178 values
24 values
80 values
[![Review Assignment Due Date](]( # README # Mental Cares: Tracking Mental Health in the United States ## Introduction ### 👋 Welcome to the Mental Cares Dashboard! This dashboard is a tool that shows the prevalence and patterns of mental health illness as well as the related health care service based on county-level data among the United States. It also compares the public interests in mental health with the data from Google Search Trends. ### Who are our users? and What is expected? `Researchers, policymakers, and journalists` can use this data to: - Monitor the prevalence of mental health illnesses in the U.S. population by age, race, and region, while exploring the relationship between external factors and the prevalence of mental health issues. - Evaluate patterns of mental health illnesses, examining the clustering effects of mental health risks across states to establish a comprehensive profile of mental health issues. - Compare the geographic distribution of mental health services to identify potential inequities in population density and resource distribution. - Pinpoint the effects of national and state-level public health policies and initiatives on healthcare utilization. - Observe the impact of natural phenomena, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, on public interest in mental health-related affairs. ### Why is it original? The dashboard's originality lies in its `interactive navigation`, offering `dynamic exploration` and `personalized engagement`. Features like tooltips and multiple selections empower users for detailed insights, enhancing the overall experience. A key innovation is the `integration of hierarchical clustering and network graph visualization`, providing a flexible and interpretable way to explore relationships between mental health patterns and states. This approach captures intricate state connections, offering a unique perspective on dynamic visualization. The `dual-layered method` overlays proportional symbol resource maps onto population density choropleth maps for simultaneous assessment. Additionally, the dashboard introduces `diverse visualization techniques`, including proportional symbol maps, choropleth maps, small multiple line charts, heatmaps, radar charts, and grouped bar charts, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of mental health patterns. Just get started navigating our dashboard. We hope you can gain valuable insights into mental health issues, contributing to a more informed and proactive approach in addressing public health concerns. ## Getting Started ### Access Dashboard Locally To view our dashboard, follow these steps: 1. Clone this repository to your local machine. 2. Install dependencies and run visualization. ```bash npm install #install js libraries npm run serve #starts server on port 2000 ``` 3. The dashboard's homepage will be displayed on `index.html`. OR 1. Clone this repository to your local machine. 2. Install dependencies. ```bash npm install #install js libraries ``` 3. Install `Live Server` Extension. 4. Right-click the dashboard's homepage `main.html` and select `Open with Live Server` from the context menu. 5. Browser window will open, displaying the dashboard homepage. ### Access Deployed Dashboard We have deployed and published our dashboard as a static site on Render. Render, a cloud platform, ensures the stable and secure operation of our dashboard and provides our users with a better experience. During deployment, we leverage Render for seamless building and deployment directly from Git. To access our deployed dshabord, users can access this link: [Mental Cares]( ### Explore More About Our Work - Paper: [Blank Github]() or `main.tex` in [Overleaf]( - Demo Video: [Youtube Video]( - Presentation Slide: [Google Slide]( - Report: [Github](./docs/Report_Emotions%20Team.pdf) or [Google Document]( - Design File: [Figma]( - Notebooks: [Notebook](./assets/notebook/) (See below for details) ## Dashboard Design ### Feature and Highlights - Homepage Users can leverage the `Homepage` for an interactive overview of the entire dashboard. They can 1. Get comprehensive KPIs for mental health illness across the United States 2. Address mental health resource inequality among states using polar bar chart 3. Assess risks among different demographic groups using donut chart 4. Explore the temporal trends in public interest using heat map ![](./image/homepage.png) ![](./image/homepage2.png) - Explore States Users can use `Explore States` page to understand the mental health illness landscape and risk at state and cluster levels. They can 1. Navigate and gain an overview of mental health illness across states using a proportional symbol map. Obtain a detailed snapshot of mental health conditions in a specific state through interactive operations. 2. Compare the risk of mental health illness across age groups, timeline, and mental issues using small multilinear plots. 3. Compare the risk of mental health illness across races using a heatmap. 4. Navigate and gain insights into mental health clustering effects across states with the proportional symbol map. Use multi-selection for further comparative analysis. 5. Compare mental health risk patterns across clusters using a radar chart. 6. Extract insights from the correlation between prevalence and macro-level factors across clusters. ![](./image/part1.png) ![](./image/part1-2.png) - Health Resources Users can use `Health Resources` page to focus on the distribution and density of mental health resources across states and counties. They can 1. Evaluate mental health resources and population density, identifying inequalities through a dual-layered map with a proportional symbol map overlaid on a choropleth map. 2. Zoom into specific states using the selector to display resources and population data for the counties within that state. 3. Conduct a comparative analysis of resource density between two states or counties using a bar chart. ![](./image/part2.png) - Public Interest Timeline Users can use `Timeline` page to explore the search interest timeline of the U.S. public in mental health-related keywords. They can 1. Directly access the Top 3 most popular mental health-related keywords 2. Compare temporal patterns across various mental health keywords within the specified time range using line chart 3. Obtain important policies, advocacies, and actions on mental health using the timeline 3. Compare average search interest of different mental health-related keyworkds before, during and after the pandemic using bar graphs ![](./image/part3.png) ### Wireframe Design See our wireframe design in [Figma]( - Responsive design Users can enjoy a consistent and optimal user experience across various devices, ensuring that the content is always accessible to a broader audience. - Consistent color palette Users can experience a cohesive visual experience with a consistent color palette throughout the platform, fostering a unified and aesthetically pleasing design across all elements. ## Dashboard Development ### Tools and Usage - `Figma` for Web Design - `D3.js` for Visualization - `echarts.js` for Visualization - `Jquery` for Controls - `Bootstrap` for CSS - `Render` for Deployment ### Data Source - National Survey on Drug Use and Health: [Source Link]( - Mental Health America: [Source Link]( - Health Resources & Services Administration: [Source Link]( - Google Trends: [Source Link]( ### Notebook We employ notebooks to fetch, preprocess, analyze, and model data. - [fetch_mha.ipynb](./assets/notebook/fetch_mha.ipynb): fetch mental health illnesse risk data - [analysis_model_states.ipynb](./assets/notebook/analysis_model_states.ipynb): data analysis, clustering model and output - [preprocessing_mha.ipynb](./assets/notebook/preprocessing_mha.ipynb): preprocess MHA data - [preprocessing_mha_report.ipynb](./assets/notebook/preprocessing_mha_report.ipynb): preprocess MHA report - [pytrend.ipynb](./assets/notebook/pytrend.ipynb): collect google trend data and preprocess - [county_resource_extract.ipynb](./assets/notebook/county_resource_extract.ipynb): extract resource data for each county - [state_county_pop.ipynb](./assets/notebook/state_county_pop.ipynb): match population to states and counties - [id_state_county_pop.ipynb](./assets/notebook/id_state_county_pop.ipynb): match id to states and counties - [find_coordinates.ipynb](./assets/notebook/find_coordinates.ipynb): find coordinates for each resource site (the coordinates data are not used, but the resource dataset are used in next notebook) - [county_state_resoure.ipynb](./assets/notebook/county_state_resoure.ipynb): summary the resources amount for each county and convert to the format for proportional symbol map ### HTML files Our HTML files include: - [main.html](./main.html): web base - [about.html](./assets/html/about.html): about page - [home.html](./assets/html/home.html): homepage - [about.html](./assets/html/mental_resource.html): about page - [mental_states.html](./assets/html/mental_states.html): explore states page - [mental_trend.html](./assets/html/mental_trend.html): timeline page
This dashboard is a tool that shows the prevalence and patterns of mental health illness as well as the related health care service based on county-level data among the United States. It also compares the public interests in mental health with the data from Google Search Trends.
Jupyter Notebook
backend para guardar archivos via wbesockets y compartir a traves de descarga directa.
# Health Hackathon Website (For Detecting Early onset of depression) Welcome to our innovative platform dedicated to early detection of depression, crafted with care and expertise by our team for the Weal Health Hackathon. In today's fast-paced world, mental health awareness is more crucial than ever, and our mission is to provide a solution that empowers individuals to take proactive steps towards their well-being. Our website utilizes a blend of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and Flask to deliver a seamless and user-friendly experience. With a focus on accessibility and ease of use, our platform aims to reach a wide audience and offer valuable insights into one's mental health. We have also integrated a chatbot in this project which uses large language models and fine tuning to create a chatbot which can speak with a user, determine whether or not they are depressed, and suggest verbal countermeasures after interacting with the user by asking a set of questions genearted by the bot . ### NOTE : It is important to run this code on a system which has a gpu or use other services like Google Colab, Jupyter notebook, etc which offer resources like gpu.
Created an interactive website for the weal 24hrs health hackathon with the help of HTML ,CSS, Javascript and used Flask for the backend.This project uses large language models and fine tuning to create a chatbot which can speak with a user, determine whether or not they are depressed, and suggest verbal countermeasures which helps the user.
# Professional Certificates This repository contains all the coding assignments I did for the various courses I took in Computer Science. These courses were all part of Professional Certificate Programs. Below is a non-exhaustive list of the Professional Certificates I earned: * Harvard University - Computer Science for Artificial Intelligence * Mines Paris PSL - Data Analyst * Georgia Tech - Introduction to Python Programming * Georgia Tech - Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java * Georgia Tech - Data Structures & Algorithms * Georgia Tech - Introductory Linear Algebra * Georgia Tech - Applications of Linear Algebra * Georgia Tech - Probability/Random Variables * Georgia Tech - Statistics, Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests
This repository contains all the coding assignments I did for the Professional Certificates I obtained in Computer Science.
Jupyter Notebook
# CodeWars-ProblemSolving
# Curso CIEF Certificado de profesionalidad de grado 3 ## Descripción del proyecto Este repositorio contiene los contenidos teóricos y prácticos del curso, así como todos los recursos necesarios y utilizados durante este. ### Cliente/Frontend #### [01 HTML y CSS](01_HTMLCSS/ #### [02 Javascript](02_JS/ ### Servidor/Backend #### [03 Bases de Datos](03_BDD/ #### [04 Node JS](04_NODEJS/ #### [04+ PHP]( ## [Recursos]( ## Agradecimientos ### Docente: Ferran Parellada - [Github]( ### Centro formativo: CIEF - [Pagina Web]( ## Información de Contacto ### [Envíame un mensaje]( ## Contribuciones y Problemas Si encuentras problemas o deseas contribuir al proyecto, por favor, crea un issue en el repositorio.
Curso web "fullstack" de profesionalidad de Grado 3, realizado en CIEF.
# SVG Blank Remover A simple utility to remove blank space on SVGs.
A simple SVG blank space remover. Made with Remix
# LearnWell LearnWell is Collaborative Learning web-based application designed to facilitate collaborative learning experiences among learners. Currently, the platform focuses on providing a wide range of courses in the form of blogs covering any topic or subject, allowing students to enroll and engage in interactive learning experiences.Collaborative Learning Platform aims to empower students in their learning journey and foster a collaborative learning community. ## Features - **Create Blogs:** Users can create and publish their own blogs on various topics. - **Share Blogs:** Share your blogs with the community and engage in discussions. - **Discover Blogs:** Explore a diverse range of blogs created by other users. - **Whiteboard:** Explore this feature to plan things with creativity. ## Installation To run the Collaborative Learning Platform locally, follow these steps: 1. Clone the repository: `git clone` 2. Navigate to the project directory: `cd collabrative-learning` 3. Navigate to both the **public** and **server** repositories and run the following command: 4. Install dependencies: `npm install` 5. Start the development server: `npm start` ## Usage 1. Register an account or log in if you already have one. 2. Explore available blogs already created by other users. 3. And start creating your own too. ## Contributing We welcome contributions from the community! If you'd like to contribute to the LearnWell, please follow these steps: 1. Fork the repository on GitHub. 2. Clone your forked repository: `git clone` 3. Create a new branch for your feature or fix: `git checkout -b feature-name` 4. Make changes and commit them: `git commit -m "Description of your changes"` 5. Push your changes to your fork: `git push origin feature-name` 6. Submit a pull request to the main repository. ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT License](
LearnWell is Collaborative Learning web-based application designed to facilitate collaborative learning experiences among learners.
# Access Books ![Cover](public/img/logotype.png) Access books é um projeto fictício que tem como objetivo praticar meus estudos de uma forma conceitual, tentando estar o mais próximo dos processos de um projeto real. **Tecnologias Utilizadas** -> HTML, CSS, Js e Express. ### O que é a Access (Fictício) --- É uma plataforma de entretenimento que trabalha com um acervo de livros gratuitos, notícias e uma aplicação de filmes. Cada trabalho desse é uma plataforma diferente mas gerenciada pela Access. Esse projeto consiste em desenvolver uma parte de todo o sistema Access, que é o Access Books - Uma seção que mostrará livros com base em pesquisas. Seu objetivo é entregar serviços gratuitos baseados no conceito open-source para seus clientes, que possuem a opção de pagar por aquele serviço ou não. ### Processo ![Process - 1](public/img/process.PNG) Todo processo foi documentado pela plataforma [Notion]( onde eu separei por etapas maiores. O projeto foi desenvolvido em três etapas, que são: - **Identidade visual** - criar uma marca autêntica para seguir princípios e padrões que a empresa fictícia possui. - **UI Design** - o desenvolvimento front-end da plataforma seguindo regras e padrões do meu processo criativo. - **Front-end** - Programação da plataforma front-end. Dentro dessas etapas possuem tarefas e sub-tarefas onde pude organizar de maneira eficaz e saber o que fazer em cada processo. Toda tarefa possui uma descrição do que deve ser feito. Abaixo você encontra algumas imagens de cada etapa e algumas tarefas. #### Imagens ![Process - 2](public/img/process-2.PNG) ![Process - 3](public/img/process-3.PNG) ![Process - 4](public/img/process-access.PNG) #### Identidade Visual Essa foi a primeira etapa a ser desenvolvida, Caso tenha interesse em saber como ficou, postei a identidade no meu [Behance](|access+books&l=1). Utilizando o briefing como referência para poder desenvolver a marca, seguindo os seguintes valores que a mesma possui - Organização, Lazer e Conhecimento - com um objetivo simples e direto _O conhecimento é leve e interessante de se buscar._ Com base em algumas dessas informações foi desenvolvida a marca. ![ID - 1](public/img/brand.PNG) ![ID - 2](public/img/Free_Hanging_Sign_Mockup_1.jpg) #### UI Design A segunda foi o desenvolvimento das telas, onde eu desenvolvi no [Figma]( um guia de estilo, wireframes e por fim, o protótipo. Com base na identidade visual, consegui montar um padrão de estilo onde é aplicado conceitos que a marca leva. ![UI - 1](public/img/figma.PNG) ![UI - 2](public/img/figma-1.PNG) ![UI - 3](public/img/figma-3.PNG) #### Front-End A última etapa, que foi desenvolvida com as tecnologias **HTML, CSS, Js, Express e API do Google Book** para simular os livros da plataforma. Link para a visualização do site [Access Books](
Access Books - Projeto fictício, uma livraria digital
This project allows users to view all animals in the store. Users can also add comments to animals and view all comments related to each animal. Additionally, there is an admin interface where users can log in with a username and password to perform actions such as deleting, adding, and editing animals.
# React ToDo List ## Overview This project is a simple ToDo List application built using React, designed to showcase fundamental skills with the React library, with a focus on creating components and working with hooks. Features: * Add Tasks: Users can quickly add new tasks to the ToDo list by entering task details and pressing the "Add" button. * Edit Tasks: Tasks can be easily modified by clicking on the task text, making it a seamless process to update task information. * Delete Tasks: Unwanted tasks can be removed from the list effortlessly with the "Delete" button associated with each task. * Mark Completed Tasks: Users can mark tasks as completed by clicking on a checkbox next to each task, providing a visual indication of completed tasks. ![TodoList](
This project is a simple ToDo List application built using React, designed to showcase fundamental skills with the React library. The ToDo List allows users to easily add tasks, edit existing tasks, delete tasks, and mark tasks as completed.
<br/> <p align="center"> <a href=" "> <img src="\images\knowledge_graph_logo.png"> </a> <h3 align="center">Apple Vision Pro Website Clone</h3> <p align="center"> An Awesome apple-vision-pro site clone Projects! <br/> <br/> <a href="">View Demo</a> </p> </p> ## Table Of Contents * [About the Project](#about-the-project) * [Built With](#built-with) * [Getting Started](#getting-started) * [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) * [Installation](#installation) * [Usage](#usage) * [Roadmap](#roadmap) * [Contributing](#contributing) * [Authors](#authors) ## About The Project ![Screen Shot](/project-img/Apple%20Vision%20Pro-Apple%20-%20Google%20Chrome%2020-02-2024%2021_09_56.png) ![Screen Shot](/project-img/Apple%20Vision%20Pro-Apple%20-%20Google%20Chrome%2020-02-2024%2021_10_13.png) ![Screen Shot](/project-img/Apple%20Vision%20Pro-Apple%20-%20Google%20Chrome%2020-02-2024%2021_10_23.png) ![Screen Shot](/project-img/Apple%20Vision%20Pro-Apple%20-%20Google%20Chrome%2020-02-2024%2021_10_29.png) ![Screen Shot](/project-img/Apple%20Vision%20Pro-Apple%20-%20Google%20Chrome%2020-02-2024%2021_10_36.png) ![Screen Shot](/project-img/Apple%20Vision%20Pro-Apple%20-%20Google%20Chrome%2020-02-2024%2021_10_45.png) ![Screen Shot](/project-img/Apple%20Vision%20Pro-Apple%20-%20Google%20Chrome%2020-02-2024%2021_11_03.png) ![Screen Shot](/project-img/Apple%20Vision%20Pro-Apple%20-%20Google%20Chrome%2020-02-2024%2021_11_09.png) ![Screen Shot](/project-img/Apple%20Vision%20Pro-Apple%20-%20Google%20Chrome%2020-02-2024%2021_11_23.png) ![Screen Shot](/project-img/Apple%20Vision%20Pro-Apple%20-%20Google%20Chrome%2020-02-2024%2021_11_28.png) ![Screen Shot](/project-img/Apple%20Vision%20Pro-Apple%20-%20Google%20Chrome%2020-02-2024%2021_11_36.png) ![Screen Shot](/project-img/Apple%20Vision%20Pro%20-%20Apple%20-%20Google%20Chrome%2018-02-2024%2018_40_04.png) ![Screen Shot](/project-img/Apple%20Vision%20Pro-Apple%20-%20Google%20Chrome%2020-02-2024%2021_12_06.png) This project is a clone of the Apple Vision Pro website's frontend, created as a part of a web development learning experience. The goal of this project is to practice and showcase skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while also exploring the use of advanced animation libraries such as Locomotive Scroll, ScrollTrigger, and GSAP. Key Features Responsive Design: The website is designed to be fully responsive, ensuring optimal viewing and interaction experience across a wide range of devices. Animations: Locomotive Scroll, ScrollTrigger, and GSAP are used to create smooth and engaging animations, enhancing the visual appeal and user experience of the website. Interactive Elements: Interactive elements such as buttons, sliders, and scrolling effects are implemented to provide a dynamic and immersive browsing experience. ## Built With HTML: Used for structuring the content of the website. CSS: Used for styling the website and creating responsive layouts. JavaScript: Used for adding interactivity and implementing animations. Locomotive Scroll: A modern smooth scrolling library used for scroll-based animations. ScrollTrigger: A plugin for GSAP that allows for triggering animations based on scroll position. GSAP: The GreenSock Animation Platform, used for creating high-performance animations. ## Getting Started This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps. ### Prerequisites Before you can run this project on your local machine, make sure you have the following software installed: Git: Version control system used to manage the project code. Download and install Git from the official Git website. Web Browser: You'll need a modern web browser like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge to view and interact with the website. ### Installation Clone the repository to your local machine: git clone Navigate to the project directory: cd your-repository Open the project in your preferred code editor: code . Running the Website Open the index.html file in your web browser. Explore the website and interact with the different elements. Modifying the Code Make changes to the HTML, CSS, or JavaScript files in your code editor. Save the changes and refresh the browser to see the updates. ## Usage Clone the repository to your local machine: git clone Navigate to the project directory: cd your-repository Open the index.html file in your web browser. Explore the website and interact with the different elements. To make changes to the code, open the project in your preferred code editor and modify the HTML, CSS, or JavaScript files. Save your changes and refresh the browser to see the updates. ## Roadmap Future Enhancements Implement additional pages and content to further mimic the original website. Refine animations and transitions for a more polished look and feel. Optimize code and performance for improved loading times and user experience. ## Contributing If you'd like to contribute to this project, follow these steps: Fork the repository by clicking the "Fork" button on the top right of the repository page. This will create a copy of the project in your GitHub account. Clone your forked repository to your local machine: git clone Create a new branch for your changes: git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name Make your changes to the code in your code editor. Stage your changes and commit them to your branch: git add . git commit -m "Add your commit message here" Push your changes to your forked repository: git push origin feature/your-feature-name Create a pull request (PR) from your forked repository to the original repository's master branch. Provide a descriptive title and description for your PR. Wait for the project maintainers to review your PR. Make any requested changes if necessary. Once your PR is approved, it will be merged into the master branch of the original repository. ### Creating A Pull Request To create a pull request (PR) on GitHub, follow these steps: Fork the Repository: If you haven't already, go to the GitHub page of the repository you want to contribute to and click the "Fork" button in the top right corner. This will create a copy of the repository in your GitHub account. Clone Your Fork: Clone the forked repository to your local machine using the git clone command. Replace your-username and repository-name with your GitHub username and the name of the repository, respectively git clone Create a New Branch: Move into the repository's directory on your local machine and create a new branch for your changes. Replace your-branch-name with a descriptive name for your branch: cd repository-name git checkout -b your-branch-name Make Changes: Make your desired changes to the codebase using your preferred code editor. Stage and Commit Changes: Once you're satisfied with your changes, stage them for commit and commit them to your branch. Replace your-commit-message with a brief, descriptive commit message. git add . git commit -m "your-commit-message" Push Changes: Push your changes to your forked repository on GitHub.git push origin your-branch-name Create Pull Request: Go to the GitHub page of your forked repository. You should see a message indicating that you recently pushed a new branch. Click the "Compare & pull request" button next to the message. Compare Changes: Ensure that the base repository and base branch are set to the original repository and master branch, respectively. The head repository and compare branch should be set to your forked repository and your branch name, respectively. Click the "Create pull request" button. Provide Details: Fill in the title and description for your pull request, explaining the changes you've made and why they should be merged. Click the "Create pull request" button to submit your PR. Wait for Review: Wait for the project maintainers to review your pull request. They may request changes or provide feedback. Make any requested changes and push them to your branch. Merge Pull Request: Once your pull request has been approved, it will be merged into the original repository's master branch. Congratulations, you've successfully created a pull request! ## Authors * **harjyoti** - ** - [harjyoti]( - *clone apple-vision-pro site*
Apple Vision Pro Website Clone A clone of the Apple Vision Pro website's frontend created with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Features smooth animations using Locomotive Scroll, ScrollTrigger, and GSAP. Responsive design ensures optimal viewing on all devices.
# safe-bigint <sup>[![Version Badge][npm-version-svg]][package-url]</sup> [![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![dependency status][deps-svg]][deps-url] [![dev dependency status][dev-deps-svg]][dev-deps-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url] [![npm badge][npm-badge-png]][package-url] Safely create a BigInt from a numerical string, even one larger than `MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`. Note that the implementation in node versions that lack the `exports` field, or bundlers/tooling that does not understand it, will use `Function`, which in browsers, may not work due to CSP controls. However, the modern version (which modern node and bundlers/tooling should all detect) just exports the `BigInt` constructor. Feel free to alias this package with `module.exports = BigInt` or `export default BigInt` in your build process configuration. ## Example ```js const safeBigInt = require('safe-bigint'); const assert = require('assert'); const { satisfies } = require('semver'); assert.equal(9007199254740991n, safeBigInt(9007199254740991)); assert.equal(9007199254740992n, safeBigInt(9007199254740992)); if (satisfies(process.version, '10.4 - 10.8')) { assert.throws( () => BigInt(9007199254740992), RangeError ); } ``` ## Tests Simply clone the repo, `npm install`, and run `npm test` [package-url]: [npm-version-svg]: [deps-svg]: [deps-url]: [dev-deps-svg]: [dev-deps-url]: [npm-badge-png]: [license-image]: [license-url]: LICENSE [downloads-image]: [downloads-url]: [codecov-image]: [codecov-url]: [actions-image]: [actions-url]:
Safely create a BigInt from a numerical string, even one larger than MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.
# React + Vite This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules. Currently, two official plugins are available: - [@vitejs/plugin-react]( uses [Babel]( for Fast Refresh - [@vitejs/plugin-react-swc]( uses [SWC]( for Fast Refresh
Self Made tesla-clone using react learned about react component, props structure
# **BRAINROT 🧠🗑️** <p align="center"> <img src="Brainrot.jpg" alt="Brainrot" width="89%"> </p> [![License](](LICENSE) ## About Welcome to Brainrot, a mind-bending visual experience that induces a state of pure cognitive chaos. Immerse yourself in our unique brainrot animation that challenges perception and explores the boundaries of visual abstraction. ## Technologies - **Brainwave Tech**: Unleash the power of cutting-edge brainwave technology. - **NeuroVis Framework**: Explore visuals created with our advanced NeuroVis framework. ## Usage Embark on a journey through the depths of insanity with our Brainrot animation. Push the limits of your mind and experience a visual adventure like never before. [BRAINROT]( ## Contributing 🧑‍💻 Want to contribute to Brainrot? Here's how you can get involved: 1. Fork the repository. 2. Create a new branch. 3. Make your changes. 4. Open a pull request. We welcome contributions from the community to enhance and expand the Brainrot experience. ## -License- 📃 This project is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE) - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details. ## Contacts📞 Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions: - **Email**: - **Twitter**: [@BenadrylYum]( - **GUNS.LOL**: [FREAKS](
Just know that when you hide it doesn't go away
# Food-Recipe-App Introducing a delicious food recipe app that I have created with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It uses an API to fetch a vast array of mouthwatering recipes. A food recipe app is a platform that provides users with access to a vast collection of recipes for cooking various dishes. Here is the food Recipe App with responsive design.
This food recipe app built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript offers users a delightful experience for discovering, exploring, and cooking a wide variety of recipes.
<h1 align="center">JobSchedulerJS</h1> <p align="center" style="font-family: monospace">Made by <a href="">@matbagnoletti</a></p> <p align="center" style="font-family: monospace">Docente: prof.ssa <a href="">@mciuchetti</a></p> <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Versione 1.0.0"> <img src="" alt="JavaScript"> </p> ## Descrizione JobSchedulerJS è un progetto JavaScript che ha come obiettivo quello di simulare la gestione dei processi da parte della CPU secondo i diversi algoritmi di scheduling, evidenziandone le differenze. Il [progetto originale]( è stato sviluppato durante il corso di TPSIT (Tecnologie e Progettazione di Sistemi Informatici e di Telecomunicazioni) dell'anno scolastico 2022/2023. ## Licenza d'uso Questo progetto (**JobSchedulerJS**) e tutte le sue versioni sono rilasciate sotto la [MB General Copyleft License](LICENSE). > [!CAUTION] > > - Alcuni file esterni (come `hamburger.js`) potrebbero essere rilasciati sotto altre licenze. > - I file `style.css` e `color-scheme.js` sono rilasciati sotto licenza proprietaria del progetto originale da cui provengono (vedi [MB MBHB Proprietary License](LICENSEMBHB)).
Progetto JavaScript che ha come obiettivo quello di simulare la gestione dei processi da parte della CPU secondo i diversi algoritmi di scheduling, evidenziandone le differenze.
# Smoll Node library for server creation with routing. Don't bother sending PR's, I won't be reviewing them. I have this project public just to use the beneficts of public projects in GitHub. If you don't like something you can fork it. Be aware, the API could break at any update. ## Changelog ### 0.1.0 - Added new class Smoll to handle the server logic - Added suport for http 1.1 server - Added suport for GET requests ( no error checking yet! 😔) ### 0.2.0 - Fixed semver version - Added 404 routes fallback - Updated package description ### 0.3.0 - Added router to handle static and dynamic routes - Renamed library from "smoll-webserver" to "smoll" - Moved project from typescript to javascript ### 0.3.1 - Fixed reference error with class variables
Minimal node library for server creation with routing
site link:
OmniFood Website (Demo Project)
# 🏦 TSBANK APP ![License]( &nbsp; ![Bun version]( &nbsp; ![Repository size]( &nbsp; ![Pull request]( ## 🔍 Sobre o Projeto O **TSBank APP** é uma aplicação **mobile** do nosso queridíssimo <a href="">TSBank</a>, possuindo todas as funcionalidades existentes de um banco, como **saque**, **depósito**, **pix**, cartões de **crédito** e **débito**, **gerenciamento** de transações e informações do seu usuário, etc. ## 🛠️ Tecnologias e Ferramentas Utilizadas <div align='center'> <img align='center' height='64' width='58' title='React Native' alt='react native' src='' /> <img align='center' height='58' width='64' title='Expo' alt='expo' src='' /> <img align='center' height='54' width='68' title='Node.js' alt='nodejs' src='' /> <img align='center' height='60' width='60' title='Babel' alt='babel' src='' /> <img align='center' height='50' width='70' title='TypeScript' alt='typescript' src='' /> <img align='center' height='52' width='56' title='Nativewind' alt='nativewind' src='' /> &nbsp; <img align='center' height='70' width='50' title='Axios' alt='axios' src='' /> &nbsp; <img align='center' height='49' width='59' title='Zod' alt='zod' src='' /> &nbsp; &nbsp; <img align='center' height='54' width='54' title='React Hook Form' alt='react hook form' src='' />&nbsp;&nbsp; <img align='center' height='75' width='75' title='Docker' alt='docker' src='' />&nbsp;&nbsp; <img align='center' height='50' width='50' title='Maestro' alt='maestro' src='' />&nbsp;&nbsp; <img align='center' height='54' width='68' title='Jest' alt='jest' src='' />&nbsp; <img align='center' height='54' width='58' title='React Native Testing Library' alt='react native testing library' src='' />&nbsp; <img align='center' height='54' width='58' title='Jest-Native Testing Library' alt='jest-native testing library' src='' />&nbsp; <img align='center' height='54' width='44' title='Storybook-js' alt='storybook-js' src='' /> &nbsp; <img align='center' height='60' width='60' title='Miro' alt='miro' src='' /> </div> ## 🏗 Estrutura e Arquitetura O projeto segue os princípios da **arquitetura limpa** e o código foi organizado de acordo com os princípios de **modularidade**, **reutilização** e **responsabilidade única**. ## 🐳 Docker Com a adição do Docker, você agora pode utilizar dos scripts fornecidos em `package.json` para poder construir a imagem docker e rodar os containers da aplicação, dos testes e da documentação. Para isso, segue a lista de funções de cada script: > `docker-build`: Constrói a imagem docker do projeto <br> `docker-start`: Sobe e roda/só roda o container tsbank_app <br> `docker-stop`: Para o container tsbank_app ## 🎨 Miro Com a adição do Miro, foi criado o **fluxograma** do TSBank. Abaixo, segue o link de visualização: <> # 🖋️ Contribuindo para o TSBank APP Agradecemos pelo seu interesse em contribuir para o **TSBank APP**. Sua ajuda é **valiosa** para melhorar e **expandir** nossa aplicação. Abaixo estão as **diretrizes** e os **passos** para contribuir com nosso projeto. ## 💻 Como Contribuir ### 🌳 Forkando o Repositório Antes de começar, você **deverá** forkar o repositório do projeto para **seu perfil**. ### 🖨 Clonando seu Repositório Após o Fork, você **precisará** clonar o repositório forkado para seu **ambiente de desenvolvimento local**: ``` git clone{seu-usuario}/tsbank_app.git cd tsbank_app ``` ### ⏬ Instalando Dependências Certifique-se de ter Node.js instalado no seu sistema. Em seguida, instale as dependências necessárias: ``` npm install ``` ou ``` yarn install ``` ou ``` pnpm install ``` ### 🆕 Criando uma Branch Antes de iniciar qualquer trabalho, crie uma branch separada para a sua contribuição. Use um nome descritivo para a sua branch: ``` git checkout -b feature/nova-funcionalidade ``` ### 🔨 Fazendo Alterações Faça as alterações necessárias no código, adicione novos recursos ou correções de bugs. ### 🧪 Testando Garanta que suas alterações não quebraram nenhum recurso existente. Execute os testes e certifique-se de que todos passam: ``` npm run test ``` ou ``` yarn test ``` ou ``` pnpm test ``` ### 📝 Documentando Mantenha a documentação atualizada. Se você adicionou novos recursos, adicione arquivos de documentação (caso necessário) e verifique se eles estão devidamente documentados. ### 📊 Compromissos e Push Após concluir suas alterações e testá-las, faça um commit das alterações: ``` git add . git commit -m <tipo de alteração>(nomeDoArquivo): Nova funcionalidade ``` Em seguida, envie suas alterações para o repositório: ``` git push origin feature/nova-funcionalidade ``` ### 📨 Solicitando um Pull Request (PR) Vá para o repositório no GitHub e crie um Pull Request para que sua contribuição seja revisada. Certifique-se de descrever suas alterações e fornecer informações contextuais. ### 👁 Revisão e Fusão Após criar um Pull Request, nossa equipe revisará suas alterações e fornecerá feedback. Uma vez aprovado, suas alterações serão mescladas no projeto principal. ## 💼 Diretrizes Gerais - Mantenha o código limpo e legível. - Siga as boas práticas de desenvolvimento. - Respeite as convenções de nomenclatura existentes. - Documente adequadamente as alterações, recursos ou correções. # **_Agradecemos pela sua contribuição e esperamos trabalhar juntos para tornar o TSBank APP ainda melhor. Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou precisar de ajuda, não hesite em entrar em contato conosco. Juntos, podemos criar uma aplicação mais robusta e eficiente._**
Aplicativo mobile do TSBank, um app bancário completo possuindo todas as transações bancárias existentes.
# BAAF company's clothing website
under development
* Worked on this project for: <a href=""><img src="" alt="wakatime"></a> # Introduction > This project is considered finished. It won't receive regular updates since it's considered stable. * **School Timetable** aims to provide a **convenient way for students to access their weekly class schedules**. Users can select their class, choose a day of the week, and specify a time slot to view which subjects are scheduled and in which classroom. * This **web-based** tool streamlines the process of **checking timetables**, making it easier for students to **plan** their **academic activities**. * This web project offers a **user-friendly interface** for **efficient navigation** and quick access to essential information. ## :ledger: Index * [About](#beginner-about) * [Usage](#zap-usage) - [Installation](#electric_plug-installation) * [Development](#wrench-development) - [Pre-Requisites](#notebook-pre-requisites) - [File Structure](#file_folder-file-structure) * [Community](#cherry_blossom-community) - [Contribution](#fire-contribution) - [Branches](#cactus-branches) - [Guideline](#exclamation-guideline) * [FAQ](#question-faq) * [Gallery](#camera-gallery) * [Credit/Acknowledgment](#star2-creditacknowledgment) * [License](#lock-license) ## :beginner: About School Timetable is a project started last year with my personal need to have an all-in-one tool where I can consult my school timetables and quickly find my subjects, my teachers, the classrooms in which I will have lessons and those of my classmates of other classes quickly and in a single step. <br> From this need I created an html/css/js page where all the timetables I needed were stored and could be quickly filtered by day, time and class. <br> Its limitation was that modifying the code was required in order to use it. This problem led me to start this new project, in which I intend to develop a **user-friendly web app** where **each user can enter their personal data** and have a complete and **personalized experience without having to touch up the code**. ## :zap: Usage Once you open the app you will find a navigation bar with 3 buttons: * **Now**: This is the main page of the app, where you can easily and quickly check your school times and up to 5 other classes. * **Timetables**: In this section you can save and modify your school times and your personal info to be shown in 'Now' * **Settings**: Settings contains various type of options to customize the app as you'd like: dark mode, color themes, preferences... ### :electric_plug: Installation You can get this app in many ways. * Since this app now follows the guidelines to be installed as PWA (Progressive Web App) you can open this app from the github pages link (on top of this page) and then accept the prompt to install or if it doesn't appear for any reason click the three dots on the top-right of your browser and tap "Install App" to get the WebApp available in your Android smartphone. This way usually offers a better experience. You will automatically get most of the updates remotely (exept changes in manifest.json) and you won't need to be connected to the internet to use it normally. * Otherwise you can always use the link to connect to github pages. Your data is saved in the browser's local storage, so it will always stay on your phone. * I also plan to make an actual apk application for android using a PWA builder service in the future. ## :wrench: Development ### :notebook: Pre-Requisites There are no special prerequisites for this project other than the following: * A **chromium browser** like Google Chrome, Brave, Edge, Opera... (Not optimised for Safari and Firefox, which may not be compatible with some CSS rules) * An internet connection (not always required if you install the WebApp) * Compatibility with browser's local storage functionality ### :file_folder: File Structure I will try to keep the repository structure as clean as possible to make maintenance and community contributions clearer ``` . │ index.html │ index.js │ LICENSE │ manifest.json │ │ service_worker.js │ style.css │ ├───icons │ github-mark.svg │ icon-any-192x192.png │ icon-any-512x512.png │ icon-maskable-192x192.png │ icon-maskable-512x512.png │ welcome_icon.svg │ └───screenshots desktop-screenshot1.png desktop-screenshot2.png desktop-screenshot3.png desktop-screenshot4.png desktop-screenshot5.png desktop-screenshot6.png mobile-screenshot1.png mobile-screenshot2.png mobile-screenshot3.png mobile-screenshot4.png mobile-screenshot5.png mobile-screenshot6.png splashscreen.png ``` ## :cherry_blossom: Community Teamwork is important! If you want to contribute and help in this project, fixing bugs, adding features or changing the look and feel of the page feel free to contribute! ### :fire: Contribution Feel free to contribute as much as you'd like! 1. **Report a bug** <br> If you think you have encountered a bug, and I should know about it, feel free to report it and I will take care of it. 2. **Request a feature** <br> You can also request for a feature and if it will viable, it will be picked for development. 3. **Create a pull request** <br> It can't get better then this, your pull request will be appreciated by the community. You can get started by picking up any open issues and make a pull request. > If you are new to open-source, make sure to check read more about it [here]( and learn more about creating a pull request [here]( ### :cactus: Branches 1. **`stage`** is the development branch. 2. **`master`** is the production branch. 3. No other permanent branches should be created in the main repository, you can create feature branches but they should get merged with the master. **Steps to work with feature branch** 1. To start working on a new feature, create a new branch prefixed with `feat` and followed by feature name. (ie. `feat-FEATURE-NAME`) 2. Once you are done with your changes, you can raise PR. ### :exclamation: Guideline There are no particular guidelines to follow to contribute to the project. <br> Feel free to change whatever you want however you want, but try to keep the code tidy and readable. ## :question: FAQ * **What's this thing?** <br> This is School Timetable, a web app created to help you organize your school timetable * **What can I do with it?** <br> If you are in a large school, with numerous classes and need a quick tool to organize your studies, or know where a lesson will take place or where your classmates are, this tool is perfect for you! * **How do I configure this?** <br> The app is very user-friendly, navigate to the timetables screen, enter the class, the complete weekly timetables of subjects, teachers and classrooms and quickly find what you need! Additionally, since v1.53.187 you can export and import data in a second, if you'd ever need to change device you'll be ready to go in a moment! * **Can I contribute to this?** <br> Yes, absolutely! Contributions are always well-accepted! To know more, go to the contribution section of this readme * **How are you?** <br> It's a little cold at home now, I think I'll put on a sweater. Thanks for asking <3 ## :camera: Gallery <div style="display: flex"> <img src="" width="200" /> <img src="" width="200" /> <img src="" width="200" /> </div> ## :star2: Credit/Acknowledgment I'm the only one that worked on this as of now :') ## :lock: License This project is licensed with MIT License. You can practically do anything with this code and also reuse it for commerical purposes. Read the full License file for more specific details.
School Timetable is a WebApp that provides a convenient way for students to access their weekly class schedules. Users can select their class, choose a day of the week, and specify a time slot to view which subjects are scheduled and in which classroom.
# React + Vite This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules. Currently, two official plugins are available: - [@vitejs/plugin-react]( uses [Babel]( for Fast Refresh - [@vitejs/plugin-react-swc]( uses [SWC]( for Fast Refresh -
# UltraBlog Welcome to UltraBlog, your go-to destination for dynamic blogging experiences! UltraBlog is designed to empower users with seamless authentication, comprehensive CRUD functionality, and the ability to manage active and inactive posts effortlessly. Whether you're a seasoned blogger or just starting your journey, UltraBlog provides you with the tools you need to craft compelling content and engage with your audience like never before. ## Technolgies Used - Vite + React - React Router - React Redux - React Hook Form - Tailwind CSS - Appwrite (Backend) ## Screenshots ![alt text](<src/components/static/my screenshot/Screenshot 2024-03-09 094232.png>) ![alt text](<src/components/static/my screenshot/Screenshot 2024-03-09 094339.png>) ![alt text](<src/components/static/my screenshot/Screenshot 2024-03-09 094436.png>) ![alt text](<src/components/static/my screenshot/Screenshot 2024-03-09 095942.png>) ![alt text](<src/components/static/my screenshot/Screenshot 2024-03-09 100425.png>) ![alt text](<src/components/static/my screenshot/Screenshot 2024-03-09 094532.png>) ![alt text](<src/components/static/my screenshot/Screenshot 2024-03-09 100026.png>) ![alt text](<src/components/static/my screenshot/Screenshot 2024-03-09 100339.png>) ![alt text](<src/components/static/my screenshot/Screenshot 2024-03-09 094713.png>) ![alt text](<src/components/static/my screenshot/Screenshot 2024-03-09 094758.png>) ![alt text](<src/components/static/my screenshot/Screenshot 2024-03-09 095425.png>) ## Installation Install my-project with npm ```bash npm create vite@latest my-project cd my-project npm i react-router-dom npm install react-redux npm i @reduxjs/toolkit npm install react-hook-form npm i appwrite npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer npx tailwindcss init -p ``` ## Features - Authentication - CRUD Functionality - Active and Inactive Post Management - **Slug Generation:** UltraBlog automatically generates slugs for each post based on the title. Slugs consist of lowercase text and dashes . ## Conclusion UltraBlog is more than just a blogging platform; it's a community-driven hub where creativity thrives, connections are forged, and ideas are shared. Join us on UltraBlog today and embark on a journey of discovery, expression, and inspiration. Whether you're a blogger, writer, or content creator, UltraBlog is your ultimate destination for unleashing your creativity and making your voice heard in the digital world. Start your blogging journey with UltraBlog today!
UltraBlog is a dynamic blogging platform offering seamless authentication, comprehensive CRUD functionality, and easy management of active and inactive posts. Join us to craft compelling content and engage with your audience effortlessly.
<a name="readme-top"></a> # Miro Clone - Real-time collaboration, versatile canvas, rich media, secure. ![Miro Clone - Real-time collaboration, versatile canvas, rich media, secure.](/.github/images/img_main.png "Miro Clone - Real-time collaboration, versatile canvas, rich media, secure.") [![Ask Me Anything!](]( "Ask Me Anything!") [![GitHub license](]( "GitHub license") [![Maintenance](]( "Maintenance") [![GitHub branches](]( "GitHub branches") [![Github commits](]( "Github commits") [![GitHub issues](]( "GitHub issues") [![GitHub pull requests](]( "GitHub pull requests") [![Vercel status](]( "Vercel status") <!-- Table of Contents --> <details> <summary> # :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Table of Contents </summary> - [Folder Structure](#bangbang-folder-structure) - [Getting Started](#toolbox-getting-started) - [Screenshots](#camera-screenshots) - [Tech Stack](#gear-tech-stack) - [Stats](#wrench-stats) - [Contribute](#raised_hands-contribute) - [Acknowledgements](#gem-acknowledgements) - [Buy Me a Coffee](#coffee-buy-me-a-coffee) - [Follow Me](#rocket-follow-me) - [Learn More](#books-learn-more) - [Deploy on Vercel](#page_with_curl-deploy-on-vercel) - [Give A Star](#star-give-a-star) - [Star History](#star2-star-history) - [Give A Star](#star-give-a-star) </details> ## :bangbang: Folder Structure Here is the folder structure of this app. ```bash miro-clone/ |- app/ |-- (dashboard)/ |--- _components/ |---- board-card/ |---- sidebar/ |---- board-list.tsx |---- empty-boards.tsx |---- empty-favourites.tsx |---- empty-org.tsx |---- empty-search.tsx |---- invite-button.tsx |---- navbar.tsx |---- new-board-button.tsx |---- org-sidebar.tsx |---- search-input.tsx |--- layout.tsx |--- page.tsx |-- api/liveblocks-auth/ |--- route.ts |-- board/[boardId]/ |--- _components/ |---- canvas.tsx |---- color-picker.tsx |---- cursor.tsx |---- cursors-presence.tsx |---- ellipse.tsx |---- info.tsx |---- layer-preview.tsx |---- loading.tsx |---- note.tsx |---- participants.tsx |---- path.tsx |---- rectangle.tsx |---- selection-box.tsx |---- selection-tools.tsx |---- text.tsx |---- tool-button.tsx |---- toolbar.tsx |---- user-avatar.tsx |--- page.tsx |-- apple-icon.png |-- favicon.ico |-- globals.css |-- icon1.png |-- icon2.png |-- layout.tsx |- components/ |-- auth/ |-- modals/ |-- ui/ |-- actions.tsx |-- confirm-modal.tsx |-- hint.tsx |-- room.tsx |- config/ |-- index.ts |- convex/ |-- _generated/ |-- auth.config.js |-- board.ts |-- boards.ts |-- schema.ts |-- tsconfig.json |- hooks/ |-- use-api-mutation.tsx |-- use-disable-scroll-bounce.tsx |-- use-selection-bounds.tsx |- lib/ |-- utils.ts |- providers/ |-- convex-client-provider.tsx |-- modal-provider.tsx |- public/ |-- placeholders/ |-- elements.svg |-- empty-boards.svg |-- empty-favourites.svg |-- empty-search.svg |-- logo.svg |- store/ |-- use-rename-modal.ts |- types/ |-- canvas.ts |- .env.local |- .env.local.example |- .eslintrc.json |- .gitignore |- components.json |- environment.d.ts |- liveblocks.config.ts |- middleware.ts |- next.config.mjs |- package-lock.json |- package.json |- postcss.config.js |- tailwind.config.ts |- tsconfig.json ``` <br /> ## :toolbox: Getting Started 1. Make sure **Git** and **NodeJS** is installed. 2. Clone this repository to your local computer. 3. Create `.env.local` file in **root** directory. 4. Contents of `.env.local`: ```env # .env.local # disable next.js telemetry NEXT_TELEMETRY_DISABLED=1 # deployment for convex CONVEX_DEPLOYMENT=dev:convex-app-name # team: <your-team-name>, project: <your-project-name> # convex deployment url NEXT_PUBLIC_CONVEX_URL= # clerk auth keys NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY=pk_test_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CLERK_SECRET_KEY=sk_test_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # liveblocks api keys NEXT_PUBLIC_LIVEBLOCKS_PUBLIC_KEY=pk_dev_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX NEXT_PUBLIC_LIVEBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY=sk_dev_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ``` ### 5. Convex Deployment Configuration: #### a. Visit the Convex Website: - Go to the [Convex website]( and sign in to your account. #### b. Access Deployment Settings: - Navigate to the deployment settings section in your Convex account. #### c. Retrieve Deployment Configuration: - Find the deployment details, including team and project names. - Update the `CONVEX_DEPLOYMENT` variable in the `.env.local` file with the obtained information. ### 6. Clerk Authentication Keys: #### a. Visit the Clerk Website: - Go to the [Clerk website]( and sign in to your Clerk account. #### b. Access API Keys: - Find the section in your Clerk account related to API keys or authentication settings. #### c. Generate Keys: - Generate a pair of keys (Publishable Key and Secret Key). #### d. Update `.env.local`: - Replace the `NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY` and `CLERK_SECRET_KEY` variables in the `.env.local` file with the keys obtained from Clerk. ### 7. Liveblocks API Keys: #### a. Visit the Liveblocks Website: - Go to the [Liveblocks website]( and sign in to your Liveblocks account. #### b. Access API Keys: - Navigate to your Liveblocks account settings or API keys section. #### c. Generate Keys: - Generate a pair of keys (Public Key and Secret Key) for development. #### d. Update `.env.local`: - Replace the `NEXT_PUBLIC_LIVEBLOCKS_PUBLIC_KEY` and `NEXT_PUBLIC_LIVEBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY` variables in the `.env.local` file with the Liveblocks API keys obtained. ### 8. Save and Secure: - Save the changes to the `.env.local` file. 9. Install Project Dependencies using `npm install --legacy-peer-deps` or `yarn install --legacy-peer-deps`. 10. Now app is fully configured 👍 and you can start using this app using either one of `npm run dev` or `yarn dev`. **NOTE:** Please make sure to keep your API keys and configuration values secure and do not expose them publicly. ## :camera: Screenshots ![Modern UI/UX](/.github/images/img1.png "Modern UI/UX") ![Create New Boards](/.github/images/img2.png "Create New Boards") ![Rename Boards](/.github/images/img3.png "Rename Boards") ## :gear: Tech Stack [![React JS]( "React JS")]( "React JS") [![Next JS]( "Next JS")]( "Next JS") [![Typescript]( "Typescript")]( "Typescript") [![Tailwind CSS]( "Tailwind CSS")]( "Tailwind CSS") [![Vercel]( "Vercel")]( "Vercel") [![MySQL]( "MySQL")]( "MySQL") ## :wrench: Stats [![Stats for Miro Clone](/.github/images/stats.svg "Stats for Miro Clone")]( "Stats for Miro Clone") ## :raised_hands: Contribute You might encounter some bugs while using this app. You are more than welcome to contribute. Just submit changes via pull request and I will review them before merging. Make sure you follow community guidelines. ## :gem: Acknowledgements Useful resources and dependencies that are used in Miro Clone. - Thanks to CodeWithAntonio: - [@clerk/nextjs]( ^4.29.7 - [@liveblocks/client]( ^1.10.1 - [@liveblocks/node]( ^1.10.1 - [@liveblocks/react]( ^1.10.1 - [@radix-ui/react-alert-dialog]( ^1.0.5 - [@radix-ui/react-avatar]( ^1.0.4 - [@radix-ui/react-dialog]( ^1.0.5 - [@radix-ui/react-dropdown-menu]( ^2.0.6 - [@radix-ui/react-slot]( ^1.0.2 - [@radix-ui/react-tooltip]( ^1.0.7 - [class-variance-authority]( ^0.7.0 - [clsx]( ^2.1.0 - [convex]( ^1.9.0 - [convex-helpers]( ^0.1.23 - [date-fns]( ^3.3.1 - [lucide-react]( ^0.323.0 - [nanoid]( ^5.0.6 - [next]( 14.1.0 - [next-themes]( ^0.2.1 - [perfect-freehand]( ^1.2.2 - [query-string]( ^8.2.0 - [react]( ^18 - [react-contenteditable]( ^3.3.7 - [react-dom]( ^18 - [sonner]( ^1.4.0 - [tailwind-merge]( ^2.2.1 - [tailwindcss-animate]( ^1.0.7 - [usehooks-ts]( ^2.14.0 - [zustand]( ^4.5.1 ## :coffee: Buy Me a Coffee [<img src="" width="200" />]( "Buy me a Coffee") ## :rocket: Follow Me [![Follow Me](]( "Follow Me") [![Tweet about this project](]( "Tweet about this project") [![Subscribe to my YouTube Channel](]( "Subscribe to my YouTube Channel") ## :books: Learn More To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources: - [Next.js Documentation]( - learn about Next.js features and API. - [Learn Next.js]( - an interactive Next.js tutorial. You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository]( - your feedback and contributions are welcome! ## :page_with_curl: Deploy on Vercel The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform]( from the creators of Next.js. Check out [Next.js deployment documentation]( for more details. ## :star: Give A Star You can also give this repository a star to show more people and they can use this repository. ## :star2: Star History <a href=""> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="" /> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="" /> <img alt="Star History Chart" src="" /> </picture> </a> <br /> <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>
Revolutionary Miro clone: Real-time collaboration, versatile canvas, rich media, secure.
<p align="center"> <img width="450" height="120" align="center" src=""> <br> <img align="center" src=""> </p> <h3 align="center">Rahoot is a straightforward and open-source clone of the Kahoot! platform, allowing users to host it on their own server for smaller events.</h3> <hr> <br> <h3 align="center"> Under development <h3>
Rahoot is a straightforward and open-source Kahoot! clone platform, allowing users to host it on their own server for smaller events.
<div align="center"> | <h1>About me</h1> | |:---:| Dive in where my love for coding meets my endless quest for innovation. Here, I'm all about turning ideas into reality, mainly using Python and JavaScript to spice up the web with some seriously cool projects. I'm the brains and brawn behind a kickass company that's focused on Online Stores & Digital Marketing Solutions. Also, I've got my hands in the real estate cookie jar, blending market savvy with tech smarts to flip the script on property buying and investing. **Fun fact**: When I'm off-duty, you'll find me in games, hunting down bugs like they're treasure. It's my way of unwinding and getting a fresh perspective on the complexities of software and game development. </div> <div align="center"> | <h1>My coding mantra</h1> | |:---:| | I'm all about those quirky, fun projects that not only delight users but are downright handy. Experimental ventures are my playground, where I let my curiosity roam free, coding up whatever "what-ifs" pop into my head, each a snapshot of those lightbulb moments that hit me. And yeah, there are plenty of mini-apps, each a tribute to the sheer bliss of crafting something outta nothing, powered by pure imagination and a bit of coding magic. So, that's the gist! Stick around, and let's see where this wave takes us. Thanks for dropping by! | </div> <div align="center"> # [Join my discord server]( </div> <div align="center"> | LANGUAGES | DATABASES | PLATFORMS & LIBRARIES | |:---:|:---:|:---:| | ![Java]( ![Python]( ![TypeScript]( ![JavaScript]( ![Markdown]( ![HTML5]( | ![PyTorch]( ![Scipy]( ![NumPy]( ![mlflow]( ![Matplotlib]( ![TensorFlow]( ![Docker]( ![Kubernetes]( | ![FastAPI]( ![Flask]( ![Anaconda]( ![Fastify]( ![OpenCV]( ![NodeJS]( ![SASS]( ![Type-graphql]( ![WebGL]( | </div> <div align="center"> | HOSTING | DESIGN | ML/DL | |:---:|:---:|:---:| | ![AWS]( ![Azure]( ![Cloudflare]( ![Linode]( ![Oracle]( ![OpenStack]( ![Firebase]( ![GithubPages]( ![Google Cloud]( ![Vercel]( | ![Adobe Acrobat Reader]( ![Adobe After Effects]( ![Adobe Lightroom]( ![Canva]( ![Blender]( ![Figma]( ![Adobe Illustrator]( ![Adobe Photoshop]( ![Adobe Premiere Pro]( | ![PyTorch]( ![Scipy]( ![NumPy]( ![mlflow]( ![Matplotlib]( ![TensorFlow]( ![Docker]( ![Kubernetes]( | </div> <div align="center"> | Streak | Languages | |:---:|:---:| | <img src="" alt="GitHub Streak" /> | <img src="" alt="Top Languages" /> | </div> <div align="center"> # [Support my work on Ko-Fi]( </div> <div align="center"> | Socials | Counters | |:---:|:---:| | [![Discord](]( [![Instagram](]( [![TikTok](]( [![Twitch](]( [![X](]( [![YouTube](]( | <img src="" alt="watching_count"/> <img alt="followers" src=""/> <img src="" alt="stars"/> | </div>
Config files for my GitHub profile.
# Weather-App
Short Portfolio to connect with me
This is a [Next.js]( project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`]( ## Getting Started First, run the development server: ```bash npm run dev # or yarn dev # or pnpm dev # or bun dev ``` Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying `app/page.tsx`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. This project uses [`next/font`]( to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font. ## Learn More To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources: - [Next.js Documentation]( - learn about Next.js features and API. - [Learn Next.js]( - an interactive Next.js tutorial. You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository]( - your feedback and contributions are welcome! ## Deploy on Vercel The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform]( from the creators of Next.js. Check out our [Next.js deployment documentation]( for more details.
Figma Clone Created with Next JS
# API NestJS + PostgreSQL + Docker + TypeORM + Cloudflare R2 Este projeto é uma API desenvolvida utilizando o framework [NestJs](, conectada a um banco de dados [PostgreSQL](, executada em um ambiente [Docker]( e usando o [TypeORM]( para manipulação do banco de dados. A API também integra-se com o [Cloudflare R2]( para armazenamento e gerenciamento de imagens. ## Pré-requisitos Certifique-se de ter o seguinte instalado em sua máquina local: - [Docker]( - [Docker Compose]( ## Execução do Projeto Copie o repositório para sua máquina local: ``` ``` Crie um bucket no Cloudflare R2 para armazenar as imagens ([doc]( e Gere um token de autenticação no Cloudflare para ser usado na API ([doc]( Crie um arquivo **.env** na raiz do projeto e adicione as variáveis de ambiente necessárias. Você pode usar **.env.example** como referência Posteriormente a criação e inserção das informações necessárias no **.env**, execute: ``` docker compose up ``` Assim que os contêineres estiverem instalados e funcionando, podemos acessar o aplicativo NestJS visitando [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) e pgAdmin visitando [http://localhost:5050](http://localhost:5050) em nosso navegador. Faça login no pgAdmin usando o e-mail e a senha que especificamos no arquivo **docker-compose.yml** e Configurando o pgAdmin e o servidor PostgreSQL conforme as informações do arquivo **docker-compose.yml** Agora a API pode ser testada usando o [Postman]( ou outra ferramenta de sua preferência. As rotas disponíveis são: ``` POST: http://localhost:3000/books GET: http://localhost:3000/books GET: http://localhost:3000/books/ID_BOOK DELETE: http://localhost:3000/books/ID_BOOK ``` As imagens armazenadas no Cloudflare R2 podem ter sua url [personalizada]( e definida como [pública]( possibilitando o acesso em qualquer navegador. Exemplo de imagem que foi salva usando essa aplicação e que pode ser acessada pelo link: []( ## For more information - Author - [Henrique Caires]( Open for questions or suggestions
API construida com NestJs para fazer upload e delete de imagens no CloudFlare R2
Real Estate Project: MERN stack, Tailwind CSS, React Form Hook, Firebase OAuth, Firestore, Vite, Render.
# TroveXpins - Pinpoint your Passion. Discover Troves that Set your Soul Alight. Create Troves & Share your joyful moments with pins ## Tech-Stack: <code><img height="30" src=""></code> <code><img height="30" src=""></code> <code><img height="30" src=""></code> <code><img height="30" src=""></code> <code><img height="30" src=""></code> <br><br> <code><img height="30" src=""></code> <code><img height="30" src=""></code> <code><img height="30" src=""></code> <code><img height="30" src=""></code> <code><img height="30" src=""></code> <br> # Creating the app (program structure) using `express` ```shell express --view=ejs ``` > To create in the same opened folder - Install node_modules ```shell npm i ``` - Install TailwindCSS ```shell npm install -D tailwindcss npx tailwindcss init ``` - To Run Live Server ```shell npx nodemon ``` # `/views/partials` folder These include the partials, that are present in all the pages. Example: - footer - header (navbar) ## including partials in `index.ejs` > paste the below in the body of index.ejs > we'll write the code in middle ```h <% include ./partials/header.ejs %> <% include ./partials/footer.ejs %> ``` ## How to create a new page / route? 1. In `index.js` --> get the route & render it from `views` folder. ```js router.get('/register', function(req, res, next) { res.render('register'); }); ``` 2. Make an ejs file with the routes name in `views` folder - In this case --> `register.ejs` 3. Write the Frontend Code in `register.ejs` # Setting up `users.js` & creating our database. 1. Install ```shell npm i mongoose passport passport-local passport-local-mongoose express-session multer ``` 2. require mongoose in `users.js`: ```js const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const plm = require("passport-local-mongoose"); ``` 3. Connect MongoDB with mongoose: ```js mongoose.connect("mongodb://") // this is setting it up on localhost. ``` 3. Creating userSchema: ```js const userSchema = mongoose.Schema({ // user schema should be created / defined here. }); userSchema.plugin(plm); // this will enable passport to remember users module.exports = mongoose.model("user", userSchema); // model() --> Mongoose compiles a model for you. // with ("name-of-model", Schema-to-be-followed) as 2 arguments are passed. ``` # Using `Multer` & `uuid` to take user images and save in our server 1. Install Packages ```shell npm i multer uuid ``` 2. Create `multer.js` in routes 3. Add the following code: ```js const multer = require('multer'); const {v4: uuidv4} = require("uuid"); const path = require('path'); const storage = multer.diskStorage({ destination: function (req, file, cb) { cb(null, './public/images/uploads') }, filename: function (req, file, cb) { const unique = uuidv4(); cb(null, unique + path.extname(file.originalname)); } }) const upload = multer({ storage: storage }) module.exports = upload; ``` 4. `./public/images/uploads` is the folder location in `public/images/uploads` - The user images will be stored here. - So, create the folder. 5. We are Creating unique image id with `uuid` 6. Make a route in `index.js` ```js const upload = require('./multer'); /* Route for taking user-input profile image using multer. It will first check, if the user is loggedIn or not Then, upload the image. */'/fileupload', isLoggedIn, upload.single('image'), function(req, res, next) { // upload.single('image') has 'image' because form has input name = "image" const user = await userModel.findOne({username: req.session.passport.user}); /* When user is loggedin --> req.session.passport.user has his "username". We are sending the uploaded profile image to the database.*/ user.profileImage = req.file.filename; // changing the profileImage address/location to the newly updated image. await; // Since, we have manually did some changes --> We need to manually save the user Details. res.redirect("/profile"); // After saving the new details, redirect to /profile page. }); ``` 7. Request the user profile image with it's path in the `profile.ejs` file ```html <img class="object-cover w-full h-full" src="/images/uploads/<%= user.profileImage %>" alt=""> ``` > There must not be any spaces in the src, otherwise, it will not get the correct path. ## Problems/Challenges I faced: 1. css file was not loading --> then, I solved it using ChatGPT (Took 25 Minutes) ```shell A 304 Not Modified response means that the browser already has a cached version of the CSS file, and it doesn't need to download it again because it hasn't changed since the last request. This behavior is expected and indicates that the CSS file is being served correctly by Express. However, if you've made changes to the CSS file and you want to force the browser to fetch the latest version, you can do the following: Force Refresh: You can force a refresh in your browser, which typically bypasses the cache and fetches the latest version of the CSS file. In most browsers, you can do this by pressing Ctrl + Shift + R or Cmd + Shift + R. ``` # Improvement 1 - Another option to upload images via image url 1. To fetch, install ```shell npm i axios npm i https ``` 2. In `index.js` ```js const axios = require('axios'); // Import axios for making HTTP requests const https = require('https'); // Import https module'/createpost', isLoggedIn, upload.single('postimage'), async function(req, res, next) { const user = await userModel.findOne({username: req.session.passport.user}); let image; // Check if the request contains a file uploaded if (req.file) { // If a file is uploaded, use the uploaded file image = req.file.filename; } else if (req.body.imageUrl) { // If image URL is provided, fetch the image and save it try { const agent = new https.Agent({ rejectUnauthorized: false }); // Don't add this line for production version. I lost my ssl certificate, that's why I need to bypass this. const response = await axios.get(req.body.imageUrl, { responseType: 'arraybuffer', httpsAgent: agent }); const imageBuffer = Buffer.from(, 'binary'); const imageName = 'image_' + + '.jpg'; // Generate a unique name for the image const imagePath = './public/images/uploads/' + imageName; // Set the path where the image will be saved fs.writeFileSync(imagePath, imageBuffer); // Write the image buffer to a file image = imageName; // Set the image name as the image for the post } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching image from URL:', error); // Handle error (e.g., image fetch failed) res.status(500).send('Error fetching image from URL'); return; } } const post = await postModel.create({ user: user._id, title: req.body.title, description: req.body.description, image: image }); // to create the post data in postModel user.posts.push(post._id); await; res.redirect("/profile"); }); ``` 3. If user uploaded the image, he can not give the url to fetch image. So, we handle it in `add.js` # ToDo: for production deployment - [ ] Add MongoDB Atlas inplace of mongoDB at localhost # Additional Tasks - My Improvements 1. Default user profile image --> it should be shown for new accounts with no image, or when user wants to delete profile image. 2. Dynamically Adding TroveBoards (Trove) --> User should be able to create new collections. - `Create Pin` button ki jagah `Create Trove` button aayega --> new TroveBoard create krne ke liye. - Sabhi boards mai button hona chahiye, unke ander new `Create Pin` ka. --> `+ icon` 3. Sabhi boards ko default cover image dena hai (New Pin add krne ke icon ke saath.) 4. Home Page - Home Page Navbar will have login & sign up buttons. 5. Feed Page should have a `Search Bar` to search different pins by all the users 6. Working `Edit Profile` button
Pinpoint your Passion. Discover Troves that Set your Soul Alight.
# Ballet The typescript library for scroll animation. [![NPM](]( ## Examples [Click here to see all the examples]( ## Module System Types - ES6 - UMD ## Layout methods - FixedActorsScene ``` const scene = new StickyPlatformScene( document.getElementById('scene'), (w, h) => h * 2, ); ``` Here is [an example]( of using this method. - StickyPlatformScene ``` const scene = new StickyPlatformScene( document.getElementById('scene'), (w, h) => h * 2, ); ``` This method also has an _offset_ and _stickyPlatformHeight_ options. To see an example of using these options [click here]( ## Motions - MoveMotion - SizeMotion - OpacityMotion - BoundMotion ## Actors - **StaticActor** should have MoveMotion, SizeMotion and OpacityMotion in its TimeFrame to calc start/end values. You can also set false into _initPosition_, _initSize_, _initOpacity_ to prevent this behavior: ``` const agenda = new StaticActor(document.getElementById('agenda'), { initOpacity: false, }); ``` - **RefActor** doesn't change its coordinates and sizes. ## Built With - Vanilla JS - TypeScript - webpack ## Author - **Nikolay Grishkin** - Initial work - [GitHub]( See also the list of [contributors]( who participated in this project. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE]( file for details.
Bring your scroll animation to life with HTML and SVG. 🌅🚀
# 18Comic 之路:车牌号划词查询工具 ![]( 划词可查询 JM / 18Comic 车牌号对应的标题,便于分享或自行查询。 ## 使用方法 > [!WARNING] > 本脚本仅在 Tampermonkey 管理器下测试通过,其他管理器可能无法正常使用。 [安装任意用户脚本管理器]( 后,访问 [Github Latest Release]( 或在 [Greasyfork]( 安装本脚本的最新发行版。 如需直接从 Github 安装最新提交,请访问 [rt18.user.js](。 划词时将读取选中文本中的数字并拼接,随后访问对应的 18Comic 页面以获取车牌号对应的标题。 目前脚本将默认在 **微博**、**贴吧**、**哔哩哔哩** 页面下运行。编辑脚本头部的 `@match` 规则可以添加更多网站。 查询时可能提示 *自动获取失败,请手动点击链接*,这是由于 18Comic 使用 Cloudflare 反爬虫保护,需要手动访问一次页面以获取 `cf_clearance` Cookie 以绕过验证。 在用户脚本管理器的菜单项可以切换可用线路,以适应不同地区的网络环境。编辑用户脚本的 `sources` 常量可以加入自定义线路。查询失败时也可尝试切换线路来规避 Cloudflare 保护。 ![]( ## 特别致谢 本脚本部分受 **[😩「能不能好好说话?」 拼音首字母缩写翻译工具](** 启发,在此特别致谢。 本脚本已对「能不能好好说话?」进行适配,划词窗口不会相互干扰。 ![]( ## Github 仓库 [zyf722/rt18]( ## 许可证 [MIT](LICENSE)
JM / 18Comic 车牌号划词查询工具
# Movie-Recommendation-System-with-Sentiment-Analysis
A movie recommendation system integrated with sentiment analysis for the review and information of the movie and the crew.
Jupyter Notebook
# Italiya's Whisker Wonders Welcome to Italiya's Whisker Wonders, where feline magic meets delightful treasures! Step into the enchanting world of Italiya, our charismatic orange cat, the fullstack project. Immerse yourself in the joy of cats as you explore a curated collection of cat-themed treasures, including cozy t-shirts, charming cups, and delightful souvenirs. <img align="right" src="" width="100"/> [![GitHub last commit](]( [![GitHub license](]( [![JavaScript](]( [![Axios](]( [![Vite](]( [![React](]( [![Node.js Version](]( [![Express.js Version](]( [![MongoDB](]( [![Mongoose Version](]( [![JWT](]( [![Styled Components](]( [![React Icons](]( ## BackEnd Repository [BackEnd]( ## Backend APIs with Swagger Documentation [Swagger]( ## Table of Contents - [Features](#features) - [Technologies Used](#technologies-used) - [License](#license) ## Features - **User Authentication:** Users can register and log in to access the main application. - **Theme Switcher:** Users can toggle between light, dark and sweet orange themes for a personalized experience. - **Support Email:** In-app feature to send support emails if any issues arise. ## Technologies Used - **Frontend:** - React - TypeScript - Vite - Styled Components - React Icons - MUI Joy (Material-UI experimental component library) - Formik (Form library) - Axios (HTTP client) - Modern Normalize (Modern version of Normalize.css) - React Helmet Async (Async version of React Helmet) - React Loader Spinner - React Toastify (Notification library) - **Backend:** - Node.js - Express - MongoDB ## Issues If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please [open an issue]( ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE). ## Feedback I welcome feedback and suggestions from users to improve the application's functionality and user experience. ## Languages and Tools: <div align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img style="margin: 10px" src="" alt="HTML5" height="50" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img style="margin: 10px" src="" alt="CSS3" height="50" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img style="margin: 10px" src="" alt="JavaScript" height="50" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"> <img src="" alt="react" width="40" height="40"/></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img style="margin: 10px" src="" alt="Styled Components" height="50" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"><img src="" width="36" height="36" alt="Vite" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"> <img src="" alt="git" width="40" height="40"/></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"><img src="" alt="figma" width="40" height="40"/></a> </div> ## Connect with me: <div align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src= alt=linkedin style="margin-bottom: 5px;" /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src= alt=github style="margin-bottom: 5px;" /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Discord" style="margin-bottom: 5px;" /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src= alt=stackoverflow style="margin-bottom: 5px;" /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src= alt=dribbble style="margin-bottom: 5px;" /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src= alt=behance style="margin-bottom: 5px;" /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Upwork" style="margin-bottom: 5px;" /> </a> </div>
Explore the enchanting world of Italiya, the charismatic orange cat. This fullstack project combines a captivating frontend with a robust backend, offering a delightful online platform for cat enthusiasts. Discover curated cat-themed treasures, from cozy t-shirts to charming cups, and immerse yourself in the joy of cats.
# Healthcare Management System ![Screenshot (130)]( ![Screenshot (129)]( ![Screenshot (131)]( ## Introduction Healthcare Management System is a web application designed to streamline the management of healthcare facilities. It provides an integrated platform for managing patients, appointments, medical records, and more. ## Features - **Patient Management**: Easily add, edit, and delete patient records. - **Medical Records**: Maintain detailed medical records for each patient. - **Billing and Invoicing**: Generate invoices and manage billing for services provided. - **User Management**: Admin dashboard for managing users with different roles and permissions. ## Installation To run the Healthcare Management System on your local machine, follow these steps: 1. Clone the repository: ```bash git clone ``` 2. Navigate to the project directory: ```bash cd Healthcare ``` 3. Install dependencies: ```bash npm install ``` 4. Set up the database: ```bash python migrate ``` 5. Create a superuser account: ```bash python createsuperuser ``` 6. Start the development server: ```bash python runserver ``` 7. Access the application in your web browser at ``. ## Usage 1. **Admin Dashboard**: Log in with the superuser account to access the admin dashboard. 2. **Patient Management**: Add, edit, or delete patient records. 3. **Appointment Scheduling**: Schedule appointments for patients with doctors. 4. **Medical Records**: View and manage detailed medical records for each patient. 5. **Billing and Invoicing**: Generate invoices and manage billing for services provided. ## Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please follow these guidelines when contributing: - Fork the repository. - Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix. - Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages. - Push your changes to your fork. - Submit a pull request to the main repository.
# TextUtils Click below to view TextUtilsApp :
Unsplash Clone
<img src="./src/assets/mockup.png"> ## 📝 Sobre O projeto <b>User Register</b> apresenta um formulário para cadastro de usuários, incluindo nome, idade e e-mail. Após o cadastro, os usuários são exibidos em uma lista de cards personalizados. O projeto foi desenvolvido tanto para desktops quanto para dispositivos móveis, contando com um design responsivo que se adapta a qualquer formato de tela. ## ⚙ Funcionalidades Na tela de cadastro, o usuário deve inserir nome, idade e e-mail nos respectivos campos e clicar em <i>Cadastrar</i> para criar os dados na API e ser direcionado para a tela de usuários. Esta tela exibe uma lista de cards personalizados com as informações dos usuários cadastrados. O botão <i>Excluir</i>, simbolizado pelo ícone de uma lixeira, deleta o usuário da API e o botão <i>Voltar</i> retorna à página principal, onde o usuário pode fazer um novo cadastro. ## 🖥 Tecnologias O projeto foi desenvolvido utilizando React.js para criação da interface do usuário e a biblioteca Axios para requisições HTTP. O código foi organizado em componentes reutilizáveis para facilitar a manutenção e escalabilidade do projeto. Além disso, a estilização foi feita utilizando styled-components, permitindo a criação de estilos de forma declarativa e encapsulada, o que ajuda a evitar conflitos e facilita a manutenção do código. A combinação dessas tecnologias proporcionou uma experiência de desenvolvimento ágil e eficiente, resultando em um projeto bem estruturado, modular e esteticamente agradável.
Projeto desenvolvido com React.js, utilizando styled-components para estilização.
# InternTracker Chrome Extension ## Overview **InternTracker** is a Chrome extension designed to streamline the process of tracking your internship applications directly from your browser. With a user-friendly interface and seamless integration, it helps you manage your internship opportunities efficiently. ## Features - **Intuitive Tracking:** Easily record details of each internship application, including company name, position, status, deadline, and optional OA date. - **Quick Access:** View and manage your applications directly from the Chrome extension popup. - **Form Autofill:** Accelerate your application process with the "Fill Form" feature, pre-populating common details for a specific job application. - **Data Persistence:** Your application data is securely stored using Chrome storage, ensuring persistence even when you close or reopen your browser. ## How to Use 1. **Installation:** - Download the extension files. - Open Google Chrome and go to `chrome://extensions/`. - Enable "Developer mode" and click "Load unpacked." - Select the downloaded extension folder. 2. **Adding Applications:** - Click on the extension icon in the toolbar to open the popup. - Fill in the required details for each application, such as company name, position, and status. - Click "Add Application" to save your entry. 3. **Managing Applications:** - View your list of applications directly in the popup. - Delete applications by clicking the "Delete" button. 4. **Form Autofill:** - Click "Fill Form" to quickly populate common details when applying for a job online. ## Development If you want to contribute or modify the extension, follow these steps: 1. Clone the repository. 2. Make changes to the code as needed. 3. Load the updated extension through `chrome://extensions/` with "Developer mode" enabled. ## Notes - This extension utilizes Chrome storage for data persistence. - Make sure to validate your form inputs before adding an application. - Follow Chrome Web Store policies if planning to publish the extension publicly.
Effortlessly manage and track your internship applications with a user-friendly interface directly from your browser.
# BLOG APPLICATION A fullstack web application built using flask and react that will be used for blogging. ## Features CRUD operations for managing data Integration of Flask APIs with React frontend Responsive design using Bootstrap ## Prerequisites 1. Python 3.x 2. Node.js 3. npm (Node Package Manager) ## Installation ### Backend (Flask) Navigate to the backend directory: cd server. . Create a virtual environment: ```python3 -m venv venv.``` #### Activate the virtual environment: 1. On Windows: ```venv\Scripts\activate``` 2. On macOS and Linux: ```source venv/bin/activate.``` Install dependencies: ```pip install -r requirements.txt.``` Run the Flask application: ```python3``` ### Frontend (React) Navigate to the frontend directory: cd client. Install dependencies: ```npm install.``` Start the React development server: ```npm start.``` ## Usage Access the Flask backend at http://localhost:5555. Access the React frontend at http://localhost:4000. ## Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes. ## Acknowledgements Flask: React: Bootstrap: ## License & Authors This project is licensed under the MIT License [MIT](LICENSE) 1. Michael Kiptoo 2. Allan Murigi
A fullstack web application built using flask and react that will be used for blogging.
**Programme d'Évaluation:** **Refaire la meme structure des repo dans vos rendus** Ex: ``` /Module-05 /source ( Code source ) ( Documentation ) ``` --- **Module-01: Fondamentaux du Web (10 points)** 1. TP-01: HTML5, CSS3, Grid, Flexbox : réalisation d'un site onePage responsive (**10 point**) --- **Module-02: SEO et RGPD (10 points)** 1. TP-01: Intégration du SEO & RGPD dans le TP-01 du module-01 (**10 points**) --- **Module-03: Cahier des Charges (5 points)** 1. TP-01: Réalisation d'un Cahier des charges pour le TP-02 Module-05 (**5 points**) - Description Technique: **1 point** - Description Fonctionnelle: **1 point** - Arborescence: **1 point** - Charte Graphique: **1 point** - Maquettage Wireframe: **1 point** --- **Module-04: Analyse et Conception Procédurale fonctionnelle (5 points)** 1. TP-01: Analyse et Conception (**5 points**) - UML pour le TP-02 Module-05: - Diagramme UseCase: **1 point** - Diagramme d'activité: **1 point** - Diagramme de flux (Système): **1 point** - Diagramme de séquence: **1 point** - Diagramme entité-association ERD: **1 point** --- **Module-05: Programmation Web avec PHP Procédurale (10 points)** 1. TP-01: PHP Procédurale gestion de formulaires et sécurité (**5 points**) 2. TP-02: PHP Procédurale développement d'un système de gestion d'utilisateurs (**5 points**) --- **Module-06: JavaScript et Librairie jQuery (15 points)** 1. TP-01: JavaScript Vanilla, DOM, BOM, jQuery, Api BAN, intégration dans le TP-02 du module-05 (**15 points**) --- **Module-07: Développement Web Orienté Objet et Modèle-Vue-Contrôleur (MVC) en PHP (40 points)** 1. UML (Diagramme de classe plus tous les diagrammes vu lors du module-04 pour la réalisation du TP-01 Module-07) (**10 points**) 2. TP-01: Développement d'une application de gestion d'utilisateurs avec Roles en PHP POO / Modèle MVC Multi Layered Architecture (**10 points**) --- **Module-07 BIS: Développement web low code et noCode avec WordPress (5 points)** 1. TP-01: Création d'un site web responsive avec un éditeur de bloc (**5 points ) --- **Résumé Total: points sur 100**
Le cours comprend dix modules couvrant divers aspects du développement web, y compris HTML/CSS,PHP,UML JavaScript, React.js, Node.js et WordPress. Chaque module comprend des travaux pratiques et des QCM, avec des critères d'évaluation détaillés.
<h1 align="center">IT Inventory</h1> <h3 align="center"> IT Inventory is a CMDB application inspired by the need to replace an Excel file as a tool. </h3> <br> The main goal of the program is to facilitate the management of hardware devices in small organizations. The organization supports the creation of businesses, with each business being owned by the user who created it, and only they have CRUD operations over that business. All other businesses not created by the specific user are visible for reading only. The devices created within a specific business are owned by the user who created the business, and again, only they can modify them. The Supplier section can be modified by all users, as there may be common suppliers for different businesses/locations. <br> <br> After launching the application, the first registered user becomes a superuser and creates one time an organization to which all created businesses are connected. All other newly registered users have staff status, and they can only manage the businesses they have created. - ### To run the project: - run docker-compose.yml ```powershel docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up ``` - start the app ```powershell python runserver ``` - start celery ```powershell celery -A inventory worker --loglevel=info --concurrency=2 -P solo ``` - start celery beat ```powershell celery -A inventory beat --loglevel=info ``` - ### Full project description at this [link](./description/ - ### You can try the app on <p>(the version is outdated, mising weekly sent report functionality)</p> <br> <br> <h6 align="center"> Made with by Anton Petrov </h6>
Django Project for Final Exam
<h3>**BACKEND REPOSITORY LINK AT THE END**</h3> ![5166961]( # Stock store Project about a stock store, you can add, delete, see and edit products, all of this based in your account that you can create with any email. Don't need to be a real email, you can use a fake one just to sing in and enjoy the aplication. ## Techs - JavaScript ES6 - ReactJS - SASS - Bootstrap - Vite - Npm - Git ## Services Used - Github - Netlify - Firebase Auth - Firebase database ## Features The features of the application are: - Save products - Delete products - See products - Update products - Manage products - Organize your items ## How to use ### 1 - When you acess the hosting link you will see the form to sign in, if you never used this site before you need to click at "Registrar-se" (sign Up) ![image]( #### 1.1 - If is your first time using this aplication, after clicking "Registrar-se" (sign Up) you will be redirected to this page ![image]( #### 1.2 - To sign up you can use a fake email, don't need to be a real one, you just need to remember what email is and the password that you use, because if you forget the password you can't recover you password because it's a fake email and you won't recive the recover password email, (requirements to password and email are very basic because it's not my focus at development) #### 1.3 - After register your email and password you will be redirected to sign In page again, then you sign in with email and password that you register before ### 2 - After sign In you will see the home page ![image]( #### 2.1 - on top you will see header with four options, "excluir conta" (delete account), "início" (home, page you see at beginning), "itens" (items) and "sair" (log out) ![image]( #### - In mobile is just touch the hamburger menu on right top ![image]( ##### 2.1.1 - Clicking at "excluir conta" (delete account), you will see a confirm that ask you if you really wanna do that, in case you confirm, your email and you saved items will be deleted from database ![image]( #### 2.2 - Under "Dashboard" you will see few data about your saved items ![image]( #### - In mobile it will be a carousel ![image]( ##### 2.2.1 - The content of the four boxes are respectively: "Diversidade de itens" (Diversity of items, how many types of items you have), "Inventário total" (Total inventory, total quantity of items in stock among all products), "Itens recentes" (Recent items, items that were added recently) and "Itens acabando" (Items running out, products that their quantity is less or equal to 10) #### 2.3 - On bottom you will see a similar menu but there you can see the name and click/touch to see the product all data ![image]( ### 3 - Clicking/touching on "itens" (items) you will be redirect to this page ![image]( #### 3.1 - Under "Itens em estoque" you will see the navigation menu ![image]( ##### 3.1.1 - "Todos os itens" you will see all your stocked items ###### - Empty ![image]( ###### - With items ![image]( ###### - With items at mobile ![image]( ##### 3.1.2 - "Novos itens" There you can add new item to your stock ![image]( #### 4 - Touch any of buttons with "Ver" (see)... ###### - Buttons ![image]( ![image]( #### 4 - ... You will be redirected to this page, there you has all product data ![image]( ##### 4.1 - "Atualizado em" is update when you touch/click the button "Atualizar" (Update) ![image]( ![image]( ##### 4.2 - In red you have a button to delete the product "Exluir" (delete), there is no confirmation, so if you touch/click will be deleted instantly ![image]( ![image]( #### 5 - Tap/click any of the update buttons, you will be redirected to this page which contains the data about the current product you are trying to update ![image]( ##### 5.1 - Tap "cancelar" (cancel), cancel the update and return to previous page that you were on ![image]( ##### 5.2 - Tap "Salvar" (save), cancel the update and return to previous page that you were on ![image]( #### 6 - Tap/click log out you will be redirected to sing in page ## Links - Deploy on netlify: - Repository: - Backend files: - In case of bugs or suggestions contact ## Versioning ## Authors - **João Vitor Gonçalves da Costa** Please follow github and linkedin (link in my profile )! Thanks to visiting me and good coding!
Site with CRUD function to evolve my abilities
# React homework template Цей проект був створений за допомогою [Create React App]( Для знайомства і налаштування додаткових можливостей [звернися до документації]( ## Створення репозиторію за шаблоном Використовуй цей репозиторій організації GoIT як шаблон для створення репозиторію свого проєкта. Для цього натисни на кнопку `«Use this template»` і вибери опцію `«Create a new repository»`, як показано на зображенні. ![Creating repo from a template step 1](./assets/template-step-1.png) На наступному кроці відкриється сторінка створення нового репозиторію. Заповни поле його імені, переконайся що репозиторій публічний, після чого натисни кнопку `«Create repository from template»`. ![Creating repo from a template step 2](./assets/template-step-2.png) Після того як репозиторій буде створено, необхідно перейти в налаштування створеного репозиторію на вкладку `Settings` > `Actions` > `General` як показано на зображенні. ![Settings GitHub Actions permissions step 1](./assets/gh-actions-perm-1.png) Проскроливши сторінку до самого кінця, у секції `«Workflow permissions»` вибери опцію `«Read and write permissions»` і постав галочку в чекбоксі. Це необхідно для автоматизації процесу деплою проєкту. ![Settings GitHub Actions permissions step 2](./assets/gh-actions-perm-2.png) Тепер у тебе є особистий репозиторій проекту, зі структурою файлів і папок репозиторію-шаблону. Далі працюй із ним як із будь-яким іншим особистим репозиторієм, клонуй його собі на комп'ютер, пиши код, роби комміти і відправляй їх на GitHub. ## Підготовка до роботи 1. Переконайся що на комп'ютері встановлено LTS-версія Node.js. [Завантаж і встанови]( її якщо необхідно. 2. Встанови базові залежності проєкту командою `npm install`. 3. Запусти режим розробки, виконавши команду `npm start`. 4. Перейди в браузері за адресою [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000). Ця сторінка буде автоматично перезавантажуватися після збереження змін у файлах проєкту. ## Деплой Продакшн версія проєкту буде автоматично проходити лінтинг, збиратися і деплоїтися на GitHub Pages, у гілку `gh-pages`, щоразу, коли оновлюється гілка `main`. Наприклад, після прямого пушу або прийнятого пул-реквесту. Для цього необхідно у файлі `package.json` відредагувати поле `homepage`, замінивши `your_username` і `your_repo_name` на свої, і відправити зміни на GitHub. ```json "homepage": "" ``` Далі необхідно зайти в налаштування GitHub-репозиторію (`Settings` > `Pages`) і виставити роздачу продакшн-версії файлів із папки `/root` гілки `gh-pages`, якщо це не було зроблено автоматично. ![GitHub Pages settings](./assets/repo-settings.png) ### Статус деплоя Статус деплою крайнього коміту відображається іконкою біля його ідентифікатора. - **Жовтий колір** - виконується збірка і деплой проєкту. - **Зелений колір** - деплой завершився успішно. - **Червоний колір** - під час лінтингу, сборки або деплою сталася помилка. Детальнішу інформацію про статус можна подивитися, клікнувши на іконку, і у вікні, що випадає, перейти за посиланням `Details`. ![Deployment status](./assets/deploy-status.png) ### Жива сторінка Через якийсь час, зазвичай кілька хвилин, живу сторінку можна буде подивитися за адресою, вказаною у відредагованій властивості `homepage`. Наприклад, ось посилання на живу версію для цього репозиторію []( Якщо відкривається порожня сторінка, переконайся, що у вкладці `Console` немає помилок пов'язаних із неправильними шляхами до CSS і JS файлів проєкту (**404**). Швидше за все у тебе неправильне значення властивості `homepage` у файлі `package.json`. ### Маршрутизація Якщо додаток використовує бібліотеку `react-router-dom` для маршрутизації, необхідно додатково налаштувати компонент `<BrowserRouter>`, передавши у пропе `basename` точну назву твого репозиторію. Слеш на початку рядка обов'язковий. ```jsx <BrowserRouter basename="/your_repo_name"> <App /> </BrowserRouter> ``` ## Як це працює ![How it works](./assets/how-it-works.png) 1. Після кожного пушу в гілку `main` GitHub-репозиторія, запускається спеціальний скрипт (GitHub Action) з файла `.github/workflows/deploy.yml`. 2. Усі файли репозиторію копіюються на сервер, де проект ініціалізується і проходить лінтинг і збірку перед деплоєм. 3. Якщо всі кроки пройшли успішно, зібрана продакшн-версія файлів проєкту відправляється в гілку `gh-pages`. В іншому випадку, в лозі виконання скрипта буде вказано в чому проблема.
A convenient website for sales, service and repair of Li-Ion batteries. The design layout:
<p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Rhythmism" width="360"> </p> # Rhythmism ![release]( [![build](]( 🎶 Rhythmism is a web rhythm game. Read the [blog post]( The game was made for [Rhythm Jam 2024](, which the theme was `Divergence`: > a difference between two or more things, attitudes, or opinions. Play the game on: - [remarkablegames]( - []( - [Newgrounds]( ## Credits - [remarkablemark]( - Programmer, UI - [Rob Cohen]( - Programmer, UI, Art - [SG-SWE073]( - Programmer, UI, Art - [Gina Castromonte]( - Programmer - [emex]( - Music ## Inspiration - [Friday Night Funkin']( - [Guitar Hero]( ## Ideation - [Excalidraw](,GLv9eoVsLsWhkXYKI1gCLA) - [Proof of Concept]( - [MVP]( ## Stack - [Kaboom]( - [Vite]( ## Prerequisites - [nvm]( ## Install Clone the repository: ```sh git clone cd rhythmism ``` Use the Node.js version: ```sh nvm use ``` Install the dependencies: ```sh npm install ``` ## Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: ### `npm start` Runs the game in the development mode. Open [http://localhost:5173](http://localhost:5173) to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any errors in the console. ### `npm run build` Builds the game for production to the `dist` folder. It correctly bundles in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. Your game is ready to be deployed! ### `npm run bundle` Builds the game and packages it into a Zip file in the `dist` folder. Your game can be uploaded to your server, [](, [Newgrounds](, etc. ## License [MIT](LICENSE)
🎶 Rhythmism is a web rhythm game
# JavaScript-Projects Greetings, fellow developers! This is Ranit Manik, and I'm excited to present my JavaScript Projects repository. Here, you'll find a collection of projects that I've completed during my journey as a beginner in JavaScript. Each project has its own dedicated directory, featuring separate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files for convenient navigation and exploration. Feel free to browse through the repository and explore the solutions. Whether you're a fellow learner, an experienced developer, or just curious, your feedback and insights are always welcome. ## Projects | # | Project | Live Demo | |:--:|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 01 | [Stopwatch Timer Application]( | [Live Demo]( | | 02 | [Vowel Counter Application]( | [Live Demo]( | | 03 | [Calculator Application]( | [Live Demo]( | | 04 | [Encryption Application]( | [Live Demo]( | | 05 | [Poll System Application]( | [Live Demo]( | | 06 | [Password Generator Application]( | [Live Demo]( | | 07 | [Cash Calculator Application]( | [Live Demo]( | ## How to Use 1. Clone the repository to your local machine. ```bash git clone ``` 2. Navigate to the specific challenge directory. ```bash cd javaScript-Projects/challengeX ``` 3. Open the `index.html` file in your preferred web browser to view the solution. ## Contributions _Feel free to contribute by:_ - Providing feedback on existing solutions. - Adding solutions to challenges that I haven't completed. - Optimizing existing code. Please create a new branch for each set of changes and submit a pull request. ## Contact <table> <tr> <th></th> <th>Social Media</th> <th>Username</th> <th>Link</th> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="" width="20" /></td> <td>Email</td> <td><code></code></td> <td><a href="" target="_blank">Email</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="" width="20" /></td> <td>LinkedIn</td> <td><code>Ranit Manik</code></td> <td><a href="" target="_blank">LinkedIn</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="" width="20" /></td> <td>Instagram</td> <td><code>ranit_manik_</code></td> <td><a href="" target="_blank">Instagram</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="" width="20" /></td> <td>Facebook</td> <td><code>RanitKumarManik</code></td> <td><a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a></td> </tr> </table> ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE). ## Acknowledgment Special thanks to the open-source community for fostering an environment of collaboration and continuous improvement. > [!NOTE] > > It's worth mentioning that all codes within this repository are personally coded by me and have undergone formatting > enhancements by ChatGPT to ensure improved readability for my future reference. Happy coding! 🚀
Here, I showcase the solutions to a series of projects completed during my journey as a beginner in JavaScript. Each project has its dedicated directory, containing separate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files for easy navigation and exploration. Feel free to browse through and check out my work!
# ✨ Magic Object Search `magic-object-search` is a lightweight utility library published on npm, designed to simplify searching through arrays of objects in TypeScript or JavaScript environments. It provides a simple yet powerful function to search for a specific string within specified properties of objects in an array. ## Installation You can install `magic-object-search` via npm: ```bash npm install magic-object-search ``` ## Usage To use `magic-object-search`, import the magicObjectSearch function and pass in the search string, array of objects, and properties to search within. ``` ts import { magicObjectSearch } from 'magic-object-search'; interface MyObject { id: number; name: string; description: string; } const objects: MyObject[] = [ { id: 1, name: '🍎 Apple', description: 'A fruit with red or green skin' }, { id: 2, name: '🍌 Banana', description: 'A long curved fruit that grows in clusters' }, { id: 3, name: '🍊 Orange', description: 'A round citrus fruit with a tough shiny orange skin' } ]; const searchResults = magicObjectSearch('fruit', objects, ['name', 'description']); console.log(searchResults); /* Output: [ { id: 1, name: '🍎 Apple', description: 'A fruit with red or green skin' }, { id: 2, name: '🍌 Banana', description: 'A long curved fruit that grows in clusters' } ] */ ``` ## API `magicObjectSearch<T>(str: string, options: T[], properties: (keyof T)[]): T[]` * `str` (string): The string to search for within the specified properties of objects. * `options` (T[]): An array of objects to search within. * `properties` (keyof T)[]: An array of property names (keys) within objects to search for the given string. ## Contributions Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues or pull requests. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
🔍 Simple module to search among objects
# Functional Programming Learning Resources ## Overview This is a repository for learning the topics of Functional Programming and Related Topics (Lambda Calculus, Abstract Algebra, Category Theory, etc.) It contains Resource List, Lecture Note (Text File) and Code by Functional Programming Languages (Haskell, Clojure, Elixir, F#, Javascript / Typescript, Racket, etc.). ## Pure Mathematics Concept ### [Lambda Calculus]( - [[TH: Text] แนะนำ LAMBDA CALCULUS และ FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGES (]( - [[TH: Text] Lambda Calculus ~ พื้นฐานสู่ Functional Programming (]( - [[EN: Text] A curated list of combinators (Github: @loophp)]( - [[EN: Text] Combinator Birds (]( - [[EN: Text] To Dissect a Mockingbird: A Graphical Notation for the Lambda Calculus with Animated Reduction (]( - [[EN: Text] A Tutorial Introduction to the Lambda Calculus (Raúl Rojas)]( - [[EN: Text] Lambda Calculus (Alex Aiken)]( - [[EN: Text] Computational Lambda-Calculus and Monads (Eugenio Moggi - University of Edinburgh)]( - [[EN: Text] Lambda Calculus in Javascript (Michele Riva)]( - [[EN: Text] Implementing Recursion with the Y-Combinator in any Language (Michele Riva)]( - [[EN: Text] Fixed Points (Oscar Nierstrasz)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Lambda Calculus (David Franz)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Lambda Calculus (Robert Joseph Panganiban)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Lambda Calculus (NiceMeTube)]( - [[EN: Video] Lambda Calculus - Fundamentals of Lambda Calculus & Functional Programming in JavaScript (Fullstack Academy)]( - [[EN: Video] Why function are turing complete (Lambda Calculas) (A Byte of Code)]( - [[EN: Video] A Flock of Functions: Combinators, Lambda Calculus, & Church Encodings in JS - Part II (Gabriel Lebec)]( - [[EN: Video] Lambda Calculus (Computerphile)]( - [[EN: Video] What is Lambda Calculus? (ft. Church Encodings) (Alex Lugo)]( - [[EN: Video] Lambda Calculus (Truttle1)]( - [[EN: Video] Lambda Calculus: The foundation of functional programming, and the simplest programming language (Tony Zhang)]( - [[EN: Video] What is Lambda Calculus and why? (Yana the Contrarian)]( - [[EN: Video] Lambda Calculus vs. Turing Machine (Theory of Computation) (Advait Shinde)]( ### [Abstract Algebra]( - [[TH: Text] พีชคณิตนามธรรม (Abstract Algebra) (สาขาิชาคณิตศาสตร์ คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา)](พีชคณิตนามธรรม2564.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0tmufyOxo6gVmZANwwv01blVRcs5lnqTGItXSJ7jPmk6qBKxG0HOa0hBQ) - [[TH: Video Playlist] พีชคณิตนามธรรม (Sarawut Suwannaut)]( - [[TH: Video] Algebraic structure :: the power of mathematical abstraction by Natechawin Suthison (Creatorsgarten)]( - [[EN: Text] Introduction to Abstract Algebra - Math 113 (Alexander Paulin, University of California Berkeley)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Abstract Algebra (Socratica)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Abstract Algebra 1 (Learnifyable)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Abstract Algebra (Michael Penn)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Abstract Algebra (MathMajor)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Abstract Algebra (Wrath of Math)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Essence of Group Theory (Mathemaniac)]( ### [Category Theory]( - [[TH: Text] Category Theory (for Programmer!): บทนำ~จากคณิตศาสตร์สู่ภาษาโปรแกรม (]( - [[TH: Text] Category Theory (for Programmer!) 2: Functor~คืออะไร (]( - [[TH: Text] Category และ Product | Category Theory for Programming Part 1 (]( - [[TH: Text] Co-Product ในการเขียนโปรแกรม | Category Theory for Programming Part 2 (]( - [[TH: Video] Tortilla endofunctors, and more jokes about monads by Chayapatr Archiwaranguprok (Creatorsgarten)]( - [[EN: Text] Category Theory for Programmers (Bartosz Milewski)]( - [[EN: Text] Category Theory (nLab)]( - [[EN: Text] Category (nLab)]( - [[EN: Text] A Gentle Introduction to Category Theory (Maarten M. Fokkinga)]( - [[EN: Text] Category Theory (Notes by David Mehrle - University of Cambridge)]( - [[EN: Text] Introduction Category Theory Notes (Daniel Epelbaum, Ashwin Trisal)]( - [[EN: Text] Abstract and Concrete Categories - The Joy of Cats (Jiří Adámek, Horst Herrlich, George E. Strecker)]( - [[EN: Text] From design patterns to category theory (]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Category Theory (Bartosz Milewski)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] What is...category theory? (VisualMath)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Category theory (Alex Simpson)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Category Theory For Beginners (Richard Southwell)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Category Theory (Undergraduate Mathematics)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Category theory foundations - Steve Awodey (Mathématiques et programmation)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Chris Brav. An Introduction to the Theory of Categories and Homological Algebra (Mathematics at HSE)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Enriched Category Theory (Marius Furter)]( - [[EN: Video] A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors. Whats the problem? (A Byte of Code)]( - [[EN: Video] A Sensible Introduction to Category Theory (Oliver Lugg)]( - [[EN: Video] 27 Unhelpful Facts About Category Theory (Oliver Lugg)]( - [[EN: Video] What is category theory? (Topos Institute)]( - [[EN: Video] Category Theory: An Introduction to Abstract Nonsense (Feynman's Chicken)]( - [[EN: Video] Intro to Category Theory (Warwick Mathematics Exchange)]( - [[EN: Video] What is Category Theory in mathematics? Johns Hopkins' Dr. Emily Riehl explains (Johns Hopkins University)]( - [[EN: Video] The Mathematician's Weapon | Category Theory and Why We Care 1.0 (Eyesomorphic)]( - [[EN: Video] The Language of Categories | Category Theory and Why We Care 1.1 (Eyesomorphic)]( - [[EN: Video] ∞-Category Theory for Undergraduates (Emily Riehl)]( - [[EN: Video] The First Real Application of Category Theory #SoME3 (GeometricSquirtle)]( - [[EN: Video] A Crash Course in Category Theory - Bartosz Milewski (ScalaIO FR)]( - [[EN: Video] Lambda World 2019 - Fun With Categories - Marco Perone (Lambda World)]( - [[EN: Video] Category Theory in Life - Eugenia Cheng (Lambda World)]( - [[EN: Video] Category Theory for the Working Hacker by Philip Wadler (Lambda World)]( ### [Type Theory]( - [[EN: Text] Type Theory (nLab)]( - [[EN: Text] learn-tt (jozefg - Github)]( - [[EN: Text] Type Theory & Functional Programming (Simon Thompson, Computing Laboratory, University of Kent)]( - [[EN: Text] A Brief Introduction to Type Theory and The Univalence Axiom (Jackson Macor)]( - [[EN: Text] Propositions as Types (Philip Wadler, University of Edinburgh)]( - [[EN: Text] Type Theory and Its applications to Computer Science (César Muñoz, National Institute of Aerospace)]( - [[EN: Text] Lectures on the Curry-Howard Isomorphism (Morten Heine B.Sorensen - University of Copenhagen, Pawel Urzyczyn - University of Warsaw)]( - [[EN: Text] Curry-Howard Correspondence (Wikipedia)]( - [[EN: Text] Curry-Howard Correspondence (Giselle Reis - Carnegie Mellon University)]( - [[EN: Text] The Curry-Howard Isomorphism (Dan Grossman - University of Washington)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Functional Programming - Type Theory (Hans Schenker)]( - [[EN: Video] Why should you learn Type Theory? (Dapper Mink)]( - [[EN: Video] Computer Science ∩ Mathematics (Type Theory) (Computerphile)]( - [[EN: Video] The Hardest Problem in Type Theory (Computerphile)]( - [[EN: Video] Notes on Type Theory for beginners (Jfokus)]( - [[EN: Video] Type Theory: It's the New Set Theory (Zoom for Thought 02/09/21) (Food for Thought)]( - [[EN: Video] Propositions as Types (Computerphile)]( - [[EN: Video] My First Type Theory (Guerrilla-Lectures)]( - [[EN: Video] Type Theory for the Working Rustacean - Dan Pittman (Rust Belt Rust Conference)]( - [[EN: Video] A Type System From Scratch - Robert Widmann (Functional Swift)]( ### [Homotopy Type Theory]( - [[EN: Text] Homotopy Type Theory (nLab)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Intro to Homotopy Type Theory (jacobneu)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Robert Harper - Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT Lectures)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] 2019 - HoTT Introduction to homotopy type theory (Andrej Bauer)]( - [[EN: Video] What is...homotopy type theory? (VisualMath)]( - [[EN: Video] Homotopy Type Theory Discussed (Computerphile)]( - [[EN: Video] Homotopy Type Theory - An Introduction to Topology, Formal Logic, and HoTT #SoME3 (Erik Hill)]( ### [Functional Programming]( - [[TH: Text] FP(00) – บทนำ, ก้าวแรกสู่โลกแห่ง Functional Programming (]( - [[TH: Text] FP(01) – Pure, First-Class, High-Order: พื้นฐานแห่ง Functional Programming (]( - [[TH: Text] FP(02): Lambda Function and Closure ฟังก์ชันทันใจและพื้นที่ปิดล้อม! (]( - [[TH: Text] FP(03): Map Filter Reduce และเพื่อนๆ พระเอกแห่งโลก Functional (]( - [[TH: Text] FP(04): โครสร้างแบบ Pair, Either และ List Comprehension การสร้างลิสต์ฉบับฟังก์ชันนอล (]( - [[TH: Text] FP(05): Lazy Evaluation ขี้เกียจไว้ก่อนแล้วดีเอง?! (]( - [[TH: Text] FP(06): Recursive Function ฟังก์ชันเวียนเกิด, เขียนลูปไม่ได้ทำยังไง? มาเขียนฟังก์ชันเรียกตัวเองแทนกันเถอะ! (]( - [[TH: Text] มารู้จักกับ Functional Programming สิ่งที่คุณต้องรู้ในตอนนี้กันเถอะ (]( - [[TH: Text] Function ทำงานยังไง?, ในมุมมองของโปรแกรมเมอร์สาย Imperative (]( - [[TH: Video Playlist] Functional Programming Meetup #1 (Creatorsgarten)]( - [[TH: Video] Functional Programming กับพี่รูฟ ODDS (Datarockie)]( - [[TH: Video] Practical guide to functional problem solving and design by Chakrit Riddghani (Creatorsgarten)]( - [[EN: Text] Functional Programming resources I’ve found useful (I'Boss Potiwarakorn)]( - [[EN: Text] Monads for Functional Programming (Philip Wadler - University of Glasgow)]( - [[EN: Text] SOLID: the next step is Functional (]( - [[EN: Video] What is a Monad? (Computerphile)]( - [[EN: Video] Okay but WTF is a MONAD?????? #SoME2 (TheSTEMGamer)]( - [[EN: Video] What the Heck Are Monads?! (ArjanCodes)]( - [[EN: Video] The Monad Problem (Antoine Leblanc)]( - [[EN: Video] What is a Monad? (Andy Balaam)]( - [[EN: Video] Understand Monads in 5 Minutes (Intuitive Devs)]( - [[EN: Video] What is a Monad? - The Last Monad Intro You'll Ever Need (JamesKool)]( - [[EN: Video] Dear Functional Bros (CodeAesthetic)]( - [[EN: Video] How Monoids are useful in Programming (Tsoding)]( - [[EN: Video] Ditch your Favorite Programming Paradigm (Code Persist)]( ## [Functional Programming Language]( ### [Haskell]( - [[TH: Text] Functional Programming ด้วย Haskell , Part 1 : Intro (Mutinan Phaohing)]( - [[TH: Text] Functional Programming ด้วย Haskell , Part 2 : Guards, Local Definition (Mutinan Phaohing)]( - [[TH: Text] Functional Programming ด้วย Haskell ; Part 3 : Pattern Matching และ Recursion (Mutinan Phaohing)]( - [[TH: Video Playlist] ปูพื้นฐาน Haskell เพื่อทำความเข้าใจ Plutus และ Marlowe | Haskell for Plutus & Marlowe (Codanar โคดาน่าร์ - คาร์ดาโน่)]( - [[TH: Video] ภาษา Haskell เบื้องต้น (Kittipong Bass)]( - [[EN: Text] Haskell Tutorial (Tutorialspoint)]( - [[EN: Text] Learning Haskell - Resources (]( - [[EN: Text] awesome-learning-haskell (tweag)]( - [[EN: Text] Haskell Notes for Professionals (]( - [[EN: Text] 15 Resources to Help you learn Haskell in 2023 (]( - [[EN: Text] School of Haskell (]( - [[EN: Text] Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! (]( - [[EN: Text] Learn Haskell (]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] [CS] Lang: Haskell (Lebranc Convas)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Functional Programming in Haskell (Graham Hutton)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Haskell for Imperative Programmers (Philipp Hagenlocher)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Haskell for Beginners (Beaufort Tek)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Functional Thinking (peppidesu)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Haskell (Stephen Edwards)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Intro to Functional Programming with Haskell Course (LigerLearn)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Logic & Foundations with Haskell (Marius Furter)]( - [[EN: Video] Haskell Tutorial (Derek Banas)]( - [[EN: Video] Haskell in 100 Seconds (Fireship)]( - [[EN: Video] Functional Programming & Haskell (Computerphile)]( ### [Clojure]( - [[TH: Text] Clojure for Curious People(1): introduction, Clojure compilation and anatomy of Clojure’s syntax (W.S.Kiang)]( - [[EN: Text] Clojure Tutorial (Tutorialspoint)]( - [[EN: Text] An opinionated list of excellent Clojure learning materials (ssrihari, Github)]( - [[EN: Text] Brave Clojure (]( - [[EN: Text] Clojure from the ground up (]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] [CS] Lang: Clojure (Lebranc Convas)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Clojure talks from Strange Loop (Strange Loop Conference)]( ### [Scala]( - [[EN: Text] Scala Tutorial (Tutorialspoint)]( - [[EN: Text] Introduction to Category Theory in Scala (]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Scala at Light Speed (Rock the JVM)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Scala Tutorial (ProgrammingKnowledge)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Scala Tutorial (Learning Journal)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Scala talks from Strange Loop (Strange Loop Conference)]( - [[EN: Video] Scala Tutorial Full Course (Telusko)]( - [[EN: Video] Scala Tutorial (Derek Banas)]( - [[EN: Video] Scala Tutorial for Beginners (ProgrammingKnowledge)]( ### [F#]( - [[EN: Text] F# Tutorial (Tutorialspoint)]( - [[EN: Text] F# for Fun and Profit (]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] F# for Beginners (dotnet)]( ### [Elixir]( - [[EN: Text] Elixir Tutorial (Tutorialspoint)]( - [[EN: Text] Elixir Learning Resource (]( - [[EN: Text] Elixir School (]( - [[EN: Text] Joy of Elixir (]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] [CS] Lang: Elixir (Lebranc Convas)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Intro to Elixir (Tensor Programming)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Elixir Basics (Elixir Mentor)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Functional Programming With Elixir (Octallium)]( - [[EN: Video] Functional Programming with Elixir - Full Course (freeCodeCamp)]( - [[EN: Video] Elixir Programming Introduction - Complete Tutorial! (Caleb Curry)]( - [[EN: Video] Elixir in 100 Seconds (Fireship)]( - [[EN: Video] Elixir & Phoenix Fundamentals Full Course For Beginners (Elixirprogrammer)]( ### [Racket]( - [[EN: Text] Racket Documentation (]( - [[EN: Text] Excellent Free Tutorials to Learn Racket (LinuxLinks)]( - [[EN: Text] Teach Yourself Racket (]( - [[EN: Text] Learn Racket in Y Minutes (Learn X in Y minutes)]( - [[EN: Text] Quick: An Introduction to Racket with Pictures (]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Functional Programming (Racket) (SoftwareEngenius)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Racket in CS60 (colleen lewis)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Racket Tutorial (Knowledge Explorer)]( - [[EN: Video] An Introduction to the Racket Programming Language (Gavin Freeborn)]( - [[EN: Video] Racket: A Programming-Language Programming Language • Robby Findler • YOW! 2015 (GOTO Conferences)]( - [[EN: Video] Racket: Why I Think It’s a Great Language, and Why I’m Not Using It Anymore (Leandro Facchinetti)]( - [[EN: Video] Eric Clack - Why learn Racket? (Racketfest)]( - [[EN: Video] Lambda World 2019 - Language-Oriented Programming with Racket - Matthias Felleisen (Lambda World)]( ### [OCaml]( - [[EN: Text] Learn OCaml (]( - [[EN: Text] OCaml Programming: Correct + Efficient + Beautiful (cs3110)]( - [[EN: Text] Learn OCaml in Y Minutes (Learn X in Y Minutes)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] OCaml Programming: Correct + Efficient + Beautiful (Michael Ryan Clarkson)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] OCAML Tutorial (Noureddin Sadawi)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] An Introduction to OCaml (Alexander Feldstein)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] OCaml Game Engine (teej_dv daily)]( - [[EN: Video] OCaml First Thoughts (ThePrimeTime)]( - [[EN: Video] Learning OCAML Part 1 (TheVimegen)]( - [[EN: Video] Intro to OCaml + Functional Programming (Gabbie)]( - [[EN: Video] OCaml Tutorial - Learn how to use the OCaml Programming Language (Fullstack Academy)]( - [[EN: Video] Why OCaml (Jane Street)]( - [[EN: Video] [Programming Languages] Episode 8 - First Impression - ocaml (Mike Shah)]( - [[EN: Video] Elegance in OCaml with TJ DeVries | Backend Banter 001 (Backend Banter)]( - [[EN: Video] [OCaML'23] State of the OCaml Platform 2023 (ACM SIGPLAN)]( ### [Javascript]( / [Typescript]( - [[EN: Text] Typescript Handbook (]( - [[EN: Text] Javascript Notes for Professionals (]( - [[EN: Text] Typescript Notes for Professionals (]( - [[EN: Course] Professor Frisby Introduces Composable Functional JavaScript (]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Functional Programming with Typescript (Web Village Voyage)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] fp-ts Tutorial (Functional Programming in TypeScript) (MrFunctor)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Functional Programming with Typescript (theJavaScriptCoder)]( - [[EN: Video] Object Oriented vs Functional Programming with TypeScript (Fireship)]( - [[EN: Video] Learn Functional Programming With Javascript | FREE COURSE]( ## Additional or Interesting Topics ### [Set Theory]( - [[EN: Video] Axiom of Set Theory - Lec 02 - Frederic Schuller (Frederic Schuller)]( - [[EN: Video] Classification of Sets - Lec 03 - Frederic Schuller (Frederic Schuller)]( - [[EN: Video] The unsolvable problem that launched a revolution in Set Theory (Aleph 0)]( ### [Propositional Logic (Zeroth-Order Logic)]( - [[EN: Video] Introduction/Logic of Propositions and Predicates - 01 - Frederic Schuller (Frederic Schuller)]( ### [Predicate Logic (First-Order Logic)]( - [[EN: Text] First-Order Logic in Artificial Intelligence (JavatPoint)]( ### [Higher-Order Logic]( ### [Homological Algebra]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Homological Algebra (Undergraduate Mathematics)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Modules and Homological Algebra (Uppsala Algebra)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Homological Algebra (Harpreet Bedi)]( - [[EN: Video Playlist] Introduction to Homological Algebra (Richard E Borcherds)]( ### [Homotopy Theory](
I'm learning a Functional Programming by learning its pure math concepts and apply it on functional language like Haskell, Clojure, Elixir, etc.
In this project, let's build a **Notes App** by applying the concepts we have learned till now. ### Refer to the image below: <br/> <div style="text-align: center;"> <img src="" alt="notes app output" style="max-width:70%;box-shadow:0 2.8px 2.2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)"> </div> <br/> ### Design Files <details> <summary>Click to view</summary> - [Extra Small (Size < 576px) and Small (Size >= 576px)]( - [Medium (Size >= 768px), Large (Size >= 992px) and Extra Large (Size >= 1200px) - Empty Notes View]( - [Medium (Size >= 768px), Large (Size >= 992px) and Extra Large (Size >= 1200px) - Notes View]( </details> ### Set Up Instructions <details> <summary>Click to view</summary> - Download dependencies by running `npm install` - Start up the app using `npm start` </details> ### Completion Instructions <details> <summary>Functionality to be added</summary> <br/> The app must have the following functionalities - Initially, the title and note inputs should be empty and [Empty Notes View]( should be displayed - When non-empty values are provided for the title and notes and the **Add** button is clicked, - A new note item should be added to the list of notes with provided details </details> <details> <summary>Components Structure</summary> <br/> <div style="text-align: center;"> <img src="" alt="notes app component structure breakdown" style="max-width:100%;box-shadow:0 2.8px 2.2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)"> </div> <br/> </details> <details> <summary>Implementation Files</summary> <br/> Use these files to complete the implementation: - `src/components/Notes/index.js` - `src/components/Notes/styledComponents.js` - `src/components/NoteItem/index.js` - `src/components/NoteItem/styledComponents.js` </details> ### Important Note <details> <summary>Click to view</summary> <br/> **The following instructions are required for the tests to pass** - **Styled Components** should be used for styling purposes - HTML input element for the title should have the placeholder as **Title** - HTML textarea element for notes should have the placeholder as **Take a Note...** - **Bree Serif** should be applied as `font-family` for **Notes** heading </details> ### Resources <details> <summary>Image URLs</summary> - []( alt should be **notes empty** </details> <details> <summary>Colors</summary> <br/> <div style="background-color: #4c63b6; width: 150px; padding: 10px; color: white">Hex: #4c63b6</div> <div style="background-color: #475569; width: 150px; padding: 10px; color: white">Hex: #475569</div> <div style="background-color: #1e293b; width: 150px; padding: 10px; color: white">Hex: #1e293b</div> <div style="background-color: #ffffff; width: 150px; padding: 10px; color: black">Hex: #ffffff</div> <div style="background-color: #334155; width: 150px; padding: 10px; color: white">Hex: #334155</div> <div style="background-color: #d8d8d8; width: 150px; padding: 10px; color: black">Hex: #d8d8d8</div> <div style="background-color: #aab8c8; width: 150px; padding: 10px; color: black">Hex: #aab8c8</div> <div style="background-color: #cbd5e1; width: 150px; padding: 10px; color: black">Hex: #cbd5e1</div> <br/> </details> <details> <summary>Font-families</summary> - Roboto - Bree Serif </details> > ### _Things to Keep in Mind_ > > - All components you implement should go in the `src/components` directory. > - Don't change the component folder names as those are the files being imported into the tests. > - **Do not remove the pre-filled code** > - Want to quickly review some of the concepts you’ve been learning? Take a look at the Cheat Sheets.
In this project, let's build a Notes App by applying the concepts React Hooks....
# Lights On! 2 A sequel to my game with a different idea. ## Project setup ``` yarn ``` ### Compiles and hot-reloads for development ``` yarn dev ``` ### Compiles and minifies for production ``` yarn build ``` ### Update assets ``` ./ ``` ### Update audio ``` ./ ``` <p align="center"> <img src="" style="display: inline-block;"><a href="" style="text-decoration: none;"><img src="" alt="Leonhard Tissen on X/Twitter" style="display: inline-block;"/></a><a href="" style="text-decoration: none;"><img src="" alt="Leonhard Tissen on YouTube" style="display: inline-block;"/></a><a href="" style="text-decoration: none;"><img src="" alt="Leonhard Tissen on LinkedIn" style="display: inline-block;"/></a><a href="" style="text-decoration: none;"><img src="" alt="Leonhard Tissen on GitHub" style="display: inline-block;"/></a><a href="" style="text-decoration: none;"><img src="" alt="Leonhard Tissen on GitLab" style="display: inline-block;"/></a><img src=""> </p>
💡 A sequel to my game Lights on! Light up the entire room to win.
This is a [Next.js]( project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`]( ## Getting Started First, run the development server: ```bash npm run dev # or yarn dev # or pnpm dev # or bun dev ``` Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying `app/page.tsx`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. This project uses [`next/font`]( to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font. ## Learn More To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources: - [Next.js Documentation]( - learn about Next.js features and API. - [Learn Next.js]( - an interactive Next.js tutorial. You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository]( - your feedback and contributions are welcome! ## Deploy on Vercel The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform]( from the creators of Next.js. Check out our [Next.js deployment documentation]( for more details.
Frames x Airstack Live Demo for Huddle01 AMA Series
# mavra This project is a sample of chat application with WebSocket in .NET 8. ## Whats Including ### Server * ASP.NET Core WEB Application in .NET 8 * **WebSocket server** implementation * Real-time broadcasting, receive/send messaging, and system events notification ### Client * Template designed with **Html**, **CSS**, and **JavaScript** * Used **Bootstrap** as front-end framework * **WebSocket client** implementation ![mavra](
This project is a sample of chat application with WebSocket in .NET 8.
# Znak A minimal, self-hosted markdown editor in the browser. It also has support for $\LaTeX$ and syntax highlighting for code blocks. ## Usage 1. Clone the repository. ```sh git clone cd znak ``` 2. Start the server. ```sh bunx serve src/ ``` 3. Write your content. You'll see a preview on the right side. You can then press ⌘+S to download the markdown file. **Reloading the page will clear the content, so ensure that you've saved it first**.
A minimal, self-hosted markdown editor in the browser
![ResumeGEN]( # ResumeGEN This is a Django project for creating and managing resumes. Users can sign up, fill in their details, and generate a professional resume in PDF format. ## Setup Instructions 1. Clone the repository: ```bash ``` 2. Install dependencies: ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 3. Apply database migrations: ```bash python makemigrations python migrate ``` 4. Create a superuser (admin): ```bash python createsuperuser ``` 5. Run the development server: ```bash python runserver ``` ## Project Structure - The `app` directory contains the main Django application for managing resumes. - Templates are stored in the `templates` directory for rendering HTML pages. - Static files (CSS, JavaScript) are stored in the `static` directory. ## Configuration - Configure your email settings in `` to enable email functionality for user password reset. Replace `'YOUR_EMAIL_HERE'` with your actual email address and `'YOUR_APP_PASSWORD_HERE'` with an `App Password` (if using Gmail): ```bash EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend' EMAIL_HOST = '' EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'YOUR_EMAIL_HERE' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'YOUR_APP_PASSWORD_HERE' EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_USE_TLS = True ``` - **Note :** To create an App Password in Gmail, follow these steps: - Go to your Google Account settings. - Enable 2FA Authentication in your Google Account.** - Search for App Passwords in your Google Account settings. - Enter a name that helps you remember where you’ll use the app password. - Select Create. - To enter the app password, follow the instructions on your screen. The app password is the 16-character code that generates on your device. - Select Done. - Set up authentication backends and social authentication (e.g., GitHub) in ``. Replace `'YOUR_GITHUB_AUTH_KEY_HERE'` and `'YOUR_GITHUB_AUTH_SECRET_HERE'` with your GitHub OAuth App's credentials: ```bash SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_KEY = 'YOUR_GITHUB_AUTH_KEY_HERE' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET = 'YOUR_GITHUB_AUTH_SECRET_HERE' ``` - Run these commands again: ```bash python makemigrations python migrate ``` - Customize other settings such as `DEBUG`, `ALLOWED_HOSTS`, etc., as per your requirements. ## Features - User Authentication - Log In / Sign Up With GitHub - Responsive Design - Forgot Password Feature - User Profile Update Feature ## Tech Stack **Front-End :** HTML, CSS, JavaScript **Back-End :** Django ## Deployment - For deployment, ensure to set `DEBUG = False` in your `` and configure a production-ready database (e.g., PostgreSQL). - Use a service like Heroku, AWS, DigitalOcean, or Vercel to deploy your Django application. ## Contributing Contributions are always welcome! Feel free to open an issue, fork the repository, and submit a pull request. ## Screenshots ### Desktop View ![App Screenshot]( ![App Screenshot]( ![App Screenshot]( ![App Screenshot]( ![App Screenshot]( ![App Screenshot](
A Django app for creating resumes. Users can sign up, fill in their details, and generate professional resumes in PDF format.
# MegDB-light: A Robust TypeScript Database Module 🚀 MegDB-light is a robust, lightweight database module crafted in TypeScript. It offers a user-friendly and extensible API for seamless data manipulation, enabling you to execute common operations such as set, get, delete, and more with ease. The module's design is flexible, accommodating different data storage drivers. ## Key Features - **Super Lightweight:** MegDB-light is incredibly lightweight, ensuring your applications remain efficient and high-performing. 🚀 - **Type-Safe Operations:** MegDB-light exploits TypeScript’s type system to ensure type safety across your database interactions, enhancing reliability and robustness. 🛡️ - **Extensibility:** MegDB-light is easily extendable. You can implement custom data storage drivers, making the module compatible with a variety of storage solutions. 📚 ## Installation You can incorporate MegDB-light into your TypeScript project by installing it via npm: ```bash npm install meg.db-light ``` ## How to Use ### MegDB Class The `Megdb` class offers a high-level API for data interaction. ```typescript import { Megdb, JSONDriver } from 'meg.db-light'; // Define a type for the data interface User { name: string; age: number; hobbies: string[]; }; interface format { "john": User; }; // Create a new JSONDriver instance const jsonDriver = new JSONDriver<format>('users.json'); // Create a new Megdb instance with the JSONDriver instance const megDB = new Megdb<format>(jsonDriver); // Use the MegDB instance async function main() { // Set a value await megDB.set('john', { name: 'John Doe', age: 30, hobbies: ['reading', 'coding'] }); // Get a value const john = await megDB.get(''); console.log(; // Outputs: John Doe // Update a value await megDB.add('john.age', 1); // Get the updated value const updatedJohn = await megDB.get('john.age'); console.log(updatedJohn); // Outputs: 31 // Push a value into an array await megDB.push('john.hobbies', "gaming"); // Get the updated array const updatedHobbies = await megDB.get('john.hobbies'); console.log(updatedHobbies); // Outputs: ['reading', 'coding', 'gaming'] // Pull a value from an array await megDB.filter('john', hobby => hobby !== 'coding'); // Get the updated array const finalHobbies = await megDB.get('john.hobbies'); console.log(finalHobbies); // Outputs: ['reading', 'gaming'] // Delete a value await megDB.delete('john.age'); // Try to get the deleted value const deletedValue = await megDB.get('john.age'); console.log(deletedValue); // Outputs: undefined // Get all data const allData = await megDB.all(); console.log(allData); // Outputs: { john: { name: 'John Doe', hobbies: ['reading', 'gaming'] } } } main(); ``` ### Custom Driver You can create your custom driver by extending the `BaseDriver` class and implementing the `loadData` and `saveData` methods. ```typescript import { BaseDriver } from 'meg.db-light'; export class CustomDriver<T> extends BaseDriver<T> { constructor(filePath: string) { super(filePath); } public async loadData(): Promise<T> { // Implement loading data from your custom storage } public async saveData(data: T): Promise<void> { // Implement saving data to your custom storage } } ``` ## Examples ### JSONDriver A built-in driver for storing data in a JSON file. ```typescript import { Megdb } from 'meg.db-light'; import { JSONDriver } from 'megdb/drivers/JSONDriver'; // Define a type for the data interface User { name: string; age: number; hobbies: string[]; }; interface format { "john": User; }; // Create a new JSONDriver instance const jsonDriver = new JSONDriver<format>('users.json'); // Create a new Megdb instance with the JSONDriver instance const megDB = new Megdb<format>(jsonDriver); // Utilize the MegDB instance async function main() { // Operations with MegDB... } main(); ``` ## License This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.
MegDB-light, A lightweight TypeScript database module providing a type-safe API for efficient data storage and retrieval. Easily extendable with custom drivers, including a built-in JSONDriver.
*All source code is coming soon* ......... # Giscake - Lightweight Web Map Library **Giscake** is a cutting-edge open-source JavaScript library designed for creating dynamic web maps effortlessly. Crafted with simplicity and efficiency in mind, it offers a seamless experience for developers and users alike. Authored by Chengyong Chen, a talented developer residing in Canada, Giscake aims to set a new standard in web mapping platforms. *Key Principles: Minimalistic Approach: Giscake prioritizes concise code over excessive comments, ensuring that the code speaks for itself. Simplified Logic: Streamlined event handling between components enhances code comprehension, making Giscake's logic easy to grasp. Efficiency in Code: Embracing a 'one-liner' philosophy, Giscake optimizes code structure, favoring succinctness without compromising clarity, except in conditional statements where simplicity reigns supreme. *Unique Features: Distinguished from its counterparts like Leaflet, Giscake shines in its adept handling of vector data, especially suited for large datasets and sophisticated styling. Noteworthy features include: Single Page Vector Maps: Giscake efficiently loads compact vector maps or divides larger maps into manageable tiles, ensuring swift rendering. Protocol Buffer Binary (PBF) Format: Leveraging PBF format for vector data minimizes file size, facilitating faster loading times. Advanced GIS Capabilities: Beyond basic basemap functionality, Giscake empowers users to create diverse thematic map series, dynamically display and load geometry-related information, and seamlessly integrate graphical files such as PDFs. *Capabilities: Giscake's versatility extends to various map configurations and overlays, including: - Standard Web Maps: Mimicking popular platforms like Google, OpenLayer, Bing, and more. coming soon - Single-page vector map <img src="" width="500px" height="400px"> - Tiled vector map <a href='' target="_blank"> <img src="" width="500px"> </a> - Tiled Image Maps <a href='' target="_blank"> <img src="" width="500px"> </a> - Integration with Third-Party Maps: Overlay vector maps onto existing web maps for enhanced context and functionality. coming soon - Thematic Mapping: <a href='' target="_blank"> <img src="" width="500px"> </a> - Timeline-based visualizations offer insights and interactivity <a href='' target="_blank"> <img src="" width="500px"> </a> ## Diwatu Mapper Integration: Complementing Giscake's capabilities is Diwatu Mapper, a robust desktop application for GIS and map design. Users can seamlessly transfer designs from Diwatu Mapper to Giscake, leveraging its extensive format support and intuitive interface. Visit to explore a wealth of maps and design possibilities. It is another free software, written in c++ by myself. ## Community Engagement: Active maintenance and support underscore Giscake's commitment to excellence. Users are encouraged to report bugs or suggest features through GitHub or by contacting me directly via email at Stay updated on the latest developments and insights by following me on <a class="libutton" href="" target="_blank">LinkedIn</a>. ## Conclusion: Giscake stands as a leading-edge JavaScript library, empowering developers and users to craft immersive, mobile-friendly interactive maps with ease. Explore the endless possibilities and unleash your creativity with Giscake and Diwatu Mapper. Discover more at []( and embark on a journey of unparalleled mapping experiences.
An interactive web map framework in moduled javascript ES6
All the implementations of JS are done in <script> used under <body> tag & all the implementations of CSS is done in <link> tag under <head> tag. Internal JS and CSS is used in these implimentations using <script> and <link> tag respectively.
ASK Media group DAN TV
<h1 align="center"> Projeto Grand Theft Auto V</h1> <p align="center"> </p> <br> <a href="" target="_blank">🔗 [clique aqui para acessar ao projeto]</a> <br> ## Tecnologias Esse projeto foi desenvolvido com as seguintes tecnologias: - HTML e CSS - JavaScript ## 💻 Projeto Esse projeto foi feito somente para ilustrar minhas habilidades com a progamação web. --- Feito por Thiago Menezes.
Projeto ilustrativo.
# total-npm-downloads Track the total package downloads of any NPM package from its launch date to today's date. <code><img height="30" src=""></code> <code><img height="30" src=""></code> # Installation ```shell npm i total-npm-downloads ``` # Usage ### Replace the `package-name-to-check` to the NPM package name, you want know total downloads of. ```js import getStats from 'total-npm-downloads'; async function getTotalDownloads(packageName) { try { const data = await getStats(packageName); console.log(`Total downloads of "${packageName}" package:`, data.downloads); } catch (error) { console.log('Error:', error); } } const packageName = 'package-name-to-check'; getTotalDownloads(packageName); ``` ### Example usage: ```js import getStats from 'total-npm-downloads'; async function getTotalDownloads(packageName) { try { const data = await getStats(packageName); console.log(`Total downloads of "${packageName}" package:`, data.downloads); } catch (error) { console.log('Error:', error); } } const packageName = 'uuid'; getTotalDownloads(packageName); console.log(getTotalDownloads(packageName)); ```
An NPM Package to track the total package downloads of any NPM package from its launch date to today's date.
This is a [Next.js]( project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`]( ## Getting Started First, run the development server: ```bash npm run dev # or yarn dev ``` Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying `pages/index.js`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. [API routes]( can be accessed on [http://localhost:3000/api/hello](http://localhost:3000/api/hello). This endpoint can be edited in `pages/api/hello.js`. The `pages/api` directory is mapped to `/api/*`. Files in this directory are treated as [API routes]( instead of React pages. ## Learn More To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources: - [Next.js Documentation]( - learn about Next.js features and API. - [Learn Next.js]( - an interactive Next.js tutorial. You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository]( - your feedback and contributions are welcome! ## Deploy on Vercel The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform]( from the creators of Next.js. Check out our [Next.js deployment documentation]( for more details.
This is repository for a safe, boring NFT vault. Clients can pay to store their NFT’s for the next year.
# Check Point - Harmony Endpoint Management JS-TS SDK [![License](]( [![Latest Release](]( [![npm version](]( <!-- Coming soon :) [![npm downloads](]( [![GitHub stars](]( --> [![Build SDK Package](]( [![Publish Package to npmjs](]( This is the Harmony Endpoint management SDK for JavaScript ecosystem. The SDK is based on the public [Harmony Endpoint management OpenAPI]( specifications. The SDK fully supports TypeScript interfaces in parameters and responses. With the SDK, you do not have to manage log in, send keep alive requests, worry about session expiration or pull long processing jobs. > 💡 The Harmony Endpoint SDK supports simultaneous instances with different tenants. --- 🚧🚧🚧 **Note that the SDK package is in Early Availability (EA). Use with caution, as it may undergo changes and improvements. Feedback and contributions are highly encouraged.** To report a bug, please go to [Report Bug](#-report-bug) For feedback, please get in touch with us at [Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.]( 🚧🚧🚧 --- ## ⬇️ SDK installation To start using this SDK, add the SDK package to your project Via yarn ``` yarn add @chkp/harmony-endpoint-management-sdk ``` Or using good old npm ``` npm install @chkp/harmony-endpoint-management-sdk ``` ## 🚀 Getting started First, import the `HarmonyEndpoint` object from the package. ```typescript import { HarmonyEndpoint } from "@chkp/harmony-endpoint-management-sdk"; ``` Then, create a new instance of `HarmonyEndpoint`, which provides CloudInfra API credentials and a gateway to connect to. To obtain CloudInfra credentials, open the Infinity Portal and create a suitable API Key. Make sure to select `Endpoint` in the `Service` field. For more information, see [Infinity Portal Administration Guide]( Once the Client ID, Secret Key, and Authentication URL are obtained, Harmony Endpoint SDK can be used. All API operations can be explored with the `HarmonyEndpoint` instance. All API's can be also explored in [SwaggerHub]( A complete example: ```typescript import { HarmonyEndpoint, HarmonyResponse, EndpointInterfaces } from "@chkp/harmony-endpoint-management-sdk"; // Create a new instance of HarmonyEndpoint (we do support multiple instances in parallel) const he: HarmonyEndpoint = new HarmonyEndpoint(); // Connect to management using CloudInfra API credentials await he.connect({ clientId: "place here the CI client-id", // The "Client ID" accessKey: "place here the CI access-key", // The "Secret Key" gateway: "", // The "Authentication URL" }); // Query the API operation const rulesMetadataRes: HarmonyResponse<Array<EndpointInterfaces.RuleMetadata>> = await he.PolicyGeneralApi.getAllRulesMetadata(EndpointInterfaces.RunAsJob.Off); console.log(rulesMetadataRes.payload); // Your rulebase metadata // Also you can query this operation using a job, no extra logic is required, in the background, it will trigger a job and will pull the status till it is finished and return the final results. const rulesMetadataJobRes: HarmonyResponse<Array<EndpointInterfaces.RuleMetadata>> = await he.PolicyGeneralApi.getAllRulesMetadata(EndpointInterfaces.RunAsJob.On); console.log(rulesMetadataJobRes.isJob); // true console.log(rulesMetadataJobRes.payload); // Your rulebase metadata, same as in non-job operation // After you finish, disconnect to stop all background session management. await he.disconnect(); ``` ### 🏠 On-premise 🛠️🛠️🛠️ **Under Development** 🛠️🛠️🛠️ Harmony Endpoint On-premise instances are also supported. > Pay attention! Not all cloud operations are available for on-premise, also need to specify the SDK version to comply with your Gaia / JHF version ```typescript import { EndpointPremiseInterfaces, HarmonyEndpointPremise } from "@chkp/harmony-endpoint-management-sdk"; // Create a new instance of HarmonyEndpoint (we do support multiple instances in parallel) const hbp = new HarmonyEndpointPremise(); // Connect to management using CheckPoint Management credentials await hbp.connect({ username: 'xxxx', password: 'xxxx', url: 'https://x.x.x.x', disableTLSChainValidation: false, // Set it true only if you fully trust this URL (e.g. case of internal but not verified https certificate) }); // Query the API operation const rulesMetadataRes: HarmonyResponse<Array<EndpointPremiseInterfaces.RuleMetadata>> = await hbp.PolicyGeneralApi.getAllRulesMetadata(EndpointPremiseInterfaces.RunAsJob.Off); console.log(rulesMetadataRes.payload); // Your rulebase metadata ``` On-Premises API can be explored in [SwaggerHub]( ### ☁️ Cloud & MSSP services APIs Harmony Endpoint also provides APIs for MSSP and Cloud service management (relevant to SaaS customers only) The usage is similar to the management API ```typescript import { HarmonyEndpointSaaS, EndpointSaaSInterfaces } from "@chkp/harmony-endpoint-management-sdk"; // Create a new instance of HarmonyEndpointSaaS (we do support multiple instances in parallel) const heSaas: HarmonyEndpointSaaS = new HarmonyEndpointSaaS(); // Connect to service using CloudInfra API credentials await heSaas.connect({ clientId: "place here your CI client-id", // The "Client ID" accessKey: "place here your CI access-key", // The "Secret Key" gateway: '', // The "Authentication URL" }, { activateMssPSession: false, // Activate MSSP's session management, turn on if you're using MSSP APIs }); // Query the cloud API operation const instanceStatusRes: HarmonyResponse<EndpointSaaSInterfaces.PublicMachineStatusResponse> = await heSaas.SelfServiceApi.publicMachinesSingleStatus(); console.log(instanceStatusRes.payload); // Your instance status // After you finish, disconnect to stop all background session management. await heSaas.disconnect(); ``` API available at [SwaggerHub]( ## 📦 Versioning While using cloud services, it's recommended to constantly update to the latest published SDK version. For on-premises, it's recommended to align the versions of the SDK and the Harmony Endpoint Management service. You can view the matching SDK's pulling command from the Harmony Endpoint Web Management Portal - `Settings` > `Developer Tools`. The command will be similar to: ``` yarn add @chkp/harmony-endpoint-management-sdk@1.0.11-JHF-R81_20_JHF_DEV_T154 ``` ## 🔍 Troubleshooting and logging The full version and build info of the SDK is available by `` see example: ```typescript import { HarmonyEndpoint, HarmonyEndpointSDKInfo } from "@chkp/harmony-endpoint-management-sdk"; const sdkInfo: HarmonyEndpointSDKInfo =; console.log(sdkInfo): // { sdkBuild: '9728283', spec: 'web-mgmt-external-api-production', specVersion: '1.9.159', releasedOn: '2023-09-10T18:14:38.264Z', sdkVersion: '1.0.2' } ``` Harmony Endpoint Management SDK uses [debug]( package for logging, which makes it very easy to enable and disable logs There are 3 loggers, for general info, errors and to inspect the network. To enable all, set (or append) to the `DEBUG` environment variable the following string: ```bash DEBUG="harmony-endpoint-management:*" ``` For a specific logger as follows: ```bash DEBUG="harmony-endpoint-management:info" DEBUG="harmony-endpoint-management:error" DEBUG="harmony-endpoint-management:network" ``` ## 🐞 Report Bug In case of an issue or a bug found in the SDK, please open an [issue]( or report to us [Check Point Software Technologies Ltd]( ## 🤝 Contributors - Haim Kastner - [chkp-haimk]( - Yuval Pomerchik - [chkp-yuvalpo]( - Oren Efraim - [chkp-orenef](
Check Point's Harmony Endpoint management SDK for JavaScript ecosystem
# Organization website ### Made By [***Tonmoy Islam***]( This is a Organization website Project Made with Laravel, tailwind css, Bootstrap, JQuery, DataTables,image intervention, Facebook api, google api. I put it up just to show off my skills, but if you're here it means I may have posted it somewhere online and you're here to steal it or look at it as a reference, but that's okay. > it looks decent enough and functionalities are also working... (obviously there will be some bugs) ## What can you do in this website - Admin can handle full website content dynamically like wordpress system, and Site settings - User can surf properties, handle their profile, Change Password & Save and properties if logged in ## Dependencies - [Composer v2.2.3^]( - [Laravel v8.1.1x]( - [Tailwindcss v3.4.1]( - [Bootstap v5.1.3]( - [Bootstrap v5.1 Examples]( (Used Some of these as boiler plate) - [Font Awesome]( - [JQuery v3.6.0]( - [DataTables v1.11.4]( with [DataTables v1.11.4 Bootstap 5]( - [Carousal]( - [CKEditor v4]( - And Familiarity with Laravel, Can't remember anything else... ## What needs to be installed... - [Composer v2.2.3^]( - [Git]( - [Laravel v8.x]( - [Wamp]( (I used Wamp you can use Similar ones) - Can't remember anything else... ## Steps to Install ### Clone The GitHub Repo first 1. Open Cmd in folder you want to install project in... 2. Type below Command and hit enter... ```bash git clone ``` 4. Then cd into folder using below Command ```bash cd ``` > Note from here On, You can also use Terminal from VS Code or Your IDE... ### Install All Composer Dependencies 1. Use below command to install all dependencies then wait till all process is complete... ```bash composer install ``` ### Create a .env file 1. Duplicate *.env.example* as *.env* file 2. Fill information of your DB **username** and **password** & other info if needed... ### Create DataBase 1. Create DataBase by PhpMyadmin (provided by [Wamp]( or Any Other DB you use... > Note DataBase name should be same as typed in *.env* file ### DataBase Structure > I recommend to import DB structure Using `php artisan` method but you can use *.sql* file to import if you want. 1. Use below Command and wait till all migrations complete... ```bash php artisan migrate ``` 2. Use below Command to Link Storage to Public folder ```bash php artisan storage:link ``` ### Serve Project 1. Use below Command ( [Wamp]( Should be Runnig ) to run project... ```bash php artisan serve ``` > if some *key* related error appears then use command `php artisan key:generate` to generate AppKey. ## Update Admin Go to the Link that `php artisan serve` command gives you and Hopefully it should be working, I hope you are capable of any troubleshooting if any error occurs. Admin site: `your_site_link/admin/` - Admin username ```bash admin ``` - Admin Password ```bash 12345678 ``` Update CMS and Site Settings inside Admin Panel (/admin/dashboard) Once (empty or filled doesn't matter), and then goto frontend > when project loads for first time db won't have values of CMS and Site setting, by updating those fields will be created, so frontend wouldn't show errors after that... I am writing this documentaion while this project is still in making, because I was bored... I will add more soon, If my mind says, lol... If You are still reading, then Thanks and Welcome... Hope My project helps you any ways... Have a nice day
This is a Organization website Project Made with Laravel, tailwind css, Bootstrap, JQuery, DataTables,image intervention, Facebook api, google api. I put it up just to show off my skills, but if you're here it means I may have posted it somewhere online and you're here to steal it or look at it as a reference, but that's okay.
<h2 align="center">Decodificador de Texto 🔍🔤</h2> <p align="center"> Desenvolvido durante Janeiro/Fevereiro de 2024 como desafio proposto pelo ONE (Oracle Next Education) em parceria com a Alura 🚀⚡. <br/> </p> - [Overview](#overview) - [Sobre o projeto](#sobre) - [Screenshots](#screenshots) - [Links](#links) - [My process](#my-process) - [Desenvolvido com](#tecnologias) - [Continuar o desenvolvimento](#continuar-o-desenvolvimento) - [Recursos úteis](#recursos-úteis) - [Author](#autor) </br> ## Overview ### Sobre Se trata de uma aplicação que criptografa e descriptografa textos, assim você poderá trocar mensagens secretas com outras pessoas que saibam o segredo da criptografia utilizada. As "chaves" de criptografia utilizadas são: - `A letra "e" é convertida para "enter"` - `A letra "i" é convertida para "imes"` - `A letra "a" é convertida para "ai"` - `A letra "o" é convertida para "ober"` - `A letra "u" é convertida para "ufat"` **Requisitos:** - Deve funcionar apenas com letras minúsculas - Não devem ser utilizados letras com acentos nem caracteres especiais - Deve ser possível converter uma palavra para a versão criptografada e também retornar uma palavra criptografada para a versão original. Por exemplo: `"gato" => "gaitober"`; `"gaitober" => "gato"` - A página deve ter campos para inserção do texto a ser criptografado ou descriptografado, e a pessoa usuária deve poder escolher entre as duas opções - O resultado deve ser exibido na tela. **Extras:** - Um botão que copie o texto criptografado/descriptografado para a área de transferência - ou seja, que tenha a mesma funcionalidade do `ctrl+C` ou da opção "copiar" do menu dos aplicativos. ### Screenshots <p align="center"> <img alt="Tela 1" src="./public/screenshots/screen1.jpg" width="100%"> </p> <p align="center"> <img alt="Tela 1" src="./public/screenshots/screen2.jpg" width="100%"> </p> <p align="center"> <img alt="Tela 1" src="./public/screenshots/screen3.jpg" width="100%"> </p> ### Links - [Acesse o projeto finalizado, online ☁️]( - [Figma do projeto]( </br> ## My process ### Tecnologias ### ⚙️👨‍💻 Esse projeto foi desenvolvido com as seguintes tecnologias: - **HTML5/CSS3:** Estruturação/Estilização - **JavaScript:** Funcionalidades do app - **Figma:** Design - **Trello:** Gerenciamento de Sprints - **Git/Github:** Versionamento de código ### Continuar o desenvolvimento No geral em termos das principais funcionalidades está tudo ok, porém há a necessidade de refatoração do código para deixar mais enxuto, e adicionar mais estilização para acessibilidade de outros dispositivos. Além disso, pretendo adicionar outras Toast Notifcations para quando o usuário criptografar, descriptografar ou copiar ele possa receber um aviso de sucesso para cada ação. ### Recursos úteis - [How To Create A Toast Notification in Javascript]( - Aprenda a criar um toast com JavaScript e CSS. - [How to Code an Animated Toast Notification with JavaScript]( - Adicionar notificações fáceis de usar é crucial para criar uma experiência de usuário agradável para muitos sites e aplicativos. Um tipo popular de notificação é a notificação de “toast” – uma pequena mensagem pop-up que aparece na tela para informar os usuários sobre um evento ou ação. - [Concrete JavaScript regular expression for accented characters (diacritics)]( - Um tópico no stackoverflow explicando sobre Regex. - [JavaScript String replace()]( - Aqui há uma explicação prática da função replace() do JavaScript. </br> ## Autor *João Alison TI 👨🏽‍💻* --- <strong>2024</strong>
Code Challenge proposta pela Alura: Desenvolver um text decoder (Decodificador de texto)
# Learning React This repository contains my first React application where I have implemented the following topics: - Class Component - Function Component - Hooks - State - useState - useEffect - API Calls - Bootstrap Integration - Theme Integration ## Getting Started with Create React App This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App]( ## Demo You can check out the live demo of the application at the following link: [DEMO LINK]( ## Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: ### `npm start` Runs the app in the development mode. Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to view it in your browser. The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console. ### `npm run build` Builds the app for production to the `build` folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. Your app is ready to be deployed! See the section about [deployment]( for more information.
This is Repository represent my React Leaning
## 👨‍💻 项目作者: <div align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="./assets/images/avatar.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="Akita" style="border-radius: 50%;"> </a> </div> # <div align="center">Hello, I'm Akita!</div> ## <div align="center">A tech enthusiast and a passionate programmer</div> ## 💻 项目介绍: > AkitaPlanet是一款极具创新性和前瞻性的全栈应用,旨在为用户提供无与伦比的在线体验。这个项目集成了最新、最先进的前端和后端技术,结合了强大的云服务和安全验证机制,为用户打造了一个安全、稳定、高效的全方位服务平台。 ### 前端技术栈: 在前端方面,我采用了 📦 pnpm 作为包管理工具,借助 📘 TypeScript 构建了可靠的前端应用。我选择了 ⚡ Vue3 作为前端框架,结合 🛠️ VueUse 和 Vue Composition API,实现了高效的组件开发和数据管理。为了更好地管理样式和提高页面加载速度,我引入了 🎨 Unocss 来实现原子化 CSS,使得样式的维护和调整变得更加便捷。Pinia 提供了可靠的状态管理,Vue Router 则负责实现页面导航,而 🚀 Axios 负责处理前后端的数据交互。为了打造出色的用户界面,我选择了 🎨 Naive UI 作为组件库,提供了丰富、美观的UI组件,让用户体验更加流畅和愉悦。 ### 后端技术栈: AkitaPlanet 这个项目采用了最先进的技术栈,旨在为用户提供卓越的博客阅读体验。借助 🚀 Golang 这门高性能的编程语言,我打造了一个高效、可靠的后端服务。 在项目中,我充分利用了 📦 Gin 框架和 GORM ORM 框架的强大功能,结合 🐳 Docker 容器化技术,实现了业务逻辑的模块化和快速部署。使用 🚀 Viper 框架,我可以灵活地管理项目配置,随时调整系统参数,确保系统运行的高度灵活性和可配置性。 为了保障系统的安全性和权限管理,我引入了 🔒 Casbin 权限管理框架,有效地控制了用户的访问权限。同时,利用 📝 Zap 日志库,我实现了对系统运行情况的实时监控和记录,为系统的稳定运行提供了可靠的保障。 作为后端数据存储和缓存的关键组件,我选择了 🗃️ MySQL 和 🔄 Redis 数据库。MySQL 提供了数据持久化存储的支持,而 Redis 则用于缓存系统的热点数据,进一步提升了系统的访问速度和响应性能。 最后,为了优化前端资源的访问和加速网站加载速度,我利用 🚀 Nginx 服务器部署了静态资源,并实现了反向代理,极大地提升了用户的访问体验。 ### 其他技术和服务: 除了前后端技术栈,我还集成了 🛡️ 腾讯云人机验证、📦 七牛云对象存储 和 📧 腾讯邮箱 等服务,为用户提供更全面的功能和更好的用户体验。通过这些技术和服务的整合,我将开发出一个高度现代化、安全可靠的全栈应用,为用户带来前所未有的在线体验和服务。 <p align="center"> <a target="_blank" href="#"> <img src="" alt="Go version"> <img src="" alt="Gin version"> <img src="" alt="Casbin version"> <img src="" alt="MySQL version"> <img src="" alt="GORM version"> <img src="" alt="Redis version"> <br> <img src="" alt="Vue version"> <img src="" alt="TypeScript version"> <img src="" alt="VueUse version"> <img src="" alt="Unocss version"> <img src="" alt="Pinia version"> <img src="" alt="VueRouter version"> <img src="" alt="Axios version"> <img src="" alt="NaiveUI version"> </a> </p> ## 🔍 在线预览: ### 链接信息: | 名称 | 链接 | 备注 | |----------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------| | 在线接口文档地址 | [AkitaPlanet-api]( | 后续准备换成 Swagger | | 博客前台链接 | []( | 已适配移动端 | | 博客后台链接 | []( | 暂未专门适配移动端 | ### 账号和密码: | 类型 | 账号 | 密码 | 可用范围 | |---------|-------------|--------|--------------| | 测试账号 | | 11111 | 前后台都可用这个账号登录 | | admin账号 | admin | 123456 | 前后台都可用这个账号登录 | ## 💡 项目特点: ### 前台: > 采用了 Hexo 的 Butterfly 设计理念,使界面呈现出美观简洁的风格,为用户提供愉悦的浏览体验。 响应式布局技术被精心应用,确保了在不同设备上的流畅展示,无论是在PC端还是移动端,用户都能够得到良好的视觉呈现。 实现了点赞和用户统计等功能,利用了 Redis 数据库,极大地提升了用户互动性和体验度。 引入了评论和回复评论功能,为用户提供了交流和互动的平台,增强了用户参与感和社区氛围。 采用了炫酷的弹幕墙设计,为用户留言提供了一种新颖有趣的形式,让用户感受到与众不同的互动体验。 文章详情页不仅提供了文章目录和推荐文章等功能,还通过优化用户体验,使用户在阅读过程中能够更加便捷地获取信息和导航。 ### 后台: > 鉴权机制采用了 JWT 技术,确保了系统的安全性和用户身份的合法性,为用户数据和系统资源提供了有效的保护。 权限管理借助 CASBIN 实现了基于 RBAC 的精细化权限控制,使得对用户权限的管理更加灵活和精准。 实现了动态权限修改功能,使得权限管理更加灵活,同时前端菜单由后端生成,保证了菜单与权限的一致性和安全性。 文章编辑器采用 Markdown 编辑器,简洁高效,为用户提供了便捷的文章编辑体验。 后台功能齐全,包括侧边栏、面包屑、标签栏等,使得用户在后台管理过程中能够更加方便地进行操作和导航。 记录操作日志功能的实现增强了系统的安全性和监控性,对用户操作进行实时记录和追踪,提高了系统的可追溯性。 实现了在线用户监听和强制下线功能,保障了系统的安全性和稳定性,及时发现并处理异常登录情况。 文件上传支持七牛云和本地存储,提供了灵活的文件管理和存储方式,满足了不同用户的需求。 对 CRUD 操作进行了通用 Hook 封装,提高了代码的复用性和可维护性。 ### 其他: > 采用了 Restful 风格的 API 设计,提供了统一规范的接口调用方式,使得前后端交互更加简洁和高效。 前后端分离部署,利用 Nginx 和 Docker 技术,实现了系统的高可用性和可扩展性,同时提供了简便的部署和管理方式。 代码整洁层次清晰,采用了新颖的技术点和轻量级的代码结构,为开发者提供了学习和交流的优秀范本。 Docker Compose 提供了一键运行的部署方案,使得搭建在线博客变得轻松快捷,为用户提供了更加便利的服务 ## 🧱 项目结构: ``` AkitaPlanet-server ├── api -- API │ ├── front -- 前台接口 │ └── v1 -- 后台接口 ├── dao -- 数据库操作模块 ├── service -- 服务模块 ├── model -- 数据模型 │ ├── req -- 请求 VO 模型 │ ├── resp -- 响应 VO 模型 │ ├── dto -- 内部传输 DTO 模型 │ └── ... -- 数据库模型对象 PO 模型 ├── routes -- 路由模块 │ └── middleware -- 路由中间件 ├── utils -- 工具模块 │ ├── r -- 响应封装 │ ├── upload -- 文件上传 │ └── ... ├── routes -- 路由模块 ├── config -- 配置文件 ├── test -- 测试模块 ├── assets -- 资源文件 ├── log -- 存放日志的目录 ├── public -- 外部访问的静态资源 │ └── uploaded -- 本地文件上传目录 ├── Dockerfile └── main.gore #### 前端目录:简略版 AkitaPlanet-admin / AkitaPlanet-front 通用目录结构 ├── src │ ├── api -- 接口 │ ├── assets -- 静态资源 │ ├── styles -- 样式 │ ├── components -- 组件 │ ├── composables -- 组合式函数 │ ├── router -- 路由 │ ├── store -- 状态管理 │ ├── utils -- 工具方法 │ ├── views -- 页面 │ ├── App.vue │ └── main.ts ├── settings -- 项目配置 ├── build -- 构建相关的配置 ├── public -- 公共资源, 在打包后会被加到 dist 根目录 ├── package.json ├── package-lock.json ├── index.html ├── tsconfig.json ├── unocss.config.ts -- unocss 配置 └── vite.config.ts -- vite 配置 ├── .env -- 通用环境变量 ├── .env.development -- 开发环境变量 ├── .env.production -- 线上环境变量 ├── .gitignore ├── .editorconfig -- 编辑器配置 ├── .prettierrc -- prettier 配置 ├── .stylelintrc -- stylelint 配置 ├── ``` ## 📸 项目截图: ### 前台(PC端) ![前台首页](./assets/images/HomePage.jpg) ![文章详情页](./assets/images/ArticleDetails.jpg) ![归档页](./assets/images/Archiving.jpg) ![友链](./assets/images/FriendChain.jpg) ### 后台(PC端) ![后台登录页](./assets/images/adminLogin.png) ![后台首页](./assets/images/adminHome.png) ![后台文章页](./assets/images/adminArticle.png) ![后台日志页](./assets/images/adminLog.png) ![后台评论页](./assets/images/adminComment.png) ### 移动端 | ![移动端首页](./assets/images/mobileHome.jpg) | ![移动端文章详情](./assets/images/mobileArticleDetail.jpg) | |------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------|
AkitaPlanet-Admin选择 Vue3 框架,结合 VueUse 和 Vue Composition API 实现了高效组件开发。引入 Unocss 管理样式和提高页面加载速度。使用 Pinia 进行状态管理,Vue Router 导航,Axios 处理数据交互。Naive UI 提供美观 UI 组件。鉴权采用 JWT 技术,CASBIN 实现 RBAC 权限控制。动态权限修改,前端菜单由后端生成。Markdown 编辑器简洁高效。后台功能完善,包括侧边栏、面包屑、标签栏。操作日志功能增强系统安全性和监控性。在线用户监听和强制下线保障系统稳定性。文件上传支持七牛云和本地存储。通用 Hook 封装 CRUD 操作,提高代码复用性和可维护性。
## INTRODUCTION This project is divided into two repositories: * A React frontend ## Table of Contents + [Description](#description) + [Setup Requirements](#setup-requirements) + [Technology Used](#technology-used) + [Reference](#reference) ## Description An asset inventory Management system that centralizes the inventory information and tracks all the assets in an organization ## Setup Requirements * Clone repository link * Navigate to the directory * Run "npm install" * Run "npm start" ## Technologies Used * Rails api * React * JavaScript * Bootstrap * Tailwind ## References * StackOverflow * react documentation * tailwind documentation [Go Back to the top](#description)
# Stratox Pilot ![npm]( Startox Pilot is a JavaScript router designed for ease of use and flexibility. It employs regular expressions to offer dynamic routing, allowing for both straightforward and complex navigation paths. As a universal library, it works across different platforms without needing any external dependencies. This independence makes Startox Pilot a practical option for developers in search of a dependable routing tool that combines advanced features and modular design in a compact package. ## Documentation #### The documentation is divided into several sections: * [Installation](#installation) * [A basic example](#a-basic-example) * [Configuration Options](#configuration-options) * [Defining routes](#defining-routes) * [Dispatcher overview](#dispatcher-overview) * [Navigation](#navigation) * [Form submission](#form-submission) * [Have any questions](#have-any-questions) ## Installation ```javascript npm install @stratox/pilot ``` ## A basic example Below is a simple yet comprehensive example. Each component will be explored in further detail later in this guide. ```javascript import { Router, Dispatcher } from '@stratox/pilot'; const router = new Router(); const dispatcher = new Dispatcher(); // GET: router.get('/', function() { console.log("Start page"); }); // GET: // REGULAR URI paths ( is of course also supported! router.get('/about', function(vars, request, path) { const page = vars[0].pop(); console.log(`The current page is: ${page}`); }); // GET: router.get('/articles/{id:[0-9]+}/{slug:[^/]+}', function(vars, request, path) { const id =; const slug = vars.slug.pop(); console.log(`Article post ID is: ${id} and post slug is: ${slug}.`); }); // POST:'/post/contact', function(vars, request, path) { console.log(`Contact form catched with post:`,; }); // Will catch 404 and 405 HTTP Status Errors codes // Not required you can also handle it directly in the dispatcher router.get('[STATUS_ERROR]', function(vars, request, path, statusCode) { if(statusCode === 404) { console.log("404 Page not found", statusCode); } else { console.log("405 Method not allowed", statusCode); } }); dispatcher.dispatcher(router, dispatcher.serverParams("fragment"), function(response, statusCode) { // response.controller is equal to what the routers second argument is being fed with. // You can add Ajax here if you wish to trigger a ajax call. response.controller(response.vars, response.request, response.path, statusCode); }); // URI HASH: dispatcher.serverParams("fragment") // Fragment is HASH without "#" character. // URI PATH: dispatcher.serverParams("path") // Regular URI path // SCRIPT PATH: dispatcher.request("path") // Will work without browser window.history support ``` ## Configuration options The dispatcher offers several configuration options to tailor its behavior to your application's needs. ```javascript const dispatcher = new Dispatcher({ catchForms: false, // Toggle form submission catching root: "", // Set a root directory fragmentPrefix: "" // Define a prefix for hash/fragment navigation }); ``` ### Configuration Parameters - **catchForms (bool):** When set to `true`, enables the dispatcher to automatically intercept and route form submissions. This feature facilitates seamless integration of form-based navigation within your application. - **root (string):** This parameter allows you to specify a root directory using an **absolute path**. This setting is crucial for defining where simulated or "pretty" URI paths begin. The necessity of this configuration depends on your specific deployment environment. - **fragmentPrefix (string):** This option lets you prepend a prefix to fragment or hash navigation calls. For instance, adding the "!" character means the URL's hash will be expected to appear as "#!your-hash", modifying the default behavior to accommodate specific routing schemes or to enhance compatibility with certain browsers or frameworks. ## Defining routes In Stratox Pilot, there are two primary router types: `get` and `post`. Both types follow the same structural format, as illustrated below, with the key difference being that they will expect different request (see navigation for more information) ``` router.get(string pattern, mixed call); pattern, mixed call); ``` #### Arguments * **pattern (string):** This parameter expects a URI path in the form of a string, which may include regular expressions for more complex matching criteria. * **call (mixed):** This parameter can accept any data type, such as a callable, anonymous function, string, number, or boolean. However, it is most common to use a function. For the purposes of this guide, I use a regular callable function in my examples. ### A really Basic example ```javascript // Possible path: #about router.get('/about', function(vars, request, path) { }); ``` And you can of course **add multiple** paths. ```javascript // Possible path: #about/contact router.get('/about/contact', function(vars, request, path) { }); ``` ### Using Regular Expressions To incorporate regular expressions in routing patterns, enclose the expression within **curly brackets: `{PATTERN}`**. This syntax allows for flexible and powerful URL matching based on specified patterns. ```javascript // Possible path: #about/location/stockholm router.get('/about/location/{[a-z]+}', function(vars, request, path) { }); ``` ### Binding Router Patterns to a Key It is strongly advised to associate each URI path you wish to access with a specific **key**. This approach enhances the clarity and manageability of your route definitions. ```javascript // Possible path: #about/location/stockholm router.get('/{page:about}/location/{city:[^/]+}', function(vars, request, path) { //[0] is expected to be "about" //[0] is expected to be any string value (stockholm, denmark, new-york) from passed URI. }); ``` You can also map an entire path to a **key**, allowing for more concise and organized route management. ```javascript // Possible path: #about/contact router.get('/{page:about/location}', function(vars, request, path) { //[0] is expected to be "about" //[1] is expected to be "location" }); ``` ### Combining pattern with keywords Combining patterns with keywords e.g. (**post-**[0-9]+) enables you to create more expressive and versatile route definitions. ```javascript // Possible path: #articles/post-824/hello-world router.get('/articles/{id:post-[0-9]+}/{slug:[^/]+}', function(vars, request, path) { //[0] is expected to be "post-824" //vars.slug[0] is expected to be "hello-world" }); ``` ### Handling Unlimited Nested Paths To accommodate an unlimited number of nested paths within your routing configuration, you can utilize the pattern `".+"`. However, it's strongly advised to precede such a router pattern with a specific prefix to maintain clarity and structure, as demonstrated in the example below with the prefix `/shop`. ```javascript // Example of accessing a single category: #shop/furniture // Example of accessing multiple nested categories: #shop/furniture/sofas/chesterfield router.get('/shop/{category:.+}', function(vars, request, path) { // Retrieves the last category segment from the path const category = vars.category.pop(); console.log(`The current category is: ${category}`); }); ``` This approach allows for the dynamic handling of deeply nested routes under a common parent path, offering flexibility in how URLs are structured and processed. ### Optional URI Paths To define one or more optional URI paths, enclose the path segment (excluding the slash) in brackets followed by a question mark, for example: **/(PATH_NAME)?**. This syntax allows for flexibility in route matching by making certain path segments non-mandatory. ```javascript // Possible path: #articles // Possible path: #articles/post-824/hello-world router.get('/articles/({id:post-[0-9]+})?/({slug:[^/]+})?', function(vars, request, path) { }); ``` It's important to note that you should not enclose the **leading slash** in brackets. The leading slash is automatically excluded from the pattern, ensuring the correct interpretation of the route. ### Catch status errors There is an optional and special router pattern that let's you catch HTTP Status Errors with in a router. ```javascript router.get('[STATUS_ERROR]', function(vars, request, path, statusCode) { if(statusCode === 404) { console.log("404 Page not found", statusCode); } else { console.log("405 Method not allowed", statusCode); } }); ``` ## Dispatcher overview The dispatcher is essential for identifying and providing the appropriate route from the state handler. Designed for flexibility, it enables the incorporation of custom logic, such as AJAX, to tailor functionality to specific needs. ```javascript dispatcher.dispatcher(Router routerCollection, serverParams, callable dispatch); ``` #### Arguments * **[routerCollection](#router-collection-routercollection)** * **[serverParams](#server-params-serverparams)** * **[dispatch](#dispatch-function-dispatch)** ### Router Collection (routerCollection) This expects a Router instance, allowing for customization. You can create your router collection extending the Router class, potentially adding more HTTP methods, structure, or functionality. ### Server Params (serverParams) Server params indicate the URL segment the dispatcher should utilize. These params dynamically target the specified URI segment. Several built-in options include: #### URI Fragment Represents the URL hash or anchor minus the "#" character. ```javascript dispatcher.serverParams("fragment"); ``` #### URI Path The regular URI path segment. ```javascript dispatcher.serverParams("path"); ``` #### Script Path Ideal for non-browser environments, supporting backend applications, APIs, or shell command routes. ```javascript dispatcher.request("path"); ``` ### Dispatch Function (dispatch) The "dispatch" argument expects a callable function to process the match result, handling both successful (status code 200) and error outcomes (status code 404 for "page not found" and 405 for "Method not allowed"). The function receives two parameters: response (object) and statusCode (int). #### Response Details - **response (object):** Provides an object with vital response data. - **statusCode (int):** Indicates the result, either successful (200) or error (404 or 405). ### Basic Dispatcher Example Below is an excerpt from the example at the start of the guide: ```javascript dispatcher.dispatcher(router, dispatcher.serverParams("fragment"), function(response, statusCode) { response.controller(response.vars, response.request, response.path, statusCode); }); ``` ### Understanding the Response The response structure, as illustrated with the router pattern `"/{page:product}/{id:[0-9]+}/{slug:[^/]+}"`, and URI path **/product/72/chesterfield** includes: ```json { "verb": "GET", "status": 200, "path": ["product", "72", "chesterfield"], "vars": { "page": "product", "id": "72", "slug": "chesterfield" }, "form": {}, "request": { "get": "URLSearchParams", "post": {} } } ``` - **verb:** The HTTP method (GET or POST). - **status:** The HTTP status code (200, 404, or 405). - **path:** The URI path as an array. - **vars:** An object mapping path segments to keys. - **form:** Captures submitted DOM form elements. - **request.get:** An instance of URLSearchParams for GET requests. - **** An object with expected postdata ## Navigation The library provides intuitive navigation options to seamlessly transition between pages and initiate GET or POST requests. ### Page Navigation / GET Request Initiating a GET request or navigating to a new page is straightforward. Such actions will correspond to a `get` router, with the request parameter converting into an instance of URLSearchParams for the request. #### Arguments - **path (string):** Specifies the URI, which can be a **regular path** or a **hash**. - **request (object):** Sends a GET request or query string to the dispatcher. This will be transformed into an instance of [URLSearchParams]( When executed in a browser, the query string will also be appended to the URL in the address field. #### Make get request ```javascript // URI hash (fragment with hashtag) navigation dispatcher.navigateTo("#articles/824/hello-world", { test: "A get request" }); // URI path navigation // dispatcher.navigateTo("/articles/824/hello-world", { test: "A get request" }); ``` #### The navigation result The above navigation will trigger the result for the matching router: ```javascript // GET: router.get('/articles/{id:[0-9]+}/{slug:[^/]+}', function(vars, request, path) { const id =; const slug = vars.slug.pop(); const test = request.get.get("test"); // Get the query string/get request "test" console.log(`Article ID: ${id}, Slug: ${slug} and GET Request ${test}.`); }); ``` ### POST Request Creating a POST request is similarly efficient, targeting a `post` router. The request parameter will be a object. #### Arguments - **path (string):** Defines the URI, which can be a **regular path** or a **hash**. - **request (object):** Submits a POST request to the dispatcher. This will be an regular object. #### Make post request ```javascript dispatcher.postTo("#post/contact", { firstname: "John", lastname: "Doe" }); ``` #### The post request result The above post will trigger the result for the matching router: ```javascript // POST:'/post/contact', function(vars, request, path) { const firstname ="firstname"); const lastname ="lastname"); console.log(`The post request, first name: ${firstname}, last name: ${lastname}`); }); ``` ## Form submission Stratox Pilot supports automatic form submission handling through routers, a feature that must be explicitly enabled in the Dispatcher's configuration. ### 1. Enable Form Submission To allow automatic catching and routing of form submissions, enable the `catchForms` option in the Dispatcher configuration: ```javascript const dispatcher = new Dispatcher({ catchForms: true }); ``` ### 2. Define Routes Next, define the routes that will handle form submissions. For example, to handle a POST request: ```javascript // POST:'/post/contact', function(vars, request, path) { console.log('Contact form posted with form request:',; }); ``` ### 3. Implement Form Submission Forms can use both GET and POST methods. Below is an example of a form designed to submit via POST: ```html <form action="#post/contact" method="post"> <div> <label>First name</label> <input type="text" name="firstname" value=""> </div> <div> <label>Last name</label> <input type="text" name="lastname" value=""> </div> <div> <label>E-mail</label> <input type="email" name="email" value=""> </div> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send"> </form> ``` With these settings, the dispatcher will automatically capture and route submissions to the corresponding handler if a matching route is found. ## Have any questions If there's anything unclear or you have further questions, feel free to reach out via email at
Stratox Pilot is a JavaScript Router Library that enables precise navigation within web applications through the use of regular expressions for route definition.
# :notebook: Markdown Text Editor 🛠️ ***Currently undergoing some improvement, including a nested folder system to organise your notes, better UI, and more! Check out the mte-2 branch for more information.*** 🛠️ **Quickly create and edit notes using Markdown, and have them locally stored on your browser.** :boom: [Click here for live demo.]( :boom: This app is purely front-end, so notes are not saved remotely. Rather, they are stored locally on your browser even after closing it and reopening it (but make sure to save them first!). ![1]( ![2]( ## :bulb: Info - Notes are stored on the browser's local storage. This means that they do not expire unless you manually clear the browser's data. And even if you refresh the page, or close the browser and reopen it, your notes will be preserved. (But make sure to save them first). - Responsive and works well on mobile devices and tablets. This was just a simple, individual hobby project that I created in order to brush up on my JavaScript and React skills. ## :zap: Quick local setup To quickly get this app running locally on your machine, follow these steps: 1. Clone repository - `` 2. Move into repository's root directory - `cd Markdown-Text-Editor` 3. Install dependencies - `npm i` 4. Start up app on localhost - `npm run dev` ## :package: Libraries/frameworks used - [React]( - [Vite]( - [Immer]( - [react-markdown]( - [uuid]( ## Update Log I'm currently working within the `mte-2` branch so check that out for more update logs! ### 18th March 2024 'nested-folder-system' branch created. Markdown Text Editor 2.0 is in development! ### 17th February 2024 Project first released onto GitHub. :tada: ## :sparkles: Credits Icons from [Font Awesome](
Quickly create and edit notes with Markdown, and save them to your browser's local storage.
# React Profile Page This project is a user profile page built using React. It includes features such as displaying user information, badges, points history, and more. Additionally, it incorporates a modal for displaying badge achievements and a celebration animation using react-confetti when a badge is unlocked. Built in 5 hours. ## Features - View user's profile details including name and avatar. - Display user's points and level. - Show user's rank. - View user's badges. - See user's point history. - modal for displaying badge achievements and a celebration animation using react-confetti when a badge is unlocked. ## Built With - [React]( - JavaScript library for building user interfaces - [CSS]( - Cascading Style Sheets for styling ## Dependencies - [react]( - ^18.2.0 - [react-confetti]( - ^6.1.0 - [react-dom]( - ^18.2.0 - [react-icons]( - ^5.0.1 ## Dev Dependencies - [@types/react]( - ^18.2.55 - [@types/react-dom]( - ^18.2.19 - [@vitejs/plugin-react]( - ^4.2.1 - [eslint]( - ^8.56.0 - [eslint-plugin-react]( - ^7.33.2 - [eslint-plugin-react-hooks]( - ^4.6.0 - [eslint-plugin-react-refresh]( - ^0.4.5 - [vite]( - ^5.1.0 ## Screenshots ![user-profile-page]( ![badge-model]( ## Getting Started ### Prerequisites - Node.js installed on your local machine ### Installation 1. Clone the repository. 2. Install dependencies using `npm install`. 3. Start the development server using `npm run dev`. 4. Open your browser and navigate to the provided URL to view the application.
User profile page with React. Displays user info, badges, points history. Modal for badge achievements & react-confetti for celebrations. Built in 5 hours.
<p align="center"> <a href=""><img src="" alt="image" border="0"></a> </p> ## :large_blue_diamond: Pizzeria "Pizza and Capybara" school project | Пиццерия "Пицца и Капибара" школьный проект &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_blue_diamond: Hello everyone! You now have an almost ready-made project in front of you, the development of which took a lot of effort and time. This is my first big project in the field of IT website creation. Now I will try to briefly describe the essence of the project, its purpose and how it works. The goal of the project is to create an online marketplace for ordering any product on the site and transfer the order data to a convenient environment for order analysis.Using HTML5 and CSS, I made the layout of the site. >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :ru: Всем привет! Перед вами сейчас расположен почти готовый проект, на разработку которого ушло не мало сил и времени. Это мой первый большой проект в сфере IT создания веб-сайтов. Сейчас я постараюсь кратко описать суть проекта его цель и то как он работает. Цель проекта - создать онлайн маркетплейс для заказа какого-либо товара на сайте и передать данные заказа в удобную среду для анализа заказа.Используя HTML5 и CSS сделал макет сайта. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_blue_diamond: The question arose about how to make a basket of goods and the first thing that came to mind was to create a server for downloading goods, but then I would have to study JS frameworks, and there was not much time for this, especially since I did not plan to make more products on the site, this method would only complicate the creation process. After studying JS, I learned about localStorage, which formed the basis for creating a bucket (Then I will return to the discussion of this method). I decided to choose telegram as the medium for processing information, since it is a popular social network in which you can conveniently create a bot. There were also convenient options that also took place in the project: sending an order by e-mail, sending an exel table. :email: >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :ru: Встал вопрос о том как сделать корзину товаров и первое что полезло на ум - создание сервера для загрузки товаров, но тогда пришлось бы изучать фреймворки JS, а на это времени особо не было, тем более что я не планировал делать больше количество товаров на сайте, этот способ только усложнял бы процесс создания. После изучения JS я узнал о localStorage, который и лег в основе создания корзины (Далее я еще вернуть к обсуждению данного способа). В качестве среды для обработки информации я решил выбрать телеграм, так как это популярная соц-сеть в которой можно удобно создать бота. Были еще удобные варианты, которые тоже имели место быть в проекте: отправка заказа на e-mail, отправка таблицы exel. :email: <p align="center"> <a href=""><img src="" alt="local-storage-1" border="0"></a> </p> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_blue_diamond: Local storage provides storage for data on an ongoing basis. Data from local storage is not automatically deleted and has no expiration date. This storage was perfect for my requirements, and there were enough videos on how to create a shopping cart on the site using localStorage. After learning the basics of JS, I started searching on YouTube for information on how to create a shopping cart. Unfortunately, most of the videos seemed too sophisticated and incomprehensible to me, I was looking for an easier way to create a shopping cart, but not all videos were useless. I found two videos that helped me create the SIMPLEST SHOPPING CART (The videos are attached below). >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :ru: Local storage представляет хранилище для данных на постоянной основе. Данные из local storage автоматически не удаляются и не имеют срока действия. Это хранилище идеально подходило под мои требования, да и было достаточное количество видео о том, как создать корзину на сайте при помощи LocalStorage. Изучив основу JS я начал искать на ютубе информаию о том, как создать корзину. К сожалению, большинство видео для меня показались слишком замудренными и непонятными, я искал более простой способ для создания корзины, однако не все видео ролики были бесполезными. Я нашел два видео которые помогли мне создать САМУЮ ПРОСТУЮ КОРЗИНУ (Видео прикрепленны ниже). <p align='center'> <img src="" alt="2024-03-24-000745" height="200px" border="0"> </p> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_blue_diamond: After I made a shopping cart that automatically adds products, I started thinking about how to automatically add new products to the page. The idea is exactly the same - to parse information from a JSON file into local Storage and upload elements to the page from there. Yes, the method may seem strange, slow and impractical, but it was the best thing that came to my mind. Below are examples of the contents of JSON files. >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :ru: После того, как я сделал корзину, в которую автоматически добавляются товары, начал думать о том, как автоматически добавлять на страницу новые товары. Идея точно такая же - парсить информацию из JSON файла в local Storage и уже от туда подгружать элементы на страницу. Да, метод может показаться странным, медленным и нецелесообразным, но это было лучшее, что пришло мне на ум. Ниже приведены примеры содержания JSON файлов. :small_orange_diamond: BANNERS - Advertisement :bookmark: / Реклама - Банеры :bookmark: ```json [ { "text": "Турнир по игре<br>Dota2 на купон!&#127942;", "scr": "" }, ... [ ``` :small_orange_diamond: Categorys :white_check_mark: / Категории :white_check_mark: ```json [ { "categorya": "Пицца", "id": 1 }, ... [ ``` :small_orange_diamond: Cards :outbox_tray: / Карточки товара :outbox_tray: ```json [ { "id": 1, "name": "Пицца 'Сплошной сыр'", "img": "", "price": 499, "category": "Пицца", "quantity": 0, "about_one": "30 см, традиционное тесто, 470 г" , "about_sec": "Моцарелла, сыры чеддер и пармезан, фирменный соус альфредо, Традиционное тесто" }, ... [ ``` &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_blue_diamond: This technology is based on a JSON file that initially stores a list of products, advertising banners, and categories. With it, you can not write code for each card, but use a script to make products, banners and categories add themselves! Next, the script tracks the click on each button on the site and records the click on the individual counter n. In the code you can find a lot of functions, comments to which I tried to write well and I think you can figure out what each of them does. Briefly: When you click on the button, an element from the "products" key (All products) is transferred to the "cart" key. Then, using the function, everything in the "cart" is transferred to a specific column in the table. The final sum is displayed at the bottom of the table, which is calculated by the function. After clicking on the "Send order" button, using the "Axios" module (Link below), an overgrowth is sent to the bot in the telegram, which displays the text in the group chat message. >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :ru: В основе этой технологии - файл JSON в котором изначально хранится список товаров, банеры рекламы, категории. С помощью него можно не писать код для каждой карточки, а при помощи скрипта сделать так чтобы товары, банера и категории добавлялись сами! Далее скрипт отслеживает нажатие на каждую кнопку на сайте и записывает нажатие на индивидуальный счетчик n. В коде вы можете найти множество функций, комметарии к которым я постарался хорошо написать и думаю вы сможете раобраться что делает каждая из них. Кратко: При нажатии на кнопку в ключ "cart" переносится элемент из ключа "products" (Все товары). Потом при помощи функции все что находится в "cart" переноситься в определенный столбец таблицы. Снизу таблицы выведена конечная сумма, которая подсчитывается функцией. После нажатия на кнопку "Отправить заказ" при помощи модуля "Axios" (Ссылка снизу) посылается зарос на бота в телеграмме который выводит текст в сообщении чата группы. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_blue_diamond: This is what it looks like in a telegram: >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :ru: Вот как это выглядит в телеграмме: <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="2024-03-21-201618" height="400px" border="0"> <img src="" alt="image" height="400px" border="0"> </p> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_blue_diamond: I have a new task in front of me - the functionality of the bot in the telegram. I have never worked with bots in telegram before, only in online constructors. Realizing that the designer's site was not enough for me, I started writing a bot in Python. Why Python? Because it is a convenient and understandable programming language that I have known for 2 years. After studying the material that is needed to create bots in telegram using the pyTelegramBotAPI library, I wrote two bots. The first is the identifier. The bot can send a link to the group if the person sends the correct password. The second one is a bot for the group. It also monitors the pressing of the "Confirm" and "Delete" buttons. A piece of code from the second bot: >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :ru: Передо мной встала новая задача - функционал бота в телеграмме. Прежде я никогда не работал с ботами в телеграмме, только в онлайн-конструкторах. Поняв, что сайта конструктора мне не хватит, я принялся писать бота на Python. Почему Python? Потому что удобный и для меня понятный язык программирования который я знаю уже 2 года. Изучив материал который нужен для создания ботов в телеграмме при помощи библиотеки pyTelegramBotAPI, написал двух ботов. Первый - аунтификатор. Бот может прислать ссылку на группу, если человек отправит верный пароль. Второй - бот для группы. Он же, отслеживает нажатие кнопок "Подтвердить" и "Удалить". Частица кода со второго бота: :small_orange_diamond: A bot that tracks button clicks in a group \ Бот отслеживающий нажатие на кнопки в группе ```python import telebot from telebot import types # Токен бота с группы TOKEN_BotGROUP = '6895427216:AAHUd-VmtQNfR6MB_v32bO9_SQkwOEHXf-g' bot = telebot.TeleBot(TOKEN_BotGROUP) # Чекаю нажатие на кнопки @bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda call: True) def callback_inline(call): try: if call.message: # Если подтвердить то закрепляю сообщение if == 'accept': bot.pin_chat_message(, call.message.message_id) # Если удалить - удаляю сообщение elif == 'delete': bot.delete_message(, call.message.message_id) except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) bot.polling(none_stop=True) ``` <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="image" height="400px" border="0"> <img src="" alt="image" height="400px" border="0"> </p> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_blue_diamond: Bots are written, but how do you keep them running on an ongoing basis? One of the videos below helped me find the answer. Hosting. After studying 2-5 hosting sites, I put forward the best one. - a site where you can run your code, and which may include a bot for some time. The advantages of this service: - [x] It takes no more than 2 minutes to turn on the bot :clock9: - [x] The working time of the bot is from 40 minutes (I don't know for sure yet) :clock12: - [x] There is a mobile application :shipit: <img src="" alt="2024-03-24-002607" border="0"> >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :ru: Боты написаны, но как поддерживать их работу на постоянной основе? Один из видеороликов ниже помог мне найти ответ. Хостинг. После изучения 2-5 хостингов я выдвинул лучший. - сайт на котором можно запускать свой код, и который может на протяжении некоторого времени включать бота. Плюсы эого сервиса: - [x] Включить бота занимает не более 2х минут :clock9: - [x] Время работы бота от 40 минут (Точно не знаю пока что) :clock12: - [x] Есть мобльное приложение :shipit: <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="2024-03-24-00-56-21" height="500px" border="0"> </p> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_blue_diamond: Bots can be uploaded to a full-fledged 24/7 hosting, but it's free, a good 24-hour host is currently impossible. As a result of my work, I got: A working website hosted on Github, Bots in telegram, and of course invaluable experience working with HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT (Local Storage), PYTHON (Bots). >&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :ru: Ботов можно залить на полноценный 24/7 хостинг, но нати бесплатный, хороший круглосуточный хост на данный момент невозможно. В результате работы я получил: Рабочий сайт на хостинге Github, Ботов в телеграмме, и конечно же бесценный опыт работы с HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT (Local Storage), PYTHON (Bots). ![HTML5]( ![CSS]( ![JavaScript]( ![Python]( ## :large_blue_diamond: :bookmark_tabs: Documentation - Video :movie_camera: | :bookmark_tabs: Документация - Видео :movie_camera: > [!TIP] > :ru: Видео частично помогут решить основные задачи. - [RU: :movie_camera: Курс HTML + CSS, который я прошел перед созданием макета сайта]( - [RU: :movie_camera: Корзина JS на чистом DOM]( - [US: :movie_camera: Local storage shopping cart. | Insert, update, remove products from the browser's local storage.]( - > Видео крайне полезно! Оно предоставляет почти готовое решения которое я подкрутил. - [RU: :movie_camera: Отправляем html форму с сайта на telegram + с документом на JavaScript]( - > Мужик отлично рассказал о Axios и как им пользоваться. - [RU: :movie_camera: Пишем TELEGRAM бота на Python]( - > Почти готовый ТГ бот - [RU: :movie_camera: БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ 24/7 ХОСТИНГ ДЛЯ БОТА ДИСКОРД! JavaScript + Python! .js + .py]( - > Хостинг ## :large_blue_diamond: :mag_right: Services - Libraries :books: | :mag_right: Сервисы - Библиотеки :books: > [!NOTE] > :ru: Сервисы помогут в создании проекта. - [Bootstrap :crystal_ball:]( - [IMGBB :trophy:]( - [Colors :rainbow:]( - [Favicon :trophy:]( - [Replit :crystal_ball:]( - [ChatGPT :bookmark:]( ## :large_blue_diamond: About developers :dizzy: | О разработчиках :dizzy: - [ :star: Developer - areallypawa ]( - [ :star2: A fellow assistant - orewaee ]( - [ :star2: A fellow assistant - IlyaViz ]( ## :large_blue_diamond: License | Лицензия Project Pizzeria "Pizza and Capybara" is distributed under the MIT license
:pizza: | School-project online-telegram-market
### On-Demand Paginated Data Loading This starter project demonstrates the implementation of on-demand paginated data loading using both button clicks and infinite scroll functionality. #### Features: - Utilizes server actions to fetch initial data from the server. - Includes examples of working with the React Intersection Observer library. - Provides insights into working directly with the JavaScript Intersection Observer API. ### Installation 1. Clone the repository to your local environment: ``` git clone ``` 2. Install the required dependencies: ``` pnpm install ``` 3. Run the development server to see the implementation in action: ``` pnpm dev ``` ### License This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Infinite scroll with Next.js
# OpenTicket - Microservices Demonstration Application ### 🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧 Under Construction 🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧 This application has been developed to showcase the operation and implementation of microservices. ## Microservices and Technologies Used The application utilizes different programming languages for each microservice: - **Python with FastAPI:** [api-gateway](./api-gateway/) - **Java with Spring Boot:** [catalog](./catalog/) - **JavaScript with Express:** [inventory](./inventory/) - **Golang:** [users](./users/) - **Typescript with Nest.js:** *in progress* ## How to Use 1 - Clone the repository. 2 - Run `docker-compose -f compose-kafka.yml up -d` to start Kafka and Zookeeper. 3 - Choose the microservice you want to explore and execute the Docker Compose command for the corresponding file. Feel free to explore and learn from the codebase! If you have any questions or feedback, don't hesitate to reach out.
An application developed to demonstrate the operation and how to create microservices, using different programming languages for each microservice, such as: Python with FastAPI, Java with Spring Boot, Golang, JavaScript with Nest.js, JavaScript with Express and Apache Kafka as Message Broker.
# JavaScript Topics - [Basic Syntax and Concepts](#basic-syntax-and-concepts) - [Advanced Concepts](#advanced-concepts) - [DOM Manipulation](#dom-manipulation) - [Browser APIs](#browser-apis) - [Modern JavaScript Features](#modern-javascript-features) - [ES6+ Features](#es6-features) - [JavaScript Tooling](#javascript-tooling) - [Frameworks and Libraries](#frameworks-and-libraries) - [State Management](#state-management) - [Server-side JavaScript](#server-side-javascript) - [Testing and Debugging](#testing-and-debugging) - [Performance Optimization](#performance-optimization) - [Security](#security) - [Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)](#progressive-web-apps-pwas) - [WebAssembly (Wasm)](#webassembly-wasm) - [Machine Learning in JavaScript](#machine-learning-in-javascript) - [WebGL and 3D Graphics](#webgl-and-3d-graphics) - [Functional Programming in JavaScript](#functional-programming-in-javascript) - [Design Patterns](#design-patterns) - [TypeScript](#typescript) - [Web Components](#web-components) - [Accessibility](#accessibility) - [Cross-platform Development](#cross-platform-development) - [GraphQL](#graphql) - [Serverless Architecture](#serverless-architecture) - [Microservices](#microservices) - [Blockchain and Cryptocurrency](#blockchain-and-cryptocurrency) - [WebRTC](#webrtc) - [Web Development Best Practices](#web-development-best-practices) - [Emerging Trends](#emerging-trends) ## Basic Syntax and Concepts ### Variables - Declaration (var, let, const) - Variable scope (global scope, function scope, block scope) - Variable hoisting - Variable redeclaration and shadowing - Naming conventions and best practices ### Data Types - Primitive data types (string, number, boolean, null, undefined, symbol, bigint) - Object data type - Type coercion and conversion - Checking data types (typeof, instanceof) - Equality comparisons (== vs ===) ### Operators - Arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, %) - Assignment operators (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=) - Comparison operators (==, ===, !=, !==, >, <, >=, <=) - Logical operators (&&, ||, !) - Bitwise operators (&, |, ^, ~, <<, >>, >>>) - Ternary operator (conditional operator) ### Control Flow - Conditional statements (if...else, switch) - Loops (for loop, while loop, do...while loop) - Loop control statements (break, continue) - Nested loops - Conditional (ternary) operator ### Functions - Function declaration vs function expression - Function scope and hoisting - Function parameters and arguments - Return statement - Anonymous functions - Arrow functions - Function expressions vs arrow functions ### Objects - Object creation (object literals, constructor functions, classes) - Properties (key-value pairs) - Methods (functions as object properties) - Property access (dot notation, bracket notation) - Adding and deleting properties - Object iteration ( loop) ### Arrays - Array creation (array literals, Array constructor) - Array methods (push, pop, shift, unshift, slice, splice, join, concat, indexOf, includes, forEach, map, filter, reduce) - Array iteration (for loop, for...of loop) - Mutating vs non-mutating methods - Array destructuring - Multidimensional arrays ## Advanced Concepts ### Closures - Definition and explanation - Lexical scope and closure relationship - Creating closures - Practical examples of closures - Memory management with closures - Common use cases for closures - Pitfalls and best practices when using closures ### Prototypes and Inheritance - Understanding prototypes in JavaScript - Prototype chain - Object prototypes vs constructor prototypes - Inheritance in JavaScript - Prototypal inheritance vs classical inheritance - Creating and working with prototypes - Object.create() vs new keyword for inheritance ### Promises - Introduction to Promises - Creating Promises - Promise states (pending, fulfilled, rejected) - Chaining Promises - Error handling with Promises - Promise.all(), Promise.race() - Async/Await syntax for handling Promises ### Asynchronous Programming - Understanding synchronous vs asynchronous code - Callbacks and callback hell - Promises vs callbacks - Async/Await syntax - Event loop and concurrency model - setTimeout, setInterval, requestAnimationFrame - Handling asynchronous operations in loops ### Modules (CommonJS, ES6 Modules) - CommonJS modules - Introduction to CommonJS - require() and module.exports - CommonJS module loading process - ES6 Modules - Introduction to ES6 Modules - export and import statements - Static vs dynamic import - Benefits of ES6 Modules over CommonJS ### Generators - Introduction to Generators - function* syntax - Yield keyword - Iterator protocol - Generator functions vs regular functions - Asynchronous programming with generators - Practical use cases for generators ### Decorators - Introduction to decorators - Syntax for defining and using decorators - Decorators in class declarations - Decorators in method declarations - Decorators in property declarations - Common use cases for decorators - Limitations and considerations when using decorators ## DOM Manipulation ### Selecting elements - Methods for selecting elements - document.getElementById() - document.getElementsByClassName() - document.getElementsByTagName() - document.querySelector() - document.querySelectorAll() - Differences between these methods - Performance considerations - Selecting elements within the context of another element ### Modifying elements - Changing element content - InnerHTML vs textContent - Creating and appending text nodes - Manipulating element attributes - Getting and setting attributes - Removing attributes - Changing element styles - Inline styles vs CSS classes - Adding, removing, and toggling classes - Modifying element structure - Inserting elements - Removing elements - Replacing elements ### Creating and removing elements - Creating elements with document.createElement() - Adding elements to the DOM - appendChild() - insertBefore() - Removing elements from the DOM - removeChild() - Cloning elements - Performance considerations when creating or removing elements ### Event handling - Adding event listeners - Inline event handlers vs event listeners - Using addEventListener() - Event object and event propagation - Event bubbling vs capturing - Removing event listeners - Common event types (click, mouseover, keydown, etc.) - Event delegation ### DOM traversal - Traversing upwards (parentElement, parentNode) - Traversing downwards (childNodes, firstChild, lastChild) - Traversing sideways (nextSibling, previousSibling) - DOM tree walking algorithms - Performance considerations when traversing the DOM ### AJAX and Fetch API - Introduction to AJAX - XMLHttpRequest object - Making asynchronous requests - Handling responses - Introduction to Fetch API - Fetching resources - Handling responses with Promises - Common Fetch API options (method, headers, body) - Error handling with Fetch API - Using Fetch for JSON data - Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) and Fetch API ## Browser APIs ### Local Storage - Introduction to localStorage - Storing data in localStorage - Retrieving data from localStorage - Updating and deleting data in localStorage - Limitations and considerations (storage capacity, data format, security) ### Session Storage - Introduction to sessionStorage - Similarities and differences with localStorage - Use cases for sessionStorage - Limitations and considerations ### Web Storage - Overview of localStorage and sessionStorage - When to use localStorage vs sessionStorage - Common use cases for web storage - Best practices for using web storage ### Geolocation - Introduction to Geolocation API - Retrieving user's current location - Watching user's location changes - Handling errors and fallbacks - Privacy and security considerations ### Web Workers - Introduction to Web Workers - Creating and using Web Workers - Communication between main thread and Web Workers - Shared workers vs dedicated workers - Use cases and benefits of Web Workers ### WebSockets - Introduction to WebSockets - Establishing WebSocket connection - Sending and receiving messages - Handling WebSocket events (open, close, error, message) - Security considerations (cross-origin policies, encryption) ### Canvas - Introduction to Canvas API - Drawing shapes (rectangles, circles, lines) - Drawing paths and curves - Rendering text - Manipulating images - Animation with Canvas ### Drag and Drop API - Introduction to Drag and Drop API - Drag events (dragstart, dragenter, dragover, dragleave, dragend, drop) - Drag data types and data transfer - Implementing drag and drop functionality - Browser compatibility and limitations ### WebRTC - Introduction to WebRTC (Real-Time Communication) - Peer-to-peer communication - Establishing connections (signaling) - Media streams (audio, video, data) - Handling network constraints and errors - Use cases and applications of WebRTC ## Modern JavaScript Features ### Arrow functions - Syntax and usage - Lexical `this` - Implicit return - Handling arguments - Pitfalls and considerations ### Template literals - Syntax and basic interpolation - Multiline strings - Tagged template literals - Escaping characters - Use cases and benefits ### Destructuring - Array destructuring - Object destructuring - Nested destructuring - Default values - Rest syntax - Use cases and benefits ### Spread and Rest operators - Spread operator (...) - Array spreading - Object spreading - Rest parameter (...) - Collecting remaining arguments - Rest parameter in destructuring - Use cases and benefits ### Default parameters - Syntax and usage - Default values - Default parameters with destructuring - Best practices and considerations ### Optional chaining - Syntax and usage - Accessing nested properties - Short-circuiting behavior - Nullish coalescing operator (??) - Browser support and polyfills ### Nullish coalescing - Syntax and usage - Differences from logical OR (||) operator - Use cases and benefits - Browser support and polyfills ### BigInt - Introduction to BigInt - Syntax and usage - Operations with BigInt - Use cases and benefits - Browser support and limitations ### Dynamic imports - Syntax and usage - Loading modules dynamically - Use cases and benefits - Error handling with dynamic imports - Browser support and polyfills ## ES6+ Features ### let and const - Block scope and hoisting - Differences between let, const, and var - Best practices for using let and const ### Classes - Syntax and usage - Constructor method - Class properties and methods - Inheritance with classes - Static methods and properties - Getters and setters - Class expressions vs class declarations ### Modules - Introduction to ES6 Modules - Exporting and importing modules - Named exports vs default exports - Circular dependencies - Dynamic imports in modules ### Iterators and Iterables - Iterators and Iterable protocol - Symbol.iterator - Iterables in JavaScript - Custom iterable objects - Iteration with for...of loop ### Promises - Introduction to Promises - Creating and consuming Promises - Chaining Promises - Error handling with Promises - Promise.all(), Promise.race() ### Generators - Introduction to Generators - function* syntax - Yield keyword - Iterator protocol - Asynchronous programming with generators ### Symbols - Introduction to Symbols - Creating and using Symbols - Symbol registry - Well-known Symbols - Use cases and benefits of Symbols ### Proxy - Introduction to Proxy objects - Creating and using Proxy objects - Trap handlers - Proxy use cases and benefits - Performance considerations ### Reflect - Introduction to Reflect API - Reflect methods and properties - Reflecting property and method operations - Use cases and benefits of Reflect ## JavaScript Tooling ### Package managers (npm, yarn) - Introduction to package managers - npm (Node Package Manager) - Installation and setup - Package.json file - Installing and managing packages - npm scripts - Versioning and dependencies - yarn - Differences from npm - Installation and setup - Managing dependencies - Lock file and offline mode ### Task runners (Grunt, Gulp) - Introduction to task runners - Grunt - Installation and setup - Gruntfile.js configuration - Configuring tasks - Running tasks - Common Grunt plugins - Gulp - Installation and setup - Gulpfile.js configuration - Defining tasks - Running tasks - Common Gulp plugins ### Bundlers (Webpack, Parcel) - Introduction to module bundlers - Webpack - Installation and setup - Configuration file (webpack.config.js) - Entry points and outputs - Loaders and plugins - Code splitting and optimization - Development vs production builds - Parcel - Zero-configuration bundler - Installation and setup - Asset types supported - Development server - Building for production ### Transpilers (Babel, TypeScript) - Introduction to transpilers - Babel - Installation and setup - Configuration file (.babelrc) - Transforming ES6+ code to ES5 - Using Babel with Webpack - Plugins and presets - TypeScript - Introduction to TypeScript - Installation and setup - TypeScript configuration file (tsconfig.json) - Type annotations and static typing - Compilation process - Benefits of using TypeScript ### Linters (ESLint, JSHint) - Introduction to linters - ESLint - Installation and setup - Configuration file (.eslintrc) - Configuring rules and plugins - Running ESLint - Integrating ESLint with editors and IDEs - JSHint - Installation and setup - Configuration options - Running JSHint - Comparison with ESLint ### Testing frameworks (Jest, Mocha, Jasmine) - Introduction to testing frameworks - Jest - Installation and setup - Writing and running tests - Test suites and assertions - Mocking and stubbing - Code coverage reporting - Mocha - Installation and setup - Writing and running tests - Test suites and assertions - Asynchronous testing - Integrating with assertion libraries - Jasmine - Installation and setup - Writing and running tests - Matchers and expectations - Spies and mocks - Setup and teardown functions ### Code formatters (Prettier) - Introduction to code formatters - Prettier - Installation and setup - Running Prettier - Configuration options - Integrating Prettier with editors and IDEs - Benefits of using Prettier ## Frameworks and Libraries ### React.js - Introduction to React.js - Virtual DOM concept - JSX syntax - Components and props - State management - Lifecycle methods - Hooks - React Router - Redux and other state management libraries - React ecosystem and community ### Angular - Introduction to Angular - Angular architecture - Components and templates - Directives - Services and dependency injection - Modules and lazy loading - Routing - Forms and validation - HTTP client - Angular CLI and tooling ### Vue.js - Introduction to Vue.js - Vue instance and lifecycle hooks - Template syntax and directives - Components and props - State management with Vuex - Routing with Vue Router - Vue CLI and tooling - Single-file components - Vue ecosystem and community ### Svelte - Introduction to Svelte - Svelte syntax and reactivity - Components and props - State management with stores - Lifecycle methods - Svelte transitions and animations - Compiling Svelte components - SvelteKit and server-side rendering - Svelte ecosystem and community ### Express.js - Introduction to Express.js - Middleware and request handling - Routing - Templating engines - Error handling - Working with databases - Authentication and authorization - RESTful APIs - Express.js middleware ecosystem ### Next.js - Introduction to Next.js - Server-side rendering (SSR) - Static site generation (SSG) - Pages and routing - Data fetching methods - API routes - Layouts and components - Next.js plugins and configurations - Deployment strategies ### Nuxt.js - Introduction to Nuxt.js - Vue.js integration with Nuxt.js - Pages and routing - Layouts and components - Middleware - Vuex integration - Server-side rendering (SSR) - Static site generation (SSG) - Nuxt.js modules and configurations ### Electron - Introduction to Electron - Building desktop applications with web technologies - Main and renderer processes - Inter-process communication (IPC) - Packaging and distribution - Native Node.js modules - Security considerations - Electron ecosystem and community ## State Management ### Redux - Introduction to Redux - Three principles of Redux (single source of truth, state is read-only, changes are made with pure functions) - Redux core concepts (actions, reducers, store) - Working with Redux in React applications - Middleware in Redux (thunk, saga) - Redux DevTools for debugging - Common patterns and best practices in Redux - Integrating Redux with other libraries and frameworks - Redux ecosystem and community ### MobX - Introduction to MobX - Observable state and reactive programming - MobX core concepts (observable, computed, action) - Working with MobX in React applications - Managing asynchronous actions with MobX - MobX stores and state management - MobX state tree (MST) - Integrating MobX with other libraries and frameworks - Best practices and patterns in MobX ### Context API (React) - Introduction to Context API - Context providers and consumers - Creating and managing context in React applications - Context API vs Redux for state management - Performance considerations with Context API - Using Context API with useContext and useReducer hooks - Nested contexts and context composition - Patterns and best practices in using Context API ### Vuex (Vue.js) - Introduction to Vuex - State management in Vue.js applications - Vuex core concepts (state, mutations, actions, getters) - Working with Vuex in Vue.js components - Namespacing in Vuex modules - Asynchronous actions with Vuex - Vuex store modules and separation of concerns - Using Vuex with Vue Router and other Vue.js libraries - Vuex plugins and integrations ### NgRx (Angular) - Introduction to NgRx - State management in Angular applications - NgRx core concepts (store, actions, reducers, effects) - Working with NgRx in Angular components - Managing asynchronous actions with NgRx effects - NgRx selectors for accessing store state - Router state management with NgRx - NgRx entity library for managing collections - Best practices and patterns in using NgRx ## Server-side JavaScript ### Node.js basics - Introduction to Node.js - Installing Node.js and npm - Understanding the event-driven architecture - Working with modules and npm packages - File system operations (fs module) - Asynchronous programming with callbacks, promises, and async/await - Error handling in Node.js - Debugging Node.js applications ### Creating RESTful APIs - Introduction to RESTful architecture - Designing RESTful APIs - Implementing CRUD operations (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) - Routing with Express.js - Handling request parameters (query parameters, route parameters, request body) - Middleware for common functionalities (authentication, logging, error handling) - Versioning APIs - Testing RESTful APIs ### Authentication and Authorization - Authentication methods (JWT, OAuth, session-based authentication) - Implementing authentication with Passport.js - User registration and login - Token-based authentication - Role-based access control (RBAC) - Authorization middleware - Best practices for securing APIs ### Middleware - Introduction to middleware - Creating custom middleware in Express.js - Handling request and response objects in middleware - Chaining middleware functions - Using third-party middleware - Error handling middleware - Express.js middleware ecosystem ### WebSocket servers - Introduction to WebSocket protocol - Implementing WebSocket servers with Node.js (ws library) - Real-time bidirectional communication between client and server - Broadcasting messages to multiple clients - Handling WebSocket events (connection, message, close) - Securing WebSocket connections - Scaling WebSocket servers ### Serverless computing (AWS Lambda, Azure Functions) - Introduction to serverless computing - Overview of AWS Lambda and Azure Functions - Creating serverless functions in Node.js - Deploying serverless functions to AWS and Azure - Handling HTTP requests with serverless functions - Working with serverless function triggers and events - Serverless architecture patterns - Monitoring and debugging serverless functions ## Testing and Debugging ### Unit testing - Introduction to unit testing - Writing unit tests with frameworks like Jest, Mocha, or Jasmine - Testing individual units of code (functions, methods, components) - Mocking dependencies and external resources - Test-driven development (TDD) approach - Running and organizing unit tests - Best practices for writing effective unit tests ### Integration testing - Introduction to integration testing - Testing interactions between different units/modules of the system - Setting up integration tests with testing frameworks - Testing APIs, databases, and external services - Handling asynchronous operations in integration tests - Mocking external dependencies in integration tests - Strategies for managing test data and environment ### End-to-end testing - Introduction to end-to-end (E2E) testing - Simulating real user scenarios and interactions - Writing E2E tests with tools like Cypress, Selenium, or Puppeteer - Configuring and running E2E tests - Handling asynchronous operations and waits - Interacting with UI elements in E2E tests - Best practices for writing reliable E2E tests ### Debugging techniques - Overview of debugging process - Using console.log() statements for debugging - Browser developer tools (Chrome DevTools, Firefox DevTools) - Setting breakpoints and stepping through code - Inspecting variables, call stack, and network requests - Using debugging features of IDEs and text editors - Debugging asynchronous code and race conditions ### Browser developer tools - Overview of browser developer tools - Inspecting and debugging HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Using the Elements panel to inspect and manipulate the DOM - Debugging JavaScript code with the Console panel - Analyzing network requests and responses - Performance profiling and optimization - Using browser extensions for additional developer tools ### Test runners (Jest, Karma) - Introduction to test runners - Jest - Overview and features of Jest - Configuring Jest for testing JavaScript applications - Writing and running tests with Jest - Snapshot testing and matchers in Jest - Mocking modules and dependencies in Jest - Karma - Overview and features of Karma - Setting up Karma for testing JavaScript applications - Integrating Karma with testing frameworks like Jasmine or Mocha - Running tests in different browsers with Karma - Continuous integration with Karma and popular CI services ## Performance Optimization ### Code splitting - Introduction to code splitting - Benefits of code splitting for performance - Implementing code splitting in JavaScript applications - Using dynamic imports and import() function - Splitting code by routes or components - Code splitting strategies for different bundlers (Webpack, Parcel) - Analyzing and optimizing code splitting performance ### Lazy loading - Definition and benefits of lazy loading - Implementing lazy loading for JavaScript modules, images, and other assets - Using lazy loading with Webpack, Parcel, or other bundlers - Lazy loading routes and components in SPA frameworks - Progressive lazy loading techniques for images and media - Performance considerations and best practices for lazy loading ### Memoization - Explanation of memoization and its benefits - Implementing memoization techniques in JavaScript - Memoizing function results with closures and caching - Using memoization libraries like lodash.memoize - Memoization for optimizing recursive and expensive computations - Performance impact and trade-offs of memoization ### Minification - Overview of minification process - Minifying JavaScript code with tools like UglifyJS, Terser, or Google Closure Compiler - Reducing file size by removing whitespace, comments, and unnecessary characters - Mangling variable names and shortening identifiers - Configuring minification options for different environments - Potential issues and considerations when minifying code ### Tree shaking - Definition and purpose of tree shaking - How tree shaking works in JavaScript bundlers like Webpack - Identifying and eliminating dead code using tree shaking - Optimizing module imports and exports for tree shaking - Configuring tree shaking in Webpack and other bundlers - Debugging tree shaking issues and optimizing bundle size ### Debouncing and throttling - Explanation of debouncing and throttling - Use cases for debouncing and throttling in web development - Implementing debouncing and throttling with JavaScript - Debouncing and throttling user input events (e.g., scroll, resize, keypress) - Choosing the right debounce and throttle intervals - Performance considerations and trade-offs of debouncing and throttling ### Performance profiling - Overview of performance profiling process - Tools for performance profiling in web browsers (Chrome DevTools, Firefox Profiler) - Analyzing rendering performance with FPS meter and timeline - Identifying and fixing layout and rendering bottlenecks - Profiling JavaScript execution with CPU profiler - Analyzing network requests and optimizing load times - Using performance budgets and benchmarks to track improvements ## Security ### Cross-site scripting (XSS) - Introduction to XSS attacks - Types of XSS attacks (reflected XSS, stored XSS, DOM-based XSS) - Understanding how XSS attacks occur and their impact - Preventing XSS attacks with input sanitization and validation - Using Content Security Policy (CSP) to mitigate XSS vulnerabilities - Escaping and encoding user input in web applications - Best practices for secure coding to prevent XSS vulnerabilities ### Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) - Overview of CSRF attacks - How CSRF attacks work and their consequences - Preventing CSRF attacks with anti-CSRF tokens - Implementing SameSite cookies to mitigate CSRF vulnerabilities - Using custom headers and CSRF tokens in AJAX requests - Best practices for protecting web applications against CSRF attacks ### Content Security Policy (CSP) - Introduction to Content Security Policy (CSP) - Understanding CSP directives and policies - Configuring CSP headers in web servers - Using CSP to prevent XSS attacks, clickjacking, and other security vulnerabilities - Reporting and monitoring CSP violations - Challenges and best practices for implementing CSP in web applications ### Authentication best practices - Overview of authentication methods (password-based, token-based, OAuth) - Best practices for password hashing and storage - Using secure password reset mechanisms - Implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) - Securely handling user sessions and tokens - Preventing common authentication vulnerabilities (e.g., brute force attacks, session fixation) ### Authorization techniques - Understanding authorization concepts (roles, permissions, access control) - Role-based access control (RBAC) vs attribute-based access control (ABAC) - Implementing access control lists (ACLs) and role hierarchies - Using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for stateless authorization - Role-based authorization in web frameworks (e.g., Express.js middleware, Spring Security) - Best practices for designing and implementing robust authorization systems ### HTTPS - Introduction to HTTPS (HTTP Secure) - Benefits of HTTPS for security and privacy - Obtaining and installing SSL/TLS certificates - Configuring web servers for HTTPS (e.g., Apache, Nginx) - Enforcing HTTPS redirection and HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) - Monitoring and troubleshooting HTTPS connections ### Input validation - Importance of input validation for security - Validating user input on the client side and server side - Techniques for input validation (whitelisting, blacklisting, regular expressions) - Common input validation vulnerabilities (e.g., SQL injection, XSS) - Implementing robust input validation in web applications - Best practices for handling invalid input and error messages ## Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) ### Service workers - Introduction to service workers - Lifecycle of a service worker (registration, installation, activation) - Caching strategies with service workers (cache-first, network-first, stale-while-revalidate) - Precaching and runtime caching - Handling fetch and cache events - Updating service workers and managing caches - Offline capabilities provided by service workers - Best practices for working with service workers in PWAs ### Offline capabilities - Importance of offline capabilities in PWAs - Caching assets and data for offline use - Implementing offline fallback pages - Using IndexedDB for offline data storage - Syncing data when back online - Handling user interactions and notifications while offline - Strategies for gracefully degrading functionality in offline mode ### Push notifications - Introduction to push notifications - Configuring push notification services (e.g., Firebase Cloud Messaging, Web Push API) - Subscribing users to push notifications - Sending push notifications from the server - Displaying notifications in the browser - Handling notification clicks and interactions - Managing notification permissions and opt-in/opt-out options - Best practices for push notification UX and engagement ### Add to Home Screen - Overview of "Add to Home Screen" functionality - Triggering the installation prompt for PWAs - Configuring web app manifests for "Add to Home Screen" - Customizing the appearance of the installed app icon and splash screen - Handling installation events and deferred installation - Providing feedback to users during installation process - Best practices for encouraging users to add PWAs to their home screens ### Background sync - Introduction to background sync - Using background sync for offline data synchronization - Registering sync tasks with service workers - Implementing sync logic for periodic or event-based data updates - Handling sync events and retrying failed syncs - Optimizing background sync for battery life and performance - Best practices for implementing background sync in PWAs ## WebAssembly (Wasm) ### Introduction to Wasm - What is WebAssembly (Wasm)? - History and evolution of Wasm - Goals and motivations behind Wasm - Understanding Wasm's binary format - Supported platforms and browsers - Compatibility with existing web technologies ### Interacting with JavaScript - Interoperability between Wasm and JavaScript - Passing data between Wasm modules and JavaScript code - Calling JavaScript functions from Wasm - Calling Wasm functions from JavaScript - Handling complex data types (arrays, objects) in interop - Optimizing interop performance and overhead ### Performance benefits - Performance advantages of WebAssembly over JavaScript - Benchmarks and comparisons between Wasm and JavaScript - Lower-level access to hardware resources - Parallelism and SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) in Wasm - Optimizing Wasm code for performance - Real-world examples demonstrating performance gains ### Use cases and applications - Use cases where WebAssembly shines - High-performance web applications and games - Porting existing software to the web - Augmenting JavaScript applications with performance-critical modules - Server-side applications and edge computing with Wasm - Emerging applications and industries leveraging Wasm technology - Challenges and limitations of using WebAssembly in real-world scenarios ## Machine Learning in JavaScript ### TensorFlow.js - Introduction to TensorFlow.js - Features and capabilities of TensorFlow.js - Building and training machine learning models in JavaScript - Supported models and algorithms in TensorFlow.js - Integration with existing web technologies - Using TensorFlow.js for tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, and reinforcement learning - Performance optimizations and best practices in TensorFlow.js - Real-world applications and case studies using TensorFlow.js ### ML5.js - Introduction to ML5.js - Purpose and goals of ML5.js - Simplified interface for machine learning in JavaScript - Supported models and algorithms in ML5.js - Getting started with ML5.js for beginners - Advanced features and customization options - Examples and tutorials for common machine learning tasks using ML5.js - Community contributions and extensions for ML5.js - Use cases and applications of ML5.js in creative coding, art, and education ### Brain.js - Introduction to Brain.js - Neural network library for JavaScript - Building and training neural networks with Brain.js - Supported architectures and algorithms in Brain.js - Comparison with other machine learning libraries in JavaScript - Use cases and applications of Brain.js in real-world projects - Advanced topics in neural network design and training with Brain.js - Performance considerations and optimizations in Brain.js - Integrating Brain.js with web applications and frameworks ### Use cases and applications - Overview of machine learning applications in JavaScript - Real-world use cases of machine learning in web development - Image recognition and classification - Natural language processing (NLP) and text analysis - Predictive analytics and recommendation systems - Anomaly detection and fraud detection - Sentiment analysis and opinion mining - Robotics and IoT applications with machine learning in JavaScript - Challenges and opportunities in deploying machine learning models in production environments ## WebGL and 3D Graphics ### Introduction to WebGL - What is WebGL? - Overview of the WebGL API - Relationship between WebGL and OpenGL - Rendering pipeline in WebGL - Supported platforms and browsers - Setting up a WebGL context - Basic concepts such as vertices, buffers, and shaders - Debugging tools and techniques for WebGL applications ### Three.js library - Introduction to Three.js - Features and capabilities of Three.js - Creating and manipulating 3D scenes with Three.js - Using geometries, materials, and textures - Lighting and shadows in Three.js - Animation and interactivity with Three.js - Integrating Three.js with other web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) - Advanced features and optimizations in Three.js ### 3D rendering techniques - Overview of 3D rendering techniques - Wireframe rendering - Flat shading vs smooth shading - Texture mapping and UV mapping - Normal mapping and bump mapping - Ambient occlusion and global illumination - Reflection and refraction effects - Post-processing effects (bloom, depth of field, motion blur) - Optimizations for real-time rendering performance ### Shaders - Introduction to shaders - Vertex shaders vs fragment shaders - Writing shaders in GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) - Shader programs and pipeline stages - Passing data between shaders and the rendering pipeline - Basic shader effects (color manipulation, transformations) - Advanced shader techniques (procedural textures, ray marching) - Debugging and profiling shaders - Integrating shaders into WebGL and Three.js applications ## Functional Programming in JavaScript ### Higher-order functions - Understanding higher-order functions - Functions as first-class citizens in JavaScript - Passing functions as arguments - Returning functions from other functions - Common higher-order functions in JavaScript (map, filter, reduce) - Creating custom higher-order functions - Benefits and use cases of higher-order functions - Pitfalls and best practices when working with higher-order functions ### Immutability - Introduction to immutability - Understanding mutable vs immutable data - Benefits of immutability in functional programming - Immutable data structures in JavaScript (e.g., Immutable.js) - Techniques for working with immutable data (copying, cloning, updating) - Avoiding mutation in JavaScript objects and arrays - Immutability in modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries - Performance considerations and trade-offs of immutability ### Pure functions - Definition and characteristics of pure functions - Benefits and advantages of pure functions - Writing pure functions in JavaScript - Avoiding side effects in pure functions - Testing and debugging pure functions - Techniques for composing and combining pure functions - Implications of using pure functions in larger codebases - Real-world examples and best practices for using pure functions ### Recursion - Understanding recursion - Recursive vs iterative approaches to problem-solving - Writing recursive functions in JavaScript - Base cases and termination conditions - Tail recursion and optimization techniques - Handling stack overflow in recursive functions - Common recursive algorithms (factorial, Fibonacci sequence, tree traversal) - When to use recursion and when to avoid it ### Function composition - Introduction to function composition - Combining functions to create new functions - Techniques for function composition in JavaScript - Composing functions with higher-order functions - Composing functions with pipe and compose operators - Building pipelines of data transformations with function composition - Benefits and advantages of function composition - Real-world examples and patterns for using function composition ## Design Patterns ### Singleton - Definition and characteristics of the Singleton pattern - Implementing the Singleton pattern in JavaScript - Ensuring a single instance of a class or object - Use cases and scenarios for using the Singleton pattern - Pros and cons of the Singleton pattern - Handling lazy initialization and thread safety in Singletons - Alternatives and variations of the Singleton pattern ### Factory - Introduction to the Factory pattern - Types of Factory patterns (Simple Factory, Factory Method, Abstract Factory) - Implementing Factory patterns in JavaScript - Decoupling object creation from object usage - Use cases and scenarios for using Factory patterns - Pros and cons of Factory patterns - Extending and customizing Factory patterns - Examples and real-world applications of Factory patterns ### Observer - Overview of the Observer pattern - Roles and responsibilities of observers and subjects - Implementing the Observer pattern in JavaScript - Creating custom event systems and listeners - Decoupling event producers from event consumers - Use cases and scenarios for using the Observer pattern - Pros and cons of the Observer pattern - Performance considerations and optimizations for Observers ### Strategy - Understanding the Strategy pattern - Encapsulating algorithms and behaviors - Implementing the Strategy pattern in JavaScript - Defining interchangeable strategies and contexts - Use cases and scenarios for using the Strategy pattern - Pros and cons of the Strategy pattern - Extending and composing strategies - Real-world examples and applications of the Strategy pattern ### Module - Introduction to the Module pattern - Encapsulation and information hiding with modules - Implementing modules in JavaScript (revealing module pattern, ES6 modules) - Avoiding global namespace pollution with modules - Use cases and scenarios for using the Module pattern - Pros and cons of the Module pattern - Design patterns and best practices for modular JavaScript - Comparison with other module systems (CommonJS, AMD) ### MV* patterns (MVC, MVP, MVVM) - Overview of MV* patterns in JavaScript - Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern - Roles and responsibilities of models, views, and controllers - Implementing MVC in JavaScript web applications - Model-View-Presenter (MVP) pattern - Separation of concerns and testability in MVP - Implementing MVP in JavaScript frameworks - Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern - Two-way data binding and view-model synchronization - Implementing MVVM with frameworks like Angular and Knockout.js - Comparing and contrasting MV* patterns - Choosing the right pattern for your JavaScript application ## TypeScript ### Introduction and setup - Overview of TypeScript and its features - Installing and setting up TypeScript compiler (tsc) - Integrating TypeScript into existing JavaScript projects - Configuring tsconfig.json file - Compiler options and project structure - Using TypeScript with build tools like Webpack and Parcel - Debugging TypeScript code in development environments - Version control and collaboration with TypeScript projects ### Static typing - Understanding static typing in TypeScript - Declaring and initializing variables with explicit types - Type inference and type annotations - Primitive types (number, string, boolean, etc.) in TypeScript - Complex types (arrays, objects, tuples) and type annotations - Union and intersection types - Using type assertions and type narrowing for type safety - Benefits and advantages of static typing in TypeScript ### Interfaces and types - Introduction to interfaces and types in TypeScript - Declaring and using interfaces for object shapes and contracts - Optional and readonly properties in interfaces - Extending and implementing interfaces - Declaring type aliases and custom types - Using mapped types and index signatures - Type compatibility and structural typing in TypeScript - Best practices for defining interfaces and types in TypeScript ### Generics - Overview of generics in TypeScript - Creating generic functions, classes, and interfaces - Type parameters and type constraints - Using generic types with arrays, objects, and tuples - Generic utility types (Partial, Readonly, Pick, etc.) - Higher-order generics and type inference with generics - Real-world examples and patterns for using generics - Advanced topics and techniques in generic programming with TypeScript ### Type guards - Understanding type guards in TypeScript - Creating and using type predicates - User-defined type guards and type assertions - Using typeof and instanceof for type guards - Discriminated unions and narrowing types with switch statements - Combining type guards with conditional types - Best practices and patterns for writing type-safe code with type guards - Debugging and troubleshooting type guard errors ### Migrating from JavaScript - Strategies and approaches for migrating from JavaScript to TypeScript - Setting up incremental TypeScript migration in existing projects - Converting existing JavaScript files to TypeScript - Handling type annotations and inference in migrated code - Dealing with type compatibility issues and type errors - Writing migration scripts and automating the migration process - Testing and validating TypeScript migration results - Best practices and lessons learned from real-world migration projects ## Web Components ### Custom Elements - Introduction to Custom Elements - Creating custom HTML elements with Custom Elements API - Defining element behavior and properties - Lifecycle callbacks (connectedCallback, disconnectedCallback, etc.) - Registering custom elements with custom tag names - Extending built-in HTML elements with inheritance - Styling custom elements with CSS - Best practices for designing and using custom elements ### Shadow DOM - Understanding Shadow DOM - Encapsulation and scoping styles with Shadow DOM - Creating and attaching shadow roots to elements - Shadow DOM slots and content distribution - Styling shadow DOM content with encapsulated CSS - Shadow DOM events and event retargeting - Accessing and manipulating shadow DOM content from JavaScript - Advanced techniques and patterns for using Shadow DOM ### HTML Templates - Overview of HTML Templates - Creating and using HTML templates in web components - Defining template markup with <template> element - Cloning and stamping templates to create instances - Dynamically populating and updating template content - Handling template content with JavaScript - Performance benefits of HTML templates - Real-world examples and best practices for using HTML templates ### HTML Imports - Introduction to HTML Imports - Loading external HTML files and resources with HTML Imports - Declaring and importing HTML imports in web components - Use cases and scenarios for using HTML Imports - Integration with other web technologies (e.g., JavaScript modules) - Cross-browser compatibility and polyfill support - Alternatives to HTML Imports (e.g., ES6 modules, dynamic imports) - Best practices and considerations for using HTML Imports ### Polyfills - Overview of polyfills in web development - Understanding the need for polyfills in older browsers - Polyfilling Web Components features (Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, etc.) - Using polyfills for other web platform features (e.g., Fetch API, Promises) - Loading and applying polyfills in web applications - Testing and verifying polyfill behavior and compatibility - Performance considerations and trade-offs of polyfills - Alternatives to polyfills and progressive enhancement strategies ## Accessibility ### Semantic HTML - Understanding the importance of semantic HTML - Semantic elements and their role in accessibility - Using semantic markup for document structure (header, nav, main, footer, etc.) - Choosing appropriate HTML elements for content semantics - Semantic HTML5 elements and their accessibility benefits - Semantic markup for common web components (forms, tables, lists, etc.) - Best practices for enhancing accessibility through semantic HTML ### ARIA attributes - Introduction to ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) - Role, Property, and State attributes in ARIA - Using ARIA attributes to enhance accessibility for dynamic content - ARIA landmarks for document structure and navigation - Live regions and dynamic content updates with ARIA - Custom ARIA attributes and values for custom widgets - Testing and validation of ARIA attributes for accessibility compliance - Considerations and limitations when using ARIA in web development ### Keyboard accessibility - Importance of keyboard accessibility for users with mobility impairments - Designing web interfaces for keyboard navigation and interaction - Managing focus and tabindex attributes for keyboard accessibility - Providing keyboard shortcuts and access keys for common tasks - Ensuring operability and usability of keyboard controls - Testing and validating keyboard accessibility in web applications - Keyboard accessibility in complex web components and interactive elements - Tips and techniques for improving keyboard accessibility in web design ### Screen reader compatibility - Overview of screen readers and assistive technologies - Designing for screen reader compatibility in web applications - Making content accessible to screen readers with semantic HTML and ARIA - Enhancing screen reader usability with skip links and landmarks - Testing and validating screen reader compatibility with assistive technology software - Addressing common screen reader compatibility issues and challenges - Providing alternative text for images and multimedia content - Considerations for optimizing screen reader compatibility in responsive design ### Focus management - Understanding focus management in web applications - Managing focus with HTML autofocus attribute and tabindex - Keyboard focus vs programmatic focus in web development - Ensuring focus visibility and indication for keyboard users - Managing focus traps and focus order in complex interfaces - Handling focus changes in dynamic content and single-page applications - Testing and validating focus management for accessibility compliance - Best practices and patterns for effective focus management in web design ## Cross-platform Development ### React Native - Introduction to React Native - Overview of React Native architecture and components - Building mobile apps with React Native - Creating and structuring components in React Native - Styling and theming in React Native - Handling navigation and routing in React Native apps - Accessing device features and APIs with React Native - Debugging and testing React Native apps - Deploying React Native apps to iOS and Android platforms ### NativeScript - Introduction to NativeScript - Overview of NativeScript architecture and components - Building native mobile apps with NativeScript - Developing cross-platform UI components with NativeScript - Styling and theming in NativeScript - Accessing native device APIs with NativeScript plugins - Debugging and testing NativeScript apps - Integrating third-party libraries and frameworks with NativeScript - Deploying NativeScript apps to iOS and Android platforms ### Ionic - Introduction to Ionic - Overview of Ionic framework and components - Building hybrid mobile apps with Ionic - Developing cross-platform UI components with Ionic - Styling and theming in Ionic - Accessing native device features with Ionic plugins - Debugging and testing Ionic apps - Integrating Ionic with Angular or React - Deploying Ionic apps to iOS and Android platforms ### Electron - Introduction to Electron - Overview of Electron architecture and components - Building desktop applications with Electron - Creating and structuring components in Electron apps - Styling and theming in Electron - Accessing system APIs and resources with Electron - Debugging and testing Electron apps - Packaging and distributing Electron apps for Windows, macOS, and Linux - Integrating third-party libraries and frameworks with Electron ## GraphQL ### Introduction and setup - Overview of GraphQL and its benefits - Installing and setting up GraphQL server (e.g., Apollo Server, GraphQL Yoga) - Configuring GraphQL server and schema - Integrating GraphQL with existing backend systems - Tools and IDEs for GraphQL development - Debugging and monitoring GraphQL APIs - Best practices for setting up GraphQL projects ### Query language basics - Understanding GraphQL query language syntax - Querying data with GraphQL queries - Retrieving specific fields and nested data structures - Using aliases and fragments for query organization - Query variables and dynamic query parameters - Working with GraphQL query directives (e.g., @include, @skip) - Handling errors and error propagation in GraphQL queries - Real-world examples and best practices for writing GraphQL queries ### Mutations - Overview of mutations in GraphQL - Defining and executing mutations to modify server-side data - Creating, updating, and deleting data with mutations - Input types and arguments in mutation operations - Optimistic UI updates and response handling with mutations - Transactions and error handling in mutation operations - Batch mutations and performance considerations - Best practices for designing and executing mutations in GraphQL ### Subscriptions - Introduction to subscriptions in GraphQL - Real-time data updates with GraphQL subscriptions - Subscribing to server-side events and data changes - Configuring and defining subscription operations - Handling subscription lifecycle events (start, stop) - Subscription authentication and authorization - Performance considerations and scalability of subscriptions - Use cases and examples of real-time applications using GraphQL subscriptions ### Apollo Client - Overview of Apollo Client and its features - Installing and setting up Apollo Client in client-side applications - Configuring Apollo Client cache and state management - Querying and fetching data with Apollo Client - Mutations and subscriptions with Apollo Client - Error handling and caching strategies in Apollo Client - Integrating Apollo Client with front-end frameworks (React, Angular, Vue) - Best practices and patterns for using Apollo Client in GraphQL applications ## Serverless Architecture ### Introduction to serverless - Understanding the concept of serverless architecture - Key characteristics and benefits of serverless computing - Comparison with traditional server-based architectures - Use cases and scenarios for adopting serverless architecture - Challenges and considerations when transitioning to serverless ### AWS Lambda - Overview of AWS Lambda service - Creating and deploying Lambda functions - Supported programming languages and execution environments - Configuring triggers and event sources for Lambda functions - Managing permissions and security for Lambda functions - Monitoring and logging Lambda function executions - Best practices and patterns for designing Lambda functions ### Azure Functions - Introduction to Azure Functions service - Creating and deploying Azure Functions - Supported programming languages and execution environments - Triggers and bindings in Azure Functions - Integration with Azure services and resources - Monitoring and logging Azure Function executions - Serverless patterns and best practices with Azure Functions ### Google Cloud Functions - Overview of Google Cloud Functions service - Creating and deploying Google Cloud Functions - Supported programming languages and execution environments - Triggers and event sources for Google Cloud Functions - Integration with Google Cloud Platform services - Monitoring and logging Google Cloud Function executions - Best practices and patterns for designing Google Cloud Functions ### Serverless frameworks - Introduction to serverless frameworks - Overview of popular serverless frameworks (Serverless Framework, AWS SAM, Azure Serverless, Google Cloud Functions Framework) - Features and capabilities of serverless frameworks - Creating, deploying, and managing serverless applications with frameworks - Integrating with cloud provider services and resources - Extending and customizing serverless frameworks - Best practices and patterns for using serverless frameworks ## Microservices ### Introduction to microservices - Definition and characteristics of microservices architecture - Advantages and benefits of microservices over monolithic architectures - Principles and patterns of microservices design (e.g., single responsibility, autonomy, bounded contexts) - Use cases and scenarios for adopting microservices architecture - Challenges and considerations when transitioning to microservices ### Communication between microservices - Communication patterns and protocols in microservices architecture (e.g., synchronous HTTP, asynchronous messaging) - Service-to-service communication with RESTful APIs and HTTP - Event-driven communication with message brokers (e.g., RabbitMQ, Kafka) - Service discovery and registry for dynamic service location - Circuit breaking and fault tolerance in microservices communication - Monitoring and tracing communication between microservices ### Containerization (Docker) - Overview of containerization and Docker technology - Creating and managing Docker containers - Defining Docker images and container configurations with Dockerfiles - Container networking and orchestration with Docker Compose - Docker volumes and data persistence - Best practices for building and optimizing Docker images - Integrating Docker containers with microservices architecture ### Orchestration (Kubernetes) - Introduction to Kubernetes orchestration platform - Deploying and managing microservices with Kubernetes - Kubernetes architecture and components (e.g., Pods, Deployments, Services) - Container orchestration and scaling in Kubernetes - Service discovery and load balancing with Kubernetes - Continuous deployment and rolling updates with Kubernetes - Monitoring and logging microservices in Kubernetes clusters ### Service mesh (Istio) - Overview of service mesh architecture - Introduction to Istio service mesh and Envoy proxy - Traffic management and routing with Istio - Load balancing and fault tolerance with Istio - Secure communication and encryption in service mesh - Observability and monitoring with Istio telemetry - Integrating Istio with Kubernetes for microservices management ## Blockchain and Cryptocurrency ### Introduction to blockchain - Overview of blockchain technology - Definition and characteristics of blockchain - Components and structure of a blockchain network - Types of blockchains (public, private, consortium) - Consensus mechanisms (e.g., Proof of Work, Proof of Stake) - Use cases and applications of blockchain technology - Challenges and limitations of blockchain adoption ### Web3.js - Introduction to Web3.js library - Interacting with Ethereum blockchain using Web3.js - Connecting to Ethereum nodes and networks - Reading and writing data to smart contracts with Web3.js - Managing Ethereum accounts and transactions - Event handling and listening with Web3.js - Integrating Web3.js with front-end applications ### Smart contracts - Understanding smart contracts - Definition and characteristics of smart contracts - Programming smart contracts with Solidity language - Deploying smart contracts to blockchain networks - Interacting with smart contracts using Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) - Testing and debugging smart contracts - Best practices for writing secure and efficient smart contracts ### Decentralized applications (DApps) - Overview of decentralized applications (DApps) - Architecture and components of DApps - Developing front-end interfaces for DApps - Integrating with smart contracts and blockchain networks - Handling user authentication and authorization in DApps - Deployment and distribution of DApps - Real-world examples and use cases of decentralized applications ### Cryptocurrency wallets - Introduction to cryptocurrency wallets - Types of cryptocurrency wallets (e.g., hardware wallets, software wallets) - Creating and managing cryptocurrency wallets - Generating and securing private keys and seed phrases - Sending and receiving cryptocurrency transactions - Managing multiple cryptocurrencies in a single wallet - Security best practices for cryptocurrency wallets ## WebRTC ### Real-time communication - Introduction to WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) - Overview of real-time communication protocols (RTP, SRTP) - Setting up peer-to-peer connections with WebRTC - Establishing audio and video streams between peers - Handling network traversal and NAT traversal with ICE and STUN/TURN servers - Security considerations for real-time communication over the web - Limitations and browser compatibility of WebRTC ### Peer-to-peer data sharing - Implementing peer-to-peer data sharing with WebRTC data channels - Sending and receiving arbitrary data between peers - Configuring data channel parameters and options - Reliability and ordering of data transmission with data channels - Use cases for peer-to-peer data sharing in web applications - Performance optimization and scaling considerations for data channels ### Video conferencing - Building video conferencing applications with WebRTC - Managing multiple audio and video streams in a conference - Implementing features such as mute, pause, and screen layout management - Handling signaling and session management for multi-party conferences - Scalability and bandwidth considerations for large-scale video conferences - Integrating video conferencing with other collaboration tools and services ### Screen sharing - Enabling screen sharing functionality with WebRTC - Capturing and streaming the user's screen to remote peers - Security considerations and permissions for screen sharing - Controlling and managing screen sharing sessions - Use cases for screen sharing in web applications (e.g., remote support, online collaboration) - Performance optimization and resource usage during screen sharing sessions ## Web Development Best Practices ### Code organization - Principles of good code organization - Modularization and separation of concerns - Directory structure and file naming conventions - Design patterns for organizing code (e.g., MVC, MVVM) - Strategies for organizing frontend and backend codebases - Techniques for improving code maintainability and readability ### Version control (Git) - Introduction to version control systems - Setting up and configuring Git repositories - Basic Git commands (init, clone, add, commit, push, pull, merge, rebase) - Branching and merging strategies (feature branches, release branches, Git flow) - Working with remote repositories (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket) - Collaborative development workflows with Git - Advanced Git features and techniques (rebasing, cherry-picking, interactive rebase) ### Documentation - Importance of documentation in web development - Types of documentation (code comments, README files, API documentation) - Writing effective code comments and documentation - Documenting code architecture and design decisions - Creating comprehensive README files for projects - Automated documentation generation tools (e.g., JSDoc, Swagger) - Best practices for maintaining and updating documentation ### Code reviews - Benefits of code reviews in the development process - Conducting code reviews effectively (pull requests, code review meetings) - Reviewing code for correctness, readability, and maintainability - Providing constructive feedback and suggestions during code reviews - Code review best practices and guidelines - Integrating code reviews into the development workflow - Handling disagreements and conflicts during code reviews ### Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) - Overview of CI/CD pipelines - Setting up CI/CD workflows with popular CI/CD tools (e.g., Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI) - Automating build, test, and deployment processes - Continuous integration practices (automated testing, code quality checks) - Continuous deployment strategies (rolling deployments, blue-green deployments) - Monitoring and logging in CI/CD pipelines - Best practices for implementing CI/CD in web development projects ### Agile methodologies - Introduction to Agile software development - Agile principles and values - Agile methodologies (Scrum, Kanban, XP) - Agile ceremonies and rituals (sprints, stand-ups, retrospectives) - Roles and responsibilities in Agile teams (Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team) - Agile planning and estimation techniques (user stories, story points, velocity) - Adapting Agile methodologies to different project environments and teams ## Emerging Trends ### Quantum computing and JavaScript - Introduction to quantum computing - Overview of quantum computing principles and algorithms - Potential applications of quantum computing in web development - Quantum computing frameworks and libraries compatible with JavaScript - Integrating quantum algorithms with JavaScript applications - Challenges and limitations of quantum computing in web development - Future prospects and advancements in quantum computing with JavaScript ### Edge computing - Understanding edge computing and its significance - Architecture and components of edge computing networks - Use cases and applications of edge computing in web development - Edge computing platforms and frameworks - Implementing edge computing solutions with JavaScript - Performance optimization and scalability with edge computing - Security and privacy considerations in edge computing environments ### AI/ML integration in web development - Overview of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies - Applications of AI/ML in web development (e.g., chatbots, recommendation systems) - Integrating AI/ML models with JavaScript applications - Frameworks and libraries for AI/ML development in JavaScript - Training and deploying machine learning models in web applications - Challenges and ethical considerations of AI/ML integration in web development - Future trends and advancements in AI/ML integration with JavaScript ### Voice interfaces - Introduction to voice interfaces and voice recognition technology - Use cases and applications of voice interfaces in web development - Building voice-enabled applications with JavaScript - Speech recognition and natural language processing in JavaScript - Integrating voice interfaces with web browsers and devices - Design considerations for voice user interfaces (VUIs) - Challenges and limitations of voice interfaces in web development ### Spatial computing - Overview of spatial computing and augmented reality (AR) technology - Use cases and applications of spatial computing in web development - Developing AR experiences with JavaScript frameworks (e.g., AR.js, A-Frame) - Integrating spatial computing with web browsers and devices - Designing and implementing spatial user interfaces (UIs) - Performance optimization and hardware requirements for spatial computing - Future directions and advancements in spatial computing with JavaScript
# Getting Started with Create React App This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App]( ## Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: ### `npm start` Runs the app in the development mode.\ Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to view it in your browser. The page will reload when you make changes.\ You may also see any lint errors in the console. ### `npm test` Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.\ See the section about [running tests]( for more information. ### `npm run build` Builds the app for production to the `build` folder.\ It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.\ Your app is ready to be deployed! See the section about [deployment]( for more information. ### `npm run eject` **Note: this is a one-way operation. Once you `eject`, you can't go back!** If you aren't satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can `eject` at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project. Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except `eject` will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can tweak them. At this point you're on your own. You don't have to ever use `eject`. The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn't feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn't be useful if you couldn't customize it when you are ready for it. ## Learn More You can learn more in the [Create React App documentation]( To learn React, check out the [React documentation]( ### Code Splitting This section has moved here: []( ### Analyzing the Bundle Size This section has moved here: []( ### Making a Progressive Web App This section has moved here: []( ### Advanced Configuration This section has moved here: []( ### Deployment This section has moved here: []( ### `npm run build` fails to minify This section has moved here: [](
Built a React calculator from scratch, featuring custom CSS for a sleek interface. Supports basic arithmetic operations.
# Vue 3 + TypeScript + Vite This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 and TypeScript in Vite. The template uses Vue 3 `<script setup>` SFCs, check out the [script setup docs]( to learn more. ## Recommended IDE Setup - [VS Code]( + [Volar]( (and disable Vetur) + [TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar)]( ## Type Support For `.vue` Imports in TS TypeScript cannot handle type information for `.vue` imports by default, so we replace the `tsc` CLI with `vue-tsc` for type checking. In editors, we need [TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar)]( to make the TypeScript language service aware of `.vue` types. If the standalone TypeScript plugin doesn't feel fast enough to you, Volar has also implemented a [Take Over Mode]( that is more performant. You can enable it by the following steps: 1. Disable the built-in TypeScript Extension 1. Run `Extensions: Show Built-in Extensions` from VSCode's command palette 2. Find `TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features`, right click and select `Disable (Workspace)` 2. Reload the VSCode window by running `Developer: Reload Window` from the command palette.
simple markdown blog project with JWT token authentication with Express.js, Vue.js, Typescript and Vite
# Desafio: Desenvolvimento de Calculadora com JavaScript ## ℹ️ Sobre o desafio: Por meio deste programa você deve permitir realizar as operações de **soma**, **subtração**, **multiplicação**, **divisão**, **potenciação** e **radiciação**. Para tanto, você deverá criar uma classe chamada `Calculadora` para **implementar os métodos** das operações mencionadas e, no arquivo `index.js`, você deverá **criar um menu e funcionalidades que permitam realizar os cálculos** com base em uma opção selecionada. ### 🎯 Para a resolução deste desafio você precisará ter conhecimentos sobre: * [x] Declaração de variáveis; * [x] Operadores de comparação; * [x] Condicional Switch e IF; * [x] Laço de repetição Do While; * [x] Funções; * [x] Classes/POO; * [x] Dependência: `readline-sync` para pegar as informações do usuário; ## Pré-requesitos para resolução do desafio >[!IMPORTANT] > > * [x] Ter uma IDE/editor de código, o Node e o git instalados na máquina; > * [x] Clique em `Fork` para realizar uma cópia do projeto para você ![Fork](./images/fork.jpg "Fork") - `caso tenha alguma dúvida assista ao vídeo clicando no link a seguir`: [▶️Explicação sobre o Fork e Clonagem de repositório]( > * [x] No seu computador, `clone a cópia do projeto que está em seu repositório` - **também mostro no link acima**: > ```shell > git clone suaURL > ``` > * [x] Com o projeto em sua máquina, abra a pasta dele na sua IDE e insira o comando `npm i` para instalar as dependências necessárias do projeto - neste caso, será instalado apenas o readline sync - (`utilize o terminal`). > > * [x] Para executar o programa digite o comando a seguir: `node index` > ## ⚙️ Funcionalidades: ### Calculadora Na `classe Calculadora`, você deverá implementar os métodos a seguir: * `somar(num1, num2)`: Realize a operação utilizando o **operador** `+`; * `subtrair(num1, num2)`: Realize a operação utilizando o **operador** `-`; * `multiplicar(num1, num2)`: Realize a operação utilizando o **operador** `*`; * `dividir(num1, num2)`: Realize a operação utilizando o **operador** `/`; * `potencia(num1, num2)`: Realize a operação utilizando a **classe Math** com o **método** `Math.pow(num1, num2)`; * `raizQuadrada(num1)`: Realize a operação utilizando a **classe Math** com o **método** `Math.sqrt(num1)`; ⚠️ Exporte a classe para ser utilizada no index. ### index (onde o programa vai rodar) > Para interagir com o programa, utilize o `readline sync` que já consta no projeto para obter as informações do usuário por meio do teclado. O programa deve rodar dentro de um `loop Do While` de forma infinita até que o usuário escolha finalizar o programa - `opcap = 0` - imprima a mensagem `Programa finalizado!`. - **exibirMenu()**: Esta funcionalidade deve `imprimir um menu` com as opções disponíveis abaixo: | Opções do Menu | |--- | | 1 - Somar | | 2 - Subtrair | | 3 - Multiplicar | | 4 - Dividir | | 5 - Potenciação | | 6 - Radiciação | | 7 - Resultado da última operação | | 0 - Sair | || <br/> - **realizarCalculo(num1, num2)**: Nesta função você deverá receber a entrada de 2 números - utilize o `input` do readline para obtê-los com o método `questionFloat("Informe um numero: ")`. ⚠️ `ATENÇÃO`: Caso o usuário digite a opção de nº 6, você deve `solicitar a inserção de apenas 1 número`. <br/> Crie um `Switch` para `verificar` qual `opção` foi digitada e realize as seguintes ações com base na opção escolhida: 1. `nomeOperacaoEscolhida`: Atribua a esta variável o nome da operação que será realizada. 1. `resultado`: Atribua a esta variável o resultado da operação escolhida 1. `resultadoUltimaOperacao`: Atribua o valor da variável `resultado`; 1. `Finalize retornando o valor da variável resultado`; ⚠️ Caso você utilize o `código base` para resolver o desafio e veja que há a necessidade de criar novas variáveis, fique a vontade para implementá-las. <br/> Crie um laço de `repetição Do While` para rodar a aplicação. Nele, você deverá `exibir o menu` - chame a função **exibirMenu()** e, em seguida, `solicitar ao usuário uma opção`. <br/> Realize uma verificação com `if` para saber qual foi a opção selecionada e tomar a ação correta: * Se `opção for MAIOR OU IGUAL 1` e `opção for MENOR OU IGUAL 6`: Chame a função `realizarCalculo(num1, num2)` imprimindo o resultado da operação realizada; * Senão, se `opção for IGUAL A 7`: Imprima o `nome da última operação` realizada e o `seu resultado`; * Caso não informe uma opção válida: Imprima a mensagem: `Operação inválida!`. <br/> ## 📊 Resultados esperados ### Exibição do Menu ![Exibição do Menu](./images/menu.jpg "Exibição do Menu") <br/> #### Operações com 2 números: Opções 1 a 5 No exemplo abaixo foi utilizada a `opção 1: somar` para exemplificar. Observe que `o programa solicita 2 números` ao usuário. <br/> **O mesmo deve ser feito com as opções 2, 3, 4 e 5**. Após realizar a soma, pedi para imprimir a `última operação com o seu respectivo valor - opção 7`. ![Somar, subtrair, multiplicar, dividir e potenciação](./images/operacoes1_5.jpg "Somar, subtrair, multiplicar, dividir e potenciação") <br/> #### Operação com 1 número - Opção 6 Observe que ao escolher a `opção 6 - radiciação -`, **o programa solicitou apenas 1 número para realizar o cálculo**. ![Raiz quadrada](./images/operacao6.jpg "Raiz quadrada") ## ✅ Resolução do desafio * [Resolução](
Desafio: Desenvolvimento de Calculadora utilizando Classe/POO em JavaScript
# Portfolio_Website Welcome to my portfolio website, meticulously crafted with HTML, CSS, jQuery, AJAX, and JavaScript. As a dedicated developer, I've seamlessly integrated these technologies to showcase my expertise and passion for creating dynamic and visually appealing web experiences. From responsive design elements to interactive features powered by AJAX and jQuery, every aspect reflects my commitment to excellence. Explore my projects, witness the seamless user experience, and discover the artistry of coding. Engage with the alert-driven functionalities that demonstrate not just technical proficiency, but a keen eye for detail. Welcome to a digital canvas where innovation meets design, coded to perfection.
Welcome to my portfolio website, meticulously crafted with HTML, CSS, jQuery, AJAX, and JavaScripts. As a dedicated developer, I've seamlessly integrated these technologies to showcase my expertise and passion for creating dynamic and visually appealing web experiences.
# Frontend Drum Kit Project ## Overview Welcome to the enhanced version of the Frontend Drum Kit, a testament to my expertise in frontend development. This project has been meticulously crafted with a blend of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, showcasing advanced skills in creating interactive and engaging user interfaces. The purpose of this project is to provide a thrilling and immersive experience, particularly in gaming scenarios, where a triumphant victory triggers captivating sounds, adding an extra layer of excitement to the overall user experience. ## Features ### 1. Interactive Drum Kit The frontend drum kit offers a highly interactive experience, allowing users to trigger drum sounds through an intuitive and visually appealing interface. Each drum element responds dynamically to user input, creating a seamless and enjoyable interaction. ### 2. Game Integration Designed with gaming in mind, this enhanced version includes a feature that enables seamless integration into games. Imagine the excitement of triggering captivating sounds upon achieving a triumphant victory, enhancing the overall gaming experience and immersing users in the virtual world. ### 3. Responsive Design Ensuring accessibility across various devices, the drum kit is designed with a responsive layout. Whether accessed on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device, users can enjoy a consistent and optimized experience, retaining the same level of interactivity and engagement. ## Getting Started To incorporate this drum kit into your project, follow these simple steps: 1. Clone the repository to your local machine. ```bash git clone ``` 2. Open the project directory in your code editor. 3. Customize the drum kit as needed, adjusting sounds, visuals, and integration points according to your project requirements. 4. Integrate the drum kit into your game or application by linking the necessary JavaScript, HTML, and CSS files. 5. Test and deploy your project, providing users with an enhanced and immersive experience. ## Contributing If you would like to contribute to the improvement of this project, feel free to submit pull requests or open issues. Your feedback and collaboration are highly valued. ## License This Frontend Drum Kit is open-source and available under the [MIT License]( Feel free to use, modify, and distribute it according to the terms outlined in the license. Enjoy creating interactive and engaging user interfaces with the enhanced Frontend Drum Kit!
The purpose of this project is to provide a thrilling and immersive experience, particularly in gaming scenarios, where a triumphant victory triggers captivating sounds, adding an extra layer of excitement to the overall user experience.
## IT Noticias Web Application This repository contains the code for the IT Noticias web application. ### Deployment The application is deployed at: (url) ### Cloning the Repository To get started with the application, you'll need to clone this repository to your local machine. ```bash git clone <repository_url> ``` ### Setting Up Environment Variables In order to run the application in a development environment, you'll need to add environment variable files in both the `BACKEND` and `FRONTEND` folders. An example of the required variables for deploying the environments is provided. ### Prerequisites Before proceeding, ensure that you have Node.js installed on your computer, along with npm or nvm for managing dependencies. ### Installing Dependencies Navigate to the `BACKEND` and `FRONTEND` folders respectively, and install the required dependencies using the following command: ```bash npm install ``` Make sure there are no conflicts during the installation of dependencies. ### Running the Application After installing the dependencies, you can now start the services by navigating into the `BACKEND` and `FRONTEND` folders, and then use the following command to run the application locally: ```bash npm start ``` This will launch the web application in your local environment. You can access it by navigating to the appropriate URL in your web browser.
ITNoticias is your personal digital newspaper, designed to keep you informed about the latest developments in technology, business, science, and more.
# Mini Code Editor ### Simple and free code editor for your web applications <div align="center"> <img src="res/2.gif"> </div> <a href="" target="_blank">Demo</a> ## Table of contents - [About Mini Code Editor](#about-mini-code-editor) - [Supported languages](#supported-languages) - [Setup](#setup) - [Code fast with snippets](#code-fast-with-snippets) - [Theming](#theming) - [Support this project](#support-this-project) - [License](#license) ## About Mini Code Editor My goal is to create a code editor that is easy to import, easy to configure and has a license that is copyleft (WHY IS EVERYTHING MIT????).<br> Works on (Tested on): Firefox, Chrome, Badwolf and Pale Moon. ## Supported languages - C - CSS - HTML (consequently XML) - Javascript - Python - Shell - SQLite More coming soon... ## Setup ```html <div id='editor'></div> <!-- Import the editor --> <script src='src/editor.js'></script> <!-- Import the language --> <script src='languages/html.js'></script> <script> const EDITOR = new MiniCodeEditor('#editor') EDITOR.setRules(HTML_RULES) // Some configuration (optional) EDITOR.setWordWrap(false) EDITOR.setReadOnly(false) EDITOR.setFontSize(24) // Set editor text EDITOR.setValue('Hello world') // Get editor text console.log(EDITOR.getValue()) </script> ``` ## Code fast with snippets Write the keyword and then press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>Space</kbd> to instantly generate the code block. Press <kbd>F1</kbd> inside the code editor to view a list of current snippets <img width="500px" src="res/1.gif"> ## Theming Mini Code Editor color theme is edited using CSS: Here is an example of a dark theme ```css body[theme="dracula"] { --mce-color-blue: #8be9fd; --mce-color-red: #ff5555; --mce-color-green: #50fa7b; --mce-color-orange: #ffb86c; --mce-color-purple: #bd93f9; --mce-color-brown: #f1fa8c; --mce-color-black: #282a36; --mce-color-white: #f8f8f2; --mce-color-bg: #282a36; --mce-color-fg: #f8f8f2; --mce-color-caret: #f8f8f2; --mce-color-select: rgba(153, 153, 255, 0.5); --mce-editor-font: 'Jetbrains Mono', monospace; --mce-editor-line-height: 1.32; --mce-editor-border: 2px groove #f8f8f2; --mce-editor-border-focus: #f8f8f2 0px 1px 4px, #f8f8f2 0px 0px 0px 3px; } ``` ## Support this Project In this world there are a lot of programming languages, and I can't configure Mini Code Editor for each of them. If you are interested in contributing to the project, read **** to see how to create or edit programming languages in Mini Code Editor. Alternatively, you can donate [![ko-fi](]( ## License Mini Code Editor<br> Copyleft (Ↄ) 2024 Adrian Bogdan. All wrongs reserved.<br> License: [GPL v3.0](
Simple and free code editor for your web applications
# Calculadora-JS Uso de JavaScript puro con CSS y HTML5. Sin frameworks ni librerias. ![HTML5]( ![CSS]( ![JavaScript](
:cactus: Proyecto básico de una calculadora.
# THE TULAS ## Introduction Welcome to Tula’s International School, where we prioritize all-round development through diverse extracurricular activities. Our innovative approach to education, personalized schedules, and friendly management create an environment where every student thrives. Join us and discover your focus today. ## Project Type Frontend ## Deplolyed App Frontend: ## Directory Structure ## ├─ frontend/ ## ├─ ... ## Installation & Getting started Detailed instructions on how to install, configure, and get the project running. For BE/FS projects, guide the reviewer how to check mongodb schema etc. ```bash npm install cd frontend npm start cd src npm run start ``` ## Usage <img src=""></img> <img src=""></img> <img src=""></img> <img src=""></img> <img src=""></img> ## Technology Stack - JavaScript - React - Git - CSS ## Getting Started with Create React App This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. ## Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: ## npm start Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser. The page will reload when you make changes. You may also see any lint errors in the console. ## npm test Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode. See the section about running tests for more information. ## npm run build Builds the app for production to the build folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. Your app is ready to be deployed! See the section about deployment for more information. ## npm run eject Note: this is a one-way operation. Once you eject, you can't go back! If you aren't satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can eject at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project. Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except eject will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can tweak them. At this point you're on your own. You don't have to ever use eject. The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn't feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn't be useful if you couldn't customize it when you are ready for it. ## Learn More You can learn more in the Create React App documentation. To learn React, check out the React documentation. ## Code Splitting This section has moved here: ## Analyzing the Bundle Size This section has moved here: ## Making a Progressive Web App This section has moved here: ## Advanced Configuration This section has moved here: ## Deployment This section has moved here: npm run build fails to minify This section has moved here: ### Made By Alipa [![profile](]( [![linkedin](](
Tula’s International School, where we prioritize all-round development through diverse extracurricular activities. Our innovative approach to education, personalized schedules, and friendly management create an environment where every student thrives. Join us and discover your focus today.
Insta Application
This is a [Next.js]( project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`]( ## Getting Started First, run the development server: ```bash npm run dev # or yarn dev # or pnpm dev # or bun dev ``` Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying `app/page.tsx`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. This project uses [`next/font`]( to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font. ## Learn More To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources: - [Next.js Documentation]( - learn about Next.js features and API. - [Learn Next.js]( - an interactive Next.js tutorial. You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository]( - your feedback and contributions are welcome! ## Deploy on Vercel The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform]( from the creators of Next.js. Check out our [Next.js deployment documentation]( for more details.
🦎 The Magaiba's Gentleness Index
Curso de JavaScript e TypeScript do básico ao avançado JS/TS
<div align="center"> ### Fetch Article/Blog Data from Pakistans Top New's Networks. ___ </div> ### Currently Fetches Data from these Networks. ___ - ARY NEWS 👉 [[](] - GEO NEWS 👉 [[](] - HUM NEWS 👉 [[](] - BOL NEWS 👉 [[](] - DUNYA NEWS 👉 [[](] ___ ### Usage ___ Require Installation of Axios, Cheerio & Fs ``` npm install axios ``` <br> ``` npm install cheerio ``` <br> ``` npm install fs ``` <br> Start path is start_fetching_data.js [start_data_fetch.js]( ``` npm start ``` or ``` node start_data_fetch ``` to run the program. Final Output is Stored in .csv file [data.csv]( can be altered in the start path. ___ ### Data Extracted ___ - Link to the Article - Title of the Article - Content Inside Article The Headings in CSV file are - <b>Title</b> : Contains the Title of the Article - <b>Link</b> : Contains the link of the Article - <b>Article</b>: Contains the content of the Article - <b>NewsStation</b>: Contains the NewsNetwork who published the Article ___
Fetch Data from Pakistan's top News Networks
# 🚀 JavaScript Interview Prep Repository 📚 Welcome to our JavaScript Interview Preparation Repository! This repository is created to help you dive deep into JavaScript concepts and prepare effectively for technical interviews. ## 📖 Topics Covered: - Basics of JavaScript - Advanced JavaScript Concepts - Data Structures and Algorithms in JavaScript - DOM Manipulation - Asynchronous JavaScript (Promises, Async/Await) - Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript - Design Patterns - Tips for Technical Interviews ## 📚 Resources: - [JavaScript MDN Docs]( - [Eloquent JavaScript Book]( - [JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures]( - [Frontend Masters JavaScript Courses]( - [LeetCode]( ## 💻 Code Examples: Explore our collection of practical code examples covering various JavaScript concepts and techniques. ## 🧠 Practice Problems: Challenge yourself with coding problems and interview questions related to JavaScript. Solutions are provided to help you understand the concepts better. ## 🤝 Contributions: We welcome contributions from the community! If you have additional resources, code examples, or practice problems to share, feel free to submit a pull request. ## 📝 Feedback: Have any suggestions, questions, or feedback? Create an issue, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. ## 📢 Spread the Word: If you find this repository helpful, don't forget to give it a ⭐️ and share it with your friends and colleagues! Happy coding! 🚀
# SecureTokenizer A PHP Library for Cryptographically Secure Token Generation and Management SecureTokenizer is a powerful PHP library designed to enhance the security of web applications. It achieves this by providing advanced capabilities for generating and managing secure tokens. This library is perfect for integrating into PHP and AJAX projects, offering developers a robust solution for creating unpredictable, cryptographically secure tokens. These tokens are ideal for a variety of purposes, including authentication, session management, attack prevention, encryption tasks, and more. ## Features - **Cryptographically Secure Token Generation**: Leverages both PHP's `random_bytes` and OpenSSL's `openssl_random_pseudo_bytes` to achieve high entropy in token generation, ensuring each token is unique and unpredictable. - **Advanced Encryption and Decryption**: Implements AES-256 for encryption and utilizes SHA-256 for hashing related data, making the tokens and associated processes cryptographically secure and virtually invulnerable to attacks such XSS, CSRF, SQL-INJECTION, REPLAY, and so. - **JavaScript integration**: SecureTokenizer includes JavaScript code dynamic creation, enabling client-side time-based token generation. This facilitates seamless integration of secure token handling across client and server boundaries. - **Time-Based Token Generation**: Offers the capability to generate time-based tokens with customizable durations, limiting their validity to specific timeframes for enhanced security in time-sensitive operations. - **Flexibility and Security**: Designed to be easy and flexible for developers to integrate, while ensuring the highest level of security to protect against modern web threats. ## Installation Simply include SecureTokenizer in your project to start generating secure tokens: ```php require_once 'path/to/SecureTokenizer.php'; ``` ## Quick Start Guide ### Initializing the Class To initialize the `SecureTokenizer` class, use the following syntax: ```php $tokenizer = new secureTokenizer($key); ``` The constructor accept two parameters: - `string` **$key**: the key for encrypt, decrypt and seed initialization - `bool` **$xss = true** (optional): if this value is true the encryption key will include server and remote ip address for XSS attack prevention. This parameter is optional and defaults to true if not specified. ### Generating a Secure Token ```php $key = 'A strong key 12345!'; $tokenizer = new secureTokenizer($key); $secureToken = $tokenizer->tokenCreate(); echo $secureToken; // Outputs the generated secure token ``` ### Verifying a Token ```php $key = 'A strong key 12345!'; $tokenizer = new secureTokenizer($key); // The token you get (for example via Ajax request) $secureToken = 'a05f970fe2732a77d57a7f784b050fca2f4ed5314e15dada4f0ab0dc24889318'; $isTokenValid = $tokenizer->checkToken($secureToken); if ($isTokenValid) { echo "Token is valid."; } else { echo "Token is invalid."; } ``` ## Practical Use Case Example In this example, we have a PHP page (server.php) that makes an AJAX request using JavaScript with the GET method to another page (receiver.php). The request includes a time-based token with a lifespan of 10 seconds. The receiver.php page checks the token, and print a token validity message. **sender.php** ```php <?php require("SecureTokenizer.php"); $key = 'A strong key 12345!'; $tokenizer = new secureTokenizer($key); $secureToken = $tokenizer->tokenCreate(true,10); echo $tokenizer->jsInit; // Print the JavaScript code for creating time-based tokens ?> <script> function myAjaxFunction() { // Prints "let var token=...;" - Code for generating JS time-based token <?php echo $tokenizer->jsToken; ?> fetch('receiver.php?token='+token) .then(response => response.text()) .then(text => document.write(text)) .catch(error => console.error('Fetch error:', error)); } myAjaxFunction(); </script> ``` **receiver.php** ```php <?php require("SecureTokenizer.php"); $key = 'A strong key 12345!'; $tokenizer = new secureTokenizer($key); // The token you get (for example via Ajax request) if (isset($_GET["token"])) $secureToken = $_GET["token"]; else $secureToken = bin2hex(random_bytes(32)); $isTokenValid = $tokenizer->checkToken($secureToken,true,10); if ($isTokenValid) { echo "Token is valid."; } else { echo "Token is invalid."; } ?> ``` ## How It Works SecureTokenizer combines cryptographically secure random key generation with a sophisticated algorithm that includes: - Generating a strong encrypted cryptographycally secure random main key `$nonce`, included in the first part of the token. - Creating a pseudo-randomly generated second part of the token `$lsToken` that is encrypted using the nonce as key. - For time-based tokens, ensuring they are securely hashed (using SHA-256) for client-side (JavaScript) use, such as AJAX requests. - Ensuring all tokens are obfuscated and securely encrypted using both XOR operations and AES-256 encryption for maximum security. - Checking validity of received tokens even with time-based check. ## Customization and Advanced Usage SecureTokenizer allows for detailed customization, including key changes and change time validity. For advanced usage and customization options, refer to the examples provided with the library and the next section explaining the public properties and methods of this class. ## Public properties and methods ### Properties - `string (binary)` **$nonce**: The "nonce", a cryptographically secure random key used in token generation. This properties is very useful, because its value can be used for secure encrypting and decrypting datas between sender and receiver. - `string` **$jsToken**: Initialization string for a JavaScript variable that includes the token code used for client-side Ajax requests. - `string (binary)` **$tbrToken**: Time-Based Reference Token, used for validating time-sensitive tokens. This public property is useful for debugging purpose. - `string` **$jsInit**: JavaScript code to include in your sender page containing functions for managing client-side (JavaScript) time-based token. ### Methods - `string (hex)` **tokenCreate(bool $timeBased=false, int $validity=3, string $jsVar='token')**: Generates a secure token. If `$timeBased` is `true`, generates a time-based token with specified validity. Returns the encrypted token, and saves the string for initializating a Javascript variabile named `$jsvar` in the property `$jsToken`. - `string (binary)` **tokenDecrypt(string $string, bool $timeBased=false)**: Decrypts a given token hex string. If the token is time-based, handles decryption accordingly. Saves the value of nonce in the `$nonce` property and of time-based received token in `$tbrToken` property. Returns `$lsToken` - `bool` **checkToken(string $string, bool $timeBased=false, int $validity=3, int $tolerance=1)**: Validates a token against the generated reference. Checks time-based tokens with specified validity and tolerance. Returns `true` or `false`, and save nonce, and time-based token in their respective properties. - `string (binary)` **encrypt(string $string, string $key=null)**: Encrypts a given string (such as a token, nonce, or even text or binary data) with the specified key or the default key if none is provided. Useful for sending encrypted data using `$nonce` or `$lsToken` as key. - `string (binary)` **decrypt(string $string, string $key=null)**: Decrypts a given string (such as a token, nonce, or even text or binary data) with the specified key or the default key if none is provided. Useful for receiving encrypted data using `$nonce` or `$lsToken` as key. ## Help us If you find this project useful and would like to support its development, consider making a donation. Any contribution is greatly appreciated! **Bitcoin (BTC) Addresses:** - **1LToggio**f3rNUTCemJZSsxd1qubTYoSde6 - **3LToggio**7Xx8qMsjCFfiarV4U2ZR9iU9ob ## Third-Party Licenses This project includes code from [**js-sha256**]( by **Chen, Yi-Cyuan**, released under the [MIT License]( ## License SecureTokenizer is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the library in compliance with the license. Copyright (C) 2024 Luca Soltoggio -
A PHP Library for Cryptographically Secure Token Generation and Management
# Empreguei
TCC sobre um site para vagas de emprego desenvolvido utilizando MERN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJs, ReactJs e NodeJs). Projeto elaborado em equipe por @will9191, @LucaoCorrea, @Rafael-Furtado, @gabs-n
# The Ultimate React Course 2024: React, Redux & More - [x] <h2>Master modern React from beginner to advanced! Context API, React Query, Redux Toolkit, Tailwind, advanced patterns</h2> - [x] <h2>What you'll learn</h2> - Become an advanced, confident, and modern React developer from scratch - Become job-ready by working with libraries and tools used in professional projects - Think like a senior React engineer with advanced design patterns - State management: thinking about state, where to place, local vs. global, UI vs. remote - Master the confusing but important useEffect hook once and for all - Build single-page applications with React Router (including v6.4+ with data loading) - Advanced React features: useReducer, Context API, cloneElement, portals, etc. - Style your apps with Tailwind CSS, CSS Modules, Styled Components (CSS-in-JS) - Build real-world app features: authentication, data sorting, filtering and pagination, dark mode, charts, etc. - Build 8+ beautiful projects, including one HUGE professional real-world app - Join my other 1,800,000+ happy students on this journey - React fundamentals: components, JSX, props, events, state, forms - Build reusable, composable, and versatile components - Build many custom hooks, reusable in your future projects - Performance optimization with memo, useMemo, useCallback, and code splitting - Advanced state management with Redux, Redux Toolkit, Thunks, React Query - Understand how React actually works behind the scenes: virtual DOM, reconciliation, fiber tree, key prop, etc. - Practice your skills with many challenges, exercises, and practice projects - [x] Course content: - 31 sections • 412 lectures • 67h 11m total length - Created by Jonas Schmedtmann
The Ultimate React Course 2024: React, Redux & More
# Playground JS A powerful iterator for JavaScript. # [Try it]( # How to use ## Node.js - by require `node -r iterateur/register` - by optional require - `require('iterateur').registerNumberIterator()` - `require('iterateur').registerRegExpIterator()` - ... ## Browser TODO ## Demo ### Number ```js console.log([...10]); // [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] console.log([...-10]); // [ 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9 ] console.log([...2.5]); // [ 2, 3, 4 ] console.log([...-2.5]); // [ 5, 4, 3 ] console.log([...10.2]); // [ 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 ] console.log([...-5.2]); // [ 2, 3, 4 ] console.log([...(10).step(2)]); // [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ] console.log([...NaN]); // throw TypeError console.log([...Infinity]); // a infinite iterator console.log([...-Infinity]); // a infinite iterator ``` ### RegExp ```js console.log([.../10/]); // [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] console.log([.../-10/]); // [ 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9 ] console.log([.../2~5/]); // [ 2, 3, 4 ] console.log([.../10:2/]); // [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ] console.log([.../1~10:2/]); // [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ] ``` ### Function ```js console.log([ ...function i2_20$3(i) { return i < 10 ? `foo-${i}` : null; }, ]); // [ 'foo-2', 'foo-5', 'foo-9' ] console.log([ ...() => [ 50, // /50/, // 'i2_20$3', (i) => (i < 10 ? `foo-${i}` : null), ], ]); // [ 'foo-2', 'foo-5', 'foo-9' ] ``` ### ~~`i` function~~ ```js const { i } = require("iterateur"); console.log([...i`3~10:2`]); console.log([...i("3~10:2")]); console.log([...i("3~10:2", [(i) => i + 1, (i) => `foo-${i}`])]); console.log([ ...i`3~10:2 > ${(i) => i + 1} > ${(i) => `foo-${i}`} `, ]); console.log([...i(/10/)]); console.log([ ...i`${/10/} > ${(i) => i + 1} > ${(i) => `foo-${i}`} `, ]); console.log([...i(10)]); console.log([ ...i`${10} > ${(i) => i + 1} > ${(i) => `foo-${i}`} `, ]); ```
Playground Javascript
# Bugs - Entrada da URL do servidor - Conversão de query-string, headers, cookies e path para a notação correta do OpenAPI # Features - Criar mock server com dados fakes
Bargain with an API, handshake...It's all right!
# WebExt - Playgrounds This repository contains a collection of web extension playgrounds. Each playground is a separate web extension that demonstrates a specific feature or technique. The goal is to provide a set of examples that can be used as a reference for building your own web extensions with real-scenario applications. ### Playgrounds - [Lag Radar](extensions/lag-radar/ A tool that helps developers visualize and debug performance issues in their web applications. ### Contributing Contributions are welcome! If you have a playground that you would like to share, please open a pull request.
Collection of web extension that demonstrates a specific feature or technique.
The goal of this coding exam is to quickly get you off the ground with **Lists and Keys** in React JS. ### Refer to the image below: <br/> <div style="text-align: center;"> <img src="" alt="visit countries" style="max-width:70%;box-shadow:0 2.8px 2.2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)"> </div> <br/> ### Design Files <details> <summary>Click to view</summary> - [Medium (Size >= 768px), Large (Size >= 992px) and Extra Large (Size >= 1200px)]( - [Medium (Size >= 768px), Large (Size >= 992px) and Extra Large (Size >= 1200px) - No Visited Countries View]( </details> ### Set Up Instructions <details> <summary>Click to view</summary> - Download dependencies by running `npm install` - Start up the app using `npm start` </details> ### Completion Instructions <details> <summary>Functionality to be added</summary> <br/> The app must have the following functionalities - Initially, the list of given countries should be displayed. - If the country is not visited, it should be displayed with the **Visit** button. - If the country is visited, it should be displayed with the text **Visited** and also should be displayed in the visited countries. - When a **Visit** button of the country is clicked, - The country should be added in the visited countries. - The **Visit** button of a respective country should be replaced with the text **Visited**. - When a **Remove** button in one of the visited countries is clicked, - The respective visited country should be removed from the visited countries. - The **Visited** text of a respective visited country should be replaced with a **Visit** button. - When all the visited countries are removed, then [No Visited Countries View]( should be displayed. - The `App` component consists of the `initialCountriesList`. It consists of a list of countries with the following properties in each country object. | key | DataType | | :-------: | :------: | | id | String | | name | String | | imageUrl | String | | isVisited | Boolean | </details> ### Important Note <details> <summary>Click to view</summary> <br/> **The following instruction is required for the tests to pass** - The image of each visited country should have the `alt` attribute value as **thumbnail**. </details> ### Resources <details> <summary>Colors</summary> <br/> <div style="background-color: #161624; width: 150px; padding: 10px; color: white">Hex: #161624</div> <div style="background-color: #f8fafc; width: 150px; padding: 10px; color: black">Hex: #f8fafc</div> <div style="background-color: #334155; width: 150px; padding: 10px; color: white">Hex: #334155</div> <div style="background-color: #1f1f2f; width: 150px; padding: 10px; color: white">Hex: #1f1f2f</div> <div style="background-color: #f1f5f9; width: 150px; padding: 10px; color: black">Hex: #f1f5f9</div> <div style="background-color: #ffffff; width: 150px; padding: 10px; color: black">Hex: #ffffff</div> <div style="background-color: #3b82f6; width: 150px; padding: 10px; color: black">Hex: #3b82f6</div> <div style="background-color: #94a3b8; width: 150px; padding: 10px; color: white">Hex: #94a3b8</div> <div style="background-color: #cbd5e1; width: 150px; padding: 10px; color: black">Hex: #cbd5e1</div> </details> <details> <summary>Font-families</summary> - Roboto </details> > ### _Things to Keep in Mind_ > > - All components you implement should go in the `src/components` directory. > - Don't change the component folder names as those are the files being imported into the tests. > - **Do not remove the pre-filled code**
# play-music-naruto "Esse é meu jeito ninja de ser"
"Esse é meu jeito ninja de ser"