1 value
A woman in a kitchen behind a counter is explaining how to make a furniture polish using organic materials. White text appears on the screen. The video
now shows the woman using the polish she just made.
As we have indicated, guidelines and best practices have been published that deal with alcohol dependence and abuse and emergency medicine.
Guidelines and best practices for alcoholism have been published as we have indicated.
A collie jumps over a hurdle.
An animal is jumping.
A lumberjack with an orange helmet riding a crane lift to chop down a tree in a snowy forest.
A lumberjack preparing to cut down a tree in the forest on a snowy day
A kid is standing on a boardwalk while the parents watch.
There are at least three people in this picture, and they are all outside.
Five males wearing red hats raking dirt at a ball field.
Men are working on a field.
television tray
falls down the stairs
A young child leads a large dog on the shore.
A child walks a dog.
But the council had allowed it.
The council decreed it to be so.
Two people in red shirts are sitting in a lifeguard chair on a beach with an American flag flying behind them.
There are humans by a body of water.
Rugby players having fun.
There are athletes enjoying themselves.
Today's Papers is still partial to Silicone Valley.
Today's Papers still like Silicone Valley.
It seemed to the girl that, for the first time, she realized the sinister character of the mission they had undertaken so lightheartedly.
For the first time, the girl realized the danger of the situation they had once taken so lightly.
An old man with a blue shirt is looking askance with people behind him.
the man is old
you know you you're talking to probably one of the the sixties late sixties and early seventies original hippies now living in suburbia raising kids um
You might be speaking to a hippie from the late sixties.
The trouble with these rooftops
the problem with these rooftops.
Several groups of white people are speaking to each other in front of a water fountain and building.
A group of people are speaking in front of a fountain.
The carpenter shortened the length of the board for the doorway because the _ was too long.
What is the time 10 year and 2 month after Apr, 1949
Jun, 1959
A little blond girl in green parka and red rain boots is placing one foot at the edge of a small lake, with wintry trees and an occupied outboard motorboat in the background.
A girl outdoors.
The technology might usefully be applied in local races, in which it's hard to sort out the platform of every potential state senator, judge, school board official, and city council member.
Local elections could make use of technology that would indicate the platform of every politician and school board member that's on the ballot.
The man is welding the iron.
The guy sauntered the metal
The spoon was shinier than the fork was because the _ had just been polished.
Context: Carson exceeded the limit allowed in weight of his suitcase. Question: How would you describe Carson?
someone who does not read instrucions
uh-huh nice talking to you okay thanks talk to you later bye
I was a pleasure speaking with you today.
A woman is standing at her window hanging clothes to dry from a clothesline.
A woman is starting to dry her clothes.
Even if you have a distinct taste for improvisation and a horror of schedules and detailed itineraries, you must accept from the outset, if your time is at all limited, that travelling around India will demand a certain amount of planning.
It is impossible to travel around India in a short time without planning.
Context: Skylar's favorite part of the zoo was the gift shop, so Skylar brought money to the zoo. Question: What will Skylar want to do next?
purchase gifts from the shop
A man is standing in water near a waterfall.
He is near the edge of the waterfall.
A boy in a red poncho is reading while leaning on a pole.
A boy in a red poncho is reading a book.
Two couches that face each other are separated by a small table covered with newspapers, booklets, and magazines.
There is furniture in the picture.
an old lady walks down the street.
A person is on a street.
start: Tim's history class was first thing in the morning. end: Tim failed the final exam.
Tim didn't study and watched movies all night.
A man is sitting behind a table completing a rubik's cube. A person in a blue shirt is standing next to the table holding a stop watch. The man
completes the rubik's cube and sets it down.
In a survey last year, Legal Services determined that more than one-third of New Jersey's poor adults -- more than 400,000 people -- have at least one civil legal problem a year.
Apparently, over 400,000 people in New Jersey had civil legal problems.
What is the time 1 year and 6 month before May, 1139
Nov, 1137
A closeup of a bicycle rider's leg.
a cyclists leg
Context: Remy was trying to keep from making noise. Remy kept quiet. Question: How would you describe Remy?
being cautious
The cheapest of the markets is at Chow Kit, where Batu Road croses Jalang Dang.
The cheapest market is at Chow Kit.
It equips people to handle simple matters themselves, reducing the strain on already-overburdened courts and legal assistance programs.
People can be empowered to handle simple matters themselves.
Clean a desk top.
To clean the surface of a desk, use a rag soaked in all-pupose cleaner and wipe the desk top. Allow to air dry.
Context: Sasha listened to their mom and decided not to go to a party where an explosion took place. Question: What will happen to the people at the party?
not have a good time
Remember, you yourself have once been worsted by him. Julius flushed with vexation.
Julius was flushed with utter vexation at the memory.
A man and two children are planting a tree.
A man and two kids plant a tree.
A trolley car is passing through a city.
The picture is taken outdoors.
A man an woman pause while walking up stone steps so she can show him photos on a digital camera.
A couple are walking outside.
Erin went to the doctor and had a more thorough visit than Emily because _ had a cyst to remove.
i heard roses i heard that roses are really difficult to grow and they really take a lot of
Roses are not easy to grow, so I've been told.
well isn't that neat isn't that neat
Is that not neat?
A man in a black and white checkered outfit puts white paint around his eyes.
A man wears black.
A rack-and-pinion railway at Col de Saint-Ignace carries you 900 m (2,950 ft) up to the top of La Rhune for an exhilarating view of the Atlantic Ocean and the western Pyrenees.
For an incredible view of the Atlantic Ocean you can ride the railway to the top of La Rhune.
Ian asked Robert to come over and help with his project to soundproof a room when _ needed the help.
Several men in hard hats walking along a snowy overlook.
There are men walking.
A lady behind the counter selling cake.
A women behind the counter is selling cakes.
Two people, one standing and one sitting, look at the camera, as they are situated around a campsite fire.
people are camping
Man with long black hair using a mic in the midst of a musical performance as the crowd watches.
A man is performing for a bunch of fans.
flavors ice cream nicely
The brown and white dog licks the snow off of his cold nose.
A dog is licking something.
A little girl in a orange toy fir hat watching from the door.
A little person in a orange toy fir hat watching from the door.
Context: Riley had anger issues and promised the others he would get help. Question: How would Others feel as a result?
The others would be relieved as a result
[header] How to control johnson grass [title] Plow immediately after you harvest. [step] Johnson grass has rhizomes that allow the weed to spread into uninfected areas. If you plow your fields immediately after you harvest your crops, it breaks up the rhizomes and prevents them from getting a good hold and then spreading to other areas.
[title] Till your soil a few times per week. [step] You should till the soil of crops where johnson grass grows more frequently than other areas.
Two people squat down and take pictures.
Two people have a camara
Two clowns dressed in makeup and elaborate clothing stand together with their instruments.
The clowns are standing near each other.
Some rock musicians are playing at a concert.
A rock concert is happening.
[header] How to buy alcohol online [title] Order alcohol only if you're of legal drinking age. [step] Buying online might seem like a good option if you are underage, but it can land you in a lot of trouble. The law limits the drinking age for a reason.
Don't put yourself in a bad situation! [title] Follow the same laws for buying locally in your area. [step] Ordering online will not exempt you from your area's restrictions on buying alcohol in person.
Laura decided to crochet a cellphone pouch for Elena for their birthday. _ is the gift giver.
oh yes the man's just probably totally insane
The man is almost certainly insane.
start: Every girl likes to put on makeup. end: So the Kom gave back her lipstick.
The girl needed the lipstick she let her friend borrow.
The magazines split over Kathleen Willey.
There are magazines that wrote about Kathleen Willey.
Context: After a long day at work, Jordan rushed home and threw open the door. Question: What will Jordan want to do next?
change out of their work clothes
A man with braided hair and a beard is standing in front of a building and is talking or singing into a microphone.
The man is standing in front of a building.
The boy in the green shirt swings with one arm on the silver pole.
A boy has just one arm.
Victoria was watching the fights all day on television unlike Carrie because _ had free time.
Robin Williams personifies the modern father--feminized and juvenile, with no interests beyond his own children.
The modern father can be seen in Robin Williams.
How to make Reeses Cup Vanilla Ice cream at home.
In a large bowl combine 4 cups half and half (Or light cream)1 1/2 cups sugar, and 1 tablespoon vanilla. Stir until sugar dissolves. Stir in 2 cups whipping cream. Chill in refrigerator for 1 hour. Freeze in 4 or 5 quart Ice cream freezer according to manufacturers directions. After freezing for 20 min. add 4 cups chopped Reeses Cups. Return to freezing mode. Complete freezing process. Serve with hot fudge syrup.
Singing together at a concert.
People are singing.
no she was she's actually um i think it's um for her not not really relevant because she was she's second generation American actually
She is actually a second generation American.
A group of friends cook around a fire.
A group of people cook at a fire.
A small child wearing the colors of the American flag is shoveling snow from the front steps.
A child shovels snow.
What is the time 8 year and 3 month before Dec, 1029
Sep, 1021
Two men are jumping in the air whilst crossing a wooden bridge.
Two men are jumping.
A woman dressed in black is playing a violin.
She makes music
A group of little boys practice soccer while wearing yellow caps on their heads. Then
, two kids run to score a goal.
Three guys in white playing racquetball in the park.
Three guys playing racquetball in the park are wearing white.
A city street is illuminated by lamps at night.
A city street is illuminated at night by lamps.
The Explorer could only shake his head.
The Explorer shook his head.
I took an early opportunity of giving you a hint.
I took an initial moment of offering you a clue.
you know these parents didn't know this the the kid was gone until the kid is knocking on the door screaming let me in you know can you imagine
The parents didn't know their kid was gone until they were at the door screaming.
Two girls on an amusement park ride.
two girls on ride
What is the time 7 year and 10 month after Feb, 1277
Dec, 1284
The e-rate plan also mistakenly imagines that high speed, affordable Internet service will never reach rural America without government help.
The e-rate plan imagines that affordable internet service in American will not work without the help of the government.
yeah and there there's a guy have you ever heard of George Winston he plays piano i think he's dead now but he plays wonderfully
Have you heard of George Winston, the great piano player?
Those surveyed worked in Weld County, the Arkansas Valley, the San Luis Valley and the Western Slope and took part in 30-minute interviews at farm-labor housing in those regions.
The individuals were questioned for 30 minutes for the meetings.
A city worker inspects the street.
A city worker is inspecting the street.
The lady with light blue necklace, and earrings is holding a brown rooster in her arm.
The lady is holding a rooster.
There is a wonderful spread of food on this buffet.
The food spread on this buffet is wonderful
Several cyclists race a course lines with yellow flags as an observer holds a camera.
Several cyclists are competing in a race.
An older man with gray hair is sitting in a chair playing a large instrument made of bamboo.
A man is playing music.
Four young boys are talking to a street vendor in front of an old building while several other adults stand talking further down the street.
Some boys are talking to a vendor on the street.
The pasta of Christine always tastes more authentic than Cynthia's even though _ is a famous cook.