Aircraft are being restricted from flying just above Ferguson, Missouri for the next week, as the FAA halts air traffic above the town so that law enforcement can deal with backlash over the police's fatal shooting of an unarmed teenager. The air traffic ban went into effect yesterday and runs through late next Monday. Craft are banned from flying anywhere between the ground and 3,000 feet above sea level, across a nearly six-mile-wide circle around the town. Reuters reports that bans like this are usually requested by law enforcement so that their own helicopters can avoid encounters with news helicopters. Throughout the ban over Ferguson, only relief aircraft will be allowed in. Given the importance of documenting the events in Ferguson right now, the aircraft ban poses some issue for the local news. Even drones appear to fall under the ban because its range reaches to the ground, but small civilian craft seem to fall in a somewhat grayer area. In its discussion of rules for these small aircraft, the FAA, naturally, says that it frowns upon their usage during a ban quite strongly. But it doesn't really clarify if it would (or could) do anything about it. With drones becoming ever more accessible to the average person, that opens up a major tool for citizens to potentially use for documenting local incidents. Following the truly dramatic events that have unfolded in Ferguson, it's quite clear how useful that could become for protesters going forward.
OZ has mastered the art of placemaking, particularly in RiNo, where it’s had leadership roles in Giambrocco, Industry, World Trade Center, Bindery on Blake, Movement Gym, S*Park and many more exciting, innovative attractions. Now OZ can add North Wynkoop to its list of RiNo destinations that have benefited from the company’s talent. Back in 2014 Westfield Company Inc., one of the worlds leading developers, selected OZ Architecture to lead Stockshow site. OZ envisioned the development from 40th to 43rd along Wynkoop and Brighton Blvd., known as North Wynkoop, to include: - market-rate apartments - a boutique hotel - a large event center for indoor concerts and outdoor events - a public market inside a converted 1950’s warehouse buildings - creative class and new economy office spaces - artist lofts in collaboration with Artspaces including ground floor gallery spaces - covered parking - restaurants and retail - pop-up incubator opportunities - greenhouse garden spaces - curb-less streets - landscaping inspired by the wild nature of the RiNo neighborhood. “North Wynkoop will fundamentally transform this section of RiNo but will also ensure that the soul of RiNo – its history, industry, creative and urban nature – will remain intact and celebrated,” said Rebecca Stone, managing partner of OZ Architecture, and lead designer on the project. “The inspiration for the project is all wrapped up in RiNo’s edgy, eclectic, artistic roots. The goal is to celebrate that and for this site to become the entertainment hub of this creative neighborhood.” One key aspect of OZ’s work on North Wynkoop included the arduous job of rezoning the block to allow to for the new uses; a critical level of expertise that is essential as Denver transforms into a world-class city. “Master planning always includes a close relationship with the city to ensure new uses are acceptable and because often the visions the team brings to table are cutting-edge and pushing the boundaries the City of Denver has established. We’ve been integral to updating the zoning for many parcels around RiNo, Cherry Creek, Uptown and more, including the newest Improper City food truck destination.” OZ Architecture collaborated with Westfield, Wenk Associates and S.A. Miro on the master plan, landscape architecture and vision for the site.
Heleen van Wygharden loves to dance. In the 1970s, still in her early thirties, she attended a dance with other farm workers. Between pirouettes, she started to notice the guitarist who was guiding her steps from the edge of the room. Piet was short and quiet and never entered the fray. “Hy is nie ’n baie goeie danser nie. Maar, Jissus, hy kon kitaar speel (He’s not a very good dancer, but, Jesus, he could play guitar),” remembers Heleen. Life was never quite the same again. At the end of the night, Piet and Heleen left together, she on the handlebars of his bicycle. Like his father before him, Piet, now 74 but still short and quiet, has spent his life mending tractors and tending sheep. Three of the four sons he raised with Heleen on the farm where they worked are now farm workers themselves. The Van Wyghardens have always been entangled with Karoo farms. Heleen van Wygharden leans on the gate of their property in Fraserburg’s township. Piet van Wygharden in the home he shares with wife Heleen. The jacket of his only suit hangs in their bedroom. Heleen and Piet van Wygharden were evicted from the farm they had lived and worked on for years because of the drought. That was until two years ago, when Piet and Heleen were evicted from their farm home. As work has been casualised since the final years of apartheid, so workers have been forced from their homes on farms at an alarming rate. A 2005 Social Surveys and Nkuzi Development Association study estimated that 1.7 million people were evicted, most of them illegally, from South Africa’s farms between 1984 and 2004. But there was an added force behind the Van Wyghardens’ eviction: it came at the height of the Northern Cape’s worst drought in a century. A history of dryness The horizon around the small Northern Cape town of Fraserburg – where the Van Wyghardens now live in a township proliferating with shacks, in part because of evictions like theirs – is as crisp as a new envelope. If the Karoo were a clock face, Fraserburg would be at four o’clock. Founded in the 1850s on the Roggeveld – a plateau in the southwestern corner of the Karoo – as one of the first church towns that followed the Northern Cape’s initial mission stations, Fraserburg has come as close as any town in the province to being shut down entirely by the drought. The surrounding veld, made up of a thousand shades of brown and grey, traditionally supports Fraserburg’s population of around 3 000. It sustains the flocks of sheep that are the backbone of the region’s economy. Walk into it, and the Karoo’s delicate ecosystems come to life. Squeeze the leaves of the rivier draaibos and it smells of sweat, while the fat little leaves and angry, thorny dome of the kriedoring offer protection to other, juicier plants, like the klappiesbrak. These are ovine delicacies. But the vast majority of the shrubbery has turned grey and woody. After seven years of gruelling drought, the veld is literally dying of thirst. Dry as dust, it won’t recover, even if the seasonal rain finally arrives around Easter. Katrin Goliath, who at 84 still competes in regional line dancing competitions, has lived in Fraserburg long enough to remember a different town. She moved here in the 1940s, at a time when the now-antique town bell was rung for two reasons: fire and the 9pm curfew for families like hers who were classified as coloured by the apartheid regime. Her creased face folding into another of her almost constant smiles, Goliath remembers streets lined with pear trees and streams running through the town. Williston’s public swimming pool now stands empty. Fraserburg is now a vastly different place to the town Katrin Goliath remembers. The arid landscape around Fraserburg. Katrin Goliath remembers streets lined with pear trees and streams running through the town. The nearby Rietfontein spring ran until the 1950s, before people started sinking boreholes in and around town. Fraserburg’s groundwater was once replenished by two nearby dams. When they overflowed, the town would celebrate its very own public holiday. They called it Dam Day. Things have changed, says Goliath. There hasn’t been a Dam Day in Fraserburg since the 1980s. “Dis nou gebrand van die droogte (It’s now burnt from the drought),” she says. But, Goliath’s memories notwithstanding, drought is nothing new in the Karoo. As early as 1923, the region was the main reference point for the Drought Commission. An expression of the serious concern at the time that South Africa might be drying up, the commission was one of the first major conservation efforts in the country, eventually resulting in the Soil Erosion Act of 1932 and the Soil Conservation Act of 1946. The truth is that, in the Karoo, the rain has always come and receded again. As recently as the decades leading up to 2012 – and particularly since 2007 – Karoo rainfall was so heavy it led scientists from the Grootfontein Agricultural Development Institute and the South African Environmental Observation Network to conclude that “all degraded veld has increased in grassiness and none remains”. Drought and relief have taken their respective turns. Long-term records suggest rainfall and drought cycles of between 20 and 50 years during the past 123 years. That means that the past seven years, as devastating as they may have been, are only the beginning of what will likely be a multi-decade dry spell. How a desert was made But if drought has been part of life in the Karoo for so long, why have the past seven years been so devastating? Part of the answer is that the region may no longer be as good at dealing with it. The Karoo makes up about 30% of South Africa’s land area. While the region is widely viewed as a socioeconomic backwater today, it was not always that way. The Cape’s first prime minister, John Molteno, was from the Karoo. So was Olive Schreiner, a major South African novelist (her description of the Karoo as a place of “weird and almost oppressive beauty” still holds true). But more broadly, the outset of colonialism in the Cape marked the beginning of the Karoo’s steady incorporation into a global capitalist system. And while minerals are more often than not at the heart of South Africa’s economic history, pastoral production has often played as important a role in shaping economic fortunes. This was especially the case in the Karoo, which was home to one of the more recent animal domestications, the ostrich. During the 19th century, according to Oxford historian William Beinart, the region generated more wealth than Kimberley during its first century of diamond production. Agricultural innovations – drilling machines, wind pumps, wire fencing, veterinary breakthroughs and the adoption of lucerne – that accompanied 19th century colonial settlement vastly improved wool yields. At the beginning of the 19th century, around 1.5 million (mostly flat-tailed, non-woolled) sheep roamed the Karoo. By the close of the century, before drought and the onset of the South African War diminished flocks, 12 million merino, generating up to 34 000 tonnes in wool exports, had flooded the region. As indigenous predators were all but exterminated through poisoning and slaughter, wildlife hunted en masse and the Karoo’s burgeoning private property regime encouraged through government-subsidised fencing, the merino sheep became a monocrop in the region. The demand for mutton that followed the discovery of diamonds in 1866 and gold 20 years later only knitted the Karoo further into the fabric of global markets. The impact of this settlement and grazing was immense and can still be traced in the region’s ecological fragility today. Over-irrigated land became salinised and indigenous predators were not the only species that faced extinction in the face of the new settlers. By the late 1870s, the quagga had been exterminated. After that, the wild rye grass from which the Roggeveld takes its name vanished, and then the sterboom, which was used as firewood in the Karoo’s growing urban centres. The fate of the Karoo veld has been intimately tied to global geopolitics ever since. When the United States intervened in the Korean War in the 1950s, its troops were not prepared for the cold weather, creating an almost instantaneous global demand for wool. The Karoo groaned under the weight of market forces once more as the sudden boom in the wool price (farmers joked at the time that a handful of wool could buy you a car) saw an explosion in the number of sheep grazing in the veld. The government eventually intervened, rewarding reductions in stock numbers, and by 2007 the Karoo was supporting about a third of the cattle, sheep and goats that it had in 1930. While some researchers have suggested that the reduction in livestock has put the Karoo on a path to recovery, others point out that “many parts of the Karoo … still show signs of persistent degradation”. Rain. And more rain The fragility of the Karoo veld is not lost on Guillau du Toit. It is at the front of his mind as he relays the struggles of farming during drought. “People think we farm with sheep,” he says. “We farm with veld.” Du Toit, who is stout but soft-spoken, points to a map of his farm while explaining the delicate timing of moving flocks between camps so the veld is allowed enough time to recover before the sheep return. His outlook on farming has been shaped by drought from the first. He started his farming career during the Karoo’s last major drought in the early 1980s. But the past seven years, he says, have been the worst for a century. Guillau du Toit explaining how he moves his sheep between camps to preserve the veld. Guillau du Toit on the wall of an empty dam on his farm outside Fraserburg. The drought has forced farmers to diversify. Some have started farming ostriches and others, onion seeds. A patch of green in the otherwise bare landscape, where farmers have planted onions. According to Du Toit, who predicts that at least 15% of the surrounding veld will not grow back, rain won’t end the crisis imposed by the drought. “We need rain. And more rain. And more rain. And more rain. And more rain,” he says. Du Toit will be the last in a farming family. None of the third-generation farmer’s three sons will follow in his footsteps on the farm that his grandfather bought in the 1940s. And he is glad for it. Du Toit is an example of how farmers in the region are no longer willing to hedge their bets on wool. Some have turned to farming onion seeds, which are among the few crops that can produce profitable yields at scale in this region. Others are investing in ostriches, which, while fussier than sheep, are less land-intensive. Du Toit is investing in property in and around Stellenbosch. He is also among the farmers in the region who say they have been forced to shed labour from their farms as a result of the drought. No work The motto at Fraserburg’s high school is “Daar’s Werk!”. It translates as “There’s Work!” There isn’t. The drought has created a few isolated opportunities. As some farmers turn away from sheep and towards ostriches, for instance, there are new opportunities for builders like Cornelius Nieuwenhoudt, 63. Despite severe back problems, Nieuwenhoudt is “not a man who believes in standing”. The reputation of his eight-strong team of builders – who are mostly family members – for speed has them in high demand constructing ostrich hatcheries. But for the most part, the drought has combined with the general trend toward casualising farm labour to decimate local employment opportunities. Agri SA’s recent drought report claims that, year-on-year, employment in Northern Cape agriculture fell by 22.5% between 2018 and 2019. Abraham de Bruyn’s team of sheep shearers. A full fleece being laid out on the sorting table. Wool sorters divide up the fleece according to quality and length. The wool is sorted into bales. Abraham de Bruyn and his team once counted on two shears a year. Abraham de Bruyn leads one of Fraserburg’s famously skilled sheep-shearing teams. A drawn-back lower jaw makes him appear shy when he smiles, which belies an extraordinary confidence with shears in hand. Removing the thick woollen coats requires a balletic wrestle between shearer and sheep. Decades of the dance have made De Bruyn’s body elastic and quick. With every expert move, he whispers reassurance to the sheep – “Ons gaan nou klaar wees (We will be finished soon)” – or chastises them in low grunts – “Man! Sit still nou! (Man! Sit still now!)”. He will earn R7.10 for every sheep he shears, which, if he works well, will be 40 in a day. His team members will earn R6.90. But as the drought suffocates the veld on which the sheep feed, so jobs like these on the farms are dwindling. Where De Bruyn and his team of shearers once counted on two shears a year, they are now lucky if they shear once in eight months. Fraserburg farm workers waiting for piece jobs. The drought has cost many farm workers their full-time jobs. Farm workers tread the footpath to town in the hope of getting piece work. Abraham Maya (right) waits with others for work, sometimes earning R7 to unload a bakkie. A casual worker walks past an empty shop in Fraserburg, one of the many economic victims of the drought. While Nieuwenhoudt and his team of builders have been fortunate, and De Bruyn and his shearers have clung to what remains of work on the farms, most of Fraserburg’s farm workers have been relegated to street corners, where they spend days waiting for piece jobs. Abraham Maya is one of them. Born on a farm outside of town, Maya finally found reliable employment tending sheep and building after decades of casual work. But two years ago, at the height of the drought and around the same time Piet and Heleen van Wygharden were evicted, he was dismissed. “Die diere is nou min, so die werk is maar min. So gaan die lewe hier in Fraserburg (There are now fewer animals, so there is less work. That’s how life goes in Fraserburg),” is how Maya explains it. On the one full day of work he is able to find in an average week and the hour-long jobs in between, the 41-year-old is now unable to support his four children. “Elke dag is ek kwaad. Ek weet nie eers vir wie nie. (I am angry every day. I don’t even know with whom.)” The drought and the havoc it has wreaked in the lives of Fraserburg’s once working residents has cursed the town, says Maya: “Ek dink nie dit sal weer hier reën nie. Daar is ’n groot vetkol hier. (I don’t think it will rain again here. There is a big, fat stain here.)” Fraserburg has been one of the many economic victims of the Karoo’s particular patterns of population change. While the region has mirrored South Africa’s shift from a rural to an urban country over the past century – largely the result of increasing farm sizes, retrenchments on farms and drought – this change has been heavily skewed towards a few urban centres. Workers making bricks as part of an Expanded Public Works Programme. Chondrey Hendricks used to be involved with gangs on the Cape Flats. Chondrey Hendrick was once in the 27s gang. Fraserburg’s population declined by 63% between 1911 and 2011. Joblessness in the Karoo leads to social problems such as alcohol abuse, in towns like Williston. So, where the populations in places like De Aar ballooned by as much as 631% between 1911 and 2011, most of the Karoo’s small towns have shrunk. Fewer people live in Fraserburg today than a century ago. The town’s population declined by 63% between 1911 and 2011, a period over which the populations of nearby Williston and Sutherland shrank by 41% and 26% respectively. Population growth in the Karoo’s few urban centres has been accompanied by economic centralisation. As small town populations have declined, so have retail and service opportunities. For example, in Pearston, 88% of businesses disappeared between 1888 and 2006. Over the same period, the number of businesses in Cradock grew by 312%. In the context of job losses in the Karoo’s flagging small-town economies, a generation is coming into a job market in which the state is increasingly the only game in town. Chondrey Hendricks, 30, is one of them. Speaking on a break from making bricks as part of an Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP), he explains that, “Ek is ’n dorp mens, hoor? Ek het nooit plaaswerk geleer. (I am a town person, you understand? I never learned farm work.)” Hendricks will earn R11 for each hour he spends making bricks, which will be used for a new driver-testing station being built in town, and for paving some of the roads in and around town. It is his first six-month EPWP contract after returning home to Fraserburg from Cape Town, where 12 years involved with gangs on the Cape Flats landed him in prison. When the farmers leave Fraserburg has managed to develop without the tourism that has supplemented the economies of similar Karoo towns. There are none of the antique stores that line the streets of neighbouring Sutherland. And unlike in nearby Williston, there is nowhere to order a cappuccino. At the heart of the town’s economy – and of its main street of quiet convenience, clothing and bottle stores – is the Fraserburg Landboukoöperasie. Here, the drought figures starkly in the financial spreadsheets and storage rooms, which are stacked high with bags of feed. With the veld so depleted, usual monthly feed sales of around R1.5 million almost tripled to R4.2 million in October 2019. But increased sales don’t necessarily mean good business. Where the debts owed to the store by farmers were a shade under R5 million in early 2019, they were nudging R10 million by the end of the year. A farm worker giving feed to a flock of sheep. Farmers are racking up huge debt buying feed for their livestock. Fraserburg has supermarkets and bottle stores, rather than coffee shops and antique stores like neighbouring Sutherland. Magda Kruger owns one of the supermarkets in the main street of Fraserburg. Jaco Saayman, who runs the agricultural co-op, predicts that he will lose 20% of his farmer customers if the Easter rain does not materialise. “It’s unimaginable,” he says of the possibility. “Almost like your family leaving you. I don’t want to consider it.” Fraserburg depends on the co-op for fuel. If it were ever to shut down – which Saayman says is likely without sustained rainfall – the town would enter an economic freefall towards a possible shutdown. It has rained in the Roggeveld since December. And on 10 January, the Northern Cape was eventually declared a disaster area, paving the way for a possible R300 million in drought relief from the Department of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation. But the town’s future still hangs in the fickle balance of the Easter rain, according to many. The rain over the festive season was not enough. The area’s steep topography means it experiences heavy run-off and it needs the rain to keep coming if it is going to make a lasting impact. Even if the long-delayed annual rain arrives, however, that future is an uncertain one. Four-year-old Renden Jooste playing in the township. While climate change looks likely to deplete the Karoo’s surface water resources, it is unclear that the same can be said of groundwater supplies. A recent analysis of the rate of replenishment in aquifers around sub-Saharan Africa published in Nature, arguably the world’s foremost science journal, challenges the idea that water beneath the ground will decrease as the planet continues to warm. But perhaps the greatest threat a changing climate poses to the delicate Karoo comes back to its at once monochromatic and kaleidoscopic veld. Days are getting hotter and temperatures threaten to scorch what the drought has not starved, further endangering the future of a sheep-centred economy and the livelihoods that depend on it. Like the Karoo, Piet and Heleen van Wygharden have always known drought. It has parched their whole lives. But, like many other impoverished families, they were not able to survive the past seven years in the ways they had before. It has consigned them to an old age in a new home, far from the security they spent their lives building. Apparently caught in a perfect storm of a unique and damaging ecological history and the uncertain but looming effects of climate change, the Karoo may share a similar fate.
Ask DadPad, Health & Wellbeing AskDadPad: Group Strep B Posted on 16th July 2020 Over the coming months, we hope to be sharing with you information on some of the most common ‘medical terms’ that you might first learn about during pregnancy, birth and your baby’s first few months of life. We’ve decided to start this month with a look at Group Strep B – as it’s actually Group Strep B Awareness Month (#StrepB2020) in July! You’ll also find Group Strep B referred to as: - Group B Streptococcus - Group B Strep - GBS - Strep B Our aim, with each blog post, will be to produce infographics which will give you answers to the most common questions, together with links to good, reliable sources of further reading. We’re also hoping to include some more ‘real life’ detail, by talking to someone with first-hand experience of the issue in focus. This time, we’ve spoken to one of our newest team members – Adam – about his experience of Strep B during his family’s second pregnancy (we’ll tell you more about Adam and his role at DadPad in a future blog post). Hi Adam. Thank you for offering to share your story with us. How did you find out that your wife had Group Strep B? We found out via a voicemail message from our midwife. Following the voicemail, we were yet to understand exactly what this was, as we’d both never heard of it before. What was your reaction, as a dad-to-be? We had already gone through some uncertainty with my wife’s first pregnancy and so, therefore, we were used to the regular appointments and the potential for hiccups. This, however, was an unknown and so we were immediately concerned. Up until this point, we had not received any warning or information, and this continued right up until two weeks before the birth. All we knew was that, in labour, my wife would receive some medication to help our baby. So how did you find out more about Strep B? We received a leaflet a few weeks after we’d been notified and were told not to worry. However, the leaflet contained little information. My wife and I researched our own information, from many sources, and this only added to the stress and uncertainty. Our immediate reaction to the stories left us very worried for what would or wouldn’t be. What different treatment was your wife given during labour and birth, to deal with the Strep B situation? My wife was induced and so we were made aware that she would be on an antibiotic drip for medication. And what happened with baby, following delivery? Following birth, they were both kept in for a further 12 hours, to ensure any checks could be carried out. Fortunately, our daughter Grace was absolutely fine. We were one of the lucky ones. You can find more information on the symptoms of Group Strep B infection in babies via the GBSS website. What advice would you have for other dads who find themselves in the same situation as you? Educate yourself: if you don’t know – ask. If that person doesn’t help you, ask them for the name of a person or a place who will. Be prepared: as dads, we often live up to the expectation that we’ll wait to be told what we do or don’t have to do. Do your own research, as better preparation now will only set you and your family up for the best start. Communicate: always communicate – with both your partner and your midwife. You may know something that your partner doesn’t. Thanks, Adam. You can view all our information on Strep B here. Don’t forget that, if you’re a new dad or a dad-to-be wanting more information on how to be the best dad that you can be – including all the essentials on first aid and home safety – you can download the DadPad app for free in certain areas of the country, and can also buy your own copy of the DadPad Essential Guide from our website. Sources of further information: NHS Group B Strep information page Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists’ Patient Information Leaflet on Group B Strep in pregnancy and newborn babies Group B Strep Support website. You can download a copy of their leaflet on Group B Strep in babies, which contains further detail on lots of questions that you may have. If you would like further information on how you could support the work of the Group B Strep Support charity, please visit their donations webpage.
MarTech Today: Bing’s local search chatbot, Sticky’s eye-tracking AdVantage & Twitter Lite launches Barry Levine on April 7, 2017 at 9:00 am Here’s our daily recap of what happened in marketing technology, as reported on MarTech Today, Marketing Land and other places across the web. From MarTech Today: - Bing has a chatbot answering local search questions Apr 6, 2017 by Matt McGee Skype-powered chatbot is showing up as an assistant to help searchers learn about restaurants in the Seattle area. - Ad tech providers are watching closely as Google fights concerns over YouTube brand safety Apr 6, 2017 by Barry Levine How will Google’s effort to keep detergent ads from appearing on Al Qaeda videos affect ad tech? The industry is taking notes. - Yelp buys Turnstyle to expand targeting and offline attribution capabilities Apr 6, 2017 by Greg Sterling The acquisition greatly enhances what Yelp can offer business owners. - How Act-On used marketing automation to create a persona driven marketing organization Apr 6, 2017 by MarTech Today Vote for this entry in the 2017 Hackie Awards by sharing it on Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter by May 1. - Scaling your content without draining your budget Apr 6, 2017 by Seth Price Columnist Seth Price discusses how to scale your content marketing efforts efficiently and cost-effectively by applying a media-based model to content creation and distribution. - Sticky now tracks eyes and emotions to guide your ad campaign Apr 6, 2017 by Barry Levine The new Sticky AdVantage service can analyze more kinds of ads — and provide more campaign feedback — than the company’s previous AdEmotion. - PadSquad introduces 5 new mobile ad units to help brands stand out on mobile Apr 6, 2017 by Ginny Marvin Quaker Oats and Timberland are among the brands testing out the new rich media ads that encourage user engagement. From Marketing Land: -. From Around The Web: - Blog Helper: An Alexa Skill for Managing a WordPress Blog with Your Voice, WordPress Tavern - eCommerce for WordPress: The Best Plugins for Your Site, Inflow - ‘Bots are constantly evolving, getting smarter, and becoming harder to detect’, The Drum - Cross Pixel Media Bolsters Its Mobile Data through Adbrain Partnership, PR Web - eZanga Unveils Next Generation Technology to Combat Fraudulent Traffic, Market Wired - Krush Technologies Licenses Videology Platform to Offer Advertisers Cross-Screen Access to Its Unique Millennial Audience, PR Newswire - Lotame Partners with Are You a Human in Increased Commitment to Data Quality, Market Wired - THE HACKIES: How a marketing automation company hacked their own marketing org, Chief Marketing Technologist - The Rise Of The Ad Tech “Investorpreneur”, AdExchanger - Presenting the IAB Location-Based Marketing Playbook for Retailers, Factual - A New Educational Tool Against Misinformation, Facebook Newsroom - Facebook Messenger Chat Bots Can Now More Easily Handle Updates on Shipping, Reservations, Adweek - Leveraging Twitter to Advance Your Business, Compukol - M Now Offers Suggestions to Make Your Messenger Experience More Useful, Seamless and Delightful, Facebook Newsroom - The complete guide to using Mastodon, the Twitter alternative., Quartz - Twitter Chat Tools – A selection of 5 good tools, Razor Social - YouTube TV review: a DVR to rule them all, The Verge
The Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR) coordinates hundreds of agencies and organisations internationally. Hildegard Lingnau, its executive secretary, told D+C/E+Z why researchers should focus more on family farms in the global south and why real innovation is about more than merely technological advancement. The UN’s second Sustainable Development Goal (SDG2) is to end hunger and malnutrition by 2030. Some 10 % of humanity are currently suffering hunger. While there is enough food in principle, it is not distributed equitably. Is SDG2 achievable at all? Unfortunately, it will probably not be achieved, as the UN secretary-general’s recent report on SDG progress has noted. Indeed, the situation is set getting worse. In 2020, 161 million more people were affected by hunger than in 2019. Some 2.4 billion lacked food security. The conclusion of the UN document is that a global food crisis is likely. We’ll have to do much more than in the past to achieve SDG2 or at least make some progress towards doing so by 2030. What needs to happen? There are no simple solutions, but it is obvious that we must focus more on smallholders and family farms. They account for about 84 % of agricultural businesses and produce about 35 % of all food around the world. On the other hand, diets must change. Meat consumption, for example, must be reduced. The mission of GFAR is to increase global food supply. What do you focus on for that purpose? GFAR is a network of networks. We cooperate with hundreds of agencies and organisations interested in the transformation of the agri-food system, including farmers associations, research centres, civil-society organisations and the private sector. We help them to network, get heard and become more involved in global agricultural research. GFAR depends on members’ initiatives and supports their priorities. On that basis, we organise joint projects, which we call “collective actions”. Read the full D+C interview with our Executive Secretary Hildegard Lingnau here
The Bapcor Ltd (ASX:BAP) share price has fallen despite positive news that the CEO will be sticking around in the business for longer. The post Bapcor (ASX:BAP) share price down despite positive CEO news appeared first on The Motley Fool Australia. – The Bapcor Ltd (ASX: BAP) is down around 1% after announcing news about its CEO. Bapcor is a large auto parts business with a number of different divisions including Burson and Autobarn. Here’s what the company announced about its boss. Bapcor CEO extends his tenure The Bapcor board announced that the CEO and managing director Darryl Abotomey has agreed to extend his tenure to 31 October 2023. He has been the leader of Bapcor since September 2011. The Bapcor Chair, Margie Haseltine, said: We are delighted that Darryl is extending his leadership of Bapcor through to October 2023. Under Darryl’s guidance Bapcor has been one of the top performing ASX listed companies since it listed in April 2014, going from strength to strength, year after year. Bapcor has a clear 5-year strategic plan including specific targets, with many of the projects underway and which will be brought to fruition during Darryl’s remaining tenure. What else has been happening recently? Last week the auto parts business announced its FY21 half-year result. Bapcor said that along with strong financial performance, it has continued to progress major projects that will underpin the group’s future success. It said it’s in a very solid financial position and capable of capitalising on opportunities as they arise. The auto parts business reported that its revenue from operations grew 25.8% to $883.6 million. Pro forma earning before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) went up by 36.5% to $145.6 million, pro forma net profit after tax (NPAT) grew by 54% to $70.2 million and pro forma earnings per share (EPS) rose 28.9% to 20.7 cents. Whilst the net debt grew from $109.2 million to $120.4 million, the leverage ratio improved from 2.3x to 0.6x. The Bapcor board decided to declare a fully franked interim dividend of 9 cents per share, up 12.5% compared to the prior corresponding period. Bapcor said that it continues to have avenues to drive the performance of the business including further network growth, realising operational efficiencies and expansion of the own-brand product range. It also continues to work on its new distribution centre in Victoria as well as its online 200 shares to buy for growth - Bapcor (ASX:BAP) share price stalls despite record results - 2 ASX 200 shares to buy for growth - 2 ASX shares to own according to fund managers - 3 compelling ASX shares rated as buys by brokers Motley Fool contributor Tristan Harrison. The post Bapcor (ASX:BAP) share price down despite positive CEO news appeared first on The Motley Fool Australia.
Dancing with a Camera in the Presence of Light — Part 2: A Mystical Experience in the High Sierras I felt re-baptized in the river that runs through everything in spring budding, or in autumnal gold, or in a winter bareness — but it was all treeing: a tree moving through seasons the way waves move through water: seed, sprout, shoot, then decades of cycling through the process of treeing. And then: releasing all its elements back to the earth, for other processes to recycle into their waves of activity. While I was working on this way of seeing, I took a six-day solitary hike in Yosemite, to Matterhorn Canyon in the high Sierras, where, for days, I looked at the mountains as slow waves of stone, rising from the surface of the earth like waves on the ocean. Everything showed signs of dynamic activity: sheets of rock worn by sliding water, steep cracks of split stone, mosses wearing into the boulders, pockets scooped out by waterfalls, smooth pebbles on their slow way to becoming grains of sand. And behind them all, I could imagine the sound of new mountains rising, like a bass note too deep to hear, but present beneath everything. At night, stars shone through their cycles of billions of years, condensing from cosmic dust, singing in their great furnaces of light for eons, then fading away. Or, for the larger ones, collapsing into the hotter fusion of huge but dying stars that implode into novas and supernovas, spraying into space all the elements, seeding the universe with the constituents of everything we know, the building blocks of stone, tree, water, air, speckled trout, and mountain marmots. These elements we use, for our while. Then, eventually, the cycle of the earth will complete, and it will pass its elements back perhaps into the expanding sun, billions of years from now. And the process will go on, with new combinations, new rhythms, new music played from instruments that create themselves and change as they play. As I lay on the mountainside, I seemed to enclose the universe inside me. Stars seemed to shine from the outmost layers of my skin. The whole of creation breathed. Space became enormous, vastly larger than anything I had ever imagined. And the same space that extended so far outward also opened up inside. Objects gained an extraordinary sense of internal spaciousness. When I looked at things, and later at people, they had vast interiors. I could feel a space inside them as large as any space outside, a rich, dynamic space of vital processes. Every person, every tree and stone, every grain of river sand, held the same infinity of space and vitality and loveliness and creation and destruction and life and death. The whole of the universe lived inside the tiniest thing. I felt toward people an extraordinary tenderness. I could hardly believe how complex we all were, how changeable, how dependent on so many thousands of circumstances, so precariously nourished by accidents of geological history, local ecology, a narrow range of temperature, a particular blend of air, the constant flow of food in and waste out, and an incessant rebuilding and repair that worked constantly to maintain the illusion of continuity. How wonderful to be among them — as one. Everywhere, form was changing, constantly changing. I worked to see that a woman of 20 had been an infant, a child, a gangly girl, and she would grow and change into the older woman with the same name, and gray into age and death. And everything she was now would give back every one of its constituent parts to other players in this game of earth and sun. Instead of feeling caught in meaningless cycles of matter endlessly churning through mechanistic forms, I felt illuminated, I felt gloriously alive, happy. I swam through rivers of change. Moments flowed. Because everything was being born and dying all the time, things scintillated. It was as if objects and I shared a secret. I knew, and the chair knew, that we were not things at all, but a kind of music the world sings. Near the end of my six-day solitary hike in the Sierras, I awoke one morning to something I cannot begin to describe: I saw the light inside the stone, and heard the water speak. For an eternal half hour, I quietly sat with the rocks, with the whispering stream, while the stones revealed themselves. Everything had light inside it, the secret inner life of matter. Everything was alive. Vibrant. Changing. Everything was also dying — but only because it was alive. And that dying led to more vibrant change, more forms, more of the music of existence. This, then, seemed to me to be life — this cosmic dance of activity. Huge beyond imagining, yet as close as the eye that sees it. This magic, this wonder, this dying, this becoming, this radiant orchestration of gnats and galaxies is inside the hand that reaches toward it, it speaks through the tongue that repudiates it, it is the knife that cuts itself without bleeding, without ever ceasing to bleed. It is the death that does not die and the life that is born with its end inside it. I felt enormously grateful to look into its face, to stand behind its waterfall, to hold its stone in the palm of my hand, to make love to it in a woman’s form, and, later, amid the cycles of children, pets, houses, jobs, dying parents, beloved cities and cherished woods, to grow old the way the sparkleberry sprouts new leaves in the place its ancestors first put root. I felt re-baptized in the river that runs through everything. These insights came around 1974, in an era of psychoactive drugs, but I did not take drugs. The membrane that separated me from the world was already thin, and opened me to the world, and I did not want to give up my self before I had a self to give. I have faith that the light inside the stone shines always, even when I do not see it. The space between stars, I believe, will always continue to open in some remote galaxy of the human heart. As I write this, it is my birthday in the year 2000. It is dawn, and the Carolina wrens have been calling since first light. Gerald Grow is a retired journalism professor. More at longleaf.net. The ebook, Dancing with a Camera in the Presence of Light, is $2.99 on Apple Books and Kindle. Watch for additional excerpts on Medium.
At Doltone House, the safety of our clients, guests, suppliers, employees and their families is always our top priority. We are officially registered as a COVID Safe business and are incredibly excited to reopen our amazing venues in a controlled and responsible way! To ensure the safety of everyone we have implemented a few changes (in accordance with the advice from the NSW Health Department, State and Federal Governments). In preparation for your event in one of our venues and to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our clients, guests, contractors, suppliers, employees, and members of the public, we are taking steps to minimise the potential health and business impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak. We are working on the operational considerations for our all Doltone House venues, in line with the Government’s current plans to ease COVID-19 restrictions. Doltone House is committed to implement every necessary precaution to ensure the safety and comfort of clients, guests and employees which we have outlined in a COVID-19 Safety Plan. We are committed to the safe and successful execution of your event. Doltone House will work with you to ensure we both meet the requirements set out by the government and health authority. Your guests have a part to play in the success of your event.
Bruce William Malecki joined our Heavenly Father in paradise at the age of 74 on Thursday, March 31st, 2022. He was raised alongside Kathy (Bob) Malecki of East Troy, WI, Cheryl (Thomas) Butka of Elkhorn, WI, Deb Hanson of Stoughton, WI, Christine Malecki of Maynard, IA, Phillip (Jayne) of Raymond, WI, Karen (Jack) Cowles of Oconomowoc, WI, and Michael (Lisa) Malecki of Poynette, WI, by Audrey (Gressen) and William Malecki in New Berlin, WI. He was married twice resulting in a total of 8 children. From his first marriage he had Becky, Jody, Jeremy, and a beloved daughter in law Jeanie Malecki. He then married his loving wife Teresa (Muehle) Malecki on October 21, 1975. Together they had Mary (Andrew) Popp of Wisconsin Dells, WI, Scott (Diana) Malecki of Olympia, WA, Matthew Malecki of Olympia, WA, Brian (Elizabeth Donley) Malecki of Sauk, WI, and Beth Malecki of Adams-Friendship, WI. He had 17 grandkids, and 2 great grandkids. Bruce and Teresa were an awesome team. During their 47 years of marriage, Bruce worked hard at a number of jobs including the Railroad, driving a tractor trailer, and transporting the elderly for Abby Vans. He was also a mechanic and very knowledgeable about cars and worked in that field for years. Bruce loved to hunt and fish. He was also known as a grill master and loved to host cookouts for his family and friends. You never left any cookout hungry! Bruce passed on his love of fishing to his grandchildren by teaching them new tips and tricks every chance he got. He taught all of his children and grandchildren to be good, respectful people. In 2020, Bruce was admitted to the Wisconsin Dells Health Services in Wisconsin Dells due to failing health. He lived there for a year until he moved closer to Teresa in 2021 to Liberty Village Assisted Living. He was then moved back to Wisconsin Dells Health Services Center where he fell into an eternal slumber. Bruce was preceded in death by both parents. A Funeral Service will be held at Arising Christian Church in Friendship, WI., on Saturday, April 9th, 2022, at 3:00pm where he and Teresa were dedicated members. Roseberry’s Funeral Home in Adams-Friendship, WI is also assisting the family with the arrangements. In Lieu of flowers, memorials can be made to either Wisconsin Dells Health Services in Wisconsin Dells, WI, and/or Liberty Village Assisted Living Center in Adams, WI. Memorials can also be made to Arising Christian Church in Bruce’s name in Friendship, WI. I am so sorry for your loss. Bruce was Louie’s roommate at Wisconsin dell’s. They got along so good. I stopped and saw Bruce when he came back to the dell’s and I think he did remember me. Such a nice man. He will be dearly missed. Mary and family sorry for your loss Bruce will be missed. He was so good to my son when he drove the transport vans. He was a pleasure to care for at Liberty. My condolences to his family. Fly High Bruce. Bruce was like a second father figure to me when I was young. He and Teri are AMAZING people who I have always treasured. My only regret is that my own boys did not get the chance to have this man in their lives. I will love you forever Papa Bruce. God bless your beautiful soul ❤️. Oops, correction! I’m getting old. Bruce & Sabrinas birthday is March 24. We send our condolences to the entire Maleki family. Praise the Lord, our brother Bruce, is in the presence of God and all the Saints! There are few words to describe the closeness that the Malekis, Staniszewskis, and the Wyatts enjoyed together for many years. The cookouts, card games, camping, boating, fishing, hunting and on and on, and oh yes, Coffee with Strudel treats! Bruce and Sabrina shared the same birthday, March 23, so we had lot’s of birthdays celebrated together as one big Joyous FAMILY. May the Lord bless the family. The “WYMELSKI’S” FOREVER! I have a great respect for Bruce and Teri for many years. I wish the Family my deepest condolence. What I remember most about Bruce is that He was always a happy person. WE ARE SO SORRY TO HEAR OF HIS PASSING. WE ARE UNABLE TO BE THERE DURING THIS SAD TIME BUT KNOW OUR HEARTS ARE WITH YOU ALL. LOVE JIMMY AND DAWN. I am so very sorry for the loss of this man to this wonderful family. I only knew him and Teresa for a short period of time, but I grew very fond of them both. I pray that Bruce is rejoicing at the feet of his Lord and Savior and when I get there I hope to hear his joyous laugh again! Bruce was one of the good ones. I am sorry for your loss. He will be missed dearly. Oh Terry, I’m so very to hear of Bruce’s passing. He was loved and will be missed by so many people. He always had a smile on his face every time I saw him. I know, as you do, he is at peace with our Heavenly Father. I pray God gives you peace during this difficult time. Sending love and hugs. Bruce, may you RIP my friend. Bruce was always a sweet man when I saw him. So sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you all. Terry , Beth ,and family, I am sorry for your loss. Bruce was a good man. May God comfort you in your time of need. Karen: Jerry are sorry for the loss of your brother. You, Jack and Bruce’s family will be in our thoughts and prayers at this sad time. Cathy and Jerry Braun I’m so sorry for your loss 😭 he was an amazing man will be missed by many Sending my condolences I am s caregiver at liberty village and I took care of Bruce I am so sorry and my prayers are with his friends and family sending much love and prayers Bruce was so much fun. Smiled all the time. He will be greatly missed. He,d come in to eat at Faimly Affair. Sorry he is gone up in heaven. But the good lord will take good care of him. Always friends .patty. So many memories with the family. He will be missed so much. Still doesn’t seem real. Love you pa. Prayers to the malecki famiky I’m so sorry to hear of Bruce’s passing he was a wonderful man. Terry my prayers are with you and all of the family. My heart hurts for you all.
Custom Dental Of New Castle Dental 3290 Tri City Dr Newcastle, OK 73065 4053879444 Mon - Thu: 8:00AM - 6:00PM Fri - Sun: Closed - Treatment of Sleep Apnea - Wisdom Teeth Extraction Languages - Spanish Insurance - Any - None Payments - American Express - Care Credit - Cash - Check - Cheque - Debit - Discover - Mastercard - Traveler's Check - Visa Staff CDN Newcastle Brandon Jones Certifications & Memberships 5 stars Michael L Featured review Very professional experience and great personality. Every thing went smooth as silk. Mr. Leazenby we are so glad you had a good experience and look forward to serving your future dental needs. 5 stars Becky K Customer since 2016 Staff and Dr. Jones are superb in service and care. I am not completely comfortable with members who have chosen not to take a Covid vaccine... even though my husband and I are past the wait time after our 2nd vaccine, we are still cautiously protecting our exposures. 5 stars Mike L Customer since 2013 Brandon is a great Denist, pain free to and his staff is friendly and attentive thank you Mike Lay 5 stars Abbigayle L Customer since 2017 Great friendly staff 5 stars Kenneth L Customer since 2017 Great friendly people Thank you for your kind review! Have a blessed day=) 5 stars Abbigayle L Customer since 2017 Great friendly people Thank you for your kind review! Have a blessed day=) 5 stars Jodi K Customer since 2020 Today I took my son and myself to see Dr. Brandon. And I just have to tell you that the ladies are always the best I remember your name remember things going on in your life remember Smalltalk that you thought was small talk from weeks ago! They laugh with you talk with you I just absolutely love this didn’t office I want to go in there every day just to come out feeling better about myself in my life not just my smile they’re always so gentle and explain to me everything they’re gonna do! And todayWhen Brandon found out about my brain tumor and radiation starting next week he took a little extra time to talk to me about some things that he has experienced and just gave me some hope and some positive advice and some positive thoughts! He didn’t have to do that that is going above and beyond the call of a dentist. I have been going to the Dennis for years and I have never come across such a compassionate caring person as Brandon. He has instill that in all of his staff everybody there comes up to you and says hello called you by your name they walk you out the door I spent extra time with my son make sure that you understand your paperwork I wish every single business would learn from this dental office so thank you I talk about this office all the time and brag about you guys and all of you wonderful ladies are just absolutely sent from heaven angels!!!! This was such a sweet review. We appreciate all your kind words and just hope we can make everyone feel the same as you. It's patients like you that keep us striving to be the best servants to our patients that we can be. God bless you! 5 stars Karan P Customer since 2020 Great service staff very friendly Thank you for letting us serve you. 4 stars Kasey H Customer since 2016 As always, custom dental did a fantastic job 5 stars Craig C Customer since 2020 Dr. Jones, and his staff, are always professional and friendly. Dr. Jones gave me an unexpected blessing by not charging me for a procedure he administered to my front teeth that improved the appearance, and functionality of my teeth. Totally unexpected, but appreciated! The atmosphere in the dental office is very welcoming and comfortable. This was my second visit. 5 out of 5 stars for the second time! Thanks Custom Dental Team! You are such a blessing to us as well! We are so happy to have such wonderful patients as yourself! 5 stars Jerry A Customer since 2017 First class operation For out first class patients just like you! Thank you! Also in Newcastle Veterinary Rose Rock Veterinary Hospital & Pet Resort Rise Rock Veterinary Hospital and Pef Resort is alway wonderful.Read More … Optometry Ideal Eye Care!Read More … Roofing Centennial Roofing, Inc. Optometry Jon E. Painter O.D. Heating and Air Gentry Service Dermatology Gawey Dermatology Medical Spa Mariposa Aesthetics & Laser Center
If you have any feedback on how we can make our new website better please do contact us and we would like to hear from you. Endorsements In the summer of 2016 Howard Hammerman created a program to create a customized owner statement for the South Seas Island Resort. Here is what Gwen Morris, the Owner Services Staff Account had to say: "Thanks Howard! As always you are amazing! Love it!!!! We have attained Awesomeville!" November, 2016 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the past several months, Howard has taken our standard SMS owner statement that we had used since opening, which was difficult to read and impossible to understand, and turned it into a very user friendly and critical piece of our owner accounting function. As a company, we bombarded Howard with innumerable requests (often conflicting!) of what we needed and how data should be presented, and on and on; Howard handled everything with true professionalism and patience (and always made himself available 7 days a week), and at the end of the day, produced a product that we are all very proud of. Doug HunterComptrollerPlatinum Hotel Las VegasJune 20, 2011 In this vast world of technology and programming we count on Hammerman Associates to turn ideas into reality. The results assist us in saving time and money immediately.Jane CopertinoDirector, Owner RelationsEast West Resorts, LLC
Midterm evaluation of the Tissuemed (Aspire) porcine bioprosthesis: 493 patients, 506 bioprostheses. Valve durability has been a major concern with bioprostheses, and the Tissuemed (Aspire) porcine bioprosthesis was designed to provide a solution to structural valve failure. Because bioprostheses tend to fail by 8 years, the aim of our study was to determine its midterm durability and performance. We reviewed 506 prostheses that were implanted in 493 patients (287 men; mean age 73 +/- 6 years) between 1991 and 1999. Preoperatively 316 (68%) patients were in New York Heart Association class III or IV. There were 417 (85%) aortic, 61 (12%) mitral, 13 (2.6%) aortic and mitral, and two (0.4%) tricuspid procedures. Concomitant procedures were performed in 163 (33%) patients. Follow-up was complete in 488 (98.9%) patients with a total cumulative follow-up of 1,402 patient-years. The 30-day mortality in this elderly population was 10% (95% confidence interval, 8 to 13), with no early valve-related deaths. Patients' survival at 8 years was 46% +/- 7%. This was influenced by the following factors: (1) the patient's age, being worse for those 70 years or older (p = 0.005); (2) those in New York Heart Association functional class III and IV (p = 0.004); (3) those in atrial fibrillation before the operation (p = 0.006); (4) those with poor left ventricular function (p = 0.009); and (5) those who had a previous cardiac operation (p = 0.003). Valve-related complications (expressed as percent per patient-year) were thromboembolism at 0.9%/patient-year; major hemorrhage at 1.4%/patient-year; bacterial endocarditis at 0.4%/patient-year; nonstructural dysfunction at 0.2%/patient-year, and reoperation at 0.2%/patient-year. At 8 years, freedom from thromboembolism was 93% +/- 7%, major hemorrhage, 90% +/- 4%, nonstructural dysfunction, 99% +/- 1%, structural valve failure, 100%, and reoperation, 99% +/- 1%. At follow-up, 98% of survivors were in New York Heart Association class I or II. Our study suggests that at 8 years, the Tissuemed (Aspire) porcine bioprosthesis is durable and has satisfactory performance with low complication rates.
Q: Handlebar doesn't render a collection field correctly I'm having problem trying to use a collection field named created in a template. Is that a reserved word, or something? The part of the template that's struggling looks like this: {{#each threads}} <tr> <td><a href="forumShowThread?id={{_id}}">{{topic}}</a></td> <td>{{creator.username}}</td> <!-- The line below is the evil one. --> <td>{{created}}</td> <td>{{lastPost.poster.username}} {{datetime lastPost.posted}}</td> </tr> {{/each}} The threads I find in my console in my browser are the following: [ Object _id: "ngEtonq8XM36KtG3S" created: 1375881336372 creator: function (){ creatorId: "ZmKpMdhP4GtzQo98e" lastPost: function (){ posts: function (){ subCategory: function (){ subCategoryId: "axgd2xzctkfmphmwM" topic: "Testing" __proto__: Object , Object _id: "XafEMvAvcRzpBKxG3" created: 1375882602652 creator: function (){ creatorId: "ZmKpMdhP4GtzQo98e" lastPost: function (){ posts: function (){ subCategory: function (){ subCategoryId: "axgd2xzctkfmphmwM" topic: "Testnign again" __proto__: Object , Object _id: "CZmf5MfqZrB28SLPB" created: 1375883440242 creator: function (){ creatorId: "ZmKpMdhP4GtzQo98e" lastPost: function (){ posts: function (){ subCategory: function (){ subCategoryId: "axgd2xzctkfmphmwM" topic: "And another shoot" __proto__: Object ] Obviously three threads, and they all have a created field. But the browser shows the following: <tr> <td><a href="forumShowThread?id=CZmf5MfqZrB28SLPB">And another shoot</a></td> <td>Peppe L-G</td> <td></td> <td>Peppe L-G 7 August 2013 15:50</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="forumShowThread?id=XafEMvAvcRzpBKxG3">Testnign again</a></td> <td>Peppe L-G</td> <td></td> <td>Peppe L-G 7 August 2013 15:36</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="forumShowThread?id=ngEtonq8XM36KtG3S">Testing</a></td> <td>Peppe L-G</td> <td></td> <td>Peppe L-G 7 August 2013 15:35</td> </tr> Why isn't the created field showed? I tried to use <td>{{this.created}}</td> instead of <td>{{created}}</td>, and then the browser shows the following: <tr> <td><a href="forumShowThread?id=CZmf5MfqZrB28SLPB">And another shoot</a></td> <td>Peppe L-G</td> <td>1375883440242</td> <td>Peppe L-G 7 August 2013 15:50</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="forumShowThread?id=XafEMvAvcRzpBKxG3">Testnign again</a></td> <td>Peppe L-G</td> <td></td> <td>Peppe L-G 7 August 2013 15:36</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="forumShowThread?id=ngEtonq8XM36KtG3S">Testing</a></td> <td>Peppe L-G</td> <td></td> <td>Peppe L-G 7 August 2013 15:35</td> </tr> The created field now works for the first thread, but not the rest. What's going on?! In case it's relevant, here's the entire template: <template name="pageForumSubCategory"> <div class="layoutContentForumSubCategory"> {{#with subCategory}} <h1> <a href="forum">Forum</a> → {{name}} {{#if currentUser}} → <a href="forumCreateNewThread?id={{_id}}">New thread</a> {{/if}} </h1> {{#if threads.count}} <table border="2"> <thead> <tr> <th>Topic</th> <th>Creator</th> <th>Created</th> <th>Last post</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> {{#each threads}} <tr> <td><a href="forumShowThread?id={{_id}}">{{topic}}</a></td> <td>{{creator.username}}</td> <!-- The line below is the eveil one. --> <td>{{this.created}}</td> <td>{{lastPost.poster.username}} {{datetime lastPost.posted}}</td> </tr> {{/each}} </tbody> </table> {{else}} <p>Well, it's more or less empty here (so far).</p> {{/if}} {{else}} <h1> <a href="forum">Forum</a> → ??? </h1> <p>Hmm... There is no subforum with the given id. Strange, but there's nothing I can do about it. Sorry.</p> {{/with}} </div> </template> A: All templates already have a created property, which is callback (run when your template is created). The easiest solution is just to call the field something else like createdAt instead.
New Delhi: A day after many states expressed reservation on provisions of the Food Bill, the Centre on Thursday assured them it will continue with the Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) and current foodgrains allocation in the revised Bill. The Bill is likely to be presented in the Budget session of Parliament. Currently, the poorest of poor under AAY are entitled for 35 kg of foodgrains per family every month at a cheapest price of Rs 2/kg wheat and Rs 3/kg rice. "On Wednesday, we had lengthy discussion with states. Except for Tamil Nadu, others have welcomed the bill with their own suggestions...The general feeling among states is that AAY section need to be protected. We also feel the same," Food Minister K V Thomas told reporters here. "States have also suggested protection of current allocation of foodgrains. We are almost agreeable to this, subject to the Cabinet approval," he said while briefing about the outcome of the consultation meeting of state food ministers on the proposed Food Bill. Thomas said the Centre has not yet firmed up its views on providing legal right on the quantity of foodgrains, whether 5kg or 7kg per person a month. "These are policy decisions and will be taken after discussion," he said. The panel has suggested single category classification with uniform entitlement of 5kg per person per month at uniform rate of Rs 2/kg for wheat and Rs 3/kg for rice. Whereas the Centre has proposed 7kg per person to priority households and 3kg per person at half of the support price to general households. On the percentage of population to be covered and subsidized rates of foodgrains under the Bill, Thomas said, "There was no dispute on these issues at all." "By and large, coverage under PDS up to 75 percent of rural population and 50 percent of urban population, which comes to 67 percent of total population, is almost acceptable by states," he said. On states' demand to leave the criteria for determining beneficiaries to themselves, Thomas said, "They will be given freedom." He, however, said the procedure determining which particular section of population is to be included and excluded under the Bill needed to be worked out by states. If implemented, the Bill is estimated to increase the food subsidy expenditure by Rs 20,000 crore to Rs 1.2 lakh crore. Foodgrains requirement due to Food Bill will rise to 60-62 million tonnes from the current level of 55 million tonnes. Assuring the Centre will bring in an "acceptable" bill, Thomas said: "If states have better laws to provide food security, we welcome them. Our feeling is that we are going to have a bill which is acceptable to all." On Tamil Nadu's demand to exempt it from implementation of Food bill, he said, "My personal feeling is that Tamil Nadu will also come together and implement the bill." The state governments' views will be taken on board while giving the final shape to the bill, he said, adding that the centre intends to present it in the last week of the first half of the forthcoming budget session of Parliament. The UPA government's ambitious bill, considered as the world's biggest welfare programme, was introduced in the Parliament in December 2011. On states' demand that Centre should bear additional expenses of transportation and handling of foodgrains, Thomas said, "The centre will give option to states either to absorb or pass on the expenses to beneficiaries. Currently, some states like Tamil Nadu and Chhattisgarh are absorbing it." The Parliamentary panel has recommended that states should be allowed to pass on the additional expenses to reduce financial burden of implementing the bill. On Wednesday in the consultation meeting, some states like Bihar had suggested the Centre should not hurry in implementing the Bill without modernization of the public distribution system, which suffers from leakages.
My best description of Keratoconus is that it is a degenerative disease that results in a warping of the cornea (outer layer or lens of the eye) such that it become conical shaped (basically changing from the spherical shape of a half of a basketball to the conical shape of a road cone). Usually, Keratoconus can be treated via contact lenses, but in about 10-20% of cases, the degeneration is bad enough that a Corneal Transplant is needed. In short, a Corneal Transplant is just what it sounds like, basically, a Dr. removes the outer layer of your cornea and replaces it with a donor cornea (usually held in place via stitches). The following are a bunch of links that I think are good for people that want to learn more about Keratoconus and Corneal Transplants: First, some fun, this is how people with Keratoconus see – I basically have ALL of these symptoms, fun huh? - The best general resource I have found is Wikipedia (of course): Keratoconus entry - Corneal Transplant entry - There are also a ton of great blogs, written by people that have had transplants and the following is one of my favorites - Basically, one of the reason’s that I wanted to write this blog is that I have found that many of the diarys/blogs like the one above are a bit dated and I thought people might want a more current view of events. You can basically use the above links to navigate to all kinds of great stuff about the disease and the treatments, but it is also worth mentioning a great non-profit organization called The National Keratoconus Foundation () that supports people with the disease There are those who find themselves in need of a corneal transplant. Many go through the conventional Penetrating Keratoplasty (PKP) procedure. The surgeon removes part of the patient's unhealthy, clouded cornea (what should be the clear film that lies over the iris) and replaces it with a cadaver's donated tissue. Clinics for Corneal Transplant in Thailand Corneal Collagen Crosslinking with Riboflavin or (C3-R) is a relatively new treatment. In past decades surgeons would have to perform a corneal transplant to improve the vision of keratoconus patients. Now they have developed a new treatment that helps strengthen the cornea and stop the damage that keratoconus patients could suffer from this progressive disease. Hospitals for Cornea Transplant in Thailand Thank you for sharing your knowledge about this vision problem. It is alarming that many people in the world, at any age, already have this eye problem. well then, just also wanna share this one: Experienced Keratoconus Eye Doctors in the Boston Area keratoconus Boston I hope it could also help somehow. Keep it up! I just had my 2nd Corneal transplant and am finding this to be harder then the first transplant Good share about cornea disease,. ""cross linking"" This is really good,.i want to know about "Cure for Macular Degeneration" ,. thanks for sharing this really great post,. Hormongels I must say something really an amazing and nice post,. Halstead Essex This is something really amazing and nice article,. albuquerque medspa Thanks a lot for this such and amazing and informative blog, Charitable causes I should say thanks for such an amazing and nice post,. cosmetic surgery seo
/* * interrupt controller support for CSR SiRFprimaII * * Copyright (c) 2011 Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited, a CSR plc group company. * * Licensed under GPLv2 or later. */ #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/io.h> #include <linux/irq.h> #include <mach/hardware.h> #include <asm/mach/irq.h> #include <linux/of.h> #include <linux/of_address.h> #include <linux/irqdomain.h> #include <linux/syscore_ops.h> #define SIRFSOC_INT_RISC_MASK0 0x0018 #define SIRFSOC_INT_RISC_MASK1 0x001C #define SIRFSOC_INT_RISC_LEVEL0 0x0020 #define SIRFSOC_INT_RISC_LEVEL1 0x0024 void __iomem *sirfsoc_intc_base; static __init void sirfsoc_alloc_gc(void __iomem *base, unsigned int irq_start, unsigned int num) { struct irq_chip_generic *gc; struct irq_chip_type *ct; gc = irq_alloc_generic_chip("SIRFINTC", 1, irq_start, base, handle_level_irq); ct = gc->chip_types; ct->chip.irq_mask = irq_gc_mask_clr_bit; ct->chip.irq_unmask = irq_gc_mask_set_bit; ct->regs.mask = SIRFSOC_INT_RISC_MASK0; irq_setup_generic_chip(gc, IRQ_MSK(num), IRQ_GC_INIT_MASK_CACHE, IRQ_NOREQUEST, 0); } static __init void sirfsoc_irq_init(void) { sirfsoc_alloc_gc(sirfsoc_intc_base, 0, 32); sirfsoc_alloc_gc(sirfsoc_intc_base + 4, 32, SIRFSOC_INTENAL_IRQ_END + 1 - 32); writel_relaxed(0, sirfsoc_intc_base + SIRFSOC_INT_RISC_LEVEL0); writel_relaxed(0, sirfsoc_intc_base + SIRFSOC_INT_RISC_LEVEL1); writel_relaxed(0, sirfsoc_intc_base + SIRFSOC_INT_RISC_MASK0); writel_relaxed(0, sirfsoc_intc_base + SIRFSOC_INT_RISC_MASK1); } static struct of_device_id intc_ids[] = { { .compatible = "sirf,prima2-intc" }, {}, }; void __init sirfsoc_of_irq_init(void) { struct device_node *np; np = of_find_matching_node(NULL, intc_ids); if (!np) panic("unable to find compatible intc node in dtb\n"); sirfsoc_intc_base = of_iomap(np, 0); if (!sirfsoc_intc_base) panic("unable to map intc cpu registers\n"); irq_domain_add_legacy(np, SIRFSOC_INTENAL_IRQ_END + 1, 0, 0, &irq_domain_simple_ops, NULL); of_node_put(np); sirfsoc_irq_init(); } struct sirfsoc_irq_status { u32 mask0; u32 mask1; u32 level0; u32 level1; }; static struct sirfsoc_irq_status sirfsoc_irq_st; static int sirfsoc_irq_suspend(void) { sirfsoc_irq_st.mask0 = readl_relaxed(sirfsoc_intc_base + SIRFSOC_INT_RISC_MASK0); sirfsoc_irq_st.mask1 = readl_relaxed(sirfsoc_intc_base + SIRFSOC_INT_RISC_MASK1); sirfsoc_irq_st.level0 = readl_relaxed(sirfsoc_intc_base + SIRFSOC_INT_RISC_LEVEL0); sirfsoc_irq_st.level1 = readl_relaxed(sirfsoc_intc_base + SIRFSOC_INT_RISC_LEVEL1); return 0; } static void sirfsoc_irq_resume(void) { writel_relaxed(sirfsoc_irq_st.mask0, sirfsoc_intc_base + SIRFSOC_INT_RISC_MASK0); writel_relaxed(sirfsoc_irq_st.mask1, sirfsoc_intc_base + SIRFSOC_INT_RISC_MASK1); writel_relaxed(sirfsoc_irq_st.level0, sirfsoc_intc_base + SIRFSOC_INT_RISC_LEVEL0); writel_relaxed(sirfsoc_irq_st.level1, sirfsoc_intc_base + SIRFSOC_INT_RISC_LEVEL1); } static struct syscore_ops sirfsoc_irq_syscore_ops = { .suspend = sirfsoc_irq_suspend, .resume = sirfsoc_irq_resume, }; static int __init sirfsoc_irq_pm_init(void) { register_syscore_ops(&sirfsoc_irq_syscore_ops); return 0; } device_initcall(sirfsoc_irq_pm_init);
ENIAC (which meant "Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer") was a computer built between 1943 and 1946. It was designed by two people called John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert. The machine was built out of nearly 17,500 vacuum tubes, 7,200 diodes and many miles of wire. It took up of space, which is the size of a large room. Background The history of computers is complex, and many machines have been identified as the "first computer". ENIAC's claim is based on the fact that it was more programmable than previous ones. Because the computer was built out of vacuum tubes, it often broke. This meant that someone had to find the failed tube (which was not an easy job), take the bad tube out and put a working tube in. Making programs for the computer was difficult. Making the computer ready for one single program could take many days or even weeks. This was because the programming had to be done by pulling wires from one place to another. This was not hard for small programs, but if a large program was wanted, it was very hard work. Programming by pulling wires was used until 1948, when a special type of memory was added (called Read Only Memory (ROM), because the computer could read it but not write it). After that, programming was done by using switches, which only took hours instead of days. History The ENIAC was first designed to print firing tables for U.S. Army artillery, but the war ended before the machine was completed. Instead, its first real job (not test) was to calculate how neutrons would go through various materials. This was needed in making a hydrogen bomb. ENIAC took 70 hours to work out pi to 2000 decimal places. A modern PC with a CPU of the size of 2x2 cm is much faster than ENIAC, which used up a whole room of space. For an example, a modern PC can work out a million (1,000,000) decimal places of pi in about ten seconds. ENIAC was shut down forever on October 2, 1955. Now, only about 10 panels of the 40 exist. Although the original is shut down, programs written for the ENIAC can still be run on a modern computer using an emulator.
h is the closest to -0.138? (a) -2 (b) -0.05 (c) -3 (d) -5 b Which is the closest to -2? (a) 1/7 (b) 56091 (c) 1 a Which is the nearest to -8? (a) -18/11 (b) -6 (c) -2 (d) 1 b What is the closest to -0.1 in 0, 2/37, 19, -0.05? -0.05 Which is the nearest to 2? (a) 4/16449 (b) 1/3 (c) 4/7 (d) 0.1 c Which is the closest to -1/3? (a) 1 (b) -0.4 (c) 0.4 (d) 13295 b Which is the closest to 3? (a) -25 (b) 1 (c) 2/15 (d) -0.4 (e) 56 b Which is the closest to 61? (a) -5.47 (b) 2 (c) -2 (d) 1/4 b Which is the nearest to -0.273? (a) 2/23 (b) -0.5 (c) 1/7 (d) -1 (e) -1/7 e What is the closest to 14.8 in -3, 2, -43, 14? 14 Which is the nearest to 15? (a) 3 (b) 1/3 (c) 0 (d) -27 (e) 1 a Which is the closest to -18? (a) -2/3 (b) -4 (c) 59 b Which is the nearest to -0.19? (a) 35 (b) -3 (c) -3/8 c Which is the nearest to 3.93? (a) 1/6 (b) -1524 (c) 0 a What is the closest to 2/7 in 98, -25, -1? -1 Which is the closest to -11? (a) -28/25 (b) -1 (c) -0.3 a What is the nearest to -17 in 18.5, 4, -0.2? -0.2 Which is the nearest to -0.01? (a) -2 (b) 2/23 (c) -21 (d) 0.3 (e) 2/15 b What is the nearest to 0 in -1/4, -0.9, 1086, 3, 14? -1/4 Which is the closest to 1? (a) 2.56 (b) 35/8 (c) 0 c What is the closest to 1 in -2, -0.07, -51/58? -0.07 Which is the closest to 2? (a) -6/13 (b) -0.3 (c) -0.4 (d) -0.07 (e) -11.7 d What is the closest to 339 in 2, -1/8, 4? 4 Which is the nearest to 1.12? (a) 3 (b) -1/13 (c) -2 (d) -1/17 (e) 0.2 e What is the nearest to -3 in -4, 1.29, -118? -4 What is the nearest to -0.13 in 14/9, 0.06, -4, -2/9? -2/9 What is the closest to -4 in 0.3, -4, 0.5, 3? -4 Which is the closest to 1? (a) 47 (b) -0.4 (c) -20 b Which is the nearest to -11.1? (a) 9 (b) 0.3 (c) 8/3 b Which is the closest to -2? (a) 0.9 (b) -1/48 (c) 0.4 (d) 3 b What is the closest to 0 in -5/2, 0, -4593, -8? 0 What is the nearest to 2 in -1, 2, 3977/12? 2 Which is the closest to 7/6? (a) 7/4 (b) 4 (c) -354 a Which is the nearest to -1? (a) 8 (b) -7/8 (c) -52 b Which is the closest to -1/12? (a) -2.71 (b) 3 (c) 0 (d) 2/11 c Which is the closest to -5? (a) -2400 (b) 5 (c) -0.5 (d) 2 (e) 3 c Which is the nearest to 0? (a) 13 (b) 1 (c) -3/5 (d) 43 (e) -39 c Which is the closest to 4? (a) -2/153 (b) -12 (c) -3 (d) -0.2 (e) -2/11 a Which is the closest to 10? (a) -17 (b) -2 (c) 1/19 c Which is the closest to -0.1? (a) 4 (b) -191 (c) -1.9 c Which is the closest to -9? (a) -3 (b) -3/4 (c) -73 (d) 0.5 (e) -0.3 a Which is the nearest to 0.2? (a) 4 (b) 0.1 (c) 19.7 b Which is the nearest to -0.9? (a) -6 (b) 0.112 (c) -5 b Which is the closest to 1/266? (a) -2/7 (b) -1 (c) 2/3 (d) 10 a What is the nearest to -1049 in 0, 2/11, -11? -11 Which is the nearest to 2? (a) 7/4 (b) -0.7 (c) 0.5 a What is the closest to -44 in 2/15, 0, -11, -5, 0.6? -11 Which is the closest to 0? (a) 7194/25 (b) 2/7 (c) 4 (d) -2/5 (e) 1 b Which is the closest to 4/103? (a) 7 (b) -0.4 (c) -0.2 c What is the closest to 2/3 in -7445, -3, -2, -0.5, -4? -0.5 Which is the closest to 1? (a) 0.037 (b) -28 (c) 2 (d) 2/7 (e) -0.4 d What is the nearest to -407 in 1/2, -1/2, -2/39? -1/2 Which is the closest to 1? (a) -2 (b) 7523 (c) 3 c Which is the closest to -1/12? (a) 1/2 (b) 4161 (c) -2 a What is the nearest to 1/3 in 5, -1/4, 3/4, 16? 3/4 Which is the closest to -30? (a) 9.08 (b) -3/8 (c) -0.4 c What is the closest to 1 in -2, -1, 0.06, -569, 0.1? 0.1 What is the nearest to -1 in 0.5, 1, -79, -16? 0.5 What is the closest to -3/8 in 3, 6, -0.3, 1/8, -2/5? -2/5 Which is the closest to 2/3? (a) 0.046 (b) -9 (c) -5 (d) 0 a Which is the closest to 1? (a) 0.1 (b) -1 (c) 1 (d) -2/3641 c Which is the nearest to 2? (a) 2/3 (b) -425 (c) -1 (d) -2.7 (e) 2 e Which is the closest to 20? (a) 4/3 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 0.4 (e) 0.05 c Which is the closest to -2/7? (a) -3 (b) -3/2 (c) -1 (d) -148.9 c What is the nearest to -8/19 in -1, 67, -5/3? -1 Which is the nearest to -0.3? (a) -6/11 (b) -2 (c) -108.9 a Which is the closest to 30? (a) -1/29 (b) 1/7 (c) 3.5 c What is the closest to -1 in 0.3, -0.93, 5, -3/5? -0.93 Which is the closest to 0.22? (a) -0.4 (b) 2 (c) -4 (d) -5 (e) 1.1 a What is the nearest to -269 in -0.0619, 4/5, 2? -0.0619 Which is the closest to -22? (a) -14 (b) 1/11 (c) 14 a What is the nearest to -1 in 20129, -4/9, -0.1, 5/6? -4/9 Which is the nearest to 0? (a) 1 (b) -4/3 (c) -1/5 (d) -322/17 c Which is the nearest to -7.4? (a) -4 (b) -1/8 (c) -7/3 (d) -1/5 a What is the nearest to -0.1 in 7, 10/9, -8, 3? 10/9 Which is the closest to -0.1? (a) 686 (b) -2/7 (c) -2/57 c Which is the nearest to 1? (a) -2/17 (b) 3/7 (c) 15.8 (d) -5 b Which is the closest to 14.8? (a) -2/5 (b) 0 (c) -17 (d) 0.1 d Which is the nearest to -21.793? (a) -4 (b) -2/3 (c) -2 (d) 5 a What is the closest to 17 in -3, -240, 2? 2 What is the closest to -10 in -1, -0.02, 0.5? -1 Which is the closest to -3/7? (a) -235 (b) 0.5 (c) -5 (d) 1/8 d Which is the nearest to 2? (a) -2/9 (b) -0.3 (c) 40 (d) -2 a Which is the closest to -0.3? (a) -5 (b) 4 (c) 103 b Which is the closest to -8? (a) -0.3 (b) -18428 (c) -2 c What is the nearest to -1/10 in -0.2, -5, 4/11, -2.034? -0.2 What is the nearest to -1673 in -4, -2/17, 0? -4 What is the nearest to 0 in 1/3, 1, 3, -4038? 1/3 Which is the nearest to 112? (a) 27 (b) -0.04 (c) 3 (d) -1/2 a Which is the closest to 344? (a) -1 (b) 5 (c) -7/2 (d) -3/8 b What is the closest to 0.2 in -0.3, -4, -0.4, 60, 6? -0.3 Which is the nearest to -1/2? (a) 1 (b) -2/19 (c) -2/105 b Which is the nearest to 1? (a) 1 (b) 0.41 (c) 2/173 (d) 1.2 a What is the nearest to 0.1 in 0.4, -13, -6/5, 0.16, -7? 0.16 What is the nearest to 44/9 in -8, -3/17, -1/7? -1/7 Which is the nearest to 1? (a) -124 (b) 3/4 (c) -0.46 (d) 2 (e) 4 b Which is the closest to 1? (a) 0.25 (b) -3 (c) -1/4 (d) -32 a What is the nearest to -2/7 in -2, -0.533, -8? -0.533 Which is the closest to 0.1? (a) -2/27 (b) -0.3 (c) 134 (d) 16 a What is the closest to 2/13 in 0.04, -19, -2/19, -2? 0.04 Which is the nearest to -4? (a) 3 (b) 0.0197 (c) -4/3 (d) -4 d What is the nearest to -20 in 2/7, -5, 0.3, -2/75, 3/17? -5 What is the nearest to -2 in 1, 1/9, -120, -1/3? -1/3 What is the nearest to 2/7 in -2780, 0.5, -10? 0.5 Which is the nearest to -1? (a) 9 (b) 0.2 (c) -1/8 (d) -14 (e) 6/47 c What is the closest to 1/4 in -4, -2, -0.067? -0.067 Which is the nearest to -0.7? (a) 46 (b) -2 (c) -8 (d) 2 b Which is the closest to -7/9? (a) -1402 (b) -0.3 (c) 3 b Which is the nearest to 2/1953? (a) 0.4 (b) 10 (c) 4 a What is the closest to 14 in -2, 0.2, -0.5, 29? 0.2 Which is the nearest to -3/2? (a) -3 (b) 2/19 (c) 1/2 (d) -529 (e) 2 a Which is the closest to -4/9? (a) -0.2 (b) 11/5 (c) 0.3 (d) -4 a Which is the nearest to 1/19? (a) -1 (b) 1/7 (c) 183 b What is the closest to 0.1 in -6, -1, -8? -1 What is the closest to 147 in -0.5, 4/5, 5, 4? 5 Which is the closest to 3? (a) -0.4 (b) 37 (c) -0.034 (d) 0.4 d What is the closest to -5 in 44, 0.2, 22? 0.2 What is the closest to -0.1 in 2, -11, -247, 4, 1.1? 1.1 Which is the closest to -1? (a) -7 (b) 78/7 (c) -4/3 (d) 0.2 c Which is the nearest to -165/7? (a) -1/2 (b) -13/6 (c) -3 c Which is the nearest to 8? (a) 3.4 (b) -36 (c) 42 a Which is the nearest to -28? (a) -4 (b) -1.6 (c) 29 (d) -22 d Which is the closest to 0? (a) 0.3 (b) 3/2 (c) 67 (d) 2/9 d What is the closest to 0.2 in -307, -2/7, 27, 4? -2/7 What is the nearest to -12/35 in 2, -1, -0.5, -13? -0.5 What is the nearest to 2 in 3, -4, 5, 0.2, -57/44? 3 What is the nearest to 1 in 5, -84/1795, -1? -84/1795 Which is the nearest to -3? (a) 1812 (b) -5 (c) -4 c Which is the nearest to -1/3? (a) -0.3 (b) -0.0539 (c) 0.1 a What is the closest to -0.17 in 2/29, 4, -2/5, -1? -2/5 What is the nearest to 3 in 4, -0.2, 948, 0.2, 2/9? 4 Which is the nearest to 2? (a) 2/9 (b) 4 (c) 1/9 a Which is the nearest to 0.267? (a) 277 (b) -2 (c) 0.4 c What is the closest to 1 in 5/3, -0.2, -24/67, 1/84? 5/3 What is the closest to -1/3 in -6, -9206, 0.11? 0.11 Which is the closest to
L26cm Flared Square Planter Insert - By Zink™ Delivery £4.99 per order, no matter how many items you order - more info We can usually deliver to all areas of mainland UK for our standard delivery charge of £4.99 Some items may incur an additional charge for Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands and Islands. You will be contacted for additional payment should these charges apply to your order. Please request a price for delivery to non-UK destinations by contacting us. Plants have a delivery charge set by each nursery which may exceed £4.99, however you will not be charged any extra delivery costs for additional items on your order. So, if you're not happy with anything you've bought, simply let us know in writing (email is fine) within 60 days of receiving the item, and after having received a returns number send the item back to us. You can pay by Debit or Credit card as usual, but if you have an or account you won't have to type your name & address, just sign in. Flared Square Planter Insert - Medium 26cm This insert has been created to fit inside the Medium Flared Square Gunmetal Planter. Due to its contemporary design, it can also be used as a separate pot in its own right. It has been designed to reduce the internal volume of the planter by creating a shelf which the contents can sit on. This allows you to display smaller plants & shrubs and decrease the amount of compost or aggregate required, saving you both time and money. The clean lines of both the planter and the insert, along with their black metal aesthetic, blend well with foliage, slate, and stone. They also look stunning set off against box balls, vibrant flowers, and white-washed walls, making this planter insert absolutely essential for the style-conscious gardener. Features Reduces the amount of soil and other fillers needed - saves you money Made from steel for strength and durability Galvanised in zinc, which makes it much more resistant to rust and bad weather conditions These inserts have been manufactured from steel that has been galvanised in zinc. This process adds a coat of zinc to the steel, which will help improve its resistance against corrosion caused by both the atmosphere and the elements. It also offers cathodic protection, which means that if the planter gets scratched and the steel underneath is exposed, the zinc will form a galvanic cell that will protect the steel from corrosion. The insert has been designed so that it will slot into the top of the planter, acting as a shelf that will reduce its internal volume so that it can be used to display smaller plants. Due to the way it has been constructed, this insert can also be used as a planter on its own.
[Published in School Leadership,] Last summer, I was waiting for a plane, idling away my time at Dulles Airport, Washington, already tired of Supreme Commander mugs and snow globes of the White House, when I came upon a book-stand of Harvard Business School. With nothing much to do, but wait, I flicked through some of them looking for new perspectives for don’t all ideas in educational leadership spring from a cutting taken from American Business? My eye was drawn to a page called ‘The Ten Commandments of Business’. Well, not only did I always have a soft spot for Charlton Heston as Moses [it was his pre-pro-gun days!] but I still remember studying Exodus at school and could still name the original ten commandments, well, almost. Is it true, by the way, as in ‘The Crucible’ that the one you can’t remember is the one of which you are guilty? Anyway, the idea of commandments appealed to my categorical imperative self and I immediately sat down and wrote a ten commandments for senior leadership, not that I saw myself as guiltless, but then neither did Moses, or the Harvard School probably. The point was to remind myself, and others, of the important ideals to live by so as to encourage a creative and critical school. The Ten Leadership Commandments 1. Show your vision through what you say and how you work. You can be forgiven a mistake but you cannot lose your integrity. 2. Decisions made by Leadership belong to everyone in Leadership even if individuals disagree. 3. Try to listen to what teachers have to say and to see their points of view, for they may have better solutions than you. 4. Always take responsibility for your own work and any mistakes you make. 5. Always show respect to staff and think well of them. Relationships matter and teachers are your best resource. Expect the best and be coach and catalyst. 6. Rejoice when a colleague gets promotion or recognition, particularly working in your team. Beware of petty jealousies and keep your eye on the dream. 7. Use a positive mindset to give feedback to those around you. Say something encouraging, notice something praiseworthy and comment in speech or writing. 8. Never gossip at work. 9. Always give those you lead a sense of optimism and cheerfulness. [Even when a swan] 10. Be serious about the work but never take yourself too seriously. Of course, leaders are not saints, nor indeed were the Israelites or those trainee managers at Harvard business school. The point of the exercise is to remind us of what we should strive for when trying to act with moral probity and in creating a sense of well-being for staff. They are self-explanatory but let s/he without sin throw the first stone. 1. Show your vision through what you say and how you work. You can be forgiven a mistake but you cannot lose your integrity. We sometimes speak of leading by example and that is surely true, becoming the change you want to bring about, as it were. Leaders lose credibility if they step aside from the principles and values they have espoused. In education, consistency of principles, values and expectations are essential to creating a community of life-long learners. At the centre of any school are the needs of the pupils and all decisions have to be affected by what is best for children’s learning. But, getting the best out of staff to serve those needs means clearly defining and communicating your ideals. It is important when speaking with staff and pupils to give reasons and explanations for your actions which link back to first principles. 2. Decisions made by Leadership belong to everyone in Leadership even if individuals disagree. Nothing undermines credibility in a school so much as criticism from your own team. Just as it is poisonous to allow a class to speak ill of another teacher, it follows that showing public dissent with a decision undermines it. A good team talks about disagreement in a team meeting. Of course, our spouses and partners may get to hear all the irritations and dislikes we don’t reveal at work – we all need to let off steam occasionally! Cabinet rules apply. The place to argue your case is behind closed doors. Once a decision is made then you have to put it into action whatever your views. Hopefully, you may have tempered or influenced the decision by the strength of your argument. The unforgiveable sin, in leadership, is surely attacking a colleague’s viewpoint in a more public meeting when a decision has already been agreed. It is not about you and what you think but about the team acting together. Though, of course, after most verbal battles you do live to fight again! 3. Try to listen to what teachers have to say and to see their points of view, for they may have better solutions than you. It is so easy to dismiss what teachers have to say or to become disgruntled by criticism. It does not take long to forget what it feels like to teach a full timetable and turn lotus-eater. You can glibly deal with criticism by saying, ‘he would say that’, or ‘after all the support I’ve given her’. Shamefully, I have said such things myself. However, there is a need to be dispassionate and to stand in a person’s shoes. Suggestions, as well as criticisms, need to be taken on board and examined carefully. Occasionally, they do stem from mischief or cynicism, but more often than not, people at ‘the chalk face’ give golden nuggets of ideas, which can take a school forward. Empowerment is a spur to effort and commitment and being taken seriously and treated as a professional can lead to creative and profound changes in classroom practices. I agree with Cavour when he said that, ‘The man who trusts men will make fewer mistakes than he who distrusts them.’ 4. Always take responsibility for your own work and any mistakes you make. It is acceptable to make mistakes. If you do not make any, you are not taking any risks and you may be not developing, as you should. You cannot take responsibility for the good things you manage and slip away from those which do not go so well. Nothing is for nothing. If something is not working, do not keep doing the same thing and try to cover up. You may need a difficult conversation with your team, to stand an idea on its head and think out of the box, or scrap that practice and think again. Being honest and clear in your reasoning is the best way forward. Interestingly, research has shown that people like it when leaders ask for their views and respect those who ask them for a favour or their truthful opinion. They prefer to bestow a favour than ask for one. That is a powerful fact. Psychologists tell us that people warm more to those who make mistakes and admit them, than to those who appear too perfect. Luckily! 5. Always show respect to staff and think well of them. Relationships matter and teachers are your best resource. Expect the best and be coach and catalyst. Who needs negativity? The day goes dismal and who can do their best work? A positive mind-set affects the working environment. Human beings are adaptable. If those in leadership have a growth mindset, they will become the change they want to introduce. I have experienced, in the past, some Leadership teams who treated staff with less respect than that shown to the children. Teachers are professionals who want to do a good job and need to be treated as such. It should be assumed that teachers are trying to be good at what they do. If pupils are not making progress it could be that the teachers do not know how to succeed or there are factors stopping them making progress. A few teachers will have lost the sense of vocation so important in teaching. Such negative attitudes need to be challenged although there is not room here for a full plan of action but working with more positive people, being recognized for things that go well and strategic coaching or mentoring can go a long way in improving attitude and performance. In leadership, there are difficult conversations to be had but a positive mind-set believes that teachers can always improve [as can leaders]. Such conversations need careful planning and should never be rushed or ad hoc. Needless to say, such a conversation should never take place in a corridor, in the staffroom or any public place. Teachers are not naughty children and anyway before we start shooting from the hip, we should realize that we might well not have all the facts of the case. Even in a court of law, you are innocent before proven guilty. These thoughts may seem like over-kill but several times in my career, I have been tackled by senior staff in public places and have had to say that I would not discuss the matter in that forum. As a leader, I try to remember what that felt like. 6. Rejoice when a colleague gets promotion or recognition, particularly working in your team. Beware of petty jealousies and keep your eye on the dream. As in any institution, it is difficult not to feel twinges of professional jealousy and/or inadequacy. Many schools encourage this competitiveness. Why her and not me? What has he done to deserve it? However, a better team spirit and some stern talking to yourself should make it clear that this success is actually a mark of the school’s success in developing all staff. If the successful teacher is from your team, it could well be that this is also your success. It is worth remembering why you are doing the job and the ideals that brought you to the profession. People who love power should never be given any. It is what you do with the leadership role you have which is important; it is not all about you. 7. Use a positive mindset to give feedback to those around you. Say something encouraging, notice something praiseworthy and comment in speech or writing. Recently, I was leading an In-set with a more junior staff member. It went very well, thank you. My colleague was really happy at its success and pleased with the feedback that praised us both. She said that several members of staff who attended the meeting had text her the night after the session and praised her facilitating skills. At that moment, I had to remember Commandment 6 and use some cognitive strategy on myself. It was not that I resented her getting praise: I praised her myself. The moral of the story s that it does not matter how old or experienced you are or what position you hold in a school – recognition and praise matter. We say of children, ‘catch them being good’ but the same is true of teachers. Noticing small things that teachers do well can change mind-sets and make for a positive and reflective staff-room. I try to e-mail, or write a note each week to a teacher, showing that I have noticed something positive that has been done that week. Similarly if I enter a classroom, I try to find something positive to comment on. Everyone needs positive reinforcement from the Headteacher to the NQT. 8. Never gossip at work. This is not an easy rule as sometimes talk can slide so easily into chatter. Clearly, gossip is not for a meeting but it is a tricky professional judgment as to when important information about a teacher ends and where prurient gossip begins. It is a fine line and is not an easy tightrope to walk. 9. Always give those you lead a sense of optimism and cheerfulness. [Even when a swan] Everyone needs an outlet for anger, frustration and irritation and if you are lucky you will have a trusted critical friend at work who you trust. Generally, however, if you are feeling overwhelmed and despondent how can you expect others to have a forward-thinking and optimistic point of view? If you are leading a team, just as when you are leading a class, you need to bring a can-do mindset to the meeting. Leaders are not saints and occasionally it is quite useful to show annoyance, but I have found such emotions are best acted rather than ‘for real’. It is a well-known fact that if you smile, it makes you actually feel happier and if you act happily and mindfully, the world, including your school, feels like a better place. 10. Be serious about the work but never take yourself too seriously. The world is full of pompous, self-important leaders and managers. It does not have to be like that. A sense of humour can smooth discussion and unruffle feathers. Having respect for staff does not mean that you lack challenge, but losing a human dimension loses a great deal more than social relations. I agree with Einstein when he wrote that, ‘Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts’. What does it profit a leader if the spirit of education is lost? Atticus Finch’s dictum of walking in another person’s shoes holds for all aspects of life. Staff well-being is not only a moral imperative for leaders, but it also fosters a more creative work-force. If you can deflate yourself before others do it, then you will save yourself from being too precious and recognize your own short-comings. To be an effective leader, it is important to have a vision and to be seen to be trying to be true to that vision. People respond to leaders who show humility and awareness of the challenges ahead but continue to strive for excellence. All of my ten commandments demand a positive and creative mind-set. Just as a crucial factor in unlocking a student’s potential is to fire the imagination and release creative ways of learning so leadership needs to inspire teachers to take risks and follow ideals. Success in leadership concurs with Gardner’s features of high achievement; the ability to exploit strength, a tendency to reflect and not have knee-jerk reactions and the disposition to look at experiences in a positive way. And so, these are my ten commandments and perhaps another school leader would wish to change or tweak or modify. However, the process of thinking about this list and discussing it with others has proved a useful exercise that I would recommend to all schools.
Irradiation with 780 nm diode laser attenuates inflammatory cytokines but upregulates nitric oxide in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages: implications for the prevention of aneurysm progression. Low level laser irradiation (LLLI) has been shown to reduce inflammation in a variety of clinical situations. We have shown that LLLI (780 nm) increases aortic smooth muscle cell proliferation and matrix protein secretion and modulates activity and expression of matrix metalloproteinases. Inflammation is a major component of arteriosclerotic diseases including aneurysm. Macrophage recruitment and secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and the vasodilator, nitric oxide (NO), are central to most immune responses in the arterial wall. The present study was designed to determine the effect of LLLI on cytokine gene expression and secretion as well as gene expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and NO production in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated macrophages. Murine monocyte/macrophages (RAW 264.7) were irradiated with a 780 nm diode laser (2 mW/cm(2), 2.2 J/cm(2)) during stimulation with LPS (0, 0.1, and 1 microg/ml). Gene expression of chemokines, cytokines, and iNOS were assessed by RT-PCR. Secretion of interleukin (IL)-1beta and monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1 and NO were assessed by ELISA and the Griess reaction, respectively. LLLI reduced gene expression of MCP-1, IL-1alpha, IL-10 (P<0.01), IL-1beta, and IL-6 (P<0.05) when cells were stimulated by 1 microg/ml LPS. LLLI reduced LPS-induced secretion of MCP-1 over non-irradiated cells by 17+/-5% and 13+/-5% at 12 hours (0.1 and 1 microg/ml LPS; P<0.01 and P=0.05, respectively), and reduced IL-1beta by 22+/-5% and 25+/-9% at 24 hours (0.1 and 1 microg/ml LPS, P=0.01 and P=0.06, respectively). However, LLLI increased NO secretion after 12 hours (LLLI vs. without LPS, 1.72+/-0.37 vs. 0.95+/-0.4 microM, P<0.05; 0.1 microg/ml LPS, 7.46+/-1.62 vs. 4.44+/-1.73 microM, P=0.06; 1 microg/ml LPS, 10.91+/-3.53 vs. 6.88+/-1.52 microM, P<0.05). These properties of LLLI, with its effects on smooth muscle cells reported previously, may be of profound therapeutic relevance for arterial diseases such as aneurysm where inflammatory processes and weakening of the matrix structure of the arterial wall are major pathologic components.
8th CCS Regulatory Network Meeting Venue: CCM Paris, France Dates: 23 November 2016 - 24 November 2016 Organiser: IEA Contact Email: tristan.stanley@iea.org Background The commitment of governments in Paris in December 2015 to push for a below 2°C rise in global temperatures has underlined the importance of CCS in achieving global climate goals. The role of CCS relies on the verified safe and effective long term storage of CO2. Regulation governing CCS, and in particular CO2 storage, continues to be critical in building confidence in its safety and benefit to the climate; and also providing clarity and certainty to potential investors. The IEA International CCS Regulatory Network has supported and charted the development of CCS legal and regulatory frameworks in a number of jurisdictions globally, and continues to provide a forum for the exchange of experiences and for consideration of key issues in regulation. The meeting this year will focus on the development of CCS regulation in key emerging economies and the experiences of projects. As well as hearing progress updates from member governments, the meeting will seek to address two key questions: How does regulation impact the development of projects; and what are the most effective approaches for regulation in emerging economies, given the potentially different legal and regulatory contexts.. Related Links: Hotels Agenda CCM Meeting info Carbon capture and storage topic page
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In addition, it will also help if you indicate which operating system you are using; and whether your operating system is 32 or 64 bit. The more information you can provide, the better! How Do I Find My Model Number or Product Number? Which Windows operating system am I running? Is the Windows Version on My Computer 32-bit or 64-bit? Please re-post with the necessary information, this way I will be able to research this further for you. I look forward to your reply! Cheers! MechPilot I work on behalf of HP Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution. Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping! Firefox 3.6.3 - ebay pages are centered, do not display full width of screen Upgraded to Firefox 3.6.3 and my ebay pages are centered and do not display full width of screen as they did in the previous version. Most other pages will automatically adjust to the full width of the screen == This happened == Every time Firefox opened == Firefox 3.6.3 upgrade See if anything here helps you. <br /> XML Publisher report output in RTF format does not display full page Hi, We have one XML Publisher report, the output of report in RTF format is not getting displayed in Full Page in normal way (MS Word -->View menu --> Print layout) but we can see full page display when we do MS Word -->View menu --> Outline. Appreciate your valuable inputs on this. Is this a template issue or any profiles needs to be set. Thanks Vijay Do you have any header and footer on your template? If you have any header and footer then try to adjust it as of to display full page. Thanks Yasar Waveforms not displaying on most tracks On some projects, the waveforms are displaying as flat or nearly flat lines on most tracks. As it happens, the tracks I can't edit are the ones I need to edit. They are all real instrument tracks recorded through a USB - guitar interface. When I go to flex time I see flex lines but no waves. Does anyone have any idea what to do about this? Thanks It may be the site you are trying to access is not rendering the CAPTCHA properly. This might be because of poor coding or slow response from the site. Try the refresh arrow alongside, or if that does not work, tap on the sound icon: that is usually pronounced slow enough to be able to understand. The audio waveform is not displaying on the timeline. I have it turned on with optapplew. I dumped all my waveform cache. It even seems like the source video clips do not have it. How can I tell FCP to redraw all waveform? OR what is the fix? Dual 2.5, 4GB Ram Mac OS X (10.3.9). Hierarchy Node Variable is not displaying full list of Hierarchy Hi, I loaded Hierarchy to an info object using flat file. When i created a test reports and settings to display of MAster Data of Char and executed the report The output displays full list of Hierarchy Now to have a User Entry on Hierarchy ...created a Hierarchy Node variable and executed the value help of Hierarchy Node variable is not displaying fill list of Hierarchy ...its only displaying first 15 entries in Hierarchy. I changed the settings of variable...etc but couldn't get the Hierarchy full list in User entry selection How can i fix it... Thanks in advance If anyone has the same problem, I think I found the reason when transported to production. BW7.3 (at least) can not show the hierarchy nodes if there is no transactional data loaded. So do your hierarchies only after the data has been loaded.. JPG's not displaying full colour in Bridge When I import the images from my Nikon D300s Camera into Photoshop Bridge CS4 the images seem to be a coldish blue color when browsing them, this has only happened with the newiMac 2013 that I have just purchased, it all works fine in my earlier iMac 2009 model, I have checked that the settings are the same as the earlie one and all seems to be ok, when I open them up in photoshop the color returns, I have set everything up as Adobe RGB even on the camera but still not right. I have tried Tiff's and they are fine in bridge same as the RAW files, it is just the jpgs that don't look right. has anyone got any ideas what is wrong. If I open them in Raw and touch them up then open them in photoshop and save them as PSD files they are fine. any idea's. Here is a link to the site. The homepage doesn't have any dynamic jpgs so you will have to click the '7 TranScan' button (this is the bottom button within the menu down the right-hand side). This will take you to the '7 Transcan' homepage where one of the problem jpgs is not displaying. As you'll see it won't display at all within Flash Player 8 but displays fine in Flash Player 9. The address is If you find anything please let me know - thanks in advance. Error Message not displaying full error msg in screen Hi Frds, Need to display the error message as my specified words.... . I have created a message class also... even though its not displaying mesage properly My Message i passed here . R&D Material already exists......... Hello Kabil, If you use '&' then your message will be truncate in Status bar message. Best option would be use 'and' instead of '&' the your problem will be resolved. Cheers, Vadamalai A Videos not displaying full screen I downloaded SD videos from Itunes on my Ipad2 and they will not load full screen. Their is no option to touch to make go full screen or turning the device sideways does not move the movie either. How do I get the movie to play full screen? Hi, Are you playing videos ? Some videos may have black bands around. Now using this to test: Just clik the link, what is the result ? Is it similar to this ? (If can't click, copy it then paste to browser URL/address space). Regards. BH **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'** Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem. Firefox does not display full page I have an application that is being served from a mainframe HTTPD server. The pages do not display correctly in Firefox. I have a column of icons on the left side of the webpage. Each icon will display information on the rest of the webpage in multiple frames. There is a black bar at the top of the screen. My webpage is above this black bar. I have to pull down the black bar to see my webpage. I also tried this in Firefox safe mode (same results). Every time I click on an icon to open the webpage, I have to pull the black bar down again. How can I get my page to display correctly? I installed the "IE TAB 2 extension" and that didn't help. I already tested in Firefox safe mode which removed extensions and plugins. I am including 2 files. 1) A screen shot with the black line at the top of the screen. 2) A screen shot when I pull down the black line. When I pull down the black line, the application webpage is visible. Note: I have a dual monitor setup so the captured Paint screens are twice as wide. The Firefox troubleshooting information is as follows. Application Basics Name: Firefox Version: 28.0 User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0 Crash Reports for the Last 3 Days All Crash Reports Extensions Name: Symantec Vulnerability Protection Version: - 1 Enabled: false ID: {BBDA0591-3099-440a-AA10-41764D9DB4DB} Important.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages: 103957 plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types: application/pdf privacy.sanitize.migrateFx3Prefs: true Graphics Adapter Description: ATI Radeon HD 3400: 256 Device ID: 0x95c5 Direct2D Enabled: true DirectWrite Enabled: true (6.2.9200.16571) Driver Date: 1-26-2011 Driver Version: 8.821.0.0 GPU #2 Active: false GPU Accelerated Windows: 1/1 Direct3D 10 Vendor ID: 0x1002 WebGL Renderer: Google Inc. -- ANGLE (ATI Radeon HD 3400 My macbook pro does not display full screen my macbook pro wont display full screen in any appp. it has a one inch margin black on both sides Hi there joemoto, You may need to adjust your display resolution. Take a look at the article below for more information. OS X Mountain Lion: Adjust your display resolution -Griff W. Pie Chart Legend not displaying full names Hi All, In a RTF template, we have displayed a PIE chart. In the PIE chart, when the number of legends are more, the legends are getting truncated on the generated PDF report. The document which describes the issue with screen shots is placed at [] . And following is the snippet of code placed at ALT text of PIE chart picture present in the template. Is there any way to enlarge the legends display section to show the full text of the legends? Please share your thoughts. Thanks. chart: <Graph graphType="PIE" depthAngle="50" depthRadius="8" pieDepth="30" pieTilt="20" seriesEffect="SE_NONE"> <LegendArea borderColor="#cccccc" borderTransparent="false"/> <LegendText wordWrapEnabled ="true"/> <SeriesItems defaultBorderColor="#cccccc"> <Series id="0" color="#336699"/> <Series id="1" color="#99ccff"/> <Series id="2" color="#999933"/> <Series id="3" color="#666699"/> <Series id="4" color="#cc9933"/> <Series id="5" color="#6666"/> <Series id="6" color="#3399ff"/> </SeriesItems> <Title text="" visible="true"/> <Footnote text="Company Contribution" visible="true" horizontalAlignment="CENTER"/> <O1Title text="Company Contribution" visible="true"/> <LocalGridData rowCount="{count(CATEGORY/ERC)}" colCount="1"> <RowLabels> <xsl:for-each <xsl:if <Label> <xsl:value-of </Label> </xsl:if> </xsl:for-each> </RowLabels> <DataValues> <xsl:for-each <xsl:if <RowData> <Cell> <xsl:value-of </Cell> </RowData> </xsl:if> </xsl:for-each> </DataValues> </LocalGridData> </Graph> as far as i know only way to display legname in full when u have more values is to make the size of the chart large . i have one the req like that i made it large enough so that it will withstand if i get more values . it may not be good idea but this is the way i did . Movies in itune will not display Full screen on macbook? My itune movies always played full screen when I selected full screen option. For some reason- today it does not. When I select the Full screen option - the display goes into Full screen mode, but the video image is small- in the center of the screen. (?) I'm not sure what has happened. I have not changed any settings. I did install some updates. Please help. I'm having just the reverse effect. I want to see my iTunes movies in the smaller size. It automatically opens in full screen and when I choose the arrows to make it smaller, it stops playing. Let me know if you get any info. Barry Maybe you are looking for How to pass an argument to a standalone java class in JDeveloper To the experienced: In JDeveloper when you write a java class with a main() method that takes no argument, you just right click the java file and select Run to run the program. But suppose the main() method takes arguments, how do you pass your argum Web pages have disappeared I went to visit my site, and it said that it doesn't exist. I tried several times, and even went onto iWeb and republished a page, but with the same result. Once, a couple of months ago, one album on the site disappeared, and I simply recreated it. T Difficulty in iTunes version 7downloading. I have a G5 60GB video ipod. Never had any problems with it before. I was downloading it and screen thanked me for downloading. It asked me if I wanted to run or save. I chose run. I then get an error message: Temp Internet Files\Content.IE5\I90JUTQ5 Using Oracle after install without Admin rights -- Possible? We are upgrading our company to Windows 7. Clearly, the best practice is to remove admin rights from users. I see lots of posts on inability to install Oracle without admin rights. That makes sense. Once installed though, we are hitting errors simply How Do I Deselect Chrome And Google Toolbar in the Automatic Updater I run IE9 in Vista Flash I have previously deleted Chrome and Google Toolbar from my system. When the auto updater is activated, it reloads Chrome and the Google Toolbar How do I stop it loading Chrome and the Goole Toolbar as I dont want i
Long Beach Bombers The Long Beach Bombers were an Amateur Athletic Union-sanctioned Tier II junior ice hockey team in Western Division of the Western States Hockey League (WSHL). The team played their home games at The Rinks – Lakewood Ice in Lakewood, California. History Before moving to Tier III Junior A hockey, the Bombers competed in Junior B hockey from 1994 until 2007 when the team and WSHL were upgraded to Tier III Jr. A status. In 2011, the league left USA Hockey sanctioning and joined the Amateur Athletic Union and in 2012, the AAU-sanctioned United Hockey Union. In 2015, the Bombers and the WSHL were promoted to Tier II under the AAU sanctioning. Led by Dr. Don Thorne, the team was a founding member of the WSHL in 1993 as the Anaheim Jr. Ducks and won the first two Thorne Cup Championships of the league's existence. The franchise was then transferred to Ron White, a rink owner and president of the Southern California Bombers youth hockey programs, and the team became the Southern California Jr. Bombers in the 1996 offseason. Like Dr. Thorne before him, White also became commissioner of the WSHL by 1998. The Bombers were also branded as the Bay City Bombers in 2006, and then revised their name once more becoming the Long Beach Bombers in 2010. In 2019, White sold the Bombers to a new ownership group and was rebranded as the Long Beach Jets. White then used the Bombers' branding to launch a new WSHL team in Barrhead, Alberta. On August 12, the WSHL announced that the Jets ceased operations prior to the 2019–20 season. The Bombers were the last founding franchise of the WSHL still playing in the league. Season-by-season records Alumni The Bombers have had a number of alumni move on to higher levels of junior, college, and professional ice hockey. References External links Official Team Website Official League Website Category:Ice hockey teams in California Category:1993 establishments in California Category:Sports clubs established in 1993 Category:Sports in Long Beach, California
But what’s truly remarkable is that her work represents just one front of a broad revolution in genetics sparked by the technique called CRISPR-Cas9. Just four years old, this discovery is transforming research into how to treat disease, what we eat and how we’ll generate electricity, fuel our cars and even save endangered species. Experts believe that CRISPR can be used to reprogram the cells not just in humans but also in plants, insects–practically any piece of DNA on the planet. On June 2, a scientist at MIT and Harvard’s Broad Institute announced the development of a related CRISPR technique that can edit RNA, which is responsible for regulation and expression of genes. If DNA is the genetic alphabet, RNA spells actual words. In plain terms, that means the already vast possibilities for CRISPR got even bigger. Austin Burt, a professor of evolutionary genetics at Imperial College and the developer of the technology, didn’t set out to commit mosquito genocide. “Our target is malaria, not mosquitoes,” he says. “Mosquitoes are a means to an end.” But once unleashed, Burt’s mosquitoes have no kill switch. They will carry out their mission until there are no females left. To some experts, it’s a small sacrifice. But others worry about the implications of leaving a biological niche empty. That concern is part of what drove Anthony James, a molecular biologist at the University of California, Irvine, to take a different tack. He’s working to make mosquitoes incapable of carrying malaria and, eventually, other pathogens like Zika. This technique leaves the mosquitoes in place while disarming them. “Nobody likes mosquitoes, but you can live with them if they are not giving you disease,” he says. “Better to fix the ones you have than deal with whoever comes along next.” They compared a number of varieties of roses, some exuding lots of scent and others producing none. They found that a protein called nudix hydrolase RhNUDX1 in the cytoplasm of petal cells was present in scent-producing flowers and absent in those with no smell. It turns out that the gene responsible for building the protein was turned on in scented flowers and turned off in the others. The group was able to conclude that RhNUDX1 encodes a key part of the pathway that produces the small volatile molecules, called monoterpenes, which make up 70 percent of some rose cultivars’ smell. “We saw that every time this gene was expressed highly, the rose was making these monoterpene molecules,” she said. “We were really surprised about this.” Along with the possibility of modifying the plant to make the smell-producing gene work again, the team’s work can also be used as a marker for breeders to tell them which cultivars will produce scented roses before they even grow flower buds. Called Baseline Study, the project will collect anonymous genetic and molecular information from 175 people—and later thousands more—to create what the company hopes will be the fullest picture of what a healthy human being should be. The early-stage project is run by Andrew Conrad, a 50-year-old molecular biologist who pioneered cheap, high-volume tests for HIV in blood-plasma donations. Dr. Conrad joined Google X—the company's research arm—in March 2013, and he has built a team of about 70-to-100 experts from fields including physiology, biochemistry, optics, imaging and molecular biology. Cleveland Clinic tested the program in 2012 and now provides MyFamily to a growing number of patients, including many of its own employees, in its primary-care practices and some cancer programs. The clinic is discussing licensing the program to other providers and is also making a brief version of the MyFamily questionnaire and tips available free online to the public at clevelandclinic.org/family. Other health-history gathering tools are also available online, including My Family Health Portrait developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Surgeon General's office, and Does It Run in the Family? from the nonprofit Genetic Alliance'sfamilyhealthhistory.org website. “It will no longer be just a research tool; reading all of your DNA (rather than looking at just certain genes) will soon be cheap enough to be used regularly for pinpointing medical problems and identifying treatments. This will be an enormous business, and one company dominates it: Illumina. The San Diego–based company sells everything from sequencing machines that identify each nucleotide in DNA to software and services that analyze the data. In the coming age of genomic medicine, Illumina is poised to be what Intel was to the PC era—the dominant supplier of the fundamental technology. Illumina already held 70 percent of the market for genome-sequencing machines when it made a landmark announcement in January: using 10 of its latest machines in parallel makes it feasible to read a person’s genome for $1,000, long considered a crucial threshold for moving sequencing into clinical applications. Medical research stands to benefit as well. More researchers will have the ability to do large-scale studies that could lead to more precise understanding of diseases and help usher in truly personalized medicine. It’s a far more complex field than genomics, studying how proteins are structured and expressed, how they change and communicate. When you tie genome sequencing to proteome sequencing, it adds billions of data points across millions of patients. That’s both good and bad. With a fire hose of information that big, you can develop better drugs and look for better biomarkers: anything in a patient’s blood, urine or saliva—from proteins to enzymes to red-cell count—that indicates the presence of a disease. But fire hoses are hard to handle, and that’s where Big Data comes in. The combination of massive computer power and sophisticated algorithms that can manage staggeringly complex problems—from predicting precisely where a tornado will touch down to making your Web search more efficient—is the next great wave of data processing. Companies like Roche, Illumina, Life Technologies, Pronota and Proteome Sciences are expanding their bioinformatics platforms to develop new diagnostics and new drugs based on them. Sometimes a diagnostic and a drug are developed in tandem, a model known as Dx/Rx. These new proteomic-derived agents are designed to target everything from sepsis to Alzheimer’s disease to cancer and offer the opportunity to deliver bespoke medicine, tailored to your molecular structure. It’s Savile Row biology. Archaeologists announced Feb. 4 that bones excavated from underneath a parking lot in Leicester, "beyond reasonable doubt," belong to the medieval king. Archaeologists announced the discovery of the skeleton in September. They suspected then they might have Richard III on their hands because the skeleton showed signs of the spinal disorder scoliosis, which Richard III likely had, and because battle wounds on the bones matched accounts of Richard III's death in the War of the Roses. To confirm the hunch, however, researchers at the University of Leicester conducted a series of tests, including extracting DNA from the teeth and a bone for comparison with Michael Ibsen, a modern-day descendant of Richard III's sister Anne of York. Indeed, the researchers found the genetics matched up between Ibsen and that from the skeleton. "The DNA remains points to these being the remains of Richard III," University of Leicester genetics expert Turi King said during a press briefing. (Caroline Wilkinson, professor of craniofacial identification at the University of Dundee) used a scientific approach to determine the king's facial features from his skull. She then created a model using 3D printing technology. The model was painted and completed by Janice Aitken, a lecturer at the University of Dundee's Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, who said she drew on her experience in portrait painting. The mapping of the human genome, completed in 2003, cost $2.7 billion. Now the cost for an individual's whole-genome sequencing (WGS) is $7,500 and falling fast. One day WGS could be as easy to get as a pregnancy test at the drugstore. To do the testing, lab technicians need less than a teaspoon of blood, which is chemically treated to burst open the cells so the DNA inside them can be collected. Those microscopic strands are then fed into sophisticated machines that read each of the 3 billion bits of information, called base pairs, that make up a person's genetic alphabet. Computers scan the data for the equivalent of spelling mistakes. Some mistakes cause disease; others don't. And in between is a vast gray area where scientists just don't know what the changes mean. In an ideal world, genetic analysis could save money by catching diseases early, offering targeted treatments and identifying the most effective preventive measures. Dr. Katrina Armstrong, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, notes that testing 21 genes could reveal which breast-cancer patients are unlikely to benefit from a particular chemotherapy--knowledge that could spare women the treatment and save $400 million each year. "If genomics can help us understand who will get the most benefit and who will get little or no benefit from an intervention," Armstrong says, "it will take us a long way toward improving patient outcomes and saving money.
Pages Monday, August 15, 2011 Feeling Dumped by the Economy Here are the opening paragraphs of article I wrote for the Opinion section of the Minneapolis Star Tribune on Sunday, August 14. The complete article is at the link, and also below the fold: "Not that many years ago, a lot of middle-class Americans felt as if they had built a close and personal relationship with Mr. or Ms. Economy (depending on your gender preference). The rules of the relationship were clear: Get skills and training, and after spending young adulthood sampling jobs, buckle down to a long-term career choice. Borrow heavily to buy a house early in life, and then benefit from rising house prices. Save for the long term by putting money in the stock market. Do these things, the understanding was, and the Economy would reciprocate -- with rising income, reasonable job security and a comfortable retirement. Of course, no long-term relationship is perfect. The Economy might occasionally lash out: perhaps with a dot-com boom, followed by a stock market crash, a recession and higher unemployment. Many of us misbehaved in this relationship, too. Sometimes we ran bloated credit cards bills and didn't save the way we should have. Yet even in the hard times, this relationship was supposed to be long-term. But in this grim and prolonged aftermath of the Great Recession of 2007-2009 -- some economists are calling it the Long Slump -- millions of Americans are feeling that they have been dumped by the economy." The economy is like a bad marriage Article by: TIMOTHY TAYLOR Not that many years ago, a lot of middle-class Americans felt as if they had built a close and personal relationship with Mr. or Ms. Economy (depending on your gender preference). The rules of the relationship were clear: Get skills and training, and after spending young adulthood sampling jobs, buckle down to a long-term career choice. Borrow heavily to buy a house early in life, and then benefit from rising house prices. Save for the long term by putting money in the stock market. Do these things, the understanding was, and the Economy would reciprocate -- with rising income, reasonable job security and a comfortable retirement. Of course, no long-term relationship is perfect. The Economy might occasionally lash out: perhaps with a dot-com boom, followed by a stock market crash, a recession and higher unemployment. Many of us misbehaved in this relationship, too. Sometimes we ran bloated credit cards bills and didn't save the way we should have. Yet even in the hard times, this relationship was supposed to be long-term. But in this grim and prolonged aftermath of the Great Recession of 2007-2009 -- some economists are calling it the Long Slump -- millions of Americans are feeling that they have been dumped by the economy. A national CNBC survey in late June found that 63 percent of Americans are pessimistic about both the current and future state of the economy and its future, while only 6 percent are optimistic about both. The stock market swoon of that began in late July, fueled by grim economic signs and the floundering attempts of our political system to head off a national debt crisis, have further shaken many Americans' confidence in their long-term prospects. Getting dumped -- whether by the Economy or an actual person -- brings a sad parade of disappointed expectations. After it has happened, it doesn't mend a broken heart when you recognize that you never should have believed some of the promises you thought you heard. As housing prices skyrocketed in the mid-2000s, rising by more than 10 percent per year for several years, no one actually promised the trend would last forever. Still, it has been stunning to watch as the total value of real estate owned by U.S. households dropped by $6.3 trillion over the last five years -- from $22.7 trillion in 2006 to $16.4 trillion by the end of 2010, according to Federal Reserve data. Even worse, back in 2006, 56 percent of the value of real estate was owners' equity; by the end of 2010, only 39 percent was owner's equity. No one actually promised that unemployment would stay low forever. But the spikes in the unemployment rate from recessions had been falling, from 10 percent in the recession of 1982, to not quite 8 percent after the recession of 1991, to 6.3 percent after the recession of 2001. This time, unemployment went over 8 percent in February 2009 and probably won't get back below that level until 2012. In 2010, 43 percent of the unemployed had been without jobs for more than 26 weeks -- by far the highest level since the Great Depression. Those who trusted their long-term retirement savings to the stock market have been running in mud. The Standard and Poor's 500 index, for example, was 1,427 in 2000 but recently has been hovering around 1,200. All the economic news sounds grim. Gas prices, though moderating lately, recently flirted with $4 per gallon. Food prices are up: A ton of hard red winter wheat was selling for $182 in May 2010 and $354 in May 2011. Since early 2009, the Federal Reserve created money to buy $1.1 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities and another $900 billion in mortgage-backed securities, presumably because it was concerned that no one else was going to buy them. Many pension funds don't have enough money to cover the promises they have made; neither do Social Security or Medicare. After being dumped, mood swings follow. This relationship is actually a love/hate triangle -- us, the Economy and Government. For some, Economy is the deceiver who trifled with our affections and betrayed us, and Government is the new love. Others see Government as the troublemaker, and dear old Economy as a victim like the rest of us. But we have met the Economy, and the Government, and it's all us. We all need this three-way relationship to work. In the short term, the economy is struggling because too many households, companies and financial institutions borrowed far too much, and it takes years for an economy to work through the aftermath of a severe financial crisis. Forecasters like the Congressional Budget Office predict that unemployment rates won't fall back to the 5 percent range until 2016. In the long term, the formula for economic growth is straightforward: It's an economy that invests in human capital, physical capital and innovation -- and which does so in the context of a decentralized, market-oriented environment that provides incentives and rewards for these activities. The U.S. economy faces severe challenges in all of these areas. We aren't improving the skills of workers. A review of the education statistics by Nobel laureate economist James Heckman found that U.S. high school graduation rates peaked at about 80 percent in the late 1960s and have declined 4 to 5 percentage points since then. Too many undergraduate and graduate students are running up enormous debts without the career prospects to justify it. High unemployment means that many workers aren't building skills. We aren't saving enough. The personal savings rate was about 10 percent of income in the 1970s and into the early 1980s, but over the last decade, despite a recent upward blip, it's typically been less than 5 percent of income. Meanwhile, Congressional Budget Office projections show total federal debt on a path to exceed 180 percent of GDP by 2035. That won't happen, because wary investors will stop buying government bonds before that level is reached. Thus, when America's private sector firms look for financial capital to invest in plant and equipment, it's harder to find. With low private saving and high public borrowing, the U.S. economy is relying heavily on inflows of foreign financial capital, which won't continue forever. America's technological advantage remains substantial, but expertise of all kinds is going global. In the end, economic growth can't be legislated or dictated; if it could be, the world would be a much richer place. A wise economist named Arnold Harberger once gave a speech asking whether economic growth was more like yeast or mushrooms. He answered "mushrooms." Harberger wrote: "[Y]east causes bread to expand very evenly, like a balloon being filled with air, while mushrooms have the habit of popping up, almost overnight, in a fashion that is not easy to predict." Thus, the most important advice to the economically lovelorn is to work hard on fundamentals -- build education and skills, get our personal and government finances in order, focus on knowledge and innovation -- and then get out of the way and give those economic mushrooms a chance to sprout. As the quintessential noneconomist Kahlil Gibran famously wrote: "If you love somebody, let them go ..." It's hard to watch an intimate partner like Economy going through such dreadful times. I feel especially for those near or just entering retirement, whose houses and retirement accounts are worth so much less than they'd expected, and for young people trying to start their careers in such a dismal labor market. But with Economy, a true breakup is unthinkable. There's no realistic alternative to working patiently on the relationship.
- Seaweed and Fireflies Brew May Guide Stem Cell Treatment for Peripheral Artery Disease - 03/10/2009 Seaweed and Fireflies Brew May Guide Stem Cell Treatment for Peripheral Artery Disease Release Date: March 10, 2009 A microscopic view of stem cells inside X-ray visible bubbles, which protect the cells from rejection by the immune system. C-E: Using a reporter gene, one can determine whether stem cells in the bubbles are alive immediately after delivery March 5, 2009-. is scheduled for presentation at the Society of Interventional Radiology’s 34th annual scientific meeting March 10. Stem cells hold promise in treating PAD by reconstituting or increasing the number of blood vessels to replace or augment those choked off by plaque buildup. A chronic condition that can lead to amputations and even death, PAD is marked by vastly reduced circulation of blood in vessels feeding the legs and other “peripheral” body parts, and affects as many as 10 million Americans. Many cases, V.M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of radiology at Johns Hopkins, is a means of telling doctors whether injected stem cells are staying alive and reaching the right targets to grow and develop into the needed new tissue. This is critical, Kraitchman says, because the body’s own immune defenses may recognize the potentially helpful donor stem cells as foreign invaders and try to destroy them, and also because traditional radioactive labeling agents, or tracers, which are normally used to track cells, can be toxic to stem cells. To overcome rejection of the stem cells by the body’s immune system — in this case, rabbit immune systems — they first created a novel “capsule” derived from seaweed, which was used to surround and protect the rabbit stem.” “Hopefully, this new technology will one day pave the way for treating humans,” says Frank Wacker, M.D., director of vascular interventional radiology at Hopkins and visiting professor of radiology. “We look to the day when we will be able to perform targeted delivery of stem cell to treat PAD in patients who may be facing amputation or death.” Collaborators on the project at Johns Hopkins include Dorota Kedziorek, postdoctoral fellow in radiology; Piotr Walczak, assistant professor in radiology, Division of MR Research, Institute for Cellular Engineering; Yingli Fu, postdoctoral fellow in radiology; Aravind Arepally, M.D., associate professor of radiology; and Jeff Bulte, Ph.D., professor of radiology, Division of MR Research, Institute for Cellular Engineering. The probe to enable the stem cells to produce luciferase was generously provided by Stanford University. For the Media Media Contact: Gary Stephenson 410-955-5384; gstephenson@jhmi.edu
Several weeks back, we learned of the harrowing tale of the zero-g sex geckos: blasted into low Earth orbit aboard the Russian Foton-M4 satellite as part of a biological experiment to study reproduction in microgravity, the sex geckos mission was endangered almost from the beginning when Russian space agency Roscosmos lost positive control over the geckos’ spacecraft. Roscosmos was able to receive telemetry, but it couldn't send commands. Without ground control, the Foton-M4 would slowly decay out of orbit and enter the atmosphere uncontrolled. Their passing was discovered during recovery operations for the Foton-M4 spacecraft, which successfully de-orbited and landed as planned in southern Russia yesterday afternoon. When the intrepid reptiles’ enclosure was examined, it was found to contain five tiny mummified gecko bodies. Preliminary indications are that the geckos all froze to death. According to a statement (in Russian) from the Russian Institute of Biomedical Problems, the geckos could have died at any stage in the flight; it is as yet unclear why, but it’s likely that there was a malfunction in the temperature-control component of the gecko habitat’s life-support equipment. Further investigation is planned to more accurately determine the time and cause of the geckos’ demise. The most important question—whether or not the sex geckos were able to join the Million Mile High club before death—remains unanswered. As explained by the Moscow Times, the Foton-M4 craft wasn’t equipped to transmit live video; the geckos’ mating (or lack of mating) was videotaped for study after the landing. Wired says that there was in fact no zero-g sex for the tiny doomed space travelers. However, even in the face of tragedy, life continues: the geckos’ fellow travelers on the Foton-M4 spacecraft, a habitat full of Drosophila flies, were in fact able to mate in microgravity. Ars Science Video > Ars Visits a Lava Demonstration Hot lava flows in a parking lot—in upstate NY Lee Hutchinson Lee is the Senior Technology Editor at Ars and oversees gadget, automotive, IT, and culture content. He also knows stuff about enterprise storage, security, and manned space flight. Lee is based in Houston, TX. Emaillee.hutchinson@arstechnica.com//Twitter@Lee_Ars
Vision Expo East has announced the addition of new educational programming. A slate of new educational tracks will debut, including: Attract and Retain Customers, Ocular Aesthetics, Supporting the Practice Experience, Clinical Concepts for Opticians and Technicians and Specialty Lens, and,” says,” Barkley says. its top education picks to help attendees make the most of their time in New York. For value pricing, a new OptiCon package was developed that includes up to 15 hours of continuing education—including an exclusive General Session—as well as Exhibit Hall access, two lunch vouchers, tailored special events and access to discounted rates at a dedicated OptiCon hotel. Some attendee favorites will also be returning, including the Owner’s and Manager’s Essentials Program, Spectacle Lens Expert Track, Retail Program and invitation-only Boutique Buyer Panel, as well as the free Global Contact Lens Forum, Ocular Surface Disease and Wellness Symposium and Vision Series. After their successful debut last year, the Pop Up Talks series will return for free, fast-paced 30-minute sessions to get attendees up-to-date on fashion forward trends and key industry topics in an interactive setting in the Galleria Lounge. Vision Expo East will take place at the Javits Center in New York (Education: March 15 to 18; Exhibition: March 16 to 18).
Benzodiazepines are nothing but a group of sedatives that are widely prescribed and that include Xanax, Valium, Ambien etc. These drugs are commonly taken for anxiety or insomnia, often for a longer period of time. Xanax, Valium, and Ambien are the few names in the Benzodiazepines category because these all have a structural similarity (which is composed of the benzene ring attached to another ring of seven heterocyclic members called Diazepine). Benzodiazepines are the depressants of the nervous system, acting, in particular, on the limbic system. They are part of the Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) complex which is a Neurotransmitter with inhibitory action and its receptors are part of an inhibitory action mediated by GABA. The benzodiazepine receptors are distributed throughout the brain and spinal cord; they are also found in the adrenal glands, kidneys, pineal gland and platelets. Benzodiazepines have rapid and high absorption and are not degraded before their arrival in the central nervous system. Benzodiazepines can be administered orally, intramuscularly and intravenously. The lifespan of these drugs varies from 2 hours to 74 hours. Short-acting compounds have better hypnotic results, while long-acting compounds are preferred for their anxiolytic effects. Uses of Benzodiazepines It’s used to treat anxiety, insomnia, alcohol withdrawal, epilepsy, affective disorders, also to treat poisonings with certain drugs. Types of Benzodiazepines Usually ends in -lam, -lan, -pam, -pan: Lorazepam, Diazepam (also known as Valium), Clonazepam, Triazolam etc. within this group are classified according to their average life duration in the body. Effects of the Benzodiazepines They act as sedatives, hypnotics, muscle relaxants, anticonvulsants, anxiolytics, and amnesia. What are the Negative Effects of Benzodiazepines? Dangerous… I repeat… An overdose of Benzodiazepines, particularly when combined with alcohol or any other types of sedative drugs, can even lead to a coma. The antidote for all benzodiazepines is flumazenil. The symptoms are excessive drowsiness, respiratory depression, confused speech, bradycardia, and hypotension. There are various side-effects of the drug Benzodiazepine too. The side-effects include: - Drowsiness - Vertigo - Stomach ache - Blurred vision - A headache - Confusion - Depression - Coordination disorder - Temblor - Weakness - Antegrade amnesia - Hangover effect - Unusual dreams - Nightmares - Pain in the chest - Jaundice - Paradoxical reactions - Cross-tolerance (Alcohol) While benzodiazepines are very effective in the short term (two to four weeks) the side effects associated with long-term use (deficiencies in cognitive abilities, memory problems, mood swings, overdoses when combined with other drugs) can make the risk-benefit ratio wrong. Other symptoms that may occur are emotional dullness, nausea, headache, dizziness, irritability, lethargy, sleep problems, memory problems, personality changes, aggression, depression, agoraphobia, anxiety and panic attacks, social deterioration and problems labor If consumption is discontinued, the effects of long-term consumption may disappear after 3 or 6 months. Conclusion After reading all the above explanations, you must have understood the risks involved in taking Benzodiazepines for a longer (more than 12 months) period of time. Can Benzodiazepines Cause Cancer? Prolonged use increases the risk of developing Alzheimer and even Cancer from an increase in the cases of people with insomnia who use these drugs to sleep, according to neurologists. The doses and frequency vary for every person to person. These variations may be on the basis of age, sex, allergies, and any other kind of diseases. Uncontrolled uses of this drug benzodiazepines can cause any kind of disastrous health hazards. It can make you so addicted that it can even become almost impossible for you to leave it. Benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, Ambien etc.) are not recommended without the medical guidance of any doctor.
Alexander Neckam Alexander Neckam(8 September 115731 March 1217) was an English scholar, teacher, theologian and abbot of Cirencester Abbey from 1213 until his death. Early life Born on 8 September 1157 in St Albans, Alexander shared his birthday with King Richard I. For this reason, his mother, Hodierna of St Albans, was hired by the royal household under Henry II to serve as a wet nurse for the future monarch. As a result, Alexander was raised as Richard's foster-brother in their early years. Works Speculum speculationum The Speculum speculationum (edited by Rodney M. Thomson, 1988) is Neckam's major surviving contribution to the science of theology. It is unfinished in its current form, but covers a fairly standard range of theological topics derived from Peter Lombard's Sentences and Augustine. Neckam is not regarded as an especially innovative or profound theologian, although he is notable for his early interest in the ideas of St. Anselm of Canterbury. His outlook in the Speculum, a work written very late in his life, probably in 1215, and perhaps drawing heavily on his teaching notes from the past decades, combines an interest in the Platonic writings of earlier 12th-century thinkers such as Thierry of Chartres and William of Conches, with an early appreciation of the newly translated writings of Aristotle and Avicenna. Neckam was a firm admirer of Aristotle as an authority in natural science as well as in the logical arts, one of the first Latin thinkers since antiquity to credit this aspect of the Stagirite's output. In the Speculum speculationum Alexander identifies one of his key purposes as combating the Cathar heresy, particularly its belief in dualism. He spends a large part of Book 1 on this, and thereafter passes on to focus on his other key purpose, the application of dialectic logic to the study of theology. De utensilibus and De naturis rerum Besides theology, Neckam was interested in the study of grammar and natural history, but his name is chiefly associated with nautical science. In his De utensilibus and De naturis rerum (both written at about 1190), Neckam has preserved to us the earliest European notices of the magnetized needle as a guide to seamen and the earliest European description of the compass. Outside China, these seem to be the earliest records. It was probably in Paris that Neckam heard how a ship, among its other stores, must have a needle placed above a magnet (the De utensilibus assumes a needle mounted on a pivot), which would revolve until it pointed north and thus guide sailors in murky weather or on starless nights. Neckam does not seem to think of this as a startling novelty: he merely records what had apparently become the regular practice of many seamen of the Catholic world. However, De naturis rerum itself was written as a preface to Neckam's commentary on the book of Ecclesiastes, itself a part of a wider programme of biblical commentary encompassing the Song of Solomon and the Psalms, representing the three branches of wisdom literature. It was not intended as an independent and free-standing encyclopedic work in its own right, and indeed it is mostly filled with fanciful moralising allegories rather than a detailed natural philosophy. See Thomas Wright's edition of Neckam's De naturis rerum and De laudibus divinae sapientiae in the Rolls Series (1863), and of the De utensilibus in his Volume of Vocabularies. Out of all Neckam's writings on natural history, the De naturis rerum, a sort of manual of the scientific knowledge of the 12th century, is by far the most important: the magnet passage referred to above is in Book 2, Chapter 98 (De vi attractiva), p. 183 of Wright's edition. The corresponding section in the De utensilibus is on p. 114 of the Volume of Vocabularies. Other works Neckam also displays a keen interest in contemporary medical science. In particular he draws many ideas from the philosophical writings of the Salernitan medical master Urso of Calabria, particularly De commixtionibus elementorum on humoral theory. Neckam also wrote Corrogationes Promethei, a scriptural commentary prefaced by a treatise on grammatical criticism; a translation of Aesop into Latin elegiacs (six fables from this version, as given in a Paris manuscript, are printed in Robert's Fables inedites); commentaries, on portions of Aristotle and Ovid's Metamorphoses, which remain unprinted, and on Martianus Capella, which has recently received an edition, and on other works. His version of Aesop's fables in elegiac verse, called Novus Aesopus, is a collection of 42 fables taken from the prose Romulus. He also composed a shorter Novus Avianus, taken from Avianus. A supplementary poem to De laudibus divinae sapientiae, called simply the Suppletio defectuum, covers further material on animals and the natural world, as well as cosmology, free will, astrology and the human soul. An edition of this and several of Neckam's minor poems, edited by P. Hochgurtel, was published as a part of the Brepols Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Medievalis series in 2008. It has been speculated (Spargo, Virgil the Necromancer, 1934) that Neckam might also have been unwittingly responsible for starting the late medieval legends about Virgil's alleged magical powers. In commenting on Virgil, Neckam used the phrase "Vergilius fecit culex" to describe the writing of one of Virgil's earlier poems, Culex ("The Gnat"). This may have been misinterpreted by later readers as "Virgil made a gnat" and formed the basis for the legend of Virgil's magic fly which killed all other flies it came across and thus preserved civic hygiene. See also History of geomagnetism Hodierna of St Albans, his mother Editions Notes Roger Bacon's reference to Neckam as a grammatical writer (in multis vera et utitia scripsit: sed ... inter auctores non potest numerari) may be found in Ebenezer Cobham Brewer's (Rolls Series) edition of Bacon's Opera inedita, p. 457. R. W. Hunt, Margaret Gibson, The Schools and the Cloister: The Life and Writings of Alexander Nequam (1157–1217) (1984) Thomas Wright, Biographia Britannica literaria, Anglo-Norman Period, pp. 449–459 (1846) (some points in this are modified in the 1863 edition of De naturis rerum) C. Raymond Beazley, Dawn of Modern Geography, iii. pp. 508–509. References External links ARLIMA biography and bibliography Catholic Encyclopedia entry for Alexander of Neckham (newadvent.org) Category:Augustinian canons Category:1157 births Category:1217 deaths Category:People from St Albans Category:People educated at St Albans School, Hertfordshire Category:English Christian theologians Category:Medieval Latin poets Category:Magneticians Category:12th-century English people Category:13th-century English people Category:12th-century Latin writers Category:13th-century Latin writers Category:12th-century English writers Category:13th-century English writers
<html> <head> <style> ol { padding: 0;} li { list-style: none; } .num { color: white; background: #2980B9; display: inline-block; text-align: center; margin: 5px 10px; line-height: 30px; width: 30px; height: 30px; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; border-radius: 15px; box-shadow: 0px 1px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); } .item { margin-bottom: 30px; } .row { margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; width: 380px; margin-top: 20px; } .row::after { clear: both; content: ""; display: block; } .center { text-align: center; } .container { margin-top: 50px; width: 400px; height: 2000px; } .qa-left { font-size: 16px; width: 30px; float: left; } .qa-right { float: left; width: 350px; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <div class="item"> <p class="center"><span class="num">233</span></p> <p></p> <div class="row"> <span>Q: 你有哪些「异性暗示跟你交往,你却木讷地错过了」的经验?</span> </div> <p></p> <div class="row"> <span>A: 所谓的错过和想多了傻傻的分不清楚</span> </div> <p></p> <p></p> </div> <div class="item"> <p class="center"><span class="num">234</span></p> <p></p> <div class="row"> <span>Q: 在哪里可更高几率遇见高质量男生?</span> </div> <p></p> <div class="row"> <span>A: 两会的时候可以去逛逛,每个地方牛逼的大叔都在那</span> </div> <p></p> <p></p> </div> <div class="item"> <p class="center"><span class="num">235</span></p> <p></p> <div class="row"> <span>Q: 你女朋友是如何把你骗到手的?</span> </div> <p></p> <div class="row"> <span>A: 我这么聪明,那些蠢女人根本骗不到我。</span> </div> <p></p> <p></p> </div> <div class="item"> <p class="center"><span class="num">236</span></p> <p></p> <div class="row"> <span>Q: 为什么那么多人说自己寂寞、孤单、想找个男/女朋友,却还是单身?</span> </div> <p></p> <div class="row"> <span>A: <b>因为不仅自己丑,</b><br><b>还嫌别人长得丑。</b></span> </div> <p></p> <p></p> </div> <div class="item"> <p class="center"><span class="num">237</span></p> <p></p> <div class="row"> <span>Q: 做备胎是什么感觉?</span> </div> <p></p> <div class="row"> <span>A: 每一句话都是密码</span> </div> <p></p> <p></p> </div> <div class="item"> <p class="center"><span class="num">238</span></p> <p></p> <div class="row"> <span>Q: 你认为爱情是什么?</span> </div> <p></p> <div class="row"> <span>A: 庭有枇杷树,吾妻死之年所手植也,今已亭亭如盖矣。</span> </div> <p></p> <p></p> </div> <div class="item"> <p class="center"><span class="num">239</span></p> <p></p> <div class="row"> <span>Q: 自己的女友被别的男人追求,作为男朋友应该怎样处理比较好?</span> </div> <p></p> <div class="row"> <span>A: 我一向对女朋友信任有加,相信她能处理好别人的追求,直到她成了我的前女友</span> </div> <p></p> <p></p> </div> <div class="item"> <p class="center"><span class="num">240</span></p> <p></p> <div class="row"> <span>Q: 滚床单来不及卸妆怎么办?</span> </div> <p></p> <div class="row"> <span>A: 别啊,我要的就是阿凡达</span> </div> <p></p> <p></p> </div> </div> </body> </html>
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Trying out the “Van Gogh” method of drawing I mentioned yesterday (using no shading but that of closely drawn lines), I found that I didn’t know how to do it; for example, should all the shading lines point the same way? It will be easy enough to find out and not worth mentioning perhaps, except that it illustrates a problem faced by the self-taught in all fields; that of patches of deep ignorance in technique. I remember Rolf Harris explaining to an amateur painter on TV about reflections in water, how a tree’s reflection, for example, goes straight “down” rather than “across” the surface. This painter was working outdoors, with the scene in front of him and yet he’d not noticed this. I suppose it goes some way to explaining that apparent inability of many Renaissance artists to do a good infant, that I was writing about the other day. There must be something in the way the brain processes the information that’s in front of the eyes, that refuses to register the “truth”. Some interesting stuff in Daniel Farson’s book on Bacon, “The Gilded Gutter Life of FB”; Bacon “believed (that Picasso’s Guernica) reeked of propaganda”. Also, the opening scenes of “Last Tango in Paris” were based on Bacon’s work (haven’t seen it, so can’t comment) and also Hannibal Lecter’s cage in “Silence of the Lambs”. Last night’s painting has now acquired a lot of white “strapping” around the black areas and some Prussian blue and black additions that look like an anvil poking up towards the top left hand corner- or maybe an electric hand drill. The trouble is, if you leave it around it grows familiar and, far from breeding contempt, it seems to gain credibility, or integrity – to me, anyway. Watched the Ballets Russes programme on TV; that incredible end to “L’apres midi d’un Faune”, where the faun appears to masturbate on the scarf of the departed nymph – or to “achieve climax”, as one old dancer put it. Now I understand why audiences found it shocking. Listening to: “Tonight at Noon” by Charles Mingus – now there’s a great title; I think I’ll nick it for a picture. Blackpaint 11.12.09
Fact: 99% of cooties are spead through casual human contact with the opposite gender. “Over 3 million children are infected each year!” ~ American Medical Association on Cooties “I am the Cootie Monster!” ~ Teen girl on Cooties Cooties is a Sexually Transmitted Disease that is passed instantaneously when physical contact with an infected individual of the opposite sex occurs, attaching itself to your skin, the disease then spreads into your blood stream. Symptoms include ridicule, exclusion from peers and scabby encrusted sores. There is no cure for the disease but if you are infected I strongly suggest finding a sharp piece of metal and hammering it into your skull before you infect your friends and family. Don’t treat people with cooties like lesser people, because they're not even people, they're scum. NOTE: Cootie shots are only 69% effective. They are best used in conjunction with other forms of protection, such as chastity belts and muzzles. Also, there are allegations that these shots are propagated by the FBI for the purpose of mind control, as proven in an episode of Mythbusters. Symptoms Oozing scabs around the area of contact. Bleeding of eyes and ears. Burning sensation around area of contact during urination. Sudden attraction to opposite sex, same sex, or both. Giggling, loss of hair, depression, repeated watching of "The Breakfast Club" and "A Walk to Remember", are also common symptoms. Protecting yourself from infection Limit any physical contact with other humans to a minimum. If you are worried about a person with cooties coming too close, a high powered rifle does the trick. If you come into contact with a person you are sure doesn’t have cooties, beat them into submission to stop them from touching you, if they do contract the disease in the future. Cooties attaches itself to your skin, so the next step is to get rid of your epidermal layer. A cheese grater or vegetable peeler comes in handy with this. The skin you remove can also be used for other purposes such as home insulation. In fact... You will need housing far away from society to avoid contact with fellow humans. A forest or swamp can easily be transformed into a home. Building a hut is a key to avoid freezing to death. Always remember to bring food and water, which is important for survival. Make a protective suit as a further precaution in case the disease mutates. If you don’t have access to a suit you can construct one out of old pieces of plastic and rubber condoms. Avoid used condoms. Talk to your school counselor or doctor about cootie shots, cootie insurance, or cootie shields. Cooties in biology Cooties in the female are produced in the breast. Women with large busts obviously produce a higher amount of cootie bacteria in the bloodstream. These bacteria the attach themselves to the red blood cells in the body, and are absorbed into the skin. Once these bacteria have been absorbed into the skin, they can be transferred to the opposite sex. Cooties can also be spread in the same way as STDs. Applicable prevention techniques *ahem* are outside the scope of this article.
Next Game: South Carolina 4/5/2019 | 1:30 p.m. CT SEC Network TUSCALOOSA, Ala. – Alabama baseball's late rally came up short in the Tide's 8-4 loss to Troy on Tuesday evening at Sewell-Thomas Stadium. Following the midweek pairing, UA is 20-10 overall on the season. Alabama trailed 8-2 entering the bottom of the ninth. Redshirt junior Gene Wood was hit by a pitch with one down to bring John Trousdale to the plate. The junior sent a 3-2 pitch deep to right-center to make it an 8-4 contest and force a Troy pitching change. Alabama reached one against the new pitcher, but a pair of back-to-back groundouts followed, ending things in favor of the Trojans. Sadler Goodwin (2-3) earned the win thanks to 6.1 innings of relief work for Troy. The right-hander allowed three runs on four hits and three walks with three strikeouts in the middle part of the game after an early exit by the Trojans' starter. Freshman Connor Shamblin (2-1) suffered the loss for Alabama. Troy jumped out to a four-run lead in the second, using three walks to load the bases and set up a grand slam in the next at-bat. Alabama answered, plating one in the home half of the inning to make it a 4-1 contest after two full. Junior Brett Auerbach walked to lead off the frame before advancing to third on a failed pickoff attempt. One out later, freshman Daniel Carinci flied out deep to center to bring in the Tide's first run of the night. The Trojans extended their lead to six with a three-spot in the third, setting things at 7-1. Alabama chipped away at the lead an inning later with a single tally in the fourth. Junior Justin King sent an 0-1 pitch the opposite way for his second home run of the season, making it a 7-2 affair after four. The two teams then went scoreless until the ninth. That final frame saw Troy put up one to widen the gap before the Tide's final time to bat. Alabama fought for two in the ninth but was unable to complete the comeback with the game finishing at 8-4 in favor of the Trojans. Alabama remains at home for a three-game series against South Carolina starting on Thursday. The first two matchups between the Crimson Tide and Gamecocks are set for a 6 p.m. CT first pitch with game three scheduled to start at 1 p.m. on Saturday. SEC Network will televise the first two games with the series finale showing on SEC Network+. Get all the latest information on the team by following @AlabmaBSB on Twitter and Instagram and on Facebook at Alabama Baseball. General athletic news can be found at UA_Athletics on Twitter and Instagram and AlabamaAthletics on Facebook.
How far along: 21 weeks Total Weight Gain/Loss: About 14-15 pounds Maternity Clothes: I'm wearing a little of my regular clothes and a few maternity pieces. Best Moment this Week: Finally starting to get over this sickness! Gender: BOY! Miller Harris Griffin Movement: Oh yes. Lots! :) Food Cravings: milkshakes, soup, chicken sandwiches Food aversions: None. What I Miss: Being able to just grab an outfit. I'm running out of clothes that fit! Sleep: Sleeping was rough this week, but I blame being sick. What I am looking forward to: Thanksgiving! :) 12 comments: You are seriously SO CUTE! Love that sweet baby bump! So cute and round! Adorable! You're the cutest prego ever! Where did that belly come from? :) Little Miller popped out overnight! Glad you are starting to feel better. Newest follower! Sleeping was so hard for me when I was pregnant:( looking forward to following along! How cute are you and your tiny basketball?!? So cute! Sleeping is always a struggle ha I guess it gets you ready for your baby:) xo Hope you are feeling better girl. Baby bump is adorable! Looking darling, momma! I adore the name! mmm...milkshake! that sounds delish right now! ha! Glad you are feeling better:) I totally feel you on not being able to find anything to wear. looking good, mama! enjoy your thanksgiving :) Love that precious belly!!!! Ahh! you look adorable!!! yay!! a little over halfway now :) I love the name you picked.
Why Bother With SMS Marketing for Small Business Small business marketing have seen tremendous growth thru SMS, short for “Short Messaging Service” but popularly known as “text messaging.” It’s among the new media to set ablaze the whole marketing world with excitement in the last few years. This article talks about the bedrock of SMS marketing, helping you choose if a highly targeted, more specialized form of marketing is an apt approach for your business. Why Bother with SMS Marketing SMS marketing means sending text messages directly to your future and existing customers. The reason small businesses consider SMS as a crucial marketing resource is clear: the penchant for mobile phones. As more and more people worldwide use smartphones and basic cellular phones, SMS will turn into a staple feature for these devices. So it makes perfect sense that businesses must add SMS marketing into their campaign. SMS has a few central rules and limits you must mull over, as shown by most types of new media, before you start to consider using it for your small business marketing strategy. As a small business marketer, the key thought you must recognize about SMS is its limited number of characters. While Twitter has its own 140-character limit for tweets, SMS often has a 160-character limit per text message. But it’s not always the case, as a few SMS providers impose various limits. Even so, the character limit is a crucial aspect to observe and ruminate. Mobile devices were originally designed to handle short text messages, so small businesses will find it easy to adapt to the platform. Why Use SMS Marketing for Small Business Though the fear to take risks is reasonable for a startup, it’s baffling how entrepreneurs and small business owners shun the use of new ways to market their products and services. There are certain advantages they can benefit from a SMS marketing, simply waiting for them to lunge and grab it. But if you have always chosen to wait and see if it pans out for the competition, try to face the challenge for once and be ahead of your rivals. How much time will you lose to build your brand’s presence on Google Search? How many potential Twitter followers will you give up to the competition? How many potential Facebook fans will you overlook? How many possible mobile phone subscribers will you miss before texting? So act now! Early adopters usually receive greater benefits than those who defer a new strategy. Try to see things in a new perspective, under a different light. There’s no proof that a single marketing method is detrimental, bringing a crushing or complete loss, to any business. The worst scenario often leads to short-term hurdles and slow progress – but not total loss. The gist of using SMS marketing for small business is to take a small risk for a big result. How to Use SMS Marketing for Small Business SMS marketing, and marketing in general, means you must stay in front of customers visually and establish a strong relationship with them. Never use an invasive sales message; it deters your customers. So keep the relationship alive with great rapport, helping your sales messaging make the most of what’s expected of it. Here are a few quick tips on how to use SMS marketing for your business: 1. Send a weekly tip. Some foodies love to open a fortune cookie for the axiom. But when you send a weekly tip to your customers thru SMS, it’s a great way to feed their insatiable desire for new insights. The tip keeps the relationship with your customers hale and hearty. 2. Send reminders for an appointment. Sending reminders for an impending meeting increases the chance that your customer will show up at the rendezvous. 3. Send reminders for an event. You may create separate lists of your SMS subscribers by location, or a different demographic, and send updates about a coming event. You may engage with your customers before the event thru responses for polls, surveys, and votes. 4. Send birthday and holiday greetings. Show your customers you care about the special events in their lives thru SMS birthday and holiday greetings. People love it when someone, who they thought doesn’t care about them, sends a thoughtful message on a special occasion. Though it’s an elusive SMS marketing strategy, it’s a long-term way to build stronger relationships. 5. Send special offers. If you have a special offer, inform your SMS subscribers about it. It’s a great way to reward them for their loyalty to your brand. Send them coupon codes and special deals before other customers on your other platforms. Are you using other ways to use SMS marketing for small business? Drop us a comment below.
Trigger Warning: Proceed With Caution Monthly Archives: December 2012 There are 14 empty wine bottles lined up. One for every day since I left my boyfriend. They are a sad reminder that the last two weeks have been the longest of my life. Every night I have cried myself to sleep in the darkness, in the oblivion that alcohol provides to my torn soul. There is no escape from the wrenching pain of separation. No amount of starving or puking will stop me from being reminded that he did not love me enough. He did not love me enough to fight for us, to hold onto me, to stop me from leaving, to run after me, to come back for me. I am gone and he is missing from me. I am breaking down. No amount of love and support from my family and friends can stop the tirade of ED. It is all that fills the emptiness. It sings to me in the long, dark nights. It reminds me that I am not alone even though I am and the false comfort that it gives is all that matters right now. I devote myself to it with passion because it eases my broken heart when there is nothing else. I have waited every day with bated breath for word from him. I have waited for him to come for me with arms open and a heart full of regret. He has not come. He never will. But, I wait. I keep waiting. Me, and my bottles of wine. Waiting for a man who doesn’t love me. Even though I know I deserve so much more. “The heart wants what it wants”. In one of his last messages he asked me if I was eating. He told me that it pains him to know that I am not and that he is the cause of it. He is pained by causing me hurt. He is not pained that he has lost me. I cannot tell him that somehow he has lost sight of what really matters. Because I don’t matter. And I cannot live with that. Every day without him is emptier than the one before. ‘Do not sacrifice what you want most for what you want now.’ What if he is one and the same? This time last week I had a boyfriend. I went home at 10:30pm , took his face in my hands and kissed him. “That was our last kiss,” I told him. “I’m done. It’s enough now”. He shrugged, “ok”. And that was the end of three years of my life. Over in the blink of an eye, in the space of one kiss, in the half-hearted shrug of his shoulders. I think that was what hurt the most. That he let me go without one word of protest, without a fight, without tears, without a backward glance. This week I am sleeping on the floor of a friend’s spare bedroom that is piled high with my boxes. It didn’t take long. In about three days I was packed up and moved out with all my worldly possessions. I am 3o years old and this is all I have to show for myself. “At least you will get skinny on the break up diet,” my misinformed girlfriend tried to console me. Little does she know that there is no such thing as a ‘diet’ in the world of ED. After I broke up with him I didn’t eat for four days. Call it shock, stress, adrenaline or heartbreak. Now a week later I eat everything I can see and throw it all up right after. I drink at least a bottle of wine a night and cry myself to sleep. This break up has thrown ED into overdrive and it is the only coping mechanism that I have. At this point I no longer care if I starve or binge or puke. Whatever it takes to get through the day. A bottle of wine…two bottles of wine…. I left the man that I love because he does not love me. I have over-analyzed his every move and every word in the last week and it is clear to me: he did not love me enough and I need to move on, but I can’t. Loving someone does not end over night. I want to phone him and see him and touch him and hold him even one last time. We were happy together. We had a great life together. I know that there was a future for us too. He didn’t see that. I could no longer wait for a 32-year-old man to grow up, to deal with his commitment issues, to walk away from his dysfunctional family. I could not longer wait for him to choose me. I had to walk away and in walking away I realized that he didn’t love me enough to stop me from leaving. ED had reared it’s ugly head. Old friend, companion, comforter. In the loneliness, it is there. In the silence, it speaks. In the darkness it covers me. In the emptiness, it holds me close.
Loss aversion is a concept in psychology. It is to prefer avoiding losses to acquiring equivalent gains. The principle is prominent in economics. The principle of loss aversion was first proposed by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky in 1979. Loss aversion happens when people face the same amount of gains and losses and find the loss is more unbearable. In other words, the pain of loss is greater than the pleasure of equal gain. In some experiments, it shows females have a higher level of loss aversion than males. Affective Science and Neural basis The cause of loss aversion lies in people's asymmetric emotional response to gain and loss. Studies show that this asymmetry is particularly strong during the anticipation processing and the immediate experience after presenting the outcome. One study of income and well-being indicates that when people make loss-averse choices, it is not directly due to the loss itself but because the impact brings a series of negative consequences that follow the loss.A classic example presented in the book "Thinking, Fast and Slow" of a flipping coin implies that people will first compare the satisfaction of gaining with the pain of losing before making a decision. Thus, most people would not choose to participate in coin gambling with 50% to get $150 and 50% to lose $100; and according to the "loss aversion ratio," the minimum amount to fulfil the pain of losing $100 will be $200 (assume the coefficient is 2). In 2001, J. O' Doherty and his colleagues had found that humans process losses and gains in qualitatively different ways by using brain imaging technology and suggests the correlation between the magnitude of brain activation and the extent of reward and losses received.When we are evaluating potential gains, the areas of the brain that process value and reward become more active than it does when assessing the potential losses. The different loss aversion levels differ from individuals by the degrees of sensitivity to losses and gains, in which people are more loss-averse with stronger sensitivity. Supports Equity premium puzzle Equity premium puzzle(EPP) refers to the problem of why there is a big difference between returns in stocks and risk-free investments historically. Since stocks are much riskier than government bonds, the underinvestment in stocks relative to bonds supports the idea of loss aversion theory. Specifically, it's the myopic loss aversion introduced by Shlomo Benartzi and Richard Thaler, which indicates the behavioural characteristics of "loss aversion" and "frequent evaluations" of investors. Benartzi and Thaler argue that loss-averse investors are more willing to take risks if they do not evaluate the performance of their investments frequently. In their model, investors are unwilling to accept return variability and tend to take a short-term view of their wealth. Demand elasticity Demand is more elastic for price increases than price decreases, based on the assumption that the price increase is a loss while the price decrease is a gain for consumers. Daniel Kahneman's contributions Prospect theory Based on the principle of loss aversion, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Twersky developed prospect theory to explain how consumers make decisions in uncertain situations. Unlike the hypothesis of rational man use in economics, prospect theory reveals the irrational psychological factors that affect the choice behaviour. Most people are unwilling to take risks when facing gains but become risk-seeking in losses. Endowment effect Loss aversion theory explains the endowment effect. The endowment effect refers to the finding that once an individual owns a good, he/she tends to naturally place more value than he did before he didn't own it. Due to the asymmetric responses to losses and gains in the decision-making process, the consideration of "loss avoidance" is far greater than that of "gain seeking," so people value more on a good they own. Real world applications: Marketing Strategy By using the loss aversion theory as a marketing strategy, firms are able to gain higher profits by changing consumers' behaviours. For example: Free trials. It leads users to subscribe to avert the loss once people establish ownership. Cart abandonment notifications. The language uses here of "you left in your cart" makes consumers have a kind of "this item already belongs to me" illusion. Loss aversion might happen. Return systems Reward systems Above a certain amount of money, to get a free shipping fee,etc.
Swifty Swimming Lure FORCES You To Catch More Fish! so you can fish just like a pro… Are you sick and tired of not angling that BIG catch you always dreamed of? Do you feel others always catch more than you? Then you need our Swifty Swimming Lures to catch ’em BIGGER & BADDER FISHES! Our lures put you ahead of your fishing buddies, they WILL turn green with envy watching YOU catch fish after fish, while nothing nibbles their baits! One of the most incredible features of our Swifty Swimming Lure is the fluid, life-like swimming action. The Kevlar-jointed 8 segmented body swims just like a real fish! Depending on how you fast or slow you crank your swimming lure, this bait will behave naturally or as an injured baitfish, stirring up that innate urge in-game fishes to strike. Rigged with extremely durable TREBLE MUSTAD® HOOKS, our Swifty Swimming Lure will last you the entire fishing season and beyond. There is no need to buy new hooks every time you go fishing, our upgraded Stainless Steel hooks are both rust-resistant and durable, perfect for salt and freshwater fishing. Features: - Excellent Performance - High-Resolution Body Detail - Holographic Paint Finishes - Mustad® TREBLE Hooks - 3D Bionic Eyes - Fish-attracting fluid swimming action Specifications: - Lure Type: 8 Segments Jointed Lure - Weight: 26 g / 0.92 oz - Lure Length: 140 mm / 5.5″ - Hooks: Rigged with MUSTAD® hooks High durability and flexibility, perfectly suitable for salt and freshwater - Upgraded Hooks Rings: Quality Flat Rings We carry 2 types of Swifty Swimming Lures: Why? Glad you asked… There have been numerous studies proven that some game fishes are smarter than others. So you need to divvy up your games if you want to catch them all. The HARD type of lures is more attractive and may appeal to a certain type of fish, while the SOFT type has a more realistic swimming action and may appeal to a different group of fish. The best deal is to get all of them.. Note: Both types of lures are made with quality material, the “Soft” type is not soft to the touch, but allows a greater degree of flexibility at the Kevlar joints, thus having a wider range of swimming movements underwater. It is not necessarily “better” but may appeal more to a different type of game fish. V***n – Everything is fine, it took 20 days to volgograd R***t – Nice lure for catching pike. The natural move of the lure will activate the pike V***V – The bait for fish is cool! Many thanks to the store for the gift! N***a – Super. Well, very fast delivery. Special thanks for the gift. G***p – The parcel arrived quickly wobblers super glue is not necessary. the store special thanks! F***f – Delivery to minsk a little more than two weeks. Track tracked. The package comes from tallinn. Externally, the description corresponds. D***d – The goods came very quickly, for 12 days!!!))) Quality seems good, looks like real, in general this money is worth R***s – Funny sequin. About 10 grams. Rear tee clings to the tail… I did not try the case. Quality is good! A***v – Went a little more than two weeks, all whole without damage, the color is a little dim than in the picture, and so everyone is happy, in the spring i try out as catch or not, shop and store advise. A***t – It came quickly. As bait will behave on the water i do not know. But for the gift thank you!! I’ll scare them fish Z***s – send it soon, it sends a gift 🙂 M***G – Packed in a bag with a puffy film. Delivery to moscow 16 days. Track tracking. B***N – Came quickly, quality 5, inside kapron tape for how much it is enough i do not know A***a – Everything is ok. In belarus less than a month. as in the description. W***v – Thank you! The store sent the order very quickly, and put a small gift, i recommend!!! B***v – Fish cool, straight like real, hooks sharp, i advise you to buy, in summer i will try R***o – The description was very accurate and very good quality lack to test S***n – Delivery is fast. In appearance excellent, with the store did not communicate, i will add a test. V***V – In the summer we will check the working or not, now-30 degrees celsius) to siberia 3 weeks. V***o – The wobbler is awesome, the coolest flexibility you can think of, in the water like a real fish. The wobbler is fast-moving, on the pauses instantly lies on the bottom, the tees are tenacious, of medium size, but the front loop had to be pasted. And so the whole class-the colors are bright and clear, the description coincides with reality. T***a – The fish corresponds to the description. made qualitatively. until i can write anything, whether it will help in fishing. but the husband rejoices like a child and waiting for warmth to go fishing. And this means that the purchase was successful. In the summer i will write impressions. delivery month, track was tracked to the post office. store many thanks for the quality goods. U***o – Fish came all as in the picture delivery more than a month to ukraine. i recommend the manager. J***a – 13 days and I got it in Lithuania. My first order, very happy for speed and good item! V***h – The fish looks good. Let’s see the game in the summer.⭐ S***v – A lot of good quality. To the extent of the abdication on the descriptionthanks to the sale of a gift mini wobbler. A***n – Track tracked in appearance and touch of good quality O***a – The fish is wonderful as alive! We will try in business G***g – Oooochen liked such a cool fish!!! Straight natural!!! I do not know how it will work but in appearance, just super. I’m sooooo happy. Thank you very much to the store!!! Everything is cool Y***v – Sent quickly. At first glance the quality is good as a swim until you believe Customer – Fast delivery, reliable store, my order arrived in 9 days Thank you very much T***r – More used but from what I have seen nice product K***l – Bait Very realistically executed, quality at altitude. Definitely recommend to buy. R***n – Very accurate description. Very nice craftsmanship. Detailings are very lifelike. Definitely recommend the item. Just took about 40 days to reach. Even received a small lure as gift.. Tiny one but looks great too. Thank you store. H***y – It came quickly, tracked. I recommend the product and the store. V***v – Cool wobblers, but how about fishing, i do not know V***a – The producer is very pleased, the wobbler is cool, i will continue to order from this producer. S***I – Wonderful product, same description, I recommend store and product, thank you K***o – I arrive in about a month, excellent quality, it is exactly the same as what the photo shows M***i – Excellent! All same as description! Small gift!!! Thank you so much! A***v – Very good quality. Whether this wobbler fish will show the season. V***h – The product corresponds to the description. Segments are made of hard plastic. Summer протестирую. I advise the store, the goods are quality, sent on time. S***n – Running like a real Fish. Order already the second Times. Very good!!! O***z – Fast shipping super product highly recommend R***d – Quality wobbler, i advise everyone to respect the store!!! N***a – Wobblers are qualitatively made, hooks are sharp, came in 2,5 weeks, tracked, i’m happy, see what the spring will show) A***n – Thanks to the store, the description corresponds to the reality. the delivery before the specified time, the packaging is quality. i recommend!!! V***v – Perfect delivery!!! bravo-15 days ahead of schedule!!! The quality of e-vis and doll is sharp!? V***v – All cool beautiful bait i’m happy to recommend the store will still order V***v – Everything is fine, the parcel came very quickly, the quality is excellent, i’ll try in fact to write. Seller recommend! A***v – Shipping fast… fish quality, hooks sharp… 5 + Customer – Looks good! Thank you for everything. Lack of proof E***h – excellent quality, reasonably quick delivery works well caught fish first use V***v – Sending super fast with delivery. It’s rare these days. S***v – All came, fish quality tees sharp delivery two weeks. I am happy to advise everyone A***v – Quality is good, you can take hooks only need to change or sharpen E***o – Gorgeous fish! Bright, mobile (between sections looks like a fabric tape in silicone) is very natural color, tees are not sharp for the nail do not cling (but this is nonsense). In the mos region. For 10 days-delivery is fast. The store recommend all 100%! Buy more) V***v – Wobbler corresponds to the description, i recommend. Free delivery 2 weeks to the krasnoyarsk territory. P***a – Very good, nice lure and with good endings, i recommend the product and store. A***o – Got it. Bait on quality is just fire. I recommend. E***a – Sent quickly and delivery very fast just over 2 weeks to st. petersburg! Look beautiful as if alive! Hooks sharp! It will be warmer to test!!! F***s – Very real, i already want to try it. M***n – Spin G***r – In appearance class, soon i will check L***e – Order received in 2 weeks. Product according to the photo J***a – Excellent product Thank you Greetings A***h – VERY GOOD MATERIAL QUICKLY DELIVERY RATE 10 STARS A***l – All OK. Much before time. Goods compliant. Recommend salesman. Customer – Arrived all OK E***a – It came faster than the stated time. packed in a bubble. soft packaging. satisfied. thank you N***u – Fast shipping Steve Krawec (verified owner) – I can;t review because I did not try the lure yet it look ok will see in the water two weeks from now Jacques Paquin – excellent product Menzel Garris (verified owner) – Delivery time was great. No instructions on if the bait would work in salt water as well as fresh water. François Parenteau (verified owner) – Good thing, I want another one !!! James Orchard (verified owner) – Haven’t had a chance to test them yet, but they certainly look the part! Packaging was excellent; shipping was very prompt. Thank you for that. Joseph Day (verified owner) – Got 3 hard combo. Got onto 2 barramundi and ordered a 6pack when i got home. Great swim action, and fish magnet Dale McDonald – All six lures arrived in 3 weeks and are just as advertised, looking forward to opening day to give them a try. Dave Gallinger (verified owner) – They seem to be well made and I am sure they will attract the fish. Unfortunately it will be several months before I can try them as it is winter here and lakes and rivers are frozen over MELVIN DISMORE (verified owner) – I have yet to test them but I love the way they move I,v always used these types of lures but broken backs only in middle John Devries (verified owner) – looks great just have to wait for a month or so for the ice to melt off lake. Tanner Tarr (verified owner) – Awesome lures! Extremely realistic. On my fourth cast I landed my personal largest Musky. 43″ beauty! Randall Morrow (verified owner) – I can’t wait to use these lures and I even bought a set for a friend to use too. Fevzi ARICIOGLU (verified owner) – Perfect Hartley Pascoe (verified owner) – Unfortunately not used the lures yet because of illness, hoping to next week. I miss my fishing. Your service was brilliant and most helpful, thank you for that. Bob (verified owner) – They are effective. Caught fish in the first 10 minutes. Wished they came in different sizes. They act and appear to real, Great lure. David (verified owner) – I have only been able to fish a few times this year but after receiving your product, I haven’t had any hits on them. doesn’t mean I won’t keep trying James K. Brown (verified owner) – absolutely wonderful! they could make lures in smaller weights and sizes Henry (verified owner) – Took a little time for it to get here, but like the look and motion of the lure. have not tried it yet, but soon. Covid 19 is slowing me up from fishing.
I've been playing golf forever, and growing up I used to play without a glove. Then one day I wore one because I saw everyone else wearing one. Now I need one only to avoid blisters. I've always worn a medium regular glove, but noticed after wearing a new one last week that it was loose on my hand. So I thought I would try a medium cadet glove and see if that was any better. Well, because the golf shop at the course didn't have any medium cadet I tried a small cadet and wouldn't you know it, that size fit really snug and essentially perfect. So, can you believe that I've been wearing the wrong size glove for 30 years? Now what to do with the four medium regular gloves in my bag. 🤔 You've shrunken ? Medium regular or cadet, depending on the manufacturer. I don't wear a glove anymore. Cadet small. A larger glove than Trump -... ;-) Listening to him I reckon a cadet large. Funny thing - most who know me might consider me a bit " absent minded". Went to pull out a dry, white/blue glove and found it was for a lefty. Moral of the story - do not put bright colors in front of me. BTW - glove = large rob Costco's Callaway 3 pack cabretta leather in Medium size fits snugly. Can't beat it for $6 a glove. I do have other brands of fancier design which I'll use for business golf. Release Business golf, would those be Wingtips design ? ;-) rob mainuh Unfortunately, the only pair of Wingtips golf shoes I have left is in White color, not very easy to keep clean in our climate and course condition except for from July through mid Sept. Black is a preferred color around here for golf shoes, I have no golf shoes with wingtips in dark color. Yap, business golf is tough, I have to keep an eye on their errant golf shots to help location their golf balls, small talk to their agenda, make sure I play hard but not to beat them too badly if that's the case. Often times I will feel tired, like playing 2 rounds of golf . Golf glove is a very important item next to your golf shoes. I will wonder how a golfer do in their life if they wore beat up and dirty golf shoes and golf gloves. More so than having the latest model golf club in the bag. The golf clubs will speak for itself. I had seen others eyeballing and ask questions when someone in the group produced nice golf shots with older equipment. Cadet ML. I've started this season not using a glove - so far, I don't miss it - and I've worn a glove for years. I may start wearing a glove again as the weather gets warmer. XXL Bionic brsmith XXL Bionic brsmith XXL Those are big hands............. Large if it's kind of cold outside and then I wear one on both hands. Other than that I don't wear a glove.
‘Cut above’ Jack Kyle still hailed as Ireland’s greatest Published 21/05/2010 Jack Kyle Jack Kyle is possibly the greatest ever Irish rugby player. The fly half was a pivotal figure in Ireland's first Grand Slam in 1948 - it would be 61 years before the men in green achieved the feat again. Kyle played in all the matches in what was then the Five Nations Championship and followed up with the title twice in the next three years. Kyle made 46 appearances for Ireland between 1947 and 1958, a time in which international action was much less plentiful than it is now and long before the advent of the World Cup. He was also selected for the Lions, playing in all six Tests on the 1950 tour of Australia and New Zealand. Now 84, he spent much of his working life as a consultant surgeon in Africa. Kyle was inducted into the International Rugby Hall of Fame in 1999 and was named the Greatest Ever Irish Rugby Player by the IRFU in 2002. The IRFU Ulster Branch opened their Hall of Fame and there could have been no more distinguished inaugural winner than Dr Jack Kyle. Although most of those who witnessed the 84-year-old lifting the award are too young to have seen him play, nevertheless the thunderous ovation that greeted his induction to the Belfast Telegraph-backed Hall of Fame provided irrefutable proof of his reputation and the regard and esteem in which he is held. The words ‘legend’ and ‘icon’ are abused as a result of over-use by sportswriters. Not this time, however. Both nouns are wholly appropriate, for Belfast-born Jack Kyle’s name is one which has resonated for more than 60 years, and not only in rugby circles. Now living in Bryansford, his status owes as much to things done off the pitch as to feats of skill and great daring performed on it. A former pupil of Belfast Royal Academy and a graduate of Queen’s University, he trained as a doctor and ultimately specialised as a surgeon. He made his name in that discipline, working for many years as a consultant in Chingola, Zambia. His ability as a surgeon was tested frequently and fully, for often the conditions in which he worked were primitive. To this day the people of that region recall his work amongst them and on their behalf. Two months ago BBC NI profiled him in a programme entitled ‘A Cut Above’. The film crew which accompanied him to Zambia captured footage that underlined his status among Africans. A deeply committed Christian with a genuine compassion for others, he also undertook humanitarian work in Sumatra and Indonesia. As his rugby achievements were recalled last night he was described as “a fly-half who inspired generations of players and is still widely regarded as Ireland’s greatest ever rugby player.” Significantly, when Ireland finally completed their second Grand Slam by beating Wales in that never to be forgotten Cardiff showdown in 2008, the picture of captain Brian O’Driscoll and Jack Kyle in an embrace which exuded mutual respect and admiration was one that went round the world. Last night’s citation heralding his induction to the Hall of Fame read: “Jack Kyle was the inspirational genius behind Ireland’s first Grand Slam triumph in 1948. “In 1950 Jack also played in all six tests for the British and Irish Lions on their tour to New Zealand and Australia. “When he retired from international rugby in 1958, his total of 46 caps from 11 seasons, which yielded seven tries, was a world record. “Jack Kyle remains the players’ player and Ireland's legendary fly-half.” Belfast Telegraph
Those confessions turned out to be false. But the notorious investigation that followed raised an important question: Why would someone confess to a slaying he did not commit? Now a bill being considered by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger would make it mandatory for police agencies throughout California to record what goes on in the interrogation room. The legislation, SB 511, requires the electronic recording – either audio or video – of interrogations of suspects in custody in connection with homicides and other violent felonies, such as rape. Schwarzenegger vetoed a version of the bill last year, saying that while he favored such action, he feared that confusing language would create technical loopholes that might allow criminals to avoid punishment. Schwarzenegger has until Oct. 14 to decide on the current measure, which some police associations are opposing. Through legislation or court rulings, 10 states and the District of Columbia require police to record interrogations of those suspected of violent crimes. The mandatory-recording bill is a product of the California Commission on the Fair Administration of Justice, set up four years ago by the state Senate to examine causes of wrongful convictions and recommend ways to avoid them. Members include judges, law professors, police chiefs, prosecutors, trial attorneys and civil rights advocates. The intent of SB 511 is to eliminate court disputes over what happened during an interrogation. That would help prosecute the guilty while protecting the innocent, said Gerald Uelmen, executive director of the commission. “False confessions usually happen to the most vulnerable of defendants, those with mental disabilities or juveniles, like (then-14-year-old) Michael Crowe,” Uelmen said. “About 60 percent of false-confession cases fall into one of these categories. “There is a tremendous advantage to police in doing this.” Of eight recent California false-confession cases, as determined by DNA evidence, two were from San Diego County, Uelmen said: the Crowe case and a 1995 case involving an Escondido caretaker who confessed that one of her multiple personalities had killed a man in her care. The death was ruled an accident, and charges were dropped. More than three dozen California police agencies, including six in San Diego County, routinely record such interrogations. Yet several law enforcement organizations, including the California State Sheriffs' Association and the California Police Chiefs Association, oppose the legislation. Uelmen and other supporters of taped interrogations said the bill provides exceptions for equipment failure or for the unavailability of a recording device. Should suspects object to the recording machine, California is among the few states that allow police to secretly record interrogations, the bill's supporters said. “I don't understand their objections,” said Uelmen, who noted that the state will reimburse police departments for the cost of recording equipment. “It seems like what it comes down to is, 'We don't like to be told what to do.' ” Capt. Mary Cornicelli of the San Diego Police Department's homicide unit said detectives now routinely record interrogations of suspects in custody. “It protects the officer, protects the rights of the suspect and preserves the integrity of the case,” Cornicelli said. Cheryl Crowe, mother of Stephanie and Michael Crowe, said she sees “both sides of the coin, but I think the positives of recording interrogations far outweigh any negatives for police.” “If the defense is arguing, as we were, that the confession was coerced, jurors can see it with their own eyes,” Crowe said. “The same is true for police officers – jurors can see the questioning was done fair and square.” Escondido police continue to videotape interrogations in homicides and other violent-crime cases. “We can live with a law like this,” a department spokesman said. Mark Sauer: (619) 293-2227; mark.sauer@uniontrib.com
Facebook and Twitter to send you a reminder every time we have a new post. But there's more than just blogs for us. We've also been working over the last few years to set up live streaming and a Youtube channel for our lectures. Keep an eye on our schedule of events, but if you can't make it, or if you're out of town, you can watch all of our lectures on our live feed. We've spent the last year or so trying to improve the quality of the feed, and we'll continue to work on it. Make sure to let us know if you've watched one of our lectures, and let us know how it went. If you happened to miss one of the lectures, some are now becoming available on Youtube. We're still trying to improve our social media presence, and always looking for ways to serve you better online. Most importantly we want to make sure that those that don't live in Greece have as many opportunities as possible to interact with us, and are able to participate from far away. Wednesday, May 29, 2013 Tuesday, May 28, 2013 The Fred Winter Collection Tuesday, May 21, 2013 The Fred Winter Collection Friday, May 17, 2013 The Institute’s Annual Open Meeting and an Archaeological Theft in Herakleio The title of the joint lecture in French and in Greek is, “Argilos, colonie d’Andros (VIIème-IIIème siècles av. n.è): Grecs, Thraces et Macédoniens sur le littoral nord-égéen”. We look forward to seeing you at the Open Meeting! A Theft from the Archaeological Museum in Herakleio in 1938 The last lecture of the 2012/13 Lecture series of the Syllogos Filon tou Istorikou Archeiou tis Archaiologikis Iperesias will take place on Monday May 20th at 6:30 PM at the Istoriko Archeio Building at Odos Psaromylingou 22 on the edge of Kerameikos and Psyrri. Prof. Nanno Marinatos (University of Illinois – Chicago) will give the lecture entitled, «Κλοπή Μουσείου Ηρακλείου, 1938». Using documents from the personal archive of her father, Spyridon Marinatos, she will reconstruct like a crime thriller the organized theft from the Archaeological Museum in Herakleio in 1938 and then how he, Nikolaos Platon and the police eventually solved it. The well-known collector of antiquities Dr. Stylianos Gamalakis and the conservator Zacharis Kanakis play positive roles in this investigation as well. Only one object was not recovered. The Syllogos Filon is planning the 2013/14 Lecture Series now. If you have suggestions for lecturers who combine archaeological investigations with archival research please let me know as soon as possible. Cordially, David Rupp Director Tuesday, May 14, 2013 The Fred Winter Collection Friday, May 10, 2013 CIG Graduate Student Conference, Brock University, February 16, 2013 On Saturday, February 16th Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario was the proud host of the CIG Graduate Student Conference. The grad students in our Department of Classics organized the conference, and chose the theme of Revelations and Revolutions in the ancient world. About fifty or so people ascended the escarpment to hear papers that ranged from Agamemnon to Augustus, delivered by grad students from a variety of universities in Canada and the U.S. Rachel Dewan, a former CIG intern and Laurier student, delivered an excellent paper on ethnicity and Greek colonization at Pithekoussai; she also stood out as the only undergraduate to deliver a paper! Andrew Sparling, the grad student representative on the CIG executive committee, was there to spread the word about CIG. We also got to hear Benjamen Kelly of York University deliver the keynote address on “Punishing Revolution: Repressing Riots, Revolts, and Rebellions in the Roman World.” Plenty of time for questions was built into the schedule, as well as coffee breaks and a lunch provided by the organizers. This gave attendees the opportunity to hobnob and make new connections, both with each other and with the speakers. Nevertheless, no doubt due to the efficiency of the organizers, the conference ended exactly on time! Afterwards the organizers and speakers relaxed and celebrated at a local restaurant called the Cat’s Caboose. Congratulations to Brock’s MA students for a well-run conference, and to the speakers for a job well done! R. Angus K. Smith Brock University Tuesday, May 7, 2013 The Fred Winter Collection Fr
The present invention relates to a copier, facsimile apparatus, printer or similar image forming apparatus and, more particularly, to a multicolor image forming apparatus of the type forming a multicolor toner image on an image carrier and then transferring it to a recording medium at a time. With a multicolor image forming apparatus, it is possible to form a multicolor toner image on an image carrier by use of developers of different colors. A nonmagnetic toner, or one component type developer, is advantageously used with developing means for the second color since it reduces the size and cost of the apparatus and is easy to color. It has been customary to cause this kind of toner to deposit on a developer carrier in a layer and face, but not contact, an image carrier, thereby effecting development. This development does not disturb a toner image of a first color existing on the image carrier. The image forming apparatus has, for example, a plurality of developing means arranged around an image carrier. In this kind of apparatus, developing means assigned to the first color stores a chromatic toner, which constitutes a two component type developer in combination with a carrier. Developing means assigned to the second color and located downstream of the above-mentioned developing means stores a black toner, or one component type developer. The black toner is charged to a polarity opposite to the polarity of the chromatic toner. In the downstream developing means, the toner is deposited on a developer carrier in a thickness of 30 .mu.m to 500 .mu.m. In the event of development, an AC bias voltage is applied to the developer carrier of the downstream or second developing means for generating an AC electric field which effects development by the toner. While development is not effected, a bias voltage which causes the chromatic toner of the upstream or first developing means to develop an image is applied to the developer carrier of the second developing means. This kind of scheme is taught in, for example, Japanese Patent Laid-Open Publication No. 63-60471. However, the apparatus described above has a problem that at the time of development in the second color, the toner of second color moves back and forth between the latent image surface of the image carrier and the surface of the developer carrier while hitting against the latent image surface due to the AC bias. Such a toner is apt to disturb a toner image formed on the image carrier in the first color. Moreover, the toner of first color is apt to move back and forth together with the toner of second color while hitting against the surface of the developer carrier, entering the developing means assigned to the second color. As a result, the toner of second color stored in the developing means becomes turbid. In light of this, there has been proposed a multicolor image forming apparatus which applies a DC bias voltage for development in the second color. The DC bias causes a nonmagnetic toner to fly toward the image carrier, thereby obviating color mixture. For example, a plurality of developing means are arranged around an image carrier having a 35 .mu.m to 90 .mu.m thick photoconductive layer which has a capacitance of 20 pF/cm.sup.2 to 170 pF/cm.sup.2 and is made of selenium or arsenic selenide. Charging, exposing and developing steps are repeated a plurality of times to form a composite color image on the same image carrier. In the developing means assigned to the second color, a gap less than 250 .mu.m is formed between a developer carrier and the image carrier. A DC bias voltage is applied to the developer carrier to execute non-contact development by using a thin toner layer. At this instant, the other developer carriers not contributing to the development are held inoperative, i.e., toners are deposited thereon at the outside of their imaging regions. For this type of apparatus, a reference may be made to Japanese Patent Laid-Open Publication No. 63-63061. This document includes an embodiment using an image carrier implemented by an organic photoconductor having a 15 .mu.m to 50 .mu.m thick photoconductive layer, charging means in the form of a scorotron charger, reversal development, a potential contrast greater than 400 V, and a 5 .mu.m to 30 .mu.m thick toner layer deposited on the photoconductor. Another type of multicolor apparatus image forming apparatus includes a plurality developing means facing, but not contacting, a recording medium. In this type of apparatus, first or upstream developing means includes a developer carrier to which a DC-biased AC bias is applied for black development. The developer carrier is rotated in the same direction as, but at a higher peripheral speed than, the recording medium. Second and successive developing means each includes a developer carrier to which only a DC bias is applied for color development. Such an apparatus is disclosed in, for example, Japanese Patent Laid-Open Publication No. 63-85578. This apparatus, however, has a drawback that when the toner is caused to fly under the electric field generated by the DC bias, cohered toner particles locally come off in low contrast portions, resulting in a granular image. Another drawback is that in latent line images, the edge electric fields of the latent images run around to the image carrier side, preventing thin lines from being reproduced.
Q: how to add ellipsis to a String inside button angularjs I would like to know how to add an ellipsis to a string inside a button in the given plunkr example. The button width should be 50px. https://plnkr.co/edit/7PuZ8a52FQs3ix9N4zX0?p=preview html: <html> <head> <script src="angular.min.js"></script> <script src="script.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="tree.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="font-awesome.min.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.min.css" /> </head> <body data-ng-app="testApp" data-ng-controller="button"> <hr> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success" data-dismiss="modal" data-ng-click="save()">SaveFilter</button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-Default" data-dismiss="modal" data-ng-click="delete()">Delete</button> <button ng-repeat="name in listofSystems" style="border-radius: 25px; outline-color:#fff;" type="button" class="btn btn-default" id="{{name.name}}" ng-click="addSystemsButton($event,$index)">{{name.name}} +</button> <hr> <p><strong>Selected Systems</strong></p> <button ng-repeat="name in listofSystemsAdded" style="border-radius: 25px; outline-color:#fff;" type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="removeSelectedSystemsButton($index)">{{name.name}} x</button> </body> </html> A: <html> <head> <script src="angular.min.js"></script> <script src="script.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="tree.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="font-awesome.min.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.min.css" /> </head> <body data-ng-app="testApp" data-ng-controller="button"> <hr> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success" data-dismiss="modal" data-ng-click="save()">SaveFilter</button> <button class="chipbtn" type="button" class="btn btn-Default" data-dismiss="modal" data-ng-click="delete()">Delete</button> <button ng-repeat="name in listofSystems" style="border-radius: 25px; outline-color:#fff;" type="button" class="btn btn-default" id="{{name.name}}" ng-click="addSystemsButton($event,$index)"><span style="width: 100px;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;display: inline-block;">{{name.name}} </span> <span style="color:red;vertical-align: top;">+</span></button> <hr> <p><strong>Selected Systems</strong></p> <button ng-repeat="name in listofSystemsAdded" style="border-radius: 25px; outline-color:#fff;" type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="removeSelectedSystemsButton($index)"> <span style="width: 100px;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;display: inline-block;">{{name.name}} </span> <span style="color:red;vertical-align: top;">+</span></button> </body> </html> added plus symbol also check demo here
As summer transitions to fall, and fall turns into winter, more and more people become sick with the flu. Here is how to avoid being one of them. steps Keep your hands clean. During the day, people touch their faces, noses, and mouths, which can lead to infection if their hands are germy. Clean hands will help lower your risk. Avoid people who are sick as much as you can. Proximity to a sick person can easily get you sick too. If you need to be around someone who is sick, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after interacting with them. Strengthen your immune system through diet and exercise. Get outdoors and take walks, go jogging, bike around the neighborhood, et cetera. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially those high in Vitamin C. Consider taking multivitamins to help get nutrients. Talk to your doctor about flu prevention tips. Look into getting a flu shot or nasal spray. Take plenty of quiet time to relax and unwind. If you feel stressed or run down, you will be more likely to get sick. Get at least 8 hours of sleep, and spend time doing things you enjoy. Self-care is especially important when you want to look after your health.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import csv import numpy as np import os import sys from observations.util import maybe_download_and_extract def german(path): """German credit scoring data See website for details of data attributes A data frame with 1000 observations on the following 21 variables. `V1` a factor with levels `A11` `A12` `A13` `A14` `V2` a numeric vector `V3` a factor with levels `A30` `A31` `A32` `A33` `A34` `V4` a factor with levels `A40` `A41` `A410` `A42` `A43` `A44` `A45` `A46` `A48` `A49` `V5` a numeric vector `V6` a factor with levels `A61` `A62` `A63` `A64` `A65` `V7` a factor with levels `A71` `A72` `A73` `A74` `A75` `V8` a numeric vector `V9` a factor with levels `A91` `A92` `A93` `A94` `V10` a factor with levels `A101` `A102` `A103` `V11` a numeric vector `V12` a factor with levels `A121` `A122` `A123` `A124` `V13` a numeric vector `V14` a factor with levels `A141` `A142` `A143` `V15` a factor with levels `A151` `A152` `A153` `V16` a numeric vector `V17` a factor with levels `A171` `A172` `A173` `A174` `V18` a factor with levels `good` `bad` `V19` a factor with levels `A191` `A192` `V20` a factor with levels `A201` `A202` `V21` a numeric vector http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets.html Args: path: str. Path to directory which either stores file or otherwise file will be downloaded and extracted there. Filename is `german.csv`. Returns: Tuple of np.ndarray `x_train` with 1000 rows and 21 columns and dictionary `metadata` of column headers (feature names). """ import pandas as pd path = os.path.expanduser(path) filename = 'german.csv' if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, filename)): url = 'http://dustintran.com/data/r/gamclass/german.csv' maybe_download_and_extract(path, url, save_file_name='german.csv', resume=False) data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, filename), index_col=0, parse_dates=True) x_train = data.values metadata = {'columns': data.columns} return x_train, metadata
Hennepin Technical College and the St. Paul Fire Department will offer a hands-on camp for teens. It's the second time the college has offered the camp, funded through a grant, but it's the first in St. Paul. The camp is intended to help teens explore their interest in firefighting through hands-on exercises, develop a pipeline of local talent, and recruit minorities. "It's going to be a blast," said Bernie Vrona, the college's fire training coordinator, who dreamed up the camp. What: Firefighters' Challenge Career Camp Students will fight real fires, including a car fire, from a safe distance. They also will learn about forcible entry, survival, firehose operations, and search and rescue. St. Paul firefighters and emergency medical technicians will talk about their jobs, pay and education. Where: St. Paul Fire Training Site, 1683 Energy Park Dr., St. Paul. The site is a few blocks off high-use bus stops on N. Snelling Avenue, Vrona said. When: The camp runs June 20-23, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. Free snacks and lunch will be provided. How: To apply, fill out a form at:. com/a483. Or contact Vrona at 952-995-1329 or bernie.vrona@hennepintech.edu. Applicants must be high school students or recent graduates. Vrona said about 15 spots are still available. The camp costs $25 per person, but financial aid is available, and some students are attending at no cost. Contact Vrona for financial aid information. Parental permission is required. Chao Xiong • 612-270-4708 Twitter: @Cha.
Feds Step In to Assist States With Unemployment Fixes Web pages used to show information for collecting unemployment insurance in Virginia, right, and reporting fraud and identity theft in Pennsylvania, are displayed on the respective state web pages, Friday, Feb. 26, 2021. AP Photo/Keith Srakocic Connecting state and local government leaders The Labor Department has deployed “tiger teams” to six state unemployment agencies, with experts looking for solutions to speed up payments and reduce fraud. State unemployment insurance systems were stress tested at the outset of the coronavirus pandemic by a deluge of unemployment claims. Many failed. The experience frustrated both state unemployment agencies and claimants and has prompted some states to overhaul and modernize their systems. To aid in the process, the Department of Labor is offering a way to help diagnose states’ most pressing unemployment insurance issues through the deployment of “tiger teams.” The tiger team concept has a decades-long history in the federal government and involves assembling a group of experts and specialists to tackle especially difficult problems. Teams are deployed in six states—Colorado, Washington, Kansas, Nevada, Virginia and Wisconsin—to complete assessments that will be used to identify problems contributing to backlogs and to develop solutions. The states are participating on a voluntary basis in the program, but their participation will ensure they are eligible for a portion of a pool of $200 million the federal government is offering to states that implement the identified fixes, said Michele Evermore, a senior advisor on unemployment insurance at the DOL. DOL plans to make the tiger team assessments an available resource to all states that would like the additional help, she said. The assessments are part of a broader effort by DOL to crack down on fraud that plagued many unemployment systems during the pandemic. By finding better ways to detect and prevent fraudulent claims, experts believe states will be able to eliminate some of the backlogs that have prevented eligible workers from receiving benefits in a timely fashion. “When you find a fraud solution, you are finding an equity solution and you are clearing out the backlogs,” Evermore said in an interview. “The backlog is not initial claims, it’s people who are flagged for fraud.” Even as fewer people are filing for and receiving unemployment and the federal government has ended supplemental benefits, many states are still slogging through backlogs to pay out benefits owed to residents or address fraud concerns. In Virginia, legislative auditors found this week that the Virginia Employment Commission has 100,000 claims pending that require adjudication. While federal guidelines mandate that the adjudication of unemployment applications should take less than 21 days, the audit found that just 2% of cases met that standard. Auditors found that 82% of adjudications took longer than 70 days. A federal class action lawsuit filed on behalf of unemployed Virginia residents remains pending as the state has worked to address the delays. DOL’s tiger teams in each state consist of six to nine people, both contractors and federal employees, who have expertise in process management, fraud detection, equity, unemployment insurance systems and technology, Evermore said. Those teams are tasked with interviewing state unemployment agency officials to analyze processes in each state and to identify possible logjams. Working with a centralized federal support team, the tiger teams will be able to share findings and solutions across states. “The central team is to make sure we are coordinating across states and keeping a repository of solutions,” Evermore said. The teams have been working with state agencies for about a month and will likely make recommendations after spending about two to three months working with local officials, she said. The process may be simplified for states that participate later depending on the teams’ findings and recommendations. Andrea Noble is a staff correspondent with Route Fifty. NEXT STORY: The Best and Worst Places to Work in America
Really Great considering its age!!! Glass and photo Very good condition, there is a little discoloration on the right side of the lady's photo. Some of the other discoloration is my camera glare. The locket itself has wear to the gold and other wear consistent with age. Process was similar to the Ambrotype, but instead of using a glass plate, the. Image was processed on a thin sheet of blackened iron. Introduced in 1856 and popular until about 1867. Tintypes enjoyed their widest use during the 1860s and 1870s. CHECK OUT MY OTHER AUCTIONS STARTING AT. I do my best to take accurate & clear pictures. The pictures are part of the description. I note any major flaws in the description. Most items are vintage or used and will have some. Form of use and wear/tarnish/fading due to age, NOS (new old stock) items may have wear due to age, hence. They will not look brand new. I sell items as found and they may. Colors may look different on different monitors. See Coin or ruler for size reference. Clothing will be tagged and I will not accept the return if the tag has been removed.I will respond as soon as I can. The item "Antique 1800s Civil War Era 10K Gold Mourning Locket Pendant Husband Wife Photos" is in sale since Sunday, December 30, 2018. This item is in the category "Jewelry & Watches\Vintage & Antique Jewelry\Fine\Victorian, Edwardian 1837-1910\Mourning Jewelry". The seller is "finenfancyjewelrynmore" and is located in Cleveland, Tennessee. This item can be shipped to United States.
{"}} Uncovering Happiness – Finding Happiness in a messed up world –Understanding happiness Uncovering Happiness – Finding Happiness in a messed up world –Understanding happiness Matthew 5:3-12 Matthew 5:3-12New starting a new series tonight called “Uncovering Happiness: How to be happy in a messed up world.” “The demand for happiness and the patient quest for it” isn’t a luxury or a mere need but our existential duty. “To decide whether life is worth living is to answer the fundamental question of philosophy,” – Albert Camus Essentially Camus is asking the most fundamental questions of life; can we be happy? So I asked this question to a school the other day and the younger the audience the more of that group said happiness was possible. The younger grades almost every hand was up, but soon as you hit the high school less and less hands were up. And I didn’t see a single teacher put up their hands. Now that might be because they are teachers… It wasn’t; happiness seems to be the gift of the young, the older you get the more jaded you become. Life happens and you seem to become more and more cynical the older you become. And yet, jaded as we are, we still feel deep down that happiness should be our reality. That this existence of little high points of happiness followed by long periods of valleys of struggle and despair seems wrong to us. And many of us spend a large portion of our energy despairing that we are despairing. So many of us falling into a kind of Stoicism which states; "sick and yet happy, in peril and yet happy, dying and yet happy, in exile and happy, in disgrace and happy," - Epictetus In other words, happiness is found within; not in what I go through… now we fall into the kind of thinking; the question is does it work? Well no. In fact, I want to show you tonight, and for the next few weeks, that happiness is possible and in fact it is what we were created to be, however, it is not found within ourselves or what we do or what we can get, but it is possible. So, lets get into it. To get to the core of it we need to start in… 1. Understanding Happiness So the beatitudes start with this phrase, “blessed is the one…” The Greek word used here is μακάριος (makarios) literally means fully satisfied. A state of complete contented happiness. Now, I have heard many preachers say, and many of the commentaries say we should translate it as joyful, because happiness comes from the English derivative ‘hap’ – as in happenstance. So happiness cannot stand. But, and I say this only to communicate the heart of God; we have separated joy off into this ethereal and almost spiritualized reality; were we can be as sour as a beast and bitter; but tell ourselves “the joy of the Lord is my strength.” Or we can go through an incredibly tough time and be aching inside and we tell ourselves and others I have deep joy. And in a sense we feel either like a hypocrite; saying I have joy – because it’s the “Christian” thing to do. Or we feel like a failure because we don’t have access to this super-spiritual joy that these giants of the faith have. Essentially we are asking tonight; if real deep (happy) fulfilment is possible? I need to say that if joy has not moved to a sense of fulfilment and delight (that we normally associate more with the word happiness) we have missed it; we have missed what God desires for us. I’ll put it this way; God longs for you to be deeply, completely happy; God longs for you to be full of delight. Because that is who he is in His being. The question we must ask ourselves; is a state of complete fulfilment and delight even possible this side of eternity? Well, yes. But we have to understand the source and reality of that delight. And that is the whole point of tonight. You see the beatitudes state blessed is the one, 7 times and then ends with “Rejoice and be glad…” And, in the psalms we see this same reality being expressed. It seems throughout scripture we see a God who longs for his children to be blessed. To be happy. But we must understand the source of that delight and we must stay in that source for it to be ours. If we stray and if we miss it the delight that we have been created for will disappear. So what is the source of our delight? Well to understand this we have to understand the context of the passage. This passage, is usually stripped out of its context and that is why we miss its emphasis; you see if you look at the start of this passage; we see that Jesus went up to the mountain and preached. This long discourse goes from 5:1 all the way to 7:29 and has been called the Sermon on the Mount. It is a powerful and important teaching; but the central message of this whole sermon, what holds the whole thing together from 5:1-7:29 is the idea of the kingdom of God or the kingdom of Heaven. It is the central reality of what Jesus is trying to get across in this message. So to understand the happiness (or blessed delight) of the beatitudes we have to understand the kingdom. 2. Understanding the Kingdom Jesus spends much of his time teaching on this reality of the Kingdom of God. In fact, in mark we see how after his temptation in the dessert; Jesus starts his public ministry, “Preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God… saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe the gospel.” And here is the key for tonight; you cannot understand the happiness (or blessedness) that Jesus is talking about in the beatitudes unless you understand it in the context of the Kingdom of God. Jesus spoke about the Kingdom all the time. He speaks about no-one can enter the kingdom unless he is born again and constantly called us to enter into the Kingdom. So what is the Kingdom of God? The kingdom can be best understood by looking into someone new coming to power. When that person comes to power see that power being expressed through a new administration; and that new administration is a new set of priority and strategies etc. Jesus is the ultimate king. When he comes into power there is a new set of priorities and realities. The Kingdom is a change of loyalty and a change of being from one set of rules and ways of being to another. It is the state of someone who has changed his/her loyalties and his priorities to that of God’s. in a nutshell; the Kingdom is where Jesus reigns. And this is the point of the beatitudes; they are not a set of principles to put on and emphasize; they are the new way of being for all those who enter or who have entered the Kingdom. And in fact when we see this we will see a beautiful reality in the beatitudes as they are split into two parts. The first four are how we enter into the Kingdom of God and the last four are how we live out that reign. We will be going into greater detail with this over the next few weeks as we go through this passage. However, the emphasis and what I want to address tonight is this; blessedness (happiness) is for those who have entered the Kingdom. Why is this important; because many of us have happiness as a pursuit and because of that we never discover it. Happiness is a byproduct of your being, not a pursuit you can discover. It is a result of who you are not what you do. And that is why to discover happiness we have to start 3. Understanding Myself. The first reality that you need to discover is that you are a created being made for others and another. The first thing you discover in these beatitudes is that they are all outward focusing or others focusing. This is such an important lesson to grasp; the source of most of the problems of your life is you; it is selfish inward me focusing life that cripples us as people and destroys all delight. And essentially is at the cause of many of societies ills today; in fact, I would go as far to say all of societies ills. So many of us fall into the “what about me”, “why me” “what do I get out of it” “But I deserve it” thinking that we know is toxic in others but seem to ignore in ourselves. The source of much of our bitterness and discontentment and rage and despair is rooted in a selfishness that we wouldn’t tolerate in other. The reality of it all, is that at your most basic you are a created being. If you are created, then who created you? And what for? If you are simply the accident of universe, in other words chemicals that have bound together to create consciousness, then you have no point, there is no greater meaning, and true fulfilment is not just a bad illusion it is impossibly naïve. Essentially if there is not God then your existence is meaninglessness. Every attempt to create that meaning is at its root false. There cannot be meaning if you are an accident, every attempt is simply a lie you tell yourself. This is a reality that no-one can actually live in. Now if you were created; then it makes perfect sense that you were created for something. And seeking that meaning then will only be found from the one who created you. The Scriptures declare that you were fearfully and wonderfully made. And that you were made by Him and for His glory. And you find your meaning when you live for Him expressing in care and love for others. And if we get this the beatitudes end with us rejoicing even when we are reviled and persecuted. Because our happiness is not found within ourselves, or our circumstances, but in the one who created us and is now calling us towards himself; to be a part of His kingdom and His reign. Our creation brings us meaning only when it is expressed in living in the rule of God. And here is the crux of it all and what we will be diving into over the next few weeks. We simply cannot live up to what God expects of us; I mean we can’t even live up to our own moral standards; never mind the moral standards of a perfectly moral God. Francis Shaffer in his commentary on Romans 2:1ff where he illustrates it as follows; imagine from birth got put an invisible tape recorder around your neck and this recorder only came on and recorded every time you make a moral judgment of others, like “He’s so lazy.” “She’s such a gossip” etc. Then on judgement day God didn’t hold you accountable to His moral standards; but your own. If you judged someone for lying, did you ever lie? Etc. the reality is that we could not. Not one of us could even live up to the moral demands we demand on others. So, if we are created for God and we cannot express the meaning of that creation because we fall horribly short of his perfect standard; what hope is there for happiness and delight in this world. Well with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. The gospel then comes the front and centre of our delight, our hope, our happiness and our meaning. Because it is only in the gospel that the perfect demand of God’s righteousness is met in the perfect life of Christ so that we the guilty can now live in the loving reality of God’s rule. It is only in the Gospel that we can live in the kingdom; because it is only in the gospel that every one of our unrighteous acts are paid for. It is only in the gospel that happiness is received and not earned and that is why it is only in the gospel that true blessedness is possible. So is happiness possible in this world: is it possible to be fulfilled? Yes, the start and end of our blessed happiness is in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And we will unpack the detail of this over the next few weeks. Let’s pray…
The Wolfowitz interview In attempted preemptive self-defense the Pentagon taped Paul Wolfowitz’s interview with Sam Tanenhaus, the author of the Vanity Fair article decried by Rocket Man below. The Pentagon’s public relations Web site has posted the transcript of the interview. Click here for the transcript. Here is the relevant passage: “TANENHAUS: Was that one of the arguments that was raised early on by you and others that Iraq actually does connect, not to connect the dots too much, but the relationship between Saudi Arabia, our troops being there, and bin Laden’s rage about that, which he’s built on so many years, also connects the World Trade Center attacks, that there’s a logic of motive or something like that? Or does that read too much into– WOLFOWITZ: No, I think it happens to be correct. The truth is that for reasons that have a lot to do with the U.S. government bureaucracy we settled on the one issue that everyone could agree on which was weapons of mass destruction as the core reason, but . . . there have always been three fundamental concerns. One is weapons of mass destruction, the second is support for terrorism, the third is the criminal treatment of the Iraqi people. Actually I guess you could say there’s a fourth overriding one which is the connection between the first two. . . . The third one by itself, as I think I said earlier, is a reason to help the Iraqis but it’s not a reason to put American kids’ lives at risk, certainly not on the scale we did it. That second issue about links to terrorism is the one about which there’s the most disagreement within the bureaucracy, even though I think everyone agrees that we killed 100 or so of an al Qaeda group in northern Iraq in this recent go-around, that we’ve arrested that al Qaeda guy in Baghdad who was connected to this guy Zarqawi whom Powell spoke about in his U.N. presentation.” In the issue of the Weekly Standard out this morning, Bill Kristol comments that what has occurred is “that Tanenhaus has mischaracterized Wolfowitz’s remarks, that Vanity Fair’s publicists have mischaracterized Tanenhaus’s mischaracterization, and that Bush administration critics are now indulging in an orgy of righteous indignation that is dishonest in triplicate.” Kristol’s editorial is “What Wolfowitz really said.” The transcript irrefutably establishes that Wolfowitz did not say what he is said to have said. Moreover, everything he did say is scrupulously true and consistent with the Bush administration’s stated reasons for undertaking the removal of Saddam Hussein. But should Wolfowitz have given the interview to Sam Tanenhaus knowing it was to be used for an article in Vanity Fair? I’m sure that in retrospect Wolfowitz agrees with Rocket Man.
Acrylic Sign Letters Introduction Acrylic letter is widely used for signboard letter (business name and logo) and it looks great both near and afar Acrylic letters are custom cut from a cast acrylic sheet by laser cutting machine to provide exact precision and a high-quality look with polished edges, which is perfect for both indoor and out door application Apart from choosing from standard pigmented colors, you can custom the paint colours with Pantone provided There are various of thickness can be choose from: 3mm, 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm, 25mm etc Advantages 1. Durable, UV resistant, easy to maintain and looks great for years 2. Lightweight but stronger and tougher than glass 3. Style versatility: Standard pigment colours and paint with custom Pantone colours, we also offer crystal acrylic letter option. 4. Affordable especially when compared to metal and steel 5. Easy Installation: Plain mount (adhesive or double-sided tape) and stud mount Remarks 1. Vector format (AI, CDR, DXF) of logo/text is necessary 2. Height and Thickness of logo/text is necessary 3. Material selections: #304/#316 Stainless Steel 4. Metal colours (Anodising/Paint) and Surface treatment (Polished/ Matte) 5. Types of mounting: Plain Mount, Stud Mount 5. Details of installation will be determined based on the environment and required installed height and locations 6. Confirmation of installation Required working days: 10-15 days Acrylic Letters Provide a variety of standard pigment colours, surface finishing (matte/glossy), neon colours, metal colours, mirror acrylic etc. Frosty or Crystal bottom option is available Painted Acrylic Letters Precise and sharp look for business name and logo for both indoor and outdoor Custom Pantone colours for paint Made in HK, Installation service available
Kenya Coast & Lamu The Kenya coast is dotted with some really fantastic spots up and down its shores, with the notably brilliant Lamu Island on the doorstep. There are lots of fabulous accommodation options to choose from, and we know the best spots for brilliantly white beaches, vibrant East African culture or activities for the ocean adventurers out there… 5 reasons to go to Kenyan coast 1. Lamu’s culture is a real draw for the island; with the hustle bustle of harbour life, markets for days and friendly welcoming locals, you cannot go wrong here. After being banned by the tourism office, since it’s reopening, the fantastic lodges dotted around the island are really keen to embrace their once thriving tourism industry again… Now is definitely the time to go! 2. Also in Lamu, because of the ban, the beaches which were always white and glorious are now really very peaceful… A real bonus for those beach purists seeking tranquillity and relaxation. 3. The Kenyan Coast, as well as Lamu, has utterly beautiful stretches of beaches and is, to put it exactly, cheap as chips. Nowhere else in Africa will you get such value for money on your Indian Ocean getaway. 4. Kenya coastline is so unbelievably combinable with a safari..! From either Tanzania or Kenya, only a short flight and maybe even less than an hour in the air, and you are sipping Mojitos on white sands soaking in the African sun. 5. On the subject of sun, the brits out there will be pleased to know that Kenya is also such a fantastic winter sun location! Why not? Kenyan Coast, beaches and islands Kenya's best beaches and islands are to be found in the north, around the Lamu Archipelago; a stunning and remote part of the Indian Ocean; where empty pristine beaches stretch for miles, you can really enjoy the laid back bare foot luxury that makes Lamu such an attractive beach destination. Aside with its charming cultural draw, and not to mention fantastic value for money accommodation options, it is the perfect complement to an East African safari. In between Lamu and Mombasa sits Milindi and Watamu. We wouldn’t really recommend Milindi, as it is basically as big as Mombasa with not much to it apart from big builds, and not great beaches. Watama, just south of Milindi, is a really charming area, but unfortunately the only place to stay is Hemmingways, which since it’s rebuild is really not very indicative of its surrounding area… South of Mombasa however, it seems as though the grass is much greener, or the sand much whiter! Going down the coast, first you are met my Tiwi, which is a nice starter for the main beach paradise of Diani Beach. This glorious spread of dusty white sand and lapping silky waters is home the fantastic Alfajiri Villas – gorgeous, private accommodation in a fabulous area... What more could you want? South of here is not as worth a mention, as the beaches are not as sweeping, and it is generally more coral based shores; so less attractive if you are seeking the Indian Ocean beach relaxation experience.
These notes are for upgrading from Zabbix 4.0.x to Zabbix 4.2.0. All notes are grouped into: Critical- the most critical information related to the upgrade process and the changes in Zabbix functionality Informational- all remaining information describing the changes in Zabbix functionality It is possible to upgrade to Zabbix 4.2.0 from versions before Zabbix 4.0.0. See the upgrade procedure section for all relevant information about upgrading from previous Zabbix versions. For hosts monitored by proxies, all item (including low-level discovery rules, dependent items) value preprocessing will now be done on the proxy. Given new preprocessing options such as Javascript, extensive validation and throttling options, preprocessing may become a server bottleneck thus preprocessing by proxies offers the necessary scalability. Note that since this is not a configurable setting the affected proxies will require more resources after the upgrade, especially if heavier preprocessing is involved. It is also no longer possible to use the officially unsupported possibility to start the upgraded server and have older, yet unupgraded proxies report data to a newer server. This approach now is officially disabled when upgrading to 4.2 (or later) from any version before 4.2, as the server will ignore data from unupgraded proxies. In order to support discovery item value preprocessing and custom paths to low-level discovery (LLD) macro values in a JSON document, the format of the JSON returned by low-level discovery rules has been changed: it is no longer expected that the JSON will contain the "data" object. Instead, low-level discovery will now accept a normal JSON containing an array.. Processing low-level discovery has been split from data gathering processes into its own processing. Due to this, depending on how heavy low-level discovery is in your environment, you may: The new zabbix[lld_queue] internal item can be used to monitor if the default number of StartLLDProcessors is enough. Several API features that have been deprecated since Zabbix 3.4, are now completely removed: httptest.create, httptest.updatemethods: support of string format for 'headers' and 'variables' fields in both web scenario and web scenario step objects has been dropped; map.create, map.updatemethods: support of 'elementid' in map element object has been dropped. As the global search page has been moved to MVC, its URL has changed from to. Host sorting if the 'Host group' map option is selected, is now done non-casesensitively. Zabbix sender response messages have been changed from: info from server: "processed: 100; failed: 0; total: 100; seconds spent: 0.013683" sent:100; skipped: 0; total: 100 to: Response from "": "processed: 100; failed: 0; total: 100; seconds spent: 0.000247" sent: 100; skipped: 0; total: 100 or, when sent to multiple servers: Response from "": "processed: 100; failed: 0; total: 100; seconds spent: 0.000247" Response from "": "processed: 100; failed: 0; total: 100; seconds spent: 0.000391" Response from "localhost:10053": "processed: 100; failed: 0; total: 100; seconds spent: 0.000086" sent: 100; skipped: 0; total: 100
Futures indicated a drop of more than 1 percent at the opening bell for Wall Street as investors fretted over the global economic outlook after the World Bank cut its 2009 forecasts for most economies. "We see a very difficult 2009, with negative growth in the OECD area. Unemployment problems are going to continue to linger," Angel Gurria, the head of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development told Reuters television in an interview on the sidelines of a conference in Paris. The Federal Reserve's policy-setting Open Market Committee meet on Tuesday and Wednesday and investors are keen to hear what the central bank plans to do about the recent rise in Treasury debt yields and its debt buyback program. Also in the spotlight will be the $104 billion in U.S. Treasury debt to be auctioned off this week. In earnings, drug store chain Walgreens said its profit dropped to 53 cents per share, slightly below Wall Street's expectations. Shares fell 3 percent premarket. Shares of gun makers also fell after Barron's said a threat from the Obama administration to reinstitute weapons bans would hurt sales, which jumped after the election. Smith & Wesson shares fell 4.6 percent while Sturm Ruger fell 3.8 percent. Banks also were lower, with Bank of America off nearly 2 percent and JPMorgan Chase down about 1 percent in premarket trading. Basic resource stocks in Europe and Asia got a boost after UK miner Xstrata said on Sunday it wanted to merge with rival Anglo American in a deal that would equal about $68 billion. Energy stocks were lower as crude oil's price fell toward $68 a barrel from a selloff in U.S. gasoline market as dealers bet there would be ample fuel supply in the country to meet demand from summer vacationers. ExxonMobil dropped 1 percent in light premarket trading even as the company said it is nearing agreement with three major buyers on its liquefied natural gas project in Papua New Guinea. "In the absence of any economic figures today, it feels like there is a bit of a buyers' strike rather than concerted selling," analyst GFT wrote. "Although Asia was a touch higher, shares in the UK and Europe are weaker this morning and this is reflected in early trade on U.S. stock indices." The technology sector was one of the biggest losers Monday after sources told CNBC that Apple CEO Steve Jobs had a liver transplant two months ago and is due to return to work later this month. Apple refused to confirm. Two housing-related economic reports are on the agenda Monday morning: the National Association of Realtors will issue its May report on existing home sales, with economists looking for a rise of 2.6% from April levels. And the Federal Housing Finance Agency is out with its monthly Home Price Index, expected to show a drop of 0.3%. Both of those reports are out at 10am New York time.
Three Reasons Not to Drink Bottled Pure Water: Reason #2 Pure Water Second Reason why you should stop drinking bottled pure water is because of the fact that it is no better than tap water. Bottled pure water is pretty much like regular tap water commercialized and placed inside a bottle…seriously! I am not trying to ruin the reputation of big companies here but rather I am just sharing to you the truth. Know the three reasons why you should stop consuming bottled pure water In practice, seventy percent of what corporations claim to be bottled pure water never crosses state lines for sale making it exempted from the oversight of the FDA. I am not trying to say that bottled pure water is not healthy or contaminated. What I am trying to imply is the fact that bottled pure water is pretty much tap water in a bottle. Just because it is being compared to tap water does not right away mean it is dirty and contaminated since it will depend on the country you are coming from. Water systems in developed countries such as the United States are well-regulated and regularly inspected and maintained by different government agencies and organizations, therefore, making its tap water source safe to drink. Obviously buying bottled pure water in developed countries with filtered tap water is not very practical because it is just like your buying tap water at a more expensive price than it should be. In underdeveloped countries, I can probably say it is alright to buy bottled pure water as long as you know where it is coming from although I do not really recommend bottled pure water in general. Try this pure water filter from ARIIX and make it you’re last! To make things easier for you, I suggest that you buy a quality, safe, and effective portable water filter instead so that you will not have any more problems of looking for the best-purified water wherever you go.
June 4, 2020 A tale of glacier mice and young love Posted by larryohanlon By Ned Rozell Glacier mice are soft green ovals, about as big as your hand. Each summer day, they creep an inch across the surface of some Alaska glaciers. They roam in groups, sometimes changing direction together like a herd of caribou.. Those two — Sophie Gilbert and Tim Bartholomaus — are now both professors at the University of Idaho in Moscow. She is a biologist, he a glaciologist. They met in McCarthy, Alaska, in 2006, when they were both involved with the Wrangell Mountains Center. She was wrapping up her undergraduate degree, and he a visitor graduate-student researcher. Their recent paper about glacier moss-balls is the first one upon which they have ever collaborated. It is probably the only time during which their disparate areas of expertise will “Venn diagram,” Gilbert said. She studies living creatures, such as blacktail deer in Southeast Alaska. He studies ice that behaves like a living thing: glaciers that grow and shrink and creep downhill. When they met in 2006, Bartholomaus was studying the connection between water flow and glacier motion, and Gilbert was studying ecology and geology as part of a field course with other undergraduate students around the Root Glacier, near McCarthy and the ghost town of Kennicott. The next year, then as co-instructors of the field course, they brought their students back to further investigate the moss-ball herd. In this expansive setting of a gorgeous ice plateau between high mountains, the pair noticed more than just tufts of moss. She saw a handsome young leader who wanted to solve glacier problems. He saw an attractive, worldly biologist who loved being outside. “Powered by flirty energy,” as Bartholomaus put it, the pair began to think about how best to study the moss balls. “We were young, excited about doing things together, and stretching our wings together,” Bartholomaus said. “We were also new as scientists. We started this project the summer before we started our PhDs at UAF.” Glaciologist Tim Bartholomaus and biologist Sophie Gilbert near Fairbanks in 2010. Photo courtesy Tim Bartholomaus and Sophie Gilbert. The couple would later dive into their thesis projects — Gilbert examined the survival of young blacktailed deer in Southeast Alaska and Bartholomaus studied the complexities of Yahtse Glacier’s ice calving with the Geophysical Institute. But both kept coming back to McCarthy, a magic place for them. If the study of glacier mice had scurried away from two scientists who became busy with funded projects, their friends would have understood. But they did not let that happen. With the help and enthusiasm of glacier biologist Scott Hotaling of Washington State University, they wrote a paper, published in 2020. In the 11 years since when they started the study together and also got married, both have become seasoned scientists and university faculty members. But the research on glacier mice will be something they will always remember. “It was exciting for us, and our first time, really, designing a study ourselves,” Bartholomaus said. “Doing our own science was a cool, novel challenge.” Though they did not at the time know how to make sense of the information they would gather, for the glacier-mice study they borrowed techniques from both of their disciplines. So they could find the same glacier mice later, Gilbert and Bartholomaus marked individuals with beads similar to those that might be on a leg-tag of a bird. They measured how much the glacier was melting each day with stakes common to glaciologists. Biologist Sophie Gilbert and glaciologist Tim Bartholomaus in 2018. Photo courtesy Tim Bartholomaus and Sophie Gilbert. Years later, using techniques they had honed over the years from their different specialties, Gilbert and Bartholomaus and Hotaling found a few interesting things. One was that the glacier mice probably formed when moss spores from a nearby mountain blew onto the dirty ice surface and found it to their liking. Another was that glacier mice probably moved by falling again and again off ice pedestals of their own making. It is perhaps similar to a phenomenon Alaska drivers see in springtime, when roadside pieces of cardboard insulate the snow beneath from the sun, and a stem develops, from which the cardboard eventually falls. Maybe the most exciting results were that the moss balls were moving as a herd, in a direction not explainable by the glacier’s downhill flow. The moss balls were first moving to the south during their study, but after a month they almost all changed direction, and started rolling west. The scientists could not explain the movement by correlating it with gravity, nor the prevailing wind direction. That mystery remains for future students of the Wrangell Mountains Center in McCarthy, where Bartholomaus and Gilbert return almost every year; they are both members of the board for the organization responsible for bringing them together..
Q: How is the Fibonacci sequence used in the story of rabbits? This is how I have approached. If a pair of rabbits is placed in an enclosed area, how many rabbits will be born in twelve months there if we assume that every month a pair of rabbits produces another pair who mature the next month, and that rabbits begin to bear young two months after their birth? Assume no rabbit dies. The number or adult rabbits in a given month is the total number of rabbits in the previous month. • Write An for the number of adult pairs in the nth month. • Write Rn for the total numbers of pairs in the nth month • This would equal to An= Rn-1 The number of baby pairs in a given month equals the number of adults in the previous month. • Write Bn for the number of baby pairs in the nth month. • This would mean that: Bn= An-1 = Rn-2 The total number of rabbits including both the adults and babies in the nth month is the sum of the total pairs of rabbits in the previous two months. • Rn = An + Bn = Rn-1 + Rn-2 Continuing like this we would see that after twelve months, there would be an exact 144 pairs of rabbits. Are my steps reasonable and easy to understand? Is there another way for simplicity's sake? A: Assuming $I$ immature and $M$ mature rabbit pairs, on the next month you have $I^+=M$ new immature pairs, and $M^+=I+M$ mature ones. With the substitutions $M^+:=F_n,I^+:=M:=F_{n-1},I:=F_{n-2},$ this amounts to $$F_n=F_{n-1}+F_{n-2}.$$
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Our Work News Who We Are Our Mission and Vision We are social entrepreneurs who enable inventors to turn their health care innovations into products that address unmet medical needs. We believe innovation is most effective when social impact and financial return go hand-in-hand. Our vision is to pioneer healthcare social entrepreneurship at the public-private and academic-industry interfaces. We believe it is time to return to the values that once shaped healthcare: “We try never to forget that medicine is for the people. It is not for the profits. The profits follow, and if we have remembered that, they have never failed to appear.” George W. Merck Our Value Proposition Our home is the Milwaukee Innovation Campus in the great state of Wisconsin. Southeastern Wisconsin is home to substantial untapped biomedical innovation. Turning ideas into successful products is a challenge. Bridge to Cures (B2C) has formed a unique partnership with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) and six southeastern Wisconsin research institutions, leveraging over $150 million in annual healthcare research. This partnership provides unparalleled access to regional discoveries, scientists, physicians, and healthcare entrepreneurs. The step from discovery to a fundable startup is a challenge that most academic researchers cannot overcome. B2C provides the early stage academic entrepreneur with the resources they need to form startups. In addition, B2C provides mentoring and exposure to venture capitalists. Web Hosting by iPage Photos courtesy of National Eye Institute Webmaster - Madhu M Graphic designs courtesy of Canva
This invention relates to a seat for a vehicle and more particularly to an improved seat for an electrical power-assisted vehicle, such as a bicycle. There has been proposed a class of vehicles wherein the vehicle is powered at least in part by an electric motor and wherein the vehicle is quite compact and small, such as a bicycle or the like. With these types of vehicles, the electric motor may either provide the full power for the vehicle or, more commonly, may provide an assist power to assist the rider under at least some riding circumstances. Obviously, batteries must be provided for powering the electric motor. These batteries require servicing, such as recharging or replacement, and thus must be mounted in such a way that they can be conveniently accessed. It is also desirable if the batteries can be completely removed from the vehicle so that they can be taken to a place where they can be charged. The batteries also have considerable bulk. Therefore, in order to avoid intrusion on the other components of the vehicle, it has been proposed to mount the batteries in a case that is positioned at least in substantial part beneath the rider""s seat. The rider""s seat has been mounted in such a way that it can be pivoted or moved away from the battery case so as to facilitate insertion of and removal of the batteries. In one type of the previously proposed arrangement of this type have incorporated latching mechanisms which are mounted at least in substantial part on the seat post, and thus do not move away from the battery case, even when the seat is moved. Thus, access to the battery is still somewhat restricted. In another type of prior art construction, the seat post itself incorporates a pivoted joint which permits the upper portion of the post and attached seat to pivot as a unit to access the battery. Although such an arrangement facilitates battery access, it compromises the adjustment of the seat. This is because the post joint must be maintained in the seat pillar of the frame when the bicycle is ridden. This severely limits the degree of upward seat adjustment. It is, therefore, a principal object of this invention to provide an improved pivotally mounted seat and latching mechanism therefor for such vehicles. It is a further object of this invention to provide an improved, compact, pivotally supported vehicle seat wherein the latching mechanism is carried in major portion by the seat so as to also be moved free of the battery when the seat is in its released position. It is a yet further object of this invention to provide an improved latching mechanism for a pivotally supported vehicle seat. This invention relates to a pivoted saddle-type seat for a vehicle having a seat post. A first bracket is affixed to an upper end of the seat post. A second bracket is supported by the first bracket for pivotal movement about a first pivot axis by the first bracket. The first pivot axis extends transversely to the seat post. A saddle-type seat is fixed relative to the second bracket. A latching mechanism cooperates between the first and second brackets for latching the seat in its position. This latching mechanism includes a fixed latching member carried by the first bracket and a second, releasably movable, cooperating latching member that is carried by the second bracket and which engages the first latching member for holding the seat in its latched position.
BEIRUT: Whether it’s being the youngest woman ever to lead New Zealand, the second elected world leader in history to have a baby while in office after Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto, or the first world leader to attend a United Nations assembly with her infant child, Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern has shattered a plethora of glass ceilings. Ardern grew up in a conservative labor party household joining the party herself at the age of 17. She was raised Mormon but, left the church in 2005 due to her conflicting views with the church’s take on homosexuality. Prior to assuming office, she worked in Tony Blair’s cabinet office. In addition to being a staffer for former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark, she was later elected to parliament in 2008. Perhaps her most interesting role prior to becoming PM was her role as a DJ. Ardern’s mixes contained everything from the Spice Girls to the Beatles. In fact, there is a Spotify playlist dedicated to her set at St. Jerome's Laneway Festival in 2014. "I remember that so well because I have permanent hearing damage through my left ear as a consequence and it was amazing to be a part of a festival that is so intrinsically Auckland, so wonderful," she said in a speech to a crowd in 2018. Despite never standing shy of international news headlines, Ardern’s most recognized act was her response to the tragedy known as the March 15th Christchurch mosque, where an Australian white supremacist opened fire in a mosque in New Zealand killing 50 and injuring many more. She took to Twitter to address the situation, while refusing to name the killer. “He may have sought notoriety but, we in New Zealand will give him nothing,” she said. “Not even his name.” “What has happened in Christchurch is an extraordinary act of unprecedented violence. It has no place in New Zealand. Many of those affected will be members of our migrant communities – New Zealand is their home – they are us,” she tweeted. Shortly thereafter, Ardern announced that New Zealand would introduce new laws addressing military weapons. Within a few days, Ardern announced a ban on Military-style semiautomatic and automatic weapons, pledging government buybacks for those that already own them with an estimated cost of $100 to $200 million. "That is the price we must pay to ensure the safety of our communities," she stated in her speech to the public. Ardern's reaction to the situation comes in stark contrast to other leader’s responses to shootings all over the world. However, it was not only her political reaction that captured the admiration of the world but rather, the compassion she showed. Wearing a black hijab as a sign of respect. Ardern was photographed embracing the Christchurch victims’ families, giving addresses at local schools with no prepared speeches, and speaking on solidarity in times of despair. “The answer lies in our humanity,” Ardern said. “We each hold the power – in our words, in our actions, in our daily acts of kindness. Let that be the legacy of the 15th of March,” she said in her speech. In the past week, her reputation skyrocketed even further because she paid the grocery bill of a struggling mother-in-need who had forgotten her purse at the supermarket. Leaders of the world, take note. ---------.
In producing a Google AdWords project, advertisers frequently spend many of their time developing their advertisements and investigating their keywords. When the advertisement does its task and generates a click, there is typically little or no idea to where the web surfer will be sent. Often marketers send the web surfer to the home page of their website, hoping the site will do the remainder of the work. These advertisers are neglecting a very crucial part of their AdWords project: the landing page. A good landing page is just as essential as a good ad, good keywords and strategic bidding. By producing an efficient landing page advertisers can increase conversions, which will make their campaigns more competitive and lucrative. How I made $20K in 30 DAYS with Builderall Business! (Affiliate Marketing) When creating your landing page keep in mind to make it particular to the ad that is sending the traffic. If an internet user clicked an ad expecting to discover gold plated doorknobs, then you much better make sure the corresponding landing page has simply that. The role of your landing page is to convert those clicks into leads or sales. If the web surfer has to click more than 3 times to purchase your item you will most likely lose the sale. Ideally you want the internet user to click only twice, when on your advertisement, and as soon as on your landing page to get to your order page. Builderall Oto 1 Keep in mind that surfers are restless. You need to provide what they desire with as little effort as possible on their part. It is crucial to constantly keep your original objective (conversions) in mind, as well as to refer to the specific keywords and calls to action in your advertisement, when creating your landing page. The landing page is where you will utilize all your copywriting skills to finish the sale. As I stated in the past, the goal of your ad is to get the click, and the goal of your landing page is to get the sale. It is in your landing page where you have all the space you need to explain all the advantages and features of your services or product. It is necessary to remember that your landing page is your sales page. Your advertisement did its task by creating sufficient interest in the web surfer to click through to your landing page. Now you ought to continue to hook and draw the possibility into your copy to finish the sale. The finest method to do this is through a good headline. This heading ought to hook the prospect by attracting her self-interest. What’s in it for her? How will your product and services benefit her? Continue to broaden on your headline in your copy with more advantages for the prospect, and support these benefits with the functions of your item or service. Do this throughout your copy and with subheadings. Ensure you keep the possibility interested and try to construct some enjoyment in your product and services. Bullets can be utilized to sum up all advantages the possibility will get from your item or service. They can also sum up all the issues your possibility is experiencing and that your item or service can solve. $17K IN AFFILIATE COMMISSION ON BUILDERALL Review + AN INTERESTING FUNNEL YOU MUST SEE Subheadings, headlines and bullets are very important aspects of your landing page. If a web surfer is scanning your page, they will just read your heading, subheadings, and bullets. Of course there are also surfers who will read your entire page, so you will need to have great copy, which supplies greater information and all the details the possibility needs to make a decision. Images are generally extremely efficient, particularly if you are offering an item. In this case ensure the internet user gets an excellent, clear look at the item. Since the internet user can not touch the item it is very important that they get as much visual information as they require. Your copy should support your images and your photos must support your copy. The crucial thing is that the landing page is concentrated on what the prospect desires. So if the possibility is searching for gold plated doorknobs, then when they click your ad they should go to a landing page where they just see images of gold plated doorknobs, and only read text that describes the features and advantages of gold plated doorknobs. Finally, eventually you will need to request for the sale. This all requirements to be done on your landing page. Do not ask the web surfer to click through to another page and try to close the sale there. You need to close the sale on your landing page. The surfer needs to just have to click through to your order page to supply their charge card details. If you are just looking to create leads, have the kind they need to fill out on the landing page. You need to invest the very same amount of time, if not more, creating your landing page as you do developing your ad and generating your keywords. By developing effective landing pages you can enhance the overall profitability of your projects. If a surfer clicked an advertisement anticipating to discover gold plated doorknobs, then you better make sure the matching landing page has just that. Preferably you want the web surfer to click just twice, as soon as on your ad, and as soon as on your landing page to get to your order page. As I said previously, the objective of your ad is to get the click, and the objective of your landing page is to get the sale. It is important to remember that your landing page is your sales page. Your advertisement did its job by creating sufficient interest in the internet user to click through to your landing page. Million Dollar Passive Income Challenge – EPIC 30 Day Challenge! Take Part Now & Change Your Life! Builderall Oto 1
Washing Lines Albemarle Welcome to Washing Lines Albemarle your one source for all different types of washing lines made to be used indoors or outdoors, fixed on the ground or portable. Wash Lines Albemarle stock and create some of the most common washing lines at prices every homeowner can afford. Let us make your journey to getting s washing line a breeze. 083 748 0910 info@southafricavotes2014.co.za 9th Ave, Albemarle Washing Lines Albemar Albemar Albemarle offers you great saving strategies when you choose to let us handle your washing line services . Washing Lines Albemarle handles all of your sourcing from purchase to labor. You can be sure to get great customer care and cost-efficient services when you choose to work with us: - Washing Lines Custom Orders - Washing Lines Products - Washing Lines Installation - Washing Lines Repairs Washing Lines Albemarle offers heavy duty washing lines meant to withstand strong winds! At Washing Lines Albemarle our flexible heavy duty washing lines come with adjustable height settings through the use of a crank mechanism. It comes with a wide arms and provides you with lots of drying space. Washing Lines Albemarle’s washing lines are able to withstand heavy loads and offer great features: - Can Handle Blankets and Bedding - Comes with Custom Cover and Socket - Tension Clip and Line Fastening Straps Washing Lines Albemarle offers you a wide variety of mobile washing lines at prices you can bet are affordable! Heavy Duty Rotary Washing Lines Albemarle Our quality heavy duty rotary washing lines will provide you with the mobility you need to easily dry your clothes, with a five year guarantee on our products, you are sure to enjoy them for even longer. Mobile Washing Lines Albemarle - Washing line installer Albemarle - Retractable washing lines Albemarle - Wall mounted washing line Albemarle - Washing lines wall mounted Albemarle - Washing line installations Albemarle - Washing line repairs Albemarle - Wall mounted washing lines Albemarle - Rotary washing line Albemarle - Washing line suppliers Albemarle - Rotating washing line Albemarle - Fold away washing lines Albemarle - Mobile washing lines Albemarle - Washing lines Albemarle - Washing Lines Albemarle - Indoor washing line Albemarle - Steel washing line Albemarle - Fold up washing line Albemarle - Wall hung washing line Albemarle - Washing line installers Albemarle - Retractable clothesline Albemarle - Extendable clothes line Albemarle - Wash lines Albemarle - Collapsible clothesline Albemarle - Washing line supply Albemarle - Washing line Albemarle - Retractable clothes line Albemarle - Round washing line Albemarle - Clothesline Albemarle - Washing lines for sale Albemarle - Tpole washing line Albemar Albemarle our experienced team will ensure that you are made aware of everything you will need to get your preferred washing line. Feel free to get in touch with us today for all your washing line needs.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a 2007 fantasy movie directed by David Yates. It is based on J. K. Rowling's 2003 novel of the same name. The fifth movie in the Harry Potter movie series, it was written by Michael Goldenberg and produced by David Heyman and David Barron. The movie stars Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, alongside Rupert Grint and Emma Watson as Harry's best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. The movie had a budget between PS75 and 100 million ($150-200 million). Warner Bros. released the movie in North America on 11 July 2007 and in the United Kingdom on 12 July. It is the first Potter movie to be released in IMAX 3D. Order of the Phoenix opened to a worldwide five-day opening of $333 million. The movie was nominated for two BAFTA Film Awards in 2008. Plot During the summer holidays, Harry Potter and his cousin Dudley are attacked by Dementors. Harry uses magic to defeat them but his aunt and uncle blame him for the attack. Harry meets the Order of the Phoenix, a group of good witches and wizards who want to fight the Death Eaters. His godfather, Sirius Black, is one of the leaders. The Order tells Harry that the Ministry of Magic is trying to convince the magical community that Lord Voldemort is dead, but in reality, he came back to life in the previous movie. Another school year at Hogwarts begins. A new teacher, Dolores Umbridge, has been appointed to work at the school by the Ministry of Magic to make sure that the school does not discuss Voldemort's return. Professor Umbridge bans the use of defensive spells and refuses to teach the students how to protect themselves from evil magic. Frustrated, Harry Potter and his friends, Ron and Hermione create a secret club named "Dumbledore's Army". Many other students join Dumbledore's Army and they learn defensive spells together. At night, Bellatrix Lestrange (Sirius Black's cousin) and several other Death Eaters (Voldemort's followers) escape a high-security prison named Azkaban. Professor Umbridge eventually finds out about Dumbledore's Army. The Ministry tries to arrest Dumbledore but he escapes. Umbridge takes full control over the school. Harry and Hermione lead Umbridge into a forest, where she is kidnapped by a group of centaurs. Harry has a dream of Sirius Black being tortured by Voldemort inside the Ministry of Magic's Department of Mysteries. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna and Neville travel to the Department of Mysterious. Harry realises that the dream wasn't real and that Sirius isn't there. They find an prophecy which contains information about Harry and Voldemort's bond. The group are attacked by Death Eaters but they are rescued by Sirius and the Order of the Phoenix. A battle takes place and Bellatrix manages to kill Sirius Black. Both Dumbledore and Voldemort arrive and fight each other. The Minister of Magic enters the room just as Voldemort escapes. The Ministry is forced to admit Voldemort has returned. Harry must now come to terms with what the prophecy said: "neither can live while the other survives", in reference to Harry and Voldemort.
Saturday, February 28, 2009 Hate finds a home in the Ozarks A little piece of history. This is where I live.Photograph shot down the block. Hate finds a home in the Ozarks The Joplin Globe/January 2001By Andy Ostmeyer 'Whitewash' There is something else that groups with racist and separatist beliefs are seeking: areas that Potok characterized as "very white." Noble agreed, but noted that for members of his group, the anti-Semitic and racist beliefs came after they moved to the compound to prepare for the end. But he said the Ozarks is a natural for groups with like-minded views. "People who do want to get out of the cities, part of what they are looking for is more whiteness," he said. Today, the Ozarks is an "exceedingly 'white' place," in the words of Jeffrey Nash, head of the department of sociology and anthropology at Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield. Springfield, the Ozarks' largest city, is 3 percent black today; other cities are less so. However, at the end of the 19th century, some parts of the region had a much larger black population. Many historians think the black population was around 10 percent, although one census estimate put it as high as 25 percent in 1878. In Joplin, blacks were among those attracted by the mining boom, and some blacks rose to own mine property. According to Joplin historian Gail Renner, "Some amassed considerable wealth." In Springfield, according to Nash, blacks owned the largest grocery store and held a seat on the school board. Despite that, racial prejudice simmering just below the surface bubbled up in blood at the turn of the century with lynchings in Pierce City, Joplin and Springfield. In 1903 in Joplin, a black man accused of shooting a police officer was dragged from his cell and hanged from a telephone pole at Second Street and Wall Avenue. That night, a mob burned the homes of other black residents. When firefighters arrived, their hoses were slashed. According to Renner, "The next morning, many blacks packed their belongings and left by train. About 100 black families fled." A similar episode erupted on Easter Sunday in 1906, when three innocent blacks accused of assaulting a white woman were lynched on Springfield's public square. A mob of 5,000 people threatened further violence and destruction, but the governor sent in troops to stop the mob. Several hundred blacks in Springfield fled for St. Louis, Kansas City, Memphis, Tenn., and Tulsa, Okla., according to historian and Springfield resident Mary Newland Clary. She has heard the term "whitewash" used to describe what happened. "Springfield experienced, along with the rest of the region, a diaspora of African-Americans," Nash said. The following decades witnessed an outburst of Klan activity, including a rally attended by 1,500 hooded Klansmen in 1921 at Schifferdecker Park in Joplin. Freeman Hospital was built, in part, with a donation of $10,086 made by the Klan, whose robed members received a standing ovation. And Joplin's Connor Hotel, the city's symbol of cultural elegance, displayed a rooftop KKK sign during a rally in 1923 that attracted 1,300 marchers. In Springfield, Klan members gathered at a cave that later became known as Fantastic Caverns, which is a popular tourist attraction today. At the same time, industrializing cities were looking for cheap labor, providing other reasons for blacks to move to larger cities. The result was a decline in numbers and in clout for the black community, which at one time had one-third of the registered voters in Greene County. Although many whites in the Ozarks organized to defend minorities and combat the Klan, the ultimate effect was "race homogenization," according to Nash, resulting in that "exceedingly white place." Therein lies part of the region's appeal. "I feel certain that the absence of African-Americans and Jews would be a major predisposing factor" in picking locations, said Michael Barkun, a professor of political science at Syracuse University and an expert on the Christian Identity movement. No comments: Post a Comment Cooking Party Up to 20 people. $250 plus cost of food. Any occasion: birthday, anniversary, book club, supper club, family time up to 20 people $250 plus cost of food Email me to discuss dates and menus josie.josiemai@gmail.com Private Cooking Lesson Book a private cooking lesson in Josie's kitchen. Ages 16 and up. One and a half hours, two-three dishes. Includes plating, photography lesson, and recipes. Individual Lessons Group Cooking Lesson Group cooking lesson in Josie's kitchen. Ages 16 and up. One and a half hours, two-three dishes. Includes plating, photography lesson, and recipes. Up to 5 people.
Europa Report is a 2013 found-footage sci-fi flick from Sebastián Cordero pitting man against the great, final frontier of space oceans. Turns out, getting to space oceans is a real chore. It’s expensive, takes a long time and the space oceans are icy, irradiated hell baths millions of miles away from the nearest daiquiri bar AKA not an ideal vacation. But there may be life there so scientists are all jimmie-rustled about risking their lives to confirm the existence of some hunks of cells. Because you know what site you’re on, horror ensues. To reflect on the particular flavor of scary, head on down to our spoiler-filled review, below the trailer. As always, if you prefer your reviews to happen in a more ear-friendly format, take the podcast link and listen in. Reviewed by: Jake Plot Synopsis Jupiter has this moon called Europa, and it’s real icy. Science tells us there are liquid oceans over there, so you know we’re gonna launch some astronauts at it because that’s way cooler than exploring our own oceans which we also know next to nothing about but have successfully exploited into irrecoverable cesspools. Jagoffs Naturally, such a voyage is privately funded and takes on a degree of reality TV as the world watches the Europa One mission’s every boring move during its years-long journey to its final destination. Eventually, a solar storm knocks out the ship’s communications and the six astronauts are cut off from their link back to Earth. No one knows what becomes of the mission. As it presses on, some repair efforts go awry and engineer James Corrigan (Sharlto Copley) gets his suit coated in hydrazine while chief engineer Andrei Blok (Michael Nyqvist) has his suit ripped. In case you were wondering, that’s not a good situation. Corrigan gets Blok back to the airlock but he can’t enter because of the risk of hydrazine contaminating the ship. He pushes an unconscious Blok inside but the force carries him out to space, untethered. He floats into the eternal abyss. Oops. The remainder of the crew continues their journey after the accident, still unable to restore communications. Eventually they arrive at Europa and land on the moon to conduct their tests. They miss their landing zone and though they drill a probe into the ice to take samples and view the oceans, it is damaged after some interference is detected and they lose communication. Marine biologist Katya Petrovna (Karolina Wydra) decides to hoof it over to their target zone to manually gather the needed samples but she also encounters a bioluminescent light source shortly before breaking through the ice and plunging into the alien ocean. The remaining four members attempt to return for Earth after their sample results confirm the existence of simple life forms in the ice, but their engines malfunction and Captain William Xu (Daniel Wu) is killed during a crash landing back on Europa. Blok and science officer Daniel Luxembourg (Christian Camargo) both exit the ship to try to conduct some repairs but Luxembourg also breaks through the ice. Knowing the mission is lost, Blok is able to conduct a repair restoring communications to Earth before himself falling into the ocean, and the lone remaining crew member, pilot Rosa Dasque (Anamaria Marinca) transfers all the video and information from the mission before the ship itself breaks into the ocean and begins sinking. The light returns and Dasque opens the airlocks to capture a gigantic, octopus-like creature shortly before the ship is completely destroyed. This is how it ends, not with a bang but with a 4-eyed no-horned swimming blueish people eater. What the Movie Does Right Despite its small budget, this is a movie that has an intelligently chosen cast, all of whom turn in good performances. The most notable face is probably Copley, whose character plays an important but short lived role. I’m sure having Copley in a role with less screen-time saved some money but it was not just a cameo as his character’s death is probably the emotional climax of the movie, setting the stakes and delivering a chilling punctuation to the first part of the film. Speaking of chilling, this is a movie that in my opinion does a really good job of highlighting the ways in which space is terrifying. There is a low-key claustrophobic aspet to the film and though it’s definitely a slow-burn type movie, scenes like Corrigan’s death provide a type of fright which you have time to ruminate on. Seriously, think of some of the worst ways to die. Is floating forever into the abyss of deep space with no hope of ever having your body recovered by humanity not gut-wrenching? If you answered no, you are a liar or a psychopath. Oh, and then you get to that fucking alien moon that’s just a sheet of ice covering an incomprehensibly deep, dark ocean full of god knows what… Insert everything I said about the space death and apply it here, too. The ocean is the most terrifying thing on Earth, so there’s an inherent creepiness to the fact that this is a movie about raising that to an alien level. What the Movie Does Wrong I hope my plot synopsis made sense because if you’ve seen the movie (which I’m hoping you have if you’re reading this review) then you will know that the found-footage element of this thing is a completely incomprehensible mess of non-sequential elements. Don’t get me wrong, I think there are some good touches here which could have aided in the ultimate kicker to the film, like Dasque’s character delivering what looks and feels like a post-mission interview being revealed that it is a log taken from the ship moments before she plunges into the ice. Mixing this with actual post-mission interviews of the Earth-based crew who worked on the mission and some totally insane sequences of tacked-together screens in a grid which have no place or purpose in the film ultimately just makes for a confusing visual salad. No one likes salad. Oh, and I forgot to mention the ridiculous HUD elements to some of the screens used in the film. They are over the top and serve no purpose. Some of them can sort of be explained as visual elements that were used for the TV show of the mission, but I don’t understand how these would have made it to this “cut” of the film. We harp on this a lot, but for a found footage movie there needs to be a reasonable answer for the “who put it together/found it?” question. While the film answers the question of how the content was received back on Earth, what kind of perverse asshole of a privately funded company would have stitched this together like it’s a fucking Big Brother production? The film states that the content is recently “declassified”. This would have been an utter tragedy if it happened. No one would make stylish videos complete with intermittent multi-screen clips of static and horror just for entertainment purposes. No one. At its best this movie looks like a level from Rogue Squadron. Though I think the focus on this movie’s issues should be placed primarily on the above, there are a couple other items I want to at least mention, though they are subjective. First, I mentioned this is a slow-burn movie. Personally, that didn’t bother me all that much and I found sequences of good tension resulting from some of the breathing room given, but the pacing of the movie overall is kind of a mess. I’ll still blame this mostly on the cutting and sequencing of events, but it does hurt the immersion a bit. Second, and I struggle more with this one, is the science. I am not a scientist. I co-run a website and a podcast with a couple guys who claim to be various degrees of scientists though and they took issue with a lot of what happened in the film. I’m not prepared to speak to most of it, but I can get on board with the gripe that the hydrazine sequence didn’t make sense. Oh, you have a toxic gelatinous mass on your suit? Maybe our 5-factor safety requirement space station has something to deal with that, and it definitely doesn't require you to rocket yourself into the cold leathery arms of outer space. Can we just pop some wet naps out to you to clean your suit off? Ratings (1-10) Story: 7 - This is a conceptually terrifying movie with a level of intuitive sense attached to it. The search for life could definitely, absolutely lead us to Europa in the not so distant future. I’m not so sure we would send a manned mission, but the idea is a good one with a healthy dose of wonder. World-Building / Immersion: 6 - I’m a sucker for space movies. I’m also a sucker for underwater movies. Both are terrifying. This movie was smart to combine both and it had me more than it otherwise would have as a result because, like I mentioned, the found footage aspect of this flick is kind of a disaster. Scare-Factor: 4 - At risk of sounding like a broken record, I’ll just say the setting is scary and there are extremely unsettling ways to die on display, but that doesn’t make for sustained scares. Effects (or Judicious Lack Thereof): 5.5 - This was a low budget flick and it looks like it, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The sets are simple in their repetitiveness, which is fine considering it’s a spaceship. Utility rules. There’s a healthy quantity of CG for all the exterior shots and even those don’t look bad. The only thing that looks pretty shoddy is the surface of Europa itself, which seems like an awkward mix of miniature and CG and just doesn’t seem super believable. Overall: 6 - I was the highest score on this movie in our group and it wasn’t particularly close. This can feel disjointed, overly long and a bit slow at times, and apparently science nerds might have some problems with the goings-on, but for your average joe, this scratches the space and ocean itches while creating a new, alien ocean itch to the mix. While it’s more of a straight-up sci-fi flick than horror, there is plenty here for a genre fan to take the plunge. It’s on Netflix streaming at the time of this!
Managed Backup Service Definition. SD003 v1.9 Issue Date 18 March 11 - Alexis Small - 2 years ago - Views: Transcription 1 Managed Backup Service Definition SD003 v1.9 Issue Date 18 March 11 10 2 Service Overview The Managed Backup Service (MBS) provides automated and remote backup & recovery for data stored on: o o o o o o o o o Windows file and print servers and Windows desktops / laptops NetWare servers UNIX, AIX and HP-UX servers Linux servers Microsoft Exchange servers Microsoft SQL servers Microsoft SharePoint servers VMware servers Oracle servers (both UNIX and Windows) Data is securely backed up and transferred offsite using MBS Agents installed on all target servers. Backup data is transferred offsite to one of InTechnology's secure data centres, guaranteeing availability and security. The Customer is enabled to encrypt all data prior to transmission offsite. Encrypted data is held offsite on enterprise class N+1 disk storage. The Service provides an easy to use interface that simplifies the backup and recovery process and provides detailed information about scheduled operations. 3 Centralised control of the backup agents enables a network administrator/it manager to specify exactly what data is to be backed up, ensuring investment is not wasted by backing up unauthorised or unnecessary information. A user definable number of backup versions of files are retained on disk, for immediate online restore. The backup vault and any networking equipment supplied is monitored 24x365 by the Customer Support Team. MBS backup activity logs are captured daily by the Service and are displayed in the InTechnology services portal. Backup data can easily be selected and restored online without the need to locate and identify backup tapes. Customers can perform regular online restores, allowing them to test the integrity of their data at any time. InTechnology s Customer Support Team is on 24x365 standby to support major data recovery by making requested backup data available to the Customer. InTechnology will only charge for the compressed data stored within the secure data centre and not the transferred data volumes or restorable data. 4 Managed Backup Service Service Definition The Managed Backup Service (MBS) is a unique alternative to traditional backup and restore methods, replacing conventional tape based systems with a fully automated online solution. It provides centralised and automated backups of PC's, file servers and application/database servers PCtet Enterprise-level companies, with tens of terabytes under management, combat these issues with a team of experienced, well-compensated IT professionals armed with comparatively larger budgets than small- and mid-sized organisations. Small and medium businesses also deal with the same competitive pressures, but must alleviate them despite having small or no dedicated IT staff and tight budgets. Because of these factors, mid-sized backup their data to a remote storage device over common telecommunication connections. The MBS Service allows for online restores of backup data transmitted over the same or alternate telecommunication connections, as well as facilitating the migration of data to lower-cost media for long-term storage. 5 InTechnology Supported Platforms The Managed Backup Service supports the following operating systems. InTechnology will make all endeavours to support future versions of the operating systems below: Operating Systems Windows Solaris Linux Novell NetWare Customer Supported Platforms The following operating systems and databases are not supported by InTechnology, but are can be backed by the customer. Operating Systems IBM AIX HP-UX Linux Macintosh InTechnology Supported Applications and Database Servers The Managed Backup Service supports the following applications: Application MS Exchange MS SQL Server Oracle VMware The application agents for the supported applications and database servers are installed as part of the service implementation. InTechnology consultants perform installation and configuration of the application agents, in conjunction with the appropriate customer database or application administrator. The supported application agents only backup the appropriate application data. In addition to the application agent the appropriate file system backup client must also be installed and configured to backup the remaining file system data on the customer server. There is no online archiving support for applications. Application data to be archived must be extracted using techniques such as database dumps and then archived. 6 7 How the Managed Backup Service Works MBS relies on three components: the Director, Agent and Remote Agent Console: The Director program, which is managed by InTechnology, controls a Vault for data storage. It maintains the integrity of the Vault and control access to the Vault. The Director is used to set up access to the Vault for the Customer/organisation and, from within that organisation's name, assign specific locations, accounts and users for the Customer. Each computer and server to be protected will have the MBS Agent software installed on it for communications with the Customer's Remote Agent Console computer and the Director. Once this is done, an organisation can use the MBS Remote Agent Console program to configure and schedule backup tasks on all of their protected systems. The MBS Agent software on each individual computer or server will respond to its backup task (configured by MBS Agent Console) and send that system's data directly to the remote MBS Director for secure storage. Should a restore be required, the user or administrator using MBS Remote Agent Console, can quickly access the online data and restore a file or an entire system. All data passed via backup or restores through the Managed Backup Service is placed in the System Independent Data Format (SIDF), which enables a single copy of the Director to manage data protection and migration across multiple operating systems. SIDF provides an independent format for representing data from many different operating systems. As such, it provides better longevity characteristics and portability than the native OS formats. MBS Agent Console / Remote Agent Console The Agent Console is a program residing on a Windows workstation, which configures and then manages local and/or remote backup Agents. With the Remote Agent Console, users can manage hundreds of backups from computers across local and wide area networks from a single system. The Remote Agent Console empowers the user to define the how, what, when and where for their backups. The Remote Agent Console uses remote procedure calls (RPCs) to communicate control and status information with the backup Agents. More than one (Remote) Agent Console may exist on a network and control multiple Agents. The Remote Agent Console has a Windows Explorer design structure. The Agents that have been defined show up in the left panel. Double-clicking on an Agent will bring up an index in the right panel of backup tasks and other control entities that may be modified or viewed remotely. When configuring agents the Customer has the option to use the Remote Agent Console instead of the Agent Console. The Remote Agent Console uses remote procedure calls (RPCs) to communicate control and status information with Agents. The Remote Agent Console allows Customers to have: 8 Dashboard overview of all agents List of agents with errors and failed backups Ability to customise agent views Hierarchy of roles: admin user / execute only / view only Agent The backup agent is a lightweight application running on the host system. It executes backups on that system based on a set of parameters related to each backup task and monitors a defined schedule using a graphical scheduling system. Alternatively it can be scheduled from an external scheduler for example Windows scheduler or Unix cron. When a backup task is due for execution, the MBS Agent reads the backup tasks parameters and executes the backup accordingly. The Agent takes different forms depending on the host operating system. On a Novell system, the Agent is a Netware Loadable Module (NLM); on a Windows NT Server or Workstation, the Agent is a system service. The Agent interfaces with the system console of the host system as well as with a remote Agent Console to pass status and control information regarding backups. The Agent performs a remote backup by making a connection with the MBS Director running on a remote Vault connected via a Wide Area Network (WAN) or Virtual Private Network (VPN). Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is the base protocol used to make the connection. A proprietary protocol called Backup/Restore Transfer Protocol (BRTP) utilises RPCs to pass control information and the actual data back and forth with the MBS Director. The parameters that define a backup are referred to as a task. One or more backup tasks may be created to implement the backup necessary to protect a single system. Each time a backup is executed a log file is created and a catalogue is created. The log file is an audit trail for the backup and displays the start time, connection information, statistics and summary information regarding the backup. The catalogue is an index for all the files that are contained in the backup. The catalogue contains file attribute information, dates, full directory information, and sizes. The catalogue information is used to search for files, summarise statistics regarding a series of backups via the analyse function, as well as browse, and initiate restores. At the remote server, a safeset that actually contains all the data represents each backup. The Agent executes restores in a similar manner to backups. A restore definition file is created containing the parameters necessary to complete a restore of all or a subset of files in a specific backup. The Agent makes a connection to the Director. The Director locates the safeset (based on the catalogue), finds the requested file(s), and the Agent receives the file data from the server. Director The Director application, managed by InTechnology provides backup and restore functionality to any number of remote Agents. In addition to online transaction processing with clients, the Director's key function is to manage the storage and migration of backup data. Based on the 9 parameters defined by the Agent (via the Remote Agent Console) each backup has a life span and may be migrated from online storage to archive or deleted depending on policy. The Director resides on a LAN with one or several network connections. The network interfaces will support the variety of communication types requested by the clients connecting to the Director. There could be a mix of: Frame Relay routers - supporting links to Frame Relay clouds High-speed routers - to support fast (DSL on up) Internet connections or directly to client networks Each Director site has a web page accessible on a HTTP server for downloading the latest version of the Agents and to support automatic registration of demonstration accounts. 10 Managed Backup Service Setup Depending on the service options chose, these activities will either be performed by InTechnology or the Customer: 1. The first step is installing the Remote Agent Console and the Agents on all the servers and client machines that will be backed up. The MBS requires a minimum 100MB free space for Agents on installed hosts and an additional 1% of the raw data backup size for processing the changed data information. 2. Using the Remote Agent Console the Customer will next select the files and/or directories to be backed up. 3. The Customer then schedules the frequency of backups, encryption methodology, Vault passwords and type of backup for each machine. After the first full backup, subsequent backups will most likely be incremental, to reduce time and bandwidth for future backups. 4. After the Customer has completed step 3 all backups will then be performed automatically per the schedule set and sent offsite to the MBS Vault. 5. Restoring a single file from the MBS Vault is usually performed within a few minutes. There is simply no better solution to data protection available. Using the Remote Agent Console, the MBS administrator software, a single LAN administrator can setup backups on behalf of other users. The managed system has to be running the Agent in the background, and the manager station running Remote Agent Console connects to the managed system to configure the backup tasks and schedules them remotely. There are two major security features in the MBS. The first is an encrypted authorisation feature for every user that connects to the MBS Vault. This protects the data from unauthorised access. An additional option is to encrypt the data before transmission to the MBS Vault. This protects the data both during transmission over the network and while the data is stored on the remote storage server. Because MBS is based on TCP/IP, the underlying physical communication method is immaterial. Thus, a local LAN connection, leased line and ADSL are all valid methods for connection between an Agent and the MBS Vault. Delta Processing Within MBS, a combination of data compression and delta processing technologies reduce the amount of data required to reconstruct a file being transmitted from an Agent to the Director for backup purposes. In the case of compression, standard high compression techniques are utilised on a per-packet basis as the data is being transmitted to the server. The MBS delta-processing algorithm is an industry-leading example of block-level delta processing. The block size can vary from 1K to 32K in size based on software settings. Blocklevel. 11 Delta file re-creation support: the Agent has the ability to re-create a missing delta file, with additional information within the backup (on the Vault). This will not work on a corrupted delta file. In that case the file must be manually deleted prior to running the synchronize command. If the delta information was only partially recovered, some data may be reseeded during the backup. Additional information will show in the log file if a delta file has been re-created. Data Format and Representation One of the primary goals of the Managed Backup Service is its ability to backup a variety of system architectures. To achieve this, the technology adheres to a standard method developed to store and represent data in a format that could be restored on another system with all security, alternate data streams, and file system attributes intact. MBS adopted the SIDF standard and serves as the primary method to store data from a variety of operating systems utilising a single Director. For more information on the SIDF standard, consult: The MBS delta-processing algorithm provides the equivalent of traditional full backups, despite the fact that only changed blocks are sent. Target Backup Destination Unlike a local disk or tape device the Managed Backup Service provides a remote MBS Vault application using the Agent to send the backup data to the MBS Vault typically over a wide area network connection. Backup Source Types There are multiple source types that can be selected for backup. The options are: Local Drive data from any locally connected disk UNC Backup data from Network Attach Storage (NAS) devices where there is no possibility of installing the Agent. MS Exchange Server (Database) this allows you to back up the entire Exchange database for disaster recovery purposes MS Exchange Server (Mailboxes and Public Folders) this allows you to backup any combination of mailboxes and folders MS SharePoint Server this allows you to back up and restore of MS SharePoint Server Portal 2003 and MS Office SharePoint Server 2007 MS: 12 ESX Server Agent provides file level protection of ESX Servers VMware Console Plug-In provides hot DR protection of the entire virtual machine including all guest systems and applications Initial Backup The MBS compression algorithm provides highly effective compression ratios that enable large data volumes to be backed up over relatively low speed lines such as ADSL lines. However, the initial backup needs to be a full backup that serves as a baseline from which to conduct incremental backups. To satisfy this situation, especially if bandwidth is limited, the Customer may send the first backup data to a USB or NAS device. This USB or NAS device may be loaded at the MBS Server and the data becomes the initial "seed" backup. Subsequent backups may be performed over the communication line. 13 Deferred Backup If using a NAS device is not practical, an additional seeding option is a deferred backup. In these cases, the backup task can be set up to have a maximum elapsed time. If the backup window available is six hours for example, then setting the defer backup after six hours will cause the Agent to backup as much data as possible in the six-hour period of each backup. The variable length of time is based how often and how much the data changes and the effective compression ratio achieved by the data compression algorithm. Retention Scheduling The MBS Director always keeps the first generation of any backup on a RAID array. Second and subsequent online generations are maintained online or archived offline for long term storage. Archive generations are copied from online storage to offline storage based on Customer-specified parameters. The server will always maintain at least one generation of a backup online regardless of the retention settings of the MBS Agent. The Customer must call the operator of the MBS server system to request purging of outdated or unused backup safesets. Filters It is important that the user has the option to include or exclude files in a backup task definition based on a number of different methods. The first and most obvious is to physically select files via the graphical interface. The second method, which complements the first method, is to narrow the files included in a backup task by specifying include or exclude filters. The filters allow you to exclude files based on a file specification mask, or only include files in certain directories, or exclude specific file types. Encryption There client. If they lose the password for whatever reason, the entirety of their encrypted backup data is no longer readable. Maintaining System Attributes 14 Operating systems and their associated filing systems maintain various attributes including, but not limited to, defining security access and alternate data streams. MBS storage management protocols accommodate these various attributes. 15 Restoration File restoration may be done on an entire safeset level or on a file-by-file basis. The graphical user interface of the Remote Agent Console lets users select individual files or directories for restore. There is also a search utility that allows users to scan an entire catalogue using a file specification mask that may include wild cards. The catalogue is the index that allows users to browse the contents of an instance of a backup task (i.e. safeset). In the situation where all of the data is lost, the Customer needs to re-install the Agent and Remote Agent Console. Once installed, the Customer can connect to the remote MBS Director that can recreate the local catalogues. Once the catalogues are recreated from the MBS Director, administrators can proceed to initiate restores. Restores can be performed online or the Customer can request that the backup safeset is placed on a USB or NAS device and physically sent to the Customer s location (or alternate location if recovering from a major disaster). Communications Options Since the Managed Backup Service operates using the BRTP protocol that resides on top of the TCP/IP protocol, MBS may utilise any network connection that supports TCP/IP. Thus, multiple users at a site may share a single communication line that is routed to the MBS Director site. Open File Handling There are a number of techniques available to handle open files depending on the applications involved and the operational constraints (i.e. uptime, maintenance window): Databases (other than MS Exchange, MS SQL Server or Oracle, which are backed up using MBS Agent Plug-ins) Shut down application and then backup Readlock, checkpoint, backup, enable Backup online dump Application Program Interface (API) - MS Exchange, MS SQL Server and Oracle General File Server Enable Backup Open Files option during task definition Open File Manager (OFM) MS Exchange Plug-In an add-on option that uses the standard Microsoft API (MAPI) to perform backups and restores while Exchange is running. There are two components to the plug-in: DR: Disaster Recovery backs up and restores the entire Information store MAPI: Brick Level backs up individual mailboxes and folders and can restore down to the individual message while online 16 MS SQL Agent Plug-In an add-on option that uses the standard Microsoft API (MAPI) to perform backups and restores while SQL Server is running. Oracle Agent Plug-In an add-on option that uses the standard RMAN interface to perform backups and restores while Oracle is running. MS SharePoint Agent Plug-in support for SharePoint Plug-In for backup and restores of MS SharePoint Server Portal 2003 and MS Office SharePoint Server VMware Plug-in the VMware plug-in provides centralised backup solution for VMware by protecting any VM hosted on an ESX server. This approach allows the Customer with a number of ESX servers to spread the resource consumption/backup load and to effectively reduce the backup window. In case of failure of an ESX host, the VMware plug-in makes it easy and fast to restore VMs between ESX servers within the same or to another VMware Infrastructure. The ESX server agent and VMware console plug-in are both installed on each ESX server: The VMware Plug-in integrates with VMware's backup infrastructure and the MBS hot VM backups feature user controlled multi-level snapshotting. This capability significantly reduces the impact of a backup on production virtual machines, particularly for the most active systems. The VMware Plug-in supports backups from VMware vcenter with VMotion support. This allows backup of virtual machines spread across a VMware HA/DRS/VMotion enabled cluster. InTechnology s solution for VMware integrates into the MBS framework allowing users to centrally manage data protection of both virtual and physical environments across multiple sites. InTechnology s Remote Agent Console makes it possible to securely manage and monitor the solution from anywhere in the world simply using a web browser. InTechnology s VMware plug-in provides the fastest way to provide a bare-metal restore of virtual environments running any OS or application supported by VMware. With the Single Pass restore, the MBS VMware plug-in takes all recovery steps and minimizes the need for any scripts or manual adjustments. All the user needs to do is power the VM to resume operations. The VMware Plug-in integrates with VMware snap shots and Windows VSS, where installed with VMware tools ESX3.5 update 4 onwards, to provide application consistent backups and restore of VSS supported applications. The VMware Plug-in cannot be installed on VMware ESXi hosts. However virtual machines hosted on VMware ESXi hosts can be backed up providing the agent is installed on a VMware ESX host within the same VMware vcenter cluster. 17 Raw Disk Mapping is not supported. Therefore Virtual Machines with RDM will register as an incomplete backup. RDMs can be backed up using a MBS agent installed within the guest environment at a file or application level. 18 The following diagram illustrates the integration and backup process for VMWare: 19 Miscellaneous Features Activity Logs: extensive logging is included with selectable levels of detail and automatic version management Backup Resumption: network backup reliability is enhanced with automatic task retry and resumption in the event of a connectivity failure Catalogue: index of a safeset Log: a file created with statistics for each backup and restore Notifications: notification on task success,failure or error, which can all be sent to any number of addresses Online Reporting: complete Customer backup history is available via the MBS Portal Retentions: any number of user definable retention policies can be set to meet the most complex corporate requirements for online storage and long term, offline archival Safeset: a set of backup data in SIDF format Scheduler: a flexible general-purpose scheduler is included for complete, automated operation Task: parameters that makeup a backup The Customer is responsible for storing their original encryption keys in a secure location. Loss of the keys will prevent recovery of the Customer's backup data. InTechnology has no knowledge of the Customer's encryption keys and cannot recover / reproduce these under any circumstance. 20 Managed Backup Service Day-to-Day Operations All MBS operations are performed using the Remote Agent Console interface. Authority to perform MBS operations can be controlled by defining access to authorised users or groups of users, thus preventing backup and restoration of data by unauthorised personnel.. Open file backup By default, MBS will attempt to backup files that are opened, but not locked, by other applications on the Customer s system. The Customer s system administrator can further configure this functionality, either globally or by individual backup set, to define the method for handling open files and the number of backup re-tries to perform. The Customer s Agent Console interface provides comprehensive online help information for defining these options. Files that are completely locked by another application, such as Microsoft Outlook PST files, will not be backed up. All open files that fail to backup are reported in the activity log on the Customer s Remote Agent Console interface. Backup Schedules REDCENTRIC MANAGED BACKUP SERVICE SERVICE DEFINITION REDCENTRIC MANAGED BACKUP SERVICE SERVICE DEFINITION SD003 V2.3 Issue Date 02 July 2014 1) SERVICE OVERVIEW The Managed Backup Service (MBS) is a streamlined alternative to traditional backup and restore.1. Service Overview. Business Cloud Backup. Introduction Service Overview Business Cloud Backup Techgate s Business Cloud Backup service is a secure, fully automated set and forget solution, powered by Attix5, and is ideal for organisations with limited in-house... 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Quick Start Guide Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Advanced Server Virtual Edition Quick Start Guide Table of contents 1 Main components...3 2 License server...3 3 Supported operating systems...3 3.1 Agents... 3 3.2 License Online Backup Client User Manual For Linux distributions Software version 4.1.7 Version 2.0 Disclaimer This document is compiled with the greatest possible care. However, errors might have been introduced caused by human mistakes or by OPTIONS / AGENTS DESCRIPTION BENEFITS All Backup Exec 12 Agents and Options Backup Exec 12 Agents and Option enhance and extend platform and feature support for Backup Exec Environments. Whether you need to protect critical Microsoft applications Exchange Mailbox Protection Whitepaper Exchange Mailbox Protection Contents 1. Introduction... 2 Documentation... 2 Licensing... 2 Exchange add-on comparison... 2 Advantages and disadvantages of the different PST formats... 3 2. How Exchange Xopero Centrally managed backup solution. 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Whether you need to protect VMware vsphere, Online Disaster Recovery, Backup & Archive Solutions. VirtuousIT Ltd. VirtuousIT Ltd 1 Table of Contents 1 Introduction 3 The Data Explosion 3 The Importance of Rapid System Recovery 3 2 The VirtuousIT Solution 4 3 RecoveryShield - Solutions 5 Large Business 5 Small Medium Introduction. Silverton Consulting, Inc. StorInt Briefing Introduction Silverton Consulting, Inc. StorInt Briefing All too often in today s SMB data centers the overall backup and recovery process, including both its software and hardware components, is given Redefining Backup for VMware Environment. Copyright 2009 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Redefining Backup for VMware Environment 1 Agenda VMware infrastructure backup and recovery challenges Introduction to EMC Avamar Avamar solutions for VMware infrastructure Key takeaways Copyright 2009 1. Product Information ORIXCLOUD BACKUP CLIENT USER MANUAL LINUX 1. 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PAS Specification Redefining Microsoft SQL Server Data Management APRIL Actifio 11, 2013 PAS Specification Table of Contents Introduction.... 3 Background.... 3 Virtualizing Microsoft SQL Server Data Management.... 4 Virtualizing Backup Exec 15 Agents and Options DATA PROTECTION Backup Exec 15 Agents and Options Enhance and extend Backup Exec features, capabilities, and platform support Overview enhance and extend Backup Exec features, capabilities, and platform The Trouble with Backups The Trouble with Backups Backups are central to any data protection strategy, but by some estimates more than half of all backups fail either in whole or in part. When you look at the reasons for why... OVERVIEW. IQmedia Networks Technical Brief IQmedia Networks Technical Brief From enterprise-sized corporations, to simple home-based businesses, all companies have information that is important to their success and that needs to be protected. Data Minimize the impact of downtime and disruption. Replace time-consuming manual processes with fast, automated recovery. Protect Against Business Downtime and Disaster with Rapid, Reliable Backup and Recovery Overview Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery 2010 is a simple, cost-effective backup and recovery solution for small SERVICE SCHEDULE INFRASTRUCTURE AND PLATFORM SERVICES SERVICE SCHEDULE INFRASTRUCTURE AND PLATFORM SERVICES This Product Schedule Terms & Conditions is incorporated into a Services Agreement also comprising the General Terms and Conditions which the Customer Attix5 Pro Server Edition Attix5 Pro Server Edition V7.0.3 User Manual for Linux and Unix operating systems Your guide to protecting data with Attix5 Pro Server Edition. Copyright notice and proprietary information All rights reserved. Redefining Microsoft Exchange Data Management Redefining Microsoft Exchange Data Management FEBBRUARY, 2013 Actifio PAS Specification Table of Contents Introduction.... 3 Background.... 3 Virtualizing Microsoft Exchange Data Management.... 3 Virtualizing Veritas Storage Foundation High Availability for Windows by Symantec Veritas Storage Foundation High Availability for Windows by Symantec Simple-to-use solution for high availability and disaster recovery of businesscritical Windows applications Data Sheet: High Availability Altaro Hyper-V Backup V4 - User Manual Altaro Hyper-V Backup V4 - User Manual 2009 2013 Altaro, Ltd. All Rights Reserved Table of contents Introducing Altaro Hyper-V Backup... 5 Add-Ons... 6 Sample Scenario... 7 Different Editions... 9 Getting GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS This glossary contains explanations of certain terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this prospectus in connection with our Group and our business. The terms and their meanings may not correspond Hyper-V Protection. User guide Hyper-V Protection User guide Contents 1. Hyper-V overview... 2 Documentation... 2 Licensing... 2 Hyper-V requirements... 2 Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V support... 3 2. Hyper-V protection features... 3 SmartFiler Backup Appliance User Guide 2.1 SmartFiler Backup Appliance User Guide 2.1 SmartFiler Backup Appliance User Guide 1 Table of Contents Overview... 4 Solution Overview... 4 Solution 1: Two Virtual Backup Appliances... 5 Solution 2: Two
Conner Sheetz, of Lexington, Ky., a sophomore environmental science and sustainability major, left, is tested for COVID-19 by Ryan Bertram, of Louisville, Ky., a COVID specialist with Wild Health at Kroger Field in Lexington, Ky., Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2020. Testing will be available for all students between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. through Aug. 22. Alex Slitz aslitz@herald-leader.com Twelve University of Kentucky students tested positive for COVID-19 in the first batch of results from campus screenings, UK announced Thursday. The university tested 1,600 students Monday, and 12 positives amounted to a 0.7 percent positivity rate, UK aims to test every student that arrives on campus as it establishes a baseline. The data will be shared with the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department and the state. During his Thursday COVID-19 briefing, Gov. Andy Beshear said that one of the students who tested positive “supposedly went to a party.” At the time of the briefing, Beshear said he hadn’t seen the UK numbers yet. “I loved college when I was in it,” Beshear said. “You can’t be doing the things that put your experience at risk. Our college kids shouldn’t be faced with that, but we didn’t have to be that level of responsible. Actions now can kill people.” The last day of the initial round of free student testing is Aug. 22. Every student who plans to be on campus must be tested by the university or submit a test result from another provider within seven days of their arrival on campus. The university will update its COVID-19 numbers daily. Results for Tuesday and Wednesday are still pending. The university hired Wild Health — which has done testing for Churchill Downs and Keeneland — to perform and analyze the tests. To get tested, students are notified via text and email about when they can schedule a test. They pick a half-hour window between Aug. 3 and Aug. 22, and arrive for the screening. The first day of official dorm move-in is Saturday and the first day of classes is Aug. 17. The university has capacity to test up to 30,000 students, but it isn’t likely to hit that number because students can submit tests from other providers and online-only students won’t have to be tested. Students interviewed at the Kroger Field testing site on Tuesday said their testing experience was smooth and easy, but many still had some reservations about the potential spread of the contagious respiratory virus at off-campus events and parties during the upcoming semester. Employees are not required to get tested — a point that employees and students have criticized. The university does offer free testing to employees who are symptomatic. Drive-through testing for students is available at the Blue Lot at Kroger Field. Walk-up tests are available at the following locations. University-owned houses between State and University streetsThe walkway between Blazer Dining and Boyd Hall off South Martin Luther King BoulevardIn Greek Park, just off Rose LaneOn the William T. Young Library lawn at Hilltop and Woodland avenues Related stories from Lexington Herald Leader COVID-19 testing smooth, but UK students worry about virus spread by parties, bars August 04, 2020 6:02 PM University of Kentucky reveals COVID-19 testing requirements for up to 30,000 students July 21, 2020 12:53 PM NAACP, University of Kentucky join to get research on education inequities to communities August 06, 2020 2:59 PM University of Kentucky funds institute for Black studies, pledges $10M to research August 05, 2020 4:41 PM UK student group accuses administration of pattern of ‘hostility’ after tense exchange August 05, 2020 1:25 PM Source link
Blood donors needed now: Blood supply is historically low MANCHESTER – Nearly two years into the pandemic, everyone has earned a holiday break with their family and friends. But as the nation gathers again for celebrations this season, the American Red Cross, which provides 40% of the country’s blood, is facing historically low blood supply levels. Busy holiday schedules, breaks from school and winter weather all contribute to a drop in blood and platelet donations this time of year. Those factors, combined with the ongoing challenges of COVID-19, make it vital for donors to make an appointment to give as soon as possible.. To encourage donors to help address the historically low blood supply this holiday season, all who come to give Dec. 17 to Jan. 2 will receive an exclusive Red Cross long-sleeved T-shirt, while supplies last. Is it safe to donate blood?. Where can I donate blood? Upcoming local blood donation opportunities Dec. 17-Jan. 2: Rockingham County Brentwood; Dec. 21, noon to 4:30 p.m., First Baptist Church, 201 North Road Epping: Dec. 27, 1 to 6 p.m., American Legion Post 51-Epping, 232 Calef Highway Exeter: Dec. 28, 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 55 Hampton Falls Road Newfields: Dec. 27, 2 to 7 p.m., Newfields Elementary School, 9 Piscassic Road Newington: Dec. 18, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Mall at Fox Run, 50 Fox Run Road; and Dec. 30, noon to 5:30 p.m., Mall at Fox Run, 50 Fox Run Road Newmarket: Dec. 23, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Newmarket Polish American Club, 18 Central St. Plaistow: Dec. 18, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Plaistow Public Library, 85 Main St. Portsmouth: Dec. 20, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Holiday Inn, 300 Woodbury Ave.; Dec. 22, noon to 5 p.m., J. Verne Wood Funeral Home, 84 Broad St.; Dec. 22, noon to 5 p.m., Piscataqua Savings Bank, 200 Griffin Road Unit 10; Dec. 28, noon to 4 p.m., The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Andrew Jarvis Drive; Dec. 30, 1 to 6 p.m., Holiday Inn, 300 Woodbury Ave. Strafford County Barrington: Dec. 30, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., First Congregational Church, 710 Franklin Pierce Highway, Route 9; Dover: Dec. 21, noon to 5 p.m., Dover Moose Hall, 45 Chestnut St.; Dec. 22, noon to 5 p.m., Bill Dube Ford/Toyota, 40 Dover Point Road Durham: Dec. 27, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Community Church of Durham, 17 Main St. Rochester: Dec. 22, noon to 4:30 p.m., Rochester Elks Lodge, 295 Columbus Ave. Somersworth: Dec. 23, 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.; American Legion Hall, 45 Washington St. Save time by registering in advance Donors can also save up to 15 minutes at the blood drive by completing a RapidPass with the pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire online, on the day of donation, from a mobile device or computer. To complete a RapidPass,.
Deals Tristan invests €75m in Oslo The London-based private equity real estate firm has acquired a retail and office property in Oslo from Nordics-focused real estate investment management firm Genesta. Thomas Duffell - 30 April 2015 Share A- A+ 100% Tristan Capital Partners, the London-based private equity real estate firm, has invested NOK 630 million (€75 million; $84 million) in a retail and office property in Oslo, Norway. Tristan acquired Grensen 5-7 from Nordics-focused real estate investment management firm Genesta using capital from European Property Investors Special Opportunities 3, its €950 million European value-added and opportunistic fund. The property is located on Grensen, a retail street in Oslo city centre. The property comprises 150,700 square feet of leasable space occupied primarily by Norway’s largest online marketplace Finn.no, retailer Lindex, online music service Tidal and sports retailer G-Sport. Genesta originally made the acquisition in Grensen 5-7 from Genesta Nordic Baltic Real Estate, which was closed on €176 million in 2007 with equity from UK and Dutch pension funds and funds of funds. “Following the divestment of Grensen, GNBRE has successfully divested assets of €235 million. According to IPD, GNBRE’s total annual return, over a five-year period, is 10.8 percent – substantially outperforming the IPD Standard Nordic Benchmark by an average of 3.5 percentage points per year,” David Neil, chief executive of Genesta, commented. Akershus Eiendom acted as financial advisors and Wikborg Rein as legal advisors to Genesta in the transaction.
We're becoming a nonprofit! Don't worry! You don't need to log in to read the news. We do, however, rely on a new member program to support our mission. Learn about becoming a member today! If you're already a new member, log in below. Up to six new UofL Foundation directors to be nominated Tuesday Up to six new UofL Foundation directors to be nominated Tuesday Nominations to fill vacancies for six at-large directors on the board of the University of Louisville Foundation are expected at its committee meeting Tuesday, as the embattled nonprofit managing the university’s roughly $700 million endowment continues its leadership makeover. An examination by state Auditor Mike Harmon last year found serious weaknesses in the governance and oversight of the foundation during the Ramsey era, a point re-emphasized in January by J. David Grissom — chair of the newest iteration of the university’s board of trustees, made up of 10 new gubernatorial appointees. Additionally, a new forensic audit of the foundation’s finances was initiated late last year and is expected to be finished in May, part of an effort to restore the confidence of the public and major donors. The market value of UofL’s endowment managed by the foundation withstood a 10.6 percent decrease in the 2016 fiscal year, the largest drop among the largest 200 college endowments. Interim foundation director Keith Sherman told IL last week that Medley had met with each of the resigning board members days before they resigned, sharing her vision on how the foundation and board should proceed. While Medley declined to respond to IL’s questions through the foundation’s public relations firm on whether she asked the four to resign, their resignation letters and emails were obtained through an open records request. Selvidge, Hagen and Handmaker each explained to Medley that they were resigning immediately due to living or working out of state and no longer having time to devote to the board. George gave no specific reason, only saying it had been an honor to serve on the university and foundation boards and that he is “proud of the advancements made” by the university during that time. Selvidge specifically referred to “the prospects of an increased number of meetings, and me living in Florida,” while Hagen noted that her “residency in Florida and other board commitments render me unable to be front and center for all of the necessary work that lies ahead.” Both expressed confidence in the ability of Medley to lead the foundation through the current difficult and complex situation, with Hagen — who had been vice chair of the board — adding that “It is time for new leadership. I have every confidence in your ability to take the reigns (sic) and put the Foundation on a new and positive trajectory.” Handmaker referred to her “current and future out of town commitments” in explaining why it was best for her to resign, telling Medley “you will have challenges in your new role, but I am confident that you will find it to be interesting and rewarding.” Noting that the board members of the university and foundation are almost entirely new — only one foundation director was serving in that role at this point last year — and the foundation has a new interim director, Handmaker added “you will be faced with a significant shortage of institutional memory.” Due to this “shortage,” Handmaker attached a three-page memo “with background information on the Foundation’s governance and compensation plans that I think will be helpful to you.” The memo appears to strike a defensive tone toward the criticism that has been lodged against the foundation board over the large and controversial deferred compensation it gave to Ramsey and his top aide Kathleen Smith in their final years at the university. Stating “any suggestion that Trustees do not know what is going on at the Foundation is not well informed,” Handmaker added that the trustees and legal counsel of the university had crafted and encouraged the deferred compensation plans in an effort to retain Ramsey and Smith through additional financial incentives. Handmaker said Ramsey “was recruited by the University of Tennessee” and the trustees “felt strongly that they wanted to do ‘whatever it took’ to keep him” at UofL. She goes on to claim that trustees “asked the Foundation” to pay “a supplemental retirement benefit” that Ramsey preferred over a salary increase — adding that “the same person chaired both the Board of Trustees and the Foundation Board (as was often the case), so the ‘ask’ was a bit of a formality.” Handmaker’s memo did not name that board chair, but did refer to Chester Porter as the previous chair of both who allegedly “said it was critically important to discourage Kathleen Smith from electing early retirement,” then designed the retention plan for Smith. She went on to state several times that the grants and payouts to Ramsey and Smith were both “disclosed annually in the Foundation’s IRS Form 990, which is available to members of all boards and to the public.” Smith retired from her position as the president’s chief of staff shortly after Ramsey’s resignation last year, and then was placed on paid administrative leave from her lucrative position at the foundation, were she remains to this day. Porter died in 2014, and Kennedy Helm — the university’s legal counsel mentioned in Handmaker’s memo — died in 2013. Compounding the seriousness of the foundation’s transition, on Friday the student newspaper The Louisville Cardinal broke the story that UofL’s accrediting agency SACS recently informed the school that the foundation may have violated three of its standards relating to personnel appointments, relationships with institution-related entities and financial control. The university had already been placed on probation by SACS in December for violating standards and core requirements due to the executive orders and actions of Gov. Matt Bevin last year, which abolished and recreated the university’s board of trustees. Class Act Federal Credit Union is a proud sponsor of Insider Louisville's education content. Rest assured, this sponsorship has no effect on the planning, development or distribution of any Insider Louisville editorial content. Joe Sonka is a staff writer at Insider Louisville focusing on government, politics, education and public safety. He is a former news editor and staff writer at LEO Weekly and has also freelanced for The Nation and ThinkProgress. He has won first place awards from the Louisville Metro chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists in the categories of Health Reporting, Enterprise Reporting, Government/Politics, Minority/Women’s Affairs Reporting, Continuing Coverage and Best Blog. Email him at [email protected]
Pages 70-79 5: THE HARRISON ESTATE CHAPTER 5: THE HARRISON ESTATE This estate was originally, it appears, a field of 18 acres, which even as early as 1623, was the scene of the brickmaking industry and in the 18th century was part of the considerable holdings in the parish of the family of Harrison, brickmakers, who ultimately developed it as a building estate. It corresponds with the meadow called Peperfield in the manorial map opposite p. 1 in Survey of London, XIX, but the northern part of the field was separated early in the 19th century and it is therefore treated separately as the CromerLucas estate (see p. 94). The southern boundary of the Harrison Estate adjoined the property of the Foundling Hospital; on the west it touched the old parish boundary of St. George's, Bloomsbury, and on the east it reached Gray's Inn Road. At its northern end an inn called the Pindar of Wakefield gave its name to the locality. (fn. n1) It is described in 1623 as "one greate Bricke howse . . . called the Pinder of Wakefeild," with nine acres of land late in the occupation of John Younge, viz. seven late in the occupation of widow Virton [the later Cromer-Lucas Estate] and two taken out of a field of eighteen acres [the Harrison Estate] which was demised and employed for "digging and making of Bricks." This property was then owned by Mary Balthrop, daughter of Richard Balthrop, (fn. 53) citizen and brewer of London, by whom the 18 acres had been acquired from Hugh Platt in 1604. (fn. 54) In 1693 Francis Staunton leased to Richard Gray, for 43 years a cottage in the Pindar of Wakefield, adjoining a capital messuage of Francis Staunton, etc., and two closes containing 16 acres (fn. 55) [apparently the rest of the 18 acre field]. In 1710 the remainder of this lease was mortgaged to Humfry Hyde by Richard Gray's son, Richard, with liberty to dig brick earth. In 1713 Henry Procter sold three acres of this 16 acre field for two burial grounds (see St. George's Gardens, p. 78) with a roadway, which was later called Prospect Terrace, adjoining Richard Gray's dwelling house. (fn. 56) In 1724 Richard Oliver of St. Giles, vintner, mortgaged a toft whereon were then erected two new houses, a brewhouse, and a shed with a cellar, on the west side of Gray's Inn Road, part of the ground belonging to the Pindar of Wakefield. (fn. 57) In 1741 nine houses were said to have been lately erected on seven acres [i.e. on the seven acre field] near the Pindar of Wakefield, (fn. 58) on land leased for 1,000 years by Henry Procter of Hemel Hempstead, gentleman, to Isaac Robinson of Chesham, gentleman. (fn. 59) It seems probable that these nine houses were part of Greenland Place, built at the west end of the 7 acre field and shown on Tompson's map (Plate 2) next to the Bowling Green. The Pindar of Wakefield and the adjoining property belonged to Richard Balthrop, and it is recorded that two acres of his land (across which Cromer Street now runs) were charged with the payment of 56s. yearly to the vicar and churchwardens of Hampstead in 1635 in return for £50 paid by Thomas Cleave, citizen and haberdasher of London to Richard Balthrop. The money was to buy 13 penny loaves of wheaten bread to be distributed weekly every Sunday forenoon after divine service or sermon in Hampstead, 12 to the poor and one to the clerk. (fn. 60) The Pindar of Wakefield was destroyed in a hurricane in 1724, the landlord's two daughters being buried in the ruins. (fn. 35) According to Wheatley's edition of Cunningham's Handbook to London, it stood on the site of Nos. 235 to 243 Gray's Inn Road and is referred to in A Comical View of London and Westminster (1705), by Tom Brown and Ned Ward, when it was standing amid fields. The inn was subsequently removed to its present site on the east side of Gray's Inn Road, No. 328, just north of Swinton Street. It is given as the northern boundary of the Swinton Estate in 1773. (fn. 61) On 11th/12th April, 1739, Peter Bennett of Furnival's Inn, gentleman, conveyed (fn. 62) to Daniel Harrison of St. Pancras, bricklayer, two messuages, with cowhouse, stables, yard, etc., at the Pindar of Wakefield, a close (formerly two closes) lying behind and adjoining the said messuages and the tile kiln, ash-house, etc., on the said close, all previously in the possession of Richard Gray deceased and afterwards of — Brown. One of the houses was occupied at this time by Lewis Smart, distiller (under-tenant of Daniel Harrison) and the other was occupied by William Roades (Rhodes) yeoman. In a lease (fn. 63) of 22nd December, 1783, to Thomas Rhodes of Gray's Inn Lane, farmer, Thomas Harrison is described as "of Gray's Inn Lane, farmer." He is also stated to be the grandson and heir-at-law of Daniel Harrison, late of Islington, deceased, and son and heir of Daniel Harrison, late of Gray's Inn Lane, deceased, and only brother and heir of Daniel Harrison, son and heir to the last named Daniel Harrison. (fn. n2) Harrison retained the freehold since his name appears in Tompson's map (Plate 2), where the kiln is also shown. The acreage shown on the map totals just over 13 acres. After the development of the estate had begun, Thomas Harrison in 1819 conveyed Sidmouth Place, Street and Mews, Wellington Square, James Street and part of Harrison Street to Thomas Rhodes of Hampstead, Esquire. (fn. 65) He also authorized the lease of land north of Harrison Street and adjoining Gray's Inn Lane to Elizabeth Lucas, widow, of Dalston in 1820. (fn. 66) In the Penny London Post of 7th June, 1749, is a record of an accident to "a servant of Mr. Harris [sic], brickmaker of Grays Inn Lane, who was run over by a cart." There are records of leases by Ann Harrison, apparently his widow, as late as 1775. (fn. 66) The enormous hill of ashes stacked at the north end of Gray's Inn Road in Battle Bridge Field (see Plate 75) had been accumulated for many years by the Harrisons for mixture with the brick earth. The fine quality and great depth of the latter have been confirmed by recent excavations for blocks of flats on the estate. The development of the Foundling Hospital Estate caused the Harrisons to consider whether their property was not more valuable for building land than for brickmaking, and on 18th August, 1802, Thomas Harrison waited on Cockerell, the architect to the hospital, and showed him a plan (fn. n3) of the proposed streets. (fn. 15) No immediate action was taken and on 19th December, 1807, Cockerell reported to his committee that Harrison had proposed an exchange of ground so that Tavistock Place could be continued into his estate. By that time nothing had been built except a row of houses fronting Gray's Inn Road, called Sidmouth Place, in one of which Harrison was living. (fn. 15) In 1809 he had moved to Grove House, Kentish Town; from there he wrote to Cockerell on 13th January telling him that he was applying for an Act of Parliament for developing his estate. This Act was passed six months later. (fn. 67) The immense demand for bricks no doubt delayed the development of the estate and it was not until 1818 that the first leases for building in Harrison Street were granted. (fn. 68) Details of subsequent building are given below. An idea of the character of the area before development can be obtained from Tompson's Map, c. 1803 (Plate 2) and the view looking towards the Foundling Hospital (Plate 61b). CX—Regent Square The houses in Regent Square were not built until 1829 (fn. 69) but the lay-out was earlier, since St. Peter's Church (Church of England) and the Presbyterian Church were built before this. Church of St. Peter. This church, which fronts the east side of the square and adjoins Sidmouth Street on the south, was built in 1822–26, the site being purchased by the vestry of St. Pancras and paid for out of the parochial rates. The cost of the building, about £26,000, was met by a grant from the commissioners for building new churches under the Act of 1818. (fn. 71) It was consecrated by the Bishop of London on 8th May, 1826. The architects were William Inwood and his son, Henry William, who collaborated also in the churches of (New) St. Pancras, All Saints, Camden Street, and St. Mary the Virgin, Eversholt Street. The church is a simple parallelogram with a flat ceiling, lit by a series of tall round-headed windows on each side, those on the north being blocked in the lower halves. The sanctuary is recessed between two vestries, the wall behind the altar being further recessed with two Ionic columns in antis, between which is a single east window. At the west end there is a porch under the tower, flanked by two staircases which lead to a western gallery supported by columns. Externally the west front has an Ionic hexastyle portico the full width of the church, with an entablature, which continues round the building, and a pediment which is repeated at the east end above a recess treated with two columns in antis like the interior. The tower is of two stages above the roof and is circular on plan. Each stage is surrounded by six columns standing free, with a clock facing west on the main cornice. The tower, columns, etc., are of Portland stone, the main fabric being faced with stock brick and stone dressings. The church was badly damaged in the 1939–45 war and the nave has been partly demolished. Incumbents (perpetual curates): Church of St. Peter, Regent Square The Presbyterian Church. This church was built in 1824–27 on the south side of the square to the design of [Sir] William Tite. Until 1818 the London Presbytery was associated with the National Scottish Church but was not under its jurisdiction; in that year a congregation under Presbyterian government was formed. (fn. 71) The first minister was the Rev. James Boyd of the church in Cross Street, Holborn, which he served in 1818 and 1819. In the latter year he baptized John Ruskin, who was born on 8th February at 54 Hunter Street. The Scottish congregation increased enormously under the ministry of the Rev. Edward Irving (later to found the Irvingites) and it was resolved to build a church worthy to be the "cathedral" of the Scottish Church in London on a freehold site in Regent Square which was bought for £1,500. (fn. 72) An advertisement was inserted in The Times of 27th February, 1824, inviting designs, and according to Robert Wallace, one of the unsuccessful competitors, forty-two designs were received. (fn. 73) Wallace, who had sent in two designs, one in the Greek style and one in Gothic, published an open letter to the subscribers illustrated by a drawing, protesting that his design had been the first selection of the committee. In spite of this Tite's design was accepted. The foundation stone was laid on 1st July, 1824, by the Earl of Breadalbane, deputizing for the Duke of Clarence who was ill; Thomas Carlyle, a friend of Irving's, was present. The church was opened for services on 11th May, 1827, and among those who attended were Sir Robert Peel and S. T. Coleridge. (fn. 72) When Irving was removed from the church by the trustees on 3rd May, 1832, owing to the unorthodox character of his "apostolic" mission, some 800 communicants left with him. In 1843 the congregation withdrew from the Church of Scotland and became the Presbyterian Church of England. The church, which is planned on a northsouth axis, is in a decorated Gothic style with pinnacled twin towers at the north end fronting the square. The towers and north front are of Bath Stone and the body of the church, which is less ornate, is of brick with stone dressings. The interior is without pillars, having a low-pitched roof and galleries on three sides borne on cast-iron columns. The building is derelict, having suffered severe war damage in February, 1945. Nos. 13 and 14 Regent Square Ministers: During vacancies, the church is managed by a moderator. The Rev. P. Figgis is described as minister-in-charge because he was not a Presbyterian minister, but a Congregationalist. Nos. 16 and 17 Regent Square According to the rate books the occupation of houses in Regent Square began in 1829. On the south side of the square, those of the original houses that remain, are numbered (from east to west) 1 to 8 and 11 to 17. On the west side Nos. 18 to 26 (south to north) and one house on the north, adjoining No. 26, are left. The character of their elevations can be seen from the drawings (pages 74, 75), Nos. 16 and 17 being distinguished by arched windows to the first floor. The three houses on the east side shown north of St. Peter's Church (Plate 63) were in stucco with channelled joints to the ground floor and cornices to the first floor windows. They have now been re-built as also have Nos. 9 and 10 on the south side. Among the inhabitants of the square were the following: CXI—Harrison Street This street is named after the owners of the estate, on the northern boundary of which its houses were built. It runs westward from Gray's Inn Road and turns south beyond the west side of Regent's Square, its southern projection being named Wakefield Street. If Tompson's map of c. 1803 (Plate 2) is compared with Britton's map of 1834 (Plate 5) it will be seen that the street was set out well below the old road that led to Greenland Place and the Bowling Green. The land on the north side of the street was leased to Thomas Phillips, builder, of New Union Street, Moorfields, in 1818 (fn. 69) and some eighteen houses were started in that year and were let by 1820. The first five houses from Gray's Inn Road on the south side were built by Ralph Adams of Gray's Inn Road, brickmaker, who obtained a lease of the ground in 1820. (fn. 74) The east part of the street has now been almost entirely re-built, the area between Harrison Street and Cromer Street being part of the large scheme for residential flats, promoted by the St. Pancras Borough Council and designed by Robert Hening and Anthony Chitty. CXII—Sidmouth Street This street connects the southern side of Regent's Square with Gray's Inn Road. It does not appear in the rate books in 1806 but in the following year seven houses are entered. In 1808 a further house was built, and by 1818 it had its full complement of twenty-eight houses. The street is numbered with even numbers from east to west on the north side which was badly damaged by enemy action in 1939–45. Nos. 4 to 14 and 22 to 24 remain and are of the usual type in this area—four storeys and basement faced with stock brickwork and arched doorways. On the south side all the houses have been demolished between Gray's Inn Road and Prospect Terrace, except No. 21, which is a late-19th century house with bay windows. West of this Nos. 43 to 55 were all badly damaged. They have stucco-faced basements and ground storeys and are similar to the houses on the south side of Regent Square (q.v.). The houses of Sidmouth Street are shown on the 1813 edition of Horwoods map (Plate 1).. South of the street, however, the triangle east of St. George's Gardens seems to have been laid out almost as planned with Wellington Square, Prospect Terrace and an intermediate James Street, all of which are shown on Britton's plan of the parish (Plate 5). CXIII—217–241 Gray's Inn Road, West side This section of the west side of Gray's Inn Road lies within the Harrison Estate. The part south of Harrison Street (known as Sidmouth Place), was built by Thomas Harrison before 1807, and he himself occupied one of the houses. (See Tompson's map, Plate 2.) The houses are now numbered 217 to 231a, south to north (odd numbers) and resemble the buildings of this period on the Foundling Estate. Several have had the ground floors converted into shops, and under No. 223 is a way leading to Sidmouth Mews. Nos. 235 to 241 (as well as 243 on the Cromer Estate) stood on the site of the Pindar of Wakefield which was destroyed in 1724 (see p. 71). CXIV—St. George's Gardens These gardens, formerly the burial grounds provided for the churches of St. George-the-Martyr, Holborn, and St. George, Bloomsbury, lie immediately north of the Foundling Hospital. They were purchased on 12th August, 1713, by the commissioners for building fifty new churches in London and Westminster. The whole area, which comprised three acres, was thus assigned—one acre and a quarter to St. George-the Martyr (which had just been separated from St. Andrew, Holborn), another piece of the same size for a new church (eventually St. George's, Bloomsbury) and the remainder for the approach road from Gray's Inn Road, later known as Prospect Terrace. The land was purchased for £300 from Henry Procter of Hemel Hempstead, "practitioner in physic," and is described as a parcel of ground lying in the hamlet or "Inship" of the Pindar of Wakefield in the parish of St. Pancras. (fn. 59) In Bowles' print of Red Lion Square (1731) (Plate 42a) "The New Burying Ground" can be seen enclosed by a wall, looking very isolated in Lamb's Conduit Fields. Its isolation appears at first to have prejudiced its utilization, since Robert Nelson directed in his will that he should be buried in this ground "to overcome the aversion that has been discovered to its use." He was accordingly interred here on his death on 28th January, 1714–15, and his tomb, with panelled sides, moulded cornice and base, and a richly-ornamented urn above, is still in position (Plate 67a). Robert Nelson (1656–1715) was the son of John Nelson, a citizen of London and member of the Turkey Company. He wrote a number of popular devotional works including The Practice of True Devotion and A Companion for the Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England. Among others buried here were:—Anna, wife of Dr. Thomas Gibson, physician-general to the Forces and sixth and favourite daughter of Richard Cromwell, the second Protector. She died in 1727 and her tomb has a later inscription cut on it (Plate 67b); Thomas Falconer, 1729; Sir John Cotton, 4th Baronet, grandson of the donor of the Cottonian Library, 1731; Sir Brocas Gardiner, 1739, and his wife Elesia, 1734; Jonathan Richardson, the painter (1665–1745), and his son of the same name (1694–1771); Nancy Dawson, actress (? 1730–67), who danced the hornpipe in The Beggars' Opera, 1767; Marmaduke, 5th Lord Langdale and Baron of Holm, 1771; John Campbell (1708–1775), the historian; Sir Peter Dennis, Baronet, Vice-Admiral of the Red Squadron, who lived at No. 3 Percy Street (see Survey of London, XXI, p. 10), 1778; George F. F. Young, Lieut., R.N., son of Rear-Admiral Sir George Young, 1799; Elizabeth Fenning, hanged at Newgate, 1815; Dr. James Jones, Archdeacon of Hereford, who lived at 84 Charlotte Street (see Survey of London, XXI, p. 25), 1823; Sir John Woolmore, 1837, and his wife Harriett, 1845; Zachary Macaulay, F.R.S. (1768–1838), father of Lord Macaulay, and prominent in the anti-slavery movement; Sir Digby Mackworth, Baronet, 1838; Sir John Richardson, judge of the Court of Common Pleas, an original member of the Nobody's Club, which was founded in his honour, 1841; and William Brockedon, F.R.S., a remarkable man who combined the three careers of artist, author and inventor. He inspired Murray to publish his Guides, and was buried here, with his son and first wife, in 1854. The bodies of the eight officers belonging to the Manchester regiment of volunteers in the service of the Young Pretender, who were executed on Kennington Common on 30th July, 1746, were buried here, and also those of Captain James Bradshaw and John Hamilton, Governor of Carlisle, who were executed on 28th November. (fn. 39) With the assistance of the Kyrle Society the two graveyards were laid out as public gardens, that of St. George's, Bloomsbury, being formally opened by H.R.H. the Marchioness of Lorne on 1st July, 1884; that of St. George-the-Martyr was opened on 12th August, 1889. The principal monuments and table tombs have been left in position (see Plate 66). The drinking fountain was the gift of Miss Orbell.
FLIPPING THE CLASSROOM: THE GAIN TIME PROJECT/in destacado, Events /by europa Aula IFEMA “Educational conference” AULA, dos interesantes proyectos europeos que está desarrollando conjuntamente con varios países de nuestro entorno. Con dichos proyectos, enmarcados dentro del programa Erasmus+, CECE pretende contribuir a mejorar la práctica docente facilitando las herramientas más eficaces y novedosas desde la perspectiva europea. Se trata de los proyectos GAIN TIME y iREMEMBER. Proyecto GAIN TIME Master Model to Gain Time in your Classroom , es un proyecto europeo Erasmus+ liderado por CECE, en el que participan centros educativos de Italia, Noruega, Bulgaria, Turquía, España y Portugal, El proyecto profundiza en la metodología Flipped Classroom o clase Inversa y está diseñando un curso para que los profesores puedan crear sus propias clases Inversas y adquirir los conceptos esenciales de dicha metodología. En la web del proyecto se presenta la recopilación de más de 50 buenas prácticas de toda Europa, y la introducción a los juegos y a la clase creativa. La página web del proyecto es: ISCAP present GAIN TIME project during the International week 22-10-2015 at 14h (Portugal)/in destacado, Events /by europa This event will be integrated in the international week of ISCAP. [embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”] Presentation of Gain time as. Stucom, Pelayo 8, Barcelona/in destacado, Events /by europa.
Well, here we are. It's MAY! May Day. The day for dancing around the pole. I've always wanted to do that. NO, not THAT kind of pole. Y'all get your minds out of the gutter, will ya? I think it would be fun to participate in a Maypole dance. I've never even seen one. I don't know the history except that it is, you know, historic. And it's pretty, isn't it? I found this cool picture of one, and it's the perfect illustration of the way all of us as individuals, Bandits and friends, weave together and make something cool. It's a good illustration of the next month in the Lair too. Talk about your varied authors and subjects..WHEEEEEEE...let's go. The ceremonial May Pole is set up in the foyer, so everybody grab a ribbon, start the music, and let's weave something amazing! The first week starts out with the BANG ZIP ZING of fireworks as we celebrate the Second Anniversary of the Romance Bandits Blog. Yup, two years and still as loony as ever. TOMORROW, May 2nd, Aunty Cindy and Jeanne will host the anniversary celebration, including a fun title contest and prizes, and we'll follow that with a monster lineup of guests all next week. For our first guest this month, Loucinda McGary, a.k.a. Aunty Cindy will host Kris Kennedy. On May 4th, Kris will join us in the Lair to celebrate the release of her debut novel, The Conqueror, a medieval historical set in 11th century England. That guy on the cover has a nice..um..sword, don't y'all think? On Tuesday, 5th May, Amanda McCabe, Diane Gaston and Deb Marlowe invade the lair to talk about their new anthology of linked Regency novellas, THE DIAMONDS OF WELLBOURNE MANOR. With that lineup, it's bound to be a typical Anna-Campbell-style day in the lair, isn't it? Scandalous. Passionate. Need I say more? season 69 comments: Is he mine for the day Have Fun Helen Woohooo, HELEN! Way to sneak in for the score! Whatcha gonna do with the self-absorbed chicken for the day? Do y'all do the maypole thing over there? Oh..wait. It's May 2nd there already, isn't it? Darn, the blog is all spread out. Lemme see if I can squish it together a little. hang on. Way to go Helen!! Hi Cassondra...Gee, with all the guests you've got lined up it looks like I'll be adding to my TBR pile and Amazon wish list! Congratulations, Helen! Also - sooo weird. The post shows the time as posted as 2:05 AM. It's 1:37 AM; and definitely nothing was showing a few minutes ago. Haha, the blog conspires against me. Lots of great things going on in May - I'm loving it because I'll be DONE! Okay that's a little better. Limecello it's not just you. The blog is being weird. I set it for 2:00 at 1:30, and it posted below yesterday's, then I set it for 2:05 and it posted immediately. Ah well...Glad I didn't have underwear lying around on the floor or something.... Pink Peony said: Gee, with all the guests you've got lined up it looks like I'll be adding to my TBR pile and Amazon wish list! Yeah, me too. There goes the budget. I should be doing paperwork but I want to say that my elementary school did the May pole thing with the streamers attached to a tether ball pole every year. I was never picked to be one of the participants and to this day, I still want to do it! Limecello...sometimes I miss being in school and after all these years, I still have nightmares about not turning in a paper on time or not studying for a mid-term. Well the grandkids will be here for dinner tonight and he always likes playing with them and tomorrow I plan on resting with a good book and some Tim Tams always a favourite with the GR because I am going into the City on Sunday to have luch with friends that I made at the conference I went to in Feb, so some fun and then some rest LOL. What another fantastic month to come in the Lair you Ladies sure know how to host some great parties.Sven and the Cabana Boys are sure going to be getting a work out what fun it is going to be. The Amazon pidgeon arrived today with Tawny's new book and I got Trish's first book as well so I already have them to read and am really looking forward to them. At the moment Cassondra it is 3.45pm Friday May 1st so we don't have much of Mayday left and there are some activities for Mayday usually around Australia but I have never been to any but it sure looks like fun dancing around the maypole with the beautiful coloured ribbons. Have Fun Helen Pink Peony said: still have nightmares about not turning in a paper on time or not studying for a mid-term. Just every now and then...maybe once every three years now (it used to be more frequent and has become less frequent as I've grown older) I have this dream. It's a nightmare actually...where I'm back in college, near the end of the semester, and I suddenly remember that I had this one class that I forgot. I mean, I forgot it for like two months and never went. FORGOT that I was taking a class! And I go into a complete panic. IT'S TOO LATE NOW! OMG! I can't believe other people have this crazy dream about not doing something right in school. Even as I type this, I recognize that this is perfectionism haunting me. How 'bout that? Pink Peony, perhaps you should be a therapist. I love May here in Australia because the weather is cooling down I sleep better and I love curling up with a good book in the cooler weather it is footy season here as well and I love watching my team play go West Tigers. Have Fun Helen Oh, good, Helen. You've got some of May Day left to celebrate with us! I think it's strange that I've heard about this all my life, and read about it, but never seen it done anywhere. Oh, my goodness. I'm supposed to be caving it and look what a fun time we're going to be having in the Lair! Thanks for a great wrap up...and were those odd-shaped flowers or what?? Cassondra, we did the maypole dance when I was in kindergarten and there was one bit every so often where we all had to run around the pole. We have footage of me all dolled up in my pink party frock and rosebud wreath...and pushing the boy in front of me because he ran too slowly. Ah, those were the days. Oh, and I just finished Tawny's April book, Coming On Strong and it's GREAT! She's done it again with the characters. I fell for them on the first page. My sister was the psych major and now she's a social worker. Like you, I've had those nightmares about forgetting about a class complete with the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach...or I forgot to drop a class and it's after the drop date so I'm screwed..or I get a letter from my university saying I didn't graduate because I'm eight unit short in statistics or calculus. I will admit there were a couple of classes that I barely attended but I took those on a pass/no pass option and I always managed to squeak by...but I still sweated it out the final. Christine said: and were those odd-shaped flowers or what??Don't y'all have those Down Under? It's Dicentra, or better known as Bleeding Heart. Beautiful aren't they? And so fitting, I thought, for what we do to our characters before we give them their happy endings. All that torture! We have footage of me all dolled up in my pink party frock and rosebud wreath...and pushing the boy in front of me because he ran too slowly. Ah, those were the days.So was it fun? Was the pole pretty when you got finished? Did it take a long time? I want to live vicariously through your experience. (grin) LOL! I've never done a maypole dance that I can recall! It sounds like fun though ;) What an awesome month in the Lair to look forward to! Yay! Thanks for the scoop, Cassondra! And woohoo, Helen! How's the GR doing? Pink Peony said: Like you, I've had those nightmares about forgetting about a class complete with the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach...or I forgot to drop a class and it's after the drop date so I'm screwed.I am just floored that somebody else has my forget-a-class dream. I don't even think I've ever said that out loud before(or..typed it out loud...I guess). Congrats on the GR, Helen, Seems like we'll be partying every day in May. Can't wait to chill out with some drinks and snacks. Jane said: Can't wait to chill out with some drinks and snacks. Hey, grab a cabana boy and pull up a drink. As they say, it's five o'clock somewhere. flchen said: LOL! I've never done a maypole dance that I can recall! It sounds like fun though ;)Doesn't it? Where ARE all these maypoles anyway? They're awfully famous for nobody to have ever experienced this. Well..Christine has a vague memory, and video evidence--but she was awfully little apparantly. I'm becoming suspicious that this is all a myth. Thanx for a great "coming attractions" post, Cassondra! And believe it or not, I have had that same dream too -- COMPLETELY forgot to go to a class I signed up for and then getting The Notice! ARGH! WTG on snagging the chook, Helen! I'm sure he'll have fun with the grandkiddies, but HIDE THE TIM TAMS! AC Aunty Cindy said: And believe it or not, I have had that same dream too -- COMPLETELY forgot to go to a class I signed up for and then getting The Notice! ARGH! Really. Wow. Okay, now I'm wondering if this is one of those common loss of control meets perfectionism meets failure dreams. Before this blog I've never heard anybody say they've had a "I forgot to go to class for two months" dream. Maybe it's a writer thing? (oops, posted under wrong account) Whoohooooooooooo May is here!! I love the preview, Cassondra! What a month it'll be, huh? As for the may pole dance, honestly? Its the only dance I'm comfortable with *g* Its so fun. I wonder if Helen will let the rooster out to dance with us? I'll cue the music... Aikakone - Keltainen (Yellow (May)): Maypole dance? We only have midsummer pole. Sweden and Finland naturally mostly popular with small children. I would even have midsummer pole dance on video -Swedish exchange students dancing to Små grodorna in International Night in NDSU, but I can't even watch that thing, because the American video tape doesn't work in the videos used in Europe =(. I really hope I'll be able to find soon someone who could copy the International Night in NDSU from the video tape to a dvd disc so that I could finally watch it! Hey Cassondra! My high school does a May Day celebration every year, with a May Queen and court and a traditional May Pole Dance. My mom went to the same high school and she was elected "Puck" She dressed as an elf and frolicked around the dancers, doing splits and other gymnastic effects. We have cool pictures! Woohoo!! Another fabulous month!!! You had me laughing at the blog title. I thought, hmmm are the bandits giving lessons now??!!! LOL! Hey, Cassondra, evidently that kind of pole is exactly what our ancestors had in mind. :) (From Wiki) The Maypole is often considered a phallic symbol, coinciding with the worship of Germanic phallic figures such as that of Freyr. One clear sexual reference is in John Cleland's controversial. As for the visitors this month...I am blinded by the brilliance. Too much excellence to absorb without caffeine. :) Cassondra, most excellent blog!! You're like Julie from the Love Boat! A fantastic cruise director for all of us searching for looooovvvveee... I am so excited for more Bandita launches and such fantastic guests. I sure do wish I could win some of the fabulous booty, though. I've never done a Maypole dance, but my husband was born on May Day, so we always celebrate the day. We're having a birthday party tonight so I better get to work on the cake! Well, see Cassondra...I actually...kind of want to to learn the other kind :-) Only for aerobic purposes mind you :-) As to the pretty type of maypole I did it once in grade school. I think it is related to the Celtic celebration of Beltaine or something. (I did not Google before I came here). It's pretty with all the different colored ribbons ending up weaved together. I persuaded Demetrius and the other gladiators to try it once. They grumbled and caught the ribbons in their fists and finally just jerked the pole out of the ground and hurled it into the woods. Gladiators are tense people. I am just floored that somebody else has my forget-a-class dream. I have a variation of this dream. Not the forgotten class so much, but that I can't find anything to wear (I see my high school closet of clothes in my dream) and invariably end up barefoot when I get there. Also a classic nurse stress dream.....You've worked like a crazy woman all day then at the end of the shift realize you missed a patient who is really sick and been alone in a room all day... (shudder) Good catch, Helen! I have to admit, I don't know anything about dancing around poles. But I love May! The azaleas are in bloom, lilac is in the air and the weather perfect. And the kids are still in school until mid-June. It sounds like May will be a fun-filled month in the lair. Happy May Day everybody! And great post to kick off the new month, Cassondra! Sounds like another fabulous month in the Lair! As a Brit, I can say that the whole dancing round the Maypole thing is part of our tradition. It's all part of the big May Day weekend celebrations. For us, May Day is always associated with the beginning of summer (and indeed it is a glorious day here, today). We have a public holiday (a Bank Holiday) on the Monday closest to May Day. Great review of the lineup for May, Cassondra! Congratulations, Helen. The GR probably needs a rest from all the shenanigans he was up to with Bandita Donna. Helen, congrats on the GR! Have fun with him. As Cassondra notes, he's become a bit self-absorbed (more than usual) after his travels. Cassondra, great job on the preview! I love the maypole photo and the analogy of all of us and our buddies weaving strands together. I'm an Anglophile, but I don't know the history either, alas. Isn't that a great word, alas? Too bad it has fallen out of usage. Wooot! Helen! YOu have the GR for May Day! :> How fun is that. Hey, and Pink Peony's back too. Wow. May Day is a good rockin' start to MAY!!!!!! Cassondra, as always, you write a heck of a blog. I'm a big fan of May Day bouquets - sneaking to friend's houses and leaving a wee bouquet of flowers. (Its Beltane today, if you're into the alternative stuff.) :> I love May because everything's in bloom here, from my tulips to my cherry trees. It starts to get hot and muggy here, though, which I don't like. Sigh. Tawny said: As for the may pole dance, honestly? Its the only dance I'm comfortable with *g* Its so fun. Tawny! Someone who (apparantly) has done the Maypole dance as an adult! Is this a California thing? Is it beautiful when you're done? (I always thought if you did it right, it would end up in a pretty pattern, but that pole in the blog looks like it's been used before, and it looks like a jumble of colors...) Tell us the fun details. Minna said: In Sweden and Swedish speaking parts of Finland, the maypole is usually called a midsummer pole, midsommarstång, as it appears at the Midsummer celebrations,Minna, interesting stuff about the Maypole in your country! Deb Marlowe said: My high school does a May Day celebration every year, with a May Queen and court and a traditional May Pole Dance. Awesome Deb! (And we're looking forward to your visit with Anna!) So, was it fun? Did you get to participate when you went there--hold a ribbon and weave among the other dancers? Are there rules--like, you have to skip every other dancer--or something? Buffie said: You had me laughing at the blog title. I thought, hmmm are the bandits giving lessons now??!!! LOL! Well..YEAH. THat was kind of my original idea...except that nobody will tell me the details. I'm thinkin maybe there IS something kinky about this whole ribbons and a pole thing.....so everybody's clamming up. Gillian Layne said: The Maypole is often considered a phallic symbol, coinciding with the worship of Germanic phallic figures such as that of Freyr. Well then..(grin)...that takes it to a whole new..uhm..level...than little kids dancing with ribbons, doesn't it now?! So...hmmm.. did this thing start out as a pagan fertility ritual? I know, I know, I could have researched it, with the web right here at my fingertips and all, but I didn't have time last night, or room in the blog, so I thought I'd let y'all fill me in. I'm not, as a rule, particularly naive..well, not usually...but for some reason I was always distracted by the ribbons and just never saw that pole as particularly phallic. It's kind of like seeing a lamp post as phallic...I just..don't. I tend to focus on the lamp, ya know? Kirsten said: I've never done a Maypole dance, but my husband was born on May Day, so we always celebrate the day. We're having a birthday party tonight so I better get to work on the cake! Oh, Happy Birthday to your hubby from all of us! And yummmmm...cake.....even if I completely missed the symbolism behind the pole, CAKE is another matter...now THAT's got plenty of suggestive possibilities. Sweet. And the things you can do with icing.... Oh..just sayin. Joanie said: I persuaded Demetrius and the other gladiators to try it once. They grumbled and caught the ribbons in their fists and finally just jerked the pole out of the ground and hurled it into the woods. Gladiators are tense people.Hmmm. Well, I would have chalked it up to being tense...but...in light of the recent disclosures of the phallic symbolism, maybe they just didn't want to go there? Ya know...being manly men and all that.... Joanie said: Also a classic nurse stress dream.....You've worked like a crazy woman all day then at the end of the shift realize you missed a patient who is really sick and been alone in a room all day... (shudder) OMG! That's AWFUL! Do all nurses have this dream when stressed? Wow. Talk about guilt...flunking a class is nothing compared to this. Christie said: The azaleas are in bloom, lilac is in the air and the weather perfect. And the kids are still in school until mid-June. Those are my favorite parts too, Christie. The flowers (especially the fragrant ones, and it seems there are more of those in May than at any other time) and the warmer weather. Sandals. Sleeveless dresses and tops, flirty, shimmery skirts. The windows down in the car. Walking barefoot. Ahhhh. I'm SO glad winter is done. It was a long one here. I hope you folks down under have a mild winter coming. Anna Sugden said: For us, May Day is always associated with the beginning of summer (and indeed it is a glorious day here, today). We have a public holiday (a Bank Holiday) on the Monday closest to May Day. Oh, COOL! So have you, personally, danced around the pole? NO, not THAT one..the one with the ribbons. Gosh, now that the symbolism of this "pole" has been brought into the open, y'all will think I'm being suggestive with my "Have you danced around the Maypole" question. (grin) Jo said: Great review of the lineup for May, Cassondra! Thanks Jo! And it's a great month, isn't it? Hmmm. I should be spring cleaning. We have a huge party tomorrow, after all. Nancy said: isn't that a great word, alas?Alas IS a great word. But around here, if you use it, people raise their eyebrows and look at you crooked. I frequently use "forlorn" when I'm feeling kind of blue. Steve will say, "what's wrong" and I'll say, "Oh, I dunno. I'm....forlorn." I usually end up with dinner out when I'm forlorn. So I consider it a good word too. Happy May Day! May looks to be another fantastic month in the lair :-) I can't wait! I read this this morning and got too busy to comment. Then tried again later and Blogger gave me fits. Let's try this again. Great blog, Cassondra and what a month in store in the Lair. Anniversaries and launches and fantastic guests, oh my! Don't know much about the May Pole festivities, but when I've seen it on TV it always looks fun. Haven't read any of the previous been shared thus far. According to what I've read, Maypole dancing began as part of an ancient pagan fertility celebration. This began as early as the time prior to the Roman invasion. Other European countries adapted the ritual for use in their annual celebrations. I recall seeing and participating in this type dance during primary school days way, way, way back in the day! Although by the time it reached my elementary school, it was merely a pretty little children's dance!!! Pat Cochran Cassondra, alas doesn't get me dinner. So I'd say forlorn trumps alas. :-) Waitin' here for JT to report on X-Men, which I will not, alas, get to see for a few days. (Tried to post this earlier, and it's not here, so apologies if I end up with a duplicate via cyberspace weirdness.) Dancing around Poles? Only if his name is Frederic Chopin!!! Ha ha. Bad joke day. Helen, about time he came back to you! Congratulations! Cassondra, what a fantastic month we've got coming up and what a great post. I love the idea of dancing around Poles (as long as I don't get stuck with the Czech!). Yes, I seem to have invited everyone I know this month, don't I? Oh, well, the lair's a big and exciting place. I'm sure they'll all have a blast! And seriously, this is a great contest. Pam's new Feral Warriors series looks like it's going to take the romance world by storm and this is your chance to win an ARC and read it FIRST!!! Cassondra, we don't have those flowers here as far as I know, but I'm not a horticulturalist so you shouldn't take my word for it! And I note you've changed the pic now, so anyone reading my comment is going to think I'm the odd one.LOL I really don't remember much about the dance, except that it took a long time to learn and I didn't even realize the object was to make that pretty pattern down the pole (we didn't actually use a real pole until the day itself) nor, I must admit, was I aware it was a phallic symbol--thanks for corrupting a lovely childhood memory, Gillian:)) CONGRATS Helen, he's come home agin, watch your Tim Tams and have fun with him. Looks like we have a great month ahead! As far as the May pole, I can't remember dancing around it. Maybe I did when I was real young and in school but that was a long, long, long, time ago! Nancy said: Cassondra, alas doesn't get me dinner. So I'd say forlorn trumps alas. :-) Nancy, I'm going to try out forsooth to see what I can get with that one of these days.... terrio said: Don't know much about the May Pole festivities, but when I've seen it on TV it always looks fun. It does, doesn't it? Dang. I've gotta find a maypole. A wine tasting this evening is all I've been able to manage. Pat Cochran said: Maypole dancing began as part of an ancient pagan fertility celebration. This began as early as the time prior to the Roman invasion. Ha! I was right! It IS a fertility rite. Dang Romans...messed up everything. Oh...sorry Joanie.... Anna Campbell, otherwise known as the SOCIAL BUTTERLY of the lair, said: Oh, well, the lair's a big and exciting place. I'm sure they'll all have a blast! Ha! Yes it is a big place...with plenty of sofas and corners with soft rugs for sleeping off the hangover until the next day...and lots of cabana boys for company. (That's the important part.) Christine said: And I note you've changed the pic now, so anyone reading my comment is going to think I'm the odd one.LOL Oh, sorry Christine. I had a little trouble with that picture and substituted the iris. It's okay. We're all a bit odd here in the lair. ;0)). LOL on Cassondra corrupting Christine! Cassondra--nope, I was not May Queen court material in high school! They were elected and I was not a popular girl! I ran in the AP crowd, not the in crowd! Sorry to be so late to the party. And it looks like May is going to be ONE LONG PAR TAY !!! in the Lair ! Some of favorite authors and lots of new authors to add to the TBR Incredible Leaning Tower ! I actually have danced around a maypole on May Day in the village of Kelsale in England. There was a huge fete at the local squire's estate and there was a maypole, food, pony rides, craft displays, you name it. I think I even have some photos here somewhere. I need to find them. I don't remember much about it except it was a lovely day and I got to wear a crown of flowers in my hair, but so did all of the other girls. And my drawing of a swan on a lake took first place! Now when I got home today I had my own little May Day Dance!! I am off for FOUR DAYS !!!! FOUR DAYS!!! I took a couple of vacation days and combined them with my off days to create my own little mental health / writing long weekend. I must confess when I got home I kicked off my shoes, slipped on my most well-worn oversized t-shirt, turned on Old Time Rock and Roll and danced around the house. The dogs and cats are still hiding in the bedroom !! What a fabulous list of interviews and coming attractions - I am so proud to be part of it and very excited to be visiting the lair again this month. Thank you so much for the enthusiastic shout out, Anna! The first of my trilogy books is winging its way to you as we speak with a cabana-boy-with-palm fan included for those heated moments! Looks like its going to be a great month! Cant wait.
The place for information on Ross-on-Wye and the Wye Valley The Welly Shop Ltd., The Lodge, Kynaston, Ross-on-Wye HR9 6LP Tel: 01989 730217 Email: sales@thewellyshop.com Malcolm and Barbara Harris would like to welcome you to the Welly Shop which is situated at Kynaston, just a few miles from the market town of Ross-on-Wye. The Welly Shop is stocked with an extensive range of durable, comfortable and practical footwear that is suitable for a range of activities, from walking and riding to shooting, fishing and every day wear. There is even a range of boots designed to cope with temperatures as low as -20 degrees. From small beginnings, exhibiting at agricultural, flower and game fairs across the country, Malcolm and Barbara soon built up an excellent reputation in their field as specialists in fine quality sporting, walking and gardening footwear and country clothing. A rapidly growing worldwide customer base of 11,500 includes several celebrities and not a few Lords and Ladies! Continued . . . Game keepers, farmers, horse riders, gardeners, hikers and even visitors to the Antarctic are regular clients of The Welly Shop. They know that they are buying the best quality product for their particular pursuit as only the genuine article is sold here. Brands such as Aigle, Le Chameau, Evercreatures and Hunters are available as are Muckboot, Tayberry and Dunlop. There is even a range of waders for the fisherman and although you won't find any frog-eyed wellies on display, there is an excellent selection of natural rubber childrens' boots available that are comfortable, practical and come in a choice of fun colours. Sizes range from a size three baby boot up to a size fifteen for adults. All products are fully guaranteed. The Welly Shop houses a fantastic country wear section which caters for both ladies and gentlemen. Here you will find quality shirts, trousers, breeks,sweaters, jackets and fleeces by Le Chameau. There is a range of socks and cosy welly warmers available as well as country themed ties and many other accessories such as hats and boot bags, boot removers and treatment sprays. If you need somewhere to store your new wellies, boots or waders then you may like to buy one of the hand made boot stands which are produced by Alternature. These high quality stands are available in either floor standing or wall rack format, in sustainable pine or English oak. . Sales at The Welly Shop are largely made via mail order and a brochure will be despatched upon request. Malcolm and Barbara are always happy to give advice, ensuring that all clients are happy with their purchases and if they don't have the item you are looking for in stock, they will endeavour to source it for you. Clients are most welcome to visit The Welly Shop's lovely showroom at Kynaston which is situated in the heart of beautiful Herefordshire countryside. Please telephone The Welly Shop for details of opening times. Malcolm and Barbara
Reappraisal of serum alpha-foetoprotein as a surveillance test for hepatocellular carcinoma during entecavir treatment. The aim of this study was to re-evaluate the diagnostic performance of alpha-foetoprotein (AFP) as a surveillance test for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in patients with hepatitis B virus-related chronic liver disease who were treated with entecavir (ETV). Between January 2007 and August 2012, we analysed 373 treatment-naïve patients with HBV-related chronic hepatitis (n = 229) or cirrhosis (n = 144) who were candidates for surveillance test, and were treated with ETV (0.5 mg/day) for longer than 12 months. To minimize the effect of AFP elevation caused by hepatitis activity, serum AFP levels were measured 12 months after the initiation of ETV treatment. Hepatocellular carcinoma developed in 28 patients (7.5%) during a median follow-up period of 48.0 months (IQR = 40.5-57.3 months). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for AFP was 0.71 (95% CI = 0.59-0.84). The optimal AFP cut-off value was 13 ng/ml, leading to a sensitivity of 50.0%, specificity of 98.8%, positive predictive value of 77.8% and negative predictive value of 96.1%. In multivariate Cox analysis, an older age, the presence of cirrhosis and AFP levels of ≥20 ng/ml at 12 months after treatment were found to be significantly associated with an increased incidence of HCC. The role of serum AFP as a surveillance test should be re-evaluated in patients with HBV-related chronic liver diseases who were treated with antiviral therapy.
Children's Map of the Solar System Children can explore the heavens with this beautifully illustrated wall map. It features colorful cartoon icons making the map educational & fun. Next to each illustrated significant space mission is its name & reference number. The index then provides its name, reference number, sponsor, date of launch, & what makes it significant. The map's glossy UV finish makes it extra durable for hours of fun! On the far left side of the map the Real Relative Distances in the Solar System bar shows the main celestial bodies of the solar system in relation to each other, expressed in astronomical units. On the left side of the map a chart gives the symbol, name, significant data, mass, diameter, distance from the sun, revolution period, rotation period, temperature, & number of natural satellites for each major celestial body of this solar system. Similar data about our moon (in relation to Earth rather than the sun) is also shown. Below the chart are defintions of the measurement units used in astronomy, URLs for more info on the solar system, & info about the minor celestial bodies of the solar system. The bottom of the map features a timeline of the key moments of the genesis & discovery of our solar system. A lot of work, effort, & knowledge were put into this map. Experts in history, geology, astronomy, & climatology participated actively in creating a product of the highest possible quality, based on the latest referential literature.Size: 54"x38"
Pros - New base engine adds 45 horsepower - Nice proportions, improved interior - Savvy dynamics Cons - Can’t turn off stability control - Eight-speed automatic transmission lagged at times - No power liftgate for huge rear hatch When Kia brought the Stinger five-passenger sport sedan to compete for the 2018 MotorTrend Car of the Year award, we were delighted with its capability, but the lineup suffered from an underpowered base engine. The Stinger is back to address that complaint with a new 2.5-liter I-4 that puts out 300 hp and 311 lb-ft of torque. The power output represents an impressive 45-hp hike over the 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder it replaces, and the new mill is more fuel efficient. Like its more luxurious Genesis G70 counterpart, the Stinger is a rear-drive car, and we appreciate its fun dynamics. You may also opt for the more powerful carryover 3.3-liter twin-turbo V-6, and the Stinger also has available all-wheel drive with torque vectoring. However, our testing this time around was limited to the new entry GT-Line model with rear-wheel drive. Judges appreciated the new base engine’s additional output. Digital director Erik Johnson liked the smooth and flexible powerband but not the accompanying soundtrack. Overall, we were divided on the sound; some liked it, but others said it was grainy and coarse. Most judges decried the overeager stability control, which can’t be turned off fully and cuts in when the chassis is about to shine. Depriving a rear-drive car of the ability to hang its tail out is a glaring oversight, senior editor Conner Golden said. In the eyes of road test editor Chris Walton, this trait makes the Stinger more of a grand tourer than sport sedan. But technical director Frank Markus still had a ball on the winding track in Sport mode, enjoying some mild slides through the turns. He was equally impressed with how the car handled the obstacles on the proving ground’s rough road portion. Deputy editor Alex Stoklosa said Kia seems to have improved the suspension’s rebound damping, which was an issue on earlier Stingers. The midcycle refresh also brought new looks and a Stinger Scorpion Special Edition model, which we fear is a parting shot for a car on the verge of being discontinued. Inside is a larger 10.3-inch infotainment screen, a big improvement over the previous 8.0-incher. The rear seat is decently roomy, with air vents, USB, and power outlets. But there is also a disappointing amount of black plastic. The 2022 model adds a 360-degree camera and blind-spot monitor; we were surprised these weren’t already available. Overall, the car “has a superb safety rating,” buyer’s guide director Zach Gale said. At least one judge wished this base engine had been available at launch, before the base price started to climb. “If the Stinger GT had this 300-hp turbo I-4 from the start—and at the low $30,000 introductory price—the Stinger might have been more successful,” guest judge Chris Theodore said. He then went one step further and claimed he might have bought one if that had been the case. But today, at $39,715, our test model with the base engine won’t get him to open his wallet. View every 2022 Car of the Year contender here Source: Read Full Article
The Gorch Fock in West India Dock – Part Two Gor Aboard the HMCS Iroquois in West India Dock The Flags are out for the Canadian Warship HMCS Iroquois is fitted with state of the art command and controls systems. One of the Sea King Helicopters On the Bridge Compass and Bridge The Big Seat Official Badge Among the Canary Wharf skyscrapers. The Maple Leaf and the O2. Old and New, the HMCS Iroquois and Groch Fock in West India Dock. HMCS Iroquois in the West India Dock After.” The German Tall Ship The Gorch Fock in West India Dock Today we have an impressive visitor in West India Dock in the shape of The Gorch Fock which is a tall ship belonging to the German Navy . She is the second ship of that title named after a German writer who died at the battle of Jutland. She was built as a training ship in 1958 after the original was taken by the Russians after the Second World War. The Gorch Fock is known as a three-masted barque which measures 266 ft long and 40ft wide. For the technical minded she is a Type 441 class with a number A60. To see what she looks like with sails unfurled, here is an amazing picture from one of her voyages. Her other claim to fame was that the ship appeared on a 10 Deutsche Mark banknote from 1960 to 1990. Up to 14,000 cadets have been trained on the ship over the 50 years since her launch, however in recent years the ship has been at the centre of a scandal regarding the treatment of the cadets after an alleged mutiny when one of the cadets died after falling from the rigging in 2010. According the German Embassy website: The ship will be open for the public for a visit on Saturday, 27 April 2013 from 2pm to 5pm at her berthing place at South Quay in the West India Docks. Due to Health and Safety regulations visitors should be at least 12 years old and wear proper footwear. It also may be open Monday 2pm – 5pm. Temple to Summer Storms – The Storm Water Pumping Station One of the pleasures of living on the Isle of Dogs is the “hidden treasures” that are waiting to be discovered. The Storm Water Pumping Station is one of those treasures, When people first come across the Pumping station there is the belief that it is an Eastern Temple, however under closer inspection there are high walls which has slits which gives only glimpses of the “Temple” and locked gates. It is only then you realise it has in fact a rather mundane function, however this did not stop the designer from giving it a mythical design. The Pumping station was built in 1987-88 designed by John Outram, inside is a quite plain brick pumping chamber with a tank and a control room. The outside however is full of symbolism which is described by the architect. The steel-tube gate into the fortified compound of the Station is given a form of a giant eye, whose vacant ball can be got to line-up with the ‘solar cave’-between-two-mountains. The two wings of the gate-eye then lie over the two (aetos) ‘eagles-wings’ of the split pediment…. Having ‘tumbled’ down its ‘valley’ the ‘river of space’ passes under the ‘gateway’ to the Valley – embodied by the exaggerated white masonry surrounding the dark green entrance door. From there it flows outwards, towards the gate to Stewart Street, or the river Thames on the side of the ‘levee’. It was not practical to inscribe the figure of the ‘delta’ which lies outside the ‘gateway-door into the building’. Nor could either the street, or the River, be inscribed with the figure of infinity with which one may recall their ‘bounding’ identity as the ‘death of the valley of community’ by dispersion into the Ocean. Although considered “Postmodern” in many ways it is also looks back to the Victorian age when seemly unimportant buildings were given ornate and decorative finishes. The Isle of Dogs and the London Marathon – Race Day After days of preparation, the day has finally arrived for the 2013 London Marathon. From 8 o’clock groups of supporters , race organisers and media begin to gather The first arrivals on the Island were the Elite wheelchair athletes, amongst these were David Weir Paralympic hero from last year. Next were the elite women which included Ethiopia’s Tiki Gelana who will be the one to watch after her win at the London 2012 Olympic Marathon.World champion Edna Kiplagat, Priscah Jeptoo will be hoping to go one better than her silver medal at the London 2012 Olympic Marathon. Florence Kiplagat latest win was at the 2011 BMW Berlin Marathon. These were followed by the Elite men which was considered one of the strongest field in recent years. Runners included Uganda’s Stephen Kiprotich, the surprise winner of the London 2012 Olympic Marathon, Olympic silver medalist and world champion Abel Kirui (Kenya) and Olympic bronze medalist Wilson Kipsang. After the club runners was the large mass of the field which included a wide range of abilities, many have their own personal reason for competing often raising a large amount of money for charity. The crowds grow year on year and many consider this year the largest yet, with many people coming onto the Island to support their family members. The mens race was won by Tsegeye Kebede, second was Emmanuel Mutai and Ayele Abshero third. The womens race was won by Priscah Jeptoo, second was Edna Kiplagat and Yukiko Akaba third. However everyone who completes the race and the various charities are the real winners . The Isle of Dogs and the London Marathon – Part 1 – History The Marathon route around the Isle of Dogs Regular readers of the blog will know that I often comment the Isle of Dogs is relatively unknown to fellow Londoners and a wider audience . However for one day in April it receives national and international interest due to its role in the London Marathon. Many thousands of people will be pounding the streets of the Isle of Dogs and many thousands more will be lining the streets. However this is a bit of a contrast to the early days of the Marathon in the 1980s when the Isle of Dogs suffered from transport problems and spectators generally watched the race in Greenwich and Central London. Local people supported the race but the population of the Isle of Dogs was a great deal smaller than today. In the 1980s and 1990s race organisers had to contend with the massive building projects in Canary Wharf and often had to make small adjustments to the course. A bigger change was made in 2005 , when the organisers decided to go anti – clockwise around the ” Island”. For most runners the narrow streets and the winding part of the course in the Isle of Dogs at the 14 – 21 miles point has always been a challenge. For a number of runners they hit the “wall ” at this stage and struggle to complete the course. The Marathon itself has grown in size and popularity year by year balancing the elite races which has been won by some of the greatest marathon runners and the mass of runners who include some who often dress up in outlandish outfits.This year there will be added interest with the appearance of Mo Farah long distance hero from last years Olympic in nearby Stratford. The first London Marathon was held in 1981, more than 20.000 applied to run, 6747 were accepted and 6,225 crossed the finishing line. In 2012 a record 36,705 crossed the line out of the 37,227 who started. The London Marathon is the largest annual fundraising event in the world, in 2012 runners raised £52.8 million for charities taking the total raised in all the London marathons to a staggering £610 million.
Last Updated: Friday, July 04, 2014, 08:53 US scientists said Thursday two distant Earth-like planets, which some believed might be able to harbor life, do not actually exist and that astronomers were confused by a star`s sunspots. Last Updated: Thursday, June 05, 2014, 21:58 In what could provide new insight into the structure of the early universe, light from the enormous explosion of a star more than 12 billion years ago - shortly after the Big Bang - was recently seen reaching earth. Last Updated: Tuesday, May 20, 2014, 12:42 Some Sun-like stars are `earth-eaters` and while they are developing they ingest large amounts of the rocky material from which `terrestrial` planets like Earth, Mars and Venus are made. Last Updated: Tuesday, May 20, 2014, 11:33 NASA and its international partners get the go-ahead to start construction on a new Mars lander after it completed a successful Mission Critical Design Review on Friday. Last Updated: Thursday, February 27, 2014, 13:16 Scientists have looked at how Earth-like planets form and suggest that many of them may be a lot less clement than was thought. Last Updated: Wednesday, January 08, 2014, 21:46 Scottish scientists are developing a new kind of laser that could help astronomers to find small Earth-like planets outside our solar system. Last Updated: Tuesday, December 24, 2013, 17:52 What if you are told that a wave can find earth-like planets, identify unknown substances for the medical fraternity and boost the capacity of existing telecom networks? Last Updated: Tuesday, November 05, 2013, 19:50 Twenty per cent of Sun-like stars in our Milky Way galaxy have Earth-sized planets that could potentially host life, a new study has found. Last Updated: Thursday, October 31, 2013, 09:15 For the first time, scientists have found a planet beyond the solar system that not only is the same size as Earth, but has the same proportions of iron and rock, a key step in an ongoing quest to find potentially habitable sister worlds. Last Updated: Friday, July 19, 2013, 12:55 NASA says it will try to fix its space telescope that hunts for planets outside our solar system. Last Updated: Friday, April 19, 2013, 10:25 Scientists have discovered two Earth-like planets in the habitable orbit of a Sun-like star. Last Updated: Thursday, April 04, 2013, 14:07 Scientists have proposed a new method for finding Earth-like planets in our Milky Way galaxy and they anticipate that their number may be up to a whopping 100 billion. more videos >>
Team Leader Fixed Term Contract until 31st August 2020 Do you have an in-depth understanding of domestic abuse and its effects on men, women and children with significant experience of managing a busy caseload? Are you looking for the perfect environment to put your skills to great use? Welcome to My Time as a Team Leader - DVPP. A division of Richmond Fellowship, My Time provides a range of Domestic Abuse and mental health services across the West Midlands. Right now, we need a suitably qualified individual to line manage a team and oversee the delivery of our Domestic Abuse perpetrator services. Working alongside the clinical lead and service manager you will monitor the quality and support provided to clients in line with service models and RESPECT standards. Within this role you are required to ensure that data entry & reporting on systems is accurate, timely and in line with quality assurance requirements. Undertaking scheduled service audits will be important too, as will assisting the clinical lead to manage the risk within Domestic Abuse services in collaboration with the service manager and SMT. Providing inductions, supervision and coaching to your team, allocating resources appropriately and ensuring safe working practices are put in place to support clients appropriately – all are aspects of this challenging role. To succeed, you’ll need a recognised qualification and/or experience in counselling and psychotherapy or a degree in psychology, health and social care. We’ll also be looking for relevant clinical experience, knowledge of patterns of behaviour in domestic abuse perpetrators and an understanding of the need to offer an integrated service. Familiarity with safeguarding of vulnerable adults and children L3 or above is also desirable, as is CBT knowledge and experience of challenging cognitive distortions. A key requirement will be to have a flexible approach, the ability to think laterally and creatively and a flair for managing conflicting demands and priorities effectively. The closing date is 21st August 2019. So, are you ready to take on this rewarding role that comes with some really great benefits? Apply now via our website. My Time.
"Flying Blind, Flying Safe" by Mary Schiavo Parts of this book are disturbingly familiar for those who follow the FAA's internal infighting, politicking and intrigue. Mary Schiavo, as the Inspector General of the Department of Transportation, tried to dig into the inner workings of the FAA, intrude on the good-old-boy network and root out mutual hand holding between the inspected and the inspectee. Unfortunately, she achieved only a modicum of success and a great deal of frustration. Of all the emotions -- and there are quite a few coming from this book -- Ms. Schiavo's frustration is at the head of the list. While we don't agree with many of her conclusions, the book makes interesting reading and provokes lots of thought. In the book's analysis of the ValuJet tragedy, the author makes the case that the FAA had to have known that ValuJet was not as safe as other airlines. The inference is clear here: that there was a conflict of interest between the FAA job of oversight and the FAA job of promoting aviation. The FAA wanted ValueJet to survive, but in order to help that along the FAA did not do a good enough job of overseeing and enforcing all the rules. While ValuJet is a particular case, Ms. Schiavo is also critical of the FAA inspectors, some of whom are not qualified to do their jobs. The main criticism she offers is the FAA's reluctance to do anything about its many shortcomings, some of which she, as Inspector general, brought to their attention. While we all know that any government agency is by definition "political", the FAA seems to have gone over the deep end in this regard. How safe do we want our airlines to be? A friend who ran a charter service once related a story to me about a customer who asked how safe was the flight he was about to make considering the poor weather he saw outside. My friend replied, "We don't think about how safe, we just decide if the flight can be made safely -- if so we fly the trip, if not we don't go. It is either safe or it isn't." Do any of us think about the fact that night IFR is not as safe as day VFR? Will you fly IFR in a single engine airplane? At night? We all know that nothing is 100% except taxes and the "D" word. So, how safe should a flight be? Flying Blind, Flying Safe tells us that the FAA has a formula that gives a value to human life, and using that number decides if the extra cost of extra safety is worth it dollars that need to be spent. For example, if equipping the airline fleet with smoke detectors in their baggage compartments would cost $100 million, but it would only save 10 lives each of which is worth $1 million, then spending the $100 million to save $10 million in lives is not worth doing. This is not acceptable to the author. (Note: The numbers used here are not real numbers, just ones used for explanation purposes). While equating human lives to a specific dollar amount is upsetting, there must be limits on what we would spend to make flying 100% safe. While we must strive to make flying as safe as possible, we must also realize that it is not without risk, even if that risk is exceptionally small. Ms. Schiavo is equally damning of the internal FAA politics and normal operating procedures. The administrator job, she charges, is just a glorified flying club. The administrators used the job to get rated in all types of aircraft operated by the FAA, spending time in the cockpit when they should have been spending the time running the Agency. She writes, "I can't remember when I started calling these men the 'Kidney Stone Administrators,' but I do know that it became apparent to me early on that they were tolerated only because everyone at the FAA knew it was merely time before they would pass." I found the chapters on the ValuJet crash, the FAA, bogus parts and other hard information on how the FAA operated and didn't operate to be interesting and thought-provoking. But when the book descends into aging airplanes, where to sit in commercial airlines to maximize your safety, which carriers have the best/worst accident rate and a final suggestion about which carriers not to fly, it loses credibility. There is more "scare" than facts in this part of the book and it diminishes the important issues brought out in the first part. Without regard for the law of holes which says, "when you are in a hole, stop digging," the book recommends that you carry your own smoke hoods, call the local FAA weather station to get a weather report to decide if you want to fly, avoid flying in thunderstorms and to keep an eye out for ice and snow on the plane's wings; then speak up and point it out to the cabin crew. All of this cheapens the effect and reduces the book to a trite "airline safety" novel. On the whole, the book has some worthwhile sections notwithstanding the soap opera ramblings at the end. Read the first half, then pass it along to another pilot-friend.
/* * Copyright (c) 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ #ifndef __J2D_NAMES_H__ #define __J2D_NAMES_H__ #if defined ( __USE_J2D_NAMES ) #define mlib_ImageDelete j2d_mlib_ImageDelete #define mlib_ImageCreateStruct j2d_mlib_ImageCreateStruct #define mlib_ImageLookUp j2d_mlib_ImageLookUp #define mlib_ImageCreate j2d_mlib_ImageCreate #define mlib_ImageConvMxN j2d_mlib_ImageConvMxN #define mlib_ImageAffine j2d_mlib_ImageAffine #define mlib_ImageConvKernelConvert j2d_mlib_ImageConvKernelConvert #endif // __USE_J2D_NAMES #endif //__J2D_NAMES_H__
Join the PubAffairs Network Established in January 2002, PubAffairs is the premier network and leading resource for the public affairs, government relations, policy and communications industry. The PubAffairs network numbers over 4,000 members and is free to join. PubAffairs operates a general e-Newsletter, as well as a number of other specific group e-Newsletters which are also available to join by completing our registration form. The PubAffairs e-Newsletters are used to keep members informed about upcoming PubAffairs events and networking opportunities, job vacancies, public affairs news, training courses, stakeholder events, publications, discount offers and other pieces of useful information related to the public affairs and communications industry. Search Jobs What have you done for me lately? Date: Friday 9th February 2018 Posted in: EU News, Industry News, The Week in Politics This week brought some slight hope for all those that have troubles changing their alarm clocks back and forth each spring and autumn. MEPs have tasked the European Commission to study changes to the summertime directive. According to scientists, changing to summertime has not delivered the expected energy savings – also negative effects on health and well-being could be observed. In the next steps of the revision process to the summertime directive, it will also have to be defined what will be the new ‘normal time’ – winter or summer time. Also good news this week for all online shopping aficionados. After intense debate at the Strasbourg Plenary, MEPs decided this week to stop geo-blocking. This is an important step for all consumers as the end of geo-blocking will ease price comparison when online shopping, and will allow to have more shopping choices across Europe. According to EC studies, a vast majority of online shopping platforms is applying geo-blocking. What is not yet covered by the decision is geo-blocking of online streaming services where their use is limited by country borders. Another topic of intense debate this week was the plenary vote on the reports of MEPs Huebner and Silva Perreira on the composition of the post-Brexit European Parliament. In the end, the European Parliament decided that 46 of the British MEPs seats will not be allocated to a new transnational list. Supporters of the proposal for a transnational list had underlined that it would create a sense of deepened unity among EU citizens. Opponents highlighted the distance between MEPs that would get elected on the basis of a transnational list and the electorate. As a result of the vote, the number of MEPs will be reduced from 751 to 705 after Brexit and 27 UK seats will be divided between 14 under-represented EU countries. Separately, MEPs confirmed the ‘Spitzenkandidaten’ process to determine the next Commission President. MEPs also expressed support for more research and innovation in clean energy this week, thereby making the energy system more affordable and efficient. The key factors to achieve that objective are the availability of both public and private investments, as well as the involvement of citizens. Available funding instruments should be clarified and increased in the next Framework Programme. Additionally, better coordination needs to take place between EU and national levels. Europe is globally leading in the development of clean energy technologies which are essential in achieving the 2030 decarbonisation goals. Finally, coalition negotiations were concluded this week in Germany, pending approval by the social-democratic party members. With social-democrats in two key Ministries (Foreign Affairs and Finances), EU reform discussions will likely receive new impetus.
/* * Copyright (2020) The Delta Lake Project Authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.spark.sql.delta import java.io.File import java.sql.Timestamp import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.{Calendar, Date, TimeZone} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.implicitConversions import org.apache.spark.sql.delta.DeltaHistoryManager.BufferingLogDeletionIterator import org.apache.spark.sql.delta.DeltaTestUtils.OptimisticTxnTestHelper import org.apache.spark.sql.delta.actions.AddFile import org.apache.spark.sql.delta.util.FileNames import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DateUtils import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileStatus, Path} import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, QueryTest, Row} import org.apache.spark.sql.test.{SharedSparkSession, SQLTestUtils} import org.apache.spark.util.ManualClock class DeltaTimeTravelSuite extends QueryTest with SharedSparkSession with SQLTestUtils { import testImplicits._ private val timeFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS") private implicit def durationToLong(duration: FiniteDuration): Long = { duration.toMillis } private implicit def longToTimestamp(ts: Long): Timestamp = new Timestamp(ts) private def modifyCommitTimestamp(deltaLog: DeltaLog, version: Long, ts: Long): Unit = { val file = new File(FileNames.deltaFile(deltaLog.logPath, version).toUri) file.setLastModified(ts) val crc = new File(FileNames.checksumFile(deltaLog.logPath, version).toUri) if (crc.exists()) { crc.setLastModified(ts) } } private def modifyCheckpointTimestamp(deltaLog: DeltaLog, version: Long, ts: Long): Unit = { val file = new File(FileNames.checkpointFileSingular(deltaLog.logPath, version).toUri) file.setLastModified(ts) } /** Generate commits with the given timestamp in millis. */ private def generateCommitsCheap(deltaLog: DeltaLog, commits: Long*): Unit = { var startVersion = deltaLog.snapshot.version + 1 commits.foreach { ts => val action = AddFile(startVersion.toString, Map.empty, 10L, startVersion, dataChange = true) deltaLog.startTransaction().commitManually(action) modifyCommitTimestamp(deltaLog, startVersion, ts) startVersion += 1 } } /** Generate commits with the given timestamp in millis. */ private def generateCommits(location: String, commits: Long*): Unit = { val deltaLog = DeltaLog.forTable(spark, location) var startVersion = deltaLog.snapshot.version + 1 commits.foreach { ts => val rangeStart = startVersion * 10 val rangeEnd = rangeStart + 10 spark.range(rangeStart, rangeEnd).write.format("delta").mode("append").save(location) val file = new File(FileNames.deltaFile(deltaLog.logPath, startVersion).toUri) file.setLastModified(ts) startVersion += 1 } } private def identifierWithTimestamp(identifier: String, ts: Long): String = { s"$identifier@${timeFormatter.format(new Date(ts))}" } private def identifierWithVersion(identifier: String, v: Long): String = { s"$identifier@v$v" } private implicit def longToTimestampExpr(value: Long): String = { s"cast($value / 1000 as timestamp)" } private def getSparkFormattedTimestamps(values: Long*): Seq[String] = { // Simulates getting timestamps directly from Spark SQL values.map(new Timestamp(_)).toDF("ts") .select($"ts".cast("string")).as[String].collect() .map(i => s"$i") } private def historyTest(testName: String)(f: DeltaLog => Unit): Unit = { testQuietly(testName) { withTempDir { dir => f(DeltaLog.forTable(spark, dir)) } } } historyTest("getCommits should monotonize timestamps") { deltaLog => val start = 1540415658000L // Make the commits out of order generateCommitsCheap(deltaLog, start, start - 5.seconds, // adjusts to start + 1 ms start + 1.milli, // adjusts to start + 2 ms start + 2.millis, // adjusts to start + 3 ms start - 2.seconds, // adjusts to start + 4 ms start + 10.seconds) val commits = DeltaHistoryManager.getCommits(deltaLog.store, deltaLog.logPath, 0, None) assert(commits.map(_.timestamp) === Seq(start, start + 1.millis, start + 2.millis, start + 3.millis, start + 4.millis, start + 10.seconds)) } historyTest("describe history timestamps are adjusted according to file timestamp") { deltaLog => // this is in '2018-10-24', so earlier than today. The recorded timestamps in commitInfo will // be much after this val start = 1540415658000L // Make the commits out of order generateCommitsCheap(deltaLog, start, start - 5.seconds, // adjusts to start + 1 ms start + 1.milli // adjusts to start + 2 ms ) val history = new DeltaHistoryManager(deltaLog) val commits = history.getHistory(None) assert(commits.map(_.timestamp.getTime) === Seq(start + 2.millis, start + 1.milli, start)) } historyTest("should filter only delta files when computing earliest version") { deltaLog => val start = 1540415658000L generateCommitsCheap(deltaLog, start, start + 10.seconds, start + 20.seconds) val history = new DeltaHistoryManager(deltaLog) assert(history.getActiveCommitAtTime(start + 15.seconds, false).version === 1) val commits2 = history.getHistory(Some(10)) assert(commits2.last.version === Some(0)) assert(new File(FileNames.deltaFile(deltaLog.logPath, 0L).toUri).delete()) val e = intercept[AnalysisException] { history.getActiveCommitAtTime(start + 15.seconds, false).version } assert(e.getMessage.contains("reproducible")) } historyTest("resolving commits should return commit before timestamp") { deltaLog => val start = 1540415658000L // Make a commit every 20 minutes val commits = Seq.tabulate(10)(i => start + (i * 20).minutes) generateCommitsCheap(deltaLog, commits: _*) // When maxKeys is 2, we will use the parallel search algorithm, when it is 1000, we will // use the linear search method Seq(1, 2, 1000).foreach { maxKeys => val history = new DeltaHistoryManager(deltaLog, maxKeys) (0 until 10).foreach { i => assert(history.getActiveCommitAtTime(start + (i * 20 + 10).minutes, true).version === i) } val e = intercept[AnalysisException] { // This is 20 minutes after the last commit history.getActiveCommitAtTime(start + 200.minutes, false) } assert(e.getMessage.contains("after the latest commit timestamp")) assert(history.getActiveCommitAtTime(start + 180.minutes, true).version === 9) val e2 = intercept[AnalysisException] { history.getActiveCommitAtTime(start - 10.minutes, true) } assert(e2.getMessage.contains("before the earliest version")) } } testQuietly("log cleanup should handle adjusted commit timestamps") { withTempDir { dir => val start = 1540415658000L val date = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")) date.setTimeInMillis(start) // We unfortunately need to set a weird timestamp due to day cutoffs val time = DateUtils.truncate(date, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH).getTimeInMillis - 10.seconds val clock = new ManualClock(time) val deltaLog = DeltaLog.forTable(spark, new Path(dir.toURI), clock) generateCommitsCheap(deltaLog, time) // we need this checkpoint so that we can delete starting with the first version deltaLog.checkpoint() modifyCheckpointTimestamp(deltaLog, deltaLog.snapshot.version, time) generateCommitsCheap(deltaLog, Seq(5, 10, 7, 8, 14).map(time + _.seconds): _*) // We need this checkpoint so that we can delete up to the last version deltaLog.checkpoint() modifyCheckpointTimestamp(deltaLog, deltaLog.snapshot.version, time + 14.seconds) assert(deltaLog.history.getHistory(0, None).map(_.timestamp.getTime).reverse === Seq(time, time + 5.seconds, time + 10.seconds, time + 10.seconds + 1, time + 10.seconds + 2, time + 14.seconds)) // We shouldn't be able to delete anything in the version range 2-4 clock.setTime(time + 10.seconds + deltaLog.deltaRetentionMillis) // Should delete commits at time and time + 5 deltaLog.cleanUpExpiredLogs() assert(deltaLog.history.getHistory(0, None).map(_.timestamp.getTime).reverse === Seq(time + 10.seconds, time + 10.seconds + 1, time + 10.seconds + 2, time + 14.seconds)) clock.setTime(time + 10.seconds + 1 + deltaLog.deltaRetentionMillis) deltaLog.cleanUpExpiredLogs() assert(deltaLog.history.getHistory(0, None).map(_.timestamp.getTime).reverse === Seq(time + 10.seconds, time + 10.seconds + 1, time + 10.seconds + 2, time + 14.seconds)) clock.setTime(time + 10.seconds + 2 + deltaLog.deltaRetentionMillis) deltaLog.cleanUpExpiredLogs() assert(deltaLog.history.getHistory(0, None).map(_.timestamp.getTime).reverse === Seq(time + 10.seconds, time + 10.seconds + 1, time + 10.seconds + 2, time + 14.seconds)) clock.setTime(time + 1.day + deltaLog.deltaRetentionMillis) deltaLog.cleanUpExpiredLogs() assert(deltaLog.history.getHistory(0, None).map(_.timestamp.getTime).reverse === Seq(time + 10.seconds, time + 10.seconds + 1, time + 10.seconds + 2, time + 14.seconds)) } } /** * Creates FileStatus objects, where the name is the version of a commit, and the modification * timestamps come from the input. */ private def createFileStatuses(modTimes: Long*): Iterator[FileStatus] = { modTimes.zipWithIndex.map { case (time, version) => new FileStatus(10L, false, 1, 10L, time, new Path(version.toString)) }.iterator } /** * Creates a log deletion iterator with a retention `maxTimestamp` and `maxVersion` (both * inclusive). The input iterator takes the original file timestamps, and the deleted output will * return the adjusted timestamps of files that would actually be consumed by the iterator. */ private def testBufferingLogDeletionIterator( maxTimestamp: Long, maxVersion: Long)(inputTimestamps: Seq[Long], deleted: Seq[Long]): Unit = { val i = new BufferingLogDeletionIterator( createFileStatuses(inputTimestamps: _*), maxTimestamp, maxVersion, _.getName.toLong) deleted.foreach { ts => assert(i.hasNext, s"Was supposed to delete $ts, but iterator returned hasNext: false") assert(i.next().getModificationTime === ts, "Returned files out of order!") } assert(!i.hasNext, "Iterator should be consumed") } test("BufferingLogDeletionIterator: iterator behavior") { val i1 = new BufferingLogDeletionIterator(Iterator.empty, 100, 100, _ => 1) intercept[NoSuchElementException](i1.next()) assert(!i1.hasNext) testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 100, maxVersion = 100)( inputTimestamps = Seq(10), deleted = Seq(10) ) testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 100, maxVersion = 100)( inputTimestamps = Seq(10, 15, 25), deleted = Seq(10, 15, 25) ) } test("BufferingLogDeletionIterator: " + "early exit while handling adjusted timestamps due to timestamp") { // only should return 5 because 5 < 7 testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 7, maxVersion = 100)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 12), deleted = Seq(5) ) // Should only return 5, because 10 is used to adjust the following 8 to 11 testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 10, maxVersion = 100)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 12), deleted = Seq(5) ) // When it is 11, we can delete both 10 and 8 testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 11, maxVersion = 100)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 12), deleted = Seq(5, 10, 11) ) // When it is 12, we can return all testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 12, maxVersion = 100)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 12), deleted = Seq(5, 10, 11, 12) ) // Should only return 5, because 10 is used to adjust the following 8 to 11 testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 10, maxVersion = 100)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8), deleted = Seq(5) ) // When it is 11, we can delete both 10 and 8 testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 11, maxVersion = 100)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8), deleted = Seq(5, 10, 11) ) } test("BufferingLogDeletionIterator: " + "early exit while handling adjusted timestamps due to version") { // only should return 5 because we can delete only up to version 0 testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 100, maxVersion = 0)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 12), deleted = Seq(5) ) // Should only return 5, because 10 is used to adjust the following 8 to 11 testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 100, maxVersion = 1)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 12), deleted = Seq(5) ) // When we can delete up to version 2, we can return up to version 2 testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 100, maxVersion = 2)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 12), deleted = Seq(5, 10, 11) ) // When it is version 3, we can return all testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 100, maxVersion = 3)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 12), deleted = Seq(5, 10, 11, 12) ) // Should only return 5, because 10 is used to adjust the following 8 to 11 testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 100, maxVersion = 1)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8), deleted = Seq(5) ) // When we can delete up to version 2, we can return up to version 2 testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 100, maxVersion = 2)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8), deleted = Seq(5, 10, 11) ) } test("BufferingLogDeletionIterator: multiple adjusted timestamps") { Seq(9, 10, 11).foreach { retentionTimestamp => // Files should be buffered but not deleted, because of the file 11, which has adjusted ts 12 testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = retentionTimestamp, maxVersion = 100)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 11, 14), deleted = Seq(5) ) } // Safe to delete everything before (including) file: 11 which has adjusted timestamp 12 testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 12, maxVersion = 100)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 11, 14), deleted = Seq(5, 10, 11, 12) ) Seq(0, 1, 2).foreach { retentionVersion => testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 100, maxVersion = retentionVersion)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 11, 14), deleted = Seq(5) ) } testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 100, maxVersion = 3)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 11, 14), deleted = Seq(5, 10, 11, 12) ) // Test when the last element is adjusted with both timestamp and version Seq(9, 10, 11).foreach { retentionTimestamp => testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = retentionTimestamp, maxVersion = 100)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 9), deleted = Seq(5) ) } testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 12, maxVersion = 100)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 9), deleted = Seq(5, 10, 11, 12) ) Seq(0, 1, 2).foreach { retentionVersion => testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 100, maxVersion = retentionVersion)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 9), deleted = Seq(5) ) } testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 100, maxVersion = 3)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 9), deleted = Seq(5, 10, 11, 12) ) Seq(9, 10, 11).foreach { retentionTimestamp => testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = retentionTimestamp, maxVersion = 100)( inputTimestamps = Seq(10, 8, 9), deleted = Nil ) } // Test the first element causing cascading adjustments testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 12, maxVersion = 100)( inputTimestamps = Seq(10, 8, 9), deleted = Seq(10, 11, 12) ) Seq(0, 1).foreach { retentionVersion => testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 100, maxVersion = retentionVersion)( inputTimestamps = Seq(10, 8, 9), deleted = Nil ) } testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 100, maxVersion = 2)( inputTimestamps = Seq(10, 8, 9), deleted = Seq(10, 11, 12) ) // Test multiple batches of time adjustments testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 12, maxVersion = 100)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 9, 12, 15, 14, 14), // 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 deleted = Seq(5) ) Seq(13, 14, 15, 16).foreach { retentionTimestamp => testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = retentionTimestamp, maxVersion = 100)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 9, 12, 15, 14, 14), // 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 deleted = Seq(5, 10, 11, 12, 13) ) } testBufferingLogDeletionIterator(maxTimestamp = 17, maxVersion = 100)( inputTimestamps = Seq(5, 10, 8, 9, 12, 15, 14, 14), // 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 deleted = Seq(5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17) ) } test("as of timestamp in between commits should use commit before timestamp") { withTempDir { dir => val tblLoc = dir.getCanonicalPath val start = 1540415658000L generateCommits(tblLoc, start, start + 20.minutes, start + 40.minutes) val tablePathUri = identifierWithTimestamp(tblLoc, start + 10.minutes) val df1 = spark.read.format("delta").load(tablePathUri) checkAnswer(df1.groupBy().count(), Row(10L)) // 2 minutes after start val df2 = spark.read.format("delta").option("timestampAsOf", "2018-10-24 14:16:18") .load(tblLoc) checkAnswer(df2.groupBy().count(), Row(10L)) } } test("as of timestamp on exact timestamp") { withTempDir { dir => val tblLoc = dir.getCanonicalPath val start = 1540415658000L generateCommits(tblLoc, start, start + 20.minutes) // Simulate getting the timestamp directly from Spark SQL val ts = getSparkFormattedTimestamps(start, start + 20.minutes) checkAnswer( spark.read.format("delta").option("timestampAsOf", ts.head).load(tblLoc).groupBy().count(), Row(10L) ) checkAnswer( spark.read.format("delta").option("timestampAsOf", ts(1)).load(tblLoc).groupBy().count(), Row(20L) ) checkAnswer( spark.read.format("delta").load(identifierWithTimestamp(tblLoc, start)).groupBy().count(), Row(10L) ) checkAnswer( spark.read.format("delta").load(identifierWithTimestamp(tblLoc, start + 20.minutes)) .groupBy().count(), Row(20L) ) } } test("as of exact timestamp after last commit should fail") { withTempDir { dir => val tblLoc = dir.getCanonicalPath val start = 1540415658000L generateCommits(tblLoc, start) // Simulate getting the timestamp directly from Spark SQL val ts = getSparkFormattedTimestamps(start + 10.minutes) val e1 = intercept[AnalysisException] { spark.read.format("delta").option("timestampAsOf", ts.head).load(tblLoc).collect() } assert(e1.getMessage.contains("VERSION AS OF 0")) assert(e1.getMessage.contains("TIMESTAMP AS OF '2018-10-24 14:14:18'")) val e2 = intercept[AnalysisException] { spark.read.format("delta").load(identifierWithTimestamp(tblLoc, start + 10.minutes)) .collect() } assert(e2.getMessage.contains("VERSION AS OF 0")) assert(e2.getMessage.contains("TIMESTAMP AS OF '2018-10-24 14:14:18'")) checkAnswer( spark.read.format("delta").option("timestampAsOf", "2018-10-24 14:14:18") .load(tblLoc).groupBy().count(), Row(10) ) } } test("as of with versions") { withTempDir { dir => val tblLoc = dir.getCanonicalPath val start = 1540415658000L generateCommits(tblLoc, start, start + 20.minutes, start + 40.minutes) val df = spark.read.format("delta").load(identifierWithVersion(tblLoc, 0)) checkAnswer(df.groupBy().count(), Row(10L)) checkAnswer( spark.read.format("delta").option("versionAsOf", "0").load(tblLoc).groupBy().count(), Row(10) ) checkAnswer( spark.read.format("delta").option("versionAsOf", 1).load(tblLoc).groupBy().count(), Row(20) ) val e1 = intercept[AnalysisException] { spark.read.format("delta").option("versionAsOf", 3).load(tblLoc).collect() } assert(e1.getMessage.contains("[0, 2]")) val deltaLog = DeltaLog.forTable(spark, tblLoc) new File(FileNames.deltaFile(deltaLog.logPath, 0).toUri).delete() val e2 = intercept[AnalysisException] { spark.read.format("delta").option("versionAsOf", 0).load(tblLoc).collect() } assert(e2.getMessage.contains("reproducible")) } } test("time travelling with adjusted timestamps") { withTempDir { dir => val tblLoc = dir.getCanonicalPath val start = 1540415658000L generateCommits(tblLoc, start, start - 5.seconds, start + 3.minutes) val ts = getSparkFormattedTimestamps( start, start + 1.milli, start + 119.seconds, start - 3.seconds) checkAnswer( spark.read.option("timestampAsOf", ts.head).format("delta").load(tblLoc).groupBy().count(), Row(10L) ) checkAnswer( spark.read.option("timestampAsOf", ts(1)).format("delta").load(tblLoc).groupBy().count(), Row(20L) ) checkAnswer( spark.read.option("timestampAsOf", ts(2)).format("delta").load(tblLoc).groupBy().count(), Row(20L) ) val e = intercept[AnalysisException] { spark.read.option("timestampAsOf", ts(3)).format("delta").load(tblLoc).collect() } assert(e.getMessage.contains("before the earliest version")) } } test("can't provide both version and timestamp in DataFrameReader") { val e = intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { spark.read.option("versionaSof", 1) .option("timestampAsOF", "fake").format("delta").load("/some/fake") } assert(e.getMessage.contains("either provide 'timestampAsOf' or 'versionAsOf'")) } test("don't time travel a valid delta path with @ syntax") { withTempDir { dir => val path = new File(dir, "base@v0").getCanonicalPath spark.range(10).write.format("delta").mode("append").save(path) spark.range(10).write.format("delta").mode("append").save(path) checkAnswer( spark.read.format("delta").load(path), spark.range(10).union(spark.range(10)).toDF() ) checkAnswer( spark.read.format("delta").load(path + "@v0"), spark.range(10).toDF() ) } } test("don't time travel a valid non-delta path with @ syntax") { val format = "json" withTempDir { dir => val path = new File(dir, "base@v0").getCanonicalPath spark.range(10).write.format(format).mode("append").save(path) spark.range(10).write.format(format).mode("append").save(path) checkAnswer( spark.read.format(format).load(path), spark.range(10).union(spark.range(10)).toDF() ) checkAnswer( spark.table(s"$format.`$path`"), spark.range(10).union(spark.range(10)).toDF() ) intercept[AnalysisException] { spark.read.format(format).load(path + "@v0").count() } intercept[AnalysisException] { spark.table(s"$format.`$path@v0`").count() } } } test("time travel with schema changes - should instantiate old schema") { withTempDir { dir => val tblLoc = dir.getCanonicalPath spark.range(10).write.format("delta").mode("append").save(tblLoc) spark.range(10, 20).withColumn("part", 'id) .write.format("delta").mode("append").option("mergeSchema", true).save(tblLoc) checkAnswer( spark.read.option("versionAsOf", 0).format("delta").load(tblLoc), spark.range(10).toDF()) checkAnswer( spark.read.format("delta").load(identifierWithVersion(tblLoc, 0)), spark.range(10).toDF()) } } test("time travel with partition changes - should instantiate old schema") { withTempDir { dir => val tblLoc = dir.getCanonicalPath val v0 = spark.range(10).withColumn("part5", 'id % 5) v0.write.format("delta").partitionBy("part5").mode("append").save(tblLoc) spark.range(10, 20).withColumn("part2", 'id % 2) .write .format("delta") .partitionBy("part2") .mode("overwrite") .option("overwriteSchema", true) .save(tblLoc) checkAnswer( spark.read.option("versionAsOf", 0).format("delta").load(tblLoc), v0) checkAnswer( spark.read.format("delta").load(identifierWithVersion(tblLoc, 0)), v0) } } }
Targeting Specific WordPress Post or Page with CSS. July 3rd 2015 Just a quick note – maybe help someone out there in the world. One of our clients wants each header on each page and post to have a unique background image. So we were confronted with the problem of how to make this happen not just with pages but post as well. The drawback of course is that our css file can get bloated as this moves forward however the client was happy with the speed loss compromise. The best way we found to do it was to target the body and then the specific page / post and header element. So: Pages: /* Home bg ******/ body.page-id-21 .builder-module-1-background-wrapper { background: url() no-repeat top fixed !important; } This site was built with iThemes Builder Child Theme (which we highly recommend). body.page-id-21 = This is the page id of the specific page are targeting. You can find this in the WordPress admin if you are editing the intended page and look at the address bar you’ll see the id there. For example our homepage in the address bar looks like this: You see the 21 in there. Now with pages it is best to change the word post to page (only with pages – with blog post stick to post) so you get body.page-id-21 .builder-module-1-background-wrapper = this is the div that contains the header image. You can use Firebug for Firefox or Chrome’s developers tools to find what yours is and then just put it in place via class(.) or id(#) and then in our case we want a different background image so we have: background: url() no-repeat top fixed !important; All done and we move to the next page. /* Bio bg ******/ body.page-id-8456 .builder-module-1-background-wrapper { background: url() no-repeat top fixed !important; } Post operate the same with one important difference. /* Post Topic ******/ body.postid-3784 .builder-module-1-background-wrapper { background: url() no-repeat top fixed !important; } body.postid-3784: .postid- is different for post for pages we were using .page-id- So you’ll want to make a note of that. We did a bit of reseach and there are other methods to accomplish this however for us this was the best one at the time. Alright let us know if you have and questions.
1. Field of the Invention The present invention is directed to a method and computed tomography apparatus for reconstructing an image from measured values acquired by conducting a spiral scan of an examination subject. 2. Description of the Prior Art Methods are known for the reconstruction of images of a slice of an examination subject having a slice thickness with respect to an image plane from measured values acquired with a CT apparatus by conducting a spiral scan of the examination subject with an x-ray source rotating around the examination subject and a detector formed by at least one line of detector elements. In such known methods, measured values are respectively allocated to different projection angles .alpha. and to a z-position on the longitudinal axis of the spiral scan, and a constant, dimensionless pitch p is adhered to during the spiral scan. This pitch p is defined as the ratio of the relative longitudinal shift (in mm) between (a) the examination subject, the x-ray source and the detector which occurs per full revolution of the x-ray source around the examination subject, and (b) the longitudinal width (in mm) of a line of the detector. "Longitudinal" means the direction of the longitudinal axis of the spiral scan. CT apparatuses for the implementation of such methods are also known. Methods and CT apparatuses of this type are disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,559,847, European Application 0 713 678, U.S. Pat. No. 5,539,796 and in Polacin et al., "Evaluation of Section Sensitivity Profiles and Image Noise in Spiral CT", Radiology, 1992, No. 185, pages 29 through 35. In the reconstruction of images from measured values acquired by spiral scanning with a CT apparatus having a single-line detector, an interpolation between the measured values lying in front of and behind the image plane is implemented for each projection angle for generating calculated projections in the desired image plane. Two interpolation methods are currently most standard: In the first, a linear interpolation is undertaken between respectively two measured projections lying closest to the image plane, these having been registered at the same projection angle a but in different revolutions. This type of interpolation is referred as 360LI interpolation. In the second method, an interpolation also is undertaken between two projections lying closest to the image plane, but one is registered at the projection angle .alpha..sub.d and the other is registered at the projection angle .alpha..sub.c complementary thereto (.alpha..sub.c =.alpha..sub.d.+-..pi. is valid for the middle detector element of the detector). This type of interpolation is referred to as 180LI interpolation. Given the same pitch, it supplies narrower effective layer widths (characterized, for example, by the full width at half maximum FWHM of the layer sensitivity profile) than the 360LI interpolation. Given the same output power (mA value) of the x-ray source, for example an x-ray tube, the pixel noise is increased in comparison to the 360LI interpolation as a tradeoff. The artifact susceptibility is also higher. Both interpolation types are illustrated schematically in FIG. 2 for the pitch p=2, with the projection angle .alpha. being shown as a function of the detector position in the z-direction. The projection angle .alpha. is entered on the longitudinal axis of the spiral scan (z-position) relative to the position normalized to the width b of a line of the detector. All conventional interpolation methods for spiral scanning with a single-line detector have in common the fact that the width of the slice sensitivity profile (characterized, for example, by the full width at half maximum FWHM) increases with increasing pitch p. This is shown in FIG. 3 for the 180LI and the 360LI interpolation, which shows the full width at half maximum FWHM of the slice sensitivity profile referred to the collimated layer thickness d.sub.coll as a function of the pitch p. The relationship according to FIG. 3 complicates the procedure, particularly for unfamiliar users and represents a limitation in the selection of the examination parameters. The situation becomes even less easily predictable when conventional interpolation techniques, for example the 36OLI or 180LI interpolation, are employed for spiral scans implemented with a multi-line detector. FIG. 4 shows the full wave at half maximum FWHM of the slice sensitivity profile deriving in a 360LI and in a 180LI interpolation, again relative to the collimated slice thickness d.sub.coll, as a function of the pitch p for a CT apparatus having a five-line detector. The full wave at half maximum now changes non-monotonously with the pitch. The relationship is not intuitive and is difficult to understand. Thus, for example, the full wave at half maximum FWHM can decrease given increasing pitch p.
Q: How to sort a ChoiceField in a ModelForm? I have a model that contains a user field. usr = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='+', limit_choices_to={'is_active': True}) I have a ModelForm (shown below) that allows the usr to be set: this all works fine. However, the list of users is presented in a random order. class MyModelForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = MyModel fields = ['usr', ] How can I sort the list of active users in the drop down? A: One option is to set the ordering for your model. In your form, the model choice field should use the same ordering. class MyModel(models.Model): ... class Meta: ordering = ['username'] If you want a different ordering in your model form, then you can use a ModelChoiceField and order the queryset. class MyModelForm(forms.ModelForm): usr = forms.ModelChoiceField(Usr.objects.order_by('username')) class Meta: model = MyModel fields = ['usr', ] The disadvantage of this is you lose information from the model field (e.g. help_text) unless you duplicate it in the form. To prevent duplication, you can replace the queryset in the __init__ method. class MyModelForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = MyModel fields = ['usr', ] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MyModelForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['usr'].queryset = self.fields['usr'].queryset.order_by('username')
In The Studio With… Designer Drugs: Through the Prism By: Justin Hampton “I’d like to put Nine Inch Nails on our next Datamix,” Michael Vincent Patrick confesses as he discusses the 13th installation of Designer Drugs’ popular online mixtape series, “Or maybe Marilyn Manson.” After all, somebody’s gotta hold it down for the dark side in New York City, even if the other half of the duo (Theodore Paul Nelson) attends med school in West Virginia. Since the duo’s formation in Philadelphia, Designer Drugs has risen from the depths to fulfill this role with their canny mixture of vintage goth-industrial atmosphere and sleazy electro attitude, which they’ve spread through originals such as “ZOMBIES!” and remixes for Mariah Carey, Annie and the Klaxons. Their latest CD, Hardcore/Softcore [Ultra], displays all of Designer Drugs’ musical urges, from sparkly Euro-disco (“Crazy For You,” featuring Annie) to slimy future funk (“Through The Prism,” which recently got a rollicking remix from Drop the Lime). For all of these productions, work begins at Patrick’s studio with Nelson and an assistant engineer, who may also shuttle sounds to a separate studio in Philly. There, the duo keeps outboard gear such as a vintage Neotek console, which accounts for the wobbly bass sounds on “Through The Prism,” and compressors by Avalon, ART and Drawmer. On the digital end, writing is done in Logic Audio and the mixing in Pro Tools, along with 29 soft synths. Among these, Patrick highlights the Korg Mono/Poly Emulation and the LennarDigital Sylenth1 as favorites. The group’s vocals are recorded on a Neumann U87 microphone, compressed and amped through the Avalon and sent through the Neotek board into Logic, where it undergoes further compression and EQing using Waves C1. They’re also not above using Autotune or Melodyne to thrust vocals up an octave. “On the song, ‘For All We Know,’ the vocal is actually quite processed,” says Patrick, offering an example with the dark, nervy track. “It’s pitched up about an octave, but it’s only mixed in about an octave. It’s only mixed in maybe 70-percent, so the lower vocal’s in there as well.” [button_2 color=”#ff0011" size=”button-med” icon=”none” float=”left” text=”Read More” link=”"]
We are still pushing our way through the tens of thousands of images that we shot this fall and had this day of event slideshow sitting here waiting to be posted! Sorry for the delay guys, but here is your day of slideshow! We originally met David while he was still living in the North End, and was gracious enough to help our son prepare for his delayed baptism and first communion. Because he was going through the sacraments later than most, but not as an adult it was tough finding an appropriate class to get him ready. That's when one of our priests told us he had talked to David. We were so overwhelmingly relieved and happy that he was willing to help us! Our son always looked forward to their weekly chats at Caffe Vittoria where they would chat over biscotti and espresso. When we heard that David had asked Mariela to marry him, we were so thrilled for the both of them! We jumped at the chance to work with the both of them and be a part of their amazing day, especially after David had made such a big impact on our family! The day was perfect, both of them getting ready with close family and heading over to St. Cecelia's Church for their stunning ceremony. Immediately after, we all hopped into the party bus to take pictures with the family and the stunning couple at the Public Garden. Their reception was another hidden gem on Commonwealth Ave. The longer we are here, the more we discover these gorgeous estates that you would never know are there! The College Club of Boston was definitely one of those places! You walk in and can't help but day dreaming back to a time when this timeless venue had to be someone's home. The intimate reception was held on the second floor and was the perfect place to celebrate their day with their closest family and friends. Congrats again to you both!
[ bestbiblestudyonearth ] Main Menu News Content THE JOY OF THE LORD IS---WILL BE---YOUR STRENGTH. BESTBIBLE. on Thursday 09 November 2017 - 09:45:54 | The joy of the Lord is your strength. Let it not be a *carnal *sensual joy, but holy and spiritual, the joy of the Lord, joy in the goodness of God the Father, under the direction and government of the *grace of God the Father, joy arising from our interest in the love and undeserved favor of God the Father and the tokens [signs] of his undeserved favor. This joy will be your strength, therefore encourage [maintain and protect] it. *carnal [worldly]; [opposed to spiritual]; [*sensual]. *sensual [physical]; [worldly]. *grace [God the Father’s undeserved favor and good will; the tree of life]. First, The joy of the Lord will be your strength for the performance of our other duties. The more cheerful we are in our religious exercises the more we shall abound [increase] in them. Secondly, The joy of the Lord will also be your strength for all that which you have to do in *conformity to the law of God the Father which has been read to you in the *true Holy Bible. Holy [not worldly] joy will be oil to the wheels of our obedience. *conformity to [being like]; [living and acting according to]; [similar to]; [in agreement with]. ]. Thirdly, The joy of the Lord will also be your strength for the resisting [fighting off] of your enemies that are plotting [planning] against you. The joy of the Lord will arm us against the assaults [attacks] of our spiritual enemies, and put our mouths out of taste for those worldly pleasures with which the tempter [*Satan] baits his hooks and uses his *wiles. *Satan [the devil; the liar; the false accuser; the enemy of all good]. *wiles [tricks and attractions to sin [disobey]. PHILIPPIANS 4:4, “REJOICE IN THE LORD [God the Father] ALWAYS[s]: AND AGAIN *I SAY, REJOICE.” *I [Paul the Apostle [one directly sent by *Jesus]. *Jesus [the *Word of God the Father]. *Word [Revelation 19:13 “And he [*Jesus] was clothed with a vesture [garment] dipped in blood and his name is called the word of God [the Father].” Here, Paul exhorts [urges and comforts] to holy joy and delight in God the Father; "Rejoice in the Lord [God the Father] always, and again I say, Rejoice." All of our joy must end in God the Father; and our thoughts of God the Father must be delightful thoughts. "Delight thyself [yourself] in the Lord [God the Father],” Psalm 37:4. In our many thoughts within us [serious and troubling thoughts] his comforts delight our souls [spirits], Psalm 94:19, and our meditation [thought] of him is sweet, Psalm 104:34. Observe, It is our duty and privilege [benefit] to rejoice in God the Father, and to rejoice in him always; at all times, in all conditions; even when we suffer for him, or are afflicted [troubled] by him. We must not think the worse of him or of his ways for the hardships we meet with in his service. There is enough in God the Father to furnish [supply] us with matter of joy in the worst circumstance [condition] on earth. Paul had said it before [chapter 3:1], "Finally, my brethren [brothers and sisters], rejoice in the Lord [God the Father]." Here he says it again, "Rejoice in the Lord [God the Father] always; and again I say Rejoice." Joy in God the Father is a duty of great effect in the true *Christian life; and true Christians need to be again and again called to it. If good men have not a continual [constant] feast of joy in the Lord, it is their own fault, their thoughts are not stayed upon God the Father, as commanded in *Isaiah 26:3. *Christian [a true follower of *Jesus and his teaching]. *Jesus [the *Word of God the Father]. *Word [Revelation 19:13 “And he [*Jesus] was clothed with a vesture [garment] dipped in blood and his name is called the word of God [the Father].” *Isaiah 26:3, “Thou [you, God the Father] wilt [will] keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee [you]: because he trusteth [trusts] in thee [you]. All who belong to the church [all [all things that happen], must firmly and faithfully adhere [stick] to him, with an entire [complete] satisfaction in him; and such as do so God the Father will keep in perpetual [everlasting] peace, and that peace shall keep them. When evil tidings are [bad news is] abroad [far and wide] those shall calmly expect the event, and not be disturbed by frightful uneasiness arising from them, whose hearts are fixed, trusting in the Lord God the Father, Psalm 112:7, “He shall not be afraid of evil tidings [bad news]: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord [God the Father].” *conscience [men’s God given sense of right and wrong; God the Father’s deputy [second in command] in the soul [spirit]; [the voice of conscience is the voice]. News Categories This site is powered by e107 , which is released under the terms of the GNU GPL License. 'sebes' by jalist
The One That Got Away Ad blocker interference detected! Wikia is a free-to-use site that makes money from advertising. We have a modified experience for viewers using ad blockers Wikia is not accessible if you’ve made further modifications. Remove the custom ad blocker rule(s) and the page will load as expected. “Hey man, do you want to hear a story?” I slowly opened my eyes. It was probably around seven in the morning and I was dead tired. My roommate was already dressed and sitting on his bed. I struggled to speak, “Uh… yeah. Sure.” My roommate began: “So when my dad was about ten years old, he lived in a nice little suburban town. He was really good friends with all his neighbors, as his parents were socialites. There was one neighbor that his family loved in particular. The man’s name was John. He used to come over and bring the family meals or cookies. He seemed to be a relatively lonely man.” I started to drift back to sleep. This story was pointless. “He was so lonely that my grandparents recognized that in him and invited him over for dinner every single week. This allowed them to keep up their social activities with their neighbors while doing some good in return; my grandparents were really generous people. “My dad was always afraid of John; he was shy in general so it was hard for him to make friends. After fifteen or so dinners, he started to talk to John more fluently. Conversations weren’t sparse or one word answers. He started to become friends with John. “One day, when my grandparents went out to dinner, they asked John to watch my dad while they were out. John gladly agreed and asked them if they needed any sort of other favors. By this time in their friendship, the three adults were very close friends and loved spending time together.” My roommate continued talking and I was forced to sit up and listen. Things seemed to be getting mildly interesting. “So my grandparents dropped my dad off at John’s house and went out to a party. My dad was bored and nervous, so John did his best to entertain him. John was an entertainer at heart. He loved to make people laugh. Eventually, he did some magic tricks and jokes for my dad and they were both cackling with laughter and rolling all over the floor. “After awhile, my dad asked for some water. All the laughing made him thirsty.” My roommate chuckled. “John gladly got him the glass, but as soon as he handed it to my dad, things got really weird. “John asked my dad if he was feeling okay. He started asking odd questions like if my dad was excited. My dad’s responses were normal at first, but the questions kept getting odder and odder that he began to stammer. At this point John tried to calm my dad down and told him that if he remained calm he was going to show him a surprise. My dad, slightly curious, asked what the surprise was and John told him that he would have to show him in the basement. “John attempted to grab my dad’s arm and walk towards the door to the basement but my dad ducked away and ran right out the front door. He started freaking out and kept running until he reached a friend’s house a mile down the road.” I sat there, nearly paralyzed. I almost just shrugged a story about attempted child rape off like it was a pointless anecdote. “What happened?” I asked. “Well, my dad told his friend’s parents that he got scared of John and ran there instead. They told him he didn’t have to go back and he could remain there until my grandparents returned from their party. About two hours later, my grandparents returned home and got a call from my dad’s friend’s parents that said he was at their house. They picked him up and my dad told them the story of what happened. “My grandparents were of course unsure as to what happened since it was coming from a ten-year-old, but they decided that the best course of action was to cut John off from their social life. A week later, John was arrested.” I stared at him, dumbfounded. Why the hell did he just tell me this story? “Their neighbor, was John Wayne Gacy.” “What.” “My dad almost died. He was the last boy Gacy had contact with. I almost didn’t exist. Isn’t that weird?”
Dead at Florida Nursing Home that Lost Power During Hurricane Eight patients at a sweltering Hollywood nursing home died in Hurricane Irma's aftermath, authorities said yesterday, as people confronted a multitude of new hazards in the storm's wake, including tree-clearing accidents and lethal fumes from generators. Some 120 residents of the facility have been evacuated "due to intense heat and no power", WSVN said. Not counting the nursing home deaths, at least 13 people in Florida have died in Irma-related circumstances, many of them well after the storm had passed. Jacksonville Sheriff's officials say 42-year-old Blake Lee Waller and 46-year-old Victor Walter Apeler were arrested on grand theft charges Wednesday after someone reported seeing them load the pole onto a sports utility vehicle. Gould said FPL met with Broward County officials in March before the storm season to discuss what facilities would be prioritized for power restoration this year. "Like many places in South Florida, the nursing home has been without power since being blasted by tropical storm winds with hurricane gusts on the edge of Hurricane Irma". The center is a 152-bed, skilled nurse facility and is located across the street from the Memorial Regional Hospital, according to the center's website. McMaster defends Trump tweets on United Kingdom attack The president has repeatedly criticized London Mayor Sadiq Khan, the British capital's first Muslim leader. Trump has repeatedly pointed to his travel ban as a cornerstone of his counterterrorism platform. Trump scolded by police and PM for 'unhelpful' tweets after London attack Trump's travel ban blocked the entry of citizens from six Muslim-majority countries for 90 days and all refugees for 120 days. The Met Police has dismissed his claims as "pure speculation" and Prime Minister Theresa May branded his remarks unhelpful.. ~150 of Florida's almost 700 nursing facilities do not have power restored, according to the Florida Health Care Association advocacy group. Statewide, Hurricane Irma left 39 nursing homes out of nearly 700 without power on Thursday. "Although the details of these reported deaths are still under investigation, this situation is unfathomable", he said. Another person, who tried to get out of the home, was found dead on the front lawn, while four others from inside the home were taken to a nearby hospital. In addition to severe flooding across Florida and extensive property damage in the Keys, residents faced widespread power outages that initially plunged more than half the state into darkness. The medical examiner's office said the victims were five women and three men, ages 70 to 99. Hollywood police said in a statement Thursday that state and local authorities are conducting a criminal investigation to determine what led to the patient deaths at The Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills. Gail Matillo, president and CEO of the assisted living industry group Florida Argentum, said Wednesday that most of those facilities had their power restored. County officials released documents showing the Hollywood facility was in compliance with that regulation and that it held a hurricane drill with its staff in October. "Our son was very uncomfortable - he couldn't sleep, he was sweating, and he was out of his routine", said Guillen, sitting in the lobby of the hotel with her family. At least six people in Florida died of apparent carbon monoxide poisoning from generators. Many stores remain closed because of the lack of electricity, meaning people are converging on the relatively few shops and eateries that are open.