Linda Brown of Brown v. Board of Education dies; symbolized struggle against segregation Michael James | USA TODAY Show Caption Hide Caption Linda Brown: The girl who changed school segregation forever Linda Brown was the student at the center of the 1954 landmark Brown v. Board of Education case. Linda Brown, who at the age of 9 became the cornerstone figure in the landmark Supreme Court case that struck down segregation in the nation's schools, has died at age 76 in Kansas, according to published reports. Topeka’s former Sumner School was all-white when Brown's father, Oliver, tried to enroll the family. He became lead plaintiff in the historic 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision. Peaceful Rest Funeral Chapel of Topeka confirmed that Linda Brown died Sunday afternoon, according to the Associated Press. Her sister, Cheryl Brown Henderson, founding president of The Brown Foundation, confirmed the death to The Topeka Capital-Journal. She declined comment from the family. Kansas Deputy Education Commissioner Dale Dennis says Brown's legacy is not only in Kansas but nationwide. He says the effect she had “on our society would be unbelievable and insurmountable.” The Supreme Court eventually ruled that racial segregation of children in public schools violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. It overturned Plessy v. Ferguson, an 1896 decision that held that segregated public facilities were constitutional as long as black and white facilities were equal. The ruling constitutionally sanctioned laws barring African Americans from sharing the same buses, schools and other public facilities as whites — known as “Jim Crow” laws— and established the separate but equal doctrine that would stand for the next six decades, according to History.com. In his lawsuit, Brown claimed that schools for black children were not equal to the white schools, and that segregation violated the so-called equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment, which holds that no state can deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of law. The case went before the U.S. District Court in Kansas, which agreed that public school segregation had a “detrimental effect upon the colored children” and contributed to “a sense of inferiority,” but still upheld the separate but equal doctrine. In the Supreme Court decision, issued on May 17, 1954, Justice Earl Warren wrote that “in the field of public education the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place,” as segregated schools are “inherently unequal.” As a result, the Court ruled that the plaintiffs were being deprived of the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. Carolyn Campbell, a lifelong friend of Brown and a former Kansas Board of Education member, recalled to The Capital-Journal on Monday of riding to Topeka High School with Brown. The two were teenagers at the time.. “Linda was quiet. It was difficult for Linda to be pushed into the spotlight at a young age,” she said. Despite her quiet nature, Brown traveled the country talking about her experience, Campbell said.
We, representatives of the expert, researcher and journalistic communities, social activists from different countries, strongly protest the arbitrary reprisals of the Russian authorities in Crimea, namely illegal detention and attempts to bring false charges of “terrorist activities” against our colleagues Dmytro Shtyblykov and Oleksiy Bessarabov. Also, we consider unfounded similar accusations against a military pensioner Volodymyr Dudka, captured by the FSB together with the above-mentioned experts. Dmytro Shtyblykov, Oleksiy Bessarabov and Volodymyr Dudka permanently resided in Crimea both before and after annexation of peninsula by Russia in spring 2014. These Ukrainian citizens were detained by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation on November 9, 2016. They are kept in detention and on charges of preparation of the acts of sabotage against the military and civic infrastructure in Sevastopol. The materials of the Russian media make it clear that torture and intimidation are used against the detainees. Before the spring of 2014, Dmytro Shtyblykov had been the director on the International Programs of the Center for Assistance to the Geopolitical Problems and Euro-Atlantic Cooperation of the Black Sea Region Studies NOMOS, a non-governmental organization created in Sevastopol in 2003. NOMOS Center published a specialized journal “The Black Sea Security”, where Oleksiy Bessarabov held the position of the deputy chief editor. The journal published articles of Ukrainian and foreign experts from Estonia, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, France, Great Britain and Russia. For almost ten years, Shtyblykov and Bessarabov have been engaged in research of international and regional security issues. During this time, they have produced many professional publications, spoke to the media and expert meetings. NOMOS Center periodically organized and participated in international conferences, round tables both in Ukraine and abroad, used to be a partner of many international organizations. Dmytro Shtyblykov and Oleksiy Bessarabov are well known in expert and journalistic circles dealing with problems of the Black Sea and Caspian region. Until 2014, they were eminent public persons both in Crimea and beyond. The core objective of NOMOS Center was to ensure a platform for professional discussions and to prepare impartial analytical materials. Conferences and round tables organized by NOMOS Center with the support of other international organizations often regularly featured experts and researchers from the Russian Federation or those holding pro-Russian views. They also had had a voice in discussions with their opponents on the pages of The Black Sea Security quarterly. The think tank had to stop its work, as it was refused re-registration by the occupation authorities. Crimea has become a place, where free discussions on international security issues are not possible any more. Instead, it is now a source of international tension and a territory of flagrant disregard for human rights. The charges of “subversion and terrorism” against well-known experts are absurd and groundless. It is obvious to all the colleagues, who used to work together with them and participated at NOMOS Center events. We are sure, that detention of experts and raising grave unfounded charges against them, cases of repressions against Crimean Tatars and other acts of arbitrary reprisals by the occupation authorities are politically motivated order and constitute a violation of human rights. The atmosphere of terror and intimidation dominates today on the Crimean Peninsula. And these acts serve to uphold it. In one of his publications in 2009, Dmytro Shtyblykov wrote: “Creation of the climate of fear is an expression of terrorism, its core nature…”. With the persecution of the expert community, the occupation regime has shown once against its terrorist essence, readiness to violate human rights and freedoms, discriminate and persecute those, who are not agree with occupation. We demand that the Russian party put an immediate end to persecution of the Ukrainian citizens on the territory of occupied Crimea and free political prisoners, in particular, our colleagues – Dmytro Shtyblykov and Oleksiy Bessarabov. We expect Ukraine to take all possible steps to defend detained experts and all other innocently repressed victims and use the potential of international organizations for these purposes. We call on expert, researcher and journalistic communities, civil activists to show professional solidarity and support this appeal. If you are willing to sign this appeal, please e-mail is at: stoppersecuting@gmail.com
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Autumn has left in a wake of colourful leaves scurrying around, and the fruit has all been picked. The changing season feels appropriate for Local Government in the race to achieve “more for less” at the scale required. The ‘low hanging fruit’ has all been picked, and the challenge now is to get to the top of the tree to find the last morsels without toppling the the whole thing over! Sorry for the analogy, but we are making a serious point here. What do you do when all the low hanging fruit has been picked over? Faced with more swingeing cuts, the winter for many is looking very harsh indeed. What if we were to tell you that there are still savings equating to £1.2 billion in productivity gains and £200 million in costs savings still up for grabs across the public sector today? According to the RSA’s Flex Factor report, public service officers have estimated that given ideal flexible working arrangements, they could each gain an average of 4.6 productive working hours per week. But there is a cost to implementing, and the costs could obliterate the savings couldn’t they? Not according to the Flex Factor report. They have assumed a 50 percent implementation cost within their savings figures (based on the likely challenges of introducing and managing a flexible workforce identified in the study). So, the outlook may not look so bleak if you’re lucky enough to be one of those public sector organisations who haven’t yet looked into fully optimising your workforce through mobile working. It’s not an easy task though, so don’t expect a panacea to all your problems. It takes dedication from the top, and a holistic approach across your whole organisation. You may even want to try implementing a pilot area first. There is more good news! You’re not in this alone, you don’t have to trail blaze and there is a wealth of learning from others who have already gone through the process. That is why Public Sector Nomads hold Mobile Working in Local Government events each year, as well as providing an electronic document repository of case studies and learning. What’s more, we realise that money is tight, so we keep our event costs affordable and provide the library documents completely free! But we can’t do this without your support. Make your New Year resolution to attend our January 30th event, to hear Public Sector Managers and other professionals sharing their learning and responding to your questions. Start the year on a positive note, and don’t be left out in the cold!
Old Stone Fort – Flint Hills Old Stone Fort, Wabaunsee County No one that I’ve talked to knows much about the The Old Stone Fort. Located in southwestern Wabaunsee County, Kansas, this old building sits atop a small hill overlooking the old Trail Drover’s Road and a stream crossing. Privately owned, it serves as a convenient place to feed cattle who are grazing on the rich Flint Hills grass. Going west from Volland on Old K-10, find Trail Drovers Road on the right and follow it for a few miles. You should some to the Old Stone Fort. My guess is that originally this was a Cavalry outpost for Fort Riley. There is also a stable, just to the left of where I was standing. Both buildings were not built for ranch or farm service; they don’t appear to have had the amenities for permanent occupancy of either humans or livestock. The location makes sense as a good place to station a detachment of Horse Soldiers. Trail Drover’s Road was the main cattle trail in the area for driving the herds to the railroad, some six miles away at Volland. The nearby stream crossing was probably important for the cattle drives too. And, the stream could supply water for the men and horses stationed there. All this is just my rank speculation of course. The negative for Old Stone Fort was taken on 4×5 Polaroid Type 55 sheet film. I loved that film! One more sigh for its demise. Prints of the Old Stone Fort are available for sale through my APUG Portfolio. Please contact me via e-mail or a Blog comment if you are interested. All photographs copyright Alex Hawley A very interesting artifact of days gone by; wonderfully captured in your photo. Positive mention of the Flint Hills always gets my attention! Thanks! So happy it brought me to your site Our 22 county Flint Hills Tourism Coalition, Inc. promotes visits to the Kansas Flint Hills – the website is: Best wishes! Dr. Bill 😉 Personal Blog: Thanks Dr. Bill. I’m a great enthusiast for showing the beauty of the Flint Hills. I’d really like to know more about the story of this “old stone fort” you photographed. Hope someone will be able to share some more of the story. Your photograph just makes it that more enticing! 😉 Same here Dr. Bill. I’ve talked to three or four people who grew up in the area and all said the same thing. One friend photographed it in 1971 for a Wabaunsee County calender. According to him, even the elderly ladies who were driving him to the site, and whom were pretty sharp on the County’s history, didn’t know anything about it. I’m guessing that the need for Army protection had subsided in that region by about 1880, maybe even a little earlier. And also guessing it may have been built in 1870 or so when the railroad came through. Also could have been built shortly after Fort Riley was established, perhaps in the 1860s. Sure would be great to find some fragment of documentation or oral history about it. You find some wonderful places. Sometime I’d like to go exploring with you. We’ll do that Matt, and thanks! Your blog is interesting! Keep up the good work! The Old Stone Fort is still my favorite image of yours…maybe we should swap prints..! The link below contains information about Wabunsee county, including the stone fort… pretty interesting. Many Thanks for the link John. Its quite interesting. Nice shot. I also enjoyed your narrative, I love bits of history about places I photograph, so I appreciate what you offer. Keep up the good work. It’s been about seven years since I last shot with my 4×5. I still demonstrate it at the university, but nearly all the classes these days are digital. Photography has always been about change and I’m sure it will continue to change! Interesting. We have an Old Stone Fort in Manchester, Tennessee. I thought no other place shared the name. I like the?
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Additionally note that we have no control over what listings appear on the map, now and again irrelevant results might appear (see disclaimer below) Additionally take note that occasionally unrelated listings can appear on the map and we do not have any control over what is shown (look at our disclaimer at bottom of page) for the Minchinhampton area. Minchinhampton Counsellors: In order to hunt down local counsellors either you can use the enquiry form below right or above left and submit a job on Bark.com, a handy site that can help you to uncover what you're looking for without charge to yourself, or alternatively makes use of the street map above, presuming that there are actually counsellors available in close proximity to Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire. 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Find Counsellors Near to Minchinhampton Area Tips for Finding Minchinhampton Counsellors: A lot of people will need the skills of a counsellor someday in their lifetime in order to help them recoup from a psychological or physical event. Counsellors are properly trained specialists who are capable of helping individuals through difficult and traumatic periods in their life by talking and more importantly, listening. Life changing occurrences, for example death in the family, relationship problems, physical or mental abuse and witnessing a traumatic event are only a handful of the numerous reasons why people require the assistance of a practiced counsellor, just being able to speak about and express your feelings and emotions with somebody who is isolated from your personal life in a discreet manner could be a tremendous help. The array of counselling treatments available is substantial and a first appointment will chat about how best to move forward in the most considerate way so as to help the individual. The amount of consultations will depend on each person's requirements, but regular interaction with the counsellor is desirable with weekly scheduled appointments being some of the most common. Counselling can also be used to assist in a lot of the most common mental ailments, for example depression and anxiety which trouble considerable numbers of people from all age groups. Turning to a counsellor is a approach to dealing with problems and challenges which you might struggle to fix on your own. A counsellor won't provide advice, but instead helps an individual appreciate their own course of action to solve their own problems. Trust between the counsellor and their patient is vitally important and the agreement of confidentiality between the two is strictly upheld. The build up of trust also makes it possible for patients to talk about the topics of concern that they would find difficult to discuss with other people. An experienced counsellor will be able to help people from an extensive range of cultures, backgrounds and help with a broad spectrum of stressful issues that they might be dealing with. This site is likewise very helpful if you're searching for qualified counsellors in: Amberley, Brownshill, Box, Cherington, Bourne, Longfords Mill, Balls Green, Chalford, Bussage, Burleigh, Chalford Hill, Nailsworth, Brimscombe, Avening and areas near to Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom. 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Surf History A message from Randy Rarick regarding Surfing Heritage Vintage Surf Auction Surfersvillage Global Surf News, 17 April, 2013 : - - : Aloha everyone! I wanted to remind you, that in less than a month, The Surfing Heritage and Cultural Center will be presenting the "California Gold" Vintage Surf Auction! This will be the first live auction in two years, since we last did the Hawaiian Islands Vintage Surf Auction. They have some cool stuff, a great program planned and a lot of the legends lined up to attend. It promises to be a good one and I urge you to attend, too. The bidding packages are limited and going quick, so if you haven't already done so, I encourage you to get a jump on getting involved. I'll be there and look forward to seeing you, or follow along on the internet if you can't make it in person. Mahalo, Randy Rarick Check the Full Registration Page WHO: Surfers, surf collectors, buyers, sellers, enthusiasts, historians, intelligentsia WHAT: Surfing Heritage Vintage Surfboard Auction presented by Quiksilver Waterman Collection WHEN: Saturday May 11, 2013 TIME: Noon- 10pm WHERE: Orange County Fair & Events Center WHY: A benefit for the Surfing Heritage Foundation, dedicated to preserving, presenting and promoting surfing's heritage Source: SHF Author: Scott Bass / Steve Pezman / Erik Derman Tags: Surfing Heritage Vintage Surf Auction, Tom Carroll, Pat Rawson Industry: Surfersvillage
Dead Red Indiana Law Give Motorcyclists and Bicyclists Alternative to Breaking the Law In March of 2014, Indiana became the 15th state to add the “Dead Red” law to their books. Indiana Representative, Mike Karickhoff of Kokomo, wrote House Bill No. 1080 that provides: “…the operator [of a motorcycle, motorized bicycle, motor scooter, or bicycle] may proceed through the intersection on a steady red signal only if the operator: (i) comes to a complete stop at the intersection for at least one hundred twenty (120) seconds; and (ii) exercises due caution as provided by law, otherwise treats the traffic control signal as a stop sign, and determines that it is safe to proceed.” The Indiana General Assembly passed the law 84-10. Few Options for Cyclists Prior to Dead Red Law Prior to the “dead red” law, when lightweight motorized and non-motorized vehicles failed to trigger a left-turn signal, the operator had one of three choices: 1) wait until a larger vehicle pulled behind them, tripping the scale; 2) make a right-hand turn and return to proceed through the intersection; or 3) ignore the traffic signal altogether and turn left on a red. An Educated Public May Reduce Motorcycle Accidents in Indiana ABATE of Indiana (The American Bikers Aimed Toward Education) strives to educate responsible cyclists on motorcycle safety. And because accidents involving motorcycles are often caused by other drivers who admittedly fail to see the cyclist, ABATE seeks to educate all drivers about motorcycle awareness. May is Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month. On May 5, ABATE of Indiana, along with many other civic organizations, will kick off Motorcycle Awareness Month by hosting an event on the Circle to bring attention to motorcycle awareness. Personal Injury, Motorcycle and Bicycle Accident Attorneys with Experience The defenses used by defendant insurance companies to minimize their financial loss and the potential jury bias that occurs when litigating a motorcycle or bicycle injury claim is good reason to seek the assistance of an attorney experienced in motorcycle and bicycle injury cases. If you, or someone you know has been injured or killed in an accident involving a motorcycle, moped or bicycle, call Charlie Ward, an attorney with experience in pursuing claims on behalf of cyclists, at 317-639-9501 today for a free analysis of your claim.
/*++ Copyright (c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: cmd_context_to_goal.cpp Abstract: Procedure for copying the assertions in the command context to a goal object. Author: Leonardo (leonardo) 2012-10-21 Notes: --*/ #include "cmd_context/cmd_context.h" #include "tactic/goal.h" /** \brief Assert expressions from ctx into t. */ void assert_exprs_from(cmd_context const & ctx, goal & t) { if (ctx.produce_proofs() && ctx.produce_unsat_cores()) throw cmd_exception("Frontend does not support simultaneous generation of proofs and unsat cores"); ast_manager & m = t.m(); bool proofs_enabled = t.proofs_enabled(); if (ctx.produce_unsat_cores()) { ptr_vector<expr>::const_iterator it = ctx.assertions().begin(); ptr_vector<expr>::const_iterator end = ctx.assertions().end(); ptr_vector<expr>::const_iterator it2 = ctx.assertion_names().begin(); SASSERT(ctx.assertions().size() == ctx.assertion_names().size()); for (; it != end; ++it, ++it2) { t.assert_expr(*it, proofs_enabled ? m.mk_asserted(*it) : nullptr, m.mk_leaf(*it2)); } } else { for (expr * e : ctx.assertions()) { t.assert_expr(e, proofs_enabled ? m.mk_asserted(e) : nullptr, nullptr); } SASSERT(ctx.assertion_names().empty()); } }
;**************************************** ;* * ;* KK K EEEEE RRRR NN N AAA LL * ;* KK KK EE RR R NNN N AA A LL * ;* KKK EE RR R NNN N AA A LL * ;* KKK EEEE RRRR NNNNN AAAAA LL * ;* KK K EE RR R NN NN AA A LL * ;* KK KK EE RR R NN NN AA A LL * ;* KK KK EEEEE RR R NN NN AA A LLLLL * ;* * ;*************************************** ; ;*************************************** ;* PET KERNAL * ;* MEMORY AND I/O DEPENDENT ROUTINES * ;* DRIVING THE HARDWARE OF THE * ;* FOLLOWING CBM MODELS: * ;* COMMODORE 64 OR MODIFED VIC-40 * ;* COPYRIGHT (C) 1982 BY * ;* COMMODORE BUSINESS MACHINES (CBM) * ;*************************************** .SKI 3 ;****LISTING DATE --1200 14 MAY 1982**** .SKI 3 ;*************************************** ;* THIS SOFTWARE IS FURNISHED FOR USE * ;* USE IN THE VIC OR COMMODORE COMPUTER* ;* SERIES ONLY. * ;* * ;* COPIES THEREOF MAY NOT BE PROVIDED * ;* OR MADE AVAILABLE FOR USE ON ANY * ;* OTHER SYSTEM. * ;* * ;* THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS * ;* SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. * ;* * ;* NO RESPONSIBILITY IS ASSUMED FOR * ;* RELIABILITY OF THIS SOFTWARE. RSR * ;* * ;*************************************** .END
.output chapter4.wd .bookmark reliable-request-reply + Reliable Request-Reply Patterns [#advanced-request-reply] covered advanced uses of ZeroMQ's request-reply pattern with working examples. This chapter looks at the general question of reliability and builds a set of reliable messaging patterns on top of ZeroMQ's core request-reply pattern. In this chapter, we focus heavily on user-space request-reply //patterns//, reusable models that help you design your own ZeroMQ architectures: * The //Lazy Pirate// pattern: reliable request-reply from the client side * The //Simple Pirate// pattern: reliable request-reply using load balancing * The //Paranoid Pirate// pattern: reliable request-reply with heartbeating * The //Majordomo// pattern: service-oriented reliable queuing * The //Titanic// pattern: disk-based/disconnected reliable queuing * The //Binary Star// pattern: primary-backup server failover * The //Freelance// pattern: brokerless reliable request-reply ++ What is "Reliability"? Most people who speak of "reliability" don't really know what they mean. We can only define reliability in terms of failure. That is, if we can handle a certain set of well-defined and understood failures, then we are reliable with respect to those failures. No more, no less. So let's look at the possible causes of failure in a distributed ZeroMQ application, in roughly descending order of probability: * Application code is the worst offender. It can crash and exit, freeze and stop responding to input, run too slowly for its input, exhaust all memory, and so on. * System code--such as brokers we write using ZeroMQ--can die for the same reasons as application code. System code //should// be more reliable than application code, but it can still crash and burn, and especially run out of memory if it tries to queue messages for slow clients. * Message queues can overflow, typically in system code that has learned to deal brutally with slow clients. When a queue overflows, it starts to discard messages. So we get "lost" messages. * Networks can fail (e.g., WiFi gets switched off or goes out of range). ZeroMQ will automatically reconnect in such cases, but in the meantime, messages may get lost. * Hardware can fail and take with it all the processes running on that box. * Networks can fail in exotic ways, e.g., some ports on a switch may die and those parts of the network become inaccessible. * Entire data centers can be struck by lightning, earthquakes, fire, or more mundane power or cooling failures. To make a software system fully reliable against //all// of these possible failures is an enormously difficult and expensive job and goes beyond the scope of this book. Because the first five cases in the above list cover 99.9% of real world requirements outside large companies (according to a highly scientific study I just ran, which also told me that 78% of statistics are made up on the spot, and moreover never to trust a statistic that we didn't falsify ourselves), that's what we'll examine. If you're a large company with money to spend on the last two cases, contact my company immediately! There's a large hole behind my beach house waiting to be converted into an executive swimming pool. ++ Designing Reliability So to make things brutally simple, reliability is "keeping things working properly when code freezes or crashes", a situation we'll shorten to "dies". However, the things we want to keep working properly are more complex than just messages. We need to take each core ZeroMQ messaging pattern and see how to make it work (if we can) even when code dies. Let's take them one-by-one: * Request-reply: if the server dies (while processing a request), the client can figure that out because it won't get an answer back. Then it can give up in a huff, wait and try again later, find another server, and so on. As for the client dying, we can brush that off as "someone else's problem" for now. * Pub-sub: if the client dies (having gotten some data), the server doesn't know about it. Pub-sub doesn't send any information back from client to server. But the client can contact the server out-of-band, e.g., via request-reply, and ask, "please resend everything I missed". As for the server dying, that's out of scope for here. Subscribers can also self-verify that they're not running too slowly, and take action (e.g., warn the operator and die) if they are. * Pipeline: if a worker dies (while working), the ventilator doesn't know about it. Pipelines, like the grinding gears of time, only work in one direction. But the downstream collector can detect that one task didn't get done, and send a message back to the ventilator saying, "hey, resend task 324!" If the ventilator or collector dies, whatever upstream client originally sent the work batch can get tired of waiting and resend the whole lot. It's not elegant, but system code should really not die often enough to matter. In this chapter we'll focus just on request-reply, which is the low-hanging fruit of reliable messaging. The basic request-reply pattern (a REQ client socket doing a blocking send/receive to a REP server socket) scores low on handling the most common types of failure. If the server crashes while processing the request, the client just hangs forever. If the network loses the request or the reply, the client hangs forever. Request-reply is still much better than TCP, thanks to ZeroMQ's ability to reconnect peers silently, to load balance messages, and so on. But it's still not good enough for real work. The only case where you can really trust the basic request-reply pattern is between two threads in the same process where there's no network or separate server process to die. However, with a little extra work, this humble pattern becomes a good basis for real work across a distributed network, and we get a set of reliable request-reply (RRR) patterns that I like to call the //Pirate// patterns (you'll eventually get the joke, I hope). There are, in my experience, roughly three ways to connect clients to servers. Each needs a specific approach to reliability: * Multiple clients talking directly to a single server. Use case: a single well-known server to which clients need to talk. Types of failure we aim to handle: server crashes and restarts, and network disconnects. * Multiple clients talking to a broker proxy that distributes work to multiple workers. Use case: service-oriented transaction processing. Types of failure we aim to handle: worker crashes and restarts, worker busy looping, worker overload, queue crashes and restarts, and network disconnects. * Multiple clients talking to multiple servers with no intermediary proxies. Use case: distributed services such as name resolution. Types of failure we aim to handle: service crashes and restarts, service busy looping, service overload, and network disconnects. Each of these approaches has its trade-offs and often you'll mix them. We'll look at all three in detail. ++ Client-Side Reliability (Lazy Pirate Pattern) We can get very simple reliable request-reply with some changes to the client. We call this the Lazy Pirate pattern[figure]. Rather than doing a blocking receive, we: * Poll the REQ socket and receive from it only when it's sure a reply has arrived. * Resend a request, if no reply has arrived within a timeout period. * Abandon the transaction if there is still no reply after several requests. If you try to use a REQ socket in anything other than a strict send/receive fashion, you'll get an error (technically, the REQ socket implements a small finite-state machine to enforce the send/receive ping-pong, and so the error code is called "EFSM"). This is slightly annoying when we want to use REQ in a pirate pattern, because we may send several requests before getting a reply. The pretty good brute force solution is to close and reopen the REQ socket after an error: [[code type="example" title="Lazy Pirate client" name="lpclient"]] [[/code]] Run this together with the matching server: [[code type="example" title="Lazy Pirate server" name="lpserver"]] [[/code]] [[code type="textdiagram" title="The Lazy Pirate Pattern"]] #-----------# #-----------# #-----------# | Client | | Client | | Client | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | Retry | | Retry | | Retry | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | REQ | | REQ | | REQ | '-----------' '-----------' '-----------' ^ ^ ^ | | | '---------------+---------------' | v .-------------. | REP | +-------------+ | | | Server | | | #-------------# [[/code]] To run this test case, start the client and the server in two console windows. The server will randomly misbehave after a few messages. You can check the client's response. Here is typical output from the server: [[code]] I: normal request (1) I: normal request (2) I: normal request (3) I: simulating CPU overload I: normal request (4) I: simulating a crash [[/code]] And here is the client's response: [[code]] I: connecting to server... I: server replied OK (1) I: server replied OK (2) I: server replied OK (3) W: no response from server, retrying... I: connecting to server... W: no response from server, retrying... I: connecting to server... E: server seems to be offline, abandoning [[/code]] The client sequences each message and checks that replies come back exactly in order: that no requests or replies are lost, and no replies come back more than once, or out of order. Run the test a few times until you're convinced that this mechanism actually works. You don't need sequence numbers in a production application; they just help us trust our design. The client uses a REQ socket, and does the brute force close/reopen because REQ sockets impose that strict send/receive cycle. You might be tempted to use a DEALER instead, but it would not be a good decision. First, it would mean emulating the secret sauce that REQ does with envelopes (if you've forgotten what that is, it's a good sign you don't want to have to do it). Second, it would mean potentially getting back replies that you didn't expect. Handling failures only at the client works when we have a set of clients talking to a single server. It can handle a server crash, but only if recovery means restarting that same server. If there's a permanent error, such as a dead power supply on the server hardware, this approach won't work. Because the application code in servers is usually the biggest source of failures in any architecture, depending on a single server is not a great idea. So, pros and cons: * Pro: simple to understand and implement. * Pro: works easily with existing client and server application code. * Pro: ZeroMQ automatically retries the actual reconnection until it works. * Con: doesn't failover to backup or alternate servers. ++ Basic Reliable Queuing (Simple Pirate Pattern) Our second approach extends the Lazy Pirate pattern with a queue proxy that lets us talk, transparently, to multiple servers, which we can more accurately call "workers". We'll develop this in stages, starting with a minimal working model, the Simple Pirate pattern. In all these Pirate patterns, workers are stateless. If the application requires some shared state, such as a shared database, we don't know about it as we design our messaging framework. Having a queue proxy means workers can come and go without clients knowing anything about it. If one worker dies, another takes over. This is a nice, simple topology with only one real weakness, namely the central queue itself, which can become a problem to manage, and a single point of failure. [[code type="textdiagram" title="The Simple Pirate Pattern"]] #-----------# #-----------# #-----------# | Client | | Client | | Client | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | Retry | | Retry | | Retry | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | REQ | | REQ | | REQ | '-----+-----' '-----+-----' '-----+-----' | | | '---------------+---------------' | v .-----------. | ROUTER | +-----------+ | Load | | balancer | +-----------+ | ROUTER | '-----------' ^ | .---------------+---------------. | | | .-----+-----. .-----+-----. .-----+-----. | REQ | | REQ | | REQ | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | Worker | | Worker | | Worker | #-----------# #-----------# #-----------# [[/code]] The basis for the queue proxy is the load balancing broker from [#advanced-request-reply]. What is the very //minimum// we need to do to handle dead or blocked workers? Turns out, it's surprisingly little. We already have a retry mechanism in the client. So using the load balancing pattern will work pretty well. This fits with ZeroMQ's philosophy that we can extend a peer-to-peer pattern like request-reply by plugging naive proxies in the middle[figure]. We don't need a special client; we're still using the Lazy Pirate client. Here is the queue, which is identical to the main task of the load balancing broker: [[code type="example" title="Simple Pirate queue" name="spqueue"]] [[/code]] Here is the worker, which takes the Lazy Pirate server and adapts it for the load balancing pattern (using the REQ "ready" signaling): [[code type="example" title="Simple Pirate worker" name="spworker"]] [[/code]] To test this, start a handful of workers, a Lazy Pirate client, and the queue, in any order. You'll see that the workers eventually all crash and burn, and the client retries and then gives up. The queue never stops, and you can restart workers and clients ad nauseam. This model works with any number of clients and workers. ++ Robust Reliable Queuing (Paranoid Pirate Pattern) [[code type="textdiagram" title="The Paranoid Pirate Pattern"]] #-----------# #-----------# #-----------# | Client | | Client | | Client | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | Retry | | Retry | | Retry | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | REQ | | REQ | | REQ | '-----+-----' '-----+-----' '-----+-----' | | | '---------------+---------------' | v .-----------. | ROUTER | +-----------+ | Queue | +-----------+ | Heartbeat | +-----------+ | ROUTER | '-----------' ^ | .---------------+---------------. | | | .-----+-----. .-----+-----. .-----+-----. | DEALER | | DEALER | | DEALER | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | Heartbeat | | Heartbeat | | Heartbeat | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | Worker | | Worker | | Worker | #-----------# #-----------# #-----------# [[/code]] The Simple Pirate Queue pattern works pretty well, especially because it's just a combination of two existing patterns. Still, it does have some weaknesses: * It's not robust in the face of a queue crash and restart. The client will recover, but the workers won't. While ZeroMQ will reconnect workers' sockets automatically, as far as the newly started queue is concerned, the workers haven't signaled ready, so don't exist. To fix this, we have to do heartbeating from queue to worker so that the worker can detect when the queue has gone away. * The queue does not detect worker failure, so if a worker dies while idle, the queue can't remove it from its worker queue until the queue sends it a request. The client waits and retries for nothing. It's not a critical problem, but it's not nice. To make this work properly, we do heartbeating from worker to queue, so that the queue can detect a lost worker at any stage. We'll fix these in a properly pedantic Paranoid Pirate Pattern. We previously used a REQ socket for the worker. For the Paranoid Pirate worker, we'll switch to a DEALER socket[figure]. This has the advantage of letting us send and receive messages at any time, rather than the lock-step send/receive that REQ imposes. The downside of DEALER is that we have to do our own envelope management (re-read [#advanced-request-reply] for background on this concept). We're still using the Lazy Pirate client. Here is the Paranoid Pirate queue proxy: [[code type="example" title="Paranoid Pirate queue" name="ppqueue"]] [[/code]] The queue extends the load balancing pattern with heartbeating of workers. Heartbeating is one of those "simple" things that can be difficult to get right. I'll explain more about that in a second. Here is the Paranoid Pirate worker: [[code type="example" title="Paranoid Pirate worker" name="ppworker"]] [[/code]] Some comments about this example: * The code includes simulation of failures, as before. This makes it (a) very hard to debug, and (b) dangerous to reuse. When you want to debug this, disable the failure simulation. * The worker uses a reconnect strategy similar to the one we designed for the Lazy Pirate client, with two major differences: (a) it does an exponential back-off, and (b) it retries indefinitely (whereas the client retries a few times before reporting a failure). Try the client, queue, and workers, such as by using a script like this: [[code]] ppqueue & for i in 1 2 3 4; do ppworker & sleep 1 done lpclient & [[/code]] You should see the workers die one-by-one as they simulate a crash, and the client eventually give up. You can stop and restart the queue and both client and workers will reconnect and carry on. And no matter what you do to queues and workers, the client will never get an out-of-order reply: the whole chain either works, or the client abandons. ++ Heartbeating Heartbeating solves the problem of knowing whether a peer is alive or dead. This is not an issue specific to ZeroMQ. TCP has a long timeout (30 minutes or so), that means that it can be impossible to know whether a peer has died, been disconnected, or gone on a weekend to Prague with a case of vodka, a redhead, and a large expense account. It's not easy to get heartbeating right. When writing the Paranoid Pirate examples, it took about five hours to get the heartbeating working properly. The rest of the request-reply chain took perhaps ten minutes. It is especially easy to create "false failures", i.e., when peers decide that they are disconnected because the heartbeats aren't sent properly. We'll look at the three main answers people use for heartbeating with ZeroMQ. +++ Shrugging It Off The most common approach is to do no heartbeating at all and hope for the best. Many if not most ZeroMQ applications do this. ZeroMQ encourages this by hiding peers in many cases. What problems does this approach cause? * When we use a ROUTER socket in an application that tracks peers, as peers disconnect and reconnect, the application will leak memory (resources that the application holds for each peer) and get slower and slower. * When we use SUB- or DEALER-based data recipients, we can't tell the difference between good silence (there's no data) and bad silence (the other end died). When a recipient knows the other side died, it can for example switch over to a backup route. * If we use a TCP connection that stays silent for a long while, it will, in some networks, just die. Sending something (technically, a "keep-alive" more than a heartbeat), will keep the network alive. +++ One-Way Heartbeats A second option is to send a heartbeat message from each node to its peers every second or so. When one node hears nothing from another within some timeout (several seconds, typically), it will treat that peer as dead. Sounds good, right? Sadly, no. This works in some cases but has nasty edge cases in others. For pub-sub, this does work, and it's the only model you can use. SUB sockets cannot talk back to PUB sockets, but PUB sockets can happily send "I'm alive" messages to their subscribers. As an optimization, you can send heartbeats only when there is no real data to send. Furthermore, you can send heartbeats progressively slower and slower, if network activity is an issue (e.g., on mobile networks where activity drains the battery). As long as the recipient can detect a failure (sharp stop in activity), that's fine. Here are the typical problems with this design: * It can be inaccurate when we send large amounts of data, as heartbeats will be delayed behind that data. If heartbeats are delayed, you can get false timeouts and disconnections due to network congestion. Thus, always treat //any// incoming data as a heartbeat, whether or not the sender optimizes out heartbeats. * While the pub-sub pattern will drop messages for disappeared recipients, PUSH and DEALER sockets will queue them. So if you send heartbeats to a dead peer and it comes back, it will get all the heartbeats you sent, which can be thousands. Whoa, whoa! * This design assumes that heartbeat timeouts are the same across the whole network. But that won't be accurate. Some peers will want very aggressive heartbeating in order to detect faults rapidly. And some will want very relaxed heartbeating, in order to let sleeping networks lie and save power. +++ Ping-Pong Heartbeats The third option is to use a ping-pong dialog. One peer sends a ping command to the other, which replies with a pong command. Neither command has any payload. Pings and pongs are not correlated. Because the roles of "client" and "server" are arbitrary in some networks, we usually specify that either peer can in fact send a ping and expect a pong in response. However, because the timeouts depend on network topologies known best to dynamic clients, it is usually the client that pings the server. This works for all ROUTER-based brokers. The same optimizations we used in the second model make this work even better: treat any incoming data as a pong, and only send a ping when not otherwise sending data. +++ Heartbeating for Paranoid Pirate For Paranoid Pirate, we chose the second approach. It might not have been the simplest option: if designing this today, I'd probably try a ping-pong approach instead. However the principles are similar. The heartbeat messages flow asynchronously in both directions, and either peer can decide the other is "dead" and stop talking to it. In the worker, this is how we handle heartbeats from the queue: * We calculate a //liveness//, which is how many heartbeats we can still miss before deciding the queue is dead. It starts at three and we decrement it each time we miss a heartbeat. * We wait, in the {{zmq_poll}} loop, for one second each time, which is our heartbeat interval. * If there's any message from the queue during that time, we reset our liveness to three. * If there's no message during that time, we count down our liveness. * If the liveness reaches zero, we consider the queue dead. * If the queue is dead, we destroy our socket, create a new one, and reconnect. * To avoid opening and closing too many sockets, we wait for a certain interval before reconnecting, and we double the interval each time until it reaches 32 seconds. And this is how we handle heartbeats //to// the queue: * We calculate when to send the next heartbeat; this is a single variable because we're talking to one peer, the queue. * In the {{zmq_poll}} loop, whenever we pass this time, we send a heartbeat to the queue. Here's the essential heartbeating code for the worker: [[code type="fragment" name="heartbeats"]] #define HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS 3 // 3-5 is reasonable #define HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL 1000 // msecs #define INTERVAL_INIT 1000 // Initial reconnect #define INTERVAL_MAX 32000 // After exponential backoff ... // If liveness hits zero, queue is considered disconnected size_t liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS; size_t interval = INTERVAL_INIT; // Send out heartbeats at regular intervals uint64_t heartbeat_at = zclock_time () + HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL; while (true) { zmq_pollitem_t items [] = { { worker, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0 } }; int rc = zmq_poll (items, 1, HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL * ZMQ_POLL_MSEC); if (items [0].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) { // Receive any message from queue liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS; interval = INTERVAL_INIT; } else if (--liveness == 0) { zclock_sleep (interval); if (interval < INTERVAL_MAX) interval *= 2; zsocket_destroy (ctx, worker); ... liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS; } // Send heartbeat to queue if it's time if (zclock_time () > heartbeat_at) { heartbeat_at = zclock_time () + HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL; // Send heartbeat message to queue } } [[/code]] The queue does the same, but manages an expiration time for each worker. Here are some tips for your own heartbeating implementation: * Use {{zmq_poll}} or a reactor as the core of your application's main task. * Start by building the heartbeating between peers, test it by simulating failures, and //then// build the rest of the message flow. Adding heartbeating afterwards is much trickier. * Use simple tracing, i.e., print to console, to get this working. To help you trace the flow of messages between peers, use a dump method such as zmsg offers, and number your messages incrementally so you can see if there are gaps. * In a real application, heartbeating must be configurable and usually negotiated with the peer. Some peers will want aggressive heartbeating, as low as 10 msecs. Other peers will be far away and want heartbeating as high as 30 seconds. * If you have different heartbeat intervals for different peers, your poll timeout should be the lowest (shortest time) of these. Do not use an infinite timeout. * Do heartbeating on the same socket you use for messages, so your heartbeats also act as a //keep-alive// to stop the network connection from going stale (some firewalls can be unkind to silent connections). ++ Contracts and Protocols If you're paying attention, you'll realize that Paranoid Pirate is not interoperable with Simple Pirate, because of the heartbeats. But how do we define "interoperable"? To guarantee interoperability, we need a kind of contract, an agreement that lets different teams in different times and places write code that is guaranteed to work together. We call this a "protocol". It's fun to experiment without specifications, but that's not a sensible basis for real applications. What happens if we want to write a worker in another language? Do we have to read code to see how things work? What if we want to change the protocol for some reason? Even a simple protocol will, if it's successful, evolve and become more complex. Lack of contracts is a sure sign of a disposable application. So let's write a contract for this protocol. How do we do that? There's a wiki at [http://rfc.zeromq.org rfc.zeromq.org] that we made especially as a home for public ZeroMQ contracts. To create a new specification, register on the wiki if needed, and follow the instructions. It's fairly straightforward, though writing technical texts is not everyone's cup of tea. It took me about fifteen minutes to draft the new [http://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:6 Pirate Pattern Protocol]. It's not a big specification, but it does capture enough to act as the basis for arguments ("your queue isn't PPP compatible; please fix it!"). Turning PPP into a real protocol would take more work: * There should be a protocol version number in the READY command so that it's possible to distinguish between different versions of PPP. * Right now, READY and HEARTBEAT are not entirely distinct from requests and replies. To make them distinct, we would need a message structure that includes a "message type" part. ++ Service-Oriented Reliable Queuing (Majordomo Pattern) [[code type="textdiagram" title="The Majordomo Pattern"]] #-----------# #-----------# #-----------# | Client | | Client | | Client | '-----+-----' '-----+-----' '-----+-----' | | | '---------------+---------------' "Give me coffee" | "Give me tea" v .-----------. | Broker | '-----------' ^ | .---------------+---------------. | | | .-----+-----. .-----+-----. .-----+-----. | "Water" | | "Tea" | | "Coffee" | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | Worker | | Worker | | Worker | #-----------# #-----------# #-----------# [[/code]] The nice thing about progress is how fast it happens when lawyers and committees aren't involved. The [http://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:7 one-page MDP specification] turns PPP into something more solid[figure]. This is how we should design complex architectures: start by writing down the contracts, and only //then// write software to implement them. The Majordomo Protocol (MDP) extends and improves on PPP in one interesting way: it adds a "service name" to requests that the client sends, and asks workers to register for specific services. Adding service names turns our Paranoid Pirate queue into a service-oriented broker. The nice thing about MDP is that it came out of working code, a simpler ancestor protocol (PPP), and a precise set of improvements that each solved a clear problem. This made it easy to draft. To implement Majordomo, we need to write a framework for clients and workers. It's really not sane to ask every application developer to read the spec and make it work, when they could be using a simpler API that does the work for them. So while our first contract (MDP itself) defines how the pieces of our distributed architecture talk to each other, our second contract defines how user applications talk to the technical framework we're going to design. Majordomo has two halves, a client side and a worker side. Because we'll write both client and worker applications, we will need two APIs. Here is a sketch for the client API, using a simple object-oriented approach: [[code type="fragment" name="mdclient"]] mdcli_t *mdcli_new (char *broker); void mdcli_destroy (mdcli_t **self_p); zmsg_t *mdcli_send (mdcli_t *self, char *service, zmsg_t **request_p); [[/code]] That's it. We open a session to the broker, send a request message, get a reply message back, and eventually close the connection. Here's a sketch for the worker API: [[code type="fragment" name="mdworker"]] mdwrk_t *mdwrk_new (char *broker,char *service); void mdwrk_destroy (mdwrk_t **self_p); zmsg_t *mdwrk_recv (mdwrk_t *self, zmsg_t *reply); [[/code]] It's more or less symmetrical, but the worker dialog is a little different. The first time a worker does a recv(), it passes a null reply. Thereafter, it passes the current reply, and gets a new request. The client and worker APIs were fairly simple to construct because they're heavily based on the Paranoid Pirate code we already developed. Here is the client API: [[code type="example" title="Majordomo client API" name="mdcliapi"]] [[/code]] Let's see how the client API looks in action, with an example test program that does 100K request-reply cycles: [[code type="example" title="Majordomo client application" name="mdclient"]] [[/code]] And here is the worker API: [[code type="example" title="Majordomo worker API" name="mdwrkapi"]] [[/code]] Let's see how the worker API looks in action, with an example test program that implements an echo service: [[code type="example" title="Majordomo worker application" name="mdworker"]] [[/code]] Here are some things to note about the worker API code: * The APIs are single-threaded. This means, for example, that the worker won't send heartbeats in the background. Happily, this is exactly what we want: if the worker application gets stuck, heartbeats will stop and the broker will stop sending requests to the worker. * The worker API doesn't do an exponential back-off; it's not worth the extra complexity. * The APIs don't do any error reporting. If something isn't as expected, they raise an assertion (or exception depending on the language). This is ideal for a reference implementation, so any protocol errors show immediately. For real applications, the API should be robust against invalid messages. You might wonder why the worker API is manually closing its socket and opening a new one, when ZeroMQ will automatically reconnect a socket if the peer disappears and comes back. Look back at the Simple Pirate and Paranoid Pirate workers to understand. Although ZeroMQ will automatically reconnect workers if the broker dies and comes back up, this isn't sufficient to re-register the workers with the broker. I know of at least two solutions. The simplest, which we use here, is for the worker to monitor the connection using heartbeats, and if it decides the broker is dead, to close its socket and start afresh with a new socket. The alternative is for the broker to challenge unknown workers when it gets a heartbeat from the worker and ask them to re-register. That would require protocol support. Now let's design the Majordomo broker. Its core structure is a set of queues, one per service. We will create these queues as workers appear (we could delete them as workers disappear, but forget that for now because it gets complex). Additionally, we keep a queue of workers per service. And here is the broker: [[code type="example" title="Majordomo broker" name="mdbroker"]] [[/code]] This is by far the most complex example we've seen. It's almost 500 lines of code. To write this and make it somewhat robust took two days. However, this is still a short piece of code for a full service-oriented broker. Here are some things to note about the broker code: * The Majordomo Protocol lets us handle both clients and workers on a single socket. This is nicer for those deploying and managing the broker: it just sits on one ZeroMQ endpoint rather than the two that most proxies need. * The broker implements all of MDP/0.1 properly (as far as I know), including disconnection if the broker sends invalid commands, heartbeating, and the rest. * It can be extended to run multiple threads, each managing one socket and one set of clients and workers. This could be interesting for segmenting large architectures. The C code is already organized around a broker class to make this trivial. * A primary/failover or live/live broker reliability model is easy, as the broker essentially has no state except service presence. It's up to clients and workers to choose another broker if their first choice isn't up and running. * The examples use five-second heartbeats, mainly to reduce the amount of output when you enable tracing. Realistic values would be lower for most LAN applications. However, any retry has to be slow enough to allow for a service to restart, say 10 seconds at least. We later improved and extended the protocol and the Majordomo implementation, which now sits in its own Github project. If you want a properly usable Majordomo stack, use the GitHub project. ++ Asynchronous Majordomo Pattern The Majordomo implementation in the previous section is simple and stupid. The client is just the original Simple Pirate, wrapped up in a sexy API. When I fire up a client, broker, and worker on a test box, it can process 100,000 requests in about 14 seconds. That is partially due to the code, which cheerfully copies message frames around as if CPU cycles were free. But the real problem is that we're doing network round-trips. ZeroMQ disables [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagles_algorithm Nagle's algorithm], but round-tripping is still slow. Theory is great in theory, but in practice, practice is better. Let's measure the actual cost of round-tripping with a simple test program. This sends a bunch of messages, first waiting for a reply to each message, and second as a batch, reading all the replies back as a batch. Both approaches do the same work, but they give very different results. We mock up a client, broker, and worker: [[code type="example" title="Round-trip demonstrator" name="tripping"]] [[/code]] On my development box, this program says: [[code]] Setting up test... Synchronous round-trip test... 9057 calls/second Asynchronous round-trip test... 173010 calls/second [[/code]] Note that the client thread does a small pause before starting. This is to get around one of the "features" of the router socket: if you send a message with the address of a peer that's not yet connected, the message gets discarded. In this example we don't use the load balancing mechanism, so without the sleep, if the worker thread is too slow to connect, it will lose messages, making a mess of our test. As we see, round-tripping in the simplest case is 20 times slower than the asynchronous, "shove it down the pipe as fast as it'll go" approach. Let's see if we can apply this to Majordomo to make it faster. First, we modify the client API to send and receive in two separate methods: [[code type="fragment" name="mdclient-async"]] mdcli_t *mdcli_new (char *broker); void mdcli_destroy (mdcli_t **self_p); int mdcli_send (mdcli_t *self, char *service, zmsg_t **request_p); zmsg_t *mdcli_recv (mdcli_t *self); [[/code]] It's literally a few minutes' work to refactor the synchronous client API to become asynchronous: [[code type="example" title="Majordomo asynchronous client API" name="mdcliapi2"]] [[/code]] The differences are: * We use a DEALER socket instead of REQ, so we emulate REQ with an empty delimiter frame before each request and each response. * We don't retry requests; if the application needs to retry, it can do this itself. * We break the synchronous {{send}} method into separate {{send}} and {{recv}} methods. * The {{send}} method is asynchronous and returns immediately after sending. The caller can thus send a number of messages before getting a response. * The {{recv}} method waits for (with a timeout) one response and returns that to the caller. And here's the corresponding client test program, which sends 100,000 messages and then receives 100,000 back: [[code type="example" title="Majordomo client application" name="mdclient2"]] [[/code]] The broker and worker are unchanged because we've not modified the protocol at all. We see an immediate improvement in performance. Here's the synchronous client chugging through 100K request-reply cycles: [[code]] $ time mdclient 100000 requests/replies processed real 0m14.088s user 0m1.310s sys 0m2.670s [[/code]] And here's the asynchronous client, with a single worker: [[code]] $ time mdclient2 100000 replies received real 0m8.730s user 0m0.920s sys 0m1.550s [[/code]] Twice as fast. Not bad, but let's fire up 10 workers and see how it handles the traffic [[code]] $ time mdclient2 100000 replies received real 0m3.863s user 0m0.730s sys 0m0.470s [[/code]] It isn't fully asynchronous because workers get their messages on a strict last-used basis. But it will scale better with more workers. On my PC, after eight or so workers, it doesn't get any faster. Four cores only stretches so far. But we got a 4x improvement in throughput with just a few minutes' work. The broker is still unoptimized. It spends most of its time copying message frames around, instead of doing zero-copy, which it could. But we're getting 25K reliable request/reply calls a second, with pretty low effort. However, the asynchronous Majordomo pattern isn't all roses. It has a fundamental weakness, namely that it cannot survive a broker crash without more work. If you look at the {{mdcliapi2}} code you'll see it does not attempt to reconnect after a failure. A proper reconnect would require the following: * A number on every request and a matching number on every reply, which would ideally require a change to the protocol to enforce. * Tracking and holding onto all outstanding requests in the client API, i.e., those for which no reply has yet been received. * In case of failover, for the client API to //resend// all outstanding requests to the broker. It's not a deal breaker, but it does show that performance often means complexity. Is this worth doing for Majordomo? It depends on your use case. For a name lookup service you call once per session, no. For a web frontend serving thousands of clients, probably yes. ++ Service Discovery So, we have a nice service-oriented broker, but we have no way of knowing whether a particular service is available or not. We know whether a request failed, but we don't know why. It is useful to be able to ask the broker, "is the echo service running?" The most obvious way would be to modify our MDP/Client protocol to add commands to ask this. But MDP/Client has the great charm of being simple. Adding service discovery to it would make it as complex as the MDP/Worker protocol. Another option is to do what email does, and ask that undeliverable requests be returned. This can work well in an asynchronous world, but it also adds complexity. We need ways to distinguish returned requests from replies and to handle these properly. Let's try to use what we've already built, building on top of MDP instead of modifying it. Service discovery is, itself, a service. It might indeed be one of several management services, such as "disable service X", "provide statistics", and so on. What we want is a general, extensible solution that doesn't affect the protocol or existing applications. So here's a small RFC that layers this on top of MDP: [http://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:8 the Majordomo Management Interface (MMI)]. We already implemented it in the broker, though unless you read the whole thing you probably missed that. I'll explain how it works in the broker: * When a client requests a service that starts with {{mmi.}}, instead of routing this to a worker, we handle it internally. * We handle just one service in this broker, which is {{mmi.service}}, the service discovery service. * The payload for the request is the name of an external service (a real one, provided by a worker). * The broker returns "200" (OK) or "404" (Not found), depending on whether there are workers registered for that service or not. Here's how we use the service discovery in an application: [[code type="example" title="Service discovery over Majordomo" name="mmiecho"]] [[/code]] Try this with and without a worker running, and you should see the little program report "200" or "404" accordingly. The implementation of MMI in our example broker is flimsy. For example, if a worker disappears, services remain "present". In practice, a broker should remove services that have no workers after some configurable timeout. ++ Idempotent Services Idempotency is not something you take a pill for. What it means is that it's safe to repeat an operation. Checking the clock is idempotent. Lending ones credit card to ones children is not. While many client-to-server use cases are idempotent, some are not. Examples of idempotent use cases include: * Stateless task distribution, i.e., a pipeline where the servers are stateless workers that compute a reply based purely on the state provided by a request. In such a case, it's safe (though inefficient) to execute the same request many times. * A name service that translates logical addresses into endpoints to bind or connect to. In such a case, it's safe to make the same lookup request many times. And here are examples of a non-idempotent use cases: * A logging service. One does not want the same log information recorded more than once. * Any service that has impact on downstream nodes, e.g., sends on information to other nodes. If that service gets the same request more than once, downstream nodes will get duplicate information. * Any service that modifies shared data in some non-idempotent way; e.g., a service that debits a bank account is not idempotent without extra work. When our server applications are not idempotent, we have to think more carefully about when exactly they might crash. If an application dies when it's idle, or while it's processing a request, that's usually fine. We can use database transactions to make sure a debit and a credit are always done together, if at all. If the server dies while sending its reply, that's a problem, because as far as it's concerned, it has done its work. If the network dies just as the reply is making its way back to the client, the same problem arises. The client will think the server died and will resend the request, and the server will do the same work twice, which is not what we want. To handle non-idempotent operations, use the fairly standard solution of detecting and rejecting duplicate requests. This means: * The client must stamp every request with a unique client identifier and a unique message number. * The server, before sending back a reply, stores it using the combination of client ID and message number as a key. * The server, when getting a request from a given client, first checks whether it has a reply for that client ID and message number. If so, it does not process the request, but just resends the reply. ++ Disconnected Reliability (Titanic Pattern) Once you realize that Majordomo is a "reliable" message broker, you might be tempted to add some spinning rust (that is, ferrous-based hard disk platters). After all, this works for all the enterprise messaging systems. It's such a tempting idea that it's a little sad to have to be negative toward it. But brutal cynicism is one of my specialties. So, some reasons you don't want rust-based brokers sitting in the center of your architecture are: * As you've seen, the Lazy Pirate client performs surprisingly well. It works across a whole range of architectures, from direct client-to-server to distributed queue proxies. It does tend to assume that workers are stateless and idempotent. But we can work around that limitation without resorting to rust. * Rust brings a whole set of problems, from slow performance to additional pieces that you have to manage, repair, and handle 6 a.m. panics from, as they inevitably break at the start of daily operations. The beauty of the Pirate patterns in general is their simplicity. They won't crash. And if you're still worried about the hardware, you can move to a peer-to-peer pattern that has no broker at all. I'll explain later in this chapter. Having said this, however, there is one sane use case for rust-based reliability, which is an asynchronous disconnected network. It solves a major problem with Pirate, namely that a client has to wait for an answer in real time. If clients and workers are only sporadically connected (think of email as an analogy), we can't use a stateless network between clients and workers. We have to put state in the middle. So, here's the Titanic pattern[figure], in which we write messages to disk to ensure they never get lost, no matter how sporadically clients and workers are connected. As we did for service discovery, we're going to layer Titanic on top of MDP rather than extend it. It's wonderfully lazy because it means we can implement our fire-and-forget reliability in a specialized worker, rather than in the broker. This is excellent for several reasons: * It is //much// easier because we divide and conquer: the broker handles message routing and the worker handles reliability. * It lets us mix brokers written in one language with workers written in another. * It lets us evolve the fire-and-forget technology independently. The only downside is that there's an extra network hop between broker and hard disk. The benefits are easily worth it. There are many ways to make a persistent request-reply architecture. We'll aim for one that is simple and painless. The simplest design I could come up with, after playing with this for a few hours, is a "proxy service". That is, Titanic doesn't affect workers at all. If a client wants a reply immediately, it talks directly to a service and hopes the service is available. If a client is happy to wait a while, it talks to Titanic instead and asks, "hey, buddy, would you take care of this for me while I go buy my groceries?" [[code type="textdiagram" title="The Titanic Pattern"]] #-----------# #-----------# #-----------# | | | | | | | Client | | Client | | Client | | | | | | | '-----------' '-----------' '-----------' ^ ^ ^ | | | '---------------+---------------' "Titanic, | "Titanic, give me coffee" | give me tea" v .-----------. #---------# .-------. | | | | | | | Broker |<--->| Titanic |<--->| Disk | | | | | | | '-----------' #---------# '-------' ^ | .---------------+---------------. | | | v v v .-----------. .-----------. .-----------. | "Water" | | "Tea" | | "Coffee" | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | Worker | | Worker | | Worker | #-----------# #-----------# #-----------# [[/code]] Titanic is thus both a worker and a client. The dialog between client and Titanic goes along these lines: * Client: Please accept this request for me. Titanic: OK, done. * Client: Do you have a reply for me? Titanic: Yes, here it is. Or, no, not yet. * Client: OK, you can wipe that request now, I'm happy. Titanic: OK, done. Whereas the dialog between Titanic and broker and worker goes like this: * Titanic: Hey, Broker, is there an coffee service? Broker: Uhm, Yeah, seems like. * Titanic: Hey, coffee service, please handle this for me. * Coffee: Sure, here you are. * Titanic: Sweeeeet! You can work through this and the possible failure scenarios. If a worker crashes while processing a request, Titanic retries indefinitely. If a reply gets lost somewhere, Titanic will retry. If the request gets processed but the client doesn't get the reply, it will ask again. If Titanic crashes while processing a request or a reply, the client will try again. As long as requests are fully committed to safe storage, work can't get lost. The handshaking is pedantic, but can be pipelined, i.e., clients can use the asynchronous Majordomo pattern to do a lot of work and then get the responses later. We need some way for a client to request //its// replies. We'll have many clients asking for the same services, and clients disappear and reappear with different identities. Here is a simple, reasonably secure solution: * Every request generates a universally unique ID (UUID), which Titanic returns to the client after it has queued the request. * When a client asks for a reply, it must specify the UUID for the original request. In a realistic case, the client would want to store its request UUIDs safely, e.g., in a local database. Before we jump off and write yet another formal specification (fun, fun!), let's consider how the client talks to Titanic. One way is to use a single service and send it three different request types. Another way, which seems simpler, is to use three services: * {{titanic.request}}: store a request message, and return a UUID for the request. * {{titanic.reply}}: fetch a reply, if available, for a given request UUID. * {{titanic.close}}: confirm that a reply has been stored and processed. We'll just make a multithreaded worker, which as we've seen from our multithreading experience with ZeroMQ, is trivial. However, let's first sketch what Titanic would look like in terms of ZeroMQ messages and frames. This gives us the [http://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:9 Titanic Service Protocol (TSP)]. Using TSP is clearly more work for client applications than accessing a service directly via MDP. Here's the shortest robust "echo" client example: [[code type="example" title="Titanic client example" name="ticlient"]] [[/code]] Of course this can be, and should be, wrapped up in some kind of framework or API. It's not healthy to ask average application developers to learn the full details of messaging: it hurts their brains, costs time, and offers too many ways to make buggy complexity. Additionally, it makes it hard to add intelligence. For example, this client blocks on each request whereas in a real application, we'd want to be doing useful work while tasks are executed. This requires some nontrivial plumbing to build a background thread and talk to that cleanly. It's the kind of thing you want to wrap in a nice simple API that the average developer cannot misuse. It's the same approach that we used for Majordomo. Here's the Titanic implementation. This server handles the three services using three threads, as proposed. It does full persistence to disk using the most brutal approach possible: one file per message. It's so simple, it's scary. The only complex part is that it keeps a separate queue of all requests, to avoid reading the directory over and over: [[code type="example" title="Titanic broker example" name="titanic"]] [[/code]] To test this, start {{mdbroker}} and {{titanic}}, and then run {{ticlient}}. Now start {{mdworker}} arbitrarily, and you should see the client getting a response and exiting happily. Some notes about this code: * Note that some loops start by sending, others by receiving messages. This is because Titanic acts both as a client and a worker in different roles. * The Titanic broker uses the MMI service discovery protocol to send requests only to services that appear to be running. Since the MMI implementation in our little Majordomo broker is quite poor, this won't work all the time. * We use an inproc connection to send new request data from the {{titanic.request}} service through to the main dispatcher. This saves the dispatcher from having to scan the disk directory, load all request files, and sort them by date/time. The important thing about this example is not performance (which, although I haven't tested it, is surely terrible), but how well it implements the reliability contract. To try it, start the mdbroker and titanic programs. Then start the ticlient, and then start the mdworker echo service. You can run all four of these using the {{-v}} option to do verbose activity tracing. You can stop and restart any piece //except the client// and nothing will get lost. If you want to use Titanic in real cases, you'll rapidly be asking "how do we make this faster?" Here's what I'd do, starting with the example implementation: * Use a single disk file for all data, rather than multiple files. Operating systems are usually better at handling a few large files than many smaller ones. * Organize that disk file as a circular buffer so that new requests can be written contiguously (with very occasional wraparound). One thread, writing full speed to a disk file, can work rapidly. * Keep the index in memory and rebuild the index at startup time, from the disk buffer. This saves the extra disk head flutter needed to keep the index fully safe on disk. You would want an fsync after every message, or every N milliseconds if you were prepared to lose the last M messages in case of a system failure. * Use a solid-state drive rather than spinning iron oxide platters. * Pre-allocate the entire file, or allocate it in large chunks, which allows the circular buffer to grow and shrink as needed. This avoids fragmentation and ensures that most reads and writes are contiguous. And so on. What I'd not recommend is storing messages in a database, not even a "fast" key/value store, unless you really like a specific database and don't have performance worries. You will pay a steep price for the abstraction, ten to a thousand times over a raw disk file. If you want to make Titanic //even more reliable//, duplicate the requests to a second server, which you'd place in a second location just far away enough to survive a nuclear attack on your primary location, yet not so far that you get too much latency. If you want to make Titanic //much faster and less reliable//, store requests and replies purely in memory. This will give you the functionality of a disconnected network, but requests won't survive a crash of the Titanic server itself. ++ High-Availability Pair (Binary Star Pattern) [[code type="textdiagram" title="High-Availability Pair, Normal Operation"]] #------------# #------------# | | | | | Primary |<--------->| Backup | | "active" | | "passive" | | | | | #------------# #------------# ^ | | | #-----+------# | | | Client | | | #------------# [[/code]] The Binary Star pattern puts two servers in a primary-backup high-availability pair[figure]. At any given time, one of these (the active) accepts connections from client applications. The other (the passive) does nothing, but the two servers monitor each other. If the active disappears from the network, after a certain time the passive takes over as active. We developed the Binary Star pattern at iMatix for our [http://www.openamq.org OpenAMQ server]. We designed it: * To provide a straightforward high-availability solution. * To be simple enough to actually understand and use. * To fail over reliably when needed, and only when needed. Assuming we have a Binary Star pair running, here are the different scenarios that will result in a failover[figure]: * The hardware running the primary server has a fatal problem (power supply explodes, machine catches fire, or someone simply unplugs it by mistake), and disappears. Applications see this, and reconnect to the backup server. * The network segment on which the primary server sits crashes--perhaps a router gets hit by a power spike--and applications start to reconnect to the backup server. * The primary server crashes or is killed by the operator and does not restart automatically. [[code type="textdiagram" title="High-availability Pair During Failover"]] #------------# #------------# | | | | | Primary |<--------->| Backup | | "passive" | | "active" | | | | | #------------# #------------# ^ | .-------------------------' | #-----+------# | | | Client | | | #------------# [[/code]] Recovery from failover works as follows: * The operators restart the primary server and fix whatever problems were causing it to disappear from the network. * The operators stop the backup server at a moment when it will cause minimal disruption to applications. * When applications have reconnected to the primary server, the operators restart the backup server. Recovery (to using the primary server as active) is a manual operation. Painful experience teaches us that automatic recovery is undesirable. There are several reasons: * Failover creates an interruption of service to applications, possibly lasting 10-30 seconds. If there is a real emergency, this is much better than total outage. But if recovery creates a further 10-30 second outage, it is better that this happens off-peak, when users have gone off the network. * When there is an emergency, the absolute first priority is certainty for those trying to fix things. Automatic recovery creates uncertainty for system administrators, who can no longer be sure which server is in charge without double-checking. * Automatic recovery can create situations where networks fail over and then recover, placing operators in the difficult position of analyzing what happened. There was an interruption of service, but the cause isn't clear. Having said this, the Binary Star pattern will fail back to the primary server if this is running (again) and the backup server fails. In fact, this is how we provoke recovery. The shutdown process for a Binary Star pair is to either: # Stop the passive server and then stop the active server at any later time, or # Stop both servers in any order but within a few seconds of each other. Stopping the active and then the passive server with any delay longer than the failover timeout will cause applications to disconnect, then reconnect, and then disconnect again, which may disturb users. +++ Detailed Requirements Binary Star is as simple as it can be, while still working accurately. In fact, the current design is the third complete redesign. Each of the previous designs we found to be too complex, trying to do too much, and we stripped out functionality until we came to a design that was understandable, easy to use, and reliable enough to be worth using. These are our requirements for a high-availability architecture: * The failover is meant to provide insurance against catastrophic system failures, such as hardware breakdown, fire, accident, and so on. There are simpler ways to recover from ordinary server crashes and we already covered these. * Failover time should be under 60 seconds and preferably under 10 seconds. * Failover has to happen automatically, whereas recovery must happen manually. We want applications to switch over to the backup server automatically, but we do not want them to switch back to the primary server except when the operators have fixed whatever problem there was and decided that it is a good time to interrupt applications again. * The semantics for client applications should be simple and easy for developers to understand. Ideally, they should be hidden in the client API. * There should be clear instructions for network architects on how to avoid designs that could lead to //split brain syndrome//, in which both servers in a Binary Star pair think they are the active server. * There should be no dependencies on the order in which the two servers are started. * It must be possible to make planned stops and restarts of either server without stopping client applications (though they may be forced to reconnect). * Operators must be able to monitor both servers at all times. * It must be possible to connect the two servers using a high-speed dedicated network connection. That is, failover synchronization must be able to use a specific IP route. We make the following assumptions: * A single backup server provides enough insurance; we don't need multiple levels of backup. * The primary and backup servers are equally capable of carrying the application load. We do not attempt to balance load across the servers. * There is sufficient budget to cover a fully redundant backup server that does nothing almost all the time. We don't attempt to cover the following: * The use of an active backup server or load balancing. In a Binary Star pair, the backup server is inactive and does no useful work until the primary server goes offline. * The handling of persistent messages or transactions in any way. We assume the existence of a network of unreliable (and probably untrusted) servers or Binary Star pairs. * Any automatic exploration of the network. The Binary Star pair is manually and explicitly defined in the network and is known to applications (at least in their configuration data). * Replication of state or messages between servers. All server-side state must be recreated by applications when they fail over. Here is the key terminology that we use in Binary Star: * //Primary//: the server that is normally or initially active. * //Backup//: the server that is normally passive. It will become active if and when the primary server disappears from the network, and when client applications ask the backup server to connect. * //Active//: the server that accepts client connections. There is at most one active server. * //Passive//: the server that takes over if the active disappears. Note that when a Binary Star pair is running normally, the primary server is active, and the backup is passive. When a failover has happened, the roles are switched. To configure a Binary Star pair, you need to: # Tell the primary server where the backup server is located. # Tell the backup server where the primary server is located. # Optionally, tune the failover response times, which must be the same for both servers. The main tuning concern is how frequently you want the servers to check their peering status, and how quickly you want to activate failover. In our example, the failover timeout value defaults to 2,000 msec. If you reduce this, the backup server will take over as active more rapidly but may take over in cases where the primary server could recover. For example, you may have wrapped the primary server in a shell script that restarts it if it crashes. In that case, the timeout should be higher than the time needed to restart the primary server. For client applications to work properly with a Binary Star pair, they must: # Know both server addresses. # Try to connect to the primary server, and if that fails, to the backup server. # Detect a failed connection, typically using heartbeating. # Try to reconnect to the primary, and then backup (in that order), with a delay between retries that is at least as high as the server failover timeout. # Recreate all of the state they require on a server. # Retransmit messages lost during a failover, if messages need to be reliable. It's not trivial work, and we'd usually wrap this in an API that hides it from real end-user applications. These are the main limitations of the Binary Star pattern: * A server process cannot be part of more than one Binary Star pair. * A primary server can have a single backup server, and no more. * The passive server does no useful work, and is thus wasted. * The backup server must be capable of handling full application loads. * Failover configuration cannot be modified at runtime. * Client applications must do some work to benefit from failover. +++ Preventing Split-Brain Syndrome //Split-brain syndrome// occurs when different parts of a cluster think they are active at the same time. It causes applications to stop seeing each other. Binary Star has an algorithm for detecting and eliminating split brain, which is based on a three-way decision mechanism (a server will not decide to become active until it gets application connection requests and it cannot see its peer server). However, it is still possible to (mis)design a network to fool this algorithm. A typical scenario would be a Binary Star pair, that is distributed between two buildings, where each building also had a set of applications and where there was a single network link between both buildings. Breaking this link would create two sets of client applications, each with half of the Binary Star pair, and each failover server would become active. To prevent split-brain situations, we must connect a Binary Star pair using a dedicated network link, which can be as simple as plugging them both into the same switch or, better, using a crossover cable directly between two machines. We must not split a Binary Star architecture into two islands, each with a set of applications. While this may be a common type of network architecture, you should use federation, not high-availability failover, in such cases. A suitably paranoid network configuration would use two private cluster interconnects, rather than a single one. Further, the network cards used for the cluster would be different from those used for message traffic, and possibly even on different paths on the server hardware. The goal is to separate possible failures in the network from possible failures in the cluster. Network ports can have a relatively high failure rate. +++ Binary Star Implementation Without further ado, here is a proof-of-concept implementation of the Binary Star server. The primary and backup servers run the same code, you choose their roles when you run the code: [[code type="example" title="Binary Star server" name="bstarsrv"]] [[/code]] And here is the client: [[code type="example" title="Binary Star client" name="bstarcli"]] [[/code]] To test Binary Star, start the servers and client in any order: [[code]] bstarsrv -p # Start primary bstarsrv -b # Start backup bstarcli [[/code]] You can then provoke failover by killing the primary server, and recovery by restarting the primary and killing the backup. Note how it's the client vote that triggers failover, and recovery. Binary star is driven by a finite state machine[figure]. Events are the peer state, so "Peer Active" means the other server has told us it's active. "Client Request" means we've received a client request. "Client Vote" means we've received a client request AND our peer is inactive for two heartbeats. Note that the servers use PUB-SUB sockets for state exchange. No other socket combination will work here. PUSH and DEALER block if there is no peer ready to receive a message. PAIR does not reconnect if the peer disappears and comes back. ROUTER needs the address of the peer before it can send it a message. [[code type="textdiagram" title="Binary Star Finite State Machine"]] Start .-----------------------. .----------. Start | | | | | |Client Request | | Client| Request | v | v v | v .---------+-. .-----------. | .-----------. | | Peer Backup | +------' | | | Primary +---------------->| Active |<--------------. | Backup | | | .------>| |<-----. | | | '-----+-----' | '-----+-----' | | '-----+-----' | | | | | | Peer| Active | Peer| Active | | Peer| Active | | v | | | | | .-----------. | | | | | | | | | | | Peer| Backup| Error! | Peer| Primary| | | | | | | | | | | '-----------' | | | | | ^ | | | | | Peer| Passive | Client| Vote | | | | | | | | | .-----+-----. | | | | | | +------' | | | '-------+ Passive +---------------' | '---------------------->| |<-----------------------' '-----------' [[/code]] +++ Binary Star Reactor Binary Star is useful and generic enough to package up as a reusable reactor class. The reactor then runs and calls our code whenever it has a message to process. This is much nicer than copying/pasting the Binary Star code into each server where we want that capability. In C, we wrap the CZMQ {{zloop}} class that we saw before. {{zloop}} lets you register handlers to react on socket and timer events. In the Binary Star reactor, we provide handlers for voters and for state changes (active to passive, and vice versa). Here is the {{bstar}} API: [[code type="fragment" name="bstar"]] // Create a new Binary Star instance, using local (bind) and // remote (connect) endpoints to set up the server peering. bstar_t *bstar_new (int primary, char *local, char *remote); // Destroy a Binary Star instance void bstar_destroy (bstar_t **self_p); // Return underlying zloop reactor, for timer and reader // registration and cancelation. zloop_t *bstar_zloop (bstar_t *self); // Register voting reader int bstar_voter (bstar_t *self, char *endpoint, int type, zloop_fn handler, void *arg); // Register main state change handlers void bstar_new_active (bstar_t *self, zloop_fn handler, void *arg); void bstar_new_passive (bstar_t *self, zloop_fn handler, void *arg); // Start the reactor, which ends if a callback function returns -1, // or the process received SIGINT or SIGTERM. int bstar_start (bstar_t *self); [[/code]] And here is the class implementation: [[code type="example" title="Binary Star core class" name="bstar"]] [[/code]] This gives us the following short main program for the server: [[code type="example" title="Binary Star server, using core class" name="bstarsrv2"]] [[/code]] ++ Brokerless Reliability (Freelance Pattern) It might seem ironic to focus so much on broker-based reliability, when we often explain ZeroMQ as "brokerless messaging". However, in messaging, as in real life, the middleman is both a burden and a benefit. In practice, most messaging architectures benefit from a mix of distributed and brokered messaging. You get the best results when you can decide freely what trade-offs you want to make. This is why I can drive twenty minutes to a wholesaler to buy five cases of wine for a party, but I can also walk ten minutes to a corner store to buy one bottle for a dinner. Our highly context-sensitive relative valuations of time, energy, and cost are essential to the real world economy. And they are essential to an optimal message-based architecture. This is why ZeroMQ does not //impose// a broker-centric architecture, though it does give you the tools to build brokers, aka //proxies//, and we've built a dozen or so different ones so far, just for practice. So we'll end this chapter by deconstructing the broker-based reliability we've built so far, and turning it back into a distributed peer-to-peer architecture I call the Freelance pattern. Our use case will be a name resolution service. This is a common problem with ZeroMQ architectures: how do we know the endpoint to connect to? Hard-coding TCP/IP addresses in code is insanely fragile. Using configuration files creates an administration nightmare. Imagine if you had to hand-configure your web browser, on every PC or mobile phone you used, to realize that "google.com" was "". A ZeroMQ name service (and we'll make a simple implementation) must do the following: * Resolve a logical name into at least a bind endpoint, and a connect endpoint. A realistic name service would provide multiple bind endpoints, and possibly multiple connect endpoints as well. * Allow us to manage multiple parallel environments, e.g., "test" versus "production", without modifying code. * Be reliable, because if it is unavailable, applications won't be able to connect to the network. Putting a name service behind a service-oriented Majordomo broker is clever from some points of view. However, it's simpler and much less surprising to just expose the name service as a server to which clients can connect directly. If we do this right, the name service becomes the //only// global network endpoint we need to hard-code in our code or configuration files. [[code type="textdiagram" title="The Freelance Pattern"]] #-----------# #-----------# #-----------# | Client | | Client | | Client | '-----------' '-----------' '-----------' connect connect connect | | | | | | +---------------+---------------+ | | | | | | bind bind bind .-----------. .-----------. .-----------. | Server | | Server | | Server | #-----------# #-----------# #-----------# [[/code]] The types of failure we aim to handle are server crashes and restarts, server busy looping, server overload, and network issues. To get reliability, we'll create a pool of name servers so if one crashes or goes away, clients can connect to another, and so on. In practice, two would be enough. But for the example, we'll assume the pool can be any size[figure]. In this architecture, a large set of clients connect to a small set of servers directly. The servers bind to their respective addresses. It's fundamentally different from a broker-based approach like Majordomo, where workers connect to the broker. Clients have a couple of options: * Use REQ sockets and the Lazy Pirate pattern. Easy, but would need some additional intelligence so clients don't stupidly try to reconnect to dead servers over and over. * Use DEALER sockets and blast out requests (which will be load balanced to all connected servers) until they get a reply. Effective, but not elegant. * Use ROUTER sockets so clients can address specific servers. But how does the client know the identity of the server sockets? Either the server has to ping the client first (complex), or the server has to use a hard-coded, fixed identity known to the client (nasty). We'll develop each of these in the following subsections. +++ Model One: Simple Retry and Failover So our menu appears to offer: simple, brutal, complex, or nasty. Let's start with simple and then work out the kinks. We take Lazy Pirate and rewrite it to work with multiple server endpoints. Start one or several servers first, specifying a bind endpoint as the argument: [[code type="example" title="Freelance server, Model One" name="flserver1"]] [[/code]] Then start the client, specifying one or more connect endpoints as arguments: [[code type="example" title="Freelance client, Model One" name="flclient1"]] [[/code]] A sample run is: [[code]] flserver1 tcp://*:5555 & flserver1 tcp://*:5556 & flclient1 tcp://localhost:5555 tcp://localhost:5556 [[/code]] Although the basic approach is Lazy Pirate, the client aims to just get one successful reply. It has two techniques, depending on whether you are running a single server or multiple servers: * With a single server, the client will retry several times, exactly as for Lazy Pirate. * With multiple servers, the client will try each server at most once until it's received a reply or has tried all servers. This solves the main weakness of Lazy Pirate, namely that it could not fail over to backup or alternate servers. However, this design won't work well in a real application. If we're connecting many sockets and our primary name server is down, we're going to experience this painful timeout each time. +++ Model Two: Brutal Shotgun Massacre Let's switch our client to using a DEALER socket. Our goal here is to make sure we get a reply back within the shortest possible time, no matter whether a particular server is up or down. Our client takes this approach: * We set things up, connecting to all servers. * When we have a request, we blast it out as many times as we have servers. * We wait for the first reply, and take that. * We ignore any other replies. What will happen in practice is that when all servers are running, ZeroMQ will distribute the requests so that each server gets one request and sends one reply. When any server is offline and disconnected, ZeroMQ will distribute the requests to the remaining servers. So a server may in some cases get the same request more than once. What's more annoying for the client is that we'll get multiple replies back, but there's no guarantee we'll get a precise number of replies. Requests and replies can get lost (e.g., if the server crashes while processing a request). So we have to number requests and ignore any replies that don't match the request number. Our Model One server will work because it's an echo server, but coincidence is not a great basis for understanding. So we'll make a Model Two server that chews up the message and returns a correctly numbered reply with the content "OK". We'll use messages consisting of two parts: a sequence number and a body. Start one or more servers, specifying a bind endpoint each time: [[code type="example" title="Freelance server, Model Two" name="flserver2"]] [[/code]] Then start the client, specifying the connect endpoints as arguments: [[code type="example" title="Freelance client, Model Two" name="flclient2"]] [[/code]] Here are some things to note about the client implementation: * The client is structured as a nice little class-based API that hides the dirty work of creating ZeroMQ contexts and sockets and talking to the server. That is, if a shotgun blast to the midriff can be called "talking". * The client will abandon the chase if it can't find //any// responsive server within a few seconds. * The client has to create a valid REP envelope, i.e., add an empty message frame to the front of the message. The client performs 10,000 name resolution requests (fake ones, as our server does essentially nothing) and measures the average cost. On my test box, talking to one server, this requires about 60 microseconds. Talking to three servers, it takes about 80 microseconds. The pros and cons of our shotgun approach are: * Pro: it is simple, easy to make and easy to understand. * Pro: it does the job of failover, and works rapidly, so long as there is at least one server running. * Con: it creates redundant network traffic. * Con: we can't prioritize our servers, i.e., Primary, then Secondary. * Con: the server can do at most one request at a time, period. +++ Model Three: Complex and Nasty The shotgun approach seems too good to be true. Let's be scientific and work through all the alternatives. We're going to explore the complex/nasty option, even if it's only to finally realize that we preferred brutal. Ah, the story of my life. We can solve the main problems of the client by switching to a ROUTER socket. That lets us send requests to specific servers, avoid servers we know are dead, and in general be as smart as we want to be. We can also solve the main problem of the server (single-threadedness) by switching to a ROUTER socket. But doing ROUTER to ROUTER between two anonymous sockets (which haven't set an identity) is not possible. Both sides generate an identity (for the other peer) only when they receive a first message, and thus neither can talk to the other until it has first received a message. The only way out of this conundrum is to cheat, and use hard-coded identities in one direction. The proper way to cheat, in a client/server case, is to let the client "know" the identity of the server. Doing it the other way around would be insane, on top of complex and nasty, because any number of clients should be able to arise independently. Insane, complex, and nasty are great attributes for a genocidal dictator, but terrible ones for software. Rather than invent yet another concept to manage, we'll use the connection endpoint as identity. This is a unique string on which both sides can agree without more prior knowledge than they already have for the shotgun model. It's a sneaky and effective way to connect two ROUTER sockets. Remember how ZeroMQ identities work. The server ROUTER socket sets an identity before it binds its socket. When a client connects, they do a little handshake to exchange identities, before either side sends a real message. The client ROUTER socket, having not set an identity, sends a null identity to the server. The server generates a random UUID to designate the client for its own use. The server sends its identity (which we've agreed is going to be an endpoint string) to the client. This means that our client can route a message to the server (i.e., send on its ROUTER socket, specifying the server endpoint as identity) as soon as the connection is established. That's not //immediately// after doing a {{zmq_connect[3]}}, but some random time thereafter. Herein lies one problem: we don't know when the server will actually be available and complete its connection handshake. If the server is online, it could be after a few milliseconds. If the server is down and the sysadmin is out to lunch, it could be an hour from now. There's a small paradox here. We need to know when servers become connected and available for work. In the Freelance pattern, unlike the broker-based patterns we saw earlier in this chapter, servers are silent until spoken to. Thus we can't talk to a server until it's told us it's online, which it can't do until we've asked it. My solution is to mix in a little of the shotgun approach from model 2, meaning we'll fire (harmless) shots at anything we can, and if anything moves, we know it's alive. We're not going to fire real requests, but rather a kind of ping-pong heartbeat. This brings us to the realm of protocols again, so here's a [http://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:10 short spec that defines how a Freelance client and server exchange ping-pong commands and request-reply commands]. It is short and sweet to implement as a server. Here's our echo server, Model Three, now speaking FLP: [[code type="example" title="Freelance server, Model Three" name="flserver3"]] [[/code]] The Freelance client, however, has gotten large. For clarity, it's split into an example application and a class that does the hard work. Here's the top-level application: [[code type="example" title="Freelance client, Model Three" name="flclient3"]] [[/code]] And here, almost as complex and large as the Majordomo broker, is the client API class: [[code type="example" title="Freelance client API" name="flcliapi"]] [[/code]] This API implementation is fairly sophisticated and uses a couple of techniques that we've not seen before. * **Multithreaded API**: the client API consists of two parts, a synchronous {{flcliapi}} class that runs in the application thread, and an asynchronous //agent// class that runs as a background thread. Remember how ZeroMQ makes it easy to create multithreaded apps. The flcliapi and agent classes talk to each other with messages over an {{inproc}} socket. All ZeroMQ aspects (such as creating and destroying a context) are hidden in the API. The agent in effect acts like a mini-broker, talking to servers in the background, so that when we make a request, it can make a best effort to reach a server it believes is available. * **Tickless poll timer**: in previous poll loops we always used a fixed tick interval, e.g., 1 second, which is simple enough but not excellent on power-sensitive clients (such as notebooks or mobile phones), where waking the CPU costs power. For fun, and to help save the planet, the agent uses a //tickless timer//, which calculates the poll delay based on the next timeout we're expecting. A proper implementation would keep an ordered list of timeouts. We just check all timeouts and calculate the poll delay until the next one. ++ Conclusion In this chapter, we've seen a variety of reliable request-reply mechanisms, each with certain costs and benefits. The example code is largely ready for real use, though it is not optimized. Of all the different patterns, the two that stand out for production use are the Majordomo pattern, for broker-based reliability, and the Freelance pattern, for brokerless reliability.
for this position, he is unethical, unorganized and lies. He lied to me when he was my mother’s court-appointed guardian and also lied to my mother’s debtor. Then it cost me $1,000 to hire an attorney to do what Dan Necci was asked to do for the court. Necci requested to be my mother’s court-appointed guardian. I didn’t understand at the time why an attorney would request to be my mother’s guardian. Naively, I thought he was trying to help me get her bills paid. I realized later it was to help his friend/recent ex-partner Brad Lochowicz get a judgment against me for the nursing home bill. My stepfather was and still is the responsible party for his wife’s bills with assets over $600,000. When I informed Necci that I brought my mother home, he wanted her Social Security and pension checks; he said his top priority was paying for my mother’s medication. NEVER HAPPENED. Never even opened a bank account for my mother’s Social Security checks direct deposit. After that, I could no longer reach Necci. My mother’s debtors had failed attempts to contact him. One debtor did miraculously reach Necci and he informed her that he no longer was my mother’s guardian. NOT TRUE. He did however request a court date to be dropped as my mother’s guardian since he accomplished his objective to get a judgment against my husband, our 21-year-old son who is in the military and me for $114,000 (home worth $118,000). Necci never took this position seriously. Necci was the third attorney Lochowicz asked to be my mother’s guardian. Two others turned it down. Now Necci is requesting to be our top attorney, our District Attorney! Please say NO. I learned the hard way; you will too if you elect him. To my knowledge, Necci has never truly “run” an office though he has an address. I know first-hand that he has an answering machine (no secretary) and picks and chooses who he calls back. When he had an office in Lake Geneva in 2010, he did not have a single person on his staff. He kept the door locked at all times. He told me that if he was there he would not hear me knocking. Do you truly want this “unorganized” person as our next District Attorney? Norma J. Miller, Lyons Be the first one to leave a comment.
? Danilo PérezBackstage after the Wayne Shorter concert at Berklee in December, the doorkeeper warned one of her colleagues: "Everybody's a friend of Danilo's." That would be Danilo Pûrez, the indispensable pianist in Shorter's quartet, and Boston's foremost jazz citizen — a teacher at Berklee and New England Conservatory, an international star who makes Boston his home and boosts the local scene every chance he gets, and a hero in his native Panama, where he's created an annual music festival that's the centerpiece of his educational-outreach foundation. This year he released The Panama Suite (ArtistShare) as well as an album of compositions and arrangements by Claus Ogerman, Across the Crystal Sea (Decca). And, oh yeah, he played the Regattabar in his great trio with Ben Street and Adam Cruz. Jenny ScheinmanScheinman has been a utility player for years, the go-to violin gal for Norah Jones, Lucinda Williams, Vinicius Cantuária, and especially Bill Frisell. At the same time, she's been exploring various Latin and European-folk and klezmer-influenced solo CDs. But this fall she released two CDs on Koch, Jenny Scheinman and Crossing the Field — the first a roots-based vocal album, the second an instrumental disc that traveled from covers of Ellington's "Awful Sad" to her own dense compositions for strings. At the MFA in June, she proved a great singing frontwoman, with a no-bullshit vocal attack. Meanwhile, in April she was the lead string voice with Frisell's Quartet 858 at the Regattabar. An indie-jazz diva either way. Esperanza SpaldingSpalding had been turning heads since she arrived at Berklee as a 17-year-old — singing in counterpoint to her flowing acoustic basslines and tearing into the instrument with scary virtuosity. Her Heads Up debut, Esperanza, leaned in a pop direction, emphasizing her singing and the lyrics rather than her distinctive scatting. But here was Milton Nascimento's rarely covered "Ponta de Areia," Baden Powell's "Samba em Preludio," and, yes, "Body and Soul" — only in a 5/4 arrangement and sung in Spanish. When Spalding was projected on the big screen at Newport as part of George Wein's All Stars, she brought the house down doing the bass/voice thing to the Johnny Mercer/Sonny Burke standard "Midnight Sun." See all articles by: JON GARELICK All Slideshows
From the Great Barrier Reef to the Wet Tropics we’ve picked our top 5 hot spots just a short drive (or ferry) from one of our favourite tropical cities. Image source: Tourism and Events QLD If you are after some sand and sunshine add Palm Cove to your must-do list. This pretty coastal town has one of the most beautiful beaches in Queensland boasting a stunning palm tree lined esplanade with the sparkling blue ocean as the backdrop. We’d recommend setting up on the beach for the day and taking in the tropical surrounds. Make sure you grab a bite to eat at one of the many delicious cafes along the esplanade and spend some time checking out the boutique shops. Before heading back to Cairns make time to watch the sunset over the ocean, it won’t disappoint. Palm Cove is a 30 minute drive north of Cairns. Image source: Tourism and Events Queensland This picturesque village surrounded by World Heritage-listed rainforest is as much about the destination as the mode of transport that will get you there. The SkyRail Rainforest Cableway will take you through the tree tops in the Barron Gorge National Park, with uninterrupted views spanning from the Coral Sea to the Highlands. Once you reach Kuranda you can explore the daily markets, visit the Koala Gardens, the Australian Butterfly Sanctuary and Birdworld, and of course venture through the luscious green rainforest. To head back to Cairns why not take the Kuranda Scenic Railway for even more stunning views – look out for those waterfalls! Skyrail is a 15 minute drive north of Cairns. Skyrail to Kuranda takes 1.5 hours by cable car. Escape the hustle and bustle of Cairns and head south to the chilled out coastal town of Mission Beach. This hidden gem is just a two hour drive from Cairns and boasts secluded beaches, delicious dining, adventure and more. Tick Skydiving off your bucket list with a spectacular view of the rainforest and reef with epic landing on Mission Beach, or take a water taxi across to Dunk Island and explore the hidden walking trails and untouched beaches. Make sure you check out the local cafes at North Mission Beach, and spot the sky divers as they land. If you have time why not head back to Cairns past the famous Paronella Park – you will feel like you have stepped into a fairy tale. Need more time to explore? Stay the night at Mission Beach YHA. Mission Beach is a 2 hour drive south of Cairns. Beach, beers and those views! Port Douglas is commonly known as a resort town but there is still plenty to offer day trippers on a budget. The drive from Cairns the Port Douglas is just a small part of one of Australia’s greatest coastal drives, with winding shorelines surrounded by lush rainforest and stunning oceans, it really is one of a kind. Make a pit stop at the famous Rex Lookout and be blown away by the picture perfect views of the green hills and the Coral Sea – definitely a photo opportunity not to be missed. Once in Port Douglas spend some time exploring the many beaches, including Four Mile Beach followed by a bite to each at one the main cafes on Macrossan Street. If you have time definitely add a half day reef tour to your itinerary. Turn your day-trip into and overnight stay at Port Douglas YHA. Port Douglas is a 1 hour drive north of Cairns. Image source: Tourism and Events QLD Welcome to your tropical island paradise! Just a short ferry ride from Cairns this island beauty is one of the lesser known in the Great Barrier Reef but has plenty on offer. You will be instantly enticed into the clear blue waters so pack your snorkel and fins (or hire on the island) and discover the coral reefs at Welcome Bay or hike through rainforest to Nudey Beach. If you love water activities you can hire kayaks and SUPS or even take a PADI dive trip. The island’s national park has loads of walking tracks through the rainforest so add these to your must-do list for the day. Fitzroy Island is a 45 minute ferry ride from Cairns. Ready to explore? Book your stay at Cairns Central YHA.
I Love Lucy Internationally recognized for her trademark red hair, would you believe that the first lady of comedy was once a blonde? Lucille Ball was actually born a natural brunette, but it wasn’t long before the young, aspiring performer transitioned to platinum to book more modeling jobs, as was standard procedure for several up-and-coming starlets and models during her time. Her first time as a blonde was somewhere during the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. Lucille modeled coats for a Seventh Avenue boutique before being hired to model at Hattie Carnegie’s dress shop at just nineteen years old. So with this information in mind, we know that Lucille was actually blonde before she even came to Hollywood in 1933. Throughout the 1930’s, the “Jean Harlow look” was all the rage. Starlets were advised to bleach their hair and shave off their eyebrows. Nearly every studio across Hollywood at the time was attempting to recreate the success of Harlow in many of their new contract players by imitating her look. Lucille, 1930’sLucille, 1930’sLucille (middle), 1934Lucille, 1936 For her first movie role, twenty-two year old Lucille donned a nearly knee-length platinum wig. She was one of the twelve Goldwyn Girls in Eddie Cantor’s film Roman Scandals. It was her first project upon entering Hollywood; she had been signed on the spot in New York where by chance she was discovered by agent Sylvia Halo, who had recognized Lucille as the girl on the Chesterfield cigarettes poster. From there, Lucille kept her blonde locks for the next three years, only going back to brunette for another film, but again went back to blonde soon after. Lucille in Roman Scandals (1933) Newspaper article from 1938: Newspaper article from 1941: Lucille spent the majority of the 1930’s as a blonde. By 1935, she was signed to RKO Pictures, a studio she and her husband Desi Arnaz would come to own later in 1957. Lucille was not like her fellow contract players. Most starlets shuddered at the thought of looking like a clown in front of the camera with crazy comedic stunts. These jobs were left to Lucy, who was eager to work and just happy to be participating in anything the studios had to offer. Her star build up at RKO was an important part of her budding career. Although she started out with bit roles, as did most starlets, she was landing larger films. She appeared in minor roles in three Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers productions: Roberta, Top Hat, and Follow The Fleet. Through her time at RKO, Lucille developed an important friendship with Ginger and also Ginger’s mother, Lela Rogers. Lela Rogers soon became a driving force for the beginning of Lucy’s career. Lucille, along with the other aspiring actors on the lot, attended the drama classes taught by Lela, who also acted as Ginger’s manager and was an important influence at the studio. Later in the 1960’s, Lucille would resume those classes in Lela’s place, teaching other young, hopeful performers. When RKO’s plans were to terminate Lucille’s contract after only six months, Lela would have none of it. She believed in Lucy’s talent, and famously threatened RKO that if they were going to fire Lucy, Lela herself would also leave and begin managing Lucy as she did Ginger. Needless to say, the studio immediately rehired Lucille. “[Lela] assisted a great many people and, in fact, literally saved Lucille Ball’s career. The studio told my mother they were thinking of letting Lucy go. My mother said firmly, ‘You fire Lucy … then I’ll quit. Lucille Ball is one of the most promising youngsters on this lot. If you’re stupid enough to do that, the minute you let her go, I’ll snap her up and take her to another studio and see that she gets the roles she deserves.’” -Ginger Rogers, “My Story” After going through another brief brunette period in 1939, Lucille went blonde once again from 1940-1942 for a few more films, including Too Many Girls, Look Who’s Laughing, and Valley of the Sun. The last film she completed as a blonde was Seven Days Leave in 1942, before finally settling on that famous red shade we know today, first showcased in the MGM musical Du Barry Was A Lady from 1943. Look Who’s Laughing (1941) In 1948, her hair was described as “strawberry blonde”: You may not think “blonde” when you think of Lucille Ball, but she most assuredly deserves to be recognized as a classic blonde.
Villa Dutsanee Villa with 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom in Hua Hin, Thailand - From £1,919 per week Villa to rent in Hua Hin, Thailand Villa Dutsanee is a dazzlingly finished colonial style home emanating the freshness of a chic, crisp white palette and airy, high ceilinged interiors, set just moments from the oceanfront in Hua Hin. Share this holiday home Villa overview - owner's description Villa Dutsanee is a dazzlingly finished colonial style home emanating the freshness of a chic, crisp white palette and airy, high ceilinged interiors, set just moments from the oceanfront in Hua Hin. An ideal romantic bolthole for a couple, or for two adults with one child, this stylish, yet unfussy abode sets the scene for an idyllic stay, pampered by Thai hospitality and world-class resort amenities. This sumptuous home comes with its own pool and private decked terrace-garden. The sleek, minimalist outdoor space, like the interiors, is clad in white-washed timber, for that colonial air of grace, while the garden is framed by the swaying palms and tropical vegetation of the wider resort. Blending the best of both worlds, this home offers both the seclusion of a stand-alone home along with all the convenience of resort services. The wider resort is unutterably elegant with an old-world charm and art-deco grace, since opening its doors in the 1920s is considered among one of Thailand's finest. Set on the beachfront, the common spaces are characterised by a polished refinement of a bygone age, a timeless style and finesse. Thai hospitality sits at the centre of the resort, whilst pavilion-style buildings and ornate touches lend an authentic air - hitting the right note between Eastern ‘zen' and Western contemporary comfort. The well-proportioned bedroom at Villa Dutsanee, like the rest of the home, is a pristine white nook of restoration, with a natural interplay between the indoors and outdoors, finished with natural timber, colonial-style high ceiling and warm earthy tones offset with ambient lighting. Wandering out for morning coffee, or a drip in the pool will be effortless. The pool is framed by a decked terrace, complete with seating and an elegant parasol. Villa Dutsanee leaves no detail under-thought, with impeccable attention to detail, top-grade linen and fluffy towels, flat-screen television and wi-fi, ceiling fans and coffee making, as well as every service imaginable on hand, this haven of style and tranquillity, will set the scene for a memory-making holiday. With access to all the hotspots around Hua Hin, host-led services back at the villa and endless opportunity for discovery from sporting, to nature, to adrenaline-thrills to cultural interest, this elegant home offers all the components of a sublime get-away. Features The Villa Gracefully designed to a colonial decor that blends soft colours, wood accents and high ceilings, Villa Dutsanee is a tranquil oasis with living areas of 76 square metres. There are a bedroom and a bathroom, and it can accommodate up to 2 people Interior - Bedroom with king-size bed or two single beds - Bathroom withshower - Outdoor free-standing bathtub Exterior - Private plunge pool - Spacious terrace - Dining & sitting area - Parasol Additional Facilities - Wi-Fi connection - Flat-screen TVs - DVD player - Individually controlled air-conditioning - Ceiling fans - Tea and coffee making facilities - In-room safe - Hairdryer Location With the fine beachfront at Hua Hin on its doorstep, Villa Dutsanee. For visitors to the region, taking just a 25-kilometre trip north of Hua Hin will uncover the laid-back style of Cha Am - known for its 5-kilometre long beach lined with Casuarina trees and colourful local culture. From shopping at Hua Hin's colourful night markets to water parks to temples, this region is rich with opportunity. Traditional to Hua Hin, taking a horse ride on the beach will be an exhilarating experience, particularly in the early morning air. Heading to Hua Hin South will see visitors enjoying Thailand's best kite-surfing beach, either for participating or watching as thousands of colourful kites streak across the sky. Architecture lovers will enjoy the Maruekathaiyawan Palace; a Thai-Victorian style summer seaside palace, constructed in the early 1920s designed by an Italian architect and built with golden teak; the royal halls and chambers are set up as a walk-through museum. Taking a trek to the mountain temple of Khao Takiap at the south end of Hua Hin beach will offer a mystical insight to Thai spiritual traditions. The standing Buddha - just above the waterline - is best seen at sunset. The view from the monastery at the top shows all of Hua Hin and its coastline stretching far off into the distance. Reviews This villa does not have any reviews but the agent has 12 reviews for their other properties. Location Prices and availability Updated 2 August 2020 -: an hour ago Number of properties: over 1,000 Similar holiday rentals around Hua Hin, Thailand
Reported By Allison Skeete Special to NAN News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. May 31, 2019: A Grammy Award winner Caribbean roots singer is set to be in Brooklyn, NY this Sunday, June 2nd for the launch of the Guyana Innovation Prize Venture Fellowship. Melanie Fiona, a Canadian-Guyanese, is slated to be part of the Brooklyn, NY launch of the Fellowship, the brainchild of the Guyana Economic Development Trust CEO, Oslene Carrington. The event aims to support paradigm-shifting innovative enterprises launching out of the University of Guyana under the theme: ‘Awakening of the Jaguar.’ Fiona, the winner of two Grammys for Traditional R&B Performance and Best R&B Song “Wrong Side of A Love Song” said she is supporting the initiative because: “I am the only first generation born Canadian in my family, but my Guyanese heritage is the foundation for my life.” “It steers my sensibilities about my place in this world. Diversity and culture inspire me – Our music, our food, our people. My mother’s cooking is my favourite part. Our history and cultural make up is like that of no other on the planet. My Guyanese heritage is a honour I wear proudly, everywhere I go,” she added. Oslene Carrington, meanwhile, says she wants to impact investing in ideas with commercial promise from talented students, alumni and faculty of the University of Guyana. The Guyana Economic Development Trust, she says, is an independent philanthropic organization that incubates and supports projects that develop the workforce and boost the private sector of Guyana. GEDT, according to Carrington, wants to trains Guyanese in the technical skills for internships and placements with locally operating international firms associated with Guyana’s growing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sectors. Its aim is to connect business founders who are passionate and hardworking but lacking the experience about running a business, she added, explaining that The Founder Coach project pairs start-up founders, particularly those in the tech sector, with U.S. based executives in the same industries and uses tested apps and virtual meetings to support Guyanese start-up founders in building the skills to succeed. For more information about the Guyana Economic Development Trust, visit Tickets for the event are available HERE. . Interesting
I was a tad surprised by the Financial Ombudsman service, as they tried replying to me, but sent a very long email on setting up a pass phrase with a link to their site so they could send me secure emails. It was a long and complicated email, and I had not spotted the bit about PGP right at the end to be honest. They fail in making the email so long to be honest, but are clearly trying to cater for people that have no clue on PGP first, hence fooling me slightly. I wonder if it can be a tad more concise and still be effective. I replied saying basically that my PGP is on key servers, the key ID, and attaching my public key to the email. That was over two weeks ago (well, we had Christmas I guess). Today I get an encrypted and signed email! This is where it gets slightly amusing as the email says :- I've heard back from our IT department today who have said they're unable to open the attachment in the format it's been sent. Well, the attachment was my PGP public key which, err, they are now using to send me the encrypted email. After some email exchanges it is becoming apparent that the people you are emailing with don't see the PGP, they see plain text that says it was signed, for example. They get a tad confused by attachments it seems. They do not realise they are sending signed and encrypted emails. When I said "well done" for using my key, they are confused... I tried to explain. So second slight failing is that they could do with a bit more training for the people that use the system. However, top marks for a system that considers the financial information being exchanged by email to be sensitive and making use of existing encryption systems like PGP (and possibly some others by the look of it, hence the long initial email). This is a good sign... Interesting that they made no attempt to verify that the key presented belongs to the human who has an account with them. I suspect it would have been easy to forge an email from you to them saying "Here's my key" and for them to then send that person personal info about you, confident that it's safe because it's encrypted. Especially if they don't actually see the working and hence have no appreciation of it. In fact it could be easy for a third-party to send an updated key and their system will possibly take it on. Unless they initially verify your key, and then use that as a basis for chaining new keys on when they change, they're still open to abuse, perhaps more so under the false illusion of safety because "military grade encryption". It is highly likely they are using the Symantec PGP gateway which handles all this. I have used this in the past, and as you say it handles everything transparently so the users at the company end don't see anything about the encryption in most cases because the internal traffic is deamed to be "secure." It could be argued that the system is acting as a man in the middle because it is decrypting the email before it reaches the destination and so the user never deals with encryption etc. My argument for this is it causes security issues because the users just send emails as normal with the expectation that some magic down the line will handle the encryption for them. IIRC the settings in the server are set such that they will contact the public key servers and if the email addresses match it encrypts to that key. In one of their newsletters they stated they use Symantec's PGP Universal product, which sits at the network level so my money would be on the users not seeing it at all.
Understanding the Enemy There was a slight hint of Spring this week. The evenings have a bit of light in them. At the first hint of warmth, the pubs around Mayfair fill to overflowing as we Londoners come out of hibernation. On the first warm evening, I caught up with my friend Dominic after over a year. Dominic who runs Thistledown Investment Management kindly bought me an overpriced drink at one of the drinking holes just off St James Square. He and I are polar opposite - he is ex-Army, old-school English who regularly wears a cravat. I am ex-Silicon Valley, view the world as a database and wear saris whenever the opportunity arises. A hundred years ago it would have unthinkable for an Englishman and an Indian woman to find common ground in business interests. Their worlds were literally worlds apart. Because we are both on the value investor/ entrepreneur merry-go-round, Dominic and I often find ourselves at the same events. We face the same issues with regulation, market madness and working without a corporate mothership. It’s always useful to trade views and advice, as we each understand where the other one is coming from - at least investing-wise. This month marks the 50th anniversary of My Lai. The US Army massacred more than five hundred Vietnamese villagers, believing they were exacting revenge on the Viet Cong enemy. I remember learning about it in school as a “bad” episode for the US Army. Yet, going through articles written in retrospect it seems like the US public was divided on who the heroes of the day were. Initially many were in support of the perpetrators and the army officer who helped bring the atrocities to an end faced death threats and isolation. Today he is considered a hero. In the world of investing I commonly see this with people outside the world of finance. They view the finance industry as greedy and ineffective. The investment industry -- much like warfare, is driven by short-term survival. Those of us who try to think on a more long-term basis are rarities. The most surprising thing about focusing on investment education is the number of people in my financial industry network who want to sign up for my workshops. Although they might be experts in their areas of derivatives or indexes, they still need perspective on their personal investments. So time and education. Perception and understanding. The secret to getting on with your investments. Hopefully, it won’t take another fifty years! Thanks, Mallika
USC Marshall has partnered with Global Experiences to provide students access to the internship opportunities in Rome, as well as arrange housing and provide support while the student is in the country. Students will intern with a firm personally selected based on their interests, background and experience, as well as the needs and requirements of the company. PROGRAM DATES: MAY 31 - August 1, 2020 - Students Arrive in Rome: May 31, 2020 - Language Start: June 1, 2020 - Internship: June 8 - July 31, 2020 - Last Day in Rome Residence: August 1, 2020 ELIGIBILITY: - This is open to USC undergraduates who will have completed 32 shared flats/apartments while in Rome. Costs: ** Students are responsible for booking their own flights. Students must arrive in Rome no later than June 1, 2020. Students must also not depart Rome prior to July 31,! >> Rome Application Scholarship Application (only submit once if applying to multiple locations) INTERNSHIP PLACEMENTS: (SUMMER 2020) Rome has a history that spans 28 centuries, making it home to rich culture and insanely beautiful, famous sites such as Vatican City and the Colosseum. Lose yourself in the winding streets of the Trastevere, explore ancient Roman ruins, visit world-renowned museums, and sample cuisines from all over Italy. As the capital city and business hub of Italy, Rome has a wide range of internship opportunities in various industries to offer participants. This includes placements in areas of Business, Marketing, Communications, Fashion, Art, Design, and Architecture. All internships are unpaid. Internship placements in Rome Global Experiences, and are based on the position and duties you wish to complete (as expressed in your internship essay and interview) during your internship, as well as your experience and skills, and the needs and requirements of the company you will be placed with. Do NOT expect to be working with only a major brand recognized company, as most openings will be with SMEs. In fact, often smaller companies offer opportunities that are more in line with the student interests than larger companies. The goal of the program is to provide students with a quality learning experience, not necessarily for students to work for the biggest company.
How To Install Bathroom Grab Bars Bathroom grab bars – Bathrooms can be dangerous places where tubs and tiles become wet and slippery. Installing a bathroom grab bars handrail can be useful for someone to catch your balance in the event that slide. Grab bars can also be useful for an elderly or disabled to help in the bathroom person. Installing a grab bar is a relatively simple procedure with the height and type of the wall of the main factors that must be considered. Instructions: Measure the spot on the wall where you want to install the grab bar. This should be at a height that can be easily reached. Place the support bathroom grab bars to the desired position and mark the holes at both ends with a pencil. Drill holes in the wall. Install the wall studs in which the screws are mounted. Place the support bar in the desired position. Thrust screws into the holes of the ends of the grab bar. Tighten the screws with a screwdriver. Slide the cover plates on mounting and press firmly. Thank you for read this article with tittle How to Install Bathroom Grab Bars. May can help your problem. Happy decorate and regards author.
Abstract Energetic condition is one of the most important factors that influence fitness and reproductive performance in vertebrates. Yet, we lack evidence on how energetic states change in response to reproduction in large marine vertebrates. In the present study, we used a non-lethal approach to assess relationships among reproductive stage, circulating steroid hormones (testosterone and relative corticosteroid levels), plasma fatty acids, and the ketone body β-hydroxybutyrate in male sharks of two species with divergent ecologies, the benthic nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum) and the epipelagic blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus). We found higher relative corticosteroid levels in adult nurse sharks during the pre-mating period and in blacktip sharks during the mating period. Higher levels of β-hydroxybutyrate were found in adult nurse sharks during the mating period, but concentrations of this ketone body did not significantly vary across reproductive stages in blacktip sharks. We also detected reduced percentages of essential fatty acids during the mating period of both nurse and blacktip sharks. Taken together, our findings suggest that nurse and blacktip sharks differ in their energetic strategy to support reproduction, however, they likely rely on physiologically important fatty acids during mating, to support spermatogenesis. Keywords - Dietary patterns - Elasmobranchs - Lipid metabolites - Reproductive hormones - Trophic markers ASJC Scopus subject areas - Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
1 Kings 1:5-10. The reason Adonijah’s bid failed was because he exalted himself, and we already know what our Lord has to say about that: (Matthew 23) 11 But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. Adonijah was an opportunist, taking advantage of David’s weakness in age and his penchant for not disciplining his sons. It wasn’t the first time, for Absalom had also taken a run at the throne, so this was a spiritual stronghold for David in terms of being vulnerable, but it was G-d who’d secured David to the throne, not his men, and not the people, therefore he couldn’t be overthrown by earthly means, though many had tried. David instinctively knew not to kill Saul, though he had every reason, and more than one chance to do so. But when the time came for Saul to be removed, G-d didn’t let David do it, but a prideful soldier who thought he was serving the crown by taking advantage of his opportunity. Adonijah surrounded himself with other opportunists, and no one rebuked him or tried to stop him. The wrong people, also not confirmed by G-d, were at the feast, but now comes the contrast. David now had to act, and quickly, lest word of Adonijah’s coronation spread, and the people begin to drift toward him and get him in their minds as being the rightful king. G-d had not confirmed him, and neither had David. Bathsheba’s timely warning came not a moment too soon: (1Kings 1) 20 And as for you, my lord, O king, the eyes of all Israel are on you, that you should tell them who will sit on the throne of my lord the king after him. David’s response was immediate, and the following ritual that rightly confirmed Solomon to the throne was done within the guidelines of the Lord’s decrees. David had learned from the Ark of the Covenant fiasco. (1 Kings 32-37).” And G-d used the city as an ampitheater to quickly end the false reign of the usurper: 40 And all the people went up after him; and the people played the flutes and rejoiced with great joy, so that the earth seemed to split with their sound. At the feast of the false king, when Jonathan, the priest’s son, brought news of the official coronation, these men proved themselves no more loyal to Adonijah than they’d been to David. 49 So all the guests who were with Adonijah were afraid, and arose, and each one went his way. How often have we gone before G-d, without waiting for confirmation, with presumption of His blessing, and yes, even with pride that we are the one called to fill the gap and come to the rescue, only to be humiliated, or hurt, when we find out we weren’t only not called, but are incapable of doing the job we thought we could do. It’s all around us: “Live every day like it’s your last.” “Carpe diem.” “Opportunity only knocks once.” But Solomon himself wrote through the Holy Spirit: 11 I returned and saw under the sun that— The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all. Time for what? Chances to do what? To do the work G-d has called us to do, to use the gifts and talents He’s given us to His glory. If He has plans to give us a hope and a future, and instills us with gifts, and calls us out of the world, we need not get caught up in the world’s need for recognition. But it’s not in our timing, necessarily. The favor of man is not where our blessings come from, but the favor and calling of G-d. And how many times has it happened, the manifestation and needs for our gifts, that it never came in the way, or among the people, we thought it would? Peter tells us this: . Help us, like David, to bide our time and do no harm as You anoint us, confirm us, and exalt us to where You need us to be, securing our position, opening doors no one can shut, and shutting those no one can open. Let us keep before us in our hearts and minds that we will triumph over our enemies, no weapons formed against us will prosper, and let it be that our light so shines, those who mean us harm will glorify You. Prepare our hearts that our exalted place may be out of the sight of people, but as we are skilled in our work, we will not remain in obscurity. But if we do, that too, is for Your glory, and You see us, and our reward will be no less without earthly praise. It is a humanly impossible task in this imperfect world where pride, standing out, being unique, is a daily command to our flesh. Remind us when these temptations come that with You, Father, as Your Son has told us, all things are possible. I ask it in the Name of Jesus, believing I’ve received. May it be to us You have said. Amen.
[COPD disease and malnutrition]. Weight loss and malnutrition related mainly to lean mass loss can develop in advanced stages of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and are a clear indication of phenotypic heterogeneity. The presence of weight loss and malnutrition is associated with a worse prognosis, independently of forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV(1)). The most widely accepted thresholds for risk are 21 for the body mass index (BMI) and 17 and 14 for men and women, respectively, for the fat-free mass index (FFMI). The coexistence of both defines a situation of greater nutritional risk (cachexia). Nevertheless, a reduction in FFMI is an independent risk factor, although not superior to a low BMI. Therefore, although obtaining FFMI by bioelectric impedanciometry is reliable and relatively easy, we recommend the use of this procedure only in patients with COPD and low weight (BMI < 21), together with more specific nutritional evaluation. Currently, longitudinal studies providing data on the behavior of BMI within the natural course of the disease are lacking. Moreover, there is no solid scientific evidence that confirms the main mechanisms of malnutrition in COPD. This lack of evidence explains the difficulty of the therapeutic management of these patients, which has not advanced in the last few decades. Nevertheless, current evidence suggests that initiating individually-tailored nutritional treatment combined with pulmonary rehabilitation programs (exercise) is reasonable in patients with cachexia. Further studies are required to provide greater insight into the physiopathology and the role of other therapeutic options (hormones, antiinflammatory drugs) in malnutrition in patients with COPD.
DataOceans Advisory Board member David Blaha I’m pleased to be joining the DataOceans Advisory Board, especially at this time when numerous organizations need to improve their communications to reduce customer attrition and promote their offerings. ATLANTA (PRWEB) October 08, 2020 DataOceans LLC, () a leading customer communications management (CCM) platform, today announced that David Blaha has joined its Advisory Board. Mr. Blaha will assist in guiding management and company strategy to ensure full support and execution of DataOceans’ growth plans. DataOceans’ founder and CEO Larry Buckley commented, “We are fortunate that David has agreed to join our Advisory Board. He is a proven executive with a long history of excellence and innovation. I know we will benefit from his insights and experience as we continue to expand our customer base and undertake new initiatives to enhance our product.” Blaha is a former executive at American Express, most recently serving as Vice President/General Manager, Global Commercial Services, where he oversaw Sales, Account Management and Client Support Teams. Many of his key strategic clients included Delta, Verizon, Hilton, Home Depot, CBS, Bloomberg and the NBA just to name a few. These combined businesses delivered over $20B in overall annual sales volume. While at Amex, his teams also sold and deployed new electronic payment platforms such as Buyer Initiated Payment, Virtual Payments, and AP Automation – strategic imperatives for AMEX. In 2010 Blaha received the Chairman’s Award for Quality, and in 2013 the Chairman’s Award for Innovation. He was also inducted into the American Express Hall of Fame in 2014 for consistent over-target performance, a history of outstanding employee engagement and development, innovation, and overall impact to the organization. According to Blaha, “I’m pleased to be joining the DataOceans Advisory Board, especially at this time when numerous organizations need to improve their communications to reduce customer attrition and promote their offerings. A potent tool for success, the DataOceans platform makes it easy for companies to engage with their customers at every touchpoint, while removing the need to maintain myriad legacy communications solutions.” The DataOceans Oceanus platform enables organizations to unlock customer data from existing systems to create and deliver highly personalized and compelling interactive communications, such as bills, statements and invoices. It facilitates enhanced customer interactions that increase loyalty and long-term growth, while driving cost-efficiencies. The platform has been adopted by over 150 customers and has a customer retention rate of 98%.
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Undefined Love Dawn is about to set Here I am still thinking of you Your shadow vanishing in the moonlit night, I walked the dark path to realize you’re not there Were you just an illusion, a dream, or created by pure imagination All I know is that you possess that pair of eyes that glimmer in the dark That even if I get lost anywhere in this world, I may find myself again in you, You’re more than the word Love itself for I cannot simply define how you swept me off my feet A meager stare from you sets my heart in so much commotion And hearing you call my name in such an intricate way sets my soul on fire, Find me again, take my hand and let’s go to the end of the world There at the tower let us watch the moon while some clouds dance in the background As the splashing of waves make sounds while we walk by the shoreline barefooted, Feeling the warm sand beneath our feet with a mild breeze brushing our cheeks Find me again in another lifetime where we could define this eternal love we share transcending time and space. The Moon Tower -- Jarosław Jaśnikowski "Find me again in another lifetime..." Oh, that's so beautiful and profound. Hey, thanks for reading and appreciating my piece, Huggybear ^_^
Lesbian security in Australia Search Real Swingers Skip to content. Participants hold Lesbiqn regarding same-sex marriage during The mens club Armadale 40th anniversary of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade in central Sydney, Australia, March 3,. Views: 4030 View secuirty. Book Hotels. Lesbizn rural areas of Australia, you Stoke massage Maryborough still encounter a little conservative resistance to gays and lesbians, but Australians everywhere are generally open-minded. The cafes and pubs of Oxford Street in Darlinghurst, a short cab ride or long stroll from Sydney's downtown area, are the liveliest gay spots. 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It is abysmal behaviour and the boys from St Kevin's may need to pay some kind of price, but if we think punishment alone can Lesbiaj this issue, we are mistaken, writes Justin Coulson. Secjrity comment Cancel. Share this article Share. Here with Cassie. Floody hell! Delete Comment Are you sure you want to delete this comment? She swore she was happy to be curvy - now she's securitu lost three stone. Connect Contact Us. Robert Reynolds receives funding from the Australian Research Council which is funding this Lesbian security in Australia through its Linkage program. Mark Steel. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users Lesbia Latin escorts in Brisbane not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. It is now Sydney's biggest street party and a major focal point for Australia's gay Aushralia lesbian community. 'I didn't know that world existed': How lesbian women found a life in the armed forces That's Adele of a makeover! Tech culture. Children need to be loved, nurtured and respected, and our child will be. England storm to victory! Today, homophobia still exists but it is no longer as institutionalised or as Lesbian security in Australia as it. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. But as Jennifer's experience shows, prior tothe military served as a highly significant space where identities could be Auetralia Lesbian security in Australia romantic, sexual and social connections between women could be forged. Michael Duffy, former Senator the Hon. Subscribe to Independent Premium to debate the big issues Want to seckrity real-world problems, be involved in the most engaging Nepali girls online in Australia and hear from the journalists? A new oral history project is Mildura male spa the life stories of several generations of gay and lesbian Australians. Independent Lesbian security in Australia Comments can be posted by members of our membership scheme, Independent Premium. Securrity news UK police have charged a driver with manslaughter and conspiracy to traffic people, after 39 bodies were found in Ahstralia back of his truck Bushfire warning Follow NSW RFS for emergency information. Deleting comment Dating site for divorcees Adelaide Hills for the Australian Lesbian and Gay Life Stories project are being conducted with participants born between and who self-identify as same-sex attracted. It will serve to Auwtralia broader awareness of lesbian and gay lives — and the ways in which generations of lesbian and gay Australians Austrakia shaped a profound transformation of social attitudes in Australia. Abstract On 24 Lesbian security in AustraliaAustralia seurity its longstanding Austrlia on Austrwlia and lesbian service in the Australian Defence Force. Prince accuses music industry of 'trying to ram Katy Cougar women Marrickville and Ed Sheeran down our throats' in secret diary About half a million people are expected to line Sydney's streets on Saturday to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Escurity and Lesbian Mardi Gras, the first time the annual parade has taken place since Australia legalized secutity marriage. One of the difficulties Austealia lesbian women in Australian society Lesbian security in Australia preceding decades was the way mainstream culture rendered Brooks massage therapy Sunbury desire invisible. ❶Enter your email address below Ausrralia we will send you your username. Lesbian security in Australia Share your thoughts and debate the big issues Iraq protests are about 'justice and dignity,' says Iraqi writer Sinan Antoon. Due to the sheer scale of this comment community, we are not able to give each post the same level of attention, but we have preserved this area in the interests of open debate. Townsville singles mixers Password. For women who were not aware of homosexuality or those who did not have access to lesbian social networks, the lesbian subculture that existed in the services after Autsralia War II provided opportunities Lesbian security in Australia express their desire for other women, albeit covertly. Copyright for all material published on this site is owned or licensed exclusively to Monash University Publishing. This comment has seecurity deleted. Read latest edition. Subscribe to Independent Premium to debate the big issues Want to discuss real-world problems, be involved in the most engaging discussions and hear from the journalists? Which appeared Boys in Brisbane satisfy her curiosity. Subscription offers. As Brexit is straining the idea of a United Kingdom, plans for a literal bridge between Northern Ireland and Scotland might just be able to revitalise British unity. Is this Love Island Australia's first lesbian romance? Darwin, Banora Point, Rockhampton, Melton Interviews for the Australian Lesbian and Gay Life Stories project are being conducted with participants born between and who self-identify as same-sex attracted. Julian Fellowes' niece Jessica reveals she was Lesbian security in Australia from a magazine for sounding like 'she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth'. Whose stories will be told?|Australia's finance minister announced yesterday that she is expecting a child with her Cherry girl escorts in Australia partner, but although Prime Minister Julia Gillard offered her warmest congratulations, she refused sexurity budge in her opposition to gay marriage. The news has reignited debate over Lesbian security in Australia partnership in the Diamonds garden massage Hoppers Crossing. There are increasing calls for Ms Gillard's centre-left Labor Party to lift its ban on gay marriages at their conference in December, Lesbian security in Australia while the Premier said she was "very pleased" for Ms Wong, 42, and Ms Allouache, 35, she stood firm in her view that wedlock should be reserved for a man and a woman. Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives Archives - Security Guards Melbourne I've made my views clear. Ahead of the Labor Party conference, Ms Wong — the only openly-gay member of Ms Gillard's cabinet — has supported Auatralia the party's stance, but she stressed yesterday that she did not want her unborn child to become part of the argument. You don't have Massage places Caringbah Australia child to make a political statement," she told The Sydney Morning Herald. Children need to be loved, nurtured and respected, and our child will be. Although there is a strong socially-conservative element in the Australian electorate, particularly Gay Busselton couple rural areas, Ms Gillard is looking increasingly out of step on the issue. At the weekend, Tasmania became the seventh of Australia's eight states Lesbian security in Australia the Labor Party has passed a motion supporting gay marriage. There is also increasing public support for gay marriage, which has recently been legalised in six Balanced massage studios Port Macquarie states. Various polls in Australia have put support for gay marriage as high as 70 per cent. There were congratulations from across the political spectrum yesterday for Ms Wong and her ln, while Peter Furness, ij the Australian Marriage Equality group, used the opportunity to highlight the importance of marriage. But there are still some right-wing figures determined to make themselves heard. You can find our Community Guidelines in. Related Stories Want to discuss real-world problems, be involved in the most engaging discussions and hear from the journalists?]Find out what you need to know about Gay and lesbian Australia before your trip. Get travel advice on Gay and lesbian Australia from Rough Guides. ban on gay and lesbian service in the Australian Defence Force. gay and lesbian service centred on troop morale, security concerns, fears. Love Island Australia could see its first lesbian romance.
Tuesday Ten 1. I didn’t do a “weekend wrap up” yesterday, but wasn’t it a great weekend? The weather on Sunday could not have been nicer and it was great to get outside and walk (and not freeze!). 2. Some of my blogger friends have not been updating their blogs (hint, hint). Such a bummer to go check and not see anything for months! Wonder if they’ve given up blogging all together. Hmm… I read several “popular” blogs that have hundreds of readers (and hundreds of comments each day). I think I have six readers. LOL! That’s okay. I mostly blog for myself (and my parents – ha! Hi Mom. Hi Dad.), so I don’t forget fun day-to-day things going on with my family. I’m getting old. I forget things. Just ask my kids. 3. There are two ducks hanging out in our neighborhood. I almost ran them over this morning. I’m so glad I didn’t run them over this morning! 4. I think tomorrow will be baking day. No cupcakes this time around. I’m trying to find a great sugar cookie recipe. Brian’s co-workers (and sometimes my neighbors) get to be my taste testers. They don’t seem to mind. :) 5. I know people are probably sick of hearing about my dog so I’ll try not to post too much about him. I am continually amazed at the progress he’s making every single day. Yesterday he actually approached Nick after school. Seems like a little thing but for him it was HUGE. He’s been afraid of teenage boys (and men, and the back door, and the hardwood floor, and the toilet flushing…clearly he has “issues”). 6. It has been brought to my attention that the non-smoothie drinking members of my household do not appreciate the sounds of smoothie making at 5:30 in the morning. I wondered if they could hear the blender. Now I know. 7. Why is it so hard for teenagers to get their dirty clothes INTO the hamper? 8. Please pray for my wonderful mother-in-law. She will soon begin a new treatment for her arthritis. She found a new doctor who has FINALLY gotten her a diagnosis and treatment plan. We’re hopeful that she will feel better soon! 9. Brian helped me get the rest of my scrapbooking stuff up from the basement. Now my scrapbooking room is a MESS! Guess I’ll work on that this afternoon. And tomorrow. And probably the next day too. 10. We’re getting quotes to get our fence replaced. NOT looking forward to that expense but I am looking forward to letting the dog run free! (And there I go blogging about the dog again!). I love your blog (and you). Thanks for making me smile. and laugh. and tear up sometimes. Oh, and you can write about the dog all you want! Hi Tracy !!! You are right, I love your blog and hearing about your daily lives. Wonderful news about Sandy. And Charlie is making progress everyday. That is great.
Robert Mueller wastes only one paragraph, citing the statute under which he is submitting his report, before he gets to the heart of the matter. “The Russian government interfered in the 2016 election in a sweeping and systemic fashion.” If the Mueller report does nothing else, it puts to rest the “Russia hoax,” and Trump’s insistence that he accepts Vladimir Putin’s denials that Russia had anything to do with the election of 2016. The Russians helped Trump get elected, and he accepted their help. In the very next paragraph, Mueller cites the reason for the investigation of the Trump campaign, going straight to the man who was first informed by the Russian government that they sought to assist the Trump campaign in the 2016 election. “[George].” The FBI investigation that began in July of 2016 led directly to Mueller’s investigation and the heavily redacted report released on Thursday. If there is one conclusion you can draw from Mueller’s report it is this: it was all about Russia. It was a “wildly successful Russian influence operation from start to finish,” former FBI counterintelligence agent Clint Watts told NBC on Thursday morning. If Trump campaign officials did not seek out the help of the Russians in 2016, they certainly accepted it, according to the Mueller report, which cites dozens of contacts between members of the Trump campaign and Russians during the campaign. At no point did anyone connected with the campaign contact law enforcement agencies such as the FBI and report these contacts. To the contrary, the Trump campaign made continual use of the help the Russians provided to the campaign when Trump repeatedly and approvingly cited the release of the Democratic Party emails hacked by the Russians and released by WikiLeaks. He cited WikiLeaks and the hacked emails more than 160 times at rallies and in interviews in the closing weeks of the campaign. According to the Mueller report, contacts between Trump officials and representatives of the Russian government and individuals close to President Vladimir Putin continued after Trump won the election and was engaged in the presidential transition. More contacts with Russians took place after Trump was inaugurated. Mueller takes 198 pages in Volume One of his report to discuss these contacts between the Russian government and employees and associates of Donald Trump and the help they provided to the Trump campaign. Mueller then takes 182 pages to discuss Trump’s attempts to halt or interfere with his investigation. “The President of the United States took a variety of actions towards the ongoing FBI investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election and related matters that raised questions about whether he had obstructed justice,” the report states in the second paragraph of its second volume. Mueller found 11 instances where he concluded that Trump attempted to obstruct justice. He explains in his report that as a prosecutor he felt constrained by Justice Department regulations from issuing an indictment of the president. He did find, however, that the Constitution provides no immunity to the president for violating the laws of the United States, and found that the separation of powers enumerated in the Constitution provided for a remedy by the Congress if the president is found to have violated the law. But if the whole thing was a “hoax,” and Trump had nothing to cover up, what the hell was Trump doing trying to stop the investigation? And there we are. It’s worth going back and having a look at how the Mueller report deals with the genesis of the whole attempt by Russia to influence the election of 2016 on behalf of Donald Trump. Mueller established without a doubt that the Russians hacked the Democratic Party's emails. Mueller established without a doubt that the Russians reported this fact to a member of the Trump campaign, George Papadopoulos, through Joseph Mifsud in London in the spring of 2016, just after the GRU hacking was complete. The report makes it clear that Mueller’s investigators saw Mifsud, if not as an active GRU agent, at least as a man with extensive connections with Russian intelligence and among senior Kremlin officials. It was the shadowy Mifsud to whom the Russians turned when they decided to reach out to the Trump campaign with their offer to provide “dirt” on Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails.” It’s well known by now, and well-covered in the Mueller Report, that Mifsud introduced young Papadopoulos to several Russians, including at least one with close ties to Vladimir Putin, Ivan Timofeev, a man Mifsud described as “having connections with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA),” according to the Report. This is the equivalent of the Russian state department. Up until April 26, 2016, the day that Mifsud returned from a five-day trip to Moscow and told Papadopoulos the Russian government had Clinton’s emails and was willing to provide them to the Trump campaign, Mifsud was using a potential meeting between Trump and Putin as a cover for his contacts with Papadopoulos. The young Trump aide was obsessed with the idea he could set up such a meeting. He sent repeated emails to officials in the Trump campaign in New York, including Sam Clovis, Corey Lewandowski and Stephen Miller, about Trump’s potential meeting with Putin. He raised the possibility at a meeting with Putin to Trump’s “foreign policy team,” presided over by Trump himself and Jeff Sessions. Many of the emails about a Moscow trip were provided to Mueller’s investigators by Papadopoulos or other Trump campaign officials. When Mueller attempted to establish that the Trump campaign had been informed about Russia’s hacking of Hillary’s emails, suddenly the emails evaporated, and everybody developed memory problems. No Trump campaign officials admitted that Papadopoulos had reported about the Russian "dirt" to them. They said they couldn't recall. Papadopoulos, who remembered every contact he had with the campaign about potential Trump trips to Russia, couldn't recall if he had reported to the campaign that the Russians were offering to help Trump. There are very few redactions throughout Mueller’s discussion of Papadopoulos and the Russian offer of Hillary’s emails made by Mifsud in London. A few “investigative technique” redactions around Mifsud and his Russian intelligence connections, and one or two “grand jury” redactions in footnotes regarding contacts between Papadopoulos and Lewandowski and Clovis. But when the Mueller report reaches the heart of the matter, a section titled “Trump Campaign Knowledge of ‘Dirt’,” the pages bloom with blacked-out text. At the same time people like Clovis and Lewandowski and Miller can’t recall any conversations with Papadopoulos about “dirt” on Hillary Clinton, suddenly the grand jury steps in to deny details that might bear on these matters. The same thing happens throughout the Mueller report. Every time Mueller’s investigators get close to establishing any kind of “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russians, everybody starts coming down with memory problems and huge sections of the report are redacted. How WikiLeaks got the Clinton emails and what they did with them? Grand jury says, not so fast, buster. It’s Sharpie time! Carter Page goes to Moscow? Grand jury says no, no, no! Redact-a-mundo! Manafort gets cozy with Deripaska and Konstantin Kilimnik? Sharpie time! Russian banker and Putin buddy Kirill Dmitriev starts messing around with Kushner and former Blackwater chief Erik Prince? Redact-aroonie! Prince flies to the Seychelles to meet with Dmitriev about setting up a “back channel” between Putin and Trump? Grand jury time! Sharpie-palooza! Mueller tries to find text messages between Prince and Trump adviser Steve Bannon about the Seychelles meeting? Whoops! That section of both men’s text messages have gone missing! And what do you know, neither man can remember what they were texting about! And we knew this was coming: Mueller reports that in his written “interrogation” of Trump about Russian interference in the election and his possible obstruction of justice, the president said he “can’t recall” or “can’t remember,” or “has no specific recollection” 30 separate times. In fact, every time Mueller and his investigators got close to establishing a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, texts and emails went missing, memories failed and people just out and out lied. This is called circling the wagons. Trump and his people knew that the Russians had offered help to their campaign, and they began by denying any Russian contacts outright. Trump and his associates lied for months and months about whether they had had any contacts with Russians. They kept up the lying, and when the FBI began investigating them, several Trump associates like Flynn and Papadopoulos told more lies, were indicted and later pled guilty. After that, the rest of the Trump gang got the message and quickly converted their denials into "I can't recall." Trump people clammed up and closed ranks around the issue of whether the Russians told them they had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton way back in April of 2016. Then their memories started to fail.. When the Mueller report got close to revealing evidence that Trump and his campaign had anything to do with Russians, Barr redacted it. It’s like he took a Sharpie to history. That’s how Barr found "no collusion." Trump and his people couldn’t remember colluding, so “collusion” doesn’t exist. In the immortal words of our tweeting president, that’s “total bullshit.” Shares
/******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2006 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *********************************************************************/ #ifndef KWIN_UNMANAGED_H #define KWIN_UNMANAGED_H #include <netwm.h> #include "toplevel.h" namespace KWin { class Unmanaged : public Toplevel { Q_OBJECT public: explicit Unmanaged(); bool windowEvent(xcb_generic_event_t *e); bool track(xcb_window_t w); bool hasScheduledRelease() const; static void deleteUnmanaged(Unmanaged* c); QRect bufferGeometry() const override; int desktop() const override; QStringList activities() const override; QVector<VirtualDesktop *> desktops() const override; QPoint clientPos() const override; QSize clientSize() const override; QRect transparentRect() const override; Layer layer() const override { return UnmanagedLayer; } NET::WindowType windowType(bool direct = false, int supported_types = 0) const override; bool isOutline() const override; bool setupCompositing() override; public Q_SLOTS: void release(ReleaseReason releaseReason = ReleaseReason::Release); protected: void debug(QDebug& stream) const override; bool shouldUnredirect() const override; void addDamage(const QRegion &damage) override; private: ~Unmanaged() override; // use release() // handlers for X11 events void configureNotifyEvent(xcb_configure_notify_event_t *e); QWindow *findInternalWindow() const; bool m_outline = false; bool m_scheduledRelease = false; }; } // namespace #endif
DateLine: 7th October 2006 Young opener Upul Tharanga hit a chanceless century to set up Sri Lanka's emphatic 37-run win over Bangladesh in a Champions Trophy qualifying match here on Saturday.Young opener Upul Tharanga hit a chanceless century to set up Sri Lanka's emphatic 37-run win over Bangladesh in a Champions Trophy qualifying match here on Saturday.  The 21-year-old left-hander slammed a 129-ball 105 for his fifth hundred as Sri Lanka batted solidly to post a challenging 302-8 after being put in to bat in the opening day-night game.  Bangladesh struggled from the beginning and rarely looked like achieving the target despite scoring their highest total of 265-9 against Sri Lanka in 18 one-day internationals.  Teenager Saqibul Hasan top-scored with an unbeaten 67 for his maiden half-century while Farhad Reza (34), Aftab Ahmed (33) and Mashrafe Mortaza (30) batted aggressively, but their efforts were not good enough.  "He (Hasan) was impressive, but we could not rotate the strike too well," said Bangladesh skipper Habibul Bashar.  "We kept losing wickets at regular intervals and unfortunately none of us could stay with him for long periods."  Sri Lanka virtually wrapped up the match when seamers Farveez Maharoof, Chaminda Vaas and Dilhara Fernando shared the opening four wickets to reduce Bangladesh to 78-4.  The seamers were supported by wicket-keeper Kumar Sangakkara who had a hand in the first three dismissals, including a superb diving catch to his left to account for Shahriar Nafees.  Ace spinner Muttiah Muralitharan became the second-highest wicket-taker in one-day internationals when he had Reza stumped, surpassing former Pakistani paceman Waqar Younis's 416 victims in one-day internationals.  Ex-Pakistani fast bowler Wasim Akram is the leading wicket-taker with 502, followed by the Sri Lankan (417).  "We have set standards in the last four months, but we want to keep improving," said Sri Lanka captain Mahela Jayawardene, whose team conceded 36 extras including 21 wides.  "We are coming back after a long lay-off and that affected us. Bangladesh batted pretty well, but we did not bowl well apart from quick bowlers."  Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, defending champions West Indies and Zimbabwe play qualifying matches before the main tournament begins on October 15.  Each side will play three league games before the top two advance to the main draw that features world champions Australia, England, India, South Africa, New Zealand and Pakistan.  Sri Lanka boosted their chances of making it to the main draw, thanks to Tharanga who dominated the Bangladeshi seamers and spinners with a wide range of strokes on an easy-paced track.  He hit one six and 11 fours.  The opener added 67 for the opening wicket with veteran Sanath Jayasuriya (31) and 63 for the next with Jayawardene (35).  "It's a bonus for a youngster like myself to have Sanath at the other end. I can play my normal game when he is with me," said Tharanga, who was named man of the match.  Fit-again Marvan Atapattu, returning to the side after six months, also made merry with a 42-ball 40 as Sri Lanka plundered 73 in the last 10 overs. (Article: Copyright © 2006 AFP) LATEST SCORES CURRENT EVENTS View all Current Events CLICK HERE
- Your Government - Finance & Records - Auditor - Licensing Division - Marriage Licenses Marriage Licenses Requirements - Both applicants must be at least 18 years of age or older. Picture identification showing birth date is required. - If an applicant is 17 years of age, he or she must be accompanied by a parent or legal custodian to give consent. - If an applicant is under the age of 17, he or she must obtain permission from the Superior Court Judge. - There is no residency requirement. - If applicantis divorced, proof of divorce is not required, but divorce must be final. Applicationmust be made a minimum of 3 days prior to marriage, as Washington law requires a 3-day waiting period. no exceptions can be made. - no blood tests or other medical examinations are required in order to obtain a marriage license. - Licenses issued by San Juan County are valid anywhere in the State of Washington. Licenseis valid for ceremonies performed within 60 days of issuance. - A Washington State license can only be used in the State of Washington. - Same sex marriage has been legal in Washington since December 6, 2012. Fees All fees are authorized and established by the State Legislature. - Marriage License application fee is $62 (includes one certified copy of marriage certificate), payable by credit card, cash or check at the time of application. This fee is not refundable. - Additional Certified Copy of Marriage $3 - Uncertified Copy of Marriage $1 Applications An application for a marriage license may be obtained by: - Mail: San Juan County Auditor P.O. Box 638 Friday Harbor, WA 98250 - Online Marriage License Application - Phone: 360-378-2161 Copies of Marriage Certificates & Applications All records are kept in the Recording Division of the County Auditor’s Office. You can use the Online Document Search to find existing documents. Public Disclosure All marriage records are a matter of public record. The only exception is for persons enrolled in the State's Address Confidentiality Program. Once a marriage has been recorded, it cannot be unrecorded.
16, 2019 We're born naked, and the rest is drag. RuPaul Comedy & Stand-upComedy Theatre Hold on to your 6-inch heels girls and boys, because the all-star queens of RuPaul's Drag Race are coming! This 2019 Werq the World is their biggest yet With Michelle Visage at the helm, this concert, cabaret and comedy extravaganza will feature, among others, Alyssa Edwards, Detox, Kim Chi, Naomi Smalls and Eureka!! Performance date: 16 October 2019 Line up and age limit is subject to change, check local listings for details. Scheduled to appear: (Line up is subject to change. Please check local listing for details.) Aquaria Asia Alyssa Detox Eureka Kim Michelle Visage Monet Naomi Smalls Valentina Violet Seen Werq The World 2019? Loved it? Hated it? Help your fellow Buffalo Theatre visitors by leaving the first review!Write a review now Sound good to you? Share this page on social media and let your friends know about Werq The World 2019 at University At Buffalo Center For The Arts. I want email news and updates for events in my area! Read how we protect your data. Please note: The term University At Buffalo Center For The Arts and/or Werq The World 2019 as well as all associated graphics, logos, and/or other trademarks, tradenames or copyrights are the property of the University At Buffalo Center For The Arts and/or Werq The World 2019 and are used herein for factual descriptive purposes only. We are in no way associated with or authorized by the University At Buffalo Center For The Arts and/or Werq The World 2019 and neither that entity nor any of its affiliates have licensed or endorsed us to sell tickets, goods and or services in conjunction with their events.
Q: Knocking back the Player in a Unity 2D TopDown Game When something hits the Player, maybe an enemy or spikes etc., I want him to get knocked back in the oppisite direction of the enemy. So what I already got: public void ChangeHealth(float healthToAdd, Vector2 objectPosition) // Change the players health, objectPosition = enemies position or something else { if (healthToAdd < 0) // incoming damage { // ... other stuff Knockback(objectPosition); } // ... other stuff } void Knockback(Vector2 objectPosition) // Knockback routine { Vector2 knockbackPosition = new Vector2( , ); // calculation is missing here! Calculate the new position by the knockback direction rigid.MovePosition(Vector2.MoveTowards(playerPos, knockbackPosition, 2 * Time.deltaTime)); // the knock back } private void Update() // !! TEST !! { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)) // TEST routine { ChangeHealth(-7, new Vector2(10,10)); // decrease players health by 7 and knock him back } } And what is missing: Vector2 knockbackPosition = new Vector2( , ); I am looking for a calculation like this picture is showing: A: Vector2 knockbackPosition = transform.position + (transform.position - objectPosition).normalized *a To understand why is it equal to that you have to read through. There are three points: E,P,K (Enemy, Player, Knockback) And one scalar number: a (the greater this value is, the more knockback you'll have) Now from your picture: PK = EP*a expand vectors into distances between two points: (K-P) = (P-E)*a calculate the location of K: K = P + (P-E)*a There is one problem though. (thanks to Rotem) with this formula as it is: you'd expect a bigger knockback from a closer opponent. We don't want the knockback to be dependent on the distance between P and E. To remove the dependency on the former, normalize the vector before multiplying by a So we add .normalized to use just the direction of (P-E) instead of its original vector
1. Field of the Invention The present invention concerns wire routing to control skew, and particularly relates to wire routing during integrated circuit (IC) design. 2. Description of the Related Art xe2x80x9cRoutingxe2x80x9d in semiconductor fabrication involves determining wiring paths between elements on the surface of an integrated circuit. As is described more fully below, certain signals, such as clock signals, require special attention during the routing process. In particular, it is desirable to have a clock signal reach all the functional elements to which the clock signal is routed at the same time. This generally allows a higher clock frequency, which in turn generally increases the performance of the integrated circuit. As is described more fully herein, the present invention relates to signal routing, particularly clock signal routing during integrated circuit design. Integrated Circuit Basics An integrated circuit chip (or die) includes electronic components formed on a surface of a semiconductor substrate and also includes connections between those components. A cell is a group of one or more circuit elements such as transistors, capacitors, and other basic circuit elements grouped to perform a function. Each of the cells of an IC may have one or more pins, each of which, in turn, may be connected to one or more other pins of the IC by electrically conductive traces (or wires). The wires connecting the pins of the IC typically are formed on the metal layers of the chip, which in turn are formed on top of the chip""s semiconductor substrate. A net is a set of two or more pins which must be connected, thus connecting the logic circuits having the pins. Because a typical chip has thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of pins that must be connected in various combinations, the chip generally also includes definitions of thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of nets, or sets of pins. The number of the nets for a chip is typically on the same order as the order of the number of cells on the chip. Commonly, a majority of the nets include only two pins to be connected; however, many nets include three or more pins. Some nets may include hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of pins to be connected. A netlist is a list of nets including names of connected pins or a list of cells including names of nets that connect to pins of cells. Clock nets typically have around 100,000 pins. Microelectronic integrated circuits consist of a large number of electronic components that are fabricated by layering several different materials on a silicon base or wafer. The design of an integrated circuit transforms a circuit description into a geometric description which is known as a layout. A layout consists of a set of planar geometric shapes in several layers. The layout is then checked to ensure that it meets all of the design requirements. The result is a set of design files in a particular unambiguous representation known as an intermediate form that describes the layout. The design files are then converted into pattern generator files that are used to produce patterns called masks by an optical or electron beam pattern generator. During fabrication, these masks are used to pattern a silicon wafer using a sequence of photolithographic steps. The component formation requires very exacting details about geometric patterns and separation between them. The process of converting the specifications of an electrical circuit into a layout is called the physical design. Currently, the minimum geometric feature size of a component is on the order of 0.2 microns. However, it is expected that the feature size can be reduced to 0.1 micron within the next few years. This small feature size allows fabrication of as many as 4.5 million transistors or 1 million gates of logic on a 25 millimeter by 25 millimeter chip. This trend is expected to continue, with even smaller feature geometries and more circuit elements on an integrated circuit, and of course, larger die (or chip) sizes will allow far greater numbers of circuit elements. Due to the large number of components and the exacting details required by the fabrication process, physical design is not practical without the aid of computers. As a result, most phases of physical design extensively use Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools, and many phases have already been partially or fully automated. Automation of the physical design process has increased the level of integration, reduced turn around time, and enhanced chip performance. The objective of physical design is to determine an optimal arrangement of devices in a plane or in a three dimensional space, and an efficient interconnection or routing scheme between the devices to obtain the desired functionality. The input to the physical design problem is a circuit diagram, and the output is the layout of the circuit. This is accomplished in several stages including partitioning, floor planning, placement, routing and compaction. As noted above, a chip may contain several million transistors. Layout of the entire circuit cannot be handled due to the limitation of memory space as well as the computation power available. Therefore the circuit is normally partitioned by grouping components into blocks, such as subcircuits and modules. The actual partitioning process considers many factors such as the size of the blocks, number of blocks and number of interconnections between the blocks. The output of partitioning is a set of blocks, along with the interconnections required between blocks. As noted above, the set of required interconnections is the netlist. In large circuits, the partitioning process is often hierarchical, although non-hierarchical (e.g. flat) processes can be used, and at the topmost level a circuit can have between 5 and 25 blocks. However, greater numbers of blocks are possible and contemplated. Each block is then partitioned recursively into smaller blocks. Floor planning and placement are concerned with selecting good layout alternatives for each block of the entire chip, as well as between blocks and to the edges. Floor planning is a critical step as it sets up the ground work for a good layout. During placement, the blocks are exactly positioned on the chip. The goal of placement is to find a minimum area arrangement for the blocks that allows completion of interconnections between the blocks. Placement is typically done in two phases. In the first phase, an initial placement is created. In the second phase, the initial placement is evaluated and iterative improvements are made until the layout has minimum area and conforms to design specifications. The objective of the routing phase is to complete the interconnections between blocks according to the specified netlist. First, the space not occupied by blocks, which is called the routing space, is partitioned into rectangular regions called channels and switch boxes. The goal of a router is to complete all circuit connections using the shortest possible wire length and using only the channel and switch boxes. Routing is usually done in two phases referred to as the global routing and detailed routing phases. In global routing, connections are completed between the proper blocks of the circuit disregarding the exact geometric details of each wire and terminal. For each wire, a global router finds a list of channels that are to be used as a passageway for that wire. In other words, global routing specifies the loose route of a wire through different regions of the routing space. Global routing is followed by detailed routing which completes point-to-point connections between terminals on the blocks. Loose routing is converted into exact routing by specifying the geometric information such as width of wires and also specifying, for example, a particular grid on which to route each wire. Detailed routing includes channel routing and switch box routing. Compaction is the task of compressing the layout in all directions such that the total area is reduced. By making the chips smaller, wire lengths are reduced, which in turn reduces the signal delay between components of the circuit. At the same time, a smaller area enables more chips to be produced on a wafer, which in turn reduces the cost of manufacturing. Compaction must ensure that no rules regarding the design and fabrication process are violated. Upon completion of physical design, the IC chip is fabricated using the information generated during physical design. Photolithography is a common technique employed in the manufacture of semiconductor devices. Typically, a semiconductor wafer is coated with a layer (film) of light-sensitive material, such as photoresist. Using a patterned mask or reticle, the wafer is exposed to projected light, typically actinic light, which manifests a photochemical effect on the photoresist, which is subsequently chemically etched, leaving a pattern of photoresist xe2x80x9clinesxe2x80x9d on the wafer corresponding to the pattern on the mask. A xe2x80x9cwaferxe2x80x9d is a thin piece of semiconductor material from which semiconductor chips are made. The four basic operations utilized to fabricate wafers include (1) layering, (2) patterning, (3) doping and (4) heat treatments. The layering operation adds thin layers of material, including insulators, semiconductors, and conductors, to a wafer surface. During the layering operation, layers are either grown or deposited. Oxidation involves growing a silicon dioxide (an insulator) layer on a silicon wafer. Deposition techniques include, for example, chemical vapor deposition, evaporation, and sputtering. Semiconductors are generally deposited by chemical vapor deposition, while conductors are generally deposited with evaporation or sputtering. Patterning involves the removal of selected portions of surface layers. After material is removed, the wafer surface has a pattern. The material removed may form a hole or an island. The process of patterning is also known to those skilled in the relevant art as microlithography, photolithography, photomasking and masking. The patterning operation serves to create parts of the semiconductor device on the wafer surface in the dimensions required by the circuit design and to locate the parts in their proper location on the wafer surface. Doping involves implanting dopants in the surface of the wafer through openings in the layers to create the n-type and p-type pockets needed to form the N-P junctions for operation of discrete elements such as transistors and diodes. Doping is generally achieved with thermal diffusion (wafer is heated and exposed to the desired dopant) and ion implantation (dopant atoms are ionized, accelerated to high velocities and implanted into the wafer surface). Zero-Skew Routing of Clock Nets The performance of an IC generally is proportional to clock frequency. Maximum clock frequency, in turn, typically is limited by the maximum variation in clock delay to the different functional units implemented on the chip. Accordingly, it is preferable that the clock signal arrive at all functional units at as close to the same time as possible. In order to attain this goal, clock nets in very large scale integration systems generally require special attention with respect to routing. The maximum difference in the arrival time of a signal at any two different components is called xe2x80x9cskew.xe2x80x9d Thus, the goal in routing clock nets is to achieve as close to xe2x80x9czero skewxe2x80x9d as is possible. Accordingly, the chip designer is faced with the following problem: Given a clock signal input terminal and a number of clock pins (usually attached to flip-flops) distributed arbitrarily on a chip, find a route from the clock signal input terminal to each of the clock pins such that the delay to each of the clock pins (due mainly to the parasitic capacitances of the wires) is within some pre-defined range, or alternatively, skew (which is defined to be the difference between the largest delay and the smallest delay) is limited to a pre-defined amount. The classical zero-skew routing of Tsay builds a zero-skew bottom-up tree, by choosing two pins under which the skew is zero, merging them by routing, and then finding a balance point (which will be the new tapping point) from which delays to all the bottom level flip-flops below this balance point are the same. Tsay""s technique is described in his article xe2x80x9cExact Zero Skewxe2x80x9d, IEEE, pp. 336-339, 1991. However, in many cases, Tsay""s balance point does not exist because the delay below one of the pins to be merged is much larger than that of the other. Therefore, enough wire is added in the route so that the delays are equal if the tapping point is placed at the pin with the larger delay to all its bottom level pins. It is noted that Tsay uses the Elmore delay model, which is described in Elmore""s article xe2x80x9cThe Transient Response of Damped Linear Networks with Particular Regard to Wideband Amplifiersxe2x80x9d, Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 19, pp. 55-63, January 1948. Although Tsay""s approach theoretically can be carried out all the way up to the clock signal input terminal, certain practical considerations obviate its implementation. Electrical considerations imply that the clock signal input terminal will be inputting a relatively large amount of current, and hence the wire coming out of the input terminal needs to be very thick to handle such heavy currents. Therefore, trying to do Tsay""s zero skew route all the way to the top often fails due to lack of routing resources. In particular, routing very thick wires at the top level becomes problematic due to interference with wires already routed. For this reason, some space (a pre-route) is normally reserved which is used for routing at the top level to the signal input terminal. For symmetry, this pre-route is generally an H-trunk, whose middle wire and legs are much thicker than the wires that are used for lower level zero-skew routing, and the clock signal input terminal then connects to the center of the middle wire. This is shown in FIG. 1. Referring to FIG. 1, H-trunk 100 includes a top segment 105, a middle segment 103 and a bottom segment 104. The input terminal 101 connects to the center 102 of the middle segment 103. Due to the symmetry of the H-trunk 100, the signal delay to points 107, 108, 109 and 110 is theoretically identical (zero skew). An H-trunk therefore can effectively generate 4 symmetrically arranged zero-skew points (such as points 107 to 110) from a single zero skew point (such as point 101 or 102). Accordingly, utilizing the H-trunk depicted in FIG. 1, Tsay""s algorithm can be applied to each quadrant of the chip surface, with the highest level connection in each quadrant being made to the appropriate one of points 107 to 110. However, conventional clock signal routing techniques such as Tsay""s have certain disadvantages. First, constructing a zero-skew tree in this manner can require a significant amount of processing time. Moreover, because Tsay""s tree is constructed from the bottom up, subsequent movement of clock pins may require extensive changes to the tree structure, further complicating the design process. Finally, techniques such as Tsay""s often require adding large amounts of wire in order to ensure that balance points can be obtained at each level. Other conventional approaches also have been proposed. In one such technique, a region is identified where delay falls within certain predetermined limits, and then pin placement is constrained to fall within that region. Such a technique is described in Ogawa, et al. xe2x80x9cEfficient Placement Algorithms Optimizing Delay For High-Speed ECL Masterslice LSI""sxe2x80x9d, Proceeding of the 23rd Design Automation Conference, pp. 404-410, 1986. Techniques such as Ogawa""s also have disadvantages. For instance, in order to use such techniques, the number of locations where pins may be placed is limited. However, in most conventional IC design, placement precedes routing. Thus, to the extent that the placement required by Ogawa""s routing technique is not satisfied, placement improvement must be performed. This can have the effect of further complicating the IC design process. The present invention addresses the foregoing problems by identifying and routing to a number of connection points using a pattern of diamond-shaped rings. Thus, according to one aspect, the invention is directed to laying out connection points and routing a signal from an input terminal to the connection points, for use in signal distribution to control skew. A pattern of diamond-shaped rings is constructed, each of the diamond-shaped rings including an inner diamond, an outer diamond and all space between the inner diamond and the outer diamond, where the diamond-shaped rings are arranged such that each point within a specified area is included within at least one diamond-shaped ring. A center point is identified for each of the diamond-shaped rings and each center point is designated as a connection point. A connection is then routed between the input terminal and each of plural of the connection points. By identifying and routing connections to a number of connection points in the foregoing manner, the present invention frequently can facilitate controlled skew routing to arbitrarily arranged pins. Moreover, connections to such connection points often can be pre-routed, thereby further facilitating a particular routing design. The present invention also addresses the problems described above by associating a diamond-shaped ring with each of several connection points and routing a connection between a pin and the connection point associated with one of the diamond-shaped rings that include the pin. Thus, according to a further aspect, the invention is directed to routing a signal from one of plural connection points to a pin so as to control skew. A diamond-shaped ring is associated with each connection point, the diamond-shaped ring including an inner diamond, an outer diamond and all space between the inner diamond and the outer diamond, where the inner diamond and the outer diamond have a common center which is the connection point associated with the diamond-shaped ring. It is then determined which of the diamond-shaped rings include the pin. Finally, a connection is routed between the pin and the connection point associated with one of the diamond-shaped rings that includes the pin. Routing a signal between such a connection point and a pin in the foregoing manner often can be accomplished in a relatively simple manner, while at the same time controlling skew. According to a still further aspect, the invention is directed to routing a signal from an input terminal to a pin so as to control skew. A pattern of diamond-shaped rings is constructed, each of the diamond-shaped rings including an inner diamond, an outer diamond and all space between the inner diamond and the outer diamond, where the diamond-shaped rings are arranged such that each point within a specified area is included within at least one diamond-shaped ring. A center point is then identified for each of the diamond-shaped rings and each center point is designated as a connection point. A nearly zero-skew connection is routed between the input terminal and each of plural of the connection points, and it is determined which of the diamond-shaped rings include the pin. A connection is routed between the pin and the connection point associated with one of the diamond-shaped rings that includes the pin. It is a feature of this aspect of the invention that the pattern includes an arrangement of diamond-shaped rings such that the center points for the diamond-shaped rings are equally spaced in the horizontal direction and are equally spaced in the vertical direction. The foregoing arrangement frequently can provide routing from an input terminal to a pin which both is relatively easy to implement and can be used to control skew. Such a routing technique is particularly applicable to clock signal routing on an integrated circuit chip. The foregoing summary is intended merely to provide a brief description of the general nature of the invention. A more complete understanding of the invention can be obtained by referring to the claims and the following detailed description of the preferred embodiments in connection with the accompanying figures.
Genetics of flavonoid, carotenoid, and chlorophyll pigments in melon fruit rinds. External color has profound effects on acceptability of agricultural products by consumers. Carotenoids and chlorophylls are known to be the major pigments of melon (Cucumis melo L.) rinds. Flavonoids (especially chalcones and anthocyanins) are also prominent in other fruits but have not been reported to occur in melons fruit. We analyzed the pigments accumulating in rinds of different melon genotypes during fruit development. We found that melon rind color is based on different combinations of chlorophyll, carotenoids, and flavonoids according to the cultivar tested and their ratios changed during fruit maturation. Moreover, in "canary yellow" type melons, naringenin chalcone, a yellow flavonoid pigment previously unknown to occur in melons, has been identified as the major fruit colorant in mature rinds. Naringenin chalcone is also prominent in other melon types, occurring together with carotenoids (mainly β-carotene) and chlorophyll. Both chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments segregate jointly in an F(2) population originating from a cross between a yellow canary line and a line with green rind. In contrast, the content of naringenin chalcone segregates as a monogenic trait independently to carotenoids and chlorophyll. Transcription patterns of key structural phenylpropanoid and flavonoid biosynthetic pathway genes were monitored in attempts to explain naringenin chalcone accumulation in melon rinds. The transcript levels of CHI were low in both parental lines, but C4H, C4L, and CHS transcripts were upregulated in "Noy Amid", the parental line that accumulates naringenin chalcone. Our results indicate that naringenin chalcone accumulates independently from carotenoids and chlorophyll pigments in melon rinds and gives an insight into the molecular mechanism for the accumulation of naringenin chalcone in melon rinds.
1560s in England Events from the 1560s in England. Incumbents Monarch – Elizabeth I Parliament – 2nd of Queen Elizabeth I (starting 11 January 1563, until 2 January 1567) Events 1560 27 February – Treaty of Berwick: Terms agreed with the Lords of the Congregation in the Kingdom of Scotland for English forces to enter Scotland to expel French troops defending the Regency of Mary of Guise. 6 July – Treaty of Edinburgh between England, France and Scotland, ending the Siege of Leith. The French withdraw from Scotland, largely ending the Auld Alliance between the two countries, and recognise Elizabeth I of England. 1561 4 June – Old St Paul's Cathedral in London is badly damaged by fire and the spire is destroyed after being struck by lightning. August – English merchant Anthony Jenkinson arrives in Moscow on his second expedition to the Grand Duchy of Moscow. Reform of coinage to combat debasement. First publication (anonymously in London) of William Baldwin's Beware the Cat (written 1553), an early example of extended fiction (and specifically of horror fiction) in English. This edition appears to have been suppressed and no copies survive. 1562 18 January – first performance of Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville's play Gorboduc before Queen Elizabeth I. It is the first known English tragedy and the first English language play to employ blank verse. March – Anthony Jenkinson has an audience with Ivan the Terrible in Moscow before continuing his expedition to Qazvin, capital of the Safavid dynasty in Persia. 20 September – Treaty of Hampton Court between Queen Elizabeth and Huguenot leader Louis, Prince of Condé. October – John Hawkins initiates the trans-Atlantic slave trade, shipping slaves from Sierra Leone to Hispaniola. 4 October – English troops occupy Le Havre in France in aid of the Huguenots. Church of England approves the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, defining its doctrinal stance. Publication of the metrical psalter The Whole Booke of Psalmes, Collected into English Meter, compiled mostly by Thomas Sternhold and John Hopkins and printed by John Day. Dudley Grammar School established and Gresham's School granted a royal charter. 1563 March Poor Relief Act requires wealthier parishes to help their poorer neighbours. Publication of Foxe's Book of Martyrs, John Foxe's account of Protestant persecution during the reign of Mary I of England, printed by John Day in London. April – Parliament passes laws requiring Justices of the Peace to arbitrate trade disputes and conditions of apprenticeship. June to October – outbreak of plague in London kills over 20,000. 28 July – the English surrender Le Havre to the French after a siege. Publication of John Shute's The First and Chief Groundes of Architecture, the first work in English on architecture. 1564 11 April – Treaty of Troyes: England receives monetary compensation for renouncing its claims to Calais. 30 April – consecration of new St Michael the Archangel parish church at Woodham Walter in Essex, probably the first new post-Reformation Church of England place of worship. July – Anthony Jenkinson returns to London from his second expedition to the Grand Duchy of Moscow, having gained a considerable extension of trading rights for the English Muscovy Company. 1565 Thomas Gresham founds the Royal Exchange in London. College of Physicians of London first licensed to carry out human dissection. John Hawkins brings the first tobacco to England. Protestant weavers from Flanders, fleeing persecution, settle in Colchester. Hinchingbrooke School is established as Huntingdon Grammar School. 1566 Henry Sidney leads a punitive expedition to Ulster. June – German miners find calamine (needed for production of brass) in the Mendip Hills. Autumn – probable completion of the Exeter Canal, the first in England, and with the first use of a pound lock in England (engineer: John Trew of Glamorgan). 1567 2 January – Parliament dissolved as Queen Elizabeth refuses to name a successor. John Brayne builds the Red Lion theatre just east of the City of London, a playhouse for touring productions and the first known to be purpose-built in the British Isles since Roman times. However, there is little evidence that the theatre survives beyond this summer's season. Jean Carré arrives in England from Antwerp and obtains a royal monopoly for the production of window glass on condition that the techniques would be taught to native Englishmen. Chatham Dockyard is established for the Royal Navy. Rugby School is established under the will of grocer Lawrence Sheriff. 1568 16 May – Mary, Queen of Scots, flees across the Solway Firth from Scotland to England but is taken prisoner on 19 May and put in Carlisle Castle. 28 May – incorporation of two monopolies in metalliferous mining, the Society of Mines Royal and the Company of Mineral and Battery Works. 23 September – Battle of San Juan de Ulúa (Anglo-Spanish War): In the Gulf of Mexico, a Spanish fleet forces English privateers under John Hawkins to end their campaign. 26 September – Spain seizes English ships off the coast of Mexico, and confiscates their cargo. October – The Bishops' Bible (The Holie Bible) published, a translation into English under the authority of the Church of England. December – English seize bullion from Spanish ships at Plymouth. 1569 11 January–6 May – the first known lottery in England is drawn outside St Paul's Cathedral in the City of London. Each share costs ten shillings and proceeds are used to repair harbours and for other public works. 20 January – Mary, Queen of Scots, detained at Tutbury Castle. After September – publication in London of Thomas Preston's tragedy Cambises. November–December – Rising of the North: Charles Neville, 6th Earl of Westmorland and Thomas Percy, 7th Earl of Northumberland lead a rebellion against Queen Elizabeth I in an attempt to place the Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots, on the English throne. Walter Devereux, 1st Earl of Essex drives the Earls out of England. First publication of Henry de Bracton's De legibus & consuetudinibus Angliæ ("On the Laws and Customs of England", left unfinished at Bracton's death c.1268). Undated During the decade Thomas Tallis composes his setting of the Lamentations of Jeremiah the Prophet for Maundy Thursday. Births 1560 3 January – John Bois, Bible translator (died 1643) 19 September – Thomas Cavendish, explorer (died at sea 1592) 1561 22 January – Francis Bacon, philosopher, scientist, and statesman (died 1626) June – Samuel Harsnett, Archbishop of York (died 1631) 20 June (baptised) – Richard Whitbourne, colonist of Newfoundland (died 1635) 23 June – Stephen Bachiler, non-conformist minister and pioneer settler of New England (died 1656) 4 August – John Harington, courtier, writer and inventor (died 1612) 24 August – Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk (died 1626) 11 October (baptised) – Thomas Lake, Secretary of State to King James I (died 1630) 27 October – Mary Sidney, writer, patroness and translator (died 1621) 9 December – Edwin Sandys, founder of the colony of Virginia (died 1629) 1562 January – Edward Blount, printer (died 1632) 19 October – George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury (died 1633) John Bull, composer (died 1628) Henry Constable, poet (died 1613) Samuel Daniel, poet and historian (died 1619) Francis Godwin, writer and prelate (died 1633) Richard Neile, churchman (died 1640) Henry Spelman, antiquary (died 1641) 1563 January – Penelope Blount, Countess of Devonshire, née Devereux (died 1607) 5 March – John Coke, politician (died 1644) 1 June – Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, statesman and spymaster (died 1612) 19 November – Robert Sidney, 1st Earl of Leicester, statesman (died 1626) 19 December – Lord William Howard (died 1640) Charles Blount, 8th Baron Mountjoy (died 1606) John Dowland, composer (died 1626) Michael Drayton, poet (died 1631) Robert Naunton, politician and writer (died 1635) Josuah Sylvester, poet (died 1618) 1564 26 February (baptised) – Christopher Marlowe, poet and dramatist (died 1593) 20 March – Thomas Morton, bishop (died 1659) 26 April (baptised) – William Shakespeare, poet and dramatist (died 1616) 27 April – Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland (died 1632) 24 September – William Adams, navigator and samurai (died 1620) 22 November – Henry Brooke, 11th Baron Cobham, peer and traitor (died 1619) Henry Chettle, dramatist (died 1607) Thomas Shirley, adventurer and privateer (died 1620) 1565 10 February – Edmund Whitelocke, soldier and courtier (died 1608) July – Ferdinando Gorges, colonial entrepreneur (died 1647) 10 November – Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, politician (died 1601) George Kirbye, composer (died 1634) Francis Meres, churchman and author (died 1647) Francis Tanfield, Governor of the South Falkland colony (year of death unknown) 1566 19 June – King James I of England (died 1625) 1 September – Edward Alleyn, actor (died 1626) 20 December – Edward Wightman, Anabaptist (burned at the stake 1612) 1567 12 February – Thomas Campion, poet and composer (died 1620) 27 February – William Alabaster, poet (died 1640) 17 September – Edward Sutton, 5th Baron Dudley, landowner (died 1643) November – Thomas Nashe, poet (died 1600) 1568 30 March – Henry Wotton, author and diplomat (died 1639) Richard Baker, chronicler (died 1645) Edward Chichester, 1st Viscount Chichester (died 1648) Gervase Markham, poet and writer (died 1637) Robert Wintour, conspirator (hanged 1606) 1569 16 April – John Davies, poet and lawyer (died 1626) September – Arthur Lake, Bishop of Bath and Wells, a translator of the King James Bible (died 1626) William Monson, admiral (died 1643) John Suckling, politician (died 1627) Deaths 1560 8 September – Amy Robsart, noblewoman (born 1532) December – John Sheppard, composer and organist (born 1515) 1561 1 September – Edward Waldegrave, politician and recusant (born c. 1516) 1562 Nicholas Grimald, poet and theologian (born 1519) 1563 9 June – William Paget, 1st Baron Paget, statesman (born 1506) 17 September – Henry Manners, 2nd Earl of Rutland, soldier (born 1526) 25 September – John Shute, architect 1565 18 July – Kat Ashley, née Katherine Champernowne, governess of Elizabeth I (born c. 1502) 14 October – Thomas Chaloner, statesman and poet (born 1521) 1566 13 July – Sir Thomas Hoby, diplomat and translator (born 1530) 31 October – Richard Edwardes, poet (born 1523) 1567 26 January – Nicholas Wotton, diplomat (born c. 1497) 12 June – Richard Rich, 1st Baron Rich, Lord Chancellor (born 1490) 16 September (buried) – Lawrence Sheriff, gentleman and grocer to Elizabeth I (born 1510) Thomas Beccon, Protestant reformer (born 1511) 1568 15 January – Catherine Carey, Chief Lady of the Bedchamber to Elizabeth I (born c. 1526) 20 January – Myles Coverdale, Bible translator (born c. 1488) 26 January – Lady Catherine Grey, Countess of Hertford (born 1539) 19 March – Elizabeth Seymour, Lady Cromwell, noblewoman (born c. 1518) 7 July – William Turner, ornithologist and botanist (born 1508) 23 August – Thomas Wharton, 1st Baron Wharton (born 1495) 23 December – Roger Ascham, scholar, tutor of Elizabeth I (born 1515) Henry Dudley, soldier, sailor, diplomat and conspirator (born 1517) 1569 5 September – Edmund Bonner, Bishop of London (born c. 1500) References
A worrying trend has developed in the U.S. military – soldiers are killing themselves at a rate of one per day, new figures have shown, which are the highest since the U.S. began its military operations in Afghanistan in 2001. The findings, conducted by the Pentagon, determined that as of June 3, active-duty suicides for 2012 had reached 154, while they were 130 for the same period last year. The suicides even exceed U.S. combat deaths so far this year. Casualties.org shows that there were 139 U.S. casualties in Afghanistan in 2012, and only one in Iraq. "We are deeply concerned about suicide in the military," said Cynthia Smith, a Pentagon spokeswoman, as BBC News reported. It is "one of the most urgent problems" the Army faces, Smith added. While no main reason has so far been speculated for the high suicide rate, the data from the Pentagon suggests that soldiers with multiple combat tours are at greater risk. U.S. military officials reportedly have been encouraging troubled troops to seek mental help by speaking with specialists and setting up confidential telephone hotlines. But, according to the latest figures, those efforts appear to have been unsuccessful. It has been suggested that soldiers have been conditioned to believe that seeking help is a sign of weakness. Major General Dana Pittard, a commander in the 1st Armored Division, published a blog post in January in which he told soldiers considering suicide to "act like an adult," but soon after retracted his words and encouraged soldiers to seek counseling. "Suicide prevention is first and foremost a leadership responsibility," insisted Smith. "Seeking help is a sign of strength." "By achieving a cultural change that encourages help-seeking behaviors, we will be postured to more effectively combat suicide within our ranks,'' added Brig. Gen. Barrye L. Price, head of the Army's human resources policy, as reported by the LA Times.
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Of course, we understand that you may feel nervous anyway! Buying any car is a major investment, after all – it’s only natural to be cautious. Looking for peace-of-mind? Call our Mercedes-Benz mechanics in Melbourne for a pre-purchase inspection. Our team of Mercedes-Benz specialists can perform a pre-purchase inspection on any second-hand Mercedes vehicle that may have caught your eye. Our specialist mechanics inspect a vehicle from top-to-bottom, including exterior and interior checks. We’ll check the engine bay, wheels, tyres, brakes, suspension and more. During this inspection, we can learn a lot about the car you’re looking at buying, including: - Poor or spotty service history - Bad accident repair - Something that’s being covered up by a dodgy mechanic (or seller!) We provide a wide range of Mercedes-Benz services, allowing us to fix any issues uncovered if you decide to go ahead with the purchase. And since we specialise in Mercedes-Benz vehicles, our team is able to identify issues that a generalist mechanic may not notice during their pre-purchase inspection. Using our experience and brand-specific knowledge, our team can also identify issues a general mechanic might miss, such as problems with Mercedes-specific parts and systems. All of which helps you make a more informed decision, and can even save you from making a purchase you might otherwise regret! We’ll give you the same result for less Money is one of the number one reasons that so many motorists choose to buy a used Mercedes-Benz instead of going for a brand-new one. Of course, the costs of owning a Mercedes-Benz (or any car, for that matter) don’t end with the purchase price. Throughout the car’s life, you’ll have to pay for ongoing service and repairs too. The problem is that Mercedes-Benz service in Melbourne can get expensive! According to carsguide.com.au, Mercedes-Benz service at the dealership starts from around $660 for a brand-new A-, B-, C-, CLA or GLA Class vehicle, even with fixed-cap pricing. Luckily, there’s an alternative. We’re driven to bring down your Mercedes-Benz service cost. And we’re able to achieve that goal thanks to our: - Lower overheads - More flexible pricing system - Independence from the dealer network - Efficient and refined processes - Fixed-price servicing All of this allows us to provide a dealership-level service for your used Mercedes at prices typical of independent mechanics and workshops. And as Mercedes-Benz specialists, there’s no need to worry about subpar parts, inexperience or shoddy workmanship either! alt="" width="600" height="400" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" data-> Mercedes-Benz service in Melbourne for older and vintage models The Mercedes name is tied to many of the most important and iconic cars in history. Many enthusiasts buy vintage models with the goal of fixing them up and restoring them to their former glory. In other cases, you may soon inherit or be passed down an older Mercedes-Benz from a relative who has an appreciation for luxury cars and quality engineering. Either way, you’re about to get your hands on a used Mercedes that hails from a different era. In addition to servicing relatively recent models, we can also help motorists who have recently come into possession of a second-hand vehicle dating back to the 90’s, 80’s and even earlier. Vintage models in particular come with unique service requirements and challenges: - A lack of spare parts for older models - No service guide to work off of - Different systems, designs and manufacturing techniques - Lack of experience with vintage models These are just some of the challenges owners of older models might need to overcome when looking for a Mercedes-Benz service in Melbourne. Luckily, Ammstar’s specialist mechanics can help! Our Mercedes-Benz mechanics have worked on all sorts of Mercedes vehicles, including older models and all-time classics. We have the experience and brand-specific knowledge needed to keep these older models running. If you’re the owner of a vintage Mercedes-Benz, you’ll want to give it the best care possible. For this, you can’t entrust it to anyone other than a specialist mechanic – if you’re interested in buying a used Mercedes, Ammstar is the only way to go for service and repairs. Got a second-hand Mercedes lined up? Give our Mercedes-Benz mechanics in Melbourne a call! Interested in buying a second-hand Mercedes-Benz? If so, we want to hear from you! Our team are genuine Mercedes-Benz specialists, with a wealth of experience working on vehicles from across Mercedes’ range of vehicles. And that includes used and second-hand models too. Our team helps ensure that you get your money’s worth when shopping for a second-hand Mercedes, and provide affordable, dealership-level Mercedes-Benz service in Melbourne. We don’t just provide Mercedes-Benz service for second-hand vehicles, either – we also sell used Mercedes for those who are in the market. All the vehicles we offer are vetted by our expert mechanics, so you’ll know you’re getting a car that’s in great condition. It isn’t just used Mercedes that we can inspect, either – our locations in Fairfield and Cheltenham also service cars from other German brands like Volkswagen, Audi and BMW too! Contact our team today – we promise you won’t regret it! - Fairfield: (03) 9499 9585 - Moorabbin: (03) 9555 5580 Alternatively, click here to book a service online.
Lazyweb: please fix my broken eyeballs For at least the last five years or so, I've been afflicted with this horribly annoying condition: if I don't get an average of about seven hours of sleep per night, then sometime around mid-afternoon my eyes begin to sting as if I'm having some kind of allergic reaction, and they'll continue doing this until I sleep. If I have several nights of bad sleep, my eyes will begin to itch earlier and earlier in the day. The only way to make it stop happening is to get enough sleep to make up for whatever sleep debt I've incurred; then the itchiness goes away and my eyes are fine. In other words, two nights of bad sleep requires two nights of good sleep in order for my eyes to get better. On the other hand, if I get consistently good sleep for several weeks, then I can get bad sleep for a few nights in a row before my eyes begin to itch. It's as if I'm storing up sleep, and when I run out, my eyes punish me for it until I repay them. The most frustrating thing about this is that even if my lack of sleep isn't enough to actually make me sleepy, it's often enough to make my eyes hurt so much that I have no choice but to try to get more sleep (which isn't always possible if I'm, say, at work). I've tried everything I can think of to relieve the symptoms, including eyedrops and mid-day naps, and the only thing that works is for me to repay whatever sleep debt I've incurred, which often means I can't get any relief until the weekend (and sometimes not even then if I happen to sleep badly). Does anyone else suffer from something similar? If so, how do you deal with it, short of just sleeping a lot?
Image Dust Off is a very useful feature supported by Nikon Capture NX and NX2 NEF raw converter/editor. You can take a reference photo (feature-less white wall) in supported cameras and used it to automatically retouch subsequently taken photos in Capture NX/NX2 to remove the spots in your photos caused by dust particles on the image sensor. Dust spots tend to show up more clearly if you shoot small apertures (high F numbers). Macro and landscape photographers probably find this more of a problem than portrait photographers. If you’d like to learn more about Image Dust Off, please check your Capture NX/NX2 user manual or the help file. In order for this automatic process to work as expected, the photos you want to edit should have the same dust pattern as the reference photo. To make sure, you need to take a reference photo for each shooting session. For Nikon DSLR cameras that has sensor-shake dust removal function, it gets tricky. You cannot use the dust reference photo taken before sensor cleaning to retouch the photos taken after sensor cleaning. Nikon recommends you to take the dust reference photo after each sensor cleaning. If you have setup the camera to clean the sensor automatically at each startup/shutdown, you may not realize that the dust reference photo is rendered invalid each time you switch off/on the camera. This is clearly documented in the instruction manual of your camera but how many of you actually read the manual throughly? Keywords: Capture NX, Capture NX2, Image Dust Off, Nikon You state… “you may not realize that the dust reference photo is rendered invalid each time you switch off/on the camera”. I have used a ‘dust off’ reference images taken after some exposures and then used the same reference target for images taken later on (lens not removed) and it’s worked just fine. That’s on my D3, maybe other camera’s are different, I don’t know.
Infor CloudSuite™ Delivers Strategic Advancements For Automotive Manufacturers Infor, a leading provider of beautiful business applications specialized by industry and built for the cloud, today announced key enhancements for Infor CloudSuite™ Automotive to help manufacturers achieve a stronger return on technology investments. The latest release, version 11.3, includes several layered functionality enrichments to streamline the repetitive, schedule-based manufacturing process. Infor CloudSuite Automotive now includes improved analytics, localization updates and pre-defined workbenches to further support specific automotive industry roles and business processes. At its core, Infor CloudSuite still provides beautiful software with deep industry functionality and a flexible, subscription-based delivery model through Amazon Web Services (AWS) to significantly reduce upfront IT expenditure. Key Advancements - Repetitive Manufacturing - This latest version of Infor CloudSuite Automotive has been augmented to deliver stronger industry-based functionality. Among these enhancements are improvements to the repetitive, schedule-based manufacturing processes, which are a core function for automotive companies and suppliers. By updating these features, users are better able to extend and manage everyday capabilities from shop floor planning and operations down to work and repair cells. - Enriched Analytics - Infor CloudSuite Automotive was initially designed to deliver industry specific analytics through a robust user interface to highlight insights on finance and key metrics of the business. The latest version builds upon the existing functionalities and introduces more than 40 new key performance indicators (KPI) and 10 new Quality Statistical Process Control capabilities. With greater depth of analysis, users are better equipped to draw actionable insights that can directly boost the decision-making process. - Complementary-Product Components - Infor CloudSuites are built to work well with complementary applications and components such as Infor ION®, a purpose-built middleware, and Infor Ming.le™, the social collaboration engine, which supports internal and external communications between customers and their suppliers. The latest version includes optional Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) capabilities to create a unified technology structure that simplifies the development and manufacturing processes. - Modern Localization - Localization is particularly important to the automotive industry, where manufacturers, suppliers and OEMs are based in various markets around the world. Infor CloudSuite Automotive expands the global footprint of the technology portfolio by supporting a wider range of geo-specific regulations and localization requirements. - Pre-Defined Workbenches - Infor CloudSuites are designed with user feedback in mind and continuously evolve to build upon the combination of ease of use and visual aesthetics while delivering robust functionalities. This is evident through pre-defined workbenches and role-based home pages to support specific automotive industry roles and business processes. Infor CloudSuite Automotive provides customers with a broad range of access to utilize core industry applications. The suite allows OEMs and top tier suppliers to electronically share data such as demand, supply and delivery information. The solution also provides a direct path to reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO), as customers are not required to purchase onsite servers or hardware, and can greatly diminish the need for additional IT support. "Today's manufacturers, particularly companies in the hyper-competitive automotive industry, have a greater need for pervasive and seamless business platforms that help them gain a competitive edge. This latest version of Infor CloudSuite Automotive offers a prescriptive approach for reducing operations costs by proactively bolstering visibility to the entire manufacturing ecosystem, fostering collaboration across disparate stakeholders, and automating execution throughout the entire process," said Christina Van Houten, senior vice president, Industry & Solution Strategy Infor. "The number of cloud adoptions by Infor customers in this past year underscores that Infor's strategy of blending pioneering innovation such as enterprise collaboration, mobile, user experience, and analytics with proven industry best practices is directly aligned with the needs of the manufacturing industry." - Press Releases - Automotive - Other - North America Let’s Connect Contact us and we'll have a Business Development Representative contact you within 24 business hours
Moody's Investors Service downgraded Citigroup's ( C) long-term debt ratings by a notch to Aa3 from Aa2, saying it believes the financial giant's capital ratios will remain low. The move came after Citi said it would move seven troubled structured-investment vehicles on to its balance sheet . Moody's also lowered the bank financial strength rating of Citibank N.A. to B from A-. The rating on Citibank for long-term deposits and senior debt was dropped to Aa1 from Aaa. The rating outlook is stable. Citi will probably need to take "sizable" writedowns against its subprime residential mortgage-backed securities and collateralized debt obligation portfolio, Moody's analyst Sean Jones said in a statement late Thursday. "During 2008, Citigroup's weak earnings should prohibit the bank from rapidly restoring capital ratios, despite its recent issuance of $7.5 billion hybrid capital," Jones said. Moody's believes Citi could rebuild its capital base by seeking additional sources of external capital, more aggressive balance sheet management and by cutting its dividend. For Citi's ratings to be upgraded, "the company would need to rebuild its capital ratios to levels maintained prior to 2007. As well, the firm's pre-provision earnings power has to return to its previous strong level, while reducing its concentration risks," Moody's said. If it doesn't restore its ratios in the medium term, Citi could be facing a further downgrade. Additionally, several Citi units were placed on review for possible downgrades, including Citibank Europe Plc, Citibank International Plc, Nikko Citigroup Ltd. and Citibank Japan L
When I originally heard of the concept for Steven Antin's Burlesque, a movie musical starring pop phenom Christina Aguilera and the legendary Cher, I was, if you could believe it, less than enthusiastic. I was under the assumption that this film would be not just bad, but god awful. Recalling horrid pop star film debuts (ex. Mariah Carey in the depressingly hollow Glitter, Britney Spears in the mind-numbing Crossroads) I thought I was in for a cinematic train wreck of epic proportions. And I'm happy to tell you today, that I couldn't have been more wrong. First of all, what makes Burlesque unlike Glitter and Crossroads is its aesthetics. Christina Aguilera's strong voice is enough to carry a film, as it turns out. However, Burlesque has more to fall back on. Cher plays Tess, Aguilera's character's boss and mentor. She can make any film excellent. Secondly, this film is a musical, also unlike Glitter and Crossroads. It shoots for being something of a hybrid between Cabaret and Chicago, and doesn't completely fail. Thirdly, this film has an outstanding supporting cast, including the always great Stanley Tucci, Grey's Anatomy vet Eric Dane, Kristen Bell, Cam Gigandet, and Alan Cumming, and these folks bring enough liveliness to save even the worst film, but here, they only add to the fun and excitement. The story is really nothing new. Small-town girl Ali (Aguilera) leaves her job as an Iowan waitress, and heads for the big lights of Los Angel. She starts living with the charismatic and sexy bartender Jack (Cam Gigandet), after her apartment gets robbed. Romance ensues, and things go from there. Cliché, right? It's been done before, right? Right. There isn't a section of this film that isn't even a little bit corny. But, that's not to say it's not a load of fun. I'm sorry, Harry Potter, Burlesque is the film event of the Thanksgiving holiday. Christina Aguilera isn't a fantastic actress, but she's better than you would expect her to be, and her song-and-dance numbers, obviously, are fantastic, as one would expect. She and Cher have fantastic chemistry, as well as Cher and Stanley Tucci. All of these actors blend together so well, that they seem to compliment each other, enhancing each performance. And, I was rather disappointed to see that Cher only sang two out of the film's ten musical numbers, but it's safe to say that that's not enough, considering that she can still belt the hell out of these songs. However, Cher's obvious plastic surgeries don't help her performance, considering that her face barely moves throughout the entire picture, but she's still able to pull this role off, somehow. Steven Antin is a director whom I've never heard of, however, I was fairly impressed. The film is directed with impeccable taste, and the writing is very quick and clever, and humorous, even when a little corny. However, what really saves Burlesque in the end is its elaborate song- and-dance numbers. Soon after the movie begins, you know what kind of film you're in for. Even as cliché after cliché presents themselves, Burlesque has enough razzle-dazzle magic to outweigh its faults, and to leave you dancing in the aisles as you leave this film. I can easily summarize this film into short sentences. This film has everything, everything but a plot that is. What you should expect from Burlesque is almost two hours of high powered entertainment. Burlesque is just that, entertaining. If you are going to this film to witness a great storyline unfold don't go see this film. However, if you want to be entertained with great vocals from Christina Aguilera and Cher in addition to great acting from Peter Gallagher, Stanley Tucci, Alan Cummings, and again Cher then this film is a must see. I must say prior to the screening that I attended, I was very apprehensive that I was going to see a product that resembled a "Nine" / "Coyote Ugly" blend of a film, but I was certainly wrong. Burlesque holds itself above the rest of the films in its category. The film obviously cost a lot to produce and I believe that the money was well spent. Cher's performance was excellent. Say what you want about the person, but the actress conveys a confidence level in front of the camera as though she has done this a hundred times. Stanley Tucci is also quite merit worthy in this film. His performance in "Lovely Bones" is still haunting and his role as Cher's right-hand gay best friend/costume designer in this film just shows what incredible range this actor has. The costume design, casting, choreography and set design for this film are also worthy of mention. You can count on this film definitely being nominated in the Best Film in Comedy or Musical category for the Golden Globes in December. This film will also do incredibly well at the box office. I would have no problem watching this film again. The musical numbers reminded me of "Sweet Charity" and the camera moves around the Kit Kat Klub style room like Fosse's camera did in "Cabaret" The similarities stop there. The film is a brave attempt but the writing walks a very, very thin line. Was Steve Antin trying to be funny? Some of the lines were received with loud guffaws and there is no way to know if that was the intention because, personally, I felt like cringing. Never mind. It was fun. Christina has a powerful voice but not film presence and Cher is a fearless icon but she had so little to show for it. The best performance is, without question, by Stanley Tucci. The songs work at the moment you're watching them being performed but I couldn't hum a tune now, 48 hours later, for the life of me. So, I was entertained and in the big scheme of things, I guess that's enough *** This review may contain spoilers *** This movie wore out both my BS detector and my suspension of disbelief. It should be prosecuted under the Trades Description Act, and sued by Rob Marshall and the estate of Bob Fosse for plagiarism. Because it ain't burlesque, and it rips off too many elements from Marshall's film of "Chicago" and Fosse's choreography, for me to count. This movie is as true a glimpse of the real burlesque scene, as "Showgirls" was of the real traditional Vegas showgirl scene. But "Showgirls" had a slightly more believable plot. Here's a suggestion for Steve Antin: How about making a movie called "Girl Group", with only one musical number in it? After all, you've given us a movie called "Burlesque" with only ONE actual burlesque number in it. The rest is just a rip-off of your sister's Pussycat Dolls routines. Especially that final number. THAT was the song that took so long for the hero to write??? THAT was the song that was so deeply personal that he couldn't share it with anyone until he felt it was perfect??? No wonder my BS detector wore out. The costumes are gorgeous (hence the 3 stars from me), but they're the only things that made this movie remotely tolerable. And the camera never held still long enough for me to get a really good look at them. (Note to all directors: If you're spending that much on costumes, for god's sake, let us see them and appreciate them!) Also, as someone who is active in the burlesque scene, I must point out that merely wearing a burlesque style costume does NOT make someone into a burlesque performer any more than wearing spike heels and a miniskirt makes a nun into a streetwalker. Vocally, Christina Aguilera and Cher both have amazing voices. But does every song they sing have to be a power-ballad with all those full-out wails and cadenzas? Enough, already! Those songs and vocal gymnastics lose their dramatic power when they're all we ever get to hear. All in all, "Burlesque" was 2 hours of my life that I won't be getting back. So, it's a movie about a lounge with signers and dancers. It's not a musical, but you expect to see dancing, sexy and songs. Burlesque delivers on all account, it's sexy without being naked, it's fun, the music is great. I don't know why so many reviewers here say that Christina Aguilera is a bad actress, she gave quite a decent performance considering that, well, she is not an actress. And while Cher is not on the screen all the time, she is fantastic. For a woman in her sixties, wow... The movie made me buy the soundtrack, Christina know how to sing and she is very good. As for the background stories (lounge on the verge of closing, love interest), they are there to give the movie some meaning but are not overly invading on the main content witch is signing and dancing. Those background stories are were the movie lost my 2 points, because you don't quite feel the urgency, stress of Tess money problems, everything runs like there is no problem at all. All in all, it's a good, entertaining movie. It's gonna be in my blu-ray collection, just for the music and dancing alone. At times I can be a bit snobby about movies. I am more attracted to slow artsy fartsy movies that try make grand points about society or existence. However, not all movies are to meant to challenge social structures or deliver underlying meanings and here there certainly is none of that.... and I liked it! Burlesque is a little cheesy, yup, filled with clichés, uh huh, predictable, you betcha! That is all part of it's charm though. It set out to be a fun romp with some sexy outfits and entertaining song numbers and it delivered. There is no great villain, there is no great backstabbing - which in someways is more realistic. It doesn't try to have an overly deep plot. It knows it's superficial and embraces it. Did anyone ever doubt Christina could sing? Her voice is amazing and her acting ain't bad either. Cher is well, Cher and how can anyone not love her? Stanley Tucci certainly steals the show while Cam Gigandet provides some delicious eye candy. If you want to be visually and audibly entertained for about an hour and a half, shut your brain off, sit back and enjoy Burlesque. Disclaimer: this recommendation does not pertain to men, unless you are a man of the Cher-loving variety. Despite a burlesque club technically being a 'strip club' this movie is certainly geared for the ladies. The state of American film in the 21st Century has been generally abysmal but nowhere is it more evident than in the film musical. Taking the most honored of the period Chicago, a Fosse wanta be with bad performances and forgettable tunes as the benchmark it is more than evident all singing all dancing has lost its voice and more than a step. The latest entry and every bit the tepid much ado about nothing heat and light display of flaccid musical storytelling as the Oscar winner (an even bigger comment on the unimaginative state of the movie business) is the insipidly slick Burlesque. Stop me if you've heard this. Young impressionable girl with massive hidden talent leaves the land of corn for the bright lights of LA where she stumbles upon a run down anachronism with a crusty but understanding owner still in it for love of the game who gives the kid a break and, well you can fill in the rest. In the role of Judy Garland Christine Aguleria sings the blues with impressive voice but it's all plastic soul and slumming for the former mouseketeer who presents an unintentionally jarring visual context of an Aryan uber babe singing Bessie Smith. Speaking of plastic Cher all polished and waxed like an antique Oldsmobile splits her time offering sage advice and sarcasm. In addition she does a couple of tunes with her signature howl wrapped as always in distracting outfit and opulent stagecraft to soften its blow. There's some male characters whose purpose it seems is to stand around with expressions of awe for the divas and of course the serious pyrotechnics surrounding the noir dance numbers that attempts to put some make-up on this pig but in the end it is all forced Fosse. I, unlike a lot of people in lieu to it's box office results, really wanted to see Burlesque. I am not necessarily a Christina Aguilera fan, though she has made a lot of songs I like, same deal for Cher, and though the movie did not seem like it would be a 10/10, it looked insanely fun for my tastes and I had been invited by my friend and her mom to go see it with them. We were all fairly excited, after seeing the previews and hearing of what reception it did get from audiences was generally well perceived, and, directly after it was over, were pleased to admit that all three of us really enjoyed it and were not disappointed. There is not really many downsides to this movie, in my honest opinion, that can not be made up for with other material. For example: The songs, while not all are memorable, make the movie ultimately more enjoyable, and have some nice choreography to the dances that were made for them. "Show Me How to Burlesque" is my favorite song, with Cher's "You Haven't Seen the Last of Me" and another song, that incongruently and infuriatingly is not listed in the soundtrack titles on here, and did not have a really huge part in the movie other than it being my favorite dance sequence, besides "Show Me How to Burlesque", being two other very catchy songs in the movie, as well. The others felt like they were there merely to fill time, because I personally did not find them that special. There's not really any brand new, awesome material, but it really is much better than people would expect in terms of entertainment and professionalism. Christina Aguilera has got some pipes. Whether you like her vocals or not, she can hit and hold a note, and she really is not that bad of an actress. She wasn't in this film, at least, and while we are at it, neither was Cher; both gave pretty believable and likable performances. Everyone gave a likable performance both acting and music wise, especially my man candy Cam Gigandet. You could grate cheese on that boy's body. There is a nice touch of comedy here and there from Alan Cumming, Stanley Tucci, and a very cute and well done scene between Aguilera and Gigandet that involves a nice shot of Gigandet's bottom and another mishap in that scene that will make anyone crave "the box of cookies" at that exact moment. (I love Cam Gigandet.) Moving on, another aspect is the movie has got excellent, sparkly costumes during some flashy, risqué sequences that could possibly make anyone have a seizure who was not thoroughly prepared. Another of my favorite things is it has got beautiful, and I mean beautiful lighting, and wonderful make-up in many scenes making the actors, actresses and settings look picturesque and crisp. Steve Antin, while not an amazing director, does a very nice job, and does an even better job with the writing, even if the script is not Oscar worthy..
...An eclectic mix of local Politics, Education, Community Affairs, Environment, History, Birding,Jamaica Bay, Ridgewood Reservoir, Forest Park, and other assorted items of interest... Concentrating on the Borough of Queens in New York City...and the neighborhoods of Ozone Park, Howard Beach, Woodhaven, Richmond Hill and South Ozone Park...and Community Boards 5, 6, 9 and 10... Thursday, January 20, 2011 JPMorgan Chase admitted to overcharging more than 4,000 active-duty military personnel on their home loans and said it foreclosed in error on 14 of them. The company will send out $2 million worth of refunds to 4,000 active-duty customers who were affected. The banking giant JP Morgan Chase has admitted that it overcharged more than 4,000 active duty military personnel on their home loans. As first reported by NBC News, the bank also says it mistakenly foreclosed on the homes of 14 soldiers. As NPR's Tamara Keith reports, members in the military have special protections, but in this case, they didn't work. TAMARA KEITH: Julia Rowles and her husband Marine Captain Jonathan Rowles have been fighting with Chase bank for years - basically ever since Captain Rowles was commissioned as an officer in 2006. Ms. JULIA ROWLES: They would say, we will take your house. We will report you to the credit agency. This is a bad situation that you don't want to be getting into. Pay us today. They were harassing us for money that we did not owe them. KEITH: Her husband once got a collection call at 3:00 AM. And none of that was supposed to happen. Under a federal law called the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, most troops can get their mortgage interest rates reduced to six percent while on active-duty and foreclosures aren't allowed. Rowles says her husband, who is now overseas, was granted the lower interest rate, but Chase didn't adjust its records. Ms. ROWLES: They kept still charging us nine and 10 percent and we were paying upwards to $2,000 when we should have only been paying $1,400. KEITH: This week, Chase said it would be sending out $2 million worth of refunds to 4,000 active-duty customers like the Rowles, who were overcharged. It also admitted wrongfully foreclosing on 14 homes, and said all but one of those cases has been resolved. Bank officials declined an interview request, but in a statement said quote, while any customer mistake is regrettable, we feel particularly badly about the mistakes we made here. But attorney Dick Harpootlian in Columbia, South Carolina isn't ready to accept the apology. He's one of the lawyers representing the Rowles family in what he hopes will become a class action lawsuit against Chase. Mr. DICK HARPOOTLIAN (Civil Attorney): I was a prosecutor for 12 years, everybody that got caught taking money that wasn't theirs always said they were sorry, offered to give it back and call it even and that's just not what ought to happen in cases like this. Ms. ELIZABETH WARREN (Assistant and Special Advisor to the President): This latest incident is further proof of why we need a strong consumer financial protection agency. KEITH: That's Elizabeth Warren, a special assistant to President Obama. She's putting together the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. It was created by Congress to look out for consumers in the wake of the financial crisis and will also focus on protecting military families. Ms. WARREN: We need a cop on the beat. The laws are in place but there's no one to enforce them and no one to speak up for these families, this is just wrong. KEITH: Warren says the laws exist so service members can concentrate on doing their jobs. Ms. WARREN: Not be worried about paperwork and bills and whether or not a loved one is being harassed for money that's not even owed. KEITH: Yesterday, Warren visited Lackland Air Force Base in Texas to talk to military families about their financial concerns. She was joined by Holly Petraeus, the wife of General David Petraeus, the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan. Mrs. Petraeus was one of the first hires for the new consumer bureau. Ms. HOLLY PETRAEUS (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau): I really can't think of anything better to be doing while my husband is deployed forever than, you know, working on a project like this. KEITH: She'll head the office of Service Member Affairs - an office that will be on the lookout for issues like those at Chase. Technorati Today.com all blogs Amazing Counters Blogarama Blogdire blogging fusion blog patrol Blog Top Spots extreme tracking Feed nuts Globe of Blogs The Good Blogs ice rocket StatCounter FAIR USE NOTICE FAIR USE NOTICE: This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I have posted it here in an effort to advance the understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democratic, scientific, social justice and other issues. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. The material in this site is provided for educational and informational purposes only.
Supratrochlear Neuralgia: A Prospective Case Series of 15 Patients. The aim of this study was to describe clinical features unique to supratrochlear neuralgia. The supratrochlear nerve supplies the medial aspect of the forehead. Due to the intricate relationship between supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves, neuralgic pain in this region has been traditionally attributed to supraorbital neuralgia. No cases of supratrochlear neuralgia have been reported so far. From 2009 through 2016, we prospectively recruited patients with pain confined to the territory of the supratrochlear nerve. Fifteen patients (13 women, 2 men; mean age 51.4 years, standard deviation 14.9) presented with pain in the lower paramedian forehead, extending to the eyebrow in two patients and to the internal angle of the orbit in another. Pain was unilateral in 11 patients (six on the right, five on the left), and bilateral in four. Six patients had continuous pain and nine described intermittent pain. Palpation of the supratrochlear nerve at the medial third of the supraorbital rim resulted in hypersensitivity in all cases. All but one patient exhibited sensory disturbances within the painful area. Fourteen patients underwent anesthetic blockades of the supratrochlear nerve, with immediate relief in all cases and long-term remission in three. Six of them had received unsuccessful anesthetic blocks of the supraorbital nerve. Five patients were treated successfully with oral drugs and one patient was treated with radiofrequency. Supratrochlear neuralgia is an uncommon disorder causing pain in the medial region of the forehead. It may be differentiated from supraorbital neuralgia and other similar headaches and neuralgias based on the topography of the pain and the response to anesthetic blockade.
A hydrocarbon is a type of chemical compound. It is made of only hydrogen and carbon atoms. They can be found in crude oil and are separated by fractional distillation (which means they are separated into different groups). The hydrogen and carbon are bonded with non-polar covalent bonds. Because of its lack of polar covalent bonds, hydrocarbons cannot create hydrogen bonds with water and are hydrophobic. Hydrocarbon "families" Hydrocarbons are grouped into "families" or "homologous series". There are five main families. The hydrocarbons in each family have a general formula and similar chemical properties, and similar trends in physical properties. This system was approved in 1892 by the International Congress of Chemists, meeting in Geneva. Alkanes Alkanes are the simplest hydrocarbons. Their general formula is CnH2n+2. Alkenes Alkenes are similar to alkanes. The main difference between them is that alkenes have a carbon to carbon double bond. The general formula for the alkenes is CnH2n. Note that there is no "Methene". Methene is not possible as alkenes require a carbon-carbon double bond and methane only has one carbon atom. Alkynes Alkynes have a carbon to carbon triple bond. CnH2n-2 is their general formula. "Methyne" does not exist because of methane's one carbon atom. Cycloalkanes Cycloalkanes are isomers of alkenes. They have the same general formula (CnH2n), the only difference is that they do not have a carbon to carbon double bond. Note that the alkene Ethene does not have a cycloalkane as it can only form a straight line. Alkadiene Alkadienes have two carbon to carbon double bonds. Their general formula is CnH2n-2. They are isomers of Alkynes. In a similar manner, there can also exist alkatriene (three carbon to carbon bonds) and other forms. The versatile nature of Carbon's chemistry allows for a nearly infinite number of configurations and compounds. Aromatic hydrocarbons Aromatic hydrocarbons are aromatic organic molecules that form flat ring-shaped bonds. The most simplest of aromatic hydrocarbons are benzene and indole. They can have one ring, heterocyclic, like benzene or 2 rings, bicyclic like napthalene (primary ingredient in mothballs) or many rings, polycyclic like anthracene (red dye colourant). Their general formula is CnH2n-6, where n is a number greater than or equal to 6.
I was so excited to receive a finished copy of The Deep from Putnam Books, which will be out on March 10, 2020. This is my first read by the author, Alma Katsu, although I’ve had The Hunger on my TBR shelf for a few months now. I absolutely LOVED this creepy retelling of the sinking of the Titanic. As I read this, I felt a bit like Stefan from SNL. This book had EVERYTHING: romance, mystery, con men, ghosts, seances, impeccable research, lyrical language, Irish folk tales. It was a beautifully written story with lots of intertwining elements. We meet Annie, a fictional character, in 1916, where she gets a job on the Britannic, Titanic‘s sister ship that’s been retrofitted to be a floating hospital, as a nurse during World War I. Annie has been hospitalized for a while due to the trauma she experienced during the sinking of the Titanic four years earlier. She was told about the job by her friend Violet Jessop, a real life survivor of both tragedies. The novel goes back and forth in time from the Britannic to the Titanic, and I think Katsu handled it wonderfully. I think the biggest strength of this novel is how it weaves real people and real anecdotes that are integral to the pop culture understanding we have of the Titanic. I was OBSESSED with James Cameron’s Titanic when it came out (who am I kidding? STILL AM!) and having the background knowledge from that movie of some of the film’s minor characters was integral to my enjoyment of the book. Seeing names like JJ Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Bruce Ismay helped to ground me into the reality of the story. The supernatural & paranormal elements are beautifully juxtaposed against the realistic elements. I loved the seances and the creepy happenings. Katsu did a phenomenal job of creating atmospheric tension within a lush & lavish setting. I thought this book was just the perfect amount of creepy with historical fiction, mystery, and romance. Pick up this 5-star read next week, and let me know what YOU think!
Although news has been quiet lately, a lot has been going on behind the scenes. Daniel and his team have been working hard to establish firm foundations for the future success of Safex. We’ve brought together the highlights from the last few weeks to get you up to speed with the latest developments. Huge credit to Boris_S from the Safex Forum and Discord for his help in gathering the latest info. Safex Blockchain As brought out in the latest community Q&A, the alpha development of the Safex Blockchain is complete. A working blockchain is in operation at the Safex HQ and test mining is taking place. The next phase is to develop basic marketplace functionality on top of the new blockchain, such as a simple buy and sell function. This will continue to progress as new develops are hired (more on this later). Daniel stated he would like to see the basic marketplace operation by April or May. However, once the new developers are in place and fully productive, they’ll have a better idea of timelines and an updated roadmap. Balkaneum A new open source software development company called Balkaneum has been formed to take Safex to the next stage. Daniel is the CEO of the company and is privately funded. For the foreseeable future, Balkaneum’s sole purpose is to develop and drive Safex and blockchain technology in the Balkan region. The company is actively recruiting for management and developers. On March 6th Daniel announced their latest recruit, Ivana, as the Lead Talent Scout and HR Manager. A new advisor has been appointed to the team – Medhi Bechina. Medhi is a talented Software Engineer with years of experience in E-Commerce; also working for Lazada, part of the AliBaba group of companies. Medhi will be focusing on the development of the Safex Wallet. Daniel recently signed an agreement for the new Balkaneum HQ. Currently the building is being renovated and fitted out for an ever-expanding team. You can view a brief tour of the property is the latest development update video. Exchanges Next.Exchange are currently facing a few minor technical issues integrating Safex onto their platform. The Next team are aiming for next week. The other exchange mentioned several times before (the one Daniel paid for) is due to list any time soon (within the next 3 weeks). No public detail about this exchange yet. The community is also trying to draw votes for us to be considered on the CoinPulse Exchange – you can vote here. Liberland
Our first-in-human, phase 1 clinical trial (clinicaltrials.gov; trial NCT03399448) was designed to test the safety and feasibility of multiplex CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing of T cells from patients with advanced, refractory cancer. A limitation of adoptively transferred T cell efficacy has been the induction of T cell dysfunction or exhaustion. We hypothesized that removing the endogenous T cell receptor (TCR) and the immune checkpoint molecule programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) would improve the function and persistence of engineered T cells. In addition, the removal of PD-1 has the potential to improve safety and reduce toxicity that can be caused by autoimmunity. A synthetic, cancer-specific TCR transgene (NY-ESO-1) was also introduced to recognize tumor cells. In vivo tracking and persistence of the engineered T cells were monitored to determine if the cells could persist after CRISPR-Cas9 modifications. RESULTS Four cell products were manufactured at clinical scale, and three patients (two with advanced refractory myeloma and one with metastatic sarcoma) were infused. The editing efficiency was consistent in all four products and varied as a function of the single guide RNA (sgRNA), with highest efficiency observed for the TCR α chain gene (TRAC) and lowest efficiency for the TCR β chain gene (TRBC). The mutations induced by CRISPR-Cas9 were highly specific for the targeted loci; however, rare off-target edits were observed. Single-cell RNA sequencing of the infused CRISPR-engineered T cells revealed that ~30% of cells had no detectable mutations, whereas ~40% had a single mutation and ~20 and ~10% of the engineered T cells were double mutated and triple mutated, respectively, at the target sequences. The edited T cells engrafted in all three patients at stable levels for at least 9 months. The persistence of the T cells expressing the engineered TCR was much more durable than in three previous clinical trials during which T cells were infused that retained expression of the endogenous TCR and endogenous PD-1. There were no clinical toxicities associated with the engineered T cells. Chromosomal translocations were observed in vitro during cell manufacturing, and these decreased over time after infusion into patients. Biopsies of bone marrow and tumor showed trafficking of T cells to the sites of tumor in all three patients. Although tumor biopsies revealed residual tumor, in both patients with myeloma, there was a reduction in the target antigens NY-ESO-1 and/or LAGE-1. This result is consistent with an on-target effect of the engineered T cells, resulting in tumor evasion.
Small cell lung carcinomas (SCLCs) account for ∼15% of lung cancers ([@bib12]; [@bib24]). Patients with SCLC show an excellent initial tumour response to chemotherapy, however, the majority have a very poor outcome ([@bib56]; [@bib15]). Several studies on genetic changes and potential molecular targets in SCLC have been performed ([@bib1]). Disappointingly, however, the standards of treatment and outcome have remained unchanged for the past decade. One of these drugable targets, the *MET* gene, encodes for a heterodimeric transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase composed of an extracellular *α*-chain (50 kDa) disulphide bonded to a membrane-spanning *β*- (145 kDa) chain ([@bib42]; [@bib22]). The hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is the natural ligand of MET ([@bib40]; [@bib48]). Upon receptor binding HGF induces phosphorylation of several sites on the juxtamembrane and intracellular domains and mediates, through the interaction with Gab1 ([@bib60]; [@bib49]), the activation of several signalling pathways, such as ERK, AKT, PKC*α* and paxillin FAK ([@bib45]; [@bib19]). This activation results in cellular effects that stimulate invasiveness, tubule formation and branching ([@bib7]). Activating mutations and *MET* gene amplification have been found in lung cancer cell lines and primary tumours, resulting in the constitutive activation of the pathway and its cellular effects in cell line models ([@bib3]; [@bib43]; [@bib32]; [@bib28]; [@bib18]; [@bib31]). Inhibition of MET in these cases has led to inhibition of growth and migration/invasiveness ([@bib16]; [@bib51]; [@bib46]; [@bib61]; [@bib13]). Furthermore, a number of studies have assayed the expression of MET and, to a lesser extent, p-MET (i.e., activated MET) expression in various human cancers. There are increasingly more consistent data to suggest that total MET and in particular p-MET expression show association with poor survival of cancer patients ([@bib20]; [@bib4]; [@bib47]; [@bib7]; [@bib46]; [@bib58]; [@bib5]). In addition, initial results from two phase II studies in patients with advanced NSCLC have recently been reported and demonstrated the therapeutic value of targeting the MET receptor in combination with EGFR tyrosin kinase inhibitors ([@bib52]; [@bib55]). Small cell lung carcinoma is characterized by high invasive and metastatic capacity, a typical feature of MET-activated tumour models ([@bib11]; [@bib17]) and previous studies suggest a role for MET in SCLC ([@bib36]; [@bib25]; [@bib35]). However, its relevance for SCLC patient outcome and a potential role of MET inhibitors for the treatment of this disease remain to be determined. To provide further information on MET as a potential target in SCLC, we studied the effects of a MET inhibitor in a panel of SCLC cell lines and also assayed the expression, activation state and mutational status of MET in a series of human SCLC specimens with complete clinical follow up. Materials and methods ===================== Cell lines and reagents ----------------------- A panel of 10 SCLC cell lines models was screened for MET alterations for this study. The SCLC cell lines H69, H69AR, H187, SHP-77, H345, H740, H748, H865, and H524 and H1688, and the NSCLC H1993 cells were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) (Rockville, MD, USA). All cells were cultured according to the ATCC instructions (<http://www.ATCC.org>). Recombinant human HGF was purchased from Calbiochem (La Jolla, CA, USA) and was resuspended in sterile PBS containing 0.1% BSA and stored at a stock concentration of 100 *μ*g ml^−1^ at −80°C. Treatments (unless otherwise indicated) were done at 40 ng ml^−1^ as final concentration in culture medium. PHA-665752, (3Z)-5-\[(2,6-dichlorobenzyl)sulfonyl\]-3-\[(3,5-dimethyl-4-1H-pyrrol-2-yl)methylene\]-1,3-dihydro-2H-indol-2-one (obtained from Pfizer Inc., San Diego, CA, USA) was dissolved to a stock concentration of 10 m in DMSO at −80°C. The stock solution was diluted for instant use in our experiments. Western blot analysis --------------------- The following antibodies were purchased from the manufacturers listed below and used for western blot assay: Met (25H2) mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb), p-MET Y1234/1235 (3D7) rabbit mAb, p-MET Y1349 (130H2) rabbit mAb, p-MET Y1234/35 (D26) XP rabbit mAb, p-GAB1 Y307-rabbit polyclonal antibody (pAb), ERK1/2 rabbit pAb, p-ERK1/2 (Thr202/Tyr204) pAb were obtained from Cell Signaling (Danvers, MA, USA) and GAB1 (H198) rabbit pAb from Santa Cruz Biotechnology (Santa Cruz, CA, USA). Western blot from whole-cell extracts was performed as previously reported ([@bib9]). Fluorescence *in situ* hybridisation ------------------------------------ The status of the *MET* gene in cell lines was assessed by fluorescence *in situ* hybridisation (FISH) using the ON·C-MET (7q31)/SE 7 FISH probes (Kreatech Diagnostics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands), labelling the centromeric alpha-satellite region, specific for chromosome 7 (spectrum green), and the 7q31 region that contains the *MET* gene (spectrum orange), as described ([@bib50]). Mutational analysis of the *MET* gene by Sanger sequencing ---------------------------------------------------------- For mutational studies of tumour samples, DNA was extracted from macrodissected tumoural paraffin-embedded tissue using the QIAamp Tissue Kit (QIAGEN GMBH, Hilden, Germany) according to the manufacturer\'s protocol. The mutational analysis of the *MET* gene in cell lines and tumour samples (codons E168, R988 and T1010) was performed by direct sequencing. Primers for PCR amplification and sequencing were designed using the Primer Express software (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) and were as follows: 5′-GCAGCAGCAAAGCCAATTTAT-3′ and 5′-TGACTTTGGCTCCCAGGGC-3′ for the E168 and 5′-ACCCATGAGTTCTGGGCACT-3′ and 5′-CAGAACAATAAACTGAAATATACCTTCTGG-3′ for the R988 and T1010. PCR conditions were as follows: 95°C 10 min 1 cycle; 95°C 1 min, 55°C for 1 min, 72°C for 1 min, 40 cycles; and 72°C 10 min, 1 cycle. Sequencing was performed with BigDye v3.1 (Applied Biosystems) following the manufacturer\'s instructions and analysed on a 3500Dx Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems). Viability assays ---------------- To measure effects of HGF, PHA-665752 or the combination on the viability of SCLC cell lines, we seeded 3 × 10^5^ cells per well in a six-well plate with culture medium containing 10% FBS. After 24 h HGF, PHA-665752 or the combination were added at 40 ng ml^−1^ or 0.5 *μ* respectively, and incubated during 72 h. Cell viability was determined by trypan blue/haemocytometer exclusion method. Each experimental condition was done in duplicate. The results were plotted as percentage of control. Soft-agar colony formation assay -------------------------------- Single cell suspensions (2 × 10^4^ cells in 35 mm plates) were grown in 0.3% agar containing FBS 10% in RPMI 1640 medium in the presence and absence of HGF (40 ng ml^−1^) and PHA-665752 (0.5 *μ*) on top of 0.5% agar. The plates were incubated (37°C, 5% CO2) and cells were fed every 3 days with 0.5 ml of culture medium containing the above-mentioned HGF and PHA-665752 concentrations. The number and size of colonies were evaluated at × 20 magnification on a light microscope at each condition after 21 days. Invasion assay -------------- To evaluate the invasiveness of SCLC cell lines we prepared cell suspensions in serum-free media and 2.5 × 10^4^ adherent cells or 1 × 10^6^ cells growing in suspension were seeded into the inserts of 24-well (8 *μ*m pore size) CHEMICON Invasion Chamber (CHEMICON International, Inc., Temecula, CA, USA) and treated with PHA-665752 (0.5 *μ*), a concentration that does not have a significant effect on cell viability. Inserts were placed into Falcon companion plates (BD, San Jose, CA, USA) containing 10% FBS and 40 ng ml^−1^ HGF and incubated for 24 h at 37°C and 5% CO~2~ atmosphere. Following incubation non-invading cells were removed from the top chamber using cotton swabs and the outside of the insert was gently rinsed with PBS, stained with 0.25% crystal violet for 20 min and rinsed again. Acetic acid (10%, 200 *μ*l per well) was applied to dissolve the stained cells, and then the dye/solute mixture was transferred to a 96-well plate for colorimetric reading of optical density (OD) at 560 n. The OD value represents the invasive ability. All experiments were performed in triplicate. Tumour samples and immunohistochemistry --------------------------------------- The following antibodies were used for immunohistochemical studies and purchased from the manufactures listed below: MET (3D4) mouse mAb (Invitrogen, San Francisco, CA, USA), MET (SP44) mouse mAb (Ventana-Roche, Tucson, AZ, USA), p-MET Y1349 (130H2) rabbit mAb, p-MET Y1234/35 (3D7) rabbit mAb, p-MET Y1234/35 (D26) XP rabbit mAb (Cell Signaling) ([@bib5]) and RON *β* rabbit pAb (C-20) (Santa Cruz Biotechnology). We performed two series of experiments to rule out unspecific staining both in cell lines and tumour samples. First, in both formalin-fixed basal and HGF-treated H69 cell pellets ([Supplementary Figure 1](#sup1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}), and in human SCLC specimens (Figure 3B), two different anti-MET (3D4 and SP44) antibodies and two anti-p-MET (130H2 and D26) resulted in similar staining patterns in 20 (archival SCLC samples) and 30 specimens (from the current series), respectively. Furthermore, sections from same specimens above were incubated with normal mouse IgG2 (X0943, Dako, Carpinteria, CA, USA) or normal rabbit Ig fraction (X0903, Dako) instead of primary antibodies as negative controls. Second, to rule out potential cross-reactivity with RON ([@bib21]), we assayed RON, MET and p-MET in a subset of 20 (archival SCLC) tumour specimens by IHC. Specimens RON positive and MET/p-MET negative, and vice versa, were observed (data not shown), thus indicating lack of cross-reactivity in our assays. The study population consisted of 77 patients diagnosed with SCLC at any stage from whom we had clinical and follow-up information. Biopsies were obtained before treatment and subsequently patients initiated standard chemotherapy regimes. All samples except for two were non-surgical core biopsies as surgery is not a standard procedure in SCLC treatment (usually diagnosed in advanced stages). Specimens were retrospectively retrieved from Parc de Salut Mar Biobank (MARBiobanc, Barcelona, Spain) and Fundación Jiménez Díaz Biobank (Madrid, Spain). This study was approved by the institutional review board of each participating centre. Three-*μ*m tissue sections from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded samples were obtained, mounted onto charged slides and then, deparaffinised in xylene and hydrated. After heat antigen retrieval performed at high pH solution using PT Link platform (Dako), slides were incubated with primary antibody for 1 h at a dilution of 1 : 50 for 3D4 MET, 1 : 1 MET SP44 mouse mAb, 1 : 20 for p-MET Y1349 and 1 : 50 for p-MET Y1234/35. Then, sections were incubated with the specific polymer EnVision Flex+ (Dako), revealed with 3--3′ diaminobenzidine, a chromogen, and counterstained with haematoxylin. Sections were evaluated by two pathologists independently blinded to clinical information on a light microscope (Olympus DX50, Olympus Corp., Tokyo, Japan). The MET and p-MET staining was scored when any percentage of tumour cells was stained in the membrane. A semiquantitative histoscore (Hscore) was calculated, determined by estimation of the percentage of tumour cells positively stained with low, medium, or high staining intensity for each marker. The final score was determined after applying a weighting factor to each estimate. The formula used was Hscore=(low %) × 1+(medium %) × 2+(high %) × 3, and the results ranged from 0 to 300. Staining of non-tumour epithelial cells (normal and metaplastic respiratory bronchial epithelium) was also assessed. Statistical analysis -------------------- Statistical analysis was carried out with SPSS version 13.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). To analyse correlations between MET status and clinical-pathological variables we used the *χ*^2^-test (Fisher\'s exact test). Correlations between expression scores by different primary antibodies were calculated by Spearman rho test. Overall survival was analysed by the Kaplan--Meier method. Curves were compared by the log-rank test. Multivariate analysis was performed using the Cox proportional hazards model, including the variables that had reached statistical significance in the univariate analysis. All the statistical tests were conducted at the two-sided 0.05 level of significance. Receiver operating curve (ROC) was used to determine the optimal cutoff point for MET and p-MET overexpression ([@bib2]). As shown in Results, the cutoff was set for a MET score of 120 and a p-MET Hscore of 5. Specimens with values above these cutoff points were considered as MET or p-MET positive and specimens with values equal or below as negative. Data and statistical analysis reporting are fully compliant with the REMARK guidelines ([@bib37]). Results ======= PHA-665752 inhibits HGF-induced phosphorylation of MET, downstream molecules and HGF-induced proliferation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To characterize MET status in our cell lines, we performed FISH to study the gene copy number, sequencing to study the mutations described on exon 14 for SCLC and protein expression by western blot. None of the 10 SCLC cell lines showed MET amplification. We found *MET* amplification in the NSCLC H1993 cell line as previously reported (data not shown). We therefore used this cell line as a positive control of MET activation. In both H69 and H69AR (chemoresistant) we confirmed the reported juxtamembrane mutation R988C on exon 14 of the *MET* gene (data not shown) ([@bib32]; [@bib25]). None of the remaining eight SCLC cell lines had R988C or T1010I *MET* mutations on exon 14. We observed total MET expression by WB in H69, H69AR, H187 and H345 SCLC cells. The H865 cell line presented lower levels of MET expression and the remaining cell lines (H524, SHP-77, H748 and UMC-19) showed lack of MET expression. Based on these results we selected H69 as a MET mutant model and H524 (no expression of MET), H187 (MET expression) and H345 (MET expression) as models of wild-type MET cell lines. Results with H69 were confirmed with H69AR (chemoresistant isogenic cell line also harbouring the R988C mutation). To further characterize the MET pathway in these selected cells, we performed a western blot analysis of total and phosphorylated MET, and downstream relevant molecules, ERK and GAB-1. As expected, our positive control, the *MET* amplified H1993 cell line, showed high levels of basal and phosphorylated MET and absence of modulation by HGF 40 ng ml^−1^. [Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type="fig"} illustrates the basal and HGF-stimulated expression of these markers in SCLC cells. Basal expression of total MET was detected in H69, H187 and H345 but not in the H524 line. Two bands of 170 and 145k Da were observed corresponding to the unprocessed and mature proteins, respectively. Phosphorylated MET levels were undetectable in H69, H187, H345 and H524 at basal conditions. When stimulated by HGF (15′), p-MET was upregulated in the H69 and H187 cells, and slightly for H345; remaining unchanged for H524. We observed induction of phosphorylation of ERK and GAB-1 with the addition of HGF in H69, H187 and H345 cells. PHA-665752 was able to inhibit MET and phosphorylation of downstream molecules in a dose-dependent manner in H69, H187, H345 and H1993 ([Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type="fig"}), obtaining a complete inhibition at 0.5 *μ* (data not shown). We then assayed the effects of HGF and PHA-665752 or the combination on cell viability in selected cell lines. PHA-665752 treatment inhibited growth in the H1993 *MET* amplified cell line. There was increased proliferation upon HGF treatment in both mutant H69 and H69AR cell lines (30--60% increase) and this effect was prevented by PHA-665752 at 0.5 *μ*. Neither the proliferative effect nor the inhibitory effects were observed in the *MET* wild-type H524, H345 and H187 cell lines ([Figure 2A](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}). PHA-665752 inhibits colony formation and invasiveness in *MET* mutant SCLC cells -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exposure of H69 to HGF (40 ng ml^−1^) doubled colony formation in soft agar. Consistent with the observation that H69 is dependent on MET signalling, PHA-665752 at 0.5 *μ* reduced colony formation in H69 cells ([Figure 2B](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}), both in non-stimulated and HGF-stimulated conditions (*P*\<0.05). This effect was also observed in H69AR and correlated with inhibition of MET phosphorylation (data not shown). In contrast, these effects were not observed in the H187, H345 and H524 wild-type cell line ([Figure 2B](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}). These experiments are consistent with the inhibition of clonogenic growth as associated with inhibition of the MET phosphorylation in *MET* mutant cell lines but not in wild-type cells. To analyse the effect of MET inhibition on invasive capacity of SCLC cell lines we then performed a CHEMICON cell invasion assay. We used HGF as a chemoattractant into the well containing culture medium. Treatment with PHA-665752 0.5 *μ* decreased invasion of H69 by 52%, H69AR by 50% and H1993 by 47% (*P*\<0.05). In contrast, for the MET wild-type H187, H345 and H524 invasion was not influenced by treatment with PHA-665752 ([Figure 2C](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}). These results support a role for MET inhibition in abrogating MET-dependent cells\' invasive capacity. MET and p-MET expression show different patterns in human SCLC -------------------------------------------------------------- As MET phosphorylation seems to be a good indicator of the activation of the MET pathway, we explored the implication of the expression of this marker in tumour samples. We sought to evaluate the pattern and prevalence of total MET and p-MET expression in a series of 77 human SCLC samples. The vast majority of the assayed specimens were from primary tumours (*n*=72). Four were from regional lymph nodes and one from a distant site. Patients\' characteristics are listed in [Table 1](#tbl1){ref-type="table"}. The MET expression in SCLC samples was consistent using two different primary antibodies (3D4 and SP44) (*P*=0.009, *R*^2^=0.85). The MET phosphorylation was assessed using two antibodies: Y1349 (docking site of MET) and Y1234/35 (autophosphorylation site of MET). Results in [Supplementary Figure 2](#sup1){ref-type="supplementary-material"} show a high correlation (*P*\<0.001, *R*^2^=0.73) between both antibodies. Strong agreement was detected in MET and p-MET scores between two observers (MET *P*\<0.001, *R*^2^=0.852 and p-MET *P*=0.001, *R*^2^=0.642) and mean of values were considered for statistical analysis. The ROC was used to determine the optimal cutoff points for MET and p-MET overexpression, which were calculated at Hscore of 120 and Hscore of 5, respectively. At this value, the sensitivity of the test for MET was 57.1%, with a specificity of 62.7%, and the sensitivity for p-MET was 46.3%, with a specificity of 85.7% (Figure 4). A total of 58 (75.3%) specimens showed any grade of MET expression and 42 (54.5%) were considered as tumours with MET overexpression. The MET staining was consistently observed in the membrane of tumour cells, and the expression was diffuse in the tumour. Differences in intensity of MET expression were occasionally detected in the same tumour. Thirty-three (42.9%) cases showed p-MET overexpression following the ROC criteria. All p-MET positive cases expressed the total form of the receptor. The pattern of p-MET staining was membranous and varied from a few cells showing positivity to diffuse staining in other tumours ([Figure 3A](#fig3){ref-type="fig"}). Sixty-eight cases had also histologically normal bronchial epithelium representation in the section. Total MET staining was faintly detected in non-tumour epithelial cells in 67 (98%) specimens and p-MET staining in 16 (24%) ([Figure 3A](#fig3){ref-type="fig"}). We next evaluated the association of clinical variables with MET and p-MET status. The only significant association (*P*=0.048) we found was between p-MET positivity and extensive stage ([Table 2](#tbl2){ref-type="table"}). MET activation is associated with decreased survival in MET-positive SCLC ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To provide data regarding the prognostic impact of MET expression and activation in human SCLC, we performed survival analysis of our series of patients stratified by the status of the markers. We first evaluated the association of clinical variables with overall survival (OS). As expected, patients with limited stage had a significantly better survival than patients with advanced disease (*P*\<0.001). Performance status and gender were not significantly linked to survival in our series in the univariate analysis. MET expression in SCLC patients was not significantly associated with prognosis (median OS: 270 days in MET overexpression; median OS: 203 days in low/negative MET expression) (*P*=0.163) ([Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type="fig"}). In contrast, p-MET overexpression in SCLC was significantly associated with a different clinical outcome (*P*=0.001). Those patients with p-MET overexpression had worse prognosis (OS: 132 days) compared with p-MET negative/low expression cases (OS: 287 days). Moreover, an inverse significant correlation was detected between time of survival and levels of p-MET expression (*P*=0.022). The range of results for Hscore for p-MET was from 0 to 150. There was a trend towards an association between higher score and worse outcome (*P*=0.091). Phospho-MET was assayed with Y1349 in the whole series ([Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type="fig"}). Due to lack of sufficient tissue for additional testing in many cases, Y1234/35 was assayed only in 30 specimens. There was a good correlation between the staining with the two antibodies, however, a survival analysis with Y1234/35 was not performed due to reduced number of cases. We performed an additional analysis selecting the 10 cases with highest p-MET expression compared with the rest and observed that median survival was extremely poor in this highest expression group (80.5 days *vs* 270 days) ([Supplementary Figure 3](#sup1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). This suggests the possibility that the level of p-MET expression may influence patient outcome, albeit much larger series would be needed to study this hypothesis. Finally, in a multivariate analysis including disease stage (the only clinical significant factor in univariate analysis) ([Table 3](#tbl3){ref-type="table"}) and p-MET status, both parameters remained as independent variables associated with OS (*P*\<0.05). *MET* mutations in SCLC ----------------------- To explore whether *MET* mutations and p-MET staining were related, we analysed the previously described *MET* mutations in SCLC samples and cell lines: R988C, T1010I and E168C in our specimens. The 37, 20 and 33 samples with enough remaining material were evaluated for each mutation respectively. No mutations were found in these codons, thus precluding the analysis of their potential relationship with p-MET. Of note, however, *MET* mutations have been described in human SCLC and larger series may allow to analyse this correlation. Discussion ========== Here we demonstrate that MET inhibition, using PHA-665752, is able to counteract HGF-induced effects in *MET* mutant SCLC cells but not in *MET* wild-type SCLC cells. The magnitude of the effects was greater in terms of reduced clonogenicity and invasiveness when the inhibitor was used at relatively low concentrations, consistent with those needed to inhibit the target. Furthermore, we provide novel evidence for the activation of MET in about 40% of patients with SCLC and a link with poor outcome, independent of disease stage. An intriguing finding was that although H69 and H69AR harbour a *MET* mutation, basal levels of phosphorylation were low in both cell lines and only when stimulated with HGF this phosphorylation increased significantly as well as the oncogenic phenotype. Previous studies have suggested that stimulation with HGF is necessary to display the oncogenic properties of cells carrying *MET* mutations, which is in line with our findings and could be considered an example of oncogene expedience ([@bib38]; [@bib10]). This term has been proposed by Professor Comoglio\'s group and supports the concept of activation of MET as a secondary event that exacerbates the malignant properties of already transformed cells. In our model *MET* mutation is not acting as a driver, which may define oncogene addiction but rather as a secondary phenomenon that influences biology of the mutant cell. Our data show that cancer cells with mutant *MET* (not the wild type) and MET pathway activation via exogenously added HGF have an increased proliferation, invasiveness and colony formation capacity. Some of these effects have been previously described for SCLC cell lines ([@bib36]; [@bib32]; [@bib25]). Specific inhibition of MET phosphorylation with small molecule inhibitors has demonstrated the capacity of counteracting the HGF induced effects in SCLC and other tumour models ([@bib16]; [@bib33]; [@bib61]). Here we have not only confirmed these observations but also extended them by providing direct evidence for anti-oncogenic properties of a small molecule inhibitor, PHA-665752, in *MET* mutant SCLC cell lines, independently of their sensitivity/resistance to chemotherapy. Our work demonstrates that the R988C mutation in our cell line model does not act as a driver mimicking the oncogene addiction phenomenon observed in MET amplified cases ([@bib54]; [@bib31]). This is in line with a recent work that demonstrates lack of functionality of these mutations as oncogenes and are thus considered passenger mutations ([@bib59]). In our work, the R988C mutation sensitises cells to the effect of HGF and to the effect of the MET inhibitor. This stresses the importance of HGF paracrine/endocrine function in *MET* mutant tumours that is involved in angiogenesis, growth, migration and invasion ([@bib53]) and the potential role of MET inhibitors in cases with *MET* mutations. There are two studies that report the association between increased HGF serum levels in patients with SCLC and more advanced disease and prognosis ([@bib57]; [@bib6]). However, to our knowledge no study has evaluated the correlation of HGF serum levels and MET expression in SCLC specimens. There are many studies evaluating the expression of MET but a limited number with p-MET in human tumours and none of them have focused in SCLC ([@bib29]). Our work demonstrates that MET was expressed in \>70% of human SCLC, but that p-MET is expressed in 40% of cases. As expected, MET was also expressed in a high proportion of non-malignant epithelial cells adjacent to malignant tissue. MET expression has been previously reported in non-tumour lung tissue and, in a similar manner of what we report here, specifically a weak expression in the basal aspect of the bronchial epithelium ([@bib41]; [@bib14]; [@bib34]). In addition to its physiological role in lung epithelial homeostasis, the MET pathway appears to be critical in the repair of lung damage induced by chronic tobacco exposure ([@bib14]). It is tempting to speculate from this observation that cells with persistent MET activation in the context of tobacco use might be more susceptible to malignant transformation by posterior oncogenic mutations ([@bib44]). From a clinical perspective, the most relevant finding was the prognostic role of p-MET expression in SCLC. As MET phosphorylation is a surrogate marker of receptor activation, this finding is consistent with an adverse role of activated MET receptor in SCLC. This is in agreement with previous reports on the role of p-MET in other tumour types. The prognostic value of p-MET was independent of disease stage, suggesting that it might have a role in the adverse clinical behaviour of patients with this marker. The antibody we used for p-MET expression analysis Y1349 is the epitope of the docking site of MET receptor. Upon HGF binding, MET receptor is activated through dimerisation and phosphorylation of Tyr1234/35 on the catalytic domain. Subsequently phosphorylation of docking sites Tyr1349/56 occurs with recruitment of downstream molecules in our cell line models and has been reported previously ([@bib45]). The connection between both phosphorylation processes and the equivalent results obtained with the Y1234/35 antibody support the role of MET phosphorylation as a negative prognostic marker in this disease. Secondly and in contrast, total (activation independent) MET expression was not associated with prognosis in our series. In fact, in the literature, the prognostic role of total MET in human cancer is controversial. Albeit many studies point to an adverse prognostic role ([@bib7]; [@bib23]; [@bib27]; [@bib30]), other point to the contrary ([@bib20]; [@bib4]; [@bib39]; [@bib8]; [@bib26]). Further studies will be needed to solve this issue. Heterogeneity in MET expression in whole tissue sections in other tumours has been described ([@bib35]; [@bib5]). One of the caveats of our immunohistochemical studies is that they were performed in small biopsies (usual material obtained in this disease) and therefore we could not assess heterogeneity in MET expression in SCLC. Finally, in order to correlate our preclinical work with our clinical findings we performed mutational studies in cases with available tissue. Due to limited material we were able to study only previously described *MET* mutations in SCLC in a subset of the whole population. No mutations were found in this sample set. However, *MET* mutations have been previously described in SCLC specimens ([@bib32]) and although probably infrequent, we believe further studies with larger number of samples are needed to definitively address this area. This is now underway on a prospective project in our institution. In conclusion, our results add support to the view of MET as an attractive therapeutic target for a subgroup of SCLCs-harbouring *MET*-activating mutations. They also argue in favour of testing MET targeting agents preferentially in patients whose tumours display p-MET expression or *MET* mutations. We thank Jorge R Filho for critical review of the work. We are grateful to Sergi Mojal for assistance in statistical analysis and Trinidad Jiménez, Laura Camacho and Nuria Pérez for technical support. We thank the Tumor Bank of the Department of Pathology of Hospital del Mar and the Xarxa de Bancs de Tumors de Catalunya sponsored by Pla Director d\'Oncologia de Catalunya (XBTC) for providing tissue samples and Biobank grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III FEDER (RD09/0076/00036; RD09/0076/00101. We are also grateful to Pfizer for generously providing PHA-665752. This work was partially supported by Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (I+D+I), iniciativa Ingenio 2010, programa Consolider and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)/FEDER (RD06/0020/0109 (IC, MA, FR, EA, JA, AR), RD07/0020/2007(MS)) and PN de I+D+I 2008-20011 and ISCIII/FEDER -Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación (PS09/01594 (IC, MA, EA) PS09/01285 (AR, JA) and PS09/01296 (FR). This work was also supported by a grant from DIUE de la Generalitat de Catalunya (2009 SGR 321) (JA, EA, FR, IC, AR, MA). We thank Fundació Cellex (Barcelona) for a generous donation to the Oncology Service (Hospital del Mar); Xarxa de Bancs de tumors). [Supplementary Information](#sup1){ref-type="supplementary-material"} accompanies the paper on British Journal of Cancer website (http://www.nature.com/bjc) This work is published under the standard license to publish agreement. After 12 months the work will become freely available and the license terms will switch to a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. Supplementary Material {#sup1} ====================== ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Click here for additional data file. ![Hepatocyte growth factor activates MET and downstream molecules in mutant SCLC cell line and PHA-665752 inhibits these effects. Cells were serum starved for 24 h and then treated with PHA-665752 (0.05 *μ*) for 3 h and stimulated with HGF (40 ng/ml) during 15′. Whole cell lysates were purified, size separated by SDS--PAGE, transferred to a membrane and probed with various antibodies.](bjc2011298f1){#fig1} ![PHA-665752 inhibits HGF-induced cellular effects in MET mutant SCLC cells. (**A**) The PHA-665752 inhibits HGF-induced cell proliferation in MET mutant SCLC cells. WT and MET mutant cells were treated for 72 h with HGF, PHA-665752 or HGF+PHA-665752. Cell number was assessed by the trypan blue exclusion method. (**B**) The PHA-665752 inhibits HGF-induced colony formation in MET mutant SCLC cells. The SCLC cells were cultured in medium containing 0.3% agar (as described in Material and Methods) in the presence of HGF and PHA for 21 days. (**C**) The PHA-665752 decreases cell invasion in MET mutant SCLC cells. Cells were grown in serum-free media and seeded into the inserts of 24-well (8 *μ*m pore size) CHEMICON Invasion Chamber in the presence of PHA-665752 (0.5 *μ*). Inserts were placed into Falcon companion plates containing 10% FBS and 40 ng ml^−1^ HGF and incubated for 24 h. The number of invading cells on the underside of the membrane was determined using crystal violet staining.](bjc2011298f2){#fig2} ![(**A**) MET and p-MET expression patterns in SCLC. (1--6) Different patterns of total MET expression in human SCLC (normal epithelia and tumour), assayed by immunohistochemistry. (7--12) Different patterns of p-MET (Y1349) expression in human SCLC. Negative expression observed in tumour 7. Strong expression of p-MET in scattered cells (tumour 8), focal (tumour 9) or diffuse (tumour 12). Intermediate or combined strong and intermediate expression patterns were observed in tumours 10 and 11, respectively. Diffuse: staining of a majority or all tumour cells; heterogeneous: presence of positive tumour areas while others negative. (**B**) Immunohistochemistry for MET and p-MET in consecutive tissue sections from FFPE lung cancer specimens. A NSCLC (control) sample with well-known levels of MET and p-MET was used in 3D4 and SP44 (MET) and 130H2 and D26 (p-MET) assays. In SCLC samples, same intensity and pattern of staining were observed for MET expression (tumours A and B) and for p-MET (tumours C and D).](bjc2011298f3){#fig3} ![MET and p-MET overexpression threshold and prognostic significance in the cohort of SCLC patients. (**A**, **B**) The ROC was used to determine the optimal cutoff point for MET and p-MET expression. The MET and p-MET thresholds according to ROC data were 120 and 5, respectively. At these Hscore values, the sensitivity of the MET test was 57.1%, with a specificity of 62.7% for MET; and the sensitivity of p-MET assay was 46.3%, with a specificity of 85.7%. These scores were used to define overexpression. (**C**) Association between MET expression and overall survival. (**D**) Association between p-MET expression and overall survival. *P*-values were calculated using the log-rank test and survival curves by Kaplan--Meier analysis.](bjc2011298f4){#fig4} ###### Clinical characteristics of small cell lung cancer patients **Patients\' characteristics** **Number** -------------------------------- ------------- Median age (range) 65 (41--85)     *Gender*  Female 9 (12%)  Male 68 (88%)     *Smoking history*  Never 1 (1%)  Former 22 (29%)  Current 54 (70%)     *Performance status*  0--1 48 (62%)  2--3 13 (17%)  Unknown 16 (21%)     *Clinical stage*  Limited 32 (42%)  Extensive 42 (54%)  Unknown 3 (4%) ###### Association between MET and p-MET expression and clinical variables   **Total MET expression** **p-MET expression** ------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------- ------- ---- ---- ------- *Gender*  Female 5 4 0.948 3 6 0.539  Male 37 31   30 38                 *Smoking history*  Previous/never 16 8 0.253 8 16 0.453  Current 25 27   24 28                 *PS*  0--1 29 19 0.544 21 27 0.855  2--3 8 5   5 8                 *Stage*  Limited 15 17 0.381 9 23 0.048  Extensive 24 18   21 21   Abbreviations: NEG=negative; p-MET=phosphorylated MET; POS=positive; PS=performance status. ###### Cox multivariate model for overall survival   **HR (95% CI)** ***P*-value** ------------------------------------ ------------------- --------------- Stage (extensive *vs* limited) 2.96 (1.58--5.54) 0.001 p-MET overexpression (no *vs* yes) 1.93 (1.07--3.48) 0.028 Abbreviations: CI=confidence interval; HR=hazard ratio. [^1]: These authors contributed equally to this work.
Disparity between state fish consumption advisory systems for methylmercury and US Environmental Protection Agency recommendations: A case study of the south central United States. Fish consumption advisories are used to inform citizens in the United States about noncommercial game fish with hazardous levels of methylmercury (MeHg). The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) suggests issuing a fish consumption advisory when concentrations of MeHg in fish exceed a human health screening value of 300 ng/g. However, states have authority to develop their own systems for issuing fish consumption advisories for MeHg. Five states in the south central United States (Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas) issue advisories for the general human population when concentrations of MeHg exceed 700 ng/g to 1000 ng/g. The objective of the present study was to estimate the increase in fish consumption advisories that would occur if these states followed USEPA recommendations. The authors used the National Descriptive Model of Mercury in Fish to estimate the mercury concentrations in 5 size categories of largemouth bass-equivalent fish at 766 lentic and lotic sites within the 5 states. The authors found that states in this region have not issued site-specific fish consumption advisories for most of the water bodies that would have such advisories if USEPA recommendations were followed. One outcome of the present study may be to stimulate discussion between scientists and policy makers at the federal and state levels about appropriate screening values to protect the public from the health hazards of consuming MeHg-contaminated game fish.
Already History Why aren’t newspapers as excited now as they were then? The online newspapers pioneered in San Francisco were unbelievably primitive, and EVEN THEN some people were willing to pay TEN DOLLARS and wait TWO HOURS for their computers to download it. Now think about where we are today: still clinging to technology whose demise was foreshadowed at least 29 years ago. The print media (i.e., newspapers) had THREE DECADES to prepare for the inevitable shift to the web. So what’s taking so long? In 2008, the number of people using the Internet as their primary news source surpassed newspapers’ audience for the first time. Now it’s 2010, and most newspapers are still fighting to stay in print until financial pressures necessitate their closure. Most newspapers’ websites (with a number of exceptions) are hard to navigate and aesthetically inferior to their print versions. But this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Newspapers are effectively competing against their own online products, and one way to steer readers away from the Internet is by making the online reading experience less tolerable than the print one. If newspapers cease to exist, their websites could become more user-friendly without threatening the parent organization’s profit. Furthermore, money that businesses presently put toward print advertising could be funneled into other outlets – ideally, advertising on the digital versions of newspapers. But first, digital advertisements have to improve. They’re notoriously irritating and poorly designed, largely because the ad industry, like the news industry, has been excruciatingly slow to adapt. WriterFrederic Filloux puts it well: It is hard to reform a fat-cat culture — from heavy margins, captive clients, cozy cronyism — to a more agile one in which technology and innovation drive the business. In this very respect, advertising and news media converge: Both have been late in hiring developers who understand the specifics of their business. If the online news sites and their advertising counterparts were more intuitively designed, might the result be a population that’s more informed? I imagine so. One veritable fact that news organizations refuse to acknowledge is that the Internet is superior to print in virtually every way: it’s faster, more permanent, searchable, interactive, and increasingly ubiquitous. Journalist Jeff Jarvis writes that a key advantage of the web is its ability to link “grains of information, thought, or opinion…connected to something larger” – that is, the overarching story. According to Jarvis (with whom I agree), the Internet treats the story “as a process, not a product.” And therein lies the beauty. Our world has grown so complex in recent years that virtually no news story is ever “finished,” as static print publication would have us believe. It’s time to make the shift to the only medium advanced enough to keep up: the Internet.
February 8, 2006 W. Hockey Fights For Playoff Spot By | February 8, 2006 In sports, it sometimes happens that one team just has another team’s number. The Red Sox experienced 86 years of futility against the Yankees; the Knicks never did beat Michael Jordan’s Bulls; and the Mets have thus far been unsuccessful in their attempt to knock the Braves from their 14-year perch atop the NL East. That list seems to have expanded, at least in the collegiate ranks. Last weekend, for the second year in a row the Red women’s hockey team swept two games in a row from Union, this time on the Dutchwomen’s home ice. The back-to-back wins, which came by a combined score of 10-3, served not only as a confidence booster for an up-and-coming squad, but also put the 10 other ECACHL teams on notice that they shouldn’t count out the Red just yet. With just four games remaining on its ECACHL schedule, the Red needs to catch fire immediately. Cornell has eight points on the year, with a record of 8-14-0, 4-12-0 ECACHL. That puts the team near the bottom of the league, but only six points behind fifth-place Harvard and in position to make a playoff run if it finishes the season strong. However, that will be a difficult task. Of the Red’s four remaining league contests, one is against first-place St. Lawrence and another is against third-place Clarkson, whom Red head coach Dough Derraugh compared to the 1995 New Jersey Devils because of their ability to “control the pace of the game.” St. Lawrence is lead by star sophomore Sabrina Harbec. Harbec – who was recently earned ECACHL Player of the Week honors – had one goal and five assists last weekend in efforts against Princeton and Quinnipiac. She assisted on the first two Saints goals versus Princeton, including Marianna Locke’s game-winner. Then, against the Bobcats, she had a four-point night with one goal and three assists, including another assist on a game-winner. “Any line that goes out against her needs to be aware of where she is at all times,” Derraugh said. “She’s very difficult to handle in the neutral zone because she’s so fast. To have a chance at stopping her, the forwards have to slow her down so she doesn’t beat defensemen with her speed.” After the weekend series, Harbec now leads the nation in both points and assists, with 48 points on 18 goals and 30 assists. Thanks in part to her offensive eruptions last weekend, Harbec and the Saints broke a three-way tie for first place with Brown and Clarkson to claim first place in the conference with 22 points. Clarkson’s team is spearheaded by junior Ashley Shaidle, who leads her squad with 25 points on 16 goals and nine assists. Shaidle scored twice in the Golden Knights’ 3-0 blanking of Quinnipiac, a victory that would become a bookend of the squad’s five-game winning streak. “Clarkson is a very disciplined team, that doesn’t give up very many chances or very many goals,” Derraugh said. “It’s difficult to come back if you get behind, so you have to play disciplined yourself and take advantage of the opportunities that you do get.” Part of the reason that it is so difficult to come from behind against the Golden Knights is thier superb goaltending. Junior goalie Kira Hurley is third in the nation with a 1.11 goals-against average and has a save percentage of .939 to go along with her 18 wins. Hurley has also accumulated the most shutouts of any goalie in the country with nine. As the Red approaches the homestretch of the season, Derraugh remains mindful of the giant step forward that was the 2005-2006 season, but still has the drive to keep the winning going. “I think its been a step forward, but looking back on the season there’s a lot of games that maybe we had an opportunity to win and didn’t,” he said. “And now we are obviously paying the price because it’s gonna be a tough battle to make it to the playoffs.” Related ByFebruary 9, 2006 While preparing for his weekend matches against Penn, Princeton, and Rider, senior wrestler Mike Mormile snapped Sun Senior Writer Per Ostman over his knee like a twig. 1. I have few rules in life, but one of them is, “Never get into a fight with a wrestler.” I’ve got about 12 inches and 90 pounds on you – could you kick my ass? Don’t test me. That’s what I thought. I wouldn’t dream of it. Because you know what you’re doing. I’d probably just run at you and start throwing wild haymakers. Yeah, you’d throw a punch and I’d duck underneath. Then I’d pick you up and throw you to the ground. And then I’d scream like a girl. Yeah, that would be the end of it. Have you ever been in a fight? Yeah, but I probably don’t want to say so. Of course you do. Let’s have it. I might have been in one or two scuffles, but that’s about it. I’m a lover, not a fighter. Do you look at wrestling as a martial skill? Yeah, definitely. In the real world, if something were to happen, I think I’d know how to defend myself. So, you feel confident that you could handle your business if it came to that? Yeah, but if a guy is 6-0 and 200 pounds, I mean, he’s going to beat me up. I’m 6-1, 215! You said you could kick my ass! I know, I know. But you’d have a puncher’s chance. Land one and I’m done. I don’t know how to take a punch. If we put you up against a boxer, who wins? At the same weight? Yeah, we’re not talking about Lennox Lewis here. I think I’d win. If I could avoid his punches. He’d beat me on his feet, because that’s his forte; it’s where he’s most skilled. But if I got close enough to him to get my hands on him, I think I could take him. OK, we’re going to have to set this up. It’ll be a charity bout, with all proceeds going to the Per Ostman Foundation For Unemployed Writers. You should do this with Travis Lee. I’d pay to see that! I’m pretty sure Travis Lee could kill just about anyone we put in there. He’s my roommate, so I could set it up. There we go. Tell him to take a dive in the fourth round, and we’ll split the winnings. 2. You moved up in weight-class this season (from 125 to 133). Is this a more natural weight for you? Yeah, I was cutting a lot of weight to stay at 125. At 133, I’m still cutting weight, but it’s not nearly as much. I feel a lot healthier. That’s always the issue with wrestling, lightweight rowing, or boxing – sports where weight is such an important factor. An athlete’s health may suffer. Yeah, it’s just part of the sport, unfortunately. There have been deaths linked to wrestling weight loss – running around in garbage bags, spending too much time in saunas, etc. Have you had any dangerous experiences with losing weight? Actually, I have. My freshman year, we went out to Senior Nationals, a freestyle tournament in Las Vegas. I was cutting weight down to 121, and my body – I don’t know if I overheated or what – my whole body cramped up. I was twitching and I couldn’t move. It was pretty scary. How much weight are you able to lose in a day? For that tournament, I probably lost eight pounds that day. Wow. I could lose about 10 in a day if I wanted to, but it’s not healthy at all. Ten pounds in a day. Every sorority girl on campus wants to know your secret. No, it’s not – we don’t do it the right way. Ah. We put it right back on as soon as we step off the scale. I don’t do 10 pounds a day all the time. I usually only have to cut about five. At a “healthier” weight of 133 pounds, do you feel like you’re wrestling better? Yeah, I can focus more on wrestling, whereas last year I was constantly worrying about my weight. That’s all I thought about – what I weighed this week and how to lose it. Now, I can focus on my technique and my opponent. I can really concentrate on the wrestling aspect instead of worrying about my weight all the time. 3. The 34 years since the ratification of Title IX have seen over 400 colleges and universities drop their men’s wrestling programs, ostensibly for compliance purposes. Can this possibly be fair? Obviously, I don’t agree with it. It’s unfortunate that wrestling has to take the major hits. But wrestling doesn’t make much money for the schools, so it gets cut. But at a place like Cornell, it’s one of the most popular spectator sports. And it can be everywhere. It has the potential. You guys certainly aren’t hurting for crowds in this snazzy new building (Friedman Wrestling Center). Yeah, it’s great. Do you have any friends who were affected by these cuts? Yeah, I had a bunch of friends on the Binghamton wrestling team when it ended. That was fairly recent, wasn’t it? Yeah, they actually got their program reinstated, but none of my friends are wrestling anymore. Do you think that there’s a nationwide stigma associated with wrestling – the male testosterone-fueled violence, cutting weight, etc. – and does that explain why it seems that wrestling is always the first on the block? I think maybe some of the negative attributes that are tied to wrestling have something to do with it, but I don’t think it’s really a “male” thing. That’s right. You’re a lover, not a fighter. Exactly. 4. Michaela Hutchinson, an Alaskan, just became the first girl to win a high school state wrestling championship against boys. Is it okay for girls to wrestle boys, especially considering how Title IX has affected men’s programs? I think they should have their own team. It’s kind of a lose-lose situation for a guy wrestling a girl. If he goes out there and beats her up, then he’s that jerk who beat up a girl. But if he loses, then he’s the laughingstock of his whole team. He has to quit right there, doesn’t he? Yeah, pretty much. If you had to face a girl, would you approach the match differently? I actually almost did last year. Princeton had a girl on their team. She forfeited to me, but I was nervous before the match. Do you know why she forfeited? I don’t really know. Maybe she was hurt, or maybe her coach didn’t want to put her out against me. I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I’m a man. You’re a man. A man’s man. Yeah, I’m a man. If you had to face a girl, do you think you’d win? Yeah, I hope so. And if I didn’t, I’d probably leave my shoes on the mat and never return. Aren’t you only supposed to do that if you win? Yeah, but that would be embarrassing. 5. As a wrestler, you have to deal with things like cauliflower ear. Do you ever get worried about the possibility of permanent disfigurement? That was actually asked to one of the other guys on the team, and I thought he answered it perfectly. Some guy asked if it’s a badge of honor or a work hazard. It’s definitely a work hazard. Chicks don’t dig scars? Well, they dig scars, but not huge protrusions coming out of your ear. 6. Do you ever feel anxious about the fact that you spend three hours a day rolling around on the floor with a bunch of sweaty guys wearing spandex? [Laughs] I’d like to think that I have enough – I mean, it’s obviously something I look forward to every single day. Rolling around on mats with sweaty guys and touching their asses. What guy wouldn’t look forward to that? I can’t think of any. Actually, neither can I. You’re just screwing with me, aren’t you? Yeah. Don’t make me come over there and kick your ass. Bring it. 7. You’re an AEM major. This means you have a job already, right? Yeah, I’m going to work at Deutsche Bank. Ah, the magical world of investment banking. Yep, that’s me. Unfortunately. Trading the rigors of collegiate wrestling for the 100-hour work week. Seems fair. I hope you enjoy that 60″ plasma TV and the five minutes a month when you’re actually get to watch it. Yeah, I know. But I have friends, so they can come over to my house and hang out while I’m at work. I have a few friends in banking, and I hear it’s a pretty high-intensity field. But you’re used to high-intensity – you’re a wrestler. Do you think that will help you survive? Yeah, definitely. You’ll be working long hours, but it’s not as if the guy in the next cubicle will be trying to snap you in two. Right. I don’t think I’ll need surgery after a long day at the office. That’s the best part. 8. You grew up in Orange County, N.Y. What’s the biggest difference between home and Orange County, Calif.? They don’t have Orange County Choppers. Oh, those guys. When I worked at Harley-Davidson last year, they came to tour the plant, and it was as if the world stopped turning. They’re like redneck gods with questionable facial hair. But wouldn’t you rather live in Southern California? Oh, of course. What’s the better TV show? The OC, or American Chopper? The OC has been too much like a soap opera lately. So, I’d have to go with American Chopper. I wouldn’t know. I’ve never seen The OC. It’s not a bad show. You should check it out. That’s what I hear. Hey, I only watch it because my roommate Joe Mazzurco makes me. Is he a sissy, too? Yeah. Wait, are you saying that I’m a sissy? I didn’t say it. I implied it. Jim March and myself watch the Military Channel a lot, so that makes up for it. 9. What’s it like to grow up with two older sisters? I didn’t have that older brother to come beat me up all the time, but I had a lot of friends who had older brothers, so they filled that role. But it’s great, you know, my sisters and I are good friends. We talk a lot. Did they ever paint your toenails? Dress you up? No, no they didn’t. Thank God. I was always beating them up. Look man, it’s never okay to hit a girl. You can if it’s your own sister. But I never hit them, I just wrestled them. Oh, that makes it all better. Have you ever had to, I don’t know, protect them? Not really, but all my friends here harass me constantly. They think my sisters are hot. How old are they? 24 and 26. But one just got engaged, and the other has a boyfriend. So, they’re off the market. Everyone backed off. As the brother, did you have to sign off on these guys? Not really, because I’m never around. But they’re both good guys. Are they scared of you? I hope so. 10. What’s the hottest women’s team at Cornell? Let’s see. I’m going to have to go out on a limb with this one. Wait. First of all, do you have a girlfriend. Yes. Does she play a sport here? No. Okay. Proceed. It’s BASE Productions. Oh, Jesus. Why do you say that? Let me guess – your girlfriend dances for them? Yeah, that’s why. This rampant emasculation has to stop. Let me rephrase the question. What’s the hottest women’s varsity sports team at Cornell? Well, I’m actually not supposed to pick a certain women’s team. And, of course, you’re going to tell me exactly what that team is. Women’s track. OK, I know where this is going, and in the interest of the public good, let’s just move on. Give me another team, unless you really think it’s track. ByFebruary 9, 2006 Part of growing up is having your childhood illusions knocked away, one by one. As a kid, it’s finding out there is no Santa Claus or Superman. At our age, it’s more painful lessons, such as the fact that after your four years of college, that window of opportunity where it’s acceptable to drink seven days a week and hook up with strangers closes. Sad, but true. The most heartbreaking growing pain of all is leaving your childhood heroes behind. I came face-to-face with this unfortunate rite of passage on Tuesday night, when I went to watch the Harlem Globetrotters perform at Newman Arena. I guess nearly every other Cornell student already knew this wasn’t a worthwhile way to spend $20 and two hours – the friends in my group were pretty much the only college-aged faces in a crowd of Boy Scouts, school girls, moms and dads. And even though the elementary ambiance had us questioning our decision not to pregame the basketball circus within five minutes of sitting down, I still thought everything would be okay. I was going on childhood memories of awe and adulation for the boys in red, white, and blue that could make any shot – frontwards, backwards, or sideways – run circles around their opponents, and keep me rolling on the floor with laughter while they did it. I’m not the only one who reveres the Globetrotters in this way. This is their 80th anniversary tour, and they reached the 20,000-game milestone on Jan. 12, 1998. (Let me put this in perspective: The Chicago Cubs rank second in professional sports teams with the most games played with 17,978. After them, the Montreal Canadians at 5,584 games played. The Globetrotters are an American institution on par with McDonald’s: both boast billions served.) And the game of basketball has been irreversibly changed by the Globetrotters – a motley crew that has made a name for itself as trickster players who are part stand-up comedians, part dance team, and along the way have integrated the fast break, the dunk, the figure eight “weave” offense, and a recruiting system to scout players into the mainstream style. You can call them glorified clowns, but you can’t ignore them. That’s not to say there wasn’t any skill on the court. One of the Globetrotters recycled a T-Mac move from a few All-Star games ago – throwing the ball off the backboard and finishing it with a jam. Watching another run sideline-to-sideline, periodically sliding on ginormous kneepads, spinning a few times, then leaping back to his feet – all while keeping his dribble – was pretty impressive. And even if the game seemed like more of a glorified dunk highlight reel for Kris “High Life” Bruton, that was fine by me – how often do we get to see the Ivy Leaguers throw it down on the rims of Newman? But plain, old-fashioned, fancified basketball isn’t enough to entertain me anymore. I need superficial gimmicks – like the four Harlem Hot Boys who used a trampoline to throw down a dazzling display of dunks, capped by a finale in which the first three each did aerials, keeping the ball alive by bouncing it off the floor mid-rotation, with the last guy picking up the ball in the middle of a flip and finishing with a backboard-shaking slam. Or “Big G” – that’s Globetrotters’ mascot Globie’s big brother – the 10-foot tall blow-up doll with a human inside, showing off his dance moves. Seriously, this thing moved like one of the birds in March of the Penguins, only on steroids and playing on fast-forward. And then, every time Chumbawamba’s “Tubthumping” went “I get knocked down” – BOOM!!! 10-foot inflatable penguin hits the deck face-first – the ultimate on the pain-as-comedy scale. And as an encore? Big G stands on his head, bopping around to Diana Ross’ “Upside Down.” So, besides the really funny inflatable doll, what did I get out of this experience? Not much more than frustration at the fact that I’m too old to find satisfaction in innocent, family entertainment. When I see the Globetrotters now, I can’t ignore the fact that the game is fixed, that they’re playing a 15th-tier opponent with more white guys on the bench than an Ivy League team, and that these guys aren’t even the best Globetrotters – they don’t send the same lineup to Madison Square Garden as they do to Ithaca, N.Y. It’s just a bunch of goofy guys who can do some fancy ballhandling, not nearly as heroic as I once thought them to be. I guess the brutal disillusionment just goes to prove the hardest lesson of all – life’s just not fair. Olivia Dwyer is a Sun Assistant Sports Editor. Forever Wild will appear every other Thursday this semester. Archived article by Olivia Dwyer
Archive for the ‘Rights’ Category “I’m hoping the AG isn’t just trying to pass this off without taking it seriously,” he said. “If this doesn’t work, I’ll take it down to the federal courthouse and see what the hell they’re going to do. We can’t have any lunatic handing out guns to get votes. I’m not anti-gun, but this is just crazy.” I don’t know where I first came upon a favorite phrase of mine…someone’s parent used it, I think, when asked at a meal if they wanted more of something. They said,“I’ve had an ample sufficiency; more would be a superfluous abundance.” Empty, full, overflowing Don’t you love it? I memorized that phrase on the spot and have found it fun and useful so often in my life. It always gets a smile. It occurs to me now that the OTHER extreme to “superfluous abundance” is something else again: a “DIRE LACK” seems strong enough to balance the other end of the spectrum. I ran into an article today which I found extremely interesting. It was a talk by an atheist explaining how to ask non-athiests to accept some of the preferences of atheists! In particular was asking people not to pray for them! It was particularly interesting to me because I am NOT an atheist, and I am sure that I have put atheists into the position of wanting to say how they prefer to be spoken to about such things as prayer, and blessings, and faith. I was admonished a year or so ago for saying “God Bless You!” to a child’s sneeze! I was sort of astonished, since it’s such a common sort of response to sneezes, but the fact that the person who asked me not to say it was the father of the child. They preferred their child not be exposed to “God Talk”, and so were censoring the kinds of things said in their house. (So I semi-rebelliously said Gesundheit instead, and that was, somehow, okay, since no one speaks German in that house. But my reaction was knee-jerk, and not all that pure-hearted. It was not a response of respect, at least, which is what the person may have expected of me.) What I am puzzled about is how much we can tailor other people’s behavior in regards to their way of expressing themselves? How okay is it to request, for instance, that someone NOT pray for you? I say to people, quite honestly, that I will pray for them when I honestly do mean to do just that. But when I say it, it’s not to convert them, or remind them, but it is simply a statement of how I will be putting my concerns into actionable form. Of course, if they don’t believe in prayer, it will seem sentimental, old-fashioned, passe, and superfluous, and even obnoxious to people who severely disapprove of prayer and everyone who believes it to be effective. But do I say to them that they are not to use atheistic terms and concepts in their conversation in my house? No, really not. People would pick fights all the time if that were true, just as if someone were forbidden to speak any language but Urdu in a Palestinian home. How divisive that would be! Of course they can speak of their belief in my house, even if it’s quite different from mine. I would like to ask questions of that person and learn all I can about their beliefs. If a person comes with a good-will gift, and that gift happens to be something repugnant to me, I will accept it with gratitude. What seems good to some may seem awful to others, but a gift is a gift, and it’s the sincere gesture that counts, and the reception should be sincere as well. Kindness makes for active tolerance of discomfort. Divisions happen when the “give and take” are refused. But how much is too much? And how about the opposite…too much restriction? We used to be told in church to “witness” to others– actively and consistently. This was one of the acts that Christians were to do. Of course other religions have their ways of spreading what they believe. And if they are earnestly innocent of ulterior motives (fishing for proselytes) they are simply doing what they truly believe is right. There is a moving barrier in conversations across philosophies. In this age of “coming out” when you are “different” in a way that is not always accepted, like gay, or Republican, or anti-gun rights, you have realized by now that saying so will often cause a ripple of dissension and maybe even drive people away from you. You learn to do it discreetly, and hopefully when others have learned that you are not a stupid person, or a fanatic, or a public enemy, but someone who has other “features” that makes you worth knowing even if you ARE something “odd.” How about the ones who are coming up against the established accepted practices? How much do we who have strong opinions about, say, war, or God, or evolution, or global warming, ask of others to make room for our preferences? When I go to a talk about athiesm, am I suppoosed to stand up and chant something to express my difference of opinion? Only if I am on a campaign and am willing to take the issue to court, or to war, or to the press. If I went to this talk simply to understand others’ point of view, I have no business making a scene. What if they come to my home and start telling me that I must stop believing in God and that I am ruining my family by not being an atheist? Well, they will not be particularly cheered on, I will assure you. If they persist, I may not invite them again– but it will be because they have delivered a superfluous abundance of their creed in my space, where my own creed is as precious as theirs, and it is offending me. It’s just not polite. So, how does one handle, say, a babysitter who is of the “other” persuasion, whatever that is? Does one tell them what words are not acceptable? I’m not sure how long the children will believe that everyone is like their parents, but I can tell you that my kids learned an encyclopedia of words never allowed in our house on their first ride on a public school bus! What a shattering experience! I let my children play with the neighborhood group even though their creed was very different from mine. There were words exchanged casually long before school days that caused them to realize that different families had some rather major differences in “okay-ness.” It was still a shock to learn all the really “dirty” words on that schoolbus, but they were also aware that the world will be hugely different in a lot of ways from us. AND, counter to what I wanted, they had a great time adopting all these forbidden words!! What one resists, persists…and parents should be aware of that. Live and let live! As we bump around and run into people who put their hands together and say “Shalom”, and into other people who sock us in the arm and say “What’s up, buddy?”, that both of those people are giving us respect as they are inclined to do, and all are worthy of our acceptance of their greeting. It’s just polite! I think no one ever did damage by allowing another his own creed, unless that other is trying to force his creed on others. I will not adopt anything that is crammed down my throat. But will be thankful for people sharing their personal views honestly with me, and I will continue to pray for them, even if they don’t want me to. It is not an act of aggression, after all, and if they don’t believe in it anyway, why should it bother them? Might as well tell people not to smile at you, as not to pray for you. My atheist friends just say “I will send good thoughts”, and that’s okay with me! I can use all the good thoughts I can get! It’s all a journey. And it’s good to have language with fellow travelers that crosses divides.
The Redfern Riots on 14 February 2004 were started in the inner Sydney suburb of Redfern after the death of Thomas 'TJ' Hickey, a 17 year old Australian Aborigine. The boy was riding home on his bicycle from his girlfriend's house when he saw a police car and thought it was chasing him. Police were searching him, but police have said that the police car was looking for a different person. While the chase Hickey lost control of his bicycle rode into a spiked fence. Friends and relatives came together at The Block to be sad. Fliers were given out, which said that it was the fault of the police that the boy died and unhappy aboriginal youths arrived from other parts of Sydney at the Redfern railway station. The police closed the entrance to the station but the crowd had turned violent and began to throw bottles, bricks and Molotov cocktails. The violence became into a full riot around The Block, during which Redfern railway station was burning for a short time and was heavily damaged. The riot went on into the early morning, until police used Fire Brigade water hoses to get the crowd apart. One car, stolen in a western suburb, was burnt, and 40 police officers were hurt. Related pages 2005 Macquarie Fields riots 2005 Cronulla riots Other websites Redfern riots special (Sydney Morning Herald) - several stories about the riots and its endings.
Enjoy your Setup and let me know if you have any questions! Montessori Setup and a Wonderful Life Montessori in our home has been a Godsend. There are few things in a parents life that makes you well up with pride than when a stranger complements your child for good manners or behavior. Here are the top ten sites to best help understand why we should have a good Montessori setup for our home. Our home setup directly relates to our young children understanding the correct manners to use while in public. “To assist a child we must provide him with an environment which will enable him to develop freely.” ~ Maria Montessori We love traveling, going out to eat (on a budget of course), and visiting family. All of these things are made a million times easier because our children are well behaved. They travel well (here is a post on some techniques I use to help them in the car and plane), they have wonderful manners when ordering their own food at a restaurant, and are often complemented or greeted with astonished looks from adults not used to conversing with a three year old. I don’t brag often on Samuel (3.5) and Avalyn (2) on their wonderful behavior and don’t often over emphasis a wonderful job done. The expectation is set for their good behavior and manners in our home with the environment we have setup for them. Being polite and shaking hands as they greet a new person is just the right thing to do. I have refined how our home is setup in a Montessori Inspired way for over two years. Living in six homes in the last two years has given me a wide array of areas to practice and refine how a Montessori Inspired environment works in all types of spaces. During my research, I have a set of sites that helped me to learn best how to setup a space for my children to flourish in all areas of the home. Many of the books I have read on the Montessori Method have helped me to speak in a way that enhances my children’s home experience as well as help me understand the reasoning why Dr. Montessori laid out the “rules” she did. It is all so fascinating to me!! I hope you enjoy looking through these suggested sites. Please let me know of any ways you wish to setup a home to create a wonderful life for your family on our Facebook Page Child Led Life. Montessori At Home Setup– My Works Montessori YouTube video Montessori Prepared Environment– NAMC Montessori Teacher Training Montessori For Us– Pinterest Board Montessori Classroom– To better understand what we are trying to mimic at home. How to Set Up a Montessori Classroom at Home-Living Montessori Now Designing A Montessori Home– The Montessori Foundation Our Montessori Inspired Classroom– Montessori at Home Classroom Tour-Counting Coconuts Montessori Homeschool Routine– Confessions of a Montessori Mom […] Montessori Setup and a Wonderful Life is about how much I adore the Montessori method and some resource to learn more about Montessori in your home. […]
If you haven't noticed already, Red and Black Attack went under a redesign recently. If you have any input about how it looks feel free to leave any comments or e-mail me at rabattack@gmail.com Huskie Football Considering we're playing an 0-8 Eastern Michigan team tomorrow, you would figure that we would rest some guys with the short week and all. Not so fast my friends! JO in limbo, Flahive to play against EMU, Skarb free to run wheel routes again Onyebuagu's injured ankle was in a walking boot and he was on crutches at Monday's practice. NIU puts its football players in a walking boot with any foot injury regardless of the severity and Kill said the crutches were to relieve pressure. "I think he's got a shot to play," Kill said. One reason for optimism would be that Onyebuagu played the entire game this past Saturday against Akron despite injuring the ankle in the first quarter. Kill praised Onyebuagu for how he played against the Zips. "[He] played his best game since I've been here," Kill said. "I don't know if he concentrated more because he was hurt or what but he played his best game by far." Also, fullback Connor Flahive [knee] will play. Bryant improving, Harnish apparently rehabbing in underground hyperbaric chamber Safety David Bryant [knee] will not but Kill said Bryant was looking much better and he was hoping to get the senior back for the Ball State game next Thursday. Finally, there is no update on quarterback Chandler Harnish's knee. "I told [trainer] Kammy [Powell] I didn't want to know anything until Tuesday, because then you just get your hopes up," Kill said. "So right now we're concentrating on DeMarcus [Grady], which after watching film, the strides from Game 1 to 2 were immense. Now we need to take him another step." Inside the Yordon Center, all eyes are upon Chandler Harnish's rehab. It's Spanntastic Spann won MAC West Player of the Week - START HIM JERRY. Oh yeah, Salerno won ST POW as well. Northern Star Online: Huskies news and notes Huskie tailback Chad Spann must be eating his Fruit Loops lately: He’s been following his nose more than Toucan Sam. Only Spann’s nose doesn’t lead him to cereal; it leads him to the endzone. After a two-touchdown performance against Akron this week, Spann is tied for the No. 5 ranking nationally in scoring. Non-AQ helmet stickers, Week 9 - College Football Nation - ESPN Northern Star Online: Offensive breakdown of Eastern Michigan Northern Star Online: Defensive breakdown of Eastern Michigan Huskies and Eastern Michigan Square Off Thursday Night at Huskie Stadium - NORTHERN ILLINOIS OFFICIAL ATHLETIC SITE Weekly Football Press Conference Quotes - Nov. 3, 2009 - NORTHERN ILLINOIS OFFICIAL ATHLETIC SITE Football: Thoughts from Northern Illinois Perspective - The Eastern Echo Huskie Wire | Huskie Q&A with Nabal Jefferson Eastern Michigan University Athletics - Eagles Swing Back Into MAC Action for Thursday Night Game Northern Illinois' November 12 Home Game to Air on ESPNU - NORTHERN ILLINOIS OFFICIAL ATHLETIC SITE Northern Star Online: Lack of support from stands does not affect results for Huskies football Northern Star Online: The life of a cornerback; Patrick George Huskie Basketball If you can dodge Coach Pattons' clipboard, you can dodge a ball Boosting attendance: Athletic director Jeff Compher said there will be some changes at games in the Convocation Center to try and raise attendance levels. Compher's main idea is an ongoing dodgeball tournament at halftime among various student groups, leading to a winner at the end of the season. "I'm really looking forward to that because I'm learning more about dodgeball," Compher said. "[Deputy athletics director] Glen [Krupica] pointed out to me that we used to call it bombardment when we were kids. But there's actually like rules and everything for it. ... I think that will be a lot of fun and draw some good student excitement to it." Some of the other ideas include doing less promotional activities in the final 10 minutes of a game and having the band play more and the cheerleaders be more active. NIU averaged 1,806 fans at home last season, which was ninth in the MAC. "Those last 8 to 4 minutes really mean something to the outcome of our games so we're going to be focused on that and how we can get a great atmosphere the last few minutes at all of our games," Compher said. "Alternative lineup": Jake at PG, Dinunno at SG. Huskies Roll Past Aurora in Exhibition Opener, 93-59 - NORTHERN ILLINOIS OFFICIAL ATHLETIC SITE Northern Star Online: 2 new coaches and players have Huskies primed for season Basketball Media Day 2009: Ricardo Patton and Player Quotes - NORTHERN ILLINOIS OFFICIAL ATHLETIC SITE Transfer ready to help Huskies hoops - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star Northern Star Online: Colorado transfer makes an impact on NIU basketball team Lady Huskie Basketball NIU Women's Basketball Media Day Quotes - NORTHERN ILLINOIS OFFICIAL ATHLETIC SITE Huskie Soccer Northern Star Online: Final home match gives NIU chance to grab higher seed with win Huskies Enter Regional Ranking, Host WMU Wednesday - NORTHERN ILLINOIS OFFICIAL ATHLETIC SITE Northern Star Online: Men's soccer secures place in MAC Tournament Lady Huskie Soccer Northern Star Online: Women's soccer offense struggles through end of season Huskie Volleyball Northern Star Online: NIU experienced mixed results at last matches of volleyball season Former Huskies Two Former Huskie Baseball Players Excelling In The Pros - NORTHERN ILLINOIS OFFICIAL ATHLETIC SITE Random awesomeness Northern Star Online: NIU ranks 42 out of 141 a sexual health study Get the latest Northern Illinois Huskies news with Red And Black Attack
PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL--(Marketwired - Aug 23, 2013) - Mr. Lloyd Schwed of Schwed Kahle & Kress, P.A., has been selected as a 2012 Top Rated Lawyer in the country by Martindale-Hubbell as featured in The American Lawyer magazine. His previous professional achievements include the prestigious AV Peer Review Rating in 2005 for his "very high" ethical standards, reliability and diligence and "very high to preeminent" legal ability, as well as the AV Preeminent Rating awarded to him in 2011, which represents the Highest Possible Rating in Both Legal Ability and Ethical Standards reflecting the confidential opinion of both members of the Bar and the Judiciary. Schwed also won a record $2.5 million award in Prudential Securities Inc v. PaineWebber & Co., which at the time, represented the largest "raiding" arbitration award in New York Stock Exchange history. Schwed was previously an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University Of Miami School Of Law and has served as a speaker at many seminars for Florida attorneys. He is the author of many legal articles for the Gannett News Service, as well as a Co-Author with Professor Edward Imwinkelreid of "A Case Study for Drafting of Comprehensible Jury Instructions." That was published in the Journal of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Schwed received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Loyola University in New Orleans in 1981 and earned his Juris Doctorate from Washington University School of Law in 1985. After graduating, Schwed began practicing law at Fowler White in Miami where he was promoted to shareholder in six years. Schwed has 27 years of experience handling business litigation and professional liability, including securities litigation and arbitration, insurance agent defense, construction litigation, life insurance and disability insurance claims defense, contracts and non-compete litigation, real estate-related litigation, attorney and accountant malpractice defense and appellate practice. He founded his current firm, Schwed Kahle & Kress, P.A. about eight years ago, where he is now the President and Managing Partner. Website: - Company Legal & Law Matters Schwed Kahle & Kress, P.A.
Arne Duncan’s Sequester Layoff Claim Falls Flat The sequester goes into effect today and for the past week, both Republican and Democratic lawmakers have been busy making sure that the other party gets the measure of blame for the consequences. As part of that effort, the U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan spoke about the impact the cuts will have on the education system, chiefly in the number of teaching jobs lost – 40,000 – and the programs that will have to be shuttered or curtailed in order to make up for loss of federal revenue. However, according to Shawna Thomas, the White House producer for NBC News, Duncan has been – intentionally or not – playing a bit fast and loose with the facts. Specifically, he was wrong in his assertion that some districts have already started laying people off in the anticipation that the two sides would not come to an agreement in time to avoid the cuts. Duncan singled out Kanawha County in West Virginia as a school system where Head Start and Title I teachers are already on the chopping block. Indeed, NBC News spoke with Karen Williams, the director of Head Start in the Kanawha County School system, who admitted that the possible layoffs in her country have more to do with funding grant applications and bureaucracy — and less to do with the impending cuts. Williams is waiting on the Department of Education in her region to make a final funding decision, which was promised by December. But the office is delaying, and Williams has no choice but to begin issuing transfer and reduction in force letters. Like many similar documents, such a letter does not necessarily mean that the teachers will be out of work come fall. Even if the funding doesn’t come through, most of the staff – especially ones with seniority – will be reassigned to other schools or posts in the district. However, if the Head Start program money doesn’t appear, those “on the bottom of the totem pole” are expected to get laid off. The county’s Head Start grant employs 39 people, and it serves about 530 children. Both Williams and the school system’s Head Start coordinator, Diane Young, said the federal funding waiting game isn’t business as usual. “I’ve been the director for nine years, and this is the first time it’s happened,” Williams said. “I am so stressed out. I don’t sleep. I take my job very very seriously,” Williams added. The Washington Post’s Fact Checker awarded Duncan’s claim “Four Pinocchios,” stating that: . ‘Whether it’s all sequester-related, I don’t know,’ he said.” 03
Faith Key to Rebounding from Refugee Status, Apostle Says Faith is a key ingredient that can and does help many in the world rebound from refugee status and contribute to society, a Mormon apostle said at Windsor Castle September 9, 2017. “People can live without a lot of things,” Elder Jeffrey R. Holland told a few dozen faith leaders, academics and government leaders at the Second Windsor Conference on Religious Persecution. “They can live sometimes without much food. They can live sometimes without much hygiene and nutrition. But they can’t live without hope. They need to know that it’s going to get better.” The apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gave these remarks during the three-day conference hosted by the AMAR International Charitable Foundation. The gathering explored practical ways to help the Yazidis return home and integrate after living for more than three years as internally displaced people in northern Iraq. The Yazidis are an ancient minority religion whose roots go back 5,000 years in northern Iraq. Since being targeted by ISIS, however, they have been abused and tortured and their families have been torn apart — an abuse so obscene the United Nations has designated it a genocide. What’s more, the Yazidis are not able to practice their religion and are cut off from the friendship and support of their homeland. AMAR chair and founder Baroness Emma Nicholson invited Elder Holland to speak at the first conference in 2016. Last year Elder Holland spoke about religious persecution from the Mormon perspective, while this year he was asked to develop that theme into the Church’s return from exile and gradual assimilation into the American mainstream. “How to turn around, walk proud, stop being seen as a victim, and become successful — that’s the Mormon experience,” the baroness said. “It’s a teaching experience from the Mormons as a gift to the refugees of the world. That’s why I asked him to come.” Faith Is the Secret to Latter-day Saint Survival and Success Elder Holland quoted from Church founder Joseph Smith, whose experience in sharing his religious visions with friends and neighbors in the early 1800s serves as a template for how modern-day Mormons survive and thrive. In a lament found in Latter-day Saint scripture, Joseph Smith asks: “Why persecute me for telling the truth? I have actually seen a vision; and who am I that I can withstand God, or why does the world think to make me deny what I have actually seen? For I had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it, neither dared I do it.” This, Elder Holland said, is “the key to Latter-day Saint survival and eventual success. Individual conviction leading to purposeful action, no matter how great the odds against us, is not only our story but the story of many individuals and many institutions that have made a difference in the world.” Though he was invited to speak from the perspective of a Latter-day Saint to the topic of transition from refugee to thriving community member, Elder Holland acknowledged that we can and should learn from others—especially other people of faith, who must be allowed an indispensable resource that helps their communities overcome adversity. “That resource is the full and free exercise of their faith, allowing them to pull deeply from the wellsprings of life that are sacred to their tradition,” Elder Holland said. “That is a need that must always be met, a right we must always guarantee.” Partnering to Brainstorm Best Ways to Help the Yazidis Diar Yousif, the grandson of the prince of the Yazidis, said refugees need psychological help because many have “lost their faith in humanity. And the camps, the conditions — they are sleeping, eating, doing everything on the same place. So it’s really difficult.” Baroness Nicholson agreed, pointing to the importance of teaching refugees simple things, such as how to play chess or sew — anything to take their minds off their troubles. “[We need to help them forget their sorrow for] even five minutes of the day. Otherwise, how can their minds start to recover?” she said. “And I would suggest that if their minds don’t start to recover, then the enemy has won completely. They’ve wiped them out. So I say, come on, let’s get moving again, because we have to defeat the enemy by being successful.” Sister Sharon Eubank, first counselor in the Church’s Relief Society general presidency, said refugees need to nurture their spirits and progress and can only do so if they have “a friend, meaningful work, and the freedom to practice sincere beliefs.” Unfortunately, she said, the Yazidis “find themselves without many friends, jobless, unable to practice their religion, and really in desperate situation.” Yousif said he came to the Windsor Conference not expecting much — perhaps it would be just another of many such gatherings he’s attended where people talk but don’t follow up by doing. But after spending three days with people who care deeply about the plight of refugees, he found reason for optimism. “It gives me hope to go back to Iraq, to sit together with my community, to go to each person as much as possible to tell them there are people all over the world taking care of you,” Yousif said. “There is the AMAR Foundation, there is LDS Charities from all over the world — they are really, really willing to do something for you. This gives us hope, and we hope that it’s going to work somehow.” The partnership between LDS Charities and AMAR is yielding results, including a health center in one of the largest Yazidi camps in northern Iraq that has served some 26,000 refugees. “[LDS Charities has] lots of partners around the world, but none of them really as unique as AMAR because they do excellent work on the ground,” Eubank said. “They ground their projects in with the governments so that they’re sustainable. What [the baroness is] doing is very, very special. [She’s] brought people from very different disciplines together for a specific question, and she’s asking of them, bring what you know to this specific question and then they’ll produce action out of it.” In fact, AMAR and LDS Charities signed a Renewal of Partnership and Association Agreement on the final day of the conference. After signing the agreement, Sister Eubank recognized the baroness for her tireless work safeguarding families in crisis by naming her as an honorary member of the Church’s Relief Society. The women’s organization, one of the oldest and largest in the world, is tasked with caring for those in need.
Save Energy! Save Money! Save Planets! Energy Efficient Wall and Insulation Systems: Really, what all this green building stuff should be focused on is CONSERVING ENERGY! The remaining parts of the green building standards should be considered basic code requirements and basic standards of care. The real focus should be on energy conservation. That's why we created our exclusive EnergyLock™ Building Systems: EnergyLog™, EnergyPanel™, EnergySIP™. 1. EnergyPanel™: Our most popular EnergyLock™ Building System is the EnergyPanel™. This is basically a factory pre-built wood-stick-framed wall system, but with highly efficient components. The first line of defense with the EnergyPanel™ wall systems from Natural Element Homes is the Huber ZIP System wall and roof sheathing. The Zip system eliminates the need for house wrap and roofing felt with its impregnated outer layer. ZIP tape seals all joints and prevents air infiltration. EnergyPanel™ Wall Systems are factory pre-built for maximum efficiency. EnergyPanel™ panelized wall systems from Natural Element Homes: Combine the above ZIP system with the below insulation systems for a super efficient home. There are several insulation systems available for use with the EnergyPanel™ Wall Systems from Natural Element Homes. Here are a few videos showing installation of the more popular insulation options. Spray Foam Installation Video: Cellulose Installation Video: Flash-and-Batt Installation Video - Step 1 - Flash with Spray Foam: Flash-and-Batt Installation Video - Step 2 - Batt with Fiberglass Insulation: 2. EnergySIP™: We also build with our EnergySIP™ wall system. SIP's (Structural Insulated Panels) provide maximum thermal performance with R-values up to R50. SIP's are factory pre-cut for easy assmebly. EnergySIP™ computer animation video: 3. EnergyLOG™: Log Walls are America's original building system. Today's log wall systems can be precision milled and factory pre-cut for easy assembly and high performance. We offer solid wood logs and our EnergyLOG™ system for extreme cold climates. The EnergyLOG™ features a solid foam core center for R-values up to R-32. The EnergyLOG™ comes in many shapes and sizes with various methods of corner joinery (dovetail, saddle notch, butt-and-pass, corner post) and a combination of wood species in the same log (e.g. cedar outside, pine inside). Log Wall construction video: More Science About Walls and Insulation: The following reports from Building Science Corporation illustrate and measure various types of wall construction for your consideration. You may incorporate any of these methods into your Natural Element Home. The wall systems are rated on five variables (thermal control, buildability, durability, cost, and material use), and the overall rating is shown below (the higher, the better): Standard Wall Construction - 17 Rating Advanced Wall Construction - 20 Rating Interior Strapping Wall Construction - 17 Rating Double Stud Wall Construction - 15 Rating Truss Wall Construction - 15 Rating SIPs Wall Construction - 17 Rating ICF Wall Construction - 18 Rating Spray Foam Wall Construction - 20 Rating Flash-and-Fill Hybrid Wall Construction - 19 Rating Offset Frame Wall Construction - 19 Rating Exterior Insulation Finish Systems (EIFS) Wall Construction - 20 rating
Anita Ramelius Biomedical analyst Antibody Affinity Against 2009 A/H1N1 Influenza and Pandemrix Vaccine Nucleoproteins Differs Between Childhood Narcolepsy Patients and Controls Author Summary, in English Increased narcolepsy incidence was observed in Sweden following the 2009 influenza vaccination with Pandemrix(®). A substitution of the 2009 nucleoprotein for the 1934 variant has been implicated in narcolepsy development. The aims were to determine (a) antibody levels toward wild-type A/H1N1-2009[A/California/04/2009(H1N1)] (NP-CA2009) and Pandemrix-[A/Puerto Rico/8/1934(H1N1)] (NP-PR1934) nucleoproteins in 43 patients and 64 age-matched controls; (b) antibody affinity in reciprocal competitive assays in 11 childhood narcolepsy patients compared with 21 age-matched controls; and (c) antibody levels toward wild-type A/H1N1-2009[A/California/04/2009(H1N1)] (H1N1 NS1), not a component of the Pandemrix vaccine. In vitro transcribed and translated (35)S-methionine-labeled H1N1 influenza A virus proteins were used in radiobinding reciprocal competition assays to estimate antibody levels and affinity (Kd). Childhood patients had higher NP-CA2009 (p = 0.0339) and NP-PR1934 (p = 0.0246) antibody levels compared with age-matched controls. These childhood controls had lower NP-CA2009 (p = 0.0221) and NP-PR1934 (p = 0.00619) antibodies compared with controls 13 years or older. In contrast, in patients 13 years or older, the levels of NP-PR1934 (p = 0.279) and NP-CA2009 (p = 0.0644) antibodies did not differ from the older controls. Childhood antibody affinity (Kd) against NP-CA2009 was comparable between controls (68/mL; p = 0.0048). A/H1N1-NS1 antibodies were detected in 0/43 of the narcolepsy patients compared with 3/64 (4.7%) controls (p = 0.272). Similarly, none (0/11) of the childhood patients and 1/21 (4.8%) of the childhood controls had A/H1N1-NS1 antibodies. The higher antibody affinities against NP-PR1934 in controls suggest better protection against wild-type virus. In contrast, the reduced NP-PR1934 antibody affinities among childhood narcolepsy patients suggest poor protection from the wild-type A/H1N1 virus and possibly increased risk for viral damage. Department/s - Celiac Disease and Diabetes Unit - Paediatric Endocrinology - EXODIAB: Excellence of Diabetes Research in Sweden Publishing year 2017-08-10 Language Pages 590-600 Publication/Series Viral Immunology Volume 30 Issue 8 Document type Journal article Publisher Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Topic - Rheumatology and Autoimmunity Status Published Research group - Celiac Disease and Diabetes Unit - Paediatric Endocrinology ISBN/ISSN/Other - ISSN: 0882-8245
Topic: do you go to church (Read 4688 times) I haven't been to church since I was old enough to stop being forced to go by my parents. That certainly puts a succinct point on brain-washing young children. "If a man, holding a belief which he was taught in childhood or persuaded of afterwards, keeps down and pushes away any doubts which arise about it in his mind, purposely avoids the reading of books and the company of men that call in question or discuss it, and regards as impious those questions which cannot easily be asked without disturbing it - the life of that man is one long sin against mankind."-- William Clifford Logged One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown. - my church has been invovled in embezelment and priest giving bad advice. Hard to go to church knowing this. All "churches" do this, only it's usually concealed by calling it "donations/tithing" and "sermons". "All religions, with their gods, demigods, prophets, messiahs and saints, are the product of the fancy and credulity of men who have not yet reached the full development and complete personality of their intellectual (reasoning) powers."-- Mikhail A. Bakunin Logged One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown. I did go today and it was really nice. I hit and miss more than I used to (was full-time and involved in different areas in the church) because of my severity of the asthma/allergy/bronchitis. I'm still having allergic issues to outside influences, even with the infusions, so I can only go out at certain times. I miss getting out more. Hopefully, soon I can be more normal... Have a nice Sunday, all!
Food Processing Natural Gas Vacuum Tube Boiler Supplier autoclave nature gas and oil fired boiler supplier for Application of autoclave nature gas and oil fired boiler supplier for block autoclave nature gas and oil fired boiler supplier for block in Sugar Mill Steam is very important for the sugar mill. Steam boiler is used for heating, gelatinization Food Handling & Processing Steam Boilers - ThomasNet 2018/11/17· Manufacturer of hot water and steam gas fired boilers for food handling and processing applications. Available in various configurations. Features vary depending upon model and include welded tube bundles, large heating Gas Boilers - eComfort - eComfort | Your HVAC Find your gas boiler at eComfort. We carry the largest selection of gas boilers you'll find in a variety of styles from all the top brands. Shop now or let our experts help you find the perfect gas fired boiler. + − Natural Gas (NG Delicate Processing Natural Gas Fire Tube Boiler Supplier biomass burner | Small Coal Fired Boiler Manufacturer In a fossil fuel power plant using a steam cycle for power generation, the primary heat source will be combustion of coal, oil, or natural gas.In some cases byproduct fuel such as How to Clean a Natural Gas Boiler | DoItYourself.com 2010/10/03· How to Clean a Natural Gas Boiler How to Clean a Natural Gas Boiler Cleaning your natural gas boiler becomes a necessary activity after some time has passed since having it installed. Because of its almost non-stop work, dust
Q: Randomize word in VBA I need to write a vba code that would give me all the letter combinations of a word and save it into a text file (this code is optional). For, instance, the word 'aBc' would return: aBc acB Bac Bca caB cBa I'm sure it's an easy code but I can't seem to figure it out. Here's the code I have so far. It keeps giving me duplicates and not all the results. Sub Scramble() Dim Rand1() a = Len(Range("a2").Value) ReDim Rand1(a) T = 0 Randomize For n = 1 To a Check1: Rand1(n) = Int((a * Rnd(100)) + 1) For F = 1 To T If Rand1(n) = Rand1(F) Then GoTo Check1: Next F T = T + 1 Next n For s = 2 To 20 Range("d" & s).ClearContents n = 1 Rand1(n) = Int((a * Rnd(100)) + 1) For n = 1 To a Range("d" & s).Value = Range("d" & s).Value & Mid(Range("a2").Value, Rand1(n), 1) Next n Next s End Sub A: A recursive approach is natural. To scramble e.g. "MATH" you pull the letters out one at a time, scramble the remaining letters, then insert the pulled out letter in the front. Using memoization, something like this: 'Assumes that all letters are distinct Dim Memory As Object Function Helper(s As String, Optional delim As String = ",") As String Dim i As Long, n As Long Dim t As String, c As String Dim A As Variant If Memory.exists(s) Then Helper = Memory(s) Exit Function End If 'otherwise: 'Check Basis Case: If Len(s) <= 1 Then Helper = s Else n = Len(s) ReDim A(1 To n) For i = 1 To n c = Mid(s, i, 1) t = Replace(s, c, "") A(i) = Helper(t, delim) A(i) = c & Replace(A(i), delim, delim & c) Next i Helper = Join(A, delim) End If 'record before returning: Memory.Add s, Helper End Function Function Scramble(s As String, Optional delim As String = ",") As String Set Memory = CreateObject("Scripting.dictionary") Scramble = Helper(s, delim) Set Memory = Nothing End Function Sub Test() Dim s As String Dim i As Long, n As Long Dim A As Variant s = "MATH" A = Split(Scramble(s), ",") For i = 0 To UBound(A) Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = A(i) Next i End Sub After running this, column A looks like: MATH MAHT MTAH MTHA MHAT MHTA AMTH AMHT ATMH ATHM AHMT AHTM TMAH TMHA TAMH TAHM THMA THAM HMAT HMTA HAMT HATM HTMA HTAM
The Peasandcues Press About Letterpress Gallery I Gallery II Gallery III Store On Letterpress Printing at the Peasandcues Press Letterpress is a kind of relief printing (as opposed to offset, intaglio, etc.) using a printing press and movable type. The type itself may be individual letters, “sorts” for text composed by hand, or the text may be composed on a composition caster or line caster. Wood type is often used for large characters, especially in posters, and metal plates can simplify reproduction of whole pages. Photopolymer plates have also found some acceptance among letterpress printers; however, at the Peasandcues Press, I use metal type and sometimes wood type, all set by hand. I’m not opposed to using line-cast or composition-cast text, but I haven’t had occasion to do so. I don’t and won’t use photopolymer plates for printing text, but I have used them for graphic art. It’s a promising medium for that sort of use, but my heart is still with traditional relief-print methods, such as woodcuts, linoleum cuts, and collagraphs. For what it's worth, the press itself is not “a letterpress.” It may be a platen press, a cylinder press, an iron hand press, or some other kind of machine, but “letterpress” is a process, not a press. I print broadsides on a Vandercook 4 Proof Press. It’s a flatbed cylinder press. For smaller pieces, I generally turn to a treadle-powered Chandler & Price 8 X 12 platen press. And finally, while I don't pound my type into the page, I have to admit that the only real "kiss impression" to come out of my shop was Marquita's. Lucky paper! Printing on a Vandercook 4 proof press. © 2015 Joseph Green, The Peasandcues Press, Longview WA 98632 Proudly powered by Weebly About Letterpress Gallery I Gallery II Gallery III Store ✕
Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://hdl.handle.net/10216/119044 Full metadata record DC Field Value Language dc.creator Mereiter, S dc.creator Magalhães, A dc.creator Adamczyk, B. dc.creator Jin, C. dc.creator Almeida, A. dc.creator Drici, L. dc.creator Ibáñez-Vea, M. dc.creator Larsen, M. dc.creator Kolarich, D. dc.creator Karlsson, N. dc.creator Reis, CA dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-21T12:16:23Z - dc.date.available 2019-02-21T12:16:23Z - dc.date.issued 2016 dc.identifier.issn 2352-3409 dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/10216/119044 - dc.description.abstract Gastric carcinoma MKN45 cells stably transfected with the full-length ST3GAL4 gene were characterised by glycomic and sialoproteomic analysis. Complementary strategies were applied to assess the glycomic alterations induced by ST3GAL4 overexpression. The N- and O-glycome data were generated in two parallel structural analyzes, based on PGC-ESI-MS/MS. Data on glycan structure identification and relative abundance in ST3GAL4 overexpressing cells and respective mock control are presented. The sialoproteomic analysis based on titanium-dioxide enrichment of sialopeptides with subsequent LC-MS/MS identification was performed. This analysis identified 47 proteins with significantly increased sialylation. The data in this article is associated with the research article published in Biochim Biophys Acta "Glycomic analysis of gastric carcinoma cells discloses glycans as modulators of RON receptor tyrosine kinase activation in cancer" [1]. dc.description.sponsorship We acknowledge the support from the European Union, Seventh Framework Programme, Gastric Glyco Explorer Initial Training Network: Grant number 316929. IPATIMUP integrates the i3S Research Unit, which is partially supported by FCT, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. This work is funded by FEDER funds through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors-COMPETE (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER028188) and National Funds through the FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology, under the projects: PEst-C/SAU/LA0003/2013, PTDC/BBB-EBI/0786/2012, PTDC/BBB-EBI/0567/2014 (CR). This work was also supported by "Glycoproteomics" project Grant number PCIG09-GA-2011-293847 (to DK) and the Danish Natural Science Research Council and a generous Grant from the VILLUM Foundation to the VILLUM Center for Bioanalytical Sciences at the University of Southern Denmark (to MRL). AM acknowledges FCT, POPH (Programa Operacional Potencial Humano) and FSE (Fundo Social Europeu) (SFRH/BPD/75871/2011). The UPLC instrument was obtained with a grant from the Ingabritt and Arne Lundbergs Research Foundation. C.J. was supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The mass spectrometer (LTQ) was obtained by a grant from the Swedish Research Council (342-2004-4434).
First the disclaimer. If you are easily offended, faint of heart, prudish or my mother, you'll probably want to take this opportunity to turn around right now. Those of you brave enough to stick around are welcome to take a look at my previous report on Astaroth Entertainment aka Erotic Horror and their line of death fetish films here. Recently, Astaroth was kind enough to send over a few more of their specialized flicks for The Monsters to check out, boy do I feel dirty now. These vids are not for everyone, they're specialized entertainment satisfying the booming niche market interested in fantasy death scenarios. Astaroth has provided The Monsters with quite a few hours worth of questionable entertainment, whether it's their true gore series Faces of Gore or their original erotic horror flick, The Necro Files, these guys provide the public with a level of sicko entertainment with lots o' flair. Let's dig into the death vids, last chance to walk away...is now. First up on the list is Snuff Auditions. Two nubile young ladies are brought in to read for a new low budget horror flick, or are they? The first young lady willingly strips, takes a bath and engages in some oral with the "producer." This is the only bit of footage that could be considered hard-core in any of these films. Once the young lady is finished and she turns down a proposition for some quick sex, the "producer" slashes her throat, the bathtub now filled with her blood. The second young lady isn't so cooperative, therefore she's strangled almost immediately. Once unconscious she's poked, prodded, stripped and sexually humiliated. Also included with this selection are trailers for a few other Astaroth offerings. Both young ladies are cute, I'm not going to deny that. They're also both pretty terrible actresses...well, that's not entirely true. The moments in which they are being pre-interviewed are pretty convincing...it's the strangulation and throat slashings that aren't. Ironic that I believed the first young lady was truly enjoying performing oral sex on a stranger than I did that she was getting her throat slit. All of this being said, Snuff Auditions features 2 very cute young ladies engaging in some really questionable material, but at the same time is the least effective/believable of the bunch. Next up is Stalked and Raped Vol. 2 The Raping of a French Girl. This would be the follow up to the ever so popular Stalked and Raped Vol. 1 which featured the ever so lovely Amber Thirteen. Unfortunately, no Amber is seen here, though we've got a sexy young French starlet who's, you guessed it, stalked and then raped. Once again we fall into familiar territory as the young lady is stripped and raped, and then tied up and humiliated by a brute of a janitor. In the end (and I don't feel I'm giving anything away by telling you this) she's given a glimmer of hope that she'll be let go, but no such luck as a slit throat is once again the grande finale. Definitely more believable than Snuff Auditions, Stalked and Raped Vol. 2 is very naughty and oh so very wrong. You'll definitely feel dirty after this one, as you will after the following two flicks we examine. Trailers are also present here as well. Next up are 2 volumes from the series Nazi Torture Dungeon. In this delightful little scenario, 2 young ladies from each volume are once again stripped and humiliated by a Nazi commandant. Both of these features include trailers and the same behind the scenes segment while Volume 2 also includes a short subject in which the lovely Taylor St. Clare turns the tables on her attackers having her moment to shine. Of course this wouldn't be a work of Erotic Horror if it didn't end with St Clare having her throat slit, whew! The Torture Dungeon flicks have the most cinematic feel with costumes and a set that resembles that of a vintage prison cell. Obviously these scenarios are even more offensive on quite a few levels, so remember that... you've been warned. While these shorts lack a certain amount of social commentary that I usually look for in my death fetish films...just kidding. The one constant is how the "attacker" likes to "re-position" his victims after their death. There is a lot of posing going on here once our victims are either killed or unconscious. You'd think that the folks behind these films would be social misfits unable to interact on an acceptable level, oddly enough it appears to be quite the contrary. The vibe in each of the behind the scenes segments on set seems to be that of a very low key and fun atmosphere, weird considering the subject matter at hand. Fullfilling the death fetish niche market has never been such a joy apparently. Each of these flicks is presented on a DVDR with menus. The quality is quite high, it seems as if a lot of effort was put into each of these. Well lit, and smartly edited, these aren't hack jobs (pardon the pun). The fact is that there is a huge market out there for this sort of thing, and while not exactly my own cup of tea, Astaroth's Erotic Horror site is recommended for those who are indeed willing and interested. I'm gonna close with the same paragraph I used to put a cap on my first report. then your ticket may just be with Astaroth Entertainment and their line of Erotic Horror fetish vids () ADULTS ONLY!!
Thanks to Those Who Call Us Mom Today is a day set aside to celebrate the mothers in our lives, but I wanted to take a moment to remember the reason we achieve that title-our kids. Moms are privileged to inspire and sometimes enable our children’s dreams. We have the joy of encouraging them to seek to fulfill those dreams, be they realistic or as far away as the stars. Even if we gripe about driving them to and from practice day after day or standing in line at midnight releases to get that next book they just have to have, we still choose to do so. A mom is the one who most often takes the kids to that one-time only appearance at the mall. Traditionally it is Mom who gets to see those puppy dog eyes and their best “please” whenever the newest, best action figure comes out or the movie they just have to see comes to the theatre. Of course, Dad does his part too, but usually Mom still makes it happen. As moms we get to facilitate our kids’ love for all things of fandom, because we love our children. Some moms are fangirls in their own right, of course, and actually enjoy reading books like Twilight and going to the movies just as much as their daughters. Other moms, while having no interest in fantasy and sci-fi themselves, willingly tolerate and even participate as a means of bonding with their exuberant children. My own mother never showed more than a passing interest in any superhero when I was growing up, but she bought me the Wonder Woman Underoos and lunchbox I asked for, because she understood that roleplay and fantasy were normal, and even healthy for a child’s development. Later she indulged my children in Power Rangers and Harry Potter simply because she could. I did some of that indulging myself, in my children’s early years, but as they grew I was lucky enough to find fandoms where I could share in my kids’ enthusiasm. (It’s still much more permissible to be an adult, female fan of certain things if you’re sharing the experience with your kids.) Now that my kids are grown, though, we continue to share interest in certain fan activities, and I’ve watched to my joy my kids take an interest in “retro” things I enjoyed at their age and younger. Who expected cult classic movies from Carrie to Ghostbusters to be remade? And who expected shows like Dr. Who would still be going strong, over 50 years after its original broadcast? So today I’m grateful for the chance I’ve had to be a mom to two wonderful, thoughtful children. I appreciate the fact that they both took time from their busy schedules to remember me today. I’m glad for all the fun and mutual interests we have shared, and will continue to share in the future. After all, they’ll both be home next weekend and we have a Captain America movie to see together. Hope you all have enjoyed the day! Amy
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NEWS + ALERTS RSS Feeds MORE > MORE > Glacier is in Danger Urge Congress to Pass the Public Lands Service Corps Act The Northeast Regional Office is dedicated to protecting and enhancing the national park system sites in the Northeast, beginning with New York City and expanding out and upward throughout the Northeast. Additionally we serve to build awareness and support of national parks around the nation, from Alaska to the Rocky Mountains to the Great Lakes because of our tremendously advantageous location in the major metropolitan region of New York City where park supporters from all over country work, live, and travel. NPCA was established to protect and enhance the National Park System and to be the pure guardian of the mandate to protect the system's resources, unimpaired for future generations. One of our founders, Stephen Mather, was also the first director of the National Park Service, which was established in 1916. Mather and others saw a clear need for an independent voice outside of the federal government to protect the nation’s parklands. Since 1919, the nonpartisan NPCA has been the leading voice of the American people in protecting and enhancing the park system’s superlative examples of America’s natural, cultural, and historic heritage. NPCA and its 325,000 members and supporters are committed to preserving the most diverse park system in the world for us now and for those who will come after. The Northeast Regional Office, located in New York City's mid-town Manhattan, opened in the summer of 2004. Since that time we have worked to build support for the National Park System sites in and around New York City and throughout the country, and worked to develop relationships with other park and environmental organizations throughout the northeast. A few recent successes include raising public and political awareness and millions of federal dollars for the restoration of Hamilton Grange, co-launching the Yellowstone-to-Yukon photography exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History, and co-hosting an international design competition for Gateway National Recreation Area. Media Center | Magazine | Work at NPCA | Shop & Travel | Support NPCA | Sitemap NPCA | 1300 19th Street, NW | Suite 300 | Washington, DC 20036 | 800.NAT.PARK | npca@npca.org
Human rights watchdog wants to mediate talks The leading European human rights watchdog has decided to invite Palestinian politicians from the Hamas group to Strasbourg in hopes of bringing them together with Israeli counterparts who were also asked to come. It was the latest step in efforts by the international community to deal with the January election victory by Hamas, which the United States and the European Union consider a terrorist group. Hamas’ imminent takeover of the Palestinian government has raised complex questions about how Europe can continue its massive aid to the Palestinian Authority. The Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly said it would invite members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, including Hamas deputies, and members of the Israeli parliament to its April 10-13 session, but did not give any names. “We are offering Strasbourg as a lab, as a testing ground for dialogue. If we invite Palestinians and Israelis and no members of Hamas come it will not be a real reflection of the Palestinian Legislative Council,” Mikhail Margelov said. Margelov, who leads a committee on the Middle East at the assembly, an advisory body to the council, said it was important not to isolate a Palestinian government. “We must look for new approaches. We’re faced with the fact that Hamas will be forming the government,” said Margelov, who is also chairman of the foreign affairs committee in the Russian Parliament’s upper house. Russia has urged world powers to engage Hamas and held talks in Moscow with some of the group’s leaders earlier this month. But Israel’s Foreign Ministry condemned the idea of inviting Hamas to the Council of Europe, calling Hamas a terrorist organisation. “This is a slap in the face to the very principles upon which the Council of Europe was established, namely democracy, human rights and the rule of law,” Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said. He said that the legitimacy given to the group “is counterproductive to all those who want to see peace in the Middle East.” The Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly comprises several hundred national lawmakers from 46 European countries, including the 25 members of the European Union. It meets four times a year in Strasbourg. The Council of Europe profiles itself as a peacemaker striving for dialogue and democracy. Last year, it organised a forum on Chechnya, but no representatives of the separatist rebels showed up for the talks, leaving only pro-Russian politicians to discuss the fate of the province.
The materialistic consumerism that has become such a central part of modern life seems to be on steroids during the lead up to Christmas. It makes my teeth ache and my knees sweat. All the gift-sets on the shelves in Boots (10 very plastic wrapped chutneys from around the world – WHY? Also isn’t this a CHEMIST?). All the plastic plastic plastic toys everywhere. The madness that is Black Friday (just been a bit sick in my mouth) and Cyber (what?) Monday. Too much! We can counteract all the greed in society, with lots of the opposite. And the best place to starts is in our own homes, with our own families. The first thing you read in my kids’ school reports are how they are doing in terms of behaviour, effort, and consideration for others. The school recognises the truth that these things are more important than anything academic. Their teachers are helping me unfold my children into the kind, giving and loving people that they were born to be. And at Christmas time there is loads we can do to promote giving instead of grabbing. I copied an idea from a Facebook friend last year and it worked really well. This year I am doing it again and thought I would share in case you’d like to take on the tradition for your family. So here is what you do: Print out the below (or your own version) onto paper and cut out into strips. (This year I think I’ll print onto card and cut into heart shapes because why not.) These are just the things the kids and I are going to be doing this December. (You’ll notice that I like baking but that five minutes into any craft activity I lose the will to live.) Feel free to take these ideas or make up your own depending on what you like to do with your kids – it is supposed to be fun for you too! Then place each strip of paper or cardboard heart into twenty-four separate envelopes labelled with dates on the front, from 1st – 24th December. Along with the piece of paper/card, put a tiny treat in the envelope – I put a chocolate button for each kid inside. Next hang them all up in a tantalising and decorative way. I use teeny tiny little clothes pegs from the craft shop and hang each envelope onto a piece of string like a washing line. Then from 1st December onwards, open one envelope each day. Have fun!! 1st December Shall we make cup-cakes for all our lovely neighbours today? 2nd December Let’s write letters to Father Christmas today! We can post them in the morning. 3rd December Today we can make our sweetie wreath for the front door. Then everyone who comes to see us can help themselves to a sweet and enjoy a sugar rush while they wait for us to open the door! (We can keep adding sweets throughout December.) 4th December Shall we take a Christmas gift to the old people’s home today? 5th December Let’s bake a cake for Anna White today, and then take it to her house. 6th December Today we can pack a hamper for the food bank. 7th December Let’s draw Christmas pictures to send to Nanna today. 8th December Shall we make bird food to put in the garden to feed the birds through the winter today? 7th December Let’s write down all the things we are grateful for and put the lists up on our bedroom walls. 10th December Shall we buy and decorate the Christmas tree today? 11th December Let’s go and buy presents for the teachers today! 12th December Shall we take the toys we don’t play with anymore to the children’s charity shop after school? 13th December Let’s make a big cake to take into the staff room for all the teachers. 14th December Shall we pack up the clothes we are too big for and take them to Little Village today? 15th December Here are some new toothbrushes!! Let’s clean our teeth until they are extra shiny and SMILE at everyone we see today. 16th December Shall we write down all the things we love about Pops and Nona and Granny? (We can put them in a jar for them to open whenever they need cheering up.) 17th December Shall we take carrots to the horses in the New Forest today? 18th December Let’s make flapjacks for the bin men today! PS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING WILL! 19th December Shall we make biscuits for the milkman today? 20th December Let’s make cupcakes for the postman today! 21st December Shall we take the books we don’t read anymore to the Doctors surgery today? 22nd December Today we could make and decorate bookmarks. (We can secretly tuck them into other people’s reading books!) 23rd December Shall we fill a stocking for daddy today? 24th December Today we need to make reindeer food (oats, raisins, seeds – anything the birds might like). We can sprinkle it onto the lawn tonight so that the reindeer can eat it while Father Christmas delivers your toys! One thought on “A New Tradition for Advent” Such a lovely idea, and a great way to incorporate a lot of the tasks, like Christmas cards for friends, or making biscuits for teachers, that we plan to do anyway. Thank you!
Scientists say they have found a new species of orangutan – and it is already in danger of extinction. There are just 800 of the species left, making it the most endangered great ape species now known, the researchers said. And, they added, its habitat is being destroyed at such a rate that it might soon be entirely extinct. Found in upland forests in north Sumatra, in Indonesia, the Tapanuli orangutan (pongo tapanuliensis) was originally considered to be part of the Sumatran orangutan population, but the discovery of a separate species means it is considered the most endangered of all great ape species. Science news in pictures Show all 20 1 /20 Science news in pictures Science news in pictures Pluto has 'beating heart' of frozen nitrogen Pluto has a 'beating heart' of frozen nitrogen that is doing strange things to its surface, Nasa has found. The mysterious core seems to be the cause of features on its surface that have fascinated scientists since they were spotted by Nasa's New Horizons mission. "Before New Horizons, everyone thought Pluto was going to be a netball - completely flat, almost no diversity," said Tanguy Bertrand, an astrophysicist and planetary scientist at NASA's Ames Research Center and the lead author on the new study. "But it's completely different. It has a lot of different landscapes and we are trying to understand what's going on there." Getty Science news in pictures Over 400 species discovered this year by Natural History Museum The ancient invertabrate worm-like species rhenopyrgus viviani (pictured) is one of over 400 species previously unknown to science that were discovered by experts at the Natural History Museum this year PA Science news in pictures Jackdaws can identify 'dangerous' humans Jackdaws can identify “dangerous” humans from listening to each other’s warning calls, scientists say. The highly social birds will also remember that person if they come near their nests again, according to researchers from the University of Exeter. In the study, a person unknown to the wild jackdaws approached their nest. At the same time scientists played a recording of a warning call (threatening) or “contact calls” (non-threatening). The next time jackdaws saw this same person, the birds that had previously heard the warning call were defensive and returned to their nests more than twice as quickly on average. Getty Science news in pictures Turtle embryos influence sex by shaking The sex of the turtle is determined by the temperatures at which they are incubated. Warm temperatures favour females. But by wiggling around the egg, embryos can find the “Goldilocks Zone” which means they are able to shield themselves against extreme thermal conditions and produce a balanced sex ratio, according to the new study published in Current Biology journal Ye et al/Current Biology Science news in pictures Elephant poaching rates drop in Africa African elephant poaching rates have dropped by 60 per cent in six years, an international study has found. It is thought the decline could be associated with the ivory trade ban introduced in China in 2017. Reuters Science news in pictures Ancient four-legged whale discovered in Peru Scientists have identified a four-legged creature with webbed feet to be an ancestor of the whale. Fossils unearthed in Peru have led scientists to conclude that the enormous creatures that traverse the planet’s oceans today are descended from small hoofed ancestors that lived in south Asia 50 million years ago A. Gennari Science news in pictures Animal with transient anus discovered A scientist has stumbled upon a creature with a “transient anus” that appears only when it is needed, before vanishing completely. Dr Sidney Tamm of the Marine Biological Laboratory could not initially find any trace of an anus on the species. However, as the animal gets full, a pore opens up to dispose of waste Steven G Johnson Science news in pictures Giant bee spotted Feared extinct, the Wallace's Giant bee has been spotted for the first time in nearly 40 years. An international team of conservationists spotted the bee, that is four times the size of a typical honeybee, on an expedition to a group of Indonesian Islands Clay Bolt Science news in pictures New mammal species found inside crocodile Fossilised bones digested by crocodiles have revealed the existence of three new mammal species that roamed the Cayman Islands 300 years ago. The bones belonged to two large rodent species and a small shrew-like animal New Mexico Museum of Natural History Science news in pictures Fabric that changes according to temperature created Scientists at the University of Maryland have created a fabric that adapts to heat, expanding to allow more heat to escape the body when warm and compacting to retain more heat when cold Faye Levine, University of Maryland Science news in pictures Baby mice tears could be used in pest control A study from the University of Tokyo has found that the tears of baby mice cause female mice to be less interested in the sexual advances of males Getty Science news in pictures Final warning to limit "climate catastrophe" The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has issued a report which projects the impact of a rise in global temperatures of 1.5 degrees Celsius and warns against a higher increase Getty Science news in pictures Nobel prize for evolution chemists The nobel prize for chemistry has been awarded to three chemists working with evolution. Frances Smith is being awarded the prize for her work on directing the evolution of enzymes, while Gregory Winter and George Smith take the prize for their work on phage display of peptides and antibodies Getty/AFP Science news in pictures Nobel prize for laser physicists The nobel prize for physics has been awarded to three physicists working with lasers. Arthur Ashkin (L) was awarded for his "optical tweezers" which use lasers to grab particles, atoms, viruses and other living cells. Donna Strickland and Gérard Mourou were jointly awarded the prize for developing chirped-pulse amplification of lasers Reuters/AP Science news in pictures Discovery of a new species of dinosaur The Ledumahadi Mafube roamed around 200 million years ago in what is now South Africa. Recently discovered by a team of international scientists, it was the largest land animal of its time, weighing 12 tons and standing at 13 feet. In Sesotho, the South African language of the region in which the dinosaur was discovered, its name means "a giant thunderclap at dawn" Viktor Radermacher / SWNS Science news in pictures Birth of a planet Scientists have witnessed the birth of a planet for the first time ever. This spectacular image from the SPHERE instrument on ESO's Very Large Telescope is the first clear image of a planet caught in the very act of formation around the dwarf star PDS 70. The planet stands clearly out, visible as a bright point to the right of the center of the image, which is blacked out by the coronagraph mask used to block the blinding light of the central star. ESO/A. Müller et al Science news in pictures New human organ discovered that was previously missed by scientists Layers long thought to be dense, connective tissue are actually a series of fluid-filled compartments researchers have termed the “interstitium”. These compartments are found beneath the skin, as well as lining the gut, lungs, blood vessels and muscles, and join together to form a network supported by a mesh of strong, flexible proteins Getty Science news in pictures Previously unknown society lived in Amazon rainforest before Europeans arrived, say archaeologists Working in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, a team led by archaeologists at the University of Exeter unearthed hundreds of villages hidden in the depths of the rainforest. These excavations included evidence of fortifications and mysterious earthworks called geoglyphs José Iriarte Science news in pictures One in 10 people have traces of cocaine or heroin on fingerprints, study finds More than one in 10 people were found to have traces of class A drugs on their fingers by scientists developing a new fingerprint-based drug test. Using sensitive analysis of the chemical composition of sweat, researchers were able to tell the difference between those who had been directly exposed to heroin and cocaine, and those who had encountered it indirectly. Getty Science news in pictures Nasa releases stunning images of Jupiter's great red spot The storm bigger than the Earth, has been swhirling for 350 years. The image's colours have been enhanced after it was sent back to Earth. Pictures by: Tom Momary “If steps are not taken quickly to reduce current and future threats to conserving every last remaining bit of forest, we may see the discovery and extinction of a great ape species within our lifetime,” they said. It’s the first great-ape species to be proposed by scientists in nearly 90 years. Previously, science has recognised six great-ape species: Sumatran and Bornean orangutans, eastern and western gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos. The research is based on analysis of the skeleton of an adult male killed in a conflict with villagers, a genetic study indicating the population’s evolutionary split from other orangutans occurred about 3.4 million years ago and analysis since 2006 of behavioural and habitat differences. The primates are confined to a range of about 1,100 square kilometers (425 square miles) in the Batang Toru forest in the Tapanuli districts of northern Sumatra. Historically, the population has probably been isolated from Sumatran orangutans further north for 10,000 to 20,000 years, based on the most recently detectable influx of male genes from outside, according to the genetic study. Aside from genetic evidence and the physical differences that are most apparent in comparison with Bornean orangutans, other unique characteristics include diet, restriction of habitat to upland areas and the male’s long call. Primatologist Russell Mittermeier, head of the primate specialist group at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, called the finding a “remarkable discovery” that puts the onus on the Indonesian government to ensure the species survives. Mittermeier, who was not one of the 37 authors of the study, said he was “very excited” by the research. Last year, the IUCN classified Bornean orangutans as critically endangered due to a precipitous population decline caused by destruction of their forest habitat for palm oil and pulp-wood plantations. Sumatran orangutans have been classified as critically endangered since 2008. Matthew Nowak, one of the study’s authors, said the Tapanuli orangutans live in three pockets of forest that are separated by non-protected areas. “For the species to be viable into the future, those three fragments need to be reconnected via forest corridors,” he said. Additionally, the authors are recommending that development plans for the region including a hydro power-plant be stopped by the government. “It is imperative that all remaining forest be protected and that a local management body works to ensure the protection of the Batang Toru ecosystem,” Novak said. The Batang Toru orangutan population was found during a field survey by researcher Erik Meijaard in 1997 and a research station was established in the area in 2006. It was not until 2013, when the adult male skeleton became available, that scientists realised how unique the population was, which sparked the largest genomic study of wild orangutans ever carried out to provide further evidence of a third orangutan species. There is no standardised international system for recognition of new species, but to be taken seriously a discovery requires, at very least, publication in a credible peer-reviewed scientific journal.
If I were an old-timey figure-skating judge, I would give this weekend a 6 (a first-place ordinal!), it was just that good. Yesterday the Team went up to Rome, GA for Up the Creek Without a Pedal, an annual ride that is both incredibly well organized and supported. The Team does this ride so that new cyclists have the valuable experience of a mass start and riding with non-GA-TNT-trained cyclists before event weekend. I had the pleasure of riding with J, J, A, K, and C for the whole 68 + 3-mile ride. Let me tell you, despite the knot in my back and my crabbiness from having fitfully slept only 4 hours (on the couch) the night before, and despite the on-again, off-again drizzle and driving rain, it was a great ride. Possibly the best ride I've had in years. I was worried that I would be inside my head and be General Crankypants, but I wasn't (maybe I was outwardly, but I didn't FEEL like it). We just rode, and I wasn't thinking about pace or anything else, especially after I got to pee at the first SAG. It was an amazing day, and I could have kept going for quite some time after. Strava details (excluding the +3 miles because they were on a path and dropped my average, which I just couldn't abide) are here. === This morning's ride was another perfect day. I got to ride with L (who was on a recovery day, having done 105+3 yesterday at 18+ mph) and D, who also had a stellar ride in the rain. We didn't dawdle, but we didn't hammer it out. I was in a great mood. I've been in a great mood since getting on the bike yesterday morning. I wonder if this is what it's like to be done with school. I'm not carefree (I need a job), but the constant anxiety of teaching and dissertation and that pressing anxiety is gone, and I wonder if that's the difference. I have just been very happy this weekend after the rides, happier than I've been after rides in a long time. Strava details are here. It could, of course, simply be that I had the perfect weekend. Good for me.
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” !! 15 thoughts on “Lord Shiva granted ` ever 16′ to him. But what about the temple in Kamarasavalli?” Interesting. Especially the emotions in the actions. Wish it was not a miniature… ஆகா! இந்த சிறிய சிற்பத்திலும் எத்தனை உயிரோட்டம்! ஆனால் இத்தகைய அரும்பெரும் பொக்கிஷங்கள் தற்போது உள்ள நிலையை காணும்போது மிகுந்த வருத்தமாயுள்ளது! Nice post, Shash 🙂 Bravo! Good Vijay 🙂 Shri I’ve always loved your blog – both the content and the language (which borders on humorous). It is heartening that some like you take an interest in such heritage issues, yet is sad that nothing is done about preserving them! Thanks Raji Madam. @ annapoorna – will try to feature the masterpiece from Moovar koil shortly…i owe you a call as well – its been hectic sch last two weeks. should be free by mid of nxt week. @Vardhini – Its really sad to see these beauties lying uncared for.. @Shri…you are next in line.. @ Padhma – thanks. Sugar coated Pills maybe… vj Dear Readers, I am proud of saying that this village is incidently my home town. We Sri Balambika Seva Samithi and Mahalaxmi Charitable Trust took over the the renovation of this temple with great great enthusiasm. We look forward the like minded people for renovation and restoration of this heritage temple. We had given the renovation job to REACH Foundation which is formed by Dr. Satyamoorthy & others. Mr. Sundar Bharatwaj is going to look after the renovation under the guidance of REACH Foundation. If any information you require you can feel free to contact me at 09867792299 / email. [email protected] or [email protected] Dear Raghunathan, Thanks for the information and we wish you all luck. rgds vj Dear Mr. Vijay Thank you for your support. The gov”t ment has not supported to the village above 30 years. so,the temple was damaged and poor condition ONE OF PLACE OF KAMARASAVALLI BEAUTI FUL butThe gov”t ment has not supported to the village above 30 years. so,the temple was damaged and poor condition I belong to a nearby village..This article reminded me painted image of markendaya in my village alagiyamanavalam temple which I have seen atleast 20 years back thanks for the comments Siva – please do share the painting if possible. rgds vj @above , sir the painting of markendeya holding linga was on upper surface of temple in my village near kamarsavalli..I would share it when I visit next time (painting may be recent one)…also there is an old shiva temple near kamarasavalli in nadhiyanur village (called as nariyanur) and another at Periyamarai.(5 km from kamarasavalli)…I assume(suppose) all these temples belong to same era of big temple tanjore… wishes Siva from Germany I am samikkannu from ORIYUR near kamarasavalli. I also studyed in kamarasavalli school up to SSLC.Now I am settled at TIRUVANNAMALAI,also run a appalom manufacturing unit. our appalam name is SRI ARUNAI APPALAM.Iam very like this temple from my childage.
Stuff That I Like - Bomb the Music Industry This song was a beast to figure out, so I'm probably not completely right, just leave a comment or correction if you have any other ideas. Standard tuning Chords Used G-320003 C-x32010 Em-022000 D-xx0232 Cadd9-x32030 Cmaj7-x32000 Gadd9-320005 G (barre) - 355433 B (barre) - 799877 Am (barre) - 577555 F# (barre) - 244322 G C The city subway stations never glisten. Em The gates rise up like they belong in prison. D And my balance is low. I better pick a good place, I got one ride to go. G Your fucking cocaine party fucking freaks me out. C When did Scott Weiland show up? How long’s he stickin’ around? Em I guess this new fare hike means that I’ll ride my bike, D play video games and do other stuff that I like. Cadd9 Cmaj7 Cadd9 Cmaj7 Gadd9 G Gadd9 G Cadd9 Cmaj7 Cadd9 Cmaj7 Gadd9 G Gadd9 G Cadd9 Cmaj7 Cadd9 Cmaj7 Gadd9 G Gadd9 G Cadd9 C G And in the morning cleaning up, we found these plastic bags D G with a little bit of party left and started to laugh, C G “Man, I’m glad I passed out from the booze and the weed D G cause the house stayed up ‘til 6 AM doing speed.” C G But now it’s 1 AM and I’m quite a few in D G and I can barely make out where the bathroom line begins C G and it’s been moving five inches every fucking five minutes. D I wanna ask the over privileged kids if (I suggest barre chords here, except for the Cadd9-Cmaj7 parts) G B they would fucking mind? Am F# B Am Cadd9 Cmaj7 I gotta take a piss in the cocaine room. What is this? The line for lines? Cadd9 Cmaj7 G B It’s a long line for lines. I’m getting claustrophobia Am F# B from the twenty-something set with bleary eyes. Am Cadd9 Cmaj7 Cadd9 Cmaj7 What is this? The line for lines? Long line for lines. this line for lines, long line for lines. G B Am G I don’t wanna be part of this night. C G D When I’m out these days I do is complain about the booming bass G C and the shitty DJ because if I wanted to go to a dance club, G D I’d own a bottle of Brut, a closet full of Christian Dior, G and I’d be in a different room. C G ‘Cause we can dance to Otis Redding, P.O.S, and M.I.A D G and if you’re on Serato Scratch don’t call yourself a DJ. C G Beat detecting’s got no attitude, your tempo maps can’t feel and room, D but lemmings all have dancing shoes and (barre again here) G B I’m just freaking out. Am F# B You’re assaulting me with thrusts like I’m an asshole. Am Cadd9 Cmaj7 Cadd9 Cmaj7 You’re sweating to the sounds of Billboard’s Hot 100 G B like a total yeah bro dick. Am F# B Man, I thought that we all lived here ‘cause we’re different Am Cadd9 Cmaj7 Cadd9 Cmaj7 I guess I was wrong this time, and time after time these cokey times and eight dollar wines. G B Am G I don’t wanna be part of this night. Cadd9 Cmaj7 Cadd9 Cmaj7 (A few times) G C The city subway station never glistens. The gates rise up like “Hey What’s up? Em D You’re in prison, confined by alcoholism and lack of better decisions for having fun on the weekends.” G But this shitty atmosphere keeps bumming me out. C Don’t want my Club MTV. I hate Downtown Julie Brown. Em I guess these new prices hikes will make me grab my light D and climb the fire escape to the roof for a book that I like. Just mess around with the verse chord progression for a little bit, end on G
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Mentoring in the New Testament (1 of 5) – Barnabas and Paul – Part 1 Recently, I wrote a series of posts about Mentoring in the Old Testament. The next series of five posts will cover some examples of mentoring in the New Testament. The first example is that of Barnabas and Paul. 1. Barnabas was the ideal mentor because he was an encourager. He was part of the multitude of believers who were of on, exhortation.” Barnabas did something the embolden others to act in a similar manner. He did something that was an encouragement, a help, an example to the other Christians.The apostles were amazed by his spirit and his example and called him the basically “the encourager.” From Barnabas, we learn that if we are going to mentor others, we must be willing to: - Encourage others to and motivate them to serve the Lord especially with the Word of God. Hebrews 13:22 And I beseech you, brethren, suffer the word of exhortation: for I have written a letter unto you in few words. - Set a good example for others to follow. 1 Corinthians. 2. Barnabas sought out and believed in Saul when others did not. the word of Barnabas, and Saul was with them coming in and going out at Jerusalem. From Barnabas, we learn about believing in people. - Mentors are willing to trust when others won’t. - Mentors are willing to take risks when others are afraid. - Mentors believe when others doubt. -. - If we are going to mentor and disciple leaders, we must be willing to help those that no one else will help, believe in those that others won’t believe in, and take risks on people. 6 thoughts on “Mentoring in the New Testament (1 of 5) – Barnabas and Paul – Part 1”
by William Davidson Since childhood, I have experienced mild to moderate symptoms of psychiatric disorders, with symptoms of Asperger syndrome (AS) predominating. It is common for people with AS to develop obsessive interests in 'specialist (). My intracellular pathogens which establish latency within cells. To do this, it causes destructive molecules, known as 'reactive oxygen species' (ROS) to be produced inside infected cells. These molecules damage the cell walls of invading pathogens. However, it is also known that if excess ROS are produced inside cells as a result of processes unrelated to immune system activity, such as enzyme activity, this can activate the NF-kB driven immune response () and it would appear that some individuals are more genetically predisposed to such aberrant activation than others. Intracellular pathogens gain entry into cells via specific cell membrane receptors. My research revealed that many diseases associated with NF-kB activation exhibited receptor abnormalities, and these abnormalities were very often to be found in the receptors known to be used by invading pathogens. Typically, there was reduced expression of these receptors, reduced sensitivity and, in some cases, blocking of the receptors by immune system antibodies. It seemed that the NF-kB driven immune response was attempting to protect cells from infection by pathogens by closing down the receptors used by them to enter cells. In addition, cells expressing these receptors were often seen to be reduced in number, suggestive of an immune system mechanism called 'apopt have reduced numbers of dopamine D2 receptors. Bipolar disorder, formerly known as 'manic depression', also presents with both positive and negative symptoms in the form of mania and depression. Graves' disease, also known as Basedow's disease, 'pathological normality' intriguing and did not believe that it could be a case of two different accidents cancelling out each other's ill effects. These blocking and stimulating antibodies are seen in people who have never had thyroid disease and it seemed more likely that they had evolved to act in concert during times of thyroid infection. The blocking antibodies would prevent pathogens from entering thyroid cells through the TSHr. To compensate for the shortfall in thyroid hormone production, blocking antibodies. Translating this model to schizophrenia, the reduced expression of dopamine D2 receptors is seen as a protective mechanism to prevent infection. To compensate for the reduction in dopamine signalling, kynurenic acid is synthesized to act as as an antagonist molecule at the glutamate NMDA receptor. This increases dopamine signalling without increasing D2 receptor expression, thus protecting neurons from infection. Too much kynurenic acid would result in positive symptoms and too little in negative symptoms. In schizophrenia and Graves' disease, this hitherto unrecognised immune system functioning has become dysregulated, resulting in disease. Further research into the causation of other diseases revealed that this immune system mechanism, characterised by NF-kB activation, reduced receptor expression and loss of cells expressing key receptors, was a common feature of a great receptors. pathogens, or by receptor hyperfunction, which mimics the compensation mechanism. I have called this 'receptor activation'. An example of this is type 2 diabetes, which is usually caused by chronic overconsumption of food, resulting in chronically high levels of insulin receptor activation. This activates the NF-kB driven immune response in genetically predisposed individuals, which results in reduced expression and sensitivity of insulin receptors. However, in areas where famine is endemic, usually in the tropics, 'tropical 'Immune Mimicry Diseases' (IMDs). A much more detailed explanation of IMD theory can be found on my blog at Integrative Theory of the Causation of Non-Communicable Diseases: Immune Mimicry Disease (IMD) Theory. IMDs ('hygiene hypothesis'), lack of vitamin D, chemical pollutants, environmental metals, food and chemical intolerance/sensitivity, pro-inflammatory diet, lack of physical exercise and psychological stress. and are metabolised at the nuclear membrane by cytochrome P450 enzymes, liberating hydroxyl radicals in the process, are known to activate NF-kB, and this could explain much environmental illness, particularly in people with P450 enzyme polymorphisms. IMDs three affected boys for each affected girl is the same in both conditions. The greatly increased incidence of both autism and ADHD is due in large part to increased awareness of these conditions and broadening diagnostic criteria. However, there is also a belief that this is not sufficient to explain all of the increase and that some environmental factor must also be responsible. I found the temporal association between increasing folic acid supplementation and increased rates of autism/ADHD particularly intriguing. There appeared to be no direct evidence to support a causative association, but there is evidence of folate receptor blocking antibodies () and variants of enzymes involved in folic acid and folate metabolism () (). Other chemicals which have been implicated in the autism 'epidemic' include insecticides (), phthalates () and mercury (). Further research revealed a crucial fact: folic acid, phthalates methyl mercury and a variety of insecticides, including organophosphates, organochlorines and pyrethroids are all antagonists of the GABA(A) receptor. There is reduced expression of GABA(A) receptors in autism, which is suggestive of an IMD receptor activation of an aberrant immune system reaction which results in GABA(A) receptors becoming underexpressed and hypofunctional. This reduced GABA signalling results in the symptoms of autism. If ADHD is the positive syndrome, then the symptoms must result from excessive GABA signalling, but GABA(A) receptor antagonists 'epidemics' of autism and ADHD are the negative (deficit) and positive (compensation) dimensions of the same disease process. The huge rise in the incidence of this disease process in recent times is probably due to prenatal exposure to chemicals which act as antagonists at the GABA(A) receptor. Although there appears to be no direct evidence implicating folic acid supplementation in pregnancy as a cause of this disease process, the circumstantial evidence does suggest this. (), suggesting that GABA(A) receptor hypofunction may be a cause of asthma, as well as autism/ADHD. About the Author: William Davidson is 57 and has lived with Asperger syndrome since childhood. He lives in Strathaven, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK, where for the past 10 years he has been employed as a grounds maintenance worker in local parks. In common with many Asperger sufferers, he has a fascination with scientific specialist subjects, particularly the study of the etiology of non-communicable disease. His main area of interest for most of his adult life has been in researching psychiatric and neurological disorders. David is also interested in environmental science subjects, in particular, global warming. Related Articles:
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ATF, SBI Investigate After Beach House Fire Kills 7 You must enter the characters with black color that stand out from the other characters Ocean Isle Beach, N.C. — Federal and state agents plan to investigate what caused a fire at an Ocean Isle Beach house that left seven South Carolina students dead and six more injured. Authorities said 13 students, including 12 from University of South Carolina, were inside the house at 1 Scotland St. when the fire started just before 7 a.m. Sunday. Six of the deceased are believed to have gone to USC, and the seventh attended Clemson University. "These are young people in the prime of their life. They had so much to look forward to, and it is just profoundly tragic," USC President Dr. Andrew Soresen said. It might take two or three days to identify the deceased, Dr. Dennis Pruitt, vice president for student affairs at USC, said. Their bodies were taken to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Chapel Hill. There was no reason to believe the fire was suspicious, but its origin and cause are still under investigation, Randy Thompson, director Brunswick County Emergency Services, said on Sunday night. Neighbors said they heard the students partying on Saturday night, but things calmed down hours before the fire broke out shortly before 7 a.m. Ocean Isle Beach firefighters were on the scene within four minutes of getting the call, but the house was fully engulfed in flames when they arrived. The stilted house faced a canal, along with other houses tightly packed together on a peninsula. “The whole thing was just up in flames in no time,” neighbor Nell Blanton said. “It was just terribly to look at.” “You could see and hear the fire. It was really roaring, way up in the sky. The smoke was billowing up towards the ocean,” said another neighbor who witnessed the fire. Betty Smith, whose home lies across the canal, said she saw the fire racing from floor to floor before it took off the roof. "I heard things bursting out, and you could almost feel the heat from the fire," she said. Six people survived the fire, including at least one who jumped from the house to escape the flames. Bystanders said they heard yelling from inside the house. “I still have cold chills, and I can still hear that guy’s voice hollering for help,” Blanton said. Jeff Newsome said he and other neighbors saw a man standing at a third-story window and yelled at him to jump. After the man hit the ground, he called back up at the house for a friend. But no one else appeared in the window, Newsome said. "The noise stopped, which is horrible," Newsome said. The six survivors were transported to a Brunswick hospital and were treated and released Sunday, Smith said. Students from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill were staying next door to the beach home, but none were injured in the fire. The members of the Alpha Phi Omega-Rho service fraternity were holding a weekend retreat. Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the State Bureau of Investigation will be at the scene Monday morning, along with the county fire marshal, to investigate the origin and cause of the fire. Thompson said an investigation by the ATF is not unusual and that the county fire marshal works closely with the agency. He declined to speculate where the fire started, but said it did a lot of damage to the upper floors of the house. Smith said the home had working smoke detectors but did not have sprinklers. "Nothing like this has ever happened at Ocean Isle Beach," she said. Flags were lowered to half-staff at the USC Greek Village in Columbia. The USC students were members of Delta Delta Delta sorority or Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, Pruitt said. Students expressed shock at the sudden death of their peers. "You just never know. One day it could happen to you, but you hope and pray it doesn't," USC student Josh Rivers said. Sorensen rushed back to campus from an engagement in Washington, D.C., and university officials said they would be offering support and comfort to students. "We've spent a lot of time (counseling) with the students from the sorority and fraternity," he said. "We encourage any student who is just learning of the situation and is a member of Tri-Delt or SAE to contact their parents and let them know they're OK." "I think it is incumbent on all of us to respect the grieving and overall sense of sadness that the people who knew these individuals feels," Sorensen said. The university has activated a counseling network that includes advisers in residence halls. Anyone in the university community who needs help should call the counseling center at 803-777-5223. A memorial service has not been scheduled, Pruitt said. "I'm sure the university will plan an appropriate service at an appropriate time," depending on the wishes of family and friends. Scarecrow CowOct 29, 2007 So tragic. This is why I don't go to wild parties. They always end badly. Prayers for all involved. SunnyDaysOct 28, 2007 Thank you "Fuquay Resident" ....how many times does that have to be said, that it was a private residence, but private or not, it was a tragedy, young lives were taken... and the smoke detectors were working by all accounts...sprinklers were missing. Thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of the deceased and to their friends that were hurt as well. DerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrOct 28, 2007 Did anyone notice that the N&O did an entire article on UNC students staying next to the house that caught on fire? I guess this tragedy wasn't local enough, so they had to make it more local to get more readers/sell more papers. I guess it's par for the course for mass media. bbmomrnOct 28, 2007 My son went to high school with one of the girls that was killed. It is so hard to believe and so very sad. My prayers are with all the families involved. elcid89Oct 28, 2007 This brings back to mind the fire at Phi Gamma Delta here in CH. So tragic. Hoping the families and all involved this tragedy can find some peace. XtremeNuisanceOct 28, 2007 I actually want them to release names because a friend of mine is worried about her friends who may or may not have been there. So I'm praying for them... yukonjohn3Oct 28, 2007 So tragic. Prayers go out to all the family and friends of all of these students. To the brave fire and rescue personnel, God Bless you and thank you for your service. God Bless all involved in this terrible event. Fuquay ResidentOct 28, 2007 Good idea GulfWarVet, but this wasn't a rental house, it was owned by the parents of one of the victims. malave27896Oct 28, 2007 My prayers and thoughts go to the family of all the victims.....A terrible thing that happened . And I wish a safe and fast recovery for the ones who were able to escape with their lives. I'm from Ocean Isle and I know that the community is feeling the loss for these people and family. hywilsonOct 28, 2007 So sad, so young. They were jsut havin a good time and then lives taken in teh blink of an eye. God blees the families adn friends of those lost. Prayers will be said for them!!
Although the San Diego Convention Center was still reverberating with the sounds of cheers from the Star Wars: The Force Awakens panel on Friday night, that didn’t stop Zack Snyder from showing up in style in an effort to set the tone for Saturday’s Warner Bros. panel, as the director of the upcoming DC Comics superhero film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice drove up to the convention center in the Batmobile. This is how we roll. #Batmobile #BatmanvSuperman #SDCC pic.twitter.com/10sah0YWbl — Batman v Superman (@BatmanvSuperman) July 11, 2015 This is what heralded the arrival of the new DC Comics-based cinematic universe, with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice easily being the most anticipated portion of the Warner Bros. panel in Hall H this morning. With a lot of pressure on Warner Bros. to deliver something memorable, moderator Aisha Tyler took the stage after everybody took their seats, and joked to the crowd that the footage they were about to see was so good that she “watched it alone in bed at night.” Warner Bros. clearly has something to show, as they added a series of wraparound screens to the entire outer perimeter of Hall H, ready to display something so that everyone could see it. After beginning their presentation with The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and Pan, it was time to talk about the main event. Henry Cavill had already appeared on-stage due to his status as the star of The Man from U.N.C.L.E., but it then became time to reassert his presence as the latest incarnation of the original superhero. In a surprise, though, Warner Bros. opening video dealing with their superhero film also included some of Suicide Squad, directed by David Ayer, and also revealed that the title of the upcoming Green Lantern film would actually be Green Lantern Corps. Comic-Con got exclusive footage of the upcoming Suicide Squad, showing how the film will loo for the first time. After showing a bit of footage from concept art of the Justice League from the upcoming two-part film, including a look at Ezra Miller’s concept for his Flash costume, director David Ayer himself then took the stage. He told the assembled crowd that they were there to talk bad guys, and that “nobody has bad guys like DC Comics.” That was his introduction of the first footage from his 2016 film. It begins with Viola Davis’ Amanda Waller, telling a police commissioner that they’ve captured someone, and put him away where no one can find him. That someone? The Joker, played by Jared Leto, who says, “I’m not going to kill you. I’m just going to hurt you, really, really bad!” The footage highlighted many of the cast members, including Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn, and featured a lot of action-oriented footage of the whole team fighting a group of soldiers. All the film’s cast members, except for Jared Leto, then arrive on the stage, including Will Smith and Margot Robbie. They didn’t say anything, but just came to say hello to the assembled crowd, and the general enthusiasm for the footage could show the film to be something pretty special. From there, though, it was time to talk about the first stop: March’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. On one side of the massive panoramic screen was Batman, and on the other was Superman, which immediately set the tone for the presentation. Zack Snyder then arrived on-stage, followed by Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman) and Jeremy Irons (Alfred), along with Cavill and now Ben Affleck. Holly Hunter, Jesse Eisenberg, and Amy Adams also joined the rest of the group on-stage. Tyler then introduced footage, which you can see below. From there, as Snyder is known to do, he showed the footage one more time. Overall, it was a very strong showing for Warner Bros. and their burgeoning superhero universe. While some news items that had been rumored weren’t touched upon, it still featured a very satisfying look at the two 2016 DC Comics offerings, and we can’t wait to see what else they have in store. If you’d like to watch the panel in its entirety, you can do so
Intelligent Systems and Robotics Priorities, axes and perspectives in industrial systems technology and in particular in the vital area of nonlinear control and nonlinear estimation are related with: (1) Methods based on global linearization-based control (2) Methods based on asymptotic linearization-based control, and (3) model-free Lyapunov theory-based methods of control. As far as approach (i) is concerned, that is methods based on global linearization these are methods for the transformation of the nonlinear dynamics of the system to equivalent linear state-space descriptions for which one can design controllers using state feedback and can also solve the associated state estimation (filtering) problem. One can classify here methods based on the theory of differentially flat systems and methods based on Lie algebra. These approaches avoid approximate modelling errors and arrive at controllers of elevated precision and robustness. In this area, research will be continued on a new nonlinear filtering method (based on differential flatness theory) which has been demonstrated to have excellent performance, in comparison to other nonlinear estimation (filtering) approaches, both in terms of accuracy and in terms of speed of computation. As far as approach (ii) is concerned that is methods based on asymptotic linearization, research will be carried out on robust and adaptive control through decomposition of the system’s dynamics into local linear models. In this research area, the institute’s work will pursue solutions to the problem of nonlinear control with the use of local linear models (obtained at local equilibria). For such local linear models, feedback controllers of proven stability can be developed. One can select the parameters of such local controllers in a manner that assures the robustness of the control loop to both external perturbations and to model parametric uncertainty. These controllers achieve asymptotically (that is as time advances) the compensation of the system’s nonlinear dynamics and the stabilization of the closed control loops. In this area, joint research will focus on a new method of robust control, being developed by me during the last years. The method is based on local approximate linearization of the system’s dynamics and solves the nonlinear H-infinity control problem. As far as approach (iii) is concerned, that is methods of nonlinear control relying on Lyapunov stability theory I have successfully handled problems of minimization of Lyapunov functions so as to assure the asymptotic stability of the control loop of nonlinear control systems. For the development of Lyapunov type controllers one can either exploit a model about the system’s dynamics or can proceed in a model-free manner, as in the case of indirect adaptive control. In the latter approach, the system’s dynamics is taken to be completely unknown and can be approximated by adaptive algorithms, which are suitably designed so as to assure the stabilization and robustness of the control loop. Research in this area is anticipated to arrive at new and significant results. Application areas - Electric Power Systems. Research on the following technologies for renewable energy systems: (i) intelligent control of power generators (ii) intelligent control of the power electronics that connect renewable power generation units to the grid (iii) synchronization and stability of distributed power generation units (iv) fault diagnosis for power generators and power electronics. - Industrial Robotic Systems. Research on nonlinear control and estimation for Industrial robotics: model-based and model-free control approaches for multi-DOF robotic manipulators, underactuated robots, closed-chain robotic mechanisms and flexible-link robots. Model-based and model-free control for mechatronic systems (such as electric actuators). - Intelligent Transportation Systems. Development of nonlinear control and filtering methods for autonomous robots and vehicles of various types, such as Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs, Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV,) or Autonomous Underwater Vessels (AUV). Development of nonlinear control and estimation methods for electric motors and combustion engines. - Biosystems. Applications of nonlinear control and filtering to biosystems aiming at modifying their dynamics and at achieving their functioning according to specific performance objectives. Automatic control methods in protein and hormonal synthesis or in the infusion of cardiovascular, chemotherapy and anaesthesia drugs. Nonlinear estimation techniques for modelling and detection of degeneration in biological neuronal systems.
GOLF CADILLAC There are 8 golf courses within 20 minutes of Cadillac’s Downtown. While each offers a unique golfing experience, they share the special beauty that is unique to this area, feature well-cared for courses and friendly, welcoming service. Each course is easily accessible from area freeways, and NEW this year our summer interns created a 9 part series that highlighted the signature holes of each course, along with Tips from the Tee on how to play it best, with a few fun facts and golf course banter along the way. Make sure you visit the website of each course for more information, and to check out their special deals and events – which include Stay & Play packages, a Free Golf Day, Juniors Play Free all summer…now, let’s go hit the links shall we? 2019 Fall Golf Specials at Area Courses Click on a course below (+) to see current specials Antioch Golf Course Now thru October 15 discounted Fall rates: see website for details Caberfae Peaks Now thru end of September - Unlimited golf packages for $49 per person, per night, double occupancy – includes unlimited golf for 2 days with a power cart and lodging for one night. View special now! Cadillac Country Club Every day is a special day at the Country Club - Visit their website for Rates - And follow their facebook for specials. Eldorado Stay and Play packages at Eldorado - View them here! Emerald Vale Fall discounted rates see website for details Evergreen Resort Lakewood on the Green Missaukee Golf Course All Military Veterans & Seniors special FRIDAY rate $25 for 18 with cart, $15 for 8 with cart thru end of the season -- Every day Juniors 16 and under play for free with $5 cart fee for 9 holes. -- Fall discounted rates
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Madek, an official FG Wilson Dealer in the Ukraine and one of FG Wilson's worldwide network of 370 Dealers, has successfully completed the delivery of a stand-by power solution for the largest commercial data centre in Ukraine. Madek's team of highly-trained, expert engineers supplied two P1375E3 and four P1700P1 generator sets to the Parkovaya Data Center, which is located in the centre of Ukraine. Commissioned early in 2014, the project was delivered on time, on budget and to specification. The scale and scope of the facility, combined with the engineering solution provided by Madek and the FG Wilson generator sets installed, helps reaffirm Parkovaya's position as one of the leading data centres in the world. All the parameters of the data centre meet the requirements of Tier III in accordance with international standard TIA-942. All six generator sets were fitted in the data center's engine room inside the special compartment. They are synchronized with each other and they will provide emergency power in the case of the mains failure. Commenting on the project, Dmitry Gladkyi Commercial Director of Madek said: "The successful delivery of this power solution for such a high-profile data centre is the latest in Madek's ever-growing catalogue of projects which have been completed to the highest standard and quality. We have developed a reputation as specialists in data centre power provision, with our generator set experts identifying the most effective solutions to ensure clients' peace of mind. "Madek engineers developed all technical solutions for the Parkovaya Data Centre, including the design and installation of the automatic refueling system and of the fuel storage tanks - with total capacity of 40,000 litres providing 24-hours, non-stop operation of generator sets. The design and installation of the fire extinguishing system was also an important element of our work, as was the delivery of the synchronization power boards and the cabling of more than 300m of power track 2,500 A." The total back-up power station capacity, based on installed FG Wilson generating sets, is 9550 kVA. Four synchronized P1700P1 units will provide the emergency power for the data centre and two P1375E3 units will supply the power for common data centre infrastructure." Commenting on FG Wilson's experience in providing power solutions for data centres, David McClenaghan of FG Wilson said: "When it comes to providing power for critical data, time is precious. You can't afford to take any risks. At FG Wilson we are experienced in the data centre sector, with the expertise to design, engineer and install a tailor-made power system that meets your specification, timescales and budget - and guarantees your clients' assets are protected. "Our comprehensive range of robust diesel generator sets provides powerful solutions, designed specifically to interface with your systems, control mechanisms, redundancy requirements and often challenging surroundings. Through our guarantee of a fast, efficient installation and ongoing rapid emergency support, your power is safe with FG Wilson." Based in Bucha town near of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, Madek offers whole lifecycle support for FG Wilson diesel and gas generator sets, from specification and installation to comprehensive after-sales service. Through a global network of 370 Dealers, FG Wilson successfully serves and supports customers all over the world. With the back-up of FG Wilson's power solutions team, Dealers can meet any power requirement, no matter how complex.
800 S.W.2d 553 (1990) Billy James LANGSTON, Appellant, v. The STATE of Texas, Appellee. No. 1372-89. Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas, En Banc. December 19, 1990. *554 Miller B. Walker, Jr., Houston, for appellant. Thomas L. Bridges, Dist. Atty. & Patrick L. Flanigan, Asst. Dist. Atty., Sinton, Robert Huttash, State's Atty., Austin, for the State. Before the court en banc. OPINION ON APPELLANT'S PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW PER CURIAM. Appellant was charged with a third degree felony theft. Pursuant to a plea bargain the trial court deferred further proceedings and placed appellant on deferred adjudication probation for two years beginning December 16, 1985. On September 23, 1988, the trial court proceeded to an adjudication of guilt and sentenced appellant to five years probated. The Court of Appeals affirmed the conviction in an unpublished opinion. Langston v. State, No. 13-88-525-CR (Tex.App.-Corpus Christi, delivered August 31, 1989). We granted review to determine whether the Court of Appeals correctly concluded that the trial court had jurisdiction to enter an adjudication of guilt after the expiration of appellant's deferred adjudication probationary period. We also granted appellant's petition to review the Court of Appeals' holding that there was sufficient diligence on the State's part in pursuing the motion to revoke probation such that the State was not barred from obtaining the revocation of appellant's deferred adjudication probation. We recently held: [A] trial court has jurisdiction to revoke deferred adjudication probation imposed pursuant to Art. 42.12, § 3d, [V.A.C.C. P.], after the probationary term has expired, as long as both a motion alleging a violation of probationary terms is filed and a capias or arrest warrant is issued prior to the expiration of the term, followed by due diligence to apprehend the probationer and to hear and determine the allegations in the motion. Prior v. State, 795 S.W.2d 179, 184 (Tex.Cr. App.1990). See also Shahan v. State, 792 S.W.2d 101 (Tex.Cr.App.1990). In the present case, the State's motion to revoke probation was filed and the capias was issued on November 30, 1987, prior to the expiration of appellant's probationary period. Therefore, as long as the State exercised due diligence in apprehending appellant and in hearing and determining the alleged violations in the motion, jurisdiction to enter an adjudication of guilt after the expiration of his term was preserved. We overrule appellant's first ground for review and turn to his second ground concerning the issue of due diligence. Appellant was arrested on the motion to revoke on August 2, 1988. Appellant argues that the State did not exercise due diligence in arresting appellant eight months after the motion to revoke was filed and seven and one-half months after the expiration of his probationary period. This Court recently reaffirmed: The mere fact that a motion has been filed during the probation term alleging a violation of the conditions of probation will not authorize revocation after such term has expired. Only the court's action authorizing the arrest of the probationer, followed by diligent effort to apprehend and hear and determine the claimed violation, can authorize revocation after the probation term has ended. Prior, 795 S.W.2d at 183 (quoting Stover v. State, 365 S.W.2d 808, 809 (Tex.Cr.App. 1963)). Unlike the situation in Prior, appellant in the present case contested, by way of a motion to dismiss the motion to revoke, the diligence of the State in arresting appellant. The trial court denied appellant's motion after a hearing. *555 San Patricio County transferred the supervision of appellant's probation to Harris County on June 17, 1986. Appellant maintained the same address in Harris County from that date onward. The San Patricio County probation office was aware of appellant's address. The motion to revoke probation was based on appellant's arrest for driving while intoxicated in San Patricio County on November 12, 1987. The San Patricio County probation office provided appellant's address to the San Patricio County Sheriff's office as part of the paperwork in connection with the violation. At the revocation hearing Roberto Ramon, appellant's San Patricio County probation officer, testified that the Harris County probation office "closed interest" sometime after the capias on the motion to revoke was issued and sent to Harris County. Ramon did not explain what he meant by "closed interest." On February 15, 1988, appellant called Ramon inquiring about a termination order. Ramon told appellant that the court had been advised of the probation violation and that a warrant was outstanding. Appellant said he would be in contact with his attorney. Ramon had no knowledge about what steps were taken by the San Patricio County or Harris County Sheriffs' offices. Ramon's actions were consistent with the policies of the probation office in that once a motion to revoke is filed the responsibility of apprehending a probationer rests with the Sheriff's office. On August 2, 1988, appellant was arrested on the capias when he appeared in court for his San Patricio County driving while intoxicated case. Once a defendant raises the issue, the State has the burden to show due diligence. See Prior, 795 S.W.2d at 184 & 185; Stover, 365 S.W.2d at 809. The State relies on the "lack of cooperation by Appellant to see to this matter when notified of the pending Motion to Revoke Probation." However, the record does not show diligence on the part of the State in apprehending appellant on the motion to revoke probation. The seven and one-half month delay from the expiration of probation until appellant's arrest is unexplained. The capias was sent to Harris County. Appellant's address there was known. As the prosecutor admitted in his argument on the motion to dismiss, there was no indication that appellant was hiding. The San Patricio County probation officer had no conversations with the Sheriff's office about appellant. Absent due diligence by the State in apprehending appellant, the motion to dismiss should have been granted. See Prior, 795 S.W.2d 184, 185; Stover, 365 S.W.2d at 809. We sustain appellant's second ground for review. The judgments of the Court of Appeals and the trial court are reversed. This cause is remanded to the trial court for action consistent with this opinion. WHITE, J., concurs in the result. McCORMICK, P.J., dissents.
Carson Palmer, who when last seen was telling Seahawks fans to suck it, will play his former team this weekend. Actually, he plays his former, former team (forgot all about the Oakland years). You’d be forgiven for misremembering that Palmer once lived and played in Cincinnati — his and his team’s play during that time is quite forgettable. However, what was unforgettable is how Palmer left following the 2010 season. A refresher, courtesy the Washington Post: “Palmer asked to be traded after that lousy 2010 season, a request turned down by Bengals owner Mike Brown. This prompted Palmer to tell a friend, according to a Cincinnati television station, that he .” After some back and forth, and some drafting (Andy Dalton), and a 6-2 start to the 2011 season, Palmer finally got traded. To Oakland. (LOL, Take that Palmer!) That Oakland stint didn’t go so well either, and now Palmer plies his trade in Arizona. However, today we learned that football players have memories too (for the time being). According to NFL reporter Omar Ruiz, an anonymous Bengals player who played alongside Palmer — all of five years and two teams ago in Palmer’s case — has accused the now-Cardinals quarterback of being — gasp! — a quitter. From Ruiz: Me to Bengals player: Were you here when Carson was here? Player(w/smile): “You mean the year he quit on us?” It’s on. #CINvsAZ @nflnetwork — Omar Ruiz (@OmarDRuiz) November 18, 2015 Palmer hasn’t responded to allegations of his lack of effort in 2010, but he did surprisingly admit to what we already knew — that being beating his former team’s ass means something to him: “It’s not just another game, Palmer said. “I’m not going to bore you with that. There is definitely a lot on this one for me in particular.” Of course, the owner of the Bengals was asked to offer his two cents on Palmer. Nothing he said was interesting, but here are his words anyway: “We sat here in the office on a couple of occasions and argued about what the future should be for him and us,” Brown said. “He would say to me, ‘Oh no. I’m all beat up. I’ll be lucky to play another year or two,’ which I didn’t take to heart. “I like Carson Palmer personally. I did when he was here. I regret it broke apart the way it did. I don’t want him to beat us any more than he wants us to beat him.” Palmer responded to Brown’s comments, but the gist of it is that he disagrees. Anyway, though the Palmer storyline is cute and all, it still can’t quite overshadow the magnitude of Sunday. These two teams share a combined record of 15-3. This should be a good-ass game.
If you’re looking for inspiration for weight loss, health, success, happiness or any other aspect of life, this article has the best motivational quotes. It might not be possible to capture all these quotes at once, so bookmark this page for future reference. You can scroll down each topic or click the category you’re interested in for instant access. Inspirational Quotes Categories [jcolumns] Eating healthy Exercise Obstacles/ Challenges Failure Goals Habits Health Procrastination Planning Willpower Fear Stress/ Anxiety Perfectionism [jcol/] Positive thinking Hard work Running Patience Visualization/ Belief Happiness Success Meditation Tracking progress Accountability Motivation Choices Strength [/jcolumns] Eating Healthy Eating well is a form of self-respect – Unknown Bigger snacks mean bigger slacks – Unknown What you eat in private will show up in public – Unknown Nothing tastes as good as thin feels – English proverb The scientific truth may be put quite briefly; eat moderately, having an ordinary mixed diet, and don’t worry – Robert Hutchison Eat to nourish your body – Unknown Let food be thy medicine and medicine be they food – Hippocrates He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors – Chinese Proverb Eat to fuel your body, not to feed your emotions – Unknown A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools – Spanish Proverb If food is your best friend, it’s also your worst enemy – Edward Jones Junk food may be cheaper but eating healthy will cost you less in the end – Brian Syuki Any food that requires enhancing by the use of chemical substances should in no way be considered a food ― John H. Tobe Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants ― Michael Pollan Food is really and truly the most effective medicine ― Dr. Joel Fuhrma Proper nutrition is the difference between feeling exhausted and getting the most out of a workout ― Summer Sanders To insure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life ― William Londen The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition ― Thomas Edison We are an overfed and undernourished nation digging an early grave with our teeth — Ezra Taft Benson Our children are capable of consuming something that grew in a garden or on a tree and never saw a deep fryer. They are capable of making it through diner at a sit-down restaurant with tablecloths and no climbing equipment. Children deserve quality nourishment — Victoria Moran Exercise Fitness – If it came in a bottle, everybody would have a great body – Cher Exercise more, soon it’s going to feel amazing – Unknown Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you have a kingdom – Jack Lalanne Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness –Edward Stanley Walking: the most ancient exercise and still the best modern exercise – Carrie Latet Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far – Thomas Jefferson Exercise can transform your life, not just your body – Brian Syuki Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity – John F. Kennedy A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world – Paul Dudley White Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional, and mental states – Carol Welch The only bad workout is the one you didn’t do – Unknown Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength – Arnold Schwarzenegger It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable – Socrates I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it – Art Williams Your biggest challenge isn’t someone else. It’s the ache in your legs and the voice inside that yells can’t, but don’t listen. You just push harder and then you hear the voice whisper can and you discover that the person you thought you were is no match for the person you really are – Unknown Exercise should be regarded as tribute to the heart – Gene Tunney If it weren’t for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn’t get any exercise at all – Joey Adams Physical fitness can neither be achieved by wishful thinking nor outright purchase – Joseph Pilates I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I’m doing – Marsha Doble Exercise is essential to the health of the whole body; it increases the circulation and the power of breathing, and stimulates every part of the body to a good healthy growth – Winfred E. Baldwin Obstacles/ Challenges If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere – Unknown A stumble may prevent a fall – English Proverb I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature – John D. Rockefeller Failure is not fatal. Only failure to get back up is – John C. Maxwell Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be – John Wooden You don’t drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there – Unknown Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors – African Proverb Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer – Denis Waitley It’s not the mistakes in life that are important -it’s what we learn from them – Donna Guthrie Everything you want is on the other side of fear – Jack Canfield Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly – Robert F. Kennedy Giving up is the only sure way to fail – Gena Showalter Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing – Denis Waitley I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work – Thomas A. Edison Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever – Lance Armstrong The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing – Henry Ford Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit – Napoleon Hill It’s not how far you fall, but how high you bounce that counts – Zig Ziglar Forget Your Past, Forgive Yourself, And Begin Again Right Now – Unknown I Am Not What Happened To Me. I Am What I Choose To Become – Unknown The weak fall, but the strong will remain and never go under – Anne Frank Health Take care of your body, it’s the only place you live in – Unknown Our health always seems much more valuable after we lose it – Unknown Living a healthy lifestyle will only deprive you of poor health, lethargy, and fat – Jill Johnson A man’s health can be judged by which he takes two at a time – pills or stairs – Joan Welsh The greatest wealth is health – Virgil Health and cheerfulness naturally beget each other – Joseph Addison Half the modern drugs could well be thrown out the window, except that the birds might eat them – Martin H. Fischer To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear – Buddha Without health, life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering – Francois Rabelais Health and intellect are the two blessings of life – Menander To me, good health is more than just exercise and diet. It’s really a point of view and a mental attitude you have about yourself – Albert Schweitzer From the bitterness of disease man learns the sweetness of health – Catalan Proverb Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise – Benjamin Franklin Just because you’re not sick doesn’t mean you’re healthy – Author Unknown Healthy is merely the slowest rate at which one can die – Unknown Garbage in garbage out – George Fuechsel Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it – Josh Billings Time And health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted – Denis Waitley The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system – Robert C. Peale Goals A goal is a dream with a deadline – Napoleon Hill A goal without a plan is just a wish – Larry Elder Set your goals high and don’t stop until you get there – Bo Jackson Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another – John Dewey If you want to accomplish anything in life, you can’t just sit back and hope it will happen. You’ve got to make it happen – Chuck Norris A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at – Bruce Lee You must have long-range goals to keep you from being frustrated by short-range failures – Charles C. Noble If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals, then it’s moving you away from your goals – Brian Tracy You cannot expect to achieve new goals or move beyond your present circumstances unless you change – Les Brown This one step – choosing a goal and sticking to it – changes everything – Scott Reed Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality – Ralph Marston Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving – Dennis Waitley It’s a dream until you write it down, and then it’s a goal – Unknown Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced – James Baldwin If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things – Albert Einstein People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going – Earl Nightingale When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal – Napoleon Hill The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it – Jordan Belfort The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man’s foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher – Thomas Henry Huxley I don’t care how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if you don’t harness it and focus it on a specific target, and hold it there you’re never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants – Zig Ziglar Habits The easier it is to do, the harder it is to change – Eng’s Principle First we form habits, then they form us. Conquer your bad habits or they will conquer you – Robert Gilbert Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time – Mark Twain Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going – Jim Rohn Habit is second nature, or rather, ten times nature – William James Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out – Robert J Collier You will never change your life until you change something you do daily – Mike Murdock A habit is something you can do without thinking – which is why most of us have so many of them – Frank A. Clark A nail is driven out by another nail. Habit is overcome by habit – Desiderius Erasmus Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing – Vince Lombardi You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, ‘I release the need for this in my life’ – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones – Benjamin Franklin Good habits result from resisting temptation – Indian Proverb Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of – Unknown Powerful indeed is the empire of habit – Publicus Syrus The sum of one’s intelligence is the sum of one’s habits of mind – Lauren Resnick Nothing so needs reforming as other people’s habits – Mark Twain Good habits are worth being fanatical about – John Irving Habit is stronger than reason – George Santayana Procrastination When you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that in itself is a choice – William James Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week – Spanish Proverb Procrastination is the thief of time – Edward Young The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing – Walt Disney If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it – Olin Miller You may delay, but time will not – Benjamin Franklin Procrastination is opportunity’s assassin – Victor Kiam The best way to get something done is to begin – Unknown How soon ‘not now’ becomes ‘never’ – Martin Luther A year from now you may wish you had started today – Karen Lamb Following-through is the only thing that separates dreamers from people that accomplish great things – Gene Hayden Often greater risk is involved in postponement than in making a wrong decision – Harry A. Hopf Don’t wait. The time will never be just right – Napoleon Hill Stop talking. Start walking – L.M. Heroux Begin doing what you want to do now – Marie Beynon Ray Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried – Unknown Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle – Abraham Lincoln Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in – Napoleon Bonaparte Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone – Pablo Picasso Planning Plan for what is difficult while it is easy, do what is great while it is small – Sun Tzu Good intentions might sound nice, but it’s positive actions that matter – Tim Fargo By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail – Benjamin Franklin If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else – Yogi Berra A man who does not plan long ahead will find trouble at his door – Confucius It’s not the plan that’s important, it’s the planning – Dr. Gramme Edwards A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow – Geoge S. Patton As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it – Antoine de Saint Exupery Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work – Peter Drucker It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan – Eleanor Roosevelt Plans are nothing; planning is everything – Dwight D. Eisenhower Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential – Winston Churchill It’s not the plan that is important, it’s the planning – Dr Graeme Edwards A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow – George S. Patton Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan – Norman Vincent Peale It is a bad plan that admits of no modification – Publilius Syrus The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail – Napoleon Hill You can always amend a big plan, but you can never expand a little one. I don’t believe in little plans. I believe in plans big enough to meet a situation which we can’t possibly foresee now – Harry S. Truman Have a bias toward action – let’s see something happen now. You can break that big plan into small steps and take the first step right away – Indira Gandhi Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work – Peter Drucker Willpower It’s not that some people have willpower and some don’t. It’s that some people are ready to change and others are not – James Gordon Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will – Mahatma Gandhi Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do – Johann von Goethe Willpower can produce short-term change, but it creates constant internal stress because you haven’t dealt with the root cause – Rick Warren Nothing is easy to the unwilling – Thomas Fuller Will is character in action – William McDougall Men can do all things if they will – Leon Batista Alberti Most of life’s actions are within our reach, but decisions take willpower – Robert McKee In the absence of willpower the most complete collection of virtues and talents is wholly worthless – Aleister Crowley The more things you do, the more you can do – Lucille Ball Willpower is trying very hard not to do something you want to do very much – John Ortberg All things must, man is the only creature that wills – Johann Friedrich Von Schiller We must be careful not to let our current appetites steal away any chance we might have for a future feast – Jim Rohn Great souls have wills, feeble ones have only wishes – Chinese Proverb The will to win is not nearly as important as the will to prepare to win – Bobby Knight You are only as lazy or lacking in willpower as you think you are – Ken Christian Nothing can withstand the power of the human will if it is willing to stake its very existence to the extent of its purpose – Benjamin Disraeli Free will and determinism are like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you is determinism. The way you play your hand is free will – Norman Cousins Willpower is the key to success. Successful people strive no matter what they feel by applying their will to overcome apathy, doubt or fear – Dan Millman Fear Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will – James Stephens Fear: False Evidence Appearing Real – Unknown Fear is only as deep as the mind allows – Japanese Proverb What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? – Vincent van Gogh Fear is a darkroom where negatives develop – Usman B. Asif Many of our fears are tissue-paper-thin, and a single courageous step would carry us clear through them – Brendan Francis Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering – Yoda The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear – Nelson Mandela Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood – Marie Curie The key to change… is to let go of fear – Roseanne Cash Don’t let the fear of striking out hold you back – Babe Ruth We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets – Marilyn Monroe Fear is faith that it won’t work out – Unknown Fear isn’t an excuse to come to a standstill. It’s the impetus to step up and strike – Arthur Ashe Fear can keep us up all night long, but faith makes one fine pillow – Unknown There is much in the world to make us afraid. There is much more in our faith to make us unafraid – Frederick W. Cropp Do one thing every day that scares you – Eleanor Roosevelt Fear is the lengthened shadow of ignorance – Arnold Glasow Stress/ Anxiety It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it – Hans Selye Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained – Arthur Somers Roche Anxiety’s like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you very far – Jodi Picoult The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it – Sydney J. Harris Much of the stress that people feel doesn’t come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they’ve started – David Allen In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive – Lee Iacocca The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another – William James Don’t let your mind bully your body into believing it must carry the burden of its worries – Astrid Alauda My need to solve the problem is the problem – Unknown Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over – Guy Finley Smile, breathe, and go slowly – Thich Nhat Hanh Nothing is permanent in this wicked world—not even our troubles – Charlie Chaplin Anxiety is one little tree in your forest. Step back and look at the whole forest – Unknown God didn’t do it all in one day. What makes me think I can? – Unknown Life is ten percent what you experience and ninety percent how you respond to it – Dorothy M. Neddermeyer Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action – Walter Anderson Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer – William S. Burroughs Perfectionism Have no fear of perfection–you’ll never reach it – Salvador Dali Perfectionism doesn’t make you feel perfect. It makes you feel inadequate – Maria Shriver You don’t have to be perfect in order to be successful – Unknown Strive for excellence, not perfection, because we don’t live in a perfect world – Joyce Meyer Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence – Vince Lombardi Striving for excellence motivates you, striving for perfection is demoralizing – Harriet Braiker No one is perfect — that’s why pencils have erasers – Unknown A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault – John Henry Newman No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness – Aristotle It is no crime not to be perfect – Unknown To escape criticism — do nothing, say nothing, be nothing – Elbert Hubbard Gold cannot be pure, and people cannot be perfect – Chinese Proverb When you aim for perfection, you discover it’s a moving target – George Fisher Even the best needles are not sharp at both ends – Chinese Proverb All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection – William Faulkner He that will have a perfect brother must resign himself to remain brotherless – Italian Proverb Positive thinking Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once – Paulo Coelho Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy – Norman Vincent Peale An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the superior personality – Brian Tracy The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking – Robert H Schuller I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened – Mark Twain The past has no power over the present moment – Eckhart Tolle The day is what you make it! So why not make it a great one? – Steve Schulte Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out – John Wooden The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude – Oprah Winfrey Optimism is the most important human trait, because it allows us to evolve our ideas, to improve our situation, and to hope for a better tomorrow – Seth Godin Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results – Willie Nelson In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision – Dalai Lama If you can change your mind, you can change your life – William James We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future – Robin Sharma If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right – Henry Ford All you can change is yourself, but sometimes that changes everything! – Gary W Goldstein I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was – Muhammad Ali Hard work Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work – Stephen King It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up – Babe Ruth Nothing worth having comes easy – Theodore Roosevelt Good things come to those who work their asses off and never give up – Unknown I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it – Thomas Jefferson All roads that lead to success have to pass through hard work boulevard at some point – Eric Thomas Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory – Mohandas Gandhi Without labor nothing prospers – Sophocles No shortcuts, work for it – Unknown Working hard is great, being lazy sometimes is great, but failed potential is the worst – Campbell Scott Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them – Ann Landers Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted – David Bly A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work – Colin Powell Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work – Peter Drucker Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did – Newt Gingrich No one ever drowned in sweat – USMC Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goals: my strength lies solely in my tenacity – Louis Pasteur If people knew how hard I worked to achieve my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful after all – Michelangelo Running Any day I am too busy to run is a day that I am too busy – John Bryant It’s supposed to be hard…the hard is what makes it great – Unknown If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon – Kathrine Switzer To be a good runner, you must first be a good athlete – Jay Johnson Good things come slow, especially in distance running – Bill Dellinger One thing about racing is that it hurts. You better accept that from the beginning or you’re not going anywhere – Bob Kennedy Run the first two-thirds of the race with your head and the last third with your heart – Unknown If you want to run, then run a mile. If you want to experience another life, run a marathon – Emil Zatopek We must wake up to the fact that athletics is not, nor ever can be perfected; there will always be more to learn – Arthur Newton Run hard when it’s hard to run – Pavvo I want my time spent running to serve as a reward – Frank Shorter It was being a runner that mattered, not how fast or how far I could run. The joy was in the act of running and in the journey, not in the destination – John Bingham Out on the roads, there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be – George Sheehan The long run puts the TIGER in the cat – Bill Squires Running is my private time, my therapy, my religion – Gail W. Kislevitz I often hear someone say I’m not a real runner. We are all runners, some just run faster than others. I never met a fake runner – Bart Yasso The reason we race isn’t so much to beat each other… but to be with each other – Christopher McDougall Mental will is a muscle that needs exercise, just like the muscles of the body – Lynn Jennings Patience One minute of patience, ten years of peace – Greek proverb Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish – John Quincy Adams One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life – Chinese Proverb It is better to have a hen tomorrow than an egg today – Thomas Fuller Great things are not accomplished by idle dreams, but by years of patient study – James H. Aughey He that can have Patience, can have what he will – Benjamin Franklin The secret of patience is doing something else in the meanwhile – Unknown Patience is passion tamed – Lyman Abbott If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking – Buddhist Proverb Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it’s cowardice – George Jackson Infinite patience brings immediate results – Wayne Dyer Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow – that is patience – Unknown Doing interesting work when nobody notices takes patience and belief – Brian Knapp With patience and understanding coupled with perseverance, you can make progress – Mark Hodgson It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience – Julius Caesar Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy – Saadi Patience is the best remedy for every trouble – Plautus Patience is necessary, and one cannot reap immediately where one has sown – Soren Kierkegaard Patience and fortitude conquer all things – Ralph Waldo Emerson Visualization/ Belief If you can see yourself doing something, you can do it. If you can’t see yourself doing something, usually you can’t achieve it – SEAL, Living With A SEAL Having a mental snapshot of where you are, where you are going, and what you are moving toward is incredibly powerful – Sara Blakely As long as you are seeing ‘what is’, you cannot grow beyond it – Abraham-Hicks Create a vision of who you want to be, and then live into that picture as if it were already true – Arnold Schwarzenegger Develop your imagination – you can use it to create in your mind what you hope to create in your life – Stephen Covey Do not waste precious time on your faults. Change those faults by seeing them disappear. See the positive image instead – Thomas D Willhite Everyday visualize another detail of your perfect future – Che Garman Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind’s eye and you will be drawn toward it – Dr H E Fosclick I begin by imagining the impossible and end by accomplishing the impossible – Sri Chinmoy If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it – William A Ward In order to make a visualization a reality in the world of form, you must be willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen – Dr Wayne Dyer Losers visualize the penalties of failure, and winners visualize the rewards of success – Rob Gilbert There is no fate, but what we create – Sarah Coonor Make sure you visualize what you really want, not what someone else wants for you – Jerry Gillies To visualize is to see what is not there, what is not real — a dream . To visualize is, in fact, to make visual lies . Visual lies, however, have a way of coming true – Peter McWilliams To accomplish great things we must first dream, then visualize, then plan… believe… act! – Alfred A. Montapert I would visualize things coming to me. It would just make me feel better. Visualization works if you work hard. That’s the thing. You can’t just visualize and go eat a sandwich – Jim Carrey Losers visualize the penalties of failure. Winners visualize the rewards of success – Unknown Envisioning the end is enough to put the means in motion – Dorothea Brande Having a vision for your life allows you to live out of hope, rather than out of your fears – Stedman Graham A person can grow only as much as his horizon allows – John Powell What is now proved was once only imagined – William Blake Everything you can imagine is real – Pablo Picasso The purpose of visualization is insight, not pictures – Ben Shneiderman Happiness Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions – Dalai Lama Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it – Bernard Meltzer Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more – H. Jackson Brown, Jr Growth itself contains the germ of happiness – Pearl S. Buck Be happy with what you have. Be excited about what you want – Alan Cohen Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today – James Dean If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes – Andrew Carnegie Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude – Denis Waitley In our lives, change is unavoidable, loss is unavoidable. In the adaptability and ease with which we experience change, lies our happiness and freedom – Buddha True happiness is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose – Helen Keller The greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition – Martha Washington Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action – Benjamin Disraeli Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them – Steve Maraboli If you want happiness for an hour take a nap. If you want happiness for a day – go fishing. If you want happiness for a year – inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime – help someone else – Chinese Proverb Happy people are beautiful. They become like a mirror and they reflect that happiness – Drew Barrymore Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it – Andy Rooney He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe – Marcus Aurelius Success He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe – Marcus Aurelius Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time – Arnold H. Glasgow Victory is sweetest when you’ve known defeat – Malcolm S. Forbes I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure which is: Try to please everybody – Herbert B. Swope Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm – Winston Churchill Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world – Lucille Ball Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time – George Bernard Shaw You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else – Albert Einstein The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success – Bruce Feirstein To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence – Mark Twain No one is going to hand me success. I must go out & get it myself. That’s why I’m here. To dominate. To conquer. Both the world, and myself — Unknown If you set your goals ridiculously high and it’s a failure, you will fail above everyone else’s success – James Cameron Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it – Henry David Thoreau All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them – Walt Disney Whenever you see a successful person, you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them – Vaibhav Shah Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value – Albert Einstein The best revenge is massive success – Frank Sinatra The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it – Henry Ford Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can – Arthur Ashe Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment – Oprah Winfrey If you are afraid of failure you don’t deserve to be successful – Charles Barkley Meditation Meditation is the discovery that the point of life is always arrived at in the immediate moment – Alan Watts Life is a mystery – mystery of beauty, bliss and divinity. Meditation is the art of unfolding that mystery – Amit Ray If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath – Amit Ray Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own thoughts, unguarded – Buddha Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without – Buddha The whole of meditation practice can be essentialized into these 3 crucial points: Bring your mind home. Release. And relax! – Sogyal Rinpoche Meditation is not a means to an end. It is both the means and the end – Jiddu Krishnamurti Meditation and water are wedded for ever – Herman Melville The gift of learning to meditate is the greatest gift you can give yourself in this lifetime – Sogyal Rinpoche After a few years of meditation practice we can even learn how to occasionally ignore ourselves. And what relief that can be! – Wes Nisker Meditation brings wisdom; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what hold you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom – Buddha It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart – Mahatma Gandhi Meditation is the tongue of the soul and the language of our spirit – Jeremy Taylor We live, in fact, in a world starved for solitude, silence, and private: and therefore starved for meditation and true friendship – C.S. Lewis Reading makes a full man, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man – Benjamin Franklin Life is available only in the present moment – Thich Nhat Hanh Thus meditating you will no longer strive to build yourself up in your prejudices, but, forgetting self, you will remember only that you are seeking the Truth – James Allen The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind – Caroline Myss Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace – Dalai Lama Meditation must be continuous. The current of meditation must be present in all your activities – Annamalai Swami Choices May your choices reflect your hopes not your fears – Nelson Mandela Life presents many choices, the choices we make determine our future – Catherine Pulsifer And in life, it is all about choices we make. And how the direction of our lives comes down to the choices we choose – Catherine Pulsifer Any decision I make is the biggest decision of my life – Carmelo Anthony In every single thing you do, you are choosing a direction. Your life is a product of choices – Dr. Kathleen Hall And we have complete control over our own attitude. We are the ones we decide how we feel, how we look at things, how we react – Catherine Pulsifer Life is a choice – as is how you handle the pitfalls along its bumpy road – Julie Donner Andersen I discovered I always have choices and sometimes it’s only a choice of attitude – Judith M. Knowlton Look for your choices, pick the best one, and then go with it – Pat Riley Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant – Tony Robbins I’m just kind of taking whatever life gives me and hoping that I make the right decision – Amy Smart Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you – John C. Maxwell The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice – George Eliot Life is a sum of all your choices – Albert Camus A man is happy so long as he choose to be happy – Gene Roddenberry We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them – Kahlil Gibran All my life, whenever it comes time to make a decision, I make it and forget about it – Harry S Truman Once you make a choice, you have no choice – Anna Chin-Williams In every single thing you do, you are choosing a direction. Your life is a product of choices – Dr. Kathleen Hall Tracking progress Don’t rate potential over performance – Jim Fassel If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you are doing – W. Edwards Deming Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it – H. James Harrington What gets measured gets done, what gets measured and fed back gets done well, what gets rewarded gets repeated – John E. Jones You get what you measure. Measure the wrong thing and you get the wrong behaviors – John H. Lingle Where performance is measured, performance improves. Where performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates – Thomas S. Monson An acre of performance is worth a whole world of promise – William Dean Howells I walk slowly, but I never walk backward – Abraham Lincoln Today’s progress was yesterday’s plan – Unknown Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so – Galileo The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak – Hans Hofmann If you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything – Ronald Coase There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all – Peter F. Drucker I learned early that if I wanted to achieve anything in life, I’d have to do it myself. I learned that I had to be accountable – Lenny Wilkens Accountability Good men prefer to be accountable – Michael Edwardes Don’t get up from the feast of life without paying for your share of it – W. R. Inge The individual is not accountable to society for his actions in so far as these concern the interests of no person but himself – John Stuart Mill When we are really honest with ourselves we must admit our lives are all that really belong to us. So it is how we use our lives that determines the kind of men we are – Ceasar Chavez My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you I the best place for the next moment – Oprah Winfrey At the end of the day we are accountable to ourselves – our success is a result of what we do – Catherine Pulsifer A duty dodged is like a debt unpaid; it is only deferred, and we must come back and settle the account at last – Joseph Fort Newton Accountability breeds response-ability – Stephen R. Covey It is wrong and immoral to seek to escape the consequences of one’s acts – Mahatma Gandhi Accountability separates the wishers in life from the action-takers that care enough about their future to account for their daily actions – John Di Lemme There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them – Denis Waitley When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that four of his fingers are pointing at himself – Louis Nizer He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else – Benjamin Franklin The day you take complete responsibility for yourself, the day you stop making any excuses, that’s the day you start to the top – O. J. Simpson If you can’t stand the heat, you’d better get out of the kitchen – Harry S. Truman Motivation Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m possible”! —Audrey Hepburn I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel —Maya Angelou Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right —Henry Ford Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence —Vince Lombardi Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it —Charles Swindoll If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough —Oprah Winfrey Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent —Eleanor Roosevelt I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination —Jimmy Dean Believe you can and you’re halfway there —Theodore Roosevelt To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart —Eleanor Roosevelt Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears —Les Brown Do or do not. There is no try —Yoda Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve —Napoleon Hill Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover —Mark Twain I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed —Michael Jordan Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value —Albert Einstein I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions —Stephen Covey When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it —Henry Ford The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any —Alice Walker The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity —Amelia Earhart Strength Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing – Lao Tzu Better to be strong than pretty and useless – Lilith Sainterow The burden is equal to the horse’s strength – The Talmud Strength is a matter of a made up mind – John Beecher Don’t expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong – Calvin Coolidge Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as true strength – Ralph Sockman Few men during their lifetime come anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling within them. There are deep wells of strength that are never used – Richard E. Byrd What the lion cannot manage to do the fox can – German Proverb Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men! Do no pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for power equal to your tasks – Phillips Brooks Greatness lies not in being strong, but in the right use of strength – Henry Ward Beecher Life only demands from you the strength you possess. Only one feat is possible – not to have run away – Dag Hammarskjold The quality of strength lined with tenderness is an unbeatable combination, as are intelligence and necessity when unblunted by formal education – Maya Angelou I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence but it comes from within – Unknown Only actions give life strength; only moderation gives it charm – Jean Paul Richter It is truly said: It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide what to do – Chow Ching He who believes is strong; he who doubts is weak. Strong convictions precede great actions – J. F. Clarke Final Words I hope you found motivational tips that can help you reach your goals and dreams. Feel free to share your favorite quotes in the comments. [related_posts_by_tax posts_per_page="4"]
Provident Insur. installs ventless kitchen system Related Articles - Provident Mutual Life adds three mutual funds to variable life line. Panko, Ron // Best's Review / Life-Health Insurance Edition;Sep96, Vol. 97 Issue 5, p92 Reports that Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-based Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. has added three investment choices to its variable life products. Features of the investment choices; Fees; Contact information. - Domestic briefing. // Best's Review / Life-Health Insurance Edition;Feb98, Vol. 98 Issue 10, p16 Reports on a conversion plan filed by Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. Petition to reorganize under a holding company; Strategy to increase competitiveness. - Peace talks. Knowles, Anne // PC Week;12/11/95, Vol. 12 Issue 49, p19 Looks at Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company and the right communications and negotiations that joint application development creates. Important lessons; Psych test; Importance of speaking the same language. INSETS: Making it work.;Living and working together with JAD.;More about JAD.;THe... - On the Internet. // Insurance Advocate;05/11/96, Vol. 107 Issue 19, p6 Reports on the launching of Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co.'s web site on the World Wide Web. - Provident Mutual offers consumer education material. // National Underwriter / Life & Health Financial Services;12/4/95, Vol. 99 Issue 49, p10 Reports on Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co.'s series of educational kits for consumers with the theme `The Most Important Thing You Should Know About...' Retirement planning as first topic; Kit features. - In brief. // National Underwriter / Life & Health Financial Services;1/12/98, Vol. 102 Issue 2, p23 Focuses on Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company of Berwyn, Pennsylvania who is looking towards becoming a mutual holding company on January 5, 1998. Information on the conversion plan of the company. - Pa. Insurance Dept. Sets Public Hearing On Proposed Sponsored Provident Mutual Demutualization. // Insurance Advocate;4/15/2002, Vol. 113 Issue 14, p45 Deals with the public hearing to be held by the Pennsylvania Department of Insurance on May 23, 2002 for the proposed sponsored demutualization of Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. - Provident Packages Buy-Sell Program. King, Carole Ann // National Underwriter / Life & Health Financial Services;10/16/2000, Vol. 104 Issue 42, p27 Focuses on the Business Advantage: The Preferred Buy-Sell Program of Provident Mutual Life. Objective of the program; Appropriate markets for the program; Information on the problems that can be solved by using the program. - So Near, And Yet... // National Underwriter / Life & Health Financial Services;11/15/99, Vol. 103 Issue 46, p50 Editorial. Focuses on the termination of the plan of Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. to convert to a mutual holding company. Details on the conversion plan; Opposition of some policyholders.
using System.Linq; using Merchello.Core; using Merchello.Core.Cache; using Merchello.Core.Gateways; using Merchello.Core.Gateways.Shipping.FixedRate; using Merchello.Core.Models; using Merchello.Core.Models.Interfaces; using Merchello.Core.Persistence.UnitOfWork; using Merchello.Core.Services; using Merchello.Tests.IntegrationTests.TestHelpers; using NUnit.Framework; using Umbraco.Core; namespace Merchello.Tests.IntegrationTests.Services.GatewayProvider { [TestFixture] [Category("Service Integration")] public class GatewayProviderServiceTests : DatabaseIntegrationTestBase { private IGatewayProviderService _gatewayProviderService; private IWarehouseCatalog _catalog; private IStoreSettingService _storeSettingService; private IShipCountryService _shipCountryService; [SetUp] public void Init() { _gatewayProviderService = PreTestDataWorker.GatewayProviderService; _storeSettingService = PreTestDataWorker.StoreSettingService; _shipCountryService = PreTestDataWorker.ShipCountryService; _catalog = PreTestDataWorker.WarehouseService.GetDefaultWarehouse().WarehouseCatalogs.FirstOrDefault(); PreTestDataWorker.DeleteAllShipCountries(); var country = _storeSettingService.GetCountryByCode("US"); var shipCountry = new ShipCountry(_catalog.Key, country); _shipCountryService.Save(shipCountry); var shippingProvider = (FixedRateShippingGatewayProvider)MerchelloContext.Current.Gateways.Shipping.CreateInstance(Core.Constants.ProviderKeys.Shipping.FixedRateShippingProviderKey); Assert.NotNull(shippingProvider); var resource = shippingProvider.ListResourcesOffered().FirstOrDefault(); var gatewayShipMethod = shippingProvider.CreateShippingGatewayMethod(resource, shipCountry, "Ground"); shippingProvider.SaveShippingGatewayMethod(gatewayShipMethod); } /// <summary> /// Test confirms that a collection of GatewayProviders can be returned by ShipCountry /// </summary> [Test] public void Can_Query_A_List_Of_GatewayProviders_By_Country() { //// Arrange var shipCountry = _shipCountryService.GetShipCountriesByCatalogKey(_catalog.Key).First(x => x.CountryCode == "US"); //// Act var gateways = _gatewayProviderService.GetGatewayProvidersByShipCountry(shipCountry); //// Assert Assert.NotNull(gateways); Assert.IsTrue(gateways.Any()); } } }
Spring in Utah can ben a very bizzare time of year. Some people will tell you that most of the time we kinda go right from winter to summer, but there really is a spring in there somewhere. I maintain that Utah is one of the few places in the world where you could hold the summer and the winter Olympics at the same time. There are certainly people who go golfing all year round (though I don’t understand the appeal). So in the last couple weeks the weather was generally pretty good. The trees are starting to bloom and the flowers are coming up. Of course that means that the pollen is flying and the allergies go crazy. Time to break out the Claritin and Zyrtec (or the generic brands which are way cheaper). It is actually really pretty outside, I have even done some headshots outside which came out great. At the same time though, there is still snow in the mountains and at least one ski area is still open. Then we got to the past two days and bam! I woke up the other day and it was snowing down here in the valley! There were a whole bunch of tweets from Snowbird talking about how they were having a powder day in late April. I considered pulling my skis back out of the shed, but I really had everything packed up. I suppose there may be some novelty to going next weekend, just to say that I went skiing in May, I am pretty sure that the mountain will still be open. Spring is certainly a great time of year. I often will say that I love the winter, but spring and autumn are right up there. In all reality, I probably really like all the season equally. The really cool thing about spring is that when you wake up in the morning the sun is shining. I feel like I have more energy and life is good. It is amazing what a little extra daylight will do for you. I can’t say that the fresh air is good as it is full of allergens, but it is so nice to be able to spend time outside on green grass. Of course every day also brings me closer to the end of the season at the theatre. That means that it is almost time to head out to the desert for the photo workshop. Then off to the east coast for my sister’s graduation and camp. So, summer will be fun too. Well, when I thought about putting this thought together I think it was better in my head, but hey, it happens. Recent Comments
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The International Conference on “Development or Distress: 21st Century Indian Immigrants in the Persian Gulf” organized by the Centre for the Study of Indian Diaspora (CSID), School of Social Sciences was inaugurated on 11th March 2013. Indian migration to the Persian Gulf started as early as 1930s after oil was discovered in the region, it was in the early 1970s that the large scale migration took place as a result of the price hike of oil and the consequent earnings of large revenues accelerated the process of industrialization and social change in the GCC states characterized by massive investment in social and economic infrastructure necessitating the service of large number of foreign workers. The migration to the Gulf countries started with few thousands per year during the middle of 1970s and assumed large proportions during 1980s and 1990s. In the year 2002, it was estimated that about 3.6 million Indians were in the GCC states. Participants at the International Conference on “Development or Distress: 21st Century Indian Immigrants in the Persian Gulf” According to the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, “Indian technicians, nurses, teachers and other professionals handle almost the entire services sector in the Gulf. Around 70% are engaged in semi-skilled and un-skilled work; while 20-30% comprises professionals and other white collared workers”. Migration from India mainly took place from the states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Punjab, Goa, Delhi and Gujarat. Migration from Kerala only account for about more than 50 per cent of the total stock of Indian migrants in the Gulf, Tamil Nadu ranks second followed by Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. Migration of Indians to the Gulf countries is not only influenced by economic factor but also by many other factors like caste, religion, and geographical location. The lower castes and tribes had a greater propensity to migrate, and many of them migrated for short-term; low skilled and low paid workers with the highest levels of vulnerability and lowest level of social protection. Although literature on Indians in the Persian Gulf overwhelmed with the economic contribution of Indians to the homeland in the form of remittances, the reality is that majority of the immigrants, especially under the unskilled and semi-skilled categories, do not earn enough of money either to maintain a decent live in the host country or to sustain their family back home, let alone contributing towards economic development of the homeland. They face discrimination in getting salaries and sometimes they are ill-treated by their owners. They have to live in the labourer’s camps which are in some cases located near to the work places and in other cases they are located in isolated places far away from the work places. The difficulty in accommodation, food and salary is not an end to the miseries of migrants. Guest of Honour and Economic Advisor, Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA), Govt. of India, Smt. Ranjana Kale, addressing the conference Migrants with a tourist visa in the Gulf countries face severe hardships than other migrants as they are treated illegal once their visa period expires which resulted in severe punishments, deportation or being sent to jail. The social and economic impact on the returnees and their families back home is further complicated once they return from the Gulf without major savings. They also do not get significant support from the government in order to rehabilitate in their local settings. This conference addresses some of these issues, although the themes listed below are not exhaustive. The main purpose of this two days conference is to bring together scholars from India as well as from overseas to a common platform to discuss and debate on the following issues: Ø Contemporary patterns of Indian immigration to the Persian Gulf Ø Human trafficking, gender and gulf immigration Ø Issues of return, re-migration and the government response Ø Implications of immigration to the host country and the country of origin Ø Comparative perspective of South Asian immigration to the Persian Gulf The conference was chaired by the Prof. Aloka Parasher Sen, Dean, School of Social Sciences, UoH, Dr. Ajaya K Sahoo, Conference Coordinator gave introduction Prof. E Haribabu, Pro Vice-Chancellor, UoH was the chief guest, while Mrs. Ranjana Kale, Economic Advisor, Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA), Govt. of India, New Delhi was the guest of honor. Prof. S. Irudaya Rajan, Chair Professor, Research Unit on International Migration, MOIA, Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum. Dr. Amit K. Mishra, faculty, CSID proposed a vote of thanks.