Most liked by whom ? Some big names not mentioned : Melies Griffiths Chaplin Lubitsch Keaton Vigo Cukor Dreyer Ozu Ford Minelli Rossellini Naruse Anthony Mann Visconti Nick Ray Bresson Resnais Rivette Rohmer Chabrol Cassavetes Siegel Boorman Argento Sembene Loach Leigh Russell Kiarostami Carpenter Weir Greenaway Schrader Ridley Scott Trier Cameron Zemekis Jarman Almodovar Dardenne Michael Mann Denis Chen Kaige Takashi Kitano Takashi Miike Soderbergh P T Anderson Nolan
Feel free to discuss this with everyone else on my ignore list . Nothing is irreversible http tiny cc bNBYM
They should make a biography of Ray Bolger called Ray ( Bolger ) starring Jim Jansen . What do you think ?
I saw [ i ] Company [ i ] in LA a few years ago and Carol Burnett was in the ensemble cast . Naturally , she got the final bow even though she was not the lead . Yes , it has everything to do with the contract and market value . Somehow , I don't think everyone was there to see Bob Smith ( ? ) even though he was the lead . ; ) And , besides that , although Hearn was phenomenal - - I'm glad Angela got the final bow . After all those / these years she deserved it . I love how their eyes met as she passed him for her bow . They respect each other and it was always nice when George Hearn showed up on her MSW .
I say in terms of comedic actors sellers is the best and if not in the top 3 . Don't ever call me a kubrick hater , or I will have my droogs beat you to death .
Wow ! the dollar store ! ? crazy ! I have this in my netflix queue . I like a lot of Curtis Harrington's movies . Maybe I should hit up the dollar store ? ! Thanks for posting . Two step behind the rest , one fingertip too long
Yes I liked her portrayal as well .
Exactly kenneglds . Science is not a belief system . When an accepted scientific theory is successfully challenged and proven obsolete or inaccurate , the new theories enter and the old ones are tossed aside . Just like we now accept the Earth isn't the center of the solar system and that the universe is far larger than what it used to be considered . Whereas religion demands utter blind faith no matter how glaring the contradictions reality presents .
You hang in different circles than I do . Kind of like how outside of this board I never really hear much mention of The Stooges and The Velvet Underground . Uriah Heep are legends in the metal community though . Obviously not of the level of Judas Priest , Black Sabbath , or Iron Maiden but they're a band that are frequently cited as an influence by a lot of metal bands . Funny , cause you comments regarding Stooges and VU apply to Uriah Heep for me . Never heard of them outside this board , and the odd extensive review site here and there . Also , as a session musician and avid jammer , I've played with several Hard Rock and Metal musicians and talked extensively about music with them , none of them ever mentioned Uriah Heep . Dunno , it could be a regional thing , after all many of them were influenced by bands like Riff , Pappo's Blues , Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos De Ricota and Pescado Rabioso which I'm sure you haven't heard and wouldn't consider as a big influence in Hard Rock or Metal regardless . . . .
MGS4 isn't even in the same league as MGS1 or MGS2 , those games are MGS at it's best . MGS4 was a terrible MGS game .
John Hughes - - RIP - - had the knack for capturing the essence of teendom on film , without pandering to his audience or becoming condescending . 16 Candles , Hughes ' firstling , is a prime example of his art , and one that's still entertaining a quarter of a century ( sigh ! ) later . The movie starts on the morning of Samantha Baker ( Molly Ringwald ) ' s sweet sixteenth birthday , which is sadly , dramatically forgotten by her entire family because her elder sister's marriage is imminent . To make things worse , Sammy is being ignored by her highschool heartthrob , but pursued by a budding nerd who wants to get into her pants - - or rather , AT her pants . After a hughe ( sic ! ) roller-coaster ride of a plot , everything eventually comes right , Samantha gets her guy and , and sexual prospects are in the offing even for the nerd ( Anthony Michael Hall ) . Great acting by Hall and heroine Molly Ringwald , who was actually 16 years old at the time - - while some of her peers in the movie are already in their mid-twenties . What somewhat dates this otherwise surprisingly fresh movie are two facts : a large part of the story revolves around a prize in the form of a packet of floppy disks , which were apparently prized possessions in 1984 ( I don't actually remember them ever having been that expensive ) , but which have long become obsolete since then what really made me suffer though are some of the movie's " sexual politics " : it clearly suggests that it's OK to have sexual intercourse with a girl while she's asleep ; the same girl is later put in a " compromising " situation with another boy while she's passed out , so that her boyfriend can get rid of her for sleeping around ; and various other plot elements , which seem to stem straight from the 1950ies
Another new poster , dedicated to Kris and one of the best scenes of the movie . 1 , 2 Guess who's coming for you .
RUBBER JOHNNY is a short film by acclaimed music video director Chris Cunningham . It is a strangely emotional film about a deformed subhuman that does , something . I don't know what he does , it's a little difficult to describe . It could be interpreted as dancing , and indeed , it is pretty much the only thing it could remotely be , but there is something more elaborate at work here . He may be stoned . The film can be easily taken as a music video , but I think that to call it that would be too easy . One could easily dismiss it as Chris Cunningham showing off his prosthetic morphing techniques , but they are far too simple to be shoved off as such . There is a story here , but we are given the bare minimum of what the underlying theme is , which is boredom . Or maybe it's loneliness . What I think is especially unique about this video is the lack of any sort of purpose . It simply tells of an apparent event . There appears to be some kind of theme involving male genitalia , with the title , RUBBER JOHNNY , and the fact that the title is marked on an erect penis . The prosthetics on display here are pretty abstract and disgusting , but in a fascinating and unique way . Chris Cunningham is great because he can take something popular in our culture and completely twist and distort it in a way that allows it to be the same popular thing , but the viewer will have a completely different feeling or opinion about it . Just look at his video for Aphex Twin's WINDOWLICKER . He takes the female body and shows it in a different way that is original and simple so that they remain in the same form the viewer was into before , however , because of the way he altered it the viewer gets repulsed and even very frightened by it now . The music video WINDOWLICKER was , in away , an act of protest and rebellion . As a result , I consider today to be among the most shocking music videos ever made . However , RUBBER JOHNNY is also a protest , but on a deeper level . The paranormal idea is so attractive in our way of life that we have caused culture revolving around aliens and humans to be a funny dream . What if somebody treated the idea in an honest and original way ? The creature in this film may very well be human , but he is certainly not somebody that we would ever have any interest of allowing him to adapt to our ways . Chris Cunningham is able to take things a step further by adding a sexual element into the idea of RUBBER JOHNNY . The enlarged penis of the creature is another step in the direction of the fantasies that many people have discussed about having some sort of sexual or bodily interest in otherworldly beings . The film , instead , dares you to try and think about sex while watching this horrifying movie . I think that if Chris Cunningham continues to make daring and creative films like these , people could really look back on his work after the world has continued to grow and alter itself and realize that he had ideas that none of us have ever thought honestly about . Do visual effects really have to be complicated and drawn out to be good ? Is the female body really a more beautiful thing that the male body ? Are the ideas behind aliens really as fascinating as we've led ourselves to believe ? It's these kinds of questions that make films like RUBBER JOHNNY work .
The TV movie Lucy , does a good job of portraying Lucy , Desi , Vivian , and William Frawley . If I were to make another biopic , sue me but I would not use Debra Messing . She has a striking resemblance to Lucy , but her comedy is different . Lucy is a clown , Debra is a sexy straight man comic . I think MadTV comedian Nicole Sullivan does the best job of doing Lucy other than Lucy impersonator Suzanne LaRusch , but she's a bit too old . For Desi , Antonio Bandaras often reminds me of Desi , but is too old for the part I think . For Vivian Vance , I like the idea of Lee Garlington . And Finally for William Frawley , I think Vlasta Vrana or even Albert Finney !
I'd just get what I can . . . because that's what I did all those years ago when I was in your very position . Big role or small , Helen was always worth it . She still is too . There Is A Light That Never Goes Out .
Wrong . Sir Wilfrid is the most important character and the final moments show that he is still up for the challenge , that he'll continue to do what he loves best , despite the cynical , horrifying turn his latest triumph has taken . Ending is perfect . People like to complain , though . Anton Chigurh is dead and Spider-Man 3 is superior in every way to Funny Games .
http www discogs com Various A Beginners Guide To Coma release 17142 82 A1 Dogma Probe - Thirteen A2 Elma Mayer - My First Kazoo A3 Tao Mao - Mokusatsu A4 Underpeople , The - Zontar : The Thing From Venus A5 Mark Soden - The Black Man Wants A Pink Tatoo B1 Motor Totemist Guild , The - Farmer Without Strings B2 Cartoon ( 4 ) - Bedlam B3 Newcross - More About Metaphysical Chickens B4 5UU'S - The Birth Of Conpromisation B5 Rhythm Plague - Radio Free Dude Superb comp . of various Avant-garde acts . Cheers , Schizo http www youtube com watch v r2DVsQDOGkc
Really , this has ruined me on horror movies for life . I first picked this up at Big Lots of all places ( they also had Opera , Sleepaway Camp , and a Sex Pistols documentary there - - at BIG LOTS - - all uncut and for $5 on VHS . . . does that make any sense ? ! ) out of curiosity about 6 years ago and it just completely blew my mind into little chunks , kind of like an exploded head shot with a shotgun . I'll never be the same . To me , nothing can compare to this . The atmosphere , the gore , the pacing , the music , the acting , everything about this film coalesces to create a dramatic , suspenseful , depressing , and endlessly fascinating entertainment experience . I love the sleazy New York locales , the strange and uncomfortable voiceovers , the dirty and dilapidated apartment building where the maniac lives . . . really , I've seen this film probably more than any other film I can think of , and I can't think of a single flaw . So , I recommend this above any horror / slasher / gore film I can think of . But be warned that it'll probably ruin you for life ; you'll probably never find a better horror movie than this .
It's uncanny , mkolln , that you would write what you did . I was only thinking the other day that it impossible for people today to recall how very popular she was in the late ' 50s . As for FDS , she is absolutely adorable - - I just love her . Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot .
Great photo . I saw it before , and already saved it on my computer . I wish Sofia did more glamour modeling to build up her recognition ( like Vida Guerra ) . " When I'm good , I'm GOOD . When I'm bad , I'm BETTER . "
the other people represented the governments and the coorporations , he represented religion , all possible enemies of the anarchist . Well said . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - www . commandperformance-themovie . com
how come these last couple of weeks Olbermann has been of the air several times . He doesn't have any kids so thats not it . Is he stuck in the tub ? ? ? I'm a Conservative , and thats my opinion on this matter .
It's all just been in good fun for me . It's just hard for me to have respect for an opinion from someone who didn't take the time to watch the whole movie . It seems doubly suspicious when you describe a twenty minutes of said film that seems more overly violent than the entire duration of the flick I watched . There was a definite degree of violence to it but it never seemed as excessive or exploitive as the film you seem to be recalling . I was left with the feeling that you were basically trying to get attention by throwing out negative comments about a film that you didn't have adequate knowledge to comment on in the first place . The basis of your argument , as presented in the title of this post , seemed to be that " Reservoir Dogs was not a comprehensible film " and the point I attempted to present was that it's nearly impossible for any filmmaking experience to be comprehended , if you don't take the time to watch it in its entirety . To incite debate with fans using a conflicting opinion is all good but watch the movie . I don't have to agree with you but to respect someone's opinion , I need to see a level of open-mindedness to how you approach it . Assuming you can honestly critique a film of this nature after only watching less than a quarter of it is lazy and ignorant to me . Maybe you view that as a personal attack on you but I don't intend it as one . I can only treat an opinion as seriously as I feel the person presenting it is . If an opinion comes off as blatantly uninformed , that's how it might get treated . http www myspace com crazyjimfilms Click here to read my scripts !
I agree with Fluke , you're taking it too literally . Maybe you had a computer you hooked up to the internet in 82 , but PCs and surfing the web were not part of our collective everyday vocabulary at that point . And I doubt you were able to do very much on them . I'm just waiting for the sun to shine .
I'm interested . Hit me with a PM if the spot hasn't already been filled . We still have six more minutes to play .
Instead of a redux ( which spells REMAKE in a different language , apparently ) , they should just do a sequel to the original film . Why remake a classic when you don't have to ?
The worst thing was they took the original , and then removed everything that was gooda botu the original .
This film is on my short list of best comedies . It is unbelievably funny while at the same time revelling is non-PC behaviour that will forever limit its appeal . This movie is not for the easily offended . The plot concerns Gordon Hocheiser ( played in pitch perfect fashion by the great George Segal ) who after making a promise on his Father's deathbed finds himself caring for his Mother ( Ruth Gordon ) who is on the rocket sled of senility . Unfortunately she seems to ruin every relationship he has and when she begins to sabotage his courting of the lovely Louise Callen ( Trish Van Devere ) she finally pushes Gordon over the edge . When the hero of the film is doing his best to give his Mother a heart attack it is clear that you are walking on shaky ground . It takes an actor as likable as Segal to make the audience root for his character and when you consider the dark ending this movie had before its first theatrical release ( Seek it out if possible ) the film finishes on a tragic note as Gordon finally admits defeat . As if the 3 strong lead performances were not enough you also get Gordon's brother Sidney ( played by Ron Leibman in a scene stealing turn ) who doesn't want to take in Mother but finds himself rushing to her defense whenever she gets Gordon too wound up . His short cut which goes through the park finds him frequently mugged by the same gang and at one point being forced to rape a woman ( who turns out to be a male , undercover cop who asks for his number afterward ) . Keep your eyes open for a great Rob Reiner sequence in court and try to remember the era that this film was made in while watching . This movie was made a time when the notion of being politically correct was just some fever dream that you would wake up screaming from . Everything was not being watered down to make sure that no one is ever bothered by anything they see . If you keep that in mind you will understand why this movie is held is such high regard by so many .
I think they said " this ends tonight . " They probably wanted to kill him , but part of me thinks it may have been accidental , and they only wanted to flush him out so they could confront him . Because they do say " Krueger ! Come on out you sick bastard ! " We still have six more minutes to play .
Captain Britain could be the lead-in .
So Basicly Matt can never make fun of scientology or else he will loose the Bart Simpson voice : ( I'm a Republican , and thats my opinion on this matter .
That's a shame , he also directed HARD TO KILL R . I . P
Bump . " Scientists make these deductions by examining a rat , or your landlord who won't cut the rent . "
It does indeed - - as an homage to high fashion , Paris and Richard Avedon , it had better look beautiful . Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot .
1 . To Live & Die In LA 2 . Cruising 3 . Sorcerer ( even though I only saw the last 30 minutes of it , I was shocked ) 4 . French Connection
It's a wonder the Cobra-Kai didn't face someone with a shotgun . They would have run from that after having the Fear Of God put into them .
Blythe from " Great Escape . " Easily pulled off the part .
A powerful , uncompromising early look at " Yellow Journalism " which made a great enough impact at the time to be counted among the year's best films at the Academy Awards - - to say nothing of the rush of similar pictures which followed in its wake , culminating in Howard Hawks ' masterpiece , HIS GIRL Friday ( 1940 ) . Edward G . Robinson is re-united here with the director of LITTLE CAESAR ( 1930 ) , the film that made him a star , and delivers another great performance which is sufficiently nuanced to anchor the somewhat melodramatic plot in reality . Supporting him , among many others , are Aline MacMahon as his long-suffering secretary who's secretly in love with him and Boris Karloff in a marvelous turn as the most shamelessly hypocritical reporter on the newspaper's payroll . The cynical , rapid-fire dialogue gives it an edge and an authenticity that's almost impossible to recapture these days and , needless to say , became one of the key elements in this type of film . The film features a number of good scenes but the highlights would have to be : the split-screen technique introduced to shut out the former convict , who is now being hounded by " The Gazette " , from having a conversation with either the owner of the paper or its news editor ( Robinson ) ; the lengthy and heart-breaking scene in which the female ex-convict's husband ( played by the ever-reliable H . B . Warner ) bids farewell to their daughter and her soon-to-be husband without letting them in on the fact that the woman has committed suicide and that he intends to join her soon after ; the hysterical tirade at the end by the daughter when she finally confronts the men who have destroyed her life , a brave tour-de-force moment for Marian Marsh ( familiar to horror aficionados from SVENGALI [ 1931 ] , THE MAD GENIUS [ 1931 ] and THE BLACK ROOM [ 1935 ] ) who had so far only rather blandly served the romantic interest of the plot ; the final shot of the picture , with the latest issue of " The Gazette " being swept into the gutter by street-cleaners along with the rest of the garbage , thus leaving no doubt whatsoever as to where the film-makers ' true sentiments lay .
PORTIA DAWSON was in Kiss the Bride w Burt Young who was in The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight Jo Van Fleet who was in Gunfight at the O . K . Corral w Earl Holliman who was in The Bridges at Toko-Ri w Holden next - David Duchovny
Universal just announced that the film is FAKE F-A-K-E NOT REAL ! no debates will be held ! the movie is fiction ! I still think its a good movie
FYC : Toy Story 3 , Scorcese , Stiller , Sarah Polley , Moretz , Jackie Earle Haley .
Socialism = invasive government control of individual's lives ? No thanks . You have no idea what you're talking about and this statement proves it . " Obama's attempting to expand the federal government in the USA as much as any President in our history has . . . " If you were to ignore the Louisiana Purchase and The New Deal , sure that could possibly be a correct statement . Anybody versed in US history knows you're just completely speaking out of your ass though . But now I don't know why I feel so tongue-tied
I love Psycho II ! I also like Papillon and Medicine Man ! As for underrated , some people say " Coma " is underrated . I should hope not ! I love all the music his majesty Jerry wrotith . . . . or . . . you know what I mean . Face to Face-the passions breathe , I hate to stay , but then I hate to leave .
And if they are irrelevant to what is going on , then there's no need to talk about them . Luke's training was Ben's priority , not a sweet tea party to talk about the droids ' history . You see , I'm not a monster . . . I'm just ahead of the curve !
Whatever dude . Nobody cares , all you do is bitch and complain . If you don't want to see it , and have nothing better to do than bash those who do want to see it , then bounce . He was burned alive , and on April 30th , He returns .
This sequel to COP AU VIN ( 1985 ) , in which Jean Poiret's eccentric title character is given more screen-time , proves to be almost as good ; if anything , he is less detached towards his current case - - since the victim's wife ( Bernadette Lafont ) is an old flame of the Inspector's ! Besides , the sleazy vicissitudes of the murder mystery here are somewhat more compelling than in the first film - - involving as it does bigamy , drug-trafficking , incest , infidelity , patricide , paedophilia , prostitution , etc . ! Once again , Lavardin locks horns with one of the suspects in particular , a discotheque-owner who unwisely flaunts his political connections at him . As I said , the protagonist is allowed plenty of opportunity to display his idiosyncrasies - - such as when he willfully destroys the fragile collection of ornamental eyes owned by Jean-Claude Brialy ( playing Lafont's spirited live-in gay brother ) , or when , at the disco , he first appropriates for himself a drink being poured to a paying customer and , then , interrupts the activities to request identification papers from suspicious-looking patrons ! However , the women are not only scarcer than they were the first time around but also less interesting : Lafont herself is oddly given little of substance to do , while the actress appearing as her daughter ( who has more to do with her stepfather's death than her mother could ever imagine ) is simply too nondescript for such a pivotal role ! Otherwise , the film offers much the same level of entertainment and maintains a more or less comparable standard of quality as the original .
You know , I never actually watched " Dave's World " , but I have seen parts of episodes before , and I do kind of have an image in my head that the " Yes , Dear " set has a lot of similarities . But since someone mention " Everybody Loves Raymond " , I noticed last night when I watching a rerun that an exterior shot of a house resembled an exterior shot of the Burleigh's house from " Coach " . " Don't blame me ! Blame society ! " - Carl " CJ " Johnson
What was her role ? I watched it once many years ago , but I remember Lewis ( who was beautiful in here ) & Dushku well enough to recognize when I saw them as adults . But no memory of Heigl
I want one so bad now that I've seen it . It looks hella fun ! ! I say this just one time - it's time we all got some funshine .
Hey , you never know if she might make a comeback someday . She was a really good singer . It may or may not happen , but I kind of have a feeling that she might record another album .
I thought I was generous giving 5 points ! Expected a lot more lower ratings . What does a snail have to do to reincarnate ? Leave the perfect trail of slime ?
what ? she didn't keep anything to herself . . . she was just a bad actress ! what is so hard to understand about that ? she was a poor choice for the character , not because her performance was " quiet and reserved " or something like that . she was just plain uninteresting and boring and gave no personality or life to the character . i like how people defend her performance though . . . its like defending a known criminal in trial . but , to each his own , i guess . http www youtube com watch v xFtYpLV4EPo
Ever wondered what Dana Andrews would look like in a keffiyeh ? Never seen kidnapping victims transported in giant size toothpaste tubes ? Amused by hunchbacks with retractable knives in their hunches ? Got a hankering for animatronic statues of Napoleon that can kill ? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions , Spy In Your Eye is the film you've been waiting for all your life . Andrews plays a spy boss with a video camera installed in his left eye socket , but his character is actually peripheral to that of secret agent Brett Halsey , who's assigned to rescue the daughter ( Pier Angeli ) of an East German scientist . The commies ( Soviet and Chinese ) are also on her tail , as she possesses a valuable formula discovered by her late , Nobel-prize winning father . The action is plentiful , there's lots of impressive location photography ( Berlin , Paris , Beirut ) , and you get the feeling everything would look a whole lot better if not for the faded , pan and scan TV print that currently provides us with our sole opportunity to watch Spy In Your Eye . Side note about the score : it's credited to Riz Ortolani , but there are some ' futuristic ' cues in the early going that I swear must have been composed by Alberto Lavagnino .
Are these good shows ? Discuss .
I have the impression that , in German , filmmakers have no fear to show real love and feelings between the characters : friends , brother and sister and same-sex people . Certainly they love to show their talented and beautiful young actors , like here ! ! ! I really want to see other movie with Daniel Brühl , Anna Maria Mühe and August Diehl ! ! ! Me too , I love the elegance of their clothes . It seems to me their white clothes make them innocent , although what these boys and girls do . About gay love , I've already appreciated " Sommersturm " , now I can see this interesting movie and its setting ( one summer week with passion and death ) ! ! ! !
Thanks , i'll check em out . My DVD collection : imdb . com / mymovies / list ? l = 19776148 THE FOX # 27
That's not the point . . . .
I'm glad you just read it and posted this iscream22 . I was a little suprised it was in college ( I assume from this date was in summer school , and was for an English class ) . I read the short story ( by Richard Connell ) when I was in 9th grade for my English I class , in fall , 1982 ( we did so together as a class ) , and I do remember it well and really liked it . I didn't know until later in the 1980s that it had been made into a movie , but every since then wanted to see it but never got the chance ( it wasn't on VHS and never came on TV ) . I then found out this April it has been out on DVD since 1999 , and I definitely plan to watch it there when get acess to DVD ( hopefully this summer ) . I agree fully with you on its being remade today ( see my other posting on here ) , but since I've never actually seen this movie I can't say how similair it is for sure , but I think , from my strong memories of the short story , that it would be nearly identical all the way through . I look foward to seeing the movie on DVD and finding out , but I think it is , and also hope to see a modern remake in theatres soon . " I happen to be a vegetarian " . Lex , from Jurrasic Park
, you're not supposed to be here . As you have noticed the titles of these threads have massive spoilers and you have yet to start the show . . . ( \ _ _ / ) ( = ' . ' = ) ( " ) _ ( " )
http www variety com article VR1118020926 html categoryid 13 cs 1 I think Halo is a pretty cool guy , eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything
The difference is that Python did alot of movies - not just one . So did many of the people involved in this one . " Still , they are still ten billion times better than this chaotic trash . " That's a matter of personal taste . " Meaning of Life " has some great moments , but also some terrible ones . The bit in the trench , where the officer gets a cake etc is a bit overdone , as is the joke at the beginning about " pings " .
Yum , yum ! I wanna have a taste of what this chica caliente has to offer . . . south of the border . " When I'm good , I'm GOOD . When I'm bad , I'm BETTER . "
The Dreamers never really did it for me , it was just a kind of messy attempt overall . There were some good points to it , and overall I did give it a 7 / 10 for being a pretty decent film , but Last Tango in Paris is THE erotic film . It was so controversial , so unique and so full of a flavor that was never even heard of that it simply changed cinema's outlook on sex . Brando as well , his performance was brilliant . Last Tango in Paris : 8 / 10 The Dreamers : 7 / 10 Last film seen : You Only Live Twice 7 / 10
oh i see . im sorry . If it is a live action movie , then it might be Halloween with the Addams Family .
your youtube name sounds familiar . I probably have seen some of those videos already , but I will go check them out anyway . * Edit * I have seen a couple of your youtube videos , the one where Stu Pickles is a pedophile is funny . www . myspace . com / frankboothdelarge
Is he also a " politic " director as Penn ? Unfortunately , we can't see his movies here , I could see him " only " as actor . . . . - - - - - - - - - - ANGLOSASSI : gente che andava nuda a caccia di marmotte , quando noi già si accoltellava un Giulio Cesare
IMO , " Inside the Closet , " with Fritz Weaver . § " The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters . " §
woh . too many intelligent words at once man . i know what you're saying . but what is the point .
Jiggs . . . . Please dont talk about me unless you can talk TO me . I dont like being talked about by pussies .
Another Moore Julianne in " Short Cuts " ( not nude but we got a good look at her pussy ) " Nervous ? " " Yes " " First time ? " " No . I've been nervous before "
I know this has most likely been asked already , but when is this film going for a wide release ? I am very eager to see it . Being a big fan of Robin Tunney , I was intrigued by it way back when it was called " Fever " , and after seeing the official site , I want to know much more . Hope we see it reach more audiences soon now ! Peep-Show Creep-Show ! Where did you get those eyes ?
Then message of the movie must be " Don't burn CO2 or the little green men will invade the Earth if you continue " . right ? / Fred I'm a Republican , and thats my opinion on this matter .
Not true . Look at the movie Chaplin with Robert Downey Jr . He plays Chaplin from age 17-78 . He doesn't just do it , he does a REMARKABLE job ! I'm sure the same could be done for Michael . You just have to find the right person . Thats why I believe an unknown actor would be best .
Having become acquainted with most of the classic Universal horror films at a very early age , it's rather surprising that it has taken me much longer to get to the lesser entries in the cycle . Thankfully , the Universal Monster Legacy and the Bela Lugosi Collections have introduced me to some elusive titles but , still , there are a few which , perhaps because of their obvious inferiority , are still sadly missing and the film under review here is just one of them . . . First things first : while Bela Lugosi and Lionel Atwill never quite enjoyed the ( well-deserved ) renown Boris Karloff got from his horror performances - and let's not forget that both of them were somewhat on the skids at the time this film was made due to private scandals - I wasn't expecting to see them appearing in such thankless roles , especially since their names were shown above the title in the credits ! I guess anyone who engages Lugosi as a butler deserves all he gets ( it's also amusing to me that despite living in America for almost 30 years , Lugosi never managed to drop his very thick Hungarian accent which , I suppose , is one of his charms ) and Atwill is an impatient surgeon who's mercilessly picked on by one of his colleagues ( for no reason I could clearly discern ) and whose untimely departure from the " old dark house " of the movie brings about his death . . . with more than half the film yet to unfold ! Lugosi , apparently , also gets his in the film's fiery climax . . . or does he ? For being the nominal star of the film , the carelessness with which his fate is ( or rather not ) dealt with is disappointing to say the least . For the rest , the film introduces too many characters too quickly so that it wasn't until some time into the picture that I was able to make heads or tails of who was engaged to do what in the creepy mansion . Some of these characters were engaging , especially Nils Ashter's spiritualist , Leif Erickson's boorish chauffeur , Robert Homans ' investigating constable and Don Porter's whodunnit writer but some of the others ( like Fay Helm's disturbed Margaret , Doris Lloyd's scheming housekeeper and , fatally , Ralph Morgan's crippled master of the house ) were boring or downright annoying . Then , the sheer regularity of the murders ( which happen literally moments apart at times ) gives it a repetitive quality which does the film no favors , especially since none of the houseguests ever seem to be aware of anything remotely wrong happening in the very next room ! Still , for all that , the film is never less than entertaining and I can see it improving with further viewings ; after all , it is crammed full of that typical Universal fog-laden ambiance which , for obvious reasons - - not least the usage of the same title background and parts of the music score - - reminds one of THE WOLF MAN ( 1941 ) and other Universal horror fare of the period . Besides , even if the film is not able to capitalize fully on it , its premise of mentally growing artificial limbs is an intriguing one and , again , not too dissimilar from the one explored in DOCTOR X ( 1932 ) .
The Police . . .
And what are you referring to when you say orange jumpsuit ? " I didn't see anyone wearing orange jumpsuits " That's right , you didn't . That's exactly my point . ( go up three posts . ) . The movie is NOT strictly following the book .
from its IMDB age genre : Mystery Plot : If you are at this point and have not gone through the development of the journey , you will get stuck wins the award for most mysterious project ever according to Aimee Mullins official site " Aimee's recent films include Quid Pro Quo and the upcoming Into the Woods , scheduled for theatrical release in 2009 . " i also found UNTITLED FILM " WOODS PROJECT Principal role Dir . Jennifer Elster on some people's resumes
They're a good pop band . If you find yourself getting further into their material , just avoid X & Y and you'll be fine . . . .
This episode deserves a little friendliness , so here we go . . . - " Excelsis dei " is from the phase when I really went crazy about X-Files and it was another episode that confirmed my new addiction - The teaser is strong , and I like it how Michelle's scream fades directly into the opening credits music ( at least in the German version it does ) , pretty scary - Visually strong episodes always have an irresistible appeal to me and a moody setting often makes me overlook plotholes - In this case , I love the setting and the colours ; this kind of sick-looking greenish and grey all around in the house is just perfect for the episode ; it coincides with the mushroom theme as well as the " rottenness " of the old people's treatment by the staff - Although , as impressive as the house is , it is of course true that it's totally inapt as a nursing home because of the stairs - Other visually strong scenes are Leo's painting of course , and the showdown in the bathroom - I see that it is not the show's duty to document problems in health and care , but I think the way the topic is treated here is adequate for such a show . I especially found the character of the manager Mrs Dawson quite authentic in her indifference , ignorance and helplessness . I also liked the dialogue when they all confront Gung and he explains and defends himself . - I think , if I didn't miss something , I understood the plot quite well : Gung makes the pills out of the dried mushrooms , gives them to the inhabitants . Through that , they become livelier and healthier again , even develop certain abilities and talents . Too many pills however cause seizures . And the pills also enable the inhabitants to communicate with the ghosts . This way the ghosts become active and take revenge . - Another very positive point here is the humor . Scully's comment about Mulder's video tapes is classic , the dialogue with Hal Arden is great , too . Also Dorothy in her slight quirkiness . - I liked all the supporting cast very much , staff as well as residents . Not that they're all likeable , but they're authentic IMO . For all those reasons , this is actually one of my favorite episodes from a season that is great anyway . Despite a somewhat complicated plot construction that might lead to confusion , " Excelsis dei " for me is a very enjoyable and original episode . 9 / 10
Oh my God , I did too . And the same thing happened when I heard " Dennis Hopper " , but unfortunately I was right .
I beleive she threw a packet of cigarettes out of her bag in Ghost Town , in Season 4 , while she asks Aiden to take her back . I'm Tracy Jordan . I'm black NBC . Very proud , like peacocks . Right , Janet ? - 30 Rock
I think you missed the point . I believe he's talking about films associated with death or potential afterlife , so just for fun . . . . . Dante's Inferno The Ghost and Mr Chicken Buried Alive ( 1990 ) Scrooged Defending Your Life Ghostbusters It's a Wonderful Life DOA Weekend at Bernie's Death Becomes Her
tribecca have updated the running time to 106 minutes
Did anybody think it was kind of funny to see the evil side of Stu when he made calls to some places to screw Drew over ? I know that he was thinking he was getting revenge on him for doing those things to him that the babies did , like putting honey in a shampoo area . Or getting rid of all clothes , only to find his disco suit . But still , the calls he made , like to the pizza place or to the towing company , he had that evil , sinister smile on his face while disguising his voice . Something about the malicious side of Stu I find funny . All I need is one mic . . .
That's not a legitimate protest movement . How do you determine what is and what isn't a legitimate protest movement ? I'm not insane , in fact I'm kinda rational
I liked Nikki a bit more than Sandra Bullock . She puts more effort into the role . Strength of mind , force of will . . .
Pru is the oldest sister and I think it's been said she was also the one with the strongest powers of the three . She not only had to be responsible but she had to watch out for her younger sisters who would often times go off half cocked into whatever it was the adventure was during g the week . Now , after Pru was gone Piper took over and she suddenly became the strict straight arrow . Sometimes the way she'd shout " LEO ! " would grate on my nerves but I could laugh too because most of the time is was out of exasperation - - because , without Pru , she was forced to be the level headed sis .
just playing the Devil's Advocate , Nielson is what ? pushing 80 ? everyone said that without Harrison Ford , Indiana Jones would be terrible ( good call on that one ) Robert Englund will certainly go down in history as one of the greatest villainous actors , but I'm willing to give someone else a chance ( especially when that someone is Jackie Earle Haley aka Rorsharch ) 2010 Academy Awards : Best Picture : Up Best Animated Feature : Coraline
Then in that case they shouldn't make it . It's Franco or nothing . But that's just my opinion .
A ) KJ-52 sucks . B ) Yes . All the turtles are free , as turtles , and maybe all creatures , should be .
Nikkole's mom is right he is using her , not just for money and rides , he's using her to get on MTV . The only reason he got back with her , I'm willing to bet , is because of the reunion , and he's probably hoping Nikkole will get an opportunity to be on Teen Mom . MTV shouldn't have allowed him to be on because anyone with a brain could see how he works and should say you know what this guy isn't right , he's hurting this girl , maybe we shouldn't feed his inner famewhore . As for Nikkole I used to feel sorry for her but she sees how she's being treated , she's crying and saying she knows better , but as soon as Josh comes on she's laughing with him , rolling her eyes at what her mother's saying and acting like everything's okay . Something in her head is not quite right . And she's an idiot . I usually hate saying this , but she deserves what she's getting . If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise , we don't believe in it at all
I live in Rochester , NY in the town of Irondequoit so I am defintely NOT near Geneva but it's like , an hour away from where I live . And this week EM is in Geneva , NY and I saw them knocking down the house . It was so cool to see a taping of one of my favorite shows , like , an hour away from where I live . We got there , and I think some streets were blocked off , but we managed to find the area , so we were walking and we heard cheering and there they were - - the design team all in their blue shirts and a huge crowd of people in a spectator area and they were demolishing the house . I guess it takes a lot longer to do it than when we watch it on TV because this took like , 20 minutes or more . The spectators were in a blocked off area but fortunately we got right up front and we even saw Ty and all the other stars . Ty was " talking " to the family on the camera . They had to make him do the scene ( talking to the family " enjoy your trip " ) after demolishing the house about 5 times because people were screaming and some guy on a megaphone kept telling everybody we had to be quiet . Then Ty left after waving to the crowd and all these dump trucks started coming down the street with fresh wood , and then another started getting filled up with all the rubble from the old house . It was pretty awesome that they were here and I saw a taping of it . Anyone else been to a taping ? Don't Genius Live in a Lamp ? - Patrick Star
Some very interesting observations here , but suffice to say , this is a searing ending that has stayed with me for decades now . It seems to me that the children are celebrating a birthday - - how superb . Renewal , a new beginning , festive , joyous and these young people don't know her and therefore cannot judge her . Their cheer is infectious and unconditional . Massina nearly made my heart stop the first time I saw the film . I don't mean to rude , but it was a cinematic orgasm that rocked me in every way . As an aside , Nino Rota's score is integral here ( as you know , years later , he composed the score for ' The Godfather ) . He could not have been more on the beam . It's sublime . The ending is , indeed , a triumph . Don't you snap your finger at ME , lady .
What ? Edie is dead , why would they waste this story on Travers ? I'm Tracy Jordan . I'm black NBC . Very proud , like peacocks . Right , Janet ? - 30 Rock
Hi ! ! Yes indeed ! I thought to find so much messages ! ! ! ! This is so funny and a good exercise to learn English to me ! ! ! I wached the 4 DVD again and again . But sometimes I lack some words . Do you know where I can find the script ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ANGLOSASSI : gente che andava nuda a caccia di marmotte quando noi già si accoltellava unGiulioCesare
George Eastman and Guiliano Gemma star as the titular Ben and Charlie , a pair of ne'e'r do wells in the Old West who get up to all sorts of trouble . This is a very amusing comic western that features solid production values and a good cast . Eastman is particularly good , but there are plenty of other reasons to watch this film , which is available on a wonderful NTSC DVD from Wild East . Eastman also co-wrote the film with Leone collaborator Sergio Donati , there's a wonderful whimsical score by genre vet Gianni Ferrio , and Aristide Massaccesi's widescreen photography is truly gorgeous , especially in exterior sequences . Anyone interested in the Eurowestern genre needs to see this film , but others will enjoy it , too . It's also probably the only western you'll ever see that features a sack race !
You're mistaken . . . I like both Cameron and Nolan , but Avatar is clearly not his best work . . . That is my opinion . . . Everybody deserves to have one . If you think it is his masterpiece fine . . . But you shouldn't call everyone who doesn't like Avatar as much as you do , a hater . . . I liked it , but I agree about its originality . . . It was not very original , but it was still good . . . Not amazing , but enough to entertain me .
18 . Flight of the Navigator I know the wimpy kid in # 26 , and all the kids in # 31 look familiar , I just can't place them .
LOL ! It wreaks of Kim ! ! ! The New York Rangers suck . And Sidney Crosby is a cry baby !
In the noir cycle , if you were looking for sinister skulduggery , you needn't have searched any farther than the closest mental institution . Creepy snake-pits were the setting , in whole or in part , of ( just to name a few ) Strange Illusion , Spellbound , Shock , The High Wall and Shock Corridor . But maybe the scariest asylum of them all was La Siesta , in Oscar ( later , Budd ) Boetticher's Behind Locked Doors . You'd have to be crazy to go there , because while its name promises cozy afternoon naps , what it delivers is apt to be the big sleep . Private eye Richard Carlson doesn't want to go either , but he up and falls for a reporter ( Lucille Bremer ) who persuades him to do the inside legwork on a story she was after . ( A corrupt judge has vanished , and his girlfriend has been making nocturnal visits to La Siesta , where she's ushered in through a side door . ) So they fool a doctor in giving Carlson a diagnosis of manic depression , and he becomes an inmate . Inside , Carlson uncovers a web of secrets and lies , enforced by sadistic attendant Douglas Fowley with the help , as a last resort , of a punch-drunk prizefighter who's kept in a cage-like cell ( Tor Johnson , who also graced Plan 9 From Outer Space ) . The intrigue centers around the judge , who's paying off the head of the hospital to hide him . But , when suspicions are raised by a deliberate act of arson , Carlson becomes the top item on the hit list . . . . At barely more than an hour , the movie doesn't have any time to waste , so Boetticher moves at a pretty fast clip ( only the ending seems rushed ) . He lays on the shadows , too , with characters ominously silhouetted against walls and doors . More of an old dark house story , really , than a more freighted and ambiguous noir , Behind Locked Doors sets its sights modestly but achieves them handily . Note : The plot summary of this movie in the ' bible ' - - Silver and Ward's Film Noir : An Encyclopedic Reference to the American Style - - is hopelessly garbled , as though two different films had become confused .