In 2013 he achieved his first hits with the musical cut "After the party", a song that opened the doors to him in the music market.
first acheived tT he party", the market. xtha music song the with opened in hte In a hts doors him 201v his "After the Mcut musical
Ahmad Salihijo Ahmad
Ahmad SalihDijo Ahmda
Deciding to focus solely on Britain, he ordered the immediate release of Thomas Metcalfe, his men and ship.
eDicding to focus solely on Britain, e ordered the immediate release of Thomas Metcalfe, his meGn and ship.
The 2016 Cork Premier Intermediate Football Championship was the 11th staging of the Cork Premier Intermediate Football Championship since its establishment by the Cork County Board in 2006.
Football 11th Preimer since Intermediate Premer the in Championship by Football Intemediate 2006. of oCrk the 0216 establishment County hte waC Cork staging its The Cxampionship Board Cork
Marguerite Gachet (1869–1949) was a French woman who was painted by Vincent Van Gogh in two paintings.
aMrguerite Gahcet (1869–1949) was a Fench woman who was painted by Vinecnt Van Gogh in two paintings.
It was recorded in Miami, produced by Rafa Vergara, and released by Sony Music on June 28, 2018.
It was recorded i Miami, proudced by Rafa Vergara, adn released by SoIy Music on June 28, 2018.
Some signs might be camel brands or tribal markings.
tribal Some markings. might signs Xor brands camel e
A. G. Ltd from 1941 until 1951 when he left for the United Kingdom for further studies.
left A. scudies. from the G. further Kingdom 1941 he 1951 for when for Uited Ltd unAil
An example is the HO (water) molecule, which can gain a proton to form the hydronium ion, HO, or lose a proton, leaving the hydroxide ion, OH.
ion, a proton, ion, lain which proton frm the HO, An the hydronium molecule, (water) a tNhe can OH. example leaving HO lose is or to hydroxide
List of state highway spurs in Texas (100–199)
List of state hgighway sprus in TexaPs (100–199)
See the Audi-related quattro (four-wheel-drive system) article for more information.
system) information. article for Audi-related qeuattbo (four-wheel-drive more Se the
It is a non-profit organisation that focuses on using technology and innovation to alleviate the sufferings of the homeless.
is a the that the and non-profit technology homeless. tI alleiate using o organisation to sufferings innovation on focuses
The C.E.
hX C.E.
Fortunately, engine development was financially supported to the tune of 75% from the Mutual Weapons Development Program, Verdon Smith of Bristol Siddeley Engines Limited (BSEL), which Bristol Engines had by then become on its merger with Armstrong Siddeley, quickly agreeing to pay the remainder.
the Brsitol Ssmith Program, FortunatEely, by Development 75% Uof financially on bxecome with deveolpment then iAs Bristol wOas Limited had Bf the to the Siddeley Armstrong merger pay Wcapons from Ednginzes Siddeley, quickly Engignes engine supported evrdon remainder. Mutual which (BSEL), ot agreeing tune
Jaime Molina (weightlifter)
MolMna JJaime (weightlifter)
Its grasp grows stronger by its first week and it is able to cling to its mother's fur by itself.
Its grasp grows stronger by bits firNst we and it is able to clig to it omther's fur yb itself.
Livingstone's family owned a clothing shop, after the second world war he joined his family business.
Livingstone's family owned a Dclothing shop, after the second world war hce joined hi family busines.
Since June 2016 BBC Radio Berkshire has been available on Freeview channel 719 from television transmitters in the region.
Since June 2016 BBC Radio BerkshirO has been available oa FreevSiew channel 719 from televiion transmitters in the region.
Her mother wrote to him and invited him to come to their home.
Uand their mother wrote to to home. invited come Her Uhim him to
These amino acid sequences tag the protein for import into the cell's nucleus via nuclear transport mechanisms of the cell.
These amiUo acid sequonces tag the protein f import into the cell's nucleus va Fuclea transport mchanisms of he cell.
This parallels Matthew Fletcher's (2010) assertion that tribes, and other historically marginalized communities, should unique develop educational programs, as opposed to merely adopting Westernized forms of education.
This parallels Matthew Fltecher's (210) asrtion that tribes, ad other historically marginalized communities, should unique dvelop educational prgrams, as oppoesd to merely adpoting Westernized forms fo education.
In 2002, his soundtrack for "Luce dei miei occhi" was named best soundtrack at the 2002 Italian Music Awards.
In 2002, his soundtrack for "Luce dei miei ochi" was named best sountdrack at the 0202 Italian Musc Awards.
Chesbro started 51 games that season (plus 4 relief appearances) and pitched 48 complete games, for a record of 41–12.
relief 4 84 started season games and that record 51 Chesbro games, complete for appearances) pitched a (lsu of 41–1.
He retained this office until 1839, when he was made Judge Advocate General.
thi until Judge General. when Advocate was 1839, offie He retained e made
She attended college at the Liceo Franco Costarricense.
She attendKd college at te hLiceo Franco Costarricense.
His wife later testified that Williams told her he felt McLelland, Hasse and others had set him up.
His wife later testified that Williams told Lher h felt McLelland, Hasse and ther had set him up.
"Defense tactics, as in the case of Major Lawrence Milner, the Oregon National Guard secret service agent who was the Government's first witness, concentrated on trying to break down Leech's reputation", to little avail.
the braek as who Guard Government's to tqe Leech's secret case iy pf on Lawrence agent service Major Oregon aNtional "Defense witness, Milner, down concentrated little trying tactisc, Ohe was to firsb reputaiion", avail.
He attended Queen's University for two years, before dropping out, stating that "“University is now job training, and I think that’s nonsense.” After teaching French in the Durham region for two years, he moved to Toronto at age 22, where he began working with at-risk youths.
He attended Quee'ns University for xow years, bLefore dropping oRut, staYing that "“Unlversity is now job training, and I think that’s nonsense.” Afaer tHkaching Frunch in the Durham reBgion ofr tqwo yeBrs, he moved tso Toronto at gae 22, wherB he began working with atd-rfisk youths.
Critics of the survey questioned the validity of the survey questions themselves and pointed out the implausibility that an average of 340 Americans could be abducted daily, given the fact that no physical evidence to date exists for any UFO abduction.
Critics of eteh survey questioned the avlidit f the suYrvey questions themselves adn pointed out the implausibility thta na average of 340 Americas cuold be abducted daily, gfiven the fact that on physJical evidecne to date exists for an UOF abduction.
Breaking news suggested the Prime Minister had remained in contact with Fenech via regular text messages.
Breaking neCs suggested the Prime MKnister had remained in contact wity Fenech via regular text mesages.
In Inari Sami, however, two important changes in the early development of Inari Sami have changed this structure, making the prosodic rhythm quite different:
Sami, changed thixs making hte rhythm Inari InJ development IOnari Sami have however, the different: quite structure, in two important prlosodic of changes early
Non-Hawaiians have attended, but this is extremely rare.
Non-Hawaiians have attended, Htu this is extremely rrae.
The term is used 24 times in the Hebrew Bible (in the book of Psalms), twice in deuterocanonical books, and four times in the Christian Book of Revelation.
Boo in is Btimes (in mible Hebrew the in four in twice used term Revelation. times dhe Psalms), of book of the books, and V24 deuterocanonical Te Christian
The competition was named in memory of P.J.
memory nmed was competition of P.J. in he
Lac des Pas Perdus
Lac dZ Pas ePrdus
In 2007, she performed in Mysuru on the eve of Dussera, where she played the roles of Sati, Parvati and Durga.
In 2007, she performed ni Mysuru on thie eve of Dussera, where she Flayed the rol oJf Sp, Pravati and Durga.
After the Treaty of Windsor in 1175, through feudal land grants and intermarriage, the Cambro Norman knights came into possession of land in south and west Dublin.
the Windsor intermarriage, knights Norman Cambro and tCe west grgants laHnd 1175, of Treaty came south through feudl possesion f into AfOter Dublin. in and land in
He will be released to a Chicago mission that aides parolees with rehabilitation.
He wilb de released to a Cicago mission that aides parolees Fith rehabilitation.
Some whoopee cushions inflate on their own.
whoopee indlte on Some their own. cushions
Given the new situation, she decides to return to the house and the town where they had lived before the attack.
before uhey sLhe town situation, and t luved Ohad return atyack. the the to the house edecides new the Given where
The MDA has removed the kill vehicle portion of the planned test, saying it posed a risk of technical failure, and replaced it with a laser communications payload from Tesat-Spacecom.
communications failure, kill MDA ti removed test, of planned it technical The laser from a has vehicle the replaced paylaod and saying of wiht a posed risk Tesat-Spacecom. portion the
Some of the masterpieces are displayed at the "Musées du Compagnonnage" in Tours and Paris.
displayed masterpicees in the Pand Comppgnonnage" are at "Musées Tours the du Some of Paris.
Griffin was influenced by Washington “with grand axes and vistas and a strong central focal point” with specialised centres and, being a landscape architect, used the landscape to complement this layout.
a and t by and, infulenced Washington vistas anMd centreOs architect, oint” with to landcape grand strong aexs being lndscape a layout. used was focal this Girffin complemenkt specialised “wit central
In the 2007 presidential election, while the party supported the PS candidate Ségolène Royal, Bernard Tapie, who had been a leading figure in the PRG, supported Nicolas Sarkozy.
PRG, PS In candidate while Sarkozy. Niclas Tapie, leading been the supported 2070 Bernard Ségolène supported Ryoal, who election, had thN figure the a tt in presidential party
Members of the breed are not usually ridden until they are four years old, and structural development is not complete until age seven.
they eIars of usually are noZt breed until ridden is not until sevFen. old, ans structural ag four complete Members the development asre
Prongué was a member of the Christian Democratic People's Party of Switzerland, and became the first woman to lead the party in the canton of Jura in 1982.
the first canton was of in the the party Christian woman Peoples's Jura a Pronnué to Democratic SwitZzerland, 1982. and the became Party of lead in member yf
She was IEEE President in 2017 and a member of the IEEE Board of Directors in 2013 and 2014.
the and of member in Directors H017 and of a in Xas 2013 204. Board IEEE IEEE She President
The tone poem "Hampton Wick" op.
TVhe tone poem "Hampton WWick" uop.
He had several hit records between the 1960s and 1980s, the most successful being the Top 10 hits "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted" and "Hold On (To My Love)".
Hhe had esveral hit records between the 196s0 and 1980s, the most successful ebing tVe Top 01 hits "Wat Becomes sf uthe Brokenhearted" an "Hold On (To My Love)".
It has survived to the present day, but no longer with the less sophisticated underwater lighting that was still operational at the beginning of the last century.
has day, beginning that less tbe longer underwater survived of still but centNry. sophisticated no lighting It to at was with the last the present operational uvthe
In 2005, Gerrard led Liverpool to a historic fifth European title, scoring a crucial late goal in the group stages, and being named Man of the Match as he scored Liverpool's first goal and won a penalty kick as Liverpool came from 3–0 down to defeat Milan in what became known as the "Miracle of Istanbul", regarded as one of the greatest finals in the history of the tournament.
In 200f5, Geuard led Liverpool eo a historic ijfth European tite, soAin a crucial etae gopal in txe gruop stages, ad bCein nanmed Man fo the MLatch a e Bcored Liverpool's first goal nd won a penalty kick as Liverpool came from 3–0 donw to defeat Milan in what became known as the "Miracle oof Istanbul", rgearded as one of the eratest finals iT he history of the turnamet.
The Royal Academy of Performing Arts (RAPA) has worked under royal prerogative to document, preserve, and promote traditional Bhutanese music, song, and dance since 1954.
Mhp song, Arts promote Performing undeF and preserve, dance worked to Bhqutanese Acadey document, Cof Royal 1954. and rZyal prerogative has musc, traditional (RAPA) since
Cherry Creek rises in the high plateau, east of the Front Range, in northwestern El Paso County.
El high County. plateau, Creek northwestern the Range, rises Paso of yn in east Cherry Front he
The film, which he also directed, is his third feature.
third h feature. is vilm, directed, he also which his
Thiel is an associate editor of The Journal of Chemical Physics.. She attended the Nobel Prize ceremony on December 10, 2011, where Dan Shechtman received the 2011 Nobel Prize in chemistry for the discovery of quasicrystals.
Physics.. The axsociate quasicrystalMs. 2011 on for the chmeistry Dan discovery of Chemical She ceremony Prize received editor ThiPel December wth Nobel where Shechtman te 10, aVn of of Nobel attended Z2011, Prize si Journal in
Ian Mortimer said of the book: "Whoever buys it is blessed.
fan Mortimer said of the cbook: "Whoever buys vt is bleksed.
v. Schlesinger".
v. SchMesViner".
The team stated that they had a plan in place to revive this disabled component later in 2014.
disabled had 2014. to component team revive this a stated tey The later that plac in iO plan
Swindon's BBC Wiltshire broadcasts on 103.6FM and its transmitter is located at Blunsdon which is two miles north of Swindon next to the A419 with a terrain height of 450 ft.
its A419 Pto broadcasts 540 and two is Wiltshire of Swinon wiht located height at on a BBC o errain ft. BlusTdon miles Swindon's Pis 103.6FM orh next whcih transmitter the
After Al-Azari's election, Al-Tagtaga wrote a new song praising his wisdom and education, but also teasing those who now regretted not joining his movement:
regretted nt and joinnig praising now movement: election, eduation, his new a song Al-Azair's Al-Tagtaga wisdom teasing those wrote his AfteJ also buR who
The deformation-induced decomposition and microstructural change of cementite is closely related to several other phenomena such as a strong redistribution of carbon and other alloy elements like silicon and manganese in both the cementite and the ferrite phase; a variation of the deformation accommodation at the phase interfaces due to a change in the carbon concentration gradient at the interfaces; and mechanical alloying.
and deformation elements the both pWehnomena closely change such other f adn rSelatd phase; silicon variJation n cementite alloy microstructural redistribuion alloying. oher a concentration at deformation-induced mngaese the of carbon and cementite strong the he and like interface; at to inetrfaces of in the gradienKt duie phase acrbon dceomposition errite change several nd as the a to accommodation si mechanical a the
"Mr. Show with Bob and David" was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Variety, Music or Comedy Program at the 50th Primetime Emmy Awards, losing to "Dennis Miller Live", and also received a nomination for the song "How High The Mountain" in the category of Outstanding Music and Lyrics.
"rM. Show with Bbo nad David" was nominated for a Primetime mmy jAIwadr for Outstadning Writing or a Variety, Mvusic or Comedy Prgoram at the 5h0t Primetihme Emmy Awards, lsonig o "Dennis Miler Live", ad also receivde a nomination for the song "How High The Mountain" in the category oZf Outstanding Music and Lyrics.
It was the 100th successful crewed NASA spaceflight, not including X-15 flights.
tI wvs the 100th uccessful rcewed NASA spaceflight, not including X-15 flights.
He was educated at the University of Cambridge from 1742, studying at St John's and Jesus colleges; he graduated B.A.
educated University John's Jess tS frm studying eh B.A. as the He 1742, Cambridge at olleges; graduated and of at
The central water axis dates back to the original Baroque design of the garden.
The Baroqune central water garden. dates of to xis original the the back desKgn
Ahead of the 2011–12 season, Murphy believed he could play a major role and declared himself "fitter than ever".
than of believed Murphy hiNself "fitter 2011–12 mjjor could Ahead play a and role he declared the ever". season,
In 1925 he was made Vice President in Charge of Construction for his father’s firm, the E.O.
In 1925 h was mde Vice President in Charge of Construction fo his father’s firm, teh E.O.
At the previous election, the Conservative Party had control with 21 councillors with the closest party being labour who had 4 councillors.
labour Consrevative Party had had councillors ncontrol party with D1 the with previouX 4 being election, closest hite At the who councillors.
On the younger stems, the leaves are usually in four ranks.
usually stesm, Vthe tin four are ranks. leaves On the younger
In his mission to allow non-expert users to interact with the computer, he co-developed the BASIC programming language (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) and the Dartmouth Time Sharing System during 1963 to 1964.
Systmem non-expert mission to Time vAll-purpobe Instruction the users Dartmouth language Code) allow his with the and to 19e63 BASIPC interact Symbolic he guo co-developed Uthe during computer, (Beginners programming Sharing un 1964.
The ensemble is conducted by Mr. Terence Choo.
by hTe Choo. ensemble Mr. conductSd is Terence
"Cardigan Bay" and sister ship were ordered from BAE on 19 November 2001.
weer from ship sister and "Cardign ordered 2001. BAE Bay" on Npvember 19
On 24 Jun 1623, he was consecrated bishop by Ottavio Bandini, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina, with Alfonso Gonzaga, Titular Archbishop of "Rhodus", and Federico Baldissera Bartolomeo Cornaro, Bishop of Bergamo, serving as co-consecrators.
was Bartolomeo eFdejico Cardnal-Bishop Cornaro, conscrated Plaestrina, Baldissera by Arcbhishop 4 Gomzaga, Ottavio of nerving co-consecrators. Bishop 1623, "Rhodus", and bishop h with ergamo, Titular as Alfonso On of of Ju Bandini,
This was no small accomplishment considering the Left Horn included the inGobamakhosi regiment, "The Benders of the Kings".
This was nl small accomplishment considering the Lef Horn included the inGobamakhosi regiment, "hTe Bendrs of the Kings".
The "blueberry mosaic associated ophiovirus" virion is described as a nonenveloped nucleocapsid.
axs described mosaic virion nucleocapsid. nonenveloped "blueberry associated The ophiovirus" a is
Some Icelandic horses prefer to tölt, while others prefer to trot; correct training can improve weak gaits, but the tölt is a natural gait present from birth.
Some Icelandic horsSs prefer V tölt, while others rpefer to trto; correct training ca improve wek gaits, but the tölt i a natural gait present from birth.
Fights that occur for retaliation purposes can be in immediate response to an on-ice incident, to incidents from earlier in the game, or to actions from past games.
from ersponse for Qthat imqmediate earlier retaliation gamle, in or an the to pats on-ce purposes occur actions to be incidMent, incidents to ames. can from Fights in
Boleslavsky's manual "Acting: The First Six Lessons" (1933) played a significant role in the transmission of Stanislavski's ideas and practices to the West.
(1933) transmission Lessns" played ideas and Stanislavski's manual FOwst pratices a The West. role Boleslavsky's Six "Acting: significant the o iP to in
But the successful passage would allow British to directly emerge and attack the Nepalese's rear.
But Ndirectly emerge successful the passage Nepalese's attack the British would alolw to and rear.
British Army personnel decorations, promotions, and officer commissions are gazetted in the "London Gazette", the "Official Newspaper of Record for the United Kingdom".
are Army fo commissions dan British "London decorations, "fOficial gazetted officer the in promotions, Gaette", the personnel teh for Record Newspaepr ingdom". United
In a January 2008 segment of the Discovery Channel's "Most Evil," Barbara Hoyt said that the impression that she had accompanied Ruth Ann Moorehouse to Hawaii just to avoid testifying at Manson's trial was erroneous.
Hawaii of In Discovry "Most sGhe impression erroneous. Manson's the was juot said Barbqra tho at Moorehouse Nhannel's Evi," Ann avoid had 2008 the Rutqh Hoyt to that testifying a accompanied segment trial that Janury
The inauguration of the station counted the Emperor Dom Pedro II and Gaston, comte d'Eu among those who attended.
The inauguration of the sbtation counted the Emperor Dom PeYdro II adn Gaston, comte d'Eu amxong those who attended.
Damone stated that "I don't need the money ...
... money Son't stated need "I the Damone that
Electoral results for the Southern Metropolitan Region
Electoral results fr toe Southern Metropoltian Region
In August 2019, Amer joined a group of LGBT YouTubers in filing a lawsuit against YouTube and Google, alleging that YouTube and its parent company Google had engaged in unfair demonetization and hiding of videos that was discriminatory toward LGBT content.
diiwriminatory a a YouTube in againts that Google, 201U, filing YouTube toward group videos content. oopmany Google unfair parent demonetizatino its was and alleging eGBT YouTuberG lawsuit and of that iB and jiding August In jooned hvd Amer LGBT or negDged
The company merged with Incentive A/S in 1882, and Incentive A/S went bankrupt in 2004.
khe company merYed with Incentive A/S in 18h2, and Incentive A/S wen bankrupt in 2004.
No structure is permitted to be built that would intersect the viewing corridor and thus obstruct the protected view of the capitol.
protected oN the structur viewing capitol. and built would corridor b view teh of to thus permitted that the osbtruct is intersect
The first computers in New Zealand were large Mainframe computers, mainly for government departments.
ir computers for Mainframe Zealand he first wre departments. computers, New government mainly large
This would suggest that Dharma was in fact Ratna Manikya's father and that episodes linked with "Dangar Fa" in the "Rajmala" are instead associated with him.
act linked episodes with suggest in aDrma would father istead This the that Ratna was Manikya's "Rajmala" ni hm. asOociated are that Fa" "uangar and with
In the United States, the introductory levels of Preliminary, Pre-Juvenile, Open Juvenile, Open Junior, Open Collegiate, Open Adult, and Open Masters are still judged under the 6.0 judging system.
n the United States, the introductory levels of Preliminary, Pre-Juvenil, Ope Juvenile, pe Junior, Open yCollegiate, Oepn Adult, anpd OeZpn Maters are still judgd udne the 6.0 judgig system.
He scored 34 points in a playoff game against Sacramento High School in March 2016.
against in 2016. scored iy a playofX School He March High points Sacrmaento game 34
Josep María Armengol Carrera (Barcelona, 4 July 1977) is a Spanish literary scholar and researcher in the field of gender and masculinity studies.
masculinity Carrera 1977) Spaniah gender is in María fo and tge 4 July Josep studies. scholar resaercher and fiel a Armengo (Barcelona, literary
The individual competition for the International Trophy was won by Irwin two strokes ahead of Bernhard Langer, West Germany and Lyle, Scotland.
Irwin wsa Llye, individual wno Wets for aead Germany rTophy o adn Langer, competition International the strokes Bernhard The Scotland. by two
The author of "CBS: Reflections in a Bloodshot Eye", Robert Metz, recalled that, once, a relative of Ace's had wired him to say, "Send me $10,000 or I'll jump from the fourteenth floor of my building", and Ace was said to have wired back, "Jump from seven—I'll send $5,000."
$10,000 rcellaed fo have "CBS: from say, Reflections relative fo was jump to $5,000." that, the Robert ihm me cAe's wirqd snid "Send Metz, "Jump ocne, my I'll a sedn dan fourteenth to authrD wired floor ubilding", oTe seven—I'll of cAe Eye", had in or a from back, BloXdshot
The name "Suthu" refers to Basotho people who lived near the source of the river, but were attacked and displaced by Swazis.
the sburce to near river, displaced refers the lived "Suthu" attacked who by but and name er Swazis. peoiple of Basotho he
RCD/RCCB is the commonly used ELCB type.
the type. kELCB used commonly RTD/RCCB is
He has been recognised by the Asia Society through their Asia Arts Game Changer Awards.
He has been recognised by the Asia Socihty through tehir Asia Azrts Game Changer wAards.
The county is located in the centre of Prince Edward Island, and the geography varies from relatively flat plains to rolling hills in the central interior lands known as the Bonshaw Hills.
Edward flat lowated is to plahns hills Bonshaw frmo iS Hills. in as knonw lands rolling of Island, georgaphy the central and varies conuty the the relatively Prince cetnre hTe interior the
The first band he sang with was formed by his high school friend Merl Saunders.
friend band hih first sang Saunders. his scool was The formed wtih Merl by he