def moving_average ( arr : np . ndarray , n : int = 3 ) -> np . ndarray : ret = np . cumsum ( arr , dtype = float ) ret [ n : ] = ret [ n : ] - ret [ : - n ] return ret [ n - 1 : ] / n
python list comprehension moving average
Calculate the moving overage over an array .
def moving_average(arr: np.ndarray, n: int = 3) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate the moving overage over an array. Algorithm from: Args: arr (np.ndarray): Array over which to calculate the moving average. n (int): Number of elements over which to calculate the moving average. Default: 3 Returns: np.ndarray: Moving average calculated over n. """ ret = np.cumsum(arr, dtype=float) ret[n:] = ret[n:] - ret[:-n] return ret[n - 1:] / n
def truncate ( value : Decimal , n_digits : int ) -> Decimal : return Decimal ( math . trunc ( value * ( 10 ** n_digits ) ) ) / ( 10 ** n_digits )
how to truncate decimals python
Truncates a value to a number of decimals places
def truncate(value: Decimal, n_digits: int) -> Decimal: """Truncates a value to a number of decimals places""" return Decimal(math.trunc(value * (10 ** n_digits))) / (10 ** n_digits)
def rmglob ( pattern : str ) -> None : for f in glob . glob ( pattern ) : os . remove ( f )
python delete all files with certain extension
Deletes all files whose filename matches the glob pattern ( via : func : glob . glob ) .
def rmglob(pattern: str) -> None: """ Deletes all files whose filename matches the glob ``pattern`` (via :func:`glob.glob`). """ for f in glob.glob(pattern): os.remove(f)
def singularize ( word ) : for inflection in UNCOUNTABLES : if re . search ( r'(?i)\b(%s)\Z' % inflection , word ) : return word for rule , replacement in SINGULARS : if re . search ( rule , word ) : return re . sub ( rule , replacement , word ) return word
python change plural to singular
Return the singular form of a word the reverse of : func : pluralize .
def singularize(word): """ Return the singular form of a word, the reverse of :func:`pluralize`. Examples:: >>> singularize("posts") "post" >>> singularize("octopi") "octopus" >>> singularize("sheep") "sheep" >>> singularize("word") "word" >>> singularize("CamelOctopi") "CamelOctopus" """ for inflection in UNCOUNTABLES: if'(?i)\b(%s)\Z' % inflection, word): return word for rule, replacement in SINGULARS: if, word): return re.sub(rule, replacement, word) return word
def astensor ( array : TensorLike ) -> BKTensor : tensor = tf . convert_to_tensor ( value = array , dtype = CTYPE ) return tensor
how to pytorch tensors can be converted to python scalars
Covert numpy array to tensorflow tensor
def astensor(array: TensorLike) -> BKTensor: """Covert numpy array to tensorflow tensor""" tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=array, dtype=CTYPE) return tensor
def _str_to_list ( value , separator ) : value_list = [ item . strip ( ) for item in value . split ( separator ) ] value_list_sanitized = builtins . list ( filter ( None , value_list ) ) if len ( value_list_sanitized ) > 0 : return value_list_sanitized else : raise ValueError ( 'Invalid list variable.' )
python separate string to list
Convert a string to a list with sanitization .
def _str_to_list(value, separator): """Convert a string to a list with sanitization.""" value_list = [item.strip() for item in value.split(separator)] value_list_sanitized = builtins.list(filter(None, value_list)) if len(value_list_sanitized) > 0: return value_list_sanitized else: raise ValueError('Invalid list variable.')
def hsv2rgb_spectrum ( hsv ) : h , s , v = hsv return hsv2rgb_raw ( ( ( h * 192 ) >> 8 , s , v ) )
python opencv hsv black range
Generates RGB values from HSV values in line with a typical light spectrum .
def hsv2rgb_spectrum(hsv): """Generates RGB values from HSV values in line with a typical light spectrum.""" h, s, v = hsv return hsv2rgb_raw(((h * 192) >> 8, s, v))
def remove_blank_lines ( string ) : return "\n" . join ( line for line in string . split ( "\n" ) if len ( line . strip ( ) ) )
python if string contains space delete space
Removes all blank lines in @string
def remove_blank_lines(string): """ Removes all blank lines in @string -> #str without blank lines """ return "\n".join(line for line in string.split("\n") if len(line.strip()))
def clean ( ctx , text ) : text = conversions . to_string ( text , ctx ) return '' . join ( [ c for c in text if ord ( c ) >= 32 ] )
python remove all instances of a char in a string
Removes all non - printable characters from a text string
def clean(ctx, text): """ Removes all non-printable characters from a text string """ text = conversions.to_string(text, ctx) return ''.join([c for c in text if ord(c) >= 32])
def extend ( a : dict , b : dict ) -> dict : res = a . copy ( ) res . update ( b ) return res
python merge to dic
Merge two dicts and return a new dict . Much like subclassing works .
def extend(a: dict, b: dict) -> dict: """Merge two dicts and return a new dict. Much like subclassing works.""" res = a.copy() res.update(b) return res
def last_location_of_minimum ( x ) : x = np . asarray ( x ) return 1.0 - np . argmin ( x [ : : - 1 ] ) / len ( x ) if len ( x ) > 0 else np . NaN
python minimum of multiple series
Returns the last location of the minimal value of x . The position is calculated relatively to the length of x .
def last_location_of_minimum(x): """ Returns the last location of the minimal value of x. The position is calculated relatively to the length of x. :param x: the time series to calculate the feature of :type x: numpy.ndarray :return: the value of this feature :return type: float """ x = np.asarray(x) return 1.0 - np.argmin(x[::-1]) / len(x) if len(x) > 0 else np.NaN
def snake_to_camel ( s : str ) -> str : fragments = s . split ( '_' ) return fragments [ 0 ] + '' . join ( x . title ( ) for x in fragments [ 1 : ] )
python to title case with apostrophe in string
Convert string from snake case to camel case .
def snake_to_camel(s: str) -> str: """Convert string from snake case to camel case.""" fragments = s.split('_') return fragments[0] + ''.join(x.title() for x in fragments[1:])
def dictlist_wipe_key ( dict_list : Iterable [ Dict ] , key : str ) -> None : for d in dict_list : d . pop ( key , None )
deleting a element from a dictionary python
Process an iterable of dictionaries . For each dictionary d delete d [ key ] if it exists .
def dictlist_wipe_key(dict_list: Iterable[Dict], key: str) -> None: """ Process an iterable of dictionaries. For each dictionary ``d``, delete ``d[key]`` if it exists. """ for d in dict_list: d.pop(key, None)
def is_running ( process_id : int ) -> bool : pstr = str ( process_id ) encoding = sys . getdefaultencoding ( ) s = subprocess . Popen ( [ "ps" , "-p" , pstr ] , stdout = subprocess . PIPE ) for line in s . stdout : strline = line . decode ( encoding ) if pstr in strline : return True return False
use python to check if a process is running
Uses the Unix ps program to see if a process is running .
def is_running(process_id: int) -> bool: """ Uses the Unix ``ps`` program to see if a process is running. """ pstr = str(process_id) encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() s = subprocess.Popen(["ps", "-p", pstr], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in s.stdout: strline = line.decode(encoding) if pstr in strline: return True return False
def _protected_log ( x1 ) : with np . errstate ( divide = 'ignore' , invalid = 'ignore' ) : return np . where ( np . abs ( x1 ) > 0.001 , np . log ( np . abs ( x1 ) ) , 0. )
catch logarithm zero python
Closure of log for zero arguments .
def _protected_log(x1): """Closure of log for zero arguments.""" with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): return np.where(np.abs(x1) > 0.001, np.log(np.abs(x1)), 0.)
def _my_hash ( arg_list ) : # type: (List[Any]) -> int res = 0 for arg in arg_list : res = res * 31 + hash ( arg ) return res
python how to make a list a hashable type
Simple helper hash function
def _my_hash(arg_list): # type: (List[Any]) -> int """Simple helper hash function""" res = 0 for arg in arg_list: res = res * 31 + hash(arg) return res
def is_sqlatype_string ( coltype : Union [ TypeEngine , VisitableType ] ) -> bool : coltype = _coltype_to_typeengine ( coltype ) return isinstance ( coltype , sqltypes . String )
how to check datatype of a column in python
Is the SQLAlchemy column type a string type?
def is_sqlatype_string(coltype: Union[TypeEngine, VisitableType]) -> bool: """ Is the SQLAlchemy column type a string type? """ coltype = _coltype_to_typeengine(coltype) return isinstance(coltype, sqltypes.String)
def has_obstory_metadata ( self , status_id ) : self . con . execute ( 'SELECT 1 FROM archive_metadata WHERE publicId=%s;' , ( status_id , ) ) return len ( self . con . fetchall ( ) ) > 0
python, odbc, ms access check if record exists
Check for the presence of the given metadata item
def has_obstory_metadata(self, status_id): """ Check for the presence of the given metadata item :param string status_id: The metadata item ID :return: True if we have a metadata item with this ID, False otherwise """ self.con.execute('SELECT 1 FROM archive_metadata WHERE publicId=%s;', (status_id,)) return len(self.con.fetchall()) > 0
def has_key ( cls , * args ) : key = args if len ( args ) > 1 else args [ 0 ] return key in cls . _instances
how to check if file exist in key python
Check whether flyweight object with specified key has already been created .
def has_key(cls, *args): """ Check whether flyweight object with specified key has already been created. Returns: bool: True if already created, False if not """ key = args if len(args) > 1 else args[0] return key in cls._instances
def top ( self , topn = 10 ) : return [ self [ i ] for i in argsort ( list ( zip ( * self ) ) [ 1 ] ) [ : : - 1 ] [ : topn ] ]
python top n elements
Get a list of the top topn features in this : class : . Feature \ .
def top(self, topn=10): """ Get a list of the top ``topn`` features in this :class:`.Feature`\. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> myFeature = Feature([('the', 2), ('pine', 1), ('trapezoid', 5)]) >>> [('trapezoid', 5)] Parameters ---------- topn : int Returns ------- list """ return [self[i] for i in argsort(list(zip(*self))[1])[::-1][:topn]]
def require ( executable : str , explanation : str = "" ) -> None : assert shutil . which ( executable ) , "Need {!r} on the PATH.{}" . format ( executable , "\n" + explanation if explanation else "" )
python assert command not found
Ensures that the external tool is available . Asserts upon failure .
def require(executable: str, explanation: str = "") -> None: """ Ensures that the external tool is available. Asserts upon failure. """ assert shutil.which(executable), "Need {!r} on the PATH.{}".format( executable, "\n" + explanation if explanation else "")
def rank ( tensor : BKTensor ) -> int : if isinstance ( tensor , np . ndarray ) : return len ( tensor . shape ) return len ( tensor [ 0 ] . size ( ) )
python length of column 1 of np array
Return the number of dimensions of a tensor
def rank(tensor: BKTensor) -> int: """Return the number of dimensions of a tensor""" if isinstance(tensor, np.ndarray): return len(tensor.shape) return len(tensor[0].size())
def make_indices_to_labels ( labels : Set [ str ] ) -> Dict [ int , str ] : return { index : label for index , label in enumerate ( [ "pad" ] + sorted ( list ( labels ) ) ) }
create a dict with keys as list indices python
Creates a mapping from indices to labels .
def make_indices_to_labels(labels: Set[str]) -> Dict[int, str]: """ Creates a mapping from indices to labels. """ return {index: label for index, label in enumerate(["pad"] + sorted(list(labels)))}
def issubset ( self , other ) : if len ( self ) > len ( other ) : # Fast check for obvious cases return False return all ( item in other for item in self )
how to check if set is subset of another set python
Report whether another set contains this set .
def issubset(self, other): """ Report whether another set contains this set. Example: >>> OrderedSet([1, 2, 3]).issubset({1, 2}) False >>> OrderedSet([1, 2, 3]).issubset({1, 2, 3, 4}) True >>> OrderedSet([1, 2, 3]).issubset({1, 4, 3, 5}) False """ if len(self) > len(other): # Fast check for obvious cases return False return all(item in other for item in self)
def without ( seq1 , seq2 ) : if isSet ( seq2 ) : d2 = seq2 else : d2 = set ( seq2 ) return [ elt for elt in seq1 if elt not in d2 ]
python remove elements from a list not in another list
r Return a list with all elements in seq2 removed from seq1 order preserved .
def without(seq1, seq2): r"""Return a list with all elements in `seq2` removed from `seq1`, order preserved. Examples: >>> without([1,2,3,1,2], [1]) [2, 3, 2] """ if isSet(seq2): d2 = seq2 else: d2 = set(seq2) return [elt for elt in seq1 if elt not in d2]
def read32 ( bytestream ) : dt = np . dtype ( np . uint32 ) . newbyteorder ( '>' ) return np . frombuffer ( bytestream . read ( 4 ) , dtype = dt ) [ 0 ]
python int 8bit data type
Read 4 bytes from bytestream as an unsigned 32 - bit integer .
def read32(bytestream): """Read 4 bytes from bytestream as an unsigned 32-bit integer.""" dt = np.dtype(np.uint32).newbyteorder('>') return np.frombuffer(, dtype=dt)[0]
def _check_stream_timeout ( started , timeout ) : if timeout : elapsed = datetime . datetime . utcnow ( ) - started if elapsed . seconds > timeout : raise StopIteration
try catch block python time limit api
Check if the timeout has been reached and raise a StopIteration if so .
def _check_stream_timeout(started, timeout): """Check if the timeout has been reached and raise a `StopIteration` if so. """ if timeout: elapsed = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - started if elapsed.seconds > timeout: raise StopIteration
def tanimoto_set_similarity ( x : Iterable [ X ] , y : Iterable [ X ] ) -> float : a , b = set ( x ) , set ( y ) union = a | b if not union : return 0.0 return len ( a & b ) / len ( union )
sets and lists in python similarity
Calculate the tanimoto set similarity .
def tanimoto_set_similarity(x: Iterable[X], y: Iterable[X]) -> float: """Calculate the tanimoto set similarity.""" a, b = set(x), set(y) union = a | b if not union: return 0.0 return len(a & b) / len(union)
def _cnx_is_empty ( in_file ) : with open ( in_file ) as in_handle : for i , line in enumerate ( in_handle ) : if i > 0 : return False return True
python how to check if a file is empty or not
Check if cnr or cns files are empty ( only have a header )
def _cnx_is_empty(in_file): """Check if cnr or cns files are empty (only have a header) """ with open(in_file) as in_handle: for i, line in enumerate(in_handle): if i > 0: return False return True
def find_first_in_list ( txt : str , str_list : [ str ] ) -> int : # type: ignore start = len ( txt ) + 1 for item in str_list : if start > txt . find ( item ) > - 1 : start = txt . find ( item ) return start if len ( txt ) + 1 > start > - 1 else - 1
get first character of string in a list python
Returns the index of the earliest occurence of an item from a list in a string
def find_first_in_list(txt: str, str_list: [str]) -> int: # type: ignore """ Returns the index of the earliest occurence of an item from a list in a string Ex: find_first_in_list('foobar', ['bar', 'fin']) -> 3 """ start = len(txt) + 1 for item in str_list: if start > txt.find(item) > -1: start = txt.find(item) return start if len(txt) + 1 > start > -1 else -1
def do_quit ( self , _ : argparse . Namespace ) -> bool : self . _should_quit = True return self . _STOP_AND_EXIT
type quit to exit program python
Exit this application
def do_quit(self, _: argparse.Namespace) -> bool: """Exit this application""" self._should_quit = True return self._STOP_AND_EXIT
def remove_blank_lines ( string ) : return "\n" . join ( line for line in string . split ( "\n" ) if len ( line . strip ( ) ) )
non blank lines python
Removes all blank lines in @string
def remove_blank_lines(string): """ Removes all blank lines in @string -> #str without blank lines """ return "\n".join(line for line in string.split("\n") if len(line.strip()))
def rmglob ( pattern : str ) -> None : for f in glob . glob ( pattern ) : os . remove ( f )
python delete files wildcard
Deletes all files whose filename matches the glob pattern ( via : func : glob . glob ) .
def rmglob(pattern: str) -> None: """ Deletes all files whose filename matches the glob ``pattern`` (via :func:`glob.glob`). """ for f in glob.glob(pattern): os.remove(f)
def remove_empty_text ( utterances : List [ Utterance ] ) -> List [ Utterance ] : return [ utter for utter in utterances if utter . text . strip ( ) != "" ]
python remove word contains list
Remove empty utterances from a list of utterances Args : utterances : The list of utterance we are processing
def remove_empty_text(utterances: List[Utterance]) -> List[Utterance]: """Remove empty utterances from a list of utterances Args: utterances: The list of utterance we are processing """ return [utter for utter in utterances if utter.text.strip() != ""]
def position ( self ) -> Position : return Position ( self . _index , self . _lineno , self . _col_offset )
get cursor position python
The current position of the cursor .
def position(self) -> Position: """The current position of the cursor.""" return Position(self._index, self._lineno, self._col_offset)
def remove_empty_text ( utterances : List [ Utterance ] ) -> List [ Utterance ] : return [ utter for utter in utterances if utter . text . strip ( ) != "" ]
python remove all emptstrings from list
Remove empty utterances from a list of utterances Args : utterances : The list of utterance we are processing
def remove_empty_text(utterances: List[Utterance]) -> List[Utterance]: """Remove empty utterances from a list of utterances Args: utterances: The list of utterance we are processing """ return [utter for utter in utterances if utter.text.strip() != ""]
def _duplicates ( list_ ) : item_indices = { } for i , item in enumerate ( list_ ) : try : item_indices [ item ] . append ( i ) except KeyError : # First time seen item_indices [ item ] = [ i ] return item_indices
python return index of list duplicates
Return dict mapping item - > indices .
def _duplicates(list_): """Return dict mapping item -> indices.""" item_indices = {} for i, item in enumerate(list_): try: item_indices[item].append(i) except KeyError: # First time seen item_indices[item] = [i] return item_indices
def trim_decimals ( s , precision = - 3 ) : encoded = s . encode ( 'ascii' , 'ignore' ) str_val = "" if six . PY3 : str_val = str ( encoded , encoding = 'ascii' , errors = 'ignore' ) [ : precision ] else : # If precision is 0, this must be handled seperately if precision == 0 : str_val = str ( encoded ) else : str_val = str ( encoded ) [ : precision ] if len ( str_val ) > 0 : return float ( str_val ) else : return 0
python set precision on string
Convert from scientific notation using precision
def trim_decimals(s, precision=-3): """ Convert from scientific notation using precision """ encoded = s.encode('ascii', 'ignore') str_val = "" if six.PY3: str_val = str(encoded, encoding='ascii', errors='ignore')[:precision] else: # If precision is 0, this must be handled seperately if precision == 0: str_val = str(encoded) else: str_val = str(encoded)[:precision] if len(str_val) > 0: return float(str_val) else: return 0
def arcball_map_to_sphere ( point , center , radius ) : v0 = ( point [ 0 ] - center [ 0 ] ) / radius v1 = ( center [ 1 ] - point [ 1 ] ) / radius n = v0 * v0 + v1 * v1 if n > 1.0 : # position outside of sphere n = math . sqrt ( n ) return numpy . array ( [ v0 / n , v1 / n , 0.0 ] ) else : return numpy . array ( [ v0 , v1 , math . sqrt ( 1.0 - n ) ] )
calculate a sphere through data points with python
Return unit sphere coordinates from window coordinates .
def arcball_map_to_sphere(point, center, radius): """Return unit sphere coordinates from window coordinates.""" v0 = (point[0] - center[0]) / radius v1 = (center[1] - point[1]) / radius n = v0*v0 + v1*v1 if n > 1.0: # position outside of sphere n = math.sqrt(n) return numpy.array([v0/n, v1/n, 0.0]) else: return numpy.array([v0, v1, math.sqrt(1.0 - n)])
def __remove_trailing_zeros ( self , collection ) : index = len ( collection ) - 1 while index >= 0 and collection [ index ] == 0 : index -= 1 return collection [ : index + 1 ]
python how to remove leading zeroes
Removes trailing zeroes from indexable collection of numbers
def __remove_trailing_zeros(self, collection): """Removes trailing zeroes from indexable collection of numbers""" index = len(collection) - 1 while index >= 0 and collection[index] == 0: index -= 1 return collection[:index + 1]
def flatten_multidict ( multidict ) : return dict ( [ ( key , value if len ( value ) > 1 else value [ 0 ] ) for ( key , value ) in multidict . iterlists ( ) ] )
flatten dic of nested dict python
Return flattened dictionary from MultiDict .
def flatten_multidict(multidict): """Return flattened dictionary from ``MultiDict``.""" return dict([(key, value if len(value) > 1 else value[0]) for (key, value) in multidict.iterlists()])
def is_natural ( x ) : try : is_integer = int ( x ) == x except ( TypeError , ValueError ) : return False return is_integer and x >= 0
if x is not equal to integer in python
A non - negative integer .
def is_natural(x): """A non-negative integer.""" try: is_integer = int(x) == x except (TypeError, ValueError): return False return is_integer and x >= 0
def split ( text : str ) -> List [ str ] : return [ word for word in SEPARATOR . split ( text ) if word . strip ( ' \t' ) ]
how to split multiple tokens in python
Split a text into a list of tokens .
def split(text: str) -> List[str]: """Split a text into a list of tokens. :param text: the text to split :return: tokens """ return [word for word in SEPARATOR.split(text) if word.strip(' \t')]
def normcdf ( x , log = False ) : y = np . atleast_1d ( x ) . copy ( ) flib . normcdf ( y ) if log : if ( y > 0 ) . all ( ) : return np . log ( y ) return - np . inf return y
how to do normal cdf in python
Normal cumulative density function .
def normcdf(x, log=False): """Normal cumulative density function.""" y = np.atleast_1d(x).copy() flib.normcdf(y) if log: if (y>0).all(): return np.log(y) return -np.inf return y
def split ( text : str ) -> List [ str ] : return [ word for word in SEPARATOR . split ( text ) if word . strip ( ' \t' ) ]
python split sentence into words by spaces and comma
Split a text into a list of tokens .
def split(text: str) -> List[str]: """Split a text into a list of tokens. :param text: the text to split :return: tokens """ return [word for word in SEPARATOR.split(text) if word.strip(' \t')]
def to_int64 ( a ) : # build new dtype and replace i4 --> i8 def promote_i4 ( typestr ) : if typestr [ 1 : ] == 'i4' : typestr = typestr [ 0 ] + 'i8' return typestr dtype = [ ( name , promote_i4 ( typestr ) ) for name , typestr in a . dtype . descr ] return a . astype ( dtype )
change dtype python to int64
Return view of the recarray with all int32 cast to int64 .
def to_int64(a): """Return view of the recarray with all int32 cast to int64.""" # build new dtype and replace i4 --> i8 def promote_i4(typestr): if typestr[1:] == 'i4': typestr = typestr[0]+'i8' return typestr dtype = [(name, promote_i4(typestr)) for name,typestr in a.dtype.descr] return a.astype(dtype)
def read_set_from_file ( filename : str ) -> Set [ str ] : collection = set ( ) with open ( filename , 'r' ) as file_ : for line in file_ : collection . add ( line . rstrip ( ) ) return collection
python turning text file into set
Extract a de - duped collection ( set ) of text from a file . Expected file format is one item per line .
def read_set_from_file(filename: str) -> Set[str]: """ Extract a de-duped collection (set) of text from a file. Expected file format is one item per line. """ collection = set() with open(filename, 'r') as file_: for line in file_: collection.add(line.rstrip()) return collection
def is_natural ( x ) : try : is_integer = int ( x ) == x except ( TypeError , ValueError ) : return False return is_integer and x >= 0
denote not a number in python
A non - negative integer .
def is_natural(x): """A non-negative integer.""" try: is_integer = int(x) == x except (TypeError, ValueError): return False return is_integer and x >= 0
def str_to_time ( time_str : str ) -> datetime . datetime : pieces : Any = [ int ( piece ) for piece in time_str . split ( '-' ) ] return datetime . datetime ( * pieces )
datetime from string to datetime in python
Convert human readable string to datetime . datetime .
def str_to_time(time_str: str) -> datetime.datetime: """ Convert human readable string to datetime.datetime. """ pieces: Any = [int(piece) for piece in time_str.split('-')] return datetime.datetime(*pieces)
def test_string ( self , string : str ) -> bool : if self . input . startswith ( string , self . offset ) : self . offset += len ( string ) return True return False
python check for next character in a string
If string comes next return True and advance offset .
def test_string(self, string: str) -> bool: """If `string` comes next, return ``True`` and advance offset. Args: string: string to test """ if self.input.startswith(string, self.offset): self.offset += len(string) return True return False
def Exit ( msg , code = 1 ) : print >> sys . stderr , msg sys . exit ( code )
how to print exit code python
Exit execution with return code and message : param msg : Message displayed prior to exit : param code : code returned upon exiting
def Exit(msg, code=1): """Exit execution with return code and message :param msg: Message displayed prior to exit :param code: code returned upon exiting """ print >> sys.stderr, msg sys.exit(code)
def truncate ( value : Decimal , n_digits : int ) -> Decimal : return Decimal ( math . trunc ( value * ( 10 ** n_digits ) ) ) / ( 10 ** n_digits )
how do you limit the number of decimals of a number in python
Truncates a value to a number of decimals places
def truncate(value: Decimal, n_digits: int) -> Decimal: """Truncates a value to a number of decimals places""" return Decimal(math.trunc(value * (10 ** n_digits))) / (10 ** n_digits)
def capture_stdout ( ) : stdout = sys . stdout sys . stdout = six . moves . cStringIO ( ) try : yield sys . stdout finally : sys . stdout = stdout
capture the standard output stream of a cell into a variable in local namespace ,python
Intercept standard output in a with - context : return : cStringIO instance
def capture_stdout(): """Intercept standard output in a with-context :return: cStringIO instance >>> with capture_stdout() as stdout: ... print stdout.getvalue() """ stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = six.moves.cStringIO() try: yield sys.stdout finally: sys.stdout = stdout
def list_to_str ( lst ) : if len ( lst ) == 1 : str_ = lst [ 0 ] elif len ( lst ) == 2 : str_ = ' and ' . join ( lst ) elif len ( lst ) > 2 : str_ = ', ' . join ( lst [ : - 1 ] ) str_ += ', and {0}' . format ( lst [ - 1 ] ) else : raise ValueError ( 'List of length 0 provided.' ) return str_
how do you join a list into a string python
Turn a list into a comma - and / or and - separated string .
def list_to_str(lst): """ Turn a list into a comma- and/or and-separated string. Parameters ---------- lst : :obj:`list` A list of strings to join into a single string. Returns ------- str_ : :obj:`str` A string with commas and/or ands separating th elements from ``lst``. """ if len(lst) == 1: str_ = lst[0] elif len(lst) == 2: str_ = ' and '.join(lst) elif len(lst) > 2: str_ = ', '.join(lst[:-1]) str_ += ', and {0}'.format(lst[-1]) else: raise ValueError('List of length 0 provided.') return str_
def s3_get ( url : str , temp_file : IO ) -> None : s3_resource = boto3 . resource ( "s3" ) bucket_name , s3_path = split_s3_path ( url ) s3_resource . Bucket ( bucket_name ) . download_fileobj ( s3_path , temp_file )
how to read file from s3 bucket using python
Pull a file directly from S3 .
def s3_get(url: str, temp_file: IO) -> None: """Pull a file directly from S3.""" s3_resource = boto3.resource("s3") bucket_name, s3_path = split_s3_path(url) s3_resource.Bucket(bucket_name).download_fileobj(s3_path, temp_file)
def memory_read ( self , start_position : int , size : int ) -> memoryview : return self . _memory . read ( start_position , size )
python memoryview memory at
Read and return a view of size bytes from memory starting at start_position .
def memory_read(self, start_position: int, size: int) -> memoryview: """ Read and return a view of ``size`` bytes from memory starting at ``start_position``. """ return, size)
def spanning_tree_count ( graph : nx . Graph ) -> int : laplacian = nx . laplacian_matrix ( graph ) . toarray ( ) comatrix = laplacian [ : - 1 , : - 1 ] det = np . linalg . det ( comatrix ) count = int ( round ( det ) ) return count
how to get degree of a node of a graph in python
Return the number of unique spanning trees of a graph using Kirchhoff s matrix tree theorem .
def spanning_tree_count(graph: nx.Graph) -> int: """Return the number of unique spanning trees of a graph, using Kirchhoff's matrix tree theorem. """ laplacian = nx.laplacian_matrix(graph).toarray() comatrix = laplacian[:-1, :-1] det = np.linalg.det(comatrix) count = int(round(det)) return count
def get_valid_filename ( s ) : s = s . strip ( ) . replace ( " " , "_" ) return re . sub ( r"(?u)[^-\w.]" , "" , s )
python strip illegal characters for file name
Returns the given string converted to a string that can be used for a clean filename . Specifically leading and trailing spaces are removed ; other spaces are converted to underscores ; and anything that is not a unicode alphanumeric dash underscore or dot is removed . >>> get_valid_filename ( john s portrait in 2004 . jpg ) johns_portrait_in_2004 . jpg
def get_valid_filename(s): """ Returns the given string converted to a string that can be used for a clean filename. Specifically, leading and trailing spaces are removed; other spaces are converted to underscores; and anything that is not a unicode alphanumeric, dash, underscore, or dot, is removed. >>> get_valid_filename("john's portrait in 2004.jpg") 'johns_portrait_in_2004.jpg' """ s = s.strip().replace(" ", "_") return re.sub(r"(?u)[^-\w.]", "", s)
def get_tokens ( line : str ) -> Iterator [ str ] : for token in line . rstrip ( ) . split ( ) : if len ( token ) > 0 : yield token
python read tokens from line
Yields tokens from input string .
def get_tokens(line: str) -> Iterator[str]: """ Yields tokens from input string. :param line: Input string. :return: Iterator over tokens. """ for token in line.rstrip().split(): if len(token) > 0: yield token
def is_natural ( x ) : try : is_integer = int ( x ) == x except ( TypeError , ValueError ) : return False return is_integer and x >= 0
none integer comparison python
A non - negative integer .
def is_natural(x): """A non-negative integer.""" try: is_integer = int(x) == x except (TypeError, ValueError): return False return is_integer and x >= 0
def find_duplicates ( l : list ) -> set : return set ( [ x for x in l if l . count ( x ) > 1 ] )
test for duplicates in python lists
Return the duplicates in a list .
def find_duplicates(l: list) -> set: """ Return the duplicates in a list. The function relies on . Parameters ---------- l : list Name Returns ------- set Duplicated values >>> find_duplicates([1,2,3]) set() >>> find_duplicates([1,2,1]) {1} """ return set([x for x in l if l.count(x) > 1])
def from_file ( file_path ) -> dict : with io . open ( file_path , 'r' , encoding = 'utf-8' ) as json_stream : return Json . parse ( json_stream , True )
python read json as dictonary
Load JSON file
def from_file(file_path) -> dict: """ Load JSON file """ with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as json_stream: return Json.parse(json_stream, True)
def most_significant_bit ( lst : np . ndarray ) -> int : return np . argwhere ( np . asarray ( lst ) == 1 ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
index of first non zero element in list python
A helper function that finds the position of the most significant bit in a 1darray of 1s and 0s i . e . the first position where a 1 appears reading left to right .
def most_significant_bit(lst: np.ndarray) -> int: """ A helper function that finds the position of the most significant bit in a 1darray of 1s and 0s, i.e. the first position where a 1 appears, reading left to right. :param lst: a 1d array of 0s and 1s with at least one 1 :return: the first position in lst that a 1 appears """ return np.argwhere(np.asarray(lst) == 1)[0][0]
def most_frequent ( lst ) : lst = lst [ : ] highest_freq = 0 most_freq = None for val in unique ( lst ) : if lst . count ( val ) > highest_freq : most_freq = val highest_freq = lst . count ( val ) return most_freq
python check most frequent in a list
Returns the item that appears most frequently in the given list .
def most_frequent(lst): """ Returns the item that appears most frequently in the given list. """ lst = lst[:] highest_freq = 0 most_freq = None for val in unique(lst): if lst.count(val) > highest_freq: most_freq = val highest_freq = lst.count(val) return most_freq
def _is_numeric ( self , values ) : if len ( values ) > 0 : assert isinstance ( values [ 0 ] , ( float , int ) ) , "values must be numbers to perform math operations. Got {}" . format ( type ( values [ 0 ] ) ) return True
python check if numerical value or not
Check to be sure values are numbers before doing numerical operations .
def _is_numeric(self, values): """Check to be sure values are numbers before doing numerical operations.""" if len(values) > 0: assert isinstance(values[0], (float, int)), \ "values must be numbers to perform math operations. Got {}".format( type(values[0])) return True
def _check_whitespace ( string ) : if string . count ( ' ' ) + string . count ( '\t' ) + string . count ( '\n' ) > 0 : raise ValueError ( INSTRUCTION_HAS_WHITESPACE )
check if whitespace exists python
Make sure thre is no whitespace in the given string . Will raise a ValueError if whitespace is detected
def _check_whitespace(string): """ Make sure thre is no whitespace in the given string. Will raise a ValueError if whitespace is detected """ if string.count(' ') + string.count('\t') + string.count('\n') > 0: raise ValueError(INSTRUCTION_HAS_WHITESPACE)
def _isint ( string ) : return type ( string ) is int or ( isinstance ( string , _binary_type ) or isinstance ( string , _text_type ) ) and _isconvertible ( int , string )
how to check if a variable is integer using type in python
>>> _isint ( 123 ) True >>> _isint ( 123 . 45 ) False
def _isint(string): """ >>> _isint("123") True >>> _isint("123.45") False """ return type(string) is int or \ (isinstance(string, _binary_type) or isinstance(string, _text_type)) and \ _isconvertible(int, string)
def get_margin ( length ) : if length > 23 : margin_left = "\t" chars = 1 elif length > 15 : margin_left = "\t\t" chars = 2 elif length > 7 : margin_left = "\t\t\t" chars = 3 else : margin_left = "\t\t\t\t" chars = 4 return margin_left
how to make column right margin in python
Add enough tabs to align in two columns
def get_margin(length): """Add enough tabs to align in two columns""" if length > 23: margin_left = "\t" chars = 1 elif length > 15: margin_left = "\t\t" chars = 2 elif length > 7: margin_left = "\t\t\t" chars = 3 else: margin_left = "\t\t\t\t" chars = 4 return margin_left
def is_integer ( value : Any ) -> bool : return ( isinstance ( value , int ) and not isinstance ( value , bool ) ) or ( isinstance ( value , float ) and isfinite ( value ) and int ( value ) == value )
python value is not numeric
Return true if a value is an integer number .
def is_integer(value: Any) -> bool: """Return true if a value is an integer number.""" return (isinstance(value, int) and not isinstance(value, bool)) or ( isinstance(value, float) and isfinite(value) and int(value) == value )
def indexes_equal ( a : Index , b : Index ) -> bool : return str ( a ) == str ( b )
evaluating if two strings are equal python
Are two indexes equal? Checks by comparing str () versions of them . ( AM UNSURE IF THIS IS ENOUGH . )
def indexes_equal(a: Index, b: Index) -> bool: """ Are two indexes equal? Checks by comparing ``str()`` versions of them. (AM UNSURE IF THIS IS ENOUGH.) """ return str(a) == str(b)
def is_relative_url ( url ) : if url . startswith ( "#" ) : return None if url . find ( "://" ) > 0 or url . startswith ( "//" ) : # either 'http(s)://...' or '//cdn...' and therefore absolute return False return True
python how to check if an absolute path or relative path
simple method to determine if a url is relative or absolute
def is_relative_url(url): """ simple method to determine if a url is relative or absolute """ if url.startswith("#"): return None if url.find("://") > 0 or url.startswith("//"): # either 'http(s)://...' or '//cdn...' and therefore absolute return False return True
def get_keys_of_max_n ( dict_obj , n ) : return sorted ( [ item [ 0 ] for item in sorted ( dict_obj . items ( ) , key = lambda item : item [ 1 ] , reverse = True ) [ : n ] ] )
python dictionary get top 10 values
Returns the keys that maps to the top n max values in the given dict .
def get_keys_of_max_n(dict_obj, n): """Returns the keys that maps to the top n max values in the given dict. Example: -------- >>> dict_obj = {'a':2, 'b':1, 'c':5} >>> get_keys_of_max_n(dict_obj, 2) ['a', 'c'] """ return sorted([ item[0] for item in sorted( dict_obj.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True )[:n] ])
def nTimes ( n , f , * args , * * kwargs ) : for i in xrange ( n ) : f ( * args , * * kwargs )
how to tell python to print something x number of times
r Call f n times with args and kwargs . Useful e . g . for simplistic timing .
def nTimes(n, f, *args, **kwargs): r"""Call `f` `n` times with `args` and `kwargs`. Useful e.g. for simplistic timing. Examples: >>> nTimes(3, sys.stdout.write, 'hallo\n') hallo hallo hallo """ for i in xrange(n): f(*args, **kwargs)
def encode_list ( key , list_ ) : # type: (str, Iterable) -> Dict[str, str] if not list_ : return { } return { key : " " . join ( str ( i ) for i in list_ ) }
python create dict keys from list
Converts a list into a space - separated string and puts it in a dictionary
def encode_list(key, list_): # type: (str, Iterable) -> Dict[str, str] """ Converts a list into a space-separated string and puts it in a dictionary :param key: Dictionary key to store the list :param list_: A list of objects :return: A dictionary key->string or an empty dictionary """ if not list_: return {} return {key: " ".join(str(i) for i in list_)}
def _width_is_big_enough ( image , width ) : if width > image . size [ 0 ] : raise ImageSizeError ( image . size [ 0 ] , width )
how to check image size using size in python
Check that the image width is superior to width
def _width_is_big_enough(image, width): """Check that the image width is superior to `width`""" if width > image.size[0]: raise ImageSizeError(image.size[0], width)
def assert_equal ( first , second , msg_fmt = "{msg}" ) : if isinstance ( first , dict ) and isinstance ( second , dict ) : assert_dict_equal ( first , second , msg_fmt ) elif not first == second : msg = "{!r} != {!r}" . format ( first , second ) fail ( msg_fmt . format ( msg = msg , first = first , second = second ) )
python assert to compare values
Fail unless first equals second as determined by the == operator .
def assert_equal(first, second, msg_fmt="{msg}"): """Fail unless first equals second, as determined by the '==' operator. >>> assert_equal(5, 5.0) >>> assert_equal("Hello World!", "Goodbye!") Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: 'Hello World!' != 'Goodbye!' The following msg_fmt arguments are supported: * msg - the default error message * first - the first argument * second - the second argument """ if isinstance(first, dict) and isinstance(second, dict): assert_dict_equal(first, second, msg_fmt) elif not first == second: msg = "{!r} != {!r}".format(first, second) fail(msg_fmt.format(msg=msg, first=first, second=second))
def add_colons ( s ) : return ':' . join ( [ s [ i : i + 2 ] for i in range ( 0 , len ( s ) , 2 ) ] )
printing concatanated strigns python
Add colons after every second digit .
def add_colons(s): """Add colons after every second digit. This function is used in functions to prettify serials. >>> add_colons('teststring') 'te:st:st:ri:ng' """ return ':'.join([s[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(s), 2)])
def label_from_bin ( buf ) : mpls_label = type_desc . Int3 . to_user ( six . binary_type ( buf ) ) return mpls_label >> 4 , mpls_label & 1
python unpack bac char in struct format
Converts binary representation label to integer .
def label_from_bin(buf): """ Converts binary representation label to integer. :param buf: Binary representation of label. :return: MPLS Label and BoS bit. """ mpls_label = type_desc.Int3.to_user(six.binary_type(buf)) return mpls_label >> 4, mpls_label & 1
def zfill ( x , width ) : if not isinstance ( x , basestring ) : x = repr ( x ) return x . zfill ( width )
python pad string with zeros left
zfill ( x width ) - > string
def zfill(x, width): """zfill(x, width) -> string Pad a numeric string x with zeros on the left, to fill a field of the specified width. The string x is never truncated. """ if not isinstance(x, basestring): x = repr(x) return x.zfill(width)
def valid_file ( path : str ) -> bool : path = Path ( path ) . expanduser ( ) log . debug ( "checking if %s is a valid file" , path ) return path . exists ( ) and path . is_file ( )
python check if file exists and is file
Verifies that a string path actually exists and is a file
def valid_file(path: str) -> bool: """ Verifies that a string path actually exists and is a file :param path: The path to verify :return: **True** if path exist and is a file """ path = Path(path).expanduser() log.debug("checking if %s is a valid file", path) return path.exists() and path.is_file()
def _mid ( pt1 , pt2 ) : ( x0 , y0 ) , ( x1 , y1 ) = pt1 , pt2 return 0.5 * ( x0 + x1 ) , 0.5 * ( y0 + y1 )
calculating the midpoint between 2 data points in python
( Point Point ) - > Point Return the point that lies in between the two input points .
def _mid(pt1, pt2): """ (Point, Point) -> Point Return the point that lies in between the two input points. """ (x0, y0), (x1, y1) = pt1, pt2 return 0.5 * (x0 + x1), 0.5 * (y0 + y1)
def copen ( filepath , flag = 'r' , encoding = None ) : if encoding is None : encoding = locale . getdefaultlocale ( ) [ 1 ] return codecs . open ( filepath , flag , encoding )
python open any file encoding
FIXME : How to test this ?
def copen(filepath, flag='r', encoding=None): """ FIXME: How to test this ? >>> c = copen(__file__) >>> c is not None True """ if encoding is None: encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] return, flag, encoding)
def _ ( f , x ) : return { k : v for k , v in x . items ( ) if f ( k , v ) }
python get all dict keys filter by value
filter for dict note f should have signature : f :: key - > value - > bool
def _(f, x): """ filter for dict, note `f` should have signature: `f::key->value->bool` """ return {k: v for k, v in x.items() if f(k, v)}
def memory_full ( ) : current_process = psutil . Process ( os . getpid ( ) ) return ( current_process . memory_percent ( ) > config . MAXIMUM_CACHE_MEMORY_PERCENTAGE )
python limiting memory usage
Check if the memory is too full for further caching .
def memory_full(): """Check if the memory is too full for further caching.""" current_process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) return (current_process.memory_percent() > config.MAXIMUM_CACHE_MEMORY_PERCENTAGE)
def dag_longest_path ( graph , source , target ) : if source == target : return [ source ] allpaths = nx . all_simple_paths ( graph , source , target ) longest_path = [ ] for l in allpaths : if len ( l ) > len ( longest_path ) : longest_path = l return longest_path
python longest path algorithm
Finds the longest path in a dag between two nodes
def dag_longest_path(graph, source, target): """ Finds the longest path in a dag between two nodes """ if source == target: return [source] allpaths = nx.all_simple_paths(graph, source, target) longest_path = [] for l in allpaths: if len(l) > len(longest_path): longest_path = l return longest_path
def find_duplicates ( l : list ) -> set : return set ( [ x for x in l if l . count ( x ) > 1 ] )
determine if a list of numbers contains duplicates python
Return the duplicates in a list .
def find_duplicates(l: list) -> set: """ Return the duplicates in a list. The function relies on . Parameters ---------- l : list Name Returns ------- set Duplicated values >>> find_duplicates([1,2,3]) set() >>> find_duplicates([1,2,1]) {1} """ return set([x for x in l if l.count(x) > 1])
def uppercase_chars ( string : any ) -> str : return '' . join ( [ c if c . isupper ( ) else '' for c in str ( string ) ] )
do uppercase matter python
Return all ( and only ) the uppercase chars in the given string .
def uppercase_chars(string: any) -> str: """Return all (and only) the uppercase chars in the given string.""" return ''.join([c if c.isupper() else '' for c in str(string)])
def convert_bytes_to_ints ( in_bytes , num ) : dt = numpy . dtype ( '>i' + str ( num ) ) return numpy . frombuffer ( in_bytes , dt )
python , how to read 40 bytes from bytes array
Convert a byte array into an integer array . The number of bytes forming an integer is defined by num
def convert_bytes_to_ints(in_bytes, num): """Convert a byte array into an integer array. The number of bytes forming an integer is defined by num :param in_bytes: the input bytes :param num: the number of bytes per int :return the integer array""" dt = numpy.dtype('>i' + str(num)) return numpy.frombuffer(in_bytes, dt)
def astensor ( array : TensorLike ) -> BKTensor : tensor = tf . convert_to_tensor ( value = array , dtype = CTYPE ) return tensor
python code to covert matrix to tensorflow object
Covert numpy array to tensorflow tensor
def astensor(array: TensorLike) -> BKTensor: """Covert numpy array to tensorflow tensor""" tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=array, dtype=CTYPE) return tensor
def camel_to_snake ( s : str ) -> str : return CAMEL_CASE_RE . sub ( r'_\1' , s ) . strip ( ) . lower ( )
python snake or camel case
Convert string from camel case to snake case .
def camel_to_snake(s: str) -> str: """Convert string from camel case to snake case.""" return CAMEL_CASE_RE.sub(r'_\1', s).strip().lower()
def isfile_notempty ( inputfile : str ) -> bool : try : return isfile ( inputfile ) and getsize ( inputfile ) > 0 except TypeError : raise TypeError ( 'inputfile is not a valid type' )
python test whether file is empty
Check if the input filename with path is a file and is not empty .
def isfile_notempty(inputfile: str) -> bool: """Check if the input filename with path is a file and is not empty.""" try: return isfile(inputfile) and getsize(inputfile) > 0 except TypeError: raise TypeError('inputfile is not a valid type')
def _ ( f , x ) : return { k : v for k , v in x . items ( ) if f ( k , v ) }
python filter map on key values
filter for dict note f should have signature : f :: key - > value - > bool
def _(f, x): """ filter for dict, note `f` should have signature: `f::key->value->bool` """ return {k: v for k, v in x.items() if f(k, v)}
def post ( self , endpoint : str , * * kwargs ) -> dict : return self . _request ( 'POST' , endpoint , * * kwargs )
request python post api
HTTP POST operation to API endpoint .
def post(self, endpoint: str, **kwargs) -> dict: """HTTP POST operation to API endpoint.""" return self._request('POST', endpoint, **kwargs)
def __as_list ( value : List [ JsonObjTypes ] ) -> List [ JsonTypes ] : return [ e . _as_dict if isinstance ( e , JsonObj ) else e for e in value ]
how to turn js array into python list
Return a json array as a list
def __as_list(value: List[JsonObjTypes]) -> List[JsonTypes]: """ Return a json array as a list :param value: array :return: array with JsonObj instances removed """ return [e._as_dict if isinstance(e, JsonObj) else e for e in value]
def text_to_bool ( value : str ) -> bool : try : return bool ( strtobool ( value ) ) except ( ValueError , AttributeError ) : return value is not None
python text to bool
Tries to convert a text value to a bool . If unsuccessful returns if value is None or not
def text_to_bool(value: str) -> bool: """ Tries to convert a text value to a bool. If unsuccessful returns if value is None or not :param value: Value to check """ try: return bool(strtobool(value)) except (ValueError, AttributeError): return value is not None
def _run_sync ( self , method : Callable , * args , * * kwargs ) -> Any : if self . loop . is_running ( ) : raise RuntimeError ( "Event loop is already running." ) if not self . is_connected : self . loop . run_until_complete ( self . connect ( ) ) task = asyncio . Task ( method ( * args , * * kwargs ) , loop = self . loop ) result = self . loop . run_until_complete ( task ) self . loop . run_until_complete ( self . quit ( ) ) return result
python call callback async
Utility method to run commands synchronously for testing .
def _run_sync(self, method: Callable, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """ Utility method to run commands synchronously for testing. """ if self.loop.is_running(): raise RuntimeError("Event loop is already running.") if not self.is_connected: self.loop.run_until_complete(self.connect()) task = asyncio.Task(method(*args, **kwargs), loop=self.loop) result = self.loop.run_until_complete(task) self.loop.run_until_complete(self.quit()) return result
def is_any_type_set ( sett : Set [ Type ] ) -> bool : return len ( sett ) == 1 and is_any_type ( min ( sett ) )
how to tell if a set is empty in python
Helper method to check if a set of types is the { AnyObject } singleton
def is_any_type_set(sett: Set[Type]) -> bool: """ Helper method to check if a set of types is the {AnyObject} singleton :param sett: :return: """ return len(sett) == 1 and is_any_type(min(sett))
def _check_env_var ( envvar : str ) -> bool : if os . getenv ( envvar ) is None : raise KeyError ( "Required ENVVAR: {0} is not set" . format ( envvar ) ) if not os . getenv ( envvar ) : # test if env var is empty raise KeyError ( "Required ENVVAR: {0} is empty" . format ( envvar ) ) return True
python test if environment var is undefined or empty
Check Environment Variable to verify that it is set and not empty .
def _check_env_var(envvar: str) -> bool: """Check Environment Variable to verify that it is set and not empty. :param envvar: Environment Variable to Check. :returns: True if Environment Variable is set and not empty. :raises: KeyError if Environment Variable is not set or is empty. .. versionadded:: 0.0.12 """ if os.getenv(envvar) is None: raise KeyError( "Required ENVVAR: {0} is not set".format(envvar)) if not os.getenv(envvar): # test if env var is empty raise KeyError( "Required ENVVAR: {0} is empty".format(envvar)) return True
def warn_if_nans_exist ( X ) : null_count = count_rows_with_nans ( X ) total = len ( X ) percent = 100 * null_count / total if null_count > 0 : warning_message = 'Warning! Found {} rows of {} ({:0.2f}%) with nan values. Only ' 'complete rows will be plotted.' . format ( null_count , total , percent ) warnings . warn ( warning_message , DataWarning )
python isnan how to check if an entire column is nan
Warn if nans exist in a numpy array .
def warn_if_nans_exist(X): """Warn if nans exist in a numpy array.""" null_count = count_rows_with_nans(X) total = len(X) percent = 100 * null_count / total if null_count > 0: warning_message = \ 'Warning! Found {} rows of {} ({:0.2f}%) with nan values. Only ' \ 'complete rows will be plotted.'.format(null_count, total, percent) warnings.warn(warning_message, DataWarning)
async def executemany ( self , sql : str , parameters : Iterable [ Iterable [ Any ] ] ) -> None : await self . _execute ( self . _cursor . executemany , sql , parameters )
python 2 pyodbc executemany
Execute the given multiquery .
async def executemany(self, sql: str, parameters: Iterable[Iterable[Any]]) -> None: """Execute the given multiquery.""" await self._execute(self._cursor.executemany, sql, parameters)