Pablo Juan Campos (born 25 September 1950) is a Puerto Rican weightlifter.
Rican Campos 25 1950) Pablo (born a September Juan Puerto weightlifter. is
The rise of FM changed the listening habits of younger Americans.
changed The listening habits FM of rise Americans. of the younger
This was the start of a Loyalist campaign of bombings in the Republic of Ireland that would continue until the mid 1970s, with the deadliest being the Dublin and Monaghan bombings which killed 34.
and the of Republic deadliest a being Dublin 1970s, This 34. Loyalist Monaghan Ireland killed in continue bombings until mid start the would the was the campaign with which the of of that bombings
The birth of her daughter Hanna around this time also provides context for her (temporary) disappearance from the political scene.
birth disappearance context of provides from The (temporary) around time her Hanna scene. daughter her also this for political the
She made her debut in April 1885 at the Königliche Oper von Dresden, where she sang until the end of her career in 1915.
1885 her April of the at made Dresden, sang her she von the until career Königliche end where debut in in She Oper 1915.
As of July 2017, the overall unemployment rate in France is 9.7%, and the youth unemployment rate is 22%.
the France is unemployment rate of 2017, 22%. As unemployment the rate overall 9.7%, is youth in July and
The east ridge is another sharp arête known as Striding Edge.
sharp another The known as ridge arête Edge. Striding east is
Cyclin-dependent kinases are protein kinases, which have an essential function in the cell cycle and the transcription of DNA.
and Cyclin-dependent the an cell are DNA. essential kinases have kinases, in the transcription protein cycle which of function
She is the first female MP of the constituency.
of the MP constituency. the is first She female
The video of this story received 5 million hits on YouTube.
The 5 story million video hits this YouTube. of on received
Of the rest of the land, or 40.0% is settled (buildings or roads), or 0.1% is either rivers or lakes.
or is 40.0% 0.1% roads), is settled the of (buildings or Of rivers either or land, lakes. rest or the
According to another story, Charles Pratt Kennedy, the political agent of the British government who was assigned to find a suitable place in India for selecting the Summer Capital, came to Shimla hills in 1822.
Pratt hills the India in who agent the find suitable was Charles place British assigned 1822. came Capital, political a According Kennedy, to government another story, Summer Shimla to for to the of selecting in
This is an example of a paired difference test.
of This example difference paired is an test. a
War Department Circular 61 of 1905 directed that the points be placed up and designated certain colors for each branch of the military, for uniformity.
the 61 colors 1905 certain up for each for directed placed Circular of military, uniformity. War Department designated of that be branch points and the
2019 Jersey City shooting
City 2019 shooting Jersey
Prior to being appointed as bishop, his most recent appointment was at Queanbeyan in the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn in 2005.
Canberra was bishop, to recent and as Diocese Prior in being of appointment 2005. appointed his most Goulburn Queanbeyan at the in
Following the appointment of the former Conservative minister Lord Hill as Chairman of the BBC Governors in 1967 (ironically, the Labour Prime Minister who appointed Hill, Harold Wilson, had attacked Hill's appointment as chairman of the Independent Television Authority under a Conservative government in 1963), Curran's arrival marked a return to a more cautious approach after the radicalism of Sir Hugh Carleton Greene.
appointment Chairman BBC Governors chairman of Following former appointed appointment to in a (ironically, a Authority Hill's the approach in Wilson, of a arrival as the return Lord Carleton radicalism government who Hill under Hugh marked more the Curran's as Minister 1963), after of 1967 the Greene. Harold Television Independent had Labour Prime Sir Hill, attacked Conservative Conservative the the cautious minister of
They should not be confused with the separate Irish Earldom of Kingston (which refers to the town of Kingston in County Dublin).
should of Irish be Kingston town (which the Dublin). separate refers of to in They not County Earldom the Kingston confused with
From there, he went on to become a fourth-grade teacher for the Floral Park-Bellerose Union Free School District on Long Island.
District From Floral School fourth-grade a become he for Free to teacher went on on Island. Park-Bellerose Union Long the there,
The field grew rapidly in the early 1980s.
rapidly the early The field grew in 1980s.
However, due to the classified nature of her work (it was on the effect of poison gases on metabolically important enzymes, and this was during World War II), she was unable to publish her research and complete her degree.
due was publish on of complete enzymes, nature classified War important this unable (it of she World II), gases was during work her on the However, was metabolically her the effect poison and and to to degree. research her
d'Onalda, but did not accept a fee.
a accept not did but d'Onalda, fee.
Satyen Maitra (born Satyendranath Maitra; August 15, 1915 – June 5, 1996) was an educator, social worker, and a pioneer of mass education in India.
Satyen 15, was of June Maitra; in Satyendranath Maitra 1915 and social a education worker, pioneer an educator, 5, (born India. 1996) – mass August
The season features guest appearances of Zane Slater, Nicole Freeman, Matia Marks, Saxon Jenkins, Heldi Arena, Nicholas Dugdale, Alexandra Cashmere, Louisa Fitzhardinge, Monet Sirc, Maiah Stewardson, Jake Stone, Kaitlin Tanti, Grace Anderson, Bridget Anile, Kershawn Theodore, Mitchell Otto, Luka Pajic, Tim Potter, Sebastian Tremontana, Dylan Jett Georgiades, Dash Maxwell, Andy Matthews, Hannah Camilleri, Tony Rickards, Georgie Haralambopoulos, Kayleigh O'Dwyer, Kat Dunshea, Shayne Warren, Lachlan Martin, Declan O'Donovan, Olive Weeks, Tiana Hogben, Isabella Woodlock, Luey Kemp-Mykyta, Amy Keen, Jagger Serafin, Ezra Justin, Asmara Feik, Eden Vass, Bianca Cristiano, Aidan Synan, Annie Jones, Felix Star Higson-McBrearty, Jamie Foster and Melanie Lockman.
Martin, Stewardson, Jamie Aidan Sirc, Feik, Andy Amy Maxwell, Saxon Marks, Asmara Dugdale, Monet Melanie The Higson-McBrearty, Tony Kat Justin, Freeman, Potter, Haralambopoulos, Annie Bianca appearances and Olive Grace Camilleri, Cashmere, Tiana Theodore, Woodlock, Louisa Matia Declan of Jagger Georgiades, Maiah Matthews, Bridget season Shayne Jones, Slater, Nicholas Dash Isabella Otto, Jenkins, Kaitlin Eden Tremontana, Mitchell Hannah Weeks, Lachlan Anderson, Ezra Sebastian Tim Kemp-Mykyta, Stone, Synan, Nicole Star Tanti, Jake O'Donovan, Serafin, Keen, Rickards, Dylan Hogben, Kayleigh Anile, Kershawn guest O'Dwyer, features Jett Luey Pajic, Lockman. Vass, Alexandra Warren, Dunshea, Heldi Foster Zane Cristiano, Georgie Fitzhardinge, Felix Luka Arena,
In 2011 the speech was also voted the third most "unforgettable speech" of all time by ABC Radio National listeners behind Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" speech.
Martin In third by speech. National time most 2011 the King's the ABC also was Radio speech" all "unforgettable speech behind a Dream" voted of Luther have "I listeners
After some days of delirium, he crawls out of the cave and has wild hallucinations while lying outside.
some hallucinations of After and crawls of outside. delirium, out the days lying while he cave wild has
McCabe earned his B.A.
B.A. McCabe his earned
He composed notable Bengali folk songs including ""Okarone tulsir mule jol dhalilam"," "O sundori konnaylo tore sundore duniya sundore, Ay sojoni jole jabo kolsi loiya, Manus chinia pirit koro mon amar."
"O Manus chinia loiya, sundore jabo kolsi composed tore pirit amar." notable folk songs sojoni ""Okarone Ay Bengali including jole jol mon He koro mule tulsir duniya sundore, sundori konnaylo dhalilam","
The Shropshire bulla is a D-shaped hollow object created from pieces of gold sheet metal by a highly skilled craftsman.
sheet craftsman. created gold The metal highly D-shaped Shropshire hollow object of is a bulla by pieces a skilled from
In 1954, excavators broke ground on what was once Leland Stanford's vineyards.
1954, on what broke Stanford's was ground once excavators In Leland vineyards.
Chaudhary Harishchandra ji states that among his ancestors, Raju Ladhasar, Dula Bachhara, Kalu Malupura, Hukama Keu, and Lalu were inhabited in Binjasar.
in his Bachhara, inhabited Binjasar. ji among Kalu Hukama Raju and Keu, Harishchandra Chaudhary Malupura, states Ladhasar, ancestors, Dula Lalu were that
Win Bright was ridden in most of his races by Masami Matsuoka.
his ridden by most Masami races Matsuoka. Bright was Win in of
FNEs infiltrate the middle layers of the dermis and surround hair follicles.
the surround layers the of FNEs infiltrate dermis and follicles. hair middle
Chavez' had previously provided the "spoken intro" to Prince's 1988 song "Eye No", and Chavez' vocal style on her 1991 debut album has been described as "breathy spoken passages".
debut on spoken has Chavez' Chavez' "Eye style Prince's been No", provided had described the and album as to "breathy previously vocal 1988 "spoken intro" her song 1991 passages".
Posets that have a bottom are sometimes called pointed, while posets with a top are called unital or topped.
called sometimes top are are a have pointed, Posets posets unital with called or while bottom that a topped.
Numerous cities were sacked and the region entered what historians see as a "dark age".
what age". as see region were and cities a historians Numerous sacked the "dark entered
There is also an algorithm that runs in formula_20 time.
algorithm an in There also runs formula_20 time. that is
Unlike most of Junior football, the Lanarkshire league went into abeyance for five years during World War II, with clubs playing in the 'Lanark & Lothians Junior League' during the conflict.
in most the during War 'Lanark abeyance the Lothians playing five went Junior the into & conflict. for II, of Unlike clubs during World Junior football, Lanarkshire League' years with league
At Kings Sutton it is joined by both the Sor Brook and Mill Lane brook.
joined the is by it Lane Kings Brook and brook. At Mill Sor both Sutton
Perfidious Albion
Albion Perfidious
A prefect reported this as the school had strict rules about being in other pupils' cubicles, but Woolf felt that he had not broken the rules because he did not have his feet inside the cubicle at the time.
the but broken had this not have as cubicles, inside rules prefect the the the rules about not he strict other feet reported time. his because cubicle had pupils' Woolf felt that being did A at in school he
He launched an attack on anti-slavery opponents in the North, while defending the social and economic virtues of slavery in the South.
virtues an launched on the North, anti-slavery the slavery social opponents defending and in South. of He the economic in attack while
On the other hand, the other methods obtain better results in accuracy and fairness.
On obtain fairness. hand, accuracy better other methods and the results the other in
The 15-year-old then shot at responding special constables, and died from their gunfire.
gunfire. The constables, and special responding their at 15-year-old shot then from died
In 2001 "El Mundo" had a circulation of 291,000 copies and it was 312,366 copies next year.
a was circulation 2001 next "El 291,000 copies year. and copies In 312,366 had it Mundo" of
However, when Cleveland brought Kaʻiulani's case to Congress, while the United States Senate did not proceed with annexation, it refused to restore the monarchy.
restore States Senate when not Congress, the it case while Cleveland monarchy. annexation, with brought to to refused Kaʻiulani's proceed the did However, United
It remained closed during the partition riots, and in 1948, it was allotted to Sirajuddin Ahmed.
partition to in was during remained riots, Ahmed. 1948, the and closed it Sirajuddin allotted It
Wehrli's musical work mediates between and modern, whereby it is characterized by an unusual variety of expressive attitudes.
and musical Wehrli's of between it variety by characterized whereby mediates an modern, expressive unusual work attitudes. is
VAQ comprises the Victim Services Coordination Unit (VCSU) and the Financial Assistance Unit (FAU).
(FAU). Coordination Unit and the Services the Victim Assistance Financial VAQ Unit comprises (VCSU)
Kinesic messages are more subtle than gestures.
Kinesic subtle more than messages are gestures.
This takes place in two steps, each of which generates an ammonium anion: the conversion of glutamine to glutamate and the conversion of glutamate to alpha-ketoglutarate.
of steps, conversion place to alpha-ketoglutarate. in an of the This conversion glutamate glutamine ammonium to which and anion: glutamate two the of each takes generates
Simo tells Pamphilus he must marry today.
marry tells today. he Simo must Pamphilus
Marco Polo himself noted (in the Toledo manuscript) the dainty walk of Chinese women who took very short steps.
short took Chinese dainty noted walk the who the steps. (in manuscript) himself Marco Polo of Toledo very women
The Tupolev Design bureau decided on a single-engined turboprop aircraft, designated Tu-91 to meet this requirement.
single-engined on a turboprop decided Tupolev The designated bureau meet Tu-91 to Design requirement. this aircraft,
As of May 1, 2017, the town has an estimated population of 34,336.
2017, 34,336. of town As 1, an of estimated the population May has
Hollowell recorded his first career OHL goal on December 28, 2014, against the Saginaw Spirit.
against the first OHL goal Spirit. December Saginaw his recorded 2014, 28, on career Hollowell
!colspan=9 style=| Southland Tournament
style=| Southland Tournament !colspan=9
Its duration is times its basic note value.
times basic is its note Its duration value.
Two early coordinators of the sport are George Sappenfield and Kevin Donnelly, who, through similar backgrounds and the help of Ed Headrick at Wham-O, were able to individually spread the sport in their California cities.
the and of Sappenfield Donnelly, the to the spread who, are similar and Wham-O, coordinators backgrounds able were early through sport California help cities. sport George at Kevin Two in their Ed of individually Headrick
The site is currently in the ownership of the Forestry Commission and the Sherwood Forest Visitor Centre, run by Nottinghamshire County Council, is nearby.
Commission nearby. in Forestry the site is the of Visitor ownership the Sherwood currently is by County Centre, Council, and The Nottinghamshire run Forest
Karim and Setu had still 23,000 men between them but such a force was no match for the armies that surrounded them.
match 23,000 them. men Setu armies still Karim and a them between that surrounded no but the was for force had such
Instead, it is the knowledge which is based on a deconstruction of such reifications and Conceptual proliferations.
of reifications deconstruction a which knowledge is based Instead, it is proliferations. and such the Conceptual on
Jean-Pierre Massiera
Jean-Pierre Massiera
Go Yeong-chang
Yeong-chang Go
In 2019, Dicke was named in the Netherlands senior squad for the first time, and is set to make her debut in 2020.
2020. the to time, Dicke first is debut in in senior and for In make 2019, the named squad set her Netherlands was
Neil McNeil (businessman)
McNeil (businessman) Neil
Towards the end of 2016, Madeline had her first taste of the ultimate in go-karting, the KZ2 kart competing in the final round of the 2016 Australian Kart Championship (AKC) before taking on the 2016 CIF FIA Asia Pacific Championship at Macau.
taking the Championship KZ2 2016 in competing final of of the Macau. the before Kart round at FIA on 2016 CIF (AKC) her Pacific ultimate kart Australian the go-karting, taste Madeline Championship Towards end 2016, the of Asia in had the first
His spirit is also reflected in the ship's motto, "Non Sibi Sed Patriae", a statement attributed to the ancient Roman Cicero that translates to "Not for Self but for Country".
Sed Cicero Sibi Roman "Not a but "Non attributed in for to translates that to motto, Country". for reflected is Patriae", statement Self spirit His the ship's also the ancient
2020 Thomas Cup qualification
Thomas qualification 2020 Cup
In essence, when humans select certain dogs for new breeds, they artificially isolate that group of genes and cause more copies of that gene to be made than might have otherwise occurred in nature.
certain they nature. humans have of select when new made artificially copies group otherwise gene essence, isolate more occurred and that be that than dogs might in cause breeds, of for genes to In
As of September 1, 2008, the district has an estimated Population of 10,988 and a Density of 85.6 persons/km².
1, the and 85.6 As estimated of of of a September persons/km². has Density 10,988 Population an 2008, district
By the end of the second millenium BC, Marduk was sometimes just referred to as "Bêl", meaning "lord".
By the of was second just as meaning Marduk end sometimes "Bêl", BC, "lord". the referred millenium to
In 1954, Sterling was nominated for an Academy Award and won a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in "The High and the Mighty".
Actress Mighty". Supporting Best Award Golden High an won In Sterling nominated a performance Globe 1954, was and for for in Award her "The the for Academy and
These types of artifacts showed that there was a stone-tool, ceramic, and other economic industries that enabled tasks such as foraging, gathering, hunting, fishing, and horticulture.
other and types stone-tool, These tasks hunting, enabled and showed of fishing, foraging, ceramic, there that a such that horticulture. gathering, as economic was artifacts industries
He describes this as an 'ethics of knowledge', which disrupts the older philosophical, mythological and religious ontologies that claimed to provide both ethical values and a standard for judging truth.
philosophical, and values older this religious judging disrupts a describes which to for claimed the of an as truth. that standard He and knowledge', mythological 'ethics ontologies provide ethical both
The Jerilderie district originated with the gazettal of the final licences to landholders in the 1870s.
the in with 1870s. originated to licences landholders district of the The gazettal the Jerilderie final
He made his debut for the Tall Blacks in 2013 and played at the FIBA Oceania Championships in the same year.
played Blacks in his Oceania for made in Championships same 2013 the and debut the the year. Tall at FIBA He
Their crew numbered 56 officers and enlisted men.
56 crew enlisted numbered Their and officers men.
These figures do not include the more than 220,000 Italian soldiers stationed throughout Italian Somaliland during the Second Italo-Ethiopian War.
not during more figures the 220,000 throughout include Italian Second do stationed than Italian War. soldiers the Italo-Ethiopian Somaliland These
Though author/illustrator Makoto Yukimura does not have a background in the sciences, the idea of "Planetes" came to him while reading a book called "A Garbage Problem in Space: Space Debris", and found the Japanese phonetics for the word debris () amusing.
idea called found in in Debris", have word not and sciences, () Yukimura author/illustrator Garbage the a the to debris phonetics Though amusing. background Japanese book him reading of "Planetes" Problem a does while Makoto the "A the Space came Space: for
In 125 games during the 1903 season, Chance recorded a .327 batting average, and 67 stolen bases; the latter mark led the National League (NL).
67 batting bases; the mark led .327 the In 125 League and season, recorded Chance 1903 during the average, latter stolen a games (NL). National
His first match with CMLL saw Príncipe Diamante compete in the "Mini-Estrellas" division as he teamed up with Astral and Astro to defeat the trio of Ares el Guerrero, and Mini Jocker.
Guerrero, in as with defeat and and of Astral Príncipe Mini with Jocker. el the first division "Mini-Estrellas" match compete Diamante teamed to CMLL trio Astro he the Ares up His saw
This Ming Dynasty Aigun was located on the opposite bank to the later Aigun that was relocated during the Qing Dynasty.
Qing that relocated the the to Aigun the Dynasty opposite during Dynasty. located bank on was was later Aigun This Ming
The vessel changed course, probably in an attempt to return to the harbour.
attempt the an in to The vessel changed return to course, probably harbour.
Featherstone introduced the club system for sports and drama competitions.
club drama competitions. sports system Featherstone the introduced for and
Like the two other routes mentioned, this route offers a remarkable variety of landscapes and culture as it is the link between the ports of the Cantabrian Sea and the Castilian Plateau.
between is landscapes Like other culture link the two of the as Cantabrian the ports Plateau. variety it offers this of a and the the Castilian mentioned, route routes Sea remarkable and
The following players represented East Germany:
players East following The Germany: represented
In the film adaptation of "The Wiz", the Kalidahs are two red paper lantern-alike marionettes controlled by the Subway Peddler, the Wicked Witch of the West's henchman.
West's marionettes Wiz", red two Subway film Witch the henchman. controlled paper "The by Kalidahs the the of the are the adaptation lantern-alike Peddler, of Wicked In
Though the novel questions the assumptions and morals of 1870s New York society, it never develops into an outright condemnation of the institution.
novel of never of morals society, York outright the Though assumptions and institution. develops into it New the an the condemnation 1870s questions
Three minutes after launch, during the second stage burn, the payload fairing separated.
burn, the the launch, after payload during stage Three second fairing separated. minutes
tour in the early 1970s, Markham and Toronto, Ontario in the late 1990s, a trip to Yellowknife in the December 2004 and to Iqaluit, Baffin Island in September 2008.
and and tour Baffin the September the early the to Toronto, 2004 in December 1970s, Yellowknife trip Iqaluit, in late Ontario in Island in 1990s, a 2008. Markham to
The dispute existed between the Russian Empire and Britain since 1821, and was inherited by the United States as a consequence of the Alaska Purchase in 1867.
as Britain United by existed Purchase inherited 1821, the Alaska The States dispute was consequence in and and Russian since between Empire the 1867. a of the
In Aztec mythology, the ' ( or ': the "Four Hundred alike ") are the gods of the northern stars.
the are the Aztec In "Four the ' gods Hundred alike ( ': the stars. or ") northern mythology, of
The results were announced on October 1 in Toronto, Ontario at the Westin Harbour Castle.
Westin the Harbour 1 Ontario Castle. October in were Toronto, The announced on results at
"Don Carlo" (Paris, 1867), with an Italian libretto translated from the French of Joseph Méry (1797-1866) and Camille du Locle (1832-1903), after the play "Don Carlos, Infant von Spanien" ("Don Carlos, Infante of Spain", Hamburg, 1787) by Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805)
Spain", Locle "Don Camille French Hamburg, (1797-1866) Méry Joseph and ("Don (1832-1903), Carlos, "Don 1867), after Friedrich translated von an Carlo" (1759-1805) Spanien" of du Carlos, the play 1787) (Paris, libretto Italian the of Infant from with Schiller by Infante
Cetshwayo agreed, and also requested that Dunn become his advisor in matters related to the British.
requested the his agreed, Cetshwayo related that to Dunn in become also British. matters and advisor
The prospective aircraft's performance when powered by Halford H.1 engines was projected to be 520 mph at 40,000 ft.
engines aircraft's at when mph prospective ft. projected powered Halford was The be to 520 H.1 by performance 40,000
This he does, but on the way back, he is run down and his treasure goes to the bottom of the sea.
and treasure the he back, the sea. is goes down way he but bottom run does, of This to his the on
This downward settlement significantly increases flood vulnerability which can ultimately lead to major economic damages and loss of lives.
vulnerability loss major to significantly lead which This ultimately downward flood lives. increases economic can settlement damages of and