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Natural Born Killers | IntroductionMickey Knox and his wife Mallory go to a roadside café in the New Mexico desert. They appear to be normal customers, with Mickey eating key lime pie and Mallory dancing to rock 'n' roll on the jukebox. A group of rednecks arrive and one begins dancing and flirting with Mallory. She encourages him for a moment, then attacks him without provocation by smashing his beer bottle as he drinks from it. A fistfight ensues, with Mallory beating the man. When the redneck's friend intervenes, Mickey cuts off one of the cowboy's fingers and stabs him with a large Bowie-style knife. Mickey and Mallory then begin killing the diner's patrons, culminating in a morbid game of "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe" to decide who lives and who dies among the last 2 customers. After executing their final victim, Mabel the waitress, the couple make sure the only survivor, a cook, remembers their names and promises to tell the authorities who committed the massacre before they embrace and declare their undying love for each other.Part IMickey and Mallory are in a desert at night. Mallory is reminiscing about when they first met. A flashback shows Mickey as a butcher's deliveryman who came to the house where Mallory lived with her abusive father (Rodney Dangerfield), her neglectful mother (Edie McClurg), and her younger brother Kevin. The flashback is portrayed as a 1950s-type sitcom with a canned laughter track, the "audience" laughing hardest when Mallory is subjected to lewd comments and hints of molestation by her father.Mickey instantly falls in love with Mallory. They leave together, Mickey stealing Mallory's father's car. Mickey is arrested and imprisoned for grand theft auto, but he subsequently escapes a horse work farm during a tornado and returns to Mallory's house. The two kill her father by beating him with a jack handle and drowning him in a fish tank, then burn her mother alive in bed. They spare her ten-year-old brother, Mallory telling him that he is free. They leave to rapturous applause from the "audience."Mickey and Mallory get "married" on the side of a bridge, exchanging snake wedding bands, cutting their palms and mixing their blood. They drive to a motel for the night. After watching television, they begin to have sex until Mickey is distracted by a female hostage. Furious with Mickey's notion that they have a threesome, Mallory drives to a nearby gas station where she flirts with the mechanic. They begin to have sex on the hood of a car, but Mallory is angered by his over-aggressive oral sex and shoots him to death. Back at the motel, Mickey rapes the hostage.Part IIThe pair continue their killing-spree (which bears similarities to Bonnie and Clyde and the Starkweather-Fugate murders), ultimately claiming 48 victims along Route 666 in New Mexico, Colorado and Utah. Pursuing them are two characters who see the murderers as a chance to achieve fame for themselves.The first is a policeman, Detective Jack Scagnetti, who seems particularly fascinated by Mallory. Scagnetti is already a well-known personality, a published author, whose book "Scagnetti on Scagnetti" is a best-seller within law enforcement. Scagnetti has a lifelong obsession with mass murderers after witnessing his mother being shot and killed by Charles Whitman in Austin, Texas when he was eight. Despite his heroic facade, he is actually sociopathic, strangling a prostitute to death in a hotel room after he tries to get too rough with her & she scratches his face.The second follower of the killers is journalist Wayne Gale. He is an Australian who hosts a show called American Maniacs, which profiles mass murderers. Various clips of Mickey and Mallory are shown, with Gale acting outraged on-screen as he details the pair's crimes, although off-air he clearly regards their crimes as a fantastic way of increasing his show's ratings. It is Gale who is primarily responsible for elevating Mickey and Mallory to hero status, with his show featuring interviews with people around the world expressing their admiration for the killers.Mickey and Mallory become lost in the desert and encounter Warren Red Cloud, a Navajo Indian, and his pre-adolescent grandson. After the two fall asleep, the Navajo, hoping to expel the demon he perceives in Mickey, begins chanting beside the fire, invoking nightmares in Mickey about his abusive parents. Mickey wakes up in a rage and fatally shoots the Navajo before he realizes what he is doing. It is the first time Mallory and Mickey feel guilty for a murder. While fleeing from the scene through the desert, they stray into a field of rattlesnakes and are both bitten.They drive to a drugstore to find snake antivenin, but the pharmacist sets off the silent alarm before Mickey kills him. Police cars pull up. Mallory is captured immediately and is subsequently beaten by the sadistic and brutish police. A gunfight breaks out between Mickey and the others. Scagnetti arrives. He tells Mickey that unless he surrenders, he'll cut off Mallory's breasts, slashing her a few times with his knife. Mickey gives up his gun, but he attacks Scagnetti with a knife. The police use tazers on him, and the scene ends with Mickey and Mallory being beaten by a group of vengeful policemen.Part IIIThe story picks up one year later. The homicidal couple have been imprisoned -- a trial is only hinted at in footage provided by Gale. Both are due to be moved to a mental hospital after being declared insane. Scagnetti arrives at the prison and encounters Dwight McClusky, the sleazy and abusive warden of the prison. The two devise a plan to murder the two criminals. McClusky will arrange for Scagnetti to be the driver for the Knox's transfer. Alone with the pair, Scagnetti will murder them, then claim that they tried to escape.Wayne Gale has persuaded Mickey to agree to a live interview, to air immediately after the Super Bowl. Mallory is held in solitary confinement elsewhere in the prison, awaiting her transport to the mental hospital.During the interview, Mickey gives a speech about how murder provides enlightenment and declares himself a "natural born killer." His words inspire the other inmates (who are watching the interview on TV in the recreation room) and incite them to riot.McClusky orders the interview terminated over Gale's violent protests. Mickey is left alone with Gale, Gale's TV crew and several guards. Using a lengthy joke as a diversion, Mickey overpowers a guard and grabs his shotgun and kills most of the guards and some of Gale's crew. Mickey takes the survivors hostage, leading them through the prison riot, intending to reunite with Mallory. Gale follows, giving a live television report as people are beaten and killed around him. Inmates torture and murder prisoners and guards alike.During the interview and outbreak of the riot, Scagnetti is in Mallory's cell. He attempts to seduce her. Mallory plays along for a short time, then attacks Scagnetti violently, smashing his face against the wall and breaking his nose. The guards and Scagnetti subdue her.Still live on national television, Mickey breaks into Mallory's cell and engages in a brief Mexican Standoff with Scagnetti, eventually feigning a concession. Mallory then approaches Scagnetti from behind and slashes his throat with a shank. Mickey then reveals that the shotgun was unloaded, much to Scagnetti's horror. Mallory picks up Scagnetti's loaded gun and kills him.They continue to escape through the riot-torn prison, with two guards as hostages. The remainder of Gale's TV crew are killed. Gale himself snaps and begins to shoot at the guards, claiming to be "alive for the first time in [his] life."After being rescued by a mysterious prisoner named Owen Traft, the trio of Mickey, Mallory and Gale run into Warden McClusky and a heavily armed posse of guards. Cavanaugh, the guard they'd taken hostage, is shot to death by McClusky's men. In retaliation, Mallory shoots Gale thru his hand & they retreat, taking cover in a blood-splattered shower room. Gale calls his wife and tells her he is leaving her. He calls his mistress to tell her he will see her later, however, she hangs up on him.McClusky threatens to storm the shower room. Mickey in turn, duct-tapes shotguns to the necks of Gale & a guard, Homolka, threatening to kill both on live TV. The prisoners walk out the front door. McClusky and his guards are massacred by hordes of inmates who burst into the area. They tear McClusky apart, cutting his head off and displaying it on a spike (a shot removed from the theatrical showing and seen in the director's cut only).After the escape, Owen is never seen or mentioned again. Mickey and Mallory steal a van and kill the last guard. Escaping to a rural location, they give a final interview to Wayne Gale before, much to his surprise and horror, they tell him he must also die. Gale attempts various arguments to change their minds, finally appealing to their trademark practice of leaving one witness to tell the tale. Mickey inform him they are leaving his camera as the witness. Gale accepts his fate and extends his arms as if on a cross as they execute him by shooting him numerous times while his unattended camera continues to roll.The couple are shown several years later in an RV, with Mickey driving and Mallory (who is pregnant) watching their two children play. | comedy, cruelty, murder, neo noir, cult, violence, flashback, insanity, psychedelic, satire, romantic, revenge, sadist | tt0110632 |
This Means War | CIA agents and best friends Franklin "FDR" Foster (Chris Pine) and Tuck Hansen (Tom Hardy) are deployed to Hong Kong to prevent international criminal Karl Heinrich (Til Schweiger) from acquiring a weapon of mass destruction, but the mission goes awry, resulting in the death of Heinrich's brother, Jonas. Heinrich swears vengeance against them. Upon returning to America, their boss, Collins (Angela Bassett) assigns them to desk duty for their protection.
FDR is a womanizer, whose cover is a cruise ship captain, while Tuck, who presents himself as a travel agent, has an ex-wife, Katie (Abigail Spencer) and a young son, Joe (John Paul Ruttan), who believes his dad is a weakling.
Tuck goes to Joe's karate lesson where Joe loses his match, Tuck tries to give Joe advice but Joe rolls his eyes and asks how he would know since he is just a travel agent. Tuck walks Joe to the car where he attempts to rekindle his connection to his famIly, but Katie makes excuses as to why they can't go out for supper together.
After being rebuffed by Katie he sees a commercial for online dating. Tuck decides to sign himself up and is paired with Lauren Scott (Reese Witherspoon), a product-testing executive who is dealing with the recent engagement of her ex-boyfriend. Her best friend, Trish (Chelsea Handler) enrolled her in the same online dating website. FDR insists on being Tuck's backup for the date and hides nearby, but Tuck and Lauren hit it off right away.
Shortly thereafter, FDR runs into Lauren at a video store and tries to flirt with her, not knowing she's Tuck's date. She surmises that he's a ladies' man and ignores him. Intrigued, FDR crashes into one of Lauren's test groups and coerces her to go on a date with him.
FDR and Tuck soon discover that they are seeing the same woman and decide not to tell her that they know each other, not to interfere with each other's dates and not to have sex with her, letting her instead come to a decision between them.
Tuck takes Lauren on a date to a circus (after hours) where they swing on the trapeze and have a really great date.
The date with FDR does not go well at the start, with Lauren storming out of the club FDR takes her to. After arguing in the street, FDR walks away from Lauren but seconds later, Lauren sees her ex-boyfriend and his fiancée approaching. Desperate, Lauren grabs FDR and kisses him and lies to her ex that she and FDR are together, as FDR plays along with the ruse. Her ex and his fiancée both seem jealous at the passion displayed, and later move along. FDR demands that Lauren explain what just happened and suggests they grab some dinner at a nearby pizza parlor, where they talk seriously and hit it off.
Later, after dating both men a few times Lauren feels guilty about dating them at the same time, but is persuaded by Trish to make the best of the situation.
By this time both men have bugged Lauren's home and cell phone so they can spy on her when she is on dates with the other one, they over hear her tell Trish that she is going to need to have sex with them both to decide which one is the right one. This leads to both men taking steps to ensure she does not sleep with the other one.
After a few more dates Lauren and Trisha discuss the pros & cons of dating more than one guy, especially since Tuck has told Lauren he loves her, Trish tells Lauren "don't pick the right guy, pick the guy that'll turn you into a better girl".
After a while, Lauren invites Tuck to lunch, while FDR discovers that Heinrich has arrived in town to exact his revenge. He interrupts Lauren's date to warn Tuck but Tuck doesn't believe him. They engage in an extended fight, after which Lauren discovers that they are in fact best friends and, feeling made a fool of, leaves with Trish. At that moment, the women are kidnapped by Heinrich and his men, who are pursued by FDR and Tuck.
FDR and Tuck rescue Lauren and Trish after a car chase, in which they reveal that they are not who they say they are. On Lauren's advice, they shoot out the headlights on Heinrich's SUV, deploying the airbags and sending the car rolling out of control towards them all. With Lauren standing directly in the path of the approaching SUV, FDR and Tuck, on opposite sides of the road, urge her to come to their side and she is saved as she ultimately chooses FDR's side, while Heinrich dies when his car rolls off the elevated freeway and crashes below. Lauren has decided to be with FDR and Tuck makes amends with him, as they declare their brotherly love for one another, and FDR says they're "family, and forever." Lauren and FDR kiss. The car chase is picked up by the news, Katie and Joe see it, Joe tells his mom that his Dad is not a travel agent.
Later Joe is at his karate lesson with Tuck when Katie comes to pick Joe up. Tuck and Katie reintroduce themselves to each other and she invites him out for supper as a family.
Shortly thereafter, FDR and Tuck go on a mission. They are about to parachute out of a Chinook helicopter when FDR reveals that he will marry Lauren, and asks Tuck to be his best man. He reveals that he had sex with Katie before she met Tuck, but no longer feels guilty about it because Tuck had sex with Lauren. Tuck, however, reveals that they did not go all the way and angrily tackles FDR out of the helicopter. | entertaining, revenge, murder, violence | tt1596350 |
Rizzoli & Isles | A young Hispanic woman prays to the Virgin Mary, gripping her arm and lighting candles. "I know I failed you, but please Lord, please help me," she says.
Someone joins her, she's glad they came back and assures whoever it is that they'll get through it. She has a tattoo of a die inside her wrist.
The unseen person puts a garotte around her neck and strangles her.At Maura's, they get ready for TJ's christening. Rondo, Jane's CI, shows up in a burnt orange zoot suit with a Christening gift -- a Rolex that he says looks real. He and Tommy met in the café last week.
Frankie worries about work, he's no longer exclusive to the drug unit. The headline in the paper says:
"BPD cuts to Affect all Detectives."At the church, Father Crowley is doing the christening, which is awkward because apparently Tommy ran him over in a crosswalk. Tommy spent three years in prison for breaking his legs.
TJ's mom Lydia is there. Her fiancé Stuart "Strawberry" Strawbridge shows up, which is news to Tommy. Maura is distracted, she thinks she smells human remains.They hustle everyone out and open up the baptismal font. There's a young woman in agricultural lime (a powder) inside.Korsak and Maura check with the gardners, Mateo and his son Samuel, who's going to Britmar, a good school. Another man, Sal, shows them the lime.Back at Maura's house, Tommy and Frankie start eating the cake with their hands. Tommy worries he'll lose custody of TJ; he hasn't filed the custody papers.In the morgue, Maura reports the victim is between the ages of 17 and 22. She was wearing a locket of a young girl and her mother.
There's a faded receipt in her pocket. Maura sees the die tattoo, it's less than eight hours old and was done with a ball point pen.Later, Maura shows Jane x-rays of the victim's two spiral fractures, one in each arm.Jane Googles Strawberry and sees a photo from his work wishing him fairwell as he takes his "new family" to Abilene.Down in the café, Angela is determined to get Tommy and Lydia back together so she doesn't lose TJ.Frankie calls Lydia and asks her to come by so she can give her TJ's present, he'll get Frankie there.Korsak and Frost read letters from their bosses warning them they might be reassigned, maybe back to patrol.Jane snags a tribal mask from Maura's office and gives it to Lydia as a baby gift, saying it boosts IQ. Jane and Maura talk up Tommy. Lydia tries to find positives in her situation, including that TJ will have brothers and sisters, Strawberry "wants his own kids."When Lydia goes to leave, Jane invites her out for a good bye evening, saying she's being transferred to Guam. Lydia agrees to a girl's night. When she leaves, Maura announces her ring is fake.Korsak gets the ink on the receipt to reappear with a hairdryer. It's from Cortez Bodega, which is across the street from the Off 93 clothing factory, the brand of clothing the victim was wearing.Frost and Korsak take an age progression photo of the young girl in the locket. The manager recognizes her as Isabella, the daughter of a seamstress, Blanca Valdez. Frankie has surveillance footage from the bodega, Isabella bought a candle and pregnancy test.
They break the news to her mother.Back in the station, her mother says she couldn't accept college scholarships because she was undocumented. She doesn't think she had a boyfriend. Maura politely tells her that her daughter was four weeks pregnant.
She has the same die tattoo as her daughter, which she says is from the Four Corner's gang, to claim her as property. She thinks the gang killed her.Maura brings a cold case on Aracelli Ramirez who was killed in 2004.They think Isabella took her pregnancy test at work, but she didn't have a cell phone, so they think she talked to someone there.At Jane's later that evening, Jane and Maura throw together dinner for Lydia, laying on subtle guilt about her leaving. She takes to Jane's dog, Joe Friday.
Tommy shows up with Rondo, expecting to move a couch. Jane pays Rondo to leave than slips the pot roast to her dog. Tommy and Lydia both find the "bad doggie" adorable. Jane and Maura duck out to get take out, asking them to watch the dog so he doesn't choke.
They listen outside the door and hear Tommy mock her ring. Lydia leaves in a huff.Back at the station,Frost has ID'd a factory worker with gang ties, Josie.Maura announces to Jane that they need to find away to get rid of Strawberry. Jane ran a background check but he hasn't been arrested. Maura noticed he has dark circles under his eyes, and infers he has bad allergies. Jane realizes this means he can get all the dogs that Lydia is looking forward to.They find Josie sent a text to Tito saying "the one you like is pregnant." Tito is the leader of Four Corners. They find a series of texts planning to jump Isabella. Tito was on house arrest, but Frankie and Frost go talk to Josie.She says Tito wanted to sleep with her, but all they did was ink her. She says Isabella's boyfriend was some college boy.Downstairs, Isabella's mom brings by a college sweatshirt from Brittmore College, where the church gardner's son goes.Jane and Korsak talk to Samuel. He says he saw Isabella that night in church. His father warned him not to be seen with Isabella or the gang would going to kill them both. Samuel asks to talk to Father Crowley.They go get him but when they come back, Samuel has hung himself from his belt in the interview room.Later, Jane gets a hospital report that Samuel is alive.They look up Samuel's father and find Mateo is a former Four Corner's gang member. They find him praying with wooden rosary beads at the church, they match the ligature marks on Isabella's neck.He's doesn't deny anything, saying that once the gang marked her, he had no choice, the gang would have killed his son for trying to take her.At Maura's house, Lydia and Stuart drop off TJ. Tommy brings the dog over and Stuart freaks out, saying he allergic. He runs out, telling Lydia to take a shower. Jane and Maura offer to babysit and urge Lydia and Tommy to head out. They leave for a walk and Jane and Maura share a high five. | murder | tt1551632 |
Until Death | New Orleans narcotics detective Anthony Stowe (Jean-Claude Van Damme) is a heroin addict who is teetering on the edge of oblivion, and he could not care less. At the moment, he is trying to bring down his former partner Gabriel Callahan (Stephen Rea), who has become a drug kingpin. Callahan is trying to, and slowly succeeding at, taking over the New Orleans underworld.
Stowe botches a sting operation against Callahan, resulting in the death of fellow cop Maria Ronson (Rachel Grant), whose fiancee, fellow cop Van Huffel (Adam Leese), nearly comes to blows with him over it. Chief Mac Baylor (Gary Beadle) has a very blunt chat with Stowe, who is dismissive. Stowe is approached by fellow cop Walter Curry (Trevor Cooper) to help his nephew beat a drug-dealing charge; he instead turns Curry over to Baylor, who fires him. After barricading himself in the station bathroom, Walter confronts an unrepentant Stowe and condemns him for betraying his fellow officers.
That night Stowe meets with his estranged wife Valerie (Selina Giles), who tells him that she's pregnant, but that he's not the father. Valerie, whose marriage with Stowe is close to collapse, has been seeing a man named Mark Rossini (Mark Dymond), the gym teacher at the school she is principal of. But he may not be the father either. Stowe brashly accuses Valerie of being impregnated by Callahan, and she tells him she never wants to see him again.
The only thing keeping Stowe from total collapse is his dogged pursuit of Callahan. But he drunkenly stumbles into an ambush masterminded by Callahan, and is shot in the head by Callahan's right-hand man Jimmy (Stephen Lord). Stowe undergoes emergency surgery, and ends up in a coma. Months later, he recovers to the point that he opens his eyes, and is transported to his and Valerie's house to recover properly.
Seven months later, Stowe is slowly learning to walk and speak again. He manages to survive an attempt on his life by someone who appears to be a cop. He attempts to get his job back, but Chief Baylor refuses, in light of discovering his heroin addiction. The coma has led to his decision to become a better man, and to right some wrongs. He reconciles with his wife, although awkwardly, and gives Walter a significant portion of insurance money that compensated his time in a coma. Finally, he visits the grave of fellow police officer Serge (William Ash), who once saved Stowe's life but has been killed by an unknown attacker following another failed sting operation.
Valerie packs up to move out of the house so she can live with Mark, but after realizing the change that Stowe has undergone, she later decides to leave Mark and come home. Stowe is convinced by his friend Chad Mansen (Wes Robinson) not to let his wife go, and goes after her. They miss each other by a few minutes.
Just after Valerie returns and meets Chad, some of Callahan's men show up. Jimmy kills Chad, and kidnaps Valerie. Stowe returns to the house, and finds Chad's body, along with Jimmy waiting for him.
Jimmy takes Stowe to a warehouse where Callahan is waiting. Along the way, Stowe manages to overpower Jimmy and take his gun, but he finds that the odds against him are impossible and Callahan has Valerie hostage. Van Huffel is revealed to be Callahan's mole on the police force, and the sting operation at the beginning of the film was a set-up. Walter suddenly arrives and saves Stowe. Together they kill all of Callahan's men, including Jimmy and Van Huffel, as Callahan tries to escape with Valerie to his helicopter. Just as they are about to reach it, Stowe fires multiple shots at the helicopter which makes the pilot lift off, in fear. Callahan, seeing his means of escape is gone shoots Stowe, undeterred he keeps coming towards Callahan and Valerie. Callahan fires several more shots at Stowe, gravely wounding him. Stowe reaches Callahan, grabs his gun hand and helps aim it at his head, simultaneously pointing his own weapon at Callahan. Two shots ring out in quick succession, and two bullet casings are shown falling. The screen goes dark. Three years later, Valerie has a 3-year-old daughter, the baby that Valerie was pregnant with, together they visited and lay flowers at the grave of Anthony Stowe, 'Officer and Husband'.
In a mid-credits scene, a found footage of Callahan executing a couple, with Van Huffel present is played. | neo noir, murder, cult, revenge, violence, melodrama, tragedy, suspenseful | tt0783598 |
Avenging Angel | Set a few years after the first 'Angel' film, teenage prostitute Molly Stewart (Betsy Russell) is off the streets and studying to become a lawyer at UCLA.Molly learns that Lt. Andrews (Robert F. Lyons), the person who helped her leave her past life, is murdered after witnessing a mob-related killing of a drug dealer. When Molly learns of his death, she goes back out on the streets to avenge his killing. She seeks to track down the only witness, a street performer named Johnny Glitter. Molly (as her street persona Angel) meets with her old street friend Yo-Yo Charlie for help who puts him in contact with her old landlady Solly (Susan Tyrrell). There, Molly learns that Kit Carson (Rory Calhoun) has had a nervous breakdown and is committed to the state mental hospital.The next evening, with the assistance of Charlie, Angel and Solly break Kit out of the sanitarium after a harrowing and funny chase through the building. Angel and her group find Johnny at his flophouse home right as the thugs who killed Andrews find him. Kit and Angel save Johnny in a shoot-out.Meanwhile, Angel discovers a scheme to buy up Hollywood Boulevard by intimidation and violence that a gangster named Gerrard is perpetrating. Gerrard's men corner Kit, Solly, Angel and Johnny in an alley. Kit shoots the car, causing it to crash, and they capture Gerrard's son. The son gets loose and threatens them with a gun, but the phone rings and Kit shoots him to death.The caller is Gerrard, who has kidnapped Solly's adopted baby, Little Buck, and offers to trade Buck for his son. They attempt to make the trade anyway. Upon discovering that the son is dead, a shootout ensues with Gerrard taking the baby. Kit takes out one thug and Johnny Glitter, shooting blindly, shoots the other and also himself.Angel confronts Gerrard on the top floor and Gerrard threatens to throw the baby down. Angel surrenders and Gerrard puts the baby down. But the baby is crawling to the edge, and Gerrard will not allow Angel to move. Solly sees what is happening and goes up to shoot Gerrard. Angel tries to get to the baby but the baby falls. Kit sees the baby fall and catches him. Angel and Solly come down with the baby safely wrapped in Kit's jacket. Angel, Kit, Solly, and the group then walks out of the building and into the night as the end credits roll. | cult | tt0088757 |
Final Destination 3 | The movie opens with Wendy Christensen (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), an obsessive-compulsive driven high school graduate from McKinley High, photographing her friends on a ride called the "High Dive". Shortly after she takes their picture, she notices the letter "V" missing out of the ride name, but thinks nothing of it. As the beginning of the movie progresses, we're introduced to several characters, including Wendy's boyfriend Jason Wise (Jesse Moss), her best friend Carrie Dreyer (Gina Holden), and her boyfriend Kevin Fischer (Ryan Merriman), as well as several other characters; the jock Lewis Romero (Texas Battle), the valley-girlesque Ashley Freund and Ashlyn Halperin (Chelan Simmons and Crystal Lowe), the social outcasts Ian McKinley and Erin Ulmer (Kris Lemche and Alexz Johnson), as well as Wendy's attitude-laden sister Julie (Amanda Crew) and the troublesome alumnus Frankie Cheeks (Sam Easton). They all begin to make their way to the roller coaster, which has a demon-like figure at the front and a dark, foreboding voice warning them of the ride ahead. This causes Wendy to begin feeling uneasy, even as she's taking pictures for the yearbook.The group begins boarding onto the roller coaster, with Jason getting divided from everyone else, as he sits in the front car with Carrie, while the others sit in the back. Lewis is attended to by the ride attendant to adjust his shoulder pads, and this sets off a slight leak in a hydraulic pipe on the car, unnoticed by staff. Frankie hides a video camera in his pocket as Wendy's camera is pocketed by Kevin, sitting next to her. The ride begins and soon turmoil erupts as the leak continues and Frankie's camera is knocked away by Ashley, wrapping itself around the track. It's run over, causing the leak to become worse and the ride's shoulder belts to become loosened. One car suddenly jars entirely off the track, and others begin dropping off left and right. The ride suddenly stops upside down, forcing Ian and Erin to hang and eventually fall to their deaths. Kevin and Wendy motion the ride to go backward, but in doing so, Kevin is cut in half and Wendy is dumped onto the track...Then Wendy wakes up and realizes it is all a premonition. She's still sitting in the car as it gets ready to move. She becomes hysterical and demands to be let off, and the attendant releases all the seats in the rear car. Wendy and Kevin exit, and soon the others follow, out of annoyance (and because Lewis starts a fight with Kevin). Jason asks to be let off as well, but the ride continues with him and the people in the front car still sitting in it. Attendees lead a terribly upset Wendy outside and the coaster crashes, as predicted, leading to the deaths of Jason, Carrie, and several others.Some time afterwards, Wendy is at the school and is confronted by Kevin, concerned about her and the loss of Jason and Carrie. Wendy insists to be left alone. Ashley and Ashlyn invite her to a tanning session, and she takes their phone number. As she makes her way to her car, Kevin explains that this has happened before, with flight 180 and the seven people who got off and mysteriously died. Wendy drives off as thunder booms overhead.Ashley and Ashlyn head over to their favorite tanning salon, hoping to bronze up for the graduation. They both have slurpees, and the owner insists they throw them away, as he heads off to complete a phone call. Ashley merely pretends to throw her drink away, and they both head to the tanning room, where they proceed to disrobe. Ashley sets her drink right above a cooling unit of the tanning beds. She also reaches for a CD, leaning on a shelf and slightly loosening it on the side. The owner heads out the door, with only a tube of lotion holding it open. However, the lotion squirts out, and the door closes shut and locks.Meanwhile, Wendy is looking over the photos she took the night of the accident, after promising Julie to borrow the camera to her. Julie lends her a bracelet left behind as a family heirloom. It's then she notices a photo of Jason with a foreshadowing of the coaster behind him as it is about to hit his head, and gets an eerie feeling as the light bulb dims in and out. She then looks at the picture of Ashley and Ashlyn, which appears to be over-saturated, reminiscent of flames. She finds Ashley's number and proceeds to dial.Back at the tanning salon, Ashley's slurpee has begun to leave a water residue, which leaks into the cooling unit and forces the temperature to rise slightly. As the girls seem to notice this, a cooling fan causes a coat rack to to fall over and knock over a plant, causing the plant to fall onto the shelf and collapse. The panel from the self slides right between the handles of both beds, locking Ashley and Ashlyn in as the temperature rapidly rises. Both girls wince and scream in agony as the bulbs begin overheating and eventually breaking, causing their skin to bubble, and soon a fire breaks out, setting both beds ablaze. The owner tries to get in, but the back door is locked, and he also locked the front. The girls are burned alive in the blazing tanning beds.The next scene is at their funeral, where Ian begins questioning the preacher's comments about the equality of death and is led off by Lewis and Kevin. Afterward, Kevin finds Wendy kneeling at Jason's grave, and she begins to show him pictures that depict what's going to happen beforehand, including a picture showing a plane's shadow about to crash into the Twin Towers in New York. Suddenly, a strange wind blows over both of them, and Kevin tells Wendy he's going to get her some food.The two go to a local drive-thru restaurant, unaware that Frankie is ahead of them in his sports coupe. On the way, the two almost hit a truck in their vehicle, forcing the driver to jump aside. They get to the drive-thru of the restaurant, noticing a vehicle is pulling behind them and also to the side, blocking Wendy's exit. The sign also shows a the word "control" glitching out, and soon the radio kicks on, playing "Turn Around, Look at Me" by the Lettermen. Suddenly, Wendy and Kevin notice a driverless truck coming their way. They can't escape the vehicle, and they unknowingly honk at Frankie to move aside, only to have him flip them off. The couple behind them move their car, and they smash the windshield and jump out of the vehicle before the runaway truck hits it. The vehicles collide, forcing Kevin's car to eject its engine out of the front. It slides along the back of Frankie's car, and the fan cuts right into the back of his head, killing him. Wendy and Kevin go to check who the dead person was, and a "jolt" moment occurs when the fan spins one last time, splattering Frankie's brains all over the wall.After a talk with the coroner, Kevin and Wendy begin to calculate Death's design and who was sitting where on the roller coaster. They look over the photos and decide to pay Lewis a visit while he's in the middle of a workout. Lewis dismisses their claims and proceeds with his workout, even as Wendy points out to Kevin that his photo shows a Sultan caricature with swords, a weight dropping on his head, and a crying bear in the picture. (There's a tall bear statue and a sign with loose swords in the weight room). Lewis begins to work out with the other team members around him, causing the swords above his weight machine to rattle loose. Suddenly, one of Lewis' teammates accidentally jars a tooth out of the bear's mouth, forcing a weight lifter to drop his weights. Lewis stops for a moment, and the swords come down, missing him and instead cutting off a cable on the machine he's working on, unbeknown to Wendy, Kevin and Lewis. Lewis takes this moment of apparent victory over Death and lifts the weights one more time, only to have the the two weights on top smash his head to bits.After a conversation about the bizarre occurrences, Wendy and Kevin make their way to a hardware store where Ian and Erin work. Ian is seen shooting at pigeons with a nail gun, then sets it down. He then makes light of the events that are occurring and makes fun with Wendy and Kevin. However, soon some accidents are set into motion and a forklift begins moving and knocking objects around, and it forces it to start lifting on a wall loaded with objects, including sharpened stakes and pieces of flat plywood. As Ian theorizes about Death's design, Wendy notices the stakes, and Kevin saves him as various items begin falling down. The plywood boards soon start stacking on top of each other, and a piece of wood flies off and penentrates a bag of sawdust, blinding Erin. She ends up falling backwards and lands with the back of her head against a nail gun, and nine rounds end up getting fired through her head and hand, killing her. Wendy, Kevin and Ian stare in horror.After a visit to the police station and the disbelief that follows, Wendy and Kevin split up, with Ian unnoticeably looking at Wendy from his truck. Wendy ends up falling asleep at her house, and Julie comes along to take the lucky bracelet back, for good luck. Upon leaving, Wendy wakes up and realizes that Julie and her friend Perry snuck into the ride as well, upon identificating the bracelet in a photograph. She calls Kevin and informs him that his photo looks like something glaring, with bright lights. It's then that Kevin informs her that he's overlooking security at a colonial fair, complete with fireworks, and Wendy starts heading out the door to the fair. Soon, the song she heard at the drive-thru begins playing again, and she notices a vehicle following her. She almost hits a wolf in the middle of the road but continues to the fair.Kevin notices Julie and her friends Perry (Maggie Ma) and Amber (Ecstasia Sanders) at the fair and tries to talk to her, but she runs off after being annoyed by him. Meanwhile, an actor at the fair leaves his lighting stick in front of a cannon, knocking it sideways and forcing a cannonball to run along and knock one of the firework trailer cars off balance. Wendy shows up, suspecting Kevin might be struck by fireworks. As the show at the fair starts, and fireworks begin to go off, a couple of teenagers set off some firecrackers, startling a nearby horse. The horse begins running through the crowd, dragging a wooden stake behind him. Julie ends up getting the rope tied around her neck, and almost gets impaled on a rake that the horse jumps over. Kevin, however, manages to cut her loose. It's then that Wendy asks the frantic Julie who was sitting next to her on the roller coaster, and she glances at Perry. As Perry realizes this and begins standing up, the horse, still startled, pulls a flagpole off a trailer, which launches itself into Perry's back, killing her.After a close call with Kevin where he is nearly killed by a blazing gas leak, Julie and Wendy begin to drag him off, only to run into Ian, who thinks that he is the cause of Wendy's death (indicated by a shirt she was wearing, bearing his last name, which is also the name of their school). He confronts them as a firework cart begins wobbling and aims the fireworks right at them. The three duck as the fireworks go off, which entirely avoid Ian. Thinking he's safe and that Wendy is next, a loosened crane of a cherry picker that was struck by fireworks launches the McKinley sign downwards which cuts Ian in half. His corpse appears to be flipping off the three, and the screen fades to white.Five months later, Wendy is shown to be in another town, starting a new life with her friends. She is on board of a subway train along with them, and starts to notice advertisements of the locations the previous deaths occurred at, as well as the "Turn Around, Look at Me" song being sung by a patron. She then gets uncomfortable and tries to exit the train, but is stopped by Julie, who also boards the train. As she does, a group of football fans drop an unfinished candy bar, which misses a trash can and falls onto the tracks, where a rat begins eating it As the doors close, Wendy can't help but notice that the train's number is "081", which, in the reflection of a mirror she is looking at, reads "180", the ominous number in the franchise. She is unnerved, but sits down to talk to Julie.As they speak, she notices Kevin riding on the train as well, and goes over to ask why he's there. As he begins talking, she notices something is wrong as the lights begin to dim. Meanwhile, the rat chews on the candy bar, but gets too close to electricity and fries itself, causing the tracks to switch over. The train then goes haywire, and everyone panics as it flies off the tracks. Julie is obliterated by the train's wheel, and Kevin is thrown against a cracked window and is unable to move as it slowly begins to grow weaker. The window finally breaks and Kevin is jettisoned outside, screaming as he is violently ground between the train and tunnel wall. Wendy clings onto a pole, screaming, until the train crashes and she is thrown outside. Wendy sees that everyone is dead around her, and she crawls, seeing her leg is severely injured. Wendy begins crying and soon afterwards another train approaches her at full speed.She begins screaming and just as the train is about to hit her, it is revealed to be another premonition she had while talking to Kevin - but this time, the premonition has taken place mere seconds before the accident which it depicted. Wendy alarms Kevin and Julie about the train as Kevin grabs the emergency brake. Julie and Wendy try to pry the door open as the lights begin to flash and the screen cuts to black. The last thing heard is the crashing of the subway train. | violence, horror, gothic, sadist | tt0414982 |
Psycho IV: The Beginning | On a local radio show, the host and D.J. Fran Ambrose (CCH Pounder) is discussing matricide with Dr. Leo Richmond (Warren Frost). The doctor, having written a book titled Mother Killers which details "boys who kill their mothers", talks about a 30-year-old case in which a young teenage boy committed matricide, and then dressed as his mother and went on a murderous rampage. The next caller, requesting to be identified as 'Ed', claims to be personally connected with the show's theme. Ed, who is revealed to be in fact Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) tells Fran and Dr. Richmond that he has killed many people before and that he is "gonna have to do it again".Norman then proceeds to tells a story about one of his murders; A frisky young teenage girl named Emily (Sharen Camille) arrives at the Bates Motel c. the 1950s, with a young Norman (Henry Thomas) sitting on the porch of his gloomy house on the hill overlooking the motel. The flirtatious girl asks to see Norman's room, and when young Norman attends to one of the motel guests, she sneaks into the Bates house. After disrobing, the girl lies in bed for a very nervous Norman, who decides that he had better check on his mother. It appears that Norman's mother is upstate that a "whore" is in the house, and she wants Norman to kill her. When the girl goes looking for Norman in the master bedroom, she sees the mummified remains of his mother Norma Bates. Norman (dressed as his mother) kills the girl by stabbing her to death.In the present day, when Dr. Richmond asks where 'Ed' was when he killed his mother, an agitated Norman hangs up the phone and turns off the radio. It is revealed here that Norman is living in a fancy suburban house somewhere in Fairvale. Just then, Connie (Donna Mitchell), Norman's wife, phones him from the hospital where she works and asks if he may pick up his birthday cake from the local bakery since she has taken an evening shift at the hospital. After hanging up the phone, Norman turns the radio back on where he hears Fran telling the listeners that she would like to hear from 'Ed' again. Norman calls the show and talks about his father, who died as a result of an allergic reaction to bee stings, when Norman was six-years-old. Fran reminds the listeners that she is speaking with a man who has killed his mother. Norman chips in saying "plus her boyfriend with her."In another flashback, Norman narrates that he was practically running his family-owned motel by the time he was age 15. He speaks in a eerily close and intimate relationship with his mother Norma (Olivia Hussey) (whom she named her only son after her). He also talks about her mother's perculiarities: "She'd been sweet one moment, and the she'd suddenly turn mean for no reason in the next". Norma Bates (who is implied to suffer from schizophrenia and borderline-personalty disorder among other mental illnesses) would occasionally throw maniacal tantrums and she seemed oblivious to her sexual frankness towards her son. One day, when the two of them are playfully rolling in the grass near the Bates house, Norma realizes that her son is getting sexually aroused, and she punishes him for having "dirty thoughts" by forcing him to put on one of her dresses, and she then smears makeup on his face and locking him in a closet.During a break for 'Ed', Dr. Richmond expresses to Fran his suspicions that Ed is actually Norman Bates. He says that if Norman makes a threat, it should not be taken lightly. Fran tells her station co-workers to check out the records in Fairvale, California to see if Norman has been released from an institution.Norman comes back on the air and continues telling his life story. It seems that Norma is upset about a new freeway being constructed so far from the motel which is making it loose business. She reprimands Norman for not showing sympathy and blames him for her bad bladder, saying un-motherly things like "I should have killed you in my womb. You sure as hell tried to kill me by getting out of it."Fran and the others learn that Norman no longer runs the Bates Motel for it was closed down seven years ago (after the events in Psycho III). He spent a second time at a mental hospital where he met a nurse at the ward where he spent, named Connie, who helped him get better. Norman was then released after being deemed sane once again. He married Connie two years ago and has been living with her ever since.Norman continues his story by saying that some time later his mother met a man named Chet Rudolph (Thomas Schuster), who coaxes Norman into boxing, only to punch him too hard. After inadvertently saying his real name, Norman then talks about committing another murder, that he brought over another young teenage girl from town and, after kissing in Chet's car, he brought her to the motel and then killed her, and dumping her body into the swamp behind the motel.Eventually, Norman says he must kill his wife Connie because she "let herself get pregnant". He wanted to end the "Bates line", but Connie stopped taking birth control pills. As Norman says, he will kill her with his own hands, "just like the first time." He then tells of a dark and stormy night when he added the poison strychnine to a pitcher of tea and served the poison to his mother and Chet while they were getting intimate in her bedroom. Chet drank the poisoned tea first and then Norma. When Chet began gagging and telling Norma (too late) that Norman just poisoned them, she then tries to attack Norman, who pushes her to the floor and watches them both die.At his mother's funeral and wake at his house, Norman carries his mother's dead both from the open coffin to the cellar, and replaces her empty coffin with weighted down books from the book shelf and closes the coffin lid to keep his secret. He then preserved her body via taxidermy and kept it off-and-on in the cellar for the next 10 years. In the present, Norman tells Fran that the "show's over," and he then hangs up and then goes to meet Connie at the Bates house.Norman drives to the closed down motel and up to his old house long-since abandoned. Norman attacks Connie with a knife. Connie manages to talk Norman out of killing her, and a frustrated Norman begins dousing his home with gasoline and setting everything on fire. Norman, frightened by the images of his mother and some of his many victims, is finally helped out of the burning cellar by Connie. As he walks away from his burning house, he tells Connie, "I'm free."In the final shot, the invisible ghost of Norman's mother is heard screaming in the cellar demanding to be released saying "Get me outta here! Norman!"We hear the crying of a newborn over a fade to black screen. | insanity, murder, flashback | tt0102724 |
Sicario | In the opening shot, there is a text that explains that the origin of the word "sicario" comes from the Roman zealots that occupied Palestine. In Mexico, the word means "hitman".Chandler, Arizona.A SWAT team moves in toward a house where they suspect there to be hostages held by Mexican cartel leader Manuel Diaz (Bernardo P. Sacarino). Kate Macer (Emily Blunt), an American FBI agent, and her partner Reggie Wayne (Daniel Kaluyya) move in with their rescue team and burst in through the house with the van. They capture a few suspects, while Kate kills a man that tried to shoot her. The team then finds dozens of bodies stuffed into the walls with bags over their heads. Most of the team goes outside to puke. Kate's superior Dave Jennings (Victor Garber) calls her inside. Outside, several officers notice something from a nearby shed. A bomb goes off, killing two officers.At the station, Kate is brought in to meet Matt Graver (Josh Brolin). He is brought in to help catch Diaz, along with a mysterious Mexican federal agent who introduces himself as Alejandro (Benicio Del Toro). Kate is asked to join the team, which she only agrees to so she can catch the men responsible for the deaths she witnessed that day.Elsewhere in Mexico, a man named Silvio (Maximiliano Hernandez) is in his kitchen. His son tells him that he has a soccer match later that day. Silvio goes through his daily routine before heading off to work. He is wearing a police uniform as he walks to his car.Kate initially believes the team is going to El Paso, but they end up going just across the border to Juarez, Mexico. Once there, the team rolls with a whole squad of agents and Delta Force soldiers in black SUVS led by Steve Forsing (Jeffrey Donovan) through the city. They recover a prisoner from a jail and return to the border. Alejandro tells Kate to watch out for Mexican State Police. They drive up to a crowded parkway and come to a halt short of Customs. Alejandro spots two cars with gang members and he notices they have itchy trigger fingers. The cops slowly move out of their vehicles and approach the gang members. One of them gets out of their car slowly as well, gun in hand. The officers tell him to lower his weapon, but he reacts quickly, getting himself and his buddies shot to hell. The other gang members suffer the same fate when one of them tries to draw his weapon on the cops. Kate also shoots a bandit sneaking up on her vehicle.On the U.S. Side, Kate argues with Matt on the actions taken on the parkway, as well as the whole way that they are leading this mission. The stress has even caused her to take up smoking again.Matt watches as Alejandro tortures the prisoner, a local gang leader.The team drives to El Paso to question buses filled with immigrants. Alejandro wants the ones caught near Nogales. They question the men to determine where a secret tunnel to cross the border can be found.Next, the team is surveilling a bank where they believe they will find a woman depositing money tied to the Mexican drug cartels. They arrest the woman and in their search, the team finds bags of money to be laundered and wrapped in blue-pink wristbands. The bank manager shows the Feds that the cartels are just repaying loans, which are not tracked.Some of the team goes out for drinks later that night. Reggie introduces Kate to an acquaintance, Ted (Jon Bernthal), a local cop off duty. After a few drinks, Kate goes back to her apartment to hook up, until she notices he took out from his pocket a wristband similar to what they found earlier. Kate tries to get away, but a struggle ensues as she tries to reach for her gun. Ted starts to strangle Kate until Alejandro walks in and points his gun in Ted's face, making him release his grip on Kate.Ted is taken into custody. Alejandro enters the car with him and beats his face until Ted tells him what he can say regarding his business with Diaz, and reveal other corrupt cops.Matt decides to attack a tunnel and make the drug cartel react. They gear up and head towards the tunnel location. Matt tells Kate to stay out of the way as she is only there because the CIA can only work in the U.S. as being attached to a domestic agency.The team succeeds in taking away a substantial amount of money from Diaz's account, forcing him to make his return to Mexico. Following that, the team attacks a tunnel at night and Alejandro and the Delta team lead a running gun battle, Kate and Reggie follow nervously. On the Mexican side Kate sees Alejandro find Silvio and hold him at gunpoint. Kate aims her gun at Alejandro, but he shoots her in her vest and tells her to never do that again. He takes Silvio and makes him drive away in his police car.A while later back on the American side Kate punches Matt but he calms her down. She learns that Alejandro is not a Mexican federal agent, but an assassin originally from the Colombian Cartel being hired by the CIA to catch Diaz's boss, Fausto Alarcon (Julio Cedillo), the local head of the Mexican Cartel. The Mexicans had decapitated Alejandro's wife and threw their daughter into a vat of acid. The CIA thinks they can control drugs better if the Colombians are in charge.Alejandro forces Silvio to drive until they see Diaz's car. Alejandro makes Silvio pull Diaz over and force him to step out of the car. Silvio walks out to confront Diaz, only for Alejandro to shoot and kill Silvio and shoot Diaz in the leg. He forces Diaz to drive to his boss's house, Alarcon.Alejandro arrives at Fausto's home and kills all of his guards. He walks outside to find Fausto having dinner with his wife and two sons. He aims his gun at Fausto and tells the wife and boys to continue eating and to stay calm. Fausto tells Alejandro that his wife wouldn't like what he's become, a lawyer-turned-hitman. Alejandro brings up his daughter. Fausto says it was nothing personal, but it was to Alejandro. He says in Spanish, "Time to meet God". He shoots the wife, then the two boys dead, to Fausto's horror. Alejandro tells him to finish his meal, moments before he shoots Fausto dead.Alejandro slips into Kate's apartment unseen. He hands her a document for her to sign to confirm that everything they did was by-the-book. Kate refuses to sign it. Alejandro holds a gun under her chin, stating she'll be committing suicide if she doesn't sign. He wipes tears away from her cheeks while never removing the gun. Kate reluctantly signs. Alejandro leaves and tells her to go to a smaller town where the rules of law still apply. Kate grabs her gun and aims it at him from her window. He turns around and waits for her to pull the trigger, but she just slowly lowers it and lets him walk away.In the final scene back in Mexico, Silvio's son stands over his father's empty bedside, almost as if he knows his father won't be coming home. His mother takes him to his soccer match. During the game, everybody hears gunshots in the distance. They quickly carry on with the game. | suspenseful, neo noir, murder, violence, tragedy, revenge | tt3397884 |
Life Is Hot in Cracktown | Based on writer/director Buddy Giovinazzo's novel of the same name, Life Is Hot in Cracktown explores how crack cocaine infiltrated the streets of urban America by following the journeys of four people whose lives are on a tragic collision course. Pre-op transsexual Marybeth (Kerry Washington) is working as a prostitute in order to save enough money to make her transformation complete. She lives with her lover, Benny, a small-time burglar, whom she hopes to marry after her final operation. Meanwhile, Manny (Victor Rasuk) is busy pulling double shifts while his wife, Concetta (Shannyn Sossamon), cares for their sickly infant son in their run-down apartment. By night Manny works at a 24-hour bodega frequented by junkies, drug dealers, and prostitutes, and by day keeps the peace as a security guard at a welfare hotel. One of the residents at that hotel is Willy, a ten-year-old boy who lives with his mother (Illeana Douglas) and her abusive boyfriend. Willy begs for money on the street so he and Susie can get some fast food. But it's dangerous out there, because volatile gangster Romeo (Evan Ross) is still searching the streets for his brother's killer, and he won't hesitate to terrorize anyone unfortunate enough to cross his warpath. Lara Flynn Boyle, Brandon Routh, Desmond Harrington, and RZA co-star. [D-Man2010]The gritty, hard realities of a neighborhood, as well as the struggling, proud people who try to survive them everyday. Marybeth is a pre-op transsexual working as a prostitute and living with her lover, Benny, a small time burglar. In spite of their lines of work, they live a somewhat normal life as a married couple. Marybeth works the streets in the hopes of saving enough money for her final sex change operation, so then she and Benny can be married. Manny works two jobs: the late shift in an all night bodega surrounded by young junkies, drug dealers and prostitutes, and as a security guard in a Welfare hotel. At home his wife, Concetta, takes care of his sick infant son and makes their grimy rundown apartment as much of a home as she can. Willy, ten years old, lives in the Welfare hotel with his sister, mother and her violent boyfriend. Willy begs on the street so he and Susie can buy some fast food to eat. Romeo, a street tough, roams the streets with his gang. Upset over the murder of his younger brother, and feeling partially responsible for not being there during the shooting, he terrorizes anyone who comes in his path. These four stories come together in a powerful climax of love and salvation, showing that despite the obstacles of life in the inner-city, humanity and hope can still prevail. Based on Buddy Giovinazzo's best-selling novel, "Life is Hot in Cracktown," the vignettes show how crack cocaine has infiltrated the streets of urban America. [D-Man2010]"Life Is Hot in Cracktown" shows the gritty, hard realities of a neighborhood, as well as the struggling, proud people who try to survive them everyday.
Marybeth (Kerry Washington) is a pre-op transsexual working as a prostitute and living with her lover, Benny, a small time burglar. In spite of their lines of work, they live a somewhat normal life as a married couple. Marybeth works the streets in the hopes of saving enough money for her final sex change operation, so then she and Benny can be married.
Manny (Victor Rasuk) works two jobs: the late shift in an all night bodega surrounded by young junkies, drug dealers and prostitutes, and as a security guard in a Welfare hotel. At home his wife, Concetta (Shannyn Sossamon), takes care of his sick infant son and makes their grimy rundown apartment as much of a home as she can.
Willy, ten years old, lives in the Welfare hotel with his sister, mother (Illeana Douglas) and her violent boyfriend. Willy begs on the street so he and Susie can buy some fast food to eat.
Romeo (Evan Ross), a street tough, roams the streets with his gang. Upset over the murder of his younger brother, and feeling partially responsible for not being there during the shooting, he terrorizes anyone who comes in his path.
These four stories come together in a powerful climax of love and salvation, showing that despite the obstacles of life in the inner-city, humanity and hope can still prevail. Based on Buddy Giovinazzos best-selling novel, Life is Hot in Cracktown, the vignettes show how crack cocaine has infiltrated the streets of urban America. [D-Man2010] | murder | tt0901494 |
The Addiction | New York University. Walking home after viewing a disturbing lecture documenting atrocities from the Vietnam War, doctoral candidate Kathy Conklin (Lili Taylor) is singled out to receive a vampire's 'kiss'. However, Casanova (Annabella Sciorra) is an atypical vampire in that she gives Kathy a chance to save herself by simply saying "Go away" like she means it. But Kathy can only mutter, "Please," so she ends up in the infirmary with a bite on her neck and a policeman telling her she's lucky her assailant didn't slit her throat."One aspect of determinism is manifested in the fact that the unsaved don't recognize the sin in their lives."Kathy starts to feel ill during one of her lectures, and rushes to the lavatory where she vomits blood. She winds up back in the infirmary where the attending physician diagnoses "chronic anemia exacerbated by this traumatic event." The next day she meets her friend Jean (Edie Falco) for lunch but merely picks at her food and feels ill watching Jean scarf down a hamburger."The old adage from Santayana, that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it, is a lie. There is no history. Everything we are is eternally with us."Kathy has begun covering her mirrors in her apartment, and wearing sunglasses to class to protect her eyes from the sun. Her hunger for blood starting to grow, she uses a syringe to extract blood from the arm of a sleeping homeless man, but it doesn't help. She makes arrangements to meet with her advising professor to show him what she's done so far on her dissertation, which is nothing. They wind up back at her apartment, where he becomes a victim. The next day, while in the university library, Kathy invites an anthropology student to her apartment to study and have coffee. The student becomes a victim when she doesn't say, "Get out of here.""All men counting stars are equivalent in every way to God." [Feuerbach]Kathy's appetite for blood is becoming insatiable. She feeds on a young black guy looking for some "white tail". Kathy even corners her friend Jean in the ladies room at a local bar, challenging her to "look sin in the eye and tell me to go," but all Jean can do is blubber, "Please," so Kathy makes another victim of Jean."Mankind has striven to exist beyond good and evil from the beginning." [Nietzsche]Now, rapidly descending deep into her addiction, Kathy tails a possible victim whose first words to her are, "Why don't you just tell me to leave you alone...like you mean it." He turns out to be Peina (Christopher Walken), a old vampire who invites Kathy to his loft. Peina tells Kathy that he has been "fasting" for four years and has learned to live without blood through the strength of his will. Peina tries to advise Kathy on living as a vampire without having to give in to the addiction. "The point is to blend in," he says, "not to stand out like a sore thumb." He then proceeds to feed on Kathy. Suffering from the pangs of her addiction, Kathy attempts to slit her wrist, but "you can't kill what's already dead," says Peina. She begs him to help her, but he refuses. Instead, he tells her to read the book The Naked Lunch."I felt the wind...the wings of madness." [Baudelaire]Kathy weathers it through the day but gives in to the pangs that night. She walks the streets, stumbling along, holding her stomach and looking for a "fix." When a passerby sees her lying on the sidewalk, he offers help, but she leaps at his neck like a hungry cat. Claiming that she now understands what all this is about, Kathy begins to work again on
her dissertation."Our addiction is evil," she writes. The propensity for this evil lies in our weakness before it. Kierkegaard was right. There IS an awful precipice before us. But he was wrong about the leap. There's a difference between jumping and being pushed. You reach a point where you are forced to face your own needs. And the fact that you can't terminate your
situation settles on you with full force. There is a dual nature to the addiction. It satisfies the hunger, but it also dulls our perception so we're helped to forget how ill we really are. We drink to escape the fact that we're alcoholics. Existence is the search for relief from our habit, and our habit is the only relief we can find."To celebrate the completion of her dissertation and attainment of her Ph.D., Kathy decides to invite the dean, her professors, and some of her friends to a party at her apartment. On her way home, Kathy meets a prostelytizer who hands her a pamphlet. She invites him to come inside, but he refuses, the only one who has refused to let 'sin' in. As her
hunger grows again, Kathy rolls on the floor in agony, screaming repeatedly, "I will not submit!" But submit she finally does when, as the guests start arriving, she asks Jean, now a vampire herself, to bring her a girl on which to feed.
Feeling satiated, Kathy attends her party and, after a short speech during which she thanks the faculty and offers to share with everyone what she has learned during her years of study, she leaps at the dean's neck. Thereafter begins an horrific orgy in which Kathy and her vampire friends feast on the humans.After drinking her fill and then some, Kathy begins to feel ill and, like a sick drunk, wanders the streets, talking to herself, covered with blood, and barfing on the sidewalk. She winds up in the hospital again. In an attempt to end her existence, she asks the nurse to open the blinds. As the sunshine slowly descends over Kathy's body, the blinds are suddenly
closed and Casanova is standing there. "We're not evil because of the evil we do," Casanova says. "We do evil because we ARE evil.""Bleeding trees waiting for Judgement Day when we can all hang ourselves from our own branches." [Dante]A priest stops by to visit and Kathy begs for absolution. He does and she apparently passes on. In the very confusing final scene, Kathy places a rose on her own grave in broad daylight and walks away, having repented her bloodlust and is reborn as human flesh once again."In the end, we stand before the light and our true nature is revealed. Self-revelation is annhilation of self." [Kathy Conklin]Original Synopsis by bj_kuehl. | philosophical, cult, murder, violence | tt0112288 |
Bugsy | The story opens in New York City where Benjamin Siegel, an organized crime boss whose partners are Charlie "Lucky" Luciano and Meyer Lansky, visits the office of one of their lesser partners and kills him for stealing from the organization. Ben does so in full view of the man's workers, knowing his reputation will protect him. Often called "Bugsy" but hating the nickname (and willing to beat or kill someone for using it), Siegel is being sent to Los Angeles to broker a deal with another gangster, Jack Dragna, in an effort to expand their operations.Siegel boards a train after saying goodbye to his wife Esta and their two girls. He's visited by Harry Greenberg, an old friend who is irresponsible with his end of Siegel's organization and asks Siegel for money. Disgusted, Siegel gives Greenberg a large sum and dismisses him to sit under a UV lamp and work on his tan.Arriving in Los Angeles, Siegel is met by another old friend, the actor George Raft, who takes Ben to a studio where the movie Manpower is being shot. On the set, Ben notices a woman, Virginia Hill, who has a job as an extra. Ben is attracted to her immediately and talks to her briefly before she walks off, seemingly uninterested and insulting his ego. George drives Ben back to his hotel through Beverly Hills, pointing out the houses of famous Hollywood people. When George mentions opera singer Lawrence Tibbett, Ben asks George to leave him there. Ben meets with Tibbett himself and mildly coerces Tibbett into selling his house, offering straight cash and settling on an amount several thousand dollars more than Tibbett paid for the house. Tibbett agrees. A few scenes later, Siegel buys a luxury car from a random person on the street.Siegel meets with Dragna and his associates at Dragna's office. Dragna isn't interested in Siegel's offer to expand his own business, much less aid Siegel & his associates. Siegel counters, saying that if Dragna won't do business, he'll have to shoot Siegel himself, and even hands Dragna a pistol. Everyone ends up laughing, however Dragna still points out that Siegel's reputation for being a psychotic hothead precedes him and agrees to the deal. When one of Dragna's associates asks why Dragna didn't shoot Siegel when the had the chance, Dragna tells him that all-out war with Siegel's partners, Luciano & Lansky, isn't worth it.Virginia Hill shows up at Ben's new house and the two begin a torrid love affair. Ben receives a call from Dragna who tells him that his office had been robbed by a small-time gangster, Mickey Cohen. Though no one could see Cohen's face, they knew it was him. Ben asks Raft to have Cohen meet him at a spa. When Cohen arrives, Siegel politely demands the return of the money Cohen stole. Cohen unleashes a torrent of verbal insult and also tells Ben that he'd stolen a lesser amount than Dragna reported. Siegel recognizes that Cohen possesses a larger talent for collecting and enforcement and hires Cohen on the spot after Cohen agrees to give back the money he stole. Cohen also reveals that Virginia has a reputation for being promiscuous in LA, something that Ben jealously takes notice of immediately.At home, Virginia makes an elegant dinner for Ben, who acts aloof, dropping subtle hints about Virginia's past love life. Virginia is insulted and throws an ashtray at Ben, hitting him in the head. The two are still arguing loudly when Cohen shows up with the money. Ben waits for Jack Dragna to arrive a few minutes later and shows him the cash. Ben then tells Dragna that he gave the job of running Siegel's operation in LA to Cohen, a job he'd intended to let Dragna have. Siegel then turns furious, accusing Dragna of stealing the difference in funds from the Cohen holdup for himself. After a moment of Russian Roulette and then making Dragna crawl around and bark like a dog, then oink like a pig, Ben gives Dragna the money, ordering him to return it to the the safe in the office, along with the cash Dragna himself misappropriated. Back in the dining room, Ben begins to indifferently eat the meal Virginia had prepared. Virginia, having eavesdropped on Ben's berating of Dragna, is sexually turned on and the two have sex.Bugsy continues to make plans and snap decisions on everything - he meets a countess whose husband is in immediate contact with Benito Mussolini, and plots to kill the dictator. Bugsy begins bringing Virginia on his trips, but she refuses to fly. In the Nevada desert near the small roadside stop of Las Vegas, Ben checks out a small diner with a few slot machines that does turn a small profit but is too small to keep open. Ben closes the place and the trio heads back to LA. In the desert, after an short argument with Virginia about his family back in New York, Ben has an epiphany. He goes back to the car and tells Cohen and Virginia about it. Virginia is unimpressed and drives off with Ben's car, leaving the two stranded.When Ben goes to his home in New York and tells his mob buddies about a new venture, The Flamingo casino/hotel, which will be located in a state where gambling is permitted, he tries to juggle the search for Virginia, the proposal to his partners, and his daughter Millicent's birthday party. His proposal is successful, but his family life is disintegrating. His business dealings intrude on Millicent's birthday, leaving her upset. Despite a promise to Virginia, he fails to ask his wife Esta for a divorce. Lansky says that he likes Ben's idea about the hotel/casino, though it will need final approval from Luciano. Ben also tells Meyer about his plans to kill Mussolini, an idea that Meyer nixes immediately. Meyer is afraid that the rest of their mob won't take Ben seriously if he talks about the plot.Bugsy returns to Hollywood to convince Virginia of his dream -- he flies into another psychotic episode when he finds her entertaining another man. Ben throws the man through a patio door, ordering him to leave before he kills him. Virginia yells at Ben telling him that the man is her brother Chick. Ben tries to make amends by promising to buy Chick a new Cadillac. Virginia is disgusted at the thought of Ben trying to buy Chick's forgiveness and stalks off. Ben is able to talk to Virginia, telling her that the hotel he's planning to build will be named after her, "The Flamingo".Design begins on the hotel, with Bugsy exhibiting his mania -- he seems unconcerned at first with the ballooning budget when he orders several expensive changes. Harry arrives at Ben's home in LA, having escaped from prosecutors, previously planning on informing on the mob. Bugsy takes Harry for a "drive", and Virginia insists on coming along. Bugsy and Harry get out of the car and Virgina, still in the car, hears a couple of faint gunshots. Only Bugsy returns, muttering his mantra, "Twenty dwarves took turns doing handstands on the carpet." Virginia looks nervous. At a retirement party for one of the partners, Bugsy finds Joey, Virginia's old boyfriend, and beats him almost to death over an insult. Esta finally realizes why Bugsy is spending so much time away, and demands that he ask for a divorce.Construction on the Flamingo begins, and costs skyrocket. Bugsy gets arrested for the murder of Harry Greenberg. He's held without bail, but is afforded many luxuries, like a butler and telephone, where he continues to organize the build. Virginia runs the construction onsite, and travels back to brief Bugsy in jail. Bugsy continues to make rash decisions, and costs escalate. Meyer tries to reason with him, telling him he can help with some of the costs, and Bugsy says he'll sell his shares of the casino, just to get it built. He sells everything he can to raise money.Bugsy is released (Ben had arranged for Mickey Cohen to send the cab driver witness out of town unharmed), and returns to Las Vegas. Cohen tells Bugsy that Virginia has been skimming money from him. One day Virginia sees Ben talking to a young woman about being a coat-check attendant and Virginia interprets his conversation as flirting. She rushes upstairs and the two have a loud argument. Virginia is fed up with Ben's grand scheming and has decided to leave him. During the argument, Ben confronts her about a private bank account she's taken out herself. More furious than ever, Virginia walks out on Ben.The mob meets in Havana, where Charlie Luciano lives in exile, to determine whether Bugsy knew about the skimming and about the inflated cost of the hotel, which is estimated to come in at at total cost of $6 million; Meyer defends him, but knows he'll have to handle Bugsy if the hotel fails.The hotel opens on Christmas, and is a failure. The night is severely stormy, water leaks in through the light fixtures, some of the more famous guests haven't shown up and the power goes out. Ben announces to the crowd that the hotel will be closed for an indeterminate period until it can be reopened.Meyer orders Bugsy to fly back to LA. Before he leaves, he talks to Meyer on the phone, asking Meyer to protect Virginia no matter what happens. He also tells Meyer never to sell his shares in the hotel because the place will one day pay off. Virginia returns before he leaves and gives him back some of the money she skimmed. He refuses to take the money but forgives her. He returns home, and is assassinated in his own living room by snipers. The mob takes over the Flamingo and tells Virginia that Bugsy is dead. Title cards before the final credits state that Virginia returned the money she skimmed to Meyer and committed suicide while living Austria. However, Bugsy's investment generated billions of dollars of revenue, and Las Vegas grew into a massive city. | revenge, comedy, murder, violence | tt0101516 |
Manhunter | Will Graham (William Petersen) is a former FBI criminal profiler who has retired because of a mental breakdown after being attacked by a cannibalistic serial killer, Dr. Hannibal Lecktor (Brian Cox) whom he captured. Graham is approached at his Florida home by his former FBI superior Jack Crawford (Dennis Farina), who is seeking help with a new serial killer case. Promising his wife (Kim Greist) that he will do nothing more than examine evidence and not risk physical harm, Graham agrees to visit the most recent crime scene in Atlanta, where he tries to enter the mindset of the killer, now dubbed the "Tooth Fairy" by the police for the bite-marks left on his victims.
Having found the killer's fingerprints, Graham meets with Crawford. They are accosted by tabloid journalist Freddy Lounds (Stephen Lang), with whom Graham has a bitter history; Lounds' paper had run photographs of Graham taken secretly while he was hospitalized. Graham pays a visit to Lecktor, a former psychiatrist, in his cell and asks for his insight into the killer's motivations. After a tense conversation, Lecktor agrees to look at the case file. A little later, Lecktor contrives and manages to obtain Graham's home address by deceit during his phone privileges.
Graham travels to the first crime scene in Birmingham, Alabama, where he is contacted by Crawford, who tells him of Lounds' tabloid story on the case. Crawford also patches Graham through to Frederick Chilton (Benjamin Hendrickson), Lecktor's warden, who has found a note in Lecktor's personal effects. Reading it, they realize it is from the Tooth Fairy, expressing admiration for Lecktor—and an interest in Graham. Crawford brings Graham to the FBI Academy at Quantico, where a missing section of the note is analyzed to determine what Lecktor has removed. It is found to be an instruction to communicate through the personals section of the National Tattler, Lounds' newspaper.
The FBI intends to plant a fake advertisement to replace Lecktor's, but they realize that without the proper book code the Tooth Fairy will know it is fake; therefore, they let the advertisement run as it is, and Graham organizes an interview with Lounds, during which he gives a false and derogatory profile of the Tooth Fairy to incite him. After a sting operation fails to catch the killer, Lounds is kidnapped by the Tooth Fairy (Tom Noonan). Waking in the killer's home, he is shown a slideshow of William Blake's The Great Red Dragon paintings, along with the Tooth Fairy's past victims and slides of a family the killer identifies as his next targets. Lounds is forced to tape-record a statement before being set on fire in a wheelchair and killed, his flaming body rolled into the parking garage of the National Tattler as a warning.
Graham is told by Crawford that they have cracked Lecktor's coded message to the Tooth Fairy—it is Graham's home address with an instruction to kill the family (ending with "Save yourself. Kill them all," revealing that Lecktor believes Graham would find the Tooth Fairy). Graham rushes home to find his family safe but terrified. After the FBI moves Graham's family to a safe house, he tries to explain to his son Kevin why he had retired previously.
At his job in a St. Louis film lab, Francis Dollarhyde—The Tooth Fairy—approaches a blind co-worker, Reba McClane (Joan Allen), and ends up offering her a lift. They go to Dollarhyde's home, where Reba is oblivious to the fact that Dollarhyde is watching home-movie footage of his planned next victim. She kisses him and they make love. Dollarhyde is confused by this newfound relationship, though it helps suppress his bloodlust. Just as Graham comes to realize how much the Tooth Fairy's desire for acceptance factors into the murders, Dollarhyde watches as Reba is escorted home by another co-worker. Mistakenly believing them to be kissing, Dollarhyde murders the man and abducts Reba. When she calls him Francis, he tells her: "Francis is gone. Forever."
Desperately trying to figure out a connection between the murdered families, Graham realizes that someone must have seen their home movies. He and Crawford deduce where the films were processed. They identify the lab in St. Louis and fly there immediately. Dollarhyde has been casing the victims' homes through home movies, enabling him to prepare for the break-ins in extreme detail. Graham determines which employees that match their profile information have seen these films and obtains Dollarhyde's home address, to which he and Crawford travel with a police escort. At Dollarhyde's home, Reba is terrified as he contemplates what to do with her. As he struggles to kill Reba with a piece of broken mirror glass, police teams assemble around the house. Seeing that Dollarhyde has someone inside with him, Graham lunges through a window. He is quickly subdued by Dollarhyde, who retrieves a shotgun and uses it to wound Crawford and kill two police officers. Wounded in the firefight, Dollarhyde returns to the kitchen to shoot Graham, but misses because of his injuries and is killed himself when Graham returns fire. Graham, Reba, and Crawford are tended to by paramedics before Graham returns home and retires permanently. | dark, gothic, murder, neo noir, cult, violence, atmospheric, good versus evil, insanity, suspenseful, sadist, home movie | tt0091474 |
The Canterville Ghost | In 1634, in England, Sir Simon de Canterville agrees to take his wounded brother Anthony's place in a duel with the diminutive Sir Valentine Williams. The portly Simon demands that the duel be fought with lances, but to his horror, Sir Valentine also claims injury and sends his enormous cousin to the duel in his stead. After the first pass, a terrified Simon flees on his horse and hides in an alcove in the Canterville castle. Valentine pursues him there, but Simon's proud father, Lord Canterville, insists that his son would not tarnish the family name by hiding. As proof of Simon's courage, Lord Canterville agrees to have the alcove bricked up and, despite Simon's pleas, condemns him to die in the tomb and walk the castle's halls until a Canterville descendent commits a brave act while wearing Simon's signet ring. In 1943, the now-deserted Canterville castle, with its infamous ghost, Simon, is besieged by a platoon of American soldiers, who are to be billeted there. The castle's current owner, the precocious six-year-old Lady Jessica de Canterville, who lives nearby with her aunt, Mrs. Polverdine, greets the soldiers and tells them about the castle's haunting. The men, led by Sergeant Benson, are at first skeptical of Jessica's claims, but change their minds when Simon appears before them that night, moaning and striking ghastly poses. When one cocky soldier, Cuffy Williams, decides to scare the ghost back by chasing it in a sheet and gas mask, Simon disappears up a chimney. The next morning, the soldiers, exhausted from their previous night's activities, are reprimanded by their commander, Lt. John Kane, who refuses to believe their ghost tales. Seeing that Cuffy is limping, Kane orders him to clean the castle, while the rest of the platoon drills in the surrounding woods. Cuffy is soon joined by Jessica and insists on introducing her to Simon. After overcoming her fears, Jessica talks openly to Simon, who reveals his father's curse and bemoans his lonely entrapment, which has been prolonged because all of his descendents have been cowards. Jessica then notices that Cuffy has the Canterville birthmark on his neck and speculates that Cuffy is a Canterville and is brave enough to break the curse. That night, Jessica and Simon question a bemused Cuffy about his English ancestors and confirm their suspicions that he is a descendent of Simon's nephew. Simon then asks Cuffy, whom he calls "nephew," to wear his signet ring into battle, and Cuffy agrees. Later, at a party hosted by Mrs. Polverdine, Cuffy, who is proud of his newly discovered noble heritage, overhears some locals laughing about the Canterville family and questions Simon about it. Taking Cuffy to the castle's portrait gallery, Simon sadly explains that whenever one of his Canterville descendents faced a life-threatening situation, he would grow scared and run. Cuffy assures Simon that he will not let him down, and the following day, the platoon is called to duty. The platoon's assignment is to blow up a refinery on enemy soil, and Cuffy's job is to defend against German counterattacks. As Cuffy nervously awaits the explosion, Simon realizes that Cuffy forgot his ring and materializes with it on the battlefield. Cuffy accepts the ring just before the bomb blast and, while Simon watches from the bushes, joins his partner, Trigger, at a machine gun. After Trigger is killed by a German, Cuffy tries to take over the machine gun, but becomes paralyzed with fear and is replaced. Later, the platoon returns to Canterville castle, and Cuffy learns that he is being transferred. A depressed Cuffy then informs Jessica, who had been praying for his success, that he is a coward like all the other Cantervilles. As Jessica walks home in tears, however, she sees a parachute falling to the ground and runs to tell Cuffy and Simon. Jessica leads Cuffy to the parachute, which turns out to be carrying a large German bomb. Realizing that if the bomb explodes, the platoon, which is drilling in the woods, will be destroyed, Cuffy starts to attach it to his jeep. Once again, Cuffy becomes overwhelmed by fear, but overcomes his terror when an hysterical Jessica begins to kick the bomb. As Simon rides on top of it, Cuffy races the bomb away from the woods and jumps from his jeep just before it explodes into the castle. His brave deed finally accomplished, Simon thanks his "nephew" and "niece" and disappears into a peaceful eternity. Later, at Simon's newly constructed gravesite, Jessica confesses to Cuffy that she will soon be turning seven. | haunting, flashback | tt0036696 |
Sometimes They Come Back | Unable to find a teaching position in Chicago, Jim Norman finally finds an open position, but in a place he never thought he'd return: the town where he grew up. Jim and his family move into a house there, but the entire atmosphere of the town fills Jim with dread.Reporting to his class, Jim finds it filled with numerous jocks and airheads, the majority of which demand Jim pass them anyways. Jim makes it clear he will not, and the Jocks start to taunt him, leading Jim to angrily break a ruler.After work, Jim returns to an old place he hasn't been to for 27 years: the house that his family once lived in, but has been shuttered and vacant ever since. This leads to him having a dream that evening, recounting the terrible incident in 1963:Jim was close to his older brother Wayne, and the two headed off to the library to return some books. Climbing a hill, they came across the local railroad tracks, and Wayne decides to take a shortcut through the nearby train tunnel.The two haven't gone more than 20 ft when the roar of a modified Chevrolet Bel Air is heard, and 4 greasers pull up in front of the two boys, demanding that they hand over what money they have. Wayne tries to get the gang to leave them alone, but they pull off his PF Flyer shoes, and throw them over a metal overhang in the tunnel, before Wayne punches the leader. This causes the gang leader to pull out a switchblade, and stab Wayne, who then collapses. The gang is then about to go after Jim, when the roar of a steam whistle is head, and a train can be seen approaching from the other end of the tunnel. The gang attempts to get back in their car and start it up, but they have lost the keys. Jim then tries to get Wayne up, but Wayne is too badly injured, and weakly tells Jim to get help.Jim attempts to run, but doesn't get far when the train impacts the gang's Bel Air, sending it exploding in a huge fireball, and Wayne is run over along the tracks. Jim eventually ran from the scene, ending up crying on the front porch.Jim then wakes from his dream, when his wife finds him on the front porch of their house.Sometime afterward at school, one of the jocks threatens to get Jim for giving him an F, to which Jim tries to keep his composure. Another student explains to Jim that he appreciates the effort he's making, and then bicycles off. However, Jim sees that the student has dropped his wallet, and drives off intending to give it to him.On a twisting road out of town, the student is menaced by a familiar Bel Air Chevrolet, spewing flames from its twin tailpipes, and attempting to clip the bicycle. Jim comes up on the car close behind, and tries to get the cars attention. However, the Bel Air finally clips the students bike, sending him over the side of a steep embankment. Jim reports about the Bel Air, but almost everyone who saw the student on the bicycle besides Jim, claims there was noone following him.Jim goes back to his class the next day, and is shocked when a new transfer student is introduced...one of the gang of four delinquents. Jim is shaken by the now resurrected gang member, and when one of the jocks causes trouble, Jim lashes out just as the Principal passes by. The Principal takes over the class and orders Jim to leave.Sometime after, a fall parade is held in downtown, and Jim has two incidents that cause him to pause: one is seeing the gang member watching him during the parade, the other is his son Scott finding a pair of PF Flyers that look just like Wayne's shoes from 1963.The family goes home where Jim attempts to relax, but as he attempts to, a familiar train whistle can be heart. Jim then goes off in the middle of the night, back to the mouth of the old train tunnel. His head filling with memories over the bad incident, he heads back through town, where he runs into one of the female students. When he asks her if she's been hearing the old train whistle, the student explains that she's lived her entire life in the town, but hasn't heard any such whistles.That evening, Jim attempts to go back to sleep, but has a nightmare involving the gang as well as the female student. His wife explains that she's worried about him not having slept well and suggests that maybe they should move back to Chicago. Jim angrily explains they are not going anywhere, and heads off for the school.In class, Jim notices the female student is not there, and upon seeing the one gang member flash a devilish grin, rushes from the room, reporting to the police that he has an idea where she is.A search party that evening searches the high weeds near a local farm, but finds nothing. Remembering a barn from his dream, Jim steers the search party to it, where he finds the female student hanging from the upper rafters by her neck.A counselor is brought to the teachers, and many claim the female students death to be a suicide, but Jim claims it was murder.Returning to the classroom, Jim is shocked to see that another of the gang members has appeared as a 'transfer student,' and taken over the other student's desk.Later that evening, the jock who threatened to get Jim shows up at his doorstep, scared. He claims he met with the two gang members after school, and they threatened him, claiming they knew Jim from a long time ago. Jim figures the Jock knows the two gang members were responsible for the deaths of the two students, but the Jock runs off Jim's property, only to run head-first into the Bel-Air, where he is soon thrown up on the windshield of the car as it rockets past Jim's house.Jim quickly rushes back into the house, but panics when there's a knock at the door soon after. However, it is the local Sheriff, who soon takes Jim into the station under suspicion that he may know more than he is letting on. It seemed too convenient that he knew where to find his former student when she went missing.Jim is released from the police the next day, but on his way to school, the Sheriff notes that another of the students has gone missing- the jock who visited Jim the night before.Going into the school, some devilish laughter causes Jim to enter the Boys room, to find the gang members, now joined by a third. They claims that their fourth member will be joining them shortly, and threaten to get Jim's son, Scott.On the way home from school, Scott is chased down and scared as the gang's Bel Air roars up over a hill and chases him down a street. Scott is returned home, shaken by the events. Jim gets there and attempts to comfort his son, by giving him his old baseball cap.Jim also explains to his wife about the gang having seemingly come back from the dead, but his wife can't believe it. Even so, Jim tells her to lock the house as he leaves. Seeing a police car patrolling the area, he wonders about an officer he had seen when he was running away from the death scene as a child.Jim eventually finds the officer who has since been put in a home. The officer explains that when he was wounded some time ago, he was legally dead for 3 minutes, and in that time, he saw Jim's brother, Wayne. The officer claims that Wayne is stuck in limbo, unable to go on, and that when that occurs, some spirits come back, unable to finish their business. Jim tells the officer about the gang members he's encountered, and that each of them mentioned they had 'transferred up from Milford,' but he was not able to find any school by that name. The officer then tells Jim why he couldn't find it: Milford isn't a school, it's a cemetery.Jim then heads out to the cemetery, and finds the tombstones of 3 of the 4 members. As he wonders about the 4th member, the 3 others appear, claiming that their 4th member wasn't killed, and they intend to get to him before Jim does.Jim tracks down the 4th member, finding him in a trailer. Jim takes the gang member's gun, and forces him to go to the old train tunnel, but the former gang member runs off.Back at the house, Jim's wife and son are terrified when the three deceased members break into the house. Jim arrives soon after, firing the gun he used on their 4th member, but the bullets do no harm. The three leave the house, once again insisting that Jim meet them at the old train tunnel.Jim takes his family to the nearby church, promising them that they'll be safe there. When his wife asks why the gang members have returned from the dead, a thought crosses Jim's mind, and he knows why they have come back for revenge.Returning to his family home, Jim breaks in and finds an old cigar box under the floorboards, along with the three books his brother never returned to the library that fateful day. He also finds the 12 cents that was to be paid as a late fee.Inside the cigar box, he pulls out a car key with a red-dyed rabbit's foot. The gang have sworn revenge because in his haste, Jim had grabbed the key on the ground and ran, leaving the 3 in the car with no way to drive away before they were hit by the train.Jim is further shocked to find the 4th member of the gang at the door, claiming he's tired of running, and believes Jim, wanting his pain and torment about that day to be over with. As the two head for Jim's van, it bursts into flames as the other 3 gang members stand nearby. They take their 4th member with them, and tell Jim they are going to get his wife and child.The gang manages to lure both Jim's wife and son out of the church, and taken them along with them to the tunnel. Meanwhile, Jim goes to his brother Wayne's grave, pleading and begging for Wayne to return to help him. As he watches, a white tunnel materializes, and for a few moments, Wayne almost appears, but is then drawn back.With noone else to turn to, Jim heads back to the train tunnel, long since abandoned and the train tracks gone except for the wooden pylons in the ground. Jim recites by heart the conversation he had with his brother that day, and the gang's Bel Air roars up behind him, blocking the way. The gang gets out and attempts to bully Jim, also showing that they have his family in their car. The 4th gang member tries to stop them, but the leader stabs him with his switchblade. As he dies, the 4th member tells Jim that when he dies, someone else can cross over. As they watch, a bright light appears, and the white tunnel reappears, with Wayne stepping out. Wayne and Jim attempt to fight the 3 gang members, when a train whistle is heard, and the train engine is seen at the far end of the tunnel...glowing a hellish red!Jim throws away the rabbits foot with the keys, causing the two gang members to run after it. Wayne tries to take down the gang leader as Jim gets his wife and son out of the car. The gang leader tells Jim they'll get him again, but Jim explains that it's all over, and the gang is going to hell. The three find the keys and attempt to drive off, but are once again destroyed when the train plows into their car. The fireball envelopes them, and the car, the gang and the train disappear.In the aftermath, Wayne sees Scott with Jim's cap, and thinks that Scott is Jim. Jim explains to Wayne's spirit that he is his brother, and that 27 years have passed. The light tunnel reappears, and Wayne pleads with Jim that he doesn't want to go back, and that he'll be alone. He tries to get Jim to go with him, but Jim tells his brother that he has to stay behind to take care of his son. Jim's wife also pleads to Wayne that they do need Jim, as much as Jim needed Wayne when they were younger. Jim promises Wayne they'll meet again, and now that Wayne's spirit can finally rest, he'll be able to see Mom and Dad again. Wayne crosses over into the light tunnel, which closes up behind him.The family embraces, and they return back through the tunnel entrance, the ghosts of Jim's past now having been put to rest. | flashback, cult, murder, home movie | tt0102960 |
The Final Destination | College student Nick O'Bannon attends a race at the McKinley Speedway with his girlfriend Lori Milligan and their friends Hunt Wynorski and Janet Cunningham. Nick suddenly has a premonition of a terrible accident that sends debris into the stadium, killing several people and causing the stadium to collapse. In his panic, Nick inadvertently starts an argument with Andy Kewzer. Andy and his girlfriend Nadia Monroy, as well as racist Carter Daniels (who demands his wife stay) chase Nick and his friends out of the stadium, along with mother Samantha Lane, her children, and security guard George Lanter. When the accident occurs, George prevents Carter from going in after his wife and a scuffle ensues. As she is yelling at the group, Nadia is suddenly decapitated by a tire flying out of the stadium.
Several days after the disaster, Carter tries to set a cross ablaze on George's front lawn blaming him for preventing him from saving his wife, but a chain of events causes his tow truck to start driving on its own and as Carter tries to regain control, he is grabbed by the towing chain and is blown up by his truck catching fire with the very gas he was using. The following day, Samantha is finishing up at a beauty parlor when a rock propelled by a lawn mower suddenly impales her eye and kills her. After reading about the events in the paper, Nick becomes convinced that Death is coming after them for evading their fates at the stadium. Hunt and Janet are dubious, but they manage to convince George about what is happening. The group arrives to warn Andy, but he is killed when a tank, propelled by a chain reaction from a faulty wench launches him through a chain link fence. After receiving a premonition involving water, Nick tries to warn Hunt, who has gone for one last conquest at the pool, while George and Lori try to find Janet, who becomes immobilized in a malfunctioning car wash. Hunt drops his lucky coin in the water after an accidental placement of a toy turned the pool's drain on. As he dives into the pool, he is pulled down to the drain where the pressure mounts, and his insides are eventually ripped into the draining system before Nick can rescue him. George and Lori rescue Janet from the car wash at the last second. Afterwards, George admits to having tried to commit suicide due to his family being killed in a car accident the year before that he believes was his fault, but every suicide attempt has failed. Lori believes saving Janet must have saved the rest of them from Death's plan and the group celebrates instead.
Four days later, Nick then remembers a cowboy, Jonathan Groves, they had jeered at during the race who had changed seats prior to the premonition coming true. Nick and George track Jonathan down at a hospital, where he remained in traction recovering from the stadium's debris. After a bathtub left on in the floor above causes Johnathan's electric equipment to start sparking, falling from his bed and trying to cross the room, Nick and George witness him being crushed as the tub crashes through the weakened floor. Afterward, George is suddenly obliterated by a speeding ambulance and Nick realizes that Janet and Lori are still in danger. Tracking them down to a movie at the mall, Nick successfully saves Lori, but insistent that her life is no longer in danger, Janet remains as a chain reaction behind the theater causes an explosion and kills her. A multitude of explosions race Nick and Lori through the mall until they are trapped on a malfunctioning escalator and Lori is slowly dragged into the gears and killed. This is revealed to be a premonition, but in current time, Nick again fails to save George.
At the mall, Lori begins seeing omens of death around her, but Janet convinces her to shrug it off. Having failed in his premonition, Nick runs back stage to stop the explosion. He is pinned down by a nail gun that activates itself as he tries to stop the fire from spreading to explosive materials. Nick activates the fire suppression system, successfully stopping the explosion and saving everyone. Two weeks later, Nick notices a loose stabilizer in scaffolding while heading to their favourite hangout "Death by Caffeine" and warns the construction worker about it, who fails to hear him. While talking with Lori and Janet, he comes up with the theory that his omens were red herrings meant to get them in the right place at the right time for Death to kill them. Just as he realizes this and sees another omen, the scaffolding outside collapses causing a truck to swerve and crash into the coffee shop. As the scene switches to x-ray Janet is crushed under the truck's tires, Lori is internally decapitated by the impact, and Nick is propelled into a wall and killed. | violence, flashback | tt1144884 |
Antikörper | In Berlin, the pederast serial killer Gabriel Engel, who later admitted to brutally killing 13 boys and painted impressive religious works of art with their blood, is accidentally taken during an overnight operation. Commissioner Seiler is charged with the interrogation of the murderer.
In the small village of Herzbach, memories of the unsolved murder of 12-year-old Lucy are still alive and the crime is attributed to Engel. Michael Martens, a police officer from Herzbach, decides to travel to Berlin to talk with Engel. During the case, he neglected his wife and children.
In Berlin, it is assumed that there are parallels between the murders. The Berlin police are no longer able to get information from Engel. Martens tries his luck, and manages to persuade Engel to talk. However, Engel is playing a game with Martens during which reality and fiction blend more and more. Martens is soon convinced that the murderer of the girl is still at large.
Martens, a devout Catholic, slowly begins to explore his dark side and begins a brief affair with a woman from the city.
After Engel has ingested poison which he acquired through bribery, he has 48 hours to live. Finally, Engel tells Martens the story of the murder of Lucy, which he claims to have not committed, but only observed. He tries to throw suspicion on Martens' difficult 13-year-old son.
The desperate Martens then decides to kill his son, but in the meantime, Commissioner Seiler finds out that Engel has committed suicide and that Martens has been tricked by Engel as a means to kill beyond the grave. Luckily, Seiler is able to find Marten before he goes through with it and saves him and his son. | mystery, cruelty, murder, flashback, good versus evil, insanity, sadist | tt0337573 |
Jungledyret | The story revolves around 'Hugo', a one-of-a-kind creature that lives deep within the jungle. He is snatched away from his ideal lifestyle by a selfish actress and her movie-director husband to be the star in his next movie. Hugo however is able to escape but immediately finds himself trapped onboard a boat that's on route to civilisation. The Actress discovers him on the boat but doesn't get a chance to steal him before he is taken to the Zoo, but now that she knows where he is again she makes plans to capture him back. While in the Zoo Hugo meets 'Rita', a young vixen that's lived on the streets for as long as she can remember, but before they talk much Rita has to leave as two thugs break into the Zoo to try and steal Hugo for the Actress. Hugo gets away but isn't accustomed to life in a city and has to deal with many problems before he meets Rita again. The vixen works at trying to teach him how to live on the streets but because of Hugo's childish attitudes he refuses to eat any of the garbage food and insists they find something better. They discover a cake shop but its guarded by Cats, Hugo is able to make it inside to eat but Rita is left outside. Rita has to save him though when he gets surrounded by cats, and when Hugo doesn't even realise he didn't do anything wrong the two fall out. This is short-lived as Hugo realises his fault and apologises, the two quickly becoming friends once more. Rita takes Hugo to stay at her den with her family but they quickly make plans to escape to the docks to leave on the boat again back to the jungle. The Actress sends out several groups of bounty-hunters to capture Hugo, and it is only through help from his new best friend Rita that he is able to escape back to the jungle to his old friends. Rita waving him off into the sunset. | insanity, psychedelic | tt0107289 |
The Uninvited | Roderick Fitzgerald and his sister Pamela are enjoying the last day of their holiday on the Devonshire coast in the spring of 1937. Walking on the beach with their dog Bobby, they climb a cliff and wind up in the garden of a large uninhabited house. When Bobby spies a squirrel and chases it into the house through an open window, Roderick and Pam follow, intending to save the squirrel from their dog. But the squirrel more than holds its own and escapes up the chimney after nipping Rick's hand.Once the crisis is past Pam notices how lovely the inside of the house is and decides to explore. It reminds them both of their childhood home, and they become enamored of it immediately. Pam becomes excited at the prospect of actually buying the house, and has an answer for each argument that Rick comes up with including the fact that Rick, who writes reviews of music for a newspaper, would be able to compose his own music. They decide to see about the possibility of buying the house, after Pam exclaims that "Important decisions must be made quickly."Discovering from a woman in the nearby village that the house, called Windward, is for sale, they go to call on the owner, Commander Beach. The Commander is not at home, but his granddaughter, Stella Meredith, welcomes them in to wait for him. But Stella's demeanor changes from warm and friendly to almost hostile when she discovers their purpose in visiting. While she tries to send them away her grandfather arrives home. Stella pleads with him to not sell the house, but he dismisses her and sits down to discuss the transaction.The Commander assures Rick and Pam that the house is sound, and that a lot of money was spent on it twenty years before when he gave it to his daughter Mary as a wedding gift. Rick and Pamela make an offer of 1200 pounds, which is considerably below the house's actual value. To their surprise, the Commander accepts their offer, saying that 1200 pounds in the bank for Stella would ease his mind. The commander asks whether they would be bothered by disturbances of which tenants had complained in the past. Pam and Roderick dismiss the hints at a dark past and the sale is made.Brother and sister go back to their new house to take a closer look, including a room that was locked and they were unable to explore before. The room is a painter's studio, and Pam exclaims it to be the one ugly room in the house. Rick thinks it would make a perfect room for his own studio. As they talk, the pair become less and less enthusiastic, and even begin to think they have made a mistake in buying the house. The howling of their dog below breaks their reverie, and they wonder why he refuses to climb the stairs to the floor above.Admiring a large window, they spot Stella outside on the lawn. Although Roderick seems to have no sympathy for her, Pam does, and tells Rick that Stella feels shut out of her own home now.Pam is set to stay on at the inn, but before heading back from Biddlecomb to London to make arrangements, including getting their furniture out of storage, and collecting Lizzie, their childhood housekeeper, Roderick visits the local tobacconist and buys some postcards of Windward, which leads him to explain that he is the new owner. The shop owner bemoans the fact that the previous tenants started ugly rumors, no doubt to get out of their lease and the debts they owed in the village. He also recounts how the Commander's daughter had died after a fall from the cliff by the house.Returning to his car, he meets Stella, who apologies for her rudeness the previous day. She mentions that her mother told her not to feel that way. Rick is puzzled, since he now knows that Stella's mother is dead, but Stella explains that she was referring to a portrait of her mother painted by her father. They discuss how unfair it is for her grandfather to hate the house just because his daughter died there. Rick decides to kidnap Stella for the afternoon, cancelling her plans for a library visit to get a new Dickens novel and some wool-matching in favor of a sail on a rented sailboat.Roderick's boasting of never getting seasick comes back to haunt him when he does just that. Stella gives him her handkerchief to wipe his brow and he recognizes the scent of mimosa. Stella tells him it was her mother's scent, and she has made a bottle of it sent to her by her absent father last for many years.Taking off for London, Roderick asks Stella to be sure and drop in on Pamela while he is away. She declines a ride home, and exclaims that she is happy that he and Pam will be living in the house.Weeks later Roderick arrives back after dark with Lizzie. Pam is annoyed since she wanted them to see everything while it was still daylight. Rick begins to call for Bobby, and Pam explains that the dog has wandered off. Pamela has done wonders with the house and Lizzie and Roderick are impressed. Rick asks Pam how Stella likes the changes, but Pam says she hasn't seen Stella at all, despite having invited her. Her grandfather rebuffed the invitations, and Roderick is confused since he was sure Stella would become friends with Pamela while he was away.Getting ready to turn in, Lizzie's cat Whiskey refuses to go up the staircase. Later Pam goes into her brother's room, seeming to want to discuss something. But his enthusiasm over the house changes her mind and she wishes him a good night's sleep and goes to her own room.Hours later Rick is awakened by the sound of a woman sobbing. Thinking it is Pam he goes out onto the landing, where she joins him. Pam explains that the cries have come before and she has searched for their source without success. She knows the sounds will die away at dawn, which they do. They both go back to bed, and Rick comes up with some unlikely explanations for the sounds as he returns to bed.The next day Rick visits Commander Beach to get information about the disturbances. Asking about the history of the house, he learns that the Commander's ancestors did not experience anything out of the ordinary. While talking Stella comes in, but her grandfather refuses to allow her to converse with Rick, and she leaves for church. Rick's thinking out loud touches on the fact that the noises started since Mary Meredith's death, which upsets the Commander greatly. Rick apologizes for implying his daughter haunts the house. As he is leaving the Commander insists that Stella will not set foot in the house, which leads Rick to realize the Commander actually does think the house is haunted.Stella meets Rick outside and arranges a visit to the house, unknown to her grandfather. After church she informs the Commander that she intends to befriend the Fitzgeralds no matter what. The Commander then telephones Miss Holloway, a woman who was Mary's closest friend and who now runs a retreat. He arranges to go to Miss Holloway's to discuss his fears about the house and Stella.Stella spends the evening at Windward and is taken with the way the house looks, and especially with her old nursery where she lived her first three years. She remembers a warm, loving feeling when someone would bring her a nightlight, and fear when someone else would remove it. Rick then shows her the studio where her father painted her mothers portrait, or more often, portraits of a Spanish model named Carmel. Stella asks Rick to play something on the piano and he plays a tune she's never heard before. When he stops to correct a note on his sheet music Stella realizes he wrote the music, and then he tells her its title is "To Stella, By Starlight."As he continues to play, the tune becomes sadder and sadder, and the candles dim by themselves. Then Stella's mood darkens and she rushes out of the room, and the front door, heading straight for the cliff edge where Mary died. Rick follows, catching her just in time; she says she had no feeling of danger at all. Pam comes out to bring them in to dinner and before they get back inside they hear Lizzie screaming. Lizzie tells Rick that she saw a crawling mist at the studio door, which was forming into the figure of a woman. Stella overhears her and while Pam and Rick attend to Lizzie, Stella returns to the studio, where Rick finds her unconscious. They send for Dr. Scott and put Stella to bed in the nursery. She explains that the studio tuned cold while she was in it and she became afraid, then fainted.Dr. Scott spends the rest of the night and they all sit up watching until dawn. Scott recounts all the stories revolving around the haunting and the history of Mary, Meredith and Carmel and the open scandal in the village. There was also a hint that Mary had been murdered by Carmel. Later they sense the aroma of mimosa, and see a small light in the nursery. Rushing in to check on Stella they find her at the window, at peace. Stella says she knows her mother is the presence in the house, and for the first time felt true love.Rick and Pam allow the doctor to take Stella home and tell her that she cannot return to the house. After Stella leaves Pam thinks that maybe the ghost is gone since it has now found Stella again. They check out this theory by going into the studio, but find the room as clammy and rotten as ever. Soon after, they hear the moaning again. Rick tells Pam that she was right about not having "a ghost" anymore because now he thinks they have two of them.Rick goes to visit Stella, and tells her she mustn't visit Windward ever again. He proposes that she go away with him, never to return. She begs him to take her to the house. He wants to tear it down and forget about the past. She promises she will find a way to return to the house and he promises to prevent it.Rick goes to Scott's where he finds Pam. Rick says Stella is being torn apart by the conflict. Pam suggests a séance at Windward, and Rick jumps at the idea, only he wants to rig the answers to set Stella's mind at rest by pretending the spirit of her mother wants her to stay away from Windward.That night the séance is held using an upturned wine glass and anagram letters. Stella tries to contact her mother and when she asks if she should stay away from Windward the glass goes to "No," much to the consternation of Rick and Scott who had been trying to push it towards the "Yes" card. Then a message is spelled out and Stella goes into a trance during which she begins to speak in Spanish. The room then is flooded with the scent of mimosa, followed by the dreaded cold. As the door bell rings and is ignored, a spectral shape begins to appear and a window is smashed by the Commander who has come to rescue his granddaughter.Scott drives Stella and her grandfather home, and is dismissed as the family doctor. After Scott leaves, Miss Holloway enters, and the sleeping Stella is carried to a waiting car for the drive back to Miss Holloway's retreat.The morning after the séance Lizzy is cleaning up the broken window glass and takes issue with the makings of the séance. Rick promises not to do something similar again and says they intend now to go looking for facts behind the haunting, but laments that all the principal players are dead. Lizzie corrects him, saying that the trained nurse, Miss Holloway is still alive (a fact she discovered while gossiping at her temporary housing with a local family, where she moved after seeing the ghost.)Unaware that Stella is there, Rick and Pam go to see Miss Holloway at her place, the Mary Meredith Retreat. Miss Holloway recounts the history of her time at Windward, stressing how evil Carmel was and how when Mary tried to get rid of her, she refused to give up Mary's husband and returned. Miss Holloway tells them that Mary died trying to prevent Carmel from throwing the baby Stella off the cliff. The next day Carmel came back to Windward with pneumonia and Miss Holloway nursed her until her death.After Rick and Pam leave, Miss Holloway goes to see Stella, who is a virtual prisoner at the retreat. She questions Stella about her experience at Windward and her dash toward the cliff.Before returning home the Fitzgeralds stop by to see Dr. Scott, and he pulls out an old journal from his predecessor. The journal hints that Miss Holloway had allowed Carmel to die through negligence. Scott is called to the Commander's house, to attend the old man who had an episode.Pam and Rick take the journal home to look for more clues, and the room suddenly becomes full of the mimosa scent. The book's pages turn by themselves, unseen. Scott comes to Windward and tells them that Stella is at Miss Holloway's. They decide to return to the retreat immediately since the thought of Stella being under Miss Holloway's influence is abhorrent. They telephone Miss Holloway and tell her they are coming back. Miss Holloway takes the opportunity to send Stella back home, but tells her she must go immediately to Windward.When Pam and Rick and Scott arrive at the retreat they discover that Stella has been sent back to Windward, and Miss Holloway descends into full blown madness.Stella arrives at a darkened Windward and goes inside. Following the sound of her name being called she goes up into the studio, where she finds her grandfather collapsed in a chair. Hed been notified by someone at Miss Holloway's and walked over to warn Stella. Soon the mist reappears and forms itself into a woman. Commander Beach dies at the sight and Stella is driven once again to the cliff, where she is rescued again just in time by Rick.Dr. Scott finds the Commander dead, and Stella says it was her mother that did it. The room is again flooded with mimosa and the journals pages fly open, this time seen by all. An entry in the journal tells of Carmel having a child and how Mary had rejected motherhood. The news means that Stella is actually Carmel's child, and Stella is happy at the news. Distant laughter is heard and it appears that Carmel has what she was waiting for and leaves Windward. Just then the ghost of Mary materializes on the staircase. Rick confronts it and defies the spirit with the truth. He flings a candelabrum at the specter, which dissipates.Flush with their victory over Mary they notice that Whiskey is going up the staircase. Rick says he thinks Bobby will come back, but Scott indicates that he and Pam have other plans for him. Stella remarks that Rick is still trembling and Rick, nodding towards the staircase, responds that "she might have been my mother-in-law." | insanity, gothic, atmospheric, haunting | tt0037415 |
17 Again | Popular high school senior Mike O'Donnell (Zac Efron) seemingly has it all. He is a star athlete headed straight for a college scholarship when he decides to give it up to settle down with his high school girlfriend Scarlet is pregnant.
Twenty years later, an adult Mike (played by Matthew Perry) finds his life is not exactly what he expected. He is separated from his wife, Scarlett (Leslie Mann) and living with his wealthy software genius nerd and best friend Ned Freedman (Thomas Lennon), his career at a pharmaceutical company is at a stand still, and his relationships with his teenage children are nonexistent. After getting passed up for yet another promotion at work, he returns to his high school to reminisce over his basketball awards and the life he could have had. While he is reliving his glory days, he is approached by a janitor and shares with him how things were so much better when he was 17.
As Mike is driving home from the high school, he sees the mysterious janitor standing on the ledge preparing to jump into the Los Angeles River. Mike rushes out of his car to rescue him, but when he gets there, the janitor has vanished. What Mike doesn't realize is that he is about to fall into the river and turn into his 17 year old self.
Young Mike (Zac Efron) returns to Ned's house, where he has the difficult task of convincing Ned that he is in fact Mike. At a loss of what to do, Ned pretends to be Mike's father and they register Mike back in high school to finish the life he never had the chance to live.
High school presents a lot of new challenges for Mike, such as dressing cool, keeping up with the latest gadgets and making new friends. But nothing compares to being in high school with his own children. He discovers that his daughter, Maggie (Michelle Trachtenberg), is not nearly as innocent as he thought she was and his son, Alex (Sterling Knight), is the brunt of the star athlete's jokes.
But Mike's most difficult realization is that he hasn't been a very good father or husband. Mike befriends Alex and tries to instill him with enough confidence to join the basketball team. He gets close to Maggie's obnoxious boyfriend and does everything in his power to break them up. Most importantly, he visits an unsuspecting Scarlet and rediscovers all the things that initially made him fall in love with her. You don't know what you have until you lose it.
Through his experiences, Mike realizes that he had chosen the perfect life he just never appreciated it. Now, he must figure out a way to transform back into his older self and win back his wife and kids. *Info from comingsoon.net*---------------------In 1989, Michael O'Donnell was the star of the high-school basketball team, with a college scout in the bleachers ready to watch his championship game and a scholarship guaranteed for him if he played well. Just as the game is about to start, he sees his girlfriend Scarlett by the bleachers. He blows her a kiss, then goes to her when she looks very troubled. She tries to pretend everything is fine, but finally she tells him she's pregnant. The game starts, but he can't think of anything but Scarlett, and when he sees her leaving, he tosses the ball away and walks away from the game and the scholarship to marry her.Twenty years later, Mike's life is a mess. Scarlett has separated from him, forcing him to move in with his high-school best friend Ned Gold, now a geeky millionaire software developer, and his kids Maggie and Alex are distant and want nothing to do with him. At his job, his boss passes him up for a promotion in favor of a woman the boss likes who's far less competent, and Mike explodes at the boss and is fired. He stops by his old high school on the way home, sees his 1989 team photo in the showcase, and reminisces about the life he threw away. Then he encounters a mysterious janitor who asks him if he really wishes he was a teenager back in high school again, and he does. On the way home, he sees the "janitor" apparently ready to jump from a bridge and he tries to stop him, but the janitor suddenly disappears and Mike falls in the river himself, where he's magically transformed back to age17.After he convinces Ned who he really is, Mike decides he's been given the chance to live his life over again "but to do it right" -- to win the basketball scholarship and go to college. With Ned posing as his father, he re-enrolls in high school under the name "Mark Gold," living with Ned in his mansion full of high-tech toys. But as he starts to fit in to school life, he realizes his daughter is dating the sadistic basketball captain Stan, who only wants sex from her, and that Stan is also bullying and tormenting his son. Gradually, "Mark" realizes that the real reason he's been given another chance in life is to help his children and try to win back Scarlett's love. He befriends Alex and discovers that his son has real talent in basketball and can hit 3-point shots effortlessly. He works with Alex to sharpen the rest of his game so he can win a place on the team and the girl of his dreams. As Alex and Mark practice shooting baskets together every day at Alex's house, Scarlett is amazed how much her son's new friend looks like her ex-husband looked in 1989.Mark starts helping Scarlett landscape her back yard, because she hopes to start a landscaping business. He gains a new appreciation for her talents, but he frequently comes close to her or touches her in ways she considers inappropriate between an adult woman and a teenaged boy. He also comforts Maggie when Stan dumps her for refusing to "put out." He tells her that someday she'll find a guy who treasures her the way she deserves, but he's horrified when he realizes Maggie is starting to think that guy is HIM. He tells her he can't get involved with her because he's already in love with someone else, someone secret.The basketball team wins a come-from-behind game, with Mark doing a lot, but Alex makes the winning 3-point shot. Meanwhile, Ned has been smitten with Jane, the high school principal, since the first day he went to her office to enroll his "son," but his geeky attempts to impress her have done nothing but disgust her. Finally, in return for buying laptops for all the students in the school, she agrees to go to dinner with him on the same night that Mark has announced a party at his house to celebrate winning the game. Mark tells only certain people about the party, but kids text it everywhere and the whole school shows up.Ned's romantic dinner with Jane is going nowhere until he finally admits that he's always been a loser with women. He's really just a geek, obsessed with The Lord of the Rings. She slowly smiles, and starts talking to him in Elvish -- one of the languages in The Lord of the Rings -- and he realizes that she's also a Lord of the Rings fanatic. After a seductive conversation in Elvish, Ned and Jane go back to his house for romance, but they find Mark's party completely out of control with hundreds of kids everywhere. Scarlett is also there, looking for Alex, and Mark's feelings for her are so strong that he can't control himself and he tries to kiss her in front of all the kids. Scarlett is appalled and slaps him, then runs away with Mark following her, shouting that he's her husband and the father of her children. Maggie and her friends all see this and are disgusted, especially Maggie, because Mark had told her he was in love with someone secret, and now she sees him trying to kiss her own mother.The next morning, cleaning up the chaos after the party, Ned reminds Mark that the hearing for Mike O'Donnell's final divorce decree with Scarlett is in 20 minutes, and they rush to the courtroom. Ned pretends to be Mike's lawyer, and they're being thrown out when Mark says he's there to read a letter that Mike has written to his wife. Scarlett agrees to hear the letter, and Mark reads it with emotional power in his voice that astonishes her, plus details about their courtship that only her husband could have known. Mark finishes by saying that, since he sees that she doesn't want him in her life anymore, he's content to let her go because he loves her so much. After Mark finishes and is forced to leave the courtroom, Scarlett picks up the "letter" and discovers it's just a piece of paper with directions to the courthouse on it. Mark wasn't reading a letter at all but somehow knew all the things he had told her. She asks for the divorce decree to be postponed.Mark tries to forget about Scarlett and concentrates on basketball, because winning the scholarship and going to college seem to be the only thing he has left for him. On the day of the championship game, where Mark and Alex are playing and Maggie is cheerleading, Scarlett is looking at her high-school yearbook and realizes that Mark doesn't just look similar to her husband at 17, he looks EXACTLY the same. Then Maggie reminds Scarlett she's supposed to drive her to the game, and Scarlett stays to watch.As the game is about to start, Mark sees Scarlett in the bleachers. He blows her a kiss, using a gesture identical to the one Mike had used in 1989, when he was playing in the same championship game and saw her standing by the bleachers. Scarlett finally realizes that Mark really IS her husband, somehow turned 17 again. She realizes all the reasons she loved him then and still loves him, but she knows she can't possibly make her life together with a 17 year-old boy. Also, she realizes that knowing she's there in the bleachers watching him could put him in the same situation as before, and she can't risk making him lose his college scholarship again. She leaves, going down the same corridor she used when she left the game in 1989.Mark sees Scarlett leaving, forgets about the game and walks away, just as he did in 1989. He hands the ball to Alex, saying this time it's his turn, and runs down the corridor after Scarlett. We see the mysterious janitor smiling in the stands, and by the time Mark catches up to Scarlett, he's the adult Mike O'Donnell again. Mike tells Scarlett he's made a mess of his marriage because he spent the last 20 years resentful at her for losing him his chance to go to college, but now he realizes his family is the only thing that matters to him, and he asks for another chance.A few days later, Mike goes to Ned's house to get his stuff and return his key. He finds Ned in bed with Jane, both of them wearing Elf ears. Mike thanks Ned for all he's done, and Ned gives Mike a parting gift, a whistle for his new job, because Jane has made Mike the new coach of the high school basketball team. | romantic, humor | tt0974661 |
BioShock | === Setting ===
BioShock is set in 1960 in the underwater city of Rapture; the city's history is mostly revealed via audio recordings the player can collect during the game. Rapture was planned and constructed in the 1940s by Objectivist business magnate Andrew Ryan who wanted to create a utopia for society's elite to flourish outside of government control. Scientific progress greatly expanded, including the discovery of the genetic material "ADAM" created by sea slugs on the ocean floor. ADAM allows its users to alter their DNA to grant them super-human powers like telekinesis and pyrokinesis. To protect Rapture, Ryan imposed a law that no contact with the surface world was allowed.
Despite the apparent utopia, class distinctions grew, and former gangster and businessman Frank Fontaine used his influence of the lower class to plan a coup of Rapture. Fontaine profited by creating black market routes with the surface world, and together with Dr. Brigid Tenenbaum, created a cheap plasmid industry by mass-producing ADAM through the implanting of the slugs in the stomachs of orphaned girls, nicknamed "Little Sisters". Fontaine used his plasmid-enhanced army to attack Ryan, but reportedly was killed in the battle. Ryan took the opportunity to seize his assets including the plasmid factories. In the months that followed, a second figure named Atlas rose to speak for the lower class, creating further strife. Atlas led attacks on the factories housing the Little Sisters, and Ryan countered by creating "Big Daddies", plasmid-enhanced humans surgically grafted into giant lumbering diving suits who were psychologically compelled to protect the Little Sisters at all costs. Ryan also created his own army of plasmid-enhanced soldiers, named "Splicers", which he controlled using pheromones distributed through Rapture's air system.
Tension came to a head on New Year's Eve of 1958, when Atlas ordered an all-out attack on Ryan. The battle left many dead, and the few sane survivors barricaded themselves away. What once was a beautiful utopia had fallen into a crumbling dystopia. Some of the events described above are revisited and expanded upon in the downloadable expansion BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea, which takes place in Rapture during the latter months of 1958 and leads up to Atlas' assault on Ryan's forces.
=== Plot ===
In 1960, at the start of the game, player character Jack is a passenger on a plane that goes down in the Atlantic Ocean. As the only survivor, Jack makes his way to a nearby lighthouse that houses a bathysphere terminal that takes him to Rapture.
Jack is contacted by Atlas via radio, and is guided to safety from the Splicers and the perils of the run down city. Atlas requests Jack's help in stopping Ryan, directing him to a docked bathysphere where he claims Ryan has trapped his family. When Jack encounters a wandering Little Sister and its fallen Big Daddy, Atlas urges Jack to kill the Little Sister to harvest her ADAM for himself; Dr. Tenenbaum overhears this and intercepts Jack before he harms the Little Sister, urging him to spare the child and any other Little Sisters he encounters, providing him with a plasmid that would force the sea slug out of her body. Jack eventually works his way to the bathysphere, but Ryan destroys it before Jack can reach it. Enraged, Atlas directs Jack towards Ryan's mansion through Ryan's army of Splicers and Big Daddies. At times, Jack is forced to travel through areas controlled by Ryan's allies that have now become deranged, such as Sander Cohen, a former musician that now takes enjoyment in watching the death and misery of others.
Ultimately, Jack enters Ryan's personal office, where Ryan is patiently waiting for Jack by casually playing golf. Ryan explains he fully knew of Atlas' plan, and explains that Jack is his illegitimate child, taken from his mother by Fontaine who placed him out of Ryan's reach on the surface, and genetically modified to age rapidly. Fontaine had planned to use Jack as a trump card in his war with Ryan, bringing him back to Rapture when the time was right; Jack's genetics would allow him to access systems such as the bathysphere that Ryan had locked out long ago. With no place to run, Ryan is willing to accept death by his own free will, quoting one of his own principles: "A man chooses. A slave obeys." He asks Jack "would you kindly" kill him with the golf club, and Jack is compelled to do so. As Ryan dies Jack becomes aware that the phrase "would you kindly" has preceded many of Atlas' commands as a hypnotic trigger forcing him to follow Atlas' orders without question; a flashback reveals Jack himself was responsible for crashing his plane near the bathysphere terminal after reading a letter containing the trigger phrase. Atlas reveals himself as Fontaine, having used the Atlas alias to hide himself while providing a figure for the lower class to rally behind. Without Ryan, Fontaine takes over control of Ryan's systems, and leaves Jack to die as he releases hostile security drones into Ryan's locked office.
Jack is saved by Dr. Tenenbaum and the Little Sisters who had previously been rescued. Dr. Tenenbaum helps Jack to remove Fontaine's conditioned responses, including one that would have stopped his heart. With the help of the Little Sisters, Jack is able to make his way to Fontaine's lair to face him. Fontaine, being cornered by Jack, injects himself with a large amount of ADAM, becoming an inhuman monster. Jack is aided by the Little Sisters in draining the ADAM in Fontaine's body and eventually killing him.
The ending depends on how the player interacted with the Little Sisters:
If the player has rescued all of the Little Sisters (or harvest only one of them), Jack takes them back to the surface with him, and Tenenbaum happily narrates how they go on to live full lives under his care, eventually surrounding him on his deathbed. This ending is considered canon in BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea.
If the player harvests more than one Little Sister, Jack turns on the Little Sisters to harvest their ADAM. Tenenbaum sadly narrates what occurred, condemning Jack and his actions. A submarine then comes across the wreckage of the plane, and finds itself suddenly surrounded by bathyspheres containing Splicers who attack the crew and take control of it. The submarine is revealed to be carrying nuclear missiles, with Tenenbaum claiming that Jack has now "stolen the terrible secrets of the world": the more Little Sisters are harvested, the harsher and more furious Tenenbaum's narrative becomes. | alternate reality | tt1094581 |
In & Out | Howard Brackett (Kevin Kline) is a well-liked English literature teacher, living a quiet life in the fictional town of Greenleaf, Indiana, with his fiancée and fellow teacher Emily Montgomery (Joan Cusack), who recently lost 75 pounds. The town is filled with anticipation over the nomination of Cameron Drake (Matt Dillon), Howard's former student, in the Best Actor category at the Academy Awards for his portrayal of a gay soldier in To Serve and Protect. Cameron does indeed win the award and, in his acceptance speech, thanks Howard, adding, "…and he's gay."
Howard's family, friends, students, co-workers and Emily are shocked; but that is nothing compared to Howard's own reaction of disbelief and indignation. He angrily reassures those who know him that he is heterosexual. Reporters invade his hometown, harassing him for interviews, following the awards night telecast; and Howard is placed under the scrutiny of his boss, Principal Tom Halliwell (Bob Newhart), who is uncomfortable with the attention being brought to the school.
Although the other reporters leave after getting their story, one stays behind: on-camera entertainment reporter Peter Malloy (Tom Selleck), who wants to wait the week out so he can cover Howard's wedding to Emily. Howard continues to be harassed and dismayed by the changed attitudes of everyone around him, and decides that he must sleep with Emily in order to prove his heterosexuality. Howard finds he cannot go through with it due to his conflicting emotions and Emily's concern for his well-being. Howard crosses paths with Peter, who reveals he is gay and, trying to provide a helpful ear, narrates his own experience in coming out to his family. Howard insists that he is not gay, prompting Peter to kiss him. Although shocked, Howard reacts somewhat positively to the kiss.
Howard's final measure to restore his heterosexuality is the use of a self-help audio cassette, although that fails as well. During the wedding ceremony, Emily recites her vow without hesitation, but when Howard is prompted by the minister, he instead says, "I'm gay." The wedding is called off, and although Peter is proud of Howard, Howard is angry with himself for hurting Emily. Howard is fired from the school because of his outing.
Despite no longer being on the faculty, Howard attends the graduation ceremony to support his students. When one student who got into college—thanks to Howard's hard work—learns that he was dismissed for being gay, he and his classmates proclaim themselves to be gay as well, showing their support. Howard's family follows suit, as do his friends, and all the townsfolk assembled. Having learned of the ensuing media blitz while in Los Angeles, Cameron flies to his hometown with his supermodel girlfriend (Shalom Harlow) to support his former teacher. Although Howard does not win "Teacher of the Year", Cameron presents him with his Oscar.
Howard's wedding-crazy mother (Debbie Reynolds) finally gets a wedding—her own, when she and her husband (Wilford Brimley) renew their vows. Howard, Peter and the rest of the townsfolk attend the reception. Among the crowd are Emily and Cameron, who appear to have begun a relationship. Everyone dances to the Village People's song "Macho Man". | queer | tt0119360 |
Krrish 3 | Scientist Rohit Mehra lives with his son Krishna "Krrish" Mehra (both played by Hrithik Roshan) in Mumbai. Krishna is married to Priya (Priyanka Chopra) who works as a journalist for Aaj Tak. Rohit works in a research institute for the Indian government and Krishna, while moonlighting as the superhero Krrish, is regularly fired from various day jobs due to lack of attendance. Rohit is researching on a device that will bring life to dead tissues by the use of solar energy. Despite several attempts, he fails to complete the experiment due to the high intensity of sun rays. On a usual day, Krishna loses his job from the security wing of a company when he hears news about an airplane whose front tyres are stuck due to some malfunctioning which creates high risk, even if landed, it may explode and so will the passengers inside. Krishna immediately changes himself to Krrish and saves the plane from accident by holding the component to make tyres free to roam.
A few days later, Rohit hears about a deadly disease spreading in the African country of Namibia due to a virus whose antidote has not yet been discovered. He consults his friend Dr. Varun Shetty (Arif Zakaria) about the situation. Meanwhile, Shetty receives a phone call from Dr. Alok Sen (Asif Basra), a scientist working for Kaal Laboratories who insists on meeting him in order to reveal information about an antidote to the virus. Both Sen and Shetty are, however, murdered by Kaya (Kangna Ranaut), a form-changing female mutant. She is the henchwoman of Kaal (Vivek Oberoi), a handicapped evil genius who possess telekinetic powers. Kaal creates a team of "maanvars" (an hybrid of humans and animals) with distinct physical powers in order to cure himself but fails. Later it is revealed the virus in Africa was spread by Kaal himself to incur huge profits by selling its antidote, the singular source of which is his blood.
Rohit discovers that the virus, which is fast spreading through Mumbai, has no effect on Krishna, the pregnant Priya or himself. He, thus, makes an antidote by using the blood from Krishna's bloodstream which he spreads with the help of explosions. An enraged Kaal sends his mutants to attack Rohit and find out how an antidote was developed without using his own blood. Krrish manages to save Rohit, but Priya is injured and hospitalised. Krrish, however, manages to defeat the mutant Striker (Gowhar Khan). Kaya, carrying out Kaal's instructions, takes Priya's form while Priya is kidnapped by Kaal. In the form of Priya, Kaya lets Krishna belief that Priya has lost her child, and continues to live with the Mehras. While finding the truth behind the antidote's formula she develops an attraction towards Krishna. Failing to get answers about Frog Man's involvement with the virus attack, Rohit travels to Singapore to seek answers from Dr. Siddhant Arya's (Naseeruddin Shah) partner, where he is kidnapped by Kaal's men. Meanwhile, Krishna discovers the true identity of Priya; furious, he reveals himself as Krrish to Kaya and orders her to take him to Kaal's laboratory. Having fallen in love with Krishna, Kaya decides to help rescue his wife.
At Kaal's laboratory, it is revealed that Kaal is Rohit's son, who was created by an experiment conducted by Dr. Arya while Rohit was held hostage by him. The child was born handicapped, and was thus given away to an orphanage from where he was adopted by a wealthy man (Mohnish Behl). Kaal uses Rohit's bone marrow to successfully cure his handicap. Meanwhile, Kaya saves Priya and unites her with Krrish; she is, however, murdered by Kaal for her disloyalty. Kaal subsequently murders Krrish, and dons a metal suit. Deeply disturbed by his son's death, Rohit decides to re-use his failed experiment to bring dead tissues to life in order to save Krishna. This time, however, he absorbs the excess energy himself. Though the process kills Rohit, it transfers his powers to a revived Krishna. Meanwhile, Kaal threatens to destroy the city of Mumbai if Priya does not surrender to him. Krrish re-emerges and, after several unsuccessful attempts, manages to kill him using Rohit's solar experiment. The film ends six months later with Priya naming their new-born son Rohit, who also exhibits superpowers. | good versus evil, romantic | tt1029231 |
Noel | Rose Collins (Susan Sarandon) runs into an old high school friend while Christmas shopping in New York City. They exchange small talk and Rose says she is married and has a large family. Smiling uncomfortably, she quickly says goodbye and is next seen entering a hospital. Rose walks down the hall and enters a decorated room where her mother Helen (Una Kay), a patient suffering from the advanced stages of Alzheimer's, sits vacantly in her bed. Rose gives Helen some presents and looks across to another room with a comatose patient. Noticing the room is barren and lonely looking, she walks in and hangs an angel figurine on the window. To her surprise, she turns around to see a visitor who introduces himself as Charlie Boyd (Robin Williams) sitting by the doorway. After exchanging some polite but awkward words, she excuses herself from the room.A New York cop, Mike Riley (Paul Walker), sees a beautiful woman, Nina (Penolope Cruz), walking down the sidewalk. He pulls his car up beside her and asks if she needs a lift. After a little verbal banter, the audience realizes that they are not strangers, but in fact joking fiances about to get married.Rose enters her workplace where we learn, through her assistant's remarks, that she is divorced, her father is dead, her sister cannot spend Christmas with her, she sees a shrink, and has been spending the past 10 years looking after her mother. Half serious, her assistant tells her that she "needs to get laid." We learn that Rose has a young coworker, Marco (Daniel Sunjata), who is interested in her. Rose thinks this suggestion is absurd due to their age differences, but later agrees to go on a date with him.Mike drops Nina off at work. As he is driving away he sees her embrace another man. Mike automatically assumes the worst.Jules Calvert (Marcus Thomas), sits in a diner talking to Glenn (Merwin Mondisir), about the best Christmas he ever had. It was when he was 14 years old in the hospital due to a broken nose. He talks about how fun and friendly the staff was. Glenn asks about money that Jules owes him and tells Jules to meet him later.Mike enters the same diner to meet his partner Dennis (Sonny Marinelli) for coffee. Artie, a 50-something male waiter (Alan Arkin) gives Mike coffee and complimentary cookies. Artie seems to recognize Mike and treats him with unexpected affection. Mike and Dennis assume the Artie is gay and has a crush on Mike. When they are leaving the diner, the Artie suggests that he had some type of relationship with Mike before and keeps exclaiming, "It's been such a long time!" No longer wanting to humour the old man, Mike and Dennis tell him he must be mistaken and should stop his crazy behaviour.Rose and Marco go on a date. At dinner, Marco suggests that they go back to Rose's house for "a nightcap." She nervously agrees. Marco quickly makes it clear that he wants to sleep with Rose, and although she admits the attraction is mutual, she is too uncomfortable and asks him to leave.Back at Mike and Nina's apartment, Nina and the man she was earlier spotted hugging are decorating a Christmas tree together. Mike enters the apartment and pushes Nina's friend into the Christmas tree, blowing up in a jealous rage. Nina angrily explains that her friend was only there to help her surprise Mike by decorating the tree. Mike still doesn't believe her, and it takes her friend to openly admit that he's gay in order for Mike to fully apologize. Nina leaves and Mike picks up a broken glass angel ornament from the toppled tree.In another part of New York, Jules enters his run-down apartment. Ignoring his landlord who says she's going to evict him. He shuts the door, sits down and looks at old pictures of him and his mother as well as a photo of him at the hospital on Christmas Day.Mike looks out his apartment window and sees Artie, the old man from the diner, staring up at him. Perplexed and wanting to get to the bottom of the matter, Mike invites Artie up to his apartment to talk. Artie hands Mike a wrapped gift.After Marco has left, Rose walks down the street to clear her head and stumbles upon a lively house playing music, with decorations and people dancing in the window. Intrigued, she walks up the stairs to get a closer look when a woman and her children come up the stairs. Startled, Rose helps the woman bring things into the house. Once inside, Rose notices another woman in the living room, crying. It's Nina. Rose asks Nina why she is crying. Assuming Rose is a family friend, Nina confides in her explaining that although doctors said it was almost impossible, she thinks she is pregnant, but has just left her fiance. The family starts to sit down to dinner, and Rose, lonely and yearning for love, entertains the idea that she might be able to have dinner with Nina's family. As Rose hopefully enters the dining room, the family quickly realizes Rose is a stranger. Mortified, Rose runs out of the house. Nina follows and convinces Rose to accompany her to a nearby bar to talk. The two chat, and Rose gives Nina some advice about the importance of holding on to true love.At Mike's apartment, Artie is talking about his wife and how she had the same habits as Mike. Unexpectedly, Dennis arrives at Mike's door in the hopes of cheering him up. Dennis is worried to see Artie there, but reluctantly leaves at Mike's request. Artie then explains to Mike that the reason he is following him is because Mike is his reincarnated wife. Scared and horrified by the old man's passionate admission, Mike throws Artie out of the apartment.After listening to the advice of Rose, Nina visits Mike to give him one last chance. She explains that the only way for their relationship to survive is if Mike can let go of his jealousy and trust her. Mike doesn't seem to understand, and instead interrogates Nina about men who are attracted to her. Nina leaves and Mike follows. She gets into a cab and Mike turns around to find Artie still lingering outside his apartment. Angry, he takes his aggression out on Artie, pushing him and causing Artie to collapse. Artie is rushed to the hospital with Mike by his side in the ambulance.Rose is still at the bar and decides to participate in an open-mic contest where contestants share stories about their hatred of Christmas. Instead of giving a comical performance as expected, she talks about her ex-husband, their unexpected pregnancy, and the death of her premature baby on Christmas. She wins the contest out of sympathy and is given a miniature Christmas tree.Jules meets Glenn at an abandoned theatre where Glenn introduces Jules to an ominous man "who breaks hands." Oddly enough, Jules asks the man to break his hands. He does this because he wants an excuse to go to the hospital where he hopes there will be a Christmas party like before.Rose takes her miniature Christmas tree to the hospital to visit her mother again. Feeling emotional, she tells the doctor that she desperately wishes her mother could give her a sign that she understood. The kind doctor tries to comfort Rose by assuring that Helen still senses people and has emotions. Rose plugs in the Christmas tree. The lights suddenly burn out and Rose momentarily loses her composure, throwing the tree onto the floor. Rose looks across the hall to see the comatose man she visited before. Feeling sorry for him, she walks to the doorway and whispers, "I love you."Rose leaves the hospital and walks down to a nearby pier, contemplating life. She steps to the edge. A man appears beside her. It's Charlie, the man she saw visiting the patient across the hall. They talk and Charlie says he used to be a priest. He seems well-intentioned and they go to Rose's house to talk some more.Back at the hospital, Dennis shows up and explains that he did a background check on Artie. It turns out that Artie went to jail for manslaughter after throwing his wife's male friend down a flight of stairs in a jealous rage. Artie's fearful wife sped away in a car, got into an accident, and died as a result. Mike clearly sees how Artie's once jealous nature parallels his own. Mike has a strange feeling that there is a reason him and Artie have been brought together, and Mike is determined to find out more.At Rose's house, her and Charlie share their greatest wishes. Rose light-heartedly says her wish is to "make it through the night." Charlie reveals a more serious wish not to die alone.Jules is still at the hospital, but wants to leave after he learns there will be no Christmas party. The doctors suspect that Jules broke his own hand intentionally and request that he stay at the hospital for a psychological evaluation.Charlie tells Rose that he left the priesthood because he lost his faith in God. Rose reveals her faith is shaky because no matter how hard she tries, her mother won't give her sign that she's mentally aware.Increasingly irrate, Jules becomes hostile at the hospital and is restrained by security guards.While Mike sits beside Artie's bed, he is greeted by Artie's son, Paul (Rob Daly). Paul tells Mike that his father has been mentally unstable since the death of his mother and is filled with guilt over his past actions. Paul says every Christmas, Artie has delusions about his reincarnated wife.Nina buys a pregnancy test.Jules nostalgically watches a mother caring for her son at a hospital.Mike and Paul talk about Artie's past. Paul explains that Artie is trapped in the past and can't let go because of the guilt he feels for his wife's death. Paul says Artie yearns for his wife's forgiveness.Clothed and on opposite ends of the bed, Rose and Charlie wake up in her room. Charlie looks at a necklace with a cross around his chest. Rose jokes that she survived the night, which was her wish. Charlie says she must have a greater wish than that and Rose admits she wished her life mattered. Charlie insists that her life has tremendous meaning because she cares for so many people. Charlie brings up the fact that she told the patient at the hospital that she loves him. Rose is surprised because Charlie wasn't in the room at the time. Charlie says Rose has restored his faith in God. Charlie then tells Rose that her mother spoke to him and wants Rose to let go and live her life. Rose thinks Charlie is crazy and says she's going to call the police. She doesn't believe Helen talked to Charlie because as far as she's concerned, Helen is incapable of communication. Sad that Rose doesn't believe him, Charlie says "I love you" and leaves.Jules talks to a psychologist at the hospital and explains his childhood of abuse at the hands of his stepfather. We learn that he was probably at the hospital because his stepfather broke his nose. Jules says that his mother never came to pick him up, and he subsequently left home. He thinks his mother chose his stepfather over him and hasn't spoken to her since. The psychologist tells Jules the only way she'll let him leave the hospital is if he calls his mother. Jules picks up the telephone.In another part of the hospital, Mike is in Artie's room. Knowing that Artie might still be convinced that Mike is his wife, Mike decides to tell Artie that he forgives him for everything and kisses his forehead. Artie breathes a sigh of relief. Mike leaves the hospital to find Nina.Nina takes a pregnancy test at her sister's house.While cleaning her room, Rose finds Charlie's necklace under a pillow. She leaves the house to find him.Mike shows up at Nina's sister's house to find her. Nina's pregnancy test is positive. He tells her that he finally understands and is a changed man. He wants her to give him another chance. He accepts that Nina might not be able to do this, and says no matter what he wants her to be happy. He walks away, leaving Nina with a decision to make.Rose decides to go back to the hospital in the hopes that Charlie is there. When Rose asks a nurse if she has seen a visitor named Charlie, the nurse says Rose is mistaken. Charlie is the patient's name and he never gets visitors. Rose takes a closer look at the patient and realizes that it is indeed the same man, but in a withered and barely recognizable state. The audience is left to deduce that Charlie had an out of body experience in order to communicate with Rose. Charlie opens his eyes and smiles. Rose tells him that "it's okay to let go." Rose takes Charlie's hand and places the necklace with the cross in it. She thanks Charlie. Charlie dies. She has fulfilled Charlie's wish not to die alone.Mike returns to his apartment and opens the gift that Artie brought him. He opens it to find a glass angel and redecorates the tree with it. Nina enters the apartment. She says she wants to give Mike his gift. He asks "where is it?" Nina places his hand on her stomach. They embrace and kiss.Jules is seen leaving the hospital.Rose walks back to her mother's room and sees the doctor feeding her mother. Not knowing that Rose is behind him, he tells Helen that he wants to ask Rose out on a date. Rose asks the doctor what his first name is and he says, "Matthew." Rose tells Matthew she would love to go on a date. Rose talks to her mother and asks for her approval, knowing she will probably not reply. To her bewilderment, Helen squeezes her hand. Rose embraces her mother.THE END! | dramatic | tt0383534 |
Crimson Tide | A rebel force has taken over nuclear missile launch sites near Vladivostok in Eastern Russia. The leader of the force, a radical Russian named Radchenko (Daniel von Bargen), threatens to launch the missiles he has seized. Radchenko's forces, about 60,000 strong, have also gained control of three Akula-class attack submarines to protect the shores off Vladivostok.The United States summons the officers and crew of the nuclear submarine Alabama, which is being dispatched to patrol the coast of eastern Russia. If necessary, the Alabama will be available to launch nuclear missiles to stop Radchenko's forces before they can launch their hijacked missiles.Commander Ron Hunter (Denzel Washington) of the US Navy is called into an interview with the Alabama's CO, Captain Ramsey (Gene Hackman). The Alabama's executive officer (XO) is ill and a replacement is needed. Ramsey is impressed with Hunter's service record and the two connect over horse riding. Ramsey's Jack Russell Terrier also seems to approve of Hunter.The situation in Vladivostok escalates and Hunter and his friend, Lt. "Weps" Ince (Viggo Mortensen), are called up for duty and leave immediately for the Alabama. Ramsey gives a stirring send-off speech and the boat puts to sea. Before they submerge, Ramsey and Hunter enjoy cigars.At an officers' dinner, Ramsey and the crew pontificate about the threat of nuclear war. Ramsey is eager to know Hunter's views on the subject, especially since the XO has a degree in philosophy. Hunter states the the true nature of war is to serve itself and leave the world destroyed. Ramsey takes the opinion seriously although he seems to disagree with his XO.On patrol off the eastern coast of Russia, the Alabama runs drills. When a fire breaks out in the galley, Hunter rushes to help put the blaze out. At that moment, Ramsey orders a missile launching drill to be performed. Hunter is perturbed that Ramsey would order a drill in the midst of an emergency but reports to the bridge to oversee the transfer of coded transmissions and report to Ramsey. During a lull in the drill, Hunter informs the captain that the fire in the galley could flare up again but Ramsey dismisses him, concentrating on the drill. A report comes in from below decks; one of the crew has suffered a heart attack. Ramsey cancels the drill and goes below to check on the crew member, who has died.Ramsey orders Hunter into his cabin and reprimands him for trying to interrupt the drill. Hunter calmly counters that the fire needed more attention and that the captain's calling for a drill had jeopardized the safety of the boat. Ramsey tells the XO that confusion aboard a submarine is something to be taken advantage of. Hunter still obviously disagrees, however, he chooses not to say so.The Alabama receives an emergency action message (EAM) informing them that Radchenko is very close to breaking the codes for missile launch and that the US defense readiness has been raised to DEFCON 3. Further patrols with the Alabama's crew on even higher alert will be necessary. A fight breaks out between a petty officer, Rivetti (Danny Nucci), and another man, Bennefield (Eric Bruskotter) over the origins of the Silver Surfer and Hunter breaks it up, telling Rivetti to act like a leader. Hunter reports to Ramsey about the altercation and the tension amongst the crew over the their current state of readiness. Ramsey announces to the crew over the boat's PA system that infighting will not be tolerated and the threat of war is of the utmost importance.In the sub's sonar cabin, Rivetti and his unit detect an enemy submarine, possibly one of the Akulas that Radchenko has command of. Ramsey orders him to identify the sub and orders an evasion maneuver to escape detection by the Akula. An EAM arrives seemingly ordering a launch of the Alabama's missiles. Ramsey orders the procedures for launch to be initiated. Another EAM comes in but the Alabama is too deep to receive it. Hunter requests that the sub's buoy be launched to receive the EAM. The buoy winch fails, causing noise and alerting the Akula to the Alabama's location. The Akula attacks with torpedoes. The Alabama successfully evades the torpedoes, one of which explodes very close, severing the buoy cable. The Alabama suffers minor damage, the Akula disappears from sonar and the buoy cable is severed, cutting off the EAM. Additionally, the radio equipment has suffered severe damage and no messages are going out or coming in.Ramsey and Hunter review the EAM, finding that the message doesn't contain any clear order. Hunter recommends that the Alabama surface to receive the rest of the message, but Ramsey refuses, saying it's too dangerous with the Akula still nearby. Ramsey intends to continue with the launch of his missiles, but Hunter quickly disagrees, saying the incomplete message could be a target package change or an order to cancel the launch. Ramsey counters saying that the message is not a complete order and not to be followed up upon and orders Hunter to repeat his command to launch. Hunter refuses under Navy regulations, citing the fact that Ramsey's order must be repeated for it to stand, concluding that the captain is acting irrationally. When Ramsey will not concur with Hunter, the XO orders Ramsey to be arrested and locked in his cabin. A hesitant Chief of the Boat concurs with the XO and has the captain detained. Hunter assumes command and informs the crew that they will still patrol, at the same state of readiness, and attempt to re-establish communications to verify the EAM.On sonar, the Akula reappears and attacks, launching torpedoes. Hunter orders an evasion plan and the Alabama avoids being hit. Hunter launches two more torpedoes which connect with their target and destroy the Akula. However, a last torpedo was launched by the Akula before it was destroyed and explodes very close to the Alabama. Propulsion is damaged and the bilge bay takes on water despite the efforts of several crew members to contain it. The men in the bilge bay drown when Hunter orders the bilge bay sealed. Meanwhile, the Alabama is sinking rapidly, approaching a depth of 1850 feet, where the intense water pressure will crush the hull. Propulsion is restored before the boat can be destroyed and the boat rises to a safe depth.Several of Ramsey's officers decide that Hunter is unfit for command and they plot a counter-mutiny to free Ramsey. They persuade Weps to join them and give them the key to the weapons locker to take the sub back by force. They free Ramsey, who follows the armed men back to the bridge where they arrest Hunter and the other officers who aided him in the mutiny. Ramsey assumes command and order the launch to continue. While in detention, Hunter talks philosophically about the choice to launch nuclear missiles and start the destruction of the world.Rivetti, while walking between cabins, is stopped by the same man he fought with earlier. Rivetti is able to overpower the larger man and free Hunter and the other arrested officers. They make their way back to the bridge to stop Ramsey from launching. After a tense altercation in the weapons cabin which delays Ramsey long enough for Hunter to seize the master missile key, the two face off on the bridge. Ramsey hits Hunter in the face twice, demanding his missile key back. Communications reports that the radio is very close to being operational. Ramsey allows three minutes for the radio to operate again and receive another EAM. The two sit in the command center, awaiting the message. While they do, Ramsey lights a cigar and brings up the subject of horse riding again, saying that Lipizzaner stallions are from Portugal. Hunter tells the captain they're Spanish horses, born with a black color and turn white later in life. Ramsey still insists they're from Portugal.Rivetti reports that the EAM transmitter is fixed and that a new EAM is coming in. It's brought to the bridge and authenticated. When authenticated, the message is for the Alabama to stand down and cancel the launch of their missiles. Ramsey retires himself from the bridge and is saluted as he walks to his cabin.In Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, a general inquiry is called before the Pacific Fleet admiral (Jason Robards). Having reviewed the incident, he tells both Hunter and Ramsey that they both were right and wrong in their actions aboard the Alabama. Off the record, he admonishes both of them, saying they've done much to disrupt the traditional chain of command of the Navy. The admiral also announces, to Hunter's surprise, that Ramsey has filed for retirement. Hunter is further astonished when he hears that he is to be given a captain's commission aboard another submarine and that he came highly recommended by Ramsey himself.Outside Navy HQ, Ramsey is retrieving his dog from an ensign. He sees Hunter and tells him that he was right, about the Lipizzaner stallions being from Spain. The two smile and salute each other. | cult, suspenseful, comedy | tt0112740 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows | The film starts with the four humanoid teenage mutant ninja turtles Leonardo (Pete Plozek), Donatello (Jeremy Howard), Raphael (Alan Ritchson), and Michelangelo (Noel Fisher) sliding into Madison Square Garden to catch a basketball game by hiding in the jumbotron. Outside, Vern (Will Arnett) is enjoying his new celebrity status as "The Falcon" since the Turtles let him take credit for bringing Shredder (Brian Tee) down a year earlier in the previous film. Mikey and Raph decide to mess with Vern by throwing spitballs at him.Meanwhile, April (Megan Fox) is investigating scientist Baxter Stockman (Tyler Perry), thinking he is up to something suspicious. She sits down with him, pretending to be a big fan of his work, and she leaves once she gets her information. April tells Donnie that she found out Stockman is working for Shredder and is trying to set him loose since Shredder is being transported to another prison soon. The Turtles have to flee when Mikey drops a slice of pizza out of the jumbotron, causing one of the players to slip.Prison guard Casey Jones (Stephen Amell) is set to transport Shredder, along with two other crooks, Bebop (Gary Anthony Williams) and Rocksteady (Sheamus). The two of them are fans of the villain. As they are being taken away, a team of Foot Ninjas pursue the prison van and blow up the security vans in front of them. The Turtles drive by in their own van and shoot manhole covers at the ninjas. Mikey brings out some huge nunchucks and gets a few hits before accidentally destroying them under the bridge. A ninja makes an opening for Shredder to break out of the van, while Bebop and Rocksteady are given a chance to take over the van. We see Stockman in his lab getting ready to teleport Shredder with Karai (Brittany Ishibashi) by his side. Shredder tries to board a chopper overhead while the Turtles try to catch him with a net. Shredder jumps and is then thrown into a portal, leaving the Turtles baffled.Shredder is brought to Dimension X where he encounters the alien creature known as Krang (Brad Garrett). Krang is a slimy pink brain-squid-thing that uses a giant robot to move around. He tells Shredder to help him gather the pieces to a portal to bring him to Earth where he can unleash a device called the Technodrome so that he may rule over Earth. Stockman already has one piece, and the other two are located at the Museum of Natural History and a rainforest in Brazil. Shredder agrees on the condition that Krang help him eliminate the Turtles. Krang accepts the proposal and sends Shredder back to Earth.The Turtles sneak back to the sewers. Mikey sees the Halloween parade happening, which he wants to join in since he knows he'll fit in. His brothers make him come back. They slide down and interrupt Splinter (Tony Shaloub) during his meditation.Chief Rebecca Vincent (Laura Linney) chastises Casey for the escape of the three convicts. Casey tries to defend himself by stating what he saw, but it sounds too farfetched to be believable. Vincent orders him to stay off the case. However, Casey finds the police file on Bebop and Rocksteady and finds out their favorite bar to hang out at, knowing they would be dumb enough to go back there.Sure enough, Bebop and Rocksteady are at the bar plotting to start their own criminal organization since they think Shredder is out of the picture. He appears before them in his suit and demands that they be his errand boys, which they accept. Casey later arrives at the bar and asks the bartender where to find the crooks, or else he'll keep trashing the bar. The bartender gives him a GPS to use to track them from a signal in the phones he gave them (which were supposed to be untraceable).Shredder brings the two to Stockman's lab at the TCRI building. Stockman has developed a formula using a special brand of mutagen that can create powerful beings. Shredder takes two darts and shoots them at Bebop and Rocksteady. The two begin to mutate into bigger and stronger creatures. Bebop becomes a warthog and Rocksteady turns into a rhino. Meanwhile, April has snuck into the lab and she steals the mutagen sample.She runs out into an alley where she is cornered by Foot Ninjas. April thinks that the Turtles will show up to rescue her, but instead, it's Casey (who tracked Bebop and Rocksteady's signal to the building) who shows up with a hockey mask and stick, hitting pucks at the ninjas to take them out. Police arrive and take the mutagen sample (after a ninja took it from April). The Turtles then arrive after the fight is done. They bring Casey to their lair where they trick him into trying to attack Splinter, only for the rat to drop him on his ass.Bebop and Rocksteady hit the Museum of Natural History and steal the next piece for the portal machine.Donnie analyzes a sample of the mutagen and discovers it has the ability to possibly turn him and his brothers human. He tells Leo, but he thinks it would be a bad idea, and he tells Donnie not to let the others know. Mikey heard the whole thing and he tells Raph. Raph confronts Leo for keeping secrets from his brothers. Raph and Mikey think it would be great if they could be human so that they could walk among the humans without being seen as freaks, but Leo insists that they are meant to be turtles.With April and Casey's help, Mikey and Raph try to sneak into the police station to recover the mutagen sample while Leo and Donnie are on another mission. When Mikey and Raph encounter trouble, they call their brothers for help. The police corner the Turtles, with one of the cops calling them monsters. April and Casey run in to cover them, leaving them to get arrested while the Turtles retreat. Leo chastises his brothers, saying they do not work well as a team. He goes to voice his concerns to Splinter, who says that the fact that each Turtle thinks differently is what makes them a strong team.The Turtles learn that Bebop and Rocksteady are headed to Brazil to recover the last piece of the machine. The thugs find the piece and are already flying back toward New York. The Turtles, flying in their own plane, drop down to intercept them. They jump off their plane and enter the villains' plane. They encounter Bebop and Rocksteady face-to-face and begin fighting them. Rocksteady hops inside a tank and shoots at the Turtles, unintentionally causing the plane to crash into the river. Rocksteady continues firing from the tank as the Turtles still try fighting him and Bebop. The Turtles then plummet down a waterfall, but they hide in their shells for safety.Back in New York, April and Casey are being detained by Vincent. Vincent plays security footage from Stockman's lab to make it look like April broke in and stole the mutagen sample. Casey manages to pick Vincent's pocket to get her phone to let April call Vern. Vern uses his status to get into the TCRI labs and steal the unaltered security footage. He brings it to the police station and shows it to Vincent. The video then shows the mutated Bebop and Rocksteady to prove April and Casey aren't crazy. Vincent has no choice but to let them go.The villains now have each piece to the portal machine, which Stockman uses to open the portal to Dimension X. Shredder betrays Stockman and has his ninjas take him far away. Shredder returns to Dimension X and tells Krang that everything is falling into place. However, Shredder gets a taste of his own medicine when Krang says he plans on taking all the glory in his scheme. Krang freezes Shredder and holds him within his ship before making his way to Earth.The Technodrome begins forming piece-by-piece above the city. The Turtles decide they must spring into action, but are conflicted on whether or not they do it as humans or turtles. They take the mutagen sample they got, but Raph chucks it against the wall so they can take Krang on as NINJA TURTLES. On the surface, they are met by April, Casey, Vern, Vincent, and the cops. Vern then admits that he got help from his friends in taking down Shredder. Vincent meets the Turtles and becomes certain that they mean to save the city.The Turtles hop on the flying pieces and find Krang on his ship. As they fight him, April and Casey confront Karai at the lab. The Turtles bring Krang and his robot down while April takes Karai out, and Casey closes the portal. The Technodrome falls apart, bringing it and Krang back to Dimension X. Krang vows to return for the Turtles, bigger and stronger than before.The Turtles are honored by Vincent and the NYPD for their heroics. April, Casey, Vern, and even Splinter are their to support them. Although they are given the chance to live above the sewers, the Turtles decide that they will stay where they are, and they will continue to protect the city. In the final shot, the brothers then go to the top of the Statue of Liberty and cheer for their victory. | comedy, violence, good versus evil, psychedelic, humor, revenge | tt3949660 |
Brokeback Mountain | In 1963, Ennis Del Mar (Heath Ledger) and Jack Twist (Jake Gyllenhaal) are hired by Joe Aguirre (Randy Quaid) to herd his sheep through the summer in the Wyoming mountains. After a night of heavy drinking, Jack makes a pass at Ennis, who is initially hesitant but eventually responds to Jack's advances. Despite Ennis informing Jack that it was a one-time incident, they develop a passionate sexual and emotional relationship. Shortly after discovering their summer together is being cut short, they briefly fight and each is bloodied.
After Jack and Ennis part ways, Ennis marries his longtime fiancée Alma Beers (Michelle Williams) and has two daughters with her. Jack returns the next summer seeking work, but Aguirre, who observed Jack and Ennis on the mountain, refuses to rehire him.
Jack moves to Texas, where he meets, marries, and has a son with rodeo rider Lureen Newsome (Anne Hathaway). After four years, Jack visits Ennis. Upon meeting, the two kiss passionately, which Alma observes. Jack broaches the subject of creating a life together on a small ranch, but Ennis, haunted by a childhood memory of the torture and murder of two men suspected of homosexual behavior, refuses. He is also unwilling to abandon his family. Ennis and Jack continue to meet for infrequent fishing trips.
The marriages of both men deteriorate. Lureen abandons the rodeo, going into business with her father and expecting Jack to work in sales. Alma and Ennis eventually divorce in 1975.
Hearing about Ennis' divorce, Jack drives to Wyoming. He suggests again that they should live together, but Ennis refuses to move away from his children. Jack finds solace with male prostitutes in Mexico. Ennis sees his family regularly until Alma finally confronts him about her knowing the true nature of his relationship with Jack. This results in a violent argument, causing Ennis to abandon his connections with Alma. Ennis meets and has a brief romantic relationship with Cassie Cartwright (Linda Cardellini), a waitress.
Jack and Lureen meet and befriend another couple, Randall (David Harbour) and Lashawn Malone (Anna Faris). It is implied that Jack begins an affair with Randall, although he later tells Ennis he had a relationship with a woman, who is assumed to be Lashawn.
At the end of a regular fishing trip with Jack, Ennis tries to delay their next meeting. Jack's frustration erupts into argument, and Ennis blames Jack for being the cause of his own conflicted actions. Ennis begins to cry. Jack tries to hold him and there is a brief struggle, but they end up locked in an embrace. Jack watches as Ennis drives away.
Some time later, Ennis receives a postcard he had sent to Jack, stamped "Deceased". He calls Lureen, who says that Jack died in an accident, when a tire he was changing exploded. As she is speaking, Ennis imagines that Jack was actually beaten to death by a gang of thugs, the same exact fate that Ennis feared. Lureen tells Ennis that Jack wanted to have his ashes scattered on Brokeback Mountain, but she does not know where it is.
Ennis travels to meet with Jack's mother and father (Roberta Maxwell and Peter McRobbie), and offers to take Jack's ashes to the mountain. The father refuses, preferring to have them interred in a family plot. Permitted by Jack's mother to see his childhood bedroom, Ennis finds the bloodstained shirt he thought he had lost on Brokeback Mountain. He discovers Jack kept it hanging with his own stained shirt from that summer's fight. Ennis holds both shirts up to his face, silently weeping. Jack's mother lets him keep the shirts.
Later, 19-year-old Alma Jr. (Kate Mara) arrives at Ennis' trailer to tell her father she is engaged. She asks for his blessing and invites him to the wedding. Ennis asks her if her fiancé really loves her and she replies "yes". After Alma leaves, Ennis goes to his closet, where his and Jack's shirts hang together, with a postcard of Brokeback Mountain tacked above. He stares at the ensemble for a moment, tears in his eyes, and murmurs, "Jack, I swear..." | boring, depressing, realism, murder, stupid, violence, queer, flashback, tragedy, romantic, sentimental | tt0388795 |
A Hard Day's Night | Bound for a London show from Liverpool, The Beatles escape a horde of fans ("A Hard Day's Night"). Once they are aboard the train and trying to relax, various interruptions test their patience: after a dalliance with a female passenger, Paul's grandfather is confined to the guard's van and the four lads join him there to keep him company. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr play a card game, entertaining some schoolgirls before arriving at their desired destination ("I Should Have Known Better").
Upon arrival in London, the Beatles are driven to a hotel, only to feel trapped inside. They are tasked to answer numerous letters and fan mail in their hotel room but instead they sneak out to party ("I Wanna Be Your Man", "All My Loving"). After being caught by their manager Norm (Norman Rossington), they return to find out that Paul's grandfather John (Wilfrid Brambell) went to the casino. After causing minor trouble at the casino, the group is taken to the theatre where their performance is to be televised. After rehearsals ("If I Fell"), the boys leave through a fire escape and dance around a field but are forced to leave by the owner of the property ("Can't Buy Me Love"). On their way back to the theatre, they are separated when a woman named Millie (Anna Quayle) recognizes John as someone famous but cannot recall who he is. George is also mistaken for an actor auditioning for a television show featuring a trend setter hostess. The boys all return to rehearse another song ("And I Love Her") and after goofing around backstage, they play another song to impress the makeup artists ("I'm Happy Just to Dance with You").
While waiting to perform, Ringo is forced to look after Paul's grandfather and decides to spend some time alone reading a book. Paul's grandfather, a "villain, a real mixer", convinces him to go outside to experience life rather than reading books. Ringo goes off by himself. He tries to have a quiet drink in a pub, takes pictures, walks alongside a canal, and rides a bicycle along a railway station platform. While the rest of the band frantically and unsuccessfully attempts to find Ringo, he is arrested for acting in a suspicious manner. Paul's grandfather joins him shortly after attempting to sell photographs wherein he forged the boys' signatures. Paul's grandfather eventually makes a run for it and tells the rest of the band where Ringo is. The boys all go to the station to rescue Ringo but end up running away from the police back to the theatre ("Can't Buy Me Love") and the concert goes ahead as planned. After the concert ("Tell Me Why", "She Loves You"), the band is taken away from the hordes of fans via helicopter. | cult, comedy, psychedelic | tt0058182 |
In a Lonely Place | Dixon "Dix" Steele (Humphrey Bogart) is a down-on-his-luck Hollywood screenwriter who has not had a hit, "since before the war." While driving to meet his agent, Mel Lippman (Art Smith), at a nightclub, Dix's explosive temper is revealed at a stoplight along the way in a confrontation with another motorist that almost becomes violent.
At the nightclub, Mel cajoles him to adapt a book for a movie. The hat-check girl, Mildred Atkinson (Martha Stewart), is engrossed in reading it and asks if she can finish, since she only has a few pages left. Dix has a second violent outburst when a young director bad-mouths Dix's friend Charlie (Robert Warwick), a washed-up actor.
Dix claims to be too tired to read the novel, so he asks Mildred to go home with him, ostensibly to explain the plot. As they enter the courtyard of his apartment, they pass a new tenant, Laurel Gray (Gloria Grahame). As soon as Mildred is convinced that Dix is not trying to seduce her, she describes the story, in the process confirming what he had suspected—the book is trash. He gives her cab fare to get home.
The next morning, he is awakened by an old army buddy, now a police detective, Brub Nicolai (Frank Lovejoy), who takes him downtown to be questioned by Captain Lochner (Carl Benton Reid). The coat check girl Mildred was murdered during the night and Dix is a suspect. Laurel is brought to the police station and confirms seeing the girl leave Dix's apartment alone and unharmed, but Lochner is still deeply suspicious. Although Dix shows no overt sympathy for the dead victim, on the way home from the police station, he anonymously sends her two dozen white roses.
When he gets home, Dix checks up on Laurel. He finds she is an aspiring actress with only a few low-budget films to her credit. They begin to fall in love; this invigorates Dix into going back to work with a vengeance, with Laurel assisting him, much to his agent's delight.
However, Dix behaves strangely. He says things that make his agent and Brub's wife Sylvia (Jeff Donnell) wonder if he did kill the girl. In addition, Lochner sows seeds of doubt in Laurel's mind, pointing out Dix's lengthy record of violent behavior. Dix becomes furiously irrational when he learns of it. He drives at high speed, with Laurel a terrified passenger, until they sideswipe another car. Nobody is hurt in the collision, but when the other driver accosts him, Dix beats him unconscious and is about to strike him with a large rock when Laurel stops him.
Laurel gets to the point where she cannot sleep without taking pills. Her distrust and fear of Dix are becoming too much for her. When he asks her to marry him, she accepts but only because she is too scared of what he might do if she refused. She makes a plane reservation and tells Mel she is leaving because she cannot take it anymore. Dix finds out and almost strangles her during a violent confrontation before he regains control.
Just then, the phone rings. It is Brub with good news: Mildred's boyfriend (named Henry Kesler, the same as the film's associate producer) has confessed to her murder. Tragically, it is too late to salvage Dix and Laurel's relationship. | violence, suspenseful, humor, murder, storytelling | tt0042593 |
Tamara | Tamara Riley is a shy and unattractive but intelligent girl who likes witchcraft and has a crush on Bill Natolly, her handsome English teacher. When a critical article she writes about the school's athletes is published, two of the star athletes, Shawn and Patrick, want revenge. Tamara attempts to perform a magical ritual to bind her fate to that of her teacher, but when she must spill her own blood she ceases the ritual.That night, a prank is orchestrated by Shawn and Patrick, along with Shawn's girlfriend Kisha. Shawn calls Tamara, impersonating Mr. Natolly, and invites her to a motel room. A video camera is placed there and catches Tamara undressing. Shawn, Patrick, and Kisha watch this, along with three others who did not know about the prank (Chloe, Jesse, and Roger). Shawn comes in and taunts Tamara, and Tamara is accidentally killed in a struggle. Despite Chloe's demands that they inform the police, she is blackmailed into helping bury Tamara.However the very next day, they are shocked when Tamara walks into class, alive and well and looking more attractive than ever before. They convince themselves that she was only unconscious and she dug her way out of the ground. That night, while Roger is watching a movie in the school AV room, the image on the screen suddenly changes to the video of Tamara. Roger removes the tape and is confronted by Tamara. She torments him with hallucinations of what it is like to be buried alive and with his history of cutting himself. The next day, he sends a televised message to the entire school in which he proclaims that one should 'hear no evil, speak no evil, and see no evil.' He then cuts off his ear and tongue with a razor blade, then stabs himself in the eye, which kills him.Tamara then visits the home of Mr. Natolly, intending to seduce him. However, when he resists her, she says that "it is only a matter of time." The next day, she visits the school guidance counselor, Allison Natolly, the wife of Mr. Natolly. Tamara confronts Allison, mentioning Allison and Bill's infertility problems. Realizing that her father fantasizes about being with her and that his alcoholism drove her mother away, Tamara makes her father "finish the bottle", requiring him to eat a beer bottle.At a party, Tamara puts a spell on Patrick and Shawn, and forces them to have sex with each other, with Patrick raping Shawn, just as he has done to girls in the past. Kisha attempts to stop Tamara, but is incapacitated when Tamara begins to talk about Kisha's eating disorder. Tamara tells Kisha that she is "skin and bone, and really should eat more." Kisha begins to eat herself into a stupor, but is taken away by Jesse and Chloe. When Chloe and Jesse call Mr. Natolly and tell him about what happened, Kisha (still under the spell) calls Tamara and tells her that Mr. Natolly knows. Kisha is knocked out by Chloe.Chloe, Jesse, and Mr. Natolly go to Tamara's house, where they find the corpse of Tamara's father and a spellbook describing the ritual Tamara tried to perform. They realize that when they killed Tamara that night, her blood was spilled. It was because of Tamara's blood being spilled that the ritual was completed and allowed her to rise from the grave as what she is.Meanwhile, Tamara, learning of what the others know, sends Shawn and Patrick to the Natolly residence to kill Allison. They try, but Allison kills them both in self-defense after a long and brutal chase and fight. Kisha and Allison are both taken to the hospital and treated, but Kisha wakes up and chases down Jesse and Chloe, resulting in Jesse's death.Tamara then takes control of the mind of an armed security guard and chases Mr. Natolly, Allison, and Chloe up to the rooftop of the hospital. Tamara and Chloe finally confront each other. Tamara is unable to control Chloe because of her being innocent and realizing the monster that she herself has become. She breaks down and slowly changes back into a corpse. Before fading away, Tamara asserts her will to be with Mr. Natolly and he appears to surrender to the inevitable. Mr. Natolly holds Tamara close and kisses her, then throws himself off the roof with Tamara.In the final shot, it is revealed that Chloe and Allison are fine, and Tamara and Mr. Natolly are both dead. However, Kisha, still apparently under the spell, takes the spell book from Chloe's jeep. | revenge, gothic, murder, violence, prank | tt0401815 |
Desperado | An unnamed man (Steve Buscemi) walks into a bar. The customers are initially hostile towards him but he seems not to notice. He begins to tell how he was in a bar in another town and it was cleaned out by a man in black looking for a man named Bucho. This story openly frightens the men as well as the bartender (Cheech Marin) and his side kick Tavo (Tito Larriva), attempt to get a description of the man's face. Buscemi claims to not know and remarks that he believes the man is headed that way.El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas), the man from the story wakes up from a dream about Domino, his love interest in the first film. He hears a knock at the door and lets in Buscemi. It is revealed that Buscemi is helping El find out where Bucho is. He tells El that he can find out where Bucho is at the bar he just visited. Buscemi asks El what he will do when he has his revenge. El simply states that it will be over. Buscemi then says he is glad. El remarks that Buscemi never had the stomach for that sort of thing. He replies: "Neither did you." El then cleans himself up to appear as a mariachi and walks to town. He meets a young boy who carries a guitar and teaches him to loosen his fingers when playing, however, the wound to his left hand from Moco (in the first film) prevents him from using his fingers on his left hand. Instead, he teaches the boy to pick the strings with his right hand.Meanwhile, Bucho is apparently worried that "the man in black" is coming for him. He orders his men to keep an eye out for any strangers and buys a bulletproof limo. El then goes to the town's bar. The patrons are suspicious of him due to the Buscemi's story even though he appears nothing like he was described ("The biggest Mexican I've ever seen in my life!") except for the black clothing. They hold him at gunpoint as they open his guitar to search for weapons that they were told were in the guitar case, but only see a guitar. They let him go, just as the guitar is revealed to be a cover inside the case to conceal his guns. They prepare to kill him but he ejects two hidden Ruger P90 .45 ACP semi-automatic pistols from his sleeves and engages in a bloody gunfight with the men. Meanwhile in a hidden room, several other men see the gunfight on a video monitor. Tavo executes the drug Pick-Up Guy (Quentin Tarantino) because they believe he betrayed them. El proceeds to kill all the men except the bartender and tries to question him, wanting the bartender to take him to Bucho. The bartender is accidentally shot in forehead by a man from the hidden room. They attempt to shoot each other but run out of bullets and try to use the fallen men's guns but find that they are all empty. Finally the man finds one and tries to shoot El with it, but El snaps his neck.El Mariachi then leaves the bar, unaware that he is being followed by the bartender's friend and associate of Bucho, Tavo, who is carrying two semi-automatic pistols; a .44 caliber Desert Eagle and a Ruger P90. As he walks, he notices a beautiful woman (Salma Hayek) walking towards him. Her shocked expression at the man behind him warns El and he shoves her out of the way in time as he is shot in the arm, but manages to kill Tavo.Later, El awakens in a bookstore to see the woman stitching up his arm. She says her name is Carolina. He wants to go to a hospital but she says he wouldn't if he saw them. He then asks where he is and she says it is her bookstore, but business is not very good. He then falls asleep from the painkillers she gives him. Carolina runs some errands and then comes back to the bookstore. Curious about his guitar case, she opens it to see the guitar, but it then opens to show his guns. She is then grabbed by El. She says she now knows who he is ("You're that guy you always hear stories about.") She doesn't seem to be afraid of him. He then offers to give her one of his guns as a gift, but she declines.He then leaves to go to church, where he meets with Buscemi who tells him to get out while he still can, because that is what he is doing. El then follows and begins to argue with Buscemi, again unaware that he is being followed, this time by another man in black ("Navajas") (Danny Trejo), who has been stalking El throughout the film. He then tells Buscemi that maybe he should quit after all. Buscemi approves of this, but is then killed by Navajas' throwing knives. El is then also hit, but only wounded and takes cover in an alley.Navajas waits confidently at the entrance. Bucho's limo, full of armed men and Bucho's girlfriend, pulls up behind him and attempts to question him on who he is. He kills several of them with his knives, but is then shot dead. El manages to escape without being seen and runs into the little boy from earlier, who wants to show El his real guitar. El follows him, visibly in pain and bleeding profusely.A car drives up and a man inside trades guitars with the boy. They then drive around the corner and see El. The man in the car attempts to pull a gun, but El is faster and demands the other guitar. They give it to him and drive away. He then breaks it open to see a packet of cocaine. He then questions the little boy who says that everyone else in the town is involved and most of the businesses are fronts, including Carolina's bookstore. Furious, El heads back to the bookstore.Meanwhile, Bucho's men return Navajas' dead body to the gated compound. He calls his superiors to ask for a description of the man they sent in to look for El. The description matches Navajas, but Bucho doesn't let on that his men killed the man they sent. He then chastises his second in command for believing that El is nothing but a legend.El, returning to the bookstore, yells at Carolina, angered at the fact that she is apparently working for the man who he is trying to kill, and that his friend is dead. She then states that she doesn't work for Bucho, stuff is only dropped off and picked up from her bookstore and she is paid 50,000 dollars a year. She says she uses a little to keep the bookstore running and saves the rest in case she ever has to leave, but that once she joined she wasn't allowed to get out. El calms down and lays on the counter so she can fix his wounds, but she promptly shoves him off behind the counter just as Bucho walks in. He questions her about if she has seen any strange people, but she states that she hasn't and will call him if she does. El, behind the counter attempts to load his gun silently, but is unable to in time before Bucho leaves. He attempts to leave and follow Bucho, but Carolina tells him that it would be suicide and to wait till later.Later, while El is recovering from his wounds, Carolina gives him a guitar as a present. They attempt to play together, but are unable to. Carolina then kisses El, and they proceed to have sex in her bedroom. Meanwhile, Bucho calls his men in town and tells them to search the bookstore and if El is there, to kill him and Carolina by burning the bookstore down.The next day, El awakens while Carolina sings with her eyes closed, to see the silouhettes of armed men through the curtains. He proceeds to silently pull out one of his pistols and his sawed-off double barrel shotgun and trips Carolina out of the way as he fires and kills the two men. They attempt to escape through the bookstore, only to see that it's on fire. They make their way to the roof, gunning down several men, only to find their way blocked by men on the ground. Carolina jumps while El fires at the men and then throws his guitar case across to the next building. Men then come behind him and he is forced to jump backwards off the roof while firing at the crooks. He lands, and rolls, unharmed. He then uses a grenade to kill the last of the gangsters. While hiding on the roof, El sees Bucho drive up. He proceeds to aim a scoped Wildey Magnum pistol at Bucho's head but hesitates when he sees Bucho's face, and puts the gun away. Carolina asks him why he didn't shoot him. El doesn't answer, and they take refuge in a hotel.El tells her that she can escape and use the money she stashed to start a new life, without El having to kill Bucho, but Carolina says that the money was hidden in the books that were burned. El then decides to call his friends Campa and Quino. They show up shortly after and follow him to a deserted part of town, where Bucho's men find them. Campa and Quino reveal that they have special cases, too, Campa's two cases being machine guns, and Quino's case being a rocket launcher. They proceed to kill many of Bucho's men along with Carolina's help. However, Quino is killed by a gangster on a roof, and Campa is killed when he runs out of ammo. The little boy is also caught in the crossfire and is badly wounded. El and Carolina kill the last man, Bucho's second in command, by running him over, and rush the boy to the hospital. With the doctors unsure if the boy will live, El angrily heads to Bucho's ranch to settle the conflict.They arrive and find themselves surrounded, but Bucho calls his men off.
It is then revealed that El (Manito) and Bucho (Cesar) are brothers; this being why El did not kill Bucho earlier. Bucho, however, angry at Carolina's betrayal, tells El to put his hands up while he kills Carolina and that they will then be even for El killing his men. El, unable to bear another love's death, ejects his pistols from his sleeves as he did earlier in the bar, and shoots Bucho dead.El and Carolina are later seen at the hospital there they get to know the boy has survived and is getting better (Note: how El Mariachi and Carolina got away or walked away from Bucho's surviving henchmen is not revealed). El tells Carolina he will thank her and leaves.Then walking in the desert Carolina drives by him with a jeep and asks him to join her. El throws away his guitar case and he and Carolina drive off, but then stop and go back for the guitar case ("just in case") before driving away into the sunset. | comedy, mystery, neo noir, cult, revenge, violence, flashback, good versus evil, humor, action, romantic | tt0112851 |
Shrek 2 | Shrek and Fiona return from their honeymoon to find they have been invited by Fiona's parents to a royal ball to celebrate their marriage. Shrek refuses to go at first, but Fiona talks him into it, and along with Donkey, they travel to the kingdom of Far Far Away. They meet Fiona's parents, King Harold and Queen Lillian, who are shocked to see their daughter as an ogre, with Harold particularly repulsed. At dinner, Shrek and Harold get into a heated argument over how Shrek and Fiona will raise their family, and Fiona, disgusted at Shrek and Harold's behavior, locks herself away in her room that evening. Shrek worries that he has lost his true love, particularly after finding her childhood diary and reading that she was once infatuated with Prince Charming.
Harold is reprimanded by the Fairy Godmother and Charming, her son, by reminding Harold that Charming was to marry Fiona in exchange for his own happy ending, and requests that he finds a way of getting rid of Shrek. Harold arranges for Shrek and Donkey to join him on a fictitious hunting trip, which actually is a trap to lure them into the hands of an assassin, Puss in Boots. However, Puss is unable to defeat Shrek and, revealing that he was paid by Harold, requests to come along and make amends. The three sneak into the Fairy Godmother's potion factory and steal a "Happily Ever After" potion that Shrek thinks will restore Fiona's love for him.
Shrek and Donkey both drink the potion and fall into a deep sleep, awakening the next morning to discover its effects: Shrek is now a handsome human, while Donkey has turned into an elegant white stallion. In order "to make the change permanent", Shrek must kiss Fiona "by midnight". Shrek, Donkey and Puss return to the castle to discover that the potion has transformed Fiona back into her former human self as well. However, the Fairy Godmother, having discovered the potion's theft, intercepts Shrek and sends Charming to pose as him and win her love. At the Fairy Godmother's urging, Shrek leaves the castle, thinking that the best way to make Fiona happy is to let her go.
To ensure that Fiona falls in love with Charming, the Fairy Godmother gives Harold a love potion to put into Fiona's tea. This exchange is overheard by Shrek, Donkey and Puss, who are soon later arrested by the royal guards and thrown into a dungeon. While the royal ball begins, several of Shrek's friends band together to free the trio, creating a monster-sized gingerbread man, which breaks through the castle's defences so Shrek can prevent Charming from kissing Fiona. He is too late to stop them; instead of falling in love with Charming, though, Fiona knocks him out with a headbutt. Harold reveals that he never gave Fiona the love potion, whereupon the now enraged Fairy Godmother attacks Shrek. In the ensuing melee, Harold sacrifices himself to save Shrek; Harold's armour ricochets the Fairy Godmother's spell which disintegrates her into bubbles; it also returns Harold to his true form as the Frog Prince. He had used the Happily Ever After potion years before in order to marry Lillian, but she tells him that she loves him regardless of his appearance.
As the clock strikes midnight, Shrek and Fiona let the potion's effects wear off and they revert to their ogre forms, while Donkey changes back to his natural form as well. Harold gives his blessing to the marriage and apologizes for his earlier behavior, and the party resumes. After the party, the Dragon, who had previously romanced Donkey, arrives and reveals that they now have several dragon-donkey hybrid babies. | comedy, fantasy, cult, violence, humor, satire, romantic, entertaining | tt0298148 |
Kozure Ôkami: Sanzu no kawa no ubaguruma | In this second Lone Wolf and Cub movie, the disgraced former executioner, or Kogi Kaishakunin to the shogun, Ogami Itto is now living rough on the land with his three-year-old son Daigoro, travelling the countryside as a hired killer. Pushing his son in a baby cart, he stops at a bathhouse looking for a room and a bath, and is eagerly welcomed in by a young woman. However, the manager of the house sees Itto as a dirty vagabond and scolds the young woman for letting him in the house. Overhearing this, Itto goes to the baby cart and retrieves a bundle and hands it to the manager for safe keeping it is 500 gold pieces, earned from a recent job. The manager's tone quickly changes, but when he tries to wash Daigoro's feet, the boy kicks water at the old man and tromps across the floor, leaving wet footprints.Itto's activities are being watched by the Kurokawa spy clan of Shinobi-class ninja, which have fallen in with Itto's nemesis, the Shadow Yagyu. They report on his activities to Sayaka, head of Akari Yagyu clan of female assassins. But the Kurokawa are unsure that the women are up to the task of killing Itto. Sayaka laughs confidently and tells the Kurokawas' leader to send their best man into the room. She then orders the man to try and exit the room. He tries to do so by grappling onto the ceiling, but the female assassins set upon him and make short work of him, hacking off his ears, fingers, arms and legs, leaving the man a writhing heap of just a torso and head before he is finally finished off.Itto, meanwhile, is hired by a clan that specializes in making indigo dye and has a secret process. One of the clan plans to sell out the secret to the shogun. Itto must kill him. The turncoat will be escorted by the three Hidari brothers, each a master of a deadly weapon; the iron claw, the flying mace, and a pair of armored gloves.As he travels to his job, Itto encounters three groups of female assassins of the Akari clan. The first group is disguised as an acrobat troupe that turns deadly as their gymnastic moves are combined with blades and turned against Itto. He then encounters a pair of women who with blades on their straw hats that they throw at Itto as if they are Frisbees. Finally, some women washing vegetables by the river turn out to be assassins and the daikons they are washing are wielded as weapons. Itto kills them all.Then he meets Sayaka, who catches him, his son and the baby cart in a steel net. Itto cuts his way out of the net and engages in a sword duel with her. He delivers what should be a disabling blow to her ankles, but the woman fighter jumps straight up out of her kimono to reveal a fishnet body suit and then runs away, bizarrely jogging backwards.Next, the Kurokawa clan are waiting for Itto, who puts together his naginata (disguised as railing on the baby cart) and gives the baby cart a shove toward the waiting enemies. Daigoro, still in the baby cart then activates blades in the axles of the cart, which cut off the feet of several men. The battle that ensues between Itto and the Kurokawas is fierce and Itto is injured before he kills them all.Weary from the endless fighting, Itto struggles along the road and eventually finds shelter in a shack. Daigoro, seeing that his father needs his help, must do what he can. Unable to carry water in his tiny hands, Daigoro carries water from the river in the only vessel available his mouth. He spits the few drops he could carry between his father's parched lips. For food, Daigoro finds some rice cakes given as an offering to a Buddha statue and takes them for his father, leaving his vest in exchange. Itt recovers and finds that his son is missing. Daigoro has been taken by the Kurokawa and Sayaka, tied up and suspended over a water well. If Itto attacks, they will let go of the rope and Daigoro will plunge to his death. Daigoro lets his sandal drop into the well, giving Itt a gauge of how deep it is. He then makes his move as the rope unspools, stopping it just in time.Sayaka watches silently and makes no move to engage the swordsman, realising his technique far outstrips her own and perhaps also out of a sense of honor for the devotion of the father to his child.Itto then finds himself aboard a ship, carrying the three Hidari brothers. Itto is met by several other members of the indigo-dye clan, who try to kill the Hidaris but are bloodily rebuffed. The clan then sets the ship on fire in an attempt to kill the Hidaris, but the three killers escape. Itto tosses Daigoro and the baby cart into the water, the cart proves itself by floating.Sayaka has followed Itto onto the ship and in the water, she tries to kill him, but is disarmed. Itto, with Daigoro and Sayaka, find shelter, but they are cold. Itt disrobes himself and Daigoro, then turns on Sayaka, tearing off her clothes. But he does not mean to rape her. Instead, he is seeking to get her out of her cold, wet clothes and cling to her while nude. "Three people are warmer than two," he explains. She thinks about taking his sword and killing him, but the cozy scene, with Daigoro sitting between them, playfully fondling her breast, makes her abandon the plan.The final showdown takes place on a vast area of sand dunes. The three Hidari brothers are at the head of a caravan of men carrying a palanquin with the indigo expert inside. The brother with the iron claw runs forward and thrusts his claw into the sand, which boils up with blood. There are men hiding in the sand. He digs his claw into the sand several times, each time creating a pool of blood and pulling up a hiding warrior by his head. The rest of the hidden men in the sand emerge and fight, but the Hidari brothers dispatch them all.Itto awaits, alone, at the top of a large dune. Each brother is dispatched in a high-pressure spray of blood, with the last brother dispatched in a lethal stroke along the throat, a cut that sprays blood in a fine mist, while making a sound like the "howling of the wind". The final slain Hidari brother comments such a fabled finishing stroke is referred to as "Mogaribue", and wishes he had heard the sound just once from the many people he has killed, but is instead hearing it from his own neck as his life slowly drains away.Itto approaches the palanquin with the traitorous indigo expert inside, finishing him off before gathering Daigoro and again setting off. The end sees them out of the desert and on a coastal trail, followed by Sayaka. Aware of her presence Itto stops the cart, looking straight ahead whilst holding out his dotanuki blade, as Sayaka wielding a katana is revealed behind him. Itto stands ominously still until he hears the sound of Sayaka dropping her sword; knowing that she can never defeat the master swordsman. | good versus evil, violence | tt0068816 |
Begin Again | Dan Mulligan (Mark Ruffalo) is a formerly successful record label executive living in New York City who is estranged from his wife Miriam and struggling to keep up with the changing music industry. After being fired from his job, he goes on a drinking binge which leads him to a bar in the Lower East Side where he encounters Gretta James (Keira Knightley). Gretta is a young and fiercely independent songwriter from England who has just broken up with her long-time boyfriend and songwriting partner Dave Kohl (Adam Levine), a newly successful musician who had an affair with one of his producers' assistants. Captivated by Gretta's music, Dan offers her to sign her to his former record label, and although she initially refuses she reconsiders the offer and agrees.Dan and Gretta meet with Saul, Dan's business partner and co-founder of their record label, but he does not see the same potential in Gretta and turns her away. Undeterred, Dan proposes that he and Gretta produce their own album together, to be recorded live during the summer at various public locations around New York City. Recruiting a team of talented musicians, including Gretta's best friend Steve, Dan sets out to make an album worthy of being published by his label. During this time, Dan and Gretta bond both personally and professionally, and Gretta takes Dan's teenage daughter Violet, a fledgling guitarist, under her wing and encourages her to play on the album. When the album is finished, Dan and Gretta meet again with Saul, who is very impressed with their collaboration. Gretta demands that Saul give Dan his job back and give her a bigger share in the deal. They leave without reaching an agreement, but Dan feels confident that Saul will eventually sign Gretta to the label.When Gretta sees Dave accepting an award on television, she criticizes him for selling out to the music industry and she expresses her grievances with him in a song which she records on his voice mail. A remorseful Dave, who is back in New York to promote his new album, returns her call and asks to see her. After some consideration, she decides to meet with him and they critique each other's albums. Gretta feels betrayed by Dave's heavily commercialized rendition of "Lost Stars," a love ballad she had once written and composed for him as a Christmas present, believing that the true meaning of the song has been lost. Dave tells her that the audiences love when he plays it in the new way, and that their energy fills the room. He believes that music is about sharing it with people, but Gretta tells him that's not what she intended for that song. Nevertheless, Dave invites her to come and hear him play the song at the Gramercy Theatre that weekend so that she can see the impact it has had on his fans. She arrives at the venue just in time to watch him play her original arrangement of the song, but as she watches him play and sees the reaction of the crowd to the song and how Dave responds to the fans' adoration by slipping into singing the commercialized arrangement of the song, she realizes that he is a lost cause. Gretta then leaves the concert and cycles through the city with newfound closure and a dawning smile on her face.Afterwards, Gretta visits Dan at his apartment as he prepares to move back home, having made amends with his wife. She tells him that she does not want him to release her album, instead preferring to distribute it online for $1. Although Dan returns to work with Saul, he agrees to let Gretta release the album online and helps her to promote the release. The next day, Saul jokingly fires Dan for promoting Gretta's album and informs him that it sold 10,000 copies in its first day of release. | romantic, flashback | tt1980929 |
Targets | A movie clip from the film 'The Terror' is shown (the climatic flooding scene at the end featuring actors Boris Karloff, Dick Miller, Jack Nicholson, etc.). The clip ends with the final fade out and it is being shown in a small screening room somewhere in Hollywood. The elderly star of the film, Byron Orlock (Boris Karloff), tells the producer Marshall Smith (Monty Landis) that he has decided to retire from acting because he considers his performance no longer frightening in mainstream society. Marshall and the film's director Sammy Michaels (director Peter Bogdanovich) try to convince him to appear in their next film, but Orlok refuses and plans to return to his native England to live out the rest of his days, and refuses to even read the new script that Sammy gives to him. Orlok walks out with his young secretary Jenny (Nancy Hsueh), whom is Sammy's current girlfriend. Sammy follows him outside to persuade him to stay in Hollywood, but Orlok tells Sammy that he considers himself to be an anachronism because people are no longer frightened by horror pictures. "The world belongs to the young. Let them have it", says Orlock.Across the street, a young man named Bobby Thompson (Tim O'Kelly) is seen buying a high-powered semi-automatic .303 caliber hunting rifle and pays with it by check. He goes out to the parking lot to his white convertible and places the newly purchased rifle in his car truck which has more then a dozen firearms of various calibers. Bobby drives along a freeway listening to the car radio and munching on Baby Ruth candy bars. He arrives home in a suburb of the San Fernando Valley where he lives with his wife Ilene (Tanya Morgan) and his parents and has dinner with them.Across town, Orlok is dining with Jenny at a local restaurant when his manager Ed Laughlin (Arthur Peterson) arrives and tries to persuade him to stay in town at least for a few days to attend the premier of 'The Terror' at a local Racine drive-in theater the following evening. But Orlok refuses and even refuses to speak to Marshall over a phone that Ed tries to set up.After dinner, Bobby and his father go out to a shooting range where they shoot at tin can targets. Bobby has a keen talent from shooting guns apparently due to his recent military service. Since Bobby still lives with his parents, its convenient for him and his father, Robert Thompson Sr., to go out shooting together. While his father is setting up more tin targets, Bobby, for some odd reason points his rifle at his father seemingly intent on shooting him. Robert Thompson sees Bobby aiming the rifle at him and orders him to put the rifle down, because pointing a gun a people goes against everything he has taught his son.That evening, Orlok is in his hotel suite with Jenny who is setting up his schedule for his return to England the following day. Jenny also tries to persuade Orlok to stay at least for the premier of his latest film, but Orlok tells her that he is through with the movie business and still refuses to read Sammy's script. Orlok then sends her home while he stays alone in his room to watch TV.At the Thompson house that evening, the whole family is watching TV together when Ilene says that she has to go to her night job as a switchboard operator. Bobby follows her to the bedroom and wants to talk to her saying that he has not been feeling well lately and has been getting "funny ideas". But since she is late for her job, she tells him that she doesn't have time to talk and leaves. He asks her not to take his car but take her mother's to work and she agrees. After Ilene leaves and his parents go to bed for the night, Bobby goes to his car and takes out one of his guns, a .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol before returning to the house.At Orlok's hotel room, he orders room service and watches himself on one of his old movies 'The Criminal Code' that is playing as a late-night movie. Sammy arrives and demands that Orlok hand over his script and they both watch the movie together. Over drinks, Sammy again tries to convince Orlok to appear in his latest film because the script that he wrote will cast Orlok as a real-life person rather then a bogeyman. But the bitter Orlok announces that he is still fed up with the film business and shows Sammy that people are more frighted by the latest newspaper headings about crimes committed by random people then horror films. Sammy gets so drunk that he attempts to leave, but collapses and Orlok puts him in his own bed and soon afterwords also collapses drunk next to Sammy.Meanwhile at the Thompson house, Bobby is sitting alone in his bedroom chain smoking when Ilene returns home. His tone of voice is now very cold and he asks her not to turn on the lights because he has a headache. When she asks him what he wanted to talk to her about and why he is perplexed, he no longer wants to talk and asks her to go to bed.The next morning, after his father has apparently left for work, Bobby types out a note and when Ilene walks in the room, he suddenly takes out his .45 caliber gun and violently shoots her dead. When Bobby's mother runs into the room, he shoots her dead too. He then shoots an unfortunate grocery delivery man who enters the house. Bobby hides the bodies in rooms through the house, hides the bloodstains and leaves, leaving behind a note saying that he has killed his wife and mother and will continue killing until he is caught or killed.In Orlok's hotel suite, a hung-over Sammy wakes up and sees a sleeping Orlok next to him and jumps, waking him up. Sammy says that he was having a nightmare and woke up to see Byron Orlok. As Orlok gets up to answer a knock on his front door, he passes a mirror and he too jumps from his own reflection. Jenny has arrived with Orlok's internary with his airline tickets to New York as well as his tickets for the ship to take him back to England. However, Orlok finally agrees to make the final promotional appearance at the Racine Drive-In that evening for the premier of his latest film.Across town, Bobby arrives at another gun store and asks for 300 rounds of ammunition for his new rifle as well as box of 12-gauge buckshot for his double-barreled shotgun. Despite the fact that Bobby looks a little jittery and of the unusually large quantity of ammunition requested, the clerk sells him the ammunition. When the clerk asks Bobby about the order, Bobby tells him that he is going out to "shoot some pigs."In Orlok's hotel suite, he, Jenny, Sammy along with a brash radio disk jockey named Kip Larkin (Sandy Baron) discuss his appearance at the drive-in theater for that night and Orlok decides to reherse to them a ghost story that he plans to tell after the movie premier.Meanwhile, Bobby drives to an industrial center and after parking his car, pulls out of the trunk all of his guns in a large pouch and enters an abandoned amusement park that sits next to an oil storage tank facility where he scales a cynderblock wall and climbs up the stairs of one of the oil tanks that sits alongside a busy freeway. Bobby lays out all of his rifles and pistols that he brought with him as if displaying them for himself and then eats a sandwich and drinks soda pop that he also brought before taking am with his new high-powered rifle at motorists traveling along the road and opens fire, killing and/or wounding many in which some cars veer off the road. An oil company worker investigates the shooting, but Bobby kills him too with a blast from his shotgun as he is reloading. When Bobby hears police sirens and sees police cars approaching on the freeway, he grabs most of his guns and runs down the stairs and back to his car, but drops several of his weapons including his .45 pistol, an unused .44 magnum revolver, as well as his shotgun and a rifle and some boxes of ammunition. As Bobby drives away, a police car appears and give chase, but he eludes it by driving into the very same drive-in theater that is showing Orlok's 'The Terror' for that night. After reloading and having a meal from the concession stand, Bobby carries his remaining guns in his US Army pouch and walks through a door leading to the big screen.When it gets dark and the movie finally goes on, Bobby climbs up the structure and begins to shoot the viewers through a small hole in the screen. He first shoots a man in a telephone booth and then shoots people in their cars, on by one. He even shoots and kills the projectionist. Orlok arrives for his special appearance and the limo parks close to the screen. Meanwhile, many viewers start to leave because they realize that there is a sniper present. A traffic jam ensues. When Bobby pauses to reload, he accidentally knocks over his last few boxes of ammunition. Panicking, Bobby climbs down the screen and tries to retrieve the ammo from a drainage but without success.Some male viewers take guns from the trunks of their cars and charge towards the screen. Seeing the vigilante mob approach, Bobby runs to an area to the side of the screen and opens fire randomly. One of his shots seriously injures Jenny as she gets out of the limo. The police soon arrive as does Sammy and they try to find both Orlok and the sniper. Orlok angrily walks towards the screen as Bobby finally runs out of ammunition for his rifle and opens fire with one of his smaller pistols. He gets confused when he sees the Orlok character on the drive-in screen walking towards him and sees the real Orlok walking to him as well. Bobby first shoots Orlok, but misses and only gazes his forehead with the bullet. Bobby takes aim and shoots at the Orlok on the big screen. Blinded by police searchlights zeroing in on him, Bobby fires widely until he runs out of ammo. When Bobby takes out another one of his pistols, Orlok rushes up and knocks the gun out of Bobby's hand with his walking cane and beats Bobby with it as well as literally slapping him into submission. Bobby then cowers in fear as Orlok says, "Is that what I was afraid of?" Two policemen run up to the screen and arrest Bobby. As he is being led away, Bobby says to his police captors, "I hardly ever missed, did I?" Bobby is taken away in a police car while Sammy tends to Orlok and takes him away in his limo as the crowd of people and cars file out of the drive in theater.The final shot shows the deserted drive in theater the morning after which is now empty, except for Bobby's white car sitting alone in the empty lot as the end credits silently roll. | cult, suspenseful | tt0063671 |
Matilda | Matilda Wormwood (Mara Wilson) is an incredibly brilliant child born to crass and ignorant parents. Her father Harry (Danny DeVito), a crooked car salesman, and her mother Zinnia (Rhea Perlman), a dim-witted Bingo enthusiast, ignore their daughter constantly and, despite her pleas, do not enroll her in school. Left home alone all day, young Matilda makes frequent trips to the library for mental stimulation. She develops a love for reading, and for knowledge in general.Matilda's intelligence does not impress her father, who interprets it as "being a smart-aleck." After being unfairly punished once too often, Matilda plays a stealthy string of practical jokes on Harry (including swapping his hair oil with bleaching peroxide, and gluing his hat to his head). After a particularly nasty outburst from Harry, Matilda stares at the television in anger until it explodes. Confused by the phenomenon, she shakes it off.A disgruntled Harry finally enrolls Matilda in Crunchum Hall Elementary, after the principal becomes a customer at his dealership. Miss Agatha Trunchbull (Pam Ferris), the headmistress, is an enormous, intimidating, and brutal woman with a passionate hatred for children. Matilda arrives at her first day of kindergarten and befriends two students, Hortensia and Lavender, who warn her of Miss Trunchbull's violent habits. The student body witnesses Trunchbull, an ex-Olympian, perform a "human hammerthrow," and fling a little girl over a nearby fence by her pigtails. Despite the initial horrors of Crunchum Hall, Matilda's teacher Miss Honey (Embeth Davitz) is a kind and gentle woman, and Matilda is praised for her intelligence for the first time.Miss Honey speaks with Matilda's parents at their house and attempts to convince them of their daughter's brilliance. They rebuff her rudely, but she is not dissuaded from finding intellectual stimulation for Matilda. The next day at school, Miss Trunchbull once again demonstrates her cruelty. Calling all the students to a special assembly, she devises a public punishment for a boy called Bruce Bogtrotter who had allegedly stolen cake from the school kitchen. Trunchbull forces him to eat an enormous cake in one sitting, and is furious when he manages to succeed without getting sick. She gives the whole student body a five-hour detention.The next day, Miss Trunchbull's car breaks down and she takes her anger out on Matilda, simply because she is Mr. Wormwood's daughter. Matilda is put in the Chokey, a small closet in Trunchbull's office studded with nails on the inside, forcing its inhabitant to stand poker-straight. Miss Honey's class prepares for a lecture from the headmistress, who visits classrooms sporadically to intimidate the children up close. Matilda's friend Lavender gets revenge on Trunchbull by hiding a newt in the water pitcher on the teachers desk. While Miss Trunchbull menaces the students, Miss Honey rescues Matilda from the Chokey and brings her back to class. After Trunchbull drinks a glass of water she spots the newt, causing her to have an uncharacteristically childish panic attack when she sees it. She instantly blames Matilda for the newt in the glass. Matilda is furious and, using the same angry energy from the television explosion, manages to tip the glass over with her eyes, sending the newt flying onto Trunchbull. Trunchbull blames Matilda again but Miss Honey points out that Matilda had never left her seat. After the disgruntled headmistress leaves, Matilda tells Miss Honey that she had indeed tipped the glass over using her eyes. She cannot repeat the phenomenon in the moment, but Matilda knows she has a strange mental power that had also caused her parents' television to explode. Matilda and Miss Honey soon form a bond, and Matilda is invited over for tea after school. Miss Honey lives in a tiny cottage, and tells Matilda the story of her childhood: She had once lived in a beautiful mansion (which they had passed on the walk from school), where Miss Trunchbull now lives. Miss Honey's mother had died early on, and her father invited his wife's stepsister (Trunchbull) to look after the house and his daughter. Miss Trunchbull, not surprisingly, was cruel to her niece. A few years later, Miss Honey's father mysteriously died, and his death was ruled a suicide.Miss Honey walks Matilda home, and they pass Trunchbull's house once again. Matilda suggests they go in and retrieve Miss Honeys beloved childhood doll, as they saw Miss Trunchbull getting into her car and preparing to leave. Miss Honey tries to dissuade Matilda, but the girl dashes into the house leaving Miss Honey with no choice but to follow her. They explore the house briefly, with Miss Honey experiencing nostalgia from her childhood, but are terrified when they hear Miss Truchbull re-enter. Her car (purchased from Harry Wormwood) broke down on the driveway, and as she bellows to him over the phone she senses something awry. Matilda and Miss Honey desperately evade Truchbull as she tears through the hallways searching for the intruders, and escape from the house just in time. Out of breath and terrified, Miss Honey makes Matilda promise to never enter the house again.Harry is being secretly followed by two undercover agents (Paul Reubens and Tracey Walter) due to his shady methods of restoring shoddy used cars, such as reversing the mile counter with a drill and attaching bumpers with superglue. Agents Bob and Bill lurk in a car outside the Wormwood house, snapping incriminating photos of Harry. Meanwhile, Matilda discovers that her telekinetic powers work when channeling her anger towards her family. She uses this knowledge to practice her telekinesis, and soon becomes adept enough to move objects quickly and easily from a good distance away. Matilda buys some extra time for her father by stealing the agents' evidence tape and disposing of it.Matilda resolves to return to Trunchbull's house and retrieve Miss Honey's doll. On a stormy night, she climbs onto Trunchbull's garage roof and begins to move items inside the house in order to scare the superstitious woman. Matilda transports the doll out of a window, and escapes. A horrified Miss Trunchbull seeks refuge in her car, but discovers Matilda's red hair ribbon (blown off during the storm). She brings it to school the following day, and menaces Miss Honey's class to a new degree. Matilda finally demonstrates her powers to Miss Honey, and uses them to write a message on the blackboard which the children read in eerie unison. The message appears to be from the ghost of Miss Honey's father, demanding that Trunchbull give his daughter back her house and rightful possessions. It is suggested that he was, in fact, murdered by Miss Trunchbull long ago. When Trunchbull is sufficiently frightened, Matilda uses her powers to battle Miss Trunchbull by pummeling her with flying classroom equipment. The broken-down and horrified headmistress flees the school forever and is pelted with food by the entire student body.Some time later, Matilda is visiting Miss Honey, who lives in her childhood home once again. The Wormwoods suddenly arrive and (with sirens in the background) say they are immediately moving to Guam and demand that Matilda get in the car. Matilda resists and produces adoption papers, begging to be allowed to stay with Miss Honey. Miss Honey defends Matilda and agrees. Matilda's mother finally shows remorse for her treatment of her daughter, and signs the papers to grant her a better life. The Wormwoods leave forever.Eventually, Miss Honey is named the new principal of Crunchum Hall Elementary. She and Matilda start a new life together, with Matilda only using her telekinesis for small tasks like removing a book from a shelf. | comedy, fantasy, cruelty, paranormal, dramatic, cute, cult, clever | tt0117008 |
Better Call Saul | Season 1Following the events of Breaking Bad, Saul Goodman is living under the assumed name Gene in Omaha, Nebraska and managing a Cinnabon. That night he watches a tape of television ads made when he worked as an attorney. Back in 2002, James McGill (Saul's birth name) is a struggling public defender in Albuquerque, New Mexico. "Jimmy" lives and works out of a cramped storage room in the back of a Vietnamese nail salon while caring for his brother, Chuck. Chuck has become semi-reclusive and believes he suffers from electromagnetic hypersensitivity. On his brother's behalf, Jimmy passionately and theatrically confronts Chuck's law firm partner, Howard Hamlin, of Hamlin Hamlin & McGill (HHM), demanding HHM cash out his brother's US$17 million share in the firm. At Loyola's Diner, Jimmy exhorts Craig and Betsy Kettleman, the county treasurer accused of embezzling $1.6 million, to hire him; however, the Kettlemans decline and hire HHM instead. Frustrated, Jimmy sets up a skateboarding accident scam with con artist twins Lars and Cal to secure the Kettlemans as clients. The twins accidentally target the wrong car and Jimmy ends up a hostage at gunpoint by gangster Tuco Salamanca. Tuco drags Jimmy at gunpoint into the house where the skateboarding twins are being held. Jimmy explains that the twins were part of his scam operation, but they picked the wrong car. Tuco leads Jimmy to the garage, where the twins are tied up. After Jimmy frees them, Lars reveals that this was all Jimmy's idea, which infuriates Tuco. Later, Jimmy is tied up and on his knees in the desert. Tuco demands to know who Jimmy is and why he is coming after Tuco. Out of options, Jimmy lies about being an FBI agent. Nacho doesn't believe this and Jimmy confirms that he is actually a lawyer. Jimmy is released. He talks Tuco out of killing the twins, suggesting he break their legs instead. Jimmy drives the twins to an emergency room, with the twins calling him "the worst lawyer in the world." At the nail salon in his office, Nacho visits Jimmy and reveals his scheme to steal the million dollars the Kettlemans embezzled and offers Jimmy a 10% finder's fee. Jimmy declines to participate, telling Nacho that he is a lawyer, not a criminal. Surprised, Nacho leaves his number with Jimmy, encouraging him to call when Jimmy decides he's "in the game." During a flashback, Jimmy, who faces multiple charges and the prospect of being branded a sex offender, is visited by Chuck in jail. Chuck promises Jimmy that he would extend his legal help, in exchange for a solid promise to quit "everything [Jimmy is] involved with". In 2002, Jimmy is still working on the Kettleman case and warns them they are at risk of getting robbed. As Jimmy returns to the Kettleman house, he's informed they have been kidnapped. Nacho, whom a neighbor spotted casing the Kettleman house, is arrested; he accuses Jimmy of tipping off the Kettlemans, and threatens to kill Jimmy unless he proves Nacho's innocence. Jimmy comes up with a theory that the Kettlemans have kidnapped themselves and strives to prove it. The police do not believe Jimmy's theory, but Mike does. Later, following Mike's advice, Jimmy locates the Kettlemans in a tent near their home, along with the embezzled $1.6 million. In a flashback, Jimmy and his friend con a bar patron using a fake Rolex watch. In 2002, Jimmy offers his legal services to the Kettlemans; they reject his offer and counter with a $30,000 bribe. Jimmy successfully frees Nacho, but Nacho deduces that Jimmy warned the Kettlemans and warns him about "consequences". Jimmy uses the bribe money to purchase clothing and a billboard that exactly imitates Hamlin and HHM's logo. Hamlin obtains a cease and desist order and forces Jimmy to take the billboard down. Jimmy uses this as a way to try to make Hamlin look bad through college media, and in the meanwhile stages a rescue of a billboard worker who has fallen off. The next day, Jimmy's actions make it on the news, much to Hamlin's disgust. Jimmy then makes his daily drop off at Chuck's, but keeps the local paper out of his supplies. With great distress, Chuck runs outside to take the neighbor's newspaper and reads about Jimmy's act. After Chuck's neighbor reports him for stealing her newspaper, he is arrested and hospitalized. A doctor tries to have Jimmy commit Chuck into a mental institution, but Jimmy manages to convince her that he is fully capable of containing Chuck in his own home; however, the nurse proves to Jimmy that Chuck's "disease" is entirely psychosomatic. Jimmy's newfound fame seems to attract mostly weird clients, but he eventually comes across an elderly lady in need of a will, which prompts Kim to propose that Jimmy specialize in elder law. Jimmy takes her advice and begins promoting himself at a nursing home. Meanwhile, Mike is visited at home by several police officers from Philadelphia. In a flashback, Mike arrives to Albuquerque on a train and is met by his daughter-in-law, Stacey. Their conversation reveals that Mike's son, Matty, who was also a cop, was recently murdered. Mike finds a crooked veterinarian to treat his bullet wound; the veterinarian offers Mike assistance in finding a job, but Mike declines. In 2002, Mike is taken to the police station and demands Jimmy as his lawyer. He asks Jimmy to spill coffee on one of the detectives so that Mike can steal his notebook; Jimmy refuses at first, but ends up doing it. Reading through the notebook, Mike realizes that Stacey had called the detectives. He confronts her and reveals that Matty was the only "clean" cop in the precinct. In another flashback, Mike breaks into a police cruiser parked outside a bar before entering, then after drinking heavily, he tells two detectives, Hoffman and Fenski, he knows it was them. Stumbling, Mike announces his move to Albuquerque and leaves the bar. The two detectives pick him up in their cruiser, where Mike explains that they killed Matty because they were scared of what he might do. They plan to murder him in an empty parking lot using his own gun, but Mike, having feigned his drunken state and hidden a second gun in the back seat, kills them both. In 2002, Mike tearfully explains to Stacey that he was the one who "broke" Matty by convincing him to take the bribe, but his partners still saw the hesitation in his eyes and killed him anyway. Mike and Jimmy are called down to the station, and the younger detective accuses them of stealing his notebook. Jimmy returns the notebook and assures him they found it in the parking lot outside. Mike and Jimmy are then allowed to go and Mike tells Jimmy to go home. The next day, Jimmy takes Kim to his new office and offers Kim a partnership but she refuses. Back at HHM, Kim presents to the Kettlemans their best deal which would send Craig to jail for 16 months instead of 30 years. After hearing the deal, Betsy fires Kim and leaves HHM with Craig. Meanwhile Jimmy is hosting a bingo game with the elderly and is contacted by the Kettlemans. They all meet at Loyola's again, and the Kettlemans demand that he represent him and they want no jail time. Jimmy turns them down and strongly encourages them to go back to Kim. They inform him that in order for them to take the deal, they would need all the money, including the bribe Jimmy took. Later that night, Jimmy hires Mike to steal the Kettleman's million dollars from their home, and returns all the money that he took from the bribe. The next day, Jimmy visits the Kettlemans and tells them he took their money, and forces them to take Kim's deal. Jimmy returns the Kettlemans to HHM, and visits the office he had to give up in order for the deal to go through. Jimmy angrily kicks an office door shut and sobs on the floor, only to pull himself together to answer a phone call. In a flashback, Jimmy works in the mailroom at HHM. Jimmy asks Kim to open his bar exam results; he passes and she kisses him on the lips. Jimmy then shows Chuck his results and explains that he studied law via distance learning from the "University of American Samoa". Chuck seems to be happy for him. After, there is a small mailroom party to celebrate, but Howard tells Jimmy that HHM refuses to hire him as an attorney. In 2002, Hamlin holds a press conference to announce Craig Kettleman's plea deal, as Jimmy visits clients at a senior care home called Sandpiper Crossing. Jimmy visits a client, discovering that Sandpiper is overcharging her. Jimmy returns to Chuck's house, and points out fraud by Sandpiper Crossing. Chuck tells Jimmy he needs more information, Jimmy returns to Sandpiper, but is forcibly thrown out. Meanwhile, Mike receives a call from Stacey, asking him to babysit Kaylee. Later that night, Jimmy searches the Sandpiper's dumpster for shredded documents. He brings bags of the shredded documents to Chuck's house, but makes no progress and falls asleep. Chuck manages to put some of the documents together, which proves Sandpiper's guilt. Mike meanwhile spends the day with Kaylee, and is asked by Stacey what she should do with the money Matty accepted. Mike tells her to spend it and returns to the vet for a job. Jimmy meanwhile sets up a meeting with Sandpiper's lawyers at Chuck's house, and Chuck demands 20 million dollars from them. After, Chuck explains he sees a way to win which Jimmy is visibly ecstatic. The next day, Jimmy returns to Chuck's house with new client files and naps on his sofa. Chuck absentmindedly walks outside to Jimmy's car to grab some documents Jimmy forgot, and they stand outside in amazement. Chuck and Jimmy are enjoying time outside on a park bench. It seems Chuck is able to spend more time outside than he originally thought, but after a while insists they go inside. Meanwhile, Mike brings Stacey and Kaylee a dog (seen last episode), and receives a call about a job. Jimmy goes to court to argue against a restraining order from Sandpiper Crossing, and ultimately wins. Returning to Chuck's house, Jimmy finds boxes of paperwork and Chuck convinces Jimmy to bring the case to HHM. Later that night, Chuck sneaks outside to place a phone call. The next day, Mike, a loudmouth mercenary named Sobchak (Steven Ogg), and a very large man wait for the job. The client arrives and Mike manages to subdue Sobchak and scare off the other man, accepting the job on his own. Meanwhile, Chuck and Jimmy prepare to visit HHM, lining Chuck's space blanket in his suit. The McGill brothers present their case to Howard, but Howard informs Jimmy that he wants the case, not him. Frustrated, Jimmy refuses the consultation fee and tells Howard to go to hell. After, Kim confronts Howard on his decision, but not after Howard reveals something to her. At the job, Mike and his client wait for Nacho and a new gang of thugs to show up and buy the pills the client is selling. After the deal is concluded, Mike explains to the client, who insists he is not a "bad man", that he is now a criminal, and that morality doesn't enter into it. Back at the nail salon, Kim meets up with Jimmy and urges him to take the deal, causing Jimmy to get angry at her. Jimmy enters his office and has a realization when he charges his phone. The next day, Jimmy goes to Chuck's house and confronts him about the phone call he placed to Howard before their meeting. Jimmy has realized it was Chuck who told Howard not to hire him, and has been blocking him from being hired at HHM ever since his days in the mailroom, and demands to know why. Chuck reveals his opinion of Jimmy as not being worthy to be called a real lawyer and that he has not changed since his "Slippin' Jimmy" days. Jimmy tells Chuck he's on his own and angrily drives off, with Chuck calling out to him as he goes. In a flashback to Cicero, Illinois, Jimmy says goodbye to his friend and con artist partner Marco, telling him that he is moving to Albuquerque. In the present, Jimmy meets with Howard Hamlin to receive his $20,000 "of counsel" fee, and to discuss arrangements for delivering groceries and supplies to Chuck. After having a breakdown while calling Bingo at the retirement home, Jimmy then returns to Cicero where he catches up with Marco at their usual bar. They run a rare coin scam on an out-of-town businessman with a Kennedy half dollar. Over the next week, they run several successful scams. One morning, Jimmy explains to Marco that he is now an elder law attorney and must return to Albuquerque. Marco insists on one last fake Rolex scam for kicks but succumbs to a heart attack during the con. A grieving Jimmy, now wearing Marco's pinky ring, receives a phone call from Kim. A large Santa Fe firm, Davis & Mane, is assisting with the class action suit and considering Jimmy for partner. Jimmy returns to Albuquerque, but backs out of the Davis & Mane meeting. He asks Mike why they gave back the embezzled $1.6 million, then proclaims that whatever stopped him from taking it "is never stopping [him] again." Jimmy drives away, smiling and humming "Smoke on the Water", the same song Marco hummed whenever they pulled off the Rolex scam. | comedy | tt3032476 |
Wild Hogs | Doug Madsen (Tim Allen), Woody Stevens (John Travolta), Bobby Davis (Martin Lawrence) and Dudley Frank (William H. Macy) are four middle-aged suburban men in Cincinnati who find themselves frustrated with the pace of daily life. Woody is a formerly rich businessman who suddenly finds himself alone and broke. Doug is a dentist who cant connect with his son, and he misses his college glory days when he was called The Golden Knight. Bobby is a plumber who is henpecked by his wife and daughters while trying to follow his dream of writing a plumbing how-to book. Dudley is a computer geek who seeks to find a woman in his life. Their one collective hobby had always been to ride together on motorcycles around the city, though after college that happened less and less often.When Woody finds out that his marriage is ending in divorce and that he's bankrupt, he suggests they embark on a cross-country road trip west on their bikes to seek adventure. After some hesitation from the other three, the four agree to the trip and set off on their Harley-Davidsons.The road trip is filled with humorous moments, such as sleeping close together scantily dressed and being found by a policeman (John C. McGinley) who tells them they can be charged with lewd and lascivious behavior, but it turns out that he is only teasing: he is actually jealous. Later, when the four go to a small lake, a family on a picnic joins them in the water only to realize the four men are naked. The policeman appears again; he also undresses and joins the four men, who quickly leave.The fun ends when the four stop at a bar and stumble onto a real motorcycle gang called the Del Fuegos. Del Fuego leader Jack (Ray Liotta) tricks the foursome into a bum motorcycle trade, then tells them they are nothing compared to real bikers, especially Del Fuegos founder Damien Blade, and that they should leave before something else bad happens.Less than a mile away, Woody stops, disgraced at what just transpired. He tells his friends that he will go back to the bar to retrieve Dudley's bike, but when he gets back there, a courageous Woody cuts the fuel lines on the gang's motorcycles and takes Dudleys bike. He returns to his friends with the bike (to much astonishment) and explains that he simply threatened the gang with legal action. When the Del Fuegos realize what has transpired, provoked by the Wild Hogs riding past the bar again, Jack orders his gang to follow the Wild Hogs. When Jack errantly tosses his cigarette, it hits gasoline on the ground and triggers a chain reaction that blows up the bar. The Del Fuegos swear revenge.Meanwhile, because of Woodys insistence that they should not stop for any reason, the Wild Hogs run out of gas and have to walk their bikes a long distance until reaching the small town of Madrid, only to discover they have to stay the night to wait for the fuel station to open. The four are first mistaken for actual Del Fuegos and feared, but once the mistake is cleared up, the Madrid Sheriff tells the Wild Hogs that the Del Fuegos terrorize the town yearly and the small police force who received weapons training by playing the video game Doom is unable to do anything about them.At a chili festival that night, Dudley furthers his interest in Maggie (Marisa Tomei) the owner of the local diner. As he courts her, Bobby comes across two Del Fuegos in town (who have spotted the Wild Hogs and informed Jack). Thinking himself untouchable, because of Woodys previous explanation, Bobby humiliates the two bikers. Under orders from Jack, the two Del Fuegos refuse to do anything and Bobby ends up squirting them with ketchup and mustard. The town praises the Wild Hogs as saviors, considering them a friendly biker gang who can protect them.Dudley spends the night with Maggie. The next morning, the Del Fuegos arrive en masse and Jack yells to the townspeople that his gang will vandalize the town, starting with the diner, until the Wild Hogs come out to fight. Woody reveals his lie about the biker bar incident, plus his reason to take the trip (his divorce) and his friends are disappointed with his deceit. When the Del Fuegos start to wreck Maggies diner, Dudley goes out to meet them. The rest of the Wild Hogs eventually back up Dudley and a four-on-four fistfight begins between four Del Fuego bikers and the Wild Hogs. Easily outmatched, the Wild Hogs are beaten up, but refuse to stay down and see the diner destroyed. With their dignity on the line, they continue to get up and take punch after punch, much to the amazement and fury of Jack. Just then, the townspeople arrive carrying makeshift weapons to defend their new friends; they demand the Del Fuegos leave the Wild Hogs alone and get out of town. The situation is defused by the arrival of Damien Blade himself (Peter Fonda). Blade chastises Jack and the Del Fuegos for picking on four men and the townspeople, and reveals he actually thought his bar was a dump and explained that he insured the bar for twice what it was worth. We also learn that Jack is Damien's son, and he points out to Jack how he forgot what being out on the open road is about, and that it doesn't involve thuggish behavior and violence. Jack's split-second transformation from the ultimate bully into a guilty-faced momma's boy is almost as priceless as Woody's earlier impersonation of a tough Marlon Brandoesque biker earlier on. The Del Fuegos, feeling guilty, leave and offers a friendly good-bye to the Wild Hogs. In a salute to Fonda's own memorable role in Easy Rider, Blade tells the Wild Hogs that they need to "lose the watches," referring to the Easy Rider scene when, just before departing on their cross-country chopper-born odyssey, Fonda's character takes off his watch and throws it in the dirt.Bobby and Dougs wives arrive in town, giving Bobby the chance to tell his wife that he dislikes how she controls him, and the two reconcile. Doug impresses his son by telling him of the adventures. Dudley tells Maggie he will return to town soon to enjoy more time with her, and the four head finally continue on to the Pacific coast.The closing credits include excerpts from a faux episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition where the Del Fuegos are given a brand new bar. Jack can barely restrain his emotions as he views it. | humor | tt0486946 |
The Bourne Supremacy | Two years after the events in The Bourne Identity, Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) and his girlfriend, Marie Kreutz (Franka Potente), are living on the beach in Goa, India. Bourne is beginning to recover some of his memories, and he is troubled by disjointed flashbacks of an assassination he carried out in a Berlin hotel.Meanwhile, in Berlin, a CIA officer working for Deputy Director Pamela Landy (Joan Allen) is arranging to pay $3 million in exchange for the "Neski Files", documents pertaining to the theft of $20 million from the CIA, seven years earlier.During the exchange, a Russian assassin named Kirill (Karl Urban) intercedes. He plants two explosives in the basement electrical circuit, one on the main and the other on a sub-line. He tags one of the items with a fingerprint belonging to Jason Bourne. The explosive on the main line kills the power, while Kirill kills both the agent and the person with the files, then steals both the files and money. He gives those to Russian oil magnate Yuri Gretov (Karel Roden).Kirill then travels to Goa, his next task being to kill Bourne, but Bourne sees Kirill first and recognizes he's out of place. He gets Marie and tells her they have to get out fast. As they take off, Kirill sees them, gets in his car, and gives chase. Bourne gets Marie to switch places with him and take over the driving. Not long after that, he prepares to get out of the car, instructing Marie to drive back to their cottage on the beach and he'd meet her there in one hour.Kirill gets hung up in traffic and bails out of his car, grabbing his rifle from the trunk. As Bourne and Marie are crossing a bridge, in heavy traffic, Kirill fires his sniper rifle and hits Marie. She loses control of the car and it careens through a guardrail and off the bridge into a river. Bourne gets out of his side of the car and swims around to get Marie out. He takes a gulp of breath from air trapped near the roof of the vehicle, then attempts mouth-to-mouth on Marie there, underwater. He realizes she is dead, and lets her go. She slowly drifts away in the current.Kirill looks down at the water from on the bridge, then leaves, believing that he had killed Bourne. He later meets up with Gretov, confirming that Bourne was dead, and collects his payment.Bourne managed to swim away from the scene, undetected. He returns to his cottage and collects and burns all of Marie's passports and pictures, except for one picture showing them in an embrace. He collects all of his passports, cash, and the notes that he used to dictate his dreams, then leaves India. Bourne travels to Italy to learn why it is he is being targeted again.Landy's team investigates the scene of the killings in Berlin and finds the fingerprint that Kirill planted. Checking various fingerprint databases, they determine that it is linked to someone who worked at the CIA, specifically with the secret Treadstone project, which was top secret, requiring a level 5 clearance to read about.Landy flies to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia to find out more information. She meets with her superior and asks for the level 5 clearance to continue her investigation. He approves it.Landy learns that the fingerprint belongs to Jason Bourne. She notes the other names of personnel listed in the files and decides to contact CIA Chief Ward Abbott (Brian Cox), asking to meet with him. When they meet, Abbott denies knowing anything about a program called Treadstone. He quickly learns she Landy knows all about it, having acquired the level 5 clearance, including that he was very much involved, so he tells her that as far as he knows, Jason Bourne was long dead. When she tells him about the men killed in Berlin recently, and Bourne's fingerprint found at the scene, he appears to become very concerned.Based on what was found on the hard drive of a laptop computer belonging to the deceased Alexander Conklin, the former head of Treadstone, Landy tells the people she's working with, including her boss and Abbott, that Bourne and Conklin may have been involved in some sort of lucrative venture together (Conklin had a personal bank account with $760,000 in it), and that Bourne appeared to still be involved in whatever it was, so that's why he'd resurfaced. While Landy is briefing her superior and the other staff, an agent comes in and says Bourne's passport showed up in the system in Naples, Italy.Landy tells Abbott that the stolen files contained information about the CIA agent who was suspected to have stolen the $20 million from the CIA, and there was a Russian politician, Vladimir Neski, who was prepared to identify the thief, but before he could do so, he was killed by his wife in a Berlin hotel, in a murder-suicide. Based on the fingerprint, Landy believes Bourne killed the CIA officer and the source in Berlin, so Abbott and Landy set out to capture him.When Bourne arrives in Naples, Italy, he is detained by an Italian Carabinieri officer and CIA interrogator, John Nevins (Tim Griffin). Bourne stays mute, frustrating Nevins. Tom Cronin (Tom Gallop) calls from the CIA in Langley and tells Nevins that Bourne is an agency priority target. Bourne senses trouble from what he hears Nevins say, and responds intuitively, reacting before Nevins can bring his gun to bear, taking down both Nevins and the officer in the room.After quickly copying the Nevin's phone SIM card onto his own cell phone, Bourne escapes. That SIM allowed Bourne to listen in on a call to Nevin's from Landy and he learns her name and phone number, then finds out that he is suspected in the recent killings in Berlin.As Landy is planning to get on a plane to Europe, Abbott warns her that she's getting into more than she can deal with. Cronin, their boss, orders Abbott to go with her and to put a stop to Bourne's activities.Bourne steals a car and heads to Munich. As he drives, he has more flashbacks, involving Conklin and a man and woman he'd shot to death.In Amsterdam, Netherlands, Abbott finds Nicky Parsons (Julia Stiles), the gal who worked in Paris for three years. She was specifically tasked with monitoring the agents assigned to Treadstone. Landy forces Nicky to go to Italy with Abbott and Landy, considering her critical to their attempts to capture Bourne.In Berlin, the CIA office has video of Bourne at the airport. One agent figures Bourne has made a big mistake by being so careless, but Nicky tells him that Treadstone agents don't make mistakes, that if Bourne is able to be tracked, it's because he wants to be.Bourne finds and interrogates the only other remaining Treadstone agent, Jarda (Marton Csokas), who tells him that the project was shut down following Conklin's death. Jarda most likely had been forewarned about Bourne, and they end up having a huge fight, in which Bourne emerges victorious, by strangling Jarda to death. Bourne then creates a leak in the house's natural gas supply and puts a magazine into the toaster to slowly heat up and create a flame. The subsequent explosion slows down arriving police and allows Jason to escape.Bourne searches hotels in Berlin until he finds where Pamela Landy is registered. He watches until she leaves and follows in a taxi. He goes to the top of a building, opposite of the one she enters, and sets up a rifle and scope. With Landy in his sights, he dials her cell phone and asks her if she's running Treadstone. She tells him Treadstone had been shut down, and he knew it. She then asks him if he remembers killing two people in Berlin.Bourne tells Landy he wants to come in. He then sees Nicky come into view and tells Landy that he wants them to send "that girl from Paris" to meet him and bring him in. When Landy asks what if she can't find that girl, Bourne says, "she's standing right next to you." That freaks them out as they immediately look out the windows to try and pick up on where he is.Abbott and Nicky want snipers positioned to kill Bourne when he meets with Nicky. Landy wants him alive, so she can learn what he knows about the Neski case, but after Abbott has a private conversation with her, she does decide to go ahead and position the snipers.Nicky is given Landy's cell phone, per Bourne's instructions. Bourne calls and directs Nicky to board a streetcar, which he's also on. He escorts her off the streetcar before any of the tailing CIA men can get to her, and before any of the snipers can see him. He takes her down into the subway, to a room out of public view, interrogating her along the way, and inside the room.Nicky is able to prompt a bit more memory in Bourne's mind, about a Russian politician named Neski. When he asks her when he was in Berlin, she tells him he was never in Berlin. He is convinced she's lying and becomes so upset that he nearly shoots her, but he also senses that she's telling the truth, as far as she knows things to be, so he ends up leaving her and taking off again.Upon overhearing the conversation between Nicky and Bourne (Nicky was wired), Landy begins to believe that Bourne really can't remember killing the two men in Berlin, or that maybe he didn't actually do it. Abbott becomes increasingly agitated that Bourne can't be caught or killed.Bourne goes to a library and finds articles about the Neski murders, which occurred at the Brecker Hotel in Berlin. He decides to go there.Abbott's young associate, Danny Zorn, takes Abbott down to the electrical breaker room, in the Berlin building where the killings occurred, and shows him how the explosive charges that were set were done in a way that was unnecessary, and that he thinks Bourne wouldn't have done such a thing, therefore, it's possible that Bourne and Conklin were being framed. Abbott asks Zorn to show him how the explosives were set again. When Zorn was focused on the electrical connections again, Abbott grabbed him and choked him to death.
Bourne arrives at the Brecker Hotel and goes to the room of the murder. He is able to remember being sent to kill Neski, on Conklin's orders, and that Neski's wife unexpectedly showed up. He remembers shooting them both, then putting the gun in the wife's hand to make it look like a murder-suicide.Bourne is able to escape the police, who'd been called after a desk employee recognized him from a wanted poster, by climbing up a firewater pipe outside the building. The police on the street see and recognize him and give chase. He barely evades capture several times, eventually jumping off a bridge onto a river barge, hurting his left leg, then uses a grappling hook to pull himself up onto another bridge. He is able to limp over to a streetcar and make his escape.Abbott is shocked to learn that Bourne let Nicky go, unharmed. He feigns concern to an associate about where Zorn might be, and wonders aloud about why Bourne might have come to the Hotel Brecker. Landy recognizes the room Bourne was in as being the Neski murder room. She no longer believes that Bourne killed the Neskis. She receives word that Danny Zorn's body was found.Abbott calls Gretkov and tells him that his CIA associates are on to the facts about Neski. He emphasizes that Gretkov must kill Bourne, or their involvement in the theft of the $20 million would be revealed. Gretkov tells Abbott that he isn't obligated to do anything anymore, and hangs up on Abbott. Bourne then appears behind Abbott.Abbott admits everything to Bourne. Bourne thrusts his pistol up against Abbott's head and demands to know why they just couldn't leave him alone after Treadstone ended. Abbott tells Bourne that it's just the way things had to be, that Bourne was a killer and always would be, so he likely wouldn't ever be left completely alone.Abbott tells Bourne to go ahead and shoot him, but Bourne says Marie wouldn't want him to, so it's because of her that he didn't shoot. He then shows Abbott that he has been recording the conversation. Before Bourne leaves the room, he sets a pistol on the desk next to Abbott.Landy walks in on Abbott to find him holding the pistol, pointed at her. Abbott tells her that the work he did for the CIA was a result of his patriotism. When she asked about Danny, Abbott called that "collateral damage." When she asks Abbott what they do now, he turns the pistol on himself and shoots.As Landy listens to the tape recording that Bourne got to her, she continues to work with her people to try and track him down. He's headed for Moscow, where Gretkov is in the process of tracking down Kirill to let him know Jason Bourne was still alive.Bourne takes a taxi to the address of Vladimir Neski's daughter. A woman was outside sweeping the front steps, and Bourne approaches her. She tells him that the Neski girl had moved, and she gives him the new address. Meanwhile, the police are aware that Bourne's in Moscow and are busy passing around wanted posters. One of the other taxi drivers recognizes him and tells police which taxi driver he went with.The police, and Kirill, simultaneously close in on the neighborhood where Bourne is. Bourne hears the sirens and begins walking. Kirill sees him first, jumps out, and shoots, hitting Jason on top of his shoulder. The police arrive and detain Kirill, not knowing who he was, only that he was shooting at somebody. That gives Bourne time to slip away again.When Kirill shows his i.d. to the police, he is let go and he again takes off after Bourne, this time on foot. Some other policemen on the street recognize Bourne as he enters a market to get some items for his wound. Bourne forces one of the cops down to the floor and walks out of the market. As some other police approach him outside, he knocks them out and steals a taxi cab. Kirill sees what's happened and commandeers a vehicle from woman and gives chase.As Jason drives away, he checks a map he stole at the market to get a quick idea of the road patterns in the area, and where it was he needed to go. He then has to focus his full attention to his pursuers, which are many, in the subsequent furious and violent car chase.
The chase reaches it's climax when Bourne and Kirill are slamming their vehicles into each other, side by side, as they travel at high speed in a congested tunnel. Bourne shoots out the tires of Kirill's vehicle, causing it to turn sideways. Bourne's vehicle t-bones it and pushes it into a concrete support divider. He gets out of his car with his pistol at the ready, but doesn't need to shoot, as Kirill is extensively injured and dying.Gretkov is arrested by Russian police, after Landy provides them with the evidence she got from Bourne.Bourne continues on to find Irena Neski (Oksana Akinshina). He breaks into her apartment and is waiting when she comes home. He is holding his gun, has blood on his hand, and is sitting in a chair in the dark. When she turns on the light and sees him, she is obviously frightened, but he tells her to not scream, and that he won't hurt her.Bourne tells Irena that she's older than he thought she'd be. He knows she has been living with the belief that her mother killed her father and then killed herself. Bourne has tears in his eyes as he tells Irena that it was him who killed her parents. He tells her it was his job, his first time, and that her father was supposed to be alone. When her mother appeared, he had to change his plan. He tells her he's sorry. Irena has tears in her eyes, but doesn't speak as Bourne quietly walks out of her apartment.In New York City, Bourne contacts Landy to ask why the CIA was still looking for him. Landy thanks Bourne for supplying the tape, which the CIA had used to settle matters concerning his frame-up. She apologizes to Bourne (off the record), then tells Bourne that his real name is David Webb, and that he was born in Missouri on April 15, 1971.She wants him to come in so they can talk more about that. Bourne declines Landy's offer, then tells her she should get some rest, as she looks tired. She turns to look out the window, but he's gone, out into the crowded streets. | suspenseful, boring, violence, flashback, action, revenge | tt0372183 |
Zombie Honeymoon | Open: Sounds of eating, drinking, sucking. A sound of a kiss. We see a sign for St. Peters Episcopal Church and the writing under the sign states: Denise & Danny Til Death Do Them Part. Bride and Groom exit the church. The bride is wearing a red dress with a red veil. They drive away in a car with the license plate CFO-52T. JUST MARRIED is written on the rear hatch window. The couple begin to kiss. The bride gives the groom a BJ in the car. She throws her veil out of the window. Denise Zanders <Tracy Coogan> carries Danny Zanders <Graham Sibley> over the threshold of the house owned by Uncle Barry. The house has a video game, a swimming pool and a swing set. Denise and Danny start to swing. They mention Portugal. A man is running down the street coughing. The newlyweds make love on the lawn to teach the jogger something. Denise looks for veggies in the refrig and chases Danny around the kitchen with raw ground beef. Down at the beach Danny is surfing as Denise cheers him on. They hold hands on the beach when Danny is done surfing. Seagulls are on the beach. Denise takes out her sketch book and starts to draw the ocean with Danny surfing. She has drawn some kind of black winged thing. An Ocean Zombie man <Mitch Goldberg> is coming toward the shore. Denise tells Danny to wake up. The Ocean Zombie falls on top of Danny. The zombie throws some black stuff up in Dannys mouth then dies. Danny is in the hospital. The doctor <John Sobestanovich> is trying to restart Dannys heart but fails. The doctor tells Denise that Danny is not responding. All of a sudden Dannys eyes open. Denise runs to him. The man next to Danny tells the doctor to let them hug for Christs sake. Danny was dead for 10 minutes. The Doc says Danny has to rest. Denise kisses Danny. Denise and Danny leave the hospital. Denis pulls out her sketch book. Danny appears and Denise hugs him. They are lying in bed when Denise asks Danny if he is hungry. He says not really. Denise will cook him dinner tomorrow night with candles. A candle-light dinner. They begin making love when Denise sees some of his chest skin peeling off. Breast action. The next day Denise is looking at a photo album with scraps of this and that in it. They discuss him being dead. They talk about having a child a girl. Blah, Blah, couples talk. Danny picks up the phone and resigns from his job 2 week notice. Denise then resigns from her job. She is a childrens book illustrator. Danny then calls Marty and gives up their apartment. Cut to a palm reader. She tries to read her customers hand with no luck. She then goes to the tarot cards. The man gets up and goes. He says she is ripping him off. Denise calls her palm reader friend and says they are going to Portugal. They couple laugh and kiss. The doorbell rings. It is Officer Frank Carp and he asks for Danny. He has Dannys surf board. His parents got him the board for his 15th birthday. Officer Carp asks about Jack Birch <Phil Catalano> Dannys roommate in the hospital who has disappeared. Denise goes shopping for their dinner. A jogger comes down the street clutching his chest. Denise passes a marina. Denise pulls into an Acme Supermarket. She bought 4 bottles of wine. Denise goes to the bathroom, she hears something and pulls the shower curtain open. She sees Danny eating a mans guts. Danny has blood all over his face. She runs out of the house but Danny says he needs her. He says he is sorry and she tells him not to touch her. Danny was eating Jack. Denise goes out onto the deck and smokes a cigarette. She remembers her vows to Danny. She had quit smoking for 7 ½ months, she throws the cig away. Blah, blah, not a bad person etc. They scramble to clean up the houseNikki < Tonya Cornelisse> and Buddy <David M. Wallace>are coming over. Denise takes a finger out of the tub drain. Enter Nikki and Buddy. They are drinking wine out of plastic cups. Buddy asks Denise if she is going to write a comic book now what Danny is one of the living dead. Nikki doesnt like this. Buddy makes fun and plays a zombie asking for brains. They go out for dinner and Danny plays with his food at dinner and is tired of vegetables. Danny scarfs down a steak really fast ravenous like. Denise goes to the bar has a drink then asks for another two drinks NOW. Nikki asks for seltzer NOW. Buddy says their waitress looks like the girl he used to bang in center - Tammy. Danny doesnt remember he dated Tammy for 2 years. Nikki consoles Denise. The next day Danny is throwing up in the locked bathroom. Denise breaks down the door. Blood is all over the toilet. Danny is crying and says that vegetarians dont make good cannibals. Denise and Danny in the car and he asks her to put on track 4 of the CD. They go to a travel agent Phyllis <Maria Iadonisi>. She offers them coffee and a bagel. They book a one way trip to Portugal. They depart 10:15AM. Arriving in Lisbon at 10:15PM. Danny starts eating her arm then tears out her throat. Denise is trying to get him out of the store. She freaks out. Danny runs into the woods. We now see a Video Library store where the owner <Dustin Smither> is wearing a T-shirt that says We are going to eat you! with a face of a zombie. The customer puts $10.00 on the counter and walks out grousing. Danny attacks the irate video store customer <Nate Meyer>. Denise goes home and Officer Carp rings the doorbell. Denise offers the officer a drink. He starts to look at her photo album. She says she has grapefruit juice. He asks her about Jack Birch again. Carp tells her when he has loose ends he cant sleep and he says thats a pain in the ass. He gives her his card and he says they found blood in the bathroom. Danny comes home bloody. Danny says he is trying to kill as few people as he can before they leave for Portugal. He mentions Portugal zombie doctors. Denise says its an affliction which has cures. Danny asks Denise not to leave him. She says in sickness and in health. The doorbell rings again and Buddy falls in the door and Nikki walks in. He is holding a Rubix Cube. Buddy says Danny looks like shit. Danny asks Nikki to read his palm which is gray looking. Nikki says they will have one kid. Nikki then sees the longest and deep life line she has ever seen. Then she sees his face as a zombie. Danny attacks Buddy and tears out his throat. Nikki and Denise run out of the house. Denise cant leave Danny and goes back into the house. Danny is playing a video game. Ugly face Danny. Nikki took Denises car. Denise is getting the candle-light dinner ready. Danny is growling. Nikki is going to the police department. We see a sign for Birch Drive and a sign that says Dead End. Denise puts one long-stem rose into a vase. Nikki sees a Police sign. At the house Danny makes a toast to Portugal. Denise is drawing Danny in her sketch pad. The police are coming to the house. Danny is crying. A piece of Dannys face falls into the soup. Danny gets ready to bite Denises neck. The police shoot Danny. Denise screams and Danny gets up and bites off Carps nose. Danny eats the other policeman. Danny goes after Nikki, puts two fingers in her neck and starts eating her. Denise runs, puts her hair up and puts on her red wedding dress. She listens as Danny eats. She turns on the television and flips channels as Danny throws up. She is laying on the bed and you see a severed arm on one of the pillows. Denise hides in a closet then falls out to find a severed head at her feet. Dannys face is all grey and rotten. Danny is hocking up black stuff. Denise runs downstairs and uses Dannys surf board to block him from getting to her. Danny comes toward Denise and remembers them on the swing. He throws her to the floor and turns his head and spits zombie stuff on the floor. He says he is sorry and falls on Denise. She cries while Danny is laying on her. The next morning we see Denise holding a dead Danny in her lap. She drags his body out by the pool. She rolls him into the pool. Denise goes to the beach with her red pail and scooper. She runs into the surf and has a vision of Danny as he once was. She is holding her stomach like she is pregnant. She unfolds her ticket to Portugal. A Tammy Wynette song plays. Stand by your Man. The End. | tragedy, romantic | tt0399934 |
Momentum | Pre-credits you hear a U.S. senator (Morgan Freeman) speaking to some unseen defense contractors. They are planning to orchestrate an event that will result in a war for them and a higher political office for him.The first scene opens in a bank in South Africa (Cape Town?). A robber gang of four, dressed in mysterious and futuristic garb (they have rows of different colored lights on their suits for identification and all their voices sound the same because they have been electronically modified) ruthlessly torture the bank manager until he opens the safe. The "key" to the safe is the manager's body and after an initial failure, the robbers shove two teeth that they had knocked out back in place, which works to open the safe. The thieves only open and remove the contents of one safety deposit box, which contains diamonds and one other small, unidentified, item. We begin to differentiate between the robbers. Red light and green light appear to be the leaders and violet light seems to be a hot-head who was apparently recruited by the fourth member, blue light. Red light gets in a fight with violet light and they shoot each other. Violet light is hit in the upper shoulder or neck, which does little damage, and red light takes only a nick to the cheek. They struggle and Red lights mask is pulled off, revealing a beautiful young red-haired woman. All the hostages see her face and blue light says she must kill all of them because she's been compromised. She says no and about that time violet light struggles back up and is shot again, this time with fatal result. All the robbers leave the bank and ride away in a van. Blue light removes his mask revealing a bearded man who is very angry with the woman because his friend violet light (Wayne) is dead and because she didn't kill all the witnesses and when green light (also a man) comes to her defense he also turns his anger on him. The woman knocks him unconscious with a left-handed backwards punch. As the thieves split up, the woman reminds the bearded man to lay low for a month and then he will receive "30,000".The man and the woman (now identified as "Alex" or "Alexis Farraday" (Olga Kurylenko) relax in different rooms of a luxury hotel. Alex is seen changing her eye and hair color. She goes to her partner's room and it becomes apparent that they are ex-lovers with Alex being mad with him and him wanting to reconcile. The man says he found "some even better insurance" in with the diamonds and wants Alex to help him with it but is disturbed by a knock on the door. He -- now identified as "Kev" or "Kevin Fuller" (Colin Moss)" -- is expecting a woman who will the original insurance. She (Jessica) is indeed at the door but followed by some gunmen -- actually three men and one woman. Alex hides under the bed, but Kev and Jessica are subdued. Jessica gives up her cell phone with a sex video and is promptly shot in the head. The leader then demands Kevin give over a USB drive, after badly torturing home they kill Kevin, Alex is quiet and unnoticed under the bed. The head "bad guy", Mr. Washington (James Purefoy) is annoyed that Kevin has died prematurely. Alex sneaks out from under the bed and finds a gun but it turns out to be unloaded. An extended chase and running gun battle ensues but in the end, Alex escapes from the hotel.There's a chase scene on the city streets with the bad guys temporarily joined by the police when she runs a red light. However she escapes everyone.Alex shows up at "blue light"''s apartment and he confidently prepares to defend his place but has underestimated his opponents and is quickly killed. In the other room, Alex calls Kev's wife and warns her to get out of town immediately. She also ask her to bring the package containing the diamonds and disk, which she suspects Kevin has stashed at home in his "bug-out bag". Kev's wife insults Alex because she knew of the affair Kev and Alex were having, and refuses to bring the package, if any, however, she reluctantly prepares to leave. Alex hides in a ceiling space and overhears Mr. Washington's plan to kill Kevin's wife and child. He learns of their address by tricking the young boy over the phone.At the Fuller home, Penny Fuller retrieves Kev's bug-out bag from the ceiling of the garage, inadvertently breaking the windshield of her car in the process. We see her look down at the windshield fragments, thoughtfully.Three bad guys race to Kevin Fuller's home while the other group are cleaning up the bodies left behind at the hotel. Alex also gets to the house and another big fight happens in which both baddies are killed (Mr. Washington had already left for the hotel with the bug-out bag). Alex is given the disk by Mrs. Fuller (which leaves us wondering just what was in the bug-out bag) but when she attempts to view the disk on the home computer, it activates a GPS device telling "someone" her location, so she immediately leaves along with Mrs. Fuller and the boy.Mr. Washington receives a phone call from the senator asking about the drive and is annoyed when the senator says he is sending his right-hand man, Doug MacArthur (Karl Thaning) to provide assistance. Mr. Washington is annoyed at this but polite to the senator while on the phone with him.As the cleanup at the hotel is taking place, Washington receives a call from Alex and is tricked into revealing that they are at the hotel. She races to the hotel on a stolen motorbike and then follows him to some abandoned industrial building. Washington has with him two associates, Ms. Clinton (who he thinks well of) and Mr. Jefferson who both he and Clinton think is an idiot. Alex sneaks in and subdues Mr. Jefferson and holds him hostage by holding him with a gun in his mouth. Alex calls Washington and it now is explicitly stated that both the robbers and Mr. Washington's crew were hired by the senator. The robbers weren't told about the drive, only the diamonds, and Washington knew about both and was assigned to kill the robbers. She then deliberately makes Washington and Clinton aware of her presence and attempts to trade Mr. Jefferson for the diamonds (even though she already has the diamonds and the drive). When Washington refuses, she shoots Jefferson through the head. She also activates a bomb she has hidden in Mr. Washington's SUV, but fails to seriously harm him or Clinton. Alex has hidden but again makes her whereabouts known. She gets captured when a third member of Washington's crew appears. She's placed in a chair with her leg in a vice and there is a long torture scene. Washington figures out she was a CIA "entry-specialist" who quit after a job in Beirut went wrong and innocent people were killed. Washington also discovers that the "diamonds" he thought he had were actually just shards of a broken windshield. Alex had placed them in a bag earlier and he hadn 't bothered to look in the bag until later. Alex fagrees to make a trade for the diamonds and drive at 9 PM that night at Cape Town airport. she calls Penny Fuller to confirm the meet.That evening at the airport, what's left of Washington and Clinton show up along with Alexis, in a short black dress, heels and a cane. Penny is there is a dark wig, keeping incognito. Alex is handed a key to a locker at the airport (Penny hands it to her as she walks by). Penny then lingers around the airport with the bug-out bag, which is dripping a bit of blood .Washington is very suspicious of Alex and insists she open the locker and then the box. However, she has tricked him by placing both items in an inner compartment in the box and when this is opened by Ms. Clinton, a bomb goes off. Clinton is seriously wounded in the face but still able to fight. Meanwhile, the third member of the crew has spotted and captured Penny. The airport police are now involved. Clinton defeats a squad of them in hand-to-hand combat but is finally shot. Washington and Alex fight and she wrestles away from him the drive- which Penny had hid in his necktie, earlier. She stuns Washington with a blow to the face and runs toward the terminal door. Washington kills a policeman who gets in his way. All this time, the third baddie has been carrying a subdued Penny through the chaos of the terminal. Alex gets to him and puts a bullet through his head. She runs towards the exit. Washington is surrounded by police just outside the terminal. He stops and raises his hands. Penny pulls off her wig changes her appearance quickly, and tries to exit the terminal. Alex comes out and talks to Washington. She makes a chess comment, "Queen to Bishop 5" then yells out "gun" and dives off. The police open fire and Washington goes down in a hail of bullets. Penny Fuller is held as a witness at first, on the scene, along with all the others, but released when the lead detectives attention is diverted elsewhere. He is shown a bag left on the scene which contains a woman's head, Jessica's. The head has been given a fresh wound to the face because Alex had received such a wound when she was shot at the bank by violet lights. A few diamonds were left on the scene also, however it is revealed that Penny has the bulk of the diamonds in her bag. She leaves to go to her mother's to pick up Matthew, her son. A Squad of Interpol police arrive along with Mr. MacArthur, and take control of everything, but it is too late, Alex gets past security with a fake passport and is on an outbound flight. She has a new tech associate with her and they view the video on the disk. It is of building plans with large bombs in the basement. She calls Washington's cell, McArthur answers and she lets him know she knows the plans.In the closing scenes, the senator and McArthur discuss the situation. The senator wonders whether she is going to be "greedy or a martyr". McArthur indicates that she will be a martyr (be a hero) . The senator mutters that martyrs must die. | comedy, murder, violence, flashback, humor, revenge, sadist | tt3181776 |
Narc | Nick Tellis (Jason Patric) is an undercover cop remembering his last assignment which ended in a strenuous foot chase after a drug dealer named Dowd. Dowd is fast and ruthless, shooting up a bystander with a lethal dose of drugs, although Tellis runs past the victim in order to catch him, although he next grabs a little girl from a playground and threatens to shoot her up too. Tellis however, shoots the dealer anyway, firing several shots. He kills the dealer and the girl is unharmed, but one of his bullets ricochets and hits a pregnant woman who is bleeding badly. Tellis screams for help as children scream in the background, and the woman sobs in pain.We next see Nick Tellis 8 months later, on suspension, talking to a police committee about the incident. They mention the woman nearly dying and losing her baby. Tellis reminds them that these details have been covered and becomes agitated when a woman on the committee, Liz Detmer (Karen Robinson) asks him if he's contacted the Jeanine Mueller (Lina Giornofelice,) the woman who lost her baby. He reveals that he's spoken to her but refuses to give details, feeling it's his own personal business. She asks him if he feels the infant's death could have been avoided if he'd "acted less aggressively."
He responds by saying:
Tellis: My duty assignment was solely undercover narcotic work. Do you have any idea what that entails?
Liz: I have a general idea. Yeah.
Tellis: Well then, generally speaking, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Detmer keeps questioning whether he could have used more restraint and Tellis insisting she doesn't know what she's talking about. He insists "If you want to talk I'll talk, I have no problem with that, but if this becomes some half ass ambush and you're putting me under the lamp, I will walk. Now." The committee goes quiet and Tellis is asked if he's familiar with "The Michael Calvess case" Tellis says that he is. They reveal that Calvess was a cop who was murdered and they've been investigating for over sixty days without turning up any evidence or suspects, although they're still determined to solve it. The committee feels that due to his quick dismissal from the force after the discussed incident, his drug element contacts may still be intact. They offer him reinstatement as a homicide detective if he agrees to help with the case. Tellis immediately says "No." and walks out while they're talking. He's followed out by Captain Cheevers (Chi McBride) who apologizes for them putting him on the spot and asks him to look through some files.We see Nick at home with his wife Audrey (Krista Bridges) and baby son. Resting on the couch he fills her in on the meeting. He remarks "They expect you to come in with this glad to be here bullshit, head hung low, hat in hand." She asks why he bothered going and he says "They asked." Audrey isn't pleased at at the thought of him looking through files, suspected he'll only get more involved. He mentions that welfare isn't working well enough and she suggests he do something else for work.Tellis goes in and starts scanning files, visualizing how the the murder could have happened. He then asks for Calvess' personal affects, finding pictures from his daughter, awards, an unopened Christmas present, and photos of Calvess with his family. He finds the name "Henry Oak" on most of the relevant and helpful reports. He asks Captain Cheevers about Oak, and Cheevers explains that Henry Oak is restricted from working on the case, because he and Calvess were too close. Cheevers explains that it was Oak that found the body and says "He's swinging a big stick. He makes solid collars that make solid cases. But, between you and me...He's not stable. He's all of that shit a cop just cannot be. Not right now. Not in this city. Not in this department.We're talking about a marked name."We see Henry Oak (Ray Liotta) in the police station, putting a billiard ball into a sock and watching as a convict is escorted out. He approaches the convict and swings the sock into his face, knocking him down and then continuing to beat him with it. The other officers attempt to calm him down (from a safe distance.) Oak screams at the convict "I swear to fucking God, if I get another call you're beating on your wife and kids, you're fucking dead!" His fellow officers pull him back, but he shakes them off and says "Get this piece of shit out of here!"Tellis points out that Oak is likely not listening to the department's ban on him investigating. Cheevers cautions Tellis from putting too much on Oak, figuring that IAD could bring an indictment against him at any time.Tellis suggests that he hold off IAD by requiring Oak's involvement in the case. Cheevers tells him that's only possible if he's involved as well to provide some supervision. Tellis claims he isn't interested in active assignment but needs a paycheck. He tells Cheever he doesn't want to work the streets though and needs a desk job. Cheevers says "Fine. Get me a conviction, I'll get you a desk."Tellis and Oak meet at the police shooting range, then go have coffee. Oak tells Tellis he must be "someone special" to get him reassigned to the case. Tellis downplays it, claiming it was mostly Oak's own work. Oak is up front with his suspicions, asking Tellis if he's working with internal affairs, pointing out that getting dirt on him might get him back into favor with the department.
Oak: You weren't approached or asked in any way to keep tabs on me for IA?
Tellis: No, I was not. Hey, I don't blame you for asking. You don't do what I did and just waltz back in.
Oak: Now what does that tell you?
Tellis: That tells me that this investigation is running on fucking fumes.
Oak: Don't get confused thinking that this is about Calvess.
Tellis: I know it's not.
Oak: This is all politics. This is political appointments, it's referendums, it's squashing a race riot. You think those assholes upstairs give a shit and shake about Michael Calvess? They didn't know him. They don't care about him and they can't forget about him fast enough. The only thing you need to know about me is that I'm going to bag the motherfuckers that killed Mike. If that means breaking every point of procedure, then they're broke. It's because his life is worth a little bit more than a wreath and a rifle salute.Tellis goes home and finds his wife in bed already. She refuses to give him a kiss or talk to him initially. The screen splits and we see Oak questioning people about Jimmy Fredericks (Mike Calvess' street name.) Tellis joins in as well and we see Oaks and Tellis each questioning people on their own. The screen splits into four to show all their activity, and then back to two and one, bringing Oaks and Tellis back together on the job responding to a scene where where other officers responded to a junkie trying to light his girlfriend on fire, and heard him mention Jimmy Fredericks. The junkie claims he used to snitch for Fredericks and will talk to them for a reduced sentence. Tellis and Oak confront the junkie, Octavio (John Ortiz) who claims he tried to burn her for giving him a venereal disease that left him black and blue and unable to wear pants. Despite the fact that they're cops, Octavio asks them if he can take a "quick hit." They look away while he lights up. He tells them he say Fredericks fighting with a Leo Lee. Tellis knows who Leo is. Octavio remembers that Fredericks/Calvess had a bad temper and after fighting, spit on Leo.Oak asks Tellis about Leo Lee, or Leonard Leflore, as Calvess' files never mentioned him. Tellis calls him a nickel bagger into drugs and guns, but figures he has outstanding warrants out on him. Tellis and Oak stage a raid of Leo's place, but only find a badly decomposed corpse in the bathtub. The coroner tells them he's been dead two-three weeks. Tellis finds a gun in the tub with the body and is surprised that the weapon is "tactical issue, Metro PD" and used by the SWAT team. Oak concludes that the man killed himself with it, but Tellis doesn't think so, realizing the gun didn't have a mark from the firing pin. Knowing Leo, Tellis imagines that Leo dropped and broke his pipe and rather than get out of the water, tried to smoke from the gun forgetting there was a bullet in the chamber, and lighting it up, blew his head off. Tellis is bothered by the gun, figuring Leo had to have known a cop.Tellis gets home earlier and fights with Audrey. He acts as if everything is normal but she reminds him what they had to go through when he was undercover. He claims "It's two weeks work." but she doesn't accept that. She can't understand why he'd return to it, but Tellis asks her what if it had been him that was killed.Back at the station Oaks tells Tellis he was right about the gun and it had been a department gun, and that they'd found a set of prints on it from a gang member, Latroy Steeds, who was just released from prison a week ago. Investigating Latroy, they find he hasn't checked in with his parole officer at all. Tellis and Oaks discuss family, Tellis explaining that he's been married a year and a half. Oaks says that he was married for almost sixteen years, and lost his wife to cancer. Tellis feels awkward, but Oaks says he doesn't mind talking about her, and if he wanted to avoid it he could take off his wedding ring. Oaks remembers how she used to comfort him when he started out working vice and calls lying his head in her lap and looking at her "the best place I've ever been." Oak says: "I'll tell you this much, I became a much better cop the day she died. And any half step, any hesitation I had about the job was gone. I see a dead bolted door, I break it down and be the first one in the room. I started working Joint Task Force, the head crack, hang wrecking crew. Zombie squad. It was a diversion. It was just a way to keep from thinking about her. I remember one night I went with the sheriffs on a warrant raid. This dipshit was selling meth out of his apartment. It was just a stop and pop, broke down the door, rousted the guy. I was in one of the back rooms looking for junk. An I hear something. I turn around and see these, these eyes staring at me from a closet. It was a little girl. A little ten year old girl. naked.shaking like a leaf, she was scared to death. Her stepfather was pimping her out for rent. Wrapped her in my coat, carried her out to the squad car. I went back and I beat that motherfucker half to death. I thought of my wife. I thought of the baby we never had, all the things about her that I hung on to. Because a little girl being brutalized, a little girl being abused has got nothing to do with the rules and regulations and everything to do with right and wrong. It's the same thing with Calvess.Tellis looks through Calvess' photos again and decides to visit Calvess' wife, Kathryn (Anne Openshaw) He returns Calvess' personal effects to her. He asks her if the undercover work affected their home life. She's hesitant to discuss this aspect of Calvess with him. She remembers that Oak gave her the news and he had tears in his eyes. While they're talking Henry comes by for a visit and the girls are happy to see him. Oak seems upset with Tellis being there and asks him to step outside. He screams at Tellis, not to talk to her without him being there.Tellis looks through Calvess' files again and in his recovered substances finds chemicals similair to those that the dealer from the beginning used to kill the bystander. He tells Oaks that the drug was called "burnback" and was basically drug tablescraps. He thinks they might have been trying to sell burnback to Calvess. Through another incident he finds a connection to Eugene Sheps (Bishop Brigante) Tellis talks with Eugene while Oaks looks through the cabinets. Tellis wants to know who sold him the burnback since the dealer he killed at the beginning is dead. When Eugene doesn't give them any information they start tearing up his place finding guns in the freezer. They find that Eugene also has a police shield. While they look at it Eugene pulls a gun and starts firing at them, shooting Tellis, while Oaks kills Eugene. Oaks calls it in and Tellis wakes up in the hospital. He overhears his wife talking to doctors who are concerned about his previous drug use.Tellis gets out quickly and he and Oaks meet with Captain Cheevers who informs them that they're closing the case and saying Eugene murdered Calvess. Oaks is mad as neither of them believe that Eugene was capable of it. The badge he had belonged to a Richard Dekolvie, who was stabbed to death three years ago. Tellis points out that Calvess' murder would have required two men much bigger than Eugene. Cheevers, however, says it's out of his hands.At home, Audrey tells Nick he has to stop now. She says she's seen him "like this" before, and although she was willing to go through it then she isn't now. He insists that it isn't done. Audrey says "What, you think catching 'em is going to make you less like them? Purified? Just like Calvess? You know what, that's bullshit Nick 'cause that's not what he was. That's not what you are. I love you. But with everything that I am, I'm still going to leave. 'cause I can't be with you like this." Nick doesn't respond.Tellis goes to work and finds some files left for him. Oaks interrupts him with information on the name that Eugene gave them, on Darnell "Big D." Love. Oaks points out that he was booked with both Latroy Steeds and Eugene and that they had all worked at Titan's Auto. The two two of them visit Titan's Auto with guns out, covering different floors once in the building. Oaks hears talking downstairs and fires before confronting them. Upstairs someone fires at Tellis with an automatic weapon and runs. Tellis chases him down and finds it's Darnell (Busta Rhymes) Oaks has a man, Latroy Steeds (Richard Chevolleau) cuffed already and he questions them both after cuffing them together. Oaks tells them if they don't help they'll leave in bags, but Darnell tells him they can't do that as it's illegal.Oaks and Tellis start searching the place, destroying cars and looking inside everything. Oaks shoots Darnell's personal car with his shotgun while Tellis checks another, finding a trunk full of weapons. Oaks takes a look and finds another police weapon which he says is Calvess' gun. When confronted, Darnell accuses Oaks of planting the gun. Tellis looks a little suspicious but doesn't say anything. Oaks narrates to them how they killed Calvess. When he tells them to remember Jimmy Fredericks, Darnell says "He was a fucking junkie man." sending Oaks into an outrage. Darnell says "Come on man, we sold to that motherfucker every day, three or four times a day." only angering Oaks more. He screams that Darnell is lying and that they found out he was undercover, tried to kill him with a bad score, and shot him when it didn't work. Darnell says that it was Calvess who gave them the cop guns, in trade for drugs. Oaks loses it and starts beating Darnell, screaming "He was a cop! He was a cop you killed! He had a fucking wife! He had kids!"He beats him savagely until Tellis pulls him away. Tellis proposes they take prints off the weapon and call it in but Oaks tells him not to call in as he wants to get confessions on tape first. He tells Oaks to grab the print kit while he goes upstairs to find more evidence. When Oaks leaves the room Tellis blocks the door and talks to the two cuffed men. Darnell remembers him from the past, but also knows that it was him that killed the "burnback" dealer. They tell him that Calvess had sold him out. He asks why Darnell had told Oaks that he already knew who killed Calvess. Darnell answers "That means that your fucking partner Oak is dirty, man. He's lying to you" explaining further that Oaks was in the tunnel. Darnell reveals that he knew Calvess by his real name, because he got strung out and blew his own cover. He supplied them with badges, ID's and guns and other cops identities when he didn't have money and kept them out of reports.Darnell recounts that Calvess had called him to the tunnel at 6 in the morning strung out and shaking with no money or anything to trade. Darnell told him to fuck off and Calvess threatened to arrest him and Oak showed up behind him in the distance. Calvess saw Oaks and reached for his gun trying to arrest them. Darnell and the other man hit him and knocked him down. They both ran as Oaks was approaching and Oaks started shooting, wounding one of them. Darnell overheard Calvess and Oaks arguing before Oaks killed Calvess. Tellis starts hitting Darnell not wanting to believe him. They point out that he had opened the trunk first and ask if he remembers seeing the gun before Oaks checked it out.Oaks finds the door blocked and pounds on it. Tellis unblocks the door and confronts Oaks outside. Oaks is angry that he spoke to them while he was outside, but Tellis insists on answers. He asks Oak if he learned that Calvess had blown his cover and was tailing him for that. Oak claims he wasn't tailing him, but Tellis asserts that he was there before Calvess died. Oaks claims he was helping Calvess with a bust and it went bad, but Tellis asks why he couldn't identify the men then. Oaks calls Tellis a washout, recounting his incident which cost the woman a baby. Tellis gets angry himself telling Oaks "Shut the fuck up! You're a fucking lie!" He shows Oaks a form from child welfare regarding Kathryn Tunney (Calvess wife) who was the girl in the closet from the story Oaks told him. Tellis had found a trail of Kathryn's drug offenses which Oaks had hidden using his influence. Tellis turns his back and says he's calling it in. Oaks pulls his shotgun and demands Tellis' gun and shield. When Tellis doesn't comply, Oaks hits him. On the ground Tellis, theorizes that he killed Calvess to keep him from breaking Kathryn's heart and says "he was a junkie, how long before he started pimping her out right?" Oaks kicks him again and tells him to go home while he goes inside to finish things up.Oaks goes inside and turns on a tape recorder, demanding that they confess to killing Calvess. When they don't cooperate he fires a few shots right next to their heads. He forces them to hold Calvess' gun. Tellis gets up and pulls a gun on Oaks telling him to stop, as it appears he's about to shoot Darnell. Tellis shoots Oaks and he drops. Tellis leans down and demands Oaks admit he was there to kill him. A very weakened Oak says "They ruined him. They made him that way. They made him a junkie. The department takes everything. The pension. Everything. The family gets nothing. Kathy gets nothing. "
Tellis insists "You tell me the truth. Do not fucking go." Oaks whispers to Tellis and we see the scene in flashback. Oaks sees Calvess with Darnell and his associate arguing and approaches them. Calvess pulls his gun and they hit him and run. Oaks runs toward Calvess who is shooting at the dealers. Oaks takes the gun from Calvess and tells him "I'm taking you out." telling him they need to get him help and reminding him what he's doing to his family. He tells Calvess that it's over and apologizes for taking so long to act. Calvess shoots himself and Oaks loses his composure telling Calvess he's sorry. Darnell drags his unconscious partner out of the warehouse while Tellis sits with a deceased Oaks. He looks at the tape recorder near them with a button depressed. | dark, neo noir, realism, murder, bleak, violence, flashback, suspenseful | tt0272207 |
The Wrong Trousers | The film begins at 62 West Wallaby Street on Gromit's birthday at breakfast. After being tipped out of bed and dressed using several mechanical contraptions, Wallace is greeted with a large pile of overdue bills. Wallace remembers Gromit's birthday and presents Gromit with a pair of “ex NASA” robotic "Techno Trousers", acquired by Wallace to alleviate the burden of taking Gromit for walks. While Gromit is out on a "walk", Wallace realises they are in financial difficulty and decides to let the spare bedroom out.
He is answered by an inscrutable looking penguin named Feathers McGraw. The penguin comes to stay at the house, pushing Gromit out of his comfortable bedroom, into the spare bedroom and keeping him awake at night with loud organ music, much to Gromit's aggravation. On the other hand, Wallace takes a liking to him. Feathers also takes an interest in the Techno Trousers after seeing Gromit use their suction feet to walk on the ceiling while decorating the spare bedroom. Distressed that Feathers has barged in on his relationship with his master, Gromit packs up his belongings and leaves home. After watching Gromit leave, Feathers secretly modifies the Techno Trousers for his own use. He removes the controls on the trousers and adapts them into a remote control.
The next morning, Gromit hunts for suitable lodgings. He notices a wanted poster offering a reward for the capture of a "chicken" – actually a criminal penguin who disguises himself by wearing a rubber glove on his head. Meanwhile, Wallace's normal morning routine is interrupted when his expected trousers are replaced with the modified Techno Trousers.
Trapped inside the "wrong trousers", Wallace is marched out of the house and sent running around town on an extended test run, unaware that Feathers is controlling them. Gromit witnesses this spectacle and later spies on Feathers as he measures up the exterior of the city museum. He returns home and uncovers Feathers' plans to steal a large diamond from the museum.
However, Feathers returns and Gromit is forced to hide. He watches as Feathers arrives dressed in the "chicken disguise". In a deep sleep after the day's misadventures, Wallace is unwittingly brought into the robbery by Feathers. Feathers marches him out of the house to the museum and uses the trousers' suction feet to climb up the building. The penguin controls the trousers from a window sill, while Wallace enters the building through a roof air vent and walks across the ceiling to the room with the diamond, narrowly avoiding the laser burglar alarm system.
The helmet Wallace is wearing contains a remote controlled claw that Feathers uses to hook the diamond. He narrowly succeeds, but accidentally dislodges a ceiling tile and sets the trousers off balance and thus causes the claw to swing into the laser and triggers the burglar alarm and wakes Wallace up.
Feathers marches Wallace out of the museum and back to the house. The penguin reveals himself to be Wallace's lodger, and traps him in a wardrobe. Gromit confronts Feathers, but the penguin draws a gun and forces Gromit into the wardrobe, locking them both inside. Using his electronics expertise, Gromit tampers with the trousers' circuits to make them march and break open the wardrobe.
There follows a chase aboard Wallace and Gromit's train set, as Gromit tries to stop Feathers from escaping with the stolen diamond. Wallace's attempts to assist are mostly unsuccessful, though he manages to remove Feathers' gun and free himself from the trousers. Feathers' train collides with the trousers, and he is captured in a bottle, taken to the police station, and imprisoned in a zoo.
Wallace and Gromit celebrate paying off their debts with the substantial reward money. Meanwhile, the Techno Trousers, unceremoniously consigned to the dustbin, walk off by themselves into the sunset. | psychedelic, comedy, cute, entertaining, humor | tt0108598 |
Orgy of the Dead | The film opens to two muscle-bound men dressed in loincloths approaching a crypt. They open the doors, revealing a coffin. They remove the lid and exit the crypt, then the inhabitant of the coffin (Criswell) sits up to deliver an opening narration. This narration mostly matches the prologue of Night of the Ghouls (1959), with one minor variation and an additional line. The phrase "world between the living and the dead" of the original is changed to "void between...". There is also a new line at the end: "A night with the ghouls, the ghouls reborn, from the innermost depths of the world!" The opening credits feature the image of "an immobile young woman clad in gold". The image was probably inspired by a memorable scene of Goldfinger (1964).
Following the credits, the camera shifts to a lone Chevrolet Corvair driving down a California desert road. Its passengers Bob (William Bates) and Shirley (Pat Barrington) are arguing over the decision to use this night to search for a cemetery. Bob is a horror writer who hopes that the scene of a cemetery at night will bring him inspiration. The conversation ends when Bob accidentally drives the car off the road and over a cliff.
The next scene opens to a nocturnal image of a fog-shrouded cemetery. The lonely figure of the Emperor (Criswell) walks towards a marble altar, sits, and then summons his "Princess of the Night", the Black Ghoul (Fawn Silver), who appears and bows before him. The Emperor warns that if the night's entertainment fails to please him, he will banish the souls of the entertainers to eternal damnation, indicating that he is an all-powerful demonic being.
As the full moon appears, the Black Ghoul summons the first dancer of the night, a Native American woman (Bunny Glaser). The Black Ghoul explains that this woman loved flames, and that both she and her lovers died in flames. The woman dances and strips before the flames of the cemetery. The Black Ghoul then introduces the second dancer of the night, a street walker in life. While the woman dances, Bob and Shirley make their way to the cemetery and start observing the dance from a distance. Shirley suspects that they are observing a college initiation, though Bob seriously doubts her theory.
The Emperor himself summons the third dancer, a woman who worshiped gold above else. The Golden Girl (Pat Barrington) dances in her turn, and the Emperor instructs his loin-clothed servants to reward her with gold. The supposed reward is soon revealed to be a punishment, as the servants place her in a cauldron with liquid gold. What emerges from the cauldron is a golden statue of the living woman who entered. The servants transport the immobile statue to a nearby crypt.
At this point, a werewolf (John Andrews) and mummy (Louis Ojena) appear and seize the intruding young couple. They are brought before the Emperor who decides to postpone deciding their fate. The intruders are tied up, side by side, and allowed to continue watching the dances. The Black Ghoul next introduces the fourth dancer, a "Cat Woman" (Texas Starr). She is depicted as a woman dressed in a leopard costume, which exposes her chest area. As she dances, a servant follows her around and thrashes her with a bullwhip. Offering a sadomasochistic show for the spectators.
The Emperor next calls for a Slave Girl (Nadejda Dobrev) to be whipped for his amusement. The slave wears a tunic and is chained to a wall. Following her torture session, the Slave Girl breaks free and becomes the fifth dancer of the night. Later, the Black Ghoul exhibits a fascination with Shirley and scratches a mark on her. She draws a knife and seems about to kill Shirley, when the Emperor decides it is not yet time for the intruders to properly join them. The female ghoul reluctantly obeys.
The Emperor is puzzled when a human skull appears instead of the next dancer. The Black Ghoul explains it is the symbol of the sixth dancer, who loved bullfighting and matadors. She used to dance over their demise, and now it's time to dance over her own. The dancer of apparent Spanish/Mexican heritage (Stephanie Jones) appears to perform. The Emperor and Ghoul briefly discuss the past of the dancer, who came to them on the Day of the Dead. The seventh dancer appears dressed in Polynesian garments. The Black Ghoul describes her as a worshiper of snakes, smoke, and flames. A rattlesnake is depicted along with her dance. The camera shifts to the mummy and the werewolf. The mummy voices his dislike of snakes and recalls the death of Cleopatra. He informs his companion that ancient Egypt had many snakes and they were the stuff of nightmares.
The Emperor next expresses his boredom and demands "unusual" entertainment, while the Black Ghoul notes that the night is almost over. She reminds her superior that they will be gone at the first sight of the morning sun. They proceed to argue over the fate of Shirley. The argument ends with the introduction of the eighth dancer (Barbara Nordin), a woman who murdered her husband on their wedding night. She dances with the skeleton of her spouse. The argument over Shirley then resumes, as the Ghoul claims her for her own. The Emperor feels the need to assert his own authority over the Black Ghoul.
The ninth dancer (Dene Starnes) was a zombie in life and remains zombie-like in death. The tenth and final dancer (Rene De Beau) is introduced as one who died for feathers, fur, and fluff. She starts her dance in clothing matching this style. When the final dance ends, the Emperor finally offers Shirley to the Ghoul. The Ghoul briefly dances herself as she prepares to claim her prize. But dawn arrives and with it sunlight. The Emperor and all his undead are reduced to bones. The final scene has Bob and Shirley waking up at the scene of the accident, surrounded by paramedics, suggesting it was all a dream. Criswell appears in his coffin to offer parting words to the audience. | cult | tt0054240 |
Four Christmases | The movie opens in a bar near Christmas, where a geeky Brad (Vince Vaughn) tries to hit on a confident and bitchy Kate (Reese Witherspoon), who blows him off...until she's called a bitch. After a short fierce exchange the two are having sex in the bathroom, and running off to the San Francisco trolley to their house, where we find that they are roleplaying, and have been happily together for 3 years. Both are wealthy, and successful. They are happy with the relationship as is and have no plans for marriage or children. They simply want to enjoy life while being with each other, even telling so with glee to a married and engaged couple. During the conversation, both Brad and Kate reveal that they are both from broken homes, and don't want to repeat that, or bring a child into it either.At a later company Christmas party two of their coworkers dread their Christmases with family, while Brad and Kate happily discuss their plans to leave the country. They lie to their parents each year, saying they go do civil service like helping starving children in China, so that they can escape Scott free. While the coworkers are appalled Brad reminds them that "You can't spell lies without families." This year they plan to go to Fiji.On Christmas Day Brad and Kate prepare for the trip as they tell their parents that they are going to inoculate children in Burma, and head for the airport as the San Francisco fog rolls in extra thick. By the time they arrive at the airport all flights have been canceled due to fog. Before they can make plants to stay at the hotel and wait for the fog to lift the local news comes and interviews the couple, live. They both stumble for answers, dressed in full knowing there's a good chance their families are watching and unable to lie about their true destination...and sure enough, right after they're interviewed they start to receive phone calls. They end up making plans to visit all their parents within one day.BRAD'S DAD
As Brad and Kate pull up to the farm where Brad's father lives Brad and Kate agree to a safe word of "Mistletoe" to signal that they should get out, but it's clear Brad doesn't want to go in at all. As they step in Brad's father Howard (Robert Duvall) greets them warmly. Also there are Brad's brothers, Dallas (Tim McGraw) and his two children, and Denver (Jon Favreau) and his wife and baby. Dallas and Denver start to beat on Brad, calling him Orlando. When Kate asks, Brad's brothers reveal that they were named after the cities they were conceived in: Kate is appalled that Brad never told her his real name, and Brad tries to explain that his brothers are like MMA fighters that just brawl in backyards and upload the footage to YouTube.Kate convinces Brad that he's a grown man, and can demand his space from his brothers. Brad has a talk with his brothers about boundaries and respect. The two answer by beating him again, with even Dallas' children getting into the act. Howard breaks the fight by asking to have the presents handed out. Just as Denver's wife mentions the $10 cap that everyone agreed to Brad hands Dallas' kids a brand new Xbox 360. His brothers are appalled, not only because they feel that Brad is showing off just how much he makes but that it makes their own presents look horrible (Dallas got one of his kids a cheap flashlight). Brad ruins it further by accidently revealing that there's no Santa Claus. Screaming that nobody loves him one of Dallas' kids strips off his clothes and runs out the window (As someone mentions, when he can't express himself he goes streaking. He'll be back.) Howard's gift is a new satellite dish, which he takes up to the roof to install with his boys.Kate waits with Denver's wife in the kitchen, who asks Kate to hold her baby while she cooks. Kate seems uncomfortable with the baby, but slowly grows used to it. Meanwhile Brad is installing the dish while his brothers mock him. Howard mentions his ex-wife calling her a whore. Brad is offended. Howard also mentions the same thing Brad did, about lies in families. He then goes down to check the signal, while Brad tries to point the dish in different directions to get a clear signal. The dish pops off and he falls off the roof dragging the cable wire all along the living room and destroying it, even pulling the TV up into the ceiling before it catches flames. Shocked by all the noise Kate swings and slams the baby's head into an open cabinet door angering the mom. Brad and Kate quickly leave after this.KATE'S MOM
As they pull up Kate's house has a statue of Jesus on the front lawn. Kate is surprised, and as they go in we meet her mother Marilyn (Mary Steenburgen), her sister, two aunts, and grandmother, all of whom find Brad to be very attractive. We quickly find out that Kate was picked on as a kid. Her nickname was "Cootie Kate" and was tormented, eventually leading to a traumatizing experience in a moon bounce/jumpy jump. Of course, there's one outside for the kids.Marilyn's newfound love of religion is based on her current boyfriend Pastor Phil. They give each other the gift of verbal promises (which disappoints the sister's kid) which includes the grandmother promising her husband more sex. As they're sharing Kate is given a baby to hold, who throws up all over her. Brad reacts horribly, the smell making him want to throw up too. Kate goes to change in the bathroom, having to wear an old sweater and jeans. She finds a pregnancy test and decides to try it but before the results could come in her niece runs in and steals it. She runs into the moon bounce where Kate tries to follow.As this happens Kate's family is showing Brad their photo album, which shows Kate was once so fat she went to fat camp and that she had a lesbian friend in high school. The kids torment Kate in the moon bounce and even drop kick her out of it before she snaps, closing the door to the moon bounce and flinging kids left and right to get her test. When the niece puts it in her mouth Kate happily tells her that she peed on it, making the kids stop cheering and start to look sick. She looks at the test, sighing, before trying to talk to her mom. However Marilyn is too obsessed with making sure everyone is ready for Pastor Phil's sermon. Kate changes back to her now clean regular clothes but Brad is laughing at her. He mentions how he's not as fazed by her large weight as a kid or her lesbian friend (whom Kate herself didn't even realize was lesbian, until she thinks about it), so Kate shouldn't be so mad about the Orlando thing.We find out Pastor Phil (Dwight Yoakam) runs a very flashy church and needs volunteers to star in the play of the birth of Christ. Wanting to impress him Marilyn "volunteers" Kate who gets Brad to go up with her. On stage Kate gets stage fright and can't remember her lines or actions while Brad hams it up and mocks Kate much to the crowd's delight. The two leave. Kate is upset that Brad threw her to the wolves but Brad doesn't understand what was so bad about it.BRAD'S MOM
In a short visit they come to visit Brad's hippie mom (Sissy Spacek). Things quickly turn sour as we meet Brad's stepdad, who tells Brad that he knows he can't be a father but he just wants to be a friend. Brad answers "You were my friend. You were my best friend growing up, and then you married my mom," to which he answers "To be fair I didn't have a sexual attraction to your mom until I was 30." Turns out that they are incredibly sexually active, which disgusts Brad. Kate has brought board games though, and they decide to try Taboo.Denver is there with his wife, still giving Brad a death glare over the incident at their dad's. The couples start to play, with one person trying to tell the other to say a key word without using any words from a short list. They try by using their personal experiences with each other. Brad's mom and stepdad do well, but all their clues are sexual. Denver and his wife play like professionals, knocking out word after word. But when Kate tries to tell Brad clues based on her life Brad gets angry wanting more specific clues. He clearly has no clue about anything involving Kate outside of what he's done with her.As they leave Kate is upset and Brad tries to comfort her by forgiving Kate for the bad clues. Kate mentions that she took the pregnancy test and Brad freaks out. She reveals that the test was negative but it made her think of wanting something more than the "friendship" that she and Brad have. Brad will have none of it. He's happy the way they've been and he wants to stay that way.KATE'S DAD
As they pull up Kate tells Brad that he doesn't have to come in. He insists but she doesn't want to lie to her parents anymore about their relationship. If Brad doesn't want to go further then she's done. Brad leaves and her father (Jon Voight) comes out to greet his daughter. Upon going in Kate is shocked. Marilyn and Pastor Phil are there too, and getting along well with everyone. Kate asks her sister, saying she thought that their mom and dad hated each other, but they stopped and started gathering when their granddaughter was born. Kate goes upstairs to be alone for a bit when her father comes in and reveals that he always knew his daughter was lying about leaving for Christmas. He isn't upset, but warns her that he used to make lies to avoid his family, and many divorces later now wishes he had that time back.Brad goes back to see his dad, who is drinking on the porch. When Brad tells him that Kate offered to make a family with him and he said no his dad finally seems happy. He tells Brad that he's the smart one, not falling for getting married, and says how they're alike. This frightens Brad, knowing that he has become his father. He ends up going upstairs to his old room, where all his old toys and awards (All in his birth name Orlando) are still arranged. He goes back to see Kate, who at first doesn't want to see him. He does convince her that he is there to talk to her about having kids and getting married "sometime, not right now but sometime." And the two talk about the advantages and tax breaks that being married and having kids would bring. But for the future.ONE YEAR LATER
It's New Years Day, just after midnight, and Brad and Kate are amazed that they just had a baby. The nurse comes in and tells them that if family is waiting they're now allowed to come in and visit. Brad and Kate look at each other before revealing that they never even told their parents that Kate was pregnant. The nurse gives them a funny look and leaves, just as a live news crew comes into their room to interview them about having the first baby of the new year. As they stare nervously, just before Kate can answer the baby throws up all over her and Brad, and Brad jumps up gagging. | romantic | tt0369436 |
Paul Blart: Mall Cop | Paul Blart (Kevin James) lives in West Orange, New Jersey with his teenage daughter, Maya (Raini Rodriguez), and elderly mother, Margaret (Shirley Knight). Aspiring to join the New Jersey State Police, he trains at the police academy, but his hypoglycemic medical condition causes him to collapse just inches from the finish, therefore failing the exam. To shape things up for his career, Blart works as a security guard at the West Orange Pavilion Mall.
Blart patrols the mall on a Segway to assure things are safe and clean. He goes to the surveillance room and trains Veck Simms (Keir O'Donnell), who is new but uninterested on the job. Meanwhile, Blart eventually becomes acquainted with Amy Anderson (Jayma Mays), the vendor of a new kiosk. He meets her one evening at a restaurant with other mall employees. Things initially go well, but Blart is sidetracked when he decides to participate in a nacho-eating contest with his friend Leon (Jamal Mixon). The hot sauce is more than Blart can handle, and he begins chugging down several alcoholic beverages causing him to become excessively drunk and incoherent. He crashes the party and makes a wild exit by falling through a window.
Two days later, on the night of Black Friday, an organized gang of thugs disguised as Santa's Village employees begin what appears to be a bank heist inside the mall. They take Amy and other customers in the bank hostage. Simms is revealed as the gang's leader – his mall security job was a ploy to gather intelligence. They are keeping the hostages as insurance for the gang's escape. The crew forces shoppers to exit the mall and strategically places motion sensors around each entrance to detect any attempt to enter or exit the building.
Blart takes a break in the arcade and plays Detroit Rock City via Rock Band. He eventually walks back out in the mall, and discovers the entire mall is evacuated and under a state of emergency. Upon realizing this, he calls the police, and slips out of the mall to speak with Commander Sergeant Howard (Adam Ferrara). Blart realizes Anderson is still inside after spotting her car in the parking lot and decides to return to the mall to look for her. A state SWAT team soon arrives with Commander James Kent (Bobby Cannavale) at the helm. Kent, a former classmate and bully from Blart's childhood, takes control of the police units and orders Blart to let them handle the situation. After spotting Anderson as one of the hostages, Blart refuses and attempts a rescue. Vastly outnumbered and physically outclassed, Blart takes a stand against Simms' crew using improvised measures to take them down one by one. He discovers credit card codes written in invisible ink on the burglars' arms and realizes that their real plans go beyond robbing the bank.
Maya, unaware of what has happened, shows up at the mall on her way to bring Blart some food, but Simms' remaining henchmen seize her and add her to the hostage group. Blart manages to arrest all of Simms' accomplices and attempts to evacuate the hostages by pulling them up through an air vent. The plan fails when Leon cannot fit. Simms enters the room, capturing Blart and forcing him to give up the credit card codes he recorded on his cell phone. Simms escapes, kidnapping Anderson and Maya. As police swarm the mall to apprehend the criminals and rescue the hostages, Blart borrows a display minivan and joins Kent in pursuing Simms to the airport, where he is attempting to escape to the Cayman Islands.
After a brief scuffle, Blart overpowers Simms and puts him in handcuffs. Moments later, however, Kent pulls his gun on Blart revealing that he was in cahoots with Simms. Kent demands the phone containing the codes from Blart, who refuses and responds by smashing the phone into the ground. Before Kent can retaliate by shooting Blart, Chief Brooks (Peter Gerety) of the mall security team arrives in time and shoots Kent in the arm. Kent and Simms are arrested, and Anderson and Maya are returned safely. For his bravery and assistance, Howard offers Blart a job with the New Jersey State Police. Blart honorably declines opting to remain in mall security. Blart and Anderson are eventually married in the mall, where they exchange vows on a set of black and white Segways. | cult, comedy, stupid, violence, comic | tt1114740 |
Die Säge des Todes | A woman is seen rolled in a wheelchair at night. Miguel, a man with a heavily scarred face, hands around a dance outside. As a young couple enjoys some time together, Miguel steals the boy's mask and shirt and puts them on. He leads another dancing girl to believe that he is Ralph, and they go to her room, where they lie on the bed for some kissing. The girl takes away the mask, sees Miguel's face and kicks him away. Miguel grabs a pair of scissors and stabs the girl repeatedly in the stomach.Some time later, when Manuela drives to a clinic to pick up her brother Miguel, a doctor tells her to not remind Miguel of the incident. On a train, a seemingly irate Miguel eyes a young woman named Angela as she stands in her compartment.Alvaro arrives at the International Youth-Club Boarding School of Languages. He goes to see Manuela, whose aunt, Countess Maria Gonzales, states her belief that she is being plotting against and that Manuela only wants money. That night, as Maria lies in bed, someone shines a light in her face, the moves a flaming torch towards her. The countess screams and burns.Angela arrives at the school a little later then her friends, and she mentions the "awful experience" on the train. She is staying in Room 13 where (it is rumored) a girl was once killed with a pair of scissors. Angela unpacks, plays some music and prepares to shower. When she wipes the steamy bathroom mirror, she sees Miguel reflected and recognizes him as the guy from the train. At the estate, Manuela rolls her aunt around in a wheelchair.Angela goes outside, sees Miguel and walks faster. She is cared by her friend Inga, and then both go to see Laura, Eva and the flirtatious gardener, Antonio. Miguel goes to see his sister, and he proclaims his love to Manuela; the two kiss and touch. Manuela stops him, saying that it could be like it was before if they could get rid of the people who would judge them.After a night of dancing at the local disco, Antonio walks Angela home and asks her to play tennis with him tomorrow. Angela reads in bed and the lights in her room are turned off. "Who's there?" asks Angela. A person appears in her room with a knife. Angela looks around, finds nothing and goes back to bed. Before the killer can attack, Eva appears at the window; when she is let inside she asks to borrow a pullover. Angela gives her the clothing. As Eva changes, she is stabbed through the back with a knife. Angela finds Eva's body on the bed, screams and runs outside, finding Antonio. She tells him about Eva, but the corpse is gone when they return to the room. Inga and Alvaro also arrive at the room.The next day in the Spanish class that Alvaro teaches, the class is listening to tapes of Spanish dialect. On Angela's tape, the voice suddenly changes and threatens to cut her with a hacksaw. Seeing Miguel at the window, she screams, but he is gone when Alvaro's is there and the tape is back to its Spanish lessons.
Angela finds bloody clothes and a bloody show in Eva's place, and decides to look for her friend. At the dock, Angela sees Antonio arguing with Manuela, Later, a boulder rolls down a hill, nearly crushing Angela. She tells Laura that she cannot find Eva. Angela then talks to Antonio, who says he did not even know Eva. Manuela talks to her aunt and notices one of her snakes is missing. After agreeing to look for Eva, Antonio sees a snake and chops off its head with garden shears. Angela turns to see bloody and open shears, and runs. Antonio tries to stop her, but Alvaro calls out to him and tells him to stop bothering his students.Laura and her friends go into Room 13, where Inga, reportedly with someone named Ralph, is feigning a sexual act inside. She does not sees a dead Eva hanging in the closet. The girls finally sees Inga through the window, and they laugh at her. Angela, out walking, sees Inga drive back in a yellow car (similar to one Manuela drove). A person wearing a mask takes Inga somewhere (she has accompanied the person willingly), and she is tied with rope. The person turns on a saw and Inga slowly moves towards it. A young boy, seeing the couple arrive, walks inside, turns off the machine and runs. The saw is turned back on and Inga's head is sawed off. The killer gets in his car, chases the boy and runs him down.Manuela rolls the countess in her wheelchair. Angela goes to her room and packs. After seeing Antonio at the front door and Miguel at the window, the barricades herself in her room and sits and waits with a knife. As she looks around the room, Angela sees a shadow and stabs someone. After she lets Laura inside, she realizes that she only stabbed a dummy. Laura offers to stay for the night, and goes to the disco club to get some drinks. When Laura returns, the killer clamps large thongs around her neck and strangles her.Angela receives a phone call where the caller says: "prepare yourself to die!" Angela then finds the severed hand of Inga's on the bed and a lifeless Eva behind the curtain and Laura's hanging corpse outside. She is grabbed by the killer. Miguel runs in and the two of them struggle. Angela runs away. Later, she sees a figure in the dark, which turns out to be Alvaro. Alvaro gets in his car and drives away. Miguel, having been hit on the head by the killer, stands up and walks out the door of Room 13.Angela runs to Manuela's place and asks for help by screaming: "all my friends are dead". Manuela takes her to a room and gives her something to drink. Angela says that she did not get a good look at the killer's face but notes that the murder's eyes seemed familiar.Miguel is outside when Alvaro arrives at his place. Manuela and Alvaro discuss the killings that he has done, and Miguel hears them talk of blaming the murders on him. Manuela talks of how Miguel thinks she loves him, and she mentions his "repulsive face". Manuela tells Alvaro that she has already been paid and she tells him to kill Angela and get out. Miguel goes to a room, and eventually believing that Angela is his sister, chokes the girl until she shoves a spike through his neck. Angela runs downstairs, sees Alvaro and Manuela struggling and goes to a room and screams when she sees the countess... dead and crispy having been long dead (shades of the Norman Bates mother discovery in 'Psycho'). Alvaro runs into the room, grabs Angela and holds a knife to her, but Manuela arrives with a power saw and saws Alvaro's stomach wide open. She puts the saw to Angela's throat and tells her to remember that she has save her life. Angela nods and runs away from the mansion.Manuela then goes to her room and talks to her dead brother, but Miguel sits up and chokes Manuela until she is dead. As the police arrive and Antonio embraces Angela, Miguel collapses, holding onto his dead sister's hand. | comedy, cruelty, murder, cult, violence, plot twist, revenge, sadist | tt0083156 |
Along Came a Spider | The daughter of a United States Senator is kidnapped from her private school under the nose of her Secret Service agent Jezzie [Monica Potter]. The kidnapper is a teacher who uses the girl's habit for "passing" encrypted notes to her friend, the son of the Russian President, as a pretext for getting her away from other students to repremand her. He drugs her and flees the campus with her in tow.The kidnapper, Mr. Soneji, contacts the famous profiler Alex Cross [Morgan Freeman] to initiate the chase he has so dramatically laid out in his mind, The Secret Service agent, Jezzie Flannigan, who let the kidnappers get away with her charge, Megan Rose, pleads with Cross [Freeman] to let her help retrieve the girl so she can redeem herself. They both follow the clues that allude to the famous Lindbergh kidnapping case. They realize that the kidnapped Megan is being used to lure the real intended target away from his tight security; the son of the Russian president.Meanwhile Megan is being held on a boat and taking an active role in her own rescue, trying to escape and cleverly creating havoc; she takes the battery pack out of the intercom, asks to go to the bathroom, dropping the battery pack onto the stove next to the open flame under the teapot. It explodes, & while Soneji battles the blaze she runs out & jumps overboard. She catches the attention of a fisherman on shore; just as he is about to reach Megan, Soneji shoots him. He hauls Megan back on board...Soneji 1, Megan 0.After Alex & Jezzie are rejected when trying to warn the Russians, they decide to stake out the place anyway & Soneji makes his move against Demetri by tricking him into thinking he's corresponding w/ Megan. Demetri evades his security & goes to a phone booth. Meanwhile, Soneji has killed the 2 patrolmen & commandeered their car. He exits the car, moving toward the phone booth, but Alex & Jezzie see him. Gunfight ensues, Demetri is saved, but Soneji gets away. He returns to the boat to find that Megan is gone.Our erstwhile heroes get a phone call, saying the plan has changed & he wants $10mil in diamonds. There follows a lot of rigamarole w/ Cross carrying around a load of diamonds, following instructions from the voice on the phone. Unaware that Soneji no longer has the girl, Cross is running all over Washington DC, answering phones and running through train stations with the diamonds in a thermos for the complicated "drop", only his new partner on his tail for backup. Defeated, after having handed over the diamonds and getting no girl, the duo returns to Jezzie's apartment to discuss the case when there is a knock on the door. It's Mr Soneji with a Tazer in the Hall! He zaps Jezzie and she falls to the floor. He draws a gun on Alex who must give up his own gun or never find out where Megan Rose is. After a discussion of his miserable childhood & why he is the way he is, Soneji says he's taking Jezzie w/ him, but she wakes up and stabs him in the leg, allowing Cross time to load a shotgun and put an end to him. Jezzie sobs that they will never find Megan now. But Cross reveals to Agent McArthur (Dylan Baker) that Soneji had failed to react to a comment made by Cross about the $12mil ransom, from which he has concluded, since the ransom was $10mil, that Soneji had no idea what he was talking about, Megan is no longer with him & there are other kidnappers in play.Cross & Agent McArthur go over the school tapes, & Cross deduces that Soneji was hoodwinked by the new kidnappers. Meanwhile, we see Megan in her new kidnapper's abode. A faintly familiar face appears in a dimly lit room and is offering food to Megan. It's another Secret Service agent from her school and LO & BEHOLD! it's Agent Devine! He leaves her in her barn location, returning to the main house. & HOLY BETRAYAL! JEZZIE! They had followed Soneji around for a year & divined his plans. She demands to know where Megan is and is annoyed to learn she is still alive. She asks to see the diamonds and explains that Soneji is dead and Cross had twigged on the notion that he was not the sole plotter in the kidnapping. Divine asks if she thinks Cross is onto them. Jezzie says they are not onto the two of them, and blows a hole in her boyfriend's head commenting that Cross is onto HIM.Meanwhile Alex has timed the surveillance tapes from the day of the school kidnapping and puts it together that Agent Divine was essentially an accomplice. He runs to Jezzie's apartment and finds files on her computer that only the plotter would have! Things start to happen fast. Jezzie goes to the barn to get Megan, who initially is glad she's there but soon gets suspicious that there's no one else w/ her...smart girl! A nasty 1-sided gunfight ensues, with Jezzie chasing Megan all over the barn & Megan cleverly evading her. Alex catches Megan & keeps her from yelling while Jezzie slowly enters the trap. Alex comes up behind her, telling her to drop the gun. She doesn't, playing on Alex's guilt over his partner's death, thinking he won't shoot her...big mistake, as she raises her gun, & he does. Alex & Megan walk out of the barn together, his promise to return her to her parents puts smiles on all around. | plot twist, mystery, murder | tt0164334 |
Ercole al centro della Terra | The great, muscle-warrior Hercules (Reg Park) returns to his homeland in Icalia, where he is confronted by several hired assasins. But he defeats them with the help of his loyal friend Thesius. Upon arrival in the city, Hercules is distraught after hearing that his love Daianara (Leonora Ruffo) has lost her senses. He visits her, and is emotionally crushed when she no longer recognizes him. The evil King Lico (Christopher Lee), an amoral nobleman, is actually planning to sacrifice Daianara he can attain immortality. Posing as Daianara's concerned uncle, Lico suggests to Hercules that the oracle Medea might be able to help him.Upon meeting with Medea, she tells Hercules that in order to save Daianara from total memory loss and even death, he must retrieve her memories with the stone of forgetfulness from the realm of Hades. However, to gain access to the underworld, he will have to retrieve the mysterious golden apple from the Land of the Hesperides. As a sign of his complete devotion to Dianara, Hercules returns his gift of immortality and super-human strength to the gods. In this way, he is forced to fight for her as a man, and not with any special abilities.His mission set, Hercules sets out immediately on his quest, stopping first to enlist the aid of Thesius. At his point, Hercules also meets Telemachus, who happens to be the fiancé of one of Thesius many girlfriends. Telemachus volunteers to help out his friend Thesius as well as Hercules to find the golden apple, although Telemaches soon proves to be more of a hindrance then a help.The first leg of the journey finds Hercules and his two cohorts in a vast seascape as they sail by boat towards the edge of the world, against the backdrop of a blood-red sky. Suddenly, the three men become sleepy and the temptation to rest becomes too strong. When they wake up, the find that they have reached the Land of the Hesperides who are being punished for sins of their ancestors. Hercules accomplishes his goal of retrieving the golden apple from the top of a monstrous tall tree that stretches into the black, stormy sky with little difficulty. His combination of physical and mental strength comes in handy. After a failed attempt at scaling the tree trunk, he simply hurls a rock at the tree, and a prayer to the gods results in a direct hit, and the golden apple comes tumbling down.But before the mission can continue, Procrustes, a bloodthirsty stone demon who enslaves the women of the island and has been forcing them to sacrifice all intruders to him, captures both Thesius and Telemaches. Procrusted ties Thesius to a long stone bed, while Telemaches is tied to a smaller stone bed. Porcrusted decides to stretch Thesius on a rack to fill the entire length of the bed, while Telemaches is planed to be reduced in size to fit the other stone bed. Hercules comes to their rescue, and using his intellect to stop the stone monster, he hurls the creature into a stone wall, smashing it to pieces. The muscle-bound hero receives an added bonus when the stone wall collapses, revealing a pathway that descends to Hades.Hercules and Thesius leave Telemaches behind so he can watch their boat to guard the golden apple while the two of them venture into Hades to retrieve the stone. During the journey through Hades, Hercules and Thesius have to cross a wooden plank way across a huge lava bed. The pathway collapses, and Thesius is apparently killed when he falls into the lava. Hercules is forced to go on alone where he finally discover the magical stone and retrieves it from its altar. But Thesius is not dead for he later revives in the arms of the beautiful Persephone, a young woman who has been imprisoned in Hades by her father, the god Pluto. Thesius falls madly in love with Persephone and plots to smuggle her out of hell and back to the world with him. Upon meeting with Hercules again, Thesius fibs a little about Persephones origins and persuades Hercules to let her accompany them back to the world. With their mission accomplished, the three men and one woman sail for home.However, during the voyage home, a violent sea storm threatens to sink their boat, which calls for another divine intervention from Persephone, who finally reveals that she is a demi-god and that her father, Pluto, is angered that she is leaving Hades for the world. Upon arrival back home, Hercules tries to persuade Thesius to send Persephone back to Hades to avoid angering the gods more. But Thesisus is too consumed by his love for Persephone to agree.Hercules brings the magical stone to Daianara who responds to the quick power of the stone. When Lico attempts to carry on his plans, he is unmasked by Hercules as the real villain of the story all along. Lico seals himself and Dianara in a secret chamber where he calls forth an army of the dead to prepare for the ritual sacrifice during a lunar eclipse to slay her and drink her blood to become immortal. Hercules breaks into the chamber and engages in a vicious sword fight with the demons, slaying all of them. Hercules and Lico engage in a long swordfight of their own before Hercules manages to get the upper hand and stabs Lico, who then loses his powers and is set afire by his own magical energy.In the epilogue, Persephone reluctantly decides to give up her love for Thesius which has been so opposed by the gods so she can return to Hades, leaving Thesius heartbroken. However, Hercules with Daianara tell Thesius that he will find his true love someday, the awkward Telemaches makes a move into another local woman, who slaps him, and she instead turns her sights on Thesius standing nearby. | good versus evil, violence | tt0054850 |
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag | === Characters ===
The main character of the game is Edward Kenway (Matt Ryan), a Welsh privateer-turned-pirate and eventual member of the Assassin Order. Edward is the father of Haytham Kenway, and grandfather of Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor), the two playable characters of Assassin's Creed III. Real-life individuals that are encountered include the pirates Edward "Blackbeard" Thatch (voiced by Mark Bonnar), Benjamin Hornigold, Mary Read, Stede Bonnet, Anne Bonny, Calico Jack, and Charles Vane (Ralph Ineson).
=== Setting ===
As is the case in previous games in the Assassin's Creed series, the story is divided into two intertwined halves, with one in the present day, one in a historical setting, and the events of each influencing the other. Although the present-day story had previously established that an Animus was required to view one's ancestors memories, the ending of Assassin's Creed III reveals that Abstergo can now view a host's genetic memories simply by sequencing the host's DNA. As such, the player character is hired by Abstergo Entertainment to investigate a pivotal character in Desmond's ancestry, the Assassin Edward Kenway. A notorious pirate and privateer operating during the Golden Age of Piracy, Kenway's story is set in the Caribbean, and mixes open-ended ship-based exploration with combat and land-based adventures in Cuba and Jamaica, and on a number of Caribbean islands, parts of southern Florida and eastern Mexico.
=== Plot ===
Samples taken from Desmond Miles' body in the moments after his death have enabled Abstergo Industries to continue to explore his genetic memories using the Animus' newfound cloud computing abilities. The unnamed player character is hired by Abstergo Entertainment, from their Montréal headquarters, to sift through the memories of Edward Kenway, an eighteenth-century pirate, the father of Haytham Kenway and the grandfather of Ratonhnhaké:ton. Ostensibly, this is to gather material for an Animus-powered interactive feature film, but in reality, Abstergo—the Templars of the present time—are searching for a First Civilization structure known as the Observatory, and are using the memories of Edward Kenway to find it.
As Kenway, the player must unravel a conspiracy between high-ranking Templars within the British and Spanish empires who, under the guise of cleaning up piracy in the Caribbean, have used their positions to locate the Sage—later identified as Bartholomew Roberts—who is the only man that can lead them to the Observatory, a First Civilization device which can monitor anyone anywhere in the world when provided a blood sample, which they intend to use to spy on and blackmail world leaders. Kenway becomes an unwitting player in their plot when he kills a rogue Assassin, Duncan Walpole. Seeing an opportunity for profit, Kenway takes Walpole's place at a meeting of Templars in Havana, where he meets Woodes Rogers as well as Cuban Governor, and Templar Grandmaster, Laureano Torres. His recklessness endangers the entire Assassins' Order, prompting him to pursue the Sage and the conspirators from the Yucatán Peninsula to Jamaica, eventually catching Roberts on the island of Príncipe off of the African coast.
Meanwhile, a band of notorious pirates—including Edward "Blackbeard" Thatch, Benjamin Hornigold, Mary Read (under the alias "James Kidd") and Charles Vane, among others—dream of a pirate utopia where man is free to live beyond the reach of kings and rulers. With Kenway's help, they seize control of Nassau and establish a pirate republic. However, poor governance, a lack of an economy and an outbreak of disease bring the pirate state perilously close to collapse, with the founders divided on the best way forward. Kenway attempts to resolve the dispute, but is too late to stop the Templars from exploiting the situation for their own ends.
Eventually, Kenway and Roberts uncover the location of the Observatory and retrieve the artifact powering it, but Kenway is betrayed by Roberts at the last moment. After a brief stint in prison for the crimes of piracy, Edward escapes with the aid of Ah Tabai, the Assassin Mentor, and elects to join their Order. Chasing down and eliminating Roberts and the Templar conspirators, Kenway retrieves the artifact and returns it to the Observatory, sealing it away for good. He is left facing an uncertain future with his newfound convictions until he receives a letter informing him of the passing of his wife and the imminent arrival of his hitherto unknown daughter, Jennifer Scott. Kenway travels back to England, promising Ah Tabai that he will one day return to continue the fight against the Templars. Some years later, Kenway, Jennifer (using her mother's surname in her memory) and Kenway's young son Haytham are about to watch a play in an English theatre.
In the present day, the player is contacted by John, Abstergo Entertainment's information technology manager. John convinces the player that their employers know more than they are telling, and encourages them to investigate in more detail. He convinces the player to hack several Animus terminals and security cameras, and then has them deliver the information taken to Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane, who are working undercover to infiltrate Abstergo. When the facility is locked down after the hackings are discovered, John arranges for the player to access the Animus' core, at which point Juno materializes into an incorporeal form. She reveals that although it was necessary to open her temple to avert disaster, the world was not ready for her, and she is unable to affect it or possess the player character as her agents intended. John is unmasked as the reincarnated form of the Sage and attempts to murder the player to cover up the failed attempt at resurrecting Juno, but is killed by Abstergo's security before he can do so, thus implicating him as the one responsible for the hacks. As Roberts, the Sage admits to Kenway that he owes no allegiance to the Assassins or the Templars and instead uses whoever he thinks represents his best chance of achieving his ends. With the Sage dead, the player is contacted by the Assassins as they continue their infiltration of Abstergo, but neither side is able to explain the Sage's presence or identify his followers, the Instruments of the First Will.
=== Freedom Cry ===
The Freedom Cry downloadable content is set twenty years after the events of Black Flag and follows Adéwalé in his mission as an Assassin.
While attempting to intercept Templar activities in the West Indies Sea, Adéwalé is shipwrecked off the coast of Haiti. Making his way into Port-au-Prince, he establishes that the Templars are working with Bastienne Josèphe, the proprietor of a local brothel and a sympathiser to the Maroons, a faction of freedom fighters made up of liberated slaves led by Augustin Dieufort. Despite his obligations to the Brotherhood of Assassins, Adéwalé becomes sympathetic to their cause, and joins with the Maroons in hijacking a vessel, Experto Crede, in order to interrupt the slave trade.
Whilst working for Bastienne, Adéwalé begins to uncover a conspiracy within the French provincial government ruling Port-au-Prince. The local governor, Pierre de Fayet, plans a clandestine scientific expedition to measure the curvature of the earth and gather geographical data, which they intend to sell to the highest bidder with the promise of naval superiority. Adéwalé successfully sabotages the expedition by substituting the illiterate slaves being used by the expedition for literate members of the Maroons.
Tensions begin to arise within the Maroons when Adéwalé plots further raids against the slave trade. Bastienne objects, as de Fayet will only punish those trapped in slavery further as punishment. Adéwalé ignores her, but is horrified when he witnesses a frigate fire on an unarmed slave ship to prevent the slaves from joining the Maroons. Adéwalé boards the slave ship and manages to save a few slaves from drowning before the ship capsized with the rest. He plans retribution, but Bastienne cautions that taking revenge will weaken the Maroons' cause; if Adéwalé is to kill de Fayet, then he should do so acting as an agent of justice. After assaulting the Governor's Mansion, pursuing him through the city and fighting off a local garrison, Adéwalé finally corners and kills de Fayet, who claims that slaves are incapable of self-governance and turn to armed uprising at the slightest provocation. Adéwalé points out that none of the slaves or overseers came to his aid, and instead let him die. After killing de Fayet, Adéwalé returns to Bastienne, promising to leave Port-au-Prince for good, but pledging to use his newfound convictions to aid people who are oppressed rather than the cause of their would-be liberators. | action | tt2739708 |
Sharknado | The movie opens with a sea captain and his crew illegally capturing sharks off the coast of Mexico and slicing off their fins, tossing the dead sharks back into the sea. An Asian man, known only as Mr. Palmer, is seen below deck with the captain, Santiago, and the man offers $100,000 for the captain's cache of shark fins. Captain Santiago scoffs at the offer and asks for $1,000,000. When Palmer questions why (the shark fin soup offered to him by the captain was 'good, not great') Santiago states that a record-breaking pod of 20,000 sharks is passing through the waters, implying the catch will be well worth the price. When Palmer offers $500,000, the captain pulls out a loaded gun and lays it on the table, and Palmer reluctantly agrees to the $1,000,000, and offers $100,000 hidden in a tackle box as down payment. The captain seals the deal by telling the man that he knows the secret to shark fishing -- that man should not be afraid of the sharks, but the sharks should fear man. A storm kicks up on deck, and the captain goes to investigate. Returning below deck, he finds Palmer, the gun and the tackle box missing. Santiago and Palmer confront each other on deck while sharks begin to jump aboard the ship and chomp various crew members. Palmer and Santiago are both eaten as the sharks are shown swimming in greater and greater numbers around the ship whilst the storm swirls around the now-empty boat.At the Santa Monica Pier, beach goers are preparing to surf, and we meet Finley "Fin" Shepard (Ian Ziering) and his best friend Baz (Jaason Simmons). Fin is a former champion surfer who now owns a bar built on the outer edge of the pier, surrounded by ocean. Fin is excited about the announcement that a storm brewing in Mexico will soon reach their shores, bring great surf. Inside the bar, George (John Heard) is a patron with a permanent seat, always perched on his red stool. He regularly flirts with the waitress Nova (Cassie Scerbo). Nova has a mysterious scar on her leg that she will not discuss.A little later, while Fin is walking down the beach and enjoying looking at the surf, he witnesses a fellow surfer get chomped by a shark. Baz, who is nearby on a jet ski, tries to get to Fin, but Fin is too busy trying to get the attention of the other people in the water, yelling that there is a shark. Soon it is obvious there are many sharks, and chaos ensues as the people in the bar hear the commotion and run out, the folks on the sand panic, and the people in the water experience various forms of shark-bite injuries.Baz is attacked on the jet ski by a shark that leaps out of the water and bites his leg. Fin paddles over and bravely rams it with his surfboard, and the shark lets go. Fin and Baz head inland on the jet ski.On shore, medics are ready to assist Baz with the minor "flesh wound" to his leg, while others are writhing on the beach missing limbs. Nova shows up, and chastises Fin for not being more careful - she clearly has a crush on Fin, who reminds Nova that he is too old for her. Meanwhile, Baz is providing comic relief while he gets a bandage on the 6-inch long gash on his leg.With everyone safely back inside the bar a short time later, the storm gets worse, and Fin is nervous. He insists on calling April (Tara Reid) his ex-wife to make sure she and his teenage daughter Chloe (Aubry Peebles) are safe. Nova is surprised to learn her boss has an ex-wife and daughter. With April clearly hostile on the phone, Fin insists on coming to get them since the storm will cause flooding and the house is less than 10 miles from the beach. April advises Fin that he need not be responsible for them anymore because her boyfriend Colin (Christopher Wolfe) says everything is fine.As the storm rages outside, and the waves pummel the windows of the bar, Fin decides to go see April and Chloe anyway, and announces the bar is closed. As he says this, a shark bursts through the front window of the bar, carried in on a massive wave. As the great white wriggles along the ground looking for humans to chomp, Nova grabs a pool cue and stakes the shark right through the head. Nova really, really hates sharks.As the people run from the bar and try to escape the storm, sharks begin flying through the air, propelled by the water and winds, and chomp quite a few people. The group of Fin, Nova, Baz and George agree that they need weapons, and each one gets an item from the bar. Nova takes a pump-action rifle from behind the bar, and George takes his barstool. The storm loosens the Ferris wheel on the pier, and the wheel begins to roll, chasing down and crushing a few people lucky enough to escape the sharks.As the winds calm down, Fin sees his bar destroyed, and the area is flooded with ocean water as the sea rises. In the flood waters are hundreds of sharks, obviously from the large "pod" mentioned earlier. The group of friends decides to help Fin on his quest to get to April and Chloe, and pile into Fin's truck.Getting to the house is an adventure, as the group encounters much flooding (Fin's truck has a sealed engine so he can get the through the water) and many stranded motorists. As the storm gets worse, so does the flooding, and soon sharks are swimming right alongside the truck. At various points, the group stops to assist people, and Nova is very handy with the rifle as she shoots more than her fair share of sharks. George is the first casualty, when he uses his barstool-weapon to break a window for a dog locked in a woman's car. A shark swallows him in front of the stunned friends.When Fin, Baz and Nova arrive at the enormous and beautiful ex-home of Fin's, April is still angry. She insults Nova and Baz, and won't listen to Fin when he warns her that the flooding and storm is coming. Suddenly, a shark bursts forth out of a manhole (from the sewer system) and Nova blasts it with the shotgun like a skeet shooter. April lets the group in the house. Inside, April is still in denial and Chloe is a brat. Boyfriend Colin then makes an appearance and tells Fin that until his monthly visitation week arrives, Chloe is none of his business. Fin tries to tell April about the sharks, and Colin steps up to the living room window to show Fin there are no sharks when . . . BAM! One comes flying through the window at him. Baz, Fin and Nova try to rescue him, but he's torn to bits. Now April is convinced, and agrees to go with them further inland. Chloe mentions that they have to get Matt (Chuck Hittinger) who is in flight school in Van Nuys. Nova is shocked to learn Matt is Fin's son, and Fin is angry that no one told him Matt was in flight school.On the way to Van Nuys, many sharks are fought, and many lines are said that give homage to "Jaws." Fin continues to show his good-guy nature by rescuing an entire school bus of teens, and Robbie the Bus Driver (Robbie Rist) dies a uniquely funny death.Along the way, the truck is destroyed during a shark encounter and Baz steals a tricked-out Humvee. Once in Van Nuys, the storm has reached hurricane proportions and three enormous waterspouts have formed over the ocean and come inland, each one swirling hundreds of hungry sharks in its funnel. Matt is found, his flight instructor is sucked out of the hangar into one of the funnels, and a few sharks fall out of the sky at various intervals and must be killed.Realizing the local nursing home residents are in trouble, and the town must be saved, Matt concocts a plan to throw homemade bombs into the twisters, hoping the explosion will equalize the pressure and neutralize the twisters and bring the sharks back down to earth. Because Matt is the only student at flight school with helicopter flying experience, he volunteers to go up and fly close enough to the twisters to toss the bombs in, and Nova volunteers to go with him. This seems to bond them, and they develop a mini-crush on each other, and Nova reveals the reason for the scar on her leg (a childhood shark attack that killed her family --marvelously clever Jaws reference inserted here).The conveniently-next-door hardware supply store provides the group with fresh ammo, bomb materials and Fin takes a liking to a chainsaw. Meanwhile, Baz starts working on plan B, rigging bombs up to the Humvee, saying he will sacrifice himself to drive the vehicle into the twisters if it comes to that. Fin stays on the ground with April and Chloe to kill the sharks that will rain down once the twisters die.In the sky, Matt and Nova neutralize two of the twisters rather easily, and the ground team kills a lot of sharks very creatively. Baz gets attacked and eaten. With one twister remaining, Chloe throws the bomb but it doesn't work. A shark chomps onto the choppers' "skis" and won't let go, tipping the chopper sideways in the air. Nova falls out and is swallowed whole by a great white soaring by while a terrified Matt watches.Fin realizes the third twister must be stopped and drives the Humvee close to the twister, sets the bomb, and jumps out at the last minute. The explosion stops the last twister. Matt manages to expertly land the chopper that is now on fire.As sharks rain around them, Fin returns to the group and sees a shark soaring through the air, straight at Chloe's back. Fin pushes his daughter to safety and, holding the running chainsaw out in front of him, manages to allow the great white to swallow him in one gulp. As his loved ones look on, the shark flops around on the ground, its stomach wriggling. Suddenly, Fin cuts through the shark from the inside, and emerges from the gooey insides of the man eater. Reaching in, he pulls out Nova, who is unconscious. A shark-goo covered Nova gets CPR from a smitten Matt and survives, while April reluctantly kisses the super-gooey Fin, our movie's hero. | absurd, cult, violence | tt2724064 |
Per un pugno di dollari | A stranger arrives at the little Mexican border town of San Miguel. Silvanito, the town's innkeeper, tells the Stranger about a feud between two families vying to gain control of the town: on the one side, the Rojo brothers: Don Miguel, Esteban and Ramón; on the other, the family of the town sheriff, John Baxter. The Stranger decides to play each family against the other in order to make money, and proves his speed and accuracy with his gun to both sides by shooting with ease the four men who insulted him as he entered town.
The Stranger seizes his opportunity when he sees the Rojos massacre a detachment of Mexican soldiers who were escorting a shipment of gold. He takes two of the dead bodies to a nearby cemetery and sells information to both sides, saying that two Mexican soldiers survived the attack. Both sides race to the cemetery; the Baxters to get the "survivors" to testify against the Rojos, and the Rojos to silence them. The factions engage in a gunfight, with Ramón managing to "kill" the "survivors" and Esteban capturing John Baxter's son, Antonio.
While the Rojos and the Baxters are fighting, the Stranger searches the Rojo hacienda for the gold. While he is searching he accidentally knocks out a woman, Marisol. He takes her to the Baxters, who, in turn, arrange to return her to the Rojos in exchange for Antonio. During the exchange, Marisol's son, Jesús, runs towards her, followed by her husband, Julio. While the family embraces, Ramón orders one of his men, Rubio, to kill her husband as he has already told him to leave town. Silvanito attempts to protect the family with a shotgun with the Stranger backing him up. Neither Ramón nor any of his men attempt to challenge the Stranger, knowing that he is too fast on the draw.
The Stranger then tells Marisol to go to Ramón and for Julio to take Jesús home. He learns from Silvanito that Ramón had framed Julio for cheating during a cards game and taken Marisol as his prisoner, forcing her to live with him. That night, while the Rojos are celebrating, the Stranger rides out and frees Marisol, shooting the guards and wrecking the house in which she is being held, making it appear as though it were attacked by the Baxters. He gives Marisol some money and tells her family to leave the town. When the Rojos discover that he freed Marisol, they capture and torture him, but he escapes. Believing the Stranger to be protected by the Baxters, the Rojos set fire to the Baxter home and massacre the entire family as they run out of the burning building. Ramon kills John Baxter and Antonio after pretending to spare them. Consuelo, John Baxter's wife, appears and curses the Rojos for killing her unarmed husband and son. She is then shot and killed by Esteban.
With help from Piripero, the local coffin-maker, the Stranger escapes town by hiding in a coffin. The Stranger hides and convalesces in a nearby mine. When Piripero tells him that Silvanito has been captured, the Stranger returns to town to face the Rojos. With a steel chest-plate hidden beneath his poncho, he taunts Ramón to "aim for the heart" as Ramón's shots bounce off. Panicking, Ramón uses up all of the bullets in his Winchester. The Stranger shoots the rifle from Ramón's hand and kills the other Rojos standing nearby, including Don Miguel and Rubio. He then uses the last bullet in his gun to free Silvanito, tied hanging from a post. After challenging Ramón to reload his rifle faster than he can reload his own pistol, the Stranger shoots and kills Ramón. Esteban Rojo aims for the Stranger's back from a nearby building, but is shot dead by Silvanito. The Stranger bids farewell and rides away from the town. | comedy, murder, realism, western, violence, good versus evil, humor, action, revenge, sadist | tt0058461 |
Moonshine Mountain | Doug Martin is a successful country-western singer who returns to his rural North Carolina home town of Stuartsville with the hope of restoring a country twang to his "citified" voice. During his drive from the airport to the town, Doug encounters hillbillies at the local general store where one of them, Raf, steals his wallet and suit jacket, but leaves behind his guitar and luggage... and car since Raf cannot drive.Doug checks into the local Stuartsville Hotel and calls his manager to wire money to him while he decides to stay for two weeks. The next day, while wondering along a dirt road, Doug passes by a dilapidated house where he meets the redneck hillbilly family the Carpenters, led by the shotgun-toting Jeb, whom Raf is Jeb's nephew. Hearing about Raf's robbing Doug the previous day, Jeb orders Raf to return Doug's wallet and what money he has left, but lets Raf keep Doug's suit jacket. Doug quickly bonds with the partly inbred family and sings a song for them to show off his talent. Doug also meets the Carpenters neighbors and rivals, the Bashamas, who run a moonshine distillery right in their backyard which supplies the surrounding areas with moonshine whisky which is called White Lighting.After having dinner with the Carpenters and Bashamas which are "grits and greens" Doug accompanys them to a ho-down and folk-singing party where he meets a few more locals, including the local redneck sheriff Asa Potter, who is in league with the Carpenters and Bashamas in helping them run their moonshine for a small profit as well as keeping them in line.Doug begins flirting with Laura Carpenter, Jeb's eldest daughter whom is a college student home on vacation. Doug's snobish New York fiancee Della, arrives in Stuartsville a few days later and quickly becomes jealous over Doug's bonding with the rednecks just to get his "country flavor" back. Jealous of Doug's latest love interest, Della decides to leave for New York, but on Della's way to the local airport, Sheriff Potter stops her and forces her to follow him to a secluded pond. When she laughs at his clumsy advances on her, the sheriff pulls out his gun and shoots her dead.Aided by the ape-like inbred Luther Basham, Potter then murders two federal agents who arrive to try to close down the still. The murderous sheriff then disposes of their bodies by throwing them into the bubbling still, which has at least three more dead bodies in.Doug soon discovers the sheriff's evil deeds when he and Laura see Potter and Luther in the area and find one of Della's shoes on the dirt road leading to the unmarked grave site where Potter has buried her. Doug asks both family heads, Jeb Carpenter and Ed Basham, to put aside their differences and team up to help him capture the sheriff and turn him over the federal authorities.At the climax, Potter decides to kill everyone in the community, and he convinces the simpleton Luther to plant dynamite at the still to blow it up and lure the families close to do it. But Luther bungles the job and Potter is forced to shoot and kill Luther to save his own life. Mary Lou Carpenter, Laura's inbred, retarded sister and whom Potter once raped earlier, arrives when she learns about what is happening and finally kills the evil sheriff with an ax in the back, just as the still, laced with dynamite, explodes.In the end, after marrying Laura, Doug returns to New York City with his new bride to resume his musical career, while the two redneck families, the Carpenters and the Bashams, begin to make plans to rebuild the still. | murder | tt0058372 |
Il compleanno | Two couples of friends, Matteo and Francesca, Diego and Shary go to see Wagner's opera, Tristan and
Isolde. By chance, they encounter Leonard, Shary's younger brother, who is briefly passing through Italy.
Leonard is still profoundly marked by the death of his girlfriend. Shary insists he come stay with them in
the beautiful villa on the beach that the two couples have rented for the summer.
Matteo, a 40 year-old established psychoanalyst, is married to Francesca, with whom they have a 5 yearold
daughter, Elena. Matteo,, has a solidly happy, although not explosively passionate relationship with
Francesca. Diego is an eternal child, who with great difficulty chose to become a lawyer; at a very young
age he discovered that Shary, the American girl he was dating, was pregnant with his child. After David
was born, Diego and Shary got married, broke up, then got back together. Theirs is a passionate but
unstable relationship. David, having grown up in the United States, where he now goes to boarding
school, comes back to Italy after five years to spend the summer with his family. Davids arrival deeply
unsettles Matteo. Trying to escape his growing obsession, Matteo escapes to Rome to treat one of his
patients, Giuliana. The delicate balance between friends has been upset. The growing tension seems to
corrode the two families. Cracks appear in Matteo and Francescas relationship. Old disagreements
between Shary and Diego flare up. It is as if everyone knows the truth, but is afraid to confront it.
Leonard, having tried in vain to warn his sister and deter Matteo, decides to take off, leaving the main
characters to their inevitable destiny. | home movie | tt1273204 |
Broken Blossoms or The Yellow Man and the Girl | Cheng Huan (Richard Barthelmess) is a Buddhist missionary living and working in the Limehouse district of London. He had traveled from his native China with the intent of spreading a message of love and hope to the British but instead became an opium addict. He admires from a distance young Lucy (Lillian Gish), a downtrodden teenager who shops in the district. Lucy's lives with her father, the prizefighter Battling Burrows (Donald Crisp). He is a cruel, brutal man who beats Lucy with a whip whenever she does anything wrong. She does her best to maintain a positive outlook but it is difficult.Just before he goes to his training quarters, Battling beats Lucy severely because she accidentally spills food on him. After he leaves, Lucy stumbles to the Limehouse and collapses in Cheng Huan's shop. He takes her upstairs to his bedroom and nurses her back to health. He dresses her in Chinese silk gowns, gives her dolls and flowers, and for the first time in her life, Lucy feels safe. Cheng Huan's love for her is more than platonic but her beauty is so pure he refuses to sully her with sexuality.One of Battling's assistants (George Baranger) buys some merchandise in Cheng Huan's shop. Cheng Huan leaves him alone in the store momentarily. The assistant hears a noise from upstairs and goes to investigate. He discovers Lucy. The assistant rushes to Battling's training ring and informs him of what he saw. Battling is outraged that Lucy is associating with a member of another race. That night, after winning his boxing match, Battling goes with two other men to Cheng Huan's shop. Cheng Huan is out buying flowers for Lucy. Battling destroys the bedroom and drags Lucy back to their dismal apartment. Although she tries to hide from him in a closet, she is unable to stop Battling from thrashing her mercilessly with the whip. She dies from her injuries.Meanwhile, Cheng Huan has returned and discovered that Lucy is gone. He takes a gun and goes to Battling's apartment. He finds Lucy's dead body and in revenge guns down Battling. He then carries Lucy back to the bedroom above his shop. While Battling's friends alert the police to the boxer's death, Cheng Huan performs a Buddhist ritual for Lucy to reach the afterlife. He then commits suicide himself. | violence, murder, melodrama | tt0009968 |
Confessions of a Shopaholic | The movie opens with young Rebecca looking at beautiful shoes and talking about how there're two kinds of prices: real prices, which buy wonderful things, and her mother's prices, which buy things that last forever. We see her receiving a sturdy pair of plain brown shoes and looking enviously at the other girls. We see her looking at older girls trying on dresses and jewelry, and not even needing money for these perfect things as they swipe credit cards. She wanted one of those. Now the adult Rebecca (Isla Fisher) is walking down the street, saying little did she dream she would one day have twelve.Rebecca "Bex" Bloomwood is a writer for a gardening magazine with a closet full of clothes and accessories, and a lot of debt. She does not know the exact sum, but she is concerned when she receives one bill for $900. At first she believes her credit card was stolen, but realizes that the Outdoor World charge was for a farewell gift. The debt is all hers, and among other things it comes with persistent collection agent Derek Smeath.Heading off to an interview at Alette magazine, run by Alette Naylor (Kristin Scott Thomas), Bex spies the perfect green scarf; even the mannequin is telling her that it will define who she is. She tries to buy it by spreading the price over cash and multiple cards, but with one card being declined, she's still $20 short. She rushes to a hot dog vendor, going to the front of the line for an "emergency", begging the vendor to give her cash back on a check, even offering to buy all of his hot dogs, claiming she needs the scarf for a sick aunt. The man in the front of the line gives her twenty dollars to get her out of the way so he can get his dog, telling her there is a difference between cost and worth.Wearing the scarf, Bex heads into Alette's office, but the receptionist tells her that Alicia Billington has filled the job internally. Complimenting the scarf, he tells her that a consumer finance magazine from the same parent company is also hiring, and getting her foot in the door there will help. Bex hurries over to that office, and meets her interviewer, Luke Brandon (Hugh Dancy), the man in line from the hot dog stand. The interview does not go well, and things get worse as she returns to her job and finds that the magazine is closing, and everyone has received termination notices.Bex goes to her roommate, Suze (Krysten Ritter), who tears up her rent check, but it does not resolve the debt problem. With the help of a bottle of tequila, they go through the bills, Suze adding figures up and finding that the news is horrible. However, they get the brilliant idea to write up a sample article for Alette and send it in. At the same time, Bex drafts a mean note to Luke.A call from Luke the next day leads her to realize that she put the letters in the wrong envelopes: He likes her idea of using shoes as a metaphor for investing, but before taking that job, she makes a desperate rush to intercept the insulting letter on its way to Alette. By hiding in a coat rack, stretching, and ending up flat on her back in front of Alicia, she does manage.Suze also gets Bex to go to a support group for shopaholics, but all Bex does is send most of the members into a relapse as she describes her love of shopping. Suze also makes Bex watch a video about shopping addiction, and tries to get her to declutter, but Bex just hides everything in the closet, which later explodes onto and buries Suze.Bex gets off to a rocky start at the magazine, especially since her card is declined as she tries to buy a finance book. Luke takes her to a company meeting and makes her question the presenter about their bonuses, seeing as the company posted a loss. He asks her to go home and send him a new outline for the article, but a sample sale distracts her. One coat that she buys gives her the answer though, as she sees that it is mostly acrylic and not cashmere, and she writes about changes in credit card terms. Her new column, The Girl in the Green Scarf, is well received. Although the head of advertising is nervous, Bex wins over the company head, bankers, and even Finns from Nokia, as she manages to avoid getting caught in her constant lie that she is fluent in Finnish. At a Miami conference she does well, but is still being harassed by bill collection agent Smeath, whom she has told Luke is an ex-boyfriend who is stalking her.Still in Miami, she and Luke share a shopping trip and a dance. He reveals that his mother is a wealthy socialite, but he wants to make it on his own. They bond, but she finds out that he is having dinner with Alicia, upsetting her. She also finds out that Alicia will be Luke's date for an upcoming ball.Suze convinces Bex not to buy a new dress, but to use something she already has for the ball, but the evening turns out to be jinxed: Bex's jacket unravels, beads come off and trip an elderly woman, and her dress is similar enough to that worn by the waitresses that she is handed a platter, sending fish onto many of the diners. Luke smooths things over and the night takes a turn for the better as he joins her out on the balcony and kisses her.Bex goes to her parents to ask for help, but it turns out that they have put all of their savings into an RV. They do mention her column and how much they love it, but she does not reveal that she is the author.Her work is being so well-received that Bex is given a television spot with Luke, and Alette takes her shopping. While Bex is trying on clothes, Alicia holds her purse and takes a call from Smeath, thus finding out Bex's debt issues. Bex buys the outfit, though it costs a month's pay, and heads over to her bridesmaid dress fitting, as Suze is getting married. Upset to see the Barney's shopping bag, Suze sends Bex back to the support group.Bex meets a new woman going in to the support group, and asks her to stash her purchases in her trunk. The woman agrees, but turns out to be the new group leader, Miss Korch, who marches the group to a thrift shop and makes Bex turn over the purchases. Bex goes to buy them back after, but only has enough cash for one, so chooses the Barney's dress for the television appearance.The show is going well, but once things are turned over to the audience for questions, Smeath stands up and exposes her debt issues, as well as the lie of him being an ex-boyfriend, which Suze, her fiancée Tarq, and Bex's parents all see.Bex goes back to the apartment to find Suze; while they're talking, a homeless woman goes by wearing Bex's bridesmaid dress. Suze is furious and moves out. Bex's parents drive up and offer to sell the RV, but she wont let them. Alette stops by and makes an offer to Bex to work at Alette, but since it would involve writing about affordable fashion that is not really affordable, and encouraging more credit card use, Bex turns her down. Before this happens, Alicia complains to Luke about being stuck with Bex.Bex returns to her support group, asking for help, and sets up a sample sale and auction of her entire wardrobe. She sends a notice to the original receptionist at Alette, who forwards it to all assistants, including Luke's assistant Hayley. He says that she will need to make room for all the free samples from Alette.Everything sells, with the last item on the block being the original green scarf. Two women have a small bidding war, but eventually Bex releases it to the winner, telling her not to wear it with yellow and that it will bring her love. In the audience, Hayley has ended up sitting next to Bex's mother, who reveals that Bex turned down the Alette offer.Having defended Bex, Luke's job is in danger, but the owner surprises him by offering to start a new magazine. As they talk, Luke realizes he wants to strike out on his own, possibly inspired by Bex earlier telling him that she could see him running his own business.The grand total from the auction is over $16,000, allowing Bex to pay off her debt. She takes $9,000 to Smeath's office in pennies, giving him what he deserves in the most annoying and inconvenient fashion, as he did to her.Bex shows up at Suze's wedding wearing the bridesmaid dress, which she has traded back from the homeless woman for other clothes. They reconcile, and Suze and Tarq are married.As the newlyweds drive off, Bex wanders down the street. The mannequins beckon to her again, but as she resists they start applauding her. Exhilarated by her growth, she finds Luke in front of her. He presents her with the green scarf, having sent both of the bidders. They kiss on the street, and she talks about how giving up shopping has allowed her time for other things, including a relationship with Luke. | romantic, cute, feel-good | tt1093908 |
The Last King of Scotland | Scotland 1970. The sky is cloudy and stark grey and a group of newly graduated students jump into the lake to celebrate. Newly minted doctor Nicholas Garrigan (James McAvoy) is having dinner with his mother (Barbara Rafferty) and father (David Ashton), also a doctor. It is a drab affair and the father assumes Nicholas will join the family practice. We are left with an impression that Nicholas's father is a controlling man.In his room, Nicholas spins a globe promising himself "first place you land you go first place you land you go." Shutting his eyes, he jabs the spinning globe. Opening his eyes he sees that his finger has landed on Canada. Thinking about it for a moment or two, he spins the globe again and this time his finger lands on Uganda.Credits roll as we are in Uganda. It is bright, sunny, lush, and full of activities and life. Nicholas is riding the bus and becomes friendly with a young woman . A line of military vehicles and tanks pass the bus on their way to a military coup to overthrow president Obote. Nicholas is completely clueless and the young woman assures Nicholas they are safe and it will be a great time for Uganda now that Idi Amin (Forest Whitaker) will be president. Nicholas and the young woman have sex in her home.Nicholas arrives at his destination and meets Sarah (Gillian Anderson), the pretty wife of Dr. Merrit (Adam Kotz) whom he will be working for in a rural clinic. Merrit is a dedicated doctor, a "good man" who frequently leaves his wife and Nicholas alone in the clinic while he attends emergency cases several miles away. Nicholas offers to accompany Merrit or attend to an emergency case himself but Merrit dismissively tells him to stay at the clinic. Nicholas is disappointed with his latest 'father figure'. Sarah has a world-weariness about her.Though 80% of the villagers prefer their witch doctors, Nicholas still has his hands full with treatments and inoculations. While playing soccer with the village children, he hears that Amin will be giving a speech nearby and convinces Sarah to attend the rally with him. The two really stand out in the rally as they are the only white people there. Listening to Amin orating to a crowd of Ugandans, Nicholas is deeply impressed and enjoys the high spiritedness around him. Amin promises a reign of peace, prosperity, public health care and other visionary advancements. Nicholas sees Amin as the rest of the world first sees him; a charismatic and entertaining figure who was greeted with enthusiasm by his people and who seemed to have their interests at heart.Driving back to the clinic Sarah cynically said the Ugandans gave the same party to Obote before throwing him out. Nicholas thinks Sarah should give the man a chance to do his job before criticizing him. They are interrupted by terrified soldiers begging them to come treat Amin who has been in an accident. The scared soldier is our first clue of Amin's true character.The presidential motorcade has collided with a cow and Amin is sure that his hand is broken. Nicholas quickly determines that the injury is just a sprain and works to bandage Amin's hand. Unable to concentrate on his bandaging on account of the dying cow's incessant bellowing, Nicholas impulsively grabs a pistol sitting on the car and shoots the cow, putting it out of its misery. With 10 machine guns immediately trained on him, Nicholas stammers an apology and returns the gun to a menacing Amin who demands to know if Nicholas is British. Nicholas clarifies that he is Scottish and shows his emblem tee shirt under his first shirt. Amin's behavior immediately does a 180 degree turn and praises the Scottish culture and people, especially their historical warriors. Nicholas is confused but charmed by this man who seems to take a genuine interest in him. Amin asks for Nicholas's tee shirt for his son, Campbell and the two men exchange shirts. Amin's military shirt sits like an oversize coat on Nicholas.Later that night Nicholas invites Sarah for drinks on the porch. Knowing full well of Nicholas's intention, Sarah confides that as a wife of a "good man" she is often unnoticed and undervalued. Nicholas is empathetic as his own father is a "good man". Nicholas kisses her; Sarah quickly comes to her senses and leaves Nicholas alone. The next day the Ugandan Health Minister, who is Amin's #1 adviser, arrives to bring Nicholas to Amin in the presidential limousine. Thinking that the hypochondriac Amin just wants him to re-tie the bandages, Nicholas promises Sarah that he will return soon and is whisked away to the bustling capital, an active modern city and a far cry from the dilapidated village Nicholas is working in.Nicholas meets Amin and is taken back by the offer to be his personal physician. In an example where Amin's craziness seems benign at first he tells Nicholas that he has already dreamed the date of his own death. "I know exactly when I'm going to die so you do not need to worry about making a mistake". Nicholas turns down the job offer twice and Amin guesses that Nicholas has an infatuation with a married woman back in the village. He promises to take Nicholas back to the village first thing in the morning but first he must attend tonight's state dinner. Since Nicholas does not have a suit Amin sends him to a tailor.Measured for a suit by Asian tailors (they are either Indian or Pakistanis), Nicholas worries about the cost and the tailor assures him it is covered by the president's account. Overhearing this is a British diplomat, Stone. Outside the tailor shop Nicholas hears a commotion and sees a man being chased by Amin's men, who catch the man and stuff him into the trunk of their car. Amin's men are hunting down suspected Obote supporters. Stone praises Amin's "firm hand" - after all, he trained among Scottish soldiers with the King's African Rifles. Stone says Amin is one of their own.The state dinner is a lavish affair and Nicholas is introduced to Amin's wives. Wife #1 has given Amin 5 children and wife #2 has given Amin 3 children. The third wife is simply introduced as Kay. Kay tersely thanks Nicholas for the tee shirt for her son Campell, it is her way of saying she has given Amin a child as well. Amin makes a rousing speech starting with stories of Greeks stealing philosophies and Arabs stealing medicine knowledge from Africa and claiming them as their own. He says Uganda will be an independent and great African country and, please enjoy the food as he humorously promises that it contains no human flesh. Nicholas meets Stone again and Stone remarks that it is nice to have another Englishman around. Nicholas peevishly clarifies that he is a Scotsman. Amin's fondness for Nicholas is obvious and the British diplomats tease Nicholas that Amin has "clasped you to his bosom".Nicholas is woken in the middle of the night by the frantic servant and summoned to Amin's bedroom. Amin is lying in bed in pain, sure he has been poisoned. Nicholas palpates the stomach and notice glasses of beer and aspirin on the night stand. He finds a baseball bat, presses it against Amin's stomach and a large amount of gas is released. Amin immediately feels better and the Health Minister, who was watching the entire scene, leaves. Amin is ashamed and upset that Nicholas has seen him in his greatest weakness; fear and paranoia. Nicholas assures confidentiality due to the doctor's oath. Amin opens up a bit to Nicholas with stories from his childhood while the soundtrack tells us that Nicholas has been unwittingly trapped.Some time later Nicholas calls Sarah to apologize for accepting Amin's offer. In the background Amin is playing with his numerous children. Nicholas is given a swanky apartment in the immaculate presidential compound and his job is set up in the Presidential Hospital where he meets his predecessor, Dr. Junju. At the hospital he runs into Stone again who wants to use Nicholas as a spy due to his exceptional access to Amin. Nicholas rebuffs Stone's offer, nonetheless Stone cautions him to "keep in touch."Nicholas enjoys the benefits of being in Amin's inner circle and Amin takes him everywhere except outside Uganda. Due to their great physical differences, Nicholas looks something like Amin's pet or trophy. Very soon Nicholas is more than Amin's personal physician but also his most trusted advisor, something Amin says many times in front of senior officers. One day Amin tells Nicholas to attend a meeting in his place as he has to go to Libya at the last minute. Nicholas arrives at the meeting and introduces himself. The attendees are surprised that Nicholas is a doctor and Nicholas is surprised to learn the attendees are important contractors from the foreign consulates. The meeting is to bid for construction contracts.Dressed in Islamic garbs, Amin examines the model for the new building and is pleased with the design Nicholas has chosen. Praising Nicholas's good taste, Amin tells the Health Minister he has no sense of style. The Health Minister simply stares at Amin. Amin's pleasant mood turns sour and he sends the Health Minister away. Amin asks Nicholas if he thought the Health Minister looked at Amin strangely. Nicholas says no.While examining X-ray pictures, Nicholas and Junju hear a series of explosions. Rushing to the hospital roof they see columns of smoke rising in the distant hills where political prisoners are held in a prison. Gunfire can be heard. A messenger comes running looking for Nicholas, saying that the President's son is sick. Nicholas is taken to a house and finds a distressed Kay hovering over a boy in the midst of a seizure. Nicholas assumes that the boy is Campbell but Kay says he is Mackenzie. It is clear Nicholas never heard of or seen Mackenzie before despite being the family's physician, and it is clearer that Kay and the servants have no idea Mackenzie's condition is called epilepsy. Nicholas wants to take Mackenzie to the hospital but Kay begs Nicholas not to, as she and her son are banished from the palace. Kay says Amin regards her as a "bad omen" wife because of Mackenzie's condition and they cannot live in the palace with the other families. Nicholas gives Mackenzie a shot to calm the seizure and then puts him to bed. Nicholas finds it ridiculous that Mackenzie does not have access to medical attention and makes an appointment for McKenzie at the hospital. Kay looks at Nicholas differently this time.Amin is hosting a state event and he is dressed in Scottish garb, kilt and all. Scottish folk songs are sung in African arrangements. During the ceremony Kay and Nicholas exchange glances; Amin notices this. The following morning Nicholas is woken early by Amin. To thank Nicholas for helping his epileptic son Amin gives him a brand new silver Mercedes convertible. Nicholas is beyond thrilled and Amin wants Nicholas to drive him to the airport. Nicholas returns to his apartment to change only to see that Amin has followed him into his room. Realizing Amin is not going to leave, Nicholas quickly changes his clothes and asks about the explosions and gunfire heard coming from the hills. Amin says his men held off Obete's men at the prison and quickly changes the subject.Driving together to the airport following the presidential limousine, Amin tells Nicholas that his epileptic son has all the material comfort he needs. Nicholas argues that exiling the boy denies him treatment and a father's attention. Amin counters that Nicholas has never been poor. Their argument is interrupted by trucks of assassins targeting the presidential limousine. Nicholas manages to drive Amin out of harm's way.Once secured and surrounded by military men, Amin freaks out and repeats to Nicholas that he cannot die because he saw it in his dream. Amin continues to rant and vent about traitors while Nicholas is silent and shell shocked. Amin begins screaming for his number #1 advisor, the Health Minister, and belittles Nicholas for not knowing where he is. A solider comes to Amin to tell him some of the assassins are caught. Amin brings Nicholas with him to see the captured assassins who are being tortured. While Amin screams and rants at the prisoners, Nicholas looks down and notices there is blood on his hand.Nicholas is shaken by the recent events and goes to a Holiday Inn lounge to unwind and calm down. There he sees the Health Minister talking to a white man in a secretive manner. Some time later Nicholas is in Amin's office having him sign papers for supplies for the hospital. As he is leaving, Amin calls Nicholas back and asks him what is on his mind as it is obvious Nicholas is distracted. Nicholas admits he saw the Health Minister at the Holiday Inn lounge talking to a strange white man. It's probably nothing but perhaps Amin should talk to the Health Minister. Nicholas reiterates it is likely "nothing."While lounging in the pool in presidential compound, Nicholas sees Kay and MacKenzie playing in the pool with the rest of the family. Kay tells Nicholas that Mackenzie is doing much better now that he is allowed to return to the palace and play with his brothers. Kay seems happy for the first time and looks at Nicholas fondly. While Nicholas is admiring Kay, Stone arrives and tells Nicholas that people are disappearing in the countryside. Out of loyalty and ignorance, Nicholas accuses Stone of being a typical Brit with no regard for Africa and that he's sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for those disappearances. Stone then tells Nicholas that the Health Minister is one of the disappeared. Panicked, Nicholas goes to the Ministry of Health building only to find a different person is now the Health Minister. Nicholas knows it is his fault the Health Minister is likely dead even as he delivers the "official statement" that the Heath Minister has fled the country for embezzling funds and is a suspected Obete supporter. Nicholas soon learns that the Health Minister was securing a supply of medicine from the white man in Holiday Inn lounge.It is raining heavily late at night and Nicholas is floating in the pool alone, distressed and upset. Nicholas goes to see Amin to announce he is going home. Amin turns around and it's actually a body double in Amin's uniform. The real Amin and his goons jump out of the shadows laughing and teasing Nicholas. Amin keeps saying "I caught you I caught you" in a childish manner. There are several body doubles in the room and Amin asks Nicholas if the body doubles are more handsome than him. Nicholas of course says no and Amin taunts one of the body doubles that he is ugly. This is another example of Amin insulting his underlings.After sending his body doubles and goons out of the room, Amin turns serious and tells Nicholas that he cannot go back to Scotland, Uganda is his home now and he is like to a son to Amin. Nicholas begs that he is way over his head especially after the Health Minister affair. Amin scolds Nicholas for his naivety ("nothing can come from nothing"), arrogance, and his white man's attitude toward Africa. Amin then embraces him.Amin throws a party with go-go girls to cheer Nicholas up, even featuring himself as an Uganda cowboy. This doesn't help as Nicholas still looks very unhappy and downs drink after drink. He runs away from a go-go girl assigned to him and straight into Kay's arms. They end up having sex in a room while the party is still going outside. Kay warns Nicholas that Amin has always been this way and only now shows his true character to Nicholas. She tells him needs to find a way to get out of Uganda. Nicholas still tries to rationalize that things aren't really that bad. Nicholas and Kay return to the party to find it dispirited now that Amin is playing a melancholy tune on the accordion in a trance-like state. This is one of many examples of Amin's quicksilver temperament.Nicholas returns to his apartment after the party only to find it in completely ransacked. He finds an envelope and upon opening it finds a Ugandan passport with his picture. His Scottish passport gone, Nicholas goes to see Stone who shows him gruesome pictures of murdered people suspected of being Obete's supporters, even entire tribes have been wiped out. Stone saves the best for last, a picture of the dead Health Minister. Stricken, Nicholas pleads for help to get out of Uganda but Stone says he has to "earn his passage" by killing Amin now that the British can no longer control him. Nicholas learns that he has been called "Amin's white monkey" by others.Trapped without friend or allies, Nicholas and Kay continue to find comfort with one another.Amin grows increasingly unpredictable and Nicholas's hospital is filled with refugees and victims of Amin's regime. His latest crazy scheme is to kick all Asians out of Uganda within 90 days, calling them leeches. This is part of Amin's plan for an all-black African country. Nicholas arrives at the hospital to find it in total chaos as Amin's goons are trying to expel Asian patients. Goon#1 is beating up Junju and Nicholas stops him and demands that the goons leave the hospital. The goons leave but not before goon#1 gives Nicholas an especially evil glare.Nicholas goes to Amin and tells him he cannot expel the Asians as they have lived in Uganda for generations and only they have the ability to run the infrastructure of the country. Uganda's economy will be severely crippled if Amin carries out this mad plan. Amin doesn't believe Nicholas and angrily dismisses him as "nothing but a doctor - a nobody".Kay calls Nicholas in a panic that Amin is "going to kill us." She is pregnant. Kay threatens to go to a village witch doctor and Nicholas begs her not to, that he will somehow arrange the abortion in a clinical setting and that they will do it first thing in the morning. The following morning Nicholas tells Junju what has happened and he understandably freaks out and refuses to have the abortion done in the hospital as Amin is sure to find out and kill any doctors performing the abortion. Nicholas decides he will have to do it himself and raids the medical supply room for the necessary operation when goon #1 interrupts him and said Amin wants to see him right away.Amin is in hysterics, furious over international newspapers labelling him a madman and a cannibal. He screams that "these are all lies!" and threatens to throw all foreign journalists out of Uganda. He starts in on Nicholas and angrily demands to know why Nicholas did not warn him not to throw the Asians out of Uganda. Nicholas furiously protests that he did precisely this, and Amin throws back, "Ah, but you did not persuade me!"Cornered, Nicholas advises Amin not to throw the journalists out of Uganda but instead invite them where he can turn on the charm. Amin calms down and happily coos "what will I do without my Nicholas." But Nicholas only looks frightened and Amin asks if there is anything else. Nicholas says no. Amin grabs Nicholas by the face and asks again. Nicholas, losing courage, still says no. Amin lets go of him and says he has to stay for the press conference.By now we realise the two men's relationship is something of a bizarre love affair, an on-then-off again romance with the heart of darkness. The irony is Nicholas left Scotland to escape a controlling father figure only to be captivated by another, and has gone from the frying pan into the inferno.At the press conference Amin turns on his charm for the media to distract them and the world from what he's really doing. It works as nearly all the foolish journalists nod their heads in agreement with Amin's ridiculous explanations. Not surprising as many of history's great villains were charismatic enough to get people to go along with their actions. In this conference we find out why Amin calls himself the Last King of Scotland. He sees in Scottish devolutionary ambition a parallel to Africa's own struggle against the English and announces since he has successfully defeated the British, he will do the same for Scotland and hence he will be their king.After the press conference Nicholas drives like a bat out of hell to Kay's house only to find weeping servants telling him Kay has already gone to the witch doctor and now has been taken to the hospital due to complications from the back-alley abortion. Nicholas rushes to the hospital only to hear creepy wailings. Following the noise he finds series of crying people in the hallway, some appear to have gone insane. Going down to the basement he finds hordes of distressed people and goon#1 telling them this is what happens to those who betray Amin. Entering the morgue he finds Kay's dismembered body. Her legs have been sewn on in place of her arms and her arms in place of her legs.. Her son is in the same room. Nicholas cries over Kay's body and vomits.Nicholas goes to see Amin who is watching porn with his goons. He gloomily tells Nicholas that he did it to make an example of Kay because she betrayed him. Nicholas gives Amin a bottle of pills for his "headache" and rushes out. Outside he is stopped by the guards and brought back inside where Amin is gleeful and jovial and teases Nicholas for "running away from me". He tells Nicholas that Palestinian terrorists have hijacked an Air France plane and he has allowed them to land in Uganda. Amin feels this is an opportunity to both help his "Palestinian brothers" and show the world what a great leader he is.While riding to the airport with Amin and the goons, Nicholas nervously eyes the bottle of headache pills still in Amin's hands, indicating that the pills are actually poison. Amin, Nicholas, and the goons arrive at Entebbe airport where Amin assures the news media that the hostages will be looked after and sends in Nicholas. Nicholas notices that goon #1 now has Amin's bottle of pills but he can do nothing about it. Nicholas meets Junju and the nurses that are giving malaria pills to the hostages. While treating the hostages for shock, Nicholas sees goon #1 going outside with the pills. Nicholas follows and sees goon #1 force a child solider to take the pill. Before the boy could swallow the pill Nicholas runs out and makes the boy spit out the pill.In the next scene the goons are dragging a badly beaten Nicholas in front of the horrified hostages to a shop out of sight from others. Amin tells Nicholas that he knows about the affair with Kay and tells him a story of a practice done in his village to purge a man of evil by hanging him by his skin. Every time the man screams, a bit of evil is released. Amin tells Nicholas that he has "grossly offended your father." Nicholas reaches up to touch Amin and whispers, "You're a child. That's what makes you so scary."The goons bring ropes and 2 hooks. Holding Nicholas up they proceed to pierce his chest with the hooks while Nicholas is looking straight into Amin's eyes, refusing to scream. Nicholas is strung up and hangs from the ceiling by his skin (a couple of people in the movie theater passed out watching this scene). He never screams and appears to have died. Amin watches, looking genuinely sad and sheds a tear. Amin goes outside and his public persona immediately returns, smiling charmingly for the cameras. He announces that Israel is willing to negotiate and he has made arrangements for the non-Israel citizens to be safety transported away by plane.The goons take down Nicholas's body and proceed to the basement to unwind with cards and alcohol, leaving the body on the floor of the shop. Junju sneaks in, gives Nicholas a shot (probably adrenaline) to wake him up, bandage up his body and face, and wipe off as much blood as he can. Junju tells Nicholas that while he may deserve to die, he is useless dead. Junju plans to have Nicholas escape with the non-Israelii hostages to a plane and tell the world the truth about Amin, after all they would believe him since he is a white man. Junju gives Nicholas his blazer to better disguise him and pushes him out the door just as the hostages walking to the plane pass by. The hostages help him walk to the plane and comfort him once they are safely on board.The goons return and discover the body gone and go tearing through the airport looking for him. They find Junju trying to leave the airport and suspect that he has something do with the missing doctor. They take Junju back to the shop and shoot him in the head. The goons interrupt Amin's press interview where he has just explained that he has broken off relations with Israel. The plane is safely in the air and Amin watches it fly away.Knowing that he is finally truly out of Uganda, Nicholas lets himself pass out.Epilogue reveals that 48 hours later the Israeli military force made a daring raid on the Entebbe airport and rescued all the hostages except one that died.World opinion permanently turned against Amin.(Personal note: Ugandans saw the Israeli's successful rescue of the Entebbe hostages as a sign of Amin's weakness and this was the turning point on Amin's hold on his power)Amin was overthrown for good in 1979. He died in 2003 while living in exile in Saudi Arabia. He is responsible for 300,000 deaths in Uganda.The movie shows actual documentation reels of Idi Amin, including a scene of a Ugandan marching army dressed entirely in Scottish garb. | dark, murder, dramatic, violence, flashback, philosophical, historical | tt0455590 |
Dnevnoy dozor | MOSCOW, January 2006. It is the day after New Year's Day, over one year after the events in the first movie Nochnoy dozor/Night Watch. Night Watch agent Anton Gorodetsky [Konstantin Khabenskiy] and his trainee, Svetlana 'Sveta' Nazarova [Mariya Poroshina], the Virgin, are driving along the freeway near the Moscow Expo Center. Sveta is reading aloud a book about the legend of how Tamerlane came to possess the Chalk of Fate, an ancient artifact reputed to possess the ability to change one's fate. Suddenly, an emergency APB comes over the truck radio. An old woman has been attacked near the Expo Center by a Dark One wielding a long needle that he plunged into her back and began sucking out her lifeforce. Anton and Sveta quickly locate the woman. When Sveta sees the ski-masked assailant running away, she takes off after him with Anton trying to keep up. The assailant leads Sveta into the Gloom. Anton follows, but when Sveta and the assailant pass into second level Gloom, where only Great Ones can go, Anton is unable to penetrate the shield. As he calls to Sveta to come back, the Dark One sneaks up behind her and stabs her with his needle. Sveta spins around and pulls off his black ski-mask to reveal a young boy. Anton gasps. It is his son, Yegor [Dmitriy Martynov]. Before Sveta can eliminate Yegor with her UV flashlight, Anton manages to break the shield and pull Sveta back from the Gloom.After their ordeal, Anton and Sveta stop for beers at Cafe Zoar. Sveta wonders why Anton protected the Dark assailant, but he won't talk. The leader of the Light Ones, Anton and Sveta's boss Gesser (now going by the name Boris Ivanovich), enters the restaurant and reminds Sveta that she has a lecture to give tonight. After Sveta has left, Gesser/Boris [Vladimir Menshov] reminds Anton that it is forbidden to have personal relations with trainees, but his warning comes too late. Anton has already fallen in love with Sveta. After Gesser leaves, Anton finishes his beer and reads a little more in Sveta's book, the part about how Tamerlane was buried in Samarkand with his right fist clenched, presumed to be holding the Chalk of Fate. He then has Zoar [Nurzhuman Ikhtymbaev] wrap his remaining manti and, drunker than a skunk, Anton leaves the restaurant and heads for home.Zavulon [Viktor Verzhbitskiy], leader of the Darks, and his fiancee, the Dark witch Alisa [Zhanna Friske], are checking out the hall at Hotel Cosmos where they plan to hold Yegor's 14th birthday party coming in a few days when Yegor suddenly races in, upset about the fact that he was chased into second level Gloom. Just then, Zavulon gets a phone call about the attack on the old woman, warning him about the ski-mask left behind. It is imperative that they get it back before it can be linked to Yegor. The mask has been stored in the Night Watch archives, so Zavulon sends Yegor's teacher, Galina Rogova [Irina Yakovleva], to intercept Anton on his way home and ask him to go into the archives and get the cap in order to protect his son. Anton refuses, but later he sneaks into the archives and gets the mask anyway. While there, he also enters the Central Asia vault and reads the files on the Chalk of Fate, which confirms the legend that Tamerlane was buried in the Gur-Emir mausoleum in Samarkand and that he was believed to be clutching
the Chalk in his right hand. Anton also learns that Gesser made a request to search the tomb back in 1941, but it was denied.Galina is murdered on her way home by an unknown assasin, and her body found the next morning. The Darks' suspicion immediately falls on Anton. Since the Truce between Lights and Darks forbids any Light to kill a Dark (and vice versa), Zavulon orders Alisa to dig up some evidence on Anton so that they can take it to the Inquisition. Alisa talks with Galina's five-year old daughter Mashenka, but Masha denies knowing Anton. Next, she talks with Anton's neighbor, Kostya Sergevich [Aleksey Chadov], who has recently received his vampire papers, having been turned by his father Valery [Valeriy Zolotukhin] when he was a child dying of pneumonia. So far, Kostya has resisted drinking human blood. To Alisa, he admits to peering out the window last night and seeing Anton talking with Galina.Gesser has also received news of Galina's murder and that Anton is being accused. Gesser knows that Anton was in the archives at the time that the murder took place, but he also knows that Anton will never admit to that because it will finger his son as the attacker of humans, so Gesser contrives to have Anton and mage Olga switch bodies and then sends Anton (in Olga's body) to stay with Sveta. Although Sveta has the power of introscopy (the ability to see objects behind closed doors), she fails to accept her initial feeling that it is Anton in Olga's body and starts telling "Olga" about her feelings of love for Anton. When they get to Sveta's apartment, Sveta takes a shower while "Olga" fumbles around in the kitchen. Sveta asks "Olga" to bring her a towel, and "Olga" is mesmerized by Sveta's naked body through the shower curtain. "Olga" confesses that she and Anton have switched bodies and that "she" is really Anton inside. At first Sveta is angry, but soon they are in the shower together, kissing and hugging. Later, they go out for dinner at a Chinese restaurant.Meanwhile, Alisa has gone to pick up Kostya at his apartment. She tells him that they suspect Anton and Olga may have switched bodies, and she wonders if Kostya would recognize Anton in a different body, but Kostya isn't sure. When Alisa begins to caress Kostya's hand, he notices that she is wearing a gold band on her ring finger. It's actually a magic
ring that connects her feelings with Zavulon, and Alisa is unable to remove it. Makes no difference. They drive around in Alisa's Mazda, kissing each other.Back at the Chinese restaurant, "Olga" goes to use the rest room and mistakenly opens the door to the men's room. On the floor lies a dead man. Recognizing him as a Dark, Sveta and "Olga" run from the restaurant, straight into Gesser's car. It's a set up, Gesser explains as they find their car surrounded by Zavulon and many Darks. Zavulon informs Gesser that he's filing a formal charge of murder against Anton. Knowing that Anton is in Olga's body, the Darks lead her away. It is forbidden for any Light agents to interfere, but Sveta will have none of that. She rushes at Zavulon. When Gesser stops her, she wills a bus to appear and run smackdab into Zavulon, which only serves to anger an immortal. Zavulon knocks down some electrical wires and uses one of them like a bullwhip, striking at "Olga" as she flees. fortunately, "Olga" makes it to a taxi and gets away. She places a call to a friend at Samarkand and requests to be allowed into Tamerlane's tomb. She also calls "Anton" and demands that they switch back into the correct bodies. They are to meet at the airport in 30 minutes.Meanwhile, two Inquisition agents visit Gesser at his office in the Gorsvet Light and Power Company. They give him until dawn to prove that Anton is innocent in regard to the deaths of the two Darks or they will issue a warrant for his elimination. If Gesser refuses to hand Anton over, the result will be war. If he files an order of protest, it will be
denied. Gesser's hands are tied either way.Olga and Anton are back in their own bodies, having exchanged in an airport elevator. Anton purchases a ticket to Samarkand and, after a bit of a problem getting through security with his weapons belt, he boards the plane. Olga follows him on board, and they sit in aisle seats opposite each other. The plane tries to take off, but Olga and Anton use their powers to start and stop it until Olga relents and lets the plane take off. Once in the air, Olga confesses to Anton that she knows the Chalk is not in Tamerlane's hand because she tried to get possession of it in 1941. At the same time, Sveta is asking Gesser why he isn't doing anything to save Anton. Gesser, hoping to stop Sveta from interfering, tells her how he once broke the Truce and how Olga tried to help him. He was acquitted, but Olga was sentenced. Back on the airplane, Olga explains how she was warned by Zoar, Tamerlane's right hand man, that to open the tomb would start a war. Anton suddenly realizes that the Chalk rests with Zoar (right hand = right hand man) and asks Olga to help him mentally direct the pilots to return the airplane to Moscow. Unknown to both of them, Zavulon's spy Popugay [Igor Lifanov] (Parrot) has been listening to their conversation.After returning to Moscow, Anton heads for Cafe Zoar. He requests that Zoar hand over the Chalk, and Zoar does it willingly, informing Anton that he need only write his wish on the blackboard. Anton writes Yegor, and Yegor suddenly enters the cafe. Father and son embrace. While Anton gets some warm rice plov to eat on this cold and snowy night in January, Yegor takes a call from Sveta on Anton's cell phone. Yegor tells Sveta that Anton has a family and warns her not to call him anymore. When Anton returns with their rice plov, Yegor asks his father to come home and eat again with his mother, but Anton says that he has another life and can't do that. Angry and upset, Yegor smashes the cell phone and runs out of the cafe. Zoar explains that the Chalk didn't work for Anton because it had to be written at the place where Anton carved his own destiny... the apartment where he conspired with the Dark Witch Darya Leonidova 14 years ago to abort the child being carried by his wife Irina, a child he thought belonged to another man. Anton puts on his coat to leave the cafe and, checking his pockets, discovers that Yegor has taken the Chalk.Later that night at 1:00 AM, Anton calls Irina [Mariya Mironova] anyway and asks to speak with Yegor. She says that he's sleeping. After hanging up on Anton, Irina checks on Yegor and finds him not there. Yegor is with Zavulon, getting a haircut. Yegor presents Zavulon with the Chalk. Unable to touch the Chalk, Zavulon suggests that Yegor give it to Alisa. Anton tries to hitch a ride to the Expo Center, but he recognizes that the driver of the car that stops for him is a Dark. Anton manages to get away by hanging on to Popugay's passing car until he thinks he can safely drop off. Popugay continues to follow, so Anton jumps through a Metro sign into the Gloom and lands in a Metro station. When he sees scores of Darks coming down the stairs, he jumps into a moving train and escapes.Sveta, Gesser, and Olga look for Anton at Zoar's but find only his smashed cellphone. When Gesser mentions that Yegor has taken the Chalk, Sveta retreats to the ladies' room, disappears outside, and hops into a taxi. Meanwhile, Kostya and his father Valery are washing clothes together when their doorbell rings. It is Sveta looking for Anton. Sveta recognizes Kostya as a vampire, and he jumps at her for the shock value, but his father pulls him back, claiming that no laws have been broken. Sveta assures them that she's not interested in accusing them, and she departs. Finding it hard to deal with his budding vampirism, Kostya puts on his coat and hat and leaves the apartment.In her room at the Cosmos, getting dressed for the party, Alisa slips the Chalk into her cleavage. On second thought, she takes it out and writes Kostya on the wall. Suddenly, there is a knock at the door. It is Kostya, come to run away with Alisa. Alisa explains that the ring she is wearing connects her to Zavulon in such a way that he can feel everything
she feels, so she can't just leave. Kostya promises to help her get the ring off, when there is another knock on her door. It is Zavulon, come to hurry Alisa along to the party. He recognizes Kostya as Valery's son, but Alisa covers for Kostya, saying that he's here because he can recognize Anton even if he's wearing another body.Anton has made it to a pay phone and tries to place a call. He is interrupted by Popugay, and they proceed to fight. Then Anton has an idea. He presses Popugay's face into the snow, digs out the impression, and places it on his own face. When the snow falls away, Anton has transformed into Popugay and can now attend Yegor's birthday party without drawing notice to himself. Unfortunately, he addresses someone with the wrong name and gets his face punched for it, returning him to his real face. To escape, Anton jumps through the Gloom and goes looking for Yegor. His face bloodied, Anton runs into a large, dark banquet hall. Suddenly the lights are turned on, and he finds himself in a room filled with Darks, all celebrating Yegor's birthday. Zavulon hands Anton a microphone and tells him to say a few words to his son. Anton wishes Yegor health and happiness and then downs a toast to him, not knowing that his drink has been inadvertently mixed with blood, which affects Anton as potent alcohol would.Reeling as though drunk, Anton makes merry with the Darks. Alisa asks Zavulon whether she should alert the Inquisition that Anton is here, but Zavulon says to wait, because there is one more guest who still hasn't arrived, that guest being Sveta. Legend says that when Sveta and Yegor, the two Great Ones, meet and spill only one drop of blood, it will begin
the annhilation of the world, shifting the power between Darks and Lights, and that's what this birthday party has been arranged to do. Zavulon informs Anton that the Inquisition is coming to take him away, but Anton just laughs. "Do you really want to know who murdered Galina Rogova?", he asks the crowd, just as Valery arrives at the party. Anton has figured it out: Valery made a deal with Zavulon in order to save Kostya from being labeled as a vampire. Zavulon agreed to delay the papers in return for Valery killing Galina so that Zavulon could lay the blame on Anton.Two Inquisition agents suddenly appear in the door. The Great Truce has been broken, they say, and ask Valery whether he will confess to the crime. Valery admits it, and the agents finally pronounce Anton innocent of the charges. As Valery leaves the hall to go away with the Inquisition agents, Kostya leaps to his feet, grabs his father's two-sided wooden stake, and rushes at Zavulon, intending to kill him for setting up his father. Zavulon grabs the stake and places it between himself and Kostya. So that no one will suspect what is actually happening, he pretends to tango with Kostya as he thrusts the stake through Kostya's chest. Realizing that Zavulon has just stabbed Kostya, Alisa jumps from her chair, but Anton grabs her and asks for the Chalk. Still clutching Kostya to his body, Zavulon leaps from the window, just as a taxi drives up to the hotel, and Sveta gets out.When Sveta enters the banquet hall, Anton notices her and tells her to go home. For a moment, Yegor is fooled into believing that his father does not love Sveta and has become a Dark, but Zavulon (returned from his trek outside) explains that Anton is just casting shadows, i.e., pretending. Wanting to get Sveta out of his father's life, Yegor remembers that he stuck Sveta with a needle when they were in the Gloom together. "I could drink from her now", Yegor says and starts sucking on a juice container. As Yegor drains the juice, Sveta's lifeforce starts draining out, too. Sveta falls to the floor, and her face starts aging.Meanwhile, outside of the Cosmos, Light agents have begun amassing. Olga and Light agent Simeon [Aleksey Maklakov] are racing to the Hotel, but their truck keeps getting intercepted and surrounded by Darks in their trucks and on their motorcycles. Sensing that Sveta is being drained of her lifeforce, Olga calls Sveta on her cellphone. When Sveta answers, Olga tells her not to close her eyes or to stop breathing. As the motorcycles ram Olga's truck, she keeps talking to Sveta, instructing her to get up off the floor and stay away from Yegor. When Sveta finally manages to get to her feet and stumble out to the hall, Zavulon hands a yoyo to Yegor and tells him to practice with it. This isn't just any yoyo, however. It is a yoyo of mass destruction.Yegor follows Sveta into the hall and confronts her with the yoyo. Sveta refuses to fight and turns to leave. Yegor rushes at her, and the two of them collide with a third person, knocking Yegor to the floor, with Gesser there taking photos of it all. When Yegor gets to his feet, his nose starts to bleed, and a drop of his blood falls to the floor. The war between Darks and Lights has begun! As Olga and other Light agents run down the hotel halls, knocking on doors and telling the guests to evacuate, Yegor tosses the yoyo at Anton. The yoyo cracks open to reveal more yoyos, and these yoyos multiply and begin flying around the banquet hall, destroying tables of food, knocking holes in the walls, and killing
both Darks and Lights. Soon the yoyos are unleashed on the city of Moscow. Within minutes, all of Moscow lays wasted.Back inside the banquet hall, Alisa has finally managed to get the ring off her finger... by cutting off her finger. Zavulon and Anton both go looking for Alisa so they can get the Chalk, but Anton gets to her first. Alisa is writing Kostya zhiv (Kostya lives) on the wall, but Anton tells her that it won't work because she was not the cause of his death. Anton
admits that he is to blame, so Alisa gives him the Chalk. As Anton races to exit the hotel, he is intercepted by Sveta and Yegor, each grabbing one of his arms, trying to pull him to their sides. All around him, the building is collapsing. As a large shard of glass falls down, headed right for Anton, certain to slice him in half, Gesser appears and snaps a
picture with his camera. Suddenly time stops, leaving only Gesser and Anton able to move and speak. "What a mess you've made," Gesser says to Anton.Gesser warns him that the camera will only hold for a short exposure so Anton must hurry and fix what he created from all this. Anton races back to the old apartment building where he first made the deal with Darya. The building has been destroyed, but the walls are still standing. He climbs to the old apartment, takes out the chalk, and writes Nyet (No) on the wall....Suddenly, everything reverts back to 1992. Anton is facing the Dark witch Darya [Rimma Markova] over her wanting to perform a spell to kill his pregnant ex-wife, and Darya asks Anton whether he wants her to perform the spell and agree to bear the responsibility for killing an innocent. "Nyet," replies Anton as if he is under some kind of spell. As he leaves the apartment, he runs into the three Light agents -- Ilya [Aleksandr Samoylenko], Lena [Anna Slyu], and Simeon -- in the hallway. Simeon asks him for a cigarette, but Anton says that he doesn't smoke and keeps going, giving no indication that he recognizes the agents. "He's human again," Simeon assures Ilya and Lena.Anton goes outside. It is spring and raining. As he walks down the sidewalk, a pig-tailed Sveta walks past him. Seated on a bench, Gesser and Zavulon watch, making bets on whether or not Anton will recognize Sveta, Gesser betting 'yes' and Zavulon betting 'no'. As Anton passes Sveta, he turns to look at her, then rushes to catch up with her. "Have we met?" he asks Sveta. "Maybe we did," she replies, as they walk off together.[Full summary by BJ Kuehl] | murder, cult, atmospheric, flashback, good versus evil, psychedelic | tt0409904 |
Nine to Five | The film centers on the friendship between three women who work in the offices of a large corporation known as Consolidated Industries. Judy Bernly (Jane Fonda) is a naïve new employee whose husband recently left her for his secretary. On her first day, Judy meets Violet Newstead (Lily Tomlin), the supervisor of her department, and a longtime employee. Violet trains Judy and introduces her to the department executive, Franklin Hart, Jr. (Dabney Coleman), who immediately reveals himself to be arrogant and sexist. Judy soon learns that despite the fact that Violet has worked there for over 10 years, she has been passed over consistently for promotion and in fact has seniority over Hart.The third woman in the trio is Doralee Rhodes (Dolly Parton), Hart's personal secretary. Despite the fact that Doralee is happily married to a construction worker and part-time country-western singer, and Hart is also married to a sweet but oblivious woman named Missy, Hart continually makes inappropriate advances toward Doralee, pushing her patience and tolerance to the limit. Hart has also been lying to his colleagues that he's been sleeping with Doralee, causing office gossip to go wild. The women in the office treat her rudely as a result, and initially Judy shuns Doralee's attempts to be friendly.Some time passes, and Violet is once again passed over for an important promotion, even though her ideas are good enough that Hart passes one off as his own and takes all the credit for it. When Violet protests to Hart that he passed her over for a promotion because she is a woman, Hart bluntly tells her that the company would rather have a man in the position, and Violet becomes enraged, storming off on her own, but not before she reveals to Doralee that her affair with Hart is common knowledge. Doralee, who has been confused and upset about the way she's treated by her coworkers, snaps, and also rages at Hart, threatening to use her gun on him the next time he makes an indecent proposal. Judy witnesses a fellow secretary lose her job over a minor infraction and she, too, becomes enraged.The three women converge at a local bar to drown their sorrows, when Violet discovers a marijuana cigarette that her son left in her purse as a gift. They return to Doralee's house and smoke it together, prompting each of them to have a detailed fantasy about how they would take down Hart if they had the chance. Judy imagines a scenario where she's a great white hunter who hunts down Hart in the office with a shotgun. Doralee's fantasy is of her as a cowgirl who turns the tables on Hart and sexually harasses him before roasting him alive on a spit. Violet envisions a fairy tale where she is a Snow White-type character who poisons Hart's coffee and sends him falling to his death from his office window, which suddenly releases scores of oppressed "prisoners" chained to their desks.Things take a sudden bizarre turn the next day when each of the women's fantasies comes true in some odd respect: Violet accidentally poisons Hart's coffee, having mistaken a box of rat poison for artificial sweetener. Before Hart can drink it, he falls from his unstable chair and knocks himself unconscious in his office. Doralee finds him, summons an ambulance, and accompanies him to the hospital.At first the women have no clue what happened to Mr. Hart, but then Violet finds the rat poison, realizes what she did, and they all assume the reason Hart blacked out was because he drank the poisoned coffee. They embark on a wild nighttime chase to cover up the crime, starting with Violet stealing what she believes to be Mr. Hart's body from the hospital and putting it in her car trunk to dispose of it. Only after they get into a minor car accident do they discover that the corpse is not that of Hart. After shaking off a suspicious police officer, the three women dispose of the body by taking it back to the hospital and leaving it in a wheelchair in a restroom.The next day, they discover that Hart wasn't harmed at all, but their discussion about the incident is overheard by Hart's nosy personal assistant, Roz Keith (Elizabeth Wilson). Hart tries to use the information to blackmail Doralee into having an affair with him after all. Doralee loses her temper and ropes Hart with telephone wires when he threatens to call the police, and Judy fires on Hart with Doralee's pistol when he persuades her to untie him.With Hart's wife away on a lengthy cruise, the women decide to kidnap Hart and imprison him in his own home until they can somehow get him to cooperate and forget the whole incident. But the cold and impassive Hart refuses to listen to them and vows to kill them. Looking for a way to blackmail Hart to keep quiet, Violet discovers that Hart has been embezzling money from Consolidated by illegally selling inventory from a company-owned warehouse and keeping the profits. The women plan on using the information to blackmail Hart to keep him from calling the police.After purchasing a series of items, including a skydiving harness, chains, dog collars, and a remote-controlled garage-door opener to keep Hart confined in his own house, the women return to work after the weekend as usual while Violet sends for an order of the warehouse inventories as proof of Hart's embezzlement scheme. She soon learns from the head office that, because of a computer system change, the office will not send them the invoices for between four to six weeks.From this point on, a race is on to see if Hart can escape or if Violet's documented proof of the scam will arrive in time. The three women work together to make Hart's absence in the office as inconspicuous as possible, they sending Roz to Europe on a ruse to learn a foreign language. During the weeks of Hart's confinement, the three ladies take a number of liberties in improving the workplace in ways that they see fit. Hart's archaic and oppressive rules are done away with, employee morale improves greatly and productivity improves as well.One night, Hart almost escapes when he finds a nail file in the bathroom that his captors overlooked and tries cutting his restraints. Using the restraining system they'd installed in Hart's bedroom, Judy is able to render him helpless while he hangs from the ceiling. Judy is further surprised when her ex-husband shows up at Hart's house after following her there and asks to reconcile with her. But when Hart makes a noise, Judy is forced to restrain him, and seeing the captive Hart tied up, her ex-husband mistakenly assumes that Judy is having an affair with her boss and leaves, claiming that they are now over and will never get back together.Later, Hart is accidentally freed when Missy returns early from her cruise, and for three days, he quietly buys back all the items he sold and puts them back in the Consolidated warehouse. Doralee only learns about Missy's return when Missy calls her to thank her for her sending her flowers in Hart's name, which is why she returned from her vacation early. Doralee hurries to Hart's house to find the freed Hart now holding Judy captive.After taking them to the office to meet with Violet, Hart plays his final card, boasting that women never can defeat him. Just when it appears as if he is going to send the women to jail, a sudden visit from the reclusive and ruthless Chair of the Board, Russell Tinsworthy (Sterling Hayden), interrupts him. To the cold and unfeeling Hart's chagrin, he finally sees that Violet, Judy, and Doralee have made some radical changes in the office during his captivity, and the sudden surge in productivity has caught Tinsworthy's attention. Where Hart had bristled at the changes in the office -- job-sharing, flexible hours, new, disabled employees working alongside veteran ones, a drying-out program for alcoholic workers -- Tinsworthy congratulates Hart for the increased morale.Since the women did all of it under the false approval of Hart, they can take no credit for it, but fate seems to be on their side: Tinsworthy "rewards" Hart for his good work by immediately removing him from his position and sending him to work on a special project in Brazil, much to the amusement and delight of Violet, Doralee, and Judy, as now they are free from Hart, who will never try to destroy them without destroying his own career.In a postscript at the end, it is revealed that Violet took Hart's place as vice president of Consolidated, Judy married the Xerox technician and quit the company, Doralee also quit the company and moved back to her Tennessee hometown, where she became a country music singer (just like the actress that played her), and Hart was kidnapped by natives during a trip in the Amazon and was never seen or heard from again. | revenge, satire | tt0080319 |
I, Frankenstein | The aurora was seen in the starry sky high above snow covered mountains.Trekking through the steep snow was Adam (Aaron Eckhart). In his arms was the limp body of his creator, Victor Frankenstein (Aden Young). Adam made his way to the top of the mountain."I was cast into being in the winter of 1795." Adam narrated as he continued to walk. "A living corpse without a soul." He walked across a freezing river. As he said the next lines, a flashback occurred showing how he was made. "Stitched. Jolted. Bludgeoned back to life... by a mad man." Victor, with his creation wrapped up like a mummy, rolled the body off a bridge and into the river below. "Horrified by his creation, he tried to destroy me. But I survived." In the flashback, Adam surfaced from the muddy river, and made his way back to the castle. "And found my way... back to him."Victor looked around in horror as he heard his wife, Elizabeth (Virginie Le Brun), scream."A life for a life. That's what I wanted." Adam narrated. Victor ran back to his bedroom where the scream came from, only to find Elizabeth dead on the bed. "I took that... of his beloved new bride." Victor saw Adam sneak back out of a door.On a search for vengeance, Victor traveled through a blizzard, as Adam continued his narration. "He pursued me through the far north. I was immune to the cold... he was not." Victor fell to the ground. Dead. Adam appeared over his body.Adam arrived at what appeared to be an old run downed church. Gargoyle statues were perched at places around it. Arriving at a cemetery, Adam dropped to his knees, and Victor rolled to the ground. Next he dug a grave, and gently laid his body in it."I Buried him," Adam continued his narration. "In his family cemetery. It was more than he deserved." As Adam stood over the grave, his face was revealed. Long messy hair, and full of scars. "I thought it was the end... but was actually... just the beginning." On the cross that served as Victor's grave stone, read 'Frankenstein'. With an angry frown, he started to shovel dirt into the grave.Before he could finish burying his creator, sharp finger nails scratched at a nearby gravestone. Adam quickly turned around, only to be surrounded by humanoid creatures in priest robes."We have been waiting for you," one of the creatures said before his skin burned off, and a demonic face looked back at Adam. "You will come with us." Adam tried to fight the closest one, only for it to send him flying into a mausoleum.He tried to get up and fight them, but one of them managed to pin him down by his throat. Adam saw a nearby grave marker that was in a strange symbol. With some struggle, he managed to grab it and quickly stabbed the creature that pinned him down. Said creature burst into flames.Further away, a stone Gargoyle faced in the direction of the grave. Barely a second later, a purple eye opened on it.Back with Adam, the flames from the dead creature swirled around him before it vanished.Several more Gargoyles started to move as the fight escalated in the cemetery. One creature managed to pin Adam down with a weapon, and kept kicking his face until Adam went unconscious. But before he could go for the killing blow, the lead creature told him they needed him alive. After he said that, a Gargoyle grabbed several of the creatures and lifted them in the air. Being left alone, he tried to run, only for one of them to spear him through the chest, which caused his to burst into flames.Ophir (Mahesh Jadu), the one that stabbed the leader, transformed into his human form, and looked up at the sky. The other Gargoyle killed the remaining creature, and the flames went into the ground."That was the last of them." Keziah (Caitlin Stasey) said as she joined Ophir in the cemetery. They both wonder just what Adam is. Ophir remarks, "I never seen a human kill a demon before. And with such strength.""It's been a long time since I've seen demons this far north." Ophir said as Keziah examined the unconscious Adam. They both figure that Adam is something special. Ophir dropped down in Victor's grave, and searched. He pulled out a book. Victor's journal.As Keziah placed her hands on Adam's chest, he stirred in his sleep. "He's alive. It's alive!"Adam quickly woke with a start. Only to find that his hands were shackled to the floor in a strange room. Ophir tried to calm him with a 'shush'.Your Majesty! Keziah called as Gideon (Jai Courtney) entered the room. Behind Gideon was Leonore (Miranda Otto). Adam looked fearful and helpless as the four examined him."No more than a wild beast, your Majesty." Gideon said. "Destroy it. Be done with this." Seeing the shackles starting to rip from the floor, Keziah brought her daggers to Adam's throat. Adam looked to his other side, and saw that Ophir had done the same."So, you understand reason." Leonore spoke."Where am I?" Adam finally spoke. "How did I get here?" Instead of answering, Leonore only wanted to know about the creatures that attacked Adam, and what did they want. "I don't know!""We heard them speak of Naberius." Ophir told him. Keziah also mentioned that Naberius wanted Adam alive, only she used 'thing' instead of Adam."If Naberius wants it alive... all the more reason to destroy it." Gideon stalked forward, only for Adam to struggled in his shackles with a 'no!'. But before Gideon could strike, Leonore stopped him. As Leonore approached Adam, he raised up in a defiant way. His shackles holding steady. Leonore brushed some of Adam's long hair from his fearful face."Him," Leonore corrected. "Not it."As the group lead Adam down a corridor, she introduced herself as Leonore. High Queen of the Gargoyle order. Next was Gideon, her most trusted warrior. She then tells him that he was attacked by four demons under the command of a dark prince called Naberius. She then leads him to a window, and outside, was a huge castle. Gargoyles were frozen in place all over it.The Gargoyle order was commanded into being by the great archangel Michael. Leonore explained. "'tis our sacred duty to wage war against the demon horde. The six hundred and sixty six legions of Hell spawned creatures unleashed by Satan after his fall from Heaven. Humans think of us as mere decoration. They do not know nor could they can see that the brutal unseen war being fought around them every day. The war that may one day determine the fate of all mankind. You have now been drawn into this war."I care not for the world of man. Adam responded, only for Leonore to say that she knows about him. Shunned by his creator. Lost and alone.You will be welcomed here. Until we learn why Naberius wants you. I ask that you stay with us. Safe within these hallowed walls. Leonore said, only for Adam to say he goes his own way. Gideon also bright up the fact that Adam murdered Elizabeth. Victor Frankenstein's wife. All in the heat of passion. Driven by emotions he was never taught to control. He may be more human than he realizes.After she said that, Adam only walks away. But quickly turned around when Leonore says, I understand Frankenstein never offered you a name. I should like to call you... Adam. I promise you this, Adam. Each of us has a higher purpose. Yours has simple yet to reveal itself.After that, Ophir and Keziah lead Adam through the castle. They tell him that they are always outnumbered and their ranks have thinned, but demons remain strong. And to help Adam survive against them, the Queen has asked them to provide him with weapons.Once they enter the weapon room, Ophir tells him that demons can only be descended by blessed objects, such as holy water or a crucifix. Adam picks up a weapon. Keziah mentions that any objects can be made sacramental by marking them with the blessed symbol of the Gargoyle order. And upon looking closer at the weapon, Adam saw it was marked with the symbol."Descended?" Adam asked as he continued to look around for a weapon."When a demon is killed, its spirit descends to hell. Where it remains trapped for all eternity." Ophir answered. Only for Adam to ask, 'How do you descend a Gargoyle?' Keziah tells him that they are sacramental beings of light and good. They ascend. And only godless creatures that have no souls can ascend a Gargoyle.As Adam picks up a pair of blunt weapons, Ophir tells him he would not want that because it's blunt and crude and far too heavy to wield. In response, Adam picks up the other one, and swings both around with ease. Ophir asks him to take a side in the war, and use his gift. Adam walks out of the room with one glance back."I do not care how many demons it descended." Gideon told Leonore. "You should've let me destroy it." She tells him she's not blind to the risk, and that Adam is alive. And all life is sacred. "It is not human born." In which Leonore replies, 'Neither are we, Gideon.' She handed Gideon Victor's journal and tells him to lock it in the vault. It must never fall into Naberius' hands. Gideon tells her it's only a book."'tis written proof that God is no longer the sole creator of man." Leonore told him.Adam exited the castle. Before he left, Ophir told him that if he should ever change his mind, he will always find refuge at the castle."Trusting others," Adam narrated. "Is a mistake you only make once. And so I resolve to seek out the farthest corners of the Earth." As he narrated, Adam once again trekked throughout the world. "Where no human, demon or Gargoyle would ever find me. So many years passed, I lost track of time. Yet I did not grow old and die as humans do." Adam stood high on a mountain practicing how to use his weapons. "Victor Frankenstein's final curse." Adam sketched the Gargoyle symbol onto a homemade dagger. "I thought Naberius' demons have forgotten me... but I was wrong." Three demons crept through a forest. "And I unleashed all my range upon them." His voice turned into a growl towards the end.Adam set a trap for the three demons. And before they knew it, they were nothing more than flames shooting into the sky, before finally being descended back to hell."I had hidden long enough," Adam narrated as time passed. His hair was now shorter, and his scars were more visible. "Now I would hunt those... who are hunting me. I returned to the place I had left so long ago." As he looked over the city, he saw that it had changed drastically. Lights shone brightly. And the castle was now in the middle of a city. "The human world has changed," He walked through a crowd. "In the time I had been gone. But some things... had not changed."Adam entered a club. Everyone looked at him. "If the demons found me in the wilderness. It was only a matter of time before they found me here." He watched a man at a nearby table. "Which is why I had to find them first."He followed the man as he left the club. As he entered a dark alley, he removed his twin weapons. One demon quickly jumped from the shadows. Adam managed to catch him, and pin him to a wall. He asked the demon where Naberius was. But instead, a cop had followed him into the alley. Adam used the demon as a human shield.The creature broke free of Adam's hold, broke his weapon in half, and managed to break the cop's neck in a matter of seconds.Two more demons landed in the alley, which were both taken down in rapid succession. After killing the two demons, he saw the first demon take off down the alley. He chased him, even as the demon climbed up a wall. Once Adam arrived on top of the building, the demon jumped off and ran.Before he could think about giving chase, a Gargoyle swooped down and picked Adam up.Naberius (Bill Nighy) sat in the observation room, which overlooked the lab. He observed the experiment that was happening below. Through the glass was Terra (Yvonne Strahovski). Naberius told her that time was fleeting and not to waste his.Down in the room was a dead rat that was hooked to a large machine. And as the experiment commenced, the machine lit up. First, the mouse started to spasm, then it's heart started to spike until it neared a cardiac arrest. They pushed the machine to it's limit, until it shut down. As Terra walked up to the machine, Carl Avery (Nicholas Bell) said there was a heartbeat.Naberius looked closer at the events through the window. His lips started to curve upwards at the events. Another man entered the room, Dekar (Kevin Grevioux), whispered in his ear. "Sir, we have a situation."In another room, standing before Naberius was the demon that Adam fought. He told Neberius about the events, and also exaggerating some bits of the story. "The way it attacked. Strong and fast... like a Gargoyle. It descended... seven of us. I managed to fight it off. I think I wounded it.""It descended seven demons?" Naberius asked. "Yet, you escaped?" As he questioned the man, including, 'You presumed? You presumed to know what I want.', Dekar slowly moved away from the demon. "And you thought I want you to tell me about the creature rather than capture it yourself. That's the choice you made. It's interesting." Naberius walked passed the demon, only to turn around and slap him. "Do not ever... presume to know what I want. Is that understood." The demon, from his position, asks for forgiveness, and calls him Prince Naberius.Outside, a demon watches as the Gargoyle carries away Adam. Once they reached the top of the castle, the Gargoyle tossed Adam through a window. The Gargoyle, which turns into Ophir, enters the window. As Adam mentions Ophir, several Gargoyles pop out of the shadows and shackle Adam by his arms and legs. All four Gargoyles pull, which lift Adam into the air where Gideon places a collar around Adam's neck.Back with Naberius, he poked at the rat and asked Terra when they will begin the final stage. As soon as she says that reanimating a human is far out of reach, Naberius asked her what she knew of a scientist by the name of Victor Frankenstein."Frankenstein is a myth. A horror story made up to scare children." Terra replied. "And where did he go? Why did he disappear if he really animated a human corpse? Why not share his technology with the rest of the world to save lives and cure paralysis?""Perhaps he wasn't magnanimous as you are, doctor." Naberius said. Terra replied that every scientist keeps a record. Even when their experiments end in failure. "But if Frankenstein... was real, if he really did animate a human, would it help you to study it?" Terra said yes, but the corpse must be over two hundred years old, and nothing left but bones.Adam was strapped in a chair. Leonore entered the room and told him that their war is a war that must be fought in the shadows. It wasn't an open battlefield."You care only about yourself, Adam. Leonore told him. Gideon mentions the human that was killed in the alley, in which Adam said, 'I didn't kill him.' Gideon tells him that his actions lead to his death.They decide that it's best to keep Adam locked up in the castle. They can't risk unleashing him on the streets."My life is my own. You will not take it from me." Adam said."Your life was not granted to you by the grace of god! It was fabricated in a laboratory. And until you learn to use it wisely, I will do what I must.""Then you are no better than Naberius!" As he said that, her kind face was replaced with a demonic looking one.Seeing Adam's look, she reverted back. "When I met you, my first thought was to have you destroyed. But then I looked into your eyes, and do you know what I saw there? Not a soul... but the potential for one. Now all I see is darkness.""I knew of no other way." He said as they were about to walk out. But that stopped them. "I am not human. Nor Gargoyle. Nor Demon. I am like none other." Ophir and Keziah close the doors on him.Meanwhile, Zuriel (Socratis Otto) stood before Naberius. Dekar asked Zuriel how he plans to remove the creature from the cathedral. He planned on sacrificing his own men to cut the Gargoyle numbers."Zuriel. None of my legions ever had so worthy a commander as you." Naberius praised from his desk. "Would they have sacrificed themselves so bravely, so willingly for anyone less. You know what this could mean for them. Do not forget. Now, bring me Frankenstein's monster."The demon horde ran through the streets on their way to the cathedral. The Gargoyles watched them from their perch.Gideon asked how many when told of the demons. Keziah replies that there were fifty or so. And once Gideon looked out the window, hordes of demons were running through the streets. As they got close to the cathedral, the Gargoyles went on the attack.But on a nearby rooftop, Zuriel watched. He transformed into his demonic form, and ran towards the cathedral. Zuriel and his soldiers leapt from the high buildings. On each building, were at least hundreds of demons. Each leaping from the building.Gideon told Ophir and Keziah to secure the creature. Throughout the cathedral, blue lights shone all the way up to the heavens as Gargoyle and Gargoyle was ascended. Gideon formed a battle axe with his three weapons. With demons entering the cathedral, he prepared for battle.Demon after demon entered, only to be felled by Gideon and two other Gargoyles. But not wanting to be overrun, he kicked several demons out the open window, and jumped after them. He transformed halfway down.Back in the room, the demons picked up Adam's trail. Ophir and Keziah stood on either side of a still chained Adam. He begged them for a weapon. Ophir growled, and swung his weapon. Which shattered Adam's binds. Now free, Ophir handed Adam a bladed weapon, just as the demons started to break through the door.Seeing the door about to give way, Adam quickly broke it down and used it as a shield as he charged through the horde. Ophir and Keziah were right behind him, killing what Adam missed.As Keziah killed another demon, she was struck from behind. Ophir was also struck, and she watched as he ascended before her eyes.The clock struck twelve, and the loud bell rang. Gideon stood atop the cathedral, and seeing the carnage below him, he roared. Filled with rage, he swooped down and sliced any demon that he saw.The demons had started to flee back towards the city. The remaining Gargoyles, in their rage, gave chase.Inside, Adam approached the wounded Keziah. He offered to do what he can to help, but she said she wanted to be with Ophir. Their love was forbidden by the order, "Will not be so anymore." With that, she a few tears dripped from her eyes as she ascended.Leonore told her guards to help the others.Adam began to get information from a demon that was left behind. "We knew the Gargoyles would do everything they could to keep you out of Naberius' hands." A demon exploded through the window and struck Leonore. "In the heat of battle, they left unprotected... their greatest treasure." The demon grabbed Leonore by the throat. "All we had to do was lure Gideon and the others away."With Gideon, two of his fellow Gargoyles captured a female demon that came with a message from Zuriel.Adam punched his captured demon. "Tell me where Zuriel took her." Not getting an answer, he punched again."She locked you up. She despised you!" The demon said. "You are nothing to her, but another grand human mistake!" Adam grabbed the demon and brought him over to a small fountain. Filled with holy water. Even being three inches away from the water, the demon had started to smoke. Adam asked again. "Gideon is to bring you there. In exchange for Leonore." Adam shoved the demon's face into the water. His face started to burn away, and as Adam threw him to the ground, he exploded in flames."Descend in pain, demon."Adam exited the cathedral just as the Gargoyles returned. Gideon entered the room where Leonore was attacked, only to see a small crater.Gideon walked through the halls of the cathedral. He was flanked by two other Gargoyles, who tell him it is forbidden to remove the items in the vault and that none of them have the authority to do so. The queen had expressively forbidden it. And it was dangerous to do so."Leonore is the spiritual leader of the entire order. Our only direct link to the archangels. Without her, we're but a... dying flock of vigilantes with no hope of ever being reinforced. Is that what you want?" Gideon told them.Once Gideon arrive at the vault, he placed his two daggers into a panel in the floor which acted as a keyhole. Once he turned it, an alter opened up, with spiraling stairs that lead down. He made his way down into the room. Instead of looking around, he made his way to a box, and upon opening it, he pulled out. Frankenstein's journal."May god forgive me." He said as he closed the box.Adam entered the building, at the same time Gideon did. Only the latter broke through the ceiling, only to see Zuriel holding Leonore, who says he should not have come. Zuriel ask him to show his weapons, which he replies he is unarmed, as Zuriel instructed. Zuriel then ask where is the creature.As Gideon spoke, Adam was sneaking around in the shadows. "I no longer know. When I returned to the cathedral, it had already escaped." Zuriel grabbed Leonore by the throat. "Wait!" He pulled out Frankenstein's journal. Leonore shook her head as she saw what he brought. "This is the private scientific journal of Victor Frankenstein. We found it on Frankenstein's body the night we rescued the creature two hundred years ago. It contains, in detail, how Victor Frankenstein conceived, and then constructed his unholy abomination." Several demons started to stealthily make their way in the room. "And I pray that it may save my queen now.""Gideon, I command you take the journal from this place and let me ascend." She told him.Instead of obeying her, he placed the journal at Zuriel's feet. And as soon as Zuriel dropped Leonore, Gideon grabbed her and flew through the hole in the ceiling.Adam quickly leapt from his spot, weapons raised, and landed before Zuriel, who took off with journal in hand. The demons were quick to attack Adam, but they fell quickly. With them dead, he quickly took off after Zuriel, who used a keycard to enter an elevator. Adam quickly slit the throat of the lone demon near the elevator and took his keycard.Zuriel handed the journal to Naberius, who asked what it was. Nearby, cutting a corpse open, was Molokai ([link=nm0817748[)."It looks like Victor Frankenstein's hand written account of how he brought his creature to life. This is better for us. This is everything we need to bring back our fallen.""We'll let the humans decide that." Naberius replied walking away.Adam watched everything from is position from a column. He quickly followed after the two demons, only to come to a stop at another elevator. But past the elevator, he saw something disturbing. Hundreds of dead bodies hooked to some machine.Naberius entered Terra's lab, and walked up to her. Journal in hand. "You asked for Frankenstein's creature. I bring you something far more... edifying." He handed her the book, which she flipped open. She was curious to where he got it, but Carl was curious to know if it was real, to which Naberius replied, "You tell me." When Naberius left the two alone, Terra continued to flip through the pages.Back at the cathedral, Leonore stared at the seat that Adam was chained to. Gideon told her they lost sixteen warriors."I should never have held him here." Leonore said still looking at the chair. Gideon said it was the creature's doing, not hers. "Was I wrong to keep the journal from him?""Everything you do is for the good of humanity. There is no wrong in that. However, now that the creature knows of the journal's existence...""Why must you call him that?" She asked."Now that he knows. What are you prepared to do?""Find Adam." She told him with conviction. "Call every Gargoyle you can spare. Post them on every rooftop." Gideon argued about what they will do after they find him. 'Bring him back to the cathedral, and sacrifice even more Gargoyles to protect him?' "God may not have put Adam on this Earth, but he did allow him to live over two hundred years against incredible odds. It is not for you or I to deny God's purpose.""Sooner or later, your Majesty, you will have no choice."Back at the lab, Terra continued to read the journal. "Eels...?" Carl asked 'what?'. "Electric eels. That's where he got his power from. Six electric eels generating five hundred volts each." From there, they talked about all that energy flowing through the creature's veins, powering its heart and other organs. But then the conversation drifted to what would it take to kill it.Adam made his way through the building, until he made his way to the observation room. From there, he could see Terra. And then he saw her looking through the journal. And the page she was looking at was an exact picture of Adam. As Terra realizes something they may have missed, Adam burst through the glass and landed in the lab. Sirens blared as Terra met Adam's eyes. As he got closer to her, she shakily gave him the journal.Dekar and several more men took this time to enter. Adam looked each way for an exit as he backed away from the men."Leave him be!" Naberius commanded. "My apologies for the zealous nature of our security. Perhaps if you'd simply knocked on the front door, this unfortunate awkwardness might've been avoided.""Who are you?" Adam asked."Charles Wessex. And you... must be Frankenstein." Naberius walked closer to Adam."My name is Adam.""We are all the sons of our fathers, are we not? Denying who we are only means that we are... lost. I am a journeyman. A partisan of progress. Like your father, I too seek to unravel the mortal coils of life. This is doctor Wade. She's one of the worlds most respected electro physiologist. Terra, wracked with nervousness managed a small, 'Hello.' "I have been trying to replicate Victor Frankenstein's stunning triumph... for quite some time." He now stood by Dekar.Terra managed to overcome her nerves and spoke up. "What I've read of the journal has already been extremely helpful..." Adam gave her an angry look that made her shut up."Be reasonable, Adam. You are a living miracle. You contain answers so many seek." Naberius said."I seek my own answers." Adam replied."Of course you do." Naberius walked even closer to Adam. "Stay with us. Help us understand your fathers work, and together we can unlock those answers and more." Far behind Naberius, Zuriel stood. Naberius looked into Adam's eyes. "Yes... Victor Frankenstein gave you life. But he could not restore your soul, could he?" As Naberius was about to touch Adam, he quickly grabbed his hand, only for Naberius' eyes to flash. Zuriel came running towards him. With no other escape route, Adam dove out the window behind him.Instead of hitting the ground, he went though it and landed on a moving subway train. He rolled on the top of it, until he fell through an opening. He managed to grab onto the train before he could fall between it. Seeing nowhere else to go, he entered the train car, and sat in a seat. He pulled out the journal and gently flipped through it.Back in the building, Dekar told Naberius that their was no sign of the creature. He could be anywhere by now. Zuriel said that it would find a safe place so it can study the journal... and then come back. As Naberius asked, 'For what?', Terra entered the area and came up to them. Zuriel then says, "Answers."Terra asked Naberius to explain what is going on. But Naberius only says it was just a break in. A security matter. Terra then shakes that off, and tells him that Frankenstein's creature is alive. She then asked who Zuriel is. Only for Naberius to say he is just an extra layer of security."Well your extra layer of security just blew any hopes I might have had of analyzing that creature." Terra said. "Didn't you hear what it said? It wants answers and I'm the one who might've been able to provide them. The only one.""You may be right." Naberius said, but he was looking at Zuriel. He turned back to Terra. "You look tired, doctor. It's late. You really ought to get some rest." Terra started to argue with that. "We lost both the creature and the journal, doctor. What more can you do tonight?" She continued to argue with him. "I will notify you should we recover the one or the other. Go home doctor."Back in the train, Adam continued to read the journal."I am not recording the visions of a madman. My methods and reasons are scientifically sound." Adam's voice faded to Victor's as he flipped through the book. "I succeeded in discovering the core in the generation of life. A graveyard to furnish the few raw materials I require..." Adam came upon the picture of himself. He quickly slammed the book shut.Terra walked out of the building. But inside the building, Zuriel and Naberius watched her from a window high above. Naberius asked Zuriel how certain it will come for her."It needs someone to make sense of the journal. Only she can do that."Adam watched Terra from his position on a building. He kept tailing her, even when she got on a train. She noticed someone following her, so she ran and hid behind an object. She was unaware that Adam was behind her. And as she turned around, he put his hand over her mouth. He told her he won't hurt her and released her. And as he started to walk away, he told her to come with him, which she did."Why are you following me?" She asked him."How close are you to reanimating a human corpse?" He asked her instead of answering. She said that she couldn't tell him that. He handed her the journal. "Would this help?" She tried to grab it, only for him to yank it back. She said that she hadn't had the chance to finish the book. "What if you examine me?" She replied, 'Back at the institute?'. "Not there. Somewhere away from it." She argued that all of her equipment is there. "You know who it is your working for?" She answered, 'Mr. Wessex?' "That's not who you think he is. There's a war. A war humans don't know about. It's been going on for centuries. It could mean the end of all mankind.""A war between who?""Gargoyles and demons. I think your boss is a demon prince called Naberius." Adam explained, only for her to say, 'A demon prince?' "Been hunting me. For over two hundred years. Now I think I know why. We have to get off the streets." As he kicked open a door, Zuriel, who was looking for them, heard the noise. Terra hesitated, but followed Adam into the building. "Naberius is storing human corpses at the Wessex institute.""Corpses? No, we're still years away for human trials." She told him, only for him to say he saw the bodies. He mentions that there's enough to animate an entire army of monsters like him.Zuriel entered the building behind them."What did you say your name is? Adam?" Terra said."That's the name the Gargoyle Queen gave to me.""Look... I understand you probably suffered severe brain damage during the reanimation process given the level of...""This is real!" Adam interrupted. "All of it." Instead of believing him, she simply told him she didn't believe in Gargoyles."Frankenstein!" Zuriel yelled as he appeared. As Adam got his weapons ready, Zuriel's skin burned away and revealed his demonic form."Oh, shit!" Terra said as she saw it.Adam told her to run. Both Adam and Zuriel charged for each other. Adam and Zuriel both have the same type of weapons. "This ends tonight." Adam said, then charged forward.During the intense fight, Adam was kicked off a scaffold. Zuriel dove down after him, then held his weapon to Adam's throat. Adam told him that he saw the bodies, and that they will never be able to control them. But Zuriel tells him that control has never been the problem, and that there are millions of demon spirits trapped and waiting for a chance to possess a human. Nearby, Terra made her way closer to them. And when Adam asked what everything had to do with him, Zuriel's reply was simple."You have no soul. And a demon spirit can only possess a body that has no soul." Zuriel picked up the journal from Adam's pocket. "You know what the best thing about having the journal is. I no longer need to bring you in alive." Before he could strike a killing blow, Terra yells that she needs it alive.As Terra kept on talking, Zuriel didn't see the hidden knife that Adam pulled from his sleeve. Zuriel leaned down to Adam's level as he contemplated keeping him alive. But as he grabbed Adam, a knife slammed into his stomach. Both Adam and Terra watched as Zuriel started to burn away, but he was still holding the journal. Adam told Terra to grab it before it was destroyed. She managed to grab it just as Zuriel descendedTerra lead Adam back to his hideout. She went through the cabinet for something she could use, but as she closed the door, she saw Adam through the mirror. Not because he was shirtless, but because of the scars that littered it. She told him to sit down. At first, he refused. When he finally sat down, it was with a pained grunt. On his back was a bleeding stab wound, that she started to sew up. He flinched at the pain. As she continued to sew his wound, he told her they couldn't stay there long. He told her that they need to get to Leonore, but she still doesn't believe him. He tells her that Naberius will kill most of the humans, and enslave the rest. But when she says what will he do, Adam replies that it has nothing to do with him."Well, of course it does. You're as much a part of this world as anybody." He tells her that he's different. "You're not that different.""I'm a dozen used parts from eight different corpses. I'm a monster.""You're only a monster if you behave like one." She told him. Once she was done sewing him, he tells her that he never had to thank a human for anything before. "We have our uses, I suppose." Adam laid down on the bed and drifted off. Terra turned to him, only to see him asleep. She grabbed the journal from her bag and flipped it open.Back where Zuriel died, Naberius and his demons search for the journal.When Adam woke up, he saw Terra reading through the journal. When she asked how he was feeling, he replied with, "I've been through worst.""What happened to Victor Frankenstein? They say he vanished after his..." Adam looked from the sink, and stared in the mirror. "...wife died.""I killed his wife." Adam said as he put on his shirt. "He hunted me. I would've killed him too. But he froze to death. I hated him.""Have you... killed anyone since?" Terra asked."Only demons."After a moment, Terra told him that she finished the book, and that Victor refined the process after Adam. As she handed the journal back to Adam, she told him she thinks she could reproduce it. And even improve on it."Frankenstein promised to make you a companion, didn't he?" Terra asked."A promise he broke." Adam replied."Is that why you came to me? You want me to fulfill Victor Frankenstein's promise." Once she finished, her cell phone rang. It was Carl. She told him to leave Wessex.With Carl, as he was about to meet Terra, he ran into Dekar.Adam told her she shouldn't have done that. He offered to go with her to the train station, to protect her, but she turned him down. But before she walked out, he gave her his dagger that had the blessed symbol on it.Once Terra reached the station, she found out it was a trap. Dekar appeared behind her. She quickly swung the dagger, only for Dekar to grab her wrist, which he snapped causing her to drop the knife.Adam entered the cathedral. But Barachel and Levi restrained him as they lead him to Leonore, who told them to release him. Adam wanted to know why Leonore lied to him, only for her to say she had a higher duty to protect the human race."Do you understand what this journal is to me. It's the chronicle of how I came to be. Who I am. What I am.""You are a unique lonely being rejected by both your maker and the rest of humanity. And as a result, you were filled with rage. You do not need a book to tell you that." He tells her that Naberius has found a way to summon every demon they ever descended. When she asked 'what', he simply said possession. Bodies that have no souls."Only the dead have no souls. What is the use of possessing a corpse?" Gideon said."There is none. Unless you can animate that corpse." Adam answered. Naberius has been planning this for centuries. "Victor Frankenstein just made it possible." When Leonore asked how he knew about all of that, he replied, "I've seen the bodies. There are tens of thousands of them."He tells them he has someone he has to protect. A human. "What will you have us do?" Leonore asked."Get us out of here." Was his demand. "Then I will tell you where to find him.""Retrieve your scientist. Come back here, then we shall take you where you wish to go." Leonore said. "I've made too many mistakes with you, Adam. I will not make another." With that said, Adam walked out. "Follow him, Gideon. As soon as you have the journal in sight, destroy him."Adam walked through an alley. A loud noise put him on alert. Upon entering a building, he grabbed an axe from a fire case. He walked down a hallway. The floor creaked, the walls were rotted, paper and trash were scattered about. And every little noise caused him to go on alert. He slowly entered his hideout, while calling out for Terra. Instead of Terra, he found the journal on the floor near the bed.His eyes caught a glimpse of something in the mirror. But as he turned around, Gideon slammed into him and knocked him through the wall. Gideon slammed into him again, and this time, he flew through a door, and came to a roll to the hole that Gideon first made. He used his axe to keep himself from falling all the way to the ground.Gideon stood over Adam. His foot went under the axe. And with a smirk, his foot raised which caused the axe to fly back and Adam to fall. But luckily he grabbed onto the floor before he could fall. He managed to climb back up, but there wasn't a sign of Gideon. But behind him, Gideon flew back towards the building and slammed into Adam before he could react. Gideon, grabbing Adam by the neck, slammed through wall after wall, which caused the roof to collapse behind them. And finally, they were outside. Only Gideon had released Adam, which caused him to fall. While falling, Gideon swung his battle axe, only for Adam to grab it. Adam struck a car, followed by Gideon on top of him.But it turned out that Adam used Gideon's own weapon against him. "Remember, I have no soul.""God will surely damn you." A blue light surrounded Gideon."He already did." Adam responded as Gideon ascended.Seeing the blue light. Two Gargoyles hurried to the location. A while later, Levi handed Gideon's cloth to Leonore.Back on the street, Adam picked up the knife that he gave to Terra.Inside Wessex, Terra escaped Dekar's grip, and confronted Naberius. "I know who you are. And I know what you want me to do. And I won't do it. I'd rather die."Naberius quickly grabbed Carl by his throat, and squeezed. Terra rushed to Carl as he crumpled to the floor. "You want him back? Show me how."Carl was now hooked to a machine, with a tearful Terra doing the procedure. The machine fired up, but Carl wasn't the only thing the machine was reanimating. All the other human corpses that Naberius had, the machine also turned on.Meanwhile, Adam threw the journal into a fire. He watched as the picture of himself went up in flames. He begin to walk towards the cathedral. One of the Gargoyles saw him. Adam raised his hands in the air, but as the Gargoyle went in for the attack, Adam walked away.Barachel entered Leonore's room. "My queen. We found the creature."High above, the Gargoyles tailed Adam. He glanced up to make sure he was followed. Once out of the alley, he stood in the middle of the road. The rooftops were lined with Gargoyles. He met Leonore's eyes, which flicked to the side as a Gargoyle headed for Adam. Seeing it, Adam charged. With a flying leap, he punched the Gargoyle, which crashed into a parked car. At Leonore's command, more flew at him.As they chased him, Adam ran. His destination: The Wessex Institute. He grabbed onto a Gargoyle that tried to slice him. They crashed through the gate, then flew into the air.Inside the building, Dekar says, "Sir. It's here.""Him. Not it." Terra corrected.Outside, Adam was now surrounded by demons while the Gargoyles circle above.Leonore watched from above as Adam began to take down demon after demon. "This is the place." She whispered. "He led us here.""Leave him to me." Dekar said as he shoved past the demons. With a roar, Dekar was about to charge. only for a Gargoyle to grab him by the head and pull him into the air, followed by stabbing him with a weapon, effectively descending him. More Gargoyles join the fray. Adam, seeing his chance, heads into the building. Behind him was pure carnage.Lenore saw Molokai run from the building, and noticed a back way into said building.Adam entered the lab. "Frankenstein." Naberius greeted. "How good of you to come back.""I've come to destroy you. And this place. The Gargoyle order must survive. And mankind with it.""You cannot... destroy me." Naberius said. "And I have many other places such as this... all over the world. As for the order, and mankind, nothing can stop their demise. Let alone a monster like you." Naberius revealed his true demonic form. Adam charged, and managed to slice Naberius several times.Terra tried to shut down the program, only for it to say access denied. Naberius grabbed her by the back of her neck. "Too late, Dr. Wade. We already have everything we need from you."He threw her towards the machine, which was shooting electricity. Adam caught her, but his back managed to hit the machine sending volts upon volts of electricity into his body. He dropped Terra onto the floor. After agonizing seconds, Adam fell to the floor."I am a demon prince! You will knell before me!" Naberius yelled.Meanwhile, Leonore, Levi and Barachel managed to find Molokai's lab. And on the computer, the reanimation process was 40% complete.Naberius grabbed Adam by the air and pulled him to his feet. He grabbed him by the throat. "I know what you want, Adam. What you always wanted. I will make hundreds like you. Thousands. I have been gathering human corpses for centuries." Leonore and her group walked through the large collection of corpses. "Each one a host for the legions of demon spirits I will now summon from Hell." On one of the corpses, it read 92%. "You will be the first," Using Adam's blood, Naberius drew a symbol on Adam's forehead. "You will be one of us. And you will no longer be... alone." He lifted Adam up by his throat, and began to speak in a demonic dialect.Leonore watched in horror as demon spirits started to flow into the human corpses. Many of the corpses began to scream."Your Majesty! The moment they awake they could be possessed!" Barachel told her."Destroy them." She commanded. "Destroy them all!"Terra came too, only to see Adam being held in the air by Naberius.Barachel and Levi continued to destroy the corpses. But then Leonore saw something. A demon spirit that flew upwards. Past the human corpses.The demon spirit wrapped around Adam's leg, then the rest of his body. Adam screamed as he was lifted into the air by the spirit. The flames flew into his eyes.Back down below, as the Gargoyles kept trying to destroy the corpses, a green light appeared on a corpse, followed by 100%. The human stopped screaming and was replaced by a demon. It was quickly destroyed by Leonore.Terra watched as Adam was being possessed. On a monitor next to her, it read 'Initiated Body Release'.Down below, the machine was starting to release the corpses.Adam dropped to the ground. "Welcome, my son." Naberius said. "You have possessed a truly remarkable body."Adam looked up with a smirk. "I am not your son," He wiped off the blood on his forehead. "And this body... is mine.""No... it's not possible." Adam looked at the cuts he made on Naberius' chest. He picked up a sharp object. "You have a soul..." Adam took the object and sliced upwards. Connecting that to the three horizontal cuts, he made a blessed Gargoyle mark on Naberius' chest. Adam dove to the side as Naberius exploded in flames. The flames shot out of the entire Wessex building. Even the Gargoyles were forced to dodge it. The flames then curved upwards, before shooting downwards at a high speed.Adam grabbed Terra just as the flames started to dig into the building, but they were caught in the middle. The floor crumbled, and Terra fell. But she was caught by Adam who grabbed her hand.Back down below, Leonore, Levi and Barachel saw the entire ceiling coming down towards them. As the flaming fireball that was Naberius' spirit came down, Leonore charged straight at it.Outside, the Gargoyles watched as the entire building sunk into the Earth. One of them started to fly towards the hole in the ground. He flew over the hole. The fireball continued to travel back towards Hell. Then he noticed something else. Leonore. She was covered in a blue glow, and was carrying both Adam and Terra. Once outside, the Gargoyles headed back towards the cathedral.Inside, Adam gently sat Terra down.He turned to Leonore. "Gideon". He started, but she only replied with, 'I know.' "Then... why did you save me?""Because you finally found your higher purpose.""Where's the journal?" Terra asked him, in which he said he doesn't need it anymore. Adam offered her his hand, which she took."We do not ask for the lives we are given." Adam narrated. "But each of use has the right to defend that life. I have fought to defend mine." Adam stood on a rooftop as he narrated. "And when the forces of darkness return, you shall know that I am out there. Fighting to defend yours. I, descender of the demon horde. I, my father's son. I, Frankenstein." | murder, paranormal, violence, flashback, good versus evil, psychedelic, revenge | tt1418377 |
Patton | Against a backdrop of the Stars and Stripes, General George S. Patton (George C. Scott) addresses his troops on the eve of battle. His uniform is impeccable, his medals uncountable, and his ramrod demeanor unassailable. As he speaks to the men about to embark on their first great adventure, his manner runs the gamut from stern, to jovial, amused, profane and reverent. To Patton, it is obvious that war is the greatest expression of the human condition.North Africa, 1942: In their first encounter with Rommel's Africa Corps, the Americans are badly beaten. In the post-battle assessment, Gen. Omar Bradley (Karl Malden) decides what's needed is the best tank commander they've got. Patton answers the call and arrives amid wailing sirens and a cloud of dust. He's also early and catches most of the soldiers off guard, a mistake they quickly learn not to make again. Believing the casual attitude displayed by the troops to be the primary source of their defeat, he quickly begins to set things to rights. Patton's belief in himself is unshakable, and there's only one way to get things done-his way. Quickly establishing discipline and routine, he commands his men with an iron fist. He also has great respect for the Germans he's up against, and has studied the tactics of Rommel in the field.In Berlin, the Germans are also assessing Patton. His reputation is considerable, and they study his idiosyncracies looking for a clue to the man's character. They note he is a romantic, reads the Bible daily, swears like a stableboy, and believes in reincarnation. Rommel, when asked what he intends to do about Patton, simply replies "I will attack and annihilate him.....before he does the same to me."Soon the Germans move against the American positions in Tunisia, and Patton watches in fascination from his command post in the hills nearby. Anticipating Rommel's plan, he routs the Germans, and gives the Americans their first victory, further inflating his ego. North Africa now has two prima donnas; Patton, and the equally egotistical British commander, Field Marshal Montgomery (Michael Bates). Naturally, they come to dislike each other intensely, and as the African campaign draws to a close, plans are made for the invasion of Italy. Patton wines and dines the appropriate officals, and pitches his own plan to invade through Sicily. Montgomery has other plans, and when Monty's are adopted over his own, Patton, outraged, vows to outdo the Field Marshal at all costs.Sicily is invaded, and Montgomery's troops fight their way up the East coast against heavy German resistance. Patton is assigned the support role of guarding Montomery's flank, but soon adopts another plan and begins to push across the island, taking the long way around. First taking Palermo, then pushing East to Messina, he races Montgomery to the finish line, pushing his men to the breaking point and creating dissension among his commanders. They do not wish to sacrifice more American casualties to Patton's ego.Soon, Montgomery and the British forces march into the liberated city of Messina amid the cheering populace. Flags wave and the pipers play as they march triumphantly into the town square; Monty has done it. He's driven the Germans out of Sicily and beaten Patton to the punch. Abruptly, the pipers falter, and fall silent. Monty quickly marches to the fore to investigate, and finds Patton, his tanks and troops neatly arrayed behind him, standing there silently with an insufferable smile on his lips. He'd arrived hours ago, and was waiting only to greet his old rival.As the Italian campaign continues, Patton becomes more controversial. During a routine inspection of wounded men in a field hospital, he encounters a shell-shocked soldier crying in a corner and becomes enraged with what he perceives as a display of cowardice. Slapping the soldier, he rages at him and orders him sent back to the front. This outburst gets Patton the first serious setback he's ever experienced. A rebuke from his commander and an order to apologize to all concerned quickly follow, a bitter pill indeed for the general. Forced to swallow his pride, he stands before the assembled troops and tersely gives his explanation, then turns on his heel and marches away.The war grinds on. Patton is called to England prior to D-Day, and believes he will be commanding the invasion, but finds that his big mouth and bigger ego have gotten him into too much trouble. He's become a liability to the fragile alliance Eisenhower is trying to hold together to fight the Germans, so Patton's orders are to shut up and stay out of trouble. Chafing at what may be his last chance to be in a great battle, he'll do anything to get back in the game. Arriving in France days after the invasion, he meets with General Bradley again, who puts Patton on probation and gives him a chance to redeem himself. Grateful for the opportunity, Patton quickly shows the rest of the world what he can do, chasing the Germans clear across France, and gaining more ground in less time than any other allied outfit.Christmas approaches, and the Germans mount a final major counter-attack at the Battle of the Bulge. Caught off guard, the American troops are trapped and surrounded, and only a miracle can save them. Patton vows to provide one. Marching his men north at breakneck speed, he amazingly arrives in time and relieves the trapped Americans, grabbing the limelight once more. Now it's on to Germany, and as the war winds down, Patton becomes despondent at the impending cessation of hostilities. All too soon, Patton's mouth gets him in trouble again as he first snubs the Russians, and then compares the defeated Nazis to other political parties in the U.S. Another uproar ensues, and Eisenhower is forced to relieve Patton once again.Having proved himself one of the greatest military commanders of WWII, he now faces a future and a world that no longer need him. Recalling history, he ruminates: "For over a thousand years, Roman conquerors returning from the wars enjoyed the honor of a triumph - a tumultuous parade. The conqueror rode in a triumphal chariot, the dazed prisoners walking in chains before him. Sometimes his children, robed in white, stood with him in the chariot, or rode the trace horses. A slave stood behind the conqueror, holding a golden crown, and whispering in his ear a warning: that all glory is fleeting." | violence, boring, historical | tt0066206 |
Monty Python and the Holy Grail | The credits are rolled to deeply ominous music with several false starts, interlaced with apologies for the inadequacies of each, during which numerous titlers are fired en masse. In the end, credits that are heavily laced with references to moose, llamas and other furry animals roll to highly festive Latin music.Little is to be seen but fog over a grassland while the sound of a galloping horse—a sound that could only be made on cobblestone, but not grass—is heard. From the fog emerge two pedestrians: King Arthur (Graham Chapman), dressed in chain mail, a tunic and a crown; and Patsy (Terry Gilliam), who appears to be fulfilling the role of beast of burden, and is using two half-coconuts percussively.They approach a castle and Patsy perfectly mimics the sound of a galloping horse coming to a stop. Two guards become barely visible atop the castle wall. Arthur announces that he is looking for knights to join him at Camelot, and wishes to recruit the master of the castle. Unfortunately, the two guards are immediately distracted by Patsy's half-coconuts. Arthur tries to return the conversation to the quest, but the guards are unable to turn their attentions from the possible causes for coconuts appearing in Mercia (England), as Arthur claims that they found them there, or how a bird, or a set of birds, might have brought one up from the tropics. Frustrated, Arthur and Patsy emulate riding off.The scene changes to a plague village. A cart is being drawn through the streets, and is attended by a disheveled man (Eric Idle) who strikes a triangle and calls for the residents to "bring out your dead." A peasant (John Cleese) tries to lay a decrepit man on the cart, without calling attention to the fact that he is still alive. The attendant refuses to accept living cargo (citing regulations). When the peasant tries to abstractly request a favour, the attendant looks up and down the street to make sure there are no witnesses, and strikes the elderly subject a deadly blow to the head, solving the problem. The cart and the peasant continue on their ways. Arthur and Patsy emulate a ride through the village, and the attendant correctly infers that Arthur is a king from the fact that he is not covered in shit.On a hillside, near a castle, Arthur approaches a peasant (Michael Palin) from behind and calls out "Old woman!" The peasant, Dennis, barely turns his head to correct the king with "man!" Rather than killing this vulgar subject on the spot for such gross insubordination, Arthur tries to apologize for the mistake. Unimpressed, Dennis then launches into a rant, making it very clear that he has harboured a great deal of bitterness over the class system, which he has experienced from the bottom all his life (of 37 years). Arthur is challenged to justify his kingship, and to an accompaniment of heavenly voices, tells the tale of the Lady of the Lake presenting Arthur with Excalibur. Dennis confidently challenges this presumption of political legitimacy. Focusing on the executive branch, he asserts that it must "derive from a mandate from the masses." Arthur can only respond by barking orders that the peasant be silent. Unaffected, Dennis continues his elocution of democratic dogma, at which point Arthur manhandles him. This only encourages Dennis; he becomes a raving firebrand, and tries to call as much attention as possible to Arthur's assault. The king accepts that he cannot adequately assert this authority in this situation, and relinquishes Dennis with "Bloody peasant!" Dennis, despite his anger, appears delighted at this parting shot, and its significance to his message. He seeks validation from the gathering crowd.While travelling through a forest, Arthur and Patsy encounter an epic battle between two armoured, faceless men. The weapons: swords, an anointed mace, and an axe. When the black-clad knight (John Cleese) runs his opponent through the face, he retrieves his sword and then simply stands tall. Arthur approaches him and praises him for his performance. The knight neither speaks a word, nor even turns his gaze towards the king. Despite this insolence, Arthur again does not respond with homicide, but invites the knight to enter his court. When no response is given, Arthur announces that he will continue on his quest. The knight then speaks with a deep voice and economy of words, repeating "None shall pass," forbidding Arthur to cross the bridge before which he is standing. This bridge would allow the party to cross a gully no more than 10 feet wide. Arthur and the knight draw their swords, and a much less epic battle ensues. When Arthur severs one of the knight's arms, he is unwilling to accept defeat. Arthur relieves the knight of his other arm and kneels down to offer a prayer of thanks. The knight kicks him over. The now completely unarmed knight drops his ominous mystique, and childishly goads Arthur into chopping off his remaining limbs. As the knight can no longer obstruct Arthur, he and Patsy ride off, ignoring the knight's continued challenges.A group of monks are chanting in Latin while hitting themselves with wooden boards as they traverse a village which looks much like the plague village. A frenzied mob drags a lady accused of being a witch (Connie Booth) to Bedevere (Terry Jones), who is performing an experiment involving a coconut tied to a bird. They present their case based on the way she is dressed, the funnel on her head, and the parsnip tied over her nose. They also present testimony from a peasant (John Cleese) who had been turned into a newt (or so he claims). Bedevere proceeds to deduce the validity of their charge in his own way, after making the villagers admit that they put a fake nose on the witch. Using a scientific method befitting the Dark Ages of Europe, he develops a formula for identifying a witch based on the flammability and buoyancy of various objects and materials. The crowd becomes very quiet and still, probably because Bedevere is overtaxing their intelligence. It is eventually reasoned that the weight of the accused compared to that of a duck determines whether she is a witch. Remembering their original purpose, they return to their frenzy and carry her off to be weighed. As she is heavier than a duck, she is taken to be burnt as a witch. Right afterwards, Arthur approaches Bedevere. When Arthur identifies himself, Bedevere bows to the king, and is then knighted—Camelot has its first knight.We are hurried through the recruitment of the remaining knights by the Book of the Film. They are Sir Lancelot the Brave (John Cleese), Sir Galahad the Pure (Michael Palin) (also called "the Chaste"), Sir Robin the-not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot (Eric Idle), and the aptly named Sir Not-appearing-in-this-film (a baby (William Palin) suited up in chain mail).The party emulates riding to Camelot and when they spy it from a distance, they stop to appreciate its majesty. We are treated to a song and dance routine performed by the knights, presumably within the castle walls. This includes an interlude with tap-dancing, and a percussion solo. Even the decrepit shell of a man (Mark Zycon) suspended by his wrists in the dungeon below manages to pathetically cheer the upbeat celebrations upstairs. We are then returned to the outside of Camelot, at the same distance from the castle. Arthur seems to have had the same perception we have just had, since he elects to avoid Camelot, calling it a "silly place."As Arthur and company ride to some unknown destination, a low-budget animation of the Almighty appears in the sky. He is not willing to suffer fools gladly, and when done chastising Arthur for his obsequiousness, charges Arthur with seeking the Holy Grail. Thus, the Quest for the Holy Grail begins, as manifested by another animation sequence with images reminiscent of medieval art.Our heroes encounter a castle with a French taunter (John Cleese) who taunts them with random names like "Daffy English knights" (unaware that "knight" has silent letters, and only one "n") and makes up flowery insults such as "I fart in your general direction!" and "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!" Whether this man is French is unclear, since his French-talking colleagues appear to understand English words more readily than French ones, and his accent slips when shouting "I'm French!" Arthur gives the same terms to the inhabitants of the castle as he did with the first one he approached, including, of course, the part involving the Grail. The Frenchman claims that they already have a grail, but then indicates to his peers that this is a mischievous fabrication. Half-stunned, Arthur asks to see it. The guard rejects the request with his typical inane derision. Arthur then takes a more aggressive posture, and in mid-threat, the French launch a cow from what sounds like a catapult at Arthur's party, landing on one of them. With all possible gusto, Arthur orders a charge, and they all attack the castle walls (several feet high) with nothing more effective than swords. Arthur's party is treated to a barrage of livestock. Arthur orders a retreat, but since he does not know the meaning of the word, he uses a different expression. The taunter hears battle noises, but there is nothing to see. Sir Bedevere's keen mind hatches a plan: a giant hare made of wood known as a Trojan Rabbit is wheeled towards the castle. The French understand that it is intended as a present for them, and then cautiously bring it into the castle. Sir Bedevere explains the remainder of his plans... but at this point he realizes that he forgot the step where the knights are supposed to climb into the rabbit, before it is to be presented to the enemy. Using the same technology as before, the wooden colossus is sent over the castle walls, killing one of the servants (Neil Innes).A clapperboard is snapped in front of "a famous historian" (John Young) wearing a modern suit and tie, who narrates some unseen details of Arthur's experience with the French, and then informs us that the king decided that he and his knights should search for the Grail individually. Anything else he was going to tell us is cut short when an unidentified knight on horseback slashes his neck. The historian's wife shows up crying for help.After they split up, Sir Robin travels through a forest with his favourite minstrels. The vocal one sings of Robin's bravery, and describes in graphic detail the various ordeals that Robin is prepared to face. Just as the minstrel is about to sing of the gory treatment Robin's penis could withstand, Robin gracefully orders them silent. They immediately encounter a three-headed giant (Terry Jones, Graham Chapman, and Michael Palin). The giant interrogates Robin, who wishes to discreetly downplay his significance, but his minstrel sings of Robin's identity and credentials. One of the heads wishes to cut Robin's head off, but the heads immediately descend into bickering about each others' lifestyles and various things completely unrelated to Robin. When they finally agree on their next course of action, they see that Robin is no longer available. Sir Robin has continued on the quest, and his minstrel sings a song that absurdly describes his lord's brave cowardice, over Robin's objections.Galahad, wet, weary, and probably depleted of much of his short-term vitality, follows a Grail-shaped light to Castle Anthrax. There he finds a colony of robe-clad teens, who will not hear of any talk about a Grail, but insist on tending to what they perceive to be Galahad's immediate needs—they decide that they are medical. Galahad is shy, and finds the strength to resist temptation, and again demands to see the Grail. At this point a girl named Dingo (Carol Cleveland) realizes that one of their rules has been broken, for which Galahad must administer the punishment. Dingo describes the punishment, which expands to include more and more inhabitants of the castle, and becomes increasingly sexual. Galahad finally seems willing to accept their hospitality, but then his friends storm the castle and rescue him. As he is being rescued he insists on remaining to fight the perils alone, but they valiantly stand by him, thinking only of his safety. The heroes leave a castle full of very frustrated girls (Elspeth Cameron, Mitsuko Forstater, and Sandy Rose).In the famous "Scene 24," Arthur and Sir Bedevere are in a hut trying to extract information about the Grail from a frighteningly withered old man (Terry Gilliam), who can only cackle insanely to Arthur's questions. A fire burns in the middle of the room. Eventually the miscreation speaks, but does not answer Arthur's questions directly. He does speak of an enchanter and the Bridge of Death. The old man disappears, as does the hut—along with any indication of civilization, save the fire.Arthur's party progresses through a foggy forest to the accompaniment of stressful music, while Arthur makes anxious glances to the left and the right. The stress is brought to its natural end when they find themselves before a knight (Michael Palin) who's approximately twice the height of Arthur. He is surrounded by several other armoured men who lumber about like animals. They are the Knights who say "Ni!" They do indeed say "Ni!" as a form of intimidation and coercion, and liberally use it on Arthur at the slightest provocation, and also dread using the word "it." They demand a shrubbery from Arthur on pain of death.Meanwhile, a group of modern-day police officers conduct an investigation of the murder of the famous historian, and interview a woman (Rita Davies) who was close to him.The King of Swamp Castle (Michael Palin) brags (in a Yorkshire accent) about how he managed to build a castle on the worst possible terrain he could find, and brashly admits that the first few attempts were complete failures. He then explains to his son, Prince Herbert (Terry Jones), that the acquisition of more land is essential to their kingdom, which is why he must marry a princess who is connected to a great deal of it. Herbert has a horribly pale complexion, and is so effeminate that his own father mistakes him for someone called Alice.Herbert is reluctant to participate in this land-grab, and wishes to express himself in song, but the king shouts down the erupting music and forbids Herbert to sing. The king impatiently closes the discussion and storms off. As he prepares to leave the room, he orders two guards to watch Herbert. Unfortunately, the guard with speaking parts (Eric Idle) has a very hard time processing the phrase "stay here and make sure he doesn't leave." When the king finally leaves, melancholy music erupts, and the king returns to repeat his prohibition on singing. Herbert then tries to inconspicuously write a note, tie it to an arrow and shoot it through a window to the outside. The guards see what he is doing, but appear oblivious to the ramifications. Sir Lancelot discovers the note when the arrow it is tied to buries itself in the chest of his servant, Concorde (Eric Idle). The message is from someone pleading to be rescued from a forced marriage. Lancelot enthusiastically assumes that this is part of his quest for the Grail, and resolves to rescue what he thinks is a maiden.He charges into the castle and attacks several members of a wedding party, including the father of the bride and as many unarmed guards as he can. When he takes too many seconds between killing people, he attacks a wall-hanging. He bursts into Herbert's room, and then kills the guards while one of them tries to recall the instructions his king gave him, and how they might relate to the newcomer. The king appears and expresses his displeasure at the disruption that Lancelot has caused. However, when he learns that Lancelot is from Camelot, he appears to believe that Lancelot can provide some unspecified gain in lieu of Herbert.After severing the linens that Herbert is currently using to make his escape down the castle walls, the king escorts Lancelot out of the room, while making friendly conversation. The king tries to introduce Lancelot to the crowd, but their predictable hostility excites Lancelot into combat once again, and he kills a few more people before the king can calm him down. The king explains the new arrangement involving the princess and her holdings, which somehow depends on the death of her father. When her father appears to be recovering from Lancelot's attack, he motions to one of his guards, who approaches the father of the bride. The king delivers a narrative of the princess's father succumbing to his wounds, and surely enough, he dies. Herbert then appears in the castle, apparently in good health, which irritates his father. His irritation escalates when Herbert begins to explain his ordeal in song. Concorde appears and suggests that Lancelot return to the quest. Lancelot insists on a melodramatic exit, and then swings across the room from a rope. Somehow the stunt fails, and he is left dangling above the centre of the room.While riding into yet another provincial village, Arthur meets the Old Crone (Bee Duffell). She is asked about a shrubbery, but appears terrified by the inquiry, and refuses to cooperate. With some reluctance about the optics of such a spectacle, Arthur and Bedevere coerce her with the word "Ni!" Fortunately, Roger the Shrubber (Eric Idle) boldly happens by, and both parties are satisfied.Arthur and Bedevere return to the dreaded Knights who say "Ni!" but find that their name has been changed (to something so complex and random it was probably ad libbed, and therefore cannot be repeated here). The Knights who (so recently) said "Ni!" charge Arthur with another useless errand and an impossible task. The eccentric Knights are defeated by Arthur's accidental discovery of a secret word which is their weakness. Robin and his musically sardonic minstrels then appear on the scene. They ride off together.In the modern world, the police continue their investigation of the historian's murder.Back in the Medieval world, the adventurers each overcome their perils and reunite to face a bleak and terrible winter (which they survive by eating Sir Robin's minstrels).The reunited party ventures further to find the enchanter named Tim (John Cleese). Tim the Enchanter appears as a Scots-talking middle-aged man but commands great powers of pyrokinesis, has a very long, grey-streaked beard, and on his head either wears ram's horns, or grows them there. He is also able to withstand long awkward silences, doing nothing to break them. Arthur and his party are in awe of Tim and his spectacular display of pyrotechnics, and find themselves flustered when asking him for help, as per the instructions of the Old Man from Scene 24. Tim promises to help with their next phase of intelligence gathering and beckons the party follow him. After one step, he abruptly turns around and speaks of a terrible monster. The longer he spends on the warning, the more foolish he appears. Arthur's fearful respect for the enchanter is diminishing.The company approaches a rock-encircled clearing beyond which is the mouth of a cave that breathes smoke. Skeletons litter the scene. The tension jumps when Tim sights the monster. When the knights realize that the monster is an average-looking rabbit, the tension immediately turns to annoyance and scorn. Sir Bors (Terry Gilliam), ordered to dispatch the creature, sets forth to perform the task as casually as a short-order cook would perform his craft. The rabbit leaps about six feet to bite off Sir Bors's head before the knight even raises his sword. Tim feels vindicated and expresses it as would an 11-year-old. Arthur, believing a full scale attack is sufficient to accomplish the task, orders one. When several knights die in the attempt, he orders a retreat (in his own unique way).Tim regards the carnage with scorn of his own—wild chortling. When someone recalls the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, Arthur calls to Brother Maynard (Eric Idle), who is seen with his entourage a stone's-throw away, but off-camera until this scene. They consult with his order's exhaustive canon on use of the weapon, the Book of Arnaments, verses 9-21, describing how to use the grenade ("And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, 'O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.' And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths, and carp and anchovies, and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit-bats and large chu—[Cleric is told to skip forward by Brother Maynard]—And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less.Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.') After a miscount, the grenade is thrown at the rabbit, and a thundering explosion alerts the police, who are already looking for a murderer.In the cave beyond the rabbit, Aramaic writing is found, which Brother Maynard translates. Finally, they receive concrete instructions on where to find the Grail: the "Castle of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh". While they are trying to deduce the meaning of the text, the knights are ambushed by the Legendary (Animated) Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh. The human party (also animated) are chased about the cave, and are only saved when the animator (Terry Gilliam) suffers a fatal heart attack.In the modern world, the police discover the gruesome scene at the cave entrance. They assume it's a homicide, and not an animal attack.Arthur's party approaches the Bridge of Death that is guarded by the Old Man from Scene 24. Arthur orders Sir Robin to face the deadly quiz that the Old Man will give him, but Robin deflects the order. Lancelot makes the first attempt, and when the party sees that the challenge is as difficult as answering a few superficial personal questions, Robin finds his bravery renewed, and volunteers to be the next participant. Unfortunately, the last question asked Robin involves geographical trivia that would have been very rare knowledge in the Dark Ages, and Robin is thrown into the Pit of Death. Then Galahad flubs his answer and is also lost. When Arthur is asked a question about aerodynamics (involving the redundant "airspeed velocity"), he solves the problem by answering it with a specific question (which the Bridgekeeper cannot answer). The Old Man is cast into the pit, and the way is clear.Arthur and Bedevere search for Lancelot, but he is not to be found. In fact, he has his hands pressed against a police car and is being searched. The king and his remaining free knight are called by an ethereal song. They are drawn over misty mountains to a lake. To a majestic, brass-rich soundtrack, a barge with the head of a monster transports our heroes across the water to the island of the Castle Aaarrghh.As the music reaches crescendo, the men disembark and kneel. Arthur, mounting his sword tip on the ground, offers the Lord a solemn prayer. The music is interrupted by the sound of a catapult being discharged. Arthur's speech switches from prayer to blasphemy as a sheep lands on them. The Taunting Frenchman appears atop the castle wall and offers his usual insolence. Arthur launches into orders, threats, and expressions of indignation invoking God's name. The French respond with human waste. Humiliated and soiled, Arthur and Bedevere walk back through the water to the mainland as the French taunt at will.Reaching the other side of the lake, Arthur shouts to an unseen party to stand ready. To the sound of a military drum, emerging on a nearby ridge, soldiers numbering maybe 1,000 form a line of battle nearly as many feet in width. They are well equipped. Arthur shouts a deadly oath across the lake to the French who persist in their taunts. Without hesitation, Arthur orders a charge, and the company surges forward.As the soldiers approach the shore on the mainland, they are cut off by just two modern-day police cars. The line of battle has shrunk to less than 100 feet, and Arthur and Bedevere are arrested. At least three of the officers start pushing back the crowd and confiscate an "offensive weapon." The film breaks in the projector and runs out of the gate, putting an abrupt end to the movie. For the duration of the film, there are several minutes of organ music but no end credits. | comedy, murder, cult, violence, psychedelic, absurd, satire, humor, entertaining | tt0071853 |
Mission: Impossible III | Ethan Hunt has retired from field work for the IMF. He instead trains new recruits while settling down with his fiancée, Julia Meade, a doctor who is unaware of Ethan's true job. He is approached by fellow IMF agent John Musgrave about a mission to rescue one of Ethan's protégés, Lindsey Farris. Lindsey was captured while investigating arms dealer Owen Davian. Musgrave has already prepared a team for Ethan: Declan Gormley, Zhen Lei, and his old partner Luther Stickell.
The team rescues Lindsey and collects two damaged laptop computers. As they flee, Ethan discovers an explosive pellet implanted in Lindsey's head. Before he can disable it, it goes off and kills her. Back in the U.S., Ethan and Musgrave are reprimanded by IMF Director Theodore Brassel. Ethan learns that Lindsey mailed him a postcard before her capture and discovers a magnetic microdot under the stamp.
IMF technician Benji Dunn recovers enough data from the laptops to determine Davian will be in Vatican City to obtain a mysterious object called the "Rabbit's Foot". Ethan plans a mission to capture Davian without seeking official approval. Before leaving, he and Julia have an impromptu wedding at the hospital's chapel. The team successfully infiltrates Vatican City and captures Davian.
On the flight back to the U.S., Ethan threatens to drop Davian from the plane as he interrogates him about Rabbit's foot, but Davian remains tightlipped. After landing, Ethan learns that the microdot contains a video of Lindsey warning that Brassel is working with Davian. The convoy taking Davian across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge–Tunnel is attacked, and Davian escapes. Ethan races to Julia's workplace, only to find she has already been kidnapped. Davian gives Ethan 48 hours to recover the Rabbit's Foot in exchange for Julia's life, but Ethan is soon captured by the IMF.
Musgrave takes part in Ethan's interrogation but discreetly mouths that the Rabbit's Foot is located in Shanghai, China, and provides Ethan with the means to escape. Ethan escapes IMF headquarters, travels to Shanghai, and acquires Rabbit's Foot along with his team. As he delivers Rabbit's Foot to the meeting point, Ethan is tranquilized. When he comes to, he realizes a micro-explosive is implanted in his head. The restrained Ethan sees Davian holding Julia at gunpoint. Despite Ethan asserting that he brought the real Rabbit's Foot, Davian shoots Julia and leaves.
Musgrave arrives and explains that the woman killed was not Julia, but Davian's head of security, executed for failing to protect him in Vatican City. The ruse was to confirm the authenticity of Rabbit's Foot. Julia is alive and held as hostage. Musgrave reveals himself as the mole. He arranged for Davian to acquire the Rabbit's Foot and sell to a terrorist group, so that IMF would have reasons to launch a preemptive strike.
When Musgrave lets his guard down, Ethan knocks him unconscious. He frees himself and uses Musgrave's phone to track the last call's location to find Julia. He arrives and finds the place, but encounters Davian. Davian triggers the micro-explosive in Ethan's head, but Ethan kills him and then jury-rigs an impromptu defibrillator to deactivate the explosive. Before electrocuting himself, he kisses Julia and teaches her how to use his Beretta 92 to defend herself. While Ethan is unconscious, Musgrave and a henchman arrive and Julia shoots them dead. She successfully revives Ethan and he explains his true IMF career to her.
Back in the U.S., Ethan is congratulated by Brassel as he leaves for his honeymoon with Julia. | murder, violence, good versus evil, psychedelic, action, suspenseful, sadist | tt0317919 |
Tracks | Robyn Davidson (Mia Wasikowska), a young Brisbane woman, arrives in a country town with her dog, Diggity. She plans on travelling to Ayers rock and across Western Australia to the ocean. She finds work in the town at a local pub and then offers to exchange several months of her time with a local farmer named Kurt Posel (Rainer Bock) in exchange for 2 camels. He teaches her how to handle camels and eventually fires her after his partner leaves him. She is angry that he won't honour their deal.She finds a shell of a house in the middle of the bush in which to live.She goes to work for an camel wrangler, Sallay Mahomet (John Flaus), for a month at half pay in exchange for one feral camel, who she tames. She is now known by the local as "camel lady". He is doubtful about her ability to travel that distance by herself.One night a group of her friends arrive unexpectedly and Robyn looks slightly put out by their presence. They introduce a young American photographer, Rick Smolan (Adam Driver) who is awkward yet seems fascinated with her. She says she is trying to get money and supplies together for her trip and he suggests finding sponsorship. He offers to put her in touch with some editors. Her friend Jenny (Jessica Tovey) offers to come with her if she shortens the trip and only goes til Ayers rock. She declines. She wants to to the trip alone and on her terms. Her friends drink, smoke, and talk furiously under the night sky. Robyn sits removed from them all, then gets up and goes to visit her camels alone. She is happy with them.Jenny leaves her with an old tape deck of her mother's favourite album. She leaves a message on the tape and says she is uncertain as to why Robyn is determined to go through with the journey alone. Rick has left the contact details of National Geographic and Robyn writes to them informing them of her journey. They agree to sponsor her on the condition that Rick be able to meet up with her regularly to photograph her trek.Robyn convinces the farmer to whom Kurt sold his farm to give her the two camels Kurt owed her.Robyn's father, sister and niece arrive from out of town to wish her farewell. Her sister is somewhat aghast at the conditions in which Robyn in living. Rick arrives that evening and Robyn introduces him to her family, disinterestedly. As she says goodbye the next day, Robyn's sister tells her that there is no shame in turning back if there is trouble.Day 1: Robyn sets off on her trip with her four camels: Dookie and Bub from Kurt's farm and Zelly and her baby Goliath from Sallay. She noted earlier that she is "remarkably unqualified for such a hazardous undertaking: this is precisely the point of [her] journey".Rick follows in a Landrover. Over the course of the next few weeks, he comes to photograph her and she is frustrated and annoyed with his requests to pose for the camera.Day 61. Robyn awakes to find her camels have disappeared. She goes looking for them and finds them. She whips Dookie and then apologises.Eventually one night when Rick is with her again she shouts in frustration. She doesn't like his constant presence while she is on this arduous journey. He comforts her and they kiss.The next day they visit an Aboriginal settlement. They share a room together. At night, Rick sneaks out to take photos of a private ritual and Robyn is upset with him for disrespecting their hosts' rules. The next day she is told she has to take a longer route than she anticipated as her planned route takes her through sacred land and none of the elders will accompany her once they uncovered Rick's transgression.After trekking through particularly inhospitable land and having to shoot feral camel bulls in heat, Robyn is relieved to find a watering hole. A group of elders arrive at Robyn's campsite. When she says she can't take the short route as it will pass through sacred land, an elder offers to accompany her across that area to the campsite of a man called Glendle.Eddy and Robyn arrive at Glendle's camp site. She complains to Glendle that Rick is nice but he annoys her. Robyn asks Eddy to walk the rest of the way to Warburton with her. She gives him a new pair of shoes in exchange for accompanying her. Along the way Eddy helps her care for her camels, and teaches her about traditional Aboriginal medicine and culture and they slowly come to mutual understanding and enjoy each other's company.Rick drops in on them after Robyn sends a telegram requesting she bring a gun to gift to Eddy, who had fawned over her gun earlier in the trip. Eddy is thrilled. They travel on and come to a run-down settlement. Robyn insists on doing the next stretch of travel alone (2 months' travel with no water in sight), despite Eddy and Rick's misgivings. Ricks says he thinks Robyn has a problem with people. He insists on driving 1000 miles out of his way to drop water supplies along the way for her.Eddy wishes Robyn good luck and gives her a stone for her journey.She loses a clock her father gave to her and heads off away from her camels into the bush to find it, which she eventually does, with relief. Once she does, she realises she has lost her way. Diggity leads her back to the campsite. She hallucinates that a wild camel is racing towards her in the distance and run towards it to defend her pack. It is a mirage and disappears in a plume of dust.Day 124. She finishes her last drop of water from a canister. The watering holes are all dried up. Robyn continues to trek through the desert. She is caked in dust , severely sunburned and looks exhausted. She stumbles across another canister of water and smiles gratefully.At night a motorcycle pulls up to her campsite. A man dressed in white walks up asking for the Camel Lady. He is chatty: in the middle of an overland trip and has been following her tracks since Warburton, attempting to set a record from Bundaberg to Ningaloo. She ignores him, turns over and goes back to sleep.She walks further, past many animals who have perished along the way. She comes across an old farmhouse and stands hesitantly outside as she waits for the someone to appear. An old lady sweeps her stoep, looks up curiously and invites her in for tea with her husband. She tells them the story of growing up in Queensland farming Hereford cattle. A 7 year drought resulted in her family going broke. Robyn spends a quiet evening with the old couple.That night she dreams of a day when she was a child. her father tells her that her mother is dead and that she will have to live with her aunt Gillian. Her dog, Goldie, had to be put down.The old couple give her directions and supplies. She looks refreshed. The couple look worried as she sets off.She stumbles across a dead kangaroo. As she leans down to gut it, she sees a vision of Eddy trying to stop her telling her, "Women never break the law". She stands back up and moves on.At night she goes looking for her dog. She walks past a bottle of poison. Diggity looks ill and is foaming at the mouth. In the morning she is forced to shoot Diggity. It is painful to watch and she is distraught. She thinks back to her childhood dog who was euthanised.She falls into a depressed state and sleeps all day in the dust. She tries to use her radio but to no avail. A snake crawls over her in her sleep. The camels bay for her.Day 157. Robyn stumbles, naked, along a barren plain in the hot midday sun. She sees her camels in the distance. A small airplane flies overhead. Two cars appears in the distance. She puts on a sarong, but they drive past. Later a who series of cars drive past and she hides from them. They are tourists, come to photograph her and her camels. Rick arrives and she emerges from the bush. The tourists rush her. Rick asks if she is ok, that he has been trying to find her for a week. She screams at the tourists.It is evening and a number of international visitors & reporters have made camp nearby. Robyn tells Rick that her trip doesn't matter.The next morning she awakes to find him making coffee/tea over the fire. The visitors have left. Rick brushes out her tangled hair. Robyn cried and tells Rick she is "so alone." He embraces her as she cries into his shoulder. She cannot go on and misses her dog.She continues her trek and smiles as she see Rick playing with some local children and women. They ride the camels, giggling.Robyn reads newspaper clippings of her journey that have made The West Australian and other papers.Robyn decides to continue with her journey, and to escape the reporters.She passes through sand dunes, urging her camels forward and looks travel-weary. She crests a dune and smiles as she sees the ocean. Rick is waiting for her on the beach and they laugh and hug.The camels warily approach the ocean. The youngest camel is the first to wade out into the azure sea.Robyn dives into the calm, cool ocean as Rick looks on, taking photos from afar, saying nothing. She smiles freely as she stares into the depths of the ocean.We are told that after completing her 1700 mile journey, Robyn wrote the article that accompanies Rick's photos for Nat Geographic magazine. She then wrote an international bestselling novel, "Tracks". They quote her: "Camel trips do not begin or end, they merely change form." | flashback | tt2167266 |
Miller's Crossing | Synopsis by "Cult Movies" author Danny Peary...Aging Irishman Leo (Albert Finney) runs an unnamed eastern city during Prohibition. Leo's chief adviser - and the only man he trusts - is the intelligent, nonviolent Tommy (Gabriel Byrne). Leo controls the mayor and the chief of police. However, the Italian Johnny Caspar (Jon Polito) - whose chief henchman is the brutal, bisexual Eddie Dane (J.E. Freeman) - is becoming a threat to Leo's supremacy. Caspar tells Leo that he wants the unlikeable "Bernie" Bernbaum killed, because Bernie has been cutting into Caspar's gambling profits by selling information about fixed fights to betters. But Leo refuses to allow this because Bernie is the brother of Leo's tough mistress Verna (Marcia Gay Harden). Tommy tells Leo to allow Bernie's murder, because Verna isn't worth their going to war with Caspar. Tommy, fearing Leo's life is in danger, confesses to him that he also has been sleeping with Verna. Leo beats Tommy up and kicks him out of his organization. Caspar becomes the major power in town, taking control of the mayor and chief of police. Much to Dane's chagrin, Caspar recruits Tommy into their operation. Tommy must prove his loyalty by killing Bernie in the wilderness, at Miller's Crossing (hence the title of the movie). He allows the pleading Bernie to live, on the condition that no one finds out Bernie's still alive. Dane doesn't believe Tommy killed Bernie, so he takes him back to Miller's Crossing with the intention of finding Bernie's body. A body is there, with its face shot in. Bernie has murdered Dane's male lover, Mink - but Dane can't recognize the corpse. Bernie blackmails Tommy by saying he'll come out into the open unless Tommy helps him kill Caspar. Tommy convinces Caspar that Dane and Mink - whom Caspar thinks is still alive - are secretly selling information about Caspar's fixed fights. Before Dane can kill Tommy, Caspar brutally kills Dane. Tommy maneuvers Caspar to rendezvous with Mink; instead Caspar finds Bernie, who kills him. Tommy tells Bernie that they'll blame the murder on Dane, whom Bernie thinks is still alive. Tommy takes Bernie's gun, supposedly to hide the evidence. But then Tommy reveals that Dane is dead and, in revenge for being blackmailed, points Bernie's own gun at him. Bernie again pleads for his life, thinking Tommy hasn't got what it takes to kill anyone. Tommy blasts him between the eyes. Leo marries Verna and invites Tommy to work for him again, but Tommy turns him down.=====================================In the opening scene, an Italian gangster named Johnny Caspar is meeting with Leo O'Bannon, the city's most powerful gangster. Caspar, with his most trusted adviser and bodyguard, the fearsome Eddie "The Dane" Dane in tow, talks to Leo about a Jewish grifter named Bernie Bernbaum, who's been selling information on boxing matches that Caspar has been "fixing". Caspar wants to kill Bernie for chiseling in on the odds he fixes for his fights. Leo refuses to allow Caspar to eliminate Bernie and Caspar leaves, furious. After he leaves, Leo gloats to his own adviser, Tom Regan, that he'd so easily angered Caspar. Tom, who owes a large sum to a bookie, Lazarre, tells Leo that he should turn Bernie over to Caspar. Leo refuses because he's romantically involved with Bernie's sister, Verna, who's only dating Leo to protect her brother. Leo, as an act of friendship, tries to pay off Tom's debt to Lazarre, but Tom refuses, not wanting to fall under the thumb of either side.Tom wakes up the next morning after a night of hard drinking and card-playing where he lost his fedora to Verna and a man named Mink (who provides Bernie with his hot tips to cheat Caspar and is also the lover of both Bernie and The Dane). Tom asks the bartender, Tad, what happened the night before & about a bet he'd laid on a horse with huge odds. Tom's horse lost and Tom now owes even more money to Lazarre. Tom tells Tad to lay yet another wager on another horse with Lazarre.Tom goes to Verna's apartment. He demands his hat but Verna won't let him in, slamming the door in his face. When he knocks again & she answers, she lets him in when he asks for a drink. The two have been having an affair behind Leo's back for some time.Leo shows up at Tom's apartment very late that night and tells Tom he can't find Verna. He'd hired a private detective, "Rug" Daniels (so named because he wears a toupee) for Verna's safety, but Verna still gave Daniels the slip and disappeared. Tom tells Leo he has no idea of Verna's whereabouts and Leo leaves. Tom goes into his bedroom where Verna is half-asleep. When she asks if Tom told Leo she was there, Tom scoffs and tells her he'd told Leo she was a tramp. Verna is instantly furious and throws something at Tom.The next day, Tom meets again with Leo at his private club. Leo is already meeting with the Mayor & O'Doul, the chief of police. Leo has given the Chief a few of Casper's speakeasy locations. He also informs Tom that Verna turned up & is downstairs Tom suggests that Leo turn over Bernie to avoid a long & destructive war in the town. Leo still refuses and appears flustered with Tom. Tom gets a drink from Tad and marches into the ladies powder room to confront Verna and tell her to stop her charade with Leo solely for Bernie's protection. The two have a violent confrontation where Verna punches Tom and he hurls his glass at her, breaking a vanity mirror. Verna storms out of the room.Tom lays another bet with a short bookie and is picked up by two of Casper's thugs, Frankie (a tall, hulking man) & TicTac (a shorter but much smarter man). They take him to Casper's club where Tom meets with Johnny himself. Casper offers to pay Tom's debt to Lazarre and adds a substantial amount to the check he writes, hoping that Tom will become his personal adviser & help him win the war against Leo. Tom rudely refuses and Casper walks out, leaving Frankie behind to beat Tom. Tom slyly hits Frankie with a chair; Frankie gets TicTac to help and the two beat Tom briefly until the police arrive to raid the club. Tom blacks out but is revived by another officer. Outside the club, Tom talks to the Chief who seems to agree with Leo's idea of turning over Bernie. Tom tells the chief to stay in line with Leo.Tom again spends the night with Verna. At Leo's house, two of Casper's hoods, armed with Thompsons, sneak inside and quietly march up the stairs to assassinate Leo. However, a fire that breaks out downstairs alerts Leo and he's able to outfox the two assassins, killing them both. A car drives by shooting at Leo, who confidently strides down the street shooting with one of the thugs' Thompsons. The car crashes, catches fire and explodes.The next night Tom goes to Leo's club office and talks to him about how Casper is becoming more aggressive and will try to kill Leo again. Tom continues to advise Leo to turn over Bernie. When Leo refuses again, Tom finally tells Leo that he's been having an affair with Verna. Leo is silent and Tom leaves his office. Out in the hallway, Leo begins to hit Tom until he falls down the stairs. Leo calls his end to his relationship with Tom "the kiss off."Tom takes another meeting with Casper, this time with Eddie Dane present. Casper reveals that he'd heard about Tom and Leo being on the outs and is enthusiastic about hiring him. However, Casper needs to know he can trust Tom first and asks him to reveal Bernie Bernbaum's location. Tom tells him and Casper sends Tom and Frankie and TicTac to the Royale Hotel where they find Bernie and drag him out to the car. Tom drives them all to Miller's Crossing, a forest outside town notorious for gangland slayings. TicTac hands Tom a pistol and tells him that he's been charged by Casper with killing Bernie. He also tells Tom to use two shots: one to put Bernie down and the second shot to Bernie's head to make sure he's dead. Tom takes Bernie into the woods. Bernie pleads with Tom to let him live, appealing to Tom's sense of decency. While he's down on his knees begging, Tom shoots, deliberately missing Bernie. When Bernie tries to thank him, Tom tells him to shut his mouth and leave town immediately. As Bernie runs, Tom fires his 2nd shot. He returns to the car, telling TicTac that he killed Bernie.Tom meets with Casper, who tells him that his own bookie, Mink Larouie, lover of both The Dane and Bernie, has mysteriously disappeared. Tom later meets Verna at a boxing club & tells her to leave town for her own safety. Back at her apartment, The Dane breaks in demanding to know where Leo is. He tells Verna that she shouldn't bother covering for Tom since Tom killed Bernie. When two of Leo's guys burst in and try to stop The Dane, he shoots one and wounds the other. The one left alive tells him where Leo is and is gunned down.Bernie sneaks into Tom's apartment and they have a short conversation. Bernie is worried that his begging for his life at Miller's Crossing will get out. He demands that Tom kill Casper, threatening to appear publicly if Casper isn't dead in a few days. Just after he walks out, Tom jumps from his window to the street, trying to catch Bernie on his way out. Bernie outsmarts Tom and kicks him in the face.Tom is picked up on the street by The Dane, TicTac and Frankie. The Dane, still suspicious of Tom, had beaten the two thugs until they'd told him they didn't personally see Bernie's body after Tom shot him. The Dane plans to take Tom out to Miller's Crossing to verify that Bernie's dead. As they walk through the woods, Tom stops and vomits on a tree. The Dane draws his pistol to kill him when TicTac suddenly finds a body. The dead man's face is covered with gunpowder burns and has been partially eaten by birds. TicTac tells The Dane that he'd heard two shots from Tom's pistol.Tom visits a washed-up boxer named Drop Johnson. Drop has been raking in a sizable amount of money -- Tom suspects that Bernie has been placing bets with Drop. Tom leaves, telling Drop to tell Bernie to get in touch with him.Across town, a man walks up to the Sons of Erin club and tosses a bomb in the front window. The bomb goes off, throwing a dead and burned man out into the street. A police sergeant uses a bullhorn to order the rest of the club's occupants to surrender. When the first man walks out, he's promptly and cruelly shot by one of the mercenaries working for the police. A gunfight erupts. At the Mayor's office, Tom meets again with Casper and they discuss Bernie's and Mink's loyalties.Tom makes a phone call that night to Bernie. He tells Bernie about the body he'd seen in the woods: Bernie acknowledges that it's Mink Larouie and that he'd deliberately planted Mink's body there as insurance for Tom. Tom decides to call Bernie on his bluff of threatening to appear publicly to indict Tom. He tells Bernie to meet him at his apartment at 4 am with $2000.At Casper's house, Tom tries to convince Casper that Mink will be meeting him at his place at 4. However, The Dane is at Casper's and threatens to kill Tom for killing Mink and leaving him in the woods -- The Dane had captured Drop Johnson and had beaten the information out of him. As he prepares to choke Tom to death, Casper hits The Dane with a fireplace shovel and finishes him off with a shot in the head. Casper vows to kill Mink at Tom's place.Right before he walks home to meet with Bernie and Casper, Tom's stopped on the street by Verna. She threatens to kill him because she believes him responsible for the death of her brother. Verna can't shoot Tom and stalks off.Tom walks back to his apartment and tells Casper's driver to leave -- he'll drive Casper home himself. As Tom walks into his building, he hears a couple of shots. Walking up the stairs, he sees Casper's head protruding through the bannister on his floor. When he reaches the top, he finds Bernie, who'd shot Casper dead. He hands his pistol off to Tom looks through Casper's pockets, finding his wallet and pockets the cash in it. Tom tells Bernie they can lay the blame for Casper's murder on The Dane and asks for Bernie's pistol. He then tells Bernie they can't pin the shooting on the already dead Dane and that it'll have to be Bernie himself that takes the fall. Bernie is shocked and drops to his knees, pleading for his life. When he tells Tom to "look in your heart" Tom replies "What heart?" and shoots Bernie through the forehead. He takes Bernie's gun and lays it in Bernie's lap, doing likewise with Casper's gun and walks into his apartment. He calls Lazarre and tells him he has the money he owes him.A few days later, a small burial his held for Bernie. Verna is present; she takes a small scoop of dirt and indifferently throws it on Bernie's coffin in it's hole. Tom arrives and walks back to Leo's car with him. As they approach the car, it leaves abruptly, Verna having told the driver to leave without Leo and Tom. Leo pleads with Tom to return to his service, promising him anything he wants. Tom turns him down and Leo walks off. As Tom watches him go, he looks slyly in Leo's direction. | comedy, boring, neo noir, murder, dramatic, cult, violence, atmospheric, psychedelic, romantic, suspenseful, entertaining | tt0100150 |
Reservoir Dogs | The film opens to eight men eating breakfast at a diner. Six of them wear matching black suits and ties and are using aliases: Mr. Blonde (Michael Madsen), Mr. Blue (Eddie Bunker), Mr. Brown (director Quentin Tarantino), Mr. Orange (Tim Roth), Mr. Pink (Steve Buscemi), and Mr. White (Harvey Keitel). Among them is the elderly Los Angeles gangster Joe Cabot (Lawrence Tierney), and his beefy son, "Nice Guy" Eddie Cabot (Chris Penn). Mr. Brown discusses his comparative analysis on Madonna's "Like a Virgin". Joe's senior moments involving an old address book rankle Mr. White; White grabs the book away from Joe and refuses to give it back until Joe stops talking incessantly about it. When it comes time to pay the bill for the meal, Mr. Pink explains that he doesn't tip and defends his anti-tipping policy until Joe forces him to contribute with the group.After the opening credits, the action cuts to the interior of a speeding car. Mr. White, driving with one hand, is trying to comfort Mr. Orange laying in the back seat, who has been shot in the abdomen and is bleeding and screaming in delirium. They arrive at an abandoned warehouse, the robbers' rendezvous point. Orange begs White to take him to an emergency room but White refuses, saying that it takes a long time to die from an abdominal gunshot wound. Mr. White leaves Mr. Orange on the floor when Mr. Pink appears, angrily suggesting that their robbery of a jeweler, orchestrated by Joe Cabot, was a police set up, indicated by the rapid response of the police to the alarm. White agrees, and they wearily get their stories straight with each other.The scene cuts to Mr. Pink escaping from the jewelry store with the diamonds. While running down a street chased by three or four policemen, Mr. Pink is hit by a car, out of which he drags the woman driver and opens fire on the policemen hitting one or two of them before getting in the car and driving away.Back in the present. Mr. White reveals to Mr. Pink that Mr. Brown was shot and killed by the police during the getaway, and the whereabouts of Mr. Blonde and Mr. Blue are unknown to both. They agree to stay put for the time being.The film then flashes back to a scene showing Mr. White meeting with Joe Cabot and Nice Guy Eddie at Joe's office where he offers Mr. White (whose real name is Larry Dimmick), a low-time veteran criminal from Detroit, a job in an upcoming heist in a few months. Mr. White agrees, hinting at White's long-time friendship with Joe Cabot.In the present, after taking care of an unconscious Orange, the two men discuss the actions of Mr. Blonde, who acted psychotic during the heist and murdered several civilians in the store after the alarm had been triggered. Mr. White is angered about Joe's decision to employ such a violent individual and agrees about the possibility of a set up, while Mr. Pink confesses to having hidden the diamonds in a secure location. However, they violently argue about whether or not to take the unconscious Mr. Orange to a hospital when Mr. White reveals that he had told the former his true first name, "Larry". Mr. Blonde, who has been watching them from the shadows, steps forward and ends the dispute. White angrily chews out Blonde for his antics, while Blonde calmly defends himself, saying simply that he'd warned the staff of the jeweler's not to touch the alarm. He tells them not to leave the rendezvous as Nice Guy Eddie is on his way. Mr. Blonde walks to his car and opens the trunk to reveal a captured police officer named Marvin Nash (Kirk Baltz) who he apparently took as a hostage to escape from the jewelry store.Another flashback to several months ago shows the origin of Mr. Blonde who meets with Joe Cabot and Nice Guy Eddie at their office. The meeting reveals that Mr. Blonde became involved in the heist because of his friendship with Nice Guy Eddie. Blonde (whose real name is Vic Vega) had served four years in prison for armed robbery and had refused to give the authorities Joe's name for a lighter sentence. When he meets with Joe and Eddie, they first arrange a job that will appease Vic/Blonde's parole officer, then Eddie suggests that Blonde join the crew they're putting together for the jewel heist. Blonde enthusiastically accepts.In the present, White, Pink, and Blonde beat the policeman and demand that he reveal who the "rat" is. He protests that he doesn't know. The beating continues until a furious Eddie arrives at the warehouse. After berating the men over the carnage and incompetence displayed at the heist, he orders Pink and White to assist him in retrieving the stolen diamonds and disposal of the two hijacked vehicles. He orders Blonde to stay with Marvin and the dying Orange.When Blonde questions Officer Nash again, the policeman states that he has been a police officer for eight months and is ignorant as to a possible set up. He then pleads with Blonde to release him without further incident. However, after the others leave, Blonde confesses to enjoying torture, and is really uninterested in what the cop knows and what he doesn't. He turns on the radio and dances to "Stuck in the Middle With You" by Stealers Wheel before slashing Marvin's face and severing his ear with a straight razor. Blonde then douses Officer Nash in gasoline, making a small trail of the remaining gasoline in front of the policeman. Just as he is about to light the gasoline, Orange suddenly wakes up and saves Marvin from being burned to death by shooting Blonde several times, killing him. At this point, the policeman and Orange are alone in the warehouse. Orange reveals he is a police detective named Freddy Newendyke. Marvin says he knows (because he briefly met him a couple of months earlier) showing us that he had resisted the beating and torture so as not to reveal Orange's true identity. Orange reassures Marvin that a massive police force is in position several blocks away but are waiting to move in when Joe arrives.A series of character development past scenes detail Orange's involvement in an undercover police operation to capture Joe, and his developing friendship with White. Orange/Freddy is shown rehearsing his cover with his handler Holdaway (Randy Brooks), as well as getting into character for his first meeting with Joe.Mr. Orange/Freddie first meets Joe Cabot, Eddie, and White at a local nightclub where he tells them a fabricated story (shown in a completely fabricated flashback) about being in a men's room with a large bag full of marijuana. In the men's room with him were four L.A. County sheriffs with a German Shepherd and explains about his coolness under pressure, knowing the dog can smell the marijuana. The group is wholly amused and accepts him into their gang.Later on, Orange then goes with Eddie, White, and Pink on a drive where they discuss their favorite movie soundtracks and about Pam Grier movies from the 1970s and Eddie tells them a story about how a black waitress at one of Joe's nightclubs got even with her abusive husband as well as how black women seem to be more abused and temper angry then white women.At the warehouse, Joe Cabot meets with all of the members of the gang where he angrily tells them that their joking camaraderie might get them in trouble if they don't take the heist seriously. He gives them their aliases to be used and to go over details about the upcoming robbery of a diamond store. A brief argument ensues when Pink complains about his name. Joe regains his control over the meeting and they begin plotting the heist. Later on after the meeting, Orange develops a friendship with White as they drive over to the jewelry store to discuss their roles in the upcoming robbery. White tells Orange about a few methods of crowd control he knows are foolproof.In another flashback to the robbery getaway, we see that Brown was somehow shot in the head, and dies while driving their escape car with Orange and White. While attempting to steal another getaway car, Orange was shot in the stomach by the female driver of the car he stole along with White. Orange reflexively shoots and kills the woman after she shoots him.Flashing forward back to the present, the remainder of the heist group returns to the warehouse to find Blonde dead. Orange claims that Blonde was going to kill Marvin, Orange and the rest of the gang so that he could take the diamonds for himself. Boiling over with rage, Eddie reveals Blonde's back story, that he was a close friend of his and a loyal soldier of his father's. Orange struggles to defend himself, which makes Eddie even angrier and he fatally shoots the captive policeman three times. Joe himself arrives and, after informing the group that Mr. Blue was killed, confidently accuses Orange of being an informant, forcing White to defend his friend. A Mexican standoff ensues, leaving Joe and Eddie dead, and White severely wounded, and Orange mortally wounded. Pink, who hid to avoid the shootout, takes the cache of diamonds and flees the warehouse.As police sirens are heard outside, White cradles Orange in his arms and Orange reveals that he is in fact a detective. This piece of information devastates White, who begins sobbing in frustration and points his gun at Orange's head as police can be heard outside. At that moment, the police can be heard raiding the warehouse (with the camera in a close-up of White's face), demanding White drop his gun; he refuses and shoots Orange, resulting in the police opening fire on White just before the screen goes black. | comedy, dark, neo noir, murder, boring, suspenseful, mystery, dramatic, violence, cult, sadist, flashback, psychedelic, humor, claustrophobic, tragedy, plot twist, storytelling | tt0105236 |
Gölgesizler | Every one of our lives is stuffed with secrets, of lies, of hidden desires and fears we can reveal to no one... Believing in lies or hearsay, deferring to other peoples reality; these are things that come surprisingly easily to most of us. But what happens if you start believing in your own lies?A barber working in Istanbul longs to be both here and far, far away. And one day, without warning, he takes himself off and disappears abruptly into the great far away. But is it really possible to begin a completely new life far, far away as a nobody?There is a village there far away... But where exactly is a mystery. And when, which year, which age, that too is a mystery. It is as if time has stood still, locked in eternal spring.There is a village there far away... All well and good, but whose village is it?The village is in the hands of the mukhtar, the elected local chief. The barber from Istanbul settles in this far-flung village, and as chance would have it the one-time local barber, Jingle Nuri, vanished from the place years ago. So the new barber rents his shop and opens the doors for business.The village is not, however, the innocent village of your imagination. The mukhtar, the leader of the village, its everything, finds himself dealing with one mysterious disappearance after the other. Güvercin, the prettiest girl in the village, is now missing without trace. The mukhtar and his only armed man, the village guard, set about questioning everyone in the village. The mukhtar suspects Cennets son more than anyone else. And he beats the gentle dreamer with the soul of a poet to a pulp as he cross-examines him - which causes the boy to lose his mind. The mukhtar and the guard spread terror through the village, but still they fail to find Güvercin. And Cennets son starts drifting through the streets of the village asking, Why does snow fall, snow? - even though not a flake of snow has even been known to fall.In despair, the mukhtar seeks the advice of the village sage, Musa Dede, but only to be reminded that the history of the village is full of such secrets, misdemeanours and disappearances...Even more peculiar things start happening. Jingle Nuri suddenly turns up out of the blue, for instance. He arrives but now its the turn of his wife, who has been waiting patiently for him all these years, to disappear. Then a bogus love spell is cast in order to convince Güvercins stubborn and sceptical father of the power of incantations: this is, after all, their last resort to finding the girl. The trouble is, the spell backfires and an innocent lad is killed in the process.The mukhtar, the guard and the villagers are appalled by the succession of disappearances and deaths they seem to encounter every step of the way. The complexities of life and their bewildering destiny as a village are simply dizzying.In the end, the mukhtar decides to turn to the state to resolve his unspeakable troubles. So he sets off for the district town never to return again.Güvercin is eventually found, but this solves none of the villages problems. On the contrary, it leads to her being swallowed up by a gigantic lie fabricated by the villagers themselves.The barber seems content to watch this all from the distance like a dispassionate spectator. And one day, when the poplar pollen is wafting through the air like the snowflakes that never fall, he just walks away, looking down on the village for the very last time from a nearby hill.But what the barber doesnt know is that he too is being watched by someone far, far away...written by Ümit Ünal | psychedelic, suspenseful | tt1437212 |
Steel | John Henry Irons (Shaquille O'Neal) is a weapons designer who invents high-tech laser guns and protective armor for the United States military. One soldier, Nathaniel Burke (Judd Nelson), decides to show just what Irons' weapons can do and sets one of Irons' laser guns at the highest power setting, firing the device at an abandoned building. However, the weapon backfires and destroys the building the team is situated in. Irons' partner, Susan "Sparky" Sparks (Annabeth Gish), is crushed by a large slab of concrete in the ensuing chaos. In court, Irons reveals Burke's role in the incident and Burke is dismissed from the military. Because his weapons resulted in Sparks becoming a paraplegic, Irons resigns in disgust. Meanwhile, Burke hatches a plot to sell Irons' weapons to criminal gangs, recruiting a video arcade manager to help him carry out this deed.Irons witnesses a bank robbery organized by gang members wielding Burke's modified guns; they escape before he can interrogate them on where they obtained the weapons. The gang does not tell Irons anything when confronted directly in their hideout. Irons visits Sparks in a veteran's hospital and takes her to his own assembled laboratory, where he hopes he and Sparks can create weapons needed to combat the criminals. With the help of Uncle Joe (Richard Roundtree), they forge a suit of armor and the weaponry necessary for Irons to carry out his war on crime and become the vigilante "Steel". However, during his crusade against crime, Irons is pursued by the cops and is forced to return to his lair. The next night, the robbers arrange to rob another bank. Irons, as Steel, tries to stop them, but is hindered by the robbers' weapons. When Irons returns to his grandmother's (Irma P. Hall) house, he is arrested.Meanwhile, Burke prepares to auction off all his modified weapons to every criminal organization in the world over the Internet. When Irons is released from jail, Sparky is captured by Burke's thugs. Irons, as Steel, attempts to infiltrate Burke's headquarters, but is captured himself in the process. When Burke continues with the auction, he is tricked by Steel, which allows him and Sparks to rebel and destroy Burke's lair. Burke himself is killed when a laser he fires towards Steel reflects back towards him due to Steel's suit. | violence, blaxploitation | tt0120207 |
Tristan + Isolde | The film is set in Great Britain and Ireland, in the Dark Ages, after the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century. Lord Marke of Cornwall plans to unify the peoples of Britain – Celts, Angles, Saxons, and Jutes – under himself as high king to resist Irish domination.
Most lords agree to this, as Marke is highly regarded and respected as a fair and courageous leader. The Irish king Donnchadh discovers this and sends troops to attack a Jutish castle where a treaty between the British tribes is being discussed. The raid claims the lives of the castle's lord and his wife, but Marke manages to save their son, Tristan, at the cost of losing a hand. Feeling compassion for the young boy, whose father loyally supported him, Marke welcomes Tristan into his home and regards him as a son.
Nine years later, Tristan has grown into a fierce, courageous warrior whose loyalty to Marke is not that of a knight to his lord, but rather a son to his father. Tristan and other Cornish warriors launch an attack on an Irish slave caravan. Tristan fights Morholt, the champion and leader of the army of Donnchadh, whose lord's daughter, Princess Isolde, has been promised to Morholt in marriage. Though Tristan kills Morholt and Donnchadh's forces are overrun, he is severely wounded in the fight and believed dead, though he is in fact only suffering the effects of Morholt's poisoned sword.
Tristan's body is put out to sea on a funeral boat which eventually washes up along the shores of Ireland. He is discovered by Isolde and her maid, Bragnae, who administer an antidote that revives him. Bragnae insists that Isolde conceal her identity so Isolde tells Tristan her name is Bragnae and that she is a lady-in-waiting. Tristan and Isolde fall in love as she nurses him back to health. The two lovers must separate after Tristan's boat is discovered. Tristan returns to Cornwall and receives a hero's welcome. A confused but overjoyed Marke welcomes him back with open arms.
Plotting to defeat Britain, Donnchadh proposes a peace treaty, promising his daughter Isolde in marriage to the winner of a tournament. Tristan wins the tournament on behalf of Marke, unaware that "the prize" is the woman he fell in love with in Ireland. When he discovers the truth about Isolde, he is heartbroken to see her betrothed to Marke, but accepts it since the marriage will end "a hundred years of bloodshed."
Marke and Isolde are married and there is finally hope that Britain will be united. Marke is kind to Isolde and genuinely falls in love with her and although Isolde grows fond of him, her heart still belongs to Tristan. Isolde tells Tristan that she is his anytime he wants. Tristan is torn between his love for Isolde and his loyalty to Marke, a man whom he loves as a father. Marke is confused over what is tormenting Tristan and disappointed by the distance he is putting between them.
Tristan eventually gives in to Isolde; they renew their love and begin an affair behind Marke's back. The affair is discovered by Lord Wictred, a longstanding dissenter to Marke's leadership. He informs Donnchadh of the affair and they conspire to use their love to overthrow Marke, with Wictred getting Marke's throne in exchange. Marke confides in Tristan that he believes Isolde is having an affair. Tristan is tormented by the guilt and burns down the garden where he would meet Isolde. After Marke and Isolde's coronation, Tristan attempts to end their relationship, but Isolde begs him not to leave her. They are caught in an embrace by Marke, Donnchadh, and the other British kings. Donnchadh pretends to be furious that his daughter is being treated as a whore and ends the alliance. Seeing this as weakness on Marke's part, the other kings also decide to part ways with him.
Marke is hurt and furious over his wife and son-figure's betrayal. He tells Tristan he has ruined everything and that he wishes that he had never saved his life. However, after Isolde explains their history, Marke relents. Tristan is taken to the river and Isolde tells him that Marke is letting them run away together. Tristan puts Isolde in the boat meant for their escape and tells her that if they leave they will be remembered for all time as those "whose love brought down a kingdom." Tristan pushes the boat away from the shore and runs off to the ensuing battle.
At the same time, Marke's nephew and Tristan's old friend, Melot, resentful of his uncle's long favouring of Tristan, shows Wictred an old passage into the Roman foundations of Marke's castle. Wictred had made Melot believe that he will become king when Marke is defeated. Once they are in the passage, Wictred stabs Melot and sneaks his army into the castle. Marke and his forces swiftly become pinned down by Donnchadh's army outside the castle and Wictred's men within.
Tristan sneaks back into the castle via the secret tunnel, which he used to carry out his affair with Isolde. On the way, he finds the dying Melot; the old friends forgive one another before he dies. Tristan emerges from the tunnel and attacks Wictred's men, allowing Marke's soldiers to secure the castle, but he is mortally wounded in combat by Wictred, whom he still manages to kill. Now outnumbered, Tristan, Marke and the soldiers loyal to him emerge from the castle and present Wictred's severed head to Donnchadh. Marke urges the British kings standing with the Irish to aid them in making Britain a single, free nation. Inspired by his words, the British kings and their men attack Donnchadh and his army.
As a fierce battle between the British and Irish erupts, Marke carries a dying Tristan to the river, where they are met by Isolde. Marke leaves to lead the British to victory, while Tristan eventually dies in Isolde's arms after uttering his last words: "You were right. I don't know if life is greater than death. But love was more than either." Isolde sees to his burial beneath the ashes of the Roman villa where they had met to be with each other. She plants two willows by the grave, which grow intertwined. She then disappears from history and is never seen again. Marke, it is said, defeated the Irish, united Britain, then ruled in peace until the end of his days. | murder, violence, revenge, historical fiction, tragedy, romantic | tt0375154 |
The A-Team | The A-Team is a naturally episodic show, with few overarching stories, except the characters' continuing motivation to clear their names, with few references to events in past episodes and a recognizable and steady episode structure. In describing the ratings drop that occurred during the show's fourth season, reviewer Gold Burt points to this structure as being a leading cause for the decreased popularity "because the same basic plot had been used over and over again for the past four seasons with the same predictable outcome". Similarly, reporter Adrian Lee called the plots "stunningly simple" in a 2006 article for The Express (UK newspaper), citing such recurring elements "as BA's fear of flying, and outlandish finales when the team fashioned weapons from household items". The show became emblematic of this kind of "fit-for-TV warfare" due to its depiction of high-octane combat scenes, with lethal weapons, wherein the participants (with the notable exception of General Fulbright) are never killed and rarely seriously injured (see also On-screen violence section).
As the television ratings of The A-Team fell dramatically during the fourth season, the format was changed for the show's final season in 1986–87 in a bid to win back viewers. After years on the run from the authorities, the A-Team is finally apprehended by the military. General Hunt Stockwell, a mysterious CIA operative played by Robert Vaughn, propositions them to work for him, whereupon he will arrange for their pardons upon successful completion of several suicide missions. In order to do so, the A-Team must first escape from their captivity. With the help of a new character, Frankie "Dishpan Man" Santana, Stockwell fakes their deaths before a military firing squad. The new status of the A-Team, no longer working for themselves, remained for the duration of the fifth season while Eddie Velez and Robert Vaughn received star billing along with the principal cast. The missions that the team had to perform in season five were somewhat reminiscent of Mission: Impossible, and based more around political espionage than beating local thugs, also usually taking place in foreign countries, including successfully overthrowing an island dictator, the rescue of a scientist from East Germany, and recovering top secret Star Wars defense information from Soviet hands. These changes proved unsuccessful with viewers, however, and ratings continued to decline. Only 13 episodes aired in the fifth season. In what was supposed to be the final episode, "The Grey Team" (although "Without Reservations" was broadcast on NBC as the last first-run episode in March 1987), Hannibal, after being misled by Stockwell one time too many, tells him that the team will no longer work for him. At the end, the team discusses what they were going to do if they get their pardon, and it is implied that they would continue doing what they were doing as the A-Team. The character of Howling Mad Murdock can be seen in the final scene wearing a T-shirt that says, "fini".
=== Connections to the Vietnam War ===
During the Vietnam War, the A-Team were members of the 5th Special Forces Group (see episode "West Coast Turnaround"). In episode "Bad Time on the Border", Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith, portrayed by George Peppard, indicated that the A-Team were "ex-Green Berets". During the Vietnam War, the A-Team's commanding officer, Colonel Morrison, gave them orders to rob the Bank of Hanoi to help bring the war to an end. They succeeded in their mission, but on their return to base four days after the end of the war, they discovered that Morrison had been killed by the Viet Cong, and that his headquarters had been burned to the ground. This meant that the proof that the A-Team members were acting under orders had been destroyed. They were arrested, and imprisoned at Fort Bragg, from which they quickly escaped before standing trial.
The origin of the A-Team is directly linked to the Vietnam War, during which the team formed. The show's introduction in the first four seasons mentions this, accompanied by images of soldiers coming out of a helicopter in an area resembling a forest or jungle. Besides this, The A-Team would occasionally feature an episode in which the team came across an old ally or enemy from those war days. For example, the first season's final episode "A Nice Place To Visit" revolved around the team traveling to a small town to honor a fallen comrade and end up avenging his death, and in season two's "Recipe For Heavy Bread", a chance encounter leads the team to meet both the POW cook who helped them during the war, and the American officer who sold his unit out.
An article in the New Statesman (UK) published shortly after the premiere of The A-Team in the United Kingdom, also pointed out The A-Team's connection to the Vietnam War, characterizing it as the representation of the idealization of the Vietnam War, and an example of the war slowly becoming accepted and assimilated into American culture.
One of the team's primary antagonists, Col. Roderick Decker (Lance LeGault), had his past linked back to the Vietnam War, in which he and Hannibal had come to fisticuffs in "the DOOM Club" (Da Nang Open Officers' Mess). At other times, members of the team would refer back to a certain tactic used during the War, which would be relevant to the team's present predicament. Often, Hannibal would refer to such a tactic, after which the other members of the team would complain about its failure during the War. This was also used to refer to some of Face's past accomplishments in scamming items for the team, such as in the first-season episode "Holiday In The Hills", in which Murdock fondly remembers Face being able to secure a '53 Cadillac while in the Vietnam jungle.
The team's ties to the Vietnam War were referred to again in the fourth season finale, "The Sound of Thunder", in which the team is introduced to Tia (Tia Carrere), a war orphan and daughter of fourth season antagonist General Fulbright. Returning to Vietnam, Fulbright is shot in the back and gives his last words as he dies. The 2006 documentary Bring Back The A-Team joked that the scene lasted seven and a half minutes, but his death actually took a little over a minute. His murderer, a Vietnamese colonel, is killed in retaliation. Tia then returns with the team to the United States (see also: casting). This episode is notable for having one of the show's few truly serious dramatic moments, with each team member privately reminiscing on their war experiences, intercut with news footage from the war with Barry McGuire's Eve of Destruction playing in the background.
The show's ties to the Vietnam War are fully dealt with in the opening arc of the fifth season, dubbed "The Court-Martial (Part 1–3)", in which the team is finally court-martialed for the robbery of the bank of Hanoi. The character of Roderick Decker makes a return on the witness stand, and various newly introduced characters from the A-Team's past also make appearances. The team, after a string of setbacks, decides to plead guilty to the crime and they are sentenced to be executed. They escape this fate and come to work for a General Hunt Stockwell, leading into the remainder of the fifth season. | comedy, murder, violence, flashback, clever, psychedelic, action, revenge, entertaining | tt0429493 |
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back | In this sequel to the previous Star Wars movie, Episode IV: A New Hope, the opening crawl reveals that after the destruction of the Death Star, the Rebels were forced to evacuate their base on the Yavin moon and the dreaded Imperial Fleet of the Galactic Empire has pursued the Rebel Alliance across the galaxy, forcing them to establish a secret base on the remote ice planet Hoth. Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader (David Prowse/voice: James Earl Jones) sends robotic probes in search of the base and its commander and hero, Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill).While Luke is patrolling near the base, he sees what looks like a meteor hitting the ground near his location. Before he can ride his mount to the site, he's knocked unconscious by an indigenous, polar bear-like predator, the wampa. Back at the base, the smuggler-pilot Han Solo (Harrison Ford) announces his intention to leave the Rebels and pay the debt he owes to the gangster Jabba the Hutt, much to the displeasure of Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher). After Han discovers that Luke has not returned from patrol, he delays his departure and leaves the base to search for him on an ostrich-like creature called a tauntaun.Meanwhile, Luke escapes the wampa's lair, using the Force to retrieve his nearby lightsaber and wounding the beast, but is overcome by the cold outside. He sees an apparition of his late mentor, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness), who instructs him to receive training from Jedi Master Yoda (voice: Frank Oz) on the planet Dagobah. Han finds Luke and gives him shelter, using his own tauntaun's carcass to keep Luke warm, until he can build a sturdier shelter. The two are rescued the following morning by a Rebel patrol. Luke is taken to the medical bay to heal from the wounds he received from the wampa. In his recovery room he's met by Leia, Han and Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew). Han jovially reminds Luke that he's rescued him twice from certain danger.Sometime later, when ground scans detect an object outside the base perimeter at Zone 12, Han and Chewie, investigate, and find an Imperial probe droid that transmits the location of the Rebel base to the Imperial fleet before firing upon Chewie and destroying itself. On the bridge of Darth Vader's massive flagship, the droid's transmission is picked up by Captain Piett, but his superior, the fleet Admiral Ozzel, dismisses the message until Vader sees the transmission and realizes it is the Rebel base. He overrules Ozzel and orders the Imperial Fleet to the Hoth system.Later, as the Fleet emerges from hyperspace, Vader is informed by his infantry commander, General Veers, that the Rebels have set up infantry trenches and an energy shield to protect them from the Empire's orbital bombardment. Ordering Veers to launch a surface attack, Vader is furious that Ozzel has clumsily given away the element of surprise by bringing his ship out of light speed too close to the planet, and he communicates this displeasure to Captain Piett as he promotes him on the spot to admiral while Ozzel is given Vader's own fatal brand of reprimand.On the surface, the Imperial forces land their ground assault troops, a unit of over a dozen four-legged AT-AT "walkers" (along with a few dozen two-legged AT-ST walkers) beyond the energy shield and Luke leads his squadron of flying speeders into battle. Realizing that their blasters cannot damage the heavily armored walkers, Luke devises an attack plan that has his squad using their towing cables to bind the legs of the walkers to trip them, making them more vulnerable. A few walkers are destroyed but the Imperial forces eventually overpower the Rebels and destroy the generator powering the energy shield, capturing the Rebel base. Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and their droid C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) flee on board the Millennium Falcon. Luke makes it back to the base after personally destroying one of the walkers and speeds off in his X-Wing fighter with astromech droid R2-D2 (Kenny Baker).In space, Han discovers that the Falcon's hyperdrive is damaged and it cannot escape the Imperial blockade in space. During the confusion, they enter the nearby Hoth asteroid field, pursued by four Imperial TIE-Fighters; Han Solo pilots the Millennium Falcon deeper into the field, and the four pursuing fighters are destroyed by the flying rocks. Han lands the Falcon inside a crater on one of the larger asteroids to hide and make repairs.Meanwhile, Luke and R2D2 make a crash landing on the swamp planet of Dagobah. Luke meets a wizened, green little creature who acts obnoxiously, demanding to keep a small power lamp of Luke's and criticizes the rations Luke eats. Telling Luke that he knows where to find Yoda, Luke goes to his small house to eat. While there, Luke quickly grows impatient, wanting to meet Yoda immediately. The small creature begins to talk to the spirit of Obi-Wan, saying that Luke is too old to begin Jedi training and that he hasn't learned the patience a Jedi requires. Luke realizes that the creature is Yoda himself. Yoda insists that Luke harbors much anger like his father, Anakin. Obi-Wan assures Yoda that Luke will learn patience and will complete his training. Luke tells Yoda that he is not afraid, to which Yoda gravely replies, "You will be."The Star Destroyer 'Avenger' moves through the massive asteroid field, searching for the Millennium Falcon. A group of TIE Bombers moves across the massive asteroid where the Falcon is hiding, and they release high-yield concussion bombs on the surface, trying to scare out the Falcon. The noise awakens Leia, who has fallen asleep in the cockpit.Inside the asteroid cave, Han Solo and Princess Leia argue while repairing the ship, eventually leading to a tender kiss. At the same time, Vader orders the Star Destroyer 'Avenger' to search the asteroid field for the Falcon, despite it's captain's assumptions that the ship was destroyed. Vader later confers with his boss, the powerful Galactic Emperor Palpatine, about a new threat to the Empire - Luke Skywalker. Darth Vader suggests that if Luke could be turned, he would become a great ally to the Imperial cause. The Emperor asks, 'Can it be done?'; Vader simply replies, 'He will join us, or die, my Master'.The crew of the Falcon, after getting rid of some annoying mynocks, discover a frightening truth; what they thought was a cave is actually the esophagus of a gigantic space slug. In space once again, they are chased by a Star Destroyer, but Han evades pursuit cleverly and stealthily: after soaring into an attack position, he flies directly over the bridge of the star destroyer and hides the Falcon on the massive ship's surface, attaching to it with the Falcon's landing claws. They go undetected while Han figures out an escape plan. He surmises that the fleet will dump their refuse before jumping to hyperspace and they can float away unnoticed. Han checks his navigational log and realizes he's been in the area before and that a planet called Bespin is nearby.On the bridge of the Avenger, Darth Vader gathers a small group of intergalactic bounty hunters, the most feared of whom is Boba Fett (Jeremy Bulloch). Vader promises them a large payoff if they can find the Millennium Falcon.Han's escape plan works and he sets course for Cloud City, a gas mining colony on the nearby gas planet of Bespin, which is run by Han's friend, Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams). Following just behind him is a smaller ship, Slave I, piloted by Fett.On Dagobah, Luke undergoes Yoda's rigorous lessons about the metaphysical nature of the Force involving levitating objects, performing acrobatic feats and meditation to promote calm and see possible visions of the future. Yoda brings Luke to an old, gnarled tree that sits atop a cave. Yoda tells his apprentice that the cave is powerful with the dark side of the Force and that Luke must explore it. Somewhat distrusting of his master, Luke takes his lightsaber with him. Inside the cave, Luke encounters a vision of Darth Vader, which he fights. Luke cuts off Vader's head with his lightsaber, but then the mask bursts open, revealing Luke's own face behind it. The cave is another test, one that carries a warning for Luke to control his impulses and anger or he'll end up like Vader himself.Luke has a vision of Han and Leia in danger and agony. Luke wants to rescue them, but Yoda and the ghost of Obi-Wan warn of the dangers of rashly leaving, because Luke is still susceptible to the powerful temptation of the Dark Side. Nevertheless, Luke departs from Dagobah and promises Yoda he will return to complete his training.Upon their arrival at Cloud City, Han's party is welcomed by Lando Calrissian. After agreeing to help Han repair his ship, Lando invites him and the others to a meal. C3PO is distracted from the group when he hears the familiar beeping of an R2 unit. Entering a small room, he is suddenly confronted by an unseen person why he's in the room. A laser blast cuts C3PO down as he babbles to his attackers. Only Chewbacca is suspicious, but he arrives on the scene too late to see what happened.When Han's party enter the dining room, they are captured by Darth Vader, along with Boba Fett who had tracked them to Cloud City. Lando insists he was forced to conspire with the Empire to prevent them from invading and occupying the city.In captivity, Han is tortured to lure Luke to the city. Chewbacca is also tortured in his holding cell by an amplified screeching sound. Vader orders a carbon-freezing chamber prepared to freeze Luke, which will hold him in suspended animation for transport to the Emperor. The process is tested on Han Solo. As Han is lowered into the machine, Leia declares her love for him. He is frozen in carbonite and alive in hibernation and handed over to Fett , who intends to return his quarry to Jabba the Hutt for a large reward.Meanwhile, Luke lands at Cloud City and is lured into the carbon-freezing chamber. Luke meets Vader and a ferocious lightsaber fight ensues. While escorting their prisoners, Vader's Imperial troopers are captured by Lando's private security force, who set Lando and the others free. Lando, despite nearly being killed by a furious Chewbacca, insists that there is still a chance to save Han, and along the way they find R2-D2. The group pursues Boba Fett and Han's frozen form through Cloud City, but arrives just as the bounty hunter's ship flies away. After a desperate chase from Imperial troops, Leia, Chewbacca, Lando, and the two droids make their escape on the Millennium Falcon.As the Falcon leaves Cloud City, Luke is trapped on the bottom level of the carbon-freezing room. As he heads down a dark hallway Vader ambushes him, stepping out of a doorway and swinging his lightsaber down. Vader and Luke's fierce lightsaber duel brings them to a narrow platform above the city's central air shaft. The Dark Lord corners Luke on a catwalk, threatening him; 'You are beaten! It is useless to resist!' Luke resumes the fight; Vader suddenly cuts an instrument panel apart. As Luke unwittingly glances at it, Vader slashes off Luke's right hand at the wrist, disabling him and sending Luke's lightsaber tumbling into the huge shaft. With Luke cornered and defenseless, Vader informs Luke that he does not yet know the truth about his father. Luke claims that Vader killed him. Vader answers:"No, I am your father."Luke screams in denial. Vader tries to persuade Luke to join him, embrace the Dark Side of the Force, and overthrow the Emperor with him. Luke refuses, lets go, and falls off the platform into the abyss, signifying that he would rather die than join him. In free fall, Luke is sucked into an air vent, shoots out of the underbelly of the floating city, and lands on an antenna hanging beneath. Luke tries to pull himself back into the exhaust pipe, but with only one hand and no strength left, he is unable to pull himself up and the hatches close over his head, trapping him on the weather vane. He pleads for help from Ben, but the old Jedi Knight will not appear. Luke then attempts to reach out to Leia, using the Force.On the Millennium Falcon Leia senses Luke's distress through the Force and orders Lando to pilot them back to Cloud City -- Lando protests immediately but Chewbacca's roar convinces him to do so. As they approach the bottom of the city, Lando spots Luke hanging on to the weather vane and opens the Falcon's outer hatch. Luke falls off the weather vane and Lando pulls him in just as the three TIE fighters from the 'Executor' appear, and start a rapid pursuit. As they leave Cloud City, they are pursued by Darth Vader's flagship. R2-D2, who discovered that the hyperdrive was merely deactivated while searching the city's central computer, reactivates it and the Falcon escapes into hyperspace. Aboard the flagship, Vader walks away silently.In the final scene, the fugitive and defeated rebel fleet has assembled in a point beyond the galaxy to decide their next move. Aboard a Rebel medical frigate, Luke is fitted with an artificial hand as Lando and Chewbacca set out in the Falcon to locate Han Solo. Luke and Leia watch the ship speed off toward the galaxy. | dark, fantasy, mystery, cult, violence, good versus evil, action, tragedy | tt0080684 |
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb | At the Burpelson U.S. Air Force Base somewhere in the continental USA, the eccentric Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper (Sterling Hayden) orders the 34 nuclear-armed B-52's of the 843rd Bomb Wing past their failsafe points where they normally hold awaiting possible orders to proceed and into Soviet airspace. He also tells the personnel on the base that the US and the USSR have entered into a "shooting war".In the "War Room" at The Pentagon, Air Force General Buck Turgidson (George C. Scott) briefs President Merkin Muffley (Peter Sellers) about the attack that General Ripper ordered. Although a nuclear attack should require Presidential authority to be initiated, Ripper used "Plan R", an emergency war plan enabling a senior officer to launch a retaliation strike against the Soviets if everyone in the normal chain of command, including the President, has been killed during a sneak attack. Plan R was intended to discourage the Soviets from launching a decapitation strike against the President in Washington to disrupt U.S. command and control and stop an American nuclear counterattack. Turgidson tries to convince Muffley to take advantage of the situation to eliminate the Soviets as a threat by launching a full-scale attack. Turgidson believes that the United States is in a superior strategic position, and a first strike against the Soviet Union would destroy 90% of their missiles before they could retaliate, resulting in a victory for the U.S. with "acceptable" American casualties of "no more than 10 to 20 million killed, tops... depending on the breaks". He is rebuked when Muffley instead admits the Soviet Ambassador (Peter Bull) to the War Room, contacts Soviet Premier Dmitri Kissoff on the hotline, and insists on giving the Soviets all the information necessary to shoot down the American planes before they can carry out their strikes.Group Captain Lionel Mandrake (also played by Peter Sellers), an RAF exchange officer serving as General Ripper's executive officer, realizes that there has been no attack on the U.S. when he turns on a radio and hears pop music instead of Civil Defense alerts. When Mandrake reveals this to Ripper, and Ripper refuses to recall the wing, Mandrake announces that he will issue the recall on his own authority, but only Ripper knows the three-letter code necessary for recalling the bombers and locks the two of them in his office. Mandrake tries to convince Ripper to give up the three letter code. The psychotic Ripper refuses and rambles on that the Communists have a plan to "sap and impurify" the "precious bodily fluids" of the American people with fluoridated water, a theory that occurred to him during sexual intercourse, and which he believed to be the cause of his post-coital fatigue.Over the phone, an unseen and drunken Kissoff reveals to the Soviet Ambassador that their country has installed an active "Doomsday Device" which will automatically destroy all human and animal life on Earth if a nuclear attack were to hit the Soviet Union. The Doomsday Device is operated by a network of computers and has been conceived as the ultimate deterrent: as a safeguard, it cannot be deactivated, or it will set itself off, because its hardware and programs have been configured in such a way that an attempt at its deactivation would be recognized as sabotage. The doomsday weapon is described as based on "cobalt-thorium-G" [this was inspired by the real idea of a cobalt bomb, conceived by nuclear pioneer Leo Szilard, founder of Council for a Livable World]. According to the Soviet ambassador, life on Earth's surface will be extinct in ten months and was made as a low cost alternative to the bomb-race.The President now calls upon Dr. Strangelove (a.k.a. Merkwürdigeliebe), a former Nazi and strategy expert (Sellers in his third role). The wheelchair-bound Strangelove is a type of "mad scientist", whose eccentricities include a severe case of alien hand syndrome, so that his right hand, clad in an ominous black leather glove, occasionally attempts to strangle Strangelove or make the Nazi salute (no one in the room acts if this is unsusual). Strangelove also slips in addressing the President, as either "Mein President" or even "Mein Führer".Strangelove explains the principles behind the Doomsday Device, which he says is "simple to understand... credible and convincing". He also points out that a Doomsday Device kept secret has no value as a deterrent; the Soviet Ambassador admits that his government had installed it a few days before they were going to announce it publicly to the world, because Kissoff "loves surprises".U.S. Army paratroopers sent by the President arrive at Burpelson to arrest General Ripper. Because Ripper has warned his men that the enemy might attack disguised as American soldiers, the base's security forces, and Ripper himself with a .50 caliber M1919 Browning machine gun kept in his golf bag, open fire on them. After a fierce firefight the Army forces win the battle and gain access to the base, and Ripper, fearing torture to extract the recall code commits suicide. Colonel "Bat" Guano (Keenan Wynn) shoots his way into Ripper's office, but suspects that Mandrake, whose uniform he does not recognize, is leading a mutiny of "deviated preverts" and proceeds to arrest him. Mandrake convinces Guano that he has to call the President to tell him the recall code, which he has deduced from Ripper's desk blotter doodles to be based on the initials for the phrases peace on earth and purity of essence. Since office phone connections had been knocked out by the fighting at the base, Mandrake is forced to use a pay phone to try to contact the President. Not having the correct change to place a long-distance call to the Pentagon, Mandrake persuades Guano to shoot a Coca-Cola vending machine to get the change out of it, and eventually is able to forward the likely code combinations to Strategic Air Command.The correct recall code, "OPE", is issued to the planes, and those that have not been shot down return to base except for one. Its radio and fuel tanks were damaged by a Soviet anti-aircraft missile, with the result that the plane is neither able to receive the recall code nor to reach its primary or secondary target where, at the urging of the U.S. President, the Soviets have concentrated all available defenses. On the crew's own initiative, and losing fuel, the plane proceeds to fly at low level under radar to a closer target of opportunity.As they start their bomb run, the damaged B-52's bomb bay doors will not open, and aircraft commander Major T. J. "King" Kong (Slim Pickens) goes down to the bomb bay to open them himself. He succeeds just as the plane reaches its target, and one of the nuclear bombs falls, with Kong still sitting on it. He straddles the bomb and rides it to the ground like a rodeo cowboy, whooping and hollering and waving his cowboy hat. The bomb explodes, triggering the Doomsday Machine.Back in the War Room, Dr. Strangelove recommends to the President that a select group of about 200,000 or more people be relocated into a deep mine shaft, where the nuclear fallout cannot reach them, so that the U.S. can be repopulated afterwards. Because of space limitations, Strangelove suggests a gender ratio of "ten females to each male", with the women selected for their sexual characteristics, and the men selected on the basis of their physical strength, intellectual capabilities, and importance in business and government. General Turgidson rants that the Soviets will likely create an even better bunker than the U.S., and argues that America "must not allow a mine shaft gap". Meanwhile, the Soviet Ambassador retreats to a corner of the War Room and starts taking pictures with a spy camera disguised as a pocket watch.A visibly excited Dr. Strangelove bolts out of his wheelchair, shouting "Mein Führer, I can walk!". Abruptly, the film ends with a barrage of nuclear explosions, accompanied by Vera Lynn's famous World War II song "We'll Meet Again". | dark, comedy, dramatic, cult, violence, absurd, humor, satire, psychedelic, suspenseful, entertaining | tt0057012 |
The Opposite of Sex | Sixteen-year-old Dedee Truitt (Christina Ricci) runs away from home. She is pregnant by her ex-boyfriend, Randy Cates (William Lee Scott). Not revealing her pregnancy, Dedee eventually moves in with her much older half-brother Bill (Martin Donovan), a gay teacher in a conservative, suburban community in Saint Joseph County, Indiana.
Although he is living with Matt (Ivan Sergei), Bill still mourns the loss of his previous partner, Tom, who died of AIDS some time ago. Bill maintains a friendship with Tom's younger sister, Lucia (Lisa Kudrow), who idolized her brother.
Dedee seduces Matt, then tricks him into believing he has impregnated her. They elope, leaving Bill and Lucia to track them down.
Bill and Lucia find Dedee and Matt, only to discover Dedee has stolen Tom's ashes and is holding them for ransom. Randy also finds Dedee; they inform Matt that they are taking the ashes and moving away. They escape but soon get into an argument that leads to Dedee accidentally shooting Randy. She and Matt escape to Canada.
Bill eventually tracks down Matt and Dedee. Dedee goes into labor and Bill accompanies her into the delivery room. After giving birth to her son, Dedee returns Tom's ashes to Bill, apologizing for her actions in the past year.
Lucia and Bill have a falling out after Lucia implies that Tom died as a result of having gay sex. Despondent, Lucia has a one-night stand with Sheriff Carl Tippett (Lyle Lovett) who had previously made unsuccessful romantic overtures to her. Lucia soon discovers that she is pregnant.
Dedee ends up serving time in prison, leaving her son in Bill's care while she's incarcerated. After a few months, she moves back in with Bill, while Matt goes traveling, and Lucia gives birth to her own child. Eventually, Dedee decides that her son would be better off with Bill, who is now dating Dedee's parole officer, and runs away.
Dedee sarcastically concludes that sex is precisely the opposite of what people should want, leading as it does to kids, disease or, worst of all, relationships. At the end of the film, the vignettes of the various caring relationships among the characters show the opposite of superficial sexual gratification. | comedy, murder, cult, satire, romantic, home movie | tt0120777 |
Novecento | Born the same day at the turn of the 20th century Italy, January 1, 1900, two best friends, Alfredo Berlinghieri (Robert De Niro as an adult) and Olmo Dalcò (Gérard Depardieu as an adult) come from opposite ends of the social spectrum. Alfredo is from a family of wealthy landowners led by his abusive but populist grandfather Alfredo the Elder (Burt Lancaster), while Olmo is an illegitimate peasant son off the estate whose grandfather Leo Dalcò (Sterling Hayden) is the foreman and peasant strong man who verbally and spiritually carries a duel of wits with both the peasants as well as his employer, but without ever reaching violence with Elder Alfredo's bidding. While growing up, the young Alfredo is somewhat rebellious and despises the falseness of his family, in particular his weak but cynical father Ottavio (Werner Bruhns), he befriends Olmo, who was raised as a socialist.The two become friends throughout their childhood, despite the social differences of their families. Alfredo's grandfather, suffering from gout, senile dementia, and other ailments, commits suicide by hanging himself in the dairy barn. As a result, Ottavio inherits the plantation.In 1917, the teenage Olmo enlists with the Italian army during World War I and goes off to fight on the front lines in northern Italy while Alfredo stays behind to learn how to run his family's large plantation. Olmo returns from the war over a year later and his friendship with Alfredo continues. However during Olmo's time away, Alfredo's father has hired Attila Mellanchini (Donald Sutherland) as his new foreman following the death of Olmo's own grandfather. Attila is sadistic man who becomes taken with fascism, especially after the fascists come to power in the early 1920s, Italy.Attila eventually incorporates his new belief system in his dealings with the Berlinghieri workers; he treats them cruelly and later cages them in the Berlinghieri compound and accuses them of treason against Fascist Italy. Several are killed by Attila himself. Alfredo's father, Ottavio, eventually dies from an illness and Alfredo inherits the vast estate as its sole heir. As the new padrone (master) of the plantation, Alfredo does little to challenge or halt Attila's evil actions.During the late 1920s and early 1930s, the intimacy and lack thereof in their respective relationships with others is highlighted in their love lives as both Alfredo and Olmo cannot seem to hook up with the right woman to be with. Alfredo eventually marries a gorgeous, demure woman, named Ada (Dominique Sanda), while Olmo marries Anita (Stefania Sandrelli), a fellow idealist who, like him, shares in the enthusiasm of the cause of workers' rights in the vein of socialism. Ada, however, sinks into alcoholism when confronted with the reality of the emptiness of her relationship with Alfredo.Anita dies tragically in childbirth, bringing another member into the community; a daughter whom Olmo names after his late wife. As Olmo takes on his fateful role of leader among the poor farmers and their families, he clashes with Attila several times as the years go on. Olmo's daughter, Anita the Younger (Anna Henkel-Grönemeyer), grows into a young and resourceful teenager whom is supportive of her father's socialist beliefs.The power, however, shifts after World War II in 1945, and the ruling class is at the mercy of the jovial and bitter peasants in the agricultural estate. As padrone, Alfredo is captured by a teenage peasant boy carrying a rifle. Attila is also captured when he and his wife, the equally cruel and sadistic Regina (Laura Betti), try to flee the region. Attila is stabbed, non-fatally, several times by women wielding pitchforks and is imprisoned in the Berlinghieri pig sty. He is later executed by the peasants (while they cut off most of Regina's hair), who have discovered that Attila had raped and killed a young boy (ironically, the son of one of the most fervent supporters of fascism as an antidote to socialism) several years prior in a fit of rage and had also murdered a wealthy landowner's widow, Mrs. Pioppi (Alida Valli), whose husband had been economically ruined by Alfredo, in order to steal her land and home.Alfredo is brought before Olmo's workers tribunal to stand trial. Many workers come forth and accuse Alfredo of letting them suffer in squalor while he (and his social class) profited from their labors and on top of that, he did nothing to stop the sadistic Attila. Alfredo is sentenced to death, but his execution is prevented after Olmo explains that the padrone is already dead even though Alfredo lives... that is, the social system has been overthrown with the end of the war. As soon as the verdict overturned, however, representatives of the new government, which includes the Communist Party, arrive and call on the peasants to turn in their arms. Olmo convinces the peasants to do so, overcoming their skepticism. Alfredo declares to Olmo: "The padrone is alive." | cruelty, murder, violence, flashback, insanity, absurd, romantic, revenge, sadist | tt0074084 |
That's My Boy | Opening in the year 1984, 15-year-old outgoing and rebellious wild child Donny Berger brags to his friends about scoring tickets to Van Halen. One of the friends suggests taking a girl who they think is cute, but Donny declares he's not into girls anymore...he's into women. Ms. McGarricle (Eva Amurri), the sensually hot teacher is seen walking through the halls of the school, attracting the attention of many young boys. Donny makes a very stupid move trying to hit on her by inviting her to the concert and asking for a handjob, resulting in a month's worth of detention by Ms. McGarricle.In detention, however, Ms. McGarricle comes on to Donny, a very obviously inexperienced virgin, and invites him into her office, where his friend can hear the action. We see that this affair continues over several occasions, culminating during a school assembly, where they are caught having sex behind the stage curtain. As Ms. McGarricle runs away embarrassed, the entire student body (and a few faculty members) begin applauding Donny, then give him a standing ovation as he runs upfront and embraces his victory.Ms. McGarricle is put on trial for statutory rape (having sex with a minor), where the judge sentences her to 30 years in jail because the affair has resulted in a pregnancy. Donny's dad is pissed because the baby will be in his custody. As a result of this scandal, Donny becomes a nationwide sensation, getting a deal for a TV movie and becoming an overall celebrity.Present Day. Donny (Adam Sandler) meets with a man named Jim Nance (Rex Ryan) who informs Donny that he owes the IRS $43,000 after skipping taxes since 1994. They both talk about Donny's son whom he hasn't seen since he moved out, evidently because he was named Han Solo and was incredibly overweight. Jim suggests Donny get him to help, but he doesn't think that'll do anything. Jim also tells Donny about an obese man running in a marathon, and the odds on him are 8,000 to 1. Donny then bets $20 on him.Donny goes to a strip club and talks to waitress Brie (Ciara) and stripper Champale (Luenell). He sees a magazine with his son's picture, now very slim and having changed his name to Todd Peterson, and even making up a story that his parents died in an explosion. Donny learns that his son is getting married and that he is a successful hedge fund manager.In the next scene, we are introduced to Todd (Andy Samberg) and his fiancée Jamie (Leighton Meester). He is so nervous about her overbearing and annoying parents coming over that he even has a spare pair of underpants with him. She tells him to relax.Meanwhile, Donny goes to see a guy named Randall Morgan (Dan Patrick) for money. He bumps into Vanilla Ice (playing himself), who hates Donny for sleeping with his mom. They get into a fight until Randall breaks it up. He meets with Donny privately and tells him that he is no longer relevant like he was when he was a kid, so Donny schemes to get his name back out there while scoring some money. Randall tells him to get his son to come with them to the prison where his mother is for a reunion special, and Donny will get $50,000.Todd takes Jamie and her family to stay at his boss, Steve Spirou's (Tony Orlando), house. Jamie's brother Chad (Milo Ventimiglia), a marine, comes in and intimidates Todd. As they are having lunch, Donny appears and freaks Todd out. He pretends Donny is his old friend, giving Donny the opportunity to come up with an outrageous story about how he saved his life, which the family seems to believe. Todd pulls Donny into a room to talk to him about how he was an awful father and he needs to go away so he won't ruin his wedding, but Donny asks Todd to give him a chance, as well as going to see his mother in prison, making up a story about how she is terminally ill. Todd tells him to wear a tie for a cocktail party that's about to happen.Donny puts on a tie but looks as informal as he can. He does manage to make an impression on Steve and his mother, along with other guests by going "WAZZUP!" He tells the guests about the made-up story about saving Todd. He also meets a co-worker of Todd's named Phil (Will Forte) and his wife (Rachel Dratch). Phil admits that he had no idea why Todd picked him as the best man, so he passes it to Donny. Donny then notices a baseball field nearby and has everybody go play. This makes Todd nervous because he can't play sports, and it shows as he gets hit in the throat during the game.That night, Donny hears Jamie yelling at Todd to get the cake, showing how whipped he is. Donny sees him in the shower wearing a swimsuit, revealing an old tattoo of New Kids on the Block with warped heads, which Donny finds hysterical. They suddenly get into a tickle fight which becomes awkward when Donny waves his boner in Todd's face. Chad comes in and thinks they're wrestling, so he starts wrestling Todd, only to get knocked out by a bottle. Later, he whacks off to Steve's mom, who used to be a model. He admits to being turned on by the old woman now as opposed to the picture of her younger self. In the morning, she and Todd find all the used tissues on his bed.Everybody goes to church for a rehearsal with Father McNally (James Caan). He says he is sorry Todd's dad couldn't be there, and Todd says he deserved his imaginary fate of dying in a car explosion. McNally berates him for speaking of his father like that when he didn't abuse him, so Todd insults him. This leads to a fight outside, and Todd getting his ass kicked until Donny knocks out the priest with a bottle. The family is pissed at Todd for provoking the priest, but Donny saves him by telling the family that Todd had a bad experience with churches after his dad's "death," so he is forgiven, and they decide to have the wedding at Steve's home.As they are preparing at the home, Donny learns that there will be a bachelor party. It turns out Phil booked a party at a men's treatment spa, bringing Donny, Todd, Chad, Steve, and Jamie's dad Gerald (Blake Clark). Donny hates the place because he is not getting pleasures, even trying to proposition the masseuse (Jackie Sandler). He decides to take the guys to the strip club (not before nailing the hostess (Ana Gasteyer) who, despite her acknowledging how vulgar he is, still wants to screw him), where they all get drunk and get lap dances. Brie appears and tells Todd she knows he is Donny's son, but it'll be a secret.Chad, Steve, and Gerald go home while Phil gets head from a stripper. Donny and Todd leave to bond. Donny gives Todd an earring that Ms. McGarricle gave him, though he makes him bleed while putting it in. They run into Vanilla Ice (who was known to Todd as Uncle V as a kid), working at a skating rink. Donny apologizes to Ice for sleeping with his mom, and he forgives him. They then go into the rink after smoking a bong, messing with the skaters, along with Todd Bridges, who also works there. They go to a convenience store and drink beer without paying and get chased by the clerk with a shotgun, though he joins them in creating chaos as well, including stealing a little girl's bike to teach Todd how to ride, even though he hits a car and interrupts an old couple having sex.They return home, and Donny tells Todd he loves him, but Todd doesn't appear to feel that way about him yet. Ice passes out in the front lawn as they go inside. Donny ends up having sex with Steve's mom while Todd sees Jamie's wedding dress, thinking it's her, and starts humping it. He wakes up to Jamie screaming about the dress covered in puke, along with semen (which Jamie discovers after licking it). She yells at Todd and tells him to send the dress to the dry cleaners and to take off the earring. Ice then comes in after hearing the commotion, then goes back to banging Steve's mom.Donny makes Jamie's family and the two Chinese servants breakfast when he gets a call from Todd. He tells him that he left Donny a present and is going to see his mom in prison. Donny rushes to stop him, but Ms. McGarricle (now played by Susan Sarandon) is already coming to talk to Todd and Donny. She is still in love with Donny, and he still wants her back. That's when Randall and his crew come in and tape the reunion, which angers Todd as he realizes what's really going on. He leaves, but not before hitting Donny and getting tasered, and he craps his pants. Because Todd didn't sign the release form, Donny will not get paid.Donny goes home and hears Jamie on the phone with Steve, learning that she is cheating. He goes to the rehearsal dinner at night and tries telling Todd, but she manages to make up a cover story. He leaves again, shamed. As Jamie and Chad leave, Kenny (Nick Swardson), a very creepy guy who goes to the strip joint, tells Donny to go after Jamie and try and win her forgiveness. He gets into the hotel room after the clerks recognize him as the kid who banged his teacher. He goes up with two ice cream cones when he hears Jamie having sex. After sneaking in through the window, he discovers that Jamie is having sex with none other than... Chad! Donny is understandably grossed out, telling Chad he is a disgrace as a marine, until Jamie says that he only buys those outfits so their dad won't find out he's a jazz dancer (which Donny thinks is worse than the incest). Donny starts leaving to tell Todd, but Jamie says she will give him money to keep his mouth shut.Donny calls Jim and tells him that he got the money, but he opens Todd's gift and discovers it's an oven mitt puppet from his childhood. This inspires Donny to move on and stop the wedding. He rounds up Ice, and they get to the wedding in time. That's when Donny and Todd reveal that they are father and son, and Donny rips Jamie's check, saying he'd rather go to prison than take her money. He forces her to tell Todd about her affair with Chad through a whisper, but Todd is so grossed out that he blurts it out to everybody, and Donny reveals she is also sleeping with Steve. Todd then quits his job and starts walking out, proudly accepting his name as Han Solo Berger, also telling Steve how Donny and Ice banged his mom. Jamie grabs a cake knife and starts running toward Todd, but Donny knocks her out with a bottle. Chad tries to attack, but he is knocked out by Father McNally. Donny, Todd, and Ice leave together.Sometime later, Donny and Todd are having a little going-to-jail party at the strip club. Todd is now with Brie, and Donny accepts that he'll be going to jail for three years, because by then, Ms. McGarricle will be done with her sentence, and they can get together again. Just then, Jim comes in and tells Donny that the fat guy they bet on is running the marathon. Since Donny placed the bet, the money would come to $160,000. The patrons all cheer him on as the fat guy wins the marathon, and therefore, Donny will now have enough to avoid prison. | humor | tt1232200 |
Idle Hands | Anton Tobias is an average lazy stoner teenager. He has two caring parents (Fred Willard and Connie Ray) and two best friends, Pnub (Elden Henson) and Mick (Seth Green). He has a crush on Molly (Jessica Alba), the girl across the street. Everything is going fine until a string of murders plagues the town. Then, when Anton's parents wind up dead on Halloween, all the clues point to Anton. Anton's hand stabs Mick's forehead with a bottle (killing him), and throws a circular saw blade at Pnub (beheading him). He then realises that his right hand has become possessed (little does he know, the hand is searching for a soul to bring back to Hell). Anton's hand throws his cat across the street after fighting for the remote, and while searching for his cat, his hand forces him to ring Molly's doorbell and the two start a relationship. Anton holds a funeral (of sorts) for his parents and friends. However, Pnub and Mick decide not to go to heaven, claiming the entrance was "too far", and instead return to their former bodies, (although Mick has a bottle in his head and Pnub is still decapitated). With their help Anton must stop his possessed hand.Meanwhile, a druidic high priestess named Debi LeCure (Vivica A. Fox) in Utah has found out that when the locations of killings that have happened all over the country are connected in the order they happened, it makes a pentagram. After his hand kills two cops Anton knew from high school, Anton cuts it off with a cleaver and Mick cauterizes his wound with an iron. Pnub and Mick go to his place for a First-Aid Kit as Anton battles with his severed hand, eventually trapping it in a microwave and burning it. Meanwhile, Debi (now along with Randy (Jack Noseworthy), a local metalhead with a monster truck and a neighbor of Anton) hunts Anton down, as Debi knows how to put a stop to Anton's possessed hand. After sending Molly to the school dance, to what Anton thinks will be a safe place, Anton returns to his home to finish off the hand. Unfortunately Pnub and Mick opened the microwave to make some burritos and the hand had already escaped. Mick fixes Pnub's decapitated head with a meat fork and duct tape and they head to the dance with Anton to look for the hand.The three steal Randy's Ford, accidentally hitting Debi while backing up, and knocking her unconscious. Randy uses "CPR" on her and revives her. Meanwhile, a couple making out in a car are killed, one's neck being broken, the other's head bashed in. Anton, Pnub, and Mick see this and split up. Mick and Pnub go to the school Halloween dance (everyone thinks their gory appearance is a costume) to watch over Molly, while Anton looks for the hand. The hand, meanwhile, kills the principal in his office while he indulges in a little phone sex. Randy and Debi meet up with Anton, and after attempting to kill him to "stop the evil", they realize he has cut off his hand, and it is loose somewhere in the building, Debi explains to Anton that the hand will drag Molly's soul into the netherworld with it at 12:00am Druid time, which is in 6 minutes. Pnub and Mick, meanwhile, are at the dance 'watching' over Molly. Anton tries to warn everyone about his hand, but is just booed at for stopping the show.The Hand then kills the lead singer (Dexter Holland of The Offspring) at the dance and causes a panic. Molly and her friend Tanya, however, escape through the vents. They end up at a giant fan, and Molly uses Tanya's shoe to stop the fan from moving. Molly climbs down using a rope, but Tanya is too afraid to go, so she stalls; and the hand comes and ties the rope around her neck, then shoves her down. Then the Hand removes Tanya's shoe, causing the rope to pull Tanya into the now moving fan. Molly runs into the art room, only to have a pot smashed on her head by the hand, knocking her out. Anton, now searching in the art room, fights with the Hand while it is inside a puppet; but as soon as he is about to finish it off, Mick and Pnub drop from the vents right on top of him, causing it to escape. They hear Molly scream, and find the Hand in an autoshop, with Molly strapped to a car being raised toward a pentagram on the ceiling. Anton, Mick & Pnub fight with the Hand over the controls to try stop the car, but the Hand has a good grip. Mick finds a mechanics "Mighty Joe Bong" and he and Pnub smoke a bowl "for strength" while Molly is raised toward the roof. Anton takes in some and blows his smoke into the Hand (which is still inside a hand-puppet) getting it stoned, where it drops the controls and they save Molly. Debi throws a ritual knife into the Hand (which lands in Mick's chest), stopping it in a puff of smoke and fire. She and Randy take off for "ritualistic sex." Anton releases Molly from the top of the car, they go under the car and start making out. Meanwhile, Mick realizes he never got a hit off of the mechanics 3-Chamber Bong, and tells Pnub to 'light me up'. In the process of lighting the Bong, Pnub accidentally hits the controls for the car, and Anton is crushed by the car when the controls lower it too fast.In the film's climax, Anton and Molly went into the hospital. Anton has given up heaven to stay with Molly, and Mick and Pnub are now his Guardian Angels, sent to see that he does not return to his "evil ways". After Molly leaves, Mick and Pnub go to the SnackMaster in the hall, shutting off the lights as they leave the room. Anton looks at the ceiling to see "I'M UNDER THE BED" written in glow-in-the-dark paint. As Anton screams for Mick and Pnub, the two joke about how they wrote the sign and how Anton screams like a girl. | comedy, murder, stupid, cult, violence, good versus evil, entertaining | tt0138510 |
The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island | After a swarm of "leaf-gobblers" devours all of the plants in the Great Valley and reduces it to a barren wasteland, the inhabitants leave to find another place where they can survive until the plants in the Great Valley have regrown. However, the leaf-gobblers have left a path of devastation behind them, leaving no food for the dinosaurs to find. After searching for many days, tension enters the group as Cera's father and Littlefoot's grandfather argue over changing their course, which starts a fight between Littlefoot and Cera. The fight soon breaks up when Cera's father declares that each herd should go its own way the next morning.
Not wishing to be separated, Littlefoot leads his friends away from the adults during the night, intending to find food before they are found missing. They leave a trail for the grownups to follow, and eventually reach the "Big Water". Although they are disgusted by the saltwater, they see a verdant island connected to the mainland by a thin land bridge. On their way, an earthshake occurs, causing it a tsunami that they narrowly escape. They quickly tuck into the plentiful bounty of the island, but are then horrified to discover the tsunami has destroyed the land bridge.
Isolated on the island, they try out Cera's idea to return to the mainland by using a log as a boat. The plan initially works well, despite Cera suffering seasickness and Petrie being too terrified of the Big Water to act as lookout. However, a Cretoxyrhina attacks, and in the confusion and fright that follows, they end up on the island again. That night, they remember their families, while the herd, who discovered the children were missing and followed the trail, sleep on the beach on the mainland, worrying for their safety.
The next morning, the children wake up to the shadow of a Sharptooth. They take off, but find themselves cornered by high cliffs. They huddle together when the Sharptooth approaches, only to find that it is Chomper, a young Sharptooth who hatched in their care before returning to his parents, and who has learned how to talk like the children. Chomper hides the children from his parents in foul-smelling plants, and provides them with leaves upon their request. However, an overcautious Cera openly distrusts Chomper because he is a Sharptooth, which saddens him, and he departs. Littlefoot follows him and apologizes, but is interrupted by Chomper's mother. Littlefoot watches as she nuzzles Chomper, then leaves, and is intrigued by her display of love to Chomper.
Meanwhile, a Giganotosaurus living on the island finds and chases the children. Chomper and his parents intervene, and they battle the Sharptooth near the edge of the island. The Sharptooth eventually falls into the Big Water and takes Chomper with him, much to his parents' shock. Littlefoot dives in to save Chomper while the Sharptooth is swept away by the current. An Elasmosaurus named Elsie appears, saving Littlefoot and Chomper from drowning. She returns them to the island, where Chomper's parents promise never to harm the children. Cera realizes and accepts that not all Sharpteeth are so bad and monstrous as she thought. Elsie offers to take them across the sea, so Chomper and his parents bid them farewell, promising to see them again. When back on the mainland, the children find that the herd found a lush, green, little sanctuary on the shore to stay in until the Great Valley becomes fertile again. | psychedelic | tt0123950 |
Forrest Gump | In 1982, Forrest Gump recounts his life story to strangers who sit next to him on a bench in Savannah, Georgia.
On his first day of school, in Greenbow, Alabama, Forrest meets a girl named Jenny Curran. Despite his low intelligence quotient, his running ability wins him a football scholarship. After his college graduation, he enlists in the army, where he befriends a fellow soldier named Bubba, who convinces Gump to go into the shrimping business with him when the war is over. They are sent to Vietnam, and during an ambush, Bubba is killed in action. Gump saves many of his platoon, including his Lieutenant, Dan Taylor, who loses both his legs. Gump is awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroism.
While Gump is in recovery for a shot to his buttocks, he discovers a talent for ping pong. He becomes a ping pong celebrity and plays competitively against Chinese teams in ping pong diplomacy. At an anti-war rally in Washington, D.C., Gump reunites with Curran, who has been living a hippie lifestyle.
Returning home, Gump endorses a company that makes ping pong paddles. He uses the earnings to buy a shrimping boat, fulfilling his promise to Bubba. Dan joins Gump, and although they initially have little success, after their boat becomes the only one to survive Hurricane Carmen, they pull in huge amounts of shrimp. They use their income to buy a fleet of shrimp boats. Dan invests the money in Apple Computer (which Gump naively thinks is a fruit company) and Gump is financially secure for the rest of his life. He returns home to see his mother's last days.
Jenny returns to visit Gump and he proposes to her. She declines, but feels obliged to prove her love to him by having sex with him. She leaves early the next morning. On a whim, Gump elects to go for a run. He decides to keep running across the country several times, over three and a half years, becoming famous in the process.
In the present, Gump reveals that he is waiting at the bus stop because he received a letter from Jenny who, having seen him run on television, asked him to visit her. Reunited with Jenny, she introduces him to his son, also named Forrest. Jenny tells Gump she is sick. The three move back to Greenbow, Alabama. Jenny and Gump finally marry but she dies soon afterward. Forrest and his son await the school bus on Forrest Jr's first day of school. | comedy, psychological, stupid, whimsical, dramatic, cult, cute, clever, flashback, historical fiction, psychedelic, humor, action, feel-good, melodrama, inspiring, romantic, historical, entertaining, sentimental | tt0109830 |
Revolver | Jake Green (Jason Statham) is in prison in solitary confinement for seven years. He has two mysterious characters serving solitary in cells on either side of him (one a con man, the other a chess master). While in solitary, Jake and the other two exchange thoughts on chess and the perfect con via handwritten messages slipped inside of provisional books that the three share. Jake comes to learn the makings of a perfect con, but never fully grasps its depth and relevancy to him until much, much later. In the course of these exchanges, Jake reveals a lot about himself to the other two. Jake never meets these two men face to face. The two prisoners plan to break out of prison and agree to break Jake out as well. The next day, the two escape, leaving Jake behind. He feels cheated.Jake remains in prison while the two escaped convicts steal all the money Jake had hidden "on the outside". They trusted Jake with the formula; Jake trusted them as to the whereabouts of his money...a LOT of money. They take the money, leaving in its place, a message on a card:The first rule of any game - YOU CAN ONLY GET SMARTER BY PLAYING A SMARTER OPPONENT.Cut to two years later.When Jake gets out of prison, broke and penniless, he starts to practice what he understands of the formula and of the con he learned from his time in solitary. Its very successful and he does very well in world of gambling, he seemingly learned a valuable lesson from the two conmen inside.Once Jake is up on his feet again (financially speaking), he takes on his nemesis the power hungry Dorothy Macha (Ray Liotta). Jake enters Macha's casino with his brothers in tow, and is swiftly summoned before Macha to play a game of chance. En route to Macha's game, they must take an elevator up 22 floors, where it is revealed Jake suffers from extreme claustrophobia following his years in solitary, and must suppress an anxiety attack to make the journey. At the game, Jake beats him in a game of chance, humiliating Macha. Fearing more of the same, Macha wants revenge and orders a hit on Jake. As Jake and his brothers leave the casino, Jake is approached by a mysterious man (Zach), who offers him assistance and hands him a note reading "take the elevator." Jake cannot face the return journey and opts to take the stairs, but blacks out unexpectedly, falls down the stairs and is rushed to the hospital. The doctors report he is very ill but do not disclose why he had the blackout. Macha puts out the order for a hit on Jake, asking professional killer Sorter (Mark Strong) to take care of things. Jake arrives home, without Billy, to be welcomed by one of Macha's hits. Jake is the only one who survives, being rescued by the mysterious Zach. Sorter is confounded by Jake's escape and survival, unaccustomed to his hits going wrong, which instigates a quiet, intense process of self-questioning in the otherwise passionless killer.Zach takes Jake to his equally mysterious partner, Avi, who produces the results of his hospital tests and informs him that he is in desperate physical trouble from an internal disease, with only three days to live. He tells Jake he and his partner can save him from both Macha and his physical aliment.Simultaneously, Macha is trying to get into business with the infamous, but apparently invisible Sam Gold. He makes a deal with his female representative Lily Walker (who represents the queen on the chess board). Macha is warned if he does not come through on the deal that Sam Gold will be very disappointed. Macha is after the reward of being in business with Gold (who represents the opponent) and foresees no problem.The deal is for some white powder, which represents vice of multiple manifestations, in other words, false ways to escape the wrath of Gold or win the game, but perversely these just bring you closer to him.Jake agrees to do whatever the two mysterious characters tell him to do (a gun to the head so to speak - he has three days to live), there is no time to haggle, and he is prepared to do whatever hes told by these characters. Avi (André Benjamin) and Zach (Vincent Pastore) appear to be loan sharks and gradually force Jake to give away all his money that he made using the con, much to his despair. This is so painful that it seems to be killing a part of him, as Avi and Zach force him to do whatever he hates to do. Jake is repeatedly forced into elevators, taking him on a physiological and psychological ride from hell. They also sabotage Macha's deal with Gold, putting Macha in jeopardy with Gold and forcing Macha to seek the powder from a rival crime boss, Lord Jon (Tom Wu). To make matters worse, they sabotage the deal with Lord Jon to make it appear that each gang is responsible for the treachery. These two gangs begin to destroy one another through their ignorance and greed.Jake's journey climaxes when Avi and Zach, now his masters, ask Jake to shoot a man that didn't pay a debt. Jake refuses, going against the voice in his head. This is the turning point and just when Jake has had enough he forces the two mysterious characters to reveal their game. Is he ready for the answer? What is the point of putting him through all this pain?Avi and Zach simply repeat the treasured formula that Jake learned in prison and which the audience is told at the start of the film.The first rule of any game: YOU CAN ONLY GET SMARTER BY PLAYING A SMARTER OPPONENT.Jake now realizes that he has fallen victim to this "perfect con", that he is actually the pawn in the game, and his opponent ("Sam Gold"), resides inside Jake's head - "the last place he would ever look" (another component of the perfect con formula) Sam Gold is a metaphor camouflaged as fear, ego, evil, the Devil.Now armed with this information which has been so elusive, Jake goes to war with himself. He realizes the game Avi and Zach have made him play has been to diminish the Sam Gold within himself - and that is why he felt like he was dying, because a part of him was.This game it seems is back to front. Jake gives away his remaining money to a charity in Dorothy Macha's name and Macha takes the credit. At this point we understand that the voice we hear in the film as a voice over is not a voice over at all, it's the Sam Gold in each of the character's heads.Macha is being fattened up by the voice in his head that encourages Macha to take the credit.To conquer the game that Jake now realizes he is in, he goes to Macha and humiliates himself, begging for forgiveness at the foot of his bed. This goes completely against the voice in Jakes head, which is now in major agony. Leaving Macha's bedroom, Jake takes an elevator that gets stuck, (his worst nightmare, as he is claustrophobic) but here is where a real battle takes place. Jake induces the pain "Sam Gold" hides behind. Sam Gold tries every technique to control and debilitate Jake, but Jake is now detached enough from the voice to fall for it. "Embrace the pain and you will win this game" -- in doing this, Jake completely sheds himself of Sam Gold. Immediately upon doing so, the elevator starts up. He realizes that though free from the physical prison he knew for seven years, he was still a prisoner - of his own mind. Upon facing and defeating his fear, he is profoundly free.As the elevator doors open, there stands a confused and angry Macha with a gun in his hand. He can't understand what game Jake is playing, but Jake no longer cares about Macha. Gun or no gun, Jake walks straight past Macha. Because Jake no longer fears him, Macha breaks down. His ego can't handle this, he falls prey to the voice he hears inside his head, the voice of his own "Sam Gold". Still unaware of who Sam Gold really is, and where he resides, Macha agonizes over his knowledge that Sam Gold is going to come and get him. What he doesnt realize is that Sam Gold is already getting him - from the inside.Jake makes a large donation of money to a charity in Macha's name, further conquering the Sam Gold within him, while augmenting the Sam Gold within Macha, who happily takes the credit and public acclaim. Macha is at first magnanimous towards Jake following this gesture, however on learning that Jake had orchestrated the sabotage on the 'powder' deals, Macha orders him dead with renewed vigour. Macha's men find Jakes brother and niece at his home. While Macha's henchmen are in the process of torturing Jake's brother and threatening his little girl, the previously passive Sorter concludes his process of self-questioning and steps in, methodically executing all of Macha's men only to be outgunned in the end by the last surviving member of the gang, who takes Jake's niece back to Macha.Jake, now understanding that the mysterious characters Avi and Zach are not who he thought they were, finishes a game of chess in Macha's casino with Avi. Here it is revealed that Avi could have beaten him at any time. Avi tells him one of the rules again, the art is for the opponent to feed pieces to the victim to make them believe they took those pieces because they are smarter and you are dumber. Jake realizes that these are the two associates from Solitary confinement that he spent seven years living between while in prison. They promised they would break him out of prison and they did, its just Jake didn't realize it was the prison of his mind and how big that prison was. Avi and Zach confide they did not help him because they liked him, but because they ARE him - they are aspects, or projections, of his own higher self. Meanwhile, Jake's Sam Gold persona grew from Jake's activities on emerging from prison, fooling his enemies into thinking he was making them rich when instead he was siphoning their money away from them, just as the ego grows rich from encouraging excess and a sense of entitlement in those within whom it resides.Jake confronts Macha, who is holding his niece hostage. Jake continues to be unafraid of Macha, who continues to be unnerved by his lack of fear - the "Sam Gold" inside Macha is screaming with rage, pride, fear, while Macha himself is consumed by doubt and panic. Macha is convinced Sam Gold is coming to kill him for screwing up the 'powder' delivery and the "Sam Gold" within Macha - his ego - whispers "you can't kill someone who's already dead." Ultimately, his pride and fear lead Macha to suicide rather than kill Jake or his niece. Sam Gold wins.In the end it's a story about realizing that the prison is the mind and the ego is the hidden master of that environment. The only real enemy to have ever existed is within; it is fear. The external world is determined, to great degree, by ones fear. Fear is the opponent in life, and as you get smarter so does he. Once it's recognized for what it is, it can be mastered, but without recognition of this situation, you are simply an unconscious slave and the game hasn't gone full circle. | psychological, murder, violence, cult, flashback, clever, philosophical, sadist | tt0365686 |
The Thrill of It All | Doris Day insisted on the considerable talents of relatively unknown director Norman Jewison and drama and action movie lead man James Garner for this physical comedy which features relatively late motion picture appearances by star character performers ZaZu Pitts and Arlene Francis. An overworked obstetrician seems out of his wits once his wife ceases being a stay at home to work the time consuming world of commercial advertising. Arlene Francis plays the doctor's late in life pregnant patient who accidentally introduces Doris to her father-in-law, who insists she become the spokeswoman for his line of soaps.The talented James Garner, in a rare comic appearance, seems able to steal the show from Doris at every turn with exquisite timing, extraordinary onscreen chemistry with Doris and hitherto untapped talent for slapstick. comedy . The confusion causes their first maid, ZaZu. Pitts to wrongly assume the doctor has unnatural designs on her when his wife is out working late hours.Their two toddlers, left largely to fend for themselves while mommy and daddy play narcissists, are featured at play in some of the cutest lines throughout the film. ZaZu is replaced by an hilarious second maid who speaks no English, cannot take vital blurted phone messages and ends up escorting the family through acres of soapsuds with daddy's open convertible fallen to the bottom of their swimming pool. Once a psychiatrist convinces Garner to turn the tables on Doris, he gets his secretary at the hospital to pretend to be his mistress to make Doris jealous. Everything is sorted out when Doris ends up at a party given for Arlene Francis. Arlene announces that her baby is due. There seems no way for her to get to the hospital on time. Garner arrives on horseback to deliver the baby with Doris' help. The couple realizes they have plenty of things to keep them together raising their own children , who ask for a little brother or sister at the final credits. | comedy | tt0057581 |
Il postino | Mario Ruoppolo is a young man in an insular Italian fishing village where time moves slowly. Since Mario's seasickness doesn't allow him to fish, he is given the job of postman, delivering mail on a bicycle to only a single customer, the famous Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. After a while, the two become good friends. Neruda has been exiled to Italy because of his communist views. In the meantime, Mario meets a beautiful young lady, Beatrice Russo, in the village's only cafe. With the help of Neruda, Mario is able to better communicate his love to her through the use of metaphors. The two are later married. The poet Neruda and his wife are allowed to return to Chile. Some months after Mario makes a recording of village sounds for Neruda. Years after Neruda come back to the island as a tourist, he finds Beatrice and her son in the same old cafe. Through her, he discovers that Mario had been killed a while back. He was going to read his poetry at a large political gathering in Naples but was killed by police intervention. Beatrice gives Neruda the recordings of village sounds, which also record the sounds of police brutality leading to Mario's death. | boring | tt0110877 |
All About Eve | At a prestigious awards ceremony, the celebrities of the theatrical world gather to honor one of their brightest new stars: the amazing young Eve Harrington (Anne Baxter), whose meteoric rise to fame is unprecedented. Looking on from the audience are many other famous thespians and figures of the theater: the well known director Bill Simpson (Gary Merrill), the successful playwright Lloyd Richards (Hugh Marlowe) and his wife Karen (Celeste Holm), and one of the brightest stars of Broadway, the incomparable Margo Channing (Bette Davis). All look upon Miss Harrington with a mixture of distaste and disgust on their faces, while off to the side sits the well known and often reviled theater critic Addison DeWitt (George Sanders), who, with a bemused look on his face, begins to recount Eve's recent past. He, better than anyone else, knows all about Eve.Not so long ago, Eve was just a star-struck young woman, waiting outside the stage door night after night, hoping to catch a glimpse of her idol Margo Channing. Finally noticed and brought in by Margo's friend Karen, Eve gushes her unworthiness and gratitude, and manages to ingratiate herself quickly into Margo's life as a general assistant. She also impresses Margo's long-time mate Bill as a helpful and guileless girl who wants nothing more than to be of use. Before long, Eve is living in Margo's home, answering telephones and bringing her breakfast in bed. Birdie, Margo's maid (Thema Ritter) begins to dislike Eve, and tells Margo that it's unnerving the way Eve studies her every move. She can sense trouble brewing.Thus alerted to Eve's behavior, Margo become's suspicious, and while all around assure her that Eve is an innocent kid just trying to help, she begins to see plots and schemes everywhere. Holding a party for Bill's birthday, Margo gets a little too drunk and angrily abuses everyone. Confiding in Karen after Margo's stinging accusations, Eve asks a favor: could Karen possibly put in a good word for her with her playwright husband? She's consider it the greatest thing in her life if she could serve as Margo's unworthy understudy the new play he's writing.Karen gladly assents, and all too soon Eve gets her chance to show her own abilities. Margo is famous for being late, and at an ordinary read-through which she fails to attend, Eve upstages Margo badly, astonishing the critic DeWitt with her wonderful abilities. Suddenly there's a new kid in town, and under her very nose Eve is stealing all of Margo's attention. Stunned by Eve, Margo has an angry confrontation with Bill, who decides it's time he said goodbye. Karen and Lloyd have also become fed up with Margo's attitude towards Eve, and Karen decides to teach her old friend a lesson. A suspiciously empty gas tank prevents Margo from returning from a weekend getaway in time for that night's performance, and Eve takes the stage. The performance is very good, and Addison DeWitt begins to take more than a passing interest in the career of Miss Harrington. Waiting outside her dressing room, he overhears Eve as she tries to seduce Bill away from Margo. Bill refuses her advances, and DeWitt steps in to the opportunity.His review in the paper lauds Eve and quotes her as saying some rather nasty things about Margo Channing. Shaken into the realization that Margo has been justly suspicious of Eve all along, Bill returns and Lloyd and Karen rally around their old friend. Bill even proposes marriage to Margo, and they all celebrate over dinner, but a note arrives for Karen during the meal. Eve is waiting in the ladies room, begging Karen to listen to what she has to say. Curious but armed with complete distrust, she finds Eve lamenting this terrible turn of events. DeWitt has twisted her words she claims, and the last thing in the world Eve wanted was to hurt her idol Margo.For a moment, Karen believes Eve is sincere, and reassures her that Margo will recover. Rising to leave, Eve asks another favor. She wants Karen to make sure the lead in her husband's next play is given to her. Eve is suddenly hard and cold, and Karen, confused, refuses at first. Eve however has a nasty threat to hold over Karen. She'll reveal to DeWitt just who it was that arranged that empty gas tank, and kept Margo out of the city. Stunned, Karen must assent, and returns to the table not knowing just what to do. Margo announces she's decided not to be in that new play Lloyd's writing anyway, and Karen is forced to laugh at the bizarre turn of events while the others wonder just what is so funny.Soon Eve is on stage as the lead in Lloyd's play, with Bill reluctantly directing. Everyone is fighting backstage, but Eve reveals herself as a master at manipulation, coddling and soothing everyone to keep them working together, all the while driving wedges into their relationships. She also begins to work on stealing Lloyd away from Karen, and by the time they are ready to open off Broadway, Eve has set the stage for her greatest triumph. Addison DeWitt has followed events closely and has become Eve's closest adviser, attending the rehearsals. Walking her back to the hotel in the afternoon before opening night, he implements a plan of his own. Telling Eve that he will be taking control of her career, she becomes angry with him and tells him to get out. She announces that Lloyd is leaving Karen for her, and once she has him under her control, there will be no limit to what she can achieve.DeWitt has other plans. He has had a long talk with Lloyd's wife Karen, and he know much more than Eve thinks. He also knows that Eve herself is nothing what she seems; she has lied about her past, her name, everything in fact, and he now has the power to wreck her career before it really starts. Also, Lloyd is not leaving his wife for her. Eve will now do as he says."You're an improbable person, Eve," he says, "but so am I. We have that in common. Also a contempt for humanity, an inability to love or be loved, insatiable ambition - and talent. We deserve each other." Finding her own manipulations turned against her, Eve is forced to accept DeWitt's terms. She collapses on the bed in tears.And so we return to the prestigious ceremony where the wonderful Eve Harrington is accepting an award from a room full of her peers. Cold and calculating, she has achieved all her ambitions at the cost of all trust or friendship. Margo Channing will go on being Margo Channing, and Eve will be left to her own bitterness at being under Addison DeWitt's control. Returning to her empty hotel room, she pours a drink, and is startled to see a young woman sleeping in a chair behind her."Who are you?" demands Eve angrily. The young woman is Phoebe, a high-school girl who admires her immensely. The doorbell rings, and Eve, too tired to answer it, accepts Phoebe's offer of help. At the door is DeWitt, returning with Eve's forgotten award. In a glance, he takes in Phoebe and all her shallow ambition, and as he leaves he smiles sardonically, knowing that the cycle is beginning all over again. | psychological, satire, flashback | tt0042192 |
The Transporter | Frank Martin (Jason Statham) is a highly skilled driver known only as "The Transporter." The titular character is a former Special Forces officer who, disillusioned with his former leadership and tortured by the memories of his past, now lives on the French Mediterranean coastline with a lucrative "backup" career. He will transport anything, no questions asked, from Point A to Point B, always on time, and he is known as the best in the business. He strictly follows three rules when transporting: Rule #1: "No new deals, when it's a deal, it's a deal", Rule #2: "No names", and Rule #3: "Don't open the package".
Frank has been hired to transport "Three men, 254 kilos." When not three but four men get into his car, fresh from a bank heist, Frank refuses to move, holding fast to Rule #1. After one gang member is killed by the others, Frank leaves with the remaining robbers. On delivery to their destination, they foist new money on Frank to drive further from the city. He refuses the deal, again adhering to Rule #1. The robbers escape in another car, and Frank leaves.
Frank returns to his mansion in the south of France, and he finds out via the news that the gang was caught after crashing their getaway car in a pursuit. Later, local police Inspector Tarconi (François Berléand), who happens to be a close acquaintance, arrives to question Frank about the robbery, since his make and model of car was the same used in the robbery. However, despite his suspicions about Frank's involvement, Tarconi has no concrete proof about the heist (due to Frank cleaning up the car and changing the licence plate) and leaves his Villa.
Frank is then hired to deliver a package to an American gangster (Matt Schulze) known only as "Wall Street.". During the way, he notices that something is moving in the package, but he refuses to open the bag due to Rule #3. While changing a flat tire on the road in France, he breaks one of his rules and opens the package that was placed into the trunk at Point A. He finds the package is really a woman, and he makes a small hole and gives her a bottle of juice to drink. He delivers the package as promised to Point B.
Wall Street suggest Frank to transport a briefcase to the new position. Frank relucantly accepts the job. He takes the briefcase and leaves. On the way, he stops at a gas station to eat and rest for a little while, but the briefcase turns out to be a bomb that destroys Frank's car in the parking lot but leaves him unharmed. Frank snaps and returns to Wall Street's residence with a vengeance, dispatching several of his henchmen and then stealing a car to get away, only to find "the package" tied to a chair in the back seat.
Later on, he returns to his house, and unties the package who tells him that her name is Lai. The next day, Tarconi arrives again and makes the usual inquires, producing a scorched license plate, and the suspicion that a house maid drives a Mercedes. Lai supports Frank's alibi, leaving Tarconi with no proof again (who didn't notice that the front light on the car was broken). However, after he leaves, missiles rain down on Frank's house, and Frank and Lai are barely able to escape the house into the sewer, swimming away from the house before it completely explodes. They hide in an apartment in the city, but Tarconi finds them and takes them to the police station for questioning about the destruction of Frank's house.
At the police station, Frank and Lai are able deflect Tarconi's questions, and Lai manages to sneak onto Tarconi's computer to access information on Wall Street. She tells Frank that Wall Street is trafficking two shipping containers full of Chinese people including her own father and family, and is planning to sell them into slavery. Lai and Frank go to Wall Street's office to find the shipping docket identifying the containers. However, Wall Street reveals that Lai's family is not in the containers. In fact, her father is the man responsible for the human trafficking. Tarconi, who was following Frank, then arrives at the office. Wall Street and Lai's father accuse Frank of kidnapping Lai and attempting to blackmail them. Unable to prove otherwise, Tarconi has Frank arrested and locked up in the station.
At the station, Frank does his best to explain the situation to Tarconi. Tarconi agrees to abet Frank's escape as his faux hostage. Frank then tracks the criminals to the docks, where they load the containers onto trucks. However, Frank is spotted and is forced to fight his way through the guards, failing to stop the trucks. He then steals a small airplane and parachutes onto one of the trucks, killing Wall Street and a number of his henchmen. After getting out of the truck, Frank is then ambushed by Lai's father. However, Frank is saved when Lai shoots her own father. Afterwards, Tarconi arrives with the police and they rescue the people trapped inside the containers, and Frank and Lai help to load them in the ambulances as the film ends.
The Transporter drives a BMW in the first film and an Audi A8 (12 cylinder W12) in the 2nd and 3rd films. | comedy, cult, revenge, action, murder | tt0293662 |
Clash of the Titans | In ancient times, after defeating their predecessors, the Titans, the gods divided the Universe among themselves. Zeus took the skies, Poseidon took the seas, and Hades was left with the Underworld upon being tricked by Zeus. The gods created the mortals, whose faith and prayers fueled the gods' immortality. As time passed, however, mortals began to question and soon resist their creators, angering the Olympians.
A fisherman named Spyros finds a coffin adrift in the sea, discovering a baby, Perseus, and his mother, Danaë. Spyros and his wife, Marmara, raise Perseus as their own son, alongside their daughter, Tekla. One day, an adult Perseus and his family watch soldiers from the city of Argos destroying the statue of Zeus. Infuriated at this, the Gods unleash the Furies who attack the soldiers and destroy the family's fishing vessel. Only Perseus survives and is found by a group of the soldiers.
Perseus is brought before King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia, who are celebrating their campaign against the gods. Queen Cassiopeia compares her daughter Andromeda to the gods and boasts that she is more beautiful than Aphrodite. The revelry is cut short by the arrival of Hades, who has been given leave by Zeus to punish the mortals for their defiance. Hades threatens to unleash his monster, the Kraken, against Argos, unless Andromeda is offered as a sacrifice. Before leaving, he reveals that Perseus is a demigod and the son of Zeus. Perseus meets Io, who confirms his origin. According to Io, a king of Argos named Acrisius defied the Gods and laid siege on Olympus. Zeus wanted to teach him a lesson, but he could not kill the humans because he loved them so much. Instead, he decided to make an example out of Acrisius and disguised himself as the king, and then had sex with Queen Danae. When Acrisius realized this, he executed his wife and son, while cursing Zeus and denying him their bodies. Zeus punishes him further by changing him into the deformed creature Calibos. Though Queen Danae dies, her son, who turns out to be Perseus, survives.
Perseus leads the King's Guard to the Stygian Witches, looking for a way to kill the Kraken. After being betrayed by the power-hungry Hades, Zeus gives Perseus a sword forged on Mount Olympus and a winged horse named Pegasus. Perseus refuses both, but the captain of the King's guard, Draco, keeps the sword for when Perseus needs it. Soon after, they are attacked by Calibos. Draco severs Calibos's hand and forces him to flee. The band give chase but are attacked by giant scorpions called Scorpioxs that spring from spilled drops of Calibos's blood. They are saved by a band of Djinn, non-human desert sorcerers led by Sheik Suleiman, who tame the remaining Scorpioxs. Also wishing for the gods' defeat, the Djinn lend their aid to Perseus and his band.
The group arrives at the lair of the Stygian Witches and learn that to kill the Kraken, they must obtain and use the head of Medusa, a gorgon who resides in a temple in the Underworld. Any living creature that looks on Medusa's eyes turns into stone. Perseus, Io, Suleiman, Draco, and their remaining men cross into the Underworld. The men enter Medusa's temple lair while Io, being a woman and forbidden from entering, remains outside. Medusa kills everyone but Perseus, who manages to behead her by using his reflective shield to see her with his back turned. As he leaves the temple, Calibos appears behind Io and fatally stabs her. As Perseus and Calibos fight, Perseus accepts that he is a son of Zeus, picks up the Olympian sword, and stabs Calibos through the chest, which restores him to his human form. With his last breath, Calibos urges Perseus not to become a god. Before dying, Io urges Perseus to leave her and save Andromeda and Argos. Pegasus takes Perseus back to Argos as the Kraken is released. The people of Argos seize and bind Andromeda to offer her to the Kraken. Meanwhile, Hades reveals he does not require the faith or worship of mortals as Zeus does, as he has learned to survive on their fear. Hades then subdues the weakened Zeus.
Perseus arrives at Argos and exposes Medusa's head to the Kraken, which makes eye contact just before it is able to reach Andromeda. The Kraken, petrified, slowly turns to stone and shatters. Prokopion, the insane leader of the Cult of Hades, tries to kill Perseus, but Cepheus stops him and is stabbed, before both are killed when the Kraken's petrified hand falls on them. Hades appears, intending to kill Perseus, but Perseus, calling upon Zeus, throws his sword at Hades, forcing him back to the Underworld. Perseus rescues Andromeda, who is now crowned Queen of Argos. She asks Perseus to stay by her side as King, but he declines. Perseus also refuses another offer of godhood from Zeus, who then proclaims that if Perseus is to live as a human he should not be alone and subsequently revives Io. Thus, Perseus and Io become lovers. | cult, revenge, psychedelic | tt0082186 |
Creed | In the opening scene, set at a juvenile correctional facility in Los Angeles in the year 1998, a fight breaks out between Adonis "Donnie" Johnson (Alex Henderson) and another boy after the boy says something about Donnie's late mother. After being pulled away and placed in his cell, Donnie is visited by Mary Anne Creed (Phylicia Rashad). Thinking she is another social worker there to put him in another group home, Donnie refuses to talk to her until she says that his father was her husband, and she would like him to come live with her. Donnie asks her what his father's name was.In the present day, in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, Donnie (now played by Michael B. Jordan) is competing in a boxing match. He defeats his opponent easily and collects his earnings. 12 hours later, he returns to Los Angeles where he works a desk job. Unsatisfied, he hands in his letter of resignation to his boss and chooses to move on.Donnie goes to the Delphi Gym where his father, the late Apollo Creed, used to train. Donnie challenges all the fighters in the gym to a match, and the winner gets the keys to his Mustang. One fighter steps up, but Donnie knocks him down easily. Another professional fighter, Danny "Stuntman" Wheeler (Andre Ward), takes on Donnie and defeats him, taking the keys. Donnie goes to Mary Anne's home and she sees his bloodshot eye. She hates that he is fighting like Apollo was, reminding him what he went through during his days as a fighter. Later, Donnie watches an old fight between his father and Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), and Donnie mimes his father's fighting style.Donnie moves to Philadelphia to start anew. In his new apartment, he watches a news segment on undefeated boxing champion "Pretty" Ricky Conlan (Tony Bellew), who is set to compete in what may be his last professional match as he is being charged with gun possession and may spend the next seven years behind bars. Conlan was set to fight Wheeler, but they started fighting early and Conlan broke Wheeler's jaw, prompting Wheeler to file a lawsuit against him. As Donnie tries to sleep, he hears loud music coming from the apartment below him. He goes knocking and meets his neighbor Bianca (Tessa Thompson). He demands she turn the music down, and she says she will, only to keep it at the same volume.Donnie goes to Adrian's Restaurant, owned and managed by Rocky. There, Donnie sees a picture of Rocky and Apollo fighting (from their first match in 1976). Rocky comes out and meets Donnie for the first time. He asks Rocky to train him, but Rocky claims to be done with that. Donnie also asks about a third fight that the two had behind closed doors (at the end of Rocky III) and inquires as to who won. Rocky says Apollo did.Donnie goes to another gym operated by Pete Sporino (Ritchie Coster). When he says he comes from L.A., Donnie earns the nickname "Hollywood". He chooses to continue seeking Rocky's help, while also deciding to pursue a relationship with Bianca after hearing her perform at a night club. The two go and get Philly cheese steaks, and Donnie learns that Bianca has progressive hearing loss, so she is preparing for the inevitable.Rocky visits the cemetery and sits by the graves of his brother-in-law Paulie and Adrian. It's Paulie's birthday, and Rocky wants to remember his departed friend.Rocky decides to take Donnie under his wing, and Donnie starts calling him "Unc" (uncle). Donnie stays at Rocky's place as they train bright and early, while also developing a close bond.Donnie's first major fight is against Pete's son Leo (Gabe Rosado). Before the match, Pete approaches Rocky and says that he knows Donnie is Apollo Creed's son. Thinking this could bring in good press, Pete wants to exploit the name, but Rocky prefers to keep it a secret. The match commences, and although Donnie takes a few hits, he defeats Leo.Word breaks out that Donnie is Apollo's son, conceived out of an affair during Apollo's marriage. Commentators begin to look at Donnie differently, as he feared, while also wondering if this discovery will hurt Apollo's legacy. In Liverpool, Conlan's manager Tommy Holiday (Graham McTavish) learns of this and thinks this could make for an eventful fight. He flies to the States to meet with Rocky and Donnie to propose the fight to them. After much deliberation, Rocky and Donnie agree to go on with the fight.Rocky starts to put Donnie through more training, but he then vomits and collapses. Donnie takes Rocky to the hospital for a test. Later on, Rocky meets with the doctor and learns he has been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. The doctor says it's good that they caught it early and that they ought to start chemotherapy soon, but Rocky refuses to go through with that because it didn't work out for Adrian when the same thing happened. Donnie eventually finds out on his own and is upset with Rocky for not wanting to get help, but Rocky wants to just accept his fate.With the news of his name being outed to the world, Donnie begins to fear that he will be looked at as a fake Creed and a failure to his father's legacy. He visits Bianca at the club where she performs and meets Tone Trump (Anthony Brice). Tone takes a picture with Donnie, but he upsets Donnie when he refers to him as "Baby Creed". This escalates into a fight, and Donnie is arrested, with Rocky coming to bail him out. Donnie later goes to Bianca's apartment to apologize and admit that he is scared for himself and for Rocky's sake. Bianca tells him they need to work on their own issues separately and she shuts him out.Donnie and Rocky reach a compromise, wherein Rocky continues to train Donnie for the upcoming fight, and Rocky will undergo chemotherapy. After much extensive training, Donnie earns supporters around town, particularly from the youths in the area.The two fly to Liverpool for a press conference. Conlan shows up with Holiday and starts trash-talking Donnie, saying he is an overnight success and a false Creed. Rocky holds Donnie back from making a dumb move, saying this is what Conlan wants.The night of the big fight arrives, and even Bianca is there to show support. Mary Anne watches from her home. As a gift, she sent Donnie his father's original American flag shorts. The fans boo and jeer Donnie as he makes his way to the ring, while Conlan gets a dramatic entrance and all the fans chant his name. As the fight commences, Conlan cuts Donnie above the eye and wins the first round. However, Donnie steps up and starts to get some hits in, but not enough to convince everyone else that he's worthy. Between rounds, Rocky and Holiday offer encouragement and support to their respective fighters. Donnie takes many hits and spits out a lot of blood, and eventually Conlan hits his left eye so hard that it gets completely shut, but since Donnie can still see well enough, the fight continues. Conlan strikes Donnie again, knocking him to the ground. Donnie then remembers what he's fighting for, and he gets up real fast. Donnie strikes back and hits Conlan multiple times before bringing him to the floor, but Conlan gets up before the referee gets to 10. The fight is over, and Conlan remains undefeated. However, he acknowledges Donnie's work with respect, and Donnie reciprocates. The commentator approaches Donnie and briefly interviews him. Donnie refers to Rocky as his family. The commentator asks Donnie what he would say to his father if he were there. Donnie says he would tell Apollo that he loves him and that he knows he didn't leave him on purpose. The fans then start to chant "Creed". Donnie leaves with Rocky and Bianca.In the final scene, back in Philadelphia, Rocky and Donnie climb the famed steps in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Rocky is a bit winded to keep going, but Donnie pushes him to keep walking up. As they get to the top, they admire the view of the city. | flashback | tt3076658 |
The F Word | Wallace (Daniel Radcliffe) has an odd job and lives with his sister and nephew in Toronto, Ontario. He dropped out of medical school after discovering his girlfriend having sex with his anatomy teacher and has not been social for more than a year. He is coerced by his best friend Allan (Adam Driver) into going to a house party, where he meets Allan's cousin Chantry (Zoe Kazan). At the same time, Allan meets Nicole (Mackenzie Davis) and they begin flirting with each other.
Chantry and Wallace leave the party and he walks her home where he finds out that Chantry has a boyfriend. Even so, she gives him her phone number, but he decides against calling her. They later run into each other at a movie theater, where they had both gone alone, and end up having dinner together.
Over time the friendship grows and Wallace is invited to meet Ben (Rafe Spall), Chantry's long-term boyfriend, who works for the United Nations. Ben, however, ends up in the hospital due to a series of unexpected accidents when Wallace visits their house for the first time. At the hospital, Wallace and Chantry run into Wallace's ex-girlfriend, Megan. Ben later moves to Dublin, Ireland for six months due to requirements of his job. During this time, Wallace and Chantry begin to see their relationship develop further and they begin to have deeper feelings for each other.
Allan and Nicole get married. Chantry's sister Dalia (Megan Park) tries to seduce Wallace in her car, but he does not reciprocate, because Wallace is worried that it would ruin any chance he would have with Chantry. Allan and Nicole invite the two to have a walk on the beach at night. They decide to go skinny dipping and soon Wallace and Chantry decide to join, whereupon Allan and Nicole steal their clothes, forcing them to sleep naked together on the beach. Wallace and Chantry feel forced into the intimate situation and begrudgingly decide to share the sleeping bag. The next day they leave the beach angrily.
Chantry is given a promotion to direct an animated project in Taiwan. However, she is pressured because of her strained relationship with Ben so she travels to Dublin to join him. On arriving, she discovers that Ben has accepted more work commitments that require him to travel frequently and she decides to break off the relationship. Meanwhile, Wallace decides to follow Chantry; upon arriving Ben punches him in the face, knocking him down the front stairs. He then checks his voicemail, learning that she has returned to Toronto. They meet, but Wallace tells Chantry about the trip and his feelings for her and she responds unfavorably.
Wallace considers going back to medical school and moving on with his life; however, he decides to attend Chantry's farewell party and they have a tearful goodbye. They finally admit to their mutual feelings while giving each other a Fool's Gold Sandwich, something they had previously discussed while hanging out together, and kiss.
In an epilogue set 18 months later, it is revealed that Wallace followed Chantry to Taiwan and proposed to her there while he completed his medical studies. They marry and contemplate the rest of their lives while sitting on Wallace's rooftop. | romantic | tt1486834 |
Jaane Tu... Ya Jaane Na | The story begins in an airport, when Jignesh a.k.a. Jiggy (Nirav Mehta), Ravindran a.k.a. Rotlu (Karan Makhija), Sandhya a.k.a. Bombs (Alishka Varde), and Shaleen (Sugandha Garg) offer to tell Mala (Renuka Kunzru), Jiggy's friend and crush, the tale of Jai and Aditi, a love story with joys and sorrows, happiness and heartbreak, laughter, songs, and fights, and...a climax at the airport. Mala is initially uninterested in the story and hates love stories in general, but still agrees to listen as the flight carrying the friends they have come to receive is late.
Meet Jai Singh Rathore, a.k.a. 'Rats (Imran Khan), the most non-violent Rajput ever. Meet Aditi Mahant(Genelia D'Souza), a.k.a. ‘Meow‘, a highly aggressive, impulsive girl. She abuses and scratches people (hence the name Meow). Despite their differences, Jai and Aditi are college-going best buddies. Rotlu, Jiggy, Bombs, and Shaleen are also college-mates of Jai and Aditi, and a part of their group. Rotlu loves Aditi and Bombs loves Jai. However, Jai and Aditi are always so busy with each other that they overlook this. Jai and Aditi are perfect for each other. Their friends know this. Their parents know this. Everybody but the two themselves know this. Aditi dreams of a virile, macho husband, while Jai wants a sweet, romantic girl. Since the two of them don't believe that they are in love, after finishing their college they decide to hunt for a perfect life partner for each other. Jai falls in love with Meghna (Manjari Phadnis) at first sight in a club where two psychos were misbehaving with her. He saves her, not by fighting but by tricking the two psychos who always ride horses. Meghna always plays the game of imagination, “What's this?” When Meghna and Jai get close to each other, Rotlu, Jiggy, Bombs, and Shaleen are happy for Jai but nobody notices that Aditi is missing Jai's company. Aditi notices changes in Jai's behaviour.
Meghna informs Jai that her parents squabble but cannot live without each other. She says this is really "cute." Jai visits Meghna's parents. Her father is an alcoholic. Her parents always argue with each other and Jai feels uncomfortable around them. When Jai goes to meet Meghna's parents, he misses Aditi's surprise birthday party. She is hurt by this and acts rudely to Jai when he goes to wish her a happy birthday later that evening.
Aditi gets engaged to her father's friend's son, Sushant Modi (Ayaz Khan). She sees in him the macho man she always wanted. However, Sushant is also a spoilt playboy. Aditi's brother, Amit (Prateik Babbar), tries to make her see who Sushant really is. But Aditi thinks that Jai loves Meghna and continues her relationship with Sushant. At Jiggy's birthday bash, Aditi introduces her fiancé. Then everyone decides to dance. Aditi is disturbed because she is jealous seeing Jai with Meghna, and Jai is upset that Aditi is engaged and disturbed. Aditi becomes emotional seeing Jai with Meghna, however, in the middle of the dance, Sushant thinks Aditi is crying because she likes him and kisses her. Jai sees this and stops dancing abruptly. While taking Meghna home, she tries to cheer him up, but it just results him in becoming more angry. He shouts at Meghna for acting childishly.
Jai realises that Meghna is a girl who runs away from reality and hides in rather stupid refuges. Meghna breaks down and lets Jai know how and why she became this way. Meghna shares her dark childhood story of her father (Rajat Kapoor) having an extra-marital affair and her mother, Sheela(Kitu Gidwani) leaving the residence, but later only returning for Meghna's sake. Meghna is hurt when she sees her parents in pain solely on her account. But since there's no other way round, she decides to close her eyes and see things the way she wants, in a happy manner. Therefore, according to her, her parents fight in a very 'cute' manner. All is happy in the way she sees things, and does not want anyone to remove this veil before her eyes until she is ready for it. The next day, to cheer up things, she kids Jai by saying that Aditi is the right girl for him and he should marry her instead. Jai is taken aback when Meghna laughs and apologises, saying that she was only joking, and did not intend to shock Jai. But Jai reveals that there is more truth to the joke than Meghna thinks, and says that he is actually in love with Aditi. Meghna is shattered and leaves with a goodbye kiss. Aditi reveals her feelings for Jai under duress from Sushant, who slaps her on her face, leaving a bruise. Aditi breaks up with him and decides to go to the USA to study film-making at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. Jai spots the bruise on Aditi's face and contrary to his usual non-violent nature, he thrashes Sushant for daring to lay a hand on her.
Inspector Waghmare (Paresh Rawal), an old enemy of Jai's mother Savitri Rathore (Ratna Pathak), arrests Jai for thrashing Sushant and puts him behind the bars. There, he meets the two psychos,Vinay Singh Rathore a.k.a. Bhageere (Sohail Khan) and Kuber Singh Rathore a.k.a. Bhaloo (Arbaaz Khan), who were harassing Meghna in the club. However, they find out that they are closely related cousins, separated in childhood. They tell him that for a boy to become a man in their Rathore clan, he must complete three conditions: 1.) Thrash someone 2.) Get arrested 3.) Ride a horse. They tell him that his father was a brave man and fought heroically with his enemies but died while doing so. Jai realizes that his mother had lied to him by claiming that his father was a non-violent person who died while trying to stop someone's fight. Unaware of all this, Aditi makes her way to the international airport for departure to USA. Bhaloo and Bhageere, who are sons of an MLA, use their influence to get Jai free, following which, Jai rides a horse, borrowed from his cousin, and heads towards the airport to stop her. Thus, Jai fulfills all the three conditions to become a man in Rathore Clan, causing dismay to Jai's mother and delight to spirit of Jai's father(Naseeruddin Shah), as he had challenged Jai's mother that Jai will fulfill the conditions some day.
He jumps over the security booths and runs, seeking for Aditi, while the Airport security chases him, supposing him to be a terrorist who ran away from security checks. He finds Aditi and sings the song – "Jaane tu ya jaane na" for her, which is the same song that Jai had said in the beginning he'd sing for the love of his life. Aditi, delighted, hugs him and cancels her US trip. Airport security cop Inspector Prakash, on finding that Jai is not a terrorist, lets him go, but with a warning.
Rotlu, Jiggy, Bombs and Shaleen conclude the story and welcome Jai and Aditi, just returning from their honeymoon after 5 years, at the airport. Mala gets extremely delighted to see them and introduces herself as Jiggy’s girlfriend and they leave the airport together. | flashback | tt0473367 |
Thursday | The movie opens in a Los Angeles convenience store one late Monday night, where a small-time drug dealer named Nick (Aaron Eckhart) is trying to decide what coffee brand to buy. His ex-lover Dallas (Paulina Porizkova) and fellow hitman Billy Hill (James LeGros) are getting impatient and tell him to hurry up. Conflicts between Nick and the cashier (Luck Hari) ensue, resulting in Dallas shooting the cashier dead. Though the three attempt to cover up the crime, they are forced to also shoot a police officer (Bari K. Willerford) when he discovers blood on the ground.
Three days later, Nick shows up on the doorstep of Casey Wells (Thomas Jane), an old drug dealing partner who has cleaned up his life. He is now a married architect and is looking to adopt a child with his wife. Nick leaves a couple of suitcases in Casey's guest room before leaving to run some errands. After Nick leaves, Casey becomes suspicious of one of the suitcases and eventually opens it to find it filled with heroin. After calling Nick to yell at him for bringing drugs into his home, he disposes of all of it in the kitchen sink.
Ice (Glenn Plummer), a Jamaican Rasta hitman, enters Casey's house and is about to kill him, but Casey manages to persuade him to have a last smoke of marijuana. After having smoked, Ice is about to kill Casey when Ice's cell phone rings. Ice begins to rap over the phone in an effort to clinch a record deal, and Casey seizes the moment and knocks him out. Casey then ties him up and leaves him in his garage. Dr. Jarvis (Michael Jeter), a representative from the adoption agency comes to interview Casey about his fitness to be a father. Dr. Jarvis is particularly curious to know what Casey did for several years when he lived in L.A. as there is no account of his time there. Casey tries his best to cover up his past as well as his recent encounter with the hitman.
During the interview, Dallas, who wants the money that she believes Nick left with Casey along with the heroin, shows up. She scares away Dr. Jarvis from the adoption agency by telling a story about Casey's drug-dealing and murdering past. When left alone with Casey, Dallas questions him about the money's whereabouts. Angry that he cannot help her, she decides to kill him. But not before she ties him up to a chair, fellates him to force an erection, strips naked and proceeds to mount and rape him. She tells him she will not kill him until he orgasms and she plans to go on until she makes him get an orgasm. Delivering on her word, she reaches multiple orgasms, but gets no results from him. While Dallas reaches a third orgasm, Billy breaks in and shoots her, splattering her blood all over Casey, his walls and his floor.
Billy believes Casey when told that he does not have the heroin, but plans on torturing him with a saw and a blow torch anyhow, while he brags about his prowess and technique of cauterization as he sets to work. Billy is interrupted by cops ironically raiding the house next door. As Billy checks on it Casey is able to loosen the tape around his wrists and grabs a frying pan and sits back down. Billy returns and tells Casey the cops got the wrong house. As he is about to proceed, he notices something is wrong. But catching Billy off guard, Casey overpowers him, and leaves him in the garage.
Nick calls Casey from a pay phone, apologizes for everything and admits he had stolen the heroin and money from the police. After he hangs up, it is revealed to us that Nick has been shot, and is bleeding severely, seemingly about to die. Finally, corrupt cop Kasarov (Mickey Rourke) arrives with a bag which contains Nick's head. He gives Casey until 7 p.m. to find the money but tells him that he does not care about the heroin. Kasarov then sees the garage with Ice and Billy tied up and Dallas dead and unloads a magazine into Ice and Billy. He then tells Casey to throw them out as it is garbage day.
In the end, Casey calls Ice's boss and tells him that the heroin is being auctioned off at 7 p.m. at his house, setting up a gun battle between the Jamaicans and the corrupt officers. He recalls Nick's earlier words which promptly lead him to find the money and a wedding present in the spare tire of his car. He takes them, puts them in Dallas's Lamborghini Diablo car and goes to pick his wife up at the airport to presumably escape the country. | dark, comedy, neo noir, murder, cult, sadist, violence, flashback, claustrophobic, revenge, storytelling | tt0124901 |
Imaginaerum | Thomas Whitman is a 75-year-old former musician who has lapsed into a coma after years of suffering from multi-infarct dementia. As he is clinging to his life while his estranged daughter Gem ponders on signing a do not resuscitate order, Thomas' mind enters a fantasy world where he relives his life as a ten-year-old orphan. After meeting a girl named Ann at the orphanage and acquiring a snow globe containing a dancing figurine named "Arabesque", young Thomas befriends a snowman named "Mr. White", who takes him on a flight to the skies. But while chasing his father Theodore's airplane, Thomas loses his balance and falls into a surreal world bordered by a run-down roller coaster track, which represents his mind and memories. As pieces of the track fall apart, a mechanic, symbolic of Thomas' doctor in the real world, complains about how futile it is to try to repair the track. The doctor looks to a younger Gem for advice who says they should just let it fall apart; this coincides with Gem agreeing to the DNR order in the real world. Thomas meets a younger version of Gem and a 72-year-old Ann, who warn him about Mr. White. He runs to a "dollhouse", where he sees himself and Ann in their 30s, as members of his band Whitman. The elderly Ann once again appears in front of him, warning him that the snowman is evil and is responsible for the loss of his memories.
As he travels to other parts of his past, young Thomas witnesses the simultaneous events of both his father and his older self lamenting the deaths of their wives. Suddenly, Theodore pulls a gun and shoots himself through his head while the older Thomas smashes the Arabesque globe against the wall, resulting in Thomas distancing himself from his daughter. He chases after Gem throughout the dream world as they both age to the present day.
Back in the real world, Gem arrives at Thomas' home, where she encounters Ann. It is revealed that when Thomas and Ann toured together with their band, Thomas' wife was killed in a car accident when Gem was a child. Because Thomas was not around during her childhood, Gem grew up resenting him throughout her life. Ann informs her that the night that Thomas' wife died, Thomas was with her, as he had stopped her from overdosing on drugs at the time, which reminded him too much of his father's suicide. Later, Ann opens a safe in Thomas' study, only to find sheets of paper containing incomprehensible writing. Ann makes Gem realize that in time Thomas grew as bitter as his own father due to their similar pasts. As a result, he pushed her away in order not to hurt her as his father did. Gem realizes that the notes are all of Thomas' memories when he found out about his dementia and that he did care for her after all. She spends the night piecing the sheets together to form a pattern on the floor. When the house experiences a power failure and Gem's cell phone dies, Ann drives Gem to the hospital.
Meanwhile, in his dream world, Thomas rediscovers his memories with Gem and is determined to hold on to them. He confronts Mr. White, who reveals himself as the manifestation of Theodore. During the ensuing roller coaster ride, Thomas relinquishes his grip on his father. In turn, he lets go of his last memories of Theodore, and holds onto those of Gem. He reaches the end of the roller coaster ride and awakens from his coma with Gem and Ann by his bedside. With his last breath, Thomas reconciles with his daughter before passing away.
Gem returns to her father's home to play the grand piano. When she notices a key not playing right, she opens the lid and discovers a brass name plate lodged between the wires, removing it and placing it on the repaired snow globe. The name plate reads "G Em", revealing Gem's name as the keys G and E minor. Thomas mentions throughout the film that the two chords are key to his memories and all he wants is to hear them one last time. He told her that when the chords are played correctly, the Arabesque in the globe will spin. After Gem realizes Thomas really loved her, she plays the chord and the Arabesque spins, symbolizing their reconciliation. | fantasy, sentimental, flashback | tt1959409 |
Southside with You | It is the summer of 1989 in Chicago, Illinois. Barack Obama and Michelle Robinson are getting ready for not a date. She's been very clear that this is not a date, despite him asking her to go on a date almost since the beginning of his summer internship at the corporate law firm where she is a second-year associate, and his advisor. She maintains that it would be inappropriate and a distraction if the two of them went out on a date, so although they are planning to spend time together, it is definitely not a date.Michelle prepares carefully, working to look her best. She lives with her family, and her mother and father tease her about making herself look pretty for not a date. She replies curtly but lovingly that they taught her to always look her best, and maintains that its not a date its a community meeting that sounded interesting, so they are going to it together, but that's it.Barack prepares almost not at all. He is smoking in his cluttered apartment, talking to his grandmother on the phone about the woman hes going to see. She tells him he needs to get going in order not to be late, and he tells her it will be fine, but eventually he hangs up, throws on a dress shirt (no tie) and heads out to his car, a beat-up Datsun Sentra. He smokes nervously in the car until he pulls up near Michelle's house, takes two quick puffs on a cigarette, puts it out, sprays breath spray into his mouth, and then around the car, and heads out to pick her up.He finds Michelle outside her house; he never meets her family. She says that hes late. He says that he was hoping she wouldn't notice. She says that he was late for his first day as an intern at the law firm. He comments sheepishly that she noticed that too. She points out that as his advisor, its her job to notice. She says that they should get to the community meeting, but he says that they have time several hours, in fact, and he was hoping they could go to the museum to see an art exhibit first. Shes mildly upset at this, but he assures her that if she says its not a date, then its not a date until she says it is, and she agrees to go. When she gets in the car, she notices the cigarettes in the ash tray, and a hole in the floorboard. She can see the street beneath her feet.On the way to the museum, they discuss a case at work, where a motion in court has failed. Barack asks if Michelle is upset that the motion failed, and she replies that shes glad it failed. Shes frustrated because she said six months earlier that the motion would fail, and in her mind, the firm wasted six months of effort making the motion because a senior partner didn't listen to her advice to not file the motion in the first place. Barack asks if its really the law firms partners shes frustrated with.At the museum, Barack points out the art of Ernie Barnes. Michelle expresses surprise that he would know anything about art. He responds by describing the history and technique of Ernie Barness art at length, mentioning how it was used in the TV show Good Times, and how it represents African-American culture.Barack gets lunch for them, and they eat sandwiches in a park. Michelle insists on paying him for lunch since this is not a date. After, Barack offers her a slice of pie, saying that its the best, but Michelle doesn't like pie; she likes ice cream chocolate. Barack is surprised that anyone could not like pie, but then says that he doesn't like ice cream, which surprises Michelle. He explains that he worked at a Baskin-Robbins as a youth and pretty much ate his fill of ice cream. Michelle is surprised that Hawaii has Baskin-Robbins, and Barack points out that it is one of the fifty states.They talk about Barack's background: how his white mother married his Kenyan father, but they separated shortly after his birth; how his father wasn't present for his childhood; how his father didn't finish anything in his life, and died in Kenya. Barack is obviously angry with his father.On the way to the community meeting, the topic of Michelle's frustration with the firm comes up again. Barack again suggests that Michelle isn't really upset with the firm, but this time, he goes further. He says that Michelle isn't upset with the firm, since the firm is just doing exactly what it is supposed to do. Instead, he suggests that she is upset with herself for working at the firm instead of doing something more valuable for the community. He says that he knows she wants to do more important work, work that helps people, and that the real source of her frustration is that she has sold out working at the corporate firm. Michelle replies angrily that he is guilty of the same sell-out: he's going to school at Harvard, and his internship is at the same corporate law firm. He is taken aback and apologizes.The two arrive at the community meeting, where Barack is greeted warmly by everyone. One woman sits next to Michelle and describes how her son wanted to be a sailor since he was young, but living on the south side of Chicago, that dream was nearly extinguished. But Barack, she says, would talk to her son about it every time he visited, acting as a father figure to the youth. The woman proudly shows Michelle a picture of her son in a U.S. Sailors outfit, saying that he is in the Navy, visiting all sorts of places and living his dream because of Barack.The topic for the day is the failed attempt to get city approval and funding for a community center. Everyone is upset because they put in so much effort with nothing to show for it. The speaker, a young man and friend of Barack's, is having a hard time keeping the crowd together on the topic. Eventually, in near desperation, he gives the floor to Barack, who proceeds to mesmerize the crowd. He says that they have to keep working to figure out how to get what they want. He says that there are city council members who want to help them, but asks why they don't. Eventually, someone in the audience suggests that maybe its because the city council members think the outcome is already determined, and they don't want to waste their time on a lost cause. Barack leaps on that idea and points out that the first speaker has funding commitments for the community center, which is more than they had when they first put in the proposal. He says that they have to look at the situation from the council members point of view, which is something that a good friend (he nods to Michelle) taught him just that day.When they leave the community meeting, Michelle accuses Barack of knowing that he would speak at the meeting, casting himself in a good light for their not a date. Barack admits that he had a good idea that he would be speaking, but laughs it off, and Michelle seems okay with it.The two have dinner and discuss their history further, including their religious beliefs both profess to have no formal religion, but to be spiritual. Barack describes how he spent time in Indonesia with his mother before moving back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. He admits to smoking a lot of marijuana in high school. He describes how he dated a white woman for two years in college, but says that when he went to meet her family, even though they were welcoming toward him, he just didn't see himself fitting in. Michelle describes how her grandfather was unwilling to go into debt to help finance her fathers education, so he didn't finish college and had to take a manual labor job, but rose through the ranks to become a supervisor. He now has MS (Multiple Sclerosis), which is one of the reasons why Michelle is living at home.The two go to see Spike Lees Do the Right Thing. They both enjoy it greatly, sharing popcorn. During the pivotal scene where the police kill Radio Raheem, Michelle is startled and reflexively takes Barack's hand. On their way out, Barack stops to use the restroom, while Michelle walks outside. She runs into a partner from her law firm, who also saw the movie with his wife. He comments on how inappropriate it was for Mookie to start a riot, and Michelle blankly nods, furtively glancing into the theater, hoping Barack won't come out yet. But Barack arrives just then. Michelle awkwardly tries to explain that they are not on a date, but that they had a community meeting to go to and just happened to go to the movie together. The partner again expresses his disapproval of Mookie's actions. Barack smoothly suggests that Mookie was actually trying to save Sal's life had he not directed the angry mobs violence toward the pizzeria, they would have turned on Sal himself, and likely killed him. The partner is impressed with Barack's insight and compliments him to both his wife and Michelle, and tells Michelle to be sure Barack has a positive experience at the firm.After the partner and his wife leave, Barack expresses his true opinion: that Mookie was simply angry. Michelle rounds on Barack and angrily tells him that this is exactly why she didn't want to go out with him. She says that on Monday morning, the two of them will be the talk of the firm, and her position there will be ruined. He lets her wind down and then agrees to take her home. On the way, he stops the car. Shes puzzled until she sees him walk into an ice cream shop. He comes out with a chocolate cone her favorite and she gets out of the car and sits by him while she eats it in silence. Eventually, she allows that the ice cream is good, and asks him if he wants a taste. He agrees, and slowly leans in and kisses her. He then takes her home. | romantic, historical | tt4258698 |
An Innocent Man | Jimmie Rainwood (Tom Selleck) is a respected maintenance chief with American Airlines in Los Angeles. He has a beautiful, successful wife (Laila Robins) and a nice home in the suburbs. Life is good.Meanwhile, two rogue narcotics cops take down a cocaine smuggling operation aboard a fishing boat at the Long Beach waterfront. One armed suspect is wounded during the bust. The officers' behavior during the arrest unmasks their violent and unorthodox methods. One of the cops, Mike Parnell (David Rasche), carries the confiscated cocaine from the boat, stopping to put a couple of kilos in his car trunk before turning the rest over to a supervisor who arrives to take charge of the operation.Jimmie Rainwood arrives at home that same evening, expecting an empty house and salad in the fridge. Instead, he is surprised to find his wife home early and a steak dinner waiting for him. Jimmie and Kate make plans for a last luxury vacation before they have kids.The next day, Officers Mike Parnell and Danny Scalise (Richard Young), both adrenaline junkies, stop at a phone booth to call an informant. As Parnell prepares to dial the call, he turns his back to Scalise and snorts coke from a vial he is carrying. The informant tips Parnell off to a suspected drug deal taking place that evening. Delighted, Parnell returns to the car and relays the address to his partner, but recklessly confuses "Oak Lane" for "Oak Way."Rainwood arrives at home that evening to find the empty house and cold salad he expected the night before. As Rainwood showers, Parnell and Scalise creep up to the house. After carefully peering inside, they break down the front and back doors and storm into the house while Rainwood uses the hair dryer. Rainwood hears the loud noise and steps out into the hallway, dryer in hand. Amped up by the tense situation and the cocaine, Parnell mistakes the hair dryer for a weapon and shoots Rainwood, seriously wounding him. Scalise enters from the back of the house and quickly realizes that the supposed weapon is a hair dryer. They search the premises and find no drugs. Realizing they are in the wrong house, they use a drop gun and planted drugs to frame Rainwood and cover their tracks. Kate arrives to find her husband seriously injured and falsely accused of selling narcotics and shooting at police officers.An Internal Affairs officer, John Fitzgerald (Badja Djola), is suspicious of the cops' story but has no proof with which he can challenge their version of events. The crooked narcotics officers coerce their seedy informant into falsely testifying that he had bought drugs from Rainwood on several occasions, and that Rainwater had used his airline maintenance job to smuggle the drugs into the country. Rainwood is confident that justice will prevail and therefore refuses a misdemeanor plea deal, since it would ruin his career. Shockingly, he is convicted of felony assault and drug distribution and sentenced to six years in prison.Rainwood is totally unprepared for the harsh realities of prison life. Soon after his arrival, his cellmate is shanked and burned alive in a prison yard vendetta. Rainwood decently but foolishly tries to rescue the dying man, but he is quickly tackled by lifer Virgil Cane (F. Murray Abraham) before the guards can shoot him. Rainwood tries to hang on to the morality of the outside world inside the prison walls, but he quickly realizes that won't be possible. He is quickly targeted for domination by a black prison gang and their brutal leader, Jingles (Bruce A. Young). Offered protection by an Aryan Nation gang in the prison, he declines, considering them an equally vile option. Not wanting to become a helpless pawn, "Jimmie Rain" is offered help by Virgil Cain, who was once set up by the same pair of dirty cops. Jimmie agrees to think about it, but refuses to consider solving his problem by killing anyone.Soon afterward, Rainwood is cornered by Jingles and two muscled-up members of his posse. When he refuses to give them his "outside money," he is viciously beaten, ending up in the infirmary. He refuses to identify his attackers to the warden, earning him 15 days in segregation. Back in the general population, he is once again confronted by Jingles, who taunts him about the beating. Virgil offers him advice once again, but Jimmie isn't ready yet. Then in the gym one day, Rainwood is seized by Jingles and his crew, hustled into the bathroom, and made to watch the brutal rape of an inmate who was "sold" to them. Jingles makes it clear that the same fate is in store for Jimmie, and soon.Rainwood goes to Virgil and says he is finally ready to deal with his problem. In the prison workshop, a thick piece of Plexiglass is fashioned into a shank. At Virgil's direction, some shaved soap is mixed into Jingles' eggs in the cafeteria serving line. During a subsequent basketball game, Jingles suffers severe intestinal cramps and heads for the bathroom. Rainwood follows him in. As Virgil covers the entrance, Jimmie silently approaches Jingles as he is getting up off the toilet. Jingles, seeing the shank, sneers at Rainwood and threatens to take it away and use it on him. Jingles feints at Jimmie but isn't quick enough. Rainwood buries the shank into Jingles' midsection and breaks it off. He drops the hilt into the floor drain and staggers out with the help of Virgil. The warden admits he can't prove anything but sends Jimmie into solitary confinement for 90 days.Back on the outside, the two rogue cops approach Kate in a parking lot and threaten her, advising her to keep her mouth shut and to quit agitating about her husband's case. She goes to Fitzgerald and pleads for his help. When he tells her once again that he can't do anything without proof, she lies and tells him that Parnell and Scalise used the n-word to describe him. He confronts the pair in an alley and warns them to leave her alone.Having served three years, Rainwood is paroled. Kate brings him home, and he tries to adjust to life on the outside. As he works on his classic Pontiac Firebird one day, Parnell and Scalise show up and tell him they need to have a talk. Inside the house, they threaten and intimidate him and Kate. They emphasize that as an ex-convict, they can make his life miserable. In desperation, Jimmie and Kate turn to Virgil, who concocts a plan to set up the crooked cops. They also meet with officer Fitzgerald, promising him a chance to bust Parnell and Scalise in the act of buying illicit drugs for the purpose of re-selling them.Parnell and Scalise have been busy taking down drug dealers in the area, stealing the bulk of the drugs, and selling them to a mobster named Donatelli at a discount. Rainwood and an accomplice from prison feed a bad tip to Parnell and Scalise through the informant who originally set Rainwood up. Acting on the tip, the dirty cops stage a raid and seize 25 kilos of cocaine. What they don't realize is that the drug dealers work for Donatelli. Donatelli demands the cocaine back by the following day. Parnell briefly muses to his partner about fleeing with the stolen drugs. That night, Rainwood and his accomplice, wearing ski masks, jump the surprised cops and steal the drugs. Donatelli has made it clear to Parnell and Scalise that he will kill them and their families if they don't return the cocaine. They stall Donatelli, telling him things are too hot at the moment and they will have to bring the coke back the next day. The desperate pair soon gets a phone call from the "frightened" hijackers, offering to return the drugs in exchange for a meager $20,000 in traveling money. Parnell and Scalise can't believe their good fortune. They decide to keep the drugs after the buy-back meeting and flee to Florida, $750,000 richer. The meet will take place at a marina.At the pre-arranged meet, Internal Affairs detective John Fitzgerald waits in his car and listens over a wire attached to Rainwood's accomplice, Malcolm. Malcolm approaches with part of the coke and explains that once he has the money, his partner will leave the rest of the drugs in a nearby trash barrell. But hot-headed Parnell grabs Malcolm and threatens to blow his brains out. He demands that the mystery bagman (Rainwood) step out of hiding with the remaining coke. When Rainwood reveals himself, Parnell sends Scalise to retrieve the drugs and then shoots Malcolm in the back. Detective Fitzgerald exits his car, identifies himself, and exchanges gunfire with Parnell. Scalise jumps in his car with the bag of drugs and tries to flee the scene, but Fitzgerald manages to kill him. Parnell hijacks another vehicle from a startled driver and speeds off, but Rainwood leaps into the back of the car and and grapples with him, causing a crash that throws Rainwood out, injured and stunned. Parnell continues his flight on foot. Just as he thinks he is home free, Rainwood comes out of nowhere and slams into him. A vicious and bloody hand-to-hand fight ensues, with Parnell finally pulling a knife and lunging at Rainwood. Rainwood disarms Parnell and starts to cut his throat, but he hears Kate (who has followed him) begging him to stop.In a final scene, Parnell enters the same prison that had held Rainwood. He hears someone call out to him from the cells above and looks up to see Virgil Cane grinning in derision. Jimmie Rainwood returns to his airline job. | revenge, murder | tt0097579 |
Du rififi chez les hommes | Tony "le Stéphanois" has served a five-year prison term for a jewel heist and is out on the street and down on his luck. His friend Jo approaches him about a smash-and-grab proposed by mutual friend Mario in which the threesome would cut the glass on a Parisian jeweler's front window in broad daylight and snatch some gems. Tony declines. He then learns that his old girlfriend, Mado, took up in his absence with gangster Parisian nightclub owner Pierre Grutter. Finding Mado working at Grutter's, Tony invites her back to his rundown flat. She is obviously well-kept, and Tony savagely beats her for being so deeply involved with Grutter. Tony changes his mind about the heist; he now accepts on the condition that they rob the jeweler's safe instead of the window. Mario suggests they employ the services of Italian compatriot César, a safecracker. The four devise and rehearse an ingenious plan to break into the store and disarm its sophisticated alarm system.
The caper begins with the group chiseling through a cement ceiling from an upstairs flat on a Sunday night. The suspenseful break-in completed, the criminals appear to escape without leaving any trace of their identities. However, without the others' knowledge, César pocketed a diamond ring as a bauble for his lover Viviane, a chanteuse at Grutter's club. The four men arrange to fence the loot with a London contact. Meanwhile, Grutter has seen Mado and her injuries, who breaks off their relationship. Infuriated at Tony's interference in his life, he gives heroin to his drug-addicted brother Rémy and tells him to murder Tony. Grutter sees the diamond César gave to Viviane and realizes that César, Mario, and Tony were responsible for the jewel theft. Grutter forces César to confess. Forsaking a 10 million franc police reward, Grutter decides to steal the jewels from Tony's gang, his brother Rémy brutally murdering Mario and his wife Ida when they refuse to reveal where the loot is hidden. Tony retrieves it from the couple's apartment and anonymously pays for a splendid funeral for them. He then goes looking for Grutter and stumbles onto the captive César, who confesses having squealed. Citing "the rules," Tony ruefully kills him.
Meanwhile, seeking to force their adversaries' hand, Grutter's thugs kidnap Jo's five-year-old son Tonio and hold him ransom. The London fence arrives with the payoff, after which Tony leaves to single-handedly rescue the child by force, advising Jo it is the only way they will see him alive. With Mado's help he tracks Tonio down at Grutter's country house and kills Grutter's brothers Rémy and Louis while rescuing him. On the way back to Paris, Tony learns Jo has cracked under the pressure and agreed to meet Grutter at his house with the money. When he arrives Grutter tells him Tony has already snatched the child and kills Jo. Seconds too late to save his friend, Tony is mortally wounded by Grutter before killing him as he tries to flee with the loot. Bleeding profusely, Tony drives maniacally back to Paris and delivers Tonio home safely before dying at the wheel as police and bystanders close in on him and a suitcase filled with 120 million francs in cash. | suspenseful, murder, bleak, violence, cult, atmospheric, romantic, revenge | tt0048021 |
A Perfect World | "A Perfect World," ostensibly about the escape of convicts Butch Haynes (Kevin Costner) and Terry Pugh (Keith Szarabajka) from a Huntsville prison, quickly focusses on their hostage-taking of an 8-year old boy, Philip Perry (T. J. Lowther). The movie opens with the final scene, Butch lying in a field with a Casper the Friendly Ghost mask lying beside him in the grass, a helicopter hovering, and money blowing in the breeze. Both the man and the mask have a faint smile on their faces. The rest of the movie answers the questions posed by that enigmatic opening image.In a small town somewhere in Texas, the town kids are trick or treating except for one family sitting at the kitchen table talking about Halloween. The mother, Gladys Perry (Jennifer Griffin), explains that their religious beliefs put them on a higher plane where such activities are forbidden. Just then the doorbell rings and some children outside yell "trick or treat." Gladys answers the door and explains they don't participate in the holiday because they are Jehovah's Witness.Meanwhile, Larry Billings, a prison guard, returns to the prison to get some paperwork to do at home even as the two prisoners in their cells (Butch and Terry) consult with an elderly inmate regarding where the vents go. Once Butch and Terry break through the vents, and it is clear that an escape is underway, Butch tells Terry that they will separate when they get free and reach the state line because he doesn't like Terry. And Terry agrees with that plan as their hatred for each other coalesces. Butch and Terry get past the guard at the gate in Larry's car with Larry at the wheel. Once they reach town they commandeer Larry's car and search for a new escape car. Terry is sidetracked by Gladys making breakfast. Terry breaks into the kitchen holding a gun and terrorizes her, grabbing her around the neck for a smooch. Young Philip, who has wandered in, gets on Terry's nerves so he slaps the boy, an action that further infuriates Butch and precipitates a struggle between the two. Butch asks Philip to pick up the "Pistola" and give it to him. Then Butch says to point it at him and say "stick em up," a make-believe playful act, but deadly serious, which he does. A neighbor tries to save the family but Buzz asks him to drop the rifle because he might hit the boy and the neighbor agrees, a pattern of negotiation and violence avoidance that continues throughout the movie. Butch and Terry take the boy, Philip, as a hostage and leave, still in the guard's car.At the state office of the Texas Rangers, Red Barnett (Clint Eastwood) speaks with the Governor by phone. Sally Gerber (Laura Dern), criminologist from Huntsville hired by the Governor to assist Red in matters concerning parole and escapes, introduces herself to Red as one of the team, a fact that does not sit well with Red. The Governor also loans Red's team a shiny new truck and trailer to track the escapees. The rig has lots of bells and whistles and looks suspiciously like a Campaign Headquarters on Wheels with its decorative bunting. While loading up the new trailer prior to starting the manhunt, FBI agent Bobby Lee (Bradley Whitford) is added to the team and Sally is almost left behind.Meanwhile, the escapees and their young hostage are trying to find somewhere to hide out. Terry looks for his cousin's name in a phone book while keeping an eye on Butch and threatening him. Butch responds by breaking his nose. They stop at a store for provisions and Butch asks Philip to train the gun on Terry to hold him in check while Butch shops. Terry starts to play with Philip and try to get the gun away, and resorts to intimidating Philip physically and verbally by casting aspersions on Philips manhood ("Kind a puny, ain't it?"). When Terry grabs Philip, Philip bites his hand and runs to hide in a corn field across the road, maintaining possession of the gun. Terry searches for Philip even as Butch sees his traveling companions are missing. Butch locates Philip first in the corn field and Philip returns the gun to Butch. Butch shoots Terry. As Butch and Philip get back to the car, the store owner emerges from the store with a rifle but Butch tells him to go lie on the floor of the store until they leave.As the truck and trailer head down the road Red's manhunt team learns about the sighting of the escapees. Sally tells Red they need an auxiliary roadblock because the prisoners will split up. Only one road block is set up. Red and Sally argue about her spot on the team. Red informs her that a strong back side and a sense of humor are the only prerequisites to serving on his team. Sally explains that she is not a moron, she just wants to do her job. Red says that he is in charge and takes responsibility but agrees to listen to her concerns.Butch and Philip continue on as running buddies, drinking RC Cola and getting to know each other. Butch appeals to the boy's desire to play by telling Philip that the car is a time machine and they are driving into the future. He explains gas and brake pedals and that they need to find a Ford to steal.Terry's body is found. Red's entourage continues to follow the escapees.Butch and Philip find a Ford. Butch has Philip play "like an Injun" and check whether the keys are in the ignition and whether there is a radio. Yes on both counts. While Philip relieves himself, Butch goes to a clothes line to steal some civilian clothes for himself. The farmer who owns the car and the home spots him helping himself. While the farmer runs in from his tractor, Butch jumps in the Ford and fiddles with the starter for an interminable time. The farmer nearly catches the two until Philip bites his hand and he releases his grip on the car.The manhunt team discusses whether locals should shoot if they have a clear shot. Red and Sally say no because of the boy.Butch learns that Philip's dad is gone. They realize they have some things in common: they are handsome, they like RC, and their dads ain't worth a damn. They are on their own and seek foolish destiny.Red gets to the scene of the car recovery. They pry open the trunk and find the dead guard, Larry Billings, inside. Sally barfs and Red shows a smidgeon of compassion.Butch gives Philip an alias, Buzz, so they can go to a store called Friendly's to buy skivvies, britches, rope, and duct tape. Buzz eyes a Casper costume left over from Halloween. A local cop finds the car parked by the store and waits to nab the escapees. The clerk flirts with Butch and gets a nice tip. Butch refuses to buy the Casper costume. Mr. Willits, the store manager, starts to call to report presence of Haynes but Haynes threatens him with a look. Troubles aplenty outside but Butch outmaneuvers them and stops by to pick Buzz up on way out of town. "You ain't so friendly," is Butch's take on the clerks screaming at Buzz for shoplifting the Casper costume. The two are a team.Buzz and Butch hide behind a barn while the coast clears. Butch forgives Buzz by saying that although stealing is wrong, the Casper costume theft is an exception to the rule. Buzz is embarrassed by his puny pecker (in the words of Terry). Butch looks at it and declares it good sized for a boy his age. Buzz is heartened by Butch's assessment.Red and Sally believe that Haynes (Butch) and the boy are headed for the Panhandle. Sally outlines Butch's sad life before incarceration. Mom killed herself and Daddy split. After Haynes killed a man who hurt his mom when he was just 8, he stayed clear of the law until he stole a car some years later. Haynes received an inappropriately long sentence. Sally declares that where they are going is not important but why they are going there is very important.Butch trains his navigator in the ways of map-reading. They pass a trailer and wave just for fun. Turns out it is the team of trained criminologists. The trailer does a U-turn when they spot the Casper costume. A chase ensues. The trailer and truck get separated in the process. The Governor's trailer crashes, much the worse for wear. The Governor tells Buzz's mom that the boy is OK as he smiles for the cameras.Butch lets Buzz decide what to do, whether to hoof it or stick with the car. Butch informs Buzz that he is headed for Alaska. Buzz considers the options and decides that 1500 miles is too far to walk. Supply inventory is low, just soda, gum, and half a Moon pie.The Governor wants the trailer back but Red doesn't tell him its condition.With Buzz now sporting the Casper costume, they go trick or treating even though Buzz is a Jehovah's Witness and Halloween is past. Butch tells him how it's done. They go to a woman's house way out in the country, and she says that he is too late. He missed the popcorn balls. When she sees Butch's gun, however, she changes her mind and gives them whatever she has, including money. They feast on the spoils, mustard sandwiches.Later, while Buzz sits in the car alone waiting for Butch to check out the road block, the car starts rolling. Buzz finally sorts out the brake from the accelerator and stops it. Then it happens again. A guy out with his family almost hit by the car buys their story about bad brakes and agrees to take them along in their car, enabling the pair on the lam to get through a checkpoint.The mom in the car with Butch and Buzz blesses her children out and slaps them for spilling a drink in the new car. Butch's face clouds over and he decides to have Bob let them out of the car. Then he kicks the family out with their suitcases and steals their car. The next scene is of the family approaching one of the roadblocks on foot.Red and Company are getting hungry. They find steaks and tater tots in the trailer and Red starts cooking them up. Bobby Lee tries to put the make on Sally but Red cuts it short to ask Sally how she likes her steaks cooked. Then Red sets the would-be suitor Bobby Lee straight about the mission.Butch and Buzz talk over the limitations of the Jehovah's Witness religion. Butch introduces Buzz to the fun side of American life by allowing him to ride on the car roof. Later, they stop for dinner and Butch hopes for a side order of nookie from the waitress. Buzz watches out of curiosity. When Buzz is discovered, the couple's mood is dampened. Butch and Buzz get back on the road not fully replenished. They discuss women and love.Butch and Buzz hide in a corn field to lay low, plan their journey, and catch some sleep. Buzz tells Butch he wants to return home and Butch promises to return him soon. Butch reassures him of his concern for the boy by asking him to make a list of all the stuff he wants to do, such as eat cotton candy, and says he will try to make certain he gets a chance to do some of it.Sally asks Red whether he was a sheriff when Haynes got his long sentence for stealing the car. Red said Butch's dad was a crook, bad news, and Red thought it would be better for Butch to send him away from the household to an institutional setting. Regret was in his eyes.A sharecropper, Mack (Wayne Dehart), finds Butch and Buzz in the corn and offers them a place to sleep and Butch agrees. Mack hits his grandson, Cleve (Kevin Jamal Woods), upside the head and Butch does not approve. The two families eat breakfast together the next day and get to know each other. Butch shows Cleve a gymnastic trick like skinning the cat and they practice a little. Butch plays some old 45's and invites Mack's wife, Lottie (Mary Alice), and the boys, to dance. Butch talks about growing up in a whore house watching his mama dance. Mack hears about the manhunt on the radio and the mood changes quickly: Butch threatens him to secure his silence. The farmer's family gets tied up with their mouths taped shut, and Butch is ready to kill Mack for hitting his grandson.Trust is the topic of conversation and it is clear that Buzz does not trust Butch as much as he did because of Butch's hairpin temper. Buzz shoots Butch in the gut, crying the entire time. Then he throws the gun in the well, throws the car keys on the ground, and runs away. Butch, bleeding profusely, shows mercy and leaves his pocket knife on the table so Mack and his family can use it to free themselves after he leaves. Philip crawls under a fence and runs through a field, leaving a bit of his torn costume on the fence. Butch follows him telling him he's a hero and agrees to let him drive if he will continue on as his running buddy. It is clear, however, that they have reached the end of the line. Philip climbs a tree. Butch is slowly dying from his wound but he continues to follow the boy. Butch asks Philip to go with him to Alaska and he reads the message from his dad on the back of the postcard out loud to Philip. Philip apologizes for shooting him. Butch says he was glad it was Philip who shot him and not some stranger.Butch and Philip are surrounded by cops. Shotguns abound and Bobby Lee, the FBI agent, gets out a high-powered rifle with a telescopic site and prepares to shoot Butch. Red talks to Butch via a megaphone. Negotiations begin and end with a threat to kill the boy even though the "pistola" is in the well. Gladys, Philip's mom, arrives on a helicopter and she pleads for Philip's life. Philip trick or treats the group of cops and Butch negotiates for Philip's future fun, not his own life. When Philip tries to say that his Mom lets him do a lot of great stuff, Butch is skeptical: "Don't kid a kidder, Philip." Butch makes her promise to allow him to go to fairs and trick or treat and Philip vouches for her veracity as a "real good mama." Butch asks him to walk toward the cops and yell, Trick or treat! The running buddies shake hands goodbye. Philip, still dressed as Casper the Friendly Ghost, starts to go to his mom but returns to Butch who is dying. Philip is worried they will shoot Butch. They hug and begin to walk toward the cops very slowly, hand in hand. Red walks out to talk to them but tells Bobby Lee to keep him "locked down, clean as a whistle." Red drops his gun on the ground and tells Butch to drop his gun. Butch says Pistola is gone, thanks to his partner. Butch tries to hand the postcard to Philip but Bobby Lee, looking through his scope, thinks Butch is reaching for a weapon and shoots him, a mortal wound. Buzz weeps over him. They run and grab the boy as Red looks on and winces.Red punches Bobby Lee for improper discharge of his weapon. Sally gives Bobby Lee a knee to the groin for good measure. The last scene is Butch in the field again as in the first scene. Only now it is clear that Butch is a ghost too. | cult, violence | tt0107808 |
Big Fat Liar | Jason Shepherd (Frankie Muniz), a 14-year old living in the fictional town of Greenbury, Michigan, is an incorrigible liar and a con artist. When his English teacher, Ms. Phyllis Caldwell (Sandra Oh), assigns her class a creative writing assignment, Jason does not complete it. His parents are later called into school, where Ms. Caldwell tells Jason that if he can't bring her a handwritten story to the community college by 6 p.m., she will not consider it a valid contribution. After remembering that his father told him that "making up stories appears to be his God-given talent", Jason finally writes a story entitled Big Fat Liar, based on his experiences of how he lies all the time. Now finished, Jason rides his older sister's old bicycle and accidentally collides with the limousine of an arrogant Hollywood producer Marty Wolf (Paul Giamatti), whereupon Jason blackmails Wolf into giving him a ride to school. During his ride, Wolf reveals to Jason that he is also a liar and con man, but a more professional one than Jason, however. When the limousine reaches the college, Jason hastens out of the limo, not realizing that he has left his story behind. Wolf initially attempts to give it back to Jason, but when he sees that it is excellent, he decides to keep it for himself.Upon entering school, Jason realizes that he does not have the story. Neither his parents nor Ms. Caldwell believe him when Jason claims to have written it, and he is therefore ordered to undergo summer school. Later, Jason and his best friend Kaylee (Amanda Bynes) found out that Wolf has plagiarized his composition by making his film Big Fat Liar. When Jason's parents and sister leave town for a summer holiday, Jason and Kaylee use their savings to fly to Los Angeles to confront Wolf, leaving local bully Bret Callaway (Taran Killam) to attend to Kaylee's absent-minded grandmother after Jason bribes him by promising to do his summer school homework for him. After arriving in Los Angeles, Jason and Kaylee trick limo driver Frank Jackson (Donald Faison) into giving them a ride to the studio, where Jason tricks receptionist Astrid Barker (Rebecca Corry) into leaving her post to allow him to speak with Wolf about his situation. Wolf agrees to return the story, but intentionally burns it and has Jason and Kaylee removed from his office.Angered, Jason and Kaylee plan to inconvenience Wolf until he admits to having stolen Big Fat Liar. Frank eventually discovers their true identities and plans, but eventually joins them, as Frank explains that he was an actor formerly mistreated by Wolf. After gathering intel about how he treats his workers, Frank takes Jason and Kaylee to Wolf's mansion, where they add blue and orange dye to Wolf's swimming pool and shampoo, giving him blue skin and orange hair. Kaylee, impersonating the Universal Studios' president's secretary, sends Wolf to a child's birthday party to get vengeance for veteran stunt coordinator Vince (Lee Majors), an elderly employee of his whom he criticized and who had wanted to take his granddaughter to the same party. There, Wolf is mistaken for a clown and a group of children attack him. Meanwhile, Jason and Kaylee modify the controls to Wolf's blue Jaguar XKR convertible, causing various controls to perform the incorrect function and playing the song "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" by Eiffel 65, resembling his blue skin. Struggling to control his convertible, Wolf stops just behind a monster truck, but is later rear ended by a vengeful old lady, whom he had insulted earlier, which causes him to crash into it, therefore causing its driver, The Masher (Brian Turk), to destroy Wolf's convertible in anger.As a result of these pranks, Wolf misses his appointment with his boss Marcus Duncan (Russell Hornsby), president of Universal Studios. Wolf and Duncan met at a party to celebrate the premiere of another film Whittaker and Fowl, which proves to be a box office failure. Duncan distrusts Wolf to create anything better and tells him that all the funding for Big Fat Liar will be withdrawn unless Wolf can convince him otherwise. Jason agrees to help Wolf in exchange for a confession of the truth to his father. Wolf, guided by Jason, makes a successful presentation which convinces Duncan to green-light Big Fat Liar and warning him should any little mishap occur, funding for the film will be withdrawn and his career will be over. However, Wolf betrays Jason again and calls his security guards to remove Jason and Kaylee from his office for the second time, but this time, after their true identities, schemes, and hiding place have been and revealed. Jason and Kaylee are told by Rocko, the head of security, that they will be forced out of Hollywood, the incidents they caused covered up, and may be sent back to their hometown in disgrace.Jason is about to throw in the towel and prepares to be forever humiliated and disbelieved in his hometown when Wolf's personal secretary, Monty Kirkham (Amanda Detmer), appears after dismissing Rocko, who was keeping an eye on him and Kaylee, and states that because many of Wolf's co-workers and employees have been abused by him, they are able to help Jason and Kaylee to take revenge against Wolf. Together, Jason, Kaylee, and the studio crew members devise their plan by which to do so. By now, Wolf has either removed or concealed the color of his skin and hair. En route to the studio, Wolf falls into several traps organized by his co-workers including skydiving out of a helicopter piloted by Vince and getting soaked from the Universal Studios Hollywood flash flood backlot prop. Upon arriving at the studio, bedraggled and desperate, Wolf finds out that Jason has taken his beloved toy chimpanzee, Mr. Funny-Bones, hostage. Wolf pursues Jason until they reach a climactic rooftop confrontation, where Wolf admits to having stolen Jason's story, thinking they are alone, and swearing that Wolf will never tell the truth because it's 'overrated'. Immediately, it is revealed that Wolf has been filmed throughout the confession with multiple cameras. As a result, Wolf is exposed and shamed before all those whom he has abused, including Duncan, who is outraged at him for his act of plagiarism, and from a kid no less. Without hesistation, Duncan fires Wolf for his actions, and Jason thanks Wolf for having taught him that "the truth is not overrated". Enraged, Wolf chases Jason, but Jason runs off the side of the building and eventually lands on an inflated crash pad. Afterwards, Jason and his parents re-establish their trust.The epilogue.In the epilogue, Big Fat Liar is later reproduced and shown in movie theatres across North America, utilizing the talents and skills of all those whom Wolf had abused. During the closing credits, Jason is credited for having written the original story, and Ms. Caldwell is impressed and very proud of him. Meanwhile, Wolf declares bankruptcy and starts his new job as a clown, which role he is assigned to entertain the son of the Masher, whom he insulted earlier. Recognizing him, the Masher orders his son: "Yo, Little Mash, show him your nutcracker!", a newly-learned prizefighting technique as a means of avenging the earlier offense. He delivers a flying kick to Wolf's scrotum, and Wolf's eyes dilate and rotate. | revenge, prank | tt0265298 |
Dog Pound | Butch, Davis and Angel are teenagers who have been sentenced to Enola Vale juvenile detention center in Montana. The focus is on Butch, who has been imprisoned for attacking and blinding a correctional officer.
Goodyear, a tough but fair officer, urges the new inmates to follow the rules and quietly serve their time so they can earn a second chance on the outside. At first Butch attempts to conform to the rules, but soon he and his friends are attacked by the chief bully Banks and his thugs, Eckersley and Looney.
Refusing to reveal the names of his attackers, Butch is sent to solitary confinement. Once out, he immediately exacts revenge on Banks, Eckersley, and Looney. Butch saves the worst for Banks, who is savagely beaten. The beatings establish his rank among the inmates and offers temporary protection to his friends, Davis and Angel.
During a routine painting job, Angel and Goodyear get into a physical altercation; Angel is thrown against a wall by Goodyear and dies instantly. Butch, who was a witness to the altercation, is placed in solitary confinement while an investigation takes place.
Without Butch's protection, Davis is raped by Looney and Eckersley. Davis tries to contact his mother during the night, but an officer denies his request, telling him he'll have to wait until morning. Feeling helpless, Davis goes back to his bunk, eventually committing suicide by slitting his wrists.
The deaths of both Angel and Davis result in their dormitory going on a hunger strike during breakfast. After a stare-down in the cafeteria, Butch loses control and instigates a riot. The detention officers are overwhelmed and return to the cafeteria in riot gear, using tear gas and plastic bullets in an attempt to end the riot. During the riot, Butch tries to escape the building, but is caught by the prison officers moments later. | pornographic, violence | tt1422020 |
Gilda | Johnny Farrell (Glenn Ford) is in Buenos Aires playing dice with locals. Soon someone holds a gun to his head, but a man with a snappy cane helps him out and also tells him about a casino on the other side of town.At the casino, Johnny makes sure he looks his best and enters the gambling room. He watches a short man win with a late bet at the roulette table. He goes to the blackjack table and wins several hands after requesting each time to cut the deck. Two tough guys says the casino director wants to see him; Johnny tries to fight them, but fails. The director turns out to be the man with the cane and goes by the name of Ballin Mundson (George Macready). Johnny admits to cheating, but instead of being thrown out he manages to persuade Mundson to hire him.Soon World War II ends, and there is a party at the casino. Mundson is due to leave town and leaves Johnny in charge; they have gained each other's trust. When Mundson returns he has Johnny come to his house. Mundson has brought home a woman, Gilda (Rita Hayworth), as his wife. When Johnny and Gilda see each other it's clear that they know each other, though they don't tell Mundson. That night at the casino Johnny sees the man from earlier winning at roulette again in suspicious manner and learns that it is Mundson's way of bribing those that allow his casino to continue despite gambling being illegal.Johnny has dinner with Mundson and Gilda. When Mundson leaves the table to meet with some German men, Johnny blames Gilda for marrying Mundson for the money. Gilda dances with another man, Capt. Delgado, and even gives him her phone number in front of Johnny. Later that night Mundson reveals his suspicion to Gilda that she knows Johnny from before and warns her that she should not make any missteps.Another night at the casino we see the man from before looking for his bribe at the roulette table, but his bet is turned away. Soon Johnny finds Mundson in his office talking to the same man; the conversation is about tungsten trading, Mundson telling the man he should not be selling the metal according to their agreement. Johnny goes downstairs to get Gilda out of the way, who is again enjoying herself with another man, and he and Mundson have a drink in the bar. Suddenly there's a gunshot, it's the man with the tungsten who is out to get Mundson; he misses, but in the commotion goes into the washroom and shoots himself.Scared by the threat to his life, Mundson tells Johnny about the cartel that he runs to monopolize tungsten and control the world, and gives him the combination to the safe in his office. Later that night Gilda returns home from town with the young man, Gabe. Johnny knocks the guy over and has him leave and tells Gilda she should not make trouble with Mundson and that he will make things appear right even if she does continue to cavort with other men.One night Johnny wakes up by the sound of Gilda singing in the casino room with only the washroom attendant, Pio (Steven Geray), as audience. She's been out again. Johnny takes her home and they tell to Mundson that they have been swimming, together.Another night the casino is having a carnival party. Two Germans come to Johnny's office and demand to see Mundson; Johnny rings Mundson. Mundson talks to Gilda about being late for the party; tension runs thick between them. At the party Johnny and Gilda dance; Gilda comes on to him, but he refuses. A man, Obregon (Joseph Calleia), who's been hanging around the casino for weeks, tells Johnny there might be trouble. Johnny gets a message that Gilda has left and wants him to pick her up later. Soon a man is revealed to be dead behind his mask, and there is commotion. Johnny finds Mundson in his office and warns him he might be in danger. But Mundson tells Johnny to go find Gilda, then calls an airfield and makes some arrangements.Johnny picks Gilda up, and they go to the house. Gilda suggests they make use of the time alone. He goes to her room to throw her out, but ends up kissing her. They hear a sound and Johnny sees Mundson leaving the house: he has seen them. Johnny goes after Mundson in a car, and so do the police, headed by Obregon. They follow Mundson to an airfield and watch him take off in a plane and crash down into the ocean, assuming that he is dead. However, we soon see Mundson being picked up by a boat, revealing that he had indeed intended to escape from the police investigation.With everybody thinking Mundson is dead, Gilda inherits his fortune, and Johnny takes over the casino and the cartel. Gilda and Johnny get married, and he takes her to a new home. Gilda is happy, but Johnny does not intend to live with her; instead, he makes sure she cannot have contact with anyone. One of the Germans from the cartel comes to see Johnny and tells him that Mundson held the tungsten patents unrightfully. Now he wants them and the cartel leadership back.Gilda comes to see Johnny, wanting a reason for his treatment of her. He blames her for cheating on Mundson and wants to punish her. Seeking company, Gilda starts going out with other men, but Johnny has them disappear one by one. Realizing Johnny wants to keep her in cage, she runs. We see her as a club singer in Montevideo with another man, Tom. He persuades her to go back to Buenos Aires to get an annulment of her marriage. But when they arrive, it turns out Tom is on Johnny's payroll, and Gilda is back in her cage.Obregon talks to Johnny, wanting him to reveal the names of the cartel members, Johnny says he knows nothing about it. Gilda starts singing and dancing in the casino and flirts with the men. Johnny doesn't like it and hits her. Obregon comes again, closes down the casino and puts pressure on Johnny. Johnny gives him what he wants. Obregon tells Johnny that Gilda is waiting in the casino. Johnny overcomes his pride and asks Gilda to take him with her back to America. Suddenly Mundson appears from his office, explains how he is not dead afterall and announces his intention of killing them both. But before he can, Pio stabs Mundson with his own cane. Obregon comes in seeing what's happened, but lets them go, saying afterall a man can only die once. Gilda tells Johnny, "Let's go home." | intrigue, murder | tt0038559 |
GirlFight: inVite | Diana Guzman is a Brooklyn teenager whose hot temper gets her into trouble at school as she repeatedly starts fights with other students. Her frustration stems from her unhappy home life; she lives in a public housing estate with her brother Tiny and their single father, Sandro. Sandro pays for Tiny's boxing training in hopes of his becoming a professional boxer, although Tiny would prefer to be an artist.
After visiting Tiny's gym and intervening in a spar to defend him, Diana asks the trainers to let her box, too. She is told she can train there, but not compete in actual fights. When she learns that she cannot afford coaching from Tiny's trainer, Hector Soto, she asks her father for an allowance but he tells her to get a job. She resorts to stealing his money instead and returns to the gym, where Hector begins to teach her the basics of boxing.
Diana's first spar is with Adrian Sturges, whom she later meets again when Hector takes her to a professional fight. Adrian invites Diana to dinner after the fight and kisses her after walking her home. One night after a spar which gave Diana a black eye, Sandro sees Diana and Adrian together and confronts her, assuming that she is in an abusive relationship. She storms out of the apartment and spends the night with Adrian. When he asks about her parents, she reveals that her mother committed suicide several years ago. When Diana returns to her apartment, Tiny offers to give up boxing so that she can use the coaching money he gets from their father.
Diana later goes to Hector's birthday party, but leaves when she sees Adrian getting friendly with his ex-girlfriend. When Diana and Adrian spar at their next session in the gym, he is reluctant to hit her, and she leaves before he can talk to her. Diana's first amateur match is scheduled against another girl, but when her opponent pulls out she ends up fighting a man, Ray Cortez. Sandro arrives in the middle of the fight to see the match end in Ray's disqualification for illegal shoving. When Diana arrives home, Sandro berates her for looking like a loser. She retaliates by beating him to the floor and accuses him of abusing her mother to the point of suicide.
After weeks of rigorous training, Diana wins another amateur fight, this time against a girl, Ricki Stiles. Although Diana has accepted Adrian's apology, tensions rise between them again when they learn that they both have advanced to the finals in their division to fight each other. Adrian refuses to fight a girl and Diana struggles to convince him to view her as a legitimate opponent. He turns up for the fight on the day, however, and after an even match, Diana wins with a unanimous decision by the judges. After the fight, Adrian fears that he has lost Diana's respect, but she tells him she respects him even more for fighting her, and they reconcile. | gothic, murder, realism, cult, violence, good versus evil, plot twist, sadist, sci-fi | tt5814914 |
K-20: Kaijin nijû mensô den | Holy Steampunk, Sherlock Holmes! Screen idol Takeshi Kaneshiro is back and this time hes showing his respect for Lupin, Raffles and all the great thieves and masked penny dreadful heroes of the turn-of-the-century in this massive steampunk blow-out directed by Shimako Sato, one of the few female directors in the big budget end of the Japanese film industry.Its 1949 and World War II never happened. Nikola Tesla has just won a Nobel Prize rather than dying in obscurity and the Japanese Empire is an undying aristocracy where the rich sip tea out of bone china, while the poor die in the gutters. K-20, the Fiend with Twenty Faces, steals from the rich and gives to himself. But now, on the eve of the marriage between society princess, Yoko Hashiba, and chief of police, Kogoro Akechi, the fiend frames simple circus acrobat Hekichi Endo (Takeshi Kaneshiro) for his crimes and the poor sap is arrested and sentenced to death. But he escapes at the last minute and assumes the guise of K-20 in order to clear his good name.Starting with a falling chandelier from PHANTOM OF THE OPERA and continuing with the Tunguska Explosion, Tesla coils, gyrocopters and all manner of pulp touchstones, this flick is constantly zooming, panning, gliding and skidding to a stop, suffused with old fashioned showmanship and skill. For sheer entertainment value its like all the Saturday morning matinees you never saw wrapped up in one film and given a big budget gloss. But more than the skill and style, the actors are a delight. The young princess, Hashiba (Takako Matsu) describes herself as just a modest girl from a good family, but really shes a two-fisted adventurer in waiting, hemmed in by good breeding but secretly yearning to sock a baddie in the jaw and fly a helicopter into the sunset. Takeshi Kaneshiro is charm itself, and its a pleasure to spend two hours in his company. By the time the last zeppelin has cleared the screen youll want to know where you can buy a ticket and stand in line to wait for the sequel. [D-Man2010] | romantic, mystery, action, sci-fi | tt1156395 |
Zulu | In 1879, a communiqué from Lord Chelmsford to the Secretary of State for War in London (voice-over narration by Richard Burton) details the crushing defeat of a British force at the hands of the Zulus at the Battle of Isandlwana. In the aftermath of the battle, the victorious Zulus walk amongst the scattered bodies of dead British soldiers and gather their rifles. At a mass Zulu marriage ceremony witnessed by missionary Otto Witt (Jack Hawkins) and his daughter (Ulla Jacobsson), Zulu King Cetewayo (Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi) is also informed of the great victory.
A company of the British Army's 24th Regiment of Foot is using the missionary station of Rorke's Drift in Natal as a supply depot and hospital for their invasion force across the border in Zululand. Receiving news of Isandhlwana from the Natal Native Contingent Commander Adendorff, who warns that an army of 4,000 Zulu warriors is advancing to the British position, Lieutenant John Chard (Stanley Baker) of the Royal Engineers assumes command of the small British detachment. Lieutenant Gonville Bromhead (Michael Caine), an infantry officer, is rather put out to find himself subordinate to an engineer due to the latter's slightly earlier commission. Realising that they cannot outrun the Zulu army with wounded soldiers, Chard decides to make a stand at the station, using wagons, sacks of mealie, and crates of ship's biscuit to form a defensive perimeter. Witt becomes drunk and demoralises the men with his dire predictions; the soldiers of the Natal Native Contingent desert. Chard orders Witt to be locked in a supply room.
As the Zulu impis approach, a contingent of Boer horsemen arrives. They advise Chard that defending the station is hopeless. They retreat in haste, despite Chard's desperate pleas for them to stay. The Zulu army approach and then charge. The British open fire, but Adendorff informs them that the Zulus are only testing the British firepower. Witt again predicts the soldiers' inevitable fate, before escaping the battle with his daughter. Chard is concerned that the northern perimeter wall is undermanned and realises that the attack will come from all sides. The defenders are surprised when the Zulu warriors open fire on the station with rifles, taken from the British dead at Isandlwana.
Throughout the day and night, wave after wave of Zulu attackers are repelled. The Zulus succeed in setting fire to the hospital, leading to intense fighting between British patients and Zulu warriors as the former try to escape the flames. Private Henry Hook (James Booth) takes charge and successfully leads the patients to safety.
The next morning, the Zulus approach to within several hundred yards and begin singing a war chant; the British respond by singing "Men of Harlech". In the final assault, just as it seems the Zulus will finally overwhelm the tired defenders, the British soldiers fall back to a small redoubt constructed out of mealie bags. With a reserve of soldiers hidden within the redoubt, they form into three ranks and seamlessly fire volley after volley, inflicting heavy casualties; the Zulus withdraw. After a pause of three hours, the defenders are still recovering when the Zulus re-form again on the Oscarberg. Resigned to another assault, the British are astonished when the Zulus instead sing a song to honour the bravery of the defenders before departing.
The film ends with another narration by Richard Burton, listing the eleven defenders who received the Victoria Cross for the defence of Rorke's Drift, the most awarded to a regiment in a single action up to that time. | cult, historical | tt0058777 |
Santa Fe Trail | The movie begins in 1854 prior to the U.S. Civil War with cadets at West Point practicing cavalry maneuvers.From the beginning there is obvious friction between some of the cadets.
After one of the cadets reads from a tract by abolitionist John Brown they discuss the issue of slavery in the United States and what should be done about it. Primarily the argument is between one Northern cadet, Rader, and 'Jeb' Stuart, from the South. Rader supports Brown's beliefs and Stuart opposes them, saying the South should be left alone to work out what to do about the slaves.
Various cadets take sides, a fight breaks out. Afterward several of the cadets are reprimanded and assigned to the cavalry as 'punishment' (though they seem happy about it). Rader is thrown out of school for stirring up trouble. The cadets are then shown graduating. These include 'Jeb' Stuart, George Armstrong Custer, George Pickett, and other famous participants in the war that is to follow. Secretary of War Jefferson Davis (future president of the Confederacy) gives a speech and the cadet's sing a song.
During the ceremony Stuart and Custer catch sight of a pretty girl Kit Carson Holiday(Olivia deHavilland) whose father is a railway baron.The newly minted young officers then travel by train to their new post in Leavenworth, Kansas. There is discussion about the troubles that Kansas has been having with John Brown's raids (Kansas is not a state yet and it is not clear if it will join the Union as a slave state or a free state).
Stuart and Custer then flirt with Kit Holiday who is also along for the ride with her father, who intends to extend the railway West, through the troubled territory of Kansas.Attention then shifts to some slaves who are also in the passenger car. A man claiming to own them keeps them from being thrown out, but then he is confronted by some men with guns who attempt to force him off the train "before it crosses state lines". It turns out that the man with the slaves is an operative of John Brown. The men with guns are concerned that he is attempting to aid renegade slaves across the border from Missouri to Kansas (where they have no formal status). There is a gunfight and one of the Southern men is shot and killed. The man who was transporting the slaves jumps off the train. The slaves are left on board, confused.The young officers arrive at Fort Leavenworth, a frontier garrison. There is some scary talk about how dangerous the post is and how some of the previous officers are dead or missing.
Stuart and Custer are sent out on patrol but before they leave the stop for supplies and to flirt with Miss Carson. The two flip a coin to see who gets first crack at her and Stuart wins.Focus then shifts to the camp of John Brown, who is setting out orders for the conduct of his followers. Rader, the cadet who was kicked out of West Point, is seen arriving at the camp by wagon. The man who escaped from the train earlier also shows up and is reprimanded by Brown for leaving the slaves behind. John Brown then leads everyone in prayer.Stuart and Custer's patrol meets Brown. There is a delivery of Bibles in the wagons for him and the officers don't recognize him at first. A box falls off the wagon and breaks open, revealing that the 'Bibles' are actually rifles. John Brown's men take the rifes at gunpoint, then Stuart and Custer's group chases after them. John Brown gets away but the wagon with the rifles is wrecked.The forces of Fort Leavenworth then assemble to ride out after John Brown and stop him, but despite a wide-ranging campaign he alludes them.Eventually Rader comes to Jefferson Davis to discuss betraying John Brown to them. Brown ends up trapped at Harper's Ferry and the military is sent to capture him. The troops surround Brown and what is left of his forces and a big gun battle ensues. During the battle John Brown shoots Rader for betraying him. Shortly afterwards the military blasts its way in and takes the survivors prisoner.John Brown being is hung while Custer and Stuart and Miss Carson watch. Brown gives a prophetic speech on the scaffold before he dies.The final scene is of Stuart and Carson being married on a train. | violence, murder, romantic | tt0033021 |
The Neighbors | How well do you know your neighbors? Meet The Weavers: Debbie (Jami Gertz) and Marty (Lenny Venito). Marty, in hopes of providing a better life for his wife and three kids, recently bought a home in "Hidden Hills," a gated New Jersey townhome community with its own golf course. Hidden Hills is so exclusive that a house hasn't come on the market in 10 years. But one finally did... and the Weavers got it! It's clear from day one that the residents of Hidden Hills are a little... different. For starters, their new neighbors all have pro-athlete names like Larry Bird, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Reggie Jackson, and Dick Butkus. Over dinner, Marty and his family discover that their neighbors receive nourishment through their eyes and mind by reading books, rather than eating. The Weavers soon learn that the entire community is comprised of aliens from Zabvron, where the men bear children and everyone cries green goo... from their ears. The Zabvronians have been stationed on Earth for the past 10 years, disguised as humans, awaiting instructions from home, and the Weavers are the first humans they've had the opportunity to know. As it turns out, the pressures of marriage and parenthood are not exclusive to planet Earth. Two worlds will collide with hilarious consequences as everyone discovers they can "totally relate," and learn a lot from each other. Dan Fogelman (the writer of Cars, Tangled, and Crazy, Stupid, Love), Director Chris Koch (Workaholics, Modern Family), Jeff Morton (Modern Family) and Aaron Kaplan (GCB, Terra Nova) executive produce this new comedy about close encounters of the 3rd kind, in New Jersey. | satire | tt2182229 |
Subsets and Splits