(langchain.llms.GooseAI attribute) (langchain.llms.LlamaCpp attribute) (langchain.llms.NLPCloud attribute) (langchain.llms.OpenAI attribute) (langchain.llms.OpenLM attribute) (langchain.llms.Petals attribute) (langchain.llms.PredictionGuard attribute) (langchain.llms.RWKV attribute) (langchain.llms.VertexAI attribute) (langchain.llms.Writer attribute) template (langchain.prompts.PromptTemplate attribute) ( attribute) template_format (langchain.prompts.FewShotPromptTemplate attribute) (langchain.prompts.FewShotPromptWithTemplates attribute) (langchain.prompts.PromptTemplate attribute) template_tool_response (langchain.agents.ConversationalChatAgent attribute) text_length (langchain.chains.LLMRequestsChain attribute) text_splitter (langchain.chains.AnalyzeDocumentChain attribute) (langchain.chains.MapReduceChain attribute) (langchain.chains.QAGenerationChain attribute) TextLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) texts (langchain.retrievers.KNNRetriever attribute) (langchain.retrievers.SVMRetriever attribute) TextSplitter (class in langchain.text_splitter) tfidf_array (langchain.retrievers.TFIDFRetriever attribute) time (langchain.utilities.DuckDuckGoSearchAPIWrapper attribute) to_typescript() ( method) token (langchain.llms.PredictionGuard attribute) (langchain.utilities.PowerBIDataset attribute) token_path (langchain.document_loaders.GoogleApiClient attribute) (langchain.document_loaders.GoogleDriveLoader attribute) tokenizer (langchain.llms.Petals attribute) tokens (langchain.llms.AlephAlpha attribute)
tokens (langchain.llms.AlephAlpha attribute) tokens_path (langchain.llms.RWKV attribute) TokenTextSplitter (class in langchain.text_splitter) ToMarkdownLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) TomlLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) tool() (in module langchain.agents) (in module tool_run_logging_kwargs() (langchain.agents.Agent method) (langchain.agents.BaseMultiActionAgent method) (langchain.agents.BaseSingleActionAgent method) (langchain.agents.LLMSingleActionAgent method) tools (langchain.agents.agent_toolkits.JiraToolkit attribute) (langchain.agents.agent_toolkits.ZapierToolkit attribute) (langchain.agents.AgentExecutor attribute) top_k (langchain.chains.SQLDatabaseChain attribute) (langchain.chat_models.ChatGooglePalm attribute) (langchain.llms.AlephAlpha attribute) (langchain.llms.Anthropic attribute) (langchain.llms.ForefrontAI attribute) (langchain.llms.GooglePalm attribute) (langchain.llms.GPT4All attribute) (langchain.llms.LlamaCpp attribute) (langchain.llms.NLPCloud attribute) (langchain.llms.Petals attribute) (langchain.llms.VertexAI attribute) (langchain.retrievers.ChatGPTPluginRetriever attribute) (langchain.retrievers.DataberryRetriever attribute) (langchain.retrievers.PineconeHybridSearchRetriever attribute) top_k_docs_for_context (langchain.chains.ChatVectorDBChain attribute) top_k_results (langchain.utilities.ArxivAPIWrapper attribute) (langchain.utilities.GooglePlacesAPIWrapper attribute) (langchain.utilities.WikipediaAPIWrapper attribute)
(langchain.utilities.GooglePlacesAPIWrapper attribute) (langchain.utilities.WikipediaAPIWrapper attribute) top_n (langchain.retrievers.document_compressors.CohereRerank attribute) top_p (langchain.chat_models.ChatGooglePalm attribute) (langchain.llms.AlephAlpha attribute) (langchain.llms.Anthropic attribute) (langchain.llms.AzureOpenAI attribute) (langchain.llms.ForefrontAI attribute) (langchain.llms.GooglePalm attribute) (langchain.llms.GooseAI attribute) (langchain.llms.GPT4All attribute) (langchain.llms.LlamaCpp attribute) (langchain.llms.NLPCloud attribute) (langchain.llms.OpenAI attribute) (langchain.llms.OpenLM attribute) (langchain.llms.Petals attribute) (langchain.llms.RWKV attribute) (langchain.llms.VertexAI attribute) (langchain.llms.Writer attribute) topP (langchain.llms.AI21 attribute) traits (langchain.experimental.GenerativeAgent attribute) transform (langchain.chains.TransformChain attribute) transform_documents() (langchain.document_transformers.EmbeddingsRedundantFilter method) (langchain.text_splitter.TextSplitter method) transform_input_fn (langchain.llms.Databricks attribute) transform_output_fn (langchain.llms.Databricks attribute) transformers (langchain.retrievers.document_compressors.DocumentCompressorPipeline attribute) TrelloLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) truncate (langchain.embeddings.CohereEmbeddings attribute) (langchain.llms.Cohere attribute) ts_type_from_python() ( static method) ttl (langchain.memory.RedisEntityStore attribute) tuned_model_name (langchain.llms.VertexAI attribute)
tuned_model_name (langchain.llms.VertexAI attribute) TwitterTweetLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) type (langchain.utilities.GoogleSerperAPIWrapper attribute) Typesense (class in langchain.vectorstores) U unsecure (langchain.utilities.searx_search.SearxSearchWrapper attribute) (langchain.utilities.SearxSearchWrapper attribute) UnstructuredAPIFileIOLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) UnstructuredAPIFileLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) UnstructuredEmailLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) UnstructuredEPubLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) UnstructuredFileIOLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) UnstructuredFileLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) UnstructuredHTMLLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) UnstructuredImageLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) UnstructuredMarkdownLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) UnstructuredODTLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) UnstructuredPDFLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) UnstructuredPowerPointLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) UnstructuredRTFLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) UnstructuredURLLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) UnstructuredWordDocumentLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) update_document() (langchain.vectorstores.Chroma method) update_forward_refs() (langchain.llms.AI21 class method) (langchain.llms.AlephAlpha class method) (langchain.llms.Anthropic class method) (langchain.llms.Anyscale class method) (langchain.llms.AzureOpenAI class method) (langchain.llms.Banana class method) (langchain.llms.Beam class method)
(langchain.llms.Beam class method) (langchain.llms.CerebriumAI class method) (langchain.llms.Cohere class method) (langchain.llms.CTransformers class method) (langchain.llms.Databricks class method) (langchain.llms.DeepInfra class method) (langchain.llms.FakeListLLM class method) (langchain.llms.ForefrontAI class method) (langchain.llms.GooglePalm class method) (langchain.llms.GooseAI class method) (langchain.llms.GPT4All class method) (langchain.llms.HuggingFaceEndpoint class method) (langchain.llms.HuggingFaceHub class method) (langchain.llms.HuggingFacePipeline class method) (langchain.llms.HuggingFaceTextGenInference class method) (langchain.llms.HumanInputLLM class method) (langchain.llms.LlamaCpp class method) (langchain.llms.Modal class method) (langchain.llms.MosaicML class method) (langchain.llms.NLPCloud class method) (langchain.llms.OpenAI class method) (langchain.llms.OpenAIChat class method) (langchain.llms.OpenLM class method) (langchain.llms.Petals class method) (langchain.llms.PipelineAI class method) (langchain.llms.PredictionGuard class method) (langchain.llms.PromptLayerOpenAI class method) (langchain.llms.PromptLayerOpenAIChat class method) (langchain.llms.Replicate class method) (langchain.llms.RWKV class method) (langchain.llms.SagemakerEndpoint class method) (langchain.llms.SelfHostedHuggingFaceLLM class method) (langchain.llms.SelfHostedPipeline class method) (langchain.llms.StochasticAI class method)
(langchain.llms.StochasticAI class method) (langchain.llms.VertexAI class method) (langchain.llms.Writer class method) upsert_messages() (langchain.memory.CosmosDBChatMessageHistory method) url (langchain.document_loaders.GitHubIssuesLoader property) (langchain.document_loaders.MathpixPDFLoader property) (langchain.llms.Beam attribute) (langchain.retrievers.ChatGPTPluginRetriever attribute) (langchain.retrievers.RemoteLangChainRetriever attribute) ( attribute) urls (langchain.document_loaders.PlaywrightURLLoader attribute) (langchain.document_loaders.SeleniumURLLoader attribute) use_mlock (langchain.embeddings.LlamaCppEmbeddings attribute) (langchain.llms.GPT4All attribute) (langchain.llms.LlamaCpp attribute) use_mmap (langchain.llms.LlamaCpp attribute) use_multiplicative_presence_penalty (langchain.llms.AlephAlpha attribute) use_query_checker (langchain.chains.SQLDatabaseChain attribute) username (langchain.vectorstores.MyScaleSettings attribute) V validate_channel_or_videoIds_is_set() (langchain.document_loaders.GoogleApiClient class method) (langchain.document_loaders.GoogleApiYoutubeLoader class method) validate_init_args() (langchain.document_loaders.ConfluenceLoader static method) validate_template (langchain.prompts.FewShotPromptTemplate attribute) (langchain.prompts.FewShotPromptWithTemplates attribute) (langchain.prompts.PromptTemplate attribute) Vectara (class in langchain.vectorstores) vectorizer (langchain.retrievers.TFIDFRetriever attribute) VectorStore (class in langchain.vectorstores) vectorstore (langchain.agents.agent_toolkits.VectorStoreInfo attribute) (langchain.chains.ChatVectorDBChain attribute)
(langchain.chains.ChatVectorDBChain attribute) (langchain.chains.VectorDBQA attribute) (langchain.chains.VectorDBQAWithSourcesChain attribute) (langchain.prompts.example_selector.SemanticSimilarityExampleSelector attribute) (langchain.retrievers.SelfQueryRetriever attribute) (langchain.retrievers.TimeWeightedVectorStoreRetriever attribute) vectorstore_info (langchain.agents.agent_toolkits.VectorStoreToolkit attribute) vectorstores (langchain.agents.agent_toolkits.VectorStoreRouterToolkit attribute) verbose (langchain.llms.AI21 attribute) (langchain.llms.AlephAlpha attribute) (langchain.llms.Anthropic attribute) (langchain.llms.Anyscale attribute) (langchain.llms.AzureOpenAI attribute) (langchain.llms.Banana attribute) (langchain.llms.Beam attribute) (langchain.llms.CerebriumAI attribute) (langchain.llms.Cohere attribute) (langchain.llms.CTransformers attribute) (langchain.llms.Databricks attribute) (langchain.llms.DeepInfra attribute) (langchain.llms.FakeListLLM attribute) (langchain.llms.ForefrontAI attribute) (langchain.llms.GooglePalm attribute) (langchain.llms.GooseAI attribute) (langchain.llms.GPT4All attribute) (langchain.llms.HuggingFaceEndpoint attribute) (langchain.llms.HuggingFaceHub attribute) (langchain.llms.HuggingFacePipeline attribute) (langchain.llms.HuggingFaceTextGenInference attribute) (langchain.llms.HumanInputLLM attribute) (langchain.llms.LlamaCpp attribute) (langchain.llms.Modal attribute) (langchain.llms.MosaicML attribute) (langchain.llms.NLPCloud attribute) (langchain.llms.OpenAI attribute)
(langchain.llms.NLPCloud attribute) (langchain.llms.OpenAI attribute) (langchain.llms.OpenAIChat attribute) (langchain.llms.OpenLM attribute) (langchain.llms.Petals attribute) (langchain.llms.PipelineAI attribute) (langchain.llms.PredictionGuard attribute) (langchain.llms.Replicate attribute) (langchain.llms.RWKV attribute) (langchain.llms.SagemakerEndpoint attribute) (langchain.llms.SelfHostedHuggingFaceLLM attribute) (langchain.llms.SelfHostedPipeline attribute) (langchain.llms.StochasticAI attribute) (langchain.llms.VertexAI attribute) (langchain.llms.Writer attribute) (langchain.retrievers.SelfQueryRetriever attribute) ( attribute) ( attribute) VespaRetriever (class in langchain.retrievers) video_ids (langchain.document_loaders.GoogleApiYoutubeLoader attribute) visible_only ( attribute) vocab_only (langchain.embeddings.LlamaCppEmbeddings attribute) (langchain.llms.GPT4All attribute) (langchain.llms.LlamaCpp attribute) W wait_for_processing() (langchain.document_loaders.MathpixPDFLoader method) WeatherDataLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) Weaviate (class in langchain.vectorstores) WeaviateHybridSearchRetriever (class in langchain.retrievers) WeaviateHybridSearchRetriever.Config (class in langchain.retrievers) web_path (langchain.document_loaders.WebBaseLoader property) web_paths (langchain.document_loaders.WebBaseLoader attribute) WebBaseLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) WhatsAppChatLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders)
WhatsAppChatLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) Wikipedia (class in langchain.docstore) WikipediaLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) wolfram_alpha_appid (langchain.utilities.WolframAlphaAPIWrapper attribute) writer_api_key (langchain.llms.Writer attribute) writer_org_id (langchain.llms.Writer attribute) Y YoutubeLoader (class in langchain.document_loaders) Z zapier_description ( attribute) ZepRetriever (class in langchain.retrievers) ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION (langchain.agents.AgentType attribute) Zilliz (class in langchain.vectorstores) By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Search Error Please activate JavaScript to enable the search functionality. Ctrl+K By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
.md .pdf Deployments Contents Streamlit Gradio (on Hugging Face) Chainlit Beam Vercel FastAPI + Vercel Kinsta Digitalocean App Platform Google Cloud Run SteamShip Langchain-serve BentoML Databutton Deployments# So, you’ve created a really cool chain - now what? How do you deploy it and make it easily shareable with the world? This section covers several options for that. Note that these options are meant for quick deployment of prototypes and demos, not for production systems. If you need help with the deployment of a production system, please contact us directly. What follows is a list of template GitHub repositories designed to be easily forked and modified to use your chain. This list is far from exhaustive, and we are EXTREMELY open to contributions here. Streamlit# This repo serves as a template for how to deploy a LangChain with Streamlit. It implements a chatbot interface. It also contains instructions for how to deploy this app on the Streamlit platform. Gradio (on Hugging Face)# This repo serves as a template for how deploy a LangChain with Gradio. It implements a chatbot interface, with a “Bring-Your-Own-Token” approach (nice for not wracking up big bills). It also contains instructions for how to deploy this app on the Hugging Face platform. This is heavily influenced by James Weaver’s excellent examples. Chainlit# This repo is a cookbook explaining how to visualize and deploy LangChain agents with Chainlit. You create ChatGPT-like UIs with Chainlit. Some of the key features include intermediary steps visualisation, element management & display (images, text, carousel, etc.) as well as cloud deployment. Chainlit doc on the integration with LangChain Beam#
Chainlit doc on the integration with LangChain Beam# This repo serves as a template for how deploy a LangChain with Beam. It implements a Question Answering app and contains instructions for deploying the app as a serverless REST API. Vercel# A minimal example on how to run LangChain on Vercel using Flask. FastAPI + Vercel# A minimal example on how to run LangChain on Vercel using FastAPI and LangCorn/Uvicorn. Kinsta# A minimal example on how to deploy LangChain to Kinsta using Flask. A minimal example of how to deploy LangChain to using Flask. Digitalocean App Platform# A minimal example on how to deploy LangChain to DigitalOcean App Platform. Google Cloud Run# A minimal example on how to deploy LangChain to Google Cloud Run. SteamShip# This repository contains LangChain adapters for Steamship, enabling LangChain developers to rapidly deploy their apps on Steamship. This includes: production-ready endpoints, horizontal scaling across dependencies, persistent storage of app state, multi-tenancy support, etc. Langchain-serve# This repository allows users to serve local chains and agents as RESTful, gRPC, or WebSocket APIs, thanks to Jina. Deploy your chains & agents with ease and enjoy independent scaling, serverless and autoscaling APIs, as well as a Streamlit playground on Jina AI Cloud. BentoML# This repository provides an example of how to deploy a LangChain application with BentoML. BentoML is a framework that enables the containerization of machine learning applications as standard OCI images. BentoML also allows for the automatic generation of OpenAPI and gRPC endpoints. With BentoML, you can integrate models from all popular ML frameworks and deploy them as microservices running on the most optimal hardware and scaling independently.
Databutton# These templates serve as examples of how to build, deploy, and share LangChain applications using Databutton. You can create user interfaces with Streamlit, automate tasks by scheduling Python code, and store files and data in the built-in store. Examples include a Chatbot interface with conversational memory, a Personal search engine, and a starter template for LangChain apps. Deploying and sharing is just one click away. previous Dependents next Tracing Contents Streamlit Gradio (on Hugging Face) Chainlit Beam Vercel FastAPI + Vercel Kinsta Digitalocean App Platform Google Cloud Run SteamShip Langchain-serve BentoML Databutton By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
.md .pdf Locally Hosted Setup Contents Installation Environment Setup Locally Hosted Setup# This page contains instructions for installing and then setting up the environment to use the locally hosted version of tracing. Installation# Ensure you have Docker installed (see Get Docker) and that it’s running. Install the latest version of langchain: pip install langchain or pip install langchain -U to upgrade your existing version. Run langchain-server. This command was installed automatically when you ran the above command (pip install langchain). This will spin up the server in the terminal, hosted on port 4137 by default. Once you see the terminal output langchain-langchain-frontend-1 | ➜ Local: [http://localhost:4173/](http://localhost:4173/), navigate to http://localhost:4173/ You should see a page with your tracing sessions. See the overview page for a walkthrough of the UI. Currently, trace data is not guaranteed to be persisted between runs of langchain-server. If you want to persist your data, you can mount a volume to the Docker container. See the Docker docs for more info. To stop the server, press Ctrl+C in the terminal where you ran langchain-server. Environment Setup# After installation, you must now set up your environment to use tracing. This can be done by setting an environment variable in your terminal by running export LANGCHAIN_HANDLER=langchain. You can also do this by adding the below snippet to the top of every script. IMPORTANT: this must go at the VERY TOP of your script, before you import anything from langchain. import os os.environ["LANGCHAIN_HANDLER"] = "langchain" Contents Installation Environment Setup By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase.
By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
.md .pdf Cloud Hosted Setup Contents Installation Environment Setup Cloud Hosted Setup# We offer a hosted version of tracing at You can use this to view traces from your run without having to run the server locally. Note: we are currently only offering this to a limited number of users. The hosted platform is VERY alpha, in active development, and data might be dropped at any time. Don’t depend on data being persisted in the system long term and don’t log traces that may contain sensitive information. If you’re interested in using the hosted platform, please fill out the form here. Installation# Login to the system and click “API Key” in the top right corner. Generate a new key and keep it safe. You will need it to authenticate with the system. Environment Setup# After installation, you must now set up your environment to use tracing. This can be done by setting an environment variable in your terminal by running export LANGCHAIN_HANDLER=langchain. You can also do this by adding the below snippet to the top of every script. IMPORTANT: this must go at the VERY TOP of your script, before you import anything from langchain. import os os.environ["LANGCHAIN_HANDLER"] = "langchain" You will also need to set an environment variable to specify the endpoint and your API key. This can be done with the following environment variables: LANGCHAIN_ENDPOINT = “” LANGCHAIN_API_KEY - set this to the API key you generated during installation. An example of adding all relevant environment variables is below: import os os.environ["LANGCHAIN_HANDLER"] = "langchain" os.environ["LANGCHAIN_ENDPOINT"] = ""
os.environ["LANGCHAIN_API_KEY"] = "my_api_key" # Don't commit this to your repo! Better to set it in your terminal. Contents Installation Environment Setup By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf Tracing Walkthrough Contents [Beta] Tracing V2 Tracing Walkthrough# There are two recommended ways to trace your LangChains: Setting the LANGCHAIN_TRACING environment variable to “true”. Using a context manager with tracing_enabled() to trace a particular block of code. Note if the environment variable is set, all code will be traced, regardless of whether or not it’s within the context manager. import os os.environ["LANGCHAIN_TRACING"] = "true" ## Uncomment below if using hosted setup. # os.environ["LANGCHAIN_ENDPOINT"] = "" ## Uncomment below if you want traces to be recorded to "my_session" instead of "default". # os.environ["LANGCHAIN_SESSION"] = "my_session" ## Better to set this environment variable in the terminal ## Uncomment below if using hosted version. Replace "my_api_key" with your actual API Key. # os.environ["LANGCHAIN_API_KEY"] = "my_api_key" import langchain from langchain.agents import Tool, initialize_agent, load_tools from langchain.agents import AgentType from langchain.callbacks import tracing_enabled from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI from langchain.llms import OpenAI # Agent run with tracing. Ensure that OPENAI_API_KEY is set appropriately to run this example. llm = OpenAI(temperature=0) tools = load_tools(["llm-math"], llm=llm) agent = initialize_agent( tools, llm, agent=AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION, verbose=True )"What is 2 raised to .123243 power?") > Entering new AgentExecutor chain...
> Entering new AgentExecutor chain... I need to use a calculator to solve this. Action: Calculator Action Input: 2^.123243 Observation: Answer: 1.0891804557407723 Thought: I now know the final answer. Final Answer: 1.0891804557407723 > Finished chain. '1.0891804557407723' # Agent run with tracing using a chat model agent = initialize_agent( tools, ChatOpenAI(temperature=0), agent=AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION, verbose=True )"What is 2 raised to .123243 power?") > Entering new AgentExecutor chain... I need to use a calculator to solve this. Action: Calculator Action Input: 2 ^ .123243 Observation: Answer: 1.0891804557407723 Thought:I now know the answer to the question. Final Answer: 1.0891804557407723 > Finished chain. '1.0891804557407723' # Both of the agent runs will be traced because the environment variable is set"What is 2 raised to .123243 power?") with tracing_enabled() as session:"What is 5 raised to .123243 power?") > Entering new AgentExecutor chain... I need to use a calculator to solve this. Action: Calculator Action Input: 2 ^ .123243 Observation: Answer: 1.0891804557407723 Thought:I now know the answer to the question. Final Answer: 1.0891804557407723 > Finished chain. > Entering new AgentExecutor chain... I need to use a calculator to solve this. Action: Calculator
I need to use a calculator to solve this. Action: Calculator Action Input: 5 ^ .123243 Observation: Answer: 1.2193914912400514 Thought:I now know the answer to the question. Final Answer: 1.2193914912400514 > Finished chain. # Now, we unset the environment variable and use a context manager. if "LANGCHAIN_TRACING" in os.environ: del os.environ["LANGCHAIN_TRACING"] # here, we are writing traces to "my_test_session" with tracing_enabled("my_session") as session: assert session"What is 5 raised to .123243 power?") # this should be traced"What is 2 raised to .123243 power?") # this should not be traced > Entering new AgentExecutor chain... I need to use a calculator to solve this. Action: Calculator Action Input: 5 ^ .123243 Observation: Answer: 1.2193914912400514 Thought:I now know the answer to the question. Final Answer: 1.2193914912400514 > Finished chain. > Entering new AgentExecutor chain... I need to use a calculator to solve this. Action: Calculator Action Input: 2 ^ .123243 Observation: Answer: 1.0891804557407723 Thought:I now know the answer to the question. Final Answer: 1.0891804557407723 > Finished chain. '1.0891804557407723' # The context manager is concurrency safe: import asyncio if "LANGCHAIN_TRACING" in os.environ: del os.environ["LANGCHAIN_TRACING"]
del os.environ["LANGCHAIN_TRACING"] questions = [f"What is {i} raised to .123 power?" for i in range(1,4)] # start a background task task = asyncio.create_task(agent.arun(questions[0])) # this should not be traced with tracing_enabled() as session: assert session tasks = [agent.arun(q) for q in questions[1:3]] # these should be traced await asyncio.gather(*tasks) await task > Entering new AgentExecutor chain... > Entering new AgentExecutor chain... > Entering new AgentExecutor chain... I need to use a calculator to solve this. Action: Calculator Action Input: 3^0.123I need to use a calculator to solve this. Action: Calculator Action Input: 2^0.123Any number raised to the power of 0 is 1, but I'm not sure about a decimal power. Action: Calculator Action Input: 1^.123 Observation: Answer: 1.1446847956963533 Thought: Observation: Answer: 1.0889970153361064 Thought: Observation: Answer: 1.0 Thought: > Finished chain. > Finished chain. > Finished chain. '1.0' [Beta] Tracing V2# We are rolling out a newer version of our tracing service with more features coming soon. Here are the instructions on how to use it to trace your runs. To use, you can use the tracing_v2_enabled context manager or set LANGCHAIN_TRACING_V2 = 'true' Option 1 (Local): Run the local LangChainPlus Server pip install --upgrade langchain langchain plus start Option 2 (Hosted):
pip install --upgrade langchain langchain plus start Option 2 (Hosted): After making an account an grabbing a LangChainPlus API Key, set the LANGCHAIN_ENDPOINT and LANGCHAIN_API_KEY environment variables import os os.environ["LANGCHAIN_TRACING_V2"] = "true" # os.environ["LANGCHAIN_ENDPOINT"] = "" # Uncomment this line if you want to use the hosted version # os.environ["LANGCHAIN_API_KEY"] = "<YOUR-LANGCHAINPLUS-API-KEY>" # Uncomment this line if you want to use the hosted version. import langchain from langchain.agents import Tool, initialize_agent, load_tools from langchain.agents import AgentType from langchain.callbacks import tracing_enabled from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI from langchain.llms import OpenAI # Agent run with tracing. Ensure that OPENAI_API_KEY is set appropriately to run this example. llm = OpenAI(temperature=0) tools = load_tools(["llm-math"], llm=llm) agent = initialize_agent( tools, llm, agent=AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION, verbose=True )"What is 2 raised to .123243 power?") > Entering new AgentExecutor chain... I need to use a calculator to solve this. Action: Calculator Action Input: 2^.123243 Observation: Answer: 1.0891804557407723 Thought: I now know the final answer. Final Answer: 1.0891804557407723 > Finished chain. '1.0891804557407723' Contents [Beta] Tracing V2 By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase.
By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.text_splitter """Functionality for splitting text.""" from __future__ import annotations import copy import logging import re from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from enum import Enum from typing import ( AbstractSet, Any, Callable, Collection, Iterable, List, Literal, Optional, Sequence, Type, TypeVar, Union, ) from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.schema import BaseDocumentTransformer logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) TS = TypeVar("TS", bound="TextSplitter") def _split_text(text: str, separator: str, keep_separator: bool) -> List[str]: # Now that we have the separator, split the text if separator: if keep_separator: # The parentheses in the pattern keep the delimiters in the result. _splits = re.split(f"({separator})", text) splits = [_splits[i] + _splits[i + 1] for i in range(1, len(_splits), 2)] if len(_splits) % 2 == 0: splits += _splits[-1:] splits = [_splits[0]] + splits else: splits = text.split(separator) else: splits = list(text) return [s for s in splits if s != ""] [docs]class TextSplitter(BaseDocumentTransformer, ABC): """Interface for splitting text into chunks.""" def __init__( self, chunk_size: int = 4000, chunk_overlap: int = 200, length_function: Callable[[str], int] = len,
length_function: Callable[[str], int] = len, keep_separator: bool = False, ): """Create a new TextSplitter. Args: chunk_size: Maximum size of chunks to return chunk_overlap: Overlap in characters between chunks length_function: Function that measures the length of given chunks keep_separator: Whether or not to keep the separator in the chunks """ if chunk_overlap > chunk_size: raise ValueError( f"Got a larger chunk overlap ({chunk_overlap}) than chunk size " f"({chunk_size}), should be smaller." ) self._chunk_size = chunk_size self._chunk_overlap = chunk_overlap self._length_function = length_function self._keep_separator = keep_separator [docs] @abstractmethod def split_text(self, text: str) -> List[str]: """Split text into multiple components.""" [docs] def create_documents( self, texts: List[str], metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None ) -> List[Document]: """Create documents from a list of texts.""" _metadatas = metadatas or [{}] * len(texts) documents = [] for i, text in enumerate(texts): for chunk in self.split_text(text): new_doc = Document( page_content=chunk, metadata=copy.deepcopy(_metadatas[i]) ) documents.append(new_doc) return documents [docs] def split_documents(self, documents: Iterable[Document]) -> List[Document]: """Split documents.""" texts, metadatas = [], [] for doc in documents: texts.append(doc.page_content) metadatas.append(doc.metadata)
texts.append(doc.page_content) metadatas.append(doc.metadata) return self.create_documents(texts, metadatas=metadatas) def _join_docs(self, docs: List[str], separator: str) -> Optional[str]: text = separator.join(docs) text = text.strip() if text == "": return None else: return text def _merge_splits(self, splits: Iterable[str], separator: str) -> List[str]: # We now want to combine these smaller pieces into medium size # chunks to send to the LLM. separator_len = self._length_function(separator) docs = [] current_doc: List[str] = [] total = 0 for d in splits: _len = self._length_function(d) if ( total + _len + (separator_len if len(current_doc) > 0 else 0) > self._chunk_size ): if total > self._chunk_size: logger.warning( f"Created a chunk of size {total}, " f"which is longer than the specified {self._chunk_size}" ) if len(current_doc) > 0: doc = self._join_docs(current_doc, separator) if doc is not None: docs.append(doc) # Keep on popping if: # - we have a larger chunk than in the chunk overlap # - or if we still have any chunks and the length is long while total > self._chunk_overlap or ( total + _len + (separator_len if len(current_doc) > 0 else 0) > self._chunk_size and total > 0 ):
> self._chunk_size and total > 0 ): total -= self._length_function(current_doc[0]) + ( separator_len if len(current_doc) > 1 else 0 ) current_doc = current_doc[1:] current_doc.append(d) total += _len + (separator_len if len(current_doc) > 1 else 0) doc = self._join_docs(current_doc, separator) if doc is not None: docs.append(doc) return docs [docs] @classmethod def from_huggingface_tokenizer(cls, tokenizer: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> TextSplitter: """Text splitter that uses HuggingFace tokenizer to count length.""" try: from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizerBase if not isinstance(tokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizerBase): raise ValueError( "Tokenizer received was not an instance of PreTrainedTokenizerBase" ) def _huggingface_tokenizer_length(text: str) -> int: return len(tokenizer.encode(text)) except ImportError: raise ValueError( "Could not import transformers python package. " "Please install it with `pip install transformers`." ) return cls(length_function=_huggingface_tokenizer_length, **kwargs) [docs] @classmethod def from_tiktoken_encoder( cls: Type[TS], encoding_name: str = "gpt2", model_name: Optional[str] = None, allowed_special: Union[Literal["all"], AbstractSet[str]] = set(), disallowed_special: Union[Literal["all"], Collection[str]] = "all", **kwargs: Any, ) -> TS:
**kwargs: Any, ) -> TS: """Text splitter that uses tiktoken encoder to count length.""" try: import tiktoken except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Could not import tiktoken python package. " "This is needed in order to calculate max_tokens_for_prompt. " "Please install it with `pip install tiktoken`." ) if model_name is not None: enc = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(model_name) else: enc = tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name) def _tiktoken_encoder(text: str) -> int: return len( enc.encode( text, allowed_special=allowed_special, disallowed_special=disallowed_special, ) ) if issubclass(cls, TokenTextSplitter): extra_kwargs = { "encoding_name": encoding_name, "model_name": model_name, "allowed_special": allowed_special, "disallowed_special": disallowed_special, } kwargs = {**kwargs, **extra_kwargs} return cls(length_function=_tiktoken_encoder, **kwargs) [docs] def transform_documents( self, documents: Sequence[Document], **kwargs: Any ) -> Sequence[Document]: """Transform sequence of documents by splitting them.""" return self.split_documents(list(documents)) [docs] async def atransform_documents( self, documents: Sequence[Document], **kwargs: Any ) -> Sequence[Document]: """Asynchronously transform a sequence of documents by splitting them.""" raise NotImplementedError [docs]class CharacterTextSplitter(TextSplitter): """Implementation of splitting text that looks at characters."""
"""Implementation of splitting text that looks at characters.""" def __init__(self, separator: str = "\n\n", **kwargs: Any): """Create a new TextSplitter.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) self._separator = separator [docs] def split_text(self, text: str) -> List[str]: """Split incoming text and return chunks.""" # First we naively split the large input into a bunch of smaller ones. splits = _split_text(text, self._separator, self._keep_separator) _separator = "" if self._keep_separator else self._separator return self._merge_splits(splits, _separator) [docs]class TokenTextSplitter(TextSplitter): """Implementation of splitting text that looks at tokens.""" def __init__( self, encoding_name: str = "gpt2", model_name: Optional[str] = None, allowed_special: Union[Literal["all"], AbstractSet[str]] = set(), disallowed_special: Union[Literal["all"], Collection[str]] = "all", **kwargs: Any, ): """Create a new TextSplitter.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) try: import tiktoken except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Could not import tiktoken python package. " "This is needed in order to for TokenTextSplitter. " "Please install it with `pip install tiktoken`." ) if model_name is not None: enc = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(model_name) else: enc = tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name) self._tokenizer = enc self._allowed_special = allowed_special
self._tokenizer = enc self._allowed_special = allowed_special self._disallowed_special = disallowed_special [docs] def split_text(self, text: str) -> List[str]: """Split incoming text and return chunks.""" splits = [] input_ids = self._tokenizer.encode( text, allowed_special=self._allowed_special, disallowed_special=self._disallowed_special, ) start_idx = 0 cur_idx = min(start_idx + self._chunk_size, len(input_ids)) chunk_ids = input_ids[start_idx:cur_idx] while start_idx < len(input_ids): splits.append(self._tokenizer.decode(chunk_ids)) start_idx += self._chunk_size - self._chunk_overlap cur_idx = min(start_idx + self._chunk_size, len(input_ids)) chunk_ids = input_ids[start_idx:cur_idx] return splits [docs]class RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(TextSplitter): """Implementation of splitting text that looks at characters. Recursively tries to split by different characters to find one that works. """ def __init__( self, separators: Optional[List[str]] = None, keep_separator: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ): """Create a new TextSplitter.""" super().__init__(keep_separator=keep_separator, **kwargs) self._separators = separators or ["\n\n", "\n", " ", ""] def _split_text(self, text: str, separators: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Split incoming text and return chunks.""" final_chunks = [] # Get appropriate separator to use separator = separators[-1] new_separators = None
separator = separators[-1] new_separators = None for i, _s in enumerate(separators): if _s == "": separator = _s break if _s in text: separator = _s new_separators = separators[i + 1 :] break splits = _split_text(text, separator, self._keep_separator) # Now go merging things, recursively splitting longer texts. _good_splits = [] _separator = "" if self._keep_separator else separator for s in splits: if self._length_function(s) < self._chunk_size: _good_splits.append(s) else: if _good_splits: merged_text = self._merge_splits(_good_splits, _separator) final_chunks.extend(merged_text) _good_splits = [] if new_separators is None: final_chunks.append(s) else: other_info = self._split_text(s, new_separators) final_chunks.extend(other_info) if _good_splits: merged_text = self._merge_splits(_good_splits, _separator) final_chunks.extend(merged_text) return final_chunks [docs] def split_text(self, text: str) -> List[str]: return self._split_text(text, self._separators) [docs]class NLTKTextSplitter(TextSplitter): """Implementation of splitting text that looks at sentences using NLTK.""" def __init__(self, separator: str = "\n\n", **kwargs: Any): """Initialize the NLTK splitter.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) try: from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
try: from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize self._tokenizer = sent_tokenize except ImportError: raise ImportError( "NLTK is not installed, please install it with `pip install nltk`." ) self._separator = separator [docs] def split_text(self, text: str) -> List[str]: """Split incoming text and return chunks.""" # First we naively split the large input into a bunch of smaller ones. splits = self._tokenizer(text) return self._merge_splits(splits, self._separator) [docs]class SpacyTextSplitter(TextSplitter): """Implementation of splitting text that looks at sentences using Spacy.""" def __init__( self, separator: str = "\n\n", pipeline: str = "en_core_web_sm", **kwargs: Any ): """Initialize the spacy text splitter.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) try: import spacy except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Spacy is not installed, please install it with `pip install spacy`." ) self._tokenizer = spacy.load(pipeline) self._separator = separator [docs] def split_text(self, text: str) -> List[str]: """Split incoming text and return chunks.""" splits = (str(s) for s in self._tokenizer(text).sents) return self._merge_splits(splits, self._separator) [docs]class MarkdownTextSplitter(RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter): """Attempts to split the text along Markdown-formatted headings.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any): """Initialize a MarkdownTextSplitter.""" separators = [
"""Initialize a MarkdownTextSplitter.""" separators = [ # First, try to split along Markdown headings (starting with level 2) "\n## ", "\n### ", "\n#### ", "\n##### ", "\n###### ", # Note the alternative syntax for headings (below) is not handled here # Heading level 2 # --------------- # End of code block "```\n\n", # Horizontal lines "\n\n***\n\n", "\n\n---\n\n", "\n\n___\n\n", # Note that this splitter doesn't handle horizontal lines defined # by *three or more* of ***, ---, or ___, but this is not handled "\n\n", "\n", " ", "", ] super().__init__(separators=separators, **kwargs) [docs]class LatexTextSplitter(RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter): """Attempts to split the text along Latex-formatted layout elements.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any): """Initialize a LatexTextSplitter.""" separators = [ # First, try to split along Latex sections "\n\\chapter{", "\n\\section{", "\n\\subsection{", "\n\\subsubsection{", # Now split by environments "\n\\begin{enumerate}", "\n\\begin{itemize}", "\n\\begin{description}", "\n\\begin{list}", "\n\\begin{quote}", "\n\\begin{quotation}", "\n\\begin{verse}",
"\n\\begin{quotation}", "\n\\begin{verse}", "\n\\begin{verbatim}", ## Now split by math environments "\n\\begin{align}", "$$", "$", # Now split by the normal type of lines " ", "", ] super().__init__(separators=separators, **kwargs) [docs]class PythonCodeTextSplitter(RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter): """Attempts to split the text along Python syntax.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any): """Initialize a PythonCodeTextSplitter.""" separators = [ # First, try to split along class definitions "\nclass ", "\ndef ", "\n\tdef ", # Now split by the normal type of lines "\n\n", "\n", " ", "", ] super().__init__(separators=separators, **kwargs) [docs]class HtmlTextSplitter(RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter): """Attempts to split the text along HTML layout elements.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any): """Initialize a HtmlTextSplitter.""" separators = [ # First, try to split along HTML tags "<body>", "<div>", "<p>", "<br>", "<li>", "<h1>", "<h2>", "<h3>", "<h4>", "<h5>", "<h6>", "<span>", "<table>", "<tr>", "<td>", "<th>", "<ul>", "<ol>", "<header>",
"<th>", "<ul>", "<ol>", "<header>", "<footer>", "<nav>", # Head "<head>", "<style>", "<script>", "<meta>", "<title>", "", ] super().__init__(separators=separators, **kwargs) [docs]class Language(str, Enum): CPP = "cpp" GO = "go" JAVA = "java" JS = "js" PHP = "php" PROTO = "proto" PYTHON = "python" RST = "rst" RUBY = "ruby" RUST = "rust" SCALA = "scala" SWIFT = "swift" MARKDOWN = "markdown" LATEX = "latex" [docs]class CodeTextSplitter(RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter): def __init__(self, language: Language, **kwargs: Any): """ A generic code text splitter supporting many programming languages. Example: splitter = CodeTextSplitter( language=Language.JAVA ) Args: Language: The programming language to use """ separators = self._get_separators_for_language(language) super().__init__(separators=separators, **kwargs) def _get_separators_for_language(self, language: Language) -> List[str]: if language == Language.CPP: return [ # Split along class definitions "\nclass ", # Split along function definitions "\nvoid ", "\nint ", "\nfloat ", "\ndouble ",
"\nint ", "\nfloat ", "\ndouble ", # Split along control flow statements "\nif ", "\nfor ", "\nwhile ", "\nswitch ", "\ncase ", # Split by the normal type of lines "\n\n", "\n", " ", "", ] elif language == Language.GO: return [ # Split along function definitions "\nfunc ", "\nvar ", "\nconst ", "\ntype ", # Split along control flow statements "\nif ", "\nfor ", "\nswitch ", "\ncase ", # Split by the normal type of lines "\n\n", "\n", " ", "", ] elif language == Language.JAVA: return [ # Split along class definitions "\nclass ", # Split along method definitions "\npublic ", "\nprotected ", "\nprivate ", "\nstatic ", # Split along control flow statements "\nif ", "\nfor ", "\nwhile ", "\nswitch ", "\ncase ", # Split by the normal type of lines "\n\n", "\n", " ", "", ] elif language == Language.JS: return [ # Split along function definitions "\nfunction ", "\nconst ", "\nlet ", # Split along control flow statements "\nif ", "\nfor ", "\nwhile ", "\nswitch ", "\ncase ",
"\nwhile ", "\nswitch ", "\ncase ", "\ndefault ", # Split by the normal type of lines "\n\n", "\n", " ", "", ] elif language == Language.PHP: return [ # Split along function definitions "\nfunction ", # Split along class definitions "\nclass ", # Split along control flow statements "\nif ", "\nforeach ", "\nwhile ", "\ndo ", "\nswitch ", "\ncase ", # Split by the normal type of lines "\n\n", "\n", " ", "", ] elif language == Language.PROTO: return [ # Split along message definitions "\nmessage ", # Split along service definitions "\nservice ", # Split along enum definitions "\nenum ", # Split along option definitions "\noption ", # Split along import statements "\nimport ", # Split along syntax declarations "\nsyntax ", # Split by the normal type of lines "\n\n", "\n", " ", "", ] elif language == Language.PYTHON: return [ # First, try to split along class definitions "\nclass ", "\ndef ", "\n\tdef ", # Now split by the normal type of lines "\n\n", "\n", " ", "", ] elif language == Language.RST: return [ # Split along section titles "\n===\n",
return [ # Split along section titles "\n===\n", "\n---\n", "\n***\n", # Split along directive markers "\n.. ", # Split by the normal type of lines "\n\n", "\n", " ", "", ] elif language == Language.RUBY: return [ # Split along method definitions "\ndef ", "\nclass ", # Split along control flow statements "\nif ", "\nunless ", "\nwhile ", "\nfor ", "\ndo ", "\nbegin ", "\nrescue ", # Split by the normal type of lines "\n\n", "\n", " ", "", ] elif language == Language.RUST: return [ # Split along function definitions "\nfn ", "\nconst ", "\nlet ", # Split along control flow statements "\nif ", "\nwhile ", "\nfor ", "\nloop ", "\nmatch ", "\nconst ", # Split by the normal type of lines "\n\n", "\n", " ", "", ] elif language == Language.SCALA: return [ # Split along class definitions "\nclass ", "\nobject ", # Split along method definitions "\ndef ", "\nval ", "\nvar ", # Split along control flow statements "\nif ", "\nfor ", "\nwhile ", "\nmatch ", "\ncase ",
"\nwhile ", "\nmatch ", "\ncase ", # Split by the normal type of lines "\n\n", "\n", " ", "", ] elif language == Language.SWIFT: return [ # Split along function definitions "\nfunc ", # Split along class definitions "\nclass ", "\nstruct ", "\nenum ", # Split along control flow statements "\nif ", "\nfor ", "\nwhile ", "\ndo ", "\nswitch ", "\ncase ", # Split by the normal type of lines "\n\n", "\n", " ", "", ] elif language == Language.MARKDOWN: return [ # First, try to split along Markdown headings (starting with level 2) "\n## ", "\n### ", "\n#### ", "\n##### ", "\n###### ", # Note the alternative syntax for headings (below) is not handled here # Heading level 2 # --------------- # End of code block "```\n\n", # Horizontal lines "\n\n***\n\n", "\n\n---\n\n", "\n\n___\n\n", # Note that this splitter doesn't handle horizontal lines defined # by *three or more* of ***, ---, or ___, but this is not handled "\n\n", "\n", " ", "", ] elif language == Language.LATEX: return [ # First, try to split along Latex sections
return [ # First, try to split along Latex sections "\n\\chapter{", "\n\\section{", "\n\\subsection{", "\n\\subsubsection{", # Now split by environments "\n\\begin{enumerate}", "\n\\begin{itemize}", "\n\\begin{description}", "\n\\begin{list}", "\n\\begin{quote}", "\n\\begin{quotation}", "\n\\begin{verse}", "\n\\begin{verbatim}", ## Now split by math environments "\n\\begin{align}", "$$", "$", # Now split by the normal type of lines " ", "", ] else: raise ValueError( f"Language {language} is not supported! " f"Please choose from {list(Language)}" ) By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.requests """Lightweight wrapper around requests library, with async support.""" from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from typing import Any, AsyncGenerator, Dict, Optional import aiohttp import requests from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra class Requests(BaseModel): """Wrapper around requests to handle auth and async. The main purpose of this wrapper is to handle authentication (by saving headers) and enable easy async methods on the same base object. """ headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None aiosession: Optional[aiohttp.ClientSession] = None class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" extra = Extra.forbid arbitrary_types_allowed = True def get(self, url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response: """GET the URL and return the text.""" return requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, **kwargs) def post(self, url: str, data: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response: """POST to the URL and return the text.""" return, json=data, headers=self.headers, **kwargs) def patch(self, url: str, data: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response: """PATCH the URL and return the text.""" return requests.patch(url, json=data, headers=self.headers, **kwargs) def put(self, url: str, data: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response: """PUT the URL and return the text.""" return requests.put(url, json=data, headers=self.headers, **kwargs) def delete(self, url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response:
def delete(self, url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response: """DELETE the URL and return the text.""" return requests.delete(url, headers=self.headers, **kwargs) @asynccontextmanager async def _arequest( self, method: str, url: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncGenerator[aiohttp.ClientResponse, None]: """Make an async request.""" if not self.aiosession: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.request( method, url, headers=self.headers, **kwargs ) as response: yield response else: async with self.aiosession.request( method, url, headers=self.headers, **kwargs ) as response: yield response @asynccontextmanager async def aget( self, url: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncGenerator[aiohttp.ClientResponse, None]: """GET the URL and return the text asynchronously.""" async with self._arequest("GET", url, **kwargs) as response: yield response @asynccontextmanager async def apost( self, url: str, data: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncGenerator[aiohttp.ClientResponse, None]: """POST to the URL and return the text asynchronously.""" async with self._arequest("POST", url, **kwargs) as response: yield response @asynccontextmanager async def apatch( self, url: str, data: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncGenerator[aiohttp.ClientResponse, None]: """PATCH the URL and return the text asynchronously."""
"""PATCH the URL and return the text asynchronously.""" async with self._arequest("PATCH", url, **kwargs) as response: yield response @asynccontextmanager async def aput( self, url: str, data: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncGenerator[aiohttp.ClientResponse, None]: """PUT the URL and return the text asynchronously.""" async with self._arequest("PUT", url, **kwargs) as response: yield response @asynccontextmanager async def adelete( self, url: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncGenerator[aiohttp.ClientResponse, None]: """DELETE the URL and return the text asynchronously.""" async with self._arequest("DELETE", url, **kwargs) as response: yield response [docs]class TextRequestsWrapper(BaseModel): """Lightweight wrapper around requests library. The main purpose of this wrapper is to always return a text output. """ headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None aiosession: Optional[aiohttp.ClientSession] = None class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" extra = Extra.forbid arbitrary_types_allowed = True @property def requests(self) -> Requests: return Requests(headers=self.headers, aiosession=self.aiosession) [docs] def get(self, url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """GET the URL and return the text.""" return self.requests.get(url, **kwargs).text [docs] def post(self, url: str, data: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> str:
"""POST to the URL and return the text.""" return, data, **kwargs).text [docs] def patch(self, url: str, data: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> str: """PATCH the URL and return the text.""" return self.requests.patch(url, data, **kwargs).text [docs] def put(self, url: str, data: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> str: """PUT the URL and return the text.""" return self.requests.put(url, data, **kwargs).text [docs] def delete(self, url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """DELETE the URL and return the text.""" return self.requests.delete(url, **kwargs).text [docs] async def aget(self, url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """GET the URL and return the text asynchronously.""" async with self.requests.aget(url, **kwargs) as response: return await response.text() [docs] async def apost(self, url: str, data: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> str: """POST to the URL and return the text asynchronously.""" async with self.requests.apost(url, **kwargs) as response: return await response.text() [docs] async def apatch(self, url: str, data: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> str: """PATCH the URL and return the text asynchronously.""" async with self.requests.apatch(url, **kwargs) as response: return await response.text() [docs] async def aput(self, url: str, data: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> str:
"""PUT the URL and return the text asynchronously.""" async with self.requests.aput(url, **kwargs) as response: return await response.text() [docs] async def adelete(self, url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """DELETE the URL and return the text asynchronously.""" async with self.requests.adelete(url, **kwargs) as response: return await response.text() # For backwards compatibility RequestsWrapper = TextRequestsWrapper By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.document_transformers """Transform documents""" from typing import Any, Callable, List, Sequence import numpy as np from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from langchain.embeddings.base import Embeddings from langchain.math_utils import cosine_similarity from langchain.schema import BaseDocumentTransformer, Document class _DocumentWithState(Document): """Wrapper for a document that includes arbitrary state.""" state: dict = Field(default_factory=dict) """State associated with the document.""" def to_document(self) -> Document: """Convert the DocumentWithState to a Document.""" return Document(page_content=self.page_content, metadata=self.metadata) @classmethod def from_document(cls, doc: Document) -> "_DocumentWithState": """Create a DocumentWithState from a Document.""" if isinstance(doc, cls): return doc return cls(page_content=doc.page_content, metadata=doc.metadata) [docs]def get_stateful_documents( documents: Sequence[Document], ) -> Sequence[_DocumentWithState]: return [_DocumentWithState.from_document(doc) for doc in documents] def _filter_similar_embeddings( embedded_documents: List[List[float]], similarity_fn: Callable, threshold: float ) -> List[int]: """Filter redundant documents based on the similarity of their embeddings.""" similarity = np.tril(similarity_fn(embedded_documents, embedded_documents), k=-1) redundant = np.where(similarity > threshold) redundant_stacked = np.column_stack(redundant) redundant_sorted = np.argsort(similarity[redundant])[::-1] included_idxs = set(range(len(embedded_documents))) for first_idx, second_idx in redundant_stacked[redundant_sorted]:
for first_idx, second_idx in redundant_stacked[redundant_sorted]: if first_idx in included_idxs and second_idx in included_idxs: # Default to dropping the second document of any highly similar pair. included_idxs.remove(second_idx) return list(sorted(included_idxs)) def _get_embeddings_from_stateful_docs( embeddings: Embeddings, documents: Sequence[_DocumentWithState] ) -> List[List[float]]: if len(documents) and "embedded_doc" in documents[0].state: embedded_documents = [doc.state["embedded_doc"] for doc in documents] else: embedded_documents = embeddings.embed_documents( [d.page_content for d in documents] ) for doc, embedding in zip(documents, embedded_documents): doc.state["embedded_doc"] = embedding return embedded_documents [docs]class EmbeddingsRedundantFilter(BaseDocumentTransformer, BaseModel): """Filter that drops redundant documents by comparing their embeddings.""" embeddings: Embeddings """Embeddings to use for embedding document contents.""" similarity_fn: Callable = cosine_similarity """Similarity function for comparing documents. Function expected to take as input two matrices (List[List[float]]) and return a matrix of scores where higher values indicate greater similarity.""" similarity_threshold: float = 0.95 """Threshold for determining when two documents are similar enough to be considered redundant.""" class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" arbitrary_types_allowed = True [docs] def transform_documents( self, documents: Sequence[Document], **kwargs: Any ) -> Sequence[Document]: """Filter down documents.""" stateful_documents = get_stateful_documents(documents)
"""Filter down documents.""" stateful_documents = get_stateful_documents(documents) embedded_documents = _get_embeddings_from_stateful_docs( self.embeddings, stateful_documents ) included_idxs = _filter_similar_embeddings( embedded_documents, self.similarity_fn, self.similarity_threshold ) return [stateful_documents[i] for i in sorted(included_idxs)] [docs] async def atransform_documents( self, documents: Sequence[Document], **kwargs: Any ) -> Sequence[Document]: raise NotImplementedError By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.experimental.autonomous_agents.baby_agi.baby_agi """BabyAGI agent.""" from collections import deque from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from langchain.base_language import BaseLanguageModel from langchain.callbacks.manager import CallbackManagerForChainRun from langchain.chains.base import Chain from langchain.experimental.autonomous_agents.baby_agi.task_creation import ( TaskCreationChain, ) from langchain.experimental.autonomous_agents.baby_agi.task_execution import ( TaskExecutionChain, ) from langchain.experimental.autonomous_agents.baby_agi.task_prioritization import ( TaskPrioritizationChain, ) from langchain.vectorstores.base import VectorStore [docs]class BabyAGI(Chain, BaseModel): """Controller model for the BabyAGI agent.""" task_list: deque = Field(default_factory=deque) task_creation_chain: Chain = Field(...) task_prioritization_chain: Chain = Field(...) execution_chain: Chain = Field(...) task_id_counter: int = Field(1) vectorstore: VectorStore = Field(init=False) max_iterations: Optional[int] = None [docs] class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" arbitrary_types_allowed = True def add_task(self, task: Dict) -> None: self.task_list.append(task) def print_task_list(self) -> None: print("\033[95m\033[1m" + "\n*****TASK LIST*****\n" + "\033[0m\033[0m") for t in self.task_list: print(str(t["task_id"]) + ": " + t["task_name"])
print(str(t["task_id"]) + ": " + t["task_name"]) def print_next_task(self, task: Dict) -> None: print("\033[92m\033[1m" + "\n*****NEXT TASK*****\n" + "\033[0m\033[0m") print(str(task["task_id"]) + ": " + task["task_name"]) def print_task_result(self, result: str) -> None: print("\033[93m\033[1m" + "\n*****TASK RESULT*****\n" + "\033[0m\033[0m") print(result) @property def input_keys(self) -> List[str]: return ["objective"] @property def output_keys(self) -> List[str]: return [] [docs] def get_next_task( self, result: str, task_description: str, objective: str ) -> List[Dict]: """Get the next task.""" task_names = [t["task_name"] for t in self.task_list] incomplete_tasks = ", ".join(task_names) response = result=result, task_description=task_description, incomplete_tasks=incomplete_tasks, objective=objective, ) new_tasks = response.split("\n") return [ {"task_name": task_name} for task_name in new_tasks if task_name.strip() ] [docs] def prioritize_tasks(self, this_task_id: int, objective: str) -> List[Dict]: """Prioritize tasks.""" task_names = [t["task_name"] for t in list(self.task_list)] next_task_id = int(this_task_id) + 1
next_task_id = int(this_task_id) + 1 response = task_names=", ".join(task_names), next_task_id=str(next_task_id), objective=objective, ) new_tasks = response.split("\n") prioritized_task_list = [] for task_string in new_tasks: if not task_string.strip(): continue task_parts = task_string.strip().split(".", 1) if len(task_parts) == 2: task_id = task_parts[0].strip() task_name = task_parts[1].strip() prioritized_task_list.append( {"task_id": task_id, "task_name": task_name} ) return prioritized_task_list def _get_top_tasks(self, query: str, k: int) -> List[str]: """Get the top k tasks based on the query.""" results = self.vectorstore.similarity_search(query, k=k) if not results: return [] return [str(item.metadata["task"]) for item in results] [docs] def execute_task(self, objective: str, task: str, k: int = 5) -> str: """Execute a task.""" context = self._get_top_tasks(query=objective, k=k) return objective=objective, context="\n".join(context), task=task ) def _call( self, inputs: Dict[str, Any], run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForChainRun] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Run the agent.""" objective = inputs["objective"]
"""Run the agent.""" objective = inputs["objective"] first_task = inputs.get("first_task", "Make a todo list") self.add_task({"task_id": 1, "task_name": first_task}) num_iters = 0 while True: if self.task_list: self.print_task_list() # Step 1: Pull the first task task = self.task_list.popleft() self.print_next_task(task) # Step 2: Execute the task result = self.execute_task(objective, task["task_name"]) this_task_id = int(task["task_id"]) self.print_task_result(result) # Step 3: Store the result in Pinecone result_id = f"result_{task['task_id']}" self.vectorstore.add_texts( texts=[result], metadatas=[{"task": task["task_name"]}], ids=[result_id], ) # Step 4: Create new tasks and reprioritize task list new_tasks = self.get_next_task(result, task["task_name"], objective) for new_task in new_tasks: self.task_id_counter += 1 new_task.update({"task_id": self.task_id_counter}) self.add_task(new_task) self.task_list = deque(self.prioritize_tasks(this_task_id, objective)) num_iters += 1 if self.max_iterations is not None and num_iters == self.max_iterations: print( "\033[91m\033[1m" + "\n*****TASK ENDING*****\n" + "\033[0m\033[0m" ) break return {} [docs] @classmethod def from_llm(
return {} [docs] @classmethod def from_llm( cls, llm: BaseLanguageModel, vectorstore: VectorStore, verbose: bool = False, task_execution_chain: Optional[Chain] = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any], ) -> "BabyAGI": """Initialize the BabyAGI Controller.""" task_creation_chain = TaskCreationChain.from_llm(llm, verbose=verbose) task_prioritization_chain = TaskPrioritizationChain.from_llm( llm, verbose=verbose ) if task_execution_chain is None: execution_chain: Chain = TaskExecutionChain.from_llm(llm, verbose=verbose) else: execution_chain = task_execution_chain return cls( task_creation_chain=task_creation_chain, task_prioritization_chain=task_prioritization_chain, execution_chain=execution_chain, vectorstore=vectorstore, **kwargs, ) By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.experimental.autonomous_agents.autogpt.agent from __future__ import annotations from typing import List, Optional from pydantic import ValidationError from langchain.chains.llm import LLMChain from langchain.chat_models.base import BaseChatModel from langchain.experimental.autonomous_agents.autogpt.output_parser import ( AutoGPTOutputParser, BaseAutoGPTOutputParser, ) from langchain.experimental.autonomous_agents.autogpt.prompt import AutoGPTPrompt from langchain.experimental.autonomous_agents.autogpt.prompt_generator import ( FINISH_NAME, ) from langchain.schema import ( AIMessage, BaseMessage, Document, HumanMessage, SystemMessage, ) from import BaseTool from import HumanInputRun from langchain.vectorstores.base import VectorStoreRetriever [docs]class AutoGPT: """Agent class for interacting with Auto-GPT.""" def __init__( self, ai_name: str, memory: VectorStoreRetriever, chain: LLMChain, output_parser: BaseAutoGPTOutputParser, tools: List[BaseTool], feedback_tool: Optional[HumanInputRun] = None, ): self.ai_name = ai_name self.memory = memory self.full_message_history: List[BaseMessage] = [] self.next_action_count = 0 self.chain = chain self.output_parser = output_parser = tools self.feedback_tool = feedback_tool @classmethod def from_llm_and_tools( cls, ai_name: str, ai_role: str, memory: VectorStoreRetriever,
ai_role: str, memory: VectorStoreRetriever, tools: List[BaseTool], llm: BaseChatModel, human_in_the_loop: bool = False, output_parser: Optional[BaseAutoGPTOutputParser] = None, ) -> AutoGPT: prompt = AutoGPTPrompt( ai_name=ai_name, ai_role=ai_role, tools=tools, input_variables=["memory", "messages", "goals", "user_input"], token_counter=llm.get_num_tokens, ) human_feedback_tool = HumanInputRun() if human_in_the_loop else None chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt) return cls( ai_name, memory, chain, output_parser or AutoGPTOutputParser(), tools, feedback_tool=human_feedback_tool, ) def run(self, goals: List[str]) -> str: user_input = ( "Determine which next command to use, " "and respond using the format specified above:" ) # Interaction Loop loop_count = 0 while True: # Discontinue if continuous limit is reached loop_count += 1 # Send message to AI, get response assistant_reply = goals=goals, messages=self.full_message_history, memory=self.memory, user_input=user_input, ) # Print Assistant thoughts print(assistant_reply) self.full_message_history.append(HumanMessage(content=user_input)) self.full_message_history.append(AIMessage(content=assistant_reply)) # Get command name and arguments
# Get command name and arguments action = self.output_parser.parse(assistant_reply) tools = { t for t in} if == FINISH_NAME: return action.args["response"] if in tools: tool = tools[] try: observation = except ValidationError as e: observation = ( f"Validation Error in args: {str(e)}, args: {action.args}" ) except Exception as e: observation = ( f"Error: {str(e)}, {type(e).__name__}, args: {action.args}" ) result = f"Command {} returned: {observation}" elif == "ERROR": result = f"Error: {action.args}. " else: result = ( f"Unknown command '{}'. " f"Please refer to the 'COMMANDS' list for available " f"commands and only respond in the specified JSON format." ) memory_to_add = ( f"Assistant Reply: {assistant_reply} " f"\nResult: {result} " ) if self.feedback_tool is not None: feedback = f"\n{'Input: ')}" if feedback in {"q", "stop"}: print("EXITING") return "EXITING" memory_to_add += feedback self.memory.add_documents([Document(page_content=memory_to_add)]) self.full_message_history.append(SystemMessage(content=result)) By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.experimental.generative_agents.generative_agent import re from datetime import datetime from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from langchain import LLMChain from langchain.base_language import BaseLanguageModel from langchain.experimental.generative_agents.memory import GenerativeAgentMemory from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate [docs]class GenerativeAgent(BaseModel): """A character with memory and innate characteristics.""" name: str """The character's name.""" age: Optional[int] = None """The optional age of the character.""" traits: str = "N/A" """Permanent traits to ascribe to the character.""" status: str """The traits of the character you wish not to change.""" memory: GenerativeAgentMemory """The memory object that combines relevance, recency, and 'importance'.""" llm: BaseLanguageModel """The underlying language model.""" verbose: bool = False summary: str = "" #: :meta private: """Stateful self-summary generated via reflection on the character's memory.""" summary_refresh_seconds: int = 3600 #: :meta private: """How frequently to re-generate the summary.""" last_refreshed: datetime = Field( # : :meta private: """The last time the character's summary was regenerated.""" daily_summaries: List[str] = Field(default_factory=list) # : :meta private: """Summary of the events in the plan that the agent took.""" [docs] class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" arbitrary_types_allowed = True # LLM-related methods @staticmethod
arbitrary_types_allowed = True # LLM-related methods @staticmethod def _parse_list(text: str) -> List[str]: """Parse a newline-separated string into a list of strings.""" lines = re.split(r"\n", text.strip()) return [re.sub(r"^\s*\d+\.\s*", "", line).strip() for line in lines] def chain(self, prompt: PromptTemplate) -> LLMChain: return LLMChain( llm=self.llm, prompt=prompt, verbose=self.verbose, memory=self.memory ) def _get_entity_from_observation(self, observation: str) -> str: prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template( "What is the observed entity in the following observation? {observation}" + "\nEntity=" ) return self.chain(prompt).run(observation=observation).strip() def _get_entity_action(self, observation: str, entity_name: str) -> str: prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template( "What is the {entity} doing in the following observation? {observation}" + "\nThe {entity} is" ) return ( self.chain(prompt).run(entity=entity_name, observation=observation).strip() ) [docs] def summarize_related_memories(self, observation: str) -> str: """Summarize memories that are most relevant to an observation.""" prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template( """ {q1}? Context from memory: {relevant_memories} Relevant context: """ ) entity_name = self._get_entity_from_observation(observation) entity_action = self._get_entity_action(observation, entity_name)
entity_action = self._get_entity_action(observation, entity_name) q1 = f"What is the relationship between {} and {entity_name}" q2 = f"{entity_name} is {entity_action}" return self.chain(prompt=prompt).run(q1=q1, queries=[q1, q2]).strip() def _generate_reaction( self, observation: str, suffix: str, now: Optional[datetime] = None ) -> str: """React to a given observation or dialogue act.""" prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template( "{agent_summary_description}" + "\nIt is {current_time}." + "\n{agent_name}'s status: {agent_status}" + "\nSummary of relevant context from {agent_name}'s memory:" + "\n{relevant_memories}" + "\nMost recent observations: {most_recent_memories}" + "\nObservation: {observation}" + "\n\n" + suffix ) agent_summary_description = self.get_summary(now=now) relevant_memories_str = self.summarize_related_memories(observation) current_time_str = ("%B %d, %Y, %I:%M %p") if now is None else now.strftime("%B %d, %Y, %I:%M %p") ) kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = dict( agent_summary_description=agent_summary_description, current_time=current_time_str, relevant_memories=relevant_memories_str,, observation=observation, agent_status=self.status, ) consumed_tokens = self.llm.get_num_tokens(
) consumed_tokens = self.llm.get_num_tokens( prompt.format(most_recent_memories="", **kwargs) ) kwargs[self.memory.most_recent_memories_token_key] = consumed_tokens return self.chain(prompt=prompt).run(**kwargs).strip() def _clean_response(self, text: str) -> str: return re.sub(f"^{} ", "", text.strip()).strip() [docs] def generate_reaction( self, observation: str, now: Optional[datetime] = None ) -> Tuple[bool, str]: """React to a given observation.""" call_to_action_template = ( "Should {agent_name} react to the observation, and if so," + " what would be an appropriate reaction? Respond in one line." + ' If the action is to engage in dialogue, write:\nSAY: "what to say"' + "\notherwise, write:\nREACT: {agent_name}'s reaction (if anything)." + "\nEither do nothing, react, or say something but not both.\n\n" ) full_result = self._generate_reaction( observation, call_to_action_template, now=now ) result = full_result.strip().split("\n")[0] # AAA self.memory.save_context( {}, { self.memory.add_memory_key: f"{} observed " f"{observation} and reacted by {result}", self.memory.now_key: now, }, ) if "REACT:" in result: reaction = self._clean_response(result.split("REACT:")[-1]) return False, f"{} {reaction}" if "SAY:" in result:
if "SAY:" in result: said_value = self._clean_response(result.split("SAY:")[-1]) return True, f"{} said {said_value}" else: return False, result [docs] def generate_dialogue_response( self, observation: str, now: Optional[datetime] = None ) -> Tuple[bool, str]: """React to a given observation.""" call_to_action_template = ( "What would {agent_name} say? To end the conversation, write:" ' GOODBYE: "what to say". Otherwise to continue the conversation,' ' write: SAY: "what to say next"\n\n' ) full_result = self._generate_reaction( observation, call_to_action_template, now=now ) result = full_result.strip().split("\n")[0] if "GOODBYE:" in result: farewell = self._clean_response(result.split("GOODBYE:")[-1]) self.memory.save_context( {}, { self.memory.add_memory_key: f"{} observed " f"{observation} and said {farewell}", self.memory.now_key: now, }, ) return False, f"{} said {farewell}" if "SAY:" in result: response_text = self._clean_response(result.split("SAY:")[-1]) self.memory.save_context( {}, { self.memory.add_memory_key: f"{} observed " f"{observation} and said {response_text}", self.memory.now_key: now, }, ) return True, f"{} said {response_text}"
) return True, f"{} said {response_text}" else: return False, result ###################################################### # Agent stateful' summary methods. # # Each dialog or response prompt includes a header # # summarizing the agent's self-description. This is # # updated periodically through probing its memories # ###################################################### def _compute_agent_summary(self) -> str: """""" prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template( "How would you summarize {name}'s core characteristics given the" + " following statements:\n" + "{relevant_memories}" + "Do not embellish." + "\n\nSummary: " ) # The agent seeks to think about their core characteristics. return ( self.chain(prompt) .run(, queries=[f"{}'s core characteristics"]) .strip() ) [docs] def get_summary( self, force_refresh: bool = False, now: Optional[datetime] = None ) -> str: """Return a descriptive summary of the agent.""" current_time = if now is None else now since_refresh = (current_time - self.last_refreshed).seconds if ( not self.summary or since_refresh >= self.summary_refresh_seconds or force_refresh ): self.summary = self._compute_agent_summary() self.last_refreshed = current_time age = self.age if self.age is not None else "N/A" return ( f"Name: {} (age: {age})" + f"\nInnate traits: {self.traits}"
+ f"\nInnate traits: {self.traits}" + f"\n{self.summary}" ) [docs] def get_full_header( self, force_refresh: bool = False, now: Optional[datetime] = None ) -> str: """Return a full header of the agent's status, summary, and current time.""" now = if now is None else now summary = self.get_summary(force_refresh=force_refresh, now=now) current_time_str = now.strftime("%B %d, %Y, %I:%M %p") return ( f"{summary}\nIt is {current_time_str}.\n{}'s status: {self.status}" ) By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.experimental.generative_agents.memory import logging import re from datetime import datetime from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from langchain import LLMChain from langchain.base_language import BaseLanguageModel from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate from langchain.retrievers import TimeWeightedVectorStoreRetriever from langchain.schema import BaseMemory, Document from langchain.utils import mock_now logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) [docs]class GenerativeAgentMemory(BaseMemory): llm: BaseLanguageModel """The core language model.""" memory_retriever: TimeWeightedVectorStoreRetriever """The retriever to fetch related memories.""" verbose: bool = False reflection_threshold: Optional[float] = None """When aggregate_importance exceeds reflection_threshold, stop to reflect.""" current_plan: List[str] = [] """The current plan of the agent.""" # A weight of 0.15 makes this less important than it # would be otherwise, relative to salience and time importance_weight: float = 0.15 """How much weight to assign the memory importance.""" aggregate_importance: float = 0.0 # : :meta private: """Track the sum of the 'importance' of recent memories. Triggers reflection when it reaches reflection_threshold.""" max_tokens_limit: int = 1200 # : :meta private: # input keys queries_key: str = "queries" most_recent_memories_token_key: str = "recent_memories_token" add_memory_key: str = "add_memory" # output keys relevant_memories_key: str = "relevant_memories"
# output keys relevant_memories_key: str = "relevant_memories" relevant_memories_simple_key: str = "relevant_memories_simple" most_recent_memories_key: str = "most_recent_memories" now_key: str = "now" reflecting: bool = False def chain(self, prompt: PromptTemplate) -> LLMChain: return LLMChain(llm=self.llm, prompt=prompt, verbose=self.verbose) @staticmethod def _parse_list(text: str) -> List[str]: """Parse a newline-separated string into a list of strings.""" lines = re.split(r"\n", text.strip()) lines = [line for line in lines if line.strip()] # remove empty lines return [re.sub(r"^\s*\d+\.\s*", "", line).strip() for line in lines] def _get_topics_of_reflection(self, last_k: int = 50) -> List[str]: """Return the 3 most salient high-level questions about recent observations.""" prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template( "{observations}\n\n" + "Given only the information above, what are the 3 most salient" + " high-level questions we can answer about the subjects in" + " the statements? Provide each question on a new line.\n\n" ) observations = self.memory_retriever.memory_stream[-last_k:] observation_str = "\n".join([o.page_content for o in observations]) result = self.chain(prompt).run(observations=observation_str) return self._parse_list(result) def _get_insights_on_topic( self, topic: str, now: Optional[datetime] = None ) -> List[str]:
) -> List[str]: """Generate 'insights' on a topic of reflection, based on pertinent memories.""" prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template( "Statements about {topic}\n" + "{related_statements}\n\n" + "What 5 high-level insights can you infer from the above statements?" + " (example format: insight (because of 1, 5, 3))" ) related_memories = self.fetch_memories(topic, now=now) related_statements = "\n".join( [ f"{i+1}. {memory.page_content}" for i, memory in enumerate(related_memories) ] ) result = self.chain(prompt).run( topic=topic, related_statements=related_statements ) # TODO: Parse the connections between memories and insights return self._parse_list(result) [docs] def pause_to_reflect(self, now: Optional[datetime] = None) -> List[str]: """Reflect on recent observations and generate 'insights'.""" if self.verbose:"Character is reflecting") new_insights = [] topics = self._get_topics_of_reflection() for topic in topics: insights = self._get_insights_on_topic(topic, now=now) for insight in insights: self.add_memory(insight, now=now) new_insights.extend(insights) return new_insights def _score_memory_importance(self, memory_content: str) -> float: """Score the absolute importance of the given memory.""" prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template( "On the scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is purely mundane"
"On the scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is purely mundane" + " (e.g., brushing teeth, making bed) and 10 is" + " extremely poignant (e.g., a break up, college" + " acceptance), rate the likely poignancy of the" + " following piece of memory. Respond with a single integer." + "\nMemory: {memory_content}" + "\nRating: " ) score = self.chain(prompt).run(memory_content=memory_content).strip() if self.verbose:"Importance score: {score}") match ="^\D*(\d+)", score) if match: return (float( / 10) * self.importance_weight else: return 0.0 [docs] def add_memory( self, memory_content: str, now: Optional[datetime] = None ) -> List[str]: """Add an observation or memory to the agent's memory.""" importance_score = self._score_memory_importance(memory_content) self.aggregate_importance += importance_score document = Document( page_content=memory_content, metadata={"importance": importance_score} ) result = self.memory_retriever.add_documents([document], current_time=now) # After an agent has processed a certain amount of memories (as measured by # aggregate importance), it is time to reflect on recent events to add # more synthesized memories to the agent's memory stream. if ( self.reflection_threshold is not None and self.aggregate_importance > self.reflection_threshold and not self.reflecting ): self.reflecting = True
and not self.reflecting ): self.reflecting = True self.pause_to_reflect(now=now) # Hack to clear the importance from reflection self.aggregate_importance = 0.0 self.reflecting = False return result [docs] def fetch_memories( self, observation: str, now: Optional[datetime] = None ) -> List[Document]: """Fetch related memories.""" if now is not None: with mock_now(now): return self.memory_retriever.get_relevant_documents(observation) else: return self.memory_retriever.get_relevant_documents(observation) def format_memories_detail(self, relevant_memories: List[Document]) -> str: content_strs = set() content = [] for mem in relevant_memories: if mem.page_content in content_strs: continue content_strs.add(mem.page_content) created_time = mem.metadata["created_at"].strftime("%B %d, %Y, %I:%M %p") content.append(f"- {created_time}: {mem.page_content.strip()}") return "\n".join([f"{mem}" for mem in content]) def format_memories_simple(self, relevant_memories: List[Document]) -> str: return "; ".join([f"{mem.page_content}" for mem in relevant_memories]) def _get_memories_until_limit(self, consumed_tokens: int) -> str: """Reduce the number of tokens in the documents.""" result = [] for doc in self.memory_retriever.memory_stream[::-1]: if consumed_tokens >= self.max_tokens_limit: break consumed_tokens += self.llm.get_num_tokens(doc.page_content)
break consumed_tokens += self.llm.get_num_tokens(doc.page_content) if consumed_tokens < self.max_tokens_limit: result.append(doc) return self.format_memories_simple(result) @property def memory_variables(self) -> List[str]: """Input keys this memory class will load dynamically.""" return [] [docs] def load_memory_variables(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, str]: """Return key-value pairs given the text input to the chain.""" queries = inputs.get(self.queries_key) now = inputs.get(self.now_key) if queries is not None: relevant_memories = [ mem for query in queries for mem in self.fetch_memories(query, now=now) ] return { self.relevant_memories_key: self.format_memories_detail( relevant_memories ), self.relevant_memories_simple_key: self.format_memories_simple( relevant_memories ), } most_recent_memories_token = inputs.get(self.most_recent_memories_token_key) if most_recent_memories_token is not None: return { self.most_recent_memories_key: self._get_memories_until_limit( most_recent_memories_token ) } return {} [docs] def save_context(self, inputs: Dict[str, Any], outputs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Save the context of this model run to memory.""" # TODO: fix the save memory key mem = outputs.get(self.add_memory_key) now = outputs.get(self.now_key) if mem: self.add_memory(mem, now=now) [docs] def clear(self) -> None:
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Clear memory contents.""" # TODO By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.retrievers.time_weighted_retriever """Retriever that combines embedding similarity with recency in retrieving values.""" import datetime from copy import deepcopy from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from langchain.schema import BaseRetriever, Document from langchain.vectorstores.base import VectorStore def _get_hours_passed(time: datetime.datetime, ref_time: datetime.datetime) -> float: """Get the hours passed between two datetime objects.""" return (time - ref_time).total_seconds() / 3600 [docs]class TimeWeightedVectorStoreRetriever(BaseRetriever, BaseModel): """Retriever combining embedding similarity with recency.""" vectorstore: VectorStore """The vectorstore to store documents and determine salience.""" search_kwargs: dict = Field(default_factory=lambda: dict(k=100)) """Keyword arguments to pass to the vectorstore similarity search.""" # TODO: abstract as a queue memory_stream: List[Document] = Field(default_factory=list) """The memory_stream of documents to search through.""" decay_rate: float = Field(default=0.01) """The exponential decay factor used as (1.0-decay_rate)**(hrs_passed).""" k: int = 4 """The maximum number of documents to retrieve in a given call.""" other_score_keys: List[str] = [] """Other keys in the metadata to factor into the score, e.g. 'importance'.""" default_salience: Optional[float] = None """The salience to assign memories not retrieved from the vector store. None assigns no salience to documents not fetched from the vector store. """ class Config:
""" class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" arbitrary_types_allowed = True def _get_combined_score( self, document: Document, vector_relevance: Optional[float], current_time: datetime.datetime, ) -> float: """Return the combined score for a document.""" hours_passed = _get_hours_passed( current_time, document.metadata["last_accessed_at"], ) score = (1.0 - self.decay_rate) ** hours_passed for key in self.other_score_keys: if key in document.metadata: score += document.metadata[key] if vector_relevance is not None: score += vector_relevance return score [docs] def get_salient_docs(self, query: str) -> Dict[int, Tuple[Document, float]]: """Return documents that are salient to the query.""" docs_and_scores: List[Tuple[Document, float]] docs_and_scores = self.vectorstore.similarity_search_with_relevance_scores( query, **self.search_kwargs ) results = {} for fetched_doc, relevance in docs_and_scores: if "buffer_idx" in fetched_doc.metadata: buffer_idx = fetched_doc.metadata["buffer_idx"] doc = self.memory_stream[buffer_idx] results[buffer_idx] = (doc, relevance) return results [docs] def get_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: """Return documents that are relevant to the query.""" current_time = docs_and_scores = { doc.metadata["buffer_idx"]: (doc, self.default_salience) for doc in self.memory_stream[-self.k :]
for doc in self.memory_stream[-self.k :] } # If a doc is considered salient, update the salience score docs_and_scores.update(self.get_salient_docs(query)) rescored_docs = [ (doc, self._get_combined_score(doc, relevance, current_time)) for doc, relevance in docs_and_scores.values() ] rescored_docs.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) result = [] # Ensure frequently accessed memories aren't forgotten for doc, _ in rescored_docs[: self.k]: # TODO: Update vector store doc once `update` method is exposed. buffered_doc = self.memory_stream[doc.metadata["buffer_idx"]] buffered_doc.metadata["last_accessed_at"] = current_time result.append(buffered_doc) return result [docs] async def aget_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: """Return documents that are relevant to the query.""" raise NotImplementedError [docs] def add_documents(self, documents: List[Document], **kwargs: Any) -> List[str]: """Add documents to vectorstore.""" current_time = kwargs.get("current_time") if current_time is None: current_time = # Avoid mutating input documents dup_docs = [deepcopy(d) for d in documents] for i, doc in enumerate(dup_docs): if "last_accessed_at" not in doc.metadata: doc.metadata["last_accessed_at"] = current_time if "created_at" not in doc.metadata: doc.metadata["created_at"] = current_time doc.metadata["buffer_idx"] = len(self.memory_stream) + i
doc.metadata["buffer_idx"] = len(self.memory_stream) + i self.memory_stream.extend(dup_docs) return self.vectorstore.add_documents(dup_docs, **kwargs) [docs] async def aadd_documents( self, documents: List[Document], **kwargs: Any ) -> List[str]: """Add documents to vectorstore.""" current_time = kwargs.get("current_time") if current_time is None: current_time = # Avoid mutating input documents dup_docs = [deepcopy(d) for d in documents] for i, doc in enumerate(dup_docs): if "last_accessed_at" not in doc.metadata: doc.metadata["last_accessed_at"] = current_time if "created_at" not in doc.metadata: doc.metadata["created_at"] = current_time doc.metadata["buffer_idx"] = len(self.memory_stream) + i self.memory_stream.extend(dup_docs) return await self.vectorstore.aadd_documents(dup_docs, **kwargs) By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.retrievers.pinecone_hybrid_search """Taken from:""" import hashlib from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, root_validator from langchain.embeddings.base import Embeddings from langchain.schema import BaseRetriever, Document def hash_text(text: str) -> str: return str(hashlib.sha256(text.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()) def create_index( contexts: List[str], index: Any, embeddings: Embeddings, sparse_encoder: Any, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, ) -> None: batch_size = 32 _iterator = range(0, len(contexts), batch_size) try: from import tqdm _iterator = tqdm(_iterator) except ImportError: pass if ids is None: # create unique ids using hash of the text ids = [hash_text(context) for context in contexts] for i in _iterator: # find end of batch i_end = min(i + batch_size, len(contexts)) # extract batch context_batch = contexts[i:i_end] batch_ids = ids[i:i_end] metadata_batch = ( metadatas[i:i_end] if metadatas else [{} for _ in context_batch] ) # add context passages as metadata meta = [ {"context": context, **metadata} for context, metadata in zip(context_batch, metadata_batch) ] # create dense vectors dense_embeds = embeddings.embed_documents(context_batch)
# create dense vectors dense_embeds = embeddings.embed_documents(context_batch) # create sparse vectors sparse_embeds = sparse_encoder.encode_documents(context_batch) for s in sparse_embeds: s["values"] = [float(s1) for s1 in s["values"]] vectors = [] # loop through the data and create dictionaries for upserts for doc_id, sparse, dense, metadata in zip( batch_ids, sparse_embeds, dense_embeds, meta ): vectors.append( { "id": doc_id, "sparse_values": sparse, "values": dense, "metadata": metadata, } ) # upload the documents to the new hybrid index index.upsert(vectors) [docs]class PineconeHybridSearchRetriever(BaseRetriever, BaseModel): embeddings: Embeddings sparse_encoder: Any index: Any top_k: int = 4 alpha: float = 0.5 class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" extra = Extra.forbid arbitrary_types_allowed = True [docs] def add_texts( self, texts: List[str], ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, ) -> None: create_index( texts, self.index, self.embeddings, self.sparse_encoder, ids=ids, metadatas=metadatas, ) @root_validator() def validate_environment(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: """Validate that api key and python package exists in environment.""" try:
"""Validate that api key and python package exists in environment.""" try: from pinecone_text.hybrid import hybrid_convex_scale # noqa:F401 from pinecone_text.sparse.base_sparse_encoder import ( BaseSparseEncoder, # noqa:F401 ) except ImportError: raise ValueError( "Could not import pinecone_text python package. " "Please install it with `pip install pinecone_text`." ) return values [docs] def get_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: from pinecone_text.hybrid import hybrid_convex_scale sparse_vec = self.sparse_encoder.encode_queries(query) # convert the question into a dense vector dense_vec = self.embeddings.embed_query(query) # scale alpha with hybrid_scale dense_vec, sparse_vec = hybrid_convex_scale(dense_vec, sparse_vec, self.alpha) sparse_vec["values"] = [float(s1) for s1 in sparse_vec["values"]] # query pinecone with the query parameters result = self.index.query( vector=dense_vec, sparse_vector=sparse_vec, top_k=self.top_k, include_metadata=True, ) final_result = [] for res in result["matches"]: context = res["metadata"].pop("context") final_result.append( Document(page_content=context, metadata=res["metadata"]) ) # return search results as json return final_result [docs] async def aget_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: raise NotImplementedError By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.retrievers.vespa_retriever """Wrapper for retrieving documents from Vespa.""" from __future__ import annotations import json from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Sequence, Union from langchain.schema import BaseRetriever, Document if TYPE_CHECKING: from vespa.application import Vespa [docs]class VespaRetriever(BaseRetriever): def __init__( self, app: Vespa, body: Dict, content_field: str, metadata_fields: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ): self._application = app self._query_body = body self._content_field = content_field self._metadata_fields = metadata_fields or () def _query(self, body: Dict) -> List[Document]: response = self._application.query(body) if not str(response.status_code).startswith("2"): raise RuntimeError( "Could not retrieve data from Vespa. Error code: {}".format( response.status_code ) ) root = response.json["root"] if "errors" in root: raise RuntimeError(json.dumps(root["errors"])) docs = [] for child in response.hits: page_content = child["fields"].pop(self._content_field, "") if self._metadata_fields == "*": metadata = child["fields"] else: metadata = {mf: child["fields"].get(mf) for mf in self._metadata_fields} metadata["id"] = child["id"] docs.append(Document(page_content=page_content, metadata=metadata)) return docs
docs.append(Document(page_content=page_content, metadata=metadata)) return docs [docs] def get_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: body = self._query_body.copy() body["query"] = query return self._query(body) [docs] async def aget_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: raise NotImplementedError [docs] def get_relevant_documents_with_filter( self, query: str, *, _filter: Optional[str] = None ) -> List[Document]: body = self._query_body.copy() _filter = f" and {_filter}" if _filter else "" body["yql"] = body["yql"] + _filter body["query"] = query return self._query(body) [docs] @classmethod def from_params( cls, url: str, content_field: str, *, k: Optional[int] = None, metadata_fields: Union[Sequence[str], Literal["*"]] = (), sources: Union[Sequence[str], Literal["*"], None] = None, _filter: Optional[str] = None, yql: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> VespaRetriever: """Instantiate retriever from params. Args: url (str): Vespa app URL. content_field (str): Field in results to return as Document page_content. k (Optional[int]): Number of Documents to return. Defaults to None. metadata_fields(Sequence[str] or "*"): Fields in results to include in document metadata. Defaults to empty tuple ().
document metadata. Defaults to empty tuple (). sources (Sequence[str] or "*" or None): Sources to retrieve from. Defaults to None. _filter (Optional[str]): Document filter condition expressed in YQL. Defaults to None. yql (Optional[str]): Full YQL query to be used. Should not be specified if _filter or sources are specified. Defaults to None. kwargs (Any): Keyword arguments added to query body. """ try: from vespa.application import Vespa except ImportError: raise ImportError( "pyvespa is not installed, please install with `pip install pyvespa`" ) app = Vespa(url) body = kwargs.copy() if yql and (sources or _filter): raise ValueError( "yql should only be specified if both sources and _filter are not " "specified." ) else: if metadata_fields == "*": _fields = "*" body["summary"] = "short" else: _fields = ", ".join([content_field] + list(metadata_fields or [])) _sources = ", ".join(sources) if isinstance(sources, Sequence) else "*" _filter = f" and {_filter}" if _filter else "" yql = f"select {_fields} from sources {_sources} where userQuery(){_filter}" body["yql"] = yql if k: body["hits"] = k return cls(app, body, content_field, metadata_fields=metadata_fields) By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.retrievers.tfidf """TF-IDF Retriever. Largely based on""" from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional from pydantic import BaseModel from langchain.schema import BaseRetriever, Document [docs]class TFIDFRetriever(BaseRetriever, BaseModel): vectorizer: Any docs: List[Document] tfidf_array: Any k: int = 4 class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" arbitrary_types_allowed = True [docs] @classmethod def from_texts( cls, texts: Iterable[str], metadatas: Optional[Iterable[dict]] = None, tfidf_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> TFIDFRetriever: try: from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Could not import scikit-learn, please install with `pip install " "scikit-learn`." ) tfidf_params = tfidf_params or {} vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(**tfidf_params) tfidf_array = vectorizer.fit_transform(texts) metadatas = metadatas or ({} for _ in texts) docs = [Document(page_content=t, metadata=m) for t, m in zip(texts, metadatas)]
return cls(vectorizer=vectorizer, docs=docs, tfidf_array=tfidf_array, **kwargs) [docs] @classmethod def from_documents( cls, documents: Iterable[Document], *, tfidf_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> TFIDFRetriever: texts, metadatas = zip(*((d.page_content, d.metadata) for d in documents)) return cls.from_texts( texts=texts, tfidf_params=tfidf_params, metadatas=metadatas, **kwargs ) [docs] def get_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity query_vec = self.vectorizer.transform( [query] ) # Ip -- (n_docs,x), Op -- (n_docs,n_Feats) results = cosine_similarity(self.tfidf_array, query_vec).reshape( (-1,) ) # Op -- (n_docs,1) -- Cosine Sim with each doc return_docs = [] for i in results.argsort()[-self.k :][::-1]: return_docs.append([i]) return return_docs [docs] async def aget_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: raise NotImplementedError By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.retrievers.svm """SMV Retriever. Largely based on""" from __future__ import annotations import concurrent.futures from typing import Any, List, Optional import numpy as np from pydantic import BaseModel from langchain.embeddings.base import Embeddings from langchain.schema import BaseRetriever, Document def create_index(contexts: List[str], embeddings: Embeddings) -> np.ndarray: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: return np.array(list(, contexts))) [docs]class SVMRetriever(BaseRetriever, BaseModel): embeddings: Embeddings index: Any texts: List[str] k: int = 4 relevancy_threshold: Optional[float] = None class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" arbitrary_types_allowed = True [docs] @classmethod def from_texts( cls, texts: List[str], embeddings: Embeddings, **kwargs: Any ) -> SVMRetriever: index = create_index(texts, embeddings) return cls(embeddings=embeddings, index=index, texts=texts, **kwargs) [docs] def get_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: from sklearn import svm query_embeds = np.array(self.embeddings.embed_query(query)) x = np.concatenate([query_embeds[None, ...], self.index]) y = np.zeros(x.shape[0]) y[0] = 1 clf = svm.LinearSVC(
y[0] = 1 clf = svm.LinearSVC( class_weight="balanced", verbose=False, max_iter=10000, tol=1e-6, C=0.1 ), y) similarities = clf.decision_function(x) sorted_ix = np.argsort(-similarities) # svm.LinearSVC in scikit-learn is non-deterministic. # if a text is the same as a query, there is no guarantee # the query will be in the first index. # this performs a simple swap, this works because anything # left of the 0 should be equivalent. zero_index = np.where(sorted_ix == 0)[0][0] if zero_index != 0: sorted_ix[0], sorted_ix[zero_index] = sorted_ix[zero_index], sorted_ix[0] denominator = np.max(similarities) - np.min(similarities) + 1e-6 normalized_similarities = (similarities - np.min(similarities)) / denominator top_k_results = [] for row in sorted_ix[1 : self.k + 1]: if ( self.relevancy_threshold is None or normalized_similarities[row] >= self.relevancy_threshold ): top_k_results.append(Document(page_content=self.texts[row - 1])) return top_k_results [docs] async def aget_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: raise NotImplementedError By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.retrievers.wikipedia from typing import List from langchain.schema import BaseRetriever, Document from langchain.utilities.wikipedia import WikipediaAPIWrapper [docs]class WikipediaRetriever(BaseRetriever, WikipediaAPIWrapper): """ It is effectively a wrapper for WikipediaAPIWrapper. It wraps load() to get_relevant_documents(). It uses all WikipediaAPIWrapper arguments without any change. """ [docs] def get_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: return self.load(query=query) [docs] async def aget_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: raise NotImplementedError By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.retrievers.azure_cognitive_search """Retriever wrapper for Azure Cognitive Search.""" from __future__ import annotations import json from typing import Dict, List, Optional import aiohttp import requests from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, root_validator from langchain.schema import BaseRetriever, Document from langchain.utils import get_from_dict_or_env [docs]class AzureCognitiveSearchRetriever(BaseRetriever, BaseModel): """Wrapper around Azure Cognitive Search.""" service_name: str = "" """Name of Azure Cognitive Search service""" index_name: str = "" """Name of Index inside Azure Cognitive Search service""" api_key: str = "" """API Key. Both Admin and Query keys work, but for reading data it's recommended to use a Query key.""" api_version: str = "2020-06-30" """API version""" aiosession: Optional[aiohttp.ClientSession] = None """ClientSession, in case we want to reuse connection for better performance.""" content_key: str = "content" """Key in a retrieved result to set as the Document page_content.""" class Config: extra = Extra.forbid arbitrary_types_allowed = True @root_validator(pre=True) def validate_environment(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: """Validate that service name, index name and api key exists in environment.""" values["service_name"] = get_from_dict_or_env( values, "service_name", "AZURE_COGNITIVE_SEARCH_SERVICE_NAME" ) values["index_name"] = get_from_dict_or_env( values, "index_name", "AZURE_COGNITIVE_SEARCH_INDEX_NAME" )
) values["api_key"] = get_from_dict_or_env( values, "api_key", "AZURE_COGNITIVE_SEARCH_API_KEY" ) return values def _build_search_url(self, query: str) -> str: base_url = f"https://{self.service_name}" endpoint_path = f"indexes/{self.index_name}/docs?api-version={self.api_version}" return base_url + endpoint_path + f"&search={query}" @property def _headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return { "Content-Type": "application/json", "api-key": self.api_key, } def _search(self, query: str) -> List[dict]: search_url = self._build_search_url(query) response = requests.get(search_url, headers=self._headers) if response.status_code != 200: raise Exception(f"Error in search request: {response}") return json.loads(response.text)["value"] async def _asearch(self, query: str) -> List[dict]: search_url = self._build_search_url(query) if not self.aiosession: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(search_url, headers=self._headers) as response: response_json = await response.json() else: async with self.aiosession.get( search_url, headers=self._headers ) as response: response_json = await response.json() return response_json["value"] [docs] def get_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: search_results = self._search(query) return [
search_results = self._search(query) return [ Document(page_content=result.pop(self.content_key), metadata=result) for result in search_results ] [docs] async def aget_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: search_results = await self._asearch(query) return [ Document(page_content=result.pop(self.content_key), metadata=result) for result in search_results ] By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.retrievers.elastic_search_bm25 """Wrapper around Elasticsearch vector database.""" from __future__ import annotations import uuid from typing import Any, Iterable, List from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.schema import BaseRetriever [docs]class ElasticSearchBM25Retriever(BaseRetriever): """Wrapper around Elasticsearch using BM25 as a retrieval method. To connect to an Elasticsearch instance that requires login credentials, including Elastic Cloud, use the Elasticsearch URL format https://username:password@es_host:9243. For example, to connect to Elastic Cloud, create the Elasticsearch URL with the required authentication details and pass it to the ElasticVectorSearch constructor as the named parameter elasticsearch_url. You can obtain your Elastic Cloud URL and login credentials by logging in to the Elastic Cloud console at, selecting your deployment, and navigating to the "Deployments" page. To obtain your Elastic Cloud password for the default "elastic" user: 1. Log in to the Elastic Cloud console at 2. Go to "Security" > "Users" 3. Locate the "elastic" user and click "Edit" 4. Click "Reset password" 5. Follow the prompts to reset the password The format for Elastic Cloud URLs is """ def __init__(self, client: Any, index_name: str): self.client = client self.index_name = index_name [docs] @classmethod def create(
self.index_name = index_name [docs] @classmethod def create( cls, elasticsearch_url: str, index_name: str, k1: float = 2.0, b: float = 0.75 ) -> ElasticSearchBM25Retriever: from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch # Create an Elasticsearch client instance es = Elasticsearch(elasticsearch_url) # Define the index settings and mappings settings = { "analysis": {"analyzer": {"default": {"type": "standard"}}}, "similarity": { "custom_bm25": { "type": "BM25", "k1": k1, "b": b, } }, } mappings = { "properties": { "content": { "type": "text", "similarity": "custom_bm25", # Use the custom BM25 similarity } } } # Create the index with the specified settings and mappings es.indices.create(index=index_name, mappings=mappings, settings=settings) return cls(es, index_name) [docs] def add_texts( self, texts: Iterable[str], refresh_indices: bool = True, ) -> List[str]: """Run more texts through the embeddings and add to the retriver. Args: texts: Iterable of strings to add to the retriever. refresh_indices: bool to refresh ElasticSearch indices Returns: List of ids from adding the texts into the retriever. """ try: from elasticsearch.helpers import bulk except ImportError: raise ValueError( "Could not import elasticsearch python package. "
raise ValueError( "Could not import elasticsearch python package. " "Please install it with `pip install elasticsearch`." ) requests = [] ids = [] for i, text in enumerate(texts): _id = str(uuid.uuid4()) request = { "_op_type": "index", "_index": self.index_name, "content": text, "_id": _id, } ids.append(_id) requests.append(request) bulk(self.client, requests) if refresh_indices: self.client.indices.refresh(index=self.index_name) return ids [docs] def get_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: query_dict = {"query": {"match": {"content": query}}} res =, body=query_dict) docs = [] for r in res["hits"]["hits"]: docs.append(Document(page_content=r["_source"]["content"])) return docs [docs] async def aget_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: raise NotImplementedError By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.retrievers.knn """KNN Retriever. Largely based on""" from __future__ import annotations import concurrent.futures from typing import Any, List, Optional import numpy as np from pydantic import BaseModel from langchain.embeddings.base import Embeddings from langchain.schema import BaseRetriever, Document def create_index(contexts: List[str], embeddings: Embeddings) -> np.ndarray: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: return np.array(list(, contexts))) [docs]class KNNRetriever(BaseRetriever, BaseModel): embeddings: Embeddings index: Any texts: List[str] k: int = 4 relevancy_threshold: Optional[float] = None class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" arbitrary_types_allowed = True [docs] @classmethod def from_texts( cls, texts: List[str], embeddings: Embeddings, **kwargs: Any ) -> KNNRetriever: index = create_index(texts, embeddings) return cls(embeddings=embeddings, index=index, texts=texts, **kwargs) [docs] def get_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: query_embeds = np.array(self.embeddings.embed_query(query)) # calc L2 norm index_embeds = self.index / np.sqrt((self.index**2).sum(1, keepdims=True)) query_embeds = query_embeds / np.sqrt((query_embeds**2).sum()) similarities =
similarities = sorted_ix = np.argsort(-similarities) denominator = np.max(similarities) - np.min(similarities) + 1e-6 normalized_similarities = (similarities - np.min(similarities)) / denominator top_k_results = [] for row in sorted_ix[0 : self.k]: if ( self.relevancy_threshold is None or normalized_similarities[row] >= self.relevancy_threshold ): top_k_results.append(Document(page_content=self.texts[row])) return top_k_results [docs] async def aget_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: raise NotImplementedError By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.retrievers.remote_retriever from typing import List, Optional import aiohttp import requests from pydantic import BaseModel from langchain.schema import BaseRetriever, Document [docs]class RemoteLangChainRetriever(BaseRetriever, BaseModel): url: str headers: Optional[dict] = None input_key: str = "message" response_key: str = "response" page_content_key: str = "page_content" metadata_key: str = "metadata" [docs] def get_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: response = self.url, json={self.input_key: query}, headers=self.headers ) result = response.json() return [ Document( page_content=r[self.page_content_key], metadata=r[self.metadata_key] ) for r in result[self.response_key] ] [docs] async def aget_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.request( "POST", self.url, headers=self.headers, json={self.input_key: query} ) as response: result = await response.json() return [ Document( page_content=r[self.page_content_key], metadata=r[self.metadata_key] ) for r in result[self.response_key] ] By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.retrievers.zep from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional from langchain.schema import BaseRetriever, Document if TYPE_CHECKING: from zep_python import SearchResult [docs]class ZepRetriever(BaseRetriever): """A Retriever implementation for the Zep long-term memory store. Search your user's long-term chat history with Zep. Note: You will need to provide the user's `session_id` to use this retriever. More on Zep: Zep provides long-term conversation storage for LLM apps. The server stores, summarizes, embeds, indexes, and enriches conversational AI chat histories, and exposes them via simple, low-latency APIs. For server installation instructions, see: """ def __init__( self, session_id: str, url: str, top_k: Optional[int] = None, ): try: from zep_python import ZepClient except ImportError: raise ValueError( "Could not import zep-python package. " "Please install it with `pip install zep-python`." ) self.zep_client = ZepClient(base_url=url) self.session_id = session_id self.top_k = top_k def _search_result_to_doc(self, results: List[SearchResult]) -> List[Document]: return [ Document( page_content=r.message.pop("content"), metadata={"score": r.dist, **r.message}, ) for r in results if r.message ]
) for r in results if r.message ] [docs] def get_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: from zep_python import SearchPayload payload: SearchPayload = SearchPayload(text=query) results: List[SearchResult] = self.zep_client.search_memory( self.session_id, payload, limit=self.top_k ) return self._search_result_to_doc(results) [docs] async def aget_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: from zep_python import SearchPayload payload: SearchPayload = SearchPayload(text=query) results: List[SearchResult] = await self.zep_client.asearch_memory( self.session_id, payload, limit=self.top_k ) return self._search_result_to_doc(results) By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.retrievers.contextual_compression """Retriever that wraps a base retriever and filters the results.""" from typing import List from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra from langchain.retrievers.document_compressors.base import ( BaseDocumentCompressor, ) from langchain.schema import BaseRetriever, Document [docs]class ContextualCompressionRetriever(BaseRetriever, BaseModel): """Retriever that wraps a base retriever and compresses the results.""" base_compressor: BaseDocumentCompressor """Compressor for compressing retrieved documents.""" base_retriever: BaseRetriever """Base Retriever to use for getting relevant documents.""" class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" extra = Extra.forbid arbitrary_types_allowed = True [docs] def get_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: """Get documents relevant for a query. Args: query: string to find relevant documents for Returns: Sequence of relevant documents """ docs = self.base_retriever.get_relevant_documents(query) compressed_docs = self.base_compressor.compress_documents(docs, query) return list(compressed_docs) [docs] async def aget_relevant_documents(self, query: str) -> List[Document]: """Get documents relevant for a query. Args: query: string to find relevant documents for Returns: List of relevant documents """ docs = await self.base_retriever.aget_relevant_documents(query) compressed_docs = await self.base_compressor.acompress_documents(docs, query) return list(compressed_docs) By Harrison Chase
return list(compressed_docs) By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on May 31, 2023.
Source code for langchain.retrievers.weaviate_hybrid_search """Wrapper around weaviate vector database.""" from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from uuid import uuid4 from pydantic import Extra from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.schema import BaseRetriever [docs]class WeaviateHybridSearchRetriever(BaseRetriever): def __init__( self, client: Any, index_name: str, text_key: str, alpha: float = 0.5, k: int = 4, attributes: Optional[List[str]] = None, create_schema_if_missing: bool = True, ): try: import weaviate except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Could not import weaviate python package. " "Please install it with `pip install weaviate-client`." ) if not isinstance(client, weaviate.Client): raise ValueError( f"client should be an instance of weaviate.Client, got {type(client)}" ) self._client = client self.k = k self.alpha = alpha self._index_name = index_name self._text_key = text_key self._query_attrs = [self._text_key] if attributes is not None: self._query_attrs.extend(attributes) if create_schema_if_missing: self._create_schema_if_missing() def _create_schema_if_missing(self) -> None: class_obj = { "class": self._index_name, "properties": [{"name": self._text_key, "dataType": ["text"]}],
"properties": [{"name": self._text_key, "dataType": ["text"]}], "vectorizer": "text2vec-openai", } if not self._client.schema.exists(self._index_name): self._client.schema.create_class(class_obj) [docs] class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" extra = Extra.forbid arbitrary_types_allowed = True # added text_key [docs] def add_documents(self, docs: List[Document], **kwargs: Any) -> List[str]: """Upload documents to Weaviate.""" from weaviate.util import get_valid_uuid with self._client.batch as batch: ids = [] for i, doc in enumerate(docs): metadata = doc.metadata or {} data_properties = {self._text_key: doc.page_content, **metadata} # If the UUID of one of the objects already exists # then the existing objectwill be replaced by the new object. if "uuids" in kwargs: _id = kwargs["uuids"][i] else: _id = get_valid_uuid(uuid4()) batch.add_data_object(data_properties, self._index_name, _id) ids.append(_id) return ids [docs] def get_relevant_documents( self, query: str, where_filter: Optional[Dict[str, object]] = None ) -> List[Document]: """Look up similar documents in Weaviate.""" query_obj = self._client.query.get(self._index_name, self._query_attrs) if where_filter: query_obj = query_obj.with_where(where_filter)