Accepted as a paper at ICLR 2023 Workshop on Machine Learning for Remote Sensing
Geospatial and remotely sensed data exhibit distinct structures. For example, the chosen extent and
scale of a spatial prediction unit ( ℓin §2) has important implications for the design, use, and evalua-
tion of geospatial ML models, evidenced by the phenomena of “modifiable areal unit problem” and
“ecological fallacy” (Haining, 2009; Nikparvar & Thill, 2021; Yuan & McKee, 2022). Here, I focus
on two key factors of geospatial data that affect the validity of geospatial ML evaluation methods.
One key phenomena exhibited by many geopsatial data is that values of a variable (e.g. tree canopy
height) are often correlated across locations. Formally, for random process Z, thespatial autocor-
relation function is defined as RZZ(ℓi,ℓj) =E[Z(ℓi)Z(ℓj)]/σiσj, whereσi,σjare the standard
deviations associated with Z(ℓi),Z(ℓj). For geospatial variables, we might expect RZZ(ℓi,ℓj)>0
whenℓiandℓjare closer together, namely that values of Zat nearby points tend to be closer in
value. The degree of spatial autocorrelation in data can be assessed with statistics such as Moran’s
Iand Geary’s C, and semi-variogram analsyes (see, e.g. (Gaetan & Guyon, 2010)).
Spatial autocorrelations and correlations between predictor and label variables can be an important
source of structure to leverage in geospatial ML models (Rolf et al., 2020; Klemmer & Neill, 2021),
yet they also present challenges. Models can “over-rely” on spatial correlations in the data, leading
to over-estimated accuracy despite poor spatial generalization performance. Overfitting to spatial
relationships in training data is of particular concern in the when data distributions differ between
training regions and regions of use. Such covariate shifts are common in geospatial data, e.g. across
climate zones, or spectral shifts in satellite imagery (Tuia et al., 2016; Hoffimann et al., 2021).
Presence of spatial correlations or domain shift alone do not invalidate assessing map accuracy with
a probability sample (§2.1). However, when evaluation is limited to existing data, issues of data
availability and representivity can amplify the challenges of geospatial model evaluation.
Many geospatial datasets exhibit gaps in coverage or quality of data. Meyer & Pebesma (2022) evi-
dence trends of geographic clustering around research sites primarily in a small number of countries,
across three datasets used for global mapping in ecology. Oliver et al. (2021) find geographical bias
in coverage of species distribution data aggregated from field observation, sensors measurements,
and citizen science efforts. Burke et al. (2021) note that the frequency at which nationally represen-
tative data on agriculture, population, and economic factors are collected varies widely across the
globe. While earth observation data such as satellite imagery have comparatively much higher cov-
erage across time and space (Burke et al., 2021), coverage of commercial products has been shown
to be biased toward regions of high commercial value (Dowman & Reuter, 2017).
Filling in data gaps is goal for which geospatial ML can be transformative (§2.2), yet these same
gaps complicate model evaluation. When training data are clustered in small regions, this can affect
our ability to train a high-performing model. When evaluation data are clustered in small regions,
this affects our ability to evaluate geospatial ML model performance at all.
In §3, we established that geospatial data generally exhibit spatial correlations and data gaps, even
when target use areas Dare small. It is well documented that calculating accuracy indices with
non-spatial validation methods (e.g. standard k-fold cross-validation) will generally over-estimate
performance in such settings. Spatially-aware evaluation methods can control the spatial distribution
of training and validation set points to better simulate conditions of intended model use.
Several spatial cross-validation methods have been proposed that reduce spatial dependencies be-
tween train set points ℓ∈S trainfrom evaluation set points ℓ∈S eval. Spatial cross-validation methods
Accepted as a paper at ICLR 2023 Workshop on Machine Learning for Remote Sensing
typically stratify training and evaluation instances by larger geographies (Roberts et al., 2017; Valavi
et al., 2018) e.g. existing boundaries, spatial blocks, or automatically generated clusters. Buffered
cross-validation methods (such as spatial leave-one-out (Le Rest et al., 2014), leave-pair out (Airola
et al., 2019) and k-fold cross validation (Pohjankukka et al., 2017)) control the minimum distance
from any training point to any evaluation point. In addition to evaluating model performance, spa-
tial cross-validation has also been suggested as a way to to improve model selection and parameter
estimation in geospatial ML (Meyer et al., 2019; Schratz et al., 2019; Roberts et al., 2017).
While separating ℓ∈S trainfromℓ∈S evalcan reduce the amount of correlation between training and
evaluation data, a spatial split also induces a higher degree of spatial extrapolation to the learning
setup and potentially reduces variation in the evaluation set labels. As a result, it is possible for
spatial validation methods to systematically under-report performance, especially in interpolation
regimes (Roberts et al., 2017; Wadoux et al., 2021). In a different flavor from the evaluation methods
above, Mil `a et al. (2022) propose to match the distribution of nearest neighbor distances between
train and evaluation set points to the corresponding distances between train set and target use area.
When the intended use of a geospatial model is to generate predictions outside the training distribu-
tion, it is critical to test the model’s ability to generalize across different conditions. For example,
studies have varied the amount of spatial extrapolation required by changing parameters of the spa-
tial validation setups in §4.1 , e.g. with buffered leave one out (Ploton et al., 2020; Brenning, 2022)
and checkerboard designs (Roberts et al., 2017; Rolf et al., 2021). Jean et al. (2016) assess extrapola-
tion ability across pairs of countries by iteratitvely training in one region and evaluating performance
in another. Rolf et al. (2021) find that the distances at which a geospatial model has extrapolation
power can differ substantially depending on the properties of the prediction variable.
It is always critical to put the reported performance of geospatial ML models in context. Visualizing
the spatial distributions of predictions and error residuals can help expose overreliance on spatially
correlated predictors (Meyer et al., 2019) and sub-regions with low local model performance. Com-
paring performance to that of a baseline model built entirely on spatial predictors can contextualize
the value-add of a new geospatial model (Fourcade et al., 2018; Rolf et al., 2021).
Comprehensive reporting of performance is critical for geospatial ML methods, especially as stated
gains in research progress make their way to maps and decisions of real-world consequence. Eval-
uating performance of geospatial models is especially challenging in the face of spatial correlations
and limited availability or representivity of data. This means non-spatial data splits are generally
unsuitable for geospatial model evaluation with most existing datasets. Spatially-aware validation
methods are an important indicator of model performance including spatial generalization; however,
they generally do not provide valid statistical estimates of prediction map accuracy. This brings us
to end with three key opportunities for improving the landscape of geospatial ML evaluation:
Opportunity 1: Invest in evaluation data to measure map accuracy and overall performance of
geospatial models. When remote annotations are appropriate, labeling tools (e.g. Robinson et al.
(2022)) can facilitate the creation of probability-sampled evaluation datasets. Data collection and
aggregation efforts can focus on filling existing geospatial data gaps (Paliyam et al., 2021) or simu-
lating real-world prediction conditions like covariate or domain shift (Koh et al., 2021).
Opportunity 2: Invest in evaluation frameworks to precisely and transparently and report perfor-
mance and valid uses of a geospatial ML model ( `a la “model cards” (Mitchell et al., 2019)). This
includes improving spatial baselines, expanding methods for reporting uncertainty over space, and
delineating “areas of applicability” for geospatial models, e.g. as in Meyer & Pebesma (2022).
Opportunity 3: If the available data and evaluation frameworks are insufficient, explain the limita-
tions of what types of performance can be evaluated . Distinguish between performance measures
that estimate a statistical parameter and those that indicate potential skill for a possible use case.