3 values
1 value
شكون هو ؟ جاكوب ولى جاكون حاجة هك ولى وش اسمو؟
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
who is he? do you mean the president of america?
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
حبيبى وانت بخير وسعاده
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
baaden season 2 bas ktir awe
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
she’s a sweetheart hal yasmina. god bless her 🙏 انا_هيك
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
شفت بربي حالة وأحوال و أمر يدوخ
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
هههه لا لا منتافق فهادي إطلاااق , فينما ضرتي كاين بوردييل , عطاهم الله . ؤ واخا تبقا غا تكفت عمرك كلو و متغتاصبش بنت , سوى كبيرة أ صغيرة.
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
: انا مش هاابالغ انا لو هاينيموني ف ذبالة وارجع اشوف امي دقيقة وهية مريضة بوافق الناس الي بتنتقد…
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
لبنان.. الاعتماد على الطبخ المنزلي بعد توقف خدمات التوصيل.. التقرير الكامل على الرابط التالي:
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
احتفظ برأيك احسن لأنك لا تعرف شيئ عن الجزائر الحراك الجزائري حقق مكالبه و انتهى الموجود الان حراك باريسي صهيوني
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
من ٦ ايام قالت إنه عم يتعاونوا مع وزارة الاتصالات. بعدنا ناطرين لتمديد_التشريج. وبس للتوضيح، عل القليلة تاتش ردوا... لا حياة لمن تنادي!!!
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
كان بعد في بس أغاني فيروز ما انقسموا اللبنانيين عليها بطّمنكم: مِشي الحال
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
: لك الله يامصر 🙏
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
اغلب اللي قتلو في التسعينات قتلهم الارهاب و منهم عمي ذبح على يد ارهابيين شوفو باكستان و افغنستان و ايران قبل حكم الجماعات الايلامية كيف كانت و بعدها كيف اصبحت لولا الجيش لأصبحت الجزائر مثلهم صح تلك الخطوة خلفت غشرية سوداء لكن عسى ان تكرهو شيء و هو خير على الاقل خلصنا من الفيس
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
ويليامز فيد الله آ الدراري يا ربحة يا ذبحة🥺😔
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
طيب بكيفك
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
الموالين الجزائريين ما ينزلو في السوق الكميات المطلوبة لانهم حابين السعر مرتفع مع الاستيراد من دول الجوار لتغذية السوق بما يكفيها حتى يصبح السعر مقبول شوي الموالين اعترضو على الوزير لما قال نسترد حيوانات حية و نذبحها هنا قالو قادرين نمول السوق ليكون السعر ستين الف و اين ما قالو
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
يعني اذا الجزائر دعت البوليساريو فالسعودية لن تحضر للقمة لن ياتي الملك و لا ولي العهد و يتبعها حلفائها الكويت و الاردن و الامارات و مصر ساعتها تفشل قمة الجزائر و تحرج سياتي فقط رئيس تونس و مريتانيا و امير قطر ممكن ياتي مع انه ضد عودة سوريا يمكن يقاطع هو ايضا
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
هو حضرتك مصرى؟
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
: حبيبتي فعلا" المقال كتيييييير حلو ومهني ومحترم! شكرا" على ذوقك رنا ❤️🙏
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
يكذب كذبة على قده هادي اوفر بزاف 😂😂😂
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
كنت ديما ضدد هاد لبلان ومنضنش وش سبق وتهكمت بالشكل د شي حد هنا
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
بغا يقلبها
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
ما بحب استثني حدا وعامله بطريقة لطيفة ويخليني اندم انه كنت لطيفة معه وما ضليت لابسة وج الكلب.
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
بس ربنا اعلم محمود ..هيا تطلب من ربنا ..مش من النت ..وتحفظ كرامتها ونفسها وكمان اهلها ....
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
باذن اللة 🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
هوووو ليه مفيش جرائه عند الناس ليه بتعمل التغريده وتمسحها فين الجرائه انا علي فكره مش بموت لالا انا هرد بس فين كلامك انتي بتمسحي كلامك ليه
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
١٣ نيسان ١٩٧٥ ذكرى مشؤومة دفعت ثمنها الاجيال الجديدة وكمان اجيال الحرب اللي غرقوها بلعبة الدم. وحدو تاريخ ١٧ تشرين ٢٠١٩ كسر المحظور وبلش يمحي اثار هالحرب. بس امراء الحرب وازلامها ما بيرتاحوا. بدن الشارع دايما مقسوم ومتوتر خدمة لمصالحهم. مش راجعة. وانتوا رح تتحاسبوا مهما كذبتوا
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
عادي الأهم قضية القدس_عاصمة_فلسطين_الأبدية تهم كل شخص مسلم
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
بعدين اقولك انت مين
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
cover كارلا حدّاد: نعود لنشغل البلد وأنا لا أمثِّل على أحد!
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
يا عزيزتي حبذا لو قرأتي جيدا ما كتبته. وما اشرت اليه في التغريدات اللاحقة ان الفيديو تبين انه قديم. اقلعي عن نظرية المؤامرة. التهريب يومي ومستمر، وعدت واوضحت حقيقة الفيديو. شكرا على ملاحظتك. والهاشتاغ غير موفق.
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
ميركل : انتهت حلول الأرض نحن في انتضار حلول جامعة مولود معمري بتيزي وزو. 🤲 كلنا_البليدة كريم_طابو كورونا الجزائر
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
😂😂 سعد بوعقبة ههه
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
والله مش لابستها 😂
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
: الله يرحم اما قالوا لنا أوباما جده مسلم😂😂
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
تسلمي يا استاذه
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
كلما يشعر مطبلو حزب الله بالخطر يفتعلون الاحداث ويخونون الناس ويتهمون من هم بالشارع بانهم دمى بايدي القوى السياسية (حلفائهم اصلا في المعارضة والسلطة) واكيد لا ينسوا التهديد بالامن وب٧ ايار. وطبعا الاجهزة الامنية لا تتحرك. افلاس افلاس افلاس .
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
: لا تظلمن إذ كنت مقتدراً فالظلم يأتيك آخره الندم ينام المظلوم في الليل باكياً يدعو عليك وعين الله لم تنم ألإمام_علي zeo
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
متجيش تبيع الميه ف حارة السقايين تحياتي حببتي 🌹
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
تسلم يا حبيبي تم
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
امين امين يارب العالمين 🌹🌺🌺🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🌺🌺🌺🌹
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
ادزهم للحبس خاطر شعب معاق ويهربو من الحجر ههههههههه
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
: الاعتذار شيمة الكبار وانته والاخ الفاضل محمود لكم كل تقدير واحترام ربنا يجمعنا دايما علي حب الوطن
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
معلومات عن وسائل اعلام لبنانية ان عدد الحالات في مجدل عنجر قد وصل الى 32.
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
الشباب والصبايا يلي عم يتظاهروا بالقرب من محميات الزعماء الطائفيين ما عم يسلموا من الضرب والاعتداء.. بكل مكان.. الزعماء ومحمياتهم (يلي هيي ملك الشعب) خط احمر ..
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
: بيان لجذر الشوف في لحقي تزامنا مع التقدم في ملف إيقاف مشروع سد بسري المدمر، وفي الوقت الذي يستدعي تضامن وتكاتف الجميع للوصول…
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
miss you tooo ya ahdam yoyo ❤️❤️❤️
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
خلونا نتفق من هلأ اذا فش صيفية، الناس اللي عندهم سطح بأي منطقة بالجنوب، بدهن يخبرونا حتى نجيب بركة ونكفي الصيفية عندهم، محسومة.
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
: احتفظت بهذه الرسالة وبكثير غيرها وصلني من فلسطينيات وفلسطينيين لستُ أدري ما سرّ هذا الشعب سلبوه أرضه ولم يسلبوه شيئاً بقي…
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
: شكرا حياتي🙏❤❤❤
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
هذا ما يقوله المنطق , السلطة لو ارادت تمرير الدستور على مقاسها لما جعلت استفتاء
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
نحنا بعدما ب بيروت بالشارع والك يا صور حب من عنّا... البقاع، طرابلس ، البترون خبرونا عنكن.... لبنان_ينتفض كلن_يعني_كلن لبنان_يثور لبنان
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
اليهود ما عندهم ولاء حتى لأمريكا اكبر داعم لهم عايشين فيها لكن لا يهمهم سوى مصالح اسرائيل مشكلين لوبي يضغط لدعم اسرائيل و حتى حكام امريكا يدعمو اسرائيل لارضاء تلك الفئة و كسبهم في الانتخابات مثلا ترمب و صفقة القرن كلها للانتخابات القادمة .مش من المفترض يقدم خدمات لأمريكا للنجاح؟!
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
اوك هاجله بس هعمله عاجلا وليس أجلا 😂😂😂😂
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
السياسي العربي كي يبغي يبين انه منفتح و مثقف و يعرف ما لا نعرف و يحب يرضي الغرب يكتب هكذا تغريدة غبية بالفرنسية عدم نجاح هذه النوعية هو تعاليهم على المجتمع و احساسهم انهم ارقى من الانظمام له لهذا الناس ما تتقبلهم و ما تحبهم و لن تنتخبهم فلسطين_قضيتي متحجبة_ومرتاحة
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
مولاي إني ببابك قد بسطت يدي..من لي الوذ به إلاك يا سندي💖
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
: لا تسلْ عن بسمتها: فمن كان قلبها أسدا وعزيمتها صخرا يدعوها الألم لمائدته فتلبي الدعوة بأشهى الانتصارات. عمرك إكليل وعيدك الغار.…
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
: thank you nadia 🙏🌹🌹 ... for those who know you, they would agree.... for those who don’t: when you meet this fine lady you…
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
فتونة انتي اخت وصديقة عزيزة وغالية ربي يفرحك وربي يعزك ويسترك 💐❤️❤️
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
ويييي 😂👍👌✊✌✋
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
قالك كورونا نحكم في كبار السن على وجه ربي يدولهم ايطالي يتفرج في كرنفال تاعهم هههههههه
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
🙊🙊🙊🙊 haram 🙊
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
: : صرخة_روح اخذ سياق مختلف هذه السنة والقصص معالجة بطريقة عميقة. statistics sawtelghad
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
"سبلاش" من "ال بي سي" إلى "ام تي في" lbci mtv media
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
اللهم امين يارب العالمين 🤲🌹🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🌹
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
الله كبير و فضلو واسع يمهل و لا يهمل
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
مغاربة معروفين بحسابات الذباب و التهكير
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
نحن ننتخب على برنامج رئيس و على أساسه يتم تسطير برنامج الحكومة الساعي الى تنفيذ برنامج الرئيس المنتخب
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
كذب الخبر لكن فعلا في مسودة الدستور توجد مادة تمنع التظاهر ويحب اخذ تصريح من النظام من اجل الخروج الى المظاهرات لذلك اذا تأخرنا في الخروج و مرروا الدستور فقد ذبحنا انفسنا بخوفنا وعدم خروجنا
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
هذول هم نفسهم المتدينين جدا فاسدين جدا ،انشاء الله تحل عليهم لعنة العار الى ابد الدهر
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
مسموح القفطان
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
تسلم دي راقت لي..مش اكتر ..🌹🌺🌺🌹
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
متافق إلى كان كيضرك , متبداوش تلعبو فيها كتحاربو الرذيلة , حيت تلك الأخطاء اللتي تشير إليها لآن بصبعك بكل هذا السخط لمجدر أنك لم ترتكبها , ممكن تكون رتاكبتي كتر منها من قبل , ولهذا حاول أن تتريت وخدم الفكر النقدي ومتبلوكيش حيت درية قالت لك بلوكي فلان.
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
عفو أبناء خاشقجى عن قتلة ابيهم أصاب اتباع الدجال بالجنون😂
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
فين جات هاد أكافاي أ با لمهدي
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
في أي قناة
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
: الله علي جو الطبيعه✨
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
: اوعى تزعل نفسك ولا تشيل هم أى حاجة ولا حد يضايقك طول منت واثق ان ربك مبينساش حد ودايما موجود فى حياتك بكل تفاصيلها ويعلم أكتر…
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
مش مطلوب فض المظاهرة ب النبطية المطلوب القبض على كلاب السلطة اللي عم يعتدوا عالناس العزل ويمنعوا الاعلام يصور همجيتن. النبطية تصرخ في هذه الاثناء ثورة ثورة
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
ياااااااالف حمدالله علي السلامه يا ست الكل نورتي والله 🌺🌺🌺🌺
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
كفتاجي بالقرع؟؟ عمري لا كليت كفتاجي بالقرع وين يجي هذا؟
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
حبيبي يا عمده تسلم وتعيش يارب
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
: always shining❤️❤️❤️❤️
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
ليست القضية من في السيارة او من في خارجها إنما سكوت عن الحق فقد كنا نسمع من أجدادنا النجديين انهم لم يتركوا مضلوما الا ونصروه او باطلا الا وحاربوه تلك هي نخوة العرب غدا يمكن أن يكون اخ فمن سكت عن حق أمامه فإنه من الأفضل أن يعيد ترتيب أوراقه نسأل الله العفو ونسأله السلامة للمسلمين
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
تسلم ايدك 🌹🌺
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
النجم اللبناني جوزيف_عطية ضيف برنامج كلمة طايشة مع رنا اسطيح وجوزف طوق يوم الجمعة ٢٣ اب الساعة العاشرة والنصف صباحا مباشرة عبر اثير اذاعة_لبنان.
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
اقذر شيئ في الجزائر هم امثالك قداه انت خبيث و كريه و مستفز و كأن الحكومة لها اربعة سنين للان لم تكمل ثلالثة اشهر و قدمت برنامجها قبل فترة قصيرة جدا
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
وكيف راح تحكم اذا هذه البرامج والمواد الإعلامية كانت جيدة أو لا الي على اساسها تقرر "ماتتفرجهاش" ! نقد أو مدح برنامج ما يكون بعد مشاهدتك له بعدها تقرر اذا تابعه أو لا حسب حُكمك عليه ومعظم البرامج المُنتقدة تم توقيفها في الحلقات الأولى وهذا نجاح ويبين ارتقاء الذوق العام صح فطورك🌼
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
الى تجار الحروب والى من يريدون ان يزرعوا الفتن في بلادي إن ازهار السلام والحب كافية بأن تجعل من دباباتكم واسلحتكم الفتاكة كتلة من الصدأ فالسبيل الوحيد لاطفاء نار الفتنة والكراهية هي التحابب و التعايش والالتفاف حول الوطن ونبذ العنف والتسامح والعلم والصلاة والايمان❤️ تونس fftun
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.
أعلم أنه سيمر على البرلمان بغرفتيه و يمر عبر الاستفتاء و نصوت بما يمليه علي ضميري شيء ثاني لا يهمني
Determine the sentiment of the following text based on its content. Classify it into one of the three categories: Positive: Expresses joy, happiness, or satisfaction. Negative: Expresses sadness, anger, or dissatisfaction. Neutral: Does not express a clear sentiment or remains objective. Respond with a single word.