huats> norsetto: appar from that, does it seems ok ? <norsetto> huats: its not your fault at all, its just an old package <huats> norsetto: but I'll try to fix them right ? <ubotu> New bug: #134023 in Ubuntu "kbib (dup-of: 134026)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134023 <ubotu> New bug: #134025 in debian-installer (main) "Cannot install ubuntu with alternate image : kernel is missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134025 <ubotu> New bug: #134027 in Ubuntu "[gutsy] gdm slow low resolution can't reconfigure xserver-xorg" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134027 <norsetto> huats: I'm building right now <bdmurray> pedro_: I was trying to reproduce bug 126788 and not having any luck but looking at the change log it doesn't look like it was fixed. Do you have any ideas? <huats> norsetto: ok <ubotu> Launchpad bug 126788 in file-roller "file-roller crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126788 <norsetto> huats: from the glance I've given it, I would change the way you have written changelog <huats> norsetto: I am wainting the responnse to become a beta tester in the PPA... <huats> norsetto: ok <norsetto> huats: and in copyright ubuntu-motu should not be quoted as debian maintainers :-) <huats> norsetto: just in the maintener field ? <pedro_> bdmurray: let me see if i can reproduce it <ubotu> New bug: #134030 in openoffice.org2 (main) "Romanian and diactitics are not recognized by the standard Romanian dictionary" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134030 <ubotu> New bug: #134031 in usplash (main) "progress bar at boot stop during checkdisk AND checkdisk run at boot even we are in "laptop-mode"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134031 <ubotu> New bug: #134032 in xsane (main) "xsane not scan" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134032 <huats> norsetto: ok so who is the debian maintainer ? <norsetto> huats: if you want to add that, ubuntu-motu are the ubuntu maintainers <huats> norsetto: ok <norsetto> huats: we can find that out, but its not up to our package to quote that <ubotu> New bug: #134033 in sun-java6 (multiverse) "java6-doc " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134033 <ubotu> New bug: #134034 in Ubuntu "WPA doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134034 <ubotu> New bug: #134035 in qt4-x11 (main) "qt4-dev-tools should depend on qt4-doc otherwise the assistant do not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134035 <huats> norsetto: ok <norsetto> huats: did you check btw that the tarball is released with a gpl-2? <ubotu> New bug: #134036 in kdepim (main) "Kontact doesn't start after the latest upgrade (dup-of: 133857)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134036 <ubotu> New bug: #134037 in hsffig (universe) "Package too old, please drop it" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134037 <ubotu> New bug: #134038 in Ubuntu "wiki doesn t show the correct time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134038 <ubotu> New bug: #134039 in Ubuntu "bluetooth mouse does not work anymore" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134039 <norsetto> huats: I'm actually unsure about changing the copyright so radically, we will see what the sponsor will say about it <ubotu> New bug: #134041 in sound-juicer (main) "Sound-Juicer to issue system sound" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134041 <ubotu> New bug: #134042 in Ubuntu "K3b crashed when erase CD-RW tab was opened and while injecting a blank CD into CDRW" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134042 <ubotu> New bug: #134043 in linux-meta (main) "Kernel fails to boot on EFI and Xeon Xserve" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134043 <ubotu> New bug: #134044 in Ubuntu "no gdm screen when switching from a virtual terminal" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134044 <ubotu> New bug: #134045 in Ubuntu "ice1712 soundcard (M-Audio Delta AudioPhile 2496) playback rate locked to 8000Hz by default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134045 <huats> norsetto: there is a GPL v2 in the COPYING <norsetto> huats: ok <ubotu> New bug: #134047 in update-notifier (main) "icons look bad with a bigger panel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134047 <ubotu> New bug: #134048 in obconf (universe) "Please sync obconf (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134048 <norsetto> huats: the fsf address in copyright is the old one <ubotu> New bug: #134050 in Ubuntu "updates don't install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134050 <ubotu> New bug: #134051 in Ubuntu "Does not resume when lock_on_blank_screen set to false" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134051 <ubotu> New bug: #134053 in kdebluetooth (main) "package libkbluetooth0 None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/libkbluetooth0.list] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libkbluetooth.so.0.0.0', which is also in package kdebluetooth" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134053 <huats> norsetto: so ? <ubotu> New bug: #134054 in restricted-manager (restricted) "crash when started (right after an update from Feisty to Gutsy)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134054 <norsetto> huats: the new one is: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. <huats> norsetto: ok <ubotu> New bug: #133694 in guml (universe) "guml crashed with OSError in list()" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133694 <ubotu> New bug: #134055 in nautilus (main) "metadata tile from tracker should be integrated" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134055 <ubotu> New bug: #134056 in distributed-net (multiverse) "[Gutsy] Distributed.net client (dnetc) crashes with exception" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134056 <norsetto> huats: in any case, looks good. I will post a new changelog for you to consider, and then you can subscribe the sponsors. Good work! <gggggig> will this lib be in gutsy ? http://libopenraw.freedesktop.org/wiki/Exempi <pedro_> bdmurray: i'm getting a crash if right click in the archive and extract to <pedro_> bdmurray: but no if i do it from the command line <ubotu> New bug: #134060 in tangerine-icon-theme (main) "Tangerine inherits "gnome"; should inherit "Tango" first" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134060 <ubotu> New bug: #134081 in gtk+2.0 (main) "Documentation has broken cross-referencing" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134081 <pedro_> bdmurray: did you check that? <ubotu> New bug: #134082 in network-manager (main) "[gutsy] [fiesty] network-mannager should restart samba if ip-address is changed." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134082 <ubotu> New bug: #134083 in update-manager (main) "[ubuntu gutsy] updates don't install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134083 <ubotu> New bug: #134085 in ocaml (main) "ocaml-mode does not handle emacs22 flavor" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134085 <huats> norsetto: ok thanks... couldn't have done it that way without your mentoring.... <bdmurray> pedro_: yes, both. and you have rar support removed? <pedro_> yep <bdmurray> There is another bug about extract-here not working that I saw yesterday <pedro_> rar and unrar <ubotu> New bug: #134068 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] libapache2-mod-bwshare" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134068 <ubotu> New bug: #134086 in liferea (main) "Liferea crashes during "Update All Feeds" and deleting a folder" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134086 <bdmurray> weird <pedro_> is someone else running gutsy around? <ubotu> New bug: #134080 in samba (main) "Navigating directories for DFS shares buggy" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134080 <ubotu> New bug: #134087 in ubiquity (main) "Please add UTF-8 support to all removable devices" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134087 <ubotu> New bug: #134088 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 (main) "2.6.22-10-generic dumps core (but continues boot) with iwl4965 drivers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134088 <ubotu> New bug: #134089 in Ubuntu "no screen output on startup" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134089 <pedro_> guys ? <bdmurray> I just get a brief message about archive type not supported. <pedro_> aham i was doing the same <bdmurray> pedro_: hmm? <ubotu> New bug: #134072 in Ubuntu "Kontact crashes after update (Gutsy) (dup-of: 133857)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134072 <pedro_> bdmurray: you get that if you double click the archive? <ubotu> New bug: #134091 in Ubuntu "needs-packaging for cairo-dock" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134091 <ubotu> New bug: #134092 in Ubuntu "APIC error on CPU0: 40(40) with linux-image-2.6.20-16-generic on P4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134092 <ubotu> New bug: #134095 in lasso (universe) "please update lasso packages to v2.1.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134095 <pedro_> in that case i get the message too <pedro_> but, if i right click on the archive and select the "extract here" option then it crashed <pedro_> brb i'm out for lunch <ubotu> New bug: #134094 in udev (main) "Persistent naming of devices incremenents eth# name after every reboot." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134094 <huats> norsetto: once again, thanks a lot. Got to go. <norsetto> huats: thanks to you, a+ <ubotu> New bug: #134097 in restricted-manager (restricted) "restricted manager crashes in gutsy tribe 4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134097 <seb128> bdmurray: what about it? <bdmurray> seb128: I'm confused about what state it should be in. It got reopened upstream but not in Launchpad. <bdmurray> pedro_: it seems to have been a misunderstanding between me and apport. ;) <ubotu> New bug: #134098 in openoffice.org (main) "openoffice.org 1:2.3.0~oog680m1-1ubuntu3 hangs on "Navigator" dialog" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134098 <seb128> bdmurray: there is no upstream task on this bug <seb128> bdmurray: ah, upstream was closed and I ran into it some days ago so I've reopened <bdmurray> seb128: I was looking at bugs reported in gnomes bugzilla that mention launchpad bugs and that is how I found it and thought there was a relationship. <bdmurray> seb128: But on closer inspection you said they were similar not the same, right? <seb128> bdmurray: I've reopened and added an upstream task <seb128> bdmurray: I got a crash with the same backtrace some days ago <bdmurray> seb128: okay, thanks <seb128> you're welcome <bdmurray> seb128: I think I saw a file-roller bug about not being able to extract-here yesterday. Does that sound familiar to you? <bdmurray> Hrm, maybe it was a nautilus bug <ubotu> New bug: #134100 in update-manager (main) "[Gutsy] update-manager fail to upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134100 <bdmurray> Well, I found it. It was bug 128957 and the stacktrace is different from 126788 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 128957 in file-roller "file-roller crashed with SIGSEGV in fr_window_archive_extract_here()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128957 <ubotu> New bug: #134101 in update-manager (main) "[Gutsy] update-manager fail to upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134101 <ubotu> New bug: #134104 in Ubuntu "Some Programs have to be resized a bit to function" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134104 <ubotu> New bug: #134105 in gnome-panel (main) "stock ticker doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134105 <ubotu> New bug: #134106 in Ubuntu "ampache" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134106 <ubotu> New bug: #134107 in Ubuntu "DS9 Astro-Image Viewer Freezes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134107 <ubotu> New bug: #134108 in kdebluetooth (main) "package libkbluetooth0 None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/libkbluetooth0.list] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libkbluetooth.so.0.0.0', which is also in package kdebluetooth" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134108 <ubotu> New bug: #134109 in nss-mdns (main) "Possible compatibility issue in newer AMD64 versions" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134109 <ubotu> New bug: #134110 in Ubuntu "Shutdown, Log off, Restart etc... dialog box does not fade the background" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134110 <ubotu> New bug: #134111 in eclipse (universe) "eclise 3.2.2 plugin class missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134111 <seb128> bdmurray: what error does it write? <ubotu> New bug: #134112 in openoffice.org (main) "added Xb-Npp-xxx tags accordingly to "firefox distro add-on suport" spec" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134112 <bdmurray> seb128: what error does what write? <seb128> "<bdmurray> seb128: I think I saw a file-roller bug about not being able to extract-here yesterday. Does that sound familiar to you?" <seb128> "not being able" <seb128> does it display some kind of error messagE? <seb128> or just does nothing? <seb128> we have several bugs that could match the description <seb128> extraction not working with ntfs-3g <seb128> extraction of a file creating a subdir when it should not <bdmurray> seb128: I was thinking of bug 128957 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 128957 in file-roller "file-roller crashed with SIGSEGV in fr_window_archive_extract_here()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128957 <ubotu> New bug: #134114 in xine-plugin (universe) "added Xb-Npp-xxx tags accordingly to "firefox distro add-on suport" spec" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134114 <bdmurray> And it doesn't seem related to the other bug report I was looking at <seb128> ah ok <bdmurray> seb128: I was trying to reproduce bug 132480 and reported bug 134099 but the stack traces seem quite different to me. Do you agree? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 132480 in file-roller "file-roller crashed with SIGSEGV in strlen()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132480 <ubotu> Bug 134099 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/134099 is private <seb128> yes <bdmurray> That is too bad. <seb128> why? <seb128> a new good backtrace to send upstream ;) <bdmurray> I was just trying to get a better test case, not create a new bug report. <ubotu> New bug: #134115 in qt4-x11 (main) "Does libqt4-core have to depend on fontconfig" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134115 <ubotu> New bug: #134099 in file-roller (main) "file-roller crashed with SIGSEGV in strlen()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134099 <ubotu> New bug: #134116 in flashplugin-nonfree "Konqueror is frozen browsing some pages as youtube" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134116 <ubotu> New bug: #127212 in ekiga (main) "ekiga crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127212 <edujose> hi all <bdmurray> hello edujose <edujose> bdmurray: hello there <edujose> things are quiet now, lots of bug squashing? <ubotu> New bug: #134120 in banshee (universe) "crash when clearing large number of files from the library" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134120 <edujose> hm, I've found a bug in nautilus that's similar to other 2 in bugzilla <edujose> specifically bugs 458638 and 460524, "crash in open folder" <edujose> though mine just freezes nautilus, not crashes it <bdmurray> edujose: How long have you waited? <edujose> bdmurray: not much, I was trying to find if it was nautilus or file-roller <edujose> bdmurray: with a bit of browsing in between, slashdot and the like :-) <bdmurray> edujose: what release are you running? <edujose> bdmurray: ubuntu gutsy, tribe 4 <ubotu> New bug: #134123 in Ubuntu "MT6227 USB to Serial fails to create /dev/ttyACM0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134123 <bdmurray> edujose: Do you have better steps to reproduce the bug than the gnome reports? <edujose> bdmurray: ah, yes, those bugs don't give much details, sorry <edujose> bdmurray: it goes like this <edujose> bdmurray: I decompress a .tar.gz file contaning some images <edujose> bdmurray: from nautilus, using right mouse button on the file and selecting "uncompress here" <edujose> bdmurray: things go ok, a folder is created (the .tar.gz has it inside) but when double-clicking it <edujose> bdmurray: nautilus freezes (though I can see the folder content's with a terminal) <CatastrophicToad> I'm trying to get Firestarter to run at startup. I edited sudoers and added sudo firestarter --start-hidden to sessions, but it doesn't start... <edujose> (brb, going to open the door) <CatastrophicToad> If I try to run "sudo firestarter" it gives me "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server" and will not start <CatastrophicToad> If I run "xhost localhost" first, it will run <wousser> is it reasonable to ask the user if he can still reproduce the reported bug if the bug is more than a year old? <CatastrophicToad> but when I run "xhost localhost|sudo firestarter --start-hidden" it says "xhost: bad hostname "firestarter" <CatastrophicToad> does anybody know how I can format a startup script in Sessions to first run "xhost localhost" and then run "sudo firestarter --start-hidden"? <ubotu> New bug: #134124 in gcalctool (main) "Spelling on main display Gradians should be Gradients " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134124 <bdmurray> CatastrophicToad: this isn't the right channel for that but try replacing your | with a ; <ubotu> New bug: #134125 in Ubuntu "[gutsy] microphone doesn't work after kernel and kernel-modules update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134125 <edujose> (back here) <edujose> wousser: hi wousser <wousser> hi <edujose> wousser: if the bug is old but still exists in newer versions of the software <wousser> should i ask the reporter or only if i can reproduce it myself <edujose> wousser: then it may be reasonable to ask if it can be reproduced (I'm not an expert though) <wousser> ow oke i thought you were because of edu in your name <edujose> wousser: oh, no problem <edujose> wousser: edu is the diminutive of eduardo (edward) in spanish <wousser> ah oke <edujose> wousser: I just suppose it's oke if someone can reproduce it, bug author or oneself <edujose> wousser: which bug is it, btw? <wousser> wait a sec <edujose> bdmurray: by the way, the hang when entering a folder in nautilus only happens <huats> norsetto: I had your email <edujose> bdmurray: with a folder just created when unarchiving something, other are ok <edujose> wousser: ok <huats> norsetto: I'll try to fix the various linthian warning <norsetto> huats: good <norsetto> huats: let me know if you need help with that <huats> norsetto: ok thnks <ubotu> New bug: #134127 in Ubuntu "xorg.conf 7.10 installation wacom" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134127 <ubotu> New bug: #134128 in gnome-games (main) "King can not move when put in check agaisnt the queen. vice versa." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134128 <bdmurray> edujose: hrm, I'm unable to recreate that nautilus hang <edujose> bdmurray: ah, I was mistaken, it wasn't a .tar.gz, it's a .tar.bz2 <ubotu> New bug: #134126 in Ubuntu "screen resolution, 800x600 only, help me to change resolution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134126 <edujose> bdmurray: maybe it's just with this particular file <edujose> I've tried with other compressed files (all .tar.gz) <edujose> bdmurray: and entering the folder just created goes ok <edujose> bdmurray: I'll try to google for other .tar.bz2 to see if it happens or not <wousser> edujose: it's just an example bug from the no package list, its about a year old and i was wondering if i should ask if this bug is still present for the reporter, or that i can flag it incomplete/invalid <wousser> edujose: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/65646 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 65646 in Ubuntu "Bugs while booting with a CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive..." [Undecided,New] <bdmurray> wousser: that bug isn't that helpful but we still shouldn't outright reject it <ubotu> New bug: #134129 in postfix-policyd (universe) "package postfix-policyd 1.80-2.1 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134129 <ubotu> New bug: #134130 in amavisd-new (universe) "package amavisd-new-milter 1:2.4.2-6.1 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134130 <huats> norsetto: I am trying to solve the first pb, which is the call to dh_testversion <huats> norsetto: apparently it is enough to use the build dependencies <bdmurray> I'd check to see if it is still an issue, change the title, ask for the release, mark it incomplete and assign it to myslef. * norsetto looks <wousser> bdmurray: is it helpful to ask for more information or is it wise to leave it like that <wousser> bdmurray: because it is nicer to close old bugs, right? <bdmurray> wousser: It would be helpful to find out the release definitely. <huats> norsetto: so from understanding I should check the build-depend of the debian/control and check for the correct version of debhelper ? <norsetto> this one you mean: debian-rules-sets-DH_COMPAT? <huats> norsetto: I mean the one that creates dh_testversion-is-deprecated <huats> norsetto: in debian/rules there is call to dh_testversion 2 (I think that is the pb) <ubotu> New bug: #134132 in gnome-panel (main) "Restore Bottom Edge Panel in Fiesty 7.04 " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134132 <ubotu> New bug: #134134 in ubuntu-meta (main) "[gutsy] no default application for ogg files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134134 <norsetto> huats: yes, just add debhelper in the Build-depends; it goes together with the bump of the standards version and compat <rbs-tito> Yay, Ubotu is back <norsetto> huats: and delete the call(s) to dh_testversion in debian/rules <huats> norsetto: ok, but debhelper is already in the Build-depends <wousser> bdmurray: i know, and if the reporter still can reproduce the bug, I was wondering if it is necessary to ask because its an old and incomplete bug <pedro_> Fiesty thats new <norsetto> huats: make it versioned to >5 since you will use a compat of 5 and a standard of 3.7.2 <huats> norsetto: ok that was my question : how to know which compat version to choose... <wousser> bdmurray: so practically i can ask everyone in this list the same question and so clean that list up? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-datecreated&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=New&field.importance%3Alist=Undecided&field.assignee=&field.owner=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=on&start=1425 And is that useful? <huats> norsetto: is it better to export DH_COMPAT in debian/rules or to create the debian/compat files ? <ScottK> debian/compat <norsetto> huats: the latest compatibility level is 5; check man debhelper, section "Debhelper compatibility levels" <ScottK> the export business is deprecated. <huats> ScottK: ok thanks <norsetto> the latter, remove any reference to DH_COMPAT in rules <bdmurray> wousser: I think it is a bit more complicated than that <bdmurray> wousser: But making contact is a good first step and determining if it is still and issue for them or getting more detailed steps to reproduce the bug in the dev release of Ubuntu are both helpful. <wousser> bdmurray: but for the ones like bug 65646 it is useful? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 65646 in Ubuntu "Bugs while booting with a CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive..." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65646 <wousser> bdmurray: oke thanks for your answer, ill work on it <bdmurray> wousser: Yes, following up with all the reports would help. <wousser> bdmurray: oke <huats> norsetto: sorry to bother with that, since you gave me the answer : I understand why I should set compat to 5, but why Standard-Version to 3.7.2 ? <norsetto> huats: once you think you are done, check your .dsc with lintian and see if it is still reporting warnings <norsetto> huats: no bother at all <ScottK> Also use lintian's anal retentive cousin linda. <ScottK> And use both on the .deb too. <bdmurray> wousser: It may also be possible to determine that some of those are actually better for answers.launchpad.net <norsetto> huats: here, I wanted to give you the link: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Standards-Version <norsetto> huats: its a worthy (if weighty) read anyway <huats> norsetto: I bookmark that <huats> norsetto: and have a look later <huats> norsetto: I have to admit that I dont really understand the 2 final (at least I hope ) warnings about nmu :changelog-should-mention-nmu andsource-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number <wousser> bdmurray: oke, ill look at it <norsetto> huats: yes, they are only valid for debian (non-maintainer-uploads) we don't have those <huats> so do I have to take care ? <norsetto> huats: no, we have to live with those <huats> ok <ubotu> New bug: #134135 in hotkeys (universe) "Volume hotkeys on HP nc6400 don't work anymore since last update (22/08/07)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134135 <ubotu> New bug: #134136 in rhythmbox (main) "changes to metadata cause deletion of id3-tags (dup-of: 106739)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134136 <ubotu> New bug: #134140 in Ubuntu "problem with update manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134140 <huats> norsetto: when you mention to reduce the number of color, do you have an idea how can I do that ? cause I don't know... <norsetto> huats: using the gimp? <huats> norsetto: I already launch it... but I am not a regular user... <norsetto> huats: me neither, but I think there are some filters/tools that should be able to do that <edujose> bdmurray: I have just downloaded from the web the same .tar.bz2 file, opensolaris-backgrounds-0.2.tar.bz2 <edujose> bdmurray: if you want to try decompressing it and entering the folder created <edujose> bdmurray: it's at http://dlc.sun.com/osol/jds/downloads/extras/ <ubotu> New bug: #134119 in evolution (main) "evolution gpg passphrase input does not receive focus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134119 <ubotu> New bug: #134137 in Ubuntu "Problems Resuming after Computer was Suspended" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134137 <ubotu> New bug: #134138 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu LAN Network Bandwith Issue" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134138 <huats> norsetto: ok <huats> norsetto: I've done something that reduce the size from 27ko to 2Ko <norsetto> huats: and how is it visually? <huats> norsetto: great I think <ubotu> New bug: #134141 in Ubuntu "fix for scroll wheel in x60 tablet fujitsu p1510 fujitsu p1610" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134141 <ubotu> New bug: #134142 in gnome-control-center (main) "[gutsy] crash in gnome-appearance-properties" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134142 <norsetto> huats: can you check how many colors there are? <huats> yep <norsetto> huats: in the original 1369 <huats> norsetto: I've set 18 I think <norsetto> huats: :-) <huats> norsetto: or something similar, may I could I've set less, but I think it is ok.... <norsetto> huats: what did you do? I've got to remember this <huats> oh <huats> norsetto: http://holmwood.id.au/~lindsay/2005/07/14/re-gimp-and-colour-depth/ <huats> norsetto: something like that <norsetto> huats: smooth palette I guess * norsetto checking link <norsetto> huats: makes sense; its just the color depth <huats> norsetto: yep <huats> norsetto: I will upload the new debdiff (without the manpage), but I plan to the man (very basic) it tomorrow... <norsetto> huats: up to you; I don't think anybody will complain, but its a good exercise for you <huats> norsetto: that is how I consider it, I think that it was great to see all this stuffs... <huats> norsetto: Before going to bed (I think I'll upload tomorrow morning), I'd like to have a look at dh_install like you mention <ubotu> New bug: #134144 in Ubuntu "Main menu icons blurred using alternate theme controls" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134144 <huats> norsetto: I should consider using it for all copy ? <norsetto> huats: in this case for installing desktop file and icon <huats> norsetto: ok <norsetto> huats: don't remember anything else in rules, let me check <norsetto> huarts: yep, only those two <huats> norsetto: in the build install there is a lot of cp <norsetto> huarts: yes, they are taken care of by the $(make) in the install target <norsetto> huarts: if you want to check where the files are going once you built your binary package (which is a good check to do), you can do it with a dpkg -c command on the deb <ubotu> New bug: #134145 in gnome-voice-control (universe) "data/Makefile.* not using $(libexecdir) var" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134145 <huats> norsetto: I will, once the PPA will accept my mail :-) <norsetto> huats: well, don't hold your hopes; they are pretty long <norsetto> huats: in any case they are migrating from beta to impelmentation <huats> I am sure they have plenty of demands... <huats> norsetto: ok <edujose> bdmurray: hi, I've just downloaded 2 different .tar.bz2 files and nautilus works ok with them <bdmurray> edujose: that's wild, submitting a bug would be helpful <edujose> bdmurray: yeah, the problem file is http://dlc.sun.com/osol/jds/downloads/extras/opensolaris-backgrounds-0.2.tar.bz2 <edujose> bdmurray: should I submit the bug against nautilus in gnome's bugzilla? <norsetto> huats: can you remember me why you do not use pbuilder? <ubotu> New bug: #134147 in Ubuntu "Firefox not starting when trying to open a link from other applications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134147 <bdmurray> edujose: starting with launchpad until someone else can confirm it is best <bdmurray> edujose: I finally got a chance to test it and it seems fine to me <huats> norsetto: because toda when I start working on that I was at work... and I cannot connect my laptop to the network of my company... so I couldn't setup the pbuilder env.. and tonigh, I was a bit short in time... <edujose> bdmurray: oh! <norsetto> huats: ok, but you can do it tomorrow no? <huats> norsetto: that's all... I've already used it for a previous build quite some time ago... <huats> norsetto: in fact I was planning to install a gutsy @work on a spare computer... dont you think it is better ? <edujose> bdmurray: using nautilus 2.19.90?? <norsetto> huats: you ask the wrong person, I'm on it since tribe 1 :-) <ubotu> New bug: #134146 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "Realtek 861 sound broken on kernel 2.6.22-10.30" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134146 <huats> :) <huats> norsetto: on the other it would be so much simpler to also have pbuilder on my laptop that I carry everywhere... <huats> norsetto: I might do both... <huats> norsetto: sorry got to go... talk to you tomorrow... <norsetto> huats: I have gutsy and feisty, and on both I have pbuilder (I think on the feisty one I still have the edgy stuff too) <norsetto> huats: bonne nuit, a demain..... <huats> :) <bdmurray> edujose: + -0ubuntu1 yes <ubotu> New bug: #134149 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "ipw2200 fails to load in 2.6.22-10-386" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134149 <edujose> bdmurray: and you can enter the 'sun' directory that appears after unpacking the file? <bdmurray> edujose: yes, it took a second for the preview images to render but I could enter it successfully #ubuntu-bugs 2007-08-23 <edujose> bdmurray: wow! What a borked installation I have! <edujose> bdmurray: seems opensolaris and me are not very compatible :-) <edujose> bdmurray: I see that I too have nautilus 2.19.90-0ubuntu1 <bdmurray> edujose: How did you go about checking the specific package version? <edujose> bdmurray: it's the same as yours, 2.19.90-0ubuntu1 <edujose> bdmurray: well, maybe it's not that useful to report this as a bug if it can't be reproduced :-( <bdmurray> edujose: right I realize it is the same version I am curious about how you found the version as I use the "old school" 'dpkg -l' way and am looking for a new way <edujose> bdmurray: ah I went to System -> Administration -> Synaptic package manager <ubotu> New bug: #134150 in dpkg (main) "support for ddebs in dpkg-scanpackages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134150 <edujose> bdmurray: there pressed the Search button at right and entered 'nautilus' <bdmurray> edujose: Okay, thanks. <edujose> bdmurray: it's the first thing I thought, as I don't know dpkg and friends <ubotu> New bug: #134152 in splatd (universe) "Please sponsor upload for splatd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134152 <edujose> bdmurray: anyway it seems the opensolaris thing is not for me :-) <ubotu> New bug: #134154 in gnome-panel (main) "my computer using wifi radar will not recognise a wireless internet connection nor does the network manager recognise it. Other computers both using ubuntu and windows can recognise the connection. Am using wired connection now." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134154 <edujose> bdmurray: do you think it's still useful reporting this as a bug? as it seems not reproducible... <ubotu> New bug: #134155 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "oops kernel page request" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134155 <bdmurray> edujose: using synaptic seems a lot easier, I'm just an old dog. ;) <ubotu> New bug: #134153 in xorg (main) "[gutsy] xorg failed to start on an Intel 945 using Kubuntu desktop CD daily build 20070822.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134153 <bdmurray> edujose: there is still _something_ wrong it is just harder to figure out <edujose> bdmurray: oh no old dog, it's just that I'm a newbye in package management <edujose> bdmurray: and newbies seem to like the UI better thatn the CLI :-) <bdmurray> edujose: right so knowing how to describe a UI way would be better <bdmurray> edujose: Could add the synaptic way to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/FAQ ? <edujose> bdmurray: sure, but what do I do? Just add it there? <ubotu> New bug: #134157 in hibernate (universe) ""/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio<n>" disapears" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134157 <ubotu> New bug: #134158 in gnome-netstatus (main) "gnome-netstatus-applet crashed with signal 5 in g_closure_invoke()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134158 <ubotu> New bug: #134159 in atop (universe) "atop Kernel patch doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134159 <pedro_> bdmurray: any thoughts on bug 134154 ? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 134154 in gnome-panel "my computer using wifi radar will not recognise a wireless internet connection nor does the network manager recognise it. Other computers both using ubuntu and windows can recognise the connection. Am using wired connection now." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134154 <bdmurray> edujose: maybe 'dpkg -l firefox' . .. or what you did <bdmurray> pedro_: looking <bdmurray> pedro_: I have a lot of thoughts about it. ;) <pedro_> hahah <pedro_> i don't want to reject it as invalid :-P <pedro_> i better point him to gutsy <bdmurray> I think answers.launchpad.net would be most appropriate for them. <pedro_> ok both then ;-) <pedro_> thanks <bdmurray> We would have to find out the wireless card / chipset, driver . . . <ubotu> New bug: #134160 in acpi (main) "Suspend freeze on Mac Mini (Intel) (Feisty 7.04)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134160 <edujose> bdmurray: ok, I'll add to the FAQ, now fighting with the wiki <ubotu> New bug: #134161 in ubiquity (main) "how to install User Mode Linux on ubuntu 7.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134161 <ubotu> New bug: #134163 in bzr (main) "bzr commit failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134163 <edujose> bdmurray: I did update the FAQ with the Synaptic way of finding a package version <edujose> bdmurray: hope my writing can be understood <bdmurray> edujose: I think so, thanks for doing that! <edujose> bdmurray: thank you for asking me to do it, it's my first time editing a wiki :-) <edujose> bdmurray: about the nautilus bug, maybe it's better that I update to the next tribe and try there <edujose> bdmurray: before filling a bug <bdmurray> edujose: if you are updating regularly via update-manager there is no need to "update to the next tribe" <edujose> bdmurray: yes I do, so I don't need to download it again? Fine! <edujose> bdmurray: well, many thanks for looking into my folder woes <edujose> bdmurray: must go to bed now, have an early morning tomorrow <bdmurray> edujose: No, there is no need to download it again <edujose> bdmurray: tomorrow we'll see the shiny new alpha <bdmurray> edujose: hopefully <edujose> bdmurray: hope the list of bugs diminishes, preferably by itself :-) <edujose> bdmurray: must go to bed real now, so good night <ubotu> New bug: #134165 in tspc (main) "Tsp tunnel keeps restarting to the point it is not usable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134165 <ubotu> New bug: #134166 in gnome-desktop (main) "fonts:///" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134166 <ubotu> New bug: #134167 in Ubuntu "sound does not resume with 2.6.22-10-generic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134167 <ubotu> New bug: #134169 in cowdancer (universe) "cowbuilder fails to build linux-restricted-modules" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134169 <ubotu> New bug: #134171 in firefox (main) "Nashbar web site renders incorrectly in Firefox on Feisty " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134171 <ubotu> New bug: #134173 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "Bluetooth Oops" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134173 <ubotu> New bug: #134175 in procps (main) "Suggesting setting a default option to help workaround a issue todo with idle connections on 'home routers'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134175 <ubotu> New bug: #134176 in Ubuntu "[gutsy] window title fonts small with compiz normal effects" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134176 <ubotu> New bug: #134177 in compiz (main) "[gutsy] gnome-panels remain visible in full-screen mode in gqview with compiz normal effects" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134177 <ubotu> New bug: #134178 in ubiquity (main) "[gutsy] ubiquity crashes with InstallStepError: LanguageApply failed with error 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134178 <ubotu> New bug: #134180 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "X does not start after 8/22 fglrx update " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134180 <ubotu> New bug: #134182 in 915resolution (universe) "Have big problem with Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134182 <ubotu> New bug: #134183 in xubuntu-artwork (main) "xubuntu splash screen progress bar doesnt work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134183 <ubotu> New bug: #134185 in Ubuntu "crash with re-install of 7.04 over 6.0.6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134185 <ubotu> New bug: #134186 in kcheckgmail (universe) "kcheckgmail crash when is closed during mail checking" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134186 <ubotu> New bug: #134187 in kde-systemsettings (main) "System Settings sometimes crash in Kubuntu 7.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134187 <ubotu> New bug: #134193 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "ipw3945 doesn't work after gutsy update (2.6.22-10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134193 <ubotu> New bug: #134195 in kmediafactory (multiverse) "(Gusty) kmediafactory does not install in main menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134195 <ubotu> New bug: #134156 in gnome-power-manager (main) "battery state not updated after wake up" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134156 <dholbach> good morning <ubotu> New bug: #134197 in monodevelop (universe) "Monodevelop 0.15 Released - Please Package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134197 <ubotu> New bug: #134196 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "[Gutsy] no more audio after update kernel 2.6.22-10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134196 <thekorn> good morning <dholbach> heya thekorn! <dholbach> looks like it's time for THE MOVE soon ;-) <dholbach> py-lp-bugs is broken already :) <dholbach> but ... no pressure :) * dholbach hugs thekorn * thekorn hugs dholbach <thekorn> ok, will do some quick tests, to make sure nothing changed <dholbach> take your time <dholbach> I'll review your changes again <ubotu> New bug: #134199 in ubuntu "ADSL network de-configures almost every time on shutdown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134199 <ubotu> New bug: #134200 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 (main) "snd_hda_intel being in lum: Audio problems with D620" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134200 <dholbach> thekorn: we might have to add something to debian/copyright about the LateBindingProperty class <thekorn> do we also need license things at the top of the files? <dholbach> not necessarily <dholbach> but if you want to, ... <thekorn> no <ubotu> New bug: #134201 in ubuntu "apt.conf examles should include caching" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134201 <ubotu> New bug: #134202 in ubuntu "hda-intel problem since kernel 2.6.22-10-generic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134202 <dholbach> I'm quite happy with the changes, althought the recent reporter change seems to be missing - or did I overlook it? <dholbach> if it's missing, no problem - we shouldn't get blocked on that, we break the world anyway <dholbach> and it's easy enough to add things <thekorn> dholbach: reporter changes? <dholbach> you can query based on the bug reporter <ubotu> New bug: #134203 in ubuntu "7.04 installs on SATA, but won't boot on DG965OT mobo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134203 <thekorn> hmm, you mean the --reporter option to bughelper? this should be there <dholbach> ah ok good <dholbach> I overlooked it then <thekorn> ok, all tests worked fine, will now merge GSoc.STAGING into GSoC branch <dholbach> ok <ubotu> New bug: #134204 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "kernel oops on dual core notebook during suspend/resume, one core left working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134204 <ubotu> New bug: #134205 in bacula (universe) "2.2.0 released" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134205 <thekorn> bah, 'Text conflict in launchpadbugs/html_bug.py' <dholbach> :-/ <thekorn> one change in launchpad: more oops than before :( IMHO <ubotu> New bug: #134206 in ubuntu "alsa hda-intel not working anymore" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134206 <ubotu> New bug: #134207 in warzone2100 (universe) "wrong dependencies in warzone2100 ?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134207 <thekorn> dholbach: merged py-lp-bugs GSoC branch pushed, should work with lp 1.1.8 now <ubotu> New bug: #134208 in tor (universe) "/etc/init.d/tor doesn't use log_daemon_msg/log_end_msg" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134208 <ubotu> New bug: #134209 in privoxy (universe) "/etc/init.d/privoxy doesn't use log_daemon_msg/log_end_msg" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134209 <ubotu> New bug: #134210 in openvpn (universe) "/etc/init.d/openvpn doesn't use log_daemon_msg/log_end_msg" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134210 <ubotu> New bug: #134212 in gsynaptics (universe) "[Gutsy] gsynaptics no icon (dup-of: 133408)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134212 <ubotu> New bug: #134213 in slocate (main) "double free or corruption detected by glibc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134213 <dholbach> thekorn: I'll look into the packaging now - seems that we have to wait for tribe 5 freeze to end anyway <dholbach> thekorn: maybe we can make use of the bughelper-dev PPA for that - to try and see if it works ok <thekorn> ok <ubotu> New bug: #134214 in ubuntu "no sound alert on new mail in evolution in Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134214 <norsetto> dholbach: morning :-) <dholbach> hey norsetto <norsetto> dholbach: was looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Debian/. Seems quite obsolete (I mean, all the references to warty)? <dholbach> norsetto: it should be updated, yes <norsetto> dholbach: would you know any reference I can use to update it? <dholbach> norsetto: not at the moment; I'd need to look at it myself again too <norsetto> dholbach: okki dokki, let me know if there is anything else I can help with <dholbach> if you want to update paragraphs on the page, that's fine with me - if you want me to review later -- I can do that <dholbach> seems I need to a few more changes <ubotu> New bug: #134215 in uswsusp (main) "No splash screen for hibernate / resume" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134215 <ubotu> New bug: #134216 in qgis (universe) "QGis cannot be installed in gutsy gibbon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134216 <dholbach> thekorn: I get a compilation error: http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/compile.error <norsetto> dholbach: btw, since you mentioned it to me 3 days ago, I tried to access the PPA but I'm stuck waiting to be approved in the launchpad beta team. Is there no way to accelerate this? <dholbach> norsetto: just ask in #launchpad - I'm sure somebody will do it, if you ask them <norsetto> dholbach: ok, will do... <ubotu> New bug: #134217 in alsa-driver (main) "Sound level far too low since today's Gutsy update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134217 <thekorn> dholbach: strange error <dholbach> thekorn: there was another one because of python2.4 -> python2.5 <dholbach> but I ommitted it by not byte compiling for 2.4 <thekorn> this seems to be a merge conflict '<<<<TREE' <thekorn> it did not happen to me <thekorn> dholbach: we have an other serious problem: <thekorn> they changed the notation of upstream products, <dholbach> thekorn: aha? what did you mean? <thekorn> it is not bughelper (upstream) anymore but they are using the product name now <thekorn> like in <thekorn> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bughelper/+bug/88521 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 88521 in bughelper "selectively pulling attachments by name" [Wishlist,Confirmed] <thekorn> in the Info/Task overview <dholbach> urg <dholbach> maybe best to parse the link there <dholbach> but still :-((( <ubotu> New bug: #134218 in gnash (universe) "package mozilla-plugin-gnash 0.8.1~trunk.070802-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocesso novo script pre-removal retornou erro do status de sada 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134218 <thekorn> yup, that was also my idea, <thekorn> ok, need a small break, will work on this issue soon <dholbach> thekorn: excellent - thanks a lot <dholbach> take your time <ubotu> New bug: #134170 in metacity (main) "metacity crashed with SIGSEGV (dup-of: 92502)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134170 <ubotu> New bug: #134219 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Simultaneous speaker and headphone sound since yesterday [Dell XPS M1710] " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134219 <ubotu> New bug: #134221 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "No sound on MacBook (Intel HDA) with 2.6.22-10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134221 <ubotu> New bug: #134222 in linux-kernel-headers (main) "linux-kernel-header has files with size 0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134222 <ubotu> New bug: #134224 in gnome-terminal (main) "gnome-terminal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134224 <ubotu> New bug: #134225 in kubuntu-default-settings (main) "no usplash on live CD boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134225 <coNP> I hate the new LP bug behaviour <ubotu> New bug: #134226 in ubuntu "[GUTSY] no audio in kernel 2.6.22-10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134226 <ubotu> New bug: #134227 in casper (main) "restricted-manager still has autostart file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134227 <ubotu> New bug: #134228 in ubuntu "Gutsy Tribe 4 Live CD cannot boot: Xorg fatal error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134228 <ubotu> New bug: #134229 in gnome-phone-manager (universe) "Please update gnome-phone-manager to 0.10" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134229 <ubotu> New bug: #134231 in ubuntu "Update Manager unable to install 2 new updates." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134231 <ubotu> New bug: #134232 in tomcat5.5 (universe) "The JRE could not be found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134232 <ubotu> New bug: #134233 in ontv (universe) "[UVFe] Please update ontv to 2.8.0" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134233 <ubotu> New bug: #134234 in compiz (main) "bouncing windows effect for raise/lower" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134234 <ubotu> New bug: #134235 in manpages-es (universe) "Spanish manpages with wrong encoding" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134235 <ubotu> New bug: #134236 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "kernel 2.6.22-10 breaks sound on lenovo c200 (regression from 2.6.22-9)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134236 <ubotu> New bug: #134237 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "No display after selecting 'Start or Install' or 'CD Check'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134237 <ubotu> New bug: #134238 in uswsusp (universe) "Please re-enable build of s2ram binary" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134238 <ubotu> New bug: #134239 in openoffice.org (main) "spelling check dialogue has spurious extra "s"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134239 <ubotu> New bug: #134241 in banshee (universe) "Banshee discovers the music share in the local network but doesn't connect to it" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134241 <ubotu> New bug: #134244 in launchpad-integration (main) "translate this application should open new window" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134244 <ubotu> New bug: #134245 in ubuntu "[gutsy] restricted driver namager claims 2 nvidia drivers in use" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134245 <ubotu> New bug: #134246 in ubuntu "[needs packaging] Ampache" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134246 <ubotu> New bug: #134247 in compiz (main) "[Enhancement] upgrading compiz to version 0.5.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134247 <ubotu> New bug: #134248 in ubuntu "window video format bad playback, possibly other formats also" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134248 <Hobbsee> Bug 125018 <ubotu> Bug 125018 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/125018 is private <ogra> :P <ubotu> New bug: #134249 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 (main) "model=XXX insmod option doesn't work for snd-hda-intel as of 2.6.22-10.23" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134249 <Hobbsee> how useful. <Hobbsee> hi ogra! <ogra> heys <Hobbsee> ogra: i would have thought -release might be able to see that, or something. <ogra> -s <ogra> is ubotu -release ? <Hobbsee> no <ogra> ;) <Hobbsee> but i am, and i still cant see it <ogra> i cant either <maini10> Hello, I'm triaging bug 121379. I have forwarded this backtrace to KDE upstream over 4 weeks ago as comment in a closed bug. <ubotu> Launchpad bug 121379 in kdebase "Konqueror Crashed upon KDE session startup" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121379 <maini10> Why hasn't status of KDE bug changed in this time? <maini10> Backtrace misses the first frame and reporter don't reply: what is the right action with this? Thanks <Hobbsee> maini10: because the kde bug is still marked invalid <maini10> But, in your opinion doesn't new backtrace advice to reopen it? <Hobbsee> not if it doesnt actually follow http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Debugging/How_to_create_useful_crash_reports no <ubotu> New bug: #134250 in oem-config (main) "[Tribe5] Ready to install "advanced" button do nothing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134250 <Hobbsee> maini10: it needs to actually include a decent description <maini10> Reporter didn't reply and actually I'm unable to reproduce this issue <Hobbsee> maini10: then mark ti as invalid, and ask them to reopen if they encounter it again. <maini10> Hobbsee: Ok, thanks for your help <Hobbsee> no problem <polopolo> Hello, does someone knows ubiquity (the install program of ubuntu) works with oem-config? <ubotu> New bug: #134251 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "Sound broke after snd-hda-intel was disabled in new kernel (GUTSY)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134251 <ubotu> New bug: #134254 in oem-config (main) "[Tribe5] Crash on "Ready to install" go backward" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134254 <polopolo> Who is responsible for ubiqity bugs? <ogra> the ubuntu installer team <ogra> clicking on "bug contacts" on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity shows such things ;) <ubotu> New bug: #134252 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "alsa mixer channels missing after upgrade to linux-image-2.6.22-10-generic with Intel 82801G HDA chip" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134252 <polopolo> thank you <ubotu> New bug: #134257 in firefox (main) "Cannot "Go to the address in the Location Bar"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134257 <polopolo> on bug #134254 should I make a backtrack or not? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 134254 in oem-config "[Tribe5] Crash on "Ready to install" go backward" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134254 <polopolo> ? <polopolo> nobody knows? <polopolo> ok <seb128> polopolo: looking <polopolo> o <polopolo> k <seb128> polopolo: that would probably be a nice extra informations to add to the bug <polopolo> ok, I post instructions <seb128> thanks <ubotu> New bug: #134259 in evince (main) "evince only displays garbage if the sound card is missing / not configured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134259 <ubotu> New bug: #134261 in matchbox-keyboard (universe) "Lack of feedback on hitting keys" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134261 <ubotu> New bug: #134264 in restricted-manager (restricted) "restricted-manager crashed with OSError in _execvpe()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134264 <polopolo> I tryed gdb, but where is the T.XT? <ubotu> New bug: #134266 in ubuntu "sugarcrm in dapper-commercial is old" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134266 <ubotu> New bug: #134267 in network-manager-applet (main) "[Tribe5] Need to de-activated and re-activated to work right" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134267 <polopolo> hello all? <ubotu> New bug: #134265 in restricted-manager (restricted) "restricted-manager notification but no useable drivers, no explanation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134265 <polopolo> nevermind <polopolo> I already solved it <ubotu> New bug: #134268 in restricted-manager (restricted) "restricted-manager crashed with TypeError in description() (dup-of: 133218)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134268 <seb128> polopolo: for python program no need of gdb usually ;) <polopolo> So no need for using GDB in ubiquity? <polopolo> ? <ogra> no <ogra> at least if you debug python code <ubotu> New bug: #134270 in openoffice.org (main) "there is something error on the top of open office applications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134270 <ogra> python throws out its own traceback if something breaks ... <polopolo> so I must not use GDB, and now send the bug to the makers? <ubotu> New bug: #134274 in apache2 (main) "Unexplained random HTTP connection failures in hardware load-balanced web-server farms" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134274 <ubotu> New bug: #134271 in totem (main) "mpeg-1 playback does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134271 <ubotu> New bug: #134272 in totem (main) "theora playback does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134272 <polopolo> or use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingUbiquity and then send to the maker? <ubotu> New bug: #132697 in rhythmbox (main) "rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in pthread_mutex_lock()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132697 <ubotu> New bug: #134276 in openoffice.org (main) "OOO crashes opening this doc file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134276 <ubotu> New bug: #134277 in python-scipy (universe) "Error in linalg.svd for large matrix" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134277 <ubotu> New bug: #134279 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] OpenVIP" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134279 <thekorn> dholbach: I think I fixed the issues with the name of uptream products in the current revision of the GSoC branch <dholbach> thekorn: woah cool <dholbach> thekorn: I'll take a look later on <thekorn> thanks <xxxxx1> hey dholbach <dholbach> hey xxxxx1 <ubotu> New bug: #134280 in firefox (main) "Firefox stores editable documents in /tmp" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134280 <ubotu> New bug: #134282 in ubuntu "CPU Frequency - Incorrect Display" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134282 <ubotu> New bug: #134283 in firefox (main) "attachments crash firefox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134283 <wousser> will anyone please take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/67141 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 67141 in ubuntu "GREP_OPTION can break system scripts" [Undecided,Incomplete] <wousser> whether its a security issue or not <dholbach> thekorn: packages of py-lp-bugs and bughelper uploaded to bughelper-dev ppa <dholbach> let's play with them a bit, before we upload to the archive <ubotu> New bug: #134288 in gnome-menus (main) "[Tribe5] Multiple copies of dame entry translated or no" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134288 <dholbach> https://dogfood.launchpad.net/~bughelper-dev/+archive <ubotu> New bug: #134285 in ubuntu "(046d:0850) QuickCam Web doesn't work in Feisty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134285 <dholbach> once they're built, packages should be here: deb http://ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net/~bughelper-dev/ubuntu gutsy main restricted universe multiverse <dholbach> oh, I get some failures <dholbach> http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/failures <ubotu> New bug: #134289 in compiz (main) "[gutsy] exiting compiz locks X" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134289 <thekorn> hmm, these 'NameError: global name 'Error' is not defined' are strange, <thekorn> the last error is because remote bugs can have an unknown status <ubotu> New bug: #134292 in totem (main) "totem cannot play audio ogg from examples" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134292 <ubotu> New bug: #134293 in rhythmbox (main) "open with rhythmbox is confusing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134293 <thekorn> the first one is because there are no erros in libqt-perl <thekorn> try to fix these issues now <polopolo> !blablabla <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about blablabla - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi <polopolo> Sorry all, just neede dthe link <dholbach> thekorn: thanks * ..[topic/#ubuntu-bugs:bdmurray] : Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-qa/ - http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad <ubotu> New bug: #134295 in kopete (main) "kopete history plugin doesnt work yet enabled by default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134295 <pbor> sorry if this is a kind of a FAQ, but is it normal that bugs are left to status incomplete after the required information has been provided or will they get out of the radar and I shall try to poke someone to confirm my bug? <norsetto> pbor: what bug? <Pici> pbor: I actually just asked that question yesterday <pbor> norsetto: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/133662 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 133662 in linux-source-2.6.22 "[Gutsy tribe 4] sony-acpi not loaded on sony vaio" [Undecided,Incomplete] <pbor> but I am interested in the generic answer to my question as well :) <ubotu> New bug: #134297 in bluetooth-alsa (universe) "Does bluetooth-alsa work in Ubuntu?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134297 <ubotu> New bug: #134298 in tin (universe) "Tin crashes trying writing a posting" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134298 <Pici> pbor: I put the bug back to new status so it gets looked at. <wousser> pbor: if you added the information you can change the bug status to new <pbor> Pici: thanks <seb128> pbor: usual workload issue <seb128> pbor: feel free to reopen if you provide informations (like you do with NEEDINFO bugs on bugzilla) <pbor> wousser: mmm, I looked around and could not find where... on the other hand it would not be the first time I could not find stuff to change in LP :) * pbor is spoiled by bugzilla.gnome.org :) <ubotu> New bug: #134300 in kdepim (main) "kontact crashes if basket is installed on kubunt gutsy 64bit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134300 <wousser> pbor: if you click on 'incomplete' there's a menu where you can change the status <pbor> oh * pbor blushes <seb128> pbor: the new interface today should be better, you have some widget displayed <seb128> to show that you can click on the status, etc to expand the settings area <seb128> does it work for you? <pbor> seb128: I looked a couple of days ago and it was not obvious at all how to change... the menu now looks reasonable <pbor> seems to work <seb128> good <thekorn> dholbach: ok, two of your three problems are solved in the latest GSoC branch, will have a look at this missing 'Error' thing in a bit, <thekorn> have to update my gutsy chroot first <dholbach> thekorn: you rock <dholbach> thekorn: I'll check it out in a bit <huats> norsetto: I am back :-) <huats> norsetto: I am not able to create a pbuilder because of size mismatch pb... <norsetto> huats: size mismatch? <huats> norsetto: size mismatch of many .deb that the pbuilder want to download <norsetto> huats: you mean after you give a command "pbuilder create"? <huats> norsetto: yep <norsetto> huats: it shouldn't do that <norsetto> huats: you specified a mirror? <huats> yep <norsetto> huats: what repository is using? <huats> norsetto: http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu * norsetto checks <huats> norsetto: Can you also give me an example of an debian/install file ? <norsetto> huats: and if you use apt-get everything is ok with http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu? <huats> norsetto: yes <norsetto> huats: can you try with archive.ubuntu.com? <norsetto> huats: make sure also that distribution is gutsy <huats> norsetto: I though that to create a pbuilder env I have to first create a feisty one <huats> ... <Hobbsee> huats: you dont. building a gutsy pbuilder from scratch wont fall voer now <Hobbsee> huats: although ti does for the first while of development <huats> norsetto: no script /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/gutsy <norsetto> huats: yes, just manually add it (see how the feisty one is done) <dholbach> thekorn: I'm running the bughelper-cron script at the moment with your last fix and it looks good - just bug number three I mentioned to you already <Hobbsee> huats: or just grab the gutsy debootstrap source, and move the script from there <Hobbsee> it appears to have some changes <Hobbsee> OTOH... <Hobbsee> huats: wget http://wedontsleep.org/~sarah/gutsy and move it to /u/l/d/s/. <huats> Hobbsee: ok thanks <norsetto> huats: here: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8850519/gnome-mplayer_0.4.7-0ubuntu1.diff.gz is an example of a debian/install <thekorn> dholbach: ok, cool <thekorn> dholbach: I'm just pushing the fix for the third error <norsetto> hobbsee: last time I created a gutsy pbuilder in feisty I seem to remember I had to download something from the gutsy repository ? <dholbach> thekorn: you're amazing <Hobbsee> norsetto: yes, debootstrap <Hobbsee> norsetto: ie, which contains the above script * Hobbsee just scp'd the gutsy version <huats> norsetto: ok thanks <norsetto> Hobbsee: right <huats> Hobbsee: thanks too <Hobbsee> no problem <huats> Hobbsee: it is the debootstrap script ? because it fails .... <huats> Hobbsee: is it the same usage than the one I was doing with the /u/l/d/s/feisty ? <Hobbsee> huats: it should be. <Hobbsee> yes <Hobbsee> !doesn't work | huats <ubotu> huats: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. <norsetto> heck, its my picture :-( <dholbach> thekorn: to api.changes.gsoc? <ScottK> huats: What debootstrap version do you have? <Hobbsee> ScottK: i scp'd the current gutsy version of the gutsy script <huats> ScottK: <huats> Hobbsee: I am sure the pb is on my side, not the file of sent me... <Hobbsee> huats: yes, but you havent said what faisl, or why it fails. <Hobbsee> huats: and RAOF nicked my psychic pony. <thekorn> dholbach: oh, no to the bughelper branch <dholbach> oh ok <thekorn> it was a typo in bughelper/bugnumbers <ScottK> huats: That version is known not to work for Gutsy chroots <ScottK> huats: Are you on Feisty or Gutsy. <huats> Hobbsee: pbuilder: debooststrap failed -> Aborting with an error <dholbach> thekorn: new_py_lp_bugs? <thekorn> bughelper-server <huats> ScottK: feisty <ScottK> huats: Enable the feisty-backports repository and update debchroot from there. <dholbach> thekorn: I did not use the bughelper-server branch before <Hobbsee> huats: usually says higher than that <ScottK> huats: Or get the .deb from LP https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debootstrap/1.0.1~feisty1 <thekorn> dholbach: oha, sorry i diid not mention it, I merged the new_py_lp branch into bughelper-server <dholbach> thekorn: ok <huats> Hobbsee: there is nothing else... <ubotu> New bug: #134302 in knetworkmanager (main) "keyboard accessibility problem with knetworkmanager error dialog" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134302 <huats> ScottK:Indeed it seems to resolve that pb <huats> ScottK: thanks <ScottK> No problem. <thekorn> dholbach: the bughelper-server branch includes the -server script and uses the new API, <thekorn> so I think this should be the new 0.2 branch <dholbach> shouldn't we merge this into main? <huats> Hobbsee: there no error right now with the new debooststrap <Hobbsee> right, ok <dholbach> thekorn: looks good up until now <dholbach> thekorn: I'll test it a bit, then upload to PPA <dholbach> thekorn: we have to wait for tribe freeze to end anyway <dholbach> thekorn: it looks very good - thanks a lot * thekorn hugs dholbach * dholbach hugs thekorn <dholbach> everybody hug thekorn! <ubotu> New bug: #134303 in sudo (main) "sudo fails to authenticate user with pam_ldap based group" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134303 <ubotu> New bug: #39061 in sudo (main) "visudo will open existing sudoers.tmp" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39061 <ubotu> New bug: #134304 in epiphany-browser (main) "Highlighting a suggestion with the keyboard changes the URL entry in Epiphany; breaks Smart Bookmarks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134304 <dholbach> thekorn: no explosions up until now :) <thekorn> yuhu <ubotu> New bug: #134305 in ubuntu "Volume distorts when on 100%" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134305 <ubotu> New bug: #134306 in tracker (main) "gnome-search-tool needs integration with indexer (tracker, beagle)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134306 <norsetto> huats: yes <huats> norsetto: thanks <norsetto> huats: de rein <huats> norsetto: I didn't want to pollute everyone with my trivial questions, that is why I sent you an email.... <norsetto> huats: s/rein/rien <huats> norsetto: you should speak in french :-) <norsetto> huats: je ne le parle pas ;-) <ScottK> huats: Lots of people read and learn here. When you take stuff off channel, you take away that chance. <huats> ScottK: ok, sorry I didn't want to... <ubotu> New bug: #134307 in gnunet-qt (main) "gnunet qt does not start : Failed to run /usr//bin/gnunet-setup " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134307 <ScottK> That and norsetto doesn't know everything. Someone else here may better answer your question. <mathiaz> about bug 134274 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 134274 in apache2 "Unexplained random HTTP connection failures in hardware load-balanced web-server farms" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134274 * norsetto might not know everything but somebody sure seems to know it <mathiaz> this is not a real bug, but rather a warkaround a specific situation <mathiaz> how should this be handled ? <ScottK> mathiaz: Maybe assign to ubuntu-doc? <mathiaz> ScottK: I'm not sure about it... * ScottK neither. <mathiaz> basically it should go in a kind of knowledge base. <ubotu> New bug: #134308 in emacs22 (main) "python-mode does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134308 <mathiaz> may be I can set the status to wishlist <ScottK> mathiaz: What is he wishing for? <mathiaz> and improve the description, so that people can find the bug <ScottK> 124308 is a bug btw? <ScottK> dupe rather <mathiaz> bug 124308 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 124308 in njam "No .desktop file for njam" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124308 <ScottK> arghh * ScottK meant bug 134308. The one that just went by. Sorry. <ubotu> Launchpad bug 134308 in emacs22 "python-mode does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134308 <mathiaz> for bug 134274 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 134274 in apache2 "Unexplained random HTTP connection failures in hardware load-balanced web-server farms" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134274 <ScottK> No. <mathiaz> it's just a specific issue with the juniper networks <ScottK> Typo on my part. <mathiaz> with the juniper loadbalancer. <ScottK> Someone who is bugsquadding should find the original and dupe it. <ScottK> Right <ScottK> It's either invalid or documentation IMO. <mathiaz> We won'T change the default configuration. <mathiaz> well it'd be documentation then <mathiaz> I don't think it's invalid. <ScottK> It's not an Apache bug. <ScottK> As you say. <mathiaz> Well. it's the interaction between apache and the loadbalancer <ScottK> Yes and the loadbalance isn't doing the protocol right. <mathiaz> the suggested fix is the change an option in the Apache configuration. <ogra> mathiaz, it was filed by IntuitiveNipple btw ... <ogra> (who is here) <ScottK> Worth noting in docs, I agree, but definitely not a bug. <ubotu> New bug: #134311 in hal (main) "hald-addon-hid-ups eats memory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134311 <ubotu> New bug: #132528 in restricted-manager "Restricted Manager broken in Gutsy (dup-of: 133218)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132528 <ubotu> New bug: #134313 in xpdf (universe) "pdfimages produces inverted image for black & white image" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134313 <polopolo> can someone please edit the importance on bug #134279 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 134279 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] OpenVIP" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134279 * ScottK does <ScottK> polopolo: Done <ubotu> New bug: #134314 in lm-sensors (main) "pwmconfig claims it can't find pwm-capable sensor modules" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134314 <ubotu> New bug: #134315 in apt-mirror (universe) "clean.sh not executable by default [apt-mirror] " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134315 <wousser> will anyone please take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/67141 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 67141 in ubuntu "GREP_OPTION can break system scripts" [Undecided,Incomplete] <wousser> whether its a security issue or not <FFForever2> i was just wondering if this is a bug (it has happened to me on more then one laptop...), i am running ubuntu 7.04 and when i use my volume buttons to lower the volume all the way the system treats it as mute...., but then i try to raise the volume through the volume up button it does not work........., so i have to raise it up in the volume app on my taskbar first before i can use my volume keys again <ScottK> wousser: Why might it be a security issue? <wousser> please see the last comment <ubotu> New bug: #134316 in mozilla-thunderbird (main) "Mozilla-thunderbird crashes when clicking on "Account Settings"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134316 <ScottK> wousser: Same question. That's just a generic statement. <pedro_> FFForever2: probably this one ? bug 34947 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 34947 in gnome-media "Volume Control slider doesn't update" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34947 <wousser> ScottK: well.. if distro policies are part of the security <FFForever2> not quiet the same because it only happens on the keys if i move it up in the applet all is good again <ScottK> wousser: I'd ask the commenter what they meant by that. <bdmurray> I'm not clear on where they are setting GREP_OPTION <bdmurray> pedro_: speaking of volume control my laptop multimedia keys are now adjusting headphone volume instead of speaker volume <FFForever2> so should i make a new bug report pedro_? <pedro_> FFForever2: let's search for one similar first <FFForever2> ive searched to no end (lol) <pedro_> bdmurray: weird... <bdmurray> pedro_: It is probably a kernel bug if you haven't heard of something like that <pedro_> no i havent before <wousser> bdmurray: i don't know, i guess in the scripts itself which makes it an invalid bug? or he export GREP_OPTION <bdmurray> wousser: right, I think he would have to set that option for the root user for init scripts to be affected <pedro_> FFForever2: is there any change you can test your bug with gutsy? <FFForever2> it is still downloading tribe 4 :) <FFForever2> i am like 85% done downloading it <pedro_> FFForever2: awesome!, do the test with it first <wousser> ScottK, bdmurray: I'll ask that, thanks <polopolo> Does openoffice.org have a bug system, or must I use the forum? <bdmurray> polopolo: I think there is a bug tracking system if that is what you mean. <polopolo> yes, but where? <bdmurray> http://qa.openoffice.org/ooQAReloaded/ooQA-ReportBugs.html <polopolo> aha <bdmurray> somewhere from there <polopolo> thank you <polopolo> I gonna register <bdmurray> polopolo: Are you forwarding a bug? <polopolo> yes <andre__> http://qa.openoffice.org/issue_handling/project_issues.html <bdmurray> What bug? <polopolo> uuhhm <polopolo> #134276 <polopolo> bug #134276 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 134276 in openoffice.org "OOO crashes opening this doc file" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134276 <bdmurray> Before forwarding it would be good to test it with gutsy <polopolo> So I must install gutsy and test? <ScottK> I'll test it. <polopolo> ok, but if i forward a bug, I must test it in virtualbox with gusty? <polopolo> ? <ScottK> I'd ask bdmurray. <polopolo> and? <bdmurray> For the bug to be forwarded it should be test with the upstream version of the package - depending on the upstream <polopolo> ok, good to knwo <polopolo> I gonna install virtualbox and download tribe5 <bdmurray> polopolo: Our openoffice.org package is pretty divergent from upstream too, so it would be best to determine if it is an issue with the ubuntu package or not. <polopolo> but how? <ScottK> It crashed for me. Let me see if I can narrow it down. <bdmurray> calc: Can you lend some insight into forwarding ooo bugs? <polopolo> ow <polopolo> tribe 5 releses today, so I download tomorrow <ubotu> New bug: #134317 in ubuntu "Samsung X20 suspends again after resume when using FN+ESC-Keykombo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134317 <polopolo> or can i upgrade my system to tribe 5? <bdmurray> you could but it isn't recommended for day to day use - stuff can still break <polopolo> you're right <polopolo> :P <ubotu> New bug: #134318 in ubuntu "writer doesn't alert if saving on /tmp dir" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134318 <ubotu> New bug: #134321 in restricted-manager (restricted) "restricted-manager-kde crashed with TypeError in description() (dup-of: 133218)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134321 <ubotu> New bug: #134323 in revelation (universe) "Can't save file" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134323 <bdmurray> I keep clicking on the wrong thing in bug reports. :( <polopolo> bdmurray, how can I do what you said? <polopolo> <bdmurray> polopolo: Our openoffice.org package is pretty divergent from upstream too, so it would be best to determine if it is an issue with the ubuntu package or not. <bdmurray> polopolo: test the one from openoffice.org itself? <polopolo> install the real one on my system? <polopolo> is that you mean? <bdmurray> polopolo: yes, but it can interfere with your exisiting openoffice install so with one system this is challenging <ubotu> New bug: #134324 in pan (main) "pan's description in Add/Remove Applications... should mention nzb support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134324 <polopolo> So I must install a small linux distro, that haves nothing, only a small window program and the kernel? <bdmurray> polopolo: There are a lot of different ways to do it depending on your computing environment. <polopolo> :( <polopolo> on a virtual compter, uninstall openoffice.org with synaptic, and then install the one on the website? <polopolo> is that a idea i must do with all software bdmurray? <ubotu> New bug: #134325 in update-manager (main) "Upgrade to Next O.S. Level Kills Present O.S." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134325 <bdmurray> polopolo: no, not with all software. <polopolo> only the software that does not effect the system (like openoffice.org) ? <bdmurray> polopolo: It really depends on the package. Is it primarily developed by Ubuntu or somone else? <polopolo> openoffice by someone else ;) <bdmurray> It would also be ideal if we checked to see if the original piece of software has the bug too. That way we can help improve the original piece of software. <polopolo> But what if it only on ubuntu? <bdmurray> Then that information is useful for Ubuntu's openoffice.org team. <polopolo> okey <bdmurray> Am I explaining this well? <polopolo> I understand <polopolo> good for someone with a age like me :P <polopolo> I mean that <polopolo> I have a very young age <ubotu> New bug: #134326 in ubuntu "LiveCD does not load in Windows 98 PC" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134326 <bdmurray> Admittedly, openoffice.org is a tough software package to work on. <ubotu> New bug: #134327 in scummvm (universe) "scummvm doesn't have menu icon in Kubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134327 <ubotu> New bug: #134328 in bzflag (universe) "bzflag has no icon in K menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134328 <polopolo> hmmmm, strange <polopolo> I new ubuntu install solves the .doc problem on bug #134276 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 134276 in openoffice.org "OOO crashes opening this doc file" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134276 <ubotu> New bug: #134329 in freedroid (universe) "freedroid not installed into K menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134329 <ubotu> New bug: #134330 in ubuntu "Ubuntu download mirror (ubuntu.cs.wisc.edu) does not work" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134330 <ubotu> New bug: #134331 in gdebi (main) "gdebi should search for .debs in current folder" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134331 <ubotu> New bug: #134334 in firefox-granparadiso (universe) "firefox-granparadiso crashes when I have full disk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134334 <ubotu> New bug: #134336 in tasks (universe) "Please sponsor tasks upload" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134336 <calc> bdmurray: bug #134276 works in ubuntu gutsy <ubotu> Launchpad bug 134276 in openoffice.org "OOO crashes opening this doc file" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134276 <calc> bdmurray: or should i think <bdmurray> calc: Hey there, I was interested in the best way to test openoffice.org bugs. <ScottK> calc: It crashed on Gutsy for me <calc> ScottK: hmm, oh crap i have icedtea debs installed <calc> ScottK: that might be the reason <calc> bdmurray: before it is forwarded upstream it has to be tested on the upstream version, so have to install that one and see if it works or not <ubotu> New bug: #134338 in ubuntu "Feature Request: Sound in HDA-Intel only with the version 1.0.14a from CVS (2007/08/15)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134338 <calc> bdmurray: some of the bugs are due to use using gij instead of sun java to compile the code, maybe in this case <calc> since icedtea seems to work that might be the case for this bug <calc> also in this particular case the person who was forwarding it upstream couldn't even reproduce the crash on his system, which is helpful to be reproducible before sending it upstream <calc> or at least the bug seems to indicate he wasn't able to reproduce it <bdmurray> calc: and is that the upstream windows version or the upstream linux version? <calc> bdmurray: upstream linux version <ScottK> calc: Crashes for me every time. <calc> ScottK: if you haven't tested with the upstream linux version its very likely its due to ubuntu compiling it with gij <calc> i can't reproduce the crash with my icedtea compiled debs <ubotu> New bug: #134339 in stardict (universe) "Please sponsor stardict upload" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134339 <ubotu> New bug: #134340 in synaptic (main) "A filter for "top" packages in Synaptic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134340 <calc> btw for anyone that doesn't know icedtea is the openjdk modified to only include free bits <calc> its not in the archive yet since it still needs to be worked on a bit <ScottK> OK. <bdmurray> calc: and the upstream linux version is only available for 32 bit still right? <ubotu> New bug: #134341 in beagle (main) "beagle ftbfs" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134341 <ubotu> New bug: #134342 in ubuntu "[needs packaging] Themeampache" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134342 <calc> bdmurray: i believe so yes <wousser> bdmurray, ScottK: i got a reply to your questions, will you please see bug #67141 and tell against which package it must be filled? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 67141 in ubuntu "GREP_OPTION can break system scripts" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67141 <ubotu> New bug: #134343 in gnome-power-manager (main) "[Gutsy] GDM logout hangs if Power Manager is disabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134343 <ubotu> New bug: #134344 in ubuntu "Feature Request: wifi driver rt73 (Ralink device) in Gutsy runs only with the rt73-cvs-2007072709 version from CVS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134344 <ScottK> wousser: I'd say not a security issue and package is grep. <wousser> ScottK: oke <bdmurray> wousser: the security team considers bugs that cross privelege boundaries or cause the loss of data / privacy as security bugs <wousser> bdmurray: oke, i will remember that <ubotu> New bug: #134346 in traceroute (main) "Please sync traceroute (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134346 <ubotu> New bug: #134347 in pidgin (main) "pidgin doesn't shutdown gracefully" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134347 <ubotu> New bug: #134350 in balsa (universe) "balsa - insertion point for reply" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134350 <ubotu> New bug: #134351 in ubuntu "Sigmatel STAC9200 No Sound/Audio Ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134351 <cbovy> hi all, beagle is not working with evolution-sharp at this moment in Gutsy. there seems to be a fix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/beagle/+bug/128804 Who is able to do a recompile with mentioned patch? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 128804 in beagle "beagled crashes" [Medium,Triaged] <ubotu> New bug: #134352 in gedit (main) "gedit slow on long lines" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134352 <ubotu> New bug: #134353 in gnome-terminal (main) "C compiler cannot create executables" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134353 <ubotu> New bug: #134354 in ldap-auth-client (universe) "/etc/ldap.conf removed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134354 <pedro_> what's the name of the applet that shows the battery status in kde? <ubotu> New bug: #134356 in ubuntu "BCM4318 is recognized but not connecting." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134356 <ScottK> pedro_: probably kde-guidance or something similar. <bdmurray> pedro_: kde-guidance I think <pedro_> k thanks guys <bdmurray> ScottK: jinx you owe me a beer. ;) <ubotu> New bug: #134358 in hexter (universe) "Please merge hexter (0.6.1-2) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134358 <ubotu> New bug: #134359 in rpy (universe) "version mismatch between gutsy GNU R packages and python-rpy package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134359 <ubotu> New bug: #134360 in evolution (main) "crash when changing image alignment in signature" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134360 <Kmos> when some bug got fix released, but it has an watch on debian not fixed, i can remove it ? <Kmos> if the ubuntu one is fix released ? <Kmos> bug 131372 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 131372 in yappy "FTBFS in gutsy" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131372 <ubotu> New bug: #134361 in ubuntu "Could you update Transmission please?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134361 <ubotu> New bug: #134367 in gtkguitune (universe) "Missing menu entry for gtkguitune" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134367 <ubotu> New bug: #134366 in pidgin (main) "[Gutsy] Pidgin freezes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134366 <ubotu> New bug: #134368 in banshee (universe) "[gutsy] banshe makes "$HOME directory in users home directory on start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134368 <ubotu> New bug: #134370 in totem (main) "Video dosen't play correctly in Totem" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134370 <ubotu> New bug: #134371 in rhythmbox (main) "This is a bug in Rhythmbox or GStreamer." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134371 <ubotu> New bug: #134373 in ubuntu "Google Earth Overlay Map Problem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134373 <ubotu> New bug: #134374 in ubuntu "system lockup after entering password in gksudo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134374 <ubotu> New bug: #134375 in evince (main) "Evince Document Viewer " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134375 <ubotu> New bug: #134378 in ubuntu "Feature Request: Provide a single configuration file for user settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134378 <ubotu> New bug: #134379 in ubuntu "Mouse speeds settings flip-flopped" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134379 <ubotu> New bug: #134381 in firestarter (universe) "Firestarter crashes when event list is too long" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134381 <ubotu> New bug: #134382 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "no sound output for NVidia MCP51 HDA" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134382 #ubuntu-bugs 2007-08-24 <ubotu> New bug: #134384 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "mysql reports debian etch distribution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134384 <ubotu> New bug: #134385 in kopete (main) "Kopete Now Listening plugin doesn't support XMMS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134385 <ubotu> New bug: #134386 in nspluginwrapper (multiverse) "npviewer.bin crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134386 <rbs-tito> Guys, I've just found an insane bug <rbs-tito> If you hover over the username field on the GDM login screen it says "Answer questions here and press f10 when done" <rbs-tito> Whoops, already been found. Shame, I though I was on to something huge <bdmurray> rbs-tito: maybe the next one. ;) <rbs-tito> I feel disheartened <toutouff> rbs-tito, is it true ? <toutouff> O_o <rbs-tito> toutouff: Uh...yeah <ubotu> New bug: #134387 in adept (main) "Adept Manager Handbook missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134387 <ubotu> New bug: #134388 in imagemagick (main) "identify crashed with signal 24 in raise()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134388 <ubotu> New bug: #134078 in firefox (main) "ISAPI plug-in Error Message:" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134078 <ubotu> New bug: #134390 in restricted-manager (restricted) "gutsy restricted-manager crashes on startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134390 <ubotu> New bug: #134391 in ubuntu "Gutsy Tribe 5: Backlight does not come back on after resuming from suspend" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134391 <ubotu> New bug: #134392 in ubuntu "doesn't work for low-res monitors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134392 <ubotu> New bug: #134395 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "[gutsy] corrupt textures" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134395 <ubotu> New bug: #134396 in ubuntu "Flaky firewire disk Fails Feisty but Does Dapper" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134396 <RAOF> Isn't the debootstrap in feisty-updates sufficient? <RAOF> Whoops. I should really check the question I'm replying wasn't asked 24 hours ago :/ <ubotu> New bug: #134398 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134398 <ubotu> New bug: #134399 in ubuntu "2.6.22-10 Kernel Panic on Boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134399 <ubotu> New bug: #134400 in glibc (main) "glibc do not really static compile my project." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134400 <ubotu> New bug: #134404 in mbr (main) "mbr ftbfs" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134404 <ubotu> New bug: #134405 in pgadmin3 (universe) "pgadmin3: double free or corruption" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134405 <ubotu> New bug: #134406 in gnome-panel (main) "Display issues with Thinkpad T42P (Model 2379-DYU)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134406 <ubotu> New bug: #134407 in network-manager (main) "vpn plugins should be in main repository" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134407 <ubotu> New bug: #134408 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "Sound broken since 2.6.22-10 upgrade, on HP 6710b" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134408 <ubotu> New bug: #134409 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "usb mouse not working on 2.6.22-10-generic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134409 <ubotu> New bug: #134414 in dpkg (main) "dpkg:serious warning unable to install any new software" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134414 <ubotu> New bug: #134410 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] wicd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134410 <ubotu> New bug: #134411 in no-ip (universe) "No-ip conf files permission problem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134411 <ubotu> New bug: #134412 in gnumeric (main) "Gnumeric chart tool broken in Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134412 <ubotu> New bug: #134413 in ubuntu "(wishlist) Vesa driver and quiz on hardware" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134413 <ubotu> New bug: #134415 in openoffice.org2 (main) "Unable to disable field shadings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134415 <ubotu> New bug: #134416 in firefox (main) "flash and gnash do not install for firefox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134416 <ubotu> New bug: #134417 in ubiquity (main) "ubiquity crashed with AttributeError in run()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134417 <ubotu> New bug: #134420 in nautilus (main) "Devices are not mounted in gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134420 <ubotu> New bug: #134422 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 (main) "Intel HDA sound (ALC883) broken after kernel upgrade to 2.6.22-10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134422 <ubotu> New bug: #134423 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "nvidia-new-kernel-source needs to add a symlink to be seen by module-assistannt" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134423 <ubotu> New bug: #134424 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "ipw3945 won't connect to ap" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134424 <ubotu> New bug: #134425 in ubuntu "wish Gnome would announce filesystem trouble" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134425 <ubotu> New bug: #134426 in firefox (main) "[gutsy] plugin finder service runs forever" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134426 <ubotu> New bug: #134427 in system-config-printer (main) "Main windows has unnecessary glade widgets" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134427 <ubotu> New bug: #134428 in compiz (main) "compiz default inclusion causes performance regression in gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134428 <ubotu> New bug: #134429 in ubuntu "Intel GMA965 Brightness Adjustments" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134429 <ubotu> New bug: #134431 in ubuntu "LiveCD initial GUI broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134431 <ubotu> New bug: #134432 in ubuntu "kickstart doesn't export environment variables from %pre" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134432 <ubotu> New bug: #134433 in ubuntu "Video problem with Nvidia GeForce Go 6600" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134433 <ubotu> New bug: #134430 in restricted-manager (restricted) "Notification message is placed incorrectly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134430 <ubotu> New bug: #134434 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "Ubuntu crashes with Kernel version 2.6.22-10-generic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134434 <ubotu> New bug: #134435 in displayconfig-gtk (universe) "Doesn't detect External Monitor" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134435 <ubotu> New bug: #134436 in ubuntu "rigth-click on desktop give no response" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134436 <ubotu> New bug: #134437 in ubuntu "Bottom Panel Dosen't Load Correctly " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134437 <ubotu> New bug: #134438 in ubuntu "GRUB Bootloader fails to load/work in tribe5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134438 <ubotu> New bug: #134439 in gnome-control-center (main) "gnome-appearance-properties sets workspaces to 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134439 <ubotu> New bug: #134441 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "no sound with HDA Intel since updated to 2.6.22-10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134441 <thekorn> good morning <ubotu> New bug: #134443 in compiz (main) "compiz benchmark is much slower" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134443 <ubotu> New bug: #134444 in quagga (main) "type3 fonts in quagga.pdf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134444 <ubotu> New bug: #134446 in compiz (main) "Compiz-Fusion gives hard locks when installed from packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134446 <dholbach> good morning <thekorn> morning dholbach <dholbach> hey thekorn <dholbach> thekorn: I'm quite pleased with bughelper/python-launchpad-bugs <dholbach> I had another failure, when I let the script do its work <dholbach> let me upload the log <dholbach> thekorn: http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/failures <dholbach> thekorn: let me know if this is something you want to fix right now or in another update <thekorn> dholbach: I already fixed these errors in the latest rev of bughelper-server and py-lp-bugs.GSoc <dholbach> ah ok <dholbach> rock and roll * dholbach hugs super-thekorn <thekorn> dholbach: but the last one is new to me <dholbach> take your time looking at it, it will be easy for me to roll new packages and merge back into .main <thekorn> super <thekorn> dholbach: this last error is not easy to solve, py-lp-bugs takes status, importance ... of a bugreport from the highlighted row in the InfoTable, <thekorn> but in bugreports like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/88102 is no highlighting anymore <ubotu> Launchpad bug 88102 in bughelper "sort report by issue type rather than bug number" [Medium,Confirmed] <exodos> can anyone help me with debugging libflashsupport? whaere can I find debug symbols for it? <dholbach> thekorn: urg.... what do you reckon we should do? <exodos> I mean libflashplayer <thekorn> dholbach: i would suggest a kind of 'random' solution: <thekorn> 1.) try to find the row where affects ends with (ubuntu) <thekorn> if this fails choose the first <thekorn> one <ubotu> New bug: #134450 in purple-plugin-pack (universe) "[Gutsy] /exec not able to execute wget command" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134450 <thekorn> dholbach: btw. to avoid errors like Package "'linux-source-2.6.15' not found" I removed the function 'package_exists()' from bughelper and bugnumbers <dholbach> nice, I wanted to do that too already <thekorn> instead of this the user gets an extra message if there is a LPUrlError "page not found" <thekorn> if we could find a way to remove this function from bugxml, we would not need apt_pkg anymore <ubotu> New bug: #134451 in epiphany (universe) ""go" button stays pressed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134451 <ubotu> New bug: #134452 in kdebluetooth (main) "package libkbluetooth0 1.0~beta6~r702320-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: tentative de remplacement de /usr/lib/libkbluetooth.so.0.0.0, qui appartient aussi au paquet kdebluetooth" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134452 <dholbach> thekorn: I'll think about it - it'd be nice <ubotu> New bug: #134453 in cups-pdf (main) "package cups-pdf 2.4.6-3ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus post-installation script a retourn une erreur de sortie d'tat 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134453 <ubotu> New bug: #134454 in nautilus (main) "[gutsy] nautilus icon view is unpredictable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134454 <ubotu> New bug: #134457 in espeak (main) "espeak version is very old" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134457 <ubotu> New bug: #134458 in ubuntu "system randomly halt while shutting down" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134458 <ubotu> New bug: #134460 in kdepim (main) "KMail / Kontact Mail List Navigation incomplete (PageUp not working)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134460 <ubotu> New bug: #134461 in xfce4-panel (main) "doesn't show tool tip while mouse move over it" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134461 <ubotu> New bug: #134462 in bluez-gnome (main) "Can you upgrade bluez-gnome to 0.13 version in gutsy because of the lot of bugfixes and better translations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134462 <ubotu> New bug: #134465 in nautilus-open-terminal (universe) "nautilus open terminal does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134465 <ubotu> New bug: #128187 in kdelibs (main) "kdeinit crasshed" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128187 <ubotu> New bug: #134466 in ubuntu "ipw3945d causing computer to stutter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134466 <ubotu> New bug: #134468 in firefox (main) "Bad editing keys on firefox address bar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134468 <ubotu> New bug: #134469 in revelation (universe) "Revelation slow to open file - en message catalog missing?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134469 <ubotu> New bug: #134470 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Metamorphose" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134470 <ubotu> New bug: #134471 in sudo (main) "sudo puts the clock back twenty days" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134471 <ubotu> New bug: #134473 in gnome-keyring (main) "[gutsy] german translation of "einstellungen" in system menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134473 <ubotu> New bug: #134472 in update-manager (main) "Upgrade tool Crashed (Gutsy Tribe 4 to Tribe 5)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134472 <ubotu> New bug: #134474 in gksu (main) "User authentication dialog's failure to lock the screen has an error that is unnecesarily scary" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134474 <ubotu> New bug: #134475 in xournal (universe) "xournal move looses insert point 7.10 gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134475 <ubotu> New bug: #134476 in ubuntu "Tribe 5: suspend hangs laptop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134476 <ubotu> New bug: #134477 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "reports corrupt filesystem on flash-media, fine on feisty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134477 <ubotu> New bug: #134479 in kubuntu-meta (main) "firefox pdf default application is set to gimp, whereas it is set to kpdf in kde !" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134479 <ubotu> New bug: #134480 in ubuntu "HPLIP menu entries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134480 <ubotu> New bug: #134481 in ubuntu "i dont have sound in the pc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134481 <ubotu> New bug: #134484 in apcupsd (universe) "shutdown machine apcupsd --killpower dont work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134484 <ubotu> New bug: #134485 in kexi-mdb-driver (universe) "package kexi-mdb-driver None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/kexi-mdb-driver.list] failed to install/upgrade: Versuche, /usr/lib/kde3/keximigrate_mdb.so zu berschreiben, welches auch in Paket kexi-mdb-plugin ist" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134485 <ubotu> New bug: #134483 in libapache-request-perl (universe) "Please remove libapache-request-perl from gutsy" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134483 <ubotu> New bug: #134487 in evolution (main) "Evolution UI flashes when formatting large message" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134487 <ubotu> New bug: #134489 in ubuntu "[gutsy] system sounds are all wrong" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134489 <ubotu> New bug: #134490 in apt-watch (universe) "Please merge apt-watch (0.3.2-9) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134490 <ubotu> New bug: #134491 in ubuntu "Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS) inclusion" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134491 <ubotu> New bug: #134492 in gnome-terminal (main) "leading space hides command in history" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134492 <ubotu> New bug: #134447 in libflash (main) "[GUTSY] firefox crashed -- libflash [@GraphicDevice32::drawLine] [@GraphicDevice::drawBox] [@FlashMovie::renderFocus] " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134447 <ubotu> New bug: #134493 in cdrkit (main) "icedax only works for root" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134493 <ubotu> New bug: #134494 in ubuntu "XFree86-DRI missing after resume from suspend-to-ram" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134494 <ubotu> New bug: #134495 in ubiquity (main) "ubiquity crash in manual partitioning" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134495 <ubotu> New bug: #134496 in ubuntu "After initial reboot, wrong ethernet card is used" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134496 <ubotu> New bug: #134497 in ubuntu "Gutsy Tribe 5 AMD64 Alternate Install CD GRUB gave an error 15 on boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134497 <ubotu> New bug: #134498 in smbldap-tools (universe) "smbldap-populate: failes to add any uid entries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134498 <ubotu> New bug: #134499 in ubuntu "Only sound in headphones on intel HDA" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134499 <ubotu> New bug: #134500 in archmage (universe) "Please sync archmage (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134500 <ubotu> New bug: #134501 in gmountiso (universe) "[UVFe] gmountiso 0.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134501 <ubotu> New bug: #134502 in synaptic (main) "dependencies problem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134502 <ubotu> New bug: #134503 in cupsys (main) "cupsys 1.3 upgrade fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134503 <ubotu> New bug: #134504 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] tapioca-glib" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134504 <polopolo> Can someone please change to wishlist for bug #134505 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 134505 in ubiquity "installer create huge swap partition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134505 <ubotu> New bug: #134505 in ubiquity (main) "installer create huge swap partition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134505 <ubotu> New bug: #134506 in ubuntu "Gnome Panel changes launchers on reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134506 <coNP> polopolo: does this team like to have bugs assigned? :) <Hobbsee> cant see the point of assigning bugs to that team, tbh <Hobbsee> they're already going to be subscribed by default. <polopolo> unsubscribe then? <Hobbsee> you'll create more mail that way <Hobbsee> i'd just stop doing it in future <rbs-tito> bug 134507 , is it invalid? Suggested seems like a good mark for gnucash-docs, it shouldn't be a dependency right? <ubotu> Launchpad bug 134507 in ubuntu "[gutsy] 'Add / Remove...' installing Gnucash doesn't install or offer gnucash-docs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134507 <rbs-tito> Whoa, new launchpad is confusing <Pici> Really? I didnt see much of a UI difference... I havent looked deeper yet though. <rbs-tito> Pici: The dropdown icons on bug reports are odd, they both drop the same thing down <Pici> rbs-tito: Yeah, I noticed that too. It is a little odd. <rbs-tito> It doesn't feel natural, there should just be one dropdown next to the package name <ScottK> rbs-tito: It's on purpose. <rbs-tito> ScottK: The bug I was talking about or the Launchpad UI? <ScottK> The LP UI <rbs-tito> Any idea on the bug? <ubotu> New bug: #134507 in gnucash (universe) "[gutsy] 'Add / Remove...' installing Gnucash doesn't install or offer gnucash-docs" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134507 <ubotu> New bug: #134508 in cameramonitor (universe) "Please sync cameramonitor (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134508 * ScottK looks <ScottK> One could argue that maybe docs should be recommended, not just suggested. <ScottK> What he's asking isn't the way the package management system works. <ScottK> So maybe it's a wishlist bug against whatever package management tool he's using... <rbs-tito> Or maybe it is just gnucash-docs should be recommended <ScottK> Maybe. <rbs-tito> It warrants two bugs <ScottK> Except making it recommended wouldn't actually solve the problem he's asked about. <ScottK> Recommended/Suggested is a fine nuance that I wouldn't bother with. <rbs-tito> True <ubotu> New bug: #134510 in language-support-fr (main) "Installing French support failed on Gutsy Tribe 5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134510 <rbs-tito> ScottK: I think I will change it to wishlist against Synaptic , should apt-get be affected too? <ScottK> I'd say not. People using apt probably know about this stuff. You migh consider Adept though. <rbs-tito> ScottK: Would it need to go upstream too? <ScottK> I'd leave that to the people that deal with those packages. <rbs-tito> ScottK: And gnome-app-install ? <ubotu> New bug: #134511 in ubuntu "Launchpad crashes every time I try to report a bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134511 <ScottK> I have no idea. I use Kubuntu. <rbs-tito> ScottK: It's a friendly nooby package manager, with pretty icons and only select packages <ScottK> OK. I still don't have an opinion on it. <ubotu> New bug: #134512 in gnome-voice-control (universe) "The Applet crashes when clicking on Start Control" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134512 <rbs-tito> ScottK: Could you take a look at the report now? <rbs-tito> bug 134507 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 134507 in synaptic "Package managers should offer suggested and recommended packages" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134507 <ScottK> Not really. <rbs-tito> I've rewritten it <rbs-tito> And could someone from QA set it to wishlist please <jeromeg> rbs-tito: done <rbs-tito> Thanks <jeromeg> rbs-tito: but for example with synaptic you just have to right click on the package to install recommended/suggested packages <polopolo> <Hobbsee> i'd just stop doing it in future - Hobbsee, what do you mean <Hobbsee> polopolo: i'd just stop assigning the bugs to the installer team <polopolo> aha, why? <polopolo> If I may ask? <ScottK> polopolo: Put it the other way, why would you? <ScottK> Does the installer team have a policy saying they want you to do that? <polopolo> okey, I unsubscribe that ig you want <ScottK> There are teams (like the kernel team) that do have policies like that, you just need to check. <polopolo> okey, unsubscribed, if that was what you want to say <ScottK> Each team does things a bit differently. <ScottK> Another example is the server team.... What they do is have the team mailing list subscribed to all the packages they mind. <ScottK> So in some cases if you assign when it's not wanted you may cause people to get duplicate bug mail. <polopolo> So I must not send bugs to another (like bug #134276 ) <ubotu> Launchpad bug 134276 in openoffice.org "OOO crashes opening this doc file" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134276 <Hobbsee> polopolo: you may want to read what i said. twice <polopolo> oh okey, now I understand <ubotu> New bug: #134514 in python-launchpad-bugs (main) "Fix to Bug.set_status() due to LP 1.1.8 update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134514 <polopolo> I should never be assign a bug to someone else that already have a view in the bug, if you all want to say to me <Hobbsee> you should never assign a bug to someone else unless it's listed in the bug policies, or you're their boss. <ubotu> New bug: #134515 in ubuntu "Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG can connect once, after that reboot is needed to reconnect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134515 <polopolo> I should never assign a bug to someone else unless it's listed in the bug policies, or i'm their boss! <Hobbsee> yes <polopolo> but I don't really understand about bug policies <jeromeg> polopolo: it's simply people that are used to work in a certain way, if you follow their wishes they can be more efficient <jeromeg> polopolo: as bug triagers we are here to ease the tasks of dev, so following bug policies is essential <ubotu> New bug: #134059 in fceu (universe) "Please sync fceu from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134059 <ubotu> New bug: #134516 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] telepathy-haze" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134516 <ubotu> New bug: #134517 in mozilla-thunderbird (main) "Can't reply to nested messages in Thunderbird" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134517 <ubotu> New bug: #134518 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "/dev/rtc cannot be read" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134518 <ubotu> New bug: #134519 in mail-notification (universe) "[GUTSY] Mail-notification doesnt have options in toaster" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134519 <ubotu> New bug: #134520 in ubuntu "please sync package python-clutter (src:pyclutter, version:0.4.1-1) from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134520 <ubotu> New bug: #134521 in loop-aes-source (universe) "loop-aes-source not available in Gutsy Gibbon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134521 <ubotu> New bug: #134522 in cpio (main) "cpio --extract says --sparse is meaningless" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134522 <ubotu> New bug: #134523 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "Xorg crashes when running glxgears" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134523 <ubotu> New bug: #134299 in strigi (main) "strigidaemon crashed with SIGSEGV in utf8toucs2()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134299 <ubotu> New bug: #134524 in openoffice.org (main) "-core and -common are lacking changelog and copyright files" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134524 <ubotu> New bug: #134525 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "Plugging in headphones no longer turns off laptop speakers after updating to 2.6.22-10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134525 <ubotu> New bug: #134526 in ubuntu "Gutsy crashes upon opening screen after it was closed, going to a "blank screen"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134526 <ubotu> New bug: #134528 in vino (main) "Vino doesnt work from live-session under vmware." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134528 <ubotu> New bug: #134529 in xmlrpc-c (universe) "1.06.17 break include path with 0.9.x version" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134529 <ubotu> New bug: #134530 in apt (main) "[Gutsy] apt-get upgrade freezes from time to time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134530 <ubotu> New bug: #134531 in gnome-panel (main) "sherman aquarium applet crashes on login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134531 <ubotu> New bug: #134533 in warzone2100 (universe) "Warzone2100 crashes when I load a saved game" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134533 <ubotu> New bug: #134535 in aptoncd (universe) "Typo in description" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134535 <ubotu> New bug: #134537 in eclipse (universe) "[gutsy] No ant support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134537 <ubotu> New bug: #134538 in kdepim (main) "kmail crashes when getting mail from pop account" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134538 <ubotu> New bug: #134539 in ntfs-3g (universe) "Please sync ntfs-3g (1:1.810-1) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134539 <ubotu> New bug: #132594 in gthumb (main) "gthumb crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_file_info_get_is_folder()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132594 <ryanakca> debian bug 439075 <ubotu> Debian bug 439075 in bzflag "BZFlag: Bashisms in debian/rules" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/439075 <ryanakca> bug 132587 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 132587 in bzflag "bzflag includes source makefiles and empty directories, no fonts included" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132587 <ubotu> New bug: #129816 in pycairo "update-manager crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129816 <ubotu> New bug: #134540 in ubuntu "cant open any pps files with OpenOffice and the system crash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134540 <ubotu> New bug: #134541 in openoffice.org (main) "Printing From OpenOffice.org Causes Lexmark Z45 to Lockup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134541 <ubotu> New bug: #134544 in network-manager (main) "NetworkManager aborts when attempting to connect to PPTP VPN server with bogus host name" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134544 <ubotu> New bug: #134546 in deskbar-applet (main) "deskbar applet default inclusion in gutsy is a performance regression" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134546 <ubotu> New bug: #134547 in network-manager-pptp (universe) "NetworkManager PPTP VPN does not work; bad pptp plugin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134547 <ubotu> New bug: #134548 in gnome-main-menu (universe) "gnome-main-menu button is not displayed correctly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134548 <ubotu> New bug: #134549 in nufw (universe) "Please sync nufw (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134549 <ubotu> New bug: #134550 in asterisk (universe) "Please sync asterisk (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134550 <ubotu> New bug: #134552 in yappy (universe) "Please merge yappy (1.8-1) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134552 <ubotu> New bug: #134551 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "No sound cards detected with 2.6.22-10-generic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134551 <ubotu> New bug: #134554 in ubuntu "Incorrect time zone for Sofia/Bulgaria" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134554 <ubotu> New bug: #134555 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "fan staying on constantly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134555 <ubotu> New bug: #134558 in slocate (main) "slocate ignores PRUNEFS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134558 <ubotu> New bug: #134559 in gdm (main) "[gutsy] Cannot login to Gnome after previous logout" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134559 <ubotu> New bug: #134560 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] vinagre - vnc client" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134560 <ubotu> New bug: #134562 in gnome-panel (main) "[gutsy] gnome-panel hangs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134562 <ubotu> New bug: #134563 in compiz (main) "Gnome terminal crashes when using desktop effects" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134563 <ubotu> New bug: #134564 in ubuntu "[tribe 5] setting and removing the "name" field in the partitioner causes the installer (alternate) to lock" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134564 <ubotu> New bug: #134565 in ubuntu "[tribe 5] The installation CD does not contain full support for your language? (english-us dvorak)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134565 <ubotu> New bug: #134566 in gnome-control-center (main) "Selected refresh rate not set" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134566 <ubotu> New bug: #134568 in evolution (main) "Evolution Mail plugin segfault" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134568 <ubotu> New bug: #134571 in ubuntu "Add/Remove does not show all applications available" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134571 <ubotu> New bug: #134572 in nbd (main) "Segfault" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134572 <ubotu> New bug: #134573 in ubuntu "some fonts have horrible colour fringes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134573 <ubotu> New bug: #134576 in displayconfig-gtk (universe) "Can't translate displayconfig-gtk from rosetta" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134576 <ubotu> New bug: #134579 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "headphone jack stopped working on vaio sz" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134579 <ubotu> New bug: #134569 in aptoncd "Minor grammar issues" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134569 <ubotu> New bug: #134581 in mythplugins (multiverse) "Mythplugins UVFe for 0.20.2 tagged release" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134581 <ubotu> New bug: #134582 in stardict (universe) "Sync request: stardict 3.0.0 from upstream" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134582 <tuxcrafte1> what does it mean when the status of a packaged is removed <tuxcrafte1> is it no longer supported? <tuxcrafte1> where can i find this ifo <tuxcrafte1> information <bdmurray> tuxcrafte1: what package and what do you mean exactly? <tuxcrafte1> I was searching for the relationships between kbd-chooser, debian-installer and console-setup, trying to understand there structure in the bug report system <bdmurray> and which package was removed? <tuxcrafte1> bdmurray: kbd-chooser <evand> kbd-chooser and console-setup are debian installer components. kbd-chooser was used prior to Edgy, console-setup was used thereafter. <tuxcrafte1> evand: ok but can i find that information <tuxcrafte1> ok but how can i find.... <tuxcrafte1> hmm i think we will also get a big GPL2 vs GPL3 problem like fedora <tuxcrafte1> a lot of things are GPL2 licenced <ubotu> New bug: #134584 in ubuntu "[tribe 5] update and restricted driver notifications display on wrong side" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134584 <ubotu> New bug: #134585 in ubuntu "[gutsy] kdebluetooth send to disappeared from konqueror" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134585 <ubotu> New bug: #134583 in pidgin (main) "Pidgin no se muestre en el systray" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134583 <tuxcrafte1> OK, how do I download the following file out of the released-cd-images without downloading the complete CD? <tuxcrafte1> /install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/initrd.gz <ubotu> New bug: #134586 in squashfs (main) "when i run ltsp-update-image, it is aborted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134586 <tuxcrafte1> http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/ <tuxcrafte1> found it <tuxcrafte1> is this the same package as used in xubuntu and kubuntu? <toutouff> Excuse me, what is the tag to add for a sync request ? <bdmurray> toutouff: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Tags - it looks like upgrade <toutouff> thank you for your answer (and for the link, I begin in triaging) =) <bdmurray> You might also look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess <toutouff> thnks :) <toutouff> thanks* <ubotu> New bug: #134589 in ubuntu "Hang When searching in Synaptic Package Manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134589 <bdmurray> toutouff: sure no problem - feel free to let me know if you have any other questions <toutouff> :) <bdmurray> tuxcrafte1: yes, the installer should be the same <bdmurray> That is the alternate correct? <tuxcrafte1> bdmurray: perfect <ubotu> New bug: #134588 in zziplib (universe) "[UVFe] Sync zziplib (0.13.49-1) from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134588 <finalbeta> I wish to report a bug, My system freezes up about a minute after I hit the log-on screen (even if I log in). This with the TRibe 5 kernel, the previous one still works. What information should I add, and how do I get it? <ubotu> New bug: #134591 in compiz (main) "[tribe 5] changing tabs in full-screen mode firefox causes minor redrawing issue" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134591 <toutouff> For a sync request, do i subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors ? <coNP> toutouff: if it is in universe, yes. But first motu UVF I guess <toutouff> ok thanks <ScottK> coNP and toutouff: Only motu-uvf it's a new upstream version. For a new Debian revision, go straight to UUS. <toutouff> thanks <coNP> I guess it is UUS then. You can only sync from Debian. Am I wrong? <toutouff> no <ubotu> New bug: #134592 in firefox (main) "infinite 100% load one one page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134592 <ubotu> New bug: #134593 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "System Freeze Tribe 5 Kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134593 <ubotu> New bug: #134595 in xcompmgr (universe) "Can't see gnome logout screen when using xcompmgr" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134595 <Kmos> some kubuntu user can check this one <Kmos> bug 129293 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 129293 in ubuntu "[gutsy] Can access internet only with Konqueror" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129293 <bdmurray> That bug doesn't logically seem possible <Kmos> bdmurray: yeah <Kmos> now he show apt-get output in last comment <Kmos> emmc: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource <Kmos> temporarily unavailable) <bdmurray> I think that error message can happen if another package manager is running <Kmos> yeah <Kmos> like update-manager <bdmurray> I'd be curious about disk space and sources.list though <emmc> that error message happens when you are brutally closed a terminal window where you were using apt-get <Kmos> i've commented it <ubotu> New bug: #134596 in ubuntu "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Installer Crash, Need help plz" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134596 <ubotu> New bug: #123104 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 "Suspend using nvidia driver and NVIDIA 8400M GS doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123104 <ubotu> New bug: #134598 in glade-3 (main) ".pot file is not generated on build time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134598 <ubotu> New bug: #134599 in ubuntu "installer crashed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134599 <ubotu> New bug: #134600 in valgrind (main) "calloc'd blocks reported as "uninitialised" in X11" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134600 * tuxcrafte1 is going to sleep, and takes a few steps back form ubuntu for 2 days, I have seen to many unsolved bugs that i filled and checked 6 months ago, feeling down. <ubotu> New bug: #134602 in gnome-system-tools (main) "directory share with samba require manual user creation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134602 <ubotu> New bug: #134603 in avahi (main) "Nework doesn't work after hardware upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134603 <ubotu> New bug: #134605 in mt-daapd (universe) "mt-daapd needs to start after avahi-daemon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134605 <ubotu> New bug: #134606 in adept (main) "adept crashes (click multimedia and then change suite before ready)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134606 <ubotu> New bug: #134607 in bzr-builddeb (universe) "WARNING: the 'deb822' top-level module is *DEPRECATED*, please use 'debian_bundle.deb822'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134607 <ubotu> New bug: #134609 in foobillard (universe) "Tribe 5 foobillard crashes gnome" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134609 <ubotu> New bug: #134610 in kdepim (main) "karm "revert and stop" does not revert time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134610 #ubuntu-bugs 2007-08-25 <ubotu> New bug: #134611 in genpower (universe) "genpower should use /usr/share/doc instead of /usr/doc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134611 <ubotu> New bug: #134612 in kmplayer (universe) "kmplayer is not listed in "open with" menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134612 <ubotu> New bug: #134613 in ubuntu "Gutsy Gibbon Tribe 5, ThinkPad T40 and Dual Monitor Issues" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134613 <ubotu> New bug: #134614 in claws-mail (universe) "Please sponsor claws-mail upload" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134614 <ubotu> New bug: #134616 in eog (main) "[gutsy] image viewer slow to start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134616 <ubotu> New bug: #134617 in xcircuit (universe) "xcircuit crash middle click dragging a selection" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134617 <ubotu> New bug: #134618 in gksu (main) "gksudo doesn't display keyboard layout and caps status" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134618 <ubotu> New bug: #134619 in acpi-support (main) "pc does not power off or restart after suspend-resume cycle is done at least once" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134619 <ubotu> New bug: #134622 in kdepim (main) "kitchensync - opensync synchronization crash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134622 <ubotu> New bug: #134623 in ubuntu "[UVFe] Please update telepathy-salut to version 0.1.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134623 <ubotu> New bug: #134624 in ubuntu "[UVFe] Please update telepathy-mission-control to version 4.35" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134624 <ubotu> New bug: #134625 in ubuntu "[UVFe] Please update empathy to version 0.12" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134625 <ubotu> New bug: #134626 in ubuntu "Intel Poulsbo hda driver was not correctly built" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134626 <ubotu> New bug: #134627 in gaim (main) "Gaim is no longer able to connect to any of my IM accounts." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134627 <ubotu> New bug: #134628 in epiphany-browser (main) "Epiphany doesn't exit cleanly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134628 <ubotu> New bug: #134629 in update-manager (main) "upgrade tool crashed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134629 <ubotu> New bug: #134630 in ubuntu "Double clicking Ogg Vorbis file gives " cannot be opened " message" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134630 <tck> cant someone kick/ban that khermans_ user? <ubotu> New bug: #134631 in ubuntu "Time zone set incorrectly on install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134631 <ubotu> New bug: #134632 in kdeutils (main) "[kubuntu gutsy] Stopping Kmilo makes keyboard stop working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134632 <ubotu> New bug: #134633 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "xorg.conf borked after installing nvidia-glx-new" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134633 <ubotu> New bug: #134635 in gaim (main) "gaim drops Yahoo & MSN connections repeatedly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134635 <ubotu> New bug: #134636 in totem (main) "totem when started gives a high frequency noise " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134636 <ubotu> New bug: #134637 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "/dev/parport0 not created by system on feisty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134637 <ubotu> New bug: #134638 in ubuntu "[tribe 5] sound does not work on a fresh install, macbook C2D" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134638 <ubotu> New bug: #134639 in ubuntu "[Gutsy] keyboard sound shortcuts on ICH7 based laptop not working properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134639 <ubotu> New bug: #134640 in ubuntu "[Feisty] Sound Juicer plays noise instead of music" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134640 <ubotu> New bug: #134641 in gedit (main) "[tribe 5] any time I open a document in gedit (from the shell) I get /usr/bin/esd: not found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134641 <ubotu> New bug: #134642 in thunar (main) ""Find as you type" feature does not "appear to" work in thunar while horizontal scrolling" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134642 <ubotu> New bug: #134644 in hal (main) "mouse quits working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134644 <ubotu> New bug: #134645 in ubuntu "system does not power down" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134645 <ubotu> New bug: #134648 in aptitude (main) "aptitude gets 'segmentation fault core dumped'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134648 <ubotu> New bug: #134649 in ubuntu "Installation Problem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134649 <ubotu> New bug: #134650 in ubuntu "/var on separate partition breaks networking" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134650 <ubotu> New bug: #134656 in seahorse (universe) "seahorse-0.9.7-0ubuntu1~dapper1 from dapper-backports make's Problem's on dapper" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134656 <ubotu> New bug: #134657 in update-notifier (main) "update-notifier spams .xsession-errors with GDK errors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134657 <ubotu> New bug: #134658 in ubuntu "gnome -screenshot doesnt save screenshots" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134658 <ubotu> New bug: #134659 in restricted-manager (restricted) "restricted-manager crashes when opening it" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134659 <ubotu> New bug: #134660 in ubuntu "Ralink rt2400 does not work in Gutsy!" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134660 <ubotu> New bug: #134661 in ubuntu "black screen and freeze after standby or hibernate in gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134661 <ubotu> New bug: #134662 in ubuntu "very low sound with HDA Intel and analog device 1986" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134662 <ubotu> New bug: #134663 in displayconfig-gtk (universe) "Missing Resolutions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134663 <ubotu> New bug: #134664 in kopete (main) "In Gutsy Gibbon tribe 5, Kopete does not keep the connection to MSN messenger when a message is sent." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134664 <ubotu> New bug: #134667 in sane-backends-extras (universe) "missing firmware for epson, could maybe be included in non-free drivers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134667 <ubotu> New bug: #134668 in ubuntu "In gutsy gibbon tribe 5 there is no sound" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134668 <ubotu> New bug: #134669 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "Unfortunate Selection of Primary Display" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134669 <ubotu> New bug: #134670 in ubuntu "connection not made on boot up in tribe 5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134670 <ubotu> New bug: #134671 in cups-pdf "CUPS/PDF_file_generator fails the 2nd time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134671 <ubotu> New bug: #134672 in ubuntu "installing Firefox plugins from add/remove applications doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134672 <ubotu> New bug: #134673 in displayconfig-gtk (universe) "[ENHANCEMENT] displayconfig-gtk should allow to change gamma settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134673 <ubotu> New bug: #129007 in firefox (main) "MASTER firefox-bin crashed with crux theme [@moz_gtk_widget_paint] at #10" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129007 <ubotu> New bug: #134674 in splashy (universe) "update splashy to 0.3.5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134674 <ubotu> New bug: #134675 in stk (universe) "ftbfs (b-d libjack0.100.0-dev is in universe)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134675 <ubotu> New bug: #134677 in kaffeine (main) "Wrong version number in kaffeine.desktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134677 <ubotu> New bug: #134678 in ubuntu "[feisty] Network manager continuously reboots network adapter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134678 <ubotu> New bug: #134679 in kdebase (main) "Konqueror's navigation panel doesn't work right" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134679 <ubotu> New bug: #134680 in ubuntu "Sleep and Hibernate issues in Gutsy on Thinkpad x41" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134680 <ubotu> New bug: #134681 in ubuntu "Problem with advance in 8pt Vera Serif font" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134681 <ubotu> New bug: #134682 in cups-pdf (main) "[Tribe5] user don't know where are his pdf file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134682 <ubotu> New bug: #134683 in fontconfig (main) "Bad selection of font for Chinese characters" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134683 <ubotu> New bug: #134684 in boost (main) "Upgrade to Version 1.34.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134684 <ubotu> New bug: #134685 in openoffice.org (main) "Open Office crashs when trying to save document on WebDAV folder" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134685 <ubotu> New bug: #134686 in metacity (main) "alt-tab partially broken with focus-follows-mouse" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134686 <ubotu> New bug: #134688 in ubuntu "I can't here anything on Lenovo y 400[Feisty] " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134688 <ubotu> New bug: #134689 in gnome-panel (main) "The Limewire applcation has no user interface when I open it there is just a blank screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134689 <ubotu> New bug: #134690 in python-launchpad-bugs (main) "Bug.Reporter() is broken since last LP upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134690 <ubotu> New bug: #134692 in cron (main) "updatedb runs on a too high priority" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134692 <ubotu> New bug: #134693 in youtube-dl (universe) "Script version too old and no longer works -- please update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134693 <ubotu> New bug: #134694 in pkgbinarymangler (main) "Please put patrick.matthaei@web.de back as the maintainer for tmw, and any of his other source packages." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134694 <ubotu> New bug: #134695 in ubuntu "[enhancement] ext3cow by default in installer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134695 <ubotu> New bug: #134697 in ubuntu "Alsa bug on tribe 5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134697 <ubotu> New bug: #134698 in ubuntu "LPD Queue Confusion - Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134698 <ubotu> New bug: #134699 in up-imapproxy (universe) "[Sync request] Sync up-imapproxy (1.2.4-10.2) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134699 <ubotu> New bug: #134700 in youtube-dl (universe) "Please sync youtube-dl 2007.08.24-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134700 <ubotu> New bug: #134701 in firefox (main) "firefox crashes when I visit a *.m3u website, playing the streaming with maplyer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134701 <finalbeta> Anyone who can help me provide useful information for this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/134593 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 134593 in linux-source-2.6.22 "System Freeze Tribe 5 Kernel" [Undecided,New] <RAOF> finalbeta: Have you checked out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSystemCrash <finalbeta> I had not, but now that I read them, they will not help me. <ubotu> New bug: #134703 in totem (main) "image quality" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134703 <ubotu> New bug: #134704 in gnome-applets (main) "mixer_applet2 wakes up to often (as shown by powertop)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134704 <ubotu> New bug: #134705 in evolution (main) ""Send / Receive" button is inactive after resuming from hibernate" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134705 <ubotu> New bug: #130722 in xarchiver "xarchiver crashed with SIGSEGV in g_strconcat()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130722 <ubotu> New bug: #134706 in displayconfig-gtk (universe) "displayconfig-gtk: "Test" fails (scramled screen) even with default settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134706 <ubotu> New bug: #134707 in pidgin (main) "Group with broken characters keeps coming back with ICQ/AIM buddies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134707 <ubotu> New bug: #134708 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "synaptic manager opens with an error message and crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134708 <ubotu> New bug: #134709 in gnome-phone-manager (universe) "gnome-phone-manager unable to connect to any newer sony ericsson mobile " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134709 <ubotu> New bug: #134710 in ubiquity (main) "installer hangs on "Creating ext3 file system for / in..."" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134710 <ubotu> New bug: #134711 in firefox (main) "Folder in Bookmark Toolbar makes ff crash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134711 <ubotu> New bug: #134712 in gparted (main) "gparted didn't exit cleanly, no automount anymore" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134712 <ubotu> New bug: #134713 in ubuntu "Strange sound when booting Kubuntu 7.04 " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134713 <ubotu> New bug: #134714 in ubuntu "update broken after install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134714 <ubotu> New bug: #134715 in manpages (main) "Typo in strfmon manpage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134715 <ubotu> New bug: #134716 in samba (main) "Mount with smbfs treats symlinks invalid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134716 <ubotu> New bug: #134717 in emacs22 (main) "Auctex does not work when emacs is upgraded" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134717 <ubotu> New bug: #134718 in beryl-settings-simple (universe) "When I have beryl+emerald on KDE, if I start a command with "Alt+F2", the Desktop is gone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134718 <ubotu> New bug: #134719 in ubuntu "ubiquity eat 100% CPU in Kubuntu 7.10 Tribe 5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134719 <ubotu> New bug: #134720 in ubuntu "automount doesn't work for Ntfs partitions on external Usb disks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134720 <ubotu> New bug: #134723 in kdelibs (main) "kdeinit crashed with SIGSEGV in strncmp()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134723 <ubotu> New bug: #134725 in xserver-xorg-video-i810 (main) "xrandr rotates screen, does not change resolution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134725 <ubotu> New bug: #134726 in mythtv (multiverse) "MythTV Feisty SRU " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134726 <ubotu> New bug: #134727 in ubuntu "zim: find option (Ctrl-F) disappears after the first time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134727 <ubotu> New bug: #134728 in ubuntu "Distorted sound from cdrom (ogg)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134728 <ubotu> New bug: #134729 in ubuntu "kde panel buttons jump when moved" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134729 <ubotu> New bug: #134731 in ubuntu "xorg.conf to cleared and keyboard in english for password" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134731 <ubotu> New bug: #134730 in dvgrab (universe) "[UVFe] Please sync dvgrab 3.0-1 (universe) form debian (unstable)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134730 <ubotu> New bug: #134733 in zim (universe) "zim: emphasize clickable backlinks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134733 <ubotu> New bug: #134734 in ubuntu "Sound not working after upgrading to gutsy (Intel 82801G HDA)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134734 <ubotu> New bug: #134736 in zim (universe) "zim: emphasize 'Search (in notes)'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134736 <ubotu> New bug: #134737 in compiz (main) "Glitchy opengl apps" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134737 <ubotu> New bug: #134738 in dia (main) "Cisco-Misc cameras pixmaps are wrong" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134738 <ubotu> New bug: #134739 in ubuntu "Thinkpad LED does not blink when going to sleep (regression)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134739 <ubotu> New bug: #134740 in netbeans5.5 (multiverse) "the program is not shown on ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134740 <ubotu> New bug: #134741 in ubuntu "amarok in GutsyGibbon tribe 5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134741 <ubotu> New bug: #134742 in ubuntu "Choose boot keymap in GutsyGibbon Tribe 5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134742 <ubotu> New bug: #134743 in latex-bridge (universe) "Change dependency to TeX Live" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134743 <ubotu> New bug: #134744 in xine-lib (main) "Unable to build xine-lib from source" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134744 <ubotu> New bug: #134745 in metacity (main) "Metacity Dialogs appear and lock up the system." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134745 <ubotu> New bug: #134746 in lightning-sunbird (universe) "[Gutsy] sunbird help>check for updates is enabled and shouldnt be." [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134746 <ubotu> New bug: #134747 in f-spot (main) "f-spot does not call the gimp every time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134747 <ubotu> New bug: #134748 in ubuntu "tried to run the alsa fix for 7.10 sub. vT5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134748 <ubotu> New bug: #134749 in ubuntu "Notification baloon tooltip appears in wrong place" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134749 <ubotu> New bug: #134750 in xfce4-netload-plugin (main) "[Gutsy] it doesn't show any traffic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134750 <huats> HI all, I have small pb here : I am trying to build a package for a bug fix (flightgear) with pbuilder for gutsy. the build fails on "E Couldn't find package plib1.8.4-dev". But when I look on package.ubuntu.com it seems good to me. Any hint ? <huats> norsetto: Hi <norsetto> huats: salut :-) c'est pas le bon canal, #ubuntu-motu <huats> norsetto: oups <ubotu> New bug: #134752 in ubuntu "Shutting down server causes Nautilus to slow down on Remote Ubuntu clients (SAMBA CIFS)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134752 <ubotu> New bug: #134754 in ubuntu "hp scanjet 4200C crashes (x)sane " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134754 <ubotu> New bug: #134755 in ubuntu "sound card not fully functional in 2.6.22-10 kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134755 <ubotu> New bug: #134756 in ubuntu "Brightness applet not working in Gutsy (worked in Feisty)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134756 <ubotu> New bug: #134757 in pidgin (main) "Pidgin tray icon does not show " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134757 <ubotu> New bug: #134760 in ubuntu "Network doesn't work after rebooting in Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134760 <ubotu> New bug: #134759 in alsa-driver (main) "No state is present for card Intel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134759 <ubotu> New bug: #134762 in ubuntu "[Feisty] update-manager -d does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134762 <ubotu> New bug: #134763 in e2fsprogs (main) "[Feisty] fsck shows a bug on a partition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134763 <ubotu> New bug: #134764 in dcraw (main) "version 8.77 available" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134764 <ubotu> New bug: #134765 in zim (universe) "zim: search dialog should record last search text" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134765 <ubotu> New bug: #134766 in zim "zim: more distinct colour for found items" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134766 <ubotu> New bug: #134767 in pidgin "pidgin 2.1.1 doesn't use "close tab" icons from theme" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134767 <ubotu> New bug: #134768 in usplash (main) "Progress bar problems + failure to set usplash.conf values in Ubuntu tribe 4 and tribe 5 i386 and amd64 desktop cds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134768 <ubotu> New bug: #134769 in zim (universe) "zim: starting a repo twice should be prohibited" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134769 <ubotu> New bug: #134770 in totem (main) "totem crashed my out sound" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134770 <ubotu> New bug: #134771 in kubuntu-meta (main) "package kubuntu-desktop 1.54 failed to install/upgrade: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134771 <ubotu> New bug: #134772 in ubuntu "[gutsy tribe 5] live cd fails to start, black screen after installation screen on ati mobility radeon x700" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134772 <ubotu> New bug: #134773 in ubuntu "Files in Examples folder won't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134773 <ubotu> New bug: #134774 in gnome-panel (main) "e-mail notification applet missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134774 <ubotu> New bug: #134775 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "random oops under memory pressure" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134775 <ubotu> New bug: #134776 in grub (main) "[Ubuntu 7.04] Executing upgrade-grub failed This is a fatal error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134776 <ubotu> New bug: #134777 in ubuntu "Network-Admin does not work with wireless in E1505" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134777 <ubotu> New bug: #134778 in gstreamer0.10 (universe) "cheese hangs on startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134778 <ubotu> New bug: #134779 in gnome-panel (main) "Cannot run custom launcher" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134779 <ubotu> New bug: #134780 in zim (universe) "zim: default for 'Open folder' should not be 'rox'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134780 <ubotu> New bug: #134781 in fwbuilder (universe) "GNOME Icon?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134781 <ubotu> New bug: #134782 in ubuntu "Java Runtime Environment can't Install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134782 <ubotu> New bug: #134783 in xsane (main) "XSane and PSC1510 worked on Feisty broken on Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134783 <ubotu> New bug: #134784 in gutenprint (main) "Epson utility (escputil) not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134784 <ubotu> New bug: #134786 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "Hard drive hangs with latest kernel on gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134786 <ubotu> New bug: #134787 in ubuntu "compiz+warsow=no go" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134787 <ubotu> New bug: #134788 in system-config-printer (main) "System-Config-Printer applet doesn't go" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134788 <ubotu> New bug: #134789 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "no sound with Intel HDA 82801H (Gutsy Tribe 5, 2.6.22-10.30)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134789 <ubotu> New bug: #134790 in ubuntu "Typo Error in button, section "Local e Idioma"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134790 #ubuntu-bugs 2007-08-26 <ubotu> New bug: #134791 in displayconfig-gtk (universe) "wrong screen size for VG2230wm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134791 <ubotu> New bug: #134792 in hunspell (main) ""misspelled" spelled incorrectly in hunspell" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134792 <ubotu> New bug: #134793 in update-manager (main) "update crashed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134793 <ubotu> New bug: #134794 in gnome-app-install (main) "gnome-app-install error message confuses "maybe" with "may be"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134794 <ubotu> New bug: #134795 in gsambad (universe) "GSAMBAD switches User and Password match levels" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134795 <ubotu> New bug: #134797 in ttf-dejavu (main) "ttf-dejavu-core should include Oblique" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134797 <ubotu> New bug: #134798 in ubuntu "Crashes in some GL applications with DRI enabled, using Intel X3000 (G965)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134798 <ubotu> New bug: #134799 in dcgui (universe) "dcgui won't launch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134799 <ubotu> New bug: #134800 in ubuntu "[Gutsty-tribe5-cd] remote desktop don't work good" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134800 <ubotu> New bug: #134801 in mythplugins (multiverse) "Mythplugins 0.20.2 SRU " [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134801 <ubotu> New bug: #134802 in ubuntu "linux-image-2.6.22-10-generic no sound at snd-emu10k1 driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134802 <ubotu> New bug: #134803 in gnome-btdownload (main) "German translation buggy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134803 <ubotu> New bug: #134804 in pidgin (main) "QQ can't login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134804 <ubotu> New bug: #134807 in gnome-libs (universe) "[gutsy] static declaration of 'my_x_query_colors' follows non-static declaration" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134807 <ubotu> New bug: #134808 in gnome-panel (main) "adnes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134808 <ubotu> New bug: #134809 in ubuntu "restart does not work in Tribe 5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134809 <ubotu> New bug: #134810 in ubuntu "Add PPTP VPN support and GUI to configure it to Ubuntu's CD (_very_ critical bug for Russia!)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134810 <ubotu> New bug: #134812 in gnome-libs (universe) "[gutsy] undefined reference to `XpmCreateXpmImageFromBuffer' (and others)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134812 <ubotu> New bug: #134813 in firefox (main) "Context menu key to fix spellings is on wrong line of textarea" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134813 <ubotu> New bug: #134818 in lirc (main) "wrong permissions on /etc/lirc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134818 <ubotu> New bug: #134819 in ubuntu "suspend/hibernate failure (gutsy and fglrx)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134819 <ubotu> New bug: #134820 in gaim (main) "gaim won't log-in to chat on yahoo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134820 <ubotu> New bug: #134821 in ubuntu "xmms was segfaulting, firefox & other apps randomly crashing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134821 <ubotu> New bug: #134822 in flashplugin-nonfree (multiverse) "gutsy: please add firefox-granparadiso" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134822 <ubotu> New bug: #134823 in ubuntu "[dualboot] Sound doesn't work after running XP" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134823 <ubotu> New bug: #134824 in openoffice.org (main) "package openoffice.org-report-builder 1:1.0.0+OOo2.3.0~oog680m1-1ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134824 <ubotu> New bug: #134825 in pokerth (universe) "pokerth - blank raise/call/fold buttons" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134825 <TheMuso> c <TheMuso> ugh <ubotu> New bug: #134826 in gnash (universe) "Gnash failes to install in Firefox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134826 <ubotu> New bug: #134828 in brasero (universe) "Broken libdvdcss support, patch included" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134828 <ubotu> New bug: #134830 in ubuntu "GL Desktop (gnome-compiz-preferences) crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134830 <ubotu> New bug: #134831 in ubuntu "new hostname not reflected in /etc/hosts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134831 <ubotu> New bug: #134834 in seahorse (universe) "seahorse-agent crashed with SIGSEGV in strcmp()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134834 <ubotu> New bug: #134835 in kdebase (main) "konqueror randomly reports an error while loading web page(s) at the same time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134835 <ubotu> New bug: #134836 in dvi2ps (universe) "print of .eps graphics fails with absolute path reference" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134836 <ubotu> New bug: #134837 in ubuntu "Logout button - shutdown & switch user cause lockup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134837 <ubotu> New bug: #131758 in firefox (main) "[GUTSY] firefox crashed" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131758 <ubotu> New bug: #134839 in xarchiver (main) "xarchiver should have a real progress bar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134839 <ubotu> New bug: #134840 in ubuntu "Ubuntu should open yelp at first boot after install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134840 <ubotu> New bug: #134841 in sane-backends (main) "HP DeskJet F4140 All-in-One has wrong permissions on the USB scanner device" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134841 <ubotu> New bug: #134842 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Fairmount" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134842 <ubotu> New bug: #134843 in gnome-panel (main) "gnome - bottom panel missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134843 <ubotu> New bug: #134844 in gdesklets (universe) "edit source for FTB-net-gauge won't make changes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134844 <ubotu> New bug: #134845 in ubuntu "dvd-r burn from computer files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134845 <ubotu> New bug: #134846 in ubuntu "akregator disables all video on Dell GX110" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134846 <ubotu> New bug: #134847 in firefox (main) "clipboard data lost" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134847 <ubotu> New bug: #134849 in hal (main) "Sansa e140 not recognized as audio player" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134849 <ion> anyone know of a howto to compile a kernel with cfs scheduler patch? <ubotu> New bug: #134850 in totem (main) "Ho deinstallato vlc e totem non mi funziona pi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134850 <ubotu> New bug: #134851 in childsplay (universe) "Installing from the menu, Add/Remove ..., only installs the core package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134851 <ubotu> New bug: #134852 in gaim "no way to disable tabs" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134852 <ubotu> New bug: #134853 in sane-backends (main) "CX6600 entry in SANE udev rule is incorrect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134853 <ubotu> New bug: #134854 in ubuntu "temporal assigned ip address missing after hibernation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134854 <ubotu> New bug: #134855 in network-manager (main) "[Gusty] test 5 kubuntu - no sound on thinkpad R60" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134855 <ubotu> New bug: #134856 in ubuntu "Harddisk to slow on HP 6715s" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134856 <ubotu> New bug: #134857 in ubuntu "screen and graphics, 1st monitor resolution changes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134857 <ubotu> New bug: #134858 in update-manager (main) "update-manager freezes due to defunct dpkg process" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134858 <ubotu> New bug: #134861 in firefox (main) "firefox crash in "special" website" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134861 <ubotu> New bug: #134864 in compiz (main) "Compiz crash with Nvidia 7500LE" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134864 <ubotu> New bug: #134865 in ltsp (main) "segfaults on ltsp in xen dom0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134865 <ubotu> New bug: #134867 in libimage-imlib2-perl (universe) "can't scale or clone tiff image" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134867 <ubotu> New bug: #134868 in vbetool (main) "100% cpu on resume" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134868 <ubotu> New bug: #134869 in compiz (main) "ctrl+alt+pgup/pgdn doesn't work with compiz enabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134869 <ubotu> New bug: #134870 in ubuntu "Shared Folders do not take effect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134870 <ubotu> New bug: #134872 in ubuntu "New user does not get the correct resolution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134872 <ubotu> New bug: #134874 in ubuntu "sound off button of laptop does not work, sound always off, hp compaq nc8430" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134874 <ubotu> New bug: #134875 in gcc-4.2 (main) "g++-4.2 does not install correctly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134875 <ubotu> New bug: #126571 in gnome-terminal (main) "gnome-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV in _IO_file_doallocate()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126571 <ubotu> New bug: #134876 in ubuntu "[upgrade] please upgrade jack audio connection kit to 0.103.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134876 <ubotu> New bug: #134878 in firefox (main) "webbrowser no working wih hotmail " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134878 <ubotu> New bug: #134879 in wacom-tools (main) "wacom-tools 0.7.8 in gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134879 <ubotu> New bug: #134880 in xen-meta (universe) "ssh xen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134880 <ubotu> New bug: #134881 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "ide cdrom not detected" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134881 <ubotu> New bug: #134882 in amarok (main) "amarok: MusicBrainz result dialog: use track by dbl-click" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134882 <ubotu> New bug: #134883 in ubiquity (main) "[gutsy tribe-5] Failed to unmount partitions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134883 <ubotu> New bug: #134884 in linux-source-2.6.20 (main) "PCI: Bus #02 (-#05) is hidden behind transparent bridge #01 (-#01)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134884 <ubotu> New bug: #134885 in gnome-panel (main) "error de hal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134885 <ubotu> New bug: #134887 in ubuntu "[gutsy] Duplicate entries in K menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134887 <ubotu> New bug: #134888 in kopete (main) "kopete history plugin: contact context menu item" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134888 <ubotu> New bug: #134889 in centericq (universe) "[Remove] Please remove the centericq source package from gutsy." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134889 <frenkel> what does it mean, if a bug is triaged? <frenkel> for example this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22/+bug/129183 <ubotu> Launchpad bug 129183 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 "[Gutsy] System freeze when bringing up rt2500pci interface" [Medium,Triaged] <frenkel> it's still not solved, pretty important <frenkel> there's even a fix in the bug report <ubotu> New bug: #134890 in ubuntu "[feisty] PPC installer gives error: subprocess post-removal script returned error status 139" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134890 <ubotu> New bug: #134892 in debian-installer (main) "gutys-alternate-powerpc+ps3.iso hangs at booting system" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134892 <ubotu> New bug: #134893 in ubiquity (main) "compiz compositing locks up computer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134893 <ubotu> New bug: #134894 in gnome-panel (main) "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' tocorrect the problem. E: _cache->open() failed, please report." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134894 <ubotu> New bug: #134895 in centerim (universe) "[Sync request] Sync centerim (4.22.1-2.1) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134895 <ubotu> New bug: #134896 in ubuntu "No Video after Upgrade to Gutsy Gibbon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134896 <ubotu> New bug: #134897 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "[Gutsy Tribe 5] MacBook Rev.A, Gutsy Live CD fails to load X" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134897 <ubotu> New bug: #134898 in usplash (main) "[Gutsy Tribe 5] MacBook Rev.A, Gutsy Live CD framebuffer blank with all modes other than "VGA"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134898 <ubotu> New bug: #134899 in lmms (universe) "(Gutsy) No menu entry for lmms" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134899 <ubotu> New bug: #134900 in rhythmbox (main) "rhythmbox shouldn't attempt to import temporary files generated when changing song tags" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134900 <ubotu> New bug: #134902 in putty (universe) "pterm crashes with SIGFPE if 'mincho (kochi)' font selected" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134902 <ubotu> New bug: #134903 in putty (universe) "pterm should default to a wide character font" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134903 <ubotu> New bug: #134905 in d4x (universe) "Downloader for X - crash on startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134905 <ubotu> New bug: #134910 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "[gusty] no sound on gusty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134910 <ubotu> New bug: #134911 in gnome-control-center (main) "[gutsy] Screen resolutions other than current are not listed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134911 <ubotu> New bug: #134912 in ubiquity (main) "Installer crashed - GrubInstaller failer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134912 <ubotu> New bug: #134914 in eog (main) "[regression] mousewheel on eog no longer scales image" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134914 <ubotu> New bug: #134915 in fuse (main) "Unable to export/share fuse filesystems like ntfs-3g using NFS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134915 <ubotu> New bug: #134917 in cpqarrayd (universe) "cpqarrayd crashed with a Seg Fault" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134917 <ubotu> New bug: #134918 in ubuntu "Misleading error message - cannot install 3d drivers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134918 <ubotu> New bug: #134919 in matplotlib (universe) "matplotlib quiver wrong plot [incl. proposed solution] " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134919 <ubotu> New bug: #134920 in ubuntu "No wireless in Gutsy t4+5. Works in Feisty." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134920 <ubotu> New bug: #134921 in mozilla-thunderbird (main) "Thunderbird crash downloading messages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134921 <ubotu> New bug: #134922 in gtk+2.0 (main) "GTK based windows/apps don't load completely --- stalls " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134922 <ubotu> New bug: #134923 in ubuntu "Please sync webkit (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134923 <ubotu> New bug: #134924 in bcm43xx-fwcutter (universe) "E: bcm43xx-fwcutter: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134924 <ubotu> New bug: #134925 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] sphinxbase" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134925 <ubotu> New bug: #134926 in f-spot (main) "[gutsy] f-spot's import feature doesn't care about xdg_dirs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134926 <ubotu> New bug: #134927 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "Kernel update fails from Feisty to Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134927 <ubotu> New bug: #134928 in openoffice.org (main) "Format cell color not saved for [>0] " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134928 <ubotu> New bug: #134929 in ubuntu "No sound output VIA VT82xx onboard audio" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134929 <ubotu> New bug: #134931 in nautilus (main) "nautilus will not respond" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134931 <ubotu> New bug: #134932 in sonata (universe) "Sonata fails to display/load album art" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134932 <ubotu> New bug: #134933 in ubuntu "Installer Crashed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134933 <ubotu> New bug: #134934 in eog (main) "[gutsy] eog doesn't show current directory images" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134934 <ubotu> New bug: #134935 in ubuntu "Low microphone volume on Kubuntu 7.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134935 <ubotu> New bug: #134936 in amarok (main) "Nvidia driver needs to be reinstalled after installing KDE based programs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134936 <ubotu> New bug: #134937 in ubuntu "Live CD hangs before loading GNOME" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134937 <ubotu> New bug: #134938 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "nvidia-glx-config makes the x-server crash (Tribe 5)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134938 <ubotu> New bug: #134939 in gnome-panel (main) "beta graphics" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134939 <ubotu> New bug: #134940 in nautilus (main) "nautilius blocks when I try to view .mkv file props" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134940 <ubotu> New bug: #134941 in ubuntu "Xwindows does not work in Kbuntu 7.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134941 <ubotu> New bug: #134942 in alsa-lib (main) "alsa sound works only as root" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134942 <ubotu> New bug: #134943 in linux-source-2.6.22 (main) "2.6.22-10-generic Kernel Package missing snd-hda-intel module" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134943 <ubotu> New bug: #134944 in ubuntu "Keyboard locks up randomly while typing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134944 <ubotu> New bug: #134945 in nautilus-sendto (main) "nautilus sendto + pidgin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134945 <ubotu> New bug: #134946 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 (restricted) "master volume misrecognized as headphones volume in alsamixer (Tribe 5)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134946 <ubotu> New bug: #134947 in checkgmail (universe) "checkgmail does nor recognise screen height correctly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134947 <ubotu> New bug: #134948 in gnome-system-tools (main) "required password length for new user does not correspond with settings in common-password" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134948 <ubotu> New bug: #134949 in lirc (main) "IDs for MCEUSB2 distributed by HP" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134949 <ubotu> New bug: #134950 in ubiquity (main) "fails to detect Windows during install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134950 <ubotu> New bug: #134951 in ubuntu "gutsy too high resolution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134951 <ubotu> New bug: #134952 in synaptic (main) "synaptic's Mark Recommended/Suggested for installation not working (Tribe 5)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134952 <ubotu> New bug: #134953 in firefox (main) "www" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134953 <ubotu> New bug: #134954 in ubuntu "internal laptop speakers don't work, but headphones do" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134954 <ubotu> New bug: #134955 in gtk+2.0 (main) "Tooltips frequently appear below menus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134955 <ubotu> New bug: #134958 in control-center (main) "gnome-at-properties Accessibile Login button tries to run gdmsetup without super user permissions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134958 <varza> hi <ubotu> New bug: #134959 in update-notifier (main) ""A package manager is working" but apt is not running" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134959 <varza> Could you add this patch to sane for make working Lexmark x1100 series scanner? <varza> http://stef.dev.free.fr/sane/lexmark/ <ubotu> New bug: #134961 in ubuntu "[Gutsy] Hardware-Database isn`t working correct" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134961 <ubotu> New bug: #134962 in network-manager (main) "rt2500: network-manager fails to join wireless networks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134962 <ubotu> New bug: #134960 in gwget2 (universe) "progess with decimal increment as well" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134960 <ubotu> New bug: #134965 in sane-backends (main) "Patch Sane to support Lexmark X1100 series" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134965 <ubotu> New bug: #134966 in qtparted (main) "qtparted crashed when i select disk /dev/sfd/ " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134966 <ubotu> New bug: #134967 in language-pack-en (main) "package language-pack-en 1:7.10+20070820 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134967 <ubotu> New bug: #134968 in language-pack-en-base (main) "package language-pack-en-base 1:7.10+20070803 failed to install/upgrade: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134968 <ubotu> New bug: #134969 in update-manager (main) "Edgy to Feistey Upgrade: Could not install 'bcm43xx-fwcutter'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134969 <ubotu> New bug: #134970 in ubuntu "Gutsy not seeing Netgear WG311 wireless card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134970 <ubotu> New bug: #134971 in f-spot (main) "export to cd does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134971 <ubotu> New bug: #134972 in 915resolution (universe) "915resolution does not resume from hibernate" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134972 <ubotu> New bug: #134975 in debian-installer (main) "Should support WPA" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134975 #ubuntu-bugs 2008-08-18 <hggdh> Ampelbein, you are doing a good work, old bugs are as worthy as new ones. And yes, many reporters will complain it took us quite a long time to get there <hggdh> such is life <hggdh> mrooney, makes sense, I think. Go ahead and change it <mrooney> I think we need a wiki page for complainers :) <mrooney> explaining paradigms for non-free OSes simply don't apply to a free OS like Ubuntu, where it is very rare someone is getting paid to work on a piece of software. and since it is open source, the best thing they can do for an issue they care about is learn how to fix it and do so <hggdh> one single wiki page will not be enough ;-) <mrooney> haha, I know <mrooney> something like WhyIsntMyBugFixed could be useful <mrooney> Ampelbein: just read your stuff, yes I think what you are doing is great, as long as you can "take the heat" of some users, it will improve everything in the end. it is better IMO to get a reply asking why it has taken so long, than leave someone waiting indefinitely <james_w> just subscribe them to the ubuntu-bugs mailing list for a day <mrooney> james_w: brilliant :) <mrooney> okay I have thinking about this stock response change a little more <mrooney> "Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better. Unfortunately we can't fix it in its current state..." doesn't make grammatical sense, as the `it` is sort of ambiguous and assuming it refers to the bug, that doesn't make semantic sense, the state of the bug isn't what needs to be changed <mrooney> what about just changing "Unfortunately we can't fix it, because your description didn't include enough information." to "Unfortunately we can't fix it without more information."? <hggdh> mrooney, this is indeed better <mrooney> okay, that is used in 8 of the responses, I will just adjust all of them? obviously it is easy to change later :) <tuxmaniac> good morrning folks <dholbach> good morning <techno_freak> dholbach, morning <dholbach> hi techno_freak <mattik> Hello, how is it possible, that I have reported many bugs what is marked duplicated newer one? Is there some people who try to collect more karma and ubuntuteros who help they? <dholbach> mattik: the age of a bug is not relevant when deciding which bug is a duplicate of which other bug <mattik> why <dholbach> mattik: which contains more information is much more important <mattik> ok <dholbach> so if bug A is forward upstream already, has clear instructions how to reproduce, etc, bug B is likely to be made a duplicate of A <mattik> but who decide it <dholbach> whoever triages the bug and finds out about a duplicate <mattik> ok, I agree <elmargol> the guys from the linux action show are flaming about the ubuntu bugtracker :( <dholbach> elmargol: do you have a link to that? <mouz> dholbach: it might be (i could not find the flaming itself) somewhere here: http://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/?cat=4 <dholbach> mh <mcas> good morning <nullack> Hi everyone :) I just joined the team, Ive been testing professionally for 12 years and have related experience in release management, problem management, ITIL, etcetc <nullack> Anyway where is the bug management policies? The wiki is pretty brief on reporting bugs and Im getting inconsistencies from some devs on bugs Im involved on <dholbach> hi nullack - did you check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs ? <nullack> Yes I did, I need deeper info :) Anyway Im now looking at the IRC chat logs from the KB it has some info <seb128> hey nullack, thanks for the good bug work ;-) <seb128> nullack: about upstream bugs, things like "software is using too much ressources" are not usually distro changes, especially for gedit which has no distro change <nullack> I dont have credentials to move the importance for bug 257818 - according to the bug policy as stated in the IRC chat log "High importance: This is a bug that has a severe impact on a small portion of Ubuntu users. It makes a default Ubuntu installation generally unusable." and it should be this priority. Can someone please change it, the dev is wrong <ubottu> Launchpad bug 257818 in gstreamer "Totem Fails To Deinterlace" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/257818 <seb128> nullack: looks like that's something which never worked right? <seb128> nullack: you are the first one to complain about that, it might be annoying for some usecase but that's not something most users run into <nullack> Sebastien how can we gaurentee that it isnt due to customisation in debian or Ubuntu? And it only recently came into existence when no gedit chages were made very recently <seb128> nullack: and that's not something the ubuntu team has ressources to work on, so fighting over bug settings will not make a difference <nullack> Sebastien, please Im not fighting :) Im simply looking to apply the Ubuntu policy <seb128> nullack: a new gedit has been uploaded some days ago which uses gio <nullack> I understand your reasons but thats not the policy <seb128> you are using intrepid? <nullack> Yes I am mate <seb128> no gedit changed a lot <seb128> they ported the code to gio <seb128> and I uploaded that new version some days ago <seb128> s/no/so <nullack> Yeah I know, but I didnt have the issue until very recently <seb128> maybe a gio thing <nullack> I was synched to your change no problems then <seb128> like you mounted a share which is low latency <seb128> and it doesn't handle that correctly <seb128> that would require somebody having the issue to use sysprof or similar to know what is going on <nullack> I will look into that, can we please quickly discuss the deinterlace issue? <seb128> nullack: gedit didn't change after the new version update (and a svn change backport), and there is no distro patch there, so I doubt the issue is specific to ubuntu, but right not easy to determine for users <seb128> nullack: right, first what you call policy are guidelines <nullack> Yeah Ive reported it upstream anyway :) <seb128> the maintainers decide on what are the appropriate settings <seb128> is that something which ever working using totem-gstreamer? <nullack> No its not <seb128> ok, so it's something which is not a regression <nullack> Yes my friend, no regression <seb128> and you are the first one to complain in several years of ubuntu <seb128> now I can understand it's frustrating in your usecase <nullack> Most people just install mplayer or VLC <seb128> but that's not a high priority for our userbase <nullack> Hmm, I understand, but I think I need to make a point <nullack> It does effect the userbase, quite a bit, but people go and work around it by installing vlc or mplayer <nullack> People rubbish gstreamer / vlc for the deinterlacing reason, and also other stuff like the stream bug I reported <nullack> I want to support the default Ubuntu build with my tests and this is why Im one of the few who have reported these bugs instead of installing vlc or mplayer <nullack> The user impact of not being able to deinterlace wrecks use cases like watching digital TV thats interlaced and using footage shot on interlaced cameras <seb128> nullack: I don't agree about that, we get lot of people reporting totem bugs <seb128> I just think 98% of users play avi, wmv, or mpeg files <nullack> Ok, well I will defer to your judgement since youve seen my point of view :) If your really, really sure <seb128> ok, let's be clear <seb128> - it sucks <seb128> - it's not trivial to fix <seb128> - the ubuntu team doesn't write the software and doesn't have the ressources to work on this right now <seb128> so the settings are not making any difference <seb128> I think it's doesn't make the installation un-usable <seb128> "# A cosmetic/usability issue that does not limit the functionality of an application " <seb128> that would be low <seb128> "# A bug that has a moderate impact on a core application. " <seb128> that would be medium <seb128> it's somewhere between those <seb128> but as said picking on or the other is not going to make a difference <nullack> Higher priorities might make a difference to an ethusiast whos looking at what the key issue are, but as you say its not trivial to fix <nullack> I think not being able to watch interlaced DVB is serious, same with camera footage, but your view is that those use cases are not common <elmargol> dholbach, on the latest podcast... reporting bugs is a waste of time for you and for the developers <seb128> nullack: I don't know what DVB is and I think 95% of users just want youtube videos or divx movies yes <nullack> Its Digital Video Broadcasts :) mostly Free to air TV thats sometimes broadcast in interlaced format <dholbach> elmargol: maybe mail the link of the podcast to ubuntu-buqsquad@ along with the minute when that occurs - maybe somebody better than me can approach the producers of the podcast and have a chat with them about it <seb128> nullack: and I don't think anybody looking at fixing hard issues will look at the ubuntu bug trackers, people working on gstreamer will do that upstream <nullack> Ive added test files and info upstream <seb128> cool <seb128> anyway the importance is suggestive there <nullack> I now understand your reasons and accept the policy are guidelines, thanks for your time Sebastien <seb128> and if users want to get their issues considered they should let us know about it those rather than switching softwares <nullack> I agree, thats what I was trying to do <nullack> And besides, MOTU dont keep ffmpeg and mplayer up to date <seb128> right, and I consider your bug, but you are the only one who raised that as a real issue so far <seb128> another topic ;-) <seb128> part of that is due to debian, ffmpeg is the debian version <seb128> and there is also a manpower issue there, MOTU is way understaffed for the work to do <nullack> Yeah their swamped <seb128> btw about the file-roller chmod issue, I agree low was maybe not appropriate, though basic users don't know how to use sudo and user who do should know better than running graphical tools using it <elmargol> dholbach, I'll that <seb128> but thanks for sending it upstream and getting it fixed <seb128> new GNOME tarballs are due today so it'll be fixed in intrepid <nullack> No worries Sebastien, Im pleased you agree with my reasons why that particular bug was pretty nasty :) <nullack> Great, were looking forward to testing it Ive got a few peeps on the forums lined up ready for it <elmargol> dholbach, sadly I have to agree an some parts :( I have some verry old bugreports and since they are not easy to fix they get ignored <elmargol> #55496 2006-08-07 <elmargol> Bug #103210 2007-04-05 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 103210 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 "ipw3945 Wifi connection is very slow" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103210 <mcas> can someone please look at bug 258588 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 258588 in linux "upgrade error in linux-image-2.6.26-5-generic " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/258588 <mcas> i think this should be medium or high importance but i cannot change it <gnomefreak> mcas: i see a few issues with -5 <mcas> ok <gnomefreak> file system is read only so cant get X working due to that <mcas> i forgot to search for duplicate bugs. sorry <gnomefreak> but it upgrades fine. browser is slow <gnomefreak> mcas: i havent filed a bug yet <mcas> ah ok <mcas> and my suggestions about the importance... do you think its ok? <gnomefreak> im assuming its stopping you from upgrading the kernel is due to its issues but i havent looked at logs yet <mcas> ok <nullack> Anyone: When I have a bug that I already linked upstream, and upstream decide that its a duplicate of an existing other bug, LP says bugwatch for the upstream bug is invalid. How do I point the LP bug to the new upstream path? Trying it the usual way doesnt work, thanks <nullack> Ah! Ive got it. Its the little yellow icon that allows to change the bug watch details next to the bug watch panel in LP in case anyone else has run into this :) <anakron> Hi all <mrooney> can anyone recommend a course of action for bug 250497? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 250497 in gnome-screensaver "gnome-screensaver has stopped working for me" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/250497 <nullack> WinTesting1 <mrooney> the reporter says it hasn't happened recently and guessed it was fixed in a recent update, however the package hasn't been updated since months before his report <mrooney> do I just mark as Invalid and ask him to re-open if he experiences the issue again? <Hobbsee> i would - it could well be pebkac <Hew> mrooney: I'd mark it invalid and use the standard response from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses <mrooney> Hobbsee: pebkac? <Hobbsee> !google pebkac <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about google pebkac <Hobbsee> aww <Hobbsee> problem exists between keyboard and chair <mrooney> Hobbsee: :) <nullack> lol <seb128> mrooney: right, close the bug and ask him to reopen if he gets the issue again <mrooney> Hew, seb128: thanks! <nullack> Ping Sebastien : Gnome dont want to use ffdeinterlace for a work around to the current deinterlacing and it appears I wont be able to convince them. Get the feeling they are not keen on ffmpeg. Perhaps by October the newer gstreamer bad plugins and playbin2 will be happening <seb128> nullack: let's see, not really something ubuntu can change in a distribution specific way <nullack> No, next cycle should be much better though with playbin2, resindvd, deinterlace support - gstreamer coming of age :) <seb128> right <bddebian> Boo <pedro_> buuu <bddebian> :) <nullack> Anyone: Ive found a bunch of bugs in Intrepid with gnome not recognising certain file extensions as multimedia files by default and the second related issue being that although I have all the necessary demuxers and decoders installed, I dont get thumbnails generated as gnome doesnt know they are video. Im not sure, is this an upstream bug or one I should report in LP? <qense> This could indeed be an upstream bug. However, I would report it at LP. The Bugsquad nows Ubuntu better than upstream and can ask for the right files. If it turns out to be caused by something else, the report won't go lost. <qense> It's also good for us to have an overview of bugs in Ubuntu. ;) <nullack> Ok Ill kick it off in LP and consider bugwatching it to a new one in gnomes bugzilla <qense> I'd add first the files requested in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures and wait for the Bugsqua to respond. <nullack> Not too much there thats relevant https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingGNOME :) Its ok, I know the gnome revision Im on and can provide details <qense> OK <nullack> What package in gnome controls the desktop file extension stuff? <qense> I'm not even sure if it's gnome at all, I just realized that some things are handled by shared-mime-info. <nullack> Even on KDE? <qense> At the moment it's just being used my ROX and GNOME, but they expect KDE to change soon too. I'm not sure about KDE 4.1 though, I'm running hardy. <nullack> ok well I will put the package as shared-mime-info because I honestly dont know what packages this is for <qense> It could be a bug in the GNOME handling. <qense> It's a database. <nullack> Sebastien might be busy, maybe I should leave it blank till a gnome guru is available <seb128> nullack: could you describe the bug? <nullack> lol <nullack> Hi mate <nullack> There is two issues <nullack> One, some common multimedia file types are not associated with their extensions as video by default <seb128> which ones? <nullack> Heres my list one sec <seb128> do you have an example? <nullack> So far I have ps. ts and mqv being missing <nullack> Minor as user can open with, but as you know I have reported a bug on that as well <seb128> I still didn't understand this open with bug but let's talk about that later <nullack> TS and PS especially are very common types <seb128> .ts like the video dvd thing? <seb128> .ps for a video? namespace conflict ... <nullack> Its a transport stream so it is many things, but one of them is video dvd <nullack> Well see alot more ts and people get into DVB more <seb128> .ts is a defined type <seb128> <mime-type type="application/x-linguist"> <seb128> <comment>message catalog</comment> <nullack> Gnome errors with an error dialogue saying there is no application of this type <seb128> nothing claims this mimetype <seb128> ok, so way it works <nullack> Error test is Could not display (filepath and name) <seb128> shared-mime-info define known mimetype <seb128> see /usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml <seb128> it can using filenames and content for that <nullack> Do you agree its a bug? <seb128> then .desktop in /usr/share/applications list the mimetype they can open <seb128> well <nullack> So root cause .desktop is missing ts app? <seb128> it requires somebody who has a clue about the format to open a freedesktop bug on shared-mime-info <seb128> including an example of possible <seb128> no <seb128> first we should know what you call .ts <nullack> A transport steam file <seb128> shared-mime-info knows "application/x-linguist" which are .ts <nullack> is x-linguist common? <seb128> no clue <seb128> I've never used any I think <nullack> Ive never heard of it and IMHO most people would think video when someone said .ts <seb128> anyway <seb128> that's purely upstream request <seb128> so <seb128> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=shared-mime-info <seb128> open a bug there <nullack> Righto, upstream <seb128> describing the mimetype you want to be added <seb128> and attach an example if possible <nullack> Ready for the second issue? <seb128> they will want to know how the format is called <seb128> where it's used <seb128> and if the content is specific <seb128> <seb128> yes <nullack> Ok <seb128> what is the next one? <nullack> 2nd one is I have the right demuxers and decoders installed but gnome fails to thumbnail them, even though totem plays them through gstreamer no problems <nullack> These are TS's, MKV's, SWF's and MQV's <seb128> gconf-editor, desktop, gnome, thumbnailers <seb128> you have a list of formats to thumbnail there <nullack> Right I can look that up :) <seb128> those need a mimetype again, so .ts will not work until defined in shared-mime-info <seb128> there is a /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/video@x-matroska/command so those should work though <seb128> verify if they have the correct mimetype in the nautilus dialog <seb128> otherwise for those which are not listed that's a totem upstream bug <nullack> Nautilus opens MKVs into Totem and plays them fine <nullack> No tumbnails though <seb128> look to /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/video@x-matroska/command in gconf-editor <seb128> and try running the command on a command line <nullack> Ok one moment <seb128> verify also that they have the correct mimetype in nautilus too <nullack> Sebastien do you know the syntax for the path, the command in gconfeditor has input variables <nullack> e.g. /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/video@x-matroska/command <nullack> No man pages for it either <nullack> Ah got it, executing is spat out the parameters <seb128> nullack: command source destination <seb128> nullack: there is a timeout so if the thumbnailing is too slow for this format that might be the issue <nullack> nullack@PPP:/mnt/vault/Film/Tests$ gnome-video-thumbnailer -j Mushishi24-head.mkv 1.jpg <nullack> gnome-video-thumbnailer couldn't process file: 'Mushishi24-head.mkv' <nullack> Reason: Took too much time to process. <nullack> Your spot on :) <seb128> I think we already got some bug about that issue <nullack> Ok so 1st is an upstream bug and second is a feature not a bug <seb128> not sure what we can do though <nullack> Buy me a faster machine? what ya reckon? hehe <seb128> bumping the timeout would mean increase ressource usage for that <nullack> Exactly <seb128> and optimizing the thumbnail might not be trivial <nullack> Yes it is H.264 and until we have AVC GPU acceleration my sys struggles <seb128> but that sounds quite some work for a low importance issue so not likely a priority <nullack> Agreed, Im dropping the second item <nullack> Would you like to discuss the open with later, I know your busy <seb128> that's fine, I can discuss while updates are building <nullack> Its a usability thing, low priority <nullack> My thinking is... <nullack> Gstreamer is installed by default <nullack> So choosing between Movie Player and Movie Player (gstreamer) is no choice <nullack> It confuses a user <seb128> I've no such options <seb128> I've only "movie player" listed <seb128> and then xine and mplayer because I installed those <nullack> They are there by default, I did a special clean install of Alpha 4 <seb128> that's weird <nullack> As well, that link I sent you to the forum many others have it <nullack> Yeah it is <nullack> Would installing gstreamer plugins do it? <seb128> where do you get those? in the context menu? <nullack> Right mouse click video file, choose open with, and observe those two options in the list of apps to open the video with <nullack> Specifically it is Open With Other Application <seb128> do you have any mimetype in /usr/share/applications/totem-gstreamer.desktop? <nullack> lemme grep it one sec <nullack> Are you sure your going into the seperate dialog box with the heading Open With and not just the right mouse click window? <seb128> those should be equivalent <seb128> and yes, I tried on a .avi <nullack> Ive got lots of entries in different languages in that desktop file <nullack> I will post a screenshot right now to show you, one moment please <seb128> look into /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache the avi line for example <seb128> video/x-avi=totem.desktop;mplayer.desktop; <seb128> is what I get here <nullack> nullack@PPP:/mnt/vault/Film/Tests$ cat /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache | grep avi <nullack> video/x-avi=totem.desktop <nullack> nullack@PPP:/mnt/vault/Film/Tests$ <seb128> nullack: and in .local? <seb128> grep avi .local -R? <nullack> No movie apps, other stuff <seb128> did you try on a .avi? <nullack> The thing is, once you right mouse click, go into Open With other Application ... noting the three dots means its going into a new window <seb128> and you have a gstreamer entry listed? <nullack> Its not just the right mouse menu <nullack> No gstreamer is listed in the right click menu <seb128> oh <seb128> you are speaking about the dialog to pick an application <nullack> Yes sir <seb128> not the "open with" tab in the properties dialog <nullack> Its the "open with" window <seb128> I was thinking about the tab in the property dialog <seb128> ok, I can confirm the issue now <nullack> Sorry <nullack> Can you see it now? <seb128> not your fault, just a misunderstanding there <seb128> yes <seb128> I just never use this dialog usually <nullack> The thing is because some video mime types arent recognised a user has to go into this menu to fix video playback <nullack> To force it <seb128> I usually open totem and dnd things to it <seb128> but right, this dialog is there and should be fixed <nullack> Yeah, alternative workflows <seb128> this issue is a packaging one <nullack> Can I do anything else to help? <seb128> that's due to the "make possible to install xine and gstreamer variants together" <seb128> you can try to work on a patch if you want ;-) <seb128> hum, the .desktop has a NoDisplay=true, maybe nautilus should respect that <nullack> I have alot to learn about packaging and really my professional skills are in test management / release management / problem management not configuration management <seb128> nullack: I've a fix, those should use Hidden=true rather than NoDisplay=true, will fix in the next upload <nullack> Great thanks my friend, will test when you deliver the goodness in updates <seb128> nullack: ok, keep the good work on bugs then and let other people come with changes, that works too ;-) <seb128> thanks for your interest in this issues * bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu <nullack> Ping Pedro : Thankyou for adding your comment to 250021 but I do not think that a new file roller has been committed for build - I have not received any emails about it and I dont see it in the build farm <nullack> #250021 <seb128> bug #250021 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 250021 in file-roller "copy as root trashes my install" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/250021 <pedro_> nullack: according to upstream that doesn't affect trunk <pedro_> that's why i marked as fix committed <seb128> nullack: we use "fix commited" when the bug is fixed upstream so we know what to close in the next version update <pedro_> at the desktop (gnome) fix committed = fixed upstream also <pedro_> indeed <nullack> Ok, I understand, not intuitive but Ill follow the standards :0 Since our tree isnt their tree <nullack> Sorry Pedro, thanks for your help on this bug :) <pedro_> nullack: you're welcome, thanks for following up ;-) <awalton_laptop> is anyone from the bug squad around that could renew my membership? <Igorot> awalton_laptop: ask bdmurray <awalton_laptop> Igorot, thanks <pedro_> awalton_laptop: renewed <awalton_laptop> pedro_, thanks <pedro_> you're welcome <nullack> Ping someone at Canonical : I think packages,ubuntu.org has lost the plot it tells me that my search for ffmpeg packages in intrepid and hardy are not found <nullack> You have searched for packages that names contain ffmpeg in suite(s) intrepid, all sections, and all architectures. <nullack> Sorry, your search gave no results <nullack> Edit: No Ive lost the plot - time for coffee - I forgot to put search by package name <nullack> lol edit2: it has :) <nullack> Internal Server Error <nullack> The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. <nullack> Please contact the server administrator, frank@lichtenheld.de and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. <nullack> More information about this error may be available in the server error log. <chrisccoulson> just having a look through some of the expirable bugs. i've just come across bug 217760 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 217760 in synaptic "Under 64 bit architecture, no easy way to add a 32-bit archive to synaptic or apt" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/217760 <chrisccoulson> personally, i think thats a bad idea, but what does everyone else think? <pheeror> as isv (read adobe) sux hard, it's not so bad idea <hggdh> argh, LP is slow... <chrisccoulson> it is a bad idea. we shouldn't give users an easy way of installing packages that have been specifically built for 32-bit architecture on a 64-bit machine <hggdh> well, there are builds for this <chrisccoulson> the packages should be re-packaged to install on a 64-bit architecture. that is already the case with adobe (which is installable from medibuntu on 64-bit) <pheeror> take in consideration that amd64 is backward compatible with x86 <pheeror> yes sure <pheeror> my bad <chrisccoulson> but 32-bit packages will contain files in /usr/lib. installing these on a 64-bit machine is almost guaranteed to cause breakage <chrisccoulson> hggdh, what did you mean about there are builds for this? <pheeror> indeed, i've misunderstood the issue <hggdh> for example, ia32 <hggdh> (and I do run both 32 and 64 bits on my laptop) <pheeror> btw is it possible to install ff x86-32 with that evil flash on amd64 hardy? <pheeror> (by one or two commands) <chrisccoulson> i thought so, thanks. do you think that bug 217760 should be set to won't fix? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 217760 in synaptic "Under 64 bit architecture, no easy way to add a 32-bit archive to synaptic or apt" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/217760 <hggdh> if a specific package/library needs to be built for 32 bits on a 64bits architecture, this has to be requested <hggdh> darn it, my browser refuses to go online right now <chrisccoulson> yeah, i agree with you. i definately don't think we should enable an easy way to pull packages from a repository built for 32-bit architectures on to a 64-bit machine <hggdh> this is usually not a good idea. I have done that before, but by copying the necessary individual libraries over to /usr/lib32, and stitching the resulting mess by hand <chrisccoulson> me too. could you mark the bug report as 'wont fix' please? :) i can't do that unfortunately <james_w> hey chrisccoulson, thanks for working on the gnome-session bug <chrisccoulson> no problem! sorry i havent responded yet. <chrisccoulson> i think yours is probably the better solution, as it is more consistent with the rest of the code <james_w> it does seem to be <james_w> shall I forward it to upstream? <chrisccoulson> you can do. i already attached my patch to the upstream report actually, but nobody has commented yet <james_w> ah, ok, I should have looked <chrisccoulson> james_w, are you familiar with bug 235698? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 235698 in gvfs "gvfs-fuse-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in pthread_mutex_lock()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/235698 <james_w> chrisccoulson: I don't think so <james_w> why? <chrisccoulson> ah, ok. it's been fixed in intrepid, and i was going to ask if you knew whether it was going to be fixed in hardy as a SRU? <seb128> chrisccoulson: not likely, it's a non issue for hardy, the only reason users notice is apport <chrisccoulson> ah, ok. thanks for that seb128 <chrisccoulson> seb128, what do you think about blacklisting gvfs-fuse-daemon in apport? it might stop people who have enabled apport from reporting new bugs... <seb128> chrisccoulson: there is not a lot of recent duplicates and I would prefer to backport the patch for this specific issue rather than workaround it this way <chrisccoulson> the only reason i suggested that was because i got the impression it probably wasn't going to be fixed in hardy <seb128> chrisccoulson: and? <seb128> chrisccoulson: do you think it's important to fix there? it should create no real issue <chrisccoulson> i was just trying to think of a way to reduce the number of people reporting that bug from hardy, but, like you said - there aren't that many recent duplicates anyway, so it's probably a non-issue <seb128> chrisccoulson: apport also has a list of known bugs in bzr, so you can add an entry there and user will be pointed to this bug when trying to open a new duplicate <chrisccoulson> seb128: i didn't know that actually. thanks! <seb128> you're welcome <_stink_> I'm new-ish to bug triage. Bug 154621 is apparently a well known KDE issue, with solutions and other info available in more than one KDE bug (75828 and 70624, e.g.). Other info at http://ur1.ca/30z. I'd like to add these links to the LP bug and close it somehow. Is invalid the right status? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 154621 in ubuntu "Kubuntu shortcuts: switch to next keyboard layout" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154621 <_stink_> those KDE bug #s are at bugs.kde.org <yuriy> _stink_: there is an "also affects project" link to link the reports together <yuriy> _stink_: if there are other reports about it in launchpad, you can pick a "main" one and mark the others as duplicates <yuriy> _stink_: and add all relevant information to the main report in a comment if it's not already there <_stink_> yuriy: ok. i don't see other LP bugs on the same issue, just bugs at bugs.kde.org. so i'll put the info in a comment on this bug. <yuriy> _stink_: if it is an actual bug, and can be confirmed in other reports, invalid is not the right status <yuriy> _stink_: right, that's what "also affects project" is for <_stink_> yuriy: the KDE bug reports about this don't consider it an open bug. they are old reports and amount to telling the user to config correctly <_stink_> ok <_stink_> which is why i thought it should be closed somehow in LP <yuriy> oh <yuriy> well, that may be correct then, but comment carefully <_stink_> ok, thanks <_stink_> i'll be nice :) <dupondje> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacious/+bug/258797 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 258797 in audacious "audacious (tuple_get_int: assertion `tuple != NULL' failed) add patch" [Undecided,New] <dupondje> would be cool if it was added, now audacious is useless imo :) <bdrung> dupondje: may be I have a look at it <dupondje> tested and successfully working :) <bdrung> dupondje: can you give me the link to the bugreport from the upstream project? <dupondje> bdrung: http://bugzilla.atheme.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42 <ubottu> bugzilla.atheme.org bug 42 in Core "Infinite playlist update when entry->tuple == null." [Normal,Resolved: fixed] <bdrung> dupondje: thx <dupondje> without the patch audacious creates logfile with size of 1gb/10mins or something :p <dupondje> quite crap :P <bdrung> dupondje: what do i have to do to reproduce this bug or does this happen right on the start? <dupondje> think u need to load files in the playlist <bdrung> k, i'll try it <dupondje> and I got ARTIST - TITLE as playlist info ... <bdmurray> hggdh_: Do you remember what we said about needs-packaging bugs that are already packaged for debian? change to sync request? <LaserJock> bdmurray: that's what it was originally, but then we decided to take that out <LaserJock> bdmurray: do you think it should go back in? <bdmurray> LaserJock: maybe, I wrote a script this weekend that found a fair number of n-p bugs that are already packaged for debian <LaserJock> well <LaserJock> to me it depends on the intent of the bug <LaserJock> if they are saying "I want this software in" I'd invalidate it <LaserJock> but if they're saying "I know it's in debian, I just want the latest version" I'd maybe turn it into a "upgrade" bug <LaserJock> but I'd avoid turning them into sync requests because that's a more defined process bug <LaserJock> bdmurray: does that make sense? <bdmurray> not really <LaserJock> heh <LaserJock> what would be the purpose of the bug then, if the software is already in Debian? <LaserJock> unless there's more to the story it's probably useless <LaserJock> and I'd rather have people do investigation first before doing a sync bug <dupondje> its about my bug ? ;) <LaserJock> so I think it's counter-productive to try to turn needs-packaging into sync bugs <bdmurray> right, but I could run requestsync for the the bug, invalidate the n-p bug and point them the at the sync request bug to subscribe to <LaserJock> but I don't want people using requestsync unless they know what they're doing <bdmurray> I said "I could run requestsync" <LaserJock> people should at a minimum test build the debian package in sbuild/pbuilder before submitting requestsync <LaserJock> ah <LaserJock> well, that'd be a lot of work on your part <LaserJock> or wait <bdmurray> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess doesn't say anything about sbuild/pbuilder <LaserJock> if these packages are in Debian but not in Ubuntu then nothing should be done at all really, depending on the stage of release <LaserJock> packages are semi-automatically imported in that case <bdmurray> Right, but we are past Import Freeze now <LaserJock> so we shouldn't be filing sync bugs for those unless there's a good reason <LaserJock> I'm not sure when the archive admins stop importing new sources <bdmurray> I'll check with them then <LaserJock> but SyncRequestProcess should probably have something about test building <LaserJock> currently it's implied <jpds> LaserJock: If the person running requestsync is not a member of the MOTU team, they will first need approval of the u-(m|u)-s team. <LaserJock> jpds: exactly, I don't think we should fill up the queue with low-priority bugs <jpds> Good point. <LaserJock> I'd rather people do some work on it first to make sure it's worth the sponsors time <bdmurray> So I should just forget about those? <LaserJock> honestly I don't think it's worth your time to file sync requests <bdmurray> Okay, so I am at a point we are know something should be done w/ 10 bugs or so but just shouldn't do anything? <LaserJock> in a reply to invalidating you might point people to SyncRequestprocess and say something like "This software has already been packaged in Debian. If it is not available in the current Ubuntu development version feel free to follow [sync wikii page]" <LaserJock> bdmurray: which bugs are you talking about? <bdmurray> bug 255110, bug 151564, bug 198048, bug 181084, bug 230453, bug 255106, bug 255402, bug 141171, bug 204711 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 255110 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] bzr-stats" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/255110 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 151564 in ubuntu "[needs packaging] Gtk2::Sexy Perl bindings - libgtk2-sexy-perl" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151564 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 198048 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] pulseaudio-module-jack" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198048 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 181084 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] guake" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181084 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 230453 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] linux-uvc" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/230453 <bdrung> dupondje: i cannot repproduce it. <dupondje> strange <bdrung> dupondje: with wich filetype does this bug appears? <dupondje> if u google the error, tons of people have it <dupondje> .MP3 <bdrung> i will test with mp3 <LaserJock> bdmurray: you're saying you have ~ 10 needs-packaging bugs now in your list of New/Undecided ? <LaserJock> s/Undecided/Unkown/ <vadi2> A pair of people after an update of ubuntu got their themes broken, and I'm not sure how to fix it. The question has been open for quite a while: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/38900 <bdmurray> LaserJock: no, I'm saying I've discovered that those needs-packaging bugs are already packaged in Debian <bdrung> dupondje: still not <LaserJock> bdmurray: oh, right <dupondje> what version using ? :) <LaserJock> bdmurray: I'm guessing a few of them are people who've filed a bug in both Ubuntu and Debian <bdrung> dupondje: 1.5.1-2ubuntu2 <dupondje> same :x <bdrung> does it also happen on other file types? <LaserJock> bdmurray: so are you wanting to mark them Invalid or no? <dupondje> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/38616/ <dupondje> this is my conf <bdrung> dupondje: where do i have to put it? <LaserJock> Invalidating a needs-packaging bug that's In Progress is a bit troublesome, but people can reopen them if they've got a reason to <dupondje> /home/<user>/.config/audacious/config <dupondje> also see: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=491655 <ubottu> Error: Could not parse data returned by Debian bugtracker: global name 'ls' is not defined (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=491655;mbox=yes) <bdrung> dupondje: with your config audacious does not start. there is no alsa device, because i run intrepid in a virtual machine. therefore i use null output instead of alsa <dupondje> oh :s well dunno, try loading ALOT of MP3 files <dupondje> +1000 <dupondje> but I gtg now <dupondje> pm me if u have questions #ubuntu-bugs 2008-08-19 <hggdh_> bdmurray, LaserJock commented on this (I do not remember the details, but I will search) -- he asked to take out the "change to sync" <hggdh_> ah, I see LaserJock already answered, sorry <dholbach> good morning <techno_freak> morning dholbach <dholbach> hi techno_freak <LaserJock> dholbach! <dholbach> hi LaserJock <LaserJock> dholbach: used your harvest-page.py today <dholbach> LaserJock: nice <LaserJock> then I made a tinyurl out of the result ;-) <dholbach> ahhh ok <dholbach> :-) <LaserJock> but it made for a pretty good working list <dholbach> that's why I couldn't find it on the wiki :) <dholbach> that's what I hoped <dholbach> which team? <LaserJock> ~edubuntu-bugs <dholbach> MOTU Science? <dholbach> ah ok <LaserJock> MOTU Science would probably be too much to do realistically I think <LaserJock> it's ~ 550 source packages <dholbach> worth a try ;-) <dholbach> http://tinyurl.com/6l7x9b <dholbach> would be nice to have all the packages that were "not found" at the top or the bottom or something <LaserJock> yep <LaserJock> that's typical for science apps <LaserJock> most of them don't have much going on <LaserJock> but you never know so you need to check anyway <dholbach> and that's fine <macvr> hi, i'm trying to report a touchpad bug[this is my first time] the debugging page tells that i have to attach 6 different files along with the report but the launchpad site has provision for attaching ONLY 1 file... am i doing this correctly? <macvr> i have tried #ubuntu ,but no 1 knows , what to do! <Hobbsee> i think you have to attach them one at a time. <nullack> Macvr - you could tar them all up or add them one at a time. <nullack> The good thing about launchpad with bugs is that you can always add to it :) <macvr> oh, ok. i'm new to ubuntu so didnt know that, thank you <macvr> i have submitted a bug report for low touchpad sentivity, while using tap for clicking. tap clicking makes my fingers ache!!! :'(what are the chances that it will get triaged? <seb128> ;-) <nullack> Is it wrong to point a user to the dvd decryption library as a fix to his bug? I dont know what country the user is and therefore I dont know if my suggestion would be questionable or not <nullack> Also the user who was on here earlier (macvr) the bug he was talking about is bug #259289 - I dont have any laptops with which to replicate the issue but someone here may have <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259289 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "touchpad TAPPING, scrolling, dragging don't work (as expected)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259289 <nullack> If no one knows the answer to the DVD decrypt library question I will raise it on the mailing list :) <knorr> Hey. Just started triaging. A user requests a new version of a package that's already in the repos in a previous version. Do I mark the bug as Invalid? <james_w> knorr: tag the bug "upgrade" <james_w> it's not invalid to want a new version of a program <james_w> if the version they want, or a later one, is in Intrepid, then mark the bug fixed released <james_w> if they want it for an older release then point them to how to request a backport <knorr> Okay. The new version is not present in intrepid, so I guess I set the status to Confirmed, add the package name of the one present in the repo, and add a tag "upgrade"? <techno_freak> james_w, on the same lines, what do I do when someone points to an updated version available in Debian? <james_w> knorr: yep, and wishlist it if you have the power <james_w> techno_freak: a sync request will bring it in <knorr> james_w: I don't ;) <james_w> techno_freak: but what you can do is the same as above, and mention in your comment that it is in Debian already <techno_freak> james_w, ok, will do it :) <techno_freak> james_w, on my case, there is already a bug 259347 on it, how do i triage it now? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259347 in ttf-indic-fonts "Update ttf-malayalam-fonts-udeb package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259347 <techno_freak> james_w, do i add a tag to it? <james_w> techno_freak: yep, you can check it's not in Intrepid, confirm it, and tag upgrade, wishlist if you can <techno_freak> james_w, ok thanks :) <james_w> techno_freak: and if you understand what to do convert it in to a sync request <techno_freak> ok <techno_freak> james_w, in addition, do no i need to subscribe another team like ubuntu-main-sponsors ? <james_w> if you are doing a sync request, but not just for an upgrade bug <techno_freak> james_w, ok :) <bddebian> Boo <nullack> Ping tseliot : FYI Nvidia have released 177.67 ;) <tseliot> nullack: I'll upload the new release ASAP <nullack> ty, will test it :) <tseliot> nullack: ok ;) <seb128> will the new version fix all those compiz crashes? <nullack> Release notes say stability improvements but I need to test to give you concrete outcomes <nullack> http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_177.67.html <emgent> tseliot: heya <tseliot> emgent: hi ;) <nullack> Ping Pedro : Next time you need some info on one of my bugs can you please ask me if Im here, thanks <pedro_> nullack: next time, please use the correct nick, thanks you <nullack> What nick? <jcastro> pedro_: is there a list somewhere that shows bugs that are still NEW on Ubuntu but fixed in Debian? <pedro_> anyways <jcastro> pedro_: something like "bugs fixed elsewhere" but more specific <bdmurray> ogasawara: what happend to kern.log in Intrepid? <bdmurray> jcastro: I might be able to work that out for you <jcastro> so for example <jcastro> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rdesktop/+bug/84072 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 84072 in rdesktop "[feisty] rdesktop should be compiled with IPv6 enabled" [Undecided,Confirmed] <jcastro> this was fixed in debian but was missing a link <jcastro> so I linked it <jcastro> I figure the next step would be a list of low hanging fruit that are fixed in debian <ogasawara> bdmurray: what do you mean? <jcastro> (or upstream or whatever) <jcastro> bdmurray: I was going to put it in the upstream report by package, I was just seeing if you guys had something like this already <bdmurray> ogasawara: 2 of my systems aren't writing to kern.log but to /var/log/debug <ogasawara> bdmurray: huh, dunno <nullack> bdmurray: Im replciating that issue on Alpha 4 by default kern.log has no log messages. A cat of the file is null <nullack> I do not recall kernel 2.6.26 changing logging, does anyone know? <pedro_> jcastro: ah no that i know <bdmurray> bug 255635 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 255635 in sysklogd "Kernel messages not logged to /var/log/kern.log" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/255635 <bdmurray> ogasawara: did you see that? <nullack> bdmurray: I see its upstream with Debian. Do you have time for a quick q? <ogasawara> bdmurray: yup, just reading through it <bdmurray> ogasawara: Is there much debugging documentation that asks for kern.log? <ogasawara> bdmurray: seems Ben is aware of it <bdmurray> nullack: sure <ogasawara> bdmurray: only if we specifically ask for it <bdmurray> okay, I'll be careful then. ;) <nullack> bdmurray: Thanks. I have not responded to a bug in LP as Im not sure if it is allowed to resolve a DVD playback bug by providing instructions to a DEB package outside our repos for DVD2CSS? I asked earlier and was going to email the list but since your here <nullack> I do not know the country the reporter is in, therefore I dont know if its a problem for him or not <seb128> nullack: I've rejected the "totem listed several time in the open with dialog" nomination, nominations should be used for bugs that are blocker for the version nominated and that's not the case for this one <bdmurray> I would prefer bug reporter not be pointed to stuff outside our repos as that is not something we can help them with / take bug reports for <nullack> Understand, so invalid? <bdmurray> libdvdread3 which is in universe should be able to help them out <nullack> Only if its been compiled with the -libdvdcss option <bdmurray> nullack: look carefully at the contents of that package <nullack> seb128: Sebastien thats fine thanks for letting me know <nullack> Will do Brian, thanks <bdmurray> again it depends on it being legal in their country <seb128> nullack: btw I'm not sure the bug is easy to fix now, the variants should be listed for people who want to use the non-default backend to open a video <seb128> nullack: and masking the totem entry would break the nautilus association <nullack> seb128: Great news, and I hope next gnome cycle we have all the goodness with resindvd, deinterlace, playbin2 :) No one will have issues with ubuntu default then <nullack> bdmurray: I see the package is depended on the gstreamer bad plugins so that makes it an easy one to instruct for installing that package <jcastro> bdmurray: ok, apparently after I link it to the debian thing it shows up on harvest automatically. <jcastro> bdmurray: I just was wondering if the linking led to it actually getting on someone's radar <bdmurray> jcastro: heh, thats funny. I've done both those bits but didn't see the connection. <jcastro> bdmurray: yes, my lightbulb just went off as well <nullack> seb128: I consider it a usability issue of low importance. Anyway since its not choice for the default ubuntu build either will work - it only becomes a real choice later on but a user who installs xine isnt going to be so easily confused which I think mitigates the bug? <jcastro> bdmurray: so, this afternoon I've been linking debian bugs from your unlinked.html page. <seb128> nullack: well that's a bug but there is easy way to fix it as said <jcastro> bdmurray: I was thinking, as we 5-a-day these they'll show up on harvest <seb128> nullack: the non-backend-specific is required for nautilus to have a default association, the other ones are required to allow the user to select the non default one <seb128> nullack: the only way to fix that would be to special case that in the code which does list the applications which is ugly <nullack> seb128: understand <anakron> Bmurray <anakron> ping bmurray <bdmurray> that's not me but close enough <anakron> :o <anakron> ping bdmurray <Pimpy> Hi there <Pici> -_- <bdmurray> anakron: pong <Pimpy> Brand new on 8.10 alpha 4 <Pimpy> :) <nullack> seb128: I have consistently chosen the Totem Movie player one on the default build and not had any problems. Since this issue would confuse newer users I thnk the default situation is ok - either choice works <nullack> seb128: It could be said those who use alternative backends are more advanced and can handle the choice <seb128> right <Pimpy> can someone help, when i move windows they are "delayed" <Pimpy> using nvidia main drivers version 177, 8.10 alpha 4 <Pimpy> thanks <nullack> Pimpy on that configuration - have synched today? Lots of X and gnome bits have changed. Is your mirror up to date? <Pimpy> hi nullack synched ? i am a naab man, since 2 months on 8.04, since 2 days on 8.10 <nullack> Pimpy: Goto software sources, change mirror to main, goto update manager, update <Pimpy> thing i have it in FR <Pimpy> you mean on the main source code ? <nullack> Pimpy lets take this to private chat this chan isnt for support ok <Pimpy> ok sorry <Pimpy> thanks for this help, guys, waiting update to go from main source, then reboot :) <nullack> Cheers Pimpy, cya <Pimpy> hi, i did the upgrade for packages from main source, pc was not booting, had to choose safe mode, then resume normal boot, still "lag" in windows when i move them <nullack> bdmuarry: Ive taken a close look at libdvdread in Ubuntu and I dont think it is compiling with libdvdcss. URL: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/libd/libdvdread/libdvdread_0.9.7-10ubuntu1.diff.gz <nullack> bdmurray: I note build flags are CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,defs" ./configure --host=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) --build=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) --prefix=/usr <bdmurray> I was talking about install-css.sh <nullack> bdmurray: I compile my own mplayer for testing comparison purposes (I do gstreamer and totem tests) and the build flag requires --with-libdvdcss <pheeror> Pimpy: that's bad ;-) <pheeror> Pimpy: what driver for you nvidia card do you use? <pheeror> Pimpy: whatever the answer is, try another one ;-) <nullack> bdmuarry: Hmm, the puzzle deepens I'll look more <pheeror> Pimpy: because it's very probably the source of the problem and you can identify it this way <nullack> Anyone: Where are shell scripts kept in the repos? How do I search for scripts on the packages website? <james_w> nullack: shell scripts that are part of packages? <nullack> james_w: Yes, install-css.sh <james_w> nullack: that would be in the package <nullack> james_w: Got ya, ta <Pimpy> nullack, you dont go to sleep ? :: <nullack> No Im between contracts so Im keeping my own hours <nullack> Plus its peaceful with my wife is asleep :) <nullack> Pimpy: If youve synched your Alpha to the repos and continue to have problems, consider a bug report if your out of ideas or try to diagnose it further. Remember your OS is in an alphe release state <chrisccoulson> just come across bug 234961 against gnome-power-manager. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 234961 in gnome-power-manager "battery monitor not working" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/234961 <chrisccoulson> i think this could be in hal or g-p-m. does anyone have any ideas for the best way to determine this? <bdmurray> chrisccoulson: I thought there was a debugging page about g-p-m <chrisccoulson> there is, and the reporter has posted a log file requested from the debugging page <chrisccoulson> ah <chrisccoulson> 1 second <chrisccoulson> it provides details of getting the info from HAL too. Missed that bit! <chrisccoulson> thanks! <chrisccoulson> i was just about to ask the reporter to get the info from hal using dbus-send <nullack> Do we have an automated regression test harness? <kees> nullack: some scripts are written in qa-regression-testing project <nullack> Is that on LP? <nullack> Got it, ty https://code.launchpad.net/qa-regression-testing <kees> nullack: yup, that's the one. <bdmurray> pedro_: ping <pedro_> bdmurray: hi <bdmurray> pedro_: Is it just me or did the location of System -> Administration switch ordering with Preferences? <nullack> Yes it did Brian <bdmurray> I find that really disconcerting <pedro_> yup it changed <nullack> Users seemed to adapt to it on the forums its been that way for some alphas. One user has it down as a "feature" of whats new in Intrepid in his thread <nullack> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=886980 <seb128> the order switch is an ubuntu patch not sure why it's broken but it'll likely be fixed before intrepid <bdmurray> seb128: cool, that's what I wanted to hear. ;) <nullack> Hey Sebastien is the logout thing due to an Ubuntu patch? Ronacc was saying he thinks it is <seb128> what logout? <nullack> The inability to shutdown with a user login and having to logout for shutdown or shutdown -r now <nullack> Ronacc says he cant find it upstream <seb128> it's a debian and ubuntu thing and there is a bug milestoned already <nullack> Yes I know its bugged just wanted to calrify where it was :) <seb128> debian disagree on making consolekit uses policykit because that creates a dependencies circle <nullack> Well gnome must cope with it - but Im not across it properly to make any informed comment <seb128> well, that's a design decision, pitti who maintains those in ubuntu has some ideas on how to fix that but he's on holidays <seb128> no need to worry that will be fixed before the intrepid beta version <nullack> cool <nullack> Pedro_ Ping <pedro_> nullack: pong <nullack> I dont know much about how the sound works, can you help me? I get static when playing never winter nights sometimes, and Ive noticed some users mention it too <seb128> that's going to be complicated <nullack> I can learn :) <seb128> you first might want to try using alsa directly rather than pulseaudio and see if that makes a difference <seb128> the issue is not learning <seb128> but the linux audio stack currently is far to be optimal <seb128> some issue are due to linux scheduling, some are due to sound servers, etc <nullack> Difficult to debug eh <nullack> Would a placemarker bug help at all? <seb128> try if using pulseaudio makes a difference or not <nullack> Ok will do <seb128> there is probably lot of similar bugs already open <nullack> Pedro have you had similar problems? <seb128> lot of users are having audio issues <nullack> seb128: I saw some but not intrepid Ill do a better look in LP <pedro_> nullack: nop sorry <nullack> seb128: are hardy bug reports relevant with the build for intrepid? with sound? <pedro_> i only have a very very very low noise when playing music but i only can hear it with my headphones on <seb128> there is not lot of changes between hardy and intrepid so bugs might be revelant <pedro_> but that's a known problem for me since using linux :-P <nullack> pedro_ : hehe <LimCore> hi <LimCore> kleopatra not working. anyone can confirm/unconfirm? <|dupondje|> thx bdrung :) <|dupondje|> any id when it will get in the repo's ? ;) <bdrung> |dupondje|: no problem. i can ping dholbach tomorrow and ask him to review the patch. then its needs to build and uploaded to the archive and then the mirrors must sync. so at least two days (i assume). if you want it faster, then you can build the package on your own. <|dupondje|> I did that already ;) <bdrung> dupondje: and it works fine? <dupondje> downloaded the ubuntu source <dupondje> and used the patch I linked to in my bugreport <dupondje> then compiled <dupondje> works like a charm :) <bdrung> dupondje: you can download the debian version 1.5.1-3 from http://packages.qa.debian.org/a/audacious.html and grab http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16934576/audacious_1.5.1-3ubuntu1.debdiff from bug #256574 and apply this. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 256574 in audacious "Please merge audacious 1.5.1-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/256574 <dupondje> mmm need to update deps also :( <bdrung> dupondje: are you using hardy or intrepid? <dupondje> intrepid :) <dupondje> but I got it fixxed now :D <bdrung> dupondje: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade <dupondje> ii audacious 1.5.1-3ubuntu1 <dupondje> :P <dupondje> http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/audacious <- still the old ? :) <bdrung> dupondje: follow the bugreport. after the bug is marked as "fix released" it need some hours and then you can grab it. <dupondje> just compiled my own from debian version and then debdiff :p <bdrung> dupondje: it would be better if change the version in debian/changelog and add a ~pre1 or something similar. so that when the real 1.5.1-3ubuntu1 you can upgrade <dupondje> i'll delete and reinstall from repo's then :) <dupondje> thx for the help anyway <dupondje> its cool its fixxed now :D <bdrung> dupondje: the big task was to clean up the ubuntu changes. there were some useless html files in there. <dupondje> :p <dupondje> indeed useless <dupondje> btw another bug it seems, when u enable Numlock @ loginscreen, the numpad doesn't work ... <bdrung> dupondje: is it already reported upstream or in debian? <bdrung> dupondje: filed in ubuntu? if not please open a bugreport <dupondje> i'll do tomorrow :) <james_w> bdmurray: hey, did you see this? http://qa-rockstar.livejournal.com/7097.html <bdmurray> james_w: nope, thanks #ubuntu-bugs 2008-08-20 <ma10> if i have a bug filed against a package, which is fixed in intrepid but still in hardy, should i mark it fix released? <bdrung> ma10: yes <ma10> thanks <bdrung> if you want it to be fixed in hardy to, please "nominate for release" <bdrung> bdmurray: ping <bdmurray> bdrung: pong * LimCore fires decoys and goes to 300 m <bdrung> bdrung: any progress in my request to join Ubuntu Bug Control? <bdrung> bdmurray: is there something to do for me or do i still have to wait? <bdrung> bdrung and bdmurray both starts with bd. ;) <bdmurray> bdrung: no, it's going well. we allow a one week period for the review process <hggdh> bdmurray, ping <bdmurray> I'm still here ;) <hggdh> :-) <hggdh> so are you in sync with what laserjock was saying re. sync? <bdmurray> I'm not sure what you mean by 'in sync' <bdrung> bdmurray: thanks. <hggdh> do you agree with his position? <bcurtis> are there still bugs with intrepid starting in low graphics mode? <bcurtis> mine still does, im j/w if thats ok <bdmurray> I'm still thinking about it <hggdh> thanks ;-) <hggdh> this is what I did not like about the whole shebang -- it completely disregards standard practice <hggdh> and this is why I was trying to document it -- at least we would be stating what to do <shane2peru> I have a real bug concern about bug 221316 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 221316 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[hardy] blank screen on 855GM when playing video using intel driver" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/221316 <persia> shane2peru: What is the concern? <shane2peru> it shows that a fix has been released, but where is it? <shane2peru> am I reading that correctly, Fix released? <shane2peru> I have the i855GM and have recently installed, and have some serious lockup issues on log out, shutdown, and restart <shane2peru> I am all up to date too. <shane2peru> I did hack my xorg to use the i810 driver and that has fixed my issue, but someone in the bug report told me it was fixed, and that is odd, because as of yesterday I have yet to have the issue fixed with that driver enabled. <persia> Hmm. Hard to say. You might try hunting for the person who marked it Fix Released here, and trying to understand what was supposed to have fixed it. <shane2peru> persia: does it show in the bug report who marked it fixed? <shane2peru> persia: I have figured out enough to file bug reports, but I'm not that good at working on the bug stuff, I want to help get it resolved correctly though. <shane2peru> and do my part as a user to let the problem be known and provide all the info I can. <persia> shane2peru: There's a comment by someone saying they are marking it Fix Released. <persia> If you open that person's page (click their name), you may find their IRC nick. <persia> Also, at the top right, there is a link "Activity Log" which shows some of the changes to the bug, and may help where such a comment isn't present. <shane2peru> ok, checking it out now. <shane2peru> persia: hmm, seems as though unggnu closed it, and I have no idea who he is. :) Clicking on the name only shows me all the bugs that are assigened to him. <persia> shane2peru: Click on "Overview" to see the IRC nick. <persia> Also note that it's 5:18am in Europe/Berlin, so this might not be the best time to make contact on IRC. <shane2peru> persia: ha ha, right, it is getting late for me here, I can't believe I didn't see that overview tab! <shane2peru> ok, I'll try again later, thanks persia. <persia> shane2peru: Another thing to note is the team memberships (especially in moderated teams). unggnu is likely fairly knowledgeable about this bug, and can probable explain in some detail. <shane2peru> persia: right, I need to re-look at the bug too, it seems that people were having problems with video playback as well, my issue is logging out and in, and shutting down, although the same results happens, balckscreen with no response at all. <shane2peru> thanks again persia. <shane2peru> cya <persia> Right, that may well be a different bug. We try to keep each bug to a single test case, to ease solution, although sometimes a solution will solve several bugs. <persia> Have a good night. <shane2peru> you too. <mrooney> Oh boy I finally installed Intrepid A4, lots of bugs to report... <mrooney> Interestingly enough I am not finding dups of any of them... <mrooney> Which is the correct package for the migration dialog during install? <dholbach> good morning <Hobbsee> hey dholbach <dholbach> hi Hobbsee <ma10> does misc bug management as marking duplicates, invalidating or closing with fix released count for the application to bug control? <techno_freak> ma10, if you think it comes under your "5 best triages" ;) <ma10> techno_freak: lol, ok i'll do some real work.. :) the fact is that i'm more busy with packaging <techno_freak> ma10, naah, marking duplicates really helps, provided it was indeed duplicates ;) <ma10> techno_freak: of course they are.. i think launchpad is so cluttered that priority n.1 should be reducing the bug count <techno_freak> ma10, true <nullack> Folks some testers on Intrepid have done a good job diagnosing problems with gnome menus in the GUI, including some videos showing the problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=893782&page=3 <nullack> Id like to know please, is this an upstream issue? No relevant patches for Debian/Ubuntu? <nullack> The problem is being replicated and it was not in hardy <nullack> ping seb128: Folks some testers on Intrepid have done a good job diagnosing problems with gnome menus in the GUI, including some videos showing the problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=893782&page=3 <nullack> Id like to know please, is this an upstream issue? No relevant patches for Debian/Ubuntu? <elmargol> nullack, yes yes yes... downloading the movie <nullack> seb128: I think its upstream just looking for you to confirm for buzilla please <seb128> nullack: hi, yes it's an upstream issue <nullack> seb128: ty, will report there <ma10> if i'm reporting upstream, can I copy-paste the original description (crediting the author) or is this some kind of copyright problem? <nullack> ma10: Ive routinely seen upstream copy the original report so theres precedent <ma10> ok thanks <gnomefreak> ma10: i dont think its an issue but its ok to just add upstream to LP bug <techno_freak> ma10, you need not credit the orig author, IIRC, just use the same description and give a link of the bug your are referring in launchpad <hubuntu> asac I have a weird bug in intrepid: nm-applet is not visible (the process runs, but I can't see it). Have you heard of this bug? <hubuntu> the same is true of the xchat icon in the right upper corner... I have the feeling this has something to do with a certain applet in gnome, rather than the apps... <nullack> hubuntu: Strange, I dont replicate that <nullack> hubuntu: Just wondering - is your panel setup and theme default? <seb128> hubuntu: do you have a notification area in your gnome-panel? <hubuntu> seb128, nullack : yes, my upper panel setup and theme are the intrepid default (dark theme). The notification area seems to be there, although I'm not sure. The exit, change user, sound and date applets are there. <hubuntu> ok seb128, you were right. The notification area seems to have evaporated <hubuntu> but I'm 100% sure I didn't remove it <seb128> it's one click away, easy to remove by mistake <seb128> how can you be sure? <hubuntu> because I know what I do. I got a series of crashes (jockey, gvfs and some other) after an update and gone it was <hubuntu> but again... It could have been my mistake (never experienced it though) <seb128> when an applet crash you get a dialog which asks if you want to reload it or not, maybe it stole the focus while you were typing and you hit a key which said to not reload? <hubuntu> that's likely, I got many apport windows up in my face and was in the middle of a server setup, so yeah, it could have happened <hubuntu> anyway, thank you very much :) <hubuntu> now, I have a question about 5-a-day <hubuntu> is it about fixing 5 bugs a day or just merely reporting, triaging them? <hubuntu> I'm not a developer you see <hubuntu> but I want to write a guide for the Spanish speaking community on the subject <seb128> hubuntu: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=548594, triaging is good <ubottu> Gnome bug 548594 in logview "gnome-system-log should use some wrapping" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed] <seb128> ups <seb128> hubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day <hubuntu> I'll give it a shot again and see what happens... :) <hubuntu> thx seb128 <seb128> cool, you're welcome <bliZZardz> persia,bdmurray : Hello ...long time since been here!!! <bdrung> hubuntu: 5-a-day is about working on 5 bugs a day. confirming, triagig or fixing; all helps. <asac> hubuntu: if nm-applet is running, but not visible it usually means that NetworkManager daemon is not running <asac> hubuntu: try to restart it <hubuntu> I did asac, killed it and run it again and now it's fine <hubuntu> thx <james_w> hey seb128, I'm seeing several bugs similar to bug 196724, have you seen anything like this before <ubottu> Launchpad bug 196724 in consolekit "console-kit-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196724 <james_w> similar as in SIGSEGV in g_str_hash in g_hash_table_remove_internal <seb128> james_w: no, but that would rather be a question for pitti <james_w> seb128: yeah, I just wondered if crashes in g_hash_table was something you ran in to from time to time, or consolekit is doing something very wrong <seb128> could be several reasons, for example trying to access something which has already been freed <seb128> random corruption <seb128> etc <ara> sound-juicer used to be in the default installation of ubuntu. When installing intrepid (alpha-4) sound-juicer is not installed by default and needs to be installed manually. Is this a bug or a feature? <seb128> ara: that's a feature, we decided to use rhythmbox for that now <ara> seb128: thanks :-) <seb128> you're welcome ;-) <mrooney> whoa, no aptitude by default in Intrepid? how interesting! <hubuntu> you kidding me mrooney? <hubuntu> in the server edition that is, or in the desktop? <seb128> why would aptitude be installed? <nullack> ping tseliot : Apologies in advance if youve already seen this but just in case some info from the NVidia devs on configuring the new Nvidia driver http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=118088 <tseliot> nullack: thanks for the link. BTW the new NVIDIA driver was uploaded today at 02:14:17 PM UTC+1 <nullack> Mucho gracious :) <Hew> Is bug 257317 a dupe of bug 256972? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 257317 in human-theme "Default theme does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/257317 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 256972 in human-theme "original Human theme is broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/256972 <Ampelbein> Hew: seems so. <Hew> Ampelbein: Thanks, just wanted to check. Marking as dupe. <pedro_> omg thunderbird is so confusing... <LaserJock> pedro_: in what way? <nullack> ping tseliot : Just wondering since the nvidi-settings package is installed when a user installs the nvidia 177 driver, if the user removes the nvidia 177 driver within synaptic, shouldnt the nvidia-settings package also go? <pedro_> LaserJock: mostly shortcuts, but maybe is just me since i've been using evolution for years <tseliot> nullack: adding a Recommends or a Depends |nvidia-glx-177|nvidia-glx-177| etc. would make nvidia-settings install a driver, which is not what we want <nullack> so its unavoidable cruft then <tseliot> nullack: yep <nullack> Maybe managed through the cruft cleanup I was reading about from UDS? If you agree how can I note that as a cruft item to help? <LaserJock> QA Team meeting now in #ubuntu-meeting if people are interested <emgent> thanks <persia> pedro_: re: bug #197537: Have you tried to reproduce with the Debian PDF I linked? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 197537 in poppler "Can't read PDF file with Japanese text" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197537 <persia> I'm not sure that the bug doesn't remain valid, so long as we're dependong on something in multiverse, and very much not installed by default in oder to enable this functionality. <persia> pedro_: And yes, that is the right upstream bug for it. <stefanlsd> How do i close this - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/showimg/+bug/258593. I suggested the package concerned and it was accepted for removal... <ubottu> Launchpad bug 258593 in showimg "Please merge showimg 0.9.5-1.3 (universe) from Debian (unstable)" [Undecided,New] <bdmurray> stefanlsd: could that be backported for Hardy though? <pedro_> persia: alright, will re open the bug, thanks for checking the upstream one <jdstrand> bdmurray: hi! I am having a problem adding comments to bugs with python-launchpad-bugs since the recent LP updates. I am using p-l-b 0.3 rev 152. <stefanlsd> bdmurray: i'm not sure. It has been removed from Intrepid though. <jdstrand> bdmurray: I used to do: <jdstrand> comment = Bug.NewComment(text='foo') <jdstrand> bug.comments.add(comment) <bdmurray> jdstrand: I think subject is required for some reason now <pedro_> you needto add a subject too <jdstrand> but that doesn't work anymore. I don't get errors, but the comment isn't added <bdmurray> so Bug.NewComment(text='foo', subject='bar') <jdstrand> hmm-- can the subject be blank? what is it used for? <mattik> is it bug that konsole doesn't show command history if I press up arrow button? <bdmurray> stefanlsd: someone might still want that update in Hardy, but since you submitted it you can be the judge. You can invalidate it by clicking on the current status "new" <stefanlsd> bdmurray: kk. thanks. <bdmurray> jdstrand: it just goes in the comment like bug 259779 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259779 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Causes Hard Lockup on Shutdown" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259779 <bdmurray> well, the comment heading <jdstrand> bdmurray: so the 'Package assigned' and 'Need more information' bits? <mouz> mattik: if you are using the default shell+config then yes it is a bug <bdmurray> jdstrand: yes, however that ends up being the e-mail subject ... which can be strange <jdstrand> bdmurray, pedro_: cool, thanks. this helps a lot :) <bdmurray> jdstrand: the fact that is required now should be a bug report if you want to submit it ;) <pedro_> i wonder why lp doesn't notified us about that kind of changes <mouz> mattik: s/is/can be/ :) <pedro_> or they did? <mattik> mouz: It seems my arrow buttons doesn't work <mouz> mattik: try to get help on #ubuntu <mattik> mouz:thanks <jdstrand> bdmurray: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/259860 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259860 in launchpad "Launchpad should not require subject when adding a comment with python-launchpad-bugs" [Undecided,New] <jdstrand> ask and ye shall receive ;) <hwilde> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/consolekit/+bug/244218 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 244218 in consolekit "console-kit-daemon segfautls and error "Error waiting for native console"" [Undecided,New] <hwilde> status is undecided <hwilde> would you like debug info to confirm? <james_w> I'll deal with that tomorrow, no-one else needs to worrt #ubuntu-bugs 2008-08-21 <anakron> HI all <artfwo> Hi! May I ask, what package is currently used for reporting kernel bugs? <bdmurray> linux <artfwo> ah, thanks :) <wishie> i have an issue with hotkey-setup on hardy 64bit, which loosely relates to bug #33045 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 33045 in hotkey-setup "'Special keys' on HP Pavillion DV4000" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33045 <wishie> some of my 'special' keys are mapped wrong, and 2 of them dont work. id like to know how i can fix this <dholbach> good morning <hggdh> morning dholbach <dholbach> hi hggdh, hi thekorn <thekorn> good morning dholbach ! <persia> pedro: Thank you. <hggdh> anyone here running Evolution 2.23.90 (Intrepid)? <mouz> Should I as a triager nominate bug 259942 for a release? Should I set a milestone? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259942 in gnome-control-center ""Help" button in gnome-display-properties does nothing" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259942 <hggdh> mouz, its a regression... james_w did the previous update, perhaps he can state this <hggdh> mouz, at least you can tag it 'regression' <mouz> hggdh: ok i'll do that and wait for james_w 's reply. thanks. <hggdh> Intrepid had the patch as of 1:2.23.5-0ubuntu1 <hggdh> it seems to have been dropped on 1:2.23.6-0ubuntu1 <james_w> mouz, hggdh: we just patched it out for hardy <james_w> this capplet is now upstream, and we dropped most of the patches to follow them <james_w> it's ok to forward that bug upstream if there wasn't one already <james_w> you can milestone it for intrepid as well if you like, as we can always just patch it out again <aetern> hidy <aetern> 8-) <aetern> so, what is wrong with hardy heron, intrepid ibex ubuntu versions? My laptop freezes sometimes, i can't do anything... earlyer versions of ubuntu hadn't this error... Using asus f5 x50m model, amd turion 64(mobile thechnilogy mk - 36), 1GB of rams, NV geforceGo 6100. <hggdh> pedro_, ping <pedro_> hggdh: hello <hggdh> hi, good morning... a question: are you running Evolution 2.23.90? <hggdh> pedro_, ^^ <pedro_> hggdh: sadly, yes <hggdh> :-) <hggdh> could you please click on Help/Report a Problem? <pedro_> It deleted my a big part of my emails :-/ <pedro_> s/my/me <hggdh> same here... <pedro_> hggdh: let me try <hggdh> for me it does not open LP, and I was wondering if it is a screw-up on my side <pedro_> blah is not working <hggdh> AH! <hggdh> OK, then I did not mess up my system :-) <hggdh> I think this may have been due to the changes on LP <pedro_> I get this on the CLI : <pedro_> Usage: apport-gtk [options] <pedro_> apport-gtk: error: no such option: --package evolution --pid 7919 <pedro_> are you getting the same? <hggdh> I did not get any output :-( <hggdh> I will test again (I was prepping a change to 03_lpi.patch to take out bug buddy) <hggdh> thank you, pedro_ . I will open a bug on this later this evening (now I have to get to my contract) <pedro_> hggdh: you're welcome, thanks for let me know about it ;-) <hggdh> just for grins, I ran apport-gtk --help -- it may be that it is now required to have the equal sign on long options (--package=evolution --pid=xxxx) <lumn0t> I'm looking for some help with hunting down enough information to report a bug. My issue is described in a LaunchPad question currently (https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+question/38900), but I think the larger issue has gone beyond the question. * lumn0t prods the channel. <lumn0t> Hello? Hello? <LaserJock> hmm, maybe everybody is out to lunch :-) <chmac> I'm trying to file a bug against dhclient, but it's saying "There is no package name 'dhclient' published in Ubuntu" <chmac> Even though when I click "Choose" it lists dhclient as an option <chmac> It says "not uploaded" underneat dhclient <chmac> Anyone know how / where I file the bug? <ogra> dhcp3-client <LaserJock> dhcp3-client * LaserJock ^5s ogra <ogra> :) <chmac> :) <lumn0t> Responses! Horrah! <chmac> Oh dear, I've just realised, I'm using NetworkManager 0.7, perhaps that's the issue... <chmac> Hmm <chmac> No, it's not, I tested that already I think... <lumn0t> Problem: GNOME settings seem borked. Two obvious symptoms of this are gnome-power-manager had issues and GNOME themes will not apply. This is being discussed in a LaunchPad question (https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+question/38900). <LaserJock> yeah, that's pretty funky <lumn0t> Not sure what package to file a bug against. <LaserJock> seb128 or pedro_ would probably be good people to ask <lumn0t> Is privmsg the best way to direct this, then? <pedro_> lumn0t: for the GNOME Themes issue is gnome-settings-daemon running? <pedro_> is a known issue that it's crashing quite a lot <lumn0t> Ah. <pedro_> that could be why the themes are not being applied <pedro_> for the gnome-power-manager tedg is the right person since he's the maintainer ;-) <lumn0t> gnome-settings-daemon is indeed running. <pedro_> he should be online shortly <pedro_> lumn0t: are you running Intrepid or Hardy? <lumn0t> Hmm. <lumn0t> gnome-settings-daemon does seem to be the culprit. Reinstalling the package has brought themes back. <pedro_> well reinstalling it shouldn't make any difference, unless your installation was broken <pedro_> we don't have any bugs regarding that and the only issues with themes are in Intrepid with some g-s-d crashes <LaserJock> pedro_: it seems to be a problem in a 8.04-> latest updates <LaserJock> that question has at least 3-4 Hardy users with the same problem, I'd suspect a bad SRU <lumn0t> ..er.. Yes. But the installation was *not* broken before some relatively recent update. I was hoping to help find what it was that broke both gnome-power-management and gnome-settings-manager. <pedro_> could be but there's no new g-s-d package since april <pedro_> s/april/may * pedro_ looking at the sru list * lumn0t wonders where the sru list is. <pedro_> lumn0t: http://people.ubuntu.com/~sbeattie/sru_todo.html <lumn0t> And I'm curious that if there was some common cause to both gnome-power-manager and gnome-settings-daemon getting squirrelly, if something else may have been affected that I have not noticed yet. <lumn0t> I don't recall when I first saw the symptoms, but the LaunchPad question was opened 7-11, so the update that may have caused the issue dates from before then. <lumn0t> Would something that affected gnome-settings-daemon have affected the "configuration defaults" for gnome-power-manager that the reinstall of g-p-m resolved? <bddebian> Boo <ogra> bee <wishie> i have an issue with hotkey-setup on hardy 64bit, which loosely relates to bug #33045 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 33045 in hotkey-setup "'Special keys' on HP Pavillion DV4000" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33045 <wishie> could i possibly get some help with this issue ? i need to know how to edit /usr/share/hotkey-setup/hp.hk file, so it works on my laptop, and doesnt cause crashes (like it currently does) <Awsoonn> Hugday is on the wiki! * Awsoonn runs before the tomatoes are thrown <bdmurray> james_w: do you know something about "No handlers could be found for logger 'bzr'"? <afflux> huh. I just got the notice that bug 259311 was marked as a dup of bug 250506. Why is that? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259311 in ubuntu "Movie player - no codecs to play DVD(winthout encryption)and mp3 (dup-of: 250506)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259311 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 250506 in consolekit "shutdown and restart act as logout" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/250506 <bdmurray> afflux: its in the activity log <afflux> oh, well. I didn't see that it actually wasn't marked anymore. Woops :) <bdmurray> it was quick! 10 seconds <afflux> isn't that minutes? <bdmurray> minutes / seconds - whatever ;) <afflux> yup, quick anyway ;) <nullack> Im not an IRC guru - how do I snipe what chans hes on? <jpds> nullack: /whois should be enough, assuming he doesn't have the +i (invisible) usermode on. <nullack> Ping Ampelbein : Thanks for your email I got mixed up with bugs Im sorting it out. The particular bug is a wontfix, its by design a non issue <persia> Note that even +i people can be found if they share channels in common with the person running /whois <Ampelbein> nullack: oh, ok. just saw the mail and thought i'd quickly set duplicate status, haven't checked anymore. will do that next time. <nullack> Its not duplicate - I was suffering from multiple bug syndrome and made an error Im fixing it <Ampelbein> got that. happens sometimes. <james_w> bdmurray: your ~/.bzr.log is probably not writeable for your user <james_w> it's a pain to try and give a better message for though, as it's a library that gives the warning, and doesn't give much indication when it has. <bdmurray> james_w: but it is! unless cron needs different permissions <james_w> bdmurray: it may be something else then, but that's the usual reason for the message <james_w> this is your users crontab, and you're not sudoing? <james_w> i.e. the process is run as your user? <bdmurray> james_w: it's weird because I'm not even using bzr <james_w> oh, what are you using? <bdmurray> its, just a bash script and python script <sbeattie> bdmurray: but python-launchpad-bugs tries to determine what version it is via bzrlib <bdmurray> I'll pastebinit <bdmurray> sbeattie: ah, winner! <bdmurray> sbeattie: did you fix it? <james_w> does it exec() bzr for that? <bdmurray> looks like it import bzrlib.branch <sbeattie> bdmurray: no, that's as far as I got in digging into the problem. <james_w> I wouldn't have thought that this triggered that message, but I may well be wrong <bdmurray> james_w: Do you have any ideas then? <sbeattie> bdmurray: did you look in your .bzr.log file on rookery? <james_w> bdmurray: no, sorry, I'm a bit stumped <james_w> I've only ever seen this be a permission error <bdmurray> There is a message about using 'bzr upgrade' for bughelper <sbeattie> james_w: I get it the same message, even though it successfully wrote to to my .bzr.log <sbeattie> bdmurray: mine contains nice tracebacks from each run because it's trying to do bzr operations on the cwd, which for me was $HOME and thus contains no bzr metadata. <sbeattie> Odd: 0.089 Plugin name __init__ already loaded <james_w> that's odd <james_w> well, the last message happens on every run, but the rest is odd <sbeattie> james_w: note that this is showing up on rookery, which is a dapper install. <bdmurray> but it now has bzr 1.6 I think <bdmurray> sbeattie: I noticed the same thing on cranberry though <bdmurray> which is hardy <chrisccoulson> bug 131846 from the hug day list is an intersting one <ubottu> Launchpad bug 131846 in gnome-panel "run as doesn't include all folders used in $PATH" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131846 <bdmurray> I've seen a duplicate of that <chrisccoulson> the reporter says that gnome-panel ignores their $PATH env variable when it is defined in ~/.bashrc <chrisccoulson> i have a customised $PATH defined in /etc/environment, and it uses that <sbeattie> bdmurray: curious. I don't see it on my hardy machine. <chrisccoulson> so i'm wondering if it's actually a bug in gnome-panel <bdmurray> sbeattie: are you up to bzr 1.6 though? <sbeattie> nope <sbeattie> I'm eating distro dogfood not bzr dogfood. <bdmurray> chrisccoulson: oh, that's the bug I'm thinking of ;) <bdmurray> I can recreate it <chrisccoulson> how do you set your $PATH environment? Do you define it in ~/.bashrc too? <bdmurray> oh, my .zshrc <bdmurray> :) <bdmurray> but it's in my ~/.bashrc too fwiw <jpds> zsh FTW. <chrisccoulson> i'll try modifying another users .bashrc on my machine in a bit and see if i can recreate it too. but gnome-panel searches all of the folders in my $PATH environment, which is defined in /etc/environment (so I've done it a bit different to you) <chrisccoulson> that might mean it isn't a bug in gnome-panel <chrisccoulson> for example, i have a load of apps installed in /opt/bin. i can run them no problem by pressing ALT+F2 and typing the program name, so I'm not seeing this issue <chrisccoulson> bdmurray: referrring to bug 131846 again - i think the issue because /bin/sh (symlinked to /bin/dash) is the shell used when the session loads. Dash appears to ignore ~/.bashrc when it loads, which would explain why gnome-panel doesn't search the full $PATH on your machine, but does search it on mine (because I have $PATH defined elsewhere). <ubottu> Launchpad bug 131846 in gnome-panel "run as doesn't include all folders used in $PATH" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131846 <chrisccoulson> i'#ve just tried it here by modifying my bashrc. after i've modified $PATH and launch a new bash shell, the new $PATH takes effect. if i then exit and launch dash, it doesn't take effect <bdmurray> If I start dash and echo $PATH I see /home/brian/bin there <chrisccoulson> hmmmm, that's strange <chrisccoulson> do you start dash from within a bash session which already has the environment set correctly? <bdmurray> yeah, I guess that isn't right <chrisccoulson> what you could do is launch a terminal (bash), then clear your $PATH environment by typing (PATH=""). once you've done this, launch dash using '/bin/dash' and then inspect the environment <chrisccoulson> actually, that doesn't behave as expected. $PATH is still empty after loading dash <chrisccoulson> a better way of verifying it might be to temporarily set the /bin/sh sym-link back to /bin/bash. i'll try that on my intrepid VM in a bit <sbeattie> chrisccoulson: you probably want /bin/dash -l <sbeattie> though that's not reading /etc/environment here. <chrisccoulson> thanks for the clarification sbeattie <dupondje> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/260208 <dupondje> there :p <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260208 in ubuntu "Numlock not working at gdm login (Intrepid)" [Undecided,New] <dupondje> a fresh bug :p <chrisccoulson> sbeattie / bdmurray - i can confirm on intrepid that dash ignores the ~/.bashrc file. i set my users shell to /bin/dash, and when I open gnome-terminal, by customised entries are not there. however, if I launch a bash shell, they all appear there <chrisccoulson> i'll re-assign that bug from gnome-panel to dash, if we want dash to look at ~/.bashrc <bdmurray> I don't think that is right <chrisccoulson> which bit? <bdmurray> reassinging it <bdmurray> I'd ask seb128 about as he is probably most familiar with the package and our diff from upstream <chrisccoulson> no problem. i had a quick look in the source for gnome-panel, and it does appear to correctly search $PATH when it launches an application. the problem is that it's environment isn't correct as it is spawned from dash <chrisccoulson> i'll catch seb128 when he's on here next and speak to him about it. <Pimpy> hi there, need support if possible for my crash for compiz,real after a few seconds on boot on desktop- have 8800gt, 8.10 alpha4 <Pimpy> nvidia official driver ver 177 #ubuntu-bugs 2008-08-22 <Stemp> Hi all, I have a problem with bug #123916. It affect Hardy and the problem is fixed in Debian. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 123916 in fail2ban "fail2ban will not start if fail2ban socket is present" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123916 <Stemp> I built it in my PPA, but what should I do now ? requesting a Sync is only for Intrepid, right ? <mrooney> Stemp: right, what you want is one or both of 1) backport the updated package, 2) patch the current package to fix the bug <Stemp> As the actual package is a copy of an old Debian version, I guess it's better to ask for backport. So in fact there is nothing I have to do in launchpad bug ? <RAOF> Stemp: Verify that it's fixed in intrepid is nice. <Stemp> it is, the new version is in Intrepid <RAOF> Stemp: Right. So, it'll only be fixed in Hardy with a SRU - Stable Release Update. If you want that to happen, you need to ask nicely. <RAOF> And, by ask nicely, I mean: follow... <RAOF> !sru <ubottu> Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates <Stemp> thanx RAOF <Stemp> Ok I did my 1-a-day :p Good night <dholbach> good morning <techno_freak> morning dholbach <dholbach> hi techno_freak <ma10> shouldn't incomplete bugs turn automatically invalid after a while? how long does it take? <persia> ma10: There's some debate about whether they should do so or not, but 60 days is the configured value. <ma10> persia: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=date_last_updated&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&assignee_option=none&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.component-empty-marker=1&field.status_upstream-empty-marker=1&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patc <ma10> there are bugs untouched since years! <ma10> This bug report was marked for expiration 243 days ago. <persia> ma10: RIght. The automatic expiry appears to be off, yet the expiry clock is on. <ma10> persia: mhh.. would it be ok to set incomplete with the "old untouched" standard response all new (and maybe confirmed) bugs untouched for one year or so? <persia> ma10: I don't think the bugs become incomplete with age. On the other hand, most of them could do with some triage. <Ampelbein> ma10: thats what i do with those. <persia> I suspect a lot of them are fixed. <ma10> i'm trying to think of some ways to reduce the clutter <persia> Ampelbein: How is that helpful to ensure the distribution is bug free? <persia> ma10: Triage the bugs? <ma10> yes.. 100% the submitter doesn't care anymore <Ampelbein> persia: if the issue is no longer there <persia> Ampelbein: If the issue is no longer there, the correct status is Fix Released, not Invalid. <Ampelbein> persia: not saying anything against it. <persia> ma10: Even if the submitter doesn't care, is it not worth checking to see if the bug is present, and either closing it, or ensuring it is complete? <Ampelbein> persia: thats what the "old untouched" response is for. if the submitter says its corrected with an update: Fix Released. <persia> Ampelbein: Ah. In that case, I'm misunderstanding the terminology. Please forgive the rant. <Ampelbein> persia: no problem. but according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Bugs%20resolved%20after%20update%20or%20config%20change, the status should be set to invalid. <persia> Also, for many bugs with some information on how to reproduce, it's often easier to try to reproduce oneself than to ask the submitter. <persia> That URL crashes my browser, but from the title, I disagree. If it was fixed by a config change, and we don't ship that by default, someone else will encounter the bug. <persia> If it was fixed by an update, it should be Fix Released. <Ampelbein> persia: i think the wiki has a point there. it could be anything that corrected the issue, including a hardware change, config change or the update. <Ampelbein> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses <persia> Indeed, but is it not worth trying to figure out what happened, and reporting it correctly? <Ampelbein> persia: depends on the severity. <persia> We mark a lot of bugs Invalid. This has generated a fair amount of press that we don't care about bugs. <persia> I think we care about bugs, and it's worth spending a couple minutes to say "Yep, we fixed it, finally" so that the submitter feels like they should submit more bugs, and we can fix those as well. <Ampelbein> if its a minor bug that can't be reproduced in any of the new releases i don't see the point in trying to figure out why it happened in the first place. <ma10> the problem is that there are 21073 new unassigned bugs <ma10> do we have the manpower to do things "properly"? <persia> ma10: No. The problem is that Ubuntu has bugs. That is the thing that should be fixed. Reducing the number of bugs doesn't mean anything at all. <persia> TO take an example, Microsoft's public bug tracker for Word doesn't have any bugs shown. Does that mean there are no bugs in Word? <Ampelbein> you are right. but if we reduce the number of open bugs by checking which ones are still in the packages we could concentrate on the important things. <persia> Yes, but I'd also like to get more good bugs reported. If someone has an issue, I'd like them to have a good experience reporting a bug. I think it's worth a couple minutes to check the changelog for the affected package and verify it was fixed. <Ampelbein> and i think a response saying that the submitters bug has been fixed with a new release is better than no response at all. <persia> Generally there will be some mention of the fix. <persia> Precisely, and that encourages the submitter to upgrade, and report more bugs, and generally improves the quality of Ubuntu. <persia> I just think the appropriate bug status for "Fixed in a new release" is "Fix Released" and not "Invalid" <Ampelbein> so the first thing to do is check IF its still an issue. either by reproducing or by asking the submitter (status: incomplete). if its not an issue anymore we try to look in changelog. if mentioned there: status: fixreleased. if not mentioned: status invalid. <ma10> persia: i think the wiki says invalid for bugs whose cause was never understood <persia> Cool. I was worried it was something else. Thanks for the confirmation. I'll try to turn off the rant button :) <Ampelbein> persia: sometimes its good to be ranted at. can bring oneself to think about it ;-) <persia> ma10: Yes, it does. My main concern is the case of NEW Unconfirmed bugs of significant age, that we ought at least try to understand the cause. <persia> Ampelbein: That's a delightfully refreshing attitude :) <ma10> persia: ok policy received <ma10> but i still think it would be useful to have an automatic procedure that does something like: for old bugs, ask if it's still a problem, make incomplete, if someone replies turn back to new. And have a working auto expiry <persia> At the last UDS there was talk about having things go from incomplete to NEW when someone replied, but it needs more work, so we have to wait for the LP devs to do something. <ma10> yes i saw that on the mail from the lp team to motu where they asked to prioritize features <persia> My memory (which may be flawed) is that auto-expiry was turned off because the bugsquad only processes ~2500 bugs a week, and there's some backlog (it used to be a lot smaller), so using auto-expiry would expire some people's bugs just because someone was too busy to get back when the person answered. <ma10> but there was nothing about "auto respond to old bugs" <persia> You might propose it. I believe the best way to do this is to file a bug against launchpad, but I may be mistaken. <ma10> (2500 bugs a week) that's not bad! <hggdh> ma10, indeed not bad -- but only if you have enough people to work on them! <ma10> ok, i'll think about filing a bug.. maybe someone already has <persia> ma10: Yep. 2500 bugs is actually a number to be celebrated, but it's hard to compete with the flow we get after some good press story, or a new release. <ma10> yeah i guess we could see it that way: more bugs more users more success :) <hggdh> ma10, auto-respond to old bugs does not really help any: if the bug was not been looked at before, it will probably not be looked at after an auto-query <ma10> hggdh: what i want to happen is that if the user does not respond the bug auto-expires <hggdh> and what if the user *does* respond, but nobody looks at it? <persia> That's why the expiry feature is less interesting until we can automatically turn off the clock when someone responds. <hggdh> I would personally find this very rude -- "are you still interested" -- "yes, I am" -- silence <ma10> turns automatically new and the cycles begins again.. the poor user is pinged over and over :) should not be too much of an annoymnet if it's once every 2 months <ma10> turns automatically new and the cycles begins again.. the poor user is pinged over and over :) should not be too much of an annoymnet if it's once every 2 months.. <ma10> turns automatically new and the cycles begins again.. the poor user is pinged over and over :) should not be too much of an annoymnet if it's once every 2 months.. <persia> Except it's a reminder every two months that one's bug is being ignored. <ma10> sorrry!!!! :( <persia> No, you've demonstrated the problem precisely :) <hggdh> it is not the frequency, but what persia jut said (darn, persia *again* preempted me ;-) <ma10> sorry for the multi-send * persia leaves the next several responses to hggdh :) * hggdh is too slow to compete <ma10> don't know i'm thinking.. i guess you're right anyway <ma10> i started this discussion because i'm beginning to mantain packages and the first thing i had to do was clean up a lot of old bugs before i could understand what i *really* had to fix <Ampelbein> ma10: another thing about automated expiry is that people would then think: why should i care about filing bugs, when i get an automated reply after X months to verify that i still have the issue. <Ampelbein> if the reply actually comes from a human being thats not so bad. <Ampelbein> because then the submitter sees that someone is taking care of the report. <Ampelbein> of course the next action after verification that the bug still exists should not be to set status new and leave it be ;-) <ma10> Ampelbein: that's true.. if you do it you subscribe and when he replies you have to care <ma10> lol :) this way you act no better than a bot <ma10> ok so what i learned is "care about the user, live with the clutter" :) <ma10> thanks <ma10> for the explanations! <persia> ma10: Thanks for cleaning up the clutter in the packages you examined to figure out what work needed to be done. <hggdh> ma10, still -- thank you for your proposal (even if not accepted): you are helping, and we we are all thankful for that. <hggdh> (and do not fell alone -- I have had some of my own ideas shot down, sometimes very fast ;-) * Hobbsee loads her bubblegun, and points it in hggdh's general direction * hggdh wonders if there is *any* kind of effective protection <hggdh> Hobbsee, ping <Hobbsee> hggdh: pong <hggdh> should I run for my life? <hggdh> :-) <bokey> wheres grendal? <bokey> :P <Hobbsee> heh <Hobbsee> not unless you fear a bubble attack... <Hew> Is there an easy way to know which dbgsym packages to install? Apport-retrace does a great job, but is there a single command or something that just targets a package and pulls the required packages? <afflux> Hew, no, apport-retrace looks at the ProcMaps field in the crash report, looks for the loaded libraries, searches for the packages they belong to, and pulls the dbgsym packages for them. <Hew> afflux: Ah ok, I assumed it just pulled all the dbgsym packages for the dependencies. Thanks for the info. <afflux> Hew: no problem. You still can find out which dbgsym packages you need by using some shell magic <afflux> Hew: like: cat /proc/9604/maps | awk '{ print $6 }' | sort | grep -v '^$' | grep -v '^\[' | while read p; do dpkg -S $p; done | cut -d':' -f1 | sort -u <afflux> Hew: where cat /proc/9604/maps could be changed to point to the file containing the ProcMaps <Hew> afflux: I'm trying to triage bug 252174, which requires a valgrind log. Someone has (finally) produced one, but it's missing symbols. Is there something easy to tell the user? What info am I looking for in the valgrind.log? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 252174 in gvfs "gvfsd-trash crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_dispatch()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/252174 <afflux> Hew: are you running hardy? <afflux> oh wait, the report is for intrepid <afflux> never mind <Hew> afflux: Yes, this is an Intrepid bug. I was wondering how it's possible to look at a valgrind.log and work out which dbgsym packages it needs. Do I just look for all the "within /lib/libpthread-2.8.90.so" parts, and find which packages contain these files? <afflux> Hew: to make sure it will be complete, you look at the ProcMaps.txt file at the beginning of the report, and make sure that all libraries mentioned there have debug symbols. <Hew> afflux: ah of course, I should be able to work it out from there. Thanks again! <afflux> Hew: I'll have a list ready in a minute <Hew> afflux: wow thanks, even better than working it out myself! :P <afflux> Hew: you'll definetly need libc6-dbgsym libglib2.0-0-dbgsym and gvfs-dbgsym, maybe gvfs-backends-dbgsym and libgvfscommon0-dbgsym, unlikely are the ones for: libdbus-1-3, libgnome-keyring0, libpcre3 and libselinux1 <Hew> afflux: Excellent, I'll post a comment and let the guy know! <afflux> thanks! <mcas> hello <Hew> mcas: hi <mcas> if there are bugs "please upgrade to newer version" or "please sync from debian" <mcas> are these bugs "wishlist"? i think they are but i want to ask bevor doing something wrong <Hew> mcas: Yes, they are wishlist. <mcas> ok :-) <mcas> thank you Hew <Hew> mcas: no worries, thank you for helping out :-) <persia> mcas: Hew: Please don't set the status of those bugs to "Wishlist". <persia> While it is often accurate, it's not always accurate (as sometimes we get a critical bugfix through a merge or a sync) <persia> Also, those are mostly filed by developers, and some of the developers complain about extra bugmail just for setting them wishlist. <persia> My understanding is that as the Launchpad API improves, the tool the developers use to file those bugs will automatically set them to the right Importance, but it doesn't do that yet. <Hew> persia: Sure thing. I know that wishlist isn't a blanket policy, but I was thinking the case here was probably a user asking for a new feature like most sync bugs. I suppose I should have asked for more detail. <Hew> mcas: Which bug are you working on? <Hew> mcas: or was it just a general question? <persia> Hew: Yeah, it gets confusing when users who aren't developers file what should be upgrade bugs and use the sync format. <xnevermore> Hey guys. I filed a bug (#255976) and provided a package for a new upstream version for sponsoring about three weeks ago, and have heard very little since. Is there any more I should do to get it noticed? <persia> bug #255976 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 255976 in keytouch "Keytouch 2.4.1 Package" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/255976 <Ampelbein> Hi! What about a bug like #74807, where the poster found a solution himself? What is the correct status to set the bug to? Personally I would say "Confirmed", have the documentation edited to represent the problem and then "Fix Released". What is the right way here? <Ampelbein> bug #74807 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 74807 in acpi "Audio stops working after resume" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74807 <mcas> i need some help with bug 260244 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260244 in kdebase "seg-fault while rendering page" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260244 <persia> xnevermore: You've done everything you need. The sponsor queue is a bit clogged right now. <mcas> i can confirm the problem with konqueror3 and don't have the problem with konqueror4 <mcas> what should i do with this bug. <mcas> should i mark it as triaged? <persia> Ampelbein: I'd call that Triaged, as the solution is known for that hardware. Mind you, it may not be trivial to integrate into the packaging because it may be that different hardware needs different settings, but that really needs a developer to investigate. <mcas> with a comment with my information? <xnevermore> persia: awesome. I just found it a bit strange. If I file a regular bug, I usually hear back from folks fairly soon, but when I release fixes, they seem to go unnoticed. <xnevermore> bug #257110 is another example <ubottu> Launchpad bug 257110 in libgems-ruby "libgems-ruby1.8 conflicts with rubygems1.8" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/257110 <Ampelbein> persia: ok, then i would need someone of bug-control have set this. thanks for the info. <persia> xnevermore: Yeah, in the past we were better about pushing fixes, and less good about reviewing bugs. We've tried to fix the reviewing bugs bit, but we're falling behind on the including fixes bit :( <xnevermore> lol <xnevermore> i see <asomething> xnevermore: I think a big part of that is that there are a lot of people triaging that aren't devs, so if you post a bug that needs more info people will ask you about it but when you have something that needs to be acted on it can take a little while longer for a response <persia> mcas: That's a tricky one. You might ask in #kubuntu-testers if someone can reproduce with an earlier version, or maybe if they have any guidance on whether such bugs should be considered fixed. <xnevermore> persia: yeah, that makes sense. <mcas> persia: i tried it with a konqueror from kde4.0 not 4.1 <persia> asomething: That's precisely it. We seem to get about the same percentage of new people each cycle, but depending on which area is behind, that area gets more recruiting, so we're never quite perfectly balanced. <persia> mcas: Still, unless someone answers here, your choices are really to ask there, or find another bug for now. <mcas> ok <xnevermore> asomething: maybe the focus should be to motivate triagers and packagers to move up the later to become MOTU, etc. <persia> xnevermore: Last time we did that we ran out of triagers :) It's all a matter of balance :) <xnevermore> persia: good point =P <jcastro> bdmurray: you do needs-packaging bugs as confirmed,wishlist right? <bdmurray> jcastro: correct, provided it isn't already packaged and minimal information about the software is provided <jcastro> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.component-empty-marker=1&field.status_upstream-empty-marker=1&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_cve.used=&field.tag=needs-packaging&field.tags_combinator=ANY&fiel <jcastro> might be a good 5-a-day target to clean these out then <greg-g> ugly link! <jcastro> sorry! <greg-g> heya <bdmurray> that's probably scriptable <jcastro> welcome back greg! <greg-g> jcastro: not quite, closer though, I'm in Minneapolis <jcastro> ah <jcastro> we need a bug jam. kubuntu-de is pulling away! <greg-g> getting there, next weekend, this weekend is the gf's sister's wedding <greg-g> jcastro: oh noes! <greg-g> we'll do one once some students are back in town, see if I can poster some geek hangouts <asomething> jcastro: if you do a hug day or something for those, one good thing to ask people to do is check if there is also a Debian ITP bug filed and link it, so as to not duplicate work <jcastro> asomething: good idea <greg-g> +1 <bdmurray> asomething: I've written a script that looks for those <jcastro> hey ... you know how we link bugs to debian, etc ... <jcastro> I wonder if it would be useful if lp let you link to ITPs <bdmurray> jcastro: you can as though are filed in the debian bts about the wnpp pseudo-package <bdmurray> s/though/those/ <jcastro> ahh <jcastro> now can you script /that/? <bdmurray> jcastro: yes, I wrote something that does that last weekend <jcastro> man, everytime I think of something you've already got a script <bdmurray> I'm still actively working on it but I've affected 76 needs-packaging bug reports so far <jcastro> hot <bdmurray> Yeah, I was / am really excited about it <greg-g> pretty soon bdmurray will write a script to come up with new script ideas <bdmurray> lol <greg-g> karma for code commits means that each time I commit to my 5-a-day branch I'm getting karma? :) <jcastro> extra motivation <jjesse> greg-g: don't know how that is working cause i've been commit to branches and haven't seen my karma go up yet <greg-g> jjesse: hmm <jjesse> doesn't even show in the karma summary section <jjesse> i see bugs, but no commits <greg-g> hmmm <bdmurray> james_w: still around? #ubuntu-bugs 2008-08-23 <Ampelbein> Hi! Could some member of bug-control please set bug 219593 to wishlist? thanks in advance. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 219593 in firefox-3.0 "Allow the user to specify enlargement factor" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219593 <hggdh> Ampelbein, it was already wishlisted. I set it to triaged, though <Ampelbein> hggdh: yeah. but for the record: it was not wishlisted as i posted here. ;-) thanks. <hggdh> :-) <Hobbsee> hggdh: repong. <hggdh> Hobbsee, reping <Hobbsee> hggdh: what did you want yesterday? <hggdh> Hobbsee, nothing, you were pointing your bubblegun at me (or my my general direction, which is the same, given that bubbleguns are known to have a wide range) <Hobbsee> hggdh: oh, fair enough :P * Hobbsee covers hggdh in bubbles * hggdh swims for safety <hggdh> huh, floats, methinks <Ampelbein> Hi! Could some member of bugcontrol please set bug #260659 to wishlist? Thanks in advance. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260659 in policykit "Indefinitely keep authorization by default isn't good" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260659 <persia> Ampelbein: Why is that wishlist? Is it not possibly Low, as forgetful users might fail to lock the workstation, andsomeone else could run `rm -rf /`without a password? * persia is open to "Wishlist", but would like to hear a justification <qense> Ampelbein: I agree with the reporter of the bug in this issue. However, you could consider it as a small usability bug. It's surely not a wishlist, since it's a really small change. <qense> I would set it to Low. <Ampelbein> Just thought it might be wishlist because its just a change of default behavior. <Ampelbein> but after rethinking persia's comment i agree to low. <qense> Are you a member of the bugsquad? <Ampelbein> bugsquad yes, bugcontrol no. <qense> OK <qense> Do you want to confirm the bug and tell the user about that to collect bugs for your (possible) application to bugcontrol, or shall I do that? <Ampelbein> am just writing the confirmation. <qense> ok <Ampelbein> done <qense> nice <qense> I'm going to set the importance to low <qense> aargh! <qense> done, btw <qense> But the status was set to new in some way when I set the importance to low, so I had to set that again to confirmed <qense> That's really weird <Ampelbein> yeah, sometimes the webinterface seems to not do what i want it to do. but most of the time it just works ok. <persia> qense: I'm confused. Why is it not wishlist because it's a small change? <qense> It's not something new, a new feature. <qense> It's a change of something that could be a security riks, or a usability bug <qense> (in its current state) <persia> Sure, but wishlist isn't only that. If I say that I think the links in xchat-gnome ought to be human brown by default, surely that's also wishlist. <persia> In the case of this bug, I also think it's "Low", but I'm not sure that there aren't trivial wishlist bugs. <qense> I agree with that. <qense> Your example is a wishlist, because it doesn't cause problems when it isn't, just you not liking the colour. <qense> (that was probably a horrible sentence) <persia> Sure. I think "wishlist" is for anything that doesn't actually cause a problem today. This might be changling a colour, or it might be adding a feature, or it might be fixing a spelling mistake, or anything, really. <qense> That's my opinion too. :) I just used a bad argument. <persia> qense: With the right conclusion :) I only pick on you for the benefit of those reading the logs. <qense> I don't mind :) It learned me to use better arguments when telling people why I agree with something and it was a good example to learn other people about the wishlist importance. <persia> qense: Excellent. Sometimes I worry when I pick on people even when they got it right <qense> I have that too sometimes. You can't send body language over IRC <persia> Indeed. <Ampelbein> Another importance question: bug #256820 - i think this should get high priority, because it affects a small portion of users (those with the same card). I googled for the problem and found some similar reports. other opinions? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 256820 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[intel gma x3100] x server crashes when watching movies" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/256820 <Ampelbein> (just using the chance seeing some of bugcontrol round here, if its not ok to ask such questions, please say so) <persia> Ampelbein: Asking such questions is one of the primary reasons for this channel. <Ampelbein> ok. <persia> I'm undecided between "Medium" and "High" for that one. Lots of people who use that package doesn't have that hardware. On the other hand, it could be considered to fall under "A problem with an essential hardware component". <persia> On the other hand, it only happens when watching movies, which makes me thing it's not quite as essential. <persia> Nor really that severe. I guess it depends on whether one considers watching movies to be a core application. <Ampelbein> for the standard user i think watching movies IS important. <persia> (On a related note, why is "network card" considered a non-essential hardware component, and "laptop built-in wireless" considered an essential component? <Ampelbein> nothing worse than sitting pants down and having to debug xserver-crashes ;-) <persia> Heh. Maybe so. <qense> About that related note: I think that nowadays you should consider networking as essential, since it's often the main reason why people buy computers and all updates are downloaded. <persia> qense: That's what I'm thinking. Even on some of my laptops, I'm more likely to use the network adapter than wireless. <Ampelbein> back to the bug, i'd say though it affects a small number it renders ubuntu for them quite useless. <qense> Not completely, they still can check their email and flashplayers aren't affected, are they? <persia> Ampelbein: I disagree entirely that it renders Ubuntu useless, but I'll mark it High anyway, as Xv *really* ought work. <Ampelbein> depends. i'm trying to take my colleagues and friends as example. they want to browse, hear music and watch video. if one of this fails -> useless. but i agree that for the more technical interested users its not useless without video. <persia> Not just the technical folk. I know a bunch of very serious music fans who spend all day in front of their computers (and the nights at the livehouses). These people almost never watch video, but text and sound are vital. <stefanlsd> When should the status be set to fix released? <qense> When the fix is accpeted in the repositories <qense> Launchpad should do that by itself, actually <stefanlsd> qense: Whats the diff between fix commited then? <qense> When the fix is comitted it still needs to be tested and accepted. <persia> Well, it's more complicated than that. <qense> There is a good explanation of both statuses here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status <persia> In the case of most projects on launchpad, "Fix Committed" means that the fix is in bzr, and "Fix Released" means that the fix is in a tarball. <persia> In the case of Ubuntu, "Fix Committed" is nearly meaningless. It tends to be used to indicate that an upload happened, but maybe the upload is waiting for something, and it will be closed in 5 minutes (if the changelog included the appropriate syntax) <persia> Sometimes it's also used for some special processes. I don't remember if the SRU process uses it right now, but at one point it was used to indicate a fix was in -proposed. <persia> Generally, for Ubuntu, don't use "Fix Committed" unless you have a special reason to do so, and someone instructed you to set it that way. <stefanlsd> persia: thanks for that. If i upload a debdiff and subscribe u-u-s. What status should i be setting? <stefanlsd> in progress? <persia> stefanlsd: Confirmed. In Progress is when you are working on it. There's a bug aganst LP about this, but it's not closed yet. <persia> Ideally there should be a "Needs Review" status to indicate we have a fix not yet committed. <persia> LP assumes that everyone who is capable of suggesting a fix is also a developer, which while true in a sense, doesn't really match the permissions configuration in launchpad. <stefanlsd> persia: thanks. makes sense <Ampelbein> Could someone from bugcontrol please set the importance of bug #85439 to low? I think it should be low because this only affects a minor part of the system. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 85439 in libxslt "xsltproc crashdump" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85439 <Rocket2DMn> Ampelbein, done <Ampelbein> thx <Rocket2DMn> np <Ampelbein> Another Request: Bug #172343 - I think it could be set to status triaged, importance low. I reproduced the problem myself and verified with a non-ubuntu-version of ktorrent, then reported the bug upstream. Opinions? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 172343 in ktorrent "ktorrent group names broken for accented characters" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172343 <persia> Ampelbein: Done. <Ampelbein> thx <Ampelbein> hi! i have a question about bug #259387 ? i'm unsure whether it deserves medium or high importance. i tend to medium because it causes moderate impact on a non-core application. What is your opinion on this case? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259387 in thunderbird ""Edit Message as New" broken for eml messages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259387 <Ampelbein> Also, I think this could be set to triaged. <Ampelbein> Another request: Bug #260356 - Could some member of bug-control please set it to status triaged, importance low? I have reproduced the problem myself and submitted the issue upstream. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260356 in network-manager-applet "Wireless network key dialog: typing key and pressing enter does not connect" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260356 <asomething> Ampelbein: I think you are right... I set the importances and marked as triaged. thanks for linking upstream! <Ampelbein> thank you. <bcurtis> anyone alive in here? <Ampelbein> bcurtis: me ;-) <bcurtis> Ampelbein, thank you. Is there any way that traigers can set a bug as wishlist? <bcurtis> or just permissions issues u can't <Ampelbein> only members of bug-control can set wishlist <Ampelbein> you can post a request in here and someone will set it for you. <bcurtis> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vinagre/+bug/260747 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260747 in vinagre "Vinagre should support send/receive files" [Undecided,New] <bcurtis> wishlist <bcurtis> how am i faster than ubottu? <bcurtis> and that was just me scrounging through bugs <Ampelbein> bcurtis: i usually write something like "can some member of bug-control please set status blah on bug #12345" <ubottu> Launchpad bug 12345 in isdnutils "isdn does not work, fritz avm (pnp?)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12345 <Ampelbein> so when later on someone looks in the channel he can act upon it. <bcurtis> ohhhhh, ok <bcurtis> Can someone please set status "wishlist" on bug #260747 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260747 in vinagre "Vinagre should support send/receive files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260747 <bcurtis> ty :-) <Ampelbein> np <bdrung> bcurtis: done <bcurtis> bdrung: ty <bdrung> np <bdrung> easiest thing to do. <bcurtis> what gives you the permissions to do so? j/w <bdrung> bcurtis: you have to be member of ubuntu-bugcontrol <bcurtis> ahhh ok. <bcurtis> i've just recently started triaging bugs, so its all a new experience to me. <bdrung> if you like triaging and think you know how all these things work you can request to join <bcurtis> bdrung: the only thing i've done is take really old bugs and marked them for closure, and/or taken a package and tested the issue other users are having.. i've gone nowhere into the higher level triage.. i'd love to, but have no idea what to do and worry about being more of a nuisance than a benefit #ubuntu-bugs 2008-08-24 <hggdh> bcurtis, thank you for your help. You can follow the link on the chat topic for more information on what to do/how to triage <hggdh> bcurtis, this is a good start: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs <bcurtis> hggdh, thanks I have skimmed them, and i think for me it's just a matter of hands on and hope i don't screw things up too bad <bdrung> bcurtis: and if you are unsure, what to do: ask <emgent> hello <hggdh> emgent, hello <hggdh> bcurtis, this is correct: when in doubt, ask. We will answer <bcurtis> ok, so for bug 260754, appears to be a wishlist but doesn't have any package associated and seems kind of vague. just for experience.. whats the best way to handle it? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260754 in ubuntu "[Wishlist] scmpd packaged" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260754 <hggdh> heh <hggdh> this is actually a packaging request, but without the correct groups subscribed <hggdh> a suggestion, right now: do not touch it. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/KnowledgeBase <bcurtis> so in your shoes, you wouldn't touch it? <bdrung> bcurtis: a good help are the standard responses: without the correct groups sub <hggdh> specifically, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#Special%20types%20of%20bugs. I am still trying to find and document exactly what is expected to be done with any of the special bugs <hggdh> bcurtis, indeed, I would not touch it. Not until I was to be completely clear on how to proceed <hggdh> s/was/were <bcurtis> ok <hggdh> bcurtis, another good approach to learning is to fix oneself on a few packages (those you more easily identify yourself with), and gain experience there <bcurtis> ok <bdrung> bcurtis: and going to bug jams <bcurtis> bdrung: which are? <bdrung> bcurtis: where do you live? <bcurtis> bdrung: outside of Washington DC USA <hggdh> yes, a bug jam is usually a good place to learn: each of them usually have a good triager/maintainer local, answering questions and explaining procedures <bdrung> bcurtis: have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam . this was the global and recent <bcurtis> thank you all for your help <bdrung> i have edited bug #260754: modified title, added needs-packaging tag, checked if it is already in ubuntu or debian and then confirmed this bug. everyting beyond is something for motu <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260754 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] scmpd" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260754 <bcurtis> so if it isn't in either.. what do you then do? <bdrung> bcurtis: someone have to package it. if you are interested in packaging have a look at: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/ <bdrung> there are more resources about it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Lists/DocumentationResources <bcurtis> ok.. then if you find it.. its marked as invalid and a reason would be "already in "debian unstable" ...? <bdrung> yes <bcurtis> ok <bdrung> if it isn't in either you confirm the bug <bcurtis> and mark a "needs packaging" <bdrung> whit hyphen <bdrung> change the title to look like "[needs-packaging] program-name" <bcurtis> bdrung, hggdh, Thanks! <bdrung> np <bdrung> helping people to get involved is good <bdrung> bcurtis: do you heard about 5-a-day? <bcurtis> i think so.. take care of 5 bugs a day if you can <bdrung> bcurtis: and interested? <bcurtis> yeah, i try to get 5 bugs a day <bdrung> bcurtis: have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day/Reporting <bdrung> then you can see your result in http://daniel.holba.ch/5-a-day-stats/ <marnanel> Should I be able to write: bzr branch bzr+ssh://bzr-playground.gnome.org/fast-user-switch-applet/trunk/ bzr+ssh://bzr-playground.gnome.org/~tthurman/fast-user-switch-applet/awn/ ? It says that "...f-u-s-a/trunk/" is not a branch. <marnanel> oops <marnanel> wrong channel entirely * marnanel apologises. <james_w> hi marnanel, here is fine too <james_w> ah, no, sorry, it is the wrong channel, I assumed this was #bzr * marnanel grins <aliciapg> so yeah...i need help with my soundcard <aliciapg> and i'm getting no help <aliciapg> yeah <cacf3b2074> hi <aron_> hi <cacf3b2074> process nm-applet has a bug, how to report it <cacf3b2074> same question for x-session-manager, btw and how to find their description <afflux> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+filebug <afflux> cacf3b2074: see link above for nm-applet <cacf3b2074> afflux: but which application <cacf3b2074> oh right <cacf3b2074> how do you easly find this information? synaptic was not helpfull <afflux> cacf3b2074: what do you mean by "how to find their description"? <cacf3b2074> I want to find package name knowing the name of the process, sometimes its diffrent <afflux> cacf3b2074: "dpkg -S nm-applet", or, to be more specific: dpkg -S /usr/bin/nm-applet <aron_> first,check in launchpad if your bug has already commited,if not,commit <cacf3b2074> ok <afflux> cacf3b2074: note that launchpad records the bugs for source packages (which means, the names can differ from the actual packages you have installed) <aron_> yes <afflux> cacf3b2074: to find the source package for a binary package, you can use "apt-cache madison binary-package-name" <cacf3b2074> should flaws in philosophy that lead to sociall based attacks be reported as security issues, or just technical ones (like buffer overflow etc) <cacf3b2074> apt-cache madison x-session-manager shows nothing <afflux> cacf3b2074: x-session-manager is a link to a different program. You can check to what it points to by writing: readlink -f /usr/bin/x-session-manager <cacf3b2074> thanks, that worked afflux <cacf3b2074> bad planning of how gnome session works can force user to disclose his password. security vulnerability or not? <cacf3b2074> *disclose password to 3rd party <afflux> cacf3b2074: can you explain it a bit more please? <cacf3b2074> afflux: 1. leave office with locked desktop <cacf3b2074> 2. thunderstorm <cacf3b2074> 3. call office maintaince or co-worker to turn off coptuer.... whooops. <cacf3b2074> eith you have to give them own password, or ask them to force turn off (4 second on power key) but then FS corruption <afflux> cacf3b2074: to avoid FS corruption, use SysRQ keys (see google/wikipedia). Either you want security and noone can access the computer without a passwort, or you don't, and someone can do whatever he wants. <cacf3b2074> you can work around this by creating speciall user just for this purpose and giving password to that... but imho it would be better to add a Turn-Off option to the locked login screen instead <cacf3b2074> yes, I want noone to *access* my dekstop, but I want to allow to turn off the computer by anyone with phisical access. If anyone has phisical access then he always CAN turn off the compuer (plug out power) - so why not allow them to turn off the computer gracefully <cacf3b2074> *spelling <afflux> cacf3b2074: I'm not sure a bug is the right place to discuss this. Consider bringing this up at brainstorm.ubuntu.com or at the mailinglists <cacf3b2074> brainstorm is the place when people write down ideas, then vote for them, and finally - do nothing about them right?" <cacf3b2074> which ML ? <afflux> cacf3b2074: I'd guess ubuntu-devel-discuss, but I'm not sure there. <cacf3b2074> or perhaps it should be a blueprint? <cacf3b2074> I think overall that it ubuntu power-off desktop sucks, and it would be fixed by 1) making password locks to have option to shutdown (esp. for physical access) 2) power key pressed several times will always shut down <Ampelbein> hi! could some member of bug-control please have a look at bug 260761 ? i think it could be set to triaged. Regarding importance I would say its high, since networking is a very core component of ubuntu/linux. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260761 in linux "[ath5k] Atheros wireless chipset AR5212 is incorrectly identified as AR2414" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260761 <Ampelbein> Another one: Bug 259414 . I think this could also be set to triaged. regarding importance i'm undecided whether low or medium. i tend to medium. opinions? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 259414 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[eeepc, gm915gm] When I plug in external monitor to VGA the X desktop fails do display correctly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259414 <lifeless> 1;2c1;2c1;2c1;2c1;2c/win 18 <Ampelbein> ? <bdrung> lifeless: ??? <lifeless> confused terminal <bdrung> Ampelbein: bug #260761 should be marked as regression <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260761 in linux "[ath5k] Atheros wireless chipset AR5212 is incorrectly identified as AR2414" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260761 <Ampelbein> ok. will add the tag. <bdrung> because it works in hardy <Ampelbein> didn't think of that. thanks for the reminder. <bdrung> and high is right (-> A problem with an essential hardware component (disk controller, laptop built-in wireless, video card, keyboard, mouse) ) <bdrung> Ampelbein: does the wlan card not work or is only the card wrong detected? <bdrung> if it is only wrong named, its not high but low <Ampelbein> its only wrong detected. the card is working according to dmesg. <Ampelbein> but there may be some "special" functions and parameters not working since it is detected wrong. <Ampelbein> don't know, i'm too little a developer to judge this. <bdrung> "special" functions may be using the card as accesspoint point <bdrung> but if he can use the card to get an internet connection there is no need to set the importance to high <Ampelbein> ok, understood. so "low" would be correct? <bdrung> i have set it to low, if he reports any issues due to its wrong detections we can adjust the importance <bdrung> yes <Ampelbein> and should i add to the description explicitly that its working, just wrong detected? <Ampelbein> (i think yes) <bdrung> Ampelbein: yes <Ampelbein> bdrung: ok, thank you for your help. <bdrung> you're welcome <Rocket2DMn> can somebody please check if we can close bug 64324 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 64324 in usplash "usplash screen corrupted on old iBook" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64324 <Rocket2DMn> same with bug 161803 please <ubottu> Launchpad bug 161803 in starfighter "starfighter package missing libstdc++5 dependancy" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161803 <afflux> I wonder if this sentence is correct: "wondering *is* this still an issue for you" - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Old%20untouched%20bugs <Rocket2DMn> Can somebody with wireless debugging experience see bug 190144 and request any more information that is needed <ubottu> Launchpad bug 190144 in linux "Wireless connection lost during heavy network load." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190144 <chrisccoulson> Rocket2DMn, just looking at bug 190144 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 190144 in linux "Wireless connection lost during heavy network load." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190144 <Rocket2DMn> thanks chrisccoulson <chrisccoulson> you should probably initially ask the reporter to provide all the information as per the kernel teams bug policy (I see they've already added their dmesg output) <chrisccoulson> in addition, I'd get them to attach their kern.log and their syslog (which might contain some messages from networkmanager) <Rocket2DMn> yeah the thought had occurred to me, i was hoping somebody also knew of a specific driver package that it could be assigned to, but it doesnt seem like it <chrisccoulson> the kernel is probably the best place for now <Rocket2DMn> chrisccoulson, do you want to take the triage from where i left off? <chrisccoulson> Rocket2DMn, i'll leave it to you if you want ;) <chrisccoulson> i'll subscribe and have a look through their logs when they've provided the information <chrisccoulson> although i probably wouldn't be that much help! <Rocket2DMn> If you think you can folow through with it, then it's all yours. I've been going through and trying to close out old bugs. Most users never get back, then I handle those that do, but the workload is piling up <Rocket2DMn> I can still try and follow through though <chrisccoulson> i'll ask for the extra info on that bug report in a bit <chrisccoulson> just looking at bug 180743 as well actually <ubottu> Launchpad bug 180743 in ubuntu "crash notification pops up repeatedly" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180743 <Rocket2DMn> ok, thanks, i'm subscribed so i'll follow the progress <Rocket2DMn> I get the feeling that latter bug will just get closed <chrisccoulson> i can confirm that bug actually. i had a look through the code for apport and update-notifier a few weeks ago and i can see what is going on, but i never got round to posting my findings <chrisccoulson> and i'm not sure whether the bug should be update-notifier or apport (or both) <Rocket2DMn> well, which project code were you looking at exactly <Rocket2DMn> sounds like probably the notifier <chrisccoulson> the problem is that when files change in /var/crash, update-notifier calls apport-checkreports. This indicates that there are new reports if any files modified time is newer than their access time <chrisccoulson> the problem then is with the logic in update-notifier, which repeatedly displays the notification for system crash reports only <chrisccoulson> for user crash reports, it calls apport-gtk which pops up the dialog when the report is done <maco> you know you're looking at old bugs when they've got 5-digit bug numbers <chrisccoulson> update-notifier needs to wait until apport is done before it displays the notfication. apport currently takes out an exclusive lock on /var/crash/.lock when it is working, but i don't think there is any way of getting update-notifier to use this as a way of determining if apport is still running <crimsun> 260664 is definitely a popular one. <maco> yeah, seriously <maco> it seems more like "raise your hand if -21 *didn't* clobber your wifi" <maco> is bug 77435 more likely an OOo bug or an OpenBox bug? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 77435 in openoffice.org "openoffice menu menus pops up on right side of screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77435 <crimsun> that would be me - thanks for unsupported devices needing ndiswrapper. <pwnguin> maco: actually, i think my wifi works fine <maco> pwnguin: crimsun and i each marked a dupe of that bug in a 5 minute time span, that's why we're commenting on it <pwnguin> ah <maco> ours are working just fine...seeing as we're using the library's wifi right now <pwnguin> "we"? <maco> crimsun and i <maco> we're having our own little 2-person bug jam <pwnguin> heh <pwnguin> im at work, watching debconf videos ;) <maco> haha. im going through new/undecided bugs that show up in a search for "Edgy" and asking if the problem still exists so i can close them. <maco> done about 50 of those today, i think. we were doing this for a few hours last night in a cafe too. <maco> im counting last night's since it was after midnight :P <pwnguin> so when you do that, do you try to duplicate it on your own first? <maco> if its an app i have or hardware i have, but a lot of them are hardware bugs that i dont have the equipment to reproduce <maco> s/a lot/most/ <pwnguin> it might be handy to search for hardware you do have ;) <maco> oh yeah... <pwnguin> it'd generate less churn I think, but some people seem to think that's a goal <maco> i should also file 4 bugs i can think of off the top of my head <maco> well if they're edgy bugs, they might as well be closed. and if they're still open from then and reproducible, might as well get some more info on them. <maco> just sitting there being ignored doesn't really do any good <pwnguin> well sure. I'm just trying to thing of ways to improve the many eyes thing <pwnguin> by looking for stuff you have the hardware for, you reduce the number of round trips needed, and can get to fixing it that much faster ;) <pwnguin> obviously if you run out of such bugs, other low effort / low lying fruit are suitable <maco> the few bugs ive seen for my hardware (unlike crimsun i buy hardware because it is compatible...he's disappointed his sound card works properly because now he can't fix it) in launchpad...they seem to be "wontfix" <maco> there's one that is fixed upstream, kind of, but it'd require too much new stuff to get into intrepid <maco> but i guess i should file some bugs on my hardware <crimsun> it actually doesn't work correctly. All the fixes that are required are mundane, rote ones. <crimsun> it->conexant patch <maco> what doesn't work? <maco> oh your sound card <maco> yeah neither does mine, but you dont want to fix my audio bugs <maco> on either of the two laptops that have them <crimsun> no, I don't want to fix them /right now/. You'll get to the point where you understand how and why you need to fix what. <pwnguin> is crimsun training a replacement? <maco> how and why whom what? i want you to teach me how these drivers work so i can at least make an attempt at either fixing it or letting the magic blue smoke out of my speakers <maco> preferably the former <crimsun> maco: I can't force-feed an understanding of the audio stack in a short term. <maco> you havent taught me anything in like...a month <crimsun> maco: actually, you haven't been watching ;p <maco> you're on the other side of the table <crimsun> maco: and for two of those weeks, you were in .eu <crimsun> so ;p <maco> well yes, but... <maco> the teaching started on IRC and i had IRC there <crimsun> anyhoo, this is quickly outside the scope of this channel. <maco> yes <maco> pwnguin: i asked him at the hardy release party if he wanted an apprentice <pwnguin> which channel has "making audio work" as it's scope? <crimsun> you'd need to constrain "making audio work" a bit. <maco> pwnguin: you want crimsun's "utterly unofficial support" channel? <pwnguin> "unofficial"? <crimsun> (I don't head up ubuntu-audio any more, so anything I recommend can only be considered and not taken to be the line.) <maco> hey look there *is* a bug filed for my webcam, and there's a driver that's known to work for it. <pwnguin> see, it's already more rewarding :) <maco> it doesn't appear to need a new libusb like my other unsupported device. can it be nominated for inclusion in intrepid, then? <pwnguin> well anything can be nominated <pwnguin> and exceptions can always be made <maco> alright well its bug 215604 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 215604 in linux "Genesys Logic Webcam 05e3:0503 Not Working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/215604 <pwnguin> daniel drake again <maco> yes, he's responsible for both drivers that would bring my laptop up to nearly perfect support <pwnguin> fprint? <maco> his upeksonly driver for libfprint is the other one <maco> it requires a *way* newer libusb though <pwnguin> does thinkfinger not work? <maco> no <maco> this is a upek touchstrip sensor-only reader <pwnguin> fun <maco> as opposed to the upek touchstrip that processes the image internally <maco> which is also different from the thinkfinger one <pwnguin> what <pwnguin> no <maco> there are at least 5 drivers in libfprint now <pwnguin> yea <pwnguin> i have Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0483:2016 SGS Thomson Microelectronics Fingerprint Reader <pwnguin> been working since feisty <pwnguin> via thinkfinger <pwnguin> but yes, there are newer and unsupported devices <maco> http://reactivated.net/fprint/wiki/Driver_ID_assignments <maco> the driver i need was committed in july and requires libusb 0.9 which crimsun says is wayyy too new for intrepid <maco> apparently there are 9 now <pwnguin> the touchstrip that processes internally is the thinkfinger one <pwnguin> afaik <maco> oh ok <maco> theres that upektc and upekts idk which is which <pwnguin> our sysadmin and I have had fingerprint readers in laptops for a while, so i stole the debian fingerforce teams' thinkfinger package for our use <maco> gotcha <pwnguin> i should probably test out fprint on intrepid... <pwnguin> maco: given that we're transitioning to .27 it seems, you might be able to get gl860 in intrepid too <pwnguin> maco: do you know how to triage kernel bugs? <maco> no <maco> not really <pwnguin> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeamBugPolicies <maco> i need to upgrade to intrepid soonish <pwnguin> yea <maco> i said yesterday that my relative lack of bugs is what's keeping me from being to anxious about upgrading, but if there's hope of the bugs i wasnt expecting a fix on being fixed... <pwnguin> have you considered dual booting? <pwnguin> intrepid doens't have to be an either or situation <maco> last time i did that, well...i like to share my /home partition, and then they fight and then lack of backwards compatibility makes the old version unable to understand my /home directory anyway, so i dont bother with dual booting stable/unstable anymore <pwnguin> i seem to get by okay <maco> i just havent really gotten around to upgrading. itd be easier if i had stable enough wifi to get an iso or to be sure i wouldnt drop in the middle of downloading the updates <pwnguin> the only bug ive found is that update-manager announces ubuntu+1 when running stable <maco> seeing as i'm in need of a pringle cantenna like xkcd has... <Ampelbein> Hi! Could some member of bug-control please check on bug 260941 ? I think it could be set to status triaged, low importance. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 260941 in pidgin "pidgin pastes url twice when dragged from firefox3 to pidgin send box" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260941 <hggdh> Ampelbein, I set it to traiged/Low. Thank you (and, hopefully, you will be able to do same by yourself soon) <Ampelbein> ;-) Thanks. <dupondje> somebody any id if there are some probs with Intrepid atm ? cause when I'm logged in into gnome, I don't get a login sound, no icons, no panel :( <Ampelbein> dupondje: works for me. but you could check in #ubuntu+1 <dupondje> its death there :p <dupondje> its kinda strange :s <hggdh> dupondje, you can check ~/.xsession-errors for messages <dupondje> ofc <dupondje> lotsa messages :) <hggdh> yay... now to filter what might be a real error from simple debug messages ;-) <dupondje> it cleans file after a gdm restart ? <dupondje> cause now I got it fixxed by changing the default session @ logon ... <dupondje> dunno what caused it :s <bdrung> how to gather information on kernel bug while shutdown? <hggdh> dupondje, .xsession-errors is recreated every login #ubuntu-bugs 2009-08-17 <micahg> yvan300: was hggdh able to help you? <micahg> hggdh: what happened with the bug before? <yvan300> micahg, more or less <micahg> yvan300: I see the bug hasn't changed :) <yvan300> micahg, yup <micahg> ping hggdh <hggdh> micahg, pong * hggdh goes walking the dogs <micahg> hggdh: let me know when you are back <hggdh> micahg, I am back <micahg> hi <hggdh> hi <micahg> was wondering if we missed anything with that guy trying to learn triage <hggdh> I think we missed a lot <hggdh> he was interested in *solving* bugs, not on triage <micahg> ah <hggdh> and did not get, I think, that you cannot solve what you do not understand <micahg> indeed, I would see learning triage akin to learnin ghte basics <micahg> also, what did you think of my addition to the meeting agenda <hggdh> well, yes, up to a point. But there is this huge stigma on triaging: this is what you do when you are starting <micahg> why is that bad? <hggdh> on the agenda: I liked the inclusion, this been happening frequently enough to warrant a discussion <hggdh> it is bad because it gives out the impression that once you *know* what to do, there is no more need to triage <micahg> ah, that is bad * micahg always saw it as a learning experience you build on <hggdh> yes indeed. This is why I try to stress that you cannot solve a problem without understanding *what* is the problem, *where* is the problem, and *why* it is a problem <micahg> I didn't contradict that before, did I <hggdh> no, you did not <micahg> was my browser lesson too much? <hggdh> it was in the right direction, but his attention span was very short ;-) <hggdh> we should also try to make the channel topic more visible (I do not know how, though). But... sometimes I feel nobody ever read it. * micahg would love someone to mentor for FF busg <micahg> *bugs <micahg> then I could go after the backlog <micahg> hggdh: what do you think of a follow feature like on bugzilla for LP? <grepory> FF bugs? <micahg> grepory: Firefox <grepory> ohhhhh <grepory> i was thinking about going after firefox bugs. <micahg> ok <grepory> the ability to follow other users can come in really handy... especially in a mentor-mentee relationship. <micahg> grepory: what timezone ar eyou in? <grepory> micahg: CST <grepory> you? <micahg> grepory: exactly <micahg> grepory: CDT :) <grepory> UTC-5? i think <grepory> cool <hggdh> micahg, what do you mean? <hggdh> ah <hggdh> wait <micahg> hggdh: on bugzilla you can select someone to follow their comments <micahg> i.e. receive copies <grepory> every e-mail that BZ e-mails them, you receive. <hggdh> heh. Yes. Extremely nice <hggdh> yes, Andre followed me for a while when I started there <hggdh> worth a LP bug on Launchpad <hggdh> this would come really handy when mentoring folks * micahg is filing * hggdh waits :-) <micahg> bug 414627 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 414627 in malone "allow users to select another user to follow/watch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/414627 <hggdh> I really want to confirm it :-( <micahg> LP admins told me just to subscribe :) * micahg asked about that yesterday <micahg> they must have different polocies <micahg> *policies <hggdh> that is not an answer, since you do not know where the monitored person went <micahg> no <hggdh> bah I am going to confirm <micahg> not for the bug <micahg> about confirming LP bugs <greg-g> don't confirm LP bugs? <hggdh> too late <hggdh> :-) <mpontillo> couldn't you subscribe to their feed in an RSS reader? ex. http://feeds.launchpad.net/~micahg/latest-bugs.atom <greg-g> are we no qualified to confirm them? :) <greg-g> s/no/not/ <hggdh> I will let them complain with me. A bug is a bug is a bug <hggdh> greg-g yes, this is the point <hggdh> on the other hand, it is a different project, so... different rules <micahg> mpontillo: that just shows you which bugs <micahg> not what they saId/did <greg-g> hggdh: right <mpontillo> ah, I see. I suppose a more complete feed would be nice. <micahg> mpontillo: that requires 2 methods for bug watching <micahg> it would be easier to all be in the same system <micahg> even better with a header that you can filter into a mentee folder <micahg> ooh <micahg> I'll add that to the bug request <mpontillo> yeah, it's a good idea. I guess I just prefer RSS feeds for this kind of thing - the e-mail can get overwhelming and it can be annoying to cover all the corner cases when filtering * micahg keeps adding to the meeting agenda list <hggdh> mpontillo, it is a different usage: we would be monitoring a, er, trainee on triaging, not just receiving bug notifications <hggdh> but I can see this also being done via a RSS <hggdh> Now, to sleep. g'night, all y'all <mpontillo> if it was going to be e-mail, it would be nice to set up an alternate address for easy filtering. so I could send things to mygmailaccount+mentee@gmail.com and be able to filter on that <mpontillo> night <hggdh> mpontillo, good idea. Please add it in the bug <mpontillo> will do <mpontillo> bug 414627 updated <ubot4> Launchpad bug 414627 in malone "allow users to select another user to follow/watch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/414627 <micahg> night hggdh <grepory> mpontillo: that would be really, really nice. <grepory> that was one problem i had w/ the follow feature of BZ. it was nigh impossible to filter all of the extraneous e-mails in a useful way. <grepory> it's just too simplistic. <mpontillo> yeah - thinking about it, it'd be a rather large change to launchpad. you probably wouldn't want to rely 100% on the "+<alt-addr>" gmail feature, though you could include knowledge of it. so you'd need a general way to register additional e-mail addresses <mpontillo> if done right, you'd be able to use the alternate email addresses anywhere in launchpad, for whatever you wanted <grepory> well, i think it's just A Big Pain to do anything other than a simplistic CC action when you're following someone. <grepory> which is why BZ's implementation is just that. <micahg> grepory: LP is different in that it already has some logic built into its e-mails <mpontillo> I like the way Stack Overflow does per-user feeds: they pretty much include everything the user ever does: ex. http://stackoverflow.com/feeds/user/1 -- that's what I was thinking of when I mentioned RSS <grepory> mmmmm... <grepory> now _that_ would be slick. <grepory> instead of following the person, you can just add their feed to your aggregator. <grepory> micahg: i've been really pleased with LP's e-mail handling. very intuitive. <mpontillo> I would say that the way LP handles email is better than any other bug tracker I've ever used. but I still have a hard time doing filtering. I want to differentiate between bugs I'm working on, bugs I'm subscribed to, packages I'm subscribed to, bugs I'm subscribed to indirectly... <grepory> well <grepory> you could always filter on the X-Launchpad-Bug-Commenters or X-Launchpad-Message-Rationale headers <grepory> that's a start, at least. <mpontillo> yeah - maybe I've just not spent enough time tweaking the filters... and I use a gmail account so I'm not sure if it can filter on those natively <grepory> let me try <grepory> i use goog too <mpontillo> I saw a sourcepackage=<pkg> in the header but the searching was highlighting text in the body - not sure if it got it <grepory> yeah... the filters aren't that robust. <grepory> this is yet another reason why i'm considering going back to fetchmail+procmail. <mpontillo> indeed. <grepory> does anyone have clean vmware images for 8.04, 9.04 or 9.10? i just found the vmware images for 5, 6, and 7 <micahg> ping grepory <micahg> grepory: ? <grepory> yar <micahg> you're familiar with Firefox, right? <grepory> yeah <micahg> ok bug 414417 <grepory> i like to think so, at least. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 414417 in firefox-3.0 "cant update current mozilla browser, current version 3.0.13 / "check for updates" not clickable." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/414417 <micahg> let's discuss what you want to do to this <grepory> ok <grepory> so they're talking about Help -> Check for updates <micahg> right <grepory> which, if i had to guess, has been disabled, because we want them to update it via aptitude or the update manager <micahg> correct :) <grepory> so this is an invalid bug <grepory> but <grepory> we want to give the user some helpful info <micahg> well <micahg> what is the user trying to do <grepory> oh wait <grepory> heh <grepory> update to 3.0.13 <grepory> which is already installed. <micahg> so they can't be trying to do that <grepory> no <grepory> but that's what it seems like they are trying to do <grepory> ask for clarification? <micahg> here's the piece you might be missing <micahg> firefox just pushed 3.5.2 to users of 3.0.13 on windows <grepory> ahhh <micahg> so, now what do you think? <grepory> well.. i could tell them that they're running the current version of the firefox-3.0 package, which they have installed.. but if they are trying to upgrade to the latest version (3.5.2), then they could install the firefox-3.5 package <grepory> or i could just ask what version they would like to be running <micahg> yes, but they just need help, right <grepory> oh <grepory> ! <grepory> convert to a question? <micahg> Yep :) <micahg> esxactly <grepory> i keep forgetting about that option. <micahg> let me show you a nice page you can reply to the question to <micahg> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion <micahg> you have the stock response for convert to question? <grepory> yar. <micahg> go for it :) <micahg> great <micahg> now, if you want, you can answer the question <grepory> i think i will! <grepory> woot <micahg> grepory: that was an awesome answer <micahg> great job <micahg> see, easy bug :) <grepory> totes. <micahg> you wanna go find one to triage now? <grepory> sure <grepory> look for the new+unconfirmed bugs, right? <grepory> errr undecided <micahg> yeah or you can go to a package and click new bugs <grepory> there sure are a lot of bugs involving flash. <grepory> well, i guess rather than cherry-picking easy-looking bugs.. i'll just start at the top. <grepory> bug 414532 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 414532 in firefox-3.0 "firefox need to reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/414532 <micahg> grepory: it's ok to cherry pick <grepory> heh. well i wasn't having much luck <micahg> grepory: ok, what do you want to do with that one? <grepory> well.. we don't have enough information to reproduce. <micahg> right...there are a few bugs like this <grepory> so send the needs more info canned response and set it to incomplete? <micahg> well, are there any other similar bugs <grepory> hmmm <micahg> you probably won't find one, so I'll give it to you...bug 413177 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 413177 in firefox "firefox tells me to restart my system" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/413177 <micahg> still waiting on a response <grepory> maybe i should do a simple search for "firefox restart" <grepory> lag <micahg> that's a good idea <micahg> also, take a look at the ubufox package <grepory> ok <micahg> as that prompts the user to restart firefox <micahg> in teh browser <micahg> not by notification <micahg> but not sure if that's the problem <grepory> hmm... 413177 certainly sounds like the same kind of issue <grepory> okay so the the report in 414532 has ubufox installed <grepory> it would be nice if we knew if 413177 had it installed too <grepory> and judging by a quick search in the ubufox package, it does prompt people for restarts <grepory> so maybe ubufox is updating stuff? or it's a bug w/ ubufox? <micahg> grepory: any ideas <micahg> oops <micahg> missed your correspondence <micahg> ok, so ubufox checks to see if an updated firefox and if so, prompts the user to restart <micahg> if the bug is being prompted in the browser, problem is ubufox <grepory> *nod* <grepory> so really, needs more info <micahg> if the problem is with the notification that firefox has been updated and you should restart your browser (i.e. system notification) then the problem could be elsewhere <micahg> yes <micahg> so, we need to know if the notification is in the browser or a system notification * grepory nods <micahg> also, make sure you subscribe so that you know when the user responds * grepory nods <micahg> you're doing great <grepory> So respond with something like <grepory> Thanks for your report ... We need more information to continue ... Does the notification to restart Firefox come from Ubuntu via the update manager or is it a message window coming from the browser? <grepory> s/message window/error message? <micahg> it's not an error message <micahg> you know the bar you get when you're asked to save a password <grepory> yeah <grepory> ohhhh! <grepory> that <grepory> yeah <micahg> well, it's like that, except it says please restart firefox or something to that extent <grepory> that's what ubufox presents? <grepory> ok <micahg> yeah <grepory> so ... "Does the notification appear in the Firefox window itself or does it appear to be a notification from the operating system?" <micahg> that sounds better <grepory> s/the operating system/ubuntu .. maybe. <micahg> system tray? <grepory> that works. <micahg> if you want to show a whole response before you post, you can use pastebin.ubuntu.com <grepory> sounds good <grepory> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/254368/ <grepory> well that rendered awkwardly. <micahg> yeah, that's the way it normally does it <micahg> but it looks good <grepory> cool beans. <micahg> can you subscribe me ask well <micahg> *as <grepory> sure <grepory> done <grepory> ahh.. i like lp so much. <micahg> grepory: great job <grepory> thanks! <grepory> i appreciate the help. <jmarsden> To wrap the text you can pipe it through par, so whatever |par |pastebinit <grepory> or pastebin could wrap things sensically for me ;) but thanks. just installed it. <jmarsden> grepory: The problem with askig pastebinit to be 'sensible' is that then it messes up code snippets that should not be wrapped, etc. <grepory> jmarsden: fair enough... fair enough. par is easy. :) <grepory> micahg: okay. i'm being conscripted for some st: voyager and then it's bedtime. we should do this again. <micahg> sure <micahg> later this week? <grepory> surely. i might try to do a couple before then, but definitely.. maybe tuesday or thursday evening.. around the same time. * micahg is on most of the day <grepory> nini bugs. <mac_v> anyone know how to edit the lp-improvements scripts? <dholbach> good morning <mac_v> hi... does anyone know how to edit the lp-improvements scripts? <Spee_Der> Good morning.... .. <bddebian> Boo <pedro_> buu! <hggdh> baa? <alourie|work> hello <alourie|work> I'm trying to use launchpad greasemonkey scripts. How should canned answers work? <mac_v> hi... does anyone know how to edit the lp-improvements scripts? <micahg> mac_v: why would you do that? <micahg> you can edit the responses <mac_v> micahg: i want to edit the colors and remove items in the scripts i dont want <micahg> hmm <micahg> how about addon preferences <mac_v> i cant find the .js file :( <mac_v> the addon prefs , only allow to enable and disable <micahg> well, then enable and disable parts of the scripts <micahg> why would you want to remove responses or tags? <micahg> *they <mac_v> i'v got a crazy setup and the colors collide with scriptsand make it unreadable , hence i had edited the scripts accordingly <mac_v> micahg: where does an extension if installed via synaptic get installed? <micahg> mac_v ask dpkg :) <micahg> dpkg -L pkgname <mac_v> oh ;) <mac_v> micahg: hehe , i thought it be easier from the firefox expert ;p <mac_v> would be* * micahg isn't the expert... <bullgard4> Does apport call gdb? <hggdh> apport-retrace does <hggdh> apport-retrace -g <crashfile> <BUGabundo> hi <mac_v> could some one look into this? Bug #413163 , apport removes all attachments , how can we add the crash reports? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 413163 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with signal 5 in xkl_process_error()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/413163 <BUGabundo> knonw <BUGabundo> it won't add more dups attachs <BUGabundo> kinda a mist of feature/bug <mac_v> BUGabundo: it just removed from the main bug , i still have my crash reports but it is a dup , could i add it there? <chrisccoulson> mac_v - apport-unpack /path/to/crash/report . <chrisccoulson> then attach the stacktrace <chrisccoulson> that doesn't matter though, the stacktrace submitted by apport is useless anyway <mac_v> chrisccoulson: so , what can we do? <mac_v> i mean i <BUGabundo> hey chrisccoulson. nice to see you <chrisccoulson> run gnome-settings-daemon in GDB with the "--sync" and "--no-daemon" options, break on gdk_x_error and get a backtrace that way <chrisccoulson> hi BUGabundo <chrisccoulson> IMO, apport shouldn't be duping these anyway. even the ones with similar backtraces might be different bugs, due to the asynchronous nature of X <mac_v> chrisccoulson: but the crash is random ,happened only once for me :( <chrisccoulson> mac_v - i appreciate that :) <hggdh> so I guess this is worth a bug on apport... <chrisccoulson> but it doesn't make the apport submitted crash reports any more helpful;) <mac_v> hehe ;p <BUGabundo> hggdh: AFAIK already is <chrisccoulson> mac_v - i wrote quite a long comment on bug 321041 with some instructions for debugging these X error crashes in g-s-d <ubot4> Launchpad bug 321041 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with signal 5 in xkl_process_error()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/321041 <BUGabundo> and was closed by pitti * mac_v checks <hggdh> oh, OK, then, BUGabundo <BUGabundo> but we could re-raise the concerns <chrisccoulson> mac_v - it might be worth copying the instructions across to the new bug report (i would do it, but i haven't had a proper look at the new report yet, and I'm about to go and grab some dinner) <chrisccoulson> these X errors really are a pain to debug, and they're the cause of many duplicates right now:( <mac_v> i'll read through and copy-paste it :) <chrisccoulson> mac_v - thanks:) <chrisccoulson> FWIW - i've been seeing some similar g-s-d crashes on login too, but i can never catch them at the right moment;) <chrisccoulson> mac_v - your string of duplicates has the same trace as the string that i already commented on ;) <chrisccoulson> (although that doesn't necessarily mean they're the same error yet) <mac_v> yeah , just noticed <chrisccoulson> mac_v - it's a lot of effort to undupe / dupe them in to one thread. i'd be tempted to set one thread as invalid and leave a comment pointing to the other one <chrisccoulson> the subscribers will all see that then <chrisccoulson> (unless someone is offering to merge them all ;)) <mac_v> nice idea ;) <hggdh> there is karma for the hero * micahg has done that before <mac_v> micahg: i found the scripts and edited them \o/ <bdmurray> I think I found a bug in openoffice.org but wanted to double check before reporting it. ;-) average() and a range of cells in calc is returning something odd for me <thekorn_> bdmurray, not sure what youu mean, but something like =AVERAGE(A1:A6) is working fine for me <bdmurray> thekorn_: thanks! it looks like I had some poorly formatted data in my cells <BUGabundo> bdmurray: like numbers as text? <bdmurray> there was a leading single quote before the number that was not easily visible in the spreadsheet <BUGabundo> yeah <BUGabundo> that's a *feature* <BUGabundo> it forces cells to keep data the way it is <bdmurray> how's that? this seems quite odd <BUGabundo> no <BUGabundo> bdmurray: it as been like that since works for DOS :) <BUGabundo> every spreadsheet does it <micahg1> bdmurray: did I add too many agenda items to the meeting list? <bdmurray> micahg: I don't think so <micahg> ok <micahg> ping hggdh <hggdh> pong micahg <hggdh> brb -- re-logging in <micahg> hi <hggdh> micahg, re-pong <micahg> so, you can follow users now if you are subscribed to the package they are triaging <hggdh> I really do not know why I keep trying fglrx :-( <micahg> hggdh: fglrx worked for me for awhile <hggdh> so it did for me. Then it only works well to lock my laptop <hggdh> micahg, yes, you can follow them if you subscribe to the package. The problems are (1) you follow everybody else; (2) you only follow the user on bugs (not on answers) <hggdh> one can also follow an user by subscribing to -bugs. But this is not sane <bdmurray> what was the question? <micahg> hggdh: no, you can filter who you want to follow into a folder and the rest into the trash <hggdh> bdmurray, this was bug... <micahg> bdmurray: bug 414627 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 414627 in malone "allow users to select another user to follow/watch" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/414627 <hggdh> thanks micahg <hggdh> micahg, I agree you can filter. The point is you would have to subscribe to -bugs, since you do not know a priori which packages the user is going to work on <micahg> hggdh: well, part of my thing is to get new triagers to focus <micahg> but you're right, it's not good in all cases <micahg> but LP rejected the bug so what can I do <hggdh> I think that a starting triager does not know enough to fix on one package. I did wander around, for example <bdmurray> you could use https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~micahg/+commentedbugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no <micahg> hggdh: you just did what you said not to do last night :) <bdmurray> basically watching the user's commented bug reports <micahg> bdmurray: yes, but it's easier if it comes in my e-mail <hggdh> bdmurray, indeed, this is something we can use <bdmurray> granted activity won't show up if they don't comment <micahg> and I can simply see whether or not they did a good job <bdmurray> there's also an rss feed for that fwiw <micahg> bdmurray: yep, someone else mentioned that <micahg> but again, you just see a summary * hggdh looks for it now :-) <micahg> vs what they actually wrote (which is what counts) <mac_v> have i reported this in the wrong section ? Bug #404861 should it be in lp bugs? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 404861 in launchpad-foundations ""This bug affects me too" needs a ticker" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/404861 <micahg> mac_v: malone is the bug project <mac_v> malone ... hmm... didnt know , * mac_v changing <Flare183> Are there any GUI applications that I can use to triage bugs, instead of using the command line? <BUGabundo> Flare183: CLI FTW dude ! :) <Flare183> BUGabundo: haha I know, just I get kinda disorganized when I've got like 5 tabs on gnome-terminal. <BUGabundo> 5?? <BUGabundo> that's nothing <BUGabundo> at work I manage to have 3 gnome terminals with 6-10 tabs <BUGabundo> connected to several servers heeh <Flare183> Yeah, well its different for me. #ubuntu-bugs 2009-08-18 <BUGabundo> going to bed. bye <Flare183> ok <bcurtiswx> after this im going to quit IRC on Empathy having this channel as my favorite.. when i come back I want to know if i quit or not <bcurtiswx> back... any change? <hggdh> from what? <hggdh> :-) <hggdh> join/part were hidden here. If you want to try again, I have them visible now <Pici> It said you left, not quit. <bcurtiswx> ok, thanks :-) <bcurtiswx> another feature I think people will want in Empathy <djdarkman_> hello, my upgrade from jaunty to karmic broke my webcam(driver), how do I report this bug? <dholbach> good morning <slicer> Hi. Bug 412873 is a duplicate of bug 407848. I have access to the first, but not the latter, so I can't update the status of the bug. <ubot4> slicer: Bug 412873 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/412873 is private <ubot4> slicer: Bug 407848 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/407848 is private <slicer> .. and the log for the one I can see has a log entry that says 'visibility: private -> public', why is ubot4 saying it's private? <kaddi> Hi, I'm trying to collect some info on the intel freezes, but I need some help as the instructions I found are for ubuntu and not kubuntu: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-freeze-test <kaddi> in step 7 it says to copy sudo cp /var/log/gdm/\:0.log dri_debug/gdm.log, but I have no folder gdm or kdm and the kdm.log in /var/log is over 1Gb.. should I just leave that step out or do you need some specific information from kdm.log? <StoB> kaddi: maybe you could rename your kdm.log, do the steps and attach the new kdm.log? <kaddi> StoB I will do that.. but I mostly get random freezes, I can not provoke freezes on the 2.6.28-14 kernel, so the kdm.log might still get very big <kaddi> which I was planning on reporting <StoB> kaddi: It says "REQUIRES: 2.6.30-rc2 kernel or later." on this page <kaddi> lol, true. Ok, I'll stick to the newer kernel then. Any advice on what would be useful for freezes on the standard jaunty kernel. Anything that would not get collected by ubuntu-bug and should be added in? <StoB> kaddi: I don't know. <kaddi> ok, I'll see what I can do :) <StoB> In a bug report, what does "[SRU]" stand for? <Pici> Stable Release Update <Pici> !sru <ubot4> Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates <StoB> Pici: Thanks. <StoB> Bug #253465 "[SRU] daemontools-run needs to work with upstart" prevents successful installation of daemontools-run. The problem is known at leasts since June 30th, 2008. What can be done to get it fixed faster? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 253465 in daemontools "[SRU] daemontools-run needs to work with upstart" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/253465 <bddebian> Boo <kaddi> hmm, I'm new to this whole bug reporting thing. I reported a bug against the xserver-xorg-video-intel package yesterday (at least that's what I was trying to do) and I can't find it in the list of bugs affecting it. Do bugs need to be triaged before they are assigned to a package, or did I do something wrong? <virtuald> log in to launchpad and click on your name then bugs <kaddi> yes <thekorn> bddebian, are you ok? 9 minutes from join to the daily 'Boo' is a loong time ;) <kaddi> virtuald the bug is there, it is just not listed in the bugs affecting xserver-xorg-video-intel, which made me wonder if I missed a step somewhere <bddebian> thekorn: No, I'm never OK :) <thekorn> haha, ok, this explains a lot <virtuald> kaddi: you didn't give me/us your link <kaddi> ah sorry, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/415132 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 415132 in ubuntu "GM965/GL960 intel freeze with kde desktop effects" [Undecided,New] <StoB> I'm new to the bug reporting process. I have marked several bug reports as duplicates to #253465. Should I add add a message like in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/daemontools/+bug/308028/comments/2 to those bug reports? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 308028 in daemontools "package daemontools-run 1:0.76-3 failed to install/upgrade: (dup-of: 253465)" [Undecided,Confirmed] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 253465 in daemontools "[SRU] daemontools-run needs to work with upstart" [Medium,Confirmed] <hggdh> StoB, yes, you should always add a comment like in 308028. You can review a series of standard replies at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses <hggdh> StoB, in fact, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/KnowledgeBase is a good reference to keep <StoB> hggdh: Thank you. <hggdh> StoB, you are welcome. Thank you for helping. <micahg> hggdh: I might be a little late to the meeting <hggdh> micahg, no prob. I will talk -- if needed -- on your entries <micahg> thanks :) <andresmujica1> hi everyone.. 20 mins for Bugsquad meeting (it would be held at this channel) <hggdh> BONG BONG BONG <bdmurray> heh * grepory dances <hggdh> (this is the bell) <pedro_> hi folks * andresmujica1 waves <andresmujica1> :) <andresmujica1> ok, let's check what do we got <andresmujica1> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Meeting <thekorn> hi bugsquad! <andresmujica1> there are some topics proposed and some items in the agenda... * andresmujica1 waves thekorn <andresmujica1> Triaging versus Bug Fixing/Closing in Karmic (anyone knows more about this topic? i don't recall whom proposed it) <bdmurray> Nor do I <pedro_> well.. that's something we talked about UDS with the desktop team <pedro_> they're going to spend more time doing bug fixing rather than triaging for the current cycle <pedro_> but i don't know who added that to the bugsquad meeting agenda, probably got confused by the title <hggdh> so, if I understand it right, the desktop team will need more help on triaging <pedro_> as always, yes ;-) <andresmujica1> something that concerns me is that the biggest triaging effort is mostly done by the devs themselves... how can we help them more? <bdmurray> I think trying to recreate bugs, documenting test cases, and forwarding upstream are all a big help. <andresmujica1> ok... so ? <matti> :) <bdmurray> I think we should move to the next item since there doesn't seem to be much to discuss here <andresmujica1> ok. in the proposed topics we've got <andresmujica1> Tasks to do for the team <andresmujica1> from previous meetings we've discussed some ideas, <andresmujica1> the bug triaging classroom session for the Global Ubuntu Jam, we're looking for someone that can give the session. <andresmujica1> and the wiki page with the most important bugs per cycle <bdmurray> At one point in time we had a todo list at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/TODO <bdmurray> Perhaps we should revive that? <hggdh> sounds like a good idea <andresmujica1> yeap, definitely. <pedro_> yeap, would be good for keeping track of the tasks <pedro_> to know who is doing what <bdmurray> However, people have to actively monitor the wiki page <hggdh> which, I guess, comes smack on -control duties <bdmurray> Maybe sending monthly reminders of what's on it would be good? <andresmujica1> we can subscribe to the page <hggdh> also, but the reminders help * hggdh had already forgotten about this page <pedro_> perhaps with the bugsquad meeting report? ;-) <andresmujica1> ok, i'm offering to update the TODO list with the tasks that have been talked within this meetings, and yes, it can be sen with the report too <andresmujica1> sent <pedro_> person: No such object "https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~pvillavi". <- grgr love you lp <andresmujica1> ok. <andresmujica1> now: New bug-stuff to look forward to -- bcurtiswx <andresmujica1> not here... <andresmujica1> i was wondering about package-hooks , where can i find a list of the ones that are being worked on ?? <bdmurray> andresmujica1: what do you mean by being worked on? <andresmujica1> there's a TAG or someting at LP ? <bdmurray> The only one I know of being worked on is evolution atm <andresmujica1> i mean, i want to make an apport-hook but if someone already is working on it it would be better to find a different one.. <bdmurray> I don't think that many people are working on them, so I'd just have at it <andresmujica1> ok. the standard procedure is to make the bug report and ping piti, right? <bdmurray> ping me actually <andresmujica1> ok <bdmurray> I'll chase getting them incorporated / uploaded <pedro_> that reminds me that i need to open some bug reports about the ones i wrote during the sprint <bdmurray> pedro_: yes, that'd be great! <andresmujica1> Policy of what to do when bugsquad members need help but don't ask -- micahg <hggdh> and -- more importantly -- do not follow the rules <pedro_> send them an email explaining why what they did is wrong? include a link to our documentation and offering help if they have a question? <bdmurray> One issue here might be that the Bug Squad is an open team so there is no commitment to follow the rules <andresmujica1> They aren't using stock responses (and the replies aren't even close) <andresmujica1> Changing status with no reply <andresmujica1> Reply without specifying next step (i.e. what the reporter needs to do) <pedro_> i tend to do that most of the times <hggdh> heh <pedro_> " Changing status with no reply" < - i hate this <bdmurray> I try to do what pedro recommends <pedro_> everytime you do that, a kitten die <hggdh> OMG, we are running out of kittens! <bdmurray> That's what I added the contact user hyperlink into lp_karma_suffix <bdmurray> The idea being you'd see something inappropriate and contact them directly <bdmurray> However, I think it is important to verify that the person is in fact a member of bug squad <hggdh> so. I suggest -control starts contacting -- in a nice way -- the -squad member that are doing that, as we find them <hggdh> s/member/&s/ <andresmujica1> what happened with the discussion about making bug squad a closed team, with some minimal requirements to join? <bdmurray> That needs to be discussed on the mailing list, particularly what to do with existing members <bdmurray> Do we just wipe out the team and start over or ...? <hggdh> best would be to keep on with the existing members, and add an expiry <hggdh> and request an acceptance of the (new) rules <andresmujica1> if you don't touch a bug for 3 months set a 30 days expiration .. <pedro_> andresmujica1, that'd be tricky to do <bdmurray> Adding an expiration for all members would be easy though <hggdh> of course, this will also add on overhead for the bug-meisters <hggdh> since only them (looking at Brian, directly) can do it <bdmurray> hggdh: for managing the team? I've written some launchpadlib scripts for managing teams so its not so bad <bdmurray> Way better than it used to be! * hggdh retracts the observation ;-) <pedro_> There are 2046 direct members of the "Ubuntu BugSquad" team <- wow <andresmujica1> how many bugsquad members are actively triaging ? is it possible to now? <bdmurray> andresmujica1: yes, but its somewhat hard <hggdh> So. We intend to make -squad closed; -sqaud member should follow the rules, including subscribing to the ML <andresmujica1> i would agree with that. Even with a general expiration after some ML messages explaining why... <bdmurray> and what it means to be a member of the bugsquad <hggdh> +1 <pedro_> I'm agreed with that <hggdh> any other vote? Otherwise we are agreed, and move on <andresmujica1> ok <andresmujica1> so <andresmujica1> Mentoring BugSquad members -- related to bug 414627 (malone) -- micahg <ubot4> Launchpad bug 414627 in malone "allow users to select another user to follow/watch" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/414627 <micahg> so, I was thinking to make mentoring a more official feature of bug control <hggdh> this is something MIcah and I discussed: would help a lot on following new -squads, or proposed -controls <pedro_> I'd *love* to have that on launchpad, it helps quite a lot on Gnome Bugzilla <micahg> yeah, that feature would be nice <pedro_> and would be perfect for the mentoring program we're trying to build <hggdh> pedro_, exactly the same point I raised with Micah <micahg> but I realized that it's possible to a point right now <micahg> if you're subscribed to the package in questions, you can filter by commentor <bdmurray> It's not big brother-ish? <micahg> bdmurray: maybe it should be limited to admins <hggdh> bdmurray, it may deteriorate to BB, without control <micahg> and no, there's nothing private about non-private bugs are there? <bdmurray> It implies that I don't trust you and need to watch your every move <hggdh> it does. This is the point <micahg> bdmurray: well, not trust is different than training I woudl think <micahg> why is this different than a seasonsed person standing over another while training? <andresmujica1> hmm, i'd see it the other way around.. i want to follow the example from someone else...so i watch how he's doing it <micahg> and the person should know that you're watching I would think <hggdh> we need to verify. Andre did that with me, for example, when I started in Gnome. I see no problems, since all bugs are viewwable by anyone <micahg> andresmujica1: I think both ar egoof <micahg> *good <hggdh> it is similar to anyone proposing to MOTU, for example (but without the help of 'following' <micahg> anyway, you can kind of do it now if you subscribe to all bug mail and filter by commenter <hggdh> and accept thousands of email per day, of course <micahg> but this would make it so that you can do it more easily <hggdh> question is: what incentives are there to become a bugsquad? <hggdh> (since I can comment on any bug, anyway) <micahg> only to say that they're dedicating themselves to helping <bdmurray> hugs? <micahg> but I see where you're going hggdh <hggdh> perhaps as a pre-req to become a -control? <micahg> bugsquad should get more help from -control <micahg> that's how I learned <hggdh> yes, and this is the mentoring we are trying to start <micahg> and it encouraged me to keep going <andresmujica1> ok, we've got a few minutes, so let's wrap up ... <micahg> maybe we should resurrect the wiki page for mentoring <hggdh> and start the official mentoring soon * hggdh pokes pedro_ ;-) <pedro_> hggdh, just waiting for the response from charlie-tca, if he doesn't answer at the end of this week we might look for someone else to fit there <pedro_> we cannot wait forever <pedro_> micahg, there's a plan for starting a more structured mentoring program: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs/SpecialisationWithinBugcontrol * micahg is looking <pedro_> would be really good if everybody could look at the spec and add comments about it <micahg> on the comment page <micahg> ? <micahg> I don't see a comment page <pedro_> micahg, feel free to add those at the bottom <hggdh> just add a Comment header, and we will go from there <micahg> +1 on the idea * micahg is already specialized :) <andresmujica1> ok, let's go to Open Discussion and let the adopting package topic for the next meeting <micahg> would comments per category be better? <bdmurray> wrt to adopting packges I have a question <bdmurray> Would it be interesting to know what packages nobody is subscribed to? <pedro_> a big yes ;-) <micahg> bdmurray: my guess would be most <micahg> unless people are subscribed to -bugs <micahg> or maybe not... <andresmujica1> hmm.. sure. even get in touch with main developer and help him subscribe to its package... <hggdh> micahg, I think commenting at the bottom is better -- all comments together <micahg> ok <bdmurray> micahg: but if you knew netcat had nobody subscribed to its bug reports and it only has <5 open bugs might that help you choose a package to adopt? <micahg> yeah, that's a good point <micahg> maybe both stats together would be good <bdmurray> and that it is synced with debian so valid bugs should be forwarded upstream ... <hggdh> I think it would -- I would not be afraid of being overwhelmed, and this plays a role <micahg> the question is how do we cover 20k pkgs with 125 people? <hggdh> we do not. There is only so much we can do. But we *can* start <bdmurray> exactly <micahg> ok, makes sense <hggdh> and it will be better than *not* doing anything <micahg> my plan has always been adopt a package, get the bugs under control, then adopt another * micahg is still working on the first bunch :) <hggdh> its a good plan :-) <hggdh> well, you started with FFox, what did you expect LOL <micahg> when I started, there were only 1600 FF bugs, now there are 2k :( <hggdh> one thing we might try is to have more than one for large (in terms of bugs) packages <hggdh> if we can get it for these large packages, it is already a victory <micahg> well, that's where mentorhelp <hggdh> yes <micahg> you get 2-3 people training on bugs in a large package <hggdh> So. Comments are needed on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs/SpecialisationWithinBugcontrol <hggdh> the sooner, methinks, the better * micahg will comment tonight <hggdh> andresmujica1, back to you ;-) <andresmujica1> ok, about the upcoming Developer week, anything we can help on? <hggdh> bdmurray, pedro_ ? <bdmurray> I'm all set thanks for asking <pedro_> well, just help on welcoming the new people (if there's any) after the talk here at the channel <hggdh> ROLF <andresmujica1> ok, anything else we should discuss after closing ? <bdmurray> andresmujica1: you'll send out minutes correct? <andresmujica1> yeap <andresmujica1> starting right now. <bdmurray> and the next meeting will be on 8 September? <andresmujica1> if everyone agrees, it would be Sept 8th <micahg> +1 <andresmujica1> same hour same channel? <pedro_> sure <bdmurray> that sounds good to me <andresmujica1> ok, thanks everyone :) <pedro_> thanks! <bdmurray> thanks! <hggdh> thank you, andresmujica1 <micahg> thanks andresmujica1 <bdmurray> by the way does lists.ubuntu.com crash firefox for anyone else? <micahg> which version? <micahg> wfm in 3.5 <bdmurray> 3.5 it also crashed epiphany for me <hggdh> did not crash here, on FF 3.5 <bdmurray> hrm, must be me <micahg> bdmurray: karmic? <bdmurray> micahg: of course! <micahg> ah, others have been reporting crashes as well <micahg> can you get a good backtrace and open a bug, there's about 20 crash reports I still have to look at <bdmurray> micahg: I'll see what I can do <kklimonda> micahg: it's not really that uncommon to see a crash of the Firefox :) <micahg> kklimonda: it's probably not firefox :) <micahg> most of the crashes are GTK related in karmic from what I've seen <kklimonda> damn, I hate crashes I can't reproduce when I have time and that hit me when I don't expect them.. <kklimonda> anyone else having problems with gpm? It just crashes (and brings down whole session with it) when I unplug a usb mouse.. <kklimonda> (gnome-power-manager) <chrisccoulson> g-p-m crashing won't bring down the whole session. that must be something else <kklimonda> chrisccoulson: I know it shouldn't :/ <kklimonda> chrisccoulson: apport has marked my two reports as duplicates of bug 394700 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 394700 in gnome-power-manager "gnome-power-manager crashed on removing the battery" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/394700 <kklimonda> chrisccoulson: is it even possible that removing usb mouse could make it crash? <bdmurray> micahg: I updated and its fine now <micahg> cool, there was a new version that fixed a lot of the GTK crashes <chrisccoulson> kklimonda - possibly, i'm not sure though. it's not really clear whats happening from that backtrace <kklimonda> heh, I'll try to reproduce it and get more info next sunday <mac_v> bdmurray: could you pls update the lp responses ? <bdmurray> mac_v: could you elaborate a bit? <ogra> add some smileys :) <mac_v> bdmurray: the lp repsonses > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses , i added 1 for the papercuts <bdmurray> that's what launchpad should support - emoticons! <mac_v> +1 for that :) <bdmurray> mac_v: you'd like that added to the greasemonkey script / firefox extension? <mac_v> bdmurray: yeah... sorry i didnt properly elaborate>faceplam< <bdmurray> mac_v: I'll try and it get to it. A patch would speed up the process though. <mac_v> bdmurray: hmm... not very sure how to do that :( <bdmurray> the xml file is at http://people.canonical.com/~brian/greasemonkey/bugsquad-replies.xml <micahg> mac_v: all the common ones were in there. I added a few custom ones of my own that are Firefox specific <mac_v> oh... ok <micahg> I think <mac_v> bdmurray: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1325768/bugsquad-replies.xml , added to the end... line 254 onwards , also added another one about sending the report upstream. could you check it? <mac_v> micahg: how do i reorder the replies? <kklimonda> mac_v: the one about sending report upstream isn't generic - sholdn't link be https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream ? <mac_v> kklimonda: oh... yeah... i was thinking only about gnome! <mac_v> editing <mac_v> new version http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1325768/bugsquad-replies.xml <mac_v> kklimonda: once reloaded . where do these get saved in the system? i'm not able to find the file. <kklimonda> mac_v: I think it lands in firefox preferences <kklimonda> prefs.js <mac_v> kklimonda: /usr/share/firefox-lp-improvements has the scripts but , but the responses! i'm stumped <mac_v> oh <micahg> mac_v: check about:config <mac_v> hmm... i just have to reorder the numbers , nice :) <bdmurray> I'm not sure what will happen after they get updated again though <mac_v> bdmurray: i have not rearranged them waiting for you :) <mac_v> do they auto update or only manual reload? <bdmurray> they check for updates every 48 hours I think or you can manually force a reload <mac_v> ok <bdmurray> mac_v: I've made some changes to what you had. You can see what I have at http://pastebin.osuosl.org/28226 <mac_v> bdmurray: pls dont change the papercut response , that response was how the design team wanted it <mac_v> i added the response to the wiki only after suggestions from mpt. <bdmurray> mac_v: well, I thought the grammar could be a bit more verbose and punctuated differently. <greg-g> "pls" -> "please" is a good thing, right? :) <bdmurray> Yes, its not a txt message <mac_v> bdmurray: oh , the "please" and the "information" can be full , thats not the problem , they didnt want to use "Unfortunately" and the line order <mac_v> bdmurray: i had a template with unfortunately , and a bit different... they tweaked it ... dont ask me why ;) <mac_v> cause i dont know <bdmurray> mac_v: okay, how about http://pastebin.osuosl.org/28241 <mac_v> bdmurray: is only "for" ? correct , shouldnt it be only "in" project... rest is fine <mac_v> last line <bdmurray> okay, in it is <mac_v> :) <mac_v> i'm just a messenger <micahg> pedro_: that subscribe bug in lp is bug 415166 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 415166 in malone "Launchpad says I don't exist when I subscribe to a bug" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/415166 <pedro_> micahg, yeap, thanks <micahg> how often does apport retrace? can I set something to retrace? <bdmurray> that should be handled automatically, what are you looking at? <micahg> I just got notified that 4 ff3.5 bugs were retraced <micahg> I was wondering if there's something that I shouldn't do to make sure they are retraced or what? <bdmurray> I believe they are initially tagged needs-retracing so just don't remove that tag <micahg> ok, but if I change the status of the bug, will that affect the retracing? <bdmurray> let me look at the code <micahg> hmm, I think they were private to apport before this <micahg> they were not the ones I was thinking of <bdmurray> the retracer just searches for the tag <micahg> ok <micahg> do we have policies on duping crash reports? <micahg> or is it not possible to create such a thing <bdmurray> the retracer usually handles duplicating of crash reports on its own <micahg> ok, but aren't those only exact duplicates? <bdmurray> yes, that is true <micahg> ok, do we have policies what to do next? How many of the functions in the backtrace need to match to be a dup? <bdmurray> I don't have a good answer for that, you might check with seb128 or asac <asac> micahg: thats a difficult question <asac> you cannot say for sure without looking at the code in question <asac> if the code looks like it can be triggered through different paths then even a single matchin line might be enough <micahg> ok, so as a matter of policy, what can I do with crash reports? <asac> if the code relies on something really high up in the stack, then everything can be the same. just with different variables etc. <asac> and it can be a different bug <asac> micahg: as a rule of thumb, if the stacktrace is identical you can assume its a dupe ;) <micahg> asac: if the stacktrace is identical, woudlnt' apport dupe it? <asac> in most cases <asac> but apport doesnt do that if there is any ?? in it afaik <asac> (but i might be outdated) <micahg> bdmurray: ^^ <bdmurray> right <bdmurray> so apport does the right thing the majority of the time <micahg> ok, so I can look through and if I see ?? and the rest matches, I can dupe it? <hggdh> micahg, probably. <hggdh> the ?? would probably match a line in the fully-resolved bt <hggdh> if the rest matches, then the ?? is probably this one line, and it is almost certainly a dupe <micahg> ok <hggdh> if in doubt, post here the links to both stacktraces, and we will go together looking at it <micahg> :) thankg hggdh <micahg> *thanks <hggdh> welcome <BUGabundo> hello <hggdh> yello, BUGabundo <BUGabundo> hey hggdh #ubuntu-bugs 2009-08-19 <micahg> ping hggdh <micahg> bdmurray: LP teams and karma is broken in edge <micahg> bdmurray: for the improvements extension <bdmurray> yeah, I looked at it some today but haven't figured it out yet <micahg> ok <micahg> just wanted to let you know <bdmurray> thanks <micahg> bdmurray: where do I file bugs for the status.qa pages? <bdmurray> umm, how about qa-website? <micahg> ok <micahg> didn't know that existed <bdmurray> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-qa-website/ <micahg> is there an easy way to install all dbg or dbgsym packages for a program? <mac_v> micahg: what do you mean by all ? <micahg> all the packages required to get a proper backtrace <micahg> maybe I'll just upload it to LP <micahg> this is too much work :) <mac_v> AFAIK , each program has only one dbg <micahg> yes, but every program it's based on also has one <mac_v> oh for that, hmm... <mac_v> micahg: bug# ? <micahg> well, I produced a crash for a bug <mac_v> i think we can list the depends and ask the reporter to install them <micahg> too tired to do this now <mac_v> hehe ;) <dholbach> good morning <thekorn> hey dholbach <thekorn> awesome developer weeke brochure <dholbach> thanks :) <thekorn> looks very professional <dholbach> I did it, but somebody else made it look good :) <thekorn> dholbach, hehe, ok just wanted to ask you why you did not use scribus or some other open source alternative to InDesign <dholbach> I never touched InDesign <thekorn> but hey, it was someone else <dholbach> yes <dholbach> I guess it's just what they're good with <alourie|work> dholbach: can I see it? <alourie|work> the brochure I mean <dholbach> http://people.canonical.com/~dholbach/Ubuntu_Developer_Week4.pdf <dholbach> what I did beforehand: http://people.canonical.com/~dholbach/udw.odt <X-Seti> I think i have a bug, thats stopping any remote devices from being mounted, I can not seem to find what is doing this, say nova-t Stick I get the following <X-Seti> 9.04.. [202905.393041] usb 1-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 26 [202905.528011] usb 1-3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice [202905.551334] vmap allocation failed: use vmalloc=<size> to increase size. k@ubuntu:~$ vmap allocation failed: use vmalloc=<size> to increase size. <charles_> kklimonda: any ideas on bug 406486? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 406486 in transmission "transmission: too many open files" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/406486 <qense> bug #410763 seems rather complicated. At first I thought it was caused by GStreamer, but now I'm not that sure anymore. Anyone got a clue on what causes this? It is about (at least) Banshee and Rhythmbox freezing X after a while of playback. Killing the process frees the X server again. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 410763 in banshee "[karmic] Banshee freeze after some song playback" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/410763 <qense> lunch time! I got to go, but I'll read the backlog in case anyone gets a sudden revelation. ;) <bullgard4> dholbach: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek <- "Alert; The URL is not valid and cannot be loaded." <dholbach> bei mir geht die <dholbach> oh... well - it works for me <bullgard4> Yes, pardon. Firefox opens this URL but Seamonkey reports the error posted. (*surprise*) <mac_v> guys , https//bugs.edge.launchpad ? is a beta version of lp? <yetjeacyutnoft> hi, karmic not support nvidia driver <Ampelbein> yetjeacyutnoft: which one? what graphics card? nvidia-driver works flawless on my system with a Geforce 7600GT <yetjeacyutnoft> i try karmic, setup nvidia driver and down X <yetjeacyutnoft> remove nvidia driver, and remove xorg.conf, up X <yetjeacyutnoft> thanks <Ampelbein> yetjeacyutnoft: without more information like your graphics card, we can't help you. Please also use #ubuntu for user support, this channel is about triaging bug reports. <yetjeacyutnoft> ok <bddebian> Boo <andresmujica> ok <andresmujica> hmm, i was wondering why the OK didn't appeared at the other window... <greg-g> pedro_: just a quick question, will Banshee be the default media player in Karmic or Rhythmbox. Banshee looks like it is still in the universe repository so that suggests Rhthmbox will be default. <greg-g> pedro_: I ask because the hug day reminded me. <pedro_> greg-g, not sure, there's still a few blockers on banshee <pedro_> no accessibility support yet <pedro_> ipod support is broken (no devicekit support) <pedro_> etc <pedro_> time will tell, but looks like we're not moving from now <pedro_> s/from/for <greg-g> pedro_: gotcha, thanks <pedro_> you're welcome <micahg> bdmurray: do we prefer the partner repo to multiverse? <bdmurray> micahg: I hadn't thought about that before, what is the situation? <micahg> bug 415089 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 415089 in firefox-3.5 "Can't watch a streaming video on certain sites." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/415089 <micahg> user has flashplugin-nonfree and adobe-flashplugin installed <micahg> there's a bug open to make the partner package conflict <micahg> so, does that mean we prefer the partner package if it's the one that conflicts? <bdmurray> No, I think it is whichever you install last if you will. <micahg> so it doesn't mattter? <micahg> idk which one the user installed last <bdmurray> Isn't the conflict bug unfixed? <micahg> correct <micahg> that's why I have to ask the user to uninstall one <micahg> so I'm just wondering which one <micahg> and if we have a policy <bdmurray> no, there is no policy <micahg> ok <micahg> thanks <Flomar> hello <mdz> bdmurray, is bughelper still actively maintained? <bdmurray> mdz: no, not really <mdz> ogasawara: we need a tool which scans open bugs for those which match apport bugpatterns and marks the duplicates automatically (better to have the discussion on this channel I guess) <mdz> bdmurray, has it been superseded by something else? <mdz> bdmurray, see above, I'm interested in scanning existing bugs for apport bugpatterns (to clean up the bugs which were filed before the bugpattern was created) <mdz> bughelper, from what I remember, seemed like it might be a good starting point <ogasawara> mdz: I was thinking if we could leverage bughelper we might be able to add on some lplib script to mark the duplicate <bdmurray> mdz: this is for the pattern you recently committed? <bdmurray> if so, I don't think bughelper ever checked attachments <ogasawara> bdmurray: I thought there was some -a option to check attachments? <mdz> bdmurray, I've committed a few recently <bdmurray> ogasawara: okay, you seem to be right <ogasawara> bdmurray: but I'm not sure if it properly handles the ones that are zipped up <Flomar> hello sirs, are there bugs related with nvidia drivers and jaunty? i`m working 2 days trying ALL combinations in the google universe and asking many people in the #ubuntu forum but no solution so far <ogasawara> Flomar: can you be more specific? there's lots of bugs related to nvidia :) <Flomar> ogasawara, :) for sure... all story gives a novel, but let`s go to the point. <Flomar> ogasawara, i`ve done a fresh install from 9.0.4 jaunty in my intel chipset mb with nvidia geforce 7100 gs offboard video card. <ogasawara> Flomar: reporting it in a bug is probably the best approach <ogasawara> Flomar: that'll save you writing it up twice and then you can just point us at the bug <Flomar> ok <Flomar> in launchped, right? <ogasawara> Flomar: yup, that'd be great <bdmurray> using ubuntu-bug to report it would be ideal <Flomar> ogasawara, thx i`m opening a bug ticket. <mdz> ogasawara, what I'm doing for the moment is just running test-local from ubuntu-bugpatterns over the bugs <mdz> it's faster than manually reading DpkgTerminalLog.txt <mdz> and gets a lot of hits <ogasawara> mdz: so we could do an ugly hack and search all linux bugs tagged apport-package and run the test-local script against them <ogasawara> mdz: and mark them as a duplicate accordingly <bdmurray> bughelper is rather slow since it isn't using the API, in the past I've done some one off searches using launchpadlib <mdz> ogasawara, yes, it wouldn't be too hard to have it automatically mark the duplicate if it's a match <bdmurray> I am getting some matches with bughelper though <bdmurray> ogasawara: I've used bughelper successfully to search using a pattern for bug 407420 and it took about 25 minutes <ubot4> Launchpad bug 407420 in linux ""Failed to run depmod", no clear reason why" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/407420 <ogasawara> bdmurray: how many bugs did it find? <bdmurray> ogasawara: 7 <bdmurray> however, I don't think it worked with gz attachments like you suggested <ogasawara> bdmurray: so still not ideal. I think since test-local can handle the gz attachments I wonder if writing the other hack would be better? <ogasawara> bdmurray: but finding those 7 is definitely better than nothing <ogasawara> bdmurray: and the test-local will handle all bug patterns written <bdmurray> ogasawara: that seems like it might be a better long term solution <bdmurray> a neat thing about bughelper was doing one off clues though <Flare-Laptop> bdmurray: Yeah, I agree. But I wish there was an GUI application that can help me triage bugs. <bdmurray> ogasawara: so the failure to run depmod bugs should be duplicates of 407420? <ogasawara> bdmurray: correct <micahg> bdmurray: what to do about people who keep changing there bugs to private for no reason? <bdmurray> try to explain to them that less people will see the bug report then and it will be less likely to get fixed and if its still a problem let it go <hggdh> also, just in case, check to see if there is any private data there that might justify the move <micahg> nope, bug 415696 <ubot4> micahg: Bug 415696 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/415696 is private <micahg> ogasawara: is it worth filing a bug about the kernel package that it should only prompt for system reboot if the kernel is a higher version than the one running? <ogasawara> micahg: that doesn't seem like a kernel bug but rather a whishlist request for update-manager. secondly I'm not sure I agree with it since there are scenarios where you want to install an older kernel to say verify a regression <micahg> ogasawara: true, but should it prompt for reboot for that? <micahg> I thought each package tells the update manager whether or not a reboot is required. Are you saying that update-manager just has a list? <micahg> do we add debian upstream bugs for upgrade requests? <greg-g> micahg: as in a request for a new version of a package that is also not in Debian? <micahg> as we both have the package but an older version <greg-g> yeah, add the debian link so we'll know when it gets into debian (which makes it waaaay easier to get it into Ubuntu) <bdmurray> ogasawara: I've marked the ones bughelper found as duplicates <bdmurray> jdstrand: I've created a duplicating marking script that uses update-bug and modified update-bug but I'm curious about how to organize these in the ubuntu-qa-tools branch. Do you have any thoughts? <jdstrand> bdmurray: maybe move update-bug out of responses/security into responses? the security scripts would need to be update (or a symlink created) <bdmurray> jdstrand: I was thinking move it too, so will move it and add a symlink <mac_v> does any one know how to restart the apport retraces? , they seems stuck <mac_v> seem* <bdmurray> mac_v: I'm looking into it <mac_v> bdmurray: thanks , BTW , i'v filed a Bug #416106 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 416106 in apport "totem-plugin-viewer bugs make the retracers crash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/416106 <hggdh> bdmurray, pedro_ -- I had a chat with dtchen, and he is willing to give a class on triaging sound bugs <hggdh> darn, he is also here :-) <bdmurray> hggdh: that sounds good, what did you have in mind? #ubuntu-bugs 2009-08-20 <fabrice_sp> Hi. Is it possible for someone to make bug #412155 public? thanks <greg-g> fabrice_sp: done <fabrice_sp> thanks greg-g ! <greg-g> np <dholbach> good morning <eekfonky> I'm told anyone can help, how do I help? I'm not a programmer though but love ubuntu and it's ethos <eekfonky> I'm told anyone can help, how do I help? I'm not a programmer though but love ubuntu and it's ethos <dholbach> eekfonky: what are you interested in? <eekfonky> helping in anyway i can, for example hug day today <dholbach> yeah, sounds good <dholbach> did you check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs ? <dholbach> and the pages linked from there <dholbach> they might give you a good idea <jmarsden> eekfonky: There is also a general article about contributing to Ubuntu at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu <eekfonky> I'll read it again, as I'm not a programmer but very keen to help improve ubuntu as I've seen it evolve over the past 2 and a half years I've been using it. It keeps getting better and I try to spread the word as much as I can <dholbach> and check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek - maybe you'Re going to like it <eekfonky> How do i sign up to keep my username? <eekfonky> to IRC <mac_v> !topic | eekfonky <mac_v> !topic <mac_v> where's the bot! <jmarsden> eekfonky: /msg nickserv help <eekfonky> msg nickserv help <jmarsden> The / matters :) <eekfonky> I get 'unsupported command' <eekfonky> I'm using Empathy <mac_v> eekfonky: edit the profile <jmarsden> Weird. However empathy sends messages, send one to nickserv saying help and nickserv will send you a notice with the info you need about registering your nick <mac_v> i think the is not using "/" <mac_v> s/the/he <eekfonky> sorry to be stupid but how do I send a message to nickserv? <jmarsden> Normally, you would type /msg nickserv help <jmarsden> But I don't know how empathy does it. <eekfonky> thanks anyway <mac_v> eekfonky: simpler if you edit the empathy account <mac_v> eekfonky: do you have a registered nick? <eekfonky> no i don't have a registered nick, how do I do this? <mac_v> thats off topic here , but ask in #freenode <mac_v> jmarsden: is ^that channel correct? <mac_v> i forgot , its been a long time <jmarsden> mac_v: I think so, but the real issue seems to be inability to send messages using Empathy ... someone in #freenode may know that too <mac_v> eekfonky: usually it takes 10-15 days to get a nick , <eekfonky> sorry I'm off topic, I'll go to another room, register, then see if I can help, thank you all <mac_v> eekfonky: jmarsden: yeah , only xchat does all the irc stuff well <eekfonky> I'll download it from synaptic, cheers <mac_v> eekfonky: not the xchat-gnome , but xchat <mac_v> hmm... shall i assign Bug #416251 to the ubuntu-desktop bugs team? <jussi01> bug 1 <ubot4> jussi01: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out <jussi01> meh. anyway, seems to work. thanks jpds/nalioth (not sure who owns that one) <jpds> Me? <jpds> Cloak is a bit of a give-away really.. <jussi01> ahh shaddup jpds, havent had my coffee yet... :P <scifly> Hi all, could someone have a look over bug 370837, it is the first bug I have forwarded upstream and would like to make sure I have done it correctly. If it is OK, can someone mark it triaged, please? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 370837 in exaile "Let the user choose its audioscrobbler service" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/370837 <arand> I get a kernel panic on shutdown, I would like to know the easiest way to capture it for attaching to bug report? It does not show up anywhere in /var/log/* <scifly> pedro_: Thanks for forwarding bug 415725 upstream, I would have done it myself after confirming the bug, but have only forwarded one bug previously and wanted to ask if I had done it correctly before erroneously forwarding more :) <ubot4> Launchpad bug 415725 in rhythmbox "turning volume up/down with ctrl+up/down arrow" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/415725 <scifly> Hi all, could someone have a look over bug 370837, it is the first bug I have forwarded upstream and would like to make sure I have done it correctly. If it is OK, can someone mark it triaged, please? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 370837 in exaile "Let the user choose its audioscrobbler service" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/370837 <pedro_> scifly, no problem <pedro_> scifly, heh i was about to ask you to mark that as confirmed and if you don't have permission ask us to mark it as triaged <pedro_> scifly, i've already marked it as triaged <pedro_> scifly, thanks for sent it upstream ;-) <scifly> no problem, I assume it is OK, and the bugzilla report is ok? <pedro_> scifly, yes is ok, just lowered the severity to enhancement <pedro_> since the reporter is asking for a new feature <scifly> pedro_: OK, thanks for that. <pedro_> you're welcome <mac_v> Hi, i'm trying to debug a powermanager issue , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingGNOMEPowerManager lists only issues about suspend/hibernate , i have problems with screensaver and display idle time ? is the hardware info and the deviceKit info sufficient? <mac_v> or is starting the bug with ubuntu-bug cover all info? <bddebian> Boo <scifly> I've linked bug 398734 to an existing upstream bug, could someone please mark it as triaged? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 398734 in rhythmbox "Rhytmbox removes song list when opened" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/398734 <bdmurray> scifly: done, thanks! <scifly> I've linked bug 311296 to an upstream bug, could someone please mark it triaged? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 311296 in rhythmbox "rhythmbox doesn't drag & drop ogg files to portable digital audio device" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/311296 <pedro_> scifly, consider it done :-) <scifly> thanks:) <pedro_> thanks you for helping out ;-) <mac_v> pedro_: i'm trying to debug a gnome-power-manager bug , i'd like to know if gpm will restart on its own , if we kill it using $killall gnome-power-manager <pedro_> mac_v, nope it doesn't restart itself <mac_v> pedro_: ah... thanx :) <pedro_> you're welcome <bdmurray> mac_v: it seems the people who can restart the retracers are on holiday <mac_v> bdmurray: so you havent done anything yet? i ask because they have started working again , curious if they restarted on their own <bdmurray> mac_v: well, that's good. I didn't have anything explicit to do with it <mac_v> bdmurray: oops, i commented on the retracers bug , leaving a note to martin that you might have some info about the bug <dholbach> Ubuntu Global Jam meeting in 30m in #ubuntu-meeting <Flomar> hello! I`ve submited a bug related to nvidia driver and jaunty ... does anybody can give me a light on these? my system is freezing time to time giving nvrm errors... i tried everythink i found in the web and #ubuntu and nothing helped <Flomar> [14083.188030] NVRM: Xid (0001:00): 8, Channel 00000020 <Flomar> [14095.189582] NVRM: Xid (0001:00): 8, Channel 00000020 <Flomar> [14095.192559] NVRM: Xid (0001:00): 9, Channel 00000000 Instance 00000000 Intr 00100000 <Flomar> anybody seen this errors in nvidia driver 180.44? <plars> asac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/209607 - was the fix for that to install firefox-gnome-support? or was there a fix made to firefox that corrected this? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 209607 in firefox-3.0 "Open file with external application broken" [Medium,Fix released] <asac> plars: first is to ensure that -gnome-support is installed yes. but that only works well gnome systems <plars> asac: the reason I ask, is someone also opened a bug against UNR saying that it needed to include that package or we would have similar problems - I tested it on my UNR box (without that package installed) and I don't see the bug <asac> otherwise there is some general brokenness <asac> there are upstreawm bugs. ... but dont know the numbers out of my head <asac> plars: maybe search upstream for gnome vfs or mime type on linux or something <plars> asac: so do you believe it's valid to say that gnome-support is needed then? <plars> asac: I found some of the upstream links about it, but there seems to be some disagreement even among people having the problem as to whether that fixes it or not <asac> plars: yes its definitly required to get applications handling <plars> odd, wonder why it works for me <asac> plars: otherwise the preferences -> applications window has no entry <asac> plars: the defaults work somehow because it tries to fallback to mailcap <asac> plars: but applications should be empty <asac> do you see that? <plars> asac: no, preferences->applications is QUITE populated <asac> plars: dpkg -l xulrunner-* <asac> i guess you have -gnome-support there <asac> ? <plars> asac: I have no gnome-support package.... <plars> xulrunner-1.9.1 <asac> good then mailcap backend is probably fixed ... or i moved the gnome bits in xulrunner-1.9.1 but strip the depends <asac> let me check <asac> so seems its fixed then <mac_v> asac: could you have a look at this > Bug #416084 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 416084 in thunderbird "thunderbird-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_main_do_event()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/416084 <plars> ok, cool <asac> plars: i know there were fixes committed, but i wasnt positive that it was really fixed as the code dealing with mime handling was long time neglected etc. <asac> but if you dont have problems thats good <BUGabundo> night ! o/ <matti> ;] <greg-g> heh, googling for "ubuntu audio IRC channel" gives me crimsun's wiki.u.c page :) <BUGabundo> LOL * BUGabundo points greg-g to #ubuntu-audio-help <greg-g> BUGabundo: thanks <BUGabundo> np greg-g <stochastic> greg-g, #ubuntustudio also has lots of audio-heads <hggdh> is there a greasemonkey compatible with ffox 3.5? <bdmurray> hggdh: hmm? <hggdh> my greasemonkey states it is not compatible with 3.5.2 <BUGabundo> and it crashes a lot on 3.6 (and prob on 3.7 too) <BUGabundo> I've reported it upstream <BUGabundo> not much feedback :( <hggdh> so, I have to downgrade to ffox 3.1 to use gm? <BUGabundo> 3.1? <BUGabundo> it aint even on archive anymore <BUGabundo> hggdh you can use nightly tools to force it to run <micahg> 3.1 was the devel version of <micahg> This says its compatible: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/748 <hggdh> or 3.2, or 3.0, or whatever less that 3.5.2 that would work with GM ;-) <micahg> hggdh: 3.2 became 3.6 <BUGabundo> hggdhhttp://www.oxymoronical.com/web/firefox/nightly <BUGabundo> hggdh http://www.oxymoronical.com/web/firefox/nightly <BUGabundo> I'm already running 3.7 <BUGabundo> much ligher then 3.6, funny enough <hggdh> I do not want to, I just want GM back :-( <BUGabundo> but it (kinda) works !! <hggdh> :-) kinda is not quite kinda good if I am going to test a GM script myself <BUGabundo> hggdh as I said I had lots of crashes on 3.6 <BUGabundo> not sure if it happens on 3.5 <BUGabundo> if it do after you force GM, then you know where the cause is <BUGabundo> start in recovery, and disable/unisntall it <hggdh> 3.5 is -- for me -- pretty stable. But I will go back to 3.0. Also, upstream GM seems to be MIA since January #ubuntu-bugs 2009-08-21 <hggdh> darn! <hggdh> I give up. How can I restore bloody GM on 3.0 ffox? <micahg> can;t you jsut reinstall the extension? <Ampelbein> hggdh: what seems to be the problem with greasemonkey? It works just fine here with FF 3.5 <hggdh> Ampelbein, mine is disabled, stating it is not compatible with 3.5.2 <hggdh> I am almost to the point where it is worth the pain to just rm -rf the ffox profile, and start new <micahg> what version is your extension? <Ampelbein> hggdh: strange. what version of greasemonkey do you have, it works here with 0.8.20090123.1-0ubuntu2 <micahg> hggdh you can test with a new profile firefox-3.5 -ProfileManager <hggdh> yay, that's mine <hggdh> heh. It is back <hggdh> (on 3.0) <hggdh> well. Go figure. Nothing like a selective cleanup of the profile... <komputes> chrisccoulson: Bug #390304 is actually pretty big... <ubot4> Launchpad bug 390304 in devicekit-disks "external usb disk drives are mounted under their UUID's" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/390304 <chrisccoulson> why? <chrisccoulson> using UUID's as the mount point is intended, and is not considered a bug <komputes> chrisccoulson: "using UUID's as the mount point is intended" -where do you get this from? <chrisccoulson> from the source code of devicekit-disks? <komputes> chrisccoulson: yes, but it creates a regression as compared to previous releases <chrisccoulson> the design intent is to use UUID's as a fallback if the volume has no label <chrisccoulson> so if you don't want UUID's, set a label on your volume <komputes> chrisccoulson: the fact that the design of devicekit makes it that way is a side effect of moving to devicekit, users should not have to set labels on disks <chrisccoulson> i don't see what the issue is here. UUID's and labels are persistent. "disk-1", "disk-2" etc are not persistent, and depend on the order in which you inser the volume <chrisccoulson> thats more confusin <chrisccoulson> g <chrisccoulson> and there are still human readable names in computer:///, which is how most people will access their media <komputes> chrisccoulson: plus many of our documentation makes reference to out use of mountpoints such as /media/disk, disk-1, disk-2 <chrisccoulson> well, the documentation should be fixed then <komputes> chrisccoulson: please place a comment concerning consistency in the bug - i see where you're coming from now <chrisccoulson> komputes - i will do. i was going to write a comment when i set the importance earlier, but i did it from my phone and i had coverage problems when i tried to do it <chrisccoulson> but i'm going to bed now, so i'll do it in the morning <komputes> k, np <komputes> i'll put a note in then <komputes> chrisccoulson: night' <chrisccoulson> i'm not saying it's not a bug though - perhaps the behaviour will be changed <chrisccoulson> but i don't think it's a high priority issue right now <chrisccoulson> and it's the intended behaviour "for now" ;) <komputes> but you do make a good point about persistence, i just wanted to avoid alienating users <komputes> chrisccoulson: medium importance? <chrisccoulson> personally, i don't have much preference either way. but i do slightly prefer the persistence <chrisccoulson> komputes - i think the importance is ok where it is for now <chrisccoulson> anyway, i've got to go to bed - i'm up again in 4 hours ;) <komputes> advanced users would prefer persistence, new users, easy names <komputes> k 'night <chrisccoulson> possibly, but new users get easy names in computer:/// <komputes> path <komputes> easy name in the path <chrisccoulson> i hope new users don't think they have to navigate to /media to find their volumes <chrisccoulson> yeah <komputes> no, but they may need to point some programs to it that way <komputes> we both have strong points, i'll update the bug <chrisccoulson> komputes - you're possibly right about pointing some programs to it using the path - but most applications on the default install should be using GIO anyway <komputes> i agree <komputes> but not all do <chrisccoulson> so the media is accessible in computer:/// by its pretty name ;) <komputes> computer:/// is a gnome thing <komputes> let's not assume <komputes> Plus, haven't checked but this may affect server, so without auto-complete it makes the job of typing in a path impossible.. <chrisccoulson> komputes - there is nothing to do automounting on the server <komputes> ok <chrisccoulson> the automounting is initiated in nautilus via gvfs in gnome <komputes> chrisccoulson: what does device kit replace in karmic? HAL/UDEV? <chrisccoulson> well, there is no such thing as devicekit now - applications now use udev directly (using libudev) <chrisccoulson> devicekit-disks is to replace the disk handling part of HAL <chrisccoulson> and devicekit-power replaces some power management parts of HAL <komputes> ok, thanks for clarifying <chrisccoulson> and applications that previously used HAL for discovering devices and properties about those devices now probe udev directly <chrisccoulson> "devicekit" was just a temporary daemon acting as a wrapper around udev to allow user applications to access it <dholbach> good morning <thekorn> good morning dholbach <dholbach> hey thekorn <theaaronc> Hello all. Question, would the BugSquad be an ok place for someone who is somewhat competent with Ubuntu but has never done anything within the community? <theaaronc> While I've used Ubuntu as a second partition on my machine for some time I only recently dropped windows all together. I'm looking for some way I can contribute, and the Ubuntu community page lead me to (among other things) the BugSquad info <theaaronc> it sounds like something that requires minimal knowledge and beyond operating the local desktop/server environment I fall into that catagory <theaaronc> guess I should have just read more. This line seems to answer my question "Bug triage is an excellent way to start helping out. You get to learn a lot about Ubuntu, its available packages, its infrastructure, and you get a feel for the development pulse." <mac_v> could someone have a look at this Bug #416084 , this always happens to me ... do i have to add any additional info? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 416084 in thunderbird "thunderbird-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_main_do_event()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/416084 <thekorn> mac_v, are you using the default theme? <mac_v> hmm. no <mac_v> i'm using silvermel , <mac_v> theaaronc: silvermelXT , but i'v been having this problem always :( only now it took the time to report it <thekorn> mac_v, can you reproduce this bug with the default theme <mac_v> hmm... let me check again <thekorn> I remeber a bug where somethng like this happend for some custom themes <thekorn> I think it was bug 135191 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 135191 in mozilla-thunderbird "[GUTSY] thunderbird crashed x86-64" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135191 <mac_v> thekorn: i think you are right ! its not crashing with the default theme! so where should this be reported <thekorn> mac_v, is the theme you are using in an official package? <thekorn> in this case you should report it against this package <mac_v> silly quest, are there official themes , i never knew... let me check <thekorn> what's the name of the theme? <mac_v> theaaronc: silvermel is a thunderbird theme , not a gtk theme , that bug talks about a gtk theme <mac_v> oops , thekorn ^ <thekorn> oh <mac_v> i'll try it with another different theme and see , i have been using silvermel for a very long time <thekorn> mac_v, In this case I think you should contact the author of this theme, report your bug there, <thekorn> and mark it as invalid for thunderbird <thekorn> but maybe double check with the people in #ubuntu-mozilla <pedro_> mac_v, just wondering, why did you tagged the bug as usability ? <mac_v> yeah , if it doesnt happen to any other theme , i'll mark it invalid , or if it happens with all themes , i'll leave it as such :) <thekorn> (or whatever this channel for the mozilla team is called) <mac_v> pedro_: it affects me using thunderbird ;p , i have not been able to use it when the setting was set to 1 min <thekorn> hey pedro_ <pedro_> hello thekorn, how's going? <mac_v> pedro_: was that a wrong tag? <pedro_> mac_v, well in that case every single crash would be an usability issue :-P <mac_v> lol , true , i'll remove it :) <thekorn> pedro_, very good, how about you? <scream> CAn someone check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/416952 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 416952 in ubuntu "Package not in repo" [Undecided,New] <pedro_> mac_v, no worries, thanks! <thekorn> scream, this is not a bug we can care about, you are using a third party repository for thunderbird <pedro_> thekorn, nice to know!. I'm good too ;-) <scream> I am? * scream checks <scream> I have no third part repo's enabled. <thekorn> scream, ehmm, maybe not, but you are using a mirror, so maybe it is out of sync or such <thekorn> or just not available <thekorn> best is to check with whoever runs this mirror <scream> I actually just changed to the "main server" in the settings. <scream> I don't have time for mirrors who get out of sync. <mac_v> pedro_: thekorn i cant reproduce the problem with any other theme! so i guess i'll invalidate it and send an email to the dev :) <mac_v> thekorn: thanx for pointing it out :) , this bugged me for god knows how long! <thekorn> mac_v, no problem, remember setting the status of the bug to invalid ;) <thekorn> and maybe add a comment which explains that this seems to be related to the theme <thekorn> for future references <mac_v> thekorn: will do , just have to restart for updates now ;) <thekorn> super <jjardon> hello, Can someone confirm this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/416988 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 416988 in network-manager "NetworkManager doesn't depend on hal" [Undecided,New] <thekorn> jjardon, sorry, but what exactly is the bug here? <thekorn> jjardon, ah, I think I got it now, the ubuntu package is still depending on hal, although it shouldn't <jjardon> thekorn, network-manager package is packaged with hal dependecy, and this is not necesary <jjardon> thekorn, correct ;) <dholbach> asac: ^ :) * thekorn was about to do the same trick than dholbach <thekorn> ask someone who should have a answer to this ;) <asac> yeah... thats our ace ;) <asac> assigning to tony <asac> ok done <asac> jjardon: thekorn: dholbach: ^^ <jjardon> great :) <asac> launchpad timeout :( <thekorn> super, thanks asac <goneri> Hi, how can I close this bug #347729 I did the patch and it's been accepted but I can close the bug. Should I use the "bts" command? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 347729 in bzr-fastimport "git-bzr doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/347729 <goneri> s/can/can't/ upse <jjardon> asac, only xorg-core and checkbox depends on hal rigth now :) (checkbox bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/checkbox/+bug/399319) <goneri> I can't find a documentation about that. Just this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl but <ubot4> Launchpad bug 399319 in checkbox "Remove the HAL dependency from Launchpad HWDB and checkbox " [Medium,Triaged] <asac> yes <asac> jjardon: are you sure we still build depend on it in karmic? <asac> yeah seems so <asac> ok <hessam> where can i find ubuntu security bugs ? <jdstrand> hessam: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/BugTriage#Existing%20Bugs <hessam> jdstrand, thanks <greg-g> pedro_: I guess [$distroname] in the summary is no longer needed/suggested? <pedro_> greg-g, i don't recall that was it ever suggested, but it's redundant if you use apport-bug since that information is available on the description <pedro_> greg-g, and it's better to update the description rather than the title if the bug affects more than one release, I've seen weird titles with [hardy..... karmic] or [karmic<->something] etc <greg-g> pedro_: right right. I guess it was always one of those things where I see other people doing it and joined in the fun :) <greg-g> heh, yeah <pedro_> remember: a kitten die if you do it :-P <pedro_> hggdh, how many kittens left do we have? <pedro_> :-P <hggdh> pedro_, I would guess we may be running out of them soon if we do not act ;-) <pedro_> lol <mac_v> pedro_: hi, could you take a look at this > https://bugs.launchpad.net/nautilus/+bug/416251/comments/5 , i'v attached a screencast of the problem <ubot4> Launchpad bug 416251 in nautilus "Nautilus does not show Desktop thumbnails" [Low,Triaged] <pedro_> mac_v, will do <mac_v> thanx <pedro_> mac_v, eek weird, is the file listed if you do: gvfs-ls from a terminal ? <mac_v> hmm.... will check <pedro_> there was something similar when we migrated to gvfs <mac_v> pedro_: yup the file gets listed , but is only not shown <pedro_> mac_v, ok thanks <mac_v> i'll add that to the upstream comment <BUGabundo> hey fellows #ubuntu-bugs 2009-08-22 <qense> Can anyone here say if this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+bug/410763 is caused by gstreamer, based on three logs: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30151551/gdb-backtrace.txt http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30425942/banshee-thread.log and http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30509312/banshee.log ? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 410763 in banshee "[karmic] Banshee freeze after some song playback" [Undecided,Incomplete] <virtuald> what status should i change a bug that doesn't happen any more? <andresmujica> Invalid or Fix Released #ubuntu-bugs 2009-08-23 <mac_v> is nautilus supposed to constantly increase memory usage? this is a behavior is notice only in karmic <mac_v> s/is/I <scream> Could be a memory leak... have you filed a bug against it? <mac_v> scream: no , will do :) <mac_v> scream: do you know which package sticky notes bug has to be assigned? <alourie|work> hello <alourie|work> I need an advice please <alourie|work> I just marked a bug as duplicate, and would like someone to take a look that I was right. <alourie|work> bug #417626 as duplicate of #366491 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 417626 in update-manager "tripwire cannot be installed during upgrade to kubuntu 9.04 (dup-of: 366491)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/417626 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 366491 in tripwire "tripwire failed to install during upgrade to 9.04" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/366491 <SignedAdam> Hello, i have a bug with my computers drives, I Fix it by opening Terminal, and typing "sudo modprobe acerhk" with out the "" <SignedAdam> Then enter your password, you was ask for your password at install, <SignedAdam> then type : "echo on > /proc/driver/acerhk/wirelessled" with out the "" <SignedAdam> For Wifi ON <SignedAdam> or type : "echo off > /proc/driver/acerhk/wirelessled" with out the "" <SignedAdam> For Wifi OFF, <SignedAdam> my computer is a Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Li 1718 <xax> hi. ever since Ubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.28-13-generic, I only see noise on my screen right after the splash screen. I can hear sound and I can even log in (blindly), but the whole screen is filled with garbage. this problem didn't come up 2.6.28-11-generic. I have an ATI card. is this a known problem? <xax> didn't come up in* <matti> ;] <qense> bdmurray: I've restructured the Bugs/HowToTriage page and rewritten some sections. I don't think it's a good idea to submit such a vital page right away, so I'd like to ask you first. The draft is located here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/258120/ <BUGabundo> boas <funkja> Can anyone help me debug why my dvd drive won't open on my Dell Vostro 1400? It will open prior to Ubuntu starting and I can boot from it, but once ubuntu starts it won't open. <micahg> funkja: try #ubuntu for support <funkja> micahg: they told me to come here :P <micahg> ugh <micahg> ok <micahg> how are you trying to open it? <funkja> By pushing the button <funkja> also the eject command says ""tried to use `/dev/scd0' as device name but it is no block device" <micahg> ok, if the disk is mounted, you will not be able to eject by pushing the button <BUGabundo> micahg: hehh I always feel like a ping ping ball in this situations <micahg> funkja: which flavor of ubunut? <funkja> 9.04 <BUGabundo> funkja: is this after suspend/hibernate? <micahg> ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu? <funkja> Ubuntu <funkja> No, right after cold booting <micahg> can you try to eject from the places menu? <BUGabundo> I always get that after hibernation :( <BUGabundo> long old bug <funkja> The DVD drive doesn't show up in my list of places <micahg> is there a disk in there? <funkja> no, I want to put one in :) <micahg> wow <micahg> that's really weird then <funkja> Which is why I think they told me to come here <micahg> I hate to ping pong, but maybe the kernel channel would be better? <BUGabundo> yeah as I said, I get that too <micahg> unless someone else has an idea <funkja> perhaps <BUGabundo> most times only works if I have a cd on the drive after boot <BUGabundo> :( <BUGabundo> !ping <ubot4> ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore <funkja> maybe I will put the cd in before boot and then start ubuntu <funkja> just want to rip some music <BUGabundo> eheh <BUGabundo> funkja: laptop? <funkja> yes <funkja> Thanks for you help anyways. <BUGabundo> you could file a bug, <BUGabundo> but I suspect it will be just there waitung <funkja> Right <funkja> Maybe, if it comes to it, I'll just reinstall <BUGabundo> no need <BUGabundo> I guess it will just happen again <funkja> Maybe <micahg> yeah, you can file a bug <BUGabundo> you could try karmic from liveusb <micahg> that seems weird <BUGabundo> and test the cd eject <funkja> okay <micahg> funkja: which kernel? <BUGabundo> micahg: I've had it for ever <funkja> Linux niniel 2.6.28-15-generic <BUGabundo> on all releases <micahg> yes but you said after suspend <micahg> his is at cold boot <funkja> Okay, thanks for the information <BUGabundo> micahg: from time to time it also happens on clod boot <BUGabundo> just not so often <micahg> ok <micahg> I've never seen this <BUGabundo> but I don't use the drive much either <micahg> maybe hardware related <BUGabundo> prob <kaddi> hi, I'm trying to report a bug in karmic, that crashes kbuildsycoca4. However this crash also crashe DrKonqui which should report the bug. I'm considering filing the bug with ubuntu-bug, but am wondering which parameters I should give so the bug will get the right tags. Could you help with that? <Ethers0n> i'm trying to figure out if this bug i'm experiencing has been documented <Ethers0n> can some one help? <andresmujica> Ethers0n, explain your bug, maybe anyone here knows it <Ethers0n> I have a laptop with a usb keyboard and mouse attached <Ethers0n> the external keyboard and mouse layouts are the default <Ethers0n> however <Ethers0n> the internal (to the laptop) keyboard's layout has been changed <Ethers0n> so that the keys <Ethers0n> jkl and so on are mapped to 123 <Ethers0n> holding down the "fn" key changes the mapping to the letters as they should be <Ethers0n> this persisted from Hardy Heron to Jaunty <Ethers0n> after an upgrade <andresmujica> hmm like the fn key is activated by default. ?? <Ethers0n> it SEEMS similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/295990 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 295990 in xkeyboard-config "Keyboard layout reset after attaching USB keyboard" [Undecided,Confirmed] <Ethers0n> but is not <Ethers0n> right <Ethers0n> but i can't seem to switch back <Ethers0n> after unplugging the usb keyboard <Ethers0n> andresmujica: maybe? <andresmujica> i recall something with an acer laptop... <andresmujica> something like that ... <Ethers0n> this is a "Great Quality" laptop <Ethers0n> a Fry's special <Ethers0n> (Fry's is an electronics store) <Ethers0n> it's always felt like an HP clone to me <andresmujica> i'll recommend you to fill a bug following this two guides https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/HotkeyResearch https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting <Ethers0n> thanks <Ethers0n> will do <andresmujica> it can be against linux kernel or against xserver-xorg-input-evdev <andresmujica> you must find if xev is mapping the wrong key or if it's a kernel level... <Ethers0n> those guides have walkthroughs for that? <andresmujica> i would bet something with fn key.. yeap, <Ethers0n> groovy <andresmujica> those guides can help you <Ethers0n> will check them out <andresmujica> anyone knows how can i test an apport hook against staging? <BUGabundo> not sure you can! <BUGabundo> :( <andresmujica> yeaa.. that's what i've found up to now... <BUGabundo> great <BUGabundo> why the heck did gnome had to change their BTS? <BUGabundo> now I can't find anything :( <kklimonda> probably because their old bts was... old ;P <BUGabundo> eheh <andre__> BUGabundo, what the heck do you think is the reason that this was done? <andre__> Bugzilla 2.20 was a dead-end and does not even receive security fixes. Also, the server was very slow. <BUGabundo> andre__: someone must tell that to mozilla too ehehe <andre__> BUGabundo, what? <andre__> "that"? <BUGabundo> to upgrade <BUGabundo> they still have a similar version to old gnome one <andre__> are you joking? <andre__> you can read, right? upper right corner of https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/ ? <BUGabundo> eheh <andre__> 3.2.4 is a huge difference to 2.20 i'd say. <BUGabundo> ok ok <BUGabundo> didn't match the version <BUGabundo> don't kill the bug summiter <BUGabundo> or else you will lose one ) <andre__> i don't kill. i only prefer facts to fiction when discussing something :) #ubuntu-bugs 2010-08-23 <drew212> micahg: a user found that a new profile fixed his problem, but none of the extensions caused it, do i mark it as invalid and have him use the new profile or what? <micahg> drew212: bug #? <drew212> bug 619151 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 619151 in firefox (Ubuntu) "BBC IPlayer no longer works after Firefox update to 3.6.8. (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/619151 <micahg> drew212: weird, it's normally abp <drew212> abp? <micahg> ad block plus <drew212> ahh <drew212> micahg: so what do I do then? <micahg> drew212: idk... <micahg> drew212: he can try moving compatability.ini out of the profile so the plugins reregister <^arky^> hi <tgall_x86_64> greets <bbordwell> The purpose of the apport-retracing service is to get stack traces with the symbol tables included right? <micahg> bbordwell: yes <bbordwell> micahg, I just had apport report a crash and I already had all the necessary symbol tables; is the retracer not able to detect this or is there some other reason that it still wants to run? <micahg> bbordwell: that part isn't uploaded <micahg> or actually <micahg> it is, but it still gets retraced <bbordwell> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/strace/+bug/622537 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 622537 in strace (Ubuntu) "strace crashed with SIGSEGV in *__GI_raise() (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] <bbordwell> just seems like a waste of resources is all but o well <micahg> bbordwell: you shouldn't make a non-retraced bug w/a coredump public <bbordwell> micahg, oops your right <bbordwell> changed back <bbordwell> been a while since I read the pages about marking as public. I do not ever do that <bbordwell> does anyone know when mvo is typically on? I have been looking for him for quite some time <micahg> bbordwell: he's "on" vacation :) <bbordwell> micahg, oh, do you know anyone else that maintains gnome-codec-install? <micahg> bbordwell: idk <abhijit> hi <vish> abhijit: pong! <abhijit> vish, hello!!!! :D <vish> abhijit: hey.. :) <abhijit> vish, hi <abhijit> vish, hey do you have bsnl broadband? <vish> abhijit: nope.. <abhijit> vish, ok. :( <nigelb> vish: what do you have? airtel? <vish> nigelb: hmm , does someone wanna hack me! no bank passwords on my sys ;p <abhijit> :D <vish> nigelb: but yeah..! ;) <nigelb> vish: haha, just a random guess. /me has airtel too. <abhijit> MTNL है तो सही है! <hggdh> morning all <nigelb> good morning :) <kermiac> morning hggdh, nigelb :) <nigelb> howdy kermiac :) <jibel> morning hggdh <jibel> and all <kermiac> nigelb: I just finished working on the updated cheese hook mate.... that vish is a hard task master hehe ;) <nigelb> kermiac: heh <nigelb> kermiac: might want to package it. <kermiac> nigelb: vish is taking care of that as he is already getting another cheese update ready <nigelb> kermiac: ok, kewl <njin> pedro_: around ? <pedro_> njin, yes, hello <njin> JFo: around? <JFo> njin, I am indeed <njin> JFo: can you take a look at that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/454722 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 454722 in linux (Ubuntu) "inotify does not watch /proc (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] <njin> JFo: Are syslog, dmesg, kern.log neede? <njin> *needed? <JFo> looking now <JFo> njin, are you the reporter? <njin> no <gorilla> njin: no, they are not technically needed as you can remove them from syslog. <JFo> njin, in that case, I would have the reporter run apport-collect <bugnumber> to add all the logging the team require for kernel bugs <JFo> njin, are you interested in requesting that in order to triage the bug? <njin> JFo: yes <hggdh> holstein: there? <JFo> njin, excellent! :-) thanks for your help. <JFo> njin, once you request that information, you can set the bug to incomplete <njin> JFo: ok <JFo> njin, I'm available for your questions as you have them <njin> JFo: thanks <JFo> or if you just want to make sure that something you want to do is correct <JFo> my pleasure :) <njin> mine too <jibel_> pedro_, hggdh, ping <hggdh> jibel_: pong <pedro_> jibel_, hey <jibel_> hggdh, pedro_, I reviewed the list of bugs tagged with regression-* <jibel_> and I've isolated a few that needs some work. <jibel_> 85 tagged regression-potential for a stable release <hggdh> jibel_: link? <jibel_> and 199 tagged regression-release but not targetted to a release. <jibel_> hggdh, no link yet :( <jibel_> pedro_, shall we organize a bug day or do we review them before ? <jibel_> I've left the kernel bugs apart because that's mostly handled by kj and I think we need insight from JFo and the kernel team. <pedro_> jibel_, I think we can review those this week and we can organize a bug day on Sept 02 , what do you think? <pedro_> hggdh, ^ * JFo perks his ears <hggdh> pedro_: +1 <jibel_> pedro_, +1 <hggdh> but, of course, we should let jFo deal with the kernel bugs <pedro_> ok let me add it to the planning page so we don't forget about it * hggdh hides * JFo cries <JFo> ;) <pedro_> hggdh, +1 <pedro_> ! <hggdh> :-) <JFo> :-D <jibel_> pedro_, hggdh, I'll post the list today on the wiki. <pedro_> jibel_, \o/ thank you <jibel_> what do you think of splitting the regression-tracker list in 2 parts: linux and the rest of the world ? <jibel_> linux is 50% of the regression-* tags <JFo> yep <hggdh> probably a good idea. Just by its size, linux should be separated <jibel_> and generate a lot of noise for the other packages * JFo is drowning in them <jibel_> okay, I'll split the list. We also have nice charts like this http://people.canonical.com/~brian/complete-graphs/regression-potential/ <jibel_> maybe it would be worth to make them more visible on the regression-tracker ? <hggdh> jibel_: at least as of now, yes (until we figure how to Do It Right) <hggdh> we need visibility there <pedro_> reboot brb <bbordwell> does anyone know how to get a back trace of a program that crashes when opened from another program? for example clicking on an mp3 in nautilus opening rhythmbox <holstein> hggdh: pong <holstein> im around <holstein> but im about to step out for the morning/afternoon <hggdh> holstein: whenever you are available, lets get on with the mentorship <holstein> hggdh: tomorrow? <holstein> i'll schedule it <holstein> if your open <hggdh> holstein: tomorrow will be <hggdh> :-) <DanaG> hmm, the core dumps in a Pidgin bug report seem to have my password... how do I fix that? <micahg> DanaG: that's the problem with core dumps <micahg> and why they should never be public, but the stacktraces shouldn't <DanaG> Apport attached the core dump, though. <micahg> I think the apport hook might be able to hide the passwords <micahg> DanaG: right, it shoudl be private by default <micahg> maybe hggdh knows how to hide them ^^^ <seb128> crash report are private, nobody can access them until retracing <DanaG> ah, so will it be made public automatically, after that? <DanaG> Actually, I do already have debug symbols installed, as well. <hggdh> micahg, DanaG: for the private data potentially shown in backtraces, we are working on an apport hook to clean them up <micahg> DanaG: no, it takes a bug control member or the reporter to make it public afterwards <hggdh> DanaG: no, it will not be public by default <hggdh> DanaG: reason is the backtrace may still contain sensitive data <DanaG> ah, I had SOME debugsyms installed, but not all. <DanaG> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+bug/622831 <ubot2> DanaG: Error: Bug #622831 is private. <DanaG> I can confirm: no passwords in stacktrace; just in core-dump. <hggdh> DanaG: if you and all the possibly needed debug symbols... (1) make sure the ddebs are set in sources.list; (2) sudo apport-retrace -o trash /var/crash/<your crash file> <hggdh> then apport-retrace will most nicely apt-get install all found ddebs for the used packages (in the crash) <DanaG> Auto-install.. cool. Wish I'd known about that ages ago... =þ <hggdh> s/you and/you want/ <DanaG> report file does not contain one of the required fields: CoreDump Package ExecutablePath <DanaG> weird. <hggdh> you never processed it via apport-gtk, then <hggdh> /usr/lib/apport/apport-gtk /var/crash/<crash file> <hggdh> and stop before filing the bug <DanaG> er, it seems to be in share, not lib. <hggdh> oh sorry, yes, my fault <hggdh> fingers were disconneted from brain for a while <hggdh> or it may be dyslexia of a higher order -- I do not simply replace characters, but upgraded to whole words * hggdh knew he could improve with age <bcurtiswx> hey guys, with todays updates to maverick. Unplugging your laptop power cord causes the gnome-power-backlight-helper to request permission to run <bcurtiswx> which isn't right, but what package to run that against? <bcurtiswx> GPM? <micahg> bcurtiswx: wel, gpm was just updated last night IIRC <bcurtiswx> micahg: yes it was <bcurtiswx> but it shouldn't ask for permission <kklimonda> bcurtiswx: what does grep -B 5 gnome-power-backlight-helper /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.gnome.power.policy return? <bcurtiswx> kklimonda: http://paste.ubuntu.com/482496/ <abhijit> hello <kklimonda> hmm.. the annotate line looks wrong.. can <kklimonda> s/can//g <kklimonda> it should be just <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.path">/usr/sbin/gnome-power-backlight-helper</annotate> <bcurtiswx> im talking with them in #ubuntu-desktop as well, they see it too <kklimonda> bcurtiswx: bug 615047 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 615047 in policykit-1 (Ubuntu) "[Maverick Alpha] asks for root permission to do: gnome-power-backlight-helper --get-max-brightness (affects: 4) (heat: 264)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/615047 <kklimonda> bcurtiswx: you can fix it in meantime by changing the path to helper in .policy file yourself <bcurtiswx> what should it go to? <kklimonda> bcurtiswx: http://pastebin.com/zU5jfFqm <bcurtiswx> kklimonda: TY <bcurtiswx> kklimonda: add that patch to the bug? <kklimonda> bcurtiswx: no, the problem is in build system and not in the file itself (the wrong path is just an effect of the bug) <vish> thekorn: hi, how did you install those branches for unity? i'm not able to find the dependencies :( <bcurtiswx> kklimonda: ah, OK <simar> hey sense <simar> sense: welcome back <thekorn> vish: hmm, I think all you need to install is libglib2.0-dev <vish> oh! <thekorn> which should match the version requirements <thekorn> unless you try to run unity on some old warty maschine ;) <vish> hehe! no , from a live daily usb! :) <thekorn> vish: IIRC one of the tools (I *think* dbus-test-runner) has do be compiled with --prefix=/usr/local <thekorn> otherwise make check will complain about not finding some .service file <thekorn> or was it a missing service.conf, I don't know ... <vish> thekorn: hmm , ok.. gonna reboot and test again now! :D <njin> hello there's someone expert in nfs4 to pick up this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/403697 present in lucid too <ubot2> Launchpad bug 403697 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "lstat on NFS4 hangs while bzr's trying to read the dirstate file (affects: 5) (heat: 32)" [Undecided,Incomplete] <simar> vish: there?? <vish> simar: hey! <simar> vish: heya!!! <simar> vish: happy raksha bandhan .. lol <vish> heh <simar> vish: I have some doubts regarding setting importance of bugs .. i hope you can help out .. <vish> simar: too late your are already a BC , you are on your own ! <vish> simar: just kidding! , just ask :D <simar> vish: when to set the importance of bugs rightaway when i pick a bug and set the status to incomplete or after some replies of user. I mean is there any wait period of setting the importances .... <vish> simar: no waiting period ;) , just set as soon as you can approximate the importance , do note the importance can change once we have additional new information about the bug. but when changing the importance later, just make sure to comment why the new importance is set <simar> vish: kk :)) <simar> vish: another issue, when a person has a bug in a previous version say in 9.10 but the bug disappers in 10.04 and assume that the user can provide us triaging information about the bug. Should we take the bug forward so the issue is fixed in that particular distribution.. I think this issue has two aspects one in simple packages and other in kernel ... <vish> simar: if no one else is subscribed to the bug, you can close the bug as fixed, but if there are other subscribed to the bug and they are still using old release , AND the fix is known AND qualifies as a SRU , you can continue with the bug.. else just close it ;) <bcurtiswx> vish: ffx40 making it to MM? <vish> bcurtiswx: Firefox4.0? nope.. <bcurtiswx> vish: i thought the new update style allows us to do so? <vish> bcurtiswx: i think micahg and chrisccoulson just had a nice little chat about that on -motu :D <micahg> bcurtiswx: no, firefox-stable PPA <vish> micahg: would it be available in "Whats New" from SC? <micahg> vish: no <bcurtiswx> micahg: ah, OK. So ffx updates still go through SRU. <chrisccoulson> well....... <vish> micahg: yeah , i think that what bcurtiswx was referring to with " new update style " <micahg> bcurtiswx: no <chrisccoulson> ...we should write a SC plugin to access firefox-stable ;) <micahg> well, sort of.. <chrisccoulson> now software-center is pluggable ;) <micahg> chrisccoulson: I wanted to do that...maybe next cycle :) * bcurtiswx is confused, what is SC? <chrisccoulson> software-center <bcurtiswx> thx <simar> vish: I got you point :D * devildante is on a bug sweep... there is now 0 new bugs for ubuntu-translations <devildante> obligatory ! <bcurtiswx> devildante: isn't that the hugday target? <vish> devildante, dusty broom! ;p <devildante> all new is green :) <bcurtiswx> well, maybe you can be the first to kill a hugday before it starts <vish> devildante: finishing the hugday bugs, before hugdays? wOw! <devildante> vish: thx :) <devildante> now time to tackle 31 incomplete and 42 confirmed :p <vish> devildante: maybe its the first time it's ever be done/tried [atleast afaik] ;) <devildante> vish: is that true? I'm your savior :p * bcurtiswx will push for an empathy hugday <devildante> oh, wow, *42* confirmed bugs... those bugs are the answer for everything :p <bcurtiswx> devildante's trying to become the bugs poster child :P <vish> devildante: maybe if you do , you can ask pedro_ to cancel the hug day ;p <devildante> vish: okay, here we go :p * bcurtiswx wishes his quals were over <charlie-tca> It is good to have people so willing to work bugs! <bcurtiswx> work at the bug-wash yea ;) * charlie-tca thinks having the people that do them right is a real bonus, too! * bcurtiswx hides in corner * BUGabundo throws bcurtiswx into the washing machine * bcurtiswx breaks washing machine * bcurtiswx wonders how to close a pm window on irssi <bbordwell> Are there any devs here that would be willing to help me obtain a stack trace? I am unable to do so because the crash is on a child process and looking at this page (http://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/gdb/gdb_26.html) I will have to edit the code to get a stacktrace <bbordwell> hmm the first line went away: are there any devs that would be willing to help me get a stacktrace + ^ <simar> vish: I have never been able to understand that what to do on a hug day .. <vish> simar: its just a target[number of bugs] we try to achieve on that day as a team :) <hggdh> bbordwell: why not let apport take care of it? <simar> vish: i will make sure that i will be there next time .. :)) <bbordwell> hggdh, apport is not picking it up <simar> vish: just have look on a super emotional case .. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/415692 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 415692 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "I cannot disable touchpad tapping because there is no option on the mouse preferences dalog and gsynaptics will not run. (affects: 2) (heat: 17)" [Undecided,New] <hggdh> bbordwell: what version of Ubuntu? <bbordwell> hggdh, maverick, apport is enabled if thats what you were going for <bbordwell> I had a very similar bug in lucid development that apport did not pick up either <hggdh> bbordwell: what type of signal is it (segv, abrt, etc)? <vish> simar: "Enable Mouse Clicks with touchpad" ??? * vish reads bug fully <vish> simar: "Enable Mouse Clicks with touchpad" is in the mouse options! <vish> funny how the reporter mistook, the package change by tormod though ! :D <devildante> vish: this bug is very, very old. Maybe the option didn't exist? <devildante> vish: anyway, I marked it "fix released" ;) <vish> devildante: iirc , it was always there. <simar> vish: Thats in the touchpad tab in mouse options .. and his drivers for touchpad is not loaded due to some reason,, so the tab is not there and the touchpad is detected as a PS2 mouse .. :D <bbordwell> hggdh, I am not sure <simar> vish: I'm happy to pass on some knowledge to u :)) <bbordwell> hggdh, are you on maverick this problem is easily reproducible <simar> vish: dinn't you find the case **emotional** <vish> simar: heh , anyways , i use that feature! so i dont mind if that tab did not exist ;p <vish> simar: if you want emotional , read : https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/417758/comments/6 ;p <ubot2> Launchpad bug 417758 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "Intermittent problems with copy and paste (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Invalid] <vish> simar: btw, bugs are emotional triggers ! ;p <hggdh> bbordwell: yes, I am running Maverick (amd64) <simar> vish: but probably you lucky that the tab exist, if someday it disappeared we will have you emotional there (you tapping will not work without touchpad drivers).. ;p <bbordwell> hggdh, alright its easy, open rhythmbox and right click on a playlist and press create audio cd <bbordwell> here is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brasero/+bug/622535 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 622535 in brasero (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Create audio CD does nothing (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] <hggdh> hum * hggdh will have to create a playlist TBW <hggdh> bbordwell: I am confused. Why do you need a backtrace if the issue is evident? <bbordwell> hggdh, they asked for one upstream <simar> vish: hahaha ,, what a super emotional story, and rather a bit funny .. :-)) <hggdh> bbordwell left. Oh hasty people <devildante> oh my, someone just hugged all Incomplete bugs! I wonder who it could be... <micahg> devildante: I'd suggest focusing on something else so there's something for others to do during the hugday <devildante> micahg: yeah, you're probably right :) <micahg> it's still at least 2 days away <devildante> guess I'm too fast :p <micahg> devildante: nah, that's great <micahg> devildante: here are the top packages with bugs: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+upstreamreport <micahg> devildante: I don't want to discourage, just refocus :) <devildante> micahg: okay, np and thx :) * devildante will be afk for a while <joaopinto_> any idea where should the TERM variable be set from ? #ubuntu-bugs 2010-08-24 <simar> vish: when do you sleep .. you are tireless .. <simar> vish: or that you are already having a nap .. hehe <mrooney> hi! it seems my bugcontrol membership has lapsed, is it possible to have it renewed? <mrooney> I was attempting to triage a bug and, I couldn't! <persia> Which bug? I'll set status for you whilst you're waiting for someone to renew. <mrooney> persia: I'm trying to set the status of https://bugs.launchpad.net/wxbanker/+bug/623055 to Triaged for the Ubuntu task, since there is a confirmed upstream task <ubot2> Launchpad bug 623055 in wxbanker (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "wxbanker crashed with IndexError in load_series() (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] <mrooney> low importance would also be ideal, I suppose! <persia> mrooney, Done <mrooney> persia: thanks! <hggdh> mrooney: ah there you are! Want back in? <mrooney> hggdh: so bad! :) <hggdh> mrooney: looking into it now <mrooney> thanks! <hggdh> mrooney: welcome back! You are all set <mrooney> thanks so much! <mrooney> have I missed anything exciting in my absense? <hggdh> there are always exciting moments here... <hggdh> but I am glad you are back :-) <bcurtiswx> nite all <abhijit> hi <nigelb> vish: you know me <nigelb> http://justanothertriager.wordpress.com/2010/08/24/cleansweep-update/ <nigelb> I really don't like giving up :p <nigelb> (You'll be featured on UWN next week too) <amigojapan> hi guys, I may need help on how to file a bug report, I have googled a lot and cant find a fix for my problem,,,,, my touchpad doesnt work well under ubuntu, it does in windows <kermiac> amigojapan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/simar/Touchpad should help you <amigojapan> thanx kermiac <ppearse> I'd like to report a bug in libffi5, but I can't find the associated project in https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs. Am I searching incorrectly, or do I need to add the project somehow? <jibel_> ppearse, did you tried to run "ubuntu-bug libffi5" in a terminal ? <ppearse> This is a cross compile build bug - I was trying to submit a report manually. Will ubuntu-bug allow me to attach my fix patch? <ppearse> jibel: Oops, broadcast rather than directed <persia> ppearse, You'll have to attach the patch after the bug is filed, but sure. <ppearse> jibel: OK I'll do that then <jibel_> ppearse, yes, it will collect the information from your local system, then redirect you to launchpad to add any information you want. <persia> (asking the entire channel is often preferred here, unless there is a specific need for a specific individual) <bilalakhtar> hey persia I'm sorry for asking this too many times but what happened to coolbhavi's application? <^arky^> mvo, hi <ppearse> jibel: That worked - thanx. <baptistemm> hi there <baptistemm> did I miss something in bug 615509 to be reviewed for SRU validation? <ubot2> Launchpad bug 615509 in collectd (Ubuntu) "[SRU] curl_json plugin is unable to check local files (affects: 1) (heat: 440)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/615509 <seb128> baptistemm, hi <seb128> baptistemm, yes, to subscribe ubuntu-sponsors <persia> baptistemm, I don't see anything missing. I'd recommend asking in #ubuntu-testing in a few hours: the SRU-verification people tend to hang out there. <seb128> baptistemm, ubuntu-sru review things in the upload queue <persia> seb128, Does it no longer need approval pre-upload? <seb128> did it ever do? <seb128> I'm not really aware of universe rules so ignore me if I'm wrong <seb128> what I said stands for main uploads <persia> The process got unified, but I've never been sure if it needed upload first or not since unification. <seb128> there was an "SRUs: Upload *FIRST* for review" discussion on ubuntu-devel@l.u.c recently <seb128> but that discussion did go far it seems, out of pitti agreeing since that's what is done for main for a while <baptistemm> ubuntu-sponsor is already subscribed <persia> upload first makes sense, since the LP UI exposes useful stuff to non-archive-admins now. <vish> hmm , anyone with an idea why make keeps failing > http://paste.ubuntu.com/482821/ <vish> I'v tried installing dbus-test-runner with ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr/local && make and ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr && make , but both seem to not help.. :s <vish> rather, neither* <seb128> baptistemm, no they are not <seb128> baptistemm, they would be on the right side list <baptistemm> doh, I was watching the wrong bug :/ <vish> thekorn: hey! <baptistemm> thanks seb128 <seb128> baptistemm, you're welcome <thekorn> hi vish <vish> thekorn: finally i for the deps installed, but not able to install the dee :i get this error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/482821/ <vish> s/for/got <vish> i tried the dbus-test-runner with ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr/local too, but dint help <vish> gah! netsplits! <thekorn> vish: you have to `make install` the dbus-test-runner <thekorn> our just make and make sure the resulting executable is in PATH <vish> hmm , i thought i did the install , let me try again.. <vish> doh! i had tried make without root priv! and i dint notice the permissons denied error ! :/ <vish> make install that is.. <thekorn> oh, maybe I should have mentioned it <vish> thekorn: yay! make check seems to have gone right? : http://paste.ubuntu.com/482833/ <thekorn> vish: congrats ;) that's exactly what mikkel was looking for <vish> \o/ <vish> thekorn: thanks .. :) <vish> thekorn: also, how do you retrace the .crash locally? [i have a couple of bugs still waiting for retracers :)] <thekorn> vish: that's easy, install apport-retrace, and create a file called /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ddebs.list with this one line as content: <thekorn> deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com maverick main restricted universe multiverse <thekorn> (this are the debug symbols), and run apt-get update <seb128> hey thekorn <thekorn> and then all you need to do is running apport-retrace like <seb128> thekorn, bug #620458 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 620458 in malone (and 1 other project) "cannot access attachments of private bugs any more (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/620458 <seb128> thekorn, you left before I read your comment the other day saying it works for you <thekorn> seb128: hi, don't tell me you don't want people to run the retracer locally ;) <seb128> thekorn, that's the launchpad bug breaking the retracers <thekorn> seb128: yes, it's working for me, maybe all you have to do is creating new credentials with maximum power? <seb128> thekorn, did you try on private bugs? <seb128> thekorn, it works on public ones <thekorn> seb128: yes, but let me double check <seb128> thekorn, it might be working on bugs you opened as well <thekorn> haha, ok <seb128> thekorn, did you try to retrace a private bug not opened by you? <thekorn> I indeed only tried it on bugs I opend <thekorn> let me try a random one <vish> thekorn: hmm , you got interupted before you give me the secret command! ;p <thekorn> damn, I'm bad at multitasking <thekorn> sorry <thekorn> vish: sudo apport-retrace -o /tmp/result.retrace <bugnumber> <thekorn> vish: or if you want to attach the result directly to the bugreport <vish> hehe , nah, no probs.. its like in the movies just when the suspense is about to be revealed something happens <vish> thekorn: oh! neat thanks :) <thekorn> sudo apport-retrace --auth launchpad.credentials <bugnumber> <thekorn> where launchpad.credentials are saved credentials from launchpadlib <vish> k... * vish reboots <thekorn> noooo, you are not on windows.... <thekorn> seb128: I can indeed reproduce the lp bug, attachments of private bugs which are not created by me are not accessible via the API, <thekorn> but I get a different error <seb128> thekorn, you might have a fixed httplib2 <seb128> ? <seb128> cf the httplib2 bugwatch <thekorn> seb128: right, seems like httplib2 only prints some more verbose error message <thekorn> good to see the lp guys working on this issue <seb128> indeed <gorilla> thekorn: Does anyone have a email address for those that are fixing it? I'd like to email them and ask "Is it fixed yet?" :-D lol <devildante> hello pedro_ :) <pedro_> hey devildante! * pedro_ hugs devildante <pedro_> devildante, you ROCK. * devildante hugs pedro_ back <devildante> pedro_: you rock TOO. <devildante> but wait, why do I rock? :p <pedro_> devildante, just checked my email and realize you managed to triage almost all the bugs on the bug day page ;-) <devildante> oh <pedro_> that's *awesome* :-) <devildante> pedro_: thx :) <devildante> pedro_: I would have done all of them, but micahg told me I should let some for you :p <devildante> you all, I mean <devildante> hi kamusin :) <kamusin> hey devildante <abhijit> hello devildante <devildante> hi abhijit :) <abhijit> :) <kamusin> you have closed lot of reports , good work ;) <pedro_> kamusin, he's a bugs addict :-) <kamusin> looks like such a bug eater :P <devildante> kamusin, pedro_: thx :) <jibel> pedro_, hggdh, hello <hggdh> jibel: morning <jibel> pedro_, hggdh: here is the list I promised for yesterday: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JeanBaptisteLallement/RegressionReport <jibel> That's a tough one for a bug day. <hggdh> heh <jibel> hggdh, I've read a large part of them and that's really hard to triage. <hggdh> jibel: then I guess we will have to get it done ourselves... <sigh/> <pedro_> jibel, thanks for the report ;-) <wmrit> I wanted to help out with triaging bugs but everything seems so confusing. Can anyone suggest a simple step by step approach? <abhijit> wmrit, you can request for mentor. <gorilla> wmrit: step by step guides aren't really possible as it depends a lot on the submitted bug. <wmrit> ok I'll check around the site for a mentor <abhijit> wmrit, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad <abhijit> wmrit, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors <wmrit> Ok I don't know how to set up a wiki page, I have signed the code of conduct and I am signed in with launch pad <abhijit> wmrit, ask in #ubuntu-doc <abhijit> wmrit, see the links in the topic of that channel <wmrit> Thanks <pedro_> is launchpad acting slow today or it's just me ? <charlie-tca> pedro_: that seems to be the only not slow for me. :-( <pedro_> darn. <charlie-tca> Even Xchat here has a 1.7 sec lag <seb128> pedro_, it's slow there <pedro_> seb128, thanks so it's no only me, i was about to kick my router <vish> devildante: not that you /have/ to leave some pie for us.. you can have it fully too.. ;p <vish> devildante: no one will complain you finished bug day ;p <devildante> vish: is that true? <devildante> bug day, here I come! :p <pedro_> devildante, vish well only kamusin will be jealous :-P <vish> hehe! <vish> Pici: i'm not the only one who was surprised[rather late] by the paste.u.c new theme :D : https://twitter.com/asacasa/statuses/21994422671 <kamusin> haha in some way it's true :P <pedro_> hahaha <pedro_> i knew it! * devildante lets out evil scream <pedro_> we can always put more bugs there you know <pedro_> there's plenty of triaged ones waiting for patches, etc * devildante is beginning to love appmenu-gtk :p <Pici> vish: Ah, refreshed my cache, now it looks nice. <vish> Pici: lol! you dint know either! :D <vish> sense: last i heard bdmurray mentioned he was busy.. hence those students were still waiting. but hope he is free now :) <sense> vish: Ah, didn't know that. I assumed he could take at least one student since he didn't have the 'currently unavailable' phrase in front of his name in the table. <vish> sense: hmm, maybe i should have updated that on the wiki :( <thekorn> vish: talking about our mentorship program: seems like I have no luck with my students, noone answered to my various mails, and the one who was bussy with other things for about one month did not report back either <vish> thekorn: no worries, we deactivate them :) <thekorn> cool, I think I'm free for a new one then <vish> sense: hmm, i did move bdmurray lower down the table! folks below are the unavailable ;p <sense> vish: Maybe we could create a separate table for that? <vish> sense: maybe.. but i think we neeeeeeeed to take a roll call on those available too! pedro_ had tasked hggdh to crack the whip! ;) <sense> People should remove inactive students so we know who can take up some new. * hggdh wakes up <sense> dinner time, afk! <thekorn> okidoki, so all I should do now is removing my students <thekorn> ? <vish> thekorn: sure.. you can do it too, i'v deactivated them from the team as well <vish> sense: isnt it too early for dinner! ;p * vish gonna have dinner only now! and is on a TZ far ahead of sense ;p <thekorn> maybe he has to hunt his meal first?! ;) <nigelb> devildante: around? <devildante> nigelb: yep <sense> vish: Dutch generally eat early, but today we ate extra early because my brother has got a football match this evening. <vish> :) <njin> Kde users help https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/427846 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 427846 in ubuntu "Thinkpad T400s laptop dock events not enabling/disabling external display (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] <abhijit> hi <njin> hi <njin> pedro_: around? <pedro_> njin, yes <njin> hello pedro <pedro_> hola <simar> sense: hey! <devildante> pedro_: can you triage bug 622622? I reported it upstream ;) <ubot2> Launchpad bug 622622 in gnome-media (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "floated letters in sound preferences dialog (russian translation) (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/622622 <pedro_> devildante, awesome! marking it now <devildante> looks like I'm fast :p <devildante> thanks pedro_ ;) <pedro_> no problem :-) <jaminc> anyone here notice that the base server and desktop installs (only default packages) generate different group IDs for the same groups and a conflicting user ID? <utkanos> are there known issues with update-initramfs not behaving properly? <jzarr> is there a channel for help with livecd customization? <charlie-tca> Maybe #ubuntu-installer <utkanos> i seem to be stuck in a nasty loop of apt/dpkg and update-initramfs/mkinitramfs that I cannot break out of <jaminc> jzarr, there's a pretty detailed wiki page in the community documentation on how to customize the CD <utkanos> anyone willing to take a crack at it? <vish> charlie-tca: pedro_: while announcing bug days, werent we also usually mentioning ways to debug for the specific app, like for banshee there was no mention of what we need to request info about <jzarr> jaminc, ive been there, need a little more info than the page has, i think i need to modify some of the casper-bottom stuff, but not sure <vish> i had to look at other triaged bugs and see what they usually need for debugging. <pedro_> vish, 'usually' yes, we point users to doc if we have those <charlie-tca> We mention it if there is a specific procedure requested from the devs, too. <vish> pedro_: yeah , why i ask is we seem to slowly forget mentioning that info in the wiki recently :D <jaminc> jzarr, what are you trying to get it to do? <vish> last i recall was we had that was for Ubuntuone.. <utkanos> ugh <jzarr> im trying to sneak in a post-login bash script that gets user input, putting it in /etc/profile is to early, no mouse/keyboard support <jzarr> i think i need to add a script to casper-bottom or init-bottom, but not sure <jaminc> and this input is needed prior to what point? <jzarr> none, just need keyboard/mouse/network, essentially what im making is a live usb stick, stick in a box, it grabs dmesg cpuinfo etc, pushes it to a file share, then shuts down <jaminc> jzarr why not put it into rc.local then? <jzarr> maybe im mistaken, but i thought rc.local is run before /etc/profile and if thats too soon ... <utkanos> i seem to be stuck in a nasty loop of apt/dpkg and update-initramfs/mkinitramfs that I cannot break out of, any known bugs in update-initramfs? <jaminc> it's one of the last init scripts to run... I thought I'd gotten user input during it before... I could be wrong... <jzarr> ill give it a try <jaminc> which (meta-)package should I file a bug report against for differing/conflicting user/group accounts between default server and desktop installs? <jzarr> if i do need to add to casper-bottom, is it as simple as creating a 99_script and dropping it in there? <jaminc> yes <abhijit> bye <jaminc> I just copied one of the existing scripts in there as a baseline and used it <jzarr> oh ok, i got a little confused by the prereq stuff, thought i had to declare something someplace else <jzarr> it just uses the front numbers for ordering? <jaminc> that's what it looks like from what I saw <jzarr> cool, ill give rc.local a try, then that, thanks for the help <jaminc> jzarr, any time <jzarr> actually one more question while i got ya ;-) any trick to mounting the same usb stick used to boot? <utkanos> can anyone help with what appears to be a bug in update-initramfs please? <utkanos> i found a dirty hack/work around for installing anything else via apt, except a kernel, which actually needs to generate an initrd <jaminc> jzarr, guessing you don't want to write into the persistence area? <jzarr> i wasnt aware there was one, hows that work <jaminc> one sec, let me get the page <jzarr> thx <jaminc> jzarr, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence <jaminc> the persistence file is basically just a loop back file system afterwards... if you want to extract anything <jzarr> ohh, i thought it was a mount shadowed to the usb stick, this needs to be noob friendly so they can grab logs of the stick <jaminc> let me check one of my other sticks... I can't remember if I did that or just used the persistence <jaminc> looks like I just used the persistence area once I worked out how to use it <jzarr> ill try splitting the disk into partitions, maybe that will do it <jaminc> which (meta-)package should I file a bug report against for differing/conflicting user/group accounts between default server and desktop installs? <devildante> can someone triage bug 392750? <ubot2> Launchpad bug 392750 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "packages.ubuntu.com needs translation (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/392750 <charlie-tca> devildante: done <devildante> charlie-tca: thx ;) <charlie-tca> no problem <yofel> hm, is bug 622702 evince or glib? (I tend to glib) <ubot2> Launchpad bug 622702 in ubuntu "[maverick regression] Evince crashes when repeatedly doing text selections (affects: 1) (heat: 3235)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/622702 <pedro_> yofel, assign it to evince for now <yofel> k <pedro_> yofel, would be nice to get valgrind log of that crash <devildante> I tend to glib, but I'm no expert <pedro_> it might tell us where the crash actually is <pedro_> without it, we can only guess <yofel> ok, I'll request it <pedro_> all the *alloc calls are coming from glib <pedro_> so it doesn't say us much about it... <pedro_> thank you yofel! <yofel> wth... <yofel> Reading symbols from /usr/bin/evince...warning: the debug information found in "/usr/lib/debug//usr/bin/evince" does not match "/usr/bin/evince" (CRC mismatch). <yofel> (trying to retrace the crash that I get) <yofel> reinstalling packages didn't help.. <yofel> ok, I love this, 'GLib-ERROR **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.14/glib/gmem.c:140: failed to allocate 37108517450112 bytes' but it DOESN'T crash when I run it in gdb :( <yofel> correction, it just doesn't crash every time I try to run it <devildante> does someone know the upstream bug tracker for compiz? <mrooney> devildante: I'm pretty sure Launchpad does, if you try to upstream a bug <devildante> mrooney: no, it doesn't mention it <devildante> I've seen mentions of bugs.opencompositing.org in the net, but it just doesn't want to open :( <mrooney> yeah those are the top two google results <mrooney> but I see what you mean about it opening <hggdh> micahg: can you check bug 533739 and confirm/deby it as a regression? <ubot2> Launchpad bug 533739 in firefox (Ubuntu) "ubuntu package search searchengine missing from firefox (affects: 2) (heat: 23)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/533739 <micahg> hggdh: I asked chrisccoulson about it, he didn't seem to think we need it, but since p.u.c was fixed, maybe we should? <chrisccoulson> yeah, i could never figure out why it was removed in the first place <chrisccoulson> but, IMO, the list of search engines is already long enough by default <chrisccoulson> i don't think we need to add another one <micahg> chrisccoulson: so, won't fix? <chrisccoulson> yeah, i think so. we can always revisit if lots of people scream for it <micahg> chrisccoulson: k, will do later, thanks <chrisccoulson> thanks <hggdh> chrisccoulson, micahg: I will take out the regression-potential tag, then <micahg> hggdh: k <chrisccoulson> cool, thanks <hggdh> and thank you :-) <hggdh> micahg: I can also mark it wontfix, if you wish <micahg> chrisccoulson: what do you think of a separate package for them and have it as a suggests? <micahg> or it rather <chrisccoulson> micahg - a separate package would probably be better <micahg> chrisccoulson: k, separate source too? <chrisccoulson> i'm not sure we'd need to suggest it though. IIRC, there's already a package in the archive which adds some extra search engines <chrisccoulson> yeah, a separate source package <micahg> !info firefox-launchpad-plugin <ubot2> micahg: firefox-launchpad-plugin (source: firefox-launchpad-plugin): Launchpad firefox integration. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4 (lucid), package size 6 kB, installed size 72 kB <chrisccoulson> yeah, that's probably the one ;) <micahg> chrisccoulson: so I'll make something similar to that then <chrisccoulson> cool, thanks <micahg> chrisccoulson: so, I think then it should be marked regression-lucid, but we're fixing it another way? <chrisccoulson> yeah, i'm not sure which tag to use. i hardly do any bug triage now ;) <micahg> hggdh: ^^ <charlie-tca> chrisccoulson: I hope my response on that bug was not too far out of line. I did not really mean to bark at you. <chrisccoulson> charlie-tca, heh, that's ok ;) #ubuntu-bugs 2010-08-25 <hggdh> micahg: regression-release <hggdh> and open a task for lucid <micahg> hggdh: k, well, we're making a new package so that won't work <micahg> I'll add a lucid-backports task once it's in maverick (if accepted) <micahg> or actually file a new bug for that <hggdh> micahg: you will probably need a new bug for the new package <hggdh> oh boy, the paths we take to adjust to LP... <micahg> hggdh: ? <hggdh> I wish we had something like the depends on from bugzilla <hggdh> er, blocks <micahg> hggdh: agreed <hggdh> oooooohhh <hggdh> micahg: LP will add "record dependencies between bugs" for next fix/improvement <micahg> hggdh: \o/ <hggdh> micahg: bug 95419 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 95419 in malone "Record dependencies between bugs (affects: 10) (dups: 4) (heat: 69)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95419 <hggdh> \o/ indeed! * devildante will go to sleep... good night everyone ;) <bcurtiswx_> g'nite all <Muscovy> Hi, I'm considering joining the bug control team, but I'm not sure if I meet the requirements/experience in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl. I know it's a vague question, but how much "experience" is recommended? <micahg> Muscovy: when you're comfortable deciding importance and your mentor is comfortable as well <Muscovy> micahg: I think that could be an issue, I don't have a mentor. <micahg> Muscovy: heh, well are there triagers familiar with your work, enough to know how well you respond to bugs <micahg> !mentoring | Muscovy <ubot2> Factoid 'mentoring' not found <micahg> ugh <micahg> !mentors | Muscovy <ubot2> Factoid 'mentors' not found <micahg> !mentor | Muscovy <ubot2> Muscovy: Looking for a helping hand with bug triage? Read the wiki for information about requesting a bugsquad mentor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors <micahg> there we go :) <Muscovy> Thanks. <vish> micahg: hehe! we tried to keep that factoid short, but seems to backfire a lot of times! ;p <vish> jpds: hmm , just remembered about 'an' or 'a' mv-o > http://www.colorado.edu/Publications/styleguide/abbrev.html#articles :D * vish was writing a comment and was reminded of jpds' mention, so looked it up :) <abhijit> hi <elv> hi! I don't understand if there is anything to do or to check before marking a bug report as public. <persia> elv, OK. So, there's probably a wiki page about it, but I forget the URL. <persia> The general idea is that we don't want to expose bugs if they meet the following criteria: <persia> 1) they represent a not-yet-public security vulernability (needs to be made public the same day as everyone else) <persia> 2) the bug report contains private information (credit card numbers, passwords, etc.) <persia> So, the first group is easy: you will only be able to un-private them if you already have all the security training. <persia> The second group is harder: you need to review and analyse all the available information (including digging through any attachments) to ensure that no information is available. <elv> mmm, ok exactly i read something about the point 2. But i don't understand if i have to remove the coredump file always. <persia> Generally if there's a coredump file, you want to get the apport-retracer to retrace it. <elv> ok thanks. <bcurtiswx_> good morning <devildante> hi all ;) <pedro_> good day devildante <pedro_> how are you today? <devildante> pedro_: hi pedro_, all is fine :) <pedro_> vish, so jibel is working with us in the mentoring program ;-) <pedro_> vish, we can assign him all the remaining students! <bcurtiswx> seb128, is it in or out :P <jibel> \o/ <vish> pedro_: oh wow! it reminds me of "Universal Soldiers!" , we would have a huge army! Jibel's Army! :D <vish> yay! Bugs will have no chance now! <bcurtiswx> I would go more with jibel the exterminator! <vish> bcurtiswx: have you seen jibel's wiki? i read his bug squashing comment and my jaw dropped in awe! :) <bcurtiswx> No, link? <vish> bcurtiswx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JeanBaptisteLallement > "I'm in the top 3 contributors for bug management activity: karma (reaching apport will be hard though " <vish> pedro_: you loose to jibel ;p <vish> pedro_ is third now! <bcurtiswx> If only I had that amount of free time.. Lol <devildante> I hope I get in this top 20 some time... <bcurtiswx> I will be triaging much more once I take my qualifying exams <bcurtiswx> Computational sciences and informatics with a concentration in space sciences and astrophysics.... And I have to repeat that when people ask what I do... <bcurtiswx> That's what my phd will be in if I get there <devildante> Can someone update the "nominate for" part in bug 502610? <ubot2> Launchpad bug 502610 in webkit (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "Chinese characters unexpectedly switch fonts in WebKit-GTK (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 28)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/502610 <devildante> Lucid must be declined <thekorn_> "[...]with an average speed of 1K bugs per month[...]" what an amazing definitin of speed! <chrisccoulson> hi pedro_ <pedro_> hello chrisccoulson <chrisccoulson> about the firefox crash reports with failed retrace - we've actually blacklisted firefox in apport now <chrisccoulson> crash reports go directly to mozilla instead (for maverick) <pedro_> chrisccoulson nice!, i've been looking into the ones left at lp <chrisccoulson> cool, thanks. it's probably best to just close the unuseful ones from maverick now <pedro_> chrisccoulson ok will do that <chrisccoulson> thanks <pedro_> you're welcome :-) <pedro_> devildante, really? <pedro_> Ubuntu BugSquad: devildante is an addict. <devildante> pedro_, ? <pedro_> he's even working on old bug days!! * pedro_ hugs devildante * devildante hugs back pedro_ <pedro_> devildante, can i clone you? <devildante> pedro_: okay, go ahead :p <pedro_> ;-) <devildante> pedro_: maybe someone should add more bugs to the translations bug day, I finished them all and I wouldn't like the bugday to be cancelled <devildante> we need to motivate :p <devildante> I need to correct: I almost finished them, kamusin took care of the rest :p <pedro_> devildante, we can add some more confirmed , because there's no more New reports :-P <devildante> haha <pedro_> let me do the query and i'll add those <devildante> okay :) * devildante will go take care of old bug day ;) <ashams> simar: hi <simar> ashams: hi <simar> ashams: done same work .. <ashams> simar: not yet. studying more! <simar> ashams: k, keep going <simar> ashams: i wonder why you set the status of the bug i told you to triage again.. to new <ashams> simar: the reporter provided the needed info! <ashams> simar: but only one reported it, so I could not confirm <ashams> simar: is that wrong? <simar> ashams: i think you are not on right track <simar> ashams: please note the following points <simar> ashams: wait ... point me to that bug first .. get the link <ashams> simar: gust a sec! <simar> ashams: ya <ashams> simar: here it is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/611992 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 611992 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Synaptics TouchPad: no supported touchpad found (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] <simar> ashams: wait <ashams> simar: k <simar> ashams: triaging means following the bug until it is fixed.. you have to set the status to triaged when there is enough information for a developer to work on it <ashams> simar: yes, but can be with only one Affected, and can't reproduce? <ashams> simar: :) ? <simar> ashams: there?? <simar> ashams: my internet broke <simar> ashams: you can't reproduce every bug in your own system .. <simar> ashams: in that case, you should ask for logs from affected users .. that way looking on the logs you can confirm the bug <simar> ashams: heya .... .. .. .. . <KE1HA> Off-Topic I know, but I finished a perfect HP Mini-2133 install w/10.04.1 even BCM4312 wifi nic drivers worked out of the box, Well done all !! <marjo> QA Team Meeting 1700 UTC in #ubuntu-quality <holstein> KE1HA: dood <holstein> i got a 2133 <holstein> quite a pain <holstein> im still using the openchrome driver <holstein> hggdh: ping <holstein> i didnt make it on here yesterday morning <holstein> maybe we can schedule something? <hggdh> holstein: I noticed ;-) * holstein opens calendar <holstein> hggdh: how about tomorrow? <holstein> 11? <hggdh> holstein: deal <hggdh> holstein: 11:00 on what TZ? <holstein> your in my timezone right? <holstein> its almost 1 for you too? <hggdh> I do not know... I am US CDT <hggdh> oh, you are EDT <holstein> yeah <hggdh> hold on, let me check <holstein> hggdh: im open all day tomorrow <hggdh> holstein: any time from 12:00 EDT -- 13:00 is good, for example <holstein> even better <holstein> lets say my noon then <hggdh> holstein: 12:00 EDT it is <KE1HA> holstein: it picked the STA wifi Driver, and I used the ALT install ISO (debian-installer) to avoid any VID issues on boot / install start. Other than that, was perfect. <nigelb> can someone on gnome look at bug 250664 (i'm on xfce) <ubot2> Launchpad bug 250664 in gnome-device-manager (Ubuntu) ""Device Manager" entry not appearing in System -> Administration (faulty gnome-device-manager.desktop) (heat: 5)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/250664 <holstein> KE1HA: via released a driver recently <hggdh> nigelb: so such entry under Maverick Gnome <nigelb> hggdh: 'no'? <KE1HA> holstein: the STA specifically called out 4 versions, 4312 and a couple others where as the BCM diver seemed generic. Hope this fixes some BCM issues as there's allot of folks having trouble with them. <nigelb> hggdh: also, is there such an app? <holstein> KE1HA: check out this screenshot http://imagebin.org/111345 ;) <KE1HA> holstein: Nastey :-) .. not having that problem at all. <holstein> yeah, that was my first try installing that VIA driver <holstein> i manually put the files where they go <holstein> and got it working <holstein> but no 3D <hggdh> nigelb: nowadays, I do not think so, but pedro_ is the expert on Gnome... <holstein> and the openchrome one seemed 'less hot' <KE1HA> holstein: check your BIOS as well, on the 2133 wiki page it mentions FM 04 with newer FW causing issues. <holstein> KE1HA: i got 04 <KE1HA> Hmm <KE1HA> Let me boot and will see what I ahve <hggdh> nigelb: and it is indeed 'no' such appl in Maverick <holstein> i think i tried them all... <holstein> KE1HA: if you didnt do anything special <holstein> you got openchrome <holstein> AFAIK <nigelb> hggdh: aha, I was afraid of that. <KE1HA> Nope, just out of the box install, apart form picking the boxed restricted driver. <holstein> and it works fine really <holstein> no 3D <holstein> but the display sleeps with it now <holstein> that was always my problem with the openchrome driver and this GPU <KE1HA> holstein: FM-03 * holstein would like to have some 3D though <holstein> KE1HA: maybe i got 3 <holstein> i got the one that the wiki suggested <KE1HA> :-) on a mini well, that's a bit of a stretch for that little box. <holstein> my asus eee 900 <holstein> 3D <holstein> no problem <holstein> everything out of the box <ashams> simar: alright :) <KE1HA> how can I test the 3D ? <simar> ashams: ah! <holstein> KE1HA: you can try to enable desktop effects <holstein> right click on the desktop <simar> ashams: let me see what was going on.. <holstein> change desktop background <holstein> go to visual effects tab <holstein> and try one of the options <KE1HA> Got, having a play now <holstein> mine goes and looks for a driver <simar> ashams: what you say after my last comments .. <holstein> and says 'no dice' <holstein> desktop effects could not be enabled :/ <holstein> i did get 3D with 9.10 <KE1HA> Yep, same same. <holstein> had to get the driver <holstein> install it <holstein> say some encantations <holstein> get the right firmware <holstein> and an older kernel <KE1HA> That's ok, this one doesn't need 3D .. can't hardly see the screen anyways :-) <holstein> i only stated working on it to get the display to sleep <holstein> and now it does <holstein> so its not a big deal <holstein> somethings are funky though <KE1HA> Yeah, this one dont need 3D fer it' intended purpose. Can use a full Laptop is I need that. <holstein> video playback is *not* always smooth <holstein> and sometimes i think its going to sleep <holstein> and it doesnt <holstein> and the sound dies <KE1HA> I tested that with the example's and went to utube and watched a few vids there, seemed ok. <holstein> occasionally <holstein> hasnt done it with the latest few kernels though <KE1HA> on the wiki it talks about sound levels not sticking, tested that, did not ahve to use alsamixer to stick them. <holstein> KE1HA: used to be <holstein> if i opened sound preferences <holstein> the device died <holstein> and i could restart it with a script <holstein> yeah <holstein> now 'sound preferences' just crashes <holstein> sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload <holstein> i got a shortcut on my desktop to that ^^ ;) <simar> ashams: what you have to say? <holstein> KE1HA: i havent really been filing bugs either <holstein> im not sure what the devs are suppose to do <holstein> VIA doesnt really share <KE1HA> holstein: i've not ran nto any bugs yet, other than that 3d business, but then it's not really powerfull enough fer 3d i dont tink. <KE1HA> I was just happy WiFi worked OUB <simar> vish: i think i have found you a papercut. i hope :-| <simar> vish: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat/+bug/623066 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 623066 in xchat (Ubuntu) "XChat does not remember favourite channels set from the right-click menu (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] <holstein> KE1HA: open sound preferences <holstein> maybe you got the other 2133 <holstein> i think there is a few different ones <holstein> but when i open sound preferences <KE1HA> sound pref's doesn't crash <holstein> and go to a few tabs <vish> simar: oh noes! we have enough bugs! ;p <holstein> KE1HA: can you navigate through it? <simar> vish: you can escape ;-)) <holstein> is that the one that came with SUSE? <vish> simar: but that wouldnt be a papercut, we dont install xchat by default :) <KE1HA> this is an older box though, probably 2x or there abouts maybe a little more. <simar> vish: ok, i c <simar> vish: so you will happier ;-)) <KE1HA> holstein: this one came with Slug-Vista, that's why we put UB on it. <vish> simar: hehe, one of these days, we should probably tag Ubuntu itself as a papercut ;p <vish> everywhere there is a bug! <holstein> p/n KX869AT#ABA <holstein> KE1HA: well, dont belive its too slow for 3D <KE1HA> holstein: the Sound card is VT1708/A is that helps. <holstein> my eee runs compiz great <holstein> its the VIA chips <holstein> my EEE is 900mhz ;) <KE1HA> Over all, im pretty happy with it thus far. <simar> vish: this make users to think... there is none because people like you work tirelessly to identify and fix them ... great soul . <holstein> im always about to break this one <simar> ashams: there ?? <KE1HA> well, iv'e got plenty of 3D boxs, dual 9800GT's GTX 280's no need here fer a little mini 3D box :-) <holstein> 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10) <holstein> KE1HA: you can open sound preferences? <holstein> and navigate through it? <holstein> HEY <holstein> now i can :) <simar> vish: I have not been able to contact stanley_robertso till now here in IRC. <KE1HA> same model chip, yes I can open SP, and mess around, no crach, but did notice the Sound Vol goes away on the bar is I change it. <vish> simar: odd, though, you two often dont meet at the same time! can you try sending him an email? <holstein> yeah, its *way* better <holstein> just a couple months ago <holstein> i would open sound preferences <holstein> and the device would disappear <holstein> w00t :) <vish> simar: irc contact is not a requirement, though it helps.. :) <simar> vish: ok .. i note it <holstein> KE1HA: last time i opened it, when the sound vol went away, it crashed <KE1HA> holstein: yep, your right, it does vanish, guess that's why the vol selector goes away. <holstein> but i was able to get through it once <holstein> thats improvement <KE1HA> It doesn't crash so to speak, jsut disappears. <KE1HA> Guess tha's a bug :-( <holstein> yeah, but what do we do? <holstein> VIA dont care <holstein> KE1HA: you want to file it? <KE1HA> Solution = Dont mess with the preferences :-) <holstein> hehe <KE1HA> Ok, time fer a coffe :-) <holstein> KE1HA: :) <holstein> glad to find a fellow 2133'er <ashams> simar: hey! <simar> ashams: i think you should set the status to incomplete again.. <simar> ashams: and read about the statuses again <ashams> simar: he had already included the Xorg.0.log in the report <simar> ashams: so what .. after setting the incomplete status, you should set it to triage if you think it is fit to be worked upon by developer <simar> ashams: just set the status and then i will tell you whta to do <ashams> simar: here's the Xorg.log, please use your browser to find "Synaptics", I think this is a problem with the Xorg module??? <ashams> simar: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/52774134/XorgLog.txt <ashams> simar: there? :-) <simar> ashams: what do you find fishy in it? <ashams> simar: the Synaptics couldn't be Identified! <ashams> simar: it says: "[ 33.312] (EE) SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad Unable to query/initialize Synaptics hardware." <simar> ashams: good work.. <ashams> simar: so, set to incomplete??? <simar> ashams: sure <ashams> simar: why, everything is right there? <ashams> simar: and it became clear that the Xorg-Module has been Unloaded, due to Fail to Identification?! :---) <simar> ashams: but why the identification failed .. <simar> ashams: the linux kernel wrongly reported the touchpad .. so synaptics module loading failed <simar> ashams: there <simar> ashams: to confirm this thing we have a command that reports all input devices that kernel reports to x. <simar> ask that from the user <ashams> simar: here's my best guess, it had been mistakenly associated to Driver 1.2.2, which is not the correct one for that version! <ashams> simar: ok <ashams> simar: sorry have to go now, ill do it and confirm through mail, bye for now> <simar> ashams: wild guess!! higher driver version should not stop support for some touchpads <simar> ashams: wait <simar> ashams: a sec <simar> ashams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingTouchpadDetection <hggdh> pedro_, jibel: I am wondering about regression-potential. I read it as "not having confirmed a regression", but this is not how it is being used now <ashams> simar: im still working on that doc? <simar> ashams: see this In case your touchpad features like scrolling, tapping, etc does not work at all. <simar> ashams: in particular <ashams> simar: well! <simar> ashams: NOTE SOME POINTS <jibel> hggdh, today it is used as a regression in a development release. <hggdh> pedro_, jibel: what do you think of having a 'regression-devel' (or the likes) for the current development version of Ubuntu, and using 'regression-potential' as above? <simar> ashams: always comment if you will change the bug status in future atleast for some 1 month ... <ashams> simar: you say that i need to ask him for the /proc/bus/input/devices file <simar> ashams: you are absolutely right .. <jibel> hggdh, but that means that once the dev become a release you'll have to change all the remaining -potential to -release. <simar> ashams: you are getting the stuff <hggdh> jibel: don't we need to do it now, anyway? <jibel> hggdh, there is currently no status to say 'this is maybe a regression but needs confirmation' <ashams> simar: I really have to go NOW :) <hggdh> jibel: yes, I agree. This is why I am proposing it <simar> ashams: make sure you comment <simar> ashams: you can leave .. have a nice day <jibel> we could use a regression-release even in devel because after all this is a development release. <hggdh> yes, we could. My issue is I do not think current usage is intuitive <jibel> hggdh, what is a regression in maverick. This is an opened report or a task targeted to maverick and tagged with regression-release. <hggdh> jibel: this is another issue: we may have multiple nominations <hggdh> and we cannot stick the tag to a tassk <jibel> hggdh, I think that too. And that's why regression- reports are sometimes messy <jibel> hggdh, you have to open 1 bug per regression. If the regression affects several releases, then open several tasks. <hggdh> yep. I have seen 'regression-<version> used (like 'regression-lucid'). Perhaps this is a way out <hggdh> jibel: but opening one bug per identified version is much more work <jibel> hggdh, I mean one bug per regression with 1 task per release affected by this regression <hggdh> oh, OK, yes. But, then, which tag to use? <jibel> hggdh, regression-potential until the regression is confirmed. <jibel> once confirmed set it to regression-release or -update <hggdh> jibel: then we agree that current usage is not ideal <jibel> hggdh, this for all the releases even the dev release. <hggdh> jibel: no, currently we set regression-potential *only* for the devel release (at least how it is documented) <jibel> if there is a regression in the dev release and it's not fix before the release it become a regression in the stable release. <hggdh> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Tags#Regression%20specific <jibel> hggdh, Yes and I think that's the point that needs to be addressed. <hggdh> cool! <hggdh> let's get pedro_ 's input when he is back <jibel> hggdh, the workflow is no clear because you don't at which step of the regression you are. <hggdh> jibel: indeed <hggdh> and clarifying the workflow may help us <jibel> hggdh, we would have regression-* to track the regression and the bug/task statuses to track the fix of the regression. <jibel> No change in the development process and no specific management for the developers. <hggdh> jibel: so we keep on using -potential as it is, and extend it *also* for current published releases? <jibel> hggdh, this way the regression workflow is quite linear. All the release are handled in the same way, we know which regression are really regressions <jibel> which release is affected <jibel> and which step we at fixing it. <jibel> s/we/we are/ <jibel> hggdh, yes we extend the use of -potential to the stable releases and -release to the devel release. <hggdh> jibel: ack <hggdh> we will have to propose/publish the changes to -devel also <jibel> hggdh, Do you know who designed the process initially ? <jibel> hggdh, It would be good to know the historical issues they encountered. <hggdh> jibel: I do not remember, I think it was started by bdmurray -- but not sure <hggdh> who, BTW, might also want to comment here ;-) <jibel> hggdh, I'm out for diner. See you tomorrow. <hggdh> jibel: bonne soiree <abhijit> bye <njin> pedro_: aound ? <njin> pedro_: around? * bcurtiswx tries translating hggdh <hggdh> bcurtiswx: good evening, with syntax errors (should have been 'bonne soirée' <bcurtiswx> Ah, muchas gracias <hggdh> bcurtiswx: er, French, not Spanish ;-) <hggdh> merci beaucoup <bcurtiswx> Lol, I know <njin> pedro_: around? <pedro_> njin, yes <kamusin> don't tell to devildante, pedro_ <pedro_> ! <devildante> dammit a secret <pedro_> secret?! <devildante> <kamusin> don't tell to devildante, pedro_ <pedro_> oooh! <nigelb> heh <pedro_> i won't tell you <pedro_> and neither to hggdh * nigelb neither <nigelb> pedro_: did we ever tell hggdh <pedro_> nigelb, of course not! what are you thinking? <nigelb> pedro_: hahah <hggdh> oh, so now there are two of us... <pedro_> we can tell him another clue at the next BugSquad meeting <pedro_> or at UDS <pedro_> ! <hggdh> pedro_: grrrrr <nigelb> pedro_: and next one in natty sprint. Good idea. <kamusin> muahah <devildante> hey, I just discovered the secret! <pedro_> oh oh oh oh <pedro_> ! <pedro_> hggdh, ^ * hggdh adds devildante to the list * vish consoles hggdh :) * devildante hides <hggdh> LOL <pedro_> hahahaa #ubuntu-bugs 2010-08-26 <Rcart> hello everyone, i'm completed new in triaging bugs but i want to start with this :). So, i'm reading the How To Triage in the wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage and i'm looking for my first bug <Rcart> i've found this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdebi/+bug/623727 and its looks like isn't a bug 'cause the reporter is traying to install a package for the development version (maverick) in Lucid Lynx <ubot2> Launchpad bug 623727 in gdebi (Ubuntu) "crash when opening the .deb file geeqie-common_1.0-4_all.deb (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] <Rcart> the package geeqie is in the lucid repos and has no problem installing <Rcart> so, the status for this "bug" should by invalid? <Rcart> be* <micahg> Rcart: it's valid, gdebi-gtk is a GUI package installer, it shouldn't crash on launch IMHO <Rcart> yeah, i know, but does isn't crashing 'cause is installing a package for a version that isn't supported yep? <micahg> Rcart: it shouldn't cresh in any case <Rcart> Ok, so, if i recreate the bug, i should be set to confirmed and wait to be triaged by an UbuntuBugControl member? <micahg> Rcart: yes, if you can recreate you can mark confirmed and ask someone here to mark triaged <micahg> Rcart: also try to ascertain how bad it is (can't install any packages, can't install maverick packages...) <Rcart> Ok, working on... <Rcart> sorry, i got to leave. Thanks micahg. BRG later. <micahg> Rcart: k <Rcart> PS: Please, leave that bug to me ^^ <micahg> Rcart: I won't be confirming it :) <Rcart> ok, bye <bcurtiswx_> is there a way to look up what bugs in LP are linked to gnome bugzilla bug 622266 for example <ubot2> Launchpad bug 622266 in cffi "(defcfun ("foo") :int) expands into invalid code (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/622266 <bcurtiswx_> ignore that bug <ryanakca> !trivia <ubot2> The #ubuntu-trivia channel is a place for testing your brain power and having fun! We schedule themed quizzes, every Friday, to test your knowledge of your favourite operating system (Ubuntu, of course!) and keep you exercising those cranial muscles. <ryanakca> oops. I thought I was in -bots. My bad. <yofel> gnome bug 622266 <ubot2> Gnome bug 622266 in Chat themes "Should decide which default font to use for chat view" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=622266 <yofel> hm, iirc LP warns that another bug tracks an upstream bug too when adding a bugwatch that was already added somewhere else <yofel> but I'm not sure what that looked like, maybe ask in #launchpad <Pici> Perhaps its exposed via the api, but not the lp interface itself? * bcurtiswx_ doesn't know :( <andypea> Hi, I want to try and fix the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/texlive-extra/+bug/575812 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 575812 in texlive-extra (Ubuntu) " revtex4-1 should be upgraded to bugfix release on 3/15/2010 (affects: 6) (heat: 46)" [Undecided,Confirmed] <andypea> Any pointers on where to start? <chilicui1> mrand: around? <mrand> chilicui1: howdy! briefly... heading to bed soon. What's up? <chilicui1> mrand: ok, hi, I'm working on bug 623727 and I cant confirm it even when I'm using the same version of gdebi, what information should I ask, it seems like its python version is ok <ubot2> Launchpad bug 623727 in gdebi (Ubuntu) "crash when opening the .deb file geeqie-common_1.0-4_all.deb (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/623727 <mrand> chilicui1: Perhaps it was a corrupted download? I'd be tempted to ask if it is reproducible if they download the .deb again. <chilicui1> mrand: I've downloaded it, and it works ok <chilicui1> mrand: ok, I'm gonna do that <mrand> chilicui1: cool. I assume you know to mark it as incomplete if you ask a question like that. <chilicui1> mrand: yep, it just seem to me weird, I wanted another opinion <mrand> chilicui1: working on bugs proves that you'll eventually see EVERY kind of weird failure. <mrand> Which can be interesting. And sometimes frustrating. <micahg> nah mrand, there are always more surprises around the corner ;) <chilicui1> mrand: jaja, u're right, thx for the help, I'll keep triaging a little bit more, good night <mrand> night! <mrand> micahg: indeed! <devildante> hi all :) <hggdh> hi devildante <devildante> hi hggdh :) <devildante> hi to pedro_ too :) <hggdh> buenas pedro_ <pedro_> morning hggdh devildante <devildante> bonjour pedro_ :p <pedro_> reboot brb <bcurtiswx> Good morning <maco> sure <maco> dear touchpad: dont change channels <jpds> sure. <dyfet> I think #602748 can be marked as triaged <vish> bug #602748 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 602748 in syncevolution (Ubuntu) "please update syncevolution to latest stable version (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/602748 <elopio> devildante left us without bug day :) <elopio> *hugs for devildante* * devildante hugs elopio back (but a little late :p) <holstein> hggdh: ping-o-la <hggdh> holstein: pong-o-la <holstein> hggdh: :) <holstein> i'll PM you <holstein> GrueMaster: you got a minute? <GrueMaster> Yep. <GrueMaster> Persia warned me that I was being stalked. <GrueMaster> :P <holstein> lol <holstein> GrueMaster: so you know what im talking about then <holstein> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tasksel/+bug/562706 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 562706 in tasksel (Ubuntu) "On i386, selecting the ubuntu studio packages fails to install (affects: 1) (heat: 28)" [Critical,New] <holstein> GrueMaster: did you get ubuntustudio installed? <holstein> did you just install the OS, and add the packages later? <GrueMaster> I was running a test for NCommander at the time. Not something I actively test. <holstein> that has beem my work-around <holstein> GrueMaster: AH <GrueMaster> I believe I used the alt image. <holstein> thats all we got <holstein> no live yet :/ * holstein is working on that too <GrueMaster> If you need me to retest, let me know so I can start downloading and work it into my schedule. <persia> There's a reason there's no live image: live images have such lousy latency that it's a poor demo. <GrueMaster> understandable. <holstein> i think it would be a nice option <holstein> for testing audio interface compatibility <holstein> and other gear <holstein> if someone wants to easily test a wacom tablet with blender <holstein> that would be a way to see and test the functionailty <GrueMaster> Should be easy enough to add a message at startup that says the live image is for hardware testing only and to ignore latency issues or something to that effect. <hggdh> 36 <bdmurray> jibel: Did you have some question for me? <sinurge> its ubuntu bug hug day right today? <devildante> sinurge: it's tomorrow <sinurge> devildante, hmmm thought the email from kamus said it was th 26th <devildante> sinurge: no, no, it's today, I got confused :p <micahg> devildante: it's today :P * devildante facepalm <devildante> s <sinurge> den we all missed our egg timers :D <ojap> hello <nigelbabu> Anyone knows who launchpad.net/~papukaija is on IRC? <hggdh> nigelbabu: NOPE <nigelbabu> hggdh: ok, I'll have to contact via LP <ojap> I'd like to contribute to the bug squad more. <vish> hggdh, mind reader for whole channel! :D <hggdh> ojap: what can we do to help you? <hggdh> vish: :-) <ojap> well, have joined the launchpad group and been looking through the bugs found in Launchpad, just looking for some advice to get started helping out! <nigelbabu> !mentor <ubot2> Looking for a helping hand with bug triage? Read the wiki for information about requesting a bugsquad mentor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors <hggdh> ojap: you can start by reading http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs <vish> ojap: have you read the wikis for starters? <vish> ojap: the one hggdh pointed , he is too fast :) <BlackZ> seb128: could you please look at bug #624892 ? <ubot2> Launchpad bug 624892 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Rhythmbox crashes on startup (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/624892 <seb128> no <seb128> sorry but it's ui freeze and I'm busy until eod <ojap> I have, initially tried assigning bugs to the correct packages. However, don't know really know how to make the next step with solving a bug. <vish> BlackZ: when the backtrace needs more debugging symbols atleast.. <vish> s/when// <vish> BlackZ: too many missing symbols , all the '??' need a debug package installed , ex: ?? () from /lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 <vish> ojap: next step? as in? <pedro_> BlackZ, since when are you getting that crash? <nigelbabu> vish: can you unassign https://launchpad.net/~watson516 and assign a new student. No response via mail or on IRC <hggdh> well, there is an assertion failure on thread 1 <hggdh> and then there is also this line: RhythmDB:ERROR:rhythmdb-query.c:480:rhythmdb_read_encoded_property: code should not be reached <BlackZ> pedro_: today (I installed maverick today) <hggdh> in libglib, but we are missing the debug symbols there <BlackZ> hggdh: right <vish> nigelbabu: done.. <ojap> vish: well just find the number of bugs overwhelming and unsure where to start, have also tried to ensure that bugs have the appropriate information attached and this also seems fairly complicated. would you suggest getting a mentor to learn more about the bug squad? <nigelbabu> vish: thanks <hggdh> BlackZ: I wonder if the message above has something to do with the assertion failure (which most probably is the resposible party for the SIGABRT) <vish> np.. <vish> ojap: number of bugs are always overwhelming ;) .. requesting a mentor is also an option and you'd get assigned a mentor if and when a mentor is available in your preferred time slot. <pedro_> BlackZ, is that easy to reproduce? could you get a new backtrace with the glib debugging symbols installed? <pedro_> there's no similar backtrace on the upstream bts or in lp <vish> ojap: an easy way to start with bugs is , thinking about a package/application you like :) <pedro_> so would be nice to get a full one for it <BlackZ> pedro_: just open rhythmbox and the crash will be reproduced (in my case) <pedro_> BlackZ, i'm listening music with rhythmbox here :-) <pedro_> otherwise i wouldn't ask <vish> lol! <vish> pedro_: too cheeky ;p * pedro_ hugs vish <BlackZ> pedro_: I will attach a new backtrace with the glib debugging symbols installed <vish> ojap: and looking at the bugs in that application/package and trying to see if the bugs are still relevant or if the bug still exists in the latest package <pedro_> BlackZ, thanks a lot ;-) <BlackZ> pedro_: thank you for looking! <ojap> vish: how would I find bugs related to a particular application, would this simply be through a search? <yofel> ojap: look at bugs for a specific package (bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/<packagename>/) like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus for example <vish> ojap: yup, search helps, you can click on the package name on the bugs and you will get a list of all the bugs , like for ex, the above RB ,bug will give you https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox <vish> yofel: :) <ojap> vish: Ok, looking at a particular package is a good idea. <vish> ojap: have fun , and if you have any doubts , just ask here , anyone who is around and knows will answer <ojap> vish: Ok, thanks for your help. <vish> np.. :) <theorem> if my citrix receiver client is crashing and reporting the crash from libc-2.11.1.so for the amd64 architecture where should I report it ? <kamusin> !ping devildante <ubot2> Factoid 'ping devildante' not found <theorem> I guess I'll just submit a bug to the community and see what comes up ... <hggdh> theorem: so far, under the citrix client (if we have such a package) <theorem> hggdh: hmm, not that I'm aware <theorem> I snagged it direct from Citrix <theorem> is this a libc bug ?? : Aug 26 16:13:11 topgun kernel: [ 1327.871643] wfica[2298]: segfault at 848480 ip 00000000f73e1b61 sp 00000000ffdc9760 error 4 in libc-2.11.1.so[f7371000+153000] <theorem> it *seems* that it occurred while inside libc <hggdh> theorem: it did happen inside libc, but it does not necessarily mean it is libc. It may be (and most probably is) an issue within the citrix code <hggdh> theorem: but we would need full debugging symbols to get it. Right now your best bet is to report it to citrix <BlackZ> hggdh: bug #624892: I attached another backtrace wth more debug symbols <ubot2> Launchpad bug 624892 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Rhythmbox crashes on startup (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/624892 <BlackZ> ops, I forgot to set the bug's status to "New" back <BlackZ> done now <hggdh> BlackZ: looking <hggdh> BlackZ: yes, the failing assertion is "code should not be reached" <hggdh> BlackZ: on the top bt, frame #2 <hggdh> which leads to an abort call <hggdh> BlackZ: prime material for upstream ;-) <BlackZ> hggdh: I'm going to report that bug to upstream <hggdh> BlackZ: cool! Thank you <BlackZ> hggdh: done #ubuntu-bugs 2010-08-27 <micahg> drew212: poeple post lots of crazy things on forums :) <drew212> lol, true true <drew212> it looked legit, to me <drew212> i'm still having trouble finding packages, mainly the correct ones <micahg> drew212: ask :) <drew212> did i have the right problem though? <micahg> drew212: it's not true either what the poster posted... <micahg> there was a symlink missing but I thought that was fixed <micahg> s/poster/reporter <drew212> alright <micahg> also, unless the reporter enabled the partner repo, they'd have the old java plugin from karmic still <drew212> i noticed he didn't have any IcedTeaPlugin.so in his profile_default_pluginreg.dat.txt <micahg> drew212: he said explicitely he's using sun java :) <micahg> that was the other point :) <drew212> yeah, but shouldn't he be using icedtea? <micahg> drew212: that's up to the user <drew212> so what did i tell him to install? lol <drew212> i mean, i know what it is, but why isn't that the correct thing to install? <micahg> the runtime environment for java which is a dependency of the plugin <micahg> drew212: you said install the jre instead of the plugin <drew212> ok... so i'm confused as what to do now, surprise surprise =P <micahg> drew212: you can ask the user for his version of sun-java6-plugin <micahg> apt-cache policy sun-java6-plugin <drew212> thanks micahg, i gotta get doing some HW, i'm overloaded with classes, and i took an honors addon that requires a finished project by the end of the semester, and we have some android phones to make some apps for =)! <nigelb> kermic & vish: Nice job with the cheese hook :) <KE1HA> Got a question all. Fresh install, did updates / upgrades via cmd line. The the upgrade manager then tells me I have Kernel update to do. I check with apt-get, nadda, reloaded update manager, same results, Kernel update needed. Is normal behavior? <persia> Did you have update-manager check again? <persia> sometimes it's cache is out of date <KE1HA> Yep, same thing, closed it, opened again, same results. <KE1HA> it's fer the 32-24 kernel, anyway, just wanted to check. <persia> Close/Open doesn't do it. You have to manually press "Check" to get the cache up-to-date (or wait some random amount of time which could be a week) <KE1HA> persia: sri, yes, I hit the reload (Check) on restart was the same. <persia> Dunno then. <KE1HA> In any case, it's installing, it's just odd that apt didn't pick it up. <vish> kermiac: <nigelb> kermic & vish: Nice job with the cheese hook :) <vish> actually kermiac's 3 kids helped the most! ;) <kermiac> haha <kermiac> thanks nigelb, vish :) <vish> kermiac: np, thanks. its been uploaded too :) <kermiac> vish: awesome :) <kermiac> anyone else getting 'The Google Maps API server rejected your request. The "client" parameter specified in the request is invalid.' on LP? <vish> kermiac: o/ <kermiac> vish: thanks mate, that means it's not just me ;) <vish> heh , i thought,*i* was special ! <kermiac> haha, that's what I was thinking <kermiac> vish: you said the cheese hook was uploaded now, should I mark bug 573124 fix released? <ubot2> Launchpad bug 573124 in cheese (Ubuntu) "Make cheese debugging log attach as a .log file (affects: 1) (heat: 35)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/573124 <vish> kermiac: nah, the lp janitor will do it automatically, it might be waiting for the freeze to get published <kermiac> ok vish, I thought having lp bug number the changelog should handle it automatically... I'll leave it alone & let it take care of itself :) <vish> kermiac: yeah , it just got merged a half hr ago. will prolly take a bit more time :) <einstein1969> Hi to all, I am following a bug (623450) on "zenity" and "gnome system monitor". But it's' been placed in state "invalid". Now I have found a way to reproduce and I updated the bug. With this state, will ' considered? <persia> bug #623450 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 623450 in zenity (Ubuntu) "file selection on /dev returns wrong filename (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/623450 <persia> einstein1969, Yep. The Ubuntu policy is that you can reset to "New" if you can reproduce. <persia> You want to get someone else to also do so to get from new to Confirmed <persia> (normally you could confirm someone else's bug, but once it's invalid, it's good to get a couple instances just to be sure) <persia> Ah, you and muflone can both reproduce with those steps, then yes, "Confirmed" would be correct. <persia> Anyone familiar with this software, and have suggestions to help einstein1969 troubleshoot deeper? <einstein1969> thanks persia :) <jfi> I don't if I miss a point, but I don't reproduce with maverick <einstein1969> jfi: this bug is on Lucid (LTS). It'is important to reproduce in Maverick? <jfi> just tested with lucid, it fails in a different manner for, the selection is not visible and it always returns /dev/zero <jfi> einstein1969, I guess it may help to know that it is fixed in a more recent release <einstein1969> thanks jfi <jfi> I have added a comment and my vote <jfi> einstein1969, as 3 guys reproduce this issue, I guess that you can turn the bug state to 'confirmed' or at least 'new' <einstein1969> ok jfi <persia> "confirmed". <persia> Now it needs some more investigation to understand the cause in the code. <devildante> hi all :) <yofel> hey devildante <jibel> Hi devildante <devildante> hi yofel, jibel ;) <BlackZ> pedro_: for bug #624892: I reported that bug to upstream: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=628076 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 624892 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Rhythmbox crashes on startup (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/624892 <ubot2> Gnome bug 628076 in general "Rhythmbox crashes on startup" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] <pedro_> BlackZ, awesome, thank you ! <BlackZ> pedro_: ah, first to report it to upstream I attached a backtrace with more debug symbols in the bug report in malone (and I attached the same backtrace to the bug report to upstream) :) <BlackZ> pedro_: thank you for looking! <vish> BlackZ: hei! not fair! hggdh and myself also looked at the bug! ;p <BlackZ> thanks to vish and hggdh too then <vish> BlackZ: pedro_ just copied us! ;p <vish> \o/ * BlackZ hugs vish and hggdh <vish> boo pedro_ ! ;p <hggdh> :-) <pedro_> vish boooo! that guy is always doing crazy stuff booo pedrooo <vish> :) <pedro_> how are you today guys? <pedro_> moin hggdh <hggdh> er. Anyone _unable_ to Ctrl/Alt/F1 from Gnome? <hggdh> moin pedro_ <pedro_> hggdh, works fine here <hggdh> darn! <vish> hmm, wfm too <vish> the policykit hang a session quit is bugging me though! :s <hggdh> here it does not... the *only* time it did (lately) I could not get back to Gnome, and had to restart gnome <hggdh> vish: yes, and the policykit not ending <hggdh> oh <hggdh> more to the misery <hggdh> when I boot my /tmp is not cleared (upstart mounted-tmp return 124) and, as a result, ssh-agent does not work <devildante> is there someone with gnome-terminal pasting problems (Ctrl+shift+V)? <vish> yeah , it has been happening only since yesterday's daily <hggdh> devildante: at least *that* is working here <devildante> dammit, I'm alone :p <pedro_> arrrrrgg lp i hate you. <charlie-tca> poor lp; gets blamed for everything these days <devildante> charlie-tca: it's justified :p <pedro_> i'm just getting too much timeouts... <devildante> hey guys, did you know there is a package called "dammit"? :p <jpds> devildante: There's also one called 'ohai'. <devildante> jpds: I lol'd :p <jpds> devildante: Good to know. <charlie-tca> yup * devildante thinks that now he has tested them both, bzr is 100 times better than git <charlie-tca> I am willing to blame it too! between timeouts and gedit telling me it can't read the file type... :-( <devildante> We should start a project called "One hundred LP papercuts" :p <devildante> is there a ppa for daily gnome builds? (sort of like xorg-edgers) <njin> pedro_: hello, mail <pedro_> hallo njin <jfi> How should I collect information for 625371? apport-collect 625371 fails, did I miss something? <penguin42> does it say anything when it fails? <jfi> it just popup a message dialog with "No additional information collected" <charlie-tca> bug 625371 <ubot2> charlie-tca: Bug 625371 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/625371 is private <hggdh> jfi: I would say there is no apport hook for collecting data from Application Indicators * nigelb pokes minions <nigelb> kermiac: something you'd be interested in mate? hook for app indicators :D <elopio> hello squad. <elopio> a bug on the network driver should be reported to linux? <penguin42> yes <elopio> thanks penguin42 <penguin42> np <lanoxx> is a lock-file considered a cache file? <lanoxx> xdg_spec wise <jfi> hggdh: thx for the response, I thought it was possible to collect data for any package <hggdh> jfi: bug data collection depends on having an Apport hook for it -- now... if you are willing to write one... we will all be grateful ;-) <jfi> hggdh, well..... I am going to list manually the information of my system for this bug :-D Seems that this famous hook have to be written in python which is a show-stopper for me:) <vish> hmm , did lp fonts just change! ???! <vish> looks like a few of the places Ubuntu fonts are used <devildante> vish:yeah, I did see them change <vish> phew! <devildante> oh, wait, is that Ubuntu fonts? * devildante goes steal them * vish not going crazy! for now.. <vish> err, not yet! ;p <vish> devildante: odd that the fonts for the comments are larger! HUGE! <vish> like the comments need even more attention ;p <jfi> I wonder if I can apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-typeface-interest without a real reason except curiosity:) <devildante> vish: they should make them grow with the commenter's whining :p <penguin42> odd, I just went to launchpad.net and got a 'The Google Maps API server rejected your request' error <jfi> penguin42, I have this issue too, that's boring <penguin42> nod, if it doesn't fix itself I'll go and ask on launchpad <jfi> I have "The "client" parameter specified in the request is invalid" in addition to the first sentence <devildante> I got the google maps error too <Muscovy> I've been getting that too. <Muscovy> Research indicated it's something Launchpad side (like subscription). <vish> In #launchpad topic : "The Google Maps API server rejected your request" is a known bug and it's being worked on: bug 624981 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 624981 in launchpad-registry "The Google Maps API server rejected your request (affects: 14) (dups: 3) (heat: 74)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/624981 <jibel> penguin42, jfi, Muscovy, devildante: bug 624981 <devildante> too late, jibel :p <vish> devildante: the force is strong with jibel, dont make him use it ;) * devildante hides <jfi> jibel, thx, /me has voted :) <penguin42> jibel: I suspect it got noticed pretty quickly! <jibel> penguin42, yes it started nearly 1 day ago. <vish> penguin42: its actually late , its been going on since afternoon here , more than 12hrs <penguin42> really? Oh would have thought they would have nailed it faster <jibel> penguin42, google's fault apparently http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/base/thread?hl=en&tid=462f63cbd84b4464 <penguin42> would have thought it would be easiest just to disable the map thing until it gets fixed #ubuntu-bugs 2010-08-28 <moiso> hi there <moiso> I just red in the fridge, you're looking for people who can help you with translations <moiso> Am I right? <moiso> I want to help <persia> moiso, I'd suggest asking in #ubuntu-translators as a more well-targeted channel. <persia> Be aware that it's Friday night or Saturday morning most places, so lots of folks are out, sleeping, or praying about now. <moiso> haha you're right! thanks persia <moiso> Sorry i'm kind of a noob <persia> No worries. Thanks for offering to help. <bcurtiswx> people are out, except people like persia and myself :P <bcurtiswx> its called devotion ;) <somethinginteres> submitted some bugs to debian before going to sleep last night, 'submittodebian' reported the bug submitted and stated I'd receive an email as per usual but there's no reports lodged and no email conformation in my inbox.. has anyone experienced this before? <drew2121> what do we do with comments that are spam, is there a way to remove them? see bug 600022 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 600022 in firefox-3.0 (Ubuntu Hardy) (and 3 other projects) "package firefox 3.0.19 nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/bug/firefox/presubj', which is also in package firefox-2 (affects: 6) (dups: 3) (heat: 93)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/600022 <kermiac> drew2121: you file an 'answer' on LP against 'The Launchpad Registry' See https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+question/108960 as an example <drew2121> you mean make a new question? <kermiac> drew2121: heh.. yeah, I do <kermiac> drew2121: sorry mate, my brain is not completely into gear yet <drew2121> its fine =) <drew2121> also, can someone verify this should be wishlisted so i can mark it as triaged: bug 625474 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 625474 in firefox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Firefox: Downloading a file: Open with: "Other..." should display the "Open With Other Application"dialog (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/625474 <kermiac> nigelb: did you call me a 'minion'? http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/08/27/%23ubuntu-bugs.html#t19:26 haha <nigelb> kermiac: hahaha, kidding ;) <nigelb> kermiac: having a jam today? <kermiac> nigelb: haha, it's ok mate.... I had a good laugh <kermiac> nigelb: nope, noone really showed any interest. The loco in Australia isn't really very local <kermiac> i was also too busy & didn't send anything to the loco mailing list, so it's partially my fault too <nigelb> kermiac: I'm *trying* to have one today <nigelb> dunno how its going to end up <nigelb> Not much of participation promised <nigelb> If nothing works, I'll just take a session on how to tirage bugs :) <kermiac> nigelb: well, good luck mate.... tedg would be the one to ask about an app-indicator hook, right? <nigelb> not sure mate, ask vish, he'd know whom to poke <kermiac> ok, thanks nigelb :) * kermiac pokes vish! <vish> kermiac: yeah, either tedg or kenvandine.. <somethinginteres> vish; I tried to send the fixes for the papercuts I patched to debian last night. 'submittodebian' said it was all submited but the tickets aren't on the bugtracker and I've not received any emails. Super weird. <vish> somethinginteres: yeah , i dont understand why it dint work for you either <vish> somethinginteres: have you tried sending the patch the old fashioned way? email? ;) <somethinginteres> vish: ah, no I actually just read that was possible would it be fine to just send it via email and attach the debdiff? <vish> somethinginteres: yup , should work <somethinginteres> vish: no probs. So yeah if you're wondering 'why has the guy not sent it upstream for them to patch it first?' that's why. :D <vish> somethinginteres: nah.. i dint wonder that.. :) <vish> somethinginteres: but try to make sure to send patches for sync packages to debian, if we make changes in Ubuntu it increases the workload for a lot of people <somethinginteres> vish: yeah for sure.. normally I've been sending the patches to debian as well as adding the debdiff on LP - not sure if that's what should be done <somethinginteres> vish: I assume anything that tracks bugs on the debian bug tracker is considered a sync package, is that correct? <persia> somethinginteres, Best practice to send bugs both places. Extra points for sending them to ultimate upstream as well. <vish> somethinginteres: any package that does not have an Ubuntu change , it is usually mentioned in the version# like 2.28~ubutnu0 <somethinginteres> persia, vish: alrighty. Well I'll get the bugs submitted on debian asap <einstein1969> hi <einstein1969> Hi, I need to get information for a bugs (623 450). It's in a state of "Fix Released". What does it mean? <vish> bug 623450 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 623450 in zenity (Ubuntu) "file selection on /dev returns wrong filename (affects: 3) (heat: 18)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/623450 <persia> It means it's fixed. <persia> Seems to be only an issue with older versions of the software. <persia> !sru <ubot2> Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates <persia> I think it's unlikely that it qualifies for a stable release update, but you could review the criteria, and if you think it does, start that process. <einstein1969> hi persia. How to fix in Lucid? <persia> If you think it meets the criteria for a stable release update (lucid is a stable release), then you can start the process, as described on that wiki page. <persia> If the stable release update coordinators happen to agree with you, and there's a working patch that causes no regressions, it can be fixed. <einstein1969> umh... <einstein1969> :) <einstein1969> It 's my first bug that I follow. I do not understand English well ... I read the steps I have suggested. The terminology is new to me and then almost incomprehensible. <persia> OK. Let's look at the criteria in detail. Let me know when we use a term you don't understand, and we'll make sure you do. <persia> Stable release updates will, in general, only be issued in order to fix high-impact bugs. <persia> Examples: <persia> Bugs which may, under realistic circumstances, directly cause a security vulnerability <persia> This bug isn't a security issue, so this one doesn't apply. <persia> Bugs which represent severe regressions from the previous release of Ubuntu. This includes packages which are totally unusable, like being uninstallable or crashing on startup. <persia> So, if the bug exists in lucid, but didn't exist in karmic, we can use this example reason. <persia> because it makes it impossible to track stuff in /dev. <persia> Bugs which may, under realistic circumstances, directly cause a loss of user data <persia> This is unlikely: folks get sent to the wrong place, but nothing is being deleted. <persia> Bugs which do not fit under above categories, but (1) have an obviously safe patch and (2) affect an application rather than critical infrastructure packages (like X.org or the kernel). <persia> zenity isn't critical infrastructure, so this doesn't apply. <persia> For Long Term Support releases we regularly want to enable new hardware. <persia> lucid is LTS, but fixing this won't enable new hardware, so this doesn't apply. <persia> FTBFS(Fails To Build From Source) can also be considered. <persia> The package builds, so this doesn't apply. <persia> In summary, based on the examples there, you'd have to demonstrate that this was a regression from previous releases of Ubuntu to qualify. <persia> You'd also have to demonstrate that this was a high-impact bug. <persia> Does that all make sense? <maco> persia: you read something wrong <maco> <persia> Bugs which do not fit under above categories, but (1) have an obviously safe patch and (2) affect an application rather than critical infrastructure packages (like X.org or the kernel). <maco> <persia> zenity isn't critical infrastructure, so this doesn't apply. <maco> its saying "meep! dont touch critical infrastructure!" not "only critical infrastructure can be changed if its outside of those categories" <persia> Oh. <maco> so, leaf node packages is how id read that <persia> In that case, the requirement is only that the bug be shown to be high-impact, and that an obviously safe patch be available. <persia> It doesn't need to be a regression (but extra points if it is a regression: that helps the discussion with the SRU folk) <maco> that also bumps it to "high impact" quicker <persia> I disagree. <persia> There were several regressions I identified in lucid that were low impact (minor visual issues that only affect people with certain combinations of vision impairment) <persia> Annoying to me, but not important enough to fix. <persia> (and easy to work around) <persia> Being a regression only helps the justification if it *is* high-impact in some other way. Alternately, some high-impact bugs that are not regressions (it's better than it was, but still bad) won't be considered for SRU because it's too messy. <persia> (and packages in that state are easy to get mistakenly worse when fixing one bit in the whack-a-mole game) <einstein1969> Thanks, I generally only use LST because the constant updates are not easily feasible (backup procedures too complex and not always working, updates very dangerous without full backups). Like me, many other people use the LTS versions. I'm developing software for the community 'to recover accidentally deleted files in Bash and the only way to interface to graphics and' zenity (I know). This bug stops me. I must find a way <persia> Just blacklist /dev <persia> It ought be tmpfs anyway <persia> And deleted files ought reappear on reboot or reattach <persia> (and next time get your software working in Ubuntu before the LTS releases :) ) <einstein1969> Ho letto, ma non so comunque come risolvere la questione. Cosa dovrei fare? <persia> !it :) <ubot2> Factoid 'it :)' not found <persia> !it <ubot2> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) <einstein1969> I have read, but still do not know how to resolve the issue. What should I do? <einstein1969> sorry :) <persia> So, make your program ignore /dev <persia> (or did I read the bug wrong: it looked like it only affected /dev) <einstein1969> umh <einstein1969> ok <einstein1969> thanks <Sofox> I'm looking for an easy bug to fix <om26er> Sofox, choose the one you like https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bugs?field.status:list=TRIAGED <Sofox> Thanks <MichealH> om26er, Nice list to choose from :) * MichealH bookmarks <vish> MichealH: that bug's patch needs to be forwarded to debian, and bonus if you can write a nice description ;) <drew2121> In bug 435990 a user is saying that firefox is slowing down his computer, i asked him to get a backtrace/strace and he said that wouldn't help, was i wrong in asking for an strace/backtrace? <ubot2> Launchpad bug 435990 in firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu) "fox fatigue: getting progessively slower until unusable (affects: 2) (heat: 15)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/435990 <MichealH> vish, Okay <MichealH> How would I get sponsorship <vish> MichealH: hmm , the patch sponsored? <MichealH> vish, huh? <MichealH> The .deb <vish> <MichealH> How would I get sponsorship <vish> ^ ? <MichealH> How can Iget the .deb patch sponsored? <MichealH> When does the debian freeze start <vish> MichealH: .deb dont get sponsored <MichealH> How do I upload them <vish> MichealH: you write a debdiff <MichealH> What is a debdiff? <vish> MichealH: as i mentioned , that patch needs to be forwarded to debian. then we need not worry about debdiff <MichealH> So how would I go about that? <MichealH> I have a DEB in /var/cache/pbuilder/output <MichealH> Or wherever it goes <vish> MichealH: first try to read : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix <MichealH> vish, Okay <MichealH> vish, So I file a bug in Debians bug system with the package? <vish> MichealH: yup, file a bug when you have a patch ready .. any doubts about making patches, ask in #ubuntu-motu .. <TonyP> I would be interested to know if this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/telepathy-butterfly/+bug/519551 will get fixed in 10.10 now that a fix has been released upstream <ubot2> Launchpad bug 519551 in telepathy-butterfly (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Video call to/from MS Messenger contact does not work (affects: 4) (dups: 1) (heat: 43)" [Medium,Triaged] <vish> TonyP: om26er might know^ , if he is around.. <gilbert_> hello, is there a list of interesting bugs that could be worked at bug jam? <yofel> gilbert_: well, you could use the latest bugs reported with maverick tag, would be nice if we triage many of those before final freeze <TonyP> Thanks vish, I will send Omer an email <bcurtiswx> how's the global jam going? <charlie-tca> drew2121: no, you were not wrong. There is the impression that they can only obtain a backtrace if it crashes. By following the wiki page, they can obtain the backtrace even if it does not crash. <charlie-tca> they should follow the instructions, and when it slows, they can end the trace as it says. <vish> devildante: hey , looks like the Software sources menu entry is not really hidden! :s <yofel> vish: why would it be hidden o.O? <vish> yofel: because we fixed it to be hidden! but apparently the fix was not right :D <devildante> vish: hmm... <devildante> should please Scott Ritchie :p <devildante> vish: but more seriously, I don't know why it's not hidden :( <vish> devildante: is there a .desktop also ? looks like you changed it only in the .desktop.in or I'm not sure.. <devildante> vish: the .in in .desktop.in means it will be translated before being renamed to .desktop <vish> devildante: well , you submitted the merge, right? or did you make a debdiff? <devildante> vish: I submitted a merge and mvo merged it <devildante> note that /usr/share/applications/software-properties-gtk.desktop contains the change (at least for me) <vish> devildante: check the diff for the upload , looks like the .in thing works when we debduild <vish> oh! <vish> devildante: but is it there in the menu? <devildante> vish: yes :( <vish> bah! <vish> devildante: i dont know , maybe someone in -motu might know <devildante> !weekend | vish <ubot2> vish: It's a weekend. Often on weekends the paid developers and a lot of the community may not be around to answer your question. Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would or try again during the working week. <vish> hrm! <devildante> ubot2 saves me from writing a lot :p <ubot2> devildante: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) <vish> devildante: the two of us are here right? <devildante> yeah! <vish> devildante: well, all i knew about the .desktop was there is a flag to hide it.. but not sure why it is not working.. so motu is your best bet, weekend or not! ;p <devildante> wow, 194 users in -motu! <devildante> vish: but how could they help us? <devildante> (as far as I know, MOTU is about packaging) <vish> devildante: yeah , they might know, during packaging they make sure a file is displayed or not, and often .desktops are in the debian dir too <vish> devildante: bah , anyway.. *I* dont know! ;p <vish> devildante: all, i know is bug not fixed, yet ;p <devildante> meh, I'll ask them <vish> devildante: see, two can play this game ;p <devildante> meh :p <bcurtiswx> is there a good guide on how I can run a git repository of a program without affecting my current stable installation? <holstein> bcurtiswx: would PPA purge do it? <holstein> if something gets borked? <bcurtiswx> i don't know what PPA purge is.. i guess i can assume what it does <holstein> i was told i could install something from get 'non system wide' <holstein> i didnt really get around to trying it though <holstein> that, in theory, would be easily undo-able <holstein> but if your adding a PPA <holstein> you can use PPA purge <bcurtiswx> OK, thx.. not exactly what I'm looking for tho <holstein> yeah :/ <penguin42> bcurtiswx: It depends, if the git repo is being built from source and is a stand alone app then you can just tell it to build it into somewhere else - e.g. /more/disc/testing and run it from there, if it's a library you can point stuff to it like that using LD_LIBRARY_PATH , stuff gets more tricky if it's some integral part of gnome for example <bcurtiswx> penguin42, empathy <penguin42> bcurtiswx: You probably stand a fairly good chance of building that in a separate dir; although if it depends on a lot of newer libraries for example things get messy <bcurtiswx> penguin42, OK, thx <devildante> any C Gtk+ experts here? I'm stuck :p <penguin42> devildante: Only a tinkerer I'm afraid <devildante> penguin42: when invoking g_timeout_add with arguments to pass to the callback, in which format must they be? And what should be the callback prototype? <penguin42> devildante: I don't know, but looking at code.google.com it looks like it's g_timeout_add(time, (GSourceFunc)function, anypointer); <penguin42> and any pointer is passed as the one and only parameter to your function - whatever it happens to be <penguin42> devildante: e.g. http://code.google.com/p/yplayer/source/browse/trunk/player.c?r=6 <devildante> penguin42, thanks :) <devildante> laugh at me then tell me what I did wrong here: sprintf(label_string, "%d:%d", minutes, seconds); <penguin42> what are the types of all those <penguin42> hmm <devildante> (whoops, sorry for late reply) <devildante> penguin42: these are int <penguin42> devildante: OK so the two last ones were date and time, how was the string it's going into declared? <devildante> penguin42: gchar *label_string; <penguin42> devildante: And did you allocate space for the string? <devildante> whoops <penguin42> :-) <devildante> penguin42: I didn't :p <devildante> penguin42: thanks :) <penguin42> no problem * devildante doesn't like C <penguin42> devildante: If you're doing something strictly linux only you can use asprintf that will allocate the string (passing &ptr as the first argument <devildante> penguin42: oh, didn't know that, thanks :) #ubuntu-bugs 2010-08-29 <extraclassic> i have a problem with gnome not aligning my icons even though I've made the auto align selection...http://content.screencast.com/users/j_barnett/folders/Default/media/eb672b79-1028-49bb-ac4b-476684d92cd5/gnome.png <devildante> bye all :) <^arky^> hi <micahg> hi <^arky^> good to see you micahg, still busy even on weekend <micahg> ^arky^: well, relaxing but available :) <^arky^> thanks, I might trouble you when I get stuck with bug cleaning up * vish sighs at people who hit-n-run bugs, commenting without subscribing to the bug <vish> gah! if you comment and spam someone they atleast need to subscribe!! :/ <nisshh> vish: you ranting again? <vish> yeah! well humphrey rants and he draws all the silly OMG folks to lp! :/ <vish> now! i'm not gonna leave them ;p <vish> i'm subscribe them all to the bug ;p <nisshh> haha <nisshh> vish: we should make a website, just for your rants "www.mega-vish-rants.com <nisshh> " <vish> heh <vish> nisshh: half my voes would end if they close commenting on OMG, somehow it draws the crazzies , its like full moon to them ;p <nisshh> haha <vish> nisshh: seriously, some of the comment there hurt upstream sentiments :( it saddens me how <vish> rude they can get.. <nisshh> on OMG, you mean vish? <vish> yeah, upstreams do read it and the comments, they do take offense.. <vish> nisshh: if people spent half the time they spend arguing on the comments, they can be useful! :p <nisshh> vish: yea, some of them do seem pretty... * nisshh tries to think of the right word <nisshh> harsh <nisshh> vish: i prefer the "i hate it but if they did x it would be great!" <nisshh> comments <vish> yeah , no constructive comments.. <jfi> software is like football, everybody has an opinion on everything, and nobody has the same <nisshh> jfi: and everyone disagrees with everyone <nisshh> :) <gorilla> nisshh: No we don't! <nisshh> gorilla: oh, the irony!... <vish> opinions are *good*, but its just "I hate it, hate it so much, and this much more. they are *** " and nothing useful .. <gorilla> nisshh: :-) <nisshh> yea <nisshh> wow, chromium is buggy atm <nisshh> my mouse laggs, the page scrolling laggs <nisshh> geez <nisshh> lagg is everywhere! <jfi> vish: well, that's because not every opinion are objective, that's like when you look a picture, you like or you don't like, there is not always formal argument, more about feeling <vish> not about the latest rant , but every rant in there ;) <jfi> which one? the one about the wallpaper?:) <nisshh> yea <leighman> found anyone who likes that wallpaper tho? :P <vish> meh , its just a wallpaper! if you dont like it you have other choices ;p <vish> if they took the time to write a huge lengthy rant in the comments and dont want to subscribe, it shows how much committed they actually are to make a change.. <jfi> a dev should always consider that a bad comment, is a comment, the guy has taken the time to write something, it means that he pays attention on the software <nisshh> still, its pretty crappy, for a redo <jfi> if people write bad comments on the wallpaper that's because they use ubuntu, that's positive <nisshh> hmmm, true <vish> but as i said , it they dont want to subscribe , it really shows how much they are really interested <leighman> I think a lot of people maybe assume that commenting will subscribe them <jfi> I have use lp one or two months without seeing the subcribe option.... <leighman> true many are just not interested in following up <jfi> I thought that I will be notified automaticly <vish> its just people want to speak their minds! and do you think that half those people really use the default wallpaper? <jfi> vish, and about the wallpaper, I thing that it is very very very important, that's the first thing that new people see <nisshh> probably not <jfi> vish, and first impression is very important <leighman> I use the Lucid default, I certainly won't be using the Maverick default :P <nisshh> jfi: well, for noobs it is, geeks would change it i about 10 minutes <leighman> it's like Windows default wallpaper being one of those joke 'broken Vista' ones <jfi> nisshh, of course everybody is changing the default wallpaper, even lambda users... but that's the first visual impression! <vish> some people go to lengths to make up stories, that their co-worker go a migraine from using the wallpaper! Maverick isnt even released ! , which company uses pre-release software in their production environment! <nisshh> jfi: yea, i guess <leighman> I just think the design team have done some amazing work the last year but that is not one of them! <leighman> that was quite amusing, but not to say he couldn't have used the walpaper <nisshh> well, we dont even know if that wallpaper is genuine <nisshh> the new maverick theme is better than lucids though <nisshh> thats one good thing at least <vish> yea <jfi> somebody to confirm #625371 ? I am ready to help compiling the small programm to reproduce the issue:) <gorilla> bug 625371 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 625371 in indicator-application "app_indicator_set_status does not change the application indicator icon (affects: 1) (heat: 24)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/625371 <gorilla> jfi: that description isn't good. <jfi> gorilla, ha.. why? I am ready to improve it! <gorilla> jfi: I was going to object to the underscores but it's correct. <jfi> gorilla, yes, that's the name of the C function in the lib, you can see it in /usr/include/libappindicator-0.1/libappindicator/app-indicator.h <jfi> I have double checked, it is correct <gorilla> Yep... just looks odd. <penguin42> can anyone suggest what to do with bug 625169 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 625169 in ubuntu "ubuntu server 10.04amd64 fails to boot after installation on lvm+raid5 (affects: 1) (heat: 3142)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/625169 <penguin42> it's a pretty nasty failure , but the reporter is saying he thinks the culmination of 3 other bugs <penguin42> it doesn't seem right to dupe it to any one of them <simar> micahg: hi <devildante> am I the only one who has too much timeout problems with lp? :p <simar> micahg: i hope you can see this .. i have queries there. <simar> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/625853 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 625853 in firefox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "The Google Maps API server rejected you request. The "Client" parameter specified in the request is invalid (dup-of: 624981)" [Low,Invalid] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 624981 in launchpad-registry "The Google Maps API server rejected your request (affects: 26) (dups: 5) (heat: 134)" [Critical,Fix committed] <simar> devildante: i hope you are also affected with the bug.. is it same <simar> devildante: see link <devildante> simar: yes, this is bugging me too <simar> devildante: what else you get? <devildante> simar: everyone is affected <simar> devildante: ya <devildante> simar: apart from that, only the usual timeout errors :p <simar> devildante: no i'm sure i dinnt get any timeout errors ... <simar> devildante: launchpad seems to turn old now :P <devildante> simar: not always <devildante> simar: but it's annoying when you get it <simar> sense: hey r u there .. <devildante> simar: even more annoying on the edge server <sense> hello simar <yofel> well, I get a lot of timeouts, but I'm using edge <yofel> note: edge has a shorter timeout limit than production <simar> devildante: ya .. atleast i have got a taste of it sometimes before ;-) <penguin42> it seems OK for me at the moment <simar> sense: heya ... how were u? <devildante> yofel: yeah I know ;) <simar> sense: how were you holidays .. <sense> simar: They were great, thanks for askin. How have you been? Busy with bug fixing? <simar> sense: ya, but now a days i got more busy with actual life in university.. <sense> simar: Ah, real life is calling. <simar> sense: ya sure :P <simar> sense: sense: i'm trying to see something in security team.. some testing as of now. <sense> ok <sense> Wide interests. :) <simar> sense: ya .. <simar> sense: i have got one of my mentees in touchpad area.. <sense> :) <simar> sense: so you can expect some good support there ;-)) <sense> Good! <simar> sense: though i'm now in bug control but i still get some issues in triaging sometimes .. <simar> sense: here is one https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/625853 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 625853 in firefox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "The Google Maps API server rejected you request. The "Client" parameter specified in the request is invalid (dup-of: 624981)" [Low,Invalid] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 624981 in launchpad-registry "The Google Maps API server rejected your request (affects: 26) (dups: 5) (heat: 134)" [Critical,Fix committed] <simar> sense: i hope you are still there for my querries :P <sense> simar: Of course, let me take a look. <simar> sense: :--))) <sense> simar: I'll answer your questions here. <simar> sense: ok <sense> simar: The Launchpad Registry is a separate project on Launchpad. Therefore you cannot report bugs against it using Apport, which only reports bugs for the Ubuntu project. <sense> Also, you cannot change the affected package to another project, because that is a different thing. <sense> You can only change to a package in the distribution. <yofel> there was a bug open about that as that *should* be made possible :/ (it is possible for questions) <simar> sense: ok .. do you mean i try to change package from firefox to launchpad-registry it will fail?? <sense> yofel: Yeah <sense> simar: Yes, because 'launchpad-registry' is not a source package inside the Ubuntu distribution project, but a separate project. <simar> ok i'm more clear now .. <yofel> simar: there is a 'File a bug' button on the main page of every project launchpad.net/<project> - it's just that the ubuntu one redirects to the wiki page for normal users <simar> sense: so this can justify when we see different projects like xserver-xorg-input-udev in Lucid and xserver-xorg-input-udev in Karmic when it affects both or one of them .. <simar> yofel ok. <sense> simar: That are not projects, but source packages. Distribution projects like Ubuntu differ from regular projects like Launchpad Registry in that they have source packages. Regular projects don't. <simar> sense: ok <simar> sense: Thanks .. :-)) <sense> You're welcome. <simar> sense: :) <drew2121> micahg: even though bug 18995 needs to be handled upstream, can i still try developing a fix for it? and just post the patch upstream? <ubot2> Launchpad bug 18995 in mozilla-thunderbird (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "[MASTER] "Open With" dialog not user-friendly (affects: 48) (dups: 17) (heat: 373)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18995 <devildante> Can someone triage bug 503041? <ubot2> Launchpad bug 503041 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Mouse lags while moving it and clicking any keys (affects: 3) (heat: 18)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/503041 * drew2121 looking <drew2121> it looks like its being handled upstream <devildante> drew2121: it's me who reported the bug upstream <penguin42> drew2121: There is nothing that stops you looking at and fixing a bug in upstream; of course you'll have to persuade the upstream guys to take it <devildante> but is this related to this bug being triaged? :p <drew2121> devildante: no... <drew2121> devildante: if its reported upstream and linked to the upstream tracker its "triaged" <devildante> so can someone mark it as Triaged? <ari-tczew> !weekend | devildante <ubot2> devildante: It's a weekend. Often on weekends the paid developers and a lot of the community may not be around to answer your question. Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would or try again during the working week. <devildante> ari-tczew, I know :) <ari-tczew> extra <drew2121> devildante: you cant mark upstream tasks as triaged <devildante> drew2121: I'm talking about the ubuntu package <drew2121> devildante: OH! I'm not familiar with xorg, I'll wait for one of the more familiar Xorg bugcontrol members to judge wether its triaged or not. <devildante> drew2121: okay :) <drew2121> devildante: sorry, i worded that terribly =P. And i was under the assumption that you wanted me to mark the upstream task triaged =P <devildante> drew2121: nah, I'm no beginner <drew2121> lol, i still am, I'm really only familiar with firefox bugs, even then i still feel like there is tons to learn =) <drew2121> devildante: why haven't you applied to bugcontrol yet if you're so experienced? <devildante> drew2121: but I'm also no expert :p <devildante> maybe later <drew2121> devildante: you dont need to be an expert =P, its whenever you feel comfortable marking bugs triaged =) * drew2121 <----- Prime example <devildante> hmm... * yofel was a bugsquad member for half a year until hggdh bugged him to finally apply to BC :P <drew2121> haha =P <devildante> if you bug me enough, I'll apply ;) <yofel> you really just need some experience and have to understand the general policy * vish too similar to yofel, dint apply until someone said 'stop bothering me with status' you know it already! ;p <devildante> meh <drew2121> i've been triaging bugs on and off since October in 2009 <yofel> vish: yeah I remember that, we did apply at the same time iirc :D <devildante> okay, I'll apply <devildante> today or tomorrow :) <vish> yofel: hehe, yeah.. i think it was hggdh who pushed me to apply too! , i think he just got fed up with us :D <drew2121> lol * penguin42 should do the bugsquad thing at some point rather than just doing flyby triaging <devildante> penguin42, yes, you should <vish> drew2121: hey, are you considering mentoring? there are a few members who have applied they are in the same time slot as yours, but since ddecator is MIA , there is no one to take care ;) <drew2121> vish: I'm actually on my way out, we can talk later about my availability, because my times has changed a little bit, i need to update my wiki page. <penguin42> devildante: Maybe next time I have a week off to spend some proper time on it <vish> kermiac: i tried ^ :D ... so stlsaint might have to wait for drew2121's reply .. ;) <vish> drew2121: np.. ;) * devildante finally finished closing bugs in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100708 <devildante> vish, thanks for triaging ;) <vish> yw.. <penguin42> does anyone know where the source for the daily kernel builds comes from - is it in a git/bzr somewhere? <yofel> we have daily build kernels? <penguin42> yofel: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/daily/ <yofel> hm, not sure, maybe they're on http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git somewhere <penguin42> ah, yeh, it looks like that comes from one of those repos * hggdh considers vish absolutelty correct -- apply for BC, and bother us on something really important (not just to change status) <hggdh> :-) <vish> yofel: see^ :D <yofel> right :) <micahg> simar: I duped your bug and the fix has been committed, what more is there? <micahg> drew2121: well, you can try, but it's not a papercut <simar> micahg: nothing .. i cleared all remaining issues here ..thanks though <micahg> simar: so, to answer your questions, launchpad-registry is not part of Ubuntu, hence you can't use ubuntu-bug, and that should answer question 2 as well since there's a bug open for malone (launchpad bugs) about moving tasks <micahg> simar: bug 80902 is why I had to add another task <ubot2> Launchpad bug 80902 in malone "Can't refile bug report from project to distribution, or vice versa (affects: 5) (dups: 4) (heat: 15)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80902 * devildante will be afk for a while <devildante> aye, someone marked bug 1 as Invalid! fortunately, Bilal was fast enough :) <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1 in tilix (and 18 other projects) "Microsoft has a majority market share (affects: 557) (heat: 2856)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 <penguin42> haha <drew2121> vish: Alright, i'm back and i have updated my availablities to my current class/work schedule <drew2121> micahg: i know, i wanted to do it as a school project for my honors class... i would spend some serious time on it =), as it would have to be a completed working implementation, requires at least 4 hours a week of work... <micahg> drew2121: have you tested ff4.0 to see if it's in there? <drew2121> micahg: no... <drew2121> let me boot my VM <drew2121> bah my VM is way outdated... how do i specify newer versions from the ubuntu repos? <micahg> drew2121: use testdrive? <drew2121> micahg: i already have my VM set up though, can i use test drive to just install the FF4.0 packages <micahg> drew2121: no <micahg> drew2121: why not just upgrade? <micahg> drew2121: what do you mean specify new versions? <drew2121> i want to know how to test firefox 4.0, do i need to install it from source? <micahg> drew2121: ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa <drew2121> thanks <ari-tczew> devildante: Bilal is very young, motivated and promising developer. <devildante> ari-tczew: yeah, he's a really cool guy :) <devildante> and he's probably younger than us all <ari-tczew> devildante: he needs gain a little more expierence with packaging and I'd see him in MOTU crew. <devildante> although I'm ~17 years old, so I'm not that far :p <devildante> ari-tczew: yeah! <drew2121> devildante: dont let youth make you afraid to achieve greatness... physics is a good example, Einstein made all his great findings before he was 25 =). <drew2121> i shouldn't say all, most... <devildante> drew2121: I'll just try my best :) <drew2121> devildante: thats all thats required =) <drew2121> hopefully i'm not the only one with a bug with the maps in LP... anyone else getting a "client" parameter error? <micahg> drew2121: bug 624981 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 624981 in launchpad-registry "The Google Maps API server rejected your request (affects: 30) (dups: 6) (heat: 154)" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/624981 <drew2121> micahg: thanks <devildante> drew2121: that's plaguing us all <drew2121> devildante: i figured it was <devildante> dammit, google :p * penguin42 would have thought someone would have just quickly commented out the map thing <drew2121> penguin42: i don't think it affects everyone, but they have added a checkbox you can use to remove it =) <charlie-tca> You have to uncheck the box everytime you access the page, though <drew2121> =X <drew2121> firefox 4.0 is called minefield? <charlie-tca> hmmm, does the name fit the appliction? <micahg> drew2121: that's the trunk codename <drew2121> micahg: ok... weird =P <vish> drew2121: hey, yeah, you can add yourself to the list : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors with the time you are available <drew2121> Lol, its different every day, but mostly nights =) <vish> drew2121: heh, well, its the same way you did with ddecator ;) .. no one is available everyday.. <drew2121> holy cow, is there a graphical editor? it looks like a mess when i try to edit it =X <micahg> drew2121: for what? <drew2121> the bugsquad mentors list =P <drew2121> micahg: i figured it out... Lol I'm just lazy =D <trinikrono> hey guys if a person attaches a patch to a buig report that fixes a problem <trinikrono> what should we do with it <trinikrono> ask them to send it upstream? <drew2121> trinikrono: bug #? <trinikrono> hey drew2121 bug 236046 <ubot2> Launchpad bug 236046 in checkgmail (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "checkgmail tray background colour cannot be changed (affects: 27) (heat: 144)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/236046 <drew2121> You can send it upstream for them since there is an upstream task, but I would refer credit to Corona. I'm not sure really if it applies though, i'm not familiar with the checkgmail package... <trinikrono> you can install it :D <drew2121> trinikrono: haha, maybe later =D <trinikrono> its just to tell you when you get a new gmail <trinikrono> without logging in all the time <drew2121> i use thunderbird =), and i check it often <trinikrono> drew2121: lemme ask you something <trinikrono> you ever had to try to track a memory leak? <micahg> trinikrono: you should try to make sure to use dep-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/ <trinikrono> using valgrind <drew2121> trinikrono: nope =X <trinikrono> micahg: O.o <drew2121> vish: I added myself to the list <trinikrono> micahg so we should send the patch to the debian package? <drew2121> why is my name drew2121?! <micahg> trinikrono: you can check if Debian has a similar bug filed, if so, then yes, otherwise, just send straight upstrea, <micahg> *upstream <trinikrono> oo i go in the debian bug tracker then <trinikrono> micahg: well its not in the debian bug tracker <drew212> thanks micahg for hooking trinikrono up =) <vish> drew212: You've Got Mail! ;) <drew212> vish: sweet =) <micahg> drew212: np <drew212> micahg: my professor approved my honors project: fixing bug 18995 =) <ubot2> Launchpad bug 18995 in mozilla-thunderbird (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "[MASTER] "Open With" dialog not user-friendly (affects: 48) (dups: 17) (heat: 387)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18995 <drew212> hopefully this will get my good experience in the triaging/bugfixing process and put me in a position to fix more FF bugs =) <trinikrono> when a bug title has failed to update/upgrade returned exit status 2 <trinikrono> should the bug be filed against the package or update manager <lifeless> usually the package <stlsaint> vish: :D * penguin42 looks at a backtrace and wonders wth to report it against; it's an abort in an X library while running Synergy, but the assert is very odd * stlsaint patiently awaits the contact from drew212 ;) #ubuntu-bugs 2011-08-22 <jtaylor> meld needs an SRU for bug 774265 bug 786134 and bug 787831, as I'm doing this anyway can I also throw in bug 770549 which is less severe but more an annoyance? <jtaylor> it forces one to use meld from the command line <hggdh_> jtaylor: it is an usability issue, so _can_ be considered for SRU <charlie-tca> ubuntu-bug is not attaching logs when run in terminal <hggdh> charlie-tca: this is probably the apport hook <charlie-tca> gnome-control-center? <hggdh> might be, yes <hggdh> right now cannot test, upgrading to Oneiric... #ubuntu-bugs 2011-08-23 <yunusabd> I have been having some problems since I upgraded to 11.04 and gnome3 how do I find the information to submit a bug? <yunusabd> report <yunusabd> nv I found the handy links from the welcome splash <yunusabd> nm <bil21als> what command is used to report the top pannel bug??? <bil21als> abhinav can u tell which command is use to report the top pannel bug ?? <eapache> Can someone please re-open bug #530443? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 530443 in wireshark (Ubuntu) "Can't purge wireshark (" $ sudo aptitude --purge-unused purge wireshark ") (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/530443 <eapache> I don't seem to have the permission <eapache> And it was recently re-reported as another bug, which I have already set as dup #ubuntu-bugs 2011-08-24 <drew212> nhandler: hey are you around? <jtaylor> can someone reproduce bug 830435? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 830435 in ubuntu "ImportError: /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4 (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/830435 <mbrigdan> Hey! I'm going to report a bug about ubuntu ignoring module blacklists, but I'm not sure which package to file it against. update-initramfs ignores the blacklist, so I could file it against that, but other blacklisted modules that update-initramfs isn't adding are also getting loading, implying that the problem is elsewhere. Any advice? <mbrigdan> *getting loaded #ubuntu-bugs 2011-08-25 <mbrigdan> Anybody? <charlie-tca> !away | otubo[AFK] <ubot4> otubo[AFK]: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines» <decoder> there's still a memory leak in nm-applet :( just killed it again with 140 MB of memory used <decoder> takes very long though to accumulate <AlanBell> bug 739812 is listed as affecting unity (ubuntu natty) how do I add oneiric to it? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 739812 in unity (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "Must use hardware keyboard to perform search for applications in Unity (affects: 8) (heat: 56)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/739812 <penguin42> don't know - it's not obvious is it <AlanBell> yeah, not sure if it is because I lack rights to target a release or if I just don't know what I am doing <jibel> AlanBell, this action requires specific rights. I nominated it for O. <jibel> AlanBell, importance is medium but I think it should be High <jibel> AlanBell, what's you take on that ? <AlanBell> I think it should be high <AlanBell> it is "A bug which impacts accessibility of a core application" and probably meets some of the other criteria for high https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance <AlanBell> it is a bit of a blocker for a good touchscreen tablet experience with 3d unity <ashams> Hello Guys, I need your opinion here: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/169157 <hggdh> ashams: can you please expand on what it is intended to? I am not sure, reading the question <ashams> hggdh: Hi, thanks for reading :) <ashams> hggdh: the story that I've noticed that we're not doing enough work on forwarding bugs upstream <ashams> hggdh: so I decided to research on how to enhance our procedures to do so. <ashams> hggdh: one of these problems was, that upstream related tags are quite a lot. <ashams> hggdh: and it can't be easily used to find this type of bugs <ashams> hggdh: so I was thinking of creating one *generic* tag that can be easily searched for, and then a bug triager can forward, or do whatever to a bug. <ashams> hggdh: of course beside other tags, to describe special cases. <ashams> hggdh: So? <hggdh> I do understand you. But there are other rules for the game that also imply upstreaming <hggdh> I am not saying your idea is good, or bad, or whatever. I am just being the usual devil's advocate <hggdh> the point is not all bugs are upstreamble. Some are related to UBuntu packaging, or to a local patch (that upstream refuses) <hggdh> so no matter what, you need to work on a specific bug and determine if it is a local issue (i.e., Ubuntu-related) or not; then if it is a real issue, or -- say -- lack of reading the manual (or even lack of _a_ manual) <hggdh> _if_ you decide it is upstreamable, you can either upstream it yourself immediately or, for example, open a placeholder upstream task (and mark the bug comfirmed, _not_ triaged) <hggdh> so, what does a tag bring that would make it more efficient? <hggdh> ashams: ^ <ashams> hggdh: it can be efficient if someone decided to work on this criteria(Forwarding Bugs) just to speed up development of many packages... <hggdh> ashams: one usually selects a specific source package to work on; then all bugs that are not triaged are fair game (since all are potential real bugs, and potentially in need of upstreaming) <hggdh> ashams: the point is, for one to add such a tag to a bug, one first of all needs to *know* it has to be upstreamed. So, adding a placeholder upstream task (or actually upstreaming it then) is more effective than adding a new tag <ashams> hggdh: I was thinking of that process as not all bug triagers have time(or like) to forward bugs, so it was just to give someone else a way to focus on this. <ashams> I was thinking of splitting the long process into pieces, triagging, forwarding, instead of leaving it as a big one, thus it may look like a big task to bug triagers. <bdmurray> pedro_: as you write these patterns are you unsubb'ing ubuntu-bug-control from the bugs? <ashams> hggdh: no matter if I'm currently adopted some pkg <pedro_> bdmurray, oh no, i was just removing the tag, will unsubscribe the bugcontrol team as well <bdmurray> pedro_: great, I'll look and see if there is a tool for that <pedro_> bdmurray, thanks for the heads up <charlie-tca> Looking for someone that will confirm bug 833862 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 833862 in onboard (Ubuntu) "Onboard Keyboard should have a menu entry for Xubuntu/Xfce (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/833862 <hggdh> pedro_: shouldn't bug 832533 be milestoned? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 832533 in gvfs (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 2 other projects) "gvfs-fuse-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_create_instance() (affects: 151) (dups: 29) (heat: 490)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/832533 <hggdh> and my compiz died a horrible death. Again. <charlie-tca> looks to me like it should be milestoned, yes. <hggdh> ashams: sorry, my system barfed... so reboot, submit a new bug, etc, etc <ashams> hggdh: np, hope it works fine now :) <hggdh> no, not yet... <pedro_> agg this alt+tab of unity is driving me crazy :-/ <pedro_> hggdh, i've milestoned it , thanks ;-) <ashams> hggdh: reported it, if so would you give a link to that bug, I'm curious :) <hggdh> ashams: bug 833879, but we have to wait for the backtracer to work <ubot4> hggdh: Bug 833879 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/833879 is private <mbrigdan> Hey! I'm going to report a bug about ubuntu ignoring module blacklists, but I'm not sure which package to file it against. update-initramfs ignores the blacklist, so I could file it against that, but other blacklisted modules that update-initramfs isn't adding are also getting loaded, implying that the problem is elsewhere. Any advice? <hggdh> mbrigdan: probably against module-init-tools <mbrigdan> hggdh, Its not just in the initramfs though. Modules that aren't loaded into it are still somehow being loaded, even though they're blacklisted. <hggdh> mbrigdan: I am not sure I follow you. I suggested module-init-tools because this is the package that deals with blacklisting <hggdh> I did not say anything about initramfs... <mbrigdan> Oh, it does all the blacklisting, not just for update-initramfs? <mbrigdan> The init part just confused me <mbrigdan> I'll go with that then <hggdh> this is the owner of the directories and the modules maintenance <mbrigdan> alright, thanks <hggdh> you are welcome <penguin42> yofel: Can you have a look at bug 833737 - I think you said that you had problems with nautilus starting in KDE <ubot4> Launchpad bug 833737 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "No way to remove entries from ksmserverrc (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/833737 <yofel> k, busy filing a FFe for digikam, I'll have a look later <penguin42> yofel: Ok, out of interest what's the digikam issue <yofel> well, trying to get digikam 2.0.0 into the archive which would make the geolocation support work again, which needs a FeatureFreezeException <penguin42> but we would be going from a beta/pre-release to the final thing which sounds like a good idea anyway <bdmurray> I'll plus one that FFE ;-) <yofel> ^^ * penguin42 gently wonders if that would also cure the black on dark grey text.... <penguin42> for some reason this 1.9.x doesn't feel intuitive for me - I can't quite pin it down though #ubuntu-bugs 2011-08-26 <bdmurray> cyphermox: I updated my network-manager bug from months ago <cyphermox> bdmurray: yup, saw it, thanks! <gema> Hi, who do I need to speak to, to get a wpa_supplicant fix into Oneiric? <gema> it is bug 638303, just for the record. Thanks! <ubot4> Launchpad bug 638303 in wpasupplicant (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Don't give up scanning so easily (affects: 6) (dups: 1) (heat: 9)" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/638303 <penguin42> gema: You could try the person who contributed the patch that's on that bug <gema> that person is no in canonical <gema> I thought that if they could, the patch would be included already <penguin42> 'no in' ? <gema> not in <gema> well, I am not sure how packages ownership and bug fixes get decided, so I am trying to figure things out :) <penguin42> hmm it looks like he was when he sent that last patch in March <gema> then the patch should be included by now, right? I will try to check <gema> thanks :) <gema> I may send him an email, actually <penguin42> gema: I'd email them and ask if he knows the current status <gema> ok, will do, thanks penguin42 :) <jtaylor> general question, I never used apport-collect will it help for bug 834263? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 834263 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Im a newbie, installing Ubuntu. I keeps stopping and saying E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1). When I try to continue, it stops again, says I should post to this site and attach the files var/log/syslog and/ var/log/partman: (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/834263 <jtaylor> hm its during install, probably a bit more complicated there <penguin42> jtaylor: Is that your bug ? <jtaylor> no <penguin42> jtaylor: I'd report it separately <penguin42> jtaylor: Lots of stuff can cause that type of problem during install so it's best to get it reported and then someone can merge ones that are actually the same <jtaylor> I don't have any issues I'm just wondering about how apport-collect works <jtaylor> if telling the reporter to do that will add useful information <penguin42> oh I see <penguin42> hmm not sure for installation stuff #ubuntu-bugs 2011-08-27 <kalstabakken> when you're triaging an older bug, what should you do if the bug is not reproducible in the current version of the package? <kalstabakken> as a specific example, bugs reported for firefox 3.6 a few months ago that don't reproduce in 6.0 <htorque_> hello everyone! what in the user home dir could prevent apport from popping up upon crashes? i got this on two different oneiric systems but in both cases apport works fine with newly created users. <bil21al> how to report the destop bugs,,i mean what command should use to report a main dextop bugs??? can any body tell me <charlie-tca> ubuntu-bug unity <charlie-tca> I think <ashams> bil21al: you can report it anywhere, if you don't really know, like linux 'ubuntu-bug linux' ;) <bil21al> ok tku <jtaylor> isn't linux the kernel? thats not where desktop bugs should land <charlie-tca> no, please do not report a desktop bug against linux! <charlie-tca> That is not correct by any means, ashams <charlie-tca> bil21al: Please use ubuntu-bug unity, or report it against ubuntu. <charlie-tca> Reporting bugs against any package just to report it does not help at all. It creates more work for triagers and developers when you do that. <abhinav-> I don't know if it would work in this case or not, but `ubuntu-bug -w` might be useful when you don't know the exact package name. never tried agains unity <charlie-tca> If you don't know, please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs <charlie-tca> It pretty much does tell how to report any bug <ashams> charlie-tca: I meant that if a bug reporter can't identify which pkg to file against, he would simply report it against linux. Bug triager will handle it from there and will ask him to apport-collect <bug#>, to me it's a fair solution, what you think? <charlie-tca> That is not correct, no <charlie-tca> That attaches a lot of useless logs to the bug, which both a triager and developer must go through to find the actual problem. It could even mean the bug will not get touched <ashams> abhinav-: ubuntu-bug -w is great :) <charlie-tca> The correct procedure is to read the "How to report a bug" document and do what it tells you when you can not find the package <charlie-tca> Linux bugs often do not get looked at for a long time, because they are very difficult to triage. Reporting stray bugs against linux can mean your bug gets closed as invalid. <abhinav-> ashams: yeah. Its very handy, no need to fuss around about the correct package name <charlie-tca> ashams: do you look at every bug reported against linux? <ashams> charlie-tca: kernel team do? <charlie-tca> Kernel team already has more bugs than they have time for. Why do you think it is okay to add to their workload? <ashams> charlie-tca: what if we create some to collect bugs into one place, then we move it from there? <ashams> charlie-tca: meant some where <charlie-tca> It is not needed and adds more work for all of us. <ashams> but will help newbie bug reporters to report their bugs ;) <charlie-tca> We have excellent documentation about how to file any bug, why can't we use it? <charlie-tca> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs#Filing%20a%20general%20bug%20against%20no%20particular%20package <charlie-tca> Can't they follow a simple direction to file that bug? <charlie-tca> It seems you believe they aren't smart enough to read the wiki? <ashams> charlie-tca: not at all, but how many lines in there? <ashams> may be 500 <charlie-tca> Please try to give advice that follows the guidelines we have worked hard to establish. <charlie-tca> Looking in the Table of Contents on the page, it took me reading about 5 lines to find the right answer. <ashams> lovely, but I think that we're already used to deal with bugs, while ~90% of *Computer users* in general have never heared of bugs! <charlie-tca> Again, you assume they can not read? <charlie-tca> Any user can read that table of contents and come to the exact line, called filing against no particular package. <charlie-tca> It really is not as hard as you want it to be. <charlie-tca> and it does make a lot less work for the kernel team, at the same time. <ashams> charlie-tca: I think we imagine two different of users, mine would be a Business woman ;) <ashams> oh no, meant different kind of users <charlie-tca> Business woman is not stupid either. They can read, or they wouldn't be working <charlie-tca> There is a valid reason for that wiki page. It really does mean those of us who triage bugs can do more in the limited time we have. <ashams> charlie-tca: yeah, but her mind would be already filled with business, no room for bugs :) <charlie-tca> !coc <ubot4> The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct <ashams> charlie-tca: you are a real good listener <charlie-tca> Please do not degrade others for your own shortcomings <ashams> charlie-tca: I don't, I just want to check if there would be better ways to get things done! <paultag> ashams: stop; you're just making snide turdish comments to try to incite a response from charlie-tca <paultag> ashams: kindly bug another channel. I hear ##windows gets upset easy. <ashams> ashams: haha, ok, sorry guys.... <paultag> cheers, have fun <ashams> charlie-tca: whenever I find a better you'll be the first one to know, bye ;) <bil21al> how can we apply for ubuntu membership??? <yofel_> bil21al: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership <ali1234> has the ability to "nominate for release" been restricted? <ali1234> also why did launchpad janitor confirm my bug? <jtaylor> duplicates and affected now confirm bugs <ali1234> ah, it's from affects <ali1234> that makes sense and is a good idea :) <htorque_> jtaylor: what does it do if there is more than one task? <jtaylor> no idea <ali1234> so there is a nasty bug in unity which is trivially reproduced and forces the user to reboot or restart X, potentially losing unsaved work <ali1234> the bug is fixed in oneiric, but i don't know which patch fixed it. it just went away one day <ali1234> i don't seem to have the ability to nominate the bug for natty, and i don't have a patch that fixes only that bug anyway <ali1234> so what can be done about this? <charlie-tca> ali1234: put a comment in the bug report that it still affects natty, and tell how to reproduce it. <ali1234> i've done that already <ali1234> the bug was originally opened against natty <charlie-tca> What's the bug number? <ali1234> bug 826059 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 826059 in unity (Ubuntu) "unity gets stuck in 'expose' mode when you drag an icon over a launcher icon and hold it there (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 22)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/826059 <charlie-tca> looking <charlie-tca> Okay, let me add a comment and try to nominate it for natty <ali1234> thanks. i'm looking in the unity source to try to find what fixed it <charlie-tca> Okay, nominated * penguin42 is confused about bug 832949 - it shows a FTBFS yet https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+builds?build_text=monkey-bubble&build_state=all doesn't show any recent build failures <ubot4> Launchpad bug 832949 in monkey-bubble (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "monkey-bubble version 0.4.0-0ubuntu8 failed to build in oneiric (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/832949 <jtaylor> its from a test rebuild <penguin42> why don't they show up in the lp buold logs? <penguin42> build <penguin42> (I do wish there was an easy link to the build logs from the packages. page) <jtaylor> there are links here: http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20110816-oneiric.html <ali1234> penguin42: there are packages out there which will build from source *once* but if you try to build it again it won't <ali1234> you have to delete the whole source dir and unarchive it again <ali1234> that wouldn't show up on the build service <ali1234> i don't know if this package is one of them, but just saying <penguin42> that would be very very nasty of them <ali1234> Qt used to have this problem, but i think it was fixed <ali1234> that was annoying since building Qt from scratch takes a looong time <penguin42> ok, well I've attached a fix to that bug report, I guess I could get up the energy to create a bzr branch with the fix and try and remember how to do it <jtaylor> hm <jtaylor> is that patch safe? <jtaylor> are you upstream? <penguin42> jtaylor: It works (tm) - I've run a two player game against myself and multiple levels on the one player * penguin42 isn't the upstream <jtaylor> its just always risky when you remove assignments from function calls <jtaylor> who knows if the function ahs side effects <penguin42> jtaylor: Yeh see my comments in the bug report <jtaylor> especially the one in the critical section <penguin42> which one? <jtaylor> handler = network_client_get_handler(client); <penguin42> oh, the handler= network_client_get_handler? <jtaylor> 188 game.-manager.c <penguin42> yeh, if you look at the code it actually then calls network_client_get_handler later - note that isn't a lock/read/unlock - that's two separate locks <jtaylor> might be safer to just disable werror for unused-but-not-set <penguin42> yeh - I also say that in one of the comments :-) <jtaylor> and submit the issue upstream <penguin42> except I'm not sure upstream is alive <penguin42> jtaylor: which makes me wonder if the right solution is just to nuke the package <jtaylor> if it still works one can keep it <jtaylor> doesn't have any usability bugs <penguin42> well with that test build it doesn't currently build <penguin42> but yes I think the current build works still <jtaylor> as there is no upstream and no real gain by fixing these warnings I'd disable the warning <jtaylor> not worth risking adding a bug no one really cares about fixing <penguin42> jtaylor: The log snippet extractor for builds could do with spotting those errors * penguin42 suspects that warning breaks zillions of packages <jtaylor> quite a few <jtaylor> but not all use -werror <jtaylor> so build only fails for a very small fraction <penguin42> it's not a bad discipline to get into, it does help spot a lot of DOH type of bugs - but some times the compiler can be a little over zealos <htorque> hi, how would i add a distro task ("<project> (ubuntu)") to a bug? <yofel> htorque: which bug? In general, click on "Also affects distribution" * penguin42 always seems to fight with lp when I want to do that <htorque> yofel: gna, i must be blind, thanks! <htorque> bug 835646 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 835646 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "unity-panel-service memory leak with Kile (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/835646 <yofel> hm, and what do you want to add? <htorque> i already did <yofel> k <htorque> i opened it against unity and added unity (ubuntu) as it's also happening there <penguin42> anyone any good with python/gtk issues - I've got virt-manager not opening a window, but I can't quite see why <yofel> python yes, gtk no <penguin42> it's bug 551432 - but I'm fairly sure it's on the GTK side of things, or maybe the glade description of the window <ubot4> Launchpad bug 551432 in virt-manager (Ubuntu) "virt-manager create disk image with LVM hangs for ever (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/551432 <penguin42> it's also possible something is screwey with the lvm code but I don't quite see how that would stop the window appearing given where I've already got debug showing it got to <clemenstimpler> hi everyone - how do i file a bug against a translation? :) <hggdh> ah well. Late, but... translation bugs... look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage, search for translation #ubuntu-bugs 2011-08-28 <sagaci> about to file a bug, is it ok to link to a screenshot of the bug? <ali1234> sagaci: you can add it as an attachment, then it won't get lost. but generally it's fine... <ali1234> sometimes i link to youtube videos of bugs :) <ali1234> make sure there's nothing private in the screenshot though <sagaci> righteo thanks, didn't even see the attachment link :P <somethinginteres> hi all, wanting to test a diff patch at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/festival/+bug/778619 - how would a newbie such as myself go about applying the diff to test it? Thanks. Looked at the man pages already but looking for specific guidance on this case. <ubot4> Launchpad bug 778619 in festival (Ubuntu) "Festival TTS starts 'paused' for blocks of text (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] <trinikrono> hey is a triager around i believe i have a bug that can be triaged <trinikrono> its bug 835920 and i just added the bugwatch, that should be sufficient right? <ubot4> Launchpad bug 835920 in checkgmail (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "CheckGmail with 2-step verification doen't work (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/835920 <charlie-tca> trinikrono: you should comment on the bug that you have triaged it and sent it upstream <trinikrono> charlie-tca: i just put one :D <trinikrono> do you think that it has enough info to be considered triaged? <charlie-tca> Okay, I will mark it, then. Importance desired? <charlie-tca> sure, it is upstream already, right? also it has a duplicate, which confirms it. <charlie-tca> done <charlie-tca> Thanks for working on bugs. It does help! <trinikrono> charlie-tca: i would say low because it does not seem to be affecting a lot of users, only people wanting to use two step auth <charlie-tca> I can agree with that. <trinikrono> thanks charlie-tca <charlie-tca> You are welcome. <trinikrono> charlie-tca: if you are not busy can you look at bug 762392 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 762392 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Nautilus Crashes On Opening Directory With Large Number Of Files (affects: 1) (heat: 3)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/762392 <trinikrono> i am thinking to tell the reporter to run nautilus from the command prompt and see what it says when it crashes <trinikrono> i saw this page also http://live.gnome.org/Nautilus/Development/Bugs <trinikrono> where it says if nautilus crashes it makes a debug file <charlie-tca> I would have the reporter do that. Then they can attach nautilus-debug-log <charlie-tca> but, make sure to tell them to remove that .conf after or it will keep building the logs <trinikrono> where does the log end up charlie-tca in the ~/ folder? <charlie-tca> That is where I think it will be, yes <charlie-tca> It should be in the same directory as the .conf file <trinikrono> charlie-tca: i put it too incomplete and asked for them to check out the wikipage and attach the file <trinikrono> so hopefully that would cover it for now <trinikrono> since apport did not collect anything useful <charlie-tca> yeah, that should be good <charlie-tca> Without something showing what is happening, it is not going to be possible to fix it <trinikrono> :D thanks i am off now charlie-tca <charlie-tca> Thank you for helping <denva-ingram> Hiya everyone, I have reported a bug but it seems that no one has a answer for, could anyone help me sort it out? <denva-ingram> bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/816145 <ubot4> Launchpad bug 816145 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Atheros AR5001 wireless card "wireless is disabled by hardware switch" (affects: 4) (dups: 1) (heat: 16)" [Medium,Incomplete] <xteejx> Evening all! <penguin42> can someone set importance on bug 551432 - I won't do it myself because I'm one of the people suffering from it and I'm about out of ideas to debug it <ubot4> Launchpad bug 551432 in virt-manager (Ubuntu) "virt-manager create disk image with LVM hangs for ever (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/551432 <charlie-tca> Okay, what importance you want? <penguin42> well I guess it's either medium or low depending if virt-manager is a 'core application' <penguin42> (although for me it's a pit....) <penguin42> it's in main, so I guess it's core - Medium <charlie-tca> done <penguin42> Thanks - it's time I learn't some more python :-( <charlie-tca> python? No one said I have to learn python to do this now... ;) <penguin42> oh it's just virt-manager is written in python - and a window is falling down a crack somewhere and I don't understand why <mdeslaur> penguin42: what virt-manager version are you getting that issue on? <penguin42> mdeslaur: 0.9.0-1ubuntu3 <mdeslaur> penguin42: ah! thanks <penguin42> let me just gather that stuff you asked for <penguin42> ok, done - back in 10min * penguin42 returns <penguin42> mdeslaur: Would you expect virsh vol-list main to give me something useful - it doesn't <mdeslaur> penguin42: did you create the "main" pool? do you have any idea what /dev/main is? <penguin42> mdeslaur: It's an lvm2 volume group <mdeslaur> oh, I see...are you storing stuff directly on lvm volumes? <penguin42> mdeslaur: In there are 'archhurd crypt debianvm fedora13 fiddle2disk more server1a server1a-lucid testing' many of which are the disks used for VMs - yes <mdeslaur> hmm...I'm going to need to install a machine with some lvm volumes to try and reproduce this...a few people have mentioned problems with lvms before <mdeslaur> penguin42: has it ever worked? <penguin42> mdeslaur: Yes, it worked great on Natty <penguin42> mdeslaur: I've been running with this setup for about 18months - since I got this machine <mdeslaur> penguin42: I'll try and reproduce this as soon as I get back from vacation...sorry about that... <penguin42> mdeslaur: although I can't remember when I last created a VM was - probably a few months <penguin42> mdeslaur: That's fine - can you give me some suggestions as to where to look for more debug; what I don't get is virt-manager is creating the window but it's not getting mapped, so what should be causing it to get mapped? <mdeslaur> let me look at the code, one sec <mdeslaur> something is createvol.py is going wrong I guess <penguin42> yeh that's what I guessed - I've scattered debug prints everywhere and nothing seems to be exiting any of the functions early, the cleanup/finish functions aren't getting called <mdeslaur> penguin42: what if you add "logging.debug("DAG: vol_class is %s" % self.vol_class)" to createvol.py line 44 <penguin42> is line 44 the one after self.vol_class = ? <mdeslaur> yep <mdeslaur> just to see if it manages to get something sane there <mdeslaur> penguin42: oh, can you also start virt-manager with "virt-manager --debug --no-fork" to see if that works any better? <penguin42> 2011-08-28 23:41:48,453 (createvol:46): DAG: vol_class is <class 'virtinst.Storage.LogicalVolume'> <mdeslaur> ok, that's fine I guess <penguin42> mdeslaur: It happily gets all the way to the end of that function, <penguin42> oooh! <penguin42> mdeslaur: I think I might see what's going on <mdeslaur> do tell :) <penguin42> ok, I partially take that back - but I've got a change in behaviour <mdeslaur> by doing what? <penguin42> mdeslaur: I've got virsh vol-list to work, by changing the debug levels of lvm <penguin42> 'New Volume' still isn't working - but at least it's now listing the volumes I had <penguin42> mdeslaur: It seems to be sensitive to the 'command_names' option in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf <mdeslaur> ah, yeah...it's probably parsing the output of lvm tools, and is sensitive to configuration and/or redhat differences <mdeslaur> I'll need to reproduce this when I get back and go through it all <penguin42> mdeslaur: Yeuch parsing the output of the lvm commands is grim! <mdeslaur> so that would actually be in libvirt <penguin42> ok, but 'New Volume' still doesn't work any better <penguin42> but, that's work-aroundable since I can do it with LVM commands <penguin42> (which then makes me wonder if New Volume has ever worked there and I've always done it on lvm commands?) <mdeslaur> so...maybe you should get libvirt logging running and look in the libvirt logs...that would explain why virt-manager isn't printing anything useful <penguin42> mdeslaur: I did - the libvirt logs are HUGE <mdeslaur> virt-manager is probably incorrectly handling data that libvirt is returning * penguin42 decides to start by filing a bug about the sensitivey to the 'command_names' lvm debug option <penguin42> it's an option in the lvm config file, so is a perfectly valid thing to use - although to be honest I'd expected that to change only the output of logging <mdeslaur> yeah...storage_backend_logical.c in libvirt parses the output of various lvm commands * penguin42 grabs a bucket - surely there is an API for that <penguin42> or use udisks <mdeslaur> are you running en_US? <penguin42> en_GB <penguin42> oh dear that would get very messy <mdeslaur> yeah, I think storage_backend_logical.c needs to be looked at to make sure all the regexes in there actually work with the tools we have in oneiric and will different locales <mdeslaur> *sigh* <penguin42> if it's parsing the output of lvm commands it'll probably break just by thinking about it <mdeslaur> it probably doesn't handle spaces in filenames, that's for sure <mdeslaur> anyway, I have to stop looking at this now... <penguin42> I think one of the bugs here is that the command_names option in lvm actually changes the output of the command, not (just?) the stuff that's logged - so I'd happily take that as an LVM bug <penguin42> mdeslaur: Thank you! <mdeslaur> np, I'll take a look when I get back. thanks! <penguin42> mdeslaur: For reference bug 836329 is the sensitivty to command_names, I'm also going to mark it as affecting lvm and let the lvm and libvirt side fight out which one is wrong :-) <ubot4> Launchpad bug 836329 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "lvm volumes not listed if lvm has command_names option = 1 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/836329 <mdeslaur> thanks! #ubuntu-bugs 2012-08-21 <wigs> is this the right place to have aptitude bugs nominated for oneiric, precise? <wigs> specifically these two: 824708, 975793 <RoyK> bug 824708 <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 824708 in aptitude "aptitude can no longer show changelogs: "Changelog download failed: Download queue destroyed." Please merge the fixed version, 0.6.8, from Debian." [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/824708 <RoyK> bug 975793 <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 975793 in aptitude "'aptitude safe-upgrade -d -y' enters infinite loop" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/975793 <alo21> mvo: hi <mvo> hi alo21 <alo21> mvo: I am trying to fix a bug in Ubuntu Software center (835018) <smartboyhw> alo21: Good job, mate <alo21> mvo: and I cannot find where description app detail is <alo21> mvo: is it a label or something else? <alo21> smartboyhw: hi <alo21> smartboyhw: why you said me 'Good job, mate'? <mvo> alo21: you are look for the code? softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/view/appdetailsview.py is the part that should contain it <mvo> alo21: hm, actually, the description is in softwarecenter/ui/gtk3/widgets/description.py <mvo> alo21: and it seems this is working for me now? <smartboyhw> alo21: Good job in fixing bugs:) <wigs> hi <wigs> I wonder if someone here can nominate aptitude bugs for oneiric, precise? <wigs> bug 824708 <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 824708 in aptitude "aptitude can no longer show changelogs: "Changelog download failed: Download queue destroyed." Please merge the fixed version, 0.6.8, from Debian." [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/824708 <wigs> bug 975793 <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 975793 in aptitude "'aptitude safe-upgrade -d -y' enters infinite loop" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/975793 <wigs> both have small, safe patches tested in sid <njin> hallo, this is high , bug 1037515 , can someone set it right, tyhanks <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1037515 in ubiquity "ubiquity-dm crashed with MissingProgramError in run(): No window manager found (tried metacity, xfwm4, matchbox-window-manager, openbox-lubuntu, openbox)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1037515 <alo21_> mvo: hi.... It's me again... the file is correct, but I cannot understand what kind of widget 'desc' variable is <mvo> alo21_: its the AppDescription widget from description.py <alo21_> mvo: AppDescription is a box which contains the text. Right? <mvo> alo21_: yeah <alo21_> mvo: and as a box, it must contains a widget. What is the text widget which contains the description in "class AppDescription"? <mvo> alo21_: its the "Layout" class created via "self._new_layout" <mvo> () <penguin42> is all the logic for Grub installation on a Kubuntu install CD identical to an Ubuntu install - just a different frontend on ubiquity? <alo21__> h <alo21__> what is the best way to fix a little bug? Via patch or branch? <TheLordOfTime> i think you need to define fix. * TheLordOfTime prefers seeing patches <TheLordOfTime> but that's me :P <alo21__> TheLordOfTime: to fix a little bug, I shoud add just 3 lines of code <alo21__> should* <TheLordOfTime> hey, i've seen patches that are oneliners :P <TheLordOfTime> but typically, for fixing the *package* a branch merge request might work, or a patch which can be turned to a debdiff <TheLordOfTime> (which is why I prefer patches0 <alo21__> TheLordOfTime: ok.. So I can do whatever I think is the best <TheLordOfTime> generally, i write patches. <TheLordOfTime> but as i said, either method works * penguin42 wonders what to do with bug 486498 - debian's closed it since it's removed the package, and it's not been in ubuntu since Oneiric <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 486498 in mlview "mlview assertion failed" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/486498 <penguin42> bad bot; the fix-released is the upstream status <TheLordOfTime> penguin42: heh <TheLordOfTime> the bot doesn't like you. that's why it did that :P <TheLordOfTime> nah, just kidding. * penguin42 waves a soldering iron at the bot * TheLordOfTime returns to porting a C++ application from Windows to Linux. <penguin42> graphical? <TheLordOfTime> nope, someone else is working on the graphical portion * TheLordOfTime is porting part of the internal workings of the program, though <penguin42> ah, so mostly build mechanics and fixing all the types? <TheLordOfTime> mhm <alo21> hi <alo21> How can I create a patch system? <penguin42> how do you mean - what exactly do you want to do? <RoyK> TheLordOfTime: what application? #ubuntu-bugs 2012-08-22 <alo21> hi <alo21> mvo: hi... can I ask you something else about Ubuntu Software Center? <mvo> alo21: sure <mvo> alo21: good morning <alo21> mvo: I found the describprion (called 'text'), but it is a string... I am looking for a widget such as Gtk.Label or something similat. Thanks <alo21> similar* <mvo> alo21: right, check the PangoLayout subclass there <alo21> mvo: I found just string type. I noticed that you used Pango to set text. I supposed this text is in widget; in which widget is it? <alo21> drawarea? label? <alo21> hi <brendand> as of today when i try to install a quantal server image, network autoconfiguration fails <brendand> tried with yesterdays image and it doesn't happen <intgr> Hey, there's a bug edit war going on at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1039998 ... bots? <ubot2`> Ubuntu bug 1039998 in linux "perf top (linux-tools) cannot find debug info for some gstreamer plugins" [Medium,Confirmed] <intgr> Brad Figg (brad-figg) ... affects: affects: linux-meta (Ubuntu) → linux (Ubuntu) <intgr> Joseph Salisbury (jsalisbury) ... affects: linux (Ubuntu) → linux-meta (Ubuntu) <intgr> Repeated a few times <jsalisbury> intgr, yeah. I'm going to look into it. <ambidextrvs> Hi, how can I log the output of the boot process in order to debug a kernel panic? <intgr> ambidextrvs: netconsole is one way... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Netconsole http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/networking/netconsole.txt <ambidextrvs> intgr: thanks, I'll look into it. <tvizzle> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/1039979 I think this goes to Wishlist <ubot2`> Ubuntu bug 1039979 in update-manager "Avoid automatic apt-get update on mobile broadland" [Undecided,New] <penguin42> yeh * TheLordOfTime yawns <TheLordOfTime> i'm not certain that can be implemented <TheLordOfTime> here's my reasoning: <TheLordOfTime> How would the system interpret it to be mobile broadband? <TheLordOfTime> s/it/a network interface/ <TheLordOfTime> for all intents and purposes, network traffic looks the same regardless of ethernet, wifi, or mobile broadband. <TheLordOfTime> tvizzle: penguin42: ^ <TheLordOfTime> yes, it would be a wishlist, but i'm not certain that's even a valid "wishlist" item. <tvizzle> ya, i agree that the system wouldn't be able to interpret <TheLordOfTime> while I will set this as Wishlist and Triaged, I will add my comments accordingly. <penguin42> TheLordOfTime: Network manager knows what it's connected to and the other apps can probably ask it <TheLordOfTime> penguin42: see my additional comments on the bug <TheLordOfTime> i added that i'm not certain you can find out, unless networkmanager or wicd or others have system/api calls for that <penguin42> nod <TheLordOfTime> i'm not a network-manager or wicd or $given_network_management_software expert, but i do know that if such calls do not exist, then the system can't really interpret what is/isnt mobile broadband, wifi, ethernet, etc. <TheLordOfTime> i've marked it as wishlist/triaged. i should *probably* see if there's an upstream project... <TheLordOfTime> update-manager... is that a GNOME upstream project...? <penguin42> TheLordOfTime: Even if there isn't already an API on network-manager for it, it doesn't seem an unreasonable thing to add <TheLordOfTime> indeed. <TheLordOfTime> that's why i didnt include the last line i had :P <TheLordOfTime> about it not being a valid item :P * penguin42 was about to look in update-manager, but it's segging on my kubuntu install.... #ubuntu-bugs 2012-08-23 <dglass> anyone available to check/potentially sponsor a new upstream version for package wakeup? (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wakeup/+bug/1040213). Only a few lines of code changed, but definitely improve usability. <ubot2`> Ubuntu bug 1040213 in wakeup "Request for new upstream version 1.3 upgrade" [Undecided,New] <dglass> jtaylor: I believe you helped out with this for version 1.2 <wigs> hi, anyone here who can nominate bugs for oneiric, precise? <wigs> please take a look and consider bug 824708 and bug 975793 <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 824708 in aptitude "aptitude can no longer show changelogs: "Changelog download failed: Download queue destroyed." Please merge the fixed version, 0.6.8, from Debian." [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/824708 <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 975793 in aptitude "'aptitude safe-upgrade -d -y' enters infinite loop" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/975793 <wigs> thanks #ubuntu-bugs 2012-08-24 <penguin42> gah getting lp oops's <njin> hallo, I've updated lucid to precise, but I've missed my desktop background, who is responsible for that, gcc overwriting the existents without saving it ? <njin> the background is present but is not the one that i've choosed, only a solid color is now <jtaylor> whats the way an upstream author can get access to private crash reports? join bug control? <TheLordOfTime> jtaylor: i *think* so, but i'm not sure, micahg or one of the other bugcontrollers would know <TheLordOfTime> perhaps hggdh would know :P <micahg> jtaylor: yeah, they have to join bug control for that <micahg> jtaylor: someone has to vouch for them <LoT> well fat lot of good that was <LoT> my ZNC crashed :/ <xnox> jtaylor: what bug # are you after? <xnox> jtaylor: or which package? <jtaylor> wakeup <jtaylor> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wakeup/+bug/1040213 <ubot2`> Ubuntu bug 1040213 in wakeup "Request for new upstream version 1.3 upgrade" [Undecided,New] <TheLordOfTime> jtaylor: what'd you want done to that bug? <xnox> jtaylor: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wakeup/+bugs <xnox> please check the three crashes. <jtaylor> nothing, author just asked how to get access to crash reports and I didn't know <xnox> jtaylor: all are now public, there are no other private bugs <jtaylor> < motu <TheLordOfTime> jtaylor: yeah you'd need bugcontrol <xnox> jtaylor: one sec. <micahg> xnox: you can also subscribe the author if you think they're responsible enough to not divulge information (or review the crashes yourself for private information and make public if appropriate) <TheLordOfTime> ^ <xnox> jtaylor: there was a fast track for upstreams. <micahg> err...jtaylor ^ <TheLordOfTime> is the wiki imploding? <TheLordOfTime> its returning 500s <xnox> jtaylor: Requirement 4 can be waived if you are an upstream developer or bug triager or if a Ubuntu developer vouches for you (your triaging ability). <xnox> jtaylor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl <jtaylor> so there is no per package crash report viewing? <TheLordOfTime> jtaylor: not that i know of. <micahg> jtaylor: not yet, maybe some day :) <TheLordOfTime> i was going to post about that for that bug, but i cant see LP now * TheLordOfTime blames broken stuff <TheLordOfTime> ah, there we go. <xnox> jtaylor: nah, that would stress LP permissions model way too much. <TheLordOfTime> that's what the LP admins said :p #ubuntu-bugs 2012-08-25 <alo21> hi all <alo21> What should I do to upload a package into the repository of the current release? <alo21> TheLordOfTime: here I am... the oackage is only in Ubuntu <TheLordOfTime> did you see my last privmsg? <TheLordOfTime> for uploading, only Ubuntu Devs, Sponsors, the SRU team, and I think the Security team have uplaod rights <TheLordOfTime> (there may be others!) <TheLordOfTime> but the process is to file an SRU <TheLordOfTime> and either branch the package's code and update it (then file a merge request) <TheLordOfTime> or attach a debdiff to the bug <TheLordOfTime> apply the SRU template <TheLordOfTime> and then subscribe ubuntu-sponsors (i think) <TheLordOfTime> you may need to subscribe the SRU team <alo21> TheLordOfTime: why they accept only one bug per upload? <TheLordOfTime> that's not what i said <TheLordOfTime> so apparently you don't listen. <TheLordOfTime> <TheLordOfTime> but i'm not sure whether multiple-bug-fixes will be accepted. <TheLordOfTime> Typically, bugfixes should be "separate" for SRUs. <TheLordOfTime> the idea is only the smallest code change per "fix" is accepted <TheLordOfTime> in the case of the last SRU I did, I was told by a member of the Ubuntu Server Team to include two bugfixes into one SRU <TheLordOfTime> but those two don't interfere with each other <TheLordOfTime> the idea with bugfixing is that patches which contain the smallest fixes should be used. such that the fix can be tested individually <TheLordOfTime> in the event a fix doesn't fix the bug, or makes the thing unstable, it can be rejected for that individual fix <TheLordOfTime> but again <TheLordOfTime> i'm not on the SRU team. <TheLordOfTime> if you *want* to include multiple bug fixes, you're free to try, but each bug you're fixing would need linking *back* to that merge/debdiff-upload you do <TheLordOfTime> (you'd only do that *once*, to *one bug*, and attach SRU templates, and link the other bugs you're fixing to that merge request/debdiff) <TheLordOfTime> anyone on the MOTUs would be able to point you to the right information, the package you told me (subdownloader) is in Universe, so... <xnox> alo21: you can open one metabug with SRU & debdiff; but it should close all individual sru bugs, and each bug needs a template & steps to test & verify changes. <TheLordOfTime> ^ that * xnox is core-dev <TheLordOfTime> hah, nice <TheLordOfTime> xnox: isnt that a subset of the dev team? <xnox> alo21: please read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates <TheLordOfTime> or is it its own "dev team" <TheLordOfTime> i try not to do SRUs. Typically, all I do are security updates. Or major-fix SRUs... <TheLordOfTime> although most my SRUs are for php5 :P <alo21> TheLordOfTime: xnox ok... thanks. I thins use private PPA is the fastest way for my aim <TheLordOfTime> to get a fix that you can use, yes. <TheLordOfTime> but remember: PPAs arent technically "supported: <TheLordOfTime> !ppa <ubot2`> A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge <xnox> TheLordOfTime: the structure is interesting many people can upload into Dev series (e.g. core-dev, motu, per-package uploaders), and the same people can sponsor uploads into $stable, but all of them simply end up in "Unapproved" queue. <TheLordOfTime> LOL <TheLordOfTime> xnox: out of pure curiosity, who can upload to -proposed? is that also the same "upload-worthy" teams? <xnox> TheLordOfTime: fromt that queue: ubuntu security or sru teams can promoted packages into -proposed, -updates, -security etc. <TheLordOfTime> ah, so there's this queue of basically limbo :P <TheLordOfTime> before a specific team uploads to the intended repo :) <TheLordOfTime> i know Security targets -security, so... <TheLordOfTime> :P * TheLordOfTime has fixed a couple of CVEs in NGINX :P <TheLordOfTime> well... <TheLordOfTime> "debdiff'd the patches" is a better way of saying that :P <xnox> TheLordOfTime: yeah. more or less. So if you call upload the package, you can upload into -proposed apart from it being stuck in the unapprove queue before it actually gets uploaded into -proposed. <TheLordOfTime> s/call/can/ ? <xnox> yeah.... =) * xnox can't type <TheLordOfTime> no problem :) <TheLordOfTime> which explains why debdiffs or code merges are preferred for updates :P <TheLordOfTime> the debdiffs can be applied and uploaded. <xnox> yes. <xnox> and it's a moving target <TheLordOfTime> indeed <xnox> any potential SRU can be "overtaken" by -security update <xnox> before you know it =) <TheLordOfTime> indeed <TheLordOfTime> saw that happen for nginx once... :P <TheLordOfTime> oop, i think i found a bug in apt :P <TheLordOfTime> it was not resolving the dependencies for the linux kernel :/ <TheLordOfTime> http://pastebin.com/VgWQ6Ng1 if you're curious to see what i was seeing <xnox> TheLordOfTime: use dist-upgrade <xnox> no but, expected behaiviour. <TheLordOfTime> xnox: actually i used aptitude upgrade --full-resolver <TheLordOfTime> it just wasnt resolving the deps <TheLordOfTime> :P <xnox> there is no bug. <TheLordOfTime> *shrugs* <TheLordOfTime> seemed like a bug <TheLordOfTime> dist-upgrade will upgrade to 12.04.1 right? <TheLordOfTime> or is that a compulsory upgrade? <xnox> upgrade: will not remove or upgrade unrelated packages <xnox> dist-upgrade: will offer to remove or upgrade unrelated package to complete the upgrade <xnox> read the manpage $ man apt-get <TheLordOfTime> the second question was unrelated <xnox> dist-upgrade does not "change" target distributions. <TheLordOfTime> is 12.04.1 a compulsory or voluntary upgrade? <xnox> it you are on lucid, you will stay on lucid. <TheLordOfTime> i'm on precise <xnox> 12.04.1 is nothing bug 12.04 + packages from '-security' & '-updates' pockets. <xnox> s/bug/but/ <xnox> and new ISOs with packages from '-updates' <TheLordOfTime> ah <TheLordOfTime> i see #ubuntu-bugs 2012-08-26 <penguin42> anyone know how cairo is handled; bug 1030357 has a fix upstream, the user is asking if there is a chance of getting the fix in Ubuntu <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1030357 in cairo "crash with SIGSEGV in cairo, when evince tries to print this PDF file" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1030357 #ubuntu-bugs 2013-08-19 <Rajiv_> Would someone mind marking bug 1013856 as Triaged <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1013856 in scilab (Ubuntu) "Install failed: unmet dependencies" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1013856 <Rajiv_> Sorry. I meant bug 1057120 <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1057120 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity screen problem during install." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1057120 <hggdh> Rajiv_: done <Rajiv_> hggdh: Thanks! <Rajiv_> Would someone mind marking 1214027 as Triaged? <Rajiv_> bug 1214027 <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1214027 in shim (Ubuntu) "Blank screen when booting from installation DVD" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1214027 <hggdh> Rajiv_: Why? I see no indication that anybody worked on the bug <Rajiv_> hggdh: I was going to ask about that. Which upstream project is used for the package shim? Is there even one? <hggdh> Rajiv_: to go to triaged, somebody must have verified the bug to be real, and must have added supporting documentation <hggdh> Rajiv_: looking at the source package, under debian/copyright, I see: "Upstream-Contact: Matthew Garrett <mjg@redhat.com> <hggdh> Source: https://github.com/mjg59/shim.git <Rajiv_> hggdh: So what should I put in the "Project" field? <hggdh> Rajiv_: right now, nothing (and I am not sure shim has a project available on LP). First of all, verify the bug exists and add any documentation you can find <phillw> any bug masters about? <phillw> hggdh: TheLordOfTime ? <hggdh> phillw: sir? <phillw> hggdh: can you help me on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1066435 <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1066435 in linux (Ubuntu Saucy) "powerpc: "Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed!"" [High,In progress] <TheLordOfTime> phillw, hm? * TheLordOfTime is semi busy <phillw> the new kernel is available, but there is no way I can set the bug to be 'requires testing'. <hggdh> phillw: a new kernel has been published? Where? <phillw> for SRU's we can set a tag, for development I cannot.. <phillw> hggdh: it came out saturday, I can pastebin up the chat I had with infinity on -release to bring you up to speed if you need? <hggdh> phillw: not really needed. If a kernel addressing this bug has been published (and is available for apt-get), then we can set the bug to fix committed, and ask for testing <hggdh> phillw: BTW, if a bug is marked in progress, there must be someone assigned to it <hggdh> phillw: a reference to the specific kernel version string would be very good. If there are many versions of the kernel with the fix (like Precise, Raring, Saucy), then we should open an "also affects" for each version <phillw> I guess the kernel team / ppc kernel team etc... but as PPC is a bit off the radar to whom should it assigned to? The PPC team run at server level, as desktop users we are simply grateful that they do fix kernel issues. <phillw> hggdh: this is a fix ONLY for 13.10; they took the PPC kernel 'off-line; while they fixed some things... I'll pastebin up the chat so that you know better as to how to advise me. <hggdh> phillw: there is no need to assign it to anybody, if the kernel is already published (and, anyway, assigning to other people is frowned upon) <hggdh> phillw: read it in the backlog <phillw> http://pastebin.com/DZ3u1t5d xxxxx is infinity, as I was sending it to a mailing list, I took his name out in case people started to directly nag him :) <hggdh> phillw: all that is needed is to mark fix-committed, and ask the people affected to install and test the kernel <phillw> hggdh: so no tag of 'needs verifying"? <hggdh> with a text like "a new kernel -- linux-ppc [powerpc] (saucy-proposed) [3.11.0-0.1] is now available for testing. Please install it and report back <hggdh> phillw: yes, and needs-verifying <hggdh> saucy-needs-verifying <phillw> I cannot apply that tag for some reason? <hggdh> done <hggdh> but you _should_ be able to tag it <phillw> hggdh: nope, I went through all the options... was not available. It is for released stuff, but not for ubuntu+1 to me. <hggdh> do you want me to change the bug as needed? <phillw> hggdh: if you would be so kind. honestly, I'd do it.. but I do not have the options on ubuntu+1 that I see on released versions. <hggdh> no prob <phillw> and that is why I headed here :) I knew a bug-squad member would be able to. Thank you for taking the time to help the PPC guys get a MAJOR bug nailed. If, as it seems, infinity and ben have ridden them of that bug, it is a major step forward for them :) <hggdh> indeed <hggdh> phillw: done <phillw> thanks, I'm getting the email alerts now! I do not have PPC kit, but as the TL for lubuntu-QA which is also the last bastion of PPC, I did promise to follow up serious bugs etc. <phillw> hopefully the new kernel will help kubuntu, who also do have a PPC version in tsting :) #ubuntu-bugs 2013-08-20 <Rajiv_> Would someone mind marking bug 235794 as Triaged? <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 235794 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[hardy] Ubiquity crashes with "MigrationAssistantApply failed with code 2"" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/235794 <hggdh> Rajiv_: we need a reasoning of why this bug should be set as Triaged. *ANY* change in status must be explained. Also, this bug is about Hardy, and I see no reference to it happening on current supported versions <hggdh> a change in bug status is something important enough to require an explanation of why that change was warranted. Keep in mind that later readers of the bug may not understand the reasons unless we explain them in a comment * slickymaster is away: I'm busy * slickymaster is away: [Got to work] * slickymaster is away: Got to work> * slickymaster is away: <Got to work> * slickymaster is away: Got to work #ubuntu-bugs 2013-08-21 <smartboyhw> Can somebody mark https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntustudio-icon-theme/+bug/1077372 as "Won't fix"? <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1077372 in ubuntustudio-icon-theme (Ubuntu Precise) "When installing Ubuntu Studio, the logo in the auto-paritioning step is wrong" [Medium,Triaged] <hggdh> smartboyhw: why? <smartboyhw> hggdh, because we decided that it was a bit too difficult to fix, and it is just one screen. <smartboyhw> After all, the fix in newer versions included a new package. <hggdh> smartboyhw: please add a comment stating that; I will then mark it wont fix. All changes in status should have an explanation for the reasons <smartboyhw> hggdh, sure <smartboyhw> hggdh, done <hggdh> smartboyhw: done. And thank you :-) <smartboyhw> hggdh, no, thank you:) <hggdh> :-) <bregma> hey guise I'm trying to triage some bugs in my project and I've come across a few that are completely incomprehensible to me, they were obviously filed by someone's whose mother tongue was not English -- what is the most politic way to handle this sort of thing? <phillw> hi, any bug masters on duty? <phillw> TheLordOfTime: ping <phillw> hggdh: you about? #ubuntu-bugs 2013-08-22 <hggdh> phillw: now I am :-) <hggdh> bregma: can you give us some examples? <bregma> hggdh, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1192784 <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1192784 in Unity "many toolbar icons" [Undecided,New] <bregma> I don;t want to dismiss this person's concerns, but I don't want to be offensive <hggdh> looking * bregma is not in the habit of not being offensive <hggdh> bregma: we appreciate that :-) <phillw> hi hggdh from the feedback, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1066435 can be marked as verification done / fixed / released etc :) <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1066435 in linux (Ubuntu Saucy) "powerpc: "Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed!"" [High,Fix committed] <hggdh> bregma: in this case, we need a bit more (and I agree the description is, ah, lacking...) <phillw> the tester has updated the bug (~ comments 90 and 91) <hggdh> bregma: unity version, and examples, at least <hggdh> bregma: so the usual way would be to start with "thank you for opening this bug and helping make Ubuntu better. Can you please provide us with (1) Unity version; (2) some examples (screenshots and/or short movies are OK); (3) can you expand your description? <hggdh> phillw: looking it up <bregma> hggdh, I'll do that, thanks... too many hours triaging bugs left my brain hollow and empty <hggdh> bregma: heh, I fully understand :-) <phillw> some of the comments are via email to me, but I believe he has put sufficient information onto the bug report to back up his assertion that it is fixed (and is very glad that it is!) <hggdh> phillw: for the record (and future) you can do it yourself -- just change the tag 'verification-needed-saucy' to 'verification-done-saucy' <hggdh> phillw: the bug status should not be changed -- it will automagically (I hope) be set to fix released as soon as the packages are promoted from -proposed to -updates <hggdh> (it is fix committed right now because we have the package updated (and built) <hggdh> but not generically available <phillw> as it is a new kernel build, it has a zero chance of SRU, so it will only be available in 13.10 anyway :) <hggdh> there is always a chance for SRU but, for the kernel, this may be a bit more involved, and not worth the time <phillw> hggdh: indeed not. it was quite a major thing that they did for the PPC kernel, the ppc people will be quite happy to use 13.10 when it comes out :) <hggdh> phillw: I agree :-) <iceroot_> hi <iceroot_> is there something like that for ubuntu which checks automaticly the packages? http://lintian.debian.org/ <Pici> we use lintian too <iceroot_> Pici: is there a site were i can see a statistic? <Pici> iceroot_: http://lintian.ubuntuwire.org/saucy/ <iceroot_> Pici: thank you <iceroot_> btw 404 http://lintian.ubuntuwire.org/saucy/manual/index.html (the link for the manual) <Pici> http://lintian.debian.org/manual/index.html <iceroot_> Pici: it was more a hint that there is something wrong :) <iceroot_> but thx #ubuntu-bugs 2013-08-23 <piggz> hi...there is a ubuntu bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/koffice/+bug/1213336 for the software i maintain. <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1213336 in koffice (Ubuntu) "postgresql renders ' ' ' as ' "" ' in a returned query from kexi" [Undecided,New] <piggz> the correspanding kde bug is https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=318129 <ubot2`> KDE bug 318129 in KexiDB "Single quote ' stored as double " in postgresql" [Critical,Resolved: fixed] <piggz> which ive just resolved, is anyone able to comment on the ubuntu bug to make that link? <candrea> piggz: done! bug linked #ubuntu-bugs 2013-08-24 <triniton> Please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tvtime/+bug/1216387 <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 1216387 in tvtime (Ubuntu) "tvtime FTBFS because of old version of libtool" [Undecided,New] #ubuntu-bugs 2014-08-18 <taowa> Please set https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/1357249 to Wishlist <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1357249 in apport (Ubuntu) "New Feature: Don't show this again!" [Undecided,New] #ubuntu-bugs 2014-08-19 <brainwash> please change the importance of bug 1301056 to wishlist <ubot5> bug 1301056 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Session name has "Session"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1301056 <brainwash> please change the importance of bug 1301056 to wishlist <ubot5> bug 1301056 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Session name has "Session"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1301056 <brainwash> also bug 1301802 <ubot5> bug 1301802 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "New feature - possibility to rename desktop (system) icons like Home, Trash, File Systems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1301802 #ubuntu-bugs 2014-08-20 <tinoco> back <tinoco> back <brainwash> can anyone please change the importance of bug 1301802 to wishlist? <ubot5> bug 1301802 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "New feature - possibility to rename desktop (system) icons like Home, Trash, File Systems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1301802 <hggdh> brainwash: I can change it, but I would like you to explain why you think it is a wishlist bug (comment in the bug, please) <brainwash> hggdh: the title of the bug report already explains it, feature request -> wishlist, or? <brainwash> which means lowest priority <hggdh> brainwash: I know. <hggdh> done <brainwash> hggdh: thanks :) #ubuntu-bugs 2014-08-21 <Guest91588> Hallo <Guest91588> ? <Guest91588> Hello <Guest91588> Ubuntu 14.04 LTS HELP? <saiarcot895> Can someone nominate bug #1339264 for a Trusty SRU? (It's been fixed in Utopic) <ubot5> bug 1339264 in openscenegraph (Ubuntu) "Missing FreeType support in 14.04 LTS package" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1339264 <brainwash> saiarcot895: I think that you have to follow the steps from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates and edit the bug report accordingly <saiarcot895> brainwash: I'm writing up the description now. <Guest91588> hello, how can i see my last conversation <Guest91588> I've been chatting with someone about graphic problems few minutes ago, where is he <saiarcot895> brainwash: Done. I still need to do the actual testing, but want to have everything else set up. <RoyK> hi all. what can be done to have the fix from bug 1171945 make it into the affected distro versions? <ubot5> bug 1171945 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "Nested RAID levels aren't started after reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1171945 #ubuntu-bugs 2014-08-22 <RoyK> hi all. what can be done to have the fix from bug 1171945 make it into the affected distro versions? <ubot5> bug 1171945 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "Nested RAID levels aren't started after reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1171945 <brainwash> RoyK: please read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates <saiarcot895> Can someone nominate bug #1339264 for a Trusty SRU? <ubot5> bug 1339264 in openscenegraph (Ubuntu) "Missing FreeType support in 14.04 LTS package" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1339264 <saiarcot895> Can someone nominate bug #1339264 for a Trusty SRU? <ubot5> bug 1339264 in openscenegraph (Ubuntu) "Missing FreeType support in 14.04 LTS package" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1339264 #ubuntu-bugs 2014-08-23 <Abhijit> hello <Abhijit> can anyone please try to solve this bug? <Abhijit> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netcfg/+bug/855921 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 855921 in netcfg (Ubuntu Oneiric) "does not honor netcfg/choose_interface in preseed" [Undecided,Confirmed] <Abhijit> or assign to someone who can solve it? <maxb> That bug is not a bug, it's expected behaviour <maxb> Logic dictates that the contents of a network loaded preseed cannot affect questions asked before the preseed file is downloaded <Abhijit> maxb, just ask the questios "after" the preseed is loaded? <maxb> Erm, no. :-). It needs to choose the interface to enable the network to download the preseed! <Abhijit> maxb, and how does Centos works with same configuration then, out of the box , without any issues? <Abhijit> why centos does not force me to select eth0 before kickstart is loaded? <Abhijit> if centos can do it why can not ubuntu? <Abhijit> maxb, ^ <maxb> Ubuntu can <Abhijit> how? <Abhijit> as we can see from that launchpad bug report, Ubuntu can not? <maxb> You probably just need to turn on the reelated option in your pxelinux config so the pxelinux passes a BOOTIF parameter on the kernel command line <Abhijit> okey. will check on bootif more. <maxb> My guess would be Centos makes a different design decision and assumes the first interface if it has no better information <Abhijit> summary is Centos is better! <Abhijit> your argument is invalid. <maxb> Better for some, worse for others <Abhijit> invalid. <maxb> People doing bulk installsvought to be able to set up the PXE environmwnt to include the information. People doing single installs will either make one more keypress or save a lot of time wondering why it does not work <maxb> however you now appear to be trolling, so I shall stop talking <brainwash> please change the importance of bug 1041176 to wishlist <ubot5> bug 1041176 in xfce4-xkb-plugin (Ubuntu) "feature request - individual shortcuts for keyboard layouts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1041176 * penguin42 looks <penguin42> brainwash: Done <brainwash> penguin42: thanks :) #ubuntu-bugs 2014-08-24 <filipsohajek> Hello, can you please triage this bug? Thanks https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zenity/+bug/1360733 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1360733 in zenity (Ubuntu) "Zenity produces "All updates are complete" rather than displaying text" [Undecided,New] #ubuntu-bugs 2015-08-17 <melodie> hi #ubuntu-bugs 2015-08-18 <Computer> can anyone help with a bug? #ubuntu-bugs 2015-08-21 <michael-vb> Hello. Is there any easy way to ping people to suggest a package update? I would specifically love libsane to be updated to latest git (they are actually hoping to do a release soon) before Wily is released, as it fixes a timing bug and makes my scanner work. <michael-vb> Reference bug 1184699 if it interests anyone. I just subscribed rather opportunistically, as I suspect that bug covers lots of related but different issues. <ubot5> bug 1184699 in sane-backends (Ubuntu) "Canon LIDE 110 can only scan once, then I need to replug the usb cable" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1184699 <rbasak> michael-vb: are you asking for a package update for Wily, or for Trusty? <michael-vb> Oh sorry, for Wily. <rbasak> michael-vb: unfortunately Wily has just entered feature freeze, so package updates that add features are no longer permitted without a release team exception <rbasak> michael-vb: we can cherry-pick bugfixes without an issue though <rbasak> michael-vb: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess for details on getting a proposed package upload into the sponsorship queue <michael-vb> To be honest if I can't get this through with low hassle I will just rebuild the package. I spend a huge effort half a year ago getting an absolutely obvious typo in Compiz fixed with was breaking VirtualBox. I just hoped that it would be simpler for a not-yet-released distribution. <michael-vb> s/with/which/ <michael-vb> But the commits are 09daef4 and 425edc7. <michael-vb> http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/sane/sane-backends.git/commit/?id=09daef4a681e43a411b14389ceee9292ffbc29fc <michael-vb> http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/sane/sane-backends.git/commit/?id=425edc705e6323353bf99f58c277dc4f0fe47deb <michael-vb> I just need the second, but the first made another bug ticket subscriber happy. <rbasak> It is simpler for the development release - submit a debdiff, get it sponsored. No need for SRU paperwork etc. <michael-vb> Will take a quick look then. <rbasak> If cherry-picking, please include dep3 headers in the quilt patches inside the debdiff though. Helps with future maintenance by being able to track where the patches came from and if they have been included upstream. <michael-vb> Now it starts getting fun. I have no clue about your versioning systems. <michael-vb> Right, test building with patch. <michael-vb> Let's see if I can install the packages on Vivid, as I haven't yet upgraded. <michael-vb> Doesn't quite finish building the package on Vivid, though it finishes compiling. How much time do I have? My conscience won't let me upload an untested patch, but it will be a few weeks before I get round to upgrading. <rbasak> michael-vb: basically, just add git-format-patch output to files in debian/patches/, annotate with dep3 (http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/), add the names to debian/patches/series and add an entry to debian/changelog. <rbasak> You have until final freeze - Oct 15th - to get it uploaded. But you'll need to upload to the sponsorship queue well in advance of that. I'd say at least a month. <rbasak> So ASAP really please. <michael-vb> Then I will upload the patch to the ticket for now and test when I get the chance. How do I update the change log anyway? <rbasak> dch is a tool for editing debian/changelog, but for a one-off it might be easier just use a text editor and follow the format of the previous entry exactly. <michael-vb> For now I attached the patch to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sane-backends/+bug/1184699/comments/34 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1184699 in sane-backends (Ubuntu) "Canon LIDE 110 can only scan once, then I need to replug the usb cable" [Undecided,Confirmed] <michael-vb> I will need more time to understand this process than I have free just now. If I don't find the time I will just rebuild the package locally again. <michael-vb> Thanks anyway. <rbasak> michael-vb: no problem. If you need any help, feel free to ping me. #ubuntu-bugs 2016-08-22 <Pici> \/24 #ubuntu-bugs 2017-08-24 <tdaitx> could someone plz create a Zesty task with Medium importance in bug LP: #1692420 ? <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1692420 in powerpc-utils (Ubuntu) "[SRU] powerpc-utils commans exhibits "command substitution: ignored null byte in input" warning message" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1692420 #ubuntu-bugs 2017-08-26 <gsilvapt> Hello all. Should I change this bug status to incomplete? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1710347 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1710347 in Ubuntu "right click on the desktop: no new file proposed" [Undecided,New] <gsilvapt> User says it is working now, no package associated (Nautilus is my suspicion) <gsilvapt> s/incomplete/invalid #ubuntu-bugs 2019-08-19 <guiverc> EoflaOE, i just noticed an old message (yesterday, or days ago) about Lubuntu live ejected then squashfs errs, did you `umount` it? I doubt it would allow it, and thus squashfs errs would be expected I suspect b/c the 'live' media where programs come from has gone (read errors thus squashfs..) #ubuntu-bugs 2019-08-20 <guiverc2> can only some people change status to won't.fix? * PaulW2U replies to guiverc2 by email as he is currently offline
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-us-sc 2020-04-22 <zbenton> Good morning. I want to file a bug in Ubuntu mate 20.04 regarding the screen reader and the installer. Where would I go to do this?
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#ubuntu-cloud 2010-09-20 <ejat> hi .. may i know what the differ between root device : instance vs ebs ? <progre55> hi guys <progre55> how do you change the availabitily-zone settings? <progre55> for instance, if I want to increase the amount of RAM in the type m1.small <smoser> progre55, they're in the UI <smoser> GUI <progre55> smoser: yep, found it, thanks =) <progre55> forgot to get back here and say I'd found it =) <progre55> smoser: dont you by any chance know how to install sun-java6-jdk from the repos silently, without user interaction? <smoser> yeah. actually. <progre55> cause it asks if I'm willing to accept the user agreement.. <smoser> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/634102 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 634102 in cloud-init "t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot" [High,Fix committed] <_mup_> Bug #634102: t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot <server-mrs> <verification-done> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Fix Released by smoser> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Lucid):Fix Committed> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Maverick):Fix Released by smoser> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634102> <_mup_> Bug #634102: t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot <server-mrs> <verification-done> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Fix Released by smoser> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Lucid):Fix Committed> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Maverick):Fix Released by smoser> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634102> <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 634102 in cloud-init "t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/634102 <_mup_> Bug #634102: t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot <server-mrs> <verification-done> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Fix Released by smoser> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Lucid):Fix Committed> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Maverick):Fix Released by smoser> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634102> <_mup_> Bug #634102: t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot <server-mrs> <verification-done> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Fix Released by smoser> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Lucid):Fix Committed> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Maverick):Fix Released by smoser> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634102> <smoser> (i wouldn't know if it weren't for that bug) <progre55> hmm.. what's that? ) <smoser> oh. wait. wrong bug. <progre55> =) <smoser> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ec2/+bug/634487 <_mup_> Bug #634487: t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java <ec2-images> <review-request> <linux (Ubuntu):New> <linux-ec2 (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <openjdk-6 (Ubuntu):New> <sun-java6 (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634487> <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 634487 in linux-ec2 "t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java" [Medium,Confirmed] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 634487 in linux-ec2 "t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/634487 <_mup_> Bug #634487: t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java <ec2-images> <review-request> <linux (Ubuntu):New> <linux-ec2 (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <openjdk-6 (Ubuntu):New> <sun-java6 (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634487> <_mup_> Bug #634487: t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java <ec2-images> <review-request> <linux (Ubuntu):New> <linux-ec2 (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <openjdk-6 (Ubuntu):New> <sun-java6 (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634487> <_mup_> Bug #634487: t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java <ec2-images> <review-request> <linux (Ubuntu):New> <linux-ec2 (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <openjdk-6 (Ubuntu):New> <sun-java6 (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634487> <progre55> well, I'm not installing it in a micro.. I just want to have a user-data (scirpt) that silently installs the sun-java <smoser> right <smoser> but that bug tells you how. <progre55> but when installing java, it needs user interaction, to accept the certificate <smoser> read it <progre55> oh, okay, thanks <progre55> let me have a look <smoser> in general, you can always do something like this to see: <smoser> apt-get install debconf-utils <smoser> debconf-get-selections > pre.txt <smoser> apt-get install <your-package> <smoser> # answer prompts <smoser> debconf-get-selections > post.txt <smoser> diff -u pre.txt post.txt <progre55> well, actually here is what goes there: http://paste.ubuntu.com/496972/ <progre55> smoser: thanks <progre55> smoser: can I just put those options in a file, and then just say "debconf-set-selections file"? <smoser> you can, yes. <smoser> also, cloud-config has support for debconf-set-selections <progre55> what's cloud-config? let me try to run it ) <smoser> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/annotate/head%3A/doc/examples/cloud-config.txt <smoser> you can pass something like that as a user data <smoser> and it will handle having that stuff set up on first boot <progre55> aha, I see <progre55> thanks <progre55> smoser: is it possible to bundle an image from a running instance? <progre55> actually, I think I've seen that somewhere in the uec documentations.. <smoser> well, that is euca-bundle-vol <smoser> generally, i really dont like that (the 'un-booting' thing) <smoser> but... it should generally work. <progre55> smoser: how to find out if a CPU is VT compatible? <smoser> kvm-ok <progre55> oh, thanks <progre55> I want to set up a machine for cc AND nc.. and I have one separate machine for nc <progre55> kvm-ok says "INFO: your CPU supports KVM extentions \n INFO: /dev/kvm does not exits \n HINT: sudo modprobe kvm_intel \n KVM acceleration can NOT be used". Can it be used as a node? <smoser> progre55, you have kvm installed there ? <smoser> kvm should modprobe that for you <smoser> i think <progre55> let me modprobe <smoser> if you hvae qemu-kvm installed (which is a dependency of eucalyptus-nc) it will add an init script that will modprobe it for you <smoser> so that won't be an issue. this should work for you <progre55> oh, it says it's been disableb by bios <progre55> let me see what I can find in bios =) <progre55> I'm getting "FATAL: Error inserting kvm_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.32-24-server/kernel/arch/x86/kvm/kvm-intel.ko): Operation not supported" when I modprobe.. <progre55> oh, it still says "kvm: disabled by bios" <smoser> progre55, so you booted into bios and poked around ? <progre55> smoser: I cant find the KVM switch in the bios.. <progre55> and now trying to update my bios.. <progre55> cause some say that the old bios doesnt have the switch, although it supports KVM <progre55> smoser: finally =) <smoser> yeah! <progre55> now I'm setting it up as cc, nc, walrus, and etc ) <progre55> well, all the 4 =) <progre55> smoser: and hope I dont have to re-install my separate nc node, right? It will just detect the nc, I hope <smoser> i do not think that the clc will detect the node controller <smoser> but on install of the nc, (from CD) it will see the CLC and ask you if you want to register it <progre55> smoser: but my nc is already installed.. and I'm reinstalling the clc <progre55> will I have to re-install the node controller as well? <smoser> i dont know. you can definitely go through registration again. <smoser> (euca_conf --register-node) <progre55> sure, I'll try that <progre55> smoser: so btw, is there a way to bundle a running instance? <smoser> I answered above: well, that is euca-bundle-vol, generally, i really dont like that (the 'un-booting' thing) <progre55> oh I see <progre55> thanks <progre55> smoser: is it okay to give 3 cpu cores to an instance? I mean, to a type <progre55> or should it better be an even number of cores? <smoser> i really have no idea what would happen. <smoser> if libvirt would even allow it <progre55> well, I have 6 nodes available =) <progre55> I mean, cores <progre55> and wanted to distribute them equally among 2 instances =) <progre55> smoser: well, arright man, thanks a lot for all the support <progre55> my workday is over now =) <smoser> you can over commit your nodes <smoser> on the node controllers <smoser> #MAX_MEM=2048 <smoser> #MAX_CORES="2" <smoser> #MAX_DISK="100" <smoser> in /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf <progre55> oh <smoser> man eucalyptus.conf <smoser> that setting has to be modified on cores and then 'sudo restart eucalyptus-nc' and it should show up (eventually) in euca-describe-availability-zones verbose <smoser> ie, if you set MAX_CORES=16, it will pretend that that is a 16 way machine <progre55> aha, I see <progre55> thanks <progre55> let me try to set it before I leave ) <progre55> smoser: btw, will the running instances be terminated if I restart eucalyptus-nc? <smoser> i *think* no <progre55> well, let me try ) <progre55> yep, works <progre55> but the instances were broken.. maybe because they were "pending" but not "running" when I restarted the node controllers =) <progre55> well, I'm off now <progre55> smoser: thanks for all the help again ) take care <kim0> howdy folks .. in the mood to answer some forum questions ? :) check those out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1575971 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1570396 <mathiaz> smoser: hi! <smoser> hi <mathiaz> smoser: I've just noticed that tags can be used when starting instances from AWS console <mathiaz> smoser: is that something new? <mathiaz> smoser: are they available from cloud-init? <smoser> it depends what you mean by tags <smoser> http://aws.typepad.com/aws/2010/09/new-amazon-ec2-feature-resource-tagging.html <smoser> is new today <smoser> seriously, though, the console ? mathiaz... we have command line tools :) <mathiaz> smoser: indeed - that's what I saw today *in* the AWS console :) <mathiaz> smoser: I'm just using a different tool ;) <smoser> what support would you tihnk would be in cloud-init ? <mathiaz> smoser: can the tags be accessed? <mathiaz> smoser: for example to put the ssh_key_id in the tag? <smoser> i dont know if the tags can be accessed. <smoser> i dont knwo why you'd want the ssh_key_id in the tag <smoser> mathiaz, note, there were 4 features released today: http://aws.typepad.com/aws/2010/09/new-amazon-ec2-features-resource-tagging-idempotency-filtering.html <CharlieSu> Are there any official UEC imanges that are EBS backed instead of the instance store? <dialtone> hi, it used to be possible to see the user-data script output in /var/log/syslog before cloud-init <dialtone> how can I re-enable that behavior again with cloud-init enabled? <dialtone> from a quick glance it should be possible to obtain that by having the runcmd key in the user-data <dialtone> since it says that the output will appear on console output <dialtone> uhm, that output in that case appears in ec2-get-console-output <dialtone> although it's only the last X lines <dialtone> agh... cloud-init is frustrating :( #ubuntu-cloud 2010-09-21 <flaccid> :) <dialtone> at this point I just want to disable it and redirect stdout and stderr to a file <dialtone> without having to repackage the instance <progre55> hi guys. I'm trying to run an instance, but can not connect to it. the console output shows "waiting for metadata service at 08:19:06 [ 1/100]: url error [timed out]" <progre55> Any suggestions, please? <progre55> hmm.. for some reason, all the instances I'm running have the same public-IP, although all of them are "running" at the same time, and the private IP changes to a valid-IP after a while with a message on nc.log saying "discovered private IP xx.xx.xx.xx for instance i-408F076D" <progre55> oh and cloud-error.log says "ERROR Found 2 vms with the same address: com.eucalyptus.net.util.ClusterAddressInfo@e30c8f0c -> i-408F076D i-48A408AD" * progre55 is starting to dislike eucalyptus and thining to go back to amazon AWS ) <progre55> smoser: hi <progre55> here? <smoser> hi <smoser> progre55, i'm not sure why you would get multiple public ips to ssame instance. <progre55> sorry for disturbing, it's just, afaik you're the only one active in this channal =) <smoser> obviously thats not good <smoser> we've seen the metadata service broken-ness from time to time (there are bugs opened). <progre55> smoser: well, I've already reinstalled all the machines ) <smoser> well, most people here have "real work" to be doing (myself included) <progre55> yeah I understand =) <smoser> the one other place to go for support on eucalyptus is the eucalyptus forums <progre55> just wanted to ask.. <smoser> oh yeah <smoser> no harm <smoser> what does euca-describe-addresses say (as admin) . can you pastebin that ? <smoser> while you have a couple instances running <smoser> and also <progre55> I've set up a machine as cc+nc+storage+walrus and another machine as nc <smoser> euca_conf --list-nodes <progre55> yeah, about that, list-nodes <progre55> so I have 2 machines, meaning 2 nodes <progre55> but list-nodes shows me 3 <progre55> 2 of them being the main machine + the separate node <progre55> but the main machine nodes have 2 different IP addresses, one valid and one invalid <progre55> is that okay? <smoser> hm. <progre55> and although I have 8 cpu cores all together, euca-describe-availability-zones says I can run 10 instances with 1 cpu each.. <smoser> i would ditch nc on the cc+storage+walrus machine <smoser> that is not something so often tested. <progre55> oh, I have 6 cpu cores, 4 from the cc and 2 from the nc machine <smoser> most common test scenario was cc+storage+walrus and ncs <progre55> hmm.. I see <progre55> what if I have a 32bit 1 core machine for cc? <progre55> and 64bit quadro machines for NCs <progre55> would it work? <progre55> it's just, I have only 2 powerful machines, and plus a bunch of crappy machines.. =) <progre55> and I wanted to use the powerful machines as NCs <smoser> yeah, i would want ot use powerfull for NC alos <smoser> so i might try cc+storage+walrus on "crappy" <progre55> smoser: thanks. but can cc be a 32 bit machine with no KVM? <smoser> yes <progre55> oh, awesome =) <progre55> smoser: thanks <hallyn> smoser: say, to run ec2-describe-images on stock lucid server, should that work with just ec2-ami-tools, ec2-api-tools, and sun-java6-jre installed? bc i'm getting not-found java classes, but woudl prefer not to install the .zips from amazon.com <smoser> hallyn, yes. you should just be able to apt-get install ec2-api-tools from multiverse <hallyn> <grimace> <smoser> it does work.. <smoser> what errors are you getting ? <hallyn> smoser: http://pastebin.com/4VsiWEtr <smoser> gnu.gcj.runtime.SystemClassLoader <smoser> java is gcj <hallyn> i wonder where that is specified <hallyn> bc i dont' have gcj <smoser> update-alternatives --query java <hallyn> Best: /usr/bin/gij-4.4 <hallyn> smoser: thx, i'm in business. #ubuntu-cloud 2010-09-22 <ablert> does anyone know if it's possible to add ephemeral storage to an already running instance? <veenenen> no, but you can add more ebs <ablert> thanks veeenen <erichammond> ablert: If you start an EBS boot instance without attaching the ephemeral storage that belongs to it, then it should be possible to stop the instance, attach the ephemeral storage, and then start it again. <ablert> Thanks Eric - that may also work #ubuntu-cloud 2010-09-23 <Guest28423> just installed 10.10 server... nova in the repos. nice <flaccid> nova? <Guest28423> openstack <flaccid> oh right cool <Guest28423> looks it 4 sure <mathiaz> smoser: hi! <smoser> yo <mathiaz> smoser: where is the list of the latest ami available? <mathiaz> smoser: I mean programatically accessible <smoser> http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/query <mathiaz> smoser: thanks! <mathiaz> smoser: what's the name of the ssh script that watches the syslog of a new instance for the fingerprint and then logs in? <smoser> uec-run-instances maybe ? <smoser> mathiaz, ^ (in cloud-utils). SpamapS wrote/heavily revised most of it <CharlieSu> All, I'm using an ELB to goto my webserver.. my webserver has an apache frontend which proxies requests to HAProxy, but It doesn't look like the X-Forward-For headers are being sent correctly.. They come in the the private IP for the ELB.. X-Forwarded-For: any ideas? <flaccid> charlieS: not technically an ubuntu-cloud question, see answer in #aws #ubuntu-cloud 2010-09-24 <salon> HI <smoser> for anyone interested, there are updated lucid images <smoser> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-cloud/2010-September/000268.html <marrusl> hi smoser. about the improved logging in maverick cloud-init. by that do you mean that more and better info is being sent to the console of the instance during startup? <smoser> marrusl, i'm not really here :) <smoser> but a.) it goes to syslog and through to /var/log/cloud-init.log <smoser> b.) it uses python logging, and you can send (in user-data) a python-logging configuration that it will use <marrusl> D'oh. a) that's right. b) i see. :) thanks.
{ "pile_set_name": "Ubuntu IRC" }
#bzr 2007-11-05 <sverrej> I get this error when trying to checkout a svn branch with bzr branch svn+http://foo/trunk : <sverrej> bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.KnitCorrupt: Knit <bzrlib.knit._KnitAccess object at 0x8a639ac> corrupt: incorrect number of lines 73 != 59 for version {svn-v3-trunk1:f4d88352-fc0f-0410-91c6-821c4d51a43f:my.opera.com%2Ftrunk:329} <AfC> sverrej: as ever in Open Source land, it would help your cause if you would tell people what version of Bazaar you were using, what OS distro, etc. <sverrej> I read about someone having the same problem, where the solution was to do incremental pulls, because bzr-svn uses too much memory, but that did't help. <sverrej> AfC: Sure :) <sverrej> Ubuntu Gutsy, Bazaar 0.92.0.candidate.1 and bzr-svn-0.4.4 <sverrej> Should be latest version <sverrej> I have a backtrace too. I'll post it somewhere <sverrej> http://pastebin.com/m51c4dba3 <lifeless> moin <mwh> morning lifeless <sverrej> good morning <lifeless> bbiab <zerok> hi :-) short question: when you push a changeset to a remote repository, is there some hook that could be exploited for example for automatically updating the working tree there? <beuno> zerok, there is a plugin calles "push-and-update", that might be what you're looking for <beuno> it runs locally, and updates via SSH, so make sure you have SSH access <beuno> I'm not sure you can add a hook on the server side without having smart server running as the "push" command is done entirely locally, but the push-and-update plugin works fine if you have ssh access <zerok> beuno, thanks :-) <beuno> zerok, :D <pbor> can I use bzr-svn to do a smarter merge of two svn branches? <pbor> lemme explain... I have a svn repo with a branch "foo" and trunk that have diverged a bit <pbor> now I want to merge foo into trunk <pbor> and I was wondering if using bzr-svn could help <jelmer> pbor: Yeah, it should at least be smarter than "svn merge" <pbor> jelmer: but if I use bzr to checkout svn/branch/foo and svn/trunk, is bzr smart enough to understand they are branches of the same repo? <jelmer> pbor: Yes, it will recognize if they have common ancestry <pbor> jelmer: cool... I guess my best bet is get bzr latest and bzr-svn latest, right? <jelmer> yep <jdong> does Launchpad currently support dirstate-tags format branches? <Peng> Can you try it and see? <jdong> well I tried running a bzr upgrade over sftp:// and it sat there spinning for 15 minutes <jdong> on a fairly small sized repository <jdong> I figured someone here might directly know, without me risking creating junk on LP <lifeless> jdong: yes it does <lifeless> jdong: generally launchpad supports anything supported by the release-1 of bzr <jdong> lifeless: fantastic; how do I convert an existing branch to dirstate-tags? <jdong> was I just impatien with bzr upgrade? <lifeless> jdong: yes, I think so :) <lifeless> jdong: it takes a backup for safety <MishaS> hi. can somebody recommend a doc about bzr merging? :) <beuno> MishaS, maybe this? http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.0.92rc/en/user-guide/conflicts.html * MishaS is checking the suggested doc <MishaS> beuno, thanks, but it seems to address only part of my misunderstanding :) <beuno> MishaS, what are you looking for specifically? <MishaS> beuno, let's have i have 'trunk' <MishaS> beuno, and a lot of people (at least somebody beside me :)) is working on that <MishaS> beuno, now i started to work on a new feature: bzr branch trunk new-feature <MishaS> beuno, i did some changes to the branch and would like to catch up with trunk changes: bzr merge; <resolve conflicts if any>; bzr ci -m 'merged with upstream' <MishaS> beuno, now, for one week i do not touch my branch as other things were happening <MishaS> beuno, in one week i decided to catch up with changes again and my natural reaction is/was: bzr pull <MishaS> beuno, how it does not work. i need to again 'bzr merge' and then 'bzr ci' <beuno> MishaS, that's correct <MishaS> beuno, so i'm looking for a document that would clarify why it must be done like this :) <beuno> MishaS, you can also use the SVN-like model, and use checkouts <MishaS> beuno, sorry, i don't exactly follow :) <beuno> MishaS, http://bazaar-vcs.org/FAQ#head-73f0b8ea8515a0087ce8705fbaafc55c80a0a30e <dato> beuno: uuh, that wouldn't quite work, since he's working in a separate branch? <beuno> that might help <beuno> dato, right, he'd have to do bzr update on a frequent basis <MishaS> beuno, without having my changes committed? <beuno> MishaS, what about that workflow don't you understand? If the parent branch has changes, you have to merge them into yours <beuno> MishaS, you have to have your changes commited so conflicts can be resolved <MishaS> beuno, yes, but i did it once and then nothing was changed, why should i resolve non existing conflicts again? <beuno> MishaS, you don't have to resolve conflicts if there aren't any <beuno> if the merge was clean, you just have to commit the changes to your repository <beuno> or work on them, and then commit <beuno> conflicts are only for when bzr can't guess how to merge the changes <beuno> so you have to interveen <MishaS> beuno, i kinda _feel_ inconsistency... <MishaS> beuno, and cannot really explain it... :( <beuno> MishaS, that it's a bit hard for me to help :D <beuno> have you used other VCS before? <MishaS> beuno, probably the behaviour i expect is that after that merge new changes would be just on top of the last merge without additional effort <beuno> or rather, how would you want the workflow to work? <beuno> MishaS, ah, I understand <MishaS> beuno, i have :) and it was never like this :)) i just hope that bzr is closer to what i aniticipate... :) * MishaS used cvs, visual source safe, p4, and now is jumping between svn/git/hg/bzr :) <MishaS> (p4 was not for too long though) <beuno> MishaS, have you taken a look at: http://bazaar-vcs.org/Workflows <beuno> I'm not sure why merge can't just bring the commits into the revision history, one of the devs can probably answer that better then me <MishaS> beuno, yes, it was quite some ago though.... <MishaS> i would say that _some_ merges cannot be brought directly, but if they can, why not? <MishaS> and probably something like rebase would be more appriate for me.. * beuno looks ar abentley, fullermd and jam-laptop for input <dato> rebase *may* be what you want, *but* it doesn't fit the recommended bzr workflow <MishaS> (appropriate) <MishaS> dato: what do you mean "does not fit"? i believe if a feature is developed using 'rebase' than when it's merged to trunk it looks clean and nice, no? <lifeless> ~. <hstuart> MishaS, I think one of the ideas is to allow you to merge another developers changes without having to commit them to your branch, for looking at experimental features or what have you - at least that makes sense to me * MishaS is now complete lost :) <dato> MishaS: well, in eg. git you can do many things with rebase, like merging commits into only one, and in general making them "nice" <lifeless> MishaS: rebase sacrifices collaboration for prettiness <fullermd> Hm? What? Who called? The goldfish were in the blender when I got there, I swear. <dato> MishaS: in bzrland, though, people have normally nothing against merging branches with many small commits, including those "merge upstream" ones <beuno> and I also heheh <MishaS> ok. now, i think, i get it: bzr priorities are 'collaboration' and only then 'prettyness'. that actually helps to understand the things. really. * fullermd doesn't quite understand the question... <dato> fullermd: "why do merges which generate no conflicts require a commit" <lifeless> MishaS: there is a rebase plugin for bzr. <dato> fullermd: more or less <fullermd> Mmm. Well, in this case, merging trunk into your branch, you wouldn't want rebase; that would cause big honkin' ugliness when you merge back into trunk. <fullermd> Rebase is more for merging your branch back onto trunk, erasing all your intermediate steps. <MishaS> lifeless, thank you * MishaS checks bzr web site for rebase plugin <Peaker> fullermd: don't you want to merge in your branch, and try to only push to trunk? <Peaker> when you say rebase you make me think ClearCase <MishaS> fullermd, rebase will make my changes quite separate from trunk <fullermd> Well, that's a workflow question; neither answer is "right" per se, it depends on what you're trying to accomplish. <fullermd> I don't go in for push to trunk flows, since that could change trunk's LHS. <MishaS> fullermd, if i really have to 'merge with upstream' only when there are conflicts it'd still look 'clean' in the changelog, otherwise they do seem to make the changelog a bit too overloaded <Peaker> I think its probably easier to test the coherency of your work in your own branch where you usually do the work, so merges happen there, and when you push to trunk you know you are making it identical to your copy <Peaker> fullermd: LHS? <fullermd> Well, even if there are no conflicts, there still has to be a new revision, because you're making a state that doesn't already exist. <lifeless> Peaker: left-hand-side history <Peaker> lifeless: what does it mean? <fullermd> Some of the other DVCSen automatically commit if there are no conflicts (mtn and git I know do; not sure about hg). <lifeless> a merge merges two revisions X and Y to give Z. Z:[X,Y] <MishaS> fullermd, i see. <Peaker> lifeless: with common ancestor B, yeah <lifeless> the left hand history is what you get by following just X at every step <fullermd> bzr doesn't. I like that better; it means you can supply a more meaningful commit message. Also, just because there are no textual conflicts, doesn't mean there aren't any conceptual conflicts. <lifeless> Z.parent_ids[0] -> Z.parent_ids[0].parent_ids[0] etc <fullermd> e.g., somebody renamed a function that your code calls. Merge won't find any conflicts, since there aren't any textual clashes in your changes, but now you're trying to call a function that no longer exists. <lifeless> Peaker: a merge does not imply a common ancestor :) <Peaker> lifeless: how can a merge be without one? Revision 0 is always a common ancestor, isn't it? <Peaker> fullermd: so you want such a revision to be considered a merge? <lifeless> well, null: is a theorietical common ancestor, but if you have partial history for two branches, then you may not reach null:, nor a common ancestor. <lifeless> we'll still allow a merge commit to be recorded then, though doing the merge is harder :). But this what joining two existing imports or projects does. <Peaker> lifeless: then how can you make a meaningful merge? You have a working tree merge, but not a history merge? <fullermd> Peaker: Not sure what you mean by 'considered a merge'... <Peaker> fullermd: that problem can happen when you merge into trunk, too, can't it? <Peaker> fullermd: I mean, why is it a factor against pushing into trunk? <Peaker> fullermd: if you push into trunk, you know that if it worked for you in your own development branch, then it will work for trunk, push has the nice property that it will be identical, so you know what's going to be there.. when you merge into a far away branch, you have theoretically no idea what the result is going to be <Peaker> lifeless: is there any way to do the opposite, btw? Split the histories of your working tree into separate projects? <lifeless> bzr split <Peaker> lifeless: ahhh, that explains a few things :-) Now I know why svn plugin uses that format... <Peaker> (bzr help split explains a few things, that is) <fullermd> Peaker: But pushing into trunk will change the LHS history, which means changing the revnos and the output from log, and I don't want that. <fullermd> Peaker: My above statements weren't re: pushing into trunk; they were re: merge requiring a commit. <Peaker> fullermd: I see. I don't have enough experience watching revno's/logs to understand that problem you're mentioning, I guess <fullermd> The 'rollup' action of log is really handy for those situations. It means my merges into trunk can give a quick description of the changes, and most of the time that's all anybody needs to see. <Peaker> fullermd: I do know that when we worked with ClearCase (yikes) there was no pull/push, only merge, so you could endlessly merge from/to trunk and never be sure the trees are identical <fullermd> Then they don't need to schluff through the 50 commits it took me to get it right when they're just browsing the history, unless they really need to delve into the internals. <Peaker> fullermd: I see, I guess you could use an empty merge from trunk before pushing for that purpose <Peaker> fullermd: oh, wait, forget that :) <Peaker> fullermd: if you're trusting developers to keep trunk clean and not pqm, then merging into trunk is a little dangerous, isn't it? <fullermd> Well, discharging small arms is dangerous, but I still spent Saturday afternoon doing it ;p <Peaker> are you into weapons? :) <fullermd> Well, that's how I keep cow-orkers from messing up trunk, see. <Peaker> most of us in Israel handle weapons at one time or another.. I was stupid enough when I was 18 to test the bullets endurance on its explosive thing, it is not easy to blow :) <lifeless> jam-laptop_: bzr pqm-submit -m '(robertc) Implement WorkingTree4.update_basis_by_delta giving a 30% performance improvement for commit. (Robert Collins)' <lifeless> :) <lifeless> commit speed++ <mwhudson> lifeless: it would be good to get bzr.dev landings announced in here by some bot <beuno> there is a plugin somewhere to have an IRC bot hook into commits <lifeless> beuno: bzr.dev commits are done by pqm, on a firewalled machine. <lifeless> mwhudson: pity launchpad won't announce to IRC: ) <beuno> lifeless, maybe we can have a mirror of bzr.dev and have the bot on a different server? <beuno> might have a delay, but still might be usefull <lifeless> beuno: well it is announce to the bazaar-commits list <beuno> lifeless, that might work too, a bot parsing those emails <Peaker> I don't understand how launchpad can be usable until it has shared repo's... it really is insane to upload entire repo/history for every branch <beuno> and would speed up a bit <lifeless> Peaker: we're looking at addressing the upload overhead there; shared repos are just one way to handle that. <Peaker> lifeless: what other ways are there? <lifeless> stacked pack repositories looks quite promising and may scale better for a multiuser site like launchpad <mwhudson> lifeless: we don't need no new features, mate <lifeless> mwhudson: a feature a month keeps the doctor away <mwhudson> lifeless: the problem here is the word "a" :) <Peaker> lifeless: what are stacked pack repos, compared to ordinary repos? <fullermd> Repos with more feminine allure? <lifeless> Peaker: a way of combining data from separate repositories <fullermd> bzr unionfs. <Peaker> lifeless: when I upload a branch to launchpad, I'd somehow have to tell it that it shares/combines data from another repo if I am to avoid uploading history? would it require explicit data from the user? <lifeless> Peaker: magic 8-ball says future hazy, ask again later <Peaker> :) <lifeless> jam-laptop: it landed :) <dato> is somebody tracking what's pending to merge for 0.92, and should I send a patch that splits NEWS in the appropriate place, since 0.92 got branched off? (which leds me to ask: what of bzr.dev is 0.92 material, and how should it get merged, cherry-pick?) <lifeless> dato: it will get merged/cherrypicked yes; I'm not sure what commits are what to be honest :) <lifeless> poolie will need to make that call as RM #bzr 2007-11-06 <somerville32> bye <nekohayo> hello~! let's say I want to push to another computer, but this computer's files can change by themselves <nekohayo> will bazaar warn me of a conflict if the host has changed it files since the last push? <fullermd> Depends on which files you mean. push only pushes the VCS data, it doesn't touch the working tree files one way or another. <fullermd> It'll notice if the remote-side VCS data has been changed. <somerville32> aka: It compares committed revisions <nekohayo> fullermd: ok thanks :) (because I just had the crazy idea of using bazaar to keep my bookmarks in synch) <nekohayo> fullermd: actually by vcs data, you mean stuff like "bookmarks.rdf", not the control data contained in ".bzr" right? <fullermd> Other way around. <nekohayo> arr, dang :| <somerville32> nekohayo, No no. You're good. <somerville32> Bzr is great for that <nekohayo> somerville32: well, if I have my laptop pushing to ~/.gnome2/epiphany/bookmarks.rdf on my desktop computer, and the desktop computer has modified its bookmarks file (without committing or anything) since then, am I not screwed? <somerville32> nekohayo, No. <somerville32> It'll merge when you attempt to commit on the desktop <fullermd> Not necessarily. But it won't touch the desktop's bookmarks.rdf, it'll just update the VCS data. You'd have to do an 'update' to bring in those changes, fix any conflicts, and then 'commit' to get the desktop's changes in the history. <nekohayo> fullermd: that's strange, that I need to do a bzr update... why wouldn't bzr just tell when I commit? <fullermd> Well, if will, if you don't update :p <fullermd> And 'it', too, for those of us who can type tonite... <poolie_> lifeless, jam-laptop: hi <jam-laptop> hi poolie_ <poolie_> should we merge this windows uninstaller fix for 0.92? <poolie_> it doesn't seem really critical... <lifeless> hi poolie_ <jam-laptop> it doesn't seem critical either way <lifeless> OTOH it's low risk and alecander will probably build with it applied anyway :) <ubotu> New bug: #72901 in bzr-pqm "win32: can't submit via localhost" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72901 <ubotu> New bug: #160389 in bzr "change build process to (just) use setup.py" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160389 <lifeless> man freenode, get the servers in order <jam-laptop_> that was probably just them running sort() <Odd_Bloke> Does a list admin have to approve my subscription to the ML? <fullermd> Not as a general rule, AFAIK. <Odd_Bloke> Hmm, just sloooowness then. <vila> jam-laptop__: since you're working on pqm, how about putting the commit message in the returned email indicating success/failure ? <Odd_Bloke> If any of the list moderators are around, there should be a couple of merge requests from D.M.Watkins@warwick.ac.uk in the pending queue. It'd be great if they could be let through and the address whitelisted. :) <dato> aw pqm (r2972) <Enquest> I got a foo.BASE, foo.THIS, foo.OTHER files... What should i do now? <Arjen> Merge error? <Enquest> Uhm I use bzr to upload it to my web project <Enquest> I suppose that its a merge error <Enquest> What should I do with it... I can't find anything about it in the docs <Arjen> I'm a complete bzr noob :-) <Enquest> me to <Enquest> so anybody can explain me what I sould do with this? <Arjen> Enquest: What does 'bzr conflicts' say? <Enquest> I already did it manualy but I realy would like to know how to handle these errors <Enquest> thanxs Arjen (you are from holland? <Arjen> Yup <Enquest> Belgie of moet ik zeggen Vlaanderen ik weet het niet meer <Arjen> Well, merge conflicts which can't be handled by the VCS you'll have to fix by hand <Arjen> Enquest: Nederland, niet Belgie :-) <Enquest> aja, lage landen <Enquest> Werk jij proffesioneel? <Arjen> Dat probeer ik wel ;-) <Enquest> Ik ook, met wat werk jij dan? zelfstandige of voor een bedrijf? <Enquest> Ik ben zelfstandige <Arjen> Internetprovider <Enquest> a je programmeert niet... maar heb een isp <Arjen> Ja, ik programmeer voor een ISP <Enquest> verdiend dat wat? <Arjen> Genoe <Arjen> g <Arjen> But, this conversation is *way* off-topic here :-) <Enquest> Ok got the point... Just thought that its here dead and want to know how people manage ? <Enquest> sorry <Arjen> Merge conflicts you mean? <Enquest> yes <Arjen> If the VCS can't figure it out, then you'll have to fix the conflict(s) yourself and tell the VCS to continue <Odd_Bloke> Arjen, Enquest: It's not normally this dead in here, but the majority of bzr devs are Canonical employees and it's Ubuntu conference season so they're gallivanting away there. :p <Kinnison> :-) <Odd_Bloke> Enquest: Presumably you ran 'bzr merge' before getting these files. These files mean that there was a conflict within foo that Bazaar can't handle. If you open foo, you should see some markers where the problem is. Edit foo so it looks as it should and then run 'bzr resolve foo'. <jam-laptop__> vila: that requires pqm changes, not changes to the submit plugin :) <vila> jam-laptop__: arf, of course silly me |-) <vila> but about pqm anyway, I'm still surprised that we sign a submission to merge from an url, but don't provide the revid that should be merged, leaving open a possible tip change of the submitted branch... <jam-laptop> vila: completely agreed, it is actually because pqm was built up around Bazaar, which would always send the full archive/category--branch--version--patch <jam-laptop> And it was never upgraded to recognize something different from bzr <jam-laptop> I actually started working on that once.... a long time ago <vila> haaaaa, history, as always. explain why things me *look* strange, but are, in fact, sound :) <vila> s/me/may/ <jam-laptop> anyway, I'm off to breakfast, catch you around later <vila> same here, very busy thought :-/ <lifeless> ola! <lifeless> well in principle pqm accepts url;revid=XXX <lifeless> except I don't think I've hooked that in <vila> well, I'm not that worried about the problem since only core devs can submit, but I wondered <lifeless> (and arch suffers here too ;) <lifeless> (you can replace the content of a url is the basic attack) <siretart> heyha bazaar hackers <siretart> is it possible to recreate the knit index file from a standalone knit? <siretart> read: I have the revisions.knit, and need to regenerate a revisions.kndx file <dato> abentley: I can't see in bzrtool's branch the commits for 0.92, is something wrong? <luks> siretart, not easily, maybe in some simple cases and using heurestics <luks> but .knit files don't have all the info from .kndx stored in any direct way <siretart> luks: I have a corrupted repository, my revisions.knit seems to be corrupted <siretart> zcat on revisions.knit tells me something about trailing garbage, and bzr is horribly unhappy <luks> hm <siretart> I can of course rezip the output of the corrupted revisions.knit, but then the kndx file doesn't match it :/ <siretart> and `bzr check` doesn't seem to catch that problem <luks> does zcat lists the last revision info fully? <siretart> I cannot check what the last revision actually is <LeoNerd> Be aware you can't just re-compress the compressed files. They're compressed in a very special way <luks> last line in the .kndx file <luks> it has the revision-id <siretart> hm. the last 6 revisions seem to be missing <siretart> better than nothing <siretart> lets try to 'adjust' the .kndx file :) <luks> yeah, that should work <siretart> hm. bzr log now tells me 'no such revision.. blabla' <siretart> seems i need to do some more work <luks> /bzr/checkout/last-revision I think <luks> er, .bzr <luks> ok, no, branch/last-revision <dato> or revision-history for format 5 branches <siretart> hm. and if I remove .bzr/checkout, can I recheckout? <luks> no <luks> it needs to know the head revision <luks> actually, maybe you can branch -r revid:... <siretart> ah, lets try that <siretart> bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.ShortReadvError: readv() read 9636 bytes rather than 19321 bytes at 0 for "revisions.knit" <luks> can't help with this one, not sure that exactly is bzrlib doing <siretart> anyway, thanks for your help <luks> I'd send a mail to the mailing list <siretart> it seems my repository is horribly corrupted :( <lifeless> siretart: sure it wasn't a network problem? <lifeless> siretart: OTOH if you were pushing over sftp, it may be the sftp bug we haven't tracked down with openssh doing the wrong thing on append from time tot time... pretty nasty <lifeless> jam-laptop: you've arranged to borrow the laptop? <jam-laptop> lifeless: yes, he said he would give it to me later today <lifeless> kk <jam-laptop> it was currently charging in his romo <jam-laptop> room <siretart> lifeless: no, all operations were local. (well, over nfs, but still using the file:// transport) <siretart> lifeless: I've been told now by the student that he noticed that committing still works, so he committed about 6 additional revisions <lifeless> siretart: so, run check :) <lifeless> siretart: if it's corrupt you'll probably be able to pukll from it to a backup copy to combine the work. <lifeless> siretart: getting to a root cause of this is very important; its possible for an NFS bug to damage things - <siretart> lifeless: check tells the same error <lifeless> siretart: when append() on fileA works, append() to file B works, but actually only file B's change gets committed over the wire it could cause this. <siretart> lifeless: we now decided to copy the working copy over an older repository <lifeless> siretart: also, using packs may be somewhat less liable to cause this sort of corruption as it has less requirements on the file system. <siretart> so we haven't lost any work, but some weeks of history <siretart> ah, great news! <ubotu> New bug: #160521 in bzr "specific merge algorithm for changelogs" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160521 <lifeless> jam-laptop: I'm in the hearth and kettle <jam-laptop> lifeless: is it hot in there? <ubotu> New bug: #160530 in bzr-pqm "pqm-submit is sending messages pqm doesn't understand" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160530 <lifeless> jam-laptop: no <lifeless> jam-laptop: nor is it cold <Odd_Bloke> lifeless: Regarding my bundles, should I resend them with an appropriate MIME type? <lifeless> jam-laptop: the laptop is with me in the h&K <jam-laptop> ah, ok <lifeless> Odd_Bloke: well, I can look on BB later; but next time <Odd_Bloke> lifeless: OK, sure. <Odd_Bloke> Sorry about that. As my email mentions, I've changed mail client. <schierbeck> jelmer: ka-ping <jelmer> schierbeck, pong <schierbeck> i'm not sure what the problem is with the brokenlines-optional branch <schierbeck> i just destroy the current treeview and draw a new one <schierbeck> but under all circumstances, we should support dynamically redrawing the ancestry graph <schierbeck> so i think it's a temporary solution <jelmer> re <lifeless> hi <jelmer> schierbeck: I don't think your patch is wrong, it may have regressed during gary's original rewrite <jelmer> 'evening lifeless <schierbeck> jelmer: i just wrote it <schierbeck> i can't find the real problem, but having a maximum width on the graph fixes it for now <schierbeck> and i don't think we're going to stick with the code, so it's okay to release <jelmer> I agree, though it's up to Szilveszter to decide <jaavaaguru> Hi, I've got a delta between two revisions using rev_tree.changes_from(parent_tree), and I'd like to get the full text of particular files from both revisions to pipe into an external diff tool. Can someone point me in the right direction to get the full text? <asabil> hi all <asabil> how do I use a pre-commit hook ? <asabil> I want to refuse commits with files with trailing spaces <james_w> jaavaaguru: I don't think you use the changes fr that , you get the texts from the two trees. <jaavaaguru> ah, ok <james_w> tree.get_file_text <jaavaaguru> thanks :-) <james_w> takes an id. You can get those with tree.path2id <jaavaaguru> I've got the IDs <james_w> good. <jaavaaguru> I've been using the Bazaar API since Saturday, and working with it has been good so far <jaavaaguru> I've written most of my wxWidgets GUI, and am just needing to get the text so that I can launch an external diff from the history window <nevans> general merging question: I did a series of merges of single changesets (e.g. using "bzr -merge ../trunk -r 1925..1926" to get r1926), but it didn't record that the changeset was merged. <nevans> and "bzr missing ../trunk" still shows them missing. <nevans> remerging ends up with a bunch of conflicts, of course. <nevans> should I have done that differently? <nevans> FWIW: I was using bzr 0.91 and bzr-svn (using 0.92rc1 now) <lifeless> asabil: Hi, you write a small plugin <lifeless> asabil: it registers with Branch.commit_hooks['precommit'] IIRC <jelmer> nevans: bzr doesn't track cherrypicks yet <lifeless> nevans: cherrypicking is a current weakness; we have a ui to express it but we don't record it(neither does hg or git FWIW) <nevans> jelmer: ah... I thought that was maybe what everyone meant by cherrypicks <nevans> git doesn't either?! wow... so what's the current "best practice" for cherrypicks? <nevans> lifeless: what's the cherrypicking UI called? google isn't helping me out much. :) <lifeless> nevans: you used it <nevans> ah. <jaavaaguru> james_w: that did exactly what I was looking for, thanks. I've got external graphical diff working now from my history window <nevans> lifeless: is http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-cherry-pick.html only a halfway solution? (since you said git doesn't support it either) <lifeless> nevans: yes, <lifeless> nevans: cherry picks can be much more than one commit; they need to alter the behaviour of merge and log and other commands and the only system I know of that does that today is darcs. <nevans> lifeless: is there a bzr branch that someone is working on this currently? or is it a little further out in the roadmap (not really specified yet)? <jelmer> lifeless: that reminds me, what's the status on file properties? <nevans> not that I intend to switch to an experimental branch anytime soon. ;) just curious <lifeless> nevans: it's a little bit out in the roadmap; I think probably in the nexxt 6 months or so. <nevans> lifeless: thanks <hendrixski> :-/ bzr-svn is able to pull svn revisions rigth? from let's say a week ago? <Peng> Yes. <jelmer> hendrixski: from svn into bzr? yes <hendrixski> jelmer, like instead of svn co http://whatever -revision #12345 (not sure how to do that either) do make a branch of a revision from last week <jelmer> oh, sure - you can use -r <hendrixski> oh <jelmer> ah, you mean revspecs of dates? <jelmer> hmm, that I'm not sure * hendrixski tries that <jelmer> it may work, but I haven't ever tested it <hendrixski> oh <hendrixski> well, I'll play around with it :-) <nevans> jelmer: is there a way to see/use the SVN changeset number rather than the various bzr revisionspecs? <jelmer> nevans: the revision id for svn revisions contains the svn revno <nevans> it would be useful if there were a revspec like "svn:123456" * hendrixski now knows that the word to google for is "revisionspecs" <jelmer> nevans: please file a bug report :-) <nevans> ah... so it does. bzr log --show-ids is useful <nevans> jelmer: I think I will. :) <nevans> jelmer: oh, and as an aside... THANKS for bzr-svn. it rocks. :-) <jelmer> thanks :-) <hendrixski> yeah.. I think bzr-svn is going to save me a ton of headaches in the near future <hendrixski> if I can quickly learn how to use it :-/ <hendrixski> hhhmm... yeah, for bzr .90, the bzr branch http://svn.source/directory date:2007-10-25 doesn't seem to work I guess it has a different date structure than svn :-( <nevans> launchpad was giving me some weird timeout errors, so I didn't search to see if there was a duplicate before adding my bug. <nevans> hendrixski: your problem is that you want to get working tree for a particular svn revision number, right? <hendrixski> nevans, yup <hendrixski> though, I'm probably just putting them in the wrong order <nevans> you do that by first doing a checkout of HEAD from svn, using that to figure out what the bzr revno will be, and then branch from the bzr HEAD to a new branch (using -r bzr_rev_number) <nevans> a little bit indirect. but it should work <nevans> to quickly get the bzr revision-id, you could do "bzr log --show-id | grep 29853" * hendrixski is confused <nevans> sorry <hendrixski> nevans, not your fault... I'm a total noob <nevans> so you want to do "svn co http://whatever -r 12345"... <nevans> what you could do instead: <nevans> bzr co svn+http://whatever/trunk trunk <hendrixski> right, so that's the head of trunk, right? <nevans> then cd into trunk, and do "bzr log --show-id | grep 12345" to find out what the bzr revision id is <nevans> yep <hendrixski> ah <hendrixski> ok <nevans> then, with the revid in hand: <nevans> bzr branch -r revid:svn-v3-trunk1:0487d25d-142b-0410-8fcf-b82ac621bf97:blahblahblah:12345 ../branched_from_12345 <hendrixski> ah... Ok, because those things are more complex than just the revision number I see * hendrixski is still waiting for head of trunk to download <nevans> BTW, it will go faster and use less disk space if you are using a shared-repository... but if you are just starting with bzr, you should probably wait until you are comfortable before you start working with that <hendrixski> I'm totally just starting <nevans> hendrixski: yep. and that is why I asked jelmer if there was a svn revisionspec. :) <hendrixski> ah <nevans> presumably, if there was, the entire ordeal could be shortened to just "bzr checkout svn+http://whatever -r svn:12345" <hendrixski> in a perfect world I suppose <hendrixski> hah, whadya know... the revision numbers are totally different than what I see on trac <hendrixski> I thought I was supposed to be getting revision # 1480? but it's only actually up to 103 <nevans> hendrixski: same sort of issue <hendrixski> yup <hendrixski> oh man, no manual would ever have shown me that... <nevans> bzr has quite a few ways of addressing a revision... none of them as simple as svn's "global" (per repo) changeset id <nevans> bzr help revisionspec <hendrixski> yeah, knowing the word for it (revisionspec) helps a lot too :-p <nevans> in svn, the revno is global through the entire repository (all projects, branches, tags, etc). in bzr, it is for just that branch. <nevans> hendrixski: the only way I know the word for it is "bzr help topics" ;) <ubotu> New bug: #160607 in bzr-eclipse "seting plugin path in bzr settings breaks bzr support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160607 <hendrixski> hhmm... bzr branch -r revid:102 ../New/ <hendrixski> bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: /home/******/Desktop/officialBranch/New/ * hendrixski will figure this out :-)~ <nevans> hmm... I had it wrong... you need to give it both to and from URLs (or just a from) <nevans> bzr branch FROM TO -r 102 <nevans> bzr branch -r revid:102 . ../New/ <fullermd> You almost certainly don't have any revisino with the revid 102... <hendrixski> nevans, you are THE MAN!!!! <nevans> :) * hendrixski does a little dance as the earlier revision downloads :-) * hendrixski is done dancing <hendrixski> So then I guess the problem was that I assumed that the wrong thing was the actual revision number, I have to get the HEAD first, browse through which revisions exist, and *then* I get the right revision number and DL it <hendrixski> which is what nevans said in the first line <hendrixski> but I didn't understand it until after I tried it <hendrixski> sweet <nevans> yeah... revision numbers mean completely different things to svn and bzr <hendrixski> I see <ubotu> New bug: #160626 in bzr "need to suppress upgrade warning" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160626 <jodal> Hi! We're having problems with a repository used with 0.17 (etch) and 0.90 (gutsy). seemingly randomly, we get KnitCorrupt errors at some commits, and also at checkout of the entire branch: http://dpaste.com/24408/ <jodal> any tips? <abentley> dato: Those commits should be there now. <lifeless> hi abentley <abentley> Hi there. <lifeless> kindof a shame to be int he same TZ but so busy we don't get much time to chat <lifeless> speaking of which, time to grab my jacket for dinner #bzr 2007-11-07 <lifeless> wow quiet day <beuno> we're all coding away before 1.0 closes ;) <Peng> I'm pinging out. :) <lifeless> ;) <lifeless> Peng: thanks for your patch to the docs; it's been merged I believe. <Peng_> Lagggg. <Peng_> lifeless: :) <Peng_> 34.7s! <lifeless> Peng_: :) <lifeless> Peng_: did you see what I said ? <Peng_> "thanks for your patch ...", yes. <Peng_> Nothing after that. <lifeless> that was all <Peng__> Jesus! <Peng> Sighhh. <lifeless> lagathon? <dato> abentley: yeah, thanks <AfC> How come `bzr gdiff` doesn't work if multiple files are given as arguments? <jelmer> AfC, simply hasn't been implemented yet <AfC> jelmer: k <AfC> jelmer: do you need a bug for that? <jelmer> AfC: please <AfC> Fine. <AfC> I've actually been meaning to try and get into the gdiff code <AfC> I'm not much for pygtk, but there are a couple of behaviours I want to recommend changing <AfC> [*every* single time I run it I a) maximize, then b) drag the Paned divider to give it enough room to show me the file names, then c) move from "combined" to first file.] <AfC> [getting a bit tedious] <jelmer> there has been some talk about what to do with the diff window <jelmer> perhaps we could call out to meld or something like that <AfC> jelmer: (meld?) <jelmer> meld.sf.net <AfC> I came across some neat code in devhelp relating to remembering previous maximized-or-not state and acting accordingly to restore it on new instantiation. It's pretty good when done right. <lifeless> moin <lifeless> moin <mwhudson> allegedly <sverrej> Using bzr-svn, is it possible to commit locally and then push the commits together to subversion later? <sverrej> bzr commit in a bzr-svn branch always commits directly to the svn server. <luks> not if you use 'bzr branch' instead of 'bzr checkout' <luks> you can either unbind the checkout or use commit --local <sverrej> I tried commit local, but it told me "bzr: ERROR: Cannot perform local-only commits on unbound branches." <sverrej> but I can try to unbind <sverrej> or check out again <sverrej> thanks! <lifeless> sverrej: it's a double negative - thats already unbound <mneisen> One question about the new knitpack format: is it possible to automatically delete the obsolete packs in obsolete_packs, or is it even possible to stop bzr putting obsolete packs in there at all? <lifeless> mneisen: they should auto delete; I thought I had merged that <lifeless> I'll check <mneisen> lifeless: I just did a small benchmark with the new format, and i ended up with about 60 megs of files in obsolete_files. <mneisen> lifeless: I use the 0.92rc1 version of bzr. <Enquest> I did a "rm foo.css" how can I bring a file back ... With svn I only needed to do "svn update" <lifeless> mneisen: it's not merged sorry; I have a patch to clean it up though <lifeless> Enquest: bzr revert foo.css <mneisen> lifeless: great news. Hope to see it soon in the released packages ... :-D <lifeless> mneisen: it'll be in 0.93/bzr.dev later today; it's unlikel to be cherry picked into 0.92 <mneisen> OK. Thanks anyway ... <mneisen> lifeless: Do you know by any chance when bzr-gtk will be up to speed, i.e. when bzr-gtk can be used with up-to-date bzr packages? <lifeless> you can rm the contents of that dir safely <lifeless> we use it to make operations wit flakey networks safer <mneisen> lifeless:OK, will use rm. <lifeless> just leave the dir itself around <mneisen> lifeless: Anything about bzr-gtk (see above)? <lifeless> it's just been released today <lifeless> so 24 hours probably <mneisen> lifeless: oic, didn't know that it was released today. <mneisen> Thanks! <dato> lifeless: "strict arch limits" (I'm unfamiliar with PAA) <dato> er, PPA (see? :) <siretart> dato: it builds for i386, amd64 and lpia only (well, anything xen supports) <dato> oh, and bazaar-vcs.org has ppc? <lifeless> hope to soon; need to hook it up <siretart> currently amd64 and i386 only <siretart> and I doubt that we'd have a lot of lpia users <lifeless> also I'd like to get rpm's up <siretart> lifeless: aren't there any plans to offer PPAs for debian chroots as well? (no idea about that) <dato> why are debian packages on bazaar-vcs.org anyway? <dato> sid is covered, lenny as usual, and I normally upload backports. <siretart> they used to be undermaintained in the past? <dato> plus lifeless could do any of those uploads if/when necessary. <siretart> oh, I forgot backports. thanks dato! <dato> (and backports is autobuilt these days) <lifeless> dato: debian waits for releases <lifeless> bazaar-vcs.org uploads beta's <dato> lifeless: rc <dato> sid gets rcs <dato> and lenny, they'd migrate if there was time :) <lifeless> It didn't in the past; <dato> yeah, I'm just talking about the present <siretart> lifeless: we do since the pkg-bazaar team got into shape <lifeless> but more importantly, when debian next starts to release it will probably stop taking bzr versions <lifeless> when the UVF kicks in. <lifeless> It's true that this may be next decade :) <siretart> there is backports.org for stable and oldstable <dato> (I'm personally not uploading for oldstable atm) <lifeless> siretart: and it's great the team is in shape - I'm in it too :) <dato> lifeless: anyway, I'm not unhappy in any way, just wondering. <lifeless> the basic thing is that the bazaar-vcs.org is geared around bzr's release cycle; even sid is geared around debians release ccle, so we need something for bzr enthusiasts during debian stabilisation. <lifeless> (this is why we have ubuntu debs too) <lifeless> the ubuntu one is much more visible because its 6 monthly <lifeless> I'd also like to get daily builds up; its on my todo <lifeless> we had them for baz and users lovd them <pattern> i'd like to put keep some of my system configuration files in /etc under revision control... so should i do something like "mkdir /etc/bzr ; cd /etc/bzr ; bzr init ; cd /etc" ? <pattern> and then, how would i add, say, /etc/make.conf to my new /etc/bzr repository? <pattern> oops <pattern> oh, that's right... i thought i mistyped that question <pattern> but it's typed correctly :) <pattern> or maybe i should just "cd /etc ; bzr init" and then just "bzr add make.conf" from /etc itself ? <lifeless> statik: where are you ? <nevans> pattern: I simply put my entire /etc dir into bzr. <nevans> cd /etc; sudo bzr init; sudo bzr add; sudo bzr commit -m "version controlled /etc" <Le-Chuck_ITA> hi there, I am using bzr-gtk found in ubuntu gutsy <Le-Chuck_ITA> and olive does not seem to correctly recognize bzr branches on my disk <Le-Chuck_ITA> it only shows the directories and not the files, and offers disabled menu entries for handling the branch <Le-Chuck_ITA> how do I open a branch with olive? And how do I bookmark it? <Le-Chuck_ITA> it's such a simple program that you easily exhaust all the possible operations :) <pattern> nevans: nice :) <pattern> the only thing is that with gentoo, there's a lot of automatic messing with files in /etc <pattern> so i don't want to keep having to commit a ton of changes by hand <pattern> there are handful of files that i edit manually, and those are the ones i really want to keep under bzr's version control <pattern> anyway, the stuff that gentoo messes with itself are automatically kept under RCS version control via dispatch.conf <bialix> luks: hi <luks> hi <bialix> I fixed problem with lock and pack repo in my branch <bialix> I just wonder: when you're planning to release QBzr 0.7.0? <luks> hmm, I guess I could do it over the weekend <bialix> it will be great <nevans> pattern: I just do the whole /etc directory because it's easier. simply "sudo bzr add; sudo bzr commit", and you're done. I don't mind that I'm versioning a few extra things that I don't care as much about. <pattern> it's going to be a ton of extra things for me <pattern> on the other hand, when i do a "bzr status", it lists a ton of "unknown" files and directories <nevans> yeah, that's the other reason I do the whole thing... then I know when anything in there changes. <bialix> luks: do you still prefer to file wishes to QBzr in bug tracker? <fullermd> pattern: I version just a few files out of /etc (and /usr/local/etc, and similar places). I just have '*' in .bzrignore, and manually add the bits I care about. <nevans> fullermd: that makes sense... that's what I do in my home directory. <luks> bialix, yes, since otherwise it's very easy to forget them <nevans> err... the home directory itself ignores .* ...some of the subdirectories ignore * <nevans> (although... my home directory is actually still using svn, not bzr... and ignores behave a little bit differently in svn) <pattern> ahh... ".bzrignore" ... i should look in to that :) <bialix> luks: ok, because I have 2 new items to wishlist: search in qlog and working with tags in qlog window <luks> search in qlog was on my unwritten todo list already <luks> but please add it anyway <luks> it's better to have all ideas on one place <bialix> can we collaborate on search feature sometime? <luks> I haven't touched the code for a while, so I'm not sure when I'll have time and motivation to work on it <bialix> ok <luks> I usually add new features only when something really annoys me or I'm really bored :) <bialix> me usually too <Jamon> is there a way to uncommit a specific commit out of order? <Jamon> perhaps undo changes is a better way of saying it <lifeless> not really; there is a way to merge it out - to reverse it. But it is part of the written history so it can't be removed without rbeaking referntial integrity <lifeless> so - 'bzr merge -r234..233 .' <lifeless> that will remove commit 234 for you <lifeless> (you need to commit after that naturally) <Jamon> i made a commit that changed mysql functions to pgsql, now later on i just want to switch back to mysql... so bzr merge -r will allow me to do that? <lifeless> yes <Jamon> whats the diff between that and revert? <lifeless> revert undoes all changes to the selected paths from the revision forward <lifeless> spiv: reconcile on launchpad is up to 4.5Gb and no progress marker yet <Jamon> so revert is full sequential, and merge is from points out of sequence <lifeless> yes <dodijk> Hello! Does anybody have any experience with using bazaar on a branch on a hfsplus filesystem? I get permission errors (on .bzr/branch-format) when trying to add files. Moving the branch to ext3 fixes this... <dato> dodijk: maybe jam-laptop knows about that, but he doesn't seem to be around right now <dodijk> data: ok, i'll try again some other time <nir> Is there a shortcut to create a new branch WITH the current changes in the tree? <beuno> nir, uncommited ones? <nir> yea <beuno> nir, I don't think you can do that with bzr, no. As far as I can tell, bzr brings in the repository and restores the working tree from it <beuno> rsync would work though <fullermd> branch ; merge --uncommitted <beuno> ah, there you go <beuno> I learn new things here everyday... <nir> great <nir> although branch --uncommitted would be even nicer <beuno> nir, you can file a bug requesting it. Unless fullermd has a good reason why not to have it <nir> its a feature request, not a bug <beuno> nir, right, it would be wishlist, I don't believe there is something specific for feature requests in Launchpad <beuno> blueprints seem like and overkill, and I believe they don't have "states" so you would know when it gets implemented #bzr 2007-11-08 <abentley> beuno: In Launchpad, wishlist appears to be a bug severity level, not a different kind of bug. A wishlist bug is an extremely low-severity bug. A rare, easily worked-around kind of thing. #bzr 2008-11-03 * fullermd calls it late for lunch. <poolie> markh: if you're around, any idea off hand why getaddrinfo would fail on xp? <poolie> per https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/4949 <markh> while I look - interesting pre-PEP on DVCS discussing hg and bzr - http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dg7fctr4_40dvjkdg64 <markh> poolie: 4949 is about dual-booting ubuntu? <poolie> heh <poolie> sorry, https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/49498 <markh> so, 10022==WSAEINVAL, so winsock doesn't like one of those params I'd guess <markh> although windows seems documented as supporting AI_PASSIVE <markh> however, "socket.getaddrinfo('www.google.com', 80, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, socket.AI_PASSIVE)[0]" works for me! <markh> (in the more general case though, that user probably just needs to be made aware they can just 'push' to some other server - there's no real need to run an actual server on their box) <poolie> mm <poolie> here it's probably looking up <poolie> if she were on debian i'd almost suspect an ipv6-only configuration or something but that seems unlikely here <spiv> Today is the last day for PyCon 2009 submissions: http://us.pycon.org/2009/conference/proposals/ <Neil> alright, bazaar in, old sources imported with history, trac integrated. Thank you again LarstiQ if you see this. <justizin> hiya, i have branched some code from svn, and it is in a rich-root-pack repository for bzr-svn, i want to branch it for use as pure bzr with a more modern storage means, but when pushing to a shared repo, i get an error. is there anything i can do? <jelmer> justizin, "pure" bzr? <justizin> well, i mean, it uses rich-root-pack because bzr-svn requires that. i don't care about svn compat anymore, because i am abandoning it for this branch / project. seems i can't branch into another storage format.. <jelmer> justizin, rich-root-pack is a standard supported bzr format, and will be the default at some point in the future <jelmer> it stores more data than the current default, so there's no way to downgrade <justizin> oh, really? i was under the impression the current default was more modern.. <justizin> okay, well, if it's better, than i'll just roll with it. :) <justizin> it would be nice to be able to downgrade, still, but for my purposes, clearly not necessary. <jelmer> if you mean the 1.6.1 format, there is a rich-root equivalent of that <justizin> yah i guess i should try it with a branch on a machine with newer bzr, i am still on ubuntu LTS with system packages... will be moving our svn / bzr / trac to ibex next weekend or so. <justizin> anyway, if rich-root-pack is not a bad format to use for just using bzr, then that's fine, i thought it was some kind of compromise, but i guess it makes sense that it is, well, duh, richer.. ;d <justizin> thanks jelmer <jelmer> hopefully it'll be the default in the next version <justizin> 1.8, or the next in 1.7 series? <jelmer> no, more like 1.10 <justizin> that is: major / minor ? <justizin> ah ok * justizin is so tired of .10 versions, seem to infect our whole python community ;d <justizin> i think zope is working on 2.12 :-P <justizin> is there a way to make a copy of a whole shared repository? <justizin> as if to branch the whole thing.. <jelmer> justizin, I think there may be a plugin that can do that <justizin> any idea of keywords i might seek? :) * justizin is so thankful for bzr this year, esp bzr-svn has made unimaginable things possible.. <justizin> i mean, there is svk, but, i dunno, i have a hard time sleeping with a process that depends on perl ;d <jelmer> I'm not sure what the name could be <justizin> eh i'll sort it later <jelmer> Odd_Bloke wrote it, but he's probably asleep atm <justizin> i could probably keep it all in one shared repo and share data, but maybe what i really want is like nested shared repos that can be treaated as branches, which i probably shouldn't pontificate on, on a sunday evening. :) <justizin> like i took a set of build files, and made them into three sets. then, i decided i wanted to do new work with trunk/head/whatever dependencies, so i want to branch those three sets, which is a shared repo with three branches of one upstream branch.. <justizin> right now, i have one deployment config with database config, software install, and app server config, and i want to separate those so that they can use different python installs, or at least not break each other when testing python updates, and for other reasons.. <justizin> so, yanno, i figured, make three copies of the deploy config, rip out the unneeded bits of each segment.. <justizin> now i want to update all dependencies, and have a merge path.. <justizin> probably something i should put some brain and coding time into if i want it. :) <jelmer> sorry, I was about to get some sleep <justizin> hoping to snag some big contracts which will depend on branching / forking lots of upstream code and reorganizing some.. bzr is so great for that. <justizin> no worries jelmer, i ramble. rest your svn-battered mind :) <justizin> ciao.. <jelmer> :-) ciao <justizin> :-P <justizin> hey jelmer if you are still around, can you recommend a good nl beer? i have good imports here in SF and get tired of my same old rounds.. :) <jelmer> justizin, heh :-) * justizin figures all good programmers have good beer taste <jelmer> justizin, My favorite is "Hertog Jan", it's not too big in the US though I think <justizin> hm, i will look around. we certainly aren't a european import city, but we have lots of euro imports.. <justizin> i remember when i was in amsterdam, heineken was like budweiser in us <justizin> same in hamburg, actually <justizin> freakin' lager ;d <jelmer> yeah, Heineken is the most generic beer you can get <justizin> well, i grew up in texas, before i was 21 heineken was a big step up from budweiser <justizin> but i dont think i had any when i went to AMS <jelmer> Grolsch is also pretty common but a bit nicer (and probably available in the US) <justizin> i think we had guiness at the bull dog <justizin> grolsch i think we have at whole foods maybe <justizin> i'll try it <justizin> also tons of import taps in SF <justizin> buddy of mine just left high-end server gig to answer phones for amex top tier folks.. <justizin> we have nice microbrew, but import is always nice here and there <justizin> anyway, go crash <justizin> lol <justizin> didnt mean to keep you up <justizin> ttyl <justizin> oh yah and like "Server gig" i meant beer more than internet :-P <poolie_> spiv, hi, did you decide in the end to work on that bug or to try the repo branch? <spiv> poolie_: trying out the repo branch. <poolie_> how is it? <spiv> poolie_: so far it looks like there's no network regressions according to my bzr-usertest branch -- once I merge current bzr.dev in. <poolie_> nice <poolie_> btw is there still anything i could review for you wrt usertest? <spiv> (Although curiously it appears that maybe initial push gotten slower on high-latency links in bzr.dev vs. the bzr.dev the repo branch was merged up to...) <spiv> Hmm, not sure, let me look. <spiv> I do miss the "just mail and forget" patch submission that bzr gets via bundle buggy. <spiv> poolie_: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/bzr-usertest/+activereviews lists two things that need review, IIUC what the UI is telling me <poolie_> ok <poolie_> :/ i didn't really want to get back into 100% code reviews <poolie_> but i don't want things getting stale either <spiv> Well, maybe I should just merge them? <poolie_> i'll have a look after i finish merging back to trunk <spiv> poolie: ok. <poolie> spiv, all are done now <spiv> poolie: thanks <Peng_> Wait, is there a subtree variant of the 1.9 format? <igc> spiv, poolie: if it helps, I'm happy to review usertest stuff in the next few days <igc> be a nice change from ploughing through my 2000+ emails :-) <poolie> hello igc <igc> hi poolie <lifeless> Peng_: development2-subtrees <poolie> spiv, can you send a paragraph or so about what you discovered about the repo branch and networking <poolie> if you're still online <spiv> Sure. <Peng_> lifeless: Using a development format doesn't sound ideal. <Peng_> Does "bzr pack" optimize how all of the data is ordered? <spiv> Peng_: a quick glance at the code suggests that it does <Peng_> thanks <lifeless> Peng_: true; OTOH its available in 1.7 and above I think * Peng_ grumbles again about downgrading from subtrees to rich-roots. <vila> hi all <igc> hi vila <vila> hi Ian ! <igc> night all <gour> hi, i upgraded my system to python-2.6 and now i get "/home/gour/.bazaar/plugins/search/index.py:22: DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead <gour> import md5" warning all the time <gour> how to get rid of it? <gour> it's, afaik, lifeless's plugin <Peng_> You...ask lifeless to use hashlib instead? :P <Peng_> (Well, try: hashlib and fall back to md5. Anyway..) <Peng_> gour: If you know a bit of Python, it shouldn't be difficult to fix the warnings and send a patch. <Peng_> (I don't mean to sound unhelpful, but not everybody has access to Python 2.6.) <gour> Peng_: well, the question is more in line what's the bzr plan in regard of 2.6 support? <Peng_> Oh. <Peng_> A few patches to help Python 2.6 compatibility have been merged. <gour> that's nice to hear <Peng_> Or at least proposed.. * gour replaced the calls ==> no warnings any longer <lifeless> poolie: I think I'm calling it a day :P <lifeless> Peng_: btw development formats are stable, just not long term supported; so you can get support etc, just not expect to leave the repo unattended for 3 or more releases <Peng_> lifeless: Yeah. Having to remember to keep an eye on my repo is stupid. <Peng_> Eh, sorry. <Peng_> I'm grumpy about the subtree/rich root thing again. :P <Peng_> gour: Yeah, the big Py2.6 patch was merged in bzr.dev r3751. <lifeless> Peng_: fair enough, I'm not thrilled either; it is moving slowly <lifeless> Peng_: the point of --development is to allow folk that need a fix (e.g. performance/features) to access it before its finalised-forever <gour> Peng_: ta for the info <Peng_> I'm not that impatient. <Peng_> I did upgrade a couple repos to --1.9 shortly after it was finalized, but I don't feel like dogfooding much anymore. <Peng_> (Well, maybe a little, when it's safe.) <gour> there will be some format-removal in 1.9? <Peng_> Is there anything really difficult about supporting going from subtrees to rich-roots or is it just that nobody's done the work? <lifeless> Peng_: dev2-subtrees wouldn't be dogfooding as such, fwiw. Its just a label :). Anyhow .. <lifeless> subtrees to rich roots requires checking that no inventory entry is a subtree <lifeless> noone has optimised that check <lifeless> gour: format removal breaks older clients; we try to keep the list of visible formats short <Peng_> So it isn't difficult to do, it's just difficult to do quickly? <lifeless> Peng_: right <Peng_> Or at least nobody has done the work to figure that out yet. <gour> lifeless: i understand. it's still, imho, too big <Peng_> lifeless: Where does "bzr branch"ing from subtrees to rich-roots fit in? <Peng_> It works, though it's not super-fast. <gour> lifeless: let 'em upgrade or stay with older version. how long you will drag 'em around' <gour> ? <lifeless> gour: I'm not sure <Peng_> gour: Some truly ancient formats are still supported. <lifeless> anyhow, must go <gour> Peng_: bzr init (repo) gives too many choices ;) <lifeless> tere is a bug about presentation here <lifeless> which would reduce the multiplication a lot * lifeless goes * gour just built r3818 pkg <gour> nice, no more warnings... <gour> ahh, there are still some <Peng_> Blaah. * Peng_ converts one of his subtree repos to rich-roots using the init/pull trick, since it only has one branch and is unimportant anyway. <gour> i need to merge two branches without common ancestor, how to do it? <gour> i'm trying with bzr -r x branch, but does not work <poolie> gour: bzr merge -r 0.. ../other <poolie> should do it <gour> why -r ancestor:branch did not work? <Peng_> BTW, branching bzr-svn's 0.4 branch from pack-0.92-subtree to 1.9-rich-root took 2 or 3 minutes. Doing it from 1.9-rich-root to 1.9-rich-root took 4.54 seconds, including building the working tree. Nice. <gour> Peng_: so, 1.9 adds to the list of formats.. <Peng_> gour: :) <gour> the list of formats does not fit on one screen :-/ <gour> it's pity if devs do not see it as a problem <Peng_> I'm sure it'd fit with a 2048x1536 monitor and a small font. :) <gour> heh, good joke * gour is running 1450x laptop atm <gour> running latest bzr with bzr-svn-0.4.13 gives: bzr: ERROR: Version mismatch <Peng_> gour: Edit the compatibility info in bzr-svn's __init__.py. <gour> Peng_: there is some new bzr-svn release around the corner? * Peng_ shrugs <Peng_> I run bzr.dev and bzr-svn's 0.4 branch. <Peng_> They *are* compatible, but the compatibility checking hasn't been updated. <Peng_> (Well, it has been since 0.4.13 was released.) <gour> i see...still, my main problem with bzr-svn is lack of support for svn:externals <Peng_> That won't happen until bzr supports it. <gour> stacked branches are not enough? <Peng_> Stacked branches are totally different. <gour> err, nested branches? <Peng_> Oh. Yes. I have no idea what state nested branch support is in, so I can't answer that. <Peng_> Anyway, it's not considered production-ready.. <gour> ok. that's not so important considering that i can do 'svn up' for those repos where i fetch, but reducing number of formats is definitely more serious issue <Peng_> It's kind of too late now. Backwards compatibility is important. <gour> sure it is, but plethora of formats shows something is wrong with bzr-format <gour> what do you think about http://rafb.net/p/WGzz9k72.html ? is it for bzr or push-and-update plugin? <Verterok> gour: looks like a python 2.6 <-> bzr issue <gour> Verterok: ahh, too bad :-/ <gour> Verterok: should i submit ticket for it? <Peng_> Uhh <Peng_> Oh, never mind <Verterok> gour: that would be ok, but I don't think that 2.6 is a supported version (2.4 and 2.5 are) <gour> Verterok: hmm, what do you. 2.6 is default python here :-/ <Verterok> gour: please, file the bug. I think there is some work-in-progress (tm) to support it <Peng_> Even if it's not supported now, the only way to support it in the future is to fix the bugs. <Peng_> s/bugs/compatibility issues/ .. <gour> ok, i'm going to submit bug report <gour> submitted - #293054 <Verterok> gour: thanks <jelmer> abentley, ping <jelmer> abentley, any eta for bzrtools 1.9? <abentley> jelmer: Sure, I'll see about it today. <jelmer> james_w, hi <james_w> hey jelmer <jelmer> james_w: I'm going to do more (sponsored) work on bzr-git <james_w> jelmer: great! <jelmer> james_w: And I'd like to use your python-git module for that, extending it where necessary <james_w> um, sure <jelmer> james_w: However, the name is a bit non-unique - what do you think about renaming it ? <james_w> let me know if I can help with anything <james_w> go ahead, it was just a weekend hack <jelmer> thanks :-) <jelmer> james_w: Btw, any news on my merge-upstream-branch patch for bzr-builddeb ? <jelmer> It doesn't seem to fit well into the new infrastructure, should I adapt it to that? <james_w> let me take a look <BUGabundo_work> hi <BUGabundo_work> can some mailinglist admin moderate my email ? I'm not on the list! <james_w> jelmer: my only concern would be the upstream_branch_version() stuff <james_w> it looks sane, but it's quite magical <jelmer> james_w: I can document it a bit better, perhaps let the user know where we got the version from? <james_w> yeah, that might help <jelmer> james_w: It's only intended as fallback if the user doesn't specify a version <james_w> it looks like it would be doing what the user wants, and this merge-upstream stuff is quite magical anyway <jelmer> james_w, I'll see about adding some docs and being a bit more verbose as to where the version comes from <jelmer> james_w, what branch should I submit against ? lp:bzr-builddeb or lp:bzr-builddeb/2.0 ? <james_w> jelmer: the former please <james_w> I'm going to merge the latter in to the former soon, and just keep the latter for any critical bug fixes for Intrepid <james_w> thanks for looking at it. I kind of want to think about it some more, but I'm aware that I don't actually do that and it just ends up un-merged, so I'm tempted just to merge it. <james_w> jelmer: is https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr-builddeb/452130/+merge/1511 fixed? <jelmer> james_w, yeah, you've already merged it <james_w> cool, thanks <jelmer> I've just removed it (took a while to find the button) <jam> hi mm-mysql, funny to see you around here :) <mm-mysql> :) <mm-mysql> I should hang out here more often, we often run into things we'd like to talk to you guys about on my team. <mm-mysql> So, are you actually local to where we ran into each other or just visiting? <weigon_> mm-mysql: *doh* :) * mm-mysql waves at weigon <jam> I live about a 15min walk from where we met. So I think that counts as "local" :) <jam> what about you <mm-mysql> I'm 5 minutes walk from Flossmoor Station...do you drink beer? :) <jam> I've been known to have some from time to time. The Brewery there is a nice restaurant. <mm-mysql> Well, if you're up for it sometime, we should meet up...even if not for beers. <jam> definitely <jelmer> james_w, I've pushed an updated version to http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-builddeb/merge-upstream-branch/ <gour> Peng_: bzr's user-manual says: " <gour> ERC> <james_w> thanks jelmer, looking now <gour> Peng_: "Plugins are helpful at feature retirement time as well, e.g. deprecated file formats may one day be removed from the Bazaar core and be made available as a plugin instead." why it is not followed? <dissonans> what's the best way to see the history of merges in a repository <Peng_> gour: It would take work, I guess. <dissonans> i.e., I want to check which revision I last merged from another repo <gour> Peng_: then better remove that sentence from the docs ;) <Peng_> gour: "may one day" doesn't mean it has to be now. ;P <awilkins> dissonans: Try qlog in the qbzr plugin <dissonans> awilkins: thanks, trying that now <dissonans> awilkins: can that tell me the parent revision from the other branch, though? <jam> dissonans: you might also try: <jam> bzr log -r ancestor:other/branch <jam> or <jam> bzr missing other/branch <jam> depending on what you want <mattions> hello <mattions> Has the svn plugin been integrated directly in bazaar ? <Peng_> "Integrated directly"? <Peng_> It's still a plugin, but it works perfectly well. <jam> I have the feeling he might mean "bundled with the installer", but I'm not sure. <Peng_> Oh. <mattions> Ok I'm running the 1.9rc <mattions> and synaptic does not want to install the plugin anymore <Peng_> I guess it hasn't been marked as compatible with 1.9 yet. <mattions> Should I install the plugin bymyself <mattions> and see if ti works? <dissonans> jam: thanks, "missing" was the command I was missing :] <dissonans> Peng_: it's not even compatible with 1.8? <mattions> actually it seems the plugin is still there because when i try to push it ask me to authenticate <Peng_> mattions: It will work, it just might need to be marked as compatible. <mattions> to the SVN <mattions> but then I've got this error: <mattions> bzr: ERROR: Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir() <mattions> but I'm using https! <Odd_Bloke> mattions: The secure version of the HyperText Transfer Protocol still uses the same protocol, which doesn't support mkdir(). :) <mattions> but before it worked! <mattions> well, anyway good to know <Odd_Bloke> mattions: The same operation worked, or different operations? <mattions> so the question is: how? <mattions> same operation.. <mattions> added some directories with bzr and then pushed everything <mattions> in the svn <Odd_Bloke> mattions: Pushed everything to SVN? And you've been able to push before? <mattions> yep <Odd_Bloke> mattions: OK, look in ~/.bzr.log. <mattions> Odd_Bloke: I think I screw up something... let me check that .. <Odd_Bloke> mattions: Sure. <mattions> Odd_Bloke: it worked <mattions> so the plugin has been deinstalled by synaptic <mattions> at some point, and I didn't notice <mattions> I installed the last plugin from the site directly and everything worked <mattions> even the "add" of new directories <Odd_Bloke> mattions: Cool. <jelmer> james_w, I've just filed two more merge requests <james_w> yeah, I was just about to reply to the get-orig-source one <james_w> do you want the response here instead? <jelmer> james_w, Whatever works for you <james_w> k <james_w> My thought was that the try for get-orig-source would come before debian/watch, why did you put it the other way around <james_w> and also, if debian/watch exists, but uscan fails it doesn't try get-orig-source, is that what we want <jelmer> mainly because it's a bit more verbose <james_w> obviously if the order was swapped then that would become more complex <jelmer> since if get-orig-source doesn't exist in debian/rules you get an error message <jelmer> would there be situations where you would want to use get-orig-source but also had debian/watch ? <james_w> I'm not sure <james_w> but I think if I had both I would want get-orig-source to be used <james_w> but having both would be confusing <jelmer> yeah, I think having both is undesirable <james_w> I think I'll merge what you have, and deal with any bug reports <james_w> then at least I can ask how they expect this to be handled <james_w> thanks <james_w> for the other one, I'm not so sure <james_w> firstly, I don' think it fixes the bug Martin reported, does it? <jelmer> it does, since it will use an existing file rather than overwrite it <jelmer> it also fixes my problem with the checksum of the .orig.tar.gz changing <james_w> but Martin gets the failure when the file is copied back <james_w> sorry, moved to the result dir <jelmer> ah, you're right - sorry <jelmer> I should've read the bug report more closely <james_w> no problem, it may still be worthwhile <james_w> overwriting what was there was a concious choice when I implemented this <jelmer> Reading the bug report again, I think overwriting is a fair choice <james_w> for the case when you have "export_upstream" with no "export_upstream_revision", and then the upstream branch changes without the upstream version number changes <james_w> in that case if you don't overwrite you build the wrong code <james_w> Martin's bug report is a separate issue that doesn't even need export_upstream to trigger it, and I have an idea of how to at least improve that situation <jelmer> yeah, there are several corner cases like that I guess - changing get-orig-source would be another <james_w> would it work if we made it so that it didn't overwrite if you had export_upstream_revision, or you were using the ~bzr magic? <james_w> but changing export_upstream_revision would break it <james_w> I don't think it's soluble unless we store the revid of the version used to create the tarball with the tarball <james_w> which isn't that easy at the moment <jelmer> hmm, you're right <jelmer> I'll withdraw that one and give it some more thought <jelmer> james_w, did you have a chance to look at merge upstream branch one ? <james_w> jelmer: yeah, I reviewed it <james_w> jelmer: yeah, I think I'll merge it, with a couple of tweaks, once I have merged 2.0 into trunk <james_w> thanks for working on it <jelmer> james_w, thank you! <jcastro> emmajane: ~1 hour until your session! <emmajane> yup! <emmajane> I'm already in teh classroom. <emmajane> And I've almost got everything pre-typed... <emmajane> jcastro: some of it may be too basic...I guess we'll find out though... <jcastro> emmajane: it's ok alot of questions today have been by new users so this should work out just fine <emmajane> cool <emmajane> jcastro: I'm just making a quick tea and grabbing a snack. Notes at: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/66903/ <jelmer> oh, it's ubuntu open week again? <LarstiQ> new release, I suppose that gets a fair share of new users <emmajane> yup :) <emmajane> btw you're welcome to run through those notes and let me know if you've got any comments. <jelmer> cool <emmajane> I've got the UBER basic session. :) <LarstiQ> emmajane: not bzr related, but you mention using aptitude and then go on to use plain apt-get :) <emmajane> LarstiQ: oops, yea. :) <emmajane> thanks <LarstiQ> emmajane: 'bzr add' has the effect of adding all files in the tree, 'bzr add *' could miss things that the shell doesn't expand to (like .files) <LarstiQ> that is, bzr add without any argument <emmajane> ahh, ok. <jelmer> emmajane, Looks good :-) Also a minor thing - I think Launchpad should be spelled with a lowercase p * emmajane removes the *. Not sure why I have that actually, I've never added files with an *. <LarstiQ> emmajane: if you think it is clearer with an argument, I suggest 'bzr add .' instead of * <LarstiQ> :) <luks> bzr add * would also add ignored files * emmajane nods. <emmajane> * gone. <emmajane> who needs stars anyway. ;) <LarstiQ> emmajane: bzr diff -c might make more sense than -r if you are looking at historical changes <LarstiQ> emmajane: -c revno does -r revno-1..revno <LaserJock> anybody know if it's possible to get bzr multi-pull to output more data like bzr pull? like showing the changed files <LarstiQ> emmajane: whereas -r revno compares the current state of the working tree against that version <emmajane> I thought I had both? <jelmer> LaserJock, not atm <emmajane> isn't $ bzr diff -r# FILENAME current to revno? <emmajane> and $ bzr diff -v -r#..# FILENAME compares two versions in history? <LarstiQ> emmajane: ah, I misread a bit. <jelmer> emmajane, perhaps mention "bzr status" before the commit ? that should also be helpful when doing incremental commits and for example forgetting to add new files. <LarstiQ> emmajane: I'd also mention `bzr help topics` <emmajane> thanks for the suggestions!! :) <LarstiQ> emmajane: and `bzr viz` is always nice for pretty graphs ;) <emmajane> LarstiQ: they won't have anything /to/ graph though. :( <emmajane> bobbo might tackle that in his session. <LarstiQ> emmajane: bzr get lp:bzr; cd bzr; bzr viz? <LarstiQ> emmajane: when is this session btw? <NfNitLoop> I wish I could get my company to use bzr. <LarstiQ> NfNitLoop: what is holding you back? <NfNitLoop> they've built this custom deployment system against svn. <NfNitLoop> so there would be a lot of stuff to change. <NfNitLoop> they also seem to be fond of having a monolithic svn repo for every project, much to my dismay. <NfNitLoop> but we're starting to get merging headaches because multiple teams will touch the same file/heararchy. <NfNitLoop> and every time I have to manually merge something in svn 1.4 I daydream of bzr. :p <nevans> NfNitLoop, for svn, it often makes sense to have a monolithic svn repo. less for sysadmin's to maintain. no overhead to creating a new project. <emmajane> LarstiQ: started about five minutes ago. <nevans> NfNitLoop, have you tried bzr-svn? :) <NfNitLoop> nevans: I have. It breaks on our repo. <nevans> NfNitLoop, :-( it occasionally breaks on mine too. <NfNitLoop> I haven't tried the bzr1.9rc/bzr-svn combo. <NfNitLoop> I'd love to use bzr-svn for my own branches. :) <nevans> NfNitLoop, I'm actually testing that out now to see if that combo works on my repo (it was broken in 1.7, 1.8) <NfNitLoop> yeah, I don't think bzr-svn worked with 1.8? <NfNitLoop> nevans: let me know if it fixes your issue and I'll give it a go with ours. :) <nevans> I've gotten into situations where "bzr pull" would work with an already exported repo... but an initial "bzr branch" wouldn't. <NfNitLoop> it'd be cool to just have svn for our trunk and then have bzr branches everywhere. :p <LarstiQ> emmajane: cool, dropping by as backup <NfNitLoop> nevans: w/ 1.9? <emmajane> thanks, LarstiQ :) <nevans> NfNitLoop, not sure yet. still doing the initial dump. <LarstiQ> NfNitLoop: I started using bzr-svn for my own branches of stuff in svn. <NfNitLoop> nevans: Yeah, there are known issues with bzr branch w/ large svn repos. svn1.4 python bindings have a memory leak. <nevans> it takes more than two hours to do a branch of my main project. <NfNitLoop> nevans: you can work around it by only pulling X number of revisions at a time. <LarstiQ> NfNitLoop: now two of us are doing things in pure bzr, and two others have started using it as well (that's half the development team there) <jelmer> NfNitLoop, the stock svn python bindings are no longer used <NfNitLoop> jelmer: Oh? Nice! <NfNitLoop> jelmer: is that new in the 1.9-compatible versoin? <NfNitLoop> nevans: Yeah, that bit's no fun, but once you have it in bzr, you can branch to other bzr branches, no? <NfNitLoop> and that should be speedier. <nevans> NfNitLoop, yep <jelmer> NfNitLoop, no, that's been in there since 0.4.11 <jelmer> (compatible with bzr 1.5) <nevans> jelmer, ps u | grep [b]zr\ branch | awk '{ print $6 }' tells me that I'm using 1371548 and slowly growing. :( <NfNitLoop> Ohrealy? (Has it been *that* long since I've played w/ bzr-svn?) <NfNitLoop> nevans: Yeah, that's the issue I had. <nevans> copying revision 11839/15819 (been running for over an hour) <nevans> NfNitLoop, in the olden days, it would have run out of memory *long* ago <NfNitLoop> hehe. <NfNitLoop> well, hrmm, now I want to give it a try. <gour> jelmer: 0.4.14 works with 1.8? <jelmer> gour, no, with 1.9 <jelmer> gour, 0.4.13 works with 1.8 (although it may warn about being possibly incompatible) <gour> jelmer: hmm, then i cannot upgrade my archlinux pkgbuild 'cause arhc has bzr 1.8 <gour> yes, 0.4.13 spits some warnings <jelmer> but other than that it should work fine with1.8 <nevans> NfNitLoop, one thing to be aware of with bzr-svn: there are currently some nasty race conditions (because bzr has different locking assumptions than svn), so I think that the "rebase/dpush" workflow is probably the safest right now. <NfNitLoop> nevans: I'm not familiar with rebase/dpush... <gour> jelmer: ok. i already put 0.4.13 in AUR <jam> jelmer: I saw you released 0.4.14, but I don't see the tag in lp:bzr-svn <jam> I guess it is in the 0.4 branch <jelmer> yeah, it's there in the 0.4 branch <jelmer> the debian-experimental branch has debian-0.4.14-1 as tag I think <NfNitLoop> aww, 1.9/0.4.14 has the same issue w/ our svn repo. <NfNitLoop> SubversionException: ("REPORT request failed on '/svn/app/!svn/bc/19280'", 17500 <NfNitLoop> 2) <NfNitLoop> which I haven't really bothered tracking down. <nevans> :( <nevans> I'm still waiting for my branch: copying revision 12981/15819 <emmajane> jelmer and LarstiQ thank you thank you thank you!!!! <LarstiQ> emmajane: np :) <NfNitLoop> aha, apparently the REPORT issue is due to some incorrect proxying. <NfNitLoop> svn log <url> gets the same error. <NfNitLoop> (after showing quite a few revisions) <NfNitLoop> I'll bug my sysadmins. :p <LarstiQ> emmajane: thank you for running this intro session <poolie> hello LarstiQ, emmajane <jelmer> np :-) <jelmer> 'morning poolie <emmajane> LarstiQ: np :) <poolie> and jelmer <jam> poolie: hi, I forget DST switched :) <poolie> so confusing! <poolie> i actually bought a watch with a utc display :) <poolie> i wonder if it's tax deductible :-) <jam> business expense, right? <jam> I think it would be here <poolie> anyhow, want to talk soon? <poolie> my net connection seems flakey so if i can't get through to you, can you call my landline? <jam> with the caveat that 2% of your total income can go to business expense before they start actually giving you a deduction. <poolie> hm <LarstiQ> hi poolie <jam> poolie: yeah, I'm just trying to get setup.exe working and documented on Kerguelen, give me a few minutes and I'll give you a call <poolie> ok <poolie> hi <emmajane> thanks again everyone. that was awesome. :) <LarstiQ> emmajane: cool :) <emmajane> I resisted from saying, "That's not a beginner question!!" for most things. :) It was great to have you there as a backup! :) <poolie> what did you do, emmajane? <emmajane> poolie: I taught people how to make and use a time machine^H^H^H^H Bazaar :) <poolie> nice <james_w> hey poolie. It's Ubuntu open week again. <poolie> oh, cool <nealmcb> I just ran into this bug in my electionaudits project: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/245170 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 245170 in bzr "file modification time not preserved by checkout" [Undecided,Confirmed] <nealmcb> Am I missing anything? * poolie looks <poolie> no, it's just not implemented <poolie> we could have an option to set them to the time of the original commit <poolie> i'm not sure about storing the mtime they had when they were committed <poolie> perhaps that could be done in a plugin though <nealmcb> poolie: thanks for looking. would you know if there is an easy way to get python setup.py sdist to only include versioned files? * nealmcb is using setuptools_bzr <poolie> for bzr, or for something else? <nealmcb> for my project <LarstiQ> and there is the problem of stupid buildsystems that look at timestamps, forcing you to touch everything to get what you're working on installed. <LarstiQ> Yes distutils, I'm looking at you *glare* <nealmcb> poolie: setting the files all to the same time (e.g. commit time) wouldn't help me at all. the mod time data is important to preserve for this. <lifeless> nealmcb: right now, we don't do that, You may find that etckeeper however has a layer on top to do so <nealmcb> LarstiQ: can you give an example? I like smart build tools (make) that leverage timestamps. That's why I want bzr to preserve that. There was a huge flap when Nautilus stopped preserving file mod times in hardy <jam> nealmcb: you might look at the "etckeeper" project. I don't know if it preserves mtime, but I know it tracks file permissions, etc <jam> morning lifeless <nealmcb> jam thanks - I've looked at it before but didn't think of actually using it for this - hmmm <lifeless> nealmcb: *however* file systems datetime is not really an audit-safe property except on a couple of very specific file systems; myself I would not depend on it. <LarstiQ> nealmcb: python setup.py install; bzr revert; python setup.py; curse at no changes being made to installed packages <poolie> what did Nautilus do? <LarstiQ> nealmcb: or maybe it is slightly more complex with two different branches <poolie> i suppose you mean preserving them when copying files or something? <jam> does anyone know the exact revision for the qbzr 0.9.5 release? I'm packaging the win32 installer, and I just remembered that there may be some bugs in the tip of trunk <LarstiQ> nealmcb: but I run into that too frequently :( <lifeless> nealmcb: for starters on FAT datetime on a file is only accurate to 3 seconds <nealmcb> LarstiQ: right - I call that a bug in bzr, not in distutils <LarstiQ> nealmcb: this has nothing to do with bzr though <LarstiQ> nealmcb: it works equally badly without using bzr at all <LarstiQ> oh hmm, bzr revert would actually work <LarstiQ> nealmcb: the problem, as far as I have determined, is that distutils looks at the timestamps of files it's about to install, and if they're older than what is installed, it does not execute that step <nealmcb> nautilus bug: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/nautilus/+bug/215499 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 215499 in glib2.0 "Nautilus not preserving timestamps" [Medium,Fix released] <nealmcb> lifeless: what do you mean by audit-safe? <lifeless> nealmcb: I mean can be modified with the modifier not necessrily visibl <nealmcb> lifeless: hmm? I'm still unclear on that <LarstiQ> nealmcb: you need cooperation from everyone/tool that touches your files for the scheme to work. <LarstiQ> nealmcb: it breaks very easily. So, using dates in filenumbers for example is a lot more robust to get chronological sorting. <nevans> I've got a problem where a revision in one repository has a different parent from a revision in another repository (because of a race condition in bzr-svn) <emmajane> LarstiQ: thanks again for sticking around to answer questions in #ubuntu-classroom. It's very much appreciated!! <emmajane> and james_w too, of course. :) <nevans> I've uncommitted the bad revisions from my branches... but I still can't pull from the good repo, because the bad revisions are still in the repo <nevans> is there an easy way to remove the revisions from the repo? <NfNitLoop> nevans: are they the most recent ones? <nealmcb> LarstiQ: true. but e.g. my input files come from election software which doesn't do timestamping in the filename, and asking the user to get it right when they name hundreds of files is not good. And this is just one example - file mod times are used all the time. <NfNitLoop> nevans: if so, 'uncommit'? <nevans> NfNitLoop, uncommit pulls them out of the branch... but pull still fails with ERROR: Revision {svn-v3-trunk1:0487d25d-142b-0410-8fcf-b82ac621bf97:crms%2Ftrunk:48813} not present in ... <jelmer> nevans, uncommit doesn't remove revisions from the repository <nevans> jelmer: yeah I know. how can I remove them from the repo now? :) <jelmer> nevans, but you can create a copy of the branch, that should hopefully not copy unreferenced revisions <nevans> it's a shared repo that I use for lots and lots of branches... I'd rather not recreate the entire thing. <LarstiQ> nealmcb: do you have any influence over the tool that is used to process the files? <NfNitLoop> Hrmm, wasn't there an addon that did garbage collecition for shared repos? <LarstiQ> nealmcb: as a workaround, you could store the timestamps in a seperate file and commit that <nealmcb> I wish. democracy wishes. but it is closed source from the elections industry <nealmcb> LarstiQ: easier to just package a zip file, since there would be a post-install step anyway.... <nevans> NfNitLoop, yeah. that's basically what I'm looking for. <NfNitLoop> jelmer wrote a "remove-revisions" plugin. <NfNitLoop> http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrPlugins <LarstiQ> emmajane: np * LarstiQ needs to go to sleep now though <LarstiQ> emmajane: so thanks and succes with the rest of it :) <emmajane> LarstiQ: sleep well and thanks and you're welcome. :) <NfNitLoop> nevans: but it was last updated in feb '07... dunno if that still works. :p <nevans> I might just take the long route: copy all of the branches into a new shared repo. <nevans> NfNitLoop, jelmer, at any rate, bzr-svn 1.9/0.4.14 seems to be working for me again (even if it did take 2.5 hours to do the initial branch) <jelmer> nevans, cool <NfNitLoop> nevans: cool. *jealous* :p <lifeless> spiv: sp <lifeless> *so* <lifeless> the initial push, is it transcoding perhaps ? <spiv> lifeless: hmm, that's pretty likely actually. usertest isn't really geared for test-this-format, it's geared around test-this-tool. <spiv> lifeless: I can try tweaking development3 to be the default format <lifeless> now for the slow fetches <lifeless> that 100 batch smells like the converter code I wrote <lifeless> repository.py:3188 <spiv> Ah, I see. <spiv> That does look highly likely.k * emmajane waves to meastp <emmajane> I know that meastp had some follow up questions about Bazaar from Ubuntu Open Week, but I have to head out for a class. Hopefully there's still a few people around? :) <emmajane> Thanks again to everyone for their help today. It was great! <meastp> Hi! I have a problem with repositories. I have done: init-repo --no-tree, branch lp:footrunk, done checkout on trunk, and branch lp:foofeature1. However my feature branches are empty... <lifeless> meastp: because you used --no-trees <lifeless> meastp: you will need to checkout each branch separately <meastp> oh.. What structure do you recommend for a shared repository? <meastp> *file structure... with --no-trees I have ../trunk and ../features/feature1-n <lifeless> thats fine <Daniel999> hi <meastp> but can I keep that with --no-trees? Oh, so no-trees just affect the file structure _inside_ the brances? <lifeless> it just determines if a 'checkout .' is done implicitly after branching <Daniel999> Hello everybody <lifeless> you would use --no-trees on servers, or when you want a separate work area to your collection of branches <meastp> oh, so it has nothing to do with file structure, then? <lifeless> nothing at all <Daniel999> I'm having problems with cygwin branches, using sftp on non-common ports <meastp> oh.. I didn't understand that last bit, but I guess it doesn't matter for now... <Daniel999> i guess somebody could give me a hint here.. <lifeless> Daniel999: you haven't described your problem or asked a question <Daniel999> ok, i'll describe the problem: <Daniel999> this is the command i'm using: <Daniel999> bzr branch -v sftp://dan@machine.com:3999/var/rep/terra_qa/testengine <meastp> lifeless: ok, I did branch trunk and a feature branch. Unmodified files are in the feature branch, though...? <lifeless> meastp: I don't know what you are asking <Daniel999> and i get this : bzr: ERROR: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/tmp/testengine/.bzr/checkout/limbo/new-4/hernan@machine.com:3999' <Daniel999> it seems like bzr is trying to make a temporal directory using a string containing ":" <lifeless> Daniel999: please file a bug; that is an internal path that we probably need to url escape to accomodate the ':' as ':' isn't usable on windows <Odd_Bloke> james_w: Thanks for looking at my installation thing BTW. :) <lifeless> Daniel999: as a workaround, create a .ssh/config file with an alias - something like <lifeless> Host port399 <lifeless> hostname machine.com <meastp> lifeless: the feature branches are not sharing files with trunk... all files are in all three branches.. <lifeless> port 3999 <lifeless> meastp: thats what you asked bzr to do <meastp> lifeless: do I have to run a 'sync' command? <lifeless> meastp: sync to do what? <Daniel999> cool! that should solve my problem <lifeless> meastp: I think you're assuming I know something about what you want to achieve that I don't know <lifeless> Daniel999: please do file the bug though :0 <Daniel999> oh yeah! <Daniel999> thank you all! <meastp> lifeless: I'm sorry, could you please tell me how to use a repository? It is supposed to share files between brances, but I can't get it to work... <lifeless> meastp: ok, you've misunderstood what a repository does <lifeless> meastp: *all* it does is means that the history of your branches is not duplicated per-branch <lifeless> meastp: it doesn't affect your working areas where you write code or the behaviour of branches or anything else <lifeless> meastp: if you look in your repository at the top level there is a .bzr/repository directory <lifeless> meastp: inside that there is all the history of all your branches <lifeless> meastp: each branch has a .bzr directory too, but they don't have a '.bzr/repository' directory. <lifeless> meastp: and thats the space that you save <orospakr> argh, I hate it when I ^C an ssh password prompt, and while the bzr process dies right away, the ssh process keeps running for a while and spams the terminal with error messages. :( <lifeless> orospakr: hmm, would be nice to clean that up for you <orospakr> :D <lifeless> meastp: if you want to work with many feature branches and not have a lot of disk space taken up by your working files, bzr can do that too <meastp> lifeless: oh, so the common revision history isn't duplicated? I get it now... Your patience is appreciated :) <meastp> I guess what I thought is was, isn't really useful, anyway.. <meastp> I could just branch trunk, remove files I don't need (for this feature) from the branch, right? <Odd_Bloke> meastp: If you were willing to fix their removal when you merged back into trunk, yeah. <lifeless> meastp: uhm, what are you trying to accomplish with this deletion ? <meastp> Odd_Bloke: , lifeless : Yeah, just me being silly, I guess. It would not be very useful, when I think about it. I'm quite new to vcs'es, and dvcs is even more to learn, so bear with me :) <lifeless> meastp: in a feature branch you should make those changes that you want made to trunk when you merge it <lifeless> meastp: nothing more, nothing less <meastp> yeah... I just thought perhaps you didn't have to branch the whole trunk, for, say, a minor feature... <lifeless> you can branch and switch a working tree to the new branch, which is less IO than making a full new working tree <lifeless> but if you're new to all these things don't worry about optimisation <lifeless> just get used to working with dvcs <meastp> I'll stick too basic branching for now, I guess... and focus on the project;) Past midnight already, and up at seven - I should go. You have been very patient and helpful. I really appreciate it! #bzr 2008-11-04 <hexsprite> hi bzr people ;) i have been using git-svn and wonder if bzr-svn has the same limitations. particularly i want to be able to share bzr repositories between my laptop and my desktop and be able to merge between them using bzr and then commit via svn from either of them... possible? <lifeless> totally possible <hexsprite> great! <ianm_> how do you force unlock a directory? <lifeless> bzr break-lock <ianm_> thanks <cerw> hi there <lifeless> hi <cerw> i have question our repos is getting too big, we are using for archive mainly, can i somehow remove some old revision, without demiging the repo ? <lifeless> not trivially no <lifeless> you need to do a rebase operation skipping the bits you don't want <lifeless> how big is too big? <cerw> it's about 70G <cerw> but the think is we dont need to keep all the repos <cerw> we are using it for deploying <cerw> everyday new version of release and taging them, that works great <cerw> but we need to keep only maybe 20days old tags, the oder onnes we can trash.. <cerw> waht is rebase about? <lifeless> rebase rewrites history; what you want to do can be described as rewriting history <lifeless> there is also stacked branches which may help you and still keep history <lifeless> are you deploying binary files? <cerw> yeap it's final product, so some binary some scripts <cerw> anad lots of data <cerw> so i can remove revisions using rebase? <lifeless> with some effort yes <lifeless> its not exactly polished at the moment <lifeless> someone posted a recipe to the list I think <cerw> i am just playing with it now and it looks it it rewrutes each revision again <cerw> not sure if i want that <cerw> can i start branch and tell it to start it from some revision? <cerw> then i can split it .. <cerw> ok so is there way i can copy branch startinfr from some Revision? <NfNitLoop> So, out of curiosity, I tried to reproduce this bug w/ 1.9rc1 & 0.4.14: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/248289 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 248289 in bzr-svn "concurrent access problems" [Medium,Triaged] <NfNitLoop> but I apparently can't commit to a bound svn branch. <NfNitLoop> I get the error: ValueError: invalid property value 'branch-nick' for None <NfNitLoop> I'm not sure if that's a bzr error or bzr-svn. <poolie> NfNitLoop: can you put the traceback from ~/.bzr.log into a new bug please? <NfNitLoop> ok. for bzr alone? <poolie> for the command that gave you the error <NfNitLoop> er, well, it was just 'bzr', but I'm not sure if it's the interaction with svn that cause it. <NfNitLoop> in any event, the bug is here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/293440 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 293440 in bzr "Cannot commit to bound svn branch" [Undecided,New] <NfNitLoop> Wow. <NfNitLoop> I just learned about stacked branches. <NfNitLoop> That's nice! <NfNitLoop> I should keep a closer eye on bzr-land. :) <NfNitLoop> Is there a way, once I've got a stacked branch... <NfNitLoop> to unstack it? <NfNitLoop> sortof like unbind? <lifeless> not really; just branch from it locally without the stacked parameter and it will copy everything <lifeless> there is an internal api <NfNitLoop> Yeah, I just tried that... <lifeless> bt, its internal:P <NfNitLoop> and it didn't go very well. :p <lifeless> oh? it should work, what went wrong <NfNitLoop> NotImplementedError: <bound method VirtualInventoryTexts.iter_lines_added_or_present_in_keys of <bzrlib.plugins.svn.versionedfiles.VirtualInventoryTexts object at 0x13d48f0>> <lifeless> file a bzr-svn bug for that <NfNitLoop> it *did* warn me that stacking was experimental in bzr-svn. :p <cerw> hi there <cerw> can i make a copy (branch) from current repository, but stariung by soe REVISION? i dont want to keep the whole repo.. <jkakar> I'm trying to merge a branch and getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/67126/ <jkakar> Any suggestions on how to proceed? <mkanat> Is there an "up and revert in one command" command? <poolie> mkanat: no <poolie> jkakar: :/ sorry for the bad message <poolie> one of them is a rich-root repository probably <poolie> bzr info will tell you <poolie> upgrade the other one to 1.9-rich-root <spiv> And "bzr info -v" will tell you if "bzr info" just says "unnamed". <poolie> that is getting to the top of my shit list <vila> hi all <spiv> vila: hi <SuperMMX> hi, guys, is it possible to add hooks only for a specific branch ? <matkor> Hi ! What would be better (faster over slow network) for distributing mostly RO version of given branch ? checkout ? --lightweight checkout ? else ? <AfC> Well, a lightweight checkout will only work if you have real time access (over your network) to the actual branch, wherever it is. <matkor> AfC: I have branches spread over vpn ... but find doing bzr update (over plain checkout) long process, I wonder if there is way to speed it up ... <matkor> I am using sftp:// <Peng_> Using bzr+ssh would be faster. <Peng_> You should make sure you're using the latest version of bzr you can, and that your branches aren't in the old knit format. <Peng_> Other than that, there's not much you can do. <AfC> Yeah, I wouldn't particularly expect sftp:// to be fast for much of anything. <matkor> Peng_: I will switch to bzr+ssh than .. I think I follow all upgrade suggestions seen in bzr CLI , so I suspect I am up to date in terms of branches format ... <AfC> I mean, sure, if your VPN never breaks and has really low latency and is really fat, then sure, run lightweight. But it sounds like you have the opposite than, that which is *just* the situation where you want to have full (distributed version control) branch information locally. So, {shrug} <matkor> AfC: Mostly what I do is bzr update (downloading newer version) over VPN, really really rarely I need history or make comit ... <AfC> matkor: do you do `bzr status` and `bzr diff`? <matkor> AfC: yes <matkor> and bzr missing <remote> <matkor> in --lightweight checkout it's not possible withou network connection ? <AfC> As I understand it, no. <AfC> The whole point of distributed version control is to get the data to the other side of the bottleneck. <AfC> and like I said, if you're complaining about your VPN's speed... <AfC> But more to the point, why don't you try all this yourself and see? <matkor> mhmm... OK so will switch to bzr+ssh and see if it helped with my feelings. Thank you very much, AfC, Peng_ <AfC> You're a smart person. If it works acceptably for you, then fine. <AfC> I certainly would *NEVER* recommend this sort of thing to anyone, but I believe strongly in the premises of decentralized version control and the value of having full history somewhere locally. <AfC> So what you're asking about is really somewhat anathema. That Bazaar supports it all has always struck me as ... strange ... but hey. <jelmer> lifeless, ping? <Flimm> Hello, I'm using Launchpad to host my bazaar branch <Flimm> How can my friend download any commits I make to his computer? <Flimm> This is the method I'm using now: <Flimm> bzr branch lp:epidermis <Flimm> Then whenever I commit and push, my friend does <Flimm> bzr revert <Flimm> bzr pull lp:epidermis <beuno> Flimm, why does he revert? <beuno> he can emrge from your branch <beuno> *merge <Flimm> merge doesn't auto commit though <Flimm> and I don't want him to deal with any conflicts in case he has edited the files <beuno> no, you commit after you merge <beuno> I don't understand <Flimm> pull automatically commits the way I commited, which I like <beuno> well, he can pull to a separate branch <Flimm> By why should he make a separate branch every time I commit? <Flimm> he reverts in order to undo any changes he might have made <beuno> Flimm, he can keep a seperate branch with the mainline <beuno> and one he works on <beuno> why would he have to loose his changes every time you commit? <Flimm> He's not contributing any code at all, he's just testing the code <beuno> uhm <beuno> ok <beuno> so, what's the problem <Flimm> I just wondering if that was the recommended approach, beuno <beuno> Flimm, well, I suppose if someone doesn'really doesn't want to play with a branch in parallel, and really will never commit, etc etc etc, then reverting all the time sounds about right <beuno> you could potentially also use pull --overwrite <beuno> but this is a bit of an odd use case I think <nogden> hey people, does anyone else have a problem installing bzr-svn in kubuntu interpid? <nogden> using the launchpad ppa for stable releases at the moment <nogden> seems that bzr version installed is 1.8-1 and bzr-svn expects 1.8 any ideas of a workaround? <Peng_> Where are you installing bzr-svn from? <nogden> I'm assuming it comes from the same ppa does it not? <nogden> or is there a seperate one for the plugin? <Peng_> Oh, I didn't know it was in the PPA again. <Peng_> Sorry, I can't help then. <nogden> ah, my mistake.... it isn't <nogden> it's in universe/devel <Peng_> Oh. <nogden> hmmm, acording to launchpad bzr-svn 0.4.13-2 (the version in universe/devel) just required bzr >= 1.6 <nogden> now I'm running bzr 1.8-1 from the launchpad ppa but there seems to be an issue <nogden> ah, apt reports that it depends on bzr < 1.8 <nogden> hmmm, looks like a manual install... grrr <nogden> ah, packages available in deb http://samba.org/~jelmer/debian/ unstable/ <abentley> jam:ping <asabil> could someone please update the bzr-svn in ppa ? <asabil> to disable the bzr (<1.8) <disturbedsaint> markh I've updated the wiki page about tbzr, hope it's OK <Kinnison> Anyone here know of an issue pushing to a knit repository over sftp with current bzr.dev ? <Kinnison> specifically something which looks a bit like this: http://rafb.net/p/Tbug8Y55.html <gour> nice, bzr-gtk-0.95 does not crash with bzr-trunk as 0.94 <LeoNerd> Has anyone written a bzrfs fuse module yet? <james_w> LeoNerd: yeah, there's one around <james_w> don't know if it's been kept up to date <gour> oops, 1.10dev is crashing here - http://rafb.net/p/dm1VJO45.html <Peng_> gour: Eh? Was that a change you made? <Peng_> gour: You should use "hashlib.md5", not "hashlib.new". <james_w> Kinnison: I haven't, I think it's bug time for you. <gour> Peng_: hmm. maybe it's bette to rm search plugin, until it's ready <Peng_> gour: Actually, use bzrlib.osutils.md5(). <gour> Peng_: what about this one - http://rafb.net/p/Tdc42F61.html bzr-gtk & bzr-dev ? (i fixed it by upgrade to 0.95) <gour> Peng_: it's better that i become more familiar with python's standard lib before 'fixing blindly' <Peng_> gour: That one I don't know. <Peng_> gour: Well, http://bzr.mattnordhoff.com/loggerhead/bzr-search/py2.6/ should fix the md5 issue, but there might be others. <Peng_> (I don't have Python 2.6 to test myself.) <Peng_> gour: (And it also ruins compatibility with older versions of bzr. :P ) <Kinnison> james_w: *pout* <Kinnison> filed as https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/293746 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 293746 in bzr "IndexError pushing to knit repository over sftp" [Undecided,New] <james_w> thanks <gour> Peng_: yes...pkgs need to (slowly) migrate to 2.6...soon there will be even 3.0 <mDuff> Does the 1.9rc1 standalone win32 installer include bzr-svn, or did I have an old copy of that hanging around from somewhere? <ja1> abentley: sorry about the delay, are you still around? <abentley> Yeah. <abentley> ja1: Are you okay with me merging the shelf ui with the changes I sent? <jam> yeah <jam> I thought that was clear enough in the last email. Plus I gave you "tweak" anyway. <jam> markh: I had a question about getting paramiko into the installers. Are you doing something special to have it happen? <abentley> jam: I still figure that "tweak" doesn't count if you don't make all the changes suggested, and I haven't changed the use of bzrtools yet. <jam> abentley: I said that was "weird" but that "we may not have anything better" <jam> I was more bringing up the discussion than asking for a change <abentley> jam: Okay, but I said "Is this something you want fixed before this lands?" and you didn't reply. <jam> I probably missed that part <jam> sorry <abentley> np <abentley> In terms of discussion, do you have an idea what we should do? <jam> luks: I had a question about qbzr, if you have time <luks> jam: sure <jam> I'm trying to make sure I bundled the right version <jam> but I didn't see an 0.9.5 tag in the trunk repo <jam> do you know if it was added? <luks> um, I don't know, alexander did the release, but I can check <luks> but it's probably always safest to grab the tarball <jam> luks: I just saw this: <jam> 521 Alexander Belchenko 2008-11-03 [merge] <jam> merge 0.9.5 release <jam> And I'd rather not have to download tarballs for everything for every release <jam> it is easier to do a "bzr branch -r tag:..." when necessary <luks> yes, the tag seems to be in the m erged branch <luks> release-X.Y.Z as usual <abentley> thumper: How's it going? <thumper> morning abentley <thumper> still knackered <thumper> but not as bad as yesterday <abentley> thumper: Progress is progress, I guess. <thumper> abentley: do you know when 1.9 release is? <abentley> thumper: Bazaar 1.9? No, not offhand. <abentley> thumper: Probably this week, though. * thumper nods <jam> thumper: 1.9rc1 was 2008-10-31, so 1.9 would be expected on 2008-11-07 <thumper> thanks jam <NfNitLoop> Hrmmm. <NfNitLoop> bzr-svn seems to *explode* in memory usage when I try to pull one particular revision in particular. <NfNitLoop> even though only a few lines were changed. <NfNitLoop> The only thing I can see is that the lines are really long? <lifeless> NfNitLoop: gigabytes long? <NfNitLoop> (811 characters) <NfNitLoop> no. :) <lifeless> how big are the files these lines are in? <NfNitLoop> hmm, not too big, I don't think, let me see... <NfNitLoop> heh. <NfNitLoop> 20k. <lifeless> no alarm bells so far <NfNitLoop> still, I can `bzr pull -r 510`, but `bzr pull -r 511` nearly brings down my laptop. <NfNitLoop> Unfortunately this against our non-public repo... trying to figure out how to reproduce this. <NfNitLoop> Ooooh, wait. <ianm_> is it easy to step back in time through commits? <NfNitLoop> -r 511 might not necessarily be (svn)r511, eh? <NfNitLoop> since I'm only grabbing one of the sub-projects? <mDuff> ianm_, the short answer is "yes"; the long answer is "what, exactly, do you mean by that?" <ianm_> mDuff: I see this when I start my app: Gtk-CRITICAL **:gtk_widget_event: assertion `WIDGET_REALIZED_FOR_EVENT (widget, event)' failed <mDuff> ianm_, trying to figure out at what poit that issue was reproduced? <ianm_> mDuff: right <ianm_> it was recent <mDuff> ianm_, you might find the bzr-bisect plugin interesting. <NfNitLoop> aha, yes, it's a different revision in svn... which appears to be huge. :p that makes more sense. <ianm_> is there anything like "bzr previous" that I can do repeatedly until the warning disappears? <NfNitLoop> ianm_: There's "uncommit"... but make sure you do it in a branch. :p (it uncommits and discards your history one revision at a time) <NfNitLoop> ianm_: bisect may help you. <NfNitLoop> it does a binary search through your revisions. :) <NfNitLoop> maybe faster than doing it 1 at a time. <ianm_> it must be within the last 20 commits <ianm_> so I currently have a working directory where when I commit it also pushes to launchpad <mDuff> ianm_, bisect really is the right tool for the job; otherwise, you're just doing "bzr co -r [number]" or some variant thereof. <ianm_> can I "bzr branch /that/directory" then use bzr uncommit there? <mDuff> ianm_, checkout -r [number] is really more the right tool than branch+uncommit <ianm_> mDuff: hmm ok. can I do that locally? a launchpad checkout takes like 5 minutes <mDuff> ianm_, yes, that's a local operation <mDuff> ianm_, do it within your existing tree <ianm_> mDuff: all within my one working directory? <mDuff> ianm_, well, you can just do a lightweight checkout of a specific revision into a different directory... that'd probably be the fastest+safest approach <ianm_> mDuff: yeah that sounds good. how do you do a lightweight? <NfNitLoop> branch --lightweight <NfNitLoop> uhrmm... but don't uncommit from there. :) <NfNitLoop> (does that work from a lightweight co, even?) <mDuff> ianm_, ie. bzr checkout --lightweight -r7 ~/myproject ~/myproject.r7 <mDuff> ianm_, ...but really, bisect is The Right Tool. <ianm_> is bisect easy to setup? <mDuff> ianm_, you should be able to just check it out into your ~/.bazaar/plugins/ directory <NfNitLoop> lifeless: aha. Yep, turns out that someone had checked in a 1G file. Sooo, guess that repo's not a good use-case for bzr. :p <mDuff> ianm, bzr co http://bzr.licquia.org/bzr-bisect/trunk/ ~/.bazaar/plugins/bisect <mDuff> ianm_, then see "bzr bisect --help". <lifeless> NfNitLoop: we're working on that, but yeah, youll need a couple of gb to check it out today <NfNitLoop> I've got 2G RAM... <NfNitLoop> so it looks like I'll need more than a couple. :p <ianm_> mDuff: I found the commit, now I just have to figure out what's wrong about the glade file change, ugh ;) <ianm_> mDuff, NfNitLoop: thanks for your help! <mDuff> ianm_, cool. bisect is nifty, eh? :) <ianm_> I actually just did a bunch of local co -r but I imagine it is ;) <lifeless> spiv: so, I would guess a mis-selection on pushing (CHKRepository, RemoteRepository) <lifeless> spiv: which new repositories avoid because of sprout getting delegated to the FS level <poolie> lifeless: hi <poolie> my net access seems to be up but flaky <lifeless> poolie: cool; we did a standup <poolie> good for you <lifeless> poolie: I mailed the notes to the list <poolie> i would have said: i did everyone's reviews; today i'm going to fix the internet ;-) and then i think try inter-historic-tree diffs in CHK <poolie> also, that needs a better name <lifeless> true <jam> poolie: I built a new win32 installer today, learning from user feedback. I'm wondering if I should completely remove the old installer, or if just naming the new one "-2" is sufficient? <poolie> is there any benefit to keeping the old one? <poolie> i can't see any <poolie> unless someone wants to compare its bugs or something, and if we really want that you still have a copy <poolie> i would call the new one -2 or something though <poolie> to make it clear <poolie> how about that? <jam> yeah, I'm calling it -2, I just wondered about deleting the old download file <jam> probably best to delete it so we don't have people wondering which one to grab <poolie> just delete it <jam> I just had LP timeout while trying to upload, which is the first time it happened for me <jam> but hopefully it will go through this time. <jam> poolie: btw, I think the reason that rebooting worked for you is because you have the regular "Subversion" binaries installed <jam> and it just got added to the path as part of the reboot <jam> can you check? <poolie> jam, i'm pretty sure i don't have svn on that machine <poolie> can check <poolie> jam, i don't have svn there <poolie> it's a nearly fresh vm <jam> interesting, considering I'm 90% sure that the dll isn't bundled in that installer. <poolie> what was the name, libsvn-1.dll <jam> libsvn_client-1.dll IIRC <poolie> maybe there is some kind of negative cache <poolie> if you see what i mean <poolie> that bzr-svn *shouldn't* work on this machine, but it's normally failing quietly <poolie> now i'm getting that message again <poolie> jam, if we're shipping the bzr-svn plugin but not the libraries it uses that seems potentially problematic <jam> poolie: yeah, I manually added the libs in the -2 installer <jam> I don't understand why they aren't coming in automatically like all the other ones <poolie> oh i see <jam> And now, I managed to install it, and I get the icon in the systray <jam> but when I run I get: <jam> "ImportError: DLL load failed with error code 193" <jam> not sure what that is yet <poolie> i would guess what we're seeing as a windows vista feature, that if loading a dll fails the user sees a dialog with no intervention from the application <lifeless> the windows runtime linker will show an error if a dll for an .exe can't be found <lifeless> dynamic loading doesn't do this <jam> well, running the 'bzr.exe' directly isn't complaining <jam> (weird network fault) <jam> anyway, bzr-svn seems good in the new install <poolie> well, that's not consistent with what we're seeing here <jam> I don't know why TortoiseBZR is failing to run the "settings" page <poolie> jam, i'll try it out <lifeless> jam: PATH may not match between the console and gui environments <lifeless> jam: try logging the user out and in? <jam> could be. I explicitly chose not to add 'Bazaar' to my path, because I wanted to unistall <poolie> jam, i could run the settings from the tray icon <poolie> i did add it to my path <jam> ok, so it might just be that <poolie> i'm waiting for more windows updates :/ <poolie> after that i'll upgrade it <lifeless> garh, its summer <lifeless> I can tell because the noise pollution is insane <poolie> barely <disturbedsaint> markh, are you there? <markh> disturbedsaint: hi <disturbedsaint> hi <disturbedsaint> was wondering if the different menu's when clicking on the tray-icon work for you <disturbedsaint> seems like tbzr has to be in the global PYTHONPATH <markh> umm - that is possible for the tbzrcache process actually <markh> but just start it manually and you will be OK <poolie> so if you give a lp: url, it's the resolved form of that url that's remembered as the parent etc? <james_w> poolie: yeah <james_w> Aaron recently proposed to change that I believe <disturbedsaint> markh, when launching from the command prompt it does indeed work <disturbedsaint> just wanted to know if it's intentional the way it is <markh> it would be possible to hack the shell extnesion code to set PYTHONPATH before launching the tbzrcache process <markh> and its not a problem in a binary build <james_w> the only downside I can thing of is that you need whatever directory service plugin installed to be able to resolve the parent, but I don't think that's too onerous <markh> while I'm developing, I always run tbzrcache manually so I can see the output <james_w> poolie: I met with Mark, some of lp-code, and others last week. Something like Russell's issue came up, and Mark was talking about how we could try and improve this. <disturbedsaint> if it isnt a problem in the binary builds then it's fine :) <james_w> he suggested storing both what the user asked for, and what they got, which allows you to later make decisions about what you should do <poolie> james_w: the problem of people renaming branches? <james_w> not only when branches move, but when they diverge and the like <james_w> poolie: it was actually forks in development, but I think it still applies <james_w> the UI for presenting this to the user and finding out what action they wanted to take wasn't discussed, but it's an interesting idea <markh> disturbedsaint: have you ever seen a "would recurse to death" error? If so, try updating the tbzr branch - I think I nailed that a couple of days ago. <james_w> and would probably help in some situations <markh> bb in 20 <disturbedsaint> actually I haven't <disturbedsaint> though I do seem to lose the overlays on directories after a while <disturbedsaint> still trying to find out why that happens <james_w> poolie: thumper and jml were there, and they might have a different of how this was supposed to work, or what it was supposed to solve. <disturbedsaint> Like bug 284511 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/tortoisebzr/+bug/284511) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 284511 in tortoisebzr "overlay and menu not available in some computers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/284511 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 284511 in tortoisebzr "overlay and menu not available in some computers" [Undecided,New] <disturbedsaint> Thats the only real issue I'm having atm <thumper> james_w: what was the question? <poolie> hi thumper <poolie> we should talk sometime <thumper> hi poolie * thumper needs coffee badly <poolie> :) <thumper> poolie: how about we talk this afternoon? <poolie> yay jetlag <poolie> sure <thumper> I'm about to go and get coffee <poolie> are you home now? <thumper> yes <thumper> it snowed here! <markh> disturbedsaint: when that happens check .bzr.log - you should find an error there - and most likely is the "would recurse to death" error. <disturbedsaint> markh: happened the last time 1,5hours ago <disturbedsaint> But I got the source (branch) about 7 hours ago, so maybe there's another reason for it happening <disturbedsaint> The error is "raise RuntimeError("Status of '%s' would recurse to death" % member)" <markh> disturbedsaint: I only pushed it minutes ago :) <markh> that is the error I think is now fixed <disturbedsaint> ah, I see :) <disturbedsaint> markh, I'll give it a try tomorrow #bzr 2008-11-05 <disturbedsaint> will let you know if it solved it <markh> thanks <poolie> beuno: i'm a bit surprised by the bzr-pqm failure because afaics iter_changes does _not_ require 8 arguments in 1.9rc1 <abentley> poolie: It's _iter_changes, but *that* shouldn't require 8 arguments either. <poolie> right <abentley> I don't know what happened there. I've been treating the sympoms because that's an old version anyhow. <beuno> poolie, I was as well, but since slapping on the new version "just worked", I carried on without diving too deep into it <poolie> fair enough <lifeless> beuno: merged my fix for search? <beuno> lifeless, argh, no <beuno> I will now <lifeless> beuno: nag nag nag <beuno> it's on my starred emails <beuno> which have grown out of proportion <lifeless> beuno: FWIW seeing this has increased my 'do not do big layout cleanups' twitch factor <beuno> yeah <beuno> it did for me as well <beuno> also, it was a patch from someone <beuno> not something I actually did myself <lifeless> k <lifeless> well they don't understand python as much as they think they do :> <beuno> seems not <beuno> and, I should pay a little more attention, or just not merge those things <beuno> hrm <lifeless> more test coverage would reduce the risk <beuno> that change still doesn't fix the problem <lifeless> show me your diff? <lifeless> cause it WFM <beuno> yeah, tests are high up there next to "make it stop eating ram until it blows up" <beuno> which we kinda know what's doing it now <lifeless> bug 293750 might be fixed now poolie <ubottu> Launchpad bug 293750 in bzr "Add paramiko SSH library to Windows installer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/293750 <beuno> lifeless, http://paste.ubuntu.com/67620/ <lifeless> beuno: that should do it <lifeless> beuno: have you restarted? does command line search work? <beuno> command line works <beuno> I did restart <beuno> do you have latest trunk? <lifeless> what is the first exception <lifeless> rev 235 <BasicOSX> python-2.6 unsupported in 1.10dev ? <lifeless> BasicOSX: EPARSE <beuno> File "/home/beuno/bzr_devel/loggerhead/trunk/loggerhead/controllers/__init__.py", line 98, in __call__ <beuno> vals.update(self.get_values(h, revid, path, kwargs, headers)) <beuno> TypeError: get_values() takes exactly 5 arguments (6 given) <BasicOSX> lifeless: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/293886 :-) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 293886 in bzr "bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: sendall" [Undecided,New] <lifeless> BasicOSX: a regression I guess; no core devs I know of are usingn 2.6 regularly <lifeless> BasicOSX: or more accurately, we haven't announced full 2.6 support yet <lifeless> beuno: that exception is the symptom <BasicOSX> it's what I get for being bloody edge <lifeless> beuno: its hiding the error <lifeless> beuno: when I saw that I looked higher up in the log and could see the real exception, IIRC <beuno> lifeless, ah, yes <lifeless> beuno: I mean, you should fix that too; but its secondary <beuno> http://paste.ubuntu.com/67625/ <lifeless> beuno: File "/home/beuno/bzr_devel/loggerhead/trunk/loggerhead/search.py", line 52, in search_revisions <lifeless> beuno: print query there <beuno> lifeless, [('a',)] <lifeless> beuno: at line 1221 <lifeless> beuno: print key <lifeless> beuno: it may be you've just found a unrelated bug <lifeless> beuno: we can check this by doing a search for 'a' rather than a completion lookup for 'a' <lifeless> (line 1221 of search/index.py I meant) <beuno> lifeless, ('a',) <beuno> yeah, I guessed that :) <lifeless> so type a and hit enter in the search box <lifeless> or search for something bigger <beuno> ah, see, I was trying the "find as you type" <beuno> searching works <lifeless> yes, I know :P <lifeless> ok <lifeless> now in the CLI <lifeless> try 'bzr search -s a' <lifeless> on the branch that was erroring <beuno> aha <beuno> same error <lifeless> ok <lifeless> lh is fixed <lifeless> push that anytime <beuno> prints (u'a',) <lifeless> file a bug on the search - and I need a copy of the .bzr/bzr-search folder for the thing that errored <lifeless> FWIW, 'bzr search -s a' works for me on an index of lh trunk <lifeless> I suspect it will be a bzrlib index change <lifeless> what bzrlib are you using? <beuno> lifeless, sent the tarball <beuno> I'm on 1.9dev <beuno> nightly PPA <lifeless> k, just tried with .dev <lifeless> worked on my index, I'll drop yours in <beuno> >>> bzrlib.__version__ <beuno> '1.9dev' <lifeless> what branch does it index? <beuno> that's for lh's trunk <beuno> maybe it's an old format? <beuno> the search that is <lifeless> nah <lifeless> if it was normal search wouldn't work <lifeless> and the next format is btree based, but needs btree prefix searching implemented <beuno> lifeless, deleting the .bzr/bzr-search and indexing again works <lifeless> it'll be a corner case <lifeless> (duh) <beuno> ah, email is still sending <beuno> 3.2mb apparently <lifeless> cool <lifeless> though you could have attached it to the bug :> <beuno> ah, I could, yeah <beuno> it's almost 2am here, european time doesn't seem to mix well with me <lifeless> are you home? <beuno> I wish! <beuno> Spain <beuno> for a few days <beuno> then Washington DC <lifeless> holidays? <beuno> no no, LP UI world tour <lifeless> clearly I've missed some mails :) <lifeless> what are you doing? <beuno> Launchpad UI <beuno> we're gearing up for a big change in 3.0 <lifeless> I got the UI bit :P <beuno> did you hear that we where sprinting in London for 2 weeks? <lifeless> what I mean is what are you doing at each location that can't be done from home <lifeless> I knew about the EPIC <beuno> ah, sprints <beuno> with each team <beuno> go through aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the pages <lifeless> wow <beuno> improve existing, plan for future dominance <lifeless> you'll be fucked then <lifeless> :P <beuno> yes, I'm starting to guess that :) <lifeless> when do you come to .au? <beuno> I've been in nz <lifeless> meh, sif that counts <lifeless> :) <beuno> hehe <beuno> long enough trip for me <bob2> .au jr <lifeless> lol <beuno> anyway, I'm off to sleep for a while <beuno> ping me if I can do anything else <beuno> that email is still sending :/ <beuno> g'night lifeless, and thanks for the patch + reminder <lifeless> fud * arjenAU is trying to work out how to use tag so that it behaves as wanted <arjenAU> it appears to apply to the last committed rev# not the next <arjenAU> that's just so odd <lifeless> arjenAU: hmm? <lifeless> commit --tag tags the next commit <arjenAU> lifeless: ah <arjenAU> so what happens if I do bzr tag separately after doing bzr commit? <arjenAU> does it kinda get attached to that commit, or? <lifeless> you tag an existing revision <AfC> arjenAU: ie, the last one, so "yes" <arjenAU> lifeless: no I want to tag what i'm committing. <arjenAU> lifeless: but I understand what you're saying <arjenAU> so I should ideally just speify the --tag on the commit, that's clear. <lifeless> arjenAU: so you want to record that you want to commit on the next commit <lifeless> arjenAU: I don't think thats built-in, so you need to use --tag on the commit, yes <arjenAU> lifeless: exactly. see most htings operate as a thing that gets committed later. bzr tag adds onto the previous commit. that's kinda unexpected <arjenAU> bzr commit --tag works as expected <Petrach> A question: When a repository is out of date, i.e. bzr update returns "working tree is out of date, run 'bzr update'" <bob2> that would be a working tree being out of date, not a repository <Petrach> is there an easy way to determine how foar out of date the repository is <Petrach> ? <Petrach> Is it possible to determine what revision the state of the working tree corresponds to? <bob2> bzr info should tell you <Petrach> That tells me what revision I would get if I run bzr update <lifeless> Petrach: the wt has the revision id embedded in it, but not a revision number <lifeless> Petrach: we should expose this I guess <Petrach> Where would I have to look for that? <lifeless> python -c 'import bzrlib.workingtree; t = bzrlib.workingtree.WorkingTree.open("."); t.lock_read(); print t.get_parent_ids()' <Petrach> Ah, ok. Thanks <lifeless> (sorry that its crude) <Petrach> It's comprehensible enough, thanks <lifeless> log --show-ids on the branch will let you find that rev <lifeless> (unless someone uncommitted on the branch) <poolie> hi all <lifeless> welcome back <lifeless> poolie: so, want to talk split inv <NfNitLoop> echo "Obama" > president; bzr commit; <NfNitLoop> ;) <arjenAU> NfNitLoop: hehe <arjenAU> hmm lp not scanning branches at the mo it seems <spm> arjenAU: no - am trying to figure out wtf is broken atm. <arjenAU> spm: no worries, was just noting <poolie> hi arjen <arjenAU> hey poolie <arjenAU> poolie: in case i haven't raved enough - bzr rocks <poolie> that's always nice to hear <arjenAU> not even craving back bk, this is just good. doing the weirdest cross-branch merges and it hasn't failed me yet <poolie> arjenAU: i was going to propose to do a tutorial at the developer conference <poolie> i think i need to send that tomorrow <arjenAU> poolie: euh, OSDC? won't be any tutes. <poolie> also, some canonical people including myself are going to be in brisbane next week, do you want to catch up? <poolie> no, the mysql conference <arjenAU> poolie: oh right. sounds good. <arjenAU> poolie: ehm in Melb Sun eve- Wed eve, then US from Fri arvo. other than that, fine ;-) <spm> arjenAU: and to think I felt guilty about calling myself a Qlder still; even after moving from brisvegas to canberra 18ish years ago. At least when I lived there, I *lived* there. ;-) <poolie> heh <poolie> where were you, spm? <spm> In brisbane? jindalee - since about 71/72 ish. <spm> I can *just* remember scenes from the 74 floods <spm> poolie: what about yourself? I believe we went to *cough* .. HIGHLY... rival high schools. :-) <poolie> in brisbane from about 1980 to 1999, and I went to BGS <poolie> arjenAU, so i suppose you'll be pretty busy, but maybe we could meet for lunch or during the day on Thursday? <poolie> lifeless: if you're still around, do you have an easily obtainable test branch in your new format? <lifeless> poolie: the only precanned branch i have is the 18GB one on banchmarks <lifeless> generally I take plugins and upgrade a copy <poolie> in that robertc directory somewhere? <lifeless> yah <poolie> like of the bzr-gtk plugin? <lifeless> but bzr branch bzrtools foo; cd foo; bzr upgrade --development3 <lifeless> is quite fast <lifeless> poolie: and with that, I'm going to call 'day' <poolie> i'm going to head off soon too <poolie> cheerio <spm> arjenAU: looks like we're scanning again <spm> poolie: oh yes - huge rivals @ highschool - GT. :-) <vila> hi all <poolie> hi vila <arjenAU> poolie: sure - you've got my mobile, right? <arjenAU> poolie: whereabouts will you guys be? <dissonans> what's the correct way to revert an (uncommitted) merge? <beuno> dissonans, bzr revert? * LarstiQ nods <LarstiQ> but, that will also revert any local changes you had <LarstiQ> dissonans: if that is ok, then just `bzr revert` right ahead <beuno> hiya LarstiQ <LarstiQ> dissonans: if you want to keep the file changes, but not the recording of the merge, supply --forget-merges to revert <LarstiQ> beuno: heya :) <LarstiQ> beuno: still in London? <beuno> LarstiQ, almost. In Spain now for the rest of the week <beuno> then Washington DC <dissonans> LarstiQ: actually, I'd like to keep some changes from before the merge <dissonans> but I guess bzr can't discern those from those introduced by merge? <LarstiQ> dissonans: correct <LarstiQ> dissonans: you could perhaps try to do something with merging the reverse changes <LarstiQ> but that would be tricky <beuno> or <beuno> shelve <beuno> and go through the changesw <LarstiQ> that would work if the merge didn't touch the same hunk as you changed yourself <LarstiQ> and/or you had to resolve conflicts <beuno> yeah, I don't think there's a perfect and simple solution <luks> that's why such a situation requires merge --force <thrope> how can I install bazaar 1.8 with tortoisebzr? the 1.8 win32 setup lite installer doesn't seem to include it, but I can't find a non-lite one <thrope> also is there any documentation/tutorial online for tortoisebzr <thrope> I have to collaborate with some not so technical windows users and I would really like to use bazaar <poolie> thrope: hi, i think you should try the 1.9rc1-2 installer instead <poolie> several problems have been fixed in tbzr packaging <thrope> ok <thrope> the trouble is I use 1.8 on other platforms <thrope> will it be ok to mix them <poolie> it will <poolie> unless you specifically choose the 1.9 format for something <poolie> i'm going to bed but if you hit problems ask someone here or on http://answers.launchpad.net/bzr <thrope> hmmm - it doesnt work anyway - get a dll error trying to init with tortoisebzr from 1.9 installer <poolie> really <poolie> do you have the -2 version? <poolie> it was just uploaded today <thrope> yes <thrope> i just downloaded it now <thrope> dll load failed with errorcode 193 <thrope> anyway I think I will leave it for now <poolie> please send a mail or file a question <poolie> so we can track it <poolie> possibly rebooting after installing would help that <poolie> anyhow, good night and good luck <davi_> is it possible to lock a branch so that no reads are possible? <LeoNerd> chmod? ;) <AfC> rm -r ? :) <Tak> hmm, how does one close a bug in launchpad? <Tak> I've already set status to "Fix Committed" ... <LarstiQ> Tak: that depends on how the project wants to do things. <LarstiQ> Tak: fix committed could mean that the bug is fixed in a particular branch, and Fix released means it's in trunk. <LarstiQ> Tak: or fix committed could mean the bug is fixed in trunk, and fix released that is in a an actual release of the project. <jrydberg> it would be nice with a bug tracking software that knew about merges <Tak> I more meant, what needs to happen for the bug not to show up in the open bugs list <jrydberg> you mark a bug as fixed in one branch. when you merge that into trunk, the tracking software automaticly sets the bug as fixed in the trunk <LarstiQ> jrydberg: yeah, either launchpad already does that or it's supposed to. <LarstiQ> jrydberg: but what we really need, imo, is a different bug status to distinguish between merged to trunk and committed on a branch. <luks> launchpad just links branches and bug reports, no? <luks> it doesn't change the bug reports <LarstiQ> Tak: either of those two statuses should do it afaict, if not, the Fix released certainly would. <Tak> apparently "Fix Released" does and "Fix Committed" does not <gorgapor> question: i deleted a file a few revisions ago, and now i want it back. what's the best way to resurrect this file and keep its history from before? <rockstar> gorgapor, a reverse merge would be in order. <LarstiQ> does that bring back the file with the same fileid as well? <gorgapor> does revert -r do the trick? <gorgapor> ok, how do i do that? <gorgapor> i tried revert -r123 deleted_file, but it didn't work <NfNitLoop> gorgapor: I think it may be: bzr merge -r <n>..<n-1> . (where n is the revision that deleted the file you want) <NfNitLoop> but I don't have a repo handy to test that. <gorgapor> okay i'll try that out <gorgapor> so, that seems to bring back the entire changeset <gorgapor> is there a way to just bring back the one file? <Peng_> lifeless: ping? <Peng_> eh <Peng_> Hmm, searching in Loggerhead is busted in one branch, but not another. <beuno> Peng_, I patched trunk <beuno> did you upgrade? <beuno> also, found a bug in bzr search index <beuno> so you could delete de .bzr/bzr-search <beuno> and re-index <Peng_> beuno: Yeah, I upgraded. <beuno> Peng_, try re-indexing the branch <Peng_> Yeah, that fixed it. <Peng_> Huh. <Peng_> Oops, I didn't keep a backup of the bad indexes, if anyone was interested. <beuno> I have a b0rked index already <beuno> attached it to a bug <Peng_> ok :) <Peng_> Oh, LP is approaching 300,000 bugs. <beuno> yeah, seems software is REALLY buggy :p <Peng_> OK, I just checked all of my other branches, and there weren't any more with broken indexes. Just the two. <emmajane> beuno, I think the upload plugin is your genius invention? <beuno> emmajane, well, vila did most of the heavy lifting * emmajane nods. <beuno> and, by heavy lifting, I mean code :) <emmajane> hehehe <beuno> I just complained a lot <emmajane> Do you know if there's a way to toggle between two different servers? <beuno> ah, interesting <beuno> well, why wouldn't you be able to? <beuno> it remembers the upload server-side <emmajane> I upload to testing, and then when it's working I need to upload to the live server. <emmajane> without having to put in the sftp:// nonsense again. * emmajane is lazy. :) <beuno> ah, multiple locations <emmajane> yeah <vila> emmajane: you can use --remember for testing (since it's most often used) and look at the bookmarks plugin for your lazt fingers :0 <beuno> well, bzr, I *think*, has something to alias locations <beuno> that's it <beuno> bookmarks <beuno> see, vila is the real brains <emmajane> vila, awesome, thanks. :) <vila> beuno: hi :) <vila> emmajane: happy to help (c) <beuno> hi vila! <vila> emmajane: on the other hand, if you control the test server and have ssh access to it, why not install your working tree there and use sshfs if you need to access it from a remote workstation ? <emmajane> vila, the test server is my dreamhost account. the live machine is a college mainframe superfancy machine. I'm very happy to not tie dreamhost to the college. <vila> emmajane: ok <emmajane> vila, I had to get Very Special Permission to even be allowed to connect to the college machine. :) <emmajane> vila, in a normal world where deployments happened from testing to live, it would make sense to do what you suggested. :) <vila> evrything that suits a user needs make sense :) <emmajane> :) <emmajane> hm. I have bookmarks installed, but the documentation is a little... vague. <emmajane> will it just remember places that I've uploaded files to? Or do I need to enter the locations manually? * beuno suspects manually * emmajane reads the actual plugin python file to figure it out <emmajane> beuno, let's pretend I wanted to actually add documentation for the plugins that I use (because if I can't figure it out, I'm sure there are others)... Where would I put this information? <emmajane> Launchpad doesn't seem to have a place for project docs. <beuno> emmajane, branch the code, addd the docs, push the branch, file a merge proposal <beuno> I'll be happy to walk you through it <emmajane> beuno, hrm. and then normal people would have to find it in the --help at the command line? <beuno> emmajane, well, what other way would there be? <emmajane> beuno, I usually check the wiki, to be honest. :) <luks> you can create a wiki page on bazaar-vcs.org <luks> and make sure it's linked from the launchpad page <emmajane> luks, none of the plugins seem to have documentation online... or am I just lucky in the ones I choose...? <emmajane> http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrPlugins <--- there's usually a terse description but that's about it. <luks> emmajane: why not make something better than what other people do :) <emmajane> hehe <emmajane> luks, that I can handle. :) <NfNitLoop> Hrmmm. I'm curious. How would bzr-svn handle working with a svn repo if someone went and changed a log message in the repo history? <NfNitLoop> I mean, I'm guessing at the very least, you wouldn't see that new message in `bzr log`, but I'm hoping it wouldn't break interoperability. :p <vila> emmajane: 'bzr help bookmark' for usage and I'm pretty sure it stores them in .bazaar.conf * emmajane nods to vila <LarstiQ> NfNitLoop: good question <emmajane> the pluginname with and without the S still trips me up. <emmajane> help bookmarks != help bookmark <emmajane> help tags != help tag <james_w> emmajane: do they have a "See also:" at the bottom to link them? <emmajane> help bookmarks doesn't say "see also: bookmark" <emmajane> tags does, bookmarks doesn't. <james_w> emmajane: that can be fixed at least :-) <emmajane> james_w, patches welcome? ;) <james_w> it's an easy one <emmajane> "easy" <emmajane> sounds like a good hour of procrastination... <emmajane> I'm in! <james_w> hmm, though I'm not sure what "help bookmarks" displays <james_w> probably the module help, and I'm not sure if you can link from that <james_w> if not then a bug report on bzr is in order :-) <emmajane> the relevant bit is: From: plugin "bookmarks" <emmajane> See also: plugins/bookmarks <emmajane> It's missing See also: bookmark <emmajane> I think? <james_w> yeah <vila> emmajane: did you *try* bzr help plugins/bookmarks ? :) <vila> I think that the one that needs love :) <emmajane> vila, it needs love, I agree. :) <emmajane> and I see where to edit that... <vila> great :) <emmajane> it /seems/ as though it would be the same information though. How come plugins/* is different than just the plugin name? <emmajane> hrm. <luks> because the plugin name happens to be also a command name <emmajane> actually. <emmajane> help bzr bookmarks != help bzr bookmark != help bzr plugins/bookmarks <emmajane> and help bzr plugins/bookmark is not found. <luks> because there is no plugin "bookmark" <emmajane> that's enough to confuse a person right there. <emmajane> luks, correct. <emmajane> is there a way to make bookmarks/bookmark relate to each other? <james_w> "help bookmarks" is also known as "help commands/bookmarks" * emmajane nods <emmajane> help plugins/bookmarks just reads from the actual .py file. <james_w> there are different categories of help, commands/*, plugins/*, and topics/* <emmajane> that popping noise? that was my brain exploding. :) <LarstiQ> iirc help plugins/foo uses the module/package docstring * LarstiQ trots off to jitsu <emmajane> LarstiQ, it appears that way, yes. <james_w> yeah, LarstiQ is right <emmajane> LarstiQ, have fun beating up people. :) <LarstiQ> emmajane: thanks, I'll try not to get too sore myself ;) <emmajane> LarstiQ, duck and cover! :) <emmajane> so I have two problems that need fixing. See also: for the help commands/* is not referencing relevant commands. AND help plugins/* could be more useful. * emmajane wonders if that even made sense. <james_w> I don't understand what you mean for the first bit <luks> emmajane: if you can write the documentation, I'm sure I can fix these semantic issues <emmajane> james_w, the See also: at the bottom of bzr help bookmarks doesn't say "see also: bookmark" the way it does for tags/tag <james_w> aha * emmajane grins at luks. "Deal!" <emmajane> james_w, which is different than the documentation being vague in the actual plugin which is used for bzr help plugins/bookmarks <james_w> emmajane: for that you need to add see_also = ["bookmark"] somewhere in cmd_bookmarks <emmajane> knowing nothing about Python, /me looks <james_w> just under """List bookmarks.""" would do <james_w> keeping the same indentation <emmajane> yeah <emmajane> white space makes you able to fly. <emmajane> I know that part thanks to xkcd. <james_w> :-) <emmajane> will it append, or overwrite the See also: plugins/bookmarks? <emmajane> I don't want to lose any information. <james_w> append I believe <emmajane> kay <james_w> you'll have to try it I'm afraid <emmajane> heh <emmajane> after making my edits do I need to do anything fancy to test? or just run the command again? <emmajane> woo. fail. <james_w> :-( <emmajane> Unable to load plugin 'bookmarks' from '/home/emmajane/.bazaar/plugins' <emmajane> Plugin 'bzrlib.plugins.bookmarks' has no docstring. <james_w> try "bzr -Derror help bookmarks" <luks> most likely broken indentation :) <emmajane> hrm. I let vim do the indentation... <luks> using tabs maybe? <james_w> you might need ":set expandtab" <emmajane> james_w, same error message <emmajane> I redid the edits with :set expandtab on <emmajane> it seems to work now. :) <james_w> heh :-) <emmajane> although the see also was ignored. :( <james_w> boo <emmajane> yeah <emmajane> the other two plugins I have installed don't use variants, so they don't have a see_also for me to compare against <james_w> change it to _see_also <james_w> that seems silly to me <emmajane> hurrah <emmajane> that worked. :) <emmajane> and it appends. <james_w> cool <emmajane> From: plugin "bookmarks" <emmajane> See also: bookmark, plugins/bookmarks * emmajane thinks that's nifty. <emmajane> ok. <emmajane> so. <emmajane> I should do something with this change. <james_w> so was there more to fix, or just documentation to improve? <emmajane> seems greedy just to keep it on my own machine. <james_w> commit it! <emmajane> I want to make changes to the help at the top (which is triggered by help plugins/bookmarks) too. <emmajane> but I haven't actually been able to /use/ the plugin yet because I couldn't find all the help files. ;) <emmajane> first commit made for the See also: stuff. <emmajane> I'm going to actually test out the bookmarks and then I'll bug y'all again when i'm ready to push the changes. :) <emmajane> ok. the help information is updated. <emmajane> Now I suppose I need to push the changes back to the server? <james_w> yeah <james_w> bzr push lp:~emmajane/bzr-bookmarks/fix-documentation <james_w> or similar <emmajane> that creates a new branch, right? <james_w> yeah <emmajane> fail <emmajane> bzr: ERROR: Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir() <emmajane> I don't have write permissoins I guess. <james_w> bzr launchpad-login emmajane <james_w> that will make the "lp:" thing use a writeable transport for you <emmajane> it's thinking <emmajane> which is better than failing. * emmajane wonders if that was the right password.... <emmajane> it's still thinking... <beuno> depends if it fails at the end, then it's worst! <emmajane> and new branch created. <emmajane> erm. <emmajane> now what? <luks> now you ping me about merging the branch? :) <emmajane> luks, ping! <emmajane> luks, would you be able to take a look at the changes I made to bzr-bookmarks? :) <emmajane> hm. I should also update my email to have the Ubuntu address I guess.... <emmajane> identity is such a hassle. <luks> emmajane: pulled, reviewed, pushed -- thank you! <emmajane> WOO! <emmajane> luks, thanks :) <james_w> emmajane: unfortunately launchpad won't yet detect that, so you should mark your branch as merged in launchpad <emmajane> erm <emmajane> Propose for merging into another branch ? <NfNitLoop> so I just commented on a bzr-svn bug that appears to still be a bug despite having been marked "fixed": https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/290664 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 290664 in bzr-svn ""Can't get entries of a non-directory"" [Undecided,Fix released] <NfNitLoop> do I need to do anything other than that? (Mark it as not-fixed somehow?) <beuno> emmajane, that creates a merge proposal <beuno> which is useful if it hasn't alaready been merged by the magic of IRC <emmajane> hehe * emmajane makes the merge proposal. * emmajane resists complaining about how confusing she finds LP. <beuno> emmajane, are you on the beta-testers team of LP? <emmajane> beuno, I'm not. <beuno> because we *just* re-wroked the whole merge-proposals bit <beuno> and it's 100x times simpler now * beuno adds emmajane compulsively to the beta testers team <emmajane> 100x is an awful lot :) <emmajane> hehe <luks> I wonder how you do measure that :) <emmajane> luks, in beers, I'm sure. :) <beuno> luks, how much work it took :) <emmajane> luks, how many new gray hairs the entire team has ;) <luks> heh <beuno> emmajane, you're in <emmajane> beuno, cool. <emmajane> how does this change my life? <beuno> emmajane, new things faster <beuno> isntead of every 1 month or so <beuno> (my typing is horrible today) <emmajane> beuno, fancier tag clouds. that's what it means. ;) <beuno> emmajane, well, to me it means more feedback on UI changes faster :) <emmajane> beuno, hehe. <emmajane> beuno, are they all reported as bugs? <emmajane> cos baby I gots feedback if you want it. ;) <luks> it would be nice if the beta launchpad didn't insist on using edge. urls <beuno> emmajane, yes, we live in bugs <james_w> beuno: you don't know what you have started :-) <emmajane> beuno, what you've started is a total release of james_w from listening to me complain about one of my favourite topics. ;) * beuno stops and thinks * emmajane chuckles. <beuno> uhm <beuno> maybe the beta team isn't a good fit for you (?) <emmajane> james_w, you're going to have to buy beuno a LOT of beer at the UDS. ;) <james_w> always :-) <beuno> I may need beer now, from what I'm seeing happening <emmajane> :) <beuno> emmajane, are you going to UDS? <emmajane> nah <emmajane> I'm not a programmer. ;) <beuno> good, you can help balance things out! <emmajane> by not attending. ;) <beuno> :) <beuno> anyway, I'm looking forward to your feedback <james_w> beuno: how's Madrid? <emmajane> I'm starting REAL easy. :) <beuno> and, now, I'm running away from the computer before I make my life harder in other new creative ways * emmajane grins at beuno <james_w> :-) <emmajane> beuno, first one submitted. <beuno> james_w, much better weather than london <emmajane> beuno, vvvveeerrrrry easy <beuno> emmajane, if that's true, i may even fix it quickly <beuno> :) <james_w> beuno: of course :-) <emmajane> beuno, :) <beuno> now, I'll be back in a few hours to go through new bugs :) <emmajane> :) <beuno> good talking to both of you <emmajane> beuno, laters :) <emmajane> thanks again for your help today <NfNitLoop> Hrmm, how do I enable a debug flag in bzrlib.debug? <NfNitLoop> --debug <flag> ? <luks> -D<something>, I think <NfNitLoop> no, that's not it, hrmm. I'll try that. <NfNitLoop> luks: ah, that did it, thanks. <NfNitLoop> So if I'm trying to branch from an svn repo that has had... very poor standards compliance w.r.t. tags/branches.... <NfNitLoop> is there an option to tell bzr-svn to only grab /trunk and ignore everything else? * emmajane stops at three new bugs for beuno * emmajane goes back to work-work now. :) <NfNitLoop> I see the bzr svn-branching-scheme command, but didn't find a list of branching schemes after some goodling. <NfNitLoop> googling* <Peng_> NfNitLoop: "bzr branch svn://.../trunk/"? <Peng_> Though that would still try to fetch tags. <NfNitLoop> Peng_: right, that's what I'm doing, and it's trying to get tags. <NfNitLoop> and someone thought it would be fun to put a *file* in /tags/ <NfNitLoop> (I wouldn't even rely on the directories in /tags/, to tell the truth.) <Peng_> NfNitLoop: Oh. I think that's been fixed recently. <Peng_> NfNitLoop: What did it do when it came across the file in tags/? <Peng_> Well, from 0.4.14, there's "Ignore tags that happen to be files.". <mickbeaver> I'm having difficulty pushing to a usb flash drive on Windows Vista 64. Using both the win32 and the cygwin version yield the same result. <mickbeaver> bzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock "[Errno 13] Permission denied" <mickbeaver> Any tips for starting to debug this? <disturbedsaint> markh, the chages you made seem to have fixed the would recurse to death error <disturbedsaint> none of those in the log from today, been browsing the directories that are under bzr control every now and then (in explorer and different file-open dialogs) <NfNitLoop> Peng_: it threw an exception and died. <NfNitLoop> Peng_: and I'm using 0.4.14... is there some option I need to specify to "Ignore tags that happen to be files"? :p <Peng_> NfNitLoop: Oh. I dunno then. <Peng_> Sorry I can't help. :\ <jelmer> NfNitLoop, check the 0.4 branch <jelmer> NfNitLoop, it's got another fix <Spaz> w3 <Spaz> oops <NET||abuse> we have an svn repo in the office here, and i was looking to work with something like bzr or git as my primary client, but i am a beginner with bzr.. is it a reasonable thing to do to take a checkout of the trunk into a bzr branch, operate away on it, maybe pull the branch between my laptop and desktop a few times (few days of development work) <NET||abuse> then merge that work back into the svn trunk? <NfNitLoop> NET||abuse: Yes. <NET||abuse> ok, just looking to learn the workflow <NfNitLoop> NET||abuse: in fact, that's exactly what I'm working on advocating at my workplace at the moment. <NfNitLoop> NET||abuse: the nice thing is there is no "the workflow"... bzr supports quite a few. :) <NfNitLoop> http://bazaar-vcs.org/Workflows <NET||abuse> ok,, well, in my case i just need to learn the commands, and "the" workflow i'm interested in is, we have central svn repo, i do bzr branch svn+ssh://me@host/path/to/repo/ <NfNitLoop> path/to/repo/trunk <NfNitLoop> yes. :) <NET||abuse> then i do some work on some files, which i actually just did, edited one file, delete a directory tree that was obsolete. then i do bzr commit, write my log, then bzr merge, it says mergin from remembered location svn+ssh:///blah.. Nothing to do <NET||abuse> ??? nothing?? <NfNitLoop> (others:) I just installed and read up on `bzr help rebase`, but `bzr rebase` in my local, changed repo claims that there is no work to do? <NfNitLoop> NET||abuse: That's merging from "upstream" into your local repository. <NfNitLoop> NET||abuse: you want to "push" back to the remote repository. <NET||abuse> .. oh. <NET||abuse> ok,, umm, little confused by the workflow description,, bzr comit --local? bzr unbind/commit/bind <NET||abuse> looking at the centralized with local commits <NfNitLoop> If you do "branch", you by default have local commits. <NfNitLoop> and are working with an "unbound" branch. <NET||abuse> ah, ok <NfNitLoop> which means that when you "commit", it goes into only your branch. <NET||abuse> so bzr pull is like an svn style checkout? <NfNitLoop> if you have a "bound" branch, it means that any commits you do go into your local branch *and* the upstream. <NfNitLoop> no, `bzr checkout` is. :) <NET||abuse> ... umm, ok <NET||abuse> ah, but i did bzr merge? <NfNitLoop> `bzr pull` is like... svn update. <NET||abuse> hmm, the forks in the process, because it's not a linear cyle of workflow, it's a bit confusing.. <NET||abuse> hmm, are there any dangers to the central repo that i should be away of for now though, big nono's that i shouldn't do when operating bzr on the central svn repo? <NET||abuse> umm, away=i meant aware <NfNitLoop> NET||abuse: Yes. I've been reading up on those, actually. <NfNitLoop> a big one: SVN only supports linear history. <NET||abuse> ooh, do share.. i realllly don't wanna screw up our svn repo. <jelmer> NET||abuse, you should have a look at the bzr-svn FAQ <NfNitLoop> so, while you could do "bzr commit (some stuff); bzr merge (from trunk): bzr commit (more stuff);"... <NET||abuse> jelmer: will do . <NfNitLoop> ... that would make your `svn log` look strange. <NfNitLoop> so you probably want to use `bzr rebase` instead of `bzr merge`. <NET||abuse> bzr rebase... hmm <NfNitLoop> NET||abuse: it's a plugin. <NfNitLoop> https://launchpad.net/bzr-rebase <NET||abuse> i need a cheetsheet with the sequence of commands detailed and explained.. <Odd_Bloke> Didn't Ian make one of those a while ago? <lifeless> its in the docs <NET||abuse> which docs? <lifeless> NfNitLoop: NET||abuse: I don't think y ou want rebase <lifeless> rebase is rarely the correct tool if you are just collaborating <NET||abuse> hmm, <lifeless> svn supports merge as of 1.5 <NET||abuse> well, it's 5 of us building django site <NET||abuse> 4 coders(1 is an intern) and 1 graphics guy who does some html/css also. <lifeless> standard offline work for svn with bzr is 'bzr branch; hack, commit, hack commit, bzr merge <svn> until happy; bzr push <svn> || bzr dpush <svn>' <lifeless> push and dpush do slightly different things, I imagine the bzr-svn docs explain <NET||abuse> lifeless,, that's really good, thanks.. think i needed it sort of just summarized like that. <lifeless> jelmer: you pinged me yesterday <jelmer> lifeless, Hi! <NET||abuse> lifeless: what's the <svn> bit, do i need to specify teh repo again? <lifeless> NET||abuse: it should remember it, I was being clear <jelmer> lifeless, Yeah, that was about branch.nick on bound branches - I commented in lp already (and you replied) <lifeless> NET||abuse: also, after a 'bzr merge <svn>' you need to 'bzr commit' to save the result of the merge <lifeless> jelmer: cool <james_w> hey jelmer <jelmer> 'evening James <james_w> jelmer: I saw you said you fixed ptabtools, but you didn't upload anything <NET||abuse> lifeless: ahh, ko.. will any changes from the svn repo be checked for conflicts <lifeless> NET||abuse: of course <lifeless> back in a little bit, breakfast time <jelmer> james_w: I did, but it hasn't shown up on revu for some reason <NET||abuse> so, bzr merge, does a sort of, svn up and svn commit.. <james_w> jelmer: ah, I'll ask an admin to have a look <NET||abuse> the bzr commit after the merge does what though? <Odd_Bloke> NET||abuse: A merge can cause conflicts or cause tests to stop working, so you'll want to check that before committing it. <Odd_Bloke> So you need to commit separately. <jelmer> james_w: nevermind <jelmer> james_w, I seem to have uploaded a binary package.. <james_w> ah, that'll be it * jelmer bangs his head against the wall and uploads a source package <NET||abuse> hmm, does the commit send the revision to itself and the remote repo at the same time? <NET||abuse> just not sure at what point files are being written to the remote repo <jelmer> NET||abuse, if you have a bound branch the files are going to the remote repo on "bzr commit" <james_w> jelmer: actually, I've just noticed, your version number should be -0ubuntu1, not -1ubuntu1 <jelmer> NET||abuse, if the branch is not bound, the changes are local only and you have to push them to the remote repo using "bzr push" (or dpush) <lifeless> NET||abuse: when you 'push' they are written to the svn repo <lifeless> NET||abuse: using the workflow summary I gave <jelmer> james_w, Thanks, I'll fix that as well. <lifeless> NET||abuse: if you use 'bzr co' instead of 'bzr branch' then ignore all bzr stuff and just use your exact same svn commands <NET||abuse> lifeless: thanks.. ok, i think i get it fairly completely now.. this is awsome. <NET||abuse> i will get it in a linear sense, then in a day i'll try pulling code between my 2 workstations (laptop/desktop) without touching the central svn and do a real branch style work flow <james_w> jelmer: -0ubuntu1 not -1ubuntu0 :-) <NET||abuse> lifeless: thank you very much, NfNitLoop: you too <NET||abuse> ok, i'm late for a dinner. <james_w> jelmer: and is there a need for bzrtags? <NfNitLoop> lifeless: I don't want rebase? <NfNitLoop> If you do a 'push' back into svn with non-linear history, bzr does a replace on that branch in svn, which breaks history. <jelmer> NfNitLoop, it's not the non-linear history that's the problem <NfNitLoop> which would make my coworkers unhappy. :p <NfNitLoop> jelmer: no? <jelmer> NfNitLoop, it's the fact that the mainline sometimes changes <NfNitLoop> oh, that's what I meant, was I misusing terminology? <jelmer> NfNitLoop, non-linear history means merge revisions and indented revisions in "bzr log" <NfNitLoop> in short: if Joe has committed 10 changes to svn, and suddenly my 'bzr push' blows them away (from the perspective of svn log) he's going to be unhappy. <jelmer> NfNitLoop, changing of mainline can also happen if you e.g. uncommit and then commit another revision <NfNitLoop> jelmer: ah, but that's what happens when I merge in from svn, no? <NfNitLoop> I mean, I just did "bzr merge" when someone had committed a few changes to svn and I had local changes committed. <NfNitLoop> and I got a merge revision w/ indented revisions. <jelmer> NfNitLoop, yes, if you merge from a svn location and then push that means the mainline of the svn mainline changes <NfNitLoop> so to avoid doing that I should... use rebase? <NfNitLoop> or something else? <jelmer> james_w: there were actually older debian changelog entries (from my private debian repo) in there as well - I've removed those now <NfNitLoop> (I'm curious... because I'm eventually going to be making the case for using bzr to coworkers.) <james_w> jelmer: also, I was wondering how that Makefile rule ever worked :-) <jelmer> NfNitLoop, yes, bzr rebase was written with that use case in mind <NfNitLoop> jelmer: Ok. So I should just always 'bzr rebase' instead of 'bzr merge'? <jelmer> james_w, the shared library on e? :-) <NfNitLoop> (I tried merge then rebase, but that seems to make it think there's no rebase work to do?) <jelmer> NfNitLoop, if you don't want to change the existing mainline in svn, then yes <NfNitLoop> Ok. :) <NfNitLoop> jelmer: thanks! <jelmer> james_w, It probably works if the shared library is already there <jelmer> james_w, so it's sort of a chicken-egg problem :-) <james_w> jelmer: heh, yeah, that'll probably do it. <lifeless> NfNitLoop: alternatively <lifeless> NfNitLoop: have a second branch which is a checkout of the svn mainline; cd to that, update, merge your branch, commit <lifeless> NfNitLoop: it will not alter the mainline at all, ever. <lifeless> NfNitLoop: and has less to do that rebase <NfNitLoop> lifeless: but that way I lose my local revision history, no? <NfNitLoop> all of my local revisions will appear as a single merge. <NfNitLoop> that then gets pushed to svn? <lifeless> unless you use dpush IIRC <lifeless> bbiab <lifeless> I think my point was that regular bzr does this too <jelmer> no, dpush' behaviour doesn't differe there <lifeless> jelmer: hmm, would be good to allow some way to set the branch flag to rpeserve mainline, for svn branches <lifeless> jelmer: and perhaps have it on by default for svn branches <jelmer> lifeless, problem is, you don't want to preserve the mainline of the local branch <jelmer> but that of the branch you're merging <NfNitLoop> lifeless: regular bzr does that too, but still maintains the history. In bzr I can see that, yes, that merge actually merged in X number of changesets (each still containing its original commit message) <jelmer> NfNitLoop, bzr-svn can preserve that history too but it wouldn't show up in the same svn branch <NfNitLoop> jelmer: *nod* <jelmer> NfNitLoop, just like it doesn't show up in the same bzr branch, but bzr has a nice way to show merged revisions (by indenting them), svn doesn't <NfNitLoop> mostly, I'm getting at this: If we use bzr to commit to /trunk, and bzr "breaks" 'svn log' on trunk... bzr will get blamed for it. <NfNitLoop> fair or not. :) <NfNitLoop> so I'm just thinking of the best workflow to document & recommend to coworkers. <NfNitLoop> I think I may compromise and go w/ lifeless's recommendation of merging into a local mirror of trunk then committing that. <NfNitLoop> one less plugin to install. one less plugin for me to explain to newbies. :p <lifeless> jelmer: I mean to honour the dont-alter-history setting on the svn side:) <jelmer> lifeless, we already have that - the append_revisions_only setting <jelmer> I guess it would indeed be nice to have bzr merge honor it <lifeless> jelmer: how do you set that on a svn branch? <lifeless> jelmer: I don't mean 'on a branch pulled via bzr-svn' <lifeless> I mean literally on the svn branch <jelmer> lifeless, you set it in locations.conf <lifeless> jelmer: that won't default to on <lifeless> jelmer: which is what I proposed above <lifeless> jelmer: nor do other users see it <jelmer> I don't think this sort of thing should be a default <lifeless> jelmer: which is what I was assuming when I said it would be nice to allow this <jelmer> unless it's a default for bzr branches as well <lifeless> jelmer: back in a few, local interrupt <jam> lifeless: I'm heading out to pick up my son. If I'm not back for the standup, can you have poolie/whoever call me on my cell phone? <lifeless> jam: sure <lifeless> jelmer: I think that branches in an svn repository have some expectations held by svn client user <lifeless> *users* <lifeless> jelmer: that flag makes bzr meet those expectations; I don't see why it would be an issue to have it default on for SVNBranch <jelmer> lifeless, I don't think it's a bad idea to suggest this setting to users <jelmer> but I don't think having a non-changing mainline is particularly expected by all svn users <jelmer> especially now with merge tracking support in 1.5 <lifeless> jelmer: the problem is every user needs to read the right docs and set the right setting <lifeless> jelmer: what proportion would you say? <jelmer> lifeless, or e.g. people who embed a svn branch in their bzr project (by-value nested trees) <lifeless> jelmer: I don't see why it would affect those people <jelmer> lifeless, or e.g. people who push their bzr work to a svn repository but have their primary branch in bzr <jelmer> lifeless, bzr merge will do funny things to them if they merge in a new copy of the svn branch <jelmer> lifeless, since it will change to use the mainline from the remote svn branch <lifeless> it will ? <jelmer> well, that's what this setting would do, no? <lifeless> no <lifeless> it would only affect the svn branches <lifeless> not anything thts been copied into bzr <lifeless> the setting doesn't propogate <jelmer> yes, but what happens if you "bzr merge <remote-url>" ? <lifeless> you merge its content <jelmer> and if you then push it, the revision changes !? <lifeless> that setting is totally unrelated to merge <lifeless> when you push, then the push will fail if that setting is set <lifeless> because it enforces svn-like behaviour <poolie> hello all <jelmer> so you're basically suggesting append_revisions_only defaulting to yes? <lifeless> jelmer: for SVNBranches only <lifeless> jelmer: I'm suggesting two things: allow setting it in svn, not just in locations.conf (so that the admin can choose a setting); and defaulting it on for SVNBrach <lifeless> *SVNBranch* <lifeless> hi poolie <lifeless> poolie: jam says use his mobile for the call <lifeless> poolie: if he's not answering on skype <jelmer> defaulting it to on would make sense, but we need to make sure to indicate properly why the push is failing <lifeless> jelmer: sure, improving the error text shouldn't be hard <poolie> lifeless, jam, spiv, call in 2m <jam> poolie, lifeless: I'm back around, is the call still going? * NfNitLoop reads scrollback. <NfNitLoop> I like the idea of making the preserve-history option default to true. <NfNitLoop> I've been using bzr since... 0.6? ... and have never even heard of locations.conf :p <NfNitLoop> and breaking 'svn log' history is a definite bad impression if someone isn't expecting it, and isn't familiar enough with distributed vs. non-distributed SCMs to know why it happened. <markh> are all the bzr-devs aware of the dvcs/bzr discussions on python-dev? <spiv> markh: yeah <jelmer> NfNitLoop, The thing I'm not sure about is having inconsistent behaviour between svn and bzr branch <NfNitLoop> it's completely consistent while you're in bzr-land. <NfNitLoop> the only inconsistency is when you try to push it back into svn. <NfNitLoop> and things do work differently in svn-land. <markh> I decided its best to not throw "windows support" into the mix for that thread at this time ;) <jelmer> NfNitLoop, it's consistent in both, except svn doesn't have a good way to display it before svn 1.5 and svn users aren't used to it <NfNitLoop> jelmer: aah, I'm still in 1.4 land, so I'm not entirely sure how 1.5 support looks for all of that. <NfNitLoop> though... <NfNitLoop> my initial reading of 1.5 features makes me very wary for using it for anything more complicated than one-off branches. <NfNitLoop> there are different commands for trunk->branch and branch->trunk merging.... <NfNitLoop> and once you've merged back to the trunk, you have to throw away your branch. (!?) <jelmer> yes, just like you do with bzr <NfNitLoop> You don't have to throw it away, though... <NfNitLoop> you could keep using the branch and then merge back into trunk again and again. <NfNitLoop> (whether or not that's a great workflow) <NfNitLoop> So it looks like svn is just tracking r# when the branch is created, and tracking each merge from trunk into branch... then replaying diffs to merge back into main -- NOT actually keeping all revision IDs of what's been merged. <NfNitLoop> (This is my guess after reading the svn book page on branching & merging in 1.5) <NfNitLoop> (but I admit it wasn't all that thorough.) <jelmer> it does keep track of what revisions were merged in 1.5 <NfNitLoop> Oh? Ok. <NfNitLoop> Makes me wonder why you have to throw your branch away then. <jelmer> well, you don't have to - you can have a single feature branch <uws> jelmer: fwiw, gnome svn has been upgraded to svn 1.5 repositories recently <NfNitLoop> So, when bzr-svn pushes into svn1.5, does it actually show merge history? <NfNitLoop> I don't have a 1.5 install around to play with. :p <jelmer> yes, it should be able to show which revisions were merged (if they are also present in the svn repository) <NfNitLoop> aah. but not if they're bzr-local. <lifeless> jelmer: I don't think that inconsistency is bad <lifeless> jelmer: because svn branches are by definition not bzr branches <jelmer> lifeless, it makes behaviour less predictable <lifeless> jelmer: you can't tell a-priori whether a bzr branch has that setting either <jelmer> lifeless, e.g. it means we'd need a hack to be able to run the bzr repository testsuite (if it'll ever be generic enough) against svn repositories <jelmer> lifeless, you can know that if you create a bzr branch yourself it doesn't <lifeless> jelmer: I don't think we'd need a hack for that; <lifeless> jelmer: I think we'd just call the api setting to set it off for any test that needs it off <NfNitLoop> re: "predictable" behavoir: breaking my svn history was unpredictable. ;) <NfNitLoop> well, at least, I didn't see it coming. <lifeless> spiv: so <lifeless> spiv: what inner loop was it in? <emmajane> Instruction question... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training/KnowledgeBase#Launchpad%20and%20Bazaar Step # 4, Create your own branch doesn't seem to make sense to me. Can someone confirm that I'm just full of fail? :) <lifeless> emmajane: looks the same as 3 to me <emmajane> lifeless, Ok. <emmajane> lifeless, would that even work? <emmajane> I'm pretty sure it's "wrong" to include Step #4, but I'd hate to alter good instructions. ;) <lifeless> no idea; I'd suggest stepping through the docs end to end; thats what I do to validate docs * emmajane nods. kay. <lifeless> it certainly looks odd to me <emmajane> maybe I'm not completely crazy then. Cool. :) <emmajane> lifeless, thanks :) <lifeless> np <spiv> lifeless: http://rafb.net/p/58nFen92.html <jam> So... the installer for bzr-setup-1.9rc1-3 is built and tested on my machine, I just have to get an upload to LP to finish <jam> It takes about 8 minutes to upload 15MB on my connection <jam> and it has timed out once already. <markh> yeah, that sucks :( <markh> well - I don't see timeouts I don't think - just occasional launchpad errors <markh> jam: any idea about that bug re the qt binaries failing to load? <jam> markh: for whatever reason in the -2 build QtGui4.dll is only 6MB instead of 10MB <jam> my best guess is that a copy got cancelled <markh> right - weird! <jam> and that the build process though the half-copy was up-to-date <markh> right <jam> the new build script I wrote nukes the target <jam> and rebuilds everything <jam> so I should be immune to that <markh> ideally it would also nuke the 'build' dir from every sub-project too <jam> markh: hmm... I suppose <jam> I actually could just nuke them completely <markh> or exact same thing could happen during *its* build <jam> The script already is smart enough to download the latest releases, etc. <lifeless> spiv: uhm <lifeless> spiv: my likne 2183 is empty space :P <lifeless> *line* <markh> a re-download each build might be going a little too far though? <jam> markh: We have shared repos for that <lifeless> markh: why? reproducable :> <jam> so it is mostly just nuking the working dir <jam> and then connecting to LP, seeing it has everything, and checking out a WT <markh> right - I thought you also meant all the python packages (qt, crypto, etc) <markh> the bzr based stuff sounds reasonable <jam> anyway, I'm done for tonight. You can find the script in C:\home\shared\bzr\releases\build_release.py if you want to give it a look <jam> and I know the build-release for bzr uses "build_ext -i -f" to force a rebuild of everything <jam> I'm not sure if we would want to do that for the others <markh> I don't quite trust distutils --force <markh> (in the same way I don't trust --dry-run to not do anything in all cases ;) <jam> markh: as an aside, the icon overlays aren't working for me <jam> is that a known problem for Vista? <markh> in the binary version? It should work - but most likely is .bzr.log is reporting it would "recurse to death" - in which case a fix has been pushed <markh> (and assuming its a 32bit vista) <jam> markh: I don't see tbzr putting much of anything into .bzr.log <markh> jam: right - so no icon in the taskbar at all? <jam> I guess I see: <jam> 0.172 return code 3 <jam> 134.107 opening working tree 'C:/Users/jameinel/dev/bzr/bzr.dev' <jam> 134.138 opening working tree 'C:/Users/jameinel/dev/bzr/bzr.dev' <jam> It does have a taskbar icon <jam> though it takes a *long* time to show up <jam> and if I kill it <jam> it will eventually show up again <markh> yeah - it will come back next time an icon overlay or menu is requested <markh> (that is also when it *first* appears) <jam> ah, well something is causing it to not actually get results <markh> fyi, tbzrcache.exe can be run explicitly from a cmdline to see what it is doing. '-v' and --log-level=debug might be useful options. You will need to shutdown the existing one before a new one will start. <markh> (tbzrcachew.exe is a gui version that is automatically run) <markh> but I'll grab the binary and have a play too <lifeless> spiv: hello? <spiv> lifeless: I think that's line 2111 in your branch <lifeless> sure, I'm just puzzled at the difference :P <spiv> lifeless: I had bzr.dev merged in from an earlier attempt to get apples-to-apples comparisons on network behaviour <lifeless> ah right <lifeless> push that somewhere if there were conflicts :P <lifeless> I can benefit from that <spiv> lifeless: but to be sure nothing wacky was going on, I just tried reproducing it with your pristine branch, and got a traceback instead! <lifeless> spiv: remember my tip may be bust <lifeless> go back 1 <spiv> Ah, ok. * spiv does that <lifeless> anyhow <lifeless> so this function is currently full-inventory every time <spiv> Yeah, going back one fixed that. <lifeless> spiv: that function could be better cast like the loop I put into fetch <lifeless> to delta all the inventories in a chain <lifeless> and only do a full inspect of the first one if the basis parent of the first is inaccessible <lifeless> spiv: I think that would be quite managable to do and fix the major inefficiency <mDuff> Is a working bzr-svn package available for current Ubuntu (Intrepid)? The one apt finds for me is too old for the Ubuntu-installed bzr 1.8. * mDuff is playing dumb user for the moment. <mDuff> ...blerg, probably ought to upgrade to the New Shininess (bzr 1.9), and break from sticking with the Ubuntu packages anyhow. * mDuff finds the bzr PPA on Launchpad... oooh, didn't know 'bout that. <lifeless> mDuff: :) <mDuff> ...odd; "apt-get install bzr-svn" is still trying to install an older one, rather than the new package from the bzr-beta PPA. <mDuff> ...oh, the bzr-svn in the beta PPA still depends on bzr <<1.7~ :( <emmajane> jelmer, downloading is push? <jelmer> emmajane, no, but it's the same bug <emmajane> kay :) <jelmer> emmajane, It's a bug in the progress bar handling <emmajane> ahhh <emmajane> do you work on olive? <emmajane> I tried using this afternoon for the desktop course and none of us could get it to even open a downloaded branch for the course. :( <Odd_Bloke> emmajane: How were you trying to open the branch? <emmajane> Odd_Bloke, by clicking on the directory in Olive. <emmajane> Odd_Bloke, massive freeze. <emmajane> Odd_Bloke, no problems for other projects though <jelmer> emmajane, no, though I work on most other things in bzr-gtk * emmajane nods <Odd_Bloke> emmajane: Right, I think you're meant to run it from within the branch. <emmajane> I know our team would *love* to have something other than the CLI for the project. <jelmer> olive could use some attention :-/ <Odd_Bloke> Yeah. <emmajane> jelmer, mostly I know how to submit bug reports. :/ <emmajane> Odd_Bloke, how do you run it from within the branch? it's got a button under applications to start it ;) <jelmer> emmajane, that's still very useful <Odd_Bloke> emmajane: From the CLI. >.< <emmajane> jelmer, three today. :/ <emmajane> Odd_Bloke, nono, there's a button in the applications menu. <emmajane> Odd_Bloke, you sholdn't have a button if it doesn't work. :) <Odd_Bloke> Right, I'm saying there shouldn... yeah. <Odd_Bloke> I'm too CLI-centric to want Olive, TBH. <Odd_Bloke> I don't even used gvim. :p <emmajane> I have a button for gvim. <emmajane> control-S is wrong though, so I never use it <Odd_Bloke> :D <emmajane> jelmer, let me know if there's anything else I can do to help out with it. <jelmer> emmajane, thanks, will do :-) <emmajane> btw, it freezes if i open it from the command line as well... and then about 10 seconds later it kicks in <Odd_Bloke> emmajane: How big is the branch you're running it on?? <emmajane> 500M <Odd_Bloke> That probably explains the pause. <Odd_Bloke> Though doesn't really justify it. <emmajane> lots of pauses as I open folders and move around, but it's not freezing now * emmajane tries to remember which dir has 125 PNGs in it... <emmajane> found it. :) <Odd_Bloke> Leave Britney^WOlive alone! * emmajane waits a long time. <emmajane> hehe <emmajane> and there we go * emmajane wonders if beuno hates her yet too :) <lifeless> spiv: does that make snese? * emmajane promises to go back to work tomorrow and stop reporting bugs. :) <beuno> emmajane, you're one of my favorite people now! * emmajane chuckles. <emmajane> beuno, i think I stopped at four. <beuno> emmajane, you did. 3 of them are assigned to me already :) <emmajane> hehe <beuno> you will have to start hiding once I start to produce mockups, cauise I'll hunt you down and squeeze all the information I can out of you! <emmajane> beuno, you're welcome to ping me whenever you'd like! <emmajane> I would love to not be complaining about launchpad anymore. * beuno double checks he's logging the conversation <emmajane> :) <beuno> emmajane, we have a big re-design ahead of us <emmajane> beuno, good :) <beuno> I want to stop complaining as well ;) <emmajane> heheeh <james_w> beuno: I used your merge proposal redesign the other day <james_w> beuno: I like it <beuno> james_w, ah! great to hear! <beuno> I still have loads of things to improve on it <beuno> but it's a pretty massive change :) <james_w> I would have your babies right now if it came with a multi-branch loggerhead thing to review with though <james_w> and built-in PQM <beuno> hahahahaha <beuno> well <beuno> PQM + Launchpad is coming soon * emmajane chuckles. <james_w> woo! <beuno> code is there, needs a proper UI <james_w> that's your job! <beuno> and, diffs in merges is very far ahead as well * james_w cheers <beuno> so I'll plan for my babies around Jan/Feb <james_w> I think you'll be receiving crates rather than beers from me at UDS <beuno> haha <Odd_Bloke> When/where is UDS? <lifeless> dec san fran <beuno> I'll make sure I eat often <lifeless> right after fosscamp <lifeless> http://www.fosscamp.org/ <james_w> it took me ages to find the thing to mark one as merged though <beuno> james_w, they get marked automagically <james_w> oh, great! <james_w> I was just going to point out that it should be possible :-) <beuno> once LP scans either the target or proposed branch, it finds the revid, and bingo <beuno> same will happen with branch statuses <james_w> woo! * james_w dances <beuno> there is a patch floating around <beuno> yeah, we did a lot of work in the 1 week sprint <james_w> now just for bug statuses and I'll be happy <beuno> plus a ton of notes :) <beuno> what about bug statuses? <james_w> like Fix Committed when it's in the development focus #bzr 2008-11-06 <james_w> and Fix Released when I tell it I release a milestone <james_w> or something <james_w> I'll leave the details to you guys :-) <beuno> I don't quite understand <beuno> fix committed automatically when what? <Odd_Bloke> beuno: When a branch is merged to the development focus. <beuno> ah <beuno> what has that to do with bugs? <Odd_Bloke> s/branch/branch that fixes a given bug/ <james_w> I'm talking about the bugs statuses * beuno blinks <Odd_Bloke> Then the bug gets automagically marked as Fix Committed. <beuno> that's a bit tricky <james_w> you have "Fix Available" on the branch when I push a --fixes. If that gets merged to the development focus then it sets the bug "Fix Committed". <emmajane> beuno, *grin* and you thought I was bad. ;) <beuno> james_w, gotcha <beuno> should be viable <Odd_Bloke> emmajane's paying us to make her look better. :p <beuno> file a bug, I'll try and make it happen <emmajane> james_w, how come I have to report bugs and you just get IRC requests. ;) <emmajane> WOO! <emmajane> :) <beuno> emmajane, ;) <emmajane> beuno, hopefully the screenshots were helpful as well? <beuno> emmajane, they're better than a patch <beuno> deeply appreciated <emmajane> kay <emmajane> I'll continue to include them as I find more things. <beuno> if all users where like you, software would beperfect <emmajane> hehe <emmajane> beuno, You can come and work with Drupal when you're done with LP. ;) <beuno> (my typing, on the other hand...) <beuno> done with LP? ha! like that will ever happen * emmajane grins <beuno> LP is *big* <beuno> huge <emmajane> so is Drupal ;) <emmajane> it will be ready for you when you're done ;) <Flare183> When I try to push my bzr branch to launchpad it give me this error: Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir() <beuno> heh, I'm sure it will <Flare183> What can I do to fix this? <beuno> Flare183, you need to specify your launchpad login <Odd_Bloke> Flare183: 'bzr launchpad-login -h' <beuno> bzr launchpad-login <username> <Flare183> oh ok <beuno> -h? <Odd_Bloke> Help. :D <beuno> right, fish/teach to fish <beuno> I hate fishing, so I just give people food <Odd_Bloke> NOM NOM NOM <Flare183> ok Now I get this error: Target directory already exists. Please select another target. <Flare183> I know it exists thats why I'm pushing it there. Duh bzr! <Flare183> How can I fix this on? <Flare183> one* <Odd_Bloke> Flare183: What command are you using? <Flare183> bzr push <Odd_Bloke> Or, rather, what's the full command-line? <Flare183> Actually I'm using Olive <Flare183> But I can use the command line <Flare183> hold on <Odd_Bloke> Heh, serendipitous. <Odd_Bloke> What's the location you're trying to push to? <beuno> Flare183, add --use-existing <Flare183> oh ok <beuno> the error should be telling you to add the flag ;) <Flare183> jesse@jesse-desktop:~/Python Projects/bot$ lp:~richardson183/ubuntu-bots/flarebot --use-existing <Flare183> bash: lp:~richardson183/ubuntu-bots/flarebot: No such file or directory <Flare183> jesse@jesse-desktop:~/Python Projects/bot$ <Flare183> ... <Odd_Bloke> 'bzr push ...'? :) <Flare183> hold on <Flare183> sorry i screwedup <Flare183> screwed up* <Peng_> lifeless: FWIW, Launchpad hasn't been able to mirror https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/bzr/repository for a month. <lifeless> fail <lifeless> :P <loxs> folks, is there any permissions implemented in bzr itself? <loxs> because we are having a problem... one of my devs has read access to the main branch, but cannot co the trunk <loxs> http://dpaste.com/88990/ <Odd_Bloke> loxs: Have you checked FS permissions? <bob2> won't read-access via ssh (try to) take a lock? <lifeless> no <loxs> Odd_Bloke, they have read access <loxs> bob2, what do you mean by "take a lock"? <Odd_Bloke> Well, checkout implies commit access. Does 'branch' work? <bob2> loxs: don't mind me <loxs> hmm, I didn't know that, we'll try with branch <Odd_Bloke> loxs: Also, do they have execute permissions on .bzr? <Odd_Bloke> Because if not then they won't be able to access anything under it. <Odd_Bloke> "chmod -R a+rX .bzr" or some equivalent is probably what you want. <loxs> yes, they have +x <james_w> beuno: thanks <Odd_Bloke> james_w: Whereabouts are you based these days? <james_w> Odd_Bloke: Bristol <Odd_Bloke> loxs: And can they actually read that file via other means? <Odd_Bloke> james_w: Cool, I remembered that your old job was there, but didn't know if you were still there. <james_w> Odd_Bloke: yeah, no reason to leave yet <james_w> Odd_Bloke: how's work treating you? <Odd_Bloke> james_w: Eh, so-so. <james_w> oh no, that will be over now won't it? <james_w> oh, it's a year isn't it? <Odd_Bloke> 9 months. <Odd_Bloke> I'm finding getting up in the mornings quite difficult. <Odd_Bloke> And there's rather more OpenOffice in my life than I'm entirely comfortable with. <Odd_Bloke> I don't really know whether I have issues with this job, or with 9-5 jobs in general, though, this being my first of more than 2 weeks. <james_w> OpenOffice should come with a health warning <james_w> yeah, I found 9-5 tough <loxs> yes, Odd_Bloke they can read the file when they do it via cat etc... and it raises the same exception when using branch <Odd_Bloke> We're doing so much crazy stuff with OO.o. <james_w> though I ended up working like 7-3 quite often so that I actually had an evening <Odd_Bloke> Ranging from writing an automated presentation player to backporting OO.o 3 to Sarge. >.< <james_w> ouch <james_w> my sympathies <Odd_Bloke> Thankfully I've mostly avoided the backporting. <Odd_Bloke> It's also a little frustrating that I don't feel I'm working _on_ free software so much as I'm working _with_ it. <Odd_Bloke> Which is nice, but this presentation player we're writing is going to be non-free. <Odd_Bloke> Making it, IMO, a complete waste of my time. <Odd_Bloke> Certainly it's a far cry from stage diving. :p <james_w> :-) <lifeless> spiv: ping me when you're online please <Odd_Bloke> james_w: Anyway, the reason I asked where you were is that I have a friend at Bristol, and it'd be good to meet up for a drink if I ever get around to visiting him. <james_w> Odd_Bloke: sure, I'd like that <Odd_Bloke> Cool. <lifeless> loxs: hi <lifeless> loxs: /home/bazaar/bloxs/trunk/.bzr/branch-format is the path reported in your error <lifeless> loxs: can you have one of the users try 'scp HOST:/home/bazaar/bloxs/trunk/.bzr/branch-format .' <loxs> lifeless, thanks but we resolved it... typical administrator error... :) <loxs> they had permissions to read the repositories... but they didn't have permissions to read the top /home/bazaar/ directory :) <lifeless> heh <spiv> lifeless: pong <spiv> lifeless: was online, just not looking at IRC very much! <lifeless> spiv: I wanted to know if my comments made sense etc <lifeless> spiv: the void was a tad disturbing <spiv> lifeless: don't stare into the abyss ;) * spiv quickly rereads <spiv> lifeless: so, I see a loop you added to fetch, although I don't grasp how it's deltaing a chain of inventories <spiv> lifeless: the high-level description you gave makes sense, I just don't see the code. <lifeless> spiv: ah yes <lifeless> spiv: I lied apparently <spiv> Heh. <lifeless> spiv: the loop would be something like: <lifeless> grab the the inventory meta node for all the inventories <lifeless> plus one for any arbitrary inventory outside the set that the target has <spiv> lifeless: _install_revision looks like it has added code related to this, maybe? <lifeless> then do a set based difference on the node's pointers <lifeless> and repeat <lifeless> spiv: not really <lifeless> spiv: _install_revision has a inventory cache to get deltas, because it can insert deltas more cheaply than full inventories <spiv> lifeless: thanks * spiv -> lunch <lifeless> spiv: the packer has no cache set <lifeless> spiv: you should chat more :> <lifeless> spiv: ugh, I hate lp's handling of attachments <lifeless> send me the damn diff, biatch <spiv> lifeless: http://rafb.net/p/9LQyFJ98.html <spiv> lifeless: or do you mean email? <lifeless> spiv: lol I was ranting at lp <lifeless> at what it does <lifeless> not at you <spiv> Oh, right :) <spiv> Yeah. <lifeless> I clicked to see the attachment <lifeless> and I commented too <emmajane> lifeless, careful or beuno will tell you to post a bug about LP. ;) <lifeless> emmajane: oh theres plenty of those already <lifeless> emmajane: :) <emmajane> heheh <emmajane> he likes it when you *attach* pictures. ;) <gour> morning <gour> am i right that 'shelve' is moving into core? <luks> already moved, as far as I know <spiv> Yep. <gour> yeah, i saw r3823...very nice <gour> fix for #293054 will go into 1.9 ? <lifeless> gour: its a new shelf, not the old one moved <lifeless> bug 293054 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 293054 in bzr "bzr fails with python2.6 and https missing sendall" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/293054 <lifeless> gour: I don't know, it might, 1.10 for sure <gour> lifeless: but the new shelf provides the same functionality? <lifeless> different <lifeless> much in common <lifeless> it can shelve more things <lifeless> but some aspects are not as mature <gour> aha...still it's nice that plugin's functionality goes into core... * fullermd really looks forward to being able to shelve more things. <fullermd> A notable percentage of the times I've wanted to shelve, there have been renames or binary files involved. <vila> hi all <vila> gour: I doubt bug #293054 will make it into 1.9 but I'll try <ubottu> Launchpad bug 293054 in bzr "bzr fails with python2.6 and https missing sendall" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/293054 <gour> vila: thanks <vila> gour: you're welcome, your testing of python-2.6 support is very much appreciated :) <gour> vila: heh, python-2.6 is default in archlinux, so i didn't do any extra work :-) <gour> ...except using bzr <vila> gour: which is exactly the point of having testers :) I had to rebuild a python-2.6 from sources to reproduce the problem, and a pycurl too (for different but related reasons) since my setup wasn't as clean as I thought, so indeed, it was harder for me to notice the problem <gour> i'm glad if i was somewhat useful in improving my beloved tool <fullermd> Man, I hate the half-assed VCS capability of wikis sometimes... <eydaimon> Is there a plugin or some such that allows emails to be sent out from the server when commits are made? <lifeless> the bzr-email plugin; I *think* its been updated to work with commits as long as you're using bzr+ssh <lifeless> spiv: ^ do you recall? <lifeless> eydaimon: you can definitely just install it on each machine <lifeless> eydaimon: there is also a cron based plugin that can mail when a branch changes <eydaimon> ok, thanks * fullermd figures he's spammed enough people for one night. <spiv> lifeless: don't know, sorry * gour just re-read http://andrew.puzzling.org/diary/2008/July/29/rebase-criticism post and wonder whether there is scope for rebase in bzr <gour> what's happening with loom plugin? it looks like not much since 1.3... <spiv> gour: there's a rebase plugin for bzr. <spiv> gour: I just happen to think it's usually not the best option :) <gour> spiv: yeah, i did not go into looms yet, but example of selective merge is simple & good enough that i wodner why i'd need rebase <dissonans> I just merged a bunch of revisions from another branch using bzr 1.9rc1 and bzr-svn 0.4.14, but apparently the merge wasn't recorded <dissonans> first off, bzr st showed only straight modifications and no merge, then the "missing" command still shows the merged revisions as missing <spiv> gour: the attraction of rebase is that it's a fairly simple mental model to work with <gour> spiv: heh, it seems my mind is at different wavelength then :-D <spiv> gour: so if you are the sort of person that thinks in terms of "this branch would be better if revision #N was done differently" then rebase seems natural <gour> what is the price for it? <spiv> Well, you lose the original history. <gour> and new merge will produce (more) conflicts? <dissonans> when you've merged, it's supposed to be indicated by "status" no? <spiv> Which impacts operations that use history, most obviously merge -- if someone else has branched off your original branch, then you rebase, now you have two branches that independently make similar changes. Which means you've almost certainly created conflicts that you didn't have before. <spiv> dissonans: right <dissonans> well, it isn't :/ <dissonans> I just confirmed <spiv> dissonans: but we don't record merge history for cherrypicks yet <gour> spiv: yes, similar with doing unrecord in darcs after the patch went into wilderness? <spiv> dissonans: how did you do the merge? "bzr merge -r A..B"? <dissonans> spiv: ah hm <dissonans> yep, specific revisions <dissonans> that's a problem <spiv> gour: I'm not familiar enough with darcs, but that sounds likely. <dissonans> I know merge has worked as I expected, but maybe I wasn't cherrypicking <spiv> dissonans: probably. Or maybe the base of your cherrypick was already in the branch you were merging into. <dissonans> spiv: nah <gour> spiv: is it possible to record merge history when cherrypicking in bzr? <gour> (by bzr's design) <spiv> gour: there was talk about how to support them at the March 2008 sprint <spiv> I forget the details, but they're probably on the list somewhere. <gour> cool. cherrypicking-ala-darcs would be great <spiv> It would. It's a pretty common request, unsurprisingly. <dissonans> should I follow any other pattern to integrate changes from the trunk in my release branch then? <crisb> hi everyone. has anyone got any tips about converting from an RCS like system (PVCS) to bzr? <dissonans> can't see how to avoid it, and I kind of relied on having the merge history <gour> btw, what is with the bug #109143 ? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 109143 in bzr "hpss does not support ~ (tilde) for home dir access on bzr:// or bzr+ssh://" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109143 <spiv> gour: not enough people have complained about it recently ;) <gour> ok, let me add myself to the list <fullermd> I knew I shoulda set up that cron job... <spiv> gour: actually, you're the second person to mention it to me in the last week or so. It's probably due to be bumped up to the top of my list of things to do... <crisb> we want to convert to bzr and i'm thinking of moving just the head over then manually recreating any branches we had (PVCS has no concept of a whole project branch, just a file by file one) does that sound stupid? <crisb> i mean can i somehow change timestamps of commits? <fullermd> crisb: I would suspect converting PVCS to CVS or SVN, and then going from there to bzr, would be the simplest thing to try... <fullermd> (since there are existing tools for both those paths out of PVCS, and both of those paths into bzr) <crisb> fullermd: yes sorry thats my plan, its just they dont give me anything very sane at the end of it if I leave it all up to the conversion tool <fullermd> Mmm. Yeah, if you started doing the sort of weird per-file stuff PVCS/RCS/CVS let you do, I can see that... <crisb> fullermd: so as we really dont want to end up with people having to know 2 (very different) tools we want to make a complete break from the past :) but do i have the ability to go in and fiddle about with the bzr repository when i'm making these manual branches from the historical stuff? <fullermd> You can't change existing commits, no. But you can certainly [through bzrlib; not through the CLI] set whatever attributes (including timestamps) you want on freshly created revisions. <gour> where can one find more info in regard to "Predefined formats for dumping version information in specific languages are currently in development." ? <fullermd> gour: "bzr help version-info"? <gour> fullermd: i mean if there is some work for other concrete language-formats like it's for 'python' * gour thinks (un)shelve is great stuff <vila> so one can go from zzz to afk and hist IRC client noticed... <vila> so one can go from zzz to afk and his IRC client noticed... <gour> hmm, cdiff prints in grey on white bg...how to fix it? <NET||abuse> uhoh,, i just ran bzr merge in my local svn working copy of a project i'm working on... i'm tired and think i just didn't think,, will this do anything bad? <NET||abuse> it says it's generating file id map at the moment. <lifeless> NET||abuse: just hit ctrl-C if you didn't want to do that <NET||abuse> .. well, doing a svn up on the working copy doesn't give out <NET||abuse> svn status shows up no new weird entries <NET||abuse> seems ok <NET||abuse> back in my bzr copy now <fullermd> As I see it, the problem is that that project isn't in bzr ;) <NET||abuse> did bzr merge to get changes from other people down, bzr log only shows rev 487, we're on 520 <beuno> james_w, hey hey, happy birthday! <lifeless> NET||abuse: thats normal <lifeless> NET||abuse: revnos are per-branch <lifeless> NET||abuse: (by analogy, consider multiple svn repos being synced with svk; revno's are per repository there) <lifeless> gnight <NET||abuse> lifeless: cheers. :) <NET||abuse> lifeless: seeya <james_w> thanks beuno <Rolly> I have a live website that is a standalone tree. I want to allow someone remote read+write access to the repository (htdocs/.bzr/), but I don't want to give them any access to the working tree files (htdocs/) or in fact any path on my server's filesystem. What would be the quickest way to accomplish this? <Rolly> Oh and SSH / SFTP are out of the question <awilkins> Holy monkey, why does this "bzr log -v" require 500MB of ram..... <awilkins> It's a rather large tree, but even so <Rolly> I also forgot to mention I need some sort of authentication, even if it's rudimentary. I think that rules out "bzr serve" <quicksilver> I'm not aware of any other form of write access <quicksilver> since you've ruled out ssh, sftp and the smart server <quicksilver> well, except bridging the filesystem to them somehow. <Rolly> Hm, but I've read that the smart server can be used with http <quicksilver> you can't write over http. <Odd_Bloke> You can, with the webdav plugin. <Odd_Bloke> vila will know more. <soren> How can I tell a signed commit from an unsigned ditto? <Rolly> argh <Rolly> I didn't see that mentioned in the docs, thanks <vila> bzr+ssh, bzr+http[s], webdav all provide various kind of authntication <Rolly> right I was just looking at authentication.conf <vila> wrong path <vila> authentication.conf is how you describe *your* credentials when accessing remote servers not how you want your local server to handle authentication <Rolly> Right, I think I understand that. It's SSH/webserver/webdev/etc that provide the server-side auth <vila> and if you install a smart server in your http server you *have* write access and you can use http[s] to handle authentication <vila> Rolly: yes <Rolly> Ah, you mean like with bzr-smart.fcgi or fcgi.py I can get write support? <vila> yes <Rolly> fabulous <Rolly> It's a little confusing at first <vila> If you feel you can make that clearer in the doc at any place, patches are welcome :) <Rolly> just to be clear, using the smart server in the http server will just allow my remote user to just access the repository, yes? No filesystem access? <Rolly> (ignore that redundant "just") <vila> Rolly: that's the idea yes <Rolly> Cool <Rolly> the user reference definetely needs some clearing up, maybe I'll take a stab if I wrap my head around this <vila> Err, wait, re-reading your description: access to htdocs/.bzr but no access to htdocs itself is a bit contradictory since the later is the working tree for the former <vila> if you really want to separate the two just give your user write access to a different branch at a different place and merge/update locally what you want <Rolly> I didn't mean literal filesystem access to htdocs/.bzr/, I actually meant "access to the repository" <Rolly> like with svnserve, you can serve a repository through svn:// and the users don't have filesystem access <vila> In that sense then yes if .bzr is a repository and not a branch my warning doesn't even apply <Rolly> Well, when I "cd htdocs && bzr info", I get "Standalone tree, branch root: ." <Rolly> In SVN terminology, htdocs/ is my repository _and_ my checkout. I need to give remote access to the repository but not the checkout <vila> You realize that if you give write access to your repo, even if the smart server doesn't update your working tree when your remote user commit, you will take his commits into account the next time you do bzr update ? <Rolly> yeah, that's what I want <Rolly> I just need a firewall (me) to check missing revisions before I update <vila> Then you'd better give him access to another branch from where you can pull or merge (IMHO) <vila> That will give you more control of your htdocs content <vila> While taking his modifications will still be easy (even easier the day you disagree with some modification) <Rolly> I see your point <vila> That's a usual setup where your user pull from your repository, push to a staging one and *you* pull or merge from the staging one acting as the gatekeeper (or firewall as you said) <Rolly> Hm, in what cases is that more convenient for the gatekeeper? <Odd_Bloke> Rolly: In the case where you don't want some changes. <Odd_Bloke> Because then you just don't pull, rather than having to perform acrobatics with the history of the branch. <Rolly> But in a production<->staging scenario, a bad commit can just be deleted (there isn't going to be a lot of activity on this repository, and no parallel coding going on <Odd_Bloke> A bad commit can be deleted, but should you be deciding the best way to do that, or should the developer? <Rolly> in this case, me <Odd_Bloke> In that case, there's not a massive amount to be gained from pushing to a separate branch, except that it is: a) good practice, and b) more future-proof. <Rolly> gotcha <Rolly> by the way, in the user reference, there is one mention of using an "http:// URL when a smart server is available via HTTP" <Rolly> everywhere else, it talks about "bzr+http://". What is the difference? <Odd_Bloke> Rolly: Where is that reference? <Rolly> http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-reference/bzr_man.html#hooks <Rolly> and then if you look here, it also mentions both protocols: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/index.html#serving-bazaar-with-fastcgi <Rolly> "Now you can use bzr+http:// URLs..." <Rolly> "Plain HTTP access should continue to work..." <Odd_Bloke> Hmm, I'm afraid I don't know. <Odd_Bloke> I've never set up smart HTTP access. <Rolly> I'll just dive in and see what happens <vila> Rolly: the smart client probes any http server and revert to plain http when no smart server answers <Rolly> aha <Odd_Bloke> vila: You can disable that behaviour using http+nosmart://..., right? <vila> right <Odd_Bloke> And does the HTTP smart server give me any benefit on read-only branches? <Rolly> a benefit would be speed, right? <vila> Odd_Bloke: more and more :) <Odd_Bloke> Right, I wasn't sure if 'smart' meant 'I can write to this', or meant 'generally better in every way'. <vila> and if you find a place where it is slower than raw http, file a bug <vila> the later <Odd_Bloke> Cool. <Odd_Bloke> I'll look into setting it up at some point. <jml> lifeless: *nudge* https://code.edge.launchpad.net/testresources/+activereviews <loxs> hello, is there a way to version control ODT documents with bzr? <gour> loxs: odt is compressed xml or not? <loxs> gour, I have no idea <beuno> loxs, I don't thing there is a good way to do so ATM, no <beuno> it will version it as binaries <gour> loxs: it looks it's zipped xml content, so not the best candidate <beuno> which isn't very good <luks> a good way to do what exactly? <beuno> OO has versioning built in <beuno> and you can plug VCSs into it <beuno> but I don't know too much abput it <loxs> hmm, OO has versioning? interesting <gour> loxs: i decided to use reST markup for all my writings...it can be nicely versioned with bzr, and there is nice rst2odt converter <loxs> but I suppose there is no good way for collaboration built in OO <gour> loxs: ...if reST markup satisfy your writing needs. <luks> loxs: what do you expect when you say 'to version control ODT documents'? <loxs> gour, the thing is that most of my contributors won't manage to do it <loxs> luks, version control and collaboration :) <luks> what does that mean? <gour> loxs: hmm, reST is so simple and one can write it in Notepad <luks> bzr can do it just fine, if you use my definition <gour> loxs: and using some bzr-gui it's easy for your contributors to commit and/or send you 'bundles' for merging * gour --> lunch.bbs <loxs> I'm afraid that I need rich formatting in a WSIWYG editor... so rest is not the best option, gour <loxs> it's not technical documentation, but medical one... <Odd_Bloke> Well, versioning ODTs in bzr won't be pretty. <loxs> and we need to collaborate on things like presentations etc <Odd_Bloke> Or, for that matter, much better than saving copies of the ODT, AFAIK. <luks> versioning binary files won't be pretty in any vcs <luks> but as this question is in #bzr, I don't think that's the problem <Odd_Bloke> But if you could get it in an intermediate format, then things might be better. <loxs> yeah, after all I can give up and use google docs :( <loxs> the thing is that I want the docs "in-house" :) <luks> it's not like google docs can merge documents better than bzr <jonnydee> hi, when I try to push my branch to a shared repository via ftp protocol I get: <jonnydee> zr: ERROR: Transport error: FTP temporary error during APPEND /bzr-repo/.bzr/repository/upload/bh3t4m7b8vud2womzv46.fetch.Aborting. 451 /bzr-repo/.bzr/repository/upload/bh3t4m7b8vud2womzv46.fetch: Append/Restart not permitted, try again <jonnydee> Does anyone know what this means? <luks> jonnydee: your FTP server doesn't support APPEND <luks> jonnydee: which probably means you can't use it with bzr <guilhembi> weird... after a "bzr pull" of the latest bzrtools, all bzrtools command are gone (absent from "bzr help commands")... <jonnydee> well, that's not good news :( <Odd_Bloke> guilhembi: What do you see in ~/.bzr.log? <guilhembi> Odd_Bloke: I see <guilhembi> 'dict' object has no attribute 'register_lazy' <guilhembi> Unable to load plugin 'bzrtools' from '/home/guilhem/.bazaar/plugins' <luks> you are using old bzr, upgrade to 1.9 <guilhembi> on the screen, that's interesting... now updating to latest bzr.dev <luks> or downgrade bzrtools <guilhembi> luks: thanks, it's the solution <jonnydee> I just asked our IT to create an ftp account for hosting bazaar branches and now the APPEND functionality should be the problem? ok, I see I will not be able to use Bazaar in our company... :( <Odd_Bloke> jonnydee: :( <Odd_Bloke> Do you really only have FTP to access your servers? <jonnydee> thanks Odd_Block <Odd_Bloke> You might want to start slapping your IT department around if that's the case. :p <jonnydee> well there is also a windows network share...but this one is not reachable from our development-intranet network. the only server which is reachable from everywhere is our ftp server.... <jonnydee> ok, anyway, thanks <Odd_Bloke> It seems likely that a workaroubnd could exist (i.e. fetch remote file, append locally, push new file back). <Odd_Bloke> But I don't know where append is used, so that might be prohibitive in terms of performance. <luks> I wonder what do packs need append for <Odd_Bloke> jonnydee: Could you paste the .bzr.log section for the command run in question? <Odd_Bloke> Or, better, file a bug containing it. <jonnydee> ok, I will file a bug. Thanks for your attention. <Odd_Bloke> jonnydee: No worries. Sorry this didn't work. :( <jonnydee> Maybe one day I will be able to use Bazaar in our development team. At the momen I can at least use it locally... <gour> loxs: have you considered something like lyx (latex-front end)? it's wysiwym <gour> loxs: it can be nicely versioned, it has some collaboration tool integrated... <loxs> hm, a good idea gour, thanks <loxs> but that will solve only the "doc" needs, we still have to find a way for the presentations <gour> loxs: use latex beamer class for presentation and create presentation in pdf without worrying whether it can be presented or not ;) <loxs> the thing is that the documents will be written by people who have never heard of latex <gour> loxs: check http://wiki.lyx.org/Examples/Beamer....well lyx hides almost all of latex stuff, it's like wysiwyg editor <gour> loxs: i was once burnt with binary format when working on one book and was not able to open it next day - program was crashing immediately...after that, i never wrote and save in binary format...only text formats (LaTeX, ConTeXt, reST....) <loxs> yet, I think it will be impossible to convert them to lyx.... I had gread difficulties to make them use OO, and I think it's impossible to change them any more :) <Odd_Bloke> The LyX beamer stuff probably isn't good enough... <gour> Odd_Bloke: good enough for what? you mean OO has better features? <Odd_Bloke> Sorry, good enough for people who don't want to know about LaTeX. <Odd_Bloke> I vastly prefer Beamer to any other presentation software, but always use vim for it. <Odd_Bloke> I do use LyX for other documents. <gour> ahh, ok then ;) * gour is moving to ConTeXt instead of lyx/latex <Odd_Bloke> That sounds suspiciously Mac-like. <loxs> never heard of context <jonnydee> Odd_Bloke: I've just filed a bug regarding my previously reported issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/294709 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 294709 in bzr "Pushing to shared repo using FTP doesn't work: "Append/Restart not permitted, try again"" [Undecided,New] <Odd_Bloke> jonnydee: Thanks. :) <gour> Odd_Bloke, loxs: check http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Main_Page <gour> it's kind a 'what-latex3-is-supposed-to-be-one-day' <jonnydee> Odd_Bloke: You're welcome :) <fynn> Hi. How do I serve a bzr repo off a dumb HTTP server? <Odd_Bloke> fynn: Put it somewhere HTTP accessible. <fynn> Odd_Bloke: can I just put an empty directory with the .bzr dir inside it? <Odd_Bloke> fynn: Just 'bzr branch <BRANCH> <PUBLICALLY ACCESSIBLE LOCATION>'. <luks> um, `bzr push <PUBLICLY_ACCESSIBLE_LOCATION>` instead? <fynn> OK, that would publish a working copy with its .bzr directory, right? <NfNitLoop> not if the destination is remote. <NfNitLoop> bzr doesn't try to build a working copy when it pushes to remote locations. <NfNitLoop> for performance reasons (I think?) <fynn> sounds like "a bare repository" in git... <Keybuk> Why isn't the bzr-svn in the PPA installable? <Odd_Bloke> luks: I don't know, I fail. :p <Odd_Bloke> Keybuk: I think mostly because PPAs don't keep old versions of packages around. <Keybuk> Odd_Bloke: the version of bzr-svn in the PPA explicitly depends on the version of bzr *not* in the PPA though <Keybuk> that's kinda odd <Odd_Bloke> Keybuk: A newer version or an older version? <Keybuk> it depends: <james_w> a new bzr-svn hasn't been uploaded yet <Keybuk> bzr >= 1.6~, bzr << 1.8~ <fynn> one more question: is there a way to publish a bzr repo on a dump HTTP server as a single file? <Odd_Bloke> fynn: You could just tar it up. <fynn> Odd_Bloke: would people be able to pull directly from the tarred form? <luks> fynn: no <fynn> OK, it's like git in that sense then. <fynn> you need to publish the full .bzr tree if you want people to pull from it. <luks> right <sven> hi! when i run 'bzr visualize', it says "bzr: ERROR: No module named dbus You may need to install this Python library separately.". but i have dbus installed. <sven> i'm using the current development branch of bzr, and the latest dbus that comes with ubuntu <Odd_Bloke> sven: Check the appropriate part of ~/.bzr.log. <sven> Odd_Bloke, ok, here: http://pastebin.com/m38ce1a03 <fynn> OK, not sure I got it: <fynn> how do I clone to a bare repository in Bazaar? <fynn> ("bare" == a repository without a working copy, essentially only the .bzr directory) <luks> first you need to fix your terminology <luks> you can't clone a repository, you can get a copy of a branch <luks> `bzr branch PUBLIC_LOCATION` <fynn> OK, and how do I make a copy of a branch that contains only the .bzr, and no working files? <luks> I don't think you can do it directly, either setup a treesless local repository and run `bzr branch` or run `bzr branch` followed by `bzr remove-tree` <luks> or better, what are you doing? <fynn> publishing a bzr repo over a dumb HTTP server. <luks> maybe it's something git-specific for which has bzr a different solution? <luks> what's the use case for a not having the working tree? <luks> locally, of course, it won't be on the server <fynn> the server is not to house a working tree, because nobody is editing files on the server. <fynn> it's just a server to pull/push from/to. <luks> right, so it's a misunderstanding <sven> Odd_Bloke, did .bzr.log tell you anything? <luks> let's say you have ~/project (where you work) and ~/public_html/bzr/project (where you want to publish the repo) <luks> now, in ~/project you run `bzr push ~/public_html/bzr/project` <luks> and on another computer you run `bzr branch http://example.com/~user/bzr/project` <luks> that's all <luks> you can replace ~/public_html/bzr/project with any bzr-supported procotol, e.g. sftp://example.som/home/user/public_html/bzr/project <luks> fynn: did that help or did I confuse you even more? :) <fynn> luks: "now, in ~/project you run `bzr push ~/public_html/bzr/project`" -> but wouldn't that recreate also the working tree of ~/project inside ~/public_html/bzr/project? <luks> fynn: no <luks> fynn: oops, yes if it's local <luks> fynn: in that case run `bzr remove-tree` in ~/public_html/bzr/project <luks> fynn: but if it's a different server, you won't need it <fynn> luks: right, and it looks like 'bzr remove-tree' in a branch makes it a "working-copy-less" branch, i.e. what git calls "a bare branch" <luks> fynn: yes, but in case of pushing over network if will not create the working tree <luks> fynn: it happens only if you push to a local location <fynn> so it's the same concept, and the same outcome, just that in bzr for local branching, it's a two-step process (push and remove-tree) while in git it's a single step with a switch (clone with the --bare flag. <fynn> luks: thanks a lot, all clear now. <fynn> luks: ah, there's another small different. <fynn> *difference <luks> note that it will remember the "no working tree" flag, so if you push the next time it will be all fine * fynn nods <fynn> in git, if you create a bare branch in ~/public_html/bzr/project, ~/public_html/bzr/project would contain the contents of ~/project/.git directly. <Odd_Bloke> sven: Sorry, I've been called away. <Odd_Bloke> Someone else here should be able to help you though. <fynn> in bzr, it would contain ~/project, it's just that if you also did remove-tree, it would only contain .bzr inside, and no working files. <sven> Odd_Bloke, hmm, actually, from looking at the code it seems like you need not only dbus, but the bzr-dbus plugin. a bit hard to tell from the error message though <sven> hi! i'm having trouble using the latest bzr-gtk development branch, because it depends on the dbus plugin, which fails to compile for me with the message "libxml-2.0 >= 2.6.0... configure: error: No XML library found, check config.log for failed attempts". i have the version 2.6.31-dfsg-2ubuntu1.2 libxml2 package installed <sven> or rather, dbus fails to configure <jam> guilhembi: ping <emmajane> beuno, ok there's your bug for today. :) * beuno looks <beuno> emmajane, I have some work done already which addresses that :) <emmajane> woo! <emmajane> I should double check that the other bug that I commented on (that mpt commented on) makes sense as well... <emmajane> it's sort of the same problem... <beuno> yeah, navigation needs re-working <beuno> it's high on my list <emmajane> cool <emmajane> I think my biggest problem with LP is the navigation. And it's hard to interact with the site when I can't find things. :) * emmajane goes back to boring work now. <beuno> emmajane, so is mine! :) * beuno goes back to fun work <emmajane> :) <guilhembi> jam: sorry I missed your ping; going to dinner now, bbl <jam> guilhembi: np <jam> Just wanted to talk about the upgrade stuff <EarthLion> hey how can i get a list of all the files that have been changed between revno x and revno y? <beuno> EarthLion, bzr log -r X..Y -v --short? <EarthLion> many thanks <james_w> "bzr st -r X..Y" as well <beuno> oh, status has revisionspec <beuno> interesting <EarthLion> bzr st -r 86..91 actually works better in this situation because i get a summary list rather then a revision to revision breakdown <beuno> yeah, james_w is much smarter <james_w> heh :-) <beuno> and today is his birthday, so we have to be extra nice to him * emmajane sings the birthday song to james_w <emmajane> without tune, but with appreciation for his bzr cleverness. :) <Peng_> Oh, really? Happy birthday. :) * awilkins sends james_w a cookie * beuno avoids singing. Even on IRC <james_w> thanks everyone :-) * gour is singing...happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...happy birthday dear james_w, happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <jam> hey, let me join in... happy b-day james_w * gour sends nice cake to james_w http://www.iskcon.net.au/kurma/2008/02/20#a4566 <NET||abuse> hi guys,.. just did a series of stuff for the first time with bazaar and svn, the process so far looks a little like the following=> bzr branch svn+ssh://blah.... ; hack; bzr commit; hack; bzr commit; bzr merge; bzr commit; hack; bzr commit; bzr merge; bzr commit; and i'm finally trying to do bzr push; but it says it doesn't have a remembered location <james_w> gour: that is a very nice cake, thanks <emmajane> Where can I find documentation on how to accept a proposed "code" change in launchpad? I'm going to be helping the training team, but I've never done this before... <emmajane> we'll be using bzr to push changes to LP... and then ... what happens next? <beuno> emmajane, nowhere yet, it's work-in-progress <beuno> but, basically, you push, go to the branch, "propose for merge", do the reviewers dance <beuno> and merge <beuno> LP will mark it as merged when it seessss the tip of the proposed branch in trunk <emmajane> yeah, it's the reviewer's dance that I need to know about. <beuno> ah, well <beuno> by default <beuno> the review will be requested to the owner of the targetted branch <gour> james_w: i'm glad you like it. i bought kurma's DVD set (11 disc) fulle of great vegat. dishes... <emmajane> beuno, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training/KnowledgeBase <--- what happens after step 7 * beuno looks <gour> james_w: see http://kurma.net/videos/index.html and bon appetit ;) * emmajane rewrote the instructions last night with popey. Suggestions welcome if I'm missing or wrong about anything. :) <beuno> emmajane, well, the reviewer bit really just concerns the reviewer, mostly <beuno> once you file the merge proposal <beuno> you have to wait for the reviewer to approve it <emmajane> beuno, yup. and the reviewer instructions won't be included on this page... <beuno> (you don't really have to, it's a social constraint) <beuno> once he reviewed it, you'll get an email saying so <beuno> and if he approved <emmajane> my reviewer doesn't know how to use LP. I need to teach her. :) <beuno> well... usually the reviewer merges it into trunk <beuno> ah, double the fun <emmajane> yes :) <emmajane> we taught the team how to branch the documentation from LP last night. <emmajane> next we we're teaching how to push back up. but I also need to help out with how to accept merges. <beuno> ah, I see <beuno> hrm <beuno> I can send you something <emmajane> that would be great. :) <fynn> is there a way to convert a git repo to BZR? <lifeless> fynn: yes, fastexport it <lifeless> there is info on the bzr wiki <fynn> lifeless: thanks. <thrope> so the rc1-3 windows installer tortoisebzr seems to work - but I still can't find a way to add a file from the context menu <thrope> am I missing something? <Odd_Bloke> bzr-buildpackage should be able to work out when I'm building a native package from the changelog, right? <Odd_Bloke> james_w: *catches up with scrollback* Happy birthday. :) <lifeless> garh spammers <maco> hi, i want to use bzr on a directory. i'm not sure which bzr ____ command to use though. <james_w> Odd_Bloke: thanks. <james_w> Odd_Bloke: it doesn't detect it from the changelog, you have to use --native or set it to native mode <lifeless> maco: what is ____ ? <lifeless> Odd_Bloke: people have been known to upload as native non-native packages and vice versa <maco> lifeless: well i *think* i have to put something after "bzr" since in the manpage there's like "bzr add" and "bzr branch" and all that... <lifeless> maco: have you read the tutorial ? <maco> ive only ever branched from things that were already in bzr <maco> um...where? <lifeless> maco: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.1.9/ <lifeless> if you've used bzr before, and you just want to know how to make a brand new project - just 'bzr init project-root' <lifeless> where project-root is the path to the existing project files (and if omitted defaults to '.') <maco> lifeless: thank you <emmajane> maco, http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.1.9/en/mini-tutorial/index.html <--- skip to that one. the other pages are scary. :) <maco> aha <maco> emmajane: thanks, the part where it mentions +junk just explained the cryptic error i got trying to push to lp :P <maco> this "bzr: ERROR: Generic bzr smart protocol error: Permission denied: "/~maco.m/fusa" <maco> doesn't really explain much <emmajane> maco, ahh <emmajane> maco, have you told bzr about your LP account? <emmajane> bzr launchpad-login LPLOGINNAME <maco> emmajane: it was upset by "fusa". i had to expand it to fast-user-switch-applet <emmajane> maco, all solved now? <maco> yep <emmajane> WOO! <maco> still dont think that error message is terribly helpful though <emmajane> maco, that I can't help with :/ <lifeless> jml: ^ is there are bug? <emmajane> maco, are you on the mailing list? You could suggest an improved message... <lifeless> emmajane: its a launchpad error <emmajane> lifeless, heh. Good ol' launchpad. <thumper> what about launchpad? <thumper> lifeless: I feel like I've missed something... <lifeless> thumper: the error on an unknown project in a branch path <thumper> lifeless: oh, I'm about to talk to bkor about gnome <lifeless> thumper: permission denied is less informative <thumper> lifeless: on a conf call, want to join us? <lifeless> thumper: skype? <thumper> lifeless: my conf call number <lifeless> oh hmm <lifeless> its 7am, got getting up things to do; <lifeless> if you'd like me there I'll join, but I don't think I'm critical <thumper> lifeless: if something comes up I may ping <lifeless> sure <lifeless> do that <NET||abuse> hmm, bzr push's back to the svn repo make a lot of notes come up in the rss report <lifeless> NET||abuse: I believe that some of the default change->notification scripts are overly sensitive <lifeless> there was a thread about this recently on the list <NET||abuse> really? hmm, <lifeless> (on the svn side) <NET||abuse> so on the server i can tone down the notification scripts <NfNitLoop> Woo! I got the OK to do a presentation about bzr/bzr-svn here to try to convince people to adopt it. <lifeless> sweet <lifeless> NET||abuse: should be able to filter it out yes <lifeless> also the first one is the worst AIUI <NET||abuse> NfNitLoop: if you do a full blown presentation, you should publish any notes or slides or even video the thing <NET||abuse> vimeo rocks. <NET||abuse> hmm, can you use bazar as teh server, and svn as a client? <NET||abuse> in a mixed svn/bzr client base <dobey> no, i don't think so <dobey> you can use bzr-svn to interact with an svn server, i don't think there is an svn-bzr to do the reverse <NET||abuse> hmm, ok <LarstiQ> well, there is ish <LarstiQ> but it's not as mature as bzr-svn <lifeless> jam: let me know if you want to chat re: those things in the repository branch <lifeless> dobey: 'bzr svn-serve', a jelmer production <dobey> oh <dobey> n/m then <dobey> i guess you can do that <LarstiQ> dobey: in practicality I think you're right, unless I have severely missed development on svn-serve * LarstiQ goes to bed, ciao <lifeless> spiv: ping <lifeless> spiv: I've pushed <lifeless> spiv: can you send again? <spiv> Ok. <lifeless> thanks <lifeless> spiv: ping <lifeless> spiv: how are you generating that bundle? <lifeless> spiv: is it using your local mirror, o r my branc on people, or something else a gain? <jam> poolie, lifeless: What do you think about creating a bzr.dev mirror that would be in 1.9 format? <jam> My back-of-the-envelope numbers show it being a pretty big win for me <jam> and even if I upgrade my local repo, I don't really get the benefit <lifeless> jam: I'm fine with that <lifeless> alternatively, wait for 1.10 or 1.11 and upgrade bzr.dev <Peng_> How often would the bzr.dev mirror be updated? <jam> lifeless: well, I think it would be good to have someone/some people actively using it before we make it primary branch <spiv> lifeless: your branch on people' <Peng_> Better performance would be cool, but I'd use the most up-to-date repo instead. <Peng_> s/repo/branch/ <jam> Peng_: well, we used to do the same thing for the weaves => knits and then the knits => packs upgrades <lifeless> spiv: its included changes to Makefile <spiv> lifeless: "bzr send http://people.ubuntu.com/~robertc/baz2.0/repository/" <jam> I think it was updated each time pqm committed <jam> if not, < every hour <Peng_> That works then. <Peng_> How do the smart server and LP factor into this? <Peng_> I mean, what's optimal? <jam> Peng_: I'm not quite sure what you are looking for. <lifeless> today httpw/btrees is probably optimal pull <jam> I can't tell LP to mirror a branch into a different format <lifeless> future is smart server for sure <jam> and if I could, it still only allows 1 mirror of a public branch <lifeless> jam: I think peng is asking about performance and so on, not about making mirrors :P <lifeless> Peng_: lp will support 1.9 formats soon <Peng_> Right. <jam> Peng_: So in working on: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/38599 <jam> I worked out that the new index format can often transmit < 1/8th the data the old format used <Peng_> Wow <jam> and that is when both are performing "optimally" <jam> which the new format has a much better time getting to <jam> the big issue is log2(N) for bisection, versus log100(N) for btree <jam> both are logarithmic, but the constant factor is a big deal <Peng_> How relevant are btree indexes when pulling over the smart server? Do they even get accessed over the vfs? <lifeless> Peng_: today, they are directly read <Peng_> lifeless: FWIW, I wrote a trivial patch to work around one Python 2.6 warning in bzr-search. (I don't know if there are others.) http://bzr.mattnordhoff.com/loggerhead/bzr-search/py2.6/ * Peng_ shrugs * fullermd can't help thinking that SS VFS support was a mistake... <Peng_> heh <lifeless> http://bzr.mattnordhoff.com/loggerhead/bzr-search/py2.6 is permanently redirected to /loggerhead/bzr-search/py2.6/changes <lifeless> http://bzr.mattnordhoff.com/loggerhead/bzr-search/py2.6/ is permanently redirected to http://bzr.mattnordhoff.com/bzr/bzr-search/py2.6/ <Peng_> :D <Peng_> Oh. <Peng_> The bzr branches are at /bzr and Loggerhead is at /loggerhead. I did a small hack to redirect /loggerhead/.../.bzr/ to /bzr/.../.bzr/, but I guess it wasn't enough for everything. <lifeless> Peng_: oh it worked <lifeless> just a bit, circuitous <lifeless> Peng_: anyhow, my osutils has no md5 symbol <Peng_> It's rather new. <lifeless> Peng_: right, so this will break compatibility with older bzr's <Peng_> Yeah. <Peng_> Might be better to live with the warning or do a try/except ImportError yourself. <lifeless> try: <lifeless> from bzrlib.osutils import md5 <lifeless> except ImportError: <lifeless> from md5 import new as md5 <lifeless> from bzrlib.osutils import split_lines <lifeless> seems to work, except jam's index changes cause the whole test suite to barf on the lower range map not being parsed <lifeless> Peng_: future reference, please put something in NEWS :) <spiv> lifeless: I've done another send, it might work better for you <jam> lifeless: ? <lifeless> Peng_: how do you prefer your name in NEWS - Matt Nordhoff ? <lifeless> jam: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr-search/+bug/293906 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 293906 in bzr-search "suggestion failure on some indices" [Undecided,New] <Peng_> lifeless: Oh. Yes. <Peng_> jam: Nice job on your "back of the envelope" calculations. <Peng_> Might be useful to put them in the docs somewhere. <jam> lifeless: ah, sounds like you need to switch over to _nodes from time to time. <jam> though I thought you were using btree indexes for bzr search anyway <lifeless> jam: no, I need to implement key-element-prefix-iteration to do that <lifeless> search is damn fast anyway, because it's use pattern doesn't fragment index buffers <lifeless> jam: interestingly, using _nodes is probably going to be slower in some cases here :P - because the parsed key map is sorted <lifeless> jam: so what I'll probably be doing is backing out your heuristics in the subclass <jam> lifeless: anyway, I'm done for the night <lifeless> jam: sleep well <lifeless> spiv: thanks, commit+pushing <lifeless> spiv: it is pushed btw #bzr 2008-11-07 <lifeless> beuno: search should be fully fixed now <lifeless> Peng_: thanks for that fix if I didn't already say so. <Peng_> :) <lamalex> Hi, is there any documentation on setting up loggerhead? <lamalex> I'm trying to figure out how to configure apache to forward requests to it, but not really having a lot of luck <lifeless> lamalex: uhm, 'serve-branches.py PATH' <lifeless> lamalex: then in apache just setup a proxypass <lamalex> i did that... it's not working <lifeless> lamalex: check its working directly <lifeless> that you can use ff on the localhost port 8080 (where loggerhead starts) <lifeless> oh, there is also an optionI think to enable host munging via apache - in server-branches <lamalex> yah, i didn't want to do localhost because that means having to ssh portforward <lamalex> which while not hard <lamalex> is just annoying <lamalex> but i'll try it <lamalex> ok yah it's working on localhost <lifeless> lamalex: make sure you have python-pastedeploy installed <lamalex> lifeless: yah, i do <lifeless> lamalex: specify --prefix=/apacheprefix/ <lifeless> lamalex: to serve-branches <lifeless> e.g. if you want loggerhead at http://host/loggerhead/ <lifeless> specify --prefix=/loggerhead/ <lifeless> (IIRC - the help could be better on this) <lamalex> what about if i want bzr.host.com <lifeless> it should autodetect the host <poolie> spiv: did you have other stuff for 1.9? is it up for review, merged, or not ready yet? <spiv> poolie: nothing else for 1.9, no <thumper> spiv: so server side autopacks have made it for 1.9? <poolie> thumper: yes <thumper> w00t <thumper> I wonder if this fixes a problem we were having on LP <thumper> poolie: is format 1.9 the default format? <thumper> I didn't follow the answer to that one before <poolie> no <poolie> it also has some fixes for the transient pack-file-not-found bug <gauthierm> I exported a svn repository to my local machine, set it as a bzr repository and made a hundred or so revisions. I now have commit access to the svn repo. Is it possible to push my individual bzr commits to the svn repo? <poolie> gauthierm: i *think* just pushing back will move them across, but i've barely used bzr-svn myself <gauthierm> bzr crashed when I tried to merge my bzr changes into svn. <gauthierm> Looks like its bug #240597. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 240597 in bzr-svn "bzr crashed on merging from local bzr branch into a local svn branch" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/240597 <gauthierm> heh, you're good. <gauthierm> wait, you're a robot! <gauthierm> I'll sort it out tomorrow. <poolie> lifeless: ping? can you read bug 293440? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 293440 in bzr "Cannot commit to bound svn branch: "invalid property value 'branch-nick' for None"" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/293440 <lifeless> poolie: I am assuming the new code in 1.8 did something like 'config = master.get_config()' ... rather than 'master_nick = master.nick' <lifeless> poolie: yes, I am able to read it <lifeless> and your patch looks decent <lifeless> (decent and appropriate) <poolie> thanks * poolie changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control system | http://bazaar-vcs.org | 1.9 released 7 Nov | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | http://planet.bazaar-vcs.org/ <Peng_> Whee :) <poolie> yep <Peng_> BTW, the NEWS file says 1.9 was released on 2008-10-31, not that 1.9rc1 was. <poolie> yes <poolie> it's fixed in the actual 1.9 <poolie> if you're looking on the web it may take a little while to update <poolie> ah <poolie> now that was actually pretty easy <poolie> automation yay <Peng_> ok :) <DBO> is there any status on monodevelop-bzr other than "it still does nothing"? <vila> hi all <lifeless> hi <lifeless> gnight <jszakmeister> jelmer: you there? <jelmer> jszakmeister, hi <jszakmeister> Hey! <jszakmeister> I reported a bug a few days ago: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/291370 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 291370 in bzr-svn "bzr-svn seems to corrupt a knit repository" [Undecided,New] <jszakmeister> I was curious if you had seen something like that before. <jszakmeister> I thought I was using a "typical" workflow with bzr-svn... but perhaps I'm doing something wrong. <jszakmeister> Oh, and I just tried to reproduce with bzr 1.9 and bzr-svn 0.4.14... I get a different error, but it still backtraces. <jszakmeister> brb... <jszakmeister> ...alright, I'm back. <verterok_> 'morning <jelmer> jszakmeister, thanks <jelmer> jszakmeister, I'll see if I can reproduce here <jszakmeister> jelmer: I added a script for the new bzr 1.9 release... but that produces a different error at the moment: alueError: invalid property value 'branch-nick' for None <jszakmeister> ...and thanks for looking into it. I appreciate it! <Odd_Bloke> Could someone help me diagnose what's going on in http://paste.pocoo.org/show/90470/? <luks> broken server that responds 302 instead of 404 to a missing page? <Odd_Bloke> Right, that's what I thought. <Odd_Bloke> luks: Thanks. :) <nekohayo> hmm. bzr-svn is not built in the ppa <nekohayo> I tried getting the latest tarball but when doing make I get this: <nekohayo> http://pastebin.com/d6f2ed19f <nekohayo> any ideas? <jelmer> nekohayo, you need to have libsvn-dev installde <jelmer> *installed <nekohayo> that should be mentionned in the INSTALL file or wiki :) <jelmer> it is :-) <jelmer> Requirements/Subversion development files in INSTALL <nekohayo> jelmer: http://pastebin.com/d641f37ac I couldn't find a package named rst2html? what did I miss? <jelmer> nekohayo, install python-docutils <nekohayo> it builds! :) <jelmer> beuno, hi <beuno> jelmer, hi <jelmer> beuno, now I forgot what I wanted to ask :-( <beuno> jelmer, still nice that you said hi <beuno> we can leave it at that until you remember <jelmer> :-) <jelmer> looking forward to the new loggerhead btw <jelmer> the new code.bitlbee.org should also be running it soon, in favor of bzr-hgweb <beuno> cool, it's been a while since we released <dash> i've got an old mercurial repository I want to convert to bzr. how are people doing that these days? <dash> neither bzr-hg or bzr-hgimport seem to work with the latest versions of things. <Odd_Bloke> dash: fastexport and fastimport, I think. <luks> bzr-fastimport with soem of the git exporters, probably <uniscript> is there a bzr-svn for bzr 1.9? Or shall I repackage the 1.6-1.7 version to allow 1.9? <dash> Odd_Bloke: Fancy. Looks like that did the job <dash> thanks guys :) <jelmer> uniscript, there is a bzr-svn for 1.9, 0.4.14 <uniscript> any plans for a package? each time bzr comes out I lose bzr-svn <uniscript> :( <jelmer> uniscript, there's already a debian package, http://bzr.debian.org/pkg-bazaar/bzr-svn/experimental/ <uniscript> directory is empty <jelmer> it's a bzr branch <jelmer> the actual package can be found at http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=bzr-svn <uniscript> ta <uniscript> hmm no i386 support and I get tied in dependency knots trying to build the thing <jelmer> uniscript, what sort of dependency knots? <uniscript> pdebuild depends on 1.9 and debuild has sqlite3 problems due to using medibuntu <jdong> hey bzr folks :) <uniscript> but why is debian bzr-svn 0.4.14 not available for i386? <jdong> I'm looking at a bzr backport to Hardy. Would like to get Jaunty up to 1.9 first * jdong grabs changelog of 1.9~rc1 vs 1.9 <james_w> jdong: 1.9-1 is in Debian if you hadn't seen it <jdong> james_w: obviously I should stop using packages.d.o :) * jdong clobbers that shortcut for a p.qa.d.o one :) <james_w> good choice :-) <jdong> james_w: is there a sync request open for jaunty yet? <james_w> jdong: nah, I assumed it would auto-sync <james_w> yeah, it will <james_w> jelmer: hey, is everything in shape for bzr 1.9 in Debian? <jdong> yeah ok the problem ("problem") is sid only has 1.5-1.1 from what I can see <jelmer> jdong, we can't upload to sid yet because it's kept open for uploads for lenny <james_w> ah, of course <james_w> jdong: would you like to request it, or shall I do it? <jelmer> uniscript, the debian auto-builders haven't build bzr-svn yet for i386 (but they haven't built bzr itself either yet, so that shouldn't be a problem) <jelmer> james_w, Yeah, everything in Debian should be in shape for 1.9 <jdong> james_w: please do, you are more experienced with the stack of packages involved :) <james_w> jelmer: great, thanks. We're going to work on backporting it to Intrepid/Hardy so we need a group that works well together. <jdong> awesome :) <jelmer> james_w, I gave the .orig.tar.gz checksum issue some more thought <james_w> cool <jelmer> james_w, I think the best solution would probably be to use the version from the apt repository if there is one, and otherwise generate one <jelmer> james_w, would that make sense? <james_w> that could work <jelmer> james_w, do you have any idea about 466244 and 477431 ? it seems to me like they're both pycentral bugs <jelmer> (Debian bugs) <james_w> yeah, not sure about them <Odd_Bloke> Can ubottu be goaded into linking to Debian bugs? <james_w> debian bug 466244 <ubottu> Debian bug 466244 in bzr "bzr: Left python files behind after being removed" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/466244 <Odd_Bloke> Debian bugs 466244 and 477431? <ubottu> Debian bug 466244 in bzr "bzr: Left python files behind after being removed" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/466244 <ubottu> Debian bug 477431 in bzr "bzrlib/patches.py gets in the way for configuration of python2.4-minimal" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/477431 <Odd_Bloke> Sweet. <emmajane> beuno, ok, I promise that's enough bugs from me today. :) <NfNitLoop> asdfasdfso I'm writing up documentation on bzr-svn for a presentation to coworkers... <NfNitLoop> and I noticed an inconsistency: <NfNitLoop> when I push my trunk back to svn, I just 'bzr push $REPO/trunk' <NfNitLoop> but if I'm working on a new branch that I want to mirror in svn, I have to 'bzr svn-push $REPO/branches/mybranch' <NfNitLoop> should I be using svn-push in both cases? <lifeless> NfNitLoop: no, svn-push is a special case to handle svn's need to atomically create the new branch <NfNitLoop> so I should only use svn-push to create a new branch in svn, but 'push' is fine to update an exitsting branch w/ new changes? <lifeless> NfNitLoop: yes <emmajane> Who was I bugging about olive the other day? I think it was jelmer ? <jelmer> emmajane: Yep :-) Hi! <emmajane> jelmer, hey :) <emmajane> I have a qustion that *might* be a bug but I'm not sure. <emmajane> I'm just going to pastebin some output <emmajane> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/68977/ <emmajane> I get this dump when I start olive from a directory that has no .bzr folder <fullermd> Sheesh. Man, somebody is going to say jelmer's name while he's asleep, and we'll all be sure he's dead when he doesn't respond... <emmajane> fullermd, hehe <jelmer> 'morning fullermd :-) <jelmer> emmajane, Yeah, that's definitely a bug <emmajane> jelmer, and this is when I start it with .bzr in the same folder: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/68979/ <emmajane> jelmer, same bug? <emmajane> jelmer, I think it's the same output but I'm feeling crosseyed at python outputs... <jelmer> emmajane, yes, I think so <emmajane> jelmer, kay. <emmajane> jelmer, thanks. :) <emmajane> jelmer, suggested title for the bug? <jelmer> emmajane, Generally, I think any terminal output from bzr-gtk (other than "can't open display") would be a bug <emmajane> "garbage on start" probably won't cut it. ;) <emmajane> kay :) <fullermd> Hm, I get some... <jelmer> emmajane: perhaps something like "finalized floating point object used" <jelmer> s/point// <emmajane> jelmer, oooo that makes me sound clever :) <fullermd> Used to anyway. Don't see it in a quick check. <jelmer> emmajane: I'm just rephrasing the error message as short as possible; I have no clue what's going on either at this point (-: <emmajane> hehehe <emmajane> jelmer, submitted. <jelmer> emmajane, thanks! <emmajane> jelmer, thanks for clarifying that it was "bad" output... <Leonidas> I have just updated to bzr 1.9 and there are two new repo-formats <Leonidas> Which one is to choose? I don't really understand what this rich-root thing is. <Peng_> Leonidas: If you're not using a rich-root format already (rich-root, rich-root-pack, ...), you don't need to. <Leonidas> Peng_: I have pack-0.92, so which one would be best? <Leonidas> to clarify: I don't need backwards-compatibility, so I don't need to stick to an older format <jelmer> Leonidas, 1.9 <Leonidas> jelmer: does it support stacking? bzr help formats is a bit ambivalent in this regard. <jelmer> Leonidas, yes, it does <Leonidas> ok, great. <Leonidas> the branch format 0.15 is still the most recent, right? <fullermd> I thought stacking had a new branch and new repo format. <emmajane> jelmer, I found olive to be full of fail for downloading a branch. Do you know if you've been able to get it to work? Or should I just download using the command line utility? <jelmer> Leonidas, No, 1.9 has a new format. 0.15 is ancient, btw, much older than 0.92 <jelmer> emmajane, About to get coffee, I'll give it a try after that <emmajane> jelmer, no worries. <Leonidas> jelmer: how to update these? bzr update on each checkout? <Leonidas> jelmer: 0.15 is ancient, but somehow since I started using bzr 0.15 on that project, I somehow missed updating the branches & checkouts because I didn't know that there were new formats. <Peng_> 0.15's Branch 6 was the newest branch format until the 1.6 format. * Leonidas will update all that stuff today, after he's done with todays commits <Peng_> All the latest branch format buys you is stacking, so you don't really need to bother. <fullermd> And without the branch format upgrade, you probably end up with another one of those "unknown" formats. Fun for the whole family. <Peng_> Heh, yep. <lifeless> Leonidas: we nag after a while <james_w> hey lifeless <james_w> didn't get a chance to investigate moving to 1.9 today <lifeless> no worries <james_w> they branches use 1.6, so 1.9 would just be GraphIndex, correct? <lifeless> yes <lifeless> 'just' <lifeless> (btree index btw, graphindex is what < 1.9 uses) <james_w> oh, yeah, sorry <james_w> I'm away next week, but I'll see if I have time to run a script to do it <james_w> the initial flood to jaunty died down today, so it would be feasible to do it at this point <james_w> I could kick it off tonight I guess <Peng_> If it's relevant, there's a script to convert from packs to btrees more efficiently. http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/bzr/request/%3C49133617.8080600%40arbash-meinel.com%3E <james_w> yeah <james_w> thanks <jelmer> it would be nice to see that integrated into "bzr upgrade" <Peng_> Yeah. The review comments discuss that. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.bazaar-ng.general/48951/focus=48962 <Leonidas> ok, update went without problems. I got some 'unknown' format repositories, so I just updated all. <Leonidas> And it was quite fast. Not like last time #bzr 2008-11-08 <aboSamoor> I am trying to add svn folders to bzr, I got this message "bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: ".": PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/trunk'" <lifeless> see my reply in #launchpad <Peng_> Err.. bzr just did an autopack. .bzr.log said it was packing from 14 packs to 10, but instead it packed them down to...3. I don't get it. <Peng_> (I mean, it was right about there being 14 initially.) <lifeless> Peng_: it lied <lifeless> Peng_: please file a bug <lifeless> Peng_: (what it really meant was 'all but two of the packs needs to be combined' -> 3 (its simpler and more efficient than the original code <lifeless> but the debug output is the original plan of what would happen <Peng_> Oh. <Peng_> It should've combined them into 2 packs anyway. It left one with only like 2 revisions in it. :\ <lifeless> Peng_ well, could be a bug <Peng_> Wait...what do you mean? It was originally going to leave 10 packs, but changed its mind after writing the debug message? <Peng_> Well, I filed bug 295486. Kinda crappy title though. <ubottu> Launchpad bug 295486 in bzr "Autopack's debug output is wrong about how many packs will be left" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/295486 <Peng_> lifeless: Not to be a stalker, but you seem to have identical branches at lp:~lifeless/+junk/bzr-index2 and lp:~lifeless/+junk/index2. <fullermd> Peng_: Don't try and act innocent. We all saw you checking out his branches. <RedLizard> What is usually done with a feature branch once the feature is stable and has been merged into the trunk? I don't want it to clutter the branch namespace for all eternity, yet I do want it available for all eternity. <LarstiQ> RedLizard: I usually do nothing to it, or move it out of the way. <yml> Hello, I am having some hard time to understand how to make bzr happy after a big reorganisation in my project. <RedLizard> LarstiQ: i would like to mark it as "closed for development" in some way <LarstiQ> RedLizard: mv it to done/ ? <yml> In fact I have moved/rename some folder in the terminal an now I try to make bzr aware of this modification <LarstiQ> yml: bzr mv --after oldname newname <LarstiQ> yml: this may be a little tricky if you have also done renames of children of that directory, it is doable but a bit more work than ideal <yml> LarstiQ: thanks I am going to try this <yml> LarstiQ: I have not done any renaming of the children <RedLizard> LarstiQ: that should work, i think <LarstiQ> yml: good :) <yml> LarstiQ: bzr mv --after django_glue/* projects/simple_project/ <yml> bzr: ERROR: Could not move to simple_project: projects/simple_project is not versioned. <LarstiQ> RedLizard: ime that is enough to clear the namespace isssue. <LarstiQ> yml: are you sure that is what you want? <LarstiQ> yml: could you describe the rename you did? <RedLizard> LarstiQ: optimally, i'd like the branch to be destroyed, and its history contained in the history of the trunk, available by "zooming in" on the merge commit <LarstiQ> RedLizard: if not, you can always delete a branch, since it's revisions are all merged into trunk, you can always recreate it when necessary <LarstiQ> RedLizard: but why bother? <LarstiQ> the burden of keeping around old branhces is very low <yml> Bzr was aware of a folder named django-glue in the root of my bzr directory then I did mv django_glue projects/simple_project <LarstiQ> yml: right, so it looks to me that should be 'bzr mv --after django_glue projects/simple_project' then <RedLizard> LarstiQ: because otherwise, i'd have to keep my branch names unique for all eternity <LarstiQ> yml: without the /* wildcard, that would be moving the children of django_glue, not django_glue itself <RedLizard> LarstiQ: i can't call my branches 'test' or something similar <yml> LarstiQ: bzr mv --after django_glue projects/simple_project <yml> bzr: ERROR: Could not move to simple_project: projects/simple_project is not versioned. <yml> same thing <LarstiQ> RedLizard: eh, a branch called 'test' imo is not worthy of staying around, nuke it :) <LarstiQ> yml: what version of bzr are you using? and is projects/ versioned? <RedLizard> LarstiQ: but the history will still be available in the trunk? great :) <LarstiQ> RedLizard: yes, absolutely <RedLizard> :) <yml> no project is not yet versionned <LarstiQ> `bzr branch trunk -r tip_revision_of_test resurrected-test` to bring it back <yml> and I amusing bzr : Bazaar (bzr) 1.3.1 <LarstiQ> yml: did projects/ previously exist, or did you mkdir it for this reorginasation? <yml> I mkdir project <yml> for this reorganisation <LarstiQ> yml: try 'bzr add --no-recurse projects/' before you do the mv --after <yml> same thing <yml> I also try to bzr add projects/simple_project before doing the mv but it also didn't work <LarstiQ> right, that you do not want to do <LarstiQ> yml: in my small test it worked, but let me try with 1.3.1 instead of 1.9 <yml> LarstiQ: Is there an easy way to update to 1.9 on ubuntu <yml> by easy I mean sudo apt-get install ... :-) <LarstiQ> yml: yes, there is <jelmer> 'morning yml, LarstiQ <LarstiQ> moguh jelmer <yml> ok so might be an option if you found out that it is not working with 1.3.1 <LarstiQ> yml: use the bzr ppa, https://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive <LarstiQ> yml: just a moment though <LarstiQ> yml: I'll give you my test script, maybe what I'm doing is too simplistic and doesn't actually cover your case <yml> ok <LarstiQ> yml: indeed, 1.5 and up succeed where 1.3 does not <LarstiQ> yml: http://rafb.net/p/AFkUPw64.html fwiw <yml> LarstiQ: Excellent news <yml> LarstiQ: so now I just have to move to the latest bzr <yml> does bzr-svn is working on 1.9 ? <jelmer> yml: yes, with bzr-svn 0.4.14 <LarstiQ> jelmer: oh! you did a release, sweet! <yml> jelmer: How can I install it on ubuntu ? <yml> apt-get install ? <jelmer> I don't think it's been uploaded to the PPA yet or synced from Debian <LarstiQ> the ppa has 0.4.13-2 <jelmer> you may be able to install the Debian package or otherwise install from source <yml> LarstiQ: thank you very much for your help <yml> 1.9 solve my issue <yml> Is it just me and my happyness or does bzr status is faster ? <yml> jelmer: do you have an idea when the PPA will be updated? <LarstiQ> yml: there have been improvements to status speed between 1.3 and 1.9, so that's entirely possible :) <yml> Thank you so much for your effort in bzr <yml> for some reason that I cannot explain I just feel good with it <yml> the only thing missing to me at the moment is a bzr-git <yml> it is such a pain for me each time I have to work with git <jelmer> yml: you may want to subscribe to bug 293009 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 293009 in bzr-svn "Bzr-svn conflicts with bzr in the PPA" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/293009 <yml> jelmer: I am actually on hardy <yml> but I get the same error message when I try to apt-get install bzr-svn <jelmer> the packages are always uploaded for all ubuntu releases at the same time <yml> thank I will wait for its resolution <Flyser_> Hi. is it possible to use bzr for my local repository and then push it to a remote svn server? <jelmer> Flyser_, hi <jelmer> Flyser_, yes <jelmer> jszakmeister|awa, hi <RedLizard> How can I restore a branch that I merged into some other branch in the past? <luks> RedLizard: get the latest revision number of the merged branch and run: bzr branch -rX orig new <RedLizard> and how do I get the latest revision number of the merged branch? <RedLizard> it doesn't appear in `bzr log` <luks> it should, if the branch was merged <luks> (and you don't have bzr log aliased to something like bzr log --short) <RedLizard> http://pastebin.com/m60c521ed <RedLizard> no revision number there <LarstiQ> RedLizard: revid:redlizard@ruud0-20081108134022-03073670ea55866a <LarstiQ> RedLizard: what version of bzr is that? <LarstiQ> or, what custom logformatter are you using? <luks> what version of bzr is it? <RedLizard> 0.11.0 <LarstiQ> right :) <LarstiQ> RedLizard: etch? <RedLizard> yup * LarstiQ hasn't seen that log output in a loooong time <luks> me neither :) <luks> I was confused by the merged line <LarstiQ> RedLizard: anyway, `bzr branch -r revid:redlizard@ruud0-20081108134022-03073670ea55866a resurrect` <LarstiQ> RedLizard: veel plezier :) <LarstiQ> RedLizard: (fwiw, we're up to 1.9 now) * RedLizard wonders what gave him away <LarstiQ> RedLizard: 'gemerged' <RedLizard> ah :) <RedLizard> it works <RedLizard> good :) <RedLizard> Is there any reason I should _really_ upgrade from 0.11.0? <LarstiQ> If you're not interacting with anyone else, 0.11 will work fine. <LarstiQ> That is, other bzr branches might be in a format 0.11 does not understand. <LarstiQ> And, if you're asking for help, it pays to mention the version you're using :) <RedLizard> yes, i noticed <RedLizard> (stupid debian testing on development servers :p) <LarstiQ> hmm, isn't testing lenny by now? <RedLizard> yes <LarstiQ> that should have bzr 1.5 <RedLizard> it does <LarstiQ> which, for this discussion, has a logformat that looks more familiar to us ;) <RedLizard> are the ubuntu packages on launchpad debian etch compatible? <LarstiQ> in the ppa? I believe not <LarstiQ> RedLizard: do you need a system wide bzr? Or is running from source good enough? <LarstiQ> RedLizard: 1.5 is in etch-backports fwiw <luks> etch-backports has 1.5 <luks> he * luks is too slow <RedLizard> LarstiQ: yeah, but then i'd get the entire backports repository <LarstiQ> RedLizard: personally, I run bzr from ~/src/bzr/<version>/bzr <RedLizard> hm, given that bzr depends only on python, the ubuntu packages will probably work fine on etch * RedLizard tries <luks> it contains compiled code <LarstiQ> and the packaging standards might be different, say python-central <luks> you might have better luck just dpkg -i the deb from backports <RedLizard> why doesn't launchpad contain a debian repos as well, by the way? <strk> how to release al stale lock ? <strk> held by strk@gnash on host gnash [process #32194] <luks> bzr break-lock <strk> thx <RedLizard> hm, the ubuntu package doesn't work :( <LarstiQ> RedLizard: that is something that may happen in the future, but it requires buildd maintenance per suite. <LarstiQ> RedLizard: as well as the entire archive. <RedLizard> true <LarstiQ> RedLizard: so, I'd either try the etch backports .deb, or download and unpack a tarball, and run from that <RedLizard> LarstiQ: actually, i think i will build my own debian package <LarstiQ> ok :) <RedLizard> will `bzr branch` respect the repos format of the origin? <LarstiQ> RedLizard: if it can, yes. <LarstiQ> so branching from 0.11, hack hack, 0.11 should be able to pull the changes back <LarstiQ> RedLizard: just don't `bzr upgrade` it with 1.9 :) <RedLizard> LarstiQ: of course <LarstiQ> or branch it into a shared repo that uses a different format <RedLizard> hm, you really have to be quite careful when working together using different bzr versions <RedLizard> especially if you don't use a single repository for everything * LarstiQ blinks <LarstiQ> RedLizard: what do you mean? Having one repository for all your branches would make collaborating with older clients almost impossible. <LarstiQ> RedLizard: do note 0.11 is over 2 years old (roughly half the projects lifetime) and pre 1.0 <RedLizard> LarstiQ: unless the repository is in an old format <LarstiQ> RedLizard: which then makes other things impossible, like, say, bzr-svn <RedLizard> LarstiQ: so, the only solution is to make sure everyone uses the latest version at all times? <jelmer> RedLizard, the current default format has been supported since version 0.92, which is about a year old <LarstiQ> RedLizard: no, if you have one repository per project (which is good practice anyway), you should have an easy time of staying compatible with the least capable clients that work on that project <LarstiQ> RedLizard: that should reduce the friction to a level of not having to think about it <RedLizard> LarstiQ: good point <RedLizard> jelmer: good, that makes things easier... getting everyone to run >= 0.92 looks reasonable <LarstiQ> RedLizard: if you just have standalone branches, the only point where you run into trouble is by running upgrade yourself. <LarstiQ> RedLizard: but yeah, there is room for error <RedLizard> LarstiQ: not much if the default format is quite old <LarstiQ> RedLizard: right, in default cases you're safe <LarstiQ> RedLizard: but it's still possible to have a non-default repo, branch something old into that, work, try to get it back in, and notice the format got upgraded when you branched it <RedLizard> LarstiQ: won't it be saved in the default format again when merging it back in? <LarstiQ> RedLizard: if it's compatible, yeah. Not so when you are trying to stuff rich-root in non-rich-root <LarstiQ> </gripe> * LarstiQ has some dinner and goes off to a verdiepingsfeetsje <LarstiQ> modulo spelling bugs <RedLizard> have fun <LarstiQ> thanks <RedLizard> How can I init a branch on a remote server? <Kinnison> bzr init sftp://blahblahblah <Kinnison> :-) <LarstiQ> RedLizard: bzr init remote/path, or (my preference) work locally and publish changes when you have them <LarstiQ> Kinnison! <LarstiQ> Kinnison: how are you? <Kinnison> LarstiQ: Good thanks, busy busy busy :-) <RedLizard> bzr: ERROR: sftp://$PATH/.bzr/ is not a local path. <LarstiQ> Kinnison: that explains the not having seen you in a while ;) <Kinnison> LarstiQ: well that, and not going to any ubuntu/canonical confs due to lack of cash :-) <LarstiQ> RedLizard: yeah, I may have fixed that post 0.11 <RedLizard> LarstiQ: this is using 1.5 * LarstiQ blinks <LarstiQ> RedLizard: do you have paramiko installed? <RedLizard> LarstiQ: yes <RedLizard> LarstiQ: i do have a bazaar config file automatically created with 0.11, if that matters <LarstiQ> RedLizard: it works for me, what exact command did you try? (~/src/bzr/1.5/bzr init sftp://localhost/tmp/hagedis in my case) <RedLizard> LarstiQ: which, on inspection, does not contain anything relevant <RedLizard> LarstiQ: update: it gives me that error message, but it has in fact succeeded <RedLizard> LarstiQ: that is, on trying it a second time (unmodified), i get: <RedLizard> bzr: ERROR: Already a branch: "sftp://". <RedLizard> LarstiQ: also, i forgot: i init-repo'd that directory just before init'ing it <LarstiQ> I recall old code trying to open a workingtree on the branch that just got inited, even when remote. It sounds roughly like that. <LarstiQ> RedLizard: ah. <LarstiQ> RedLizard: was that a mistake, or did you conciously do it that way? <RedLizard> LarstiQ: i did it conciously <LarstiQ> ok, in that case, why? :) * LarstiQ files a bug that co-locating a branch and a shared repo remotely gives a confusing message <LarstiQ> RedLizard: it is not a normal thing to do <RedLizard> LarstiQ: really? I thought it is a common optimization <RedLizard> LarstiQ: appearantly i misunderstood something; what exactly IS the common optimization using init-repo? <LarstiQ> RedLizard: the optimization only helps if you store multiple branches in a repository, at which point having the root of repo _also_ be a branch is weird. <LarstiQ> RedLizard: bzr init-repo sftp://host/repo; bzr init sftp://host/repo/branch; <RedLizard> LarstiQ: i use (read: am planning to use) the "nested branches" layout <RedLizard> LarstiQ: in which case having the shared repo also being the root branch sounds logical <LarstiQ> RedLizard: it could be. I still doubt it. <RedLizard> LarstiQ: what's so strange about it? <LarstiQ> RedLizard: the relation of the branch at the root to the other branches. <RedLizard> LarstiQ: otherwise, i would have /host/project (a --no-trees repo) containing only a directory trunk (a branch) containing other branches (recursively) <RedLizard> *containing only a directory "trunk" <LarstiQ> RedLizard: ah, I think I see what is going on here. <LarstiQ> RedLizard: what branches are in trunk/ then? <RedLizard> LarstiQ: feature branches, probably <RedLizard> LarstiQ: see section 10.2.2 of the user guide <LarstiQ> RedLizard: why wouldn't they be siblings of trunk, instead of children? <LarstiQ> RedLizard: just a moment, still filing that bug <RedLizard> LarstiQ: because they are created from trunk, and will ultimately be merged back into the trunk (a clear parent-child relation) <RedLizard> LarstiQ: and child objects residing in the parent directory is a Good Thing from a logical standpoint <LarstiQ> RedLizard: hmja. I disagree about there existing a parent/child relationship, but I see your point. * LarstiQ looks at the user guide <RedLizard> LarstiQ: permanent forks (say, splitting off 2.6 (the new unstable) from 2.4 (stable)) would be siblings of trunk <RedLizard> LarstiQ: which, come to think of it, is a good reason not to have trunk equal the repository root <LarstiQ> RedLizard: right. From my point of view any branch is equal in footing to trunk. <RedLizard> LarstiQ: even feature branches, which only exist for a short period of time, only to be merged back into the trunk? <LarstiQ> RedLizard: yes. But they're not very likely to exist in a central repository anyway, but live on my machine. <RedLizard> LarstiQ: unless you work on a project on multiple machines <LarstiQ> RedLizard: but I see some merit in nesting like that. <LarstiQ> RedLizard: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/295704 btw <ubottu> Launchpad bug 295704 in bzr "Colocating a branch a repository remotely complains about .bzr not being a local path" [Undecided,New] <pygi> hello people <LarstiQ> hmm, should be 'and' instead of 'a', a well <pygi> me needs some numbers about bzr if possible <pygi> anyone awake? :) <LarstiQ> pygi: you didn't ask a question yet ;P <pygi> truuue :) <pygi> basically, number of projects using bzr, and some high-profile names of projects ;) <LarstiQ> RedLizard: I still think it's unnatural, but I might be oldfashioned ;) * LarstiQ doesn't know of research into the former <jelmer> pygi, http://bazaar-vcs.org/WhoUsesBzr <pygi> jelmer, ok, and how about number of downloads? :) <jelmer> pygi, I don't think that's easy to track <pygi> jelmer, indeed it isn't <jelmer> as most people get bzr from their distribution <pygi> jelmer, right <pygi> jelmer, just trying to convince some people to do some bzr stuff, and this will help ;) <LarstiQ> pygi: who are those people? Are they convinced by 'ubuntu, launchpad, mysql'? <pygi> LarstiQ, O'Reilly :) <LarstiQ> pygi: aha :) <jelmer> pygi, you may want to check ubuntu's popcon <pygi> LarstiQ, I think mysql accounts for lot more then ubuntu & LP ;) <jelmer> pygi, IIRC that lists bzr as the second most popular DVCS <LarstiQ> pygi: depends what they are looking for <pygi> LarstiQ, true that too <pygi> LarstiQ, I guess adoption rate by external projects <LarstiQ> pygi: right <pygi> LarstiQ, and we can't really consider LP & ubuntu external :p <LarstiQ> pygi: tried the very scientific approach of looking at amount of google hits? * LarstiQ now really is off <pygi> LarstiQ, laters, and thanks <pygi> jelmer, thank you too, data sent ;) <jelmer> np, hope you can convince them :-) <lifeless> Peng_: yeah, its the 'locations defaults override remember values' annoyance; I really must fix that <pygi> everyone wants to do a Git book, but bzr one is different stuff... <RedLizard> pygi: probably because bazaar is easy enough that you can use it without a book :p <pygi> RedLizard, actually, I'm talking from publishers POV ... <Pieter> I'd guess it is because there are more git users <pygi> Pieter, indeed <RedLizard> pygi: I was just kidding. I guess git is popular for one reason: that the linux development team uses (and wrote) it ;) <RedLizard> therefore, instant fame <jelmer> afaik there was a bzr book on the way <Pieter> git didn't become really popular until about a year ago, and it's been in use for the kernel for 2-3 years now <jelmer> not sure how far they got though <pygi> jelmer, yea, I heard that too ... but nothing new on it since ages ... <pygi> I talked about the book with few people here some time ago :) <pygi> Pieter, well, it was VERY unfriendly before * jelmer still uses git reluctantly <pygi> jelmer, what project do you use it for? <jelmer> samba mainly, but also several other projects I've contributed to (ikiwiki, loudmouth, etckeeper, btslink) <pygi> aha <jelmer> this is one of the reasons why picking a vcs is so different than picking an editor - it affects not just you, but the rest of the project as well <pygi> true <Pieter> you can always use git-bzr ;) <jelmer> :-) <jelmer> Seriously though, I'm not sure how that helps me, it still forces me to use the git UI <Pieter> only to push to git, you can use bzr for all the other stuff <jelmer> Doesn't gain me an awful lot, it still e.g. requires a local copy of the git repo and a more complex way to upload to the remote git repo <jelmer> bzr-git should come close, once I finish implementing remote fetch support <Pieter> :) I guess it's more useful the other way around, as git has real branch and remote support <jelmer> I would say it the other way around, being the bzr adept that I am :-) <jelmer> git requires you to fetch data locally before you can do anything with it, bzr allows you to work directly on remote data <jelmer> it would indeed be nice to have git-like branches in bzr, I think that's actually my top-wishlist-item atm <pygi> jelmer, wasn't there some work going on getting those? <jelmer> not afaik <jelmer> it shouldn't be too hard to implement, just nobody hasn't done it yet <jelmer> and it would require a format change <emmajane> In other news: this is the best use of the internets ever... live web cam of PUPPIES. http://cdn1.ustream.tv/swf/4/viewer.45.swf?cid=317016 * emmajane apologies and encourages you to resume normal activities. :) <jelmer> lol :-) <emmajane> :) * jelmer fears he'll just end up looking at puppies all evening, rather than adding new awesome bzr features <emmajane> LOL <emmajane> +1 <emmajane> jelmer, screen casting has just taken a dramatic back seat to puppy watching. :) <Pieter> it has sound too \o/ <jelmer> emmajane, :-) <emmajane> Pieter, yup :) <emmajane> must be supper time? <Pieter> that's what they thought <jelmer> and there's 8000 more people watching, amazing <emmajane> one of them have been assigned box duty... for our viewing pleasure. :) <emmajane> back later. :) <pygi> jelmer, more format changes :P <pygi> jelmer, I don't think people would like that :) <jelmer> beer o'clock <jelmer> g'night * #bzr 2008-11-09 <LaserJock> are there any tricks to getting pulls going any faster? <LaserJock> I'm guessing not, but it just seems like it's awfully slow compared to other VCSs and I wonder if there are any tricks to it <dobey> LaserJock: what version? <LaserJock> especially when there's no new revisions it seems to take a long time considering <LaserJock> I've got 1.6.1 (intrepid default) <dobey> ah <LaserJock> but for instance I timed a multi-pull in a repo with 5 branches and it took over 1 minute <LaserJock> and there were no new revisions so it should have just been checking to see <dobey> 1.9 was just released. i think it's a bit faster than 1.6. performance is one think people are working on <dobey> s/think/thing/ <dobey> not me though. i'm just a user for the most part <LaserJock> I was wondering if it was maybe a bzr-svn thing as most of my branches are from svn repos, but it seems like the native bzr ones are "slow" too <AfC> I never quite got it straight what the conclusion was on the list... <dobey> not sure <AfC> is format=1.9 backwards compatible, or did it introduce rich-root (thereby putting a floor on <AfC> backwards compatibility, of something 1.9 (or $whatever)? <dobey> i'm not sure <AfC> [recognizing that bzr 1.9 client, bzr 1.9 server, and format=1.9 promises some fairly juicy improvements, it seems worth trying for, but in a public project I'm not sure if I'm going to screw people over, so it seemed prudent to ask] <lifeless> AfC: there is 1.9 and 1.9-rich-root <AfC> lifeless: ah <AfC> So we haven't culled rich-root yet. Ok. <AfC> Can a ~1.6 client read a 1.9 branch and downgrade? <AfC> (format=1.9 branch, that is; I know a bzr version 1.9 server will work) <LarstiQ> lifeless: on the off hand it's a simple answer, what is keeping rich-root from becoming default? <Peng_> AfC: 1.9 repos are only compatible with 1.9. <Peng_> AfC: I mean, you can certainly downgrade them to pack-0.92 or knit or whatever, but you'd need to do it with 1.9 or newer. <Peng_> (Well, 1.9rc1 I guess) <stampp-> Howdy folks <codeRat> Hi, I installed bzr 1.9rc1 on my windows XP machine. When I try to use tortoise I allways get the "ImportError: No module named command" error. The overlays icons shows right on the projects I already have set up. What does this error mean? <jszakmeister|awa> codeRat: it sounds like its using a module that's not installed in the Windows version of Python (the command module is Unix only) <codeRat> so there's no way around? <jszakmeister|awa> dunno. <codeRat> ok, thank you <jszakmeister|awa> I'm not sure how/when that module is used. <codeRat> at least I know what to look for :) <jszakmeister|awa> Looks like bzrlib/shellcomplete.py is the culprit <codeRat> but it strange that a program that is made for windows does use a module for unix :S * jszakmeister|awa agrees <alefteris> hello all. why when i commit with bzr ci -x a_folder, deleted files in the bzr root directory are not being removed? <alefteris> i meant in the bzr branch root directoy <pygi> hi ho <willwill> hello, I want bzr branch to branch my repository then another one <willwill> (like apt-get dependencies) <AfC> Write a shell script? <willwill> AfC, I think svn can do this <AfC> so? <willwill> OK, I found this http://bazaar-vcs.org/NestedTreeSupport <willwill> still not supported yet :( <hno> Argh.. now bzr again downloaded over 10MB of data for a simple pull operation.. nearly all .tix index crap. Have -Dhpss logs if anyone is interested to look into this. bzr 1.8 on both sides, using bzr+ssh:// protocol. <hno> this is a lightweight checkout from a local repository where the branch is bound to the remote repository. <jelmer> hi hno <hno> hi jelmer <jelmer> hopefully one of the Australians can have a look when they wake up <hno> a pull within the local repository seems to do the same thing so it's not due to the lightweigth checkout.. will try it without the bind also. <hno> does the same without the bind as well.. <hno> next, upgrade to 1.9... <berto-> i have a branch of bzr's repo; how can i view the 1.9 release? <berto-> i tried bzr tags but got nothing on the command line. <Peng_> Yeah, there aren't tags. <berto-> how do i find out what rev v1.9 was cut from? <Peng_> The 1.9 release branch is http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.1.9/ . I'd assume it was cut from that. <berto-> since i already have a copy of the dev branch can i pull from there and my local copy will reflect that branch? <berto-> i'm about to try that. <berto-> it would be silly for me to have to rebranch the whole thing when i have the repo already. <Peng_> If you use a shared repo, it won't have to download the data again. <berto-> right, ok, cool. <rocky> jelmer: ready for a simple bzr-svn bug report? :) <jelmer> rocky, always :-) <rocky> jelmer: http://cluebin.appspot.com/pasted/3001 <hno> 19 behaved better. Still not good, but much better. <hno> 1.9 i meant.. <jelmer> rocky, thanks, fixed <Peng_> hno: 1.9 introduces a new index format which should be much more efficient. Of course, it's not compatible with older versions of bzr. <hno> Peng_: The local was already updated to btree, but the remote can not be updated as it's a shared repository. <Peng_> Ah. <hno> Peng_: And I think it's silly. The basic bzr pull/update over bzr+shs SHOLD do a smart call getting a bundle back of the new revisions, not raw reading of the indexes and packs.. <Peng_> Yeah, it /should/. <hno> Peng_: Waiting for a test upgrade of the remote to see how much of a difference the new index format makes in this operation. <hno> bzr upgrade still running... <rocky> jelmer: there a branch i should get? <jelmer> rocky, yes, the 0.4 one <rocky> jelmer: hm, launchpad isn't seeing the fix ... http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr-svn/0.4/changes/1741?start_revid=1741 <rocky> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr-svn/0.4/changes rather <jelmer> rocky, launchpad isn't the main location for bzr-svn, it just has a mirror <rocky> ohhh <jelmer> http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-svn/0.4 <rocky> jelmer: any reason the log isn't up to date when viewing http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-svn/0.4/ with a browser? <rocky> basically i'm trying to see the last revision so i can just do a manual fix here ;) <jelmer> I don't have the right plugin installed from my current machine <jelmer> so it's not updated atm <rocky> gotcha <meoblast001> hi <rocky> jelmer: how does your bzr/http setup work? you using the stock http smart server or something more ? <jelmer> no, I'm pushing to a remote server using bzr+ssh <jelmer> the location I push to is accessible using http <rocky> gotcha <rocky> i'm a little surprised that there doesn't seem to be any bzr repos out there with r/w using the http smart server <lifeless> rocky: there are <lifeless> rocky: the uk NHS's bzr repos are read-write http(s I think) <hno> lifeless: Hi! <lifeless> hno: hi <rocky> oh cool <lifeless> rocky: on windows with IIS for extra fun :P <rocky> why don't more people use that? i mean r/w http: is way more accessible then proprietary bzr: repos ... is it that much slower or something? <lifeless> rocky: bzr+ssh is what most people use I think, because its basically zero setup <lifeless> bzr: is a registered port with the IANA, so its not that proprietary :P <rocky> i have 1 dedicated box, giving people shell access is not acceptable for my setup ... and i know a lot of people in the same boat... plus people coming from svn backgrounds are accustomed to only dealing with http <lifeless> rocky: sure, but you asked about other people :P <rocky> ;) <lifeless> bbiab, morning $foo <hno> how long is an bzr upgrade supposed to take? <rocky> jelmer: it's too bad easy_install bzr-svn doesn't install bzr-svn properly <jelmer> rocky: install should work though <rocky> jelmer: yeah "python setup.py install" works fine <rocky> but my steps for installing new bzr these days is: virtualenv.py bzr-1.9; cd bzr-1.9; ./bin/easy_install bzr <rocky> it'd be nice if the last step was ./bin/easy_install bzr-svn <lifeless> hno: if its in the same model and local, a few minutes <jelmer> What would be required to support easy_install? I must admit I've never used it <lifeless> hno: what exact command did you run ? <hno> bzr upgrade --format=1.9-rich-root <lifeless> hno: cancel that <lifeless> hno: remove .bzr, rename backup.bzr to .bzr <hno> it was on a copy.. <lifeless> then just cancel it <hno> done, and restored. <lifeless> hno: is this the squid repo ? <hno> yes, still having trobles with those indexes.. <lifeless> hno: 'bzr upgrade --1.9' <lifeless> hno: and you need a 1.9 client to use a 1.9 repository <rocky> jelmer: well it's not really an issue of supporting easy_install, it's making sure bzr-svn is packaged properly to be an egg ... are there any other bzr plugins packaged as eggs? <rocky> i wouldn't think it'd be much work <hno> lifeless: 1.9 on both. <lifeless> hno: cool, was just answering your question from scrollback <jelmer> rocky, I'll happily apply patches that fix easy_install, as long as there's no overhead per release <hno> lifeless: 1.9 did behave better than 1.8, but still very heavy. <rocky> jelmer: should just be a one-time change <hno> lifeless: with the old index format that is. Upgrade of bzr brought the operation down from 8MB of indextransfer to ca 1MB I think. <lifeless> hno: sounds about right <hno> lifeless: followed by 75KB of actual pack data. <hno> lifeless: Corrected numbers. 1.8 read 9576413 of indicies 71598 bytes of packs. 1.9 read 3426251 bytes of indicies, same packs. (from the main squid3 repo with old index format) <lifeless> hno: the btree index will help immensely I think <lifeless> hno: 4K pages, 100-way fanout <lifeless> breakfasttime <hno> lifeless: Testing.. <hno> done. <hno> lifeless: Using 1.9 format on the remote result in a transfer of indicies 448673 bytes, packs 70842 bytes. <jelmer> the smart server should be smarter :-) <lifeless> hno: interesting <hno> packs got a little smaller as upgrade also repacks the repository. <hno> but still, that's at least 445k unwanted overhead.. <lifeless> hno: we're agreed that it should stream <lifeless> hno: I'll need to check and see if we are doing prefetching on btree indices, because 445K of index data is 111 pages <lifeless> which is arge <lifeless> *large* <hno> lifeless: I can tar up my local repository for you to experiment from, if you need a startingpoint to trigger this.. <lifeless> hno: I have a separate performance issue I'm working on at the moment <lifeless> hno: but thanks <hno> lifeless: Ok. I'll keep a copy around for some time anyway. <lifeless> jelmer: bug 295611 - whats the summary? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 295611 in bzr "NoSuchRevision: KnitPackRepository" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/295611 <jelmer> lifeless, basically it's similar to the bug we looked at during the summer * jelmer looks again <jelmer> lifeless, sorry, it's actually related to ghosts <jelmer> where "bzr diff" assumes that the revision info for the last-changed-revision of all files in the tree are present <lifeless> jelmer: I can't parse that. Is a valid rephrasing 'the last-changed-revision is used as the key for the file text'? <jelmer> lifeless, nope <jelmer> lifeless, bzr diff prints the timestamp of the original text of a file and of the new revised one <lifeless> with you so far <jelmer> in order to obtain the timestamp for the old text, it uses the text revision and calls Repository.get_revision(text_revision) <jelmer> if that text_revision happens to be a ghost, things break <lifeless> ah <lifeless> so there are some interactions here <lifeless> we really need to sit down and clean up the ghost handling once and for all <lifeless> the interaction I'm thinking of is: we only copy text (id,X) when we copy revision X <lifeless> so that repository isn't clonable by bzr at all anyhow <lifeless> (as it currently stands) <jelmer> that would break bzr-svn, which usually only pushes lhs revisions <jelmer> that may contain references to texts introduced by rhs revisions <jelmer> *those lhs revisions may contain references to texts introduced by rhs revisions <lifeless> jelmer: 'does break' <lifeless> jelmer: though I think I've mentioned before that having those references isn't strictly valid <lifeless> under the current rules. And thus the need to fix this forever <lifeless> the inventory work being done at the moment will open the door to handling this efficiently and preserving arbitrary revision text values, which would make the revision-being-absent a valid bug <jelmer> lifeless, ah, that makes sense <lifeless> the problem at the moment is that doing 'inventory_delta(X,Y)' is very expensive <lifeless> so we can't tell what texts are new for a set of inventories by doing that, instead what we do is a bit of hack by examining all the delta'd lines <lifeless> the problem there is that fulltext inventories cause every line to be examined, so we end up either copying, or checking-for, the entire tree on every pull of 200 revs (on average) <lifeless> and that is very very bad on big trees; which are also likely to have more committers and thus trigger it more often <yml> I have a quick question regarding bzr-svn and bzr 1.9. I am working to on Ubuntu and as of now I cannot install it because : bzr-svn: Depends: bzr (< 1.8~) but 1.9-1~bazaar1~hardy1 is to be installed <yml> I would like to know if this is going to be solve in a matter of day or if I should downgrade to bzr 1.8 <lifeless> yml: I imagine we just need to upload a new package to the ppa <lifeless> yml: if you are using the ppa <yml> lifeless: Yes I am using PPA <yml> lifeless: else is there a place where I could download bzr-svn .deb ? <jelmer> yml, Debian should have one <jelmer> lifeless, what's the ETA on split-inventories? <lifeless> jelmer: draft results are promising <lifeless> jelmer: no specific timeline, you know how software dev goes <jelmer> lifeless: Ah, cool - how complete is it though? <jelmer> Initial work done? Some things already work ? Only a few tests left that need fixing? <lifeless> chk layer is about 95%, dictionary built on that is ~60% I would say, inventories on that are very thin, mainly need optimisers and tuning call it 70% <lifeless> needs lots of profiling and feedback cycle <lifeless> compression is not really touched, call that 10% <jelmer> ah, so this is the CHK stuff I've seen scrolling past on bazaar-list.. :-) <lifeless> yes <lifeless> chk is content hash key <lifeless> which is the obvious implementation to satisfy a canonical representation with nested hashability <yml> jelmer : Is that the deb that I should download ? <yml> http://packages.debian.org/fr/experimental/bzr-svn <jelmer> yep <lifeless> its slightly more general than git's keys, because its forward extensible (in disk layout) to sha256 etc <jelmer> lifeless, ah, nice <lifeless> CHKMap is a dict built in that layer <lifeless> which as a basic datatype is reusable <yml> ubuntu complains about libsvn1 being to hold ? <jelmer> yml, They probably have different versions of libsvn1 <yml> ok I will wait for a while <fullermd> lifeless: Speaking of inventory stuff... does the new stuff you're working on support referencing unchanged files in a revision? <lifeless> fullermd: how do you mean? <fullermd> bzr ci --unchanged some/file <lifeless> fullermd: no <fullermd> I'm going to give you another chance to answer :) <lifeless> fullermd: no <lifeless> fullermd: because.. <jelmer> fullermd, why would you ever want to do that? <fullermd> Well, why would you ever want to commit --unchanged? <fullermd> If there's a reason for the one, there's a reason for the other. <lifeless> fullermd: the last-changed field on inventory entries is derived data; we don't provide (nor should we) a knob to fiddle it; its not included in testaments for instance <poolie> hello <poolie> hello lifeless <lifeless> fullermd: annotating history so you can find a commit that marked 'foo' interesting is really quite orthogonal - I would approach it by adding a rule to the derived data logic that adds a last-change value for the commit, probably by recording in the commit that that path was interesting <lifeless> fullermd: and as such the inventory layer is unaffected - its no more or less capable of doing what you desire than current inventories <lifeless> hi poolie <poolie> i'm going to try running john's packaging script <fullermd> Hm. 'k... it seemed to me that last time we discussed it, you said it needed inventory-level changes, and so would end up falling into the next round of inv work. Guess I misunderstood. <lifeless> fullermd: I think you asked about a variation ;P <lifeless> fullermd: or my thinking has refined <fullermd> Well, we could always use more refinery. Or distillery, anyway. <lifeless> k, time for full screen code, poolie - ping me via skype(chat|voice) when ready <poolie> lifeless: ok, the net here may be a bit slow to actually do voip <poolie> we'll see <fullermd> Dragonfly ended up with git, BTW. <fullermd> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.os.dragonfly-bsd.kernel/12212 <fullermd> (not overly surprising; hg had a late surge, but git was up 2:1 most of the voting time) #bzr 2009-11-02 <mwhudson> splorf <mwhudson> mwh@grond:trunk$ cd /home/mwh/canonical/repos/bzr-git/trunk <mwhudson> mwh@grond:trunk$ python setup.py sdist <mwhudson> running sdist <mwhudson> warning: sdist: manifest template 'MANIFEST.in' does not exist (using default file list) <mwhudson> error: .plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/ <mwhudson> .plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git/.plugins/git: Too many levels of symbolic links <mwhudson> (something to do with the test suite i think...) <lifeless> rotfl <spiv> Whee! <jelmer> mwhudson: yeah, 'make check' creates an empty directory .plugins and a symlink to .. in that (to point BZR_PLUGIN_PATH at) <poolie> spiv, how are you today, and what are you up to? <poolie> for myself i'm going to do a bit more mail and then perhaps try the startup time test i've been wanting to do <lifeless> poolie: which one is that? <poolie> making some assertions about the output of 'python -v bzr st' <spiv> Drat, missed poolie. <igc> back <igc> afk for a few hours - bbl hopefully <poolie> jelmer: hi? <poolie> spiv: hi? did you send that mail about ubuntu stories? <spiv> poolie: working on that atm <poolie> kthx <lifeless> EOD for me <vila> hi all <lifeless> hi vila <poolie> hello vila <vila> lifeless: KnownFailure are still failures for --parallel=fork --subunit so bug #419776 is not fixed ? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 419776 in bzr "selftest --subunit output incompatible with --parallel=fork" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/419776 <vila> lifeless: that's with: your fix and trunk version for subunit and testtools <lifeless> vila: try now, rev 25 of testtools <vila> lifeless: trying <poolie> spivvo? <vila> lifeless: BZR_PLUGIN_PATH=-site ./bzr selftest --parallel=fork --subunit | subunit-stats <vila> lifeless: Failed tests: 38 <vila> with revno 25 <lifeless> vila: *interesting* <lifeless> vila: name one of the tests please <vila> bzrlib.tests.per_repository.test_fetch.TestFetchSameRepository.test_fetch_into_smart_with_ghost(RepositoryFormat5) <vila> bzrlib.tests.test_lock.TestOSLock.test_read_locks_block_write_locks(fcntl) <vila> BZR_PLUGIN_PATH=-site ./bzr selftest --parallel=fork --subunit -s bzrlib.tests.test_lock.TestOSLock.test_read_locks_block_write_locks | subunit-stats <vila> Failed tests: 1 <visik7> anyone have used the win32-symlink plugin ? it doesn't behave like the msys ln command <TigerP> is there a list of exit values of the bzr commit command? <lifeless> vila: works for me <vila> lifeless: argh <lifeless> vila: possibly the expectedFailure support improvements in my protocol branch of subunit <poolie> TigerP: i think it's in the manpage <vila> lifeless: sounds quite probable :-) url ? <vila> lp:~lifeless/subunit/protocol ? <vila> lifeless: indeed, works for me with that branch, can you merge it on subunit's trunk ? <TigerP> poolie: I can only see exit codes of the bzr diff command <lifeless> vila: I'll submit it for review <lifeless> vila: oh <lifeless> vila: actually, try this <lifeless> vila: just delete BzrTransformingResult <lifeless> and use subunit release <lifeless> that should work, I think. <vila> lifeless: yup, works ! <vila> lifeless: can you update lp:~lifeless/bzr/subunit and resubmit then ? <lifeless> vila: this branch is for --subunit, not --parallel, primarily. <vila> lifeless: *you* linked it to bug #419776 :-) <ubottu> Launchpad bug 419776 in bzr "selftest --subunit output incompatible with --parallel=fork" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/419776 <lifeless> vila: as you have fast test environment, perhaps you could delete BzrTransformingResult completely, and its tests. <lifeless> vila: yes, with a comment that perhaps more work was needed ;) <vila> wow, I missed that comment ! <vila> ok, I thought it was linked to indicate it fixed the issue, I'll assign it to myself and fix it after having approve your patch <lifeless> vila: anyhow, I know the current branch passes all tests. <lifeless> So I'd like to review and land that before making other changes that need a full test run <vila> lifeless: I had reviewed and was ready to approve but thought I tested for that bug first, I'll approve now <vila> lifeless: approved <vila> lifeless: please land asap so I can submit the fix for deleting BZRTransformingResult ;) <lifeless> vila: pushing up now <vila> lifeless: ? Pushing what ? <vila> lifeless: if I could pull working versions what do you need to push ? <vila> or did you mean pqm-submitting ? <vila> err. wait I was too fast, that does work ! <vila> err. wait I was too fast, that doesn't work ! <lifeless> vila: to -integration, where I pqm submit from <vila> ok, approved anyway, my objection was about fixing the bug so irrelevant <vila> lifeless: deleting BTR works only with your subunit-protocol branch, so I'll wait for that to land before submitting the fix fr bug #419776 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 419776 in bzr "selftest --subunit output incompatible with --parallel=fork" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/419776 <lifeless> vila: huh? <lifeless> vila: what happens with subunit release? <vila> KnownFailure is seen as a failure <lifeless> but BTR does that <lifeless> its BTR's fault ;) <vila> yes and no, with subunit release KnownFailure is seen as a failure with or without BTR :) <lifeless> testing <vila> and with your subunit branch it works with and without BTR :) But I'd love to get rid of BTR anyway. <lifeless> vila: so, 0.0.2 TestProtocolClient has no addExpectedFailure <lifeless> so that should be degrading to success in _do_known_failure <vila> lifeless: lost in the indirection via AutoTimingTestResultDecorator ? <lifeless> ah yes <lifeless> thats a policy change in subunit <lifeless> to degrade more gracefully <lifeless> I can do a separate branch for that <lifeless> -protocol- isn't fully baked yet <vila> ha :-/ <lifeless> Wire changes are tricky <vila> certainly <vila> I'm not complaining, just trying to understand the migration path <vila> on the other hand 419776 is not blocking so there isn't an urgency either <lifeless> vila: how isn't it blocking ? :) <vila> well, it blocks subunit usage, not --parallel=fork usage :-p <lifeless> vila: I want to get stdout/warnings/log capturing working in testtools <lifeless> vila: and the bzr log stuff using the same PAI <lifeless> *API* <vila> you mean log as in trace.py, not bzr log the command right ? <lifeless> I mean as in printErrorList <vila> ha ok <vila> lifeless: that's the missing part for making your subunit protocol fully baked ? <vila> s/protocol/& branch/ <lifeless> it will show that I've closed the loop in a tolerable way <lifeless> I also need t-i-p by-in <vila> t-i-p ? <lifeless> testing-in-python <vila> ECONTEXT :-/ <lifeless> its a mailing list <vila> haaa, you need approval there ? <lifeless> social not technical <lifeless> buy-in, not approval <vila> yes, that what I meant. <lifeless> if I have t-i-p buy-in its a good indicator for an eventual PEP and API changes in Python itself <jml> anyone know why bzr was removing from ohloh? <vila> jml: no idea :-/ Where did you see that ? <jml> ohh, I see https://www.ohloh.net/p/bzr is gone https://www.ohloh.net/p/bazaar is there <vila> fullermd: around ? <bialix> hi all <igc> bialix: hi <bialix> hi igc <igc> bialix: could I ask a favour? <igc> bialix: we have new translations I'd like to get into Explorer ... <igc> and then tag it as 0.9.0 <bialix> you want import? <igc> I'd like that to go out with the 2.1.0beta2 installer jam is packaging today <igc> bialix: I was planning to do it but I'm really tired <igc> (started chemo again today) :-( <bialix> ok, I'll do it now <bialix> sad to hear this <igc> bialix: mega thanks <igc> bialix: I put out a plea for more translations on the weekend to launchpad-users and the response was *awesome* * bialix also has mixed feelings about today poolie's mail <igc> bialix: so you'll notice a few more <igc> bialix: I've responsed to that thread btw <bialix> igc: I'll just import them, have no time to review <igc> bialix: that should be ok. All I wanted was ... <bialix> yeah, a bit more :-) <igc> (1) import of transations <igc> (2) tag as 0.9.0 <igc> (3) jam to package 0.9.0 in 2.1.0b2. <igc> I think 2.0.2 should stick with 0.8.3 of explorer <bialix> import may take half hour or couple of hours. it depends how fast lp will react <bialix> igc: according to garyvdm mail in qbzr ML I think bzr 2.0.x should stick with latest stable releases <igc> bialix: right <bialix> so 0.8.3 is ok <igc> bialix: I hope all is going well work wise - I hear you're flat out right now <igc> bialix: if there's no questions, I'll say good night <bialix> flat out? <igc> busy <bialix> yep, night Ian, I'll tag it for you <igc> thanks <igc> night all <bialix> igc: done. <jml> igc, do you know if there's an agenda for the bzr sprint? * jml missed the "night all" <jml> sleep well, I'll send an email <vila> jml: apart from the focus defined on the wiki, not that I know of <jam> morning all <bialix> hi jam <jam> bialix: thanks for tagging bzr-explorer 0.9.0 <bialix> jam: :-) <bialix> jam: garyvdm has planned to release qbzr 0.16 but it seems he's not finished it. use qbzr 0.15 for 2.1.0b2 please <jam> well, he's got a couple of hours :) but yeah <jam> I'll use whatever is available <jam> I'm going to be pushing for a faster "gone gold" to "official release" this time * bialix has wanted to release 0.15.1 but... <bialix> jam: will be nice to speed up this process, really ;-) <jam> well, I did some 'pre-build' work last week <jam> so hopefully the build process for the windows installers is smoothed out <vila> morning jam <jam> hey vila <vila> jam: care to recheck https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/186920-lp-proxy/+merge/14238 <vila> ? <vila> jam: I can summarize here if you want <vila> james_w`: ping, sorry for friday, I had more reading to do than I thought :) <james_w`> vila: hi, np <jam> vila: a quick summary would be nice <vila> jam: I took your remarks into account. There was an additional glitch that is now fixed and Gordon Tyler confirmed it now works in all his setups <jam> so a quick question about http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/186920-lp-proxy/revision/4782 <vila> jam: the remaining question is where to land (in addition to bzr.dev), you and I seem to agree for 2.1 <jam> What happens if you were trying to use a non-standard https port? <vila> before ? <jam> vila: so you have the comment that "self.port" is always None, and so you grab the port attribute from whether you are using http or https <jam> however, what if I was trying to go through my proxy to get to something like: <jam> http://babune.ladeuil.net:26862/waterfall <jam> You don't have to fix this to land the code, btw <jam> I'm just probing to see if I understand what is going on <vila> the comment is about urllib2.Request being brain-damaged and always using host = 'xxx:nn' instead of host ='xxx' and port = 'nn' <vila> i.e. self.port is *never* used so alwats None <vila> this is trappy because HTTPConnection objects cleanly separate host and port <vila> there is a grey area about the proxy behavior *without* that patch regarding what port were used... but only for the CONNECT request, all other cases are ok (AFAIK) <jam> vila: doesn't CONNECT have to go to the same port as the rest of the requests? <jam> (to be clear, I approve your patch, but I'd like to keep chatting to understand) <vila> it *has* to, it weren't for CONNECT <vila> all other requests ended up calling HTTPConnection.connect() which handle the default port, the last part of the patch is mimicking that for CONNECT <vila> because CONNECT is like connect expect it obviously wasn't (as fullermd would put it I think :) <jam> vila: so how does that work when connecting to a non-standard port? <vila> jam: port is not None in that case and is propagated correctly <jam> self.proxied_host = '%s:%s' % (self.get_host(), conn_class.default_port) <jam> There is no "port" in that statement <bialix> hmm, does ftp dumb transport unable to read part of file? <jam> bialix: So there is a "resume" sort of command in ftp <jam> which I believe means you can start in the middle <jam> I don't know how to set it up, or what the command is, etc. <jam> Just that I've seen it happen before <jam> I wouldn't be surprised if we don't properly support that in bzrlib <bialix> working with bzr over ftp is so slow <jam> bialix: FTPTransport doesn't seem to implement readv, which means it uses the base implementation <jam> which is get+seek <jam> which is, certainly, going to download the whole file <bialix> or bzr do something wrong, there is one pack ~3MB in ftp repo and bzr trying to download much more than that <jam> and then do it for each request <bialix> f*** <jam> bialix: 3MB for every readv() request <jam> FTPTransport should either implement partial reading, or download to temp files and do it from there * bialix wonders why not cache already downloaded data <jam> because nobody who cared enough to work with FTP put in the time to do so <bialix> right <bialix> I prefer to not care too, but I have not found any decent and cheap way to have private repos <vila> jam: hmm, you're right, there is still something wrong here :-/ I need a more complex setup to test it (i.e. an https server on a non-standard port) <jam> vila: anyway, it is good enough for now <jam> you should be able to test with an http server on a non-standard port <jam> such as babune.net :) <vila> jam: no <vila> CONNECT is called for https only <jam> really? <jam> ok I guess <vila> that's how you established the ssl wrapping if using an http proxy for example <jam> what if you were using an SSL proxy to a non SSL host? <jam> anyway, I've voiced my observation, and the code is still far better than what we have today <jam> so please land it in bzr.dev <jam> if you want, you could land it in 2.1.0b2 if you hurry <vila> jam: If I target 2.1.0, it will come back soon in bzr.dev right? <jam> vila: Once I get around to releasing, I'll be 'merging up' everything <jam> so it will be done today <jam> (2.0.2 => 2.1.0b2, 2.0.2 => 2.0.x, 2.1.0b2 => bzr.dev, 2.0.x => bzr.dev) <jam> not necessarily in that order, but approximately so <jam> 2 integration branches is... a bit of overhead for RMs <vila> jam: sorry, I'm confused, should I target bzr.dev or lp:~bzr-pqm/bzr/2.1.0 or both ? Ha ok, so I'll target 2.1.0 <jam> vila: 2.1.0b2 <jam> 2.1.0 does not exist <jam> merge-up is painful because of the number of combinations to take care of <vila> meh, why 2.1.0b2 and not 2.1.0 ? The later can be used for all releases leading to 2.1... Still confused >-/ <jam> vila: every release gets its own branch <jam> so you can later "bzr branch lp:~bzr-pqm/bzr/x.y.z.b" <jam> we *could* do it differently <jam> so far, we have chosen not to <vila> rats, I branched too late to merge cleanly :-/ <vila> huh ? Only for NEWS >-/ <vila> oooh, no, the bug fixes were part of 2.0.2... <vila> wow, weird conflict <jam> yeah, there is some 'unknown' as to whether bug fixes in 2.0.2 should be repeated in 2.1.0b2 <jam> for now, I've said no <jam> others have said yes <jam> but I don't like seeing them twice <jam> and we're always releasing a 2.0.x at the same time as 2.1.0x <jam> I believe lifeless originally posited that they would have different release schedules <vila> ok ok, RM priviledge :-) I haven't seen the physical consequences yet :-) <jam> and thus we may release one without the other <jam> and thus we should have the bug comments listed <vila> as long as you merge things in a coherent way, your way is good enough, you may add a note that 2.1.0b2 includes the fixes for 2.0.2 for completeness <jam> vila: so are you targetting 2.1.0b2 ? <jam> vila: it is in the summary <jam> if you didn't read it <jam> make sure it is there <jam> because I thought I did <vila> It is ! <vila> Good, we agree then :) <jam> vila: so I should clarify slightly... we need a separate 2.0.x branch from a 2.0 branch, so that once the branch is split off, we can still land updates into 2.0 <jam> just like we need a separate release branch for at least 2.1.0 so that we can keep landing in trunk <jam> (bzr.dev) <jam> we *could* have a single '2.0-releases' or something like that <jam> and then match that with a 2.1.0-releases <jam> however, once 2.1.0 is final, we will then need 2.1-releases, etc. <vila> that's how I organized my integration branches, 2.0, 2.1, etc <jam> for now, we just have 1 branch per release <jam> and not worry about what would be clustered with what <jam> I currently have "lp" and "lps" for stable targets versus dev targets <jam> bialix: i would think that "bzr serve" would be the easiest to set up, and provide ~ the same security as ftp * vila runs to dentist <vila> jam: pqm'ed, I'll be back soon <jam> vila: I don't see it on pqm <jam> Peng: looks like I reproduced your earlier failure: bug #471193 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 471193 in bzr "StaticTuple failure while pulling from bzr+ssh" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/471193 <jam> I'm trying to sort it out now <jam> I'm a bit surprised we don't run into this more often since I've been using bzr.dev for a while and doing bzr up/bzr pull regularly... <jam> vila: I'd like to chat about possible fixes if you get a chance <vila> huho, pqm acting again ? <jam> vila: your patch is there now <jam> do you have any time to chat about bug #471193 w/ me? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 471193 in bzr "StaticTuple failure while pulling from bzr+ssh" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/471193 <vila> jam: sure, that's clearly a red-button case <jam> vila: so I can fix it in a variety of ways <jam> I can make the chk map code not require StaticTuples <jam> either by changing the internals not to fail <jam> or by wrapping more locations with "StaticTuple.from_sequence(key)" <jam> In my ideal world, all keys in memory would be ST <jam> so I've been trying to push the 'from_sequence' code higher in the stack <jam> so it doesn't have to be reproduced everywhere <jam> It isn't terribly expensive, but it is a couple of function calls <vila> the higher in the stack they are, the less we care <jam> alternatively, I can fix *this* bug by changing either the code that reads from Remote <jam> (such as _benencode.decode_as_tuples) <jam> to cast into StaticTuple earlier <jam> or I can change BTreeBuilder <jam> to cast into StaticTuple <vila> so, the bug shows that the test suite is incomplete, as long as you can reproduce it with a test, you will increase the robustness <vila> the worrying thing is: can you revert some changes to avoid the issue ? <bialix> jam: setup bzr serve on my hosting? <vila> and why nobody running bzr.dev encoutered it sooner ? <jam> bialix: I was mostly doing a jab that ftp is not very secure <Peng> jam: Huh! I thought my original failure was just because I had forgotten to recompile the extensions? <Peng> jam: I do a lot of bzr+ssh pulls too, so I'm surprised I haven't run into this one, either. <bialix> jam: I know it's not very well secure but it's ok for me <jam> Peng, vila: I have very little clue why this wouldn't be deterministically failing for everyone repeatedly... <bialix> bzr serve --alow-writes is not secure at all <jam> perhaps it has to do with the chk_map cache <jam> it is possible that the chk_map page cache is intercepting the calls and returning the contents differently than hitting the BTreeBuilder <jam> so only 'big-enough' pulls that overflow the cache are caught <jam> however, _read_nodes_from_store doesn't *use* that cache at all... <jam> so that doesn't seem to be the answer <hexmode> quick, easy, switching between branches on bzr. How do I do it? <jam> hexmode: 'bzr switch' ? <jam> depends on how you have your branches/working trees laid out <vila> jam: are you sure you're not running into a running-pull-with-pulled-code issue ? <jam> vila: "pull with pulled code" ? <jam> I think I know what you mean, and this dir has no tree <jam> just a branch <hexmode> jam: so, I've modified code in my current checkout/branch/whatever <bialix> jam: if you talk about cache with me then I should say that I'm still using pack-0.92 / 1.9 formats <jam> vila: and I can step through the code and see the problem <vila> jam: so you can reproduce it at will ? <hexmode> and want to switch back to the pristine source, but still have my changes available. <jam> vila: on *this* branch it reproduces every time <hexmode> I haven't tried switch yet. <jam> as the pull fails to complete <vila> jam: in a branch where your extensions are up to date ? <jam> hexmode: perhaps 'bzr shelve' if you want to revert to pristine <vila> ha, the pull fials... <hexmode> jam: k, reading the docs <jam> vila: I've diagnosed the specific steps in the bug, and it is fully reproducible <jam> the BTreeBuilder has a tuple() key <jam> and when yo ucall "get_record_stream()" the record.key attribute is that same tuple <vila> what I meant was: 'bzr pull' in my bzr.dev branch, i.e. the code is updated while running <jam> vila: sure, that's what I thought, and no, that isn't happening here <vila> jam: ok <jam> I'm updating a tree-less branch of 2.0.2 <vila> with a bzr.dev bzr ? <jam> vila: yse <jam> yes <jam> hexmode: 'bzr shelve' will revert your changes to the previous commit, and put them 'on a shelf' to be restored later with "bzr unshelve" <hexmode> jam: right, just saw that, but was thinking of a way to maintain it: i.e. branches, not temp shelves <jam> hexmode: it also depends what you mean by "pristine source", is that a different branch, or the previous commit on this branch <hexmode> jam: I think shelve will do for now, though <jam> hexmode: I can go into deeper config to make multiple branches a bit easier to work with, but it does take a bit of explaining <hexmode> jam: maybe later. Was looking at help for bzr switch: where can I find out about lightweight vs heavyweight checkouts? <jam> hexmode: you might try 'bzr help checkouts' <hexmode> jam: excellent. thanks <vila> jam: I just pulled in my 2.0 branch without trouble :-/ <jam> vila: so it will depend explicitly on the data stream <jam> specifically, you 1 have to pull from bzr+ssh <jam> 2 it has to try to read a page from the newly created btree <vila> I do (AFAICS) <vila> confirmed by .bzr.log <jam> so it needs to transfer a chk page from the source, which it then needs to verify <vila> what revno are you at when pulling ? <jam> 4696 <jam> note, though, that it will probably depend what pages are in your local repo already <vila> yeah... <bialix> jam, vila: does one still should write tests for each bugfix? e.g. for fixing https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/389648 there is need only to add Hooks.__init__(self) to some derived classes constructors... <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 389648 in bzr "internal error on bzr hooks" [Medium,Confirmed] <hexmode> bzr shelve: I'm in love <jam> vila: I feel like I understand the bug, I'm just trying to get a feel for the fix <jam> specifically, do I make the code *stricter* everywhere <jam> or *more relaxed* <jam> do I push to require StaticTuples in BTreeBuilder <jam> or do I relax requiring StaticTuples in chk_map <jam> and to what degree ... <vila> jam: I'm from the more stricter school by default :-) And you said you want ST everywhere. BUT, <vila> you're also the RM and you want to release today <jam> vila: So I *think* that for performance and memory minimal that pushing ST everywhere is ideal <vila> So I'd say, relax for today, it's a beta, and dig that asap in bzr.dev <jam> There is always the "transition" phase <jam> and wondering about when is good-enough <jam> vila: ok, I'll create a 'relax' patch in about 10 min <jam> if you can review it, it would be nice <vila> the decisions IMHO is about is that bug likely to hit people ? You seem to think it's quite hard to reproduce, so. <vila> I sure will <vila> jam: could you replace the check with a upcast ? <jam> vila: of course I can cast it, the point is how strict to be <jam> casting random tuples => StaticTuples makes memory consumption worse <jam> as now you have 2 objects representing the same thing <jam> so you *want* the caller to do the cast <jam> I'm doing a quick "assert when a debug flag is set" patch <jam> and cast <vila> jam: oh sure, I was thinking of the 10min approach, not the long term one <vila> ouch, 1h30 time drift in 5 hours on my FreeBSD8 slave :-/ <jam> wow <vila> fullermd: whenever you have a minute to discuss possible workarounds ^, I don't blame FreeBSD here, more likely VB (and they seem to be aware of the overall issue), but that seems to have to many side-effects for me to ignore :-/ <vila> and same thing for the FreeBSD7 slave, I love coherent OSes :) <bialix> jam, vila: can you look at my fix http://pastebin.com/m125a467e for bug 389648 please? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 389648 in bzr "internal error on bzr hooks" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/389648 <bialix> fix is 2 liner, and ten lines of tests <vila> bialix: hehe, you're getting in the TDD mood :-D <bialix> I'm stuck with my current job, so I've decided to fix this simple one <bialix> vila: :-P <bialix> vila: I do very much TDD at my job <vila> bialix: why don't you push that branch and make a merge proposal ? <vila> it makes reviews easier <bialix> if you say that it ok in principle then I'll push <vila> but from the paste bin, I'd say, put these import at the beginning of the file, use import mod ; mod.func instead of from mod import func ; func <vila> bialix: hehe, that's not how we review :-D You asking for approval before review here :D <bialix> imports in the tests? <vila> yup <bialix> I'm asking about tests approach <bialix> the fix is obvious but I have no time to rewrite my tests zillion times later <vila> if they fail without your patch and your patch make them pass, who will argue ? <bialix> I dunno, lifeless? <bialix> sometimes he argue about things I don't care so much <vila> You think you put them in the wrong files ? Or that you test at the wrong layer ? <bialix> ok, I'll push <bialix> from the bug description bzr-svn triggers that bug registering a hook <bialix> I don't register a hook and anyway can trigger the bug <vila> bialix: 8-/ <bialix> I don;t know how in ideal world the tests for such bug should like * bialix bbl <vila> It seems to me the bug in format_rio, so the tests could be in the corresponding test file, or we could try to make hook more resistant by ensuring the right constructor is always called, but that will certainly be quite ugly <vila> oh, info.py is bogus too <vila> bialix: right, so please do like the other classe that derived from Hooks, use the super() notation <vila> bialix: of course, I found other examples that don't use super() :-/ <nxvl> hi, i just reported Bug #471292 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 471292 in bzr "import-dsc fails on UTF-8 characters" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/471292 <nxvl> bzr import-dsc is failing basicaly because the debian chagelog has UTF-8 characters <nxvl> wich is odd since there are packages in the ubuntu repo that has them aswell <nxvl> and bzr supports them <james_w> urgh, sorry nxvl <jam> vila: sorry about the delay, got hit by a "Jehova's Witness' if you know what that means <vila> jam: hmpf <vila> jam: yeah, I know, not seen for years... luckily :) <jam> it being the end-of-days and all <jam> I suppose fixing this doesn't matter then <jam> :) <vila> lol <vila> bialix: argh, he's gone :-/ <jam> vila: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jameinel/bzr/2.1.0b2-471193-st-and-chk-map/+merge/14309 <lugo> hi <AnMaster> oh 2.0? when did that happen <lugo> a checkout i use has recently changed it's name <lugo> well the branch name has changed actually <jam> AnMaster: Sept 22, approx 1.5 months ago. <AnMaster> jam, sigh, university really made me miss out on the rest of the world recently <lugo> since i'm really new to bzr i just don't know how to tell it the name change ;) * AnMaster looks for some release notes or overview of the major changes since 1.17 or so <GaryvdM> lugo: bzr bind new/url <jam> lugo: 'bzr switch --force' ? <jam> GaryvdM: /wave <GaryvdM> lugo: sorry bzr switch <GaryvdM> Hi jam <vila> jam: you requested merging against lp:bzr ? <jam> GaryvdM: 'bzr bind new/url' is accurate if using a heavy checkout, I think <lugo> switch ok i'll try that <jam> vila: meh, you know what I mean :) <jam> it *is* for 2.1.0b2 <jam> Just forgot to set the target <jam> it will get into bzr.dev soon anyway <vila> jam: ok, just checking, I'll stop waiting for lp to generate the diff then and do it locally <jam> GaryvdM: bialix mentioned you were hoping to get qbzr 0.16 released for 2.1.0b2, do you think that will happen? <lugo> yay worked, thank you guys <GaryvdM> jam: Yes - My weekend was a nightmare (Partially self inflected.) <GaryvdM> There were some features that I was hoping to finish, Which are not done yet. <vila> jam: so the plan is to get rid of expect_static_tuple in the end right ? <jam> vila: long term, yes <GaryvdM> Trunk is stable so I guess I should just release it as it is. <GaryvdM> jam: What is my deadline? <jam> GaryvdM: take your pick. *I'm* happy enough to release w/ 0.15 <jam> GaryvdM: I'd like to cut bzr tonight <jam> and then have the windows installers by tomorrow <GaryvdM> Jam: I'll try, but if I miss it, no worries <GaryvdM> jam: After 2.1.0b2, how many release cycles before 2.1.0 Final? <jam> GaryvdM: well, do what you can, and realize that I'm pushing to be more 'timely', mostly because that should *ease* your burden <jam> since if you miss it, it won't be long til you get to try again <jam> GaryvdM: https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/ says we should expect b3, rc1 and rc2 before final <jam> https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+milestone/2.1.0 says final is 2010-02-03 <vila> jam: approved, running the full test suite right now just in case <GaryvdM> jam: Ok - My motivation is to have new features tested before the final, so I'm going to let it slip, as there is another beta. <vila> jam: full test suite passing <jam> vila: thanks. <GaryvdM> Hi vila <jam> of course, it was passing before my patch... <jam> I would like to test it, but the setup is hard <vila> hey GaryvdM <jam> the real fix is to test the index code to make sure they return ST <jam> and the Remote streaming code, etc. <vila> jam: no worries, I always run the full test suite when I review, I wanted to give view the approval in advance <vila> s/give view/give you/ wow..... what's that for a typo ? <vila> lol <jam> vila: you know, I didn't even notice <jam> I read 'you' just fine <jam> 'give you' <jam> it sounds the same as 'give view' <vila> yeah, that's what surprises me the most... <vila> *I* supposed to make typos because my fingers slip, not that kind of typo (I don't even think I ever do that in French...) <vila> OR only on purpose for jokes... <jam> it *was* an impressive coincidence. <jam> you had just talked about 'review', so it could be just that <vila> it also carries the meaning: "I wanted to give you visibility on my review" more freudian that way :) <vila> bialix: http://pastebin.com/m829db9b is an alternative that *also* fail before your patch and succeeds after <vila> bialix: just to maintain the universe balance, that makes a two-line fix with one-line test fix :) <vila> bialix: hope you're reading the log history... <GaryvdM> vila: lol - Was just about to point out to you that he's not here... <vila> GaryvdM: I know he's gone, but I'll quit shortly... But now, *you* are responsible to carry that paste :-D <GaryvdM> Oh No. <phoenixz> I do "cd /home/sven/project/test" then "bzr whoami 'Sven <sven@blah.com>'", then a bzr whoami, and it shows the right thing.. Then I do a "bzr whoami /home/sven/project/test" and bzr tells me: "/home/sven/projects/kloud" does not seem to contain an email address. This is allowed, but not recommended. <phoenixz> what is this about? the whoami is a global setting or just per project? <Peng> phoenixz: Well, "bzr whoami /home/sven/project/test" tries to set your name to "/home/sven/project/test". <phoenixz> Peng: ah, doh! <Peng> phoenixz: s/tries to set/sets/, probably. <Peng> phoenixz: I'm not sure if you can set it per-project. You could try setting it in ~/.bazaar/locations.conf or $branch/.bzr/branch/branch.conf <jam> phoenixz: you can use "bzr whoami --branch USERNAME" to set it for a specific branch <jam> or, as Peng said, use locations.conf to set it recursively somewhere <Peng> Oh, I didn't know that. <kfogel_> this one ring a bell to anyone? http://paste.ubuntu.com/307835/ "bzrlib.errors.BzrCheckError: Internal check failed: Cannot add revision(s) to repository: missing chk node(s) for parent_id_basename_to_file_id maps" <phoenixz> When I do an bzr annotate --all --long file.php, I get lines like this: 1 sven@kionetworks.com 20091102 | * blah blah blah <phoenixz> I see email, a date, but what is the 1 in the first position of that line? <Tak> revno <phoenixz> Tak: yeah, just found it in the help too, thanks! <phoenixz> Another question.. BZR does NOT have support for copy, right? How do I do it with.. well, under SVN I had a template library, I used to copy all my libraries from there.. Make a small update to the template library, merge it to the other libraries, etc.. But with BZR, there seems not to be such a history possible.. How would I do this? <kfogel_> rockstar: (see my question above?) <rockstar> kfogel_, what version of bzr are you using? <rockstar> kfogel_, fair warning: if you say 1.17 I will slap you. :) <kfogel_> rockstar: 2.0.1 <kfogel_> rockstar: :-) <rockstar> kfogel_, huh, okay. jam? ^^ <phoenixz> Another question.. BZR does NOT have support for copy, right? How do I do it with.. well, under SVN I had a template library, I used to copy all my libraries from there.. Make a small update to the template library, merge it to the other libraries, etc.. But with BZR, there seems not to be such a history possible.. How would I do this? <Peng> Right. Bazaar does not support copies. <phoenixz> Peng: so how could I do what I just mentioned? <phoenixz> or better, will copies be supported in the future? <Peng> phoenixz: Probably, but likely not any time soon. <phoenixz> And another one.. I just added an entire tree, and one directory keeps showing as unknown.. When I specifically add that directory with bzr add, I get bzr: ERROR: '/home/sven/projects/blah/lib.e/blah/directemplate' is not a working copy <Peng> phoenixz: Why not make the template thing a branch, and make your other projects branches of it? <phoenixz> what is this about? <Peng> phoenixz: Not sure. Does that directory have a .bzr, .svn, .git or .hg directory in it? <phoenixz> Peng: Well, Im considerring making each library a branch, but since we have like 140+ libraries to manage.. gets to be a lot of branches.. <phoenixz> Peng: bingo, it has an .svn directory in it yeah! <phoenixz> If I have a branch with in there various directory, and each directory is a library.. Can I -at one point- branch each of those libraries from the current branch? <phoenixz> simply said, can I create branches from sub directories in a branch? <Peng> phoenixz: Eh. Are you looking for "bzr split"? <bialix> vila: thanks for paste, but your variant is completely new. I think you have to send merge request yourself <vila> bialix: well, *you* found the fix, I was just curious about how to test it :-) <vila> bialix: I'll send the fix tomorrow and give you credit. Deal ? <phoenixz> Peng: I dunno, let me see what "split" does :) <bialix> vila: the fix was so simple, so I don't dare to get credits really <bialix> vila: do as you wish, please <bialix> vila: and thanks <blackxored> hello <blackxored> how can I instruct my friend on windows to checkout to a branch at a gforge install with bzr plugin? <bialix> what? <bialix> GaryvdM: heya <GaryvdM> Hi bialix <bialix> how's 0.16? <GaryvdM> Has not happend yet... :-( <bialix> do you want 0.15.1? <GaryvdM> Weekend was not productive, but I'm making some progress now. <bialix> btw about qcommit anf grouping <bialix> I found several really weird cases on weekends while I'm working on my project <bialix> e.g. remove many files and dir itself <bialix> or rename many files to some folder <GaryvdM> Ok -I'll take a look <GaryvdM> also bug 471591 <bialix> things like '/foo.txt => foo.txt' is not really looks fine <ubottu> Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/471591) <GaryvdM> Huh - I though I fixed that. <bialix> sometimes I just think folders does not works good <bialix> err <bialix> I mean sometimes group by folder is not really fine <bialix> and absence of any icon for deleted files/dirs is irritating <GaryvdM> bialix: It's easy to make a config option for it. Should I do that? <GaryvdM> (switching off trees) <bialix> group/no group? <GaryvdM> yes <bialix> maybe, but not tonight perhaps <GaryvdM> yes - other things I need to do <bialix> I don't want to slow down, just produce some feedback because you asking me in saturday <GaryvdM> Yes - I do want feedback. <GaryvdM> These things are so subjective. <GaryvdM> So you don't like the way moves show? <bialix> I can't say for sure <bialix> it's not very intuituve <bialix> sometimes it looks buggy <bialix> I'm not sure what it should be in ideal <bialix> plain list is more straightforward, though I understand some people may want folders <lifeless> moin <GaryvdM> bialix: If a file has moved, then I try show the path it was moved from relative to it the dir it has been moved to. <jam> morning lifeless <GaryvdM> bialix: like ../../foo => foo <bialix> :-/ <bialix> IMO we need to show moves separately <GaryvdM> bialix: maybe "foo (moved from /bar/) <bialix> or show full pahs, e.g. foo.txt =>dir/foo.txt <GaryvdM> dir/ <bialix> this first slash is really weird for windows-minded people <GaryvdM> ? I use to do "\Program File\xxx\bzr.exe" long before I ever heard of linux <bialix> maybe "foo (moved from bar/) <bialix> I understand your intent to highlight root of the tree <bialix> GaryvdM: I don't try to hurt you, sorry <GaryvdM> No problem - Just trying to work out what is the best for all. <bialix> heh <bialix> best for all :-) <GaryvdM> bialix: I've just pushed to trunk the rename and move functionality for qcommit and qbrowse <bialix> ok <bialix> my i-net is not very well tonight though <GaryvdM> and if you rename/move a file out side of bzr, you can select the missing, and the non-versioned, right click, and choise "Mark as moved", which does a mv --after :-) <corp186> I've got my own project in bzr, and I've currently got a populated debian directory <corp186> I'm thinking the debian dir would be a good candidate for splitting into a sub tree <corp186> I ran bzr upgrade (on karmic), and then ran bzr split debian <corp186> then I did bzr join --reference debian <corp186> I committed both . and debian <corp186> but now if I branch from the repo, I don't get the debian subtree <corp186> what am I doing wrong? <lifeless> corp186: at least for ubuntu, standard packaging practice is to use a single tree for the code & debian dir <lifeless> corp186: thats what the build-by-commit code will be looking for <corp186> lifeless: what about when after I submit it for ubuntu, some debian dev wants to maintain the package in debian? <lifeless> they've a bunch of options <lifeless> debian developers do it all sorts of different ways <lifeless> what I do recommend is that you have two branches: <lifeless> 'upstream' and 'packaging' <lifeless> the packaging branch adds the debian dir and other packaging metadata. <corp186> first, I'm upstream <corp186> so this isn't traditional in that sense <corp186> and second, I don't want to have to continually merge code between branches <corp186> if I have a subtree for the debian/ dir, I can keep all the code in one branch, and have separate debian branches for different distros/releases <lifeless> corp186: I'm upstream for a number of things too, and it is quite traditional. <corp186> lifeless: even so, isn't it a pain to be merging between different branches just for packaging? <lifeless> Debian policy frowns on upstreams having a debian dir in their releases <lifeless> and a nested branch will show up as a debian dir <lifeless> corp186: not at all, I package about 20 things from cron at the moment, using bzr-builder and a merge recipe. <corp186> lifeless: release tarballs would have the debian dir manually removed <corp186> and I'm not that interested in maintaining release scripts merging things between various branches <corp186> I guess, why wouldn't the debian dir be a good candidate for being a subtree? <corp186> I see that it may not be that bad to have separate branches, but subtree still seems like a better approach <bob2> then you'd still have a debian dir in the upstream branch <corp186> bob2: it's not against policy to have a debian dir in the repo <corp186> just not in the tarball releases <corp186> side-stepping details about packaging, can anyone help diagnose why bzr branch doesn't branch the subtree as well? <lifeless> corp186: nested trees aren't a supported feature yet <corp186> oh? <corp186> I didn't realize that <corp186> I figured since it's in there, it must work <corp186> lifeless: since you've had some experience with being upstream and doing packaging, do you do things as native packages, or do you somehow generate the diff.gz file with the debian directory? <lifeless> I generate the tarball from my trunk or release branch, which doesn't have the debian dir. <lifeless> I merge to my debian packaging branch & build debian packages from there, which uses the tarball and generates a regular package. <enatom> I dont understand <enatom> how would i setup bazaar for team collaboration ? <enatom> ? <GaryvdM> enatom: Bazaar can be use in many ways. Some of these are documented here: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-guide/bazaar_workflows.html <enatom> do i have to install it on the internet, to get my team from overseas to work together <enatom> i dont get it <GaryvdM> enatom: I guess that you want to have "Decentralized with shared mainline" <GaryvdM> enatom: All you need is a shared location that any of the team can access. <GaryvdM> enatom: this can be via sftp, ftp, webdav, smb etc... <GaryvdM> enatom: If you can setup a bzr server, you will have better performance. But this is not a requirement. <GaryvdM> enatom: Do you have such a location? <enatom> GaryvdM, i have a hostgator account <enatom> would that be ok ? <GaryvdM> enatom: Not ideal, but it would work. You would need to give the password to each of the team. <enatom> ok, fair enough but i dont understand <enatom> what do i actually install on the server <enatom> like with phpmyadmin, its just a php script <enatom> but what the hell is bazaar, it aint a php script <enatom> is it? <enatom> btw if you havent noticed <enatom> iv never used a versioning control system <enatom> but would like to <GaryvdM> enatom: As I said, you don't have to set up a server. All you need is a shared folder, that you can all right to. <enatom> so would i need my computer on, so people can connect to my computer and work of it, with bazaar installed ? <corp186> enatom: it wouldn't hurt to read http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-guide/index.html through to get an idea of what bzr is, how to use it, and how to install it <GaryvdM> enatom: If you are working on a open source project, there are sites that will host it for you for free, e.g. http://launchpad.net/ <enatom> and does launchpad use bzr ? <GaryvdM> Yes <enatom> oh cool <enatom> so is git or bzr better? <enatom> coz im hearing github is pretty big <corp186> enatom: I doubt you'll get an honest answer in #bzr <GaryvdM> bzr, but I'm biased... <corp186> I didn't mean dishonest, just biased <enatom> yeah but what exactly is the difference <GaryvdM> enatom: http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrVsGit <enatom> gits way complex anyway <RAOF> github is big, but does a *lot* less than launchpad. <RAOF> Also, I think it's smaller than launchpad, too, so if you're going by size... ;) <GaryvdM> enatom: Oh - don't go to that page, it's out of date. <enatom> im using ubuntu btw <enatom> anyone heard of Nautilius SVN <enatom> and also , is there any Video tutorials or similar on using bazaar <phoenixz> Where can I find a list of the short status indicators that BZR might give me for bzr st -S ? <GaryvdM> enatom: There is a Nautilius bzr, but it's needs some work. I can recommend using bzr-explorer if you looking for a gui to easy you into things. <enatom> wait, doesnt BZR already have a GUI <enatom> wtf is BZR if it aint a GUI <enatom> someone here, should really do a Youtube Video tut <enatom> 137 people, would it hurt to do a quick video <enatom> to get beginners into things <enatom> like theres no videos on youtube or google <Peng> enatom: Bazaar started out as a command-line program, like many/most other VCSes. <enatom> yeah <enatom> but i mean does it have a Gui now ? <GaryvdM> Yes - bzr-explorer <enatom> or do i need to isntall certain things like this nautilius thing or bzr explorer <enatom> so do i install both? <enatom> bzr and bzr-explorer? <GaryvdM> enatom: If you install bzr-explorer, it will automatically install bzr <GaryvdM> enatom: what version of ubuntu are you running? <enatom> karmic <enatom> so is the standalone bzr just a command line app? <GaryvdM> yes <enatom> ok, so iv gone into Ubuntu Software Centre, ... and iv typed in bzr <enatom> it has Bazar version control system <enatom> and olive bazaar branch manager <enatom> and it also has "diffuse merge tool" <GaryvdM> enatom: I just checked - bzr-explorer is not in karmic, but you can install it easily by adding the bzr ppa <enatom> what is a "ppa" <GaryvdM> package archive <enatom> ok whats the ppa for it <GaryvdM> Ah - just hold on a sec. <GaryvdM> enatom: This will install bzr-explorer in 2 steps - Form the command line run: <GaryvdM> sudo apt-get install qbzr <enatom> ok ill do that now, and how would i unistall it when i need to <GaryvdM> bzr branch lp:bzr-explorer ~/.bazaar/plugins/explorer <enatom> ok <GaryvdM> sudo apt-get remove qbzr <GaryvdM> rm ~/.bazaar/plugins/explorer -r <GaryvdM> To uninstall ^^^^ <GaryvdM> enatom: Someone is working on packing bzr-explorer this miniute, so it will be more easy in the future. <enatom> btw is this the explorer bzr homepage <GaryvdM> enatom: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/explorer/en/ <enatom> by packing do you mean, available on the ubuntu software center ? <GaryvdM> Yes <GaryvdM> enatom: what do you hope to use bzr for? <enatom> i sware to god, if i learn how to use it, ill make the video tutorials for others like me to learn easier <enatom> php app <GaryvdM> Great <enatom> im developing a social networking app for graphic designers onlocalhost <enatom> why is what ill be doing with it, importnatn ? <enatom> important* <GaryvdM> Just intrested. bzr will work well for that. <enatom> oh ok <enatom> ill wait for the guy to package it <enatom> that way i can install it via software center, and which will be easier to remove if needed <enatom> i dont like typing stuff in terminal <enatom> wow <enatom> bazaar is made by canonical <enatom> :) <enatom> GaryvdM, has he packaged it yet? <GaryvdM> enatom: Not yet - It will take some time. <enatom> how long ? <enatom> kind of waiting for him, to do it, so i can install it <GaryvdM> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/425507 <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 425507 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] bzr-explorer should be packaged in ubuntu and the ppa" [Wishlist,In progress] <GaryvdM> enatom: you can subscribe to that bug. It will notify you when it he is finished. <enatom> how long does things like tha ttake <enatom> 1 week ? <enatom> 2 hours? <enatom> also what is "signed revisions" ... in the features comarison table of all VCSs its says bazaar does "partial" signed revision <Peng> enatom: Signing them with GPG, so that you can be sure of their authenticity. Unfortunately, Bazaar doesn't support the "verifying" part yet... <enatom> whats GPG ? <GaryvdM> enatom: I would just install it with the command I gave you - It is quite a simple command. <enatom> sure GaryvdM <Peng> enatom: Google it. <enatom> i have, many abbreviatiosn come up <enatom> which GPG? <GaryvdM> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Privacy_Guard <phoenixz> Where can I find a list of the short status indicators that BZR might give me for bzr st -S ? <enatom> GaryvdM, you gave me to commands to remove it, which where "bzr branch ip:bzr-explorer" and sudo apt-get remove qbzr <enatom> what does this do : bzr branch lp:bzr-explorer ~/.bazaar/plugins/explorer <GaryvdM> enatom: I gave you 2 commands to install it, and 2 command to remove it. <GaryvdM> To install: <GaryvdM> sudo apt-get install qbzr <enatom> ok i installed that <enatom> i did that now <GaryvdM> bzr branch lp:bzr-explorer ~/.bazaar/plugins/explorer <enatom> i pressed y <enatom> it installed <enatom> now the termainal says "processing triggers for python-support..." <enatom> and its kind of stuck here <enatom> how to i run bzr-explorer ? <GaryvdM> enatom: run bzr explorer <enatom> yeah how, there is not icon in the applications menu, or the desktop <enatom> how do i run bzr explorer <GaryvdM> enatom: when the packing is done, it will create a icon for you. <GaryvdM> enatom: for now: step 3: create the icon your self <enatom> how? <GaryvdM> or run it form the command line. <enatom> where? <enatom> how? <enatom> whats the command? <GaryvdM> bzr explorer <enatom> bzr branch lp:bzr-explorer ~/.bazaar/plugins/explorer <enatom> sorry i mean <enatom> enatom@enatom-laptop:~$ bzr explorer <enatom> bzr: ERROR: unknown command "explorer" <enatom> enatom@enatom-laptop:~$ ^C <enatom> enatom@enatom-laptop:~$ <GaryvdM> enatom: did you run bzr branch lp:bzr-explorer ~/.bazaar/plugins/explorer <enatom> GaryvdM, i typed bzr explorer... and i got this :enatom@enatom-laptop:~$ bzr explorer <enatom> bzr: ERROR: unknown command "explorer" <enatom> no i didnt run that command line, that was just on my clipboard accidently pasted it here <enatom> but <enatom> enatom@enatom-laptop:~$ bzr explorer <enatom> bzr: ERROR: unknown command "explorer" <GaryvdM> enatom: you must run alos run this command to install bzr-explorer: <GaryvdM> bzr branch lp:bzr-explorer ~/.bazaar/plugins/explorer <GaryvdM> *also <GaryvdM> enatom: that will get the source code for bzr-explorer using bzr <enatom> dude can you refer to a tutorial that i can follow to install this easeily <enatom> this is complicated <GaryvdM> entom: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/explorer/en/install-linux.html <GaryvdM> you allready have qbzr <GaryvdM> entom: now you need to get bzr-explorer <enatom> im getting this error: You have not informed bzr of your Launchpad ID, and you must do this to <enatom> write to Launchpad or access private data. See "bzr help launchpad-login". <enatom> when i enter this bzr branch lp:bzr-explorer explorer <GaryvdM> enatom: you can ignore that for now <enatom> ok ignored <phoenixz> Where can I find a list of the short status indicators that BZR might give me for bzr st -S ? <enatom> its not working <enatom> enatom@enatom-laptop:~$ bzr branch lp:bzr-explorer explorer <enatom> You have not informed bzr of your Launchpad ID, and you must do this to <enatom> write to Launchpad or access private data. See "bzr help launchpad-login". <enatom> Branched 311 revision(s). <enatom> enatom@enatom-laptop:~$ bzr explorer <enatom> bzr: ERROR: unknown command "explorer" <enatom> enatom@enatom-laptop:~$ <GaryvdM> enatom: You did not read the instructions on http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/explorer/en/install-linux.html <GaryvdM> "Then change to the directory holding your plugins (normally ~/.bazaar/plugins) and run" <GaryvdM> or just ran the commad I gave you: <GaryvdM> bzr branch lp:bzr-explorer ~/.bazaar/plugins/explorer <enatom> ok <GaryvdM> phoenixz: the source code. I'll look for you now. <enatom> ok i did what you said, and its still not working GaryvdM <enatom> : enatom@enatom-laptop:~$ bzr branch lp:bzr-explorer ~/.bazaar/plugins/explorer <enatom> You have not informed bzr of your Launchpad ID, and you must do this to <enatom> write to Launchpad or access private data. See "bzr help launchpad-login". <enatom> bzr: ERROR: Parent of "/home/enatom/.bazaar/plugins/explorer" does not exist. <enatom> enatom@enatom-laptop:~$ bzr explorer <enatom> bzr: ERROR: unknown command "explorer" <GaryvdM> enatom: run: <GaryvdM> mkdir ~/.bazaar/ <phoenixz> GaryvdM: Im not too much for the sourcecode myself.. thanks! Maybe something that could be documented in a wiki somewhere? <GaryvdM> mkdir ~/.bazaar/plugins <enatom> ok did that and i just typed in : bzr branch lp:bzr-explorer ~/.bazaar/plugins/explorer <enatom> after making the directories <enatom> its downloading something <enatom> ok so its done <enatom> basically <enatom> all i had to do was setup a plugins folder <enatom> its running now woop <enatom> the next hurdle : understanding <enatom> cheers GaryvdM <GaryvdM> \o/ <enatom> just for clarification <enatom> what is qbzr and what is bzr-explorer ? <enatom> GaryvdM, <GaryvdM> phoenixz: not sure. Docs are here: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/ <phoenixz> GaryvdM: could you find anything in the sourcfe code? <GaryvdM> enatom: I'm one of the devs for qbzr <enatom> cool <enatom> but what is it ? <GaryvdM> phoenixz: yes in multiple places <GaryvdM> enatom: we started building a gui based on the Qt toolkit. We have many powerfull commands: bzr qlog, bzr qcommit, etc.. <GaryvdM> enatom: We have not finished our main window. <GaryvdM> enatom: The starting point <enatom> so whats the difference between Bzr-eplorer and qbzr ? <GaryvdM> enatom: bzr-explorer is just a main window, that uses qbzr for all its other windows. <enatom> oh ok <phoenixz> GaryvdM: Guess I'll just have to figure this the hard way <GaryvdM> phoenixz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/307983/ <phoenixz> GaryvdM: another question.. in SVN I could svn delete a file.. How do I do that with bzr? don't see no delete... bzr remove? bzr help remove shows more soemthing about stopping with tracking <Peng> phoenixz: Yes, bzr remove (aka rm). <phoenixz> okay <phoenixz> GaryvdM: thanks for the list! <GaryvdM> pleasure <GaryvdM> phoenixz: It was gather with a quick skim over the source. So I may have missed somthing... <phoenixz> GaryvdM: don't worry, I just want the most important one.. Working on an web based versioning interface that can work as front-end for SVN, SVK (strarted on that), GIT and bazaar.. Since I work with PHP and don't have a BZR library available, I just shell interface for the commands <phoenixz> not perfect, but it works <GaryvdM> I see <enatom> GaryvdM, if i want to add a new project to my localhost as the location what would i enter in "location" field ? <enatom> should i enter /var/www/ ? <GaryvdM> /var/www/my_project <spiv> Good morning. <GaryvdM> Hi spiv <enatom> and how would i access the files via a browser <enatom> would http://localhost get me to that folder <enatom> OMFG !!!! <enatom> I JUST GOT A GOOGLE WAVE INVITE <enatom> I JUST GOT A GOOGLE WAVE INVITE <GaryvdM> enatom: I think thats a question for #apache <RAOF> enatom: As I understand it, that means you now have 8 invites to give out. I hereby stake my claim to one! <enatom> CALM DOWN PEOPLE, LET ME REGISTER MINE <enatom> I ONLY JUST RECIEVED THE EMAIL <enatom> OMFG <enatom> omfffffffffff gooood! <enatom> google wave <phoenixz> GaryvdM: bzr add file will always producs +N when bzr st -S ? <enatom> GaryvdM, Do you have a google wave account ? <enatom> I GOT 8 GOOGLE WAVE INVITES TO HAND OUT <GaryvdM> enatom: Nope - But I would not mind one. garyvdm@gmail.com <enatom> OK, ILL SEND YOU ONE NOW <GaryvdM> phoenixz: Yes <enatom> ANYONE ELSE ? <RAOF> Throw one at raof@ubuntu.com, please :) <GaryvdM> enatom: thanks <enatom> ROAF <enatom> ROAD <enatom> ROAF <RAOF> r. a. o. f. ;) <enatom> RAOF HOW EVER THE HELL YOU SPELL YOUR NAME <enatom> uhm where abouts do you live ? <RAOF> .au <enatom> GaryvdM, where abouts do you live ? <enatom> raof, you have to suck my balls abit, coz it aint fair on GaryvdM , his helped me quite abit today <enatom> and you aint done shit <enatom> so... do something <RAOF> Um... <RAOF> I can point you at GNOME Do? <enatom> point me? <RAOF> apturl://gnome-do <enatom> whats the do ? <enatom> what does that do ?* <GaryvdM> What ever you tell it to :-) <RAOF> It's a bit like quicksilver on Mac. It's an... "action interface", I guess. <GaryvdM> enatom: He has a @ubuntu.com address, which mean he is a ubuntu memeber, which mean he allready rocks! <enatom> GaryvdM, is RAOF an important person, like does he develope things like you ? <enatom> or is he just a bum, who hangs around here <RAOF> If you *haven't* tried gnome-do, I'd suggest giving it a whirl. It's awesome, and I don't only say that because I'm the maintainer :) <GaryvdM> enatom: He is a ubuntu member which means he is a hardcore dude <fullermd> Hm? Somebody call for a bum? <enatom> no we dont need bums <GaryvdM> enatom: You have to do lots of work to become a ubuntu member! <fullermd> Oh. <enatom> oh ok * fullermd slumps back to his cardboard box. <enatom> well ill send you guys one <enatom> raof and GaryvdM will be getting an invite soon <RAOF> Thanks. And try out gnome-do. It's awesome! <enatom> yeah i already have gnome do <enatom> using it now, pretty good actually ¬_¬ <enatom> nice work <phoenixz> fullermd: Just a question... SVN has Add, modified and "added and modified"... does BZR has that last one too? <phoenixz> RAOF: gnome-do? whazda? <fullermd> phoenixz: Well, I don't know what svn means by that. It doesn't seem to make sense; if it's added, there's no previous version to say 'modified' against. <RAOF> phoenixz: Heh. Install the package, give it a whirl :) <phoenixz> fullermd: ah, now I remember.. added and modified is where the previos revision was a copy.. SVN supports copy, BZR does not.. if I would svn copy a file and then modify it, it would be added and modified.. <GaryvdM> phoenixz: you can have modified and renamed in bzr though <phoenixz> GaryvdM: ah, thanks, another one for my list.. <enatom> GaryvdM, and RAOF , apparently i have to wait a couple of days till i hand out the wave invites, since im a new user i can only go through the "Preview" period <enatom> its pretty shit actually <enatom> i cant "wave" to anyone else, since no one i know has a google wave account <GaryvdM> enatom: I see. They did the same thing with gmail. <enatom> yeah and also... you get another email <enatom> enatomx@googleWAVE.com <phoenixz> oh THAT sucks.. <enatom> yeah, well ill send you a blank email, to keep you in my contacts when till i can actually send the invites out <phoenixz> by the way, may I add that I really hope BZR will be supporting file copies? This was really a rather nice option of SVN / SVK, where all file history was preserved... <spiv> phoenixz: we'd like to add that, but it's not at that top of the todo list yet. <enatom> i cant write to my WWW folder, #bzr 2009-11-03 <johnf> quick question re packaging. When we release 2.0.2 will there be a 2.0.2rc1 or are we just releasing since it should only be bug fixes? <sven_oostenbrink> Can bzr diff also NOT throw errors when a file has a diff? <igc> morning <sven_oostenbrink> don't really like that behaviour :) I need it to just show the diff and thats it <bob2> throw error = set return code? <enatom> i just setup my project <sven_oostenbrink> bob2: correctly, sorry, it sets a return code while there is no error <enatom> but where in "trunk" folder will i put my files ? <sven_oostenbrink> igc: Evening.. <poolie1> sven_oostenbrink: you're talking just about the shell return code? <sven_oostenbrink> poolie1: yes <poolie1> there's no builtin option to turn it off <igc> hi sven_oostenbrink <sven_oostenbrink> poolie1: interresting... <bob2> svn diff || true <johnf> I just did "bzr branch svn_reop trunk; bzr check" if I get a sha1 mismatch should I file/look for a bug or could it indicate dodgey svn data (which isn't inconceivable in this case) <johnf> or I could just search first instead of wasting peoples time and find the existing bug in launchpad <spiv> johnf: :) <johnf> hmm except that bug is fr symlinks which this isn't <johnf> is bzr-svn the best way to move from svn to bzr. Assuming that I don't care about any of the svn data at all. I just want the revisions. I don't cae about svn ids etc <johnf> Maybe I should try tailor <spiv> johnf: people mostly seem to use bzr-svn or fast-export <johnf> can't use fast-export since I don't want the whole svn repo just a few branches <johnf> and bzr-svn is creating the above problem with a bzr-check :( <spiv> I believe fast-export and/or the importer can do some filtering of that sort of thing <bob2> there's a filter thing <johnf> ahh :) <spiv> igc knows lots about it <jelmer> johnf: that check issue is the symlink one? <jelmer> johnf: reconcile should be able to fix that <johnf> jelmer: I thought it was the symlink one but the file it is complaing about isn't a symlink. Reconcile thinks everything is OK which is strange since bzr check doesn't <johnf> hmm I had a very old version of python-subversion 0.6 even though subversion was 1.5 I wonder if that could cause problems <spiv> IIRC bzr-svn doesn't use python-subversion, it uses jelmer's subvertpy <johnf> that's special fast-export-from-svn skips every single revision :) <johnf> spiv: ahh looks that way <johnf> This SVN repository is doing a good job of protesting my move to bazaar * jam changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control system | 2.0.2 and 2.1.0b2 have gone gold! time to build those installers| try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://bazaar-vcs.org | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ <jam> johnf: we are *just* doing simple releases. The only 'rc' we will be doing is just before a new stable release <johnf> jam: ok cool <johnf> thanks <jam> johnf: and 2.0.2 and 2.1.0b2 are now out <jam> well, 'gone gold' waiting on you to build installers :) <jam> as for '~beta-ppa' stuff. The 'b1' release is generally going to cause problems <jam> but b2+ shouldn't cause as much strife <jam> because the 'major.minor' version isn't changing * jam crosses fingers eyes and toes, because b1 was pretty awful :) <johnf> agh I missed the 2.0.2 email. Will sort that tonight <jam> well, just came out.. 5 min ago <jam> :) <jam> anyway, see y'all around later <igc> poolie1: now that 2.0.2 and 2.1.0b2 have gone gold, can we work together on automating the doc builds some more? <igc> johnf: fast-export-from-svn just does trunk currently and it has a range of problems <igc> johnf: jelmer has fixed the biggest of those by adding fast-export support to subvertpy 0.7.1 <johnf> igc: ahh I need a newer subverty <igc> johnf: ping jelmer if you need help running his fast-export script <igc> johnf: I want to change fast-export-from-svn to use his script if it's present but I haven't done that yet <johnf> Although I think I just got it working. I just need trunk anyway <Kilroo> Oooh, 2.0.2. <Kilroo> Here's hoping somehow building subvertpy against Subversion 1.6 for the Windows installer's bzr-svn gets worked into that somehow... <poolie1> igc, hi <poolie1> igc, good idea <poolie1> spiv, hi? <enatom> how can i use BZR with my www folder, if my www folder wont even allow me to create folders? <RAOF> enatom: Change the permissions on your www folder so that the users who should have commit access can write to your www folder? <enatom> ok ill try that <RAOF> ie: add all the users who should be able to commit to bzr to a "bzrusers" group or somesuch and then chown the relevant directory. <enatom> hmm sounds relatively easy, ill go through it now <enatom> bzrusers group doesnt exist, should i just create it RAOF <RAOF> You certainly could. <RAOF> The details of what you want to do will depend on what, exactly, you want to do. :) <RAOF> But the general plan is: "give all the users who'll need to commit to bzr permissions to write in the relevant directories". <enatom> the problem is bzr-explorer doesnt even create the trunk folder <enatom> becuase the actual program doesnt ahve access etc <jam> poolie1: ping <enatom> the group i created isnt in the list, for the permission of the folder <jam> poolie1: Something is wrong with the Visual Studio 2008 installation on 'desolation'. It shows up as being in the start menu, but there is nothing in D:\ where it thinks it is installed. <jam> I'm going to stop trying to configure it for now, in case we need to start with a new EC2 image <poolie1> jam, hi <poolie1> jam, ok, i may look at it too <jam> poolie1: please do <poolie1> i think this is because of the distinction between the two types of storage <poolie1> it may be that disk needs to be remounted or i may have broken it <jam> sure <jam> that is sort of what I was thinking <jam> I started installing and documenting my progress, and I didn't want to get to far <jam> too far <poolie1> does another volume come up in the mgmt console for that account? <mwhudson> is D: the part of the storage that doesn't persist on bunding? <mwhudson> like /mnt for linux images <jam> poolie1: there is a 'D:' present <jam> but it only had a 'hash' directory in it <jam> I see a "created volumes" section, but I don't see anything present <poolie1> mwhudson: yes, D: is the part stored on S3 <poolie1> i can't recall what the state of it is <mwhudson> oh ok <johnf> Say I have two branches. Branch A created by bzr-svn has 20 revision and branch B created by fast import has the first 10 revision in branch A. <johnf> Can I merge from B to A somehow. Can i manually specify the common ancestor or something? <SamB_XP_> I think you'd need to use something evil <SamB_XP_> like rebase or more fast-export | fast-import <johnf> yeah I tried fast-import but it can't add revisions to an existing branch <SamB_XP_> oh, lame <johnf> I wonder what happens if I cat to fast-import files together :) <SamB_XP_> I don't think that's going to help! <SamB_XP_> another option is to make patches for each change and apply/commit each of those ... <johnf> yeah trying to avoid that <SamB_XP_> well, what you should really avoid is using fast-import on SVN repos ;-P * igc lunch <johnf> sweet catting together fast-import files works!! <johnf> Is it possible to set a branch as readonly? <johnf> Reasoning is I have a branch on a web server where I want to be able to pull <johnf> but I want bzr to slap me if I try and commit <johnf> I suppose I could write a pre-commit hook <spiv> johnf: chmod -R a-w yourbranch <spiv> Oh, but you want to pull. <spiv> That's not readonly, exactly. <johnf> spiv: yeah only sort of read only :) <johnf> just don't want anyone to commit to it <johnf> let me try writing a hook <spiv> I guess a pre-commit hook is probably the way to go then. <spiv> Or only make it writeable to a special user and then provide a sudo command to run pull (and only pull)? <lifeless> precommit hook won't necessarily do it <lifeless> as commit on a bound branch is a fetch operation <lifeless> but if you are worried about local commits, then yes, precommit is fine <jam> johnf: alternatively make the branch a checkout of the thing you want to pull from, and make the upstream location readonly from your local branch <jam> It is what I do for my 'bzr.dev' local copy <jam> I used to checkout from http <jam> anyway, night all <lifeless> gight jam <igc> night jam <cody-somerville> I had local commits and against a binded branch and then I did bzr update <cody-somerville> how can I undo the bzr update as it totally did not turn out good <cody-somerville> oh, luckily I still had the files open so I can just resave and overwrite what bzr did. <bob2> have you considered just using unbound branches? <vila> hi all <fullermd> vila: Heydere. What was it you muttered at my about this weekend? <fullermd> Oh, time drift. <fullermd> I think that's usually "solved" (worked around anyway) by dropping the kernel HZ. <fullermd> You can do that in loader.conf... kern.hz="100" say. <fullermd> (the default 1000 sometimes interacts poorly with VM's... thought I thought there were actually some changes made that detected in-VM status and dropped it) <vila> fullermd: hi ! <vila> fullermd: I *have* kern.hz=100 already <vila> fullermd: I'm glag you already know that much context... <fullermd> Oh. Well, so your problems solved then 8-} <vila> s/glag/glad/ :) <vila> hmm, interesting, freebsd7 lost 4 hours in the last 41 hours while freebsd8 lost "only" 20 minutes <fullermd> Is it steady drift or jumps? <vila> What I use so far to resync is: 1) reboot :-/ OR 2) ntpdate * fullermd has no idea what to actually _do_ with the answer to that question of course... <fullermd> Well, you should probably run ntpd in them anyway... <vila> I don't actually monitor that closely but I often see messages about calcru something... of course none are available right now :-/ <vila> ntpd is enabled <fullermd> runtime went backwards. <fullermd> Symptom. <vila> yeah <vila> but is that a drift or jump symptom ? <vila> I suspect drift myself but that may be seen as jumps by some processes <fullermd> Doesn't really differentiate. Just sorta a general symtom of "WTF, time isn't seeming monotonic" <vila> The most annoying one is that the slave lost the connection with the master... that's the symptom I want to cure <vila> . o 0 ( Monotonic time is too boring for FreeBSD ) <fullermd> If ntpd is running, letting it drift like that means it's over the correction rate. You could probably watch the offset grow via that. <vila> 'via that' ? <fullermd> Yah, watching what ntpd is doing. <vila> /var/log/ ? <fullermd> Well, I was thinking more "watching ntpq -p" <fullermd> Though it probably spits something in messages when it gives up on slewing. <vila> grep -i ntp /var/log* => ./Xorg.0.log:24:(**) FontPath set to: , yeah great <vila> :) <vila> My impression is that ntpd is run only at boot and never more from there... Any idea how to check that theory ? <fullermd> ntpd is a daemon... <fullermd> You can use ntpq to see if it's running. <vila> how ? <fullermd> ntpq -p <bob2> ntpdate is the thing that (sometimes) runs only at boot <bob2> but modern ntpd has an option for "jsut set the damn clock at boot" <vila> ntpq -p <vila> ntpq: read: Connection refused <vila> daemon not running ? <fullermd> Yeah, and they keep yacking about obsoleting ntpdate because of it. Totally missing the point... <fullermd> vila: Yah. <vila> haaa <bob2> do you need to run ntpq as root? <vila> bob2: I'm root <bob2> ah <fullermd> Not unless you have funky firewalling or something. It talks over UDP. <bob2> oh <fullermd> vila: So you presumably need to enable it in rc.conf (and then fire it up manually for this boot) <fullermd> And edit the config to point at your local ntp server, of course. <vila> the later is done, remind me the magic path to search for the options I can use in rc.conf ? (That's not /usr/ports/net/ntp) <fullermd> % grep ^ntpd_ /etc/rc.conf <fullermd> ntpd_enable="YES" <fullermd> ntpd_sync_on_start="YES" <vila> ntpdate_enable="YES" <vila> is all I have ! <fullermd> (grep'ing in /etc/defaults/rc.conf would be how you'd find the choices) <fullermd> Yah. Which is why you're running ntpdate, but not ntpd 8-} <vila> fullermd: great, you rock :) * fullermd buffs his nails on his lapel and looks important. <fullermd> Now, that still suggests a hyuge amount of drift. It may be more than ntpd is willing to cope with. <fullermd> I believe the default builds refuse to skew more than 500ppm. <vila> fullermd: my feeling is that the drift is not constant, so having ntpd *running* may be enough, I'll need a couple of days to be sure though :-/ <fullermd> Naturally. Checking on problems with time requires time ;) <vila> hehe, yeah, non-monotonic time and virtual time help a bit, but not that much here :) <vila> ha. I have ntp.conf under bzr, I *thought* I was using it at one point... :-/ <vila> ...but since there is a typo in it.... <fullermd> Oooh, somebody made a port of dulwich. <fullermd> As a side effect of making a hg-git port. Cute. <vila> Interesting... <marccc> good morning <marccc> i was wondering how i could add revision number and branch in the source when commiting automatically, any qlue's? <vila> marccc: bzr help version-info <vila> but putting such infos somewhere when committing is rarely the right thing to do <marccc> why is that? <fullermd> It sounds like what you really want is keyword expansion. <bob2> because it is already visible with bzr version-info <bob2> it's arguably useful in source tarballs, so hook version-info into your build system <marccc> true, but i want to export source tarballs <vila> . o 0 (Thanks guys, you type faster than me ;) <bob2> so have your 'generate source tarball' script call version-info :) <bob2> no need to do it on every ommit * igc dinner <marccc> is there a nice way to checkout and create a tarball with a revision number? <vila> fullermd: Ha, got that message back: calcru: runtime went backwards from 5773628818061961 usec to 4285 usec for pid 12 (intr) <Adys> bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~loggerhead-team/loggerhead/trunk-rich/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir() <fullermd> That's a pretty significant jumpback. Probably corresponds to a big clock step. <Adys> trying to update loggerhead, any idea how to fix? <vila> fullermd: as in: ntpd started after some processes and they catch up ? (I have several messages) <vila> marccc: $ export REV=`bzr version-info --custom --template 'no}' ` <vila> marccc: bzr export ../package-${REV}.tar <vila> errr <fullermd> Well, it's basically just a general symptom of time not being monotonically increasing. ntpd doing a step is one way that could happen (I believe it logs when it steps, and they end up in messages) <vila> marccc: $ export REV=`bzr version-info --custom --template {revno}' ` <vila> fullermd: ha, yes, I have messages in /var/log/messages now <thumper> Adys: launchpad doesn't support updates over http <thumper> Adys: what is the command line you are using? <vila> fullermd: I don't have an /etc/ntp.conf for FreeBSD7, any idea why ? <Adys> thumper: nvm, I just branched again <fullermd> Pre-8, there wasn't one made by default. <fullermd> 8 added one with pool servers. <vila> fullermd: great, thanks for confirming, I'll just copy the 8 one * fullermd has all the CVS logs in his brain just for questions like that ;p <vila> :) <Zapelius> Could someone point me to a howto, how to convert/merge a 'bzr init':ed repo to a new 'bzr init-repo trunk':d one ? <fullermd> Zapelius: That question in and of itself doesn't quite make sense... <fullermd> You can use reconfigure to conver a standalone branch to using an existing shared repo (or vice versa). <Zapelius> I have a project that I initially <Zapelius> ... init'ed but that grow a bit too big and now needs several branches <Zapelius> so I just read that the init-repo would save my HD a bit <Zapelius> when doing a lot of branches <bob2> so: bzr init-repo ~/repo/ ; bzr branch /wherver/it/is/now ~/repo/thingo/trunk <fullermd> That would be one way. It can lose config though. <fullermd> Moving the standalone branch in and using reconfigure is probably better. <Zapelius> I'll look into that. thanks <ferringb> insane question... anyone looked into doing a caching proxy for bzr? specifically, I've multiple clients locally accessing the same remote repo, been toying w/ having the clients hit a bzr server first which in turn returns what it has (updating as needs be) <ferringb> yes it's insane. yes, I probably could do it via having the share an nfs/remote mount of some sort instead and a bit of trickery <ferringb> just wondering if anyone has poked around deep enough to comment if it's viable w/ the architecture <spiv> ferringb: it'd be nice to do, but I don't think anyone has done one. <ferringb> spiv: anyone looked into it? <bialix> hi all <spiv> ferringb: not that I know of <ferringb> wonder if a lightweight checkout could be bastardized for it <ferringb> basically do a pull from a bzr server serving a lightweight checkout that caches... <ferringb> via that, could reuse it's "always connected" design, although I suspect lightweights still have a specific rev bound to the local checkout <vila> hi bialix <bialix> hi vila <bialix> bugfix for hooks really was simple, not sure why you don't try to apply it for 2.0.x series <bialix> but it was you choice <vila> wow the series and milestones picture makes sense on https://launchpad.net/bzr ... that wasn't always the case... <vila> bialix: it's importance is medium, I didn't think it was urgent... <bialix> I don't understand this <vila> ? <bialix> IMO if bugfix is not API break it should got to latest stable release too <bialix> it seems you guys using different judge here <vila> The added test may detect bugs in plugins, that's what betas and trunk are for <bialix> ok, nm <marccc> vila: thanks <vila> marccc: ?? export... bzr export... ? <marccc> bzr export <vila> marccc: ok, so you don't need any commit hook anymore ? (Just trying to understand if you original need is addressed) <marccc> yes, but the only thing i need now is the tag <vila> hmm, version-info doesn't support tag ? Worth filing a bug... <marccc> lets do that! <backslash> Hi, we have a bzr repository running on Linux server. There's a weird problem with branching the repo from Win 7. When the bzr branch command is issued an error is returned: bzr: ERROR: [Error 183] Nelze vytvoøit soubor, který již existuje: u'C:/Users/Backslash/Work/novawinnona/.bzr/checkout/limbo/new-3/AbsoluteLayout/ ..' -- that non-english part is Unable to create a file which already exists -- what could be the problem? Thanks a lot <backslash> Strange thing in that error message is the double dot at the end and the slashes in the path while Windows use backslashes ^^ <bialix> backslash: mjst likely in your branch there is 2 files which different only in case, e.g. Foo.txt and foo.txt <bialix> backslash: most likely in your branch there is 2 files which different only in case, e.g. Foo.txt and foo.txt <bialix> backslash: or directory <backslash> bialix but those files are not the AbsoluteLayout direcotory, are they? I'll try to find them under it... <bialix> you can run qbrowse command for this branch (even on server) and inspect files <backslash> bialix: thanks a lot, I'll look into it ^^ <bialix> "soubor" means file or directory? <bialix> what is your language? <bialix> backslash: ^ <bialix> I see it slavic <backslash> soubor is file <backslash> it's actually Czech <bialix> ah, ok <GaryvdM> Hi igc <bialix> backslash: just for the record: bzr.exe v.2.0? <GaryvdM> igc: I landed the rename/move functionalty into lp:qbzr last night. <bialix> hi GaryvdM <GaryvdM> Hi bialix <backslash> bialix: yes, 2.0 <backslash> bialix, is there a problem with that version? <bialix> backslash: most likely case name clash <bialix> backslash: no no no <backslash> bialix, damn :) <bialix> IIRC it was "fixed" in bzr 1.0, I just don't remember how exactly it should report this problem to user <bialix> although error message could be clearer, yes <backslash> bialix, but why does it output that directory name when you are saying that it can be any file in the repo? <backslash> bialix, that's what's strange :) <bialix> backslash: the error comes from deep internals of bzr, from TreeTransform class. This class use special pseudo-names for newly created files/dirs to avoid clash <bialix> and then on some stage it renames them into your working tree with real names <bialix> can you show me relevant part of .bzr.log <bialix> ? <backslash> bialix, could that be because Windows filesystems cannot store file which paths are longer than 255 chars? <bialix> the author of TreeTransform is abentley, you can try to catch him several hours later <bialix> backslash: yes, this is also problem <backslash> bialix, I'll try to branch it somewhere else. <bialix> backslash: you can check this easily too, just using shorter base directory <bialix> e.g. C:\Users\1 <bialix> short enough ;-) <backslash> bialix, I'll go with C:\Project :) <bialix> :-) <bialix> C:\Prj :-D <backslash> bialix, possibly not, I got the same error with the u'C:/Winnona/.bzr/checkout/limbo/new-3/AbsoluteLayout/ ..' path... <backslash> bialix, why are there the two dots at the end ? :) <bialix> no idea, really <bialix> there is space before 2 dots, see? <bialix> pastebin relevant part of .bzr.log please <backslash> bialix: I know, that is the strangest thing I've ever seen :) <backslash> bialix, where is the log usually located? <bialix> run `bzr version` it will show you location <backslash> bialix: http://pastebin.com/m7fb93aa <backslash> bialix, that's mostly weird :) <bialix> backslash: it seems this is exact path u'C:/Winnona/.bzr/checkout/limbo/new-3/AbsoluteLayout/ ..' <bialix> some file or dir in your branch named as ' ..' <bialix> is it possible? <bialix> I suggest using qbrowse to inspect <backslash> bialix, unlikely :) I'll try to search for it <bialix> otherwise file a bug and attach that part of .bzr.log <bialix> something really bad happens <bialix> also it fails on attempt to create directory <backslash> bialix: the directory is really there :DDD <bialix> what? <backslash> bialix, there really was a directory named ' ..' :) <bialix> ah <bialix> how's weird <bialix> :-) <backslash> bialix, someone at our team is weird for commiting such directories :) <bialix> bite him <bialix> and ask to rename/delete this directory <bialix> when this directory will gone you can get the branch <backslash> bialix, thanks a lot for your help :) <backslash> bialix, the person is already a dead man :) <bialix> :-) <bialix> really? <SamB_XP> meaning you already yelled at him and told him he has to take out the garbage next ? <SamB_XP> or that his bus number came up? <Peng> Murder seems a disproportionate response to crappy directory naming... :P <guilhembi> Unable to load plugin 'gtk'. It requested API version (1, 17, 0) of module <module 'bzrlib' from '/home/mysql_src/logiciels/bzr_versions/bzr.dev/bzrlib/__init__.pyc'> but the minimum exported version is (2, 1, 0), and the maximum is (2, 1, 0) <guilhembi> after pulling the latest bzr-gtk and bzr.dev. <guilhembi> It's a bit tiring... such "wrong API version" errors have happened in the past already... <Peng> 1.17.0? That's not very recent... <guilhembi> I continue to think that it would be great if the bzr unit tests included a basic test of compatibility with bzr-gtk if bzr-gtk is present; it would catch those bugs before they affect people... <Peng> The version numbers are more a feature than a bug. <guilhembi> Peng: ahah, this time it's my "cd plugins/gtk; bzr pull" which didn't work, hence the error; <guilhembi> regarding feature vs bug, I mean that in the past, someone bumped the API in bzr, <guilhembi> and that broke bzr-gtk. Whether the fault is in bzr or bzr-gtk, <guilhembi> a test before push would have avoided spreading this problem to users (several colleagues hit this at Sun). <vila> guilhembi: but we can't make bzr check for all existing plugins, it has to be the other way around <guilhembi> vila: it looks natural that the one who does a change does the check too; otherwise, how do you prevent the problem from spreading? <vila> bumping the API is intended to *avoid* bugs, the check failing early helps <vila> but the fix has been done in bzr-gtk, if the check wasn't failing how would *you* know you need to update ? <vila> the problem is not in the plugin nor bzr IMHO, it's a packaging issue * bialix_ mutters things will be much simpler with qbzr. :-P <vila> this is being worked on with the PPAs that provide coherent versions, but then you have to use them <guilhembi> vila: you remember a certain bug report, where the latest bzr.dev and the latest bzr didn't work together, and it took days to fix; <vila> guilhembi: yes <guilhembi> so it means that for some days, things were just unusable for users (they had to revert to older versions, not obvious to remember which one they had before pulling); <vila> yes <guilhembi> so, how do you suggest that this doesn't happen anymore. <guilhembi> ? <vila> by running automated tests <vila> this is planned, but not yet implemented <guilhembi> vila: then I think we are in agreement. Automated with high frequency ("every few days" wouldn't improve the situation). <vila> Oh I'm sure we agree on the goal :) <guilhembi> vila: I wasn't sure; I had the impression that you were telling me that everything is right. <vila> The planned frequency is at least once a day at most once on every commit on bzr.dev <guilhembi> vila: looks perfect!! <vila> Sorry for the confusion, I meant the design is right, there are still rough edges for people running bzr.dev and plugins tips <guilhembi> ok I get it <vila> http://babune.ladeuil.net:26862/waterfall is where things are at today <guilhembi> vila: ok... nice... looks similar to buildbot? <vila> May be because it *is* buildbot :-D Good catch ;) <guilhembi> ahah <vila> guilhembi: by the way, your failing pull may be due to bzr-gtk migrating to the 2a format <Peng> guilhembi: Yeah, what was the error message? <mthaddon> pqm machine going down for hardware maintenance <Peng> Fun. What kind of maintenance? <jam> mthaddon: I'm trying to decide how hard to cheer for that :) <mthaddon> jam: I'd go with "a little" <vila> morning jam ! <jam> morning vila <vila> mthaddon: a little cheer for hardware upgrade to a quad-core CPU !!! * vila just loves spreading rumors :) <mthaddon> vila: just updating firmware I'm afraid * vila doesn't always succeed :) <Peng> Maybe the firmware upgrade unlocks the secret power inherent in the CPU? <beuno> vila, sometimes they *say* firmware, but they mean "128gb of ram" <vila> lol <Peng> Great, now PQM can test 450 patches at once. :D <vila> james_w: ready for you when you are <james_w> vila: good timing! <jcastro> emmajane, about an hour! <emmajane> jcastro, amber already pinged me. ;) <emmajane> jcastro, you're late. ;) <jcastro> heh <LarstiQ> hour? <emmajane> LarstiQ, I'm giving a "so you think you want to be an author" talk for Ubuntu Open Week. <LarstiQ> aah :) <marccc> ls <marccc> :-) <Tak> is it intentional that bzr doesn't handle symlinks to symlinks? <Tak> hmm, it does handle them somewhat - but a recursive add misses them <phoenixz> When doing an bzr push while still having uncommitted changes in my WT, bzr errors with bzr: ERROR: Working tree "/home/sven/projects/kloud/" has uncommitted changes (See bzr status). Use --no-strict to force the push... <phoenixz> Whats the "danger" of pushing whilst still having uncomitted changes? <Peng> phoenixz: It's just a safeguard, in case you have something you forgot to commit. There's zero "danger". <phoenixz> Peng: Ah, perfect.. I figured so, but I wanted to be sure :) <phoenixz> Peng: thanks! <Peng> :) <jfroy|work> verterok: pushed my changes for 2.0.2 to lp:~jeanfrancois.roy/+junk/SnowLeopard-package <phoenixz> If I have a trunk and users A, B, C.. We all work from the trunk, push, pull, merge, etc.. but one day, user A pushes some revisions to user B.. then all continue.. Will there be a problem? Will BZR know that the revisions that B recieved? Will those revisions also end up in the trunk? When A, AFTER the push to B, pushes to the trunk again, will the same changes sent to B also be sent to the trunk again? Will BZR know what changes B already received from A <phoenixz> by means of the trunk? how does this work? <ferringb> phoenixz: revs commited to a branch are uniquely identified, and are handled accordingly <ferringb> phoenixz: iow, a -> b, a -> trunk, b -> trunk, will work as you'd expect <phoenixz> ferringb: sooo.. if A pushes its own rev 5 to B, that same rev will also be sent to trunk when pushing there, correct? <ferringb> yes. <phoenixz> ferringb: and then when B pulls from the trunk, it will not again receive that revA5, because it already has it.. <ferringb> yep <phoenixz> perfect, perfect... <ferringb> yes'm. <mwhudson> hmm! <mwhudson> commit just failed for me <mwhudson> aborting commit write group: AssertionError("deserialise should be called with a StaticTuple not <type 'tuple'>",) <mwhudson> happens with no-plugins too <mwhudson> seems something of a regression...... <mwhudson> jam: here? <mwhudson> seems to only happen on committing a merge <mwhudson> and a trivial test case doesn't reproduce <mwhudson> bah :( <lifeless> mwhudson: file a bug <mwhudson> lifeless: yeah will do <lifeless> some fallout expected <lifeless> releases will disable this with a flag to enable it <lifeless> trunk will continue to die die die <mwhudson> hm <mwhudson> bzr.dev actually committed it ok <jam> mwhudson: that should be a bugfix from: 4671 Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager 2009-11-02 [merge] <jam> (jam) Fix bug #471193, make chk_map type checking less strict. <jam> in 2.1.0b2 <jam> which should be merged into bzr.dev <ubottu> Launchpad bug 471193 in bzr "StaticTuple failure while pulling from bzr+ssh" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/471193 <jam> bzr.dev 4782: <mwhudson> jam: ah ok <jam> 4782 Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager 2009-11-03 [merge] <jam> (jam) Merge 2.1.0b2 (-final) to bzr.dev <mwhudson> i guess the ppa is a little out of date <jam> mwhudson: nightlies? <mwhudson> jam: yeah, i think so <jam> mwhudson: btw, is this a commit of a merge in a heavy checkout? <mwhudson> jam: no, lightweight <jam> hmm... <jam> anyway, should still be fixed <jam> though I should figure out why it is happening there <mwhudson> yeah, seems to be <mwhudson> jam: want the crash file? <jam> I *want* to have strict type checking, but I need to track down the code that is introducing it <jam> mwhudson: sure <lifeless> jam: interesting, StaticTuple broke bzr-search <lifeless> s/g,/gly,/ <mwhudson> jam: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/308926/ <lifeless> jam: suggestions were printing the result keys out and they because StaticTuples <jam> lifeless: yeah, I saw your patch there <jam> though your code was assuming the form for 'repr()' of keys <lifeless> yes ;) <jam> mwhudson: what really surprises me about the bug, is that I've been running bzr.dev with the chk_map strict type checking for a while, and didn't encounter any problems until the day of release <jam> which is when I relaxed the type checking <jam> anyway, off to pick up the little boy <jam> have a good night <lifeless> never underestimate the power of users <poolie> hi jam #bzr 2009-11-04 <maxb> How do I run the bzr-fastimport testsuite? <lifeless> bzr selftest fastimport <maxb> Ah, there's no such thing as running in the source tree? It only runs as part of a bzr installation? <lifeless> maxb: ./bzr selftest fastimport <lifeless> :) <maxb> mhm. Not if you're in a branch of fastimport itself <lifeless> maxb: so, the plugin has to be loaded to get at the tests <lifeless> you can symlink it into a bzr source tree, if you want to test with an uninstalled bzr <lifeless> (or just run that bzr) <maxb> I guess hacking on it in ~/.bazaar/plugins/fastimport isn't a silly idea, then? <lifeless> but the plugin needs to be discoverable to '$bzr plugins' <lifeless> maxb: I have a symlink from ~/.bazaar/plugins/PLUGIN to ~/source/bzr/plugins/PLUGIN/working <lifeless> maxb: where working is a lightweight checkout of whatever branch of the PLUGIN i'm currently hacking on/using <igc> morning <lifeless> igc: Just! <igc> lifeless: it's still 11am here :-) <sven_oostenbrink> So I use bzr now for one project. I have one central repo that I use as trunk, three developers have branches from that one.. Now, first I want to tag a certain version, but thats where bzr eludes me a little.. I can not have a trunk, since thats just another branch, but I can have tags? <sven_oostenbrink> how does this work exactly? <lifeless> you can tag a commit <lifeless> or you can add a new branch <lifeless> both wors <sven_oostenbrink> then another question.. I have another project, B, which is based on my current project, A.. so I think, I make a brach of A, called B, and all developers can just sub-branch B to work locally, for them, B will be the trunk of project B... whenever there are changes in B that are interresting for A, I can push them from B to A and if there are ever interresting changes for B in A, I can just push these changes from A to B.. Is this reasoning <sven_oostenbrink> correct, or am I just plain silly here? <sven_oostenbrink> lifeless: tag a commit? you mean tag a revision? <lifeless> yes <lifeless> your second questions reasoning is fine <sven_oostenbrink> lifeless: so I could also just do something like bzr push trunk file://tag0.1.0 or something? <sven_oostenbrink> and that then, would be a tag? <sven_oostenbrink> lifeless: But whats the difference, when I bzr tag, the tags are like a revision or somehting? <lifeless> tags are metadata within a branch <lifeless> branches are branches * spiv -> food * igc lunch <poolie> igc, want to talk when you're back? <mneptok> /m poolie i is sexy hots American booblady. you makes to chats me now!? * poolie puts on his wizard hat and cloak <ferringb> -.^ <igc> poolie: sure <poolie> 1m <MTecknology> How can I make something like lp: ? <spiv> MTecknology: write a plugin that implements a "directory service" <MTecknology> that sounds kinda sucky to do... <spiv> MTecknology: see bzrlib.directory_service, and of course the implementation of bzrlib.plugins.launchpad <spiv> MTecknology: it's not so hard, IIRC <MTecknology> spiv: I just don't want to need to type "bzr+ssh://bzr.server.com/bzr/" all the time <MTecknology> I want to run my own LP server but I don't have the hardware for it... <lifeless> MTecknology: install bzr-bookmarks, create an alias <spiv> MTecknology: echo export MYREPO=bzr+ssh://bzr.server.com/bzr/ >> ~/.bashrc ;) <lifeless> MTecknology: or write a small directory service plugin as spiv says <lifeless> its really quite easy <MTecknology> thanks :) <MTecknology> I like the export idea except for needing $MYREPO <MTecknology> I'll try out the directory service idea <spiv> Look at bzrlib/tests/test_directory_service.py perhaps, it should show you how to make a pretty simple service, because that's what the unit tests do :) <MTecknology> spiv: aside from no understanding of python and that looking like a lot of code; I also have no idea how to impliment it :P <spiv> MTecknology: it's just the lines 26 to 30 of that file, plus the call to bzrlib.directory_service.directories.register <spiv> (that file == http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/annotate/head%3A/bzrlib/tests/test_directory_service.py) <spiv> Put that plus the imports into ~/.bazaar/plugins/my_directory_service.py and you're practically done. <MTecknology> spiv: thanks <MTecknology> no <MTecknology> s/no// wrong chan <igc> bbl <vila> hi all <vila> bah, babune failure of the day: doctests are not properly isolated, setting 'debug_flags = static_tuple' in bazaar.conf makes one of them fail.... <vila> Failed doctest test for bzrlib.branchbuilder.BranchBuilder <lifeless> vila: doctests; enough said <fullermd> I "corrected" a whole bunch of doctests in that DWIM thing. I think most of them were totally useless. <fullermd> (I mean, even before, they were pretty lightweight, but after the change.... utterly pointless) * vila whistles <vila> Hmm, not sure if whistling carries the same meaning as in French, which in that case would be around: "Hey, I don't like doctest much myself, but I said nothing...." :-D <vila> I mean, I agree with many intents of doctest, but the implementation is too brittle and this is one more example... <vila> On the other hand, a single slave failed here, the one that is not properly isolated itself (it uses *my* bazaar.conf), and that's what I will fix first :) <fullermd> So, you're saying doctests aren't the problem, vila is? :p <vila> hehe. no I'm saying there is one problem and at least three fixes, all needed :-D <fullermd> vila: How goes timekeeping? <vila> fullermd: weirdly <vila> freebsd7 did a reset this morning, I dunno if it's related (in fact I didn't know that could happen without me noticing...) <vila> both 7 and 8 says ~10:00AM when it's 10:29... <vila> so time is still drifting, less, but still <fullermd> ntpd give up? <vila> I was about to search a bit the ntpd period of updates, but may be you already know that ? :-D <vila> hmm, let me look the logs <fullermd> Well, the poll period steps back at powers of two. The default range starts at 16s and goes up to 1024 as it learns the system. <fullermd> But there's no way it should be 29 minutes off unless it gave up on sync'ing. <vila> nothing eye-catching for 7 <fullermd> What does the peer list tell you? <fullermd> That should gives you the poll frequency, as well as the offset. <vila> ntpq -p doesn't specify units, let me see... <vila> poll is 64 for both 7 and 8 <fullermd> Poll frequencies are on seconds, delay and offset in ms. <vila> delays are in 6 to 12 range, offsets are in the 300.000-500.000 range <vila> err, no 5.000.000 for 7 ! <vila> gha and 3.000.000 for 8 sry <fullermd> 5 million ms = 5 thousand seconds = 83 minutes. <fullermd> That's a "screwit" sign. <vila> grrr, I can't read these damn things ! 364481. for 8 that's 300.00 the trailing period tricked me <vila> in the 8 logs I have: Nov 4 08:20:10 freebsd8 ntpd[766]: time reset +20146.933261 s <vila> Nov 4 08:20:10 freebsd8 ntpd[766]: kernel time sync status change 6001 <vila> Nov 4 08:21:00 freebsd8 ntpd[766]: kernel time sync status change 2001 <vila> so, hmm, looks like it doesn't update frequently enough <fullermd> The 6001/2001 messages are flipping between FLL and PLL mode (which ntpd flips on at the 512/1024s polling interval boundary) <fullermd> It sounds like the drift is just more than ntpd will accept. <fullermd> Ah, I'm off, 64s is the default minimal poll frequency. <fullermd> So, yeah, it just never gets past trying to initial sync up. <vila> And what is the option to get around that ? <fullermd> Isn't one, really. I kinda expected it, from the size of the offsets you were talking about yesterday. <vila> Or should I just call ntpdate in a cron ? :-/ <fullermd> Really, the solution is to figure out WTF it's so far off from reality, which is probably something to do with VB. <vila> wow, 4 Nov 10:10:51 ntpdate[1007]: no servers can be used, exiting <fullermd> cron'ing a ntpdate every stupidly often (like 5 minutes) is an ugly brute-force solution, but may be your best shot. <vila> Does that clearly says ntpd gave off ? <fullermd> That's from ntpdate, not ntpd. <vila> ntpdate 0.fr.pool.ntp.org <vila> 4 Nov 10:11:46 ntpdate[1025]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting <fullermd> You can't run ntpdate while you're running ntpd. <bob2> don't cross the streams. <fullermd> Mmm, marshmallows... <vila> Ho, so revert the ntpd and cron the ntpdate is what you suggest ? <vila> Otherwis, yes, VB is clearly the culprit, the log file is filled by messages about that, the bug is known and working on <fullermd> Well, I'd suggest tracking and solving the problem. But that takes time and energy, so it's probably not leading your todo list. <vila> some incomplete fix in 3.0.10 made things worse for me, that's why I'm searching for a work-around from *inside* the slaves <fullermd> Brute force should always work, if enough is used :p <vila> VB is still working on the bug but I dunno when that will come it could be 3.0.12 or 4.0.... nothing in the coming *month* at least (if past releases are an indication for the schedule) <fullermd> Whether anything will freak out when the clock starts jumping around all the time... well, we'll find out when we find out. <vila> 23:58:57.284 TM: Giving up catch-up attempt at a 60 001 205 850 ns lag; new total: 20 580 677 930 084 ns <vila> is the kind of message in the VB logs :) <vila> TM probably refers to Time Manag{er,ing,ement} <fullermd> I get creeped out when my time is more than 10ms off, and have it in my long-term plans to get a good disciplined OXCO in the lab with a clean PPS input to the system to cut an order of magnitude or two off that error :p <fullermd> Obviously, I'm slightly more anal than average... * vila notes to self: mail forward the VB logs to fullermd every morning <fullermd> (Soekris 4501's are notoriously excellent for that, since you can use the GPIO pins to get the PPS signal into the OS with much less latency and jitter than using a RS232 port like you do on 'normal' systems) <vila> You do that just for fun or you have a valid reason for it ? Hard real-time constraints or ? <fullermd> Well... I guess you could say "fun". <fullermd> More like "I'm an obsessive person and I can't stand when things are WRONG". So it's not necessarily _fun_ per se... <vila> But how do you even know you're off by 10ms ? <vila> and off comparing to what ? <vila> may be you're right and *they* are off ! <fullermd> Well, now we get into definitions. But I run a diverse set of peers (many of which I run, and in turn deal with a different diverse set of peers), which track back to CDMA and GPS sources. All of which, through offsets etc, should track back to TAI. <fullermd> If you don't get all uppity about the difference beween GPS time and TAI and UT0 and UT1 and UTC, you probably don't care :p <vila> wow, wow, not so fast, CDMA and GPS, I roughly understand, TAI is ? <fullermd> Temps Atomique International <vila> Haaaa, now you're talking French :) <fullermd> Hey, I didn't make the acronym :p <fullermd> (and don't even get me STARTED on the insanity of defining POSIX time_t...) <vila> Right, ok, so you're not *that* obsessive, your reality requires you to be precise :) <fullermd> Well, any time scale is arbitrary, since you have to pick a point in time to declare the second boundary (and that's even before you consider how relativity destroys the concept anyway) <fullermd> But any point is as good as any other for most purposes, as long as it's widely agreed on. TAI fills that role. <fullermd> Why yes, I DO hang out on mailing lists with people who take one of a match pair of cesium beam clocks on vacation into the mountains with them to demonstrate relativity; why do you ask? :p <vila> damn it restarting ntpd fixed time on 7 but not on 8 :-/ <fullermd> It probably didn't fix it, it just did its initial step. Now it'll start slipping into the future. <vila> and it knows about not doing its intial step too often ? Even across reboots ? <vila> On the overall, I feel better knowing you *had* to know the details about ntpd more than me :-D <fullermd> It only does the initial step as a first sync when it starts. <vila> So starting it should provides me a "correct" time, it doesn't here <fullermd> Past that it slews, or makes tiny steps. If it drifts faster than some arbitrary amount, ntpd won't touch it (and it sounds like you've in that position) <vila> /etc/rc.d/ntpd restart <vila> is what I did (repeatedly even) <fullermd> Well, don't do it so much; it doesn't happen for some time after it starts. <fullermd> 's one of the reasons ntpd's "sync once and exit" mode is never going to be a replacement for ntpdate; there's a need for a quick, synchronous syncup, even if it lacks quite the precision of a longer baseline. <vila> so, given I'm using a VM with no precision, ntpd is the wrong tool, right ? <bialix> heya all, vila, fullermd <vila> morning bialix * bialix likes what fullermd wrote about the process of inclusion patches and railroad <bialix> bonjour vila <fullermd> Yeah, without serious hacking (or possibly much more config than I know how offhand to do on it), ntpd won't handle the situation you're in. <bialix> poolie1: I think I deserve your pun about "care about windows". vila teaching me to shut up <fullermd> It's possible dropping the minpoll interval will give it enough oomph to make things happen. But that would be real unfriendly unless you're pointing at your own local ntp servers. And it's still questionable that it would work. <vila> But isn't using ntpdate unfriendly too then ? <fullermd> Well, dropping the minpool means every 16 seconds. <vila> yeah and I can survive with an ntpdate every hour I think <fullermd> ntpdate every 5 minutes isn't near that bad. It's only 3x as often as the standard ntpd ceiling of 1024s polling interval. <fullermd> I'd try something like 10 or 15 minutes. That's rarely enough-ish, and will leave you with smaller steps each time, which is more likely to slide under the radar of running apps. <fullermd> (of course, 'd be as good or better to have a local ntp server of course, but...) <vila> hey, the only app running is bzr selftest and time should always go forward and tests shouldn't be time sensitive, what could go wrong (famous last words :-) <vila> local ntp server may be an option though.... <fullermd> Probably wouldn't change anything materially, but is nicer to the net at large, and may let you experiment with more drastic usage of it. <fullermd> I consider a local ntp server to be like a local DNS server; every subnet should have one. <vila> hmm, looks like I *already* have one ntp server... at least ntpdate is happy to use it <vila> fullermd: so, I'll try with 'server saw.local iburst minpoll 4 maxpoll 9' in ntp.conf and see <vila> fullermd: sounds correct ? <Peng> Ooh, time nerding! /me reads backlog. <vila> fullermd: well, 'minpoll 1' seems accepted by a restart even if the doc says 4 is the minimum, I'll try that <fullermd> I'd do burst as well as iburst. But yah, that sounds like a plan. <fullermd> (burst won't help if it can't keep up without it, it'll just do a bit better if it DOES keep up) * fullermd is a reliable source for nerdery :p <Mez> hmm, bzr gannotate is telling me a file isn't version3ed, but it is. <lifeless> vila: /419776 <lifeless> vila: bug 419776 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 419776 in bzr "selftest --subunit output incompatible with --parallel=fork" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/419776 <Mez> also, how do I get the nautlius extensions working? <vila> lifeless: I'm waiting for your subunit protocol change to land. Why the ping ? <lifeless> vila: oh thats right <lifeless> don't wait on subunit <vila> should I un-assign myself and revert to confirmed ? <lifeless> whats the remaining defect <lifeless> just 'automtimingdecorator degrades ExpectedFailure' ? <lifeless> vila: if you subclass AutoTimingDecorator <vila> not sure exactly about the *cause* but the effect is to produce failures for expected failures IIRC <lifeless> and add an addExpectedFailure method, as per subunits addFailureMethod, does it work? <lifeless> ah here it is <lifeless> timing -> hooked -> decorator <lifeless> return self._call_maybe("addExpectedFailure", self.decorated.addFailure, test, err) <lifeless> subunit 0.0.2 doesn't know how to serialise xfail <lifeless> though it can parse it <lifeless> [long story] <lifeless> in 0.0.2 xfail -> failure in the case of a missing method <lifeless> in 0.0.3 xfail -> success <lifeless> so <lifeless> class BzrAutoTimingDecorator <lifeless> def addExpectedFailure(self, test, err): <lifeless> self._before_event() <lifeless> return self._call_maybe("addExpectedFailure", self._degrade_skip, test, err) <vila> i.e. introducing a new class in bzr until your subunit protocol lands ? <lifeless> should fix it, for subunit 0.0.2, at the cost of not supporting the details API, which is not in 0.0.3 yet anyhow, and which degrades well anyhow. <lifeless> we can cater for that later <vila> lifeless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/309377/ is what you meant ? <vila> it seems to work here and I can understand why, at least <lifeless> the lambda x:x was gine <lifeless> *ine* <lifeless> *fine* <vila> as a base class ? <lifeless> as the final value <lifeless> do the definition in the try: <lifeless> what you've written won't work if subunit is absent <lifeless> you'd need __new__ not __init__ <lifeless> which is uglier than a lambda <vila> oh yes, of course <vila> lifeless: shouldn't HookedTestResultDecorator define _before_event ? <lifeless> no <lifeless> its an ABC <lifeless> thats why you subclass subunit.test_results.Autotiming... <vila> I can see that, but why not being explicit and make it raise NotImplementedError is what I meant <lifeless> 'meh' <lifeless> small contract <lifeless> reasonable docs <lifeless> not like e.g. repository in size <vila> ok, I just thought the idiom was agreed upon, no worries <lifeless> well, for bzr yes :) <lifeless> I'm more lassez-faire in other situations <vila> hehe, yeah, having python on the bzr code base doesn't help me there :) <vila> hehe, yeah, having learned python on the bzr code base doesn't help me there :) <lifeless> so as I say, small contract <lifeless> if it was a bigger API and this was an optional thing that you might not encounter for a bit, it would be another matter <lifeless> but you can't use a subclass at all until its implemented so its pretty obvious <vila> yeah, on the other hand, it's only two lines and you can then forget about it whatever happen later :-D <lifeless> 2 lines and a test <vila> but no problem, I was just wondering if it was deliberate or not, I'm happy either way <lifeless> deliberate decision <vila> you meant: a test and 2 lines :-P <lifeless> oh wow <lifeless> http://lab.arc90.com/experiments/readability <lifeless> anyhow, I'm glad you've got it working <lifeless> toss it up for review if you like <lifeless> gnight <vila> lifeless: waiting for lp to update my pushed branch before clicking propose for merging :) <vila> done <vila> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/419776-subunit/+merge/14413 <johnf1> how do you remove a branch from inside a shared repo? do you just rm it and there is some sort of grabage collection later? <lifeless> rm, gc will be implemented some day <johnf1> lifeless: Am I correct in thinking that a few weeks ago you where sugesting we should upload the beta releases into debian? <lifeless> yes <lifeless> talk to me tomorrow though, ESLEEP <johnf1> ok <johnf1> will upload 2.0.2 for now <jam> morning all <abentley> jam: Good morning. <jam> hey aaron, haven't said Hi to you in a while <jam> Getting ready to fly to AU? <abentley> True. Not really getting ready yet. I'll start that tomorrow. <abentley> But yeah, we <abentley> 'll be saying hi in person really soon. * mtaylor getting oops <mtaylor> AssertionError: second push failed to complete a fetch set([('inventories', 'mordred@inaugust.com-20091103224655-9f5d1vgb4alj11vi'), ('inventories', 'mordred@inaugust.com-20091103213736-nu2owzobdp73t6h8'), ('inventories', 'mordred@inaugust.com-20091103222806-e2ta52lskoqvfhrz'), ('inventories', 'mordred@inaugust.com-20091103214523-pxwopxc4tuasn4ul'), ('inventories', 'mordred@inaugust.com-20091102171023-wm0v26gdzzutxxzg'), ('inventories', 'mordred@inau <mtaylor> gust.com-20091103212344-3esgm3d5rnhvia2t'), ('inventories', 'mordred@inaugust.com-20091027224205-4yirn3hveb1zma5k'), ('inventories', 'mordred@inaugust.com-20091103220723-4xhq2frowehfes2n'), ('inventories', 'mordred@inaugust.com-20091027181920-mcf0d5zyf9tptghn')]). <mtaylor> of course - this was during a pull operation, so "second push" seems like an odd message there <mtaylor> bzr 2.0.1 on python 2.4.4 (Solaris-2.10-sun4v-sparc-32bit) <mtaylor> fwiw <mtaylor> ooh. looks like it's fixed in trunk * mtaylor withdraws all above statements <jam> mtaylor: should be fixed in 2.0.2 as well <mtaylor> jam: awesome <tsmith> I have an SVN project. I want to commit locally to bzr and then, when I'm ready, pull changes from and commit changes back to the svn. I want to create several bzr branches against this svn repo. What should i do when initially checking out the svn? <corp186> what is the bzr export --filters option, and how do I use it? <luks> tsmith: nothing special compared to when working with a native bzr project <luks> in this case, it sounds like you want bzr branch/pull/push <lifeless> jelmer: https://edge.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/bzr-cia/server-side/+merge/14057 claims the merge hasn't landed <Tak> tsmith: more specifically than `bzr branch svn://foo/bar` ? <tsmith> Tak, some guy in here was saying how he did bzr init or something <tsmith> bzr init then bzr branch or something <Tak> probably `bzr init --rich-root-pack` <Tak> or similar <jelmer> lifeless: yeah, that's actually correct <jelmer> lifeless: I should note that in the merge request <jelmer> lifeless: nevermind, seems I already did <lifeless> jelmer: you did? <lifeless> status is still 'needs review' <lifeless> jelmer: ^ <jelmer> lifeless: reviewed <lifeless> jelmer: you might like to change the review status too <lifeless> jelmer: I don't have access to do that <bialix> hello jam <bialix> is there any problems with 2.0.2 installer for windows? <jelmer> lifeless: done <jelmer> lifeless: I'm still a bit uncomfortable marking something "reject" if I really mean "resubmit" <lifeless> jelmer: isn't there 'in development' <lifeless> jelmer: work in progress <lifeless> jelmer: is what you should change it to <eydaimon> I've got a conflict where a couple of files got deleted. I want to resolve the conflict sot hat the files do not get deleted <eydaimon> how can I do that? <spiv> eydaimon: "bzr revert filename1 filename2" <eydaimon> spiv: what about when I merge next time? will those files not get deleted again? <spiv> Correct. <eydaimon> thanks <jam> bialix: I'm waiting on igc to build the chm documentation <jam> otherwise, I don't know of any problems <bialix> ok, thanks <bialix> there is not so much changes since 2.0.1 <eydaimon> http://pastie.org/684067 why aren't they merging here? (I was going to try out what spiv said just to verify) <eydaimon> oh, coz it's a checkout, not a clone <poolie> hello <jam> poolie: hi <jam> Hey, it looks like I'm not able to save a snapshot of an EC2 instance to the S3 store. <jam> I'm guessing I need a separate set of S3 credentials to do that. <jam> Which means that when I 'stopped' a running instance, I couldn't start it again <jam> and I had to "launch a new one" <jam> which meant all my state was definitively lost <jam> anyway, I'm still hoping to get EC2 working, but I'm sort of at a stalled point. <jam> Also, I'm waiting on igc to get the new documentation built, so I can build the win32 installers, so I can announce the new release. <poolie> jam, hm, i don't see what other credentials you would need beyond what i had <jam> poolie: If I try to save to "ec2.sourcefrog.net" it says I don't have access <poolie> oh ok <jam> I have an account id but not an email address, etc <poolie> but you could create a new bucket and save it there? <jam> poolie probably, if I signed up for S3 and gave Amazon a CC <jam> I've been avoiding that so far <poolie> no, i mean within this single account <poolie> you can't share this stuff across accounts <jam> So I guess... I don't really know <poolie> ok <jam> I've looked at the S3 stuff, to try and figure out how to create a new buckte <poolie> so <jam> but that looks like I need a *separate* set of credentials <poolie> thanks for letting me know that you were blocked <poolie> i was actually wondering this morning what to do next <poolie> i've felt a bit in the weeds as far as responding to a bunch of little things <jam> Trying to use S3 Firefox Organizer, "Create Bucket" fails with "unable to connect to server" <jam> that may be the plugin issue <jam> or may be any of a bunch of things <jam> I wanted to test if writing stuff to D, then taking a new snapshot <jam> really nukes the D directory on restore <jam> so we know whether we *have* to mount things via the Elastic Block Store <jam> (it is recommended, but the Postgres image has everything installed on C so you are 'up-and-running' easily) <jam> But they have VS 2008 Express, not Standard or Professional <jam> anyway, I switched to other things <jam> so if you want to spend time, #1 is getting the docs built so I can get the release announced <jam> #2 is playing with EC2 <poolie> ok <poolie> and vs express is not enough, right? <jam> btw, I worked on Windows glob expansion, and it took about 2 hours to implement. <poolie> oh nice one <jam> poolie: express doesn't have atl which is needed for tbzr dll <poolie> i worked a bit on ec2 last night, and then i think got interrupted <jam> until naoki teaches us the secret <poolie> k :) <poolie> you could ping him? <jam> anyway, I need to get going <poolie> or we could build that separately, if it's rarely used? <jam> I'll try to get ahold of him <poolie> ok, thanks for letting me know <poolie> i'll do the docs first, then poke at ec2 and tell you how it goes, then have a think about what to do next <jam> poolie: I think we are pretty close, and the apis look sufficient that we could probably leave the instance stopped most of the time <jam> and just cron to spin it up, and then run the buildbot tests <jam> and spin up a second instance when I need to build installers manually, etc. <poolie> mm <poolie> it looks like about 10m to spin u <poolie> up <jam> yeah, fairly long <jam> but not something you would notice in the 3-hours it takes to get stuff done <poolie> but it's feasible as "ok today i'm going to do installers" then it'll be ready when you get to it <poolie> right <poolie> i think that ties in too to which disk things are installed on <poolie> anyhow, the basic idea was that we would all share one account <jam> I could spin it up at "gone gold" time, and then spin it down once we actually released <jam> yeah, so far the one-account seems to be working for me <jam> just S3 and buckets are being weird <poolie> you creating your own wouldn't help because there's basically no way to share things between accounts except by making them totally pubilc <jam> ok, really gone now :) <poolie> k <poolie> how about you today, spiv? <CoffeeIV> does "bzr revert -r NNN filename" do anything in the repository, or just in my local copy ? <lifeless> local <CoffeeIV> ok, thanks <spiv> poolie: working on full writeup of those stories, and breaking them down into smaller pieces/goals. <poolie> sounds good <poolie> can you please put some agenda items onto the sprint page too? <spiv> Ok, will take a look <eydaimon> would is a lost word <maxb> Ouchie... 8 minutes just for bzr-fastimport to update 33 branches *after* importing all the revisions #bzr 2009-11-05 <cr3> how can I create a branch from a previous revision? I tried bzr revert -r### and then bzr push'ing that code, but the pushed code contain the same as the trunk <poolie> cr3: bzr branch -r1234 . ../other <poolie> igc, do you think we still want the non-sphinx doc builds? <poolie> i'm working on this atm <cr3> poolie: excellent, thanks! <lifeless> cr3: if you want to push something somewhere, push -r xyz URL <poolie> igc: sphinx build seems to be passing in the chroot now <poolie> output not copied yet <poolie> thwack- well up to the point of wanting pdflatex <igc> poolie: I don't see a need for non-sphinx builds <poolie> k <meoblast001> would it be hard for me to modify bazaar to only let me uncommit twice daily? <lifeless> not at all <lifeless> write a plugin, decorate the command <meoblast001> lifeless: ok, i need to make it hard for me to find a way around it <meoblast001> i'm struggling with a mental condition <meoblast001> and after reading an article, i figured out that i need to limit how many times i can repeat operations in order to fix the condition <maredzek> hi i have a very basic question, i would like to use bzr for managing my symofny project, it is now on local, i want to push it to my sftp server, do i have to do anything on my server? like installing bazaar? <jelmer> maredzek: to push using sftp you just need a sftp-capable ssh server <jelmer> maredzek: no bzr server is necessary on the server side <maredzek> ok i have one, i used: <maredzek> arek@marek-laptop:/var/www/fakt$ bzr push --create-prefix sftp://admin@ --use-existing-dir <maredzek> but apart from .bzr dir i cannot see anthing in /var/www/ble.... <jelmer> maredzek: it will just create a branch, not a working tree * maxb wonders if anyone else has used bzr qlog on branches with 10000 revisions before <jelmer> maredzek: yes <maxb> It appears to trim revnos to 4 digits :-) <jelmer> s/maredzek/maxb/ <jelmer> maxb: IIRC there is an open bug about that <maredzek> how can i upload "working tree"? <jelmer> maredzek: you can either run 'bzr co' on the remote side (will create a working tree, but required bzr to be installed) <jelmer> maredzek: or you can avoid push and use the 'bzr-upload' plugin <jelmer> maredzek: that will just upload the contents, not any of the history <spiv> maredzek: if you want just the tree and not the history, e.g. to publish a website, then the bzr-upload plugin jelmer mentions is probably a better fit <maredzek> ok, so if i will have 3 people working on this project, it is better to use bazaar on remote side? <maredzek> what will happen if: <maredzek> there is a file action.class.php already on sftp server, commited with bzr-upload <maredzek> then devA adds two funstions in this file and uploads * maxb can't find a qbzr bug for that <maredzek> hwo devB coulc know that somebody modified that file? <maredzek> ok, dont answer that <maredzek> i would like to have smth like my launchapd <maredzek> i have to isntall bzr on server <maredzek> and init projects <maredzek> and also i need to install bzr on clients <maredzek> and checkout and commit from them right? <maredzek> how can i install bazar upload? <spiv> maredzek: if you are using ubuntu, you can just apt-get install bzr-upload <spiv> maredzek: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/test/en/user-guide/plugins.html <maredzek> ok so my quewstion, how should i use bazaar if i have a couple of developers, working now remotely on clients server <poolie> igc: ok i think it's all running aside from pdf generation which is waiting on a gsa <poolie> maredzek: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-guide/index.html <poolie> igc, i'm going out to run an errand and then will look for breakage (which likely exists) when i get back <poolie> pdfs are rt 36401 btw <meoblast001> lifeless: is it possible to completely remove the uncommit feature from bazaar? <meoblast001> as long as repeating things is possible, i'll be stuck in an infinite loop <lifeless> meoblast001: sure, a plugin could do that <meoblast001> lifeless: i need something that is very hard to disable <meoblast001> i'm fighting myself here, so i need to outsmart myself <lifeless> meoblast001: sorry, can't really help you there - seriously. <meoblast001> i'll try to find something out <lifeless> bzr --no-plugins will disable plugins <lifeless> apt-get install will restore a base bzr with the feature present <meoblast001> lifeless: maybe i just need to see a psychologist or suck it up and figure things out myself <spiv> meoblast001: maybe something less drastic than total removal would help, e.g. make uncommit trigger an annoying buzz sound? <spiv> meoblast001: anyhow, writing a plugin is probably going to be the best way to do any of these options. <meoblast001> spiv: that won't work <meoblast001> i'm trying to fight OCD (repetitive things) and it can get very bad <meoblast001> luckily i don't have a severe case, some people do things for hours on end <meoblast001> i can just sit uncommitting and recommitting multiple times until i have to hit myself <meoblast001> but a buzzing sound won't stop me <lifeless> meoblast001: so, if I thought I had something wrong with me, I'd go see a doctor ;) <meoblast001> i need to make it impossible <meoblast001> lifeless: but you're not a dependent <maredzek> i dont completely understand Distributed development <maredzek> can you confirm is it corrct? <maredzek> 1. on main server <spiv> maredzek: in the user guide? <maredzek> spiv - yup: <maredzek> 1. on main server - i create bzr with init <maredzek> add and commit <maredzek> right? <spiv> maredzek: it doesn't really matter how you create the branch on the server <maredzek> ok, so next <spiv> maredzek: it's probably simplest to create it locally and then 'bzr push' it to the server <maredzek> ok <maredzek> but when i push to server - server needs to have bzr right? <spiv> maredzek: nope <spiv> maredzek: you can use plain SFTP, for instance. <maredzek> ok but when i tried to push files from my machine to my server, only .bzr folder was created <maredzek> no files were pushed <spiv> Right. <maredzek> and i need to use uplaod plugin <maredzek> so if i create file slocally and push to server, i will have no files in it - right? <spiv> Because 'bzr push' pushes a branch, which is a line of development. But it sounds like you want/need the tree of files on the server. <maredzek> hmmm <maredzek> i'm starting to understand <spiv> Operations to do with branches and operations to do with trees of files are mostly separate things. <maredzek> so i will have 3 developers <maredzek> they will work on php framework - symfony <maredzek> they will have thoose installed locally <spiv> Some operations involve both, e.g. "bzr commit" takes the current tree and records that as a new version on a branch. But mostly they are separate concepts. <maredzek> so tell me, how files will travel between developers? <maredzek> via central server? <maredzek> or directly between devs? <spiv> For you, I think you perhaps want to think about "commit and share changes" as being not necessarily the same as "deploy changes to live web site" <maredzek> i was thinking about this kind of architecture <maredzek> 3 devs (bzr) -> central repo (bzr) -> live web serwer (no bzr) <spiv> Sounds reasonable. <maredzek> last arrow - only from time to time <maredzek> like after completeing milestone <spiv> Right. <spiv> You could use the bzr-upload plugin for that (it can work over SFTP I believe). <maredzek> upload plugin for last arrow right? <spiv> Or you could have a developer do a "bzr export" to get a tree and then rsync it. <spiv> Right. <maredzek> ok, so dev1 wil lcreate new module <maredzek> test it, change files <maredzek> locally <lifeless> spiv: upload works over sftp <maredzek> and he would commit changes locally <maredzek> and see if his work works :) <spiv> maredzek: that's an important step :) <maredzek> can this be automated? <spiv> which part(s)? <maredzek> dev1 adds 3 lines to class.php <maredzek> saves file in his editor <maredzek> we have to commit it manually on his local repo? <maredzek> ok so he will, he does 5 or more tasks from this module <maredzek> and wants to upload that data to central repo <maredzek> how it is done <maredzek> upload dont saves revision history right? <maredzek> push will do spiv? <spiv> Right, push updates (or creates) a copy of the branch. <maredzek> so command will ok like: <maredzek> bzr push --create-prefix sftp://your.name@example.com/~/public_html/my <spiv> Sure. <maredzek> ok so why after this push i can see no files in central server? <maredzek> thats is the part i dont understand :) <bob2> it updates the branch data <bob2> not the working copy <bob2> there's an update-after-push plugin that does that <maredzek> if i install this plugin, will it upload all files or only modified ones? <bob2> I think it just does 'bzr up' on the remote side <bob2> so neither - it'll get updates from the remote branch <maredzek> remote branch = central server? <cody-somerville> If I have a binded branch that I've made local commits to, my understanding is that I should be able to do a normal commit to have everything uploaded. Is this correct? <cody-somerville> Because I'm trying this with bzr 2.0.2 and it isn't working. It says I have to run bzr update first which last time caused all sorts of incorrect conflicts. <bob2> maredzek: = whatever you push to <bob2> cody-somerville: if it is bound and you made commits, they're already "uploaded" <cody-somerville> bob2, I made local commits <spiv> maredzek: People can "bzr branch", "bzr pull" etc from the place you "bzr push" to. <cody-somerville> bob2, ie. bzr commit --local <spiv> cody-somerville: to minimise issues with local commits, make sure you have no uncommitted changes before updating. <bob2> cody-somerville: then you need to catch up to the remote branch before you can 'push' to it <bob2> up on a bound branch with missing commits should probably bail if you have uncommited changes <cody-somerville> I am up to date. <cody-somerville> I'm ahead <maredzek> spiv, so devs are push-ing to central server, and also pull-ing from central server, right? <bob2> or bound branches could go away <lifeless> cody-somerville: if you're ahead just push to the master <spiv> maredzek: right. <cody-somerville> lifeless, shouldn't bzr commit do that automagically? <cody-somerville> thats what bzr help commit advertises it will do <maredzek> spiv, so i pushed to central server not files, but information about what i changed, right? <spiv> maredzek: the complete record of what you have changed, from which the files can be reconstructed by bzr, e.g when someone does "bzr branch" of that location <lifeless> cody-somerville: it will unless you committed offline <cody-somerville> spiv, okay, thanks for that. made another local commit and ran bzr update. However, now all my commits are "rebased" (they show up as a pending merge). <lifeless> cody-somerville: which is the only possible way to get ahead of the master <cody-somerville> --local Perform a local commit in a bound branch. Local <cody-somerville> commits are not pushed to the master branch until a <cody-somerville> normal commit is performed. <spiv> cody-somerville: that is almost exactly not what rebasing is! :) <lifeless> cody-somerville: ok, if you've done a local commit and an up, now do a commit. <cody-somerville> lifeless, I tried to and it said I needed to run update <lifeless> cody-somerville: no, you tried before you updated <maredzek> spiv, so dev1 puts that info to central server, where dev2 will obtain files? it will ask central server about changes, finds that dev1 have changed 4 files and then? download them from dev1 repo? <cody-somerville> lifeless, oh, right. it'll commit just fine I'm sure. <spiv> maredzek: all the data is on the server <lifeless> cody-somerville: after a commit --local you must either push, or update + commit, to make the local commit be centralised <cody-somerville> lifeless, the help should be updated then <spiv> maredzek: the .bzr directory contains a database with all the files and their changes etc compacted into it. <maredzek> ahhhh ok! <lifeless> cody-somerville: yes <maredzek> i got it 100% <cody-somerville> lifeless, it suggests to me that it'll automatically push all commits (and I think it should) if an update isn't needed. <lifeless> cody-somerville: huh? <maredzek> i will instal lupdate_after_push plugin <lifeless> oh, the subsequent commit? <cody-somerville> lifeless, No one else committed to the master branch while I was working offline <lifeless> its an area forimprovement <cody-somerville> lifeless, so now that I'm online and do a normal commit, everything should just be pushed * cody-somerville nods. <maredzek> and when dev1 will push something, also all files wil be uploaded to central serfver right? <cody-somerville> the way it works now, I have to merge in all my commits into a single commit <lifeless> cody-somerville: or do a push, as I mentioned before <lifeless> cody-somerville: rather than an update <lifeless> cody-somerville: note that your commits are still itemised <lifeless> cody-somerville: just folded up <cody-somerville> lifeless, how do I view the full commit message for pending merge tips? <lifeless> what do you mean <Peng> "bzr st" I imagine; it only shows the first line. * Peng is guessing, and goes /away <jam> igc: do you know what the status is for the doc building? I don't see http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.2.0.2/downloads yete. <maredzek> hi, im using bazaar for one day, how can i "save" sftp passwords? <maredzek> it is quite annnoying to type them each time i want to push <bob2> don't <bob2> use ssh keys instead <maredzek> it is something like this bob2? http://pkeck.myweb.uga.edu/ssh/ <bob2> that's the basic deal <bob2> if you're on debian or ubuntu: ssh-keygen ; ssh-add ; ssh-copy-id remotehost <maredzek> im on uubntu <bob2> just do the above then <bob2> that page makes you do far too much work :) <vila> hi all * vila never saw a network switch fall apart. Now he has. <maredzek> hi, what does it mean? http://pastebin.com/m27d6ee04 <maredzek> i wanted to push <maredzek> from locahost to remote <mkirby> I just installed bzr and am trying to follow the online docs but am getting an error when I try to 'bzr svn-import' in folder where I checked out from an svn repo <mkirby> bzr: ERROR: unknown command "svn-import" <mkirby> C:\pelco\source\vmas>bzr --version <mkirby> Bazaar (bzr) 2.0.1 <mkirby> Python interpreter: C:\Python26\python.exe 2.6.2 <mkirby> Python standard library: C:\Python26\lib <mkirby> Platform: Windows-post2008Server-6.1.7100 <mkirby> bzrlib: C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\bzrlib <mkirby> Bazaar configuration: c:\python26\Scripts\bazaar\2.0 <mkirby> Bazaar log file: c:\python26\Scripts\.bzr.log <mkirby> I thought the bzr installer came packaged with svn client support <mkirby> Here is the doc where I started from: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-guide/svn_plugin.html <awilkins> mkirby, You've installed the python distribution... which alas, does not come with so many batteries <awilkins> mkirby, It's good for the server (you seem to have installed it on a server) because you can configure a smart server to run with IIS off it <awilkins> mkirby, But doesn't have any bundled plugins like the py2exe distribution does <mkirby> awilkins, thanks. this is my win7 dev box <mkirby> awilkins, I think I saw a bzr installer with python included, will that work? <awilkins> mkirby, You want the one that ends -setup.exe <awilkins> mkirby, The python included ones have a useful selection of plugins <mkirby> i see it: Standalone http://launchpad.net/bzr/2.0/2.0.1/+download/bzr-2.0.1-1-setup.exe <awilkins> That's the one <mkirby> k, thx <awilkins> mkirby, For svn interop I just prefer to branch straight from the SVN server <mkirby> awilkins, is that not using svn-import <mkirby> bzr checkout svn+ssh://svn.gnome.org/svn/beagle/trunk beagle-trunk <awilkins> mkirby, With the bzr-svn plugin you can just ` bzr branch http://my.svn.server.org/my/branch ` <awilkins> You end up with a local native bzr branch ; I then tend to branch that for feature branches, keep the direct branch up to date with the SVN repo and merge those revisions outward before merging my feature back to it and pushing it up to the SVN repo <awilkins> Depends on whether you have the ability to move development away from the SVN repository or not <mkirby> it is a different team that controls the repo/build artifacts... but we are on good terms ;) <awilkins> mkirby, I wouldn't use a checkout because that will bind the branch to the remote repo ; it will try to push any local commits to the remote repository <mkirby> I like all the workflow bzr supports and ease of branching, but I'll have to try first before I can sell the company on it <awilkins> mkirby, bzr-svn is excellent ; it provides the benefits to you even if you can't sell the company on it because you have full read/write interop with your SVN server <awilkins> Could be a selling point ; you can migrate developers incrementally <mkirby> awilkins, agreed <awilkins> If any of them have to work outside the office they would be great targets for evangleism <mkirby> awilkins, ppl are already complaining about branching an merging in SVN, so I need an alterative <mkirby> awilkins, yeah we have remote offices that suffer the co,ci cycle <jszakmeister> mkirby: what version on svn are you using? <mkirby> jszakmeister, 1.5.4 (r33841) <jszakmeister> Merge tracking isn't working for you? <awilkins> mkirby, The 1.6 series has better branch/merge management but still (AFAIK) suffers from weaknesses <mkirby> I saw bzr support the merge tracking info in svn <mkirby> jszakmeister, ppl are still making mistakes... not using --reintegrate etc. <jszakmeister> Ah. <mkirby> I like the pqm (think that is right) idea too * jszakmeister agrees * awilkins also agrees <awilkins> Alas, our current contractor has produced code with 0.3% test coverage <jszakmeister> I've been using bzr-svn in a production environment for a while now... it's definitely worth playing with <jszakmeister> :-( <jszakmeister> That hurts. <mkirby> jszakmeister, thanks, don't want to risk my job if things started failing/corruption <awilkins> I've been using it over a year since around the 0.5 versions <jszakmeister> It's using the svn libraries to interact with the repo <awilkins> I think the worst thing I've ever seen it do is duplicate data <jszakmeister> ...so it behaves much like the real svn client <awilkins> (as in - not use previous bases and deltas, not make extra trees) <mkirby> excellent <mkirby> ru guys linux or windows users for bzr? <awilkins> mkirby, Both <mkirby> excellent <jszakmeister> The stuff that would really confuse folks, like reordering your mainline commits in SVN, are disabled by default <jszakmeister> Same here <awilkins> The windows performance has really improved since the earlier versions <bialix> since? <awilkins> It started out, it kicked SVNs ass. (like, SVN was a 12 minute checkout on this tree, Bazaar was 4) <awilkins> Now it _really_ kicks its ass <mkirby> we are using crucible for changeset reviews, anything like that I can work into a bzr workflow prior to hitting trunk? <bialix> it's for 2a? <jszakmeister> mkirby: remind me how crucible works... you submit a diff? <awilkins> bialix, The performance increments on Windows came mostly around ... oooh, 1.6? 1.9? <awilkins> bialix, The readdir() implementations... I've not noticed 2a being that much faster (and it packs a lot slower) <bialix> well, I've noticed this even earlier, but 1.9 is safe choice <mkirby> jszakmeister, they mostly trigger off changesets that are already commited, but you can push a dif, but it is a pita to get the full context from svn diff command <jszakmeister> That's what I though... it was kind of designed for post-review of changesets <mkirby> jszakmeister, exactly <bialix> awilkins: readdir for win32 was added around 1.6, maybe 1.7 <jszakmeister> ReviewBoard can do pre-commit reviews (that's what it was designed for) <jszakmeister> We've been using it at our place. It's better than nothing, but could stand to get a few improvements <mkirby> k, i'll check it out <mkirby> jszakmeister, awilkins, you guys in here much? <jszakmeister> Occasionally. <awilkins> Often <jszakmeister> Depends on whether I remember to fire up the IRC client. <mkirby> you've been a great help to ease my mind. <jszakmeister> Most of my day, I'm away though. :-( <jszakmeister> mkirby: check out an article I wrote: http://www.szakmeister.net/blog/2009/oct/12/bazaar-subversion-super-client/ <mkirby> k <jszakmeister> And the migration docs: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/migration/en/ <mkirby> jszakmeister, "$ bzr branch http://svn.example.com/svn/project-name/trunk/ trunk" in your First steps <mkirby> thanks <jszakmeister> In particular, http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/migration/en/foreign/bzr-on-svn-projects.html <mkirby> ahh, I read the migration doc already <jszakmeister> Cool. <jszakmeister> My article has very similar information (both were written by me), but I tried to call out a few more of the individual steps in the article. <Peng> ("bzr branch http://svn.example.com/svn/project-name/trunk/" would work too, since the default destination is the last directory in the URL, in this case "trunk".) <mkirby> jszakmeister, excellent. have you checked out buildbot that google is using for chrome? <jszakmeister> I dunno if Google is using something different, but I've looked at buildbot before. <jszakmeister> It's not my first choice for a build tool. :-) <jszakmeister> Quickbuild is: http://www.pmease.com/ <mkirby> I like all the stats it collects per build/test run <mkirby> jszakmeister, http://build.chromium.org/buildbot/perf/xp-release-dual-core/new-tab-ui-cold/report.html?history=150 <jszakmeister> It does have some useful stats... I just think that are some others that are easier to set up... at least in a corporate environment. <mkirby> jszakmeister, you gave me a good start with bzr, and a lot to look into. thanks for your time <mkirby> awilkins, thanks alot too! <jszakmeister> Your welcome! <awilkins> mkirby, You're welcome... I think it's the best choice for Windows unless you have some seriously large projects. <fullermd> maredzek: Re your earlier error, that's coming from trying to push from a rich root repo (2a format) to a poor-root (0.92 or 1.9, I'd guess) <bialix> poor-root, lol <fullermd> Well, unless you're in New Orleans; then it's a poroot. <mkirby> jszakmeister, you wrote: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/migration/en/foreign/bzr-on-svn-projects.html <jszakmeister> Yep <mkirby> what did you use for the diagrams? <mkirby> http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/migration/en/_images/rebase-before.png <jszakmeister> I used Omnigraffle. <jszakmeister> Best diagramming tool evar! <mkirby> ah, I love their tools <jszakmeister> Only available on a mac though <mkirby> I know... <jszakmeister> Yeah, they're great <mkirby> I'm running OSx86 just so I can have those on my laptop <jszakmeister> :-) <jszakmeister> I have to admit, they weighed in my decision to move to a Mac <mkirby> closest thing I've found is gliffy... web based, but still not as smooth and featured <jszakmeister> Heh. Neat! <mkirby> collaboration works well too <mkirby> in gliffy that is. <jszakmeister> Cool! <bialix> cool <mkirby> be careful, it acts up when you start copy/paste a lot of objects/lines <mkirby> but it works well when everyone has their laptops and we sketch a design. I'm waiting for google docs to get something like this. <mkirby> jszakmeister, bzr branch http://svn.myserver.org/svn/project/trunk tells me "Error: Not a branch" <jszakmeister> What's the top-level layout look like? <jszakmeister> trunk/, tags/, branches/? <mkirby> yes <jszakmeister> That's odd. <mkirby> svn ls yeilds branches/ <mkirby> tags/ <mkirby> trunk/ <mkirby> i'll throw the last slash on... <mkirby> jszakmeister, maybe it is my authentication <mkirby> it is asking for creds to on the bzr command, is that normal? <jszakmeister> It usually uses the cached credentials provided by svn <jszakmeister> ...so no <jszakmeister> try using svn+http://... <mkirby> do I need to be in my svn wc? <jszakmeister> No <mkirby> k, good, and do I need to do a bzr init? <jszakmeister> No. Just branch and go <jszakmeister> It might be the OPTIONS probe that's causing trouble... <jszakmeister> bzr-svn does that to see if the remote end is a SVN server <jszakmeister> Some server setups seem to dislike it though <jszakmeister> svn+ disables the options probe <mkirby> unsupported protocol <jszakmeister> Does 'bzr plugins' show svn? <mkirby> svn+http://svn.myserver.org/svn/project/trunk <jszakmeister> I think you might be suffering fallout from your previous install of bzr <mkirby> No module named qbzr.lib.commands <jszakmeister> Ouch. <mkirby> jszakmeister, I think you are correct <mkirby> I'll give it a shot on my linux box and windows box @ work <mkirby> this time I'll pull the standalone for the windows box <mkirby> @ work <jszakmeister> How did you install bzr before? <mkirby> bzr-2.0.1-1.win32-py2.6.exe <mkirby> then I pushed bzr-2.0.1-1-setup.exe over the top of it I guess. <jszakmeister> Oh, I see. <jszakmeister> You might want to uninstall that <mkirby> ohhh! <mkirby> I think I still have the old one in PATH <jszakmeister> the -setup has everything... exactly. <mkirby> yeah, i remember setting up the path... let me kill it <mkirby> haha, %BZR_HOME%;C:\Program Files\Bazaar <mkirby> the %BZR_HOME% is me, the other is from the new install <jszakmeister> Nice. :-) <mkirby> jszakmeister, sweeeeeet <jszakmeister> That sounds like success. :-) <mkirby> I like the progress bar * jszakmeister too <jszakmeister> It's a nice bit of user feedback <davidstrauss> If I run Branch.open(), what exceptions can I expect from that? <mkirby> ok, so I'll still read up on your article, but when I do commits, it will be local, then a push will land it on trunk <jszakmeister> Yes, if you used 'bzr branch' <davidstrauss> NotBranchError? <jszakmeister> The best workflow is probably to a branch and merge paradigm <mkirby> jszakmeister, k, great <jszakmeister> Otherwise, you're going to have to get familiar with rebase <mkirby> i've rebased in SVN on my branches, prior to reintegrating... <mkirby> but I understood how you kept your trunk, branched, cd to branch, committed, then moved back to ur trunk and merged the branch directory in. <jszakmeister> SVN kind of enforces that workflow... especially since it'll silently rebase your changes during commit, if another one is already taking place. <jszakmeister> Great, then you're ready to rock! :-) <jszakmeister> Plus, that paradigm is better for long term feature branch development too <mkirby> jszakmeister, thats why I am here ;) <jszakmeister> Rebasing makes it hard to share changes, and the more changes you bring in and add, the more chance you have a conflict. <jszakmeister> :-) <jszakmeister> Same here. :-) <jszakmeister> Well... that, and I wanted to contribute to some open source projects that are using SVN <mkirby> yeah, I am still looking for my opensource project to contribute my hobby time to... <jszakmeister> Be careful... once you start, you can't stop. :-) <jszakmeister> I wish I had more time for it... I truly love it. <mkirby> jszakmeister, good to hear... so far I am at rev 1100 or 3373 <mkirby> of <mkirby_returns> jszakmeister, I'll have to give it a shot @ work from the LAN, my VPN is failing, and there are some other things about the contents in that trunk I don't like. <mkirby_returns> again thanks, hope to see you around, do you have twitter acc? <jszakmeister> Your welcome! And yes, I do: twitter.com/jszakmeister <jszakmeister> Although, I've been rather quiet there lately. :-0 <jszakmeister> I mean :-) <mkirby_returns> k, tomorrow will be exciting, night <piem> hi! i'm looking for two post commits: one that would force me update the changelog, and one that would run indent on the modified files <free> hi all! <free> is something changed in LP? I can't run bzr checkout http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~landscape/landscape-client/trunk/ anymore.. but maybe I'm not supposed to use that scheme? <free> (it's used by a buildbot) <vila> lp is down for at least 2 hours now <vila> argh, I hate it when I hit refresh on an error page :-/ <vila> hmm, by bot still fails to checkout too... <vila> s/by/my/ <free> strangely if I check out using the lp: schema everything works <vila> free: yeah, it seems the smart server is doing fine while the http one isn't <vila> It's known and being working on AIUI <fullermd> Fie on http anyway. Who wants to be dumb when you can be smart? <vila> Sometimes the smart redirects to the dumb and.... :-) <fullermd> That's pretty dumb. <free> can you use the smart one without login? <free> oh, you can <free> buildbot doesn't work very well with the lp: schema, it would need a patch <vila> free: relly ? What problems do you encounter ? <free> vila: it simply tries to replace branch urls starting with "lp:" with "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/" <vila> that's intended behavior, bzr is doing that not buildbot <free> vila: buildbot too, in the bzr_buildbot.py backend <vila> 8-( <vila> free: where is that file in the buildbot namespace ? <free> vila: it's a contrib file <free> vila: it's in the main distribution (or at least the Ubuntu/Debian package), but not in the namespace, you can place it where you want <free> and import from it in your config <free> /usr/share/buildbot/contrib/bzr_buildbot.py <vila> ENOTFOUND, what buildbot version are you using ? <free> 0.7.11p3-1 <free> http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/buildbot <vila> shudder, not upgraded yet for the host that uses buildbot :-/ <vila> so I'm still at 0.7.9-1 <free> oh, okay <arkanes> so I have a branch from which I've deleted lots of subdirectories, and merging from the trunk is generating a ton of conflicts in all those paths <arkanes> is there some way I can indicate that I removed these specifically and that merging shouldnt update them? <bialix> nope <bialix> free: http://twitter.com/launchpadstatus/status/5449277080 <free> bialix: the problem is that you need an ssh key to use bzr+ssh? the buildbot user doesn't have one <bialix> I'm not LP dev but I believe you have to use your own ssh key <bialix> if you don't have key -- you don't have ssh access, right vila? <free> bialix: yeah, the point is that you should be able to checkout without authentication, for things like bot etc. <bialix> this is http for <bialix> today is LP upgrade day if I've tracked announce correctly <free> bialix: it is <bialix> it's not the every day such problems occurs <vila> bialix: I don't the lp implementation enough to answer here but I think you're right <free> indeed, that's why using bzr+ssh it's not an option in this case (buildbot), unless you set up a key and an LP account for that only <bialix> vila: IIUC ssh access is rarely passwordless/keyless, that's what I mean <bialix> free: it's sounds like one time hassle <vila> yup <bialix> and LP ssh is only key auth <free> bialix: well, and you should make sure that the ssh key is installed in all your buildbot slaves, and if you add a new copy it over.. I agree it's a one time hassle, but I really think unauthenticated checkouts is a feature LP must have anyway, and indeed it has <bialix> it is <gioele> hello <gioele> does anyone actively use trac-bzr? <mkanat> Hey hey. If I have a persistently-running bzr server, is there a way to get loggerhead to use it, or does loggerhead just use bzrlib? <mkanat> Come to think of it, it probably does use bzrlib and there would be no advantage to its using a persistent server. <MTecknology> How do I pull a branch over http? I'm trying to do this with LP <jelmer> gioele: we're using it on bugs.biutlbee.org, but with an older version of bzr\ <gioele> MTecknology: doesn't bzr pull http://..../ work? Does it give you an error? <jelmer> *bugs.bitlbee.org <MTecknology> gioele: I guess there's a server issue atm - thanks <gioele> jelmer: I'd like to suggest my project admin to switch to bzr from svn, but that requires trac support. I doubt trac-bzr is just a drop-in plugin at the moment (given the advent of bzr 2 and so on) <jelmer> gioele: trac-bzr is pretty much unmaintained at the moment, and it has memory leak issues <bialix> gioele: I'm using trac-bzr with bzrlib 1.5 <bialix> MTecknology: http://twitter.com/launchpadstatus/status/5449277080 <gioele> jelmer: that was the impression I had. My only hope is to use bzr-svn. But I guess that, in the future, bzr-git will be developed more than bzr-svn (as samba moved to git). <jelmer> gioele: not really; bzr-svn is a goal in itself for me these days <gioele> jelmer: good to hear that. I thought that after the switch the attention to bzr-svn would become zero <jelmer> gioele: no - Samba switched to git over 2 years ago, and bzr-svn is still alive and kicking :-) <jelmer> It's also nice to see that there are other people making contributions <lamont> what command did I give bzr to cause it to have bound=file://$PARENT in branch.conf? <jam> lamont: 'bzr checkout' versus 'bzr branch' ? <jam> or 'bzr bind' <lamont> thanks <jam> note that the previously bound location is remembered even if you 'bzr unbind' later <lamont> yeah <jam> rockstar, abentley: Anything I can do to help out with the codehosting issues? It seems very strange to have files randomly disappearing from the http site. (for example .../~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev is missing .bzr/repository/format, but lp:~bzr-pqm/bzr/2.1.0b2 is missing .bzr/branch/format) <abentley> jam: Okay, that's interesting. I was under the impression that all files were 404ing. <jam> abentley: .bzr/branch-format for both of those worked just fine <jam> but then fails later on <jam> (well, *other* files fail later) <jam> yeah, I hit a "not a branch" so opened it up in my browser, and things worked <jam> so I kept probing until I found what it didn't like <abentley> jam: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/.bzr/repository/format works for me. <jam> abentley: same here, though http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/.bzr/branch-format is timing out <jam> now it worked <jam> but it did give a timeout first <jam> similarly: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/2.1.0b2/.bzr/branch/format is timing out <jam> but I imagine after a refresh it will 'just work' <jam> abentley: still getting timeouts/404 on 2.1.0b2 <abentley> jam: yeah, that works for me now. <mthaddon> I'm seeing the same for http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/.bzr/branch-format - times out, refresh and it's fine <jam> abentley: so I'm guessing it is some sort of caching/filesystem mapping issue? <jam> so it makes a request which takes a while <jam> hangs and times out <jam> but eventually the os does get the file it wanted <abentley> jam: We have a script that rewrites urls for apache, translating them from ~me/proj/branch paths to /00/00/7F/3E paths. That scripts does have a cache, but I'd be really surprised if it has bad data. <abentley> jam: But it's not the sort of tricky virtual filesystem stuff we do with sftp. It's pretty simple. <jam> abentley: so to *do* the translation, I assume you have to do a db query to get the mapping? <jam> though if that was timing out, I would think that you would miss *all* files for a branch until later <abentley> jam: Indeed. <jam> and not random files <abentley> jam: That's right-- the cache is a cache of the part of the path that we rewrite, so once it's been mapped, it should be fast and repeatable. <jam> abentley: and I assume it is done at the ~user/project/branch level, and not down in the .bzr/* level <abentley> jam: Right, the cache is done at the ~user/project/branch level. <jam> abentley: side question. I'd like to create a "bzr-builder" user for the windows buildbots. Is just logging out and "Register"ing a new user the best way to do that? <abentley> jam: I think so. <marek__> hi, i have a problem with understandign bazaar, so far i used svn and after modyfing files on my local system i just made a checkout, and that was all, on server there were new files. Currently i have two coputers - one is server and the other - is my client that i work on, i made following setup: on server i init a project, extracted there some core files and than from my client machine i did branch, now i edited file and commited locally that <marek__> change, what do i have to do, to affect server files and repo? <beuno> marek__, when you push, the repo will be updated <beuno> if you want the working tree files to be updated, you will need to run "bzr update" on the other end <marek__> ok i pushed it <marek__> i also wanted to upload: <marek__> bzr: ERROR: sftp://marek@ is not a local path. <marek__> (i have plugin installed) <beuno-lunch> marek__, what command are you running? <marek__> marek@marek-laptop:/var/www/trac$ bzr update sftp://marek@ <beuno-lunch> marek__, right, you can't update remotely <beuno-lunch> you need to run it on the other end <marek__> ok <beuno-lunch> marek__, there is a plugin called "push-and-update" that will do the update for you <beuno-lunch> you will need ssh access <marek__> i have i also tried to install that plugin but i dont know how it works <marek__> but tell me one thing <marek__> do i have to provide user name and host for my client machine? <beuno-lunch> marek__, provide where? <marek__> you told me that i need "to run it on the other end" <beuno-lunch> when you do it locally <marek__> in server? <beuno-lunch> it's just "bzr update" <beuno-lunch> when yourin the branch's directory <marek__> ok <marek__> i did, but it wont change file on remote server? <marek__> heh it did <beuno-lunch> :) <marek__> magic <beuno-lunch> if you just need to have the files, no the repo, you can use bzr-upload instead <marek__> i need both :) <marek__> i have another problem , at first i commited change in one file, after succesfully updateing it with server, i changed 2 more files and wanted to commit i got this: <marek__> aborting commit write group: PathsNotVersionedError(Path(s) are not versioned: "male zmiany w schema.yml") <luks> sounds like you typed `bzr ci "male zmiany w schema.yml"` instead of `bzr ci -m check_references(searcher, )` <luks> er <marek__> i typed: <luks> instead of `bzr ci -m "male zmiany w schema.yml"` <marek__> bzr commit "male zmiany w schema.yml" <luks> yep <luks> you forgot the -m/--message option <marek__> ouch <luks> so you told to commit a file named "male zmiany w schema.yml" <luks> and there is no such file <marek__> ok so now i have: <marek__> aborting commit write group: PointlessCommit(No changes to commit) <marek__> i changed file <luks> bzr st <marek__> bzr st returns nothing <luks> then there is nothing to commit :) <marek__> :/ <luks> which file have you changed? <marek__> ok, it is right <marek__> i just did it on server <marek__> not on client <marek__> ok but once again i have this problem wth working tree <marek__> files are not updated after update <luks> you mean after push? <marek__> agrr ok, <marek__> so prcedure is: <marek__> 1, modify files locally, 2. push, 3. update \ <marek__> right? <luks> if you have a standalone branch, you need this: 1. modify files, 2. bzr commit, 3. bzr push, 4. (on the server) bzr update <luks> if you have a checkout: 1. modify files, 2. bzr commit, 3. (on the server) bzr update <luks> (or you can avoid the update step by installing the push-and-update plugin) <marek__> ok, what if there are more clients that are doing pushing? how can i be sure, to have latest version first... with branch? <luks> only one client can push as a time <marek__> ok, but if he does it 30 min before? <luks> if somebody pushes to the server, and you would try to override it, bzr will complain <marek__> ok, thats like in svn <luks> then you can use bzr merge, bzr commit and then bzr push again <marek__> so i do something like this: <marek__> 1. branch latest version from server <marek__> 2. modify files <marek__> 3. bzr comit <marek__> 4. bzr push <marek__> 5. pzr update (on server) <marek__> does it make sense? <luks> yes <marek__> great <luks> but if you want to work this "centralized" way, I'd suggest you to use bzr checkout <marek__> about that plugin <luks> then you don't have to explicitly push <luks> and if you try to commit to an out-of-date branch, it will tell you <marek__> so i would change 1 stage? 1. checkout latest version from server? <luks> yes <luks> and remove point 4 <marek__> oh, ok <marek__> about that plugin - so i have to install it on server or client? <luks> on the client <marek__> will i need this while using checkout? <luks> yes, I believe so <fullermd> I don't know if the plugin runs off and does the update on commit... <luks> hm <marek__> but if i use branching - it will work perfectly? <mems> hey. Can anyone tell me how to list the branches in a remote repository? <alefteris> hi all. I got this error after doing pull: <alefteris> bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gr-webteam/ubuntu-gr-website/drupal6-site/.bzr/branch/". <alefteris> then I tryed again, and got: <alefteris> bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/var/www/html/ubuntu-gr/drupal/lp:ubuntu-gr-website/". <alefteris> log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/310739/ <alefteris> I did a branch localy from the lp branch, and branch was created and can pull <alefteris> I also notised this diference between the format files in server and local branch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/310738/ <alefteris> I'm using bzr 2.0.0 localy and bzr 1.3.1 in the server. I help would be realy helpful, thanks :) <alefteris> Anyone knows if there are newer versions of bzr for centos? <mkanat> alefteris: I just rebuild the Fedora RPMs, myself. <alefteris> the one I got is from Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) <jam> alefteris: http://bazaar.launchpad.net is currently 'down for maintenance' <jam> if you are using bzr 1.3.1 I don't think it understand "lp:" urls <jam> 1.3 is... ~2 years old <jam> well, 1yr 7mo <fullermd> Urr? I'm pretty sure bzr understood lp: URL's in 0.6... <alefteris> jam, I can see the lp plugin commands though, I thing it does support lp urls <fullermd> (of course, 0.6 would fare poorly with bzr+ssh...) <jam> alefteris: (11:12:39 AM) alefteris: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/var/www/html/ubuntu-gr/drupal/lp:ubuntu-gr-website/". would indicate it in't <jam> isn't <jam> were you running "--no-plugins" ? <alefteris> nop <alefteris> I can't branch even with the full url though <alefteris> oh, code hosting is down right now? <jam> alefteris: http is <jam> you could use bzr+ssh or sftp <jam> if you have a key shared <alefteris> I haven't, so I gess I'll have to wait, I'm so unlucky to try to update the site, while lp is down :/ thanks all for the help :) <vila> jam: ping <jam> hey vila <jam> I think I figured out what was wrong with the build stuff. 'hexagonit.download' released a new version <jam> and the build script wasn't version-locked for that <jam> specifically looking here: <jam> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/hexagonit.recipe.download <jam> 1.3.0 says: We now require zc.buildout >= 1.4.0 <jam> and we were version locked to zc.buildout 1.2.1 <jam> anyway, what's up for you vila? <vila> I had a lot of internal network problems today and I still need to pack (I'm leaving tomorrow) <vila> jam: oh great you found that ! <vila> I just committed a fix for bug #475585 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 475585 in bzr "Launchpad plugin is not compatible with python-2.4 anymore" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/475585 <vila> but I can make the MP because lp tells me: updating branch.... I suspect it will stay like that for a while :-/ <vila> s/I can/I can't/ <jam> I can create an MP while the branch is still updating <jam> but I expect you'll run into whatever the current codehosting issues are <jam> before it shows a dif <vila> really ? I never dared... <jam> vila: it works just fine <jam> I do it all the time <jam> *I'm* not going to wait for it everytime I want to submit something :) <vila> ok, I'll do that then, but I can only target lp:bzr... <jam> versus? <jam> bzr 2.1.0b2 has been cut <jam> so we'll have to do b3 early to get your fix in <jam> (no rc policy and all) <jam> but your changes aren't in 2.0.* series so it shouldn't affect thta <jam> that <vila> right, I wasn't sure, so lp:bzr is enough <jam> vila: well, probably I would create a 2.1.0b3 derived directly from 2.1.0b2 and not including new bzr.dev stuff <jam> but that is negotiable <jam> you *could* target lp:~bzr-pqm/bzr/2.1.0b2 <jam> and just have us manually track the "Merged" status <vila> time is running short :-/ I'll see what I can do tomorrow, if you don't beat me to it, I did test against 2.4/2.5/2.6 with -s bp.launchpad and had ~50 failures without my patch <jam> vila: so no failures on 2.5/2.6 but failures on 2.4, right? <vila> also, I put babune in reduced mode starting now (only hardy. jaunty, karmic left active, I won't be able to tweak manually as I do for a couple of weeks for the others :-/) <vila> jam: yes <jam> vila: so at least give me the url for your patch, but it would be nice to have it as an mp so I can easily comment on it <jam> certainly, we should land it in bzr.dev today <vila> mp is done <jam> and see where we get to for 2.1.0b3 <jam> vila: url? <jam> (in case it takes forever to generate the preview) <vila> argh, can't copy/paste here :-( <jam> type out the short name <vila> you should find it back from the bug report <vila> the branch is linked to the bug and starts with 475585 <jam> vila: only once lp updates... <jam> but https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/475585-lp-proxy-py24-compat/+merge/14489 <jam> looks good <jam> well, looks like what you worked on <jam> *argh*... <jam> because you uploaded to ~vila I only get access to the mirrored side <jam> which won't give me access until the mirroring script finishes running. <vila> yeah, I daggy-fixed to ensure the patch was minimal <vila> aaaaaargh <jam> you could push it to ~bzr <jam> and I could get the writeable side <vila> done * vila EODing <jam> vila: can I get 1 min to make sure I can get the code <jam> done <jam> thx <jam> vila: you stopped passing "use_datetime"... <jam> I'll clean that up I guess <vila> jam: sure, I'll certainly be around ;ater, but only for short moements <vila> we don't use it <vila> so we mat as well don't pass it <jam> vila: mmm if we are going to do that, then we shouldn't expose it as part of the __init__ interface <jam> since if anyone *does* use it, it will just mysteriously not work <jam> ah, I missed the fact that you did exactly that <jam> abentley: any eta on the codehosting fix? it seems that it has broken the mirroring script, which means that if I push new code to lp, then it doesn't get mirrored to the public side, so I can't access it with different access rights <jam> not to mention disabling merge proposals, etc. <abentley> jam: We have just cowboyed a fix a minute ago. <abentley> jam: It has not broken the mirroring script-- that was separate breakage which has also just been fixed. <jam> abentley: ah, well good to know they are both fixed at least :) <jam> is that "cowboyed" into production then? <abentley> jam: That's right. I'm working on a cherrypick for the branch-rewrite script, whose faulty cache was at the root of the issue you saw. <jam> abentley: so it *was* the cache being faulty <jam> surprising <abentley> jam: Yes. The issue looked like some files were working and others weren't, but it was actually that requests which hit the cache failed, and those that didn't worked. <jam> abentley: I don't want to take you away from doing the fix, but I'm curious how the cache knows when to invalidate itself (like when a branch gets renamed, etc.) <abentley> jam: It is time-based. Entries older than 10 seconds are discarded. <jam> abentley: ah, so you just avoid hammering the db when a person is requesting 10k files underneath a branch, but you don't keep it around too long <abentley> Right. <jam> also explains why it sometimes worked, if that 10s had just expired <jam> and why "bzr branch" fails, because it would work for the first request, but the second would come in within 10s <abentley> jam: When a branch gets renamed, the cache doesn't prevent lookups on the new name from working, but it allows lookups on the old name to work 10s longer than they technically should. <jam> right <jam> well, you could have a double-rename do things you may not want <jam> but it is a race condition anyway <jam> as renaming something underneath you is going to do bad things <jam> argh... this mirroring thing is killing me <jam> I can't get the latest bzr.dev but I can't submit to pqm because NEWS conflicts <jam> because *pqm* has the latest version <abentley> jam: Yes, the double-rename is problematic. <bialix> jam: hi <bialix> jam: do you merged win32 glob patch so fast to ensure it will get more real world testing? <igc> morning <jam> hey igc <jam> I hope your feeling good today <igc> hey jam <jam> btw, I'm still stuck without docs for bzr 2.0.2 and 2.1.0b2 <jam> though I'll need to release 2.1.0b3 soon <jam> so don't focus on those <igc> jam: better but still not great. I'm doing the docs right now <igc> jam: I slept nearly all of yesterday <jam> igc: thanks. and i'm glad to hear that you're feeling better <jam> looking forward to seeing you in about 72 hours <jam> well, maybe 96... <jelmer> moin igc, jam <jam> hi jelmer <igc> hi jelmer <jam> igc: for myself, I'm still trying to sort out all the issues for getting the buildout stuff working on ec2 <igc> jam: :-( <jam> The recent round of changes showed that we hacked some stuff together on kerguelen <jam> like putting packages in PATH rather than having buildout do the work <igc> jam: I'm still catching up - 2.1.0b2 is no good? <jam> and sometimes hard-to-diagnose failures like having to manually hack python2.4's disutils <jam> I forgot about that in the pats <jam> past <jam> igc: it is not compatible with python2.4 <jam> the proxy code stuff <igc> ah <jam> turns out in 2.4 it is a 'old-style' class without __init__ <jam> and PQM no longer runs python2.4 <jam> because we couldn't convince mthaddon about how it should be configured <jam> and then sort of dropped the ball on it <jam> Anyway, writing up the steps I take to get things working now <jam> as a real document :) <jam> and then we should be able to snapshot the EC2 instance <igc> jam: that will be good <jam> the major issue we'll run into is how to do VS 2008, whether we need Standard <jam> or whether we can work out what SDK you need in order to build tbzr w/ Express <jam> igc: yeah, so far the build process is a lot nicer on EC2 <jam> I think the disk access is better <jam> and if necessary, we can easily spin up an instance in 'medium' rather than small (I believe) <igc> jam: my bzr on vista is failing for some weird reason <igc> jam: so I'll get the chm's built as soon as I can but it may be an hour or so, depending on what's going on <jam> igc: well, I'm done for today anyway. but it would be nice to either build in about 3hrs when my family goes to bed, or at least tomorrow before I fly away <igc> jam: ok. <jam> I'll note that at least on Kerguelen everything builds fine as long as I tell it to use the old docs <igc> jam: I'm really sorry I couldn't do this earlier <jam> igc: well, not exactly your fault either <jam> igc: I hope you have a good day today, maybe I'll see you around later <igc> jam: but I was simply too sick (despite trying a few times to do it) <igc> ok. If not, in a few days <igc> jam: have a safe flight btw <maxb> Is there a good doc which summarizes what looms and pipelines actually *are*? I have seen the documentation for the plugins' commands, but I'm still a bit hazy on what a loom and a pipeline are and when I would want to use them. <maxb> Likewise, I could really use a pipes vs. looms comparison <poolie> hi all <poolie> spiv, hi <spiv> poolie: hey <poolie> how's stuff? <poolie> i'm planning to get offline in a bit and think about next week <igc> hi poolie, spiv <igc> poolie: before you go, where did the doc stuff get to? <poolie> just got a few queries from the hotel <spiv> I saw the udd mailing list is alive, I just did the mailman dance. <poolie> igc, i think it's buliding ok <poolie> modulo gremlins, which have probably broken some links <poolie> oh and we're waiting on the rt for pdf builds <poolie> the next action would be to poke around more thoroughly looking for broken links i guess <poolie> or to run a bot to do the same <igc> poolie: where are the doc builds going to? <igc> poolie: see http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/ <igc> there's no bzr.2.0.2 yet? <igc> or bzr.2.1.0b2 yet? <poolie> ! <poolie> ok <poolie> you need to go down into eg http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/current/en/ <spiv> I'm shortly going to put up a wiki page with the bzr/ubuntu stories and some analysis of them. I've been trying to wrap my head around as much of the existing bzr-builddeb/bzr-builder/DistributedDevelopement stuff as possible, there's no shortage of text to sift through... <poolie> so apparently we need to remove the existing docs that are hiding them at a higher level <poolie> igc i don't think it's worth having a directory for every single release <poolie> i think one per 6m branch is enough <igc> poolie: let's sort it out next week then <igc> poolie: it's certainly a little weird now, e.g. http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/ <igc> says "2.0.3dev" when it needs to say "2.0.2" IMO <poolie> hm <poolie> i guess that is a more interesting case <poolie> not so much that people might want the specific docs for old releases <poolie> but that even the current release may be confusing if you see later docs <poolie> (this should anyhow perhaps be partly addressed by describing some features with the release that introduced them but you can't do that everywhere) <poolie> igc, to me the biggest thing would be to work out what should be at these urls: <poolie> doc.b.o/ doc.b.o/latest/ <poolie> should they just redirect by default to the english versions? <poolie> i guess the page currently on http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/en/ should appear at the top level? <igc> right. Or the top level can redirect there #bzr 2009-11-06 <fullermd> igc: Hey. <poolie> k <igc> hi fullermd <fullermd> igc: Do I remember right that sometime back in the Dark Ages of N months ago you had some stuff toward recursive upgrade? <poolie> igc, which would be similar to the main web site <igc> fullermd: I do <igc> fullermd: there was a branch somewhere ... <igc> but it missed the 2.0 cut and ... <igc> fell down my list of priorities <igc> fullermd: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr/smooth-upgrades <fullermd> Was it particularly incomplete, or just didn't get wrung out and landed? <igc> fullermd: the patch was almost ready for re-review IIRC <igc> fullermd: I don't think I addressed all of poolie's internal design issues <igc> fullermd: external design was largely ok I think <fullermd> Cool. <fullermd> The hope for that soon enough is one of the things holding me back from feeling able to declare "OK, time, we're moving $STUFF to 2a". <fullermd> So, if you come up with a "nearly done stuff we should finish" list while sprinting, keep it in mind :) <fullermd> (I mean, I know how bored you all are, with so little to do...) <maxb> Odd_Bloke: Could you comment on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/183559 - "Fix Committed" where? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 183559 in bzr "bzr switch should have a -r option" [Undecided,Fix committed] <bob2> maxb: is it in the "related branch"? <maxb> Hmm.... could be.... though that doesn't correspond to my understanding of "Fix Committed" <spiv> maxb: http://bazaar-vcs.org/BugGuidelines <spiv> Oh, stale link. <spiv> maxb: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/developers/bug-handling.html <spiv> maxb: specifically, http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/developers/bug-handling.html#bug-status <maxb> ah. different to how ubuntu use the status. confusing :-/ <james_w> poolie1: hi, do you have the password for the udd list? (I think I'm an admin too?) <james_w> poolie1: if so, could you send me it, I'll add it in to listadmin and so help with the moderation * igc lunch <GungaDin> Hi <GungaDin> I'm trying to merge from trunk to my branch and after a log list of changes and conflicts I get a 'bzr: ERROR : [Error 5] Access is denied", even though I have admin rights.. <GungaDin> any ideas why? <bob2> GungaDin: on windows? is it possible you have one of the files open in an editor or something? <GungaDin> yup, on windows <GungaDin> hmmm... maybe <GungaDin> yeah <GungaDin> good point <poolie> spiv, igc, can you tell me again the topics you wanted to add for next week? <poolie> i don't see them on the wiki <spiv> poolie: the two I have are the 2.1/Ubuntu topic (which is already there), and maybe also talking about what the bzr team needs to do with the code import system <poolie> k thanks <poolie> i'd like you to present a bit of a summary about what's already in the UDD specs and already done <poolie> for those who may not have read it too much <spiv> Ok, that makes sense. <poolie> and also to try to think of an interesting lightning talk <poolie> doesn't have to be particularly relevant, in fact refreshingly irrelevant ++ <spiv> There's a lot of spec to wade through, and the current status of a lot of it is pretty hard to figure out. <spiv> Hmm, irrelevant lighting talk... <vila> hi all <spiv> vila: good evening <vila> hehe, last tiem you do that one for a couple of days :) <spiv> :) * igc1 dinner <guilhembi> Hello everybody. I have a question. When I'm in "bzr qlog", clicked the "Diff" button, and ticked "Complete", <guilhembi> is there a quick way to go from diff hunk to diff hunk? My case is that the file is huge, with some changes here and there, so I hit PgDown a lot; but I still need to see the complete file, to get better context... ? <luks> guilhembi: there is no way at the moment <guilhembi> luks: ok, thanks. <davidstrauss> guilhembi: Could you just use a really big context? <bialix> Hi GaryvdM <GaryvdM> Hi bialix <bialix> I want to share with you quote from my today's mail <GaryvdM> ok <bialix> one mane wrote: "I've chose DVCS from Mercurial and Bazaar, and QBzr was the reason I've selected Bazaar" <bialix> it's a rough translation from russian <bialix> GaryvdM: ^ <GaryvdM> Woot! <bialix> Indeed! <bialix> :-) <spiv> bialix, GaryvdM: nice :) <bialix> hi spiv, thanks <bialix> spiv: quick question <stefano-k> hi, i have a question about translation of qbzr <bialix> what is needed to add traffic reports for ftp transport? <bialix> stefano-k: ask <bialix> spiv: what is needed to add traffic reports for ftp transport? <spiv> bialix: hmm <spiv> bialix: add calls to self._report_activity everywhere the code reads or writes data I guess <bialix> ok, I understand <bialix> I've started to actively using ftp and want to improve it a bit <ElMonkey> hullo <ElMonkey> is there any way to push parts of a private repo into a public one? <GaryvdM> bialix: Is that just for qbzr, or also in bzr cli? <bialix> GaryvdM: um? <GaryvdM> bialix: traffic reports for ftp transport <bialix> ElMonkey: using fast-import-filter but it will create second branch completelly unrelated to original private one <bialix> GaryvdM: CLI <ElMonkey> bialix, so changes from the original private branch couldnt be pushed after the creation of the new repo? <bialix> yep <bialix> only by diff + patch <bialix> or you can drop the history but preserve file-ids <bialix> in the latter case you can cherrypick changes from original repo <bialix> but you won't share history <ElMonkey> hmm, tricky <ElMonkey> the sitation is this: i have a private repo with all my projects, and i'd like to open source one of them <ElMonkey> the thing is, that there's also some shared files between projects <GaryvdM> ElMonkey: Are the different projects in different branches? <ElMonkey> GaryvdM, no, its one repo <ElMonkey> if it was different branches, i guess i wouldn't have this problem <GaryvdM> ElMonkey A branch does not = repo <GaryvdM> ElMonkey: you can have more than one branch in a shared repo <ElMonkey> well, its just some folders in a repo <GaryvdM> ElMonkey: in a branch? <GaryvdM> ElMonkey: To check, go into the folder and type bzr info <bialix> ElMonkey: show us output of `bzr info` <ElMonkey> Standalone tree (format: 1.9-rich-root) <bialix> it's a branch <bialix> by repo in bzr usually understand shared-repo <bialix> ElMonkey: I'd say it's a bad idea keep all your projects in the one branch <GaryvdM> ElMonkey: maybe bzr-split does that - I'm not sure though. <bialix> bzr-split does not filter out history <ElMonkey> well, whats the alternative? the reason for it being so as the projects share quite a few source files <ElMonkey> well, as things grow <ElMonkey> well, well, well <bialix> let me guess: you need nested trees, right? <ElMonkey> i dont know :) <bialix> well, if there is only few common source files then you can add them in every branch with the same file-ids and cherrypick changes <ElMonkey> i've been trying to figure out the proper way of doing this last year, but i didnt get anywhere <bialix> or you can extract common files in the separate branch and then merge them back to every project and therefore share them <bialix> ElMonkey: what is your background before you switch to bzr? svn& cvs& <bialix> ElMonkey: what is your background before you switch to bzr? svn? cvs? <ElMonkey> cvs, then svn, in the meantime a bit of clearcase agony :) <bialix> ElMonkey: unlike cvs bzr can't share separate files, only group of files called trees <bialix> unlike svn bzr still has no support for equivalent of svn:externals <ElMonkey> well, i havent really run into this problem before with the other RCSs <bialix> the latter called nested trees in bzr <ElMonkey> never had the need to publish just parts of something before <GaryvdM> ElMonkey: The idea with nested trees, is that you can have a branch for proj A and a branch for proj B, and a branch for shared, at it all works nicely. Nested trees is not implemented yet, but smc-proj alternative. Note: this is something you needed in the beginning. To get there, you can use bialix's suggestion: fast-import-filter <bialix> scmproj <ElMonkey> bah, i should just write a shell script that pushes source tarballs onto the server occasionally :) <ElMonkey> thanks for the tips, though <ElMonkey> i'll have to do a bit more research to decide what to do <jelmer> moin <ronny_> lifeless: ping? got a wave account by any chance <ronny_> i'd like you to take a look at the revised distributed testing sketchup at https://wave.google.com/wave/#restored:wave:googlewave.com!w%252BezH3Z8aIB <Tak> hmm, I don't think it's possible to link waves like that <ronny_> Tak: works fine <bialix> Tak: wfm <Tak> ah - the ua check breaks it <Tak> bialix: ??? <bialix> Tak: what? <ronny_> wfm = works for me <Tak> ah <GaryvdM> bialix: You have wave? <GaryvdM> bialix: If possible, please invite me :-) <beuno> GaryvdM, to what address do you want the invitation? <GaryvdM> garyvdm@gmail.com <GaryvdM> Hi beuno <GaryvdM> :-) <beuno> GaryvdM, hi <beuno> and sent <beuno> it takes a few days sometimes to materialize <beuno> but it's in the tubes <GaryvdM> Thanks beuno <beuno> GaryvdM, np. Are you going to be at UDS this time? <GaryvdM> beuno: No :-( <GaryvdM> beuno: Are you going to the bzr sprint? <beuno> GaryvdM, no, I'm off tomorrow to a different sprint <GaryvdM> I see. <beuno> (lazr-js, Canonical's javascript library) <bialix> GaryvdM: just yesterday I've got invitation <bialix> GaryvdM: I'm still don't understand how to work with this thing <bialix> when I figure out how can I made invitation I'll do <GaryvdM> bialix: beuno has sent me an invitation. <bialix> ah, ok, thanks beuno <GaryvdM> bialix: I think you have to wait a while before you can send an invite. <bialix> you need to wait several days <bialix> before you got invitation <bialix> I waited ~ week <GaryvdM> ok <bialix> it works very slow for me as it full of ajax <bialix> approx as slow as google reader <bialix> maybe it's firefox * bialix still not sure what is wave for <GaryvdM> bialix: for bug 418471 - Do you think we should have a "?", or a "x" for the icon? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 418471 in qbzr "treeview: will be nice to show some custom icon for deleted entries" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/418471 <GaryvdM> Or maybe trashbin <GaryvdM> Going to go with trashbin... <bialix> GaryvdM: I've thought about sheet of papaer and red X over it <bialix> and similar thing for folders <bialix> GaryvdM: sorry, I'm tired today; trashbin is ok * bialix gonna home <Pegasus_RPG> hello. I'm trying to commit changes to a branch that I initially checked out using http apparently. I've imported my ssh key onto this system and logged in to launchpad with bzr launchpad-login. but it's still trying to use http. How can I get it to change to ssh without editing anything in .bzr/ ? <lifeless> ronny_: I do <lifeless> robert.collins <Pegasus_RPG> ahh bzr bind is what I needed <elroboto> help! how to setup a simple bzr repository for development, we dont need editors <GaryvdM> elroboto: bzr init - But I recomend that you do some reading first: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/mini-tutorial/ <elroboto> thanks bro <nyu> bzr: ERROR: Revision {[('term/i386/pc/at__keyboard.c', 'svn-v3-single1-dHJ1bmsvZ3J1YjI.:d0de0278-0dc1-4c01-8a07-af38b3205e46:trunk%2Fgrub2:2613')]} not present in "KnitVersionedFiles(_KnitGraphIndex(CombinedGraphIndex()), <bzrlib.knit._DirectPackAccess object at 0x27ca350>)". <nyu> anyone can give me directions on how to debug this? <nyu> note that there's no at__keyboard.c file in our reposiroty, it's at_keyboard.c (one underscore) <beuno> nyu, have you run "bzr check" and "bzr reconcile"? <nyu> check raises an internal error: <nyu> bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.SHA1KnitCorrupt: Knit <bzrlib.knit._VFContentMapGenerator object at 0x5a7aa90> corrupt: sha-1 of reconstructed text does not match expected sha-1. key ('svn-v4:d0de0278-0dc1-4c01-8a07-af38b3205e46:trunk/grub2:2681',) expected sha 81411fbdd0c3cdb2041adeb7761a4a16d28f8fe8 actual sha d698afceb95a6f9fe71e7462fddd4843d0d3ecb8 <nyu> what is this "svn-v*" information? <nyu> I didn't expect anything from svn needed to be preserved <beuno> seems bzr-svn was used <nyu> yes <nyu> it was <nyu> beuno: is it feasible to attempt recovery of this repository, or is the only debugging option trying to figure out when and how it reached this state? <beuno> nyu, I don't know much around this area of bzr <beuno> abentley or jam may be able to help <nyu> beuno: do you think this problem is linked to the fact bzr-svn was used? <beuno> nyu, it could of been a faulty version of bzr-svn <beuno> jelmer, around? <beuno> but I'm stabbing in the dark here <nyu> beuno: that's what we thought initially, as we were using bzr-svn 0.4.10. but then I rebuilt the repository from scratch using 1.0.0 <nyu> and hit the same problem <nyu> unfortunately it doesn't happen inmediately, only after a few days of using it <beuno> nyu, what version of bzr? <nyu> beuno: 2.0.1 <nyu> with --format=1.14-rich-root shared root <beuno> nyu, I'd try the mailing list <nyu> ok <moldy> hi <GaryvdM> Hi moldy <lifeless> GaryvdM: did you ping me? <GaryvdM> lifeless: no not recently. <lifeless> kk <lifeless> kk <elroboto> . <elroboto> help!! ive initilized a direcotry, and merged with the main branch, but i cant see the changes on the main branch? <elroboto> im using the windows Gui <elroboto> yohoo <elroboto> HELP!!! <elroboto> how to create a simple branch without <elroboto> just simple push and merges <elroboto> no editions <elroboto> how to make a bzr tree standalone in linux? <bob2> you make a branch with 'bzr branch' <elroboto> ohhhhhhhhh <elroboto> bob2: i mean a standalone branch, i dont want to control <bob2> not sure what you mean <mzz> I don't understand the question <elroboto> i just want to share , some code between webdevs <mzz> if you're trying to create a new empty branch to start a new project in that's just "bzr init" <mzz> if you have a branch and want others to have access to it that usually involves "bzr push"-ing it it to a location they have access to <mzz> but the manual covers all that <mzz> you may have to explain what you're trying to do in more detail <elroboto> this is the scenario <mzz> (possibly including what you've already tried and how it didn't work) <elroboto> 1. we need a central repository <elroboto> 2. there is 5 developers <elroboto> they just want to share code, without control <mzz> I don't know what "without control" means <elroboto> for example, when we try that with Bzr windows GUI <fullermd> mzz: Dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria. <elroboto> it works fine <elroboto> but when we try to store it on linux, we do "bzr init" , the changes are not reflected on the peers <mzz> "bzr init" is not normally a thing that shows up elsewhere. <elroboto> A. commits and pushes <elroboto> B. pulls <bob2> elroboto: one person does 'bzr init', once <mzz> it is possible you're using a checkout on windows and a standalone branch elsewhere, but it is very hard to tell (even more so because I've never used that windows gui) <elroboto> C. Merges <bob2> elroboto: then everyone else pushes and pulls from that <elroboto> one time somebody told me a command to create a "share" bzr repository <mzz> so far I do not exactly understand what this thing is that works on windows and not elsewhere <mzz> but I suspect you're clicking a button in the gui and issuing a command on linux, and those two don't do the same thing <mzz> in which case you'll have to explain what button you're clicking <elroboto> yeah <mzz> (if I understand correctly so far your question is "I'm doing something in the windows gui and can't figure out how to do it on the linux commandline", but you haven't explained *what* you're doing in the windows gui in a way I can understand) <elroboto> they dont do the same <elroboto> exactly! <elroboto> im doing in windows BZR init <elroboto> and in linux im typing bzr init <mzz> "bzr init" is not something that shows up remotely (unless you're doing it in a network share or something) <elroboto> brb 2 hours <mzz> so unless the windows gui is nuts I don't understand the question <fullermd> Nor is it something that generally makes sense to do twice on one project. I think he's confused about what he's trying to do... <mzz> well, not having used the windows gui, my best guess is his "init" button isn't actually equivalent to "bzr init", it's a more general "get me a branch" button that can also do "bzr branch" and/or "bzr checkout" <mzz> either that or his current branch is actually on a network share mapped by all those 5 developers, so he's only had to "bzr init" that one branch and hasn't had to branch it or check it out at all yet. <mzz> but that's just guesswork, so lemme try to switch topics: <mzz> I'm using bzr-builddeb and now have a bzr diff with "=== renamed directory 'oursqlx' => 'oursqlx'" in it. Does that make any sense? Is this some quirk of bzr-builddeb or can it have something to do with non-richroot vs 2a format conversions? <fullermd> Not offhand. You're not running on some sort of case-insensible filesystem or something? <mzz> ext4, so no <mwhudson> jelmer: can you look at https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/88128 ? <mzz> the rest of the diff looks sane to me, including bzr noticing the bogus permission changes that happened. But that dir doesn't have either a rename or a permissions change I can see. <phcoder> Hello, all. May a repo internal structure (like indexes) get corrupted because of bzr-svn? Is there a way to regenerate all indices? <mzz> and even if it *had* a rename bzr-builddeb shouldn't have been able to see it, because it's importing a tarball. <mzz> phcoder: I'm no expert, but did you run "bzr check" yet? <mzz> phcoder: iirc bzr-svn also has an sqlite-based cache somewhere. Removing that cache may be reasonable, but don't take my word for that. <nyu> it's in ~/.bazaar/svn-cache <nyu> yeah, sometimes it helps. but not this time :-( <phcoder> I'm bzr-checking my local repo <phcoder> nyu: have you tried bzr reconcile on our repo? <nyu> phcoder: nope. the description sounded uhm.. dangerous <phcoder> you can try it on a copy <nyu> you're right ;-) * nyu tries <phcoder> 87 inconsistent parents <Standart> I have three machines, one is running bzr 2.0, one being the central server running 1.7 and one running 1.3. how can i push from the 2.0 machine to the server so that the 1.3 machine still can play with the rest? downgrading to 0.92 doesn't seem to work (can't downgrade to non richt-tree)? <phcoder> is it a problem? <nyu> bzr: ERROR: An inconsistent delta was supplied involving '<unknown>', '723@d0de0278-0dc1-4c01-8a07-af38b3205e46:trunk%2Fgrub2:' <nyu> reason: Parent not in inventory. <nyu> Standart: use --format when creating a shared-repo in the server <nyu> (I think) <phcoder> Standart: --rich-root-pack should be ok <Standart> do i have to throw away my rich-tree branch? <lifeless> no <lifeless> rich-root-pack is readable by 1.0 and compatible with 2a <Standart> ok <phcoder> nyu: can you send me a tar.lzma of our damaged repo, perhaps my bzr is newer and can reconcile it <lifeless> its just a lot slower <Standart> the 1.3 server says bzr: ERROR: Unknown branch format: 'Bazaar Branch Format 7 (needs bzr 1.6) <Standart> which format ist the best to be used with 2.0, 1.17 and 1.3? <nyu> phcoder: the second one? <nyu> I have both <lifeless> Standart: rich-root-pack <phcoder> nyu: yes <Standart> lifeless: i thought there are different versions of that <nyu> ok <Standart> with --create-prefix i can push to a location that I don't have shell access to. is there a way to choose a format? <lifeless> not on push <lifeless> you can do this: <lifeless> bzr init --format temp <lifeless> cd temp <lifeless> bzr push --create-prefix <url> <lifeless> cd .. <lifeless> rm -rf temp <lifeless> bzr push --overwrite <url> <Standart> I see. so it's always the format of the one I'm pushing from <lifeless> Standart: converting data is slow, we try to avoid it. <lifeless> Standart: if you can, upgrade your server to 2 - much much much faster <Standart> i can't. don't even have shell access <lifeless> Standart: that doesn't mean that you can't arrange for it to happen ;) <Standart> amd i need to checkout with bzr 1.3. can't help it <Standart> the existing repos are 0.92 but i cannot downgrade my new one, even if i wanted to, if i understand this correctly <Standart> looks like 1.14-rich-root can be used by all my versions. <lifeless> 2a can not be converted to 0.92 (unless you create new history - essentially a full export-import, which won't be able to be merged with) <lifeless> Standart: 1.14-rich-root can't be used by < 1.14 <lifeless> Standart: rich-root-pack is the format you need <Standart> lifeless: ok, seems that i converted my local repos to 1.14-rich-root and pushed it to a server that took it as rich-root-pack <Standart> is there a format and push compatibility matrix somewhere? <mzz> blehhhh, I just wish the world would magically upgrade to 2a already * mzz redoes some stuff so he can actually push it to launchpad without "different serializers" failure, hopefully <Peng> Agreed, but I'd do many other things with magic first. Like, world hunger, or 1 Gbps fiber for everyone. <Peng> Increase Dollhouse's ratings.... <mzz> heh <fullermd> Also, I'd like a marshmallow-pooping unicorn. <mzz> ok, poor wording there. Still, annoying. <fullermd> I dunno how you can be so cruel as to want world hunger, though. <Peng> IP over wormhole, to decrease my RTT to Launchpad. :D <Peng> fullermd: Whoops. s/wo/ solve wo/ <mzz> I keep forgetting to check for non-richroot formats before I init repos or branches <Standart> lifeless: thanks. everything rich-root-pack... #bzr 2009-11-07 <stuartpb> What's the easiest way to install Bazaar on Ubuntu with feature parity to the default Windows installer (shell integration, bzr-svn)? <Meths> aptitude install bzr-svn bzrtools <-- You probably want something like that to pull in all you want. Not sure about how you define shell integration and how it meets your expectations though. <Meths> Do 'aptitude search bzr' and see what you need from the descriptions. <stuartpb> bzr-gtk <stuartpb> and that'll put stuff on the application menu and all? <mzz> I do use ubuntu but I have no clue about "shell integration", sorry. <Meths> Only if you install a gui for bzr otherwise you run bzr commands from a command line - pick a term of choice <stuartpb> see, I installed Bazaar with Ubuntu Software manager so I have bzr and bzrtols <mzz> bzrtools is in Recommends, so just installing bzr should pull it in by default. Might want to install bzr-svn and/or bzr-gtk too, yes (they're in Suggests) <mzz> I'm not much of a gui person, so I don't know how software center represents Suggests) <Meths> recommends is not depends, does not get pulled in <mzz> recommends is not depends, but *does* get pulled in by default since, erm, checking relnotes... <mzz> ubuntu 8.10 <stuartpb> is there a way to get bazaar integrated with thunar? <Meths> oh, weird. Ta for info though. <stuartpb> and does bzr-gtk come with bazaar explorer <mzz> the most convenient way to find out may be to just install it. <mzz> (if you don't like it you can always uninstall it again) <stuartpb> yeah, it's doing it now <stuartpb> but will it go under the applications menu if it gets installed? <mzz> I have no idea, I haven't used bzr-gtk and an Applications menu at the same time. <mzz> I get the feeling if one of the people currently active knew they would've told you already. It's probably faster to install it and find out. <mzz> it's possible it integrates into the file manager without showing up as a standalone app in the applications menu. <mzz> (do you actually mean "I already installed it and it's not showing up on my applications menu. Should it?") <stuartpb> "bazaar notification" has been added to the programming submenu <stuartpb> how do I get Bazaar stuff on my context menu? <bob2> stuartpb: in what? nautilus? <stuartpb> yeah <arjenAU> ello bzr gurus <elroboto> helo <arjenAU> how do I upgrade the repo/branch format on a lp branch. <mzz> stuartpb: /usr/share/doc/bzr-gtk/README.Debian claims it is currently broken <mzz> stuartpb: (although that makes me wonder why the package still Recommends python-nautilus, bah) <mzz> arjenAU: I don't know if it's actually the best way but there's http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/upgrade-guide/index.html#migrating-branches-on-launchpad <arjenAU> mzz: cheers <arjenAU> mzz: seems to have worked. groovy. <arjenAU> also observing the filesystem where lp holds the branches is about 8 minutes behind real time. probably borked ntp <bialix> fullermd: thanks for you mails in that thread <fullermd> bialix: I do go on, don't I :) <bialix> я не понимаю <bialix> fullermd: now I feel like a mindless tree. I don;t understand your joke * bialix hides away <fullermd> It's not really a joke, so much as a rueful reflection. <fullermd> Someday, I hope to learn how to write a SHORT email. <bialix> no, your e-mail was just right in size and content <bialix> right for me <bialix> you talk my thoughts <bialix> I was sad to hear from luks couple of years ago almost the same: it's almost impossible to get patches in <fullermd> I hate bringing it up, 'cuz what can you do? <fullermd> I mean, the answer can only be "We're doing the best we can, but there are only so many hours in the day", which doesn't solve the problem but is perfectly true. <fullermd> It's just a recipe for frustration on BOTH sides :( <bialix> right <bialix> qbzr is more appealing for me therefore <bialix> we don't need to write zillion tests for 5-lines fix <bialix> thanks anyway <fullermd> I'll take any excuse to write a 10,000 word essay 8-} <bialix> :-)\ <bialix> :-) <sjamaan> Is there an easy way to quickly go to a particular revision? (like "svn up -r xyz" in subversion) <LarstiQ> go in what sense? `bzr revert -r revspec` most likely <LarstiQ> or `bzr cat` for a single file at a revision, or `bzr export` for subtrees <sjamaan> bzr revert won't commit anything, will it? <LarstiQ> correct <sjamaan> alright, thanks <LarstiQ> (but if you run `bzr commit` directly after, you'll commit a new revision with the same state as the one you reverted to) <sjamaan> Understood <LarstiQ> which is different from svn, svn won't allow you to commit in that position <sjamaan> Exactly <LarstiQ> which I find bloody annoying :) <sjamaan> You could do a reverse merge and commit that with svn, but you can't update to an old revision and commit that * LarstiQ nods at sjamaan <sjamaan> svn merge -r HEAD:oldrev . <sjamaan> That's about the same as bzr revert -r oldrev, as I understand it <LarstiQ> does svn merge do treeshapes? <sjamaan> Excuse my ignorance, but what are treeshapes? <LarstiQ> sjamaan: move, add, delete <sjamaan> It does <LarstiQ> ok <LarstiQ> then yeah, pretty similar <Kinnison> presumably you could do something like bzr checkout --lightweight -r blahfoo . ../here-at-blahfoo <sjamaan> Ah, I suppose that would work too <sjamaan> But it's easier to revert, since I just wanted to look at something in the old state <sjamaan> Making a full new checkout is a bit too heavyweight for that <Kinnison> if you just want a given file, then bzr cat may be easier <sjamaan> mebbe * LarstiQ frequently uses revert for that purpose though <SamB_XP> does qlog give you that? I forget... <sjamaan> I was wondering about something: If you do bzr unbind, then make some changes and commit those, then bind again and run bzr update, is it supposed to clobber all your local revisions without any warning? <sjamaan> (note I didn't first push the changes) <SamB_XP> sjamaan: it is undesirable for it to do so <SamB_XP> why, did it? <sjamaan> SamB_XP: When I tried, it did so <SamB_XP> oh :-( <SamB_XP> well, I believe they are still in there somewhere <LarstiQ> sjamaan: afaik it pivots them to be merged <sjamaan> How can I find them? <SamB_XP> LarstiQ: what do you mean "to be merged"? <LarstiQ> SamB_XP: pending merges <LarstiQ> sjamaan: doesn't `bzr st` list them? <sjamaan> nope <SamB_XP> what's that command to find loose heads in the repository ? <SamB_XP> or, well, any heads I guess <sjamaan> I don't know, I'm a newbie :) <LarstiQ> SamB_XP: `bzr heads` <LarstiQ> from bzrtools * SamB_XP wonders how to get Windows' file copy progress dialog to give details like transfer size, size transferred so far, and kB/s for the last few seconds ... <SamB_XP> sjamaan: there you go <SamB_XP> run "bzr heads" <sjamaan> thanks <sjamaan> I guess I need to install those tools then <SamB_XP> you don't have bzrtools installed ? <sjamaan> Not yet * SamB_XP is still confused about why those aren't part of bzr <maxb> I've just filed a merge proposal for qbzr - is that sufficient or do I need to email someone? <nyu> hi folks <Kamping_Kaiser> allo <phcoder> Hello, all. Can old bzr+ssh daemon together with new clients some of them maybe comitting by sftp lead to data corruption on server? <nyu> and if it can, can we prevent it from bothering us by using 2a repo format? <Kamping_Kaiser> I've not heard of that, but I'll stand by and wait for the bzr-hackers to comment <phcoder> Second question: on server repo we have different kinds of corruption. I managed to fix most of them with bzr reconcile and some hacks in bzr code to correct corruption but 4 commits still have incorrect SHA-1. Any way to write their new digest or delete them altogether? <Kamping_Kaiser> phcoder: perhaps `bzr push --force` (assuming you know your only overwriting 'corrupt' files) <phcoder> Kamping_Kaiser: I'm trying to recover server copy locally. Moreover corruption in repo may stay even if all corrupted branches are deleted <Kamping_Kaiser> phcoder: I'm going to retreat to the sideline and hope lifeless or some other bzr hacker wakes up and helps you out <Kamping_Kaiser> hm... lifeless sorry about the ping... 3am is a bad momentfor it ... <fullermd> If they've got incorrect SHA-1, you probably don't WANT to rewrite it. It's way more likely that the data is corrupt than that the hash is.... <phcoder> fullermd: If repo was already damaged when it was comitted hash could be miscalculated. I will check these commits manually afterwards. Alternative is to delete them but simply deleting refering directories didn't help <nyu> phcoder: checking corrupt commits manually isn't very reassuring wrt preventing the problem from happening again :-/ <fullermd> I'm not sure that follows at all. The hash calculated at commit time should always match the data committed at commit time. <phcoder> perhaps savannah is running out of free space or has HD failure <phcoder> are svn and bzr on same server? <nyu> phcoder: they have free space <nyu> can be retrieved with sshfs and df <nyu> doesn't seem to be the same server <nyu> different IPs at least <phcoder> bzr check reveals more potential problems. Looks like our repo is in serious trouble <nyu> what sort of problems? <phcoder> If I can at least fast-export in would be perhaps enough. Missing keys. I'll redecompress the backup and retry <Kamping_Kaiser> phcoder: at the risk of (re)sticking my nose in - can you give a bit more background for the problem your experiancing? <phcoder> We're trying to migrate to bzr. Currently we use it as a mirror of svn and to hold people and experimental branches. Every time we import all branches everything seems fine but breaks after about one week <Kamping_Kaiser> hm. I can't bzr svn-import today sadly. I can tomorrow, but that probably won't help your testing <nyu> svn-import? <nyu> we were using bzr-svn <phcoder> nyu: bzr svn-import I suppose imports all branches whereas bzr branch only one <Kamping_Kaiser> nyu: 'bzr help svn-import <Kamping_Kaiser> Purpose: Convert a Subversion repository to a Bazaar repository. <phcoder> but both are part of bzr-svn <Kamping_Kaiser> ' <nyu> ah I see <phcoder> nyu: how do you update our bzr-svn mirror? <Kamping_Kaiser> I don't have a bzr-svn command <phcoder> Kamping_Kaiser: bzr-svn is a plugin, not a command <Kamping_Kaiser> phcoder: ah right. yes, we're on the sam epage then <phcoder> it provides bzr branch and bzr svn-import <Kamping_Kaiser> i should really backport bzr{-svn,-git} from sid atsome point <phcoder> Kamping_Kaiser++ <nyu> phcoder: I bzr pull; bzr push <Kamping_Kaiser> I've been putting it off since it looks like it'll involve dependancies, but bzr-git would be helpful to me <phcoder> Kamping_Kaiser: KeyError: ('2063@d0de0278-0dc1-4c01-8a07-af38b3205e46:trunk%2Fgrub2:commands%2Fmemrw.c', 'svn-v3-single1-dHJ1bmsvZ3J1YjI.:d0de0278-0dc1-4c01-8a07-af38b3205e46:trunk%2Fgrub2:2172') <Kamping_Kaiser> phcoder: can you link me to the repo? I'll start to track it too <Kamping_Kaiser> {bzr,svn} info -v <Kamping_Kaiser> ftr <phcoder> Kamping_Kaiser: svn.sv.gnu.org/grub/trunk/grub2 <Kamping_Kaiser> and shuld i branch or co? <phcoder> Corrupted one is here: http://people.debian.org/~rmh/grub/bzr-backup2/ <phcoder> Kamping_Kaiser: branch <phcoder> nyu: what if we import through git avoiding svn but still getting the same IDs this way? <nyu> phcoder: what are those IDs for? <phcoder> nyu: merging <nyu> phcoder: it feels much safer to discard them <phcoder> ok. What about using stock git-svn then and get different IDs? <nyu> I mean, it feels much safer to operate on the higher layer above the tools that grok their own formats <phcoder> nyu: what do you mean? <nyu> have you read my script? <nyu> it's very small and simple <nyu> and from bzr POV it's like the svn never existed <phcoder> nyu: not yet. As you know I work in another direction of possible recovery. What about fast-import/fast-export? <nyu> what do you want to archieve? <nyu> if this is an issue on safety, I trust my code a lot more than any other approach <phcoder> nyu: fast-export creates a text file which is actually just a chain of patches <nyu> how does bzr import that? <phcoder> bzr fast-import <file> <nyu> uhm doesn't have this option, is that a plugin? <phcoder> it's in bzr-fastimport package <nyu> ok let me play a bit with that <lizard_r> Hi, I made a little program/lib with a local reposity[18 rev.] which I would like to upload to Sourceforge. I just enabled the bazaar feature. I'm on windows and I'm not sure what I made wrong, output: http://lizard.pastebin.com/m6e4430a5 - does someone know what is wrong? <wade> Hi all, Any idea how I can troubleshoot a hang when issuing bzr pull via sftp? I successfully pushed this branch, but when I try to pull it back down as a test, bzr just hangs after I successfully enter my password <wade> using the latest stable versions, btw <Kamping_Kaiser> wade: tried running with -v to get extra info? <wade> yep..hangs too - no extra info <Kamping_Kaiser> lizard_r: perhaps you should look on the bzr site abougt the rich formats, sf.net may be using an older veersion <fullermd> Last I vaguely checked, SF was using something like 1.10. <fullermd> So it's RR capable (though not 2a capable), but their scripts probably don't make a RR repo. So you'd probably have to make the repo manually (I think you can do that on SF) <lizard_r> yes, they use 1.10 I just checked - but what you just said is far over my head :-) <wade> if anyone has any other ideas on how to troubleshoot this bzr pull hang, I'm all ears <wade> oh crap...never mind....I'm an idiot - I should be running bzr branch, not bzr pull, since I'm trying to pull a new copy - however, bzr should probably give an error message, not just hang - I'll file a bug <wade> er, branch a new copy I should say <fullermd> It certainly shouldn't; it should exit right away with 'Not a branch' <fullermd> (by 'should' I mean "certainly does now, pretty sure always has) <wade> right...I've seen that before...hmm..let me try something <fullermd> So I suspect you WERE in a branch... <wade> hmm...you might be right - when I made sure I was in the non-branch dir I wanted to be in, I did get the "not a branch" error message <wade> so the question is - why did it just hang when I was in a branch, and shouldn't it have given some error? <fullermd> I doubt it was really hung. <fullermd> It seems more likely it was doing something that took a long-arse time. <wade> hmmm...I'll play with it and see if I can replicate - the branch in question was 3 test files with 1 line each so I'd be surprised about a long-arse operation :) <thumper> an item for the sprint next week <thumper> can we plz add a command to push to not stack? <thumper> also <thumper> if it does try to stack but fails due to different format types <thumper> can we retry without stacking? <thumper> stacking is decided by the client, but the server suggests <thumper> right now we don't have a way to tell the client "no, plz don't stack" <lifeless> thumper: file bugs please <thumper> lifeless: I think there is at least one <lifeless> thumper: the sprint is about prep for the next cycle, not doing individual bugs, they are easily done solo, not a good use of face-time. <thumper> lifeless: remind me during the open spaces time <lifeless> thumper: I'm leaving before then. <thumper> lifeless: yeah, fair enough <thumper> lifeless: ok <lifeless> thumper: I will try to remind you, can't promise anything. <sjohannes> quick question, is there a way to set bzr's executable bit for a file in win32? <lifeless> you can using python <lifeless> but I don't think we have a command to do it <sjohannes> lifeless: any pointers for doing this? i've never worked with bzrlib before, so any help is appreciated <lifeless> sjohannes: the test suite does it a few times, in the exec bit support <lifeless> I'll dig up a reference in ~ 20 minutes for you <sjohannes> lifeless: ok, thanks a lot <bialix> maxb: ping <bialix> sjohannes: pluing x-bit <sjohannes> bialix: pardon? <bialix> you need plugin x-bit <bialix> to change x-bit on win32 <bialix> you wrote: "sjohannes quick question, is there a way to set bzr's executable bit for a file in win32?" right? <bialix> sjohannes: ^ <sjohannes> bialix: ah i see. just didn't understand the "pluing" bit :) <bialix> sory, typo <sjohannes> bialix: i'll have a look, thanks <sjohannes> bialix, lifeless: the x-bit plugin works nicely. thanks for your help <bialix> glad to hear <maxb> bialix: hi <bialix> maxb: hello <bialix> maxb: I'm working on inclusion of your patch for &nbsp; in qlog <bialix> I've changed news entry as following: "Preserving leading whitespace in the lines of the log message." <bialix> maxb: is it ok for you? <bialix> is it correct English? <maxb> Nearly - s/Preserving/Preserve/ <bialix> ok <bialix> maxb: thank you for the fix, merged now <maxb> thanks very much for the quick response :-) <bialix> :-/ <bialix> today there was said too much about speed of response <bialix> pushed to trunk <nyu> I have a /trunk/{grub,grub2} SVN repository layout. I'm trying to convert it to Bazaar using "bzr fast-export-from-svn", <nyu> I have a /trunk/{grub,grub2} SVN repository layout. I'm trying to convert it to Bazaar using "bzr fast-export-from-svn", but in the output /trunk is a single branch <nyu> and I'd rather make two branches out of it <bialix> nyu: does svn-import does not work for you? <nyu> bialix: is that bzr-svn? <bialix> yep <phcoder> bialix: we have repo corruption in bzr and bzr-svn is a possible reason <nyu> bialix: sorry, no. we've been trying that for 2 weeks and it corrupted out repository twice <bialix> oh, sorry <nyu> I want an approach that is as little intrusive as possible, and fast-import patchsets seem like a good way <nyu> except I don't know how to split the branches <nyu> can it be done in bzr afterwards? <nyu> d'oh, there's a split command <bialix> nyu: there is fast-import-filter <bialix> split is not exactly what you want <bialix> nyu: did you try --trunk-path option? <bialix> see help for fast-export-from-svn <nyu> bialix: it didn't work <bialix> :-/ <bialix> file a bug please <nyu> I think it doesn't like that the new "trunk" doesn't exist throughrough all repository life <bialix> and try fast-import-filter <nyu> is that still a bug? <bialix> I dunno, I was unable to run fast-export-from-svn on windows <nyu> bialix: does fast-import-filter require a SOURCE argument? the examples in help page don't have it, but it refuses to run without it <nyu> (bug filed) <bialix> yes, require <bialix> there is typo with help <bialix> example should be: front-end | bzr fast-import-filter -i lib/xxx/ - > xxx.fi <nyu> and I take it that SOURCE is the fast-svn-export dump? <bialix> yes <nyu> strange. then I don't understand why do I get this: <nyu> bzr: ERROR: exceptions.TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects <bialix> do you have latest version from trunk? <bialix> pastebin full traceback <bialix> I recall this bug was fixed recently <nyu> bialix: no, 2.0.1 <bialix> version of fastimport plugin I mean <nyu> http://pastebin.com/m42df5aa8 <nyu> bialix: 0.9.0~bzr243 <nyu> not sure if that 243 is meaningful or debian-made <bialix> looks like revno <bialix> the latest revno of fastimport trunk is 260 <bialix> can you just do: cd ~/.bazaar/plugins; bzr get lp:bzr-fastimport fastimport <bialix> and then try fi-filter again <nyu> sure <nyu> bzr fast-export-from-svn svn-repo - | bzr fast-import-filter -i /trunk/grub2 - | bzr fast-import - bzr-repo <nyu> does this look sane? <nyu> uhm still same error <nyu> maybe I should use bzr split? <bialix> bzr split won't filter out the history of other branch <bialix> if you can live with that than use <bialix> and file bug please <bialix> about NoneType <nyu> bialix: maybe I can debug this, but I would need some direction <bialix> ok, set env variable BZR_PDB=1 <bialix> and run again <nyu> ok <lifeless> sjohannes: if bialix's plugin works for you it will be _much_ simpler than the code wI was digging up <bialix> nyu: wait, why you're using -i /trunk/grub2 ? <sjohannes> lifeless: well, thank goodness it works :-P <bialix> nyu: why not just grub2? <nyu> bialix: I don't know <nyu> I want /trunk/grub2 to become a branch <bialix> if you don't use filter and do fast-import what you have? <nyu> I have a shared-repo with only one branch in it, called "trunk" <nyu> which has two directories, grub and grub2 <bialix> and what's inside? <nyu> the source trees <bialix> ok, filter operates in the terms of these paths <bialix> you should run filter with -i grub2 <nyu> oh, ok <nyu> same problem. actually, filter is supposed to work without -i or -x too, right? <nyu> I mean, as a no-op <bialix> I'm not sure, I'm not author, but used it successfully in the past <bialix> try to run fast-import-info instead of filter just to check if strea is correct <bialix> try to run fast-import-info instead of filter just to check if stream is correct <bialix> if you know the format of git-fastimport stream you can save it to disk as export-from-svn output and check if there all ":" marks are correct <nyu> it looks sane <nyu> what's a parent? <nyu> as in, parent branch? <bialix> nyu: btw, you can try to fast-export of imported bzr trunk and try to filter it instead of svn output <nyu> oh, but wouldn't I get the same thing? <bialix> sometimes -- no <bialix> parents -- it seems revision parents <bialix> merged revisions etc <nyu> self.parents[":" + cmd.mark] = parents <nyu> is ":" + cmd.mark an array index? <bialix> yes <bialix> and error talk about cmd.mark is None <bialix> but it supposed to be a string <bialix> you can try to change this line this way: <bialix> self.parents[":" + (cmd.mark or "")] = parents <nyu> cmd is some sort of struct passed from commit_handler() right? <bialix> passed to IMO <nyu> I thought of that, but it seems to be hiding the real bug? <bialix> can you print cmd <bialix> ? <nyu> I mean, is it acceptable that cmd.mark is empty? <bialix> I can't say for sure <nyu> 1 min <nyu> bialix: http://pastebin.com/mf82ea86 <nyu> uhm... there's an empty line <bialix> you really can compare the output of fast-export from big bzr branch with grub1 and grub2 <nyu> ok, I'll try that <bialix> nyu: I'm looking at parser.py: ImportParser <bialix> there is method _get_mark_if_any <bialix> result of this method then passed as cmd.mark <bialix> sometimes this method returns None <nyu> oh, interesting <nyu> what does it mean when it returns None? <nyu> is that supposed to be tollerable? <bialix> does your project is open-source? <nyu> bialix: the raw repo is public, rsync -avzHS rsync://svn.savannah.gnu.org/svn/grub/ /tmp/grub.repo/ <bialix> how's big fi stream after export-from-svn? <bialix> after gzip/zip? <bialix> I can't rsync right now <bialix> and I can't run fast-export-from-svn either <nyu> hold on, compressing <bialix> ok, looking at the code if get_mark_any returns None it push the processed line back to stream <bialix> IMO it means it want to process it later or somehow different <nyu> bialix: what code portion are you looking at? <bialix> parser.py <nyu> btw, gzip'ed repo is 237 MiB <bialix> ImportParser <bialix> it's a bit big :-/ <bialix> I can download it only tomorrow from work <nyu> I guess you meant _get_mark_if_any() ? <bialix> yep <bialix> but strange thing is in command.py <bialix> but strange thing is in commands.py <bialix> CommitCommand <bialix> there is code that checks cmd.mark for None <nyu> oh, maybe filter_processor.py should do a similar check? <bialix> wait <bialix> in your patse http://pastebin.com/mf82ea86 there is line commit, after which should be a line with mark <bialix> if I do fast-export for my testing repo I see line with mark <bialix> you have nothing <bialix> I really think that fast-export command over bzr branch will produce more "correct" stream <nyu> ah yes, I was going to test that <nyu> bialix: btw, lzma file is only 17 MiB <bialix> this size is much better <nyu> (tarball from svn repo) <nyu> ah wait, you said you don't have fast-export-svn handy? <bialix> no <bialix> nyu: just FYI: there is 2 forms of git-fastimport streams <bialix> one form has inline blobs <bialix> second one is not <bialix> fast-import plugin prefer to work with inline <nyu> bialix: it seems that export from bzr works <bialix> looking at your paste it seems you have the latter form <nyu> at least, fast-import-filter won't complain <bialix> good <nyu> I think I can work this way. I'll add the missing information to the bug report <bialix> nyu: there is also fast-import-info command <bialix> according to help this command can be used as elper <bialix> according to help this command can be used as helper <bialix> but it seems filter does not use this additional info <bialix> glad you managed it to finish <nyu> excellent, fast-import-filter worked <nyu> bialix: I put the info in https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/477886 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 477886 in bzr "fast-import-filter: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects" [Undecided,New] <nyu> thanks for your assistance <bialix> thanks for filing a bug <jam> lifeless: I have a question about subunit. Namely, is there a way to get a nice progress bar out of "bzr selftest --subunit" ? <jam> As far as I can tell, pqm must have been running a custom filter on it <jam> ah, maybe "subunit2pyunit --progress" ? <jam> that is almost spooky to see the output :) <lifeless> jam: :) <lifeless> -> plane <jam> lifeless: of course, it would be nicer if it could retain the log when run_bzr fails ... :) <jam> lifeless: I'll be joining you in..... 6 hours <jam> and then see you in about 30 <jam> I figured I might try to get more of the test suite passing on Windows during my copious free time now. #bzr 2009-11-08 <wade> Hi guys...I'm suddenly having doubts about whether I use bzr correctly....If I want to operate in a distributed fashion, every time I or a team mate make a change to our feature branch, we should merge it into the mirror, then push the mirror, correct? <wade> what happens if I push, and then he pushes without first pulling? <jam> wade: it sort of depends how you define "mirror" <jam> if you are both collaborating on a single branch <jam> you can both 'just push' to the mirror <jam> you don't have to merge <jam> if he pushes without pulling <jam> bzr will tell him that the branches have diverged <jam> and he needs to merge before he can push again, etc. <jam> you could also use checkouts, which automate some of that book-keeping <jam> though it means that "bzr commit" will block and tell you to update <wade> Ok...I was just getting worried that I might be blowing away his changes when I pushed <jam> wade: we're pretty good about not letting you "blow away" anything <jam> as long as you don't use --force or --overwrite style flags <wade> Ok, good to know - thanks <syncrondi> anyone able to provide insight on why I get "bzr: ERROR: unknown command "push-and-update" "? <jam> syncrondi: because there isn't such a command? <jam> Are you installing the "push-and-update" plugin? <jam> I'm pretty sure it just piggy backs on regular "bzr push" anymore <syncrondi> I've used it before on another machine.. it's a plugin? <syncrondi> I don't remember installing a plugin to get thte capability <jam> syncrondi: "lp:bzr-push-and-update" <syncrondi> when I do just a push, I get bzr: ERROR: No push location known or specified. <jam> definitely a plugin <jam> syncrondi: for "bzr push" if you haven't told it where to push before, how would it know? <jam> "bzr push $URL" <jam> and then future pushes will use $URL if not given <syncrondi> ah <syncrondi> Hmm, it looks like the plugin is only for linux, but I definately never used it on Linux before <jam> syncrondi: not at all <jam> It needs access to "ssh" <jam> though it could be updated to not have that dependency <syncrondi> oh, ok <jam> (and use the python 'paramiko' library) <jam> there is an open bug on that <syncrondi> I've been putting off installing the paramiko library <jam> syncrondi: well, on windows you either need paramiko or ssh anyway <jam> plink is possible, but really doesn't work well <syncrondi> I've been using plink for a while without hitch on another system, but a friend helped me set it up <syncrondi> Now with my other box, I've had some tough luck getting everything working <syncrondi> bzr push seems to be working now that I've included the URL <syncrondi> But what's the difference between that and push-and-update? <jam> syncrondi: so the main issue is auth support for paramiko <jam> which is... poor <jam> but as long as you only use pageant, it should be ok <jam> 'bzr push' will push the history changes to a remote location <jam> but won't update a remote working tree <jam> 'push-and-update' goes out and after pushing the history, runs "bzr update" on the remote host <syncrondi> ok <syncrondi> So I can just run them separately <jam> syncrondi: well, if you *need* to have a remote working tree, and update it, yse <jam> yes <syncrondi> thanks jam <jam> many use cases don't require a remote working tree <syncrondi> What do you mean by 'don't require' ? <jam> syncrondi: if you are sharing your code between developers <jam> you don't need a working tree on the shared server <jam> just the *history* <syncrondi> It's a live site. :) <jam> the cases for having a working tree tend to be stuff like "I want to maintain my http website on a remote server" <jam> note that you *might* prefer the 'bzr-upload' plugin for tha <jam> that <syncrondi> What are the advantages of the bzr-upload? <jam> syncrondi: many people maintaining a live site *don't* want the history copied there <jam> in case there is a security breach in the http requests <jam> exposing the history of the site to 3rd parties <syncrondi> ah, ok jam. <jam> also, bzr-upload works over things like ftp <syncrondi> which is insecure, no? <syncrondi> I'd rather stick with the ssh. <jam> syncrondi: many hosting sites only let you upload via ftp <jam> so not an option <jam> if you are in control over the server <jam> *I* would probably use a bzr lightweight checkout <jam> and "ssh host; cd website; bzr update" <syncrondi> I see <syncrondi> You've been very helpful. Thanks jam. I'm not the only one running the show, so I've been just going with the flow so far. <syncrondi> Hm. I'm seeing an actual update on the server side <syncrondi> not* <nyu> is it possible to retrieve a snapshot of a shared-repo atomically? <syncrondi> I wouldn't be sure how to do that nyu <syncrondi> I'm not even sure how to install the push-and-update plugin, jam <syncrondi> I feel like a frickin' noob at this.. because I am <jam> nyu: not easily. If it is a requirement, I would suggest staging it to another location, and then using that. <jam> 'bzr pull' etc know how to get a stable view of the data. <jam> Which you could emulate, but requires copying things in a specific order <jam> (read all the branches first, then read file X, then Y, etc.) <jam> quite a bit easier to just do: <nyu> jam: could I then pull all branches automatically? I know multi-pull, but AFAICT it only pulls branches I already have locally <syncrondi> I branched the push_and_update plugin to my plugins folder, but I still get the error with unknown command. <jam> nyu: for b in `bzr branches`; ... <jam> syncrondi: make sure 'bzr help plugins' mentions it <nyu> oh <nyu> 'bzr branches' looks useful <jam> and then it is probably just "bzr push" and it will check to see if the remote has a working tree, and if so spawn "ssh host bzr update" <syncrondi> jam: <syncrondi> bzr plugins doesn't mention <nyu> jam: I see, thanks <jam> syncrondi: where did you actually put it, and what did you call it <jam> on linux <jam> cd ~/.bazaar/plugins <jam> bzr branch lp:bzr-push-and-update push_and_update <jam> on Windows <jam> cd %APPDATA%/Bazaar/2.0/plugins <jam> IIRC <syncrondi> Yeah, I just did a bzr branch https://launchpad.net/bzr-push-and-update push_and_update on C:\Program Files\Bazaar\plugins <syncrondi> I should put it in appdata, jam? <lifeless> jam: working towards it <jam> lifeless: sure. I'm also still seeing skips as failures <lifeless> the subunit protocol branch is most of the way there, the details api seems nice, want to get a TestCase test-code support <lifeless> jam: land vila's branch <lifeless> if you like - bug, uhm, <jam> https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/419776-subunit/+merge/14413 ? <jam> doesn't seem the right one <jam> bug #419776 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 419776 in bzr "selftest --subunit output incompatible with --parallel=fork" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/419776 <jam> I thought it was *your* branch that does it <lifeless> ye sthat one <jam> or are you saying a branch of subunit? <lifeless> no <lifeless> so my branch for bzr, which is landed, fixes things for the upstream API <lifeless> released subunit though has a bug itself, in that its serialiser doesn't have addExpectedFailure <lifeless> *and* the downgrade logic makes that a fail not a success <lifeless> vilas branch just changes bzr to use the same logic the next release of subunit will, to degrade in that case to success <lifeless> my protocol branch of subunit has addExpectedFailure on the subunit serialiser <lifeless> I may backport that to subunit trunk when I get a minute <jam> lifeless: well, I'll submit vincent's patch, since I *did* approve it :) <jam> as did you it seems <lifeless> http://feeds.laughingsquid.com/~r/laughingsquid/~3/iTCZZ6YbvfE/ <- wow <lifeless> jam: shame to hear about the flight snafu <jam> lifeless: for those who don't get enough rock band/ etc <jam> lifeless: thanks for your sympathy <jam> I suppose it means I got some quality hacking done with a real power supply :0 <lifeless> :) <lifeless> 3 minutes and I run out of free wifi apparently <> <lifeless> you'd think, with a plane ticket they could throw in 5$ of bandwidth <jam> lifeless: :) <jam> you'd think the same thing about a $200/night hotel <jam> lifeless: what is the subunit command that you can then pass to "bzr selftest --load-list" ? <jam> ah, perhaps subunit-ls <Peng> Stupid question: How do you make --no-strict the default when pushing? An alias? <syncrondi> Another stupid question: How can I unlock a file that bzr locked, preventing me from doing a commit? <syncrondi> Apparently, I'm HM <syncrondi> xD <Peng> "unlock"? In what way? <syncrondi> :: Unable to obtain lock file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Setting.... <Peng> Oh god, Windows. :P <Peng> Pastebin the full error. If you're sure bzr isn't running, "bzr break-lock" will probably fix it, depending on the problem. <syncrondi> held by syncrondi@host on host host[process #1712] locked 21 minutes, 27 seconds ago Will continue to try until 21:42:20, unless you press Ctrl-C If you're sure that it's not being mdified, use bzr break-lock <syncrondi> but the break-lock doesn't work <syncrondi> it complains that it isn't a branch <syncrondi> wait <syncrondi> I don't need all that jibberish after the command <syncrondi> it was saying I needed to have some arguments, but it worked without arguments <Peng> Yeah, "bzr break-lock" defaults to the current directory if you don't specify a path/URL. That trips people up a lot. <syncrondi> Thanks Peng! <Peng> :) * jml considers dinner plans <fullermd> jml: I suggest eating. <jml> *yawn* <gour> morning <gour> i've read that bzr's interoperability with hg is not as good as with git & svn repos...what can be done atm? <gour> i need to keep hg repo of the project in sync, but have lot of problems using forest extension with my flakey internet (mobile 3g) connection and wonder if i could convert repo to bzr locally and somehow pull and commit from bzr? <LarstiQ> gour: it needs more work :) <gour> LarstiQ: anything works now? <LarstiQ> gour: yeah, jelmer has been improving it lately I gather <gour> LarstiQ: is it in 2.1 trunk? <LarstiQ> gour: I'd assume it's in lp:bzr-hg <gour> here i've 2.0.0 <gour> ahh, let check it at lp <gour> hg's subrepos is not quite ready, hg does not have, afaik, working fast-export/import...:-/ <gour> hmm, web says: " <gour> A plugin for bzr which provides support for Mercurial file formats. It currently allows pulling from (and eventually pushing to) hg repositories." <LarstiQ> the description might be old, I'd look at the recent revisions / NEWS <gour> ok, let me pull it <gour> i've installed plugin, created new bzr repo and tried to pull from it, but get: bzr: ERROR: No module named hg.ui <gour> i cannot see anything similar in bugs <gour> jelmer: shall i open a ticket for the above problem? <LarstiQ> gour: have you got all dependencies installed? <gour> LarstiQ: hmm, i just pulled the plugin <LarstiQ> gour: not sure if hg.ui is part of standard mercurial, or maybe version differences <gour> LarstiQ: hg works here <LarstiQ> gour: can you `python -c 'import hg.ui'`? <gour> LarstiQ: ImportError: No module named hg.ui <gour> i'm still not sure about hg.ui extension/module <elroboto> back <gour> LarstiQ: i.e.i believe it's due to [ui] section in my ~/.hgrc <LarstiQ> gour: maybe, what does google say? And what happens if comment the ui section out <gour> LarstiQ: commenting ui section does not help <gour> otoh, "from mercurial import hg, ui" works * gour submitted bug-report <gour> hmm, 'make check' for bzr-hg fails as well <gour> hmm, this line is the problem: from bzrlib.plugins.hg.ui import ui <gour> bze cannot find the plugin which is installed in ~/.bazaar/plugins <gour> *bzr <gour> but i wonder how is it that 'bzr plugins' lists the plugin? <elroboto> hello, i want to create a bzr store, but without publishers, i want the contributors commits to be publish automatically <elroboto> how to do that? <gour> LarstiQ: the problem was that i did not run: python setup.py build_ext -i in plugin dir <LarstiQ> gour: aha <bialix> hi garyvdm <nyu> is fast-export atomic? <bialix> in which sense? <nyu> hi bialix <bialix> hi nyu <nyu> i.e. if I fast-export from a remote repo while someone is pushing <nyu> I assume fast-export will always obtain a consistent snapshot? <nyu> hi phcoder <bialix> IIUC it should keep read lock and will use only latest branch tip as of operation start <nyu> jam said yesterday "'bzr pull' etc know how to get a stable view of the data." but didn't mention fast-export <bialix> but there is possible quirks with repo re-packing <bialix> nyu: without looking at the fast-export internals I'd say most likely it uses the same code as pull to get revisions from repo <nyu> I don't understand read lock. do you mean write lock? <bialix> but I can't be 100% sure <bialix> bzr has both read and write lock on internal structures <phcoder> hello all. I fast-imported my old repo but some branches are missing because they were merged in other branches. Can I somehow create a branch from commit-id? <nyu> to get stable reads either you use atomic test-and-set operations or you lock writes, right? I don't understand what locking reads means <bialix> if somebody pushes then dest repo will be write locked, therefore attempt to read lock it will fail <nyu> ah, ok <bialix> write lock excludes readers <bialix> phcoder: just branch from desired revision <nyu> shit, I think I was lectured on this less than 6 months ago. I forgot everything <nyu> thanks bialix, I remember now :-) <bialix> :-) <phcoder> phcoder@debian:~/grub2/bzr-new$ bzr branch -r phcoder@gmail.com-20091106215044-ehljkps46fa20o1s mips-all mips <phcoder> bzr: ERROR: No namespace registered for string: u'phcoder@gmail.com-20091106215044-ehljkps46fa20o1s' <bialix> bzr branch -r revid:phcoder@gmail.com-20091106215044-ehljkps46fa20o1s mips-all mips <bialix> phcoder: ^ <bialix> `bzr help revisionspec` may help <mathepic> Is there any file in the .bzr directory that gives you just the current revision? (Trying to use current revision as a dependency in the Makefile, since one of my scripts depends on the revision) <LarstiQ> mathepic: Use `bzr revno` or `bzr version-info` <mathepic> Yeah, but I need to know when `bzr revno` in the makefile changes. <mathepic> oh, hmm <LarstiQ> is that an "oh, hmm, I figured it out"? :) <mathepic> No, its "hmm, I think I see your point" <LarstiQ> ok <mathepic> Would make be able to find the change in the shell output from the call `bzr revno` <LarstiQ> you could cache it for one, and use a .PHONY target <LarstiQ> mathepic: but maybe it's good to take a step back and look at what task you're trying to accomplish with this mechanism? <mathepic> Generation of a header file for use in the main program <mathepic> It uses bzr version-info to get it, but then the output of course would change when the revision changes, so it needs to be run again * LarstiQ waits for mathepic to come back <phcoder> bialix: thanks. I'll look into it after restoring our experimental branch <bialix> mathepic: is it your question on stackoverflow about Makefile and revnos? <bialix> phcoder: looking into it? into what? <phcoder> phcoder: into restoring my branches which were merged <bialix> LarstiQ: hi, when and if mathepic will come back say him he had answers on his SO question <LarstiQ> bialix: I will remember to tell him that <bialix> here is http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1694264/how-to-make-dependency-in-makefile-so-that-target-is-built-when-bazaar-revision-c <cody-somerville> how can I see which revision two branches diverged at? <LarstiQ> cody-somerville: I'd use `bzr missing` <GaryvdM> bialix: Hi - I think my network connection sorted now <bialix> Hi GaryvdM ! <GaryvdM> bialix Any other regressions other than Bug 478239? <ubottu> Launchpad bug 478239 in qbzr "treewidget missed checkboxes for dialogs that require them" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/478239 <GaryvdM> bialix: Otherwise I would like to release 0.16 now. <GaryvdM> Oh - Just noticed Bug 47827 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 47827 in vmware-player "vmware-player lintian warnings" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47827 <GaryvdM> I mean Bug 478277 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 478277 in qbzr "Test test_model_working_tree failed: list index out of range" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/478277 <bialix> GaryvdM: I'll update by qbzr copy right now, have no more bugs off hands <bialix> GaryvdM: what about https://bugs.launchpad.net/qbzr/+bug/475286 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 475286 in qbzr "Tools/Plugins not working - bzr: ERROR: exceptions.IndexError: tuple index out of range" [High,Confirmed] <GaryvdM> bialix: I don't think it is a regression, but it should be easy to fix. <bialix> it seems it's already fixed <bialix> lemme check <bialix> no, it's not <bialix> I'll fix it, wait 15 mins <GaryvdM> Cool - 478277 is going to take me a while, because I'm having a failer in that test, due to a pyqt 4.6.0 bug, so I'm going to have to upgrade to 4.6.1 <bialix> GaryvdM: bug 475286 is not regression per se, but traceback in qbzr is bad <ubottu> Launchpad bug 475286 in qbzr "Tools/Plugins not working - bzr: ERROR: exceptions.IndexError: tuple index out of range" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/475286 <bialix> GaryvdM: done, pushed <bialix> cody-somerville: qlog is your friend ;-) <nyu> how can I incorporate a file from one unrelated (no common ancestor) branch to another without losing history? <elroboto> hello, i want to create a bzr store, but without publishers, i want the contributors commits to be publish automatically, how to do that? <GaryvdM> nyu: Dose the other branch have file other than the one you want to import? <GaryvdM> elroboto: I'm not sure I understand you correctly, but if you create a public place that people can push to, other people will be able to pull stright away? <GaryvdM> elroboto: I'm not sure what you mean by "without publishers" <bialix> nyu: fast-filter the file first, then merge filtered branch <bialix> but you will lose liason to original history <nyu> bialix: uhm this discards original history? <nyu> GaryvdM: they're totally unrelated branches, with different files <bialix> filtered history will have new revision-ids and file-ids <nyu> GaryvdM: i.e. one project borrowing files from another <nyu> bialix: oh, that's ok <nyu> bialix: but it'll have whole history of the imported file? <bialix> most likely <nyu> ok thanks <bialix> fast-filter can't support moves of files between directories <bialix> otherwise it's ok <bialix> try it <bialix> you now almost expert in it ;-) <nyu> hehe <gmb> Hi. <gmb> I might be having a case of the stupid, but I'm having trouble installing bzr 2.0 from the PPA on Hardy <gmb> because of the following error: "bzr: Depends: python-central (>= 0.6.7) but 0.6.5ubuntu1 is installed." <gmb> Does anyone have any advice for eliminating my stupid? <GaryvdM> gmb: Acording to https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-central/ , hardy-updates has python-central 0.6.7 <gmb> GaryvdM: Aaargh. I have the dumb. Not only is the hardy-updates line commented out in sources.list, it actually points to feisty, not hardy. God knows what I was tripping on when I upgraded. <gmb> Thanks for that! <gmb> Yep, that fixed that and a number of other things. Awesome. <gmb> GaryvdM: Thanks again :) <GaryvdM> gmb: It's a pleasure. <Alcmene> Hi there! <Alcmene> Anyone available for a bit of help? <Alcmene> Well, let's try anyway :s <Alcmene> Abstract: checkout permanently out of date <Alcmene> symptoms: last part of http://osdir.com/ml/bazaar/2009-08/msg00479.html <Alcmene> in short: <Alcmene> inside a working repo, a checkout from another on an ftp <Alcmene> bzr up > "tree is up to date" <Alcmene> bzr ci --local … <Alcmene> bzr ci --local … <Alcmene> bzr ci > "bound branch is out of date with master branch" <Alcmene> of course, this is not true <Alcmene> done this twice already, no changes <Alcmene> any ideas? <LarstiQ> but it is <LarstiQ> Alcmene: `bzr up` after the --local should pivot them away, but you might prefer pushing those revisions to master first <Alcmene> I don't get it :s <Alcmene> I don't mean to update my working tree <Alcmene> but the distant repo only <Alcmene> plus, if I _do_ update, it of course reverts to the version on the server, which is the one before all my local commits <LarstiQ> Alcmene: then just `bzr push` <LarstiQ> (to the master) <Alcmene> yes, ok, but why does it tell me this?? <LarstiQ> Alcmene: you're trying to commit, but your local branch is not at the same revision as the master <LarstiQ> hence, it tells you to sort that first <Alcmene> mmh… I get it, but it still sounds like a very strange way of telling it IMO <Alcmene> and I'm almost sure I already did this without a problem <LarstiQ> Alcmene: the message itself tells you to run `bzr update` and then commit, did you try that? <Alcmene> yes! <bialix> GaryvdM: ping <Alcmene> but updating _reverts_ : it updates to the tip of the distatnt repo, which is the same as reverting to the last no-local commit <LarstiQ> Alcmene: no <LarstiQ> Alcmene: it pivots your local commits as pending merges <Alcmene> well, how come a bzr stat after the update didn't show me _anything_ then? * LarstiQ tried it locally and it works exactly as advertised <LarstiQ> Alcmene: that I don't know, but if you can give instructions on how to reproduce that I'd like to try * Alcmene backs up his local tree before trying it, and will tell the result in 2 minutes <Alcmene> luckily most of the commits were merges, 'cause I would have lost a lot <LarstiQ> all your local commits are still in your local repository <LarstiQ> not too hard to retrieve with `bzr heads` <Alcmene> :| wtf <Alcmene> well, ok, I know I'll sound like an asshole right now <Alcmene> bzr up did do the trick <LarstiQ> why would that make you sound like an asshole? <Alcmene> I swear it did the opposite yesterday <Alcmene> because I have wasted your time for no reason! <LarstiQ> hah :) <LarstiQ> such is triaging * LarstiQ doesn't mind <Alcmene> well, I must have made a mistake yesterday evening, was in a rush <Alcmene> sorry again, thanks a lot LartstiQ <LarstiQ> Alcmene: np :) <bialix> GaryvdM: I've made one more last-minute-fixes commit. Now I think road for 0.16 is free <GaryvdM> bialix: pong <GaryvdM> was waiting for pyqt 4.6.1 to finish building <bialix> GaryvdM: I've made couple of minor fixes for new cmd logging feature <bialix> GaryvdM: I understand <bialix> bzr qlog <GaryvdM> bialix: I got my tests passing now. But I don't see Bug 478277 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 478277 in qbzr "Test test_model_working_tree failed: list index out of range" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/478277 <GaryvdM> bailix: fix is simple, but will you please test it before I push to trunk. <bialix> where is your fix/patch/branch? <hsn> after updating to 1.18 push is pretty fast <GaryvdM> bialix: lp:~garyvdm/qbzr/Bug478277 * bialix branching <bialix> hsn: you may want to thanks lifeless and spiv I guess <bialix> GaryvdM: tests passed; please land it <GaryvdM> cool <lifeless> abentley: awake? <abentley> lifeless: yep. Good morning! <lifeless> I'm on a demo plan from a nearby wifi hotspot - do you know details about how we;re meant to get wifi? <lifeless> and / or breakfast? <lifeless> I checked in late last night - semi automated, so have no clue :( <abentley> lifeless: No wifi here. DSL in every room. We're on our own for breakfast. <abentley> lifeless: I can drop in on you in, say 10 minutes if you like. <abentley> lifeless: Or you can call me in room 50 <wade2> Hi guys...is there any way I can troubleshoot what appears to be a SSH hang with bzr? (using a sftp URL)...I got one the other day, and now my programming colleague is getting one when trying to do a merge - he issues the merge command, it asks for the password and then it just hangs <LarstiQ> wade2: ~/.bzr.log, possibly with some debugging flags (bzr help debug-flags) <wade2> Ok, thanks <RenatoSilva> does anyone has had problems using bzr in ubuntu with ntfs partitions <mneptok> NTFS is usually mounted read-only. have you mounted the partition is question rw? <mneptok> s/is/in/ <RenatoSilva> yes rw <RenatoSilva> the problem is that bzr detect permission changes <RenatoSilva> becxause of this I don't want to use it, I'm afraid of confusion <RenatoSilva> I mean, I would like to use bzr in ubuntu, but can't becasue of this problem <GaryvdM> RenatoSilva: I tried that the other day. It kept on telling me the x bit had change. <GaryvdM> RenatoSilva: I ended up just branching on to a ext4 drive <RenatoSilva> GaryvdM: I think that's it, don't want to test it now :) <GaryvdM> RenatoSilva: Pulling and Pushing should work fine. It's just working with a Working Tree that is problematic. <RenatoSilva> GaryvdM: I don't understand <RenatoSilva> GaryvdM: nothing has changed, so it should not tell the contrary <RenatoSilva> GaryvdM: I don't understand why does it consider permission changes. Do bzr store them in the metadata, the permissions? <GaryvdM> RenatoSilva: x (execution) does not get stored by ntfs, so the linux ntfs driver just says every thing is executable. <GaryvdM> RenatoSilva: bzr stores this because it is important for unix dev * RenatoSilva is going to windows to work in bzr, brb <GaryvdM> Moring jam <jam> morning GaryvdM <jam> just got into Sydney <GaryvdM> *morNing <jam> still about 4-5 hours out from making it to the sprint <jam> how's things with you GaryvdM? <GaryvdM> Good <GaryvdM> About to announce qbzr 0.16 <GaryvdM> Hi vila <vila> hey :) <GaryvdM> vila, jam: how is the jet lag? <jam> hi vila <jam> I'm usually pretty good about jet lag <vila> hey jam !! Where are you ? <jam> but tomorrow is going to be the real test <jam> vila: I made it to Sydney, waiting 2hrs for my flight to BNE <jam> then another hr flight, and an hr bus ride <jam> plus I think another 1hr wait for the bus? <vila> I so totally suck at jetlag :-) For the last three nights: I slept 0/4/4 hours :-/ <GaryvdM> ouch! <jam> Given that I left my house, Friday @ 3pm, I've still got a ways to go <vila> jam: I can't tell for the bus wait, but the trip itself is around 2hm door-to-door <jam> :'-( <jam> :'( <jam> vila: it is monday, right? <vila> jam: yeah, that sucks, I saw your mails, but rejoice, things could be worde :-) <vila> jam: yes it is <GaryvdM> jam: wow - That a long time <vila> s/worde/worse/ <jam> GaryvdM: mechanical problems in Chicago caused the plane to be delayed, so I missed the flight to sydney <jam> and there is only 1 per day <jam> I'm currently at 48 hours of absolute travel time, and have ~6 more to go <GaryvdM> jam: It just turned Monday for me. <jam> a day in SF isn't terrible <jam> but I didn't really *want* to be there <vila> by that I mean I've been delayed myself 4 hours in London for th london->singapore flight with a 2hours wait in singapore meaning I'll miss the singapore -> brisbane flight <GaryvdM> jam: If I want to build the windows installer without vs 2008, is it easy to disable the tbzr part? <vila> fortunately the plane wait for us in singapore so I made it in time in brisbane just to learn that my luggage has been lost :-) <GaryvdM> vila: Oh no <GaryvdM> vila: that really sucks <jam> vila: yeah, I was trying to think whether I would get luggage in Sydney if I made the flight <jam> however, I have an email in my inbox <jam> dated about 1hr after takeoff <jam> saying that I had been rebooked <jam> so they pretty much determined "you aren't making it, we're rebooking you" before the plane was anywhere close to landing <jam> even though we made it with about 10min to space <jam> spare <jam> if they would have been able to actually park at the terminal <jam> (though 10min before departure, not 10min before boarding.) <jam> vila: anyway, /wave to everyone there for me. Discuss lots, I'll have you fill me in over dinner or something :) <vila> hehe, yes :) They say they should deliver it in the following 24h, still a couple ones to wait and then... off to the shops for brand new clothes :) <vila> I've yet to find the others, in fact I came here to see if they wawere connected already ") <GaryvdM> vila: lifeless and abentley were around just now. <vila> GaryvdM: thnks, but they don't seem to be anymore :) Well, time for some real life investigations then :) <GaryvdM> vila: <GaryvdM> vila: abentley wrote: Or you can call me in room 50 <jam> vila: yeah, my other problem is that Syd => BNE was a different air carrier <jam> so if my bags got lost, they would be lost in Syd, far away from Mooloolaba <jam> I'm sorry to hear your bags failed you this time <jam> but hey, its sunny there, right? So you don't really need much clothing :) <GaryvdM> lo <GaryvdM> lol <vila> yeah, pretty much, only the swinsuit was in the bag :) * vila afk, even phone reaches nobody, I really need to move that a.. of mine :) <offby1> Ignorant, non-manual-reading noob here ... So I just did a "bzr checkout --lightweight", edited a file, and typed "bzr commit", and was surprised to see "bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http:// ... ): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir() <offby1> I instead expected bzr to just commit my file. <offby1> So: does --lightweight mean something like "act like Subversion"? <idnar> I think that's roughly accurate <idnar> a lightweight checkout depends on the remote branch for all operations <offby1> ah <idnar> although bzr commit would still have failed on a regular checkout, I think <offby1> oh really? <idnar> but bzr commit --local would have succeeded <bob2> normally checkouts are actually branches, so you can commit to them without access to the remote (but the change will be autopushed). with --lightweight, it's not. <offby1> Maybe I'm misunderstanding "commit" then. <offby1> let's try that <bob2> --local would have worked if it was non-lightweight <offby1> ah. <idnar> bzr checkout (no --lightweight) gives you a "bound branch"; committing to a bound branch is basically like committing and then pushing <offby1> so by default bzr discourages decentralized operations? (That's not a flame, even if it kinda sounds like one) <idnar> bzr branch will give you an "unbound barnch"; I suspect that's what you're looking for? <bob2> offby1: not really <idnar> er, "unbound branch" <offby1> I have trouble keeping all these DVCs straight :) <offby1> "Bound Branch" sounds suspiciously like the name of a town in New Jersey <idnar> you can use "bzr reconfigure" to switch between the different types <offby1> (well, Bound Brook) <offby1> idnar: oho! <idnar> for example, in this case, it sounds like you'd want to do bzr reconfigure --tree <idnar> which gives you an unbound branch with a working tree <offby1> idnar: would I want "--standalone" also? <idnar> that probably wouldn't do anything, unless you already set up a shared repository <offby1> huh. OK, trying --tree now. <offby1> (Probably time for me to re-read the docs; I suspect bzr has changed significantly since I last read 'em) * offby1 suspects --tree is working: "iftop" shows lots of data being downloaded <jam> GaryvdM, vila: on the plus side, 48 hours has given me time to get down to 7 test suite failures on win32 <jam> (--no-plugins) <jam> and I haven't run the full suite in a bit <jam> since it takes... 2hrs to run <GaryvdM> jam: Nice <GaryvdM> I noticed the flood of merge requests... <GaryvdM> jam: I'm not sure if you saw my eairler question about the windows installer? <jam> GaryvdM: 'earlier' ? I don't remember one <GaryvdM> jam: If I want to build the windows installer without vs 2008, is it easy to disable the tbzr part? <jam> GaryvdM: bialix has done so <jam> I have not tried <GaryvdM> jam: how dissimilar is it to how you do it? <jam> GaryvdM: do you mean completely (like with mingw) or just using 2008 Express Edition? <jam> naoki also has a version of tbzr that doesn't need Standard edition, but is missing a couple small features <GaryvdM> jam: I don't mind installing vs 2008 express <jam> GaryvdM: so I would trust 2008 EE slightly more than mingw, as I do all of my bzr development with it <jam> (mingw for python2.5, though) <jam> I don't know what bialix did <jam> you might try grabbing lp:bzr-windows-installers <GaryvdM> jam: I would like to help with that for releases, but I want to familiarise my self with the process first. <jam> and see if you can get around the TBZR configuration steps in <GaryvdM> jam: will do <jam> tools/win32/buildout-templates/bin/build....bat.in <jam> GaryvdM: so at the moment, I connect to our shared Windows host, and run "make PYTHON=/cygdrive/c/Python25/python" <jam> I'm considering getting rid of make completely thouh <jam> though <jam> as it is the only step that needs it <jam> and all it does is run some bootstrapping commands <GaryvdM> ok <jam> Our build routines have a lot of unnecessary dependencies, etc. <jam> like 'cogapp' <jam> GaryvdM: you may also want to check out: lp:///~jameinel/bzr/windows-setup <jam> which has a new doc file <jam> where I'm outlining what it takes for me to set up the EC2 instance <jam> there are some fiddly bits <GaryvdM> ok - cool <jam> like hacking distutils for python2.4 <jam> but it outlines dependencies, etc. <jam> and 'setuptools' does help for a lot of things <jam> note that we don't build on EC2 yet, though, so the doc is probably incomplete <jam> I feel like we're pretty close <jam> only really missing VS 2008 Standard <jam> GaryvdM: at that point, building could be "start an instance of this EC2 snapshot, connect, run build, copy the installers" <jam> decisions decisions <jam> I'm hungry <jam> but so is my laptop <jam> ... <GaryvdM> jam: I would choose food! <visik7> http://planet.bazaar-vcs.org/ generate a broken feed <visik7> the Item inside the feed haven't a link <visik7> <link href=""/> <visik7> the atom feed <visik7> also the rss 2 and 1 <jam> GaryvdM: well, I guess I'll see you in a few hours then. I'm off to forage <GaryvdM> visik7: The main html page is also missing like to the posts. :-( <visik7> yep <jam> GaryvdM: you can get there from the User link <jam> but yeah, the links are wrong for wordpress feeds <GaryvdM> jam: I'll be in bed then - so good night. <visik7> wordpress ? <vila> jam: the meeting room # is 63, just in case. See you later <jam> thanks vila <GaryvdM> Another bug with our planet (or the bzr dev blog) is that it cuts the posts from the bzr dev blog short. <GaryvdM> Woot qbzr 0.16 finally out! #bzr 2010-11-08 <peitschie> NET||abuse: you said you have a branch on your local machine... is that a branch or a checkout? <NET||abuse> branch <peitschie> NET||abuse: did you do a pull or merge on your local branch to try and get the changes from the server branch? <NET||abuse> pull <spiv> vila: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/672382 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 672382 in Bazaar "bzr config output for list values is ugly (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Medium,Confirmed] <poolie> hi all <spiv> poolie: hey, welcome back! <poolie> hi there <poolie> it's good to be back; those were not the smoothest flights i ever had <spiv> I imagine Qantas is pretty chaotic atm. <poolie> very <poolie> there were something like 10 staff deadheading on our flight <poolie> i guess they are moving a lot of people and equipment around to try to cope; the a380s probably carry nearly twice what the 747s do <lifeless> poolie: lol - boeing considered a 650seat 747 <lifeless> poolie: the 400ER 3-class seats 416 according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_747 <lifeless> poolie: and the A380 450 <lifeless> (from adding the numbers in http://www.seatguru.com/airlines/Qantas_Airways/Qantas_Airways_Airbus_A380.php) <poolie> ok, and the a380 is somewhere around 650? <poolie> ah, so not such a big difference <poolie> i guess the qf a380s have a lot of business class seats <lifeless> 72! <lifeless> http://www.qantas.com.au/travel/airlines/a380/global/en agrees with the figures <poolie> on my flight across they realocated some business seats to premium class, and some premium seats to economy <lifeless> you were scheduled on an a380 flight ? <poolie> on the way back i was meant to be on an a380 from lax-syd <lifeless> nice <poolie> i eventually flew on a 747 because all their a380s are grounded <poolie> it was very chaotic <poolie> some people had already been waiting around LA for three days <lifeless> http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=10686109 <lifeless> emirates seem to have an excellent deal there <lifeless> (if you're paying in that bracket) <poolie> i think this weekend is a great demonstration that you can pay 5 figures for a 1st class ticket and still be stuffed around for hours <lifeless> for sure <lifeless> as far as I'm concerned its all about the sleeping <poolie> perhaps slightly more considerately, but they still have to stand around in the gate lounge wondering if they will ever leave <poolie> me too <lifeless> sleeping and power <lifeless> and air NZ have power in economy ;) <poolie> i used points to get premium to sfo on the way across, and ended up getting a business physical seat <poolie> (with premium-grade food etc) <poolie> and that was brilliant <lifeless> poolie: -lol- nice <lifeless> I'm surprised they bothered splitting your menu our <lifeless> out <spiv> poolie: hurrah! <lifeless> ok, afkish <poolie> i think they have semipermanently reallocated some rows to other classes <poolie> hugh got a premium seat without technically being upgraded <poolie> anyhow i'm just catching up on bills, mail stuff <poolie> ping me if there's anything urgent <spiv> *nod* <vila> hi all ! * vila changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: vila | Release Manager: vila | 2.3b3 has gone gold, time to build the installers ! | work on bzr: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/canonical_BSE/ * KombuchaKip is unsure why his client randomly decided to log himself into #bzr <gthorslund> hi vila! <vila> _o/ <poolie> hello vila <vila> poolie: hey ! <poolie> how are things with you? <vila> fine ! A large plate for the week but I'm hungry :-P <vila> pp'ing, releasing 2.3b3, more conflict resolution, bzr config bugs, plenty of fun ahead :) <poolie> cool :) <poolie> i've seen some of this <poolie> the conflict features sound good <poolie> it seesm like it's more in the way of user feedback than bugs as such? <vila> hmm, right, the implementation is incomplete so that first triggered a bug, but that's still incomplete. I think I can implement --prefer-this/--prefer-other/--take-both quite easily now (which is why I didn't implement --take-this/--take-other for text conflicts in the first place) <vila> deep down though, the bug is revealing a hole in the test coverage (big surprise :-) <vila> oh, and I'd like to switch to sphinx for good too (bug I'm not sure I will be able to tackle this one *this* week ;) <fullermd> Getting lazy in your old age or somethin'? :p <vila> hehe <vila> my age always seem to inversely proportional to the fun I have, or something ;) <fullermd> Well, at least you spend less on bail money ;) <vila> oh, and I'd like to implement 'bzr gardener pull' which should allow to mirror a set of branches with a single command <poolie> that would be kind of nice <poolie> it'd be better if it could get unified with other things that deal with sets of branches, like colo <poolie> i may package that this week, if max and jelmer haven't already <vila> well, there are a couple of long term ideas I'd like to implement there (colo and looms support included), so I'd prefer to keep it separated for now <poolie> vila did john tell you anything much about uds? <poolie> it was a good trip <poolie> (well, the travel kinda sucked, but the meetings were good) <vila> poolie: not that much, he seem pretty busy on other subjects these days... <GaryvdM> Hi all <poolie> when i get my thoughts in order i'll send an update <vila> poolie: and I couldn't find the time to track UDS <vila> poolie: cool <poolie> i feel a bit more convinced we should focus together on a smaller set of topics <vila> GaryvdM: hey ! <GaryvdM> vila: I should be able to build windows installers tonight <poolie> and set them as goals for 2.3 <poolie> hi gary <vila> GaryvdM: great ! <vila> poolie: my foci for 2.3 are conflict resolution, config, sphinx, automated installer build, nightlies, I'll stop there ;) <jelmer> mwhudson: Did you manage to figure out what was wrong with the twisted branch? <jelmer> 'morning vila, poolie, GaryvdM <GaryvdM> Hi jelmer <vila> there is certainly work to do on tree transform, in-memory trees for tests for which I may find simple steps to progress <vila> jelmer: _o/ <poolie> hi there jelmer <vila> poolie: in-memory trees is something I may start playing with in bzr-gardener where it will be easy to measure performance gains <poolie> vila, i think those are all good things (and they're pretty much what i thought you were doing) <vila> poolie: better ancestry graphs handling is a bit more work but again bzr-gardener would be a good sand box <poolie> but i wonder if we should either get more people onto them too, or set specific targets for 2.3 <vila> poolie: I agree with the feeling but I haven't yet found the right means :-} <poolie> generally speaking i'm not a big fan of putting time into estimation when you could just spend it doing things, but... <vila> poolie: I have a bunch of notes about the next generation config I should submit (noted in my TODO) but it's still too much brain dump so far <vila> poolie: yeah, it's even harder if you try to do time estimates if you don't do the work yourself <vila> meh <vila> it's even harder to do reliable time estimates for things you don't do yourself <fullermd> That's never stopped my clients from telling me how long things should take... <vila> hehe, funny, I explained that recently: first you estimate how long it will take, then the sales guy decides how much it will sell it and when the whole price is decided, a new schedule is deduced <vila> somehow the sales guy always shorten the delay instead of the unit price, go figure why most projects are behind schedule after that... <spiv> fullermd: perhaps the deal should be "you can tell me how long it will take if I can then tell you what the 'per-hour' rate will be" <vila> spiv: oh, you *can* say that before the price is fixed, everybody always agree at this point :) <fullermd> I was talking with this guy I work with the other week about our respective current projects, both of which are wildly beyond their original conceptions in every way. <fullermd> Him: After this, I'm going to feel no shame at all about turning in astronomical estimates in the future. <fullermd> Me: I said that the last 6 projects. I've learned that I suck at astronomy. <vila> fullermd: trivial details we don't want to hear about, what we care is: is is still the same price and the same delay, that's what you signed <fullermd> Oh sure. It's just not the same project anymore :) <vila> Me: but you said you wanted 'X' not half of the alphabet ! Them: don't start with the details again :) <vila> poolie: do you have any pending mail for contributor agreements ? <poolie> meaning new submissions? <vila> yup <poolie> from tzeentch? <vila> exactly <vila> ping losa, any news or feedback about rt #41340 ? <vila> Does anyone know the IRC nick for nmb ? <vila> aka Neil Martinsen-Burrell <vila> poolie, nmb: Am I nitpicking too much if I prefer check_output=True over blank_output_matches_anything=False in https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~nmb/bzr/662509-ignore-blanks/+merge/38889 ? <vila> there is a slight ambiguity there that I fear will come back haunt us later... <poolie> vila, i don't seem to have a mail about that from tzeentch <poolie> i should go soon <GaryvdM> vila: it seems he does use 'nmb' - see http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/08/26/%23bzr.html <vila> poolie: ok, I'll ping him via the review again then <vila> GaryvdM: great, thanks <poolie> to me 'check_output' doesn't make it so clear that this is specifically about the handling of blank output <poolie> also i think generally if there's a varargs option that defaults to off, it's better to have the non-default state be thing=True <vila> ok, then how about *empty*_output_matches_anything instead of blank_output_matches_anything <vila> which is really the itching part <vila> I still need to implement it for the test-script command anyway so I'm not asking nmb to do it <poolie> so the difference between 'empty' and 'blank' is key? <vila> poolie: well, 'key' may be a bit strong, but 'blank' in my mind means that a blank line is allowed which isn't true <poolie> true <poolie> ok, so s/blank/empty/ would be fine with me <poolie> or even s//null <vila> k <vila> so I'll make a submission with this tweak and implement it for test-script in a superseding submission <poolie> ok <poolie> so it's good night from me... <jbowtie> Just released bzr-tfs 0.3.0, with TFS 2010 and tfs.codeplex.com support <jelmer> jbowtie: \o/ <GaryvdM> Bla - no python2.4/2.5 in lucid/mavrick * GaryvdM starts building karmic vm... <vila> GaryvdM: err, I thought you can still install 2.4/2.5 in lucid no ? <GaryvdM> vila: you can build from source, but you can't apt-get install <GaryvdM> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.5 - no lucid/maverick <vila> GaryvdM: my bad, you're right <vila> GaryvdM: I knew I had a VM for that, just misremember lucid instead of karmic ;) <fullermd> All those adjectives sound alike to me ;p <maxb> GaryvdM: https://launchpad.net/~maxb/+archive/preserved may help for 2.5/lucid <mgz> jbowtie: you should make a post in that IronPython vcs thread <mgz> right, I'm off out. <GaryvdM> maxb: Thanks. * GaryvdM waves to mgz <vila> ping losa, any news or feedback about rt #41340 ? <vila> mgz: rats, I missed you, ping me when you're back <vila> ping LOSA <vila> ping losa <Chex> vila: good morning there <vila> Chex: good morning ! <vila> Chex: any news or feedback about rt #41340 ? <Chex> vila: I am working on clearing a backlog of LOSA requests, give me a bit and I will get back to you <vila> Chex: sure <elmo> hey, how do I get a specific branch using bzr-git? <jelmer> elmo: hi <elmo> bzr: ERROR: The repository you are fetching from contains submodules. To continue, upgrade your Bazaar repository to a format that supports nested trees, such as 'development-subtree'. <jelmer> elmo: there's no way to do that at the moment (bzr lacks the UI to specify non-head branches), although you can import all branches using "bzr git-import" <elmo> also, ^-- what? <elmo> jelmer: ok <elmo> I don't think i want to import all branches, that'd probably be rude <jelmer> elmo: your repository contains git submodules, which can not be mapped to anything in bzr yet <elmo> I guess I'll just have to face the music^Wgit <jelmer> elmo: "git clone" will fetch all branches too, so I don't think it would too rude to fetch all branches <jelmer> elmo: but yeah, for the moment you don't really have an alternative to using git if there are submodules. <quicksilver> vila: are you an ediff expert? <vila> quicksilver: ask your question, we'll see ;) <quicksilver> vila: I had a conflict which had more 'regions' that it should have <quicksilver> vila: two entirely different changes, coincidentally, shared a common line in the middle. <vila> weird but better than the opposite no ? <quicksilver> vila: I wanted to tell ediff "treat these two differences as one big difference" <quicksilver> so that I could then press the button which means 'keep both' <vila> why don't just you do it twice ? <vila> quicksilver: you know you can edit the regions too and then ask ediff to keep whatever you want <vila> ha no, you mean they shouldn't overlap the way they are displayed ? <quicksilver> vila: takes a moment to explain. <quicksilver> vila: tree A has "{preA}{common}{postA}"; tree B has "{preB}{common}{postB}" <quicksilver> vila: correct resolution is "{preA}{common}{postA} {preB}{common}{postB}" <quicksilver> vila: if I press "keep both" twice, I will get lines all interleave <quicksilver> "{preA}{preB}{common}{postA}{postB}" <quicksilver> vila: see? <vila> yeah, so you need to edit manually then <quicksilver> if I could say "treat this as one difference" <quicksilver> then "keep both" would be the right thing. * vila nods <vila> does it occur frequently ? <quicksilver> in fact {common} was "my $self=shift;" which is a very common line in perl. <quicksilver> likely to occur at the beginning of many functions. <vila> yeah, as do '{' and such :-/ <quicksilver> yes, that would be another obvious example <quicksilver> (although I've never had it happen with '{' I don't think) <vila> weak point in the diff algorithm... * quicksilver nods <LeoNerd> I've often wanted with diff to "pin" two lines, to say that a specific line on each side was the "same" line <quicksilver> this is the first time I remember it happening exactly like this. <vila> pretty rare given the few feedback we get on such cases <quicksilver> vila: funnily enough I switched from emacs to Apple's Filemerge.app to resolve this one. <quicksilver> and Filemerge did the right thing anyway. <quicksilver> no idea why. It must have some heuristics for combining nearby regions. <vila> but the conflicts were generated by bzr right ? <quicksilver> yes. <quicksilver> I gave filemerge all four files file{,.BASE,.OTHER,.THIS} <quicksilver> and it worked it out. <vila> so patiencediff, the algo we use, is *generally* better, partly because it found this common line :-/ <quicksilver> ;) <vila> so Filemerge certainly use a different algorithm and recalculate the conflicts from scratch ignoring bzr proposals <vila> I don't think we have an easy way to change the diff algo used by merge <vila> there are discussions about that though * quicksilver nods <quicksilver> I don't often get conflicts which annoy me <quicksilver> but then again, we don't often let branches diverge all that far <quicksilver> this was a particularly long-lived, far-diverged branch. <vila> you can try 'bzr remerge <file>' with various options (but keep a copy of your file with your conflict resolution, remerge will destroy them) <mgz> vila ping, but I'm only in for an hour. <vila> mgz: ok, I wanted to ask about your connection hook mp <mgz> goforit. <vila> mgz: I think you should put it back in NeedsReview state so we can ping spiv :) <mgz> that sounds reasonable. <vila> I thought about it a bit more and I'm pretty sure we never reconnect because most of the time bzr+ssh is used and ssh never drops connections (or at least *I* never experimented that nor have I heard about such cases) <vila> so until reconnect is implemented for smart mediums, we can have two hooks, one for smart medium and one for the other transports <vila> they don't have to have the same signature at least to start with <mgz> sounds like it would work. <mgz> how much are we worried about burdening our future selves with interfaces we don't want any more? <vila> even if not perfect, that would allow progress in the right direction <vila> well, I don't know, but most probably at connection time you want to know the url and whatever info you can can gather about the client which is not much <quicksilver> vila: hmm, right. <quicksilver> vila: "weave" does a better job, for my needs, for this specific case <quicksilver> vila: what I mean is that 'weave' treats it as one big difference region <quicksilver> so 'keep both' is the right thing <vila> quicksilver: honestly no idea, but that the one I would try first * quicksilver nods <quicksilver> thanks <quicksilver> ah no, it did something odd <quicksilver> it took into account my local changes already <quicksilver> hmm <quicksilver> I think I needed to back out my changes before remerging. <vila> quicksilver: it is supposed to do a better job for highly diverged branches <vila> quicksilver: err, what ? remerge redo the merge, it's not supposed to do that on top of your modifications <quicksilver> vila: I had already resolved the conflict <quicksilver> it appeared to take advante of my current file <quicksilver> the stuff in "TREE" contained the lines that, in fact, were never in "TREE" <quicksilver> (they were only present in OTHER, but they were present in my locally resolved copy of course) * vila scratches head <vila> quicksilver: make a backup, then 'bzr revert <file>' 'bzr remerge --merge-type weave <file' <vila> > <quicksilver> vila: OK, expected result now. <quicksilver> vila: amusingly, smerge-ediff then "undoes" that improvment by automatically refining the diff when you enter ediff ;P <vila> :) <abentley> jam, james_w: recipe builds of lp:qtwebkit are causing problems because branching lp:qtwebit is taking lots of memory during the fetch. My machine is up to 1G so far. <james_w> abentley, is this what was the immediate cause of the rollback of lp-buildd during UDS? <abentley> james_w: it seems likely. <abentley> james_w: Our logging isn't very good, so I can't be sure about the precise cause. <james_w> ok <abentley> bigjools believes that the large memory consumption is causing excessive swapping, which reduces responsiveness, which breaks other builders because we're doing synchronous polling. <james_w> abentley, I don't think it's a bzr-builder problem exactly? Just fetching with bzr shows the high memory usage? <jam> james_w: my direct test showed about 1gb for a "bzr branch" <jam> it is just a huge branch <jam> wide and deep <jam> (lots of files, lots of history) <abentley> james_w: yes, but maybe we can avoid the problem in bzr-builder. <jam> abentley: we killed the build earlier, not sure what to do right now <abentley> jam: VmPeak: 1487216 kB here. <jam> abentley: 64bit machine? <jam> (I was testing on 32) <abentley> jam, no, 32. <abentley> jam, AIUI 1G is the max physical memory we can hope for. <jam> abentley: anyway it is arguably a bzrlib problem, but we don't have any quick-and-fast answers there <jam> I cut it in half for bzr 2.2, but large branches still take a lot of memory <jam> it is mostly the CHK stuff that is the problem <abentley> jam, Okay, I wasn't sure what the status was. Thanks. <abentley> james_w: would it be reasonable to do lightweight checkouts instead of copying the branch? <james_w> abentley, we could if we analyze the recipe to check if we will do a commit as we build it <abentley> james_w: How do we determine whether we'll do a commit? <james_w> abentley, I think commits are just done after merges currently, but I can't remember for sure <abentley> james_w: they are done so that subsequent merges can use the correct parent information? <james_w> abentley, yes <james_w> nest-part as well now <james_w> so pretty much every recipe will commit <abentley> james_w: Okay, maybe stacked branches instead of lightweight checkouts? <james_w> yes, that would work <james_w> will that cut down memory usage in this case? <abentley> james_w: Okay, I'll see if that actually cuts down memory usage. <james_w> heh :-) <jam> james_w, abentley: Except for the current bug that we refuse to commit in a stacked branch because of issues with stacking and basis inventories <james_w> ah <abentley> jam, doh. <abentley> james_w: btw, nest-part is a partial merge, so its parent information should not be recorded. <james_w> abentley, I assume that is taken care of <abentley> james_w: Sorry, what do you mean by "nest-part as well now"? <james_w> abentley, nest-part does a commit after doing the work <abentley> james_w: I can understand that merge would do a commit after doing the work in order to allow subsequent merges to use the correct parent information. Since nest-part cannot introduce parent information, why does it do a commit? <james_w> abentley, I don't know <mwhudson> jelmer: nothing more than was discussed here <BasicOSX> bzr branch remote only gives me the .bzr directory, drawing a blank on how to get the actual files to work on. Anyone help me? <lifeless> you've got a local notrees shared repo <lifeless> 'bzr checkout .' will populate a tree on a branch <jam> mwhudson: sorry about the email spam. I normally don't re-use branches, does it send 1 email per mainline rev? <mwhudson> jam: it's ok, i can ignore email pretty effectively :) <mwhudson> and yeah, one mail per rev <jam> mwhudson: do you know if there is a decent way to check if a daemon has exited? (Namely, something that is not a child so you can't waitpid() on it) <mwhudson> jam: not really, you can send the "signal" 0 to it if you had the pid and interpret the result <jam> mwhudson: this is for the test suite. the mthaddon <jam> noted that we needed a pid file <jam> so that indicated I should be daemonizing <jam> and I wanted to start and stop such a thing cleanly <jam> and have the test suite wait for it to exit <jam> but... not very easy to get right, from what I can tell <exarkun> If you rely on PIDs, then there's race conditions <jam> exarkun: there is, but I'm not worried about spawning 32k processes in the meantime <exarkun> If the daemon is listening on a unix socket, then connect attempts to that socket will begin to fail after it exits <exarkun> jam: It's not just processes. <exarkun> Maybe it's just as unlikely to have a TID collision, but I don't know how TIDs are allocated. <jam> mwhudson: I don't remember if you're a vim or emacs guy. Any chance you know about pyflakes + vim? <mwhudson> jam: i've been using emacs for ~one third of my life now :-) <mwhudson> jam: for the daemons, there is some hair in the launchpad code base for this already <mwhudson> jam: lifeless has been working on it recently, i think there is a librarianfixture somewhere you could maybe crib from <jam> mwhudson: I'm not sure if that is a long time or not :) <mwhudson> although that might be oriented around twisted daemons, come to think of it <jam> mwhudson: I went with a simple loop around os.kill(..., 0) and trapping ESRCH <jam> mwhudson: mind if I nominate you to review the updated patch? <mwhudson> jam: no <jam> mwhudson: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jameinel/launchpad/lp-service/+merge/40386 <jam> I don't know the specific urgency <jam> I can't deploy to qastaging until that is fixed <jam> but the l-o-s- <jam> are out-of-town this week <jam> so I may not be able to anyway, <mwhudson> i really hope there's some library code somewhere you could have used rather than writing all that from scratch :/ <mwhudson> lifeless: hi <lifeless> hi <mwhudson> lifeless: i know you've been working on external process stuff for tests recently, can you look at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jameinel/launchpad/lp-service/+merge/40386 ? <peitschie> mornin everybody :) <mwhudson> lifeless: and see if you know if there is library code for any of this? <lifeless> there is in twistd <mwhudson> yeah <mwhudson> i guess that's a "no" then really <jam> mwhudson: well the fork-a-daemon code was taken from a "python daemon" search and tweaked for my use case <jam> so I didn't have to write it completely manually <lifeless> mwhudson: that glue isn't what I've been working on; though I'd certainly want a Fixture wrapping it. <lifeless> it would be nice to have bin/run know about it too <mwhudson> bin/run runs the service already, but not as a daemon <jam> lifeless: yeah, bin/run and runlaunchpad.py know how to do it, but that isn't how they run things in production <jam> just one of the pain points for this experiment. <mwhudson> jam: might it be better to wait for the daemon to respond to hello than to write its pid file? <jam> mwhudson: I'm not sure i understand <mwhudson> jam: in TestCaseWithLPForkingServiceDaemon._start_subprocess <jam> are you saying the service shouldn't write its own pid file until it gets a request? <mwhudson> jam: no, i'm saying the test helper should wait until a request gets a response <jam> mwhudson: fair point, anything else? <millun> hi guys <millun> can i ask something? <millun> i've pushed a branch up on an FTP account <millun> what do i do now? (in bzr explorer) <jam> mwhudson: I need the pid for other reasons, but I could wait for hello and then check the file <millun> when i try to checkout - bzr explorer asks me like 3 times about the password <mwhudson> jam: it just seems that there is a tiny possibility of a race <mwhudson> with the current code <jam> millun: I believe the recommendation is to use a full branch and not to use a lightweight checkout for a remote branch <jam> mwhudson: where? <jam> I don't doubt it <jam> you can't use the normal "waitpid()" sort of tools <mwhudson> jam: just the thing we were talking about already <mwhudson> the daemon writes this pid before it listens on the socket <millun> jam, <millun> jam i thought at first that i need to checkout becAuse branching offered me shared repository while i need colocated <millun> right? <spiv> 'write pid file' and 'service is ready' aren't quite the same thing. <jam> millun: if you need collocated, you still want a local branch to checkout <poolie> hi mwhudson, jam <poolie> spiv <jam> spiv: well, it could be, it depends how I write the code :) <millun> is collocated already a property of the branch? or it matters from user to user <jam> millun: layout is a property of the user <jam> well, location <millun> Bind new branch to parent location? (should i check this? <millun> i am using colocated branches in /Var/www/projectname <GaryvdM> millun: A work arround to the password problem is to put the password in authentication.conf (Settings -> Credentials in bzr explorer) http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/user-reference/configuration-help.html#the-authentication-configuration-file-authentication-conf <GaryvdM> millun: I'm working on making bzr explorer/qbzr keep it connections open, so that it does not have to ask for the password so often, but this is going to take a while... <poolie> hi there GaryvdM <GaryvdM> Hi poolie <mwhudson> jam: i asked for a couple of small changes <jam> mwhudson: I was pretty sure that you need setsid() to guarantee you'll disconnect from the terminal <mwhudson> jam: ok <jam> mwhudson: http://www.itp.uzh.ch/~dpotter/howto/daemonize <millun> cool GaryvdM <millun> jam: so i need to create a shared repo in /var/www/ and branch to /var/www/projectname. instead of /var/www/projectname/trunk <jam> btw, hi poolie, nice to you have you back around and online <poolie> thanks, it's good to be back <poolie> we should send some news from uds while it's relatviely fresh <glyph> Hello! <millun> does it make any sense? <glyph> I have recently discovered that the twistedmatrix.com bzr mirror has some old revisions that were generated with an earlier version of bzr-svn ("v3" in revids, I don't know what version that corresponds to) <glyph> and this causes problems <glyph> I am wondering how I should go about fixing this <glyph> or rather, what the suggested 'best practice' (if there is such a thing) for dealing with data which is similarly not-quite-corrupt-but-still-problematic <jam> millun: I personally don't know the 'colocated' style that bzr-explorer mentions very well. <spiv> glyph: mwhudson looked at this yesterday <GaryvdM> glyph: Hello. I saw in my logs that you were looking at the fonts in qbzr. I've landed a patch in qbzr trunk to have the mono space font defined in one place. <jam> and I'm not sure whether you are saying it is your personal need for where it goes, or whether you are asking if it is how bzr-explorer wants it <glyph> GaryvdM: Yay. Is it a place where I can customize it? :) <spiv> glyph: it appears to be more that the svn repo itself contains some revisions stamped with v3 revids (on trunk even) <glyph> spiv: oh, crap :( <glyph> wait a second <glyph> is that actually a problem? <GaryvdM> glyph: It now also tries to use "Monospace" before "Courier New" <spiv> glyph: well! <glyph> if they're stamped as such, presumably everyone will agree on the revid and there won't be an issue. <spiv> glyph: so bzr-svn presumably is helpfully preserving the v3-ness of revs before the latest rev stamped that <glyph> GaryvdM: even better <glyph> spiv: except sometimes when it isn't? <spiv> And assuming the better v4 format for later revs <jam> mwhudson: due to layering, I went with "wait for the socket to exist" rather than "wait for a message on the socket". Is that sufficient for you? <jam> at that point you can try to connect at least. <jelmer> glyph: I'm trying to reproduce the issue here, but it's taking a very long time to pull all revisions down <mwhudson> jam: yeah <spiv> glyph: but if you have an old branch from before that point it'll be v3. Or something. <glyph> jelmer: well, that's the bug, innit ;) <glyph> spiv: Oh. If I have an old branch from before that point it will pull it down *as v4*, because since there are new stamped revs it will just assume that branch should be the newest, goodest thing. <jelmer> glyph: not necessarily, I'm not sure if there's a good reason one branch is a different mapping than the other <glyph> ahem <spiv> glyph: jelmer is about 100x more of an authority on this than me of course <glyph> _no_ stamped revs <jam> mwhudson: k, pushed, and ready for your re-review <glyph> in that branch's history. <spiv> glyph: btw, r23001 in svn trunk <GaryvdM> glyph: No customization yet - I would like to have code to get your desktop setting. I cant find a way to do this, so I may end up coding a version for gnone, kde, mac. <jam> mwhudson: my EOD. but I'll respond to anything tonight/tomorrow if you have any more feedback <GaryvdM> * I cant find a way to do this with qt... <jam> I get to take my son to "soccer" practice (for 3yr old) should be a lot of fun <mwhudson> jam: ok, i guess i'll throw it at ec2 land :-) <spiv> glyph: I'm honestly not sure at all <glyph> spiv: That's the behavior I'm seeing. <glyph> Looking at the local bzr log of these branches I've got. <glyph> So, probably the best thing to do practically speaking for this branch would be to destructively rebase the branch using svn ('merge forward') and then just start over <spiv> glyph: my wild guess is... probably? <glyph> it's only got one revision in it anyway, and desperately needs to be updated to be more current with trunk, so there's not a lot to lose :) <glyph> spiv: so, thanks for the explanation of the preserving-the-v3-ness based on revision order in SVN, that was a key clue :) <glyph> exarkun: you may be interested in that discussion in case you do some old twisted branches with bzr <exarkun> I'm less interested in discussion and more interested in tools that work <spiv> glyph: well, thank mwhudson more than me :) <spiv> exarkun: here's the short form, as I understand: <spiv> exarkun: land your branches faster and there'd be no problem :P <glyph> exarkun: oh. #git, in that case, I guess? :P <exarkun> glyph: oh man. you said it, not me. <spiv> I'm sure jelmer will figure out how to make it work better, though. <glyph> exarkun: "If you're working with a very old branch, merge it forward in SVN first, to avoid this problem." <glyph> I can be more specific than that, with a precise revision number, but that's a good rule of thumb. Maybe that's what spiv meant by 'r23001'? <mwhudson> radix committed something to trunk with bzr <radix> what <radix> what <exarkun> radix: why do you always break everything <radix> what <glyph> radix: yeah man what the hell is your problem <radix> did I break something like three years ago <radix> is that what this is about <glyph> radix: don't worry, dash would have broken it if you hadn't. <mwhudson> and yeah, svn 23001 was it * jelmer wonders if he should phase out file property-based bzr-svn metadata <GaryvdM> Good night all zzzzzz #bzr 2010-11-09 <stewart> hi! i'm using bzrlib to write a script that iterates through a sequence of revisions and applies them to a different tree. I'm using show_diff_trees to extract a patch, but I need to skip over merge revisions so I don't end up trying to do work twice. how do i work out if a revision is a merge revision? <spiv> stewart: look at the parents of the revision <spiv> merge revisions have >1 parent revision <lifeless> stewart: you could use use bzr-rewrite ;) <stewart> spiv, ahh.. <stewart> lifeless, haven't been able to get it even to remotely work for my branches. <stewart> lifeless, plus, i need to apply transformations :) <lifeless> stewart: its designed to do that <stewart> lifeless, because regex over patches is an excellent idea :) <lifeless> its not entirely fleshed out, but thats the intent <spiv> But I agree with lifeless that this is something that bzr-rewrite ought to support. <spiv> (even though I can totally believe it's not quite there yet) <stewart> i couldn't get it to apply just a few revisions :) <spiv> stewart: you tried 'bzr replay -r N..M -d TARGET FROM_BRANCH'? <stewart> spiv, IIRC (was a few weeks ago), yes. needs mapping of paths thoguh. <stewart> oh wow... i'm now blowing up when iterating through revisions that have been merged from another repository... doh. <spiv> Hmm, in theory that should already support arbitrary transformations too, via --merge-type, if you implement a plugin that provides the transformation you want as a new merge type... <spiv> (A fairly cumbersome way to do it, obviously) <vila> hi all <fullermd> What?! You just said that yesterday! <vila> hmm, then today is another day. QED. <fullermd> I can't deal with another day. I haven't even reconciled myself to yesterday yet. <jelmer> 'morning vila, fullermd <jelmer> fullermd: hey, aren't you in the US? <jelmer> hmm, maybe that was another fullermd <fullermd> Oh god, there are two of me?! <fullermd> I am, yes. <jelmer> fullermd: isn't it the middle of the night for you then? <fullermd> Well, not for _me_. Maybe for the other losers in my TZ, but that's their own fault for not synchronizing with the One True Time (i.e., mine). <vila> jelmer: that's because you're often up at this hour :) But fullermd don't sleep anyway <vila> doesn't, grr ttoyyops <fullermd> Sleep is for wimps. <fullermd> Happy, healthy, well-rested wimps. But wimps nonetheless. <jelmer> vila: Heh, perhaps :-) I guess it's not yet midnight on the west coast <fullermd> I'm in the same TZ as jam. 0119 now. * jelmer is slowly transforming from a student into a civilian <fullermd> Way better time to get work done than at 1319. People call me then. <jelmer> heh, fair enough :-) <vila> fullermd: you'd better unplug the phone once and for all <fullermd> I tried that once. Eventually somebody actually physically came by. That's way worse ;) <jelmer> vila: bzr 2.3b3 uploaded to unstable <poolie> hi jelmer, vila <vila> jelmer: cool <vila> poolie: hey ! <jelmer> 'evening poolie! <GaryvdM> Morning all <vila> . o O ( GaryvdM is following fullermd into the never-sleeping land...) <vila> GaryvdM: hey ! <GaryvdM> Hey <fullermd> Individually, we are merely groggy and harassed. But together, we are a force to b...zzzzzzzz... <GaryvdM> My sleep habbits are much better than when I was at the ice rink. I often woked till 6am. Now I only work to 1:30 am.. <vila> ping LOSA, any news or feedback about rt #41340 <vila> jelmer: I can't see 2.3b3 with `rmadison -u debian bzr` . Is there some lag or something failed ? <jelmer> vila: it usually takes a while before it's processed. I believe the publishing happens 4 times a day at the moment. <vila> jelmer: ok, so lag it is, thanks <bob2> iirc rmadison depends on the mirror pulse <jelmer> vila: http://packages.qa.debian.org/b/bzr.html is up to date * vila changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: vila | Release Manager: vila | 2.3b3 has been released | work on bzr: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/canonical_BSE/ <vila> ping LOSA, any news or feedback about rt #41340 <GaryvdM> jelmer_ : I'm getting this error with my bzr 2.3b3 build: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/528719/ I'm not sure where to start looking for the problem. Any pointers? <jelmer_> GaryvdM: no idea, sorry <GaryvdM> Ok <GaryvdM> jelmer_: I figured out the issue. The installer was including a "SHFOLDER.dll". Removing this fixed it. Really odd. <jelmer_> GaryvdM, hmmok <jam> GaryvdM: fairly often you can get system dlls that aren't properly marked, and thus py2exe doesn't filter them out automatically <jam> there is a decent sized list of ones we've found so far :) <vila> GaryvdM: approved <GaryvdM> Hi jam <GaryvdM> vila: Thanks - I'll land <GaryvdM> vila: I'm trying to run bzr selftest with my windows installer, but it seems to just hang. <GaryvdM> I'm not sure if it is something wrong with my installer, or an existing problem. <vila> GaryvdM: unheard of, we are at 4 or 5 failures on babune <vila> GaryvdM: try with -v to see which one is hanging <GaryvdM> vila: ok <vila> GaryvdM: and --no-plugins :) <GaryvdM> vila: blackbox.test_breakin.TestBreakin.test_breakin_harder * GaryvdM goes to read test <vila> GaryvdM: forget it, it's blacklisted on babune <GaryvdM> Oh <GaryvdM> vila: how can I see you blacklist? <vila> GaryvdM: or rather, try running with -x 'TestBreakin' <vila> GaryvdM: and then file a bug about it <vila> or check for duplicate, I've lost steam fighting its failures :-/ <GaryvdM> vila: ok <jam> GaryvdM: AIUI, the issue is that signals and threads don't get along, and our test suite still leaks threads <jam> if you run the breakin tests by themselves, they work fine <GaryvdM> Oh <jam> trying to confirm now <jam> Ran 3 tests in 6.681s <jam> GaryvdM: so they work here, but I won't guarantee they work w the installer, etc. I also just ran "bzr selftest -s bb" and it seems to be passing <jam> so I don't really know how to get the bad interaction that causes them to hang and fail <jam> it may also be one of the "you have to have more than one processor" side effects, etc. <jam> I got the win32 test suite to pass without skipping on multi-processor machines a while ago (could have bit rotted), but vila was convinced we needed it to always pass on single-cpu machines, so put in the extra effort for that <jam> and multi-core machines seem to have fewer bugs wrt threading (at least fewer deadlocks, etc) <vila> jam: meh, we're not supposed to leak threads anymore (except for the paramiko ones and even there..) <jam> vila: good to hear <jam> though still "bzr selftest -s bb" passes cleanly here (or everything has passed in the last 4m which should include breakin tests) <vila> that's the problem with transient failures in tests, they pass in some places... <jam> vila: IME breakin fails reliably for some people, but succeeds reliably for me <jam> FAILED (errors=1, known_failure_count=2) <jam> 135 tests skipped <vila> jam: but whether or not multi-core machines has less bugs, it would be nice to have TestBreakin passing everywhere since it's our guarantee that C-\ works <jam> And a failure while reporting about a missing feature... <vila> jam: file a bug, these are hard to track otherwise <jam> vila: I wouldn't be surprised if it is a testtools issue, I'm still at 0.9.3 <jam> I don't really feel like fighting with that <vila> jam: don't fight, file :) <jam> filed bug #673128 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 673128 in Bazaar "Traceback while reporting missing feature (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/673128 <sakura13> good evening <sakura13> i have a problem with bazaar how can i setup a webserver for it that my workers can use the same files for our project <GaryvdM> sakura13: hi. What OS? Why does is have to be a webserver, and not some other file share? <Peng> Assuming nothing has gone horribly wrong in the six months I haven't been paying attention: You don't have to do much setup. Just dump the .bzr directory somewhere a web server can serve the files. <sakura13> GaryvdM: wait a sec my project leaders comes in few secs <Peng> You *can* set up the smart server program, but it's not necessary. It just makes things faster. <sakura13> Peng: moment pls project and server owner comes in few secs <GaryvdM> Peng: non smart http is read only. <Peng> GaryvdM: Oh, err, good point. Peng hasn't slept much. <Peng> Then, add SSH or SFTP for that! :P <GaryvdM> vila: oh boy - I've got some bug logging to do. 5345/28465 tests run, and allready 104 fails <sakura13> Swonline: hi <92AABIV95> Hi, is anyone aware of a command or plugin that will let me list revisions with or by their size? Basically, I'm trying to identify a revision that introduced a really large amount of stuff that was subsequently deleted so I can attempt to get rid of them. <Swonline> How do I set up a server? <vila> GaryvdM: if you're running from bzr.exe you may be the first one :-/ <vila> GaryvdM: don't let it come in the way of releasing, I don't think these are *new* failures <sakura13> vila: GaryvdM its my project leader he want setup the server for our project with bazaar <GaryvdM> Swonline, sakura13: A bzr smart server is not needed to host a bazaar branch. What OS is you server? <vila> GaryvdM: but it will be good to fix them nevertheless (probably by skipping) <Swonline> windows <GaryvdM> Swonline, sakura13: The easiest is to create a window file share. <Swonline> how to? <sakura13> GaryvdM: hmm did it worked without server that we can make a networkhardrive <sakura13> GaryvdM: on our pc <GaryvdM> Swonline, sakura13: bzr init \\server\share\proj-name <sakura13> i use atm bazaar explorer <sakura13> ok if i made a branch <sakura13> and upload it with ftp to my server <sakura13> and give the workers the path to the branch <sakura13> will bazaar open it can work with it <sakura13> ? <Peng> FTP is a rather awful protocol. <Peng> Well, plus the implementations tend to be rather awful. <sakura13> yes i know but i dont have ssh acces <GaryvdM> sakura13: Yes - you can upload your branch to the server with bzr push ftp://server/yourbranchname (or a windows file share with bzr push \\server\share\proj-name) <Peng> My condolences. <sakura13> GaryvdM: hmm and what type of branch did we need to share files and so on <sakura13> GaryvdM: i have used before p4 thats my problem :) <GaryvdM> What type of branch: Any bzr branch <sakura13> GaryvdM: i have here different work modules colcated, feature, plain and shared branch <GaryvdM> sakura13: You probably want a shared repository <GaryvdM> sakura13: But plain branch is fine <sakura13> GaryvdM: and what is the diffrent of a branch and a plain <Peng> Branches in shared repositories share their data. It's more efficient. <Peng> But there's no functional difference. It's just faster and less disk-intensive. <Peng> Well, plus it makes complicated auth a pain since everybody needs to be able to write to the repo... <sakura13> becuase we must have merge files, work on the same files and so n <GaryvdM> sakura13: Can I recommend that you go though http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/mini-tutorial/ - I'm sure things will be a lot clearer afterwards. <sakura13> damn if i open my ftp bzr it crash <sakura13> -.- <Peng> What? If bzr crashes, paste the traceback at http://paste.ubuntu.com/ . Or the URL if you have that helper thingy enabled. <sakura13> i dont use command line on windows <sakura13> i use atm the gui <sakura13> and dont see any debug <sakura13> but i try now with bazzar on cmd i hate windows cmd but ok <sakura13> hmm but one thing i dont understand <sakura13> if i change some files with bazaar <sakura13> to example i put a new file on it <sakura13> ahh its ok <GaryvdM> sakura13: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/explorer/en/guide/processes/starting_a_project.html <- explains the different branch types you saw. <GaryvdM> If you select "Feature branches" it creates a shared repo, and a trunk branch for you. (I just learnt that...) <GaryvdM> So that's the recommended. <GaryvdM> You would then create you feature branches in the shares repo. <GaryvdM> Night all. <sakura13> k thx <eridu> I have gpg_signing_command = false in my ~/bazaar/bazaar.conf, and gpg-signing still works. what's going on? I'm using v2.2.1 (in Ubuntu 10.10) <eridu> (I know signing works because I see the "You need a password..." message in my terminal when I run bzr ci) <bob2> branch-specific bazar.conf? <eridu> nope, global <eridu> it was my fault <eridu> I set gpg_signing_commmand by accident <eridu> what's especially ironic is that I tested setting gpg_signing_asdfcommand to see if bzr would give me an "invalid configuration key"-type error, and it didn't, but I still was change-blind <poolie> hi all, hi bob2 <bob2> 'morning <Silasle> Is there some guide to register you whit bzr (on launchpad)? <maxb> `bzr help launchpad-login` <Silasle> And then? <maxb> and then what? <Silasle> Dont i need some ssh keys? <maxb> yes <Silasle> How do i create them <Peng> THere's nothing LP-specific about creating SSH keys, although I think they have some guides anyway. <maxb> I have no idea where there might be a pleasant tutorial for this sort of stuff, sorry. I learn it so long ago that it's fairly alien to explain for me <Silasle> Ok, i found the guide <Silasle> launchpad-login and ssh keys is everything i need? <Silasle> Ok, thanks <jam> poolie: hey, are you online already? /wave <poolie> hi jam, i am <mgz> jam, is the bug 673128 about the UnicodeDecodeError? I marked it as a dupe of the testtools bug I fixed to start with, but I'm not sure you didn't mean something else. <ubot5> Launchpad bug 673128 in Bazaar "Traceback while reporting missing feature (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/673128 <jam> mgz: Well, I got the failure during the "XX tests skipped due to ..." section <jam> not while actually running the tests <jam> It may be due to testtools <jam> vila said "don't think, just file" <mgz> I agree with the sentiment, I'm just having trouble understanding the bug. :) <mgz> that traceback certainly doesn't come from the printing-skip-reasons phase. perhaps some kind of stream buffering thing? <jam> mgz: it would be a very strange buffering. <mgz> oh, wait, I know <jam> It definitely happens after the "10 tests skipped by 'foo'" has been reported <mgz> it's just bzrlib being helpful and printing out the error that broke it at the end <jam> but before the missing "unicode" feature is reported (or something like that) <mgz> for whatever reason you didn't get any more skip things listed. <mgz> anyway, upgrade and bug with bother you no more. <mgz> and you'll also be able to write tests that deal with unicode things. <spiv> Silasle: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair <Silasle> spiv, Thanks but i'm already done :) <poolie> mkanat, hi? <poolie> hello emmajane! <emmajane> poolie, ola! <lifeless> sladen: actually, hi here. <sladen> lifeless: and here! <lifeless> hi <lifeless> so you seem to be filing a large number of bugs which seem like first-impressions issues, not functional problems. <lifeless> and particularly biased towards folk with existing muscle memory <lifeless> this doesn't seem like a particularly useful way to address whatever use case you're working on : consider what would happen if you filed bugs on dpkg that it doesn't support apts options, or on rpm that it doesn't support dpkg's options. <lifeless> sladen: so I thought I'd try to engage you in a higher level discussion <sladen> lifeless: yup, I've been chating to poolie in the background over this <poolie> sladen, perhaps we should just talk here <poolie> lifeless, yes i was just making the same point <poolie> people who want _exactly_ the git ui, byte for byte and bug for bug, are unlikely to ever be satisfied by bzr <poolie> on the other hand bugs about things that are missing features, or that are inconsistent within bzr on its own right, are worth noting <sladen> the general background is being (forced?) to start using bzr where for I had been using git for the last few <poolie> if i can draw another analogy <poolie> people file a bunch of bugs about ubuntu being different to mac os, or to windows <poolie> there may be a good point behind them but they are not generally very productive bugs ime <sladen> so "bzr commit -a" falls into that category <sladen> others, like bzr diff blocking whilst writing a bzr commit are workflow blockers <sladen> and still others (bzr pager by default) are out-standing issues from before I ever used git <sladen> it's just that (in the latter case), having used something else, it confirms the original issue <lifeless> sladen: so some of this is perspective <lifeless> sladen: for instance, the pager thing really should be fixed in your shell. <lifeless> sladen: its nuts to change every single tool to do its own pagination <sladen> lifeless: and that may ever well be a good point <sladen> lifeless: (but doesn't help get the reported issue fixed) <sladen> s/ever/very/ <lifeless> sladen: well, part of it is whether its a good idea or not <lifeless> sladen: the reported issue can be viewed in a few lights - concretely, I /loathe/ gits auto pagination stuff. <lifeless> it invariably gets in my way when I use git. <sladen> lifeless: yup, and you're a poweruser, and can disable it <sladen> lifeless: it's not a use-case I'm interested in <lifeless> sladen: non powerusers can use GUI's <lifeless> sladen: if you want to get into an argument on that angle <lifeless> but I don't think an argument is a good way to move forward <lifeless> we want bzr to be joyful to use for as many people as possible <sladen> lifeless: yup, and there are plenty of choices for dvcs so people vote with their feet <sladen> lifeless: the question is, why did we, with a one year headstart, end up with less user-base than other dvcsen <lifeless> sladen: s/one year/2 months/ <poolie> sladen, that's more of what I would call a 'beer question' than a 9am in the morning question <poolie> i realize you're in a different tz <poolie> at the moment i'm more interested in what we can best do this week and in the next few months <poolie> taking into account mistakes we might have made in the past <poolie> one of them was making it too hard to get patches in, and i think that is now a lot better (i'd welcome evidence to the contrary) <sladen> I don't think there are mistakes, were are where we are because of how things unfolded, and wouldn't be otherwise <sladen> just as, on the desktop we are where we are <poolie> another was not being systematic about performance, and that is somewhat better now, though not ideal <sladen> speed and illusions of interactivity are not the same---an iPhone draws pretty zooming windows with the GPU while the application takes 1-2 seconds to starts up on the CPU <poolie> sure <sladen> the conversation (feels) uncomfortably confrontation---which is why I'm being hesitant <poolie> bzr with progress bars on certainly feels different to without <sladen> it's not something I wish for, but it 9am or midnight <poolie> (though again, the progress bars are not perfect in either coverage or implementation) <poolie> no, me either, and i don't want to be defensive * poolie changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: vila | Release Manager: vila | 2.3b3 has been released <lifeless> one thing I think in particular rubs about bugs that reference the git UI <lifeless> nearly -everyone- I know, including git afficiondos, dislikes the git UI <lifeless> I'd much rather see 'Foo was confusing, I looked on the web, in the help, and finally found an answer in the corner of ...' - thats a symptom we can definitely work on to improve. <lifeless> Adding to that that git does X, svn does Y, hg does Z can be good inspiration to fix it. <lifeless> but the actual /problem/ encountered is squarely and clearly focused on defects in bzr, not on comparisons which are rather more subjective. <sladen> lifeless: I agree, I've tried to use the wording "other dvcs" and not being specific about it <sladen> lifeless: this issues are all (I think) about usability---if usability is accepted as a defect in bzr, then that matches the spirit in which the bugs were reported <lifeless> sladen: usability is very much a defect <lifeless> blah, take that in the spirit intended <poolie> i think the reports are fine <poolie> in spirit <poolie> i agree with robert that saying "there is this problem, other people have done X" is kind of grounding it better <poolie> responses to bugs that suggest workarounds often make me uncomfortable <poolie> it's one thing to say "thanks, that is a bug, in the interim until we fix it you can do Y" <poolie> it's much less good to give the impression that because a workaround is possible we're denying there's a bug <sladen> +1 <peitschie> (mornin sladen, poolie, lifeless and all you other lurkers :) ) <sladen> good morning poolie <poolie> hi there <sladen> peitschie even <peitschie> :) <jbowtie> Hello, also welcome back, poolie <peitschie> hi jbowtie <jbowtie> My email inbox is unusually full of bug activity this week. <jbowtie> Oh, right, UDS. <jbowtie> poolie, did you finally hire a BSE? (noticed that ad is gone from IRC topic) Congrats. <poolie> jbowtie, we did <poolie> i'll send a mail <jbowtie> I have to say the new release of bzr-tfs seems to be much better integrated, those per-foreign-vcs tests are very helpful. <poolie> excellent <maxb> hmm. the clearing of progress displays seems to have regressed again <maxb> "Pulling /home/maxb/wc/bzr/udd/trunk from bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~udd/udd/import-scripts/shing stream" says my multi-pull #bzr 2010-11-10 * spiv is reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~maxb/bzr/2.2-close-ssh-subprocess-socket/+merge/40493 <maxb> thanks :-) <dcoles_> Should all version 2 merge directives have a target_branch inside the header of the merge directive? <dcoles_> Just about to open a bug since Bazaar crashes when the target_branch is missing. <spiv> dcoles_: if it's a crash that produces a traceback, then it's definitely a bug even if that's not valid <dcoles_> spiv: Right-o. Just opened bug #673344 <ubot5> Bug 673344 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/673344 is private <dcoles_> Can't seem to find the merge directive spec in the dev docs. <spiv> Yes, I can't find a description of the format (other than the code that implements it) at a glance either. <spiv> I might not be looking hard enough. <spiv> There's at least some code that appears to expect that the target_branch field may not be present. <dcoles_> I can't imagine it being too important. From my own merge directives it just seems to contain the local checkout that it was branched off. <dcoles_> target_branch: file:///home/dcoles/Documents/Projects/plagiarism\ <dcoles_> Whoops. <dcoles_> Either way, that target_branch wouldn't have made sense to the person who received it (since it's a local directory) <spiv> Well, if you configure a public_location for your local branches it'll use thta <dcoles_> Aye. That might have been the cause. His version of bazaar must have just dropped the location. <spiv> Is there any particular reason that bug report is private? <dcoles_> Not really. Unless I bumped a 'private' checkbox somewhere (I went via apport)... <lifeless> apport files all bugs as private <lifeless> until vetted for confidential data (which the apport retracer does for ones in ubuntu itself) <spiv> I should have asked, do you mind if we make that report public? :) <dcoles_> Yeah. It's fine. I just un-privated it myself. <dcoles_> Looks like nothing but Python and Bazaar stuff. <dcoles_> ... And Google has already indexed the bug... <dcoles_> Seems to have gone AWOL in the current docs, but http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.0rc2-html/developers/bundle-format4.html <GaryvdM> Morning <spiv> Hmm, I'm increasingly wanting to use tribunal to read bzr test output I think. <spiv> So that I don't have to wade through masses of bzr log output in test failures by default (but so that the log output will still be there when I need it). <poolie> spiv, well, you should use it! <poolie> :) <poolie> it does work <poolie> there are many other features that would be nice, but we can add them over time... <spiv> poolie: the problem is I'd feel compelled to dust off my half-done patches for it first ;) <poolie> this is a problem? :) <spiv> Not in the long run :) <GaryvdM> I'm digging arround the code for loggerhead. I'm trying to find what would be the equivalent to routes.py in a pylons. <GaryvdM> i.e. where does it decide what controller to use? <GaryvdM> Ah - apps.branch.BranchWSGIApp.controllers_dict <mkanat> GaryvdM: I'm a loggerhead guy if you have other general questions. <GaryvdM> mkanat: I'm want to try use my loggraphviz code from qlog in loggerhead <mkanat> GaryvdM: Okay. That does a dot graph of revisions, or something? <GaryvdM> mkanat: Yes - a graph visualisation, but it does no use dot format. - screen shot: http://qbzr.googlegroups.com/web/gtk_qlog.png <mkanat> GaryvdM: Oh yeah, I've seen that, that's really slick. <GaryvdM> mkanat: You can also collapse/expand revisions <mkanat> GaryvdM: That would be quite a trick to do in HTML, I'd think. <GaryvdM> mkanat: I need to cache a object in memory. There would be one per branch, and it would be valid until the branch tip changes. <mkanat> GaryvdM: Ah, we already have a revision graph cache. <mkanat> GaryvdM: It's in loggerhead.history, as I recall. <GaryvdM> mkanat: According to the doc string, it only lives for the length of a request. <mkanat> GaryvdM: No, it is persistent. <mkanat> GaryvdM: At least, if you're using the right graph cache. <GaryvdM> Oh <mkanat> GaryvdM: The History object only lasts one request, but the actual graph cache is the lru_cache. <poolie> hi all <mkanat> Hey poolie. <GaryvdM> Hi poolie <poolie> i need to go in a sec <poolie> but, mkanat, can you let me know some time what happens next with loggerhead on codebrowse? <poolie> and/or talk to jam about it? <mkanat> jam: Yeah, I need to go back and look at what we need to fix in loggerhead itself before we can put it behind haproxy. <poolie> that would be good <mkanat> I mean, poolie, not jam. :-) <poolie> i guessed :) <mkanat> poolie: Yeah, I think I explained it briefly to lifeless by email, I have to go back and see what I was thinking the problems were when we talked about it. <poolie> you could perhaps just forward that to launchpad-dev? <poolie> oops, got to go, may be back tonight <spiv> poolie: g'night! <GaryvdM> mkanat: The object I want to cache is an instance of this object: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~garyvdm/bzr/loggraphviz/annotate/head%3A/bzrlib/loggraphviz.py#L134 <mkanat> GaryvdM: I think that all the heavy lifting that that object does can be done by the existing revision graph cache. <mkanat> GaryvdM: Loggerhead currently has serious memory-usage problems, so adding a second cache would not be a good idea (it would never go on Launchpad, for example). <GaryvdM> mkanat: Sure - That why I'm trying to get a good understanding of the existing infrastructure first. <mkanat> GaryvdM: Okay, cool. :-) <GaryvdM> mkanat: Does lp run lp:loggerhead, or some other branch? <mkanat> GaryvdM: lp runs launchpad-loggerhead, which is a wrapper around normal loggerhead. (A whole separate project.) <mkanat> GaryvdM: But essentially yes, lp runs the trunk branch of loggerhead. <mkanat> (With a few differences in deployment and so on.) <lifeless> mkanat: we're now running two parallel instances <mkanat> lifeless: Oh, that actually happened? <lifeless> yeah <lifeless> we haven't trimmed the worker count yet <mkanat> lifeless: Okay. Is it working or is it killing the server with OOMs? <lifeless> working AFAIK <mkanat> lifeless: Okay. I suppose I'll have to ask spm, too. <lifeless> if you want details ;) <lifeless> the driver for the work so far was being able to do no downtime deployments <mkanat> lifeless: Ah, okay. <mkanat> lifeless: I'll ask spm if there have still been any stability issues. <vila> hi all ! <vila> ping LOSA, can we have some feedback (or even better a fix) about rt #41340 <Sakura13> any german out there? <lifeless> vila: the losas have asked that we ping on the internal launchpad-ops channel by preference <vila> lifeless: thx for th info <lifeless> vila: it was in flacostes meeting minutes a week or two back <vila> lifeless: I don't think I've seen such a thing :-/ <lifeless> vila: you may wish to subscribe to the launchpad list[s] - including canonical-launchpad <vila> lifeless: just when I was almost keeping up with my flood ? :-/ <stefanlsd> Hi guys, im doing a UDD merge and it looks like in debian revision they uploaded with a .pc directory. This is problematic now as this quilt stuff is applied. Any advice? <jelmer_> stefanlsd: You might want to ask Barry, he was dealing with this problem earlier as well. <maxb> stefanlsd: The presence of the .pc in the branch is actually the current standard <maxb> It's not a very good standard, IMO, but it's what dpkg-source does <jelmer> it'd be great if we could turn those patches into quilt threads or something.. <maxb> The storage of the debian patches applied in the branch goes hand-in-hand with using v3 source packages <stefanlsd> maxb: my understanding was that its quilt running that generates it. so during debuild for example it will apply, build and then remove it? <maxb> quite what you are supposed to do in an UDD merge scenario with the .pc directory is something I'm not really certain, as the only correct option is hideously painful <stefanlsd> maxb: well, in this case the .pc directory was introduced by debian a while ago. i removed the .pc directory and doing the merge and build, it fails to apply, as its already applied <stefanlsd> maybe i should leave it there and not remove it... (checks) <stefanlsd> as a side note - running bzr remerge --weave leaves me with .OTHER.OTHER (running it again gives me) .OTHER.OTHER.OTHER (not sure if this is working as designed...) <maxb> Well, the "correct" thing to do would be to leave the .pc directory in place, *including* updating its cached copy of modified upstream files. But that's really messy and breaks the UDD story as being a nice way to merge things <maxb> I think some more thought needs to be given to what the UDD importer actually commits to the the import branches for v3 source packages <maxb> hmm, I need to grab lunch. afk <jam> mgz: if you care, I upgraded to testools 0.9.7 and it gives me a valid unicode failure, which is still odd, but at least it doesn't die. <jam> ah, it is failing during the cleanup phase, which is strange, but does explain some of the earlier issues <vila> jam: I'm not there anymore but I haven't managed to get in touch with a losa, may be you can ping Chex in #launchpad-ops so we get at least a bit of feedback about testtools on pqm ? <jam> vila: k, I haven't seen Chex yet today (I have other questions for him as well). Do you have an rt for it? <vila> jam: 41340 the one you commented on <GaryvdM> \o/ Graphviz for loggerhead : http://imagebin.ca/img/yJm8tLH.png <-work in progress. <jam> GaryvdM: pretty. Though I'd really like it to collapse by default :) <GaryvdM> jam: Yes, work in progress. :-) Look at the url - I've manually expanded 428.1.* <maxb> Hmm, 0.9.7. ~bzr PPA needs an update <gthorslund> morning stewart! <mgz> ha, swapped lifeless for jelmer. happiness all round? <mgz> jam: goodie. do you want to make the bug about the cleanup failure, or should I redupe it again? <jam> mgz: the cleanup failure was already a bug, but I just get a regular traceback now, so feel free to just mark it a dupe <mgz> maxb: you might want to not bother till 0.9.8 as 0.9.7 has some platform/version compat issues. <maxb> What's the likelyhood of bzr wanting to depend on testtools >= 0.9.4 in the medium-term future, if anyone knows? <mgz> jam: cool. what's the number for the cleanup failure? <mgz> maxb: https://code.launchpad.net/~gz/bzr/require_testtools_0.9.5_for_selftest/+merge/35144 <jam> maxb: AIUI we need 0.9.5 for some unicode failures <maxb> Oh. It's just people are talking about updating testtools on bzr's PQM, so I figured an up to date deb would be good <jam> so... high but paused waiting for sysadmins to upgrade pqm <jam> maxb: I thought there was one? <maxb> 0.9.6, not .7 <jam> well, >0.9.5 is good, .7 would be nice :) <jam> vila: what happened with all of the double mp requests? <maxb> lifeless: Are you OK with uploading a newer one to Debian unstable? Once that require_testtools_0.9.5_for_selftest MP lands, we're going to need it to update bzr there <jam> lifeless is away today <jam> and tomorrow, IIRC <maxb> I spy him talking in other channels right now :-) <jam> (he may answer anyway, but he is officially on leave) <mgz> debian's still in freeze which is a little annoying. <maxb> mgz: Are those issues in 0.9.7 you refer to sufficient that bzr's PQM might want to prefer 0.9.6 over 0.9.7? In which case I should *not* update the ~bzr PPA for now <GaryvdM> http://imagebin.ca/view/gNbLSX.html - better layout - One of the reasons I love working on graphical things, is it's easy to show others your progress :-) <GaryvdM> +colors <mgz> possibly not an issue for ubuntu? should be okay for all python versions and the testsuite not running without extra python packages might not hurt. <mgz> https://launchpad.net/testtools/+milestone/next <- what's pending. <maxb> mm, sounds like a release is needed :-) <vila> jam: wrong ordering of my loom threads to start with, then a after-thought about working around lp limitations, then one forgotten push, sry about the noise, the activereviews page looked fine in the end <jam> vila: probably, though I primarily review via my email :) <vila> jam: long story short: I try to make my proposals easier to review by trying new workflows so I uncover bugs <vila> jam: then make sure to start with the latest ones you received and check the pre-requisite branches to review in the right order ;) <vila> mgz: Hey ! <lifeless> maxb: I think we need a release <lifeless> maxb: I've uploaded python-fixtures, its in NEW <lifeless> maxb: it would be nice to recommends: that for the next testtools upload. <rittyan> Hello. Version is 2.1.0. bzr fast-export gives "Unable load library fastimport". Any ideas on how to make it work? <rittyan> s/Unable load/Unable to import/ <GaryvdM> rittyan: Is this on windows, installed with the standalone installer <GaryvdM> ? <rittyan> it is on ubuntu, installed via apt-get <GaryvdM> rittyan: I did apt-get install bzr-fastimport; bzr fast-export MYBRANCH. It worked fine. From you bzr version, I assume you are on lucid? <rittyan> the server is on hardy :-( downloading fresh bzr onto my macosx, then will DL repo and try it on my notebook <GaryvdM> Sorry about asking if you use windows :-p - I was working on the windows installer last night, an fastimport is broken, so I jump to conclusions... <rittyan> yes that's fine <rittyan> I don't find it offending <rittyan> more offending is where my current project is, now, but it won't be long (until fastexport is broken in new version too) <rittyan> (nvm) <GaryvdM> rittyan: What version of bzr-fastimport do you have on the hardy box? <rittyan> latest checked out from launchpad <GaryvdM> Installed by putting into ~/.bazaar/plugins/? <GaryvdM> I think you also need do bzr branch lp:python-fastimport; cd python-fastimport; sudo ./setup.py install <GaryvdM> Not 100% sure though. <GaryvdM> rittyan: ^ <rittyan> I am not sure either <maxb> That sounds right to me <rittyan> still doesn't work <maxb> Alternatively, if you want to not install python-fastimport globally, you can make it work by checking it out to (say) ~/.bazaar/python-fastimport, and creating a tiny bzr plugin that adds it to your python path when running bzr <rittyan> to be honest i don't want to pollute my machine <rittyan> though i just did and it still doesn't work, ok <rittyan> will try locally when dl will finish <maxb> Me too. The way I install extra libraries for bzr plugins is to have a ~/.bazaar/plugins/AAAuselibs.py file which contains import sys; sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/extra/libs') <rittyan> my 20mbit provider is down again so i am using gprs, extra$ for speed slower than staying still :( <rittyan> 8 min left <poolie> hi jam, all <jam> hi poolie <poolie> i was actually online, but on the phone etc <poolie> how was your day? <jam> poolie: pretty good <jam> still waiting on movement from a l-osa <jam> but I guess they had some critical launchpad regressions etc <jam> found a memory structure that I'm happy with for the groupcompress packing code <poolie> waiting for movement as far as getting the server started? <jam> right <jam> I need one of them to start it, and update the production configs so I can actually test it <poolie> well, keep pushing i guess <kiko> found this in an internal linaro wikipage comment from an engineer "* bzr doesn't like long (>1GB) checkouts - need to fetch in chunks (bzr get -r number)" <kiko> that's pretty weird -- is it possibly true though? <james_w> kiko, if it is interrupted you have to start from the beginning, using the incremental approach avoids that problem. That may be what they are referring to <kiko> james_w, I think it was a perf issue though -- it's davidgiluk's page <james_w> kiko, also possible, but I haven't really heard reports of that <jam> kiko: also depends how you define "doesn't like". You can checkout 'bzr lp:qtwebkit' which is about 1.7GB, but we'll use about 1GB+ of RAM to do so. <kiko> jam, I think that's a good definition of "doesn't like" :) <kiko> jam, does this get better soon? :) <jam> kiko: no current focus on pushing the peak memory down. 2.2 is about 2-3x better than 2.0 in this regard, but I haven't come back to address it again <jam> (iow, 2.0 would take more like 2+GB to copy it) <kiko> jam, okay, thanks. tough for people working on gcc-linaro, just that <kiko> but I guess I can buy them more ram as a gift ;) <mkanat> kiko: It also may be that they're using a 32-bit OS. <mkanat> kiko: So they can't address more than 2GB per process. <mwhudson> kiko: it's a bug in the ssh server we use <mwhudson> STOP SPECULATING EVERYONE <mwhudson> :-) <wam> I'm googling for about 2 hours now. How can I integrate/use bzr smart server so that I can commit/push to it? I'd like to use redmine and the repository on the redmine server. I think, redmine has nothing to do with it, because all I need is a smartserver that authenticates against sql. Any hints or URLs? <mkanat> wam: You could just use SSH and have some PAM module do the authentication. <wam> mkanat: then I have shell access for every user, righ? <kiko> mwhudson, oh really? <kiko> mkanat! <mwhudson> kiko: yes <kiko> mwhudson, what's the fix? :) <mkanat> Hey kiko! <mwhudson> kiko: hard :( http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/4395 <mkanat> wam: You don't have to--you could make "bzr serve" their shell. <mkanat> wam: Or something like that. We do something like that for bzr.mozilla.org. <wam> mkanat: sounds promising. Do you have any docs for that or should I just read the help? <mkanat> wam: I don't have any docs personally on the Mozilla setup, no. <kiko> mwhudson, why does that kick in when the checkout is over 1gb? <mwhudson> kiko: because the openssh client by default rekeys the connection after 1 gig of traffic <kiko> gotcha <mkanat> kiko: So they could do their checkouts over bzr:// if they have it. <mwhudson> it's launchpad, so that'd be a no <mkanat> mwhudson: Ahh. <kiko> indeed <kiko> mwhudson, can we contract somebody to fix the issue? <kiko> i.e. please :) <kiko> I want to avoid any additional bad press we get because of all things a bug in CONCH!! <kiko> (who's ousado btw) <mwhudson> kiko: probably <GaryvdM> mkanat: I made some good progress on adding graphviz to loggerhead: http://imagebin.ca/view/gNbLSX.html <kiko> mwhudson, how can I help get that ball rolling? <mwhudson> kiko: i could probably fix it given enough time so you could try going through the infrastructure process <kiko> mwhudson, I'd rather we contracted somebody else, you're too expensive <mkanat> GaryvdM: Hey, that looks pretty awesome! <kiko> GaryvdM, hah, that looks so cool <mkanat> GaryvdM: Are you just going to make it an option of the normal changes controller? <mwhudson> GaryvdM: cool <GaryvdM> mkanat: At the moment I have made a new controller, but I don't mind either way. <GaryvdM> Good night all. <mkanat> GaryvdM: Night! <poolie> mwhudson: we should mention the bzr lp bug there <poolie> hi kiko, mkanat <mkanat> Hey poolie. <mwhudson> poolie: yes, i guess so <poolie> kiko: so would this be your top item for linaro/udd/bzr? <kiko> poolie, well, linaro uses bzr heavily for gcc, and whatever causes problems for them I need to pay attention to, as it hasn't been a decision without detractors <kiko> poolie, I'd be happy to help pay for a contract to get that bug fixed and rolled out <poolie> k, thanks for raising ti <poolie> *it <kiko> poolie, cool, keep me posted on any progress <poolie> mwhudson, jml, do we know any obvious contractors to do it? i could just ask in #twisted... <jml> poolie: exarkun. * poolie looks for the lp bug <mwhudson> poolie: i'm not sure there is an lp bug, in fact <poolie> bug 556132 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 556132 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "bzr: ERROR: paramiko.SSHException: (affected: 1, heat: 1)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/556132 <poolie> mkanat: hi? <mkanat> poolie: hi #bzr 2010-11-11 <poolie> mkanat: i messaged you <_habnabit> dash, okay, so I'm trying to figure out how to tell bzr about the svn merges that were done in the past. Do you know what svn prop it's supposed to be looking at? <dash> _habnabit: svn:mergeinfo i think. <_habnabit> I have `svn:mergeinfo` set, and it contains accurate infofmation. <_habnabit> Well. <_habnabit> Let me double-check the latter bit. <_habnabit> Does svn:mergeinfo describe merges *into* the branch it's set on? <dash> I forget. <dash> I haven't done merges without bzr-svn <_habnabit> Lucky. :( <_habnabit> I should've done that from the beginning. <_habnabit> This is a mess. <maxb> _habnabit: Your problem is a tricky one. bzr-svn does not directly support it <_habnabit> Ah, balls. <_habnabit> What is bzr-svn looking for? <maxb> Whilst bzr-svn will write svn:mergeinfo for svn to consume, it won't read it <maxb> bzr-svn looks for its own properties, or (I think) svk's style of merge metadata <dash> oh snap, svk. * _habnabit grumbles. <_habnabit> I'm sure someone's done this before. <maxb> I believe the reason for doing so is that it was deemed overly complex to extract which elements of svn:mergeinfo relate to whole-tree merges, vs individual file ones. <maxb> I'm not sure I agree with that <_habnabit> Ah. <maxb> Especially since having started to work with svn:mergeinfo at my work, we've settled on avoiding subtree mergeinfo whereever possible <maxb> I have explored how to deceive bzr-svn into reading merges a little, but I never really got the procedure working for real <_habnabit> Lordy this is just a horrible mess. If I'd been using bzr-svn from the beginning, or we were using svn 1.5, this would be so much easier. <maxb> I think I'd probably attempt to investigate what form svk merge properties take <maxb> I don't think 1.5 would help <_habnabit> 1.5 has merge tracking. <_habnabit> I just need some way of doing merges that isn't svnmerge. <_habnabit> bzr-svn worked well in the past. <_habnabit> (For other projects.) <maxb> 1.5 has merge tracking, but not in a way which integrates with bzr-svn <_habnabit> Right. <_habnabit> I'm just using bzr as an svn client right now. <mkanat> mwhudson or thumper: Is there anything special I should know about doing a new stable release of loggerhead? <maxb> Ah. I have never tried that. I usually branch from svn into a native bzr branch and work there <_habnabit> Yeah, unfortunately that's not possible. <mwhudson> mkanat: not that i know of <mkanat> mwhudson: Okay, cool. <_habnabit> Basically my work is horrible, horrible, horrible, and I'm cleaning up my predecessors' messes. <_habnabit> Somehow, someone broke svnmerge. <_habnabit> I'm looking at using svk now. <maxb> I strongly advise against using svk <maxb> But svk's metadata might be a way to dupe bzr-svn into seeing merges <mkanat> I think svk is a dead project, from what I've heard. <maxb> Very dead <_habnabit> Right, that's what I'm hoping. <maxb> https://launchpad.net/~bzr-beta-ppa/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=bzr-pqm&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter= I wonder if anyone has any thoughts on these weird bzr-pqm build failures? <maxb> oh, it's not that deep, it's just launchpadlib versions <lifeless> maxb: did you see my reply? <maxb> About testtools? Yes. So I guess I should update my MP for 0.9.7, unless 0.9.8 is going to happen ASAP <lifeless> your mp ? <lifeless> maxb: if its a packaging one, I would say don't bother <maxb> ok <lifeless> I generally do the merge-upstream dance as part of cutting upstream releases. <mkanat> Hey, I think I need to be given permissions to commit to the loggerhead-team repositories. <mkanat> [mkanat@es-compy 1.18]$ bzr push lp:loggerhead/1.18 --use-existing-dir <mkanat> bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "+branch/loggerhead/1.18/" <mkanat> poolie, or thumper? <mkanat> Or perhaps jam. <poolie> hi mkanat <poolie> maybe you're not in the right team? <mkanat> poolie: I'm in loggerhead-team. Maybe I need to be in another team? <poolie> hm, i'm not sure <spiv> That branch appears to be owned by loggerhead-team. <spiv> And created by mkanat! <mkanat> Indeed. * thumper looks <spiv> So I think this is one for thumper... <mkanat> Maybe I have to push to the full URL? <mkanat> Or at least, the ~loggerhead-team URL. <thumper> mkanat: you "shouldn't" have to <mkanat> Now it's just hanging, so I'm guessing it might be working. <poolie> hm :) <poolie> and now? <mkanat> Yeah, just hanging. <mkanat> No matter which URL I use. <poolie> try running with -Dhpss and look in the log <mkanat> Okay. <spiv> mkanat: hmm... <spiv> mkanat: If it's hanging, then I think it's a known bug, I'll dig up the number <mkanat> Stops at: <mkanat> 7.541 hpss call: 'BzrDir.open_branchV3', '+branch/loggerhead/1.18/' <mkanat> 7.541 (to bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%2Bbranch/loggerhead/1.18 <mkanat> And then starts doing: <mkanat> Exception RuntimeError: 'maximum recursion depth exceeded in __subclasscheck__' in <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'> ignored <spiv> mkanat: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/668176 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 668176 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "lp-serve infinite loop on bzr branch/push development focus is empty bzrdir with "maximum recursion depth exceeded in __subclasscheck__" (affected: 3, heat: 14)" [Undecided,Confirmed] <mkanat> spiv: Yep, sounds like my issue. <mkanat> spiv: So I'm taking it that that fix hasn't been rolled out yet? <spiv> So far I think the launchpad-code team are planning to wait for bzr 2.2.2 to be released before deploying the fix. <mkanat> spiv: Okay...so nobody can push new branches until that happens? <spiv> No, it only affects some slightly odd situations. <spiv> Like ones where you need to use --use-existing-dir, I think? <mkanat> Okay. So I'll delete the branch and try again. <spiv> Perhaps a side-effect of your earlier permission denied problem is creating that sort of situation? <mkanat> spiv: Yeah, that sounds very possible. <mkanat> Okay, that worked. :-) <mkanat> Thanks spiv. :-) <mkanat> I still got the __subclasscheck__ warning, but it pushed. <spiv> What caused that permission denied anyway? <mkanat> spiv: I don't know--poolie, did you change something? <spiv> mkanat: huh, interesting. <mkanat> spiv: Oh, wait, maybe it wasn't related to that push, because I'm still getting the messages from somewhere in my console. <spiv> mkanat: oh, the old ssh connection may still be alive. You may as well kill it. <mkanat> Yeah, I just did that. <mkanat> I'm surprised it didn't get some signal when bzr died. <spiv> There's a reason why it doesn't, but I forget what it is. <mkanat> Okay. <mkanat> Maybe because it's part of a critical section or something? <spiv> No, I think it's just some vexing aspect of how child processes and python interact, or something like that. <mkanat> Ah, I recall something about that, yeah. <poolie> mkanat: i sent a amil with the list of items from our conversation; you can reply if you want to add more <mkanat> poolie: Okay, cool. <poolie> mkanat: hi, thanks <poolie> for the reply <mkanat> poolie: Yeah, no problem. :-) <mkanat> Okay, this may sound silly, but I've never had to do this...is there a way to cherrypick a single revision from a branch and merge it? <poolie> not in a single command <poolie> though it would be good to add that <poolie> but basically just 'bzr merge -c REV_SPEC BRANCH && bzr commit' <mkanat> Yeah, basically, jelmer added an info.py file to trunk on loggerhead, and we should add that to the branch, too. <mkanat> poolie: But that doesn't keep the revision metadata. <mkanat> poolie: So it looks like they're separate revisions when you go to merge again, later. <mkanat> poolie: But that's the only way? <poolie> i'm afraid so; tracking them is not implemented yet <mkanat> poolie: Okay. :-( <mkanat> (We have this problem in a big way in the Bugzilla Project, too.) <_habnabit> Is there a way to automatically resolve conflicts? I was trying to use resolve --action=take-other, but it doesn't seem to do anything. <_habnabit> This is with bzr 2.3b4. <_habnabit> It doesn't remove the conflicted status, and it doesn't change the contents of the file. <poolie> _habnabit: hm, that seems like a bug then <poolie> that is what it's supposed to do <poolie> you may need to give the file name? <_habnabit> I did. <_habnabit> 0 exit code, no output at all even with -v. <poolie> please file a bug tagged 'conflicts'? <_habnabit> Oh, another thing that seems odd. <_habnabit> bzrlib is complaining that its version is wrong, when both bzr and bzrlib are 2.3dev4. <_habnabit> It says '... is version (2, 3, 0, 'dev', 4)' <_habnabit> Aaaand 'bzr version' says 'Bazaar (bzr) 2.3.0dev4' <spiv> _habnabit: I wonder if https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/638451-malformed/+merge/40567 addresses your conflict problem? <_habnabit> Oh, never mind, that latter issue is me running the wrong bzr binary. <_habnabit> Looking at that ticket, though. <_habnabit> spiv, no, but it does something completely different! <_habnabit> Now I get an InvalidEntryName exception. <spiv> _habnabit: huh. Sounds like useful feedback to add to that merge proposal, at least :) <_habnabit> I just think it's odd that it's taken this long to add! <spiv> take-other etc are fairly new. <_habnabit> Yes that's what I think is odd. <spiv> Well, it just automates something you can do manually. It mainly cuts out some tedium. <poolie> hi spiv <_habnabit> Is there a way to see which revisions would be merged by bzr merge, without doing the merge? <fullermd> 'missing' will tell you which revs each side has that the other doesn't, so you can tell from that. <_habnabit> Oh, great. <_habnabit> This reminds me of another thing. Is there a way to mark revisions as 'plz to not merge ever' <mkanat> poolie: Okay, release pretty much done. Is there anywhere else I should announce it besides the bazaar list and on Launchpad itself? <mkanat> s/itself// <dash> _habnabit: Sort of <jam> _habnabit: bzr merge; bzr revert .; bzr commit -m "merging without adding the changes" <dash> yeah that. <_habnabit> Aha okay. <jam> the '.' in revert is significant <jam> it says revert the content, but leave the merge as pending <fullermd> That still _merges_ it, so it's in the history. But the changes it made aren't in the current (and presumably future) revs. <_habnabit> Great, that should do exactly what I want. <fullermd> So if you don't want to merge it because it contains code you just don't want to use, that's OK. <fullermd> But if you don't want to merge because it has stuff you don't want to be available (IP reasons, giant files, etc), it doesn't work so well. <fullermd> It also means that if you ever merge that branch back into the branch those changes were on, they'll disappear there too. So if you ping-pong between the branches much, it gets ugly. <_habnabit> I'm using bzr-svn, and it doesn't recognize any merges as having happened. <_habnabit> So this *should* make it think that the merges happened, I think. <poolie> mkanat: you could tweet about it? <mkanat> poolie: Sure, will do now. <poolie> cool <poolie> i'm really glad we got this rolling again :) <mkanat> poolie: Yeah, me too! <mkanat> poolie: Okay, tweeted. <poolie> abentley: congrats! <abentley> poolie: :-) <abentley> poolie: are you aware of any tools that automate releasing bzr plugins via Launchpad? <poolie> i'm not <abentley> poolie: It seems like we should have written something like that by now. What do you think of "The Kraken" as a name? <poolie> sure <poolie> there are some scripts in bzr/tools <poolie> and i think something slightly related in hydrazine, to do uploads <abentley> You mean hydrazine uploading the tarballs? <mkanat> abentley: How does pipeline relate to loom? <abentley> mkanat: pipeline is what I wrote when I found looms frustrating to use. <mkanat> abentley: Cool. I've found them frustrating as well, sometimes. <abentley> mkanat: They don't introduce any new concepts like threads. A pipeline is just an ordered list of branches. <mkanat> abentley: Okay. Are they colocated? <abentley> mkanat: They don't overload the meaning of push, either. Instead there's a new sync-pipeline command. <abentley> mkanat: No, they're just sibling branches by default. <mkanat> abentley: Okay. I suppose I could just try it out instead of asking you. :-) <abentley> mkanat: They could be combined with colocated stuff, but I haven't done that yet. <mkanat> abentley: Okay. <mkanat> I found a few things particularly confusing or difficult about looms. Like trying to remember which directory I had which loom set in, for one. <mkanat> And then that they would permanently loomify your branch. <mkanat> And then certain weird and unexpected things about moving up or down threads. <abentley> mkanat: Right. With pipelines, the format is always a standard Bazaar format. <mkanat> Coo.. <mkanat> *Cool. <abentley> mkanat: You can switch between pipes with the normal bzr switch command, or with "switch-pipe" which will auto-shelve your uncommitted changes. <mkanat> Sweet. <abentley> mkanat: The weird up-thread behaviour is a separate "pump" command in bzr-pipeline. <jtv> I guess my repo is broken; see bug 673439. Could anyone help me get back on my feet again? <ubot5> Bug 673439 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/673439 is private <jtv> Thank you ubot <lifeless> abentley: switch in looms doesn't do up-thread either, fwiw <jtv> spiv: last time you fixed me up IIRC… would you mind doing it again? :) Can I just remove the broken file? <jtv> Got matching cix, iix, rix, six, and tix files all empty. <jtv> lifeless: I hear you're pretty good with bzr… if I have a tuple of empty cix, iix, rix, six, and tix files in my repo, can I just delete them or something along those lines? <jtv> (imagine a smiley after that first sentence) <lifeless> uhm <lifeless> so that means you had a system crash without the content getting flushed <lifeless> the canonical answer is restore from backup <spiv> jtv: hi <lifeless> you may be able to rollback a single transaction if there is a .old pack-names file <jtv> hi spiv <lifeless> jtv: however I'm being called to the kitchen... and I'm not working today so I have no excuse :) <glyph> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/673884 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 673884 in Bazaar "dpush ends up in a broken state if it encounters a network problem (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] <spiv> lifeless's advice is (of course) good. If there isn't an old pack-names file you may be able to recover by cutting the broken pack out of pack-names. <jtv> lifeless: backup, you say? Physically out of reach for the foreseeable future. :-( <spiv> glyph: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~maxb/bzr/2.2-close-ssh-subprocess-socket/+merge/40493 <abentley> lifeless: true, but AIUI mkanat finds up-thread vs down-thread confusing, and pipelines doesn't have that kind of quasi-similar command. <glyph> spiv: is that a fix for it? <spiv> glyph: oh, dpush, not dput :) <glyph> gah what's dput <mkanat> abentley: I don't know if I find that confusing, actually. <spiv> glyph: a debian package archive thing, forget I mentioned it! <dash> not a bzr command. :) <mkanat> abentley: up-thread and down-thread as concepts are fine, it's that sometimes I want to switch between looms without all the merge craziness. * spiv looks more closely <glyph> spiv: It's a pretty obvious bug, sorry for the somewhat obtuse description. <mkanat> abentley: Or I want to switch all the way down in one command. <abentley> mkanat: so, you can always do both those things. <spiv> glyph: yeah, that looks like a reasonable bug to me. <mkanat> abentley: Also, when I push some of the lower threads into the repository but not the upper ones, the combine-thread functionality is annoying, often. <glyph> spiv: As bzr bugs are wont to do, it showed up immediately in the middle of trying to demonstrate to a co-worker why bzr is great :( <abentley> mkanat: you do down-thread [THREAD] <abentley> mkanat: even if the thread you want to switch to is higher. <spiv> glyph: and probably fairly easy to make better in many cases (and maybe even not too hard to make good in tricky cases, like e.g. local system crash/power drop during dpush). <spiv> glyph: s/bzr/all software/ ;) <glyph> spiv: yeah. thanks :) <glyph> spiv: I am planning to use dpush increasingly heavily, so it'd be great if it worked right :) <glyph> In the meanwhile, is there any sensible way to do a cherry-pick which preserves log messages? <spiv> glyph: use rebase to do the cherrypick, maybe? :/ * spiv hmms <glyph> spiv: is that a thing you can do? <glyph> spiv: That was actually my first thought. <spiv> glyph: another option would be to write a plugin to add a log format that output the commit message (and only the commit message), and then you could do "bzr merge -c NNN && bzr log --format=msg-only > commit.msg && bzr ci -F commit.msg" <lifeless> mkanat: in a loom you can use 'switch' <spiv> glyph: (or abuse the existing xmloutput plugin or something like that for the same purpose) <lifeless> mkanat: to avoid all that <mkanat> lifeless: Ah, okay. <lifeless> switch thread-name <lifeless> mkanat: could you file bugs though where things are unclear <lifeless> mkanat: including what it is about combine-thread thats annoying <mkanat> lifeless: Yeah, if I can quite figure out what I don't like, I will. <glyph> spiv: while that would be useful, I was hoping not to write that shell for-loop for every revision :) <lifeless> mkanat: even if you don't have that figured out <lifeless> mkanat: bug reports are about symptoms, not answers. <spiv> glyph: *nod* <spiv> glyph: rebase may be the right tool here, but it's just not something I've used much at all so I don't know the limitations and nitty gritty details of using it for stuff like this. <spiv> lifeless: I know you aren't here <spiv> lifeless: but you may be interested to know that doing working on making branch etc fetch all the tags as well as the tip is pushing me towards other improvements that have the side-effect of chipping off a few hpss round trips. <glyph> spiv: thanks for the classification <A117> bazaar explorer failed to run on XP <A117> any help plz? <spiv> A117: please file a bug at <https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr>. Hopefully someone that knows more than me about bzr-explorer and/or XP will be able to help you here too. <spiv> A117: also, give a bit more detail about your problem... in what way did it fail? What were you trying to do when it failed? What installer did you use? <A117> instaler for windows. error message is bzr <A117> CreateProcess failed; code 2 <lifeless> spiv: thats great <lifeless> spiv: there's stuff in loom that badly needs your love in the same way <lifeless> spiv: using the same multi head improvements <lifeless> spiv: I had the idea of having a get_refs() call to find out what heads to fetch <spiv> lifeless: yeah, it'd be nice to give loom some love... I should make some time. <lifeless> spiv: I hear udd would cover it <lifeless> :) <spiv> :) <GaryvdM> Morning all. <GaryvdM> Bla- Just missed A117 <peitschie> (a very late hiya GaryvdM :) ) <stefanlsd> hihi <GaryvdM> Hi stefanlsd <stefanlsd> Anyone familiar with bzr merge-package and what happens with the debian/changelog. seems like its ignored? <maxb> stefanlsd: Ignored? No, but it is processed with a custom merge tool that understands the format of debian/changelog entries and sometimes does things rather differently to what you might expect if you were expecting a textual merge <stefanlsd> maxb: aah ok. yeah, i actually see it was more intellegent than i expected. thanks <figure002> hello! I'd like to use parts of the text in http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.1/developers/HACKING.html for my own Sphinx documentation, is this allowed? <james_w> figure002, it should be, but I can't remember what license it is under <figure002> ok, and if it is allowed, can someone tell me how to give the credit? <vila> figure002: in what context do you want to re-use it ? (Keeping in mind that GPL is more about distribution than use) <figure002> vila: i'm developing a python app for analyzing biological data for a small biological company. i'd like to use parts of that documentation for the Developer Guide of my application. <vila> figure002: so you intend to distribute the result ? Undr which license ? <vila> figure002: We're talking about distributing your developer guide here <figure002> vila: the app is GPL3, so i would use the same licence for its documentation <vila> ha, if it's GPL I see no objections on principle, now the differences between v2 and v3 are... way beyond my legal knowledge :) <vila> you could try to get in touch with poolie (see https://launchpad.net/~mbp), but I think it's ok <figure002> vila: haha, also, i mailed Canonical a few minutes ago about this <vila> figure002: even better <vila> figure002: nice of you to do that anyway :) <figure002> vila: so according to you, that documentation is licensed under GPL also? <figure002> vila: :) <vila> figure002: honestly, I don't remember. There have been discussions about which license should be used but I don't remember the specifics, I'm 75% sure it is GPLv2 though <figure002> vila: ok <vila> figure002: see bug #433734 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 433734 in Bazaar "documentation doesn't make its licence terms clear (affected: 2, heat: 0)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/433734 <vila> argh urgh too late he left :( <vila> mgz: ping, I'm finally reviewing lp:~gz/bzr/cleanup_testcases_by_collection_613247 again <vila> mgz: far cleaner than I remember overall ! <vila> mgz: running it locally with --parallel=fork I have a *huge* number of uncollected test cases (still running) <vila> mgz: it's also running on babune as http://babune.ladeuil.net:24842/view/debug/job/selftest-subset-all/98/aggregatedTestReport/ so you'll get a bunch to eat ;) <vila> mgz: more than 11000 uncollected, surely this is a shallow thing, any subset I could try to focus ? <vila> mgz: right, it looks like *all* tests are uncollected <vila> bah, and the babune run seems to be exhibiting yet another subunit stream leak :( <vila> mgz: I'll abort the babune runs, forget about them <vila> mgz: ha right, the local run finished, 7 failures, all in bzrlib.tests.test_selftest.TestUncollectedWarnings <vila> mgz: re-running without --parallel seems to exhibit the same behaviour :-/ <vila> only slower :) <vila> mgz: ./bzr selftest -s bzrlib.tests.test_selftest.TestUncollectedWarnings => 7 failures <vila> ok, so I'm definitely speaking alone tonight, I'm going to copy that to the mp instead :) <GaryvdM> vila: some of us are listening :-) Unfortunately I can't add much to the discussion. * fullermd isn't listening, if that helps :) <vila> :-D <lifeless> mgz: shiny new in testtools ;) <vila> lifeless: s/propogate/propagate/ no ? (at least 4 occurrences), raises_value_error is cute, make_error is brilliant and deserves a comment, hehe game of the day: make test_KeyboardInterrupt_matched fail :D <lifeless> vila: interesting... python 2.4 I bet ? <vila> lifeless: no no it succeeds, no problem but *how* can you make it fail ? <lifeless> if you revert a few commits, and put the test back in, it will fail <vila> if you type ctrl-C at the right time too ;) <lifeless> no <lifeless> there are two cases <lifeless> either you trigger k-i within the block its expected <lifeless> in which case (sadly) it will be ignored <lifeless> or you trigger it outside it, in which case it will propagate :) <lifeless> and the test run will abort <vila> ah right, silly me, if you catch *my* k-i you will won't trigger yours, but one is still happening, rats, too bad ;) <vila> s/will// <vila> lifeless: I wish our stable ppa was used in the pqm chroot so we can rely on updating pqm when updating our stable ppa (which should be fine since it's our best validated bzr version after all), that would ensures a broad and correct deployment of testtools... <lifeless> why don't you do that then ? <lifeless> or something analogous <vila> what more can I do than adding my last comment on rt 41340 ? <vila> lifeless: you mean by using a private testtools updated by the makefile ? <lifeless> no <vila> then what ? <lifeless> have a ppa with the stuff in it that gets used. <lifeless> e.g. the CAT ppa, perhaps. <vila> CAT ? url ? <lifeless> I don't have it offhand <lifeless> is the sysadmins ppa <vila> meh, why would I have more control an this than on pqm which currently is == 0 ? <vila> s/an/on/ <lifeless> You could have its contents auto deployed to pqm <lifeless> or a dedicated ppa <lifeless> I dunno, I'm offering suggestions. <lifeless> I think you'll find they deploy testtools from the CAT ppa anyhow <vila> but why isn't our stable ppa valid for that ? <vila> ha, that's interesting then <lifeless> vila: I don't know - have you discussed this with tom ? <vila> hmm, at least using our private one could serve as a temporary workaround <vila> lifeless: no, I'm asking for feedback but Chex told me the losas are in a degraded mode these days <lifeless> this week for sure <lifeless> hol-i-days <vila> geez, yeah, Valentine told me today was one here... and that was why she was a t home (ooooooops :) <poolie> hi jam, spiv <spiv> Hi poolie <poolie> i'm going out to give blood in a bit, will be back later <poolie> then i'm going to see about finishing my outstanding branches and graphing packages built from branches <spiv> I'm going to keep working on fetching all tags as well as tip when doing e.g. 'bzr branch'. There's an incremental step towards that, fixing sprout to open & lock branches/repos once, that I have passing tests but want to polish. <poolie> k <poolie> i liked seeing the hpss ratchet go down <poolie> and locking just once would be very nice <poolie> ok, biab <spiv> I also need to figure out what to do with <https://code.launchpad.net/~spiv/bzr/checkout-tags-propagation-603395-2.2/+merge/40406>, perhaps just landing on trunk and not 2.2 is the way forward for that. <spiv> Yeah, the fix to sprout knocks one of the hpss ratchets down by another two calls :) #bzr 2010-11-12 <spiv> Oh, hmm, and I should probably take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bzr/+bug/674091 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 674091 in bzr (Ubuntu) "bzr crashed with ErrorFromSmartServer (We are missing inventories for revisions) (affected: 1, heat: 12)" [Undecided,New] <mkanat_> Is it OK for me to fix trivial bugs by committing directly to an LP branch of loggerhead, or should I still do a merge proposal? <mkanat> Just going to do it. <nule> hi all <nule> quick question if anybody has a second <nule> i'm converting a number of open-source projects to bzr from svn and I wondered if there was a way using svn-import to include a number of projects into what should really be one repo - they're currently all seperate svn repos <nule> seems like it always inits a new bzr repo with the import <nule> stepping away for a few, but i'll hang out for a bit if anybody has some ideas - might just not worry about history in the new repo <nule> thanks <mwhudson> nule: repositories are boring in some sense in bzr; they're just bags of revisions, an optimization to avoid storing the same revision more than once <mwhudson> nule: as branches from separate repos won't share revisions, there's no real point to putting them in the same repo <mwhudson> (nothing stopping you doing that after the fact) <maxb> nule: It would be interesting to have the specific example of the projects that you want to combine, and would make it easier to offer advice <nule> and i'm back, thanks mwhudson and maxb <nule> I have a bunch of libraries and utilities that depend on those libraries <nule> right now building them depends on having them checked out relative to one another for the paths to work, and since they're not that huge i though it'd make more sense to essentially have them all in one big project <nule> here are two of the actual projects: https://svn.thot.us/svn/nule.org_LightHl7Lib/ and https://svn.thot.us/svn/nule.org_IntegrateClientLib/ <maxb> nule: OK, the important question you need to ask yourself is: Does it make sense for the combined tree to ALWAYS be checked out, branched, tagged, released as a single unit from now on? <maxb> If the answer is no, you don't want to meld them into a single bzr branch <mwhudson> what's the plugin for this sort of thing, bzr-scmproj? <nule> good advice, maxb, my thoughts are that it's not that "expensive" to check them all out (they're not huge) and then I could include an ant and properties file in the root that would vastly simplify building and bundling new builds for distribution <nule> i'm using bzr-svn for this, mwhudson <spiv> nule: they aren't mutually exclusive plugins :) <maxb> nule: bzr-scmproj is a plugin that has something to do with aggregating multiple bzr branches into a combined work area <nule> spiv: i had considered that after i hit enter :) <fullermd> nule: So, the nice thing about a VCS is the ability to undo stuff later. But one thing that's very difficult to undo is putting things together in a single branch; breaking them out separate later on requires messy and heroic measures. <maxb> nule: OK, different question - does it make sense for the entire tree to have a single version number when you release it - *always* ? Do your projects currently have separately managed version numbers? If so, are you prepared to change that? <nule> those are both good points <maxb> If you feel that it is meaningful to sometimes release some subset of projects separately from the whole tree, that's a good indication that a single monolithic bzr branch is the wrong approach <fullermd> This is a place where bzr-think and svn-think differ; what things you really _need_ to decide before you start. <maxb> Instead, there are things like bzr-scmproj (and, I think other related plugins) that can assist with working on a forest of branches in a specific layout, instead of making a single branch <nule> i will definitely investigate bzr-scmproj to see if it solves my most pressing needs <maxb> Unfortunately, I have no experience with these forest of branches plugins, so I cannot advise on them <nule> right now i drag my feet on new releases because making sure I'm releasing everything with a consistent (and working) set of libraries is very timeconsuming <nule> in that sense having a unified build number would be lovely <nule> but you're right that while I need to rebuild * if the lowest library changes, I don't if the highest application changes <fullermd> One good signpost is that if those libraries are ever used (or ever to be used) by something other than this project, that's a good sign they should be separate. <nule> definitely good things to think about, there's no real reason I suppose that i can't have a separate build project at the same level as the others to facilitate my release process <nule> "process", more like mayhem right now <fullermd> Another point is that what I said above about _splitting_ branches doesn't apply to _combining_ branches. You can combine two branches into one easily. <fullermd> Just once they're together, breaking them apart is very difficult. <nule> i definitely see that, fullermd, you're going to lose history no matter what at that point <nule> good stuff to think about, all, appreciate the advice <fullermd> So you can start with them separate, and if you decide later on they should all be jumbled together, it's just a few quick, easy, history-preserving operations to roll them up. <poolie> jam, don't suppose you're still up? <jam> poolie: indeed I am <jdobrien> I accidentially deleted a directory which had a lot of edited files. How can I recover the directory without reverting all the changes I made? <poolie> a lot of uncommitted edits? <poolie> you probably need to look at using an OS-level undelete tool <jdobrien> poolie, yes ...refactoring <poolie> sorry, bzr won't have had a chance to store the files if you don't commit them <poolie> there is discussion of 'bzr rm' etc optionally moving things to a trash directory, but we don't do that at the moment <poolie> i have rdiff-backup setup to run every couple of hours :/ <jdobrien> ok <jdobrien> i got lucky <spiv> Well, 'bzr rm' by default will backup files that changed since the last commit to *.~1~ or whatever, so bzr itself is pretty safe by default. <jdobrien> i didn't bzr rm <spiv> But there's not much bzr can do about other tools deleting files. <jdobrien> yeah...fortunately this tool let me undo it <jdobrien> it was a silly mouse slip <spiv> That is fortunate. <jdobrien> yes <spiv> It's so much nicer using tools that let you undo mistakes. <jdobrien> i can't believe i made all these edits without a commit..i usually am really good about that <spiv> jdobrien: no-one is perfect :) <jdobrien> especially after 1am <spiv> Hehe. <jdobrien> bzr commit ... and bed <jdobrien> thx all <spiv> Wow ControlDir.sprout is ugly. After several rounds of refactoring it in this branch it it still alarmingly long and complex. <spiv> Hmm, I'm getting failures in bb.test_outside_wt with trunk. <spiv> But it's 6pm Friday, so I guess I'll just file a bug instead of figure it out :/ <vila> hi all <vila> spiv: which file between bb and test_outside ? <vila> oh, it *is* a file 8-) <spiv> vila: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/674373 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 674373 in Bazaar "test_outside_wt failures on trunk (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Critical,Confirmed] <vila> on a pristine trunk ??? wow <spiv> vila: the good news about that bug for me is that it's not the patch I'm working on that is breaking the test suite ;) <spiv> vila: yeah, hence why I jumped straight for Critical <vila> indeed <vila> checking locally <spiv> Hopefully nice and shallow. <vila> wild guess: you're sure you didn't create a repo in /tmp by some weird side-effect ? <spiv> Still occurs with total --no-plugins <spiv> vila: it's possible! <spiv> Hey look at that. <spiv> vila: well done, that was it <vila> pfew, good :) <spiv> vila: it would be good to isolate the test suite from that sort of strange environment :) <spiv> I'll update the bug <vila> spiv: like... by switching to in-memory file systems ? :-D <spiv> vila: well, the usual TestCaseInTempDir would probably do in this case. <spiv> But I haven't looked closely, being post 6pm Friday :) <vila> spiv: well, despite having a safety net, there will always be tests that want to check that they don't find a repo up in the hierarchy, which we can't isolate properly by definition <vila> well, "can't" because we use an external resource which is the '/' filesystem <spiv> vila: the empty unshared bzr repo created by InTempDir takes care of that <spiv> But there may be something special about this test and / <spiv> Anyway, EOD for me. <vila> spiv: nope, it *is* a repo, some tests want no repo at all <vila> spiv: yeah, enjoy your week-end <poolie> hi there vila, how are things with you? <poolie> i might finish up too <poolie> barely any code this week :/ <vila> spiv: and to peace your mind: full test suite pass here <spiv> vila: at worst it could be a feature test <spiv> vila: self.requireFeature(NoRepoBetweenMeAndRoot) ;) <fullermd> Just start out the test with `rm -rf /`... <vila> poolie: fine, I'm becoming impatient to have an updated testtools on pqm to clear up mgz patches that are in the active queue for far too long :-/ <vila> spiv: sure, they will always be skipped, no failures ;) <vila> fullermd: really ? Let me try that.... <fullermd> Mwahaha. My plan progresse.... bah. <vila> :D <vila> poolie: so, things are fine :) <spiv> Ok, really done now. Hopefully I'll finish slaying the sprout monster on Monday! <vila> poolie: a couple of pending mps waiting for reviews but I still have more to work on <poolie> spiv, feel free to clean up sprout too :) <poolie> i'm meant to be pilot next week <vila> poolie: there is an interesting discussion about configs in https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~doxxx/bzr/mergetools/+merge/38663 that should help me progress by identifying the next easy steps <vila> poolie: well, easy is a bit optimistic but manageable steps at least <spiv> poolie: yes, that's basically where I've spent a large chunk of today <poolie> i skimmed the mail very briefly <poolie> \o/ <poolie> i'll try to look at that next <vila> 1) interpolation with {option} syntax <vila> 2) sections in bazaar.conf <poolie> ok <poolie> actually s is home so i might go now... <vila> but first I should submit my braindump for feedback, I think I'm pretty close to a definition that addresses the main compatibility issues I was fighting with <vila> ok <vila> poolie: let's try to talk a bit on monday <poolie> ok, good night <vila> AFK maybe ? :) <mgz> vila: sorry, the ol' unpushed to lp problem <vila> mgz: hey ! <vila> mgz: for the uncollected tests ? <mgz> yup, those failures. <vila> mgz: ok, pulling and retry time it is then ! <mgz> I left the tip on lp in a borked state, will add my local changes. <vila> I'm sorry for your other patches :( I keep pinging losas to no avail :( <vila> hmm, branches diverged <mgz> hm, just a sec, need to commit some local changes too <vila> ok, ping when it's done <mgz> was trying to find a spare evening to try out a version along the lines of what spiv was asking for <mgz> okay, push done <vila> grr, stupid setup, I know it's based lp:bzr, I do that for be able to review with -rsubmit:, but when I then ask for pull-v ,just FDWIM and pull from the mp branch ! <vila> interesting, far more typos when I'm angry... <vila> ooops, did I say that publicly ? :D <fullermd> Rellay? I hand't noticed... <mgz> you're a talented snarker, fullermd. <vila> . o O (That's it ! He put *me* in his triggers ! They say I'm paranoid...) <fullermd> I gotta stick with my strengths... <fullermd> They say? Who say? Are they watching you? How do they know that?! <vila> . o O (And why did I put mgz's mp into WIP, where is it now ??) <mgz> https://code.launchpad.net/~gz/bzr/cleanup_testcases_by_collection_613247/+merge/38999 <vila> ha thanks :) Did *you* put it back to NeedsReview or should I blame... fullermd ! <fullermd> Me? I couldn't possibly have done it. I was busy robbing a bank when that happ... wait. Wrong alibi... <vila> *MY* bank ! <fullermd> Oh. That would explain why I didn't get anything out of 'em... <mgz> you never marked it WIP by my email log. <vila> mgz: ha, that should explain it then :) <mgz> which is probably a good thing, doing the new-giant-diff-by-email too often gets tiring on the thread <vila> still a lot of uncollected <mgz> I've lost all track of Gordon's mergetools branch <vila> trying --parallel first to see <vila> mgz: I convinced him to split it up to ease review <mgz> lots as in thousands -> update testtools, lots as in hundreds -> list please <vila> 5000 so far, checking testtools <mgz> there are various tests that don't run or run differently on this box, and I've not tried it on my nix one as it'd probably take years to complete a full test run <vila> revno 129 missing only one from jml about deferred tests, unrelated right ? <vila> ha damn, I should retry the subset first <vila> --parallel almost finished <vila> ok, so success for the full run, but all tests uncollected <vila> well I didn't check the 26748 ones but my buffer contains 26780 lines so that should be closed <vila> s/d// <vila> s/d$// <vila> grep -n Uncollected test| wc -l => 26751 :) <mgz> harumph. <vila> mgz: could *you* try to upgrade testtools ? <vila> . o O (If I'm right he won't be happy :-/) <mgz> I did after Robert merged that change, and didn't think I saw anything else dangerous go past, but will do. <mgz> nope, looks good here. will just test that it's not related to the command line given. <mgz> hm, some new doctest progress bar junk, but fine otherwise. <vila> less uncollected test cases with --parallel <vila> ~100/600 so far <mgz> it sounds to me a lot like the testtools patch isn't there for whatever reason <vila> :-( <mgz> I'll try this on my nix box to rule that out as an issue thoug <vila> I just checked I'm using trunk <vila> testtools trunk that is <vila> ~300/4000 <breakfast> hi all <breakfast> i've been trying to figure out how to make "bzr diff --using=diff" the default behavior, so that when i call "bzr diff" without --using it still does that by default. can you point me to a resource that explains how to do that? <mgz> `bzr help alias` <breakfast> thank you <vila> ~1200/11000 <mgz> that's sounding more possible. hopefully this'll finish branching in a sec and I can try here <mgz> seems to be taking about a minute for each hundred at 7000/13750 though... <vila> mgz: huh, what are you branching ? <mgz> bzr. <vila> oh, on an out-of-date system you mean / <vila> ? <vila> (which implies an old bzr too of course) <vila> mgz: download a recent one first :D * vila duck <mgz> should be reasonably recent, no way I'd use the lenny bzr. <mgz> but it's a very memory-constrained box. <mgz> probably should have used smart server this time, but I couldn't branch bzr *at all* initially with the smart server. <mgz> as this is just updating the shared repo, it probably wouldn't die. <vila> mgz: no way to branch from your local box ? <mgz> well, scp. <vila> if you're cautious and clean up afterwards, that should work <vila> oh, you meant wt or branch ? <mgz> I'm trying to branch, but giving in and copying the wt is what I'd fall back to. <mgz> this is why I seldom try and run selftest on that box though :) <mgz> ooo, estimate jumped from 8500 to Done <mgz> will it actually finish? <mgz> go go little box. <vila> http://paste.ubuntu.com/530767/ <vila> so roughly 1800 uncollected tests <mgz> thanks! <mgz> hm... looks funky. <vila> as in ? <mgz> at a guess from the test names, one think that creates a cycle on a nix osutils unicode path <mgz> s/think/thing/ <vila> the bzrlib.tests.test_conflicts.TestResolveContentsConflict series don't involve unicode AFAIR <mgz> hmph, and I don't get these problems on my nix both. <mgz> *box. <vila> hmm, angry huh :) <mgz> so, theory #2: you have a plugin that breaks things. <vila> nope, BZR_PLUGIN_PATH in effect <vila> oh, loom ? <mgz> Uncollected test case: bzrlib.plugins.loom.tests.test_tree.TestTreeDecorator.test_up_not_merged <mgz> right. <fullermd> Yeah, loom could warp things. <vila> nope <mgz> a weaving joke. <vila> .. passing above my head ;-/ * fullermd will be here all week... don't forget to tip your waitress! <vila> and same result with --no-plugins <mgz> what's different ;_; <mgz> 2.5.2 rather than 2.6.6 perhaps, but that's not much of a theory. <mgz> and 2.7 trunk works fine for me here, so would need to be some other factor as well. <mgz> 2 from 225 on my nix box so far, and you don't get either. <mgz> okay, thanks for your help vila, I'll poke around a bit and see what I can work out. <vila> -s bb.test_conflicts 8 tests 8 uncollected <vila> mgz: well, if you can't reproduce what will you do ? :-/ Any idea where *I* can poke ? <vila> ./bzr --no-plugins selftest -v -s bb.test_conflicts.TestConflict 3 test/ 3 uncollected <vila> but hmm, bb may not be the easiest <mgz> not only can I not repo your list, but I'm getting a different one. <mgz> none of bb.test_filesystem_cicp.TestMove gets collected on my nix run <vila> get uncollected you mean ? <mgz> right. <vila> do we have some tests in common ? <mgz> none so far. <mgz> oh, maybe three dpush ones? * mgz checks <mgz> I've got an unholy memory crawling function that helps a little, but basically just want to see what's pointing at the test when it should be dead. <mgz> sticking a breakpoint on the "Uncollected" print and using gc.get_referrers works <vila> get_referrers(case) ? <mgz> yup. <vila> http://paste.ubuntu.com/530772/ <mgz> it's often something unhelpful, like a frame, or a cell <mgz> ...or a dict <mgz> that's probably the: <vila> a frame is part of the calling stack right ? <mgz> <bound method TestConflicts._run_setup <mgz> ^right <mgz> but I should be able to repo bound method cycles... * mgz looks at the case <mgz> where's it coming from... <vila> grep says: testtools deferredruntest.py <vila> which should be totally unrelated to bzr >-/ <vila> ha ! <vila> deferredruntests.py depends on twisted which I bet you don't have installed <vila> mgz: python -c 'import twisted' <mgz> I do, but probably not the same version. <mgz> I've got 8.1.0 <vila> python -c 'from twisted.internet import defer <vila> from twisted.python import log <vila> from twisted.trial.unittest import _LogObserver <vila> ' <mgz> I'll put twisted on my nix box and see if I can then get your list. <vila> 10.1.0-2 for python-twisted <mgz> and look at the derferred stuff again, don't really see why bzr cases should be involved with that at all <mgz> ^thanks <vila> err python-twisted-bin <vila> me neither, but I chased your _run_setup pointer :) I have no idea if this was relevant ;) <mgz> wait wait, what was it you said earlier... <mgz> <vila> revno 129 missing only one from jml about deferred tests, unrelated right ? * mgz checks that rev <vila> of course that why I grepped testtools <mgz> ooo, and I just got per_branch collection failures. <mgz> so that's tractable at least. <vila> mgz: does that mean you can progress from there ? <mgz> okay, rev 130 may well fix some of those bb issues <mgz> and I've got some other things to look at too. <vila> -s bb.test_conflicts 8 uncollected still (I pulled it circa 17:14 <vila> i.e. 30 minutes ago <mgz> gra. <mgz> okay, was probably a red herring. twisted shouldn't be involved. <vila> looking at -s bt.test_version_info 4 uncollected out of 8 tests which seem to be the simplest of the lot <vila> gc_referrers mentions <bound method TestVersionInfo._run_test_method of <bzrlib.tests.test_version_info.TestVersionInfo.test_custom_version_text id=0x21edbd0>>, <vila> also from testtools :-/ <mgz> if there are also lots of frames like before, it's probably from a exception raised there. <mgz> I think I just need to look more closely at the recent testtools changes. <vila> ok <vila> Just a remark though, this itches again about innocent devs introducing cycles which.... sounds wrong <mgz> well, this is mostly test structural stuff which needs to be right, otherwise we risk leaking the world which is what broke me in the first place <mgz> but I agree that avoiding that without also burdening normal test contributors looks... challenging <vila> may be I still need to be lectured on the cycle topic... so, again, if you could send some failing tests like we tried to find some time ago, this could help me <mgz> testtools rev 129 I'm looking at now and could be problematic <vila> would you like me to revert to 0.9.7 instead ? (But that would still not explain why we get different failures) <mgz> if you want a vanilla cycle, the definition of bzrlib.errors.HookFailed.__init__ <mgz> ^thinking about it, I never updated the testtools on my nix box, just this one. <vila> mgz: 0.9.7 : some failures for test_vesion_info <vila> same <mgz> I've had failures in test_version_info for ever <vila> about uncollected ? <mgz> no, actual failures. <vila> meh <mgz> it looks outside its tempdir <vila> argh, use a real wt <mgz> are you on bt or bb for that? <vila> bt <vila> 10 tests 4 uncollected <mgz> hm, I'm clean on that, except on windows: <mgz> While running: bzrlib.tests.test_version_info.TestVersionInfo.test_python_version <mgz> Unable to remove testing dir ersionInfo.test_python_version <vila> ETOOMANYBUGS :( <mgz> yeah. <vila> so back to my earlier suggestion there I think: can you make this control conditional so we can land something that helps you ? <mgz> okay, looking at the source, I see potential problems <mgz> but... I'm not seeing the fallout <mgz> so, I'll fiddle. <mgz> but yeah, I could make this a -E flag for landing. <vila> ... one more on the pile waiting for testtools that is :-( <mgz> the other option is what spiv said and only doing once generic warning at the end, but this means it's more likely a change will totally break me later. <vila> nah, I didn't want to say that ! <vila> not at the end the week :-/ <vila> mgz: as opposed to still not un-breaking you until this lands you mean ? <mgz> well, with the flag it wouldn't even need the pqm update... if I version check in the new tests <vila> my problem with mps that took too long to land is that a lot of energy is lost without positive feedback for the submitter <mgz> yeah, and it's hard for all involved to hold the review in their head <vila> well, lp helps a lot there, I was thinking about keeping the patch up-to-date <vila> so, about HookFailed, the bactrace includes references to the test instance so storing it as an attribute creates the cycle right ? <vila> why not just clearing the backtrace and keeping only the class and the exception object then ? <mgz> yup. <mgz> right, that would be fine. <vila> mgz: trying to find alternate ways, not rebutting your approach here <mgz> in that particular case, not only is storing exc_info not needed, but the whole exception class could probably now be deleted <vila> at least that could be explained to all devs and *can* be avoided <mgz> I think these things are generally easy to avoid like that, the problem is just that if it's not the person writing the code that notices <vila> right, so we need some better cycle detection <mgz> and mostly it's obscure and shouldn't really matter, so just allowing the cycle would be an option... bar the fact that then a change that leaks thousands of tests goes unnoticed till my machine starts swapping <mgz> so, it's lots of total trivia, to be able to avoid the occasional thing that really hurts <vila> mgz, well, I could add a low-memory slave on babune or add a run with ulimit or something <mgz> would be nice to just ulimit the lot of ~200MB <vila> wow <mgz> the suite runs within ~100MB with this branch <vila> Wow <vila> my slaves are ~2GB to allow --parallel because I never had the time to check whether this was needed <vila> except freebsd that is 4G, but I blame fullermd here * fullermd . o O ( One more blame, and I get a bingo! ) <vila> truth is fullermd can also write some nice docs and do some nice reviews :D <mgz> parallel does complicate things a little, as python eats cows, but 200 * fork should be more than enough <fullermd> Ack! Be careful! You say things like that, next thing you know I'm a productive and useful member of the community. Then it's nothing but work, work, work, all the time :( <vila> hmm, and --parallel doesn't provide any means to let subprocess reports more data to the spawner like how much memory they consume <vila> mgz: hehe crossed on the wire, we're talking about two different things, giving Gs to slaves is not a problem, *checking* what is consumed is what I was after ;) <vila> fullermd: I'm not holding my breath (shouldn't count as a blame right ?) :-P <mgz> RUSAGE_CHILDREN should work. <mgz> and wait4. <vila> oh yeah <vila> especially if we don't care *too* much about being overly precise <vila> mgz: should we file a bug about implementing this for selftest ? <mgz> well, you have to hack subprocess is the pain <vila> mgz: or should we just keep discussing it ? (I'm about to EOD with a headache due to paint odors :-/) <vila> ordors ? smells ? <exarkun> fumes <vila> right odor is in my dict <mgz> exarkun has the common idiom <vila> fumes is likely to be more precise yeah <mgz> hm, wouldn't need hackage just for --parallel=fork <vila> exarkun: thks, appreciated (still along way to go to be fluent there :) <mgz> but do get outside before you expire from lack of oxygen vila, I'll continue playing <vila> ok <exarkun> vila: :) <vila> fullermd: my last remark was truly a joke to make you fail your bingo (just realized it could me mis-interpreted) * vila really off <GaryvdM> Hi mgz <mgz> hey GaryvdM <GaryvdM> Hay - I'm very excited about this. Take a look at <lifeless> mgz: hi <GaryvdM> Hi lifeless <lifeless> GaryvdM: hi <mgz> will this be more exciting qlog-online stuff when it loads? <mgz> hey lifeless. <GaryvdM> mgz: yes - Is my router not setup correctly? <lifeless> mgz: curious what you think of the latest testtools changes <mgz> just doing tracert now... <mgz> hm, I arrive, but at wblv-ip-pcache-5-vif1.telkom-ipnet.co.za <GaryvdM> Ah - I think that is a proxy. Try <mgz> I need to go over the last few revs still lifeless, but the raises matcher I'm a little concerned about <mgz> it's potentially good as it can solve the thing where you need the exception returned to check extra aspects of it <mgz> and also my expectError thing. <mgz> I think? With Not at least. <mgz> would still be confusing to spell. <mgz> that's pretty fancy Gary. I've got some wrapping-related spacing issues, but can possibly think of a cunning svg hack that'll make life easier there. <GaryvdM> Yes - I can figure out how to tell the svg to layout relative to the hight of the table row with out javascript <GaryvdM> *can't <GaryvdM> mgz: what hack? <mgz> well, you can stretch the image rather than setting a height in px, which would also make your nice circles oval <mgz> so you'd then need to do something else there as well. <mgz> ideally you'd not be breaking the lines up into bits, but laying a complete graph over the table would be complicated <GaryvdM> Yes <GaryvdM> Anyway - I'm quite excited about it :-) <GaryvdM> lifeless: Did you take a look? <lifeless> its shiny <lifeless> a little slow <GaryvdM> lifeless: Probably my bandwidth. <mgz> having js disabled makes life so much nicer :) <GaryvdM> mgz: I could have one svg element for then dot, and one for the lines, so that I can size then lines separately from then dots. But there is not a way to make a img/svg hight=100% in a table row :-( <GaryvdM> Without js <mgz> hm, I think I had one... * mgz checks his note <mgz> s <mgz> http://float.endofinternet.org/progress/shader.xml <mgz> browsers certainly have some issues, at any rate :) <GaryvdM> Hi mkanat. Take a look at :-) <mkanat> GaryvdM: OH COOL!! <GaryvdM> :-) <mkanat> Wow that is awesome. <mkanat> GaryvdM: It doesn't do any work until I click on a +, right? <mkanat> GaryvdM: I mean, any extra work. <GaryvdM> Well - It has to load the whole graph on first load, but it caches it. <mkanat> GaryvdM: That's no different from what we do now, though, is it? <GaryvdM> To recalculate a new layout is very quick. <mkanat> GaryvdM: We can't have any performance or memory-use regressions in loggerhead right now--Launchpad won't be able to live through it. <GaryvdM> mkanat: Sure - I understand that. <mgz> lifeless: so, I don't like that assertRaises becomes assertThat + lambda, but apart from that it all seems reasonable. <mgz> really it's a python problem that it's hard to write declarative code prettily. <GaryvdM> mkanat: I do have alot of overlap of what is cached, and so I need to do some work there. <mgz> mostly assertThat seems like extra typing and worse error messages so far to me. <mkanat> GaryvdM: Okay. <mkanat> GaryvdM: But the UI looks very cool. <GaryvdM> mkanat: Are you using history_db on launchpad yet? <mkanat> GaryvdM: Not on Launchpad, no. <mkanat> GaryvdM: Are you using history_db for your work? <GaryvdM> mkanat: No - It dose not help much if you still have to load the whole graph. <mkanat> GaryvdM: I'm pretty sure that that's its purpose. <mkanat> GaryvdM: Is to cache the graph. <GaryvdM> mkanat: If I can get my code to work with only portions of the graph, the using it would help. <lifeless> mgz: hmm, I find the errors better <mgz> I'll paste you an example ina sec... <mgz> I think the problem is generally that assertThat is less specific so knows less about what can safely be ignored, unlike the old function versions <lifeless> mgz: really? the reverse seems true to me <lifeless> the matchers can be very specific <lifeless> mgz: or do you just mean how far up the stack trace goes? <mkanat> GaryvdM: Okay. <mkanat> GaryvdM: Perhaps by making it walk the graph when the + is clicked? <GaryvdM> mkanat: Yes <mkanat> GaryvdM: Okay. :-) <mgz> lifeless: example -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/530860/ <GaryvdM> mkanat: Do you have any methods that you use to benchmark the memory usage? <mkanat> GaryvdM: Well, to figure out what's actually using memory, I use meliae. But otherwise, I just run load tests on it and see how big it gets, usually using a bunch of copies of the launchpad-itself branch. <lifeless> mgz: so, there are two differences <lifeless> mgz: one is the stack - I like the full stack (because I work on the test code itself) <GaryvdM> mkanat: ok <lifeless> mgz: the other is the formatting, which seems pretty much a wash in this case <mgz> the first there is duplicative <exarkun> The latter formatting is better. <mgz> you get 'text/x-c++src' and None twice, and it's not really any clearer what's up. <exarkun> It's easier to read and lets you copy/paste into a repl <mgz> it does tell you (or should do if the test is written right) which is the result and which is the expected, but is much more verbose <lifeless> exarkun: the assignment 'a =' is useful for you? <exarkun> lifeless: yes <exarkun> when the values are more complicated and it's not obvious how they differ <exarkun> although I'd rather the output highlight where the differences are so I don't have to grope around to find it myself ;) <lifeless> exarkun: right, thats the point of the interface actually. <lifeless> exarkun: have you seen what soupmatchers does? <exarkun> no <lifeless> it looks for the difference and shows it <lifeless> not as a diff, but semantically. <exarkun> lifeless: but I just want to use assertEquals <mgz> lifeless: so I get the theoretical benefits of assertThat style, but at the moment I mostly see the downsides in practice <mgz> they're small, but could do with some polishing love. <mkanat> abentley: You know what else I don't like about looms? I actually don't like having to write commit messages every time I commit to a thread. <abentley> mkanat: you mean a normal commit? Or "record"? <mkanat> abentley: I mean an actual commit, like when I'm working on a loom. <mkanat> abentley: Since I have to commit in order to switch threads. <lifeless> mkanat: you do ? <mkanat> abentley: And I have to commit to make a new thread on top of this one. <mkanat> lifeless: Yes. <mkanat> bzr down-thread upstream <mkanat> bzr: ERROR: Working tree has uncommitted changes. <abentley> mkanat: Well, you *could* shelve them. <lifeless> mkanat: what does [bzr switch upstream' say? <lifeless> mkanat: its meant to carry changes across for you. <mkanat> lifeless: I want this working tree to stay with this thread. <lifeless> mkanat: then yes, shelve or commit is appropriate. <mkanat> lifeless: I had no need or desire to commit to the thread, I just wanted to back and update upstream to the actual current upstream. <lifeless> mkanat: aaron's shelve-in-developing-patch-context is very nice in this regard. <mkanat> lifeless: I'm not familiar with that. <lifeless> mkanat: pipelines have a shelve context in the 'thread' equivalent (in the branch, a single pipe) <mkanat> lifeless: Ah, yeah. <lifeless> this is something that would benefit looms too, poolie has some ideas on unifying the should-be-common aspects of pipelines and looms <lifeless> pipelines have much more polish <mkanat> Cool. One thing that I really would like is a simpler path to do "rebase to upstream and delete all the threads that are now identical to upstream". <lifeless> mkanat: I think loom prompts you for that doesn' it? <lifeless> mkanat: whats your loom version <mkanat> lifeless: 2.1 <mkanat> I can try updating. <lifeless> thats your problem <lifeless> 2.1 won't even push properly to launchpad <mkanat> Okay. Will trunk work with bzr 2.1.1? <lifeless> should do <mkanat> Okay. <abentley> mkanat: I'm not a fan of rebase, but I'd be happy to make "bzr remove-pipe --auto" remove pipes that have been merged. <mkanat> abentley: I was using "rebase" in the loose sense, not in the sense of the command. <mkanat> abentley: That sounds like a good solution. <mkanat> I think I may start using pipelines in looms. Another example of a bad situation is when I screw up upstream somehow, and then up-thread. <mkanat> Then it's very difficult to go back and fix upstream. <mkanat> Okay, loom trunk is broken in some way that I do not now want to spend time debugging. <mkanat> AttributeError: type object 'InterLoomBranch' has no attribute 'unwrap_format' <abentley> mkanat: You could use looms in pipelines, but I don't recommend it. Your head could explode. <mkanat> abentley: Hahahaha. <mkanat> abentley: I meant "instead of". <dash> you got your tubes in my loom! <mkanat> Just typed "in" by accident. <mkanat> It's not a trunk, it's more like a series of looms. <abentley> mkanat: Ah. <mkanat> BTW, the Internets ^^^^^ <mkanat> Oh, and heaven forbid that what gets checked into upstream is slightly different than what was in your loom. <mkanat> Then you're in for a fun time called "re-creating every thread". <mkanat> (Or a separate fun time called "resolving spurious conflicts in every thread".) <lifeless> mkanat: I don't see how that is different in looms vs pipelines <mkanat> lifeless: I haven't used pipelines yet. <lifeless> (either of the upstream workflows you describe) <mkanat> lifeless: Yesterday you wanted me to say what I didn't like about looms, and I'm using them in actual practice right now, so I figured I'd just mention what I was running into. <lifeless> mkanat: I value the feedback <lifeless> mkanat: better if you file bugs :) <mkanat> lifeless: Okay. <lifeless> mkanat: I'm just noting that the specific workflow I don't see a different in loom vs pipelines <mkanat> lifeless: Okay. <lifeless> mkanat: particularly for that unwrap_format error * mkanat nods. <GaryvdM> mgz: I've now separated the nodes and lines. But I can't get it to link the height of the svg to the height of the row. <GaryvdM> mgz: I'm not sure which part of that page you sent me I should be looking at? * GaryvdM has another idea to try... <ovnicraft> hi folks, what this means bzr: ERROR: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: 'some_file' ? <poolie> probably you don't have permission to write to it <EdWyse_Office> Is there any way to fix this error: http://bzr.pastebin.com/RpbtF5gt <ovnicraft> poolie, there is anyway to commit ignoring conflicts <GaryvdM> mgz: Got it working \o/ <poolie> ovnicraft, sorry, not at the moment <poolie> EdWyse_Office, that looks like a bug that we fixed in a recent release, are you on the most current one? <GaryvdM> Hi poolie. Check this out :-) <ovnicraft> poolie, i was researching about multi-branch support is that in your roadmap? <EdWyse_Office> 2.1.1-4 from the epel repo. <GaryvdM> ovnicraft: Are you maybe think of colocated branches? i.e. having more than one branch in a folder? <GaryvdM> *thinking <EdWyse_Office> It looks like it was the image that was messed up somehow. I was able to fix it be reverting that file (which hadn't been changed or added) and committing. <ovnicraft> GaryvdM, yes <GaryvdM> ovnicraft: There is a plugin: bzr-colo <ovnicraft> GaryvdM, yes but we need support in lp <GaryvdM> Goodnight all <mgz> night Gary, well done for getting the svg joined up. <awilkins> How long does it usually take after you upload sources to a PPA for them to show up? <awilkins> And does it still work if the sources are not part of the distribution? <poolie> awilkins, normally you will at least see them being queued to build within a few minutes <poolie> you should get an 'accepted' email <poolie> the time for them to actually build varies a lot depending on lead <poolie> *load <poolie> what do you mean by 'not part of the distribution'? <poolie> it's fine to build packages that are not already in ubuntu <awilkins> poolie, Aha, rejected email <awilkins> That's what I get for not keeping a notifier open <awilkins> This packing malarkey really needs clearer docs or tools, but I do appreciate it's not exactly simple <mgz> lifeless: testtools r128.1.6 is problematic, it's not valid Python 3 syntax and stores an exc_info in locals. I think examining the premise that it should be possible to assert non-Exception subclasses should be re-examined. <lifeless> mgz: grah. sory <lifeless> mgz: uhm, we can fix the locals thing <mgz> yeah, I'm more worried about Python 3 <lifeless> we can't self host on this without the facility though <mgz> I think the only way of reraising with a stored traceback there is setting in on the exception instance <mgz> which is All New so... can't also work for pythons people actually use <mgz> both KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit can be raised outside the control of the thread running tests, so you can't ever write a proper unittest for raising one <mgz> this is admittedly a pretty academic objection. <mgz> ...maybe I should be in the testtools review group... though not sure I'd have had time to look at this before today anyway <mgz> hm, not coming up with any genius ideas for different spelling keeping the current semantic <mgz> (it's wrong on Python 2.4 too, but that's probably less important) <poolie> awilkins, i agree <poolie> hi mgz <mgz> hey poolie <mgz> I shall file some bugs lifeless. Think this is a good change, just wants some more minor pokes. <lifeless> mgz: we'd be delighted to have you as a reviewer/committer <mgz> the thought of fixing the expectError case particularly interests me, especially as we've got some backwards expectFailure/assertRaises currently. <poolie> mgz: ? <lifeless> mgz: we have a fairly nonblocking review process, trying to keep things agile <awilkins> Darn. Only the "dev" package has the library in it. Something is wrong there.... <mgz> it's a good thing, and jml has also put out some feelers on wider version testing as testtools tries to have such a wide support net <mgz> (which would help prevent releasing with 2.4/3 borked) <mgz> poolie: I was thinking of -> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/annotate/head%3A/bzrlib/tests/per_workingtree/test_smart_add.py#L304 <mgz> which is hard to read, but makes an unexpected success <mgz> have a branch fixing that silence problem, but spelling the intention of that test correctly is currently hard, and Robert just added some new fancy to testtools that should make it possible in future. #bzr 2010-11-13 <_habnabit> I'm kinda uncertain as to what a criss-cross merge is in bzr, and how to avoid them. <_habnabit> I have a star topology, like it describes, but I do frequent merges from trunk to the feature branches. <_habnabit> Is this something I should avoid, or approach in a different way? <mtaylor> getting zope tracebacks pushing new branch to launchpad... <mtaylor> _habnabit: criss-cross merge isn't necessarily bad <_habnabit> So I shouldn't worry about it? <lifeless> mtaylor: you just had a traceback ? <mtaylor> lifeless: yes <mtaylor> lifeless: http://paste.drizzle.org/show/165/ <mtaylor> lifeless: oh - I see the status in #launchpad ... hrm <poolie> _habnabit, no, don't worry about it <_habnabit> Also, the documentation says that bzr svn-import is resumable, but it's not clear *how* you resume it. <poolie> i would assume you run it again with the same arguments? <_habnabit> Well. I did make changes to the working trees between invocations. <_habnabit> Maybe it's just that my changes were clobbered. <_habnabit> Okay here is my full problem. I'm trying to import a subversion repository into bzr, but I'm also trying to fix svnmerge.py fucking up. <_habnabit> We only *just* discovered that it's been behaving... oddly ever since we started using it, but it wasn't obvious until just now. <poolie> hm <poolie> i'm not sure but i suspect it will not notice changes you make in the wt <_habnabit> My first thought was to go through and replay the merges incrementally as I import from svn. <_habnabit> Is there a tool I'm just not aware of that tracks svn mergeinfo when importing into bzr? <_habnabit> I tried tailor and svn2bzr first, but they both choked in interesting and different ways. <poolie> i don't know, sorry - i suggest you ask on the list <_habnabit> man svn is so miserable. :( <_habnabit> Is there a way to transmit an entire shared repository over a network somehow? <_habnabit> I mean there seems to be no equivalent of pull or branch for shared repositories. <bob2> there's a couple of plugins <bob2> multi-pull in bzrtools <bob2> and repo-push <_habnabit> I tried multi-pull. <_habnabit> Oh. <_habnabit> repo-push seems to be what I want. <_habnabit> I'm trying to figure out what the best way to serve this repository is. My coworkers are stubborn windows users who would actively resist using something like pageant, so ssh isn't really an option. <_habnabit> Maybe just `bzr serve` ? <vila> _habnabit: 'bzr serve' is an option but you don't want to have it exposed outside of your intranet. <_habnabit> Is there anything else I'm forgetting? <_habnabit> Like, can bzr serve over webdav? <vila> _habnabit: ssh is really the preferred option these days and some documentation have been written recently specifically to make it easy for windows users <vila> _habnabit: oh, no, just bzr server is enough you don't need webdav at all <vila> s/server/serve/ <_habnabit> Yeah, I know it's easy; I've set it up on my own windows box. <_habnabit> But my coworkers are terrible and I'm trying to incrementally make them less terrible. <vila> _habnabit: then it's better to *not* provide any file system level support <_habnabit> What do you mean? <vila> _habnabit: otherwise you will quickly get people trying to handle working trees on the server instead of just branches <_habnabit> Oh, well, yes. I'll be able to beat them into submission on those kinds of matters. <vila> and this open several can of worms you don't eant to deal with <vila> s/eant/want/ <vila> _habnabit: https://code.launchpad.net/~adam-delvecchio/bzr/662448-sshkey-doc/+merge/38682 is what I was referring to * _habnabit looks. <vila> _habnabit: feel free to add your feedback there, this is still worked on and you have the timely opportunity to explain how it helped with your co-workers (or not) <barjac> Hello - I simply need to checkout a branch and then keep it updated from time to time. I check out with :- <barjac> bzr branch http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/r/grub/trunk/grub which creates ~/grub <lifeless> that gives you a new distinct branch - you can then use 'pull' to copy new revisions across to it <barjac> To update I use :- bzr update from within ~/grub but it says it is up to date at a revision way behind the server <barjac> What am I doing wrong? <barjac> lifeless: Ah! thanks I will try that - bzr man is a bit cryptic :-( <lifeless> :( <lifeless> hope it helps <barjac> lifeless: Yep that does it! Thanks for your speedy help :-) <lifeless> my pleasure <jderose> Bit disappointed people.canonical.com/~ianc has been removed. Does Ian's Community-Agile Software Guidance essay have a new permanent home anywhere? <jderose> Pretty important part of Ian's legacy, IHMO #bzr 2010-11-14 <dwg_> Paragraphs don't show up properly for me (e.g. http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/user-reference/add-help.html). There's no spacing between paragraphs, which makes it hard to read. How would I go about setting up a server to see what might need to change to clean things up? <dwg_> I've got the bzr repo from launchpad and can see the help information in builtins.py, so I think I need information about how the whole documentation build and test works. <poolie> dwg_, running 'make docs-sphinx' should show you the output <poolie> you may need to fix doc_generate/something <poolie> then please push your branch to launchpad and propose it for merge <dwg_> make docs-sphinx at least does something, so that ought to get me started. thanks! <quotemstr> Why the hell is bzr telling me about text conflicts in files *I DIDN'T CHANGE*? <quotemstr> I have a copy of the Emacs trunk. I last updated it --- hrm, maybe a month ago? <peitschie> mornin all :) <KombuchaKip> Hey folks. I'm about to create a branch on my launchpad page, and I'm a little confused on what to call it. Should one call it the project name, dev, trunk, mainline, branch, or what? The UI seems a little confusing to me. <blueglasses> hi <blueglasses> i've made some changes on a python file, how do I upload it to launchpad? <blueglasses> I already have the thing called trunk visible <blueglasses> and I have some testing files there <spiv> KombuchaKip: 'trunk' is a reasonable default. It doesn't matter much. You can rename it later (at the cost of breaking the old URL, of course). <KombuchaKip> spiv: Thanks. <blueglasses> I forgot the command sequence to upload my changes <spiv> blueglasses: usually "bzr commit" followed by "bzr push". <blueglasses> trying... <KombuchaKip> spiv: What does Launchpad mean when they refer to the "trunk series"? <blueglasses> commit opened nano <blueglasses> is this expected? <mgz> you get to type in what your change does. <mgz> so people looking at the log know what you were up to. <blueglasses> do I have to follow rules to comment on the commit? <blueglasses> eg, is there a all people do this thing when typing what my change does? <blueglasses> or is it freestyle? <mgz> depends on the project, but this is publicly visible <spiv> blueglasses: it's a place for you to describe/summarise the changes, so that people (including yourself) can look at just that message (via e.g. "bzr log") rather than having to look at the exact changes. It's freestyle. <mgz> when in doubt, try and do the same kind of thing you see others doing when you look at the existing commit messages in the log <mgz> ...is there not a "My First Contribution" guide on launchpad somewhere? <spiv> KombuchaKip: perhaps better to ask in #launchpad. https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/SeriesMilestonesReleases may help. <KombuchaKip> spiv: Thanks spiv. I didn't realize there was a channel. <spiv> KombuchaKip: not a problem. <blueglasses> thank you <blueglasses> how do i configure the project branch in lauchpad? it says the word for my project is too small <blueglasses> but its already there... <blueglasses> its called story <mgz> is launchpad lagging behind on the bzr branch a known issue? <mgz> I can branch spiv's r5538 but the latest rev on the web page is 5537 and the +activereviews page hasn't twigged it's already been merged. <poolie> mgz, it might be related to an issue with the branch scanner on the weekend <poolie> mwhudson: what do you think? #bzr 2011-11-07 <poolie> oh ok thanks <poolie> jelmer, of course we don't need to verify every bug, just make sure it's not broken <meth> can i do conditional commits ? <meth> or a patch commit you might call it <poolie> meth, what do you mean? <meth> git add -p <meth> would like that <poolie> try bzr-interactive <poolie> https://launchpad.net/bzr-interactive <meth> cool <BlindWolf8> anyone alive in here? <spiv> Often! <BlindWolf8> hi spiv! <BlindWolf8> your name looks familiar :-) <BlindWolf8> do you have time to field a bazaar question for me? <spiv> BlindWolf8: depends on how hard it is ;) <spiv> BlindWolf8: in general it's best to just ask your question, lots of folks are usually quiet but check the scrollback periodically and might answer <BlindWolf8> spiv: well, I always try and be polite <BlindWolf8> people giving fre support and all <spiv> This channel is here to talk about bzr :) <BlindWolf8> *free <BlindWolf8> OK, so...here's the deal... <spiv> You're quite welcome to just pop in and say "hi, I'm having X problem..." :) <BlindWolf8> I have a server...running Ubuntu 11.10 <BlindWolf8> bzr is installed on it via the PPA <BlindWolf8> bzr 2.4.2 is on all the clients and the server <BlindWolf8> putty 0.61 is installed on all clients <BlindWolf8> clients are all windows boxes <BlindWolf8> clients gave me public keys to pop on the server and use pagent to authenticate <BlindWolf8> I have the command for bzr_ssh_path_limiter listed in the auithorized_keys file <BlindWolf8> on the first line of the keys file, it goes <command for bzr_ssh_path_limiter> <ssh key> <BlindWolf8> all other lines are simply public keys <BlindWolf8> first, I am assuming that just the first line is supposed to have the bzr_ssh_path_limiter command? <BlindWolf8> I have done various tests on my end and I am able to pull files from the server no problem, but none of the other people I work with can <spiv> If you only want the first key to use the bzr_ssh_path_limiter <spiv> Each line is independent of the others, read the authorized_keys man page that comes with OpenSSH for the exact details. <BlindWolf8> ah........ <BlindWolf8> I thought it was executed on the user's profile, not per key.... <spiv> No, it's per key <BlindWolf8> that solves that problem, thanks! <BlindWolf8> I have another slight issue though <spiv> So some people use it as a relatively cheap way to have per-user repos hosted by a single user account. <BlindWolf8> some clients get a temp file error that deals with pagent...but I'm using 0.61 with no isseus, even though the issue is supposed to be with 0.61 <spiv> I don't know much about pageant. <BlindWolf8> relavent bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/820805 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 820805 in Bazaar "access denied on Pageant .pag file" [Undecided,Confirmed] <poolie> o/ spiv <spiv> Hey poolie <mgz> morning all. <jelmer> hi mgz <mgz> what's the way of finding out what versions of packages PQM has installed? <jelmer> mgz: checking with a losa, probably <mgz> okay, what's the way of changing the PQM code so it displays the versions it has installed? <jelmer> mgz: you'd have to modify the script that is used to verify bzr submissions, I'm not sure if that's publicly available somewhere <lifeless> mgz: change Makefile <lifeless> mgz: in the bzr tree <lifeless> mgz: PQM is -extremely- simple. Thats why everyone gets so confused by it. <mgz> that only works if it's running a test I think lifeless <lifeless> mgz: yes... that was the context of your question right ? <lifeless> '23:31 < mgz> okay, what's the way of changing the PQM code so it displays the versions it has installed? <lifeless> ' <mgz> but lp:pqm doesn't look too hard to poke, though actually deploying a change is probably impossible <lifeless> pretty easy - get the losa to pull in the branch <lifeless> and yes, lp:pqm should be fairly straight forward, though I'm horribly confused about what you're trying to do. <mgz> okay, I will poke this. <mgz> lifeless: I want to look at pqm.bazaar-vcs.org and know what version of testtools is being used <lifeless> mgz: I don't think that question makes sense unless a test is runnig. <mgz> meh, maybe not. <mgz> there's not a sensible way of getting ther versions of python packages unless they're being used <mgz> debian packages would kind of work, but I imagine that would also be a harder sell. <lifeless> there is that, and that the place to check is in a chroot, of which there can be multiple versions at once (especially when bzr is transitioning) <lifeless> having the web UI go off and probe arbitrary chroots which may or may not be active or even usable at the time ... seems odd <lifeless> vs having Makefile report it for you. <mgz> adding more output to the Makefile doesn't actually solve my problem though <lifeless> what is your problem ? <mgz> you'd still have to push a branch to see any relevent information <mgz> ^as stated above <lifeless> mgz: I don't follow :) <mgz> I, right now, want to know something, and right now, the page just says "0 scripts" and the time <lifeless> ah. <lifeless> so in general, to know this, I ask a losa <mgz> there's no change I can do in lp:bzr to remedy that, and it seems the same goes for lp:pqm <lifeless> mgz: you could send a patch through that will print out the versions and return 1 <mgz> so my ping saving idea is no good. <lifeless> mgz: making the test suite fail and thus not landing anything. <lifeless> mgz: you could even just have that sitting around ready to go at a moments notice <mgz> that only helps me, which is much the same as just asking an admin. <lifeless> I must be really tied <mgz> but it's okay, sometimes there's not an easy way of adding code to save work, <lifeless> *tired* <lifeless> because I thought you said you wanted to know <mgz> I do, and when the answer was "ask someone" I wondered if I could avoid that by fixing the web display. <mgz> The answer to the second question is "no" <lifeless> its more yes-but-its-not-as-simple-as-all-that :( <mgz> So, I will go back to the initial issue and forget the generalisation. <lifeless> :) <mgz> ah, vila is still suffering <mgz> all I really have left today is the impressive cough <mgz> dammit, last change somehow hasn't fixed the random failure on babune natty <mgz> what were the chances of even hitting it again right after... <mgz> heh, bialix and I having the same idea in these bugs at the same time <mgz> I'm sure Gordan or someone fixed an issue related to unquoting paths from config <mgz> but I now can't find it <Amis> Hello o/ <Amis> I'm sure it's somewhere in the documentation but I can't find how exactly create a new branch in a shared repository. Any help? <mgz> Amis: just `bzr init` as normal. <Amis> bzr init "remote shared rep location" project? <Amis> oh wait <mgz> eg, `bzr init-repo repo; bzr init repo/branch` <mgz> you can also branch into the shared repo and it will do the right thing <Amis> yeah, right, thanks #bzr 2011-11-08 <BlindWolf8> Hello all. I am not experiencing this bug, but some clients are and I can't pinpoint it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/820805 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 820805 in Bazaar "access denied on Pageant .pag file" [Undecided,Confirmed] <AuroraBorealis> if thats a bug in pageant <AuroraBorealis> gl haha. its been like 6 years and only one new release since then? <BlindWolf8> it can't be pagent, because I don't get the bug and I'm using 0.61 <BlindWolf8> other clients are using 0.61 and they get the bug <AuroraBorealis> where is their pageant.exe file <BlindWolf8> I tried it in a virtual machine and cannot reproduce the bug <AuroraBorealis> cause i use pageant too <AuroraBorealis> and i don't get said bug <BlindWolf8> I told them to use the installer, which I use too <AuroraBorealis> what is the .pag file anyway <BlindWolf8> I have no idea <AuroraBorealis> google is no help cause its keep going for page file <AuroraBorealis> and pageant itself <BlindWolf8> you can do -page in google to exclude page from search results <vila> hi all ! <Merwin> hi <mgz> morning all. <vila> mgz: _o/ <mgz> feeling a bit better vila? <vila> mgz: yup, not fully resumed but good enough to be here :) <vila> mgz: how about you ? <mgz> I'm mostly alive <vila> good, let's join efforts to provide at least one decent bzr dev ;) * fullermd gets a giant steam press warmed up. <vila> hehe <vila> bunch of updates here (including reboots !) and weird stuff (gwibber consuming 12GB, wtf ???) <vila> that was 12GB of VM (4GB resident) for that matter... I suspect some weird interaction caused by an update while gwibber was still running so I may never be able to reproduce :-/ <fullermd> Well, it could be worse. Could have been firefox; it wouldn't have bothered limiting itself to so little memory. * vila feels weird: 8 vans, full of CRS (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compagnie_r%C3%A9publicaine_de_s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9) below my windows... <vila> s/below/under/ ? <vila> the thing is, there is this library which is being renovated one block from there and our president will visit it today... <vila> but 8 vans ??? What sort of democracy is that ? :-/ <fullermd> I know, right? It has to be an odd number to avoid deadlocks! <vila> haaa, makes sense, one for each of my desktop core ! <vila> . o O (But how on earth do they know I have 4 cores (8 threads) ??) * vila watches for the black helicopters... <fullermd> Oh, I told some guy. <fullermd> He said he needed to know it to transfer the $15,000,000 (15 MILLION DOLLARS) out of the Ivory Coast into my account. <fullermd> Now that I think back, it was a LITTLE weird... <vila> but 15 is an even number... <fullermd> It's certainly a rather odd even number. <mgz> any idea why your natty chroot seems to be more of a race magnet than the other ones? <mgz> or is it just happy chance? <vila> happy chance !! <vila> race bugs... the more you reproduce them, the better <mgz> we having standup this morning? <mgz> should perhaps have been an hour ago... <jelmer> I'm on mumble now.. <vila> maxb: ppas updated: \o/ Thanks ! <jelmer> vila: https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr-builddeb/has-version-multiple-tarballs/+merge/81545 <jelmer> vila: testing <maxb> vila: No problem :-). <maxb> Now, I suppose I should go care for the Mercurial PPAs :-/ <maxb> There is some superb irony in me ending up doing both of those <vila> :) <jelmer> vila: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/731886/ <mgz> the vila bell is so cute. <lifeless> maxb: how about cygwin mirrors of both repos's ? <vila> jelmer, mgz: https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/udd/use-local-bzr/+merge/81555 <mgz> I'm off for an appointment, will be back a little later <jelmer> vila: hmm, udd doesn't call bzrlib.initialize() ? :P <vila> ha crap :) <jelmer> vila: argh, hit a bzrlib bug <jelmer> vila: https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr/workingtree-pull-null/+merge/81572 <jelmer> vila: python-distro-info <jelmer> vila: debianlp:distro-info <jelmer> vila: lp:debian/distr-info <jelmer> vila: lp:debian/distro-info <mgz> am around again. <vila> not sure I will for too long ;) <vila> fever seems to be striking again * mgz hands vila a pillow <Riddell> what's the URL to add blog entries to http://blog.bazaar.canonical.com again? * jelmer lunches, back in a bit <Riddell> got it, my closing Bazaar blog http://blog.bazaar.canonical.com/?p=383 <vila> Riddell: damn, I couldn't find it myself either, where is it ? <vila> Riddell: nice blog post, you really did a ton of stuff during this rotation... <Riddell> vila: "log in" under meta menu in right hand side <vila> ETHEREISNOMETAMENU <vila> ha, here it is 8-) <vila> weird, I went to an another url which triggered an OpenID login and from there the menu appeared, yeah for discoverability <mgz> Riddell: nice post, I just edited it a little for formatting and some spellings <mgz> and some random extra linkification <mgz> Riddell: I'm a little sad it's not in french... <Riddell> thanks mgz <Riddell> maybe I should do my UDS summary blog in French :) <mgz> yeay! <vila> Riddell, mgz: hehe <vila> Riddell: where are you at this minute ? Still in our TZ or already enjoying tropics ? <Riddell> in the land of Liberte, Equalite et noix de cocos <jelmer> mgz: I'm back on mumble, fwiw <Riddell> c'est la france mais avec en plus des vaches http://www.flickr.com/photos/jriddell/ <mgz> wait, with more cows? <vila> z'ont des vaches en Guadeloupe ??? * mgz distrusts his vocab <fullermd> Harumph. Dunno why people go off and invent all these other languages when we already have English... <vila> Riddell: did you mean: s/avec en plus des vaches/sans les vaches/ ? <vila> perfect French otherwise, congrats ;) <vila> jelmer: did you file the bug about the revision not present ? <Riddell> ils sont des vaches partout <vila> sont ou ont ? Very different joke ... <vila> :) <vila> jelmer: you had an overview (overhear ?) of my Darth Vader voice ;) <jelmer> vila: not yet, still trying to get this multi-tarball thing going.. <jelmer> vila: but thanks for the reminder :) <jelmer> vila: yeah, I was about to say. How much whiskey have you had today? <vila> me ??? <vila> I swear ! Not a single drop ! <fullermd> Only multiple drops? <vila> If I were to cure my Ubuflu, I'll use ti punch anyway :) <jelmer> vila: what about some warm milk? <vila> errr, I mean honey in a grog for inhaler ! <jelmer> apparently there are wild cows roaming the french streets... <vila> I had 8 vans in the street this morning but that's rather unusual <vila> (full of cows I mean) <vila> hmm, that was rather obscure for foreigners may be... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mort_Aux_Vaches should clarify that ;) <fullermd> Man, you're just milking that story for all it's worth... <vila> hmm, not sure wp really clarifies... Dutch radio station... using french slang about german cops... <vila> Riddell: back to your photos, nice, matches my memory of Martinique... nice souvenirs :) <jelmer> vila: that sounds like something that the VPRO would do <vila> :) <vila> mgz: https://code.launchpad.net/~gz/bzr/trivial_fork_error_block/+merge/81479 reviewed <vila> mgz: finishing the discussion *here* will probably be more effective <mgz> ...sorry vila, I'm causing needless work for you <vila> ??? <mgz> looking at it again the problem lies in the parent side, not the child side of the pipe <vila> did you break something I'm aware about yet ? ;) <vila> s//not/ <mgz> okay, so your review says basically what I've come back round to. <vila> great ! <mgz> actually fixing the problem would probably mean changes in both subunit and testtools, and isn't actually worth while * vila nods <mgz> as an aside, the EINTR/short write handling is just because... otherwise I'd feel bad using os.write completely incorrectly <vila> mgz: what I would be more interested in, in this area, is the ability to capture the subunit streams <vila> huh ? <vila> You mean EINTR can occur randomly ? <vila> or that ignoring it will just cause a short write ? <vila> s/just// that's already expressing *my* opinion ;( <vila> argh ;) <mgz> depending on when a signal arrives, you can get either <vila> right, but what can cause this signal ? <mgz> but the code wasn't on evidence of a problem, just that I don't like leaving holes <vila> ok <vila> specifically, my concern was more about having a helper or not <vila> to keep *this* code short <mgz> yeah, that's a question. the problem in general is you're exchanging more reliable c library code for less reliable python <mgz> posted new mp which weakens the test instead. <lamalex> hey, i have a pipes question <lamalex> should add-pipe -i ask me about uncomitted changes interactively? <maxb> jelmer: Hi, are you aware of severe compatibility issues between bzr 2.4.2 and bzr-git 0.6.4 ? <maxb> As in 'bzr branch git:.....' crashes with an AttributeError <jelmer> maxb: that's fixed in trunk <jelmer> maxb: ah, rats.. didn't realize that 0.6.4 is in sid <maxb> Right, do you plan a debian upload shortly? <jelmer> maxb: thanks for the reminder <jelmer> maxb: yeah, I will <mgz> okay, just the funny url ones left to review of jelmer's mps <LeoNerd> Hmmm... bzr has made me want p4 shelve <LeoNerd> Annoyingly awkward to produce in practice <fullermd> You don't need 'p4 shelve'. You just need bzr-p4 8-} <LeoNerd> Hehe oooooh <LeoNerd> WANT <soren> What's "p4"? <fullermd> The one between p3 and p5 ;) <fullermd> Perforce. <soren> Oh, that thing. <jelmer> thanks for the reviews mgz! <wgz> you were getting quite a backlog :) <jelmer> g'day poolie <poolie> hi all <poolie> jelmer, gdd was interesting <poolie> i think today i'm going to have a look at making a txfixtures package and a buildd and then chase some mps <jelmer> poolie: gdd? <jelmer> poolie: we tested the newer bzr on a builder today, lamont is rolling it out at the moment <poolie> google developer day <poolie> oh, did you <poolie> that's good <jelmer> poolie: ah, cool. any interesting discoveries? #bzr 2011-11-09 <poolie> jelmer, a few <poolie> gae is apparently more useful and successful than my out of date impression <poolie> being one of their highest-traffic properties, which is saying kind of a lot <lamont> moof <poolie> hi lamont <poolie> tell me is the mailname thing a pressing problem, or are you ok to set that on all boxes <poolie> if it is a big thing we can try to work something out <lamont> poolie: not pressing <lamont> it makes for a little analysis before we go all hog-wild on $EVERYWHERE, but the buildds don't care so much about that <lamont> I wish the builders api let me get the build currently running on the builder <lamont> though maybe it does, dunno <poolie> the api on launchpad.net or the api on the buildd? <poolie> you could certainly file a bug for that <lamont> lp.net <lamont> yeah, I need to file multiple bugs <lamont> all of which are feature requests, in this clump <poolie> if they will help do smoother rollouts i'm all in favour of them <poolie> and may even try to fix them <peitschie> hi everyone :) <peitschie> I was wondering if jelmer (or someone with related knowledge) would be able to provide assistance an issue encountered with https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/485601 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 485601 in Bazaar Subversion Plugin "missing chk node(s) for id_to_entry maps" [Critical,Fix released] <poolie> hi <peitschie> long story short... I just hit this problem with bzr svn 1.1.0 ... which is supposed to have it fixed :( <peitschie> what is the appropriate way to re-open / raise this issue again?... is a dup best, or should I just add comments etc.? <poolie> peitschie, just reopen it for now <poolie> sorry i don't know a lot about it and i have to deal with other things this afternoon <poolie> but i think jelmer will look at it soon <peitschie> poolie: looks like I dont have permissions to re-open. I'll post a comment and cross my fingers <poolie> oh dammit <vila> hi all ! <vila> poolie: ping <poolie> hi vila <poolie> hope you're feeling better <vila> as jelmer jokingly mentioned, I still sound like Vader ;) <Merwin> hi <jelmer> 'morning all <mgz> eugh, morning all <jelmer> hi mgz <jelmer> poolie: hi <vila> jelmer, mgz : hey guys ! <jelmer> hi vila :) <jelmer> vila: how are you today? <vila> jelmer: hehe, still a bit Vader'ish ;) <vila> jelmer: let me know when you want to test stuff again about multiple tarballs imports <jelmer> vila: *nod* <vila> jelmer: also, I'll happily renew the always-on-mumble experiment as soon as my voice is back ;) <vila> mgz: ^ goes for you too of course <vila> mgz: by the way, it would be nice if you could summarize your ideas about BadFilenameEncoding and all that jazz <vila> mgz: as a brain dump to start the discussion <mgz> sure <vila> mgz: or rather, *enlarge* the discussion <mgz> getting covered in bugs here... <quicksilver> reality TV these days :-/ <mterry> Is Branch.revision_history deprecated in 2.5? <jelmer> mterry: yes <jelmer> mterry: if you're looking at the bzr-git FTBFS, I've got a pending upload for that <mterry> jelmer, ok <peitschie> mornin everyone :) <poolie> hi peitschie <jelmer> hi poolie, peitschie <poolie> hi jelmer <peitschie> hi jelmer :) <wgz> evening all. <poolie> hi wgz <jelmer> hey wgz #bzr 2011-11-10 <mgz> morning! <vila> mgz: my man ! :) * fullermd used to be your man :( <vila> I can't find the bug about the recent spurious failures on babune, do you ? <vila> fullermd: hehe, I can multi-man for some contexts ;) * fullermd c&p's into his quotes file. <vila> hehe, see if I care ;) <vila> fullermd: by the way, did you try to run the full test suite lately ? <vila> fullermd: I remember you had issues and mgz landed a patch on trunk that we hope should address them <fullermd> Nah. I'm just an optimist and assume it'll work. <vila> mgz: also, I just noticed you use 'test' and 'test-failure' as bug tags where I was assuming 'selftest' myself, we should probably discuss and agree on which one(s) we use <vila> mgz: oh, and 'babune' is also relevant <fullermd> Seems the last time I tried a full run (which was however many $AGES ago) I always had the deadlocks run up. <mgz> you edited oneyou want bug 874153 vila? <ubot5> Launchpad bug 874153 in Bazaar "Spurious test failure" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/874153 <mgz> ... <mgz> one you just edited, and I think that's the other current one <vila> YES ! <mgz> I try and remember to use selftest for... issues with selftest itself, and generally don't tag test failures in any particular way <vila> ha, right, poolie seems to be using test-failure <vila> yeah, keeping 'selftest' for selftest itself seems like a better fit <vila> I think I'll switch to 'test-failure' for regressions triggered on babune <vila> bbiab <mgz> vila: how far back are we backporting fixes currently? <mgz> this bug report is against 2.1.4, the change is against 2.3 and we're on 2.5 <mgz> I'll propose against 2.3 for now I guess <vila> mgz: for bug #874153 ? spurious enough to target trunk only I'd say <ubot5> Launchpad bug 874153 in Bazaar "Spurious test failure" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/874153 <vila> mgz: oh no, 2.1.4, dunno which bug you're referring then <hrw> hi <mgz> vila: https://code.launchpad.net/~gz/bzr/2.3_unprintable_retrywithnewpacks/+merge/81827 <jelmer> hi hrw <mgz> hey hrw, getting on okay with the buildds now? <hrw> mgz: works great <vila> briandealwis: hi <hrw> mgz: thanks a lot for this change <briandealwis> hi vila <mgz> jelmer and poolie were slaving away on getting it deployed all week we were at UDS :) <mgz> (and jelmer had been trying for... I don't want to know how long before that) <hrw> but the question for today is: how to export set of revisions as separate patches. I need to merge some changes from one branch to other but they have no common ancestor so prefer to have patches (like I would do with git and git format-patch) <mgz> if you have both branches, you can cherry-pick the revisions, rather than going via patchfiles <hrw> I cannot export some of changes as they are one huge commit <mgz> anyway, bzr diff with the revision range? depends how you want to edit the patch. <mgz> if your normal git thing is to get interactively select hunks, I'm not sure what would suit you best. <hrw> moment - phone call <briandealwis> vila, I haven't had time to do any further work on hooks-related part. The exception-shielding code comes from some nearly inexplicable interactions I've witnessed from exceptions in hooks. I've nearly reported 3 bugs on bzr-svn or bzr-git that were due to hooks instead. But I see your points about hooks being able to influence the execution too. Seems we want a HookPoint.run for both with and without exceptions <briandealwis> (sorry for the wall of text) <vila> briandealwis: great, I was worrying you got confused by the reviews across both proposals <briandealwis> not at all <jelmer> briandealwis: do you recall what those hooks were? bzr-git and bzr-svn only hook into the "info" and "version-info" commands. <vila> briandealwis: as said, if you've got enough use cases to triangulate, run_without_exceptions makes sense for purely innocuous hooks <jelmer> ah, bzr-git hooks into Branch.hooks['post_commit'] too <vila> but as soon as we start playing tricks with return values or stopping hook execution when some condition is reached, run() itself becomes less attracting <briandealwis> jelmer: it was due to one of my own plugins :) I have a 'verbose_hooks' plugin for debugging that dumps info on the hook args for various hooks. There was an error in one of the branch hooks with bzr-git as it doesn't support generating a revno <briandealwis> So I'd do a dpush, which would throw an exception <briandealwis> I was uncertain as to the state of the branch or the push <jelmer> ah, ok <briandealwis> So from a user's perspective, providing the exception was far more confusing an experience <briandealwis> Or rather, showing the exception without context, was confusing <vila> briandealwis: that being said, I think my review was more about splitting the proposal to separate the parts we all agree upon from the parts for which more discussion may be needed <briandealwis> I moved out the exception-shielding-run into HookPoint at poolie's request :) <vila> it generally makes it a more satisfying experience for both the submitter (stuff lands) and the reviewer (easier to review) <vila> briandealwis: yup, I realized that *after* my review <vila> briandealwis: cross reviews are ... confusing :) <vila> or rather reviews across resubmitted proposals <vila> briandealwis: you know you can just push on the same branch ? <briandealwis> I wondered about adding BZR_PDB support, so the exceptions could be seen and debugged, but it looked harder than I thought <briandealwis> re: pushing: I did, but on a previous proposal, I thought I was told to resubmit <briandealwis> …but that was a while ago <vila> (the distinction between re-submitting or just pushing is rather arbitrary) <vila> and even reviewers may say resubmit for push adding to the confusion ;) <briandealwis> ah that would make sense <vila> it's a judgment call but generally re-submitting is when you want to really re-start the review from scratch because the first proposal is becoming too... complex/diverging from initial intent/whatever <briandealwis> gotcha <briandealwis> oops, I mean: got it * vila blinks, the subtle difference between 'gotcha' and 'got it' here escapes me... <briandealwis> gotcha seems to have more of a connotation of a surprise. I think. In my head at least. <vila> didn't 'gotcha' mean: 'I got what you said' ? <vila> oh <vila> thks <vila> jelmer, mgz: freezing 2.5b3, please don't land, I'll do as fast as possible and tell you when I'm done <vila> Riddell: ping <diwic> Hi! I'm writing a launchpad recipe and when I'm testing it I have to enter my key passphrase 10 times, although read access to these branches are public...? <vila> diwic: you may be interested in an ssh-agent ? <vila> diwic: as soon as you tell lp about your ssh key, ssh will be preferred to http for performance reasons <diwic> vila, hmm, how do I set up an ssh-agent? I tried just running "ssh-agent bzr dailydeb recipe" but it didn't help <hrw> mgz: for f in `seq 1 12`;do bzr diff -c$f >$f.diff;done <vila> diwic: depends on your os/distro, which are you using ? <diwic> Ubuntu 11.10 <hrw> mgz: that what I needed ;) * vila blinks, wth are the key settings gone, can't find them anymore in system settings <vila> diwic: On ubuntu the ssh-agent should already be running... 'ssh-add -l' should tell you which keys are known <vila> diwic: 'ssh-add <path-to-key>' will add a new one <diwic> vila, aha, thanks, that was helpful! <diwic> My recipe still fails though :-( <diwic> bzr: ERROR: No such tag: upstream-3.0.0 * diwic files bug 888539 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 888539 in bzr-builder (Ubuntu) "Recipe fails with "bzr: ERROR: No such tag: upstream-3.0.0"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/888539 <jelmer> hi diwic <diwic> jelmer, hi there! <jelmer> diwic: is this on a local build, or using Launchpad? <jelmer> (It shouldn't happen using Launchpad) <diwic> jelmer, this is local, testing it before trying it on Launchpad <diwic> jelmer, with 0.7.1-0ubuntu1 of bzr-builder package <hrw> diwic: --force-native-mode or sth like that is needed then <hrw> diwic: --allow-fallback-to-native <jelmer> diwic: newer versions of bzr-builder should give you a clearer error message <hrw> diwic: it will ignore tags and force native package * diwic tries "bzr dailydeb --allow-fallback-to-native recipe" <diwic> hrw, thanks for keeping me awake at the airport btw :-) <jelmer> I'll release 0.7.2, there are a couple of other fixes that would be nice to get out too <diwic> hrw & jelmer, it worked, thanks! <hrw> diwic: no problemo <hrw> diwic: I had this problem (bzr) before <hrw> diwic: on return path I missed someone to keep me alive - had to rebook flight from FRA to TXL as I missed it (they moved gate and I did not noticed) <diwic> hrw, oh :-( but it got sorted out I hope <Wellark> jelmer: hi! :) <jelmer> Wellark: hi :) <hrw> diwic: yes <hrw> diwic: and they did not charged me <Riddell> vila: pon <Riddell> g <vila> Riddell: I tried to follow your instructions to update po/bzr.pot <vila> and I encountered weird stuff <Riddell> what did you do? <vila> I finally used 'BZR_PLUGIN_PATH=-site make po/bzr.pot' instead of 'make -f po/bzr.pot' <vila> and froze 2.5b3 with that <vila> I wanted to make sure excluding the plugins was the Right Thing to do <Riddell> yes it is <vila> otherwise the ones included depend on the RM :-/ <vila> ha good <vila> I've updated the instructions then and I'll send a mp asap <vila> Riddell: the associated diff is an interesting way to look at what has been added since the previous release... <vila> Riddell: good stuff for RMs ;) <vila> jelmer, mgs: 2.5b3 frozen, 2.5b4 opening on pqm, thanks for your patience ;) <vila> s/mgs/mgz/ <jelmer> vila: thanks! <mgz> stick the strings file diff up somewhere vila? :) <vila> mgz: 'bzr pull lp:bzr' , it's part of the release commit <mgz> an extractable part though? :) * mgz tries <vila> the release commits are quite short most of the time <vila> hehe, I just add a wtf moment: I misread 'test_non_ascii.TestNonAscii.' as '^[ascii]' and thought pqm was back in the good old days where we ran the test suite twice ;) <mgz> bah <mgz> a bunch of line number change junk * mgz grumbles at gettext and the formats it uses <vila> hmm, that reminds me that ediff (in emacs) allows regexps to *ignore* some changes... <mgz> hm, command help paragraphs don't seem to be shared, eg bzrlib/builtins.py:1007 and bzrlib/builtins.py:1147 <rvba> Hi there, do you guys happen to know if it's possible to have a mirrored branch inside /~me/+junk/ on lp? Or do I have to create a project and create the mirrored branch in there? <rvba> I've been sent here from lp-dev so please don't send me back there ;) <fullermd> We really should switch up metals for some variety. <fullermd> Our next beta should go palladium, say. <jelmer> palladium is one of the launchpad buildds <fullermd> OK, ruthenium then. <mgz> fullermd is bored of gold by now? <mgz> just have too much, don't know what to do with it? <fullermd> Nono, I don't have *enough*! And all those betas keep going off with what I have! <vila> mgz: yup, I noticed the help paragraphs too... did you dig that ? <mgz> nope, but I did notice one was at the end of the help block and one in the middle <mgz> so could be a quirk of how that's split <mgz> or perhaps help blocks aren't deduped at all. <vila> Maybe a final \n quirk <mgz> really, it's a sign that our help needs shortening I thikn <jelmer> vila: 2.5b3 uploaded to sid/precise <jelmer> sorry, experimental+precise <vila> jelmer: Thanks ! <mgz> vila: looks like export_pot doesn't actually do deduping. <vila> mgz: export-port is ours right ? <mgz> yup, bzrlib.export_pot <vila> ok, worth a bug then <vila> 2.5 is the first series for translations, it's expected that we encounter a few <vila> bugs <mgz> I better read up on the po format first... :) <vila> hmm, and PEP8 issues there too ;) <vila> jelmer: I kinda lost track of where you are for multiple tarballs, but <vila> jelmer: IIUC you commented a line related to branch freshness and this is causing other import failures <vila> jelmer: is there two different bugs ? <vila> hgaaa <vila> jelmer: I meant: commenting that line (which one ?) will *address* other import failures that we encounter *now* <mgz> as I recall, he only commented a line on his box, for testing, which was a path the importer doesn't go down <mgz> the freshness issues should be all the same old freshness issues <vila> mgz: yup <vila> http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/3b90b26b3585bde1d5cb6d903f83dc45.html <vila> looks new to me <vila> imbw but it seems that running bzr-2.5 on jubany has caused these new failures <vila> which is surprising in itself <vila> but checking the freshness on the importer seems useless anyway so we probably want a way to disable it if only for the importer <mgz> vila: I wouldn't be suprised if fixing the multiple tarballs error exposed a few more packaged with freshness issues <jelmer> vila: it works at the moment <jelmer> vila: but I'm fixing a bug in the multi tarball support to handle revisin parents correctly <vila> mgz: the importer is responsible to make the branches fresh enough is what I'm trying to say ;) <mgz> this is pretty fun too: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/73d7709fb86e524d019e4c119d698c58.html <vila> jelmer: ok, so I'm still waiting for your green light <vila> mgz: that's one of the bugs where I suspect the importer misunderstands the packager <jelmer> vila: yep <mgz> yeah. <mgz> vila: do you favour merging up older bzr releases when each change lands? <vila> mgz: yup, that means the guy doing the landing also handle the conflicts when merging up <vila> mgz: and they should be easier to resolve by him than by anybody else <mgz> heh, anyone can read release notes and probably realphabetise better than me :P <vila> oh, release notes, yeah, be careful when crossing... 2.2 -> 2.3 where they were split from NEWS to one file per release <vila> but release notes is not my concern here ;) <vila> wgz: confused by the too many spurious test failures, I ended up filing a bug you already filed, in anger, I marked *yours* as a dupe of mine ;) <smoser> hey all. how can i track a git repository in bzr ? <smoser> i know i can set up launchpad to do it for me <jelmer> hi smoser <smoser> but how can i do it on my own? <jelmer> smoser: if you have bzr-git installed, just use bzr branch as you would with a bzr branch <smoser> perfect. <smoser> easiest question ever <smoser> thank yoiu <george_e> I can't seem to get Bazaar to pull from an HTTP server. <george_e> Using Chromium, I can verify the remote server is up and running and the .bzr folder is accessible. <george_e> ...but I keep getting errors: "bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: ''" <george_e> What am I doing wrong? <jelmer> hi george_e <george_e> Hi. <jelmer> george_e: is .bzr/branch-format accessible? * george_e slaps forehead <george_e> It's spitting out a 403 :) <george_e> That would explain it alright. <george_e> (That's what I get for using IIS :P) <george_e> jelmer: Thank you thank you thank you - that solved the problem. <jelmer> george_e: np :) <poolie> hi all <GRiD> hi poolie <Noldorin> hi jelmer <Noldorin> poolie, <poolie> hi <jelmer> hi poolie, GRiD, Noldorin <Noldorin> hey <GRiD> hey jelmer <Noldorin> how's it going? <GRiD> no hurry, but if someone can take another look at https://code.launchpad.net/~weyrick/bzr/720853-max-recursion-depth/+merge/81297 ... <poolie> oh thanks for th ereminder <poolie> done <GRiD> thanks :) <Noldorin> jelmer, are we any closer to the new bzr-git release/fix, may i ask? :-) <GRiD> poolie, btw, i suppose i should also add something to release-notes? <poolie> yes <GRiD> k #bzr 2011-11-11 <jelmer> Noldorin: there's a new bzr-git release (0.6.5) from a couple of days ago <wgz> no bed quite yet, better do travel now. <poolie> wgz, it doesn't have to be right now <wgz> will save round trips in the morning :) <poolie> by 'today' i meant my today, friday <wgz> it's done/ <wgz> and my sis is still on the phone, so I'd not have got the extra sleep anyway :) <Noldorin> jelmer, oh does that fix the issue i was having with my branch though? <jelmer> Noldorin: no, that issue is still open <Noldorin> jelmer, ah, oh well... <Noldorin> targeting it soon? <Noldorin> i guess it's good news the project is still moving...thought this was a pretty crucial issue though <jelmer> Noldorin: your repository is the only I've seen it with so far <jelmer> Noldorin: it's on my list of things to work on, but I'm swamped by other stuff at the moment <Noldorin> jelmer, heh okay sure <Noldorin> jelmer, very surprising, since i isolated quite a simple reproduction case :-) <Noldorin> jelmer, but clearly you haven't forgotten...thanks <Noldorin> brb <poolie> GRiD, ok that still sounds pretty good then <GRiD> ok cool. the bzr-search change should be pretty easy too, i think. i can look at that after if i get a minute. <GRiD> well, easy in that i would just skip the key it's trying to add if it's too big, although i don't know if that's the right thing to do <poolie> i guess the question is why is the key getting so big <poolie> if it's just encountered a really long whitespace-delimited "word" <poolie> then skipping it would be reasonable <poolie> i don't know if that is actually the cause <GRiD> yeah i didn't have a chance to investigate that. but if you try to reproduce the original bug (by indexing ubiquity) with my patch, it now excepts on a key that is about a 4k (iirc) string of hex characters <GRiD> fwiw, if the long keys are skipped (which one of my early patches did silently), the indexing of ubiquity completes and seems to be usable. <poolie> GRiD, ok, so i think the main thing here is that the decision to skip is a policy of bzr-search, not bzr core <poolie> search may not care about indexing long strings but for other things that might lose data <GRiD> yep, agreed. i only meant it in that if bzr-search caught the exception and simply skipped for now (perhaps with warning), it may be sufficient. if it's not, someone who knows more about bzr-search should take a look. <poolie> i think that'd be good <poolie> thanks for fixing it <poolie> lifeless, ^ <lifeless> yah, I've been following along <lifeless> all sounds good to me <GRiD> ok i'll take a look at making bzr-search skip then. <mgz> morning! <mgz> hm, it's good to know someone else is interested in maintaining paramiko, but looking at the changes 'bitprophet' has on github doesn't fill me with confidence <mgz> the only significant changes seem to be the rename (to 'ssh'... which seems unwise) and changing all the copyright headers(!) <mgz> and has done two releases to pypi without updating NEWS or otherwise indicating what's different as far as I can see <jam> mgz: well, having an official release channel is what we are after. We've written a few patches that have just gone ignored for long stretches of time. <jam> I agree that the 'ssh' thing seems a bit wonky. There can be many ssh libs around, having a unique name is nicer. Though maybe just a namespace "from paramiko import ssh" <jam> or 'import paramiko_ssh as ssh" <mgz> anyone know if github lets you issue pull requests for other people's branches? <mgz> ...not that they'll let me sign in, no openid support and demand js enabled. <jam> mgz: if you had an account, you could always 'fork' the other person's branch and propose it directly, so I would think they would allow you to propose someone elses' branch <mgz> jam: on your running tests against implementations in different languages thing, <mgz> (I don't know why but was thinking about that before going to sleep last night) <mgz> what people generally do is structure the cases as data as far as possible, then just write the bits they need for the runners in python/js/etc <mgz> eg htmllib5 <jam> mgz: sure, but it means implementing a test-suite runner in each language <mgz> or it's nearly what bt.test_conflicts.TestParametrizedResolveConflicts is <jam> which may not be much better than implementing a test-suite in that language <mgz> yeah, and when you get to the point where it's nearly a mini functional language, the tests aren't very easy to read <jam> so far, it seems the only way if we want to ensure the *same* tests get run in each language <jam> mgz: we just need to port the python interpreter to vala, js, java, etc, and we'll be golden <jam> php will be fun :) <mgz> but there's probably a middle ground where the test cases are still easy enough to write, but the runners don't need to be overly complicated <jam> mgz: I think you meant "forwarding our existing patches" not "forwarding out existing patches". <mgz> ...I did <mgz> the keys are like, right next to each other. <mgz> okay, let's do the github dance <mgz> ha, and I don't actually have git installed here, have just been using bzr-git <jelmer> mgz: bzr-git should work for pushing too.. <jelmer> :) <mgz> I need to do a couple of merges and thought I'd try the vanilla option first :) <mgz> I need to go out briefly, will be back shortly <mgz> back. <daveb_> how do I undo a merge? I want to merge from the same branch, I just wan't to do it later <mgz> `bzr revert` <mgz> if you have changes in your tree you want to keep, it's a bit harder <mgz> but you can tell bzr to forget the merge then undo the merged changes manually <daveb_> I thought revert only changed the working directory <mgz> it also forgets merges if you don't give specific paths, see `bzr help revert` for more. <fullermd> The fact of a pending merge is an attribute of the working tree. <daveb_> i commited the merge <fullermd> And other stuff since then? <mgz> if you haven't done other stuff, can use `bzr uncommit` then my earlier advice, otherwise you're better off... doing something clever fullermd will tell you about <fullermd> Oh great. No pressure, right? <mgz> you're the super sub :) <mgz> can sit out most of the game but expected to sometimes come on and produce miracles. <daveb_> ok, uncommit followed by revert worked :) * fullermd takes the credit. <mgz> see, this match we won anyway, so you just get to rest. :D <fullermd> Nono, too late! You already made me cross the sideline! <daveb_> i guess you also have to rm -rvf any remote branches you have been pushing too... <fullermd> Or push --overwrite 'em. <mgz> only if you pushed that last change with the merge you didn't want <mgz> for very public locations, it's most polite to work on from mistakes, rather than trying to pretend they never happened <daveb_> hmm <fullermd> Oh no, the shame is bad enough he had to change his name. <croepha> lol <jimis> jelmer: no need to pass a source branch revno to bzr log, it should print it so we can use it with other commands, like diff <jimis> bzr diff -rrevno:115532:tree1 <jimis> for example <jimis> bzr log should just display an extra line for each merge operation: "source branch revno: 115532" <jimis> in case it is expensive it should happen only with bzr log -n0 <jelmer> jimis: that revno is specific to the source branch <jelmer> jimis: so you have to pass in the source branch somehow <jelmer> jimis: the revno displayed by log is already usable in e.g. diff <jelmer> bzr diff -r13423.32.1 * jelmer -> weekend <slangasek> jelmer: if and when you have some time, I could use some help with (modifying) bzr-rewrite <ccxCZ> I have bound branch, I did local commit and then bzr up, now the revision of the local branch was set back, how would I find the commit and push it? <fullermd> The local commit is now a pending merge. <ccxCZ> it was aggregated with uncommited changes <ccxCZ> I would prefer to have them as two separate commits <ccxCZ> I seem to be able to get the revid via bzr heads --all <ccxCZ> backing up working tree, updating to revid and restoring did the job #bzr 2011-11-12 <Merwin> hi <jelmer> slangasek: sure <slangasek> jelmer: I'll try the easy one first... I have two branches, bzr+ssh://bzr.debian.org/bzr/users/vorlon/freetds/trunk/ and bzr+ssh://bzr.debian.org/bzr/users/vorlon/freetds/upstream/branches/BRANCH0_63, and I want to rewrite the history so that the tip of the latter branch is the ancestor of the first revision on the former (or functional equivalent). bzr-rewrite is failing me; I've tried to create an initial packaging revision on the latter branc <slangasek> ... import-dsc, but even using the option to pass an id map in (stolen from cjwatson), I can't seem to convince bzr-rewrite to rewrite anything <m1sc> hi. is there something more advanced than bzr_ssh_path_limiter and bzr_access? <jelmer> slangasek: bzr-rewrite doesn't deal with file id differences at all <jelmer> slangasek: which is probably the main reason for your problems with it <jelmer> slangasek: what sort of id map option are you using? <jelmer> m1sc: hi <jelmer> m1sc: not that I'm aware of - more advanced in what way? <m1sc> jelmer: like bzr_access without the known limitations.. <jelmer> m1sc: which known limitations (sorry, I don't have any experience with bzr_access myself) ? <m1sc> jelmer: http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/BzrAccess (scroll down) <jelmer> ah <jelmer> m1sc: I'nm not aware of any alternatives for bzr+ssh that don't have those limitations <m1sc> jelmer: ok. thx <slangasek> jelmer: ah, file ids would explain it then I guess :/ I was trying to use cjwatson's scratch_import bits <slangasek> (for the idmapping) #bzr 2011-11-13 <jo-erlend> is it possible to undo a revert? <jelmer> jo-erlend: sortof - revert will create backup files for all the files it reverts <jo-erlend> oh, ok. That's good to know. <poolie> hi all <jelmer_> 'morning poolie <poolie> hi there <poolie> i might have a go at memory usage during checkout :) <poolie> see how high the fruit actually is <poolie> jelmer, my branch to actually delete buildd from the tree failed ec2 for some mysterious reason <poolie> so i'll try to work that out too <jelmer> poolie: cool <jelmer> poolie: oh? any test in particular that failed? <poolie> oh it just didn't find the buildd library from the package <poolie> i'm sure it was installed <jelmer> poolie: is it a debian package? <poolie> yes <jelmer> poolie: did you update the ec2 image? <poolie> no, but i ran it with my patch to the ec2 tool that makes it do an update first <jelmer> neat, I didn't realize it could do that now :-) <poolie> vote up https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad/ec2-update/+merge/81946 :) <poolie> as i say on the mp it seems unnecessary to wait for a new ami to be built etc <jelmer> yeah, that's really useful <jelmer> updating the AMI image was a bit of a traumatic experience <poolie> so, seriously, say so if you think it's a good idea :) <poolie> stevenk was concerned i guess that it might be more fragile <jelmer> poolie: the bzr-beta-ppa is obsolete and no longer updated as far as I know <jelmer> poolie: and the branch doesn't actually seem to remove henninge from the list of image owners <jelmer> other than that, it seems reasonable to me <poolie> i should remove the beta ppa * jelmer comments on the MP <poolie> i should probably actually change the image-building so that that the ppas are still present <poolie> it raced with steven removing henninge <jelmer> ah, ok <poolie> jelmer, i wonder if we should revert grid's patch, re bug 889872 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 889872 in Bazaar "not a valid key error" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/889872 <jelmer> poolie: me too - perhaps we should, we can always land it again once that issue is fixed <poolie> GRiD, don't suppose you're here? <jelmer> poolie: heh, nice to see a recipe for launchpad-buildd :) <poolie> mm dogfood <maxb> jelmer: Why do you say that? (about beta ppa) <maxb> oh, you mean in that specific context, yup, agreed <jelmer> maxb: Yeah, I'm talking about ppa:bzr-beta-ppa/ppa <poolie> yep, got it <maxb> Actually, does Launchpad development actually require ppa:bzr/ppa any more? <poolie> we could delete the team, but istr we thought we'd keep the ppas there as an archive <maxb> Not that it'll harm anything <poolie> it needs _a_ bzr obviously <poolie> i think running from ppa:bzr is likely to be close to what's deployed and also likely to be more consistent across distroseries than just using the os version <maxb> But only good enough to get the source in the first place, I assume, since there's also a bzr in buildout <poolie> rocketfuel-setup adds the bzr ppa so i'm being consistent with that <GRiD> poolie, yes sure revert it for now <maxb> Still, probably better to leave the bzr ppa in there so people can benefit from latest-stable bzr speed fixes, etc. <poolie> maxb, in the specific case of ec2test it needs bzr to fetch the lp tree before it can run buildout :) <poolie> though for that i guess any old version would do <GRiD> jelmer, maybe you can help me reproduce 889872 tomorrow (mon)? <GRiD> or even better, help me craft a test case to reproduce :) <jelmer> GRiD: I'm not very familiar with that bit of the code so I'm not sure if I can be of much help. I have the issue in a pdb session though, if that helps. <jelmer> GRiD: it might be that the issues can be reproduced by forcibly repacking a bzr repository <GRiD> ok np. i won't have a chance to take a serious look until tomorrow, so i'll try that first <peitschie> mornin all :) <poolie> hi there #bzr 2012-11-05 <JPeterson> "bzr branch lp:jp-test ." returns " Target directory "." already exists." <JPeterson> how do i fix it? <fullermd> branch has a --use-existing-dir. But are you sure you want to drop the branch right in '.'? (as opposed to ./jp-test/) <JPeterson> thx <felipec> it looks like I can do ControlDir.open('lp;foo'), and operate in in the branch as if it was local... but the operations are too slow <felipec> is there a facility to have an intermediary local branch? <fullermd> Pretty sure not really. The facility looks like "bzr branch lp:foo local ; ControlDir.open('local')" 8-} <felipec> fullermd: yeah, I'm doing something like that, but what happens when I want to push to lp:foo? <felipec> I guess I need to pull and push to make sure they are in sync <felipec> I thought perhaps this concept of 'bound' branches would help <fullermd> Oh, you can "push lp:foo" or "push :parent" or (after the first time) just plain "push", depending on when/if you expect somebody to fiddle your branch behind your back. <fullermd> That would also be a possibility, as long as you're OK with things happening upstream the moment you do them (and handling the case of upstream moving behind your back). <felipec> hmm, I'm not sure <felipec> maybe I should do a clone for the initial import, and after that push directly to the server <JPeterson> "https://code.launchpad.net/~john-peterson3/calibre/calibre/+merge/132832" returned "Timeout error Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad. We’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience. Trying again in a couple of minutes might work. (Error ID: OOPS-342f8cc9c38bf1ad53e6f28f3f2c2db4)" <felipec> I'm reading about bound branches... supposedly when a commit is made on the local branch, it should be pushed to the parent branch <felipec> no? <fullermd> Correct. <felipec> fullermd: but the API doesn't do that... <fullermd> Well, I don't know at what level the magic happens. Are you sure you actually made a bound branch? <felipec> fullermd: branch.bind(remote_branch) <bob2> don't do bound branches <felipec> looks like in addition to builder.commit, I need to import_last_revision_info_and_tags <AfC> bob2: well, bound branches are part of the magic fairy dust that makes `bzr switch` work, at which point you have a the ability to reuse a Working Tree across different Branches <bob2> sadness <bob2> I underspecified, binding to shared repos is my concern <lifeless> AfC: huh? switch works fine w/out bound branches <AfC> lifeless: really? That's new <AfC> lifeless: when I learnt it, you had to have a checkout to be able to switch <JPeterson> holy cow how do i remove this https://code.launchpad.net/~john-peterson3/calibre/calibre/+merge/132832/comments/285737 message? it's a duplicate message. <JPeterson> do i have to fraking ask an admin to remove my own messages? <lifeless> AfC: lightweight checkouts work fine <JPeterson> admin moron? can you delete my message? <JPeterson> it's a duplicate. it's worthless. it must be deleted. <AfC> lifeless: um, ok. I guess I would have said that's still a checkout. Happy to be corrected, cheers. <AfC> lifeless: [still a bother to set up] <lifeless> AfC: it is a checkout, but its not a bound branch <lifeless> AfC: all the bound branch complexity can't happen in a lightweight checkout <AfC> lifeless: fair enough <bob2> a) #launchpad <bob2> b) not being a dick is helpful when asking for something <mathrick_> how can I add extra "see also" for a command? <vila> mathrick_: look for _see_also examples in bzrlib/builtins.py <mgz> morning! <fullermd> Again? I just dealt with one of those yesterday... <mathrick_> vila: ah, thanks. I was looking for that in bzrlib.commands.Command, but it isn't documented it seems <vila> mathrick_: quite possible, there is a leading '_' after all ;) <mathrick_> hmm, right. Why does it have that, though? <mathrick_> it doesn't seem like something "internal" to me <vila> mathrick_: hysterical raisins, I can't see why it's not public indeed (but I may miss some detail...) <mathrick_> btw, it seems like a missed opportunity that bzr help plugins/foo doesn't list the commands provided <vila> mathrick_: patches welcome ;) That sounds like a good idea. I don't remember what's the default behavior is but I think a plugin can already do that... <vila> at least 'bzr help qbzr' does (usual kudos to our qbzr friends ;) <mathrick_> vila: I believe it's simply hardcoded into the docstring <mathrick_> all the plugins I've seen do that <vila> indeed it is <vila> fullermd: urgh, bug #1075213 gives me a headache :-/ <ubot5> Error: Launchpad bug 1075213 could not be found <vila> see ? <vila> bug #1072513 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1072513 in Bazaar "log can show too few revs" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1072513 <vila> fullermd: but basically I think it's related to -v inspecting all the *file* revs while !-v looks at the ancestry graph <vila> fullermd: by "file revs" I mean the existing file texts that are referenced in the revision inventories <mathrick_> uhh, is that expected behaviour? <mathrick_> C:\Users\Trendware\Dev\bzr-submit>bzr info ./this-doesnt-exist <mathrick_> Standalone tree (format: 2a) <mathrick_> Location: <mathrick_> branch root: . <mathrick_> ie. no error being returned <vila> mathrick_: yes. 'bzr info' walks upward from the location you give so it ends up in C:\Users\Trendware\Dev\bzr-submit which is a real branch <mathrick_> that's pretty counterintuitive to me <mathrick_> though it might be because I want to check for a branch that (possibly) lives in a subdir, so I want it to error out on non-existent location <mathrick_> if I trigger pdb on a bzr error (with BZR_PDB=1), how can I inspect the exception that caused the debugger to step in? <vila> meh, no general answer for that, it depends on where the debugger puts you in, you may try so start with 'pp locals()' maybe * vila off for errands <mathrick_> perhaps exc_info() will help <hasselmm> any reason bzr doesn't install the grep plugin by default? <ReekenX> How to what will be changed from repository without running `bzr up`? <ReekenX> I can't find on Google anything related to this <mathrick_> ReekenX: you're missing a word in your question, it makes it unclear <mathrick_> try repeating it <ReekenX> mathrick_: Before updating a code with `bzr up` I want see changes coming (what will be changed in my source code). <mathrick_> hmm, what is the API to use when I want to ensure I'm in a branch, and not a repo? <mathrick_> ReekenX: try bzr missing :bound <ReekenX> mathrick_: Thanks a lot! And sorry for poor english skills (trying to improve). <mathrick_> that's alright, it just looked like you missed a word <mathrick_> ReekenX: btw, note that with lightweight checkouts, it won't work. Lightweight checkouts are pretty hard to inspect in general, because they have almost no state on their own <mathrick_> hrmpf <mathrick_> how do I distinguish between NotBranchError meaning "location doesn't exist" and "location is a repository"? <mathrick_> I want to error out only if I get a repo, but not when I get a branch or a non-existent location <vila> mathrick_: bzrlib.branch.Branch.open() ? <mathrick_> vila: but won't it also give me NotBranchError on non-existent paths? <vila> from memory, I can't say <vila> mathrick_: writing a test for it will allow you to explore at will <mathrick_> poking reveals it will <mathrick_> oh well, not that important <mathrick_> I will get it right later <mathrick_> OK, what is the canonical way to set the submit location? <mathrick_> from the command line, that is, and/or programmatically <mathrick_> aha, bzr config submit_branch="../upstream" <fullermd> vila: Well, if it weren't headache-inducing, what would be the fun in filing the bug? ;p <vila> mathrick_: yup, 'bzr config' is the manual way (bzr config --remove may help too) <vila> fullermd: hehe <vila> fullermd: I didn't dig enough to fully understand (I mainly tried the script with make_dir=false and looked at the branches with bzr qlog A B C) <vila> fullermd: the only weird thing I noticed that was you were merging older versions of the branch itself <vila> fullermd: nothing illegal there but the result may be confusing for the user <fullermd> Oh, that's not enough. You don't really have a headache until you start commenting out the [1] lines and watching new revs start appearing like magic. <fullermd> Well, the Real Branch where I first ran across it was a little twisty in how it came together; that was the simplest way I could come up with to reproduce it. <vila> fullermd: I have no doubts the real one was even harder to grasp... <vila> fullermd: any of the [1] ? In a particular order ? <fullermd> Nope. For every one you comment out, one more of the "right" revs shows up in the log output. So any 3 of them, and all 4 "right" revs show up. <fullermd> Or uncomment the exit in the [2] block; that causes 2 of them to show up. So skipping [2] via the exit, and commenting out any 1 of the [1]'s, and everything works right too :) <fullermd> No correspondence between which one you comment out and which "right" rev shows up; they always uncover themselves in the same order. Neat, huh? <vila> fullermd: hmpf <fullermd> The Particular Magic in the real case that I copied into the test case was how one branch off trunk added a dir with a couple files and was merged, and then another branch that started off trunk from before that landed merged trunk with those changes, made other changes in the dir, then was itself landed on trunk. <fullermd> But I had to add in those --unchanged rev in the test case (in the real case there were of course real commits to other stuff in the tree before/after the revs touching the dir in those landings) to make it start showing up. <fullermd> So I didn't actually discover that quirk by removing them and watching stuff show up; when the test worked right while the real didn't, I started adding them and watched stuff _disappear_ 8-} <fullermd> Perhaps you could hear me whimpering and curled up in the corner when that happened... <fullermd> vila: Incidentally; I just tested; the extra merge in [2] isn't itself apparently part of the necessary special sauce. Replacing that block with 2 more --unchanged revs on C has the same effect. So there's one more step of simpliciation. <fullermd> (it would be simplification, but that's more letters, so obviously not as simple...) <fullermd> I guess I should note that on the bug, so future generations can share in the WTF. <vila> fullermd: yup (sry otp) (and yes, less letters is simpler) <fullermd> Say hi to whoever it is for me ;> <fullermd> vila: There's the updated script and some notes on the bug. Y'know, just in case that headache went away 8-} <vila> fullermd: cool, I'll update mine <fullermd> Slightly more normal looking history without the extra merge. <fullermd> http://picpaste.com/pics/qlog.1352134680.png <fullermd> Though I did add a few extra notes about tweaks you can do to the "Merge A:1" without affecting the outcome, just to muddy the waters up a bit... <fullermd> Anyway. Headache widely shared; my work here is done! #bzr 2012-11-06 * SamB_MacG5 thinks the fact that bzr-svn and bzr-builddeb conspire to be compatible with svn-buildpackage should be advertized better ... <jelmer> SamB_MacG5: you're hitting issues with it? <SamB_MacG5> jelmer: issue was that I had no clue that it was supposed to work in the first place <SamB_MacG5> ... except for a suspiciously named branch of bzr-svn ... * SamB_MacG5 posts http://naesten.blogspot.com/2012/11/on-bzr-svn-and-svn-buildpackage.html about it <persia> Good day. I've been trying to pull a large source via bzr 2.5.1 for about 20 hours, with various timeouts. I've just tried pulling what ought be an identical source tree from loggerhead tarball export in about 3 minutes. Is there any debug data I could produce that would generate a useful bug for this? <persia> (or would this not be a bug because of the extra volume of history also being downloaded?) <mgrandi> could try pasting the bzr log <mgrandi> .bzr.log <persia> Thanks for the pointer: it appears that I received ConnectionReset messages which would indicate a local issue. <mgrandi> what transport were you using? <mgrandi> or accessing the source from, sftp? bzr+ssh? ftp? <persia> bzr+ssh <persia> Command line was `bzr branch lp:launchpad` <mgrandi> did you login to launchpad? <mgrandi> you get throttled speed if you arn't logged in <persia> How does one log in? <mgrandi> bzr lp-login i think <persia> Would having launchpad_username set in .bazaar/bazaar.conf be sufficient? LP has my SSH key. <mgrandi> i think that means you are logged in <persia> Or does it need to be done each session? <mgrandi> just once i think <lifeless> mgrandi: you don't get throttled <persia> In that case, I'm logged in. <lifeless> mgrandi: you just g=don't get ssh <persia> I thought login just changed transport from http to bzr+ssh <lifeless> it does <mgrandi> ive heard the speeds are slower if you are not logged in <lifeless> http has no smart server attached to ut <persia> Probably because of traffic shaping and http buffers along the way <lifeless> so its slower, but its not throttled <lifeless> its because you're checking out over a VFS <mgrandi> ah <mgz> morning! <mira|AO> I just filed LP#1075548 and am here for back-questions <mira|AO> in case someone has them * jelmer waves to mira|AO, Noldorin, mgz <mgz> hey jelmer! <Noldorin> hi jelmer <jelmer> mira|AO: I've reassigned the bug to bzr-svn, but I'm not sure if there is anybody actively looking at those bugs <mgz> also, expansion of %2F is dodgy <mira|AO> ok <mgz> maybe just an svn server configuration issue? <mira|AO> mgz, the %C3 also gets expanded (and then repr'd as \xc3) <mira|AO> I don't think so… the file is in a sub-sub-sub…directory of something I moved, and its name exists (with %) in both bzr and svn before <mira|AO> and I’m not the only one seeing such errors <mgz> right, expanding the non-ascii is find (and bzr seems to do it correctly) <mgz> *fine <mira|AO> no, it's not fine <mira|AO> the file literally has these percent signs in it <mgz> ...oh, wow <mira|AO> -rw-r--r-- 1 tglase Administrators 1502 Dec 9 2011 upstream/src/plugins/wiki/www/locale/fr/pgsrc/Aide%2FPluginCr%C3%A9erUnePage <mira|AO> yeah. <mgz> okay, that should get handled properly. <mgz> it's perverse but hey. <mira|AO> (it's french) * mira|AO hides <mgz> french doesn't use percent escapes! <mira|AO> right <mgz> though I'd like to hear them pronounce that... <mira|AO> you don't… <mira|AO> I suffer when we do IRL meetings each time <jelmer> I guess an issue could be that bzr-svn is unescaping filenames one time too many.. <mira|AO> probably <mira|AO> can I attach an interactive python or ipython to it and 'live-debug'? <mira|AO> IIRC there was something <jelmer> mira|AO: you can set BZR_PDB=1 <mira|AO> ah, that was it <mgz> also possibly to blame is url/file guessing code <jelmer> mgz: that shouldn't be relevant here, that only happens when opening transports AFAIK <mira|AO> it might only be triggered when there's non-ascii chars with percents in it <mira|AO> so that the one-decode-too-much is cushioned by a one-encode-too-much somewhere <mira|AO> which doesn't hit the \xc3 <mgz> mismatched decode and encode would do it too probably <mira|laptop> (Pdb) print self._override_file_ids[u'.not-evolvis/wiki/fr/Cr%C3%A9erUnePage'] <mira|laptop> 10242@9d84d37e-dcb1-4aad-b103-6f3d92f53bf6:trunk%2Fsrc%2Fplugins%2Fwiki%2Fwww%2Flocale%2Ffr%2Fpgsrc%2FCr%25C3%25A9erUnePage <mira|laptop> this is interesting <mira|laptop> because the key is _not_ the real filesystem path <mira|laptop> tglase@tglase-nb:~/Evolvis/tarent-5.1 $ l .not-evolvis/wiki/www/locale/fr/pgsrc/Aide%2FPluginCr%C3%A9erUnePage <mira|laptop> that one is the renamed-to name <mira|laptop> pdb is... not too easy to use <mira|laptop> ah wait <mira|laptop> according to debug output, it seems to move the file along all directories <mira|laptop> first up, then down in the new subtree <mira|laptop> (Pdb) print editor <mira|laptop> <_ra.Editor object at 0x2213b88> <mira|laptop> where's the source for that? <mira|laptop> can't find it in usr/share/... <jelmer> mira|laptop: it comes from the subvertpy sourcecode, written in C <mira|laptop> ah ok <mira|laptop> ok, in dir_editor_send_changes() in commit.py it's still correct... <mira|laptop> so it may be a _ra.DirEditor object, which I assume is also in C <mira|laptop> urgh <mira|laptop> sorry, this is beyond what I can do during worktime <mira|laptop> anyway, in (for me) line 309 of commit.py ('changed = True'), the values of url_join_unescaped_path(base_url,base_tree.id2path(child_ie.file_id).encode("utf-8")) and full_new_child_path are correct (the '# copy if they existed at different location' elif branch) <vila> jelmer: o/ <jelmer> vila: \o <fullermd> vila, jelmer: So sorry to see you've each lost an arm... <vila> lucky us it's not the same ! <fullermd> Yeah, we can graft your stumps together and still get something with an arm on each side. <fullermd> vila: So, did the updated script/desc simplify anything in that bug, or just make it worse? <vila> fullermd: haven't found the time to look at it :-/ (yet) <fullermd> Oh, sure, a likely excuse. I know you're just making up other things to do, to get out of having to go insane watching log shift around and laugh at you. <vila> fullermd: truth is, diving into log is... scary, so I procrastinate ;) <fullermd> You gotta get some minions. Then you don't have to procrastinate, you just delegate. <vila> nah, I think I prefer to procrastinate ;) <fullermd> Is it a reasonable guess on my part that "log DIR" looks a lot like "log -v FILE" inside, that explaining the confluence of the two in showing the bug? <vila> but so far, I just toyed with your script, next step is to turn it into a test to get access to all the needed internals/tools to better diagnose <vila> inside ? <vila> you mean in the log output ? <fullermd> In the internals of how it chooses stuff. <fullermd> Since "log DIR" shows the bug with/without -v, while "log FILE" only does it with -v (though the behavior without -v on FILE seems a little off too; that's another matter) <vila> well, not sure from memory, but log -v is really different from the rest as it looks at the existing text revs <vila> you may be triggering several bugs too * fullermd flexes his bug-triggering muscles. <lifeless> fullermd: you mean 'starts typing' ? ;) <fullermd> Hey, I can't deny my inborn gifts! The gods want me to break software; who am I to demur? <lifeless> indeed <BjornT_>  <mgrandi> bzr does not really give good errors when ssh stuff goes wrong >.> <mgrandi> dunno if this is bzrs fault or paramiko <fullermd> Well, most *nix places, paramiko won't be involved anyway. It's more "spawning ssh", which really limits what you can say about the results. <mgrandi> well was trying to dpush somewhere #bzr 2012-11-07 <mgrandi> bzr is just hanging, git actually gave output from what ssh said (permission denied: publickey) <mgrandi> although i think its something else cause now that the key is working bzr is still hanging haha <thumper> ping bzr folks <thumper> why did SmartServerStreamMedium suddenly need a timeout? <thumper> especially when the default params for the derived classes are to pass through None? <thumper> now it complains horribly if you don't specify one <thumper> like my old code did <fullermd> Maybe it was naughty? <thumper> there is no indication in the methods what it should contain <jam> thumper: I did the timeout stuff, I would happily merge a patch that set the default to None. <jam> IIRC, at the time I did it, I wanted to make sure I audited all the callers <jam> and there wasn't anywhere else in the code that was using it <jam> I didn't realize it was being poked at externally. <thumper> jam: :-) public api and all that <hongyun> Hi, I set the ssh through http_proxy by using corkscrew. And add Host *.launchpad.net <hongyun> ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/corkscrew www-proxy.us.oracle.com 80 %h %p <hongyun> User carolliu to ~/.ssh/config file <hongyun> But I still can not push code to launchpad <hongyun> Can anyone help me to see the problem? <hongyun> Is there anyone meet this error? <hongyun> bzr: ERROR: Connection error: curl connection error (SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain) <hongyun> How to deal with it? <jam> hongyun: you can try running 'bzr XXX -Derror' to get a traceback, but I don't quite understand why curl is involved in the above chain of events. <jam> If you aren't logged into launchpad and are using 'lp:' urls, then we may be trying to connect to http://...launchpad.net to try and resolve the lp: <jam> so you could try using 'bzr+ssh://' directly. <hongyun> I try bzr+ssh:// ,but get an error <hongyun> bzr: ERROR: Don't know how to handle SSH connections. Please set BZR_SSH environment variable. <hongyun> I have already installed corkscrew <jam> hongyun: if you are getting that, then you don't have an 'ssh' executable in your path <hongyun> add Host *.launchpad.net ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/corkscrew www-proxy.us.oracle.com 80 %h %p User carolliu to ~/.ssh/config file <jam> which I think is necessary to get it working with corkscrew. <jam> Do you have 'openssh' installed <jam> can you run just plain 'ssh bazaar.launchpad.net' ? <hongyun> Displayed : No shells on this server. Connection to bazaar.launchpad.net closed. <hongyun> jam, do u know what's the problem? <jam> hongyun: well that means ssh is working at least, you don't have a login shell on bazaar.launchpad.net <jam> but you are able to connect to it, and your login with ssh keys is working. <jam> hongyun: so try just doing "export BZR_SSH=openssh" and then see if you can do "bzr XXX bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/...." <hongyun> only openssh can work? <jam> hongyun: bzr understands a few ssh providers, mostly we just need to know what the right parameters to pass to ssh are. <hongyun> Displayed: bzr: ERROR: Unrecognised value for BZR_SSH environment variable: ssh <jam> You can also do "BZR_SSH=sshcorp" <jam> hongyun: there are a few specific ones (openssh, and sshcorp), otherwise you need to pass the full path to the 'ssh' file, like: "BZR_SSH=/usr/bin/ssh" <hongyun> ok I try it again <hongyun> jam, nothing diaplayed after I use push command till now <jam> hongyun: sounds like it is working, but I couldn't tell you for sure. <jam> You can run 'ps' and see what processes are running (ps -ef is what I usually use) <hongyun> other method can prove bzr work correctly? <jam> hongyun: if you tell me where you are pushing things, I can check if the data is there. <hongyun> //bazaar.launchpad.net/~carolliu/carol-bzr-test/ <hongyun> When I run bzr push bzr+ssh command , it always halt <jam> hongyun: there is a problem with the URL, as you need a project and a branch name, so something like bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~carolliu/+junk/carol-bzr-test <fullermd> You could also just 'bzr ping' the URL, and make sure you're at least getting end-to-end communications out of it. The plugin's cheap to grab on older versions. <hongyun> Displayed error :bzr: ERROR: Unrecognised value for BZR_SSH environment variable: /usr/bin/ssh <hongyun> I am sure ssh on my machine can work <mgz> morning! <jam> hongyun: can you give your bzr version? "bzr --version" <jam> Supporting path-based ssh was a newer one. Also 'ssh' information (ssh -v I believe) <hongyun> Bazaar (bzr) 2.3.3 <hongyun> I install it on solaris <mgz> that has BZR_SSH settable to a specific path, but not the solaris ssh fix maybe? <hongyun> So I must install openssh? <jam> mgz: I don't see "solaris" mentioned in release notes past about 1.18, though it may not be mentioned in that form. Do you know what the patch is? <mgz> trying to find it in my mail archive but failing currently <hongyun> I can checkout code from launchpad.net . But can not push code <mgz> question 105156 has some info <mgz> and links bug 544786 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 544786 in Bazaar "handle sunssh " [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/544786 <mgz> which isn't fixed... so it seems either using sunssh as openssh or installing real openssh is what people have done in the past <jam> hongyun: according to https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/105156 the issue is that Solaris has different output for "ssh -v" but if you set "BZR_SSH=openssh" it will still work. <jam> We just fail to auto-detect the ssh vendor because of changes in Solaris. <hongyun> ok I try <mgz> going by bug 374700 it would not be hard to contribute a branch fixing it <jam> mgz: we only need the vendor type to pass the right parameters, and if sunssh is a fork of openssh, it is likely to accept the same params. <ubot5> Launchpad bug 374700 in Bazaar "Add support for GNU lsh to ssh.py" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/374700 <mgz> jam: indeed. <hongyun> woo, It works . Thanks jam and mgz <jam> hongyun: can you add the output of "ssh -V" (or ssh -v) to bug #544786? <ubot5> Launchpad bug 544786 in Bazaar "handle sunssh " [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/544786 <jam> It is hard for us to fix things like that on platforms we don't have access to. <hongyun> OK , no problem <Lo-lan-do> Hi all <Lo-lan-do> I'm working on adopting the loggerhead package, but I'm encountering problems. <hongyun> Only this displayed : <hongyun> ~$ ssh -V <hongyun> Sun_SSH_2.0, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x100000af <hongyun> Does it help? <Lo-lan-do> Loggerhead uses the YUI library, but the embedded copy is very old (3.0.0pre2 or something), and it should be ported to current YUI 3.5. <Lo-lan-do> Would anyone care to help? <mgz> Lo-lan-do: there may be some interest or more info in #launchpad on that front, though probably US timezones <Lo-lan-do> Apparently launchpad still uses the old one too. <Lo-lan-do> But I'll try there. <Lo-lan-do> Thanks :-) <mgz> launchpad have recently done various updating of yui libraries <mgz> and the main launchpad code was moved to 3.5 by rick_h <mira|AO> when I do a 'bzr dpush' into git, can the git side be updated later, when there are new commits and merges on the bzr side? <mira|AO> (assuming it doesn't *also* fail, like git cloning from bzr and bzr pushing into svn does…) <Lo-lan-do> You can bzr dpush again, yes <Lo-lan-do> I regularly do that :-) <mira|AO> ok <mira|AO> maybe this is the way out of my current problem then, unless someone steps up and fixes bzr-svn ☻ * mira|AO crosses fingers (it’s been “updating git map” for >2 hours already) <Lo-lan-do> loggerhead_1.19~bzr477-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable <Lo-lan-do> (Without the YUI3 hackery, I suck at Javascript) <Lo-lan-do> mira|AO: You wouldn't have JS geeks at your place, would you? <mira|AO> nope, sorry <mira|AO> we're also all trying to scrape along <mira|AO> but if you /msg me some details, I can ask around on the dev list <mira|AO> bzr: ERROR: The file id "None" is not present in the tree <bzrlib.inventory.CHKInventory object at 0xd7d4550>. <mira|AO> ☹ so dpush also doesn't work <mira|AO> ok, last try… upgrading all svn related stuff (yuk 1.7) <mira|AO> ok, didn't work either with latest suckvürstchen/subvertpy <mira|AO> latest as in debian sid <jelmer> svn 1.7 changes the working copy API in a backwards incompatible (but ABI compatible) way <mira|AO> yeah <mira|AO> I'm mostly concerned about getting a bzr bound checkout pushed into either svn or git… <mira|AO> bbl, lunchbreak <jelmer> mira|AO: the exception you were seeing (The file id "None" ...) has to do with the mappings in bzr-svn, unrelated to the svn version <mira|AO> the 'file id is None' is actually in bzr-git <mira|AO> (both ways) <mathrick> hola <mathrick> I don't suppose bzr-lp supports multiple logins, does it? <mgz> it does, but with different bzr homes <mgz> so, you can have multiple configs and set BZR_HOME to change between them <maxb> Or you can just 'bzr lp-login foo' back and forth <mathrick> oh right, it uses the ssh key * mirtwo tries: (gdb) b PyErr_NewSubversionException <mirtwo> maybe I can get a useful bt <mirtwo> oh well. I get a bt... <mirtwo> http://sprunge.us/SOiJ <jlf> hi #bzr, is there a way i can find out what commit last affected a specified line in a specified file? <jelmer> jlf: hi <jelmer> jlf: 'bzr annotate FILE' should tell you <jlf> jelmer: ah, perfect. thanks very much. <mathrick> pffft, "annotate" is PC-speak <mathrick> I always call it bzr blame <mirtwo> blame is git speak <mirtwo> oh no, svn speak <mirtwo> anyway, worse <mirtwo> can't decide which <mirtwo> hrm. putting debugging printfs into editor.c in subvertpy didn't help... <mirtwo> so I now got this backtrace, but... still no further <mirtwo> not easy to figure anything out like that <mathrick> mirtwo: I don't care if it's svn speak, it's accurate <mira|AO> I prefer to not blame people, it's the wrong state of mind in a team <jelmer> Lo-lan-do: thanks for taking over loggerhead! <Lo-lan-do> jelmer: Bleh :-) <Lo-lan-do> Is anyone active upstream, by the way? <Lo-lan-do> (So I could push my quilt patch their way) <jelmer> Lo-lan-do: lp:launchpad, you mean? <mira|AO> lo-lan-do: could be worse… look at what mess I got into, just for the forge… <jelmer> Lo-lan-do: you can propose it as a patch on Launchpad <mira|AO> hint: the mess uses wfSuppressWarnings() a lot <Lo-lan-do> mira|AO: Hahaha :-) #bzr 2012-11-08 <mgz> morning! <mira|AO> moien <lolek> hello all <mgrandi> hello <lolek> i'm looking for some documentation about, how to supply username aand login for bzr-svn ? <mgrandi> to access a svn server? <lolek> yes <mgrandi> im not an expert on bzr-svn, im not sure if you can do that <mgrandi> but i may be wrong <lolek> well, the problem is that from the error stack trace it seems that bzr is using my system login, and system password <lolek> so there must be some way to use another one <mgrandi> hmm. <mgrandi> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3166189/how-to-save-subversion-password-with-bzr-svn <mgrandi> maybe authentication.conf? <lolek> ok <lolek> next question, where authentication.conf should be placed cause i don't have that file in: ~/.bazaar <mgrandi> pretty sure in ~/.bazaar <mgrandi> http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/developers/authentication-ring.html#file-format <lolek> ok and how can i force bzr to use that file, cause it's ... not using it :/ <mgrandi> well it should, are you sure the host is the same in the conf and the host you are connecting to? <lolek> yes <mgrandi> are yo using the latest version of bzr-svn? <lolek> Version: 1.2.1-1 <lolek> ok, that's weird <lolek> with qbzr it's asking me for a password, but still using the wrong login :/ <mgrandi> hmm, i feel like its something silly but im not the expert <mgrandi> jelmer, are you here :o <mira|AO> it's easier to just use ssh keys <lolek> yes i agree, but i don't have that option <lolek> i can only use svn providing login and password <lolek> nothing more <mira|AO> the username's normally in the URL <mira|AO> for svn <mgrandi> bzr branch <scheme>://<user>:<password>@host:port/path <lolek> ok, that's working <lolek> but i'd like to stre it's in authentication.conf <lolek> it should be working <mgrandi> yeah, not sure why its not working with that file <LarstiQ> lolek: if you login with plain 'svn', svn should cache that and bzr-svn will pick up on it, iirc <lolek> LarstiQ: hmm ok, i've read about that, but the problem is that i don't use plain svn login, i do login only from inside eclipse with svn plugin <LarstiQ> lolek: you could try logging in once, as a workaround? <LarstiQ> using something like `svn info` to not do actual work <LarstiQ> or much of it anyway <lolek> hmm <lolek> LarstiQ: ok, i've tried <lolek> and it seems that it gets login from cache <lolek> but it have some problem with password <lolek> LarstiQ: look here: http://pastebin.com/e2pJb3qR <lolek> password contains only ascii characters <LarstiQ> lolek: heuh <lolek> :D <lolek> i knew you'd love this :D <LarstiQ> lolek: next thing I'd do is maybe check bzr/bzr-svn versions and/or see if there any similar bugs on launchpad * LarstiQ prepares for his Galois Theory course <mgrandi> its not necessarily because you have invalid characters, its just a python 8 bit string vs a unicode string <mira|AO> oh yes, python, the only modern language with a default 7-bit safe string type <mira|AO> and py3k doesn't improve on it <mgrandi> python3 strings are unicode <mgrandi> by default <mira|AO> that doesn't mean you can print them :D <mgrandi> thats not python's fault <mira|AO> that's a matter of opinion <mgrandi> i cant print weird strings on windows cause the console is CP1257 or whatever <mgrandi> and you can't convert it <mgrandi> how would you print the character if the character encoding its outputting doens't have said character? <mira|AO> by defaulting to a reasonable encoding <mira|AO> (even on windows, since 1991 the console can do Unicode) <mgrandi> windows doesn't have a 'reasonable' encoding haha <mgrandi> can it? ive had this problem on other languages <mgrandi> what encoding type is that <mira|AO> yeah, just use the API with a W on the end <mira|AO> UTF-2LE <mira|AO> erm no <mira|AO> UCS-2LE <mgrandi> i mean the windows..encoding <mira|AO> so, just the BMP, normally <mgrandi> or what codepage is it <mira|AO> you've got two APIS with, in the case of the console, three encodings <mgrandi> thats what the console uses <mira|AO> one is the API with the A at the end, which uses the "ANSI" encoding (often cp1252) <mira|AO> then there's the OEM encoding (often cp437 or cp850) <mira|AO> then there's the API with the W at the end, which uses UCS-2LE <mira|AO> codepages map between A and W <lolek> ok guys guys guys <lolek> there are no character outside the standard ascii <lolek> in my password <lolek> so this is weird why it's complaining about.. unicode <mgrandi> because the object itself is not a unicode object <mgrandi> aka a bug or something else is going wrong <mira|AO> I set up the cmd window to use Lucida Console font (and you should do it too, otherwise any attempt <mira|AO> to see Unicode characters in it is bound to fail!). I realized that it is possible to print wide <mira|AO> strings directly to the console using functions from conio.h (_cputts, _tcprintf, etc.). Very nice! <mira|AO> like that, it can work <mgrandi> ive tried that but it still doesn't work <mgrandi> and python should see the default code page and adjust to it <mgrandi> what code page do you change it to? <mgrandi> never mind, apparently it doesn't matter? (windows encoding sounds like a cluster****) <mira|AO> WriteConsoleW also would work <mgrandi> that does seem to work <mgrandi> but i dont think that its still python's problem, since you fix it when you change fonts on cmd.exe, nothing on python changes <mira|AO> AUF DROGEN ODER WAS? <mira|AO> oops <mira|AO> sorry, just found some… disgusting code <mira|AO> and forgot I had /query on <mgrandi> like, in "terminal" font, the same python session, gives me <mgrandi> 'garbled characters <w7z> lolek: the get_svn_simple callsite in bzr-svn is misusing the bzr ui, by passing a str not a unicode type <w7z> but the point is you don't want it prompting for a password right? I suspect you have your creds wrong so it's falling back to asking you again. <w7z> lolek: `bzr version` will tell you where to put authentication.conf and check .bzr.log after connecting to see if it works <w7z> I'd avoid putting the username and password in the url <lolek> hmm <lolek> w7z: well i see in the log that it's using the proper login... but i don't see anywhere in bzr.log that it's reading authentication.conf <w7z> ...does it say it connects and does stuff? if so, problem solved, right? <lolek> it's : Obtaining username and password for SVN connection (see only login) and then the error: http://pastebin.com/e2pJb3qR <w7z> okay, so it's not getting the values from the conf file then. <lolek> uhm <lolek> but the question is... why ? <lolek> of course if i put login/password into url it's working ok <w7z> paste your conf with the password xxxed out? <lolek> k <lolek> http://pastebin.com/MxwVkTDi <w7z> looks okay, maybe bzr-svn just doesn't check <w7z> file a bug against bzr-svn with your traceback and I'll put up a branch that fixes it * mira|AO eyes “branch that fixes” <w7z> jelmer or vila might know more about svn/auth specifics <lolek> ok, where do you want me to fill a bug ? <w7z> bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn <lolek> w7z: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/452121 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 452121 in Bazaar Subversion Plugin "Putting svn password in authentication.conf doesn't work" [Undecided,Fix released] <lolek> hmm <lolek> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bzr-svn/+bug/532292 <- similar <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 532292 in Bazaar Subversion Plugin "Doesn't get user/password details from authentication.conf" [Medium,Fix released] <lolek> lol <lolek> maybe i should wait for new bzr-svn version ? <w7z> no, different bug <w7z> but, you should be able to put the details in the config file and have it work <w7z> the prompt should not happen at all if it can get the values from your config <w7z> do you only get prompted for the password, or did you type something else in first? <vila> w7z: sorry, my memory is fuzzy on that topic. The most common answer I remember is: connect with svn first as it will cache the credentials and bzr-svn can then rely on that <vila> i.e. auth.conf is not used <lolek> w7z: erm... i don't have any prompt <lolek> w7z: i just do: bzr update and i get this error <lolek> no prompt for password * jelmer waves <vila> I'm not sure 'svn' is a valid scheme though (jelmer ?) <vila> (for auth.conf that is) <jelmer> I don't think I've ever seen (or tested) authentication over svn:// <jelmer> I don't see why it shouldn't work, but I don't think I've ever tested it. <jelmer> lolek: ^ <lolek> lol :) <lolek> that would explain the problem :) <jelmer> lolek: It shouldn't really be different from http/https though, and those *do* work <jelmer> I aguely recall there were some issues with the authentication interface being inconsistent about whether it expected unicode or byte strings, perhaps that's related. <jelmer> *vaguely <jelmer> what versions of bzr/bzr-svn are these? <lolek> bzr: Version: 2.5.0-2ubuntu2 <lolek> bzr-svn: Version: 1.2.1-1 <w7z> lolek: okay, can you try a few debug things for me? <lolek> w7z: i'll do my best <w7z> #1: with your authentication.conf in place, run `bzr -Dauth branch svn://YOURDETAILS` and look in .bzr.log for a "Using authentication section" line <lolek> ok, <lolek> the is not such: Using authentication section in the bzr.log <w7z> okay, so that's straight up not being matched <w7z> so, either there's a bug in how bzr-svn uses AuthenticationConfig, or you have the conf file in the wrong place, or the details don't match up <w7z> try adding a section that's just [something] with a username and password set underneath, then branch any (non svn) url with that -Dauth flag and see if that message then appears <w7z> without scheme/host/port/path it should match anything <lolek> ok, give me a second <w7z> also, you still need to file the bzr-svn bug with your traceback? I don't see it. <lolek> ok, that's working <lolek> when i placed: [something] with only user/pass it was working <lolek> ok, i'll fill it up :) <w7z> and you got the line in .bzr.log? <w7z> did you try branching your svn thing, or another random branch? <lolek> yes there is line: using authentication section : 'something' <w7z> I wonder if just the scheme matching is broken or something <lolek> i tried to branch svn thing <w7z> okay, so, try adding back in the host, then the port, then finally the scheme <lolek> ok <w7z> see which one makes it break again <lolek> give me a minute <lolek> it's ... port directive <w7z> fun... <lolek> yeah <w7z> so, with the scheme and the host it works, but plus port then doesn't? <lolek> when i added port=... it goes with the error (pass is not unicode..) <lolek> correct <w7z> great, I can imagine the bug now <w7z> "3690" != 3690 I bet <lolek> hmm <lolek> ok, give me second <w7z> so, for you right now, just omitting the port is fine <w7z> but can I request two bug reports from you <w7z> one for the password traceback against bzr-svn <w7z> and one against bzr for the autentication.conf section not matching when you supply a port <lolek> but the password traceback is only visible when the port directive is given <lolek> there is no problem if there is no port directive :) <lolek> aaa ok <lolek> i understand, ok <lolek> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/1076386 <lolek> here <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1076386 in Bazaar Subversion Plugin "bzr-svn password is not a unicode string when given port directive" [Undecided,New] <lolek> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/1076388 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1076388 in Bazaar Subversion Plugin "bzr-svn authentication.conf is not readed when port directive is given" [Undecided,New] <w7z> thanks lolek! <lolek> you welcome :) <lolek> ok, i'm going... bye :) <lolek> thx for helping me out :) <jetsaredim> is it possible to create a branch based on the tree of a certain release of a given package? <jetsaredim> like - i want to try to fix something in a quantal package but there is already a raring version of the same <jetsaredim> so i'm assuming if i just branch the project it will give me the raring version <mgz> you can branch lp:ubuntu/SERIES/PROJECT instead of lp:ubuntu/PROJECT <jetsaredim> i seem to be getting an error with bzr <jetsaredim> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1342817/ <mgz> jetsaredim: you don't have ssh configured correctly or haven't given launchpad the right ssh key <mgz> use `ssh -vv YOURLPUSERNAME@bazaar.launchpad.net` to debug, it's not a bzr related problem <jetsaredim> mgz: this would be the key I uploaded to launchpad vs my gpg key locally? <mgz> jetsaredim: this is your ssh key, from ~/.ssh, which is a different thing from your gpg key. see https://help.launchpad.net pages for walkthrough <jetsaredim> ahh - much better <jetsaredim> so - once i download the release-based tree for a given package i can then branch it locally for my own changes? <w7z> jetsaredim: see <http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/patches-to-packages.html> for details <w7z> be a little careful with terms 'tree' and 'branch', they mean specific things for bzr, <http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/core_concepts.html> <w7z> also you need to go through the SRU process for quantal, so might want to check in #ubuntu whether the change you're planning is suitable for that, see <http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/security-and-stable-release-updates.html> <jetsaredim> w7z: its a pretty simple change to the build config <jetsaredim> and its already in raring <w7z> that doesn't sound security or serious data loss related <jetsaredim> the package is broken for certain functionality due to a config option not being set <w7z> jetsaredim: try asking in #ubuntu-devel <delinquentme> is there some reason that I need to pass a --no-strict .. to push to a parent when I've got locally uncommitted changes? <mathrick> hmm, I have a colocated project created on windows, which I just zipped and unpacked on linux <mathrick> and I can't get it to work, since it can't find the repo/branches with differing absolute paths <mathrick> http://pastebin.com/JwMDwvpK <mathrick> how do I fix it? #bzr 2012-11-09 <vila> mathrick: file a bug and find jelmer ;) There is probably a text file you can edit somewhere which contains the windos path. <jelmer> mathrick: is this with the core bzr support for colocated branches, or with bzr-colo ? <mathrick> jelmer: I dunno, 2.5.1, created via bzr-explorer with "colocated workspace" option <jelmer> mathrick: ah, that's the bzr-colo plugin <jelmer> mathrick: please file a bug, but against the bzr-colo project on Launchpad <mathrick> is that really a bug in bzr-colo? <vila> jelmer: well dodged ;) <vila> mathrick: more or less <jelmer> vila: :-) <mathrick> OK, how should I describe it? Since I have no clue how that is a problem with bzr-colo and not bzr reconfigure for instance <vila> mathrick: zip is not a transport supported by bzr ;) So you run into some absolute paths that may be better handled as relative (but obviously are not (yet ?)) <vila> mathrick: what you explained here is good enough: zipped on windos, unpacked on linux <vila> mathrick: it may be interesting to see if the reverse breaks in the same way (zipped on linux, unzipped on windoz) <vila> dows <vila> damn tyops <mathrick> vila: I understand that, what I don't understand is how bzr-colo breaks things. Bzr reconfigure should be able to change that path <vila> mathrick: well, the point is that bzr-colo doesn't really break things, it assumes the working trees/branches/repos would stay on the same files system (roughly) <jelmer> mathrick: bzr-colo stores an absolute path to the colocated branch, rather than a relative one; bzr reconfigure tries to open the old branch when it reconfigures I think <mathrick> that is a problem with reconfigure then, no? <vila> mathrick: I suspect that there should be some way to bzr-colo push instead of zip/unzip that should work <mathrick> yes, there is <mathrick> I just didn't remember I made it collocated when I zipped <jelmer> mathrick: bzr-colo should be storing a relative path <vila> mathrick: bzr reconfigure assumes it starts with a "correct" context, it may be worth filing a different bug for that <jelmer> mathrick: you might be able to use --force to get reconfigure to ignore the old code <mathrick> ah, I didn't notice --force wasa thing <vila> jelmer: good point (dunno if this will work but it should ;) <mathrick> nope, --force only seems to influence potentially losing local changes <vila> but in this specific case, if the branch is required, it's hard to ignore it <vila> mathrick: you tried or you just read the --help ? <mathrick> tried <vila> thanks <vila> mathrick: did you try to grep for that path under .bzr ? <mathrick> no, but I expected to be able to change it by hand <mathrick> I was asking for the proper way <vila> mathrick: for this case, I doubt there is one (or that would be bzr-colo push) <fullermd> Pfft, proper. What fun is that? <vila> mathrick: but really, as jelmer said, bzr-colo should use a relative path (that may not be enough but should help anyway) <mathrick> vila: bzr-colo push is "how do I transport it properly?". But I didn't, and now my question is "how do I fix it?". Bzr reconfigure *should* be able to fix that, and I will file a bug too <vila> mathrick: worth a try, but if there is a single place where the branch path is defined and it's broken, bzr reconfigure can't guess the right one <mathrick> why not? bzr info tells me what the checkout thinks the source branch is. That is what bzr reconfigure is supposed to change; if it tries to open it before changing, it's kinda useless for fixing things <vila> mathrick: it can avoid opening it (it's broken after all) but what will it use instead of that broken path ? <mathrick> the one I give it in --bind-to? <vila> mathrick: oh, well done ! <vila> for this specific case indeed, not sure if the code will make it easy to implement but file-a-bug++ <mathrick> done, bug #1076809 and bug #1076810 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1076809 in bzr-colo "Copying collocated branches Windows and Linux broken by absolute paths" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1076809 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1076810 in Bazaar "bzr reconfigure can't fix dangling paths" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1076810 <vila> mathrick: thanks <mathrick> sure <vila> fullermd: linked a branch with reproducing failing tests for bug #1072513, one step closer to diagnosis ;-p <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1072513 in Bazaar "log can show too few revs" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1072513 <vila> fullermd: you may want to look at the intermediate commits to see how I get there from your script (including revno 6515 where 'bzr test-script ./bzrlib/tests/blackbox/log_bug_1072513.sh --null-output' was passing) <vila> fullermd: the missing feature still being to be able to keep the built env to toy around manually with the results :-/ <vila> but at least the syntax should be copy/pastable enough for you to tweak <mgrandi> is there a preferred way to backup a repository to a file, or is just zipping the directory pretty much <vila> mgrandi: <cough> ask mathrick ;) * mgrandi asks mathrick <vila> mgrandi: if you really want a *backup* 'bzr push' should be the fastest <mgrandi> im just sending my code to someone, including the repo for archival purposes <vila> mgrandi: sorry, that a was a joke, mathrick just ran into an issue while zipping on windows and unzipping on linux (special setup where an absolute path has been recorded) <mgrandi> interesting o.o <vila> mgrandi: same os on the receiving side ? <mgrandi> stack overflow says this; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1976857/bzr-create-tgz-file-containing-full-repository <mgrandi> might not be <vila> bzr send is safest <mgrandi> what does bzr send actually do? generate patch files? <mgrandi> so this just creates a series of patch files or something? <vila> mgrandi: almost, they are called merge directives and contains both the revisions and a human-readable patch <vila> mgrandi: it's not lossless as patches can, you get the real revisions <mgrandi> interesting, thanks <vila> mgrandi: the idea is that send accept a public url readable by both sides and create the delta between your branch and the public branch <vila> mgrandi: so it can be *far* smaller than zipping the whole repo (like the stackoverflow recipe suggests) <mgrandi> yeah, this isn't a problem here but i was just curious <vila> mgrandi: the recipe basically uses an empty branch as a starting point <mgrandi> so are there problems with zipping a bzr branch directory and then using it on a different os? <vila> mgrandi: not a bzr branch, a bzr-colo environment (plugin) <mgrandi> isn't that integrated into bzr now? <vila> there is wip about native colocated branches yes, that's different <mgrandi> but normal branches should be fine? besides the whole symlinks thing <mgrandi> that i still need to work on... <vila> yes <vila> but it's been a looong time since I did that myself, most of the machines I'm working on have ssh and bzr so it's easier to kust push ;) <vila> *just <fullermd> Obviously, the solution is that somebody needs to donate vila a machine without ssh or bzr on it, to force him to work on it :p <vila> fullermd: the last case was a windows vm where I managed to install ssh as a service anyway ;) <fullermd> I've probably got some OS/2 install media somewhere... <vila> fullermd: and if they don't have ssh but bzr, well, it's easy enough to pull instead of pushing ;-) <fullermd> vila: So, wait, you already fixed it, then re-broke it? I mean, if the test was passing, that means everything's good, right? :p <vila> hehe, that's where the test scripts shine: they can express failure more easily ;) <fullermd> 'druther they expressed success ;p <vila> tsk, tsk, they allow success to be *demonstrated*, that's TDD for you ;) <fullermd> I dunno, TDD sounds like something I'd discuss with my doctor in a hushed voice. <mgrandi> depends on who you ask. they really beat it into us at my school <mgrandi> =P <fullermd> Well, yes, I remember that from high school too, but... <mgrandi> unit test ALL THE THINGS <vila> Alzheimer, Pratchett and I.. what was it I wanted to say... <mgrandi> so vila, i just tried that recipe out, and it seems useless cause you can't merge the file back into an empty repo =/ <vila> ha yes, tests are good substitute for failing memory <jelmer> mgrandi: you can pull it into an empty repo though * jelmer wonders if vila is in the US <fullermd> I do wish I had regression tests for stuff at work. Sadly, I've never heard a good story for writing something useful considering the depth of stuff that breaks. <vila> jelmer: hehe, no ;) <jelmer> ... or just up late :-) <mgrandi> then the documentation for send is slightly out of date <vila> jelmer: yeah :-} Bad vila, go to sleep <mgrandi> `bzr send` creates a compact data set that, when applied using bzr merge, has the same effect as merging from the source branch. <fullermd> No, but using it to replicate whole histories is out of the scope of the docs. <mgrandi> well it should still be mentioned that pull can be used as well <fullermd> And it does; merging the source branch into a branch with no history will also fail ;p <mgrandi> 'using bzr merge or pull, has the same effect etc <vila> mgrandi: that's supposed to work, there may be a bug for *empty* branches (worth filing too, I thought we nailed down all the empty-branch-are-special ones...) <mgrandi> well it specifically gave a bug url when i tried to do it <vila> which one ? <mgrandi> bzr: ERROR: Merging into empty branches not currently supported, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/308562 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 82555 in Bazaar "duplicate for #308562 Merging to an empty branch doesn't work" [High,Confirmed] <mgrandi> dang 5 years, old bug <vila> helllo, someone remember the shortest workaround for that ? <vila> 'bzr init . ; bzr pull <merge-directive>' ? <mgrandi> well yeah thats what i did <vila> good, my job here is done ;) <mgrandi> is that merge into empty repo a particuarly hard bug? <fullermd> I've never been quite clear as to what it's even supposed to _mean_. <mgrandi> probably along the lines like, its trying to merge two histories but one doesn't exist so it breaks? <fullermd> Yeah, the whole point of merge is "take these two separate things and bring them together", so how's it even meaningful to talk about when there's only one thing? <vila> I think the issue is about root-ids (branches of the same project shares a unique id for their root) <mgrandi> well, it still seems to me that bzr should be smart about that, and if one history just doesn't exist, then just take the other one <vila> the first branch of a project gets a new root-id which is then duplicated <vila> mgrandi: devil is in the details <mgrandi> i imagine <vila> the fact that it's a corner case rarely encountered didn't help raise the bug importance <vila> most of the issues are probably already solved, time is lacking for that one <fullermd> Well, taking the other one is "pull" ;p <fullermd> If I wanted "merge" to sometimes silently do a "pull" instead, I'd use git... <mgrandi> haha. <mgrandi> maybe the error message should be updated to say 'try pull instead?" <gmarkall> i'm having trouble rebasing a branch. I'd like to rebase the last five revisions onto another branch, but i can't seem to work out how to tell bzr that's what i want to do - i only seem to be able to rebase "all but the last 5" with -r last:5. Is there a way to do this please? <bob2> you mean you're using bzr-rewrite? <gmarkall> (if I don't specify a revision then bzr wants to rebase 54 revisions, which includes a lot of duplicate changes) <gmarkall> bob2: i think i am <gmarkall> bzr help rebase says "From: plugin "rewrite"" <lifeless> gmarkall: you might try -r -5:.. <gmarkall> lifeless: that gives me "Bzr has encountered an internal error..." - shall I submit a bug report? <lifeless> sure <fullermd> Without the colon, probably... <lifeless> oh heh, yes. <lifeless> EOUTOFPRACTICE <lifeless> gmarkall: -r -5.. <gmarkall> ah, that didn't crash bzr! :-) <gmarkall> I managaed to get the crash down to a small example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/1076894 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1076894 in Bazaar "Invalid arguments to rebase cause internal error" [Undecided,New] <gmarkall> I managed to choose the correct revisions with the syntax suggested by lifeless/fullermd - however, when i run with --dry-run, the commit ids that it shows are printed out-of-order - is that to be expected? <gmarkall> when i actually did the rebase, the commits were applied in the correct order <mgz> morning! <tbf__> can i tell bzr to just commit the changes of a conflict free merge? <tbf__> constantly forgetting that commit and then messing up stuff <tbf__> (well, also lack the creativity to invent merge commit messages) <tbf__> ok. why would "bzr diff ../parent" show changes that a plain "diff -ru ../parent" doesn't see? <tbf> apparently i still fundamentally fail in understanding things <mgz> tbf: could be lots of reasons for the diff not being the same, fundamentally those two commands look at different stuff <mgz> so, for instance, if the working tree of ../parent is not up to date, plain recursive diff will not see the later revisions <tbf> mgz, ../parent is up-to-date <tbf> mgz, at least the output of "bzr status" and "bzr diff" in ../parent is empty <tbf> mgz, seems i seriously fail to understand even the basics of bzr: http://nopaste.me/paste/111230873509cce1382789 <tbf> mgz, how can it be, that rev 334 contains changes from 316.1.64, while rev 333 is entirely empty? <tbf> 316.1.64 is the last commit in that merge <tbf> i'd only expect to see that change in 334 if i'd reverted 316.1.64 by accident while commiting 333 <mgz> ...that paste site is borked, gives 406 + error fallout based on UA string <mgz> tbf: from that log, I'm not sure what's suprising you <tbf> mgz, the output of "bzr diff -c 334 debian/control" entirely surprises me <mgz> the diff for -r331..332 is empty, but the log above stops at 332 so that might be right, and 316.1.64 was merged in 333 <mgz> tbf: that command isn't in the paste <tbf> mgz, line 51 <tbf> mgz, rev 333 already should have that change, but bzr shows it was applied again in 334 <mgz> I suspect you have some funny history <mgz> you remerged the same branch in 334? <tbf> mgz: forgot to commit a merge, shelved the mess. merged from parent again, unshelved. <tbf> expecting that only the really new changes would get applied <tbf> now bzr even crashes when accessing that branch <tbf> great. <mgz> okay, so the history and log/diff output is probably correct <tbf> apparently "bzr switch -r 333" was a stupid idea <tbf> mgz, how that? <mgz> r333 includes the merge, and the history of the other branch, but none of the actual changes <mgz> which you shelved, then committed in 334 <mgz> so, log tells you 333 merged stuff, but diff only sees the changes when you actually committed them in 334 <mgz> the best thing to get out of trouble here is just make a new branch from 332 and do the merge right this time <tbf> mgz: "r333 includes the merge, and the history of the other branch, but none of the actual changes" - this makes absolutely no sense to me. <tbf> maybe too much in git mind set. what stone i don't see? <mgz> you merged the history from the other branch <mgz> but left the actual text changes uncommitted <mgz> it's the same as doing that in git. <tbf> well. in git i usually rebase <tbf> and stay away from merges <tbf> too much vooodo <tbf> voodoo and magic <mgz> you like having a nice linear world view :) <tbf> mgz, yup :-) <mgz> anyway, the point of version control is you have the old stuff still <mgz> so you can just start from where you were originally and do it right, rather than trying to fix up the current state <tbf> mgz, sure. still at the point of merging a feature i don't care about the dirty details anymore <tbf> all that merging zig-zack and so on <mgz> look, it's easy, do this: <tbf> as long as i work on the features i highly appreciate having different branches and switching between them comparing them, letting them divert, pick changes and so on... <tbf> ...but once it is done. it is done. <mgz> cd .. && bzr branch -r332 old new && bzr merge -r 332.. -d new ../old <mgz> you then have a new branch, with the just the text changes you made in the last few revs ready to commit, and no hisotry to confuse you <mgz> you could bring in the original feature branch as a merge to make the history correct, but you probably don't care about that <mathrick> so how do install libraries needed by plugins in a standalone windows install? <mathrick> I thought it was $plugindir/lib/, but that doesn't seem to work <mgz> mathrick: what I did was use not use the windows standalone installers but the python ones and install all the plugins and bits I wanted via the normal setup.py method <mgz> there was a thing added for the standalone ones to look in another location for libs though <tbf> mgz, checking what this does... <mathrick> mgz: I tried that before, but it's a huge PITA really and never works quite as well as the standalone installer <mgz> mathrick: try <mgz> $ BZR_PDB=1 bzr assert-fail <mgz> (Pdb) sys.path <mgz> which will tell you where the installed bzr looks for stuff <mathrick> ah, good idea <mathrick> ah, so site-packages has been added <lolek> hello all <lolek> a question, i've installed bzr-eclipse, and i'm looking for option: compare with latest from repository ... that is available when using svn but with bzr repo ? <lolek> hmm ok, forget the question, found it, but the is only: compare with latest from branch, what if i want to specify revision ? <jelmer> lolek: I don't think bzr-exclipse is anywhere near usable, is it? <lolek> well ... it is <lolek> :) <lolek> and oh one thing <lolek> regarding this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/1076388, i've used svn:// when gave url :) <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1076388 in Bazaar Subversion Plugin "authentication.conf section does not match when port is given" [Undecided,New] <jelmer> lolek: not sure I follow? <lolek> oh.. sorry my fault... mind shortcut <lolek> forget ;d <mirtwo> TBF! <mirtwo> boah ist die welt klein <jelmer> lolek: sorry, me too :-) <lolek> mirabilos|work: could you please speak in english ? <mirabilos|work> yes <mirabilos|work> “the world is small” <lolek> thank You ;) <mirabilos|work> tbf was one of the first people I met on IRC, b̲e̲f̲o̲r̲e̲ I even spoke something resembling English <tbf> hey mirabilos|work <lolek> uhm <tbf> mirabilos|work, how long ago is this? 12 years? <mirabilos|work> something like that, yes <mirabilos|work> probably around 1999/2000 <lolek> a question, can i use this way of workflow for bzr and svn as centralized repo ? : http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.5/en/tutorials/centralized_workflow.html <lolek> i'm trying to figure out how bzr will deal with branches in folders on svn repo <lolek> of course if You have some suggestions or better aproach, i can consider that also <karni> Hello folks. I have a problem committing u1-servers. bzr really wants to sign with my mkarnicki@gmail.com key, while I want to sign with michal.karnicki@canonical.com <mgz> karni: see #launchpad <jelmer> karni: it should be using your whoami details to find the gpg key <karni> It's picking mkarnicki by default. How do I change that? I've tried overriding gpg_signing_key <karni> whoami says michal.karnicki@canonical.com, but it's not using that one <karni> mgz: I think they'll send me back to #bzr :( <mgz> probably :) <karni> To make matters more "fun", I can sign with @canonical.com a different project with no fuss. <karni> I don't see any specific configuration to that project in my locations.conf <karni> nor authentication.conf <mgz> karni, okay, looking at the code <karni> mgz: Thank you! <mgz> gpg_signing_key should be either "default" or suitable for passing to gpg -u <karni> FWIW I tried passing my canonical e-mail as well as key signature (that's what you call it?) to gpg_signing_key <mgz> if default, it looks at 'email' <karni> right. I can try that again. <karni> should I put it in ~/.bazaar/authentication.conf ? <mgz> karni: nope, just bazaar.conf I think <mgz> apart from by having a different `bzr whoami --branch` I don't see how different projects could get you different signing <karni> mgz: I think it had something to do with me signing it within lxc.. <karni> mgz: I did add it to authentication.conf, though <karni> mgz: I tried from my host machine, and it commited properly <karni> yeah, it's still trying to sign with mkarnicki@gmail.com within lxc <karni> mgz: I don't know how that works, but just so you guys know ↑ <mgz> but `bzr whoami` in lxc isn't that, and `gpg --clearsign -u ...@canonical.com` works? <mgz> possibly lxc hides some of your keys, or confuses the agent in some way? <mgz> karni: I can't find any key on your name on a gpg key server <karni> mgz: in lxc, bzr whoami is also: Michał Karnicki <michal.karnicki@canonical.com> <karni> So correct. <karni> mgz: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0xF1044FC25FD638E7 <karni> mgz: I bet it's confusing the agent in some way <mgz> ah, you have an 'i' on the end I'd not registered <karni> :) <fullermd> You should vowel to be more careful with your spelling... <mgz> karni: when you ran just the gpg command inside lxc, did it also want to sign with the wrong key? <karni> I can check <mgz> fullermd: @ expands to eat all adjacent characters <mgz> *munch* *munch* <fullermd> Only to the right; you can see what's where the mouth is. <karni> mgz: gpg --sign desktop.png signs with mkarnicki, but -u michal.karnicki works to override and sign with the second key <lolek> ok, one more time with my question, i'd like to use this approach: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/beta/en/user-guide/svn_plugin.html#using-a-central-repository-mirror but want to use svn as central repository, my question is what problems should i consider ? <lolek> the problem is that i want to use that like this: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.5/en/tutorials/centralized_workflow.html, the second question is how bazar will work with branch in subdirectory on svn repo ? <jelmer> lolek: hi <jelmer> lolek: what do you mean with branch in subdirectory exactly? <jelmer> bzr-svn handles it fine if there is e.g. a branch named /trunk in the repository, and recognizes copies <mgz> karni: last thing to see is run `bzr config` in the branch, see if gpg_signing_key is set anywhere up the chain <karni> mgz: bzr: ERROR: unknown command "config" <jelmer> karni: your running a very old version of bzr <karni> Bazaar (bzr) 2.1.4 in lxc (LUCID), 2.5.1 on host OS <karni> This is because it's u1-servers branch, lucid was advised (although I hear it works on more current version) <iwata0303> Hi. <iwata0303> Does anyone know when bzr2.6b3 will come ? <jelmer> vila, mgz: ^ <lolek> jelmer: may i pm You ? <jelmer> lolek: sure <mgz> karni: that might also be an issue with gpg signing then. you can, on lucid, us the bzr ppa to restore sanity to the world. <karni> mgz: ah. I might try that. I'll stick with committing from host for now :) Thank you! <mgz> karni: ppa:bzr/ppa <mgz> iwata0303: ideally soon <iwata0303> mgz: Thank you! <karni> mgz: Thank you, sir! <mgz> I'll send something to the list when I'm about to launch on working out how to do a release <mgz> hm.... the next couple of weekends are full, might need to find a weekday night <embersoaker> I merged and commited a branch in to trunk and then reverted it. Went back and changed my code in my branch and then when trying to merge again it won't let me. Is there a way to get trunk to forget that this branch was merged/conmitted before? or a way to force a commit? <mgz> you merge trunk back into your branch, revert the tree but not the merge marker (`bzr revert .` && bzr commit), then merge the branch back into trunk <mgz> basically, the feature branch needs to acknowledge the tree changes were not accepted on trunk, and have a new rev with the changes still present as well as trunk history so trunk knows to reapply them <mgz> embersoaker: ^that make sense to you? <embersoaker> yes <embersoaker> thank you <vila> mgz: I'll be in england next week, if connected the latency should be low ;) <mgz> oh ho ho, london? <mgz> all week? <vila> mgz: yup and yup <mgz> jelmer: ^ <jelmer> vila: where in England? <vila> london * jelmer will be in London from Wed-Fri * SamB_MacG5 grumbles about how ad-hoc bzr's commands are ... <vila> jelmer, mgz : I'll leave Friday afternoon, will need to check my schedule but... would be nice to have either lunch or dinner or something no ? <jelmer> vila: yeah, that'd be great <fullermd> If I start swimming now, maybe I can meet you there... <vila> fullermd: be my guest ;) * SamB_MacG5 is especially thinking that "bzr missing" should support most of the options of "bzr log", like -p ... <fullermd> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/2008q2/041074.html :p <delinquentme_> ls <delinquentme_> derp! <delinquentme_> I have config files ... I'd like a new user to be able to have access to a version of them ... but not mine ... <delinquentme_> SO .. can I include files within a bzr repo which aren't VC'ed ? <fullermd> Well, you can PUT a file there and ignore it. Obviously bzr won't know anything about it, so you'd have to put it there (if it's important) any time you make a WT. <delinquentme_> WT? <delinquentme_> fullermd, ? <lifeless> working tree <fullermd> Oh, shucks. If I'd known lifeless was here, I'd have just hit 6 or 8 keys at random, and he'd interpret a correct answer out of it... #bzr 2012-11-11 <KombuchaKip> [Bug 1077521] [NEW] Bzr not ready for digital media asset management: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1077521 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1077521 in Bazaar "Bzr not ready for digital media asset management" [Undecided,Opinion] <jelmer> KombuchaKip: I'm not sure I follow - you filed a bug and then marked it opinion yourself? <KombuchaKip> jelmer: Yes. I would have marked it as a feature request, but I didn't see an option for that. Suggestions welcome. <jelmer> KombuchaKip: A bug filed Opinion won't show up in the open bugs list so filing it is pretty pointless. <jelmer> KombuchaKip: there is a Wishlist importance <KombuchaKip> Alright, I'll set that then. <KombuchaKip> jelmer: I didn't know that. <KombuchaKip> jelmer: I see New, Incomplete, Opinion, Invalid, Won't Fix, Confirmed, Triaged, In Progress, Fix Committed, and Fix Released, but no Wishlist. <KombuchaKip> jelmer: Er, it looks like that's under the Importance field which I don't have access to. <jelmer> KombuchaKip: best to leave it unset in that case <KombuchaKip> jelmer: I can't set it anyways. <jelmer> KombuchaKip: the bug status I mean <KombuchaKip> jelmer: Oh, too late. Feel free to change it to whatever you like. I set it back to New. <jelmer> KombuchaKip: Yeah, that's what I meant with leaving it unset :-) <KombuchaKip> jelmer: Ok, no problem. Sorry about that. <jelmer> KombuchaKip: I'm not doing bug triaging on bzr, hopefully somebody else will get around to it. <KombuchaKip> jelmer: Well, it's a pretty big task and will probably require a lot of discussion because it's not really a "bug" per se, but more a design consideration. <pabs3> does bzr have the equivalent of git fetch? <fullermd> The answer is probably either "bzr pull" or "meaningless operation", depending on details. <pabs3> "meaningless operation", since "bzr pull" modifies the local branch <pabs3> thanks <fullermd> Well, so does git fetch, just... and, you're gone. #bzr 2013-11-04 <dhanyaraj> I am contributing to ubuntu using bzr. Can anyone tell me how to push a file using bzr ? <dhanyaraj> I am contributing to ubuntu using bzr. Can anyone tell me how to push a file using bzr ? <LeoNerd> You don't push "a file"; you push the entire branch <LeoNerd> bzr push $REMOTE-URL <marcoceppi> So, I need help with workflow using bazaar <LeoNerd> Ask, don't ask to ask <marcoceppi> I just don't get how to manage multiple branches with bazaar <marcoceppi> From a git world, I find myself branching stuff in to /tmp, merging, pushing, then blowing away <marcoceppi> I don't feel like that's how to properly maintain multiple branches on local disk with bazaar <LeoNerd> In bzr, a given working directory only contains one branch... for handling multiple branches I usually put a .BRANCHNAME on the directory name <LeoNerd> bzr co scheme://path/to/someone's/branch Project-Name.BRANCH <LeoNerd> http://bazaar.leonerd.org.uk/perl/ <== a few .BRANCH names in here <marcoceppi> interesting, thanks LeoNerd <xnox> $ bar bd -S --split <xnox> The program 'bar' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: <xnox> sudo apt-get install bar <xnox> .. <xnox> coding at Beer O'Clock =) #bzr 2013-11-05 <vila> xnox: :-D <vila> xnox: ln -s /usr/bin/bzr ~/bin/bar <dobey> hi all. how can i verify that a working tree in bzrlib is a lightweight checkout of a branch? <mgz> `bzr info`? <mgz> or you mean in python? <dobey> mgz: with bzrlib in python, yes <mgz> workingtree objects have a branch attribute you can inspect to see which it is <mgz> and the lightweight checkout chek goes something like: <mgz> `tree.user_url != tree.branch.user_url` <mgz> dobey: hope that helps <dobey> mgz: branch being a bzrlib.branch.Branch? <mgz> right, but you get one created for you whenever you construct a tree <mgz> you probably want to start: <mgz> `d = controldir.ControlDir.open(location); tree = d.open_workingtree();` <mgz> and catch some exceptons from open_workingtree <dobey> right. already have one because tarmac creates a Branch from the launchpadlib branch, without yet opening the working tree <mgz> then you have some fun, because you can't go from less specific to more specific in general <mgz> you'd want to reopen the location of the branch as a new object <dobey> yeah, it does. <dobey> i just wanted to make sure the type was what i thought it was <dobey> if user_url is the right thing to check for that, it should do though. thanks #bzr 2013-11-06 <dobey> mgz: so apparently, checking user_url doesn't work so well for telling if a tree is a lightweight checkout or not. :( #bzr 2013-11-10 <LeoNerd> Hrm. I don't think my "bzr bisect" is working properly. <LeoNerd> I'm at -r195, and if I bzr bisect reset; bzr bisect start; bzr bisect yes it claims that revision 97 is OK... not sure where it gets that number <LeoNerd> Then any amount of bzr bisect move ... doesn't actually do anything #bzr 2014-11-03 <hazmat> is there a way to show the revision id of a working copy <hazmat> i remember it was some hidden option <hazmat> nevermind --show-ids on log does the trick #bzr 2014-11-04 <MasterPiece> How to use bzr to get lp:curtinator of $URL ? <jelmer> MasterPiece: "bzr get lp:curtinator" <MasterPiece> jelmer, Thanks man :) #bzr 2014-11-07 <Fat-Zer> hi, how can I download only missing part of the branch with bzr? <Fat-Zer> to be more specific e.g. I've already done "bzr branch lp:kicad" <Fat-Zer> Now I want to checkout (in git terminology) the lp:kicad/stable branch. <Fat-Zer> And I can't find the way to get it without downloading all the stuff that I already have... <Fat-Zer> so... is it possible at all? or I'm just mistaking some bzr basic concepts? <LeoNerd> Branches are independent <LeoNerd> Whereas in git, all the possible branches are stored in the same place <Fat-Zer> oh that's sad... ;( <Fat-Zer> LeoNerd: thanks <Peng> use a shared repository? <Fat-Zer> Peng, what's that? <Peng> Fat-Zer: bzr help init-repo. <Peng> Fat-Zer: It creates a repository in a directory which all branches underneath that directory will use to store their data in. <Fat-Zer> Peng: and hoq to add branch to it after the init? <Fat-Zer> *how <Peng> bzr help reconfigure <Peng> New branches created in child directories will automatically use it. <Peng> reconfigure can be used to convert existing branches <Fat-Zer> Peng: thanks but I haven't found how to use reconfigure so I done it like this: <Fat-Zer> bzr init-repo kicad-repo <Fat-Zer> cd kicad-repo/ <Fat-Zer> bzr branch ../kicad-branch/ kicad <Fat-Zer> rm -r kicad/ <Fat-Zer> bzr branch lp:kicad <Fat-Zer> bzr branch lp:kicad/stable <Fat-Zer> a bit hacky... that that worked... <Fat-Zer> *but that #bzr 2015-11-05 <lefteris> Hello guys, I would like to ask if bazzar has the ability to merge a branch with multiple commits into maste with one commit <lefteris> ? <spiv> lefteris1: yes <lefteris1> spiv: thanks a lot #bzr 2017-11-09 <jam> jelmer: did you really intend to tag 2000 bugs with 'check-breezy' ? my inbox just exploded. :) <LeoNerd> I was considering that question myself :) <fullermd> Obviously a simple load test, revealing shortcomings in your visual cortex :p
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