52 values
Aubrey and Kai got into an argument yesterday because Kai betrayed her trust. She hasn't spoken to Kai today and has given him the silent treatment.
[ "Aubrey hasn't spoken to me all day.", "You getting the slight treatment then?", "So it would seem.", "What did you do?", "I lied to her and betrayed her trust, I hope she stops with the silent treatment soon so we can talk things over." ]
Early this morning, Kai discovered oil was leaking from the car engine and so, he took it to the repair shop.
[ "I took the car to our usual mechanic but I think the owner was out, it was some young guy instead.", "Did they find out what was wrong?", "He said something about the alternator, but honestly I didn't trust him. That wouldn't make any sense.", "Are you going to get a second opinion?", "Probably, but I don't know where. I want to avoid large chains but I don't know any other good shops.", "Try Auto Partners on Fillmore, they've always been great with me." ]
Early this morning, Kai discovered oil was leaking from the car engine and so, he took it to the repair shop.
[ "I was at the auto shop today?.", "Oh no, did your car break down?", "No I just noticed an oil leak when I was leaving for work this morning. I was leaving early so I had time.", "Oh that's great you were able to get right in.", "Yeah I called them from the road so they were ready for me. They didn't think it's anything serious, and got it patched up pretty quickly.", "Well that's good to hear." ]
Early this morning, Kai discovered oil was leaking from the car engine and so, he took it to the repair shop.
[ "Something went wrong with my car.", "What happened?", "Well, I walked to my car this morning and there was this pool of oil around it.", "Well that can't be good!", "Certainly not! Hopefully the fix doesn't cost me too much.", "Fingers crossed for you." ]
Cameron was involved in an accident while biking on the way home from school, the injury site now has a bump.
[ "My leg hurts ever since I fell on my trip.", "did you get your leg checked out.", "Not yet, I don't think it was that serious of a fall.", "you never know though because my dad broke his leg last week when he fell on his bike.", "maybe I should get it checked out, I do have quite a nasty bump on my leg now." ]
Sydney wanted salad for lunch. That was the healthiest thing on the menu.
[ "Today I went to a restaurant near work for lunch. It didn't go very well at first, but turned out okay in the end.", "Was it the food or service or both?", "The menu had lots of yummy choices on it, but none of them were very healthy.", "I'm so proud of you for trying to eat healthier foods. What did you order?", "I ordered a salad, it was the only healthy item on the menu, but it was delicious!", "Well, at least you know now where you can get a healthy lunch that's close to work!" ]
Sydney wanted salad for lunch. That was the healthiest thing on the menu.
[ "Did you go out for lunch today? ", "I did, wanted to treat myself to a nice healthy lunch.", "oh lovely! What did you get?", "Just a salad but it was so yummy.", "That sounds good, let me know next time you go out for lunch.", "I will do of course." ]
Sydney wanted salad for lunch. That was the healthiest thing on the menu.
[ "Its so hard to eat healthy around here", "It really is. I'm glad you finally got it under control a little bit", "Me too! I used to eat like a pig.", "What have you eaten today?", "Just a salad so far.", "Good on you for going with the healthy option!" ]
Alex and Aubrey have been best friends for their entire lives. Aubrey has gotten into college across the country. Alex helps Aubrey pack up her car.
[ "Busy day today?", "Yeah a bit, I helped Aubrey pack her car ready for college.", "Nice! Did it take you guys long to pack?", "Not long at all actually with the two of us doing it.", "Aww that's good, are you sad to see her go off to college.", "Yeah I am to be honest, I'm going to miss her so much." ]
Alex and Aubrey have been best friends for their entire lives. Aubrey has gotten into college across the country. Alex helps Aubrey pack up her car.
[ "I helped Aubrey pack up her car yesterday.", "Really? Where is she going?", "She's going off to college on the other side of the country.", "Won't that be hard on you guys? You've been best friends for awhile, right?", "We've been best friends our entire lives.", "That's crazy! I hope you keep in touch while she's gone." ]
Remy ran ahead of the babysitter to chase the hare and pretend to hunt with the hounds in the forest.
[ "It was so fun pretending I was one of the dogs.", "What did you guys do?", "The dogs had started to chase a hare, so I joined them.", "How did it go?", "The dogs caught the hare and the baby sitter caught me.", "I bet she wasn't thrilled about having to clean you." ]
Sasha wanted a dog, but was not confident in controlling it.
[ "I really want to get a dog.", "Why don't you get one?", "I don't know if I can handle one.", "Just get a small dog.", "It's not just size--it's the responsibility.", "There is that; you have to devote time to them." ]
Sasha wanted a dog, but was not confident in controlling it.
[ "I have wanted a dog for so long and I think I finally found the right one.", "Why don't you go ahead and get it then?", "I am just worried because it's a German Shepherd and I am worried that I won't be able to control it.", "I took my dog to an obedience school and I can give you the number if you want it.", "I know it's important for the dog to know I am in charge so that's probably a good idea.", "I think you should call and talk to my trainer because I think you will be fine with your new dog." ]
Sasha wanted a dog, but was not confident in controlling it.
[ "I really want a dog but I'm not sure if I can train it or not.", "Yes you will it will just take time and patience.", "You think so? I'm just a bit nervous about controlling and taking care of an animal.", "You will be fine and once its done and you will love your dog" ]
Sasha wanted a dog, but was not confident in controlling it.
[ "I decided against getting a dog.", "Why? You really wanted to get that beagle. What happened?", "Well, I did want that cute beagle, but I don't feel I would have been good enough at controlling it.", "It takes time and patience to train a dog to do the things you want, it just doesn't happen overnight.", "Well, I think you're right, but I don't know. Perhaps a different kind of dog?", "It's possible. Just don't make rash decisions. Think about it." ]
Quinn wasn't well liked, because they always made a lot of assumptions about everyone they came across. It was rude.
[ "I have a terrible habit of making many assumptions about people I meet.", "I find that rather rude.", "I know it is. It is getting in the way of my relationships with people.", "Needless to say, people who make assumptions about others are not well liked.", "How can I change this?", "Try to hold an honest conversation with someone to learn more about them." ]
Quinn wasn't well liked, because they always made a lot of assumptions about everyone they came across. It was rude.
[ "I really wish I had more friends here at school. I get lonely sometimes.", "I think you just need to be a little more open minded about people. You sometimes come across as uppity and rude.", "I know. I get that from my mom. She always assumes people are dishonest and out to take advantage of her.", "Well now that you know that you can work on not being like her. I know you're a nice person. You just need to show that side of yourself to others.", "I will definitely work on that. There's a book club in my dorm. Maybe I'll join and focus on being open minded and friendly.", "That's a great idea Quinn! I'll bet you have more friends than you can handle in no time." ]
Quinn wasn't well liked, because they always made a lot of assumptions about everyone they came across. It was rude.
[ "I realized a lot of people dislike me.", "What drew you to that conclusion?", "I make a lot of assumptions about people. I do. Someone called me out on it and said it was rude.", "Was it just one person, though?", "Telling me explicitly, yes. But I did ask around to confirm.", "Well, I think people should have nipped whatever's annoying them in the bud instead of stewing." ]
Although Aubrey was older and stronger, they lost to Alex in arm wrestling.
[ "I beat Aubrey at arm wrestling the other day.", "Isn't he older than you?", "Yeah, he's stronger, too.", "That must have felt great.", "It made me feel powerful.", "Way to go! That's a terrific achievement." ]
Although Aubrey was older and stronger, they lost to Alex in arm wrestling.
[ "I think Aubrey wants to fight me now. I beat him in arm wrestling and he's really mad.", "He's a poor sport! I'm not really surprised since he goes around bullying people.", "He bugged me for an hour to arm wrestle him. He kept say he was old and stronger than me.", "Why did you finally do it?", "Because I wanted him to go away. I figured he would just beat me and leave...but, I beat him." ]
Ash came home late from the game that night. Ash spent the next day sleeping.
[ "I spent most of the day asleep today.", "Why were you so tired?", "I went to the game last night at the stadium and wound up getting back in after 3 am.", "Oh, that's really late.", "And it takes a lot of energy out of you. So I didn't get up till after lunch today.", "I hope you're refreshed now." ]
Ash came home late from the game that night. Ash spent the next day sleeping.
[ "I can't believe how much I slept today.", "You must have been really tired.", "I came home late last night from the game.", "It must have been good.", "It was a good poker game. Made lots of money.", "So any chance you treat me out to dinner?" ]
Ash came home late from the game that night. Ash spent the next day sleeping.
[ "The game was so fun last night.", "Yeah, that comeback was insane, did you go the party afterward?", "Yeah, I spent too much time there.", "Did you get home late?", "I did, I spend the next day fast asleep.", "At least you're well rested now." ]
Ash came home late from the game that night. Ash spent the next day sleeping.
[ "Wow, I slept the entire day away today.", "You must've gotten in pretty late last night.", "I did, yeah. The game went long so it was much later than usual.", "Good thing you had the day off.", "Yeah, but I spent it in bed. What a waste.", "It's better than missing a day of work, in my opinion." ]
Ash came home late from the game that night. Ash spent the next day sleeping.
[ "I literally slept the entire day today.", "Why did you waste an entire work day?", "I was out at the game last night.", "That's not really an excuse though to sleep in.", "Well I got home at like 2 am and there was no way to get any sleep.", "I am surprised that you did not get fired to be honest." ]
Carson attended school for three years, until they got kicked out.
[ "I went to school for three years.", "Why three years, did you drop out?", "No I was kicked out.", "What did you do?", "I was just a brat that didn't care for education, I really regret my actions now though." ]
Aubrey had to make Sydney explain themselves, because they were babbling with incoherent phrases.
[ "I was wondering why I could hardly understand what Sydney was saying.", "I noticed but she was babbling words to herself.", "Tomorrow I can talk to her and I demand an explanation.", "How irresponsible of her.", "I have never seen her this way.", "She may have a serious problem." ]
Carson wanted to make sure he did the homework right so he made Jesse look it over.
[ "I think I nailed the homework.", "What makes you say that?", "I was unsure initially, but then I had Jesse look it over and she said it looked great!", "That's good! Jesse is the smartest in class.", "You're not wrong there.", "Lucky you're such good friends with one of the smartest people at our school." ]
Carson wanted to make sure he did the homework right so he made Jesse look it over.
[ "Since I need all the points I can get for class I had Jesse look over my homework.", "Jess is very smart so she's a great person to have.", "You're right about that.", "Maybe I should ask her to look over some of my stuff?", "You should as it will be guaranteed that you get a good grade.", "I'll send her a text and ask her." ]
Carson wanted to make sure he did the homework right so he made Jesse look it over.
[ "I gave Jesse the homework we did to check it because he is the smartest in the class.", "That is a good idea, Jesse really knows his math.", "I really hope so, this is the last assignment of the year before the big final exam.", "He has like a 97% in the class and gets A's on every test, we will be fine.", "I am just worried because I am sitting on a C and close to a D.", "Jesse will correct all the mistakes we made on it, don't worry about it." ]
Once Lee became upset and started to cry, Riley stopped teasing Lee.
[ "I must've really upset Lee.", "What did you do to the poor boy now?", "I was only playing around and teasing him a little but he burst into tears and is really upset at me now.", "Well what did you expect? What did you say to him?", "I may have tod him he smells weird and looks funny.", "Well that's not very nice at all now is it? You should apologise he's a nice boy." ]
Once Lee became upset and started to cry, Riley stopped teasing Lee.
[ "I was teasing Lee earlier today.", "That's not very nice of you!", "No, it wasn't. I stopped when he got upset.", "Why did you do it?", "I was just playing around I didn’t want to upset him, but he started crying and that made me feel awful.", "Maybe that'll teach you to never tease him again!" ]
Once Lee became upset and started to cry, Riley stopped teasing Lee.
[ "Lee started crying over a little teasing yesterday. She's so sensitive.", "Why were you teasing her?", "She was stumbling over her words. It was just a joke and all in good fun.", "It doesn't sound like she thought so. You need to be more considerate of her feelings.", "I don't get why it bothered her, but I'll try to hold my tongue next time.", "That's a good idea. She's not going to remain friends with you if you are always picking on her." ]
Once Lee became upset and started to cry, Riley stopped teasing Lee.
[ "Oh man, I felt so bad.", "What happened?", "I was teasing Lee about his break up and he started to cry.", "Wow, you must've really upset him.", "I did. I didn't really think he cared about the girl. I stopped teasing him as soon as I realized he was in pain.", "I'm sure he'll understand. You two are always teasing each other." ]
Jan wanted to drive back home from their place but realized she left her keys on the kitchen table.
[ "How was the drive up?", "Not too bad although we had a slow start.", "Why was that?", "I left my keys behind and had to drive back to get them.", "Haha what are you like?", "I know I always forget something don't I." ]
Jan wanted to drive back home from their place but realized she left her keys on the kitchen table.
[ "Hey, can you pick me up soon?", "Don't you have a car? Why can't you drive yourself home?", "I accidentally left my keys on the kitchen table.", "Ugh, you're so forgetful!" ]
Jan wanted to drive back home from their place but realized she left her keys on the kitchen table.
[ "Oh no! I forgot my keys on the kitchen table.", "So what are we going to do?", "We either have to walk home or someone will have to go back and get the keys?", "You better start walking back and get those car keys.", "Walk with me, please." ]
Jan wanted to drive back home from their place but realized she left her keys on the kitchen table.
[ "I can't believe that I left my keys on the kitchen table.", "Haha, it was so funny to see you try to start your car without the keys.", "I can't believe that I did that.", "Its ok it happens to the best of us, just try to remember next time." ]
Taylor doesn't particularly enjoy the only cereal left in their cabinet. Taylor pours a lot of sugar on the cereal.
[ "Just to let you know I used the last of the sugar.", "Oh how come I thought we had loads left?", "We did it I used a lot to pour onto the only disgusting cereal we had left in the house.", "Why would you do that the cereal is not that bad!", "It really is though! I cannot stand it.", "Well next time you're out remember to pick up some more sugar then." ]
Taylor doesn't particularly enjoy the only cereal left in their cabinet. Taylor pours a lot of sugar on the cereal.
[ "I hate corn flakes.", "I didn't even know people still bought that.", "I found some in the cabinet, so people still buy it.", "It seems like a collectors item even though it's all over the place.", "I had to pour so much sugar in the milk to make this even edible.", "I can imagine, I'm sticking to my cinnamon toast crunch." ]
Taylor doesn't particularly enjoy the only cereal left in their cabinet. Taylor pours a lot of sugar on the cereal.
[ "Did you want to finish the cereal with me?", "No thanks, I am not a huge fan of cheerio's, they taste to bland.", "That's okay, I don't really like them either, but I have a secret to eating them.", "What is the secret?", "You have to pour a ton of sugar on the cereal and than it taste great!", "Maybe true, but to much sugar is really bad for you!" ]
Taylor doesn't particularly enjoy the only cereal left in their cabinet. Taylor pours a lot of sugar on the cereal.
[ "Have you eaten yet?", "Yeah I had the last of the awful cereal we had left in the cupboard.", "The Bran-flakes? I hate that stuff to, how do you eat it?", "Honestly, I pour a lot of sugar on them.", "Ah that explains where all the sugar has gone then.", "Haha, yeah sorry about that." ]
Carson turned up the volume in their car so that they could hear the song clearer.
[ "I love this jam! Turn it up!!", "I love that jam too but you have too much static.", "I will turn it some more so we can hear it.", "Carson, the static is annoying me.", "Okay if I turn it up some more it will drown out the static.", "Carson, my ears are bleeding!! Stop it!!" ]
Carson turned up the volume in their car so that they could hear the song clearer.
[ "Pretty sure I made my friend half-deaf.", "What do you mean?", "We were listening to music and I turned the volume right up.", "Was it loud?", "Oh yeah! Really loud.", "You should be careful or else your ears will start ringing." ]
Carson turned up the volume in their car so that they could hear the song clearer.
[ "Guess what they were playing on the radio today. The Beatles...stuff I haven't heard for a long time.", "I love them...I listen to them all the time.", "Well, I turned it up so I could hear it better and it was great!", "Can't get any better driving music than that!" ]
Carson turned up the volume in their car so that they could hear the song clearer.
[ "We were listening to some absolute gems in the car earlier.", "Oh yeah, those oldies but goldies?.", "you know it! We had the volume up to max setting.", "That must have been loud!", "it was but it was so worth it.", "It's the only way to listen to the classic's really." ]
Ash asked Casey anything on the subject to see if they were telling the truth about their knowledge but they couldn't answer the questions.
[ "I think Ash might be on to me.", "Oh no! Really?", "Yeah, he was asking me all these questions and I didn't know how to answer them.", "what did you do?", "I just played dumb and said I didn't know to anything he asked me.", "Well I highly doubt that worked well" ]
It was time to take down the tent, so Carson pulled up the stakes.
[ "I had a great time camping and I hope we can do it again soon", "for sure, maybe we can go camping again when the weather gets better.", "this time I will make sure I bring my fishing rod with me so I wont be so bored", "just make sure you check everything before you leave the house this time", "I definitely will" ]
Kai blew up a bridge. It was being demolished.
[ "I had another good day at work today", "What did you do?", "My demolition company blew up a bridge", "The old main street bridge?", "Yes, we're making room for the new one being built.", "I can't wait for the new bridge to be done" ]
Kai blew up a bridge. It was being demolished.
[ "I had a great time at work today.", "Did you doing anything special?", "The bridge was being demolished today. So the crew had me do the honour of pressing the button.", "That must have been a lot of fun.", "Yeah it was great being able to live a childhood dream.", "You must have had a weird childhood." ]
Carson threw a bone to their friend's dog that has been suffering serious hunger for days.
[ "I need to call Animal Control.", "Why must you do that?", "My friend's dog has been suffering for days! They're starving the poor thing!", "That is a good reason to call Animal Control.", "I threw a bone to the dog.", "Give the dog something more substantial and call Animal Control." ]
Carson threw a bone to their friend's dog that has been suffering serious hunger for days.
[ "I can't believe they left this dog here with nothing to eat.", "That makes no sense at all.", "This is so strange because it's not like them.", "Have you been feeding it?", "I've been thrown bones in scraps.", "You don't have any dog food?" ]
Carson threw a bone to their friend's dog that has been suffering serious hunger for days.
[ "My friends dog is looking so weak and ill.", "What's wrong with him?", "He's hungry, they're not feeding him properly", "Why hasn't anyone fed him?", "No idea! I threw a bone over to him before going to the shops to get him some proper dog food.", "Maybe you should be the dogs owner and not your friend if they can't look after the poor thing." ]
Carson threw a bone to their friend's dog that has been suffering serious hunger for days.
[ "I just kicked off at my friend.", "Why did you do that?", "Because he hasn't ben feeding his dog properly, it looked so hungry.", "why are they not feeding it?", "he claims they are but it looks worse and worse each time I see him, i gave him a bone last time.", "he'll need more than just a bone if he's that hungry." ]
Taylor was best friends with her childhood neighbor and after years of being such good friends, Taylor married the neighbor.
[ "Did I ever tell you about how I met my husband?", "No, how did you meet him?", "Well, he used to be my neighbour when we were kids.", "No kidding! You've known him for all these years?", "Yeah, we were best friends growing up and ended up getting married after all these years!", "You guys must be soul mates!" ]
Taylor was best friends with her childhood neighbor and after years of being such good friends, Taylor married the neighbor.
[ "It is such a typical movie like love story, marrying my neighbour that I have been friends with since we were kids.", "Yeah I don't really know of anyone else doing that.", "It is also weird because we dated other people off and on for years before we got together.", "You guys were just meant to be I suppose.", "Yeah it feels really great to be married to your best friend.", "I am so happy for you guys!" ]
Kendall did not get along with Tracy but they collaborated well in an assignment at work . The story surprised Tracy's friend.
[ "Tracey and I did very well working together on the assignment.", "Really? I thought you two were arch enemies.", "Well, we weren't exactly friends but we were not enemies.", "Surprised that you could collaborate with her.", "We had no choice, it was a work assignment.", "That's awesome Kendall!" ]
Riley was always a strict librarian, he gave no one access to the restricted section.
[ "Kids were trying to get into the restricted section of the library again today.", "Is that not allowed?.", "Of course not its restricted.", "Then why have a restricted section at all if people can't go into it.", "Because there's many old and rare books in there!", "But it’s a public library." ]
Riley was always a strict librarian, he gave no one access to the restricted section.
[ "If I see anyone trying to get into the restricted section again I am going to lose my mind!", "were they're many trying to get in?", "yeah 6, the usual suspects.", "Those lot are always trying to sneak past and into the restricted section.", "I know it drives me up the wall.", "Would have thought your strict telling off the first time would have been enough to keep them away." ]
Cameron picked Robin up from the airport, put her luggage in the trunk, and took her home.
[ "I picked Robin up from the airport. I put her luggage in my trunk and drove her home.", "Which airport did you pick her up from?", "Burbank Airport. It's the one closest to her house.", "Where did she fly in from?", "She had taken a trip to San Francisco to visit her sister.", "Nice. Sister-bonding time." ]
Jan started to put the moves on the new boy at school because they were wildly attracted to the boy.
[ "Have you met the new kid, Barry? Oh my god...he is so good looking. He looks like a young Neil Diamond.", "No, I want to meet him now, though. I suppose you already have dibs on him.", "Of course, I do! I invited him to be my date for the party this weekend and he accepted.", "Trust you to find the best looking guy and get a date the same day. I'm jealous!", "Finders, keepers. You know what they say. I can't wait. I have to get a new outfit, for sure.", "I'll go to the mall with you, when you go. I could use a new outfit, too." ]
Jan started to put the moves on the new boy at school because they were wildly attracted to the boy.
[ "I'm already putting the new moves on the new boy at school.", "You and all the other girls.", "That's why I have to move quick.", "I don't think you were quick enough.", "Why do you say that?", "Because he already gave me his number." ]
Robin activated a shadow over everyone by bringing the sad news about the dog dying that night.
[ "Well, I'm sorry to be the bearer of sad tidings, but, last night, the dog passed away.", "Oh no! I can't believe it. Poor dog!", "I'm sorry. He looks like he was at peace. He passed away in his sleep. He was probably chasing rabbits in his dreams.", "Man, life is so short. It really makes you think." ]
Robin activated a shadow over everyone by bringing the sad news about the dog dying that night.
[ "I want to let everyone know some sad news.", "What happened?", "The dog died last night.", "No! how did it die?", "It was hit by a car.", "Oh man, that is so sad." ]
Riley prepared for the reception. It was going to be a grand event.
[ "The reception last night was fantastic.", "Was it everything you were hoping it would be?", "It was and much more! It was such a lavish event. ", "Oh I'm quite jealous of you now, I want to go to a grand reception like that", "If you ever get the chance t go to one you have to! If I get the chance to attend another you can be my plus one. ", "I'll hold you to that!" ]
Riley prepared for the reception. It was going to be a grand event.
[ "How was it at the reception last week?", "Absolutely fantastic, it was a great time I had so much fun.", "Was it a fancy event?", "It was indeed, I was all dressed up and looking my best if I do say so myself.", "I'm sure you did, you have to go all out on your outfit for grand events like that.", "You're not wrong there!" ]
Riley prepared for the reception. It was going to be a grand event.
[ "Last night we had the reception to welcome the incoming college president.", "I saw an article about it this morning in the local news blog, looked fancy.", "It was, we had a champagne and a raw bar and a quartet and there were quiet a few speeches.", "Sounds wonderful, weren't you the chair of the committee planning it.", "I was, we had been planning and preparing for months.", "I am glad it was such a success, I think its bodes well for the incoming president." ]
Riley prepared for the reception. It was going to be a grand event.
[ "I am so proud of this grand event tonight.", "You ought to be. This reception that you prepared is amazing!", "Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. I really worked hard for this", "I can't wait to see everyone's expression when they come in.", "I hope the big bosses with approve of it.", "Yes, I'm sure they will love it." ]
Remy failed to follow the instructions on the test. They got an f.
[ "So I'm gonna have to do my test again.", "Oh no did you fail or something?", "Yeah I didn't really follow the instructions at all and ended up getting an F.", "Oh no, are you actually going to prepare and follow the instructions the next time you do the test?", "Yeah definitely, going to make sure I don't get an F again", "Maybe in future you'll just always follow the instructions for tests." ]
Remy failed to follow the instructions on the test. They got an f.
[ "I can't believe that I failed the test.", "How did you fail the test?", "I didn't read the instructions and got an F.", "Did you talk to the teacher about it?", "Yeah, she's not giving me a make up", "Oh, that sucks." ]
Remy failed to follow the instructions on the test. They got an f.
[ "I received an F on my test.", "What happened?", "I reviewed the test, and at first, I didn't understand what I did wrong.", "Did you ask the teacher to explain why you received an F?", "I asked my teacher. She told me that I didn't follow the directions.", "Next time, don't rush. Try to read the directions first." ]
Jesse brought the dog. The dog would be a welcome addition to the family.
[ "I brought home a new dog today.", "Oh cool! What did the family think?", "They love him and I think the dog's already feeling like we're his pack.", "Did he settle in already?", "Yes, right up on the couch and wagging his tail.", "Lucky you to have a new family member." ]
Jesse brought the dog. The dog would be a welcome addition to the family.
[ "I have got a new friend.", "Oh really? What's your friend's name?", "We haven't named him yet. We bought a puppy from the pet store.", "Oh, I love dogs! My dog's name is Bam.", "Cool. I love The Flintstones. Maybe I'll name my dog Pebbles." ]
Casey fell and hit their head, so Austin carried Casey along the way since they were very dizzy.
[ "How is Casey doing? I heard he bumped his head pretty hard.", "He feel and gave his head a bad knock I tried helping him up to walk but he was so dizzy he couldn't even stand.", "That's worrying how did he make it back?", "I had to carry him myself.", "Just as well you were there to help him.", "Very true, he was not in a good way at all after bumping his head." ]
Casey fell and hit their head, so Austin carried Casey along the way since they were very dizzy.
[ "Do you know f Casey is feeling better after hitting his head on the pavement?", "He was feeling a little dizzy and not really feeling very well.", "Bless him was it really bad?", "Well I had to carry him because he couldn't walk, he really wasn't in a good way." ]
Casey was thirsty, so they poured themselves a glass of water and took a sip.
[ "I can't believe how hot it is. That water hit the spot.", "Simple, but works. Though I wish I had a bit of lemon to add to it; a little flavor ya know.", "Yeah, I normally like to add one of those little packs to my water- tea, grape, something.", "You ready to get back to our game?", "Yep. Lets finish up this game before it gets hotter!" ]
Casey was thirsty, so they poured themselves a glass of water and took a sip.
[ "I'm gonna pour myself a glass of water.", "Sure, go ahead. Take as much as you want.", "Thanks. I'm really thirsty.", "I bet. You've been doing errands all day.", "This water is really quenching my thirst.", "Yeah, I figure that's what water was meant to do." ]
Casey was thirsty, so they poured themselves a glass of water and took a sip.
[ "I'm really thirsty. Do you want anything?", "No, but you go ahead.", "I'll just pour a glass and have a sip of water.", "Drink up. I'd tell you if I were thirsty.", "It seems kind of rude.", "Don't be silly; it's not like you're drinking in front of someone who's dehydrated in the desert." ]
Casey was thirsty, so they poured themselves a glass of water and took a sip.
[ "I'm so extraordinarily thirsty!", "Then get a glass of water!", "Thank you! Oh, this is so delicious!", "Yea, water always tastes good when you're thirsty." ]
Remy wasn't quite done with the remodel, but Remy was getting close.
[ "This remodelled house is going to sell quickly, I know it.", "You've been working on this old dump for months now, Remy give up!", "No Way. So how does it look anyway?", "It looks a lot better than when you started. You really have some skill Remy.", "Yeah, this baby is going to do all my work for me.", "I hope you make your money back at least, Remy." ]
Remy wasn't quite done with the remodel, but Remy was getting close.
[ "I think i have a ways to go with the remodel", "what did you think you were going to work on today?", "i was thinking about redoing the cabinets and fixing up the bathroom", "i think that you're getting close to finishing up the remodel for your house", "I think things are looking good in here" ]
Jesse and Lee were spending time together. Jesse told Lee a story.
[ "So any good stories?", "Yeah, but is a true one. There was a kid who believed if he a dug a hole in the sand he can reach China.", "Yeah? So what so special about that?", "In his digging adventures he unleashed creatures from another world?", "You mean China?", "No, it was an opening to another dimension that can be closed. There lies a problem....." ]
Jesse and Lee were spending time together. Jesse told Lee a story.
[ "I have a great story to tell you about hiking.", "Lets get this fire going and I would love to hear it.", "Lets go get some wood to burn.", "Sounds good. I cant wait to hear the story what's it about?", "Its about the time I went hiking and got stuck on the mountain.", "OH, wow that sounds like a great story lets hurry." ]
Alex and Jordan were very good at communicating with expressions, Alex gave Jordan a funny look.
[ "Jordan and I have become very good at reading each other.", "Like understanding what the other person is thinking?", "Yeah, I can tell if he is uncomfortable by his body movements.", "Interesting, do you think that's because you've been dating for awhile?", "Probably. Still pretty cool though, to have that kind of connection.", "Yeah, I guess so." ]
Remy answered their questions. He knew they had many questions and he wanted to help.
[ "they had so many questions to answer to", "did they give thoughtful questions?", "yes I believe so, it was easy for me to engage with them", "Im sure they appreciate your help", "I hope I'm doing a good job", "you're awesome at your job, Remy" ]
Remy answered their questions. He knew they had many questions and he wanted to help.
[ "Anything regarding this new start up I can answer!", "Really what's it about?", "It's about a vr program that helps educate children in third world countries. it's supposed to simulate a classroom setting.", "So are things automated or are there real teachers?", "Oh we have actual professors, it's more convenient to them because they don't have to travel aboard to teach kids", "Wow that's amazing!" ]
Remy answered their questions. He knew they had many questions and he wanted to help.
[ "I was answering questions throughout.", "Why have you been doing that?", "They had so many questions and I was happy to help.", "That is so nice of you. You're a good man", "Thanks man", "Keep it up" ]
Bailey knew she couldn't do the job herself. Bailey joined forces with the volunteers.
[ "Remember how i was complaining about the empty lot on my street that was full of garbage?", "Yeah, it was such an eye sore.", "I want to turn it into a community garden but I knew I couldn't do it alone", "Yeah, that would be a big job.", "Well I have been working with the city council and this weekend I joined a bunch of volunteers to take the first step and clean it out.", "Hey that's great. I want to come volunteer for when you put the garden in." ]
Bailey knew she couldn't do the job herself. Bailey joined forces with the volunteers.
[ "I know we don't communicate that much but i need your help", "this is true. you never talk to the volunteers", "I know but I think it is time to realize that we need to join forces to help fight against all this work", "Why is that ?", "There is a lot of work here I cannot take on my self and I really need your help", "Okay I am on it. I will try and contact some other people in the volunteer group as well" ]
Alex wanted a big, healthy breakfast, so Alex made eggs.
[ "I am starting to eat a healthy breakfast.", "That's need to eat healthier.", "I was starving this morning. I ate healthy, but I ate a lot of food.", "Well, what did you eat.", "I had six eggs, scrambled.", "It's healthy, but way too much!" ]
Alex wanted a big, healthy breakfast, so Alex made eggs.
[ "I had the biggest and tastiest breakfast of all time this morning.", "What is taking you so long to host another one of your brunches,", "I've just been busy and haven't had the energy to cook so much food.", "We can come over and help you if you need it.", "It sounds like you just want to have a brunch over here?", "Great people and great food has that effect on me." ]
Alex wanted a big, healthy breakfast, so Alex made eggs.
[ "I'm so full!", "Did you go out for breakfast?", "No I made breakfast here! I made an omelette.", "But I thought you were trying to eat healthy?", "I am! I only used egg whites, and I used mozzarella cheese which is low in fat.", "Oh that does sound good. Next time invite me over!" ]
Alex wanted a big, healthy breakfast, so Alex made eggs.
[ "Good morning!", "Morning Alex.", "I am feel very hungry this morning", "You said you wanted some healthy breakfast yesterday.", "Yes i did. I made some already.", "wow that is fast" ]
As a prosecutor, Robin brought the convict to trial.
[ "The convict is guilty and its my job to make sure justice is made.", "Were you able to bring the case to trial?", "Yes, the judge just dictated that.", "I am glad for you and for the family of the victim.", "Yeah, they have suffered enough and its my duty to defend them.", "You are so great, I admire you." ]
As a prosecutor, Robin brought the convict to trial.
[ "I had to bring the convict to trial this morning.", "Why did they make you do it?", "Since I'm the prosecutor on the case, I had to be on the one to do it.", "Oh, I get it. Well, how did the case go?", "We're only into the opening arguments.", "Can I stop by court tomorrow?" ]
Jesse let Ash borrow his dad's medal for a ceremony. Ash left Jesse's father's medal at the event.
[ "I thanked Jesse for letting me borrow his dad's war medal.", "Is that really something for Jesse to loan out?", "I guess not, because I left it at the event and almost forgot about it.", "Why were to pretending to have gotten a war medal?", "It was just a part of an outfit for a historical re-enactment.", "I would be so vexed if I found out my son had loaned out my medal like that." ]
Jesse let Ash borrow his dad's medal for a ceremony. Ash left Jesse's father's medal at the event.
[ "I left your Dad's medal at the banquet hall, Jesse.", "Ash, that is an invaluable piece.", "Whew. I thought I would owe you a lot of money.", "I mean it is priceless.", "Great. So I don't owe you anything.", "I mean you can never repay me, oh never mind." ]
Robin got Skylar fired from her job. Skylar was too lazy.
[ "Is this going to be your last day?", "Yeah....Someone apparently reported my performance as being low.", "Yes, that was me Skylar. You've held our team back on major projects multiple times.", "What! I can't believe you did that!", "Skylar, this is real life. You're performance has affected our team, our bonuses. We've all pulled overtime to keep our jobs and make up for you.", "I'm glad I'm leaving, I don't want to work with people like you." ]
Robin got Skylar fired from her job. Skylar was too lazy.
[ "I'm sorry that I got you fired but I couldn't handle picking up your slack anymore, you are lazy!", "It wasn't that bad! and if you had jsut told me how you felt I could have changed. You didn't need to get me fired", "I didn't' think you'd ever change", "Well I would have if it meant keeping my job", "Well I wish you luck in finding another job.", "Whatever. I hope you get fired too" ]
Robin got Skylar fired from her job. Skylar was too lazy.
[ "I will need to find a replacement for Skylar as son as possible!", "Why, what happened with Skylar?", "I fired her, she wasn't doing her job the way she supposed to.", "I thought she was a good worker until now you've said that.", "She was too lazy and never got the job done in time!", "Well, at least now you can find someone that works better." ]