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Lib Dems unveil women's manifesto..The Liberal Democrats are attempting to woo female voters with the launch of their manifesto for women...Charles Kennedy is pledging a maternity income guarantee and a pension system based on years of residence rather than national insurance payments. He also thinks women will back plans to end university tuition fees and for free long-term care for the elderly. Both Labour and the Conservatives have said they also plan to boost pensions and to improve childcare support. Mr Kennedy says he wants to deal with policy areas that disadvantage women. "Two million pensioners in Britain currently live below the government's own poverty line - two-thirds of whom are women," he said...He says that pensions based on the number of years worked ignore the contribution women make caring for children. The Lib Dem's Citizen's Pension, based on length of residency not on national insurance contributions, would address that imbalance, Mr Kennedy argues. Under the package, new mothers would be offered minimum guaranteed maternity pay of £170 a week for the first six months after the birth of their first child. Mr Kennedy also believes the party's plans to use the money saved from not introducing "illiberal" ID cards to boost police numbers by 10,000 would appeal to women too. The policies are not new announcements, but the way they are structured as a package to appeal to women is...Mr Kennedy also points to the fact that 40% of the party's candidates set to stand in winnable or target seats are women. Party strategists claim that where women candidates replace men turnout rises by 4%. Mr Kennedy began the pitch for female support with an interview on BBC Radio 4's Women's Hour on Monday. During the interview Mr Kennedy revealed that he planned to structure the party's general election campaign around the birth of his first child, which is expected in April. The baby and his wife Sarah would be "priority number one" even if it arrived in the middle of the election campaign, he said...Party strategists believe winning over a significant proportion of women voters is key to electoral success. A party spokesman said it was courting female votes because they tended to vote more than men and are believed to be more considered and open-minded in deciding who they vote for. Labour's deputy minister for women Jacqui Smith accused the Lib Dems of offering "false promises" to women and said their sums did not add up. She said: "These proposals would increase the costs to the public purse drastically year on year, and hard working families will pay dearly, through either increased taxes or reduced spending on public services". The Labour party has committed itself to "universal, affordable and flexible" childcare for parents of all 3 to 14 year-olds, including childcare centred on schools to be available from 8am to 6pm. In September, Trade and Industry Secretary Patricia Hewitt said she would like to see longer paid maternity leave, higher paternity pay and the extension of flexible working rights to carers, if Labour won a third term. The Conservatives are yet to unveil their manifesto plans for childcare but said in November they would increase maternity pay and pay the child tax credit in cash to parents to spend as they like, on a nanny, au pair or even a family member, such as a grandparent, acting as a carer. They were also consulting on making childcare costs tax deductible.
Mr Kennedy also believes the party's plans to use the money saved from not introducing "illiberal" ID cards to boost police numbers by 10,000 would appeal to women too.Both Labour and the Conservatives have said they also plan to boost pensions and to improve childcare support.The Conservatives are yet to unveil their manifesto plans for childcare but said in November they would increase maternity pay and pay the child tax credit in cash to parents to spend as they like, on a nanny, au pair or even a family member, such as a grandparent, acting as a carer.The Lib Dem's Citizen's Pension, based on length of residency not on national insurance contributions, would address that imbalance, Mr Kennedy argues.Mr Kennedy also points to the fact that 40% of the party's candidates set to stand in winnable or target seats are women.Mr Kennedy says he wants to deal with policy areas that disadvantage women.Labour's deputy minister for women Jacqui Smith accused the Lib Dems of offering "false promises" to women and said their sums did not add up.He says that pensions based on the number of years worked ignore the contribution women make caring for children.During the interview Mr Kennedy revealed that he planned to structure the party's general election campaign around the birth of his first child, which is expected in April.She said: "These proposals would increase the costs to the public purse drastically year on year, and hard working families will pay dearly, through either increased taxes or reduced spending on public services".
Row over 'police' power for CSOs..The Police Federation has said it strongly opposes giving Community Support Officers (CSOs) the power to detain suspects for up to 30 minutes...The powers - piloted in six areas - were extended to all police forces in England and Wales on Thursday. The federation said CSOs do not have the experience, training and safety equipment to deal with "potentially confrontational" situations. But the government said the move would help police "build safe communities". Police Federation chairman Jan Berry said civilian officers should act as "eyes and ears" for the police..."They should not be placed in potentially confrontational situations - which detaining someone clearly is," she said. CSOs can now use reasonable force to detain suspects for up to 30 minutes while they wait for police officers to arrive. The powers will be granted by chief constables of local forces. Ms Berry said this "dramatically changes" their original purpose - to be a visible presence combating low-level crime and anti-social behaviour. She said more powers would mean more paperwork and less time on the street...But Home Office minister Hazel Blears defended the move saying it would give the civilian officers "just that little bit of edge". She denied their role was changing and said the new powers would not take them away from the streets..."The powers that we are bringing in are things that they need to do when they are out patrolling," she said. The Home Office has produced its own report on CSOs which it describes as "encouraging". Ms Blears said the study shows CSOs are "making a real difference" in the fight against crime. But the report also showed that the public is having difficulties distinguishing between a civilian officer and a proper officer...Shadow home secretary David Davis said the research appeared to acknowledge that CSOs were having no discernible effect on crime figures..."While the answer is a lot more real police, the government wants to recruit 25,000 people who can't arrest anyone," he said. BBC home affairs correspondent Danny Shaw said the research is inconclusive. There are about 3,500 CSOs in England and Wales but the government intends to have 25,000 on the streets by 2008 at a cost of £50m. They already have powers to hand out fines for a wide range of offences. The Serious Organised Crime and Police Bill proposes extra powers to search suspects, enforce licensing offences, direct traffic and deter begging.
The Police Federation has said it strongly opposes giving Community Support Officers (CSOs) the power to detain suspects for up to 30 minutes.Police Federation chairman Jan Berry said civilian officers should act as "eyes and ears" for the police.She said more powers would mean more paperwork and less time on the street.But the government said the move would help police "build safe communities"."The powers that we are bringing in are things that they need to do when they are out patrolling," she said.Ms Blears said the study shows CSOs are "making a real difference" in the fight against crime.She denied their role was changing and said the new powers would not take them away from the streets.Shadow home secretary David Davis said the research appeared to acknowledge that CSOs were having no discernible effect on crime figures.The federation said CSOs do not have the experience, training and safety equipment to deal with "potentially confrontational" situations.
Gurkhas to help tsunami victims..Britain has offered to send a company of 120 Gurkhas to assist with the tsunami relief effort in Indonesia, Downing Street said...The deployment would involve troops from the 2nd Battalion Royal Gurkha Rifles, based in Brunei. Discussions have begun with Indonesia on the exact timing and location of the deployment, but the government said the offer was aimed at the Aceh province. Downing St said a similar offer might be made to the Sri Lankan government...However a spokesman pointed out that there were particular logistical difficulties in Indonesia which the Gurkhas might be able to help with. The spokesman said: "Following this morning's daily coordination meeting on the post-tsunami relief effort, the government has formally offered the Indonesian government the assistance of a company of British Army Gurkhas from 2nd Battalion Royal Gurkha Rifles around 120 personnel and two helicopters. "This is in addition to the ships and aircraft we have already committed to the relief operation in the Indian Ocean."..Indonesia was by far the country worst affected by the tsunami, with 94,000 of the 140,000 confirmed deaths so far. International Development Minister Gareth Thomas said the assistance offer would most likely focus on the northern province of Aceh. "We have offered the Gurkhas to help in the process of scaling up the relief effort, particularly in Aceh which is undoubtedly the hardest hit area in the Indian Ocean at the moment," he said. "We've also had RAF aircraft flying in equipment which the UN desperately need in order to set up a truly effective relief operation on the ground in Aceh province as well." The offer comes as the Foreign Secretary Jack Straw arrives in Indonesia for a special summit meeting on the disaster.
Britain has offered to send a company of 120 Gurkhas to assist with the tsunami relief effort in Indonesia, Downing Street said.Discussions have begun with Indonesia on the exact timing and location of the deployment, but the government said the offer was aimed at the Aceh province.The spokesman said: "Following this morning's daily coordination meeting on the post-tsunami relief effort, the government has formally offered the Indonesian government the assistance of a company of British Army Gurkhas from 2nd Battalion Royal Gurkha Rifles around 120 personnel and two helicopters."We have offered the Gurkhas to help in the process of scaling up the relief effort, particularly in Aceh which is undoubtedly the hardest hit area in the Indian Ocean at the moment," he said.International Development Minister Gareth Thomas said the assistance offer would most likely focus on the northern province of Aceh.
Hague 'given up' his PM ambition..Former Conservative leader William Hague says he will not stand for the leadership again, having given up his ambition to be prime minister...Mr Hague, 43, told the Daily Telegraph he would now find a life dominated by politics too "boring" and unfulfilling. Mr Hague, who stepped down after his party's 2001 election defeat, does not rule out a return to the front bench. He also told the paper he hopes to remain MP for Richmond, North Yorks, and start a family with wife Ffion. Mr Hague, who recently had published the biography of William Pitt the Younger, also said he wanted to continue writing books and speech-writing...He told the newspaper: "I don't know whether I will ever go back on to the front, but don't rush me." Asked if he would stand for the leadership again, Mr Hague replied: "No. Definitely not." His determination to stay away from a central role will disappoint some senior Conservative members, who say the party needs him. Tim Collins, the shadow education secretary, said last week it would be a "huge boost" to the party if Mr Hague returned to the front bench. Mr Hague became an MP at 27 and Leader of the Opposition at 36. He said: "I feel fortunate that, by the age of 40, I had crammed in an entire political career. "I had been in the Cabinet and been leader of the party, so now I can branch out into other is a very liberating feeling." Mr Hague added that he may have misjudged his own ambition to be prime minister. "Maybe I wasn't as driven by politics as I thought I was," he said.
Mr Hague became an MP at 27 and Leader of the Opposition at 36.Tim Collins, the shadow education secretary, said last week it would be a "huge boost" to the party if Mr Hague returned to the front bench.Asked if he would stand for the leadership again, Mr Hague replied: "No.Mr Hague, 43, told the Daily Telegraph he would now find a life dominated by politics too "boring" and unfulfilling.Mr Hague added that he may have misjudged his own ambition to be prime minister.Former Conservative leader William Hague says he will not stand for the leadership again, having given up his ambition to be prime minister.
Custody death rate 'shocks' MPs..Deaths in custody have reached "shocking" levels, a committee of MPs and peers has warned...The joint committee on human rights found those committing suicide were mainly the most vulnerable, with mental health, drugs or alcohol problems. Members urged the government to set up a task force to tackle deaths in prisons, police cells, detention centres and special hospitals. There was one prison suicide every four days between 1999 and 2003, MPs said. The report, which followed a year-long inquiry by the committee, found the high death rate "amounts to a serious failure to protect the right to life of a highly vulnerable group"...Many of those who ended up taking their own lives had "presented themselves" to the authorities with these problems before they even offended, the report said. It questioned whether prison was the most appropriate place for them to be kept and whether earlier intervention would have meant custody could have been avoided...Increased resources and a reduction in the use of imprisonment was needed to address the issue in the longer term, the report said. Committee chairman Labour MP Jean Corston said: "Each and every death in custody is a death too many, regardless of the circumstances..."Yet throughout our inquiry we have seen time and time again that extremely vulnerable people are entering custody with a history of mental illness, drug and alcohol problems and potential for taking their own lives." "These highly vulnerable people are being held within a structure glaringly ill-suited to meet even their basic needs. "Crime levels are falling but we are holding more people in custody than ever before. The misplaced over-reliance on the prison system for some of the most vulnerable people in the country is at the heart of the problems that we encountered. "Until we change our whole approach to imprisoning vulnerable people we cannot begin to meet our positive obligations under Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights and meet our duty of care to them."..The committee also highlighted "deeply worrying" cases of children and young people taking their own lives. Between 1990 and 2004, 25 children have taken their own lives in prison and two have died in secure training centres. It picked out the case of Joseph Scholes, who hanged himself from the bars of his cell in Stoke Heath Young Offender Institution in March 2002, and urged the home secretary to hold a public inquiry. It revealed that two weeks before his court appearance for a series of robberies, the 16-year-old was depressed, exhibiting suicidal tendencies and slashed his face with a knife about 30 times. Even though the trial judge had been alerted to his experience of sexual abuse and mental illness, he was sentenced to a two-year detention and training order. Nine days into his sentence, Joseph hung himself from the bars of his cell window with a sheet.
"Yet throughout our inquiry we have seen time and time again that extremely vulnerable people are entering custody with a history of mental illness, drug and alcohol problems and potential for taking their own lives."There was one prison suicide every four days between 1999 and 2003, MPs said.The report, which followed a year-long inquiry by the committee, found the high death rate "amounts to a serious failure to protect the right to life of a highly vulnerable group".The misplaced over-reliance on the prison system for some of the most vulnerable people in the country is at the heart of the problems that we encountered.Committee chairman Labour MP Jean Corston said: "Each and every death in custody is a death too many, regardless of the circumstances.The committee also highlighted "deeply worrying" cases of children and young people taking their own lives.Many of those who ended up taking their own lives had "presented themselves" to the authorities with these problems before they even offended, the report said.The joint committee on human rights found those committing suicide were mainly the most vulnerable, with mental health, drugs or alcohol problems.
Blair returns from peace mission..Prime Minister Tony Blair has arrived back from his diplomatic mission to the Middle East to try to resurrect the peace process...Mr Blair held talks with his Israeli counterpart, Ariel Sharon, and the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas. He confirmed that a renewed drive to reform the Palestinian Authority and address security issues would come at a London conference in March. Mr Blair also made a surprise trip to Iraq this week. The Israelis described the meeting as important but said they would not need to attend. Mr Blair briefly visited the tomb of Yasser Arafat in Ramallah - the first world leader to do so. He nodded briefly towards the tomb, rather than lay a wreath, in what Palestinian officials said was a compromise gesture agreed at the last minute...The BBC's Paul Reynolds says the London conference will be a limited measure to shore up the leadership of Mahmoud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen, who is expected to win the Palestinian presidential election on 9 January. At a news conference following talks with Mr Blair, Mr Abbas said the British prime minister was "in a unique position to help us progress in our peaceful pursuit". He added: "Your endeavour to hold a conference in London is another example of your deep commitment to this purpose." In an interview with the BBC's political editor Andrew Marr, Mr Blair said getting progress between Israelis and Palestinians would be "tough, but at least we have got the first step". Mr Blair acknowledged some people believed he was too close to the Israelis, but said the Israelis were entitled to expect Palestinians to give up terrorism. He argued that Mr Sharon was committed to the internationally-agreed roadmap peace plan and said his bid to disengage from Gaza had to be part of the peace process, not the end of it. Earlier, Mr Sharon again said he had not seen "the slightest step" the Palestinians were working to end terror attacks - though he acknowledged Palestinian leaders were in the middle of an election campaign that could be hampering their efforts. Before visiting Israel, Mr Blair made a surprise visit to Iraq, where he met leaders in Baghdad during his first trip to the city. He was briefed on preparations for the national poll, which is scheduled for next month but is threatened by a deadly campaign of insurgent violence. He also flew to Basra in southern Iraq where British forces are stationed.
At a news conference following talks with Mr Blair, Mr Abbas said the British prime minister was "in a unique position to help us progress in our peaceful pursuit".Mr Blair also made a surprise trip to Iraq this week.Mr Blair acknowledged some people believed he was too close to the Israelis, but said the Israelis were entitled to expect Palestinians to give up terrorism.Mr Blair held talks with his Israeli counterpart, Ariel Sharon, and the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas.In an interview with the BBC's political editor Andrew Marr, Mr Blair said getting progress between Israelis and Palestinians would be "tough, but at least we have got the first step".Before visiting Israel, Mr Blair made a surprise visit to Iraq, where he met leaders in Baghdad during his first trip to the city.Earlier, Mr Sharon again said he had not seen "the slightest step" the Palestinians were working to end terror attacks - though he acknowledged Palestinian leaders were in the middle of an election campaign that could be hampering their efforts.
Scots smoking ban details set out..Smoke-free areas will save lives and improve Scotland's health, First Minister Jack McConnell has insisted...He told the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday that a "comprehensive ban" on smoking in public places would be introduced by the spring of 2006. Mr McConnell said the country's health rates were "lamentable" not least because of smoking. He said fines of up to £2,500 would be levied on employers and licences would be removed for non-compliance. Earlier, the Scottish Executive considered a range of options but agreed unanimously to introduce an all-out ban on smoking in public places. In a statement to parliament, Mr McConnell said that the licensed trade would be asked to join an expert committee prior to the ban coming into force...The health arguments far outweighed lingering public disquiet about a complete ban and claims by the licensed trade that jobs would be lost, he told MSPs. He said there would be an international marketing campaign whereby "tourists can enjoy smoke free environment and the sick man of Europe image becomes a thing of the past". "There are still national habits which hold us back - the time has come for this parliament to accelerate improvements in health," he declared. "Health rates are lamentable because of a lack of exercise, drugs abuse, excessive drinking and over-eating. "They all make us one of the most unhealthy countries in Europe, and too many smoke. "It is clear that Scotland must not be held back by poor public health - the single biggest contribution devolved government can make is to reduce the toll of preventable death caused by smoking." The legislation will be introduced as part of the Health Service (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, which will be considered by parliament before Christmas. Main points of the plan:... - A comprehensive ban on smoking in all enclosed public places in Scotland. - The legislation will be enforced by environmental health and local licensing officers. - Licensees or employers who fail to enforce the law will face fines up to a maximum of £2,500. - Licensees who persistently refuse to comply with the law will face the ultimate sanction of losing their liquor licence. - A system of issuing fixed penalty notices for those individuals who break the law will be examined. - Individuals who persistently break the law will face a maximum fine of £1,000....Mr McConnell claimed there was evidence that smoking bans had helped smokers to either give up quicker or smoke less. He said there had been falling cigarette sales of 13% in New York and 16% in Ireland. Mr McConnell added that there had been a near nine per cent rise in tax revenues from New York bars and restaurants and, in Ireland, only a one point three per cent volume sales fall, where they were declining before the ban. The afternoon announcement, following a cabinet meeting on Wednesday morning, won broad support from opposition parties...The Scottish National Party's Holyrood leader, Nicola Sturgeon, welcomed the move but added that the public should be consulted as the clock ticked towards the ban date. She said: "The time has come for a ban on smoking in public places. "There is evidence a ban can cut deaths from passive smoking and makes it easier for the 70% of smokers who desperately want to give up the habit. "But we must also recognise that some people have concerns and reservations - there are people who are yet to be persuaded." The Scottish Conservative Party leader, David McLetchie, questioned what would be exempted from the ban. He was keen to know if inmates in Scottish prisons would continue to be allowed to smoke. Mr McLetchie asked: "Would it not be ironic and perhaps entirely typical of the first minister's brave new Scotland that the criminals can be smokers but the smokers will become criminals?" The Scottish Green Party's health spokeswoman, Eleanor Scott, said she was pleased Scotland would be following the "success stories of New York and Ireland". She believed the majority of people in Scotland wanted to go out without having to breathe in harmful tobacco smoke.
He told the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday that a "comprehensive ban" on smoking in public places would be introduced by the spring of 2006.She said: "The time has come for a ban on smoking in public places.The Scottish Green Party's health spokeswoman, Eleanor Scott, said she was pleased Scotland would be following the "success stories of New York and Ireland".Mr McConnell said the country's health rates were "lamentable" not least because of smoking.In a statement to parliament, Mr McConnell said that the licensed trade would be asked to join an expert committee prior to the ban coming into force.Mr McConnell claimed there was evidence that smoking bans had helped smokers to either give up quicker or smoke less.The health arguments far outweighed lingering public disquiet about a complete ban and claims by the licensed trade that jobs would be lost, he told MSPs.The Scottish Conservative Party leader, David McLetchie, questioned what would be exempted from the ban.Earlier, the Scottish Executive considered a range of options but agreed unanimously to introduce an all-out ban on smoking in public places.He said fines of up to £2,500 would be levied on employers and licences would be removed for non-compliance."It is clear that Scotland must not be held back by poor public health - the single biggest contribution devolved government can make is to reduce the toll of preventable death caused by smoking."
Labour's core support takes stock..Tony Blair has told Labour supporters he's "back" and still hungry for the job of prime minister - but does that sum up the mood at the party's spring conference in Gateshead?.."The electorate are keener on the government than some Labour Party members," is the dry assessment of Graham Lane, leader of the Labour group on Newham Council. The problem, according to Mr Lane, is not continuing divisions over Iraq, foundation hospitals or tuition fees, or even voter apathy, but Mr Blair himself. "I have a new slogan. Vote Blair, Get Brown. That's what I am telling people on the doorstep. Don't worry, he will be gone soon." His friend, Saxon Spence, leader of Devon county Labour group, lays the blame for any lack of campaigning zeal on one issue above all others. "You cannot underestimate the impact of the war in Iraq. We lost people from our local party who had some key roles."..But the two friends were fired up by Gordon Brown's speech on Saturday, with its appeal to core Labour values on social justice, health and education..."There was real passion. I think we have all felt a little jaded, but it reminded us why we joined the party in the first place," said Mrs Spence. "If he hadn't have walked off the stage, they would still be clapping," added Mr Lane. But for every Brownite at the spring conference there was an equally ardent fan of Mr Blair. Stephen Douglas, 26, from Wales, said after the PM's speech on Sunday: "I think it was a bit of a turning point, given the roasting he has had on some issues. The guy still has it."..Tony Martin, of Burnley, said: "He is the first leader who has won us two terms. This bloke has delivered for us." Malcolm Shipley, of Shipley, said it was "as if he is coming round to the right approach again". Katrina Bull, a prospective parliamentary candidate said Mr Blair had shown he could rouse the party's grassroots: "I think if every voter was able to spend time in a room with Tony, the way we have today, we will have no problem with turnout." She had just emerged from a Q&A session, in which Mr Blair - tieless and supremely at ease - answered questions posed via the party's website...A party of councillors from Nottingham agreed that there was nothing wrong with Mr Blair's leadership - and they were adamant that the campaigning strength of the party in their city was as strong as ever. Iraq, they insisted, would not be a factor for most voters. "The biggest problem we have got at the moment is that we keep getting all these polls saying we are going to run away with the election. "It might sound great, but it does create this sense of complacency among our own voters and I think that is the greater problem than Iraq," said Nottingham City Councillor Brian Parbutt. And even Mr Blair's most vocal critics seemed to agree on one thing - he is a master of the sort of glossy, high-profile campaigning that has become Labour's hallmark, epitomised by Friday's whistle-stop tour of marginal seats. A group of shop stewards from the Swan Hunter shipyard, who said they were facing redundancy, could barely suppress their anger at Mr Blair's failure to, as they saw it, shake off his Tory leanings and stand up for manufacturing in the North East...They were also scathing about the alleged benefits of showpiece projects such as conference venue Sage Centre, heralded by John Prescott and others this weekend as a symbol of Labour's success in urban regeneration..."It is no good having the Sage or Baltic if you haven't got the money for the entrance fee," said Terry Telford. But when asked about Mr Blair's bravura performance on Friday, the men agreed he was "brilliant". And they would all be out on the doorstep pushing the Labour message come election time. "If you are not fired up about the election, then what's the point? There is no complacency as far as I can see in the Labour Party. We are fired up. We are up for this election," said Richie Porterhouse. Mr Telford agreed, but added it was becoming increasingly difficult to think of an answer when people asked "What has Labour done for the North East?" "I have had doors slammed in my face," he said...Every activist I spoke to said they were proud of what they believed Labour had achieved in their local communities - the new hospitals and schools, the better life chances for young people. The problem they faced, they said, was converting this local feelgood factor into votes. But they could at least rely on one "secret weapon", as one activist put it - Tory leader Michael Howard.
Mr Telford agreed, but added it was becoming increasingly difficult to think of an answer when people asked "What has Labour done for the North East?"Katrina Bull, a prospective parliamentary candidate said Mr Blair had shown he could rouse the party's grassroots: "I think if every voter was able to spend time in a room with Tony, the way we have today, we will have no problem with turnout."A party of councillors from Nottingham agreed that there was nothing wrong with Mr Blair's leadership - and they were adamant that the campaigning strength of the party in their city was as strong as ever.The problem they faced, they said, was converting this local feelgood factor into votes.Every activist I spoke to said they were proud of what they believed Labour had achieved in their local communities - the new hospitals and schools, the better life chances for young people.Stephen Douglas, 26, from Wales, said after the PM's speech on Sunday: "I think it was a bit of a turning point, given the roasting he has had on some issues.But for every Brownite at the spring conference there was an equally ardent fan of Mr Blair.The problem, according to Mr Lane, is not continuing divisions over Iraq, foundation hospitals or tuition fees, or even voter apathy, but Mr Blair himself.Tony Martin, of Burnley, said: "He is the first leader who has won us two terms.We are up for this election," said Richie Porterhouse.Tony Blair has told Labour supporters he's "back" and still hungry for the job of prime minister - but does that sum up the mood at the party's spring conference in Gateshead?But when asked about Mr Blair's bravura performance on Friday, the men agreed he was "brilliant"."It might sound great, but it does create this sense of complacency among our own voters and I think that is the greater problem than Iraq," said Nottingham City Councillor Brian Parbutt.And they would all be out on the doorstep pushing the Labour message come election time."The electorate are keener on the government than some Labour Party members," is the dry assessment of Graham Lane, leader of the Labour group on Newham Council.I think we have all felt a little jaded, but it reminded us why we joined the party in the first place," said Mrs Spence.Malcolm Shipley, of Shipley, said it was "as if he is coming round to the right approach again".
Sainsbury's Labour election gift..Science Minister Lord Sainsbury has made a £2m donation to the Labour Party for its General Election fund...It is the latest hefty donation to the party by the billionaire - he has contributed more than £10m since 1999. David Sainsbury said he was pleased to give cash to a party that had the "vision" to deliver economic prosperity and better public services for Britain. General Secretary Matt Carter said it was "a fantastic gift" that would help Labour "fight and win the election"..."Through the generosity of David Sainsbury and other Labour supporters, Labour will be campaigning hard to take Britain forward and to stop the Tories taking us back," Mr Carter said. Lord Sainsbury added: "I am pleased to be able to make this contribution to the general election funds of the Labour Party because I believe that they are the only party that has the vision to deliver both economic prosperity and better public services for Britain." The 64-year-old latest donation follows a £2.5m gift to the party in 2003. Lord Sainsbury was created a life peer in 1997, a year before he was appointed as minister for science.
Science Minister Lord Sainsbury has made a £2m donation to the Labour Party for its General Election fund.Lord Sainsbury added: "I am pleased to be able to make this contribution to the general election funds of the Labour Party because I believe that they are the only party that has the vision to deliver both economic prosperity and better public services for Britain."David Sainsbury said he was pleased to give cash to a party that had the "vision" to deliver economic prosperity and better public services for Britain.The 64-year-old latest donation follows a £2.5m gift to the party in 2003.
UK heading wrong way - Howard..Tony Blair has had the chance to tackle the problems facing Britain and has failed, Michael Howard has said..."Britain is heading in the wrong direction", the Conservative leader said in his New Year message. Mr Blair's government was a "bossy, interfering government that takes decisions that should be made by individuals," he added. But Labour's campaign spokesman Fraser Kemp responded: "Britain is working, don't let the Tories wreck it again". Mr Howard also paid tribute to the nation's character for its generous response to the Asian quake disaster. The catastrophe was overshadowing the hopes for the future at this usually positive time of the year, Mr Howard said..."We watched the scenes of destruction with a sense of disbelief. The scale, the speed, the ferocity of what happened on Boxing Day is difficult to grasp. "Yet Britain's response has shone a light on our nation's character. The last week has shown that the warm, caring heart of Britain beats as strong as ever." He went on to reflect on the values that "most Britons hold dear". Looking ahead to the coming general election, he pledged to "turn these beliefs into reality" and set out the choices he says are facing Britain. "How much tax do people want to pay? Who will give taxpayers value for money, the clean hospitals and good, disciplined schools they want? "Who can be trusted to get a grip on the disorder on our streets and the chaos in our immigration system?"..Mr Blair has failed to tackle these problems, he claimed, saying he has the "wrong solution" to them..."The result is big government and higher taxes eroding incentives, undermining enterprise and denying people choice. "Worst of all, it is a government that has wasted people's money and failed to tackle the problems families face today." The Tories, he said, can cut crime and improve public services without asking people to pay more taxes. "We can have progress without losing what makes Britain great - its tolerance, the respect for the rule of law, the ability of everyone to fulfil their potential. "We simply need to change direction. The election will give Britain the chance to change." This is the record Mr Blair will have to defend in the coming months, he said, urging voters to hold him to account...But Labour spokesman Mr Kemp said: "It would be more appropriate for this message to come out on 1 April, not 1 January." "Let us never forget that when Michael Howard was in government Britain suffered mass unemployment, 15% interest rates, record home repossessions, and the introduction of the poll tax. "With Labour Britain is working. Rather than alluding to false promises Michael Howard should be starting 2005 with an apology to the British people for the misery that the government, of which he was a member, inflicted upon the country.
Tony Blair has had the chance to tackle the problems facing Britain and has failed, Michael Howard has said.The election will give Britain the chance to change."Mr Blair has failed to tackle these problems, he claimed, saying he has the "wrong solution" to them."Let us never forget that when Michael Howard was in government Britain suffered mass unemployment, 15% interest rates, record home repossessions, and the introduction of the poll tax."Britain is heading in the wrong direction", the Conservative leader said in his New Year message."With Labour Britain is working.The catastrophe was overshadowing the hopes for the future at this usually positive time of the year, Mr Howard said.This is the record Mr Blair will have to defend in the coming months, he said, urging voters to hold him to account."Worst of all, it is a government that has wasted people's money and failed to tackle the problems families face today."The last week has shown that the warm, caring heart of Britain beats as strong as ever."But Labour spokesman Mr Kemp said: "It would be more appropriate for this message to come out on 1 April, not 1 January."
UK pledges £1bn to vaccine effort..UK Chancellor Gordon Brown has offered £960m ($1.8bn) over 15 years to an international scheme aiming to boost vaccination and immunisation schemes...In a speech, he called for action to reach the 2000 Millennium Declaration goals of halving global poverty and tackling child mortality rates. Mr Brown has just returned from a tour of African nations. The £1bn commitment is part of a five-point plan on debt relief, trade, aid, education and health...The chancellor was speaking at an event jointly organised by the UK's Department for International Development and the UN Development Programme on Wednesday. Mr Brown welcomed news that the Bill Gates Foundation and Norway are joining up to put an extra £0.53bn ($1bn ) into the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (Gavi). Britain, France, Gavi and the Gates Foundation have drawn up proposals to apply the principles of the International Finance Facility (IFF) to the area of immunisation. That could see donors making long-term, legally binding financial commitments which can then be used as collateral for raising extra funds from international capital markets. As well as pledging £960m over 15 years to the immunisation IFF, Britain urged other donors to contribute...If Gavi could increase its funding for immunisation by an extra £4bn ($7.4bn) over 10 years, then an extra five million lives could have been saved by 2015 and five million thereafter, Mr Brown argued. Campaign groups including Friends of the Earth, the World Development Movement, and War on Want said UK government policy on free trade was a major barrier to fighting poverty. War on Want's John Hilary said: "Compassionate rhetoric cannot disguise the reality of the government's neo-liberal policies. "As long as Mr Blair and Mr Brown continue to push free trade and privatisation on developing countries, more and more people will be pushed deeper into poverty, not lifted out of it."
Mr Brown welcomed news that the Bill Gates Foundation and Norway are joining up to put an extra £0.53bn ($1bn ) into the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (Gavi).UK Chancellor Gordon Brown has offered £960m ($1.8bn) over 15 years to an international scheme aiming to boost vaccination and immunisation schemes.If Gavi could increase its funding for immunisation by an extra £4bn ($7.4bn) over 10 years, then an extra five million lives could have been saved by 2015 and five million thereafter, Mr Brown argued."As long as Mr Blair and Mr Brown continue to push free trade and privatisation on developing countries, more and more people will be pushed deeper into poverty, not lifted out of it."Britain, France, Gavi and the Gates Foundation have drawn up proposals to apply the principles of the International Finance Facility (IFF) to the area of immunisation.Campaign groups including Friends of the Earth, the World Development Movement, and War on Want said UK government policy on free trade was a major barrier to fighting poverty.
Lib Dems' 'bold' election policy..Charles Kennedy has told voters his Liberal Democrats will offer them an "honest choice" at the next general election...With the other two big parties battling over which will impose the lowest taxes, Mr Kennedy is going into the looming election pledged to increase taxation. It is a bold policy and certainly ensures there is that choice between the Lib Dems and the other two. With his party's previous pledge to increase taxes by one penny in the pound to spend on public services already adopted by the government, he has switched tack. Now he is promising to levy a "modest" increase of the same amount on earnings over £100,000 a year to allow him to finance a series of pledges. They are to scrap student fees, finance free long term care for the elderly and replace the council tax with a local income tax. That last policy will also see about 3% of the most well off paying more while others, pensioners in particular, will pay less...Labour and the Tories have attacked his policies as both unworkable and not properly costed...Inevitably they insist there is no need to raise taxes to fund improvements in services. The Tories claim they can improve services AND cut taxes through £35bn efficiency savings, while Labour has offered £22bn savings but has yet to map out precise tax proposals, although there is little chance they will propose increases. In many ways the argument between the Lib Dems and the others over taxation and spending echo the sort of arguments that raged between Labour and the Tories in the 1980s and early 1990s. But, unlike the old Tory-Labour debate, he believes voters are ready to see "modest" tax increases on the well off in order to fund improvements in services. That is a view partly endorsed by recent polls suggesting people would rather have cash spent on public services than tax cuts...Similarly there is a different tone to the Lib Dem approach to asylum and immigration, with Mr Kennedy stressing politicians should not "foment an artificial debate" about immigration and attacking Michael Howard's proposals for quotas. Once again, with the two other big parties singing similar songs on immigration, Mr Kennedy is stressing the different, more liberal approach of his party. Mr Kennedy was also in buoyant mood over his party's election chances, declaring the Tories were not going to be "significant players" in the poll. He repeated his pledge not to do post-election deals with either party after the election. Mr Kennedy went on to suggest the re-election of a Labour government with a small majority would amount to a "massive vote of no confidence " in Tony Blair's government. That suggests the Lib Dem leader believes he may well find himself in a powerful, even pivotal position in a vastly different House of Commons after the next election. It is a dream the third party has dreamed many times before.
With the other two big parties battling over which will impose the lowest taxes, Mr Kennedy is going into the looming election pledged to increase taxation.Once again, with the two other big parties singing similar songs on immigration, Mr Kennedy is stressing the different, more liberal approach of his party.But, unlike the old Tory-Labour debate, he believes voters are ready to see "modest" tax increases on the well off in order to fund improvements in services.The Tories claim they can improve services AND cut taxes through £35bn efficiency savings, while Labour has offered £22bn savings but has yet to map out precise tax proposals, although there is little chance they will propose increases.With his party's previous pledge to increase taxes by one penny in the pound to spend on public services already adopted by the government, he has switched tack.Mr Kennedy was also in buoyant mood over his party's election chances, declaring the Tories were not going to be "significant players" in the poll.Charles Kennedy has told voters his Liberal Democrats will offer them an "honest choice" at the next general election.Similarly there is a different tone to the Lib Dem approach to asylum and immigration, with Mr Kennedy stressing politicians should not "foment an artificial debate" about immigration and attacking Michael Howard's proposals for quotas.
Minimum wage increased to £5.05..The minimum wage will rise in October, benefiting more than 1m people, the government has announced...Adults must be paid at least £5.05 an hour, up from £4.85, while 18 to 21 year olds will be paid £4.25. The recommendations came from the Low Pay Commission which said the number of jobs had continued to grow since the minimum wage was introduced in 1999. Businesses wanted it frozen, warning more rises could damage competitiveness but the unions want a £6 rate...A further increase in the adult rate to £5.35 an hour is provisionally scheduled for October 2006. According to the commission, many businesses had found the last two significant increases in the minimum wage "challenging". "We have therefore recommended only a slight increase above average earnings, and concentrated it in the second year to allow business more time to absorb the impact," said chairman Adair Turner. The government says most of those on the minimum wage are women - with many working in cleaning, catering, shops and hairdressing...Unveiling the latest increase, Mr Blair said he wanted the minimum wage to become a "symbol of decency and fairness". "For too long, poverty pay capped the aspiration and prosperity of far too many hard-working families," he said. "Too often, people were told to make a choice between the indignity of unemployment or the humiliation of poverty pay." Chancellor Gordon Brown and Transport Secretary Alistair Darling promoted the news in Edinburgh, Wales Secretary Peter Hain and Welsh First Minister Rhodri Morgan in Cardiff and Northern Ireland Minister John Spellar in Belfast. The government has not accepted the commission's recommendation that 21-year-olds should be paid at the adult rate, but says it will look again at the rate later on. Mr Brown said: "We want to do nothing that can damage the employment opportunities for young people, particularly young people entering the labour market for the first time." The government has said it will look at tougher action against the small number of employers who consistently refuse to pay the minimum wage...The national minimum wage is currently set at £4.85 per hour for those aged 22 and above, and at £4.10 for those aged 18 to 21. A £3 per hour minimum wage was introduced last October for 16 to 17-year-olds, but apprentices are exempt. The Trade Unions Congress welcomed the increase, but has called for a £6 minimum wage by next year. But the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) called for a "pause year" to assess the impact of the above inflation rise in the minimum wage in October. And David Frost, director of the British Chambers of Commerce, said: "The level of increase each year has increased by rates far outstripping the rates of inflation. "What employers are saying to us now is that it's at a level where it's starting to bite into the competitiveness of companies right across the country."..The Liberal Democrats' economics spokesman Vincent Cable said he supported the move to raise the minimum wage. "It's not just good for the workers themselves but it lifts them out of benefits and therefore is good for the Exchequer too," he said. Conservative leader Michael Howard said he accepted the principle of the minimum wage and would not "seek to disturb" the increase. Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour, Mr Howard hinted the Tories might go into the general election with a promise to cancel income tax for the lowest-paid workers. "There are people on very low salaries, very low incomes indeed who really shouldn't be paying income tax," he said...It would be better to decrease taxes on earnings below £12,000 a year, with say no tax on below £6,000. The losses in tax can be recouped by having a 50pc tax band for people making over £100,000. Our minimum wage is going to be effectively almost twice the US minimum wage, yet our economy per person is only 2/3rds of the US! Perhaps, we have to really starting questioning why some products cost 50-60% more here than they do in the US. This combined with the tax decreases would make the pounds the low-paid people do make go much further...It's still not good enough! I got a part time Job at 16 when I was doing my A-levels in an attempt to get a little money saved for Uni. This was only 2 years ago and I was getting paid £2.75 an hour, and working as hard as any of the older staff, maybe it's about time 16 - 21 year olds got a fair wage!..We must remember that the minimum wage is only part of the picture and must not rise to a level that makes employing people unattractive and encourages businesses to send work and therefore jobs abroad. Still government and local councils employ staff via their contractors that pay at the minimum wage or very close to it. An easy way for the government to do as it preaches would be to insist on floor pay levels for all government workers and take tens of thousand of civil servants out of the social security system all together...Any increase is certainly welcome news. However for all those whining about the pressures of an increase in the minimum wage I would simply ask them: "Would you be happy to work for less than £5.05 an hour?". Thought not ... so then, don't expect others to either...I can't believe that so many of these comments are against the minimum wage! Also I personally take great offence at the insinuation that people earning minimum wage were lazy at school if everyone went to university then who would serve you in the supermarkets and clean up after you? It's about time that these hardworking people are rewarded with only what they deserve and have earned fair pay and a bit of respect wouldn't go a miss either. br />..This is good news. The minimum wage has put a sense of equality back into a worker's relationship with their employer. Wages are supposed to be a fair reflection of an employee's efforts. For too long wages were a point of exploitation - what could an employer get away with. In very simplistic terms this put a pressure to keep low-paid wages low. With the minimum wage this downward pressure is at least partly removed...It is also interesting to read the comments from so called business leaders. They are the first to defend the rights and privileges of boards to award fat-cat salaries, bonuses and pension rights to the select few but they are the first to attack policies that are put in place to merely defend the rights of those that really make those fat cats purr!..I feel there are both negatives and positives to the increase, on one hand some businesses will struggle to stay afloat but on the other hand in today world many young people can't afford to move out as property costs too much and only by earning more will they be able to get on in life. Its true many may get complacent but the minimum wage could be looked at as more of a stepping stone rather than a hand out...Here come the usual whines about how difficult it will be for businesses! We all remember Michael Howard's protestations that the minimum wage would cost a million jobs when it was introduced - funny how he's gone quiet on that one! Jobs have continued to increase since this humane legislation was brought in. I think if any job is worth doing then it's worth being paid a fair wage for, and £5.05 is hardly a fortune. If your business cannot pay its workers a decent wage then maybe it's not being run properly and if it folds, a better-run company will take over its duties and employ more people, so everybody wins except incompetent business owners!..Great keep at it Tony, I remember the despair of the 80s and the low wages employers got away with. At last we can make a difference to people and reward them for working. We can't afford not to pay a decent wage. It's not a jobs at any price economy, goodbye sweatshops hello decency...The increase in minimum wage is a good thing. Living in the southwest where house prices and rent have increased hugely (like the rest of the country) over the past 5 years has made living for you average 18-21 years old very difficult. In the south west the increase in living costs have not been matched by an increase in pay, for example a job I did in Plymouth was underpaid to an equivalent worker in Exeter by 75p an hour. Hopefully the increase in the minimum wage will bring in to balance pay on a regional and national level, and in turn allow people like myself who do work hard, but might never earn a 6 figure salary the chance to branch out on our own...I work at a large Hospital where the contractors providing all ancillary services - domestic, catering & portering etc - pay the minimum wage of £4.85 as the basic rate. Someone has to do these unglamorous jobs and earn enough to live decently. How dare people suggest we are lazy or complacent for accepting these jobs and these wages? Who do they think will be carrying out these public service jobs if contractors are allowed to pay as little as their consciences allow?..This is definitely the right step in the right direction. It shows that this government cares for the low income earners as well. This is a million votes more. Good strategy isn't it?..Although I would not deny people the minimum wage increase, its timing stinks. I am quite prepared for a raft of 'bribes' to come from the government before the election and a raft of taxes afterwards, they are playing us for the fools they think we are...This is extremely bad news for any business - whether they are small and medium enterprises or even large companies. By increasing overheads, for business, there will be an almost certain rise in costs to the consumer who while they openly welcome the idea of an increase in the minimum wage are the same people who still want to buy that shirt, or that pair of trainers for next to nothing. The extra cost this increase will bring, will only be reflected in the price of the goods we buy, which, in turn will only serve to discourage companies from setting-up business in the UK, or encourage those companies already based here to look elsewhere. The jubilation felt by "low-paid" workers here will soon give way to misery as they lose their jobs...This will only lead to a reduction in jobs. Why have many of the call centre jobs gone to India. Blair say's the economy is "strong and stable economy" however consumer debt and the country's debt is at its highest and now they heap this onto businesses, that will have no choice but to cut the workforce...The timing cannot be coincidental. This is blatant electioneering and should be exposed as such...Andrew in Derby complains that raising the minimum wage is 'blatant electioneering'. I don't mind if it is. In our degraded democracy, elections are the one time when elites really have to worry about doing something concrete for the majority. My only complaint is the paltry figures being discussed. If my maths is right, a 35 hour week at £5.05 gives you an annual income just over £9,000 and raising it to £6 leaves it under £11,000. The unions should be putting the Government under pressure for much more. Businesses complaining might like to take a look at corporate pay, shareholder payouts and profits before wondering if paying a living wage is really a controlling factor in the viability of their firm...I am all for lifting the minimum wage of workers to a reasonable level, but we have to accept that with this will come competition from overseas workers. Also small businesses will have to be able to afford this manpower cost. We are already seeing a sweeping change in IT work being lost to India where people are paid much less. It is difficult for me to understand that only five years ago cheap labour abroad was classified as 'sweat shop', but now we are told it is global competition. With our manufacturing industry in serious decline the country cannot be entirely service industries without something tangible to serve. There has to be something at the top of the food chain and that is manufacturing. The whole picture needs to be looked at...This is great news, but that might be because I work for minimum wage. Seems a good idea and will hopefully be an incentive to those who live to claim to actually get a job. When you can "earn" more from claiming than you can from work, there is no incentive. Perhaps a step in the right direction...If the TUC get their way a very large number of SMEs will have to close - this will put more people out of work. How then will the government fudge the unemployment figures! The government know it is not big business that keeps the economy going but the SMEs but we always get overlooked, they will only take notice if these large corporations close and move to other countries, after all they are predominantly owned by foreign companies. We are a specialist company but with these increases have already had an effect on us and we have lost work another one will close us...While I'm delighted for those on low pay that this increase is being put forward, I am extremely concerned at the implications for small businesses. As an employee for a small nursery, I know this increase will cause great hardship for my employer, who has been unable to increase salaries for higher paid employees because of last October's increase for the lower paid employees - who were originally being paid slightly above the minimum but are now on the minimum. This latest increase of 20p an hour will cause even more financial hardship. If the rate rises to £6 then I can foresee many small businesses having to pay off employees...The increase in minimum wage will have a serious effect on my business. Although we pay above the minimum level we will have to increase our pay rates to maintain the differential. The raise is well above inflation and without significant increases in sales, it will mean that I will not be taking on a new member of staff as planned and I will be looking to reduce the total hours worked by the other members of staff, overtime being the first to go...I currently employ 42 staff whose wages mirror the national minimum wage. Increases above inflation are fine but all of my business is conducted with local authorities who will not accept above inflation rises in my service delivery. 80% of my costs are labour. The other aspect that is always hidden is that the thresholds for tax credits do not move in line with these increases so that all that happens is that employees tax credit support is reduced by the amount of the increase, thereby saving the government money but increasing the financial burden on small to medium businesses..It is very good that the government has decided to increase the minimum wage - this should hopefully motivate people to undertake the "lower status" jobs...I know about this great idea - don't bother getting qualifications, laze about at school, no need to do anything other than attend so your parents don't get fined because remember, when you do eventually start working, doesn't matter how lazy you are, you'll be guaranteed a decent wage. The ones who suffer are the employers...I hope that if industry and business have to pay this new rate that Mr Blair and Mr Brown will increase tax allowances and raise national insurance thresholds so that the treasury won't take some of this increase off the people they say they are helping, or is this just another form of stealth tax on business through the back door?..I don't believe in the minimum wage at all! I think jobs should create their own wage value and that if people want higher wages they should earn them. Now, before everyone thinks that I am some "rich-kid", I can assure you I am not. I came from a very much working class background and started work 20 years ago on a Youth Opportunity Program earning £25 per week. I worked hard, went to college part time, got my A-levels and degree & bettered myself. I now earn a 6 figure salary. I did that through hard work and getting off my backside. A minimum wage just makes people complacent...To Ashley, of Swindon: when you earned £25 per week, it was worth something. These days that £25 would need to be near to £60 to have the equivalent buying power. I might add, that thanks to successive governments holding down the tax allowance threshold below inflation, people earning the minimum wage are paying taxes that they never would have done 10 years ago at equivalent wages. "In my day" type arguments are a view that belong in the 'your day' - 20 years ago!..As a graduate working for minimum wage, I welcome any increase of pay I can get. I disagree with Ashley, Swindon saying I have to work harder to get more pay. I have my GCSE's A-Levels and A degree and have chosen to work for a small business that can't afford the wages I should be getting, I should be on at least 3x what I'm getting but they can't afford it. We all work hard but the money is just not there. But on the plus side I love my job and wouldn't change it just to get more pay...As an employer of staff in several shops the last rise in the minimum wage cost my company an additional £5000 per year. These next rises will cost me more. I have to get the money from somewhere so pass it on to customers. So no one really wins in the end...In answer to Emma from Sleaford regarding no one really wins in the end... on the contrary Mr Blair wins - he wins because he obviously has announced this to be a vote winner and his treasury wins because as an employer you will know that the amount of tax and national insurance that the government will receive from all the minimum wage increases will rise and of course not only will be paying out higher wages but as an employer higher Employer NI Contributions as well. If the minimum wage increases again and if it hits anywhere near the £6.00 mark there will be 12 more people on the employment line and one more small business going bankrupt - namely mine. Think of us employers as well Mr Blair, we are not all big corporations earning millions...All workers should be entitled to a fair day's pay for a fair day's work. How many people on the minimum wage have any hope of obtaining a mortgage or saving towards retirement?..It is good news for many Asians living in UK. Students who do odd jobs can increase their income and can help there family in their home country. I thank Mr. Blair and his government for increase in the national minimum wage.
The increase in minimum wage is a good thing.As a graduate working for minimum wage, I welcome any increase of pay I can get.The increase in minimum wage will have a serious effect on my business.A minimum wage just makes people complacent.Although I would not deny people the minimum wage increase, its timing stinks.I thank Mr. Blair and his government for increase in the national minimum wage.The minimum wage will rise in October, benefiting more than 1m people, the government has announced.I don't believe in the minimum wage at all!This is great news, but that might be because I work for minimum wage.Hopefully the increase in the minimum wage will bring in to balance pay on a regional and national level, and in turn allow people like myself who do work hard, but might never earn a 6 figure salary the chance to branch out on our own.The other aspect that is always hidden is that the thresholds for tax credits do not move in line with these increases so that all that happens is that employees tax credit support is reduced by the amount of the increase, thereby saving the government money but increasing the financial burden on small to medium businesses It is very good that the government has decided to increase the minimum wage - this should hopefully motivate people to undertake the "lower status" jobs.I think jobs should create their own wage value and that if people want higher wages they should earn them.The Trade Unions Congress welcomed the increase, but has called for a £6 minimum wage by next year.The government has said it will look at tougher action against the small number of employers who consistently refuse to pay the minimum wage.If the minimum wage increases again and if it hits anywhere near the £6.00 mark there will be 12 more people on the employment line and one more small business going bankrupt - namely mine.I currently employ 42 staff whose wages mirror the national minimum wage.According to the commission, many businesses had found the last two significant increases in the minimum wage "challenging".We must remember that the minimum wage is only part of the picture and must not rise to a level that makes employing people unattractive and encourages businesses to send work and therefore jobs abroad.However for all those whining about the pressures of an increase in the minimum wage I would simply ask them: "Would you be happy to work for less than £5.05 an hour?".I can't believe that so many of these comments are against the minimum wage!As an employer of staff in several shops the last rise in the minimum wage cost my company an additional £5000 per year.Our minimum wage is going to be effectively almost twice the US minimum wage, yet our economy per person is only 2/3rds of the US!By increasing overheads, for business, there will be an almost certain rise in costs to the consumer who while they openly welcome the idea of an increase in the minimum wage are the same people who still want to buy that shirt, or that pair of trainers for next to nothing.The recommendations came from the Low Pay Commission which said the number of jobs had continued to grow since the minimum wage was introduced in 1999.Still government and local councils employ staff via their contractors that pay at the minimum wage or very close to it.I might add, that thanks to successive governments holding down the tax allowance threshold below inflation, people earning the minimum wage are paying taxes that they never would have done 10 years ago at equivalent wages.We all remember Michael Howard's protestations that the minimum wage would cost a million jobs when it was introduced - funny how he's gone quiet on that one!In answer to Emma from Sleaford regarding no one really wins in the end... on the contrary Mr Blair wins - he wins because he obviously has announced this to be a vote winner and his treasury wins because as an employer you will know that the amount of tax and national insurance that the government will receive from all the minimum wage increases will rise and of course not only will be paying out higher wages but as an employer higher Employer NI Contributions as well.Unveiling the latest increase, Mr Blair said he wanted the minimum wage to become a "symbol of decency and fairness".Conservative leader Michael Howard said he accepted the principle of the minimum wage and would not "seek to disturb" the increase.How many people on the minimum wage have any hope of obtaining a mortgage or saving towards retirement?Although we pay above the minimum level we will have to increase our pay rates to maintain the differential.The government says most of those on the minimum wage are women - with many working in cleaning, catering, shops and hairdressing.A £3 per hour minimum wage was introduced last October for 16 to 17-year-olds, but apprentices are exempt.I work at a large Hospital where the contractors providing all ancillary services - domestic, catering & portering etc - pay the minimum wage of £4.85 as the basic rate.Andrew in Derby complains that raising the minimum wage is 'blatant electioneering'.The minimum wage has put a sense of equality back into a worker's relationship with their employer.With the minimum wage this downward pressure is at least partly removed.We can't afford not to pay a decent wage.As an employee for a small nursery, I know this increase will cause great hardship for my employer, who has been unable to increase salaries for higher paid employees because of last October's increase for the lower paid employees - who were originally being paid slightly above the minimum but are now on the minimum.But the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) called for a "pause year" to assess the impact of the above inflation rise in the minimum wage in October.Its true many may get complacent but the minimum wage could be looked at as more of a stepping stone rather than a hand out.I hope that if industry and business have to pay this new rate that Mr Blair and Mr Brown will increase tax allowances and raise national insurance thresholds so that the treasury won't take some of this increase off the people they say they are helping, or is this just another form of stealth tax on business through the back door?This was only 2 years ago and I was getting paid £2.75 an hour, and working as hard as any of the older staff, maybe it's about time 16 - 21 year olds got a fair wage!Also I personally take great offence at the insinuation that people earning minimum wage were lazy at school if everyone went to university then who would serve you in the supermarkets and clean up after you?I am all for lifting the minimum wage of workers to a reasonable level, but we have to accept that with this will come competition from overseas workers.In the south west the increase in living costs have not been matched by an increase in pay, for example a job I did in Plymouth was underpaid to an equivalent worker in Exeter by 75p an hour.The national minimum wage is currently set at £4.85 per hour for those aged 22 and above, and at £4.10 for those aged 18 to 21.If your business cannot pay its workers a decent wage then maybe it's not being run properly and if it folds, a better-run company will take over its duties and employ more people, so everybody wins except incompetent business owners!The Liberal Democrats' economics spokesman Vincent Cable said he supported the move to raise the minimum wage.I think if any job is worth doing then it's worth being paid a fair wage for, and £5.05 is hardly a fortune.I feel there are both negatives and positives to the increase, on one hand some businesses will struggle to stay afloat but on the other hand in today world many young people can't afford to move out as property costs too much and only by earning more will they be able to get on in life.If the rate rises to £6 then I can foresee many small businesses having to pay off employees.For too long wages were a point of exploitation - what could an employer get away with.I have my GCSE's A-Levels and A degree and have chosen to work for a small business that can't afford the wages I should be getting, I should be on at least 3x what I'm getting but they can't afford it.In very simplistic terms this put a pressure to keep low-paid wages low.Great keep at it Tony, I remember the despair of the 80s and the low wages employers got away with.Businesses complaining might like to take a look at corporate pay, shareholder payouts and profits before wondering if paying a living wage is really a controlling factor in the viability of their firm.While I'm delighted for those on low pay that this increase is being put forward, I am extremely concerned at the implications for small businesses.We are a specialist company but with these increases have already had an effect on us and we have lost work another one will close us.
Guantanamo four free in weeks..All four Britons held by the US in Guantanamo Bay will be returned to the UK within weeks, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw told the Commons on Tuesday...Moazzam Begg, from Birmingham, and Martin Mubanga, Richard Belmar and Feroz Abbasi, from London, have been held by the US for almost three years. They were detained in the Cuban camp as part of the US-led "war on terror". Mr Straw said the US had agreed to release the four after "intensive and complex discussions" over security. He said the government had been negotiating the return of the detainees since 2003. All four families have been informed of their return and have been involved in regular discussions with the government, Mr Straw said...But he added: "Once they are back in the UK, the police will consider whether to arrest them under the Terrorism Act 2000 for questioning in connection with possible terrorist activity." The shadow foreign secretary, Michael Ancram, welcomed the return of the four detainees. But he said there were still "serious questions" both over the possible threat the four pose to the UK, and the treatment they received while detained. Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman Sir Menzies Campbell said the four had been rescued from a "legal no-man's land". "Their civil rights were systematically and deliberately abused and they were denied due process."..Azmat Begg, father of Moazzam, thanked his lawyers and the British people for the support he had received while campaigning for his son's release. He added: "If they have done something wrong, of course they should be punished, but if they haven't, they shouldn't have been there." Lawyer Louise Christian, who represents Mr Abbasi and Mr Mubanga, said the government should have acted sooner. She said: "They should at the outset have said quite clearly to the American government that they were behaving in breach of international law and that the British government wanted no part of it and wanted Guantanamo Bay shut down. "They didn't do that. They colluded with it." Moazzam Begg's Labour MP Roger Godsiff welcomed his release, but said questions remained unanswered, particularly about charges. Asked about possible damages Mr Begg and the other detainees could bring against the US, Mr Godsiff said: "People get released from prison when it's found that their prosecution was unsustainable and they are quite rightly awarded sizeable sums of money. "I don't see any difference in this case." Human rights campaigners have been outraged at the treatment of the detainees in Cuba. Amnesty International has called Camp Delta a "major human-rights scandal" and an "icon of lawlessness". Both Amnesty and the lobby group Guantanamo Human Rights Commission described the release as "long overdue". Civil rights group Liberty said it was "delighted" but called on the government to release men indefinitely detained in the UK without charge or trial...Director Shami Chakrabarti called on the government to "practise what it preaches" and either free or charge 12 detainees at Belmarsh and Woodhill prisons. Law Lords ruled last month that the 12 were being held in contravention of human rights laws but they are still behind bars. The US has also announced that 48-year-old Australian Mamdouh Habib, previously accused of terrorist offences, will be released without charge from Camp Delta. Five British detainees released from Guantanamo in March last year were questioned by UK police before being released without charge.
Civil rights group Liberty said it was "delighted" but called on the government to release men indefinitely detained in the UK without charge or trial.All four families have been informed of their return and have been involved in regular discussions with the government, Mr Straw said.Mr Straw said the US had agreed to release the four after "intensive and complex discussions" over security.He said the government had been negotiating the return of the detainees since 2003.She said: "They should at the outset have said quite clearly to the American government that they were behaving in breach of international law and that the British government wanted no part of it and wanted Guantanamo Bay shut down.But he said there were still "serious questions" both over the possible threat the four pose to the UK, and the treatment they received while detained.Asked about possible damages Mr Begg and the other detainees could bring against the US, Mr Godsiff said: "People get released from prison when it's found that their prosecution was unsustainable and they are quite rightly awarded sizeable sums of money.Lawyer Louise Christian, who represents Mr Abbasi and Mr Mubanga, said the government should have acted sooner.Five British detainees released from Guantanamo in March last year were questioned by UK police before being released without charge.All four Britons held by the US in Guantanamo Bay will be returned to the UK within weeks, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw told the Commons on Tuesday.Moazzam Begg's Labour MP Roger Godsiff welcomed his release, but said questions remained unanswered, particularly about charges.The US has also announced that 48-year-old Australian Mamdouh Habib, previously accused of terrorist offences, will be released without charge from Camp Delta.
David Blunkett in quotes..David Blunkett - who has resigned as home secretary - built his reputation as a plain-speaking Yorkshire man..... I fell in love with someone and they wouldn't go public and things started to go very badly wrong in the summer, and then the News of the World picked up the story. "I tried for three years to make something work.".. "Trust, plain-speaking and straight talking is something which matters so much to me as a politician and as a man that I have decided, of my own volition, to request an independent review of the allegations that I misused my position.".."I don't think anyone can say I have said one thing in public and done another in private." "It would be dangerous territory if I wasn't practising what I preach which is to always accept responsibility, always accept the consequences of your actions... "None of us believe countering terrorism is about party politics.".."I accepted by necessity we have to have prevention under a new category which is to intervene before the act is committed, rather than do so by due process after the act is committed when it's too late," he said in reference to new anti-terrorism measures... "Our work with the French government...has been hugely successful," said Mr Blunkett. "The number of illegal immigrants detected in Dover has dropped dramatically.".. "Strengthening our identity is one way or reinforcing people's confidence and sense of citizenship and well-being.".. "I foolishly thought as this was a celebrity edition it would be more relaxed than normal.".. "You wake up and you receive a phone call - Shipman's topped himself. You have just got to think for a minute: is it too early to open a bottle?"
"I don't think anyone can say I have said one thing in public and done another in private.""Our work with the French government...has been hugely successful," said Mr Blunkett.David Blunkett - who has resigned as home secretary - built his reputation as a plain-speaking Yorkshire man."It would be dangerous territory if I wasn't practising what I preach which is to always accept responsibility, always accept the consequences of your actions."I foolishly thought as this was a celebrity edition it would be more relaxed than normal.""Trust, plain-speaking and straight talking is something which matters so much to me as a politician and as a man that I have decided, of my own volition, to request an independent review of the allegations that I misused my position."
Labour chooses Manchester..The Labour Party will hold its 2006 autumn conference in Manchester and not Blackpool, it has been confirmed...The much trailed decision was ratified by Labour's ruling National Executive Committee in a break with the traditional choice of a seaside venue. It will be the first time since 1917 that the party has chosen Manchester to host the annual event. Blackpool will get the much smaller February spring conference instead in what will be seen as a placatory move...For years the main political parties have rotated between Blackpool, Bournemouth and Brighton. And the news the much larger annual conference is not to gather in Blackpool will be seen as a blow in the coastal resort. In 1998 the party said it would not return to Blackpool but did so in 2002. The following year Bournemouth hosted the event before the party signed a two year deal for Brighton to host the autumn conference...Colin Asplin, Blackpool Hotel Association said: "We have tried very hard to make sure they come back to Blackpool. "Obviously we have failed in that. I just hope Manchester can handle the crowds. "It amazes me that the Labour Party, which is a working class party, doesn't want to come to the main working class resort in the country." The exact cost to Blackpool in terms of lost revenue for hotel accommodation is not yet known but it is thought that block bookings will be taken at the major Manchester hotels after the official announcement.
The Labour Party will hold its 2006 autumn conference in Manchester and not Blackpool, it has been confirmed.For years the main political parties have rotated between Blackpool, Bournemouth and Brighton.In 1998 the party said it would not return to Blackpool but did so in 2002.And the news the much larger annual conference is not to gather in Blackpool will be seen as a blow in the coastal resort.Colin Asplin, Blackpool Hotel Association said: "We have tried very hard to make sure they come back to Blackpool.It will be the first time since 1917 that the party has chosen Manchester to host the annual event.
Brown visits slum on Africa trip..Chancellor Gordon Brown has visited Kenya's biggest shantytown as he opened a week-long visit to Africa...Mr Brown's trip is designed to highlight how the UK wants to make Africa's problems a priority of its chairmanship of the G8 this year. He will see an HIV/Aids orphanage in Tanzania and a women's credit union in Mozambique before chairing a meeting of the Commission for Africa in Cape Town. At slums in Narobi on Wednesday, he said education needs had to be tackled...Speaking outside the Olympic Primary School, Mr Brown said: "It is simply not acceptable in the modern age for the rest of the world to stand by and have hundreds of millions of children not getting the chance at education." He pointed to international plans to invest $10bn for education in Africa over the next decade. The school is on the edge of Kibera, where 800,000 live often in huts made of mud, scrap metal and cardboard. Mr Brown's aides say he wants to find out more about the Kenyan Government's education policies, which included introducing free primary education in early 2003. The chancellor has already unveiled proposals for a G8 aid package which he has likened to the Marshall Plan used by the United States to rebuild Europe after World War Two. The trip follows claims of infighting between Mr Brown and Tony Blair detailed in a new book. Conservative leader Michael Howard is expected to seize on those reports at prime minister's questions at 1200 GMT on Wednesday.
Speaking outside the Olympic Primary School, Mr Brown said: "It is simply not acceptable in the modern age for the rest of the world to stand by and have hundreds of millions of children not getting the chance at education."Mr Brown's aides say he wants to find out more about the Kenyan Government's education policies, which included introducing free primary education in early 2003.He pointed to international plans to invest $10bn for education in Africa over the next decade.At slums in Narobi on Wednesday, he said education needs had to be tackled.Chancellor Gordon Brown has visited Kenya's biggest shantytown as he opened a week-long visit to Africa.
Hodges announces rugby retirement..Scarlets and USA Eagles forward Dave Hodges has ended his playing career to pursue a coaching role in the States...The 36-year-old, who has 54 caps, was Llanelli's player of the season in 2001/2, but has battled injury for the last two of his seven years at Stradey. He tore a pectoral muscle against the Ospreys on Boxing Day, an injury that would have kept him out for the season. "Realising I would be unable to play this season, the club and I agreed to end my contract early," said Hodges..."It allows me to move back to the US and pursue opportunities there and allows the Scarlets to look to the next generation." The Scarlets have begun to rebuild their squad for next season after a disappointing Heineken Cup campaign, with plenty more signings and departures expected in the coming weeks...Scarlets chief executive Stuart Gallacher confirmed that 17 of the current squad would be out of contract in the summer. "We have a deliberate policy whereby around half the squad are coming out of contract and they know they won't all be re-signed, it's a chance to invigorate the squad," he said. "I'm positive about the future of the Scarlets both on and off the field." Gallacher was keen to pay tribute to the role back-five forward Hodges has played at Stradey Park, though. "David has been a highly influential member of our squad for seven years," said Gallacher. "He is a real professional and we thank him for the part he has played in our success. "I am sure he has an enormous contribution to make to the development of rugby in the US and we wish him and his family well." Hodges described his years at Stradey as "the best time of my life."
The 36-year-old, who has 54 caps, was Llanelli's player of the season in 2001/2, but has battled injury for the last two of his seven years at Stradey.Gallacher was keen to pay tribute to the role back-five forward Hodges has played at Stradey Park, though.Scarlets and USA Eagles forward Dave Hodges has ended his playing career to pursue a coaching role in the States."David has been a highly influential member of our squad for seven years," said Gallacher.Scarlets chief executive Stuart Gallacher confirmed that 17 of the current squad would be out of contract in the summer."Realising I would be unable to play this season, the club and I agreed to end my contract early," said Hodges.
Bomb threat at Bernabeu stadium..Spectators were evacuated from Real Madrid's Bernabeu stadium on Sunday following a bomb scare during the game between the hosts and Real Sociedad...More than 70,000 people abandoned the ground with the score at 1-1 and only three minutes left to play. The Basque newspaper Gara apparently received a telephone call saying a bomb was due to explode at 2100 local time. But after searching the stadium with sniffer dogs, the police said that no explosive device had been found..."The police have said they have completed their search and have not found anything," said Real Madrid president Florentino Perez. "The best thing we can all do now is to put this nightmare behind us." Madrid midfielder Guti told private Spanish radio station Cadena Ser: "I have never seen this before and sport should be above it all." Real took the lead just before the break when Brazilian striker Ronaldo cracked home with his left foot. Sociedad levelled the match midway through the second half when Turkish striker Nihat Kahveci smashed home with an acrobatic finish. It is not yet clear if the remaining three minutes of the game will be played at a later date or if the result will be allowed to stand...If the result remains at 1-1, Real will drop to third place in the standings, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who snatched a late 2-1 win at Albacete on Saturday. Initial reports suggested the Basque separatist group ETA may be responsible for the bomb threat after issuing similar warnings before a series of small explosions in recent days. The Bernabeu was targeted by ETA on 1 May, 2002, when Madrid were about to play FC Barcelona in a Champions League semi-final. A car bomb exploded in a street outside the stadium and 17 people were slightly injured.
Spectators were evacuated from Real Madrid's Bernabeu stadium on Sunday following a bomb scare during the game between the hosts and Real Sociedad."The police have said they have completed their search and have not found anything," said Real Madrid president Florentino Perez.The Bernabeu was targeted by ETA on 1 May, 2002, when Madrid were about to play FC Barcelona in a Champions League semi-final.Real took the lead just before the break when Brazilian striker Ronaldo cracked home with his left foot.If the result remains at 1-1, Real will drop to third place in the standings, 11 points behind leaders Barcelona, who snatched a late 2-1 win at Albacete on Saturday.A car bomb exploded in a street outside the stadium and 17 people were slightly injured.
Parmar ruled out of Davis Cup tie..A knee injury has forced Arvind Parmar out of Great Britain's Davis Cup tie in Israel and left Alex Bogdanovic in line to take the second singles place...Parmar picked up the injury last week and has failed to recover in time for the Europe/Africa Zone I tie, which begins in Tel Aviv on Friday. Bogdanovic looks set to take the second singles place alongside Greg Rusedski. GB captain Jeremy Bates could use 17-year-old Andrew Murray and David Sherwood in the doubles rubber. Bogdanovic and Murray both pulled out of tournaments last week through injury but are expected to be fit. Jamie Delgado and Lee Childs have been called into the squad in Tel Aviv as designated hitters for team practice but Bates has no plans to call either of them into his squad at present...The unheralded Sherwood was the surprise inclusion when the squad was announced last week, and Bates said: "David has earned his place in this squad on the merit of his form and results over the last 12 months." The 6ft 4in Sherwood is ranked 264th in the world and the LTA have high hopes for him after Futures tournament wins in Wrexham and Edinburgh...The Sheffield-born right-hander, aged 24, also reached another final in Plaisir, France, a week after making the semi-final in Mulhouse. Bates is glad to have Rusedski available after Tim Henman's retirement from Davis Cup tennis. "His wealth of experience is invaluable, particularly to the younger players and I know he will lead by example," Bates said. "We are looking forward to the tie. The squad are all in excellent form."
The unheralded Sherwood was the surprise inclusion when the squad was announced last week, and Bates said: "David has earned his place in this squad on the merit of his form and results over the last 12 months."A knee injury has forced Arvind Parmar out of Great Britain's Davis Cup tie in Israel and left Alex Bogdanovic in line to take the second singles place.Parmar picked up the injury last week and has failed to recover in time for the Europe/Africa Zone I tie, which begins in Tel Aviv on Friday.Bogdanovic and Murray both pulled out of tournaments last week through injury but are expected to be fit.Jamie Delgado and Lee Childs have been called into the squad in Tel Aviv as designated hitters for team practice but Bates has no plans to call either of them into his squad at present.Bogdanovic looks set to take the second singles place alongside Greg Rusedski.
Benitez issues warning to Gerrard..Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez has ordered captain Steven Gerrard not to play down their Champions League ambitions and be more positive...Gerrard told the BBC Liverpool were unlikely to win the trophy this year. Benitez responded: "I spoke to Steven and said to him that in future it's better to think we can win the Champions League. Why not?" He said: "We need winners here and everyone thinking only of winning. I always want to win."..Benitez added: "When we lose I only think of solutions. If you only think about winning the next game, you don't know what the draw will be. "If we can win the next game, maybe we will draw a side that isn't so strong, or a side with injuries or suspensions." Benitez is hoping to win his first trophy since arriving at Liverpool from Valencia when they play Chelsea in the Carling Cup on Sunday in Cardiff.
Benitez responded: "I spoke to Steven and said to him that in future it's better to think we can win the Champions League.Benitez is hoping to win his first trophy since arriving at Liverpool from Valencia when they play Chelsea in the Carling Cup on Sunday in Cardiff.Gerrard told the BBC Liverpool were unlikely to win the trophy this year.Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez has ordered captain Steven Gerrard not to play down their Champions League ambitions and be more positive.
Officials respond in court row..Australian tennis' top official has defended the Australian Open courts at Melbourne Park after criticism of the playing surface by Lleyton Hewitt...Hewitt said he had had a "gutful" of trying to persuade them to make the surface faster but Tennis Australia's Geoff Pollard rejected his comments. "We did ask for it to be made faster than last year and, to my knowledge, it is faster," he said. "We spent a substantial amount of money on modifications to make it faster." Hewitt, who has not got past the fourth round at Melbourne in seven attempts, had earlier said the surface was not worthy of such a prestigious tournament. But he said he would play on whatever surface he had to in order to have a chance of winning. The tournament starts on 17 January, and Pollard said the surface had been speeded up since last year's tournament following complaints by several Australian players. But he refused to accept that the Melbourne surface may have had a bearing on Hewitt's performances over the years. "Lleyton's proving how versatile he is on all surfaces," he said. "It is faster than last year and that'll be faster than the one Lleyton beat Roger Federer on in the Davis Cup in 2003."
Hewitt said he had had a "gutful" of trying to persuade them to make the surface faster but Tennis Australia's Geoff Pollard rejected his comments."We did ask for it to be made faster than last year and, to my knowledge, it is faster," he said.The tournament starts on 17 January, and Pollard said the surface had been speeded up since last year's tournament following complaints by several Australian players.Hewitt, who has not got past the fourth round at Melbourne in seven attempts, had earlier said the surface was not worthy of such a prestigious tournament.
WRU proposes season overhaul..The Welsh Rugby Union wants to restructure the Northern Hemisphere season into four separate blocks...The season would start with the Celtic League in October, followed by the Heineken Cup in February and March, and the Six Nations moved to April and May. After a nine week break, the WRU then proposes a two-month period of away and home international matches. WRU chairman David Pickering said the structure would end problems of player availability for club and country. He added: "We feel sure that spectator interest would respond to the impetus of high intensity rugby being played continuously rather than the fragmented timetable currently in operation. "Equally, we suspect that the sponsors would prefer the sustained interest in a continuous tournament and hopefully, the broadcasters would also enjoy increased exposure." Moving the Six Nations from its traditional February beginning should also ensure better weather conditions and "stimulate greater interest in the games and generally provide increased skills and competition and attract greater spectator viewing", Pickering argued. The plan will be put before the International Rugby Board next month, where four other plans drawn up by independent consultants for a global integrated season will also be discussed. Pickering added: "It's very early days and there are a number of caveats associated with it - not least the revenue from the broadcasters, which is extremely important. "We've got a good plan and one which should be judged on its merits."
The plan will be put before the International Rugby Board next month, where four other plans drawn up by independent consultants for a global integrated season will also be discussed."Equally, we suspect that the sponsors would prefer the sustained interest in a continuous tournament and hopefully, the broadcasters would also enjoy increased exposure."He added: "We feel sure that spectator interest would respond to the impetus of high intensity rugby being played continuously rather than the fragmented timetable currently in operation.The season would start with the Celtic League in October, followed by the Heineken Cup in February and March, and the Six Nations moved to April and May.
Parker misses England clash..Tom Shanklin will start in the centre for Wales against England in Cardiff on Saturday after Sonny Parker failed to recover from a trapped neck nerve...Shanklin was first-choice wing in the autumn Tests, but prefers centre and will face England debutant Mathew Tait. Dragons three-quarter Hal Luscombe takes Shanklin's wing berth. Up front, Mefin Davies plays at hooker, open-side Martyn Williams is fit to start and lock Rob Sidoli replaces veteran Gareth Llewellyn. Davies wins the vote ahead of Robin McBryde, who sits on the bench having recently returned to action for the Scarlets following a neck injury...Sidoli is back for the first time since last season's Six Nations, the Blues second row back to form after a niggling groin problem. Williams, Sidoli's team-mate at Cardiff, is set to win his 50th cap, replacing the injured Colin Charvis after making a quicker-than-expected recovery from a neck disc problem. "Initially when I had the diagnosis it was a case of trying to get fit for the Italy game next week, but fortunately my recovery has been a lot quicker than we all hoped," Williams told BBC Sport Wales. "I haven't started a game since 1 January and would have preferred to have a couple of games in the lead-up to this, but the good thing with the injury is that I have kept up my fitness levels. "I feel quite fresh and I just can't wait to play again." Williams says he expects a torrid time from an England loose-forward trio of Lewis Moody, Joe Worsley and Andy Hazell. "They are three top-class players, especially Worsley and Moody. They have been there and done it," Williams added. "They were back-ups behind Richard Hill, Neil Back and Lawrence Dallaglio, but now they have come forward and proved what good players they are - there are no weaknesses there." Luscombe gets the nod on the wing ahead of Dragons team-mate Kevin Morgan, who wins a place on the bench alongside uncapped Blues prop John Yapp...G Thomas (Toulouse (capt); H Luscombe (Dragons), T Shanklin (Blues), G Henson (Ospreys), S Williams (Ospreys); S Jones (Clermont Auvergne), D Peel (Scarlets); G Jenkins (Blues), M Davies (Gloucester), A Jones (Ospreys), B Cockbain (Ospreys), R Sidoli (Blues), D Jones (Scarlets), M Williams (Blues), M Owen (Dragons)...R McBryde (Scarlets), J Yapp (Blues), J Thomas (Ospreys), R Jones (Ospreys), G Cooper (Dragons), C Sweeney (Dragons), K Morgan (Dragons).
G Thomas (Toulouse (capt); H Luscombe (Dragons), T Shanklin (Blues), G Henson (Ospreys), S Williams (Ospreys); S Jones (Clermont Auvergne), D Peel (Scarlets); G Jenkins (Blues), M Davies (Gloucester), A Jones (Ospreys), B Cockbain (Ospreys), R Sidoli (Blues), D Jones (Scarlets), M Williams (Blues), M Owen (Dragons).Luscombe gets the nod on the wing ahead of Dragons team-mate Kevin Morgan, who wins a place on the bench alongside uncapped Blues prop John Yapp.R McBryde (Scarlets), J Yapp (Blues), J Thomas (Ospreys), R Jones (Ospreys), G Cooper (Dragons), C Sweeney (Dragons), K Morgan (Dragons).Williams says he expects a torrid time from an England loose-forward trio of Lewis Moody, Joe Worsley and Andy Hazell.Up front, Mefin Davies plays at hooker, open-side Martyn Williams is fit to start and lock Rob Sidoli replaces veteran Gareth Llewellyn.Williams, Sidoli's team-mate at Cardiff, is set to win his 50th cap, replacing the injured Colin Charvis after making a quicker-than-expected recovery from a neck disc problem."Initially when I had the diagnosis it was a case of trying to get fit for the Italy game next week, but fortunately my recovery has been a lot quicker than we all hoped," Williams told BBC Sport Wales.
Mexicans tracking unhappy Juninho..Mexican outfit Red Sharks Veracruz hope to sign Juninho if the Brazilian decides to leave Celtic frustrated at his lack of first-team action...Their president, Gustavo Parente Sanchez, says Juninho "does not wish to remain in Scottish football anymore". Agent Brian Hassell insists that the 31-year-old Brazilian midfielder is determined to win back his place. "But, if the manager is not going to pick him, that's a different ball game," he told The Sun. "That's something we'd have to look at. Juninho deserves respect. He is not a little kid." Hassell warns that Juninho could reconsider his future at Celtic unless he is given a run of games by the end of the January transfer window...Juninho was signed from Middlesbrough during the summer, but he has failed to live up to high expectations and has lost his place to 18-year-old Aiden McGeady. "He has 50 caps for Brazil and he's the best signing Celtic ever made," insisted Hassell. "He wants to play for Martin O'Neill, but does Martin O'Neill want to play him? "Juninho is not someone who has come through the Celtic ranks. He deserves much more respect." Sanchez is bullish about his hopes of prising Juninho from the Scottish champions, although Hassell believes Mexico would not be his preferred destination. "We have already spoken with Juninho and he said, if he has no firm offer from a club in Spain, Veracruz will be his destination," Sanchez told his club's official website. Celtic manager O'Neill is no respecter of reputations. "The onus is on Juninho to force his way into the team," he said. "Players get a game on merit. That's the way it has always been and that is certainly the case at Celtic Park."
"Juninho is not someone who has come through the Celtic ranks.Juninho deserves respect.Hassell warns that Juninho could reconsider his future at Celtic unless he is given a run of games by the end of the January transfer window.That's the way it has always been and that is certainly the case at Celtic Park.""We have already spoken with Juninho and he said, if he has no firm offer from a club in Spain, Veracruz will be his destination," Sanchez told his club's official website.Juninho was signed from Middlesbrough during the summer, but he has failed to live up to high expectations and has lost his place to 18-year-old Aiden McGeady.Mexican outfit Red Sharks Veracruz hope to sign Juninho if the Brazilian decides to leave Celtic frustrated at his lack of first-team action.Sanchez is bullish about his hopes of prising Juninho from the Scottish champions, although Hassell believes Mexico would not be his preferred destination.
Pearce keen on succeeding Keegan..Joint assistant boss Stuart Pearce has admitted he would like to succeed Kevin Keegan as manager at Manchester City...Keegan has decided to step down as City manager when his contract comes to an end in 18 months. "You don't have to be Einstein to realise there will be a manager's job available at a really good club," Pearce told BBC GMR. "I will certainly be applying for it, although whether the board deem me good enough to take it, I do not know." Pearce initially joined City as a player under Keegan in 2001 before becoming part of the coaching staff. He was promoted to joint assistant-manager following the departure of Arthur Cox last summer...The former England defender had a year as player-boss with Nottingham Forest eight seasons ago but has made no secret of his desire to have another crack at the job. He was linked with the manager's job at Oldham and Keegan has stated he would not get in the way if Pearce wanted to leave. But it now appears Pearce is keen to wait for his chance at City. He added: "By that time, I will have been here for five years so at least they will have had a good look at me and they are aware of my feelings with regard to being Kevin's successor. "Obviously, the issue is out of my hands but it is a fantastic job for anybody - I just hope it will be me."
He was linked with the manager's job at Oldham and Keegan has stated he would not get in the way if Pearce wanted to leave.Joint assistant boss Stuart Pearce has admitted he would like to succeed Kevin Keegan as manager at Manchester City."You don't have to be Einstein to realise there will be a manager's job available at a really good club," Pearce told BBC GMR.Pearce initially joined City as a player under Keegan in 2001 before becoming part of the coaching staff.Keegan has decided to step down as City manager when his contract comes to an end in 18 months.
Beattie return calms attack fears..Everton striker James Beattie has been declared fit for training on Tuesday, despite suffering an alleged assault last Saturday...Beattie, 27, is not believed to be as seriously hurt as some reports have suggested after being "the victim of an unprovoked assault" in Birmingham. He was on a night out with his girlfriend and two friends following Everton's 3-1 win over Aston Villa. "He was shaken but not badly injured," said Everton spokesman Ian Ross. He added: "He did speak to the police but will not be pressing charges. "He has spoken to manager David Moyes about what happened." Beattie was suspended for the win at Aston Villa after his red card against Chelsea and he will be available again for the Merseyside derby at Liverpool on 20 March.
Beattie was suspended for the win at Aston Villa after his red card against Chelsea and he will be available again for the Merseyside derby at Liverpool on 20 March.Everton striker James Beattie has been declared fit for training on Tuesday, despite suffering an alleged assault last Saturday.He was on a night out with his girlfriend and two friends following Everton's 3-1 win over Aston Villa.
Teenager Tait picked for England..Newcastle's teenage centre Mathew Tait has been named as a centre in England's team to face Wales in the Six Nations opener in Cardiff on Saturday...The 18-year-old will play alongside Falcons' team-mate Jamie Noon in England's midfield. Scrum-half Matt Dawson is also recalled, despite been left out of the initial squad after a row over clashing TV and training commitments. Bath lock Danny Grewcock will also start, pending a possible citing. England coach Andy Robinson has also awarded Gloucester flanker Andy Hazell his first Six Nations start. In another change to the side that lost to Australia in November, Leicester lock Ben Kay replaces Bath second row Steve Borthwick. Robinson was already without Jonny Wilkinson, Mike Tindall, Stuart Abbott, Richard Hill and Will Greenwood, while Mike Catt had been left out of England's squad...J Robinson (Sale Sharks, capt); M Cueto (Sale Sharks), M Tait (Newcastle), J Noon (Newcastle), J Lewsey (Wasps); C Hodgson (Sale Sharks), M Dawson (Wasps); G Rowntree (Leicester), S Thompson (Northampton), J White (Leicester), D Grewcock (Bath), B Kay (Leicester), L Moody (Leicester), A Hazell (Gloucester), J Worsley (Wasps). Replacements: A Titterrell (Sale Sharks), P Vickery (Gloucester), S Borthwick (Bath), J Forrester (Gloucester), H Ellis (Leicester), O Barkley (Bath), B Cohen (Northampton).
Replacements: A Titterrell (Sale Sharks), P Vickery (Gloucester), S Borthwick (Bath), J Forrester (Gloucester), H Ellis (Leicester), O Barkley (Bath), B Cohen (Northampton).J Robinson (Sale Sharks, capt); M Cueto (Sale Sharks), M Tait (Newcastle), J Noon (Newcastle), J Lewsey (Wasps); C Hodgson (Sale Sharks), M Dawson (Wasps); G Rowntree (Leicester), S Thompson (Northampton), J White (Leicester), D Grewcock (Bath), B Kay (Leicester), L Moody (Leicester), A Hazell (Gloucester), J Worsley (Wasps).England coach Andy Robinson has also awarded Gloucester flanker Andy Hazell his first Six Nations start.Bath lock Danny Grewcock will also start, pending a possible citing.
O'Driscoll out of Scotland game..Ireland captain Brian O'Driscoll has been ruled out of Saturday's RBS Six Nations clash against Scotland...O'Driscoll was originally named in the starting line-up but has failed to recover from the hamstring injury he picked up in the win over Italy. His replacement will be named after training on Friday morning. Fellow centre Gordon D'Arcy is also struggling with a hamstring injury and he will undergo a fitness test on Friday to see if he can play...Kevin Maggs would be an obvious replacement at centre while Shane Horgan could also be moved from wing. Ulster wing Tommy Bowe could also be asked to travel with the squad to Scotland as a precautionary measure. The only other change to the Ireland side sees Wasps flanker Johnny O'Connor replacing Denis Leamy. O'Connor will be winning his third cap after making his debut in the victory over South Africa last November...: Murphy, Horgan, TBC, D'Arcy, Hickie, O'Gara, Stringer, Corrigan, Byrne, Hayes, O'Kelly, O'Connell, S Easterby, O'Connor, Foley...: Sheahan, Horan, O'Callaghan, Miller, G Easterby, Humphreys, Dempsey.
Fellow centre Gordon D'Arcy is also struggling with a hamstring injury and he will undergo a fitness test on Friday to see if he can play.Kevin Maggs would be an obvious replacement at centre while Shane Horgan could also be moved from wing.: Murphy, Horgan, TBC, D'Arcy, Hickie, O'Gara, Stringer, Corrigan, Byrne, Hayes, O'Kelly, O'Connell, S Easterby, O'Connor, Foley.O'Driscoll was originally named in the starting line-up but has failed to recover from the hamstring injury he picked up in the win over Italy.
What now for British tennis?..Tim Henman's decision to quit Davis Cup tennis has left the British team with a gargantuan void to fill...The world number seven is tied for fourth among his countrymen for wins in the history of the tournament (he has 36 from his 50 rubbers). And Great Britain's last Davis Cup win without Henman came against Slovenia as far back as 1996. Worse could follow, according to former British team member Chris Bailey. Bailey told BBC Sport: "After Tim's announcement, I doubt Greg Rusedski will be that far behind him." But without their top two, where does that leave British ambitions in the sport's premier team event? Captain Jeremy Bates has singled out Alex Bogdanovic and Andrew Murray as potential replacements. The Yugoslavian-born Bogdanovic, though, is 184 places below Henman in the world rankings and has played just two cup ties - winning one and losing the other...Murray, on the other hand, is 407th in the current ATP entry list and yet to make his cup debut. But Bailey does see some hope for the future. He said: "Now we've dropped down to the Euro-Africa zone, the time was right for him to step down and let the young guys come to the fore." Britain's next opponents, Israel, are hardly likely to be quaking in their boots ahead of the 4-6 March match against a likely trio of Bogdanovic, Murray and the 187th-ranked Arvind Parmar. Bailey said: "It will be tough for GB to move up, but there comes a time when our young players have to step up. This was always going to be inevitable with Tim and Greg's growing years. "I'm confident about the future. I wouldn't lay money on us getting back into the world group next year, but I'd imagine in five years time we'll be competing for the major honours." Of those lining up to replace Henman, the 17-year-old Murray, with four Futures titles under his belt last year, looks the best long-term bet. "Murray is the one that looks likeliest to take over Tim's mantle," said Bailey. "He has an enormous amount of self-confidence, judging by what he's said in the past." Bogdanovic, three years Murray's senior, has had a more troubled time under Britain's Davis Cup umbrella...While Murray has been marked out as Britain's golden boy, Bogdanovic was warned by the Lawn Tennis Association for a lack of drive at the end of 2003. And Bailey said: "Despite that, Alex is clearly talented as well, while Arvind is another contender. "They're among the guys who have experienced the intensity of Davis Cup tennis - whether as players or on the sidelines. "The LTA has always done an exceptional job of ensuring that. "Now they'll finally get to play regularly in the cauldron of the cup. And I'm confident that will springboard Team GB to greater success."
Bogdanovic, three years Murray's senior, has had a more troubled time under Britain's Davis Cup umbrella.Tim Henman's decision to quit Davis Cup tennis has left the British team with a gargantuan void to fill."Murray is the one that looks likeliest to take over Tim's mantle," said Bailey.The Yugoslavian-born Bogdanovic, though, is 184 places below Henman in the world rankings and has played just two cup ties - winning one and losing the other.While Murray has been marked out as Britain's golden boy, Bogdanovic was warned by the Lawn Tennis Association for a lack of drive at the end of 2003.Bailey said: "It will be tough for GB to move up, but there comes a time when our young players have to step up.And Great Britain's last Davis Cup win without Henman came against Slovenia as far back as 1996.Captain Jeremy Bates has singled out Alex Bogdanovic and Andrew Murray as potential replacements.And Bailey said: "Despite that, Alex is clearly talented as well, while Arvind is another contender."They're among the guys who have experienced the intensity of Davis Cup tennis - whether as players or on the sidelines.But Bailey does see some hope for the future.
Gronkjaer agrees switch to Madrid..Jesper Gronkjaer has agreed a move to Atletico Madrid from Birmingham City...The 27-year-old winger spent just five months at St Andrews following a £2.2m move from Chelsea in July after playing for Denmark at Euro 2004. He is set to move during the January transfer window in a deal rumoured to be about £1.4m, subject to a medical. "We will meet with the player's representative to finalise the contract and decide when he will sign," said Atletico sporting director Toni Munoz. Gronkjaer has been targeted by Blues fans and was sarcastically applauded when taken off against Everton last month. Boss Steve Bruce had said that he would be happy to let the Danish international go if the price was right. He added: "I'm not going to say the decision to let him go is down to the fans' reaction towards him..."He has had a tough time since the summer with the loss of his mother and finding it difficult to adjust to a new club and a different area. "He has been terrific and not missed a day's training and is someone if your daughter brought them home you would be delighted. "It just hasn't quite worked out here for him. But we'd like to get back most of what we spent."
Jesper Gronkjaer has agreed a move to Atletico Madrid from Birmingham City.Gronkjaer has been targeted by Blues fans and was sarcastically applauded when taken off against Everton last month.Boss Steve Bruce had said that he would be happy to let the Danish international go if the price was right.The 27-year-old winger spent just five months at St Andrews following a £2.2m move from Chelsea in July after playing for Denmark at Euro 2004."He has been terrific and not missed a day's training and is someone if your daughter brought them home you would be delighted.
Cole refuses to blame van Persie..Ashley Cole has refused to blame Robin van Persie for leaving Arsenal with no fully-fit strikers for the FA Cup fifth round replay at Sheffield United...Van Persie is suspended alongside Dennis Bergkamp and Jose Antonio Reyes after being sent off at Southampton when Arsenal had a numerical advantage. Thierry Henry is ruled out with an Achilles tendon injury but Cole said: "No-one is putting the blame on Robin. "It's just something that happens on the spur of the moment." Cole added: "I've done it before and I hope they didn't blame me for anything. "Of course he'll learn. I've been sent off a couple of times now and it's just one of those things when you go a bit crazy for one or two seconds. Freddie Ljungberg is likely to be used in an emergency striking role and will be partnered by either Arturo Lupoli, Quincy Owusu-Abeyie or Jeremie Aliadiere. Gunners boss Arsene Wenger said: "Freddie is an option but we need a second striker. "I have to decide whether it will be Aliadiere, Quincy or Lupoli who will start with him up front. Those three will be involved." Arsenal are also without winger Robert Pires, who sustained an ankle injury at St Mary's. Wenger added: "It doesn't look like anything is fractured, but it is a good ankle sprain. "It does not look like Pires will be ready for two to three weeks."
"It does not look like Pires will be ready for two to three weeks."Ashley Cole has refused to blame Robin van Persie for leaving Arsenal with no fully-fit strikers for the FA Cup fifth round replay at Sheffield United.Cole added: "I've done it before and I hope they didn't blame me for anything.Wenger added: "It doesn't look like anything is fractured, but it is a good ankle sprain.Thierry Henry is ruled out with an Achilles tendon injury but Cole said: "No-one is putting the blame on Robin.Freddie Ljungberg is likely to be used in an emergency striking role and will be partnered by either Arturo Lupoli, Quincy Owusu-Abeyie or Jeremie Aliadiere.
Wenger offers Mutu hope..Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger would consider signing Adrian Mutu once the striker has served his drugs ban...Mutu was sacked by Chelsea on Friday after testing positive for cocaine - a move Wenger has backed. But he said: "I don't even wonder if that could happen because I think he will be suspended for a long period. "But once he has served his suspension, he has the right again to start from zero. I would then meet the player and see what he tells me." Mutu faces a ban of between six months and two years when the Football Association decides on his punishment. Chelsea decided to act before his case was heard and sacked the striker on grounds of gross misconduct after it was revealed that he had failed a drug test...But Mutu has hit out at the club's decision, saying: "Chelsea have destroyed me." He told the Sunday Mirror: "I don't know what I'm going to do. I am shocked and surprised by their decision. "I didn't expect them to pay me while I was suspended but I never thought they would sack me either. "Why didn't they wait to do this? Now my career is in ruins. "I might as well walk away from football. What is there left for me?"..Chelsea have been criticised for their stance, with the Professional Footballers' Association accusing the club of failing in their duty of care to the player. And Mutu agreed, adding: "It is unfair. If they were going to sack me they should have done it afterwards. "Why did they go public? To make an example of me? It makes it very difficult for me now."
But Mutu has hit out at the club's decision, saying: "Chelsea have destroyed me."Mutu was sacked by Chelsea on Friday after testing positive for cocaine - a move Wenger has backed.Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger would consider signing Adrian Mutu once the striker has served his drugs ban."I didn't expect them to pay me while I was suspended but I never thought they would sack me either.Mutu faces a ban of between six months and two years when the Football Association decides on his punishment.Chelsea decided to act before his case was heard and sacked the striker on grounds of gross misconduct after it was revealed that he had failed a drug test.To make an example of me?It makes it very difficult for me now.""But once he has served his suspension, he has the right again to start from zero.
Connors boost for British tennis..Former world number one Jimmy Connors is planning a long-term relationship with the Lawn Tennis Association to help unearth the next Tim Henman...The American spent three days at the LTA's annual Elite Performance winter camp in La Manga earlier this week. "Britain has the right attitude," said Connors. "The more involved I can be with the LTA, the better. "A short-term arrangement is just confusing. The kids will ask: 'What am I doing there?'" LTA chief executive, John Crowther, added: "The relationship that Jimmy's already started to develop with the coaches and the players has said to us that we'd like some more of it. "We want to use Jimmy for a number of weeks a year and we hope this is the beginning of a good long-term relationship."..The camp played host to more than 30 leading senior and junior players, including Greg Rusedski, Arvind Parmar and Anne Keothavong. "La Manga is an amazing site to take a bunch of kids who want to be the best," said Connors, speaking at Queen's Club in London. "What impressed me most was not only the coaches but the way the kids went about their workouts and the feeling they put into every practice they had. "It was interesting to me to see kids of 15, 16, 17, with that desire and passion, and that can only be brought about by the coaches surrounding them. "Instilling the importance of work and practice is something you can't buy. "They know what's been given to them and all they have to do is give back the effort, and every minute of practice they were doing that."..Speaking from La Manga, LTA performance director David Felgate told BBC Sport: "Jimmy was fantastic with the players and the coaches, and very humble considering what he's achieved. "He worked through the coaches and hopefully it will grow and he'll get to have more of an individual relationship with some of the players and get to know them. "He made it clear from the word go he didn't want it to be short-term. This is a 52-week-a-year job for me, it's my life and my passion and it's the same with the coaches. "He respects that but he wants to be involved and have real input. And why would he stake his reputation on something that's not going to be successful?" Connors has also agreed to commentate for the BBC at next year's Wimbledon Championships. He will work during the second week of the tournament.
"La Manga is an amazing site to take a bunch of kids who want to be the best," said Connors, speaking at Queen's Club in London."What impressed me most was not only the coaches but the way the kids went about their workouts and the feeling they put into every practice they had."We want to use Jimmy for a number of weeks a year and we hope this is the beginning of a good long-term relationship."Speaking from La Manga, LTA performance director David Felgate told BBC Sport: "Jimmy was fantastic with the players and the coaches, and very humble considering what he's achieved."It was interesting to me to see kids of 15, 16, 17, with that desire and passion, and that can only be brought about by the coaches surrounding them.LTA chief executive, John Crowther, added: "The relationship that Jimmy's already started to develop with the coaches and the players has said to us that we'd like some more of it.Former world number one Jimmy Connors is planning a long-term relationship with the Lawn Tennis Association to help unearth the next Tim Henman."Instilling the importance of work and practice is something you can't buy.The American spent three days at the LTA's annual Elite Performance winter camp in La Manga earlier this week.
GB quartet get cross country call..Four British athletes have been pre-selected to compete at the World Cross Country Championships in March after impressive starts to the season...Hayley Yelling, Jo Pavey, Karl Keska and Adam Hickey will represent Team GB at the event in France. Yelling clinched the women's European cross country title last month and Pavey followed up with bronze. Keska helped the men's team to overall third place while Hickey finished in 10th place on his junior debut. "Winning the European cross country title meant so much to me," said Yelling. "And being pre-selected for the Worlds means that I can focus on preparing in the best way possible." The 32-year-old will race alongside Olympic 5,000m finalist Pavey in the women's 8km race on 19 March. Keska, who has made a successful return from a long-term injury lay-off, contests the men's 12km race on 20 March, while 16-year-old Hickey goes in the junior men's 8km on the same day. The rest of the team will be named after the trials at Wollaton Park in Nottingham, which take place on 5 March.
Yelling clinched the women's European cross country title last month and Pavey followed up with bronze.Keska, who has made a successful return from a long-term injury lay-off, contests the men's 12km race on 20 March, while 16-year-old Hickey goes in the junior men's 8km on the same day.The 32-year-old will race alongside Olympic 5,000m finalist Pavey in the women's 8km race on 19 March."Winning the European cross country title meant so much to me," said Yelling.
Bates seals takeover..Ken Bates has completed his takeover of Leeds United...The 73-year-old former Chelsea chairman sealed the deal at 0227 GMT on Friday, and has bought a 50% stake in the club. He said: "I'm delighted to be stepping up to the mantel at such a fantastic club. I recognise Leeds as a great club that has fallen on hard times. "We have a lot of hard work ahead to get the club back where it belongs in the Premiership, and with the help of our fans we will do everything we can." Bates bought his stake under the guise of a Geneva-based company known as The Forward Sports Fund. He revealed that part of his plan is to buy back Leeds' Elland Road stadium and Thorp Arch training ground in due course..."It's going to be a tough jon and the first task is to stabilise the cash flow and sort out the remaining creditors," Bates added. "But there is light at the end of a very long tunnel. For the past year it has been a matter of firefighting - now we can start running the club again." Outgoing Leeds chairman Gerald Krasner said: "This deal ensures the medium to long term survival of the club and I believe Mr Bates' proposals are totally for the benefit of the club. "We are content that under Mr Bates, Leeds United will continue to consolidate and move forward. "When we took over Leeds United in March 2004, the club had a debt of £103m, since that date, my board has succeeded in reducing the debt to under £25m. "We worked tirelessly to solve all of the problems at Leeds United. "Eighty percent of the problems have already been overcome and we came to this agreement with Mr Bates to secure its ongoing success." Krasner revealed that his consortium has been asked to remain in the background at the club for an undisclosed period to help ensure a smooth hand-over. He will stay on in an unpaid capacity while Peter Lorimer will continue in his role as director and point of contact for the fans and Peter McCormick will serve as a consultant to the incoming board. The other outgoing directors have agreed to leave their loans of £4.5m in the company for the next four years. On Leeds' new-look board it is understood that Lorimer will be joined by former Chelsea finance director Yvonne Todd and Bates' lawyer Mark Taylor...Krasner refused to give any details of the finances involved in the takeover. He told BBC Five Live: "I am not going into the figures. If Ken wants to give them up that is up to him. I can not tell you what the money will be used for. "This dea l is not about money for the current board. In the last four months I never saw any cheques until this week from one person. I am not stretching figures, we don't discuss internal arrangements." Bates stepped down as Chelsea chairman in March last year following Roman Abramovich's £140m takeover at Stamford Bridge. In May, he made a proposal to invest £10m in Sheffield Wednesday, but this was rejected by the club. Sebastien Sainsbury had been close to a takeover of Leeds but withdrew his £25m offer last week...His efforts failed after he revealed it would take £40m to stage a takeover, and that the club will also lose £10m over the next six months. The club was on the brink of administration - and the deduction of 10 points by the Football League - before Bates' arrival but his investment has spared them that prospect.
Ken Bates has completed his takeover of Leeds United.Outgoing Leeds chairman Gerald Krasner said: "This deal ensures the medium to long term survival of the club and I believe Mr Bates' proposals are totally for the benefit of the club.I recognise Leeds as a great club that has fallen on hard times."When we took over Leeds United in March 2004, the club had a debt of £103m, since that date, my board has succeeded in reducing the debt to under £25m."We are content that under Mr Bates, Leeds United will continue to consolidate and move forward.On Leeds' new-look board it is understood that Lorimer will be joined by former Chelsea finance director Yvonne Todd and Bates' lawyer Mark Taylor.The club was on the brink of administration - and the deduction of 10 points by the Football League - before Bates' arrival but his investment has spared them that prospect.The 73-year-old former Chelsea chairman sealed the deal at 0227 GMT on Friday, and has bought a 50% stake in the club.For the past year it has been a matter of firefighting - now we can start running the club again."Bates stepped down as Chelsea chairman in March last year following Roman Abramovich's £140m takeover at Stamford Bridge.Krasner revealed that his consortium has been asked to remain in the background at the club for an undisclosed period to help ensure a smooth hand-over.Sebastien Sainsbury had been close to a takeover of Leeds but withdrew his £25m offer last week.His efforts failed after he revealed it would take £40m to stage a takeover, and that the club will also lose £10m over the next six months.
Bees handed potential Man Utd tie..Brentford face a home tie against holders Manchester United in the FA Cup sixth round if they can come through their replay against Southampton...The League One side held the Saints at St Mary's in their fifth-round tie and were rewarded with a potential draw against Sir Alex Ferguson's side. Newcastle will be at home to either Tottenham or Nottingham Forest. Bolton host Arsenal or Sheffield United and Leicester will visit the winners of the Burnley and Blackburn replay. The ties will be played on the weekend of 12-13 March...was delighted to be paired with United, although he admitted they still have plenty of work to do to set up a dream tie. "We've got our work cut out next Tuesday but you can't deny it's exciting," he said..."It would be a sell-out. It will probably be on television. We have financial problems and the revenue it could bring in would certainly help our situation. "We're happy to be in the draw but we've still got to beat a Premiership team. "We've got to beat Southampton first and that's going to be a hard game but if we do there will be some celebration."..welcomed the opportunity to face United. "We're not counting on anything yet," he said. "It is obviously going to be a difficult replay judging by the way Brentford came back at us on Saturday and the fact that United have come out of the hat will give them even more incentive. "But I've been drawn against United so many times in cups and beaten them at both Bournemouth and West Ham. "There are no easy ties in the FA Cup and I'm sure nobody is counting on one."..Newcastle v Tottenham or Nottingham Forest..Southampton or Brentford v Manchester United..Bolton v Arsenal or Sheffield United..Burnley or Blackburn v Leicester
Brentford face a home tie against holders Manchester United in the FA Cup sixth round if they can come through their replay against Southampton.Newcastle v Tottenham or Nottingham Forest Southampton or Brentford v Manchester United Bolton v Arsenal or Sheffield United Burnley or Blackburn v Leicesterwas delighted to be paired with United, although he admitted they still have plenty of work to do to set up a dream tie."There are no easy ties in the FA Cup and I'm sure nobody is counting on one."Bolton host Arsenal or Sheffield United and Leicester will visit the winners of the Burnley and Blackburn replay.welcomed the opportunity to face United."It would be a sell-out.We have financial problems and the revenue it could bring in would certainly help our situation.
Dallaglio his own man to the end..Controversy and Lawrence Dallaglio have never been very far away from each other throughout a glittering international career...Even the end of his nine-year career came out of the blue, just four days before the start of the season. But then Dallaglio has always been his own man. Ever since emerging onto the international scene Dallaglio has polarised opinions. To supporters of England, Dallaglio could do no wrong. An integral part of a sustained period of success for England, Dallaglio's crowning glory was his part in the side that won the Rugby World Cup in 2003...Rival fans, meanwhile, have tended to take an alternative view, seeing Dallaglio as the epitome of the less agreeable characteristics of English rugby. Never afraid to speak his mind, be it to the referee or the opposition on the pitch, or his coach or the media off it, Dallaglio has sometimes rubbed people up the wrong way. Dallaglio arrived as part of the unheralded England side which became the shock winners of the first Rugby Sevens World Cup in 1993. It took him another two years to graduate to the full England XV, but once there he proved to the manor born. Displaying maturity and physical power beyond his years, Dallaglio rapidly established himself as an automatic choice able to play any one of the three back-row positions at international standard...Within two years of his debut, Dallaglio was offered the England captain's band, and his career continued to go from strength to strength as he made the 1997 Lions tour to South Africa. Although overlooked for the captaincy in favour of England team-mate Martin Johnson, he played a massive role in the 2-1 series victory. But after building up a seemingly unstoppable momentum, Dallaglio's career hit the buffers at speed in 1999...First came the last-minute defeat to Wales in which Dallaglio's decision not to kick for goal in the dying minutes was blamed for costing England a Grand Slam. Worse was to follow though as an infamous newspaper sting cost him his treasured England captaincy. With sensational allegations of drug use - of which he was subsequently cleared - splashed across the front pages, a devastated Dallaglio stepped down as England skipper. But he bounced back, getting his head down at club level before returning to the England fold, albeit now as a lieutenant to new captain Johnson. As a member of a new-look England side on the long road to World Cup glory - a journey not without mishaps as a succession of Grand Slams opportunities were spurned - Dallaglio emerged as a key performer once again...Yet another setback arrived in 2001 as a serious knee injury cut short Dallaglio's involvement on the Lions tour to Australia...Rumours began to circulate that his career was over but, in typical Dallaglio style, he embarked on a punishing schedule of rehabilitation to return an even more fearsome physical specimen. One effect of the injury was to rob Dallaglio of much of his pace, but ever the pragmatist, he reinvented himself as a close quarters number eight of the highest calibre...The only player to play every minute of England's World Cup triumph in Australia, Dallaglio could hardly have done more to secure England's historic win, and for that he will always be held in the highest esteem by England supporters. Following Johnson's retirement, Dallaglio's career came full circle as Woodward restored him as England captain. While England did not hit the heights in Dallaglio's second spell as captain, losing five of their eight post-World Cup Tests, Dallaglio led by example, leaving him as one of the few members of a squad lacking many World Cup stars to live up to expectations. Dallaglio walks away from the international game safe in the knowledge that he will go down as one of England's most accomplished players, if not one of the great captains despite his evident pride in leading his country...The problem now for England is how to replace the almost irreplaceable. The likes of Matt Dawson, Jonny Wilkinson, Phil Vickery and Hill have all been mentioned as contenders for Dallaglio's role as captain. But it is as a player that England will really struggle to replace the 32-year-old. Although players like Joe Worsley and Chris Jones are more than capable of stepping up, the fact that there is no stand-out candidate speaks volumes about Dallaglio's massive influence on English rugby.
To supporters of England, Dallaglio could do no wrong.Dallaglio arrived as part of the unheralded England side which became the shock winners of the first Rugby Sevens World Cup in 1993.While England did not hit the heights in Dallaglio's second spell as captain, losing five of their eight post-World Cup Tests, Dallaglio led by example, leaving him as one of the few members of a squad lacking many World Cup stars to live up to expectations.Following Johnson's retirement, Dallaglio's career came full circle as Woodward restored him as England captain.An integral part of a sustained period of success for England, Dallaglio's crowning glory was his part in the side that won the Rugby World Cup in 2003.Within two years of his debut, Dallaglio was offered the England captain's band, and his career continued to go from strength to strength as he made the 1997 Lions tour to South Africa.The only player to play every minute of England's World Cup triumph in Australia, Dallaglio could hardly have done more to secure England's historic win, and for that he will always be held in the highest esteem by England supporters.As a member of a new-look England side on the long road to World Cup glory - a journey not without mishaps as a succession of Grand Slams opportunities were spurned - Dallaglio emerged as a key performer once again.With sensational allegations of drug use - of which he was subsequently cleared - splashed across the front pages, a devastated Dallaglio stepped down as England skipper.But then Dallaglio has always been his own man.First came the last-minute defeat to Wales in which Dallaglio's decision not to kick for goal in the dying minutes was blamed for costing England a Grand Slam.Controversy and Lawrence Dallaglio have never been very far away from each other throughout a glittering international career.
Ronaldo considering new contract..Manchester United winger Cristiano Ronaldo said he is close to agreeing to a new contract at Old Trafford...The Portugal star, who joined in August 2003 on a five-year-deal, is a regular in the United first-team. "The United board have already made an offer to renew the contract but I'm trying not to think about it," he told the News of the World. "My agent has spoken with the club and it will be resolved soon. I think we'll reach a good agreement for both sides." Ronaldo refused to commit his long-term future to the club..."Nobody knows what will come tomorrow. I like being here, but who knows," he added. "There aren't many bigger and better clubs than this one. It's my ambition to be at a big club. I'm happy but nobody knows the future."
Ronaldo refused to commit his long-term future to the club.I'm happy but nobody knows the future.""The United board have already made an offer to renew the contract but I'm trying not to think about it," he told the News of the World.It's my ambition to be at a big club."My agent has spoken with the club and it will be resolved soon.
Chelsea denied by James heroics..A brave defensive display, led by keeper David James, helped Manchester City hold the leaders Chelsea...After a quiet opening, James denied Damien Duff, Jiri Jarosik and Mateja Kezman, while Paul Bosvelt cleared William Gallas' header off the line. Robbie Fowler should have scored for the visitors but sent his header wide. Chelsea had most of the possession in the second half but James kept out Frank Lampard's free-kick and superbly tipped the same player's volley wide. City went into the game with the proud record of being the only domestic team to beat Chelsea this season. And there was little to alarm them in the first 30 minutes as Chelsea - deprived of Arjen Robben and Didier Drogba through injury - struggled to pose much of a threat. Indeed, it was the visitors who looked likelier to enliven a drab opening played at a lethargic pace. Shaun Wright-Phillips - watched by England boss Sven-Goran Eriksson - showed his customary trickery to burst into the right of the area and deliver a dangerous ball, which was blocked by John Terry. But Chelsea suddenly stepped up a gear and created a flurry of chances. First, Duff got round Ben Thatcher and blasted in a shot that James parried to Kezman, who turned the ball wide...Soon afterwards, Jarosik found space in the area to powerfully head Lampard's corner goalwards but James tipped the ball over. Chelsea were now looking more like Premiership leaders and James kept out Kezman's fierce drive before Bosvelt and James combined to clear Gallas' header from Duff's corner. City broke swiftly up the field and the last chance of a frenetic spell should have resulted in Fowler celebrating his 150th Premiership goal. Wright-Phillips raced down the left and crossed to Fowler but City's lone man up front, left free by Terry's slip, contrived to head wide when it seemed a breakthrough was certain. The second half started as quietly as the first, although James was forced to divert a cross from the lively Duff away from Eidur Gudjohnsen's path. There was a nasty moment for Petr Cech, looking for a ninth straight clean sheet in the league, when a series of ricochets saw Fowler chase a loose ball in the area and collide accidently with the Czech Republic stopper. Another quiet spell followed, which Duff interrupted with a surging run that was halted illegally on the edge of the penalty area by Bosvelt. Lampard stepped up to blast a shot through the wall and James somehow blocked it with his legs. Another timely challenge, this time from Richard Dunne in time added on, prevented Gudjohnsen from getting in a shot. There was still time for James to produce a sensational save to tip Lampard's volley round the post...Cech, Paulo Ferreira, Gallas, Terry, Bridge, Jarosik (Tiago 56), Lampard, Makelele, Duff, Gudjohnsen, Kezman (Cole 63)...Subs Not Used: Johnson, Smertin, Cudicini...Makelele, Gudjohnsen...James, Mills, Distin, Dunne, Thatcher, Shaun Wright-Phillips, Bosvelt, Barton, Sibierski (McManaman 85), Musampa, Fowler...Subs Not Used: Macken, Weaver, Onuoha, Jordan...Bosvelt...42,093..H Webb (S Yorkshire).
Chelsea were now looking more like Premiership leaders and James kept out Kezman's fierce drive before Bosvelt and James combined to clear Gallas' header from Duff's corner.After a quiet opening, James denied Damien Duff, Jiri Jarosik and Mateja Kezman, while Paul Bosvelt cleared William Gallas' header off the line.First, Duff got round Ben Thatcher and blasted in a shot that James parried to Kezman, who turned the ball wide.James, Mills, Distin, Dunne, Thatcher, Shaun Wright-Phillips, Bosvelt, Barton, Sibierski (McManaman 85), Musampa, Fowler.Chelsea had most of the possession in the second half but James kept out Frank Lampard's free-kick and superbly tipped the same player's volley wide.There was still time for James to produce a sensational save to tip Lampard's volley round the post.Another quiet spell followed, which Duff interrupted with a surging run that was halted illegally on the edge of the penalty area by Bosvelt.The second half started as quietly as the first, although James was forced to divert a cross from the lively Duff away from Eidur Gudjohnsen's path.Soon afterwards, Jarosik found space in the area to powerfully head Lampard's corner goalwards but James tipped the ball over.Cech, Paulo Ferreira, Gallas, Terry, Bridge, Jarosik (Tiago 56), Lampard, Makelele, Duff, Gudjohnsen, Kezman (Cole 63).A brave defensive display, led by keeper David James, helped Manchester City hold the leaders Chelsea.
Coach Ranieri sacked by Valencia..Claudio Ranieri has been sacked as Valencia coach just eight months after taking charge at the Primera Liga club for the second time in his career...The decision was taken at a board meeting following the side's surprise elimination from the Uefa Cup. "We understand, and he understands, that the results in the last few weeks have not been the most appropriate," said club president Juan Bautista. Former assistant Antonio Lopez will take over as the new coach. Italian Ranieri took over the Valencia job in June 2004 having been replaced at Chelsea by Jose Mourinho...Things began well but the Spanish champions extended their winless streak to six after losing to Racing Santander last weekend. That defeat was then followed by a Uefa Cup exit at the hands of Steaua Bucharest. Ranieri first took charge of Valencia in 1997, guiding them to the King's Cup and helping them to qualify for the Champions League. The 54-year-old then moved to Atletico Madrid in 1999, before joining Chelsea the following year.
Ranieri first took charge of Valencia in 1997, guiding them to the King's Cup and helping them to qualify for the Champions League.Claudio Ranieri has been sacked as Valencia coach just eight months after taking charge at the Primera Liga club for the second time in his career.Italian Ranieri took over the Valencia job in June 2004 having been replaced at Chelsea by Jose Mourinho.The decision was taken at a board meeting following the side's surprise elimination from the Uefa Cup.
Clijsters could play Aussie Open..Kim Clijsters has denied reports that she has pulled out of January's Australian Open because of her persistent wrist injury...Open chief Paul McNamee had said: "Kim's wrist obviously isn't going to be rehabilitated." But her spokesman insisted she had simply delayed submitting her entry. "The doctors are assessing her injury on a weekly basis and if there is no risk she could play. But if there's the least risk she will stay away." Despite being absent from the WTA entry list for the tournament, which begins on 17 January, Clijsters would be certain to get a wild card if she requested one. Clijsters is still ranked 22nd in the world despite only playing a handful of matches last season. The Belgian had an operation on her left wrist early in the season but injured it again on her return to the tour. Meanwhile, Jelena Dokic, who used to compete for Australia, has opted out of the first Grand Slam of the season. Dokic has not played in the Australian Open since 2001 when she lost in the first round. But the 21-year-old would have had to rely on a wild card next season because her ranking has tumbled to 127th. Four-time champion Monica Seles, who has not played since last year's French Open, is another absentee because of an injured left foot.
Kim Clijsters has denied reports that she has pulled out of January's Australian Open because of her persistent wrist injury.Dokic has not played in the Australian Open since 2001 when she lost in the first round.Four-time champion Monica Seles, who has not played since last year's French Open, is another absentee because of an injured left foot.But the 21-year-old would have had to rely on a wild card next season because her ranking has tumbled to 127th.Meanwhile, Jelena Dokic, who used to compete for Australia, has opted out of the first Grand Slam of the season.
Umaga ready for Lions..All Blacks captain Tama Umaga has warned the British and Irish Lions will be his most fearsome opponents yet ahead of their summer tour...But Umaga, in England for Saturday's IRB Rugby Aid match, also backed New Zealand to win the three-Test series against the Lions. He told BBC Sport: "It's potentially the most fearsome line-up I've ever come up against. They're awesome. "But I'd back us all the way to beat them when they come over." Lions boss Sir Clive Woodward is set to announce his squad for the June-July tour next month...When Woodward was appointed last year, it was widely believed he would rely heavily on his former England players. But Umaga said: "He'd be hard pushed to do that now considering the shape of the Six Nations. "Don't get me wrong, England have got a lot of talented guys and I'm sure there are some of them who'll make the Lions Test XV. "But you can't disguise Wales and Ireland in particular. Some of the tries they've scored have been great. I'll admit it'll be fairly awesome lining up against the likes of Brian O'Driscoll."..Umaga will meet O'Driscoll in Saturday's Rugby Aid match at Twickenham, with the Irish captain leading the Northern Hemisphere side. O'Driscoll is among a host of players in the Northern Hemisphere squad, coached by Woodward, that are tipped for Lions call-ups. "It'll be good for us to get an early idea of some of these guys, although a lot can change between now and June," Umaga said. The 31-year-old admitted interest in the Lions tour was immense, calling it "the biggest thing to hit New Zealand since Lord of the Rings". He added: "As players, it's enough for us to be driven by the rarity of playing the Lions. In fact, it's not just us All Blacks - it's the talk of the country."..Umaga admitted the fear of injury weighed on his mind ahead of Saturday's charity game, which features a host of big names including George Gregan, Andrew Mehrtens and Chris Latham. But he admitted the value of the cause - proceeds of the match will go to aiding victims of the tsunami - easily won him over. "The second [Southern Hemisphere coach] Rod Macqueen made the approach, I didn't hesitate. It was great when New Zealand Rugby then gave me the all clear. "Thankfully I didn't know anyone that was involved in the tragedy of the tsunami but you couldn't miss all the horrific reports on the news. "There are so many people that were affected, are still affected and will be affected for a long time. It's just good to know we can do something minor to help out."..- The match will be televised on BBC One at 1400 GMT on Saturday.
But Umaga, in England for Saturday's IRB Rugby Aid match, also backed New Zealand to win the three-Test series against the Lions.Umaga will meet O'Driscoll in Saturday's Rugby Aid match at Twickenham, with the Irish captain leading the Northern Hemisphere side.All Blacks captain Tama Umaga has warned the British and Irish Lions will be his most fearsome opponents yet ahead of their summer tour.The 31-year-old admitted interest in the Lions tour was immense, calling it "the biggest thing to hit New Zealand since Lord of the Rings"."It'll be good for us to get an early idea of some of these guys, although a lot can change between now and June," Umaga said.O'Driscoll is among a host of players in the Northern Hemisphere squad, coached by Woodward, that are tipped for Lions call-ups.It was great when New Zealand Rugby then gave me the all clear.He added: "As players, it's enough for us to be driven by the rarity of playing the Lions.Lions boss Sir Clive Woodward is set to announce his squad for the June-July tour next month.When Woodward was appointed last year, it was widely believed he would rely heavily on his former England players."Thankfully I didn't know anyone that was involved in the tragedy of the tsunami but you couldn't miss all the horrific reports on the news.
Cudicini misses Carling Cup final..Chelsea goalkeeper Carlo Cudicini will miss Sunday's Carling Cup final after the club dropped their appeal against his red card against Newcastle...The Italian was sent off for bringing down Shola Ameobi in the final minute of Sunday's match. Blues boss Jose Mourinho had promised to pick Cudicini for the final instead of first-choice keeper Petr Cech. The 31-year-old will now serve a one-match suspension commencing with immediate effect...Cudicini kept a club record 24 clean sheets last season for Chelsea, but Petr Cech has established himself as first choice for Mourinho since moving to Stamford Bridge in summer 2004. The 22-year-old Czech Republic international has set a new Premiership record of 961 consecutive minutes without conceding a goal, a mark which is still running. But Mourinho has used Cudicini regularly in the Carling Cup, and the Italian has only let in one goal in his four appearances during Chelsea's run to the final.
But Mourinho has used Cudicini regularly in the Carling Cup, and the Italian has only let in one goal in his four appearances during Chelsea's run to the final.Cudicini kept a club record 24 clean sheets last season for Chelsea, but Petr Cech has established himself as first choice for Mourinho since moving to Stamford Bridge in summer 2004.Chelsea goalkeeper Carlo Cudicini will miss Sunday's Carling Cup final after the club dropped their appeal against his red card against Newcastle.
Scots suffer another injury blow..Scotland's back row crisis has worsened ahead of the RBS Six Nations with news that Scott Gray will miss out on the opening matches...The Borders flanker has a knee injury and joins Donnie Macfadyen and Allister Hogg on the sidelines. Star number eight Simon Taylor will miss at least the first two games after damaging an ankle during his comeback. Scott MacLeod (ankle ligaments) and Jon Petrie (cartilage) are also doubtful for the opener in Paris on 5 February. Gray, 26, who won his first cap against Australia at Murrayfield last year, was hurt in club action at the weekend. Scotland doctor James Robson said: "A scan has shown damage to the medial ligaments of Scott's right knee ruling him out of the first part of the Championship. "We will seek further specialist advice in due course to determine just how long Scott may be out for." Another potential option, Glasgow flanker Andrew Wilson, has been ruled out for a month after damaging ligaments in both knees against Northampton recently...Flanker Jason White and prop Tom Smith have also been suffering from flu and missed this week's training sessions. "We have got plenty of good, young players coming through and we have got to look at the opportunities it represents for them, rather than the negatives," Williams added. Williams could now turn to Edinburgh pair Alasdair Strokosch and Simon Cross. Leeds Tykes flanker Jon Dunbar also trained with the squad but is still awaiting verification of his eligibility to qualify for Scotland.
Another potential option, Glasgow flanker Andrew Wilson, has been ruled out for a month after damaging ligaments in both knees against Northampton recently.The Borders flanker has a knee injury and joins Donnie Macfadyen and Allister Hogg on the sidelines.Scotland doctor James Robson said: "A scan has shown damage to the medial ligaments of Scott's right knee ruling him out of the first part of the Championship.Star number eight Simon Taylor will miss at least the first two games after damaging an ankle during his comeback.Scotland's back row crisis has worsened ahead of the RBS Six Nations with news that Scott Gray will miss out on the opening matches.
Dawson wins England squad recall..Wasps scrum-half Matt Dawson has been recalled to England's training squad ahead of the RBS Six Nations and been reinstated in the Elite Player Squad...Coach Andy Robinson dropped Dawson for the autumn Tests after he missed training to film 'A Question of Sport.' "I always said I would consider bringing Matt back if I felt he was playing well," Robinson said. "He merits his return on current form." Newcastle's 18-year-old centre Mathew Tait is also in the training squad. "It's obviously an honour to be asked to train with England," said Tait, who has burst into contention recently. "I look forward to going down and doing the sessions, but the most important thing at the moment is Sunday's game against Newport, so I'm not looking any further than that." Robinson has invited 42 players to attend a three-day session in Leeds next week, in which his squad will train in part with the Leeds Rhinos rugby league squad...With Mike Tindall ruled out of the opening two matches and Will Greenwood sidelined for the entire Six Nations, Tait is one of six or seven contenders for the two centre berths. Stuart Abbott, Jamie Noon, Ollie Smith, Olly Barkley and Henry Paul - who retains his place despite his early substitution against Australia - are also in the mix. Ben Cohen could also be considered after switching from the wing for his club Northampton recently. Prop Phil Vickery and lock Simon Shaw both return to the squad after missing the autumn Tests through injury, while Wasps wing Tom Voyce is recalled. The group also includes Bath flanker Andy Beattie and Leicester hooker George Chuter. "Beattie has matured greatly as a player these past two seasons," Robinson said. Jonny Wilkinson, Tindall and Martin Corry have all been included despite their unavailability for the opening two matches against Wales and France...The revised 56-man elite squad includes Wasps hooker Phil Greening, who replaces the retired Mark Regan, and Sale wing Mark Cueto. Cueto was selected for the November internationals despite not being part of the group, but scored four tries in three England appearances. Leicester scrum-half Harry Ellis has also been promoted from the senior national academy, and will contest the number nine jersey with Dawson and Gloucester's Andy Gomarsall. The players in Robinson's elite squad can only play 32 matches for club and country. They can be called up for a total of 16 training days in addition to the recognised international weeks for each of the years leading up to the next World Cup...Balshaw, Cohen, Cueto, Lewsey, Robinson, Simpson-Daniel, Voyce, Abbott, Noon, Paul, Smith, Tait, Tindall, Barkley, Hodgson, King, Wilkinson, Dawson, Ellis, Gomarsall...Chuter, Thompson, Titterrell, Rowntree, Sheridan, Stevens, Vickery, White, Borthwick, Brown, L Deacon, Grewcock, Kay, Shaw, Beattie, Corry, Forrester, Hazell, Jones, Moody, Vyvyan, J Worsley...Abbott, Balshaw, Borthwick, A Brown, Chuter, Cohen, Corry, Cueto, Dawson, Ellis, Flatman, Gomarsall, Greening, Greenwood, Grewcock, Hazell, Hill, Hodgson, Kay, King, Lewsey, Moody, Noon, Paul, Robinson, Rowntree, Shaw, Simpson-Daniel, Thompson, Tindall, Titterrell, Vickery, Vyvyan, White, Wilkinson, J Worsley, M Worsley...Barkley, Beattie, Christophers, L Deacon, Forrester, C Jones, Palmer, Rees, Sheridan, Skinner, Smith, Stevens, Tait, Voyce...Dowson, Haughton, Monye, Roques, P Sanderson.
Wasps scrum-half Matt Dawson has been recalled to England's training squad ahead of the RBS Six Nations and been reinstated in the Elite Player Squad.Balshaw, Cohen, Cueto, Lewsey, Robinson, Simpson-Daniel, Voyce, Abbott, Noon, Paul, Smith, Tait, Tindall, Barkley, Hodgson, King, Wilkinson, Dawson, Ellis, Gomarsall.Abbott, Balshaw, Borthwick, A Brown, Chuter, Cohen, Corry, Cueto, Dawson, Ellis, Flatman, Gomarsall, Greening, Greenwood, Grewcock, Hazell, Hill, Hodgson, Kay, King, Lewsey, Moody, Noon, Paul, Robinson, Rowntree, Shaw, Simpson-Daniel, Thompson, Tindall, Titterrell, Vickery, Vyvyan, White, Wilkinson, J Worsley, M Worsley.Newcastle's 18-year-old centre Mathew Tait is also in the training squad.Robinson has invited 42 players to attend a three-day session in Leeds next week, in which his squad will train in part with the Leeds Rhinos rugby league squad."Beattie has matured greatly as a player these past two seasons," Robinson said.Prop Phil Vickery and lock Simon Shaw both return to the squad after missing the autumn Tests through injury, while Wasps wing Tom Voyce is recalled.The players in Robinson's elite squad can only play 32 matches for club and country.Chuter, Thompson, Titterrell, Rowntree, Sheridan, Stevens, Vickery, White, Borthwick, Brown, L Deacon, Grewcock, Kay, Shaw, Beattie, Corry, Forrester, Hazell, Jones, Moody, Vyvyan, J Worsley.The revised 56-man elite squad includes Wasps hooker Phil Greening, who replaces the retired Mark Regan, and Sale wing Mark Cueto.
Young debut cut short by Ginepri..Fifteen-year-old Donald Young's first appearance in an ATP tennis tournament proved brief as the teenager went out in round one of the San Jose Open...Young shot to the top of the junior world rankings when he won the boys' singles at January's Australian Open. But the wildcard entry was dispatched by fellow American Robby Ginepri in straight sets, 6-2 6-2, in California. Despite that he was happy with his Tour debut. "It was fun. I had my chances, but they didn't come through," he said. Young, who beat two players ranked in the top 200 when he was just 14, was only 2-1 down in the first set before losing 10 of the next 13 games. And Ginepri - six years older than the youngest player to ever win a junior slam and top the global standings - admitted he was impressed..."He's very talented," said Ginepri. "He's got a long future ahead of him. "Being left-handed, he was very quick around the court. "His serve is a little deceptive. He came into the net and volleyed better than I thought." Earlier, South Korean Hyung-Taik Lee defeated American Jan-Michael Gambill 6-3 7-6 (7-4). American Kevin Kim defeated Jan Hernych of the Czech Republic 7-5 6-3, Canadian qualifier Frank Dancevic downed American Jeff Morrison 4-6 7-6 (7-3) 6-0, and Denmark's Kenneth Carlsen beat Irakli Labadze of the Republic of Georgia 6-7 (4-7) 6-2 6-3. Top seed Andy Roddick launches his defence of the title on Wednesday against qualifier Paul Goldstein. Second seed Andre Agassi opens his campaign on Tuesday against wildcard Bobby Reynolds, last year's US collegiate champion. Agassi has won the San Jose five times, but his run of three straight titles ended last year when he fell to Mardy Fish in the semi-finals. Fish went on to lose to Roddick in the final.
Young, who beat two players ranked in the top 200 when he was just 14, was only 2-1 down in the first set before losing 10 of the next 13 games.But the wildcard entry was dispatched by fellow American Robby Ginepri in straight sets, 6-2 6-2, in California."It was fun.And Ginepri - six years older than the youngest player to ever win a junior slam and top the global standings - admitted he was impressed."He's very talented," said Ginepri.Despite that he was happy with his Tour debut."Being left-handed, he was very quick around the court.Top seed Andy Roddick launches his defence of the title on Wednesday against qualifier Paul Goldstein.
O'Connell rejects Lions rumours..Ireland and Munster lock Paul O'Connell has dismissed media reports linking him to the captaincy of the Lions tour to New Zealand this summer...O'Connell is rumoured to be among the front-runners for the job, but says he is totally focused on Sunday's Six Nations crunch clash with England. "I honestly don't think about these reports," he told BBC Sport. "The Lions thing is all speculation and newspaper talk, nothing more. I just ignore it and get on with my job." He added: "The only thing that annoys me after reading some reports is what the opposition locks think. "I can just imagine them saying 'I'm going to show this guy what's what about second row play'. That's the one thing that makes me cringe." O'Connell, who made a try-scoring international debut against Wales two years ago, is enjoying his meteoric rise into rugby's shop window - but refuses to be drawn on the Lions..."I have spoken to Sir Clive Woodward a few times, but not for very long, certainly nothing about summer holidays," he joked. He also said he remains wary of wounded England's abilities coming into Sunday's game after two straight defeats, dismissing predictions of a certain Irish victory. "It's very dangerous to think that. This England team has so much experience and skill. You do not become a bad team overnight. "They have two world class game-breakers in Josh Lewsey and Jason Robinson, while Charlie Hodgson is just ready to click into place." He insisted Ireland will not make the mistake of being over-confident. "That's not going to happen in our squad. No Ireland team lining up to play England will ever fall into that trap," he said. "Every time we play England we know what a big task it is. Look at what they did to us two years ago. I remember that game all too well, and it was not a good feeling. "I came on as a replacement and we were losing 13-6, and ended up getting hammered 42-6, so I know what can happen when England come to Dublin. "They could so easily have been coming to Dublin with two wins and staring a Grand Slam in the face as well."
No Ireland team lining up to play England will ever fall into that trap," he said.This England team has so much experience and skill.He added: "The only thing that annoys me after reading some reports is what the opposition locks think.Ireland and Munster lock Paul O'Connell has dismissed media reports linking him to the captaincy of the Lions tour to New Zealand this summer.O'Connell, who made a try-scoring international debut against Wales two years ago, is enjoying his meteoric rise into rugby's shop window - but refuses to be drawn on the Lions."Every time we play England we know what a big task it is.That's the one thing that makes me cringe."O'Connell is rumoured to be among the front-runners for the job, but says he is totally focused on Sunday's Six Nations crunch clash with England."I came on as a replacement and we were losing 13-6, and ended up getting hammered 42-6, so I know what can happen when England come to Dublin.Look at what they did to us two years ago.
Jones medals 'must go if guilty'..World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) chief Dick Pound says Marion Jones should be stripped of all her medals if found guilty of taking banned substances...Victor Conte, of Balco Laboratories, claims the American sprinter regularly used drugs to enhance her performance. "If she is found guilty she should be stripped of all her medals and banned for two years," said Pound. Asked if there was a timescale as to what medals could be taken, Pound said: "That is not an issue at all." However, under International Olympic Committee (IOC) rules, athletes can only be stripped of their medals if caught within three years of the event. Jones, who won five medals at the 2000 Olympics, denies using drugs and says she will take legal action over Conte's allegations. Balco Laboratories is the firm at the centre of a wide-reaching investigation into doping in the US. Pound continued: "If she has indeed taken drugs it is going to be a big disappointment for a lot of people."
"If she is found guilty she should be stripped of all her medals and banned for two years," said Pound.World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) chief Dick Pound says Marion Jones should be stripped of all her medals if found guilty of taking banned substances.Asked if there was a timescale as to what medals could be taken, Pound said: "That is not an issue at all."Jones, who won five medals at the 2000 Olympics, denies using drugs and says she will take legal action over Conte's allegations.
Williams stays on despite dispute..Matt Williams insists he has no thoughts of quitting as national coach as a result of the power struggle currently gripping Scottish rugby...The chairman, chief executive and three non-executive directors all departed in a row over the game's future direction. But Williams said: "I want to make it clear that I'm committed totally to Scottish rugby. "I've brought my family here and we've immersed ourselves in Scottish life. There's no way that I'm walking away." However, he attempted to steer clear of taking sides in the dispute. "I'd like to stress that the national team is separate to the political situation," he said..."When you come to an undertaking like this and you are trying to make a difference then there are always people who will begrudge you, who are jealous and want to try to drag you down. "When you have that situation, you have to have the courage of your convictions to see it through. "There was some very unhelpful and uninformed comment that the national team had received a massive increase in budget at the expense of other parts of Scottish rugby and that is simply not the case. "Like all good coaches, you go and ask for an increase. But we were told in no uncertain terms that the financial situation did not allow that. "The idea that we are lighting cigars with £20 notes while the rest of Scottish rugby flounders is absolutely untrue. "We also attracted criticism because of the number of days players spent with the national team. "But let me give you the truth. Our Irish counterparts, whom we have to compete with in a few days' time, had 70 days together at the summer. "They are currently in camp now and they will have another 21 days in camp before the Six Nations. "That means they will have 91 days away from their club from July until the Six Nations. We, on the other hand, will have 16. "There must be a win-win philosophy and attitude within Scottish rugby and that is what we are after - both groups winning, not competing."
But Williams said: "I want to make it clear that I'm committed totally to Scottish rugby."I'd like to stress that the national team is separate to the political situation," he said."There was some very unhelpful and uninformed comment that the national team had received a massive increase in budget at the expense of other parts of Scottish rugby and that is simply not the case.Matt Williams insists he has no thoughts of quitting as national coach as a result of the power struggle currently gripping Scottish rugby."That means they will have 91 days away from their club from July until the Six Nations."We also attracted criticism because of the number of days players spent with the national team."The idea that we are lighting cigars with £20 notes while the rest of Scottish rugby flounders is absolutely untrue."There must be a win-win philosophy and attitude within Scottish rugby and that is what we are after - both groups winning, not competing."
Campbell to extend sprint career..Darren Campbell has set his sights on running quicker than ever after deciding not to retire from sprinting...Campbell, who won Olympic 4x100m relay gold, had been unsure about his future. But he told Five Live's Sportsweek: "I had to get back into training before I could decide because if I didn't have the same hunger I'd have to walk away. "I've started back and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I'm looking forward to it. I've got to run under 10 seconds (for 100m) and under 20 seconds (for 200m)." Campbell was part of the British quartet who shocked the Americans to win relay gold in Athens in August...The Newport-based athlete and team-mates Jason Gardener, Marlon Devonish and Mark Lewis-Francis were rewarded with MBEs in the New Year Honours List. Campbell's relay triumph made up for his disappointing displays in the individual 100m and 200m events in Athens, when he failed to reach the finals. The 31-year-old, who won Olympic 200m silver in Sydney in 2000, said during the Games that a hamstring injury had stopped him from running at his best...He was criticised at the time by former Olympic champion Michael Johnson, who cast doubt on Campbell's injury claims. "To go to Athens and finally get the gold I've been trying to get for 24 years was a big relief," said Campbell. "It was a chance for me to prove that if I'd been fit I would have been challenging for the (individual) medals. "Every season I go and challenge for the medals so why would last season have been any different? "It's just unfortunate that I picked up that injury just before the Olympics." Campbell set his 100m personal best of 10.04secs when he won the European title in Budapest in 1998. And he ran 20.13secs in the quarter-finals of the 200m in Sydney on the way to Olympic silver.
"To go to Athens and finally get the gold I've been trying to get for 24 years was a big relief," said Campbell.Campbell, who won Olympic 4x100m relay gold, had been unsure about his future.Campbell was part of the British quartet who shocked the Americans to win relay gold in Athens in August.The 31-year-old, who won Olympic 200m silver in Sydney in 2000, said during the Games that a hamstring injury had stopped him from running at his best."I've started back and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.He was criticised at the time by former Olympic champion Michael Johnson, who cast doubt on Campbell's injury claims.Campbell set his 100m personal best of 10.04secs when he won the European title in Budapest in 1998.
Irish finish with home game..Republic of Ireland manager Brian Kerr has been granted his wish for a home game as the final World Cup qualifier...Ireland will close their bid to reach the 2006 finals by playing Switzerland in Dublin on 12 October 2005. The Republic met the Swiss in their final Euro 2004 qualifier, losing 2-0 away and missing out on a place in the finals in Portugal. The Group Four fixtures were hammered out at a meeting in Dublin on Tuesday. The Irish open their campaign on 4 September at home to Cyprus and wrap up the 10-match series on 12 October 2005, with the visit of Switzerland. Manager Brian Kerr and FAI officials met representatives from Switzerland, France, Cyprus, Israel and the Faroe Islands to arrange the fixture schedule. Kerr had hoped to finish with a clash against France, but got the reigning European champions as their penultimate home match on 7 September 2005. The manager got his wish to avoid a repeat of finishing their bid to qualify with too many away matches...Republic of Ireland v Cyprus; France v Israel; Switzerland v Faroe Islands...Switzerland v Republic of Ireland; Israel v Cyprus; Faroe Islands v France...France v Republic of Ireland; Israel v Switzerland; Cyprus v Faroe Islands...Republic of Ireland v Faroe Islands; Cyprus v France...Cyprus v Israel...France v Switzerland; Israel v Republic of Ireland...Switzerland v Cyprus; Israel v France...Republic of Ireland v Israel; Faroe Islands v Switzerland...Faroe Islands v Republic of Ireland. August 17 - Faroe Islands v Cyprus...France v Faroe Islands; Switzerland v Israel...Republic of Ireland v France; Cyprus v Switzerland; Faroe Islands v Israel...Switzerland v France; Israel v Faroe Islands; Cyprus v Republic of Ireland...France v Cyprus; Republic of Ireland v Switzerland.
Republic of Ireland v Cyprus; France v Israel; Switzerland v Faroe Islands.Switzerland v Republic of Ireland; Israel v Cyprus; Faroe Islands v France.France v Republic of Ireland; Israel v Switzerland; Cyprus v Faroe Islands.Republic of Ireland v France; Cyprus v Switzerland; Faroe Islands v Israel.Switzerland v France; Israel v Faroe Islands; Cyprus v Republic of Ireland.Republic of Ireland v Faroe Islands; Cyprus v France.Republic of Ireland v Israel; Faroe Islands v Switzerland.France v Cyprus; Republic of Ireland v Switzerland.France v Switzerland; Israel v Republic of Ireland.
White admits to Balco drugs link..Banned American sprinter Kelli White says she knowingly took steroids given to her by Bay Area Lab Co-Operative (Balco) president Victor Conte...Conte faces a federal trial next year on charges of distributing steroids and tax evasion, and White said at first he tried to cover up what he was doing. "He's the one who told me that it wasn't what he said it was," White said in the San Francisco Chronicle. But she added: "It was my decision to go to him, not anybody else's." White said Conte at first told her the substance was flaxseed oil, only to change his story later. White failed a drugs test after winning the 100m and 200m titles at the 2003 world athletics championships. She was subsequently handed a two-year ban in May this year and has admitted taking the stimulant modafinil. At first, White claimed she took the drug to combat narcolepsy but she now takes full responsibility for her actions..."My whole belief about Victor is that he was selling a product," White said in the LA Times. "Whether it be a good product or a bad product, he was selling a product." White was introduced to Conte through her coach Remy Korchemy, who is also a defendant in the Balco case. The 27-year-old believes doping is so common in sport she felt compelled to cheat herself if she was to have any chance of winning. "I have no clue what it's going to take to change that," said White. "I would say I made a mistake and I would never, ever go back. "I would never recommend anyone to take that route."
"My whole belief about Victor is that he was selling a product," White said in the LA Times.White said Conte at first told her the substance was flaxseed oil, only to change his story later.Conte faces a federal trial next year on charges of distributing steroids and tax evasion, and White said at first he tried to cover up what he was doing."I have no clue what it's going to take to change that," said White.White was introduced to Conte through her coach Remy Korchemy, who is also a defendant in the Balco case."He's the one who told me that it wasn't what he said it was," White said in the San Francisco Chronicle.
Reyes tricked into Real admission..Jose Antonio Reyes has added to speculation linking him with a move from Arsenal to Real Madrid after falling victim to a radio prank...The Spaniard believed he was talking to Real Madrid sporting director Emilio Butragueno when he allegedly berated his team-mates as "bad people". "I wish I was playing for Real Madrid," the 21-year-old told Cadena Cope. "Hopefully it could happen. I love the way Madrid play. I'm not happy with the way things are." The striker joined the Gunners from Seville for £17m at the start of 2004, but it has frequently been reported that he is homesick. He began the season in superb form but has struggled to maintain his high standards as Arsenal have gradually lost the Premiership initiative to Manchester United and Chelsea. "If I'm not (playing for Real) I'm going to have to carry on playing with some bad people," he added..."I'm sure there are none in the Real dressing room. "I'm happy Madrid is interested in me because it has always been my dream since I was little to play there." Before the story surfaced, Reyes had moved to play down reports linking him with the Spanish giants, issuing a statement through Arsenal describing the speculation as "flattering". "I have seen the stories in the media linking me with Real Madrid," he had said on Thursday lunchtime. "But not only am I under contract at Arsenal, I am happy here and committed to helping the team win more trophies." Butragueno, meanwhile, was angry at being impersonated by the radio disc jockey. "It is a disgrace, there is no foundation to this," he said. "He is an Arsenal player and we have to be respectful. We have to be careful because of the rumours that appear in the news."
"I'm happy Madrid is interested in me because it has always been my dream since I was little to play there."Jose Antonio Reyes has added to speculation linking him with a move from Arsenal to Real Madrid after falling victim to a radio prank."I have seen the stories in the media linking me with Real Madrid," he had said on Thursday lunchtime."I wish I was playing for Real Madrid," the 21-year-old told Cadena Cope."If I'm not (playing for Real) I'm going to have to carry on playing with some bad people," he added.The Spaniard believed he was talking to Real Madrid sporting director Emilio Butragueno when he allegedly berated his team-mates as "bad people".I love the way Madrid play.I'm not happy with the way things are."
Thanou bullish over drugs hearing..Katerina Thanou is confident she and fellow sprinter Kostas Kenteris will not be punished for missing drugs tests before the Athens Olympics...The Greek pair appeared at a hearing on Saturday which will determine whether their provisional bans from athletics' ruling body the IAAF should stand. "After five months we finally had the chance to give explanations. I am confident and optimistic," said Thanou. "We presented new evidence to the committee that they were not aware of."..The athletes' lawyer Grigoris Ioanidis said he believed the independent disciplinary committee set up by the Greek Athletics Federation (SEGAS) would find them innocent. "We are almost certain that the charges will be dropped," said Ioanidis..."We believe that we have presented [a case] that the charges are unreasonable." Thanou, the 2000 Olympic women's 100m silver medallist, and Sydney 200m champion Kenteris were suspended by the IAAF for missing three drugs tests. The third was supposed to take place on the eve of the Athens Games last August, but the pair could not be found in the athletes' village. They were later taken to hospital after claiming to have been involved in a motorcycle accident. Thanou's coach Christos Tzekos was also suspended by the IAAF. "We were asked [by the disciplinary committee] all kinds of questions about the night of 12 August," said Tzekos. "We did not leave any gaps. As far as I am concerned there is no such issue [of refusing to be tested], and I am very optimistic." Tzekos, Thanou and Kenteris, who have all denied the charges, can expect a decision within a month. "Deliberations will start after some additional documents are brought in by Thursday," said committee chairman Kostas Panagopoulos. "I estimate that the final ruling will be issued by the end of February."
I am confident and optimistic," said Thanou."We were asked [by the disciplinary committee] all kinds of questions about the night of 12 August," said Tzekos.The athletes' lawyer Grigoris Ioanidis said he believed the independent disciplinary committee set up by the Greek Athletics Federation (SEGAS) would find them innocent.Tzekos, Thanou and Kenteris, who have all denied the charges, can expect a decision within a month.Katerina Thanou is confident she and fellow sprinter Kostas Kenteris will not be punished for missing drugs tests before the Athens Olympics.Thanou, the 2000 Olympic women's 100m silver medallist, and Sydney 200m champion Kenteris were suspended by the IAAF for missing three drugs tests."We are almost certain that the charges will be dropped," said Ioanidis."Deliberations will start after some additional documents are brought in by Thursday," said committee chairman Kostas Panagopoulos.
Ferguson urges Henry punishment..Sir Alex Ferguson has called on the Football Association to punish Arsenal's Thierry Henry for an incident involving Gabriel Heinze...Ferguson believes Henry deliberately caught Heinze on the head with his knee during United's controversial win. The United boss said it was worse than Ruud van Nistelrooy's foul on Ashley Cole for which he got a three-game ban. "We shall present it to the FA and see what they do. The tackle on Heinze was terrible," he said. Clubs are permitted to ask the FA to examine specific incidents but information is expected to be provided within 48 hours of the game. The clash occurred moments before half-time when a Freddie Ljungberg challenge left Heinze on the ground on the left touchline. Henry, following the ball, attempted to hurdle the Argentine but his knee collided with the back of Heinze's head...The striker protested his innocence - and referee Mike Riley deemed the collision accidental. Ferguson was also upset by Arsenal's overall discipline during the heated encounter between the two arch-rivals and praised his own side's behaviour. "Edu produced a terrible tackle on Scholes that was a potential leg-breaker," he said. "There were 24 fouls in the game by Arsenal, seven on Heinze, five on Ronaldo, six by Vieira - and it was only his sixth foul that got him booked. Phil Neville got booked for his first challenge. "I am proud of my players for the way they handled that pressure. "We have always been good at being gracious in defeat. What happened on Sunday overshadowed our achievement, but then they do it all the time, don't they?"
The tackle on Heinze was terrible," he said."There were 24 fouls in the game by Arsenal, seven on Heinze, five on Ronaldo, six by Vieira - and it was only his sixth foul that got him booked.Ferguson believes Henry deliberately caught Heinze on the head with his knee during United's controversial win."Edu produced a terrible tackle on Scholes that was a potential leg-breaker," he said.Sir Alex Ferguson has called on the Football Association to punish Arsenal's Thierry Henry for an incident involving Gabriel Heinze.The United boss said it was worse than Ruud van Nistelrooy's foul on Ashley Cole for which he got a three-game ban.Ferguson was also upset by Arsenal's overall discipline during the heated encounter between the two arch-rivals and praised his own side's behaviour.
Wales silent on Grand Slam talk..Rhys Williams says Wales are still not thinking of winning the Grand Slam despite a third Six Nations win..."That's the last thing on our minds at the moment," said Williams, a second- half replacement in Saturday's 24-18 win over France in Paris. "We all realise how difficult a task it is to go up to Scotland and beat them. "We've come unstuck there a couple of times recently so our focus is on that game and we'll worry about Ireland hopefully after we've beaten Scotland." With captain Gareth Thomas ruled out of the rest of the campaign with a broken thumb, Williams is vying for his first start in the championship so far...Kevin Morgan is probably favourite to replace Thomas at full-back, leaving Williams and Hal Luscombe to battle for the right wing berth. A hamstring injury denied Luscombe the opportunity to make a third successive start, but the Dragons winger is expected to be fit for the trip to Murrayfield on 13 March. Hooker Robin McBryde is doubtful after picking up a knee injury in Paris, but centre Sonny Parker and flanker Colin Charvis are set to recover from injury to be in contention for selection. Said Wales assistant coach Scott Johnson: "They've worked through the weekend and the reports are a bit more positive. "So we're getting a couple back and that adds to the depth of the squad." Scotland secured their first win of the campaign on Saturday by grinding out an 18-10 win over Italy...Matt Williams' side has shown little in attack, but Johnson insisted the Scots will be difficult opposition to break down. "Italy are really brave opposition and sometimes it's very hard to win," he said. "So an ugly win can be just as effective as a 30 or 40 point victory. "Scotland are a hard side and very underrated so we're not taking anything for granted. "We're not basking in the glory of winning our first three games. We've got to be diligent in our preparation. "That's my job and we've got to make sure we're focused."
Scotland secured their first win of the campaign on Saturday by grinding out an 18-10 win over Italy."That's the last thing on our minds at the moment," said Williams, a second- half replacement in Saturday's 24-18 win over France in Paris."Italy are really brave opposition and sometimes it's very hard to win," he said.Rhys Williams says Wales are still not thinking of winning the Grand Slam despite a third Six Nations win."We've come unstuck there a couple of times recently so our focus is on that game and we'll worry about Ireland hopefully after we've beaten Scotland.""That's my job and we've got to make sure we're focused."With captain Gareth Thomas ruled out of the rest of the campaign with a broken thumb, Williams is vying for his first start in the championship so far.Matt Williams' side has shown little in attack, but Johnson insisted the Scots will be difficult opposition to break down.
Chepkemei hit by big ban..Kenya's athletics body has suspended two-time London Marathon runner-up Susan Chepkemei from all competition until the end of the year...Athletics Kenya (AK) issued the ban after Chepkemei failed to turn up for a cross country training camp in Embu. "We have banned her from all local and international competitions," said AK chief Isaiah Kiplagat. "We shall communicate this decision to the IAAF and all meet directors all over the world." The 29-year-old finished second to Paula Radcliffe in the 2002 and 2003 London races, and was also edged out in an epic New York Marathon contest last year...But the ban will prevent the two-time world half-marathon silver medallist from challenging Radcliffe at this year's London event in April. Global Sports Communications, Chepkemei's management company, said she had wanted to run in the World Cross Country Championships in March. But AK maintained it was making an example of Chepkemei as a warning to other Kenyan athletes. "We are taking this action in order to salvage our pride," said Kiplagat. "We have been accused of having no teeth to bite with and that agents are ruling over us." KA has also threatened three-time women's short-course champion Edith Masai with a similar ban if reports that she feigned injury to avoid running at the cross country world championships are true. Masai missed the national trials in early February, but was included in the provisional team on the proviso that she ran in a regional competition. She failed to run in the event, citing a leg injury.
Athletics Kenya (AK) issued the ban after Chepkemei failed to turn up for a cross country training camp in Embu.Global Sports Communications, Chepkemei's management company, said she had wanted to run in the World Cross Country Championships in March.KA has also threatened three-time women's short-course champion Edith Masai with a similar ban if reports that she feigned injury to avoid running at the cross country world championships are true.But the ban will prevent the two-time world half-marathon silver medallist from challenging Radcliffe at this year's London event in April.Kenya's athletics body has suspended two-time London Marathon runner-up Susan Chepkemei from all competition until the end of the year."We have banned her from all local and international competitions," said AK chief Isaiah Kiplagat.
Classy Henman makes winning start..Tim Henman opened his 2005 campaign with a 6-1 7-5 victory over Argentine David Nalbandian at the Kooyong Classic exhibition tournament on Wednesday...The British number one will next play Roger Federer at the Australian Open warm-up event on Friday. The world number one beat Gaston Gaudio 5-7 6-1 6-4, before Andre Agassi saw off Chilean Olympic gold medalist Nicolas Massu 6-1 7-6 (7-4). Andy Roddick beat Ivan Ljubicic, who replaced Paradorn Srichaphan, 6-1 6-4. Henman made an impressive start to the year, only faltering against Nalbandian when serving for the match at 5-4. But the Briton regained his composure to win the next two games for only his second win in six matches against the Argentine. "It's a great start to the year - just what I was looking for," Henman told his website. "Over the years I've found David very difficult to play against..."He returns serve very well and he's deceptively effective from the baseline, so sometimes it can be difficult to execute my gameplan well enough against him to get the right result. "Beating somebody of his stature is always good for the confidence and it bodes well at the beginning of the year." Henman also revealed the extent of the back problems he suffered in the off-season. "I'm not the most flexible and at the end of the year I was pretty exhausted and wanted to have a couple of weeks where I didn't do anything," said Henman. "When I started training again it really, really seized up. As much as I enjoyed the two weeks off I don't think it's so productive." Federer dropped a tight first set against 2004 French Open champion Gaudio, but was content with his game. "It was about getting used to the surface," he said..."The conditions are much quicker than Doha, my timing was OK, but I could have served better. "All in all I'm happy with the match, and I won it - that's a good sign. Now I have a day off and hopefully play better the next match." Agassi was delighted with victory over Massu in his first match for over two months. "I felt pretty good," said the American. "I liked the way the match played out and, maybe excluding a few second serve returns, I felt like I was doing most things pretty darn well for the first match."
Agassi was delighted with victory over Massu in his first match for over two months."I liked the way the match played out and, maybe excluding a few second serve returns, I felt like I was doing most things pretty darn well for the first match.""I'm not the most flexible and at the end of the year I was pretty exhausted and wanted to have a couple of weeks where I didn't do anything," said Henman.Henman made an impressive start to the year, only faltering against Nalbandian when serving for the match at 5-4."It's a great start to the year - just what I was looking for," Henman told his website.Now I have a day off and hopefully play better the next match.""All in all I'm happy with the match, and I won it - that's a good sign.But the Briton regained his composure to win the next two games for only his second win in six matches against the Argentine."It was about getting used to the surface," he said.
Blackburn v Burnley..Ewood Park..Tuesday, 1 March..2000 GMT..Howard Webb (South Yorkshire)..home to Leicester in the quarter-finals..But defender Andy Todd is suspended and could be replaced by Dominic Matteo - if he recovers from a hamstring injury. Burnley have major injury concerns over Frank Sinclair and John McGreal. Michael Duff looks set to continue at right-back with John Oster in midfield and Micah Hyde is expected to recover from a knee injury...- Blackburn boss Mark Hughes: "Burnley are resolute and have individual talent but I fully expect us to progress. "I thought we were comfortable in the first game and never thought we were under pressure. "It's a competition we want to progress in and we are doing okay. If we beat Burnley, we have a home tie against another lower league club (Leicester).". - Burnley boss Steve Cotterill: "They will be fresh and we'll be tired. That is an honest opinion but our lads just might be able to get themselves up for one more big game. "The atmosphere at the last game was very hot - a good verbal contest. "Our fans will not need whipping up for this game. I just want them to help us as much as they can in a positive way." KEY MATCH STATS. - BLACKBURN ROVERS against Bolton is part two of an East Lancashire hotpot that didn't turn out to be that spicy when first staged on a Sunday lunchtime the weekend before last, and resulted in a scrappy goalless draw.. - Rovers, who are aiming to win the Cup for a seventh time in their history and first time in 77 years, face another replay against Championship opposition after eventually disposing of Cardiff at Ewood Park in the third round. But they've not been beaten in the competition by a club outside the Premiership for nine years, since Ipswich - then in the second tier - defeated them 0-1 after extra time in a third round replay at Ewood Park on 16 January 1996. History is on Rovers side. When they last met their near neighbours in the FA Cup 45 years ago, it also required an Ewood Park replay, which the home side won 2-0, and when they last met in the League, Rovers did the double. They first won their Nationwide Division One trip to Turf Moor 0-2 four seasons ago, and then thrashed the Clarets on home soil 5-0.. - Manager Mark Hughes, who won the Cup four times as a player, is aiming to steer Rovers into the quarter-finals for the second time in 12 years, and first time since the 2000/2001 season. Success here, and victory home to Leicester in the next round, could see Rovers in the semi-finals without having played Premiership opposition.. - BURNLEY make the eight mile journey to their fierce rivals, determined to send Blackburn the same way as Liverpool in the third round. But having failed to pull off another shock at Turf Moor, it could be that the Championship outfit - 17 places inferior on the League ladder - have missed their best opportunity. Having said that, Burnley are yet to concede a goal in this Cup run.. - Steve Cotterills' Clarets have been knocked out in the fifth round four times in the last seven years, and have made only one appearance in the sixth round in 21 years. That was in the season before last, when they disposed of Premiership Fulham at this fifth round stage.. - While Blackburn have not played since the fifth round tie, Burnley have had two League outings away from home, drawing 1-1 at Derby and losing 1-0 at Preston. That takes their winless run to four games. The combatants from one-time prosperous mill towns, are both founder members of the Football League. HEAD TO HEAD..16th PREM..WINNERS (six times)..13th Championship..WINNERS (once)
- Rovers, who are aiming to win the Cup for a seventh time in their history and first time in 77 years, face another replay against Championship opposition after eventually disposing of Cardiff at Ewood Park in the third round.- While Blackburn have not played since the fifth round tie, Burnley have had two League outings away from home, drawing 1-1 at Derby and losing 1-0 at Preston.- Steve Cotterills' Clarets have been knocked out in the fifth round four times in the last seven years, and have made only one appearance in the sixth round in 21 years.- Manager Mark Hughes, who won the Cup four times as a player, is aiming to steer Rovers into the quarter-finals for the second time in 12 years, and first time since the 2000/2001 season.When they last met their near neighbours in the FA Cup 45 years ago, it also required an Ewood Park replay, which the home side won 2-0, and when they last met in the League, Rovers did the double.If we beat Burnley, we have a home tie against another lower league club (Leicester)."But they've not been beaten in the competition by a club outside the Premiership for nine years, since Ipswich - then in the second tier - defeated them 0-1 after extra time in a third round replay at Ewood Park on 16 January 1996.Success here, and victory home to Leicester in the next round, could see Rovers in the semi-finals without having played Premiership opposition.That was in the season before last, when they disposed of Premiership Fulham at this fifth round stage.- BURNLEY make the eight mile journey to their fierce rivals, determined to send Blackburn the same way as Liverpool in the third round.They first won their Nationwide Division One trip to Turf Moor 0-2 four seasons ago, and then thrashed the Clarets on home soil 5-0.- Blackburn boss Mark Hughes: "Burnley are resolute and have individual talent but I fully expect us to progress.
Johansson takes Adelaide victory..Second seed Joachim Johansson won his second career title with a 7-5 6-3 win over Taylor Dent at the Australian hardcourt championships in Adelaide...The Swede was made to graft, American Dent surviving three break points in the fifth game of the match. But Johansson got the breakthrough with a sublime backhand return winner and won the second set with more ease. His first tournament win was at Memphis in 2004, helping him leap from 113th in the world rankings to number 11. Afterwards, Dent said he rated US Open semi-finalist Johansson as a top contender at the Australian Open, which starts on 17 January. "I believe men's tennis is all about holding serve and if he's playing like that on his own serve I don't see how guys are going to break him," said Dent. Johansson was more restrained in his assessment: "I have to improve my serve if I'm going to go all the way in Melbourne."
Second seed Joachim Johansson won his second career title with a 7-5 6-3 win over Taylor Dent at the Australian hardcourt championships in Adelaide.Johansson was more restrained in his assessment: "I have to improve my serve if I'm going to go all the way in Melbourne."Afterwards, Dent said he rated US Open semi-finalist Johansson as a top contender at the Australian Open, which starts on 17 January.
Bryan twins keep US hopes alive..The United States kept the Davis Cup final alive with victory in Saturday's doubles rubber, leaving Spain 2-1 ahead going into the final day...Masters Cup champions Mike and Bob Bryan thrashed Juan Carlos Ferrero and Tommy Robredo 6-0 6-3 6-2 in front of a partisan crowd in Seville. Victory would have given Spain the title but they were outclassed. In Sunday's reverse singles, Carlos Moya takes on Andy Roddick before Rafael Nadal faces Mardy Fish. "It feels good, but it's not going to be as good if we don't win two tomorrow," said Mike Bryan. "It feels good to give those guys another shot, and Spain has to go to sleep on that." Bob Bryan added: "I'm really confident in Andy winning that first match, and then anything can happen." Spain coach Jordi Arrese chose to rest 18-year-old Nadal in the doubles after his epic singles win over Roddick on Friday. He was replaced by former world number one Ferrero, but the Spanish pair were out of their depth against one of the world's best doubles teams...The 26-year-old Bryan twins have won all four of their Davis Cup matches this year. And they quickly silenced the huge crowd at the Olympic Stadium, racing through the opening set to love. The Spaniards then twice surrendered breaks of serve at the start of the second before the Bryans broke to go 5-3 ahead and served out. When Robredo dropped serve in the opening game of the third set the match was all but over, and the unflappable Bryan brothers powered on to an impressive win. Ferrero, who was upset to be dropped for Friday's singles, hinted at further dissatisfaction after the defeat. "It was a difficult game against the best doubles players," he said. "They have everything calculated and we had very little to do. "I was a bit surprised that I was named to play the doubles match because I hardly play doubles." Arrese said: "Juan Carlos hasn't played at all badly. He played the right way but the Bryans are great doubles players."
When Robredo dropped serve in the opening game of the third set the match was all but over, and the unflappable Bryan brothers powered on to an impressive win."It was a difficult game against the best doubles players," he said."I was a bit surprised that I was named to play the doubles match because I hardly play doubles."Spain coach Jordi Arrese chose to rest 18-year-old Nadal in the doubles after his epic singles win over Roddick on Friday.Masters Cup champions Mike and Bob Bryan thrashed Juan Carlos Ferrero and Tommy Robredo 6-0 6-3 6-2 in front of a partisan crowd in Seville."It feels good, but it's not going to be as good if we don't win two tomorrow," said Mike Bryan.The United States kept the Davis Cup final alive with victory in Saturday's doubles rubber, leaving Spain 2-1 ahead going into the final day.The 26-year-old Bryan twins have won all four of their Davis Cup matches this year.
McClaren targets Champions League..Middlesbrough boss Steve McClaren believes his side can clinch a top-four spot in the Premiership and secure qualification for the Champions League...After their 3-2 win over Manchester City, McClaren said: "We are playing exciting football, it's a magnificent result to keep us in the top five. "But how well we do depends how often we can get our best team out. "Once we got the third goal it should have been four or five but we nearly paid for it in the end." McClaren also praised winger Stewart Downing and strikers Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink and Mark Viduka, who both ended barren runs in front of goal. He added: "If Stewart keeps playing like this Sven-Goran Eriksson has got to pick him. "And the strikers scored great goals, the combination play between them shows they want to play with each other and they are trying."
After their 3-2 win over Manchester City, McClaren said: "We are playing exciting football, it's a magnificent result to keep us in the top five.McClaren also praised winger Stewart Downing and strikers Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink and Mark Viduka, who both ended barren runs in front of goal.He added: "If Stewart keeps playing like this Sven-Goran Eriksson has got to pick him.
Scotland v Italy (Sat)..Murrayfield, Edinburgh..Saturday, 26 February..1400 GMT..BBC1, Five Live and this website..Victory for the Azzurri in Rome last year saw Scotland end their campaign without a victory. And the pressure is on Scotland coach Matt Williams as he seeks a first Six Nations victory at the eighth attempt. Italy have lost both their opening games at home to Ireland and Wales, but travel to Edinburgh with high hopes...Their coach John Kirwan has warned his side they must eradicate the errors that blighted their loss to Wales however or risk suffering a third successive defeat. "If the defeat against Wales has taught us anything, it's that at this level we can't make any mistakes," Kirwan said. "In the Six Nations, every error you make will come at a high price. "We have to be aggressive for 80 minutes, keep calm in every situation and display great maturity on the pitch..."It will be fundamental to keep cool in the difficult moments - in the key situations of the game." Kirwan has recalled the experienced Cristian Stoica at centre and drafted in David dal Maso at open-side after star flanker Mauro Bergamasco was ruled out for the rest of the tournament. Scotland have also made two changes, Simon Webster replacing Simon Danielli on the wing and Simon Taylor returning for his first Test in a year, for injured flanker Jason White. Taylor's recovery from a serious knee injury is a major boost to Scottish hopes. "He is one of the world-class players in the tournament and you want them in your team," acknowledged Williams...Despite a record of only two victories from 14 Tests, Williams insists he is revelling in the pressure. "I actually really enjoy seeing how you cope with such pressure as a coach," he said, optimistic despite opening defeats to France and Ireland. "We were confident for those two first games and we are confident we can beat Italy too," he added...: C Paterson; S Webster, A Craig, H Southwell, S Lamont; D Parks, C Cusiter; T Smith, G Bulloch (capt), G Kerr; S Grimes, S Murray; S Taylor, J Petrie, A Hogg...R Russell, B Douglas, N Hines, J Dunbar, M Blair, G Ross, B Hinshelwood...R de Marigny; Mirco Bergamasco, C Stoica, A Masi, L Nitoglia; L Orquera, A Troncon; A Lo Cicero, F Ongaro, M Castrogiovanni; S Dellape, M Bortolami (capt); A Persico, D Dal Maso, S Parisse...G Intoppa, S Perugini, CA del Fava, S Orlando, P Griffen, R Pedrazzi, KP Robertson.
And the pressure is on Scotland coach Matt Williams as he seeks a first Six Nations victory at the eighth attempt.Italy have lost both their opening games at home to Ireland and Wales, but travel to Edinburgh with high hopes.Despite a record of only two victories from 14 Tests, Williams insists he is revelling in the pressure."I actually really enjoy seeing how you cope with such pressure as a coach," he said, optimistic despite opening defeats to France and Ireland."If the defeat against Wales has taught us anything, it's that at this level we can't make any mistakes," Kirwan said.Their coach John Kirwan has warned his side they must eradicate the errors that blighted their loss to Wales however or risk suffering a third successive defeat."We were confident for those two first games and we are confident we can beat Italy too," he added."In the Six Nations, every error you make will come at a high price.
What now for Kelly Holmes?..Last April, Kelly Holmes spoke to the BBC Sport website about her loneliness, her fight to stay fit and her decision not to contest both the 800m and 1500m at the Olympics...It just goes to show even the most meticulous and measured athletes cannot predict what fate has in store for them. Four months later, Holmes stormed to double Olympic gold and has since been made a Dame, won the BBC Sport Personality of the Year and written a book whilst still finding time to coach aspiring athletes. With so much time spent in the spotlight, Holmes has increasingly dropped hints that her ambition on the track has begun to wilt. And when asked about her plans for both the indoor and outdoor seasons ahead, the 34-year-old has repeatedly chosen to tick the "don't know" box. Holmes has now pulled out of this weekend's European Indoor Championships, where she was selected for both the 800m and 1500m, because of a hamstring injury. But should we be surprised if the Olympic champion over both those distances decides she just does not feel like racing anymore? "Well, it's a lot easier being the double Olympic champion, being feted by everybody, than training to be at the top in middle distance running," points out former Olympian and BBC pundit Steve Cram. "You have to have a real strong desire to carry on doing it even if you're very talented."..Holmes' drive and determination have always been unquestionable - that is the reason she has battled back from a string of injuries that threatened to see her finish her career empty-handed. But alarm bells start ringing when the Kent athlete begins questioning herself. "Will I have as much commitment, desire and energy to go through a major championship?" Holmes asked in the New Year. "That is what I don't know." At 34, Holmes will also be aware that time is running out. US 400m and 200m legend Michael Johnson, a five-time Olympic gold medallist, retired shortly after his 34th birthday as did Britain's double Olympic champion decathlete Daley Thompson. The physical demands of the day-to-day grind will only get harder for Holmes, who has already admitted she "doesn't like the training anymore." Whilst out on the circuit the allure of defeating a double Olympic champion will spur her opponents on. Holmes will not want to needlessly suffer the indignity of being beaten. Unless she is certain she has a strong chance of winning any race, she will not step onto the track. But if the Kent athlete finds the form that fuelled her ambitions last summer, there are more prizes up for grabs. The day after completing her double in Athens, the 34-year-old revealed she would still like to win her first indoors title...Holmes' wish could easily be met in Madrid before she goes on to prepare for the outdoor season where there are still scores to be settled, such as a first gold at the World Championships in Helsinki. There is just one small truth which could gnaw away at Holmes' motivation - the realisation that no matter how hard she trains, nothing she wins now can surpass her achievements in Athens. On the other hand, if those achievements cannot be matched shouldn't they be at least shared and celebrated? "You don't get the chance very often in your career to step onto the track as the double Olympic champion," agreed Cram. "You want to be able to take your bow in front of the fans because it's a fantastic feeling. "I think deep down Kelly wants to run. I think she will compete and run races on the circuits but whether or not she runs in the major championships is much less certain."..Athletics fans had every reason to believe they would see the new-look Kelly Holmes tearing up the track again. After her Olympic glory she emphatically denied she planned to retire. So, why is Holmes dragging her heels about making a decision on where, when or whether to even bother competing again? "That's just Kelly," explains Cram. "She's always been like that. "She enjoys people trying to guess what she is going to do next. She knows every time she makes a pronouncement now it's headline news. "Kelly has to figure out for herself what it is she wants and that will be based on athletics decisions, whether she can be competitive, if she is fit enough to put her neck on the line. "And if she decides not to run again, no-one is going to turn round and say 'you're making the wrong decision.'"
With so much time spent in the spotlight, Holmes has increasingly dropped hints that her ambition on the track has begun to wilt.Four months later, Holmes stormed to double Olympic gold and has since been made a Dame, won the BBC Sport Personality of the Year and written a book whilst still finding time to coach aspiring athletes."You don't get the chance very often in your career to step onto the track as the double Olympic champion," agreed Cram.Athletics fans had every reason to believe they would see the new-look Kelly Holmes tearing up the track again.The physical demands of the day-to-day grind will only get harder for Holmes, who has already admitted she "doesn't like the training anymore."So, why is Holmes dragging her heels about making a decision on where, when or whether to even bother competing again?Holmes has now pulled out of this weekend's European Indoor Championships, where she was selected for both the 800m and 1500m, because of a hamstring injury.At 34, Holmes will also be aware that time is running out.Holmes' drive and determination have always been unquestionable - that is the reason she has battled back from a string of injuries that threatened to see her finish her career empty-handed.Holmes asked in the New Year.Holmes will not want to needlessly suffer the indignity of being beaten.Last April, Kelly Holmes spoke to the BBC Sport website about her loneliness, her fight to stay fit and her decision not to contest both the 800m and 1500m at the Olympics.It just goes to show even the most meticulous and measured athletes cannot predict what fate has in store for them."Kelly has to figure out for herself what it is she wants and that will be based on athletics decisions, whether she can be competitive, if she is fit enough to put her neck on the line."I think deep down Kelly wants to run.And when asked about her plans for both the indoor and outdoor seasons ahead, the 34-year-old has repeatedly chosen to tick the "don't know" box.
Collins named UK Athletics chief..UK Athletics has ended its search for a new performance director by appointing psychologist Dave Collins...Collins, who worked with the British teams at the 2000 and 2004 Olympics, takes over from Max Jones. Six candidates were interviewed for the job, including Denise Lewis' coach Charles van Commenee and former British triple jumper Keith Connor. "We've searched long and hard to ensure we have found the right person," said UKA chief executive David Moorcroft. "We have thoroughly tested the candidates. I believe David will make a great leader and I have great faith in what he will achieve." Collins said: "It's a great challenge. Over the next few months I will spend time listening to those who already make a significant contribution to athletics and other elite sports in the UK." Collins, who has worked with javelin thrower Steve Backley in the past, started his career as a Royal Marine before becoming a PE teacher. He is currently professor of physical education and sport performance at Edinburgh University, where he helps competitors across many sports, including rugby, athletics, judo and football...He has specialised in helping competitors fulfil their potential through psychology and has worked with the Great Britain women's curling team, who won gold at the 2002 Winter Olympics. Mark Lewis-Francis sought Collins' advice in Athens when he was looking for inspiration before he ran the final leg of Britain's surprise triumph in the 4x100m relay. Collins has played rugby at regional level, was captain of the Great Britain American Football team, and competed at national level in judo and karate. He arrives with British athletics at a crossroads. Despite Kelly Holmes' golden double and the success of the sprint relay squad, the GB team failed to live up to expectations in Athens. Many older competitors have retired or are coming to the end of their careers, and Britain failed to win a single medal at the world junior championships in Italy this year. Collins will not have day-to-day coaching contact with the athletes, but will be expected to make changes to the system and coaching set-up in order to secure medals at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. The appointment of a new performance director was one of the main recommendations in Sir Andrew Foster's review of the sport, which was published in May. It was commissioned by UK Sport and Sport England, which wanted UK Athletics to justify funding of more than £40m from the Government following the failure to hang on to the 2005 World Championships, which are now being held in Helsinki. Van Commenee dropped out of the selection process to take on the same role with the Dutch Olympic Committee, while Connor's application was rejected after an arduous interview process. Foster, however, declared himself satisfied with how the appointment was made. "The appointment of David Collins, with his strong mix of leadership skills and managerial experience, is testament to the professional and detailed recruitment process," he said.
Collins has played rugby at regional level, was captain of the Great Britain American Football team, and competed at national level in judo and karate.Collins said: "It's a great challenge.UK Athletics has ended its search for a new performance director by appointing psychologist Dave Collins.Collins, who worked with the British teams at the 2000 and 2004 Olympics, takes over from Max Jones.He has specialised in helping competitors fulfil their potential through psychology and has worked with the Great Britain women's curling team, who won gold at the 2002 Winter Olympics.The appointment of a new performance director was one of the main recommendations in Sir Andrew Foster's review of the sport, which was published in May.It was commissioned by UK Sport and Sport England, which wanted UK Athletics to justify funding of more than £40m from the Government following the failure to hang on to the 2005 World Championships, which are now being held in Helsinki."The appointment of David Collins, with his strong mix of leadership skills and managerial experience, is testament to the professional and detailed recruitment process," he said.He is currently professor of physical education and sport performance at Edinburgh University, where he helps competitors across many sports, including rugby, athletics, judo and football.
Trial date is set for Balco case..A US judge has set a preliminary trial date for the Balco steroid distribution case which has rocked athletics...US district court judge Susan Ilston rejected an attempt by the defence team to have the case dismissed at a pre-trial hearing in San Francisco. And she set a March date for the case of the four men accused of distributing illegal performance-enhancing drugs to elite athletes to be heard. A firm decision on whether the trial takes place is expected in January. The judge said that she may conduct hearings in January into whether federal agents illegally searched the Balco headquarters and wrongfully obtained statements from the company's founder Victor Conte and its vice-president James Valente. The two men - along with personal trainer Greg Anderson and athletics coach Remy Korchemny - were all indicted earlier this year but have pleaded their innocence. The outcome of those hearings could result in some or all of the charges being dismissed. Conte said that he would be telling his side of the story on an American TV show on Friday..."The world deserves to know the truth about performance-enhancing drugs," he said. Balco (The Bay Area Laboratory Cooperative) is the company at the centre of the scandal. The company has been accused by the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) of being the source of the banned steroid THG and modafinil. The USADA claims that 10 athletes have received sanctions for testing positive for THG and modafinil. Former double world champion Kelli White and Olympic relay star Alvin Harrison have both been banned on the basis of materials discovered during the Balco investigation. Britain's former European 100m champion Dwain Chambers is currently serving a two-year ban after testing positive for THG in an out-of-competition test in 2003.
A US judge has set a preliminary trial date for the Balco steroid distribution case which has rocked athletics.The judge said that she may conduct hearings in January into whether federal agents illegally searched the Balco headquarters and wrongfully obtained statements from the company's founder Victor Conte and its vice-president James Valente.The company has been accused by the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) of being the source of the banned steroid THG and modafinil.And she set a March date for the case of the four men accused of distributing illegal performance-enhancing drugs to elite athletes to be heard.The USADA claims that 10 athletes have received sanctions for testing positive for THG and modafinil.US district court judge Susan Ilston rejected an attempt by the defence team to have the case dismissed at a pre-trial hearing in San Francisco.
Palace threat over Cantona masks..Manchester United fans wearing Eric Cantona masks will not be allowed in Selhurst Park on Saturday...United fans are planning to mark the 10th anniversary of Cantona's infamous kung-fu kick on Crystal Palace fan Matthew Simmons by wearing the masks. But Palace stadium manager Kevin Corner has warned: "If they wear them inside Selhurst Park they will be immediately rejected on safety grounds. "And no fans wearing Cantona masks will be allowed entry to the stadium." United fans had declared Saturday as 'Cantona Day' and had planned to wear masks, that were popular during the Frenchman's time as a player at the Old Trafford club. Cantona received a nine-month ban following the incident and Palace are keen to avoid an incident that would stir up ill feeling between the two sets of supporters. Four months after the Cantona incident a Palace fan, Paul Nixon, was killed prior to an FA Cup semi-final at Villa Park.
Manchester United fans wearing Eric Cantona masks will not be allowed in Selhurst Park on Saturday."And no fans wearing Cantona masks will be allowed entry to the stadium."Four months after the Cantona incident a Palace fan, Paul Nixon, was killed prior to an FA Cup semi-final at Villa Park.
Giggs handed Wales leading role..Ryan Giggs will captain Wales as he wins his 50th cap in Wednesday's friendly against Hungary in Cardiff...John Toshack, in his first game as coach after succeeding Mark Hughes, admits he is surprised that Giggs has only just reached the landmark. "With the games he's played for United, proportionately it doesn't seem that many for Wales," Toshack said. "But he's one of the greatest of all Welsh internationals and on his 50th cap it's appropriate he's captain." Giggs admits he had briefly considered retirement from the international game, but is now targetting playing for Wales in the 2008 European Championships. The Manchester United wing revealed how club manager Sir Alex Ferguson talked him into extending his Wales career. "I briefly discussed my international future with Sir Alex, but he urged me to carry on," Giggs said. "He feels, like myself, that I have no weight problems and keep myself fit, so in three or four years' time I will be able to play in the European finals if we get there. "The manager has always wanted me to play for my club and country and he was keen for me to continue because I am fit enough."..Giggs admits he was wavering and considering joining the likes of former Wales skipper Gary Speed and United team-mate Paul Scholes in committing the remaining years of his career to club football. But Giggs is now focussed on making the Toshack era even more successful than the time Hughes spent at the helm. The Manchester United winger won his first cap as a 17-year-old in 1991, an away loss to Germany, and now faces his landmark appearance at the age of 31. With Giggs leading Wales out against Hungary, there is every chance that he will become the permanent successor to Speed. However, Toshack refused to reveal whether he sees Giggs as a long-term option. "For this particular game I think it is appropriate that Ryan Giggs will be captain, it's his 50th cap and he's known for some time about that," Toshack said. On Wednesday night Toshack takes charge of his first match since replacing Hughes, and Giggs said: "It's my 50th cap and I am looking forward to it, and I hope to play a lot more times from here on in. "It's important to be here, all the players feel the same. It's a new start and all the top players certainly see it as important. "I see myself leading by example, it is something I have taken on for Wales as well as United these past few seasons. "The way John is looking at things, he is aiming to build his side around the experienced lads right up to the next tournament, the Euro 2006 event. "I have told John I will be around for the next European tournament, by then I will be 35 so hopefully I will still be okay. "A lot can happen, but I'm hoping to be around." Giggs' own personal future at Old Trafford is still up in the air as he has yet to reach agreement on a new contract, with Manchester United offering one extra year and Giggs seeking two. "I have put the contract thing to the back of my mind at the moment," said Giggs. "It is an important period for the club and I am just concentrated on that. "I've heard the suggestions, hopefully there is a two-year deal about to be offered because that is what I am looking for, to get it sorted out. "I'm enjoying my football, the way United have been playing and my own form, you have to enjoy it. "We have massive games coming up: Manchester City this week, then the Everton cup tie, followed by AC Milan in the Champions League, and my first Wales game under John Toshack, so it's an important time."
"For this particular game I think it is appropriate that Ryan Giggs will be captain, it's his 50th cap and he's known for some time about that," Toshack said.On Wednesday night Toshack takes charge of his first match since replacing Hughes, and Giggs said: "It's my 50th cap and I am looking forward to it, and I hope to play a lot more times from here on in.John Toshack, in his first game as coach after succeeding Mark Hughes, admits he is surprised that Giggs has only just reached the landmark.Giggs admits he had briefly considered retirement from the international game, but is now targetting playing for Wales in the 2008 European Championships."With the games he's played for United, proportionately it doesn't seem that many for Wales," Toshack said.Ryan Giggs will captain Wales as he wins his 50th cap in Wednesday's friendly against Hungary in Cardiff."We have massive games coming up: Manchester City this week, then the Everton cup tie, followed by AC Milan in the Champions League, and my first Wales game under John Toshack, so it's an important time."Giggs' own personal future at Old Trafford is still up in the air as he has yet to reach agreement on a new contract, with Manchester United offering one extra year and Giggs seeking two.Giggs admits he was wavering and considering joining the likes of former Wales skipper Gary Speed and United team-mate Paul Scholes in committing the remaining years of his career to club football.The Manchester United wing revealed how club manager Sir Alex Ferguson talked him into extending his Wales career.But Giggs is now focussed on making the Toshack era even more successful than the time Hughes spent at the helm.With Giggs leading Wales out against Hungary, there is every chance that he will become the permanent successor to Speed.
Wilkinson to miss Ireland match..England will have to take on Ireland in the Six Nations without captain and goal-kicker Jonny Wilkinson, according to his Newcastle boss Rob Andrew...Wilkinson - who had targeted the 27 February match for his international comeback - has been missed by England, not least for his goal-kicking. "Jonny's not fit yet," Falcons chief Andrew told BBC Radio Five Live. "He won't be fit for Dublin, there's no doubt about that, but he might be fit for Scotland and Italy." The 25-year-old has not played for England since the 2003 World Cup final after a succession of injuries. England, who have lost three Six Nations games in a row, wasted a 17-6 half-time lead in their 18-17 defeat to France. Goal-kickers Charlie Hodgson and Olly Barkley missed six penalty attempts and a drop-goal between them. "They've probably got two of the best English kickers in the Premiership in Hodgson and Barkley," added Andrew, a former England fly-half and goal-kicker..."They're both pretty good kickers. Charlie is a good kicker week-in, week-out. "But it's all about pressure and unfortunately England are just not handling the pressure at the moment." Andrew also blamed England's poor run of recent results on a lack of leadership in the side following several high-profile retirements and injuries. "They just didn't have that leadership that would have seen them through. Martin Johnson, Lawrence Dallaglio and Jonny are obviously huge losses and leadership is so important in those situations," he said. "I think it is really difficult for Jason Robinson to lead the side effectively from full-back." Meanwhile, former England full-back Dusty Hare put England's mistakes down to a lack of mental toughness..."Jonny Wilkinson has proved himself a cool customer with around an 80% kicking success rate," Hare told BBC Radio Five Live. "But natural-born toughness comes into it as well as all the practice you do. "You have to be able to shut out all the outside elements and concentrate on putting the ball between the posts." Hodgson, who has an excellent kicking record with club side Sale Sharks, has introduced crowd noise into his practice routine of late. "The top golfers don't hit the fairway every time, and it is the same with goal-kicking," Hare added. "You need that mental toughness as well to put the ball over, but great goal-kickers like Jonny Wilkinson come along very rarely."
England will have to take on Ireland in the Six Nations without captain and goal-kicker Jonny Wilkinson, according to his Newcastle boss Rob Andrew.Meanwhile, former England full-back Dusty Hare put England's mistakes down to a lack of mental toughness."You need that mental toughness as well to put the ball over, but great goal-kickers like Jonny Wilkinson come along very rarely.""Jonny Wilkinson has proved himself a cool customer with around an 80% kicking success rate," Hare told BBC Radio Five Live.Wilkinson - who had targeted the 27 February match for his international comeback - has been missed by England, not least for his goal-kicking."They've probably got two of the best English kickers in the Premiership in Hodgson and Barkley," added Andrew, a former England fly-half and goal-kicker.The 25-year-old has not played for England since the 2003 World Cup final after a succession of injuries."Jonny's not fit yet," Falcons chief Andrew told BBC Radio Five Live.Hodgson, who has an excellent kicking record with club side Sale Sharks, has introduced crowd noise into his practice routine of late.
Federer breezes into semi-finals..Roger Federer reached the last four of the Qatar Open with an easy 6-1 6-2 win over seventh seed Feliciano Lopez...The Swiss world number one reeled off a series winners to outclass the Spaniard and set up a semi-final match against Russian Nikolay Davydenko. Federer, who lost in the quarter-final in his last Qatar appearance in 2003, was happy with his form. "I think I played better than against Greg Rusedski and I am happy I am playing so well," said the top seed. Lopez showed glimpses of resolve early in the second set when he held his first service game and came close to breaking Federer. But the Swiss saved a break point and promptly broke serve in the following game to seize control. Davydenko, meanwhile, upset French third seed Sebastien Grosjean 2-6 6-3 6-2. Fabrice Santoro completed a miserable day for France when he was forced to retire when 6-2 3-0 down to Albert Costa. Spaniard Costa will next face Croatian Ivan Ljubicic after the sixth seed beat Rafael Nadal 6-2 6-7 (3/7) 6-3.
Roger Federer reached the last four of the Qatar Open with an easy 6-1 6-2 win over seventh seed Feliciano Lopez.Federer, who lost in the quarter-final in his last Qatar appearance in 2003, was happy with his form.Spaniard Costa will next face Croatian Ivan Ljubicic after the sixth seed beat Rafael Nadal 6-2 6-7 (3/7) 6-3.Davydenko, meanwhile, upset French third seed Sebastien Grosjean 2-6 6-3 6-2.
Radcliffe tackles marathon tasks..Paula Radcliffe faces arguably the biggest test of her career in the New York City Marathon on Sunday...Back under the spotlight of public scrutiny she will attempt to erase the double disappointment of the Athens Olympics, where she failed to finish the marathon and then the 10,000m. BBC Sport examines the challenges facing Radcliffe ahead of the big race...The ability to run a gruelling 26.2 miles relies largely upon an athlete's belief that they can do it. Every runner will hit the wall at some stage and see written on it, "Are you strong enough to finish?"..The question could hit Radcliffe hard after she was unable to complete her last two races in high-profile and emotional circumstances. Sports psychologist Hugh Richards says the 30-year-old must draw on her past achievements to conquer a potential crisis of confidence. "There is an old adage, 'get straight back on the horse that threw you,'" Richards told BBC Sport. "Paula has got all those great runs in her history as well as the two upsets in Athens. "She must not lose faith in what has already been proven is a very effective strategy for distance running. "If she were to change her preparation and tactics that would be madness. "She wants to start rebuilding her confidence through performance accomplishment."..For much of the watching media and public there can only be two possible outcomes in New York - win or lose. If Radcliffe crosses the line first she will have proved her critics wrong. But if she fails to triumph, she risks being labelled a has-been and her profile will suffer. And for any athlete that can have repercussions in terms of sponsorship, appearance fees as well as further self esteem issues..."Athletes need to try and stay focused on their internal controls and ignore external questions," explains Richards, who has worked with past Olympians. "She must not get caught up in someone else's agenda." Radcliffe's best friend and fellow distance runner Liz Yelling revealed the 30-year-old is already aware she will be exposing herself to more public scrutiny in New York. "She just thought, 'well, they can't think any worse of me now,'" Yelling told BBC Sport. "She's just doing what she wants to do and not thinking about the consequences of it."..Radcliffe described her decision to enter the New York marathon as "impulsive" but she is certain to have a tick-list of personal goals. Her aims could be as simple as completing a race and making sure she is still enjoying running but Richards says she must avoid more emotional targets, such as redemption. "You can't change history," warned Richards. "Only one person can win the marathon but lots of people can be successful. "Paula has to figure out what sort of things will she feel satisfied achieving by the end of the race."..The course from Staten Island to Central Park is renowned as one of the toughest in the world. It is also not the kind of fast course that tends to suit Radcliffe better, with the undulating finish through the park testing the legs' final reserves...Radcliffe has never raced there before and will enter the unknown just 77 days after the Athens marathon. "It's suggested after a major marathon you take a full month off and start building up again," said Yelling, herself a marathon runner. "But that is only for long-term health and fitness. "When you finish a marathon you are still very fit and can recover quickly. So physically it is possible for Paula." Richards also points out conditions in New York will be more conducive to a strong physical display from Radcliffe. "The heat stress was the primary factor that tripped her up in Athens," he said. "And that just isn't going to be there in New York, that's been taken out of the equation."....Radcliffe concedes she will probably learn a lot from her bad experiences in Athens in time. And Richards and Yelling agree she could turn the trauma to her advantage, starting in New York. "How you respond to adversity is what marks you out as elite or not," argues Richards..."One of the challenges of massive set backs is how you turn them into opportunities." And Yelling says: "I think this will probably make Paula." "I think it will drive her on and she'll come out of it a better athlete."
Paula Radcliffe faces arguably the biggest test of her career in the New York City Marathon on Sunday.Richards also points out conditions in New York will be more conducive to a strong physical display from Radcliffe.And Richards and Yelling agree she could turn the trauma to her advantage, starting in New York.Radcliffe has never raced there before and will enter the unknown just 77 days after the Athens marathon.Radcliffe described her decision to enter the New York marathon as "impulsive" but she is certain to have a tick-list of personal goals."Paula has got all those great runs in her history as well as the two upsets in Athens."It's suggested after a major marathon you take a full month off and start building up again," said Yelling, herself a marathon runner.Radcliffe's best friend and fellow distance runner Liz Yelling revealed the 30-year-old is already aware she will be exposing herself to more public scrutiny in New York.For much of the watching media and public there can only be two possible outcomes in New York - win or lose."She just thought, 'well, they can't think any worse of me now,'" Yelling told BBC Sport."You can't change history," warned Richards.Back under the spotlight of public scrutiny she will attempt to erase the double disappointment of the Athens Olympics, where she failed to finish the marathon and then the 10,000m.BBC Sport examines the challenges facing Radcliffe ahead of the big race."There is an old adage, 'get straight back on the horse that threw you,'" Richards told BBC Sport.And Yelling says: "I think this will probably make Paula."Her aims could be as simple as completing a race and making sure she is still enjoying running but Richards says she must avoid more emotional targets, such as redemption.Radcliffe concedes she will probably learn a lot from her bad experiences in Athens in time.
Fuming Robinson blasts officials..England coach Andy Robinson insisted he was "livid" after his side were denied two tries in Sunday's 19-13 Six Nations loss to Ireland in Dublin...Mark Cueto's first-half effort was ruled out for offside before the referee spurned TV replays when England crashed over in the dying minutes. "[I'm] absolutely spitting. I'm livid. There's two tries we've been cost," Robinson told BBC Sport. "We've got to go back to technology. I don't know why we didn't." South African referee Jonathan Kaplan ruled that Cueto was ahead of Charlie Hodgson when the fly-half hoisted his cross-field kick for the Sale wing to gather...Kaplan then declined the chance to consult the fourth official when Josh Lewsey took the ball over the Irish line under a pile of bodies for what could have been the game-winning try. "I think Mark Cueto scored a perfectly legal try and I think he should have gone to the video referee on Josh Lewsey," said Robinson. "It is how we use the technology. It is there, and it should be used. "I am still trying to work out the Cueto try. I have looked at both, and they both looked tries. "We are very disappointed, and this will hurt, there is no doubt about that. "We are upset now, but the referee is in charge and he has called it his way and we have got to be able to cope with that..."We did everything we could have done to win the game. I am very proud of my players and, with a couple of decisions, this could have been a very famous victory. "I thought we dominated. Matt Stevens had an awesome game at tighthead prop, while the likes of Charlie Hodgson, Martin Corry and Lewis Moody all came through well. "Josh Lewsey was awesome, and every one of the forwards stood up out there. Given the pressure we were under, credit must go to all the players. "We have done everything but win a game of rugby, but Ireland are a good side. They defended magnificently and they've got every chance of winning this Six Nations." England have lost their first three matches in this year's Six Nations and four out of their six games since Robinson took over from Sir Clive Woodward in September.
England coach Andy Robinson insisted he was "livid" after his side were denied two tries in Sunday's 19-13 Six Nations loss to Ireland in Dublin."We've got to go back to technology."I think Mark Cueto scored a perfectly legal try and I think he should have gone to the video referee on Josh Lewsey," said Robinson."We did everything we could have done to win the game.Kaplan then declined the chance to consult the fourth official when Josh Lewsey took the ball over the Irish line under a pile of bodies for what could have been the game-winning try.England have lost their first three matches in this year's Six Nations and four out of their six games since Robinson took over from Sir Clive Woodward in September."We have done everything but win a game of rugby, but Ireland are a good side.They defended magnificently and they've got every chance of winning this Six Nations."There's two tries we've been cost," Robinson told BBC Sport.South African referee Jonathan Kaplan ruled that Cueto was ahead of Charlie Hodgson when the fly-half hoisted his cross-field kick for the Sale wing to gather.
Holmes urged to compete at Worlds..Jolanda Ceplak has urged Britain's Kelly Holmes to continue competing at the major championships...Double Olympic gold medallist Holmes has strongly hinted she will not run in this year's Worlds and is undecided about next month's European Indoors. But World Indoor 800m record holder Ceplak said: "There is never an easy race when she is in the field. There is only excitement at what might happen. "It is good for the sport. She always fetches the best out of everyone." Ceplak has been a great rival of Holmes' during the Briton's career and the pair fell out when Holmes questioned the manner of the Slovenian's runaway 800m victory at the 2002 European Championships. But the controversy has since been forgotten, with Ceplak acting as pacemaker for Holmes' failed attempt on the British Indoor 1500m record at the Norwich Union Grand Prix in Birmingham in 2003...Ceplak added: "I like running against her - you know the race is always going to be fast. "That is the sort of competition that I like. She is special to me. She was like my idol from the beginning of my career." Meanwhile, Ceplak will be looking to follow up last Saturday's win in Boston with a fast time and victory in Friday's Night of Athletics in Erfurt, Germany. Britain's Jason Gardener had been expected to defend his 60m title in Erfurt but instead he will save himself for a competition in Leipzig on Sunday. Gardener's decision means Scotland's 400m man Ian Mackie will carry British hopes in what looks sure to be a tough preparation for next weekend's Norwich Union European trials in Sheffield.
Ceplak added: "I like running against her - you know the race is always going to be fast.Ceplak has been a great rival of Holmes' during the Briton's career and the pair fell out when Holmes questioned the manner of the Slovenian's runaway 800m victory at the 2002 European Championships.But the controversy has since been forgotten, with Ceplak acting as pacemaker for Holmes' failed attempt on the British Indoor 1500m record at the Norwich Union Grand Prix in Birmingham in 2003.Jolanda Ceplak has urged Britain's Kelly Holmes to continue competing at the major championships."That is the sort of competition that I like.But World Indoor 800m record holder Ceplak said: "There is never an easy race when she is in the field.
McLeish ready for criticism..Rangers manager Alex McLeish accepts he is going to be criticised after their disastrous Uefa Cup exit at the hands of Auxerre at Ibrox on Wednesday...McLeish told BBC Radio Five Live: "We were in pole position to get through to the next stage but we blew it, we absolutely blew it. "There's no use burying your head in the sand, we know we are going to get a lot of criticism. "We have to take it as we have done in the past and we must now bounce back." McLeish admitted his team's defending was amateurish after watching them lose 2-0 to Guy Roux's French side..."I'm very disappointed because we didn't give ourselves a chance, losing the first goal from our own corner. It was amateur," he added. "The early goal in the second half gave us a mountain to climb and we never created the same kind of chances as we did in the first half. "It's difficult to take positives from the game. We've let the fans down."
McLeish admitted his team's defending was amateurish after watching them lose 2-0 to Guy Roux's French side.Rangers manager Alex McLeish accepts he is going to be criticised after their disastrous Uefa Cup exit at the hands of Auxerre at Ibrox on Wednesday.McLeish told BBC Radio Five Live: "We were in pole position to get through to the next stage but we blew it, we absolutely blew it."We have to take it as we have done in the past and we must now bounce back."
Newcastle 2-1 Bolton..Kieron Dyer smashed home the winner to end Bolton's 10-game unbeaten run...Lee Bowyer put Newcastle ahead when he fed Stephen Carr on the right flank, then sprinted into the area to power home a header from the resultant cross. Wanderers hit back through Stelios Giannakopoulos, who ended a fluid passing move with a well-struck volley. But Dyer had the last word in a game of few chances, pouncing on a loose ball after Alan Shearer's shot was blocked and firing into the top corner. Neither side lacked urgency in the early stages of the game, with plenty of tackles flying in, but opportunities in front of goal were harder to come by. Bolton keeper Jussi Jaaskelainen had to make two saves in quick succession midway through the first-half - keeping out Shearer's low shot and Dyer's close-range header - but that was the only goalmouth action of note. And it was almost out of nothing that the Magpies took the lead on 35 minutes. Bowyer found space with a neat turn on the half-way line and striding forward picked out Carr to his right. He then continued his run and with perfect timing made his way into the box where he met Carr's cross with a downward header into the far corner. Bolton had produced little going forward at this point but they responded well...They were level within six minutes thanks to a smart finish from Giannakopoulos. Jay-Jay Okocha twisted and turned on the edge of the area and after a neat exchange of passes involving Kevin Davies and Gary Speed, the Greek striker found the bottom corner with a first-time strike. The Magpies were opened up again before half-time as Davies set Giannakopoulos in space and Given had to block at his near post. But the home side survived, and they should have re-taken the lead with the first meaningful attack of the second half. Fernando Hierro cynically chopped down Dyer on the edge of the area with the midfielder clean through. But the veteran defender escaped with a booking as there were other defenders nearby, and from the resultant free-kick Laurent Robert curled the ball just wide. Bolton were creating little going forward and they seemed content to frustrate the Magpies. Their strategy seemed to be working until the 69th minute. Alan Shearer's snap-shot was charged down and Dyer reacted first to smash the ball past the despairing Jaaskelainen from six yards...- Bolton boss Sam Allardyce "I am bitterly disappointed with the result, but I am probably more disappointed with the second-half performance. "In the first half we had put them under a lot of pressure, and our goal matched theirs in quality. "I thought it would lift us and that they might be tired after playing a lot of games, but unfortunately we were not up for the battle in the second half. "We allowed them to heap too much pressure on us, and in the end we cracked.". - Newcastle boss Graeme Souness "We deserved the win. We had a really good second half. "Bolton are a difficult side to play. You have to match them physically first but we did that, and then we played some football. "We had a slow first 45 minutes when we looked a bit tired but we got going after that. The scoreline flattered them and we could have had one or two more goals." Newcastle: Given, Carr, Boumsong, Bramble, Babayaro, Dyer, Faye, Bowyer, Robert (Jenas 77), Ameobi, Shearer. Subs Not Used: Butt, Harper, Milner, Hughes. Goals: Bowyer 35, Dyer 69. Bolton: Jaaskelainen, Hunt (Fadiga 14), N'Gotty, Ben Haim, Candela, Giannakopoulos, Okocha (Vaz Te 77), Hierro (Campo 64), Speed, Gardner, Davies. Subs Not Used: Jaidi, Poole. Booked: Ben Haim, Hierro. Goals: Giannakopoulos 41. Att: 50,430 Ref: S Dunn (Gloucestershire).
Goals: Bowyer 35, Dyer 69.But the home side survived, and they should have re-taken the lead with the first meaningful attack of the second half.Bolton: Jaaskelainen, Hunt (Fadiga 14), N'Gotty, Ben Haim, Candela, Giannakopoulos, Okocha (Vaz Te 77), Hierro (Campo 64), Speed, Gardner, Davies.Alan Shearer's snap-shot was charged down and Dyer reacted first to smash the ball past the despairing Jaaskelainen from six yards.Goals: Giannakopoulos 41.Bolton were creating little going forward and they seemed content to frustrate the Magpies."In the first half we had put them under a lot of pressure, and our goal matched theirs in quality.Lee Bowyer put Newcastle ahead when he fed Stephen Carr on the right flank, then sprinted into the area to power home a header from the resultant cross.But Dyer had the last word in a game of few chances, pouncing on a loose ball after Alan Shearer's shot was blocked and firing into the top corner.Newcastle: Given, Carr, Boumsong, Bramble, Babayaro, Dyer, Faye, Bowyer, Robert (Jenas 77), Ameobi, Shearer."We had a slow first 45 minutes when we looked a bit tired but we got going after that.Kieron Dyer smashed home the winner to end Bolton's 10-game unbeaten run.Bolton had produced little going forward at this point but they responded well.Fernando Hierro cynically chopped down Dyer on the edge of the area with the midfielder clean through.Bolton keeper Jussi Jaaskelainen had to make two saves in quick succession midway through the first-half - keeping out Shearer's low shot and Dyer's close-range header - but that was the only goalmouth action of note.
Brentford v Southampton..Griffin Park..Tuesday, 1 March..1945 GMT..Barry Knight (Kent)..home to Manchester United in the quarter-finals..Midfielder Andrew Frampton and striker Deon Burton are both slight doubts with hamstring injuries, but should be fit Saints are missing their entire first-choice midfield of Jamie Redknapp, Graeme Le Saux, Nigel Quashie and David Prutton. Anders Svensson and Matt Oakley are likely replacements with Kevin Phillips also scheduled to start, with Henri Camara rested...- Brentford boss Martin Allen: "After conceding eight goals in our last three matches, I have to admit I'm not very confident. "There's no doubt we're the underdogs and after defending so poorly recently it's not looking good. "Southampton have just drawn with the Premiership champions and that makes our task harder than it was already.". - Southampton boss Harry Redknapp: "We know they can give us problems. "Brentford have done well but we are the Premiership side and should have the better players. "Staying in the Premiership is our priority. We want to win, of course we do. We'll battle but if it comes to a football match I think we'll win." KEY MATCH STATS. - BRENTFORD are the lowest ranked club left in the FA Cup. They're on their best run in the competition since reaching the quarter-finals for the fourth time in their history 16 years ago. Now they have the carrot of the plum draw in the last eight dangling before them. Victory over Premiership strugglers Southampton, would bring the mighty Manchester United to Griffin Park and a gigantic pay day for the sole League One survivors.. - Martin Allen's brave side came back from two goals down at St Mary's to earn a deserved replay. Southampton striker Henri Camara scored twice from close range to put the Saints in command, but Isaiah Rankin hit back just before half time, and Sam Sodje headed past a creaky defence on 58 minutes.. - The Londoners have conceded six goals in their two subsequent League outings - three each in losing away to Hartlepool and drawing at home to Sheffield Wednesday. But they haven't lost in six League and Cup games on home turf - winning three and drawing three since the reverse to Torquay on Boxing Day.. - SOUTHAMPTON go into this tie on the back of an eventful Premiership match with Arsenal on Saturday. An angry David Prutton pushed referee Alan Wiley after being shown the red card, but his side still came back to draw 1-1. It was Saints' fourth stalemate in succession in all competitions, but didn't lift them out of the relegation zone. The retention of their ever present Premier League status must be the number one priority, irrespective of the rewards that success against Brentford would bring.. - Victory here would set up a repeat of the 1976 final, when Saints astounded the football world by defeating Tommy Docherty's Manchester United courtesy of Bobby Stokes' famous winner. They also knocked out the Red Devils in 1991 on penalties in the fourth round. But to write another chapter in their FA Cup history, the Solent side must avoid succumbing to lower division opposition for the first time since Rotherham, from the second level, beat them 2-1 in a third round tie at Millmoor on 16 January 2002. Southampton were last humbled by a club from the third tier six years ago. Fulham were then in the Second Division, when they won a third round replay at Craven Cottage 1-0 on 13 January 1999.. - To get to within two matches of a second visit to the Millennium Stadium in three years for the final, Harry Redknapp must guide his side past a club 36 places inferior on the League ladder, and a manager 19 years his junior, who played under him at West Ham. HEAD TO HEAD..10th League One..QUARTER-FINALS (four times)..18th PREM..WINNERS (once)
Victory over Premiership strugglers Southampton, would bring the mighty Manchester United to Griffin Park and a gigantic pay day for the sole League One survivors.- To get to within two matches of a second visit to the Millennium Stadium in three years for the final, Harry Redknapp must guide his side past a club 36 places inferior on the League ladder, and a manager 19 years his junior, who played under him at West Ham.- SOUTHAMPTON go into this tie on the back of an eventful Premiership match with Arsenal on Saturday.Southampton were last humbled by a club from the third tier six years ago."Brentford have done well but we are the Premiership side and should have the better players.But to write another chapter in their FA Cup history, the Solent side must avoid succumbing to lower division opposition for the first time since Rotherham, from the second level, beat them 2-1 in a third round tie at Millmoor on 16 January 2002.- Brentford boss Martin Allen: "After conceding eight goals in our last three matches, I have to admit I'm not very confident.But they haven't lost in six League and Cup games on home turf - winning three and drawing three since the reverse to Torquay on Boxing Day."Southampton have just drawn with the Premiership champions and that makes our task harder than it was already."The retention of their ever present Premier League status must be the number one priority, irrespective of the rewards that success against Brentford would bring.- The Londoners have conceded six goals in their two subsequent League outings - three each in losing away to Hartlepool and drawing at home to Sheffield Wednesday.Southampton striker Henri Camara scored twice from close range to put the Saints in command, but Isaiah Rankin hit back just before half time, and Sam Sodje headed past a creaky defence on 58 minutes.
Ferguson rues failure to cut gap..Boss Sir Alex Ferguson was left ruing Manchester United's failure to close the gap on Chelsea, Everton and Arsenal after his side's 1-1 draw with Fulham...Premiership leaders Chelsea and the Gunners endured a 2-2 stalemate on Sunday, giving United the chance to make up some ground in the league. But Ferguson said: "I think what makes it so bad is that both our rivals dropped points at the weekend. "It was a great opportunity - and we haven't delivered." United went ahead through Alan Smith in the 33rd minute before Bouba Diop's superb 25-yard strike cancelled out the visitors' lead in the 87th minute. Ferguson described the result as an "absolute giveaway" after United had earlier missed a host of opportunities to finish off the encounter. He said: "It was a good performance - some of the football was fantastic - but we just didn't finish them off. "In fairness, it's a fantastic strike from the Fulham player." The result leaves Ferguson's side fourth in the league on 31 points - four points behind Arsenal and a further five back from Chelsea.
He said: "It was a good performance - some of the football was fantastic - but we just didn't finish them off.Boss Sir Alex Ferguson was left ruing Manchester United's failure to close the gap on Chelsea, Everton and Arsenal after his side's 1-1 draw with Fulham.Ferguson described the result as an "absolute giveaway" after United had earlier missed a host of opportunities to finish off the encounter.But Ferguson said: "I think what makes it so bad is that both our rivals dropped points at the weekend.
Candela completes Bolton switch..Bolton boss Sam Allardyce has signed Roma defender Vincent Candela on a five-month deal...The 31-year-old former France international gave his last press conference as a Roma player on Monday, anouncing his move to Bolton. "I have signed a five-month contract with Bolton," said Candela, who will travel to England on Tuesday. "In June I will decide whether to continue to play for Bolton or retire from professional football." Allardyce hopes Candela's arrival will relieve Bolton's injury crisis after defender Nicky Hunt limped out injured during Oldham's 1-0 win against Oldham in the FA Cup on Sunday. "In light of what has happened to Nicky Hunt, with his injury, it might be a blessing in disguise that we can bring in a highly-experienced full-back to help with our injuries at the back," Allardyce said. "He has an outstanding pedigree in the game and has won honours at the highest level including the World Cup in 1998. "He has not played regular football this year but is eager to impress in the Premiership. "He can play in any position at the back and despite him being predominately right-footed he has played the majority of his career at left-back." Candela, who was a member of the Roma side that won the title in 2001, has made only seven league appearances this season for Luigi del Neri's side.
Bolton boss Sam Allardyce has signed Roma defender Vincent Candela on a five-month deal."In light of what has happened to Nicky Hunt, with his injury, it might be a blessing in disguise that we can bring in a highly-experienced full-back to help with our injuries at the back," Allardyce said."He has an outstanding pedigree in the game and has won honours at the highest level including the World Cup in 1998."He has not played regular football this year but is eager to impress in the Premiership.
Cole faces lengthy injury lay-off..Aston Villa's Carlton Cole could be out for six weeks with a knee injury...The striker, who is on a season-long loan from Chelsea, picked up the knock in an England Under-21 match against Holland earlier this month. "Carlton will be out of action for four to six weeks after a bad challenge," said Villa boss David O'Leary. "I won't be able to tell you whether he will need an operation until maybe next week. Whether he has an operation has got to be left to Chelsea." Cole, who also struggled with an ankle problem earlier in the season, was unable to rest because O'Leary had a shortage of strikers. The return to fitness of Darius Vassell after four months out with a broken ankle and the emergence of Luke Moore has alleviated some of the Villa's manager's problems in that department.
Aston Villa's Carlton Cole could be out for six weeks with a knee injury.The return to fitness of Darius Vassell after four months out with a broken ankle and the emergence of Luke Moore has alleviated some of the Villa's manager's problems in that department."Carlton will be out of action for four to six weeks after a bad challenge," said Villa boss David O'Leary.
Man Utd through after Exeter test..Manchester United avoided an FA Cup upset by edging past Exeter City in their third round replay...Cristiano Ronaldo scored the opener, slipping the ball between Paul Jones' legs after just nine minutes. United wasted a host of chances to make it safe as Jones made some great saves, but Wayne Rooney put the tie beyond doubt late on with a cool finish. Exeter had chances of their own, Sean Devine twice volleying wide and Andrew Taylor forcing Tim Howard to save. United boss Sir Alex Ferguson was taking few chances after their 0-0 draw in the first game and he handed starts to Paul Scholes and Ryan as well as Ronaldo and Rooney. Exeter began brightly with Devine and Steve Flack seeing plenty of the ball, but it did not take United long to assert their authority and the hosts soon found themselves a goal down. Scholes played a lovely pass in to Ronaldo on the left-hand side of the six-yard box and the Portuguese winger slid the ball between the legs of Jones to open the scoring...United sensed a chance to finish the tie as a contest early on and Ronaldo blazed over before Jones saved well from Scholes and then Rooney. The visitors' pressure by now was incessant and Rooney had another shot blocked while Ronaldo slammed well over the bar again from a good position. Just before the break Giggs had a golden chance to double the advantage, but the Welshman dragged a left-foot effort badly wide from 10 yards. In stoppage time Exeter created their best chance as Alex Jeannin swung in a cross from the left that Devine managed to flick goalwards, but the ball flew wide of Howard's goal. The Grecians came out after the break in determined fashion and Howard had to show safe hands to collect two searching crosses into the United box. Rooney looked like he might have sealed the result with a turn and shot but the ball stuck in the St James Park mud and Jones raced back to gather on the goalline. Moments later Devine had the chance to make himself a hero, but he could only volley Jeannin's brilliant cross wide of Howard's goal after being left unmarked six yards out. After Rooney had completely messed up a free-kick 20 yards out Taylor showed him how it should be done, his stunning drive from distance forcing a flying stop from Howard. The home crowd were baying for a goal and they did get the ball into the net only for Devine's low effort to be ruled out for an obvious offside. The persistent Rooney eventually rounded Jones with three minutes to go and slotted into an empty net to book a home tie with Middlesbrough in the fourth round...Jones, Hiley, Sawyer, Gaia, Jeannin, Moxey, Taylor (Martin 89), Ampadu (Afful 69), Clay, Flack (Edwards 74), Devine. Subs Not Used: Rice, Todd...Ampadu, Clay...Howard, Phil Neville, Gary Neville, O'Shea, Fortune, Giggs (Saha 70), Miller (Fletcher 66), Scholes, Djemba-Djemba (Silvestre 80), Ronaldo, Rooney. Subs Not Used: Ricardo, Bellion...Ronaldo 9, Rooney 87...9,033...P Dowd (Staffordshire).
United sensed a chance to finish the tie as a contest early on and Ronaldo blazed over before Jones saved well from Scholes and then Rooney.Ronaldo 9, Rooney 87.United boss Sir Alex Ferguson was taking few chances after their 0-0 draw in the first game and he handed starts to Paul Scholes and Ryan as well as Ronaldo and Rooney.United wasted a host of chances to make it safe as Jones made some great saves, but Wayne Rooney put the tie beyond doubt late on with a cool finish.In stoppage time Exeter created their best chance as Alex Jeannin swung in a cross from the left that Devine managed to flick goalwards, but the ball flew wide of Howard's goal.Exeter had chances of their own, Sean Devine twice volleying wide and Andrew Taylor forcing Tim Howard to save.Jones, Hiley, Sawyer, Gaia, Jeannin, Moxey, Taylor (Martin 89), Ampadu (Afful 69), Clay, Flack (Edwards 74), Devine.Cristiano Ronaldo scored the opener, slipping the ball between Paul Jones' legs after just nine minutes.Scholes played a lovely pass in to Ronaldo on the left-hand side of the six-yard box and the Portuguese winger slid the ball between the legs of Jones to open the scoring.Howard, Phil Neville, Gary Neville, O'Shea, Fortune, Giggs (Saha 70), Miller (Fletcher 66), Scholes, Djemba-Djemba (Silvestre 80), Ronaldo, Rooney.
England coach faces rap after row..England coach Andy Robinson is facing disciplinary action after criticising referee Jonathan Kaplan in his side's Six Nations defeat to Ireland...The Rugby Football Union (RFU) will investigate Robinson after deciding not to lodge a complaint against Kaplan. Robinson may even have to apologise for his comments in order to avoid sanction from the International Rugby Board. Robinson had said he was "livid" about Kaplan's decisions on Saturday to disallow two England "tries." The England coach went on to claim that "only one side was refereed"...After reviewing tapes of the match, the RFU decided not to formally complain to the IRB over the standard of Kaplan's refereeing. Instead the RFU said in a statement they would, "set out any concerns the England team management may have in a confidential manner"...An IRB spokesman said on the matter: "We take all breaches of the code very seriously. "Should the RFU resolve the issue to our satisfaction, as happened last month when the Scotland coach Matt Williams apologised for remarks made, it would be the end of the matter."..Kaplan has vigorously defended his performance in England's 19-13 defeat at Landsdowne Road and admitted he was "very disappointed" with Robinson's remarks. And the South African has been appointed to take charge of Scotland's match against Wales on 13 March...The RFU recently fined Northampton coach Budge Pountney £2,000 and imposed a six-week ban for his criticism of referee Steve Lander after a Premiership match.
Robinson had said he was "livid" about Kaplan's decisions on Saturday to disallow two England "tries."England coach Andy Robinson is facing disciplinary action after criticising referee Jonathan Kaplan in his side's Six Nations defeat to Ireland.Instead the RFU said in a statement they would, "set out any concerns the England team management may have in a confidential manner".The Rugby Football Union (RFU) will investigate Robinson after deciding not to lodge a complaint against Kaplan.The England coach went on to claim that "only one side was refereed".
Prutton poised for lengthy FA ban..Southampton's David Prutton faces a possible seven-match ban when he goes before the Football Association...The 23-year-old has admitted two charges of improper conduct following his dismissal against Arsenal. The first charge relates to his failure to leave the field promptly, pushing referee Alan Wiley and remonstrating with assistant referee Paul Norman. And the second charge is for using threatening words and/or behaviour to a match official during the 1-1 draw...Paolo di Canio was given a seven-match suspension when he pushed referee Paul Alcock over in a Premiership game between Sheffield Wednesday and Arsenal in 1998. Prutton will be joined at Wednesday's hearing by Saints boss Harry Redknapp, who believes that the FA will throw the book at his player. Redknapp himself sprinted along the touchline to help physio Jim Joyce and coach Denis Rofe shepherd the enraged Prutton away from referee's assistant Norman. "David has made a big mistake and he knows it. I can't condone what he's done. He was out of order but he knows that," said Redknapp. "He's a decent lad. He over-reacted badly for some reason - he had a rush of blood from somewhere. Off the pitch you couldn't meet a nicer lad." Prutton has apologised publicly for his actions and to Arsenal's Robert Pires, who was injured in a wild tackle by the Saints' midfield man...He said: "It's an horrendous situation. I apologise to the ref and linesman, who were only doing their job. "I've also seen what happened to Pires' leg and I'm sorry for that as well." "I apologise for the people who saw it. I know you get lots of kids going to the match now and they don't pay money to see that sort of thing. "It's not a cop-out, but it was all a bit of a blur. Sometimes you react and it's beyond your control, " added Prutton.
He was out of order but he knows that," said Redknapp.Prutton has apologised publicly for his actions and to Arsenal's Robert Pires, who was injured in a wild tackle by the Saints' midfield man."He's a decent lad."David has made a big mistake and he knows it.Paolo di Canio was given a seven-match suspension when he pushed referee Paul Alcock over in a Premiership game between Sheffield Wednesday and Arsenal in 1998.Prutton will be joined at Wednesday's hearing by Saints boss Harry Redknapp, who believes that the FA will throw the book at his player.Redknapp himself sprinted along the touchline to help physio Jim Joyce and coach Denis Rofe shepherd the enraged Prutton away from referee's assistant Norman.Southampton's David Prutton faces a possible seven-match ban when he goes before the Football Association.I apologise to the ref and linesman, who were only doing their job.
Kewell waits as injury drags on..Liverpool winger Harry Kewell is struggling to recover from his Achilles tendinitis problem and may not recover until March, claims his agent...Kewell, 26, had hoped to play against Fulham last weekend and to be ready for the Champions League tie against Bayer Leverkusen on 22 February. But Bernie Mandic said: "He's had scans which don't show anything substantial. "But despite his best efforts at the moment he simply can't shake off the discomfort and get back on the park."..Mandic continued in the Sydney Morning Herald: "Harry's struggling a bit but the club are doing everything they can to get him right. "Harry was desperate to be fit for the Fulham game as part of his plan to play himself in for the Leverkusen match." Kewell has not played since December 19 and misses out on international duty this week, with Australia facing South Africa in Durban on Wednesday.
Kewell, 26, had hoped to play against Fulham last weekend and to be ready for the Champions League tie against Bayer Leverkusen on 22 February.Mandic continued in the Sydney Morning Herald: "Harry's struggling a bit but the club are doing everything they can to get him right."Harry was desperate to be fit for the Fulham game as part of his plan to play himself in for the Leverkusen match."
Collins to compete in Birmingham..World and Commonwealth 100m champion Kim Collins will compete in the 60m at the Norwich Union Grand Prix in Birmingham on 18 February...The St Kitts and Nevis star joins British Olympic relay gold medallists Jason Gardener and Mark Lewis-Francis. Sydney Olympic 100m champion and world indoor record holder Maurice Greene and Athens Olympic 100m silver medallist Francis Obikwelu will also take part. Collins ran in Birmingham at the 2003 World Indoor Championships. "I'm looking forward to competing against such a strong field," he said. "I got a great reception form the crowd at the NIA when I won my 60m world indoor silver medal in 2003 and it will be really exciting to return to this venue." The world champion says he's in good shape but he isn't underestimating the home competition. "Jason Gardener and Mark Lewis-Francis are Olympic gold medallists now and I'm sure they'll be aiming to win in front of their home supporters. "I'm looking forward to competing against Britain's best sprinters and I'm sure the 60 metres will be one of the most exciting races of the evening." Collins was sixth in the Olympic final in Athens but is hoping for a better result at the World Championships in Finland this summer. "This will be a big year for me and I plan to defend my 100m world title in Helsinki in August. Before then I want to perform well over 60m indoors and start my year in winning form."
Collins ran in Birmingham at the 2003 World Indoor Championships.Sydney Olympic 100m champion and world indoor record holder Maurice Greene and Athens Olympic 100m silver medallist Francis Obikwelu will also take part."Jason Gardener and Mark Lewis-Francis are Olympic gold medallists now and I'm sure they'll be aiming to win in front of their home supporters.Collins was sixth in the Olympic final in Athens but is hoping for a better result at the World Championships in Finland this summer.World and Commonwealth 100m champion Kim Collins will compete in the 60m at the Norwich Union Grand Prix in Birmingham on 18 February.
Sprinter Walker quits athletics..Former European 200m champion Dougie Walker is to retire from athletics after a series of six operations left him struggling for fitness...Walker had hoped to compete in the New Year Sprint which is staged at Musselburgh Racecourse near Edinburgh on Tuesday and Wednesday. The 31-year-old Scot was suspended for two years in 1998 after testing positive for nandrolone. "I had intended to race but I'm running like a goon," said Walker. He told the Herald newspaper: "I'm not in great shape, after missing about a month of training. "I missed a big chunk of speed work over about three weeks, and then another week working in America. "If I'd had a half-decent mark it might have motivated me more, but I won't be racing. "I still enjoy training, but feel it's time to move on, and concentrate on a career."
"I had intended to race but I'm running like a goon," said Walker.Walker had hoped to compete in the New Year Sprint which is staged at Musselburgh Racecourse near Edinburgh on Tuesday and Wednesday.He told the Herald newspaper: "I'm not in great shape, after missing about a month of training.Former European 200m champion Dougie Walker is to retire from athletics after a series of six operations left him struggling for fitness.
Wenger steps up row..Arsene Wenger has stepped up his feud with Sir Alex Ferguson by claiming the Manchester United manager is guilty of bringing football into disrepute...The pair's long-running row was put back in the headlines on Saturday when Ferguson said his Arsenal counterpart was "a disgrace". Wenger initially refused to bite back, saying only: "I will never answer any questions any more about this man." But now he claims Ferguson should be punished by the Football Association. The latest twist in the Ferguson-Wenger saga came on Saturday when the United boss, in an interview with The Independent newspaper, discussed the events after the game between the two sides in October. United won 2-0 that day, at Old Trafford, but the game was followed by a now notorious food fight which saw Ferguson's clothes covered in soup and pizza. The sides meet again at Highbury on 1 February. "In the tunnel Wenger was criticising my players, calling them cheats, so I told him to leave them alone and behave himself," Ferguson said on Saturday. "He ran at me with hands raised saying 'what do you want to do about it?' "To not apologise for the behaviour of the players to another manager is unthinkable. It's a disgrace, but I don't expect Wenger to ever apologise, he's that type of person."..Those allegations were put to Wenger after Saturday's game at Bolton, which Arsenal lost to slip 10 points behind Chelsea in the title race. At first he said only: "I've always been consistent with that story and told you nothing happened. "If he has to talk, he talks. If he wants to make a newspaper article, he makes a newspaper article. "He doesn't interest me and doesn't matter to me at all. I will never answer to any provocation from him any more. "He does what he likes in England anyway. He can go abroad one day and see how it is." But later on Saturday, according to The Independent, Wenger spoke to a smaller group of reporters and expanded on his reaction. "I have no diplomatic relations with him," the Arsenal boss is quoted as saying. "What I don't understand is that he does what he wants and you (the press) are all at his feet..."The situation (concerning the food fight) has been judged and there is a game going on in a month. "The managers have a responsibility to protect the game before the game. But in England you are only punished for what you say after the game. "Now the whole story starts again. I don't go into that game. We play football. I am a football manager and I love football above all ... no matter what people say." Reminded that Ferguson called him "a disgrace", Wenger added: "I don't respond to anything. In England you have a good phrase. It is 'bringing the game into disrepute'. "But that is not only after a game, it is as well before a game."..Ferguson had also claimed that United chief executive David Gill and Arsenal vice-chairman David Dein had agreed at boardroom level not to discuss the incident in public. But Ferguson added: "In the ensuing weeks all you got was a diatribe from Arsenal about being kicked off the pitch and all that nonsense. Gill phoned Dein three times to complain but nothing was done. "The return is on 1 February and they will come out with another diatribe. "David Gill and I feel we should set the record straight because Arsenal have not written to us to apologise and we would not let that happen here." Meanwhile, the League Managers Association have offered to act as peacemakers in the hope of resolving the on-going row. During that stormy game in October, United striker Ruud van Nistelrooy caught Arsenal's Ashley Cole with one particularly strong tackle. Wenger later accused Van Nistelrooy of "cheating" and was fined £15,000 and "severely reprimanded" by the Football Association. Ferguson admitted on Saturday that Van Nistelrooy's tackle, which earned the Dutchman a ban, "could have given (Cole) a serious injury", but he believes Arsenal were the main aggressors..."Wenger is always complaining the match was not played in the right spirit," he added. "They are the worst losers of all time, they don't know how to lose. Maybe it is just Manchester United, they don't lose many games to other teams. "We tend to forget the worst disciplinary record of all time was Arsenal's up until last season. In fairness it has improved and now they are seen as paragons of virtue. "But to Wenger it never happens, it is all some dream or nightmare."
I don't go into that game."The managers have a responsibility to protect the game before the game."But that is not only after a game, it is as well before a game."Arsene Wenger has stepped up his feud with Sir Alex Ferguson by claiming the Manchester United manager is guilty of bringing football into disrepute.But in England you are only punished for what you say after the game.The pair's long-running row was put back in the headlines on Saturday when Ferguson said his Arsenal counterpart was "a disgrace".Maybe it is just Manchester United, they don't lose many games to other teams.Wenger later accused Van Nistelrooy of "cheating" and was fined £15,000 and "severely reprimanded" by the Football Association.Reminded that Ferguson called him "a disgrace", Wenger added: "I don't respond to anything."In the tunnel Wenger was criticising my players, calling them cheats, so I told him to leave them alone and behave himself," Ferguson said on Saturday.It is 'bringing the game into disrepute'.Those allegations were put to Wenger after Saturday's game at Bolton, which Arsenal lost to slip 10 points behind Chelsea in the title race.But now he claims Ferguson should be punished by the Football Association.But Ferguson added: "In the ensuing weeks all you got was a diatribe from Arsenal about being kicked off the pitch and all that nonsense.United won 2-0 that day, at Old Trafford, but the game was followed by a now notorious food fight which saw Ferguson's clothes covered in soup and pizza.The latest twist in the Ferguson-Wenger saga came on Saturday when the United boss, in an interview with The Independent newspaper, discussed the events after the game between the two sides in October."Wenger is always complaining the match was not played in the right spirit," he added.It's a disgrace, but I don't expect Wenger to ever apologise, he's that type of person."I am a football manager and I love football above all ... no matter what people say.""The situation (concerning the food fight) has been judged and there is a game going on in a month.
Dawson joins England injury list..Scrum-half Matt Dawson is an injury doubt for England's Six Nations opener against Wales next weekend...The World Cup winner missed Wasps' 12-9 loss to Bath on Saturday after injuring his right calf. Wasps coach Warren Gatland said: "He's got a fitness test in the week but he's got a good chance of playing." Gloucester's Andy Hazell and Leicester star Lewis Moody also received knocks during their respective league matches, but should be fit for Wales next week. If Dawson is not fit to face Wales, Robinson will have to choose from Gloucester's Andy Gomarsall or Leicester youngster Harry Ellis...Jamie Noon is another player on the sidelines after he limped off in the first half against Saracens on Friday with a dead leg. The centre, who is in line for a first Six Nations start against Wales, will have to wait 48 hours before knowing the state of his injury.
Gloucester's Andy Hazell and Leicester star Lewis Moody also received knocks during their respective league matches, but should be fit for Wales next week.Scrum-half Matt Dawson is an injury doubt for England's Six Nations opener against Wales next weekend.The centre, who is in line for a first Six Nations start against Wales, will have to wait 48 hours before knowing the state of his injury.
Brizzel to run AAA's in Sheffield..Ballymena sprinter Paul Brizzel will be among eight of Ireland's European Indoor hopefuls competing in this weekend's AAA's Championships...US-based Alistair Cragg and Mark Carroll are the only Irish athletes selected so far for the Europeans who will not run in Sheffield. Brizzel will defend his 200m title in the British trials. In-form James McIlroy will hope to confirm his place in the British team for Madrid by winning the 800m title. McIlroy has been in tremendous form on the European circuit in recent weeks. He is one of the fastest 800m runners in the world this winter and already seems assured of a place in Madrid. Corkman Mark Carroll confirmed in midweek that he would join Cragg in the European Championships. Carroll is ranked number three in the world 3000m ranking at the moment with Cragg occupying top spot. Meanwhile, nine-times champion Dermot Donnelly will not be coming out of retirement to compete in the Northern Ireland Cross Country Championships in Coleraine on Saturday. An injury crisis in the Annadale Striders squad led to Donnelly being entered by coach John McLaughlin but the athlete told BBC Sport on Friday evening that he would not be running. Willowfield's Paul Rowan will go in as individual favourite but Annadale could have a tough job holding on to their team title as Andrew Dunwoody and Noel Pollock are unlikely to run.
Corkman Mark Carroll confirmed in midweek that he would join Cragg in the European Championships.In-form James McIlroy will hope to confirm his place in the British team for Madrid by winning the 800m title.US-based Alistair Cragg and Mark Carroll are the only Irish athletes selected so far for the Europeans who will not run in Sheffield.Ballymena sprinter Paul Brizzel will be among eight of Ireland's European Indoor hopefuls competing in this weekend's AAA's Championships.Brizzel will defend his 200m title in the British trials.
Wasps 31-37 Leicester..Leicester withstood a stunning Wasps comeback to win a pulsating Heineken Cup encounter at the Causeway Stadium...The Tigers stormed 22-6 ahead within 18 minutes through tries from Lewis Moody, Geordan Murphy and Martin Corry. European champions Wasps fought back through a Josh Lewsey try and Mark van Gisbergen's boot, and they were level at 31-31 with five minutes remaining. But it was the visitors who kept their cool as Andy Goode kicked the Tigers to victory with a penalty and a drop goal. The closing moments saw desperate defence from Leicester as Wasps turned down several penalties to go for the try they needed. Wasps pounded the line and a penalty try looked likely before referee Nigel Williams controversially blew for full-time. Fly-half Goode was the Tigers hero, kicking 22 points in total, while Leicester's overwhelming domination in the scrums ultimately told. Even their lack of discipline in defence - which presented the admirable Van Ginsberg with 26 points - could not undo them as they held out for a famous win...Lawrence Dallaglio's team have now got it all to do in the quest for a quarter-final place given that two of their last three games are away - against Leicester and Biarritz. However, Wasps rugby director Warren Gatland warned his side will will not relinquish their European title without a fight. "If we lose next week, then we are struggling," said Gatland. "But we don't want to give this trophy away. We worked so hard to win it last season, we will go down fighting. "We have got to get our scrum right next week, it is the biggest cause for concern." Leicester coach John Wells saluted the outstanding work of Graham Rowntree and Julian White, who were magnificent up front. "They were the backbone of our performance today," said Wells. "And to score three tries against the European champions at home was also something I am pleased about."..Van Gisbergen; Lewsey, Erinle, Abbott, Voyce; King, Dawson; Dowd, Greening, Green; Shaw, Birkett; Worsley, O'Connor, Dallaglio (capt)...Replacements: Gotting, McKenzie, Lock, Hart, Biljon, Brooks, Hoadley...Murphy; Rabeni, Smith, Gibson, Healey; Goode, Ellis; Rowntree, Chuter, White, M Johnson (capt), L Deacon; Moody, Back, Corry...Replacements (from): Buckland/Cockerill, Morris, Kay, W Johnson/B Deacon, H Tuilagi, Bemand, A Tuiliagi, Lloyd, Vesty.
The closing moments saw desperate defence from Leicester as Wasps turned down several penalties to go for the try they needed.European champions Wasps fought back through a Josh Lewsey try and Mark van Gisbergen's boot, and they were level at 31-31 with five minutes remaining."And to score three tries against the European champions at home was also something I am pleased about."Murphy; Rabeni, Smith, Gibson, Healey; Goode, Ellis; Rowntree, Chuter, White, M Johnson (capt), L Deacon; Moody, Back, Corry.The Tigers stormed 22-6 ahead within 18 minutes through tries from Lewis Moody, Geordan Murphy and Martin Corry.Leicester withstood a stunning Wasps comeback to win a pulsating Heineken Cup encounter at the Causeway Stadium.Wasps pounded the line and a penalty try looked likely before referee Nigel Williams controversially blew for full-time.Lawrence Dallaglio's team have now got it all to do in the quest for a quarter-final place given that two of their last three games are away - against Leicester and Biarritz."If we lose next week, then we are struggling," said Gatland.
Clijsters hope on Aussie Open..Kim Clijsters has denied reports that she has pulled out of January's Australian Open because of her persistent wrist injury...Open chief Paul McNamee had said: "Kim's wrist obviously isn't going to be rehabilitated." But her spokesman insisted she had simply delayed submitting her entry. "The doctors are assessing her injury on a weekly basis and if there is no risk she could play. But if there's the least risk she will stay away." Despite being absent from the WTA entry list for the tournament, which begins on 17 January, Clijsters would be certain to get a wild card if she requested one. Clijsters is still ranked 22nd in the world despite only playing a handful of matches last season. The Belgian had an operation on her left wrist early in the season but injured it again on her return to the tour. Meanwhile, Jelena Dokic, who used to compete for Australia, has opted out of the first Grand Slam of the season. Dokic has not played in the Australian Open since 2001 when she lost in the first round. But the 21-year-old would have had to rely on a wild card next season because her ranking has tumbled to 127th. Four-time champion Monica Seles, who has not played since last year's French Open, is another absentee because of an injured left foot.
Kim Clijsters has denied reports that she has pulled out of January's Australian Open because of her persistent wrist injury.Dokic has not played in the Australian Open since 2001 when she lost in the first round.Four-time champion Monica Seles, who has not played since last year's French Open, is another absentee because of an injured left foot.But the 21-year-old would have had to rely on a wild card next season because her ranking has tumbled to 127th.Meanwhile, Jelena Dokic, who used to compete for Australia, has opted out of the first Grand Slam of the season.
Edwards tips Idowu for Euro gold..World outdoor triple jump record holder and BBC pundit Jonathan Edwards believes Phillips Idowu can take gold at the European Indoor Championships...Idowu landed 17.30m at the British trials in Sheffield last month to lead the world triple jump rankings. "It's all down to him, but if he jumps as well as he did in Sheffield he could win the gold medal," said Edwards. "His ability is undoubted but all his best performances seem to happen in domestic meetings."..Idowu made his breakthrough five years ago but so far has only a Commonwealth silver medal to his name. Edwards himself kept Idowu off top spot at the Manchester Games. But he believes the European Indoors in Madrid represent a chance for the 26-year-old to prove his credentials as Britain's top triple jumper. "He has to start producing at international level and here is the beginning," said Edwards. "Phillips still needs to be much more consistent. I'm sure a victory in Madrid will build up his confidence and self-belief that he can be best in the world." The qualifying round of the men's triple jump in Madrid takes place on Friday with the final scheduled for Saturday. Olympic champion Christian Olsson will not be taking part as he is out for the entire indoor season with an ankle injury.
World outdoor triple jump record holder and BBC pundit Jonathan Edwards believes Phillips Idowu can take gold at the European Indoor Championships.Idowu landed 17.30m at the British trials in Sheffield last month to lead the world triple jump rankings."It's all down to him, but if he jumps as well as he did in Sheffield he could win the gold medal," said Edwards.Edwards himself kept Idowu off top spot at the Manchester Games.The qualifying round of the men's triple jump in Madrid takes place on Friday with the final scheduled for Saturday.
O'Gara revels in Ireland victory..Ireland fly-half Ronan O'Gara hailed his side's 19-13 victory over England as a "special" win...The Munster number 10 kicked a total of 14 points, including two drop goals, to help keep alive their Grand Slam hopes. He told BBC Sport: "We made hard work of it but it's still special to beat England. "I had three chances to win the game but didn't. We have work to do after this but we never take a victory over England lightly." Ireland hooker Shane Byrne echoed O'Gara's comments but admitted the game had been England's best outing in the Six Nations. Byrne said: "It was a really, really hard game but from one to 15 in our team we worked really, really hard. "We just had to stick to our defensive pattern, trust ourselves and trust those around us. All round it was fantastic." Ireland captain Brian O'Driscoll, who scored his side's only try, said: "We are delighted, we felt if we performed well then we would win but with England also having played very well it makes it all the sweeter. "We did get the bounce of the ball and some days that happens and you've just got to jump on the back of it."..Ireland coach Eddie O'Sullivan was surprised that England coach Andy Robinson said he was certain Mark Cueto was onside for a disallowed try just before the break. "Andy was sitting two yards from me and I couldn't see whether he was offside or not so I don't know how Andy could have known," said O'Sullivan..."What I do know is that England played well and when that happens it makes a very good victory for us. "We had to defend for long periods and that is all good for the confidence of the team. "I think our try was very well worked, it was a gem, as good a try as we have scored for a while." O'Sullivan also rejected Robinson's contention England dominated the forward play. "I think we lost one lineout and they lost four or five so I don't know how that adds up to domination," he said. O'Driscoll also insisted Ireland were happy to handle the pressure of being considered favourites to win the Six Nations title. "This season for the first time we have been able to play with the favourites' tag," he said. "Hopefully we have proved that today and can continue to keep doing so. "As for my try it was a move we had worked on all week. There was a bit of magic from Geordan Murphy and it was a great break from Denis Hickie."
Ireland coach Eddie O'Sullivan was surprised that England coach Andy Robinson said he was certain Mark Cueto was onside for a disallowed try just before the break."I think our try was very well worked, it was a gem, as good a try as we have scored for a while.""What I do know is that England played well and when that happens it makes a very good victory for us.Ireland captain Brian O'Driscoll, who scored his side's only try, said: "We are delighted, we felt if we performed well then we would win but with England also having played very well it makes it all the sweeter."Andy was sitting two yards from me and I couldn't see whether he was offside or not so I don't know how Andy could have known," said O'Sullivan."As for my try it was a move we had worked on all week.Ireland fly-half Ronan O'Gara hailed his side's 19-13 victory over England as a "special" win.There was a bit of magic from Geordan Murphy and it was a great break from Denis Hickie."Byrne said: "It was a really, really hard game but from one to 15 in our team we worked really, really hard.All round it was fantastic."
South Africa sweep top awards..South Africa's Schalk Burger was named player of the year as the Tri-Nations champions swept the top honours at the International Rugby Board's awards...The flanker topped a list which included Ireland star Gordon D'Arcy and Australian sensation Matt Giteau. Jake White claimed the coaching award while his side held off Grand Slam winners France to take the team award. England player Simon Amor beat team-mate Ben Gollings and Argentine Lucio Lopez Fleming to win the sevens award. Burger's award came just a week after he won the equivalent prize from his fellow international players and White, who also coached Burger at under-21 level, paid tribute to him. "Schalk's emergence as a major force has meant a lot to South African rugby, but has also influenced world rugby," said White. "He's become to South African rugby what Jonty Rhodes was to South African cricket. It's amazing what he has achieved in such a short time so far in his international career." Amor, who will captain England in this season's opening IRB Sevens tournament, the Dubai Sevens, which start on Thursday, was delighted with his award. "There are so many great sevens players on the circuit at the moment that this is a genuine honour," said the Gloucester fly-half.
South Africa's Schalk Burger was named player of the year as the Tri-Nations champions swept the top honours at the International Rugby Board's awards."Schalk's emergence as a major force has meant a lot to South African rugby, but has also influenced world rugby," said White.Burger's award came just a week after he won the equivalent prize from his fellow international players and White, who also coached Burger at under-21 level, paid tribute to him.England player Simon Amor beat team-mate Ben Gollings and Argentine Lucio Lopez Fleming to win the sevens award.
Hewitt survives Nalbandian epic..Home favourite Lleyton Hewitt came through a dramatic five-set battle with Argentine David Nalbandian to reach the Australian Open semi-finals...Hewitt looked to be cruising to victory after racing into a two-set lead. But Nalbandian broke his serve three times in both of the next two sets to set up a nailbiting decider. Hewitt eventually grabbed the vital break in the 17th game and served out to win 6-3 6-2 1-6 3-6 10-8 and set up a meeting with Andy Roddick. The winner of that match will face either Roger Federer or Marat Safin in the final. Ninth seed Nalbandian had never come back from two sets down to win a match, and there was no indication he would do so as Hewitt dominated the first two sets...The Argentine had stoked up the temperature ahead of the match by saying Hewitt's exuberant on-court celebrations were "not very good for the sport". And he had words with Hewitt during one change of ends in the second set when the Australian appeared to brush shoulders with him as they went to their chairs. The balance of power changed completely in the third set as Hewitt allowed his level to dip, and he double-faulted twice as Nalbandian broke on the way to taking the fourth set. But the tiring third seed showed incredible reserves of strength to force the break despite being outplayed for much of the final set and three times coming within two points of defeat. He then produced a love service game to finish off the match in four hours and five minutes. "I just kept hanging in there. It was always tough serving second in the fifth set," said Hewitt, who had never reached the last four at his home Grand Slam. "I told myself to give everything and in the end it paid off once again. "It's a long way from holding that trophy up there but I'm hanging in there. "Only four guys left that can win and we're the top four in the world. It's set up for a pretty good showdown in the semis and finals."
Ninth seed Nalbandian had never come back from two sets down to win a match, and there was no indication he would do so as Hewitt dominated the first two sets.The balance of power changed completely in the third set as Hewitt allowed his level to dip, and he double-faulted twice as Nalbandian broke on the way to taking the fourth set.But Nalbandian broke his serve three times in both of the next two sets to set up a nailbiting decider.It was always tough serving second in the fifth set," said Hewitt, who had never reached the last four at his home Grand Slam.And he had words with Hewitt during one change of ends in the second set when the Australian appeared to brush shoulders with him as they went to their chairs.Hewitt eventually grabbed the vital break in the 17th game and served out to win 6-3 6-2 1-6 3-6 10-8 and set up a meeting with Andy Roddick.It's set up for a pretty good showdown in the semis and finals."
Zambia confident and cautious..Zambia's technical director, Kalusha Bwalya is confident and cautious ahead of the Cosafa Cup final against Angola on Saturday in Lusaka...Bwalya said: "Nothing short of victory will do." However Bwalya warned his side not to be too complacent. "I don't want my team to be too comfortable or too sure of victory as it is going to be a difficult game. "For me the main aim of the game is to enjoy and to win." Zambia have shown their determination to win this final by recalling nine of their foreign-based players. However the 41 year-old Bwalya, who became the oldest player to appear in the competition when he played and scored against Mauritius, is uncertain whether he will take to the field or not. The Chipolopolo fans however are not being so cautious with a 'victory' concert already scheduled for after the match featuring some of the country's top musicians. Both sides are hoping to win the competition for a record third time, and so keep the trophy for good. The Chipolopolo won the first two editions of the regional tournament for Southern African nations in 1997 and 1998. They were prevented from a third straight win by Angola who knocked out the Zambians at the semi-final stage in 1999. That victory for Angola also marked a first defeat in 14 years for Zambia at Lusaka's Independence stadium, where Saturday's game is being played. Angola named just four overseas-based players in their preliminary squad. The Palancas Negras have been unable to secure the release of many of their Portugal-based players.
That victory for Angola also marked a first defeat in 14 years for Zambia at Lusaka's Independence stadium, where Saturday's game is being played.Bwalya said: "Nothing short of victory will do."However Bwalya warned his side not to be too complacent.They were prevented from a third straight win by Angola who knocked out the Zambians at the semi-final stage in 1999.Zambia have shown their determination to win this final by recalling nine of their foreign-based players.Zambia's technical director, Kalusha Bwalya is confident and cautious ahead of the Cosafa Cup final against Angola on Saturday in Lusaka.
Injury doubts beset Wales squad..Wales have a clutch of injury worries before Wednesday's international friendly against Hungary in Cardiff...West Ham's Gavin Williams (ankle) looks certain to be out, so uncapped Wrexham defender Stephen Roberts is drafted in. Defenders Danny Gabbidon and Gareth Roberts, plus Ryan Giggs have hamstring concerns, while there are also doubts over Robbie Savage (groin). However, Manchester United winger Giggs is expected to recover in time to earn his 50th cap at the Millennium Stadium. There were also doubts over Gabbidon's fellow Cardiff defender Rhys Weston, but the full-back appears to have shrugged off the knock he picked up in the Bluebirds' 1-0 loss to West Ham on Sunday. The news leaves Wales boss John Toshack short in defence for his first game in charge, with Aston Villa's Mark Delaney injured and James Collins with the Under-21s. That could clear the way for new faces Danny Collins and Dave Partridge to make their Wales debuts...Coyne (Burnley), Jones (Wolves), Roberts (Wrexham), Collins (Sunderland), Edwards (Wolves), Gabbidon (Cardiff), Page (Cardiff), Partridge (Motherwell), Ricketts (Swansea), Roberts (Tranmere), Weston (Cardiff), Davies (Tottenham), Fletcher (West Ham), Giggs (Man Utd), Koumas (West Brom), Robinson (Sunderland), Savage (Blackburn), Williams (West Ham), Bellamy (Newcastle), Earnshaw (West Brom), Hartson (Celtic).
Coyne (Burnley), Jones (Wolves), Roberts (Wrexham), Collins (Sunderland), Edwards (Wolves), Gabbidon (Cardiff), Page (Cardiff), Partridge (Motherwell), Ricketts (Swansea), Roberts (Tranmere), Weston (Cardiff), Davies (Tottenham), Fletcher (West Ham), Giggs (Man Utd), Koumas (West Brom), Robinson (Sunderland), Savage (Blackburn), Williams (West Ham), Bellamy (Newcastle), Earnshaw (West Brom), Hartson (Celtic).There were also doubts over Gabbidon's fellow Cardiff defender Rhys Weston, but the full-back appears to have shrugged off the knock he picked up in the Bluebirds' 1-0 loss to West Ham on Sunday.Defenders Danny Gabbidon and Gareth Roberts, plus Ryan Giggs have hamstring concerns, while there are also doubts over Robbie Savage (groin).West Ham's Gavin Williams (ankle) looks certain to be out, so uncapped Wrexham defender Stephen Roberts is drafted in.
Hewitt overcomes wobble in Sydney..Lleyton Hewitt gave himself the perfect preparation for next week's Australian Open with victory over Ivo Minar in the final of the Sydney International...The defending champion brushed aside the Czech qualifier 7-5 6-0. The Australian world number three strolled to the first five games of the match but was shocked as Minar won the next five. The top seed was rattled but recovered to close out the set and raced to victory in exactly an hour. "It was a strange match . . . momentum swings," said Hewitt. "I felt like I came out of the blocks extremely well, but then he loosened up a bit. "When he got back to 5-5, I had to try to settle down and take it up a notch, and I was able to do that."..Hewitt has now lifted the Sydney title four times in the last six years. "It just keeps getting better and better every year," Hewitt said. "I've only played this tournament four times and I've won it four times." Hewitt went into the final as a short-priced favourite to clinch his 24th career title after dropping only one set all week. He is set to meet Frenchman Arnaud Clement in the first round of the Australian Open. Minar, ranked 158th in the world, was forced to pull out of the Australian Open qualifying draw to play in his first ATP final. "For me, this was a big success," said the 20-year-old. "I was so nervous last night I couldn't sleep. I've never played a top-10 player before. "I wanted to play qualifying in Melbourne, but it's Saturday and I'm still here. But this is a main draw and I need the points and the money." Alicia Molik takes on Samantha Stosur in an all-Australian women's final later on Saturday.
Minar, ranked 158th in the world, was forced to pull out of the Australian Open qualifying draw to play in his first ATP final.Lleyton Hewitt gave himself the perfect preparation for next week's Australian Open with victory over Ivo Minar in the final of the Sydney International.The Australian world number three strolled to the first five games of the match but was shocked as Minar won the next five."For me, this was a big success," said the 20-year-old."It was a strange match .The top seed was rattled but recovered to close out the set and raced to victory in exactly an hour.Hewitt has now lifted the Sydney title four times in the last six years."I was so nervous last night I couldn't sleep.Hewitt went into the final as a short-priced favourite to clinch his 24th career title after dropping only one set all week.
Safin relieved at Aussie recovery..Marat Safin admitted he thought he was suffering another Australian Open final nightmare when he lost the opening set to Lleyton Hewitt...The Russian, who lost the 2002 and 2004 finals, fought back brilliantly to win 1-6 6-3 6-4 6-4. "I was nervous and I couldn't play tennis," said Safin. "He started really well. He wasn't as nervous as I was because I was thinking of the two finals that I played and wasn't successful." He added: "You really have to deal with the pressure because normally it never happens but when you come to the final you are so tight because you want to win. "I tried to play some tennis but I couldn't. He has huge experience, he's won two Grand Slam titles, he's won 24 titles, he's a great player and he deals with pressure."..From 4-1 down in the third set, Safin played some of his best tennis to reel off seven games and take control of the match. "In the third set, just all of a sudden, it all turn around completely in a way I couldn't expect," said Safin. "Because he made a couple of mistakes, I was a little bit lucky at some point, then the confidence came back and I was back in the game." And the Russian revealed that the victory, and his semi-final win over world number one Roger Federer, had given him a massive boost for the future. "You get huge confidence because Roger is a great player," said Safin. "Once I beat him, and then Lleyton, it's like you get so much confidence in yourself that you really can play great. "You can win big titles and you can beat huge players in the finals and semi-finals."
"I was nervous and I couldn't play tennis," said Safin."You get huge confidence because Roger is a great player," said Safin."Once I beat him, and then Lleyton, it's like you get so much confidence in yourself that you really can play great.Marat Safin admitted he thought he was suffering another Australian Open final nightmare when he lost the opening set to Lleyton Hewitt."You can win big titles and you can beat huge players in the finals and semi-finals.""In the third set, just all of a sudden, it all turn around completely in a way I couldn't expect," said Safin.
Thanou desperate to make return..Greek sprinter Katerina Thanou says she is eager to compete again after being cleared of missing a drugs test by an independent Greek tribunal...Thanou, 30, was provisionally suspended for missing a test before the Olympics, but the decision was overturned. "The IAAF will decide if we can compete again in Greece and abroad," Thanou told To Vima newspaper in her first interview since the Athens Olympics. "If given the green light I will run again - that's the only thing I want." Thanou, 30, and her compatriot Kostas Kenteris were provisionally suspended by the IAAF in December for missing three drugs tests. The third was alleged to have been on the eve of the opening ceremony of the Athens Olympics...But an independent tribunal of the Greek Athletics Federation overturned the provisional ban on 18 March. The IAAF - which said it was "very surprised" by the decision of the Greek tribunal - is deciding whether to appeal against the decision at the Court of Arbitration for Sport. However, Dick Pound, the chairman of the World Anti-Doping Authority, has said he will appeal against the decision if the IAAF does not. And Thanou and Kenteris face a criminal trial later this year for allegedly avoiding the test and then faking a motorcycle accident. Thanou said: "I can see how people can think the accident seemed like a childish excuse. "I cannot deny that we made a lot of mistakes during that time. I always said we needed a PR person. "An athlete would have to be very stupid to take illegal substances when he or she knows that they will undergo tests at any given moment. "I am a champion. I cannot risk everything I've achieved in such a silly way."
Thanou, 30, was provisionally suspended for missing a test before the Olympics, but the decision was overturned.The IAAF - which said it was "very surprised" by the decision of the Greek tribunal - is deciding whether to appeal against the decision at the Court of Arbitration for Sport.Greek sprinter Katerina Thanou says she is eager to compete again after being cleared of missing a drugs test by an independent Greek tribunal.Thanou, 30, and her compatriot Kostas Kenteris were provisionally suspended by the IAAF in December for missing three drugs tests."The IAAF will decide if we can compete again in Greece and abroad," Thanou told To Vima newspaper in her first interview since the Athens Olympics."I cannot deny that we made a lot of mistakes during that time.I cannot risk everything I've achieved in such a silly way."