protected void loadLookAndFeel() throws Exception { // Do we have any preference for this OS ? String sysos = System.getProperty(""); String syskey = "unix"; if (sysos.regionMatches(true, 0, "windows", 0, 7)) { syskey = "windows"; } else if (sysos.regionMatches(true, 0, "mac", 0, 3)) { syskey = "mac"; } String laf = null; if (installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelMapping.containsKey(syskey)) { laf = (String) installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelMapping.get(syskey); } // Let's use the system LAF // Resolve whether button icons should be used or not. boolean useButtonIcons = true; if(installdata.guiPrefs.modifier.containsKey("useButtonIcons") && ((String)installdata.guiPrefs.modifier. get("useButtonIcons")).equalsIgnoreCase("no") ) useButtonIcons = false; ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); boolean useLabelIcons = true; if(installdata.guiPrefs.modifier.containsKey("useLabelIcons") && ((String)installdata.guiPrefs.modifier. get("useLabelIcons")).equalsIgnoreCase("no") ) useLabelIcons = false; LabelFactory.setUseLabelIcons(useLabelIcons); if (laf == null) { if (!syskey.equals("mac")) { String syslaf = UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName(); UIManager.setLookAndFeel(syslaf); if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof MetalLookAndFeel) { MetalLookAndFeel.setCurrentTheme(new IzPackMetalTheme()); ButtonFactory.useHighlightButtons(); // Reset the use button icons state because useHighlightButtons // make it always true. ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); installdata.buttonsHColor = new Color(182, 182, 204); } } lnf = "swing"; return; } // Kunststoff ( if (laf.equals("kunststoff")) { ButtonFactory.useHighlightButtons(); // Reset the use button icons state because useHighlightButtons // make it always true. ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); installdata.buttonsHColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); Class lafClass = Class .forName("com.incors.plaf.kunststoff.KunststoffLookAndFeel"); Class mtheme = Class.forName("javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTheme"); Class[] params = { mtheme}; Class theme = Class.forName("com.izforge.izpack.gui.IzPackKMetalTheme"); Method setCurrentThemeMethod = lafClass.getMethod("setCurrentTheme", params); // We invoke and place Kunststoff as our L&F LookAndFeel kunststoff = (LookAndFeel) lafClass.newInstance(); MetalTheme ktheme = (MetalTheme) theme.newInstance(); Object[] kparams = { ktheme}; UIManager.setLookAndFeel(kunststoff); setCurrentThemeMethod.invoke(kunststoff, kparams); lnf = "kunststoff"; return; } // Liquid ( if (laf.equals("liquid")) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.birosoft.liquid.LiquidLookAndFeel"); lnf = "liquid"; Map params = (Map)installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelParams.get(laf); if (params.containsKey("decorate.frames")) { String value = (String)params.get("decorate.frames"); if (value.equals("yes")) { JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); } } if (params.containsKey("decorate.dialogs")) { String value = (String)params.get("decorate.dialogs"); if (value.equals("yes")) { JDialog.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); } } return; } // Metouia ( if (laf.equals("metouia")) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("net.sourceforge.mlf.metouia.MetouiaLookAndFeel"); lnf = "metouia"; return; } // JGoodies Looks ( if (laf.equals("looks")) { Map variants = new TreeMap(); variants.put("extwin", " "); variants.put("plastic", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticLookAndFeel"); variants.put("plastic3D", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.Plastic3DLookAndFeel"); variants.put("plasticXP", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticXPLookAndFeel"); String variant = (String)variants.get("plasticXP"); Map params = (Map)installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelParams.get(laf); if (params.containsKey("variant")) { String param = (String)params.get("variant"); if (variants.containsKey(param)) { variant = (String)variants.get(param); } } UIManager.setLookAndFeel(variant); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/d2cee8f5165671d318a97cc2eed7768c8b3c691c/
protected void loadLookAndFeel() throws Exception { // Do we have any preference for this OS ? String sysos = System.getProperty(""); String syskey = "unix"; if (sysos.regionMatches(true, 0, "windows", 0, 7)) { syskey = "windows"; } else if (sysos.regionMatches(true, 0, "mac", 0, 3)) { syskey = "mac"; } String laf = null; if (installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelMapping.containsKey(syskey)) { laf = (String) installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelMapping.get(syskey); } // Let's use the system LAF // Resolve whether button icons should be used or not. boolean useButtonIcons = true; if(installdata.guiPrefs.modifier.containsKey("useButtonIcons") && ((String)installdata.guiPrefs.modifier. get("useButtonIcons")).equalsIgnoreCase("no") ) useButtonIcons = false; ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); boolean useLabelIcons = true; if(installdata.guiPrefs.modifier.containsKey("useLabelIcons") && ((String)installdata.guiPrefs.modifier. get("useLabelIcons")).equalsIgnoreCase("no") ) useLabelIcons = false; LabelFactory.setUseLabelIcons(useLabelIcons); if (laf == null) { if (!syskey.equals("mac")) { String syslaf = UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName(); UIManager.setLookAndFeel(syslaf); if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof MetalLookAndFeel) { MetalLookAndFeel.setCurrentTheme(new IzPackMetalTheme()); ButtonFactory.useHighlightButtons(); // Reset the use button icons state because useHighlightButtons // make it always true. ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); installdata.buttonsHColor = new Color(182, 182, 204); } } lnf = "swing"; return; } // Kunststoff ( if (laf.equals("kunststoff")) { ButtonFactory.useHighlightButtons(); // Reset the use button icons state because useHighlightButtons // make it always true. ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); installdata.buttonsHColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); Class lafClass = Class .forName("com.incors.plaf.kunststoff.KunststoffLookAndFeel"); Class mtheme = Class.forName("javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTheme"); Class[] params = { mtheme}; Class theme = Class.forName("com.izforge.izpack.gui.IzPackKMetalTheme"); Method setCurrentThemeMethod = lafClass.getMethod("setCurrentTheme", params); // We invoke and place Kunststoff as our L&F LookAndFeel kunststoff = (LookAndFeel) lafClass.newInstance(); MetalTheme ktheme = (MetalTheme) theme.newInstance(); Object[] kparams = { ktheme}; UIManager.setLookAndFeel(kunststoff); setCurrentThemeMethod.invoke(kunststoff, kparams); lnf = "kunststoff"; return; } // Liquid ( if (laf.equals("liquid")) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.birosoft.liquid.LiquidLookAndFeel"); lnf = "liquid"; Map params = (Map)installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelParams.get(laf); if (params.containsKey("decorate.frames")) { String value = (String)params.get("decorate.frames"); if (value.equals("yes")) { JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); } } if (params.containsKey("decorate.dialogs")) { String value = (String)params.get("decorate.dialogs"); if (value.equals("yes")) { JDialog.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); } } return; } // Metouia ( if (laf.equals("metouia")) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("net.sourceforge.mlf.metouia.MetouiaLookAndFeel"); lnf = "metouia"; return; } // JGoodies Looks ( if (laf.equals("looks")) { Map variants = new TreeMap(); variants.put("extwin", " "); variants.put("plastic", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticLookAndFeel"); variants.put("plastic3D", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.Plastic3DLookAndFeel"); variants.put("plasticXP", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticXPLookAndFeel"); String variant = (String)variants.get("plasticXP"); Map params = (Map)installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelParams.get(laf); if (params.containsKey("variant")) { String param = (String)params.get("variant"); if (variants.containsKey(param)) { variant = (String)variants.get(param); } } UIManager.setLookAndFeel(variant); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/d2cee8f5165671d318a97cc2eed7768c8b3c691c/
protected void loadLookAndFeel() throws Exception { // Do we have any preference for this OS ? String sysos = System.getProperty(""); String syskey = "unix"; if (sysos.regionMatches(true, 0, "windows", 0, 7)) { syskey = "windows"; } else if (sysos.regionMatches(true, 0, "mac", 0, 3)) { syskey = "mac"; } String laf = null; if (installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelMapping.containsKey(syskey)) { laf = (String) installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelMapping.get(syskey); } // Let's use the system LAF // Resolve whether button icons should be used or not. boolean useButtonIcons = true; if(installdata.guiPrefs.modifier.containsKey("useButtonIcons") && ((String)installdata.guiPrefs.modifier. get("useButtonIcons")).equalsIgnoreCase("no") ) useButtonIcons = false; ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); boolean useLabelIcons = true; if(installdata.guiPrefs.modifier.containsKey("useLabelIcons") && ((String)installdata.guiPrefs.modifier. get("useLabelIcons")).equalsIgnoreCase("no") ) useLabelIcons = false; LabelFactory.setUseLabelIcons(useLabelIcons); if (laf == null) { if (!syskey.equals("mac")) { String syslaf = UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName(); UIManager.setLookAndFeel(syslaf); if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof MetalLookAndFeel) { MetalLookAndFeel.setCurrentTheme(new IzPackMetalTheme()); ButtonFactory.useHighlightButtons(); // Reset the use button icons state because useHighlightButtons // make it always true. ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); installdata.buttonsHColor = new Color(182, 182, 204); } } lnf = "swing"; return; } // Kunststoff ( if (laf.equals("kunststoff")) { ButtonFactory.useHighlightButtons(); // Reset the use button icons state because useHighlightButtons // make it always true. ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); installdata.buttonsHColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); Class lafClass = Class .forName("com.incors.plaf.kunststoff.KunststoffLookAndFeel"); Class mtheme = Class.forName("javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTheme"); Class[] params = { mtheme}; Class theme = Class.forName("com.izforge.izpack.gui.IzPackKMetalTheme"); Method setCurrentThemeMethod = lafClass.getMethod("setCurrentTheme", params); // We invoke and place Kunststoff as our L&F LookAndFeel kunststoff = (LookAndFeel) lafClass.newInstance(); MetalTheme ktheme = (MetalTheme) theme.newInstance(); Object[] kparams = { ktheme}; UIManager.setLookAndFeel(kunststoff); setCurrentThemeMethod.invoke(kunststoff, kparams); lnf = "kunststoff"; return; } // Liquid ( if (laf.equals("liquid")) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.birosoft.liquid.LiquidLookAndFeel"); lnf = "liquid"; Map params = (Map)installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelParams.get(laf); if (params.containsKey("decorate.frames")) { String value = (String)params.get("decorate.frames"); if (value.equals("yes")) { JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); } } if (params.containsKey("decorate.dialogs")) { String value = (String)params.get("decorate.dialogs"); if (value.equals("yes")) { JDialog.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); } } return; } // Metouia ( if (laf.equals("metouia")) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("net.sourceforge.mlf.metouia.MetouiaLookAndFeel"); lnf = "metouia"; return; } // JGoodies Looks ( if (laf.equals("looks")) { Map variants = new TreeMap(); variants.put("extwin", " "); variants.put("plastic", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticLookAndFeel"); variants.put("plastic3D", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.Plastic3DLookAndFeel"); variants.put("plasticXP", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticXPLookAndFeel"); String variant = (String)variants.get("plasticXP"); Map params = (Map)installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelParams.get(laf); if (params.containsKey("variant")) { String param = (String)params.get("variant"); if (variants.containsKey(param)) { variant = (String)variants.get(param); } } UIManager.setLookAndFeel(variant); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/d2cee8f5165671d318a97cc2eed7768c8b3c691c/
protected void loadLookAndFeel() throws Exception { // Do we have any preference for this OS ? String sysos = System.getProperty(""); String syskey = "unix"; if (sysos.regionMatches(true, 0, "windows", 0, 7)) { syskey = "windows"; } else if (sysos.regionMatches(true, 0, "mac", 0, 3)) { syskey = "mac"; } String laf = null; if (installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelMapping.containsKey(syskey)) { laf = (String) installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelMapping.get(syskey); } // Let's use the system LAF // Resolve whether button icons should be used or not. boolean useButtonIcons = true; if(installdata.guiPrefs.modifier.containsKey("useButtonIcons") && ((String)installdata.guiPrefs.modifier. get("useButtonIcons")).equalsIgnoreCase("no") ) useButtonIcons = false; ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); boolean useLabelIcons = true; if(installdata.guiPrefs.modifier.containsKey("useLabelIcons") && ((String)installdata.guiPrefs.modifier. get("useLabelIcons")).equalsIgnoreCase("no") ) useLabelIcons = false; LabelFactory.setUseLabelIcons(useLabelIcons); if (laf == null) { if (!syskey.equals("mac")) { String syslaf = UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName(); UIManager.setLookAndFeel(syslaf); if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof MetalLookAndFeel) { MetalLookAndFeel.setCurrentTheme(new IzPackMetalTheme()); ButtonFactory.useHighlightButtons(); // Reset the use button icons state because useHighlightButtons // make it always true. ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); installdata.buttonsHColor = new Color(182, 182, 204); } } lnf = "swing"; return; } // Kunststoff ( if (laf.equals("kunststoff")) { ButtonFactory.useHighlightButtons(); // Reset the use button icons state because useHighlightButtons // make it always true. ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); installdata.buttonsHColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); Class lafClass = Class .forName("com.incors.plaf.kunststoff.KunststoffLookAndFeel"); Class mtheme = Class.forName("javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTheme"); Class[] params = { mtheme}; Class theme = Class.forName("com.izforge.izpack.gui.IzPackKMetalTheme"); Method setCurrentThemeMethod = lafClass.getMethod("setCurrentTheme", params); // We invoke and place Kunststoff as our L&F LookAndFeel kunststoff = (LookAndFeel) lafClass.newInstance(); MetalTheme ktheme = (MetalTheme) theme.newInstance(); Object[] kparams = { ktheme}; UIManager.setLookAndFeel(kunststoff); setCurrentThemeMethod.invoke(kunststoff, kparams); lnf = "kunststoff"; return; } // Liquid ( if (laf.equals("liquid")) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.birosoft.liquid.LiquidLookAndFeel"); lnf = "liquid"; Map params = (Map)installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelParams.get(laf); if (params.containsKey("decorate.frames")) { String value = (String)params.get("decorate.frames"); if (value.equals("yes")) { JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); } } if (params.containsKey("decorate.dialogs")) { String value = (String)params.get("decorate.dialogs"); if (value.equals("yes")) { JDialog.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); } } return; } // Metouia ( if (laf.equals("metouia")) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("net.sourceforge.mlf.metouia.MetouiaLookAndFeel"); lnf = "metouia"; return; } // JGoodies Looks ( if (laf.equals("looks")) { Map variants = new TreeMap(); variants.put("extwin", " "); variants.put("plastic", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticLookAndFeel"); variants.put("plastic3D", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.Plastic3DLookAndFeel"); variants.put("plasticXP", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticXPLookAndFeel"); String variant = (String)variants.get("plasticXP"); Map params = (Map)installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelParams.get(laf); if (params.containsKey("variant")) { String param = (String)params.get("variant"); if (variants.containsKey(param)) { variant = (String)variants.get(param); } } UIManager.setLookAndFeel(variant); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/d2cee8f5165671d318a97cc2eed7768c8b3c691c/
variants.put("extwin", " ");
variants.put("extwin", "");
protected void loadLookAndFeel() throws Exception { // Do we have any preference for this OS ? String sysos = System.getProperty(""); String syskey = "unix"; if (sysos.regionMatches(true, 0, "windows", 0, 7)) { syskey = "windows"; } else if (sysos.regionMatches(true, 0, "mac", 0, 3)) { syskey = "mac"; } String laf = null; if (installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelMapping.containsKey(syskey)) { laf = (String) installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelMapping.get(syskey); } // Let's use the system LAF // Resolve whether button icons should be used or not. boolean useButtonIcons = true; if(installdata.guiPrefs.modifier.containsKey("useButtonIcons") && ((String)installdata.guiPrefs.modifier. get("useButtonIcons")).equalsIgnoreCase("no") ) useButtonIcons = false; ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); boolean useLabelIcons = true; if(installdata.guiPrefs.modifier.containsKey("useLabelIcons") && ((String)installdata.guiPrefs.modifier. get("useLabelIcons")).equalsIgnoreCase("no") ) useLabelIcons = false; LabelFactory.setUseLabelIcons(useLabelIcons); if (laf == null) { if (!syskey.equals("mac")) { String syslaf = UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName(); UIManager.setLookAndFeel(syslaf); if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof MetalLookAndFeel) { MetalLookAndFeel.setCurrentTheme(new IzPackMetalTheme()); ButtonFactory.useHighlightButtons(); // Reset the use button icons state because useHighlightButtons // make it always true. ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); installdata.buttonsHColor = new Color(182, 182, 204); } } lnf = "swing"; return; } // Kunststoff ( if (laf.equals("kunststoff")) { ButtonFactory.useHighlightButtons(); // Reset the use button icons state because useHighlightButtons // make it always true. ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); installdata.buttonsHColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); Class lafClass = Class .forName("com.incors.plaf.kunststoff.KunststoffLookAndFeel"); Class mtheme = Class.forName("javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTheme"); Class[] params = { mtheme}; Class theme = Class.forName("com.izforge.izpack.gui.IzPackKMetalTheme"); Method setCurrentThemeMethod = lafClass.getMethod("setCurrentTheme", params); // We invoke and place Kunststoff as our L&F LookAndFeel kunststoff = (LookAndFeel) lafClass.newInstance(); MetalTheme ktheme = (MetalTheme) theme.newInstance(); Object[] kparams = { ktheme}; UIManager.setLookAndFeel(kunststoff); setCurrentThemeMethod.invoke(kunststoff, kparams); lnf = "kunststoff"; return; } // Liquid ( if (laf.equals("liquid")) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.birosoft.liquid.LiquidLookAndFeel"); lnf = "liquid"; Map params = (Map)installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelParams.get(laf); if (params.containsKey("decorate.frames")) { String value = (String)params.get("decorate.frames"); if (value.equals("yes")) { JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); } } if (params.containsKey("decorate.dialogs")) { String value = (String)params.get("decorate.dialogs"); if (value.equals("yes")) { JDialog.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); } } return; } // Metouia ( if (laf.equals("metouia")) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("net.sourceforge.mlf.metouia.MetouiaLookAndFeel"); lnf = "metouia"; return; } // JGoodies Looks ( if (laf.equals("looks")) { Map variants = new TreeMap(); variants.put("extwin", " "); variants.put("plastic", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticLookAndFeel"); variants.put("plastic3D", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.Plastic3DLookAndFeel"); variants.put("plasticXP", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticXPLookAndFeel"); String variant = (String)variants.get("plasticXP"); Map params = (Map)installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelParams.get(laf); if (params.containsKey("variant")) { String param = (String)params.get("variant"); if (variants.containsKey(param)) { variant = (String)variants.get(param); } } UIManager.setLookAndFeel(variant); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/d2cee8f5165671d318a97cc2eed7768c8b3c691c/
protected void loadLookAndFeel() throws Exception { // Do we have any preference for this OS ? String sysos = System.getProperty(""); String syskey = "unix"; if (sysos.regionMatches(true, 0, "windows", 0, 7)) { syskey = "windows"; } else if (sysos.regionMatches(true, 0, "mac", 0, 3)) { syskey = "mac"; } String laf = null; if (installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelMapping.containsKey(syskey)) { laf = (String) installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelMapping.get(syskey); } // Let's use the system LAF // Resolve whether button icons should be used or not. boolean useButtonIcons = true; if(installdata.guiPrefs.modifier.containsKey("useButtonIcons") && ((String)installdata.guiPrefs.modifier. get("useButtonIcons")).equalsIgnoreCase("no") ) useButtonIcons = false; ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); boolean useLabelIcons = true; if(installdata.guiPrefs.modifier.containsKey("useLabelIcons") && ((String)installdata.guiPrefs.modifier. get("useLabelIcons")).equalsIgnoreCase("no") ) useLabelIcons = false; LabelFactory.setUseLabelIcons(useLabelIcons); if (laf == null) { if (!syskey.equals("mac")) { String syslaf = UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName(); UIManager.setLookAndFeel(syslaf); if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof MetalLookAndFeel) { MetalLookAndFeel.setCurrentTheme(new IzPackMetalTheme()); ButtonFactory.useHighlightButtons(); // Reset the use button icons state because useHighlightButtons // make it always true. ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); installdata.buttonsHColor = new Color(182, 182, 204); } } lnf = "swing"; return; } // Kunststoff ( if (laf.equals("kunststoff")) { ButtonFactory.useHighlightButtons(); // Reset the use button icons state because useHighlightButtons // make it always true. ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); installdata.buttonsHColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); Class lafClass = Class .forName("com.incors.plaf.kunststoff.KunststoffLookAndFeel"); Class mtheme = Class.forName("javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTheme"); Class[] params = { mtheme}; Class theme = Class.forName("com.izforge.izpack.gui.IzPackKMetalTheme"); Method setCurrentThemeMethod = lafClass.getMethod("setCurrentTheme", params); // We invoke and place Kunststoff as our L&F LookAndFeel kunststoff = (LookAndFeel) lafClass.newInstance(); MetalTheme ktheme = (MetalTheme) theme.newInstance(); Object[] kparams = { ktheme}; UIManager.setLookAndFeel(kunststoff); setCurrentThemeMethod.invoke(kunststoff, kparams); lnf = "kunststoff"; return; } // Liquid ( if (laf.equals("liquid")) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.birosoft.liquid.LiquidLookAndFeel"); lnf = "liquid"; Map params = (Map)installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelParams.get(laf); if (params.containsKey("decorate.frames")) { String value = (String)params.get("decorate.frames"); if (value.equals("yes")) { JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); } } if (params.containsKey("decorate.dialogs")) { String value = (String)params.get("decorate.dialogs"); if (value.equals("yes")) { JDialog.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); } } return; } // Metouia ( if (laf.equals("metouia")) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("net.sourceforge.mlf.metouia.MetouiaLookAndFeel"); lnf = "metouia"; return; } // JGoodies Looks ( if (laf.equals("looks")) { Map variants = new TreeMap(); variants.put("extwin", " "); variants.put("plastic", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticLookAndFeel"); variants.put("plastic3D", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.Plastic3DLookAndFeel"); variants.put("plasticXP", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticXPLookAndFeel"); String variant = (String)variants.get("plasticXP"); Map params = (Map)installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelParams.get(laf); if (params.containsKey("variant")) { String param = (String)params.get("variant"); if (variants.containsKey(param)) { variant = (String)variants.get(param); } } UIManager.setLookAndFeel(variant); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/d2cee8f5165671d318a97cc2eed7768c8b3c691c/
protected void loadLookAndFeel() throws Exception { // Do we have any preference for this OS ? String sysos = System.getProperty(""); String syskey = "unix"; if (sysos.regionMatches(true, 0, "windows", 0, 7)) { syskey = "windows"; } else if (sysos.regionMatches(true, 0, "mac", 0, 3)) { syskey = "mac"; } String laf = null; if (installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelMapping.containsKey(syskey)) { laf = (String) installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelMapping.get(syskey); } // Let's use the system LAF // Resolve whether button icons should be used or not. boolean useButtonIcons = true; if(installdata.guiPrefs.modifier.containsKey("useButtonIcons") && ((String)installdata.guiPrefs.modifier. get("useButtonIcons")).equalsIgnoreCase("no") ) useButtonIcons = false; ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); boolean useLabelIcons = true; if(installdata.guiPrefs.modifier.containsKey("useLabelIcons") && ((String)installdata.guiPrefs.modifier. get("useLabelIcons")).equalsIgnoreCase("no") ) useLabelIcons = false; LabelFactory.setUseLabelIcons(useLabelIcons); if (laf == null) { if (!syskey.equals("mac")) { String syslaf = UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName(); UIManager.setLookAndFeel(syslaf); if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof MetalLookAndFeel) { MetalLookAndFeel.setCurrentTheme(new IzPackMetalTheme()); ButtonFactory.useHighlightButtons(); // Reset the use button icons state because useHighlightButtons // make it always true. ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); installdata.buttonsHColor = new Color(182, 182, 204); } } lnf = "swing"; return; } // Kunststoff ( if (laf.equals("kunststoff")) { ButtonFactory.useHighlightButtons(); // Reset the use button icons state because useHighlightButtons // make it always true. ButtonFactory.useButtonIcons(useButtonIcons); installdata.buttonsHColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); Class lafClass = Class .forName("com.incors.plaf.kunststoff.KunststoffLookAndFeel"); Class mtheme = Class.forName("javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTheme"); Class[] params = { mtheme}; Class theme = Class.forName("com.izforge.izpack.gui.IzPackKMetalTheme"); Method setCurrentThemeMethod = lafClass.getMethod("setCurrentTheme", params); // We invoke and place Kunststoff as our L&F LookAndFeel kunststoff = (LookAndFeel) lafClass.newInstance(); MetalTheme ktheme = (MetalTheme) theme.newInstance(); Object[] kparams = { ktheme}; UIManager.setLookAndFeel(kunststoff); setCurrentThemeMethod.invoke(kunststoff, kparams); lnf = "kunststoff"; return; } // Liquid ( if (laf.equals("liquid")) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.birosoft.liquid.LiquidLookAndFeel"); lnf = "liquid"; Map params = (Map)installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelParams.get(laf); if (params.containsKey("decorate.frames")) { String value = (String)params.get("decorate.frames"); if (value.equals("yes")) { JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); } } if (params.containsKey("decorate.dialogs")) { String value = (String)params.get("decorate.dialogs"); if (value.equals("yes")) { JDialog.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); } } return; } // Metouia ( if (laf.equals("metouia")) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("net.sourceforge.mlf.metouia.MetouiaLookAndFeel"); lnf = "metouia"; return; } // JGoodies Looks ( if (laf.equals("looks")) { Map variants = new TreeMap(); variants.put("extwin", " "); variants.put("plastic", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticLookAndFeel"); variants.put("plastic3D", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.Plastic3DLookAndFeel"); variants.put("plasticXP", "com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticXPLookAndFeel"); String variant = (String)variants.get("plasticXP"); Map params = (Map)installdata.guiPrefs.lookAndFeelParams.get(laf); if (params.containsKey("variant")) { String param = (String)params.get("variant"); if (variants.containsKey(param)) { variant = (String)variants.get(param); } } UIManager.setLookAndFeel(variant); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/d2cee8f5165671d318a97cc2eed7768c8b3c691c/
public void panelActivate() { parent.lockNextButton(); parent.lockPrevButton(); parent.setQuitButtonText(parent.langpack.getString("FinishPanel.done")); parent.setQuitButtonIcon("done"); if (idata.installSuccess) { // We set the information add(LabelFactory.create(parent.icons.getImageIcon("check"))); add(IzPanelLayout.createParagraphGap()); add(LabelFactory.create(parent.langpack.getString("FinishPanel.success"), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), LEADING), NEXT_LINE); add(IzPanelLayout.createParagraphGap()); if (idata.uninstallOutJar != null) { // We prepare a message for the uninstaller feature String path = translatePath("$INSTALL_PATH") + File.separator + "Uninstaller"; add(LabelFactory.create(parent.langpack .getString(""), parent.icons .getImageIcon("information"), LEADING), NEXT_LINE); add(LabelFactory.create(path, parent.icons.getImageIcon("empty"), LEADING), NEXT_LINE); } } else centerPanel.add(LabelFactory.create(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), LEADING)); getLayoutHelper().completeLayout(); // Call, or call not? }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/70962d5e45783a05271609095130a61620295d86/
public int executeFiles()
public int executeFiles(int currentStage)
public int executeFiles() { int exitStatus = 0; String[] output = new String[2]; String pathSep = System.getProperty("path.separator"); String osName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); String permissions = (System.getProperty("").equals("root")) ? "a+x" : "u+x"; // loop through all executables Iterator efileIterator = files.iterator(); while ((exitStatus == 0) && efileIterator.hasNext()) { boolean deleteAfterwards = true; ExecutableFile efile = (ExecutableFile); File file = new File(efile.path); Debug.trace("handeling executable file "+efile); // fix executable permission for unix systems if (pathSep.equals(":") && (!osName.startsWith("mac") || osName.endsWith("x"))) { Debug.trace("making file executable (setting executable flag)"); String[] params = {"/bin/chmod", permissions, file.toString()}; exitStatus = executeCommand(params, output); } // loop through all operating systems Iterator osIterator = efile.osList.iterator(); if (!osIterator.hasNext()) { Debug.trace("no os to install the file on!"); } while (osIterator.hasNext()) { Os os = (Os); Debug.trace("checking if os param on file "+os+" equals current os"); if (os.matchCurrentSystem()) { Debug.trace("match current os"); // execute command in POSTINSTALL stage if ((exitStatus == 0) && (efile.executionStage == ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL)) { List paramList = new ArrayList(); if (ExecutableFile.BIN == efile.type) paramList.add(file.toString()); else if (ExecutableFile.JAR == efile.type && null == efile.mainClass) { paramList.add(System.getProperty("java.home") + "/bin/java"); paramList.add("-jar"); paramList.add(file.toString()); } else if (ExecutableFile.JAR == efile.type && null != efile.mainClass) { paramList.add(System.getProperty("java.home") + "/bin/java"); paramList.add("-cp=" + file.toString()); paramList.add(efile.mainClass); } if (null != efile.argList && !efile.argList.isEmpty()) paramList.addAll(efile.argList); String[] params = new String[paramList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < paramList.size(); i++) params[i] = (String) paramList.get(i); exitStatus = executeCommand(params, output); // bring a dialog depending on return code and failure handling if (exitStatus != 0) { deleteAfterwards = false; String message = output[0] + "\n" + output[1]; if (message.length() == 1) message = new String("Failed to execute " + file.toString() + "."); if (efile.onFailure == ExecutableFile.ABORT) javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, "Installation error", javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); else if (efile.onFailure == ExecutableFile.WARN) { javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, "Installation warning", javax.swing.JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); exitStatus = 0; } else if ( javax.swing.JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, message + "Would you like to proceed?", "Installation Warning", javax.swing.JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == javax.swing.JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) exitStatus = 0; } } } else { Debug.trace("-no match with current os!"); } } // POSTINSTALL executables will be deleted if (efile.executionStage == ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL && deleteAfterwards) { if (file.canWrite()) file.delete(); } } return exitStatus; }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/85d99afd9a4052ba0a6796445a7aa6be8c4054c9/
if (pathSep.equals(":") && (!osName.startsWith("mac") || osName.endsWith("x")))
public int executeFiles() { int exitStatus = 0; String[] output = new String[2]; String pathSep = System.getProperty("path.separator"); String osName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); String permissions = (System.getProperty("").equals("root")) ? "a+x" : "u+x"; // loop through all executables Iterator efileIterator = files.iterator(); while ((exitStatus == 0) && efileIterator.hasNext()) { boolean deleteAfterwards = true; ExecutableFile efile = (ExecutableFile); File file = new File(efile.path); Debug.trace("handeling executable file "+efile); // fix executable permission for unix systems if (pathSep.equals(":") && (!osName.startsWith("mac") || osName.endsWith("x"))) { Debug.trace("making file executable (setting executable flag)"); String[] params = {"/bin/chmod", permissions, file.toString()}; exitStatus = executeCommand(params, output); } // loop through all operating systems Iterator osIterator = efile.osList.iterator(); if (!osIterator.hasNext()) { Debug.trace("no os to install the file on!"); } while (osIterator.hasNext()) { Os os = (Os); Debug.trace("checking if os param on file "+os+" equals current os"); if (os.matchCurrentSystem()) { Debug.trace("match current os"); // execute command in POSTINSTALL stage if ((exitStatus == 0) && (efile.executionStage == ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL)) { List paramList = new ArrayList(); if (ExecutableFile.BIN == efile.type) paramList.add(file.toString()); else if (ExecutableFile.JAR == efile.type && null == efile.mainClass) { paramList.add(System.getProperty("java.home") + "/bin/java"); paramList.add("-jar"); paramList.add(file.toString()); } else if (ExecutableFile.JAR == efile.type && null != efile.mainClass) { paramList.add(System.getProperty("java.home") + "/bin/java"); paramList.add("-cp=" + file.toString()); paramList.add(efile.mainClass); } if (null != efile.argList && !efile.argList.isEmpty()) paramList.addAll(efile.argList); String[] params = new String[paramList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < paramList.size(); i++) params[i] = (String) paramList.get(i); exitStatus = executeCommand(params, output); // bring a dialog depending on return code and failure handling if (exitStatus != 0) { deleteAfterwards = false; String message = output[0] + "\n" + output[1]; if (message.length() == 1) message = new String("Failed to execute " + file.toString() + "."); if (efile.onFailure == ExecutableFile.ABORT) javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, "Installation error", javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); else if (efile.onFailure == ExecutableFile.WARN) { javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, "Installation warning", javax.swing.JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); exitStatus = 0; } else if ( javax.swing.JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, message + "Would you like to proceed?", "Installation Warning", javax.swing.JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == javax.swing.JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) exitStatus = 0; } } } else { Debug.trace("-no match with current os!"); } } // POSTINSTALL executables will be deleted if (efile.executionStage == ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL && deleteAfterwards) { if (file.canWrite()) file.delete(); } } return exitStatus; }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/85d99afd9a4052ba0a6796445a7aa6be8c4054c9/
Debug.trace("making file executable (setting executable flag)"); String[] params = {"/bin/chmod", permissions, file.toString()}; exitStatus = executeCommand(params, output);
if (pathSep.equals(":") && (!osName.startsWith("mac") || osName.endsWith("x"))) { Debug.trace("making file executable (setting executable flag)"); String[] params = {"/bin/chmod", permissions, file.toString()}; exitStatus = executeCommand(params, output); }
public int executeFiles() { int exitStatus = 0; String[] output = new String[2]; String pathSep = System.getProperty("path.separator"); String osName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); String permissions = (System.getProperty("").equals("root")) ? "a+x" : "u+x"; // loop through all executables Iterator efileIterator = files.iterator(); while ((exitStatus == 0) && efileIterator.hasNext()) { boolean deleteAfterwards = true; ExecutableFile efile = (ExecutableFile); File file = new File(efile.path); Debug.trace("handeling executable file "+efile); // fix executable permission for unix systems if (pathSep.equals(":") && (!osName.startsWith("mac") || osName.endsWith("x"))) { Debug.trace("making file executable (setting executable flag)"); String[] params = {"/bin/chmod", permissions, file.toString()}; exitStatus = executeCommand(params, output); } // loop through all operating systems Iterator osIterator = efile.osList.iterator(); if (!osIterator.hasNext()) { Debug.trace("no os to install the file on!"); } while (osIterator.hasNext()) { Os os = (Os); Debug.trace("checking if os param on file "+os+" equals current os"); if (os.matchCurrentSystem()) { Debug.trace("match current os"); // execute command in POSTINSTALL stage if ((exitStatus == 0) && (efile.executionStage == ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL)) { List paramList = new ArrayList(); if (ExecutableFile.BIN == efile.type) paramList.add(file.toString()); else if (ExecutableFile.JAR == efile.type && null == efile.mainClass) { paramList.add(System.getProperty("java.home") + "/bin/java"); paramList.add("-jar"); paramList.add(file.toString()); } else if (ExecutableFile.JAR == efile.type && null != efile.mainClass) { paramList.add(System.getProperty("java.home") + "/bin/java"); paramList.add("-cp=" + file.toString()); paramList.add(efile.mainClass); } if (null != efile.argList && !efile.argList.isEmpty()) paramList.addAll(efile.argList); String[] params = new String[paramList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < paramList.size(); i++) params[i] = (String) paramList.get(i); exitStatus = executeCommand(params, output); // bring a dialog depending on return code and failure handling if (exitStatus != 0) { deleteAfterwards = false; String message = output[0] + "\n" + output[1]; if (message.length() == 1) message = new String("Failed to execute " + file.toString() + "."); if (efile.onFailure == ExecutableFile.ABORT) javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, "Installation error", javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); else if (efile.onFailure == ExecutableFile.WARN) { javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, "Installation warning", javax.swing.JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); exitStatus = 0; } else if ( javax.swing.JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, message + "Would you like to proceed?", "Installation Warning", javax.swing.JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == javax.swing.JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) exitStatus = 0; } } } else { Debug.trace("-no match with current os!"); } } // POSTINSTALL executables will be deleted if (efile.executionStage == ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL && deleteAfterwards) { if (file.canWrite()) file.delete(); } } return exitStatus; }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/85d99afd9a4052ba0a6796445a7aa6be8c4054c9/
if ((exitStatus == 0) && (efile.executionStage == ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL))
if ((exitStatus == 0) && ((currentStage == ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL && efile.executionStage == ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL) || (currentStage==ExecutableFile.UNINSTALL && efile.executionStage == ExecutableFile.UNINSTALL)))
public int executeFiles() { int exitStatus = 0; String[] output = new String[2]; String pathSep = System.getProperty("path.separator"); String osName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); String permissions = (System.getProperty("").equals("root")) ? "a+x" : "u+x"; // loop through all executables Iterator efileIterator = files.iterator(); while ((exitStatus == 0) && efileIterator.hasNext()) { boolean deleteAfterwards = true; ExecutableFile efile = (ExecutableFile); File file = new File(efile.path); Debug.trace("handeling executable file "+efile); // fix executable permission for unix systems if (pathSep.equals(":") && (!osName.startsWith("mac") || osName.endsWith("x"))) { Debug.trace("making file executable (setting executable flag)"); String[] params = {"/bin/chmod", permissions, file.toString()}; exitStatus = executeCommand(params, output); } // loop through all operating systems Iterator osIterator = efile.osList.iterator(); if (!osIterator.hasNext()) { Debug.trace("no os to install the file on!"); } while (osIterator.hasNext()) { Os os = (Os); Debug.trace("checking if os param on file "+os+" equals current os"); if (os.matchCurrentSystem()) { Debug.trace("match current os"); // execute command in POSTINSTALL stage if ((exitStatus == 0) && (efile.executionStage == ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL)) { List paramList = new ArrayList(); if (ExecutableFile.BIN == efile.type) paramList.add(file.toString()); else if (ExecutableFile.JAR == efile.type && null == efile.mainClass) { paramList.add(System.getProperty("java.home") + "/bin/java"); paramList.add("-jar"); paramList.add(file.toString()); } else if (ExecutableFile.JAR == efile.type && null != efile.mainClass) { paramList.add(System.getProperty("java.home") + "/bin/java"); paramList.add("-cp=" + file.toString()); paramList.add(efile.mainClass); } if (null != efile.argList && !efile.argList.isEmpty()) paramList.addAll(efile.argList); String[] params = new String[paramList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < paramList.size(); i++) params[i] = (String) paramList.get(i); exitStatus = executeCommand(params, output); // bring a dialog depending on return code and failure handling if (exitStatus != 0) { deleteAfterwards = false; String message = output[0] + "\n" + output[1]; if (message.length() == 1) message = new String("Failed to execute " + file.toString() + "."); if (efile.onFailure == ExecutableFile.ABORT) javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, "Installation error", javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); else if (efile.onFailure == ExecutableFile.WARN) { javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, "Installation warning", javax.swing.JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); exitStatus = 0; } else if ( javax.swing.JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, message + "Would you like to proceed?", "Installation Warning", javax.swing.JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == javax.swing.JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) exitStatus = 0; } } } else { Debug.trace("-no match with current os!"); } } // POSTINSTALL executables will be deleted if (efile.executionStage == ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL && deleteAfterwards) { if (file.canWrite()) file.delete(); } } return exitStatus; }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/85d99afd9a4052ba0a6796445a7aa6be8c4054c9/
public int executeFiles() { int exitStatus = 0; String[] output = new String[2]; String pathSep = System.getProperty("path.separator"); String osName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); String permissions = (System.getProperty("").equals("root")) ? "a+x" : "u+x"; // loop through all executables Iterator efileIterator = files.iterator(); while ((exitStatus == 0) && efileIterator.hasNext()) { boolean deleteAfterwards = true; ExecutableFile efile = (ExecutableFile); File file = new File(efile.path); Debug.trace("handeling executable file "+efile); // fix executable permission for unix systems if (pathSep.equals(":") && (!osName.startsWith("mac") || osName.endsWith("x"))) { Debug.trace("making file executable (setting executable flag)"); String[] params = {"/bin/chmod", permissions, file.toString()}; exitStatus = executeCommand(params, output); } // loop through all operating systems Iterator osIterator = efile.osList.iterator(); if (!osIterator.hasNext()) { Debug.trace("no os to install the file on!"); } while (osIterator.hasNext()) { Os os = (Os); Debug.trace("checking if os param on file "+os+" equals current os"); if (os.matchCurrentSystem()) { Debug.trace("match current os"); // execute command in POSTINSTALL stage if ((exitStatus == 0) && (efile.executionStage == ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL)) { List paramList = new ArrayList(); if (ExecutableFile.BIN == efile.type) paramList.add(file.toString()); else if (ExecutableFile.JAR == efile.type && null == efile.mainClass) { paramList.add(System.getProperty("java.home") + "/bin/java"); paramList.add("-jar"); paramList.add(file.toString()); } else if (ExecutableFile.JAR == efile.type && null != efile.mainClass) { paramList.add(System.getProperty("java.home") + "/bin/java"); paramList.add("-cp=" + file.toString()); paramList.add(efile.mainClass); } if (null != efile.argList && !efile.argList.isEmpty()) paramList.addAll(efile.argList); String[] params = new String[paramList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < paramList.size(); i++) params[i] = (String) paramList.get(i); exitStatus = executeCommand(params, output); // bring a dialog depending on return code and failure handling if (exitStatus != 0) { deleteAfterwards = false; String message = output[0] + "\n" + output[1]; if (message.length() == 1) message = new String("Failed to execute " + file.toString() + "."); if (efile.onFailure == ExecutableFile.ABORT) javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, "Installation error", javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); else if (efile.onFailure == ExecutableFile.WARN) { javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, "Installation warning", javax.swing.JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); exitStatus = 0; } else if ( javax.swing.JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, message + "Would you like to proceed?", "Installation Warning", javax.swing.JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == javax.swing.JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) exitStatus = 0; } } } else { Debug.trace("-no match with current os!"); } } // POSTINSTALL executables will be deleted if (efile.executionStage == ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL && deleteAfterwards) { if (file.canWrite()) file.delete(); } } return exitStatus; }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/85d99afd9a4052ba0a6796445a7aa6be8c4054c9/
public Pack(String name, String description, List osConstraints, boolean required, boolean preselected)
public Pack( String name, String description, List osConstraints, boolean required, boolean preselected)
public Pack(String name, String description, List osConstraints, boolean required, boolean preselected) { = name; this.description = description; this.osConstraints = osConstraints; this.required = required; this.preselected = preselected; nbytes = 0; }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
} else if (bytes < (GIGABYTES))
} else if (bytes < (GIGABYTES))
public static String toByteUnitsString(int bytes) { if (bytes < KILOBYTES) return String.valueOf(bytes) + " bytes"; else if (bytes < (MEGABYTES)) { double value = bytes / KILOBYTES; return formatter.format(value) + " KB"; } else if (bytes < (GIGABYTES)) { double value = bytes / MEGABYTES; return formatter.format(value) + " MB"; } else { double value = bytes / GIGABYTES; return formatter.format(value) + " GB"; } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
} else
} else
public static String toByteUnitsString(int bytes) { if (bytes < KILOBYTES) return String.valueOf(bytes) + " bytes"; else if (bytes < (MEGABYTES)) { double value = bytes / KILOBYTES; return formatter.format(value) + " KB"; } else if (bytes < (GIGABYTES)) { double value = bytes / MEGABYTES; return formatter.format(value) + " MB"; } else { double value = bytes / GIGABYTES; return formatter.format(value) + " GB"; } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
if(System.currentTimeMillis() - pair.tstamp > _minEvictableIdleTimeMillis) { try { cursor.remove(); _factory.destroyObject(pair.value); } catch(Exception e) { ; }
if(_minEvictableIdleTimeMillis > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() - pair.tstamp > _minEvictableIdleTimeMillis) { try { cursor.remove(); _factory.destroyObject(pair.value); } catch(Exception e) { ; }
public void run() { CursorableLinkedList.Cursor cursor = null; while(!_cancelled) { long sleeptime = 0L; synchronized(GenericObjectPool.this) { sleeptime = _timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis; } try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(_timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis); } catch(Exception e) { ; // ignored } try { synchronized(GenericObjectPool.this) { if(!_pool.isEmpty()) { if(null == cursor) { cursor = (CursorableLinkedList.Cursor)(_pool.cursor(_pool.size())); } else if(!cursor.hasPrevious()) { cursor.close(); cursor = (CursorableLinkedList.Cursor)(_pool.cursor(_pool.size())); } for(int i=0,m=getNumTests();i<m;i++) { if(!cursor.hasPrevious()) { cursor.close(); cursor = (CursorableLinkedList.Cursor)(_pool.cursor(_pool.size())); } else { ObjectTimestampPair pair = (ObjectTimestampPair)(cursor.previous()); if(System.currentTimeMillis() - pair.tstamp > _minEvictableIdleTimeMillis) { try { cursor.remove(); _factory.destroyObject(pair.value); } catch(Exception e) { ; // ignored } } else if(_testWhileIdle) { boolean active = false; try { _factory.activateObject(pair.value); active = true; } catch(Exception e) { cursor.remove(); try { _factory.passivateObject(pair.value); } catch(Exception ex) { ; // ignored } _factory.destroyObject(pair.value); } if(active) { if(!_factory.validateObject(pair.value)) { cursor.remove(); try { _factory.passivateObject(pair.value); } catch(Exception ex) { ; // ignored } _factory.destroyObject(pair.value); } else { try { _factory.passivateObject(pair.value); } catch(Exception e) { cursor.remove(); _factory.destroyObject(pair.value); } } } } } } } } } catch(Exception e) { // ignored } } if(null != cursor) { cursor.close(); } }
50977 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/50977/efc6cc449e39844e28ad04b1b4d5b8ed261445fa/
PixelsDimensions getPixelsDimensions(long pixelsID) throws DSOutOfServiceException, DSAccessException { try { IQuery query = getIQueryService(); Pixels pixs = (Pixels) query.get(Pixels.class, pixelsID); return (PixelsDimensions) query.get(PixelsDimensions.class, pixelsID); } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e, "Cannot retrieve the dimension of "+ "the pixels set."); } return null; }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/0af61836ca32086c893ee2b504beaa9d90e1627b/
entry = new ServiceFactory();
entry = new ServiceFactory(new Login(userName, "ome"));
ExperimenterData login(String userName, String password) throws DSOutOfServiceException { System.getProperties().setProperty("omero.user", userName); //TODO: Remove it asap System.getProperties().setProperty("omero.pass", "ome"); //System.getProperties().setProperty("omero.pass", password); try { entry = new ServiceFactory(); connected = true; return getUserDetails(userName); } catch (Exception e) { connected = false; String s = "Can't connect to OMERO. OMERO info not valid."; e.printStackTrace(); throw new DSOutOfServiceException(s, e); } }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/0af61836ca32086c893ee2b504beaa9d90e1627b/
} catch (Exception err)
} catch (Exception err)
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // Prepares the file chooser JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); fc.setCurrentDirectory(new File(idata.getInstallPath())); fc.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); fc.addChoosableFileFilter(fc.getAcceptAllFileFilter()); //fc.setCurrentDirectory(new File(".")); // Shows it try { if (fc.showSaveDialog(this) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { // We handle the xml data writing File file = fc.getSelectedFile(); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); BufferedOutputStream outBuff = new BufferedOutputStream(out, 5120); parent.writeXMLTree(idata.xmlData, outBuff); outBuff.flush(); outBuff.close(); autoButton.setEnabled(false); } } catch (Exception err) { err.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, err.toString(), parent.langpack.getString("installer.error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, err.toString(),
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, err.toString(),
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // Prepares the file chooser JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); fc.setCurrentDirectory(new File(idata.getInstallPath())); fc.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); fc.addChoosableFileFilter(fc.getAcceptAllFileFilter()); //fc.setCurrentDirectory(new File(".")); // Shows it try { if (fc.showSaveDialog(this) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { // We handle the xml data writing File file = fc.getSelectedFile(); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); BufferedOutputStream outBuff = new BufferedOutputStream(out, 5120); parent.writeXMLTree(idata.xmlData, outBuff); outBuff.flush(); outBuff.close(); autoButton.setEnabled(false); } } catch (Exception err) { err.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, err.toString(), parent.langpack.getString("installer.error"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString("FinishPanel.success"), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING));
centerPanel.add( new JLabel( parent.langpack.getString("FinishPanel.success"), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING));
public void panelActivate() { parent.lockNextButton(); parent.lockPrevButton(); if (idata.installSuccess) { // We set the information centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString("FinishPanel.success"), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); centerPanel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(20)); if ( { // We prepare a message for the uninstaller feature String path = translatePath("$INSTALL_PATH") + File.separator + "Uninstaller"; centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); centerPanel.add(new JLabel(path, parent.icons.getImageIcon("empty"), JLabel.TRAILING)); } // We add the autoButton centerPanel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(20)); autoButton = ButtonFactory.createButton(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("edit"), idata.buttonsHColor); autoButton.setToolTipText(parent.langpack.getString("")); autoButton.addActionListener(this); centerPanel.add(autoButton); } else centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
public void panelActivate() { parent.lockNextButton(); parent.lockPrevButton(); if (idata.installSuccess) { // We set the information centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString("FinishPanel.success"), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); centerPanel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(20)); if ( { // We prepare a message for the uninstaller feature String path = translatePath("$INSTALL_PATH") + File.separator + "Uninstaller"; centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); centerPanel.add(new JLabel(path, parent.icons.getImageIcon("empty"), JLabel.TRAILING)); } // We add the autoButton centerPanel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(20)); autoButton = ButtonFactory.createButton(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("edit"), idata.buttonsHColor); autoButton.setToolTipText(parent.langpack.getString("")); autoButton.addActionListener(this); centerPanel.add(autoButton); } else centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
String path = translatePath("$INSTALL_PATH") + File.separator + "Uninstaller";
String path = translatePath("$INSTALL_PATH") + File.separator + "Uninstaller";
public void panelActivate() { parent.lockNextButton(); parent.lockPrevButton(); if (idata.installSuccess) { // We set the information centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString("FinishPanel.success"), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); centerPanel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(20)); if ( { // We prepare a message for the uninstaller feature String path = translatePath("$INSTALL_PATH") + File.separator + "Uninstaller"; centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); centerPanel.add(new JLabel(path, parent.icons.getImageIcon("empty"), JLabel.TRAILING)); } // We add the autoButton centerPanel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(20)); autoButton = ButtonFactory.createButton(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("edit"), idata.buttonsHColor); autoButton.setToolTipText(parent.langpack.getString("")); autoButton.addActionListener(this); centerPanel.add(autoButton); } else centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); centerPanel.add(new JLabel(path, parent.icons.getImageIcon("empty"), JLabel.TRAILING));
centerPanel.add( new JLabel( parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); centerPanel.add( new JLabel( path, parent.icons.getImageIcon("empty"), JLabel.TRAILING));
public void panelActivate() { parent.lockNextButton(); parent.lockPrevButton(); if (idata.installSuccess) { // We set the information centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString("FinishPanel.success"), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); centerPanel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(20)); if ( { // We prepare a message for the uninstaller feature String path = translatePath("$INSTALL_PATH") + File.separator + "Uninstaller"; centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); centerPanel.add(new JLabel(path, parent.icons.getImageIcon("empty"), JLabel.TRAILING)); } // We add the autoButton centerPanel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(20)); autoButton = ButtonFactory.createButton(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("edit"), idata.buttonsHColor); autoButton.setToolTipText(parent.langpack.getString("")); autoButton.addActionListener(this); centerPanel.add(autoButton); } else centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
autoButton = ButtonFactory.createButton(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("edit"), idata.buttonsHColor); autoButton.setToolTipText(parent.langpack.getString(""));
autoButton = ButtonFactory.createButton( parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("edit"), idata.buttonsHColor); autoButton.setToolTipText( parent.langpack.getString(""));
public void panelActivate() { parent.lockNextButton(); parent.lockPrevButton(); if (idata.installSuccess) { // We set the information centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString("FinishPanel.success"), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); centerPanel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(20)); if ( { // We prepare a message for the uninstaller feature String path = translatePath("$INSTALL_PATH") + File.separator + "Uninstaller"; centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); centerPanel.add(new JLabel(path, parent.icons.getImageIcon("empty"), JLabel.TRAILING)); } // We add the autoButton centerPanel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(20)); autoButton = ButtonFactory.createButton(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("edit"), idata.buttonsHColor); autoButton.setToolTipText(parent.langpack.getString("")); autoButton.addActionListener(this); centerPanel.add(autoButton); } else centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
} else centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING));
} else centerPanel.add( new JLabel( parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING));
public void panelActivate() { parent.lockNextButton(); parent.lockPrevButton(); if (idata.installSuccess) { // We set the information centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString("FinishPanel.success"), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); centerPanel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(20)); if ( { // We prepare a message for the uninstaller feature String path = translatePath("$INSTALL_PATH") + File.separator + "Uninstaller"; centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); centerPanel.add(new JLabel(path, parent.icons.getImageIcon("empty"), JLabel.TRAILING)); } // We add the autoButton centerPanel.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(20)); autoButton = ButtonFactory.createButton(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("edit"), idata.buttonsHColor); autoButton.setToolTipText(parent.langpack.getString("")); autoButton.addActionListener(this); centerPanel.add(autoButton); } else centerPanel.add(new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("information"), JLabel.TRAILING)); }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
filter = new UpdateFilter( sec, (LocalQuery) sf.getQueryService() );
filter = new UpdateFilter( );
protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); sf = new MockServiceFactory(); ec = new ThreadLocalEventContext(); sec = new BasicSecuritySystem (sf,ec ); sf.mockAdmin = mock(IAdmin.class); sf.mockQuery = mock(LocalQuery.class); sf.mockTypes = mock(ITypes.class); filter = new UpdateFilter( sec, (LocalQuery) sf.getQueryService() ); rootLogin(); }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/1fa4aa1df076354d9e858cfea9c54d59ae47d22a/
public abstract void addLangPack(String iso3, InputStream input) throws Exception;
public abstract void addLangPack(String iso3, InputStream input) throws Exception;
public abstract void addLangPack(String iso3, InputStream input) throws Exception;
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
public abstract void addNativeLibrary(String name, InputStream input) throws Exception;
public abstract void addNativeLibrary(String name, InputStream input) throws Exception;
public abstract void addNativeLibrary(String name, InputStream input) throws Exception;
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
public abstract ZipOutputStream addPack(int packNumber, String name, List osConstraints, boolean required, String description, boolean preselected) throws Exception;
public abstract ZipOutputStream addPack( int packNumber, String name, List osConstraints, boolean required, String description, boolean preselected) throws Exception;
public abstract ZipOutputStream addPack(int packNumber, String name, List osConstraints, boolean required, String description, boolean preselected) throws Exception;
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
throws Exception;
throws Exception;
public abstract void addPanelClass(String classFilename, InputStream input) throws Exception;
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
public abstract void addResource(String resId, InputStream input) throws Exception;
public abstract void addResource(String resId, InputStream input) throws Exception;
public abstract void addResource(String resId, InputStream input) throws Exception;
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
throws IOException
throws IOException
protected long copyStream(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[5120]; long bytesCopied = 0; int bytesInBuffer; while ((bytesInBuffer = != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, bytesInBuffer); bytesCopied += bytesInBuffer; } return bytesCopied; }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
public void writeSkeletonInstaller (JarOutputStream out) throws Exception
public void writeSkeletonInstaller(JarOutputStream out) throws Exception
public void writeSkeletonInstaller (JarOutputStream out) throws Exception { InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/lib/installer.jar"); ZipInputStream skeleton_is = null; if (is != null) { skeleton_is = new ZipInputStream (is); } if (skeleton_is == null) { skeleton_is = new ZipInputStream (new FileInputStream ( Compiler.IZPACK_HOME + "lib" + File.separator + "installer.jar")); } ZipEntry zentry; while ((zentry = skeleton_is.getNextEntry()) != null) { // Puts a new entry out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(zentry.getName())); // Copy the data copyStream(skeleton_is, out); out.closeEntry(); skeleton_is.closeEntry(); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
skeleton_is = new ZipInputStream (is);
skeleton_is = new ZipInputStream(is);
public void writeSkeletonInstaller (JarOutputStream out) throws Exception { InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/lib/installer.jar"); ZipInputStream skeleton_is = null; if (is != null) { skeleton_is = new ZipInputStream (is); } if (skeleton_is == null) { skeleton_is = new ZipInputStream (new FileInputStream ( Compiler.IZPACK_HOME + "lib" + File.separator + "installer.jar")); } ZipEntry zentry; while ((zentry = skeleton_is.getNextEntry()) != null) { // Puts a new entry out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(zentry.getName())); // Copy the data copyStream(skeleton_is, out); out.closeEntry(); skeleton_is.closeEntry(); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
skeleton_is = new ZipInputStream (new FileInputStream ( Compiler.IZPACK_HOME + "lib" + File.separator + "installer.jar"));
skeleton_is = new ZipInputStream( new FileInputStream( Compiler.IZPACK_HOME + "lib" + File.separator + "installer.jar"));
public void writeSkeletonInstaller (JarOutputStream out) throws Exception { InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/lib/installer.jar"); ZipInputStream skeleton_is = null; if (is != null) { skeleton_is = new ZipInputStream (is); } if (skeleton_is == null) { skeleton_is = new ZipInputStream (new FileInputStream ( Compiler.IZPACK_HOME + "lib" + File.separator + "installer.jar")); } ZipEntry zentry; while ((zentry = skeleton_is.getNextEntry()) != null) { // Puts a new entry out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(zentry.getName())); // Copy the data copyStream(skeleton_is, out); out.closeEntry(); skeleton_is.closeEntry(); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
public void writeSkeletonInstaller (JarOutputStream out) throws Exception { InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/lib/installer.jar"); ZipInputStream skeleton_is = null; if (is != null) { skeleton_is = new ZipInputStream (is); } if (skeleton_is == null) { skeleton_is = new ZipInputStream (new FileInputStream ( Compiler.IZPACK_HOME + "lib" + File.separator + "installer.jar")); } ZipEntry zentry; while ((zentry = skeleton_is.getNextEntry()) != null) { // Puts a new entry out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(zentry.getName())); // Copy the data copyStream(skeleton_is, out); out.closeEntry(); skeleton_is.closeEntry(); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
public void writeSkeletonInstaller (JarOutputStream out) throws Exception { InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/lib/installer.jar"); ZipInputStream skeleton_is = null; if (is != null) { skeleton_is = new ZipInputStream (is); } if (skeleton_is == null) { skeleton_is = new ZipInputStream (new FileInputStream ( Compiler.IZPACK_HOME + "lib" + File.separator + "installer.jar")); } ZipEntry zentry; while ((zentry = skeleton_is.getNextEntry()) != null) { // Puts a new entry out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(zentry.getName())); // Copy the data copyStream(skeleton_is, out); out.closeEntry(); skeleton_is.closeEntry(); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
public void writeSkeletonInstaller (JarOutputStream out) throws Exception { InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/lib/installer.jar"); ZipInputStream skeleton_is = null; if (is != null) { skeleton_is = new ZipInputStream (is); } if (skeleton_is == null) { skeleton_is = new ZipInputStream (new FileInputStream ( Compiler.IZPACK_HOME + "lib" + File.separator + "installer.jar")); } ZipEntry zentry; while ((zentry = skeleton_is.getNextEntry()) != null) { // Puts a new entry out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(zentry.getName())); // Copy the data copyStream(skeleton_is, out); out.closeEntry(); skeleton_is.closeEntry(); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
if ( == null ||"")){
if (langpack == null || == null ||"")){
public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { Pack pack = (Pack) packs.get(rowIndex); switch (columnIndex) { case 0 : int val = 0; if (pack.required) { val = -1; } else { val = (packsToInstall.contains(pack) ? 1 : 0); } return new Integer(val); case 1 : if ( == null ||"")){ return; }else{ return langpack.getString(; } case 2 : return Pack.toByteUnitsString((int) pack.nbytes); default : return null; } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/97af55405ebcecbed7b6ed9f6138e21b9b76ce0d/
if ( != null && !""))
if (langpack != null && != null && !""))
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { int i = packsTable.getSelectedRow(); if (i >= 0) { Pack pack = (Pack) idata.availablePacks.get(i); String desc = ""; if ( != null && !"")) { desc = langpack.getString(".description"); } if (desc.equals("")) { desc = pack.description; } descriptionArea.setText(desc); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/97af55405ebcecbed7b6ed9f6138e21b9b76ce0d/
infoLabel = new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("history"), JLabel.TRAILING);
infoLabel = new JLabel( parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("history"), JLabel.TRAILING);
public HTMLLicencePanel(InstallerFrame parent, InstallData idata) { super(parent, idata); // We initialize our layout layout = new GridBagLayout(); gbConstraints = new GridBagConstraints(); setLayout(layout); // We load the licence loadLicence(); // We put our components infoLabel = new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("history"), JLabel.TRAILING); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1.0, 0.0); gbConstraints.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5); gbConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; layout.addLayoutComponent(infoLabel, gbConstraints); add(infoLabel); try { textArea = new JEditorPane(); textArea.setEditable(false); textArea.addHyperlinkListener(this); JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane(textArea); textArea.setPage(loadLicence()); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1.0, 1.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; gbConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; layout.addLayoutComponent(scroller, gbConstraints); add(scroller); } catch (Exception err) { err.printStackTrace(); } agreeLabel = new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString("LicencePanel.agree"), parent.icons.getImageIcon("help"), JLabel.TRAILING); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1.0, 0.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; layout.addLayoutComponent(agreeLabel, gbConstraints); add(agreeLabel); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); yesRadio = new JRadioButton(parent.langpack.getString("LicencePanel.yes"), false); group.add(yesRadio); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; layout.addLayoutComponent(yesRadio, gbConstraints); add(yesRadio); yesRadio.addActionListener(this); noRadio = new JRadioButton(parent.langpack.getString(""), false); group.add(noRadio); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; layout.addLayoutComponent(noRadio, gbConstraints); add(noRadio); noRadio.addActionListener(this); }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
} catch (Exception err)
} catch (Exception err)
public HTMLLicencePanel(InstallerFrame parent, InstallData idata) { super(parent, idata); // We initialize our layout layout = new GridBagLayout(); gbConstraints = new GridBagConstraints(); setLayout(layout); // We load the licence loadLicence(); // We put our components infoLabel = new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("history"), JLabel.TRAILING); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1.0, 0.0); gbConstraints.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5); gbConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; layout.addLayoutComponent(infoLabel, gbConstraints); add(infoLabel); try { textArea = new JEditorPane(); textArea.setEditable(false); textArea.addHyperlinkListener(this); JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane(textArea); textArea.setPage(loadLicence()); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1.0, 1.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; gbConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; layout.addLayoutComponent(scroller, gbConstraints); add(scroller); } catch (Exception err) { err.printStackTrace(); } agreeLabel = new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString("LicencePanel.agree"), parent.icons.getImageIcon("help"), JLabel.TRAILING); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1.0, 0.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; layout.addLayoutComponent(agreeLabel, gbConstraints); add(agreeLabel); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); yesRadio = new JRadioButton(parent.langpack.getString("LicencePanel.yes"), false); group.add(yesRadio); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; layout.addLayoutComponent(yesRadio, gbConstraints); add(yesRadio); yesRadio.addActionListener(this); noRadio = new JRadioButton(parent.langpack.getString(""), false); group.add(noRadio); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; layout.addLayoutComponent(noRadio, gbConstraints); add(noRadio); noRadio.addActionListener(this); }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
agreeLabel = new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString("LicencePanel.agree"), parent.icons.getImageIcon("help"), JLabel.TRAILING);
agreeLabel = new JLabel( parent.langpack.getString("LicencePanel.agree"), parent.icons.getImageIcon("help"), JLabel.TRAILING);
public HTMLLicencePanel(InstallerFrame parent, InstallData idata) { super(parent, idata); // We initialize our layout layout = new GridBagLayout(); gbConstraints = new GridBagConstraints(); setLayout(layout); // We load the licence loadLicence(); // We put our components infoLabel = new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("history"), JLabel.TRAILING); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1.0, 0.0); gbConstraints.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5); gbConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; layout.addLayoutComponent(infoLabel, gbConstraints); add(infoLabel); try { textArea = new JEditorPane(); textArea.setEditable(false); textArea.addHyperlinkListener(this); JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane(textArea); textArea.setPage(loadLicence()); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1.0, 1.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; gbConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; layout.addLayoutComponent(scroller, gbConstraints); add(scroller); } catch (Exception err) { err.printStackTrace(); } agreeLabel = new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString("LicencePanel.agree"), parent.icons.getImageIcon("help"), JLabel.TRAILING); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1.0, 0.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; layout.addLayoutComponent(agreeLabel, gbConstraints); add(agreeLabel); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); yesRadio = new JRadioButton(parent.langpack.getString("LicencePanel.yes"), false); group.add(yesRadio); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; layout.addLayoutComponent(yesRadio, gbConstraints); add(yesRadio); yesRadio.addActionListener(this); noRadio = new JRadioButton(parent.langpack.getString(""), false); group.add(noRadio); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; layout.addLayoutComponent(noRadio, gbConstraints); add(noRadio); noRadio.addActionListener(this); }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
yesRadio = new JRadioButton(parent.langpack.getString("LicencePanel.yes"), false);
yesRadio = new JRadioButton(parent.langpack.getString("LicencePanel.yes"), false);
public HTMLLicencePanel(InstallerFrame parent, InstallData idata) { super(parent, idata); // We initialize our layout layout = new GridBagLayout(); gbConstraints = new GridBagConstraints(); setLayout(layout); // We load the licence loadLicence(); // We put our components infoLabel = new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("history"), JLabel.TRAILING); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1.0, 0.0); gbConstraints.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5); gbConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; layout.addLayoutComponent(infoLabel, gbConstraints); add(infoLabel); try { textArea = new JEditorPane(); textArea.setEditable(false); textArea.addHyperlinkListener(this); JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane(textArea); textArea.setPage(loadLicence()); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1.0, 1.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; gbConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; layout.addLayoutComponent(scroller, gbConstraints); add(scroller); } catch (Exception err) { err.printStackTrace(); } agreeLabel = new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString("LicencePanel.agree"), parent.icons.getImageIcon("help"), JLabel.TRAILING); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1.0, 0.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; layout.addLayoutComponent(agreeLabel, gbConstraints); add(agreeLabel); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); yesRadio = new JRadioButton(parent.langpack.getString("LicencePanel.yes"), false); group.add(yesRadio); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; layout.addLayoutComponent(yesRadio, gbConstraints); add(yesRadio); yesRadio.addActionListener(this); noRadio = new JRadioButton(parent.langpack.getString(""), false); group.add(noRadio); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; layout.addLayoutComponent(noRadio, gbConstraints); add(noRadio); noRadio.addActionListener(this); }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
noRadio = new JRadioButton(parent.langpack.getString(""), false);
noRadio = new JRadioButton(parent.langpack.getString(""), false);
public HTMLLicencePanel(InstallerFrame parent, InstallData idata) { super(parent, idata); // We initialize our layout layout = new GridBagLayout(); gbConstraints = new GridBagConstraints(); setLayout(layout); // We load the licence loadLicence(); // We put our components infoLabel = new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString(""), parent.icons.getImageIcon("history"), JLabel.TRAILING); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1.0, 0.0); gbConstraints.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5); gbConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; layout.addLayoutComponent(infoLabel, gbConstraints); add(infoLabel); try { textArea = new JEditorPane(); textArea.setEditable(false); textArea.addHyperlinkListener(this); JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane(textArea); textArea.setPage(loadLicence()); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1.0, 1.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; gbConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; layout.addLayoutComponent(scroller, gbConstraints); add(scroller); } catch (Exception err) { err.printStackTrace(); } agreeLabel = new JLabel(parent.langpack.getString("LicencePanel.agree"), parent.icons.getImageIcon("help"), JLabel.TRAILING); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1.0, 0.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; gbConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; layout.addLayoutComponent(agreeLabel, gbConstraints); add(agreeLabel); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); yesRadio = new JRadioButton(parent.langpack.getString("LicencePanel.yes"), false); group.add(yesRadio); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; layout.addLayoutComponent(yesRadio, gbConstraints); add(yesRadio); yesRadio.addActionListener(this); noRadio = new JRadioButton(parent.langpack.getString(""), false); group.add(noRadio); parent.buildConstraints(gbConstraints, 1, 3, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.0); gbConstraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; layout.addLayoutComponent(noRadio, gbConstraints); add(noRadio); noRadio.addActionListener(this); }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
catch (Exception err) {}
public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent e) { try { if (e.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) textArea.setPage(e.getURL()); } catch (Exception err) {} }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
} else
} else
public boolean isValidated() { if (noRadio.isSelected()) { parent.exit(); return false; } else return (yesRadio.isSelected()); }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
} catch (Exception ex)
} catch (Exception ex)
private URL loadLicence() { String resNamePrifix = "HTMLLicencePanel.licence"; try { return ResourceManager.getInstance().getURL(resNamePrifix); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
} catch (ResourceNotFoundException rnfe) {} }
public static void loadDefaultInstallDir(InstallerFrame parentFrame, InstallData idata) { // Load only once ... if (getDefaultInstallDir() != null) return; BufferedReader br = null; try { InputStream in = null; if (OsVersion.IS_WINDOWS) in = parentFrame.getResource(""); else if (OsVersion.IS_OSX) in = parentFrame.getResource("TargetPanel.dir.macosx"); else { String os = System.getProperty(""); // first try to look up by specific os name os = os.replace(' ', '_'); // avoid spaces in file names os = os.toLowerCase(); // for consistency among TargetPanel res // files try { in = parentFrame.getResource("TargetPanel.dir.".concat(os)); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException rnfe) {} // if not specific os, try getting generic 'unix' resource file if (in == null) in = parentFrame.getResource("TargetPanel.dir.unix"); // if all those failed, try to look up a generic dir file if (in == null) { try { in = parentFrame.getResource("TargetPanel.dir.unix"); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException eee) {} } } // if all above tests failed, there is no resource file, // so use system default if (in == null) { try { in = parentFrame.getResource("TargetPanel.dir"); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException eee) {} } // now read the file, once we've identified which one to read InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(in); br = new BufferedReader(isr); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); // use the first non-blank line if (!"".equals(line)) break; } defaultInstallDir = line; VariableSubstitutor vs = new VariableSubstitutor(idata.getVariables()); defaultInstallDir = vs.substitute(defaultInstallDir, null); } catch (Exception e) { defaultInstallDir = null; // leave unset to take the system default set by Installer class } finally { try { if (br != null) br.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) {} } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/eb7a5df4d2709fd7dfd80506427f4d31c17dfe27/
public static void loadDefaultInstallDir(InstallerFrame parentFrame, InstallData idata) { // Load only once ... if (getDefaultInstallDir() != null) return; BufferedReader br = null; try { InputStream in = null; if (OsVersion.IS_WINDOWS) in = parentFrame.getResource(""); else if (OsVersion.IS_OSX) in = parentFrame.getResource("TargetPanel.dir.macosx"); else { String os = System.getProperty(""); // first try to look up by specific os name os = os.replace(' ', '_'); // avoid spaces in file names os = os.toLowerCase(); // for consistency among TargetPanel res // files try { in = parentFrame.getResource("TargetPanel.dir.".concat(os)); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException rnfe) {} // if not specific os, try getting generic 'unix' resource file if (in == null) in = parentFrame.getResource("TargetPanel.dir.unix"); // if all those failed, try to look up a generic dir file if (in == null) { try { in = parentFrame.getResource("TargetPanel.dir.unix"); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException eee) {} } } // if all above tests failed, there is no resource file, // so use system default if (in == null) { try { in = parentFrame.getResource("TargetPanel.dir"); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException eee) {} } // now read the file, once we've identified which one to read InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(in); br = new BufferedReader(isr); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); // use the first non-blank line if (!"".equals(line)) break; } defaultInstallDir = line; VariableSubstitutor vs = new VariableSubstitutor(idata.getVariables()); defaultInstallDir = vs.substitute(defaultInstallDir, null); } catch (Exception e) { defaultInstallDir = null; // leave unset to take the system default set by Installer class } finally { try { if (br != null) br.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) {} } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/eb7a5df4d2709fd7dfd80506427f4d31c17dfe27/
_factory.activateObject(pair.value); if(_testOnBorrow && !_factory.validateObject(pair.value)) { _factory.destroyObject(pair.value);
try { _factory.activateObject(pair.value); if(_testOnBorrow && !_factory.validateObject(pair.value)) { throw new Exception("validateObject failed"); } _numActive++; return pair.value; } catch (Exception e) { try { _factory.destroyObject(pair.value); } catch (Exception e2) { }
public synchronized Object borrowObject() throws Exception { assertOpen(); long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean newlyCreated = false; for(;;) { ObjectTimestampPair pair = null; // if there are any sleeping, just grab one of those try { pair = (ObjectTimestampPair)(_pool.removeFirst()); } catch(NoSuchElementException e) { ; /* ignored */ } // otherwise if(null == pair) { // check if we can create one // (note we know that the num sleeping is 0, else we wouldn't be here) if(_maxActive <= 0 || _numActive < _maxActive) { Object obj = _factory.makeObject(); pair = new ObjectTimestampPair(obj); newlyCreated = true; } else { // the pool is exhausted switch(_whenExhaustedAction) { case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW: Object obj = _factory.makeObject(); pair = new ObjectTimestampPair(obj); break; case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL: throw new NoSuchElementException(); case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK: try { if(_maxWait <= 0) { wait(); } else { wait(_maxWait); } } catch(InterruptedException e) { // ignored } if(_maxWait > 0 && ((System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime) >= _maxWait)) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Timeout waiting for idle object"); } else { continue; // keep looping } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("whenExhaustedAction " + _whenExhaustedAction + " not recognized."); } } } _factory.activateObject(pair.value); if(_testOnBorrow && !_factory.validateObject(pair.value)) { _factory.destroyObject(pair.value); if(newlyCreated) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Could not create a validated object"); } // else keep looping } else { _numActive++; return pair.value; } } }
50977 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/50977/9edfa6440c9902186229544c41e8449da42b6b9a/
} } else { _numActive++; return pair.value;
} else { continue; }
public synchronized Object borrowObject() throws Exception { assertOpen(); long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean newlyCreated = false; for(;;) { ObjectTimestampPair pair = null; // if there are any sleeping, just grab one of those try { pair = (ObjectTimestampPair)(_pool.removeFirst()); } catch(NoSuchElementException e) { ; /* ignored */ } // otherwise if(null == pair) { // check if we can create one // (note we know that the num sleeping is 0, else we wouldn't be here) if(_maxActive <= 0 || _numActive < _maxActive) { Object obj = _factory.makeObject(); pair = new ObjectTimestampPair(obj); newlyCreated = true; } else { // the pool is exhausted switch(_whenExhaustedAction) { case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW: Object obj = _factory.makeObject(); pair = new ObjectTimestampPair(obj); break; case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL: throw new NoSuchElementException(); case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK: try { if(_maxWait <= 0) { wait(); } else { wait(_maxWait); } } catch(InterruptedException e) { // ignored } if(_maxWait > 0 && ((System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime) >= _maxWait)) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Timeout waiting for idle object"); } else { continue; // keep looping } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("whenExhaustedAction " + _whenExhaustedAction + " not recognized."); } } } _factory.activateObject(pair.value); if(_testOnBorrow && !_factory.validateObject(pair.value)) { _factory.destroyObject(pair.value); if(newlyCreated) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Could not create a validated object"); } // else keep looping } else { _numActive++; return pair.value; } } }
50977 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/50977/9edfa6440c9902186229544c41e8449da42b6b9a/
if (image == null) { UserNotifier un = control.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo("Save image", saveMessage); cancelPreviewSaveImage(); return; }
private void handleSaveImage() { image = control.getDisplayImage(); lensImage = null; saveMessage = MAIN_MSG; preview.setImage(image); UIUtilities.centerAndShow(preview); }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/3be8a75dd7408b3e6496ef60f81dc46c2c18b171/
if (image == null) { UserNotifier un = control.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo("Save image", saveMessage); cancelPreviewSaveImage(); return; }
private void handleSaveImageAndROI() { image = control.getImageAndROIs(); lensImage = null; saveMessage = MAIN_MSG; preview.setImage(image); UIUtilities.centerAndShow(preview); }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/3be8a75dd7408b3e6496ef60f81dc46c2c18b171/
if (image == null || lensImage == null) { UserNotifier un = control.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo("Save image", saveMessage); cancelPreviewSaveImage(); return; }
private void handleSavePinAndImage() { JCheckBox box = view.selection.paintingOnOff; if (box.isSelected()) { int i = view.selection.colors.getSelectedIndex(); image = control.getDisplayImageWithPinArea(true, colorSelection[i]); } else image = control.getDisplayImage(); saveMessage = BOTH_MSG; lensImage = control.getPinImage(); preview.setImages(image, lensImage); UIUtilities.centerAndShow(preview); }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/3be8a75dd7408b3e6496ef60f81dc46c2c18b171/
if (image == null) { UserNotifier un = control.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo("Save image", saveMessage); cancelPreviewSaveImage(); return; }
private void handleSavePinBottomLeft() { JCheckBox box = view.selection.paintingOnOff; Color c = null; if (box.isSelected()) { int i = view.selection.colors.getSelectedIndex(); c = colorSelection[i]; } image = control.getPinOnSideBottomLeft(box.isSelected(), c); lensImage = null; saveMessage = BOTH_MSG; preview.setImage(image); UIUtilities.centerAndShow(preview); }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/3be8a75dd7408b3e6496ef60f81dc46c2c18b171/
if (image == null) { UserNotifier un = control.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo("Save image", saveMessage); cancelPreviewSaveImage(); return; }
private void handleSavePinBottomRight() { JCheckBox box = view.selection.paintingOnOff; Color c = null; if (box.isSelected()) { int i = view.selection.colors.getSelectedIndex(); c = colorSelection[i]; } image = control.getPinOnSideBottomRight(box.isSelected(), c); lensImage = null; saveMessage = BOTH_MSG; preview.setImage(image); UIUtilities.centerAndShow(preview); }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/3be8a75dd7408b3e6496ef60f81dc46c2c18b171/
if (image == null) { UserNotifier un = control.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo("Save image", saveMessage); cancelPreviewSaveImage(); return; }
private void handleSavePinImage() { image = control.getPinImage(); lensImage = null; saveMessage = PIN_MSG; preview.setImage(image); UIUtilities.centerAndShow(preview); }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/3be8a75dd7408b3e6496ef60f81dc46c2c18b171/
if (image == null) { UserNotifier un = control.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo("Save image", saveMessage); cancelPreviewSaveImage(); return; }
private void handleSavePinOnImage() { image = control.getPinOnImage(); saveMessage = BOTH_MSG; lensImage = null; preview.setImage(image); UIUtilities.centerAndShow(preview); }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/3be8a75dd7408b3e6496ef60f81dc46c2c18b171/
if (image == null) { UserNotifier un = control.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo("Save image", saveMessage); cancelPreviewSaveImage(); return; }
private void handleSavePinTopLeft() { JCheckBox box = view.selection.paintingOnOff; Color c = null; if (box.isSelected()) { int i = view.selection.colors.getSelectedIndex(); c = colorSelection[i]; } image = control.getPinOnSideTopLeft(box.isSelected(), c); lensImage = null; saveMessage = BOTH_MSG; preview.setImage(image); UIUtilities.centerAndShow(preview); }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/3be8a75dd7408b3e6496ef60f81dc46c2c18b171/
if (image == null) { UserNotifier un = control.getRegistry().getUserNotifier(); un.notifyInfo("Save image", saveMessage); cancelPreviewSaveImage(); return; }
private void handleSavePinTopRight() { JCheckBox box = view.selection.paintingOnOff; Color c = null; if (box.isSelected()) { int i = view.selection.colors.getSelectedIndex(); c = colorSelection[i]; } image = control.getPinOnSideTopRight(box.isSelected(), c); lensImage = null; saveMessage = BOTH_MSG; preview.setImage(image); UIUtilities.centerAndShow(preview); }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/3be8a75dd7408b3e6496ef60f81dc46c2c18b171/
if (img == null) return;
void setImage(BufferedImage img) { int w = img.getWidth()+3*ViewerUIF.START; int h = img.getHeight()+2*ViewerUIF.START; setContainerSize(new Dimension(w, h)); w += 2*ViewerUIF.START; h += 2*ViewerUIF.START; setWindowSize(w, h); canvas.paintImage(img); }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/3be8a75dd7408b3e6496ef60f81dc46c2c18b171/
if (img == null || lensImage == null) return;
void setImages(BufferedImage img, BufferedImage lensImage) { int w = img.getWidth()+lensImage.getWidth()+3*ViewerUIF.START; int h = img.getHeight()+lensImage.getHeight()+2*ViewerUIF.START; setContainerSize(new Dimension(w, h)); w += 2*ViewerUIF.START; h += 2*ViewerUIF.START; setWindowSize(w, h); canvas.paintImages(img, lensImage); }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/3be8a75dd7408b3e6496ef60f81dc46c2c18b171/
if (!override.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
if (!"true".equalsIgnoreCase(override))
private void performValueSetting(XMLElement regEntry, VariableSubstitutor substitutor) throws Exception { SpecHelper specHelper = getSpecHelper(); String name = specHelper.getRequiredAttribute(regEntry, REG_BASENAME); name = substitutor.substitute(name, null); String keypath = specHelper.getRequiredAttribute(regEntry, REG_KEYPATH); keypath = substitutor.substitute(keypath, null); String root = specHelper.getRequiredAttribute(regEntry, REG_ROOT); int rootId = resolveRoot(regEntry, root, substitutor); RegistryHandler rh = RegistryDefaultHandler.getInstance(); if (rh == null) return; rh.setRoot(rootId); String override = regEntry.getAttribute(REG_OVERRIDE, "true"); if (!override.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { // Do not set value if override is not true and the value exist. if (rh.getValue(keypath, name, null) != null) return; } String value = regEntry.getAttribute(REG_DWORD); if (value != null) { // Value type is DWord; placeholder possible. value = substitutor.substitute(value, null); rh.setValue(keypath, name, Long.parseLong(value)); return; } value = regEntry.getAttribute(REG_STRING); if (value != null) { // Value type is string; placeholder possible. value = substitutor.substitute(value, null); rh.setValue(keypath, name, value); return; } Vector values = regEntry.getChildrenNamed(REG_MULTI); if (values != null && !values.isEmpty()) { // Value type is REG_MULTI_SZ; placeholder possible. Iterator multiIter = values.iterator(); String[] multiString = new String[values.size()]; for (int i = 0; multiIter.hasNext(); ++i) { XMLElement element = (XMLElement); multiString[i] = specHelper.getRequiredAttribute(element, REG_DATA); multiString[i] = substitutor.substitute(multiString[i], null); } rh.setValue(keypath, name, multiString); return; } values = regEntry.getChildrenNamed(REG_BIN); if (values != null && !values.isEmpty()) { // Value type is REG_BINARY; placeholder possible or not ??? why not // ... Iterator multiIter = values.iterator(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; multiIter.hasNext(); ++i) { XMLElement element = (XMLElement); String tmp = specHelper.getRequiredAttribute(element, REG_DATA); buf.append(tmp); if (!tmp.endsWith(",") && multiIter.hasNext()) buf.append(","); } byte[] bytes = extractBytes(regEntry, substitutor.substitute(buf.toString(), null)); rh.setValue(keypath, name, bytes); return; } specHelper.parseError(regEntry, "No data found."); }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/9619b3a25f43787dc92011111668210e06c00c71/
root = substitutor.substitute(root, null); Integer tmp = (Integer) RegistryHandler.ROOT_KEY_MAP.get(root);
String root1 = substitutor.substitute(root, null); Integer tmp = (Integer) RegistryHandler.ROOT_KEY_MAP.get(root1);
private int resolveRoot(XMLElement regEntry, String root, VariableSubstitutor substitutor) throws Exception { root = substitutor.substitute(root, null); Integer tmp = (Integer) RegistryHandler.ROOT_KEY_MAP.get(root); if (tmp != null) return (tmp.intValue()); getSpecHelper().parseError(regEntry, "Unknown value (" + root + ")for registry root."); return 0; }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/9619b3a25f43787dc92011111668210e06c00c71/
getSpecHelper().parseError(regEntry, "Unknown value (" + root + ")for registry root.");
getSpecHelper().parseError(regEntry, "Unknown value (" + root1 + ")for registry root.");
private int resolveRoot(XMLElement regEntry, String root, VariableSubstitutor substitutor) throws Exception { root = substitutor.substitute(root, null); Integer tmp = (Integer) RegistryHandler.ROOT_KEY_MAP.get(root); if (tmp != null) return (tmp.intValue()); getSpecHelper().parseError(regEntry, "Unknown value (" + root + ")for registry root."); return 0; }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/9619b3a25f43787dc92011111668210e06c00c71/
while(!_cancelled) { try { Thread.sleep(_delay); } catch(Exception e) { } try { evict(); } catch(Exception e) { } try { ensureMinIdle(); } catch(Exception e) { }
try { evict(); } catch(Exception e) { } try { ensureMinIdle(); } catch(Exception e) {
public void run() { while(!_cancelled) { try { Thread.sleep(_delay); } catch(Exception e) { // ignored } try { evict(); } catch(Exception e) { // ignored } try { ensureMinIdle(); } catch(Exception e) { // ignored } } }
50977 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/50977/040416e9a1f3dc7bd49171b76ed6a766164e6fed/
Method target = clazz.getMethod("uninstall", new Class[] {String[].class});
Method target = clazz.getMethod("uninstall", new Class[] { String[].class });
public static void main(String[] args) { try { Class clazz = Uninstaller.class; Method target = clazz.getMethod("uninstall", new Class[] {String[].class}); new SelfModifier(target).invoke(args); } catch (Exception ioeOrTypo) { System.err.println(ioeOrTypo.getMessage()); ioeOrTypo.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Unable to exec java as a subprocess."); System.err.println("The uninstall may not fully complete."); uninstall(args); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
} catch (Exception ioeOrTypo)
} catch (Exception ioeOrTypo)
public static void main(String[] args) { try { Class clazz = Uninstaller.class; Method target = clazz.getMethod("uninstall", new Class[] {String[].class}); new SelfModifier(target).invoke(args); } catch (Exception ioeOrTypo) { System.err.println(ioeOrTypo.getMessage()); ioeOrTypo.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Unable to exec java as a subprocess."); System.err.println("The uninstall may not fully complete."); uninstall(args); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
} catch (Exception err)
} catch (Exception err)
public static void uninstall(String[] args) { try { MetalLookAndFeel.setCurrentTheme(new IzPackMetalTheme()); new UninstallerFrame(); } catch (Exception err) { System.err.println("- Error -"); err.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/6e8ab3930a21f787bcd0f3cf0b9937f9d50c80c0/
public SelfModifier(Method method) throws IOException
private SelfModifier() throws IOException
public SelfModifier(Method method) throws IOException { phase = 1; initJavaExec(); initMethod(method); }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/08ecc635ba8049aeb419722893f373a4a7f99a77/
phase = 1; initJavaExec(); initMethod(method);
phase = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty(PHASE_KEY)); String cName = System.getProperty(CLASS_KEY); String tName = System.getProperty(METHOD_KEY); jarFile = new File(System.getProperty(JAR_KEY)); logFile = new File(System.getProperty(BASE_KEY) + ".log"); sandbox = new File(System.getProperty(BASE_KEY) + ".d"); try { Class clazz = Class.forName(cName); Method method = clazz.getMethod(tName, new Class[] { String[].class }); initMethod(method); } catch (ClassNotFoundException x1) { log("No class found for " + cName); } catch (NoSuchMethodException x2) { log("No method " + tName + " found in " + cName); }
public SelfModifier(Method method) throws IOException { phase = 1; initJavaExec(); initMethod(method); }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/08ecc635ba8049aeb419722893f373a4a7f99a77/
for (int i = 0; i < this.pathComboBox.getItemCount(); ++i) { String path = (String)this.pathComboBox.getItemAt (i);
for (int i = 0; i < this.pathComboBox.getItemCount(); ++i) { String path = (String) this.pathComboBox.getItemAt(i);
public boolean autodetect () { //Checks whether a placeholder item is in the combobox //and resolve the pathes automatically: ///usr/lib/* searches all folders in usr/lib to find /usr/lib/*/lib/tools.jar for (int i = 0; i < this.pathComboBox.getItemCount(); ++i) { String path = (String)this.pathComboBox.getItemAt (i); if (path.endsWith("*")) { path = path.substring(0,path.length()-1); File dir = new File(path); if (dir.isDirectory()) { File[] subdirs = dir.listFiles(); for (int x=0;x<subdirs.length;x++) { String search = subdirs[x].getAbsolutePath(); if (this.pathMatches (search)) { items.add(search); } } } } else { items.add(path); } } //Now clear the combobox and add the items out of the newly //generated vector this.pathComboBox.removeAllItems(); VariableSubstitutor vs = new VariableSubstitutor(idata.getVariables()); for (int i=0;i<items.size();i++) { this.pathComboBox.addItem(vs.substitute((String)items.get(i), "plain")); } // loop through all items for (int i = 0; i < this.pathComboBox.getItemCount(); ++i) { String path = (String)this.pathComboBox.getItemAt (i); if (this.pathMatches (path)) { this.pathComboBox.setSelectedIndex (i); return true; } } // if the user entered something else, it's not listed as an item if (this.pathMatches ((String)this.pathComboBox.getSelectedItem())) { return true; } return false; }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/de1cbb1d267cd3c3d263ea7223133711bab5b186/
if (path.endsWith("*")) { path = path.substring(0,path.length()-1); File dir = new File(path);
if (path.endsWith("*")) { path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1); File dir = new File(path);
public boolean autodetect () { //Checks whether a placeholder item is in the combobox //and resolve the pathes automatically: ///usr/lib/* searches all folders in usr/lib to find /usr/lib/*/lib/tools.jar for (int i = 0; i < this.pathComboBox.getItemCount(); ++i) { String path = (String)this.pathComboBox.getItemAt (i); if (path.endsWith("*")) { path = path.substring(0,path.length()-1); File dir = new File(path); if (dir.isDirectory()) { File[] subdirs = dir.listFiles(); for (int x=0;x<subdirs.length;x++) { String search = subdirs[x].getAbsolutePath(); if (this.pathMatches (search)) { items.add(search); } } } } else { items.add(path); } } //Now clear the combobox and add the items out of the newly //generated vector this.pathComboBox.removeAllItems(); VariableSubstitutor vs = new VariableSubstitutor(idata.getVariables()); for (int i=0;i<items.size();i++) { this.pathComboBox.addItem(vs.substitute((String)items.get(i), "plain")); } // loop through all items for (int i = 0; i < this.pathComboBox.getItemCount(); ++i) { String path = (String)this.pathComboBox.getItemAt (i); if (this.pathMatches (path)) { this.pathComboBox.setSelectedIndex (i); return true; } } // if the user entered something else, it's not listed as an item if (this.pathMatches ((String)this.pathComboBox.getSelectedItem())) { return true; } return false; }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/de1cbb1d267cd3c3d263ea7223133711bab5b186/
if (dir.isDirectory()) { File[] subdirs = dir.listFiles(); for (int x=0;x<subdirs.length;x++) { String search = subdirs[x].getAbsolutePath(); if (this.pathMatches (search)) { items.add(search); } } } } else { items.add(path); } } this.pathComboBox.removeAllItems(); VariableSubstitutor vs = new VariableSubstitutor(idata.getVariables()); for (int i=0;i<items.size();i++) { this.pathComboBox.addItem(vs.substitute((String)items.get(i), "plain")); } for (int i = 0; i < this.pathComboBox.getItemCount(); ++i) { String path = (String)this.pathComboBox.getItemAt (i); if (this.pathMatches (path)) { this.pathComboBox.setSelectedIndex (i); return true;
if (dir.isDirectory()) { File[] subdirs = dir.listFiles(); for (int x = 0; x < subdirs.length; x++) { String search = subdirs[x].getAbsolutePath(); if (this.pathMatches(search)) { items.add(search); } } } } else { items.add(path); }
public boolean autodetect () { //Checks whether a placeholder item is in the combobox //and resolve the pathes automatically: ///usr/lib/* searches all folders in usr/lib to find /usr/lib/*/lib/tools.jar for (int i = 0; i < this.pathComboBox.getItemCount(); ++i) { String path = (String)this.pathComboBox.getItemAt (i); if (path.endsWith("*")) { path = path.substring(0,path.length()-1); File dir = new File(path); if (dir.isDirectory()) { File[] subdirs = dir.listFiles(); for (int x=0;x<subdirs.length;x++) { String search = subdirs[x].getAbsolutePath(); if (this.pathMatches (search)) { items.add(search); } } } } else { items.add(path); } } //Now clear the combobox and add the items out of the newly //generated vector this.pathComboBox.removeAllItems(); VariableSubstitutor vs = new VariableSubstitutor(idata.getVariables()); for (int i=0;i<items.size();i++) { this.pathComboBox.addItem(vs.substitute((String)items.get(i), "plain")); } // loop through all items for (int i = 0; i < this.pathComboBox.getItemCount(); ++i) { String path = (String)this.pathComboBox.getItemAt (i); if (this.pathMatches (path)) { this.pathComboBox.setSelectedIndex (i); return true; } } // if the user entered something else, it's not listed as an item if (this.pathMatches ((String)this.pathComboBox.getSelectedItem())) { return true; } return false; }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/de1cbb1d267cd3c3d263ea7223133711bab5b186/
if (this.pathMatches ((String)this.pathComboBox.getSelectedItem())) { return true; } return false; }
public boolean autodetect () { //Checks whether a placeholder item is in the combobox //and resolve the pathes automatically: ///usr/lib/* searches all folders in usr/lib to find /usr/lib/*/lib/tools.jar for (int i = 0; i < this.pathComboBox.getItemCount(); ++i) { String path = (String)this.pathComboBox.getItemAt (i); if (path.endsWith("*")) { path = path.substring(0,path.length()-1); File dir = new File(path); if (dir.isDirectory()) { File[] subdirs = dir.listFiles(); for (int x=0;x<subdirs.length;x++) { String search = subdirs[x].getAbsolutePath(); if (this.pathMatches (search)) { items.add(search); } } } } else { items.add(path); } } //Now clear the combobox and add the items out of the newly //generated vector this.pathComboBox.removeAllItems(); VariableSubstitutor vs = new VariableSubstitutor(idata.getVariables()); for (int i=0;i<items.size();i++) { this.pathComboBox.addItem(vs.substitute((String)items.get(i), "plain")); } // loop through all items for (int i = 0; i < this.pathComboBox.getItemCount(); ++i) { String path = (String)this.pathComboBox.getItemAt (i); if (this.pathMatches (path)) { this.pathComboBox.setSelectedIndex (i); return true; } } // if the user entered something else, it's not listed as an item if (this.pathMatches ((String)this.pathComboBox.getSelectedItem())) { return true; } return false; }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/de1cbb1d267cd3c3d263ea7223133711bab5b186/
public abstract ZipOutputStream addPack(int packNumber, String name,
public abstract ZipOutputStream addPack(int packNumber, String name, String targetOs,
public abstract ZipOutputStream addPack(int packNumber, String name, boolean required, String description) throws Exception;
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/c3234416ca8408295e1d45c60daee2efe9c3f5db/
PackInfo pack = new PackInfo(name, id, description, required);
PackInfo pack = new PackInfo(name, id, description, required, loose);
protected void addPacks(XMLElement data) throws CompilerException { notifyCompilerListener("addPacks", CompilerListener.BEGIN, data); // Initialisation XMLElement root = requireChildNamed(data, "packs"); // at least one pack is required Vector packElements = root.getChildrenNamed("pack"); if (packElements.isEmpty()) parseError(root, "<packs> requires a <pack>"); Iterator packIter = packElements.iterator(); while (packIter.hasNext()) { XMLElement el = (XMLElement); // Trivial initialisations String name = requireAttribute(el, "name"); String id = el.getAttribute("id"); String description = requireChildNamed(el, "description").getContent(); boolean required = requireYesNoAttribute(el, "required"); PackInfo pack = new PackInfo(name, id, description, required); pack.setOsConstraints(OsConstraint.getOsList(el)); // TODO: unverified pack.setPreselected(validateYesNoAttribute(el, "preselected", YES)); // We get the parsables list Iterator iter = el.getChildrenNamed("parsable").iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { XMLElement p = (XMLElement); String target = requireAttribute(p, "targetfile"); String type = p.getAttribute("type", "plain"); String encoding = p.getAttribute("encoding", null); List osList = OsConstraint.getOsList(p); // TODO: unverified pack.addParsable(new ParsableFile(target, type, encoding, osList)); } // We get the executables list iter = el.getChildrenNamed("executable").iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { XMLElement e = (XMLElement); ExecutableFile executable = new ExecutableFile(); String val; // temp value executable.path = requireAttribute(e, "targetfile"); // when to execute this executable val = e.getAttribute("stage", "never"); if ("postinstall".equalsIgnoreCase(val)) executable.executionStage = ExecutableFile.POSTINSTALL; else if ("uninstall".equalsIgnoreCase(val)) executable.executionStage = ExecutableFile.UNINSTALL; // type of this executable val = e.getAttribute("type", "bin"); if ("jar".equalsIgnoreCase(val)) { executable.type = ExecutableFile.JAR; executable.mainClass = e.getAttribute("class"); // executable class } // what to do if execution fails val = e.getAttribute("failure", "ask"); if ("abort".equalsIgnoreCase(val)) executable.onFailure = ExecutableFile.ABORT; else if ("warn".equalsIgnoreCase(val)) executable.onFailure = ExecutableFile.WARN; // whether to keep the executable after executing it val = e.getAttribute("keep"); executable.keepFile = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(val); // get arguments for this executable XMLElement args = e.getFirstChildNamed("args"); if (null != args) { Iterator argIterator = args.getChildrenNamed("arg").iterator(); while (argIterator.hasNext()) { XMLElement arg = (XMLElement); executable.argList.add(requireAttribute(arg, "value")); } } executable.osList = OsConstraint.getOsList(e); // TODO: unverified pack.addExecutable(executable); } // We get the files list iter = el.getChildrenNamed("file").iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { XMLElement f = (XMLElement); String src = requireAttribute(f, "src"); String targetdir = requireAttribute(f, "targetdir"); List osList = OsConstraint.getOsList(f); // TODO: unverified int override = getOverrideValue(f); Map additionals = getAdditionals(f); File file = new File(src); if (! file.isAbsolute()) file = new File(basedir, src); try { addRecursively(file, targetdir, osList, override, pack, additionals); } catch (Exception x) { parseError(f, x.getMessage(), x); } } // We get the singlefiles list iter = el.getChildrenNamed("singlefile").iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { XMLElement f = (XMLElement); String src = requireAttribute(f, "src"); String target = requireAttribute(f, "target"); List osList = OsConstraint.getOsList(f); // TODO: unverified int override = getOverrideValue(f); Map additionals = getAdditionals(f); File file = new File(src); if (! file.isAbsolute()) file = new File(basedir, src); try { pack.addFile(file, target, osList, override, additionals); } catch (FileNotFoundException x) { parseError(f, x.getMessage(), x); } } // We get the fileset list iter = el.getChildrenNamed("fileset").iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { XMLElement f = (XMLElement); String dir_attr = requireAttribute(f, "dir"); File dir = new File(dir_attr); if (! dir.isAbsolute()) dir = new File(basedir, dir_attr); if (! dir.isDirectory()) // also tests '.exists()' parseError(f, "Invalid directory 'dir': " + dir_attr); boolean casesensitive = validateYesNoAttribute(f, "casesensitive", YES); boolean defexcludes = validateYesNoAttribute(f, "defaultexcludes", YES); String targetdir = requireAttribute(f, "targetdir"); List osList = OsConstraint.getOsList(f); // TODO: unverified int override = getOverrideValue(f); Map additionals = getAdditionals(f); // get includes and excludes Vector xcludesList = null; String[] includes = null; xcludesList = f.getChildrenNamed("include"); if (! xcludesList.isEmpty()) { includes = new String[xcludesList.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < xcludesList.size(); j++) { XMLElement xclude = (XMLElement) xcludesList.get(j); includes[j] = requireAttribute(xclude, "name"); } } String[] excludes = null; xcludesList = f.getChildrenNamed("exclude"); if (! xcludesList.isEmpty()) { excludes = new String[xcludesList.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < xcludesList.size(); j++) { XMLElement xclude = (XMLElement) xcludesList.get(j); excludes[j] = requireAttribute(xclude, "name"); } } // scan and add fileset DirectoryScanner ds = new DirectoryScanner(); ds.setIncludes(includes); ds.setExcludes(excludes); if (defexcludes) ds.addDefaultExcludes(); ds.setBasedir(dir); ds.setCaseSensitive(casesensitive); ds.scan(); String[] files = ds.getIncludedFiles(); String[] dirs = ds.getIncludedDirectories(); // Directory scanner has done recursion, add files and directories for (int i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) { try { String target = new File(targetdir, files[i]).getPath(); pack.addFile(new File(dir, files[i]), target, osList, override, additionals); } catch (FileNotFoundException x) { parseError(f, x.getMessage(), x); } } for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length; ++i) { try { String target = new File(targetdir, dirs[i]).getPath(); pack.addFile(new File(dir, dirs[i]), target, osList, override, additionals); } catch (FileNotFoundException x) { parseError(f, x.getMessage(), x); } } } // get the updatechecks list iter = el.getChildrenNamed("updatecheck").iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { XMLElement f = (XMLElement); String casesensitive = f.getAttribute("casesensitive"); // get includes and excludes ArrayList includesList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList excludesList = new ArrayList(); // get includes and excludes Iterator include_it = f.getChildrenNamed("include").iterator(); while (include_it.hasNext()) { XMLElement inc_el = (XMLElement); includesList.add(requireAttribute(inc_el, "name")); } Iterator exclude_it = f.getChildrenNamed("exclude").iterator(); while (exclude_it.hasNext()) { XMLElement excl_el = (XMLElement); excludesList.add(requireAttribute(excl_el, "name")); } pack.addUpdateCheck( new UpdateCheck(includesList, excludesList, casesensitive)); } // We add the pack packager.addPack(pack); } notifyCompilerListener("addPacks", CompilerListener.END, data); }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/670d2dce35e3033459b7343ab34ed921bd2331ed/
ann.add("", annotatorIds ));
ann.add("", annotatorIds ));
protected void buildQuery(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { PojoOptions po = new PojoOptions((Map) value(OPTIONS)); Class k = (Class) value(CLASS); if ( ! typeToAnnotationType.containsKey( k )) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Class "+k+" is not accepted by "+ PojosFindAnnotationsQueryDefinition.class.getName() ); } Class target = typeToAnnotationType.get((Class) value(CLASS)); String path = annotationTypeToPath.get(target); //TODO refactor into CriteriaUtils Criteria ann = session.createCriteria(target); ann.createAlias("details.owner", "ann_owner"); ann.createAlias("details.creationEvent", "ann_create"); ann.createAlias("details.updateEvent", "ann_update"); ann.setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); ann.add(".id",(Collection) value(IDS))); Criteria obj = ann.createCriteria(path,LEFT_JOIN); obj.createAlias("details.owner", "obj_owner"); obj.createAlias("details.creationEvent", "obj_create"); obj.createAlias("details.updateEvent", "obj_update"); if (check("annotatorIds")) { Collection annotatorIds = (Collection) value("annotatorIds"); if (annotatorIds != null && annotatorIds.size() > 0) ann.add("", annotatorIds )); } setCriteria( ann ); }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/d92a88d0d79640fb07d5559aa2c0f5d0f1dd4752/
if (name.length() == pos + className.length() + 6)
if (pos != -1 && name.length() == pos + className.length() + 6)
private String getFullClassName(URL url, String className) throws Exception { JarInputStream jis = new JarInputStream(url.openStream()); ZipEntry zentry = null; while ((zentry = jis.getNextEntry()) != null) { String name = zentry.getName(); int lastPos = name.lastIndexOf(".class"); if (lastPos < 0) { continue; // No class file. } name = name.replace('/', '.'); int pos = -1; if (className != null) { pos = name.indexOf(className); } if (name.length() == pos + className.length() + 6) // "Main" class // found { jis.close(); return (name.substring(0, lastPos)); } } jis.close(); return (null); }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/458df5388598b1463abaab7f3fba01a728e5d095/
double k = qDef.curveCoefficient;
double k = getCurveCoefficient();
private void buildLUT() { if (LUT == null) init(); // Comparable assumed to be Integer //domain double dStart = getWindowStart(), dEnd = getWindowEnd(); double k = qDef.curveCoefficient; //double ys = valueMapper.transform(dStart, k); //double ye = valueMapper.transform(dEnd, k); //double a0 = qDef.bitResolution/(ye-ys); double a1 = (qDef.cdEnd-qDef.cdStart)/((double) qDef.bitResolution); int x = min; //Temporary, to come: "piece-wise rendering." QuantumMap normalize = new PolynomialMap(); int extra = 10; //double decile = (max-min)/(double) 10; //double Q1 = min+decile, Q9 = max-decile; double S1 = dStart; double ysNorm = valueMapper.transform(0, k); double yeNorm = valueMapper.transform(255, k); double aNorm = qDef.bitResolution/(yeNorm-ysNorm); double v = extra; double c0;//, nom = Q9-Q1; /* if (dStart >= Q1 && dEnd > Q9) { nom = (Q9-dStart); S1 = dStart; } else if (dStart < Q1 && dEnd <= Q9) { nom = dEnd-Q1; } else if (dStart >= Q1 && dEnd <= Q9) { nom = dEnd-dStart; S1 = dStart; } */ //c0 = (255-2*extra)/nom; c0 = (255)/(dEnd-dStart); for(; x < dStart; ++x) LUT[x-min] = (byte) qDef.cdStart; for(; x < dEnd; ++x) { //if (x > Q1) { // if (x <= Q9) v = c0*(normalize.transform(x, 1)-S1)+extra; // else v = 255-extra; //} else v = extra; v = Approximation.nearestInteger( aNorm*(valueMapper.transform(v, k)-ysNorm)); v = Approximation.nearestInteger(a1*v+qDef.cdStart); LUT[x-min] = (byte) v; } for(; x <= max; ++x) LUT[x-min] = (byte) qDef.cdEnd; }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/de5b83ecccd54946c2125525e83cea40c4c4dd36/
QuantumMap normalize = new PolynomialMap(); int extra = 10; double S1 = dStart; double ysNorm = valueMapper.transform(0, k); double yeNorm = valueMapper.transform(255, k); double aNorm = qDef.bitResolution/(yeNorm-ysNorm); double v = extra; double c0; /* if (dStart >= Q1 && dEnd > Q9) { nom = (Q9-dStart); S1 = dStart; } else if (dStart < Q1 && dEnd <= Q9) { nom = dEnd-Q1; } else if (dStart >= Q1 && dEnd <= Q9) { nom = dEnd-dStart; S1 = dStart; } */ c0 = (255)/(dEnd-dStart); for(; x < dStart; ++x) LUT[x-min] = (byte) qDef.cdStart;
for(; x < dStart; ++x) LUT[x-min] = (byte) cdStart;
private void buildLUT() { if (LUT == null) init(); // Comparable assumed to be Integer //domain double dStart = getWindowStart(), dEnd = getWindowEnd(); double k = qDef.curveCoefficient; //double ys = valueMapper.transform(dStart, k); //double ye = valueMapper.transform(dEnd, k); //double a0 = qDef.bitResolution/(ye-ys); double a1 = (qDef.cdEnd-qDef.cdStart)/((double) qDef.bitResolution); int x = min; //Temporary, to come: "piece-wise rendering." QuantumMap normalize = new PolynomialMap(); int extra = 10; //double decile = (max-min)/(double) 10; //double Q1 = min+decile, Q9 = max-decile; double S1 = dStart; double ysNorm = valueMapper.transform(0, k); double yeNorm = valueMapper.transform(255, k); double aNorm = qDef.bitResolution/(yeNorm-ysNorm); double v = extra; double c0;//, nom = Q9-Q1; /* if (dStart >= Q1 && dEnd > Q9) { nom = (Q9-dStart); S1 = dStart; } else if (dStart < Q1 && dEnd <= Q9) { nom = dEnd-Q1; } else if (dStart >= Q1 && dEnd <= Q9) { nom = dEnd-dStart; S1 = dStart; } */ //c0 = (255-2*extra)/nom; c0 = (255)/(dEnd-dStart); for(; x < dStart; ++x) LUT[x-min] = (byte) qDef.cdStart; for(; x < dEnd; ++x) { //if (x > Q1) { // if (x <= Q9) v = c0*(normalize.transform(x, 1)-S1)+extra; // else v = 255-extra; //} else v = extra; v = Approximation.nearestInteger( aNorm*(valueMapper.transform(v, k)-ysNorm)); v = Approximation.nearestInteger(a1*v+qDef.cdStart); LUT[x-min] = (byte) v; } for(; x <= max; ++x) LUT[x-min] = (byte) qDef.cdEnd; }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/de5b83ecccd54946c2125525e83cea40c4c4dd36/
v = c0*(normalize.transform(x, 1)-S1)+extra; v = Approximation.nearestInteger( aNorm*(valueMapper.transform(v, k)-ysNorm)); v = Approximation.nearestInteger(a1*v+qDef.cdStart); LUT[x-min] = (byte) v;
if (x > Q1) { if (x <= Q9) v = c0*(normalize.transform(x, 1)-S1)+extra; else v = cdEnd; } else v = cdStart; v = Approximation.nearestInteger( aNorm*(valueMapper.transform(v, k)-ysNorm)); v = Approximation.nearestInteger(a1*v+qDef.cdStart); LUT[x-min] = (byte) v;
private void buildLUT() { if (LUT == null) init(); // Comparable assumed to be Integer //domain double dStart = getWindowStart(), dEnd = getWindowEnd(); double k = qDef.curveCoefficient; //double ys = valueMapper.transform(dStart, k); //double ye = valueMapper.transform(dEnd, k); //double a0 = qDef.bitResolution/(ye-ys); double a1 = (qDef.cdEnd-qDef.cdStart)/((double) qDef.bitResolution); int x = min; //Temporary, to come: "piece-wise rendering." QuantumMap normalize = new PolynomialMap(); int extra = 10; //double decile = (max-min)/(double) 10; //double Q1 = min+decile, Q9 = max-decile; double S1 = dStart; double ysNorm = valueMapper.transform(0, k); double yeNorm = valueMapper.transform(255, k); double aNorm = qDef.bitResolution/(yeNorm-ysNorm); double v = extra; double c0;//, nom = Q9-Q1; /* if (dStart >= Q1 && dEnd > Q9) { nom = (Q9-dStart); S1 = dStart; } else if (dStart < Q1 && dEnd <= Q9) { nom = dEnd-Q1; } else if (dStart >= Q1 && dEnd <= Q9) { nom = dEnd-dStart; S1 = dStart; } */ //c0 = (255-2*extra)/nom; c0 = (255)/(dEnd-dStart); for(; x < dStart; ++x) LUT[x-min] = (byte) qDef.cdStart; for(; x < dEnd; ++x) { //if (x > Q1) { // if (x <= Q9) v = c0*(normalize.transform(x, 1)-S1)+extra; // else v = 255-extra; //} else v = extra; v = Approximation.nearestInteger( aNorm*(valueMapper.transform(v, k)-ysNorm)); v = Approximation.nearestInteger(a1*v+qDef.cdStart); LUT[x-min] = (byte) v; } for(; x <= max; ++x) LUT[x-min] = (byte) qDef.cdEnd; }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/de5b83ecccd54946c2125525e83cea40c4c4dd36/
for(; x <= max; ++x) LUT[x-min] = (byte) qDef.cdEnd;
for(; x <= max; ++x) LUT[x-min] = (byte) cdEnd;
private void buildLUT() { if (LUT == null) init(); // Comparable assumed to be Integer //domain double dStart = getWindowStart(), dEnd = getWindowEnd(); double k = qDef.curveCoefficient; //double ys = valueMapper.transform(dStart, k); //double ye = valueMapper.transform(dEnd, k); //double a0 = qDef.bitResolution/(ye-ys); double a1 = (qDef.cdEnd-qDef.cdStart)/((double) qDef.bitResolution); int x = min; //Temporary, to come: "piece-wise rendering." QuantumMap normalize = new PolynomialMap(); int extra = 10; //double decile = (max-min)/(double) 10; //double Q1 = min+decile, Q9 = max-decile; double S1 = dStart; double ysNorm = valueMapper.transform(0, k); double yeNorm = valueMapper.transform(255, k); double aNorm = qDef.bitResolution/(yeNorm-ysNorm); double v = extra; double c0;//, nom = Q9-Q1; /* if (dStart >= Q1 && dEnd > Q9) { nom = (Q9-dStart); S1 = dStart; } else if (dStart < Q1 && dEnd <= Q9) { nom = dEnd-Q1; } else if (dStart >= Q1 && dEnd <= Q9) { nom = dEnd-dStart; S1 = dStart; } */ //c0 = (255-2*extra)/nom; c0 = (255)/(dEnd-dStart); for(; x < dStart; ++x) LUT[x-min] = (byte) qDef.cdStart; for(; x < dEnd; ++x) { //if (x > Q1) { // if (x <= Q9) v = c0*(normalize.transform(x, 1)-S1)+extra; // else v = 255-extra; //} else v = extra; v = Approximation.nearestInteger( aNorm*(valueMapper.transform(v, k)-ysNorm)); v = Approximation.nearestInteger(a1*v+qDef.cdStart); LUT[x-min] = (byte) v; } for(; x <= max; ++x) LUT[x-min] = (byte) qDef.cdEnd; }
54698 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54698/de5b83ecccd54946c2125525e83cea40c4c4dd36/
if (!data.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("langpack"))
if (!"langpack".equalsIgnoreCase(data.getName()))
public void add(InputStream in) throws Exception { // Initialises the parser StdXMLParser parser = new StdXMLParser(); parser.setBuilder(new StdXMLBuilder()); parser.setReader(new StdXMLReader(in)); parser.setValidator(new NonValidator()); // We get the data XMLElement data = (XMLElement) parser.parse(); // We check the data if (!data.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("langpack")) throw new Exception("this is not an IzPack XML langpack file"); // We fill the Hashtable Vector children = data.getChildren(); int size = children.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { XMLElement e = (XMLElement) children.get(i); String text = e.getContent(); if (text != null && !text.equals("")) { put(e.getAttribute("id"), text.trim()); } else { put(e.getAttribute("id"), e.getAttribute("txt")); } } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/9619b3a25f43787dc92011111668210e06c00c71/
if (text != null && !text.equals(""))
if (text != null && !"".equals(text))
public void add(InputStream in) throws Exception { // Initialises the parser StdXMLParser parser = new StdXMLParser(); parser.setBuilder(new StdXMLBuilder()); parser.setReader(new StdXMLReader(in)); parser.setValidator(new NonValidator()); // We get the data XMLElement data = (XMLElement) parser.parse(); // We check the data if (!data.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("langpack")) throw new Exception("this is not an IzPack XML langpack file"); // We fill the Hashtable Vector children = data.getChildren(); int size = children.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { XMLElement e = (XMLElement) children.get(i); String text = e.getContent(); if (text != null && !text.equals("")) { put(e.getAttribute("id"), text.trim()); } else { put(e.getAttribute("id"), e.getAttribute("txt")); } } }
54145 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/54145/9619b3a25f43787dc92011111668210e06c00c71/
public SoftLenderReference(Object referent) {
SoftLenderReference(final Object referent) {
public SoftLenderReference(Object referent) { super(referent); }
50977 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/50977/c533b17f67a27066967191311fa5512bef24cbc8/
LinkedList pool = (LinkedList) (_poolMap.get(key));
ObjectQueue pool = (ObjectQueue) (_poolMap.get(key));
public synchronized void addObject(Object key) throws Exception { assertOpen(); if (_factory == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add objects without a factory."); } Object obj = _factory.makeObject(key); // if we need to validate this object, do so boolean success = true; // whether or not this object passed validation if(_testOnReturn && !_factory.validateObject(key, obj)) { success = false; _factory.destroyObject(key, obj); } else { _factory.passivateObject(key, obj); } boolean shouldDestroy = false; // grab the pool (list) of objects associated with the given key LinkedList pool = (LinkedList) (_poolMap.get(key)); // if it doesn't exist, create it if(null == pool) { pool = new LinkedList(); _poolMap.put(key, pool); } // if there's no space in the pool, flag the object for destruction // else if we passivated succesfully, return it to the pool if(_maxIdle >= 0 && (pool.size() >= _maxIdle)) { shouldDestroy = true; } else if(success) { pool.addLast(new ObjectTimestampPair(obj)); _totalIdle++; } notifyAll(); if(shouldDestroy) { _factory.destroyObject(key, obj); } }
50977 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/50977/dca25ff99b1206e30015dfa1823600ce9b50b958/
pool = new LinkedList();
pool = new ObjectQueue();
public synchronized void addObject(Object key) throws Exception { assertOpen(); if (_factory == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add objects without a factory."); } Object obj = _factory.makeObject(key); // if we need to validate this object, do so boolean success = true; // whether or not this object passed validation if(_testOnReturn && !_factory.validateObject(key, obj)) { success = false; _factory.destroyObject(key, obj); } else { _factory.passivateObject(key, obj); } boolean shouldDestroy = false; // grab the pool (list) of objects associated with the given key LinkedList pool = (LinkedList) (_poolMap.get(key)); // if it doesn't exist, create it if(null == pool) { pool = new LinkedList(); _poolMap.put(key, pool); } // if there's no space in the pool, flag the object for destruction // else if we passivated succesfully, return it to the pool if(_maxIdle >= 0 && (pool.size() >= _maxIdle)) { shouldDestroy = true; } else if(success) { pool.addLast(new ObjectTimestampPair(obj)); _totalIdle++; } notifyAll(); if(shouldDestroy) { _factory.destroyObject(key, obj); } }
50977 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/50977/dca25ff99b1206e30015dfa1823600ce9b50b958/
if(_maxIdle >= 0 && (pool.size() >= _maxIdle)) {
if(_maxIdle >= 0 && (pool.queue.size() >= _maxIdle)) {
public synchronized void addObject(Object key) throws Exception { assertOpen(); if (_factory == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add objects without a factory."); } Object obj = _factory.makeObject(key); // if we need to validate this object, do so boolean success = true; // whether or not this object passed validation if(_testOnReturn && !_factory.validateObject(key, obj)) { success = false; _factory.destroyObject(key, obj); } else { _factory.passivateObject(key, obj); } boolean shouldDestroy = false; // grab the pool (list) of objects associated with the given key LinkedList pool = (LinkedList) (_poolMap.get(key)); // if it doesn't exist, create it if(null == pool) { pool = new LinkedList(); _poolMap.put(key, pool); } // if there's no space in the pool, flag the object for destruction // else if we passivated succesfully, return it to the pool if(_maxIdle >= 0 && (pool.size() >= _maxIdle)) { shouldDestroy = true; } else if(success) { pool.addLast(new ObjectTimestampPair(obj)); _totalIdle++; } notifyAll(); if(shouldDestroy) { _factory.destroyObject(key, obj); } }
50977 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/50977/dca25ff99b1206e30015dfa1823600ce9b50b958/
pool.addLast(new ObjectTimestampPair(obj));
pool.queue.addLast(new ObjectTimestampPair(obj));
public synchronized void addObject(Object key) throws Exception { assertOpen(); if (_factory == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add objects without a factory."); } Object obj = _factory.makeObject(key); // if we need to validate this object, do so boolean success = true; // whether or not this object passed validation if(_testOnReturn && !_factory.validateObject(key, obj)) { success = false; _factory.destroyObject(key, obj); } else { _factory.passivateObject(key, obj); } boolean shouldDestroy = false; // grab the pool (list) of objects associated with the given key LinkedList pool = (LinkedList) (_poolMap.get(key)); // if it doesn't exist, create it if(null == pool) { pool = new LinkedList(); _poolMap.put(key, pool); } // if there's no space in the pool, flag the object for destruction // else if we passivated succesfully, return it to the pool if(_maxIdle >= 0 && (pool.size() >= _maxIdle)) { shouldDestroy = true; } else if(success) { pool.addLast(new ObjectTimestampPair(obj)); _totalIdle++; } notifyAll(); if(shouldDestroy) { _factory.destroyObject(key, obj); } }
50977 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/50977/dca25ff99b1206e30015dfa1823600ce9b50b958/
LinkedList pool = (LinkedList)(_poolMap.get(key));
ObjectQueue pool = (ObjectQueue)(_poolMap.get(key));
public synchronized Object borrowObject(Object key) throws Exception { assertOpen(); long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean newlyCreated = false; for(;;) { LinkedList pool = (LinkedList)(_poolMap.get(key)); if(null == pool) { pool = new LinkedList(); _poolMap.put(key,pool); } ObjectTimestampPair pair = null; // if there are any sleeping, just grab one of those try { pair = (ObjectTimestampPair)(pool.removeFirst()); if(null != pair) { _totalIdle--; } } catch(NoSuchElementException e) { /* ignored */ } // otherwise if(null == pair) { // if there is a totalMaxActive and we are at the limit then // we have to make room if ((_maxTotal > 0) && (_totalActive + _totalIdle >= _maxTotal)) { clearOldest(); } // check if we can create one // (note we know that the num sleeping is 0, else we wouldn't be here) int active = getActiveCount(key); if ((_maxActive < 0 || active < _maxActive) && (_maxTotal < 0 || _totalActive + _totalIdle < _maxTotal)) { Object obj = _factory.makeObject(key); pair = new ObjectTimestampPair(obj); newlyCreated = true; } else { // the pool is exhausted switch(_whenExhaustedAction) { case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW: Object obj = _factory.makeObject(key); pair = new ObjectTimestampPair(obj); break; case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL: throw new NoSuchElementException(); case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK: try { if(_maxWait <= 0) { wait(); } else { // this code may be executed again after a notify then continue cycle // so, need to calculate the amount of time to wait final long elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime); final long waitTime = _maxWait - elapsed; if (waitTime > 0) { wait(waitTime); } } } catch(InterruptedException e) { // ignored } if(_maxWait > 0 && ((System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime) >= _maxWait)) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Timeout waiting for idle object"); } else { continue; // keep looping } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("whenExhaustedAction " + _whenExhaustedAction + " not recognized."); } } } if (newlyCreated) { incrementActiveCount(key); return pair.value; } else { try { _factory.activateObject(key, pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { try { _factory.destroyObject(key,pair.value); } catch (Exception e2) { // swallowed } continue; } boolean invalid = true; try { invalid = _testOnBorrow && !_factory.validateObject(key, pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { // swallowed } if (invalid) { try { _factory.destroyObject(key,pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { // swallowed } if(newlyCreated) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Could not create a validated object"); } // else keep looping } else { incrementActiveCount(key); return pair.value; } } } }
50977 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/50977/dca25ff99b1206e30015dfa1823600ce9b50b958/
pool = new LinkedList();
pool = new ObjectQueue();
public synchronized Object borrowObject(Object key) throws Exception { assertOpen(); long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean newlyCreated = false; for(;;) { LinkedList pool = (LinkedList)(_poolMap.get(key)); if(null == pool) { pool = new LinkedList(); _poolMap.put(key,pool); } ObjectTimestampPair pair = null; // if there are any sleeping, just grab one of those try { pair = (ObjectTimestampPair)(pool.removeFirst()); if(null != pair) { _totalIdle--; } } catch(NoSuchElementException e) { /* ignored */ } // otherwise if(null == pair) { // if there is a totalMaxActive and we are at the limit then // we have to make room if ((_maxTotal > 0) && (_totalActive + _totalIdle >= _maxTotal)) { clearOldest(); } // check if we can create one // (note we know that the num sleeping is 0, else we wouldn't be here) int active = getActiveCount(key); if ((_maxActive < 0 || active < _maxActive) && (_maxTotal < 0 || _totalActive + _totalIdle < _maxTotal)) { Object obj = _factory.makeObject(key); pair = new ObjectTimestampPair(obj); newlyCreated = true; } else { // the pool is exhausted switch(_whenExhaustedAction) { case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW: Object obj = _factory.makeObject(key); pair = new ObjectTimestampPair(obj); break; case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL: throw new NoSuchElementException(); case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK: try { if(_maxWait <= 0) { wait(); } else { // this code may be executed again after a notify then continue cycle // so, need to calculate the amount of time to wait final long elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime); final long waitTime = _maxWait - elapsed; if (waitTime > 0) { wait(waitTime); } } } catch(InterruptedException e) { // ignored } if(_maxWait > 0 && ((System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime) >= _maxWait)) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Timeout waiting for idle object"); } else { continue; // keep looping } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("whenExhaustedAction " + _whenExhaustedAction + " not recognized."); } } } if (newlyCreated) { incrementActiveCount(key); return pair.value; } else { try { _factory.activateObject(key, pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { try { _factory.destroyObject(key,pair.value); } catch (Exception e2) { // swallowed } continue; } boolean invalid = true; try { invalid = _testOnBorrow && !_factory.validateObject(key, pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { // swallowed } if (invalid) { try { _factory.destroyObject(key,pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { // swallowed } if(newlyCreated) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Could not create a validated object"); } // else keep looping } else { incrementActiveCount(key); return pair.value; } } } }
50977 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/50977/dca25ff99b1206e30015dfa1823600ce9b50b958/
pair = (ObjectTimestampPair)(pool.removeFirst());
pair = (ObjectTimestampPair)(pool.queue.removeFirst());
public synchronized Object borrowObject(Object key) throws Exception { assertOpen(); long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean newlyCreated = false; for(;;) { LinkedList pool = (LinkedList)(_poolMap.get(key)); if(null == pool) { pool = new LinkedList(); _poolMap.put(key,pool); } ObjectTimestampPair pair = null; // if there are any sleeping, just grab one of those try { pair = (ObjectTimestampPair)(pool.removeFirst()); if(null != pair) { _totalIdle--; } } catch(NoSuchElementException e) { /* ignored */ } // otherwise if(null == pair) { // if there is a totalMaxActive and we are at the limit then // we have to make room if ((_maxTotal > 0) && (_totalActive + _totalIdle >= _maxTotal)) { clearOldest(); } // check if we can create one // (note we know that the num sleeping is 0, else we wouldn't be here) int active = getActiveCount(key); if ((_maxActive < 0 || active < _maxActive) && (_maxTotal < 0 || _totalActive + _totalIdle < _maxTotal)) { Object obj = _factory.makeObject(key); pair = new ObjectTimestampPair(obj); newlyCreated = true; } else { // the pool is exhausted switch(_whenExhaustedAction) { case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW: Object obj = _factory.makeObject(key); pair = new ObjectTimestampPair(obj); break; case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL: throw new NoSuchElementException(); case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK: try { if(_maxWait <= 0) { wait(); } else { // this code may be executed again after a notify then continue cycle // so, need to calculate the amount of time to wait final long elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime); final long waitTime = _maxWait - elapsed; if (waitTime > 0) { wait(waitTime); } } } catch(InterruptedException e) { // ignored } if(_maxWait > 0 && ((System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime) >= _maxWait)) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Timeout waiting for idle object"); } else { continue; // keep looping } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("whenExhaustedAction " + _whenExhaustedAction + " not recognized."); } } } if (newlyCreated) { incrementActiveCount(key); return pair.value; } else { try { _factory.activateObject(key, pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { try { _factory.destroyObject(key,pair.value); } catch (Exception e2) { // swallowed } continue; } boolean invalid = true; try { invalid = _testOnBorrow && !_factory.validateObject(key, pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { // swallowed } if (invalid) { try { _factory.destroyObject(key,pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { // swallowed } if(newlyCreated) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Could not create a validated object"); } // else keep looping } else { incrementActiveCount(key); return pair.value; } } } }
50977 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/50977/dca25ff99b1206e30015dfa1823600ce9b50b958/
int active = getActiveCount(key); if ((_maxActive < 0 || active < _maxActive) &&
if ((_maxActive < 0 || pool.activeCount < _maxActive) &&
public synchronized Object borrowObject(Object key) throws Exception { assertOpen(); long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean newlyCreated = false; for(;;) { LinkedList pool = (LinkedList)(_poolMap.get(key)); if(null == pool) { pool = new LinkedList(); _poolMap.put(key,pool); } ObjectTimestampPair pair = null; // if there are any sleeping, just grab one of those try { pair = (ObjectTimestampPair)(pool.removeFirst()); if(null != pair) { _totalIdle--; } } catch(NoSuchElementException e) { /* ignored */ } // otherwise if(null == pair) { // if there is a totalMaxActive and we are at the limit then // we have to make room if ((_maxTotal > 0) && (_totalActive + _totalIdle >= _maxTotal)) { clearOldest(); } // check if we can create one // (note we know that the num sleeping is 0, else we wouldn't be here) int active = getActiveCount(key); if ((_maxActive < 0 || active < _maxActive) && (_maxTotal < 0 || _totalActive + _totalIdle < _maxTotal)) { Object obj = _factory.makeObject(key); pair = new ObjectTimestampPair(obj); newlyCreated = true; } else { // the pool is exhausted switch(_whenExhaustedAction) { case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW: Object obj = _factory.makeObject(key); pair = new ObjectTimestampPair(obj); break; case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL: throw new NoSuchElementException(); case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK: try { if(_maxWait <= 0) { wait(); } else { // this code may be executed again after a notify then continue cycle // so, need to calculate the amount of time to wait final long elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime); final long waitTime = _maxWait - elapsed; if (waitTime > 0) { wait(waitTime); } } } catch(InterruptedException e) { // ignored } if(_maxWait > 0 && ((System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime) >= _maxWait)) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Timeout waiting for idle object"); } else { continue; // keep looping } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("whenExhaustedAction " + _whenExhaustedAction + " not recognized."); } } } if (newlyCreated) { incrementActiveCount(key); return pair.value; } else { try { _factory.activateObject(key, pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { try { _factory.destroyObject(key,pair.value); } catch (Exception e2) { // swallowed } continue; } boolean invalid = true; try { invalid = _testOnBorrow && !_factory.validateObject(key, pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { // swallowed } if (invalid) { try { _factory.destroyObject(key,pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { // swallowed } if(newlyCreated) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Could not create a validated object"); } // else keep looping } else { incrementActiveCount(key); return pair.value; } } } }
50977 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/50977/dca25ff99b1206e30015dfa1823600ce9b50b958/
public synchronized Object borrowObject(Object key) throws Exception { assertOpen(); long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean newlyCreated = false; for(;;) { LinkedList pool = (LinkedList)(_poolMap.get(key)); if(null == pool) { pool = new LinkedList(); _poolMap.put(key,pool); } ObjectTimestampPair pair = null; // if there are any sleeping, just grab one of those try { pair = (ObjectTimestampPair)(pool.removeFirst()); if(null != pair) { _totalIdle--; } } catch(NoSuchElementException e) { /* ignored */ } // otherwise if(null == pair) { // if there is a totalMaxActive and we are at the limit then // we have to make room if ((_maxTotal > 0) && (_totalActive + _totalIdle >= _maxTotal)) { clearOldest(); } // check if we can create one // (note we know that the num sleeping is 0, else we wouldn't be here) int active = getActiveCount(key); if ((_maxActive < 0 || active < _maxActive) && (_maxTotal < 0 || _totalActive + _totalIdle < _maxTotal)) { Object obj = _factory.makeObject(key); pair = new ObjectTimestampPair(obj); newlyCreated = true; } else { // the pool is exhausted switch(_whenExhaustedAction) { case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW: Object obj = _factory.makeObject(key); pair = new ObjectTimestampPair(obj); break; case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL: throw new NoSuchElementException(); case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK: try { if(_maxWait <= 0) { wait(); } else { // this code may be executed again after a notify then continue cycle // so, need to calculate the amount of time to wait final long elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime); final long waitTime = _maxWait - elapsed; if (waitTime > 0) { wait(waitTime); } } } catch(InterruptedException e) { // ignored } if(_maxWait > 0 && ((System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime) >= _maxWait)) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Timeout waiting for idle object"); } else { continue; // keep looping } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("whenExhaustedAction " + _whenExhaustedAction + " not recognized."); } } } if (newlyCreated) { incrementActiveCount(key); return pair.value; } else { try { _factory.activateObject(key, pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { try { _factory.destroyObject(key,pair.value); } catch (Exception e2) { // swallowed } continue; } boolean invalid = true; try { invalid = _testOnBorrow && !_factory.validateObject(key, pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { // swallowed } if (invalid) { try { _factory.destroyObject(key,pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { // swallowed } if(newlyCreated) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Could not create a validated object"); } // else keep looping } else { incrementActiveCount(key); return pair.value; } } } }
50977 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/50977/dca25ff99b1206e30015dfa1823600ce9b50b958/
public synchronized Object borrowObject(Object key) throws Exception { assertOpen(); long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean newlyCreated = false; for(;;) { LinkedList pool = (LinkedList)(_poolMap.get(key)); if(null == pool) { pool = new LinkedList(); _poolMap.put(key,pool); } ObjectTimestampPair pair = null; // if there are any sleeping, just grab one of those try { pair = (ObjectTimestampPair)(pool.removeFirst()); if(null != pair) { _totalIdle--; } } catch(NoSuchElementException e) { /* ignored */ } // otherwise if(null == pair) { // if there is a totalMaxActive and we are at the limit then // we have to make room if ((_maxTotal > 0) && (_totalActive + _totalIdle >= _maxTotal)) { clearOldest(); } // check if we can create one // (note we know that the num sleeping is 0, else we wouldn't be here) int active = getActiveCount(key); if ((_maxActive < 0 || active < _maxActive) && (_maxTotal < 0 || _totalActive + _totalIdle < _maxTotal)) { Object obj = _factory.makeObject(key); pair = new ObjectTimestampPair(obj); newlyCreated = true; } else { // the pool is exhausted switch(_whenExhaustedAction) { case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW: Object obj = _factory.makeObject(key); pair = new ObjectTimestampPair(obj); break; case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL: throw new NoSuchElementException(); case WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK: try { if(_maxWait <= 0) { wait(); } else { // this code may be executed again after a notify then continue cycle // so, need to calculate the amount of time to wait final long elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime); final long waitTime = _maxWait - elapsed; if (waitTime > 0) { wait(waitTime); } } } catch(InterruptedException e) { // ignored } if(_maxWait > 0 && ((System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime) >= _maxWait)) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Timeout waiting for idle object"); } else { continue; // keep looping } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("whenExhaustedAction " + _whenExhaustedAction + " not recognized."); } } } if (newlyCreated) { incrementActiveCount(key); return pair.value; } else { try { _factory.activateObject(key, pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { try { _factory.destroyObject(key,pair.value); } catch (Exception e2) { // swallowed } continue; } boolean invalid = true; try { invalid = _testOnBorrow && !_factory.validateObject(key, pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { // swallowed } if (invalid) { try { _factory.destroyObject(key,pair.value); } catch (Exception e) { // swallowed } if(newlyCreated) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Could not create a validated object"); } // else keep looping } else { incrementActiveCount(key); return pair.value; } } } }
50977 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/50977/dca25ff99b1206e30015dfa1823600ce9b50b958/
for(Iterator keyiter = _poolMap.keySet().iterator(); keyiter.hasNext(); ) { Object key =; final LinkedList list = (LinkedList)(_poolMap.get(key));
for(Iterator entries = _poolMap.entrySet().iterator(); entries.hasNext(); ) { final Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); final Object key = entry.getKey(); final LinkedList list = ((ObjectQueue)(entry.getValue())).queue;
public synchronized void clear() { for(Iterator keyiter = _poolMap.keySet().iterator(); keyiter.hasNext(); ) { Object key =; final LinkedList list = (LinkedList)(_poolMap.get(key)); for(Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { try { _factory.destroyObject(key,((ObjectTimestampPair)(; } catch(Exception e) { // ignore error, keep destroying the rest } it.remove(); } } _poolMap.clear(); if (_recentlyEvictedKeys != null) { _recentlyEvictedKeys.clear(); } _totalIdle = 0; notifyAll(); }
50977 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/all_java5context/java/2006_temp/2006/50977/dca25ff99b1206e30015dfa1823600ce9b50b958/